1 value
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union # needed for typehints_formatter hack from scico.typing import ( # needed for typehints_formatter hack ArrayIndex, AxisIndex, DType, ) # An explanation for this nasty hack, the primary purpose of which is to avoid # the very long definition of the scico.typing.DType appearing explicitly in the # docs. This is handled correctly by sphinx.ext.autodoc in some circumstances, # but only when sphinx_autodoc_typehints is not included in the extension list, # and the appearance of the type hints (e.g. whether links to definitions are # included) seems to depend on whether "from __future__ import annotations" was # used in the module being documented, which is not ideal from a consistency # perspective. (It's also worth noting that sphinx.ext.autodoc provides some # configurability for type aliases via the autodoc_type_aliases sphinx # configuration option.) The alternative is to include sphinx_autodoc_typehints, # which gives a consistent appearance to the type hints, but the # autodoc_type_aliases configuration option is ignored, and type aliases are # always expanded. This hack avoids expansion for the type aliases with the # longest definitions by definining a custom function for formatting the # type hints, using an option provided by sphinx_autodoc_typehints. For # more information, see # # # def typehints_formatter_function(annotation, config): markup = { DType: ":obj:`~scico.typing.DType`", # Compound types involving DType must be added here to avoid their DType # component being expanded in the docs. Optional[DType]: ":obj:`~typing.Optional`\ [\ :obj:`~scico.typing.DType`\ ]", Union[DType, Sequence[DType]]: ( ":obj:`~typing.Union`\ [\ :obj:`~scico.typing.DType`\ , " ":obj:`~typing.Sequence`\ [\ :obj:`~scico.typing.DType`\ ]]" ), AxisIndex: ":obj:`~scico.typing.AxisIndex`", ArrayIndex: ":obj:`~scico.typing.ArrayIndex`", } if annotation in markup: return markup[annotation] else: return None typehints_formatter = typehints_formatter_function
import re from inspect import getmembers, isfunction # Rewrite module names for certain functions imported into scico.numpy so that they are # included in the docs for that module. While a bit messy to do so here rather than in a # function run via app.connect, it is necessary (for some yet to be identified reason) # to do it here to ensure that the relevant API docs include a table of functions. import scico.numpy for module in (scico.numpy, scico.numpy.fft, scico.numpy.linalg, scico.numpy.testing): for _, f in getmembers(module, isfunction): # Rewrite module name so that function is included in docs f.__module__ = module.__name__ f.__doc__ = re.sub( r"^:func:`([\w_]+)` wrapped to operate", r":obj:`jax.numpy.\1` wrapped to operate", str(f.__doc__), flags=re.M, ) modname = ".".join(module.__name__.split(".")[1:]) f.__doc__ = re.sub( r"^LAX-backend implementation of :func:`([\w_]+)`.", r"LAX-backend implementation of :obj:`%s.\1`." % modname, str(f.__doc__), flags=re.M, ) # Improve formatting of jax.numpy warning f.__doc__ = re.sub( r"^\*\*\* This function is not yet implemented by jax.numpy, and will " "raise NotImplementedError \*\*\*", "**WARNING**: This function is not yet implemented by jax.numpy, " " and will raise :exc:`NotImplementedError`.", f.__doc__, flags=re.M, ) # Remove cross-references to section NEP35 f.__doc__ = re.sub(":ref:`NEP 35 <NEP35>`", "NEP 35", f.__doc__, re.M) # Remove cross-reference to numpydoc style references section f.__doc__ = re.sub(r" \[(\d+)\]_", "", f.__doc__, flags=re.M) # Remove entire numpydoc references section f.__doc__ = re.sub(r"References\n----------\n.*\n", "", f.__doc__, flags=re.DOTALL) # Remove spurious two-space indentation of entire docstring scico.numpy.vectorize.__doc__ = re.sub("^ ", "", scico.numpy.vectorize.__doc__, flags=re.M) # Fix various docstring formatting errors scico.numpy.testing.break_cycles.__doc__ = re.sub( "calling gc.collect$", "calling gc.collect.\n\n", scico.numpy.testing.break_cycles.__doc__, flags=re.M, ) scico.numpy.testing.break_cycles.__doc__ = re.sub( " __del__\) inside", "__del__\) inside", scico.numpy.testing.break_cycles.__doc__, flags=re.M ) scico.numpy.testing.assert_raises_regex.__doc__ = re.sub( "\*args,\n.*\*\*kwargs", "*args, **kwargs", scico.numpy.testing.assert_raises_regex.__doc__, flags=re.M, ) scico.numpy.BlockArray.global_shards.__doc__ = re.sub( "`Shard`s", "`Shard`\ s", scico.numpy.BlockArray.global_shards.__doc__, flags=re.M )
Operators ========= An operator is a map from :math:`\mathbb{R}^n` or :math:`\mathbb{C}^n` to :math:`\mathbb{R}^m` or :math:`\mathbb{C}^m`. In SCICO, operators are primarily used to represent imaging systems and provide regularization. SCICO operators are represented by instances of the :class:`.Operator` class. SCICO :class:`.Operator` objects extend the notion of "shape" and "size" from the usual NumPy ``ndarray`` class. Each :class:`.Operator` object has an ``input_shape`` and ``output_shape``; these shapes can be either tuples or a tuple of tuples (in the case of a :class:`.BlockArray`). The ``matrix_shape`` attribute describes the shape of the :class:`.LinearOperator` if it were to act on vectorized, or flattened, inputs. For example, consider a two-dimensional array :math:`\mb{x} \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times m}`. We compute the discrete differences of :math:`\mb{x}` in the horizontal and vertical directions, generating two new arrays: :math:`\mb{x}_h \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times (m-1)}` and :math:`\mb{x}_v \in \mathbb{R}^{(n-1) \times m}`. We represent this linear operator by :math:`\mb{A} : \mathbb{R}^{n \times m} \to \mathbb{R}^{n \times (m-1)} \otimes \mathbb{R}^{(n-1) \times m}`. In SCICO, this linear operator will return a :class:`.BlockArray` with the horizontal and vertical differences stored as blocks. Letting :math:`y = \mb{A} x`, we have ``y.shape = ((n, m-1), (n-1, m))`` and :: A.input_shape = (n, m) A.output_shape = ((n, m-1), (n-1, m)], (n, m)) A.shape = ( ((n, m-1), (n-1, m)), (n, m)) # (output_shape, input_shape) A.input_size = n*m A.output_size = n*(n-1)*m*(m-1) A.matrix_shape = (n*(n-1)*m*(m-1), n*m) # (output_size, input_size) Operator Calculus ----------------- SCICO supports a variety of operator calculus rules, allowing new operators to be defined in terms of old ones. The following table summarizes the available operations. +----------------+-----------------+ | Operation | Result | +----------------+-----------------+ | ``(A+B)(x)`` | ``A(x) + B(x)`` | +----------------+-----------------+ | ``(A-B)(x)`` | ``A(x) - B(x)`` | +----------------+-----------------+ | ``(c * A)(x)`` | ``c * A(x)`` | +----------------+-----------------+ | ``(A/c)(x)`` | ``A(x)/c`` | +----------------+-----------------+ | ``(-A)(x)`` | ``-A(x)`` | +----------------+-----------------+ | ``A(B)(x)`` | ``A(B(x))`` | +----------------+-----------------+ | ``A(B)`` | ``Operator`` | +----------------+-----------------+ Defining A New Operator ----------------------- To define a new operator, pass a callable to the :class:`.Operator` constructor: :: A = Operator(input_shape=(32,), eval_fn = lambda x: 2 * x) Or use subclassing: :: >>> from scico.operator import Operator >>> class MyOp(Operator): ... ... def _eval(self, x): ... return 2 * x >>> A = MyOp(input_shape=(32,)) At a minimum, the ``_eval`` function must be overridden. If either ``output_shape`` or ``output_dtype`` are unspecified, they are determined by evaluating the operator on an input of appropriate shape and dtype. Linear Operators ================ Linear operators are those for which .. math:: H(a \mb{x} + b \mb{y}) = a H(\mb{x}) + b H(\mb{y}) \;. SCICO represents linear operators as instances of the class :class:`.LinearOperator`. While finite-dimensional linear operators can always be associated with a matrix, it is often useful to represent them in a matrix-free manner. Most of SCICO's linear operators are implemented matrix-free. Using A LinearOperator ---------------------- We implement two ways to evaluate a :class:`.LinearOperator`. The first is using standard callable syntax: ``A(x)``. The second mimics the NumPy matrix multiplication syntax: ``A @ x``. Both methods perform shape and type checks to validate the input before ultimately either calling `A._eval` or generating a new :class:`.LinearOperator`. For linear operators that map real-valued inputs to real-valued outputs, there are two ways to apply the adjoint: ``A.adj(y)`` and ``A.T @ y``. For complex-valued linear operators, there are three ways to apply the adjoint ``A.adj(y)``, ``A.H @ y``, and ``A.conj().T @ y``. Note that in this case, ``A.T`` returns the non-conjugated transpose of the :class:`.LinearOperator`. While the cost of evaluating the linear operator is virtually identical for ``A(x)`` and ``A @ x``, the ``A.H`` and ``A.conj().T`` methods are somewhat slower; especially the latter. This is because two intermediate linear operators must be created before the function is evaluated. Evaluating ``A.conj().T @ y`` is equivalent to: :: def f(y): B = A.conj() # New LinearOperator #1 C = B.T # New LinearOperator #2 return C @ y **Note**: the speed differences between these methods vanish if applied inside of a jit-ed function. For instance: :: f = jax.jit(lambda x: A.conj().T @ x) +------------------+-----------------+ | Public Method | Private Method | +------------------+-----------------+ | ``__call__`` | ``._eval`` | +------------------+-----------------+ | ``adj`` | ``._adj`` | +------------------+-----------------+ | ``gram`` | ``._gram`` | +------------------+-----------------+ The public methods perform shape and type checking to validate the input before either calling the corresponding private method or returning a composite LinearOperator. Linear Operator Calculus ------------------------ SCICO supports several linear operator calculus rules. Given ``A`` and ``B`` of class :class:`.LinearOperator` and of appropriate shape, ``x`` an array of appropriate shape, ``c`` a scalar, and ``O`` an :class:`.Operator`, we have +----------------+----------------------------+ | Operation | Result | +----------------+----------------------------+ | ``(A+B)(x)`` | ``A(x) + B(x)`` | +----------------+----------------------------+ | ``(A-B)(x)`` | ``A(x) - B(x)`` | +----------------+----------------------------+ | ``(c * A)(x)`` | ``c * A(x)`` | +----------------+----------------------------+ | ``(A/c)(x)`` | ``A(x)/c`` | +----------------+----------------------------+ | ``(-A)(x)`` | ``-A(x)`` | +----------------+----------------------------+ | ``(A@B)(x)`` | ``A@B@x`` | +----------------+----------------------------+ | ``A @ B`` | ``ComposedLinearOperator`` | +----------------+----------------------------+ | ``A @ O`` | ``Operator`` | +----------------+----------------------------+ | ``O(A)`` | ``Operator`` | +----------------+----------------------------+ Defining A New Linear Operator ------------------------------ To define a new linear operator, pass a callable to the :class:`.LinearOperator` constructor :: >>> from scico.linop import LinearOperator >>> A = LinearOperator(input_shape=(32,), ... eval_fn = lambda x: 2 * x) Or, use subclassing: :: >>> class MyLinearOperator(LinearOperator): ... def _eval(self, x): ... return 2 * x >>> A = MyLinearOperator(input_shape=(32,)) At a minimum, the ``_eval`` method must be overridden. If the ``_adj`` method is not overriden, the adjoint is determined using :func:`scico.linear_adjoint`. If either ``output_shape`` or ``output_dtype`` are unspecified, they are determined by evaluating the Operator on an input of appropriate shape and dtype. 🔪 Sharp Edges 🔪 ------------------ Strict Types in Adjoint ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SCICO silently promotes real types to complex types in forward application, but enforces strict type checking in the adjoint. This is due to the strict type-safe nature of jax adjoints. LinearOperators From External Code ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ External code may be wrapped as a subclass of :class:`.Operator` or :class:`.LinearOperator` and used in SCICO optimization routines; however this process can be complicated and error-prone. As a starting point, look at the source for :class:`.radon_svmbir.TomographicProjector` or :class:`.radon_astra.TomographicProjector` and the JAX documentation for the `vector-jacobian product <>`_ and `custom VJP rules <>`_.
.. _blockarray_class: BlockArray ========== .. testsetup:: >>> import scico >>> import scico.numpy as snp >>> from scico.numpy import BlockArray >>> import numpy as np >>> import jax.numpy The class :class:`.BlockArray` provides a way to combine arrays of different shapes into a single object for use with other SCICO classes. A :class:`.BlockArray` consists of a list of :class:`jax.Array` objects, which we refer to as blocks. A :class:`.BlockArray` differs from a list in that, whenever possible, :class:`.BlockArray` properties and methods (including unary and binary operators like +, -, \*, ...) automatically map along the blocks, returning another :class:`.BlockArray` or tuple as appropriate. For example, :: >>> x = snp.blockarray(( ... [[1, 3, 7], ... [2, 2, 1]], ... [2, 4, 8] ... )) >>> x.shape # returns tuple ((2, 3), (3,)) >>> x * 2 # returns BlockArray # doctest: +ELLIPSIS BlockArray([...Array([[ 2, 6, 14], [ 4, 4, 2]], dtype=...), ...Array([ 4, 8, 16], dtype=...)]) >>> y = snp.blockarray(( ... [[.2], ... [.3]], ... [.4] ... )) >>> x + y # returns BlockArray # doctest: +ELLIPSIS BlockArray([...Array([[1.2, 3.2, 7.2], [2.3, 2.3, 1.3]], dtype=...), ...Array([2.4, 4.4, 8.4], dtype=...)]) .. _numpy_functions_blockarray: NumPy and SciPy Functions ------------------------- :mod:`scico.numpy`, :mod:`scico.numpy.testing`, and :mod:`scico.scipy.special` provide wrappers around :mod:`jax.numpy`, :mod:`numpy.testing` and :mod:`jax.scipy.special` where many of the functions have been extended to work with instances of :class:`.BlockArray`. In particular: * When a tuple of tuples is passed as the `shape` argument to an array creation routine, a :class:`.BlockArray` is created. * When a :class:`.BlockArray` is passed to a reduction function, the blocks are ravelled (i.e., reshaped to be 1D) and concatenated before the reduction is applied. This behavior may be prevented by passing the `axis` argument, in which case the function is mapped over the blocks. * When one or more :class:`.BlockArray` instances are passed to a mathematical function that is not a reduction, the function is mapped over (corresponding) blocks. For a list of array creation routines, see :: >>> scico.numpy.creation_routines # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ('empty', ...) For a list of reduction functions, see :: >>> scico.numpy.reduction_functions # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ('sum', ...) For lists of the remaining wrapped functions, see :: >>> scico.numpy.mathematical_functions # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ('sin', ...) >>> scico.numpy.testing_functions # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ('testing.assert_allclose', ...) >>> import scico.scipy >>> scico.scipy.special.functions # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ('betainc', ...) Note that: * Both :func:`scico.numpy.ravel` and :meth:`.BlockArray.ravel` return a :class:`.BlockArray` with ravelled blocks rather than the concatenation of these blocks as a single array. * The functional and method versions of the "same" function differ in their behavior, with the method version only applying the reduction within each block, and the function version applying the reduction across all blocks. For example, :func:`scico.numpy.sum` applied to a :class:`.BlockArray` with two blocks returns a scalar value, while :meth:`.BlockArray.sum` returns a :class:`.BlockArray` two scalar blocks. Motivating Example ------------------ The discrete differences of a two-dimensional array, :math:`\mb{x} \in \mbb{R}^{n \times m}`, in the horizontal and vertical directions can be represented by the arrays :math:`\mb{x}_h \in \mbb{R}^{n \times (m-1)}` and :math:`\mb{x}_v \in \mbb{R}^{(n-1) \times m}` respectively. While it is usually useful to consider the output of a difference operator as a single entity, we cannot combine these two arrays into a single array since they have different shapes. We could vectorize each array and concatenate the resulting vectors, leading to :math:`\mb{\bar{x}} \in \mbb{R}^{n(m-1) + m(n-1)}`, which can be stored as a one-dimensional array, but this makes it hard to access the individual components :math:`\mb{x}_h` and :math:`\mb{x}_v`. Instead, we can construct a :class:`.BlockArray`, :math:`\mb{x}_B = [\mb{x}_h, \mb{x}_v]`: :: >>> n = 32 >>> m = 16 >>> x_h, key = scico.random.randn((n, m-1)) >>> x_v, _ = scico.random.randn((n-1, m), key=key) # Form the blockarray >>> x_B = snp.blockarray([x_h, x_v]) # The blockarray shape is a tuple of tuples >>> x_B.shape ((32, 15), (31, 16)) # Each block component can be easily accessed >>> x_B[0].shape (32, 15) >>> x_B[1].shape (31, 16) Constructing a BlockArray ------------------------- The recommended way to construct a :class:`.BlockArray` is by using the :func:`~scico.numpy.blockarray` function. :: >>> import scico.numpy as snp >>> x0, key = scico.random.randn((32, 32)) >>> x1, _ = scico.random.randn((16,), key=key) >>> X = snp.blockarray((x0, x1)) >>> X.shape ((32, 32), (16,)) >>> X.size (1024, 16) >>> len(X) 2 While :func:`~scico.numpy.blockarray` will accept arguments of type :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or :class:`~jax.Array`, arguments of type :class:`~numpy.ndarray` will be converted to :class:`~jax.Array` type. Operating on a BlockArray ------------------------- .. _blockarray_indexing: Indexing ^^^^^^^^ :class:`.BlockArray` indexing works just like indexing a list. Multiplication Between BlockArray and LinearOperator ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The :class:`.Operator` and :class:`.LinearOperator` classes are designed to work on instances of :class:`.BlockArray` in addition to instances of :obj:`~jax.Array`. For example :: >>> x, key = scico.random.randn((3, 4)) >>> A_1 = scico.linop.Identity(x.shape) >>> A_1.shape # array -> array ((3, 4), (3, 4)) >>> A_2 = scico.linop.FiniteDifference(x.shape) >>> A_2.shape # array -> BlockArray (((2, 4), (3, 3)), (3, 4)) >>> diag = snp.blockarray([np.array(1.0), np.array(2.0)]) >>> A_3 = scico.linop.Diagonal(diag, input_shape=(A_2.output_shape)) >>> A_3.shape # BlockArray -> BlockArray (((2, 4), (3, 3)), ((2, 4), (3, 3)))
Learned Models ============== In SCICO, neural network models are used to represent imaging problems and provide different modes of data-driven regularization. The models are implemented in `Flax <>`_, and constitute a representative sample of frequently used networks. FlaxMap ------- SCICO interfaces with the implemented models via :class:`.FlaxMap`. This provides a standardized access to all trained models via the model definiton and the learned parameters. Further specialized functionality, such as learned denoisers, are built on top of :class:`.FlaxMap`. The specific models that have been implemented are described below. DnCNN ----- The denoiser convolutional neural network model (DnCNN) :cite:`zhang-2017-dncnn`, implemented as :class:`.DnCNNNet`, is used to denoise images that have been corrupted with additive Gaussian noise. ODP --- The unrolled optimization with deep priors (ODP) :cite:`diamond-2018-odp`, implemented as :class:`.ODPNet`, is used to solve inverse problems in imaging by adapting classical iterative methods into an end-to-end framework that incorporates deep networks as well as knowledge of the image formation model. The framework aims to solve the optimization problem .. math:: \argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(A \mb{x}, \mb{y}) + r(\mb{x}) \;, where :math:`A` represents a linear forward model and :math:`r` a regularization function encoding prior information, by unrolling the iterative solution method into a network where each iteration corresponds to a different stage in the ODP network. Different iterative solutions produce different unrolled optimization algorithms which, in turn, produce different ODP networks. The ones implemented in SCICO are described below. Proximal Map ^^^^^^^^^^^^ This algorithm corresponds to solving .. math:: :label: eq:odp_prox \argmin_{\mb{x}} \; \alpha_k \, f(A \mb{x}, \mb{y}) + \frac{1}{2} \| \mb{x} - \mb{x}^k - \mb{x}^{k+1/2} \|_2^2 \;, with :math:`k` corresponding to the index of the iteration, which translates to an index of the stage of the network, :math:`f(A \mb{x}, \mb{y})` a fidelity term, usually an :math:`\ell_2` norm, and :math:`\mb{x}^{k+1/2}` a regularization representing :math:`\mathrm{prox}_r (\mb{x}^k)` and usually implemented as a convolutional neural network (CNN). This proximal map representation is used when minimization problem :eq:`eq:odp_prox` can be solved in a computationally efficient manner. :class:`.ODPProxDnBlock` uses this formulation to solve a denoising problem, which, according to :cite:`diamond-2018-odp`, can be solved by .. math:: \mb{x}^{k+1} = (\alpha_k \, \mb{y} + \mb{x}^k + \mb{x}^{k+1/2}) \, / \, (\alpha_k + 1) \;, where :math:`A` corresponds to the identity operator and is therefore omitted, :math:`\mb{y}` is the noisy signal, :math:`\alpha_k > 0` is a learned stage-wise parameter weighting the contribution of the fidelity term and :math:`\mb{x}^k + \mb{x}^{k+1/2}` is the regularization, usually represented by a residual CNN. :class:`.ODPProxDblrBlock` uses this formulation to solve a deblurring problem, which, according to :cite:`diamond-2018-odp`, can be solved by .. math:: \mb{x}^{k+1} = \mathcal{F}^{-1} \mathrm{diag} (\alpha_k | \mathcal{F}(K)|^2 + 1 )^{-1} \mathcal{F} \, (\alpha_k K^T * \mb{y} + \mb{x}^k + \mb{x}^{k+1/2}) \;, where :math:`A` is the blurring operator, :math:`K` is the blurring kernel, :math:`\mb{y}` is the blurred signal, :math:`\mathcal{F}` is the DFT, :math:`\alpha_k > 0` is a learned stage-wise parameter weighting the contribution of the fidelity term and :math:`\mb{x}^k + \mb{x}^{k+1/2}` is the regularization represented by a residual CNN. Gradient Descent ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When the solution of the optimization problem in :eq:`eq:odp_prox` can not be simply represented by an analytical step, a formulation based on a gradient descent iteration is preferred. This yields .. math:: \mb{x}^{k+1} = \mb{x}^k + \mb{x}^{k+1/2} - \alpha_k \, A^T \nabla_x \, f(A \mb{x}^k, \mb{y}) \;, where :math:`\mb{x}^{k+1/2}` represents :math:`\nabla r(\mb{x}^k)`. :class:`.ODPGrDescBlock` uses this formulation to solve a generic problem with :math:`\ell_2` fidelity as .. math:: \mb{x}^{k+1} = \mb{x}^k + \mb{x}^{k+1/2} - \alpha_k \, A^T (A \mb{x} - \mb{y}) \;, with :math:`\mb{y}` the measured signal and :math:`\mb{x} + \mb{x}^{k+1/2}` a residual CNN. MoDL ---- The model-based deep learning (MoDL) :cite:`aggarwal-2019-modl`, implemented as :class:`.MoDLNet`, is used to solve inverse problems in imaging also by adapting classical iterative methods into an end-to-end deep learning framework, but, in contrast to ODP, it solves the optimization problem .. math:: \argmin_{\mb{x}} \; \| A \mb{x} - \mb{y}\|_2^2 + \lambda \, \| \mb{x} - \mathrm{D}_w(\mb{x})\|_2^2 \;, by directly computing the update .. math:: \mb{x}^{k+1} = (A^T A + \lambda \, I)^{-1} (A^T \mb{y} + \lambda \, \mb{z}^k) \;, via conjugate gradient. The regularization :math:`\mb{z}^k = \mathrm{D}_w(\mb{x}^{k})` incorporates prior information, usually in the form of a denoiser model. In this case, the denoiser :math:`\mathrm{D}_w` is shared between all the stages of the network requiring relatively less memory than other unrolling methods. This also allows for deploying a different number of iterations in testing than the ones used in training.
.. _optimizer: Optimization Algorithms ======================= ADMM ---- The Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) :cite:`glowinski-1975-approximation` :cite:`gabay-1976-dual` is an algorithm for minimizing problems of the form .. math:: :label: eq:admm_prob \argmin_{\mb{x}, \mb{z}} \; f(\mb{x}) + g(\mb{z}) \; \text{such that} \; \acute{A} \mb{x} + \acute{B} \mb{z} = \mb{c} \;, where :math:`f` and :math:`g` are convex (but not necessarily smooth) functionals, :math:`\acute{A}` and :math:`\acute{B}` are linear operators, and :math:`\mb{c}` is a constant vector. (For a thorough introduction and overview, see :cite:`boyd-2010-distributed`.) The SCICO ADMM solver, :class:`.ADMM`, solves problems of the form .. math:: \argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(\mb{x}) + \sum_{i=1}^N g_i(C_i \mb{x}) \;, where :math:`f` and the :math:`g_i` are instances of :class:`.Functional`, and the :math:`C_i` are :class:`.LinearOperator`, by defining .. math:: g(\mb{z}) = \sum_{i=1}^N g_i(\mb{z}_i) \qquad \mb{z}_i = C_i \mb{x} in :eq:`eq:admm_prob`, corresponding to defining .. math:: \acute{A} = \left( \begin{array}{c} C_0 \\ C_1 \\ C_2 \\ \vdots \end{array} \right) \quad \acute{B} = \left( \begin{array}{cccc} -I & 0 & 0 & \ldots \\ 0 & -I & 0 & \ldots \\ 0 & 0 & -I & \ldots \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots \end{array} \right) \quad \mb{z} = \left( \begin{array}{c} \mb{z}_0 \\ \mb{z}_1 \\ \mb{z}_2 \\ \vdots \end{array} \right) \quad \mb{c} = \left( \begin{array}{c} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ \vdots \end{array} \right) \;. In :class:`.ADMM`, :math:`f` is a :class:`.Functional`, typically a :class:`.Loss`, corresponding to the forward model of an imaging problem, and the :math:`g_i` are :class:`.Functional`, typically corresponding to a regularization term or constraint. Each of the :math:`g_i` must have a proximal operator defined. It is also possible to set ``f = None``, which corresponds to defining :math:`f = 0`, i.e. the zero function. Subproblem Solvers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The most computational expensive component of the ADMM iterations is typically the :math:`\mb{x}`-update, .. math:: :label: eq:admm_x_step \argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(\mb{x}) + \sum_i \frac{\rho_i}{2} \norm{\mb{z}^{(k)}_i - \mb{u}^{(k)}_i - C_i \mb{x}}_2^2 \;. The available solvers for this problem are: * :class:`.admm.GenericSubproblemSolver` This is the default subproblem solver as it is applicable in all cases. It it is only suitable for relatively small-scale problems as it makes use of :func:`.solver.minimize`, which wraps :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`. * :class:`.admm.LinearSubproblemSolver` This subproblem solver can be used when :math:`f` takes the form :math:`\norm{\mb{A} \mb{x} - \mb{y}}^2_W`. It makes use of the conjugate gradient method, and is significantly more efficient than :class:`.admm.GenericSubproblemSolver` when it can be used. * :class:`.admm.MatrixSubproblemSolver` This subproblem solver can be used when :math:`f` takes the form :math:`\norm{\mb{A} \mb{x} - \mb{y}}^2_W`, and :math:`A` and all of the :math:`C_i` are diagonal (:class:`.Diagonal`) or matrix operators (:class:`MatrixOperator`). It exploits a pre-computed matrix factorization for a significantly more efficient solution than conjugate gradient. * :class:`.admm.CircularConvolveSolver` This subproblem solver can be used when :math:`f` takes the form :math:`\norm{\mb{A} \mb{x} - \mb{y}}^2_W` and :math:`\mb{A}` and all the :math:`C_i` s are circulant (i.e., diagonalized by the DFT). * :class:`.admm.FBlockCircularConvolveSolver` and :class:`.admm.G0BlockCircularConvolveSolver` These subproblem solvers can be used when the primary linear operator is block-circulant (i.e. an operator with blocks that are diagonalied by the DFT). For more details of these solvers and how to specify them, see the API reference page for :mod:`scico.optimize.admm`. Proximal ADMM ------------- Proximal ADMM :cite:`deng-2015-global` is an algorithm for solving problems of the form .. math:: \argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(\mb{x}) + g(\mb{z}) \; \text{such that}\; A \mb{x} + B \mb{z} = \mb{c} \;, where :math:`f` and :math:`g` are are convex (but not necessarily smooth) functionals and :math:`A` and :math:`B` are linear operators. Although convergence per iteration is typically somewhat worse than that of ADMM, the iterations can be much cheaper than that of ADMM, giving Proximal ADMM competitive time convergence performance. The SCICO Proximal ADMM solver, :class:`.ProximalADMM`, requires :math:`f` and :math:`g` to be instances of :class:`.Functional`, and to have a proximal operator defined (:meth:`.Functional.prox`), and :math:`A` and :math:`B` are required to be an instance of :class:`.LinearOperator`. Non-Linear Proximal ADMM ------------------------ Non-Linear Proximal ADMM :cite:`benning-2016-preconditioned` is an algorithm for solving problems of the form .. math:: \argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(\mb{x}) + g(\mb{z}) \; \text{such that}\; H(\mb{x}, \mb{z}) = 0 \;, where :math:`f` and :math:`g` are are convex (but not necessarily smooth) functionals and :math:`H` is a function of two vector variables. The SCICO Non-Linear Proximal ADMM solver, :class:`.NonLinearPADMM`, requires :math:`f` and :math:`g` to be instances of :class:`.Functional`, and to have a proximal operator defined (:meth:`.Functional.prox`), and :math:`H` is required to be an instance of :class:`.Function`. Linearized ADMM --------------- Linearized ADMM :cite:`yang-2012-linearized` :cite:`parikh-2014-proximal` (Sec. 4.4.2) is an algorithm for solving problems of the form .. math:: \argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(\mb{x}) + g(C \mb{x}) \;, where :math:`f` and :math:`g` are are convex (but not necessarily smooth) functionals. Although convergence per iteration is typically significantly worse than that of ADMM, the :math:`\mb{x}`-update, can be much cheaper than that of ADMM, giving Linearized ADMM competitive time convergence performance. The SCICO Linearized ADMM solver, :class:`.LinearizedADMM`, requires :math:`f` and :math:`g` to be instances of :class:`.Functional`, and to have a proximal operator defined (:meth:`.Functional.prox`), and :math:`C` is required to be an instance of :class:`.LinearOperator`. PDHG ---- The Primal–Dual Hybrid Gradient (PDHG) algorithm :cite:`esser-2010-general` :cite:`chambolle-2010-firstorder` :cite:`pock-2011-diagonal` solves problems of the form .. math:: \argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(\mb{x}) + g(C \mb{x}) \;, where :math:`f` and :math:`g` are are convex (but not necessarily smooth) functionals. The algorithm has similar advantages over ADMM to those of Linearized ADMM, but typically exhibits better convergence properties. The SCICO PDHG solver, :class:`.PDHG`, requires :math:`f` and :math:`g` to be instances of :class:`.Functional`, and to have a proximal operator defined (:meth:`.Functional.prox`), and :math:`C` is required to be an instance of :class:`.Operator` or :class:`.LinearOperator`. PGM --- The Proximal Gradient Method (PGM) :cite:`daubechies-2004-iterative` :cite:`beck-2010-gradient` and Accelerated Proximal Gradient Method (AcceleratedPGM) :cite:`beck-2009-fast` are algorithms for minimizing problems of the form .. math:: \argmin_{\mb{x}} f(\mb{x}) + g(\mb{x}) \;, where :math:`g` is convex and :math:`f` is smooth and convex. The corresponding SCICO solvers are :class:`.PGM` and :class:`.AcceleratedPGM` respectively. In most cases :class:`.AcceleratedPGM` is expected to provide faster convergence. In both of these classes, :math:`f` and :math:`g` are both of type :class:`.Functional`, where :math:`f` must be differentiable, and :math:`g` must have a proximal operator defined. While ADMM provides significantly more flexibility than PGM, and often converges faster, the latter is preferred when solving the ADMM :math:`\mb{x}`-step is very computationally expensive, such as in the case of :math:`f(\mb{x}) = \norm{\mb{A} \mb{x} - \mb{y}}^2_W` where :math:`A` is large and does not have any special structure that would allow an efficient solution of :eq:`eq:admm_x_step`. Step Size Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The step size (usually referred to in terms of its reciprocal, :math:`L`) for the gradient descent in :class:`PGM` can be adapted via Barzilai-Borwein methods (also called spectral methods) and iterative line search methods. The available step size policy classes are: * :class:`.BBStepSize` This implements the step size adaptation based on the Barzilai-Borwein method :cite:`barzilai-1988-stepsize`. The step size :math:`\alpha` is estimated as .. math:: \mb{\Delta x} = \mb{x}_k - \mb{x}_{k-1} \; \\ \mb{\Delta g} = \nabla f(\mb{x}_k) - \nabla f (\mb{x}_{k-1}) \; \\ \alpha = \frac{\mb{\Delta x}^T \mb{\Delta g}}{\mb{\Delta g}^T \mb{\Delta g}} \;. Since the PGM solver uses the reciprocal of the step size, the value :math:`L = 1 / \alpha` is returned. * :class:`.AdaptiveBBStepSize` This implements the adaptive Barzilai-Borwein method as introduced in :cite:`zhou-2006-adaptive`. The adaptive step size rule computes .. math:: \mb{\Delta x} = \mb{x}_k - \mb{x}_{k-1} \; \\ \mb{\Delta g} = \nabla f(\mb{x}_k) - \nabla f (\mb{x}_{k-1}) \; \\ \alpha^{\mathrm{BB1}} = \frac{\mb{\Delta x}^T \mb{\Delta x}} {\mb{\Delta x}^T \mb{\Delta g}} \; \\ \alpha^{\mathrm{BB2}} = \frac{\mb{\Delta x}^T \mb{\Delta g}} {\mb{\Delta g}^T \mb{\Delta g}} \;. The determination of the new step size is made via the rule .. math:: \alpha = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \alpha^{\mathrm{BB2}} & \mathrm{~if~} \alpha^{\mathrm{BB2}} / \alpha^{\mathrm{BB1}} < \kappa \; \\ \alpha^{\mathrm{BB1}} & \mathrm{~otherwise} \end{array} \right . \;, with :math:`\kappa \in (0, 1)`. Since the PGM solver uses the reciprocal of the step size, the value :math:`L = 1 / \alpha` is returned. * :class:`.LineSearchStepSize` This implements the line search strategy described in :cite:`beck-2009-fast`. This strategy estimates :math:`L` such that :math:`f(\mb{x}) \leq \hat{f}_{L}(\mb{x})` is satisfied with :math:`\hat{f}_{L}` a quadratic approximation to :math:`f` defined as .. math:: \hat{f}_{L}(\mb{x}, \mb{y}) = f(\mb{y}) + \nabla f(\mb{y})^H (\mb{x} - \mb{y}) + \frac{L}{2} \left\| \mb{x} - \mb{y} \right\|_2^2 \;, with :math:`\mb{x}` the potential new update and :math:`\mb{y}` the current solution or current extrapolation (if using :class:`.AcceleratedPGM`). * :class:`.RobustLineSearchStepSize` This implements the robust line search strategy described in :cite:`florea-2017-robust`. This strategy estimates :math:`L` such that :math:`f(\mb{x}) \leq \hat{f}_{L}(\mb{x})` is satisfied with :math:`\hat{f}_{L}` a quadratic approximation to :math:`f` defined as .. math:: \hat{f}_{L}(\mb{x}, \mb{y}) = f(\mb{y}) + \nabla f(\mb{y})^H (\mb{x} - \mb{y}) + \frac{L}{2} \left\| \mb{x} - \mb{y} \right\|_2^2 \;, with :math:`\mb{x}` the potential new update and :math:`\mb{y}` the auxiliary extrapolation state. Note that this should only be used with :class:`.AcceleratedPGM`. For more details of these step size managers and how to specify them, see the API reference page for :mod:`scico.optimize.pgm`.
