1 value
import pandas as pd from rdkit.Chem import GetDistanceMatrix from rdkit.DataStructs import ConvertToNumpyArray from rdkit.Chem.rdMolDescriptors import (GetMorganFingerprint, GetHashedMorganFingerprint, GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect, GetAtomPairFingerprint, GetHashedAtomPairFingerprint, GetHashedAtomPairFingerprintAsBitVect, GetTopologicalTorsionFingerprint, GetHashedTopologicalTorsionFingerprint, GetHashedTopologicalTorsionFingerprintAsBitVect, GetMACCSKeysFingerprint, GetFeatureInvariants, GetConnectivityInvariants) from rdkit.Chem.rdReducedGraphs import GetErGFingerprint from rdkit.Chem.rdmolops import RDKFingerprint import numpy as np from ..base import Transformer, Featurizer class MorganFeaturizer(Transformer, Featurizer): """ Morgan fingerprints, implemented by RDKit. Notes: Currently, folded bits are by far the fastest implementation. Examples: >>> import skchem >>> import pandas as pd >>> pd.options.display.max_rows = pd.options.display.max_columns = 5 >>> mf = skchem.descriptors.MorganFeaturizer() >>> m = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('CCC') Can transform an individual molecule to yield a Series: >>> mf.transform(m) morgan_fp_idx 0 0 1 0 .. 2046 0 2047 0 Name: MorganFeaturizer, dtype: uint8 Can transform a list of molecules to yield a DataFrame: >>> mf.transform([m]) morgan_fp_idx 0 1 ... 2046 2047 0 0 0 ... 0 0 <BLANKLINE> [1 rows x 2048 columns] Change the number of features the fingerprint is folded down to using `n_feats`. >>> mf.n_feats = 1024 >>> mf.transform(m) morgan_fp_idx 0 0 1 0 .. 1022 0 1023 0 Name: MorganFeaturizer, dtype: uint8 Count fingerprints with `as_bits` = False >>> mf.as_bits = False >>> res = mf.transform(m); res[res > 0] morgan_fp_idx 33 2 80 1 294 2 320 1 Name: MorganFeaturizer, dtype: int64 Pseudo-gradient with `grad` shows which atoms contributed to which feature. >>> mf.grad(m)[res > 0] atom_idx 0 1 2 features 33 1 0 1 80 0 1 0 294 1 2 1 320 1 1 1 """ def __init__(self, radius=2, n_feats=2048, as_bits=True, use_features=False, use_bond_types=True, use_chirality=False, **kwargs): """ Initialize the fingerprinter object. Args: radius (int): The maximum radius for atom environments. Default is `2`. n_feats (int): The number of features to which to fold the fingerprint down. For unfolded, use `-1`. Default is `2048`. as_bits (bool): Whether to return bits (`True`) or counts (`False`). Default is `True`. use_features (bool): Whether to use map atom types to generic features (FCFP analog). Default is `False`. use_bond_types (bool): Whether to use bond types to differentiate environments. Default is `False`. use_chirality (bool): Whether to use chirality to differentiate environments. Default is `False`. """ super(MorganFeaturizer, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.radius = radius self.n_feats = n_feats self.sparse = self.n_feats < 0 self.as_bits = as_bits self.use_features = use_features self.use_bond_types = use_bond_types self.use_chirality = use_chirality def _transform_mol(self, mol): """Private method to transform a skchem molecule. Use `transform` for the public method, which genericizes the argument to iterables of mols. Args: mol (skchem.Mol): Molecule to calculate fingerprint for. Returns: np.array or dict: Fingerprint as an array (or a dict if sparse). """ if self.as_bits and self.n_feats > 0: fp = GetMorganFingerprintAsBitVect(mol, self.radius, nBits=self.n_feats, useFeatures=self.use_features, useBondTypes=self.use_bond_types, useChirality=self.use_chirality) res = np.array(0) ConvertToNumpyArray(fp, res) res = res.astype(np.uint8) else: if self.n_feats <= 0: res = GetMorganFingerprint(mol, self.radius, useFeatures=self.use_features, useBondTypes=self.use_bond_types, useChirality=self.use_chirality) res = res.GetNonzeroElements() if self.as_bits: res = {k: int(v > 0) for k, v in res.items()} else: res = GetHashedMorganFingerprint(mol, self.radius, nBits=self.n_feats, useFeatures=self.use_features, useBondTypes=self.use_bond_types, useChirality=self.use_chirality) res = np.array(list(res)) return res @property def name(self): return 'morg' @property def columns(self): return pd.RangeIndex(self.n_feats, name='morgan_fp_idx') def grad(self, mol): """ Calculate the pseudo gradient with respect to the atoms. The pseudo gradient is the number of times the atom set that particular bit. Args: mol (skchem.Mol): The molecule for which to calculate the pseudo gradient. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Dataframe of pseudogradients, with columns corresponding to atoms, and rows corresponding to features of the fingerprint. """ cols = pd.Index(list(range(len(mol.atoms))), name='atom_idx') dist = GetDistanceMatrix(mol) info = {} if self.n_feats < 0: res = GetMorganFingerprint(mol, self.radius, useFeatures=self.use_features, useBondTypes=self.use_bond_types, useChirality=self.use_chirality, bitInfo=info).GetNonzeroElements() idx_list = list(res.keys()) idx = pd.Index(idx_list, name='features') grad = np.zeros((len(idx), len(cols))) for bit in info: for atom_idx, radius in info[bit]: grad[idx_list.index(bit)] += (dist <= radius)[atom_idx] else: res = list(GetHashedMorganFingerprint(mol, self.radius, nBits=self.n_feats, useFeatures=self.use_features, useBondTypes=self.use_bond_types, useChirality=self.use_chirality, bitInfo=info)) idx = pd.Index(range(self.n_feats), name='features') grad = np.zeros((len(idx), len(cols))) for bit in info: for atom_idx, radius in info[bit]: grad[bit] += (dist <= radius)[atom_idx] grad = pd.DataFrame(grad, index=idx, columns=cols) if self.as_bits: grad = (grad > 0) return grad.astype(int) class AtomPairFeaturizer(Transformer, Featurizer): """ Atom Pair Fingerprints, implemented by RDKit. """ def __init__(self, min_length=1, max_length=30, n_feats=2048, as_bits=False, use_chirality=False, **kwargs): """ Instantiate an atom pair fingerprinter. Args: min_length (int): The minimum length of paths between pairs. Default is `1`, i.e. pairs can be bonded together. max_length (int): The maximum length of paths between pairs. Default is `30`. n_feats (int): The number of features to which to fold the fingerprint down. For unfolded, use `-1`. Default is `2048`. as_bits (bool): Whether to return bits (`True`) or counts (`False`). Default is `False`. use_chirality (bool): Whether to use chirality to differentiate environments. Default is `False`. """ super(AtomPairFeaturizer, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.min_length = min_length self.max_length = max_length self.n_feats = n_feats self.sparse = self.n_feats < 0 self.as_bits = as_bits self.use_chirality = use_chirality def _transform_mol(self, mol): """Private method to transform a skchem molecule. Use transform` for the public method, which genericizes the argument to iterables of mols. Args: mol (skchem.Mol): Molecule to calculate fingerprint for. Returns: np.array or dict: Fingerprint as an array (or a dict if sparse). """ if self.as_bits and self.n_feats > 0: fp = GetHashedAtomPairFingerprintAsBitVect(mol, nBits=self.n_feats, minLength=self.min_length, maxLength=self.max_length, includeChirality=self.use_chirality) res = np.array(0) ConvertToNumpyArray(fp, res) res = res.astype(np.uint8) else: if self.n_feats <= 0: res = GetAtomPairFingerprint(mol, nBits=self.n_feats, minLength=self.min_length, maxLength=self.max_length, includeChirality=self.use_chirality) res = res.GetNonzeroElements() if self.as_bits: res = {k: int(v > 0) for k, v in res.items()} else: res = GetHashedAtomPairFingerprint(mol, nBits=self.n_feats, minLength=self.min_length, maxLength=self.max_length, includeChirality=self.use_chirality) res = np.array(list(res)) return res @property def name(self): return 'atom_pair' @property def columns(self): return pd.RangeIndex(self.n_feats, name='ap_fp_idx') class TopologicalTorsionFeaturizer(Transformer, Featurizer): """ Topological Torsion fingerprints, implemented by RDKit. """ def __init__(self, target_size=4, n_feats=2048, as_bits=False, use_chirality=False, **kwargs): """ Args: target_size (int): # TODO n_feats (int): The number of features to which to fold the fingerprint down. For unfolded, use `-1`. Default is `2048`. as_bits (bool): Whether to return bits (`True`) or counts (`False`). Default is `False`. use_chirality (bool): Whether to use chirality to differentiate environments. Default is `False`. """ self.target_size = target_size self.n_feats = n_feats self.sparse = self.n_feats < 0 self.as_bits = as_bits self.use_chirality = use_chirality super(TopologicalTorsionFeaturizer, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _transform_mol(self, mol): """ Private method to transform a skchem molecule. Args: mol (skchem.Mol): Molecule to calculate fingerprint for. Returns: np.array or dict: Fingerprint as an array (or a dict if sparse). """ if self.as_bits and self.n_feats > 0: fp = GetHashedTopologicalTorsionFingerprintAsBitVect(mol, nBits=self.n_feats, targetSize=self.target_size, includeChirality=self.use_chirality) res = np.array(0) ConvertToNumpyArray(fp, res) res = res.astype(np.uint8) else: if self.n_feats <= 0: res = GetTopologicalTorsionFingerprint(mol, nBits=self.n_feats, targetSize=self.target_size, includeChirality=self.use_chirality) res = res.GetNonzeroElements() if self.as_bits: res = {k: int(v > 0) for k, v in res.items()} else: res = GetHashedTopologicalTorsionFingerprint(mol, nBits=self.n_feats, targetSize=self.target_size, includeChirality=self.use_chirality) res = np.array(list(res)) return res @property def names(self): return 'top_tort' @property def columns(self): return pd.RangeIndex(self.n_feats, name='tt_fp_idx') class MACCSFeaturizer(Transformer, Featurizer): """ MACCS Keys Fingerprints """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MACCSFeaturizer, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.n_feats = 166 def _transform_mol(self, mol): return np.array(list(GetMACCSKeysFingerprint(mol)))[1:] @property def name(self): return 'maccs' @property def columns(self): return pd.Index( ['ISOTOPE', '103 < ATOMIC NO. < 256', 'GROUP IVA,VA,VIA PERIODS 4-6 (Ge...)', 'ACTINIDE', 'GROUP IIIB,IVB (Sc...)', 'LANTHANIDE', 'GROUP VB,VIB,VIIB (V...)', 'QAAA@1', 'GROUP VIII (Fe...)', 'GROUP IIA (ALKALINE EARTH)', '4M RING', 'GROUP IB,IIB (Cu...)', 'ON(C)C', 'S-S', 'OC(O)O', 'QAA@1', 'CTC', 'GROUP IIIA (B...)', '7M RING', 'SI', 'C=C(Q)Q', '3M RING', 'NC(O)O', 'N-O', 'NC(N)N', 'C$=C($A)$A', 'I', 'QCH2Q', 'P', 'CQ(C)(C)A', 'QX', 'CSN', 'NS', 'CH2=A', 'GROUP IA (ALKALI METAL)', 'S HETEROCYCLE', 'NC(O)N', 'NC(C)N', 'OS(O)O', 'S-O', 'CTN', 'F', 'QHAQH', 'OTHER', 'C=CN', 'BR', 'SAN', 'OQ(O)O', 'CHARGE', 'C=C(C)C', 'CSO', 'NN', 'QHAAAQH', 'QHAAQH', 'OSO', 'ON(O)C', 'O HETEROCYCLE', 'QSQ', 'Snot%A%A', 'S=O', 'AS(A)A', 'A$A!A$A', 'N=O', 'A$A!S', 'C%N', 'CC(C)(C)A', 'QS', 'QHQH (&...)', 'QQH', 'QNQ', 'NO', 'OAAO', 'S=A', 'CH3ACH3', 'A!N$A', 'C=C(A)A', 'NAN', 'C=N', 'NAAN', 'NAAAN', 'SA(A)A', 'ACH2QH', 'QAAAA@1', 'NH2', 'CN(C)C', 'CH2QCH2', 'X!A$A', 'S', 'OAAAO', 'QHAACH2A', 'QHAAACH2A', 'OC(N)C', 'QCH3', 'QN', 'NAAO', '5M RING', 'NAAAO', 'QAAAAA@1', 'C=C', 'ACH2N', '8M RING', 'QO', 'CL', 'QHACH2A', 'A$A($A)$A', 'QA(Q)Q', 'XA(A)A', 'CH3AAACH2A', 'ACH2O', 'NCO', 'NACH2A', 'AA(A)(A)A', 'Onot%A%A', 'CH3CH2A', 'CH3ACH2A', 'CH3AACH2A', 'NAO', 'ACH2CH2A > 1', 'N=A', 'HETEROCYCLIC ATOM > 1 (&...)', 'N HETEROCYCLE', 'AN(A)A', 'OCO', 'QQ', 'AROMATIC RING > 1', 'A!O!A', 'A$A!O > 1 (&...)', 'ACH2AAACH2A', 'ACH2AACH2A', 'QQ > 1 (&...)', 'QH > 1', 'OACH2A', 'A$A!N', 'X (HALOGEN)', 'Nnot%A%A', 'O=A > 1', 'HETEROCYCLE', 'QCH2A > 1 (&...)', 'OH', 'O > 3 (&...)', 'CH3 > 2 (&...)', 'N > 1', 'A$A!O', 'Anot%A%Anot%A', '6M RING > 1', 'O > 2', 'ACH2CH2A', 'AQ(A)A', 'CH3 > 1', 'A!A$A!A', 'NH', 'OC(C)C', 'QCH2A', 'C=O', 'A!CH2!A', 'NA(A)A', 'C-O', 'C-N', 'O > 1', 'CH3', 'N', 'AROMATIC', '6M RING', 'O', 'RING', 'FRAGMENTS'], name='maccs_idx') class ErGFeaturizer(Transformer, Featurizer): """ Extended Reduced Graph Fingerprints. Implemented in RDKit.""" def __init__(self, atom_types=0, fuzz_increment=0.3, min_path=1, max_path=15, **kwargs): super(ErGFeaturizer, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.atom_types = atom_types self.fuzz_increment = fuzz_increment self.min_path = min_path self.max_path = max_path self.n_feats = 315 def _transform_mol(self, mol): return np.array(GetErGFingerprint(mol)) @property def name(self): return 'erg' @property def columns(self): return pd.RangeIndex(self.n_feats, name='erg_fp_idx') class FeatureInvariantsFeaturizer(Transformer, Featurizer): """ Feature invariants fingerprints. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(FeatureInvariantsFeaturizer, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _transform_mol(self, mol): return np.array(GetFeatureInvariants(mol)) @property def name(self): return 'feat_inv' @property def columns(self): return None class ConnectivityInvariantsFeaturizer(Transformer, Featurizer): """ Connectivity invariants fingerprints """ def __init__(self, include_ring_membership=True, **kwargs): super(ConnectivityInvariantsFeaturizer, self).__init__(self, **kwargs) self.include_ring_membership = include_ring_membership raise NotImplementedError # this is a sparse descriptor def _transform_mol(self, mol): return np.array(GetConnectivityInvariants(mol)) @property def name(self): return 'conn_inv' @property def columns(self): return None class RDKFeaturizer(Transformer, Featurizer): """ RDKit fingerprint """ # TODO: finish docstring def __init__(self, min_path=1, max_path=7, n_feats=2048, n_bits_per_hash=2, use_hs=True, target_density=0.0, min_size=128, branched_paths=True, use_bond_types=True, **kwargs): """ RDK fingerprints Args: min_path (int): minimum number of bonds to include in the subgraphs. max_path (int): maximum number of bonds to include in the subgraphs. n_feats (int): The number of features to which to fold the fingerprint down. For unfolded, use `-1`. n_bits_per_hash (int) number of bits to set per path. use_hs (bool): include paths involving Hs in the fingerprint if the molecule has explicit Hs. target_density (float): fold the fingerprint until this minimum density has been reached. min_size (int): the minimum size the fingerprint will be folded to when trying to reach tgtDensity. branched_paths (bool): if set both branched and unbranched paths will be used in the fingerprint. use_bond_types (bool): if set both bond orders will be used in the path hashes. """ super(RDKFeaturizer, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.min_path = min_path self.max_path = max_path self.n_feats = n_feats self.n_bits_per_hash = n_bits_per_hash self.use_hs = use_hs self.target_density = target_density self.min_size = min_size self.branched_paths = branched_paths self.use_bond_types = use_bond_types def _transform_mol(self, mol): return np.array(list(RDKFingerprint(mol, minPath=self.min_path, maxPath=self.max_path, fpSize=self.n_feats, nBitsPerHash=self.n_bits_per_hash, useHs=self.use_hs, tgtDensity=self.target_density, minSize=self.min_size, branchedPaths=self.branched_paths, useBondOrder=self.use_bond_types))) @property def name(self): return 'rdkit' @property def columns(self): return pd.RangeIndex(self.n_feats, name='rdk_fp_idx')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from .. import descriptors from .. import core from .. import vis from ipywidgets import Dropdown, Text, VBox, HBox, Valid, HTML from IPython import get_ipython from IPython.display import clear_output, display class Visualizer(object): def __init__(self, fper='morgan', smiles='c1ccccc1O', dpi=200): self.initialize_ipython() if isinstance(fper, str): self.fper = descriptors.get(fper) else: self.fper = fper self.smiles_input = Text(smiles, description='smiles') self.smiles_input.on_submit(self.update_smiles) self.smiles_input.observe(self.typing) self.valid = Valid(True) self.dropdown = Dropdown(options=[], description='bit') self.dropdown.observe(self.plot) self.dpi_input = Text(str(dpi), description='dpi') self.dpi_input.on_submit(self.plot) self.ui = VBox([ HTML('<h2>Visualizer</h2>'), HBox([self.smiles_input, self.valid]), self.dropdown, self.dpi_input]) self.update_smiles(None) self.display() def initialize_ipython(self): ipython = get_ipython() try: ipython.magic('matplotlib inline') except: pass def typing(self, _): self.valid.visible = False @property def dpi(self): try: return int(self.dpi_input.value) except: return 50 @dpi.setter def dpi(self, value): self.dpi_input.value = str(value) def display(self): display(self.ui) def update_smiles(self, _): try: self._mol = core.Mol.from_smiles(self.smiles_input.value) self.valid.value = True except ValueError: self.valid.value = False return finally: self.valid.visible = True return self.calculate() def calculate(self): fp = self.fper.transform(self.mol) self.fp = fp[fp == 1].index self.fpg = self.fper.grad(self.mol).ix[self.fp] return self.update_dropdown() def update_dropdown(self): self.dropdown.options.append(self.fp[0]) self.dropdown.value = self.fp[0] self.dropdown.options = self.fp.tolist() return self.plot(self.dropdown.value) @property def mol(self): return self._mol @mol.setter def mol(self, mol): self._mol = mol self.smiles_input.value = mol.to_smiles() self.calculate() @property def current_smiles(self): return self.smiles_input.value @property def current_bit(self): return self.dropdown.value def plot(self, _): clear_output() plt.clf() plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = self.dpi vis.plot_weights(self.mol, self.fpg.ix[self.current_bit], quality=4, ax=plt.gca())
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd class ChemicalObject(object): """ A mixin for each chemical object in scikit-chem """ @classmethod def from_super(cls, obj): """A method that converts the class of an object of parent class to that of the child. """ obj.__class__ = cls return obj class AtomView(object): """ Atom interface wrapper """ def __init__(self, owner): self.owner = owner self.props = AtomPropertyView(self) def __getitem__(self, index): from .atom import Atom return Atom.from_super(self.owner.GetAtomWithIdx(index)) def __len__(self): return self.owner.GetNumAtoms() def __iter__(self): return AtomIterator(self.owner) def __str__(self): return str(list(str(atom) for atom in self)) @property def elements(self): return pd.Series((atom.element for atom in self), index=self.index) @property def atomic_number(self): return pd.Series((atom.atomic_number for atom in self), index=self.index) @property def atomic_mass(self): return pd.Series((atom.mass for atom in self), index=self.index) @property def index(self): return pd.RangeIndex(len(self), name='atom_idx') def __repr__(self): return '<{class_} values="{values}" at {address}>'.format( class_=self.__class__.__name__, values=str(self), address=hex(id(self))) class AtomIterator(AtomView): """ Atom iterator """ def __init__(self, owner): super(AtomIterator, self).__init__(owner) self._current = 0 self._high = self.owner.GetNumAtoms() def __next__(self): if self._current >= self._high: raise StopIteration else: self._current += 1 return self[self._current - 1] # py2 compat next = __next__ class View(object): """ View wrapper interface """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta @abstractmethod def keys(self): return [] def get(self, index, default=None): if index in self.keys(): return self[index] else: return default def pop(self, index, default=None): if default: val = self.get(index, default) else: val = self[index] self.remove(index) return val def clear(self): for idx in self.keys(): self.remove(idx) def items(self): return list((k, self[k]) for k in self.keys()) def remove(self, key): self.__delitem__(key) def __getitem__(self, key): raise NotImplemented def __setitem__(self, key, value): raise NotImplemented def __delitem__(self, key): raise NotImplemented def __iter__(self): return iter(self.keys()) def __str__(self): return str(dict(self)) def __len__(self): return len(self.keys()) def __repr__(self): return '<{klass} values="{values}" at {address}>'.format( klass=self.__class__.__name__, values=str(self), address=hex(id(self))) class PropertyView(View): """ Property object wrapper """ def __init__(self, owner): self._owner = owner def keys(self): return list(k for k in self._owner.GetPropNames() if k[:1] != '_') def __getitem__(self, key): # we manually work out if it was a float that was stored, as GetProp # returns floats and ints set by SetDoubleProp and SetIntProp as strings value = self._owner.GetProp(str(key)) try: return int(value) except ValueError: try: return float(value) except ValueError: return value def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not isinstance(key, str): warnings.warn("RDKit property keys can only be of type `str`. Using `{key}` as a `str`.".format(key=key)) key = str(key) if key[0] == '_': warnings.warn("`{value}` is a private RDKit property key. " "Using this may have unintended consequences.".format(value=value)) if isinstance(value, str): self._owner.SetProp(key, value) elif isinstance(value, (int, np.int64, np.int32)): self._owner.SetIntProp(key, value) elif isinstance(value, (float, np.float64, np.float32)): self._owner.SetDoubleProp(key, value) else: warnings.warn("RDKit property keys can only be `str`, `int` or `float`." "Using `{value}` as a `str`.".format(value=value)) self._owner.SetProp(key, str(value)) def __delitem__(self, index): self._owner.ClearProp(index) class AtomPropertyView(View): """ Atom property wrapper """ def __init__(self, atom_view): self._atom_view = atom_view def keys(self): res = set() for atom in self._atom_view: res = res.union(set(atom.props.keys())) return list(res) def get(self, key, default=None): return [a.props.get(key, default) for a in self._atom_view] def __getitem__(self, key): if key not in self.keys(): raise KeyError('No atoms have the property set.') return self.get(key, None) def __setitem__(self, key, value): assert len(self._atom_view) == len(value), "Must pass same number of values as atoms." for atom, val in zip(self._atom_view, value): atom.props[key] = val def __delitem__(self, key): for atom in self._atom_view: atom.props.remove(key)
import warnings import tempfile import os import pandas as pd from fuel.datasets import H5PYDataset from fuel.utils import find_in_data_path from fuel import config class Dataset(H5PYDataset): """ Abstract base class providing an interface to the skchem data format.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('load_in_memory', True) super(Dataset, self).__init__( file_or_path=find_in_data_path(self.filename), **kwargs) @classmethod def load_set(cls, set_name, sources=()): """ Load the sources for a single set. Args: set_name (str): The set name. sources (tuple[str]): The sources to return data for. Returns: tuple[np.array] The requested sources for the requested set. """ if set_name == 'all': set_name = cls.set_names else: set_name = (set_name,) if sources == 'all': sources = cls.sources_names return cls(which_sets=set_name, sources=sources, load_in_memory=True).data_sources @classmethod def load_data(cls, sets=(), sources=()): """ Load a set of sources. Args: sets (tuple[str]): The sets to return data for. sources: The sources to return data for. Example: (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = Dataset.load_data(sets=('train', 'test'), sources=('X', 'y')) """ for set_name in sets: yield cls.load_set(set_name, sources) @classmethod def read_frame(cls, key, *args, **kwargs): """ Load a set of features from the dataset as a pandas object. Args: key (str): The HDF5 key for required data. Typically, this will be one of - structure: for the raw molecules - smiles: for the smiles - features/{feat_name}: for the features - targets/{targ_name}: for the targets Returns: pd.Series or pd.DataFrame or pd.Panel The data as a dataframe. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') data = pd.read_hdf(find_in_data_path(cls.filename), key, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(data, pd.Panel): data = data.transpose(2, 1, 0) return data @classmethod def download(cls, output_directory=None, download_directory=None): """ Download the dataset and convert it. Args: output_directory (str): The directory to save the data to. Defaults to the first directory in the fuel data path. download_directory (str): The directory to save the raw files to. Defaults to a temporary directory. Returns: str: The path of the downloaded and processed dataset. """ if not output_directory: output_directory = config.config['data_path']['yaml'].split(':')[0] output_directory = os.path.expanduser(output_directory) if not download_directory: download_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() return cls.converter.convert(directory=download_directory, output_directory=output_directory)
import warnings import logging import os from collections import namedtuple import numpy as np import pandas as pd import h5py from fuel.datasets import H5PYDataset from ... import forcefields from ... import filters from ... import descriptors from ... import standardizers from ... import pipeline logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def default_pipeline(): """ Return a default pipeline to be used for general datasets. """ return pipeline.Pipeline([ standardizers.ChemAxonStandardizer(keep_failed=True, warn_on_fail=False), forcefields.UFF(add_hs=True, warn_on_fail=False), filters.OrganicFilter(), filters.AtomNumberFilter(above=5, below=100, include_hydrogens=True), filters.MassFilter(below=1000) ]) DEFAULT_PYTABLES_KW = { 'complib': 'bzip2', 'complevel': 9 } def contiguous_order(to_order, splits): """ Determine a contiguous order from non-overlapping splits, and put data in that order. Args: to_order (iterable<pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, pd.Panel>): The pandas objects to put in contiguous order. splits (iterable<pd.Series>): The non-overlapping splits, as boolean masks. Returns: iterable<pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, pd.Panel>: The data in contiguous order. """ member = pd.Series(0, index=splits[0].index) for i, split in enumerate(splits): member[split] = i idx = member.sort_values().index return (order.reindex(idx) for order in to_order) Feature = namedtuple('Feature', ['fper', 'key', 'axis_names']) def default_features(): return ( Feature(fper=descriptors.MorganFeaturizer(), key='X_morg', axis_names=['batch', 'features']), Feature(fper=descriptors.PhysicochemicalFeaturizer(), key='X_pc', axis_names=['batch', 'features']), Feature(fper=descriptors.AtomFeaturizer(max_atoms=100), key='A', axis_names=['batch', 'atom_idx', 'features']), Feature(fper=descriptors.GraphDistanceTransformer(max_atoms=100), key='G', axis_names=['batch', 'atom_idx', 'atom_idx']), Feature(fper=descriptors.SpacialDistanceTransformer(max_atoms=100), key='G_d', axis_names=['batch', 'atom_idx', 'atom_idx']), Feature(fper=descriptors.ChemAxonFeaturizer(features='all'), key='X_cx', axis_names=['batch', 'features']), Feature(fper=descriptors.ChemAxonAtomFeaturizer(features='all', max_atoms=100), key='A_cx', axis_names=['batch', 'atom_idx', 'features']) ) class Split(object): def __init__(self, mask, name, converter): self.mask = mask = name self.converter = converter @property def contiguous(self): diff = np.ediff1d(self.mask.astype(int)) if self.mask.iloc[0] != 0: diff[0] = 1 if self.mask.iloc[-1] != 0: diff[-1] = -1 return sum(diff == -1) == 1 or sum(diff == 1) == 1 @property def indices(self): return np.nonzero(self.mask)[0] def save(self): self.converter.data_file[ + '_indices'] = self.indices with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') self.mask.to_hdf(self.converter.data_file.filename, '/indices/' + @property def ref(self): return self.converter.data_file[ + '_indices'].ref def to_dict(self): idx = self.indices if self.contiguous: low, high = min(idx), max(idx) return {source: (low, high) for source in self.converter.source_names} else: return {source: (-1, -1, self.ref) for source in self.converter.source_names} class Converter(object): """ Create a fuel dataset from molecules and targets. """ def __init__(self, directory, output_directory, output_filename='default.h5'): raise NotImplemented def run(self, ms, y, output_path, splits=None, features=None, pytables_kws=DEFAULT_PYTABLES_KW): """ Args: ms (pd.Series): The molecules of the dataset. ys (pd.Series or pd.DataFrame): The target labels of the dataset. output_path (str): The path to which the dataset should be saved. features (list[Feature]): The features to calculate. Defaults are used if `None`. splits (iterable<(name, split)>): An iterable of name, split tuples. Splits are provided as boolean arrays of the whole data. """ self.output_path = output_path self.pytables_kws = pytables_kws self.features = features if features is not None else default_features() self.feature_names = [feat.key for feat in self.features] self.task_names = ['y'] self.splits = [Split(split, name, self) for name, split in splits] self.create_file(output_path) self.save_splits() self.save_molecules(ms) self.save_targets(y) self.save_features(ms) @property def source_names(self): return self.feature_names + self.task_names @property def split_names(self): return self.splits def create_file(self, path):'Creating h5 file at %s...', self.output_path) self.data_file = h5py.File(path, 'w') return self.data_file def save_molecules(self, mols): """ Save the molecules to the data file. """'Writing molecules to file...') logger.debug('Writing %s molecules to %s', len(mols), self.data_file.filename) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') mols.to_hdf(self.data_file.filename, 'structure', **self.pytables_kws) mols.apply(lambda m: m.to_smiles().encode('utf-8')).to_hdf(self.data_file.filename, 'smiles') def save_frame(self, data, name, prefix='targets'): """ Save the a frame to the data file. """'Writing %s', name) logger.debug('Writing data of shape %s to %s', data.shape, self.data_file.filename) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') if len(data.shape) > 2: data = data.transpose(2, 1, 0) # panel serializes backwards for some reason... data.to_hdf(self.data_file.filename, key='/{prefix}/{name}'.format(prefix=prefix, name=name), **self.pytables_kws) if isinstance(data, pd.Series): self.data_file[name] = h5py.SoftLink('/{prefix}/{name}/values'.format(prefix=prefix, name=name)) self.data_file[name].dims[0].label = elif isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): self.data_file[name] = h5py.SoftLink('/{prefix}/{name}/block0_values'.format(prefix=prefix, name=name)) self.data_file[name].dims[0].label = self.data_file[name].dims[1].label = elif isinstance(data, pd.Panel): self.data_file[name] = h5py.SoftLink('/{prefix}/{name}/block0_values'.format(prefix=prefix, name=name)) self.data_file[name].dims[0].label = # as panel serializes backwards self.data_file[name].dims[1].label = self.data_file[name].dims[2].label = def save_targets(self, y): self.save_frame(y, name='y', prefix='targets') def save_features(self, ms): """ Save all features for the dataset. """ logger.debug('Saving features') for feat in self.features: self._save_feature(ms, feat) def _save_feature(self, ms, feat): """ Calculate and save a feature to the data file. """'Calculating %s', feat.key) fps = feat.fper.transform(ms) self.save_frame(fps, name=feat.key, prefix='feats') def save_splits(self): """ Save the splits to the data file. """'Producing dataset splits...') for split in self.splits: split_dict = { split.to_dict() for split in self.splits} splits = H5PYDataset.create_split_array(split_dict) logger.debug('split: %s', splits)'Saving splits...') with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') self.data_file.attrs['split'] = splits @classmethod def convert(cls, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('directory', os.getcwd()) kwargs.setdefault('output_directory', os.getcwd()) return cls(**kwargs).output_path, @classmethod def fill_subparser(cls, subparser): return cls.convert
import zipfile import os import logging LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) import numpy as np import pandas as pd from .base import Converter, default_pipeline from ... import io from ... import core class Tox21Converter(Converter): """ Class to build tox21 dataset. """ def __init__(self, directory, output_directory, output_filename='tox21.h5'): output_path = os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename) # extract data train, valid, test = self.extract(directory) # read data train = self.read_train(train) valid = self.read_valid(valid) test = self.read_test(test, os.path.join(directory, 'test.txt')) # combine into full dataset data = pd.concat([train, valid, test], keys=['train', 'valid', 'test']).sort_index() data.index.names = 'ds', 'id' ms, y = data.structure, data.drop('structure', axis=1) pipeline = default_pipeline() ms, y = pipeline.transform_filter(ms, y) # generate splits ms, y = ms.reset_index(0), y.reset_index(0) split_arr = ms.pop('ds') y.pop('ds') splits = [(split, split_arr == split) for split in ('train', 'valid', 'test')] = 'tasks' # call the Converter to make the final dataset, y, output_path, splits=splits) @staticmethod def fix_id(s): return s.split('-')[0] @staticmethod def fix_assay_name(s): return s.replace('-', '_') @staticmethod def patch_test(test): test_1 = pd.Series({ 'structure': core.Mol.from_smiles('FC(F)(F)c1[nH]c(c(C#N)c1Br)C1=CC=C(Cl)C=C1', name='NCGC00357062'), 'stochiometry': 0, 'Compound ID': 'NCGC00357062', 'Sample ID': 'NCGC00357062-01'}, name='NCGC00357062') test['NCGC00357062'] = test_1 return test def read_train(self, train): train = io.read_sdf(train) train.columns = train.columns.to_series().apply(self.fix_assay_name) train.index = train.index.to_series().apply(self.fix_id) self.assays = train.columns[-12:] self.keep_cols = ['structure'] + self.assays.tolist() train[self.assays] = train[self.assays].astype(float) train = train[self.keep_cols] train = train.sort_index() ms = train.structure[~train.index.duplicated()] train = train[self.assays].groupby(train.index).max() train = ms.to_frame().join(train) return train def read_valid(self, valid): valid = io.read_sdf(valid) valid.columns = valid.columns.to_series().apply(self.fix_assay_name) valid = valid[self.keep_cols] valid[self.assays] = valid[self.assays].astype(float) return valid def read_test(self, test, test_data): test = io.read_sdf(test) test = self.patch_test(test) test_data = pd.read_table(test_data) test_data['Sample ID'] = test_data['Sample ID'].apply(self.fix_id) test = test.join(test_data.set_index('Sample ID')) test.columns = test.columns.to_series().apply(self.fix_assay_name) test = test[self.keep_cols] test[test == 'x'] = np.nan test[self.assays] = test[self.assays].astype(float) return test def extract(self, directory): with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(directory, '')) as f: train = f.extract('tox21_10k_data_all.sdf') with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(directory, '')) as f: valid = f.extract('tox21_10k_challenge_test.sdf') with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(directory, '')) as f: test = f.extract('tox21_10k_challenge_score.sdf') return train, valid, test if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)'Converting Tox21 Dataset...') Tox21Converter.convert()
import os import logging import itertools from collections import defaultdict import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn import metrics from .base import Converter, default_pipeline, contiguous_order from ... import io from ... import utils from ...cross_validation import SimThresholdSplit LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__file__) class NMRShiftDB2Converter(Converter): def __init__(self, directory, output_directory, output_filename='nmrshiftdb2.h5'): output_path = os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename) input_path = os.path.join(directory, 'nmrshiftdb2.sdf') data = self.parse_data(input_path) ys = self.get_spectra(data) ys = self.process_spectra(ys) ys = self.combine_duplicates(ys) self.log_dists(ys) self.log_duplicates(ys) ys = self.squash_duplicates(ys) c13s = self.to_frame(ys.loc[ys['13c'].notnull(), '13c']) data = data[['structure']].join(c13s, how='right') ms, y = data.structure, data.drop('structure', axis=1) pipeline = default_pipeline() ms, y = pipeline.transform_filter(ms, y) = 'shifts' cv = SimThresholdSplit(ms, min_threshold=0.6, block_width=4000, n_jobs=-1) train, valid, test = cv.split((70, 15, 15)) (ms, y, train, valid, test) = contiguous_order((ms, y, train, valid, test), (train, valid, test)) splits = (('train', train), ('valid', valid), ('test', test)), y, output_path=output_path, splits=splits) @staticmethod def parse_data(filepath): """ Reads the raw datafile. """'Reading file: %s', filepath) data = io.read_sdf(filepath, removeHs=False, warn_bad_mol=False) data.index = data['nmrshiftdb2 ID'].astype(int) = 'nmrshiftdb2_id' data.columns = data.columns.to_series().apply(utils.free_to_snail) data = data.sort_index()'Read %s molecules.', len(data)) return data @staticmethod def get_spectra(data): """ Retrieves spectra from raw data. """'Retrieving spectra from raw data...') isotopes = [ '1h', '11b', '13c', '15n', '17o', '19f', '29si', '31p', '33s', '73ge', '195pt' ] def is_spectrum(col_name, ele='c'): return any(isotope in col_name for isotope in isotopes) spectrum_cols = [c for c in data if is_spectrum(c)] data = data[spectrum_cols] def index_pair(s): return s[0], int(s[1]) data.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([index_pair(i.split('_')[1:]) for i in data.columns]) return data @staticmethod def process_spectra(data): """ Turn the string representations found in sdf file into a dictionary. """ def spectrum_dict(spectrum_string): if not isinstance(spectrum_string, str): return np.nan # no spectra are still nan if spectrum_string == '': return np.nan # empty spectra are nan sigs = spectrum_string.strip().strip('|').strip().split('|') # extract signals sig_tup = [tuple(s.split(';')) for s in sigs] # take tuples as (signal, coupling, atom) return {int(s[2]): float(s[0]) for s in sig_tup} # make spectrum a dictionary of atom to signal return data.applymap(spectrum_dict) @staticmethod def combine_duplicates(data): """ Collect duplicate spectra into one dictionary. All shifts are collected into lists. """ def aggregate_dicts(ds): res = defaultdict(list) for d in ds: if not isinstance(d, dict): continue for k, v in d.items(): res[k].append(v) return dict(res) if len(res) else np.nan return data.groupby(level=0, axis=1).apply(lambda s: s.apply(aggregate_dicts, axis=1)) @staticmethod def squash_duplicates(data): """ Take the mean of all the duplicates. This is where we could do a bit more checking. """ def squash(d): if not isinstance(d, dict): return np.nan else: return {k: np.mean(v) for k, v in d.items()} return data.applymap(squash) @staticmethod def to_frame(data): """ Convert a series of dictionaries to a dataframe. """ res = pd.DataFrame(data.tolist(), index=data.index) = 'atom_idx' return res @staticmethod def extract_duplicates(data, kind='13c'): """ Get all 13c duplicates. """ def is_duplicate(ele): if not isinstance(ele, dict): return False else: return len(list(ele.values())[0]) > 1 return data.loc[data[kind].apply(is_duplicate), kind] @staticmethod def log_dists(data): def n_spect(ele): return isinstance(ele, dict) def n_shifts(ele): return len(ele) if isinstance(ele, dict) else 0 def log_message(func): return ' '.join('{k}: {v}'.format(k=k, v=v) for k, v in data.applymap(func).sum().to_dict().items())'Number of spectra: %s', log_message(n_spect))'Extracted shifts: %s', log_message(n_shifts)) def log_duplicates(self, data): for kind in '1h', '13c': dups = self.extract_duplicates(data, kind)'Number of duplicate %s spectra: %s', kind, len(dups)) res = pd.DataFrame(sum((list(itertools.combinations(l, 2)) for s in dups for k, l in s.items()), []))'Number of duplicate %s pairs: %f', kind, len(res))'MAE for duplicate %s: %.4f', kind, metrics.mean_absolute_error(res[0], res[1]))'MSE for duplicate %s: %.4f', kind, metrics.mean_squared_error(res[0], res[1]))'r2 for duplicate %s: %.4f', kind, metrics.r2_score(res[0], res[1])) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)'Converting NMRShiftDB2 Dataset...') NMRShiftDB2Converter.convert()
import os import zipfile import logging LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) import pandas as pd import numpy as np import skchem from .base import Converter from ... import standardizers PATCHES = { '820-75-7': r'NNC(=O)CNC(=O)C=[N+]=[N-]', '2435-76-9': r'[N-]=[N+]=C1C=NC(=O)NC1=O', '817-99-2': r'NC(=O)CNC(=O)\C=[N+]=[N-]', '116539-70-9': r'CCCCN(CC(O)C1=C\C(=[N+]=[N-])\C(=O)C=C1)N=O', '115-02-6': r'NC(COC(=O)\C=[N+]=[N-])C(=O)O', '122341-55-3': r'NC(COC(=O)\C=[N+]=[N-])C(=O)O' } class MullerAmesConverter(Converter): def __init__(self, directory, output_directory, output_filename='muller_ames.h5'): """ Args: directory (str): Directory in which input files reside. output_directory (str): Directory in which to save the converted dataset. output_filename (str): Name of the saved dataset. Defaults to `muller_ames.h5`. Returns: tuple of str: Single-element tuple containing the path to the converted dataset. """ zip_path = os.path.join(directory, '') output_path = os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename) with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path) as f: f.extractall() # create dataframe data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(directory, 'smiles_cas_N6512.smi'), delimiter='\t', index_col=1, converters={1: lambda s: s.strip()}, header=None, names=['structure', 'id', 'is_mutagen']) data = self.patch_data(data, PATCHES) data['structure'] = data.structure.apply(skchem.Mol.from_smiles) data = self.standardize(data) data = self.optimize(data) keep = self.filter(data) ms, ys = keep.structure, keep.is_mutagen indices = data.reset_index().index.difference(keep.reset_index().index) train = self.parse_splits(os.path.join('splits_train_N6512.csv')) train = self.drop_indices(train, indices) splits = self.create_split_dict(train, 'train') test = self.parse_splits(os.path.join(directory, 'splits_test_N6512.csv')) test = self.drop_indices(test, indices) splits.update(self.create_split_dict(test, 'test')), ys, output_path, splits=splits) def patch_data(self, data, patches): """ Patch smiles in a DataFrame with rewritten ones that specify diazo groups in rdkit friendly way. """'Patching data...') for cas, smiles in patches.items(): data.loc[cas, 'structure'] = smiles return data def parse_splits(self, f_path):'Parsing splits...') with open(f_path) as f: splits = [split for split in] splits = [[n for n in split.strip().split(',')] for split in splits] splits = [sorted(int(n) for n in split) for split in splits] # sorted ints return [np.array(split) - 1 for split in splits] # zero based indexing def drop_indices(self, splits, indices):'Dropping failed compounds from split indices...') for i, split in enumerate(splits): split = split - sum(split > ix for ix in indices) splits[i] = np.delete(split, indices) return splits def create_split_dict(self, splits, name): return {'{}_{}'.format(name, i + 1): split \ for i, split in enumerate(splits)} if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)'Converting Muller Ames Dataset...') MullerAmesConverter.convert()
import os import zipfile import logging LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) import pandas as pd import numpy as np from ... import io from .base import Converter, contiguous_order from ...cross_validation import SimThresholdSplit TXT_COLUMNS = [l.lower() for l in """CAS Formula Mol_Weight Chemical_Name WS WS_temp WS_type WS_reference LogP LogP_temp LogP_type LogP_reference VP VP_temp VP_type VP_reference DC_pKa DC_temp DC_type DC_reference henry_law Constant HL_temp HL_type HL_reference OH OH_temp OH_type OH_reference BP_pressure MP BP FP""".split('\n')] class PhysPropConverter(Converter): def __init__(self, directory, output_directory, output_filename='physprop.h5'): output_path = os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename) sdf, txt = self.extract(directory) mols, data = self.process_sdf(sdf), self.process_txt(txt) LOGGER.debug('Compounds with data extracted: %s', len(data)) data = mols.to_frame().join(data) data = self.drop_inconsistencies(data) y = self.process_targets(data) LOGGER.debug('Compounds with experimental: %s', len(y)) data = data.ix[y.index] = 'targets' ms, y = data.structure, data.drop('structure', axis=1) cv = SimThresholdSplit(ms, min_threshold=0.6, block_width=4000, n_jobs=-1) train, valid, test = cv.split((70, 15, 15)) (ms, y, train, valid, test) = contiguous_order((ms, y, train, valid, test), (train, valid, test)) splits = (('train', train), ('valid', valid), ('test', test)), y, output_path=output_path, splits=splits) def extract(self, directory):'Extracting from %s', directory) with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(directory, '')) as f: sdf = f.extract('PhysProp.sdf') with zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(directory, '')) as f: txt = f.extract('PhysProp.txt') return sdf, txt def process_sdf(self, path):'Processing sdf at %s', path) mols = io.read_sdf(path, read_props=False).structure mols.index = mols.apply(lambda m: m.GetProp('CAS')) = 'cas' LOGGER.debug('Structures extracted: %s', len(mols)) return mols def process_txt(self, path):'Processing txt at %s', path) data = pd.read_table(path, header=None, engine='python').iloc[:, :32] data.columns = TXT_COLUMNS data_types = data.columns[[s.endswith('_type') for s in data.columns]] data[data_types] = data[data_types].fillna('NAN') data = data.set_index('cas') return data def drop_inconsistencies(self, data):'Dropping inconsistent data...') formula = data.structure.apply(lambda m: m.to_formula())'Inconsistent compounds: %s', (formula != data.formula).sum()) data = data[formula == data.formula] return data def process_targets(self, data):'Dropping estimated data...') data = pd.concat([self.process_logS(data), self.process_logP(data), self.process_mp(data), self.process_bp(data)], axis=1)'Dropped compounds: %s', data.isnull().all(axis=1).sum()) data = data[data.notnull().any(axis=1)] LOGGER.debug('Compounds with experimental activities: %s', len(data)) return data def process_logS(self, data): cleaned = pd.DataFrame(index=data.index) S = 0.001 * / data.mol_weight logS = np.log10(S) return logS[data.ws_type == 'EXP'] def process_logP(self, data): logP = data.logp[data.logp_type == 'EXP'] return logP[logP > -10] def process_mp(self, data): return def process_bp(self, data): return data.bp.apply(self.fix_temp) @staticmethod def fix_temp(s, mean_range=5): try: return float(s) except ValueError: if '<' in s or '>' in s: return np.nan s = s.strip(' dec') s = s.strip(' sub') if '-' in s and mean_range: rng = [float(n) for n in s.split('-')] if len(rng) > 2: return np.nan if np.abs(rng[1] - rng[0]) < mean_range: return (rng[0] + rng[1])/2 try: return float(s) except ValueError: return np.nan if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)'Converting PhysProp Dataset...') PhysPropConverter.convert()
import os import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) import pandas as pd from .base import Converter, default_pipeline, contiguous_order from ...core import Mol from ...cross_validation import SimThresholdSplit class BradleyOpenMPConverter(Converter): def __init__(self, directory, output_directory, output_filename='bradley_open_mp.h5'): output_path = os.path.join(output_directory, output_filename) data = self.parse_data(os.path.join(directory, 'bradley_melting_point_dataset.xlsx')) data = self.filter_bad(data) def parse_smiles(smi): try: return Mol.from_smiles(smi) except ValueError: return None data['structure'] = data.smiles.apply(parse_smiles) data = data[data.structure.notnull()] ms, y = data.structure, self.fix_mp(data) pipeline = default_pipeline() ms, y = pipeline.transform_filter(ms, y) cv = SimThresholdSplit(ms, min_threshold=0.6, n_jobs=-1) train, valid, test = cv.split((70, 15, 15)) (ms, y, train, valid, test) = contiguous_order((ms, y, train, valid, test), (train, valid, test)) splits = (('train', train), ('valid', valid), ('test', test)), y, output_path=output_path, splits=splits) @staticmethod def parse_data(path):'Parsing data at %s...', path) return pd.read_excel(path, index_col=0) @staticmethod def filter_bad(data):'Removing manually annotated errors...') bad_data = data.donotuse.notnull() logger.debug('Removed %s', bad_data.sum()) return data[~bad_data] @staticmethod def fix_mp(data):'Converting temperature to Kelvin...') return data.mpC + 278.15 if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)'Converting Bradley Open Melting Point Dataset...') BradleyOpenMPConverter.convert()
from functools import wraps import warnings from rdkit import Chem import pandas as pd from ..core import Mol from ..utils import Suppressor, squeeze def _drop_props(row): for prop in row.structure.props.keys(): row.structure.ClearProp(prop) def _set_props(row, cols): for i in cols: row.structure.SetProp(str(i), str(row[i])) # rdkit props can only be str def _set_name(row): = str( # rdkit props can only be strs def read_sdf(sdf, error_bad_mol=False, warn_bad_mol=True, nmols=None, skipmols=None, skipfooter=None, read_props=True, mol_props=False, *args, **kwargs): """Read an sdf file into a `pd.DataFrame`. The function wraps the RDKit `ForwardSDMolSupplier` object. Args: sdf (str or file-like): The location of data to load, as a file path, or a file-like object. error_bad_mol (bool): Whether an error should be raised if a molecule fails to parse. Default is False. warn_bad_mol (bool): Whether a warning should be output if a molecule fails to parse. Default is True. nmols (int): The number of molecules to read. If `None`, read all molecules. Default is `None`. skipmols (int): The number of molecules to skip at start. Default is `0`. skipfooter (int): The number of molecules to skip from the end. Default is `0`. read_props (bool): Whether to read the properties into the data frame. Default is `True`. mol_props (bool): Whether to keep properties in the molecule dictionary after they are extracted to the dataframe. Default is `False`. args, kwargs: Arguments will be passed to rdkit's ForwardSDMolSupplier. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: The loaded data frame, with Mols supplied in the `structure` field. See also: rdkit.Chem.SDForwardMolSupplier skchem.read_smiles """ # nmols is actually the index to cutoff. If we skip some at start, we need # to add this number if skipmols: nmols += skipmols if isinstance(sdf, str): sdf = open(sdf, 'rb') # use read bytes for python 3 compatibility # use the suppression context manager to not pollute our stdout with rdkit # errors and warnings. # perhaps this should be captured better by Mol etc. with Suppressor(): mol_supp = Chem.ForwardSDMolSupplier(sdf, *args, **kwargs) mols = [] # single loop through sdf for i, mol in enumerate(mol_supp): if skipmols and i < skipmols: continue if nmols and i >= nmols: break # rdkit returns None if it fails to parse a molecule. We will raise # errors unless force is used. if mol is None: msg = 'Molecule {} could not be decoded.'.format(i + 1) if error_bad_mol: raise ValueError(msg) elif warn_bad_mol: warnings.warn(msg) continue mols.append(Mol(mol)) if skipfooter: mols = mols[:-skipfooter] idx = pd.Index(( for m in mols), name='name') data = pd.DataFrame(mols, columns=['structure']) if read_props: props = pd.DataFrame([{k: v for (k, v) in mol.props.items()} for mol in mols]) data = pd.concat([data, props], axis=1) # now we have extracted the props, we can delete if required if not mol_props: data.apply(_drop_props, axis=1) data.index = idx return squeeze(data, axis=1) def write_sdf(data, sdf, write_cols=True, index_as_name=True, mol_props=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Write an sdf file from a dataframe. Args: data (pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame): Pandas data structure with a `structure` column containing compounds to serialize. sdf (str or file-like): A file path or file-like object specifying where to write the compound data. write_cols (bool): Whether columns should be written as props. Default `True`. index_as_name (bool): Whether to use index as the header, or the molecule's name. Default is `True`. mol_props (bool): Whether to write properties in the Mol dictionary in addition to fields in the frame. Warn: This function will change the names of the compounds if the `index_as_name` argument is `True`, and will delete all properties in the molecule dictionary if `mol_props` is `False`. """ if isinstance(data, pd.Series): data = data.to_frame(name='structure') names = [ for m in data.structure] writer = Chem.SDWriter(sdf, *args, **kwargs) cols = list(data.columns.drop('structure')) if not mol_props: data.apply(_drop_props, axis=1) if write_cols: data.apply(_set_props, cols=cols, axis=1) if index_as_name: data.apply(_set_name, axis=1) data.structure.apply(writer.write) # rdkit writer changes names sometimes for mol, name in zip(data.structure, names): = name @wraps(write_sdf) def _to_sdf_series(self, *args, **kwargs): return write_sdf(self, write_cols=False, *args, **kwargs) @wraps(write_sdf) def _to_sdf_df(self, *args, **kwargs): return write_sdf(self, *args, **kwargs) pd.Series.to_sdf = _to_sdf_series pd.DataFrame.to_sdf = _to_sdf_df @classmethod @wraps(read_sdf) def _from_sdf_df(_, *args, **kwargs): return read_sdf(*args, **kwargs) pd.DataFrame.from_sdf = _from_sdf_df @classmethod @wraps(read_sdf) def _from_sdf_series(_, *args, **kwargs): return read_sdf(*args, **kwargs).structure pd.Series.from_sdf = _from_sdf_series
from collections import Counter import numpy as np import pandas as pd from ..resource import ORGANIC, PERIODIC_TABLE from .base import Filter class ElementFilter(Filter): """ Filter by elements. Args: elements (list[str]): A list of elements to filter with. If an element not in the list is found in a molecule, return False, else return True. as_bits (bool): Whether to return integer counts or booleans for atoms if mode is `count`. Examples: Basic usage on molecules: >>> import skchem >>> has_halogen = skchem.filters.ElementFilter(['F', 'Cl', 'Br', 'I'], agg='any') Molecules with one of the atoms transform to `True`. >>> m1 = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('ClC(Cl)Cl', name='chloroform') >>> has_halogen.transform(m1) True Molecules with none of the atoms transform to `False`. >>> m2 = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('CC', name='ethane') >>> has_halogen.transform(m2) False Can see the atom breakdown by passing `agg` == `False`: >>> has_halogen.transform(m1, agg=False) has_element F 0 Cl 3 Br 0 I 0 Name: ElementFilter, dtype: int64 Can transform series. >>> ms = [m1, m2] >>> has_halogen.transform(ms) chloroform True ethane False dtype: bool >>> has_halogen.transform(ms, agg=False) has_element F Cl Br I chloroform 0 3 0 0 ethane 0 0 0 0 Can also filter series: >>> has_halogen.filter(ms) chloroform <Mol: ClC(Cl)Cl> Name: structure, dtype: object >>> has_halogen.filter(ms, neg=True) ethane <Mol: CC> Name: structure, dtype: object """ def __init__(self, elements=None, as_bits=False, **kwargs): self.elements = elements self.as_bits = as_bits super(ElementFilter, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def elements(self): return self._elements @elements.setter def elements(self, val): if val is None: self._elements = PERIODIC_TABLE.symbol.tolist() else: self._elements = val @property def columns(self): return pd.Index(self.elements, name='has_element') def _transform_mol(self, mol): counter = Counter(atom.element for atom in mol.atoms) res = pd.Series(counter) res = res[self.elements].fillna(0).astype(int) if self.as_bits: res = (res > 0).astype(np.uint8) return res class OrganicFilter(ElementFilter): """ Whether a molecule is organic. For the purpose of this function, an organic molecule is defined as having atoms with elements only in the set H, B, C, N, O, F, P, S, Cl, Br, I. Args: mol (skchem.Mol): The molecule to be tested. Returns: bool: Whether the molecule is organic. Examples: Basic usage as a function on molecules: >>> import skchem >>> of = skchem.filters.OrganicFilter() >>> benzene = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('c1ccccc1', name='benzene') >>> of.transform(benzene) True >>> ferrocene = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('[cH-]1cccc1.[cH-]1cccc1.[Fe+2]', ... name='ferrocene') >>> of.transform(ferrocene) False More useful on collections: >>> sa = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('CC(=O)[O-].[Na+]', name='sodium acetate') >>> norbornane = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('C12CCC(C2)CC1', name='norbornane') >>> data = [benzene, ferrocene, norbornane, sa] >>> of.transform(data) benzene True ferrocene False norbornane True sodium acetate False dtype: bool >>> of.filter(data) benzene <Mol: c1ccccc1> norbornane <Mol: C1CC2CCC1C2> Name: structure, dtype: object >>> of.filter(data, neg=True) ferrocene <Mol: [Fe+2].c1cc[cH-]c1.c1cc[cH-]c1> sodium acetate <Mol: CC(=O)[O-].[Na+]> Name: structure, dtype: object """ def __init__(self): super(OrganicFilter, self).__init__(elements=None, agg='not any') self.elements = [element for element in self.elements if element not in ORGANIC] def n_atoms(mol, above=2, below=75, include_hydrogens=False): """ Whether the number of atoms in a molecule falls in a defined interval. ``above <= n_atoms < below`` Args: mol: (skchem.Mol): The molecule to be tested. above (int): The lower threshold number of atoms (exclusive). Defaults to None. below (int): The higher threshold number of atoms (inclusive). Defaults to None. Returns: bool: Whether the molecule has more atoms than the threshold. Examples: Basic usage as a function on molecules: >>> import skchem >>> m = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('c1ccccc1') # benzene has 6 atoms. Lower threshold: >>> skchem.filters.n_atoms(m, above=3) True >>> skchem.filters.n_atoms(m, above=8) False Higher threshold: >>> skchem.filters.n_atoms(m, below=8) True >>> skchem.filters.n_atoms(m, below=3) False Bounds work like Python slices - inclusive lower, exclusive upper: >>> skchem.filters.n_atoms(m, above=6) True >>> skchem.filters.n_atoms(m, below=6) False Both can be used at once: >>> skchem.filters.n_atoms(m, above=3, below=8) True Can include hydrogens: >>> skchem.filters.n_atoms(m, above=3, below=8, include_hydrogens=True) False >>> skchem.filters.n_atoms(m, above=9, below=14, include_hydrogens=True) True """ assert above < below, 'Interval {} < a < {} undefined.'.format(above, below) n_a = len(mol.atoms) if include_hydrogens: n_a += sum(atom.GetNumImplicitHs() + atom.GetNumExplicitHs() for atom in mol.atoms) return above <= n_a < below class AtomNumberFilter(Filter): """Filter for whether the number of atoms in a molecule falls in a defined interval. ``above <= n_atoms < below`` Args: above (int): The lower threshold number of atoms (exclusive). Defaults to None. below (int): The higher threshold number of atoms (inclusive). Defaults to None. Examples: >>> import skchem >>> data = [ ... skchem.Mol.from_smiles('CC', name='ethane'), ... skchem.Mol.from_smiles('CCCC', name='butane'), ... skchem.Mol.from_smiles('NC(C)C(=O)O', name='alanine'), ... skchem.Mol.from_smiles('C12C=CC(C=C2)C=C1', name='barrelene') ... ] >>> af = skchem.filters.AtomNumberFilter(above=3, below=7) >>> af.transform(data) ethane False butane True alanine True barrelene False Name: num_atoms_in_range, dtype: bool >>> af.filter(data) butane <Mol: CCCC> alanine <Mol: CC(N)C(=O)O> Name: structure, dtype: object >>> af = skchem.filters.AtomNumberFilter(above=5, below=15, include_hydrogens=True) >>> af.transform(data) ethane True butane True alanine True barrelene False Name: num_atoms_in_range, dtype: bool """ def __init__(self, above=3, below=60, include_hydrogens=False, **kwargs): assert above < below, 'Interval {} < a < {} undefined.'.format(above, below) self.above = above self.below = below self.include_hydrogens = include_hydrogens super(AtomNumberFilter, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _transform_mol(self, mol): return n_atoms(mol, above=self.above, below=self.below, include_hydrogens=self.include_hydrogens) @property def columns(self): return pd.Index(['num_atoms_in_range']) def mass(mol, above=10, below=900): """ Whether a the molecular weight of a molecule is lower than a threshold. ``above <= mass < below`` Args: mol: (skchem.Mol): The molecule to be tested. above (float): The lower threshold on the mass. Defaults to None. below (float): The higher threshold on the mass. Defaults to None. Returns: bool: Whether the mass of the molecule is lower than the threshold. Examples: Basic usage as a function on molecules: >>> import skchem >>> m = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('c1ccccc1') # benzene has M_r = 78. >>> skchem.filters.mass(m, above=70) True >>> skchem.filters.mass(m, above=80) False >>> skchem.filters.mass(m, below=80) True >>> skchem.filters.mass(m, below=70) False >>> skchem.filters.mass(m, above=70, below=80) True """ return above <= mol.mass < below class MassFilter(Filter): """ Filter whether a the molecular weight of a molecule is lower than a threshold. ``above <= mass < below`` Args: mol: (skchem.Mol): The molecule to be tested. above (float): The lower threshold on the mass. Defaults to None. below (float): The higher threshold on the mass. Defaults to None. Examples: >>> import skchem >>> data = [ ... skchem.Mol.from_smiles('CC', name='ethane'), ... skchem.Mol.from_smiles('CCCC', name='butane'), ... skchem.Mol.from_smiles('NC(C)C(=O)O', name='alanine'), ... skchem.Mol.from_smiles('C12C=CC(C=C2)C=C1', name='barrelene') ... ] >>> mf = skchem.filters.MassFilter(above=31, below=100) >>> mf.transform(data) ethane False butane True alanine True barrelene False Name: mass_in_range, dtype: bool >>> mf.filter(data) butane <Mol: CCCC> alanine <Mol: CC(N)C(=O)O> Name: structure, dtype: object """ def __init__(self, above=3, below=900, **kwargs): assert above < below, 'Interval {} < a < {} undefined.'.format(above, below) self.above = above self.below = below super(MassFilter, self).__init__( **kwargs) def _transform_mol(self, mol): return mass(mol, above=self.above, below=self.below) @property def columns(self): return pd.Index(['mass_in_range'])
from rdkit import RDConfig import os import pandas as pd from .base import Filter from ..core import Mol class SMARTSFilter(Filter): """ Filter a molecule based on smarts. Args: smarts (pd.Series): A series of SMARTS to use in the filter. agg (function): Option specifying the mode of the filter. - None : No filtering takes place - any: If any of the substructures are in molecule return True. - all: If all of the substructures are in molecule. Examples: >>> import skchem >>> data = [ ... skchem.Mol.from_smiles('CC', name='ethane'), ... skchem.Mol.from_smiles('c1ccccc1', name='benzene'), ... skchem.Mol.from_smiles('c1ccccc1-c2c(C=O)ccnc2', name='big') ... ] >>> f = skchem.filters.SMARTSFilter({'benzene': 'c1ccccc1', 'pyridine': 'c1ccccn1', 'acetyl': 'C=O'}, agg='any') >>> f.transform(data, agg=False) acetyl benzene pyridine ethane False False False benzene False True False big True True True >>> f.transform(data) ethane False benzene True big True dtype: bool >>> f.filter(data) benzene <Mol: c1ccccc1> big <Mol: O=Cc1ccncc1-c1ccccc1> Name: structure, dtype: object >>> f.agg = all >>> f.filter(data) big <Mol: O=Cc1ccncc1-c1ccccc1> Name: structure, dtype: object """ def __init__(self, smarts, **kwargs): def read_smarts(s): if isinstance(s, str): return Mol.from_smarts(s, mergeHs=True) else: return s self.smarts = pd.Series(smarts).apply(read_smarts) super(SMARTSFilter, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _transform_mol(self, mol): return self.smarts.apply(lambda smarts: smarts in mol).values @property def columns(self): return self.smarts.index class PAINSFilter(SMARTSFilter): """ Whether a molecule passes the Pan Assay INterference (PAINS) filters. These are supplied with RDKit, and were originally proposed by Baell et al. References: [The original paper]( Examples: Basic usage as a function on molecules: >>> import skchem >>> benzene = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('c1ccccc1', name='benzene') >>> pf = skchem.filters.PAINSFilter() >>> pf.transform(benzene) True >>> catechol = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('Oc1c(O)cccc1', name='catechol') >>> pf.transform(catechol) False >>> res = pf.transform(catechol, agg=False) >>> res[res] names catechol_A(92) True Name: PAINSFilter, dtype: bool More useful in combination with pandas DataFrames: >>> data = [benzene, catechol] >>> pf.transform(data) benzene True catechol False dtype: bool >>> pf.filter(data) benzene <Mol: c1ccccc1> Name: structure, dtype: object """ def __init__(self): super(PAINSFilter, self).__init__(self._load_pains(), agg='not any') def _load_pains(cls): """ Load PAINS included in rdkit into a pandas dataframe and cache as class attribute. """ if not hasattr(cls, '_pains'): path = os.path.join(RDConfig.RDDataDir, 'Pains', 'wehi_pains.csv') pains = pd.read_csv(path, names=['pains', 'names']) pains['names'] = pains.names.str.lstrip('<regId=').str.rstrip('>') pains = pains.set_index('names').pains.apply(Mol.from_smarts, mergeHs=True) cls._pains = pains return cls._pains
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import MolToImage, DrawingOptions import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def plot_weights(mol, weights, quality=1, l=0.4, step=50, levels=20, contour_opacity=0.5, cmap='RdBu', ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot weights as a sum of gaussians across a structure image. Args: mol (skchem.Mol): Molecule to visualize weights for. weights (iterable<float>): Array of weights in atom index order. l (float): Lengthscale of gaussians to visualize as a multiple of bond length. steps (int): Size of grid edge to calculate the gaussians. levels (int): Number of contours to plot. contour_opacity (float): Alpha applied to the contour layer. ax (plt.axis): Axis to apply the plot to. Defaults to current axis. cmap ( Colormap to use for the contour. **kwargs: Passed to contourf function. Returns: matplotlib.AxesSubplot: The plot. """ if not ax: ax = plt.gca() ax.grid('off') ax.axis('off') opts = DrawingOptions() opts.dotsPerAngstrom *= quality opts.atomLabelFontSize *= quality opts.bondLineWidth *= quality size = 300 * quality img, canvas, drawer = MolToImage(mol, size=(size, size), options=opts, returnCanvas=True) canvas.flush() coords = np.array([[i / size, 1 - j / size] for k, (i, j) in list(drawer.atomPs.values())[0].items()]) b = mol.bonds[0] begin, end = b.GetBeginAtom().GetIdx(), b.GetEndAtom().GetIdx() length = np.linalg.norm(coords[end] - coords[begin]) x = np.linspace(0, 1, 500) y = np.linspace(0, 1, 500) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) def gaussian(x, y, mu=np.zeros(2), sigma=np.identity(2), size=50): return (1 / (2 * np.pi * sigma[0, 0] * sigma[1, 1]) * np.exp(-((x - mu[0]) ** 2 / (2 * sigma[0, 0] ** 2) + (y - mu[1]) ** 2 / (2 * sigma[1, 1] ** 2)))) if not np.max(weights) == np.min(weights) == 0: z = sum([w * gaussian(x, y, mu, sigma=l * length * np.identity(2)) for mu, w in zip(coords, weights)]) v = np.max((np.abs(z.min()), np.abs(z.max()))) else: z = np.zeros(x.shape) v = 1 if z.min() >= 0: levels = int(levels/2) cf = ax.contourf(x, y, z, levels, alpha=contour_opacity, extent=(0, 1, 0, 1), vmin=-v, vmax=v, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) ax.imshow(img, extent=(0, 1, 0, 1)) return ax
import argparse import ci import os class _OptionalStep(argparse.Action): """Custom action making the ``step`` positional argument with choices optional. Setting the ``choices`` attribute will fail with an *invalid choice* error. Adapted from """ # noqa: E501 def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None): if value: if value not in ci.STEPS: message = ("invalid choice: {0!r} (choose from {1})" .format(value, ', '.join([repr(action) for action in ci.STEPS]))) raise argparse.ArgumentError(self, message) setattr(namespace, self.dest, value) def main(): """The main entry point to ````. This is installed as the script entry point. """ version_str = ("This is scikit-ci version %s, imported from %s\n" % (ci.__version__, os.path.abspath(ci.__file__))) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=ci.__doc__) parser.add_argument( "step", type=str, nargs='?', default=ci.STEPS[-1], action=_OptionalStep, metavar='STEP', help="name of the step to execute. " "Choose from: {}. " "If no step is specified, all are executed.".format(", ".join( [repr(action) for action in ci.STEPS])) ) parser.add_argument( "--force", action="store_true", help="always execute the steps" ) parser.add_argument( "--without-deps", action="store_false", help="do not execute dependent steps", dest='with_dependencies' ) parser.add_argument( "--clear-cached-env", action="store_true", help="clear cached environment (removes 'env.json' file)" ) parser.add_argument( "--version", action="version", version=version_str, help="display scikit-ci version and import information.") args = parser.parse_args() try: ci.execute_step( args.step, force=args.force, with_dependencies=args.with_dependencies, clear_cached_env=args.clear_cached_env ) except ci.SKCIError as exc: exit(exc) if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover main()
Scikit-clean ================== **scikit-clean** is a python ML library for classification in the presence of \ label noise. Aimed primarily at researchers, this provides implementations of \ several state-of-the-art algorithms; tools to simulate artificial noise, create complex pipelines \ and evaluate them. This library is fully scikit-learn API compatible: which means \ all scikit-learn's building blocks can be seamlessly integrated into workflow. \ Like scikit-learn estimators, most of the methods also support features like \ parallelization, reproducibility etc. Example Usage *************** A typical label noise research workflow begins with clean labels, simulates \ label noise into training set, and then evaluates how a model handles that noise \ using clean test set. In scikit-clean, this looks like: .. code-block:: python from skclean.simulate_noise import flip_labels_uniform from skclean.models import RobustLR # Robust Logistic Regression X, y = make_classification(n_samples=200,n_features=4) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=.20) y_train_noisy = flip_labels_uniform(y_train, .3) # Flip labels of 30% samples clf = RobustLR().fit(X_train,y_train_noisy) print(clf.score(X_test, y_test)) scikit-clean provides a customized `Pipeline` for more complex workflow. Many noise robust \ algorithms can be broken down into two steps: detecting noise likelihood for each sample in the dataset, and train robust classifiers by using that information. This fits nicely with Pipeline's API: .. code-block:: python # ---Import scikit-learn stuff---- from skclean.simulate_noise import UniformNoise from skclean.detectors import KDN from skclean.handlers import Filter from skclean.pipeline import Pipeline, make_pipeline # Importing from skclean, not sklearn clf = Pipeline([ ('scale', StandardScaler()), # Scale features ('feat_sel', VarianceThreshold(.2)), # Feature selection ('detector', KDN()), # Detect mislabeled samples ('handler', Filter(SVC())), # Filter out likely mislabeled samples and then train a SVM ]) clf_g = GridSearchCV(clf,{'detector__n_neighbors':[2,5,10]}) n_clf_g = make_pipeline(UniformNoise(.3),clf_g) # Create label noise at the very first step print(cross_val_score(n_clf_g, X, y, cv=5).mean()) # 5-fold cross validation Please see this notebook_ before you begin for a more detailed introduction, \ and this_ for complete API. .. _notebook: .. _this: Installation ****************** Simplest option is probably using pip:: pip install scikit-clean If you intend to modify the code, install in editable mode:: git clone cd scikit-clean pip install -e . If you're only interested in small part of this library, say one or two algorithms, feel free to simply \ copy/paste relevant code into your project. Alternatives ************** There are several open source tools to handle label noise, some of them are: \ 1. Cleanlab_ 2. Snorkel_ 3. NoiseFiltersR_ .. _Cleanlab: .. _Snorkel: .. _NoiseFiltersR: `NoiseFiltersR` is closest in objective as ours, though it's implemented in R, and doesn't \ appear to be actively maintained. `Cleanlab` and `Snorkel` are both in Python, though they have somewhat different \ priorities than us. While our goal is to implement as many algorithms as \ possible, these tools usually focus on one or few related papers. They have also been \ developed for some time- meaning they are more stable, well-optimized and better suited \ for practitioners/ engineers than `scikit-clean`. Credits ************** We want to `scikit-learn`, `imbalance-learn` and `Cleanlab`, these implemntations \ are inspired by, and dircetly borrows code from these libraries. We also want to thank the authors of original papers. Here is a list of papers partially \ or fully implemented by `scikit-clean`: * Taghi M Khoshgoftaar and Pierre Rebours. Improving software quality prediction by noise filtering techniques. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 22(3):387–396, 2007. * Sunghun Kim, Hongyu Zhang, Rongxin Wu, and Liang Gong. Dealing with noise in defect prediction. In 2011 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 481–490. IEEE, 2011. * Alexander Hanbo Li and Andrew Martin. Forest-type regression with general losses and robust forest. In International Conference on Machine Learning, 2091–2100. 2017. * Aditya Krishna Menon, Brendan Van Rooyen, and Nagarajan Natarajan. Learning from binary labels with instance-dependent noise. Machine Learning, 107(8-10):1561–1595, 2018. * Nagarajan Natarajan, Inderjit S Dhillon, Pradeep K Ravikumar, and Ambuj Tewari. Learning with noisy labels. In Advances in neural information processing systems, 1196–1204. 2013. * Maryam Sabzevari, Gonzalo Martínez-Muñoz, and Alberto Suárez. A two-stage ensemble method for the detection of class-label noise. Neurocomputing, 275:2374–2383, 2018. * Michael R Smith, Tony Martinez, and Christophe Giraud-Carrier. An instance level analysis of data complexity. Machine learning, 95(2):225–256, 2014. * Felipe N Walmsley, George DC Cavalcanti, Dayvid VR Oliveira, Rafael MO Cruz, and Robert Sabourin. An ensemble generation method based on instance hardness. In 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1–8. IEEE, 2018. * Bianca Zadrozny, John Langford, and Naoki Abe. Cost-sensitive learning by cost-proportionate example weighting. In Third IEEE international conference on data mining, 435–442. IEEE, 2003. * Zijin Zhao, Lingyang Chu, Dacheng Tao, and Jian Pei. Classification with label noise: a markov chain sampling framework. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 33(5):1468–1504, 2019. A note about naming ----------------------------------------------- "There are 2 hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and \ off-by-1 errors." Majority of the algorithms in `scikit-clean` are not explicitly named by their authors. \ In some rare cases, similar or very similar ideas appear under different names (e.g. `KDN`). \ We tried to name things as best as we could. However, if you're the author of any of these \ methods and want to rename it, we'll happily oblige.
