stringlengths 0
| en
stringlengths 0
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float64 0.15
Barockmusik | Baroque music | 0.855 |
Berliner Mauer | Berlin Wall | 0.8564 |
Bosporus | Bosporus | 0.8457 |
Buenos Aires | Buenos Aires | 0.853 |
Bremen | Bremen | 0.8477 |
Freie Hansestadt Bremen | Bremen | 0.8154 |
Baseball | Baseball | 0.8433 |
Basketball | Basketball | 0.7817 |
Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände | Confederation of German Employers' Associations | 0.8354 |
Biochemie | Biochemistry | 0.8696 |
Biotechnologie | Biotechnology | 0.8672 |
B | B | 0.7568 |
Baskenland | Basque Country | 0.5049 |
Bettina von Arnim | Bettina von Arnim | 0.8384 |
Belle Boyd | Belle Boyd | 0.8613 |
BeOS | BeOS | 0.7524 |
Bevölkerung | Human population | 0.8369 |
Börse | Exchange | 0.856 |
Baryon | Baryon | 0.8359 |
Buddhismus | Buddhism | 0.8657 |
Bonaventura Cavalieri | Bonaventura Cavalieri | 0.8711 |
Bibel | Bible | 0.856 |
BSD | BSD | 0.7822 |
Byzantinisches Reich | Byzantine Empire | 0.8745 |
Björk | Björk | 0.8389 |
Liste der byzantinischen Kaiser | List of Byzantine emperors | 0.8687 |
Buchstabe | Letter | 0.6577 |
Belgien | Belgium | 0.8643 |
Bosnien und Herzegowina | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 0.8428 |
Bruttonationaleinkommen | Gross national income | 0.834 |
Ballon | Balloon | 0.8301 |
Bismarck | Bismarck | 0.8027 |
Bismarck | German battleship Bismarck | 0.6733 |
Bayesscher Wahrscheinlichkeitsbegriff | Bayesian probability | 0.8457 |
Backpulver | Baking powder | 0.8296 |
Bambara | Bambara language | 0.5352 |
Bamako | Bamako | 0.8594 |
Kanton Basel-Stadt | Canton of Basel-Stadt | 0.875 |
Beton | Concrete | 0.8633 |
Böhmen | Bohemia | 0.873 |
BGB | BGB | 0.7002 |
Kanton Basel-Landschaft | Basel-Landschaft | 0.8423 |
Bundespräsident | Bundespräsident | 0.8491 |
Bundeskanzler | Chancellor of Germany | 0.8394 |
Motorenbenzin | Gasoline | 0.7759 |
Bijektive Funktion | Bijection | 0.3994 |
Batterie | Electric battery | 0.7705 |
Brailleschrift | Braille | 0.7856 |
Bangladesch | Bangladesh | 0.8672 |
Bulgarien | Bulgaria | 0.8794 |
B. Traven | B. Traven | 0.7734 |
Bengalische Sprache | Bengali language | 0.8594 |
Berliner Luftbrücke | Berlin Airlift | 0.6704 |
Echter Buchweizen | Buckwheat | 0.6108 |
Benediktiner | Benedictines | 0.8604 |
Bambara-Erdnuss | Vigna subterranea | 0.5073 |
Bonn | Bonn | 0.8291 |
Brettspiel | Board game | 0.855 |
Bernhard Grzimek | Bernhard Grzimek | 0.8657 |
Babel | Babel | 0.8267 |
Babylon | Babylon | 0.8276 |
Buch | Book | 0.7646 |
Babylonien | Babylonia | 0.856 |
Belgische Euromünzen | Belgian euro coins | 0.8711 |
Balearische Inseln | Balearic Islands | 0.8589 |
Buddy Holly | Buddy Holly | 0.8296 |
Blutgruppe | Blood type | 0.8286 |
Bewusstsein | Consciousness | 0.8364 |
Bosnische Sprache | Bosnian language | 0.8496 |
Bernstein | Amber | 0.4482 |
Boson | Boson | 0.7686 |
Biorhythmus | Biorhythm | 0.6689 |
Brauner Zwerg | Brown dwarf | 0.853 |
Bad Soden am Taunus | Bad Soden | 0.8022 |
Blauer Riese | Blue giant | 0.8569 |
Bad Homburg vor der Höhe | Bad Homburg vor der Höhe | 0.8003 |
Budapest | Budapest | 0.8618 |
Blut | Blood | 0.8296 |
Billion | Billion | 0.3701 |
Biogas | Biogas | 0.8062 |
Blutgefäß | Blood vessel | 0.8301 |
Breitband-Internetzugang | Broadband networks | 0.7915 |
Brennnesseln | Urtica | 0.6455 |
Bit | Bit | 0.5098 |
Bremsen | Horse-fly | 0.3386 |
BBS | BBS | 0.8037 |
Bremse | Brake | 0.8374 |
Blaise Pascal | Blaise Pascal | 0.8325 |
Bibliothekswissenschaft | Library science | 0.8369 |
Briefumschlag | Envelope | 0.7837 |
Biologische Waffe | Biological weapon | 0.8755 |
Beteigeuze | Betelgeuse | 0.5186 |
Beirut | Beirut | 0.8188 |
Bank | Bank | 0.6338 |
BTX | BTX | 0.8247 |
Bildschirmtext | Bildschirmtext | 0.7578 |
Bön | Bon | 0.5029 |
Buddha | Buddha | 0.8345 |
Booten | Booting | 0.4846 |
Bologna | Bologna | 0.8281 |