# Construct an index README file and a docs example index file from # source index file "scripts/index.rst". # Run as # python import re from pathlib import Path import nbformat as nbf import py2jn import pypandoc src = "scripts/index.rst" # Make dict mapping script names to docstring header titles titles = {} scripts = list(Path("scripts").glob("*py")) for s in scripts: prevline = None with open(s, "r") as sfile: for line in sfile: if line[0:3] == "===": titles[] = prevline.rstrip() break else: prevline = line # Build README in scripts directory dst = "scripts/README.rst" with open(dst, "w") as dstfile: with open(src, "r") as srcfile: for line in srcfile: # Detect lines containing script filenames m = re.match(r"(\s+)- ([^\s]", line) if m: prespace = name = title = titles[name] print( "%s`%s <%s>`_\n%s %s" % (prespace, name, name, prespace, title), file=dstfile ) else: print(line, end="", file=dstfile) # Build notebooks index file in notebooks directory dst = "notebooks/index.ipynb" rst_text = "" with open(src, "r") as srcfile: for line in srcfile: # Detect lines containing script filenames m = re.match(r"(\s+)- ([^\s]+).py", line) if m: prespace = name = title = titles[name + ".py"] rst_text += "%s- `%s <%s.ipynb>`_\n" % (prespace, title, name) else: rst_text += line # Convert text from rst to markdown md_format = "markdown_github+tex_math_dollars+fenced_code_attributes" md_text = pypandoc.convert_text(rst_text, md_format, format="rst", extra_args=["--atx-headers"]) md_text = '"""' + md_text + '"""' # Convert from python to notebook format and write notebook nb = py2jn.py_string_to_notebook(md_text), dst, nbver=4) nb =, nbf.NO_CONVERT) nb.metadata = {"nbsphinx": {"orphan": True}} nbf.write(nb, dst) # Build examples index for docs dst = "../docs/source/examples.rst" prfx = "examples/" with open(dst, "w") as dstfile: print(".. _example_notebooks:\n", file=dstfile) with open(src, "r") as srcfile: for line in srcfile: # Add toctree and include statements after main heading if line[0:3] == "===": print(line, end="", file=dstfile) print("\n.. toctree::\n :maxdepth: 1", file=dstfile) print("\n.. include:: include/examplenotes.rst", file=dstfile) continue # Detect lines containing script filenames m = re.match(r"(\s+)- ([^\s]+).py", line) if m: print(" " + prfx +, file=dstfile) else: print(line, end="", file=dstfile) # Add toctree statement after section headings if line[0:3] == line[0] * 3 and line[0] in ["=", "-", "^"]: print("\n.. toctree::\n :maxdepth: 1", file=dstfile)
import jax import scico import scico.numpy as snp import scico.random from scico import denoiser, functional, linop, loss, metric, plot from import kodim23 from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.solver import cg from scico.util import device_info """ Define downsampling function. """ def downsample_image(img, rate): img = snp.mean(snp.reshape(img, (-1, rate, img.shape[1], img.shape[2])), axis=1) img = snp.mean(snp.reshape(img, (img.shape[0], -1, rate, img.shape[2])), axis=2) return img """ Read a ground truth image. """ img = kodim23(asfloat=True)[160:416, 60:316] img = jax.device_put(img) """ Create a test image by downsampling and adding Gaussian white noise. """ rate = 4 # downsampling rate σ = 2e-2 # noise standard deviation Afn = lambda x: downsample_image(x, rate=rate) s = Afn(img) input_shape = img.shape output_shape = s.shape noise, key = scico.random.randn(s.shape, seed=0) sn = s + σ * noise """ Set up the PPP problem pseudo-functional. The DnCNN denoiser :cite:`zhang-2017-dncnn` is used as a regularizer. """ A = linop.LinearOperator(input_shape=input_shape, output_shape=output_shape, eval_fn=Afn) f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=sn, A=A) C = linop.Identity(input_shape=input_shape) g = functional.DnCNN("17M") """ Compute a baseline solution via denoising of the pseudo-inverse of the forward operator. This baseline solution is also used to initialize the PPP solver. """ xpinv, info = cg(A.T @ A, A.T @ sn, snp.zeros(input_shape)) dncnn = denoiser.DnCNN("17M") xden = dncnn(xpinv) """ Set up an ADMM solver and solve. """ ρ = 3.4e-2 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 12 # number of ADMM iterations solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[C], rho_list=[ρ], x0=xden, maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-3, "maxiter": 10}), itstat_options={"display": True}, ) print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") xppp = solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), ) """ Show reference and test images. """ fig = plot.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax0 = plot.plt.subplot2grid((1, rate + 1), (0, 0), colspan=rate) plot.imview(img, title="Reference", fig=fig, ax=ax0) ax1 = plot.plt.subplot2grid((1, rate + 1), (0, rate)) plot.imview(sn, title="Downsampled", fig=fig, ax=ax1) """ Show recovered full-resolution images. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(21, 7)) plot.imview(xpinv, title="Pseudo-inverse: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(img, xpinv), fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) plot.imview( xden, title="Denoised pseudo-inverse: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(img, xden), fig=fig, ax=ax[1] ) plot.imview(xppp, title="PPP solution: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(img, xppp), fig=fig, ax=ax[2]) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
import os from time import time import jax from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable from scico import flax as sflax from scico import metric, plot from scico.flax.examples import load_ct_data """ Prepare parallel processing. Set an arbitrary processor count (only applies if GPU is not available). """ os.environ["XLA_FLAGS"] = "--xla_force_host_platform_device_count=8" platform = jax.lib.xla_bridge.get_backend().platform print("Platform: ", platform) """ Read data from cache or generate if not available. """ N = 256 # phantom size train_nimg = 536 # number of training images test_nimg = 64 # number of testing images nimg = train_nimg + test_nimg n_projection = 45 # CT views trdt, ttdt = load_ct_data(train_nimg, test_nimg, N, n_projection, verbose=True) """ Build training and testing structures. Inputs are the filter back-projected sinograms and outpus are the original generated foams. Keep training and testing partitions. """ train_ds = {"image": trdt["fbp"], "label": trdt["img"]} test_ds = {"image": ttdt["fbp"], "label": ttdt["img"]} """ Define configuration dictionary for model and training loop. Parameters have been selected for demonstration purposes and relatively short training. The model depth controls the levels of pooling in the U-Net model. The block depth controls the number of layers at each level of depth. The number of filters controls the number of filters at the input and output levels and doubles (halves) at each pooling (unpooling) operation. Better performance may be obtained by increasing depth, block depth, number of filters or training epochs, but may require longer training times. """ # model configuration model_conf = { "depth": 2, "num_filters": 64, "block_depth": 2, } # training configuration train_conf: sflax.ConfigDict = { "seed": 0, "opt_type": "SGD", "momentum": 0.9, "batch_size": 16, "num_epochs": 200, "base_learning_rate": 1e-2, "warmup_epochs": 0, "log_every_steps": 1000, "log": True, } """ Construct UNet model. """ channels = train_ds["image"].shape[-1] model = sflax.UNet( depth=model_conf["depth"], channels=channels, num_filters=model_conf["num_filters"], block_depth=model_conf["block_depth"], ) """ Run training loop. """ workdir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cache", "scico", "examples", "unet_ct_out") train_conf["workdir"] = workdir print(f"{'JAX process: '}{jax.process_index()}{' / '}{jax.process_count()}") print(f"{'JAX local devices: '}{jax.local_devices()}") # Construct training object trainer = sflax.BasicFlaxTrainer( train_conf, model, train_ds, test_ds, ) start_time = time() modvar, stats_object = trainer.train() time_train = time() - start_time """ Evaluate on testing data. """ start_time = time() fmap = sflax.FlaxMap(model, modvar) output = fmap(test_ds["image"]) time_eval = time() - start_time output = jax.numpy.clip(output, a_min=0, a_max=1.0) """ Compare trained model in terms of reconstruction time and data fidelity. """ snr_eval = metric.snr(test_ds["label"], output) psnr_eval = metric.psnr(test_ds["label"], output) print( f"{'UNet training':15s}{'epochs:':2s}{train_conf['num_epochs']:>5d}" f"{'':21s}{'time[s]:':10s}{time_train:>7.2f}" ) print( f"{'UNet testing':15s}{'SNR:':5s}{snr_eval:>5.2f}{' dB'}{'':3s}" f"{'PSNR:':6s}{psnr_eval:>5.2f}{' dB'}{'':3s}{'time[s]:':10s}{time_eval:>7.2f}" ) """ Plot comparison. """ key = jax.random.PRNGKey(123) indx = jax.random.randint(key, shape=(1,), minval=0, maxval=test_nimg)[0] fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 5)) plot.imview(test_ds["label"][indx, ..., 0], title="Ground truth", cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) plot.imview( test_ds["image"][indx, ..., 0], title="FBP Reconstruction: \nSNR: %.2f (dB), MAE: %.3f" % ( metric.snr(test_ds["label"][indx, ..., 0], test_ds["image"][indx, ..., 0]), metric.mae(test_ds["label"][indx, ..., 0], test_ds["image"][indx, ..., 0]), ), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) plot.imview( output[indx, ..., 0], title="UNet Reconstruction\nSNR: %.2f (dB), MAE: %.3f" % ( metric.snr(test_ds["label"][indx, ..., 0], output[indx, ..., 0]), metric.mae(test_ds["label"][indx, ..., 0], output[indx, ..., 0]), ), fig=fig, ax=ax[2], ) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[2]) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2) fig.colorbar(ax[2].get_images()[0], cax=cax, label="arbitrary units") """ Plot convergence statistics. Statistics only generated if a training cycle was done (i.e. not reading final epoch results from checkpoint). """ if stats_object is not None: hist = stats_object.history(transpose=True) fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( jax.numpy.vstack((hist.Train_Loss, hist.Eval_Loss)).T, x=hist.Epoch, ptyp="semilogy", title="Loss function", xlbl="Epoch", ylbl="Loss value", lgnd=("Train", "Test"), fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( jax.numpy.vstack((hist.Train_SNR, hist.Eval_SNR)).T, x=hist.Epoch, title="Metric", xlbl="Epoch", ylbl="SNR (dB)", lgnd=("Train", "Test"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Image Deconvolution with TV Regularization (ADMM Solver) ======================================================== This example demonstrates the solution of an image deconvolution problem with isotropic total variation (TV) regularization $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - C \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| D \mathbf{x} \|_{2,1} \;,$$ where $C$ is a convolution operator, $\mathbf{y}$ is the blurred image, $D$ is a 2D finite fifference operator, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the deconvolved image. In this example the problem is solved via standard ADMM, while proximal ADMM is used in a [companion example](deconv_tv_padmm.rst). """ import jax from xdesign import SiemensStar, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp import scico.random from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ phantom = SiemensStar(32) N = 256 # image size x_gt = snp.pad(discrete_phantom(phantom, N - 16), 8) x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax type, push to GPU """ Set up the forward operator and create a test signal consisting of a blurred signal with additive Gaussian noise. """ n = 5 # convolution kernel size σ = 20.0 / 255 # noise level psf = snp.ones((n, n)) / (n * n) C = linop.Convolve(h=psf, input_shape=x_gt.shape) Cx = C(x_gt) # blurred image noise, key = scico.random.randn(Cx.shape, seed=0) y = Cx + σ * noise r""" Set up the problem to be solved. We want to minimize the functional $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - C \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| D \mathbf{x} \|_{2,1} \;,$$ where $C$ is the convolution operator and $D$ is a finite difference operator. This problem can be expressed as $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - C \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| \mathbf{z} \|_{2,1} \;\; \text{such that} \;\; \mathbf{z} = D \mathbf{x} \;,$$ which is easily written in the form of a standard ADMM problem. This is simpler splitting than that used in the [companion example](deconv_tv_padmm.rst), but it requires the use conjugate gradient sub-iterations to solve the ADMM step associated with the data fidelity term. """ f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=C) # Penalty parameters must be accounted for in the gi functions, not as # additional inputs. λ = 2.1e-2 # L21 norm regularization parameter g = λ * functional.L21Norm() # The append=0 option makes the results of horizontal and vertical # finite differences the same shape, which is required for the L21Norm, # which is used so that g(Cx) corresponds to isotropic TV. D = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=x_gt.shape, append=0) """ Set up an ADMM solver object. """ ρ = 1.0e-1 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 50 # number of ADMM iterations solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[D], rho_list=[ρ], x0=C.adj(y), maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x = solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show the recovered image. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 5)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth", fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) nc = n // 2 yc = y[nc:-nc, nc:-nc] plot.imview(y, title="Blurred, noisy image: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, yc), fig=fig, ax=ax[1]) plot.imview( solver.x, title="Deconvolved image: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, solver.x), fig=fig, ax=ax[2] ) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( hist.Objective, title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", ylbl="Functional value", fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
import numpy as np import jax from xdesign import Foam, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot, random from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ np.random.seed(1234) N = 512 # image size x_gt = discrete_phantom(Foam(size_range=[0.075, 0.0025], gap=1e-3, porosity=1), size=N) x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax array, push to GPU """ Set up forward operator and test signal consisting of blurred signal with additive Gaussian noise. """ n = 5 # convolution kernel size σ = 20.0 / 255 # noise level psf = snp.ones((n, n)) / (n * n) A = linop.Convolve(h=psf, input_shape=x_gt.shape) Ax = A(x_gt) # blurred image noise, key = random.randn(Ax.shape) y = Ax + σ * noise """ Set up the problem to be solved. We want to minimize the functional $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - A \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + R(\mathbf{x}) \;$$ where $R(\cdot)$ is a pseudo-functional having the DnCNN denoiser as its proximal operator. The problem is solved via ADMM, using the standard variable splitting for problems of this form, which requires the use of conjugate gradient sub-iterations in the ADMM step that involves the data fidelity term. """ f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) g = functional.DnCNN("17M") C = linop.Identity(x_gt.shape) """ Set up ADMM solver. """ ρ = 0.2 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 10 # number of ADMM iterations solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[C], rho_list=[ρ], x0=A.T @ y, maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-3, "maxiter": 30}), itstat_options={"display": True}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x = solver.solve() x = snp.clip(x, 0, 1) hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show the recovered image. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 5)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth", fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) nc = n // 2 yc = snp.clip(y[nc:-nc, nc:-nc], 0, 1) plot.imview(y, title="Blurred, noisy image: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, yc), fig=fig, ax=ax[1]) plot.imview(x, title="Deconvolved image: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, x), fig=fig, ax=ax[2]) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" ℓ1 Total Variation Denoising ============================ This example demonstrates impulse noise removal via ℓ1 total variation :cite:`alliney-1992-digital` :cite:`esser-2010-primal` (Sec. 2.4.4) (i.e. total variation regularization with an ℓ1 data fidelity term), minimizing the functional $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; \| \mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x} \|_1 + \lambda \| C \mathbf{x} \|_{2,1} \;,$$ where $\mathbf{y}$ is the noisy image, $C$ is a 2D finite difference operator, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the denoised image. """ import jax from xdesign import SiemensStar, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot from scico.examples import spnoise from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info from scipy.ndimage import median_filter """ Create a ground truth image and impose salt & pepper noise to create a noisy test image. """ N = 256 # image size phantom = SiemensStar(16) x_gt = snp.pad(discrete_phantom(phantom, N - 16), 8) x_gt = 0.5 * x_gt / x_gt.max() x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax type, push to GPU y = spnoise(x_gt, 0.5) """ Denoise with median filtering. """ x_med = median_filter(y, size=(5, 5)) """ Denoise with ℓ1 total variation. """ λ = 1.5e0 g_loss = loss.Loss(y=y, f=functional.L1Norm()) g_tv = λ * functional.L21Norm() # The append=0 option makes the results of horizontal and vertical finite # differences the same shape, which is required for the L21Norm. C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=x_gt.shape, append=0) solver = ADMM( f=None, g_list=[g_loss, g_tv], C_list=[linop.Identity(input_shape=y.shape), C], rho_list=[5e0, 5e0], x0=y, maxiter=100, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-3, "maxiter": 20}), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x_tv = solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Plot results. """ plt_args = dict(norm=plot.matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1.0)) fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(13, 12)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth", fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 0], **plt_args) plot.imview(y, title="Noisy image", fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 1], **plt_args) plot.imview( x_med, title=f"Median filtering: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_med):.2f} (dB)", fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 0], **plt_args, ) plot.imview( x_tv, title=f"ℓ1-TV denoising: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_tv):.2f} (dB)", fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 1], **plt_args, ) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( hist.Objective, title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", ylbl="Functional value", fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Non-Negative Basis Pursuit DeNoising (ADMM) =========================================== This example demonstrates the solution of a non-negative sparse coding problem $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - D \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| \mathbf{x} \|_1 + I(\mathbf{x} \geq 0) \;,$$ where $D$ the dictionary, $\mathbf{y}$ the signal to be represented, $\mathbf{x}$ is the sparse representation, and $I(\mathbf{x} \geq 0)$ is the non-negative indicator. """ import numpy as np import jax from scico import functional, linop, loss, plot from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, MatrixSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Create random dictionary, reference random sparse representation, and test signal consisting of the synthesis of the reference sparse representation. """ m = 32 # signal size n = 128 # dictionary size s = 10 # sparsity level np.random.seed(1) D = np.random.randn(m, n) D = D / np.linalg.norm(D, axis=0, keepdims=True) # normalize dictionary xt = np.zeros(n) # true signal idx = np.random.randint(low=0, high=n, size=s) # support of xt xt[idx] = np.random.rand(s) y = D @ xt + 5e-2 * np.random.randn(m) # synthetic signal xt = jax.device_put(xt) # convert to jax array, push to GPU y = jax.device_put(y) # convert to jax array, push to GPU """ Set up the forward operator and ADMM solver object. """ lmbda = 1e-1 A = linop.MatrixOperator(D) f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) g_list = [lmbda * functional.L1Norm(), functional.NonNegativeIndicator()] C_list = [linop.Identity((n)), linop.Identity((n))] rho_list = [1.0, 1.0] maxiter = 100 # number of ADMM iterations solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=g_list, C_list=C_list, rho_list=rho_list, x0=A.adj(y), maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=MatrixSubproblemSolver(), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x = solver.solve() """ Plot the recovered coefficients and signal. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( np.vstack((xt, solver.x)).T, title="Coefficients", lgnd=("Ground Truth", "Recovered"), fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( np.vstack((D @ xt, y, D @ solver.x)).T, title="Signal", lgnd=("Ground Truth", "Noisy", "Recovered"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Basis Pursuit DeNoising (APGM) ============================== This example demonstrates the solution of the the sparse coding problem $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - D \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| \mathbf{x} \|_1\;,$$ where $D$ the dictionary, $\mathbf{y}$ the signal to be represented, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the sparse representation. """ import numpy as np import jax from scico import functional, linop, loss, plot from scico.optimize.pgm import AcceleratedPGM from scico.util import device_info """ Construct a random dictionary, a reference random sparse representation, and a test signal consisting of the synthesis of the reference sparse representation. """ m = 512 # Signal size n = 4 * m # Dictionary size s = 32 # Sparsity level (number of non-zeros) σ = 0.5 # Noise level np.random.seed(12345) D = np.random.randn(m, n) L0 = np.linalg.norm(D, 2) ** 2 x_gt = np.zeros(n) # true signal idx = np.random.permutation(list(range(0, n - 1))) x_gt[idx[0:s]] = np.random.randn(s) y = D @ x_gt + σ * np.random.randn(m) # synthetic signal x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax array, push to GPU y = jax.device_put(y) # convert to jax array, push to GPU """ Set up the forward operator and AcceleratedPGM solver object. """ maxiter = 100 λ = 2.98e1 A = linop.MatrixOperator(D) f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) g = λ * functional.L1Norm() solver = AcceleratedPGM( f=f, g=g, L0=L0, x0=A.adj(y), maxiter=maxiter, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10} ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x = solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Plot the recovered coefficients and convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( np.vstack((x_gt, x)).T, title="Coefficients", lgnd=("Ground Truth", "Recovered"), fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( np.vstack((hist.Objective, hist.Residual)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Convergence", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Objective", "Residual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" TV-Regularized Abel Inversion ============================= This example demonstrates a TV-regularized Abel inversion by solving the problem $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - A \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| C \mathbf{x} \|_1 \;,$$ where $A$ is the Abel projector (with an implementation based on a projector from PyAbel :cite:`pyabel-2022`), $\mathbf{y}$ is the measured data, $C$ is a 2D finite difference operator, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the desired image. """ import numpy as np import scico.numpy as snp from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot from scico.examples import create_circular_phantom from scico.linop.abel import AbelProjector from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ N = 256 # image size x_gt = create_circular_phantom((N, N), [0.4 * N, 0.2 * N, 0.1 * N], [1, 0, 0.5]) """ Set up the forward operator and create a test measurement. """ A = AbelProjector(x_gt.shape) y = A @ x_gt np.random.seed(12345) y = y + np.random.normal(size=y.shape).astype(np.float32) """ Compute inverse Abel transform solution. """ x_inv = A.inverse(y) """ Set up the problem to be solved. Anisotropic TV, which gives slightly better performance than isotropic TV for this problem, is used here. """ f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) λ = 2.35e1 # L1 norm regularization parameter g = λ * functional.L1Norm() # Note the use of anisotropic TV C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=x_gt.shape) """ Set up ADMM solver object. """ ρ = 1.03e2 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 100 # number of ADMM iterations cg_tol = 1e-4 # CG relative tolerance cg_maxiter = 25 # maximum CG iterations per ADMM iteration solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[C], rho_list=[ρ], x0=snp.clip(x_inv, 0.0, 1.0), maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": cg_tol, "maxiter": cg_maxiter}), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) x_tv = snp.clip(solver.x, 0.0, 1.0) """ Show results. """ norm = plot.matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-0.1, vmax=1.2) fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 12)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground Truth",, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 0], norm=norm) plot.imview(y, title="Measurement",, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 1]) plot.imview( x_inv, title="Inverse Abel: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, x_inv),, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 0], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( x_tv, title="TV-Regularized Inversion: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, x_tv),, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 1], norm=norm, ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Non-negative Poisson Loss Reconstruction (APGM) =============================================== This example demonstrates the use of class [pgm.PGMStepSize](../_autosummary/scico.optimize.pgm.rst#scico.optimize.pgm.PGMStepSize) to solve the non-negative reconstruction problem with Poisson negative log likelihood loss $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; \frac{1}{2} \left ( A(\mathbf{x}) - \mathbf{y} \log\left( A(\mathbf{x}) \right) + \log(\mathbf{y}!) \right ) + I(\mathbf{x}^{(0)} \geq 0) \;,$$ where $A$ is the forward operator, $\mathbf{y}$ is the measurement, $\mathbf{x}$ is the signal reconstruction, and $I(\mathbf{x}^{(0)} \geq 0)$ is the non-negative indicator. This example also demonstrates the application of [numpy.BlockArray](../_autosummary/scico.numpy.rst#scico.numpy.BlockArray), [functional.SeparableFunctional](../_autosummary/scico.functional.rst#scico.functional.SeparableFunctional), and [functional.ZeroFunctional](../_autosummary/scico.functional.rst#scico.functional.ZeroFunctional) to implement the forward operator $A(\mathbf{x}) = A_0(\mathbf{x}^{(0)}) + A_1(\mathbf{x}^{(1)})$ and the selective non-negativity constraint that only applies to $\mathbf{x}^{(0)}$. """ import jax import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scico.numpy as snp import scico.random from scico import functional, loss, plot from scico.numpy import BlockArray from scico.operator import Operator from scico.optimize.pgm import ( AcceleratedPGM, AdaptiveBBStepSize, BBStepSize, LineSearchStepSize, RobustLineSearchStepSize, ) from scico.typing import Shape from scico.util import device_info from scipy.linalg import dft """ Construct a dictionary, a reference random reconstruction, and a test measurement signal consisting of the synthesis of the reference reconstruction. """ m = 1024 # signal size n = 8 # dictionary size n0 = 2 n1 = n - n0 # Create dictionary with bump-like features. D = ((snp.real(dft(m))[1 : n + 1, :m]) ** 12).T D0 = D[:, :n0] D1 = D[:, n0:] # Define composed operator. class ForwardOperator(Operator): """Toy problem non-linear forward operator with different treatment of x[0] and x[1]. Attributes: D0: Matrix multiplying x[0]. D1: Matrix multiplying x[1]. """ def __init__(self, input_shape: Shape, D0, D1, jit: bool = True): self.D0 = D0 self.D1 = D1 output_shape = (D0.shape[0],) super().__init__( input_shape=input_shape, input_dtype=snp.complex64, output_dtype=snp.complex64, output_shape=output_shape, jit=jit, ) def _eval(self, x: BlockArray) -> BlockArray: return 10 * snp.exp(-D0 @ x[0]) + 5 * snp.exp(-D1 @ x[1]) x_gt, key = scico.random.uniform(((n0,), (n1,)), seed=12345) # true coefficients A = ForwardOperator(x_gt.shape, D0, D1) lam = A(x_gt) y, key = scico.random.poisson(lam, shape=lam.shape, key=key) # synthetic signal x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax array, push to GPU y = jax.device_put(y) # convert to jax array, push to GPU """ Set up the loss function and the regularization. """ f = loss.PoissonLoss(y=y, A=A) g0 = functional.NonNegativeIndicator() g1 = functional.ZeroFunctional() g = functional.SeparableFunctional([g0, g1]) """ Define common setup: maximum of iterations and initial estimation of solution. """ maxiter = 50 x0, key = scico.random.uniform(((n0,), (n1,)), key=key) x0 = jax.device_put(x0) # Initial solution estimate """ Define plotting functionality. """ def plot_results(hist, str_ss, L0, xsol, xgt, Aop): # Plot signal, coefficients and convergence statistics. fig = plot.figure( figsize=(12, 6), tight_layout=True, ) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=2, ncols=3) fig.suptitle( "Results for PGM Solver and " + str_ss + r" ($L_0$: " + "{:4.2f}".format(L0) + ")", fontsize=16, ) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) plot.plot( hist.Objective, ptyp="semilogy", title="Objective", xlbl="Iteration", fig=fig, ax=ax0, ) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]) plot.plot( hist.Residual, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residual", xlbl="Iteration", fig=fig, ax=ax1, ) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 2]) plot.plot( hist.L, ptyp="semilogy", title="L", xlbl="Iteration", fig=fig, ax=ax2, ) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) plt.stem(snp.concatenate((xgt[0], xgt[1])), linefmt="C1-", markerfmt="C1o", basefmt="C1-") plt.stem(snp.concatenate((xsol[0], xsol[1])), linefmt="C2-", markerfmt="C2x", basefmt="C1-") plt.legend(["Ground Truth", "Recovered"]) plt.xlabel("Index") plt.title("Coefficients") ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1:]) plot.plot( snp.vstack((y, Aop(xgt), Aop(xsol))).T, title="Fit", xlbl="Index", lgnd=("y", "A(x_gt)", "A(x)"), fig=fig, ax=ax4, ) """ Use default PGMStepSize object, set L0 based on norm of Forward operator and set up AcceleratedPGM solver object. Run the solver and plot the recontructed signal and convergence statistics. """ L0 = 1e3 str_L0 = "(Specifically chosen so that convergence occurs)" solver = AcceleratedPGM( f=f, g=g, L0=L0, x0=x0, maxiter=maxiter, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) str_ss = type(solver.step_size).__name__ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") print("============================================================") print("Running solver with step size of class: ", str_ss) print("L0 " + str_L0 + ": ", L0, "\n") x = solver.solve() # Run the solver. hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) plot_results(hist, str_ss, L0, x, x_gt, A) """ Use BBStepSize object, set L0 with arbitary initial value and set up AcceleratedPGM solver object. Run the solver and plot the recontructed signal and convergence statistics. """ L0 = 90.0 # initial reciprocal of gradient descent step size str_L0 = "(Arbitrary Initialization)" solver = AcceleratedPGM( f=f, g=g, L0=L0, x0=x0, maxiter=maxiter, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, step_size=BBStepSize(), ) str_ss = type(solver.step_size).__name__ print("===================================================") print("Running solver with step size of class: ", str_ss) print("L0 " + str_L0 + ": ", L0, "\n") x = solver.solve() # Run the solver. hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) plot_results(hist, str_ss, L0, x, x_gt, A) """ Use AdaptiveBBStepSize object, set L0 with arbitary initial value and set up AcceleratedPGM solver object. Run the solver and plot the recontructed signal and convergence statistics. """ L0 = 90.0 # initial reciprocal of gradient descent step size str_L0 = "(Arbitrary Initialization)" solver = AcceleratedPGM( f=f, g=g, L0=L0, x0=x0, maxiter=maxiter, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, step_size=AdaptiveBBStepSize(kappa=0.75), ) str_ss = type(solver.step_size).__name__ print("===========================================================") print("Running solver with step size of class: ", str_ss) print("L0 " + str_L0 + ": ", L0, "\n") x = solver.solve() # Run the solver. hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) plot_results(hist, str_ss, L0, x, x_gt, A) """ Use LineSearchStepSize object, set L0 with arbitary initial value and set up AcceleratedPGM solver object. Run the solver and plot the recontructed signal and convergence statistics. """ L0 = 90.0 # initial reciprocal of gradient descent step size str_L0 = "(Arbitrary Initialization)" solver = AcceleratedPGM( f=f, g=g, L0=L0, x0=x0, maxiter=maxiter, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, step_size=LineSearchStepSize(), ) str_ss = type(solver.step_size).__name__ print("===========================================================") print("Running solver with step size of class: ", str_ss) print("L0 " + str_L0 + ": ", L0, "\n") x = solver.solve() # Run the solver. hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) plot_results(hist, str_ss, L0, x, x_gt, A) """ Use RobustLineSearchStepSize object, set L0 with arbitary initial value and set up AcceleratedPGM solver object. Run the solver and plot the recontructed signal and convergence statistics. """ L0 = 90.0 # initial reciprocal of gradient descent step size str_L0 = "(Arbitrary Initialization)" solver = AcceleratedPGM( f=f, g=g, L0=L0, x0=x0, maxiter=maxiter, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, step_size=RobustLineSearchStepSize(), ) str_ss = type(solver.step_size).__name__ print("=================================================================") print("Running solver with step size of class: ", str_ss) print("L0 " + str_L0 + ": ", L0, "\n") x = solver.solve() # Run the solver. hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) plot_results(hist, str_ss, L0, x, x_gt, A) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" CT Reconstruction with CG and PCG ================================= This example demonstrates a simple iterative CT reconstruction using conjugate gradient (CG) and preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) algorithms to solve the problem $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - A \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 \;,$$ where $A$ is the Radon transform, $\mathbf{y}$ is the sinogram, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the reconstructed image. """ from time import time import numpy as np import jax import jax.numpy as jnp from xdesign import Foam, discrete_phantom from scico import loss, plot from scico.linop import CircularConvolve from scico.linop.radon_astra import TomographicProjector from scico.solver import cg """ Create a ground truth image. """ N = 256 # phantom size x_gt = discrete_phantom(Foam(size_range=[0.075, 0.0025], gap=1e-3, porosity=1), size=N) x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax type, push to GPU """ Configure a CT projection operator and generate synthetic measurements. """ n_projection = N # matches the phantom size so this is not few-view CT angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n_projection) # evenly spaced projection angles A = 1 / N * TomographicProjector(x_gt.shape, 1, N, angles) # Radon transform operator y = A @ x_gt # sinogram r""" Forward and back project a single pixel (Kronecker delta) to compute an approximate impulse response for $\mathbf{A}^T \mathbf{A}$. """ H = CircularConvolve.from_operator(A.T @ A) r""" Invert in the Fourier domain to form a preconditioner $\mathbf{M} \approx (\mathbf{A}^T \mathbf{A})^{-1}$. See :cite:`clinthorne-1993-preconditioning` Section V.A. for more details. """ # γ limits the gain of the preconditioner; higher gives a weaker filter. γ = 1e-2 # The imaginary part comes from numerical errors in A.T and needs to be # removed to ensure H is symmetric, positive definite. frequency_response = np.real(H.h_dft) inv_frequency_response = 1 / (frequency_response + γ) # Using circular convolution without padding is sufficient here because # M is approximate anyway. M = CircularConvolve(inv_frequency_response, x_gt.shape, h_is_dft=True) r""" Check that $\mathbf{M}$ does approximately invert $\mathbf{A}^T \mathbf{A}$. """ plot_args = dict(norm=plot.matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1.5)) fig, axes = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 4.5)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth, $x_{gt}$", fig=fig, ax=axes[0], **plot_args) plot.imview( A.T @ A @ x_gt, title=r"$\mathbf{A}^T \mathbf{A} x_{gt}$", fig=fig, ax=axes[1], **plot_args ) plot.imview( M @ A.T @ A @ x_gt, title=r"$\mathbf{M} \mathbf{A}^T \mathbf{A} x_{gt}$", fig=fig, ax=axes[2], **plot_args, ) fig.suptitle(r"$\mathbf{M}$ approximately inverts $\mathbf{A}^T \mathbf{A}$") fig.tight_layout() fig.colorbar( axes[2].get_images()[0], ax=axes, location="right", shrink=1.0, pad=0.05, label="Arbitrary Units", ) """ Reconstruct with both standard and preconditioned conjugate gradient. """ start_time = time() x_cg, info_cg = cg( A.T @ A, A.T @ y, jnp.zeros(A.input_shape, dtype=A.input_dtype), tol=1e-5, info=True, ) time_cg = time() - start_time start_time = time() x_pcg, info_pcg = cg( A.T @ A, A.T @ y, jnp.zeros(A.input_shape, dtype=A.input_dtype), tol=2e-5, # preconditioning affects the problem scaling so tol differs between CG and PCG info=True, M=M, ) time_pcg = time() - start_time """ Compare CG and PCG in terms of reconstruction time and data fidelity. """ f_cg = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=A.T @ y, A=A.T @ A) f_data = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) print( f"{'Method':10s}{'Iterations':>15s}{'Time (s)':>15s}{'||ATAx - ATy||':>15s}{'||Ax - y||':>15s}" ) print( f"{'CG':10s}{info_cg['num_iter']:>15d}{time_cg:>15.2f}{f_cg(x_cg):>15.2e}{f_data(x_cg):>15.2e}" ) print( f"{'PCG':10s}{info_pcg['num_iter']:>15d}{time_pcg:>15.2f}{f_cg(x_pcg):>15.2e}" f"{f_data(x_pcg):>15.2e}" ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Complex Total Variation Denoising with PDHG Solver ================================================== This example demonstrates solution of a problem of the form $$\argmin_{\mathbf{x}} \; f(\mathbf{x}) + g(C(\mathbf{x})) \;,$$ where $C$ is a nonlinear operator, via non-linear PDHG :cite:`valkonen-2014-primal`. The example problem represents total variation (TV) denoising applied to a complex image with piece-wise smooth magnitude and non-smooth phase. The appropriate TV denoising formulation for this problem is $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| C(\mathbf{x}) \|_{2,1} \;,$$ where $\mathbf{y}$ is the measurement, $\|\cdot\|_{2,1}$ is the $\ell_{2,1}$ mixed norm, and $C$ is a non-linear operator that applies a linear difference operator to the magnitude of a complex array. The standard TV solution, which is also computed for comparison purposes, gives very poor results since the difference is applied independently to real and imaginary components of the complex image. """ from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable from xdesign import SiemensStar, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp import scico.random from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, operator, plot from scico.examples import phase_diff from scico.optimize import PDHG from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ N = 256 # image size phantom = SiemensStar(16) x_mag = snp.pad(discrete_phantom(phantom, N - 16), 8) + 1.0 x_mag /= x_mag.max() # Create reference image with structured magnitude and random phase x_gt = x_mag * snp.exp(-1j * scico.random.randn(x_mag.shape, seed=0)[0]) """ Add noise to create a noisy test image. """ σ = 0.25 # noise standard deviation noise, key = scico.random.randn(x_gt.shape, seed=1, dtype=snp.complex64) y = x_gt + σ * noise """ Denoise with standard total variation. """ λ_tv = 6e-2 f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y) g = λ_tv * functional.L21Norm() # The append=0 option makes the results of horizontal and vertical finite # differences the same shape, which is required for the L21Norm. C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=x_gt.shape, input_dtype=snp.complex64, append=0) solver_tv = PDHG( f=f, g=g, C=C, tau=4e-1, sigma=4e-1, maxiter=200, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x_tv = solver_tv.solve() hist_tv = solver_tv.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Denoise with total variation applied to the magnitude of a complex image. """ λ_nltv = 2e-1 g = λ_nltv * functional.L21Norm() # Redefine C for real input (now applied to magnitude of a complex array) C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=x_gt.shape, input_dtype=snp.float32, append=0) # Operator computing differences of absolute values D = C @ operator.Abs(input_shape=x_gt.shape, input_dtype=snp.complex64) solver_nltv = PDHG( f=f, g=g, C=D, tau=4e-1, sigma=4e-1, maxiter=200, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) x_nltv = solver_nltv.solve() hist_nltv = solver_nltv.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Plot results. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(27, 6)) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_tv.Objective, hist_nltv.Objective)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("PDHG", "NL-PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_tv.Prml_Rsdl, hist_nltv.Prml_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Primal residual", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("PDHG", "NL-PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_tv.Dual_Rsdl, hist_nltv.