## Introduction to Scikit-clean `scikit-clean` is a python ML library for classification in the presence of label noise. Aimed primarily at researchers, this provides implementations of several state-of-the-art algorithms, along with tools to simulate artificial noise, create complex pipelines and evaluate them. ### Example Usage Before we dive into the details, let's take a quick look to see how it works. scikit-clean, as the name implies, is built on top of scikit-learn and is fully compatible* with scikit-learn API. scikit-clean classifiers can be used as a drop in replacement for scikit-learn classifiers. In the simple example below, we corrupt a dataset using artifical label noise, and then train a model using robust logistic regression: ``` from sklearn.datasets import make_classification, load_breast_cancer from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score from skclean.simulate_noise import flip_labels_uniform, UniformNoise, CCNoise from skclean.models import RobustLR from skclean.pipeline import Pipeline, make_pipeline SEED = 42 X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=.30, random_state=SEED) y_train_noisy = flip_labels_uniform(y_train, .3, random_state=SEED) # Flip labels of 30% samples clf = RobustLR(random_state=SEED).fit(X_train,y_train_noisy) print(clf.score(X_test, y_test)) ``` You can use scikit-learn's built in tools with scikit-clean. For example, let's tune one hyper-parameter of `RobustLR` used above, and evaluate the resulting model using cross-validation: ``` from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, cross_val_score grid_clf = GridSearchCV(RobustLR(),{'PN':[.1,.2,.4]},cv=3) cross_val_score(grid_clf, X, y, cv=5, n_jobs=5).mean() # Note: here we're training & testing here on clean data for simplicity ``` ### Algorithms Algorithms implemented in scikit-clean can be broadly categorized into two types. First we have ones that are *inherently* robust to label noise. They often modify or replace the loss functions of existing well known algorithms like SVM, Logistic Regression etc. and do not explcitly try to detect mislabeled samples in data. `RobustLR` used above is a robust variant of regular Logistic Regression. These methods can currently be found in `skclean.models` module, though this part of API is likely to change in future as no. of implementations grow. On the other hand we have *Dataset-focused* algorithms: their focus is more on identifying or cleaning the dataset, they usually rely on other existing classifiers to do the actual learning. Majority of current scikit-clean implementations fall under this category, so we describe them in a bit more detail in next section. ### Detectors and Handlers Many robust algorithms designed to handle label noise can be essentially broken down to two sequential steps: detect samples which has (probably) been mislabeled, and use that information to build robust meta classifiers on top of existing classifiers. This allows us to easily create new robust classifiers by mixing the noise detector of one paper with the noise-handler of another. In scikit-clean, the classes that implement those two tasks are called `Detector` and `Handler` respectively. During training, `Detector` will find for each sample the probability that it has been *correctly* labeled (i.e. `conf_score`). `Handler` can use that information in many ways, like removing likely noisy instances from dataset (`Filtering` class), or assigning more weight on reliable samples (`example_weighting` module) etc. Let's rewrite the above example. We'll use `KDN`: a simple neighborhood-based noise detector, and `WeightedBagging`: a variant of regular bagging that takes sample reliability into account. ``` from skclean.detectors import KDN from skclean.handlers import WeightedBagging conf_score = KDN(n_neighbors=5).detect(X_train, y_train_noisy) clf = WeightedBagging(n_estimators=50).fit(X_train, y_train_noisy, conf_score) print(clf.score(X_test, y_test)) ``` The above code is fine for very simple workflow. However, real world data modeling usually includes lots of sequential steps for preprocesing, feature selection etc. Moreover, hyper-paramter tuning, cross-validation further complicates the process, which, among other things, frequently leads to [Information Leakage]( An elegant solution to this complexity management is `Pipeline`. ### Pipeline `scikit-clean` provides a customized `Pipeline` to manage modeling which involves lots of sequential steps, including noise detection and handling. Below is an example of `pipeline`. At the very first step, we introduce some label noise on training set. Some preprocessing like scaling and feature selection comes next. The last two steps are noise detection and handling respectively, these two must always be the last steps. ``` from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit, StratifiedKFold from skclean.handlers import Filter from skclean.pipeline import Pipeline # Importing from skclean, not sklearn clf = Pipeline([ ('scale', StandardScaler()), # Scale features ('feat_sel', VarianceThreshold(.2)), # Feature selection ('detector', KDN()), # Detect mislabeled samples ('handler', Filter(SVC())), # Filter out likely mislabeled samples and then train a SVM ]) inner_cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=5,test_size=.2,random_state=1) outer_cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5,shuffle=True,random_state=2) clf_g = GridSearchCV(clf,{'detector__n_neighbors':[2,5,10]},cv=inner_cv) n_clf_g = make_pipeline(UniformNoise(.3),clf_g) # Create label noise at the very first step print(cross_val_score(n_clf_g, X, y, cv=outer_cv).mean()) # 5-fold cross validation ``` There are two important things to note here. First, don't use the `Pipeline` of `scikit-learn`, import from `skclean.pipeline` instead. Secondly, a group of noise hanbdlers are iterative: they call the `detect` of noise detectors multiple times (`CLNI`, `IPF` etc). Since they don't exactly follow the sequential noise detection->handling pattern, you must pass the detector in the constructor of those `Handler`s. ``` from skclean.handlers import CLNI clf = CLNI(classifier=SVC(), detector=KDN()) ``` All `Handler` *can* be instantiated this way, but this is a *must* for iterative ones. (Use `iterative` attribute to check.) ### Noise Simulation Remember that as a library written primarily for researchers, you're expected to have access to "true" or "clean" labels, and then introduce noise to training data by flipping those true labels. `scikit-clean` provides several commonly used noise simulators- take a look at [this example](./Noise%20SImulators.ipynb) to understand their differences. Here we mainly focus on how to use them. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that noise simulation should usually be the very first thing you do to your training data. In code below, `GridSearchCV` is creating a validation set *before* introducing noise and using clean labels for inner loop, leading to information leakage. This is probably NOT what you want. ``` clf = Pipeline([ ('simulate_noise', UniformNoise(.3)), # Create label noise at first step ('scale', StandardScaler()), # Scale features ('feat_sel', VarianceThreshold(.2)), # Feature selection ('detector', KDN()), # Detect mislabeled samples ('handler', Filter(SVC())), # Filter out likely mislabeled samples and then train a SVM ]) clf_g = GridSearchCV(clf,{'detector__n_neighbors':[2,5,10]},cv=inner_cv) print(cross_val_score(clf_g, X, y, cv=outer_cv).mean()) # 5-fold cross validation ``` You can use noise simulators outside `Pipeline`, all `NoiseSimulator` classes are simple wrapper around functions. `UniformNoise` is a wrapper of `flip_labels_uniform`, as the first example of this document shows. ### Datasets & Performance Evaluation Unlike deep learning datasets which tends to be massive in size, tabular datasets are usually lot smaller. Any new algorithm is therefore compared using multiple datasets against baselines. The `skclean.utils` module provides two important functions to help researchers in these tasks: 1. `load_data`: to load several small to medium-sized preprocessed datasets on memory. 2. `compare`: These function takes several algorithms and datasets, and outputs the performances in a csv file. It supports automatic resumption of partially computed results, specially helpful for comparing long running, computationally expensive methods on big datasets. Take a look at [this notebook](./Evaluating%20Robust%20Methods.ipynb) to see how they are used. ``` ```
/scikit-clean-0.1.2.tar.gz/scikit-clean-0.1.2/doc/examples/Introduction to Scikit-clean.ipynb
Introduction to Scikit-clean.ipynb
## Evaluating Detectors In `scikit-clean`, A `Detector` only identifies/detects the mislabelled samples. It's not a complete classifier (rather a part of one). So procedure for their evaluation is different. We can view a noise detector as a binary classifier: it's job is to provide a probability denoting if a sample is "mislabelled" or "clean". We can therefore use binary classification metrics that work on continuous output: brier score, log loss, area under ROC curve etc. ``` # Suppress warnings, you should remove this before modifying this notebook def warn(*args, **kwargs): pass import warnings warnings.warn = warn import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.datasets import make_classification from sklearn.metrics import brier_score_loss, log_loss, roc_auc_score from skclean.tests.common_stuff import NOISE_DETECTORS # All noise detectors in skclean from skclean.utils import load_data from skclean.detectors.base import BaseDetector from skclean.simulate_noise import flip_labels_uniform class DummyDetector(BaseDetector): def detect(self, X, y): return np.random.uniform(size=y.shape) from skclean.detectors import KDN, RkDN class WkDN: def detect(self,X,y): return .5 * KDN().detect(X,y) + .5 * RkDN().detect(X,y) ALL_DETECTOTS = [DummyDetector(), WkDN()] + NOISE_DETECTORS X, y = make_classification(1800, 10) #X, y = load_data('breast_cancer') yn = flip_labels_uniform(y, .3) # 30% label noise clean_idx = (y==yn) # Indices of correctly labelled samples df = pd.DataFrame() for d in ALL_DETECTOTS: conf_score = d.detect(X, yn) for name,loss_func in zip(['log','brier','roc'], [log_loss, brier_score_loss, roc_auc_score]): loss = loss_func(clean_idx, conf_score)[d.__class__.__name__,name] = np.round(loss,3) df ``` Note that in case of `roc_auc_score`, higher is better. ``` ```
/scikit-clean-0.1.2.tar.gz/scikit-clean-0.1.2/doc/examples/Evaluating Detectors.ipynb
Evaluating Detectors.ipynb
## Evaluating Robust Models The goal of this notebook is to show how to compare several methods across several datasets.This will also serve as inroduction to two important `scikit-clean` functions: `load_data` and `compare`. We'll (roughly) implement the core idea of 3 existing papers on robust classification in the presence of label noise, and see how they compare on our 4 datasets readily available in `scikit-clean`. Those papers are: 1. Forest-type Regression with General Losses and Robust Forest - ICML'17 (`RobustForest` below in `MODELS` dictionary) 2. An Ensemble Generation Method Based on Instance Hardness- IJCNN'18 (`EGIH`) 3. Classification with label noise- a Markov chain sampling framework - ECML-PKDD'18 (`MCS`) ``` import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, make_scorer from skclean.detectors import KDN, InstanceHardness, MCS from skclean.handlers import WeightedBagging, SampleWeight, Filter from skclean.models import RobustForest from skclean.pipeline import Pipeline, make_pipeline from skclean.utils import load_data, compare import seaborn as sns ``` We'll use 4 datasets here, all come preloaded with `scikit-clean`. If you want to load new datasets through this function, put the csv-formatted dataset file in `datasets` folder (use `os.path.dirname(skclean.datasets.__file__)` to get it's location). Make sure labels are at the last column, and features are all real numbers. Check source code of `load_data` for more details. ``` DATASETS = ['iris', 'breast_cancer', 'optdigits', 'spambase'] SEED = 42 # For reproducibility N_JOBS = 8 # No of cpu cores to use in parallel CV = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=SEED+1) SCORING = 'accuracy' MODELS = { 'RobustForest': RobustForest(n_estimators=100), 'EGIH':make_pipeline(KDN(), WeightedBagging()), 'MCS': make_pipeline(MCS(), SampleWeight(LogisticRegression())) } ``` We'll create 30% uniform label noise for all our datasets using `UniformNoise`. Note that we're treating noise simulation as data transformation step and attaching it before our models in a pipeline. In this way, noise will only impact training set, and testing will be performed on clean labels. ``` from skclean.simulate_noise import UniformNoise N_MODELS = {} for name, clf in MODELS.items(): N_MODELS[name] = make_pipeline(UniformNoise(.3), clf) ``` `scikit-clean` models are compatible with `scikit-learn` API. So for evaluation, we'll use `cross_val_score` function of scikit-learn- this will create multiple train/test according to the `CV` variable we defined at the beginning, and compute performance. It also allows easily parallelizing the code using `n_jobs`. ``` from time import perf_counter # Wall time from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score for data_name in DATASETS: X,y = load_data(data_name, stats=True) for clf_name, clf in N_MODELS.items(): start_at = perf_counter() r = cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=CV, n_jobs=N_JOBS, scoring=SCORING).mean() print(f"{data_name}, {clf_name}: {r:.4f} in {perf_counter()-start_at:.2f} secs") print() ``` The `compare` function does basically the same thing the above cell does. Plus, it stores the results in a CSV format, with datasets in rows and algorithms in columns. And it can also automatically resume after interruption. ``` %%time result_path = "noisy.csv" dfn = compare(N_MODELS, DATASETS, cv=CV, df_path=result_path, random_state=SEED, scoring=SCORING,n_jobs=N_JOBS, verbose=False) dfn ``` Let's compare above values with ones computed with clean labels: ``` dfc = compare(MODELS, DATASETS, cv=CV, df_path=None, random_state=SEED, scoring=SCORING,n_jobs=N_JOBS, verbose=False) dfc dfc = dfc.assign(label='clean') dfn = dfn.assign(label='noisy') df = pd.concat([dfc,dfn]).melt(id_vars='label') df.rename(columns={'variable':'classifier','value':SCORING},inplace=True) sns.boxplot(data=df,hue='label',x='classifier',y=SCORING,width=.4); os.remove(result_path) ``` Note: This is a simple example, not a replication study, and shouldn't be taken as such.
/scikit-clean-0.1.2.tar.gz/scikit-clean-0.1.2/doc/examples/Evaluating Robust Methods.ipynb
Evaluating Robust Methods.ipynb
## Introduction to Scikit-clean `scikit-clean` is a python ML library for classification in the presence of label noise. Aimed primarily at researchers, this provides implementations of several state-of-the-art algorithms, along with tools to simulate artificial noise, create complex pipelines and evaluate them. ### Example Usage Before we dive into the details, let's take a quick look to see how it works. scikit-clean, as the name implies, is built on top of scikit-learn and is fully compatible* with scikit-learn API. scikit-clean classifiers can be used as a drop in replacement for scikit-learn classifiers. In the simple example below, we corrupt a dataset using artifical label noise, and then train a model using robust logistic regression: ``` from sklearn.datasets import make_classification, load_breast_cancer from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score from skclean.simulate_noise import flip_labels_uniform, UniformNoise, CCNoise from skclean.models import RobustLR from skclean.pipeline import Pipeline, make_pipeline SEED = 42 X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=.30, random_state=SEED) y_train_noisy = flip_labels_uniform(y_train, .3, random_state=SEED) # Flip labels of 30% samples clf = RobustLR(random_state=SEED).fit(X_train,y_train_noisy) print(clf.score(X_test, y_test)) ``` You can use scikit-learn's built in tools with scikit-clean. For example, let's tune one hyper-parameter of `RobustLR` used above, and evaluate the resulting model using cross-validation: ``` from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, cross_val_score grid_clf = GridSearchCV(RobustLR(),{'PN':[.1,.2,.4]},cv=3) cross_val_score(grid_clf, X, y, cv=5, n_jobs=5).mean() # Note: here we're training & testing here on clean data for simplicity ``` ### Algorithms Algorithms implemented in scikit-clean can be broadly categorized into two types. First we have ones that are *inherently* robust to label noise. They often modify or replace the loss functions of existing well known algorithms like SVM, Logistic Regression etc. and do not explcitly try to detect mislabeled samples in data. `RobustLR` used above is a robust variant of regular Logistic Regression. These methods can currently be found in `skclean.models` module, though this part of API is likely to change in future as no. of implementations grow. On the other hand we have *Dataset-focused* algorithms: their focus is more on identifying or cleaning the dataset, they usually rely on other existing classifiers to do the actual learning. Majority of current scikit-clean implementations fall under this category, so we describe them in a bit more detail in next section. ### Detectors and Handlers Many robust algorithms designed to handle label noise can be essentially broken down to two sequential steps: detect samples which has (probably) been mislabeled, and use that information to build robust meta classifiers on top of existing classifiers. This allows us to easily create new robust classifiers by mixing the noise detector of one paper with the noise-handler of another. In scikit-clean, the classes that implement those two tasks are called `Detector` and `Handler` respectively. During training, `Detector` will find for each sample the probability that it has been *correctly* labeled (i.e. `conf_score`). `Handler` can use that information in many ways, like removing likely noisy instances from dataset (`Filtering` class), or assigning more weight on reliable samples (`example_weighting` module) etc. Let's rewrite the above example. We'll use `KDN`: a simple neighborhood-based noise detector, and `WeightedBagging`: a variant of regular bagging that takes sample reliability into account. ``` from skclean.detectors import KDN from skclean.handlers import WeightedBagging conf_score = KDN(n_neighbors=5).detect(X_train, y_train_noisy) clf = WeightedBagging(n_estimators=50).fit(X_train, y_train_noisy, conf_score) print(clf.score(X_test, y_test)) ``` The above code is fine for very simple workflow. However, real world data modeling usually includes lots of sequential steps for preprocesing, feature selection etc. Moreover, hyper-paramter tuning, cross-validation further complicates the process, which, among other things, frequently leads to [Information Leakage]( An elegant solution to this complexity management is `Pipeline`. ### Pipeline `scikit-clean` provides a customized `Pipeline` to manage modeling which involves lots of sequential steps, including noise detection and handling. Below is an example of `pipeline`. At the very first step, we introduce some label noise on training set. Some preprocessing like scaling and feature selection comes next. The last two steps are noise detection and handling respectively, these two must always be the last steps. ``` from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit, StratifiedKFold from skclean.handlers import Filter from skclean.pipeline import Pipeline # Importing from skclean, not sklearn clf = Pipeline([ ('scale', StandardScaler()), # Scale features ('feat_sel', VarianceThreshold(.2)), # Feature selection ('detector', KDN()), # Detect mislabeled samples ('handler', Filter(SVC())), # Filter out likely mislabeled samples and then train a SVM ]) inner_cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=5,test_size=.2,random_state=1) outer_cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5,shuffle=True,random_state=2) clf_g = GridSearchCV(clf,{'detector__n_neighbors':[2,5,10]},cv=inner_cv) n_clf_g = make_pipeline(UniformNoise(.3),clf_g) # Create label noise at the very first step print(cross_val_score(n_clf_g, X, y, cv=outer_cv).mean()) # 5-fold cross validation ``` There are two important things to note here. First, don't use the `Pipeline` of `scikit-learn`, import from `skclean.pipeline` instead. Secondly, a group of noise hanbdlers are iterative: they call the `detect` of noise detectors multiple times (`CLNI`, `IPF` etc). Since they don't exactly follow the sequential noise detection->handling pattern, you must pass the detector in the constructor of those `Handler`s. ``` from skclean.handlers import CLNI clf = CLNI(classifier=SVC(), detector=KDN()) ``` All `Handler` *can* be instantiated this way, but this is a *must* for iterative ones. (Use `iterative` attribute to check.) ### Noise Simulation Remember that as a library written primarily for researchers, you're expected to have access to "true" or "clean" labels, and then introduce noise to training data by flipping those true labels. `scikit-clean` provides several commonly used noise simulators- take a look at [this example](./Noise%20SImulators.ipynb) to understand their differences. Here we mainly focus on how to use them. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that noise simulation should usually be the very first thing you do to your training data. In code below, `GridSearchCV` is creating a validation set *before* introducing noise and using clean labels for inner loop, leading to information leakage. This is probably NOT what you want. ``` clf = Pipeline([ ('simulate_noise', UniformNoise(.3)), # Create label noise at first step ('scale', StandardScaler()), # Scale features ('feat_sel', VarianceThreshold(.2)), # Feature selection ('detector', KDN()), # Detect mislabeled samples ('handler', Filter(SVC())), # Filter out likely mislabeled samples and then train a SVM ]) clf_g = GridSearchCV(clf,{'detector__n_neighbors':[2,5,10]},cv=inner_cv) print(cross_val_score(clf_g, X, y, cv=outer_cv).mean()) # 5-fold cross validation ``` You can use noise simulators outside `Pipeline`, all `NoiseSimulator` classes are simple wrapper around functions. `UniformNoise` is a wrapper of `flip_labels_uniform`, as the first example of this document shows. ### Datasets & Performance Evaluation Unlike deep learning datasets which tends to be massive in size, tabular datasets are usually lot smaller. Any new algorithm is therefore compared using multiple datasets against baselines. The `skclean.utils` module provides two important functions to help researchers in these tasks: 1. `load_data`: to load several small to medium-sized preprocessed datasets on memory. 2. `compare`: These function takes several algorithms and datasets, and outputs the performances in a csv file. It supports automatic resumption of partially computed results, specially helpful for comparing long running, computationally expensive methods on big datasets. Take a look at [this notebook](./Evaluating%20Robust%20Methods.ipynb) to see how they are used. ``` ```
/scikit-clean-0.1.2.tar.gz/scikit-clean-0.1.2/doc/_build/doctrees/nbsphinx/examples/Introduction to Scikit-clean.ipynb
Introduction to Scikit-clean.ipynb
## Evaluating Detectors In `scikit-clean`, A `Detector` only identifies/detects the mislabelled samples. It's not a complete classifier (rather a part of one). So procedure for their evaluation is different. We can view a noise detector as a binary classifier: it's job is to provide a probability denoting if a sample is "mislabelled" or "clean". We can therefore use binary classification metrics that work on continuous output: brier score, log loss, area under ROC curve etc. ``` # Suppress warnings, you should remove this before modifying this notebook def warn(*args, **kwargs): pass import warnings warnings.warn = warn import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.datasets import make_classification from sklearn.metrics import brier_score_loss, log_loss, roc_auc_score from skclean.tests.common_stuff import NOISE_DETECTORS # All noise detectors in skclean from skclean.utils import load_data from skclean.detectors.base import BaseDetector from skclean.simulate_noise import flip_labels_uniform class DummyDetector(BaseDetector): def detect(self, X, y): return np.random.uniform(size=y.shape) from skclean.detectors import KDN, RkDN class WkDN: def detect(self,X,y): return .5 * KDN().detect(X,y) + .5 * RkDN().detect(X,y) ALL_DETECTOTS = [DummyDetector(), WkDN()] + NOISE_DETECTORS X, y = make_classification(1800, 10) #X, y = load_data('breast_cancer') yn = flip_labels_uniform(y, .3) # 30% label noise clean_idx = (y==yn) # Indices of correctly labelled samples df = pd.DataFrame() for d in ALL_DETECTOTS: conf_score = d.detect(X, yn) for name,loss_func in zip(['log','brier','roc'], [log_loss, brier_score_loss, roc_auc_score]): loss = loss_func(clean_idx, conf_score)[d.__class__.__name__,name] = np.round(loss,3) df ``` Note that in case of `roc_auc_score`, higher is better. ``` ```
/scikit-clean-0.1.2.tar.gz/scikit-clean-0.1.2/doc/_build/doctrees/nbsphinx/examples/Evaluating Detectors.ipynb
Evaluating Detectors.ipynb
## Evaluating Robust Models The goal of this notebook is to show how to compare several methods across several datasets.This will also serve as inroduction to two important `scikit-clean` functions: `load_data` and `compare`. We'll (roughly) implement the core idea of 3 existing papers on robust classification in the presence of label noise, and see how they compare on our 4 datasets readily available in `scikit-clean`. Those papers are: 1. Forest-type Regression with General Losses and Robust Forest - ICML'17 (`RobustForest` below in `MODELS` dictionary) 2. An Ensemble Generation Method Based on Instance Hardness- IJCNN'18 (`EGIH`) 3. Classification with label noise- a Markov chain sampling framework - ECML-PKDD'18 (`MCS`) ``` import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, make_scorer from skclean.detectors import KDN, InstanceHardness, MCS from skclean.handlers import WeightedBagging, SampleWeight, Filter from skclean.models import RobustForest from skclean.pipeline import Pipeline, make_pipeline from skclean.utils import load_data, compare import seaborn as sns ``` We'll use 4 datasets here, all come preloaded with `scikit-clean`. If you want to load new datasets through this function, put the csv-formatted dataset file in `datasets` folder (use `os.path.dirname(skclean.datasets.__file__)` to get it's location). Make sure labels are at the last column, and features are all real numbers. Check source code of `load_data` for more details. ``` DATASETS = ['iris', 'breast_cancer', 'optdigits', 'spambase'] SEED = 42 # For reproducibility N_JOBS = 8 # No of cpu cores to use in parallel CV = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=SEED+1) SCORING = 'accuracy' MODELS = { 'RobustForest': RobustForest(n_estimators=100), 'EGIH':make_pipeline(KDN(), WeightedBagging()), 'MCS': make_pipeline(MCS(), SampleWeight(LogisticRegression())) } ``` We'll create 30% uniform label noise for all our datasets using `UniformNoise`. Note that we're treating noise simulation as data transformation step and attaching it before our models in a pipeline. In this way, noise will only impact training set, and testing will be performed on clean labels. ``` from skclean.simulate_noise import UniformNoise N_MODELS = {} for name, clf in MODELS.items(): N_MODELS[name] = make_pipeline(UniformNoise(.3), clf) ``` `scikit-clean` models are compatible with `scikit-learn` API. So for evaluation, we'll use `cross_val_score` function of scikit-learn- this will create multiple train/test according to the `CV` variable we defined at the beginning, and compute performance. It also allows easily parallelizing the code using `n_jobs`. ``` from time import perf_counter # Wall time from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score for data_name in DATASETS: X,y = load_data(data_name, stats=True) for clf_name, clf in N_MODELS.items(): start_at = perf_counter() r = cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=CV, n_jobs=N_JOBS, scoring=SCORING).mean() print(f"{data_name}, {clf_name}: {r:.4f} in {perf_counter()-start_at:.2f} secs") print() ``` The `compare` function does basically the same thing the above cell does. Plus, it stores the results in a CSV format, with datasets in rows and algorithms in columns. And it can also automatically resume after interruption. ``` %%time result_path = "noisy.csv" dfn = compare(N_MODELS, DATASETS, cv=CV, df_path=result_path, random_state=SEED, scoring=SCORING,n_jobs=N_JOBS, verbose=False) dfn ``` Let's compare above values with ones computed with clean labels: ``` dfc = compare(MODELS, DATASETS, cv=CV, df_path=None, random_state=SEED, scoring=SCORING,n_jobs=N_JOBS, verbose=False) dfc dfc = dfc.assign(label='clean') dfn = dfn.assign(label='noisy') df = pd.concat([dfc,dfn]).melt(id_vars='label') df.rename(columns={'variable':'classifier','value':SCORING},inplace=True) sns.boxplot(data=df,hue='label',x='classifier',y=SCORING,width=.4); os.remove(result_path) ``` Note: This is a simple example, not a replication study, and shouldn't be taken as such.
/scikit-clean-0.1.2.tar.gz/scikit-clean-0.1.2/doc/_build/doctrees/nbsphinx/examples/Evaluating Robust Methods.ipynb
Evaluating Robust Methods.ipynb
## Introduction to Scikit-clean `scikit-clean` is a python ML library for classification in the presence of label noise. Aimed primarily at researchers, this provides implementations of several state-of-the-art algorithms, along with tools to simulate artificial noise, create complex pipelines and evaluate them. ### Example Usage Before we dive into the details, let's take a quick look to see how it works. scikit-clean, as the name implies, is built on top of scikit-learn and is fully compatible* with scikit-learn API. scikit-clean classifiers can be used as a drop in replacement for scikit-learn classifiers. In the simple example below, we corrupt a dataset using artifical label noise, and then train a model using robust logistic regression: ``` from sklearn.datasets import make_classification, load_breast_cancer from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score from skclean.simulate_noise import flip_labels_uniform, UniformNoise, CCNoise from skclean.models import RobustLR from skclean.pipeline import Pipeline, make_pipeline SEED = 42 X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=.30, random_state=SEED) y_train_noisy = flip_labels_uniform(y_train, .3, random_state=SEED) # Flip labels of 30% samples clf = RobustLR(random_state=SEED).fit(X_train,y_train_noisy) print(clf.score(X_test, y_test)) ``` You can use scikit-learn's built in tools with scikit-clean. For example, let's tune one hyper-parameter of `RobustLR` used above, and evaluate the resulting model using cross-validation: ``` from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, cross_val_score grid_clf = GridSearchCV(RobustLR(),{'PN':[.1,.2,.4]},cv=3) cross_val_score(grid_clf, X, y, cv=5, n_jobs=5).mean() # Note: here we're training & testing here on clean data for simplicity ``` ### Algorithms Algorithms implemented in scikit-clean can be broadly categorized into two types. First we have ones that are *inherently* robust to label noise. They often modify or replace the loss functions of existing well known algorithms like SVM, Logistic Regression etc. and do not explcitly try to detect mislabeled samples in data. `RobustLR` used above is a robust variant of regular Logistic Regression. These methods can currently be found in `skclean.models` module, though this part of API is likely to change in future as no. of implementations grow. On the other hand we have *Dataset-focused* algorithms: their focus is more on identifying or cleaning the dataset, they usually rely on other existing classifiers to do the actual learning. Majority of current scikit-clean implementations fall under this category, so we describe them in a bit more detail in next section. ### Detectors and Handlers Many robust algorithms designed to handle label noise can be essentially broken down to two sequential steps: detect samples which has (probably) been mislabeled, and use that information to build robust meta classifiers on top of existing classifiers. This allows us to easily create new robust classifiers by mixing the noise detector of one paper with the noise-handler of another. In scikit-clean, the classes that implement those two tasks are called `Detector` and `Handler` respectively. During training, `Detector` will find for each sample the probability that it has been *correctly* labeled (i.e. `conf_score`). `Handler` can use that information in many ways, like removing likely noisy instances from dataset (`Filtering` class), or assigning more weight on reliable samples (`example_weighting` module) etc. Let's rewrite the above example. We'll use `KDN`: a simple neighborhood-based noise detector, and `WeightedBagging`: a variant of regular bagging that takes sample reliability into account. ``` from skclean.detectors import KDN from skclean.handlers import WeightedBagging conf_score = KDN(n_neighbors=5).detect(X_train, y_train_noisy) clf = WeightedBagging(n_estimators=50).fit(X_train, y_train_noisy, conf_score) print(clf.score(X_test, y_test)) ``` The above code is fine for very simple workflow. However, real world data modeling usually includes lots of sequential steps for preprocesing, feature selection etc. Moreover, hyper-paramter tuning, cross-validation further complicates the process, which, among other things, frequently leads to [Information Leakage]( An elegant solution to this complexity management is `Pipeline`. ### Pipeline `scikit-clean` provides a customized `Pipeline` to manage modeling which involves lots of sequential steps, including noise detection and handling. Below is an example of `pipeline`. At the very first step, we introduce some label noise on training set. Some preprocessing like scaling and feature selection comes next. The last two steps are noise detection and handling respectively, these two must always be the last steps. ``` from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit, StratifiedKFold from skclean.handlers import Filter from skclean.pipeline import Pipeline # Importing from skclean, not sklearn clf = Pipeline([ ('scale', StandardScaler()), # Scale features ('feat_sel', VarianceThreshold(.2)), # Feature selection ('detector', KDN()), # Detect mislabeled samples ('handler', Filter(SVC())), # Filter out likely mislabeled samples and then train a SVM ]) inner_cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=5,test_size=.2,random_state=1) outer_cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5,shuffle=True,random_state=2) clf_g = GridSearchCV(clf,{'detector__n_neighbors':[2,5,10]},cv=inner_cv) n_clf_g = make_pipeline(UniformNoise(.3),clf_g) # Create label noise at the very first step print(cross_val_score(n_clf_g, X, y, cv=outer_cv).mean()) # 5-fold cross validation ``` There are two important things to note here. First, don't use the `Pipeline` of `scikit-learn`, import from `skclean.pipeline` instead. Secondly, a group of noise hanbdlers are iterative: they call the `detect` of noise detectors multiple times (`CLNI`, `IPF` etc). Since they don't exactly follow the sequential noise detection->handling pattern, you must pass the detector in the constructor of those `Handler`s. ``` from skclean.handlers import CLNI clf = CLNI(classifier=SVC(), detector=KDN()) ``` All `Handler` *can* be instantiated this way, but this is a *must* for iterative ones. (Use `iterative` attribute to check.) ### Noise Simulation Remember that as a library written primarily for researchers, you're expected to have access to "true" or "clean" labels, and then introduce noise to training data by flipping those true labels. `scikit-clean` provides several commonly used noise simulators- take a look at [this example](./Noise%20SImulators.ipynb) to understand their differences. Here we mainly focus on how to use them. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that noise simulation should usually be the very first thing you do to your training data. In code below, `GridSearchCV` is creating a validation set *before* introducing noise and using clean labels for inner loop, leading to information leakage. This is probably NOT what you want. ``` clf = Pipeline([ ('simulate_noise', UniformNoise(.3)), # Create label noise at first step ('scale', StandardScaler()), # Scale features ('feat_sel', VarianceThreshold(.2)), # Feature selection ('detector', KDN()), # Detect mislabeled samples ('handler', Filter(SVC())), # Filter out likely mislabeled samples and then train a SVM ]) clf_g = GridSearchCV(clf,{'detector__n_neighbors':[2,5,10]},cv=inner_cv) print(cross_val_score(clf_g, X, y, cv=outer_cv).mean()) # 5-fold cross validation ``` You can use noise simulators outside `Pipeline`, all `NoiseSimulator` classes are simple wrapper around functions. `UniformNoise` is a wrapper of `flip_labels_uniform`, as the first example of this document shows. ### Datasets & Performance Evaluation Unlike deep learning datasets which tends to be massive in size, tabular datasets are usually lot smaller. Any new algorithm is therefore compared using multiple datasets against baselines. The `skclean.utils` module provides two important functions to help researchers in these tasks: 1. `load_data`: to load several small to medium-sized preprocessed datasets on memory. 2. `compare`: These function takes several algorithms and datasets, and outputs the performances in a csv file. It supports automatic resumption of partially computed results, specially helpful for comparing long running, computationally expensive methods on big datasets. Take a look at [this notebook](./Evaluating%20Robust%20Methods.ipynb) to see how they are used. ``` ```
/scikit-clean-0.1.2.tar.gz/scikit-clean-0.1.2/doc/_build/html/examples/Introduction to Scikit-clean.ipynb
Introduction to Scikit-clean.ipynb
## Evaluating Detectors In `scikit-clean`, A `Detector` only identifies/detects the mislabelled samples. It's not a complete classifier (rather a part of one). So procedure for their evaluation is different. We can view a noise detector as a binary classifier: it's job is to provide a probability denoting if a sample is "mislabelled" or "clean". We can therefore use binary classification metrics that work on continuous output: brier score, log loss, area under ROC curve etc. ``` # Suppress warnings, you should remove this before modifying this notebook def warn(*args, **kwargs): pass import warnings warnings.warn = warn import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.datasets import make_classification from sklearn.metrics import brier_score_loss, log_loss, roc_auc_score from skclean.tests.common_stuff import NOISE_DETECTORS # All noise detectors in skclean from skclean.utils import load_data from skclean.detectors.base import BaseDetector from skclean.simulate_noise import flip_labels_uniform class DummyDetector(BaseDetector): def detect(self, X, y): return np.random.uniform(size=y.shape) from skclean.detectors import KDN, RkDN class WkDN: def detect(self,X,y): return .5 * KDN().detect(X,y) + .5 * RkDN().detect(X,y) ALL_DETECTOTS = [DummyDetector(), WkDN()] + NOISE_DETECTORS X, y = make_classification(1800, 10) #X, y = load_data('breast_cancer') yn = flip_labels_uniform(y, .3) # 30% label noise clean_idx = (y==yn) # Indices of correctly labelled samples df = pd.DataFrame() for d in ALL_DETECTOTS: conf_score = d.detect(X, yn) for name,loss_func in zip(['log','brier','roc'], [log_loss, brier_score_loss, roc_auc_score]): loss = loss_func(clean_idx, conf_score)[d.__class__.__name__,name] = np.round(loss,3) df ``` Note that in case of `roc_auc_score`, higher is better. ``` ```
/scikit-clean-0.1.2.tar.gz/scikit-clean-0.1.2/doc/_build/html/examples/Evaluating Detectors.ipynb
Evaluating Detectors.ipynb
## Evaluating Robust Models The goal of this notebook is to show how to compare several methods across several datasets.This will also serve as inroduction to two important `scikit-clean` functions: `load_data` and `compare`. We'll (roughly) implement the core idea of 3 existing papers on robust classification in the presence of label noise, and see how they compare on our 4 datasets readily available in `scikit-clean`. Those papers are: 1. Forest-type Regression with General Losses and Robust Forest - ICML'17 (`RobustForest` below in `MODELS` dictionary) 2. An Ensemble Generation Method Based on Instance Hardness- IJCNN'18 (`EGIH`) 3. Classification with label noise- a Markov chain sampling framework - ECML-PKDD'18 (`MCS`) ``` import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, make_scorer from skclean.detectors import KDN, InstanceHardness, MCS from skclean.handlers import WeightedBagging, SampleWeight, Filter from skclean.models import RobustForest from skclean.pipeline import Pipeline, make_pipeline from skclean.utils import load_data, compare import seaborn as sns ``` We'll use 4 datasets here, all come preloaded with `scikit-clean`. If you want to load new datasets through this function, put the csv-formatted dataset file in `datasets` folder (use `os.path.dirname(skclean.datasets.__file__)` to get it's location). Make sure labels are at the last column, and features are all real numbers. Check source code of `load_data` for more details. ``` DATASETS = ['iris', 'breast_cancer', 'optdigits', 'spambase'] SEED = 42 # For reproducibility N_JOBS = 8 # No of cpu cores to use in parallel CV = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=SEED+1) SCORING = 'accuracy' MODELS = { 'RobustForest': RobustForest(n_estimators=100), 'EGIH':make_pipeline(KDN(), WeightedBagging()), 'MCS': make_pipeline(MCS(), SampleWeight(LogisticRegression())) } ``` We'll create 30% uniform label noise for all our datasets using `UniformNoise`. Note that we're treating noise simulation as data transformation step and attaching it before our models in a pipeline. In this way, noise will only impact training set, and testing will be performed on clean labels. ``` from skclean.simulate_noise import UniformNoise N_MODELS = {} for name, clf in MODELS.items(): N_MODELS[name] = make_pipeline(UniformNoise(.3), clf) ``` `scikit-clean` models are compatible with `scikit-learn` API. So for evaluation, we'll use `cross_val_score` function of scikit-learn- this will create multiple train/test according to the `CV` variable we defined at the beginning, and compute performance. It also allows easily parallelizing the code using `n_jobs`. ``` from time import perf_counter # Wall time from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score for data_name in DATASETS: X,y = load_data(data_name, stats=True) for clf_name, clf in N_MODELS.items(): start_at = perf_counter() r = cross_val_score(clf, X, y, cv=CV, n_jobs=N_JOBS, scoring=SCORING).mean() print(f"{data_name}, {clf_name}: {r:.4f} in {perf_counter()-start_at:.2f} secs") print() ``` The `compare` function does basically the same thing the above cell does. Plus, it stores the results in a CSV format, with datasets in rows and algorithms in columns. And it can also automatically resume after interruption. ``` %%time result_path = "noisy.csv" dfn = compare(N_MODELS, DATASETS, cv=CV, df_path=result_path, random_state=SEED, scoring=SCORING,n_jobs=N_JOBS, verbose=False) dfn ``` Let's compare above values with ones computed with clean labels: ``` dfc = compare(MODELS, DATASETS, cv=CV, df_path=None, random_state=SEED, scoring=SCORING,n_jobs=N_JOBS, verbose=False) dfc dfc = dfc.assign(label='clean') dfn = dfn.assign(label='noisy') df = pd.concat([dfc,dfn]).melt(id_vars='label') df.rename(columns={'variable':'classifier','value':SCORING},inplace=True) sns.boxplot(data=df,hue='label',x='classifier',y=SCORING,width=.4); os.remove(result_path) ``` Note: This is a simple example, not a replication study, and shouldn't be taken as such.
/scikit-clean-0.1.2.tar.gz/scikit-clean-0.1.2/doc/_build/html/examples/Evaluating Robust Methods.ipynb
Evaluating Robust Methods.ipynb
import numpy as np from scipy.stats import entropy from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin, clone from sklearn.preprocessing import minmax_scale from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from skclean.utils.noise_generation import gen_simple_noise_mat def _flip_idx(Y, target_idx, random_state=None): """Flip the labels of `target_idx` to random label""" labels = np.unique(Y) random_state = check_random_state(random_state) target_mask = np.full(Y.shape, 0, dtype=np.bool) target_mask[target_idx] = 1 yn = Y.copy() mask = target_mask.copy() while True: left = mask.sum() if left == 0: break new_labels = random_state.choice(labels, size=left) yn[mask] = new_labels mask = mask & (yn == Y) return yn def flip_labels_uniform(Y: np.ndarray, noise_level: float, *, random_state=None, exact=True): """ All labels are equally likely to be flipped, irrespective of their true \ label or feature. The new (noisy) label is also chosen with uniform \ probability from alternative class labels. Parameters ----------------- Y: np.ndarray 1-D array of labels noise_level: float percentage of labels to flip random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility exact: bool default=True If True, the generated noise will be as close to `noise_level` as possible. The approximate version (i.e. exact=False) is faster but less accurate. Returns ----------- Yn: np.ndarray 1-D array of flipped labels """ if not exact: labels = np.unique(Y) n_labels = len(labels) lcm = np.full((n_labels, n_labels), noise_level / (n_labels - 1)) np.fill_diagonal(lcm, 1 - noise_level) return flip_labels_cc(Y, lcm, random_state=random_state) random_state = check_random_state(random_state) nns = int(len(Y) * noise_level) target_idx = random_state.choice(len(Y), size=nns, replace=False) yn = _flip_idx(Y, target_idx, random_state=random_state) assert (yn[target_idx] == Y[target_idx]).sum() == 0 return yn # TODO: create an *exact* version of this def flip_labels_cc(y, lcm, random_state=None): """ Class Conditional Noise: general version of flip_labels_uniform, a \ sample's probability of getting mislabelled and it's new (noisy) \ label depends on it's true label, but not features. Parameters ----------------- Y: np.ndarray 1-D array of labels lcm: np.ndarray Short for Label Confusion Matrix. `lcm[i,j]` denotes the probability \ of a sample with true label `i` getting mislabelled as `j`. random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility Returns ----------- Yn: np.ndarray 1-D array of flipped labels """ lcm = np.array(lcm) lcm = lcm / lcm.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) # Each row sums to 1 a = lcm[y] s = a.cumsum(axis=1) random_state = check_random_state(random_state) r = random_state.rand(a.shape[0])[:, None] yn = (s > r).argmax(axis=1) return yn # ----------------------------------------------------------------- class NoiseSimulator(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): def __init__(self, random_state=None): self.random_state = random_state def simulate_noise(self, X, y): raise NotImplementedError("Attempt to instantiate abstract class") def fit_transform(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): return self.simulate_noise(X, y) def transform(self, X): return X class UniformNoise(NoiseSimulator): """ All labels are equally likely to be flipped, irrespective of their true \ label or feature. The new (noisy) label is also chosen with uniform \ probability from alternative class labels. Simple wrapper around \ `flip_labels_uniform` mainly for use in `Pipeline`. Parameters ----------------- noise_level: float percentage of labels to flip exact: bool default=True If True, the generated noise will be as close to `noise_level` as possible. The approximate version (i.e. exact=False) is faster but less accurate. random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ def __init__(self, noise_level, exact=True, random_state=None): super().__init__(random_state=random_state) self.noise_level = noise_level self.exact = exact def simulate_noise(self, X, y): X, y = self._validate_data(X, y) yn = flip_labels_uniform(y, self.noise_level, random_state=self.random_state, exact=self.exact) return X, yn class CCNoise(NoiseSimulator): """ Class Conditional Noise: general version of `flip_labels_uniform`- \ a sample's probability of getting mislabelled and it's new (noisy) \ label depends on it's true label, but not features. Simple wrapper \ around `flip_labels_cc` mainly for use in `Pipeline`. Parameters ----------------- lcm: np.ndarray Short for Label Confusion Matrix. `lcm[i,j]` denotes the probability \ of a sample with true label `i` getting mislabelled as `j`. random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ def __init__(self, lcm=None, random_state=None): super().__init__(random_state=random_state) self.lcm = lcm def simulate_noise(self, X, y): lcm = self.lcm if self.lcm is None or isinstance(self.lcm, float): noise_level = self.lcm or .2 K = len(np.unique(y)) lcm = gen_simple_noise_mat(K, noise_level, self.random_state) X, y = self._validate_data(X, y) yn = flip_labels_cc(y, lcm, self.random_state) return X, yn class BCNoise(NoiseSimulator): """ Boundary Consistent Noise- instances closer to boundary more likely to \ be noisy. In this implementation, "closeness" to decision boundary of a \ sample is measured using entropy of it's class probabilities. A classifier with support for well calibrated class probabilities (i.e. \ `predict_proba` of scikit-learn API) is required. Only supports binary classification for now. See :cite:`idnoise18` for \ details. Parameters ------------------- classifier : object A classifier instance supporting sklearn API. noise_level: float percentage of labels to flip random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ def __init__(self, classifier, noise_level, random_state=None): self.classifier = classifier self.noise_level = noise_level self.random_state = random_state def simulate_noise(self, X, y): X, y = self._validate_data(X, y) rns = check_random_state(self.random_state) if 'random_state' in self.classifier.get_params(): self.classifier.set_params(random_state=rns.randint(10**3)) probs =, y).predict_proba(X) e = entropy(probs, axis=1) + .01 # Otherwise 0-entropy samples would never be selected e = e / e.max() nns = int(len(y) * self.noise_level) target_idx = rns.choice(len(y), size=nns, replace=False, p= e/e.sum()) return X, _flip_idx(y, target_idx, random_state=self.random_state)
import warnings import numpy as np from sklearn.base import ClassifierMixin, clone from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.utils import shuffle, check_random_state from .base import BaseHandler class Filter(BaseHandler, ClassifierMixin): """ Removes from dataset samples most likely to be noisy. Samples-to-be-removed can be selected in two ways: either a specified percentage of samples with lowest `conf_score`, or samples with lower `conf_score` than a specified threshold. Parameters ---------------- classifier: object A classifier instance supporting sklearn API. detector : `BaseDetector` or None, default=None To compute `conf_score`. Set it to `None` only if `conf_score` is \ expected in `fit()` (e.g. when used inside a Pipeline with a \ `BaseDetector` preceding it). Otherwise a Detector must be supplied \ during instantiation. threshold: float, default=.5 Samples with higher conf_score will be kept, rest will be filtered out. A \ value of .5 implies majority voting, whereas .99 (i.e. a value closer to, \ but less than 1.0) implies onsensus voting. frac_to_filter: float, default=None Percentages of samples to filter out. Exactly one of either threshold or \ frac_to_filter must be set. n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ def __init__(self, classifier, detector=None, threshold: float = .5, frac_to_filter: float = None, n_jobs=1, random_state=None): super().__init__(classifier, detector, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state) self.threshold = threshold self.frac_to_filter = frac_to_filter def fit(self, X, y, conf_score=None): X, y, conf_score = self._check_everything(X, y, conf_score) if not self.threshold and not self.frac_to_filter: raise ValueError("At least one of threshold or frac_to_filter must " "be supplied") if self.threshold is not None and self.frac_to_filter is not None: raise ValueError("Both threshold and frac_to_filter can not be supplied " "together, choose one.") if self.frac_to_filter is None: clean_idx = conf_score > self.threshold else: to_take = int(len(conf_score) * (1 - self.frac_to_filter)) clean_idx = np.argsort(-conf_score)[:to_take][clean_idx], y[clean_idx]) return self # TODO: Support RandomState obj everywhere # TODO: Change all "See X for details" to details/usage class FilterCV(BaseHandler, ClassifierMixin): """ For quickly finding best cutoff point for Filter i.e. `threshold` or \ `fraction_to_filter`. This avoids recomputing `conf_score` for each \ hyper-parameter value as opposed to say GridSearchCV. See \ :cite:`twostage18` for details/usage. Parameters ------------------- classifier: object A classifier instance supporting sklearn API. detector : `BaseDetector` or None, default=None To compute `conf_score`. Set it to `None` only if `conf_score` is \ expected in `fit()` (e.g. when used inside a Pipeline with a \ `BaseDetector` preceding it). Otherwise a Detector must be supplied \ during instantiation. thresholds : list, default=None A list of thresholds to choose the best one from fracs_to_filter : list, default=None A list of percentages to choose the best one from cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=None If None, uses 5-fold stratified k-fold if int, no of folds to use in stratified k-fold n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ def __init__(self, classifier, detector=None, thresholds=None, fracs_to_filter=None, cv=5, n_jobs=1, random_state=None): super().__init__(classifier, detector, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state) self.thresholds = thresholds self.fracs_to_filter = fracs_to_filter = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=cv) if isinstance(cv, int) else cv def _get_clean_idx(self, point, conf_score): if self.thresholds is not None: return np.argwhere(conf_score > point).reshape(-1) to_take = int(len(conf_score) * (1 - point)) return np.argsort(-conf_score)[:to_take] def _find_cutoff(self, X, y, conf_score): """Find the best cutoff point (either threshold or frac_to_filter) using cross_validation""" = check_random_state(self.random_state).randint(10 ** 8) cutoff_points = self.thresholds or self.fracs_to_filter best_acc, best_cutoff = 0.0, cutoff_points[0] for point in cutoff_points: clean_idx = self._get_clean_idx(point, conf_score) accs = [] for tr_idx, test_idx in, y): train_idx = set(tr_idx).intersection(clean_idx) train_idx = np.array(list(train_idx)) if len(train_idx) == 0: warnings.warn("All training instances of identified as noisy, skipping this fold") continue clf = clone(self.classifier).fit(X[train_idx], y[train_idx]) acc = clf.score(X[test_idx], y[test_idx]) accs.append(acc) avg_acc = sum(accs) / len(accs) if len(accs) > 0 else 0.0 print(point, avg_acc) if avg_acc > best_acc: best_acc = avg_acc best_cutoff = point return best_cutoff def fit(self, X, y, conf_score=None): X, y, conf_score = self._check_everything(X, y, conf_score) cutoff = self._find_cutoff(X, y, conf_score) clean_idx = self._get_clean_idx(cutoff, conf_score)[clean_idx], y[clean_idx]) return self # TODO: Support frac_to_filter, maybe using Filter? - nah, w/o FIlter class CLNI(BaseHandler, ClassifierMixin): """ Iteratively detects and filters out mislabelled samples unless a stopping criterion is met. See :cite:`clni11` for details/usage. Parameters ----------------- classifier: object A classifier instance supporting sklearn API. detector : `BaseDetector` To compute `conf_score`. All iterative handlers require this. threshold : float, default=.4 Samples with lower conf_score will be filtered out. eps : float, default=.99 Stopping criterion for main detection->cleaning loop, indicates ratio \ of total number of mislabelled samples identified in two successive \ iterations. n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ def __init__(self, classifier, detector, threshold=.4, eps=.99, n_jobs=1, random_state=None): super().__init__(classifier, detector, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state) self.threshold = threshold self.eps = eps def clean(self, X, y): X, y, conf_score = self._check_everything(X, y, conf_score=None) Xt, yt = X.copy(), y.copy() while True: clean_idx = conf_score > self.threshold N = len(X) - len(Xt) # size of A_(j-1) i.e. no of noisy instances detected so far Xa, ya = Xt[clean_idx], yt[clean_idx] # If new labels have fewer classes than original... if len(np.unique(y)) != len(np.unique(ya)): warnings.warn("One or more of the classes has been completely " "filtered out, stopping iteration.") break else: Xt, yt = Xa, ya if len(X) == len(Xt): warnings.warn("No noisy sample found, stopping at first iteration") break if N / (len(X) - len(Xt)) >= self.eps: break conf_score = self.detector.detect(Xt, yt) return Xt, yt def fit(self, X, y, conf_score=None): if conf_score is not None: raise RuntimeWarning("conf_score will be ignored. Iterative handlers only use " "Detector passed during construction.") Xf, yf = self.clean(X, y), yf) return self @property def iterative(self): # Does this Handler call Detector multiple times? return True # TODO: Throw this away? merge with CLNI? class IPF(BaseHandler, ClassifierMixin): """ Iteratively detects and filters out mislabelled samples unless \ a stopping criterion is met. See :cite:`ipf07` for details/usage. Differs slightly from `CLNI` in terms of how stopping criterion is \ implemented. Parameters ----------------- classifier: object A classifier instance supporting sklearn API. detector : `BaseDetector` To compute `conf_score`. All iterative handlers require this. threshold : float, default=.4 Samples with lower conf_score will be filtered out. eps : float, default=.99 Stopping criterion for main detection->cleaning loop, indicates ratio \ of total number of mislabelled samples identified in two successive \ iterations. n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ def __init__(self, classifier, detector, n_estimator=5, max_iter=3, n_jobs=1, random_state=None): super().__init__(classifier, detector, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state) self.n_estimator = n_estimator self.max_iter = max_iter def clean(self, X, y): Xf, yf = shuffle(X, y, random_state=self.random_state) orig_size = len(X) n_iters_with_small_change = 0 tmp = 0 Xf, yf, conf_score = self._check_everything(Xf, yf, conf_score=None) while n_iters_with_small_change < self.max_iter: tmp += 1 cur_size = len(Xf) clean_idx = conf_score > .5 # Idx of clean samples Xa, ya = Xf[clean_idx], yf[clean_idx] # If new labels have fewer classes than original... if len(np.unique(y)) != len(np.unique(ya)): warnings.warn("One or more of the classes has been completely " "filtered out, stopping iteration.") break else: Xf, yf = Xa, ya conf_score = self.detector.detect(Xf, yf) # Calling detect once more than necessary cur_change = cur_size - len(Xf) if cur_change <= .01 * orig_size: n_iters_with_small_change += 1 else: n_iters_with_small_change = 0 # Because these small change has to be consecutively 3 times return Xf, yf # Duplicate fit, a IterativeHandlerBase? def fit(self, X, y, conf_score=None): if conf_score is not None: raise RuntimeWarning("conf_score will be ignored. Iterative handlers only use " "Detector passed during construction.") Xf, yf = self.clean(X, y) assert len(np.unique(y)) == len(np.unique(yf)), "One or more of the classes has been completely filtered out", yf) return self @property def iterative(self): # Does this Handler call Detector multiple times? return True
import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from ..detectors.base import BaseDetector from sklearn.utils.validation import _check_sample_weight def _check_data_params(obj, X, y, conf_score): """Extracted out of BaseHandler for WeightedBag & Costing""" # Reproducibility rns = check_random_state(obj.random_state) for k, v in obj.get_params().items(): if isinstance(v, BaseEstimator) and 'random_state' in v.get_params(): v.set_params(random_state=rns.randint(10**8)) # Parallelization if obj.classifier and 'n_jobs' in obj.classifier.get_params(): obj.classifier.set_params(n_jobs=obj.n_jobs) if obj.detector and 'n_jobs' in obj.detector.get_params(): obj.detector.set_params(n_jobs=obj.n_jobs) if conf_score is None and obj.detector is None: raise ValueError("Neither conf_score or Detector is supplied to Handler") if conf_score is None: # outside Pipeline/ inside Iterative Handler conf_score = obj.detector.detect(X, y) X, y = obj._validate_data(X, y) obj.classes_ = np.unique(y) conf_score = _check_sample_weight(conf_score, X) return X, y, conf_score # Non-iterative Handlers can be used both w/ pipeline and H(c=C(),d=D()) format class BaseHandler(BaseEstimator): def __init__(self, classifier=None, detector=None, *, n_jobs=1, random_state=None): self.classifier = classifier self.detector = detector self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.random_state = random_state def _check_everything(self, X, y, conf_score): """Check hyparams suppiled in __init__ & data""" return _check_data_params(self, X, y, conf_score) def fit(self, X, y, conf_score=None): raise NotImplementedError("Attempt to instantiate abstract class") # problem with ensemble handlers: i.e. many copies of obj.classifier def predict(self, X): return self.classifier.predict(X) def predict_proba(self, X): return self.classifier.predict_proba(X) @property def iterative(self): # Does this Handler call Detector multiple times? return False
import warnings import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from skclean.handlers.base import BaseHandler, _check_data_params class SampleWeight(BaseHandler, ClassifierMixin): """ Simply passes `conf_score` (computed with `detector`) as sample weight to underlying classifier. Parameters ------------ classifier: object A classifier instance supporting sklearn API. Must support `sample_weight` in `fit()` method. detector : `BaseDetector` or None, default=None To compute `conf_score`. Set it to `None` only if `conf_score` is \ expected in `fit()` (e.g. when used inside a Pipeline with a \ `BaseDetector` preceding it). Otherwise a Detector must be supplied \ during instantiation. n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ def __init__(self, classifier, detector=None, *, n_jobs=1, random_state=None): super().__init__(classifier, detector, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state) def fit(self, X, y, conf_score=None): X, y, conf_score = self._check_everything(X, y, conf_score), y, sample_weight=conf_score) return self class Relabeling: """ Flip labels when confident about some other samples. Will require access to decision_function (predict_proba i.e. N*L shape). Raise error early if detector doesn't support it. Also, show available detectors that do support it by providing sample code to run to get that list. Find another Relabeling algo, and Put them in a 3rd file? """ class _WBBase(ClassifierMixin, BaseEstimator): def __init__(self, estimator, replacement, sampling_ratio, sample_weight=None): super().__init__() self.estimator = estimator self.replacement = replacement self.sampling_ratio = sampling_ratio self.sample_weight = sample_weight def fit(self, X, y): rng = check_random_state(self.estimator.random_state) to_sample = int(self.sampling_ratio * len(y)) target_idx = rng.choice(len(y), size=to_sample, replace=self.replacement, p=self.sample_weight) X, y = X[target_idx], y[target_idx], y) return self def predict(self, X): return self.estimator.predict(X) class WeightedBagging(BaggingClassifier): """ Similar to regular bagging- except cleaner samples will be chosen more often during bagging. That is, a sample's probability of getting selected in bootstrapping process is directly proportional to it's `conf_score`. See :cite:`ensih18` for details. Parameters ------------------ classifier: object A classifier instance supporting sklearn API. Same as `base_estimator` of scikit-learn's BaggingClassifier. detector : `BaseDetector` or None, default=None To compute `conf_score`. Set it to `None` only if `conf_score` is \ expected in `fit()` (e.g. when used inside a Pipeline with a \ `BaseDetector` preceding it). Otherwise a Detector must be supplied \ during instantiation. n_estimators : int, default=10 The number of base classifiers in the ensemble. replacement : bool, default=True Whether to sample instances with/without replacement at each base classifier sampling_ratio : float, 0.0 to 1.0, default=1.0 No of samples drawn at each tree equals: len(X) * sampling_ratio n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility verbose : int, default=0 Controls the verbosity when fitting and predicting """ def __init__(self, classifier=None, detector=None, n_estimators=100, replacement=True, sampling_ratio=1.0, n_jobs=1, random_state=None, verbose=0): BaggingClassifier.__init__( self, base_estimator=classifier, warm_start=False, n_estimators=n_estimators, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state, bootstrap=False, bootstrap_features=False, verbose=verbose) self.classifier = classifier self.detector = detector self.replacement = replacement self.sampling_ratio = sampling_ratio @property def classifier(self): return self.base_estimator @classifier.setter def classifier(self, clf): self.base_estimator = clf def _validate_estimator(self, default=DecisionTreeClassifier()): super()._validate_estimator() self.base_estimator_ = _WBBase(self.base_estimator_, self.replacement, self.sampling_ratio, self.conf_score_) def fit(self, X, y, conf_score=None, **kwargs): X, y, conf_score = _check_data_params(self, X, y, conf_score) conf_score += 1 / (len(y)) self.conf_score_ = conf_score/conf_score.sum() # Sum to one return super().fit(X, y) @property def iterative(self): # Does this Handler call Detector multiple times? return False class _RSBase(ClassifierMixin, BaseEstimator): # Rejection sampling Base def __init__(self, estimator, sample_weight=None): super().__init__() self.estimator = estimator self.sample_weight = sample_weight def fit(self, X, y): rng = check_random_state(self.estimator.random_state) r = rng.uniform(self.sample_weight.min(), self.sample_weight.max(), size=y.shape) target_idx = r <= self.sample_weight if len(np.unique(y[target_idx])) != len(np.unique(y)): warnings.warn("One or more classes are not present after resampling") X, y = X[target_idx], y[target_idx] self.estimator =, y) return self def predict(self, X): return self.estimator.predict(X) class Costing(BaggingClassifier): """ Implements *costing*, a method combining cost-proportionate rejection sampling and ensemble aggregation. At each base classifier, samples are selected for training with probability equal to `conf_score`. See :cite:`costing03` for details. Parameters ------------------ classifier: object A classifier instance supporting sklearn API. Same as `base_estimator` of scikit-learn's BaggingClassifier. detector : `BaseDetector` or None, default=None To compute `conf_score`. Set it to `None` only if `conf_score` is \ expected in `fit()` (e.g. when used inside a Pipeline with a \ `BaseDetector` preceding it). Otherwise a Detector must be supplied \ during instantiation. n_estimators : int, default=10 The number of base classifiers in the ensemble. n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility verbose : int, default=0 Controls the verbosity when fitting and predicting """ def __init__(self, classifier=None, detector=None, n_estimators=100, n_jobs=1, random_state=None, verbose=0): BaggingClassifier.__init__( self, base_estimator=classifier, n_estimators=n_estimators, warm_start=False, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state, bootstrap=False, bootstrap_features=False, verbose=verbose) self.classifier = classifier self.detector = detector @property def classifier(self): return self.base_estimator @classifier.setter def classifier(self, clf): self.base_estimator = clf def _validate_estimator(self, default=DecisionTreeClassifier()): super()._validate_estimator() self.base_estimator_ = _RSBase(self.base_estimator_, self.conf_score_) # Duplicate fit def fit(self, X, y, conf_score=None, **kwargs): X, y, conf_score = _check_data_params(self, X, y, conf_score) conf_score += 1 / (len(y)) self.conf_score_ = conf_score/conf_score.sum() # Sum to one return super().fit(X, y) @property def iterative(self): # Does this Handler call Detector multiple times? return False
import numpy as np from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from sklearn.base import ClassifierMixin, BaseEstimator from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.neighbors._base import _get_weights from sklearn.utils.extmath import weighted_mode # TODO: support all sklearn Random Forest parameters class RobustForest(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin): """ Uses a random forest to to compute pairwise similarity/distance, and then \ a simple K Nearest Neighbor that works on that similarity matrix. For a pair of samples, the similarity value is proportional to how frequently \ they belong to the same leaf. See :cite:`forestkdn17` for details. Parameters ------------ method : string, default='simple' There are two different ways to compute similarity matrix. In 'simple' method, the similarity value is simply the percentage of times two \ samples belong to same leaf. 'weighted' method also takes the size of \ those leaves into account- it exactly matches above paper's algorithm, \ but it is computationally slow. K : int, default=5 No of nearest neighbors to consider for final classification n_estimators : int, default=101 No of trees in Random Forest. max_leaf_nodes : int, default=128 Maximum no of leaves in each tree. n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ def __init__(self, method='simple', K=5, n_estimators=100, max_leaf_nodes=128, random_state=None, n_jobs=None): self.method = method self.K = K self.n_estimators = n_estimators self.max_leaf_nodes = max_leaf_nodes self.random_state = random_state self.n_jobs = n_jobs def fit(self, X, y): X, y = self._validate_data(X, y) self.forest_ = RandomForestClassifier( n_estimators=self.n_estimators, max_leaf_nodes=self.max_leaf_nodes, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, random_state=self.random_state ).fit(X, y) self.data_ = (X, y) return self def _pairwise_distance_weighted(self, train_X, test_X): out_shape = (test_X.shape[0], train_X.shape[0]) mat = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype='float32') temp = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype='float32') to_add = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype='float32') ones = np.ones(out_shape, dtype='float32') for tree in self.forest_.estimators_: train_leaves = tree.apply(train_X) test_leaves = tree.apply(test_X) match = test_leaves.reshape(-1, 1) == train_leaves.reshape(1, -1) # Samples w/ same leaf as mine:mates no_of_mates = match.sum(axis=1, dtype='float') # No of My Leaf mates np.multiply(match, no_of_mates.reshape(-1, 1), out=temp) # assigning weight to each leaf-mate, proportional to no of mates to_add.fill(0) np.divide(ones, temp, out=to_add, where=temp != 0) # Now making that inversely proportional assert np.allclose(to_add.sum(axis=1), 1) assert match.shape == (len(test_X), len(train_X)) == to_add.shape == temp.shape assert no_of_mates.shape == (len(test_X),) np.add(mat, to_add, out=mat) return 1 - mat / len(self.forest_.estimators_) def _pairwise_distance_simple(self, train_X, test_X): train_leaves = self.forest_.apply(train_X) # (train_X,n_estimators) test_leaves = self.forest_.apply(test_X) # (test_X,n_estimators) dist = cdist(test_leaves, train_leaves, metric='hamming') assert dist.shape == (len(test_X), len(train_X)) return dist def pairwise_distance(self, train_X, test_X): if self.method == 'simple': return self._pairwise_distance_simple(train_X, test_X) elif self.method == 'weighted': return self._pairwise_distance_weighted(train_X, test_X) raise Exception("method not recognized") def predict(self, X): train_X, train_Y = self.data_ dist = self.pairwise_distance(train_X, X) assert np.all(dist >= 0) idx = np.argsort(dist, axis=1) nn_idx = idx[:, :self.K] nn_dist = dist[np.arange(len(X))[:, None], nn_idx] nn_labels = train_Y[nn_idx] weights = _get_weights(nn_dist, 'distance') # Weighted KNN a, _ = weighted_mode(nn_labels, weights, axis=1) return a.reshape(-1)
import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import minimize from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.utils.extmath import log_logistic from sklearn.utils.multiclass import unique_labels def log_loss(wp, X, target, C, PN, NP): """ It is minimized using "L-BFGS-B" method of "scipy.optimize.minimize" function, and results in similar coefficients as sklearn's Logistic Regression when PN=NP=0.0. Parameters ------------- wp: Coefficients & Intercept X: (N,M) shaped data matrix target: (N,) shaped 1-D array of targets C: Regularization PN: % of Positive samples labeled as Negative NP: % of Positive samples labeled as Negative Returns ------------ loss_value: float """ c = wp[-1] w = wp[:-1] z =, w) + c yz = target * z # to compute l(t,y) nyz = -target * z # to compute l(t,-y) ls = -log_logistic(yz) # l(t,y) nls = -log_logistic(nyz) # l(t,-y) idx = target == 1 # indexes of samples w/ P label loss = ls.copy() # To store l-hat loss[idx] = (1 - NP) * ls[idx] - PN * nls[idx] # Modified loss for P samples loss[~idx] = (1 - PN) * ls[~idx] - NP * nls[~idx] # Modified loss for N samples loss = loss / (1 - PN - NP) + .5 * (1. / C) *, w) # Normalization & regularization return loss.sum() # Final loss class RobustLR(LogisticRegression): """ Modifies the logistic loss using class dependent (estimated) noise rates \ for robustness. This implementation is for binary classification tasks only. See :cite:`natarajan13` for details. Parameters ---------------- PN : float, default=.2 Percentage of Positive labels flipped to Negative. NP : float, default=.2 Percentage of Negative labels flipped to Positive. C : float Inverse of regularization strength, must be a positive float. random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ def __init__(self, PN=.2, NP=.2, C=np.inf, max_iter=4000, random_state=None): super().__init__(C=C, max_iter=max_iter, random_state=random_state) self.PN = PN self.NP = NP # TODO: Support `sample_weight` def fit(self, X, y, sample_weight=None): X, y = self._validate_data(X, y) self.classes_ = unique_labels(y) w0 = np.zeros(X.shape[1] + 1) target = y.copy() target[target == 0] = -1 self.r_ = minimize(log_loss, w0, method="L-BFGS-B", args=(X, target, self.C, self.PN, self.NP), options={"maxiter": self.max_iter}) self.coef_ = self.r_.x[:-1].reshape(1, -1) self.intercept_ = self.r_.x[-1:] return self