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Dual residual", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("PDHG", "NL-PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[2], ) fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=4, figsize=(20, 10)) norm = plot.matplotlib.colors.Normalize( vmin=min(snp.abs(x_gt).min(), snp.abs(y).min(), snp.abs(x_tv).min(), snp.abs(x_nltv).min()), vmax=max(snp.abs(x_gt).max(), snp.abs(y).max(), snp.abs(x_tv).max(), snp.abs(x_nltv).max()), ) plot.imview(snp.abs(x_gt), title="Ground truth", cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 0], norm=norm) plot.imview( snp.abs(y), title="Measured: PSNR %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(snp.abs(x_gt), snp.abs(y)), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 1], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( snp.abs(x_tv), title="TV: PSNR %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(snp.abs(x_gt), snp.abs(x_tv)), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 2], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( snp.abs(x_nltv), title="NL-TV: PSNR %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(snp.abs(x_gt), snp.abs(x_nltv)), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 3], norm=norm, ) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[0, 3]) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2) fig.colorbar(ax[0, 3].get_images()[0], cax=cax) norm = plot.matplotlib.colors.Normalize( vmin=min(snp.angle(x_gt).min(), snp.angle(x_tv).min(), snp.angle(x_nltv).min()), vmax=max(snp.angle(x_gt).max(), snp.angle(x_tv).max(), snp.angle(x_nltv).max()), ) plot.imview( snp.angle(x_gt), title="Ground truth", cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 0], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( snp.angle(y), title="Measured: Mean phase diff. %.2f" % phase_diff(snp.angle(x_gt), snp.angle(y)).mean(), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 1], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( snp.angle(x_tv), title="TV: Mean phase diff. %.2f" % phase_diff(snp.angle(x_gt), snp.angle(x_tv)).mean(), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 2], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( snp.angle(x_nltv), title="NL-TV: Mean phase diff. %.2f" % phase_diff(snp.angle(x_gt), snp.angle(x_nltv)).mean(), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 3], norm=norm, ) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[1, 3]) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2) fig.colorbar(ax[1, 3].get_images()[0], cax=cax) ax[0, 0].set_ylabel("Magnitude") ax[1, 0].set_ylabel("Phase") fig.tight_layout() input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Complex Total Variation Denoising with NLPADMM Solver ===================================================== This example demonstrates solution of a problem of the form $$\argmin_{\mb{x}} \; f(\mb{x}) + g(\mb{z}) \; \text{such that}\; H(\mb{x}, \mb{z}) = 0 \;,$$ where $H$ is a nonlinear function, via a variant of the proximal ADMM algorithm for problems with a non-linear operator constraint :cite:`benning-2016-preconditioned`. The example problem represents total variation (TV) denoising applied to a complex image with piece-wise smooth magnitude and non-smooth phase. (This example is rather contrived, and was not constructed to represent a specific real imaging problem, but it does have some properties in common with synthetic aperture radar single look complex data in which the magnitude has much more discernible structure than the phase.) The appropriate TV denoising formulation for this problem is $$\argmin_{\mb{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mb{y} - \mb{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| C(\mb{x}) \|_{2,1} \;,$$ where $\mb{y}$ is the measurement, $\|\cdot\|_{2,1}$ is the $\ell_{2,1}$ mixed norm, and $C$ is a non-linear operator consisting of a linear difference operator applied to the magnitude of a complex array. This problem is represented in the form above by taking $H(\mb{x}, \mb{z}) = C(\mb{x}) - \mb{z}$. The standard TV solution, which is also computed for comparison purposes, gives very poor results since the difference is applied independently to real and imaginary components of the complex image. """ from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable from xdesign import SiemensStar, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp import scico.random from scico import function, functional, linop, loss, metric, operator, plot from scico.examples import phase_diff from scico.optimize import NonLinearPADMM, ProximalADMM from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ N = 256 # image size phantom = SiemensStar(16) x_mag = snp.pad(discrete_phantom(phantom, N - 16), 8) + 1.0 x_mag /= x_mag.max() # Create reference image with structured magnitude and random phase x_gt = x_mag * snp.exp(-1j * scico.random.randn(x_mag.shape, seed=0)[0]) """ Add noise to create a noisy test image. """ σ = 0.25 # noise standard deviation noise, key = scico.random.randn(x_gt.shape, seed=1, dtype=snp.complex64) y = x_gt + σ * noise """ Denoise with standard total variation. """ λ_tv = 6e-2 f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y) g = λ_tv * functional.L21Norm() # The append=0 option makes the results of horizontal and vertical finite # differences the same shape, which is required for the L21Norm. C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=y.shape, input_dtype=snp.complex64, append=0) solver_tv = ProximalADMM( f=f, g=g, A=C, rho=1.0, mu=8.0, nu=1.0, maxiter=200, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 20}, ) print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x_tv = solver_tv.solve() print() hist_tv = solver_tv.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Denoise with total variation applied to the magnitude of a complex image. """ λ_nltv = 2e-1 g = λ_nltv * functional.L21Norm() # Redefine C for real input (now applied to magnitude of a complex array) C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=y.shape, input_dtype=snp.float32, append=0) # Operator computing differences of absolute values D = C @ operator.Abs(input_shape=x_gt.shape, input_dtype=snp.complex64) # Constraint function imposing z = D(x) constraint H = function.Function( (C.shape[1], C.shape[0]), output_shape=C.shape[0], eval_fn=lambda x, z: D(x) - z, input_dtypes=(snp.complex64, snp.float32), output_dtype=snp.float32, ) solver_nltv = NonLinearPADMM( f=f, g=g, H=H, rho=5.0, mu=6.0, nu=1.0, maxiter=200, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 20}, ) x_nltv = solver_nltv.solve() hist_nltv = solver_nltv.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Plot results. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(27, 6)) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_tv.Objective, hist_nltv.Objective)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Standard TV", "Magnitude TV"), fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_tv.Prml_Rsdl, hist_nltv.Prml_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Primal residual", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Standard TV", "Magnitude TV"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_tv.Dual_Rsdl, hist_nltv.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Dual residual", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Standard TV", "Magnitude TV"), fig=fig, ax=ax[2], ) fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=4, figsize=(20, 10)) norm = plot.matplotlib.colors.Normalize( vmin=min(snp.abs(x_gt).min(), snp.abs(y).min(), snp.abs(x_tv).min(), snp.abs(x_nltv).min()), vmax=max(snp.abs(x_gt).max(), snp.abs(y).max(), snp.abs(x_tv).max(), snp.abs(x_nltv).max()), ) plot.imview(snp.abs(x_gt), title="Ground truth", cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 0], norm=norm) plot.imview( snp.abs(y), title="Measured: PSNR %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(snp.abs(x_gt), snp.abs(y)), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 1], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( snp.abs(x_tv), title="Standard TV: PSNR %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(snp.abs(x_gt), snp.abs(x_tv)), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 2], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( snp.abs(x_nltv), title="Magnitude TV: PSNR %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(snp.abs(x_gt), snp.abs(x_nltv)), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 3], norm=norm, ) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[0, 3]) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2) fig.colorbar(ax[0, 3].get_images()[0], cax=cax) norm = plot.matplotlib.colors.Normalize( vmin=min(snp.angle(x_gt).min(), snp.angle(x_tv).min(), snp.angle(x_nltv).min()), vmax=max(snp.angle(x_gt).max(), snp.angle(x_tv).max(), snp.angle(x_nltv).max()), ) plot.imview( snp.angle(x_gt), title="Ground truth", cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 0], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( snp.angle(y), title="Measured: Mean phase diff. %.2f" % phase_diff(snp.angle(x_gt), snp.angle(y)).mean(), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 1], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( snp.angle(x_tv), title="Standard TV: Mean phase diff. %.2f" % phase_diff(snp.angle(x_gt), snp.angle(x_tv)).mean(), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 2], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( snp.angle(x_nltv), title="Magnitude TV: Mean phase diff. %.2f" % phase_diff(snp.angle(x_gt), snp.angle(x_nltv)).mean(), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 3], norm=norm, ) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[1, 3]) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2) fig.colorbar(ax[1, 3].get_images()[0], cax=cax) ax[0, 0].set_ylabel("Magnitude") ax[1, 0].set_ylabel("Phase") fig.tight_layout() input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" TV-Regularized Sparse-View CT Reconstruction ============================================ This example demonstrates solution of a sparse-view CT reconstruction problem with isotropic total variation (TV) regularization $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - A \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| C \mathbf{x} \|_{2,1} \;,$$ where $A$ is the Radon transform, $\mathbf{y}$ is the sinogram, $C$ is a 2D finite difference operator, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the desired image. """ import numpy as np import jax from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable from xdesign import Foam, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot from scico.linop.radon_astra import TomographicProjector from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ N = 512 # phantom size np.random.seed(1234) x_gt = discrete_phantom(Foam(size_range=[0.075, 0.0025], gap=1e-3, porosity=1), size=N) x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax type, push to GPU """ Configure CT projection operator and generate synthetic measurements. """ n_projection = 45 # number of projections angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n_projection) # evenly spaced projection angles A = TomographicProjector(x_gt.shape, 1, N, angles) # Radon transform operator y = A @ x_gt # sinogram """ Set up ADMM solver object. """ λ = 2e0 # L1 norm regularization parameter ρ = 5e0 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 25 # number of ADMM iterations cg_tol = 1e-4 # CG relative tolerance cg_maxiter = 25 # maximum CG iterations per ADMM iteration # The append=0 option makes the results of horizontal and vertical # finite differences the same shape, which is required for the L21Norm, # which is used so that g(Cx) corresponds to isotropic TV. C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=x_gt.shape, append=0) g = λ * functional.L21Norm() f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) x0 = snp.clip(A.fbp(y), 0, 1.0) solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[C], rho_list=[ρ], x0=x0, maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": cg_tol, "maxiter": cg_maxiter}), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 5}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) x_reconstruction = snp.clip(solver.x, 0, 1.0) """ Show the recovered image. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 5)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth", cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) plot.imview( x0, title="FBP Reconstruction: \nSNR: %.2f (dB), MAE: %.3f" % (metric.snr(x_gt, x0), metric.mae(x_gt, x0)), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) plot.imview( x_reconstruction, title="TV Reconstruction\nSNR: %.2f (dB), MAE: %.3f" % (metric.snr(x_gt, x_reconstruction), metric.mae(x_gt, x_reconstruction)), fig=fig, ax=ax[2], ) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[2]) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2) fig.colorbar(ax[2].get_images()[0], cax=cax, label="arbitrary units") """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( hist.Objective, title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", ylbl="Functional value", fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Deconvolution Microscopy (All Channels) ======================================= This example partially replicates a [GlobalBioIm example]( using the [microscopy data]( provided by the EPFL Biomedical Imaging Group. The deconvolution problem is solved using class [admm.ADMM](../_autosummary/scico.optimize.rst#scico.optimize.ADMM) to solve an image deconvolution problem with isotropic total variation (TV) regularization $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| M (\mathbf{y} - A \mathbf{x}) \|_2^2 + \lambda \| C \mathbf{x} \|_{2,1} + \iota_{\mathrm{NN}}(\mathbf{x}) \;,$$ where $M$ is a mask operator, $A$ is circular convolution, $\mathbf{y}$ is the blurred image, $C$ is a convolutional gradient operator, $\iota_{\mathrm{NN}}$ is the indicator function of the non-negativity constraint, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the desired image. """ import numpy as np import jax import ray import scico.numpy as snp from scico import functional, linop, loss, plot from scico.examples import downsample_volume, epfl_deconv_data, tile_volume_slices from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, CircularConvolveSolver """ Get and preprocess data. We downsample the data for the for purposes of the example. Reducing the downsampling rate will make the example slower and more memory-intensive. To run this example on a GPU it may be necessary to set environment variables `XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_ALLOCATOR=platform` and `XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE=false`. If your GPU does not have enough memory, you can try setting the environment variable `JAX_PLATFORM_NAME=cpu` to run on CPU. """ downsampling_rate = 2 y_list = [] y_pad_list = [] psf_list = [] for channel in range(3): y, psf = epfl_deconv_data(channel, verbose=True) # get data y = downsample_volume(y, downsampling_rate) # downsample psf = downsample_volume(psf, downsampling_rate) y -= y.min() # normalize y y /= y.max() psf /= psf.sum() # normalize psf if channel == 0: padding = [[0, p] for p in snp.array(psf.shape) - 1] mask = snp.pad(snp.ones_like(y), padding) y_pad = snp.pad(y, padding) # zero-padded version of y y_list.append(y) y_pad_list.append(y_pad) psf_list.append(psf) y = snp.stack(y_list, axis=-1) yshape = y.shape del y_list """ Define problem and algorithm parameters. """ λ = 2e-6 # ℓ1 norm regularization parameter ρ0 = 1e-3 # ADMM penalty parameter for first auxiliary variable ρ1 = 1e-3 # ADMM penalty parameter for second auxiliary variable ρ2 = 1e-3 # ADMM penalty parameter for third auxiliary variable maxiter = 100 # number of ADMM iterations """ Initialize ray, determine available computing resources, and put large arrays in object store. """ ray.init() ngpu = 0 ar = ray.available_resources() ncpu = max(int(ar["CPU"]) // 3, 1) if "GPU" in ar: ngpu = int(ar["GPU"]) // 3 print(f"Running on {ncpu} CPUs and {ngpu} GPUs per process") y_pad_list = ray.put(y_pad_list) psf_list = ray.put(psf_list) mask_store = ray.put(mask) """ Define ray remote function for parallel solves. """ @ray.remote(num_cpus=ncpu, num_gpus=ngpu) def deconvolve_channel(channel): """Deconvolve a single channel.""" y_pad = jax.device_put(ray.get(y_pad_list)[channel]) psf = jax.device_put(ray.get(psf_list)[channel]) mask = jax.device_put(ray.get(mask_store)) M = linop.Diagonal(mask) C0 = linop.CircularConvolve( h=psf, input_shape=mask.shape, h_center=snp.array(psf.shape) / 2 - 0.5 # forward operator ) C1 = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=mask.shape, circular=True) # gradient operator C2 = linop.Identity(mask.shape) # identity operator g0 = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y_pad, A=M) # loss function (forward model) g1 = λ * functional.L21Norm() # TV penalty (when applied to gradient) g2 = functional.NonNegativeIndicator() # non-negativity constraint if channel == 0: print("Displaying solver status for channel 0") display = True else: display = False solver = ADMM( f=None, g_list=[g0, g1, g2], C_list=[C0, C1, C2], rho_list=[ρ0, ρ1, ρ2], maxiter=maxiter, itstat_options={"display": display, "period": 10, "overwrite": False}, x0=y_pad, subproblem_solver=CircularConvolveSolver(), ) x_pad = solver.solve() x = x_pad[: yshape[0], : yshape[1], : yshape[2]] return (x, solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True)) """ Solve problems for all three channels in parallel and extract results. """ ray_return = ray.get([deconvolve_channel.remote(channel) for channel in range(3)]) x = snp.stack([t[0] for t in ray_return], axis=-1) solve_stats = [t[1] for t in ray_return] """ Show the recovered image. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(14, 7)) plot.imview(tile_volume_slices(y), title="Blurred measurements", fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) plot.imview(tile_volume_slices(x), title="Deconvolved image", fig=fig, ax=ax[1]) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(18, 5)) plot.plot( np.stack([s.Objective for s in solve_stats]).T, title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", ylbl="Functional value", lgnd=("CY3", "DAPI", "FITC"), fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( np.stack([s.Prml_Rsdl for s in solve_stats]).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Primal Residual", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("CY3", "DAPI", "FITC"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) plot.plot( np.stack([s.Dual_Rsdl for s in solve_stats]).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Dual Residual", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("CY3", "DAPI", "FITC"), fig=fig, ax=ax[2], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Circulant Blur Image Deconvolution with TV Regularization ========================================================= This example demonstrates the solution of an image deconvolution problem with isotropic total variation (TV) regularization $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - A \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| C \mathbf{x} \|_{2,1} \;,$$ where $A$ is a circular convolution operator, $\mathbf{y}$ is the blurred image, $C$ is a 2D finite difference operator, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the deconvolved image. """ import jax from xdesign import SiemensStar, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp import scico.random from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, CircularConvolveSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ phantom = SiemensStar(32) N = 256 # image size x_gt = snp.pad(discrete_phantom(phantom, N - 16), 8) x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax type, push to GPU """ Set up the forward operator and create a test signal consisting of a blurred signal with additive Gaussian noise. """ n = 5 # convolution kernel size σ = 20.0 / 255 # noise level psf = snp.ones((n, n)) / (n * n) A = linop.CircularConvolve(h=psf, input_shape=x_gt.shape) Ax = A(x_gt) # blurred image noise, key = scico.random.randn(Ax.shape, seed=0) y = Ax + σ * noise """ Set up an ADMM solver object. """ λ = 2e-2 # L21 norm regularization parameter ρ = 5e-1 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 50 # number of ADMM iterations f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) # Penalty parameters must be accounted for in the gi functions, not as # additional inputs. g = λ * functional.L21Norm() # regularization functionals gi C = linop.FiniteDifference(x_gt.shape, circular=True) solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[C], rho_list=[ρ], x0=A.adj(y), maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=CircularConvolveSolver(), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x = solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show the recovered image. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 5)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth", fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) plot.imview(y, title="Blurred, noisy image: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, y), fig=fig, ax=ax[1]) plot.imview(x, title="Deconvolved image: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, x), fig=fig, ax=ax[2]) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( hist.Objective, title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", ylbl="Functional value", fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
import numpy as np import jax import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import svmbir from xdesign import Foam, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp from scico import functional, linop, metric, plot from scico.linop import Diagonal from scico.linop.radon_svmbir import SVMBIRSquaredL2Loss, TomographicProjector from scico.optimize import PDHG, LinearizedADMM from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Generate a ground truth image. """ N = 256 # image size density = 0.025 # attenuation density of the image np.random.seed(1234) x_gt = discrete_phantom(Foam(size_range=[0.05, 0.02], gap=0.02, porosity=0.3), size=N - 10) x_gt = x_gt / np.max(x_gt) * density x_gt = np.pad(x_gt, 5) x_gt[x_gt < 0] = 0 """ Generate tomographic projector and sinogram. """ num_angles = int(N / 2) num_channels = N angles = snp.linspace(0, snp.pi, num_angles, dtype=snp.float32) A = TomographicProjector(x_gt.shape, angles, num_channels) sino = A @ x_gt """ Impose Poisson noise on sinogram. Higher max_intensity means less noise. """ max_intensity = 2000 expected_counts = max_intensity * np.exp(-sino) noisy_counts = np.random.poisson(expected_counts).astype(np.float32) noisy_counts[noisy_counts == 0] = 1 # deal with 0s y = -np.log(noisy_counts / max_intensity) """ Reconstruct using default prior of SVMBIR :cite:`svmbir-2020`. """ weights = svmbir.calc_weights(y, weight_type="transmission") x_mrf = svmbir.recon( np.array(y[:, np.newaxis]), np.array(angles), weights=weights[:, np.newaxis], num_rows=N, num_cols=N, positivity=True, verbose=0, )[0] """ Set up problem. """ y, x0, weights = jax.device_put([y, x_mrf, weights]) λ = 1e-1 # L1 norm regularization parameter f = SVMBIRSquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A, W=Diagonal(weights), scale=0.5) g = λ * functional.L21Norm() # regularization functional # The append=0 option makes the results of horizontal and vertical finite # differences the same shape, which is required for the L21Norm. C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=x_gt.shape, append=0) """ Solve via ADMM. """ solve_admm = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[C], rho_list=[2e1], x0=x0, maxiter=50, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-4, "maxiter": 10}), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x_admm = solve_admm.solve() hist_admm = solve_admm.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) print(f"PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_admm):.2f} dB\n") """ Solve via Linearized ADMM. """ solver_ladmm = LinearizedADMM( f=f, g=g, C=C, mu=3e-2, nu=2e-1, x0=x0, maxiter=50, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) x_ladmm = solver_ladmm.solve() hist_ladmm = solver_ladmm.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) print(f"PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_ladmm):.2f} dB\n") """ Solve via PDHG. """ solver_pdhg = PDHG( f=f, g=g, C=C, tau=2e-2, sigma=8e0, x0=x0, maxiter=50, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) x_pdhg = solver_pdhg.solve() hist_pdhg = solver_pdhg.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) print(f"PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_pdhg):.2f} dB\n") """ Show the recovered images. """ norm = plot.matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-0.1 * density, vmax=1.2 * density) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=[10, 5]) plot.imview(img=x_gt, title="Ground Truth Image", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[0], norm=norm) plot.imview( img=x_mrf, title=f"MRF (PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_mrf):.2f} dB)", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[1], norm=norm, ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=[15, 5]) plot.imview( img=x_admm, title=f"TV ADMM (PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_admm):.2f} dB)", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[0], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( img=x_ladmm, title=f"TV LinADMM (PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_ladmm):.2f} dB)", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[1], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( img=x_pdhg, title=f"TV PDHG (PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_pdhg):.2f} dB)", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[2], norm=norm, ) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(27, 6)) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_admm.Objective, hist_ladmm.Objective, hist_pdhg.Objective)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("ADMM", "LinADMM", "PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_admm.Prml_Rsdl, hist_ladmm.Prml_Rsdl, hist_pdhg.Prml_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Primal residual", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("ADMM", "LinADMM", "PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_admm.Dual_Rsdl, hist_ladmm.Dual_Rsdl, hist_pdhg.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Dual residual", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("ADMM", "LinADMM", "PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[2], ) fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(27, 6)) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_admm.Objective, hist_ladmm.Objective, hist_pdhg.Objective)).T, snp.vstack((hist_admm.Time, hist_ladmm.Time, hist_pdhg.Time)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Objective function", xlbl="Time (s)", lgnd=("ADMM", "LinADMM", "PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_admm.Prml_Rsdl, hist_ladmm.Prml_Rsdl, hist_pdhg.Prml_Rsdl)).T, snp.vstack((hist_admm.Time, hist_ladmm.Time, hist_pdhg.Time)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Primal residual", xlbl="Time (s)", lgnd=("ADMM", "LinADMM", "PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_admm.Dual_Rsdl, hist_ladmm.Dual_Rsdl, hist_pdhg.Dual_Rsdl)).T, snp.vstack((hist_admm.Time, hist_ladmm.Time, hist_pdhg.Time)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Dual residual", xlbl="Time (s)", lgnd=("ADMM", "LinADMM", "PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[2], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Deconvolution Microscopy (Single Channel) ========================================= This example partially replicates a [GlobalBioIm example]( using the [microscopy data]( provided by the EPFL Biomedical Imaging Group. The deconvolution problem is solved using class [admm.ADMM](../_autosummary/scico.optimize.rst#scico.optimize.ADMM) to solve an image deconvolution problem with isotropic total variation (TV) regularization $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| M (\mathbf{y} - A \mathbf{x}) \|_2^2 + \lambda \| C \mathbf{x} \|_{2,1} + \iota_{\mathrm{NN}}(\mathbf{x}) \;,$$ where $M$ is a mask operator, $A$ is circular convolution, $\mathbf{y}$ is the blurred image, $C$ is a convolutional gradient operator, $\iota_{\mathrm{NN}}$ is the indicator function of the non-negativity constraint, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the desired image. """ import scico.numpy as snp from scico import functional, linop, loss, plot, util from scico.examples import downsample_volume, epfl_deconv_data, tile_volume_slices from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, CircularConvolveSolver """ Get and preprocess data. We downsample the data for the for purposes of the example. Reducing the downsampling rate will make the example slower and more memory-intensive. To run this example on a GPU it may be necessary to set environment variables `XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_ALLOCATOR=platform` and `XLA_PYTHON_CLIENT_PREALLOCATE=false`. If your GPU does not have enough memory, you can try setting the environment variable `JAX_PLATFORM_NAME=cpu` to run on CPU. """ channel = 0 downsampling_rate = 2 y, psf = epfl_deconv_data(channel, verbose=True) y = downsample_volume(y, downsampling_rate) psf = downsample_volume(psf, downsampling_rate) y -= y.min() y /= y.max() psf /= psf.sum() """ Pad data and create mask. """ padding = [[0, p] for p in snp.array(psf.shape) - 1] y_pad = snp.pad(y, padding) mask = snp.pad(snp.ones_like(y), padding) """ Define problem and algorithm parameters. """ λ = 2e-6 # ℓ1 norm regularization parameter ρ0 = 1e-3 # ADMM penalty parameter for first auxiliary variable ρ1 = 1e-3 # ADMM penalty parameter for second auxiliary variable ρ2 = 1e-3 # ADMM penalty parameter for third auxiliary variable maxiter = 100 # number of ADMM iterations """ Create operators. """ M = linop.Diagonal(mask) C0 = linop.CircularConvolve(h=psf, input_shape=mask.shape, h_center=snp.array(psf.shape) / 2 - 0.5) C1 = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=mask.shape, circular=True) C2 = linop.Identity(mask.shape) """ Create functionals. """ g0 = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y_pad, A=M) # loss function (forward model) g1 = λ * functional.L21Norm() # TV penalty (when applied to gradient) g2 = functional.NonNegativeIndicator() # non-negativity constraint """ Set up ADMM solver object and solve problem. """ solver = ADMM( f=None, g_list=[g0, g1, g2], C_list=[C0, C1, C2], rho_list=[ρ0, ρ1, ρ2], maxiter=maxiter, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, x0=y_pad, subproblem_solver=CircularConvolveSolver(), ) print("Solving on %s\n" % util.device_info()) solver.solve() solve_stats = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) x_pad = solver.x x = x_pad[: y.shape[0], : y.shape[1], : y.shape[2]] """ Show the recovered image. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(14, 7)) plot.imview(tile_volume_slices(y), title="Blurred measurements", fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) plot.imview(tile_volume_slices(x), title="Deconvolved image", fig=fig, ax=ax[1]) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( solve_stats.Objective, title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", ylbl="Functional value", fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((solve_stats.Prml_Rsdl, solve_stats.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
import numpy as np import jax from xdesign import Foam, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot, random from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ np.random.seed(1234) N = 512 # image size x_gt = discrete_phantom(Foam(size_range=[0.075, 0.0025], gap=1e-3, porosity=1), size=N) x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax array, push to GPU """ Set up forward operator and test signal consisting of blurred signal with additive Gaussian noise. """ n = 5 # convolution kernel size σ = 20.0 / 255 # noise level psf = snp.ones((n, n)) / (n * n) A = linop.Convolve(h=psf, input_shape=x_gt.shape) Ax = A(x_gt) # blurred image noise, key = random.randn(Ax.shape) y = Ax + σ * noise """ Set up ADMM solver. """ f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) C = linop.Identity(x_gt.shape) λ = 20.0 / 255 # BM3D regularization strength g = λ * functional.BM3D() ρ = 1.0 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 10 # number of ADMM iterations solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[C], rho_list=[ρ], x0=A.T @ y, maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-3, "maxiter": 100}), itstat_options={"display": True}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x = solver.solve() x = snp.clip(x, 0, 1) hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show the recovered image. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 5)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth", fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) nc = n // 2 yc = snp.clip(y[nc:-nc, nc:-nc], 0, 1) plot.imview(y, title="Blurred, noisy image: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, yc), fig=fig, ax=ax[1]) plot.imview(x, title="Deconvolved image: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, x), fig=fig, ax=ax[2]) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" 3D TV-Regularized Sparse-View CT Reconstruction =============================================== This example demonstrates solution of a sparse-view, 3D CT reconstruction problem with isotropic total variation (TV) regularization $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - A \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| C \mathbf{x} \|_{2,1} \;,$$ where $A$ is the Radon transform, $\mathbf{y}$ is the sinogram, $C$ is a 3D finite difference operator, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the desired image. """ import numpy as np import jax from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot from scico.examples import create_tangle_phantom from scico.linop.radon_astra import TomographicProjector from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image and projector. """ Nx = 128 Ny = 256 Nz = 64 tangle = create_tangle_phantom(Nx, Ny, Nz) tangle = jax.device_put(tangle) n_projection = 10 # number of projections angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n_projection) # evenly spaced projection angles A = TomographicProjector( tangle.shape, [1.0, 1.0], [Nz, max(Nx, Ny)], angles ) # Radon transform operator y = A @ tangle # sinogram """ Set up ADMM solver object. """ λ = 2e0 # L1 norm regularization parameter ρ = 5e0 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 25 # number of ADMM iterations cg_tol = 1e-4 # CG relative tolerance cg_maxiter = 25 # maximum CG iterations per ADMM iteration # The append=0 option makes the results of horizontal and vertical # finite differences the same shape, which is required for the L21Norm, # which is used so that g(Cx) corresponds to isotropic TV. C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=tangle.shape, append=0) g = λ * functional.L21Norm() f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) x0 = A.T(y) solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[C], rho_list=[ρ], x0=x0, maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": cg_tol, "maxiter": cg_maxiter}), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 5}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) tangle_recon = solver.x print( "TV Restruction\nSNR: %.2f (dB), MAE: %.3f" % (metric.snr(tangle, tangle_recon), metric.mae(tangle, tangle_recon)) ) """ Show the recovered image. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(7, 5)) plot.imview(tangle[32], title="Ground truth (central slice)", cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) plot.imview( tangle_recon[32], title="TV Reconstruction (central slice)\nSNR: %.2f (dB), MAE: %.3f" % (metric.snr(tangle, tangle_recon), metric.mae(tangle, tangle_recon)), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[1]) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2) fig.colorbar(ax[1].get_images()[0], cax=cax, label="arbitrary units") input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Video Decomposition via Robust PCA ================================== This example demonstrates video foreground/background separation via a variant of the Robust PCA problem $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}_0, \mathbf{x}_1} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{x}_0 + \mathbf{x}_1 - \mathbf{y} \|_2^2 + \lambda_0 \| \mathbf{x}_0 \|_* + \lambda_1 \| \mathbf{x}_1 \|_1 \;,$$ where $\mathbf{x}_0$ and $\mathbf{x}_1$ are respectively low-rank and sparse components, $\| \cdot \|_*$ denotes the nuclear norm, and $\| \cdot \|_1$ denotes the $\ell_1$ norm. Note: while video foreground/background separation is not an example of the scientific and computational imaging problems that are the focus of SCICO, it provides a convenient demonstration of Robust PCA, which does have potential application in scientific imaging problems. """ import imageio import scico.numpy as snp from scico import functional, linop, loss, plot from scico.examples import rgb2gray from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Load example video. """ reader = imageio.get_reader("imageio:newtonscradle.gif") nfrm = reader.get_length() frmlst = [] for i, frm in enumerate(reader): frmlst.append(rgb2gray(frm[..., 0:3].astype(snp.float32) / 255.0)) vid = snp.stack(frmlst, axis=2) """ Construct matrix with each column consisting of a vectorised video frame. """ y = vid.reshape((-1, vid.shape[-1])) """ Define functional for Robust PCA problem. """ A = linop.Sum(axis=0, input_shape=(2,) + y.shape) f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) C0 = linop.Slice(idx=0, input_shape=(2,) + y.shape) g0 = functional.NuclearNorm() C1 = linop.Slice(idx=1, input_shape=(2,) + y.shape) g1 = functional.L1Norm() """ Set up an ADMM solver object. """ λ0 = 1e1 # nuclear norm regularization parameter λ1 = 3e1 # l1 norm regularization parameter ρ0 = 2e1 # ADMM penalty parameter ρ1 = 2e1 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 50 # number of ADMM iterations solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[λ0 * g0, λ1 * g1], C_list=[C0, C1], rho_list=[ρ0, ρ1], x0=A.adj(y), maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x = solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( hist.Objective, title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", ylbl="Functional value", fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) """ Reshape low-rank component as background video sequence and sparse component as foreground video sequence. """ xlr = C0(x) xsp = C1(x) vbg = xlr.reshape(vid.shape) vfg = xsp.reshape(vid.shape) """ Display original video frames and corresponding background and foreground frames. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=3, figsize=(10, 10)) ax[0][0].set_title("Original") ax[0][1].set_title("Background") ax[0][2].set_title("Foreground") for n, fn in enumerate(range(1, 9, 2)): plot.imview(vid[..., fn], fig=fig, ax=ax[n][0]) plot.imview(vbg[..., fn], fig=fig, ax=ax[n][1]) plot.imview(vfg[..., fn], fig=fig, ax=ax[n][2]) ax[n][0].set_ylabel("Frame %d" % fn, labelpad=5, rotation=90, size="large") fig.tight_layout() input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
import numpy as np import jax from bm3d import bm3d_rgb from colour_demosaicing import demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Menon2007 import scico import scico.numpy as snp import scico.random from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot from import kodim23 from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Read a ground truth image. """ img = kodim23(asfloat=True)[160:416, 60:316] img = jax.device_put(img) # convert to jax type, push to GPU """ Define demosaicing forward operator and its transpose. """ def Afn(x): """Map an RGB image to a single channel image with each pixel representing a single colour according to the colour filter array. """ y = snp.zeros(x.shape[0:2]) y =[1::2, 1::2].set(x[1::2, 1::2, 0]) y =[0::2, 1::2].set(x[0::2, 1::2, 1]) y =[1::2, 0::2].set(x[1::2, 0::2, 1]) y =[0::2, 0::2].set(x[0::2, 0::2, 2]) return y def ATfn(x): """Back project a single channel raw image to an RGB image with zeros at the locations of undefined samples. """ y = snp.zeros(x.shape + (3,)) y =[1::2, 1::2, 0].set(x[1::2, 1::2]) y =[0::2, 1::2, 1].set(x[0::2, 1::2]) y =[1::2, 0::2, 1].set(x[1::2, 0::2]) y =[0::2, 0::2, 2].set(x[0::2, 0::2]) return y """ Define a baseline demosaicing function based on the demosaicing algorithm of :cite:`menon-2007-demosaicing` from package [colour_demosaicing]( """ def demosaic(cfaimg): """Apply baseline demosaicing.""" return demosaicing_CFA_Bayer_Menon2007(cfaimg, pattern="BGGR").astype(np.float32) """ Create a test image by color filter array sampling and adding Gaussian white noise. """ s = Afn(img) rgbshp = s.shape + (3,) # shape of reconstructed RGB image σ = 2e-2 # noise standard deviation noise, key = scico.random.randn(s.shape, seed=0) sn = s + σ * noise """ Compute a baseline demosaicing solution. """ imgb = jax.device_put(bm3d_rgb(demosaic(sn), 3 * σ).astype(np.float32)) """ Set up an ADMM solver object. Note the use of the baseline solution as an initializer. We use BM3D :cite:`dabov-2008-image` as the denoiser, using the [code]( released with :cite:`makinen-2019-exact`. """ A = linop.LinearOperator(input_shape=rgbshp, output_shape=s.shape, eval_fn=Afn, adj_fn=ATfn) f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=sn, A=A) C = linop.Identity(input_shape=rgbshp) g = 1.8e-1 * 6.1e-2 * functional.BM3D(is_rgb=True) ρ = 1.8e-1 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 12 # number of ADMM iterations solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[C], rho_list=[ρ], x0=imgb, maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-3, "maxiter": 100}), itstat_options={"display": True}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x = solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show reference and demosaiced images. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(21, 7)) plot.imview(img, title="Reference", fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) plot.imview(imgb, title="Baseline demoisac: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(img, imgb), fig=fig, ax=ax[1]) plot.imview(x, title="PPP demoisac: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(img, x), fig=fig, ax=ax[2]) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
import numpy as np import jax import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import svmbir from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator from xdesign import Foam, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp from scico import metric, plot from scico.functional import BM3D, NonNegativeIndicator from scico.linop import Diagonal, Identity from scico.linop.radon_svmbir import ( SVMBIRExtendedLoss, SVMBIRSquaredL2Loss, TomographicProjector, ) from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Generate a ground truth image. """ N = 256 # image size density = 0.025 # attenuation density of the image np.random.seed(1234) x_gt = discrete_phantom(Foam(size_range=[0.05, 0.02], gap=0.02, porosity=0.3), size=N - 10) x_gt = x_gt / np.max(x_gt) * density x_gt = np.pad(x_gt, 5) x_gt[x_gt < 0] = 0 """ Generate tomographic projector and sinogram. """ num_angles = int(N / 2) num_channels = N angles = snp.linspace(0, snp.pi, num_angles, endpoint=False, dtype=snp.float32) A = TomographicProjector(x_gt.shape, angles, num_channels) sino = A @ x_gt """ Impose Poisson noise on sinogram. Higher max_intensity means less noise. """ max_intensity = 2000 expected_counts = max_intensity * np.exp(-sino) noisy_counts = np.random.poisson(expected_counts).astype(np.float32) noisy_counts[noisy_counts == 0] = 1 # deal with 0s y = -np.log(noisy_counts / max_intensity) """ Reconstruct using default prior of SVMBIR :cite:`svmbir-2020`. """ weights = svmbir.calc_weights(y, weight_type="transmission") x_mrf = svmbir.recon( np.array(y[:, np.newaxis]), np.array(angles), weights=weights[:, np.newaxis], num_rows=N, num_cols=N, positivity=True, verbose=0, )[0] """ Push arrays to device. """ y, x0, weights = jax.device_put([y, x_mrf, weights]) """ Set problem parameters and BM3D pseudo-functional. """ ρ = 10 # ADMM penalty parameter σ = density * 0.26 # denoiser sigma g0 = σ * ρ * BM3D() """ Set up problem using `SVMBIRSquaredL2Loss` and `NonNegativeIndicator`. """ f_l2loss = SVMBIRSquaredL2Loss( y=y, A=A, W=Diagonal(weights), scale=0.5, prox_kwargs={"maxiter": 5, "ctol": 0.0} ) g1 = NonNegativeIndicator() solver_l2loss = ADMM( f=None, g_list=[f_l2loss, g0, g1], C_list=[Identity(x_mrf.shape), Identity(x_mrf.shape), Identity(x_mrf.shape)], rho_list=[ρ, ρ, ρ], x0=x0, maxiter=20, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-3, "maxiter": 100}), itstat_options={"display": True}, ) """ Run the ADMM solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x_l2loss = solver_l2loss.solve() hist_l2loss = solver_l2loss.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Set up problem using `SVMBIRExtendedLoss`, without need for `NonNegativeIndicator`. """ f_extloss = SVMBIRExtendedLoss( y=y, A=A, W=Diagonal(weights), scale=0.5, positivity=True, prox_kwargs={"maxiter": 5, "ctol": 0.0}, ) solver_extloss = ADMM( f=None, g_list=[f_extloss, g0], C_list=[Identity(x_mrf.shape), Identity(x_mrf.shape)], rho_list=[ρ, ρ], x0=x0, maxiter=20, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-3, "maxiter": 100}), itstat_options={"display": True}, ) """ Run the ADMM solver. """ print() x_extloss = solver_extloss.solve() hist_extloss = solver_extloss.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show the recovered images. """ norm = plot.matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-0.1 * density, vmax=1.2 * density) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15, 15)) plot.imview(img=x_gt, title="Ground Truth Image", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 0], norm=norm) plot.imview( img=x_mrf, title=f"MRF (PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_mrf):.2f} dB)", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 1], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( img=x_l2loss, title=f"SquaredL2Loss + non-negativity (PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_l2loss):.2f} dB)", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 0], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( img=x_extloss, title=f"ExtendedLoss (PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_extloss):.2f} dB)", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 1], norm=norm, ) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 5)) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_l2loss.Prml_Rsdl, hist_l2loss.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals (SquaredL2Loss + non-negativity)", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) ax[0].set_ylim([5e-3, 1e0]) ax[0].xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_extloss.Prml_Rsdl, hist_extloss.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals (ExtendedLoss)", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) ax[1].set_ylim([5e-3, 1e0]) ax[1].xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Convolutional Sparse Coding with Mask Decoupling (ADMM) ======================================================= This example demonstrates the solution of a convolutional sparse coding problem $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; \frac{1}{2} \Big\| \mathbf{y} - B \Big( \sum_k \mathbf{h}_k \ast \mathbf{x}_k \Big) \Big\|_2^2 + \lambda \sum_k ( \| \mathbf{x}_k \|_1 - \| \mathbf{x}_k \|_2 ) \;,$$ where the $\mathbf{h}$_k is a set of filters comprising the dictionary, the $\mathbf{x}$_k is a corrresponding set of coefficient maps, $\mathbf{y}$ is the signal to be represented, and $B$ is a cropping operator that allows the boundary artifacts resulting from circular convolution to be avoided. Following the mask decoupling approach :cite:`almeida-2013-deconvolving`, the problem is posed in ADMM form as $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z}_0, \mathbf{z}_1} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - B \mb{z}_0 \|_2^2 + \lambda \sum_k ( \| \mathbf{z}_{1,k} \|_1 - \| \mathbf{z}_{1,k} \|_2 ) \\ \;\; \text{s.t.} \;\; \mathbf{z}_0 = \sum_k \mathbf{h}_k \ast \mathbf{x}_k \;\; \mathbf{z}_{1,k} = \mathbf{x}_k\;,$$. The most computationally expensive step in the ADMM algorithm is solved using the frequency-domain approach proposed in :cite:`wohlberg-2014-efficient`. """ import numpy as np import jax import scico.numpy as snp from scico import plot from scico.examples import create_conv_sparse_phantom from scico.functional import L1MinusL2Norm, ZeroFunctional from scico.linop import CircularConvolve, Crop, Identity, Sum from scico.loss import SquaredL2Loss from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, G0BlockCircularConvolveSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Set problem size and create random convolutional dictionary (a set of filters) and a corresponding sparse random set of coefficient maps. """ N = 121 # image size Nnz = 128 # number of non-zeros in coefficient maps h, x0 = create_conv_sparse_phantom(N, Nnz) """ Normalize dictionary filters and scale coefficient maps accordingly. """ hnorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(h**2, axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True)) h /= hnorm x0 *= hnorm """ Convert numpy arrays to jax arrays. """ h = jax.device_put(h) x0 = jax.device_put(x0) """ Set up required padding and corresponding crop operator. """ h_center = (h.shape[1] // 2, h.shape[2] // 2) pad_width = ((0, 0), (h_center[0], h_center[0]), (h_center[1], h_center[1])) x0p = snp.pad(x0, pad_width=pad_width) B = Crop(pad_width[1:], input_shape=x0p.shape[1:]) """ Set up sum-of-convolutions forward operator. """ C = CircularConvolve(h, input_shape=x0p.shape, ndims=2, h_center=h_center) S = Sum(input_shape=C.output_shape, axis=0) A = S @ C """ Construct test image from dictionary $\mathbf{h}$ and padded version of coefficient maps $\mathbf{x}_0$. """ y = B(A(x0p)) """ Set functional and solver parameters. """ λ = 1e0 # l1-l2 norm regularization parameter ρ0 = 1e0 # ADMM penalty parameters ρ1 = 3e0 maxiter = 200 # number of ADMM iterations """ Define loss function and regularization. Note the use of the $\ell_1 - \ell_2$ norm, which has been found to provide slightly better performance than the $\ell_1$ norm in this type of problem :cite:`wohlberg-2021-psf`. """ f = ZeroFunctional() g0 = SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=B) g1 = λ * L1MinusL2Norm() C0 = A C1 = Identity(input_shape=x0p.shape) """ Initialize ADMM solver. """ solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g0, g1], C_list=[C0, C1], rho_list=[ρ0, ρ1], alpha=1.8, maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=G0BlockCircularConvolveSolver(check_solve=True), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x1 = solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show the recovered coefficient maps. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 8.6)) plot.imview(x0[0], title="Coef. map 0",, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 0]) ax[0, 0].set_ylabel("Ground truth") plot.imview(x0[1], title="Coef. map 1",, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 1]) plot.imview(x0[2], title="Coef. map 2",, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 2]) plot.imview(x1[0],, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 0]) ax[1, 0].set_ylabel("Recovered") plot.imview(x1[1],, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 1]) plot.imview(x1[2],, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 2]) fig.tight_layout() """ Show test image and reconstruction from recovered coefficient maps. Note the absence of the wrap-around effects at the boundary that can be seen in the corresponding images in the [related example](sparsecode_conv_admm.rst). """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 6)) plot.imview(y, title="Test image",, fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) plot.imview(B(A(x1)), title="Reconstructed image",, fig=fig, ax=ax[1]) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( hist.Objective, title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", ylbl="Functional value", fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" TV-Regularized 3D DiffuserCam Reconstruction ============================================ This example demonstrates reconstruction of a 3D DiffuserCam :cite:`antipa-2018-diffusercam` [dataset]( The inverse problem can be written as $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; \frac{1}{2} \Big\| \mathbf{y} - M \Big( \sum_k \mathbf{h}_k \ast \mathbf{x}_k \Big) \Big\|_2^2 + \lambda_0 \sum_k \| D \mathbf{x}_k \|_{2,1} + \lambda_1 \sum_k \| \mathbf{x}_k \|_1 \;,$$ where the $\mathbf{h}$_k are the components of the PSF stack, the $\mathbf{x}$_k are the corrresponding components of the reconstructed volume, $\mathbf{y}$ is the measured image, and $M$ is a cropping operator that allows the boundary artifacts resulting from circular convolution to be avoided. Following the mask decoupling approach :cite:`almeida-2013-deconvolving`, the problem is posed in ADMM form as $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z}_0, \mathbf{z}_1, \mathbf{z}_2} \; \frac{1}{2} \| \mathbf{y} - M \mathbf{z}_0 \|_2^2 + \lambda_0 \sum_k \| \mathbf{z}_{1,k} \|_{2,1} + \lambda_1 \sum_k \| \mathbf{z}_{2,k} \|_1 \\ \;\; \text{s.t.} \;\; \mathbf{z}_0 = \sum_k \mathbf{h}_k \ast \mathbf{x}_k \qquad \mathbf{z}_{1,k} = D \mathbf{x}_k \qquad \mathbf{z}_{2,k} = \mathbf{x}_k \;.$$ The most computationally expensive step in the ADMM algorithm is solved using the frequency-domain approach proposed in :cite:`wohlberg-2014-efficient`. """ import numpy as np import jax import scico.numpy as snp from scico import plot from scico.examples import ucb_diffusercam_data from scico.functional import L1Norm, L21Norm, ZeroFunctional from scico.linop import CircularConvolve, Crop, FiniteDifference, Identity, Sum from scico.loss import SquaredL2Loss from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, G0BlockCircularConvolveSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Load the DiffuserCam PSF stack and measured image. The computational cost of the reconstruction is reduced slightly by removing parts of the PSF stack that don't make a significant contribution to the reconstruction. """ y, psf = ucb_diffusercam_data() psf = psf[..., 1:-7] """ To avoid boundary artifacts, the measured image is padded by half the PSF width/height and then cropped within the data fidelity term. This padding is implicit in that the reconstruction volume is computed at the padded size, but the actual measured image is never explicitly padded since it is used at the original (unpadded) size within the data fidelity term due to the cropping operation. The PSF axis order is modified to put the stack axis at index 0, as required by components of the ADMM solver to be used. Finally, each PSF in the stack is individually normalized. """ half_psf = np.array(psf.shape[0:2]) // 2 pad_spec = ((half_psf[0],) * 2, (half_psf[1],) * 2) y_pad_shape = tuple(np.array(y.shape) + np.array(pad_spec).sum(axis=1)) x_shape = (psf.shape[-1],) + y_pad_shape psf = psf.transpose((2, 0, 1)) psf /= np.sqrt(np.sum(psf**2, axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True)) """ Convert the image and PSF stack to JAX arrays with `float32` dtype since JAX by default does not support double-precision floating point arithmetic. This limited precision leads to relatively poor, but still acceptable accuracy within the ADMM solver x-step. To experiment with the effect of higher numerical precision, set the environment variable `JAX_ENABLE_X64=True` and change `dtype` below to `np.float64`. """ dtype = np.float32 y = jax.device_put(y.astype(dtype)) psf = jax.device_put(psf.astype(dtype)) """ Define problem and algorithm parameters. """ λ0 = 3e-3 # TV regularization parameter λ1 = 1e-2 # ℓ1 norm regularization parameter ρ0 = 1e0 # ADMM penalty parameter for first auxiliary variable ρ1 = 5e0 # ADMM penalty parameter for second auxiliary variable ρ2 = 1e1 # ADMM penalty parameter for third auxiliary variable maxiter = 100 # number of ADMM iterations """ Create operators. """ C = CircularConvolve(psf, input_shape=x_shape, input_dtype=dtype, h_center=half_psf, ndims=2) S = Sum(input_shape=x_shape, input_dtype=dtype, axis=0) M = Crop(pad_spec, input_shape=y_pad_shape, input_dtype=dtype) """ Create functionals. """ g0 = SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=M) g1 = λ0 * L21Norm() g2 = λ1 * L1Norm() C0 = S @ C C1 = FiniteDifference(input_shape=x_shape, input_dtype=dtype, axes=(-2, -1), circular=True) C2 = Identity(input_shape=x_shape, input_dtype=dtype) """ Set up ADMM solver object and solve problem. """ solver = ADMM( f=ZeroFunctional(), g_list=[g0, g1, g2], C_list=[C0, C1, C2], rho_list=[ρ0, ρ1, ρ2], alpha=1.4, maxiter=maxiter, nanstop=True, subproblem_solver=G0BlockCircularConvolveSolver(ndims=2, check_solve=True), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x = solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show the measured image and samples from PDF stack """ plot.imview(y,, cbar=True, title="Measured Image") fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(14, 7)) plot.imview(psf[0], title="Nearest PSF",, fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) plot.imview(psf[-1], title="Furthest PSF",, fig=fig, ax=ax[1]) """ Show the recovered volume with depth indicated by color. """ XCrop = Crop(((0, 0),) + pad_spec, input_shape=x_shape, input_dtype=dtype) xm = np.array(XCrop(x[..., ::-1])) xmr = xm.transpose((1, 2, 0))[..., np.newaxis] / xm.max() cmap = cmval = cmap(np.arange(0, xm.shape[0]).reshape(1, 1, -1) / (xm.shape[0] - 1)) xms = np.sum(cmval * xmr, axis=2)[..., 0:3] plot.imview(xms, cmap=cmap, cbar=True, title="Recovered Volume") """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( hist.Objective, title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", ylbl="Functional value", fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" TV-Regularized Low-Dose CT Reconstruction ========================================= This example demonstrates solution of a low-dose CT reconstruction problem with isotropic total variation (TV) regularization $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - A \mathbf{x} \|_W^2 + \lambda \| C \mathbf{x} \|_{2,1} \;,$$ where $A$ is the Radon transform, $\mathbf{y}$ is the sinogram, the norm weighting $W$ is chosen so that the weighted norm is an approximation to the Poisson negative log likelihood :cite:`sauer-1993-local`, $C$ is a 2D finite difference operator, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the desired image. """ import numpy as np import jax from xdesign import Soil, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot from scico.linop.radon_astra import TomographicProjector from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ N = 512 # phantom size np.random.seed(0) x_gt = discrete_phantom(Soil(porosity=0.80), size=384) x_gt = np.ascontiguousarray(np.pad(x_gt, (64, 64))) x_gt = np.clip(x_gt, 0, np.inf) # clip to positive values x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax type, push to GPU """ Configure CT projection operator and generate synthetic measurements. """ n_projection = 360 # number of projections Io = 1e3 # source flux 𝛼 = 1e-2 # attenuation coefficient angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n_projection) # evenly spaced projection angles A = TomographicProjector(x_gt.shape, 1.0, N, angles) # Radon transform operator y_c = A @ x_gt # sinogram r""" Add Poisson noise to projections according to $$\mathrm{counts} \sim \mathrm{Poi}\left(I_0 exp\left\{- \alpha A \mathbf{x} \right\}\right)$$ $$\mathbf{y} = - \frac{1}{\alpha} \log\left(\mathrm{counts} / I_0\right).$$ We use the NumPy random functionality so we can generate using 64-bit numbers. """ counts = np.random.poisson(Io * snp.exp(-𝛼 * A @ x_gt)) counts = np.clip(counts, a_min=1, a_max=np.inf) # replace any 0s count with 1 y = -1 / 𝛼 * np.log(counts / Io) y = jax.device_put(y) # convert back to float32 """ Set up post processing. For this example, we clip all reconstructions to the range of the ground truth. """ def postprocess(x): return snp.clip(x, 0, snp.max(x_gt)) """ Compute an FBP reconstruction as an initial guess. """ x0 = postprocess(A.fbp(y)) r""" Set up and solve the un-weighted reconstruction problem $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - A \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| C \mathbf{x} \|_{2,1} \;.$$ """ # Note that rho and lambda were selected via a parameter sweep (not # shown here). ρ = 2.5e3 # ADMM penalty parameter lambda_unweighted = 3e2 # regularization strength maxiter = 100 # number of ADMM iterations cg_tol = 1e-5 # CG relative tolerance cg_maxiter = 10 # maximum CG iterations per ADMM iteration f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) admm_unweighted = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[lambda_unweighted * functional.L21Norm()], C_list=[linop.FiniteDifference(x_gt.shape, append=0)], rho_list=[ρ], x0=x0, maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": cg_tol, "maxiter": cg_maxiter}), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") admm_unweighted.solve() x_unweighted = postprocess(admm_unweighted.x) r""" Set up and solve the weighted reconstruction problem $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - A \mathbf{x} \|_W^2 + \lambda \| C \mathbf{x} \|_{2,1} \;,$$ where $$W = \mathrm{diag}\left\{ \mathrm{counts} / I_0 \right\} \;.$$ The data fidelity term in this formulation follows :cite:`sauer-1993-local` (9) except for the scaling by $I_0$, which we use to maintain balance between the data and regularization terms if $I_0$ changes. """ lambda_weighted = 5e1 weights = jax.device_put(counts / Io) f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A, W=linop.Diagonal(weights)) admm_weighted = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[lambda_weighted * functional.L21Norm()], C_list=[linop.FiniteDifference(x_gt.shape, append=0)], rho_list=[ρ], maxiter=maxiter, x0=x0, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": cg_tol, "maxiter": cg_maxiter}), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) admm_weighted.solve() x_weighted = postprocess(admm_weighted.x) """ Show recovered images. """ def plot_recon(x, title, ax): """Plot an image with title indicating error metrics.""" plot.imview( x, title=f"{title}\nSNR: {metric.snr(x_gt, x):.2f} (dB), MAE: {metric.mae(x_gt, x):.3f}", fig=fig, ax=ax, ) fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(11, 10)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth", fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 0]) plot_recon(x0, "FBP Reconstruction", ax=ax[0, 1]) plot_recon(x_unweighted, "Unweighted TV Reconstruction", ax=ax[1, 0]) plot_recon(x_weighted, "Weighted TV Reconstruction", ax=ax[1, 1]) for ax_ in ax.ravel(): ax_.set_xlim(64, 448) ax_.set_ylim(64, 448) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.99, top=0.95, bottom=0.05, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.01) fig.colorbar( ax[0, 0].get_images()[0], ax=ax, location="right", shrink=0.9, pad=0.05, label="arbitrary units" ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
import numpy as np import jax import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import svmbir from xdesign import Foam, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp from scico import metric, plot from scico.functional import BM3D, NonNegativeIndicator from scico.linop import Diagonal, Identity from scico.linop.radon_svmbir import SVMBIRSquaredL2Loss, TomographicProjector from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Generate a ground truth image. """ N = 256 # image size density = 0.025 # attenuation density of the image np.random.seed(1234) x_gt = discrete_phantom(Foam(size_range=[0.05, 0.02], gap=0.02, porosity=0.3), size=N - 10) x_gt = x_gt / np.max(x_gt) * density x_gt = np.pad(x_gt, 5) x_gt[x_gt < 0] = 0 """ Generate tomographic projector and sinogram. """ num_angles = int(N / 2) num_channels = N angles = snp.linspace(0, snp.pi, num_angles, endpoint=False, dtype=snp.float32) A = TomographicProjector(x_gt.shape, angles, num_channels) sino = A @ x_gt """ Impose Poisson noise on sinogram. Higher max_intensity means less noise. """ max_intensity = 2000 expected_counts = max_intensity * np.exp(-sino) noisy_counts = np.random.poisson(expected_counts).astype(np.float32) noisy_counts[noisy_counts == 0] = 1 # deal with 0s y = -np.log(noisy_counts / max_intensity) """ Reconstruct using default prior of SVMBIR :cite:`svmbir-2020`. """ weights = svmbir.calc_weights(y, weight_type="transmission") x_mrf = svmbir.recon( np.array(y[:, np.newaxis]), np.array(angles), weights=weights[:, np.newaxis], num_rows=N, num_cols=N, positivity=True, verbose=0, )[0] """ Set up an ADMM solver. """ y, x0, weights = jax.device_put([y, x_mrf, weights]) ρ = 15 # ADMM penalty parameter σ = density * 0.18 # denoiser sigma f = SVMBIRSquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A, W=Diagonal(weights), scale=0.5) g0 = σ * ρ * BM3D() g1 = NonNegativeIndicator() solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g0, g1], C_list=[Identity(x_mrf.shape), Identity(x_mrf.shape)], rho_list=[ρ, ρ], x0=x0, maxiter=20, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-4, "maxiter": 100}), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 1}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x_bm3d = solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show the recovered image. """ norm = plot.matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-0.1 * density, vmax=1.2 * density) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=[15, 5]) plot.imview(img=x_gt, title="Ground Truth Image", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[0], norm=norm) plot.imview( img=x_mrf, title=f"MRF (PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_mrf):.2f} dB)", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[1], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( img=x_bm3d, title=f"BM3D (PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_bm3d):.2f} dB)", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[2], norm=norm, ) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
import numpy as np import jax import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import svmbir from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator from xdesign import Foam, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp from scico import metric, plot from scico.functional import BM3D from scico.linop import Diagonal, Identity from scico.linop.radon_svmbir import SVMBIRExtendedLoss, TomographicProjector from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Generate a ground truth image. """ N = 256 # image size density = 0.025 # attenuation density of the image np.random.seed(1234) pad_len = 5 x_gt = discrete_phantom(Foam(size_range=[0.05, 0.02], gap=0.02, porosity=0.3), size=N - 2 * pad_len) x_gt = x_gt / np.max(x_gt) * density x_gt = np.pad(x_gt, pad_len) x_gt[x_gt < 0] = 0 """ Generate tomographic projector and sinogram for fan beam and parallel beam. For fan beam, use view angles spanning 2π since unlike parallel beam, views at 0 and π are not equivalent. """ num_angles = int(N / 2) num_channels = N # Use angles in the range [0, 2*pi] for fan beam angles = snp.linspace(0, 2 * snp.pi, num_angles, endpoint=False, dtype=snp.float32) dist_source_detector = 1500.0 magnification = 1.2 A_fan = TomographicProjector( x_gt.shape, angles, num_channels, geometry="fan-curved", dist_source_detector=dist_source_detector, magnification=magnification, ) A_parallel = TomographicProjector( x_gt.shape, angles, num_channels, geometry="parallel", ) sino_fan = A_fan @ x_gt """ Impose Poisson noise on sinograms. Higher max_intensity means less noise. """ def add_poisson_noise(sino, max_intensity): expected_counts = max_intensity * np.exp(-sino) noisy_counts = np.random.poisson(expected_counts).astype(np.float32) noisy_counts[noisy_counts == 0] = 1 # deal with 0s y = -np.log(noisy_counts / max_intensity) return y y_fan = add_poisson_noise(sino_fan, max_intensity=500) """ Reconstruct using default prior of SVMBIR :cite:`svmbir-2020`. """ weights_fan = svmbir.calc_weights(y_fan, weight_type="transmission") x_mrf_fan = svmbir.recon( np.array(y_fan[:, np.newaxis]), np.array(angles), weights=weights_fan[:, np.newaxis], num_rows=N, num_cols=N, positivity=True, verbose=0, stop_threshold=0.0, geometry="fan-curved", dist_source_detector=dist_source_detector, magnification=magnification, delta_channel=1.0, delta_pixel=1.0 / magnification, )[0] x_mrf_parallel = svmbir.recon( np.array(y_fan[:, np.newaxis]), np.array(angles), weights=weights_fan[:, np.newaxis], num_rows=N, num_cols=N, positivity=True, verbose=0, stop_threshold=0.0, geometry="parallel", )[0] """ Push arrays to device. """ y_fan, x0_fan, weights_fan = jax.device_put([y_fan, x_mrf_fan, weights_fan]) x0_parallel = jax.device_put(x_mrf_parallel) """ Set problem parameters and BM3D pseudo-functional. """ ρ = 10 # ADMM penalty parameter σ = density * 0.6 # denoiser sigma g0 = σ * ρ * BM3D() """ Set up problem using `SVMBIRExtendedLoss`. """ f_extloss_fan = SVMBIRExtendedLoss( y=y_fan, A=A_fan, W=Diagonal(weights_fan), scale=0.5, positivity=True, prox_kwargs={"maxiter": 5, "ctol": 0.0}, ) f_extloss_parallel = SVMBIRExtendedLoss( y=y_fan, A=A_parallel, W=Diagonal(weights_fan), scale=0.5, positivity=True, prox_kwargs={"maxiter": 5, "ctol": 0.0}, ) solver_extloss_fan = ADMM( f=None, g_list=[f_extloss_fan, g0], C_list=[Identity(x_mrf_fan.shape), Identity(x_mrf_fan.shape)], rho_list=[ρ, ρ], x0=x0_fan, maxiter=20, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-3, "maxiter": 100}), itstat_options={"display": True}, ) solver_extloss_parallel = ADMM( f=None, g_list=[f_extloss_parallel, g0], C_list=[Identity(x_mrf_parallel.shape), Identity(x_mrf_parallel.shape)], rho_list=[ρ, ρ], x0=x0_parallel, maxiter=20, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-3, "maxiter": 100}), itstat_options={"display": True}, ) """ Run the ADMM solvers. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x_extloss_fan = solver_extloss_fan.solve() hist_extloss_fan = solver_extloss_fan.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) print() x_extloss_parallel = solver_extloss_parallel.solve() hist_extloss_parallel = solver_extloss_parallel.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show the recovered images. The parallel beam reconstruction is poor because the parallel beam is a poor approximation of the specific fan beam geometry used here. """ norm = plot.matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=-0.1 * density, vmax=1.2 * density) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(20, 7)) plot.imview(img=x_gt, title="Ground Truth Image", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[0], norm=norm) plot.imview( img=x_mrf_parallel, title=f"Parallel-beam MRF (PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_mrf_parallel):.2f} dB)", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[1], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( img=x_extloss_parallel, title=f"Parallel-beam Extended Loss (PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_extloss_parallel):.2f} dB)", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[2], norm=norm, ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(20, 7)) plot.imview(img=x_gt, title="Ground Truth Image", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[0], norm=norm) plot.imview( img=x_mrf_fan, title=f"Fan-beam MRF (PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_mrf_fan):.2f} dB)", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[1], norm=norm, ) plot.imview( img=x_extloss_fan, title=f"Fan-beam Extended Loss (PSNR: {metric.psnr(x_gt, x_extloss_fan):.2f} dB)", cbar=True, fig=fig, ax=ax[2], norm=norm, ) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 6)) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_extloss_parallel.Prml_Rsdl, hist_extloss_parallel.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals for parallel-beam reconstruction", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) ax[0].set_ylim([5e-3, 1e0]) ax[0].xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist_extloss_fan.Prml_Rsdl, hist_extloss_fan.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals for fan-beam reconstruction", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) ax[1].set_ylim([5e-3, 1e0]) ax[1].xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Convolutional Sparse Coding (ADMM) ================================== This example demonstrates the solution of a simple convolutional sparse coding problem $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; \frac{1}{2} \Big\| \mathbf{y} - \sum_k \mathbf{h}_k \ast \mathbf{x}_k \Big\|_2^2 + \lambda \sum_k ( \| \mathbf{x}_k \|_1 - \| \mathbf{x}_k \|_2 ) \;,$$ where the $\mathbf{h}$_k is a set of filters comprising the dictionary, the $\mathbf{x}$_k is a corrresponding set of coefficient maps, and $\mathbf{y}$ is the signal to be represented. The problem is solved via an ADMM algorithm using the frequency-domain approach proposed in :cite:`wohlberg-2014-efficient`. """ import numpy as np import jax import scico.numpy as snp from scico import plot from scico.examples import create_conv_sparse_phantom from scico.functional import L1MinusL2Norm from scico.linop import CircularConvolve, Identity, Sum from scico.loss import SquaredL2Loss from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, FBlockCircularConvolveSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Set problem size and create random convolutional dictionary (a set of filters) and a corresponding sparse random set of coefficient maps. """ N = 128 # image size Nnz = 128 # number of non-zeros in coefficient maps h, x0 = create_conv_sparse_phantom(N, Nnz) """ Normalize dictionary filters and scale coefficient maps accordingly. """ hnorm = np.sqrt(np.sum(h**2, axis=(1, 2), keepdims=True)) h /= hnorm x0 *= hnorm """ Convert numpy arrays to jax arrays. """ h = jax.device_put(h) x0 = jax.device_put(x0) """ Set up sum-of-convolutions forward operator. """ C = CircularConvolve(h, input_shape=x0.shape, ndims=2) S = Sum(input_shape=C.output_shape, axis=0) A = S @ C """ Construct test image from dictionary $\mathbf{h}$ and coefficient maps $\mathbf{x}_0$. """ y = A(x0) """ Set functional and solver parameters. """ λ = 1e0 # l1-l2 norm regularization parameter ρ = 2e0 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 200 # number of ADMM iterations """ Define loss function and regularization. Note the use of the $\ell_1 - \ell_2$ norm, which has been found to provide slightly better performance than the $\ell_1$ norm in this type of problem :cite:`wohlberg-2021-psf`. """ f = SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) g0 = λ * L1MinusL2Norm() C0 = Identity(input_shape=x0.shape) """ Initialize ADMM solver. """ solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g0], C_list=[C0], rho_list=[ρ], alpha=1.8, maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=FBlockCircularConvolveSolver(check_solve=True), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x1 = solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show the recovered coefficient maps. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, figsize=(12, 8.6)) plot.imview(x0[0], title="Coef. map 0",, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 0]) ax[0, 0].set_ylabel("Ground truth") plot.imview(x0[1], title="Coef. map 1",, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 1]) plot.imview(x0[2], title="Coef. map 2",, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 2]) plot.imview(x1[0],, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 0]) ax[1, 0].set_ylabel("Recovered") plot.imview(x1[1],, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 1]) plot.imview(x1[2],, fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 2]) fig.tight_layout() """ Show test image and reconstruction from recovered coefficient maps. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 6)) plot.imview(y, title="Test image",, fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) plot.imview(A(x1), title="Reconstructed image",, fig=fig, ax=ax[1]) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( hist.Objective, title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", ylbl="Functional value", fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Total Variation Denoising (ADMM) ================================ This example compares denoising via isotropic and anisotropic total variation (TV) regularization :cite:`rudin-1992-nonlinear` :cite:`goldstein-2009-split`. It solves the denoising problem $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda R(\mathbf{x}) \;,$$ where $R$ is either the isotropic or anisotropic TV regularizer. In SCICO, switching between these two regularizers is a one-line change: replacing an [L1Norm](../_autosummary/scico.functional.rst#scico.functional.L1Norm) with a [L21Norm](../_autosummary/scico.functional.rst#scico.functional.L21Norm). Note that the isotropic version exhibits fewer block-like artifacts on edges that are not vertical or horizontal. """ import jax from xdesign import SiemensStar, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp import scico.random from scico import functional, linop, loss, plot from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ N = 256 # image size phantom = SiemensStar(16) x_gt = snp.pad(discrete_phantom(phantom, N - 16), 8) x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax type, push to GPU x_gt = x_gt / x_gt.max() """ Add noise to create a noisy test image. """ σ = 0.75 # noise standard deviation noise, key = scico.random.randn(x_gt.shape, seed=0) y = x_gt + σ * noise """ Denoise with isotropic total variation. """ λ_iso = 1.4e0 f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y) g_iso = λ_iso * functional.L21Norm() # The append=0 option makes the results of horizontal and vertical finite # differences the same shape, which is required for the L21Norm. C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=x_gt.shape, append=0) solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g_iso], C_list=[C], rho_list=[1e1], x0=y, maxiter=100, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-3, "maxiter": 20}), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") solver.solve() x_iso = solver.x print() """ Denoise with anisotropic total variation for comparison. """ # Tune the weight to give the same data fidelty as the isotropic case. λ_aniso = 1.2e0 g_aniso = λ_aniso * functional.L1Norm() solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g_aniso], C_list=[C], rho_list=[1e1], x0=y, maxiter=100, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-3, "maxiter": 20}), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) solver.solve() x_aniso = solver.x print() """ Compute and print the data fidelity. """ for x, name in zip((x_iso, x_aniso), ("Isotropic", "Anisotropic")): df = f(x) print(f"Data fidelity for {name} TV was {df:.2e}") """ Plot results. """ plt_args = dict(norm=plot.matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1.5)) fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(11, 10)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth", fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 0], **plt_args) plot.imview(y, title="Noisy version", fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 1], **plt_args) plot.imview(x_iso, title="Isotropic TV denoising", fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 0], **plt_args) plot.imview(x_aniso, title="Anisotropic TV denoising", fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 1], **plt_args) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.99, top=0.95, bottom=0.05, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.01) fig.colorbar( ax[0, 0].get_images()[0], ax=ax, location="right", shrink=0.9, pad=0.05, label="Arbitrary Units" ) fig.suptitle("Denoising comparison") # zoomed version fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(11, 10)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth", fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 0], **plt_args) plot.imview(y, title="Noisy version", fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 1], **plt_args) plot.imview(x_iso, title="Isotropic TV denoising", fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 0], **plt_args) plot.imview(x_aniso, title="Anisotropic TV denoising", fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 1], **plt_args) ax[0, 0].set_xlim(N // 4, N // 4 + N // 2) ax[0, 0].set_ylim(N // 4, N // 4 + N // 2) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.99, top=0.95, bottom=0.05, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.01) fig.colorbar( ax[0, 0].get_images()[0], ax=ax, location="right", shrink=0.9, pad=0.05, label="Arbitrary Units" ) fig.suptitle("Denoising comparison (zoomed)") input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Training of DnCNN for Denoising =============================== This example demonstrates the training and application of the DnCNN model from :cite:`zhang-2017-dncnn` to denoise images that have been corrupted with additive Gaussian noise. """ import os from time import time import numpy as np import jax from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable from scico import flax as sflax from scico import metric, plot from scico.flax.examples import load_image_data """ Prepare parallel processing. Set an arbitrary processor count (only applies if GPU is not available). """ os.environ["XLA_FLAGS"] = "--xla_force_host_platform_device_count=8" platform = jax.lib.xla_bridge.get_backend().platform print("Platform: ", platform) """ Read data from cache or generate if not available. """ size = 40 # patch size train_nimg = 400 # number of training images test_nimg = 16 # number of testing images nimg = train_nimg + test_nimg gray = True # use gray scale images data_mode = "dn" # Denoising problem noise_level = 0.1 # Standard deviation of noise noise_range = False # Use fixed noise level stride = 23 # Stride to sample multiple patches from each image train_ds, test_ds = load_image_data( train_nimg, test_nimg, size, gray, data_mode, verbose=True, noise_level=noise_level, noise_range=noise_range, stride=stride, ) """ Define configuration dictionary for model and training loop. Parameters have been selected for demonstration purposes and relatively short training. The depth of the model has been reduced to 6, instead of the 17 of the original model. The suggested settings can be found in the original paper. """ # model configuration model_conf = { "depth": 6, "num_filters": 64, } # training configuration train_conf: sflax.ConfigDict = { "seed": 0, "opt_type": "ADAM", "batch_size": 128, "num_epochs": 50, "base_learning_rate": 1e-3, "warmup_epochs": 0, "log_every_steps": 5000, "log": True, } """ Construct DnCNN model. """ channels = train_ds["image"].shape[-1] model = sflax.DnCNNNet( depth=model_conf["depth"], channels=channels, num_filters=model_conf["num_filters"], ) """ Run training loop. """ workdir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cache", "scico", "examples", "dncnn_out") train_conf["workdir"] = workdir print(f"{'JAX process: '}{jax.process_index()}{' / '}{jax.process_count()}") print(f"{'JAX local devices: '}{jax.local_devices()}") trainer = sflax.BasicFlaxTrainer( train_conf, model, train_ds, test_ds, ) start_time = time() modvar, stats_object = trainer.train() time_train = time() - start_time """ Evaluate on testing data. """ test_patches = 720 start_time = time() fmap = sflax.FlaxMap(model, modvar) output = fmap(test_ds["image"][:test_patches]) time_eval = time() - start_time output = np.clip(output, a_min=0, a_max=1.0) """ Compare trained model in terms of reconstruction time and data fidelity. """ snr_eval = metric.snr(test_ds["label"][:test_patches], output) psnr_eval = metric.psnr(test_ds["label"][:test_patches], output) print( f"{'DnCNNNet training':18s}{'epochs:':2s}{train_conf['num_epochs']:>5d}" f"{'':21s}{'time[s]:':10s}{time_train:>7.2f}" ) print( f"{'DnCNNNet testing':18s}{'SNR:':5s}{snr_eval:>5.2f}{' dB'}{'':3s}" f"{'PSNR:':6s}{psnr_eval:>5.2f}{' dB'}{'':3s}{'time[s]:':10s}{time_eval:>7.2f}" ) """ Plot comparison. Note that patches have small sizes, thus, plots may correspond to unidentifiable fragments. """ np.random.seed(123) indx = np.random.randint(0, high=test_patches) fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 5)) plot.imview(test_ds["label"][indx, ..., 0], title="Ground truth", cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) plot.imview( test_ds["image"][indx, ..., 0], title="Noisy: \nSNR: %.2f (dB), PSNR: %.2f" % ( metric.snr(test_ds["label"][indx, ..., 0], test_ds["image"][indx, ..., 0]), metric.psnr(test_ds["label"][indx, ..., 0], test_ds["image"][indx, ..., 0]), ), cbar=None, fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) plot.imview( output[indx, ..., 0], title="DnCNNNet Reconstruction\nSNR: %.2f (dB), PSNR: %.2f" % ( metric.snr(test_ds["label"][indx, ..., 0], output[indx, ..., 0]), metric.psnr(test_ds["label"][indx, ..., 0], output[indx, ..., 0]), ), fig=fig, ax=ax[2], ) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[2]) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.2) fig.colorbar(ax[2].get_images()[0], cax=cax, label="arbitrary units") """ Plot convergence statistics. Statistics only generated if a training cycle was done (i.e. not reading final epoch results from checkpoint). """ if stats_object is not None: hist = stats_object.history(transpose=True) fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( np.vstack((hist.Train_Loss, hist.Eval_Loss)).T, x=hist.Epoch, ptyp="semilogy", title="Loss function", xlbl="Epoch", ylbl="Loss value", lgnd=("Train", "Test"), fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( np.vstack((hist.Train_SNR, hist.Eval_SNR)).T, x=hist.Epoch, title="Metric", xlbl="Epoch", ylbl="SNR (dB)", lgnd=("Train", "Test"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