import numpy as np from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.neighbors._base import _get_weights from .base import BaseDetector # TODO: Support other distance metrics class KDN(BaseDetector): """ For each sample, the percentage of it's nearest neighbors with same label serves as it's `conf_score`. Euclidean distance is used to find the nearest neighbors. See :cite:`ensih18,ih14` for details. Parameters -------------- n_neighbors : int, default=5 No of nearest neighbors to use to compute `conf_score` weight : string, default='uniform' weight function used in prediction. If 'uniform', all points in each neighborhood are weighted equally. If 'distance', weights points by the inverse of their distance. n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use """ def __init__(self, n_neighbors=5, weight='uniform', n_jobs=1): super().__init__(n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=None) self.n_neighbors = n_neighbors self.weight = weight def _get_kdn(self, knn, y): dist, kid = knn.kneighbors() # (n_estimators,K) : ids & dist of nn's for every sample in X weights = _get_weights(dist, self.weight) if weights is None: weights = np.ones_like(kid) agreement = y[kid] == y.reshape(-1, 1) return np.average(agreement, axis=1, weights=weights) def detect(self, X, y): X, y = self._validate_data(X, y) # , accept_sparse=True knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors, weights=self.weight, n_jobs=self.n_jobs).fit(X, y) return self._get_kdn(knn, y) class ForestKDN(KDN): """ Like KDN, but a trained Random Forest is used to compute pairwise similarity. Specifically, for a pair of samples, their similarity is the percentage of times they belong to the same leaf. See :cite:`forestkdn17` for details. Parameters ------------------- n_neighbors : int, default=5 No of nearest neighbors to use to compute `conf_score` n_estimators : int, default=101 No of trees in Random Forest. max_leaf_nodes : int, default=64 Maximum no of leaves in each tree. weight : string, default='distance' weight function used in prediction. If 'distance', weights points by the inverse of their distance. If 'uniform', all points in each neighborhood are weighted equally. n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ def __init__(self, n_neighbors=5, n_estimators=100, max_leaf_nodes=64, weight='distance', n_jobs=1, random_state=None): super().__init__(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, weight=weight, n_jobs=n_jobs) self.n_estimators = n_estimators self.max_leaf_nodes = max_leaf_nodes self.random_state = random_state def detect(self, X, y): X, y = self._check_everything(X, y) forest = RandomForestClassifier( n_estimators=self.n_estimators, max_leaf_nodes=self.max_leaf_nodes, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, random_state=self.random_state).fit(X, y) Xs = forest.apply(X) knn = KNeighborsClassifier( n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors, metric='hamming', algorithm='brute', weights=self.weight, n_jobs=self.n_jobs).fit(Xs, y) return self._get_kdn(knn, y) # TODO: rename this class (?) class HybridKDN(KDN): def __init__(self, classifier, n_neighbors=5, weight='uniform', n_jobs=1): super().__init__(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, weight=weight, n_jobs=n_jobs) self.classifier = classifier def detect(self, X, y): X, y = self._validate_data(X, y) try: # classifier may already be trained yp = self.classifier.predict(X) except NotFittedError: yp =, y).predict(X) knn = KNeighborsClassifier().fit(X, y) _, kid = knn.kneighbors() agr = yp[kid] == y[kid] return agr.sum(axis=1) / knn.n_neighbors class RkDN(KDN): __doc__ = KDN.__doc__ def detect(self, X, y): X, y = self._validate_data(X, y) knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors, weights=self.weight, n_jobs=self.n_jobs).fit(X, y) _, kid = knn.kneighbors() N = len(X) M = np.zeros((N, N), dtype='bool') cols = np.zeros_like(kid) + np.arange(0, N).reshape(-1, 1) M[kid.reshape(-1), cols.reshape(-1)] = 1 label_agr = y.reshape(1, -1) == y.reshape(-1, 1) agr = M & label_agr m = M.sum(axis=1).astype('float') # Outliers who doesn't belong to anybody's NN list have conf_score=0 return np.divide(agr.sum(axis=1), m, out=np.zeros_like(m), where=(m != 0))
import warnings import numpy as np from sklearn import clone from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold, cross_val_predict from sklearn.utils import check_random_state from .base import BaseDetector class PartitioningDetector(BaseDetector): """ Partitions dataset into n subsets, trains a classifier on each. Trained models are then used to predict on entire dataset. See :cite:`ipf07` for details. Parameters ------------ classifier : object, default=None A classifier instance supporting sklearn API. If None, `DecisionTreeClassifier` is used. n_partitions : int, default=5 No of non-overlapping partitions created from dataset. For small datasets, you might want to use smaller values. n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ def __init__(self, classifier=None, n_partitions=5, n_jobs=1, random_state=None): super().__init__(n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state) self.classifier = classifier self.n_partitions = n_partitions def detect(self, X, y): X, y = self._check_everything(X, y) classifier = clone(self.classifier) if self.classifier else \ DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=2, random_state=self.random_state) breaks = [(len(X) // self.n_partitions) * i for i in range(1, self.n_partitions)] Xs, ys = np.split(X, breaks), np.split(y, breaks) clfs = [] for i in range(self.n_partitions): # All clfs have same random_state but diff data c = clone(classifier).fit(Xs[i], ys[i]) clfs.append(c) preds = np.zeros((len(X), self.n_partitions)) for i in range(self.n_partitions): preds[:, i] = clfs[i].predict(X) eqs = preds == y.reshape(-1, 1) return eqs.sum(axis=1) / self.n_partitions class MCS(BaseDetector): """ Detects noise using a sequential Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm. Tested for binary classification, multi-class classification sometimes perform poorly. See :cite:`mcmc19` for details. Parameters -------------- classifier : object, default=None A classifier instance supporting sklearn API. If None, `LogisticRegression` is used. n_steps : int, default=20 No of sampling steps to run. n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ def __init__(self, classifier=None, n_steps=20, n_jobs=1, random_state=None): super().__init__(n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state) self.classifier = classifier self.n_steps = n_steps def detect(self, X, y): X, y = self._check_everything(X, y) rns = check_random_state(self.random_state) seeds = rns.randint(10 ** 8, size=self.n_steps) classifier = clone(self.classifier) if self.classifier \ else LogisticRegression(random_state=self.random_state) contain_random_state = 'random_state' in classifier.get_params() mask = np.ones(y.shape, 'bool') conf_score = np.zeros(y.shape) for i in range(self.n_steps): conf_score[mask] += 1 clf = clone(classifier) if contain_random_state: clf.set_params(random_state=seeds[i])[mask], y[mask]) probs = clf.predict_proba(X) # (N,n_estimators), p(k|x) for all k in classes pc = probs[range(len(y)), y] # (N,), Prob assigned to correct class mask = rns.binomial(1, pc).astype('bool') if not np.all(np.unique(y[mask]) == self.classes_): warnings.warn(f"One or more classes have been entirely left out " f"in current iteration {i}, stopping MCMC loop.", category=RuntimeWarning) break return conf_score / self.n_steps class InstanceHardness(BaseDetector): """ A set of classifiers are used to predict labels of each sample using cross-validation. `conf_score` of a sample is percentage classifiers that correctly predict it's label. See :cite:`ih14` for details. Parameters -------------- classifiers : list, default=None Classifiers used to predict sample labels. If None, four classifiers are used: `GaussianNB`, `DecisionTreeClassifier`, `KNeighborsClassifier` and `LogisticRegression`. cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=None If None, uses 5-fold stratified k-fold if int, no of folds to use in stratified k-fold n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ DEFAULT_CLFS = [DecisionTreeClassifier(max_leaf_nodes=500), GaussianNB(), KNeighborsClassifier(), LogisticRegression(multi_class='auto', max_iter=4000, solver='lbfgs')] def __init__(self, classifiers=None, cv=None, n_jobs=1, random_state=None): super().__init__(n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state) self.classifiers = classifiers = cv def detect(self, X, y): X, y = self._check_everything(X, y) if self.classifiers is None: self.classifiers = InstanceHardness.DEFAULT_CLFS cv = if cv is None or type(cv) == int: n_splits = or 5 cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True, random_state=self.random_state) N = len(X) conf_score = np.zeros_like(y, dtype='float64') rns = check_random_state(self.random_state) seeds = rns.randint(10 ** 8, size=len(self.classifiers)) for i, clf in enumerate(self.classifiers): if 'random_state' in clf.get_params(): clf.set_params(random_state=seeds[i]) # probability given to original class of all samples probs = cross_val_predict(clf, X, y, cv=cv, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, method='predict_proba')[range(N), y] conf_score += probs return conf_score / len(self.classifiers) class RandomForestDetector(BaseDetector): """ Trains a Random Forest first- for each sample, only trees that didn't select it for training (via bootstrapping) are used to predict it's label. Percentage of trees that correctly predicted the label is the sample's `conf_score`. See :cite:`twostage18` for details. n_estimators : int, default=101 No of trees in Random Forest. sampling_ratio : float, 0.0 to 1.0, default=1.0 No of samples drawn at each tree equals: len(X) * sampling_ratio n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility """ # TODO: Allow other tree ensembles def __init__(self, n_estimators=101, sampling_ratio=None, n_jobs=1, random_state=None): super().__init__(n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state) self.n_estimators = n_estimators self.sampling_ratio = sampling_ratio def detect(self, X, y): X, y = self._validate_data(X, y) rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=self.n_estimators, oob_score=True, max_samples=self.sampling_ratio, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, random_state=self.random_state).fit(X, y) conf_score = rf.oob_decision_function_[range(len(X)), y] return conf_score
import numpy as np from sklearn.utils import check_random_state def noise_matrix_is_valid(noise_matrix, py, verbose=False): '''Given a prior py = p(y=k), returns true if the given noise_matrix is a learnable matrix. Learnability means that it is possible to achieve better than random performance, on average, for the amount of noise in noise_matrix.''' # Number of classes K = len(py) # Let's assume some number of training examples for code readability, # but it doesn't matter what we choose as its not actually used. N = float(10000) ps =, py) # P(y=k) # P(s=k, y=k') joint_noise = np.multiply(noise_matrix, py) # / float(N) # Check that joint_probs is valid probability matrix if not (abs(joint_noise.sum() - 1.0) < 1e-6): return False # Check that noise_matrix is a valid matrix # i.e. check p(s=k)*p(y=k) < p(s=k, y=k) for i in range(K): C = N * joint_noise[i][i] E1 = N * joint_noise[i].sum() - C E2 = N * joint_noise.T[i].sum() - C O = N - E1 - E2 - C if verbose: print( "E1E2/C", round(E1 * E2 / C), "E1", round(E1), "E2", round(E2), "C", round(C), "|", round(E1 * E2 / C + E1 + E2 + C), "|", round(E1 * E2 / C), "<", round(O), ) print( round(ps[i] * py[i]), "<", round(joint_noise[i][i]), ":", ps[i] * py[i] < joint_noise[i][i], ) if not (ps[i] * py[i] < joint_noise[i][i]): return False return True def generate_n_rand_probabilities_that_sum_to_m( n, m, seed, max_prob=1.0, min_prob=0.0, ): '''When min_prob=0 and max_prob = 1.0, this method is deprecated. Instead use np.random.dirichlet(np.ones(n))*m Generates 'n' random probabilities that sum to 'm'. Parameters ---------- n : int Length of np.array of random probabilities to be returned. m : float Sum of np.array of random probabilites that is returned. max_prob : float (0.0, 1.0] | Default value is 1.0 Maximum probability of any entry in the returned np.array. min_prob : float [0.0, 1.0) | Default value is 0.0 Minimum probability of any entry in the returned np.array.''' epsilon = 1e-6 # Imprecision allowed for inequalities with floats rns = check_random_state(seed) if n == 0: return np.array([]) if (max_prob + epsilon) < m / float(n): raise ValueError("max_prob must be greater or equal to m / n, but " + "max_prob = " + str(max_prob) + ", m = " + str(m) + ", n = " + str(n) + ", m / n = " + str(m / float(n))) if min_prob > (m + epsilon) / float(n): raise ValueError("min_prob must be less or equal to m / n, but " + "max_prob = " + str(max_prob) + ", m = " + str(m) + ", n = " + str(n) + ", m / n = " + str(m / float(n))) # When max_prob = 1, min_prob = 0, the following two lines are equivalent to: # intermediate = np.sort(np.append(np.random.uniform(0, 1, n-1), [0, 1])) # result = (intermediate[1:] - intermediate[:-1]) * m result = rns.dirichlet(np.ones(n)) * m min_val = min(result) max_val = max(result) while max_val > (max_prob + epsilon): new_min = min_val + (max_val - max_prob) # This adjustment prevents the new max from always being max_prob. adjustment = (max_prob - new_min) * rns.rand() result[np.argmin(result)] = new_min + adjustment result[np.argmax(result)] = max_prob - adjustment min_val = min(result) max_val = max(result) min_val = min(result) max_val = max(result) while min_val < (min_prob - epsilon): min_val = min(result) max_val = max(result) new_max = max_val - (min_prob - min_val) # This adjustment prevents the new min from always being min_prob. adjustment = (new_max - min_prob) * rns.rand() result[np.argmax(result)] = new_max - adjustment result[np.argmin(result)] = min_prob + adjustment min_val = min(result) max_val = max(result) return result def randomly_distribute_N_balls_into_K_bins( N, # int K, # int seed, max_balls_per_bin=None, min_balls_per_bin=None, ): '''Returns a uniformly random numpy integer array of length N that sums to K.''' if N == 0: return np.zeros(K, dtype=int) if max_balls_per_bin is None: max_balls_per_bin = N else: max_balls_per_bin = min(max_balls_per_bin, N) if min_balls_per_bin is None: min_balls_per_bin = 0 else: min_balls_per_bin = min(min_balls_per_bin, N / K) if N / float(K) > max_balls_per_bin: N = max_balls_per_bin * K arr = np.round(generate_n_rand_probabilities_that_sum_to_m( n=K, m=1, max_prob=max_balls_per_bin / float(N), min_prob=min_balls_per_bin / float(N), seed=seed ) * N) while sum(arr) != N: while sum(arr) > N: # pragma: no cover arr[np.argmax(arr)] -= 1 while sum(arr) < N: arr[np.argmin(arr)] += 1 return arr.astype(int) # This can be quite slow def generate_noise_matrix_from_trace( K, trace, max_trace_prob=1.0, min_trace_prob=1e-5, max_noise_rate=1 - 1e-5, min_noise_rate=0.0, valid_noise_matrix=True, py=None, frac_zero_noise_rates=0., seed=0, max_iter=10000, ): '''Generates a K x K noise matrix P(s=k_s|y=k_y) with trace as the np.mean(np.diagonal(noise_matrix)). Parameters ---------- K : int Creates a noise matrix of shape (K, K). Implies there are K classes for learning with noisy labels. trace : float (0.0, 1.0] Sum of diagonal entries of np.array of random probabilites that is returned. max_trace_prob : float (0.0, 1.0] Maximum probability of any entry in the trace of the return matrix. min_trace_prob : float [0.0, 1.0) Minimum probability of any entry in the trace of the return matrix. max_noise_rate : float (0.0, 1.0] Maximum noise_rate (non-digonal entry) in the returned np.array. min_noise_rate : float [0.0, 1.0) Minimum noise_rate (non-digonal entry) in the returned np.array. valid_noise_matrix : bool If True, returns a matrix having all necessary conditions for learning with noisy labels. In particular, p(y=k)p(s=k) < p(y=k,s=k) is satisfied. This requires that Trace > 1. py : np.array (shape (K, 1)) The fraction (prior probability) of each true, hidden class label, P(y = k). REQUIRED when valid_noise_matrix == True. frac_zero_noise_rates : float The fraction of the n*(n-1) noise rates that will be set to 0. Note that if you set a high trace, it may be impossible to also have a low fraction of zero noise rates without forcing all non-"1" diagonal values. Instead, when this happens we only guarantee to produce a noise matrix with frac_zero_noise_rates **or higher**. The opposite occurs with a small trace. seed : int Seeds the random number generator for numpy. max_iter : int (default: 10000) The max number of tries to produce a valid matrix before returning False. Output ------ np.array (shape (K, K)) noise matrix P(s=k_s|y=k_y) with trace as the np.sum(np.diagonal(noise_matrix)). This a conditional probability matrix and a left stochastic matrix.''' if valid_noise_matrix and trace <= 1: raise ValueError("trace = {}. trace > 1 is necessary for a".format(trace) + " valid noise matrix to be returned (valid_noise_matrix == True)") if valid_noise_matrix and py is None and K > 2: raise ValueError("py must be provided (not None) if the input parameter" + " valid_noise_matrix == True") if K <= 1: raise ValueError('K must be >= 2, but K = {}.'.format(K)) if max_iter < 1: return False rns = check_random_state(seed) # Special (highly constrained) case with faster solution. # Every 2 x 2 noise matrix with trace > 1 is valid because p(y) is not used if K == 2: if frac_zero_noise_rates >= 0.5: # Include a single zero noise rate noise_mat = np.array([ [1., 1 - (trace - 1.)], [0., trace - 1.], ]) return noise_mat if rns.rand() > 0.5 else np.rot90(noise_mat, k=2) else: # No zero noise rates diag = generate_n_rand_probabilities_that_sum_to_m(2, trace, seed=rns.randint(100)) noise_matrix = np.array([ [diag[0], 1 - diag[1]], [1 - diag[0], diag[1]], ]) return noise_matrix # K > 2 for z in range(max_iter): noise_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(K, K)) # Randomly generate noise_matrix diagonal. nm_diagonal = generate_n_rand_probabilities_that_sum_to_m( n=K, m=trace, max_prob=max_trace_prob, min_prob=min_trace_prob, seed=rns.randint(100) ) np.fill_diagonal(noise_matrix, nm_diagonal) # Randomly distribute number of zero-noise-rates across columns num_col_with_noise = K - np.count_nonzero(1 == nm_diagonal) num_zero_noise_rates = int(K * (K - 1) * frac_zero_noise_rates) # Remove zeros already in [1,0,..,0] columns num_zero_noise_rates -= (K - num_col_with_noise) * (K - 1) num_zero_noise_rates = np.maximum(num_zero_noise_rates, 0) # Prevent negative num_zero_noise_rates_per_col = randomly_distribute_N_balls_into_K_bins( N=num_zero_noise_rates, K=num_col_with_noise, max_balls_per_bin=K - 2, # 2 = one for diagonal, and one to sum to 1 min_balls_per_bin=0, seed=rns.randint(100) ) if K > 2 else np.array([0, 0]) # Special case when K == 2 stack_nonzero_noise_rates_per_col = list(K - 1 - num_zero_noise_rates_per_col)[::-1] # Randomly generate noise rates for columns with noise. for col in np.arange(K)[nm_diagonal != 1]: num_noise = stack_nonzero_noise_rates_per_col.pop() # Generate num_noise noise_rates for the given column. noise_rates_col = list(generate_n_rand_probabilities_that_sum_to_m( n=num_noise, m=1 - nm_diagonal[col], max_prob=max_noise_rate, min_prob=min_noise_rate, seed=rns.randint(100), )) # Randomly select which rows of the noisy column to assign the random noise rates rows = rns.choice([row for row in range(K) if row != col], num_noise, replace=False) for row in rows: noise_matrix[row][col] = noise_rates_col.pop() if not valid_noise_matrix or noise_matrix_is_valid(noise_matrix, py): break return noise_matrix def gen_simple_noise_mat(K: int, noise_level: float, random_state=None): rns = check_random_state(random_state) mat = np.zeros((K, K), dtype='float') mean = 1 - noise_level diag = rns.normal(loc=mean, scale=mean / 10, size=5) np.fill_diagonal(mat, diag) print(diag) for i in range(K): nl = 1 - mat[i][i] cols = [j for j in range(K) if j != i] mat[i, cols] = rns.dirichlet(np.ones(K - 1)) * nl return mat
from pathlib import Path from time import ctime, perf_counter import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, check_cv from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, LabelEncoder from sklearn.utils import shuffle, check_random_state _intervals = ( ('weeks', 604800), # 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ('days', 86400), # 60 * 60 * 24 ('hours', 3600), # 60 * 60 ('minutes', 60), ('seconds', 1), ) # Code taken from def _display_time(seconds, granularity=4): if seconds < 60: return f"{seconds:.2f} seconds" result = [] for name, count in _intervals: value = seconds // count if value: seconds -= value * count if value == 1: name = name.rstrip('s') result.append("{} {}".format(value, name)) return ', '.join(result[:granularity]) # TODO: Add support for downloading dataset def load_data(dataset, stats=False): path = Path(__file__).parent.parent / f'datasets/{dataset}.csv' try: df = pd.read_csv(path, header=None) except FileNotFoundError as e: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Dataset file {dataset} does not exist") df = df.astype('float64') data = df.values X, Y = data[:, :-1], data[:, -1] Y = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(Y) X = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(X) if stats: labels, freq = np.unique(Y, return_counts=True) print(f"{dataset}, {X.shape}, {len(labels)}, {freq.min() / freq.max():.3f}\n") return shuffle(X, Y, random_state=42) # TODO: Support resuming inside cross_val_score, use Dask? def compare(models: dict, datasets: list, cv, df_path=None, n_jobs=-1, scoring='accuracy', random_state=None, verbose=True, **kwargs): """ Compare different methods across several datasets, with support for \ parallelization, reproducibility and automatic resumption. Output is \ a csv file where each row represents a dataset and each column \ represents a method/ algorithm. It's basically a wrapper around \ `sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_score`- check this for more details. Note that support for resumption is somewhat limited, it can only \ recover output of (dataset, method) pair for whom computation is fully \ complete. In other words, if a 10-fold cross-validation is stopped \ after 5-fold, the results of that 5-fold is lost. Parameters -------------- models : dict Keys are model name, values are scikit-learn API compatible classifiers. datasets : list A list of either `string`, denoting dataset names to be loaded with \ `load_data`, or a nested tuple of (name, (X, y)), denoting dataset \ name, features and labels respectively. cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable if int, no of folds to use in stratified k-fold df_path : string, default=None Path to (csv) file to store results- will be overwritten if already \ present. scoring : string, or a scorer callable object / function with signature \ ``scorer(estimator, X, y)`` which should return only a single value. n_jobs : int, default=1 No of parallel cpu cores to use random_state : int, default=None Set this value for reproducibility. Note that this will overwrite \ existing random state of methods even if it's already present. verbose : Controls the verbosity level kwargs : Other parameters for ``cross_val_score``. """ rns = check_random_state(random_state) cv = check_cv(cv) cv.random_state = rns.randint(100) seeds = iter(rns.randint(10 ** 8, size=len(models)*len(datasets))) try: df = pd.read_csv(df_path, index_col=0) if verbose: print("Result file found, resuming...") # Word 'resuming' is used in test except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError): df = pd.DataFrame() for data in datasets: if type(data) == str: X, Y = load_data(data, stats=verbose) else: data, (X, Y) = data # Nested tuple of (name, (data, target)) if data not in df.index: df.loc[data, :] = None for name, clf in models.items(): if 'n_jobs' in clf.get_params(): clf.set_params(n_jobs=1) if 'random_state' in clf.get_params(): clf.set_params(random_state=next(seeds)) if name not in df.columns: df[name] = None if not pd.isna(df.loc[data, name]): v = df.loc[data, name] if verbose: print(f"Skipping {data},{name} :{v}") continue elif verbose: print(f"Starting: {data}, {name} at {ctime()[-14:-4]}") start = perf_counter() res = cross_val_score(clf, X, Y, cv=cv, n_jobs=n_jobs, scoring=scoring, error_score='raise', **kwargs)[data, name] = res.mean() elapsed_time = _display_time(perf_counter() - start) if verbose: print(f"Result: {df.loc[data, name]:.4f} in {elapsed_time} \n") if df_path: df.to_csv(df_path) if verbose: print() return df
import numpy as np from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from .initialization import initialize_random, initialize_probabilistic class CMeans: """Base class for C-means algorithms. Parameters ---------- n_clusters : int, optional The number of clusters to find. n_init : int, optional The number of times to attempt convergence with new initial centroids. max_iter : int, optional The number of cycles of the alternating optimization routine to run for *each* convergence. tol : float, optional The stopping condition. Convergence is considered to have been reached when the objective function changes less than `tol`. verbosity : int, optional The verbosity of the instance. May be 0, 1, or 2. .. note:: Very much not yet implemented. random_state : :obj:`int` or :obj:`np.random.RandomState`, optional The generator used for initialization. Using an integer fixes the seed. eps : float, optional To avoid numerical errors, zeros are sometimes replaced with a very small number, specified here. Attributes ---------- metric : :obj:`string` or :obj:`function` The distance metric used. May be any of the strings specified for :obj:`cdist`, or a user-specified function. initialization : function The method used to initialize the cluster centers. centers : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_clusters, n_features) The derived or supplied cluster centers. memberships : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_clusters) The derived or supplied cluster memberships. """ metric = 'euclidean' initialization = staticmethod(initialize_random) def __init__(self, n_clusters=2, n_init=10, max_iter=300, tol=1e-4, verbosity=0, random_state=None, eps=1e-18, **kwargs): self.n_clusters = n_clusters self.n_init = n_init self.max_iter = max_iter self.tol = tol self.verbosity = verbosity self.random_state = random_state self.eps = eps self.params = kwargs self.centers = None self.memberships = None def distances(self, x): """Calculates the distance between data x and the centers. The distance, by default, is calculated according to `metric`, but this method should be overridden by subclasses if required. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. Returns ------- :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_clusters) Each entry (i, j) is the distance between sample i and cluster center j. """ return cdist(x, self.centers, metric=self.metric) def calculate_memberships(self, x): raise NotImplementedError( "`calculate_memberships` should be implemented by subclasses.") def calculate_centers(self, x): raise NotImplementedError( "`calculate_centers` should be implemented by subclasses.") def objective(self, x): raise NotImplementedError( "`objective` should be implemented by subclasses.") def fit(self, x): """Optimizes cluster centers by restarting convergence several times. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. """ objective_best = np.infty memberships_best = None centers_best = None j_list = [] for i in range(self.n_init): self.centers = None self.memberships = None self.converge(x) objective = self.objective(x) j_list.append(objective) if objective < objective_best: memberships_best = self.memberships.copy() centers_best = self.centers.copy() objective_best = objective self.memberships = memberships_best self.centers = centers_best return j_list def converge(self, x): """Finds cluster centers through an alternating optimization routine. Terminates when either the number of cycles reaches `max_iter` or the objective function changes by less than `tol`. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. """ centers = [] j_new = np.infty for i in range(self.max_iter): j_old = j_new self.update(x) centers.append(self.centers) j_new = self.objective(x) if np.abs(j_old - j_new) < self.tol: break return np.array(centers) def update(self, x): """Updates cluster memberships and centers in a single cycle. If the cluster centers have not already been initialized, they are chosen according to `initialization`. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. """ self.initialize(x) self.memberships = self.calculate_memberships(x) self.centers = self.calculate_centers(x) def initialize(self, x): if self.centers is None and self.memberships is None: self.memberships, self.centers = \ self.initialization(x, self.n_clusters, self.random_state) elif self.memberships is None: self.memberships = \ self.initialization(x, self.n_clusters, self.random_state)[0] elif self.centers is None: self.centers = \ self.initialization(x, self.n_clusters, self.random_state)[1] class Hard(CMeans): """Hard C-means, equivalent to K-means clustering. Methods ------- calculate_memberships(x) The membership of a sample is 1 to the closest cluster and 0 otherwise. calculate_centers(x) New centers are calculated as the mean of the points closest to them. objective(x) Interpretable as the data's rotational inertia about the cluster centers. To be minimised. """ def calculate_memberships(self, x): distances = self.distances(x) return (np.arange(distances.shape[1])[:, np.newaxis] == np.argmin( distances, axis=1)).T def calculate_centers(self, x): return, x) / \ np.sum(self.memberships, axis=0)[..., np.newaxis] def objective(self, x): if self.memberships is None or self.centers is None: return np.infty distances = self.distances(x) return np.sum(self.memberships * distances) class Fuzzy(CMeans): """Base class for fuzzy C-means clusters. Attributes ---------- m : float Fuzziness parameter. Higher values reduce the rate of drop-off from full membership to zero membership. Methods ------- fuzzifier(memberships) Fuzzification operator. By default, for memberships $u$ this is $u^m$. objective(x) Interpretable as the data's weighted rotational inertia about the cluster centers. To be minimised. """ m = 2 def fuzzifier(self, memberships): return np.power(memberships, self.m) def objective(self, x): if self.memberships is None or self.centers is None: return np.infty distances = self.distances(x) return np.sum(self.fuzzifier(self.memberships) * distances) class Probabilistic(Fuzzy): """Probabilistic C-means. In the probabilistic algorithm, sample points have total membership of unity, distributed equally among each of the centers. This tends to push cluster centers away from each other. Methods ------- calculate_memberships(x) Memberships are calculated from the distance :math:`d_{ij}` between the sample :math:`j` and the cluster center :math:`i`. .. math:: u_{ik} = \left(\sum_j \left( \\frac{d_{ik}}{d_{jk}} \\right)^{\\frac{2}{m - 1}} \\right)^{-1} calculate_centers(x) New centers are calculated as the mean of the points closest to them, weighted by the fuzzified memberships. .. math:: c_i = \left. \sum_k u_{ik}^m x_k \middle/ \sum_k u_{ik} \\right. """ def calculate_memberships(self, x): distances = self.distances(x) distances[distances == 0.] = 1e-18 return np.sum(np.power( np.divide(distances[:, :, np.newaxis], distances[:, np.newaxis, :]), 2 / (self.m - 1)), axis=2) ** -1 def calculate_centers(self, x): return, x) / \ np.sum(self.fuzzifier(self.memberships).T, axis=1)[..., np.newaxis] class Possibilistic(Fuzzy): """Possibilistic C-means. In the possibilistic algorithm, sample points are assigned memberships according to their relative proximity to the centers. This is controlled through a weighting to the cluster centers, approximately the variance of each cluster. Methods ------- calculate_memberships(x) Memberships are calculated from the distance :math:`d_{ij}` between the sample :math:`j` and the cluster center :math:`i`, and the weighting :math:`w_i` of each center. .. math:: u_{ik} = \left(1 + \left(\\frac{d_{ik}}{w_i}\\right)^\\frac{1}{m -1} \\right)^{-1} calculate_centers(x) New centers are calculated as the mean of the points closest to them, weighted by the fuzzified memberships. .. math:: c_i = \left. \sum_k u_{ik}^m x_k \middle/ \sum_k u_{ik} \\right. """ initialization = staticmethod(initialize_probabilistic) _weights = None def weights(self, x): if self._weights is None: distances = self.distances(x) memberships = self.memberships self._weights = np.sum(self.fuzzifier(memberships) * distances, axis=0) / np.sum(self.fuzzifier(memberships), axis=0) return self._weights def calculate_memberships(self, x): distances = self.distances(x) return (1. + (distances / self.weights(x)) ** ( 1. / (self.m - 1))) ** -1. def calculate_centers(self, x): return np.divide(, x), np.sum(self.fuzzifier(self.memberships), axis=0)[ ..., np.newaxis]) class GustafsonKesselMixin(Fuzzy): """Gives clusters ellipsoidal character. The Gustafson-Kessel algorithm redefines the distance measurement such that clusters may adopt ellipsoidal shapes. This is achieved through updates to a covariance matrix assigned to each cluster center. Examples -------- Create a algorithm for probabilistic clustering with ellipsoidal clusters: >>> class ProbabilisticGustafsonKessel(GustafsonKesselMixin, Probabilistic): >>> pass >>> pgk = ProbabilisticGustafsonKessel() >>> """ covariance = None def fit(self, x): """Optimizes cluster centers by restarting convergence several times. Extends the default behaviour by recalculating the covariance matrix with resultant memberships and centers. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. """ j_list = super(GustafsonKesselMixin, self).fit(x) self.covariance = self.calculate_covariance(x) return j_list def update(self, x): """Single update of the cluster algorithm. Extends the default behaviour by including a covariance calculation after updating the centers Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. """ self.initialize(x) self.centers = self.calculate_centers(x) self.covariance = self.calculate_covariance(x) self.memberships = self.calculate_memberships(x) def distances(self, x): covariance = self.covariance if self.covariance is not None \ else self.calculate_covariance(x) d = x - self.centers[:, np.newaxis] left_multiplier = \ np.einsum('...ij,...jk', d, np.linalg.inv(covariance)) return np.sum(left_multiplier * d, axis=2).T def calculate_covariance(self, x): """Calculates the covariance of the data `u` with cluster centers `v`. Parameters ---------- x : :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_samples, n_features) The original data. Returns ------- :obj:`np.ndarray` (n_clusters, n_features, n_features) The covariance matrix of each cluster. """ v = self.centers if v is None: return None q, p = v.shape if self.memberships is None: # If no memberships have been calculated assume n-spherical clusters return (np.eye(p)[..., np.newaxis] * np.ones((p, q))).T q, p = v.shape vector_difference = x - v[:, np.newaxis] fuzzy_memberships = self.fuzzifier(self.memberships) right_multiplier = \ np.einsum('...i,...j->...ij', vector_difference, vector_difference) einstein_sum = \ np.einsum('i...,...ijk', fuzzy_memberships, right_multiplier) / \ np.sum(fuzzy_memberships, axis=0)[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] return np.nan_to_num( einstein_sum / (np.linalg.det(einstein_sum) ** (1 / q))[ ..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis])
[![Build Status](]( [![Coverage](]( [![PyPi](]( [![Docs](]( CommPy ====== CommPy is an open source toolkit implementing digital communications algorithms in Python using NumPy and SciPy. Objectives ---------- - To provide readable and useable implementations of algorithms used in the research, design and implementation of digital communication systems. Available Features ------------------ [Channel Coding]( -------------- - Encoder for Convolutional Codes (Polynomial, Recursive Systematic). Supports all rates and puncture matrices. - Viterbi Decoder for Convolutional Codes (Hard Decision Output). - MAP Decoder for Convolutional Codes (Based on the BCJR algorithm). - Encoder for a rate-1/3 systematic parallel concatenated Turbo Code. - Turbo Decoder for a rate-1/3 systematic parallel concatenated turbo code (Based on the MAP decoder/BCJR algorithm). - Binary Galois Field GF(2^m) with minimal polynomials and cyclotomic cosets. - Create all possible generator polynomials for a (n,k) cyclic code. - Random Interleavers and De-interleavers. - Belief Propagation (BP) Decoder and triangular systematic encoder for LDPC Codes. [Channel Models]( -------------- - SISO Channel with Rayleigh or Rician fading. - MIMO Channel with Rayleigh or Rician fading. - Binary Erasure Channel (BEC) - Binary Symmetric Channel (BSC) - Binary AWGN Channel (BAWGNC) [Wifi 802.11 Simulation Class]( - A class to simulate the transmissions and receiving parameters of physical layer 802.11 (currently till VHT (ac)). [Filters]( ------- - Rectangular - Raised Cosine (RC), Root Raised Cosine (RRC) - Gaussian [Impairments]( ----------- - Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) [Modulation/Demodulation]( ----------------------- - Phase Shift Keying (PSK) - Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) - OFDM Tx/Rx signal processing - MIMO Maximum Likelihood (ML) Detection. - MIMO K-best Schnorr-Euchner Detection. - MIMO Best-First Detection. - Convert channel matrix to Bit-level representation. - Computation of LogLikelihood ratio using max-log approximation. [Sequences]( --------- - PN Sequence - Zadoff-Chu (ZC) Sequence [Utilities]( --------- - Decimal to bit-array, bit-array to decimal. - Hamming distance, Euclidean distance. - Upsample - Power of a discrete-time signal [Links]( ----- - Estimate the BER performance of a link model with Monte Carlo simulation. - Link model object. - Helper function for MIMO Iteration Detection and Decoding scheme. FAQs ---- Why are you developing this? ---------------------------- During my coursework in communication theory and systems at UCSD, I realized that the best way to actually learn and understand the theory is to try and implement ''the Math'' in practice :). Having used Scipy before, I thought there should be a similar package for Digital Communications in Python. This is a start! What programming languages do you use? -------------------------------------- CommPy uses Python as its base programming language and python packages like NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib. How can I contribute? --------------------- Implement any feature you want and send me a pull request :). If you want to suggest new features or discuss anything related to CommPy, please get in touch with me ([email protected]). How do I use CommPy? -------------------- Requirements/Dependencies ------------------------- - python 3.2 or above - numpy 1.10 or above - scipy 0.15 or above - matplotlib 1.4 or above - nose 1.3 or above - sympy 1.7 or above Installation ------------ - To use the released version on PyPi, use pip to install as follows:: ``` $ pip install scikit-commpy ``` - To work with the development branch, clone from github and install as follows:: ``` $ git clone $ cd CommPy $ python install ``` - conda version is curently outdated but v0.3 is still available using:: ``` $ conda install -c scikit-commpy ``` Citing CommPy ------------- If you use CommPy for a publication, presentation or a demo, a citation would be greatly appreciated. A citation example is presented here and we suggest to had the revision or version number and the date: V. Taranalli, B. Trotobas, and contributors, "CommPy: Digital Communication with Python". [Online]. Available: I would also greatly appreciate your feedback if you have found CommPy useful. Just send me a mail: [email protected] For more details on CommPy, please visit
import numpy as np __all__=['rcosfilter', 'rrcosfilter', 'gaussianfilter', 'rectfilter'] def rcosfilter(N, alpha, Ts, Fs): """ Generates a raised cosine (RC) filter (FIR) impulse response. Parameters ---------- N : int Length of the filter in samples. alpha : float Roll off factor (Valid values are [0, 1]). Ts : float Symbol period in seconds. Fs : float Sampling Rate in Hz. Returns ------- time_idx : 1-D ndarray (float) Array containing the time indices, in seconds, for the impulse response. h_rc : 1-D ndarray (float) Impulse response of the raised cosine filter. """ T_delta = 1/float(Fs) time_idx = ((np.arange(N)-N/2))*T_delta sample_num = np.arange(N) h_rc = np.zeros(N, dtype=float) for x in sample_num: t = (x-N/2)*T_delta if t == 0.0: h_rc[x] = 1.0 elif alpha != 0 and t == Ts/(2*alpha): h_rc[x] = (np.pi/4)*(np.sin(np.pi*t/Ts)/(np.pi*t/Ts)) elif alpha != 0 and t == -Ts/(2*alpha): h_rc[x] = (np.pi/4)*(np.sin(np.pi*t/Ts)/(np.pi*t/Ts)) else: h_rc[x] = (np.sin(np.pi*t/Ts)/(np.pi*t/Ts))* \ (np.cos(np.pi*alpha*t/Ts)/(1-(((2*alpha*t)/Ts)*((2*alpha*t)/Ts)))) return time_idx, h_rc def rrcosfilter(N, alpha, Ts, Fs): """ Generates a root raised cosine (RRC) filter (FIR) impulse response. Parameters ---------- N : int Length of the filter in samples. alpha : float Roll off factor (Valid values are [0, 1]). Ts : float Symbol period in seconds. Fs : float Sampling Rate in Hz. Returns --------- time_idx : 1-D ndarray of floats Array containing the time indices, in seconds, for the impulse response. h_rrc : 1-D ndarray of floats Impulse response of the root raised cosine filter. """ T_delta = 1/float(Fs) time_idx = ((np.arange(N)-N/2))*T_delta sample_num = np.arange(N) h_rrc = np.zeros(N, dtype=float) for x in sample_num: t = (x-N/2)*T_delta if t == 0.0: h_rrc[x] = 1.0 - alpha + (4*alpha/np.pi) elif alpha != 0 and t == Ts/(4*alpha): h_rrc[x] = (alpha/np.sqrt(2))*(((1+2/np.pi)* \ (np.sin(np.pi/(4*alpha)))) + ((1-2/np.pi)*(np.cos(np.pi/(4*alpha))))) elif alpha != 0 and t == -Ts/(4*alpha): h_rrc[x] = (alpha/np.sqrt(2))*(((1+2/np.pi)* \ (np.sin(np.pi/(4*alpha)))) + ((1-2/np.pi)*(np.cos(np.pi/(4*alpha))))) else: h_rrc[x] = (np.sin(np.pi*t*(1-alpha)/Ts) + \ 4*alpha*(t/Ts)*np.cos(np.pi*t*(1+alpha)/Ts))/ \ (np.pi*t*(1-(4*alpha*t/Ts)*(4*alpha*t/Ts))/Ts) return time_idx, h_rrc def gaussianfilter(N, alpha, Ts, Fs): """ Generates a gaussian filter (FIR) impulse response. Parameters ---------- N : int Length of the filter in samples. alpha : float Roll off factor (Valid values are [0, 1]). Ts : float Symbol period in seconds. Fs : float Sampling Rate in Hz. Returns ------- time_index : 1-D ndarray of floats Array containing the time indices for the impulse response. h_gaussian : 1-D ndarray of floats Impulse response of the gaussian filter. """ T_delta = 1/float(Fs) time_idx = ((np.arange(N)-N/2))*T_delta h_gaussian = (np.sqrt(np.pi)/alpha)*np.exp(-((np.pi*time_idx/alpha)*(np.pi*time_idx/alpha))) return time_idx, h_gaussian def rectfilter(N, Ts, Fs): """ Generates a rectangular filter (FIR) impulse response. Parameters ---------- N : int Length of the filter in samples. Ts : float Symbol period in seconds. Fs : float Sampling Rate in Hz. Returns ------- time_index : 1-D ndarray of floats Array containing the time indices for the impulse response. h_rect : 1-D ndarray of floats Impulse response of the rectangular filter. """ h_rect = np.ones(N) T_delta = 1/float(Fs) time_idx = ((np.arange(N)-N/2))*T_delta return time_idx, h_rect
from bisect import insort import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy import arange, array, zeros, pi, sqrt, log2, argmin, \ hstack, repeat, tile, dot, shape, concatenate, exp, \ log, vectorize, empty, eye, kron, inf, full, abs, newaxis, minimum, clip, fromiter from numpy.fft import fft, ifft from numpy.linalg import qr, norm from sympy.combinatorics.graycode import GrayCode from commpy.utilities import bitarray2dec, dec2bitarray, signal_power __all__ = ['PSKModem', 'QAMModem', 'ofdm_tx', 'ofdm_rx', 'mimo_ml', 'kbest', 'best_first_detector', 'bit_lvl_repr', 'max_log_approx'] class Modem: """ Creates a custom Modem object. Parameters ---------- constellation : array-like with a length which is a power of 2 Constellation of the custom modem Attributes ---------- constellation : 1D-ndarray of complex Modem constellation. If changed, the length of the new constellation must be a power of 2. Es : float Average energy per symbols. m : integer Constellation length. num_bits_symb : integer Number of bits per symbol. Raises ------ ValueError If the constellation is changed to an array-like with length that is not a power of 2. """ def __init__(self, constellation, reorder_as_gray=True): """ Creates a custom Modem object. """ if reorder_as_gray: m = log2(len(constellation)) gray_code_sequence = GrayCode(m).generate_gray() gray_code_sequence_array = fromiter((int(g, 2) for g in gray_code_sequence), int, len(constellation)) self.constellation = array(constellation)[gray_code_sequence_array.argsort()] else: self.constellation = constellation def modulate(self, input_bits): """ Modulate (map) an array of bits to constellation symbols. Parameters ---------- input_bits : 1D ndarray of ints Inputs bits to be modulated (mapped). Returns ------- baseband_symbols : 1D ndarray of complex floats Modulated complex symbols. """ mapfunc = vectorize(lambda i: self._constellation[bitarray2dec(input_bits[i:i + self.num_bits_symbol])]) baseband_symbols = mapfunc(arange(0, len(input_bits), self.num_bits_symbol)) return baseband_symbols def demodulate(self, input_symbols, demod_type, noise_var=0): """ Demodulate (map) a set of constellation symbols to corresponding bits. Parameters ---------- input_symbols : 1D ndarray of complex floats Input symbols to be demodulated. demod_type : string 'hard' for hard decision output (bits) 'soft' for soft decision output (LLRs) noise_var : float AWGN variance. Needs to be specified only if demod_type is 'soft' Returns ------- demod_bits : 1D ndarray of ints Corresponding demodulated bits. """ if demod_type == 'hard': index_list = abs(input_symbols - self._constellation[:, None]).argmin(0) demod_bits = dec2bitarray(index_list, self.num_bits_symbol) elif demod_type == 'soft': demod_bits = zeros(len(input_symbols) * self.num_bits_symbol) for i in arange(len(input_symbols)): current_symbol = input_symbols[i] for bit_index in arange(self.num_bits_symbol): llr_num = 0 llr_den = 0 for bit_value, symbol in enumerate(self._constellation): if (bit_value >> bit_index) & 1: llr_num += exp((-abs(current_symbol - symbol) ** 2) / noise_var) else: llr_den += exp((-abs(current_symbol - symbol) ** 2) / noise_var) demod_bits[i * self.num_bits_symbol + self.num_bits_symbol - 1 - bit_index] = log(llr_num / llr_den) else: raise ValueError('demod_type must be "hard" or "soft"') return demod_bits def plot_constellation(self): """ Plot the constellation """ plt.scatter(self.constellation.real, self.constellation.imag) for symb in self.constellation: plt.text(symb.real + .2, symb.imag, self.demodulate(symb, 'hard')) plt.title('Constellation') plt.grid() @property def constellation(self): """ Constellation of the modem. """ return self._constellation @constellation.setter def constellation(self, value): # Check value input num_bits_symbol = log2(len(value)) if num_bits_symbol != int(num_bits_symbol): raise ValueError('Constellation length must be a power of 2.') # Set constellation as an array self._constellation = array(value) # Update other attributes self.Es = signal_power(self.constellation) self.m = self._constellation.size self.num_bits_symbol = int(num_bits_symbol) class PSKModem(Modem): """ Creates a Phase Shift Keying (PSK) Modem object. Parameters ---------- m : int Size of the PSK constellation. Attributes ---------- constellation : 1D-ndarray of complex Modem constellation. If changed, the length of the new constellation must be a power of 2. Es : float Average energy per symbols. m : integer Constellation length. num_bits_symb : integer Number of bits per symbol. Raises ------ ValueError If the constellation is changed to an array-like with length that is not a power of 2. """ def __init__(self, m): """ Creates a Phase Shift Keying (PSK) Modem object. """ num_bits_symbol = log2(m) if num_bits_symbol != int(num_bits_symbol): raise ValueError('Constellation length must be a power of 2.') super().__init__(exp(1j * arange(0, 2 * pi, 2 * pi / m))) class QAMModem(Modem): """ Creates a Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) Modem object. Parameters ---------- m : int Size of the PSK constellation. Attributes ---------- constellation : 1D-ndarray of complex Modem constellation. If changed, the length of the new constellation must be a power of 2. Es : float Average energy per symbols. m : integer Constellation length. num_bits_symb : integer Number of bits per symbol. Raises ------ ValueError If the constellation is changed to an array-like with length that is not a power of 2. If the parameter m would lead to an non-square QAM during initialization. """ def __init__(self, m): """ Creates a Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) Modem object. Parameters ---------- m : int Size of the QAM constellation. Must lead to a square QAM (ie sqrt(m) is an integer). Raises ------ ValueError If m would lead to an non-square QAM. """ num_symb_pam = sqrt(m) if num_symb_pam != int(num_symb_pam): raise ValueError('m must lead to a square QAM.') pam = arange(-num_symb_pam + 1, num_symb_pam, 2) constellation = tile(hstack((pam, pam[::-1])), int(num_symb_pam) // 2) * 1j + pam.repeat(num_symb_pam) super().__init__(constellation) def ofdm_tx(x, nfft, nsc, cp_length): """ OFDM Transmit signal generation """ nfft = float(nfft) nsc = float(nsc) cp_length = float(cp_length) ofdm_tx_signal = array([]) for i in range(0, shape(x)[1]): symbols = x[:, i] ofdm_sym_freq = zeros(nfft, dtype=complex) ofdm_sym_freq[1:(nsc / 2) + 1] = symbols[nsc / 2:] ofdm_sym_freq[-(nsc / 2):] = symbols[0:nsc / 2] ofdm_sym_time = ifft(ofdm_sym_freq) cp = ofdm_sym_time[-cp_length:] ofdm_tx_signal = concatenate((ofdm_tx_signal, cp, ofdm_sym_time)) return ofdm_tx_signal def ofdm_rx(y, nfft, nsc, cp_length): """ OFDM Receive Signal Processing """ num_ofdm_symbols = int(len(y) / (nfft + cp_length)) x_hat = zeros([nsc, num_ofdm_symbols], dtype=complex) for i in range(0, num_ofdm_symbols): ofdm_symbol = y[i * nfft + (i + 1) * cp_length:(i + 1) * (nfft + cp_length)] symbols_freq = fft(ofdm_symbol) x_hat[:, i] = concatenate((symbols_freq[-nsc / 2:], symbols_freq[1:(nsc / 2) + 1])) return x_hat def mimo_ml(y, h, constellation): """ MIMO ML Detection. parameters ---------- y : 1D ndarray of complex floats Received complex symbols (shape: num_receive_antennas x 1) h : 2D ndarray of complex floats Channel Matrix (shape: num_receive_antennas x num_transmit_antennas) constellation : 1D ndarray of complex floats Constellation used to modulate the symbols """ _, n = h.shape m = len(constellation) x_ideal = empty((n, pow(m, n)), complex) for i in range(0, n): x_ideal[i] = repeat(tile(constellation, pow(m, i)), pow(m, n - i - 1)) min_idx = argmin(norm(y[:, None] - dot(h, x_ideal), axis=0)) x_r = x_ideal[:, min_idx] return x_r def kbest(y, h, constellation, K, noise_var=0, output_type='hard', demode=None): """ MIMO K-best Schnorr-Euchner Detection. Reference: Zhan Guo and P. Nilsson, 'Algorithm and implementation of the K-best sphere decoding for MIMO detection', IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 491-503, Mar. 2006. Parameters ---------- y : 1D ndarray Received complex symbols (length: num_receive_antennas) h : 2D ndarray Channel Matrix (shape: num_receive_antennas x num_transmit_antennas) constellation : 1D ndarray of floats Constellation used to modulate the symbols K : positive integer Number of candidates kept at each step noise_var : positive float Noise variance. *Default* value is 0. output_type : str 'hard': hard output i.e. output is a binary word 'soft': soft output i.e. output is a vector of Log-Likelihood Ratios. *Default* value is 'hard' demode : function with prototype binary_word = demode(point) Function that provide the binary word corresponding to a symbol vector. Returns ------- x : 1D ndarray of constellation points or of Log-Likelihood Ratios. Detected vector (length: num_receive_antennas). raises ------ ValueError If h has more columns than rows. If output_type is something else than 'hard' or 'soft' """ nb_tx, nb_rx = h.shape if nb_rx > nb_tx: raise ValueError('h has more columns than rows') # QR decomposition q, r = qr(h) yt = q.conj() # Initialization m = len(constellation) nb_can = 1 if isinstance(constellation[0], complex): const_type = complex else: const_type = float X = empty((nb_rx, K * m), dtype=const_type) # Set of current candidates d = tile(yt[:, None], (1, K * m)) # Corresponding distance vector d_tot = zeros(K * m, dtype=float) # Corresponding total distance hyp = empty(K * m, dtype=const_type) # Hypothesis vector # Processing for coor in range(nb_rx - 1, -1, -1): nb_hyp = nb_can * m # Copy best candidates m times X[:, :nb_hyp] = tile(X[:, :nb_can], (1, m)) d[:, :nb_hyp] = tile(d[:, :nb_can], (1, m)) d_tot[:nb_hyp] = tile(d_tot[:nb_can], (1, m)) # Make hypothesis hyp[:nb_hyp] = repeat(constellation, nb_can) X[coor, :nb_hyp] = hyp[:nb_hyp] d[coor, :nb_hyp] -= r[coor, coor] * hyp[:nb_hyp] d_tot[:nb_hyp] += abs(d[coor, :nb_hyp]) ** 2 # Select best candidates argsort = d_tot[:nb_hyp].argsort() nb_can = min(nb_hyp, K) # Update number of candidate # Update accordingly X[:, :nb_can] = X[:, argsort[:nb_can]] d[:, :nb_can] = d[:, argsort[:nb_can]] d[:coor, :nb_can] -= r[:coor, coor, None] * hyp[argsort[:nb_can]] d_tot[:nb_can] = d_tot[argsort[:nb_can]] if output_type == 'hard': return X[:, 0] elif output_type == 'soft': return max_log_approx(y, h, noise_var, X[:, :nb_can], demode) else: raise ValueError('output_type must be "hard" or "soft"') def best_first_detector(y, h, constellation, stack_size, noise_var, demode, llr_max): """ MIMO Best-First Detection. Reference: G. He, X. Zhang, et Z. Liang, "Algorithm and Architecture of an Efficient MIMO Detector With Cross-Level Parallel Tree-Search", IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 2019 Parameters ---------- y : 1D ndarray Received complex symbols (length: num_receive_antennas) h : 2D ndarray Channel Matrix (shape: num_receive_antennas x num_transmit_antennas) constellation : 1D ndarray of floats Constellation used to modulate the symbols stack_size : tuple of integers Size of each stack (length: num_transmit_antennas - 1) noise_var : positive float Noise variance. *Default* value is 0. demode : function with prototype binary_word = demode(point) Function that provide the binary word corresponding to a symbol vector. llr_max : float Max value for LLR clipping Returns ------- x : 1D ndarray of Log-Likelihood Ratios. Detected vector (length: num_receive_antennas). """ class _Node: """ Helper data model that implements __lt__ (aka '<') as required to use bisect.insort. """ def __init__(self, symb_vectors, partial_metrics): """ Recursive initializer that build a sequence of siblings. Inputs are assumed to be ordered based on metric """ if len(partial_metrics) == 1: # There is one node to build self.symb_vector = symb_vectors.reshape(-1) # Insure that self.symb_vector is a 1d-ndarray self.partial_metric = partial_metrics[0] self.best_sibling = None else: # Recursive call to build several nodes self.symb_vector = symb_vectors[:, 0].reshape(-1) # Insure that self.symb_vector is a 1d-ndarray self.partial_metric = partial_metrics[0] self.best_sibling = _Node(symb_vectors[:, 1:], partial_metrics[1:]) def __lt__(self, other): return self.partial_metric < other.partial_metric def expand(self, yt, r, constellation): """ Build all children and return the best one. constellation must be a numpy ndarray.""" # Construct children's symbol vector child_size = self.symb_vector.size + 1 children_symb_vectors = empty((child_size, constellation.size), constellation.dtype) children_symb_vectors[1:] = self.symb_vector[:, newaxis] children_symb_vectors[0] = constellation # Compute children's partial metric and sort children_metric = abs(yt[-child_size] - r[-child_size, -child_size:].dot(children_symb_vectors)) ** 2 children_metric += self.partial_metric ordering = children_metric.argsort() # Build children and return the best one return _Node(children_symb_vectors[:, ordering], children_metric[ordering]) # Extract information from arguments nb_tx, nb_rx = h.shape constellation = array(constellation) m = constellation.size modulation_order = int(log2(m)) # QR decomposition q, r = qr(h) yt = q.conj() # Initialisation map_metric = inf map_bit_vector = None counter_hyp_metric = full((nb_tx, modulation_order), inf) stacks = tuple([] for _ in range(nb_tx)) # Start process by adding the best root's child in the last stack stacks[-1].append(_Node(empty(0, constellation.dtype), array(0, float, ndmin=1)).expand(yt, r, constellation)) # While there is at least one non-empty stack (exempt the first one) while any(stacks[1:]): # Node processing for idx_next_stack in range(len(stacks) - 1): try: idx_this_stack = idx_next_stack + 1 best_node = stacks[idx_this_stack].pop(0) # Update search radius if map_bit_vector is None: radius = inf # No leaf has been reached yet so we keep all nodes else: bit_vector = demode(best_node.symb_vector).reshape(-1, modulation_order) bit_vector[bit_vector == 0] = -1 # Select the counter hyp metrics that could be affected by this node. Details: eq. (14)-(16) in [1]. try: a2 = counter_hyp_metric[idx_this_stack:][map_bit_vector[idx_this_stack:] != bit_vector].max() except ValueError: a2 = inf # NumPy cannot compute max on an empty matrix radius = max(counter_hyp_metric[:idx_this_stack].max(), a2) # Process best sibling if best_node.best_sibling is not None and best_node.best_sibling.partial_metric <= radius: insort(stacks[idx_this_stack], best_node.best_sibling) # Process children best_child = best_node.expand(yt, r, constellation) if best_child.partial_metric <= radius: insort(stacks[idx_next_stack], best_child) except IndexError: # Raised when popping an empty stack pass # LLR update if there is a new leaf if stacks[0]: if stacks[0][0].partial_metric < map_metric: minimum(counter_hyp_metric, map_metric, out=counter_hyp_metric) map_metric = stacks[0][0].partial_metric map_bit_vector = demode(stacks[0][0].symb_vector).reshape(-1, modulation_order) map_bit_vector[map_bit_vector == 0] = -1 else: minimum(counter_hyp_metric, stacks[0][0].partial_metric, out=counter_hyp_metric) clip(counter_hyp_metric, map_metric - llr_max, map_metric + llr_max, counter_hyp_metric) # Trimming stack according to requested max stack size del stacks[0][0:] # there is no stack for the leafs for idx_next_stack in range(len(stacks) - 1): del stacks[idx_next_stack + 1][stack_size[idx_next_stack]:] return ((map_metric - counter_hyp_metric) * map_bit_vector).reshape(-1) def bit_lvl_repr(H, w): """ Bit-level representation of matrix H with weights w. parameters ---------- H : 2D ndarray (shape : nb_rx, nb_tx) Channel Matrix. w : 1D ndarray of complex (length : beta) Bit level representation weights. The length must be even. return ------ A : 2D nbarray (shape : nb_rx, nb_tx*beta) Channel matrix adapted to the bit-level representation. raises ------ ValueError If beta (the length of w) is not even) """ beta = len(w) if beta % 2 == 0: m, n = H.shape In = eye(n, n) kr = kron(In, w) return dot(H, kr) else: raise ValueError('Beta (length of w) must be even.') def max_log_approx(y, h, noise_var, pts_list, demode): """ Max-log demode parameters ---------- y : 1D ndarray Received symbol vector (length: num_receive_antennas) h : 2D ndarray Channel Matrix (shape: num_receive_antennas x num_transmit_antennas) noise_var : positive float Noise variance pts_list : 2D ndarray of constellation points Set of points to compute max log approximation (points are column-wise). (shape: num_receive_antennas x num_points) demode : function with prototype binary_word = demode(point) Function that provide the binary word corresponding to a symbol vector. return ------ LLR : 1D ndarray of floats Log-Likelihood Ratio for each bit (same length as the return of decode) """ # Decode all pts nb_pts = pts_list.shape[1] bits = demode(pts_list.reshape(-1, order='F')).reshape(nb_pts, -1) # Set of binary words (one word by row) # Prepare LLR computation nb_bits = bits.shape[1] LLR = empty(nb_bits) # Loop for each bit for k in range(nb_bits): # Select pts based on the k-th bit in the corresponding word pts0 = pts_list.compress(bits[:, k] == 0, axis=1) pts1 = pts_list.compress(bits[:, k] == 1, axis=1) # Compute the norms and add inf to handle empty set of points norms0 = hstack((norm(y[:, None] -, axis=0) ** 2, inf)) norms1 = hstack((norm(y[:, None] -, axis=0) ** 2, inf)) # Compute LLR LLR[k] = min(norms0) - min(norms1) return -LLR / (2 * noise_var)
from __future__ import division # Python 2 compatibility import math from fractions import Fraction from inspect import getfullargspec import numpy as np from commpy.channels import MIMOFlatChannel __all__ = ['link_performance', 'LinkModel', 'idd_decoder'] def link_performance(link_model, SNRs, send_max, err_min, send_chunk=None, code_rate=1): """ Estimate the BER performance of a link model with Monte Carlo simulation. Equivalent to call link_model.link_performance(SNRs, send_max, err_min, send_chunk, code_rate). Parameters ---------- link_model : linkModel object. SNRs : 1D arraylike Signal to Noise ratio in dB defined as :math:`SNR_{dB} = (E_b/N_0)_{dB} + 10 \log_{10}(R_cM_c)` where :math:`Rc` is the code rate and :math:`Mc` the modulation rate. send_max : int Maximum number of bits send for each SNR. err_min : int link_performance send bits until it reach err_min errors (see also send_max). send_chunk : int Number of bits to be send at each iteration. This is also the frame length of the decoder if available so it should be large enough regarding the code type. *Default*: send_chunck = err_min code_rate : float or Fraction in (0,1] Rate of the used code. *Default*: 1 i.e. no code. Returns ------- BERs : 1d ndarray Estimated Bit Error Ratio corresponding to each SNRs """ if not send_chunk: send_chunk = err_min return link_model.link_performance(SNRs, send_max, err_min, send_chunk, code_rate) class LinkModel: """ Construct a link model. Parameters ---------- modulate : function with same prototype as Modem.modulate channel : FlatChannel object receive : function with prototype receive(y, H, constellation, noise_var) that return a binary array. y : 1D ndarray Received complex symbols (shape: num_receive_antennas x 1) h : 2D ndarray Channel Matrix (shape: num_receive_antennas x num_transmit_antennas) constellation : 1D ndarray noise_var : positive float Noise variance num_bits_symbols : int constellation : array of float or complex Es : float Average energy per symbols. *Default* Es=1. decoder : function with prototype decoder(array) or decoder(y, H, constellation, noise_var, array) that return a binary ndarray. *Default* is no process. rate : float or Fraction in (0,1] Rate of the used code. *Default*: 1 i.e. no code. Attributes ---------- modulate : function with same prototype as Modem.modulate channel : _FlatChannel object receive : function with prototype receive(y, H, constellation, noise_var) that return a binary array. y : 1D ndarray Received complex symbols (shape: num_receive_antennas x 1) h : 2D ndarray Channel Matrix (shape: num_receive_antennas x num_transmit_antennas) constellation : 1D ndarray noise_var : positive float Noise variance num_bits_symbols : int constellation : array of float or complex Es : float Average energy per symbols. decoder : function with prototype decoder(binary array) that return a binary ndarray. *Default* is no process. rate : float Code rate. *Default* is 1. """ def __init__(self, modulate, channel, receive, num_bits_symbol, constellation, Es=1, decoder=None, rate=Fraction(1, 1)): self.modulate = modulate = channel self.receive = receive self.num_bits_symbol = num_bits_symbol self.constellation = constellation self.Es = Es if type(rate) is float: rate = Fraction(rate).limit_denominator(100) self.rate = rate if decoder is None: self.decoder = lambda msg: msg else: self.decoder = decoder self.full_simulation_results = None def link_performance_full_metrics(self, SNRs, tx_max, err_min, send_chunk=None, code_rate: Fraction = Fraction(1, 1), number_chunks_per_send=1, stop_on_surpass_error=True): """ Estimate the BER performance of a link model with Monte Carlo simulation. Parameters ---------- SNRs : 1D arraylike Signal to Noise ratio in dB defined as :math:`SNR_{dB} = (E_b/N_0)_{dB} + 10 \log_{10}(R_cM_c)` where :math:`Rc` is the code rate and :math:`Mc` the modulation rate. tx_max : int Maximum number of transmissions for each SNR. err_min : int link_performance send bits until it reach err_min errors (see also send_max). send_chunk : int Number of bits to be send at each iteration. This is also the frame length of the decoder if available so it should be large enough regarding the code type. *Default*: send_chunck = err_min code_rate : Fraction in (0,1] Rate of the used code. *Default*: 1 i.e. no code. number_chunks_per_send : int Number of chunks per transmission stop_on_surpass_error : bool Controls if during simulation of a SNR it should break and move to the next SNR when the bit error is above the err_min parameter Returns ------- List[BERs, BEs, CEs, NCs] BERs : 1d ndarray Estimated Bit Error Ratio corresponding to each SNRs BEs : 2d ndarray Number of Estimated Bits with Error per transmission corresponding to each SNRs CEs : 2d ndarray Number of Estimated Chunks with Errors per transmission corresponding to each SNRs NCs : 2d ndarray Number of Chunks transmitted per transmission corresponding to each SNRs """ # Initialization BERs = np.zeros_like(SNRs, dtype=float) BEs = np.zeros((len(SNRs), tx_max), dtype=int) # Bit errors per tx CEs = np.zeros((len(SNRs), tx_max), dtype=int) # Chunk Errors per tx NCs = np.zeros((len(SNRs), tx_max), dtype=int) # Number of Chunks per tx # Set chunk size and round it to be a multiple of num_bits_symbol* nb_tx to avoid padding taking in to account the coding rate if send_chunk is None: send_chunk = err_min if type(code_rate) is float: code_rate = Fraction(code_rate).limit_denominator(100) self.rate = code_rate divider = (Fraction(1, self.num_bits_symbol * * 1 / code_rate).denominator send_chunk = max(divider, send_chunk // divider * divider) receive_size = * self.num_bits_symbol full_args_decoder = len(getfullargspec(self.decoder).args) > 1 # Computations for id_SNR in range(len(SNRs)):[id_SNR], float(code_rate), self.Es) total_tx_send = 0 bit_err = np.zeros(tx_max, dtype=int) chunk_loss = np.zeros(tx_max, dtype=int) chunk_count = np.zeros(tx_max, dtype=int) for id_tx in range(tx_max): if stop_on_surpass_error and bit_err.sum() > err_min: break # Propagate some bits msg = np.random.choice((0, 1), send_chunk * number_chunks_per_send) symbs = self.modulate(msg) channel_output = # Deals with MIMO channel if isinstance(, MIMOFlatChannel): nb_symb_vector = len(channel_output) received_msg = np.empty(int(math.ceil(len(msg) / float(self.rate)))) for i in range(nb_symb_vector): received_msg[receive_size * i:receive_size * (i + 1)] = \ self.receive(channel_output[i],[i], self.constellation, ** 2) else: received_msg = self.receive(channel_output,, self.constellation, ** 2) # Count errors if full_args_decoder: decoded_bits = self.decoder(channel_output,, self.constellation, ** 2, received_msg, * self.num_bits_symbol) else: decoded_bits = self.decoder(received_msg) # calculate number of error frames for i in range(number_chunks_per_send): errors = np.bitwise_xor(msg[send_chunk * i:send_chunk * (i + 1)], decoded_bits[send_chunk * i:send_chunk * (i + 1)].astype(int)).sum() bit_err[id_tx] += errors chunk_loss[id_tx] += 1 if errors > 0 else 0 chunk_count[id_tx] += number_chunks_per_send total_tx_send += 1 BERs[id_SNR] = bit_err.sum() / (total_tx_send * send_chunk) BEs[id_SNR] = bit_err CEs[id_SNR] = np.where(bit_err > 0, 1, 0) NCs[id_SNR] = chunk_count if BEs[id_SNR].sum() < err_min: break self.full_simulation_results = BERs, BEs, CEs, NCs return BERs, BEs, CEs, NCs def link_performance(self, SNRs, send_max, err_min, send_chunk=None, code_rate=1): """ Estimate the BER performance of a link model with Monte Carlo simulation. Parameters ---------- SNRs : 1D arraylike Signal to Noise ratio in dB defined as :math:`SNR_{dB} = (E_b/N_0)_{dB} + 10 \log_{10}(R_cM_c)` where :math:`Rc` is the code rate and :math:`Mc` the modulation rate. send_max : int Maximum number of bits send for each SNR. err_min : int link_performance send bits until it reach err_min errors (see also send_max). send_chunk : int Number of bits to be send at each iteration. This is also the frame length of the decoder if available so it should be large enough regarding the code type. *Default*: send_chunck = err_min code_rate : float or Fraction in (0,1] Rate of the used code. *Default*: 1 i.e. no code. Returns ------- BERs : 1d ndarray Estimated Bit Error Ratio corresponding to each SNRs """ # Initialization BERs = np.zeros_like(SNRs, dtype=float) # Set chunk size and round it to be a multiple of num_bits_symbol*nb_tx to avoid padding if send_chunk is None: send_chunk = err_min if type(code_rate) is float: code_rate = Fraction(code_rate).limit_denominator(100) self.rate = code_rate divider = (Fraction(1, self.num_bits_symbol * * 1 / code_rate).denominator send_chunk = max(divider, send_chunk // divider * divider) receive_size = * self.num_bits_symbol full_args_decoder = len(getfullargspec(self.decoder).args) > 1 # Computations for id_SNR in range(len(SNRs)):[id_SNR], float(code_rate), self.Es) bit_send = 0 bit_err = 0 while bit_send < send_max and bit_err < err_min: # Propagate some bits msg = np.random.choice((0, 1), send_chunk) symbs = self.modulate(msg) channel_output = # Deals with MIMO channel if isinstance(, MIMOFlatChannel): nb_symb_vector = len(channel_output) received_msg = np.empty(int(math.ceil(len(msg) / float(self.rate)))) for i in range(nb_symb_vector): received_msg[receive_size * i:receive_size * (i + 1)] = \ self.receive(channel_output[i],[i], self.constellation, ** 2) else: received_msg = self.receive(channel_output,, self.constellation, ** 2) # Count errors if full_args_decoder: decoded_bits = self.decoder(channel_output,, self.constellation, ** 2, received_msg, * self.num_bits_symbol) bit_err += np.bitwise_xor(msg, decoded_bits[:len(msg)].astype(int)).sum() else: bit_err += np.bitwise_xor(msg, self.decoder(received_msg)[:len(msg)].astype(int)).sum() bit_send += send_chunk BERs[id_SNR] = bit_err / bit_send if bit_err < err_min: break return BERs def idd_decoder(detector, decoder, decision, n_it): """ Produce a decoder function that model the specified MIMO iterative detection and decoding (IDD) process. The returned function can be used as is to build a working LinkModel object. Parameters ---------- detector : function with prototype detector(y, H, constellation, noise_var, a_priori) that return a LLRs array. y : 1D ndarray Received complex symbols (shape: num_receive_antennas x 1). h : 2D ndarray Channel Matrix (shape: num_receive_antennas x num_transmit_antennas). constellation : 1D ndarray. noise_var : positive float Noise variance. a_priori : 1D ndarray of floats A priori as Log-Likelihood Ratios. decoder : function with prototype(LLRs) that return a LLRs array. LLRs : 1D ndarray of floats A priori as Log-Likelihood Ratios. decision : function wih prototype(LLRs) that return a binary 1D-array that model the decision to extract the information bits from the LLRs array. n_it : positive integer Number or iteration during the IDD process. Returns ------- decode : function useable as it is to build a LinkModel object that produce a bit array from the parameters y : 1D ndarray Received complex symbols (shape: num_receive_antennas x 1). h : 2D ndarray Channel Matrix (shape: num_receive_antennas x num_transmit_antennas). constellation : 1D ndarray noise_var : positive float Noise variance. bits_per_send : positive integer Number or bit send at each symbol vector. """ def decode(y, h, constellation, noise_var, a_priori, bits_per_send): a_priori_decoder = a_priori.copy() nb_vect, nb_rx, nb_tx = h.shape for iteration in range(n_it): a_priori_detector = (decoder(a_priori_decoder) - a_priori_decoder) for i in range(nb_vect): a_priori_decoder[i * bits_per_send:(i + 1) * bits_per_send] = \ detector(y[i], h[i], constellation, noise_var, a_priori_detector[i * bits_per_send:(i + 1) * bits_per_send]) a_priori_decoder -= a_priori_detector return decision(a_priori_decoder + a_priori_detector) return decode
from __future__ import division, print_function # Python 2 compatibility from numpy import abs, sqrt, sum, zeros, identity, hstack, einsum, trace, kron, absolute, fromiter, array, exp, \ pi, cos from numpy.random import randn, random, standard_normal from scipy.linalg import sqrtm __all__ = ['SISOFlatChannel', 'MIMOFlatChannel', 'bec', 'bsc', 'awgn'] class _FlatChannel(object): def __init__(self): self.noises = None self.channel_gains = None self.unnoisy_output = None def generate_noises(self, dims): """ Generates the white gaussian noise with the right standard deviation and saves it. Parameters ---------- dims : int or tuple of ints Shape of the generated noise. """ # Check channel state assert self.noise_std is not None, "Noise standard deviation must be set before propagation." # Generate noises if self.isComplex: self.noises = (standard_normal(dims) + 1j * standard_normal(dims)) * self.noise_std * 0.5 else: self.noises = standard_normal(dims) * self.noise_std def set_SNR_dB(self, SNR_dB, code_rate: float = 1., Es=1): """ Sets the the noise standard deviation based on SNR expressed in dB. Parameters ---------- SNR_dB : float Signal to Noise Ratio expressed in dB. code_rate : float in (0,1] Rate of the used code. Es : positive float Average symbol energy """ self.noise_std = sqrt((self.isComplex + 1) * self.nb_tx * Es / (code_rate * 10 ** (SNR_dB / 10))) def set_SNR_lin(self, SNR_lin, code_rate=1, Es=1): """ Sets the the noise standard deviation based on SNR expressed in its linear form. Parameters ---------- SNR_lin : float Signal to Noise Ratio as a linear ratio. code_rate : float in (0,1] Rate of the used code. Es : positive float Average symbol energy """ self.noise_std = sqrt((self.isComplex + 1) * self.nb_tx * Es / (code_rate * SNR_lin)) @property def isComplex(self): """ Read-only - True if the channel is complex, False if not.""" return self._isComplex class SISOFlatChannel(_FlatChannel): """ Constructs a SISO channel with a flat fading. The channel coefficient are normalized i.e. the mean magnitude is 1. Parameters ---------- noise_std : float, optional Noise standard deviation. *Default* value is None and then the value must set later. fading_param : tuple of 2 floats, optional Parameters of the fading (see attribute for details). *Default* value is (1,0) i.e. no fading. Attributes ---------- fading_param : tuple of 2 floats Parameters of the fading. The complete tuple must be set each time. Raise ValueError when sets with value that would lead to a non-normalized channel. * fading_param[0] refers to the mean of the channel gain (Line Of Sight component). * fading_param[1] refers to the variance of the channel gain (Non Line Of Sight component). Classical fadings: * (1, 0): no fading. * (0, 1): Rayleigh fading. * Others: rician fading. noise_std : float Noise standard deviation. None is the value has not been set yet. isComplex : Boolean, Read-only True if the channel is complex, False if not. The value is set together with fading_param based on the type of fading_param[0]. k_factor : positive float, Read-only Fading k-factor, the power ratio between LOS and NLOS. nb_tx : int = 1, Read-only Number of Tx antennas. nb_rx : int = 1, Read-only Number of Rx antennas. noises : 1D ndarray Last noise generated. None if no noise has been generated yet. channel_gains : 1D ndarray Last channels gains generated. None if no channels has been generated yet. unnoisy_output : 1D ndarray Last transmitted message without noise. None if no message has been propagated yet. Raises ------ ValueError If the fading parameters would lead to a non-normalized channel. The condition is :math:`|param[1]| + |param[0]|^2 = 1` """ @property def nb_tx(self): """ Read-only - Number of Tx antennas, set to 1 for SISO channel.""" return 1 @property def nb_rx(self): """ Read-only - Number of Rx antennas, set to 1 for SISO channel.""" return 1 def __init__(self, noise_std=None, fading_param=(1, 0)): super(SISOFlatChannel, self).__init__() self.noise_std = noise_std self.fading_param = fading_param def propagate(self, msg): """ Propagates a message through the channel. Parameters ---------- msg : 1D ndarray Message to propagate. Returns ------- channel_output : 1D ndarray Message after application of the fading and addition of noise. Raises ------ TypeError If the input message is complex but the channel is real. AssertionError If the noise standard deviation as not been set yet. """ if isinstance(msg[0], complex) and not self.isComplex: raise TypeError('Trying to propagate a complex message in a real channel.') nb_symb = len(msg) # Generate noise self.generate_noises(nb_symb) # Generate channel self.channel_gains = self.fading_param[0] if self.isComplex: self.channel_gains += (standard_normal(nb_symb) + 1j * standard_normal(nb_symb)) * sqrt(0.5 * self.fading_param[1]) else: self.channel_gains += standard_normal(nb_symb) * sqrt(self.fading_param[1]) # Generate outputs self.unnoisy_output = self.channel_gains * msg return self.unnoisy_output + self.noises @property def fading_param(self): """ Parameters of the fading (see class attribute for details). """ return self._fading_param @fading_param.setter def fading_param(self, fading_param): if fading_param[1] + absolute(fading_param[0]) ** 2 != 1: raise ValueError("With this parameters, the channel would add or remove energy.") self._fading_param = fading_param self._isComplex = isinstance(fading_param[0], complex) @property def k_factor(self): """ Read-only - Fading k-factor, the power ratio between LOS and NLOS """ return absolute(self.fading_param[0]) ** 2 / absolute(self.fading_param[1]) class MIMOFlatChannel(_FlatChannel): """ Constructs a MIMO channel with a flat fading based on the Kronecker model. The channel coefficient are normalized i.e. the mean magnitude is 1. Parameters ---------- nb_tx : int >= 1 Number of Tx antennas. nb_rx : int >= 1 Number of Rx antennas. noise_std : float, optional Noise standard deviation. *Default* value is None and then the value must set later. fading_param : tuple of 3 floats, optional Parameters of the fading. The complete tuple must be set each time. *Default* value is (zeros((nb_rx, nb_tx)), identity(nb_tx), identity(nb_rx)) i.e. Rayleigh fading. Attributes ---------- fading_param : tuple of 3 2D ndarray Parameters of the fading. Raise ValueError when sets with value that would lead to a non-normalized channel. * fading_param[0] refers to the mean of the channel gain (Line Of Sight component). * fading_param[1] refers to the transmit-side spatial correlation matrix of the channel. * fading_param[2] refers to the receive-side spatial correlation matrix of the channel. Classical fadings: * (zeros((nb_rx, nb_tx)), identity(nb_tx), identity(nb_rx)): Uncorrelated Rayleigh fading. noise_std : float Noise standard deviation. None is the value has not been set yet. isComplex : Boolean, Read-only True if the channel is complex, False if not. The value is set together with fading_param based on the type of fading_param[0]. k_factor : positive float, Read-only Fading k-factor, the power ratio between LOS and NLOS. nb_tx : int Number of Tx antennas. nb_rx : int Number of Rx antennas. noises : 2D ndarray Last noise generated. None if no noise has been generated yet. noises[i] is the noise vector of size nb_rx for the i-th message vector. channel_gains : 2D ndarray Last channels gains generated. None if no channels has been generated yet. channel_gains[i] is the channel matrix of size (nb_rx x nb_tx) for the i-th message vector. unnoisy_output : 1D ndarray Last transmitted message without noise. None if no message has been propageted yet. unnoisy_output[i] is the transmitted message without noise of size nb_rx for the i-th message vector. Raises ------ ValueError If the fading parameters would lead to a non-normalized channel. The condition is :math:`NLOS + LOS = nb_{tx} * nb_{rx}` where * :math:`NLOS = tr(param[1]^T \otimes param[2])` * :math:`LOS = \sum|param[0]|^2` """ def __init__(self, nb_tx, nb_rx, noise_std=None, fading_param=None): super(MIMOFlatChannel, self).__init__() self.nb_tx = nb_tx self.nb_rx = nb_rx self.noise_std = noise_std if fading_param is None: self.fading_param = (zeros((nb_rx, nb_tx)), identity(nb_tx), identity(nb_rx)) else: self.fading_param = fading_param def propagate(self, msg): """ Propagates a message through the channel. Parameters ---------- msg : 1D ndarray Message to propagate. Returns ------- channel_output : 2D ndarray Message after application of the fading and addition of noise. channel_output[i] is th i-th received symbol of size nb_rx. Raises ------ TypeError If the input message is complex but the channel is real. AssertionError If the noise standard deviation noise_std as not been set yet. """ if isinstance(msg[0], complex) and not self.isComplex: raise TypeError('Trying to propagate a complex message in a real channel.') (nb_vect, mod) = divmod(len(msg), self.nb_tx) # Add padding if required if mod: msg = hstack((msg, zeros(self.nb_tx - mod))) nb_vect += 1 # Reshape msg as vectors sent on each antennas msg = msg.reshape(nb_vect, -1) # Generate noises self.generate_noises((nb_vect, self.nb_rx)) # Generate channel uncorrelated channel dims = (nb_vect, self.nb_rx, self.nb_tx) if self.isComplex: self.channel_gains = (standard_normal(dims) + 1j * standard_normal(dims)) * sqrt(0.5) else: self.channel_gains = standard_normal(dims) # Add correlation and mean einsum('ij,ajk,lk->ail', sqrtm(self.fading_param[2]), self.channel_gains, sqrtm(self.fading_param[1]), out=self.channel_gains, optimize='greedy') self.channel_gains += self.fading_param[0] # Generate outputs self.unnoisy_output = einsum('ijk,ik->ij', self.channel_gains, msg) return self.unnoisy_output + self.noises def _update_corr_KBSM(self, betat, betar): """ Update the correlation parameters to follow the KBSM-BD-AA. Parameters ---------- betat : positive float Constant for the transmitter. betar : positive float Constant for the receiver. Raises ------ ValueError If betat or betar are negative. """ if betar < 0 or betat < 0: raise ValueError("beta must be positif") # Create Er and Et Er = array([[exp(-betar * abs(m - n)) for m in range(self.nb_rx)] for n in range(self.nb_rx)]) Et = array([[exp(-betat * abs(m - n)) for m in range(self.nb_tx)] for n in range(self.nb_tx)]) # Updating of correlation matrices self.fading_param = self.fading_param[0], self.fading_param[1] * Et, self.fading_param[2] * Er def specular_compo(self, thetat, dt, thetar, dr): """ Calculate the specular components of the channel gain as in [1]. ref: [1] Lee M. Garth, Peter J. Smith, Mansoor Shafi, "Exact Symbol Error Probabilities for SVD Transmission of BPSK Data over Fading Channels", IEEE 2005. Parameters ---------- thetat : float the angle of departure. dt : postive float the antenna spacing in wavelenghts of departure. thetar : float the angle of arrival. dr : positie float the antenna spacing in wavelenghts of arrival. Returns ------- H : 2D ndarray of shape (nb_rx, nb_tx) the specular components of channel gains to be use as mean in Rician fading. Raises ------ ValueError If dt or dr are negative. """ if dr < 0 or dt < 0: raise ValueError("the distance must be positive ") H = zeros((self.nb_rx, self.nb_tx), dtype=complex) for n in range(self.nb_rx): for m in range(self.nb_tx): H[n, m] = exp(1j * 2 * pi * (n * dr * cos(thetar) + m * dt * cos(thetat))) return H @property def fading_param(self): """ Parameters of the fading (see class attribute for details). """ return self._fading_param @fading_param.setter def fading_param(self, fading_param): NLOS_gain = trace(kron(fading_param[1].T, fading_param[2])) LOS_gain = einsum('ij,ij->', absolute(fading_param[0]), absolute(fading_param[0])) if absolute(NLOS_gain + LOS_gain - self.nb_tx * self.nb_rx) > 1e-3: raise ValueError("With this parameters, the channel would add or remove energy.") self._fading_param = fading_param self._isComplex = isinstance(fading_param[0][0, 0], complex) @property def k_factor(self): """ Read-only - Fading k-factor, the power ratio between LOS and NLOS """ NLOS_gain = trace(kron(self.fading_param[1].T, self.fading_param[2])) LOS_gain = einsum('ij,ij->', absolute(self.fading_param[0]), absolute(self.fading_param[0])) return LOS_gain / NLOS_gain def uncorr_rayleigh_fading(self, dtype): """ Set the fading parameters to an uncorrelated Rayleigh channel. Parameters ---------- dtype : dtype Type of the channel """ self.fading_param = zeros((self.nb_rx, self.nb_tx), dtype), identity(self.nb_tx), identity(self.nb_rx) def expo_corr_rayleigh_fading(self, t, r, betat=0, betar=0): """ Set the fading parameters to a complex correlated Rayleigh channel following the exponential model [1]. A KBSM-BD-AA can be used as in [2] to improve the model. ref: [1] S. L. Loyka, "Channel capacity if MIMO architecture using the exponential correlation matrix ", IEEE Commun. Lett., vol.5, n. 9, p. 369-371, sept. 2001. [2] S. Wu, C. Wang, E. M. Aggoune, et M. M. Alwakeel,"A novel Kronecker-based stochastic model for massive MIMO channels", in 2015 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), 2015, p. 1-6 Parameters ---------- t : complex with abs(t) = 1 Correlation coefficient for the transceiver. r : complex with abs(r) = 1 Correlation coefficient for the receiver. betat : positive float Constant for the transmitter. *Default* = 0 i.e. classic model betar : positive float Constant for the receiver. *Default* = 0 i.e. classic model Raises ------ ValueError If abs(t) != 1 or abs(r) != 1 ValueError If betat or betar are negative. """ # Check inputs if abs(t) - 1 > 1e-4: raise ValueError('abs(t) must be one.') if abs(r) - 1 > 1e-4: raise ValueError('abs(r) must be one.') # Construct the exponent matrix expo_tx = fromiter((j - i for i in range(self.nb_tx) for j in range(self.nb_tx)), int, self.nb_tx ** 2) expo_rx = fromiter((j - i for i in range(self.nb_rx) for j in range(self.nb_rx)), int, self.nb_rx ** 2) # Reshape expo_tx = expo_tx.reshape(self.nb_tx, self.nb_tx) expo_rx = expo_rx.reshape(self.nb_rx, self.nb_rx) # Set fading self.fading_param = zeros((self.nb_rx, self.nb_tx), complex), t ** expo_tx, r ** expo_rx # Update Rr and Rt self._update_corr_KBSM(betat, betar) def uncorr_rician_fading(self, mean, k_factor): """ Set the fading parameters to an uncorrelated rician channel. mean will be scaled to fit the required k-factor. Parameters ---------- mean : ndarray (shape: nb_rx x nb_tx) Mean of the channel gain. k_factor : positive float Requested k-factor (the power ratio between LOS and NLOS). """ nb_antennas = mean.size NLOS_gain = nb_antennas / (k_factor + 1) mean = mean * sqrt(k_factor * NLOS_gain / einsum('ij,ij->', absolute(mean), absolute(mean))) self.fading_param = mean, identity(self.nb_tx) * NLOS_gain / nb_antennas, identity(self.nb_rx) def expo_corr_rician_fading(self, mean, k_factor, t, r, betat=0, betar=0): """ Set the fading parameters to a complex correlated rician channel following the exponential model [1]. A KBSM-BD-AA can be used as in [2] to improve the model. ref: [1] S. L. Loyka, "Channel capacity if MIMO architecture using the exponential correlation matrix ", IEEE Commun. Lett., vol.5, n. 9, p. 369-371, sept. 2001. [2] S. Wu, C. Wang, E. M. Aggoune, et M. M. Alwakeel,"A novel Kronecker-based stochastic model for massive MIMO channels", in 2015 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), 2015, p. 1-6 mean and correlation matricies will be scaled to fit the required k-factor. The k-factor is also preserved is beta are provided. Parameters ---------- mean : ndarray (shape: nb_rx x nb_tx) Mean of the channel gain. k_factor : positive float Requested k-factor (the power ratio between LOS and NLOS). t : complex with abs(t) = 1 Correlation coefficient for the transceiver. r : complex with abs(r) = 1 Correlation coefficient for the receiver. betat : positive float Constant for the transmitter. *Default* = 0 i.e. classic model betar : positive float Constant for the receiver. *Default* = 0 i.e. classic model Raises ------ ValueError If abs(t) != 1 or abs(r) != 1 ValueError If betat or betar are negative. """ # Check inputs if abs(t) - 1 > 1e-4: raise ValueError('abs(t) must be one.') if abs(r) - 1 > 1e-4: raise ValueError('abs(r) must be one.') # Scaling nb_antennas = mean.size NLOS_gain = nb_antennas / (k_factor + 1) mean = mean * sqrt(k_factor * NLOS_gain / einsum('ij,ij->', absolute(mean), absolute(mean))) # Construct the exponent matrix expo_tx = fromiter((j - i for i in range(self.nb_tx) for j in range(self.nb_tx)), int, self.nb_tx ** 2) expo_rx = fromiter((j - i for i in range(self.nb_rx) for j in range(self.nb_rx)), int, self.nb_rx ** 2) # Reshape expo_tx = expo_tx.reshape(self.nb_tx, self.nb_tx) expo_rx = expo_rx.reshape(self.nb_rx, self.nb_rx) # Set fading self.fading_param = mean, t ** expo_tx * NLOS_gain / nb_antennas, r ** expo_rx # Update Rr and Rt self._update_corr_KBSM(betat, betar) def bec(input_bits, p_e): """ Binary Erasure Channel. Parameters ---------- input_bits : 1D ndarray containing {0, 1} Input arrary of bits to the channel. p_e : float in [0, 1] Erasure probability of the channel. Returns ------- output_bits : 1D ndarray containing {0, 1} Output bits from the channel. """ output_bits = input_bits.copy() output_bits[random(len(output_bits)) <= p_e] = -1 return output_bits def bsc(input_bits, p_t): """ Binary Symmetric Channel. Parameters ---------- input_bits : 1D ndarray containing {0, 1} Input arrary of bits to the channel. p_t : float in [0, 1] Transition/Error probability of the channel. Returns ------- output_bits : 1D ndarray containing {0, 1} Output bits from the channel. """ output_bits = input_bits.copy() flip_locs = (random(len(output_bits)) <= p_t) output_bits[flip_locs] = 1 ^ output_bits[flip_locs] return output_bits # Kept for retro-compatibility. Use FlatChannel for new programs. def awgn(input_signal, snr_dB, rate=1.0): """ Addditive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) Channel. Parameters ---------- input_signal : 1D ndarray of floats Input signal to the channel. snr_dB : float Output SNR required in dB. rate : float Rate of the a FEC code used if any, otherwise 1. Returns ------- output_signal : 1D ndarray of floats Output signal from the channel with the specified SNR. """ avg_energy = sum(abs(input_signal) * abs(input_signal)) / len(input_signal) snr_linear = 10 ** (snr_dB / 10.0) noise_variance = avg_energy / (2 * rate * snr_linear) if isinstance(input_signal[0], complex): noise = (sqrt(noise_variance) * randn(len(input_signal))) + (sqrt(noise_variance) * randn(len(input_signal))*1j) else: noise = sqrt(2 * noise_variance) * randn(len(input_signal)) output_signal = input_signal + noise return output_signal
__all__ = ['pnsequence', 'zcsequence'] import numpy as np from numpy import empty, exp, pi, arange, int8, fromiter, sum def pnsequence(pn_order, pn_seed, pn_mask, seq_length): """ Generate a PN (Pseudo-Noise) sequence using a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR). Seed and mask are ordered so that: - seed[-1] will be the first output - the new bit computed as :math:`sum(shift_register & mask) % 2` is inserted in shift[0] Parameters ---------- pn_order : int Number of delay elements used in the LFSR. pn_seed : iterable providing 0's and 1's Seed for the initialization of the LFSR delay elements. The length of this string must be equal to 'pn_order'. pn_mask : iterable providing 0's and 1's Mask representing which delay elements contribute to the feedback in the LFSR. The length of this string must be equal to 'pn_order'. seq_length : int Length of the PN sequence to be generated. Usually (2^pn_order - 1) Returns ------- pnseq : 1D ndarray of ints PN sequence generated. Raises ------ ValueError If the pn_order is equal to the length of the strings pn_seed and pn_mask. """ # Check if pn_order is equal to the length of the strings 'pn_seed' and 'pn_mask' if len(pn_seed) != pn_order: raise ValueError('pn_seed has not the same length as pn_order') if len(pn_mask) != pn_order: raise ValueError('pn_mask has not the same length as pn_order') # Pre-allocate memory for output pnseq = empty(seq_length, int8) # Convert input as array sr = fromiter(pn_seed, int8, pn_order) mask = fromiter(pn_mask, int8, pn_order) for i in range(seq_length): pnseq[i] = sr[-1] new_bit = sum(sr & mask) % 2 sr[1:] = sr[:-1] sr[0] = new_bit return pnseq def zcsequence(u, seq_length, q=0): """ Generate a Zadoff-Chu (ZC) sequence. Parameters ---------- u : int Root index of the the ZC sequence: u>0. seq_length : int Length of the sequence to be generated. Usually a prime number: u<seq_length, greatest-common-denominator(u,seq_length)=1. q : int Cyclic shift of the sequence (default 0). Returns ------- zcseq : 1D ndarray of complex floats ZC sequence generated. """ for el in [u,seq_length,q]: if not float(el).is_integer(): raise ValueError('{} is not an integer'.format(el)) if u<=0: raise ValueError('u is not stricly positive') if u>=seq_length: raise ValueError('u is not stricly smaller than seq_length') if np.gcd(u,seq_length)!=1: raise ValueError('the greatest common denominator of u and seq_length is not 1') cf = seq_length%2 n = np.arange(seq_length) zcseq = np.exp( -1j * np.pi * u * n * (n+cf+2.*q) / seq_length) return zcseq
import functools import numpy as np __all__ = ['dec2bitarray', 'decimal2bitarray', 'bitarray2dec', 'hamming_dist', 'euclid_dist', 'upsample', 'signal_power'] vectorized_binary_repr = np.vectorize(np.binary_repr) def dec2bitarray(in_number, bit_width): """ Converts a positive integer or an array-like of positive integers to NumPy array of the specified size containing bits (0 and 1). Parameters ---------- in_number : int or array-like of int Positive integer to be converted to a bit array. bit_width : int Size of the output bit array. Returns ------- bitarray : 1D ndarray of numpy.int8 Array containing the binary representation of all the input decimal(s). """ if isinstance(in_number, (np.integer, int)): return decimal2bitarray(in_number, bit_width).copy() result = np.zeros(bit_width * len(in_number), np.int8) for pox, number in enumerate(in_number): result[pox * bit_width:(pox + 1) * bit_width] = decimal2bitarray(number, bit_width).copy() return result @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False) def decimal2bitarray(number, bit_width): """ Converts a positive integer to NumPy array of the specified size containing bits (0 and 1). This version is slightly quicker that dec2bitarray but only work for one integer. Parameters ---------- in_number : int Positive integer to be converted to a bit array. bit_width : int Size of the output bit array. Returns ------- bitarray : 1D ndarray of numpy.int8 Array containing the binary representation of all the input decimal(s). """ result = np.zeros(bit_width, np.int8) i = 1 pox = 0 while i <= number: if i & number: result[bit_width - pox - 1] = 1 i <<= 1 pox += 1 return result def bitarray2dec(in_bitarray): """ Converts an input NumPy array of bits (0 and 1) to a decimal integer. Parameters ---------- in_bitarray : 1D ndarray of ints Input NumPy array of bits. Returns ------- number : int Integer representation of input bit array. """ number = 0 for i in range(len(in_bitarray)): number = number + in_bitarray[i] * pow(2, len(in_bitarray) - 1 - i) return number def hamming_dist(in_bitarray_1, in_bitarray_2): """ Computes the Hamming distance between two NumPy arrays of bits (0 and 1). Parameters ---------- in_bit_array_1 : 1D ndarray of ints NumPy array of bits. in_bit_array_2 : 1D ndarray of ints NumPy array of bits. Returns ------- distance : int Hamming distance between input bit arrays. """ distance = np.bitwise_xor(in_bitarray_1, in_bitarray_2).sum() return distance def euclid_dist(in_array1, in_array2): """ Computes the squared euclidean distance between two NumPy arrays Parameters ---------- in_array1 : 1D ndarray of floats NumPy array of real values. in_array2 : 1D ndarray of floats NumPy array of real values. Returns ------- distance : float Squared Euclidean distance between two input arrays. """ distance = ((in_array1 - in_array2) * (in_array1 - in_array2)).sum() return distance def upsample(x, n): """ Upsample the input array by a factor of n Adds n-1 zeros between consecutive samples of x Parameters ---------- x : 1D ndarray Input array. n : int Upsampling factor Returns ------- y : 1D ndarray Output upsampled array. """ y = np.empty(len(x) * n, dtype=complex) y[0::n] = x zero_array = np.zeros(len(x), dtype=complex) for i in range(1, n): y[i::n] = zero_array return y def signal_power(signal): """ Compute the power of a discrete time signal. Parameters ---------- signal : 1D ndarray Input signal. Returns ------- P : float Power of the input signal. """ @np.vectorize def square_abs(s): return abs(s) ** 2 P = np.mean(square_abs(signal)) return P
import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp import scipy.sparse.linalg as splg __all__ = ['build_matrix', 'get_ldpc_code_params', 'ldpc_bp_decode', 'write_ldpc_params', 'triang_ldpc_systematic_encode'] _llr_max = 500 def build_matrix(ldpc_code_params): """ Build the parity check and generator matrices from parameters dictionary and add the result in this dictionary. Generator matrix is valid only for triangular systematic LDPC codes. Parameters ---------- ldpc_code_params: dictionary that at least contains these parameters Parameters of the LDPC code: n_vnodes (int) - number of variable nodes. n_cnodes (int) - number of check nodes. max_cnode_deg (int) - maximal degree of a check node. cnode_adj_list (1D-ndarray of ints) - flatten array so that cnode_adj_list.reshape((n_cnodes, max_cnode_deg)) gives for each check node the adjacent variable nodes. cnode_deg_list (1D-ndarray of ints) - degree of each check node. Add --- to ldpc_code_param: parity_check_matrix (CSC sparse matrix of int8) - parity check matrix. generator_matrix (CSR sparse matrix) - generator matrix of the code. """ n_cnodes = ldpc_code_params['n_cnodes'] cnode_deg_list = ldpc_code_params['cnode_deg_list'] cnode_adj_list = ldpc_code_params['cnode_adj_list'].reshape((n_cnodes, ldpc_code_params['max_cnode_deg'])) parity_check_matrix = sp.lil_matrix((n_cnodes, ldpc_code_params['n_vnodes']), dtype=np.int8) for cnode_idx in range(n_cnodes): parity_check_matrix[cnode_idx, cnode_adj_list[cnode_idx, :cnode_deg_list[cnode_idx]]] = 1 parity_check_matrix = parity_check_matrix.tocsc() systematic_part = parity_check_matrix[:, -n_cnodes:] parity_part = parity_check_matrix[:, :-n_cnodes] ldpc_code_params['parity_check_matrix'] = parity_check_matrix ldpc_code_params['generator_matrix'] = splg.inv(systematic_part).dot(parity_part).tocsr() def get_ldpc_code_params(ldpc_design_filename, compute_matrix=False): """ Extract parameters from LDPC code design file and produce an parity check matrix if asked. The file is structured as followed (examples are available in designs/ldpc/): n_vnode n_cnode max_vnode_deg max_cnode_deg List of the degree of each vnode List of the degree of each cnode For each vnode (line by line, separated by '\t'): index of the connected cnodes For each cnode (line by line, separated by '\t'): index of the connected vnodes Parameters ---------- ldpc_design_filename : string Filename of the LDPC code design file. compute_matrix : boolean Specify if the parity check matrix must be computed. *Default* is False. Returns ------- ldpc_code_params : dictionary that at least contains these parameters Parameters of the LDPC code: n_vnodes (int) - number of variable nodes. n_cnodes (int) - number of check nodes. max_vnode_deg (int) - maximal degree of a variable node. max_cnode_deg (int) - maximal degree of a check node. vnode_adj_list (1D-ndarray of ints) - flatten array so that vnode_adj_list.reshape((n_vnodes, max_vnode_deg)) gives for each variable node the adjacent check nodes. cnode_adj_list (1D-ndarray of ints) - flatten array so that cnode_adj_list.reshape((n_cnodes, max_cnode_deg)) gives for each check node the adjacent variable nodes. vnode_cnode_map (1D-ndarray of ints) - flatten array providing the mapping between vnode and cnode indexes. cnode_vnode_map (1D-ndarray of ints) - flatten array providing the mapping between vnode and cnode indexes. vnode_deg_list (1D-ndarray of ints) - degree of each variable node. cnode_deg_list (1D-ndarray of ints) - degree of each check node. parity_check_matrix (CSC sparse matrix of int8) - parity check matrix if asked. """ with open(ldpc_design_filename) as ldpc_design_file: [n_vnodes, n_cnodes] = [int(x) for x in ldpc_design_file.readline().split(' ')] [max_vnode_deg, max_cnode_deg] = [int(x) for x in ldpc_design_file.readline().split(' ')] vnode_deg_list = np.array([int(x) for x in ldpc_design_file.readline().split(' ')[:-1]], np.int32) cnode_deg_list = np.array([int(x) for x in ldpc_design_file.readline().split(' ')[:-1]], np.int32) cnode_adj_list = -np.ones([n_cnodes, max_cnode_deg], int) vnode_adj_list = -np.ones([n_vnodes, max_vnode_deg], int) for vnode_idx in range(n_vnodes): vnode_adj_list[vnode_idx, 0:vnode_deg_list[vnode_idx]] = \ np.array([int(x)-1 for x in ldpc_design_file.readline().split('\t')]) for cnode_idx in range(n_cnodes): cnode_adj_list[cnode_idx, 0:cnode_deg_list[cnode_idx]] = \ np.array([int(x)-1 for x in ldpc_design_file.readline().split('\t')]) cnode_vnode_map = -np.ones([n_cnodes, max_cnode_deg], int) vnode_cnode_map = -np.ones([n_vnodes, max_vnode_deg], int) for cnode in range(n_cnodes): for i, vnode in enumerate(cnode_adj_list[cnode, 0:cnode_deg_list[cnode]]): cnode_vnode_map[cnode, i] = np.where(vnode_adj_list[vnode, :] == cnode)[0] for vnode in range(n_vnodes): for i, cnode in enumerate(vnode_adj_list[vnode, 0:vnode_deg_list[vnode]]): vnode_cnode_map[vnode, i] = np.where(cnode_adj_list[cnode, :] == vnode)[0] cnode_adj_list_1d = cnode_adj_list.flatten().astype(np.int32) vnode_adj_list_1d = vnode_adj_list.flatten().astype(np.int32) cnode_vnode_map_1d = cnode_vnode_map.flatten().astype(np.int32) vnode_cnode_map_1d = vnode_cnode_map.flatten().astype(np.int32) ldpc_code_params = {} ldpc_code_params['n_vnodes'] = n_vnodes ldpc_code_params['n_cnodes'] = n_cnodes ldpc_code_params['max_cnode_deg'] = max_cnode_deg ldpc_code_params['max_vnode_deg'] = max_vnode_deg ldpc_code_params['cnode_adj_list'] = cnode_adj_list_1d ldpc_code_params['cnode_vnode_map'] = cnode_vnode_map_1d ldpc_code_params['vnode_adj_list'] = vnode_adj_list_1d ldpc_code_params['vnode_cnode_map'] = vnode_cnode_map_1d ldpc_code_params['cnode_deg_list'] = cnode_deg_list ldpc_code_params['vnode_deg_list'] = vnode_deg_list if compute_matrix: build_matrix(ldpc_code_params) return ldpc_code_params def ldpc_bp_decode(llr_vec, ldpc_code_params, decoder_algorithm, n_iters): """ LDPC Decoder using Belief Propagation (BP). If several blocks are provided, they are all decoded at once. Parameters ---------- llr_vec : 1D array of float with a length multiple of block length. Received codeword LLR values from the channel. They will be clipped in [-500, 500]. ldpc_code_params : dictionary that at least contains these parameters Parameters of the LDPC code as provided by `get_ldpc_code_params`: n_vnodes (int) - number of variable nodes. n_cnodes (int) - number of check nodes. max_vnode_deg (int) - maximal degree of a variable node. max_cnode_deg (int) - maximal degree of a check node. vnode_adj_list (1D-ndarray of ints) - flatten array so that vnode_adj_list.reshape((n_vnodes, max_vnode_deg)) gives for each variable node the adjacent check nodes. cnode_adj_list (1D-ndarray of ints) - flatten array so that cnode_adj_list.reshape((n_cnodes, max_cnode_deg)) gives for each check node the adjacent variable nodes. vnode_cnode_map (1D-ndarray of ints) - flatten array providing the mapping between vnode and cnode indexes. cnode_vnode_map (1D-ndarray of ints) - flatten array providing the mapping between vnode and cnode indexes. vnode_deg_list (1D-ndarray of ints) - degree of each variable node. cnode_deg_list (1D-ndarray of ints) - degree of each check node. decoder_algorithm: string Specify the decoder algorithm type. 'SPA' for Sum-Product Algorithm 'MSA' for Min-Sum Algorithm n_iters : int Max. number of iterations of decoding to be done. Returns ------- dec_word : 1D array or 2D array of 0's and 1's with one block per column. The codeword after decoding. out_llrs : 1D array or 2D array of float with one block per column. LLR values corresponding to the decoded output. """ # Clip LLRs llr_vec.clip(-_llr_max, _llr_max, llr_vec) # Build parity_check_matrix if required if ldpc_code_params.get('parity_check_matrix') is None: build_matrix(ldpc_code_params) # Initialization dec_word = np.signbit(llr_vec) out_llrs = llr_vec.copy() parity_check_matrix = ldpc_code_params['parity_check_matrix'].astype(float).tocoo() for i_start in range(0, llr_vec.size, ldpc_code_params['n_vnodes']): i_stop = i_start + ldpc_code_params['n_vnodes'] message_matrix = parity_check_matrix.multiply(llr_vec[i_start:i_stop]) # Main loop of Belief Propagation (BP) decoding iterations for iter_cnt in range(n_iters): # Compute early termination using parity check matrix if np.all(ldpc_code_params['parity_check_matrix'].multiply(dec_word[i_start:i_stop]).sum(1) % 2 == 0): break # Check Node Update if decoder_algorithm == 'SPA': # Compute incoming messages *= .5 np.tanh(, # Runtime Warnings are expected when llr = 0. No warn should be raised as this case are expected. with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # Compute product as exponent of the sum of logarithm log2_msg_matrix = message_matrix.astype(complex).copy() np.log2(, msg_products = np.exp2(log2_msg_matrix.sum(1)).real # Compute outgoing messages = 1 / message_matrix = message_matrix.multiply(msg_products), 1, np.arctanh(, *= 2, _llr_max, elif decoder_algorithm == 'MSA': message_matrix = message_matrix.tocsr() for row_idx in range(message_matrix.shape[0]): begin_row = message_matrix.indptr[row_idx] end_row = message_matrix.indptr[row_idx+1] row_data =[begin_row:end_row].copy() indexes = np.arange(len(row_data)) for j, i in enumerate(range(begin_row, end_row)): other_val = row_data[indexes != j][i] = np.sign(other_val).prod() * np.abs(other_val).min() else: raise NameError('Please input a valid decoder_algorithm string (meanning "SPA" or "MSA").') # Variable Node Update msg_sum = np.array(message_matrix.sum(0)).squeeze() *= -1 += parity_check_matrix.multiply(msg_sum + llr_vec[i_start:i_stop]).data out_llrs[i_start:i_stop] = msg_sum + llr_vec[i_start:i_stop] np.signbit(out_llrs[i_start:i_stop], out=dec_word[i_start:i_stop]) # Reformat outputs n_blocks = llr_vec.size // ldpc_code_params['n_vnodes'] dec_word = dec_word.reshape(-1, n_blocks, order='F').squeeze().astype(np.int8) out_llrs = out_llrs.reshape(-1, n_blocks, order='F').squeeze() return dec_word, out_llrs def write_ldpc_params(parity_check_matrix, file_path): """ Write parameters from LDPC parity check matrix to a design file. The file is structured as followed (examples are available in designs/ldpc/): n_vnode n_cnode max_vnode_deg max_cnode_deg List of the degree of each vnode List of the degree of each cnode For each vnode (line by line, separated by '\t'): index of the connected cnodes For each cnode (line by line, separated by '\t'): index of the connected vnodes Parameters ---------- parity_check_matrix : 2D-array of int Parity check matrix to save. file_path File path of the LDPC code design file. """ with open(file_path, 'x') as file: file.write('{} {}\n'.format(parity_check_matrix.shape[1], parity_check_matrix.shape[0])) file.write('{} {}\n'.format(parity_check_matrix.sum(0).max(), parity_check_matrix.sum(1).max())) for deg in parity_check_matrix.sum(0): file.write('{} '.format(deg)) file.write('\n') for deg in parity_check_matrix.sum(1): file.write('{} '.format(deg)) file.write('\n') for line in parity_check_matrix.T: nodes = line.nonzero()[0] for node in nodes[:-1]: file.write('{}\t'.format(node + 1)) file.write('{}\n'.format(nodes[-1] + 1)) for col in parity_check_matrix: nodes = col.nonzero()[0] for node in nodes[:-1]: file.write('{}\t'.format(node + 1)) file.write('{}\n'.format(nodes[-1] + 1)) file.write('\n') def triang_ldpc_systematic_encode(message_bits, ldpc_code_params, pad=True): """ Encode bits using the LDPC code specified. If the generator matrix is not computed, this function will build it and add it to the dictionary. It will also add the parity check matrix. This function work only for LDPC specified by a approximate triangular parity check matrix. Parameters ---------- message_bits : 1D-array Message bit to encode. ldpc_code_params : dictionary that at least contains one of these options: Option 1: generator matrix and parity-check matrix are available. parity_check_matrix (CSC sparse matrix of int8) - parity check matrix. generator_matrix (2D-array or sparse matrix) - generator matrix of the code. Option 2: generator and parity check matrices will be added as sparse matrices. n_vnodes (int) - number of variable nodes. n_cnodes (int) - number of check nodes. max_cnode_deg (int) - maximal degree of a check node. cnode_adj_list (1D-ndarray of ints) - flatten array so that cnode_adj_list.reshape((n_cnodes, max_cnode_deg)) gives for each check node the adjacent variable nodes. cnode_deg_list (1D-ndarray of ints) - degree of each check node. pad : boolean Whether to add '0' padding to the message to fit the block length. *Default* is True. Returns ------- coded_message : 1D-ndarray or 2D-ndarray of int8 depending on the number of blocks Coded message with the systematic part at the beginning. Raises ------ ValueError If the message length is not a multiple of block length and pad is False. """ if ldpc_code_params.get('generator_matrix') is None or ldpc_code_params.get('parity_check_matrix') is None: build_matrix(ldpc_code_params) block_length = ldpc_code_params['generator_matrix'].shape[1] modulo = len(message_bits) % block_length if modulo: if pad: message_bits = np.concatenate((message_bits, np.zeros(block_length - modulo, message_bits.dtype))) else: raise ValueError('Padding is disable but message length is not a multiple of block length.') message_bits = message_bits.reshape(block_length, -1, order='F') parity_part = ldpc_code_params['generator_matrix'].dot(message_bits) % 2 return np.vstack((message_bits, parity_part)).squeeze().astype(np.int8)
from __future__ import division import functools import math from warnings import warn import matplotlib.colors as mcolors import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import matplotlib.path as mpath import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection from commpy.utilities import dec2bitarray, bitarray2dec, hamming_dist, euclid_dist __all__ = ['Trellis', 'conv_encode', 'viterbi_decode'] class Trellis: """ Class defining a Trellis corresponding to a k/n - rate convolutional code. This follow the classical representation. See [1] for instance. Input and output are represented as little endian e.g. output = decimal(output[0], output[1] ...). Parameters ---------- memory : 1D ndarray of ints Number of memory elements per input of the convolutional encoder. g_matrix : 2D ndarray of ints (decimal representation) Generator matrix G(D) of the convolutional encoder. Each element of G(D) represents a polynomial. Coef [i,j] is the influence of input i on output j. feedback : 2D ndarray of ints (decimal representation), optional Feedback matrix F(D) of the convolutional encoder. Each element of F(D) represents a polynomial. Coef [i,j] is the feedback influence of input i on input j. *Default* implies no feedback. The backwards compatibility version is triggered if feedback is an int. code_type : {'default', 'rsc'}, optional Use 'rsc' to generate a recursive systematic convolutional code. If 'rsc' is specified, then the first 'k x k' sub-matrix of G(D) must represent a identity matrix along with a non-zero feedback polynomial. *Default* is 'default'. polynomial_format : {'MSB', 'LSB', 'Matlab'}, optional Defines how to interpret g_matrix and feedback. In MSB format, we have 1+D <-> 3 <-> 011. In LSB format, which is used in Matlab, we have 1+D <-> 6 <-> 110. *Default* is 'MSB' format. Attributes ---------- k : int Size of the smallest block of input bits that can be encoded using the convolutional code. n : int Size of the smallest block of output bits generated using the convolutional code. total_memory : int Total number of delay elements needed to implement the convolutional encoder. number_states : int Number of states in the convolutional code trellis. number_inputs : int Number of branches from each state in the convolutional code trellis. next_state_table : 2D ndarray of ints Table representing the state transition matrix of the convolutional code trellis. Rows represent current states and columns represent current inputs in decimal. Elements represent the corresponding next states in decimal. output_table : 2D ndarray of ints Table representing the output matrix of the convolutional code trellis. Rows represent current states and columns represent current inputs in decimal. Elements represent corresponding outputs in decimal. Raises ------ ValueError polynomial_format is not 'MSB', 'LSB' or 'Matlab'. Examples -------- >>> from numpy import array >>> import commpy.channelcoding.convcode as cc >>> memory = array([2]) >>> g_matrix = array([[5, 7]]) # G(D) = [1+D^2, 1+D+D^2] >>> trellis = cc.Trellis(memory, g_matrix) >>> print trellis.k 1 >>> print trellis.n 2 >>> print trellis.total_memory 2 >>> print trellis.number_states 4 >>> print trellis.number_inputs 2 >>> print trellis.next_state_table [[0 2] [0 2] [1 3] [1 3]] >>>print trellis.output_table [[0 3] [3 0] [1 2] [2 1]] References ---------- [1] S. Benedetto, R. Garello et G. Montorsi, "A search for good convolutional codes to be used in the construction of turbo codes", IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 46, n. 9, p. 1101-1005, spet. 1998 """ def __init__(self, memory, g_matrix, feedback=None, code_type='default', polynomial_format='MSB'): [self.k, self.n] = g_matrix.shape self.code_type = code_type self.total_memory = memory.sum() self.number_states = pow(2, self.total_memory) self.number_inputs = pow(2, self.k) self.next_state_table = np.zeros([self.number_states, self.number_inputs], 'int') self.output_table = np.zeros([self.number_states, self.number_inputs], 'int') if isinstance(feedback, int): warn('Trellis will only accept feedback as a matrix in the future. ' 'Using the backwards compatibility version that may contain bugs for k > 1 or with LSB format.', DeprecationWarning) if code_type == 'rsc': for i in range(self.k): g_matrix[i][i] = feedback # Compute the entries in the next state table and the output table for current_state in range(self.number_states): for current_input in range(self.number_inputs): outbits = np.zeros(self.n, 'int') # Compute the values in the output_table for r in range(self.n): output_generator_array = np.zeros(self.k, 'int') shift_register = dec2bitarray(current_state, self.total_memory) for l in range(self.k): # Convert the number representing a polynomial into a # bit array generator_array = dec2bitarray(g_matrix[l][r], memory[l] + 1) # Loop over M delay elements of the shift register # to compute their contribution to the r-th output for i in range(memory[l]): outbits[r] = (outbits[r] + \ (shift_register[i + l] * generator_array[i + 1])) % 2 output_generator_array[l] = generator_array[0] if l == 0: feedback_array = (dec2bitarray(feedback, memory[l] + 1)[1:] * shift_register[0:memory[l]]).sum() shift_register[1:memory[l]] = \ shift_register[0:memory[l] - 1] shift_register[0] = (dec2bitarray(current_input, self.k)[0] + feedback_array) % 2 else: feedback_array = (dec2bitarray(feedback, memory[l] + 1) * shift_register[ l + memory[l - 1] - 1:l + memory[l - 1] + memory[l] - 1]).sum() shift_register[l + memory[l - 1]:l + memory[l - 1] + memory[l] - 1] = \ shift_register[l + memory[l - 1] - 1:l + memory[l - 1] + memory[l] - 2] shift_register[l + memory[l - 1] - 1] = \ (dec2bitarray(current_input, self.k)[l] + feedback_array) % 2 # Compute the contribution of the current_input to output outbits[r] = (outbits[r] + \ (np.sum(dec2bitarray(current_input, self.k) * \ output_generator_array + feedback_array) % 2)) % 2 # Update the ouput_table using the computed output value self.output_table[current_state][current_input] = \ bitarray2dec(outbits) # Update the next_state_table using the new state of # the shift register self.next_state_table[current_state][current_input] = \ bitarray2dec(shift_register) else: if polynomial_format == 'MSB': bit_order = -1 elif polynomial_format in ('LSB', 'Matlab'): bit_order = 1 else: raise ValueError('polynomial_format must be "LSB", "MSB" or "Matlab"') if feedback is None: feedback = np.identity(self.k, int) if polynomial_format in ('LSB', 'Matlab'): feedback *= 2**memory.max() max_values_lign = memory.max() + 1 # Max number of value on a delay lign # feedback_array[i] holds the i-th bit corresponding to each feedback polynomial. feedback_array = np.zeros((max_values_lign, self.k, self.k), np.int8) for i in range(self.k): for j in range(self.k): binary_view = dec2bitarray(feedback[i, j], max_values_lign)[::bit_order] feedback_array[:max_values_lign, i, j] = binary_view[-max_values_lign-2:] # g_matrix_array[i] holds the i-th bit corresponding to each g_matrix polynomial. g_matrix_array = np.zeros((max_values_lign, self.k, self.n), np.int8) for i in range(self.k): for j in range(self.n): binary_view = dec2bitarray(g_matrix[i, j], max_values_lign)[::bit_order] g_matrix_array[:max_values_lign, i, j] = binary_view[-max_values_lign-2:] # shift_regs holds on each column the state of a shift register. # The first row is the input of each shift reg. shift_regs = np.empty((max_values_lign, self.k), np.int8) # Compute the entries in the next state table and the output table for current_state in range(self.number_states): for current_input in range(self.number_inputs): current_state_array = dec2bitarray(current_state, self.total_memory) # Set the first row as the input. shift_regs[0] = dec2bitarray(current_input, self.k) # Set the other rows based on the current_state idx = 0 for idx_mem, mem in enumerate(memory): shift_regs[1:mem+1, idx_mem] = current_state_array[idx:idx + mem] idx += mem # Compute the output table outputs_array = np.einsum('ik,ikl->l', shift_regs, g_matrix_array) % 2 self.output_table[current_state, current_input] = bitarray2dec(outputs_array) # Update the first line based on the feedback polynomial np.einsum('ik,ilk->l', shift_regs, feedback_array, out=shift_regs[0]) shift_regs %= 2 # Update current state array and compute next state table idx = 0 for idx_mem, mem in enumerate(memory): current_state_array[idx:idx + mem] = shift_regs[:mem, idx_mem] idx += mem self.next_state_table[current_state, current_input] = bitarray2dec(current_state_array) def _generate_grid(self, trellis_length): """ Private method """ grid = np.mgrid[0.12:0.22*trellis_length:(trellis_length+1)*(0+1j), 0.1:0.5+self.number_states*0.1:self.number_states*(0+1j)].reshape(2, -1) return grid def _generate_states(self, trellis_length, grid, state_order, state_radius, font): """ Private method """ state_patches = [] for state_count in range(self.number_states * trellis_length): state_patch = mpatches.Circle(grid[:,state_count], state_radius, color="#003399", ec="#cccccc") state_patches.append(state_patch) plt.text(grid[0, state_count], grid[1, state_count]-0.02, str(state_order[state_count % self.number_states]), ha="center", family=font, size=20, color="#ffffff") return state_patches def _generate_edges(self, trellis_length, grid, state_order, state_radius, edge_colors): """ Private method """ edge_patches = [] for current_time_index in range(trellis_length-1): grid_subset = grid[:,self.number_states * current_time_index:] for state_count_1 in range(self.number_states): input_count = 0 for state_count_2 in range(self.number_states): dx = grid_subset[0, state_count_2+self.number_states] - grid_subset[0,state_count_1] - 2*state_radius dy = grid_subset[1, state_count_2+self.number_states] - grid_subset[1,state_count_1] if np.count_nonzero(self.next_state_table[state_order[state_count_1],:] == state_order[state_count_2]): found_index = np.where(self.next_state_table[state_order[state_count_1]] == state_order[state_count_2]) edge_patch = mpatches.FancyArrow(grid_subset[0,state_count_1]+state_radius, grid_subset[1,state_count_1], dx, dy, width=0.005, length_includes_head = True, color = edge_colors[found_index[0][0]-1]) edge_patches.append(edge_patch) input_count = input_count + 1 return edge_patches def _generate_labels(self, grid, state_order, state_radius, font): """ Private method """ for state_count in range(self.number_states): for input_count in range(self.number_inputs): edge_label = str(input_count) + "/" + str( self.output_table[state_order[state_count], input_count]) plt.text(grid[0, state_count]-1.5*state_radius, grid[1, state_count]+state_radius*(1-input_count-0.7), edge_label, ha="center", family=font, size=14) def visualize(self, trellis_length = 2, state_order = None, state_radius = 0.04, edge_colors = None, save_path = None): """ Plot the trellis diagram. Parameters ---------- trellis_length : int, optional Specifies the number of time steps in the trellis diagram. Default value is 2. state_order : list of ints, optional Specifies the order in the which the states of the trellis are to be displayed starting from the top in the plot. Default order is [0,...,number_states-1] state_radius : float, optional Radius of each state (circle) in the plot. Default value is 0.04 edge_colors : list of hex color codes, optional A list of length equal to the number_inputs, containing color codes that represent the edge corresponding to the input. save_path : str or None If not None, save the figure to the file specified by its path. *Default* is no saving. """ if edge_colors is None: edge_colors = [mcolors.hsv_to_rgb((i/self.number_inputs, 1, 1)) for i in range(self.number_inputs)] if state_order is None: state_order = list(range(self.number_states)) font = "sans-serif" fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=150) ax = plt.axes([0,0,1,1]) trellis_patches = [] state_order.reverse() trellis_grid = self._generate_grid(trellis_length) state_patches = self._generate_states(trellis_length, trellis_grid, state_order, state_radius, font) edge_patches = self._generate_edges(trellis_length, trellis_grid, state_order, state_radius, edge_colors) self._generate_labels(trellis_grid, state_order, state_radius, font) trellis_patches.extend(state_patches) trellis_patches.extend(edge_patches) collection = PatchCollection(trellis_patches, match_original=True) ax.add_collection(collection) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) plt.legend(edge_patches, [str(i) + "-input" for i in range(self.number_inputs)]) if save_path is not None: plt.savefig(save_path) def visualize_fsm(self, state_order=None, state_radius=0.04, edge_colors=None, save_path=None): """ Plot the FSM corresponding to the the trellis This method is not intended to display large FSMs and its use is advisable only for simple trellises. Parameters ---------- state_order : list of ints, optional Specifies the order in the which the states of the trellis are to be displayed starting from the top in the plot. *Default* order is [0,...,number_states-1] state_radius : float, optional Radius of each state (circle) in the plot. *Default* value is 0.04 edge_colors : list of hex color codes, optional A list of length equal to the number_inputs, containing color codes that represent the edge corresponding to the input. save_path : str or None If not None, save the figure to the file specified by its path. *Default* is no saving. """ # Default arguments if edge_colors is None: edge_colors = [mcolors.hsv_to_rgb((i/self.number_inputs, 1, 1)) for i in range(self.number_inputs)] if state_order is None: state_order = list(range(self.number_states)) # Init the figure ax = plt.axes((0, 0, 1, 1)) # Plot states radius = state_radius * self.number_states angles = 2 * np.pi / self.number_states * np.arange(self.number_states) positions = [(radius * math.cos(angle), radius * math.sin(angle)) for angle in angles] state_patches = [] arrows = [] for idx, state in enumerate(state_order): state_patches.append(mpatches.Circle(positions[idx], state_radius, color="#003399", ec="#cccccc")) plt.text(positions[idx][0], positions[idx][1], str(state), ha='center', va='center', size=20) # Plot transition for input in range(self.number_inputs): next_state = self.next_state_table[state, input] next_idx = (state_order == next_state).nonzero()[0][0] output = self.output_table[state, input] # Transition arrow if next_state == state: # Positions arrow_start_x = positions[idx][0] + state_radius * math.cos(angles[idx] + math.pi / 6) arrow_start_y = positions[idx][1] + state_radius * math.sin(angles[idx] + math.pi / 6) arrow_end_x = positions[idx][0] + state_radius * math.cos(angles[idx] - math.pi / 6) arrow_end_y = positions[idx][1] + state_radius * math.sin(angles[idx] - math.pi / 6) arrow_mid_x = positions[idx][0] + state_radius * 2 * math.cos(angles[idx]) arrow_mid_y = positions[idx][1] + state_radius * 2 * math.sin(angles[idx]) # Add text plt.text(arrow_mid_x, arrow_mid_y, '({})'.format(output), ha='center', va='center', backgroundcolor=edge_colors[input]) else: # Positions dx = positions[next_idx][0] - positions[idx][0] dy = positions[next_idx][1] - positions[idx][1] relative_angle = math.atan(dy / dx) + np.where(dx > 0, 0, math.pi) arrow_start_x = positions[idx][0] + state_radius * math.cos(relative_angle + math.pi * 0.05) arrow_start_y = positions[idx][1] + state_radius * math.sin(relative_angle + math.pi * 0.05) arrow_end_x = positions[next_idx][0] - state_radius * math.cos(relative_angle - math.pi * 0.05) arrow_end_y = positions[next_idx][1] - state_radius * math.sin(relative_angle - math.pi * 0.05) arrow_mid_x = (arrow_start_x + arrow_end_x) / 2 + \ radius * 0.25 * math.cos((angles[idx] + angles[next_idx]) / 2) * np.sign(dx) arrow_mid_y = (arrow_start_y + arrow_end_y) / 2 + \ radius * 0.25 * math.sin((angles[idx] + angles[next_idx]) / 2) * np.sign(dx) text_x = arrow_mid_x + 0.01 * math.cos((angles[idx] + angles[next_idx]) / 2) text_y = arrow_mid_y + 0.01 * math.sin((angles[idx] + angles[next_idx]) / 2) # Add text plt.text(text_x, text_y, '({})'.format(output), ha='center', va='center', backgroundcolor=edge_colors[input]) # Path creation codes = (mpath.Path.MOVETO, mpath.Path.CURVE3, mpath.Path.CURVE3) verts = ((arrow_start_x, arrow_start_y), (arrow_mid_x, arrow_mid_y), (arrow_end_x, arrow_end_y)) path = mpath.Path(verts, codes) # Plot arrow arrow = mpatches.FancyArrowPatch(path=path, mutation_scale=20, color=edge_colors[input]) ax.add_artist(arrow) arrows.append(arrow) # Format and plot ax.set_xlim(radius * -2, radius * 2) ax.set_ylim(radius * -2, radius * 2) ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(state_patches, True)) plt.legend(arrows, [str(i) + "-input" for i in range(self.number_inputs)], loc='lower right') plt.text(0, 1.5 * radius, 'Finite State Machine (output on transition)', ha='center', size=18) if save_path is not None: plt.savefig(save_path) def conv_encode(message_bits, trellis, termination = 'term', puncture_matrix=None): """ Encode bits using a convolutional code. Parameters ---------- message_bits : 1D ndarray containing {0, 1} Stream of bits to be convolutionally encoded. trellis: pre-initialized Trellis structure. termination: {'cont', 'term'}, optional Create ('term') or not ('cont') termination bits. puncture_matrix: 2D ndarray containing {0, 1}, optional Matrix used for the puncturing algorithm Returns ------- coded_bits : 1D ndarray containing {0, 1} Encoded bit stream. """ k = trellis.k n = trellis.n total_memory = trellis.total_memory rate = float(k)/n code_type = trellis.code_type if puncture_matrix is None: puncture_matrix = np.ones((trellis.k, trellis.n)) number_message_bits = np.size(message_bits) if termination == 'cont': inbits = message_bits number_inbits = number_message_bits number_outbits = int(number_inbits/rate) else: # Initialize an array to contain the message bits plus the truncation zeros if code_type == 'rsc': inbits = message_bits number_inbits = number_message_bits number_outbits = int((number_inbits + k * total_memory)/rate) else: number_inbits = number_message_bits + total_memory + total_memory % k inbits = np.zeros(number_inbits, 'int') # Pad the input bits with M zeros (L-th terminated truncation) inbits[0:number_message_bits] = message_bits number_outbits = int(number_inbits/rate) outbits = np.zeros(number_outbits, 'int') if puncture_matrix is not None: p_outbits = np.zeros(number_outbits, 'int') else: p_outbits = np.zeros(int(number_outbits* puncture_matrix[0:].sum()/np.size(puncture_matrix, 1)), 'int') next_state_table = trellis.next_state_table output_table = trellis.output_table # Encoding process - Each iteration of the loop represents one clock cycle current_state = 0 j = 0 for i in range(int(number_inbits/k)): # Loop through all input bits current_input = bitarray2dec(inbits[i*k:(i+1)*k]) current_output = output_table[current_state][current_input] outbits[j*n:(j+1)*n] = dec2bitarray(current_output, n) current_state = next_state_table[current_state][current_input] j += 1 if code_type == 'rsc' and termination == 'term': term_bits = dec2bitarray(current_state, trellis.total_memory) term_bits = term_bits[::-1] for i in range(trellis.total_memory): current_input = bitarray2dec(term_bits[i*k:(i+1)*k]) current_output = output_table[current_state][current_input] outbits[j*n:(j+1)*n] = dec2bitarray(current_output, n) current_state = next_state_table[current_state][current_input] j += 1 j = 0 for i in range(number_outbits): if puncture_matrix[0][i % np.size(puncture_matrix, 1)] == 1: p_outbits[j] = outbits[i] j = j + 1 return p_outbits def _where_c(inarray, rows, cols, search_value, index_array): number_found = 0 res = np.where(inarray == search_value) i_s, j_s = res for i, j in zip(i_s, j_s): if inarray[i, j] == search_value: index_array[number_found, 0] = i index_array[number_found, 1] = j number_found += 1 return number_found @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False) def _compute_branch_metrics(decoding_type, _r_codeword: tuple, _i_codeword_array: tuple): r_codeword = np.array(_r_codeword) i_codeword_array = np.array(_i_codeword_array) if decoding_type == 'hard': return hamming_dist(r_codeword.astype(int), i_codeword_array.astype(int)) elif decoding_type == 'soft': neg_LL_0 = np.log(np.exp(r_codeword) + 1) # negative log-likelihood to have received a 0 neg_LL_1 = neg_LL_0 - r_codeword # negative log-likelihood to have received a 1 return np.where(i_codeword_array, neg_LL_1, neg_LL_0).sum() elif decoding_type == 'unquantized': i_codeword_array = 2 * i_codeword_array - 1 return euclid_dist(r_codeword, i_codeword_array) def _acs_traceback(r_codeword, trellis, decoding_type, path_metrics, paths, decoded_symbols, decoded_bits, tb_count, t, count, tb_depth, current_number_states): k = trellis.k n = trellis.n number_states = trellis.number_states number_inputs = trellis.number_inputs branch_metric = 0.0 next_state_table = trellis.next_state_table output_table = trellis.output_table pmetrics = np.empty(number_inputs) index_array = np.empty([number_states, 2], 'int') # Loop over all the current states (Time instant: t) for state_num in range(current_number_states): # Using the next state table find the previous states and inputs # leading into the current state (Trellis) number_found = _where_c(next_state_table, number_states, number_inputs, state_num, index_array) # Loop over all the previous states (Time instant: t-1) for i in range(number_found): previous_state = index_array[i, 0] previous_input = index_array[i, 1] # Using the output table, find the ideal codeword i_codeword = output_table[previous_state, previous_input] i_codeword_array = dec2bitarray(i_codeword, n) # Compute Branch Metrics branch_metric = _compute_branch_metrics(decoding_type, tuple(r_codeword), tuple(i_codeword_array)) # ADD operation: Add the branch metric to the # accumulated path metric and store it in the temporary array pmetrics[i] = path_metrics[previous_state, 0] + branch_metric # COMPARE and SELECT operations # Compare and Select the minimum accumulated path metric path_metrics[state_num, 1] = pmetrics.min() # Store the previous state corresponding to the minimum # accumulated path metric min_idx = pmetrics.argmin() paths[state_num, tb_count] = index_array[min_idx, 0] # Store the previous input corresponding to the minimum # accumulated path metric decoded_symbols[state_num, tb_count] = index_array[min_idx, 1] if t >= tb_depth - 1: current_state = path_metrics[:,1].argmin() # Traceback Loop for j in reversed(range(1, tb_depth)): dec_symbol = decoded_symbols[current_state, j] previous_state = paths[current_state, j] decoded_bitarray = dec2bitarray(dec_symbol, k) decoded_bits[t - tb_depth + 1 + (j - 1) * k + count:t - tb_depth + 1 + j * k + count] = decoded_bitarray current_state = previous_state paths[:,0:tb_depth-1] = paths[:,1:] decoded_symbols[:,0:tb_depth-1] = decoded_symbols[:,1:] def viterbi_decode(coded_bits, trellis, tb_depth=None, decoding_type='hard'): """ Decodes a stream of convolutionally encoded bits using the Viterbi Algorithm. Parameters ---------- coded_bits : 1D ndarray Stream of convolutionally encoded bits which are to be decoded. treillis : treillis object Treillis representing the convolutional code. tb_depth : int Traceback depth. *Default* is 5 times the number of memories in the code. decoding_type : str {'hard', 'soft', 'unquantized'} The type of decoding to be used. 'hard' option is used for hard inputs (bits) to the decoder, e.g., BSC channel. 'soft' option is used for soft inputs (LLRs) to the decoder. LLRs are clipped in [-500, 500]. 'unquantized' option is used for soft inputs (real numbers) to the decoder, e.g., BAWGN channel. Returns ------- decoded_bits : 1D ndarray Decoded bit stream. Raises ------ ValueError If decoding_type is something else than 'hard', 'soft' or 'unquantized'. References ---------- .. [1] Todd K. Moon. Error Correction Coding: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms. John Wiley and Sons, 2005. """ # k = Rows in G(D), n = columns in G(D) k = trellis.k n = trellis.n rate = k/n total_memory = trellis.total_memory # Number of message bits after decoding L = int(len(coded_bits)*rate) if tb_depth is None: tb_depth = min(5 * total_memory, L) path_metrics = np.full((trellis.number_states, 2), np.inf) path_metrics[0][0] = 0 paths = np.empty((trellis.number_states, tb_depth), 'int') paths[0][0] = 0 decoded_symbols = np.zeros([trellis.number_states, tb_depth], 'int') decoded_bits = np.empty(int(math.ceil((L + tb_depth) / k) * k), 'int') r_codeword = np.zeros(n, 'int') tb_count = 1 count = 0 current_number_states = trellis.number_states if decoding_type == 'soft': coded_bits = coded_bits.clip(-500, 500) for t in range(1, int((L+total_memory)/k)): # Get the received codeword corresponding to t if t <= L // k: r_codeword = coded_bits[(t-1)*n:t*n] # Pad with '0' else: if decoding_type == 'hard': r_codeword[:] = 0 elif decoding_type == 'soft': r_codeword[:] = 0 elif decoding_type == 'unquantized': r_codeword[:] = -1 else: raise ValueError('The available decoding types are "hard", "soft" and "unquantized') _acs_traceback(r_codeword, trellis, decoding_type, path_metrics, paths, decoded_symbols, decoded_bits, tb_count, t, count, tb_depth, current_number_states) if t >= tb_depth - 1: tb_count = tb_depth - 1 count = count + k - 1 else: tb_count = tb_count + 1 # Path metrics (at t-1) = Path metrics (at t) path_metrics[:, 0] = path_metrics[:, 1] return decoded_bits[:L] def puncturing(message: np.ndarray, punct_vec: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Applying of the punctured procedure. Parameters ---------- message : 1D ndarray Input message {0,1} bit array. punct_vec : 1D ndarray Puncturing vector {0,1} bit array. Returns ------- punctured : 1D ndarray Output punctured vector {0,1} bit array. """ shift = 0 N = len(punct_vec) punctured = [] for idx, item in enumerate(message): if punct_vec[idx-shift*N] == 1: punctured.append(item) if idx%N == 0: shift = shift + 1 return np.array(punctured) def depuncturing(punctured: np.ndarray, punct_vec: np.ndarray, shouldbe: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Applying of the inserting zeros procedure. Parameters ---------- punctured : 1D ndarray Input punctured message {0,1} bit array. punct_vec : 1D ndarray Puncturing vector {0,1} bit array. shouldbe : int Length of the initial message (before puncturing). Returns ------- depunctured : 1D ndarray Output vector {0,1} bit array. """ shift = 0 shift2 = 0 N = len(punct_vec) depunctured = np.zeros((shouldbe,)) for idx, item in enumerate(depunctured): if punct_vec[idx - shift*N] == 1: depunctured[idx] = float(punctured[idx-shift2]) else: shift2 = shift2 + 1 if idx%N == 0: shift = shift + 1 return depunctured
from math import gcd from numpy import array, zeros, arange, convolve, ndarray, concatenate from commpy.utilities import dec2bitarray, bitarray2dec __all__ = ['GF', 'polydivide', 'polymultiply', 'poly_to_string'] class GF: """ Defines a Binary Galois Field of order m, containing n, where n can be a single element or a list of elements within the field. Parameters ---------- n : int Represents the Galois field element(s). m : int Specifies the order of the Galois Field. Returns ------- x : int A Galois Field GF(2\ :sup:`m`) object. Examples -------- >>> from numpy import arange >>> from gfields import GF >>> x = arange(16) >>> m = 4 >>> x = GF(x, m) >>> print x.elements [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] >>> print x.prim_poly 19 """ # Initialization def __init__(self, x, m): self.m = m primpoly_array = array([0, 3, 7, 11, 19, 37, 67, 137, 285, 529, 1033, 2053, 4179, 8219, 17475, 32771, 69643]) self.prim_poly = primpoly_array[self.m] if type(x) is int and x >= 0 and x < pow(2, m): self.elements = array([x]) elif type(x) is ndarray and len(x) >= 1: self.elements = x.astype(int) # Overloading addition operator for Galois Field def __add__(self, x): if len(self.elements) == len(x.elements): return GF(self.elements ^ x.elements, self.m) else: raise ValueError("The arguments should have the same number of elements") # Overloading multiplication operator for Galois Field def __mul__(self, x): if len(x.elements) == len(self.elements): prod_elements = arange(len(self.elements)) for i in range(len(self.elements)): prod_elements[i] = polymultiply(self.elements[i], x.elements[i], self.m, self.prim_poly) return GF(prod_elements, self.m) else: raise ValueError("Two sets of elements cannot be multiplied") def power_to_tuple(self): """ Convert Galois field elements from power form to tuple form representation. """ y = zeros(len(self.elements)) for idx, i in enumerate(self.elements): if 2**i < 2**self.m: y[idx] = 2**i else: y[idx] = polydivide(2**i, self.prim_poly) return GF(y, self.m) def tuple_to_power(self): """ Convert Galois field elements from tuple form to power form representation. """ y = zeros(len(self.elements)) for idx, i in enumerate(self.elements): if i != 0: init_state = 1 cur_state = 1 power = 0 while cur_state != i: cur_state = ((cur_state << 1) & (2**self.m-1)) ^ (-((cur_state & 2**(self.m-1)) >> (self.m - 1)) & (self.prim_poly & (2**self.m-1))) power+=1 y[idx] = power else: y[idx] = 0 return GF(y, self.m) def order(self): """ Compute the orders of the Galois field elements. """ orders = zeros(len(self.elements)) power_gf = self.tuple_to_power() for idx, i in enumerate(power_gf.elements): orders[idx] = (2**self.m - 1)/(gcd(i, 2**self.m-1)) return orders def cosets(self): """ Compute the cyclotomic cosets of the Galois field. """ coset_list = [] x = self.tuple_to_power().elements mark_list = zeros(len(x)) coset_count = 1 for idx in range(len(x)): if mark_list[idx] == 0: a = x[idx] mark_list[idx] = coset_count i = 1 while (a*(2**i) % (2**self.m-1)) != a: for idx2 in range(len(x)): if (mark_list[idx2] == 0) and (x[idx2] == a*(2**i)%(2**self.m-1)): mark_list[idx2] = coset_count i+=1 coset_count+=1 for counts in range(1, coset_count): coset_list.append(GF(self.elements[mark_list==counts], self.m)) return coset_list def minpolys(self): """ Compute the minimal polynomials for all elements of the Galois field. """ minpol_list = array([]) full_gf = GF(arange(2**self.m), self.m) full_cosets = full_gf.cosets() for x in self.elements: for i in range(len(full_cosets)): if x in full_cosets[i].elements: t = array([1, full_cosets[i].elements[0]])[::-1] for root in full_cosets[i].elements[1:]: t2 = concatenate((zeros(len(t)-1), array([1, root]), zeros(len(t)-1))) prod_poly = array([]) for n in range(len(t2)-len(t)+1): root_sum = 0 for k in range(len(t)): root_sum = root_sum ^ polymultiply(int(t[k]), int(t2[n+k]), self.m, self.prim_poly) prod_poly = concatenate((prod_poly, array([root_sum]))) t = prod_poly[::-1] minpol_list = concatenate((minpol_list, array([bitarray2dec(t[::-1])]))) return minpol_list.astype(int) # Divide two polynomials and returns the remainder def polydivide(x, y): r = y while len(bin(r)) >= len(bin(y)): shift_count = len(bin(x)) - len(bin(y)) if shift_count > 0: d = y << shift_count else: d = y x = x ^ d r = x return r def polymultiply(x, y, m, prim_poly): x_array = dec2bitarray(x, m) y_array = dec2bitarray(y, m) prod = bitarray2dec(convolve(x_array, y_array) % 2) return polydivide(prod, prim_poly) def poly_to_string(x): i = 0 polystr = "" while x != 0: y = x%2 x = x >> 1 if y == 1: polystr = polystr + "x^" + str(i) + " + " i+=1 return polystr[:-2]
# Channel codes basics ## Main idea The main idea of the channel codes can be formulated as following thesises: - **noise immunity** of the signal should be increased; - **redundant bits** are added for *error detection* and *error correction*; - some special algorithms (<u>coding schemes</u>) are used for this. <img src="" width="800" /> The fact how "further" a certain algorithm divides the code words among themselves, and determines how strongly it protects the signal from noise [1, p.23]. <img src="" width="800" /> In the case of binary codes, the minimum distance between all existing code words is called **Hamming distance** and is usually denoted **dmin**: <img src="" alt="examp2" width="400"/> ## Classification Some classification is needed to talk about those or other implementations of the encoding and decoding algorithms. First, the channel codes: - can only [*detect*]( the presence of errors - and they can also [*correct* errors]( Secondly, codes can be classified as **block** and **continuous**: ![]( ## Net bit rate Redundancy of the channel coding schemes influences (decreases) bit rate. Actually, it is the cost for the noiseless increasing. [**Net bit rate**]( concept is usually used: <img src="" alt="net" width="500"/> To change the code rate (k/n) of the block code dimensions of the Generator matrix can be changed: ![blockcoderate]( To change the coderate of the continuous code, e.g. convolutional code, **puncturing** procedure is frequently used: ![punct]( ## Example Let us consider implematation of the **convolutional codes** as an example: <img src="" width="500"/> *Main modeling routines: random message genaration, channel encoding, baseband modulation, additive noise (e.g. AWGN), baseband demodulation, channel decoding, BER calculation.* ```python import numpy as np import commpy.channelcoding.convcode as cc import commpy.modulation as modulation def BER_calc(a, b): num_ber = np.sum(np.abs(a - b)) ber = np.mean(np.abs(a - b)) return int(num_ber), ber N = 100000 #number of symbols per the frame message_bits = np.random.randint(0, 2, N) # message M = 4 # modulation order (QPSK) k = np.log2(M) #number of bit per modulation symbol modem = modulation.PSKModem(M) # M-PSK modem initialization ``` The [following]( convolutional code will be used: ![]( *Shift-register for the (7, [171, 133]) convolutional code polynomial.* Convolutional encoder parameters: ```python generator_matrix = np.array([[5, 7]]) # generator branches trellis = cc.Trellis(np.array([M]), generator_matrix) # Trellis structure rate = 1/2 # code rate L = 7 # constraint length m = np.array([L-1]) # number of delay elements ``` Viterbi decoder parameters: ```python tb_depth = 5*(m.sum() + 1) # traceback depth ``` Two oppitions of the Viterbi decoder will be tested: - *hard* (hard inputs) - *unquatized* (soft inputs) Additionally, uncoded case will be considered. Simulation loop: ```python EbNo = 5 # energy per bit to noise power spectral density ratio (in dB) snrdB = EbNo + 10*np.log10(k*rate) # Signal-to-Noise ratio (in dB) noiseVar = 10**(-snrdB/10) # noise variance (power) N_c = 10 # number of trials BER_soft = np.zeros(N_c) BER_hard = np.zeros(N_c) BER_uncoded = np.zeros(N_c) for cntr in range(N_c): message_bits = np.random.randint(0, 2, N) # message coded_bits = cc.conv_encode(message_bits, trellis) # encoding modulated = modem.modulate(coded_bits) # modulation modulated_uncoded = modem.modulate(message_bits) # modulation (uncoded case) Es = np.mean(np.abs(modulated)**2) # symbol energy No = Es/((10**(EbNo/10))*np.log2(M)) # noise spectrum density noisy = modulated + np.sqrt(No/2)*\ (np.random.randn(modulated.shape[0])+\ 1j*np.random.randn(modulated.shape[0])) # AWGN noisy_uncoded = modulated_uncoded + np.sqrt(No/2)*\ (np.random.randn(modulated_uncoded.shape[0])+\ 1j*np.random.randn(modulated_uncoded.shape[0])) # AWGN (uncoded case) demodulated_soft = modem.demodulate(noisy, demod_type='soft', noise_var=noiseVar) # demodulation (soft output) demodulated_hard = modem.demodulate(noisy, demod_type='hard') # demodulation (hard output) demodulated_uncoded = modem.demodulate(noisy_uncoded, demod_type='hard') # demodulation (uncoded case) decoded_soft = cc.viterbi_decode(demodulated_soft, trellis, tb_depth, decoding_type='unquantized') # decoding (soft decision) decoded_hard = cc.viterbi_decode(demodulated_hard, trellis, tb_depth, decoding_type='hard') # decoding (hard decision) NumErr, BER_soft[cntr] = BER_calc(message_bits, decoded_soft[:message_bits.size]) # bit-error ratio (soft decision) NumErr, BER_hard[cntr] = BER_calc(message_bits, decoded_hard[:message_bits.size]) # bit-error ratio (hard decision) NumErr, BER_uncoded[cntr] = BER_calc(message_bits, demodulated_uncoded[:message_bits.size]) # bit-error ratio (uncoded case) mean_BER_soft = BER_soft.mean() # averaged bit-error ratio (soft decision) mean_BER_hard = BER_hard.mean() # averaged bit-error ratio (hard decision) mean_BER_uncoded = BER_uncoded.mean() # averaged bit-error ratio (uncoded case) print("Soft decision:\n{}\n".format(mean_BER_soft)) print("Hard decision:\n{}\n".format(mean_BER_hard)) print("Uncoded message:\n{}\n".format(mean_BER_uncoded)) ``` Outputs: ```python Soft decision: 2.8000000000000003e-05 Hard decision: 0.0007809999999999999 Uncoded message: 0.009064 ``` ### Reference [1] Moon, Todd K. "Error correction coding." Mathematical Methods and Algorithms. Jhon Wiley and Son (2005).