import numpy as np import jax from xdesign import Foam, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot, random from scico.optimize import ProximalADMM from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ np.random.seed(1234) N = 512 # image size x_gt = discrete_phantom(Foam(size_range=[0.075, 0.0025], gap=1e-3, porosity=1), size=N) x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax array, push to GPU """ Set up forward operator $A$ and test signal consisting of blurred signal with additive Gaussian noise. """ n = 5 # convolution kernel size σ = 20.0 / 255 # noise level psf = snp.ones((n, n)) / (n * n) A = linop.Convolve(h=psf, input_shape=x_gt.shape) Ax = A(x_gt) # blurred image noise, key = random.randn(Ax.shape) y = Ax + σ * noise """ Set up the problem to be solved. We want to minimize the functional $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - A \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + R(\mathbf{x}) \;$$ where $R(\cdot)$ is a pseudo-functional having the DnCNN denoiser as its proximal operator. A slightly unusual variable splitting is used,\ including setting the $f$ functional to the $R(\cdot)$ term and the $g$ functional to the data fidelity term to allow the use of proximal ADMM, which avoids the need for conjugate gradient sub-iterations in the solver steps. """ f = functional.DnCNN(variant="17M") g = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y) """ Set up proximal ADMM solver. """ ρ = 0.2 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 10 # number of proximal ADMM iterations mu, nu = ProximalADMM.estimate_parameters(A) solver = ProximalADMM( f=f, g=g, A=A, rho=ρ, mu=mu, nu=nu, x0=A.T @ y, maxiter=maxiter, itstat_options={"display": True}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x = solver.solve() x = snp.clip(x, 0, 1) hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show the recovered image. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 5)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth", fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) nc = n // 2 yc = snp.clip(y[nc:-nc, nc:-nc], 0, 1) plot.imview(y, title="Blurred, noisy image: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, yc), fig=fig, ax=ax[1]) plot.imview(x, title="Deconvolved image: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, x), fig=fig, ax=ax[2]) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Comparison of Optimization Algorithms for Total Variation Denoising =================================================================== This example compares the performance of alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), linearized ADMM, proximal ADMM, and primal–dual hybrid gradient (PDHG) in solving the isotropic total variation (TV) denoising problem $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda R(\mathbf{x}) \;,$$ where $R$ is the isotropic TV: the sum of the norms of the gradient vectors at each point in the image $\mathbf{x}$. """ import jax from xdesign import SiemensStar, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp import scico.random from scico import functional, linop, loss, plot from scico.optimize import PDHG, LinearizedADMM, ProximalADMM from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ phantom = SiemensStar(32) N = 256 # image size x_gt = snp.pad(discrete_phantom(phantom, N - 16), 8) x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax type, push to GPU """ Add noise to create a noisy test image. """ σ = 1.0 # noise standard deviation noise, key = scico.random.randn(x_gt.shape, seed=0) y = x_gt + σ * noise """ Construct operators and functionals and set regularization parameter. """ # The append=0 option makes the results of horizontal and vertical # finite differences the same shape, which is required for the L21Norm. C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=x_gt.shape, append=0) f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y) λ = 1e0 g = λ * functional.L21Norm() """ The first step of the first-run solver is much slower than the following steps, presumably due to just-in-time compilation of relevant operators in first use. The code below performs a preliminary solver step, the result of which is discarded, to reduce this bias in the timing results. The precise cause of the remaining differences in time required to compute the first step of each algorithm is unknown, but it is worth noting that this difference becomes negligible when just-in-time compilation is disabled (e.g. via the JAX_DISABLE_JIT environment variable). """ solver_admm = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[C], rho_list=[1e1], x0=y, maxiter=1, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"maxiter": 1}), ) solver_admm.solve(); # fmt: skip # trailing semi-colon suppresses output in notebook """ Solve via ADMM with a maximum of 2 CG iterations. """ solver_admm = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[C], rho_list=[1e1], x0=y, maxiter=200, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"maxiter": 2}), itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") print("ADMM solver") solver_admm.solve() hist_admm = solver_admm.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Solve via Linearized ADMM. """ solver_ladmm = LinearizedADMM( f=f, g=g, C=C, mu=1e-2, nu=1e-1, x0=y, maxiter=200, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) print("\nLinearized ADMM solver") solver_ladmm.solve() hist_ladmm = solver_ladmm.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Solve via Proximal ADMM. """ mu, nu = ProximalADMM.estimate_parameters(C) solver_padmm = ProximalADMM( f=f, g=g, A=C, rho=1e0, mu=mu, nu=nu, x0=y, maxiter=200, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) print("\nProximal ADMM solver") solver_padmm.solve() hist_padmm = solver_padmm.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Solve via PDHG. """ tau, sigma = PDHG.estimate_parameters(C, factor=1.5) solver_pdhg = PDHG( f=f, g=g, C=C, tau=tau, sigma=sigma, maxiter=200, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) print("\nPDHG solver") solver_pdhg.solve() hist_pdhg = solver_pdhg.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Plot results. It is worth noting that: 1. PDHG outperforms ADMM both with respect to iterations and time. 2. Proximal ADMM has similar performance to PDHG with respect to iterations, but is slightly inferior with respect to time. 3. ADMM greatly outperforms Linearized ADMM with respect to iterations. 4. ADMM slightly outperforms Linearized ADMM with respect to time. This is possible because the ADMM $\mathbf{x}$-update can be solved relatively cheaply, with only 2 CG iterations. If more CG iterations were required, the time comparison would be favorable to Linearized ADMM. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(27, 6)) plot.plot( snp.vstack( (hist_admm.Objective, hist_ladmm.Objective, hist_padmm.Objective, hist_pdhg.Objective) ).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("ADMM", "LinADMM", "ProxADMM", "PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack( (hist_admm.Prml_Rsdl, hist_ladmm.Prml_Rsdl, hist_padmm.Prml_Rsdl, hist_pdhg.Prml_Rsdl) ).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Primal residual", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("ADMM", "LinADMM", "ProxADMM", "PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack( (hist_admm.Dual_Rsdl, hist_ladmm.Dual_Rsdl, hist_padmm.Dual_Rsdl, hist_pdhg.Dual_Rsdl) ).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Dual residual", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("ADMM", "LinADMM", "ProxADMM", "PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[2], ) fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(27, 6)) plot.plot( snp.vstack( (hist_admm.Objective, hist_ladmm.Objective, hist_padmm.Objective, hist_pdhg.Objective) ).T, snp.vstack((hist_admm.Time, hist_ladmm.Time, hist_padmm.Time, hist_pdhg.Time)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Objective function", xlbl="Time (s)", lgnd=("ADMM", "LinADMM", "ProxADMM", "PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack( (hist_admm.Prml_Rsdl, hist_ladmm.Prml_Rsdl, hist_padmm.Prml_Rsdl, hist_pdhg.Prml_Rsdl) ).T, snp.vstack((hist_admm.Time, hist_ladmm.Time, hist_padmm.Time, hist_pdhg.Time)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Primal residual", xlbl="Time (s)", lgnd=("ADMM", "LinADMM", "ProxADMM", "PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack( (hist_admm.Dual_Rsdl, hist_ladmm.Dual_Rsdl, hist_padmm.Dual_Rsdl, hist_pdhg.Dual_Rsdl) ).T, snp.vstack((hist_admm.Time, hist_ladmm.Time, hist_padmm.Time, hist_pdhg.Time)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Dual residual", xlbl="Time (s)", lgnd=("ADMM", "LinADMM", "ProxADMM", "PDHG"), fig=fig, ax=ax[2], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Parameter Tuning for TV-Regularized Abel Inversion ================================================== This example demonstrates the use of [scico.ray.tune](../_autosummary/scico.ray.tune.rst) to tune parameters for the companion [example script](ct_abel_tv_admm.rst). The `ray.tune` class API is used in this example. This script is hard-coded to run on CPU only to avoid the large number of warnings that are emitted when GPU resources are requested but not available, and due to the difficulty of supressing these warnings in a way that does not force use of the CPU only. To enable GPU usage, comment out the `os.environ` statements near the beginning of the script, and change the value of the "gpu" entry in the `resources` dict from 0 to 1. Note that two environment variables are set to suppress the warnings because `JAX_PLATFORMS` was intended to replace `JAX_PLATFORM_NAME` but this change has yet to be correctly implemented (see [google/jax#6805]( and [google/jax#10272]( """ # isort: off import os os.environ["JAX_PLATFORM_NAME"] = "cpu" os.environ["JAX_PLATFORMS"] = "cpu" import numpy as np import jax import scico.numpy as snp from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot from scico.examples import create_circular_phantom from scico.linop.abel import AbelProjector from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.ray import tune """ Create a ground truth image. """ N = 256 # image size x_gt = create_circular_phantom((N, N), [0.4 * N, 0.2 * N, 0.1 * N], [1, 0, 0.5]) """ Set up the forward operator and create a test measurement. """ A = AbelProjector(x_gt.shape) y = A @ x_gt np.random.seed(12345) y = y + np.random.normal(size=y.shape).astype(np.float32) """ Compute inverse Abel transform solution for use as initial solution. """ x_inv = A.inverse(y) x0 = snp.clip(x_inv, 0.0, 1.0) """ Define performance evaluation class. """ class Trainable(tune.Trainable): """Parameter evaluation class.""" def setup(self, config, x_gt, x0, y): """This method initializes a new parameter evaluation object. It is called once when a new parameter evaluation object is created. The `config` parameter is a dict of specific parameters for evaluation of a single parameter set (a pair of parameters in this case). The remaining parameters are objects that are passed to the evaluation function via the ray object store. """ # Put main arrays on jax device. self.x_gt, self.x0, self.y = jax.device_put([x_gt, x0, y]) # Set up problem to be solved. self.A = AbelProjector(self.x_gt.shape) self.f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=self.y, A=self.A) self.C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=self.x_gt.shape) self.reset_config(config) def reset_config(self, config): """This method is only required when `scico.ray.tune.Tuner` is initialized with `reuse_actors` set to ``True`` (the default). In this case, a set of parameter evaluation processes and corresponding objects are created once (including initialization via a call to the `setup` method), and this method is called when switching to evaluation of a different parameter configuration. If `reuse_actors` is set to ``False``, then a new process and object are created for each parameter configuration, and this method is not used. """ # Extract solver parameters from config dict. λ, ρ = config["lambda"], config["rho"] # Set up parameter-dependent functional. g = λ * functional.L1Norm() # Define solver. cg_tol = 1e-4 cg_maxiter = 25 self.solver = ADMM( f=self.f, g_list=[g], C_list=[self.C], rho_list=[ρ], x0=self.x0, maxiter=10, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver( cg_kwargs={"tol": cg_tol, "maxiter": cg_maxiter} ), ) return True def step(self): """This method is called for each step in the evaluation of a single parameter configuration. The maximum number of times it can be called is controlled by the `num_iterations` parameter in the initialization of a `scico.ray.tune.Tuner` object. """ # Perform 10 solver steps for every ray.tune step x_tv = snp.clip(self.solver.solve(), 0.0, 1.0) return {"psnr": float(metric.psnr(self.x_gt, x_tv))} """ Define parameter search space and resources per trial. """ config = {"lambda": tune.loguniform(1e0, 1e2), "rho": tune.loguniform(1e1, 1e3)} resources = {"gpu": 0, "cpu": 1} # gpus per trial, cpus per trial """ Run parameter search. """ tuner = tune.Tuner( tune.with_parameters(Trainable, x_gt=x_gt, x0=x0, y=y), param_space=config, resources=resources, metric="psnr", mode="max", num_samples=100, # perform 100 parameter evaluations num_iterations=10, # perform at most 10 steps for each parameter evaluation ) results = """ Display best parameters and corresponding performance. """ best_result = results.get_best_result() best_config = best_result.config print(f"Best PSNR: {best_result.metrics['psnr']:.2f} dB") print("Best config: " + ", ".join([f"{k}: {v:.2e}" for k, v in best_config.items()])) """ Plot parameter values visited during parameter search. Marker sizes are proportional to number of iterations run at each parameter pair. The best point in the parameter space is indicated in red. """ fig = plot.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) trials = results.get_dataframe() for t in trials.iloc: n = t["training_iteration"] plot.plot( t["config/lambda"], t["config/rho"], ptyp="loglog", lw=0, ms=(0.5 + 1.5 * n), marker="o", mfc="blue", mec="blue", fig=fig, ) plot.plot( best_config["lambda"], best_config["rho"], ptyp="loglog", title="Parameter search sampling locations\n(marker size proportional to number of iterations)", xlbl=r"$\rho$", ylbl=r"$\lambda$", lw=0, ms=5.0, marker="o", mfc="red", mec="red", fig=fig, ) ax = fig.axes[0] ax.set_xlim([config["rho"].lower, config["rho"].upper]) ax.set_ylim([config["lambda"].lower, config["lambda"].upper]) """ Plot parameter values visited during parameter search and corresponding reconstruction PSNRs.The best point in the parameter space is indicated in red. """ 𝜌 = [t["config/rho"] for t in trials.iloc] 𝜆 = [t["config/lambda"] for t in trials.iloc] psnr = [t["psnr"] for t in trials.iloc] minpsnr = min(max(psnr), 20.0) 𝜌, 𝜆, psnr = zip(*filter(lambda x: x[2] >= minpsnr, zip(𝜌, 𝜆, psnr))) fig, ax = plot.subplots(figsize=(10, 8)) sc = ax.scatter(𝜌, 𝜆, c=psnr, fig.colorbar(sc) plot.plot( best_config["lambda"], best_config["rho"], ptyp="loglog", lw=0, ms=12.0, marker="2", mfc="red", mec="red", fig=fig, ax=ax, ) ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_xlabel(r"$\rho$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\lambda$") ax.set_title("PSNR at each sample location\n(values below 20 dB omitted)") input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Parameter Tuning for Image Deconvolution with TV Regularization (ADMM Solver) ============================================================================= This example demonstrates the use of [scico.ray.tune](../_autosummary/scico.ray.tune.rst) to tune parameters for the companion [example script](deconv_tv_admm.rst). The `ray.tune` function API is used in this example. This script is hard-coded to run on CPU only to avoid the large number of warnings that are emitted when GPU resources are requested but not available, and due to the difficulty of supressing these warnings in a way that does not force use of the CPU only. To enable GPU usage, comment out the `os.environ` statements near the beginning of the script, and change the value of the "gpu" entry in the `resources` dict from 0 to 1. Note that two environment variables are set to suppress the warnings because `JAX_PLATFORMS` was intended to replace `JAX_PLATFORM_NAME` but this change has yet to be correctly implemented (see [google/jax#6805]( and [google/jax#10272]( """ # isort: off import os os.environ["JAX_PLATFORM_NAME"] = "cpu" os.environ["JAX_PLATFORMS"] = "cpu" import jax from xdesign import SiemensStar, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp import scico.random from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.ray import report, tune """ Create a ground truth image. """ phantom = SiemensStar(32) N = 256 # image size x_gt = snp.pad(discrete_phantom(phantom, N - 16), 8) """ Set up the forward operator and create a test signal consisting of a blurred signal with additive Gaussian noise. """ n = 5 # convolution kernel size σ = 20.0 / 255 # noise level psf = snp.ones((n, n)) / (n * n) A = linop.Convolve(h=psf, input_shape=x_gt.shape) Ax = A(x_gt) # blurred image noise, key = scico.random.randn(Ax.shape, seed=0) y = Ax + σ * noise """ Define performance evaluation function. """ def eval_params(config, x_gt, psf, y): """Parameter evaluation function. The `config` parameter is a dict of specific parameters for evaluation of a single parameter set (a pair of parameters in this case). The remaining parameters are objects that are passed to the evaluation function via the ray object store. """ # Extract solver parameters from config dict. λ, ρ = config["lambda"], config["rho"] # Put main arrays on jax device. x_gt, psf, y = jax.device_put([x_gt, psf, y]) # Set up problem to be solved. A = linop.Convolve(h=psf, input_shape=x_gt.shape) f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) g = λ * functional.L21Norm() C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=x_gt.shape, append=0) # Define solver. solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[C], rho_list=[ρ], x0=A.adj(y), maxiter=10, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(), ) # Perform 50 iterations, reporting performance to ray.tune every 10 iterations. for step in range(5): x_admm = solver.solve() report({"psnr": float(metric.psnr(x_gt, x_admm))}) """ Define parameter search space and resources per trial. """ config = {"lambda": tune.loguniform(1e-3, 1e-1), "rho": tune.loguniform(1e-2, 1e0)} resources = {"cpu": 4, "gpu": 0} # cpus per trial, gpus per trial """ Run parameter search. """ tuner = tune.Tuner( tune.with_parameters(eval_params, x_gt=x_gt, psf=psf, y=y), param_space=config, resources=resources, metric="psnr", mode="max", num_samples=100, # perform 100 parameter evaluations ) results = """ Display best parameters and corresponding performance. """ best_result = results.get_best_result() best_config = best_result.config print(f"Best PSNR: {best_result.metrics['psnr']:.2f} dB") print("Best config: " + ", ".join([f"{k}: {v:.2e}" for k, v in best_config.items()])) """ Plot parameter values visited during parameter search. Marker sizes are proportional to number of iterations run at each parameter pair. The best point in the parameter space is indicated in red. """ fig = plot.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) trials = results.get_dataframe() for t in trials.iloc: n = t["training_iteration"] plot.plot( t["config/lambda"], t["config/rho"], ptyp="loglog", lw=0, ms=(0.5 + 1.5 * n), marker="o", mfc="blue", mec="blue", fig=fig, ) plot.plot( best_config["lambda"], best_config["rho"], ptyp="loglog", title="Parameter search sampling locations\n(marker size proportional to number of iterations)", xlbl=r"$\rho$", ylbl=r"$\lambda$", lw=0, ms=5.0, marker="o", mfc="red", mec="red", fig=fig, ) ax = fig.axes[0] ax.set_xlim([config["rho"].lower, config["rho"].upper]) ax.set_ylim([config["lambda"].lower, config["lambda"].upper]) """ Plot parameter values visited during parameter search and corresponding reconstruction PSNRs.The best point in the parameter space is indicated in red. """ 𝜌 = [t["config/rho"] for t in trials.iloc] 𝜆 = [t["config/lambda"] for t in trials.iloc] psnr = [t["psnr"] for t in trials.iloc] minpsnr = min(max(psnr), 18.0) 𝜌, 𝜆, psnr = zip(*filter(lambda x: x[2] >= minpsnr, zip(𝜌, 𝜆, psnr))) fig, ax = plot.subplots(figsize=(10, 8)) sc = ax.scatter(𝜌, 𝜆, c=psnr, fig.colorbar(sc) plot.plot( best_config["lambda"], best_config["rho"], ptyp="loglog", lw=0, ms=12.0, marker="2", mfc="red", mec="red", fig=fig, ax=ax, ) ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_xlabel(r"$\rho$") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\lambda$") ax.set_title("PSNR at each sample location\n(values below 18 dB omitted)") input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Image Deconvolution with TV Regularization (Proximal ADMM Solver) ================================================================= This example demonstrates the solution of an image deconvolution problem with isotropic total variation (TV) regularization $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - C \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| D \mathbf{x} \|_{2,1} \;,$$ where $C$ is a convolution operator, $\mathbf{y}$ is the blurred image, $D$ is a 2D finite fifference operator, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the deconvolved image. In this example the problem is solved via proximal ADMM, while standard ADMM is used in a [companion example](deconv_tv_admm.rst). """ import jax from xdesign import SiemensStar, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp import scico.random from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot from scico.optimize import ProximalADMM from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ phantom = SiemensStar(32) N = 256 # image size x_gt = snp.pad(discrete_phantom(phantom, N - 16), 8) x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax type, push to GPU """ Set up the forward operator and create a test signal consisting of a blurred signal with additive Gaussian noise. """ n = 5 # convolution kernel size σ = 20.0 / 255 # noise level psf = snp.ones((n, n)) / (n * n) C = linop.Convolve(h=psf, input_shape=x_gt.shape) Cx = C(x_gt) # blurred image noise, key = scico.random.randn(Cx.shape, seed=0) y = Cx + σ * noise r""" Set up the problem to be solved. We want to minimize the functional $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - C \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda \| D \mathbf{x} \|_{2,1} \;,$$ where $C$ is the convolution operator and $D$ is a finite difference operator. This problem can be expressed as $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - \mathbf{z}_0 \|_2^2 + \lambda \| \mathbf{z}_1 \|_{2,1} \;\; \text{such that} \;\; \mathbf{z}_0 = C \mathbf{x} \;\; \text{and} \;\; \mathbf{z}_1 = D \mathbf{x} \;,$$ which can be written in the form of a standard ADMM problem $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{z}} \; f(\mathbf{x}) + g(\mathbf{z}) \;\; \text{such that} \;\; A \mathbf{x} + B \mathbf{z} = \mathbf{c}$$ with $$f = 0 \quad g = g_0 + g_1$$ $$g_0(\mathbf{z}_0) = (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - \mathbf{z}_0 \|_2^2 \quad g_1(\mathbf{z}_1) = \lambda \| \mathbf{z}_1 \|_{2,1}$$ $$A = \left( \begin{array}{c} C \\ D \end{array} \right) \quad B = \left( \begin{array}{cc} -I & 0 \\ 0 & -I \end{array} \right) \quad \mathbf{c} = \left( \begin{array}{c} 0 \\ 0 \end{array} \right) \;.$$ This is a more complex splitting than that used in the [companion example](deconv_tv_admm.rst), but it allows the use of a proximal ADMM solver in a way that avoids the need for the conjugate gradient sub-iterations used by the ADMM solver in the [companion example](deconv_tv_admm.rst). """ f = functional.ZeroFunctional() g0 = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y) λ = 2.0e-2 # L1 norm regularization parameter g1 = λ * functional.L21Norm() g = functional.SeparableFunctional((g0, g1)) D = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=x_gt.shape, append=0) A = linop.VerticalStack((C, D)) """ Set up a proximal ADMM solver object. """ ρ = 1.0e-1 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 50 # number of ADMM iterations mu, nu = ProximalADMM.estimate_parameters(D) solver = ProximalADMM( f=f, g=g, A=A, B=None, rho=ρ, mu=mu, nu=nu, x0=C.adj(y), maxiter=maxiter, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x = solver.solve() hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show the recovered image. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 5)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth", fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) nc = n // 2 yc = y[nc:-nc, nc:-nc] plot.imview(y, title="Blurred, noisy image: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, yc), fig=fig, ax=ax[1]) plot.imview( solver.x, title="Deconvolved image: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, solver.x), fig=fig, ax=ax[2] ) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5)) plot.plot( hist.Objective, title="Objective function", xlbl="Iteration", ylbl="Functional value", fig=fig, ax=ax[0], ) plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
r""" Total Variation Denoising with Constraint (APGM) ================================================ This example demonstrates the solution of the isotropic total variation (TV) denoising problem $$\mathrm{argmin}_{\mathbf{x}} \; (1/2) \| \mathbf{y} - \mathbf{x} \|_2^2 + \lambda R(\mathbf{x}) + \iota_C(\mathbf{x}) \;,$$ where $R$ is a TV regularizer, $\iota_C(\cdot)$ is the indicator function of constraint set $C$, and $C = \{ \mathbf{x} \, | \, x_i \in [0, 1] \}$, i.e. the set of vectors with components constrained to be in the interval $[0, 1]$. The problem is solved seperately with $R$ taken as isotropic and anisotropic TV regularization The solution via APGM is based on the approach in :cite:`beck-2009-tv`, which involves constructing a dual for the constrained denoising problem. The APGM solution minimizes the resulting dual. In this case, switching between the two regularizers corresponds to switching between two different projectors. """ from typing import Callable, Optional, Union import jax import jax.numpy as jnp from xdesign import SiemensStar, discrete_phantom import scico.numpy as snp import scico.random from scico import functional, linop, loss, operator, plot from scico.numpy import Array, BlockArray from scico.numpy.util import ensure_on_device from scico.optimize.pgm import AcceleratedPGM, RobustLineSearchStepSize from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ N = 256 # image size phantom = SiemensStar(16) x_gt = snp.pad(discrete_phantom(phantom, N - 16), 8) x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax type, push to GPU x_gt = x_gt / x_gt.max() """ Add noise to create a noisy test image. """ σ = 0.75 # noise standard deviation noise, key = scico.random.randn(x_gt.shape, seed=0) y = x_gt + σ * noise """ Define finite difference operator and adjoint. """ # The append=0 option appends 0 to the input along the axis # prior to performing the difference to make the results of # horizontal and vertical finite differences the same shape. C = linop.FiniteDifference(input_shape=x_gt.shape, append=0) A = C.adj """ Define a zero array as initial estimate. """ x0 = jnp.zeros(C(y).shape) """ Define the dual of the total variation denoising problem. """ class DualTVLoss(loss.Loss): def __init__( self, y: Union[Array, BlockArray], A: Optional[Union[Callable, operator.Operator]] = None, lmbda: float = 0.5, ): y = ensure_on_device(y) self.functional = functional.SquaredL2Norm() super().__init__(y=y, A=A, scale=1.0) self.lmbda = lmbda def __call__(self, x: Union[Array, BlockArray]) -> float: xint = self.y - self.lmbda * self.A(x) return -1.0 * self.functional(xint - jnp.clip(xint, 0.0, 1.0)) + self.functional(xint) """ Denoise with isotropic total variation. Define projector for isotropic total variation. """ # Evaluation of functional set to zero. class IsoProjector(functional.Functional): has_eval = True has_prox = True def __call__(self, x: Union[Array, BlockArray]) -> float: return 0.0 def prox(self, v: Array, lam: float, **kwargs) -> Array: norm_v_ptp = jnp.sqrt(jnp.sum(jnp.abs(v) ** 2, axis=0)) x_out = v / jnp.maximum(jnp.ones(v.shape), norm_v_ptp) out1 = v[0, :, -1] / jnp.maximum(jnp.ones(v[0, :, -1].shape), jnp.abs(v[0, :, -1])) x_out =[0, :, -1].set(out1) out2 = v[1, -1, :] / jnp.maximum(jnp.ones(v[1, -1, :].shape), jnp.abs(v[1, -1, :])) x_out =[1, -1, :].set(out2) return x_out """ Use RobustLineSearchStepSize object and set up AcceleratedPGM solver object. Run the solver. """ reg_weight_iso = 1.4e0 f_iso = DualTVLoss(y=y, A=A, lmbda=reg_weight_iso) g_iso = IsoProjector() solver_iso = AcceleratedPGM( f=f_iso, g=g_iso, L0=16.0 * f_iso.lmbda**2, x0=x0, maxiter=100, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, step_size=RobustLineSearchStepSize(), ) # Run the solver. print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x = solver_iso.solve() hist_iso = solver_iso.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) # Project to constraint set. x_iso = jnp.clip(y - f_iso.lmbda * f_iso.A(x), 0.0, 1.0) """ Denoise with anisotropic total variation for comparison. Define projector for anisotropic total variation. """ # Evaluation of functional set to zero. class AnisoProjector(functional.Functional): has_eval = True has_prox = True def __call__(self, x: Union[Array, BlockArray]) -> float: return 0.0 def prox(self, v: Array, lam: float, **kwargs) -> Array: return v / jnp.maximum(jnp.ones(v.shape), jnp.abs(v)) """ Use RobustLineSearchStepSize object and set up AcceleratedPGM solver object. Weight was tuned to give the same data fidelty as the isotropic case. Run the solver. """ reg_weight_aniso = 1.2e0 f = DualTVLoss(y=y, A=A, lmbda=reg_weight_aniso) g = AnisoProjector() solver = AcceleratedPGM( f=f, g=g, L0=16.0 * f.lmbda**2, x0=x0, maxiter=100, itstat_options={"display": True, "period": 10}, step_size=RobustLineSearchStepSize(), ) # Run the solver. print() x = solver.solve() # Project to constraint set. x_aniso = jnp.clip(y - f.lmbda * f.A(x), 0.0, 1.0) """ Compute the data fidelity. """ df = hist_iso.Objective[-1] print(f"\nData fidelity for isotropic TV was {df:.2e}") hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) df = hist.Objective[-1] print(f"Data fidelity for anisotropic TV was {df:.2e}") """ Plot results. """ plt_args = dict(norm=plot.matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1.5)) fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(11, 10)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth", fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 0], **plt_args) plot.imview(y, title="Noisy version", fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 1], **plt_args) plot.imview(x_iso, title="Isotropic TV denoising", fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 0], **plt_args) plot.imview(x_aniso, title="Anisotropic TV denoising", fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 1], **plt_args) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.99, top=0.95, bottom=0.05, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.01) fig.colorbar( ax[0, 0].get_images()[0], ax=ax, location="right", shrink=0.9, pad=0.05, label="Arbitrary Units" ) fig.suptitle("Denoising comparison") # zoomed version fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(11, 10)) plot.imview(x_gt, title="Ground truth", fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 0], **plt_args) plot.imview(y, title="Noisy version", fig=fig, ax=ax[0, 1], **plt_args) plot.imview(x_iso, title="Isotropic TV denoising", fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 0], **plt_args) plot.imview(x_aniso, title="Anisotropic TV denoising", fig=fig, ax=ax[1, 1], **plt_args) ax[0, 0].set_xlim(N // 4, N // 4 + N // 2) ax[0, 0].set_ylim(N // 4, N // 4 + N // 2) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.99, top=0.95, bottom=0.05, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.01) fig.colorbar( ax[0, 0].get_images()[0], ax=ax, location="right", shrink=0.9, pad=0.05, label="Arbitrary Units" ) fig.suptitle("Denoising comparison (zoomed)") input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
import numpy as np import jax import scico.numpy as snp from scico import functional, linop, loss, metric, plot, random from scico.examples import create_3d_foam_phantom, downsample_volume, tile_volume_slices from scico.optimize.admm import ADMM, LinearSubproblemSolver from scico.util import device_info """ Create a ground truth image. """ np.random.seed(1234) N = 128 # phantom size Nx, Ny, Nz = N, N, N // 4 upsamp = 2 x_gt_hires = create_3d_foam_phantom((upsamp * Nz, upsamp * Ny, upsamp * Nx), N_sphere=100) x_gt = downsample_volume(x_gt_hires, upsamp) x_gt = jax.device_put(x_gt) # convert to jax array, push to GPU """ Set up forward operator and test signal consisting of blurred signal with additive Gaussian noise. """ n = 5 # convolution kernel size σ = 20.0 / 255 # noise level psf = snp.ones((n, n, n)) / (n**3) A = linop.Convolve(h=psf, input_shape=x_gt.shape) Ax = A(x_gt) # blurred image noise, key = random.randn(Ax.shape) y = Ax + σ * noise """ Set up ADMM solver. """ f = loss.SquaredL2Loss(y=y, A=A) C = linop.Identity(x_gt.shape) λ = 40.0 / 255 # BM4D regularization strength g = λ * functional.BM4D() ρ = 1.0 # ADMM penalty parameter maxiter = 10 # number of ADMM iterations solver = ADMM( f=f, g_list=[g], C_list=[C], rho_list=[ρ], x0=A.T @ y, maxiter=maxiter, subproblem_solver=LinearSubproblemSolver(cg_kwargs={"tol": 1e-3, "maxiter": 100}), itstat_options={"display": True}, ) """ Run the solver. """ print(f"Solving on {device_info()}\n") x = solver.solve() x = snp.clip(x, 0, 1) hist = solver.itstat_object.history(transpose=True) """ Show slices of the recovered 3D volume. """ show_id = Nz // 2 fig, ax = plot.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(15, 5)) plot.imview(tile_volume_slices(x_gt), title="Ground truth", fig=fig, ax=ax[0]) nc = n // 2 yc = y[nc:-nc, nc:-nc, nc:-nc] yc = snp.clip(yc, 0, 1) plot.imview( tile_volume_slices(yc), title="Slices of blurred, noisy volume: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, yc), fig=fig, ax=ax[1], ) plot.imview( tile_volume_slices(x), title="Slices of deconvolved volume: %.2f (dB)" % metric.psnr(x_gt, x), fig=fig, ax=ax[2], ) """ Plot convergence statistics. """ plot.plot( snp.vstack((hist.Prml_Rsdl, hist.Dual_Rsdl)).T, ptyp="semilogy", title="Residuals", xlbl="Iteration", lgnd=("Primal", "Dual"), ) input("\nWaiting for input to close figures and exit")
import math import numbers from cerberus import Validator from scidash_api.exceptions import ScidashClientValidatorException class ValidatorExtended(Validator): def _validate_isnan(self, isnan, field, value): """ Check, is value NaN or not The rule's arguments are validated against this schema: {'type': 'boolean'} """ if not isinstance(value, numbers.Number): return if not isnan and math.isnan(value): self._error(field, "Value can't be NaN") class ScidashClientDataValidator(): errors = None # Validation schema for raw score SCORE_SCHEMA = { '_class': { 'type': 'dict', 'schema': { 'url': { 'type': 'string', 'required': True }, 'name': { 'type': 'string', 'required': True } } }, 'model': { 'type': 'dict', 'schema': { '_class': { 'type': 'dict', 'schema': { 'name': { 'type': 'string' }, 'url': { 'type': 'string', 'required': True } } }, 'attrs': { 'type': 'dict', 'required': False }, 'hash': { 'type': 'string', 'required': True }, '_id': { 'type': 'number', 'required': True }, 'capabilities': { 'type': 'list', 'required': True, 'schema': { 'type': 'string' } }, 'name': { 'type': 'string', 'required': True }, 'run_params': { 'type': 'dict', 'required': False }, 'url': { 'type': 'string', 'required': True } } }, 'observation': { 'type': 'dict', 'required': True }, 'prediction': { 'type': ['number', 'dict'], 'required': True, 'isnan': False }, 'raw': { 'type': 'string', 'required': True }, 'score': { 'type':['number', 'boolean'], 'isnan': False, 'required': True }, 'score_type': { 'type': 'string' }, 'sort_key': { 'type': 'number', 'isnan': False, 'required': False }, 'norm_score': { 'type': 'number', 'isnan': False, 'required': False }, 'summary': { 'type': 'string', 'required': True }, 'hash': { 'type': 'string', 'required': True }, '_id': { 'type': 'number', 'required': True }, 'test': { 'type': 'dict', 'schema': { '_class': { 'type': 'dict', 'schema': { 'name': { 'type': 'string', 'required': True }, 'url': { 'type': 'string', 'required': True } }, 'required': True }, 'description': { 'type': 'string', 'nullable': True, 'required': True }, 'hash': { 'type': 'string', 'required': True }, '_id': { 'type': 'number', 'required': True }, 'name': { 'type': 'string', 'required': True }, 'observation': { 'type': 'dict', 'required': True }, 'verbose': { 'type': 'number', 'isnan': False, 'required': True } } } } def validate_score(self, raw_data): """ Checks, is score raw data valid and can be processed :raw_data: raw data dictionary :returns: boolean """ validator = ValidatorExtended(self.SCORE_SCHEMA) validator.allow_unknown = True valid = validator.validate(raw_data) if not valid: self.errors = validator.errors if not raw_data.get('sort_key', False): if not raw_data.get('norm_score', False): raise ScidashClientValidatorException("sort_key or norm_score" "not found") return valid def get_errors(self): """ Returns errors from last validation procedure, if any """ return self.errors def validate_suite(self, raw_data): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented yet")
import boto3 import itertools import os import os.path import pandas import pyarrow import scidbpy from .driver import Driver from .coord import coord2delta, delta2coord __version__ = '19.11.6' type_map_pyarrow = dict( [(t.__str__(), t) for t in (pyarrow.binary(), pyarrow.bool_(), pyarrow.int16(), pyarrow.int32(), pyarrow.int64(), pyarrow.int8(), pyarrow.string(), pyarrow.uint16(), pyarrow.uint32(), pyarrow.uint64(), pyarrow.uint8())] + [('char', pyarrow.string()), ('datetime', pyarrow.timestamp('s')), ('double', pyarrow.float64()), ('float', pyarrow.float32())]) class Array(object): """Wrapper for SciDB array stored externally Constructor parameters: :param string url: URL of the SciDB array. Supported schemas are ``s3://`` and ``file://``. :param string schema: SciDB array schema for creating a new array. Can be specified as ``string`` or ``scidbpy.Schema`` """ def __init__(self, url, schema=None, format='arrow', compression='lz4', namespace='public', index_split=100000): self.url = url if schema is None: self._metadata = None self._schema = None else: # Create new array if type(schema) is scidbpy.Schema: self._schema = schema else: self._schema = scidbpy.Schema.fromstring(schema) self._metadata = { 'attribute': 'ALL', 'format': format, 'version': '1', 'schema': self._schema.__str__(), 'compression': None if compression == 'none' else compression, 'index_split': index_split, 'namespace': namespace } Driver.init_array(url) Driver.write_metadata( url, Array.metadata_to_string(self._metadata.copy())) def __iter__(self): return (i for i in (self.url, )) def __eq__(self): return tuple(self) == tuple(other) def __repr__(self): return ('{}(url={!r})').format(type(self).__name__, *self) def __str__(self): return self.url @property def metadata(self): if self._metadata is None: self._metadata = Array.metadata_from_string( Driver.read_metadata(self.url)) return self._metadata @property def schema(self): if self._schema is None: self._schema = scidbpy.Schema.fromstring( self.metadata['schema']) return self._schema def delete(self): # Delete metadata file first, deleting large arrays could take sometime Driver.delete('{}/metadata'.format(self.url)) Driver.delete_all(self.url) def read_index(self): # Read index as Arrow Table tables = [] for index_url in Driver.list('{}/index'.format(self.url)): tables.append( Driver.read_table(index_url, Driver.index_format, Driver.index_compression)) if len(tables): table = pyarrow.concat_tables(tables) # Convert Arrow Table index to Pandas DataFrame index = table.to_pandas(split_blocks=True, self_destruct=True) # # memory-use-i del table index.sort_values(by=list(index.columns), inplace=True, ignore_index=True) return index return pandas.DataFrame() def build_index(self): dims = self.schema.dims index = pandas.DataFrame.from_records( map(lambda x: Array.url_to_coords(x, dims), Driver.list('{}/chunks'.format(self.url))), columns=[ for d in dims]) index.sort_values(by=list(index.columns), inplace=True, ignore_index=True) return index def write_index(self, index, split_size=None): # Check for a DataFrame if not isinstance(index, pandas.DataFrame): raise Exception("Value provided as argument " + "is not a Pandas DataFrame") # Check index columns matches array dimentions dim_names = [ for d in self.schema.dims] if len(index.columns) != len(dim_names): raise Exception( ("Index columns count {} does not match " + "array dimensions count {}").format(len(index.columns), len(dim_names))) if not (index.columns == dim_names).all(): raise Exception( ("Index columns {} does not match " + "array dimensions {}").format(index.columns, dim_names)) # Check for coordinates outside chunk boundaries for dim in self.schema.dims: vals = index[] if any(vals < dim.low_value): raise Exception("Index values smaller than " + "lower bound on dimension " + if dim.high_value != '*' and any(vals > dim.high_value): raise Exception("Index values bigger than " + "upper bound on dimension " + if (dim.chunk_length != '*' and any((vals - dim.low_value) % dim.chunk_length != 0)): raise Exception("Index values misaligned " + "with chunk size on dimension " + # Check for duplicates if index.duplicated().any(): raise Exception("Duplicate entries") index.sort_values(by=list(index.columns), inplace=True, ignore_index=True) if split_size is None: split_size = int(self.metadata['index_split']) index_schema = pyarrow.schema( [(, pyarrow.int64(), False) for d in self.schema.dims]) chunk_size = split_size // len(index.columns) # Remove existing index Driver.delete_all('{}/index'.format(self.url)) # Write new index i = 0 for offset in range(0, len(index), chunk_size): table = pyarrow.Table.from_pandas( index.iloc[offset:offset + chunk_size], index_schema) Driver.write_table(table, '{}/index/{}'.format(self.url, i), index_schema, Driver.index_format, Driver.index_compression) i += 1 def get_chunk(self, *argv): return Chunk(self, *argv) @staticmethod def metadata_from_string(input): res = dict(ln.split('\t') for ln in input.strip().split('\n')) try: if res['compression'] == 'none': res['compression'] = None except KeyError: pass return res @staticmethod def metadata_to_string(input): if input['compression'] is None: input['compression'] = 'none' return '\n'.join('{}\t{}'.format(k, v) for (k, v) in input.items()) + '\n' @staticmethod def coords_to_url_suffix(coords, dims): parts = ['c'] for (coord, dim) in zip(coords, dims): if (coord < dim.low_value or dim.high_value != '*' and coord > dim.high_value): raise Exception( ('Coordinate value, {}, is outside of dimension range, ' '[{}:{}]').format( coord, dim.low_value, dim.high_value)) part = coord - dim.low_value if part % dim.chunk_length != 0: raise Exception( ('Coordinate value, {}, is not a multiple of ' + 'chunk size, {}').format( coord, dim.chunk_length)) part = part // dim.chunk_length parts.append(part) return '_'.join(map(str, parts)) @staticmethod def url_to_coords(url, dims): part = url[url.rindex('/') + 1:] return tuple( map(lambda x: int(x[0]) * x[1].chunk_length + x[1].low_value, zip(part.split('_')[1:], dims))) class Chunk(object): """Wrapper for SciDB array chunk stored externally""" def __init__(self, array, *argv): self.array = array self.coords = argv if (len(argv) == 1 and type(argv[0]) is pandas.core.series.Series): argv = tuple(argv[0]) dims = self.array.schema.dims if len(argv) != len(dims): raise Exception( ('Number of arguments, {}, does not match the number of ' + 'dimensions, {}. Please specify one start coordiante for ' + 'each dimension.').format(len(argv), len(self.array.schema.dims))) part = Array.coords_to_url_suffix(self.coords, dims) self.url = '{}/chunks/{}'.format(self.array.url, part) self._table = None def __iter__(self): return (i for i in (self.array, self.url)) def __eq__(self, other): return tuple(self) == tuple(other) def __repr__(self): return ('{}(array={!r}, url={!r})').format( type(self).__name__, *self) def __str__(self): return self.url @property def table(self): if self._table is None: self._table = Driver.read_table( self.url, format=self.array.metadata['format'], compression=self.array.metadata['compression']) return self._table def to_pandas(self): return delta2coord( self.table.to_pandas(), self.array.schema, self.coords) def from_pandas(self, pd): # Check for a DataFrame if not isinstance(pd, pandas.DataFrame): raise Exception("Value provided as argument " + "is not a Pandas DataFrame") # Check for empty DataFrame if pd.empty: raise Exception("Pandas DataFrame is empty. " + "Nothing to do.") # Check that columns match array schema dims = [ for d in self.array.schema.dims] columns = [ for a in self.array.schema.atts] + dims if len(pd.columns) != len(columns): raise Exception( ("Argument columns count {} do not match " + "array attributes plus dimensions count {}").format( len(pd.columns), len(columns))) if sorted(list(pd.columns)) != sorted(columns): raise Exception( ("Argument columns {} does not match " + "array schema {}").format(pd.columns, columns)) # Use schema order pd = pd[columns] # Sort by dimensions pd = pd.sort_values(by=dims, ignore_index=True) # Check for duplicates if pd.duplicated(subset=dims).any(): raise Exception("Duplicate coordinates") # Check for coordinates outside chunk boundaries for (coord, dim) in zip(self.coords, self.array.schema.dims): vals = pd[] if (vals.iloc[0] < coord or vals.iloc[-1] >= coord + dim.chunk_length): raise Exception("Coordinates outside chunk boundaries") # Build schema schema = pyarrow.schema( [(, type_map_pyarrow[a.type_name], not a.not_null) for a in self.array.schema.atts] + [('@delta', pyarrow.int64(), False)]) pd['@delta'] = coord2delta(pd, self.array.schema.dims, self.coords) self._table = pyarrow.Table.from_pandas(pd, schema) self._table = self._table.replace_schema_metadata() def save(self): Driver.write_table(self._table, self.url, self._table.schema, self.array.metadata['format'], self.array.metadata['compression'])