import collections import encoder from estimator import LRWrapper, XgBoostWrapper from utils import common __author__ = 'jiyue' from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.metrics import recall_score, precision_score, accuracy_score, roc_auc_score from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, cross_val_score, train_test_split, cross_val_predict, StratifiedKFold, \ KFold from sklearn.metrics import recall_score, precision_score, accuracy_score, roc_auc_score from sklearn.dummy import DummyClassifier from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc, roc_auc_score, accuracy_score from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import pandas as pd class Bootstrap(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self): self.X_src = None self.y_src = None self.X_featured = None @abstractmethod def load_data(self, file_path, # 训练文件或预测文件路径 fea_list, # 特征文件 target, # 目标 split_mode='ratio', in_format='dataframe', in_postfix='csv' ): pass @abstractmethod def go_binning(self, event_identify, binning_spec_with, binned_other_value, binned_width=5, binning_mode='ef'): pass @abstractmethod def do_train(self, params, model='lr'): pass @abstractmethod def train_score_card(self, feature_list, target, feature_weights_file_path, feature_data_file, output_score_file, sep=','): pass @abstractmethod def predict_score_card(self, target): pass @abstractmethod def model_evaluation(self, score_col_name, target, event_identify, ks_bin_num=100): pass def go_bootstrap(self, file_path, split_mode, in_format, in_postfix, fea_list, target, event_identify, binning_mode, binning_spec_with, binned_other_value, binned_num, feature_method, model, score_col_name, ks_bin_num): self.load_data(file_path, fea_list, target, split_mode, in_format, in_postfix) self.go_binning(event_identify, binning_mode, binning_spec_with, binned_other_value, binned_num) self.train_score_card(target, event_identify, feature_method, model) self.predict_score_card(target) self.model_evaluation(score_col_name, target, event_identify, ks_bin_num) class MainBootstrap(Bootstrap): def __init__(self): super(MainBootstrap, self).__init__() self.binned_X = None self.woe = None self.df_binned_dummy_x = None self.weight_of_feature = None self.fea_list = None self.binned_range = None self.x_train = None self.x_test = None self.y_train = None self.y_test = None self.estimator = None def load_data(self, file_path, fea_list=None, target='label', split_mode='ratio', in_format='dataframe', in_postfix='csv' ): data_frame = pd.DataFrame() if in_format == 'dataframe' and in_postfix == 'csv': data_frame = pd.read_csv(file_path) elif in_format == 'dataframe' and in_postfix == 'xls': data_frame = pd.read_excel(file_path) else: data0, data1 = common.load_svm_format_file(file_path) self.y_src = data_frame[target] if fea_list: self.X_src = data_frame.drop([target], axis=1).loc[:fea_list] else: self.X_src = data_frame.drop([target], axis=1) self.fea_list = self.X_src.columns.values.tolist() def _do_featuring(self): df_binned_x = pd.DataFrame(data=self.binned_X, columns=self.X_src.columns.values) for col in self.X_src.columns.values.tolist(): df_binned_x[col] = df_binned_x[col].astype('category') self.df_binned_dummy_x = pd.get_dummies(df_binned_x) def go_binning(self, event_identify, binning_spec_with, binned_other_value, binned_width=5, exclude_col=None, binning_mode='ef'): woe_encoder = encoder.WoeEncoder(binning_mode=binning_mode, bin_width=binned_width, exclude_col=exclude_col) woe_encoder.fit_transform(self.X_src.values, self.y_src.values) self.binned_X = woe_encoder._X_binned self.woe = woe_encoder._woe self.binned_range = woe_encoder._binned_range self._do_featuring() def do_train(self, params, model='lr'): self.x_train, self.x_test, self.y_train, self.y_test = train_test_split(self.df_binned_dummy_x.values, self.y_src, test_size=0.3) if model == 'lr': self.estimator = LRWrapper(params) else: self.estimator = XgBoostWrapper(params) dummy_classifier = DummyClassifier(random_state=0, strategy='uniform') # 基线模型, self.y_train) self.estimator.do_train(self.x_train, self.y_train) def do_predict(self): if not self.estimator: raise Exception(u'预测前必须先训练模型') pred, pred_proba = self.estimator.do_predict(self.x_test) return pred, pred_proba def get_column_name(self, column): column_arr = column.split('_') num = str(column_arr[len(column_arr) - 1]) return column[:-len(num) - 1] def output_features_weight(self, path='/home/jiyue/Desktop/output_encoding'): columns = self.df_binned_dummy_x.columns.values with open(path, 'w') as f: index = 0 f.write('feature\tweight\twoe\n') for fea_idx, features_list in enumerate(self.binned_range): for binned_index, feature_item_range in enumerate(features_list): col_name = self.get_column_name(columns[index]) print(col_name + '$' + str(feature_item_range[0]) + '~' + str(feature_item_range[1]) + '\t' + str(self.estimator.weight_of_features[index]) + '\t' + str(self.woe[binned_index][fea_idx]) + '\t' + str(fea_idx) + '\t' + str(binned_index) + '\n') f.write(col_name + '$' + str(feature_item_range[0]) + '~' + str(feature_item_range[1]) + '\t' + str(self.estimator.weight_of_features[index]) + '\t' + str(self.woe[binned_index][fea_idx]) + '\n') index += 1 def train_score_card(self, feature_list, target, feature_weights_file_path, feature_data_file, output_score_file, sep=','): df = pd.read_csv(feature_data_file, sep=sep) with open(output_score_file, 'w') as f: feature_list.append('label') feature_list.append('prob') feature_list.append('zengxin_score') feature_list_str = ' '.join(feature_list) f.write(feature_list_str + '\n') for index, item in df.iterrows(): sample = collections.OrderedDict() for feature in feature_list: if feature in ('prob', 'zengxin_score'): continue sample[feature] = item[feature] common.cal_user_query_score(feature_weights_file_path, f, sample) def model_evaluation(self, score_col_name, target, event_identify, ks_bin_num=100): pass def predict_score_card(self, target): pass
import math from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin from sklearn.utils.multiclass import type_of_target import numpy as np from scipy import stats import pandas as pd __author__ = 'jiyue' class WoeEncoder(TransformerMixin): def __init__(self, binning_mode='ew', bin_width=5, bin_cols=None, woe_min=-20, woe_max=20, binned_spec_width=None, exclude_col=None ): self._binning_mode = binning_mode self._bin_width = bin_width self._bin_cols = bin_cols self._WOE_MIN = woe_min self._WOE_MAX = woe_max self._features_woe = None self._features_iv = None self._X_binned = None self._woe = None self._binned_range = list() self._binned_spec_width = binned_spec_width def _check_target_type(self, y): type_y = type_of_target(y) if type_y not in ['binary']: raise ValueError('y must be binary variable') def _count_binary(self, x, event=1): event_count = (x == event).sum() non_event_count = x.shape[-1] - event_count return event_count, non_event_count def _compute_woe_iv(self, x, y, event=1): self._check_target_type(y) event_count, non_event_count = self._count_binary(y, event) x_labels = np.unique(x) woe_dict = dict() iv = 0 for x1 in x_labels: y1 = y[np.where(x == x1)[0]] event_count_infeature, non_event_count_infeature = self._count_binary(y1, event) rate_event = 1.0 * event_count_infeature / event_count rate_non_event = 1.0 * non_event_count_infeature / non_event_count if rate_event == 0: woe1 = self._WOE_MIN elif rate_non_event == 0: woe1 = self._WOE_MAX else: woe1 = math.log(rate_event / rate_non_event) woe_dict[x1] = woe1 iv += (rate_event - rate_non_event) * woe1 return woe_dict, iv def _woe_compute(self, X, y, event=1): self._check_target_type(y) self._do_binning(X) tmp_features_woe = list() tmp_features_iv = list() for i in range(self._X_binned.shape[-1]): x = self._X_binned[:, i] woe_dict, iv = self._compute_woe_iv(x, y, event) tmp_features_woe.append(woe_dict) tmp_features_iv.append(iv) self._features_woe = np.array(tmp_features_woe) self._features_iv = np.array(tmp_features_iv) def eq_freq_binning(self, X, index_X): res = np.array([1] * X.shape[-1], dtype=int) bining_range = list() bin_index = 0 q = 100 / self._bin_width binned_categories = pd.qcut(X, q, duplicates='drop') interval_list = binned_categories.categories.values.tolist() for interval in interval_list: left_point = round(interval.left, 3) right_point = round(interval.right, 3) X1 = X[np.where((X >= left_point) & (X < right_point))] mask = np.in1d(X, X1) res[mask] = bin_index + 1 bin_index += 1 bining_range.append([left_point, right_point]) return res, bining_range def eq_width_binning2(self, X, index_X): res = np.array([1] * X.shape[-1], dtype=int) bining_range = list() bin_index = 0 binned_categories = pd.cut(X, bins=self._bin_width) interval_list = binned_categories.categories.values.tolist() for interval in interval_list: left_point = int(math.ceil(interval.left)) right_point = int(math.ceil(interval.right)) X1 = X[np.where((X >= left_point) & (X < right_point))] mask = np.in1d(X, X1) res[mask] = bin_index + 1 bin_index += 1 bining_range.append([left_point, right_point]) return res, bining_range # 这里实现等宽分箱 def eq_width_binning(self, X, index_X): res = np.array([1] * X.shape[-1], dtype=int) bining_range = list() bin_index = 0 if not self._binned_spec_width: percentile = 100 / self._bin_width else: percentile = 100 / self._binned_spec_width[index_X] i = 0 flag = False X_target = X while True and i < self._bin_width: left_point = stats.scoreatpercentile(X_target, i * percentile) right_point = stats.scoreatpercentile(X_target, (i + 1) * percentile) i += 1 if left_point == right_point and left_point == 0: flag = False continue if not flag: X_target = X[np.where(X >= right_point)] flag = True i = 0 X1 = X[np.where((X >= left_point) & (X < right_point))] mask = np.in1d(X, X1) res[mask] = bin_index + 1 bin_index += 1 print np.unique(res) bining_range.append([left_point, right_point]) continue X1 = X[np.where((X >= left_point) & (X < right_point))] mask = np.in1d(X, X1) res[mask] = bin_index + 1 bin_index += 1 print np.unique(res) bining_range.append([left_point, right_point]) return res, bining_range def _do_smooth(self, X, i): if self._binning_mode == 'ew': # 等宽分箱 return self.eq_width_binning2(X, i) else: # 等频分箱 return self.eq_freq_binning(X, i) def _do_binning(self, X): tmp = list() for i in range(X.shape[-1]): x = X[:, i] x_discrete, bining_range = self._do_smooth(x, i) tmp.append(x_discrete) self._binned_range.append(bining_range) self._X_binned = np.array(tmp).T def _convert_to_woe(self, X_binned, woe_arr): if X_binned.shape[-1] != woe_arr.shape[-1]: raise ValueError('dimension is not consistence') self._woe = np.copy(X_binned).astype(float) idx = 0 for woe_dict in woe_arr: for k in woe_dict.keys(): woe = woe_dict[k] self._woe[:, idx][np.where(self._woe[:, idx] == k)[0]] = woe * 1.0 idx += 1 return self._woe def fit(self, X, y): self._woe_compute(X, y) return self def transform(self, X): return self._convert_to_woe(self._X_binned, self._features_woe)
__author__ = 'jiyue' import pandas as pd import math from sklearn.datasets import dump_svmlight_file, load_svmlight_file from sklearn.externals.joblib import Memory import numpy as np mem = Memory("~/.svmmem") def compute_missing_pct(dataframe, dtype): dataframe.select_dtypes(include=[dtype]).describe().T \ .assign(missing_pct=dataframe.apply(lambda x: (len(x) - x.count()) / float(len(x)))) def dump_to_svm_format_file(data_frame, label='label', file_name='svm-output.libsvm'): dummy = pd.get_dummies(data_frame) y = data_frame[label] mat = dummy.as_matrix() dump_svmlight_file(mat, y, file_name) def load_svm_format_file(path): data = load_svmlight_file(path) return data[0], data[1] def cal_sigmod(x): one = 1.0 return one / (one + math.exp(-x)) def cal_predict_prob(weights): inner = 0.0 for i in weights: inner += i return cal_sigmod(inner) def cal_aplus_score(pred): BASE_SCORE = 600 init_score = BASE_SCORE - 20 / math.log(2) * math.log(60) + 20 / math.log(2) * math.log( (1 - pred) / (pred + 0.000001)) return int(init_score) def cal_weight(encoding_file_path, header=False): res = dict() with open(encoding_file_path, 'r') as f: list_all_data = f.readlines() for idx, item in enumerate(list_all_data): if not header and idx == 0: continue sign = item.split('\t')[0] weight = item.split('\t')[1] feature_name = sign.split('$')[0] feature_binning_range = sign.split('$')[1] if feature_name not in res: res[feature_name] = dict() res[feature_name]['bins'] = list() res[feature_name]['weight'] = list() res[feature_name]['bins'].append( (feature_binning_range.split('~')[0], feature_binning_range.split('~')[1])) res[feature_name]['weight'].append(weight) return res def cal_user_query_score(encoding_file_path, output_file_handler, sample, estimator=None): weight_list = list() mapping_res = cal_weight(encoding_file_path) for feature_name, feature_item in mapping_res.iteritems(): for fea_key, fea_value in sample.iteritems(): if feature_name == fea_key: bins_range = mapping_res[feature_name]['bins'] for index, item_range in enumerate(bins_range): if fea_value >= float(item_range[0]) and fea_value < float(item_range[1]): weight_list.append(float(mapping_res[feature_name]['weight'][index])) if not estimator: prob = cal_predict_prob(weight_list) else: columns = list() data = list() for col_name, col_value in sample.iteritems(): columns.append(col_name) data.append(col_value) prob = estimator.do_predict(np.array(data))[1] score = cal_aplus_score(prob) for k, v in sample.iteritems(): print str(k) + ':' + str(v) + ' ' output_file_handler.write(str(v) + ' ') output_file_handler.write(str(round(prob, 3)) + ' ') output_file_handler.write(str(score) + '\n') print score return score
# Changelog of Scikit-Criteria <!-- BODY --> ## Version 0.8.3 - Fixed a bug detected on the EntropyWeighted, Now works as the literature specifies ## Version 0.8.2 - We bring back Python 3.7 because is the version used in google.colab. - Bugfixes in `` and `dominance.eq`. ## Version 0.8 - **New** The `skcriteria.cmp` package utilities to compare rankings. - **New** The new package `skcriteria.datasets` include two datasets (one a toy and one real) to quickly start your experiments. - **New** DecisionMatrix now can be sliced with a syntax similar of the pandas.DataFrame. - `dm["c0"]` cut the *c0* criteria. - `dm[["c0", "c2"]` cut the criteria *c0* and *c2*. - `dm.loc["a0"]` cut the alternative *a0*. - `dm.loc[["a0", "a1"]]` cut the alternatives *a0* and *a1*. - `dm.iloc[0:3]` cuts from the first to the third alternative. - **New** imputation methods for replacing missing data with substituted values. These methods are in the module `skcriteria.preprocessing.impute`. - **New** results object now has a `to_series` method. - **Changed Behaviour**: The ranks and kernels `equals` are now called `values_equals`. The new `aequals` support tolerances to compare numpy arrays internally stored in `extra_`, and the `equals` method is equivalent to `aequals(rtol=0, atol=0)`. - We detected a bad behavior in ELECTRE2, so we decided to launch a `FutureWarning` when the class is instantiated. In the version after 0.8, a new implementation of ELECTRE2 will be provided. - Multiple `__repr__` was improved to folow the [Python recomendation]( - `Critic` weighter was renamed to `CRITIC` (all capitals) to be consistent with the literature. The old class is still there but is deprecated. - All the functions and classes of `skcriteria.preprocessing.distance` was moved to `skcriteria.preprocessing.scalers`. - The `StdWeighter` now uses the **sample** standar-deviation. From the numerical point of view, this does not generate any change, since the deviations are scaled by the sum. Computationally speaking there may be some difference from the ~5th decimal digit onwards. - Two method of the `Objective` enum was deprecated and replaced: - `Objective.construct_from_alias()` `->` `Objective.from_alias()` (*classmethod*) - `Objective.to_string()` `->` `Objective.to_symbol()` The deprecated methods will be removed in version *1.0*. - Add a dominance plot `DecisionMatrix.plot.dominance()`. - `WeightedSumModel` raises a `ValueError` when some value *< 0*. - Moved internal modules - `skcriteria.core.methods.SKCTransformerABC` `->` `skcriteria.preprocessing.SKCTransformerABC` - `skcriteria.core.methods.SKCMatrixAndWeightTransformerABC` `->` `skcriteria.preprocessing.SKCMatrixAndWeightTransformerABC` ## Version 0.7 - **New method**: `ELECTRE2`. - **New preprocessing strategy:** A new way to transform from minimization to maximization criteria: `NegateMinimize()` which reverses the sign of the values of the criteria to be minimized (useful for not breaking distance relations in methods like *TOPSIS*). Additionally the previous we rename the `MinimizeToMaximize()` transformer to `InvertMinimize()`. - Now the `RankingResult`, support repeated/tied rankings and some methods were implemented to deal with these cases. - `RankingResult.has_ties_` to see if there are tied values. - `RankingResult.ties_` to see how often values are repeated. - `RankingResult.untied_rank_` to get a ranking with no repeated values. repeated values. - `KernelResult` now implements several new properties: - `kernel_alternatives_` to know which alternatives are in the kernel. - `kernel_size_` to know the number of alternatives in the kernel. - `kernel_where_` was replaced by `kernelwhere_` to standardize the api. ## Version 0.6 - Support for Python 3.10. - All the objects of the project are now immutable by design, and can only be mutated troughs the `object.copy()` method. - Dominance analysis tools (`DecisionMatrix.dominance`). - The method `DecisionMatrix.describe()` was deprecated and will be removed in version *1.0*. - New statistics functionalities `DecisionMatrix.stats` accessor. - The accessors are now cached in the `DecisionMatrix`. - Tutorial for dominance and satisfaction analysis. - TOPSIS now support hyper-parameters to select different metrics. - Generalize the idea of accessors in scikit-criteria througth a common framework (`skcriteria.utils.accabc` module). - New deprecation mechanism through the - `skcriteria.utils.decorators.deprecated` decorator. ## Version 0.5 In this version scikit-criteria was rewritten from scratch. Among other things: - The model implementation API was simplified. - The `Data` object was removed in favor of `DecisionMatrix` which implements many more useful features for MCDA. - Plots were completely re-implemented using [Seaborn]( - Coverage was increased to 100%. - Pipelines concept was added (Thanks to [Scikit-learn]( - New documentation. The quick start is totally rewritten! **Full Changelog**: ## Version 0.2 First OO stable version. ## Version 0.1 Only functions.
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """The Module implements utilities to build a composite decision-maker.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= from .core import SKCMethodABC from .utils import Bunch, unique_names # ============================================================================= # CLASS # ============================================================================= class SKCPipeline(SKCMethodABC): """Pipeline of transforms with a final decision-maker. Sequentially apply a list of transforms and a final decisionmaker. Intermediate steps of the pipeline must be 'transforms', that is, they must implement `transform` method. The final decision-maker only needs to implement `evaluate`. The purpose of the pipeline is to assemble several steps that can be applied together while setting different parameters. Parameters ---------- steps : list List of (name, transform) tuples (implementing evaluate/transform) that are chained, in the order in which they are chained, with the last object an decision-maker. See Also -------- skcriteria.pipeline.mkpipe : Convenience function for simplified pipeline construction. """ _skcriteria_dm_type = "pipeline" _skcriteria_parameters = ["steps"] def __init__(self, steps): steps = list(steps) self._validate_steps(steps) self._steps = steps # INTERNALS =============================================================== def _validate_steps(self, steps): for name, step in steps[:-1]: if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("step names must be instance of str") if not (hasattr(step, "transform") and callable(step.transform)): raise TypeError( f"step '{name}' must implement 'transform()' method" ) name, dmaker = steps[-1] if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("step names must be instance of str") if not (hasattr(dmaker, "evaluate") and callable(dmaker.evaluate)): raise TypeError( f"step '{name}' must implement 'evaluate()' method" ) # PROPERTIES ============================================================== @property def steps(self): """List of steps of the pipeline.""" return list(self._steps) @property def named_steps(self): """Dictionary-like object, with the following attributes. Read-only attribute to access any step parameter by user given name. Keys are step names and values are steps parameters. """ return Bunch("steps", dict(self.steps)) # DUNDERS ================================================================= def __len__(self): """Return the length of the Pipeline.""" return len(self._steps) def __getitem__(self, ind): """Return a sub-pipeline or a single step in the pipeline. Indexing with an integer will return an step; using a slice returns another Pipeline instance which copies a slice of this Pipeline. This copy is shallow: modifying steps in the sub-pipeline will affect the larger pipeline and vice-versa. However, replacing a value in `step` will not affect a copy. """ if isinstance(ind, slice): if ind.step not in (1, None): cname = type(self).__name__ raise ValueError(f"{cname} slicing only supports a step of 1") return self.__class__(self.steps[ind]) elif isinstance(ind, int): return self.steps[ind][-1] elif isinstance(ind, str): return self.named_steps[ind] raise KeyError(ind) # API ===================================================================== def evaluate(self, dm): """Run the all the transformers and the decision maker. Parameters ---------- dm: :py:class:`` Decision matrix on which the result will be calculated. Returns ------- r : Result Whatever the last step (decision maker) returns from their evaluate method. """ dm = self.transform(dm) _, dmaker = self.steps[-1] result = dmaker.evaluate(dm) return result def transform(self, dm): """Run the all the transformers. Parameters ---------- dm: :py:class:`` Decision matrix on which the transformations will be applied. Returns ------- dm: :py:class:`` Transformed decision matrix. """ for _, step in self.steps[:-1]: dm = step.transform(dm) return dm # ============================================================================= # FACTORY # ============================================================================= def mkpipe(*steps): """Construct a Pipeline from the given transformers and decision-maker. This is a shorthand for the SKCPipeline constructor; it does not require, and does not permit, naming the estimators. Instead, their names will be set to the lowercase of their types automatically. Parameters ---------- *steps: list of transformers and decision-maker object List of the scikit-criteria transformers and decision-maker that are chained together. Returns ------- p : SKCPipeline Returns a scikit-criteria :class:`SKCPipeline` object. """ names = [type(step).__name__.lower() for step in steps] named_steps = unique_names(names=names, elements=steps) return SKCPipeline(named_steps)
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Some simple and compensatory methods.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= import numpy as np from ._madm_base import RankResult, SKCDecisionMakerABC from ..core import Objective from ..utils import doc_inherit, rank # ============================================================================= # SAM # ============================================================================= def wsm(matrix, weights): """Execute weighted sum model without any validation.""" # calculate ranking by inner prodcut rank_mtx = np.inner(matrix, weights) score = np.squeeze(rank_mtx) return rank.rank_values(score, reverse=True), score class WeightedSumModel(SKCDecisionMakerABC): r"""The weighted sum model. WSM is the best known and simplest multi-criteria decision analysis for evaluating a number of alternatives in terms of a number of decision criteria. It is very important to state here that it is applicable only when all the data are expressed in exactly the same unit. If this is not the case, then the final result is equivalent to "adding apples and oranges". To avoid this problem a previous normalization step is necessary. In general, suppose that a given MCDA problem is defined on :math:`m` alternatives and :math:`n` decision criteria. Furthermore, let us assume that all the criteria are benefit criteria, that is, the higher the values are, the better it is. Next suppose that :math:`w_j` denotes the relative weight of importance of the criterion :math:`C_j` and :math:`a_{ij}` is the performance value of alternative :math:`A_i` when it is evaluated in terms of criterion :math:`C_j`. Then, the total (i.e., when all the criteria are considered simultaneously) importance of alternative :math:`A_i`, denoted as :math:`A_{i}^{WSM-score}`, is defined as follows: .. math:: A_{i}^{WSM-score} = \sum_{j=1}^{n} w_j a_{ij},\ for\ i = 1,2,3,...,m For the maximization case, the best alternative is the one that yields the maximum total performance value. Raises ------ ValueError: If some objective is for minimization. References ---------- :cite:p:`fishburn1967letter`, :cite:p:`enwiki:1033561221`, :cite:p:`tzeng2011multiple` """ _skcriteria_parameters = [] @doc_inherit(SKCDecisionMakerABC._evaluate_data) def _evaluate_data(self, matrix, weights, objectives, **kwargs): if Objective.MIN.value in objectives: raise ValueError( "WeightedSumModel can't operate with minimize objective" ) if np.any(matrix < 0): raise ValueError("WeightedSumModel can't operate with values < 0") rank, score = wsm(matrix, weights) return rank, {"score": score} @doc_inherit(SKCDecisionMakerABC._make_result) def _make_result(self, alternatives, values, extra): return RankResult( "WeightedSumModel", alternatives=alternatives, values=values, extra=extra, ) # ============================================================================= # WPROD # ============================================================================= def wpm(matrix, weights): """Execute weighted product model without any validation.""" # instead of multiply we sum the logarithms lmtx = np.log10(matrix) # add the weights to the mtx rank_mtx = np.multiply(lmtx, weights) score = np.sum(rank_mtx, axis=1) return rank.rank_values(score, reverse=True), score class WeightedProductModel(SKCDecisionMakerABC): r"""The weighted product model. WPM is a popular multi-criteria decision analysis method. It is similar to the weighted sum model. The main difference is that instead of addition in the main mathematical operation now there is multiplication. In general, suppose that a given MCDA problem is defined on :math:`m` alternatives and :math:`n` decision criteria. Furthermore, let us assume that all the criteria are benefit criteria, that is, the higher the values are, the better it is. Next suppose that :math:`w_j` denotes the relative weight of importance of the criterion :math:`C_j` and :math:`a_{ij}` is the performance value of alternative :math:`A_i` when it is evaluated in terms of criterion :math:`C_j`. Then, the total (i.e., when all the criteria are considered simultaneously) importance of alternative :math:`A_i`, denoted as :math:`A_{i}^{WPM-score}`, is defined as follows: .. math:: A_{i}^{WPM-score} = \prod_{j=1}^{n} a_{ij}^{w_j},\ for\ i = 1,2,3,...,m To avoid underflow, instead the multiplication of the values we add the logarithms of the values; so :math:`A_{i}^{WPM-score}`, is finally defined as: .. math:: A_{i}^{WPM-score} = \sum_{j=1}^{n} w_j \log(a_{ij}),\ for\ i = 1,2,3,...,m For the maximization case, the best alternative is the one that yields the maximum total performance value. Raises ------ ValueError: If some objective is for minimization or some value in the matrix is <= 0. References ---------- :cite:p:`bridgman1922dimensional` :cite:p:`miller1963executive` """ _skcriteria_parameters = [] @doc_inherit(SKCDecisionMakerABC._evaluate_data) def _evaluate_data(self, matrix, weights, objectives, **kwargs): if Objective.MIN.value in objectives: raise ValueError( "WeightedProductModel can't operate with minimize objective" ) if np.any(matrix <= 0): raise ValueError( "WeightedProductModel can't operate with values <= 0" ) rank, score = wpm(matrix, weights) return rank, {"score": score} @doc_inherit(SKCDecisionMakerABC._make_result) def _make_result(self, alternatives, values, extra): return RankResult( "WeightedProductModel", alternatives=alternatives, values=values, extra=extra, )
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Core functionalities to create madm decision-maker classes.""" # ============================================================================= # imports # ============================================================================= import abc from collections import Counter import numpy as np import pandas as pd from ..core import SKCMethodABC from ..utils import Bunch, deprecated, doc_inherit # ============================================================================= # DM BASE # ============================================================================= class SKCDecisionMakerABC(SKCMethodABC): """Abstract class for all decisor based methods in scikit-criteria.""" _skcriteria_abstract_class = True _skcriteria_dm_type = "decision_maker" @abc.abstractmethod def _evaluate_data(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def _make_result(self, alternatives, values, extra): raise NotImplementedError() def evaluate(self, dm): """Validate the dm and calculate and evaluate the alternatives. Parameters ---------- dm: :py:class:`` Decision matrix on which the ranking will be calculated. Returns ------- :py:class:`` Ranking. """ data = dm.to_dict() result_data, extra = self._evaluate_data(**data) alternatives = data["alternatives"] result = self._make_result( alternatives=alternatives, values=result_data, extra=extra ) return result # ============================================================================= # RESULTS # ============================================================================= class ResultABC(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class to implement different types of results. Any evaluation of the DecisionMatrix is expected to result in an object that extends the functionalities of this class. Parameters ---------- method: str Name of the method that generated the result. alternatives: array-like Names of the alternatives evaluated. values: array-like Values assigned to each alternative by the method, where the i-th value refers to the valuation of the i-th. alternative. extra: dict-like Extra information provided by the method regarding the evaluation of the alternatives. """ _skcriteria_result_series = None def __init_subclass__(cls): """Validate if the subclass are well formed.""" result_column = cls._skcriteria_result_series if result_column is None: raise TypeError(f"{cls} must redefine '_skcriteria_result_series'") def __init__(self, method, alternatives, values, extra): self._validate_result(values) self._method = str(method) self._extra = Bunch("extra", extra) self._result_series = pd.Series( values, index=pd.Index(alternatives, name="Alternatives", copy=True), name=self._skcriteria_result_series, copy=True, ) @abc.abstractmethod def _validate_result(self, values): """Validate that the values are the expected by the result type.""" raise NotImplementedError() @property def values(self): """Values assigned to each alternative by the method. The i-th value refers to the valuation of the i-th. alternative. """ return self._result_series.to_numpy(copy=True) @property def method(self): """Name of the method that generated the result.""" return self._method @property def alternatives(self): """Names of the alternatives evaluated.""" return self._result_series.index.to_numpy(copy=True) @property def extra_(self): """Additional information about the result. Note ---- ``e_`` is an alias for this property """ return self._extra e_ = extra_ # UTILS =================================================================== def to_series(self): """The result as `pandas.Series`.""" series = self._result_series.copy(deep=True) series.index = self._result_series.index.copy(deep=True) return series # CMP ===================================================================== @property def shape(self): """Tuple with (number_of_alternatives, ). rank.shape <==> np.shape(rank) """ return np.shape(self._result_series) def __len__(self): """Return the number ot alternatives. rank.__len__() <==> len(rank). """ return len(self._result_series) def values_equals(self, other): """Check if the alternatives and ranking are the same. The method doesn't check the method or the extra parameters. """ return (self is other) or ( isinstance(other, type(self)) and self._result_series.equals(other._result_series) ) def aequals(self, other, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): """Return True if the result are equal within a tolerance. The tolerance values are positive, typically very small numbers. The relative difference (`rtol` * abs(`b`)) and the absolute difference `atol` are added together to compare against the absolute difference between `a` and `b`. NaNs are treated as equal if they are in the same place and if ``equal_nan=True``. Infs are treated as equal if they are in the same place and of the same sign in both arrays. The proceeds as follows: - If ``other`` is the same object return ``True``. - If ``other`` is not instance of 'DecisionMatrix', has different shape 'criteria', 'alternatives' or 'objectives' returns ``False``. - Next check the 'weights' and the matrix itself using the provided tolerance. Parameters ---------- other : Result Other result to compare. rtol : float The relative tolerance parameter (see Notes in :py:func:`numpy.allclose`). atol : float The absolute tolerance parameter (see Notes in :py:func:`numpy.allclose`). equal_nan : bool Whether to compare NaN's as equal. If True, NaN's in dm will be considered equal to NaN's in `other` in the output array. Returns ------- aequals : :py:class:`bool:py:class:` Returns True if the two result are equal within the given tolerance; False otherwise. See Also -------- equals, :py:func:`numpy.isclose`, :py:func:`numpy.all`, :py:func:`numpy.any`, :py:func:`numpy.equal`, :py:func:`numpy.allclose`. """ if self is other: return True is_veq = self.values_equals(other) and set(self._extra) == set( other._extra ) keys = set(self._extra) while is_veq and keys: k = keys.pop() sv = self._extra[k] ov = other._extra[k] if isinstance(ov, np.ndarray): is_veq = is_veq and np.allclose( sv, ov, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan, ) else: is_veq = is_veq and sv == ov return is_veq def equals(self, other): """Return True if the results are equal. This method calls `aquals` without tolerance. Parameters ---------- other : :py:class:`skcriteria.DecisionMatrix` Other instance to compare. Returns ------- equals : :py:class:`bool:py:class:` Returns True if the two results are equals. See Also -------- aequals, :py:func:`numpy.isclose`, :py:func:`numpy.all`, :py:func:`numpy.any`, :py:func:`numpy.equal`, :py:func:`numpy.allclose`. """ return self.aequals(other, 0, 0, False) def __eq__(self, other): """x.__eq__(y) <==> x == y.""" return self.equals(other) def __ne__(self, other): """x.__eq__(y) <==> x == y.""" return not self == other # REPR ==================================================================== def __repr__(self): """result.__repr__() <==> repr(result).""" kwargs = {"show_dimensions": False} # retrieve the original string df = self._result_series.to_frame().T original_string = df.to_string(**kwargs) # add dimension string = f"{original_string}\n[Method: {self.method}]" return string def _repr_html_(self): """Return a html representation for a particular result. Mainly for IPython notebook. """ df = self._result_series.to_frame().T original_html = rtype = self._skcriteria_result_series.lower() # add metadata html = ( f"<div class='skcresult-{rtype} skcresult'>\n" f"{original_html}" f"<em class='skcresult-method'>Method: {self.method}</em>\n" "</div>" ) return html @doc_inherit(ResultABC, warn_class=False) class RankResult(ResultABC): """Ranking of alternatives. This type of results is used by methods that generate a ranking of alternatives. """ _skcriteria_result_series = "Rank" @doc_inherit(ResultABC._validate_result) def _validate_result(self, values): cleaned_values = np.unique(values) length = len(cleaned_values) expected = np.arange(length) + 1 if not np.array_equal(np.sort(cleaned_values), expected): raise ValueError(f"The data {values} doesn't look like a ranking") @property def has_ties_(self): """Return True if two alternatives shares the same ranking.""" values = self.values return len(np.unique(values)) != len(values) @property def ties_(self): """Counter object that counts how many times each value appears.""" return Counter(self.values) @property def rank_(self): """Alias for ``values``.""" return self.values @property def untied_rank_(self): """Ranking whitout ties. if the ranking has ties this property assigns unique and consecutive values in the ranking. This method only assigns the values using the command ``numpy.argsort(rank_) + 1``. """ if self.has_ties_: return np.argsort(self.rank_) + 1 return self.rank_ def to_series(self, *, untied=False): """The result as `pandas.Series`.""" if untied: return pd.Series( self.untied_rank_, index=self._result_series.index.copy(deep=True), copy=True, name="Untied rank", ) return super().to_series() @doc_inherit(ResultABC, warn_class=False) class KernelResult(ResultABC): """Separates the alternatives between good (kernel) and bad. This type of results is used by methods that select which alternatives are good and bad. The good alternatives are called "kernel" """ _skcriteria_result_series = "Kernel" @doc_inherit(ResultABC._validate_result) def _validate_result(self, values): if np.asarray(values).dtype != bool: raise ValueError(f"The data {values} doesn't look like a kernel") @property def kernel_(self): """Alias for ``values``.""" return self.values @property def kernel_size_(self): """How many alternatives has the kernel.""" return np.sum(self.kernel_) @property def kernel_where_(self): """Indexes of the alternatives that are part of the kernel.""" return np.where(self.kernel_)[0] @property @deprecated( reason=("Use ``kernel_where_`` instead"), version=0.7, ) def kernelwhere_(self): """Indexes of the alternatives that are part of the kernel.""" return self.kernel_where_ @property def kernel_alternatives_(self): """Return the names of alternatives in the kernel.""" return self._result_series.index[self._result_series].to_numpy( copy=True )
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Methods based on a similarity between alternatives.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= import warnings import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import distance from ._madm_base import RankResult, SKCDecisionMakerABC from ..core import Objective from ..utils import doc_inherit, rank # ============================================================================= # TOPSIS # ============================================================================= def topsis(matrix, objectives, weights, metric="euclidean", **kwargs): """Execute TOPSIS without any validation.""" # apply weights wmtx = np.multiply(matrix, weights) # extract mins and maxes mins = np.min(wmtx, axis=0) maxs = np.max(wmtx, axis=0) # create the ideal and the anti ideal arrays where_max = np.equal(objectives, Objective.MAX.value) ideal = np.where(where_max, maxs, mins) anti_ideal = np.where(where_max, mins, maxs) # calculate distances d_better = distance.cdist( wmtx, ideal[True], metric=metric, out=None, **kwargs ).flatten() d_worst = distance.cdist( wmtx, anti_ideal[True], metric=metric, out=None, **kwargs ).flatten() # relative closeness similarity = d_worst / (d_better + d_worst) # compute the rank and return the result return ( rank.rank_values(similarity, reverse=True), ideal, anti_ideal, similarity, ) class TOPSIS(SKCDecisionMakerABC): """The Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution. TOPSIS is based on the concept that the chosen alternative should have the shortest geometric distance from the ideal solution and the longest euclidean distance from the worst solution. An assumption of TOPSIS is that the criteria are monotonically increasing or decreasing, and also allow trade-offs between criteria, where a poor result in one criterion can be negated by a good result in another criterion. Parameters ---------- metric : str or callable, optional The distance metric to use. If a string, the distance function can be ``braycurtis``, ``canberra``, ``chebyshev``, ``cityblock``, ``correlation``, ``cosine``, ``dice``, ``euclidean``, ``hamming``, ``jaccard``, ``jensenshannon``, ``kulsinski``, ``mahalanobis``, ``matching``, ``minkowski``, ``rogerstanimoto``, ``russellrao``, ``seuclidean``, ``sokalmichener``, ``sokalsneath``, ``sqeuclidean``, ``wminkowski``, ``yule``. Warnings -------- UserWarning: If some objective is to minimize. References ---------- :cite:p:`hwang1981methods` :cite:p:`enwiki:1034743168` :cite:p:`tzeng2011multiple` """ _skcriteria_parameters = ["metric"] def __init__(self, *, metric="euclidean"): if not callable(metric) and metric not in distance._METRICS_NAMES: metrics = ", ".join(f"'{m}'" for m in distance._METRICS_NAMES) raise ValueError( f"Invalid metric '{metric}'. Plese choose from: {metrics}" ) self._metric = metric @property def metric(self): """Which distance metric will be used.""" return self._metric @doc_inherit(SKCDecisionMakerABC._evaluate_data) def _evaluate_data(self, matrix, objectives, weights, **kwargs): if Objective.MIN.value in objectives: warnings.warn( "Although TOPSIS can operate with minimization objectives, " "this is not recommended. Consider reversing the weights " "for these cases." ) rank, ideal, anti_ideal, similarity = topsis( matrix, objectives, weights, metric=self.metric, ) return rank, { "ideal": ideal, "anti_ideal": anti_ideal, "similarity": similarity, } @doc_inherit(SKCDecisionMakerABC._make_result) def _make_result(self, alternatives, values, extra): return RankResult( "TOPSIS", alternatives=alternatives, values=values, extra=extra )
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """SIMUS (Sequential Interactive Model for Urban Systems) Method.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= import warnings import numpy as np from ._madm_base import RankResult, SKCDecisionMakerABC from ..core import Objective from ..preprocessing.scalers import scale_by_sum from ..utils import doc_inherit, lp, rank # ============================================================================= # INTERNAL FUNCTIONS # ============================================================================= # STAGES ====================================================================== def _make_and_run_stage(transposed_matrix, b, senses, z_index, solver): # retrieve the problem class problem = ( lp.Minimize if senses[z_index] == Objective.MIN.value else lp.Maximize ) # create the variables xs = [ lp.Float(f"x{idx}", low=0) for idx in range(transposed_matrix.shape[1]) ] # create the objective function based on the criteria of row "z_index" stage_z_coefficients = transposed_matrix[z_index] stage_z = sum( coefficients * x for coefficients, x in zip(stage_z_coefficients, xs) ) # create the stage stage = problem(z=stage_z, solver=solver) # the constraints are other files except the row of z_index for idx in range(transposed_matrix.shape[0]): if idx == z_index: continue coefficients = transposed_matrix[idx] # the two parts of the comparison left = sum(c * x for c, x in zip(coefficients, xs)) right = b[idx] # >= if objective is to minimize <= maximize constraint = ( (left >= right) if senses[idx] == Objective.MIN.value else (left <= right) ) stage.subject_to(constraint) stage_result = stage.solve() return stage_result def _solve_stages(transposed_matrix, b, objectives, solver): # execute the function inside the joblib environment one by objective. stages = [] for idx in range(transposed_matrix.shape[0]): stage = _make_and_run_stage( transposed_matrix=transposed_matrix, b=b, senses=objectives, z_index=idx, solver=solver, ) stages.append(stage) # create the results mtx arr_result = np.vstack([r.lp_values for r in stages]) with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): stages_result = scale_by_sum(arr_result, axis=1) # replace nan for 0 stages_result[np.isnan(stages_result)] = 0 return stages, stages_result # FIRST METHOD =============================================================== def _first_method(*, stages_results): # project sum value sp = np.sum(stages_results, axis=0) # times that $v_{ij} > 0$ ($q$) q = np.sum(stages_results > 0, axis=0).astype(float) # participation factor fp = q / len(stages_results) # first method points vp = sp * fp return vp # SECOND METHOD ============================================================== def _calculate_dominance_by_criteria(crit): shape = len(crit), 1 crit_B = np.tile(crit, shape) crit_A = crit_B.T dominance = crit_A - crit_B dominance[dominance < 0] = 0 return dominance def _second_method(*, stages_results): # dominances by criteria dominance_by_criteria = [] for crit in stages_results: dominance = _calculate_dominance_by_criteria(crit) dominance_by_criteria.append(dominance) # dominance dominance = np.sum(dominance_by_criteria, axis=0) # domination tita_j_p = np.sum(dominance, axis=1) # subordination tita_j_d = np.sum(dominance, axis=0) # second method score score = tita_j_p - tita_j_d return score, tita_j_p, tita_j_d, dominance, tuple(dominance_by_criteria) # SIMUS ======================================================================= def simus(matrix, objectives, b=None, rank_by=1, solver="pulp"): """Execute SIMUS without any validation.""" transposed_matrix = matrix.T # check the b array and complete the missing values b = np.asarray(b) if None in b: mins = np.min(transposed_matrix, axis=1) maxs = np.max(transposed_matrix, axis=1) auto_b = np.where(objectives == Objective.MIN.value, mins, maxs) b = np.where(b != None, b, auto_b) # noqa # create and execute the stages stages, stages_results = _solve_stages( transposed_matrix=transposed_matrix, b=b, objectives=objectives, solver=solver, ) # first method method_1_score = _first_method(stages_results=stages_results) # second method ( method_2_score, tita_j_p, tita_j_d, dominance, dominance_by_criteria, ) = _second_method(stages_results=stages_results) # calculate ranking score = [method_1_score, method_2_score][rank_by - 1] ranking = rank.rank_values(score, reverse=True) return ( ranking, stages, stages_results, method_1_score, method_2_score, tita_j_p, tita_j_d, dominance, dominance_by_criteria, ) class SIMUS(SKCDecisionMakerABC): r"""SIMUS (Sequential Interactive Model for Urban Systems). SIMUS developed by Nolberto Munier (2011) is a tool to aid decision-making problems with multiple objectives. The method solves successive scenarios formulated as linear programs. For each scenario, the decision-maker must choose the criterion to be considered objective while the remaining restrictions constitute the constrains system that the projects are subject to. In each case, if there is a feasible solution that is optimum, it is recorded in a matrix of efficient results. Then, from this matrix two rankings allow the decision maker to compare results obtained by different procedures. The first ranking is obtained through a linear weighting of each column by a factor - equivalent of establishing a weight - and that measures the participation of the corresponding project. In the second ranking, the method uses dominance and subordinate relationships between projects, concepts from the French school of MCDM. Parameters ---------- rank_by : 1 or 2 (default=1) Witch of the two methods are used to calculate the ranking. The two methods are executed always. solver : str, (default="pulp") Which solver to use to solve the underlying linear programs. The full list are available in `pulp.listSolvers(True)`. "pulp" or None used the default solver selected by "PuLP". Warnings -------- UserWarning: If the method detect different weights by criteria. Raises ------ ValueError: If the length of b does not match the number of criteria. See --- `PuLP Documentation <>`_ """ _skcriteria_parameters = ["rank_by", "solver"] def __init__(self, *, rank_by=1, solver="pulp"): if not ( isinstance(solver, lp.pulp.LpSolver) or lp.is_solver_available(solver) ): raise ValueError(f"solver {solver} not available") self._solver = solver if rank_by not in (1, 2): raise ValueError("'rank_by' must be 1 or 2") self._rank_by = rank_by @property def solver(self): """Solver used by PuLP.""" return self._solver @property def rank_by(self): """Which of the two ranking provided by SIMUS is used.""" return self._rank_by @doc_inherit(SKCDecisionMakerABC._evaluate_data) def _evaluate_data(self, matrix, objectives, b, weights, **kwargs): if len(np.unique(weights)) > 1: warnings.warn("SIMUS not take into account the weights") if b is not None and len(objectives) != len(b): raise ValueError("'b' must be the same leght as criteria or None") ( ranking, stages, stages_results, method_1_score, method_2_score, tita_j_p, tita_j_d, dominance, dominance_by_criteria, ) = simus( matrix, objectives, b=b, rank_by=self.rank_by, solver=self.solver, ) return ranking, { "rank_by": self._rank_by, "b": np.copy(b), "stages": stages, "stages_results": stages_results, "method_1_score": method_1_score, "method_2_score": method_2_score, "tita_j_p": tita_j_p, "tita_j_d": tita_j_d, "dominance": dominance, "dominance_by_criteria": dominance_by_criteria, } @doc_inherit(SKCDecisionMakerABC._make_result) def _make_result(self, alternatives, values, extra): return RankResult( "SIMUS", alternatives=alternatives, values=values, extra=extra ) def evaluate(self, dm, *, b=None): """Validate the decision matrix and calculate a ranking. Parameters ---------- dm: :py:class:`` Decision matrix on which the ranking will be calculated. b: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Right-side-value of the LP problem, SIMUS automatically assigns the vector of the right side (b) in the constraints of linear programs. If the criteria are to maximize, then the constraint is <=; and if the column minimizes the constraint is >=. The b/right side value limits of the constraint are chosen automatically based on the minimum or maximum value of the criteria/column if the constraint is <= or >= respectively. The user provides "b" in some criteria and lets SIMUS choose automatically others. For example, if you want to limit the two constraints of the dm with 4 criteria by the value 100, b must be `[None, 100, 100, None]` where None will be chosen automatically by SIMUS. Returns ------- :py:class:`` Ranking. """ data = dm.to_dict() b = b if b is None else np.asarray(b) rank, extra = self._evaluate_data(b=b, **data) alternatives = data["alternatives"] result = self._make_result( alternatives=alternatives, values=rank, extra=extra ) return result
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Implementation of functionalities for convert minimization criteria into \ maximization ones.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= import numpy as np from ._preprocessing_base import SKCTransformerABC from ..core import Objective from ..utils import deprecated, doc_inherit # ============================================================================= # Base Class # ============================================================================= class SKCObjectivesInverterABC(SKCTransformerABC): """Abstract class capable of invert objectives. This abstract class require to redefine ``_invert``, instead of ``_transform_data``. """ _skcriteria_abstract_class = True def _invert(self, matrix, minimize_mask): """Invert the minimization objectives. Parameters ---------- matrix: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` The decision matrix to weights. minimize_mask: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Mask with the same size as the columns in the matrix. True values indicate that this column is a criterion to be minimized. Returns ------- :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` A new matrix with the minimization objectives inverted. """ raise NotImplementedError() @doc_inherit(SKCTransformerABC._transform_data) def _transform_data(self, matrix, objectives, dtypes, **kwargs): # check where we need to transform minimize_mask = np.equal(objectives, Objective.MIN.value) # execute the transformation inv_mtx = self._invert(matrix, minimize_mask) # new objective array inv_objectives = np.full( len(objectives), Objective.MAX.value, dtype=int ) # we are trying to preserve the original dtype as much as possible # only the minimize criteria are changed. inv_dtypes = np.where(minimize_mask, inv_mtx.dtype, dtypes) kwargs.update( matrix=inv_mtx, objectives=inv_objectives, dtypes=inv_dtypes ) return kwargs # ============================================================================= # -x # ============================================================================= class NegateMinimize(SKCObjectivesInverterABC): r"""Transform all minimization criteria into maximization ones. The transformations are made by calculating the inverse value of the minimization criteria. :math:`\min{C} \equiv \max{-{C}}`. """ _skcriteria_parameters = [] @doc_inherit(SKCObjectivesInverterABC._invert) def _invert(self, matrix, minimize_mask): inv_mtx = np.array(matrix, dtype=float) inverted_values = -inv_mtx[:, minimize_mask] inv_mtx[:, minimize_mask] = inverted_values return inv_mtx # ============================================================================= # 1/x # ============================================================================= class InvertMinimize(SKCObjectivesInverterABC): r"""Transform all minimization criteria into maximization ones. The transformations are made by calculating the inverse value of the minimization criteria. :math:`\min{C} \equiv \max{\frac{1}{C}}` Notes ----- All the dtypes of the decision matrix are preserved except the inverted ones thar are converted to ``numpy.float64``. """ _skcriteria_parameters = [] @doc_inherit(SKCObjectivesInverterABC._invert) def _invert(self, matrix, minimize_mask): inv_mtx = np.array(matrix, dtype=float) inverted_values = 1.0 / inv_mtx[:, minimize_mask] inv_mtx[:, minimize_mask] = inverted_values return inv_mtx # ============================================================================= # DEPRECATED # ============================================================================= @deprecated( reason=( "Use ``skcriteria.preprocessing.invert_objectives.InvertMinimize`` " "instead" ), version=0.7, ) class MinimizeToMaximize(InvertMinimize): r"""Transform all minimization criteria into maximization ones. The transformations are made by calculating the inverse value of the minimization criteria. :math:`\min{C} \equiv \max{\frac{1}{C}}` Notes ----- All the dtypes of the decision matrix are preserved except the inverted ones thar are converted to ``numpy.float64``. """
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Normalization through the distance to distance function.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= import abc from import Collection import numpy as np from ._preprocessing_base import SKCTransformerABC from ..core import DecisionMatrix from ..utils import doc_inherit # ============================================================================= # BASE CLASS # ============================================================================= class SKCByCriteriaFilterABC(SKCTransformerABC): """Abstract class capable of filtering alternatives based on criteria \ values. This abstract class require to redefine ``_coerce_filters`` and ``_make_mask``, instead of ``_transform_data``. Parameters ---------- criteria_filters: dict It is a dictionary in which the key is the name of a criterion, and the value is the filter condition. ignore_missing_criteria: bool, default: False If True, it is ignored if a decision matrix does not have any particular criteria that should be filtered. """ _skcriteria_parameters = ["criteria_filters", "ignore_missing_criteria"] _skcriteria_abstract_class = True def __init__(self, criteria_filters, *, ignore_missing_criteria=False): if not len(criteria_filters): raise ValueError("Must provide at least one filter") self._criteria, self._filters = self._coerce_filters(criteria_filters) self._ignore_missing_criteria = bool(ignore_missing_criteria) @property def criteria_filters(self): """Conditions on which the alternatives will be evaluated. It is a dictionary in which the key is the name of a criterion, and the value is the filter condition. """ return dict(zip(self._criteria, self._filters)) @property def ignore_missing_criteria(self): """If the value is True the filter ignores the lack of a required \ criterion. If the value is False, the lack of a criterion causes the filter to fail. """ return self._ignore_missing_criteria @abc.abstractmethod def _coerce_filters(self, filters): """Validate the filters. Parameters ---------- filters: dict-like It is a dictionary in which the key is the name of a criterion, and the value is the filter condition. Returns ------- (criteria, filters): tuple of two elements. The tuple contains two iterables: 1. The first is the list of criteria. 2. The second is the filters. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def _make_mask(self, matrix, criteria, criteria_to_use, criteria_filters): raise NotImplementedError() @doc_inherit(SKCTransformerABC._transform_data) def _transform_data(self, matrix, criteria, alternatives, **kwargs): # determine which criteria defined in the filter are in the DM criteria_to_use, criteria_filters = [], [] for crit, flt in zip(self._criteria, self._filters): if crit not in criteria and not self._ignore_missing_criteria: raise ValueError(f"Missing criteria: {crit}") elif crit in criteria: criteria_to_use.append(crit) criteria_filters.append(flt) if criteria_to_use: mask = self._make_mask( matrix=matrix, criteria=criteria, criteria_to_use=criteria_to_use, criteria_filters=criteria_filters, ) filtered_matrix = matrix[mask] filtered_alternatives = alternatives[mask] else: filtered_matrix = matrix filtered_alternatives = alternatives kwargs.update( matrix=filtered_matrix, criteria=criteria, alternatives=filtered_alternatives, dtypes=None, ) return kwargs # ============================================================================= # GENERIC FILTER # ============================================================================= @doc_inherit(SKCByCriteriaFilterABC, warn_class=False) class Filter(SKCByCriteriaFilterABC): """Function based filter. This class accepts as a filter any arbitrary function that receives as a parameter a as a parameter a criterion and returns a mask of the same size as the number of the number of alternatives in the decision matrix. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.Filter({ ... "ROE": lambda e: e > 1, ... "RI": lambda e: e >= 28, ... }) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] PE 7 5 35 AA 5 6 28 FN 5 8 30 [3 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ def _coerce_filters(self, filters): criteria, criteria_filters = [], [] for filter_name, filter_value in filters.items(): if not isinstance(filter_name, str): raise ValueError("All filter keys must be instance of 'str'") if not callable(filter_value): raise ValueError("All filter values must be callable") criteria.append(filter_name) criteria_filters.append(filter_value) return tuple(criteria), tuple(criteria_filters) def _make_mask(self, matrix, criteria, criteria_to_use, criteria_filters): mask_list = [] for crit_name, crit_filter in zip(criteria_to_use, criteria_filters): crit_idx = np.in1d(criteria, crit_name, assume_unique=False) crit_array = matrix[:, crit_idx].flatten() crit_mask = np.apply_along_axis( crit_filter, axis=0, arr=crit_array ) mask_list.append(crit_mask) mask = np.all(np.column_stack(mask_list), axis=1) return mask # ============================================================================= # ARITHMETIC FILTER # ============================================================================= @doc_inherit(SKCByCriteriaFilterABC, warn_class=False) class SKCArithmeticFilterABC(SKCByCriteriaFilterABC): """Provide a common behavior to make filters based on the same comparator. This abstract class require to redefine ``_filter`` method, and this will apply to each criteria separately. This class is designed to implement in general arithmetic comparisons of "==", "!=", ">", ">=", "<", "<=" taking advantage of the functions provided by numpy (e.g. ``np.greater_equal()``). Notes ----- The filter implemented with this class are slightly faster than function-based filters. """ _skcriteria_abstract_class = True @abc.abstractmethod def _filter(self, arr, cond): raise NotImplementedError() def _coerce_filters(self, filters): criteria, criteria_filters = [], [] for filter_name, filter_value in filters.items(): if not isinstance(filter_name, str): raise ValueError("All filter keys must be instance of 'str'") if not isinstance(filter_value, (int, float, complex, np.number)): raise ValueError( "All filter values must be some kind of number" ) criteria.append(filter_name) criteria_filters.append(filter_value) return tuple(criteria), tuple(criteria_filters) def _make_mask(self, matrix, criteria, criteria_to_use, criteria_filters): idxs = np.in1d(criteria, criteria_to_use) matrix = matrix[:, idxs] mask = np.all(self._filter(matrix, criteria_filters), axis=1) return mask @doc_inherit(SKCArithmeticFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterGT(SKCArithmeticFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are greater than a \ value. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterGT({"ROE": 1, "RI": 27}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] PE 7 5 35 AA 5 6 28 FN 5 8 30 [3 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _filter = np.greater @doc_inherit(SKCArithmeticFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterGE(SKCArithmeticFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are greater or \ equal than a value. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterGE({"ROE": 1, "RI": 27}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] PE 7 5 35 AA 5 6 28 MM 1 7 30 FN 5 8 30 [4 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _filter = np.greater_equal @doc_inherit(SKCArithmeticFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterLT(SKCArithmeticFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are less than a \ value. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterLT({"RI": 28}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] JN 5 4 26 [1 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _filter = np.less @doc_inherit(SKCArithmeticFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterLE(SKCArithmeticFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are less or equal \ than a value. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterLE({"RI": 28}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] JN 5 4 26 AA 5 6 28 [2 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _filter = np.less_equal @doc_inherit(SKCArithmeticFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterEQ(SKCArithmeticFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are equal than a \ value. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterEQ({"CAP": 7, "RI": 30}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] MM 1 7 30 [1 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _filter = np.equal @doc_inherit(SKCArithmeticFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterNE(SKCArithmeticFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are not equal than \ a value. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterNE({"CAP": 7, "RI": 30}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] PE 7 5 35 JN 5 4 26 AA 5 6 28 [3 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _filter = np.not_equal # ============================================================================= # SET FILTERS # ============================================================================= @doc_inherit(SKCByCriteriaFilterABC, warn_class=False) class SKCSetFilterABC(SKCByCriteriaFilterABC): """Provide a common behavior to make filters based on set operations. This abstract class require to redefine ``_set_filter`` method, and this will apply to each criteria separately. This class is designed to implement in general set comparison like "inclusion" and "exclusion". """ _skcriteria_abstract_class = True @abc.abstractmethod def _set_filter(self, arr, cond): raise NotImplementedError() def _coerce_filters(self, filters): criteria, criteria_filters = [], [] for filter_name, filter_value in filters.items(): if not isinstance(filter_name, str): raise ValueError("All filter keys must be instance of 'str'") if not ( isinstance(filter_value, Collection) and len(filter_value) ): raise ValueError( "All filter values must be iterable with length > 1" ) criteria.append(filter_name) criteria_filters.append(np.asarray(filter_value)) return criteria, criteria_filters def _make_mask(self, matrix, criteria, criteria_to_use, criteria_filters): mask_list = [] for fname, fset in zip(criteria_to_use, criteria_filters): crit_idx = np.in1d(criteria, fname, assume_unique=False) crit_array = matrix[:, crit_idx].flatten() crit_mask = self._set_filter(crit_array, fset) mask_list.append(crit_mask) mask = np.all(np.column_stack(mask_list), axis=1) return mask @doc_inherit(SKCSetFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterIn(SKCSetFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are included in a \ set of values. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterIn({"ROE": [7, 1], "RI": [30, 35]}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] PE 7 5 35 MM 1 7 30 [2 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ def _set_filter(self, arr, cond): return np.isin(arr, cond) @doc_inherit(SKCSetFilterABC, warn_class=False) class FilterNotIn(SKCSetFilterABC): """Keeps the alternatives for which the criteria value are not included \ in a set of values. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterNotIn({"ROE": [7, 1], "RI": [30, 35]}) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 2.0] CAP[▲ 4.0] RI[▼ 1.0] JN 5 4 26 AA 5 6 28 [2 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ def _set_filter(self, arr, cond): return np.isin(arr, cond, invert=True) # ============================================================================= # DOMINANCE # ============================================================================= class FilterNonDominated(SKCTransformerABC): """Keeps the non dominated or non strictly-dominated alternatives. In order to evaluate the dominance of an alternative *a0* over an alternative *a1*, the algorithm evaluates that *a0* is better in at least one criterion and that *a1* is not better in any criterion than *a0*. In the case that ``strict = True`` it also evaluates that there are no equal criteria. Parameters ---------- strict: bool, default ``False`` If ``True``, strictly dominated alternatives are removed, otherwise all dominated alternatives are removed. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import filters >>> dm = skc.mkdm( ... matrix=[ ... [7, 5, 35], ... [5, 4, 26], ... [5, 6, 28], ... [1, 7, 30], ... [5, 8, 30] ... ], ... objectives=[max, max, min], ... alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "MM", "FN"], ... criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ... ) >>> tfm = filters.FilterNonDominated(strict=False) >>> tfm.transform(dm) ROE[▲ 1.0] CAP[▲ 1.0] RI[▼ 1.0] PE 7 5 35 JN 5 4 26 AA 5 6 28 FN 5 8 30 [4 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] """ _skcriteria_parameters = ["strict"] def __init__(self, *, strict=False): self._strict = bool(strict) @property def strict(self): """If the filter must remove the dominated or strictly-dominated \ alternatives.""" return self._strict @doc_inherit(SKCTransformerABC._transform_data) def _transform_data(self, matrix, alternatives, dominated_mask, **kwargs): filtered_matrix = matrix[~dominated_mask] filtered_alternatives = alternatives[~dominated_mask] kwargs.update( matrix=filtered_matrix, alternatives=filtered_alternatives, ) return kwargs @doc_inherit(SKCTransformerABC.transform) def transform(self, dm): data = dm.to_dict() dominated_mask = dm.dominance.dominated(strict=self._strict).to_numpy() transformed_data = self._transform_data( dominated_mask=dominated_mask, **data ) transformed_dm = DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data(**transformed_data) return transformed_dm
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Functionalities for remove negatives from criteria. In addition to the main functionality, an MCDA agnostic function is offered to push negatives values on an array along an arbitrary axis. """ # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= import numpy as np from ._preprocessing_base import SKCMatrixAndWeightTransformerABC from ..utils import doc_inherit # ============================================================================= # FUNCTIONS # ============================================================================= def push_negatives(arr, axis): r"""Increment the array until all the valuer are sean >= 0. If an array has negative values this function increment the values proportionally to made all the array positive along an axis. .. math:: \overline{X}_{ij} = \begin{cases} X_{ij} + min_{X_{ij}} & \text{if } X_{ij} < 0\\ X_{ij} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} Parameters ---------- arr: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` like. A array with values axis : :py:class:`int` optional Axis along which to operate. By default, flattened input is used. Returns ------- :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` array with all values >= 0. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.preprocess import push_negatives >>> mtx = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] >>> mtx_lt0 = [[-1, 2], [3, 4]] # has a negative value >>> push_negatives(mtx) # array without negatives don't be affected array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) # all the array is incremented by 1 to eliminate the negative >>> push_negatives(mtx_lt0) array([[0, 3], [4, 5]]) # by column only the first one (with the negative value) is affected >>> push_negatives(mtx_lt0, axis=0) array([[0, 2], [4, 4]]) # by row only the first row (with the negative value) is affected >>> push_negatives(mtx_lt0, axis=1) array([[0, 3], [3, 4]]) """ arr = np.asarray(arr) mins = np.min(arr, axis=axis, keepdims=True) delta = (mins < 0) * mins return arr - delta class PushNegatives(SKCMatrixAndWeightTransformerABC): r"""Increment the matrix/weights until all the valuer are sean >= 0. If the matrix/weights has negative values this function increment the values proportionally to made all the matrix/weights positive along an axis. .. math:: \overline{X}_{ij} = \begin{cases} X_{ij} + min_{X_{ij}} & \text{if } X_{ij} < 0\\ X_{ij} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} """ @doc_inherit(SKCMatrixAndWeightTransformerABC._transform_weights) def _transform_weights(self, weights): return push_negatives(weights, axis=None) @doc_inherit(SKCMatrixAndWeightTransformerABC._transform_matrix) def _transform_matrix(self, matrix): return push_negatives(matrix, axis=0)
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Core functionalities to create transformers.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= import abc from ..core import DecisionMatrix, SKCMethodABC from ..utils import doc_inherit # ============================================================================= # SKCTransformer ABC # ============================================================================= class SKCTransformerABC(SKCMethodABC): """Abstract class for all transformer in scikit-criteria.""" _skcriteria_dm_type = "transformer" _skcriteria_abstract_class = True @abc.abstractmethod def _transform_data(self, **kwargs): """Apply the transformation logic to the decision matrix parameters. Parameters ---------- kwargs: The decision matrix as separated parameters. Returns ------- :py:class:`dict` A dictionary with all the values of the decision matrix transformed. """ raise NotImplementedError() def transform(self, dm): """Perform transformation on `dm`. Parameters ---------- dm: :py:class:`` The decision matrix to transform. Returns ------- :py:class:`` Transformed decision matrix. """ data = dm.to_dict() transformed_data = self._transform_data(**data) transformed_dm = DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data(**transformed_data) return transformed_dm # ============================================================================= # MATRIX & WEIGHTS TRANSFORMER # ============================================================================= class SKCMatrixAndWeightTransformerABC(SKCTransformerABC): """Transform weights and matrix together or independently. The Transformer that implements this abstract class can be configured to transform `weights`, `matrix` or `both` so only that part of the DecisionMatrix is altered. This abstract class require to redefine ``_transform_weights`` and ``_transform_matrix``, instead of ``_transform_data``. """ _skcriteria_abstract_class = True _skcriteria_parameters = ["target"] _TARGET_WEIGHTS = "weights" _TARGET_MATRIX = "matrix" _TARGET_BOTH = "both" def __init__(self, target): if target not in ( self._TARGET_MATRIX, self._TARGET_WEIGHTS, self._TARGET_BOTH, ): raise ValueError( f"'target' can only be '{self._TARGET_WEIGHTS}', " f"'{self._TARGET_MATRIX}' or '{self._TARGET_BOTH}', " f"found '{target}'" ) self._target = target @property def target(self): """Determine which part of the DecisionMatrix will be transformed.""" return self._target @abc.abstractmethod def _transform_weights(self, weights): """Execute the transform method over the weights. Parameters ---------- weights: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` The weights to transform. Returns ------- :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` The transformed weights. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abc.abstractmethod def _transform_matrix(self, matrix): """Execute the transform method over the matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` The decision matrix to transform Returns ------- :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` The transformed matrix. """ raise NotImplementedError() @doc_inherit(SKCTransformerABC._transform_data) def _transform_data(self, matrix, weights, **kwargs): transformed_mtx = matrix transformed_weights = weights if self._target in (self._TARGET_MATRIX, self._TARGET_BOTH): transformed_mtx = self._transform_matrix(matrix) if self._target in (self._TARGET_WEIGHTS, self._TARGET_BOTH): transformed_weights = self._transform_weights(weights) kwargs.update( matrix=transformed_mtx, weights=transformed_weights, dtypes=None ) return kwargs