import os import json import abc import shutil from zipfile import ZipFile from click import Path as ClickPath, UsageError from clint.textui import progress from typing import Dict, List from pathlib import Path import pprint import requests from loguru import logger from .utils import option, command, Cli, setup_logger as default_setup_logger from .models import FileRef, Output class BaseModule(abc.ABC, Cli): OUTPUT_FILENAME: str = os.getenv("OUTPUT_FILENAME", "outputs.json") CHUNK_SIZE: int = 2391975 @abc.abstractmethod def run_job_logic(self, parameters: dict, files: Dict[str, FileRef]) -> Output: """ This is the custom implementation of what will become an interface. Does the necessary setup to execute the existing module code. This method should represent 90% or more of the custom code required to create a module using pre existing logic. Arguments: parameters {dict} -- [description] files {dict} -- [description] output_path {str} -- [description] """ pass @classmethod def setup_logger(cls): default_setup_logger() def create_artifacts( self, output: Output, artifact_path: str = "./", zip: bool = False ):"Creating job artifacts") if artifact_path != "./": Path(artifact_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) outfile_path = os.path.join(artifact_path, self.OUTPUT_FILENAME) with open(outfile_path, "w") as outfile: outfile.write(output.output_json + "\n")"Output JSON saved to {outfile_path}") if output.files is not None: to_zip = []"Ensuring output files are in correct folder: {artifact_path}") for _file in output.files: target = Path(os.path.join(artifact_path, f"{}")) if not target.exists() and _file.path is not None:"Moving {_file.path} to {target}") shutil.move(_file.path, target) to_zip.append({"path": str(target), "name": f"{}"}) if zip: zip_path = os.path.join(artifact_path, "")"Creating output files zip: {zip_path}") with ZipFile(zip_path, "w") as zipObj: for zf in to_zip: zipObj.write(zf["path"], zf["name"])"Added {zf['name']} to {zip_path}") def download_files( self, file_refs: List[dict], files_path: str = "./" ) -> Dict[str, FileRef]: output_file_refs = {} for _fr in file_refs: file_ref = FileRef(**_fr) if file_ref is None: raise ValueError( f"File Ref {} has no url to download the file" ) r = requests.get(file_ref.url, stream=True) # type: ignore target_path = Path(os.path.join(files_path, f"{}")) target_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(target_path, "wb") as _file: length = r.headers.get("content-length") total_length = None if length is not None: total_length = int(length) f"Downloading {} Size: {length} to {target_path}" ) if total_length is not None: for ch in r.iter_content(chunk_size=self.CHUNK_SIZE), expected_size=(total_length / 1024) + 1, ): if ch: _file.write(ch) else: for ch in r.iter_content(chunk_size=self.CHUNK_SIZE): _file.write(ch) file_ref.path = str(target_path) output_file_refs[] = file_ref return output_file_refs @command("run-job") @option( "params_path", "--params-path", default=None, envvar="PARAMS_PATH", type=ClickPath(exists=True), ) @option( "params_json", "--params-json", default=None, envvar="PARAMS_JSON", type=str ) @option( "file_refs_json", "--files-json", default=None, envvar="FILE_REFS_JSON", type=str, ) @option( "file_refs_path", "--files-path", default=None, envvar="FILE_REFS_PATH", type=ClickPath(exists=True), ) @option( "input_path", "--input", default="input", envvar="FILES_IN_PATH", type=ClickPath(), ) @option( "output_path", "--output", default="output", envvar="OUTPUT_PATH", type=ClickPath(), ) @option("--zip", is_flag=True) def run_job( self, params_path, params_json, file_refs_json, file_refs_path, input_path, output_path, zip, ): self.setup_logger() if params_json: parameters = json.loads(params_json) elif params_path: with open(params_path) as json_file: parameters = json.load(json_file) else: err_str = "One of either --params-json or --params-path is required" logger.error(err_str) raise UsageError(err_str)"--- Using Parameters --- \n {pprint.pformat(parameters)}") file_refs = None if file_refs_json: file_refs = json.loads(file_refs_json) elif file_refs_path: with open(file_refs_path) as json_file: file_refs = json.load(json_file) # Download inputs if file_refs is not None: file_refs = self.download_files(file_refs, input_path) if file_refs is not None:"--- Using Files ---") for fr in file_refs.keys():"{fr} - Path: {file_refs[fr].path}") else:"--- No Input Files ---") output = self.run_job_logic(parameters, file_refs) # Package up outputs self.create_artifacts(output, output_path, zip)
# Clea This project is an XML front matter metadata reader for documents that *almost* follows the [SciELO Publishing Schema], extracting and sanitizing the values regarding the affiliations. ## Installation One can install Clea with either: ``` pip install scielo-clea # Minimal pip install scielo-clea[cli] # Clea with CLI (recommended) pip install scielo-clea[server] # Clea with the testing/example server pip install scielo-clea[all] # Clea with both CLI and the server ``` Actually all these commands installs everything, only the dependencies aren't the same. The first is an installation with minimal requirements, intended for use within Python, as an imported package. ## Running the command line interface The CLI is a way to use Clea as an article XML to JSONL converter (one JSON output line for each XML input): ``` clea -o output.jsonl article1.xml article2.xml article3.xml ``` The same can be done with ``python -m clea`` instead of ``clea``. The output is the standard output stream. See ``clea --help`` for more information. ## Running the testing server You can run the development server using the flask CLI. For example, for listening at 8080 from every host: ``` FLASK_APP=clea.server flask run -h -p 8080 ``` In a production server with 4 worker processes for handling requests, you can, for example: - Install gunicorn (it's not a dependency) - Run `gunicorn -b -w 4 clea.server:app` ## Clea as a library A simple example to see all the extracted data is: ```python from clea import Article from pprint import pprint art = Article("some_file.xml") pprint(art.data_full) ``` That's a dictionary of lists with all the "raw" extracted data. The keys of that dictionary can be directly accessed, so one can avoid extracting everything from the XML by getting just the specific items/attributes (e.g. `art["journal_meta"][0].data_full` or `art.journal_meta[0].data_full` instead of `art.data_full["journal_meta"][0]`). These items/attributes are always lists, for example: * `art["aff"]`: List of `clea.core.Branch` instances * `art["sub_article"]`: List of `clea.core.SubArticle` instances * `art["contrib"][0]["contrib_name"]`: List of strings Where the `art["contrib"][0]` is a `Branch` instance, and all such instances behave in the same way (there's no nested branches). That can be seen as another way to navigate in the former dictionary, the last example should return the same list one would get with `art.data_full["contrib"][0]["contrib_name"]`, but without extracting everything else that appears in the `art.data_full` dictionary. More simple stuff that can be done: ```python len(art.aff) # Number of <aff> entries len(art.sub_article) # Number of <sub-article> art.contrib[0].data_full # Data from the first contributor as a dict # Something like {"type": ["translation"], "lang": ["en"]}, # the content from <sub-article> attributes art["sub_article"][0]["article"][0].data_full # A string with the article title, accessing just the desired content art["article_meta"][0]["article_title"][0] ``` All `SubArticle`, `Article` and `Branch` instances have the `data_full` property and the `get` method, the latter being internally used for item/attribute getting. Their behavior is: * `Branch.get` always returns a list of strings * `Article.get("sub_article")` returns a list of `SubArticle` * `Article.get(...)` returns a list of `Branch` * `SubArticle` behaves like `Article` The extracted information is not exhaustive! Its result should not be seen as a replacement of the raw XML. One of the goals of this library was to help on creating a tabular data from a given XML with as many rows as required to have a pair of a matching `<aff>` and `<contrib>` in each row. These are the `Article` methods/properties that does that matching: * `art.aff_contrib_inner_gen()` * `art.aff_contrib_full_gen()` * `art.aff_contrib_inner` * `art.aff_contrib_full` * `art.aff_contrib_inner_indices` * `art.aff_contrib_full_indices` The most useful ones are probably the last ones, which return a list of pairs (tuples) of indices (ints), so one can use a `(ai, ci)` result to access the `(art.aff[ai], art.contrib[ci])` pair, unless the index is `-1` (not found). The ones with the `_gen` suffix are generator functions that yields a tuple with two `Branch` entries (or `None`), the ones without a suffix return a list of merged dictionaries in an almost tabular format (dictionary of lists of strings). Each list regarding these elements for these specific elements should usually have at most one string, but that's not always the case even for these specific elements, then one should be careful when using the `data` property. The `inner` and `full` in the names regards to `INNER JOIN` and `FULL OUTER JOIN` from SQL, meaning the unmatched elements (all `<aff>` and `<contrib>` unreferred nodes) are discarded in the former strategy, whereas they're forcefully matched with `None` in the latter. To print all the extracted data from a XML including the indices of matching `<aff>` and `<contrib>` pairs performed in the `FULL OUTER JOIN` sense, similar to the test server response: ```python pprint({ **article.data_full, "aff_contrib_pairs": article.aff_contrib_full_indices, }) ``` [SciELO Publishing Schema]:
from .misc import get_lev def aff_contrib_inner_gen(article): """Generator of matching <aff> and <contrib> of an article as pairs of Branch instances, using a strategy based on SQL's INNER JOIN.""" affs_ids = [get_lev(aff.node, "id") for aff in article.aff] contrib_rids = [[get_lev(xref, "rid") for xref in contrib.get_field_nodes("xref_aff")] for contrib in article.contrib] for aff_id, aff in zip(affs_ids, article.aff): for rid_list, contrib in zip(contrib_rids, article.contrib): for rid in rid_list: if rid == aff_id: yield aff, contrib def aff_contrib_full_gen(article): """Generator of matching <aff> and <contrib> of an article as pairs of Branch instances, using a strategy based on SQL's FULL OUTER JOIN.""" affs_ids = [get_lev(aff.node, "id") for aff in article.aff] contrib_rids = [[get_lev(xref, "rid") for xref in contrib.get_field_nodes("xref_aff")] for contrib in article.contrib] contrib_missing = set(range(len(article.contrib))) for aff_id, aff in zip(affs_ids, article.aff): amiss = True for cidx, (rid_list, contrib) in enumerate(zip(contrib_rids, article.contrib)): for rid in rid_list: if rid == aff_id: yield aff, contrib amiss = False contrib_missing.discard(cidx) if amiss: yield aff, None for cidx in sorted(contrib_missing): yield None, article.contrib[cidx] def aff_contrib_inner(article): """Inner join list of matching <aff> and <contrib> entries.""" return [{**aff.data_full, **contrib.data_full} for aff, contrib in aff_contrib_inner_gen(article)] def aff_contrib_full(article): """Full outer join list of matching <aff> and <contrib> entries.""" return [{**(aff.data_full if aff else {}), **(contrib.data_full if contrib else {}), } for aff, contrib in aff_contrib_full_gen(article)] def aff_contrib_inner_indices(article): """List of ``(ia, ic)`` tuples of indices for all matching ``(article["aff"][ia], article["contrib"][ic])`` pairs, using a strategy based on SQL's INNER JOIN. """ affs = [None] + article["aff"] contribs = [None] + article["contrib"] return [(affs.index(aff) - 1, contribs.index(contrib) - 1) for aff, contrib in aff_contrib_inner_gen(article)] def aff_contrib_full_indices(article): """List of ``(ia, ic)`` tuples of indices for all matching ``(article["aff"][ia], article["contrib"][ic])`` pairs, using a strategy based on SQL's FULL OUTER JOIN. """ affs = [None] + article["aff"] contribs = [None] + article["contrib"] return [(affs.index(aff) - 1, contribs.index(contrib) - 1) for aff, contrib in aff_contrib_full_gen(article)]
import json import re from accessstats.client import ThriftClient REGEX_ISSN = re.compile("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{3}[0-9xX]$") REGEX_ISSUE = re.compile("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{3}[0-9xX][0-2][0-9]{3}[0-9]{4}$") REGEX_ARTICLE = re.compile("^S[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{3}[0-9xX][0-2][0-9]{3}[0-9]{4}[0-9]{5}$") def _code_type(code): if not code: return None if REGEX_ISSN.match(code): return 'issn' if REGEX_ISSUE.match(code): return 'issue' if REGEX_ARTICLE.match(code): return 'pid' def _compute_downloads_per_year(query_result): result = [] for item in query_result['aggregations']['access_year']['buckets']: result.append( (item['key'], int(item['access_total']['value'])) ) return result def downloads_per_year(collection, code, raw=False): """ This method retrieve the total of downloads per year. arguments collection: SciELO 3 letters Acronym code: (Journal ISSN, Issue PID, Article PID) return [ ("2017", "20101"), ("2016", "11201"), ("2015", "12311"), ... ] """ tc = ThriftClient() body = {"query": {"filtered": {}}} fltr = {} query = { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { "collection": collection } } ] } } } aggs = { "aggs": { "access_year": { "terms": { "field": "access_year", "size": 0, "order": { "_term": "asc" } }, "aggs": { "access_total": { "sum": { "field": "access_total" } } } } } } body['query']['filtered'].update(fltr) body['query']['filtered'].update(query) body.update(aggs) code_type = _code_type(code) if code_type: query["query"]["bool"]["must"].append({ "match": { code_type: code } }) query_parameters = [ ('size', '0') ] query_result =, query_parameters) return query_result if raw is True else _compute_downloads_per_year(query_result)
import logging import sys import re import numpy as np import string from six import string_types from unidecode import unidecode from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer from nltk.tokenize import WhitespaceTokenizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize from .vectorizer import LogEntropyVectorizer from .recommend import build_nearest_neighbors, get_rocchio_topic logger = logging.getLogger('scienceconcierge') logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) stemmer = PorterStemmer() w_tokenizer = WhitespaceTokenizer() punct_re = re.compile('[{}]'.format(re.escape(string.punctuation))) def set_log_level(verbose): """Convenience function for setting the log level. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, str, int, or None The verbosity of messages to print. If a str, it can be either DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL. Note that these are for convenience and are equivalent to passing in logging.DEBUG, etc. For bool, True is the same as 'INFO', False is the same as 'WARNING'. """ if isinstance(verbose, bool): if verbose is True: verbose = 'INFO' else: verbose = 'WARNING' if isinstance(verbose, str): verbose = verbose.upper() logging_types = dict(DEBUG=logging.DEBUG, INFO=logging.INFO, WARNING=logging.WARNING, ERROR=logging.ERROR, CRITICAL=logging.CRITICAL) if verbose not in logging_types: raise ValueError('verbose must be of a valid type') verbose = logging_types[verbose] logger.setLevel(verbose) class ScienceConcierge: """Science Concierge Recommendation class using Latent Semantic Analysis on list of abstracts Process workflow are as follows - Word tokenize and stemming (optional) - Create tf-idf matrix, unigram or bigram recommended - Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) i.e. reduce dimension of using truncated SVD - Nearest neighbor assignment for recommendation Parameters ---------- * parameters for preprocessing stemming: boolean, if True it will apply Porter stemmer as a preprocessor to , default: True parallel: boolean, if True multipleprocessing will used to apply preprocessing to abstract text, default: True * parameters for term frequenct weighting scheme weighting: str, options from ['count', 'tfidf', 'entropy'] min_df: int or float [0.0, 1.0] ignore term that appear less than min_df or has weight less than min_df, default: 3 max_df: int or float [0.0, 1.0] ignore term that appear more than max_df or has weight greater than max_df, default: 0.8 ngram_range: tuple, parameter for tfidf transformation (1, 1) for unigram, (1, 2) for bigram, default (1, 2) i.e. bigram norm: 'l2', 'l1' or None, default: 'l2' * parameters for dimensionality reduction algorithm: str, 'arpack' or 'randomized', default 'arpack' n_components: int, number of components of reduced dimension vector in LSA, default=200 n_iter: int, iteration for LSA * For recommendation w_like: weight term for liked documents (called alpha in literature) w_dislike: wieght term for disliked documents n_recommend: number of total documents that want to be recommended, if None it will be set to total number of documents TO DO ----- - update nearest neighbor model so that it allows larger scale of documents - print logging output for preprocessing step """ def __init__(self, stemming=True, parallel=True, weighting='tfidf', strip_accents='unicode', norm='l2', lowercase=True, min_df=3, max_df=0.8, ngram_range=(1,2), algorithm='arpack', n_components=200, n_iter=150, n_recommend=None, save=False, verbose=False): = None self.docs_preprocess = None self.stemming = stemming self.parallel = parallel self.weighting = weighting self.strip_accents = strip_accents self.min_df = min_df self.max_df = max_df self.ngram_range = ngram_range self.analyzer = 'word' self.token_pattern = r'\w{1,}' self.stop_words = 'english' self.lowercase = lowercase self.norm = norm self.n_components = int(n_components) self.n_iter = int(n_iter) self.algorithm = algorithm self.vectors = None self.nbrs_model = None # holder for nearest neighbor model self.n_recommend = n_recommend = False set_log_level(verbose) def preprocess(self, text): """ Apply Porter stemmer to input string Parameters ---------- text: str, input string Returns ------- text_preprocess: str, output stemming string """ if isinstance(text, (type(None), float)): text_preprocess = '' else: text = unidecode(text).lower() text = punct_re.sub(' ', text) # remove punctuation if self.stemming: text_preprocess = [stemmer.stem(token) for token in w_tokenizer.tokenize(text)] else: text_preprocess = w_tokenizer.tokenize(text) text_preprocess = ' '.join(text_preprocess) return text_preprocess def preprocess_docs(self, docs): """ Preprocess string or list of strings """ if isinstance(docs, string_types): docs = [docs] if self.stemming is True: if not self.parallel:'preprocess %i documents without multiprocessing' % len(docs)) docs_preprocess = list(map(self.preprocess, docs)) else: if sys.version_info[0] == 3: from multiprocessing import Pool pool = Pool() n_processes = pool._processes docs_preprocess =, docs)'preprocess %i documents with %i workers' % (len(docs), n_processes)) else:'using simple map for preprocessing abstracts') docs_preprocess = list(map(self.preprocess, docs)) else:'no prepocess function apply') docs_preprocess = docs return docs_preprocess def fit_document_matrix(self, X): """ Reduce dimension of sparse matrix X using Latent Semantic Analysis and build nearst neighbor model Parameters ---------- X: sparse csr matrix, sparse term frequency matrix or others weighting matrix from documents """ n_components = self.n_components n_iter = self.n_iter algorithm = self.algorithm lsa_model = TruncatedSVD(n_components=n_components, n_iter=n_iter, algorithm=algorithm) # reduce dimension using Latent Semantic Analysis vectors = lsa_model.fit_transform(X) self.vectors = vectors # build nearest neighbor model nbrs_model = build_nearest_neighbors(vectors, n_recommend=self.n_recommend) self.nbrs_model = nbrs_model return self def fit(self, docs): """ Create recommendation vectors and nearest neighbor model from list of documents Parameters ---------- docs: list of string, list of documents' text or abstracts from papers or publications or posters """ # parameters from class weighting = self.weighting strip_accents = self.strip_accents token_pattern = self.token_pattern lowercase = self.lowercase min_df = self.min_df max_df = self.max_df norm = self.norm ngram_range = self.ngram_range analyzer = self.analyzer stop_words = self.stop_words # preprocess text docs_preprocess = self.preprocess_docs(docs) = docs if self.docs_preprocess = docs_preprocess # weighting documents if self.weighting == 'count': model = CountVectorizer(min_df=min_df, max_df=max_df, lowercase=lowercase, strip_accents=strip_accents, analyzer=analyzer, token_pattern=token_pattern, ngram_range=ngram_range, stop_words=stop_words) elif self.weighting == 'tfidf': model = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=min_df, max_df=max_df, lowercase=lowercase, norm=norm, strip_accents=strip_accents, analyzer=analyzer, token_pattern=token_pattern, ngram_range=ngram_range, use_idf=True, smooth_idf=True, sublinear_tf=True, stop_words=stop_words) elif self.weighting == 'entropy': model = LogEntropyVectorizer(min_df=min_df, max_df=max_df, lowercase=lowercase, norm=norm, token_pattern=token_pattern, ngram_range=ngram_range, analyzer=analyzer, smooth_idf=False, stop_words=stop_words) else: logger.error('choose one weighting scheme from count, tfidf or entropy') # text transformation and latent-semantic-analysis'apply %s weighting to documents' % self.weighting) X = model.fit_transform(docs_preprocess) # fit documents matrix from sparse matrix'perform Latent Semantic Analysis with %i components' % self.n_components) self.fit_document_matrix(X) return self def recommend(self, likes=list(), dislikes=list(), w_like=1.8, w_dislike=0.2): """ Apply Rocchio algorithm and nearest neighbor to recommend related documents: x_pref = w_like * mean(x_likes) - w_dislike * mean(x_dislikes) see article on how to cross-validate parameters. Use recommend after fit method Parameters ---------- likes: list, list of index of liked documents dislikes: list, list of index of disliked documents w_like: float, weight for liked documents, default 1.8 (from cross-validation) w_dislike: float, weight for disliked documents, default 0.2 (we got 0.0 from cross-validation) Returns ------- recommend_index: 1d array, array of recommended index from documents """ self.w_like = w_like self.w_dislike = w_dislike # compute preference vector topic_pref = get_rocchio_topic(self.vectors, likes, dislikes, w_like, w_dislike) # nearest neighbor to suggest related abstract with close topic _, recommend_index = self.nbrs_model.kneighbors(topic_pref) return recommend_index.flatten()
import json from typing import Dict, List import json from pathlib import Path import abc class JSONObject: def to_json(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.__dict__(), sort_keys=True, indent=4) class Author(JSONObject): def __init__(self, author_id: int, name: str) -> None: self._author_id = author_id self._name = name def __dict__(self): return { "id": self._author_id, "name": self._name } def __str__(self) -> str: return "{:d} {:s}".format(self._author_id, self._name) @staticmethod def from_json(json_data: Dict) -> Dict[int, "Author"]: content = list(json_data.items()) return dict(map(lambda item: (int(item[0]), Author(item[1]["id"], item[1]["name"])), content)) class Meta(JSONObject): def __init__(self, path: Path) -> None: self._path = path self._authors = {} # type: Dict[int, Author] def __dict__(self) -> Dict: result = { "path": str(self._path), "authors": self._authors } return result def write(self) -> None: output_line = self.to_json() self._path.write_text(output_line) @staticmethod def read(path: Path) -> "Meta": with"r") as content: text = return Meta.from_json(path, json.loads(text)) @staticmethod def from_json(path: Path, json_data: Dict) -> "Meta": meta = Meta(path) meta.authors = Author.from_json(json_data["authors"]) return meta @property def authors(self) -> Dict[int, Author]: return self._authors @authors.setter def authors(self, authors: Dict[int, Author]) -> None: self._authors = authors def __str__(self) -> None: line = "{:s} authors = ".format(str(self._path)) line += str(self._authors) return line def remove(self) -> None: self._path.unlink()
from pathlib import Path from typing import List from author import Author from core import JSONObject from logger import LogEntry import uuid import json from typing import Dict import abc from datetime import datetime class NodeProperty(JSONObject): @abc.abstractproperty def name(self): raise NotImplementedError("Must override the property name") class Meta(JSONObject): id_counter = 0 def __init__(self, path: Path, dataset_id: int, branch_id: int, description: str = "", authors: List[Author] = [], log: Dict[int, LogEntry] = {}, additional_properties: Dict[str, NodeProperty] = {}): self._path = path self._dataset_id = dataset_id self._branch_id = branch_id self._description = description self._authors = authors self._log = log self._additional_properties = additional_properties def write(self): self.path.write_text(self.to_json()) def __str__(self): line = "meta information \n" line += "dataset id \t {:d} \n".format(self._dataset_id) line += "branch id \t {:d} \n".format(self._branch_id) line += "description \t {:s} \n".format(self._description) line += "\n" line += "authors: \n" for author in self.authors: line += "{:s} \n \n".format(str(author)) line += "\n" for name in self._additional_properties.keys(): line += "{:s}\n".format(str(self._additional_properties[name])) return line def __dict__(self): base_dict = { "dataset_id": self._dataset_id, "branch_id": self._branch_id, "authors": self._authors, "description": self._description, "log": self._log } for property_name in self._additional_properties.keys(): base_dict[property_name] = self._additional_properties[property_name].__dict__() return base_dict @property def path(self): return self._path @path.setter def path(self, path): self._path = path @property def dataset_id(self): return self._dataset_id @property def branch_id(self): return self._branch_id @property def authors(self): return self._authors @property def description(self): return self._description @description.setter def description(self, description: str): self._description = description @staticmethod def create_top_level_meta(path: Path, author: Author, description: str = ""): # create a uuid for the dataset dataset_id = uuid.uuid4().int branch_id = 0 Meta.id_counter += 1 meta = Meta(path, dataset_id, branch_id, description, [author]) return meta @staticmethod def create_meta(top_level_meta: "Meta", path): dataset_id = top_level_meta.dataset_id branch_id = Meta.id_counter Meta.id_counter += 1 meta = Meta(path / ".meta.json", dataset_id, branch_id) return meta @staticmethod def from_json(path: Path) -> "Meta": text = path.read_text() json_data = json.loads(text) authors = list(map(lambda author_content: Author.from_dict(author_content), json_data["authors"])) return Meta(path, int(json_data["dataset_id"]), int(json_data["branch_id"]), json_data["description"], authors) def add_property(self, node_property: NodeProperty): self._additional_properties[] = node_property def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> NodeProperty: return self._additional_properties[name] def add_log_entry(self, log_entry): self._log[log_entry.log_id] = log_entry class FileProperty(NodeProperty): def __init__(self): # properties self._size = None # type: int self._n_childs = None # type: int @property def size(self) -> int: return self._size @size.setter def size(self, size): self._size = size @property def n_childs(self) -> int: return self._n_childs @n_childs.setter def n_childs(self, n_childs): self._n_childs = n_childs @staticmethod def from_dict(content: Dict) -> "FileProperty": file_property = FileProperty() file_property.size = int(content["size"]) file_property.n_childs = int(content["n_childs"]) return file_property def __dict__(self): return { "size": self._size, "n_childs": self._n_childs } @property def name(self) -> str: return "file_properties"
import numpy as np from typing import List class Variable: """Class for optimization variables. """ # attributes _x_min = None # variables _x_max = None # variables _x_type = None # variables' type def __init__(self, x_min: np.ndarray, x_max: np.ndarray, x_type: List[str]=None): """Constructor of variables. Args: x_min : (np.ndarray) (n x 1)-array with lower bounds. x_max : (np.ndarray) (n x 1)-array with upper bounds. x_type: (np.ndarray) (n x 1)-list with variables' type ('c': continuous or 'd': discrete). """ # set bounds self.x_min = x_min self.x_max = x_max self.x_type = x_type # getters @property def x_min(self): return self._x_min @property def x_max(self): return self._x_max @property def x_type(self): return self._x_type # setters @x_min.setter def x_min(self, x_lb): """Setter of x_min. Args: x_lb: (n x 1)-numpy array """ # check numpy if not isinstance(x_lb, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("x_min must be a numpy array!") # check dimension if not x_lb.shape[1]: raise ValueError("x_min must be a (n x 1)-numpy array!") # check consistency if self._x_min is not None: n = self._x_min.shape[0] if n != x_lb.shape[0] and n > 0: raise ValueError("x_min must be a ({} x 1)-numpy array!".format(n)) # set self._x_min = x_lb @x_max.setter def x_max(self, x_ub): """Setter of x_max. Args: x_ub: (n x 1)-numpy array """ # check numpy if not isinstance(x_ub, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("x_max must be a numpy array!") # check dimension if not x_ub.shape[1]: raise ValueError("x_max must be a (n x 1)-numpy array!") # check dimension consistency n = self._x_min.shape[0] if n != x_ub.shape[0] and n > 0: raise ValueError("x_max must be a ({} x 1)-numpy array!".format(n)) # check range consistency if np.any((x_ub - self._x_min) < 0): raise ValueError("x_max must be greater than or equal x_min!") # set self._x_max = x_ub @x_type.setter def x_type(self, x_type): """Setter of x_min. Args: x_type: (n )-list """ if x_type is not None: # check numpy if not isinstance(x_type, list): raise ValueError("x_type must be a list!") # check consistency n = self._x_min.shape[0] if n != len(x_type) and n > 0: raise ValueError("x_type must be a list of {} elements!".format(n)) # check values if (x_type.count('c') + x_type.count('d')) != n: raise ValueError("x_type must be either 'c' or 'd'.") self._x_type = x_type else: self.x_type = ['c'] * self.x_min.shape[0] def dimension(self): """Return variable dimension.""" return self.x_min.shape[0]
from science_optimization.solvers.pareto_samplers import BaseParetoSamplers from science_optimization.solvers import OptimizationResults from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem from science_optimization.function import GenericFunction, LinearFunction from typing import Any import numpy as np from copy import deepcopy class LambdaSampler(BaseParetoSamplers): """p-lambda Pareto front sampler.""" def __init__(self, optimization_problem: OptimizationProblem, algorithm: Any = None, n_samples: int = None): """Constructor of optimizer class. Args: optimization_problem: (OptimizationProblem) optimization problem instance. algorithm : (Any) an algorithm instance. n_samples : (int) number os samples. """ # instantiate super class super().__init__(optimization_problem, algorithm, n_samples) def sample_aux(self) -> OptimizationResults: """ p-lambda sampler. Returns: output: (OptimizationResults) optimization results. """ # cardinalities n = self.optimization_problem.variables.dimension() o = self.optimization_problem.objective.objectives.n_functions # verify if self.optimization_problem.objective.objectives.n_functions != 2: raise ValueError("Sampler only implemented for bi-objective optimization problems.") # generate lambda values from [0, 1] l = np.linspace(0, 1, self.n_samples) # remove vertices # sample x = np.zeros((n, 0)) fx = np.zeros((o, 0)) for k in range(self.n_samples): # p-lambda optimization problem op = self.op_lambda(l[k]) # optimize o = self.algorithm.optimize(optimization_problem=op, debug=False) x = np.hstack((x, o.x)) fx = np.hstack((fx, self.optimization_problem.objective.objectives.eval(o.x))) # output output = OptimizationResults() output.x = x output.fx = fx return output def op_lambda(self, l): """ Builds a p-lambda optimization problem. Args: l : used in the weighted sum of two objectives. Returns: op: optimization problem. """ # copy of optimization problem op = deepcopy(self.optimization_problem) obj = deepcopy(self.optimization_problem.objective) # nonparametric functions w = np.array([[1-l, l]]) if not obj.objectives.is_linear(): def fo(x): return obj.objectives.eval(x, composition='series', weights=w) # delete original objectives and evaluate op.objective.objectives.clear() # delete functions op.objective.objectives.add(GenericFunction(func=fo, n=op.variables.dimension())) else: # new objective parameters c = w @ obj.C() # delete original objectives and evaluate op.objective.objectives.clear() # delete functions op.objective.objectives.add(LinearFunction(c=c.T)) return op
import numpy as np from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem from science_optimization.function import GenericFunction from science_optimization.solvers import Optimizer from science_optimization.problems import SeparableResourceAllocation from science_optimization.algorithms.decomposition import DualDecomposition def decomposition_example(): """Decomposition problem example. Solve problem: min f_1(x_1) + f_2(x_2), f_i(x_i) = e^(-2*x_i) s.t. x_1 + x_2 - 10 <= 0 2 <= x_i <= 6 """ # dimension n = 2 # objective functions def f_1(x): return np.exp(-2*x[0, :]) + 0 * x[1, :] def f_2(x): return np.exp(-2*x[1, :]) + 0 * x[0, :] # inequality constraints functions def g_1(x): return x[0, :] - 10 def g_2(x): return x[1, :] # input lists f_i = [GenericFunction(func=f_1, n=n), GenericFunction(func=f_2, n=n)] # f_i list g_i = [GenericFunction(func=g_1, n=n), GenericFunction(func=g_2, n=n)] # g_i list # bounds x_min = np.array([2, 2]).reshape(-1, 1) # lower x_max = np.array([6, 6]).reshape(-1, 1) # upper x_bounds = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) # build generic problem instance generic = OptimizationProblem(builder=SeparableResourceAllocation(f_i=f_i, coupling_eq_constraints=[], coupling_ineq_constraints=g_i, x_bounds=x_bounds )) # starting point x0 = np.array([0, 0]).reshape(-1, 1) # builder optimization optimizer = Optimizer(opt_problem=generic, algorithm=DualDecomposition(x0=x0)) results = optimizer.optimize() # result if __name__ == "__main__": # run example decomposition_example()
import numpy as np from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem from science_optimization.function import QuadraticFunction from science_optimization.solvers.pareto_samplers import NonDominatedSampler, EpsilonSampler, LambdaSampler, MuSampler from science_optimization.problems import GenericProblem import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as ticker def pareto_sampling_cs0(s): """Multiobjective problem example. Args: s: nondominated_sampler. """ # parameters objective function 1 Q = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) c1 = np.array([[0], [0]]) d1 = np.array([0]) # parameters objective function 2 c2 = np.array([[-2], [-2]]) d2 = np.array([2]) # objectives f1 = QuadraticFunction(Q=Q, c=c1, d=d1) f2 = QuadraticFunction(Q=Q, c=c2, d=d2) f = [f1, f2] # constraints ineq_cons = [] eq_cons = [] # bounds x_min = np.array([-5, -5]).reshape(-1, 1) # lower x_max = np.array([5, 5]).reshape(-1, 1) # upper x_lim = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) # build generic problem instance generic = OptimizationProblem(builder=GenericProblem(f=f, eq_cons=eq_cons, ineq_cons=ineq_cons, x_bounds=x_lim)) # builder pareto sampler if s == 0: sampler = EpsilonSampler(optimization_problem=generic) elif s == 1: sampler = NonDominatedSampler(optimization_problem=generic) elif s == 2: sampler = MuSampler(optimization_problem=generic) else: sampler = LambdaSampler(optimization_problem=generic) results = sampler.sample() # contour delta = 0.02 x = np.arange(-5, 5, delta) y = np.arange(-5, 5, delta) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) XY = np.vstack((X.reshape(1, -1), Y.reshape(1, -1))) f1eval = np.reshape(f1.eval(XY), X.shape) f2eval = np.reshape(f2.eval(XY), X.shape) # contour plot of individual functions fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.contour(X, Y, f1eval, 17, colors='k', linewidths=.8) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.set_xlabel(r'$x_1$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$x_2$') # contour plot of individual functions fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.contour(X, Y, f2eval, 17, colors='k', linewidths=.8) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.set_xlabel(r'$x_1$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$x_2$') # contour plot of functions and solution fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.contour(X, Y, f1eval, 17, colors='k', linewidths=.8) ax.contour(X, Y, f2eval, 17, colors='r', linewidths=.8) plt.scatter(results.x[0, :], results.x[1, :], s=8) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(1)) ax.set_xlabel(r'$x_1$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$x_2$') # pareto front plot plt.figure() plt.scatter(results.fx[0, :], results.fx[1, :], s=8) plt.xlabel(r'$f_1$') plt.ylabel(r'$f_2$') if __name__ == "__main__": # run example pareto_sampling_cs0(s=2)
import numpy as np from science_optimization.solvers import Optimizer from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem from science_optimization.function import GenericFunction from science_optimization.problems import Quadratic, GenericProblem from science_optimization.algorithms.derivative_free import NelderMead def generate_grid(x_min, x_max, n): coords = [] for i in range(n): coords.append(np.arange(x_min[i][0], x_max[i][0]+1, 5)) g = np.meshgrid(*coords) for i in range(n): coords[i] = g[i].reshape(([i].shape), )).reshape(-1, 1) return np.hstack(coords) def quadratic(Q, c, d): # bounds x_min = np.array([-10, -10]).reshape(-1, 1) # lower bound x_max = np.array([10, 10]).reshape(-1, 1) # upper bound x_bounds = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) # builder quadratic problem instance quadratic = OptimizationProblem(builder=Quadratic(Q=Q, c=c, d=d, x_bounds=x_bounds)) # builder optimization x0 = np.array([[5], [6]]) delta_r = 1.0 delta_e = 2.0 delta_ic = 0.5 delta_oc = 0.5 delta_s = 0.5 optimizer = Optimizer( opt_problem=quadratic, algorithm=NelderMead(x0, delta_r, delta_e, delta_ic, delta_oc, delta_s) ) results = optimizer.optimize() # result def generic_fun(f, x0, x_lim, ineq_cons, eq_cons): delta_r = 1.0 delta_e = 2.0 delta_ic = 0.5 delta_oc = 0.5 delta_s = 0.5 generic = OptimizationProblem(builder=GenericProblem(f=f, eq_cons=eq_cons, ineq_cons=ineq_cons, x_bounds=x_lim)) optimizer = Optimizer( opt_problem=generic, algorithm=NelderMead(x0, delta_r, delta_e, delta_ic, delta_oc, delta_s) ) optimizer.algorithm.n_max = 500 results = optimizer.optimize(debug=True) return results def get_bm_1_problem(n): def obj_func(x): a = [10 for i in range(n)] b = [100 for i in range(n)] s = 0 for i in range(n): s += a[i] * np.abs(x[i][0] / b[i]) return s def c_1(x): c = 4 s = 0 for i in range(n): s += np.power(x[i][0], 3) s -= c return s def c_2(x): d = 1 / np.pi s = 0 for i in range(n): s += np.power(-1 + x[i][0], 2) s -= d return s def c_3(x): d = 3 m = 100 s = 0 for i in range(n): s += x[i][0] s = d - m * np.sqrt(s) return s x_min = np.full((n, 1), -10) # lower x_max = np.full((n, 1), 10) # upper x_lim = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) f = [GenericFunction(func=obj_func, n=n)] ineq_cons = [ GenericFunction(func=c_1, n=n), GenericFunction(func=c_2, n=n), GenericFunction(func=c_3, n=n) ] eq_cons = [] return f, ineq_cons, eq_cons, x_min, x_max, x_lim def get_bm_2_problem(n): def obj_func(x): s = 1 for i in range(n): s *= x[i][0] s *= -1 * np.power(np.sqrt(n), n) return s def c_1(x): s = 0 for i in range(n): s += x[i][0] return s - 1 return obj_func, c_1 def get_bm_3_problem(): def obj_func(x): s = np.sum(x[0:4, ]) s -= np.sum(np.power(x[0:4, ], 2)) s -= np.sum(x[4:13, ]) return s def c_1(x): return 2*x[0][0] + 2*x[1][0] + x[9][0] + x[10][0] - 10 def c_2(x): return 2*x[0][0] + 2*x[2][0] + x[9][0] + x[11][0] - 10 def c_3(x): return 2*x[0][0] + 2*x[2][0] + x[10][0] + x[11][0] - 10 def c_4(x): return -8 * x[0][0] + x[9][0] def c_5(x): return -8 * x[1][0] + x[10][0] def c_6(x): return -8 * x[2][0] + x[11][0] def c_7(x): return -2 * x[3][0] - x[4][0] + x[9][0] def c_8(x): return -2 * x[5][0] - x[6][0] + x[10][0] def c_9(x): return -2 * x[7][0] - x[8][0] + x[11][0] x_min = np.zeros((13, 1)) x_max = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 100, 100, 100, 1]).reshape(-1, 1) x_bounds = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) x0 = np.array([.5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, .5, 3, 3, 3, .5]).reshape(-1, 1) f = [GenericFunction(obj_func, 13)] ineq_cons = [ GenericFunction(func=c_1, n=13), GenericFunction(func=c_2, n=13), GenericFunction(func=c_3, n=13), GenericFunction(func=c_4, n=13), GenericFunction(func=c_5, n=13), GenericFunction(func=c_6, n=13), GenericFunction(func=c_7, n=13), GenericFunction(func=c_8, n=13), GenericFunction(func=c_9, n=13) ] eq_cons = [] return x0, x_bounds, f, ineq_cons, eq_cons def get_bm_4_problem(): def obj_func(x): a = np.sum(np.power(np.cos(x), 4)) b =, 2)) c = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.arange(1, 21).reshape(-1, 1) * np.power(x, 2))) s = np.abs((a - 2*b)/c) return s def c_1(x): return 0.75 - def c_2(x): return np.sum(x) - 7.5 * x.shape[0] x_min = np.zeros((20, 1)) x_max = np.full((20, 1), 10) x_bounds = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) x0 = np.full((20, 1), 5) f = [GenericFunction(func=obj_func, n=20)] ineq_cons = [ GenericFunction(func=c_1, n=20), GenericFunction(func=c_2, n=20) ] eq_cons = [] return x0, x_bounds, f, ineq_cons, eq_cons def get_bm_5_problem(): def obj_func(x): return np.abs(np.power(x[0][0], 2) + np.power(x[1][0], 2)) + np.abs(np.sin(x[0][0])) + np.abs(np.cos(x[1][0])) def c_1(x): c = 4 s = 0 for i in range(2): s += np.power(x[i][0], 3) s -= c return s def c_2(x): d = 1 / np.pi s = 0 for i in range(2): s += np.power(-1 + x[i][0], 2) s -= d return s def c_3(x): d = 3 m = 100 s = 0 for i in range(2): s += x[i][0] s = d - m * np.sqrt(s) return s # bounds x_min = np.array([-10, -10]).reshape(-1, 1) # lower x_max = np.array([10, 10]).reshape(-1, 1) # upper x_lim = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) f = [GenericFunction(func=obj_func, n=2)] ineq_cons = [ GenericFunction(func=c_1, n=2), GenericFunction(func=c_2, n=2), GenericFunction(func=c_3, n=2) ] eq_cons = [] x0 = np.array([[5.0], [1.0]]) return x0, x_lim, f, ineq_cons, eq_cons def neldermead_example(problem=1): """ Args: problem: Returns: """ np.set_printoptions(precision=9, suppress=True) if problem == 1: # Problem: (x[0]-1)^2 + 4.0*x[1]^2 Q = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 4]]) c = np.array([-2, 0]).reshape(-1, 1) d = 1 quadratic(Q, c, d) elif problem == 2: # Problem: x[0]^2 + 3.0*x[1]^2 Q = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 3]]) c = np.array([0, 0]).reshape(-1, 1) d = 0 quadratic(Q, c, d) elif problem == 3: def f_obj(x): return np.max(np.abs(x * (.5 + 1e-2) - .5 * np.sin(x) * np.cos(x)), axis=0) # bounds x_min = np.array([-5, -5]).reshape(-1, 1) # lower x_max = np.array([10, 10]).reshape(-1, 1) # upper x_lim = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) f = [GenericFunction(func=f_obj, n=2)] ineq_cons = [] eq_cons = [] x0 = np.array([[2], [2]]) generic_fun(f, x0, x_lim, ineq_cons, eq_cons) elif problem == 4: def f_obj(x): return x[0][0]*x[0][0] + x[1][0]*x[1][0] - x[0][0]*x[1][0] # bounds x_min = np.array([-5, -5]).reshape(-1, 1) # lower x_max = np.array([10, 10]).reshape(-1, 1) # upper x_lim = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) f = [GenericFunction(func=f_obj, n=2)] ineq_cons = [] eq_cons = [] x0 = np.array([[2], [2]]) generic_fun(f, x0, x_lim, ineq_cons, eq_cons) elif problem == 5: def f_obj(x): return 200 * x[0][0]*x[0][0] + x[1][0]*x[1][0] # bounds x_min = np.array([-10, -10]).reshape(-1, 1) # lower x_max = np.array([10, 10]).reshape(-1, 1) # upper x_lim = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) f = [GenericFunction(func=f_obj, n=2)] ineq_cons = [] eq_cons = [] x0 = np.array([[10], [10]]) generic_fun(f, x0, x_lim, ineq_cons, eq_cons) elif problem == 6: def f_obj(x): return 100 * np.square((x[1][0] - np.square(x[0][0]))) + np.square(1 - x[0][0]) # bounds x_min = np.array([-5, -5]).reshape(-1, 1) # lower x_max = np.array([10, 10]).reshape(-1, 1) # upper x_lim = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) f = [GenericFunction(func=f_obj, n=2)] ineq_cons = [] eq_cons = [] x0 = np.array([[-2], [1]]) generic_fun(f, x0, x_lim, ineq_cons, eq_cons) elif problem == 7: def f_obj(x): return np.square(x[0][0] + 10 * x[1][0]) + 5 * np.square(x[2][0] - x[3][0]) + \ np.power((x[1][0] - 2 * x[2][0]), 4) + 10 * np.power(x[0][0] - x[3][0], 4) # bounds x_min = np.array([-5, -5, -5, -5]).reshape(-1, 1) # lower x_max = np.array([10, 10, 10, 10]).reshape(-1, 1) # upper x_lim = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) f = [GenericFunction(func=f_obj, n=4)] ineq_cons = [] eq_cons = [] x0 = np.array([[3], [-1], [0], [1]]) generic_fun(f, x0, x_lim, ineq_cons, eq_cons) elif problem == 8: n = 5 f, ineq_cons, eq_cons, x_min, x_max, x_lim = get_bm_1_problem(n) x0 = np.full((n, 1), 1.0) generic_fun(f, x0, x_lim, ineq_cons, eq_cons) elif problem == 9: x0, x_lim, obj_func, ineq_cons, eq_cons = get_bm_3_problem() generic_fun(obj_func, x0, x_lim, ineq_cons, eq_cons) elif problem == 10: x0, x_lim, obj_func, ineq_cons, eq_cons = get_bm_4_problem() generic_fun(obj_func, x0, x_lim, ineq_cons, eq_cons) elif problem == 11: x0, x_bounds, f, ineq_cons, eq_cons = get_bm_5_problem() generic_fun(f, x0, x_bounds, ineq_cons, eq_cons) else: raise Warning("Undefined problem example.") if __name__ == '__main__': neldermead_example(problem=1)