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Data abstraction layer. This module defines the DecisionMatrix object, which internally encompasses the alternative matrix, weights and objectives (MIN, MAX) of the criteria. """ # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= import functools from collections import abc import numpy as np import pandas as pd from import format as pd_fmt from .dominance import DecisionMatrixDominanceAccessor from .objectives import Objective from .plot import DecisionMatrixPlotter from .stats import DecisionMatrixStatsAccessor from ..utils import deprecated, df_temporal_header, doc_inherit # ============================================================================= # SLICERS ARRAY # ============================================================================= class _ACArray(np.ndarray, abc.Mapping): """Immutable Array to provide access to the alternative and criteria \ values. The behavior is the same as a numpy.ndarray but if the slice it receives is a value contained in the array it uses an external function to access the series with that criteria/alternative. Besides this it has the typical methods of a dictionary. """ def __new__(cls, input_array, skc_slicer): obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls) obj._skc_slicer = skc_slicer return obj @doc_inherit(np.ndarray.__getitem__) def __getitem__(self, k): try: if k in self: return self._skc_slicer(k) return super().__getitem__(k) except IndexError: raise IndexError(k) def __setitem__(self, k, v): """Raise an AttributeError, this object are read-only.""" raise AttributeError("_SlicerArray are read-only") @doc_inherit(abc.Mapping.items) def items(self): return ((e, self[e]) for e in self) @doc_inherit(abc.Mapping.keys) def keys(self): return iter(self) @doc_inherit(abc.Mapping.values) def values(self): return (self[e] for e in self) class _Loc: """Locator abstraction. this class ensures that the correct objectives and weights are applied to the sliced ``DecisionMatrix``. """ def __init__(self, name, real_loc, objectives, weights): self._name = name self._real_loc = real_loc self._objectives = objectives self._weights = weights @property def name(self): """The name of the locator.""" return self._name def __getitem__(self, slc): """dm[slc] <==> dm.__getitem__(slc).""" df = self._real_loc.__getitem__(slc) if isinstance(df, pd.Series): df = df.to_frame().T dtypes = self._real_loc.obj.dtypes dtypes = dtypes[dtypes.index.isin(df.columns)] df = df.astype(dtypes) objectives = self._objectives objectives = objectives[objectives.index.isin(df.columns)].to_numpy() weights = self._weights weights = weights[weights.index.isin(df.columns)].to_numpy() return DecisionMatrix(df, objectives, weights) # ============================================================================= # DECISION MATRIX # ============================================================================= class DecisionMatrix: """Representation of all data needed in the MCDA analysis. This object gathers everything necessary to represent a data set used in MCDA: - An alternative matrix where each row is an alternative and each column is of a different criteria. - An optimization objective (Minimize, Maximize) for each criterion. - A weight for each criterion. - An independent type of data for each criterion DecisionMatrix has two main forms of construction: 1. Use the default constructor of the DecisionMatrix class :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` where the index is the alternatives and the columns are the criteria; an iterable with the objectives with the same amount of elements that columns/criteria has the dataframe; and an iterable with the weights also with the same amount of elements as criteria. .. code-block:: pycon >>> import pandas as pd >>> from skcriteria import DecisionMatrix, mkdm >>> data_df = pd.DataFrame( ... [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], ... index=["A0", "A1"], ... columns=["C0", "C1", "C2"] ... ) >>> objectives = [min, max, min] >>> weights = [1, 1, 1] >>> dm = DecisionMatrix(data_df, objectives, weights) >>> dm C0[▼ 1.0] C1[▲ 1.0] C2[▲ 1.0] A0 1 2 3 A1 4 5 6 [2 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] 2. Use the classmethod `DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data` which requests the data in a more natural way for this type of analysis (the weights, the criteria / alternative names, and the data types are optional) >>> DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data( ... [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], ... [min, max, min], ... [1, 1, 1]) C0[▼ 1.0] C1[▲ 1.0] C2[▲ 1.0] A0 1 2 3 A1 4 5 6 [2 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] For simplicity a function is offered at the module level analogous to ``from_mcda_data`` called ``mkdm`` (make decision matrix). Parameters ---------- data_df: :py:class:`pandas.DatFrame` Dataframe where the index is the alternatives and the columns are the criteria. objectives: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Aan iterable with the targets with sense of optimality of every criteria (You can use any alias defined in Objective) the same length as columns/criteria has the data_df. weights: :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` An iterable with the weights also with the same amount of elements as criteria. """ def __init__(self, data_df, objectives, weights): self._data_df = ( data_df.copy(deep=True) if isinstance(data_df, pd.DataFrame) else pd.DataFrame(data_df, copy=True) ) self._objectives = np.asarray(objectives, dtype=object) self._weights = np.asanyarray(weights, dtype=float) if not ( len(self._data_df.columns) == len(self._weights) == len(self._objectives) ): raise ValueError( "The number of weights, and objectives must be equal to the " "number of criteria (number of columns in data_df)" ) # CUSTOM CONSTRUCTORS ===================================================== @classmethod def from_mcda_data( cls, matrix, objectives, weights=None, alternatives=None, criteria=None, dtypes=None, ): """Create a new DecisionMatrix object. This method receives the parts of the matrix, in what conceptually the matrix of alternatives is usually divided Parameters ---------- matrix: Iterable The matrix of alternatives. Where every row is an alternative and every column is a criteria. objectives: Iterable The array with the sense of optimality of every criteria. You can use any alias provided by the objective class. weights: Iterable o None (default ``None``) Optional weights of the criteria. If is ``None`` all the criteria are weighted with 1. alternatives: Iterable o None (default ``None``) Optional names of the alternatives. If is ``None``, al the alternatives are names "A[n]" where n is the number of the row of `matrix` statring at 0. criteria: Iterable o None (default ``None``) Optional names of the criteria. If is ``None``, al the alternatives are names "C[m]" where m is the number of the columns of `matrix` statring at 0. dtypes: Iterable o None (default ``None``) Optional types of the criteria. If is None, the type is inferred automatically by pandas. Returns ------- :py:class:`DecisionMatrix` A new decision matrix. Example ------- >>> DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data( ... [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], ... [min, max, min], ... [1, 1, 1]) C0[▼ 1.0] C1[▲ 1.0] C2[▲ 1.0] A0 1 2 3 A1 4 5 6 [2 Alternatives x 3 Criteria] For simplicity a function is offered at the module level analogous to ``from_mcda_data`` called ``mkdm`` (make decision matrix). Notes ----- This functionality generates more sensitive defaults than using the constructor of the DecisionMatrix class but is slower. """ # first we need the number of alternatives and criteria try: a_number, c_number = np.shape(matrix) except ValueError: matrix_ndim = np.ndim(matrix) raise ValueError( f"'matrix' must have 2 dimensions, found {matrix_ndim} instead" ) alternatives = np.asarray( [f"A{idx}" for idx in range(a_number)] if alternatives is None else alternatives ) if len(alternatives) != a_number: raise ValueError(f"'alternatives' must have {a_number} elements") criteria = np.asarray( [f"C{idx}" for idx in range(c_number)] if criteria is None else criteria ) if len(criteria) != c_number: raise ValueError(f"'criteria' must have {c_number} elements") weights = np.asarray(np.ones(c_number) if weights is None else weights) data_df = pd.DataFrame(matrix, index=alternatives, columns=criteria) if dtypes is not None and len(dtypes) != c_number: raise ValueError(f"'dtypes' must have {c_number} elements") elif dtypes is not None: dtypes = {c: dt for c, dt in zip(criteria, dtypes)} data_df = data_df.astype(dtypes) return cls(data_df=data_df, objectives=objectives, weights=weights) # MCDA ==================================================================== # This properties are usefull to access interactively to the # underlying data a. Except for alternatives and criteria all other # properties expose the data as dataframes or series @property def alternatives(self): """Names of the alternatives. From this array you can also access the values of the alternatives as ``pandas.Series``. """ arr = self._data_df.index.to_numpy(copy=True) slicer = self._data_df.loc.__getitem__ return _ACArray(arr, slicer) @property def criteria(self): """Names of the criteria. From this array you can also access the values of the criteria as ``pandas.Series``. """ arr = self._data_df.columns.to_numpy(copy=True) slicer = self._data_df.__getitem__ return _ACArray(arr, slicer) @property def weights(self): """Weights of the criteria.""" return pd.Series( self._weights, dtype=float, index=self._data_df.columns.copy(deep=True), name="Weights", copy=True, ) @property def objectives(self): """Objectives of the criteria as ``Objective`` instances.""" return pd.Series( [Objective.from_alias(a) for a in self._objectives], index=self._data_df.columns, name="Objectives", copy=True, ) @property def minwhere(self): """Mask with value True if the criterion is to be minimized.""" mask = self.objectives == Objective.MIN = "minwhere" return mask @property def maxwhere(self): """Mask with value True if the criterion is to be maximized.""" mask = self.objectives == Objective.MAX = "maxwhere" return mask # READ ONLY PROPERTIES ==================================================== @property def iobjectives(self): """Objectives of the criteria as ``int``. - Minimize = Objective.MIN.value - Maximize = Objective.MAX.value """ return pd.Series( [o.value for o in self.objectives], dtype=np.int8, index=self._data_df.columns.copy(deep=True), copy=True, ) @property def matrix(self): """Alternatives matrix as pandas DataFrame. The matrix excludes weights and objectives. If you want to create a DataFrame with objectives and weights, use ``DecisionMatrix.to_dataframe()`` """ mtx = self._data_df.copy(deep=True) mtx.index = self._data_df.index.copy(deep=True) = "Alternatives" mtx.columns = self._data_df.columns.copy(deep=True) = "Criteria" return mtx @property def dtypes(self): """Dtypes of the criteria.""" series = self._data_df.dtypes.copy(deep=True) series.index = self._data_df.dtypes.index.copy(deep=True) return series # ACCESSORS (YES, WE USE CACHED PROPERTIES IS THE EASIEST WAY) ============ @property @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def plot(self): """Plot accessor.""" return DecisionMatrixPlotter(self) @property @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def stats(self): """Descriptive statistics accessor.""" return DecisionMatrixStatsAccessor(self) @property @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def dominance(self): """Dominance information accessor.""" return DecisionMatrixDominanceAccessor(self) # UTILITIES =============================================================== def copy(self, **kwargs): """Return a deep copy of the current DecisionMatrix. This method is also useful for manually modifying the values of the DecisionMatrix object. Parameters ---------- kwargs : The same parameters supported by ``from_mcda_data()``. The values provided replace the existing ones in the object to be copied. Returns ------- :py:class:`DecisionMatrix` A new decision matrix. """ dmdict = self.to_dict() dmdict.update(kwargs) return self.from_mcda_data(**dmdict) def to_dataframe(self): """Convert the entire DecisionMatrix into a dataframe. The objectives and weights ara added as rows before the alternatives. Returns ------- :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` A Decision matrix as pandas DataFrame. Example ------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> dm = DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data( >>> dm ... [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], ... [min, max, min], ... [1, 1, 1]) C0[▼ 1.0] C1[▲ 1.0] C2[▲ 1.0] A0 1 2 3 A1 4 5 6 >>> dm.to_dataframe() C0 C1 C2 objectives MIN MAX MIN weights 1.0 1.0 1.0 A0 1 2 3 A1 4 5 6 """ data = np.vstack((self.objectives, self.weights, self.matrix)) index = np.hstack((["objectives", "weights"], self.alternatives)) df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=self.criteria, copy=True) return df def to_dict(self): """Return a dict representation of the data. All the values are represented as numpy array. """ return { "matrix": self.matrix.to_numpy(), "objectives": self.iobjectives.to_numpy(), "weights": self.weights.to_numpy(), "dtypes": self.dtypes.to_numpy(), "alternatives": np.asarray(self.alternatives), "criteria": np.asarray(self.criteria), } @deprecated( reason=( "Use ``DecisionMatrix.stats()``, " "``DecisionMatrix.stats('describe)`` or " "``DecisionMatrix.stats.describe()`` instead." ), version=0.6, ) def describe(self, **kwargs): """Generate descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics include those that summarize the central tendency, dispersion and shape of a dataset's distribution, excluding ``NaN`` values. Parameters ---------- Same parameters as ``pandas.DataFrame.describe()``. Returns ------- ``pandas.DataFrame`` Summary statistics of DecisionMatrix provided. """ return self._data_df.describe(**kwargs) # CMP ===================================================================== @property def shape(self): """Return a tuple with (number_of_alternatives, number_of_criteria). dm.shape <==> np.shape(dm) """ return np.shape(self._data_df) def __len__(self): """Return the number ot alternatives. dm.__len__() <==> len(dm). """ return len(self._data_df) def equals(self, other): """Return True if the decision matrix are equal. This method calls `DecisionMatrix.aquals` without tolerance. Parameters ---------- other : :py:class:`skcriteria.DecisionMatrix` Other instance to compare. Returns ------- equals : :py:class:`bool:py:class:` Returns True if the two dm are equals. See Also -------- aequals, :py:func:`numpy.isclose`, :py:func:`numpy.all`, :py:func:`numpy.any`, :py:func:`numpy.equal`, :py:func:`numpy.allclose`. """ return self.aequals(other, 0, 0, False) def aequals(self, other, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False): """Return True if the decision matrix are equal within a tolerance. The tolerance values are positive, typically very small numbers. The relative difference (`rtol` * abs(`b`)) and the absolute difference `atol` are added together to compare against the absolute difference between `a` and `b`. NaNs are treated as equal if they are in the same place and if ``equal_nan=True``. Infs are treated as equal if they are in the same place and of the same sign in both arrays. The proceeds as follows: - If ``other`` is the same object return ``True``. - If ``other`` is not instance of 'DecisionMatrix', has different shape 'criteria', 'alternatives' or 'objectives' returns ``False``. - Next check the 'weights' and the matrix itself using the provided tolerance. Parameters ---------- other : :py:class:`skcriteria.DecisionMatrix` Other instance to compare. rtol : float The relative tolerance parameter (see Notes in :py:func:`numpy.allclose`). atol : float The absolute tolerance parameter (see Notes in :py:func:`numpy.allclose`). equal_nan : bool Whether to compare NaN's as equal. If True, NaN's in dm will be considered equal to NaN's in `other` in the output array. Returns ------- aequals : :py:class:`bool:py:class:` Returns True if the two dm are equal within the given tolerance; False otherwise. See Also -------- equals, :py:func:`numpy.isclose`, :py:func:`numpy.all`, :py:func:`numpy.any`, :py:func:`numpy.equal`, :py:func:`numpy.allclose`. """ return (self is other) or ( isinstance(other, DecisionMatrix) and np.shape(self) == np.shape(other) and np.array_equal(self.criteria, other.criteria) and np.array_equal(self.alternatives, other.alternatives) and np.array_equal(self.objectives, other.objectives) and np.allclose( self.weights, other.weights, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan, ) and np.allclose( self.matrix, other.matrix, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan, ) ) # SLICES ================================================================== def __getitem__(self, slc): """dm[slc] <==> dm.__getitem__(slc).""" df = self._data_df.__getitem__(slc) if isinstance(df, pd.Series): df = df.to_frame() dtypes = self._data_df.dtypes dtypes = dtypes[dtypes.index.isin(df.columns)] df = df.astype(dtypes) objectives = self.objectives objectives = objectives[objectives.index.isin(df.columns)].to_numpy() weights = self.weights weights = weights[weights.index.isin(df.columns)].to_numpy() return DecisionMatrix(df, objectives, weights) @property def loc(self): """Access a group of alternatives and criteria by label(s) or a \ boolean array. ``.loc[]`` is primarily alternative label based, but may also be used with a boolean array. Unlike DataFrames, `ìloc`` of ``DecisionMatrix`` always returns an instance of ``DecisionMatrix``. """ return _Loc("loc", self._data_df.loc, self.objectives, self.weights) @property def iloc(self): """Purely integer-location based indexing for selection by position. ``.iloc[]`` is primarily integer position based (from ``0`` to ``length-1`` of the axis), but may also be used with a boolean array. Unlike DataFrames, `ìloc`` of ``DecisionMatrix`` always returns an instance of ``DecisionMatrix``. """ return _Loc("iloc", self._data_df.iloc, self.objectives, self.weights) # REPR ==================================================================== def _get_cow_headers( self, only=None, fmt="{criteria}[{objective}{weight}]" ): """Columns names with COW (Criteria, Objective, Weight).""" criteria = self._data_df.columns.to_series() objectives = self.objectives weights = self.weights if only: mask = self._data_df.columns.isin(only) criteria = criteria[mask][only] objectives = objectives[mask][only] weights = weights[mask][only] weights = pd_fmt.format_array(weights, None) headers = [] for crit, obj, weight in zip(criteria, objectives, weights): header = fmt.format( criteria=crit, objective=obj.to_symbol(), weight=weight ) headers.append(header) return np.array(headers) def _get_axc_dimensions(self): """Dimension foote with AxC (Alternativs x Criteria).""" a_number, c_number = self.shape dimensions = f"{a_number} Alternatives x {c_number} Criteria" return dimensions def __repr__(self): """dm.__repr__() <==> repr(dm).""" header = self._get_cow_headers() dimensions = self._get_axc_dimensions() with df_temporal_header(self._data_df, header) as df: with pd.option_context("display.show_dimensions", False): original_string = repr(df) # add dimension string = f"{original_string}\n[{dimensions}]" return string def _repr_html_(self): """Return a html representation for a particular DecisionMatrix. Mainly for IPython notebook. """ header = self._get_cow_headers() dimensions = self._get_axc_dimensions() # retrieve the original string with df_temporal_header(self._data_df, header) as df: with pd.option_context("display.show_dimensions", False): original_html = df._repr_html_() # add dimension html = ( "<div class='decisionmatrix'>\n" f"{original_html}" f"<em class='decisionmatrix-dim'>{dimensions}</em>\n" "</div>" ) return html # ============================================================================= # factory # ============================================================================= @functools.wraps(DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data) def mkdm(*args, **kwargs): """Alias for DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data.""" return DecisionMatrix.from_mcda_data(*args, **kwargs)
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Stats helper for the DecisionMatrix object.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # =============================================================================k from ..utils import AccessorABC # ============================================================================= # STATS ACCESSOR # ============================================================================= class DecisionMatrixStatsAccessor(AccessorABC): """Calculate basic statistics of the decision matrix. Kind of statistic to produce: - 'corr' : Compute pairwise correlation of columns, excluding NA/null values. - 'cov' : Compute pairwise covariance of columns, excluding NA/null values. - 'describe' : Generate descriptive statistics. - 'kurtosis' : Return unbiased kurtosis over requested axis. - 'mad' : Return the mean absolute deviation of the values over the requested axis. - 'max' : Return the maximum of the values over the requested axis. - 'mean' : Return the mean of the values over the requested axis. - 'median' : Return the median of the values over the requested axis. - 'min' : Return the minimum of the values over the requested axis. - 'pct_change' : Percentage change between the current and a prior element. - 'quantile' : Return values at the given quantile over requested axis. - 'sem' : Return unbiased standard error of the mean over requested axis. - 'skew' : Return unbiased skew over requested axis. - 'std' : Return sample standard deviation over requested axis. - 'var' : Return unbiased variance over requested axis. """ # The list of methods that can be accessed of the subjacent dataframe. _DF_WHITELIST = ( "corr", "cov", "describe", "kurtosis", "max", "mean", "median", "min", "pct_change", "quantile", "sem", "skew", "std", "var", ) _default_kind = "describe" def __init__(self, dm): self._dm = dm def __getattr__(self, a): """x.__getattr__(a) <==> x.a <==> getattr(x, "a").""" if a not in self._DF_WHITELIST: raise AttributeError(a) return getattr(self._dm._data_df, a) def __dir__(self): """x.__dir__() <==> dir(x).""" return super().__dir__() + [ e for e in dir(self._dm._data_df) if e in self._DF_WHITELIST ] def mad(self, axis=0, skipna=True): """Return the mean absolute deviation of the values over a given axis. Parameters ---------- axis : int Axis for the function to be applied on. skipna : bool, default True Exclude NA/null values when computing the result. """ df = self._dm._data_df return (df - df.mean(axis=axis)).abs().mean(axis=axis, skipna=skipna)
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Definition of the objectives (MIN, MAX) for the criteria.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= import enum import numpy as np from ..utils import deprecated # ============================================================================= # CONSTANTS # ============================================================================= class Objective(enum.Enum): """Representation of criteria objectives (Minimize, Maximize).""" #: Internal representation of minimize criteria MIN = -1 #: Internal representation of maximize criteria MAX = 1 # INTERNALS =============================================================== _MIN_STR = "\u25bc" # ▼ _MAX_STR = "\u25b2" # ▲ #: Another way to name the maximization criteria. _MAX_ALIASES = frozenset( [ MAX, _MAX_STR, max, np.max, np.nanmax, np.amax, "max", "maximize", "+", ">", ] ) #: Another ways to name the minimization criteria. _MIN_ALIASES = frozenset( [ MIN, _MIN_STR, min, np.min, np.nanmin, np.amin, "min", "minimize", "-", "<", ] ) # CUSTOM CONSTRUCTOR ====================================================== @classmethod def from_alias(cls, alias): """Return a n objective instase based on some given alias.""" if isinstance(alias, cls): return alias if isinstance(alias, str): alias = alias.lower() if alias in cls._MAX_ALIASES.value: return cls.MAX if alias in cls._MIN_ALIASES.value: return cls.MIN raise ValueError(f"Invalid criteria objective {alias}") # METHODS ================================================================= def __str__(self): """Convert the objective to an string.""" return def to_symbol(self): """Return the printable symbol representation of the objective.""" if self.value in Objective._MIN_ALIASES.value: return Objective._MIN_STR.value if self.value in Objective._MAX_ALIASES.value: return Objective._MAX_STR.value # DEPRECATED ============================================================== @classmethod @deprecated(reason="Use ``Objective.from_alias()`` instead.", version=0.8) def construct_from_alias(cls, alias): """Return an objective instance based on some given alias.""" return cls.from_alias(alias) @deprecated(reason="Use ``MAX/MIN.to_symbol()`` instead.", version=0.8) def to_string(self): """Return the printable representation of the objective.""" return self.to_symbol()
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Core functionalities of scikit-criteria.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # =============================================================================ç import abc import copy import inspect # ============================================================================= # BASE DECISION MAKER CLASS # ============================================================================= class SKCMethodABC(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base class for all class in scikit-criteria. Notes ----- All estimators should specify: - ``_skcriteria_dm_type``: The type of the decision maker. - ``_skcriteria_parameters``: Availebe parameters. - ``_skcriteria_abstract_class``: If the class is abstract. If the class is *abstract* the user can ignore the other two attributes. """ _skcriteria_abstract_class = True def __init_subclass__(cls): """Validate if the subclass are well formed.""" is_abstract = vars(cls).get("_skcriteria_abstract_class", False) if is_abstract: return decisor_type = getattr(cls, "_skcriteria_dm_type", None) if decisor_type is None: raise TypeError(f"{cls} must redefine '_skcriteria_dm_type'") cls._skcriteria_dm_type = str(decisor_type) params = getattr(cls, "_skcriteria_parameters", None) if params is None: raise TypeError(f"{cls} must redefine '_skcriteria_parameters'") params = frozenset(params) signature = inspect.signature(cls.__init__) has_kwargs = any( p.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD for p in signature.parameters.values() ) params_not_in_signature = params.difference(signature.parameters) if params_not_in_signature and not has_kwargs: raise TypeError( f"{cls} defines the parameters {params_not_in_signature} " "which is not found as a parameter in the __init__ method." ) cls._skcriteria_parameters = params def __repr__(self): """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x).""" cls_name = type(self).__name__ parameters = [] if self._skcriteria_parameters: for pname in sorted(self._skcriteria_parameters): pvalue = getattr(self, pname) parameters.append(f"{pname}={repr(pvalue)}") str_parameters = ", ".join(parameters) return f"<{cls_name} [{str_parameters}]>" def get_parameters(self): """Return the parameters of the method as dictionary.""" the_parameters = {} for parameter_name in self._skcriteria_parameters: parameter_value = getattr(self, parameter_name) the_parameters[parameter_name] = copy.deepcopy(parameter_value) return the_parameters def copy(self, **kwargs): """Return a deep copy of the current Object.. This method is also useful for manually modifying the values of the object. Parameters ---------- kwargs : The same parameters supported by object constructor. The values provided replace the existing ones in the object to be copied. Returns ------- A new object. """ asdict = self.get_parameters() asdict.update(kwargs) cls = type(self) return cls(**asdict)
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Dominance helper for the DecisionMatrix object.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= import functools import itertools as it from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import pandas as pd from ..utils import AccessorABC, rank # ============================================================================= # DOMINANCE ACCESSOR # ============================================================================= class DecisionMatrixDominanceAccessor(AccessorABC): """Calculate basic statistics of the decision matrix.""" _default_kind = "dominance" def __init__(self, dm): self._dm = dm @property @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _dominance_cache(self): """Cache of dominance. Compute the dominance is an O(n_C_2) algorithm, so lets use a cache. """ dm = self._dm reverse = dm.minwhere dominance_cache, alts_numpy = {}, {} for a0, a1 in it.combinations(dm.alternatives, 2): for aname in (a0, a1): if aname not in alts_numpy: alts_numpy[aname] = dm.alternatives[aname] dominance_cache[(a0, a1)] = rank.dominance( alts_numpy[a0], alts_numpy[a1], reverse=reverse ) return dominance_cache def _cache_read(self, a0, a1): """Return the entry of the cache. The input returned is the one that relates the alternatives a0 and a1. Since the cache can store the entry with the key (a0, a1) or (a1, a0), a second value is returned that is True if it was necessary to invert the alternatives. """ key = a0, a1 cache = self._dominance_cache entry, key_reverted = ( (cache[key], False) if key in cache else (cache[key[::-1]], True) ) return entry, key_reverted # FRAME ALT VS ALT ======================================================== def _create_frame(self, compute_cell, iname, cname): """Create a data frame comparing two alternatives. The value of each cell is calculated with the "compute_cell" function. """ alternatives = self._dm.alternatives rows = [] for a0 in alternatives: row = OrderedDict() for a1 in alternatives: row[a1] = compute_cell(a0, a1) rows.append(row) df = pd.DataFrame(rows, index=alternatives) = iname = cname return df def bt(self): """Compare on how many criteria one alternative is better than another. *bt* = better-than. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame: Where the value of each cell identifies on how many criteria the row alternative is better than the column alternative. """ def compute_cell(a0, a1): if a0 == a1: return 0 centry, ckreverted = self._cache_read(a0, a1) return centry.aDb if not ckreverted else centry.bDa return self._create_frame( compute_cell, iname="Better than", cname="Worse than" ) def eq(self): """Compare on how many criteria two alternatives are equal. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame: Where the value of each cell identifies how many criteria the row and column alternatives are equal. """ criteria_len = len(self._dm.criteria) def compute_cell(a0, a1): if a0 == a1: return criteria_len centry, _ = self._cache_read(a0, a1) return centry.eq return self._create_frame( compute_cell, iname="Equals to", cname="Equals to" ) def dominance(self, *, strict=False): """Compare if one alternative dominates or strictly dominates another \ alternative. In order to evaluate the dominance of an alternative *a0* over an alternative *a1*, the algorithm evaluates that *a0* is better in at least one criterion and that *a1* is not better in any criterion than *a0*. In the case that ``strict = True`` it also evaluates that there are no equal criteria. Parameters ---------- strict: bool, default ``False`` If True, strict dominance is evaluated. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame: Where the value of each cell is True if the row alternative dominates the column alternative. """ def compute_cell(a0, a1): if a0 == a1: return False centry, ckreverted = self._cache_read(a0, a1) performance_a0, performance_a1 = ( (centry.aDb, centry.bDa) if not ckreverted else (centry.bDa, centry.aDb) ) if strict and centry.eq: return False return performance_a0 > 0 and performance_a1 == 0 iname, cname = ( ("Strict dominators", "Strictly dominated") if strict else ("Dominators", "Dominated") ) dom = self._create_frame(compute_cell, iname=iname, cname=cname) return dom # COMPARISONS ============================================================= def compare(self, a0, a1): """Compare two alternatives. It creates a summary data frame containing the comparison of the two alternatives on a per-criteria basis, indicating which of the two is the best value, or if they are equal. In addition, it presents a "Performance" column with the count for each case. Parameters ---------- a0, a1: str Names of the alternatives to compare. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame: Comparison of the two alternatives by criteria. """ # read the cache and extract the values centry, ckreverted = self._cache_read(a0, a1) performance_a0, performance_a1 = ( (centry.aDb, centry.bDa) if not ckreverted else (centry.bDa, centry.aDb) ) where_aDb, where_bDa = ( (centry.aDb_where, centry.bDa_where) if not ckreverted else (centry.bDa_where, centry.aDb_where) ) eq, eq_where = centry.eq, centry.eq_where criteria = self._dm.criteria alt_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [ ("Alternatives", a0), ("Alternatives", a1), ("Equals", ""), ] ) crit_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([["Criteria"], criteria]) df = pd.DataFrame( [ pd.Series(where_aDb, name=alt_index[0], index=crit_index), pd.Series(where_bDa, name=alt_index[1], index=crit_index), pd.Series(eq_where, name=alt_index[2], index=crit_index), ] ) df = df.assign( Performance=[performance_a0, performance_a1, eq], ) return df # The dominated =========================================================== def dominated(self, *, strict=False): """Which alternative is dominated or strictly dominated by at least \ one other alternative. Parameters ---------- strict: bool, default ``False`` If True, strict dominance is evaluated. Returns ------- pandas.Series: Where the index indicates the name of the alternative, and if the value is is True, it indicates that this alternative is dominated by at least one other alternative. """ dom = self.dominance(strict=strict).any() = = "Alternatives" return dom @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def dominators_of(self, a, *, strict=False): """Array of alternatives that dominate or strictly-dominate the \ alternative provided by parameters. Parameters ---------- a : str On what alternative to look for the dominators. strict: bool, default ``False`` If True, strict dominance is evaluated. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray: List of alternatives that dominate ``a``. """ dominance_a = self.dominance(strict=strict)[a] if ~dominance_a.any(): return np.array([], dtype=str) dominators = dominance_a.index[dominance_a] for dominator in dominators: dominators_dominators = self.dominators_of( dominator, strict=strict ) dominators = np.concatenate((dominators, dominators_dominators)) return dominators def has_loops(self, *, strict=False): """Retorna True si la matriz contiene loops de dominacia. A loop is defined as if there are alternatives `a0`, `a1` and 'a2' such that "a0 ≻ a1 ≻ a2 ≻ a0" if ``strict=True``, or "a0 ≽ a1 ≽ a2 ≽ a0" if ``strict=False`` Parameters ---------- strict: bool, default ``False`` If True, strict dominance is evaluated. Returns ------- bool: If True a loop exists. Notes ----- If the result of this method is True, the ``dominators_of()`` method raises a ``RecursionError`` for at least one alternative. """ # lets put the dominated alternatives last so our while loop will # be shorter by extracting from the tail alternatives = list(self.dominated(strict=strict).sort_values().index) try: while alternatives: # dame la ultima alternativa (al final quedan las dominadas) alt = alternatives.pop() # ahora dame todas las alternatives las cuales dominan dominators = self.dominators_of(alt, strict=strict) # las alternativas dominadoras ya pasaron por "dominated_by" # por lo cual hay que sacarlas a todas de alternatives alternatives = [a for a in alternatives if a not in dominators] except RecursionError: return True return False
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """The :mod:`skcriteria.datasets` module includes utilities to load \ datasets.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORRTS # ============================================================================= import json import os import pathlib from import mkdm from .. import core # ============================================================================= # CONSTANTS # ============================================================================= _PATH = pathlib.Path(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) # ============================================================================= # FUNCTIONS # ============================================================================= def load_simple_stock_selection(): """Simple stock selection decision matrix. This matrix was designed primarily for teaching and evaluating the behavior of an experiment. Among the data we can find: two maximization criteria (ROE, CAP), one minimization criterion (RI), dominated alternatives (FX), and one alternative with an outlier criterion (ROE, MM = 1). Although the criteria and alternatives are original from the authors of Scikit-Criteria, the numerical values were extracted at some point from a somewhere which we have forgotten. Description: In order to decide to buy a series of stocks, a company studied 5 candidate investments: PE, JN, AA, FX, MM and GN. The finance department decides to consider the following criteria for selection: 1. ROE (Max): Return % for each monetary unit invested. 2. CAP (Max): Years of market capitalization. 3. RI (Min): Risk of the stock. """ dm = core.mkdm( matrix=[ [7, 5, 35], [5, 4, 26], [5, 6, 28], [3, 4, 36], [1, 7, 30], [5, 8, 30], ], objectives=[max, max, min], weights=[2, 4, 1], alternatives=["PE", "JN", "AA", "FX", "MM", "GN"], criteria=["ROE", "CAP", "RI"], ) return dm def load_van2021evaluation(windows_size=7): r"""Dataset extracted from from historical time series cryptocurrencies. This dataset is extracted from:: Van Heerden, N., Cabral, J. y Luczywo, N. (2021). Evaluación de la importancia de criterios para la selección de criptomonedas. XXXIV ENDIO - XXXII EPIO Virtual 2021, Argentina. The nine available alternatives are based on the ranking of the 20 cryptocurrencies with the largest market capitalization calculated on the basis of circulating supply, according to information retrieved from Cryptocurrency Historical Prices" retrieved on July 21st, 2021, from there only the coins with complete data between October 9th, 2018 to July 6th of 2021, excluding stable-coins, since they maintain a stable price and therefore do not carry associated yields; the alternatives that met these requirements turned out to be: Cardano (ADA), Binance coin (BNB), Bitcoin (BTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), Ethereum (ETH), Chainlink (LINK), Litecoin (LTC), Stellar (XLM) and Ripple (XRP). Two decision matrices were created for two sizes of overlapping moving windows: 7 and 15 days. Six criteria were defined on these windows that seek to represent returns and risks: - ``xRv`` - average Window return (:math:`\bar{x}RV`) - Maximize: is the average of the differences between the closing price of the cryptocurrency on the last day and the first day of each window, divided by the price on the first day. - ``sRV`` - window return deviation (:math:`sRV`) - Minimize: is the standard deviation of window return. The greater the deviation, the returns within the windows have higher variance and are unstable. - ``xVV`` - average of the volume of the window (:math:`\bar{x}VV`) - Maximize: it is the average of the summations of the transaction amount of the cryptocurrency in dollars in each window, representing a liquidity measure of the asset. - ``sVV`` - window volume deviation (:math:`sVV`) - Minimize: it is the deviation of the window volumes. The greater the deviation, the volumes within the windows have higher variance and are unstable. - ``xR2`` - mean of the correlation coefficient (:math:`\bar{x}R^2`) - Maximize: it is the mean of the :math:`R^2` of the fit of the linear trends with respect to the data. It is a measure that defines how well it explains that linear trend to the data within the window. - ``xm`` - mean of the slope (:math:`\bar{x}m`) - Maximize: it is the mean of the slope of the linear trend between the closing prices in dollars and the volumes traded in dollars of the cryptocurrency within each window. Parameters ---------- windows_size: 7 o 15, default 7 If the decision matrix based on 7 or 15 day overlapping moving windows is desired. References ---------- :cite:p:`van2021evaluation` :cite:p:`van2021epio_evaluation` :cite:p:`rajkumar_2021` """ paths = { 7: _PATH / "van2021evaluation" / "windows_size_7.json", 15: _PATH / "van2021evaluation" / "windows_size_15.json", } path = paths.get(windows_size) if path is None: raise ValueError( f"Windows size must be '7' or '15'. Found {windows_size!r}" ) with open(path) as fp: data = json.load(fp) return mkdm(**data)
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Container object exposing keys as attributes.""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= import copy from import Mapping # ============================================================================= # DOC INHERITANCE # ============================================================================= class Bunch(Mapping): """Container object exposing keys as attributes. Concept based on the sklearn.utils.Bunch. Bunch objects are sometimes used as an output for functions and methods. They extend dictionaries by enabling values to be accessed by key, `bunch["value_key"]`, or by an attribute, `bunch.value_key`. Examples -------- >>> b = SKCBunch("data", {"a": 1, "b": 2}) >>> b data({a, b}) >>> b['b'] 2 >>> b.b 2 >>> b.a = 3 >>> b['a'] 3 >>> b.c = 6 >>> b['c'] 6 """ def __init__(self, name, data): self._name = str(name) self._data = data def __getitem__(self, k): """x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y].""" return self._data[k] def __getattr__(self, a): """x.__getattr__(y) <==> x.y.""" try: return self._data[a] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(a) def __copy__(self): """x.__copy__() <==> copy.copy(x).""" cls = type(self) return cls(str(self._name), data=self._data) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """x.__deepcopy__() <==> copy.copy(x).""" # extract the class cls = type(self) # make the copy but without the data clone = cls(name=str(self._name), data=None) # store in the memo that clone is copy of self # memo[id(self)] = clone # now we copy the data clone._data = copy.deepcopy(self._data, memo) return clone def __iter__(self): """x.__iter__() <==> iter(x).""" return iter(self._data) def __len__(self): """x.__len__() <==> len(x).""" return len(self._data) def __repr__(self): """x.__repr__() <==> repr(x).""" content = repr(set(self._data)) if self._data else "{}" return f"<{self._name} {content}>" def __dir__(self): """x.__dir__() <==> dir(x).""" return super().__dir__() + list(self._data)
# ============================================================================= # DOCS # ============================================================================= """Functions for calculate and compare ranks (ordinal series).""" # ============================================================================= # IMPORTS # ============================================================================= from collections import namedtuple import numpy as np from scipy import stats # ============================================================================= # RANKER # ============================================================================= def rank_values(arr, reverse=False): """Evaluate an array and return a 1 based ranking. Parameters ---------- arr : (:py:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`) A array with values reverse : :py:class:`bool` default *False* By default (*False*) the lesser values are ranked first (like in time lapse in a race or Golf scoring) if is *True* the data is highest values are the first. Returns ------- :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of rankings the i-nth element has the ranking of the i-nth element of the row array. Examples -------- .. code-block:: pycon >>> from skcriteria.util.rank import rank_values >>> # the fastest (the lowest value) goes first >>> time_laps = [0.59, 1.2, 0.3] >>> rank_values(time_laps) array([2, 3, 1]) >>> # highest is better >>> scores = [140, 200, 98] >>> rank_values(scores, reverse=True) array([2, 1, 3]) """ if reverse: arr = np.multiply(arr, -1) return stats.rankdata(arr, "dense").astype(int) # ============================================================================= # DOMINANCE # ============================================================================= _Dominance = namedtuple( "dominance", ["eq", "aDb", "bDa", "eq_where", "aDb_where", "bDa_where"], ) def dominance(array_a, array_b, reverse=False): """Calculate the dominance or general dominance between two arrays. Parameters ---------- array_a: The first array to compare. array_b: The second array to compare. reverse: bool (default=False) array_a[i] ≻ array_b[i] if array_a[i] > array_b[i] if reverse is False, otherwise array_a[i] ≻ array_b[i] if array_a[i] < array_b[i]. Also revese can be an array of boolean of the same shape as array_a and array_b to revert every item independently. In other words, reverse assume the data is a minimization problem. Returns ------- dominance: _Dominance Named tuple with 4 parameters: - eq: How many values are equals in both arrays. - aDb: How many values of array_a dominate those of the same position in array_b. - bDa: How many values of array_b dominate those of the same position in array_a. - eq_where: Where the values of array_a are equals those of the same position in array_b. - aDb_where: Where the values of array_a dominates those of the same position in array_b. - bDa_where: Where the values of array_b dominates those of the same position in array_a. """ if np.shape(array_a) != np.shape(array_b): raise ValueError("array_a and array_b must be of the same shape") if isinstance(reverse, bool): reverse = np.full(np.shape(array_a), reverse) elif np.shape(array_a) != np.shape(reverse): raise ValueError( "reverse must be a bool or an iterable of the same " "shape than the arrays" ) array_a = np.asarray(array_a) array_b = np.asarray(array_b) eq_where = array_a == array_b aDb_where = np.where( reverse, array_a < array_b, array_a > array_b, ) bDa_where = ~(aDb_where | eq_where) # a not dominates b and a != b return _Dominance( # resume eq=np.sum(eq_where), aDb=np.sum(aDb_where), bDa=np.sum(bDa_where), # locations eq_where=eq_where, aDb_where=aDb_where, bDa_where=bDa_where, )
from __future__ import print_function from string import Template import pycuda.autoinit import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule import numpy as np import skcuda.misc as misc A = 3 B = 4 C = 5 N = A * B * C # Define a 3D array: # x_orig = np.arange(0, N, 1, np.float64) x_orig = np.asarray(np.random.rand(N), np.float64) x = x_orig.reshape((A, B, C)) # These functions demonstrate how to convert a linear index into subscripts: a = lambda i: i / (B * C) b = lambda i: np.mod(i, B * C) / C c = lambda i: np.mod(np.mod(i, B * C), C) # Check that x[ind(i)] is equivalent to x.flat[i]: subscript = lambda i: (a(i), b(i), c(i)) for i in range(x.size): assert x.flat[i] == x[subscript(i)] # Check that x[i,j,k] is equivalent to x.flat[index(i,j,k)]: index = lambda i, j, k: i * B * C + j * C + k for i in range(A): for j in range(B): for k in range(C): assert x[i, j, k] == x.flat[index(i, j, k)] func_mod_template = Template(""" // Macro for converting subscripts to linear index: #define INDEX(a, b, c) a*${B}*${C}+b*${C}+c __global__ void func(double *x, unsigned int N) { // Obtain the linear index corresponding to the current thread: unsigned int idx = blockIdx.y*${max_threads_per_block}*${max_blocks_per_grid}+ blockIdx.x*${max_threads_per_block}+threadIdx.x; // Convert the linear index to subscripts: unsigned int a = idx/(${B}*${C}); unsigned int b = (idx%(${B}*${C}))/${C}; unsigned int c = (idx%(${B}*${C}))%${C}; // Use the subscripts to access the array: if (idx < N) { if (b == 0) x[INDEX(a,b,c)] = 100; } } """) max_threads_per_block, max_block_dim, max_grid_dim = misc.get_dev_attrs(pycuda.autoinit.device) block_dim, grid_dim = misc.select_block_grid_sizes(pycuda.autoinit.device, x.shape) max_blocks_per_grid = max(max_grid_dim) func_mod = \ SourceModule(func_mod_template.substitute(max_threads_per_block=max_threads_per_block, max_blocks_per_grid=max_blocks_per_grid, A=A, B=B, C=C)) func = func_mod.get_function('func') x_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(x) func(x_gpu.gpudata, np.uint32(x_gpu.size), block=block_dim, grid=grid_dim) x_np = x.copy() x_np[:, 0, :] = 100 print('Success status: ', np.allclose(x_np, x_gpu.get()))
from __future__ import print_function from string import Template import pycuda.autoinit import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule import numpy as np import skcuda.misc as misc A = 3 B = 4 N = A * B # Define a 2D array: # x_orig = np.arange(0, N, 1, np.float64) x_orig = np.asarray(np.random.rand(N), np.float64) x = x_orig.reshape((A, B)) # These functions demonstrate how to convert a linear index into subscripts: a = lambda i: i / B b = lambda i: np.mod(i, B) # Check that x[subscript(i)] is equivalent to x.flat[i]: subscript = lambda i: (a(i), b(i)) for i in range(x.size): assert x.flat[i] == x[subscript(i)] # Check that x[i, j] is equivalent to x.flat[index(i, j)]: index = lambda i, j: i * B + j for i in range(A): for j in range(B): assert x[i, j] == x.flat[index(i, j)] func_mod_template = Template(""" // Macro for converting subscripts to linear index: #define INDEX(a, b) a*${B}+b __global__ void func(double *x, unsigned int N) { // Obtain the linear index corresponding to the current thread: unsigned int idx = blockIdx.y*${max_threads_per_block}*${max_blocks_per_grid}+ blockIdx.x*${max_threads_per_block}+threadIdx.x; // Convert the linear index to subscripts: unsigned int a = idx/${B}; unsigned int b = idx%${B}; // Use the subscripts to access the array: if (idx < N) { if (b == 0) x[INDEX(a,b)] = 100; } } """) max_threads_per_block, max_block_dim, max_grid_dim = misc.get_dev_attrs(pycuda.autoinit.device) block_dim, grid_dim = misc.select_block_grid_sizes(pycuda.autoinit.device, x.shape) max_blocks_per_grid = max(max_grid_dim) func_mod = \ SourceModule(func_mod_template.substitute(max_threads_per_block=max_threads_per_block, max_blocks_per_grid=max_blocks_per_grid, A=A, B=B)) func = func_mod.get_function('func') x_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(x) func(x_gpu.gpudata, np.uint32(x_gpu.size), block=block_dim, grid=grid_dim) x_np = x.copy() x_np[:, 0] = 100 print('Success status: %r' % np.allclose(x_np, x_gpu.get()))
from __future__ import print_function from string import Template import pycuda.autoinit import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule import numpy as np import skcuda.misc as misc A = 3 B = 4 C = 5 D = 6 N = A * B * C * D # Define a 3D array: # x_orig = np.arange(0, N, 1, np.float64) x_orig = np.asarray(np.random.rand(N), np.float64) x = x_orig.reshape((A, B, C, D)) # These functions demonstrate how to convert a linear index into subscripts: a = lambda i: i / (B * C * D) b = lambda i: np.mod(i, B * C * D) / (C * D) c = lambda i: np.mod(np.mod(i, B * C * D), C * D) / D d = lambda i: np.mod(np.mod(np.mod(i, B * C * D), C * D), D) # Check that x[subscript(i)] is equivalent to x.flat[i]: subscript = lambda i: (a(i), b(i), c(i), d(i)) for i in range(x.size): assert x.flat[i] == x[subscript(i)] # Check that x[i,j,k,l] is equivalent to x.flat[index(i,j,k,l)]: index = lambda i, j, k, l: i * B * C * D + j * C * D + k * D + l for i in range(A): for j in range(B): for k in range(C): for l in range(D): assert x[i, j, k, l] == x.flat[index(i, j, k, l)] func_mod_template = Template(""" // Macro for converting subscripts to linear index: #define INDEX(a, b, c, d) a*${B}*${C}*${D}+b*${C}*${D}+c*${D}+d __global__ void func(double *x, unsigned int N) { // Obtain the linear index corresponding to the current thread: unsigned int idx = blockIdx.y*${max_threads_per_block}*${max_blocks_per_grid}+ blockIdx.x*${max_threads_per_block}+threadIdx.x; // Convert the linear index to subscripts: unsigned int a = idx/(${B}*${C}*${D}); unsigned int b = (idx%(${B}*${C}*${D}))/(${C}*${D}); unsigned int c = ((idx%(${B}*${C}*${D}))%(${C}*${D}))/${D}; unsigned int d = ((idx%(${B}*${C}*${D}))%(${C}*${D}))%${D}; // Use the subscripts to access the array: if (idx < N) { if (c == 0) x[INDEX(a,b,c,d)] = 100; } } """) max_threads_per_block, max_block_dim, max_grid_dim = misc.get_dev_attrs(pycuda.autoinit.device) block_dim, grid_dim = misc.select_block_grid_sizes(pycuda.autoinit.device, x.shape) max_blocks_per_grid = max(max_grid_dim) func_mod = \ SourceModule(func_mod_template.substitute(max_threads_per_block=max_threads_per_block, max_blocks_per_grid=max_blocks_per_grid, A=A, B=B, C=C, D=D)) func = func_mod.get_function('func') x_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(x) func(x_gpu.gpudata, np.uint32(x_gpu.size), block=block_dim, grid=grid_dim) x_np = x.copy() x_np[:, :, 0, :] = 100 print('Success status: ', np.allclose(x_np, x_gpu.get()))
import numpy as np import scipy.linalg import skcuda.magma as magma import time import importlib importlib.reload(magma) typedict = {'s': np.float32, 'd': np.float64, 'c': np.complex64, 'z': np.complex128} def test_cpu_gpu(N, t='z'): """ N : dimension dtype : type (default complex) """ assert t in typedict.keys() dtype = typedict[t] if t in ['s', 'd']: M_gpu = np.random.random((N,N)) elif t in ['c', 'z']: M_gpu = np.random.random((N,N))+1j*np.random.random((N,N)) M_gpu = M_gpu.astype(dtype) M_cpu = M_gpu.copy() # GPU (skcuda + Magma) # Set up output buffers: if t in ['s', 'd']: wr = np.zeros((N,), dtype) # eigenvalues wi = np.zeros((N,), dtype) # eigenvalues elif t in ['c', 'z']: w = np.zeros((N,), dtype) # eigenvalues vl = np.zeros((N, N), dtype) vr = np.zeros((N, N), dtype) # Set up workspace: if t == 's': nb = magma.magma_get_sgeqrf_nb(N,N) if t == 'd': nb = magma.magma_get_dgeqrf_nb(N,N) if t == 'c': nb = magma.magma_get_cgeqrf_nb(N,N) if t == 'z': nb = magma.magma_get_zgeqrf_nb(N,N) lwork = N*(1 + 2*nb) work = np.zeros((lwork,), dtype) if t in ['c', 'z']: rwork= np.zeros((2*N,), dtype) # Compute: gpu_time = time.time(); if t == 's': status = magma.magma_sgeev('N', 'V', N,, N,,,, N,, N,, lwork) if t == 'd': status = magma.magma_dgeev('N', 'V', N,, N,,,, N,, N,, lwork) if t == 'c': status = magma.magma_cgeev('N', 'V', N,, N,,, N,, N,, lwork, if t == 'z': status = magma.magma_zgeev('N', 'V', N,, N,,, N,, N,, lwork, gpu_time = time.time() - gpu_time; # CPU cpu_time = time.time() W, V = scipy.linalg.eig(M_cpu) cpu_time = time.time() - cpu_time # Compare if t in ['s', 'd']: W_gpu = wr + 1j*wi elif t in ['c', 'z']: W_gpu = w W_gpu.sort() W.sort() status = np.allclose(W[:int(N/4)], W_gpu[:int(N/4)], 1e-3) return gpu_time, cpu_time, status if __name__=='__main__': magma.magma_init() N=1000 print("%10a %10a %10a %10a" % ('type', "GPU", "CPU", "Equal?")) for t in ['z', 'c', 's', 'd']: gpu_time, cpu_time, status = test_cpu_gpu(N, t=t) print("%10a %10.3g, %10.3g, %10s" % (t, gpu_time, cpu_time, status)) magma.magma_finalize()
import pycuda.driver as drv import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray import pycuda.elementwise as el from import context_dependent_memoize import as tools import numpy as np from . import cufft from .cufft import CUFFT_COMPATIBILITY_NATIVE, \ CUFFT_COMPATIBILITY_FFTW_PADDING, \ CUFFT_COMPATIBILITY_FFTW_ASYMMETRIC, \ CUFFT_COMPATIBILITY_FFTW_ALL from . import cudart from . import misc class Plan: """ CUFFT plan class. This class represents an FFT plan for CUFFT. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of ints Transform shape. May contain more than 3 elements. in_dtype : { numpy.float32, numpy.float64, numpy.complex64, numpy.complex128 } Type of input data. out_dtype : { numpy.float32, numpy.float64, numpy.complex64, numpy.complex128 } Type of output data. batch : int Number of FFTs to configure in parallel (default is 1). stream : pycuda.driver.Stream Stream with which to associate the plan. If no stream is specified, the default stream is used. mode : int FFTW compatibility mode. Ignored in CUDA 9.2 and later. inembed : numpy.array with dtype=numpy.int32 number of elements in each dimension of the input array istride : int distance between two successive input elements in the least significant (innermost) dimension idist : int distance between the first element of two consective batches in the input data onembed : numpy.array with dtype=numpy.int32 number of elements in each dimension of the output array ostride : int distance between two successive output elements in the least significant (innermost) dimension odist : int distance between the first element of two consective batches in the output data auto_allocate : bool indicates whether the caller intends to allocate and manage the work area """ def __init__(self, shape, in_dtype, out_dtype, batch=1, stream=None, mode=0x01, inembed=None, istride=1, idist=0, onembed=None, ostride=1, odist=0, auto_allocate=True): if np.isscalar(shape): self.shape = (shape, ) else: self.shape = shape self.in_dtype = in_dtype self.out_dtype = out_dtype if batch <= 0: raise ValueError('batch size must be greater than 0') self.batch = batch # Determine type of transformation: if in_dtype == np.float32 and out_dtype == np.complex64: self.fft_type = cufft.CUFFT_R2C self.fft_func = cufft.cufftExecR2C elif in_dtype == np.complex64 and out_dtype == np.float32: self.fft_type = cufft.CUFFT_C2R self.fft_func = cufft.cufftExecC2R elif in_dtype == np.complex64 and out_dtype == np.complex64: self.fft_type = cufft.CUFFT_C2C self.fft_func = cufft.cufftExecC2C elif in_dtype == np.float64 and out_dtype == np.complex128: self.fft_type = cufft.CUFFT_D2Z self.fft_func = cufft.cufftExecD2Z elif in_dtype == np.complex128 and out_dtype == np.float64: self.fft_type = cufft.CUFFT_Z2D self.fft_func = cufft.cufftExecZ2D elif in_dtype == np.complex128 and out_dtype == np.complex128: self.fft_type = cufft.CUFFT_Z2Z self.fft_func = cufft.cufftExecZ2Z else: raise ValueError('unsupported input/output type combination') # Check for double precision support: capability = misc.get_compute_capability(misc.get_current_device()) if capability < 1.3 and \ (misc.isdoubletype(in_dtype) or misc.isdoubletype(out_dtype)): raise RuntimeError('double precision requires compute capability ' '>= 1.3 (you have %g)' % capability) if inembed is not None: inembed = if onembed is not None: onembed = # Set up plan: if len(self.shape) <= 0: raise ValueError('invalid transform size') n = np.asarray(self.shape, np.int32) self.handle = cufft.cufftCreate() # Set FFTW compatibility mode: if cufft._cufft_version <= 9010: cufft.cufftSetCompatibilityMode(self.handle, mode) # Set auto-allocate mode cufft.cufftSetAutoAllocation(self.handle, auto_allocate) self.worksize = cufft.cufftMakePlanMany( self.handle, len(self.shape),, inembed, istride, idist, onembed, ostride, odist, self.fft_type, self.batch) # Associate stream with plan: if stream != None: cufft.cufftSetStream(self.handle, stream.handle) def set_work_area(self, work_area): """ Associate a caller-managed work area with the plan. Parameters ---------- work_area : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray """ cufft.cufftSetWorkArea(self.handle, int(work_area.gpudata)) def __del__(self): # Don't complain if handle destruction fails because the plan # may have already been cleaned up: try: cufft.cufftDestroy(self.handle) except: pass @context_dependent_memoize def _get_scale_kernel(dtype): ctype = tools.dtype_to_ctype(dtype) return el.ElementwiseKernel( "{ctype} scale, {ctype} *x".format(ctype=ctype), "x[i] /= scale") def _fft(x_gpu, y_gpu, plan, direction, scale=None): """ Fast Fourier Transform. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Input array. y_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Output array. plan : Plan FFT plan. direction : { cufft.CUFFT_FORWARD, cufft.CUFFT_INVERSE } Transform direction. Only affects in-place transforms. Optional Parameters ------------------- scale : int or float Scale the values in the output array by dividing them by this value. Notes ----- This function should not be called directly. """ if (x_gpu.gpudata == y_gpu.gpudata) and \ plan.fft_type not in [cufft.CUFFT_C2C, cufft.CUFFT_Z2Z]: raise ValueError('can only compute in-place transform of complex data') if direction == cufft.CUFFT_FORWARD and \ plan.in_dtype in np.sctypes['complex'] and \ plan.out_dtype in np.sctypes['float']: raise ValueError('cannot compute forward complex -> real transform') if direction == cufft.CUFFT_INVERSE and \ plan.in_dtype in np.sctypes['float'] and \ plan.out_dtype in np.sctypes['complex']: raise ValueError('cannot compute inverse real -> complex transform') if plan.fft_type in [cufft.CUFFT_C2C, cufft.CUFFT_Z2Z]: plan.fft_func(plan.handle, int(x_gpu.gpudata), int(y_gpu.gpudata), direction) else: plan.fft_func(plan.handle, int(x_gpu.gpudata), int(y_gpu.gpudata)) # Scale the result by dividing it by the number of elements: if scale is not None: func = _get_scale_kernel(y_gpu.dtype) func(y_gpu.dtype.type(scale), y_gpu) def fft(x_gpu, y_gpu, plan, scale=False): """ Fast Fourier Transform. Compute the FFT of some data in device memory using the specified plan. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Input array. y_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray FFT of input array. plan : Plan FFT plan. scale : bool, optional If True, scale the computed FFT by the number of elements in the input array. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import numpy as np >>> from skcuda.fft import fft, Plan >>> N = 128 >>> x = np.asarray(np.random.rand(N), np.float32) >>> xf = np.fft.fft(x) >>> x_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(x) >>> xf_gpu = gpuarray.empty(N/2+1, np.complex64) >>> plan = Plan(x.shape, np.float32, np.complex64) >>> fft(x_gpu, xf_gpu, plan) >>> np.allclose(xf[0:N/2+1], xf_gpu.get(), atol=1e-6) True Returns ------- y_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Computed FFT. Notes ----- For real to complex transformations, this function computes N/2+1 non-redundant coefficients of a length-N input signal. """ if scale == True: _fft(x_gpu, y_gpu, plan, cufft.CUFFT_FORWARD, x_gpu.size/plan.batch) else: _fft(x_gpu, y_gpu, plan, cufft.CUFFT_FORWARD) def ifft(x_gpu, y_gpu, plan, scale=False): """ Inverse Fast Fourier Transform. Compute the inverse FFT of some data in device memory using the specified plan. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Input array. y_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Inverse FFT of input array. plan : Plan FFT plan. scale : bool, optional If True, scale the computed inverse FFT by the number of elements in the output array. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import numpy as np >>> from skcuda.fft import fft, Plan >>> N = 128 >>> x = np.asarray(np.random.rand(N), np.float32) >>> xf = np.asarray(np.fft.fft(x), np.complex64) >>> xf_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(xf[0:N/2+1]) >>> x_gpu = gpuarray.empty(N, np.float32) >>> plan = Plan(N, np.complex64, np.float32) >>> ifft(xf_gpu, x_gpu, plan, True) >>> np.allclose(x, x_gpu.get(), atol=1e-6) True Notes ----- For complex to real transformations, this function assumes the input contains N/2+1 non-redundant FFT coefficents of a signal of length N. """ if scale == True: _fft(x_gpu, y_gpu, plan, cufft.CUFFT_INVERSE, y_gpu.size/plan.batch) else: _fft(x_gpu, y_gpu, plan, cufft.CUFFT_INVERSE) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()
import atexit import ctypes.util import platform from string import Template import sys import warnings import numpy as np import cuda # Load library: _version_list = [10.1, 10.0, 9.2, 9.1, 9.0, 8.0, 7.5, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.0] if 'linux' in sys.platform: _libcusparse_libname_list = [''] + \ ['' % v for v in _version_list] elif sys.platform == 'darwin': _libcusparse_libname_list = ['libcusparse.dylib'] elif sys.platform == 'win32': if platform.machine().endswith('64'): _libcusparse_libname_list = ['cusparse.dll'] + \ ['cusparse64_%s.dll' % (int(v) if v >= 10 else int(10*v))for v in _version_list] else: _libcusparse_libname_list = ['cusparse.dll'] + \ ['cusparse32_%s.dll' % (int(v) if v >= 10 else int(10*v))for v in _version_list] else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported platform') # Print understandable error message when library cannot be found: _libcusparse = None for _libcusparse_libname in _libcusparse_libname_list: try: if sys.platform == 'win32': _libcusparse = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary(_libcusparse_libname) else: _libcusparse = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(_libcusparse_libname) except OSError: pass else: break if _libcusparse == None: OSError('CUDA sparse library not found') class cusparseError(Exception): """CUSPARSE error""" pass class cusparseStatusNotInitialized(cusparseError): """CUSPARSE library not initialized""" pass class cusparseStatusAllocFailed(cusparseError): """CUSPARSE resource allocation failed""" pass class cusparseStatusInvalidValue(cusparseError): """Unsupported value passed to the function""" pass class cusparseStatusArchMismatch(cusparseError): """Function requires a feature absent from the device architecture""" pass class cusparseStatusMappingError(cusparseError): """An access to GPU memory space failed""" pass class cusparseStatusExecutionFailed(cusparseError): """GPU program failed to execute""" pass class cusparseStatusInternalError(cusparseError): """An internal CUSPARSE operation failed""" pass class cusparseStatusMatrixTypeNotSupported(cusparseError): """The matrix type is not supported by this function""" pass cusparseExceptions = { 1: cusparseStatusNotInitialized, 2: cusparseStatusAllocFailed, 3: cusparseStatusInvalidValue, 4: cusparseStatusArchMismatch, 5: cusparseStatusMappingError, 6: cusparseStatusExecutionFailed, 7: cusparseStatusInternalError, 8: cusparseStatusMatrixTypeNotSupported, } # Matrix types: CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL = 0 CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_SYMMETRIC = 1 CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_HERMITIAN = 2 CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_TRIANGULAR = 3 CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_LOWER = 0 CUSPARSE_FILL_MODE_UPPER = 1 # Whether or not a matrix' diagonal entries are unity: CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_NON_UNIT = 0 CUSPARSE_DIAG_TYPE_UNIT = 1 # Matrix index bases: CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO = 0 CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ONE = 1 # Operation types: CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE = 0 CUSPARSE_OPERATION_TRANSPOSE = 1 CUSPARSE_OPERATION_CONJUGATE_TRANSPOSE = 2 # Whether or not to parse elements of a dense matrix row or column-wise. CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_ROW = 0 CUSPARSE_DIRECTION_COLUMN = 1 # Helper functions: class cusparseMatDescr(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('MatrixType', ctypes.c_int), ('FillMode', ctypes.c_int), ('DiagType', ctypes.c_int), ('IndexBase', ctypes.c_int) ] def cusparseCheckStatus(status): """ Raise CUSPARSE exception Raise an exception corresponding to the specified CUSPARSE error code. Parameters ---------- status : int CUSPARSE error code. See Also -------- cusparseExceptions """ if status != 0: try: raise cusparseExceptions[status] except KeyError: raise cusparseError _libcusparse.cusparseCreate.restype = int _libcusparse.cusparseCreate.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] def cusparseCreate(): """ Initialize CUSPARSE. Initializes CUSPARSE and creates a handle to a structure holding the CUSPARSE library context. Returns ------- handle : int CUSPARSE library context. """ handle = ctypes.c_int() status = _libcusparse.cusparseCreate(ctypes.byref(handle)) cusparseCheckStatus(status) return handle.value _libcusparse.cusparseDestroy.restype = int _libcusparse.cusparseDestroy.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int] def cusparseDestroy(handle): """ Release CUSPARSE resources. Releases hardware resources used by CUSPARSE Parameters ---------- handle : int CUSPARSE library context. """ status = _libcusparse.cusparseDestroy(handle) cusparseCheckStatus(status) _libcusparse.cusparseGetVersion.restype = int _libcusparse.cusparseGetVersion.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p] def cusparseGetVersion(handle): """ Return CUSPARSE library version. Returns the version number of the CUSPARSE library. Parameters ---------- handle : int CUSPARSE library context. Returns ------- version : int CUSPARSE library version number. """ version = ctypes.c_int() status = _libcusparse.cusparseGetVersion(handle, ctypes.byref(version)) cusparseCheckStatus(status) return version.value _libcusparse.cusparseSetStream.restype = int _libcusparse.cusparseSetStream.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int] def cusparseSetStream(handle, id): """ Sets the CUSPARSE stream in which kernels will run. Parameters ---------- handle : int CUSPARSE library context. id : int Stream ID. """ status = _libcusparse.cusparseSetStream(handle, id) cusparseCheckStatus(status) _libcusparse.cusparseCreateMatDescr.restype = int _libcusparse.cusparseCreateMatDescr.argtypes = [cusparseMatDescr] def cusparseCreateMatDescr(): """ Initialize a sparse matrix descriptor. Initializes the `MatrixType` and `IndexBase` fields of the matrix descriptor to the default values `CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL` and `CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO`. Returns ------- desc : cusparseMatDescr Matrix descriptor. """ desc = cusparseMatrixDesc() status = _libcusparse.cusparseCreateMatDescr(ctypes.byref(desc)) cusparseCheckStatus(status) return desc _libcusparse.cusparseDestroyMatDescr.restype = int _libcusparse.cusparseDestroyMatDescr.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int] def cusparseDestroyMatDescr(desc): """ Releases the memory allocated for the matrix descriptor. Parameters ---------- desc : cusparseMatDescr Matrix descriptor. """ status = _libcusparse.cusparseDestroyMatDescr(desc) cusparseCheckStatus(status) _libcusparse.cusparseSetMatType.restype = int _libcusparse.cusparseSetMatType.argtypes = [cusparseMatDescr, ctypes.c_int] def cusparseSetMatType(desc, type): """ Sets the matrix type of the specified matrix. Parameters ---------- desc : cusparseMatDescr Matrix descriptor. type : int Matrix type. """ status = _libcusparse.cusparseSetMatType(desc, type) cusparseCheckStatus(status) _libcusparse.cusparseGetMatType.restype = int _libcusparse.cusparseGetMatType.argtypes = [cusparseMatDescr] def cusparseGetMatType(desc): """ Gets the matrix type of the specified matrix. Parameters ---------- desc : cusparseMatDescr Matrix descriptor. Returns ------- type : int Matrix type. """ return _libcusparse.cusparseGetMatType(desc) # Format conversion functions: _libcusparse.cusparseSnnz.restype = int _libcusparse.cusparseSnnz.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, cusparseMatDescr, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] def cusparseSnnz(handle, dirA, m, n, descrA, A, lda, nnzPerRowColumn, nnzTotalDevHostPtr): """ Compute number of non-zero elements per row, column, or dense matrix. Parameters ---------- handle : int CUSPARSE library context. dirA : int Data direction of elements. m : int Rows in A. n : int Columns in A. descrA : cusparseMatDescr Matrix descriptor. A : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Dense matrix of dimensions (lda, n). lda : int Leading dimension of A. Returns ------- nnzPerRowColumn : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of length m or n containing the number of non-zero elements per row or column, respectively. nnzTotalDevHostPtr : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Total number of non-zero elements in device or host memory. """ # Unfinished: nnzPerRowColumn = gpuarray.empty() nnzTotalDevHostPtr = gpuarray.empty() status = _libcusparse.cusparseSnnz(handle, dirA, m, n, descrA, int(A), lda, int(nnzPerRowColumn), int(nnzTotalDevHostPtr)) cusparseCheckStatus(status) return nnzPerVector, nnzHost _libcusparse.cusparseSdense2csr.restype = int _libcusparse.cusparseSdense2csr.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, cusparseMatDescr, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] def cusparseSdense2csr(handle, m, n, descrA, A, lda, nnzPerRow, csrValA, csrRowPtrA, csrColIndA): # Unfinished pass
import ctypes import operator import re import sys # Load library: _linux_version_list = [10.1, 10.0, 9.2, 9.1, 9.0, 8.0, 7.5, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.0] _win32_version_list = [10, 100, 92, 91, 90, 80, 75, 70, 65, 60, 55, 50, 40] if 'linux' in sys.platform: _libcufft_libname_list = [''] + \ ['' % v for v in _linux_version_list] elif sys.platform == 'darwin': _libcufft_libname_list = ['libcufft.dylib'] elif sys.platform == 'win32': if sys.maxsize > 2**32: _libcufft_libname_list = ['cufft.dll'] + \ ['cufft64_%s.dll' % v for v in _win32_version_list] else: _libcufft_libname_list = ['cufft.dll'] + \ ['cufft32_%s.dll' % v for v in _win32_version_list] else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported platform') # Print understandable error message when library cannot be found: _libcufft = None for _libcufft_libname in _libcufft_libname_list: try: if sys.platform == 'win32': _libcufft = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary(_libcufft_libname) else: _libcufft = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(_libcufft_libname) except OSError: pass else: break if _libcufft == None: raise OSError('cufft library not found') # General CUFFT error: class cufftError(Exception): """CUFFT error""" pass # Exceptions corresponding to different CUFFT errors: class cufftInvalidPlan(cufftError): """CUFFT was passed an invalid plan handle.""" pass class cufftAllocFailed(cufftError): """CUFFT failed to allocate GPU memory.""" pass class cufftInvalidType(cufftError): """The user requested an unsupported type.""" pass class cufftInvalidValue(cufftError): """The user specified a bad memory pointer.""" pass class cufftInternalError(cufftError): """Internal driver error.""" pass class cufftExecFailed(cufftError): """CUFFT failed to execute an FFT on the GPU.""" pass class cufftSetupFailed(cufftError): """The CUFFT library failed to initialize.""" pass class cufftInvalidSize(cufftError): """The user specified an unsupported FFT size.""" pass class cufftUnalignedData(cufftError): """Input or output does not satisfy texture alignment requirements.""" pass cufftExceptions = { 0x1: cufftInvalidPlan, 0x2: cufftAllocFailed, 0x3: cufftInvalidType, 0x4: cufftInvalidValue, 0x5: cufftInternalError, 0x6: cufftExecFailed, 0x7: cufftSetupFailed, 0x8: cufftInvalidSize, 0x9: cufftUnalignedData } class _types: """Some alias types.""" plan = ctypes.c_int stream = ctypes.c_void_p worksize = ctypes.c_size_t def cufftCheckStatus(status): """Raise an exception if the specified CUBLAS status is an error.""" if status != 0: try: e = cufftExceptions[status] except KeyError: raise cufftError else: raise e _libcufft.cufftGetVersion.restype = int _libcufft.cufftGetVersion.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftGetVersion(): """ Get CUFFT version. """ version = ctypes.c_int() result = _libcufft.cufftGetVersion(ctypes.byref(version)) cufftCheckStatus(result) return version.value _cufft_version = int(cufftGetVersion()) class _cufft_version_req(object): """ Decorator to replace function with a placeholder that raises an exception if a specified condition on the installed CUFFT version `v` is not satisfied. """ def __init__(self, v, op): self.op_str = op if op == '>': self.op = elif op == '>=': self.op = elif op == '==': self.op = operator.eq elif op == '<': self.op = elif op == '<=': self.op = operator.le else: raise ValueError('unrecognized comparison operator') self.vs = str(v) if isinstance(v, int): = str(v) if len( != 4: raise ValueError('integer version number must be 4 digits') else: major, minor ='(\d+)\.(\d+)', self.vs).groups() = major.ljust(len(major)+1, '0')+minor.ljust(2, '0') def __call__(self,f): def f_new(*args,**kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('CUFFT '+self.op_str+' '+self.vs+' required') f_new.__doc__ = f.__doc__ if self.op(_cufft_version, int( return f else: return f_new # Data transformation types: CUFFT_R2C = 0x2a CUFFT_C2R = 0x2c CUFFT_C2C = 0x29 CUFFT_D2Z = 0x6a CUFFT_Z2D = 0x6c CUFFT_Z2Z = 0x69 # Transformation directions: CUFFT_FORWARD = -1 CUFFT_INVERSE = 1 # FFTW compatibility modes: CUFFT_COMPATIBILITY_NATIVE = 0x00 CUFFT_COMPATIBILITY_FFTW_PADDING = 0x01 CUFFT_COMPATIBILITY_FFTW_ASYMMETRIC = 0x02 CUFFT_COMPATIBILITY_FFTW_ALL = 0x03 # FFT functions implemented by CUFFT: _libcufft.cufftPlan1d.restype = int _libcufft.cufftPlan1d.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int] def cufftPlan1d(nx, fft_type, batch): """ Create 1D FFT plan configuration. References ---------- `cufftPlan1d <>`_ """ plan = _types.plan() status = _libcufft.cufftPlan1d(ctypes.byref(plan), nx, fft_type, batch) cufftCheckStatus(status) return plan _libcufft.cufftPlan2d.restype = int _libcufft.cufftPlan2d.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int] def cufftPlan2d(nx, ny, fft_type): """ Create 2D FFT plan configuration. References ---------- `cufftPlan2d <>`_ """ plan = _types.plan() status = _libcufft.cufftPlan2d(ctypes.byref(plan), nx, ny, fft_type) cufftCheckStatus(status) return plan _libcufft.cufftPlan3d.restype = int _libcufft.cufftPlan3d.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int] def cufftPlan3d(nx, ny, nz, fft_type): """ Create 3D FFT plan configuration. References ---------- `cufftPlan3d <>`_ """ plan = _types.plan() status = _libcufft.cufftPlan3d(ctypes.byref(plan), nx, ny, nz, fft_type) cufftCheckStatus(status) return plan _libcufft.cufftPlanMany.restype = int _libcufft.cufftPlanMany.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int] def cufftPlanMany(rank, n, inembed, istride, idist, onembed, ostride, odist, fft_type, batch): """ Create batched FFT plan configuration. References ---------- `cufftPlanMany <>`_ """ plan = _types.plan() status = _libcufft.cufftPlanMany(ctypes.byref(plan), rank, n, inembed, istride, idist, onembed, ostride, odist, fft_type, batch) cufftCheckStatus(status) return plan _libcufft.cufftDestroy.restype = int _libcufft.cufftDestroy.argtypes = [_types.plan] def cufftDestroy(plan): """ Destroy FFT plan. References ---------- `cufftDestroy <>`_ """ status = _libcufft.cufftDestroy(plan) cufftCheckStatus(status) if _cufft_version <= 9010: _libcufft.cufftSetCompatibilityMode.restype = int _libcufft.cufftSetCompatibilityMode.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_int] @_cufft_version_req(9.1, '<=') def cufftSetCompatibilityMode(plan, mode): """ Set FFTW compatibility mode. References ---------- `cufftSetCompatibilityMode <>`_ """ status = _libcufft.cufftSetCompatibilityMode(plan, mode) cufftCheckStatus(status) _libcufft.cufftExecC2C.restype = int _libcufft.cufftExecC2C.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int] def cufftExecC2C(plan, idata, odata, direction): """Execute single precision complex-to-complex transform plan as specified by `direction`. References ---------- `cufftExecC2C <>`_ """ status = _libcufft.cufftExecC2C(plan, idata, odata, direction) cufftCheckStatus(status) _libcufft.cufftExecR2C.restype = int _libcufft.cufftExecR2C.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftExecR2C(plan, idata, odata): """ Execute single precision real-to-complex forward transform plan. References ---------- `cufftExecR2C <>`_ """ status = _libcufft.cufftExecR2C(plan, idata, odata) cufftCheckStatus(status) _libcufft.cufftExecC2R.restype = int _libcufft.cufftExecC2R.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftExecC2R(plan, idata, odata): """ Execute single precision complex-to-real reverse transform plan. References ---------- `cufftExecC2R <>`_ """ status = _libcufft.cufftExecC2R(plan, idata, odata) cufftCheckStatus(status) _libcufft.cufftExecZ2Z.restype = int _libcufft.cufftExecZ2Z.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int] def cufftExecZ2Z(plan, idata, odata, direction): """ Execute double precision complex-to-complex transform plan as specified by `direction`. References ---------- `cufftExecZ2Z <>`_ """ status = _libcufft.cufftExecZ2Z(plan, idata, odata, direction) cufftCheckStatus(status) _libcufft.cufftExecD2Z.restype = int _libcufft.cufftExecD2Z.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftExecD2Z(plan, idata, odata): """ Execute double precision real-to-complex forward transform plan. References ---------- `cufftExecD2Z <>`_ """ status = _libcufft.cufftExecD2Z(plan, idata, odata) cufftCheckStatus(status) _libcufft.cufftExecZ2D.restype = int _libcufft.cufftExecZ2D.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftExecZ2D(plan, idata, odata): """ Execute double precision complex-to-real transform plan. References ---------- `cufftExecZ2D <>`_ """ status = _libcufft.cufftExecZ2D(plan, idata, odata) cufftCheckStatus(status) _libcufft.cufftSetStream.restype = int _libcufft.cufftSetStream.argtypes = [_types.plan,] def cufftSetStream(plan, stream): """ Associate a CUDA stream with a CUFFT plan. References ---------- `cufftSetStream <>`_ """ status = _libcufft.cufftSetStream(plan, stream) cufftCheckStatus(status) _libcufft.cufftEstimate1d.restype = int _libcufft.cufftEstimate1d.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftEstimate1d(nx, fft_type, batch=1): """ Return estimated work area for 1D FFT. References ---------- `cufftEstimate1d <>`_ """ worksize = _types.worksize() status = _libcufft.cufftEstimate1d(nx, fft_type, batch, ctypes.byref(worksize)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return worksize.value _libcufft.cufftEstimate2d.restype = int _libcufft.cufftEstimate2d.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftEstimate2d(nx, ny, fft_type): """ Return estimated work area for 2D FFT. References ---------- `cufftEstimate2d <>`_ """ worksize = _types.worksize() status = _libcufft.cufftEstimate2d(nx, ny, fft_type, ctypes.byref(worksize)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return worksize.value _libcufft.cufftEstimate3d.restype = int _libcufft.cufftEstimate3d.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftEstimate3d(nx, ny, nz, fft_type): """ Return estimated work area for 3D FFT. References ---------- `cufftEstimate3d <>`_ """ worksize = _types.worksize() status = _libcufft.cufftEstimate3d(nx, ny, nz, fft_type, ctypes.byref(worksize)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return worksize.value _libcufft.cufftEstimateMany.restype = int _libcufft.cufftEstimateMany.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftEstimateMany(rank, n, inembed, istride, idist, onembed, ostride, odist, fft_type, batch): """ Return estimated work area for batched FFT. References ---------- `cufftEstimateMany <>`_ """ worksize = _types.worksize() status = _libcufft.cufftEstimateMany(rank, n, inembed, istride, idist, onembed, ostride, odist, fft_type, batch, ctypes.byref(worksize)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return worksize.value _libcufft.cufftGetSize1d.restype = int _libcufft.cufftGetSize1d.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftGetSize1d(plan, nx, fft_type, batch=1): """ Return more accurate estimate of work area size required for 1D FFT, taking into account any plan settings that may have been made. References ---------- `cufftGetSize1d <>`_ """ worksize = _types.worksize() status = _libcufft.cufftGetSize1d(plan, nx, fft_type, batch, ctypes.byref(worksize)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return worksize.value _libcufft.cufftGetSize2d.restype = int _libcufft.cufftGetSize2d.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftGetSize2d(plan, nx, ny, fft_type): """ Return more accurate estimate of work area size required for 2D FFT, taking into account any plan settings that may have been made. References ---------- `cufftGetSize2d <>`_ """ worksize = _types.worksize() status = _libcufft.cufftGetSize2d(plan, nx, ny, fft_type, ctypes.byref(worksize)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return worksize.value _libcufft.cufftGetSize3d.restype = int _libcufft.cufftGetSize3d.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftGetSize3d(plan, nx, ny, nz, fft_type): """ Return more accurate estimate of work area size required for 3D FFT, taking into account any plan settings that may have been made. References ---------- `cufftGetSize3d <>`_ """ worksize = _types.worksize() status = _libcufft.cufftGetSize3d(plan, nx, ny, nz, fft_type, ctypes.byref(worksize)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return worksize.value _libcufft.cufftGetSizeMany.restype = int _libcufft.cufftGetSizeMany.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftGetSizeMany(plan, rank, n, inembed, istride, idist, onembed, ostride, odist, fft_type, batch): """ Return more accurate estimate of work area size required for batched FFT, taking into account any plan settings that may have been made. References ---------- `cufftGetSizeMany <>`_ """ worksize = _types.worksize() status = _libcufft.cufftGetSizeMany(plan, rank, n, inembed, istride, idist, onembed, ostride, odist, fft_type, batch, ctypes.byref(worksize)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return worksize.value _libcufft.cufftGetSize.restype = int _libcufft.cufftGetSize.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftGetSize(plan): """ Return actual size of work area for FFT described in plan. References ---------- `cufftGetSize <>`_ """ worksize = _types.worksize() status = _libcufft.cufftGetSize(plan, ctypes.byref(worksize)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return worksize.value _libcufft.cufftCreate.restype = int _libcufft.cufftCreate.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftCreate(): """ Create FFT plan handle. References ---------- `cufftCreate <>`_ """ plan = _types.plan() status = _libcufft.cufftCreate(ctypes.byref(plan)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return plan _libcufft.cufftMakePlan1d.restype = int _libcufft.cufftMakePlan1d.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftMakePlan1d(plan, nx, fft_type, batch): """ Create 1D FFT plan configuration. References ---------- `cufftMakePlan1d <>`_ """ worksize = _types.worksize() status = _libcufft.cufftMakePlan1d(plan, nx, fft_type, batch, ctypes.byref(worksize)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return worksize.value _libcufft.cufftMakePlan2d.restype = int _libcufft.cufftMakePlan2d.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftMakePlan2d(plan, nx, ny, fft_type): """ Create 2D FFT plan configuration. References ---------- `cufftMakePlan2d <>`_ """ worksize = _types.worksize() status = _libcufft.cufftMakePlan2d(plan, nx, ny, fft_type, ctypes.byref(worksize)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return worksize.value _libcufft.cufftMakePlan3d.restype = int _libcufft.cufftMakePlan3d.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftMakePlan3d(plan, nx, ny, nz, fft_type): """ Create 3D FFT plan configuration. References ---------- `cufftMakePlan3d <>`_ """ worksize = _types.worksize() status = _libcufft.cufftMakePlan3d(plan, nx, ny, nz, fft_type, ctypes.byref(worksize)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return worksize.value _libcufft.cufftMakePlanMany.restype = int _libcufft.cufftMakePlanMany.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftMakePlanMany(plan, rank, n, inembed, istride, idist, onembed, ostride, odist, fft_type, batch): """ Create batched FFT plan configuration. References ---------- `cufftMakePlanMany <>`_ """ worksize = _types.worksize() status = _libcufft.cufftMakePlanMany(plan, rank, n, inembed, istride, idist, onembed, ostride, odist, fft_type, batch, ctypes.byref(worksize)) cufftCheckStatus(status) return worksize.value _libcufft.cufftSetAutoAllocation.restype = int _libcufft.cufftSetAutoAllocation.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_int] def cufftSetAutoAllocation(plan, auto_allocate): """ Indicate whether the caller intends to allocate and manage work areas for plans that have been generated. References ---------- `cufftSetAutoAllocation <>`_ """ status = _libcufft.cufftSetAutoAllocation(plan, auto_allocate) cufftCheckStatus(status) _libcufft.cufftSetWorkArea.restype = int _libcufft.cufftSetWorkArea.argtypes = [_types.plan, ctypes.c_void_p] def cufftSetWorkArea(plan, work_area): """ Override the work area pointer associated with a plan. References ---------- `cufftSetworkArea <>`_ """ status = _libcufft.cufftSetWorkArea(plan, work_area) cufftCheckStatus(status)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division import atexit import numbers from string import Template import pycuda.driver as drv import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray import pycuda.elementwise as elementwise import pycuda.reduction as reduction import pycuda.scan as scan import as tools from import context_dependent_memoize, dtype_to_ctype from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule from pytools import memoize import numpy as np from . import cuda from . import cublas import sys if sys.version_info < (3,): range = xrange try: from . import cula _has_cula = True except (ImportError, OSError): _has_cula = False try: from . import cusolver _has_cusolver = True except (ImportError, OSError): _has_cusolver = False try: from . import magma _has_magma = True except (ImportError, OSError): _has_magma = False isdoubletype = lambda x : True if x == np.float64 or \ x == np.complex128 else False isdoubletype.__doc__ = """ Check whether a type has double precision. Parameters ---------- t : numpy float type Type to test. Returns ------- result : bool Result. """ iscomplextype = lambda x : True if x == np.complex64 or \ x == np.complex128 else False iscomplextype.__doc__ = """ Check whether a type is complex. Parameters ---------- t : numpy float type Type to test. Returns ------- result : bool Result. """ def init_device(n=0): """ Initialize a GPU device. Initialize a specified GPU device rather than the default device found by `pycuda.autoinit`. Parameters ---------- n : int Device number. Returns ------- dev : pycuda.driver.Device Initialized device. """ drv.init() dev = drv.Device(n) return dev def init_context(dev): """ Create a context that will be cleaned up properly. Create a context on the specified device and register its pop() method with atexit. Parameters ---------- dev : pycuda.driver.Device GPU device. Returns ------- ctx : pycuda.driver.Context Created context. """ ctx = dev.make_context() atexit.register(ctx.pop) return ctx def done_context(ctx): """ Detach from a context cleanly. Detach from a context and remove its pop() from atexit. Parameters ---------- ctx : pycuda.driver.Context Context from which to detach. """ for i in range(len(atexit._exithandlers)): if atexit._exithandlers[i][0] == ctx.pop: del atexit._exithandlers[i] break ctx.detach() global _global_cublas_handle _global_cublas_handle = None global _global_cusolver_handle _global_cusolver_handle = None global _global_cublas_allocator _global_cublas_allocator = None def init(allocator=drv.mem_alloc): """ Initialize libraries used by scikit-cuda. Initialize the CUBLAS, CULA, CUSOLVER, and MAGMA libraries used by high-level functions provided by scikit-cuda. Parameters ---------- allocator : an allocator used internally by some of the high-level functions. Notes ----- This function does not initialize PyCUDA; it uses whatever device and context were initialized in the current host thread. """ # CUBLAS uses whatever device is being used by the host thread: global _global_cublas_handle, _global_cublas_allocator if not _global_cublas_handle: from . import cublas # nest to avoid requiring cublas e.g. for FFT _global_cublas_handle = cublas.cublasCreate() if _global_cublas_allocator is None: _global_cublas_allocator = allocator # Initializing MAGMA after CUSOLVER causes some functions in the latter to # fail with internal errors: if _has_magma: magma.magma_init() global _global_cusolver_handle if not _global_cusolver_handle: from . import cusolver _global_cusolver_handle = cusolver.cusolverDnCreate() # culaSelectDevice() need not (and, in fact, cannot) be called # here because the host thread has already been bound to a GPU # device: if _has_cula: cula.culaInitialize() def shutdown(): """ Shutdown libraries used by scikit-cuda. Shutdown the CUBLAS, CULA, CUSOLVER, and MAGMA libraries used by high-level functions provided by scikits-cuda. Notes ----- This function does not shutdown PyCUDA. """ global _global_cublas_handle if _global_cublas_handle: from . import cublas # nest to avoid requiring cublas e.g. for FFT cublas.cublasDestroy(_global_cublas_handle) _global_cublas_handle = None global _global_cusolver_handle if _global_cusolver_handle: from . import cusolver cusolver.cusolverDnDestroy(_global_cusolver_handle) _global_cusolver_handle = None if _has_magma: magma.magma_finalize() if _has_cula: cula.culaShutdown() def get_compute_capability(dev): """ Get the compute capability of the specified device. Retrieve the compute capability of the specified CUDA device and return it as a floating point value. Parameters ---------- d : pycuda.driver.Device Device object to examine. Returns ------- c : float Compute capability. """ return np.float('.'.join([str(i) for i in dev.compute_capability()])) def get_current_device(): """ Get the device in use by the current context. Returns ------- d : pycuda.driver.Device Device in use by current context. """ return drv.Device(cuda.cudaGetDevice()) @memoize def get_dev_attrs(dev): """ Get select CUDA device attributes. Retrieve select attributes of the specified CUDA device that relate to maximum thread block and grid sizes. Parameters ---------- d : pycuda.driver.Device Device object to examine. Returns ------- attrs : list List containing [MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK, (MAX_BLOCK_DIM_X, MAX_BLOCK_DIM_Y, MAX_BLOCK_DIM_Z), (MAX_GRID_DIM_X, MAX_GRID_DIM_Y, MAX_GRID_DIM_Z)] """ attrs = dev.get_attributes() return [attrs[drv.device_attribute.MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK], (attrs[drv.device_attribute.MAX_BLOCK_DIM_X], attrs[drv.device_attribute.MAX_BLOCK_DIM_Y], attrs[drv.device_attribute.MAX_BLOCK_DIM_Z]), (attrs[drv.device_attribute.MAX_GRID_DIM_X], attrs[drv.device_attribute.MAX_GRID_DIM_Y], attrs[drv.device_attribute.MAX_GRID_DIM_Z])] iceil = lambda n: int(np.ceil(n)) @memoize def select_block_grid_sizes(dev, data_shape, threads_per_block=None): """ Determine CUDA block and grid dimensions given device constraints. Determine the CUDA block and grid dimensions allowed by a GPU device that are sufficient for processing every element of an array in a separate thread. Parameters ---------- d : pycuda.driver.Device Device object to be used. data_shape : tuple Shape of input data array. Must be of length 2. threads_per_block : int, optional Number of threads to execute in each block. If this is None, the maximum number of threads per block allowed by device `d` is used. Returns ------- block_dim : tuple X, Y, and Z dimensions of minimal required thread block. grid_dim : tuple X and Y dimensions of minimal required block grid. Notes ----- Using the scheme in this function, all of the threads in the grid can be enumerated as `i = blockIdx.y*max_threads_per_block*max_blocks_per_grid+ blockIdx.x*max_threads_per_block+threadIdx.x`. For 2D shapes, the subscripts of the element `data[a, b]` where `data.shape == (A, B)` can be computed as `a = i/B` `b = mod(i,B)`. For 3D shapes, the subscripts of the element `data[a, b, c]` where `data.shape == (A, B, C)` can be computed as `a = i/(B*C)` `b = mod(i, B*C)/C` `c = mod(mod(i, B*C), C)`. For 4D shapes, the subscripts of the element `data[a, b, c, d]` where `data.shape == (A, B, C, D)` can be computed as `a = i/(B*C*D)` `b = mod(i, B*C*D)/(C*D)` `c = mod(mod(i, B*C*D)%(C*D))/D` `d = mod(mod(mod(i, B*C*D)%(C*D)), D)` It is advisable that the number of threads per block be a multiple of the warp size to fully utilize a device's computing resources. """ # Sanity checks: if np.isscalar(data_shape): data_shape = (data_shape,) # Number of elements to process; we need to cast the result of # to a Python int to prevent PyCUDA's kernel execution # framework from getting confused when N = int( # Get device constraints: max_threads_per_block, max_block_dim, max_grid_dim = get_dev_attrs(dev) if threads_per_block is not None: if threads_per_block > max_threads_per_block: raise ValueError('threads per block exceeds device maximum') else: max_threads_per_block = threads_per_block # Actual number of thread blocks needed: blocks_needed = iceil(N/float(max_threads_per_block)) if blocks_needed <= max_grid_dim[0]: return (max_threads_per_block, 1, 1), (blocks_needed, 1, 1) elif blocks_needed > max_grid_dim[0] and \ blocks_needed <= max_grid_dim[0]*max_grid_dim[1]: return (max_threads_per_block, 1, 1), \ (max_grid_dim[0], iceil(blocks_needed/float(max_grid_dim[0])), 1) elif blocks_needed > max_grid_dim[0]*max_grid_dim[1] and \ blocks_needed <= max_grid_dim[0]*max_grid_dim[1]*max_grid_dim[2]: return (max_threads_per_block, 1, 1), \ (max_grid_dim[0], max_grid_dim[1], iceil(blocks_needed/float(max_grid_dim[0]*max_grid_dim[1]))) else: raise ValueError('array size too large') def zeros(shape, dtype, order='C', allocator=drv.mem_alloc): """ Return an array of the given shape and dtype filled with zeros. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple Array shape. dtype : data-type Data type for the array. order : {'C', 'F'}, optional Create array using row-major or column-major format. allocator : callable, optional Returns an object that represents the memory allocated for the requested array. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of zeros with the given shape, dtype, and order. Notes ----- This function exists to work around the following numpy bug that prevents pycuda.gpuarray.zeros() from working properly with complex types in pycuda 2011.1.2: """ out = gpuarray.GPUArray(shape, dtype, allocator, order=order) z = np.zeros((), dtype) out.fill(z) return out def zeros_like(a): """ Return an array of zeros with the same shape and type as a given array. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The shape and data type of `a` determine the corresponding attributes of the returned array. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of zeros with the shape, dtype, and strides of `a`. """ out = gpuarray.GPUArray(a.shape, a.dtype, drv.mem_alloc, strides=a.strides) z = np.zeros((), a.dtype) out.fill(z) return out def ones(shape, dtype, order='C', allocator=drv.mem_alloc): """ Return an array of the given shape and dtype filled with ones. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple Array shape. dtype : data-type Data type for the array. order : {'C', 'F'}, optional Create array using row-major or column-major format. allocator : callable, optional Returns an object that represents the memory allocated for the requested array. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of ones with the given shape, dtype, and order. """ out = gpuarray.GPUArray(shape, dtype, allocator, order=order) o = np.ones((), dtype) out.fill(o) return out def ones_like(a): """ Return an array of ones with the same shape and type as a given array. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The shape and data type of `a` determine the corresponding attributes of the returned array. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of ones with the shape, dtype, and strides of `other`. """ out = gpuarray.GPUArray(a.shape, a.dtype, a.allocator, strides=a.strides) o = np.ones((), a.dtype) out.fill(o) return out def inf(shape, dtype, order='C', allocator=drv.mem_alloc): """ Return an array of the given shape and dtype filled with infs. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple Array shape. dtype : data-type Data type for the array. order : {'C', 'F'}, optional Create array using row-major or column-major format. allocator : callable, optional Returns an object that represents the memory allocated for the requested array. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of infs with the given shape, dtype, and order. """ out = gpuarray.GPUArray(shape, dtype, allocator, order=order) i = np.array(np.inf, dtype) out.fill(i) return out def maxabs(x_gpu): """ Get maximum absolute value. Find maximum absolute value in the specified array. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Input array. Returns ------- m_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array containing maximum absolute value in `x_gpu`. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import misc >>> x_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.array([-1, 2, -3], np.float32)) >>> m_gpu = misc.maxabs(x_gpu) >>> np.allclose(m_gpu.get(), 3.0) True """ try: func = maxabs.cache[x_gpu.dtype] except KeyError: ctype = tools.dtype_to_ctype(x_gpu.dtype) use_double = int(x_gpu.dtype in [np.float64, np.complex128]) ret_type = np.float64 if use_double else np.float32 func = reduction.ReductionKernel(ret_type, neutral="0", reduce_expr="max(a,b)", map_expr="abs(x[i])", arguments="{ctype} *x".format(ctype=ctype)) maxabs.cache[x_gpu.dtype] = func return func(x_gpu) maxabs.cache = {} def cumsum(x_gpu): """ Cumulative sum. Return the cumulative sum of the elements in the specified array. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Input array. Returns ------- c_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Output array containing cumulative sum of `x_gpu`. Notes ----- Higher dimensional arrays are implicitly flattened row-wise by this function. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import misc >>> x_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.random.rand(5).astype(np.float32)) >>> c_gpu = misc.cumsum(x_gpu) >>> np.allclose(c_gpu.get(), np.cumsum(x_gpu.get())) True """ try: func = cumsum.cache[x_gpu.dtype] except KeyError: func = scan.InclusiveScanKernel(x_gpu.dtype, 'a+b', preamble='#include <pycuda-complex.hpp>') cumsum.cache[x_gpu.dtype] = func return func(x_gpu) cumsum.cache = {} def diff(x_gpu): """ Calculate the discrete difference. Calculates the first order difference between the successive entries of a vector. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Input vector. Returns ------- y_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Discrete difference. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.driver as drv >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import numpy as np >>> import misc >>> x = np.asarray(np.random.rand(5), np.float32) >>> x_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(x) >>> y_gpu = misc.diff(x_gpu) >>> np.allclose(np.diff(x), y_gpu.get()) True """ y_gpu = gpuarray.empty(len(x_gpu)-1, x_gpu.dtype) try: func = diff.cache[x_gpu.dtype] except KeyError: ctype = tools.dtype_to_ctype(x_gpu.dtype) func = elementwise.ElementwiseKernel("{ctype} *a, {ctype} *b".format(ctype=ctype), "b[i] = a[i+1]-a[i]") diff.cache[x_gpu.dtype] = func func(x_gpu, y_gpu) return y_gpu diff.cache = {} # List of available numerical types provided by numpy: num_types = [np.typeDict[t] for t in \ np.typecodes['AllInteger']+np.typecodes['AllFloat']] # Numbers of bytes occupied by each numerical type: num_nbytes = dict((np.dtype(t),t(1).nbytes) for t in num_types) def set_realloc(x_gpu, data): """ Transfer data into a GPUArray instance. Copies the contents of a numpy array into a GPUArray instance. If the array has a different type or dimensions than the instance, the GPU memory used by the instance is reallocated and the instance updated appropriately. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray GPUArray instance to modify. data : numpy.ndarray Array of data to transfer to the GPU. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import numpy as np >>> import misc >>> x = np.asarray(np.random.rand(5), np.float32) >>> x_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(x) >>> x = np.asarray(np.random.rand(10, 1), np.float64) >>> set_realloc(x_gpu, x) >>> np.allclose(x, x_gpu.get()) True """ # Only reallocate if absolutely necessary: if x_gpu.shape != data.shape or x_gpu.size != data.size or \ x_gpu.strides != data.strides or x_gpu.dtype != data.dtype: # Free old memory: # Allocate new memory: nbytes = num_nbytes[data.dtype] x_gpu.gpudata = drv.mem_alloc(nbytes*data.size) # Set array attributes: x_gpu.shape = data.shape x_gpu.size = data.size x_gpu.strides = data.strides x_gpu.dtype = data.dtype # Update the GPU memory: x_gpu.set(data) def get_by_index(src_gpu, ind): """ Get values in a GPUArray by index. Parameters ---------- src_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray GPUArray instance from which to extract values. ind : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray or numpy.ndarray Array of element indices to set. Must have an integer dtype. Returns ------- res_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray GPUArray with length of `ind` and dtype of `src_gpu` containing selected values. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import numpy as np >>> import misc >>> src = np.random.rand(5).astype(np.float32) >>> src_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(src) >>> ind = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.array([0, 2, 4])) >>> res_gpu = misc.get_by_index(src_gpu, ind) >>> np.allclose(res_gpu.get(), src[[0, 2, 4]]) True Notes ----- Only supports 1D index arrays. May not be efficient for certain index patterns because of lack of inability to coalesce memory operations. """ # Only support 1D index arrays: assert len(np.shape(ind)) == 1 assert issubclass(ind.dtype.type, numbers.Integral) N = len(ind) if not isinstance(ind, gpuarray.GPUArray): ind = gpuarray.to_gpu(ind) dest_gpu = gpuarray.empty(N, dtype=src_gpu.dtype) # Manually handle empty index array because it will cause the kernel to # fail if processed: if N == 0: return dest_gpu try: func = get_by_index.cache[(src_gpu.dtype, ind.dtype)] except KeyError: data_ctype = tools.dtype_to_ctype(src_gpu.dtype) ind_ctype = tools.dtype_to_ctype(ind.dtype) v = "{data_ctype} *dest, {ind_ctype} *ind, {data_ctype} *src".format(data_ctype=data_ctype, ind_ctype=ind_ctype) func = elementwise.ElementwiseKernel(v, "dest[i] = src[ind[i]]") get_by_index.cache[(src_gpu.dtype, ind.dtype)] = func func(dest_gpu, ind, src_gpu, range=slice(0, N, 1)) return dest_gpu get_by_index.cache = {} def set_by_index(dest_gpu, ind, src_gpu, ind_which='dest'): """ Set values in a GPUArray by index. Parameters ---------- dest_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray GPUArray instance to modify. ind : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray or numpy.ndarray 1D array of element indices to set. Must have an integer dtype. src_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray GPUArray instance from which to set values. ind_which : str If set to 'dest', set the elements in `dest_gpu` with indices `ind` to the successive values in `src_gpu`; the lengths of `ind` and `src_gpu` must be equal. If set to 'src', set the successive values in `dest_gpu` to the values in `src_gpu` with indices `ind`; the lengths of `ind` and `dest_gpu` must be equal. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import numpy as np >>> import misc >>> dest_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.arange(5, dtype=np.float32)) >>> ind = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.array([0, 2, 4])) >>> src_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.array([1, 1, 1], dtype=np.float32)) >>> misc.set_by_index(dest_gpu, ind, src_gpu, 'dest') >>> np.allclose(dest_gpu.get(), np.array([1, 1, 1, 3, 1], dtype=np.float32)) True >>> dest_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32)) >>> ind = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.array([0, 2, 4])) >>> src_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.arange(5, dtype=np.float32)) >>> misc.set_by_index(dest_gpu, ind, src_gpu) >>> np.allclose(dest_gpu.get(), np.array([0, 2, 4], dtype=np.float32)) True Notes ----- Only supports 1D index arrays. May not be efficient for certain index patterns because of lack of inability to coalesce memory operations. """ # Only support 1D index arrays: assert len(np.shape(ind)) == 1 assert dest_gpu.dtype == src_gpu.dtype assert issubclass(ind.dtype.type, numbers.Integral) N = len(ind) # Manually handle empty index array because it will cause the kernel to # fail if processed: if N == 0: return if ind_which == 'dest': assert N == len(src_gpu) elif ind_which == 'src': assert N == len(dest_gpu) else: raise ValueError('invalid value for `ind_which`') if not isinstance(ind, gpuarray.GPUArray): ind = gpuarray.to_gpu(ind) try: func = set_by_index.cache[(dest_gpu.dtype, ind.dtype, ind_which)] except KeyError: data_ctype = tools.dtype_to_ctype(dest_gpu.dtype) ind_ctype = tools.dtype_to_ctype(ind.dtype) v = "{data_ctype} *dest, {ind_ctype} *ind, {data_ctype} *src".format(data_ctype=data_ctype, ind_ctype=ind_ctype) if ind_which == 'dest': func = elementwise.ElementwiseKernel(v, "dest[ind[i]] = src[i]") else: func = elementwise.ElementwiseKernel(v, "dest[i] = src[ind[i]]") set_by_index.cache[(dest_gpu.dtype, ind.dtype, ind_which)] = func func(dest_gpu, ind, src_gpu, range=slice(0, N, 1)) set_by_index.cache = {} @context_dependent_memoize def _get_binaryop_vecmat_kernel(dtype, binary_op): template = Template(""" #include <pycuda-complex.hpp> __global__ void opColVecToMat(const ${type} *mat, const ${type} *vec, ${type} *out, const int n, const int m){ const int tx = threadIdx.x; const int ty = threadIdx.y; const int tidx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int tidy = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; extern __shared__ ${type} shared_vec[]; if ((ty == 0) & (tidx < n)) shared_vec[tx] = vec[tidx]; __syncthreads(); if ((tidy < m) & (tidx < n)) { out[tidx*m+tidy] = mat[tidx*m+tidy] ${binary_op} shared_vec[tx]; } } __global__ void opRowVecToMat(const ${type}* mat, const ${type}* vec, ${type}* out, const int n, const int m){ const int tx = threadIdx.x; const int ty = threadIdx.y; const int tidx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; const int tidy = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; extern __shared__ ${type} shared_vec[]; if ((tx == 0) & (tidy < m)) shared_vec[ty] = vec[tidy]; __syncthreads(); if ((tidy < m) & (tidx < n)) { out[tidx*m+tidy] = mat[tidx*m+tidy] ${binary_op} shared_vec[ty]; } }""") cache_dir=None ctype = dtype_to_ctype(dtype) tmpl = template.substitute(type=ctype, binary_op=binary_op) mod = SourceModule(tmpl) add_row_vec_kernel = mod.get_function('opRowVecToMat') add_col_vec_kernel = mod.get_function('opColVecToMat') return add_row_vec_kernel, add_col_vec_kernel def binaryop_matvec(binary_op, x_gpu, a_gpu, axis=None, out=None, stream=None): """ Applies a binary operation to a vector and each column/row of a matrix. The numpy broadcasting rules apply so this would yield the same result as `x_gpu.get()` op `a_gpu.get()` in host-code. Parameters ---------- binary_op : string, ['+', '-', '/', '*' '%'] The operator to apply x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Matrix to which to add the vector. a_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Vector to add to `x_gpu`. axis : int (optional) The axis onto which the vector is added. By default this is determined automatically by using the first axis with the correct dimensionality. out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray (optional) Optional destination matrix. stream : pycuda.driver.Stream (optional) Optional Stream in which to perform this calculation. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray result of `x_gpu` + `a_gpu` """ if axis is None: if len(a_gpu.shape) == 1: if a_gpu.shape[0] == x_gpu.shape[1]: axis = 1 else: raise ValueError( "operands could not be broadcast together " "with shapes %s %s" % (x_gpu.shape, a_gpu.shape)) elif a_gpu.shape[1] == x_gpu.shape[1]: # numpy matches inner axes first axis = 1 elif a_gpu.shape[0] == x_gpu.shape[0]: axis = 0 else: raise ValueError( "operands could not be broadcast together " "with shapes %s %s" % (x_gpu.shape, a_gpu.shape)) else: if axis < 0: axis += 2 if axis > 1: raise ValueError('invalid axis') if binary_op not in ['+', '-', '/', '*', '%']: raise ValueError('invalid operator') row_kernel, col_kernel = _get_binaryop_vecmat_kernel(x_gpu.dtype, binary_op) n, m = np.int32(x_gpu.shape[0]), np.int32(x_gpu.shape[1]) block = (24, 24, 1) gridx = int(n // block[0] + 1 * (n % block[0] != 0)) gridy = int(m // block[1] + 1 * (m % block[1] != 0)) grid = (gridx, gridy, 1) if out is None: alloc = _global_cublas_allocator out = gpuarray.empty_like(x_gpu) else: assert out.dtype == x_gpu.dtype assert out.shape == x_gpu.shape if x_gpu.flags.c_contiguous: if axis == 0: col_kernel(x_gpu, a_gpu, out, n, m, block=block, grid=grid, stream=stream, shared=24*x_gpu.dtype.itemsize) elif axis == 1: row_kernel(x_gpu, a_gpu, out, n, m, block=block, grid=grid, stream=stream, shared=24*x_gpu.dtype.itemsize) else: if axis == 0: row_kernel(x_gpu, a_gpu, out, m, n, block=block, grid=grid, stream=stream, shared=24*x_gpu.dtype.itemsize) elif axis == 1: col_kernel(x_gpu, a_gpu, out, m, n, block=block, grid=grid, stream=stream, shared=24*x_gpu.dtype.itemsize) return out import operator def binaryop_2d(c_op, py_op, commutative, x_gpu, y_gpu): if x_gpu.flags.c_contiguous != y_gpu.flags.c_contiguous: raise ValueError('unsupported combination of input order') if x_gpu.shape == y_gpu.shape: return py_op(x_gpu, y_gpu) elif x_gpu.size == 1: return py_op(x_gpu.get().reshape(()), y_gpu) elif y_gpu.size == 1: return py_op(x_gpu, y_gpu.get().reshape(())) if len(x_gpu.shape) == 2: m, n = x_gpu.shape if y_gpu.shape == (n,): return binaryop_matvec(c_op, x_gpu, y_gpu, axis=1) elif y_gpu.shape == (1, n): return binaryop_matvec(c_op, x_gpu, y_gpu[0], axis=1) elif y_gpu.shape == (m, 1): return binaryop_matvec(c_op, x_gpu, y_gpu.ravel(), axis=0) if len(y_gpu.shape) == 2 and commutative: m, n = y_gpu.shape if x_gpu.shape == (n,): return binaryop_matvec(c_op, y_gpu, x_gpu, axis=1) elif x_gpu.shape == (1, n): return binaryop_matvec(c_op, y_gpu, x_gpu[0], axis=1) elif x_gpu.shape == (m, 1): return binaryop_matvec(c_op, y_gpu, x_gpu.ravel(), axis=0) raise TypeError("unsupported combination of shapes") def add(x_gpu, y_gpu): """ Adds two scalars, vectors, or matrices. The numpy broadcasting rules apply so this would yield the same result as `x_gpu.get()` + `y_gpu.get()` in host code. Parameters ---------- x_gpu, y_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray The arrays to be added. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Equivalent to `x_gpu.get()` + `y_gpu.get()`. Notes ----- The `out` and `stream` options are not supported because `GPUArray.__add__` doesn't provide them. """ return binaryop_2d("+", operator.add, True, x_gpu, y_gpu) def subtract(x_gpu, y_gpu): """ Subtracts two scalars, vectors, or matrices with broadcasting. The numpy broadcasting rules apply so this would yield the same result as `x_gpu.get()` - `y_gpu.get()` in host code. Parameters ---------- x_gpu, y_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray The arrays to be subtracted. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Equivalent to `x_gpu.get()` - `y_gpu.get()`. Notes ----- The `out` and `stream` options are not supported because `GPUArray.__sub__` doesn't provide them. """ return binaryop_2d("-", operator.sub, False, x_gpu, y_gpu) def multiply(x_gpu, y_gpu): """ Multiplies two scalars, vectors, or matrices with broadcasting. The numpy broadcasting rules apply so this would yield the same result as `x_gpu.get()` * `y_gpu.get()` in host code. Parameters ---------- x_gpu, y_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray The arrays to be multiplied. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Equivalent to `x_gpu.get()` * `y_gpu.get()`. Notes ----- The `out` and `stream` options are not supported because `GPUArray.__mul__` doesn't provide them. """ return binaryop_2d("*", operator.mul, True, x_gpu, y_gpu) def divide(x_gpu, y_gpu): """ Divides two scalars, vectors, or matrices with broadcasting. The numpy broadcasting rules apply so this would yield the same result as `x_gpu.get()` / `y_gpu.get()` in host code. Parameters ---------- x_gpu, y_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray The arrays to be divided. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Equivalent to `x_gpu.get()` / `y_gpu.get()`. Notes ----- The `out` and `stream` options are not supported because `GPUArray.__div__` doesn't provide them. """ return binaryop_2d("/", operator.truediv, False, x_gpu, y_gpu) def add_matvec(x_gpu, a_gpu, axis=None, out=None, stream=None): """ Adds a vector to each column/row of the matrix. The numpy broadcasting rules apply so this would yield the same result as `x_gpu.get()` + `a_gpu.get()` in host-code. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Matrix to which to add the vector. a_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Vector to add to `x_gpu`. axis : int (optional) The axis onto which the vector is added. By default this is determined automatically by using the first axis with the correct dimensionality. out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray (optional) Optional destination matrix. stream : pycuda.driver.Stream (optional) Optional Stream in which to perform this calculation. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Result of `x_gpu` + `a_gpu` """ return binaryop_matvec('+', x_gpu, a_gpu, axis, out, stream) def div_matvec(x_gpu, a_gpu, axis=None, out=None, stream=None): """ Divides each column/row of a matrix by a vector. The numpy broadcasting rules apply so this would yield the same result as `x_gpu.get()` / `a_gpu.get()` in host-code. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Matrix to divide by the vector `a_gpu`. a_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray The matrix `x_gpu` will be divided by this vector. axis : int (optional) The axis on which division occurs. By default this is determined automatically by using the first axis with the correct dimensionality. out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray (optional) Optional destination matrix. stream : pycuda.driver.Stream (optional) Optional Stream in which to perform this calculation. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray result of `x_gpu` / `a_gpu` """ return binaryop_matvec('/', x_gpu, a_gpu, axis, out, stream) def mult_matvec(x_gpu, a_gpu, axis=None, out=None, stream=None): """ Multiplies a vector elementwise with each column/row of the matrix. The numpy broadcasting rules apply so this would yield the same result as `x_gpu.get()` * `a_gpu.get()` in host-code. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Matrix to multiply by the vector `a_gpu`. a_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray The matrix `x_gpu` will be multiplied by this vector. axis : int (optional) The axis on which multiplication occurs. By default this is determined automatically by using the first axis with the correct dimensionality. out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray (optional) Optional destination matrix. stream : pycuda.driver.Stream (optional) Optional Stream in which to perform this calculation. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray result of `x_gpu` * `a_gpu` """ return binaryop_matvec('*', x_gpu, a_gpu, axis, out, stream) def _sum_axis(x_gpu, axis=None, out=None, calc_mean=False, ddof=0, keepdims=False): global _global_cublas_allocator assert isinstance(ddof, numbers.Integral) if axis is None or len(x_gpu.shape) <= 1: out_shape = (1,)*len(x_gpu.shape) if keepdims else () if calc_mean == False: return gpuarray.sum(x_gpu).reshape(out_shape) else: return gpuarray.sum(x_gpu).reshape(out_shape) / (x_gpu.dtype.type(x_gpu.size-ddof)) if axis < 0: axis += 2 if axis > 1: raise ValueError('invalid axis') if x_gpu.flags.c_contiguous: n, m = x_gpu.shape[1], x_gpu.shape[0] lda = x_gpu.shape[1] trans = "n" if axis == 0 else "t" sum_axis, out_axis = (m, n) if axis == 0 else (n, m) else: n, m = x_gpu.shape[0], x_gpu.shape[1] lda = x_gpu.shape[0] trans = "t" if axis == 0 else "n" sum_axis, out_axis = (n, m) if axis == 0 else (m, n) if calc_mean: alpha = (1.0 / (sum_axis-ddof)) else: alpha = 1.0 if (x_gpu.dtype == np.complex64): gemv = cublas.cublasCgemv elif (x_gpu.dtype == np.float32): gemv = cublas.cublasSgemv elif (x_gpu.dtype == np.complex128): gemv = cublas.cublasZgemv elif (x_gpu.dtype == np.float64): gemv = cublas.cublasDgemv alloc = _global_cublas_allocator ons = ones((sum_axis, ), x_gpu.dtype, allocator=alloc) if keepdims: out_shape = (1, out_axis) if axis == 0 else (out_axis, 1) else: out_shape = (out_axis,) if out is None: out = gpuarray.empty(out_shape, x_gpu.dtype, alloc) else: assert out.dtype == x_gpu.dtype assert out.size >= out_axis gemv(_global_cublas_handle, trans, n, m, alpha, x_gpu.gpudata, lda, ons.gpudata, 1, 0.0, out.gpudata, 1) return out def sum(x_gpu, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False): """ Compute the sum along the specified axis. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array containing numbers whose sum is desired. axis : int (optional) Axis along which the sums are computed. The default is to compute the sum of the flattened array. out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray (optional) Output array in which to place the result. keepdims : bool (optional, default False) If True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray sum of elements, or sums of elements along the desired axis. """ return _sum_axis(x_gpu, axis, out=out, keepdims=keepdims) def mean(x_gpu, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False): """ Compute the arithmetic means along the specified axis. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array containing numbers whose mean is desired. axis : int (optional) Axis along which the means are computed. The default is to compute the mean of the flattened array. out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray (optional) Output array in which to place the result. keepdims : bool (optional, default False) If True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray mean of elements, or means of elements along the desired axis. """ return _sum_axis(x_gpu, axis, calc_mean=True, out=out, keepdims=keepdims) def var(x_gpu, ddof=0, axis=None, stream=None, keepdims=False): """ Compute the variance along the specified axis. Returns the variance of the array elements, a measure of the spread of a distribution. The variance is computed for the flattened array by default, otherwise over the specified axis. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array containing numbers whose variance is desired. ddof : int (optional) "Delta Degrees of Freedom": the divisor used in computing the variance is ``N - ddof``, where ``N`` is the number of elements. Setting ``ddof = 1`` is equivalent to applying Bessel's correction. axis : int (optional) Axis along which the variance are computed. The default is to compute the variance of the flattened array. stream : pycuda.driver.Stream (optional) Optional CUDA stream in which to perform this calculation keepdims : bool (optional, default False) If True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray variance of elements, or variances of elements along the desired axis. """ def _inplace_pow(x_gpu, p, stream): func = elementwise.get_pow_kernel(x_gpu.dtype) func.prepared_async_call(x_gpu._grid, x_gpu._block, stream, p, x_gpu.gpudata, x_gpu.gpudata, x_gpu.mem_size) if axis is None: m = mean(x_gpu).get() out = x_gpu - m out **= 2 out = _sum_axis(out, axis=None, calc_mean=True, ddof=ddof, out=None, keepdims=keepdims) else: if axis < 0: axis += 2 m = mean(x_gpu, axis=axis) out = add_matvec(x_gpu, -m, axis=1-axis, stream=stream) _inplace_pow(out, 2, stream) out = _sum_axis(out, axis=axis, calc_mean=True, ddof=ddof, out=None, keepdims=keepdims) return out def std(x_gpu, ddof=0, axis=None, stream=None, keepdims=False): """ Compute the standard deviation along the specified axis. Returns the standard deviation of the array elements, a measure of the spread of a distribution. The standard deviation is computed for the flattened array by default, otherwise over the specified axis. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array containing numbers whose std is desired. ddof : int (optional) "Delta Degrees of Freedom": the divisor used in computing the variance is ``N - ddof``, where ``N`` is the number of elements. Setting ``ddof = 1`` is equivalent to applying Bessel's correction. axis : int (optional) Axis along which the std are computed. The default is to compute the std of the flattened array. stream : pycuda.driver.Stream (optional) Optional CUDA stream in which to perform this calculation keepdims : bool (optional, default False) If True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray or float std of elements, or stds of elements along the desired axis. """ def _inplace_pow(x_gpu, p, stream): func = elementwise.get_pow_kernel(x_gpu.dtype) func.prepared_async_call(x_gpu._grid, x_gpu._block, stream, p, x_gpu.gpudata, x_gpu.gpudata, x_gpu.mem_size) if axis is None: return var(x_gpu, ddof=ddof, stream=stream, keepdims=keepdims) ** 0.5 else: out = var(x_gpu, ddof=ddof, axis=axis, stream=stream, keepdims=keepdims) _inplace_pow(out, 0.5, stream) return out @context_dependent_memoize def _get_minmax_kernel(dtype, min_or_max): template = Template(""" #include <pycuda-complex.hpp> __global__ void minmax_column_kernel(${type}* mat, ${type}* target, unsigned int *idx_target, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { __shared__ ${type} max_vals[32]; __shared__ unsigned int max_idxs[32]; ${type} cur_max = ${init_value}; unsigned int cur_idx = 0; ${type} val = 0; for (unsigned int i = threadIdx.x; i < height; i += 32) { val = mat[blockIdx.x + i * width]; if (val ${cmp_op} cur_max) { cur_max = val; cur_idx = i; } } max_vals[threadIdx.x] = cur_max; max_idxs[threadIdx.x] = cur_idx; __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { cur_max = ${init_value}; cur_idx = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 32; i++) if (max_vals[i] ${cmp_op} cur_max) { cur_max = max_vals[i]; cur_idx = max_idxs[i]; } target[blockIdx.x] = cur_max; idx_target[blockIdx.x] = cur_idx; } } __global__ void minmax_row_kernel(${type}* mat, ${type}* target, unsigned int* idx_target, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) { __shared__ ${type} max_vals[32]; __shared__ unsigned int max_idxs[32]; ${type} cur_max = ${init_value}; unsigned int cur_idx = 0; ${type} val = 0; for (unsigned int i = threadIdx.x; i < width; i += 32) { val = mat[blockIdx.x * width + i]; if (val ${cmp_op} cur_max) { cur_max = val; cur_idx = i; } } max_vals[threadIdx.x] = cur_max; max_idxs[threadIdx.x] = cur_idx; __syncthreads(); if (threadIdx.x == 0) { cur_max = ${init_value}; cur_idx = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 32; i++) if (max_vals[i] ${cmp_op} cur_max) { cur_max = max_vals[i]; cur_idx = max_idxs[i]; } target[blockIdx.x] = cur_max; idx_target[blockIdx.x] = cur_idx; } } """) cache_dir=None ctype = dtype_to_ctype(dtype) if min_or_max=='max': iv = str(np.finfo(dtype).min) tmpl = template.substitute(type=ctype, cmp_op='>', init_value=iv) elif min_or_max=='min': iv = str(np.finfo(dtype).max) tmpl = template.substitute(type=ctype, cmp_op='<', init_value=iv) else: raise ValueError('invalid argument') mod = SourceModule(tmpl) minmax_col_kernel = mod.get_function('minmax_column_kernel') minmax_row_kernel = mod.get_function('minmax_row_kernel') return minmax_col_kernel, minmax_row_kernel def _minmax_impl(a_gpu, axis, min_or_max, stream=None, keepdims=False): ''' Returns both max and argmax (min/argmin) along an axis.''' assert len(a_gpu.shape) < 3 if iscomplextype(a_gpu.dtype): raise ValueError("Cannot compute min/max of complex values") if axis is None or len(a_gpu.shape) <= 1: ## Note: PyCUDA doesn't have an overall argmax/argmin! out_shape = (1,) * len(a_gpu.shape) if min_or_max == 'max': return gpuarray.max(a_gpu).reshape(out_shape), None else: return gpuarray.min(a_gpu).reshape(out_shape), None else: if axis < 0: axis += 2 assert axis in (0, 1) global _global_cublas_allocator alloc = _global_cublas_allocator n, m = a_gpu.shape if a_gpu.flags.c_contiguous else (a_gpu.shape[1], a_gpu.shape[0]) col_kernel, row_kernel = _get_minmax_kernel(a_gpu.dtype, min_or_max) if (axis == 0 and a_gpu.flags.c_contiguous) or (axis == 1 and a_gpu.flags.f_contiguous): if keepdims: out_shape = (1, m) if axis == 0 else (m, 1) else: out_shape = (m,) target = gpuarray.empty(out_shape, dtype=a_gpu.dtype, allocator=alloc) idx = gpuarray.empty(out_shape, dtype=np.uint32, allocator=alloc) col_kernel(a_gpu, target, idx, np.uint32(m), np.uint32(n), block=(32, 1, 1), grid=(m, 1, 1), stream=stream) else: if keepdims: out_shape = (1, n) if axis == 0 else (n, 1) else: out_shape = (n,) target = gpuarray.empty(out_shape, dtype=a_gpu, allocator=alloc) idx = gpuarray.empty(out_shape, dtype=np.uint32, allocator=alloc) row_kernel(a_gpu, target, idx, np.uint32(m), np.uint32(n), block=(32, 1, 1), grid=(n, 1, 1), stream=stream) return target, idx def max(a_gpu, axis=None, keepdims=False): ''' Return the maximum of an array or maximum along an axis. Parameters ---------- a_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Input array axis : int (optional) Axis along which the maxima are computed. The default is to compute the maximum of the flattened array. keepdims : bool (optional, default False) If True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray or float maximum of elements, or maxima of elements along the desired axis. ''' return _minmax_impl(a_gpu, axis, "max", keepdims=keepdims)[0] def min(a_gpu, axis=None, keepdims=False): ''' Return the minimum of an array or minimum along an axis. Parameters ---------- a_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Input array axis : int (optional) Axis along which the minima are computed. The default is to compute the minimum of the flattened array. keepdims : bool (optional, default False) If True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray or float minimum of elements, or minima of elements along the desired axis. ''' return _minmax_impl(a_gpu, axis, "min", keepdims=keepdims)[0] def argmax(a_gpu, axis, keepdims=False): ''' Indices of the maximum values along an axis. Parameters ---------- a_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Input array axis : int Axis along which the maxima are computed. keepdims : bool (optional, default False) If True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of indices into the array. ''' if axis is None: raise NotImplementedError("Can't compute global argmax") return _minmax_impl(a_gpu, axis, "max", keepdims=keepdims)[1] def argmin(a_gpu, axis, keepdims=False): ''' Indices of the minimum values along an axis. Parameters ---------- a_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Input array axis : int Axis along which the minima are computed. keepdims : bool (optional, default False) If True, the axes which are reduced are left in the result as dimensions with size one. Returns ------- out : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of indices into the array. ''' if axis is None: raise NotImplementedError("Can't compute global argmax") return _minmax_impl(a_gpu, axis, "min", keepdims=keepdims)[1] if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()
from __future__ import absolute_import, division from pprint import pprint from string import Template from import context_dependent_memoize from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule from pycuda.reduction import ReductionKernel from pycuda import curandom from pycuda import cumath import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray import pycuda.driver as drv import pycuda.elementwise as el import as tools import numpy as np from . import cublas from . import misc from . import linalg rand = curandom.MRG32k3aRandomNumberGenerator() import sys if sys.version_info < (3,): range = xrange class LinAlgError(Exception): """Randomized Linear Algebra Error.""" pass try: from . import cula _has_cula = True except (ImportError, OSError): _has_cula = False from .misc import init, add_matvec, div_matvec, mult_matvec from .linalg import hermitian, transpose # Get installation location of C headers: from . import install_headers def rsvd(a_gpu, k=None, p=0, q=0, method="standard", handle=None): """ Randomized Singular Value Decomposition. Randomized algorithm for computing the approximate low-rank singular value decomposition of a rectangular (m, n) matrix `a` with target rank `k << n`. The input matrix a is factored as `a = U * diag(s) * Vt`. The right singluar vectors are the columns of the real or complex unitary matrix `U`. The left singular vectors are the columns of the real or complex unitary matrix `V`. The singular values `s` are non-negative and real numbers. The paramter `p` is a oversampling parameter to improve the approximation. A value between 2 and 10 is recommended. The paramter `q` specifies the number of normlized power iterations (subspace iterations) to reduce the approximation error. This is recommended if the the singular values decay slowly and in practice 1 or 2 iterations achive good results. However, computing power iterations is increasing the computational time. If k > (n/1.5), partial SVD or trancated SVD might be faster. Parameters ---------- a_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Real/complex input matrix `a` with dimensions `(m, n)`. k : int `k` is the target rank of the low-rank decomposition, k << min(m,n). p : int `p` sets the oversampling parameter (default k=0). q : int `q` sets the number of power iterations (default=0). method : `{'standard', 'fast'}` 'standard' : Standard algorithm as described in [1, 2] 'fast' : Version II algorithm as described in [2] handle : int CUBLAS context. If no context is specified, the default handle from `skcuda.misc._global_cublas_handle` is used. Returns ------- u_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray Right singular values, array of shape `(m, k)`. s_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray Singular values, 1-d array of length `k`. vt_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray Left singular values, array of shape `(k, n)`. Notes ----- Double precision is only supported if the standard version of the CULA Dense toolkit is installed. This function destroys the contents of the input matrix. Arrays are assumed to be stored in column-major order, i.e., order='F'. Input matrix of shape `(m, n)`, where `n>m` is not supported yet. References ---------- N. Halko, P. Martinsson, and J. Tropp. "Finding structure with randomness: probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions" (2009). (available at `arXiv <>`_). S. Voronin and P.Martinsson. "RSVDPACK: Subroutines for computing partial singular value decompositions via randomized sampling on single core, multi core, and GPU architectures" (2015). (available at `arXiv <>`_). Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import numpy as np >>> from skcuda import linalg, rlinalg >>> linalg.init() >>> rlinalg.init() >>> #Randomized SVD decomposition of the square matrix `a` with single precision. >>> #Note: There is no gain to use rsvd if k > int(n/1.5) >>> a = np.array(np.random.randn(5, 5), np.float32, order='F') >>> a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(a) >>> U, s, Vt = rlinalg.rsvd(a_gpu, k=5, method='standard') >>> np.allclose(a,,, Vt.get())), 1e-4) True >>> #Low-rank SVD decomposition with target rank k=2 >>> a = np.array(np.random.randn(5, 5), np.float32, order='F') >>> a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(a) >>> U, s, Vt = rlinalg.rsvd(a_gpu, k=2, method='standard') """ #************************************************************************* #*** Author: N. Benjamin Erichson <[email protected]> *** #*** <September, 2015> *** #*** License: BSD 3 clause *** #************************************************************************* if not _has_cula: raise NotImplementedError('CULA not installed') if handle is None: handle = misc._global_cublas_handle alloc = misc._global_cublas_allocator # The free version of CULA only supports single precision floating data_type = a_gpu.dtype.type real_type = np.float32 if data_type == np.complex64: cula_func_gesvd = cula.culaDeviceCgesvd cublas_func_gemm = cublas.cublasCgemm copy_func = cublas.cublasCcopy alpha = np.complex64(1.0) beta = np.complex64(0.0) TRANS_type = 'C' isreal = False elif data_type == np.float32: cula_func_gesvd = cula.culaDeviceSgesvd cublas_func_gemm = cublas.cublasSgemm copy_func = cublas.cublasScopy alpha = np.float32(1.0) beta = np.float32(0.0) TRANS_type = 'T' isreal = True else: if cula._libcula_toolkit == 'standard': if data_type == np.complex128: cula_func_gesvd = cula.culaDeviceZgesvd cublas_func_gemm = cublas.cublasZgemm copy_func = cublas.cublasZcopy alpha = np.complex128(1.0) beta = np.complex128(0.0) TRANS_type = 'C' isreal = False elif data_type == np.float64: cula_func_gesvd = cula.culaDeviceDgesvd cublas_func_gemm = cublas.cublasDgemm copy_func = cublas.cublasDcopy alpha = np.float64(1.0) beta = np.float64(0.0) TRANS_type = 'T' isreal = True else: raise ValueError('unsupported type') real_type = np.float64 else: raise ValueError('double precision not supported') #CUDA assumes that arrays are stored in column-major order m, n = np.array(a_gpu.shape, int) if n>m : raise ValueError('input matrix of shape (m,n), where n>m is not supported') #Set k if k == None : raise ValueError('k must be provided') if k > n or k < 1: raise ValueError('k must be 0 < k <= n') kt = k k = k + p if k > n: k=n #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Generate a random sampling matrix O #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if isreal==False: Oimag_gpu = gpuarray.empty((n,k), real_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) Oreal_gpu = gpuarray.empty((n,k), real_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) O_gpu = gpuarray.empty((n,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) rand.fill_uniform(Oimag_gpu) rand.fill_uniform(Oreal_gpu) O_gpu = Oreal_gpu + 1j * Oimag_gpu O_gpu = O_gpu.T * 2 - 1 #Scale to [-1,1] else: O_gpu = gpuarray.empty((n,k), real_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) rand.fill_uniform(O_gpu) #Draw random samples from a ~ Uniform(-1,1) distribution O_gpu = O_gpu * 2 - 1 #Scale to [-1,1] #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Build sample matrix Y : Y = A * O #Note: Y should approximate the range of A #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Allocate Y Y_gpu = gpuarray.zeros((m,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) #Dot product Y = A * O cublas_func_gemm(handle, 'n', 'n', m, k, n, alpha, a_gpu.gpudata, m, O_gpu.gpudata, n, beta, Y_gpu.gpudata, m ) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Orthogonalize Y using economic QR decomposition: Y=QR #If q > 0 perfrom q subspace iterations #Note: economic QR just returns Q, and destroys Y_gpu #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if q > 0: Z_gpu = gpuarray.empty((n,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) for i in np.arange(1, q+1 ): if( (2*i-2)%q == 0 ): Y_gpu = linalg.qr(Y_gpu, 'economic', lib='cula') cublas_func_gemm(handle, TRANS_type, 'n', n, k, m, alpha, a_gpu.gpudata, m, Y_gpu.gpudata, m, beta, Z_gpu.gpudata, n ) if( (2*i-1)%q == 0 ): Z_gpu = linalg.qr(Z_gpu, 'economic', lib='cula') cublas_func_gemm(handle, 'n', 'n', m, k, n, alpha, a_gpu.gpudata, m, Z_gpu.gpudata, n, beta, Y_gpu.gpudata, m ) #End for #End if Q_gpu = linalg.qr(Y_gpu, 'economic', lib='cula') #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Project the data matrix a into a lower dimensional subspace #B = Q.T * A #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Allocate B B_gpu = gpuarray.empty((k,n), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) cublas_func_gemm(handle, TRANS_type, 'n', k, n, m, alpha, Q_gpu.gpudata, m, a_gpu.gpudata, m, beta, B_gpu.gpudata, k ) if method == 'standard': #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Singular Value Decomposition #Note: B = U" * S * Vt #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #gesvd(jobu, jobvt, m, n, int(a), lda, int(s), int(u), ldu, int(vt), ldvt) #Allocate s, U, Vt for economic SVD #Note: singular values are always real s_gpu = gpuarray.empty(k, real_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) U_gpu = gpuarray.empty((k,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) Vt_gpu = gpuarray.empty((k,n), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) #Economic SVD cula_func_gesvd('S', 'S', k, n, int(B_gpu.gpudata), k, int(s_gpu.gpudata), int(U_gpu.gpudata), k, int(Vt_gpu.gpudata), k) #Compute right singular vectors as U = Q * U" cublas_func_gemm(handle, 'n', 'n', m, k, k, alpha, Q_gpu.gpudata, m, U_gpu.gpudata, k, beta, Q_gpu.gpudata, m ) U_gpu = Q_gpu #Set pointer # Free internal CULA memory: cula.culaFreeBuffers() #Return return U_gpu[ : , 0:kt ], s_gpu[ 0:kt ], Vt_gpu[ 0:kt , : ] elif method == 'fast': #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Orthogonalize B.T using reduced QR decomposition: B.T = Q" * R" #Note: reduced QR returns Q and R, and destroys B_gpu #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if isreal==True: B_gpu = transpose(B_gpu) #transpose B else: B_gpu = hermitian(B_gpu) #transpose B Qstar_gpu, Rstar_gpu = linalg.qr(B_gpu, 'reduced', lib='cula') #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Singular Value Decomposition of R" #Note: R" = U" * S" * Vt" #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #gesvd(jobu, jobvt, m, n, int(a), lda, int(s), int(u), ldu, int(vt), ldvt) #Allocate s, U, Vt for economic SVD #Note: singular values are always real s_gpu = gpuarray.empty(k, real_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) Ustar_gpu = gpuarray.empty((k,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) Vtstar_gpu = gpuarray.empty((k,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) #Economic SVD cula_func_gesvd('A', 'A', k, k, int(Rstar_gpu.gpudata), k, int(s_gpu.gpudata), int(Ustar_gpu.gpudata), k, int(Vtstar_gpu.gpudata), k) #Compute right singular vectors as U = Q * Vt.T" cublas_func_gemm(handle, 'n', TRANS_type, m, k, k, alpha, Q_gpu.gpudata, m, Vtstar_gpu.gpudata, k, beta, Q_gpu.gpudata, m ) U_gpu = Q_gpu #Set pointer #Compute left singular vectors as Vt = U".T * Q".T Vt_gpu = gpuarray.empty((k,n), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) cublas_func_gemm(handle, TRANS_type, TRANS_type, k, n, k, alpha, Ustar_gpu.gpudata, k, Qstar_gpu.gpudata, n, beta, Vt_gpu.gpudata, k ) # Free internal CULA memory: cula.culaFreeBuffers() #Return return U_gpu[ : , 0:kt ], s_gpu[ 0:kt ], Vt_gpu[ 0:kt , : ] #End if def rdmd(a_gpu, k=None, p=5, q=1, modes='exact', method_rsvd='standard', return_amplitudes=False, return_vandermonde=False, handle=None): """ Randomized Dynamic Mode Decomposition. Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) is a data processing algorithm which allows to decompose a matrix `a` in space and time. The matrix `a` is decomposed as `a = FBV`, where the columns of `F` contain the dynamic modes. The modes are ordered corresponding to the amplitudes stored in the diagonal matrix `B`. `V` is a Vandermonde matrix describing the temporal evolution. Parameters ---------- a_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Real/complex input matrix `a` with dimensions `(m, n)`. k : int, optional If `k < (n-1)` low-rank Dynamic Mode Decomposition is computed. p : int `p` sets the oversampling parameter for rSVD (default k=5). q : int `q` sets the number of power iterations for rSVD (default=1). modes : `{'standard', 'exact'}` 'standard' : uses the standard definition to compute the dynamic modes, `F = U * W`. 'exact' : computes the exact dynamic modes, `F = Y * V * (S**-1) * W`. method_rsvd : `{'standard', 'fast'}` 'standard' : (default) Standard algorithm as described in [1, 2] 'fast' : Version II algorithm as described in [2] return_amplitudes : bool `{True, False}` True: return amplitudes in addition to dynamic modes. return_vandermonde : bool `{True, False}` True: return Vandermonde matrix in addition to dynamic modes and amplitudes. handle : int CUBLAS context. If no context is specified, the default handle from `skcuda.misc._global_cublas_handle` is used. Returns ------- f_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Matrix containing the dynamic modes of shape `(m, n-1)` or `(m, k)`. b_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray 1-D array containing the amplitudes of length `min(n-1, k)`. v_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Vandermonde matrix of shape `(n-1, n-1)` or `(k, n-1)`. Notes ----- Double precision is only supported if the standard version of the CULA Dense toolkit is installed. This function destroys the contents of the input matrix. Arrays are assumed to be stored in column-major order, i.e., order='F'. References ---------- N. B. Erichson and C. Donovan. "Randomized Low-Rank Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Motion Detection" Under Review. N. Halko, P. Martinsson, and J. Tropp. "Finding structure with randomness: probabilistic algorithms for constructing approximate matrix decompositions" (2009). (available at `arXiv <>`_). J. H. Tu, et al. "On dynamic mode decomposition: theory and applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.0041 (2013). Examples -------- >>> #Numpy >>> import numpy as np >>> #Plot libs >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D >>> from matplotlib import cm >>> #GPU DMD libs >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> from skcuda import linalg, rlinalg >>> linalg.init() >>> rlinalg.init() >>> # Define time and space discretizations >>> x=np.linspace( -15, 15, 200) >>> t=np.linspace(0, 8*np.pi , 80) >>> dt=t[2]-t[1] >>> X, T = np.meshgrid(x,t) >>> # Create two patio-temporal patterns >>> F1 = 0.5* np.cos(X)*(1.+0.* T) >>> F2 = ( (1./np.cosh(X)) * np.tanh(X)) *(2.*np.exp(1j*2.8*T)) >>> # Add both signals >>> F = (F1+F2) >>> #Plot dataset >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(231, projection='3d') >>> ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') >>> surf = ax.plot_surface(X, T, F, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=True) >>> ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) >>> plt.title('F') >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(232, projection='3d') >>> ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') >>> surf = ax.plot_surface(X, T, F1, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) >>> ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) >>> plt.title('F1') >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(233, projection='3d') >>> ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') >>> surf = ax.plot_surface(X, T, F2, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) >>> ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) >>> plt.title('F2') >>> #Dynamic Mode Decomposition >>> F_gpu = np.array(F.T, np.complex64, order='F') >>> F_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(F_gpu) >>> Fmodes_gpu, b_gpu, V_gpu, omega_gpu = rlinalg.rdmd(F_gpu, k=2, p=0, q=1, modes='exact', return_amplitudes=True, return_vandermonde=True) >>> omega = omega_gpu.get() >>> plt.scatter(omega.real, omega.imag, marker='o', c='r') >>> #Recover original signal >>> F1tilde =[:,0:1].get() ,[0].get(), V_gpu[0:1,:].get() ) ) >>> F2tilde =[:,1:2].get() ,[1].get(), V_gpu[1:2,:].get() ) ) >>> #Plot DMD modes >>> #Mode 0 >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(235, projection='3d') >>> ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') >>> surf = ax.plot_surface(X[0:F1tilde.shape[1],:], T[0:F1tilde.shape[1],:], F1tilde.T, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) >>> ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) >>> plt.title('F1_tilde') >>> #Mode 1 >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(236, projection='3d') >>> ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') >>> surf = ax.plot_surface(X[0:F2tilde.shape[1],:], T[0:F2tilde.shape[1],:], F2tilde.T, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) >>> ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) >>> plt.title('F2_tilde') >>> """ #************************************************************************* #*** Author: N. Benjamin Erichson <[email protected]> *** #*** <2015> *** #*** License: BSD 3 clause *** #************************************************************************* if not _has_cula: raise NotImplementedError('CULA not installed') if handle is None: handle = misc._global_cublas_handle alloc = misc._global_cublas_allocator # The free version of CULA only supports single precision floating data_type = a_gpu.dtype.type real_type = np.float32 if data_type == np.complex64: cula_func_gesvd = cula.culaDeviceCgesvd cublas_func_gemm = cublas.cublasCgemm cublas_func_dgmm = cublas.cublasCdgmm cula_func_gels = cula.culaDeviceCgels copy_func = cublas.cublasCcopy transpose_func = cublas.cublasCgeam alpha = np.complex64(1.0) beta = np.complex64(0.0) TRANS_type = 'C' isreal = False elif data_type == np.float32: cula_func_gesvd = cula.culaDeviceSgesvd cublas_func_gemm = cublas.cublasSgemm cublas_func_dgmm = cublas.cublasSdgmm cula_func_gels = cula.culaDeviceSgels copy_func = cublas.cublasScopy transpose_func = cublas.cublasSgeam alpha = np.float32(1.0) beta = np.float32(0.0) TRANS_type = 'T' isreal = True else: if cula._libcula_toolkit == 'standard': if data_type == np.complex128: cula_func_gesvd = cula.culaDeviceZgesvd cublas_func_gemm = cublas.cublasZgemm cublas_func_dgmm = cublas.cublasZdgmm cula_func_gels = cula.culaDeviceZgels copy_func = cublas.cublasZcopy transpose_func = cublas.cublasZgeam alpha = np.complex128(1.0) beta = np.complex128(0.0) TRANS_type = 'C' isreal = False elif data_type == np.float64: cula_func_gesvd = cula.culaDeviceDgesvd cublas_func_gemm = cublas.cublasDgemm cublas_func_dgmm = cublas.cublasDdgmm cula_func_gels = cula.culaDeviceDgels copy_func = cublas.cublasDcopy transpose_func = cublas.cublasDgeam alpha = np.float64(1.0) beta = np.float64(0.0) TRANS_type = 'T' isreal = True else: raise ValueError('unsupported type') real_type = np.float64 else: raise ValueError('double precision not supported') #CUDA assumes that arrays are stored in column-major order m, n = np.array(a_gpu.shape, int) nx = n-1 #Set k if k == None : k = nx if k > nx or k < 1: raise ValueError('k is not valid') #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Split data into lef and right snapshot sequence #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Note: we need a copy of X_gpu, because SVD destroys X_gpu #While Y_gpu is just a pointer X_gpu = gpuarray.empty((m, n), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) copy_func(handle, X_gpu.size, int(a_gpu.gpudata), 1, int(X_gpu.gpudata), 1) X_gpu = X_gpu[:, :nx] Y_gpu = a_gpu[:, 1:] #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Randomized Singular Value Decomposition #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U_gpu, s_gpu, Vh_gpu = rsvd(X_gpu, k=k, p=p, q=q, method=method_rsvd, handle=handle) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Solve the LS problem to find estimate for M using the pseudo-inverse #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #real: M = U.T * Y * Vt.T * S**-1 #complex: M = U.H * Y * Vt.H * S**-1 #Let G = Y * Vt.H * S**-1, hence M = M * G #Allocate G and M G_gpu = gpuarray.empty((m,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) M_gpu = gpuarray.empty((k,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) #i) s = s **-1 (inverse) if data_type == np.complex64 or data_type == np.complex128: s_gpu = 1/s_gpu s_gpu = s_gpu + 1j * gpuarray.zeros_like(s_gpu) else: s_gpu = 1.0/s_gpu #ii) real/complex: scale Vs = Vt* x diag(s**-1) Vs_gpu = gpuarray.empty((nx,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) lda = max(1, Vh_gpu.strides[1] // Vh_gpu.dtype.itemsize) ldb = max(1, Vs_gpu.strides[1] // Vs_gpu.dtype.itemsize) transpose_func(handle, TRANS_type, TRANS_type, nx, k, alpha, int(Vh_gpu.gpudata), lda, beta, int(Vh_gpu.gpudata), lda, int(Vs_gpu.gpudata), ldb) cublas_func_dgmm(handle, 'r', nx, k, int(Vs_gpu.gpudata), nx, int(s_gpu.gpudata), 1 , int(Vs_gpu.gpudata), nx) #iii) real: G = Y * Vs , complex: G = Y x Vs cublas_func_gemm(handle, 'n', 'n', m, k, nx, alpha, int(Y_gpu.gpudata), m, int(Vs_gpu.gpudata), nx, beta, int(G_gpu.gpudata), m ) #iv) real/complex: M = U* x G cublas_func_gemm(handle, TRANS_type, 'n', k, k, m, alpha, int(U_gpu.gpudata), m, int(G_gpu.gpudata), m, beta, int(M_gpu.gpudata), k ) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Eigen Decomposition #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Note: If a_gpu is real the imag part is omitted Vr_gpu, w_gpu = linalg.eig(M_gpu, 'N', 'V', 'F', lib='cula') omega = cumath.log(w_gpu) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Compute DMD Modes #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F_gpu = gpuarray.empty((m,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) modes = modes.lower() if modes == 'exact': #Compute (exact) DMD modes: F = Y * V * S**-1 * W = G * W cublas_func_gemm(handle, 'n', 'n', m, k, k, alpha, G_gpu.gpudata, m, Vr_gpu.gpudata, k, beta, G_gpu.gpudata, m ) F_gpu_temp = G_gpu elif modes == 'standard': #Compute (standard) DMD modes: F = U * W cublas_func_gemm(handle, 'n', 'n', m, k, k, alpha, U_gpu.gpudata, m, Vr_gpu.gpudata, k, beta, U_gpu.gpudata, m ) F_gpu_temp = U_gpu else: raise ValueError('Type of modes is not supported, choose "exact" or "standard".') #Copy is required, because gels destroys input copy_func(handle, F_gpu_temp.size, int(F_gpu_temp.gpudata), 1, int(F_gpu.gpudata), 1) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Compute amplitueds b using least-squares: Fb=x1 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if return_amplitudes==True: #x1_gpu = a_gpu[:,0].copy() x1_gpu = gpuarray.empty(m, data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) copy_func(handle, x1_gpu.size, int(a_gpu[:,0].gpudata), 1, int(x1_gpu.gpudata), 1) cula_func_gels( 'N', m, k, int(1) , F_gpu_temp.gpudata, m, x1_gpu.gpudata, m) b_gpu = x1_gpu #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Compute Vandermonde matrix (CPU) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if return_vandermonde==True: V_gpu = linalg.vander(w_gpu, n=nx) # Free internal CULA memory: cula.culaFreeBuffers() #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Return #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if return_amplitudes==True and return_vandermonde==True: return F_gpu, b_gpu[:k], V_gpu, omega elif return_amplitudes==True and return_vandermonde==False: return F_gpu, b_gpu[:k], omega elif return_amplitudes==False and return_vandermonde==True: return F_gpu, V_gpu, omega else: return F_gpu, omega def cdmd(a_gpu, k=None, c=None, modes='exact', return_amplitudes=False, return_vandermonde=False, handle=None): """ Compressed Dynamic Mode Decomposition. Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) is a data processing algorithm which allows to decompose a matrix `a` in space and time. The matrix `a` is decomposed as `a = FBV`, where the columns of `F` contain the dynamic modes. The modes are ordered corresponding to the amplitudes stored in the diagonal matrix `B`. `V` is a Vandermonde matrix describing the temporal evolution. Parameters ---------- a_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Real/complex input matrix `a` with dimensions `(m, n)`. k : int, optional If `k < (n-1)` low-rank Dynamic Mode Decomposition is computed. c : int `p` sets the number of measurements sensors. modes : `{'exact'}` 'exact' : computes the exact dynamic modes, `F = Y * V * (S**-1) * W`. return_amplitudes : bool `{True, False}` True: return amplitudes in addition to dynamic modes. return_vandermonde : bool `{True, False}` True: return Vandermonde matrix in addition to dynamic modes and amplitudes. handle : int CUBLAS context. If no context is specified, the default handle from `skcuda.misc._global_cublas_handle` is used. Returns ------- f_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Matrix containing the dynamic modes of shape `(m, n-1)` or `(m, k)`. b_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray 1-D array containing the amplitudes of length `min(n-1, k)`. v_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Vandermonde matrix of shape `(n-1, n-1)` or `(k, n-1)`. Notes ----- Double precision is only supported if the standard version of the CULA Dense toolkit is installed. This function destroys the contents of the input matrix. Arrays are assumed to be stored in column-major order, i.e., order='F'. References ---------- S. L. Brunton, et al. "Compressed sampling and dynamic mode decomposition." arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.5186 (2013). J. H. Tu, et al. "On dynamic mode decomposition: theory and applications." arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.0041 (2013). Examples -------- >>> #Numpy >>> import numpy as np >>> #Plot libs >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D >>> from matplotlib import cm >>> #GPU DMD libs >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> from skcuda import linalg, rlinalg >>> linalg.init() >>> rlinalg.init() >>> # Define time and space discretizations >>> x=np.linspace( -15, 15, 200) >>> t=np.linspace(0, 8*np.pi , 80) >>> dt=t[2]-t[1] >>> X, T = np.meshgrid(x,t) >>> # Create two patio-temporal patterns >>> F1 = 0.5* np.cos(X)*(1.+0.* T) >>> F2 = ( (1./np.cosh(X)) * np.tanh(X)) *(2.*np.exp(1j*2.8*T)) >>> # Add both signals >>> F = (F1+F2) >>> #Plot dataset >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(231, projection='3d') >>> ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') >>> surf = ax.plot_surface(X, T, F, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=True) >>> ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) >>> plt.title('F') >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(232, projection='3d') >>> ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') >>> surf = ax.plot_surface(X, T, F1, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) >>> ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) >>> plt.title('F1') >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(233, projection='3d') >>> ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') >>> surf = ax.plot_surface(X, T, F2, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) >>> ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) >>> plt.title('F2') >>> #Dynamic Mode Decomposition >>> F_gpu = np.array(F.T, np.complex64, order='F') >>> F_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(F_gpu) >>> Fmodes_gpu, b_gpu, V_gpu, omega_gpu = rlinalg.cdmd(F_gpu, k=2, c=20, modes='exact', return_amplitudes=True, return_vandermonde=True) >>> omega = omega_gpu.get() >>> plt.scatter(omega.real, omega.imag, marker='o', c='r') >>> #Recover original signal >>> F1tilde =[:,0:1].get() ,[0].get(), V_gpu[0:1,:].get() ) ) >>> F2tilde =[:,1:2].get() ,[1].get(), V_gpu[1:2,:].get() ) ) >>> # Plot DMD modes >>> #Mode 0 >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(235, projection='3d') >>> ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') >>> surf = ax.plot_surface(X[0:F1tilde.shape[1],:], T[0:F1tilde.shape[1],:], F1tilde.T, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) >>> ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) >>> plt.title('F1_tilde') >>> #Mode 1 >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(236, projection='3d') >>> ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') >>> surf = ax.plot_surface(X[0:F2tilde.shape[1],:], T[0:F2tilde.shape[1],:], F2tilde.T, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) >>> ax.set_zlim(-1, 1) >>> plt.title('F2_tilde') >>> """ #************************************************************************* #*** Author: N. Benjamin Erichson <[email protected]> *** #*** <2015> *** #*** License: BSD 3 clause *** #************************************************************************* if not _has_cula: raise NotImplementedError('CULA not installed') if handle is None: handle = misc._global_cublas_handle alloc = misc._global_cublas_allocator # The free version of CULA only supports single precision floating data_type = a_gpu.dtype.type real_type = np.float32 if data_type == np.complex64: cula_func_gesvd = cula.culaDeviceCgesvd cublas_func_gemm = cublas.cublasCgemm cublas_func_dgmm = cublas.cublasCdgmm cula_func_gels = cula.culaDeviceCgels copy_func = cublas.cublasCcopy transpose_func = cublas.cublasCgeam alpha = np.complex64(1.0) beta = np.complex64(0.0) TRANS_type = 'C' isreal = False elif data_type == np.float32: cula_func_gesvd = cula.culaDeviceSgesvd cublas_func_gemm = cublas.cublasSgemm cublas_func_dgmm = cublas.cublasSdgmm cula_func_gels = cula.culaDeviceSgels copy_func = cublas.cublasScopy transpose_func = cublas.cublasSgeam alpha = np.float32(1.0) beta = np.float32(0.0) TRANS_type = 'T' isreal = True else: if cula._libcula_toolkit == 'standard': if data_type == np.complex128: cula_func_gesvd = cula.culaDeviceZgesvd cublas_func_gemm = cublas.cublasZgemm cublas_func_dgmm = cublas.cublasZdgmm cula_func_gels = cula.culaDeviceZgels copy_func = cublas.cublasZcopy transpose_func = cublas.cublasZgeam alpha = np.complex128(1.0) beta = np.complex128(0.0) TRANS_type = 'C' isreal = False elif data_type == np.float64: cula_func_gesvd = cula.culaDeviceDgesvd cublas_func_gemm = cublas.cublasDgemm cublas_func_dgmm = cublas.cublasDdgmm cula_func_gels = cula.culaDeviceDgels copy_func = cublas.cublasDcopy transpose_func = cublas.cublasDgeam alpha = np.float64(1.0) beta = np.float64(0.0) TRANS_type = 'T' isreal = True else: raise ValueError('unsupported type') real_type = np.float64 else: raise ValueError('double precision not supported') #CUDA assumes that arrays are stored in column-major order m, n = np.array(a_gpu.shape, int) nx = n-1 #Set k if k == None : k = nx if k > nx or k < 1: raise ValueError('k is not valid') #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Compress #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if c==None: Ac_gpu = A c=m else: #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Generate a random sensing matrix S #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if isreal==False: Simag_gpu = gpuarray.empty((m,c), real_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) Sreal_gpu = gpuarray.empty((m,c), real_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) S_gpu = gpuarray.empty((c,m), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) rand.fill_uniform(Simag_gpu) rand.fill_uniform(Sreal_gpu) S_gpu = Sreal_gpu + 1j * Simag_gpu S_gpu = S_gpu.T * 2 -1 #Scale to [-1,1] else: S_gpu = gpuarray.empty((c,m), real_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) rand.fill_uniform(S_gpu) #Draw random samples from a ~ Uniform(-1,1) distribution S_gpu = S_gpu * 2 - 1 #Scale to [-1,1] #Allocate Ac Ac_gpu = gpuarray.empty((c,n), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) #Compress input matrix cublas_func_gemm(handle, 'n', 'n', c, n, m, alpha, int(S_gpu.gpudata), c, int(a_gpu.gpudata), m, beta, int(Ac_gpu.gpudata), c ) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Split data into lef and right snapshot sequence #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Note: we need a copy of X_gpu, because SVD destroys X_gpu #While Y_gpu is just a pointer X_gpu = gpuarray.empty((c, n), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) copy_func(handle, X_gpu.size, int(Ac_gpu.gpudata), 1, int(X_gpu.gpudata), 1) X_gpu = X_gpu[:, :nx] Y_gpu = Ac_gpu[:, 1:] Yorig_gpu = a_gpu[:, 1:] #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Singular Value Decomposition #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Allocate s, U, Vt for economic SVD #Note: singular values are always real min_s = min(nx,c) s_gpu = gpuarray.zeros(min_s, real_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) U_gpu = gpuarray.zeros((c,min_s), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) Vh_gpu = gpuarray.zeros((min_s,nx), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) #Economic SVD cula_func_gesvd('S', 'S', c, nx, int(X_gpu.gpudata), c, int(s_gpu.gpudata), int(U_gpu.gpudata), c, int(Vh_gpu.gpudata), min_s) #Low-rank DMD: trancate SVD if k < nx if k != nx: s_gpu = s_gpu[:k] U_gpu = U_gpu[: , :k] Vh_gpu = Vh_gpu[:k , : ] #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Solve the LS problem to find estimate for M using the pseudo-inverse #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #real: M = U.T * Y * Vt.T * S**-1 #complex: M = U.H * Y * Vt.H * S**-1 #Let G = Y * Vt.H * S**-1, hence M = M * G #Allocate G and M G_gpu = gpuarray.zeros((c,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) M_gpu = gpuarray.zeros((k,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) #i) s = s **-1 (inverse) if data_type == np.complex64 or data_type == np.complex128: s_gpu = 1/s_gpu s_gpu = s_gpu + 1j * gpuarray.zeros_like(s_gpu) else: s_gpu = 1/s_gpu #ii) real/complex: scale Vs = Vt* x diag(s**-1) Vs_gpu = gpuarray.zeros((nx,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) lda = max(1, Vh_gpu.strides[1] // Vh_gpu.dtype.itemsize) ldb = max(1, Vs_gpu.strides[1] // Vs_gpu.dtype.itemsize) transpose_func(handle, TRANS_type, TRANS_type, nx, k, 1.0, int(Vh_gpu.gpudata), lda, 0.0, int(Vh_gpu.gpudata), lda, int(Vs_gpu.gpudata), ldb) #End Transpose cublas_func_dgmm(handle, 'r', nx, k, int(Vs_gpu.gpudata), nx, int(s_gpu.gpudata), 1 , int(Vs_gpu.gpudata), nx) #iii) real: G = Y * Vs , complex: G = Y x Vs cublas_func_gemm(handle, 'n', 'n', c, k, nx, alpha, int(Y_gpu.gpudata), c, int(Vs_gpu.gpudata), nx, beta, int(G_gpu.gpudata), c ) #iv) real/complex: M = U* x G cublas_func_gemm(handle, TRANS_type, 'n', k, k, c, alpha, int(U_gpu.gpudata), c, int(G_gpu.gpudata), c, beta, int(M_gpu.gpudata), k ) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Eigen Decomposition #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Note: If a_gpu is real the imag part is omitted Vr_gpu, w_gpu = linalg.eig(M_gpu, 'N', 'V', 'F', lib='cula') omega = cumath.log(w_gpu) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Compute DMD Modes #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F_gpu = gpuarray.empty((m,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) modes = modes.lower() if modes == 'exact': #Compute (exact) DMD modes: F = Y * V * S**-1 * W = G * W cublas_func_gemm(handle, 'n' , 'n', nx, k, k, alpha, int(Vs_gpu.gpudata), nx, int(Vr_gpu.gpudata), k, beta, int(Vs_gpu.gpudata), nx ) cublas_func_gemm(handle, 'n', 'n', m, k, nx, alpha, Yorig_gpu.gpudata, m, Vs_gpu.gpudata, nx, beta, F_gpu.gpudata, m ) else: raise ValueError('Type of modes is not supported, choose "exact" or "standard".') #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Compute amplitueds b using least-squares: Fb=x1 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if return_amplitudes==True: F_gpu_temp = gpuarray.empty((m,k), data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) #Copy is required, because gels destroys input copy_func(handle, F_gpu.size, int(F_gpu.gpudata), 1, int(F_gpu_temp.gpudata), 1) #x1_gpu = a_gpu[:,0].copy() x1_gpu = gpuarray.empty(m, data_type, order="F", allocator=alloc) copy_func(handle, x1_gpu.size, int(a_gpu[:,0].gpudata), 1, int(x1_gpu.gpudata), 1) cula_func_gels( 'N', m, k, int(1) , F_gpu_temp.gpudata, m, x1_gpu.gpudata, m) b_gpu = x1_gpu #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Compute Vandermonde matrix (CPU) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if return_vandermonde==True: V_gpu = linalg.vander(w_gpu, n=nx) # Free internal CULA memory: cula.culaFreeBuffers() #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #Return #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if return_amplitudes==True and return_vandermonde==True: return F_gpu, b_gpu[:k], V_gpu, omega elif return_amplitudes==True and return_vandermonde==False: return F_gpu, b_gpu[:k], omega elif return_amplitudes==False and return_vandermonde==True: return F_gpu, V_gpu, omega else: return F_gpu, omega if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()
import os import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray import pycuda.elementwise as elementwise from import context_dependent_memoize import numpy as np from . import misc from .misc import init # Get installation location of C headers: from . import install_headers @context_dependent_memoize def _get_sici_kernel(dtype): if dtype == np.float32: args = 'float *x, float *si, float *ci' op = 'sicif(x[i], &si[i], &ci[i])' elif dtype == np.float64: args = 'double *x, double *si, double *ci' op = 'sici(x[i], &si[i], &ci[i])' else: raise ValueError('unsupported type') return elementwise.ElementwiseKernel(args, op, options=["-I", install_headers], preamble='#include "cuSpecialFuncs.h"') def sici(x_gpu): """ Sine/Cosine integral. Computes the sine and cosine integral of every element in the input matrix. Parameters ---------- x_gpu : GPUArray Input matrix of shape `(m, n)`. Returns ------- (si_gpu, ci_gpu) : tuple of GPUArrays Tuple of GPUarrays containing the sine integrals and cosine integrals of the entries of `x_gpu`. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import numpy as np >>> import scipy.special >>> import special >>> x = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], np.float32) >>> x_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(x) >>> (si_gpu, ci_gpu) = sici(x_gpu) >>> (si, ci) = scipy.special.sici(x) >>> np.allclose(si, si_gpu.get()) True >>> np.allclose(ci, ci_gpu.get()) True """ si_gpu = gpuarray.empty_like(x_gpu) ci_gpu = gpuarray.empty_like(x_gpu) func = _get_sici_kernel(x_gpu.dtype) func(x_gpu, si_gpu, ci_gpu) return (si_gpu, ci_gpu) @context_dependent_memoize def _get_exp1_kernel(dtype): if dtype == np.complex64: args = 'pycuda::complex<float> *z, pycuda::complex<float> *e' elif dtype == np.complex128: args = 'pycuda::complex<double> *z, pycuda::complex<double> *e' else: raise ValueError('unsupported type') op = 'e[i] = exp1(z[i])' return elementwise.ElementwiseKernel(args, op, options=["-I", install_headers], preamble='#include "cuSpecialFuncs.h"') def exp1(z_gpu): """ Exponential integral with `n = 1` of complex arguments. Parameters ---------- z_gpu : GPUArray Input matrix of shape `(m, n)`. Returns ------- e_gpu : GPUArray GPUarrays containing the exponential integrals of the entries of `z_gpu`. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import numpy as np >>> import scipy.special >>> import special >>> z = np.asarray(np.random.rand(4, 4)+1j*np.random.rand(4, 4), np.complex64) >>> z_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(z) >>> e_gpu = exp1(z_gpu) >>> e_sp = scipy.special.exp1(z) >>> np.allclose(e_sp, e_gpu.get()) True """ e_gpu = gpuarray.empty_like(z_gpu) func = _get_exp1_kernel(z_gpu.dtype) func(z_gpu, e_gpu) return e_gpu exp1.cache = {} @context_dependent_memoize def _get_expi_kernel(dtype): if dtype == np.complex64: args = 'pycuda::complex<float> *z, pycuda::complex<float> *e' elif dtype == np.complex128: args = 'pycuda::complex<double> *z, pycuda::complex<double> *e' else: raise ValueError('unsupported type') op = 'e[i] = expi(z[i])' return elementwise.ElementwiseKernel(args, op, options=["-I", install_headers], preamble='#include "cuSpecialFuncs.h"') def expi(z_gpu): """ Exponential integral of complex arguments. Parameters ---------- z_gpu : GPUArray Input matrix of shape `(m, n)`. Returns ------- e_gpu : GPUArray GPUarrays containing the exponential integrals of the entries of `z_gpu`. Examples -------- >>> import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray >>> import pycuda.autoinit >>> import numpy as np >>> import scipy.special >>> import special >>> z = np.asarray(np.random.rand(4, 4)+1j*np.random.rand(4, 4), np.complex64) >>> z_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(z) >>> e_gpu = expi(z_gpu) >>> e_sp = scipy.special.expi(z) >>> np.allclose(e_sp, e_gpu.get()) True """ e_gpu = gpuarray.empty_like(z_gpu) func = _get_expi_kernel(z_gpu.dtype) func(z_gpu, e_gpu) return e_gpu if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()