import numpy as np from science_optimization.solvers import Optimizer from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem from science_optimization.function import GenericFunction from science_optimization.problems import Quadratic, GenericProblem from science_optimization.algorithms.derivative_free import NelderMead def generic_fun(f, x0, x_lim, ineq_cons, eq_cons): delta_r = 1.0 delta_e = 2.0 delta_ic = 0.5 delta_oc = 0.5 delta_s = 0.5 generic = OptimizationProblem(builder=GenericProblem(f=f, eq_cons=eq_cons, ineq_cons=ineq_cons, x_bounds=x_lim)) optimizer = Optimizer( opt_problem=generic, algorithm=NelderMead(x0, delta_r, delta_e, delta_ic, delta_oc, delta_s) ) optimizer.algorithm.n_max = 2000 results = optimizer.optimize(debug=False) # return results def generate_points(x_min, x_max, dim, n=30): points = [] for i in range(n): p = x_min + np.random.random_sample((dim, 1)) * (x_max - x_min) points.append(p) return points def get_bm_1_problem(n): def obj_func(x): a = [10 for i in range(n)] b = [100 for i in range(n)] s = 0 for i in range(n): s += a[i] * np.abs(x[i][0] / b[i]) return s def c_1(x): c = 4 s = 0 for i in range(n): s += np.power(x[i][0], 3) s -= c return s def c_2(x): d = 1 / np.pi s = 0 for i in range(n): s += np.power(-1 + x[i][0], 2) s -= d return s def c_3(x): d = 3 m = 100 s = 0 for i in range(n): s += x[i][0] s = d - m * np.sqrt(s) return s x_min = np.full((n, 1), -10) # lower x_max = np.full((n, 1), 10) # upper x_lim = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) f = [GenericFunction(func=obj_func, n=n)] ineq_cons = [ GenericFunction(func=c_1, n=n), GenericFunction(func=c_2, n=n), GenericFunction(func=c_3, n=n) ] eq_cons = [] return f, ineq_cons, eq_cons, x_min, x_max, x_lim def write_x0_result(dim, x0, fx, n_evals, stop_crit): with open(str(dim) + "_dim_x0_results.txt", "a+") as fp: fp.write(str(x0.T[0].tolist()) + "\t" + str(fx) + "\t" + str(n_evals) + stop_crit) fp.write("\n") def write_dim_result(dim, fx_min, fx_median, fx_std, fx_max, n_evals_mean): with open("results.txt", "a+") as fp: fp.write( str(dim) + "\t" + str(fx_min) + "\t" + str(fx_median) + "\t" + str(fx_std) + "\t" + str(fx_max) + "\t" + str(n_evals_mean) ) fp.write("\n") def run_tests(): for dim in range(11, 16): fx = [] n_evals = [] f, ineq_cons, eq_cons, x_min, x_max, x_lim = get_bm_1_problem(dim) initial_points = generate_points(x_min, x_max, dim, n=30) for p in range(len(initial_points)): x0 = initial_points[p].reshape(-1, 1) results = generic_fun(f, x0, x_lim, ineq_cons, eq_cons) n_evals.append(results.n_function_evaluations) fx.append(results.fx) with open(str(dim) + "_dim_x0_results.txt", "a+") as fp: fp.write(str(x0.T[0].tolist()) + "\t" + str(results.fx) + "\t" + str(results.n_function_evaluations)) fp.write("\n") # print(x0.T[0].tolist(), results.fx, results.n_function_evaluations) fx = np.array(fx) n_evals = np.array(n_evals) n_data = [np.min(fx), np.median(fx), np.std(fx), np.max(fx), np.mean(n_evals)] with open("results.txt", "a+") as fp: fp.write( str(dim) + "\t" + str(np.min(fx)) + "\t" + str(np.median(fx)) + "\t" + str(np.std(fx)) + "\t" + str(np.max(fx)) + "\t" + str(np.mean(n_evals)) ) fp.write("\n") print(n_data) if __name__ == "__main__": run_tests()
import numpy as np from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem from science_optimization.function import QuadraticFunction from science_optimization.function import GenericFunction from science_optimization.solvers.pareto_samplers import NonDominatedSampler, EpsilonSampler, LambdaSampler, MuSampler from science_optimization.problems import GenericProblem import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as ticker def pareto_sampling_cs1(s): """Multiobjective problem example. Args: s: nondominated_sampler. """ # objective function 1 def f_obj1(x): return np.max(np.abs(x * (.5 + 1e-2) - .5 * np.sin(x) * np.cos(x)), axis=0) # parameters objective function 2 Q = np.array([[10, 9], [9, 10]]) c = np.array([[-90], [-100]]) d = np.array([250]) # objectives f1 = GenericFunction(func=f_obj1, n=2) f2 = QuadraticFunction(Q=Q, c=c, d=d) f = [f1, f2] # constraints ineq_cons = [] eq_cons = [] # bounds x_min = np.array([-5, -5]).reshape(-1, 1) # lower x_max = np.array([10, 10]).reshape(-1, 1) # upper x_lim = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) # build generic problem instance generic = OptimizationProblem(builder=GenericProblem(f=f, eq_cons=eq_cons, ineq_cons=ineq_cons, x_bounds=x_lim)) # builder sampler if s == 0: sampler = EpsilonSampler(optimization_problem=generic, n_samples=13) elif s == 1: sampler = NonDominatedSampler(optimization_problem=generic, n_samples=13) elif s == 2: sampler = MuSampler(optimization_problem=generic, n_samples=13) else: sampler = LambdaSampler(optimization_problem=generic, n_samples=13) results = sampler.sample() # contour delta = 0.02 x = np.arange(-5, 10, delta) y = np.arange(-5, 10, delta) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) XY = np.vstack((X.reshape(1, -1), Y.reshape(1, -1))) f1eval = np.reshape(f_obj1(XY), X.shape) f2eval = np.reshape(f2.eval(XY), X.shape) # contour plot of individual functions fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.contour(X, Y, f1eval, 17, colors='k', linewidths=.8) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5)) ax.set_xlabel(r'$x_1$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$x_2$') # contour plot of individual functions fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.contour(X, Y, f2eval, 17, colors='k', linewidths=.8) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5)) ax.set_xlabel(r'$x_1$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$x_2$') # contour plot of functions and solution fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.contour(X, Y, f1eval, 17, colors='k', linewidths=.8) ax.contour(X, Y, f2eval, 17, colors='r', linewidths=.8) plt.scatter(results.x[0, :], results.x[1, :], s=8) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5)) ax.set_xlabel(r'$x_1$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$x_2$') # pareto front plot plt.figure() plt.scatter(results.fx[0, :], results.fx[1, :], s=8) plt.xlabel(r'$f_1$') plt.ylabel(r'$f_2$') if __name__ == "__main__": # run example s = 1 pareto_sampling_cs1(s)
import numpy as np from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem from science_optimization.function import QuadraticFunction from science_optimization.solvers import Optimizer from science_optimization.problems import GenericProblem from science_optimization.algorithms.cutting_plane import EllipsoidMethod def multiobjective_example(): """Multiobjective problem example. """ # objective functions xf = np.array([1, 1, 1]).reshape(-1, 1) Af = 2 * np.identity(3) bf = -np.matmul(Af, xf) cf = .5 * np.matmul(np.transpose(xf), np.matmul(Af, xf)) xf2 = np.array([-1, -1, -1]).reshape(-1, 1) Af2 = np.diag([1, 2, 4]) bf2 = -np.matmul(Af2, xf2) cf2 = .5 * np.matmul(np.transpose(xf2), np.matmul(Af2, xf2)) f = [QuadraticFunction(Q=.5*Af, c=bf, d=cf), QuadraticFunction(Q=.5*Af2, c=bf2, d=cf2)] # inequality constraints Ag = 2 * np.identity(3) bg = np.zeros((3, 1)) cg = -1 xg2 = np.array([1, 1, 1]).reshape(-1, 1) Ag2 = 2 * np.identity(3) bg2 = -np.matmul(Ag2, xg2) cg2 = .5 * np.matmul(np.transpose(xg2), np.matmul(Ag2, xg2)) - 1 ineq_cons = [QuadraticFunction(Q=.5*Ag, c=bg, d=cg), QuadraticFunction(Q=.5*Ag2, c=bg2, d=cg2)] # equality constraints eq_cons = [] # bounds x_min = np.array([-10, -10, -10]).reshape(-1, 1) # lower x_max = np.array([10, 10, 10]).reshape(-1, 1) # upper x_lim = np.hstack((x_min, x_max)) # build generic problem instance generic = OptimizationProblem(builder=GenericProblem(f=f, eq_cons=eq_cons, ineq_cons=ineq_cons, x_bounds=x_lim)) # starting point x0 = np.array([20, 20, 20]).reshape(-1, 1) # cut option shallow_cut = 0 # builder optimization optimizer = Optimizer(opt_problem=generic, algorithm=EllipsoidMethod(x0=x0, shallow_cut=shallow_cut)) results = optimizer.optimize(debug=True, n_step=5) # result if __name__ == "__main__": # run example multiobjective_example()
import numpy as np from science_optimization.algorithms import BaseAlgorithms from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem from science_optimization.problems import GenericProblem from science_optimization.function import GenericFunction, FunctionsComposite from science_optimization.solvers import OptimizationResults from science_optimization.algorithms.unidimensional import GoldenSection import copy class DualDecomposition(BaseAlgorithms): """Dual decomposition method. """ # attributes _x0 = None def __init__(self, x0: np.ndarray=np.array([[]]).reshape(-1, 1), n_max: int=None, eps: float=None): """Dual decomposition method constructor. Args: x0 : (np.ndarray) initial point n_max: (int) maximum number of iterations for stop criterion eps : (float) maximum uncertainty for stop criterion """ # parameters self.x0 = 1.0 * x0 if n_max is not None: self.n_max = n_max if eps is not None: self.eps = eps # getters @property def x0(self): return self._x0 # setters @x0.setter def x0(self, x0): if x0.shape[1] == 1: self._x0 = x0 else: raise ValueError("Initial point must be a column vector.") def optimize(self, optimization_problem, debug=False, n_step=5): """Optimization core of Decomposition method. Args: optimization_problem: (OptimizationProblem) an optimization problem. debug : (bool) debug option indicator. n_step : (int) iterations steps to store optimization results. Returns: optimization_results: (OptimizationResults) optimization results. """ # optimization parameters f = optimization_problem.objective.objectives x_bounds = np.hstack((optimization_problem.variables.x_min, optimization_problem.variables.x_max)) # check whether inequality of inequality if not optimization_problem.constraints.inequality_constraints.functions: g = optimization_problem.constraints.equality_constraints constraint_type = 1 else: g = optimization_problem.constraints.inequality_constraints constraint_type = 0 # instantiate sub-problem and its solver sp_solver = GoldenSection(eps=self.eps, n_max=int(self.n_max / 2)) sp = OptimizationProblem(builder=GenericProblem(f=[GenericFunction(func=lambda: 1, n=1)], eq_cons=[], ineq_cons=[], x_bounds=np.zeros((0, 2)))) # solve master problem evaluator def f_master(n): return -self.master_eval(f=f, g=g, nu=n, x_bounds=x_bounds, op=sp, solver=sp_solver)[1] # master problem bounds (nu bounds) if constraint_type: # equality constraint x_bounds_master = np.array([[-self.eps**-1, self.eps**-1]]) else: # inequality constraint x_bounds_master = np.array([[0, self.eps**-1]]) # optimization parameters nu = 1. x = self.x0 k = 0 k_max = int(self.n_max / 10) stop = False # master problem and solver mp = OptimizationProblem(builder=GenericProblem(f=[GenericFunction(func=f_master, n=1)], eq_cons=[], ineq_cons=[], x_bounds=x_bounds_master)) # main loop mp_solver = GoldenSection(eps=self.eps, n_max=self.n_max) results = OptimizationResults() while not stop and k < k_max: # run algorithm output = mp_solver.optimize(optimization_problem=mp, debug=False) # new price (nu) nu_new = output.x nu_diff = np.abs(nu - nu_new) nu = copy.copy(nu_new) # evaluate master problem x, fx, gx = self.master_eval(f=f, g=g, nu=nu, x_bounds=x_bounds, op=sp, solver=sp_solver) # update nu: bounds of master problem h = 2 x_lb = nu-h*np.abs(nu) if constraint_type else np.maximum(0, nu-h*np.abs(nu)) x_bounds_master = np.array([[x_lb, nu+h*np.abs(nu)]]) # update problem bounds mp.variables.x_min = x_bounds_master[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1) mp.variables.x_max = x_bounds_master[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1) # stop criteria stop = (np.abs(gx) < self.eps and constraint_type) or (np.abs(nu) < self.eps) or \ (np.diff(x_bounds_master) < self.eps) or (nu_diff < self.eps and k > 0) # update counter k += 1 # output results.x = x results.fx = f.eval(x) results.parameter = {'nu': nu} results.n_iterations = k return results @staticmethod def master_eval(f: FunctionsComposite, g: FunctionsComposite, nu: float, x_bounds: np.ndarray, op: OptimizationProblem, solver: GoldenSection): """ Evaluates master problem. Args: f : (FunctionsComposite) objective functions. g : (FunctionsComposite) constraints. nu : (float) allocation factor. x_bounds: (np.ndarray) bounds. op : (OptimizationProblem) optimization problem. solver : (GoldenSection) algorithm solver Returns: x : (np.ndarray) sub-problems' solution. fx_master: (np.ndarray) objective evaluation at x. gx : (np.ndarray) constraint evaluation at x. """ # build and solve sub-problems n = x_bounds.shape[0] # number of variables x_out = np.zeros((n, 1)) # build generic problem instance for i in range(f.n_functions): # sub-problem def f_i(x): y = np.zeros((n, 1)) y[i, :] = x return f.functions[i].eval(y) + nu * g.functions[i].eval(y) # update problem objective op.objective.objectives.remove() op.objective.objectives.add(GenericFunction(func=f_i, n=1)) # update problem bounds op.variables.x_min = x_bounds[i, 0].reshape(-1, 1) op.variables.x_max = x_bounds[i, 1].reshape(-1, 1) output = solver.optimize(optimization_problem=op, debug=False) x_out[i, 0] = output.x # master eval gx = g.eval(x_out, composition='series') fx_master = f.eval(x_out, composition='series') + nu * gx return x_out, fx_master, gx
import numpy as np from science_optimization.algorithms.derivative_free import NelderMead from science_optimization.algorithms import BaseAlgorithms from science_optimization.algorithms.search_direction import QuasiNewton, GradientAlgorithm, NewtonAlgorithm from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem from science_optimization.function.lagrange_function import AugmentedLagrangeFunction from science_optimization.problems import GenericProblem from science_optimization.solvers import OptimizationResults from typing import Tuple, Any class AugmentedLagrangian(BaseAlgorithms): """ Augmented Lagrangian algorithm """ def __init__(self, x0: np.ndarray, n_max: int = None, eps: float = None, randx: bool = False, algorithm: Any = None, c: float = 1.1): """Algorithm constructor. Args: x0 : (np.ndarray) initial point n_max: (int) maximum number of iterations for stop criterion eps : (float) maximum uncertainty for stop criterion randx: (bool) True to use a different initial point in each Lagrangian iteration alg_choose: (int) chooses the method to solve the unconstrained problem (0 -> Quasi Newton (BFGS) / 1 -> Gradient method / 2 -> Newton method / 3 -> Nelder Mead) c: (float) parameter used to update the rho value """ # parameters self.x0 = x0 if n_max is not None: self.n_max = n_max if eps is not None: self.eps = eps self.randx = randx if algorithm is not None: self.algorithm = algorithm else: self.algorithm = QuasiNewton(x0=x0) if c <= 1: raise Exception('Invalid value, must be greater than one') self.c = c # getters @property def algorithm(self): return self._algorithm @algorithm.setter def algorithm(self, algorithm): # verify instances if issubclass(type(algorithm), QuasiNewton) or issubclass(type(algorithm), GradientAlgorithm) \ or issubclass(type(algorithm), NewtonAlgorithm) or issubclass(type(algorithm), NelderMead): self._algorithm = algorithm else: raise Warning("Invalid algorithm, must solve constrained problems") def optimize(self, optimization_problem, debug=False, n_step=5): """Optimization core of Augmented Lagrangian method Args: optimization_problem: (OptimizationProblem) an optimization problem. debug : (bool) debug option indicator. n_step : (int) iterations steps to store optimization results. Returns: optimization_results: (OptimizationResults) optimization results. """ optimization_results = OptimizationResults() optimization_results.message = 'Stop by maximum number of iterations.' f_obj = optimization_problem.objective.objectives x_bounds = np.hstack((optimization_problem.variables.x_min, optimization_problem.variables.x_max)) n = len(optimization_problem.variables.x_type) h = optimization_problem.constraints.equality_constraints g = optimization_problem.constraints.inequality_constraints x0 = self.x0 la_function = AugmentedLagrangeFunction(f_obj=f_obj, g=g, h=h, rho=1, c=self.c) # only parameter that changes through the iterations is f op_generic = OptimizationProblem(builder=GenericProblem(f=[la_function], eq_cons=[], ineq_cons=[], x_bounds=x_bounds)) stop_criteria = False k = 0 prev_x = x0 x_hist = np.array(x0) f_hist = [f_obj.eval(x0)] while k < self.n_max and not stop_criteria: self.algorithm.x0 = x0 results = self.algorithm.optimize(optimization_problem=op_generic, debug=False) x_new = results.x if debug: x_hist = np.hstack((x_hist, x_new)) f_hist.append(results.fx) # update Lagrange multipliers la_function.update_multipliers(x_new) k += 1 if np.linalg.norm(x_new - prev_x) < self.eps: optimization_results.message = 'Stop by unchanged x value.' stop_criteria = True prev_x = x_new if self.randx: x0 = np.random.uniform(x_bounds[:, 0], x_bounds[:, 1], (1, n)).transpose() else: x0 = x_new if debug: optimization_results.x = x_hist optimization_results.fx = np.array(f_hist) else: optimization_results.x = prev_x optimization_results.fx = f_obj.eval(prev_x) optimization_results.n_iterations = k optimization_results.parameter = {'lambda': la_function.lag_eq, 'mu': la_function.lag_ineq} return optimization_results
import copy import numpy as np from science_optimization.algorithms.utils import box_constraints from science_optimization.solvers import OptimizationResults from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem from science_optimization.function import BaseFunction from science_optimization.algorithms import BaseAlgorithms class NelderMead(BaseAlgorithms): """ Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm to minimize derivative-free non-linear functions. """ # starting point _x0 = None _x_min = None _x_max = None _x_bounds = None _x_min_norm = None _x_max_norm = None # problem dimensio _dim = None # function _f = None # constraint _g = None # function values _fx = None _gx = None # algorithm constants _delta_r = None _delta_e = None _delta_ic = None _delta_oc = None _delta_s = None # simplex point lists _simplex = None def __init__(self, x0, delta_r=1.0, delta_e=2.0, delta_ic=0.5, delta_oc=0.5, delta_s=0.5): """ Args: x0: delta_r: delta_e: delta_ic: delta_oc: delta_s: """ self.x0 = x0 self.dim = x0.shape[0] self.x_min_norm = np.zeros((self.dim, 1)) self.x_max_norm = np.full((self.dim, 1), 100) self.delta_r = delta_r self.delta_e = delta_e self.delta_ic = delta_ic self.delta_oc = delta_oc self.delta_s = delta_s self.simplex = [] self.fx = None self.gx = None self.x_min = None self.x_max = None self.x_bounds = None @property def x0(self): return self._x0 @property def x_min(self): return self._x_min @property def x_max(self): return self._x_max @property def x_bounds(self): return self._x_bounds @property def x_min_norm(self): return self._x_min_norm @property def x_max_norm(self): return self._x_max_norm @property def dim(self): return self._dim @property def f(self): return self._f @property def g(self): return self._g @property def fx(self): return self._fx @property def gx(self): return self._gx @property def delta_r(self): return self._delta_r @property def delta_e(self): return self._delta_e @property def delta_ic(self): return self._delta_ic @property def delta_oc(self): return self._delta_oc @property def delta_s(self): return self._delta_s @property def simplex(self): return self._simplex @x0.setter def x0(self, value): self._x0 = value @x_min.setter def x_min(self, value): self._x_min = value @x_max.setter def x_max(self, value): self._x_max = value @x_bounds.setter def x_bounds(self, value): self._x_bounds = value @x_min_norm.setter def x_min_norm(self, value): self._x_min_norm = value @x_max_norm.setter def x_max_norm(self, value): self._x_max_norm = value @dim.setter def dim(self, value): self._dim = value @f.setter def f(self, value): if not isinstance(value, BaseFunction): raise Exception("The function must be an instance of BaseFunction!") self._f = value @g.setter def g(self, value): if not isinstance(value, BaseFunction): raise Exception("The function must be an instance of BaseFunction!") self._g = value @fx.setter def fx(self, value): self._fx = value @gx.setter def gx(self, value): self._gx = value @delta_r.setter def delta_r(self, value): self._delta_r = value @delta_e.setter def delta_e(self, value): self._delta_e = value @delta_ic.setter def delta_ic(self, value): self._delta_ic = value @delta_oc.setter def delta_oc(self, value): self._delta_oc = value @delta_s.setter def delta_s(self, value): self._delta_s = value @simplex.setter def simplex(self, value): self._simplex = value def initialize_fminsearch(self): """ Args: dim: Returns: """ simplex = [self.x0] for i in range(self.dim): e_i = np.eye(1, self.dim, i).reshape(self.dim, 1) h_i = 0.05 if self.x0[i][0] != 0 else 0.00025 simplex.append(box_constraints(self.x0 + h_i * e_i, self.x_bounds)) self.simplex = simplex def initialize_simplex_size(self, size): """ Args: size: Returns: """ dim = self.dim simplex = [self.x0] p = size / (dim * np.sqrt(2)) p = p * ((np.sqrt(dim+1)) + dim - 1) q = size / (dim * np.sqrt(2)) q = q * ((np.sqrt(dim + 1)) - 1) e = np.identity(dim) for i in range(1, dim+1): point_sum = np.zeros((dim, 1)) p_sign = 1 e[i - 1][i - 1] = 0 for j in range(dim): if self.x0[j][0] > (self.x_min_norm[j][0] + self.x_max_norm[j][0]) / 2: point_sum += -1 * q * e[:, j].reshape(dim, 1) else: point_sum += q * e[:, j].reshape(dim, 1) e[i - 1][i - 1] = 1 if self.x0[i - 1][0] > (self.x_min_norm[i - 1][0] + self.x_min_norm[i - 1][0]) / 2: p_sign = -1 new_point = self.x0 + p_sign * p * e[i - 1].reshape(dim, 1) + point_sum simplex.append(new_point) self.simplex = simplex def centroid(self, xw_index): """ Args: xw_index: Returns: """ simplex = copy.deepcopy(self.simplex) del(simplex[xw_index]) return np.mean(simplex, axis=0) def reflect(self, x_centroid, xw_index): """ Args: x_centroid: Returns: """ return x_centroid + self.delta_r * (x_centroid - self.simplex[xw_index]) def expand(self, x_centroid, x_reflect): """ Args: x_centroid: x_reflect: Returns: """ return x_centroid + self.delta_e * (x_reflect - x_centroid) def inside_contraction(self, x_centroid, x_reflect): """ Args: x_centroid: x_reflect: Returns: """ return x_centroid - self.delta_ic * (x_reflect - x_centroid) def outside_contraction(self, x_centroid, x_reflect): """ Args: x_centroid: x_reflect: Returns: """ return x_centroid + self.delta_oc * (x_reflect - x_centroid) def shrink(self, x_best): """ Args: x_best: Returns: """ for j in range(1, len(self.simplex)): x_new = x_best + self.delta_s * (self.simplex[j] - x_best) fx_new, gx_new = self.eval_fg(self.norm2real(x_new)) self.replace_point(idx=j, x=x_new, fx=fx_new, gx=gx_new) def box_feasible(self, x): """ Args: x: Returns: """ return not(any(np.less(x, self.x_min_norm)) or any(np.greater(x, self.x_max_norm))) @staticmethod def is_less_than(fx_1, gx_1, fx_2, gx_2): """ Args: fx_1: gx_1: fx_2: gx_2: Returns: """ if gx_1 > 0 and gx_2 > 0: return gx_1 < gx_2 elif gx_1 <= 0 and gx_2 <= 0: return fx_1 < fx_2 else: return gx_1 <= 0 def norm2real(self, x_norm): """ Args: x_norm: Returns: """ x = 0.01 * x_norm x = (self.x_max - self.x_min) * x x = x + self.x_min return x def real2norm(self, x): """ Args: x: Returns: """ x_norm = (x - self.x_min) / (self.x_max - self.x_min) x_norm = x_norm * 100 return x_norm def constraint_sum(self, x): """ Args: x: Returns: """ if self.g is not None: gx_eval = self.g.eval(x) return np.sum(gx_eval[np.where(gx_eval > self.eps)]) else: return 0 def eval_fg(self, x): """ Args: x: Returns: """ fx = self.f.eval(x) gx = self.constraint_sum(x=x) return fx, gx def replace_point(self, idx, x, fx, gx): """ Args: idx: x: fx: gx: Returns: """ self.simplex[idx] = x self.fx[idx] = fx self.gx[idx] = gx def min(self, x, y): """ Args: x: y: Returns: """ x_real = self.norm2real(x) y_real = self.norm2real(y) fx, gx = self.eval_fg(x_real) fy, gy = self.eval_fg(y_real) if self.is_less_than(fx, gx, fy, gy): return x return y def sort_simplex(self): """ Returns: """ index = [x for x in range(len(self.fx))] gx_fx_idx = [(x, y, z) for x, y, z in zip(self.gx, self.fx, index)] result = [t[2] for t in sorted(gx_fx_idx)] return result def optimize(self, optimization_problem, debug=False, n_step=10): """ Args: optimization_problem: debug: n_step: Returns: """ if not isinstance(optimization_problem, OptimizationProblem): raise Exception("Optimize must have and OptimizationProblem instance as argument!") if optimization_problem.objective.objectives.n_functions != 1: raise Exception("Method able to optimize only one function.") optimization_results = OptimizationResults() optimization_results.message = 'Stop by maximum number of iterations.' self.f = optimization_problem.objective.objectives.functions[0] if optimization_problem.has_inequality_constraints(): self.g = optimization_problem.constraints.inequality_constraints self.x_min = optimization_problem.variables.x_min self.x_max = optimization_problem.variables.x_max self.x_bounds = np.hstack((optimization_problem.variables.x_min, optimization_problem.variables.x_max)) self.x0 = box_constraints(self.x0, self.x_bounds) self.x0 = self.real2norm(self.x0) self.initialize_simplex_size(size=10) self.fx = np.array([self.f.eval(self.norm2real(x)) for x in self.simplex]) optimization_results.n_function_evaluations += len(self.simplex) if self.g is not None: gx = [] for x in self.simplex: gx.append(self.constraint_sum(x=self.norm2real(x))) self.gx = np.array(gx) else: self.gx = np.zeros(len(self.simplex)) index = self.sort_simplex() b = index[0] s = index[-2] w = index[-1] stop = False while optimization_results.n_iterations < self.n_max and not stop: x_c = self.centroid(xw_index=w) x_r = self.reflect(x_c, w) x_b = self.simplex[b] x_s = self.simplex[s] x_w = self.simplex[w] fx_b, gx_b = self.eval_fg(self.norm2real(x_b)) fx_s, gx_s = self.eval_fg(self.norm2real(x_s)) fx_w, gx_w = self.eval_fg(self.norm2real(x_w)) optimization_results.n_function_evaluations += 3 if self.box_feasible(x_r): fx_r, gx_r = self.eval_fg(self.norm2real(x_r)) optimization_results.n_function_evaluations += 1 if self.is_less_than(fx_r, gx_r, fx_b, gx_b): x_e = self.expand(x_centroid=x_c, x_reflect=x_r) use_reflection = True if self.box_feasible(x_e): fx_e, gx_e = self.eval_fg(self.norm2real(x_e)) optimization_results.n_function_evaluations += 1 if self.is_less_than(fx_e, gx_e, fx_r, gx_r): self.replace_point(idx=w, x=x_e, fx=fx_e, gx=gx_e) use_reflection = False if debug: print("expansion") if use_reflection: self.replace_point(idx=w, x=x_r, fx=fx_r, gx=gx_r) if debug: print("reflection e") elif self.is_less_than(fx_r, gx_r, fx_s, gx_s): self.replace_point(idx=w, x=x_r, fx=fx_r, gx=gx_r) if debug: print("reflection r") elif self.is_less_than(fx_r, gx_r, fx_w, gx_w): x_oc = self.outside_contraction(x_centroid=x_c, x_reflect=x_r) use_reflection = True if self.box_feasible(x_oc): fx_oc, gx_oc = self.eval_fg(self.norm2real(x_oc)) optimization_results.n_function_evaluations += 1 if self.is_less_than(fx_oc, gx_oc, fx_r, gx_r): self.replace_point(idx=w, x=x_oc, fx=fx_oc, gx=gx_oc) use_reflection = False if debug: print("outside contract") if use_reflection: self.replace_point(idx=w, x=x_r, fx=fx_r, gx=gx_r) if debug: print("reflection oc") else: x_ic = self.inside_contraction(x_centroid=x_c, x_reflect=x_r) use_shrink = True if self.box_feasible(x_ic): fx_ic, gx_ic = self.eval_fg(self.norm2real(x_ic)) optimization_results.n_function_evaluations += 1 if self.is_less_than(fx_ic, gx_ic, fx_r, gx_r): self.replace_point(idx=w, x=x_ic, fx=fx_ic, gx=gx_ic) use_shrink = False if debug: print("inside contract") if use_shrink: self.shrink(x_best=x_b) optimization_results.n_function_evaluations += self.dim if debug: print("shrink") else: x_oc = self.outside_contraction(x_centroid=x_c, x_reflect=x_r) x_ic = self.inside_contraction(x_centroid=x_c, x_reflect=x_r) fx_ic, gx_ic = self.eval_fg(self.norm2real(x_ic)) if debug: print("xr infeasible") if self.box_feasible(x_oc): x_new = self.min(x_oc, self.min(x_ic, x_w)) optimization_results.n_function_evaluations += 4 if not all(np.equal(x_new, x_w)): fx_new, gx_new = self.eval_fg(x_new) optimization_results.n_function_evaluations += 1 self.replace_point(idx=w, x=x_new, fx=fx_new, gx=gx_new) else: self.shrink(x_best=x_b) optimization_results.n_function_evaluations += self.dim elif self.is_less_than(fx_ic, gx_ic, fx_w, gx_w): self.replace_point(idx=w, x=x_ic, fx=fx_ic, gx=gx_ic) else: self.shrink(x_best=x_b) optimization_results.n_function_evaluations += self.dim index = self.sort_simplex() b = index[0] s = index[-2] w = index[-1] x_norms = [np.linalg.norm(x - self.simplex[b], ord=np.inf, axis=0) for x in self.simplex] if max(x_norms) < self.eps: optimization_results.message = "Stop by norm of the max edge of the simplex less than " + str(self.eps) stop = True fx_norms = [np.abs(self.f.eval(x) - self.f.eval(self.simplex[b])) for x in self.simplex] if max(fx_norms) < self.eps: optimization_results.message = "Stop by norm of the max image of the simplex points less than " +\ str(self.eps) stop = True optimization_results.n_iterations += 1 optimization_results.x = self.norm2real(self.simplex[b]) optimization_results.fx = self.fx[b] return optimization_results def print_simplex(self): simplex = np.array(self.simplex) print(simplex, '\n')
import nlpalg import numpy as np from science_optimization.algorithms import BaseAlgorithms from science_optimization.solvers import OptimizationResults from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem class EllipsoidMethod(BaseAlgorithms): """Ellipsoid algorithm method. """ # attributes _x0 = None _Q0 = None _max_cuts = None _shallow_cut = None _decomposition = None _memory = None def __init__(self, x0: np.ndarray=np.array([[]]).reshape(-1, 1), Q0: np.ndarray=np.array([[]]), max_cuts: int=32, shallow_cut: float=0, decomposition: bool=True, memory: bool=True, n_max: int=None, eps: float=None): """Ellipsoid algorithm constructor. Args: x0 : (np.ndarray) initial point. Q0 : (np.ndarray) initial inverse ellipsoid matrix. max_cuts : (int) maximum number of ellipsoid cuts per iteration. shallow_cut : (float) shallow cut option [0, 1]. decomposition: (bool) is matrix decomposition indicator (True: sqrt decomposition). memory : (bool) cut memory indicator. n_max : (int) maximum number of iterations for stop criterion. eps : (float) maximum uncertainty for stop criterion. """ # parameters self.x0 = 1.0 * x0 self.Q0 = Q0 self.max_cuts = max_cuts self.shallow_cut = shallow_cut self.decomposition = decomposition self.memory = memory if n_max is not None: self.n_max = n_max if eps is not None: self.eps = eps # getters @property def x0(self): return self._x0 @property def Q0(self): return self._Q0 @property def max_cuts(self): return self._max_cuts @property def shallow_cut(self): return self._shallow_cut @property def decomposition(self): return self._decomposition @property def memory(self): return self._memory # setters @x0.setter def x0(self, x0): if x0.shape[1] == 1: self._x0 = x0 else: raise ValueError("Initial point must be a column vector.") @Q0.setter def Q0(self, Q0): # check if input is numpy if not isinstance(Q0, np.ndarray): raise Warning("x must be a numpy array!") else: self._Q0 = Q0 @max_cuts.setter def max_cuts(self, k): if k > 0: self._max_cuts = k else: raise ValueError("Maximum number of cuts must be a positive number!") @shallow_cut.setter def shallow_cut(self, s): if 0 <= s <= 1: self._shallow_cut = s else: raise ValueError("Shallow cut must be in [0, 1).") @decomposition.setter def decomposition(self, d): # check if input is numpy if not isinstance(d, bool): raise Warning("Decomposition must be a boolean!") else: self._decomposition = d @memory.setter def memory(self, m): # check if input is numpy if not isinstance(m, bool): raise Warning("Memory must be a boolean!") else: self._memory = m def optimize(self, optimization_problem: OptimizationProblem, debug: bool=True, n_step: int=5) -> OptimizationResults: """Optimization core of Ellipsoid method. Args: optimization_problem: (OptimizationProblem) an optimization problem. debug : (bool) debug option indicator. n_step : (int) iterations steps to store optimization results. Returns: optimization_results: (OptimizationResults) optimization results. """ # get input arguments f, df, _, _, g, dg, A, b, Aeq, beq, x_min, x_max, _ = optimization_problem.op_arguments() # optimization results optimization_results = OptimizationResults() # call method if not debug: # method output xb, fxb, _, _, _, stop = nlpalg.ellipsoidmethod(f, df, g, dg, A, b, Aeq, beq, x_min, x_max, self.x0, self.Q0, self.eps, self.n_max, self.max_cuts, self.shallow_cut, self.decomposition, self.memory, debug) # results optimization_results.x = xb optimization_results.fx = fxb else: # TODO (matheus): implement iterative run _, _, x, fx, Qi, stop = nlpalg.ellipsoidmethod(f, df, g, dg, A, b, Aeq, beq, x_min, x_max, self.x0, self.Q0, self.eps, self.n_max, self.max_cuts, self.shallow_cut, self.decomposition, self.memory, debug) # optimization results optimization_results.n_iterations = x.shape[1] # number of iterations optimization_results.x = x[:, 0::n_step] optimization_results.fx = fx[:, 0::n_step] optimization_results.parameter = {'Q': Qi[..., 0::n_step]} # stop criteria if stop == 0: optimization_results.message = 'Stop by maximum number of iterations.' elif stop == 1: optimization_results.message = 'Stop by ellipsoid volume reduction.' elif stop == 2: optimization_results.message = 'Stop by empty localizing set.' elif stop == 3: optimization_results.message = 'Stop by degenerate ellipsoid.' else: optimization_results.message = 'Unknown termination cause.' return optimization_results
import abc import numpy as np from science_optimization.algorithms import BaseAlgorithms from science_optimization.algorithms.unidimensional import GoldenSection, MultimodalGoldenSection from science_optimization.solvers import OptimizationResults from science_optimization.algorithms.utils import hypercube_intersection from science_optimization.algorithms.utils import box_constraints from science_optimization.function import GenericFunction, BaseFunction from science_optimization.problems import GenericProblem from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem from typing import Tuple class BaseSearchDirection(BaseAlgorithms): """Base class for search direction algorithms. """ # attributes _x0 = None _x_bounds = None _uni_dimensional_opt_strategy = None _fun = None def __init__(self, x0: np.ndarray, n_max: int = None, eps: float = None, line_search_method: str='gs'): """Constructor of search direction algorithms. Args: x0 : (np.ndarray) initial point. n_max : (int) maximum number of iterations. eps : (float) maximum uncertainty for stop criterion. line_search_method: (str) line search strategy ('gs': golden section or 'mgs' multimodal gs). """ self.x0 = 1.0 * x0 self.uni_dimensional_opt_strategy = line_search_method if n_max is not None: self.n_max = n_max if eps is not None: self.eps = eps # attributes interface @property def x0(self): return self._x0 @property def x_bounds(self): return self._x_bounds @property def uni_dimensional_opt_strategy(self): return self._uni_dimensional_opt_strategy @property def fun(self): return self._fun # setters @x0.setter def x0(self, x0): if x0.shape[1] == 1: self._x0 = x0 else: raise ValueError("Initial point must be a column vector.") @x_bounds.setter def x_bounds(self, x_bounds): if x_bounds.shape[1] == 2: self._x_bounds = x_bounds else: raise ValueError("x_bounds must be a nx2-array.") @fun.setter def fun(self, fun): self._fun = fun @uni_dimensional_opt_strategy.setter def uni_dimensional_opt_strategy(self, uni_d_strategy): self._uni_dimensional_opt_strategy = uni_d_strategy def correct_direction_by_box(self, d: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, alpha): """ check for values too near the box limits, and avoid the direction to go that way Args: d: current direction x: current x value alpha: previous value of alpha (unidimensional optimization) Returns: """ for i, d_each in enumerate(d): if x[i] + d_each * alpha > self.x_bounds[i][1] + self.eps: d[i] = self.eps ** 2 d = d / np.linalg.norm(d, 2) if x[i] + d_each * alpha < self.x_bounds[i][0] + self.eps: d[i] = self.eps ** 2 d = d / np.linalg.norm(d, 2) # methods def optimize(self, optimization_problem: OptimizationProblem, debug: bool, n_step: int=5): """Optimization core of Search direction methods. Args: optimization_problem: (OptimizationProblem) an optimization problem. debug : (bool) debug option indicator. n_step : (int) iterations steps to store optimization results. Returns: optimization_results: (OptimizationResults) optimization results. """ # instantiate results optimization_results = OptimizationResults() optimization_results.message = 'Stop by maximum number of iterations.' # define functions = optimization_problem.objective.objectives # initial point x = self.x0 # bounds self.x_bounds = np.hstack((optimization_problem.variables.x_min, optimization_problem.variables.x_max)) # correct x to bounds x = box_constraints(x, self.x_bounds) # initial results nf = optimization_problem.objective.objectives.n_functions # number of functions fx = np.zeros((nf, 0)) optimization_results.x = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 0)) # store parameters in debug option debug = False # TODO(Matheus): debug if debug: optimization_results.parameter = {'alpha': np.zeros((0,))} alpha = 1 # main loop stop = False while optimization_results.n_iterations < self.n_max and not stop: # compute search direction d = self._search_direction(, x=x) self.correct_direction_by_box(d, x, alpha) # compute search interval interval = self._search_interval(x=x, d=d) # uni-dimensional optimization alpha, nfe = self._uni_dimensional_optimization(x=x, d=d,, interval=interval, strategy=self.uni_dimensional_opt_strategy, debug=debug) if debug: alpha = alpha[:, -1] # update function evaluation count optimization_results.n_function_evaluations += nfe # step towards search direction y = x + alpha*d fx_x = fx_y = # stop criteria: stalled if np.linalg.norm(x-y, 2) < self.eps: optimization_results.message = 'Stop by stalled search.' stop = True # stop criteria: unchanged function value if np.abs(fx_x - fx_y) < self.eps: optimization_results.message = 'Stop by unchanged function value.' stop = True # stop criteria: null gradient if np.linalg.norm(, 2) < self.eps: optimization_results.message = 'Stop by null gradient.' stop = True # update x x = y.copy() fx_x = fx_y.copy() # update results if debug and not (optimization_results.n_iterations + 1) % n_step: optimization_results.x = np.hstack((optimization_results.x, x)) fx = np.hstack((fx, fx_x)) optimization_results.fx = fx optimization_results.parameter['alpha'] = np.hstack((optimization_results.parameter['alpha'], np.array(alpha))) if not debug: optimization_results.x = x optimization_results.fx = fx_x # update count optimization_results.n_iterations += 1 return optimization_results @abc.abstractmethod def _search_direction(self, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """Abstract search direction.""" pass @staticmethod def _uni_dimensional_optimization(x: np.ndarray, d: np.ndarray, fun: BaseFunction, interval: list, strategy: str, debug: bool) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]: """Unidimensional optimization. Args: x : (np.ndarray) current point. d : (np.ndarray) search direction. fun : (BaseFunction) function object. interval: (list) interval of search [a, b]. strategy: (str) which uni-dimensional strategy to use. debug : (bool) debug option indicator. Returns: alpha: optimal step nfe : number of function evaluations """ # objective function def line_search_function(a): return fun.eval(x + a*d) # function encapsulation f = [GenericFunction(func=line_search_function, n=1)] interval = np.array(interval).reshape(1, -1) # build problem op = OptimizationProblem(builder=GenericProblem(f=f, eq_cons=[], ineq_cons=[], x_bounds=interval)) # instantiate uni-dimensional optimization class if strategy == "gs": op_result = GoldenSection() elif strategy == 'mgs': op_result = MultimodalGoldenSection(all_minima=False) else: raise Warning("Unknown unidimensional optimization strategy.") # optimize output = op_result.optimize(optimization_problem=op, debug=debug) alpha = output.x nfe = output.n_function_evaluations return alpha, nfe def _search_interval(self, x: np.ndarray, d: np.ndarray) -> list: """Determination of search interval. Args: x: (np.ndarray) current point. d: (np.ndarray) search direction. Returns: interval: (list) [a, b] search interval. """ # interval a = 0 if np.linalg.norm(d) < self.eps: b = a else: b, _ = hypercube_intersection(x=x, d=d, x_bounds=self.x_bounds) # maximum step interval = [a, b] return interval
from science_optimization.algorithms import BaseAlgorithms from science_optimization.solvers import OptimizationResults from science_optimization.function import LinearFunction from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem from scipy.optimize import linprog import numpy as np class ScipyBaseLinear(BaseAlgorithms): """Base scipy linear method. """ # parameters _method = None def __init__(self, method=None, n_max=None): """Constructor. Args: method: 'simplex' or 'interior-point'. n_max: maximum number of iterations. """ if n_max is not None: self.n_max = n_max if method is not None: self.method = method # get @property def method(self): """Gets method.""" return self._method # sets @method.setter def method(self, method): """Sets method.""" if method == 'simplex' or method == 'interior-point': self._method = method else: raise ValueError("method must be either 'simplex' or 'interior-point'!") # optimize method def optimize(self, optimization_problem: OptimizationProblem, debug: bool, n_step: int) -> OptimizationResults: """Optimization core. Args: optimization_problem: (OptimizationProblem) an optimization problem. debug : (bool) debug option indicator. n_step : (int) iterations steps to store optimization results. Returns: optimization_results: (OptimizationResults) optimization results. """ # optimization problem check self.input(optimization_problem) # get input arguments _, _, c, d, _, _, A, b, Aeq, beq, x_min, x_max, _ = optimization_problem.op_arguments() # output optimization_results = OptimizationResults() output = linprog(c.ravel(), method=self.method, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, A_eq=Aeq, b_eq=beq, bounds=np.hstack((x_min, x_max)), options={'maxiter': self.n_max}) optimization_results.x = output.x.reshape(-1, 1) if isinstance(output.x, np.ndarray) else output.x optimization_results.fx = optimization_results.message = output.message optimization_results.n_iterations = output.nit return optimization_results @staticmethod def input(op: OptimizationProblem): """Optimization problem input. Args: op: (OptimizationProblem) an optimization problem instance. """ # number of functions test if op.objective.objectives.n_functions > 1: raise ValueError('Not yet implemented multiobjective linear programming.') # linear objective function test if not isinstance(op.objective.objectives.functions[0], LinearFunction): raise ValueError('Objective function must be linear!') if op.nonlinear_functions_indices(op.constraints.inequality_constraints.functions) \ or op.nonlinear_functions_indices(op.constraints.equality_constraints.functions): raise ValueError('Constraints must be linear.')