import typing as ty import as abc import numpy as np import scipy.signal as signal import as windows import scipy.ndimage as ndimage if ty.TYPE_CHECKING: from curve._base import Curve class SmoothingError(Exception): """Any smoothing errors """ _SMOOTHING_FILTERS = {} def register_smooth_filter(method: str): def decorator(filter_callable): if method in _SMOOTHING_FILTERS: raise ValueError('"{}" smoothing method already registered for {}'.format( method, _SMOOTHING_FILTERS[method])) _SMOOTHING_FILTERS[method] = filter_callable return decorator @register_smooth_filter('savgol') def savgol_filter(curve: 'Curve', window_length: int, polyorder: int, *, deriv: int = 0, delta: float = 1.0, mode: str = 'interp', cval: float = 0.0) -> np.ndarray: """Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter [1]_ References ---------- .. [1] `Savitzky-Golay filter <>`_ """ return signal.savgol_filter(, window_length=window_length, polyorder=polyorder, deriv=deriv, delta=delta, mode=mode, cval=cval, axis=0, ) @register_smooth_filter('window') def window_filter(curve: 'Curve', window_size: int, window_type: ty.Union[str, abc.Callable] = 'hann', mode: str = 'reflect', cval: float = 0.0) -> np.ndarray: """Smoothes a curve using moving average filter with the given window [1]_ References ---------- .. [1] `The windows in scipy <>`_ """ if callable(window_type): try: window = window_type(window_size) except Exception as err: raise ValueError( 'Cannot create the window using {}: {}'.format(window_type, err)) from err else: window = windows.get_window(window_type, window_size, fftbins=False) window /= window.sum() return ndimage.convolve1d(, weights=window, mode=mode, cval=cval, axis=0, ) def smooth_methods() -> ty.List[str]: """Returns the list of available smoothing methods Returns ------- methods : List[str] The list of available smoothing methods """ return list(_SMOOTHING_FILTERS.keys()) def get_smooth_filter(method: str) -> abc.Callable: """Creates and returns the smoothing filter for the given method Parameters ---------- method : str Smoothing method Returns ------- smooth_filter : Callable Smoothing filter callable See Also -------- smooth_methods Raises ------ NameError : If smooth method is unknown """ if method not in _SMOOTHING_FILTERS: raise NameError('Cannot find the smoothing filter for given method "{}"'.format(method)) return _SMOOTHING_FILTERS[method] def smooth(curve: 'Curve', method: str, **params) -> 'Curve': """Smoothes a n-dimensional curve using the given method and its parameters Parameters ---------- curve : Curve A curve object method : str Smoothing method params : mapping The parameters of smoothing method Returns ------- curve : Curve Smoothed curve with type `numpy.float64` Raises ------ ValueError : Input data or parameters have invalid values TypeError : Input data or parameters have invalid type SmoothingError : Smoothing has failed See Also -------- smooth_methods """ smooth_filter = get_smooth_filter(method) try: smoothed_data = smooth_filter(curve, **params) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise except Exception as err: raise SmoothingError('Smoothing has failed: {}'.format(err)) from err return type(curve)(smoothed_data)
import typing as ty import numpy as np F_EPS = np.finfo(np.float64).eps def isequal(obj1: np.ndarray, obj2: np.ndarray, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Returns a boolean array where two arrays are element-wise equal Notes ----- int/float dtype independent equal check Parameters ---------- obj1 : np.ndarray The first object obj2 : np.ndarray The second object kwargs : dict Additional arguments for equal function Returns ------- res : np.ndarray Result array """ if np.issubdtype(obj1.dtype, np.integer) and np.issubdtype(obj2.dtype, np.integer): cmp = np.equal else: cmp = np.isclose return cmp(obj1, obj2, **kwargs) def allequal(obj1: np.ndarray, obj2: np.ndarray, axis: ty.Optional[int] = None, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Test whether all array elements along a given axis evaluate to True. Parameters ---------- obj1 : np.ndarray The first object obj2 : np.ndarray The second object axis : int, None Axis for test equal. By default None kwargs : dict Additional arguments for equal function Returns ------- res : np.ndarray The result array """ return np.all(isequal(obj1, obj2, **kwargs), axis=axis) def dot1d(data1: np.ndarray, data2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Computes row-wise dot product of two MxN arrays Parameters ---------- data1 : np.ndarray The first MxN array data2 : np.ndarray The second MxN array Returns ------- res : np.ndarray The array 1xM with row-wise dot product result """ return np.einsum('ij,ij->i', data1, data2) def linrescale(in_data: np.ndarray, in_range: ty.Optional[ty.Tuple[float, float]] = None, out_range: ty.Optional[ty.Tuple[float, float]] = None, out_dtype: ty.Optional[np.dtype] = None) -> np.ndarray: """Linearly transforms values from input range to output range Parameters ---------- in_data : array-like Input data in_range : list-like Input range. Tuple of two items: ``[min, max]``. By default: ``[min(in_data), max(in_data)]`` out_range : list-like Output range. Tuple of two items: ``[min max]``. By default: ``[0, 1]`` out_dtype : numpy.dtype Output data type. By default ``numpy.float64`` Returns ------- out_data : numpy.ndarray Transformed data Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> data = np.arange(0, 11) >>> out = linrescale(data) >>> print out array([ 0. , 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1. ]) """ in_data = np.asarray(in_data, dtype=np.float64) if in_range is None: in_range = (np.min(in_data), np.max(in_data)) if out_range is None: out_range = (0, 1) in_data = (in_data - in_range[0]) / (in_range[1] - in_range[0]) out_data = in_data * (out_range[1] - out_range[0]) + out_range[0] if out_dtype is not None: out_data = out_data.astype(out_dtype) return out_data
import numpy as np from scipy.special import fresnel from curve import Curve def arc(t_start: float = 0.0, t_stop: float = np.pi * 2, p_count: int = 49, r: float = 1.0, c: float = 0.0) -> Curve: r"""Produces arc or full circle curve Produces arc using the following parametric equations: .. math:: x = cos(\theta) \dot r + c y = sin(\theta) \dot r + c By default computes full circle. Parameters ---------- t_start : float Start theta t_stop : float Stop theta p_count : int The number of points r : float Circle radius c : float Circle center Returns ------- curve : Curve Acr curve """ theta = np.linspace(t_start, t_stop, p_count) x = np.cos(theta) * r + c y = np.sin(theta) * r + c return Curve([x, y], tdata=theta) def lemniscate_of_bernoulli(t_start: float = 0.0, t_stop: float = np.pi*2, p_count: int = 101, c: float = 1.0) -> Curve: """Produces Lemniscate of Bernoulli curve Parameters ---------- t_start t_stop p_count c Returns ------- """ theta = np.linspace(t_start, t_stop, p_count) c_sq2 = c * np.sqrt(2) cos_t = np.cos(theta) sin_t = np.sin(theta) denominator = sin_t ** 2 + 1 x = (c_sq2 * cos_t) / denominator y = (c_sq2 * cos_t * sin_t) / denominator return Curve([x, y], tdata=theta) def archimedean_spiral(t_start: float = 0.0, t_stop: float = 5 * np.pi, p_count: int = 200, a: float = 1.5, b: float = -2.4) -> Curve: """Produces Archimedean spiral curve Parameters ---------- t_start t_stop p_count a b Returns ------- """ theta = np.linspace(t_start, t_stop, p_count) x = (a + b * theta) * np.cos(theta) y = (a + b * theta) * np.sin(theta) return Curve([x, y], tdata=theta) def euler_spiral(t_start: float = -3 * np.pi / 2, t_stop: float = 3 * np.pi / 2, p_count: int = 1000) -> Curve: """Produces Euler spiral curve Parameters ---------- t_start t_stop p_count Returns ------- """ t = np.linspace(t_start, t_stop, p_count) ssa, csa = fresnel(t) return Curve([csa, ssa], tdata=t) def lissajous(t_start: float = 0.0, t_stop: float = 2*np.pi, p_count: int = 101, a_ampl: float = 1.0, b_ampl: float = 1.0, a: float = 3.0, b: float = 2.0, d: float = 0.0,) -> Curve: """ Parameters ---------- t_start t_stop p_count a_ampl b_ampl a b d Returns ------- """ theta = np.linspace(t_start, t_stop, p_count) x = a_ampl * np.sin(a * theta + d) y = b_ampl * np.sin(b * theta) return Curve([x, y], tdata=theta) def helix(t_start: float = -3 * np.pi, t_stop: float = 3 * np.pi, p_count: int = 100, a: float = 1.0, b: float = 1.0) -> Curve: """Produces 3-d helix curve Parameters ---------- t_start : float t_stop : float p_count : int a : float b : float Returns ------- """ theta = np.linspace(t_start, t_stop, p_count) x = np.sin(theta) * a y = np.cos(theta) * a z = theta * b return Curve([x, y, z], tdata=theta) def irregular_helix(t_start: float = -4 * np.pi, t_stop: float = 4 * np.pi, z_start: float = -2.0, z_stop: float = 2.0, p_count: int = 100) -> Curve: """Produces 3-d irregular helix curve Parameters ---------- t_start t_stop z_start z_stop p_count Returns ------- """ theta = np.linspace(t_start, t_stop, p_count) z = np.linspace(z_start, z_stop, p_count) r = z ** 2 + 1 x = r * np.sin(theta) y = r * np.cos(theta) return Curve([x, y, z], tdata=theta)
# Authors: Guillaume Lemaitre <[email protected]> # Cedric Lemaitre # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np import pandas as pd from .extraction import activity_power_profile from .io import bikeread from .utils import validate_filenames class Rider(object): """User interface for a rider. User interface to easily add, remove, compute information related to power. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <record_power_profile>`. Parameters ---------- n_jobs : int, (default=1) The number of workers to use for the different processing. Attributes ---------- power_profile_ : DataFrame DataFrame containing all information regarding the power-profile of a rider for each ride. """ def __init__(self, n_jobs=1): self.n_jobs = n_jobs self.power_profile_ = None def add_activities(self, filenames): """Compute the power-profile for each activity and add it to the current power-profile. Parameters ---------- filenames : str or list of str A string a list of string to the file to read. You can use wildcards to automatically check several files. Returns ------- None Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit >>> from skcycling.base import Rider >>> rider = Rider() >>> rider.add_activities(load_fit()[0]) >>> rider.power_profile_.head() 2014-05-07 12:26:22 cadence 00:00:01 78.000000 00:00:02 64.000000 00:00:03 62.666667 00:00:04 62.500000 00:00:05 64.400000 """ filenames = validate_filenames(filenames) activities_pp = [activity_power_profile(bikeread(f)) for f in filenames] activities_pp = pd.concat(activities_pp, axis=1) if self.power_profile_ is not None: try: self.power_profile_ = self.power_profile_.join(activities_pp, how='outer') except ValueError as e: if 'columns overlap but no suffix specified' in e.args[0]: raise ValueError('One of the activity was already added' ' to the rider power-profile. Remove this' ' activity before to try to add it.') else: raise else: self.power_profile_ = activities_pp def delete_activities(self, dates, time_comparison=False): """Delete the activities power-profile from some specific dates. Parameters ---------- dates : list/tuple of datetime-like or str The dates of the activities to be removed. The format expected is: * datetime-like or str: a single activity will be deleted. * a list of datetime-like or str: each activity for which the date is contained in the list will be deleted. * a tuple of datetime-like or str ``(start_date, end_date)``: the activities for which the dates are included in the range will be deleted. time_comparison : bool, optional Whether to make a strict comparison using time or to relax to constraints with only the date. Returns ------- None Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_rider >>> from skcycling import Rider >>> rider = Rider.from_csv(load_rider()) >>> rider.delete_activities('07 May 2014') >>> print(rider) RIDER INFORMATION: power-profile: 2014-05-11 09:39:38 2014-07-26 16:50:56 cadence 00:00:01 100.000000 60.000000 00:00:02 89.000000 58.000000 00:00:03 68.333333 56.333333 00:00:04 59.500000 59.250000 00:00:05 63.200000 61.000000 """ def _strict_comparison(dates_pp, date, strict_equal): if strict_equal: return dates_pp == date else: return np.bitwise_and( dates_pp >= date, dates_pp <= pd.Timestamp(date) + pd.DateOffset(1)) if isinstance(dates, tuple): if len(dates) != 2: raise ValueError("Wrong tuple format. Expecting a tuple of" " format (start_date, end_date). Got {!r}" " instead.".format(dates)) mask_date = np.bitwise_and( self.power_profile_.columns >= dates[0], self.power_profile_.columns <= pd.Timestamp(dates[1]) + pd.DateOffset(1)) elif isinstance(dates, list): mask_date = np.any( [_strict_comparison(self.power_profile_.columns, d, time_comparison) for d in dates], axis=0) else: mask_date = _strict_comparison(self.power_profile_.columns, dates, time_comparison) mask_date = np.bitwise_not(mask_date) self.power_profile_ = self.power_profile_.loc[:, mask_date] def record_power_profile(self, range_dates=None, columns=None): """Compute the record power-profile. Parameters ---------- range_dates : tuple of datetime-like or str, optional The start and end date to consider when computing the record power-profile. By default, all data will be used. columns : array-like or None, optional Name of data field to return. By default, all available data will be returned. Returns ------- record_power_profile : DataFrame Record power-profile taken between the range of dates. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling import Rider >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_rider >>> rider = Rider.from_csv(load_rider()) >>> record_power_profile = rider.record_power_profile() >>> record_power_profile.head() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE cadence distance elevation heart-rate power 00:00:01 60.000000 27162.600000 NaN NaN 750.000000 00:00:02 58.000000 27163.750000 NaN NaN 741.000000 00:00:03 56.333333 27164.586667 NaN NaN 731.666667 00:00:04 59.250000 27163.402500 NaN NaN 719.500000 00:00:05 61.000000 27162.142000 NaN NaN 712.200000 This is also possible to give a range of dates to compute the record power-profile. We can also select some specific information. >>> record_power_profile = rider.record_power_profile( ... range_dates=('07 May 2014', '11 May 2014'), ... columns=['power', 'cadence']) >>> record_power_profile.head() cadence power 00:00:01 100.000000 717.00 00:00:02 89.000000 717.00 00:00:03 68.333333 590.00 00:00:04 59.500000 552.25 00:00:05 63.200000 552.60 """ if range_dates is None: mask_date = np.ones_like(self.power_profile_.columns, dtype=bool) else: mask_date = np.bitwise_and( self.power_profile_.columns >= range_dates[0], self.power_profile_.columns <= pd.Timestamp(range_dates[1]) + pd.DateOffset(1)) if columns is None: columns = self.power_profile_.index.levels[0] pp_idxmax = (self.power_profile_.loc['power'] .loc[:, mask_date] .idxmax(axis=1) .dropna()) rpp = {} for dt in columns: data = self.power_profile_.loc[dt].loc[:, mask_date] rpp[dt] = pd.Series( [data.loc[date_idx] for date_idx in pp_idxmax.iteritems()], index=data.index[:pp_idxmax.size]) return pd.DataFrame(rpp) @classmethod def from_csv(cls, filename, n_jobs=1): """Load rider information from a CSV file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path to the CSV file. n_jobs : int, (default=1) The number of workers to use for the different processing. Returns ------- rider : skcycling.Rider The :class:`skcycling.Rider` instance. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_rider >>> from skcycling import Rider >>> rider = Rider.from_csv(load_rider()) >>> print(rider) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE RIDER INFORMATION: power-profile: 2014-05-07 12:26:22 2014-05-11 09:39:38 \\ cadence 00:00:01 78.000000 100.000000 00:00:02 64.000000 89.000000 00:00:03 62.666667 68.333333 00:00:04 62.500000 59.500000 00:00:05 64.400000 63.200000 <BLANKLINE> 2014-07-26 16:50:56 cadence 00:00:01 60.000000 00:00:02 58.000000 00:00:03 56.333333 00:00:04 59.250000 00:00:05 61.000000 """ df = pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=[0, 1]) df.columns = pd.to_datetime(df.columns) df.index = pd.MultiIndex(levels=[df.index.levels[0], pd.to_timedelta(df.index.levels[1])], labels=df.index.labels, name=[None, None]) rider = cls(n_jobs=n_jobs) rider.power_profile_ = df return rider def to_csv(self, filename): """Drop the rider information into a CSV file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path to the CSV file. Returns ------- None Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit >>> from skcycling import Rider >>> rider = Rider(n_jobs=-1) >>> rider.add_activities(load_fit()[:1]) >>> print(rider) RIDER INFORMATION: power-profile: 2014-05-07 12:26:22 cadence 00:00:01 78.000000 00:00:02 64.000000 00:00:03 62.666667 00:00:04 62.500000 00:00:05 64.400000 """ self.power_profile_.to_csv(filename, date_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') def __repr__(self): return 'RIDER INFORMATION:\n power-profile:\n {}'.format( self.power_profile_.head())
# Authors: Guillaume Lemaitre <[email protected]> # Cedric Lemaitre # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import division from collections import Iterable import pandas as pd from ..exceptions import MissingDataError def acceleration(activity, periods=5, append=True): """Compute the acceleration (i.e. speed gradient). Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <gradient>`. Parameters ---------- activity : DataFrame The activity containing speed information. periods : int, default=5 Periods to shift to compute the acceleration. append : bool, optional Whether to append the acceleration to the original activity (default) or to only return the acceleration as a Series. Returns ------- data : DataFrame or Series The original activity with an additional column containing the acceleration or a single Series containing the acceleration. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> from skcycling.extraction import acceleration >>> ride = bikeread(load_fit()[0]) >>> new_ride = acceleration(ride) """ if 'speed' not in activity.columns: raise MissingDataError('To compute the acceleration, speed data are ' 'required. Got {} fields.' .format(activity.columns)) acceleration = activity['speed'].diff(periods=periods) / periods if append: activity['acceleration'] = acceleration return activity else: return acceleration def gradient_elevation(activity, periods=5, append=True): """Compute the elevation gradient. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <gradient>`. Parameters ---------- activity : DataFrame The activity containing elevation and distance information. periods : int, default=5 Periods to shift to compute the elevation gradient. append : bool, optional Whether to append the elevation gradient to the original activity (default) or to only return the elevation gradient as a Series. Returns ------- data : DataFrame or Series The original activity with an additional column containing the elevation gradient or a single Series containing the elevation gradient. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> from skcycling.extraction import gradient_elevation >>> ride = bikeread(load_fit()[0]) >>> new_ride = gradient_elevation(ride) """ if not {'elevation', 'distance'}.issubset(activity.columns): raise MissingDataError('To compute the elevation gradient, elevation ' 'and distance data are required. Got {} fields.' .format(activity.columns)) diff_elevation = activity['elevation'].diff(periods=periods) diff_distance = activity['distance'].diff(periods=periods) gradient_elevation = diff_elevation / diff_distance if append: activity['gradient-elevation'] = gradient_elevation return activity else: return gradient_elevation def gradient_heart_rate(activity, periods=5, append=True): """Compute the heart-rate gradient. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <gradient>`. Parameters ---------- activity : DataFrame The activity containing heart-rate information. periods : int, default=5 Periods to shift to compute the heart-rate gradient. append : bool, optional Whether to append the heart-rate gradient to the original activity (default) or to only return the heart-rate gradient as a Series. Returns ------- data : DataFrame or Series The original activity with an additional column containing the heart-rate gradient or a single Series containing the heart-rate gradient. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import pandas as pd >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> from skcycling.extraction import gradient_heart_rate >>> ride = bikeread(load_fit()[0]) >>> ride['heart-rate'] = pd.Series( ... np.random.randint(60, 200, size=ride.shape[0]), ... index=ride.index) # Add fake heart-rate data for the example >>> new_ride = gradient_heart_rate(ride) """ if 'heart-rate' not in activity.columns: raise MissingDataError('To compute the heart-rate gradient, heart-rate' ' data are required. Got {} fields.' .format(activity.columns)) gradient_heart_rate = activity['heart-rate'].diff(periods=periods) if append: activity['gradient-heart-rate'] = gradient_heart_rate return activity else: return gradient_heart_rate def gradient_activity(activity, periods=1, append=True, columns=None): """Compute the gradient for all given columns. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <gradient>`. Parameters ---------- activity : DataFrame The activity to use to compute the gradient. periods : int or array-like, default=1 Periods to shift to compute the gradient. If an array-like is given, several gradient will be computed. append : bool, optional Whether to append the gradients to the original activity. columns : list, optional The name of the columns to use to compute the gradient. By default, all the columns are used. Returns ------- gradient : DataFrame The computed gradient from the activity. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> from skcycling.extraction import gradient_activity >>> ride = bikeread(load_fit()[0], drop_nan='columns') >>> new_ride = acceleration(ride) """ if columns is not None: data = activity[columns] else: data = activity if isinstance(periods, Iterable): gradient = [data.diff(periods=p) for p in periods] gradient_name = ['gradient_{}'.format(p) for p in periods] else: gradient = [data.diff(periods=periods)] gradient_name = ['gradient_{}'.format(periods)] if append: # prepend the original information gradient = [activity] + gradient gradient_name = ['original'] + gradient_name return pd.concat(gradient, axis=1, keys=gradient_name)
# Authors: Guillaume Lemaitre <[email protected]> # Cedric Lemaitre # License: BSD 3 clause import os from collections import defaultdict import pandas as pd import numpy as np import six from fitparse import FitFile # 'timestamp' will be consider as the index of the DataFrame later on FIELDS_DATA = ('timestamp', 'power', 'heart_rate', 'cadence', 'distance', 'altitude', 'speed') def check_filename_fit(filename): """Method to check if the filename corresponds to a fit file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The fit file to check. Returns ------- filename : str The checked filename. """ # Check that filename is of string type if isinstance(filename, six.string_types): # Check that this is a fit file if filename.endswith('.fit'): # Check that the file is existing if os.path.isfile(filename): return filename else: raise ValueError('The file does not exist.') else: raise ValueError('The file is not a fit file.') else: raise ValueError('filename needs to be a string. Got {}'.format( type(filename))) def load_power_from_fit(filename): """Method to open the power data from FIT file into a pandas dataframe. Parameters ---------- filename : str, Path to the FIT file. Returns ------- data : DataFrame Power records of the ride. """ filename = check_filename_fit(filename) activity = FitFile(filename) activity.parse() records = activity.get_messages(name='record') data = defaultdict(list) for rec in records: values = rec.get_values() for key in FIELDS_DATA: data[key].append(values.get(key, np.NaN)) data = pd.DataFrame(data) if data.empty: raise IOError('The file {} does not contain any data.'.format( filename)) # rename the columns for consistency data.rename(columns={'heart_rate': 'heart-rate', 'altitude': 'elevation'}, inplace=True) data.set_index(FIELDS_DATA[0], inplace=True) del return data
# Authors: Guillaume Lemaitre <[email protected]> # Cedric Lemaitre # License: BSD 3 clause import numpy as np from .fit import load_power_from_fit DROP_OPTIONS = ('columns', 'rows', 'both') def bikeread(filename, drop_nan=None): """Read power data file. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <reader>`. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to the file to read. drop_nan : str {'columns', 'rows', 'both'} or None Either to remove the columns/rows containing NaN values. By default, all data will be kept. Returns ------- data : DataFrame Power data and time data. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> activity = bikeread(load_fit()[0], drop_nan='columns') >>> activity.head() # doctest : +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE elevation cadence distance power speed 2014-05-07 12:26:22 64.8 45.0 3.05 256.0 3.036 2014-05-07 12:26:23 64.8 42.0 6.09 185.0 3.053 2014-05-07 12:26:24 64.8 44.0 9.09 343.0 3.004 2014-05-07 12:26:25 64.8 45.0 11.94 344.0 2.846 2014-05-07 12:26:26 65.8 48.0 15.03 389.0 3.088 """ if drop_nan is not None and drop_nan not in DROP_OPTIONS: raise ValueError('"drop_nan" should be one of {}.' ' Got {} instead.'.format(DROP_OPTIONS, drop_nan)) df = load_power_from_fit(filename) if drop_nan is not None: if drop_nan == 'columns': df.dropna(axis=1, inplace=True) elif drop_nan == 'rows': df.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True) else: df.dropna(axis=1, inplace=True).dropna(axis=0, inplace=True) # remove possible outliers by clipping the value df[df['power'] > 2500.] = np.nan # resample to have a precision of a second with additional linear # interpolation for missing value return df.resample('s').interpolate('linear')
from os import listdir from os.path import dirname, join __all__ = ['load_fit', 'load_rider'] def load_fit(returned_type='list_file', set_data='normal'): """Return path to some FIT toy data. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <datasets>`. Parameters ---------- returned_type : str, optional (default='list_file') If 'list_file', return a list containing the fit files; If 'path', return a string where the data are localized. set_data : str, optional (default='normal') If 'normal', return 3 files. If 'corrupted, return corrupted files for testing. Returns ------- filenames : str or list of str, List of string or string depending of input parameters. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit >>> load_fit() # doctest : +ELLIPSIS [...] """ module_path = dirname(__file__) if set_data == 'normal': if returned_type == 'list_file': return sorted([ join(module_path, 'data', name) for name in listdir(join(module_path, 'data')) if name.endswith('.fit') ]) elif returned_type == 'path': return join(module_path, 'data') elif set_data == 'corrupted': if returned_type == 'list_file': return sorted([ join(module_path, 'corrupted_data', name) for name in listdir( join(module_path, 'corrupted_data')) if name.endswith('.fit') ]) elif returned_type == 'path': return join(module_path, 'corrupted_data') def load_rider(): """Return the path to a CSV file containing rider information. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <datasets>`. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- filename : str The path to the CSV file. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_rider >>> load_rider() # doctest : +ELLIPSIS '...rider.csv' """ module_path = dirname(__file__) return join(module_path, 'data', 'rider.csv')
# Authors: Guillaume Lemaitre <[email protected]> # Cedric Lemaitre # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import division import numpy as np TS_SCALE_GRAPPE = dict([('I1', 2.), ('I2', 2.5), ('I3', 3.), ('I4', 3.5), ('I5', 4.5), ('I6', 7.), ('I7', 11.)]) ESIE_SCALE_GRAPPE = dict([('I1', (.3, .5)), ('I2', (.5, .6)), ('I3', (.6, .75)), ('I4', (.75, .85)), ('I5', (.85, 1.)), ('I6', (1., 1.80)), ('I7', (1.8, 3.))]) def mpa2ftp(mpa): """Convert the maximum power aerobic into the functional threshold power. Parameters ---------- mpa : float Maximum power aerobic. Return: ------- ftp : float Functional threshold power. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.metrics import mpa2ftp >>> print(mpa2ftp(400)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 304... """ return 0.76 * mpa def ftp2mpa(ftp): """Convert the functional threshold power into the maximum threshold power. Parameters ---------- ftp : float Functional threshold power. Return: ------- mpa : float Maximum power aerobic. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.metrics import ftp2mpa >>> print(ftp2mpa(304)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 400... """ return ftp / 0.76 def normalized_power_score(activity_power, mpa, window_width=30): """Normalized power®. The normalized power is an average power computing a smoothed power input and rejecting the low power intensities. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`. Parameters ---------- activity_power : Series A Series containing the power data from an activity. mpa : float Maximum power aerobic. Use :func:`metrics.ftp2mpa` if you use the functional threshold power metric. window_width : int, optional The width of the window used to smooth the power data before to compute the normalized power. The default width is 30 samples. Returns ------- score : float Normalized power score. References ---------- .. [1] Allen, H., and A. Coggan. "Training and racing with a power meter." VeloPress, 2012. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> from skcycling.metrics import normalized_power_score >>> ride = bikeread(load_fit()[0]) >>> mpa = 400 >>> np = normalized_power_score(ride['power'], mpa) >>> print('Normalized power {:.2f} W'.format(np)) Normalized power 218.49 W """ smooth_activity = (activity_power.rolling(window_width, center=True) .mean().dropna()) # removing value < I1-ESIE, i.e. 30 % MPA smooth_activity = smooth_activity[ smooth_activity > ESIE_SCALE_GRAPPE['I1'][0] * mpa] return (smooth_activity ** 4).mean() ** (1 / 4) def intensity_factor_score(activity_power, mpa): """Intensity factor®. The intensity factor® is the ratio of the normalized power® over the functional threshold power. Note that all our computation consider the maximum power aerobic for consistency. If you only have the functional threshold power, use :func:`metrics.ftp2mpa`. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`. Parameters ---------- activity_power : Series A Series containing the power data from an activity. mpa : float Maximum power aerobic. Use :func:`metrics.ftp2mpa` if you use the functional threshold power metric. Returns ------- score: float Intensity factor. References ---------- .. [1] Allen, H., and A. Coggan. "Training and racing with a power meter." VeloPress, 2012. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> from skcycling.metrics import intensity_factor_score >>> ride = bikeread(load_fit()[0]) >>> mpa = 400 >>> if_score = intensity_factor_score(ride['power'], mpa) >>> print('Intensity factor {:.2f} W'.format(if_score)) Intensity factor 0.72 W """ ftp = mpa2ftp(mpa) return normalized_power_score(activity_power, mpa) / ftp def training_stress_score(activity_power, mpa): """Training stress score®. The training stress score® corresponds to the intensity factor® normalized by the time of the activity. You can use the function :func:`metrics.ftp2mpa` if you are using the functional threshold metric. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`. Parameters ---------- activity_power : Series A Series containing the power data from an activity. mpa : float Maximum power aerobic. Use :func:`metrics.ftp2mpa` if you use the functional threshold power metric. Returns ------- score: float Training stress score. References ---------- .. [1] Allen, H., and A. Coggan. "Training and racing with a power meter." VeloPress, 2012. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> from skcycling.metrics import training_stress_score >>> ride = bikeread(load_fit()[0]) >>> mpa = 400 >>> ts_score = training_stress_score(ride['power'], mpa) >>> print('Training stress score {:.2f}'.format(ts_score)) Training stress score 32.38 """ activity_power = activity_power.resample('1S').mean() if_score = intensity_factor_score(activity_power, mpa) return (activity_power.size * if_score ** 2) / 3600 * 100 def training_load_score(activity_power, mpa): """Training load score. Grappe et al. proposes to compute the load of an activity by a weighted sum of the time spend in the different ESIE zones. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <metrics>`. Parameters ---------- activity_power : Series A Series containing the power data from an activity. mpa : float Maximum power aerobic. Use :func:`metrics.ftp2mpa` if you use the functional threshold power metric. Returns ------- tls_score: float Training load score. References ---------- .. [1] Grappe, F. "Cyclisme et optimisation de la performance: science et méthodologie de l'entraînement." De Boeck Supérieur, 2009. Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> from skcycling.metrics import training_load_score >>> ride = bikeread(load_fit()[0]) >>> mpa = 400 >>> tl_score = training_load_score(ride['power'], mpa) >>> print('Training load score {:.2f}'.format(tl_score)) Training load score 74.90 """ tls_score = 0. activity_power = activity_power.resample('1S').mean() for key in TS_SCALE_GRAPPE.keys(): power_samples = activity_power[ np.bitwise_and(activity_power >= ESIE_SCALE_GRAPPE[key][0] * mpa, activity_power < ESIE_SCALE_GRAPPE[key][1] * mpa)] tls_score += power_samples.size / 60 * TS_SCALE_GRAPPE[key] return tls_score
# Authors: Guillaume Lemaitre <[email protected]> # Cedric Lemaitre # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import division import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression SAMPLING_WKO = pd.TimedeltaIndex( ['00:00:01', '00:00:05', '00:00:30', '00:01:00', '00:03:00', '00:03:30', '00:04:00', '00:04:30', '00:05:00', '00:05:30', '00:06:00', '00:06:30', '00:07:00', '00:10:00', '00:20:00', '00:30:00', '00:45:00', '01:00:00', '02:00:00', '03:00:00', '04:00:00']) def std_dev_squared_error(y_true, y_pred): """Compute the standard deviation of the squared error. Parameters ---------- y_true : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) Ground truth (correct) target values. y_pred : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) Estimated target values. Returns ------- std_dev : float Standard deviation of the squared error. """ return np.sqrt(np.sum((y_true - y_pred) ** 2 / (y_true.size - 2))) def aerobic_meta_model(record_power_profile, time_samples=None): """Compute the aerobic metabolism model from the record power-profile. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mpa_estimate>`. Parameters ---------- record_power_profile : Series The record power profile from which to extract the aerobic model. time_samples : TimedeltaIndex or None, optional The time samples of the record power-profile to take into account. If None, the sampling of the method of Pinot et al. is applied, which is equivalent to the sampling from WKO+. Returns ------- mpa : float Maximum Aerobic Power. t_mpa : Timedelta Time of the Maximum Aerobic Power. aei : float Aerobic Endurance Index. fit_info_mpa_fitting : dict This is a dictionary with the information collected about the fitting related to the MAP. The attributes will be the following: - `slope`: slope of the linear fitting, - `intercept`: intercept of the linear fitting, - `std_err`: standard error of the fitting, - `coeff_det`: coefficient of determination. fit_info_aei_fitting : dict This is a dictionary with the information collected about the fitting related to the AEI. The attributes will be the following: - `slope`: slope of the linear fitting, - `intercept`: intercept of the linear fitting, - `std_err`: standard error of the fitting, - `coeff_det`: coefficient of determination. Notes ----- The method implemented here follow the work presented in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Pinot et al., "Determination of Maximal Aerobic Power on the Field in Cycling", Jounal of Science and Cycling, vol. 3(1), pp. 26-31, 2014. """ if time_samples is None: time_samples = SAMPLING_WKO.copy() # keep only the time samples available in the record power-profile mask_time_samples = time_samples < record_power_profile.index.max() time_samples = time_samples[mask_time_samples] # to avoid losing data, we will first interpolate the time samples # using all the data available in the record power-profile before # to select only the samples required. ts_union = record_power_profile.index.union(time_samples) record_power_profile = (record_power_profile.reindex(ts_union) .interpolate('linear') .reindex(time_samples)) # only samples between 10 minutes and 4 hours are considered for the # regression mask_samples_map = np.bitwise_and(time_samples >= '00:10:00', time_samples <= '04:00:00') extracted_profile = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_map].values extracted_time = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_map].index.values extracted_time = np.log(extracted_time / np.timedelta64(1, 's')).reshape(-1, 1) ols = LinearRegression(), extracted_profile) std_fit = std_dev_squared_error(extracted_profile, ols.predict(extracted_time)) fit_info_mpa_fitting = { 'slope': ols.coef_[0], 'intercept': ols.intercept_, 'std_err': std_fit, 'coeff_det': ols.score(extracted_time, extracted_profile)} # mpa will be find between 3 minutes and 7 minutes mask_samples_map = np.bitwise_and(time_samples >= '00:03:00', time_samples <= '00:10:00') extracted_profile = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_map].values extracted_time = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_map].index.values extracted_time = np.log(extracted_time / np.timedelta64(1, 's')).reshape(-1, 1) aerobic_model = ols.predict(extracted_time) # find the first value in the 2 * std confidence interval samples_within = np.abs(extracted_profile - aerobic_model) < 2 * std_fit if np.count_nonzero(samples_within): index_mpa = np.flatnonzero(samples_within)[0] time_mpa = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_map].index[index_mpa] mpa = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_map].iloc[index_mpa] else: raise ValueError('There is no value entering in the confidence' ' level between 3 and 7 minutes.') # find aerobic endurance index mask_samples_aei = np.bitwise_and(time_samples >= time_mpa, time_samples <= '04:00:00') extracted_profile = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_aei].values extracted_profile = extracted_profile / mpa * 100 extracted_time = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_aei].index.values extracted_time = np.log(extracted_time / np.timedelta64(1, 's')).reshape(-1, 1), extracted_profile) fit_info_aei_fitting = { 'slope': ols.coef_[0], 'intercept': ols.intercept_, 'std_err': std_fit, 'coeff_det': ols.score(extracted_time, extracted_profile)} return (mpa, time_mpa, ols.coef_[0], fit_info_mpa_fitting, fit_info_aei_fitting)
# Authors: Guillaume Lemaitre <[email protected]> # Cedric Lemaitre # License: BSD 3 clause from __future__ import division import numpy as np from scipy import constants from ..extraction import gradient_elevation from ..extraction import acceleration def strava_power_model(activity, cyclist_weight, bike_weight=6.8, coef_roll_res=0.0045, pressure=101325.0, temperature=15.0, coef_drag=1, surface_rider=0.32, use_acceleration=False): """Strava model used to estimate power. It corresponds the mathematical formulation which add all forces applied to a cyclist in movement. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <strava>`. Parameters ---------- activity : DataFrame The activity containing the ride information. cyclist_weight : float The cyclist weight in kg. bike_weight : float, default=6.8 The bike weight in kg. coef_roll_res : float, default=0.0045 Rolling resistance coefficient. pressure : float, default=101325.0 Pressure in Pascal. temperature : float, default=15.0 Temperature in Celsius. coef_drag : float, default=1 The drag coefficient also known as Cx. surface_rider : float, default=0.32 Surface area of the rider facing wind also known as S. The unit is m^2. use_acceleration : bool, default=False Either to add the power required to accelerate. This estimation can become unstable if the acceleration varies for reason which are not linked to power changes (i.e., braking, bends, etc.) Returns ------- power : Series The power estimated. References ---------- .. [1] How Strava Calculates Power Examples -------- >>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit >>> from import bikeread >>> from skcycling.model import strava_power_model >>> ride = bikeread(load_fit()[0]) >>> power = strava_power_model(ride, cyclist_weight=72) >>> print(power['2014-05-07 12:26:28': ... '2014-05-07 12:26:38']) # Show 10 sec of estimated power 2014-05-07 12:26:28 196.567898 2014-05-07 12:26:29 198.638094 2014-05-07 12:26:30 191.444894 2014-05-07 12:26:31 26.365864 2014-05-07 12:26:32 89.826104 2014-05-07 12:26:33 150.842325 2014-05-07 12:26:34 210.083958 2014-05-07 12:26:35 331.573965 2014-05-07 12:26:36 425.013711 2014-05-07 12:26:37 428.806914 2014-05-07 12:26:38 425.410451 Freq: S, dtype: float64 """ if 'gradient-elevation' not in activity.columns: activity = gradient_elevation(activity) if use_acceleration and 'acceleration' not in activity.columns: activity = acceleration(activity) temperature_kelvin = constants.convert_temperature( temperature, 'Celsius', 'Kelvin') total_weight = cyclist_weight + bike_weight # kg speed = activity['speed'] # m.s^-1 power_roll_res = coef_roll_res * constants.g * total_weight * speed # air density at 0 degree Celsius and a standard atmosphere molar_mass_dry_air = 28.97 / 1000 # kg.mol^-1 standard_atmosphere = constants.physical_constants[ 'standard atmosphere'][0] # Pa zero_celsius_kelvin = constants.convert_temperature( 0, 'Celsius', 'Kelvin') # 273.15 K air_density_ref = ( (standard_atmosphere * molar_mass_dry_air) / (constants.gas_constant * zero_celsius_kelvin)) # kg.m^-3 air_density = air_density_ref * ( (pressure * zero_celsius_kelvin) / (standard_atmosphere * temperature_kelvin)) # kg.m^-3 power_wind = 0.5 * air_density * surface_rider * coef_drag * speed**3 slope = activity['gradient-elevation'] # grade power_gravity = (total_weight * constants.g * np.sin(np.arctan(slope)) * speed) power_total = power_roll_res + power_wind + power_gravity if use_acceleration: acc = activity['acceleration'] # m.s^-1 power_acceleration = total_weight * acc * speed power_total = power_total + power_acceleration return power_total.clip(0)
=============================== SciKit Data =============================== .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status Conda package current release info ================================== .. image:: :target: :alt: Anaconda-Server Badge .. image:: :target: :alt: Anaconda-Server Badge About SciKit Data ================= The propose of this library is to allow the data analysis process more easy and automatic. The data analysis process is composed of following steps: * The statement of problem * Collecting your data * Cleaning the data * Normalizing the data * Transforming the data * Exploratory statistics * Exploratory visualization * Predictive modeling * Validating your model * Visualizing and interpreting your results * Deploying your solution (Cuesta, Hector and Kumar, Sampath; 2016) This project contemplates the follow features: * Data Preparation * Data Exploration * Prepare data to Predictive modeling * Visualizing results * Reproducible data analysis Data Preparation ---------------- Data preparation is about how to obtain, clean, normalize, and transform the data into an optimal dataset, trying to avoid any possible data quality issues such as invalid, ambiguous, out-of-range, or missing values. (...) Scrubbing data, also called data cleansing, is the process of correcting or removing data in a dataset that is incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete, improperly formatted, or duplicated. (...) In order to avoid dirty data, our dataset should possess the following characteristics: * Correct * Completeness * Accuracy * Consistency * Uniformity (...) **Data transformation** Data transformation is usually related to databases and data warehouses where values from a source format are extract, transform, and load in a destination format. Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) obtains data from various data sources, performs some transformation functions depending on our data model, and loads the resulting data into the destination. (...) Some important transformations: * Text facet and Clustering * Numeric fact * Replace **Data reduction methods** Data reduction is the transformation of numerical or alphabetical digital information derived empirically or experimentally into a corrected, ordered, and simplified form. Reduced data size is very small in volume and comparatively original, hence, the storage efficiency will increase and at the same time we can minimize the data handling costs and will minimize the analysis time also. We can use several types of data reduction methods, which are listed as follows: * Filtering and sampling * Binned algorithm * Dimensionality reduction (Cuesta, Hector and Kumar, Sampath; 2016) Data exploration ---------------- Data exploration is essentially looking at the processed data in a graphical or statistical form and trying to find patterns, connections, and relations in the data. Visualization is used to provide overviews in which meaningful patterns may be found. (...) The goals of exploratory data analysis (EDA) are as follows: * Detection of data errors * Checking of assumptions * Finding hidden patters (like tendency) * Preliminary selection of appropriate models * Determining relationships between the variables (...) The four types of EDA are univariate nongraphical, multivariate nongraphical, univariate graphical, and multivariate graphical. The nongraphical methods refer to the calculation of summary statistics or the outlier detection. In this book, we will focus on the univariate and (Cuesta, Hector and Kumar, Sampath; 2016) **Outlier Detection** Two outlier detection method should be used, initially, for SkData are: * IQR; * Chauvenet. Another methods should be implemented soon [1]. Prepare data to Predictive modeling ----------------------------------- From the galaxy of information we have to extract usable hidden patterns and trends using relevant algorithms. To extract the future behavior of these hidden patterns, we can use predictive modeling. Predictive modeling is a statistical technique to predict future behavior by analyzing existing information, that is, historical data. We have to use proper statistical models that best forecast the hidden patterns of the data or information (Cuesta, Hector and Kumar, Sampath; 2016). SkData, should allow you to format your data to send it to some predictive library as scikit-learn. Visualizing results ------------------- In an explanatory data analysis process, simple visualization techniques are very useful for discovering patterns, since the human eye plays an important role. Sometimes, we have to generate a three-dimensional plot for finding the visual pattern. But, for getting better visual patterns, we can also use a scatter plot matrix, instead of a three-dimensional plot. In practice, the hypothesis of the study, dimensionality of the feature space, and data all play important roles in ensuring a good visualization technique (Cuesta, Hector and Kumar, Sampath; 2016). Quantitative and Qualitative data analysis ------------------------------------------ Quantitative data are numerical measurements expressed in terms of numbers. Qualitative data are categorical measurements expressed in terms of natural language descriptions. Quantitative analytics involves analysis of numerical data. The type of the analysis will depend on the level of measurement. There are four kinds of measurements: * Nominal data has no logical order and is used as classification data. * Ordinal data has a logical order and differences between values are not constant. * Interval data is continuous and depends on logical order. The data has standardized differences between values, but do not include zero. * Ratio data is continuous with logical order as well as regular intervals differences between values and may include zero. Qualitative analysis can explore the complexity and meaning of social phenomena. Data for qualitative study may include written texts (for example, documents or e-mail) and/or audible and visual data (digital images or sounds). (Cuesta, Hector and Kumar, Sampath; 2016) Reproducibility for Data Analysis --------------------------------- A good way to promote reproducibility for data analysis is store the operation history. This history can be used to prepare another dataset with the same steps (operations). Books used as reference to guide this project: ---------------------------------------------- - - - - Some other materials used as reference: --------------------------------------- - - - Installing scikit-data ====================== Using conda ----------- Installing `scikit-data` from the `conda-forge` channel can be achieved by adding `conda-forge` to your channels with: .. code-block:: console $ conda config --add channels conda-forge Once the `conda-forge` channel has been enabled, `scikit-data` can be installed with: .. code-block:: console $ conda install scikit-data It is possible to list all of the versions of `scikit-data` available on your platform with: .. code-block:: console $ conda search scikit-data --channel conda-forge Using pip --------- To install scikit-data, run this command in your terminal: .. code-block:: console $ pip install skdata If you don't have `pip`_ installed, this `Python installation guide`_ can guide you through the process. .. _pip: .. _Python installation guide: More Information ---------------- * License: MIT * Documentation: References ---------- * CUESTA, Hector; KUMAR, Sampath. Practical Data Analysis. Packt Publishing Ltd, 2016. **Electronic materials** * [1]
from functools import reduce # local from .cleaning import * import json import numpy as np import pandas as pd class StepSkData: parent = None def __init__(self, parent: 'SkDataSet'): """ :param parent: """ self.parent = parent def compute( self, start: int = None, end: int = None, steps_id: list = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ :param start: :param end: :param steps_id: :return: """ dset =[self.parent.iid] try: index_col = dset.attrs['index'] except: index_col = None keys = tuple( k for k in dset.dtype.names[:] if k not in [index_col] ) params = {} if index_col is not None: params['index'] = dset[index_col] df = pd.DataFrame(dset[keys], **params) for k in df.keys(): if df[k].dtype == pd.api.types.pandas_dtype('O'): df[k] = df[k].str.decode("utf-8") df[k].replace( dset.attrs['null_string'], np.nan, inplace=True ) steps = self.parent.attr_load(attr='steps', default=[]) if steps_id is not None: _steps = [s for i, s in enumerate(steps) if i in steps_id] else: _steps = steps[start:end] for step in _steps: df = self.expr(df, step) return df def export_steps(self, file_path: str, mode: str = 'a'): """ :param file_path: :param mode: [a]ppend|[w]rite :return: """ pass @staticmethod def expr(data: pd.DataFrame, step: str): # aliases op = step['operation'] k = step['column'] if 'column' in step else None k_new = k if 'new-column' not in step else step['new-column'] c_expr = step['expression'] if op == 'text-transform': f_expr = eval('lambda value: %s' % c_expr) data[k_new] = data[k].apply(f_expr) elif op == 'categorize': params = dict(data=data, col_name=k, categories=eval(c_expr)) params.update( {'new_col_name': k_new} if 'new-column' in step else {} ) categorize(**params) elif op == 'fill-na': fill = c_expr if c_expr in ['mean', 'max', 'min', 'median']: fill = data.eval('%s.%s()' % (k, c_expr)) data[k].fillna(fill, inplace=True) elif op == 'drop-na': params = eval(c_expr) dropna(data, **params) elif op == 'drop-unique': params = eval(c_expr) drop_columns_with_unique_values(data, **params) return data def import_steps(self, file_path: str, mode: str='a'): """ :param file_path: :param mode: [a]ppend|[w]rite :return: """ steps_json = json.load(file_path) def replace(value: str, replace_dict: dict): """ """ if not isinstance(value, str): return value return reduce( lambda x, y: x.replace(y, replace_dict[y]), replace_dict, value )
<p align="left"> <img alt="Scikit Data Access" src=""/> </p> - Import scientific data from various sources through one easy Python API. - Use iterator patterns for each data source (configurable data generators + functions to get next data chunk). - Skip parser programming and file format handling. - Enjoy a common namespace for all data and unleash the power of data fusion. - Handle data distribution in different modes: (1) local download, (2) caching of accessed data, or (3) online stream access - Easily pull data on cloud servers through Python scripts and facilitate large-scale parallel processing. - Build on an extensible plattform: Adding access to a new data source only requires addition of its "". - Open source (MIT License) <p align="center"> <img alt="Scikit Data Access Overview" src="" width="810"/> </p> Supported data sets: <table> <tr> <td> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200> <p>Namespace</p> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <p><span>Preview<br><sup>(link)</sup></span></p> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <p><span>Description & Data Source</span></p> </td> </tr> <!--- HEADER ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td colspan=4><sup> <img src=> Astronomy </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200> <sup> <img src=> astro.kepler </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <sup> Light curves for stars imaged by the NASA Kepler Space Telescope <br>Source:</sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200> <sup> <img src=> astro.spectra </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <sup> Spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey <br>Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200> <sup> <img src=> </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <sup> Light curves from TESS Data Alerts <br>Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200> <sup> <img src=> astro.tess.simulated </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <sup> Simulated light curves from TESS End-to-End 6 <br>Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> astro.voyager </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63><sup> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </sup> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <sup> <img src="" /> Data from the Voyager mission. <br> Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- HEADER ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td colspan=4><sup> <img src=> Engineering </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500><sup> Traffic Count data in Los Angeles. <br> Source: <sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=250><sup> <img src=> </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500><sup> Images from webcams located at the MIT Sailing Pavilion <br> Source: <sup> </td> </tr> <!--- HEADER ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td colspan=4><sup> <img src=> Finance </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> finance.timeseries </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500><sup> Financial time series data retrieved using Alpha Vantage API. <br> Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- HEADER ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td colspan=4><sup> <img src=> Geoscience </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200> <sup> <img src=> geo.era_interim </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500><sup> Era-Interim data at different pressure values from <br/> the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts accessed through the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. <br> Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.gldas </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63><a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500><img src="" /> <sup> Land hydrology model produced by NASA. This version of the data is generated to match the GRACE temporal and spatial characteristics and is available as a complementary data product. <br> Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.grace </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <sup> NASA GRACE Tellus Monthly Mass Grids. 30-day measurements of changes in Earth’s gravity field to quantify equivalent water thickness. <br> Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.grace.mascon </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <sup> NASA GRACE Tellus Monthly Mass Grids - Global Mascons. 30-day measurements of changes in Earth’s gravity field to quantify equivalent water thickness. Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.groundwater </sup> </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <sup> United States groundwater monitoring wells measuring the depth to water level. Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.magnetometer </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <sup> Data collected at magnetic observatories operated by the U.S. Geological Survey. Source:</sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.mahali.rinex </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""> <img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <img src="" /> <sup> Rinex files from the MIT led NSF project studying the Earth’s ionosphere with GPS. <br> Web: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.mahali.tec </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""> <img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <img src="" /> <sup> Total Electron Content from the MIT led NSF project studying the Earth’s ionosphere with GPS. <br> Web: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.mahali.temperature </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""> <img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <img src="" /> <sup> Temperature data from the MIT led NSF project studying the Earth’s ionosphere with GPS. <br>Web: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.modis </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <sup> Spectroradiometer aboard the NASA Terra and Aqua image satellites. Generates approximately daily images of the Earth’s surface.<br> Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.pbo </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <sup> EarthScope - Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO): Daily GPS displacement time series measurements throughout the United States.<br>Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.sentinel_1 </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <sup><img src="" /> Sentinel-1 TOPSAR data from the European Space Agency retrieved from the Alaska Satellite Facility.<br>Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.srtm </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <img src="" /> <sup> Elevation data at a one arc second resolution from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTMGL1).<br>Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.uavsar </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <sup> UAVSAR SLC data from JPL.<br>Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> geo.wyoming_sounding </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""><img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <sup> Sounding data from the University of Wyoming.<br>Source: </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- HEADER ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td colspan=4><sup> <img src=> Planetary Science </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> planetary.ode </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""> <img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <sup> Mars planetary data from PDS Geosciences Node's Orbital Data Explorer.<br>Source:</sup> </td> </tr> <!--- HEADER ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td colspan=4><sup> <img src=> Solar Science </sup> </td> </tr> <!--- ENTRY ----------------------------------> <tr> <td width=2> <p><o:p>&nbsp;</o:p></p> </td> <!-- namespace --> <td width=200><sup> <img src=> solar.sdo </sup> </td> <!-- preview --> <td width=63> <a href=""> <img alt="Preview" src=""/></a> </td> <!-- description --> <td width=500> <img src="" /> <sup> Images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory.<br>Source:</sup> </td> </tr> </table> ### Install ```python pip install scikit-dataaccess ``` ### Documentation - User Manual: [/docs/skdaccess_manual.pdf](<br> - Code documentation (Doxygen): [/docs/skdaccess_doxygen.pdf]( - Code visualization (treemap): [/docs/skdaccess_treemap.png]( - Code class diagrams: [/docs/class_diagrams]( ### Contributors Project lead: [Victor Pankratius (MIT)](<br> Contributors: Cody M. Rude, Justin D. Li, David M. Blair, Michael G. Gowanlock, Guillaume Rongier, Victor Pankratius New contributors welcome! Contact <img src="" /> to contribute and add interface code for your own datasets :smile: ### Acknowledgements We acknowledge support from NASA AIST14-NNX15AG84G, NASA AIST16-80NSSC17K0125, NSF ACI-1442997, and NSF AGS-1343967. ## Examples Code examples (Jupyter notebooks) for all datasets listed above are available at: [/skdaccess/examples]( <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img alt="Scikit Data Access Overview" src=""/> </a> </p>
# Skdaccess imports from skdaccess.framework.data_class import DataFetcherCache, TableWrapper from skdaccess.framework.param_class import * # Standard library imports from collections import OrderedDict import re # 3rd part imports import pandas as pd class DataFetcher(DataFetcherCache): ''' Data Fetcher for Mahali temperature data ''' def __init__(self, start_year, end_year, spacecraft='both'): ''' Initialize Voyager data fetcher @param start_year: Starting year @param end_year: Ending year @param spacecraft: Which spaceraft to use (voyager1, voyager2, or both). ''' # Generate list of years for retrieving data self.year_list = list(range(start_year, end_year+1)) # Create a list of spacecraft data to download if spacecraft not in ('voyager1', 'voyager2', 'both'): raise RuntimeError('Spacecraft not understood') if spacecraft == 'both': self.spacecraft_list = ['voyager1', 'voyager2'] else: self.spacecraft_list = [spacecraft] # Field names for parsing data self.field_names = [ 'Year', 'Day', 'Hour', 'Distance', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Field_Magnitude_Average', 'Magnitude_of_Average_Field', 'BR', 'BT', 'BN', 'Flow_Speed', 'Theta', 'Phi', 'Proton_Density', 'Proton_Temperature', 'LECP_1', 'LECP_2', 'LECP_3', 'CRS_1', 'CRS_2', 'CRS_3', 'CRS_4', 'CRS_5', 'CRS_6', 'CRS_7', 'CRS_8', 'CRS_9', 'CRS_10', 'CRS_11', 'CRS_12', 'CRS_13', 'CRS_14', 'CRS_15', 'CRS_16', 'CRS_17', 'CRS_18', ] # Field widths as the data is fixed width format self.field_widths = [ 4, 4, 3, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 ] # Base data location url self.base_url = '' super(DataFetcher, self).__init__([]) def generateURL(self, spacecraft, in_year): ''' Generate url for voyager data @param spacecraft: Voyager spacecraft (vy1 or vy2) @param in_year: Input year (or 'metadata') @return Url of data location ''' num = spacecraft[-1] url = self.base_url + 'voyager' + num + '/merged/' if in_year == 'metadata': url = url + 'vy' + num + 'mgd.txt' else: url = url + 'vy' + num + '_' + str(in_year) + '.asc' return url def parseVoyagerData(self, spacecraft, in_filename): ''' Parse Voyager Data @param spacecraft: Voyager spacecraft (vy1 or vy2) @param in_filename: Input voyager data filename @return Pandas Dataframe of Voyager data ''' def convert_date(year, day, hour): ''' Convert to datetime @param year: Input year @param day: Input day @param hour: Input hour @return datetime ''' return pd.to_datetime("{0:0>4}{1:0>3}{2:0>2}".format(year,day,hour), format='%Y%j%H') # Voyager 1 has 3 less columns than Voyager 2 if spacecraft == 'voyager1': field_widths = self.field_widths[:34] field_names = self.field_names[:34] else: field_widths = self.field_widths field_names = self.field_names # Parse the data data = pd.read_fwf(in_filename, widths=field_widths, header=None, names=field_names) # Create date column data['Date'] = list(map(convert_date, data.loc[:,'Year'], data.loc[:,'Day'], data.loc[:,'Hour'])) data.set_index('Date', inplace=True) return data def parseVoyagerMetadata(self, in_file): ''' Parse voyager metadata @param in_file: Input filename @return Dictionary containing metadata ''' with open(in_file,'r',errors='ignore') as metafile: lines = metafile.readlines() lines = [line.rstrip() for line in lines] start_index = -1 end_index = -1 prev_line = None for index, line in enumerate(lines): if'FORMAT DESCRIPTION',line): start_index = index+4 if prev_line == '' and line == '' and start_index > -1: end_index = index - 2 break prev_line = line description_data = lines[start_index:end_index+1] field_index = 0 description_dict = OrderedDict() for line in description_data: if'\s+[0-9]+', line[:6]): info = re.split('\s\s+',line)[1:] key = self.field_names[field_index] description_dict[key] = OrderedDict() description_dict[key]['MEANING'] = info[2] description_dict[key]['UNITS/COMMENTS'] = info[3] field_index += 1 elif line.strip() != '': description_dict[key]['MEANING'] = description_dict[key]['MEANING'] + ' ' + line.strip() return description_dict def getMetadataFiles(self): ''' Get path to metadata file Metadata will download if necessary @return List containing file path(s) for the metadata ''' urls = [self.generateURL(spacecraft, 'metadata') for spacecraft in self.spacecraft_list] return self.cacheData('voyager', urls) def output(self): ''' Generate data wrapper @return data wrapper of voyager data ''' # Generate url_list url_list = [] for spacecraft in self.spacecraft_list: url_list += [self.generateURL(spacecraft, 'metadata')] url_list += [self.generateURL(spacecraft, year) for year in self.year_list] full_filenames = self.cacheData('voyager', url_list) num_files = len(self.year_list) + 1 # Parse downloaded data data_dict = OrderedDict() metadata_dict = OrderedDict() for index, spacecraft in enumerate(self.spacecraft_list): # Need to select data for this spacecraft filenames = full_filenames[num_files * index : num_files * (1+index)] # parse data metadata_dict[spacecraft] = self.parseVoyagerMetadata(filenames[0]) data_list = [self.parseVoyagerData(spacecraft, filename) for filename in filenames[1:]] data_dict[spacecraft] = pd.concat(data_list) return TableWrapper(data_dict, meta_data = metadata_dict, default_columns = ['BR','BT','BN'])
# mithagi required Base,Utils imports from skdaccess.framework.data_class import DataFetcherCache, TableWrapper from skdaccess.utilities.tess_utils import parseTessData # Standard library imports from collections import OrderedDict # Third pary imports from import fits from astropy.table import Table import pandas as pd import numpy as np class DataFetcher(DataFetcherCache): ''' Data Fetcher for TESS data alerts ''' def __init__(self, ap_paramList, toi_information): ''' Initialize TESS Data Fetcher @param ap_paramList[tess_ids]: List of TESS IDs to retrieve @param toi_information: Pandas dataframe containing target information ''' self.toi_information = toi_information super(DataFetcher, self).__init__(ap_paramList) def getTargetInformation(): """ Retrieve Target list information @return Target information list """ pass def generateURLFromTID(self, tid_list): """ Generate URL from TID @param tid_list: Input Tess ID list @return URL List of of objects in tid_list """ pass def output(self): """ Retrieve Tess data @return TableWrapper containing TESS lightcurves """ tid_series = pd.Series([int(tid) for tid in self.ap_paramList[0]()]) tid_string_list = [str(tid).zfill(16) for tid in tid_series] tid_not_found = tid_series.isin(self.toi_information['tic_id']) if np.count_nonzero(~tid_not_found) > 0: raise RuntimeError("No data for TID: " + str(tid_series[~tid_not_found].tolist())) url_list = self.generateURLFromTID(tid_string_list) file_list = self.cacheData('tess', url_list) data_dict = OrderedDict() metadata_dict = OrderedDict() for filename, tid in zip(file_list, tid_string_list): fits_data = data_dict[tid], metadata_dict[tid] = parseTessData(fits_data) return TableWrapper(data_dict, meta_data = metadata_dict)
# """@package Kepler # Provides classes for accessing Kepler data. # """ # mithagi required Base,Utils imports from skdaccess.framework.data_class import DataFetcherCache, TableWrapper from skdaccess.utilities.file_util import openPandasHDFStoreLocking # Standard library imports import re import glob import os from collections import OrderedDict from ftplib import FTP from io import BytesIO from tarfile import TarFile # 3rd party package imports import pandas as pd import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table from import fits class DataFetcher(DataFetcherCache): ''' Data Fetcher for Kepler light curve data ''' def __init__(self, ap_paramList, quarter_list=None): ''' Initialize Kepler Data Fetcher @param ap_paramList[kepler_id_list]: List of kepler id's @param quarter_list: List of quarters (0-17) (default: all quarters) ''' self.quarter_list = quarter_list super(DataFetcher, self).__init__(ap_paramList) def _getKeplerFilePath(self): ''' Get the path to the Kepler HDF file This helper function is for backwards compatibility as data locations for cached data are now all directories. @return String containing the path to the Kepler HDF file ''' data_location = DataFetcher.getDataLocation('kepler') if os.path.split(data_location)[1] == 'kepler_data.h5': data_file_name = data_location else: data_file_name = os.path.join(data_location, 'kepler_data.h5') data_file_directory = os.path.split(data_file_name)[0] if not os.path.isdir(data_file_directory): os.makedirs(data_file_directory, exist_ok=True) return data_file_name def downloadKeplerData(self, kid_list): ''' Download and parse Kepler data for a list of kepler id's @param kid_list: List of Kepler ID's to download @return dictionary of kepler data ''' return_data = dict() # connect to ftp server ftp = FTP('') ftp.login() # For each kepler id, download the appropriate data for kid in kid_list: ftp.cwd('/pub/kepler/lightcurves/' + kid[0:4] + '/' + kid) file_list = ftp.nlst() filename = None for file in file_list: match = re.match('kplr' + kid + '_lc_.*',file) if match: filename = break bio = BytesIO() ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + filename, bio.write) # Read tar file tfile = tfile = TarFile(fileobj=bio) member_list = [member for member in tfile.getmembers()] # Extract data from tar file data_list = [] for member in member_list: file = tfile.extractfile(member) fits_data = data = Table(fits_data[1].data).to_pandas() data.set_index('CADENCENO',inplace=True) data.loc[:,'QUARTER'] = fits_data[0].header['QUARTER'] data_list.append(data) full_data = pd.concat(data_list) return_data[kid] = full_data try: ftp.quit() except: ftp.close() return return_data def cacheData(self, data_specification): ''' Cache Kepler data locally @param data_specification: List of kepler IDs ''' kid_list = data_specification data_location = self._getKeplerFilePath() store = openPandasHDFStoreLocking(data_location, 'a') missing_kid_list = [] for kid in kid_list: if 'kid_' + kid not in store: missing_kid_list.append(kid) if len(missing_kid_list) > 0: print("Downloading data for " + str(len(missing_kid_list)) + " star(s)") missing_kid_data = self.downloadKeplerData(missing_kid_list) for kid,data in missing_kid_data.items(): store.put('kid_' + kid, data) store.close() def output(self): ''' Output kepler data wrapper @return DataWrapper ''' kid_list = self.ap_paramList[0]() kid_list = [ str(kid).zfill(9) for kid in kid_list ] self.cacheData(kid_list) data_location = self._getKeplerFilePath() kid_data = dict() store = openPandasHDFStoreLocking(data_location, 'r') for kid in kid_list: kid_data[kid] = store['kid_' + kid] # If downloaded using old skdaccess version # switch index if kid_data[kid] == 'TIME': kid_data[kid]['TIME'] = kid_data[kid].index kid_data[kid].set_index('CADENCENO', inplace=True) store.close() kid_data = OrderedDict(sorted(kid_data.items(), key=lambda t: t[0])) # If a list of quarters is specified, only select data in those quarters if self.quarter_list != None: for kid in kid_list: kid_data[kid] = kid_data[kid][kid_data[kid]['QUARTER'].isin(self.quarter_list)] return TableWrapper(kid_data, default_columns = ['PDCSAP_FLUX'], default_error_columns = ['PDCSAP_FLUX_ERR'])
The MIT License (MIT)<br> Copyright (c) 2016,2017 Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br> Authors: Justin Li, Cody Rude<br> This software has been created in projects supported by the US National<br> Science Foundation and NASA (PI: Pankratius)<br> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy<br> of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal<br> in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights<br> to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell<br> copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is<br> furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:<br> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in<br> all copies or substantial portions of the Software.<br> THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR<br> IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,<br> FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE<br> AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER<br> LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,<br> OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN<br> THE SOFTWARE.<br> ``` %matplotlib notebook import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ``` Land hydrology model produced by NASA<br> ``` from skdaccess.geo.gldas import DataFetcher as GLDAS_DF from skdaccess.framework.param_class import * geo_point = AutoList([(38, -117)]) # location in Nevada gldas_fetcher = GLDAS_DF([geo_point],start_date='2010-01-01',end_date='2014-01-01') data_wrapper = gldas_fetcher.output() # Get a data wrapper label, data = next(data_wrapper.getIterator()) # Get GLDAS data data.head() plt.plot(data['Equivalent Water Thickness (cm)']); plt.xticks(rotation=15); ```
The MIT License (MIT)<br> Copyright (c) 2016,2017 Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br> Authors: Justin Li, Cody Rude<br> This software has been created in projects supported by the US National<br> Science Foundation and NASA (PI: Pankratius)<br> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy<br> of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal<br> in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights<br> to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell<br> copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is<br> furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:<br> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in<br> all copies or substantial portions of the Software.<br> THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR<br> IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,<br> FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE<br> AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER<br> LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,<br> OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN<br> THE SOFTWARE.<br> ``` # Plate Boundary Observatory GPS Data # Source: # Time series data for GPS sensors (North, East, Up), displacement in meters versus time from skdaccess.geo.pbo import DataFetcher as PBO_DF from skdaccess.framework.param_class import * %matplotlib notebook import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Latitude and Longitude range around Akutan Volcano lat_range = AutoList((54,54.25)) lon_range = AutoList((-166, -165.6)) start_time = '2006-01-01' end_time = '2015-06-01' PBO_data_fetcher = PBO_DF(start_time, end_time, [lat_range, lon_range],mdyratio=.7) PBO_data = PBO_data_fetcher.output().get() # returns an ordered dictionary of data frames PBO_data['AV06'].head() plt.figure(); plt.plot(PBO_data['AV06']['dN']); plt.tight_layout() ```
The MIT License (MIT)<br> Copyright (c) 2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br> Authors: Cody Rude<br> This software has been created in projects supported by the US National<br> Science Foundation and NASA (PI: Pankratius)<br> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy<br> of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal<br> in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights<br> to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell<br> copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is<br> furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:<br> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in<br> all copies or substantial portions of the Software.<br> THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR<br> IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,<br> FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE<br> AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER<br> LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,<br> OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN<br> THE SOFTWARE.<br> ``` %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 150 ``` TESS End-to-End 6 Simulated Light Curve Time Series<br> Source: ``` from skdaccess.astro.tess.simulated.cache import DataFetcher as TESS_DF from skdaccess.framework.param_class import * import numpy as np tess_fetcher = TESS_DF([AutoList([376664523])]) tess_dw = tess_fetcher.output() label, data = next(tess_dw.getIterator()) ``` Normalize flux ``` valid_index = data['PDCSAP_FLUX'] != 0.0 data.loc[valid_index, 'RELATIVE_PDCSAP_FLUX'] = data.loc[valid_index, 'PDCSAP_FLUX'] / np.median(data.loc[valid_index, 'PDCSAP_FLUX']) ``` Plot Relative PDCSAP Flux vs time ``` plt.gcf().set_size_inches(6,2); plt.scatter(data.loc[valid_index, 'TIME'], data.loc[valid_index, 'RELATIVE_PDCSAP_FLUX'], s=2, edgecolor='none'); plt.xlabel('Time'); plt.ylabel('Relative PDCSAP Flux'); plt.title('Simulated Data TID: ' + str(int(label))); ```
The MIT License (MIT)<br> Copyright (c) 2017 Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br> Author: Cody Rude<br> This software has been created in projects supported by the US National<br> Science Foundation and NASA (PI: Pankratius)<br> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy<br> of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal<br> in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights<br> to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell<br> copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is<br> furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:<br> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in<br> all copies or substantial portions of the Software.<br> THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR<br> IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,<br> FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE<br> AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER<br> LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,<br> OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN<br> THE SOFTWARE.<br> ``` %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (14,14) ``` Temperature data from Mahali 2015 Alaska Experiment (Temperature sensor inside Mahali box) <br> MIT led NSF project studying the Earth’s ionosphere with GPS<br> ``` from skdaccess.framework.param_class import * from skdaccess.geo.mahali.temperature import DataFetcher as MHDF station_list = [ 'mh02', 'mh03', 'mh04', 'mh05', 'mh06', 'mh07', 'mh08', 'mh09', 'mh13'] mhdf = MHDF([AutoList(station_list)]) dw = mhdf.output() label = 'mh06' data = dw.get()['mh06'] plt.plot(data['Temperature'],'o',markersize=1); plt.title(label,fontsize=14); plt.ylabel('Temperature + (C)', fontsize=14); plt.xticks(rotation=15); plt.gcf().set_size_inches(14,4) def plotAllStations(start_date, end_date): plt.gcf().set_size_inches(12,9) for index, (label, data) in enumerate(dw.getIterator()): plt.subplot(3,3, index+1) plt.title(label); plt.ylabel('Temperature (C)'); plt.xticks(rotation=25); plt.plot(data['Temperature'],'o',markersize=1); plt.xlim(start_date, end_date) plt.tight_layout() plotAllStations(pd.to_datetime('2015-09-28'),pd.to_datetime('2015-11-13')) ```
The MIT License (MIT)<br> Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, 2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology<br> Authors: Justin Li, Cody Rude<br> This software has been created in projects supported by the US National<br> Science Foundation and NASA (PI: Pankratius)<br> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy<br> of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal<br> in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights<br> to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell<br> copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is<br> furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:<br> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in<br> all copies or substantial portions of the Software.<br> THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR<br> IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,<br> FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE<br> AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER<br> LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,<br> OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN<br> THE SOFTWARE.<br> ``` %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['figure.dpi']=150 # Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Data # Source: # Current surface mass change data, measuring equivalent water thickness in cm, versus time # This data fetcher uses results from the Mascon solutions from skdaccess.geo.grace.mascon.cache import DataFetcher as GR_DF from skdaccess.framework.param_class import * geo_point = AutoList([(38, -117)]) # location in Nevada grace_fetcher = GR_DF([geo_point],start_date='2010-01-01',end_date='2014-01-01') grace_data_wrapper = grace_fetcher.output() # Get a data wrapper grace_label, grace_data = next(grace_data_wrapper.getIterator())# Get GRACE data grace_data.head() ``` Get scale factor ``` scale_factor =['scale_factor'] ``` Plot EWD $\times$ scale factor ``` plt.plot(grace_data['EWD']*scale_factor); plt.xticks(rotation=35); ```