from science_optimization.algorithms import BaseAlgorithms from science_optimization.solvers import OptimizationResults from science_optimization.function import LinearFunction from science_optimization.builder import OptimizationProblem from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp import numpy as np class Glop(BaseAlgorithms): """Interface to Google GLOP solver (""" # parameters _t_max = None def __init__(self, t_max: float=5): """Constructor of glop optimization solver. Args: t_max: (float) time limit in seconds. """ self.t_max = t_max # get @property def t_max(self): """Gets method.""" return self._t_max # sets @t_max.setter def t_max(self, t_max): """Sets method.""" self._t_max = int(t_max/1e3) # optimize method def optimize(self, optimization_problem: OptimizationProblem, debug: bool = False, n_step: int = 0) -> OptimizationResults: """Optimization core. Args: optimization_problem: (OptimizationProblem) an optimization problem. debug : (bool) debug option indicator. n_step : (int) iterations steps to store optimization results. Returns: optimization_results: (OptimizationResults) optimization results. """ # optimization problem check self.input(optimization_problem) # get input arguments _, _, c, d, _, _, A, b, Aeq, beq, x_min, x_max, x_type = optimization_problem.op_arguments() # instantiate solver object if 'd' in x_type: problem_type = 'MIP' problem_solver = pywraplp.Solver.CBC_MIXED_INTEGER_PROGRAMMING else: problem_type = 'LP' problem_solver = pywraplp.Solver.GLOP_LINEAR_PROGRAMMING solver = pywraplp.Solver(problem_type, problem_solver) # create variables n = x_min.shape[0] x = [] for i in range(n): if x_type[i] == 'c': x.append(solver.NumVar(float(x_min[i, 0]), float(x_max[i, 0]), "x_"+str(i))) elif x_type[i] == 'd': x.append(solver.IntVar(float(x_min[i, 0]), float(x_max[i, 0]), "x_"+str(i))) else: raise ValueError("Variable type must be either 'c' or 'd'.") # create inequality constraints (A*x <= b) mi = A.shape[0] ic = [[]] * mi for i in range(mi): ic[i] = solver.Constraint(-solver.infinity(), float(b[i, 0])) for j in range(n): ic[i].SetCoefficient(x[j], float(A[i, j])) # create equality constraints (Aeq*x = beq) me = Aeq.shape[0] if Aeq is not None else 0 ec = [[]] * me for i in range(me): ec[i] = solver.Constraint(float(beq[i, 0]), float(beq[i, 0])) for j in range(n): ec[i].SetCoefficient(x[j], float(Aeq[i, j])) # set objective function objective = solver.Objective() for i in range(n): objective.SetCoefficient(x[i], float(c[0, i])) objective.SetMinimization() # set time limit solver.SetTimeLimit(self.t_max) # solver solver.Solve() # output op_results = OptimizationResults() xb = np.zeros((n, 1)) for i in range(n): xb[i, 0] = x[i].solution_value() op_results.x = xb op_results.fx = np.array([solver.Objective().Value()]) return op_results @staticmethod def input(op: OptimizationProblem): """Optimization problem input. Args: op: (OptimizationProblem)an optimization problem instance """ # number of functions test if op.objective.objectives.n_functions > 1: raise ValueError('Not yet implemented multiobjective linear programming.') # linear objective function test if not isinstance(op.objective.objectives.functions[0], LinearFunction): raise ValueError('Objective function must be linear!') if op.nonlinear_functions_indices(op.constraints.inequality_constraints.functions) \ or op.nonlinear_functions_indices(op.constraints.equality_constraints.functions): raise ValueError('Constraints must be linear.')
import numpy as np from .base_function import BaseFunction class PolynomialFunction(BaseFunction): """ Class that implements a polynomial function """ _flag_num_g = False # this function uses analytical gradient def __init__(self, exponents, coefficients): """The constructor for the polynomial function instance. Args: exponents: A matrix with the exponents of the function in order of the variables for each element of the function coefficients: A vector with the coefficients of each element of the function Example: For the function ax² + bxy + cy²: exponents : [[2,0],[1,1],[0,2]] coefficients : [a, b, c] """ # parameters check self.numpy_check(exponents, coefficients) self.parameters = {'e': exponents, 'c': coefficients} @staticmethod def aux_eval(f, i, x): return ((np.tile((x[:, i]).transpose(), (f.parameters['e'].shape[0], 1)) ** f.parameters['e']).prod(axis=1) * f.parameters['c']).sum(axis=0) # TODO: explain this function def aux_grad_j(self, i, j, x, dfdx): C = np.copy(self.parameters['e']) val = np.copy(C[:, j]) d = np.where(val > 0) C[d, j] = C[d, j] - 1 dfdx[j, i] = ((np.tile((x[:, i]).transpose(), (self.parameters['e'].shape[0], 1)) ** C).prod(axis=1) * val * self.parameters['c']).sum(axis=0) # TODO: explain this function def aux_grad_i(self, i, j, x, dfdx): grad_j_vec = np.vectorize(PolynomialFunction.aux_grad_j, excluded=['self', 'i', 'x', 'dfdx'], otypes=[float]) grad_j_vec(self, i=i, j=j, x=x, dfdx=dfdx) def dimension(self): return len(self.parameters['e'][0]) def eval(self, x): """ Polynomial function evaluation. Args: x: A matrix with the evaluation points, the structure of the matrix should have the tuples in the columns, so each column is an evaluation point Returns: aux: Returns a vector with the evaluation value in each point (the index of the value matches the index of the column of the evaluation point) Example: For the function ax² + bxy + cy²: With x = [[1,2,3],[3,2,1]] Returns: [a + 3b + 9c, 4a + 4b + 4c, 9a + 3b + c] For the function x³ + y³ + z³ With x = [[1],[2],[3]] Returns: [36] """ # input check self.input_check(x) # eval num = x.shape[1] fx = np.arange(start=0, stop=num, step=1) eval_vec = np.vectorize(self.aux_eval, excluded=['f', 'x']) fx = eval_vec(f=self, i=fx, x=x) return fx def gradient(self, x): """Polynomial gradient evaluation. Args: x: A matrix with the evaluation points, the structure of the matrix should have the tuples in the columns, so each column is an evaluation point Returns: dfdx: Returns a matrix with the gradient vector in each point (the index of the row where the gradient is matches the index of the column of the evaluation point) Example: For the function ax² + bxy + cy²: With x = [[1,2,3],[3,2,1]] The gradient should be : [2ax + by, 2cy + bx] Returns:[[2a + 3b, 6c + b],[4a + 2b, 4c + 2b],[6a + b, 2c + 3b]] For the function x³ + y³ + z³ With x = [[1],[2],[3]] The gradient should be : [3x²,3y²,3z²] Returns: [3, 12, 27] """ # input check self.input_check(x) # gradient rows, columns = x.shape if self.parameters['c'].size <= 1: dfdx = np.zeros((rows, columns)) else: dfdx = np.zeros((rows, columns)) auxi = np.arange(start=0, stop=columns, step=1) auxj = np.arange(start=0, stop=rows, step=1) grad_i_vec = \ np.vectorize(PolynomialFunction.aux_grad_i, excluded=['self', 'j', 'x', 'dfdx'], otypes={object}) np.array(grad_i_vec(self, i=auxi, j=auxj, x=x, dfdx=dfdx)) return dfdx def aux_hes_k(self, i, j, k, x, hfdx): C = np.copy(self.parameters['e']) valj = np.copy(C[:, j]) d = np.where(valj > 0) # PolynomialFunction.indices(valj, lambda x: x > 0) for a in d: C[a, j] = C[a, j] - 1 valk = np.copy(C[:, k]) d = np.where(valk > 0) # PolynomialFunction.indices(valk, lambda x: x > 0) for a in d: C[a, k] = C[a, k] - 1 hfdx[j, k, i] = ((np.tile((x[:, i]).transpose(), (self.parameters['e'].shape[0], 1)) ** C).prod( axis=1) * valj * valk * self.parameters['c']).sum(axis=0) hfdx[k, j, i] = hfdx[j, k, i] return hfdx def aux_hes_j(self, i, j, k, x, hfdx): C = np.copy(self.parameters['e']) val = np.copy(C[:, j]) val = val * (val - 1) d = np.where(val > 1) # PolynomialFunction.indices(val, lambda x: x > 1) for a in d: C[a, j] = C[a, j] - 2 hfdx[j, j, i] = ((np.tile((x[:, i]).transpose(), (self.parameters['e'].shape[0], 1)) ** C).prod(axis=1) * val * self.parameters['c']).sum(axis=0) grad_hes_k = np.vectorize(PolynomialFunction.aux_hes_k, excluded=['i', 'j', 'x', 'hfdx'], otypes={object}) grad_hes_k(self, i=i, j=j, k=k, x=x, hfdx=hfdx) def aux_hes_i(self, i, j, k, x, hfdx): grad_hes_j = np.vectorize(PolynomialFunction.aux_hes_j, excluded=['i', 'k', 'x', 'hfdx'], otypes={object}) grad_hes_j(self, i=i, j=j, k=k, x=x, hfdx=hfdx) def hessian(self, x): """Polynomial hessian evaluation. Args: x: A matrix with the evaluation points, the structure of the matrix should have the tuples in the columns, so each column is an evaluation point Returns: hfdx: Returns a vector of matrices with the hessian matrix in each point (the index of the row where the hessian is matches the index of the column of the evaluation point) Example: For the function ax² + bxy + cy²: With x = [[1,2,3],[3,2,1]] The gradient should be : [2ax + by, 2cy + bx] So the hessian should be : [[2a,b],[b,2c]] Returns:[[[2a,b],[b,2c]],[[2a,b],[b,2c]],[[2a,b],[b,2c]]] For the function x³ + y³ + z³ With x = [[1],[2],[3]] The gradient should be : [3x²,3y²,3z²] So the hessian should be : [[6x,0,0],[0,6y,0],[0,0,6z]] Returns: [[6,0,0],[0,12,0],[0,0,18]] """ # input check self.input_check(x) # hessian rows, columns = x.shape if self.parameters['c'].size < rows: hfdx = np.zeros((rows, rows, columns)) else: hfdx = np.zeros((rows, rows, columns)) auxi = np.arange(start=0, stop=columns, step=1) auxj = np.arange(start=0, stop=rows, step=1) auxk = np.arange(start=0, stop=rows, step=1) hes_i_vec = np.vectorize(PolynomialFunction.aux_hes_i, excluded=['self', 'j', 'k', 'x', 'hfdx'], otypes={object}) np.array(hes_i_vec(self, i=auxi, j=auxj, k=auxk, x=x, hfdx=hfdx)) return hfdx.transpose() def input_check(self, x): """Check input dimension. Args: x: point to be evaluated. Returns: indicator: indicator if input os consistent """ # check if input is numpy self.numpy_check(x) # check dimension x_dim = x.shape param_dim = len(self.parameters['e'][0]) if len(x_dim) == 1: raise Warning("x must be a {}xm (m>0) array!".format(param_dim)) if not x_dim[0] == param_dim: raise Warning("x must be a {}xm array!".format(param_dim)) if not all(len(e) == param_dim for e in self.parameters['e']): raise Warning("List of exponents must have the same dimension!")
from .base_function import BaseFunction class GenericFunction(BaseFunction): """Class to convert a python function to a BaseFunction instance.""" def __init__(self, func, n, grad_func=None): """Constructor of a generic function. Args: func : (callable) instance of a python function for function evaluation n : (int) number of function arguments grad_func: (callable) instance of a python function for gradient evaluation """ # check if object is a function if not callable(func): raise Warning("func must be callable.") if grad_func is not None and not callable(grad_func): raise Warning("grad_func must be callable.") if grad_func is not None: self.flag_num_g = False # set parameters self.parameters = {'func': func, 'n': n, 'grad_func': grad_func} def dimension(self): return self.parameters['n'] def eval(self, x): """Evaluates generic function Args: x: (numpy array) evaluation point. Returns: fx: (numpy array) function evaluation at point x. """ # input check self.input_check(x) # function evaluation f = self.parameters['func'] fx = f(x) return fx def gradient(self, x): """Gradient of generic function Args: x: (numpy array) evaluation point. Returns: dfx: (numpy array) function evaluation at point x. """ # gradient evaluation df = self.parameters['grad_func'] # input check self.input_check(x) if df is not None: # evaluate dfx = df(x) # check dimension if dfx.shape[0] != self.parameters['n']: raise ValueError('Callable grad_func must return a {}xm array'.format(self.parameters['n'])) else: dfx = self.numerical_gradient(x) return dfx def input_check(self, x): """Check input dimension. Args: x: (numpy array) point to be evaluated. """ # check if input is numpy self.numpy_check(x) if not x.shape[0] == self.parameters['n']: raise Warning("Point x must have {} dimensions.".format(self.parameters['n']))
import numpy as np import numpy.matlib from .base_function import BaseFunction class QuadraticFunction(BaseFunction): """ Class that implements a quadratic function """ _flag_num_g = False # this function uses analytical gradient def __init__(self, Q, c, d=0): """ Set parameters for x'Qx + c'x + d. Args: Q: quadratic coefficients of equations (n x n)-matrix c: scaling n-vector coefficients of equations d: constants of equations """ # parameters check self.numpy_check(Q, c) # set parameters self.parameters = {'Q': Q, 'c': c, 'd': d} def dimension(self): return self.parameters['Q'].shape[0] def eval(self, x): """ Quadratic function evaluation. Args: x: evaluation point Returns: fx: evaluates the point value in the function """ # input check self.input_check(x) # define parameters Q = self.parameters['Q'] c = self.parameters['c'] d = self.parameters['d'] # evaluates the point fx = np.sum(x*(, x)), axis=0) +, x) + d return fx def gradient(self, x): """Derivative relative to input. Args: x: evaluation point Returns: dfdx: derivative at evaluation points """ # input check self.input_check(x) # define parameters Q = self.parameters['Q'] c = self.parameters['c'] # quadratic function gradient dfdx = np.matlib.repmat(c, 1, x.shape[1]) dfdx = dfdx + + Q.T), x) return dfdx def hessian(self, x): """Second derivative relative to input. Args: x: evaluation point Returns: hfdx: second derivative at evaluation points """ # input check self.input_check(x) # define parameters Q = self.parameters['Q'] # quadratic function hessian hfdx = np.tile(Q + Q.T, (x.shape[1], 1, 1)) return hfdx def input_check(self, x): """Check input dimension. Args: x: point to be evaluated. Returns: indicator: indicator if input os consistent """ # check if input is numpy self.numpy_check(x) # check dimension x_dim = x.shape param_dim = self.parameters['Q'].shape[0] if len(x_dim) == 1: raise Warning("x must be a {}xm (m>0) array!".format(param_dim)) if not x_dim[0] == param_dim: raise Warning("x must be a {}xm array!".format(param_dim))
import numpy as np from science_optimization.function import BaseFunction, LinearFunction, FunctionsComposite class AugmentedLagrangeFunction(BaseFunction): """ Class that deals with the function used in the Augmented Lagrangian method """ eq_aux_func = None ineq_aux_func = None aux_rho = None _flag_num_g = False # this function uses analytical gradient def input_check(self, x): """Check input dimension. Args: x: (numpy array) point to be evaluated. """ # check if input is numpy self.numpy_check(x) if not x.shape[0] == self.dimension(): raise Warning("Point x must have {} dimensions.".format(self.parameters['n'])) def eval(self, x): """ Args: x: Returns: """ if self.ineq_aux_func is not None: aux_max = self.ineq_aux_func.eval(x=x) aux_max[aux_max < 0] = 0 ineq_part = 0.5 * self.rho * sum(aux_max ** 2) else: ineq_part = 0 if self.eq_aux_func is not None: eq_part = 0.5 * sum((self.aux_rho * (self.eq_aux_func * self.eq_aux_func)).eval(x=x)) else: eq_part = 0 return self.f_obj.eval(x) + eq_part + ineq_part def gradient(self, x): if self.ineq_aux_func is not None: aux_max = self.ineq_aux_func.eval(x=x) aux_max[aux_max < 0] = 0 ineq_part = self.rho *, aux_max) else: ineq_part = 0 if self.eq_aux_func is not None: eq_part = self.rho *, self.eq_aux_func.eval(x)) else: eq_part = 0 return self.f_obj.gradient(x) + eq_part + ineq_part def hessian(self, x): if self.ineq_aux_func is not None: aux_grad = self.g.gradient(x) aux_hess = self.g.hessian(x) aux_max = self.ineq_aux_func.eval(x=x) aux_max[aux_max < 0] = 0 ineq_part = np.zeros((self.dimension(), self.dimension())) for i in range(self.g.n_functions): if aux_max[i] > 0: ineq_part += ( (aux_hess[i] * aux_max[i]) +[0], aux_grad[0].transpose()) ) ineq_part = self.rho * ineq_part else: ineq_part = 0 if self.eq_aux_func is not None: aux_grad = self.h.gradient(x) aux_hess = self.h.hessian(x) eq_part = np.zeros((self.dimension(), self.dimension())) # TODO (Feres) tirar o for for i in range(self.h.n_functions): eq_part += ( (aux_hess[i] * self.eq_aux_func.eval(x)[i]) +[0], aux_grad[0].transpose()) ) eq_part = self.rho * eq_part else: eq_part = 0 return self.f_obj.hessian(x) + eq_part + ineq_part def dimension(self): return self.f_obj.dimension() def __init__(self, f_obj, g, h, rho, c): """ Initialize functions and multipliers properly Args: f_obj: (FunctionsComposite) objective function g: (FunctionsComposite) inequality constraints h: (FunctionsComposite) inequality constraints rho: (float) initial rho value (penalty parameter) c: (float) constant used to update rho value """ self.f_obj = f_obj self.g = g self.h = h self.lag_eq = np.zeros((h.n_functions, 1)) # lagrangian multipliers (equality constraints) self.lag_ineq = np.zeros((g.n_functions, 1)) # lagrangian multipliers (equality constraints) self.rho = rho self.c = c self.update_aux_functions() def update_aux_functions(self): """ Uses current multipliers and rho value to update auxiliary functions use to evaluate function Returns: """ self.aux_rho = LinearFunction(c=np.zeros((self.dimension(), 1)), d=self.rho) aux_lag_eq = FunctionsComposite() for aux in self.lag_eq: aux_lag_eq.add(LinearFunction( c=np.zeros((self.dimension(), 1)), d=aux )) aux_lag_ineq = FunctionsComposite() for aux in self.lag_ineq: aux_lag_ineq.add(LinearFunction( c=np.zeros((self.dimension(), 1)), d=aux )) if self.h.n_functions > 0: self.eq_aux_func = (self.h + aux_lag_eq / self.aux_rho) if self.g.n_functions > 0: self.ineq_aux_func = (self.g + aux_lag_ineq / self.aux_rho) def update_multipliers(self, x_new): """ Uses current point to update lagrange multipliers properly Args: x_new: (np array) new point found by the unconstrained optimization Returns: """ h_val = self.h.eval(x_new) self.lag_eq = self.lag_eq + self.rho * h_val g_val = self.g.eval(x_new) self.lag_ineq = self.lag_ineq + self.rho * g_val self.lag_ineq[self.lag_ineq < 0] = 0 # TODO (Feres) adicionar condicional aqui self.rho = self.c * self.rho self.update_aux_functions()
import numpy as np import numpy.matlib from .base_function import BaseFunction class LinearFunction(BaseFunction): """ Class that implements a linear function """ _flag_num_g = False # this function uses analytical gradient def parameter_check(self, c: np.ndarray, d): # checking c parameter self.numpy_check(c) if len(c.shape) != 2 or c.shape[1] != 1: raise Exception("Invalid format for 'c' parameter") # checking d parameter try: int(d) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise Exception("'d' parameter must be a valid number") def __init__(self, c, d=0): """ Linear Function constructor: c'x + d. Args: c: scaling n-vector coefficients of equations d: constants of equations """ self.parameter_check(c, d) # set parameters self.parameters = {'c': c, 'd': d} def dimension(self): """Linear problem dimension.""" return self.parameters['c'].shape[0] def eval(self, x): """ Linear function evaluation. Args: x: evaluation point Returns: fx: evaluates the point value in the function """ # input check self.input_check(x) # define parameters c = self.parameters['c'] d = self.parameters['d'] # evaluates the point fx =, x) + d return fx def gradient(self, x): """Derivative relative to input. Args: x: evaluation point Returns: dfdx: derivative at evaluation points """ # input check self.input_check(x) # define parameters c = self.parameters['c'] # linear function gradient dim = x.shape if len(dim) == 1: dfdx = c else: dfdx = np.matlib.repmat(c, 1, dim[1]) return dfdx def hessian(self, x): """Second derivative relative to input. Args: x: evaluation point Returns: hfdx: second derivative at evaluation points """ # input check self.input_check(x) # linear function hessian dim = x.shape input_dimension = dim[0] if len(dim) == 1: input_number = 1 else: input_number = dim[1] hfdx = np.zeros((input_number, input_dimension, input_dimension)) return hfdx def input_check(self, x): """Check input dimension. Args: x: point to be evaluated. Returns: indicator: indicator if input os consistent """ # check if input is numpy self.numpy_check(x) # check dimension x_dim = x.shape param_dim = self.parameters['c'].shape[0] if len(x_dim) == 1: raise Warning("x must be a {}xm (m>0) array!".format(param_dim)) if not x_dim[0] == param_dim: raise Warning("x must be a {}xm array!".format(param_dim))
import numpy as np from science_optimization.builder import BuilderOptimizationProblem, Objective, Variable, Constraint from science_optimization.function import BaseFunction, FunctionsComposite class RosenSuzukiProblem(BuilderOptimizationProblem): """Concrete builder implementation. This class builds the Rosen-Suzuki problem. """ def build_objectives(self): obj_fun = FunctionsComposite() obj_fun.add(RosenSuzukiFunction(self.n, self.Q0, self.c)) objective = Objective(objective=obj_fun) return objective def build_variables(self): variables = Variable(x_min=self.x_min, x_max=self.x_max) return variables def build_constraints(self): constraints = Constraint(eq_cons=FunctionsComposite(), ineq_cons=RosenSuzukiConstraints(self.n, self.b)) return constraints def __init__(self, n): """ Constructor of Rosen-Suzuki optimization problem. Args: n: desired dimension """ # Step 1 self.n = n x_star = [] u_star = [] for i in range(1, self.n): x_star.append((-1) ** i) u_star.append((-1) ** i + 1) x_star.append((-1) ** self.n) self.x_star = np.array(x_star).reshape((-1, 1)) self.u_star = np.array(u_star).reshape((-1, 1)) self.x_min = np.ones((self.n, 1)) * (-5) self.x_max = np.ones((self.n, 1)) * 5 # Step 2 mdg = [] b = [] for j in range(1, self.n): v = [] a = [] for i in range(1, self.n+1): v.append(2 - (-1) ** (i + j)) a.append(1 + (-1) ** j + (-1) ** i) a = np.array(a).reshape((-1, 1)) v = np.array(v).reshape((-1, 1)) Q = np.diag(v.transpose()[0]) g_now =, Q), self.x_star ) +, self.x_star) mdg.append(2*, self.x_star) + a) if self.u_star[j-1] > 0: b.append(-g_now) else: b.append(-g_now - 1) self.b = np.array(b).reshape((-1, 1)) mdg = np.array(mdg).transpose()[0] # Step 3 v = [] for i in range(1, self.n + 1): v.append(2 - (-1) ** i) v = np.array(v).reshape((-1, 1)) self.Q0 = np.diag(v.transpose()[0]) df = 2 *, self.x_star) self.c = -df -, self.u_star) class RosenSuzukiFunction(BaseFunction): """ Rosen-Suzuki objective function """ n = None def __init__(self, n, Q0, c): # Step 1 self.n = n self.Q0 = Q0 self.c = c def dimension(self): return self.n def eval(self, x: np.ndarray): self.input_check(x) return, self.Q0), x) +, x) def gradient(self, x: np.ndarray): self.input_check(x) return 2 *, x) + self.c def input_check(self, x): # check if input is numpy self.numpy_check(x) if not x.shape[0] == self.dimension(): raise Warning("Point x must have {} dimensions.".format(self.parameters['n'])) class RosenSuzukiConstraints(FunctionsComposite): """ Rosen-Suzuki constraints """ def __init__(self, n, b): super().__init__() self.n = n self.n_functions = n-1 self.b = b def dimension(self): return self.n def eval(self, x, idx=None, composition="parallel", weights=None): # input check idx, composition, weights, n_functions = self.input_check(idx=idx, composition=composition, weights=weights) g = [] # evaluate for j in range(1, self.n_functions+1): v = [] a = [] for i in range(1, self.n+1): v.append(2 - (-1) ** (i + j)) a.append(1 + (-1) ** j + (-1) ** i) a = np.array(a).reshape((-1, 1)) v = np.array(v).reshape((-1, 1)) Q = np.diag(v.transpose()[0]) g.append(, Q), x)[0] +, x)[0] + self.b[j-1] ) g_return = np.array(g).reshape((-1, 1)) # series composition if composition == "series": g_return =, g_return) return g_return def gradient(self, x, idx=None, composition="parallel", weights=None): # input check idx, composition, weights, n_functions = self.input_check(idx=idx, composition=composition, weights=weights) mdg = [] # evaluate for j in range(1, self.n_functions+1): v = [] a = [] for i in range(1, self.n+1): v.append(2 - (-1) ** (i + j)) a.append(1 + (-1) ** j + (-1) ** i) a = np.array(a).reshape((-1, 1)) v = np.array(v).reshape((-1, 1)) Q = np.diag(v.transpose()[0]) mdg.append(2 *, x) + a) j_matrix = np.array(mdg).transpose()[0] # jacobian (gradient of each constraint) # series composition if composition == "series": j_matrix =, j_matrix) return j_matrix def hessian(self, x, idx=None, composition="parallel", weights=None): # TODO (Feres) implement hessian analytical calculus raise Exception('Not implemented calculus')
from science_optimization.builder import BuilderOptimizationProblem from science_optimization.builder import Objective from science_optimization.builder import Variable from science_optimization.builder import Constraint from science_optimization.function import FunctionsComposite, LinearFunction import numpy as np from typing import List class MIP(BuilderOptimizationProblem): """This class builds a mixed integer linear problem.""" # objective function(s) _c = None # inequality constraint matrix _A = None # inequality constraint vector _b = None # the variables' bounds _x_bounds = None # variables' type _x_type = None # equality constraint matrix _Aeq = None # equality constraint vector _beq = None def __init__(self, c: np.ndarray, A: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, x_bounds: np.ndarray=None, x_type: List[str]=None, Aeq: np.ndarray=None, beq: np.ndarray=None): """Constructor of a generic mixed-integer linear problem. min c' @ x st. A @ x <= b Aeq @ x == beq x_min <= x <= x_max Args: c : (np.ndarray) (n x 1)-objective function coefficients. A : (np.ndarray) (m1 x n)-inequality linear constraints matrix. b : (np.ndarray) (m1 x 1)-inequality linear constraints bounds. x_bounds: (np.ndarray) (n x 2)-lower bound and upper bounds. x_type : (List[str]) variables' types ('c' or 'd'). Aeq : (m2 x n)-equality linear constraints matrix. beq : (m2 x 1)-equality linear constraints bounds. """ # set parameters self.c = c self.A = A self.b = b self.x_bounds = x_bounds self.x_type = x_type self.Aeq = Aeq self.beq = beq # getters @property def c(self): return self._c @property def A(self): return self._A @property def b(self): return self._b @property def Aeq(self): return self._Aeq @property def beq(self): return self._beq @property def x_bounds(self): return self._x_bounds @property def x_type(self): return self._x_type # setters @c.setter def c(self, value): self._c = value @A.setter def A(self, value): self._A = value @b.setter def b(self, value): self._b = value @x_bounds.setter def x_bounds(self, value): self._x_bounds = value @x_type.setter def x_type(self, value): self._x_type = value @Aeq.setter def Aeq(self, value): self._Aeq = value @beq.setter def beq(self, value): self._beq = value def build_objectives(self): # cardinalities m, n = self.c.shape # composition obj_fun = FunctionsComposite() # mono-objective problem if (m > 1 and n == 1) or (m == 1 and n > 1): # add to function composition obj_fun.add(LinearFunction(c=self.c.reshape(-1, 1))) elif m >= 1 and n >= 1: for i in range(m): # add to function composition obj_fun.add(LinearFunction(c=self.c[i, :].reshape(-1, 1))) else: raise ValueError("({}x{})-array not supported!".format(m, n)) objective = Objective(objective=obj_fun) return objective def build_constraints(self): # cardinalities mi = self.A.shape[0] me = self.Aeq.shape[0] if self.Aeq is not None else 0 # create object ineq_cons = FunctionsComposite() eq_cons = FunctionsComposite() # add linear inequality functions for i in range(mi): ineq_cons.add(LinearFunction(c=self.A[i, :].reshape(-1, 1), d=-self.b[i, 0])) # add linear equality functions for i in range(me): eq_cons.add(LinearFunction(c=self.Aeq[i, :].reshape(-1, 1), d=-self.beq[i, 0])) # set constraints constraints = Constraint(eq_cons=eq_cons, ineq_cons=ineq_cons) return constraints def build_variables(self): # default unbounded variables if self.x_bounds is None: self.x_bounds = np.ones((self.c.shape[0], 2)) self.x_bounds[:, 0] = -np.inf self.x_bounds[:, 1] = np.inf # create variables variables = Variable(x_min=self.x_bounds[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1), x_max=self.x_bounds[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1), x_type=self.x_type) return variables
from science_optimization.builder import BuilderOptimizationProblem from science_optimization.builder import Objective from science_optimization.builder import Variable from science_optimization.builder import Constraint from science_optimization.function import FunctionsComposite class SeparableResourceAllocation(BuilderOptimizationProblem): """Concrete builder implementation. This class builds a dual decomposition optimization problem. """ # objective function(s) _f_i = None # equality constraint function(s) _coupling_eq_constraints = None # inequality constraint function(s) _coupling_ineq_constraints = None # the variables' bounds _x_bounds = None def __init__(self, f_i, coupling_eq_constraints, coupling_ineq_constraints, x_bounds): """Constructor of a Dual Decomposition problem builder. Args: f_i : Objective functions composition with i individual functions. coupling_eq_constraints : Composition with functions in equality coupling. coupling_ineq_constraints: Composition with functions in inequality coupling. x_bounds : Lower bound and upper bounds. """ self.f_i = f_i self.coupling_eq_constraints = coupling_eq_constraints self.coupling_ineq_constraints = coupling_ineq_constraints self.x_bounds = x_bounds # gets @property def f_i(self): return self._f_i @property def coupling_eq_constraints(self): return self._coupling_eq_constraints @property def coupling_ineq_constraints(self): return self._coupling_ineq_constraints @property def x_bounds(self): return self._x_bounds @f_i.setter def f_i(self, value): self._f_i = value # sets @coupling_eq_constraints.setter def coupling_eq_constraints(self, value): self._coupling_eq_constraints = value @coupling_ineq_constraints.setter def coupling_ineq_constraints(self, value): self._coupling_ineq_constraints = value @x_bounds.setter def x_bounds(self, value): self._x_bounds = value # methods def build_objectives(self): # instantiate composition obj_fun = FunctionsComposite() for f in self.f_i: obj_fun.add(f) objective = Objective(objective=obj_fun) return objective def build_constraints(self): # instantiate composition eq_cons = FunctionsComposite() ineq_cons = FunctionsComposite() for eq_g in self.coupling_eq_constraints: eq_cons.add(eq_g) for ineq_g in self.coupling_ineq_constraints: ineq_cons.add(ineq_g) constraints = Constraint(eq_cons=eq_cons, ineq_cons=ineq_cons) return constraints def build_variables(self): # variables variables = Variable(x_min=self.x_bounds[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1), x_max=self.x_bounds[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1)) return variables
from science_optimization.builder import BuilderOptimizationProblem from science_optimization.builder import Objective from science_optimization.builder import Variable from science_optimization.builder import Constraint from science_optimization.function import FunctionsComposite class GenericProblem(BuilderOptimizationProblem): """Concrete builder implementation. This class builds a generic optimization problem. """ # objective function(s) _f = None # equality constraint function(s) _eq_cons = None # inequality constraint function(s) _ineq_cons = None # the variables' bounds _x_bounds = None def __init__(self, f, eq_cons, ineq_cons, x_bounds, x_type=None): """Constructor of a generic optimization problem. Args: f : Objective functions. eq_cons : Equality constraint functions. ineq_cons: Inequality constraint functions. x_bounds : Lower bound and upper bounds. x_type: (np.ndarray) (n x 1)-list with variables' type ('c': continuous or 'd': discrete). """ self.f = f self.eq_cons = eq_cons self.ineq_cons = ineq_cons self.x_bounds = x_bounds self.x_type = x_type @property def f(self): return self._f @property def eq_cons(self): return self._eq_cons @property def ineq_cons(self): return self._ineq_cons @property def x_bounds(self): return self._x_bounds @f.setter def f(self, value): self._f = value @eq_cons.setter def eq_cons(self, value): self._eq_cons = value @ineq_cons.setter def ineq_cons(self, value): self._ineq_cons = value @x_bounds.setter def x_bounds(self, value): self._x_bounds = value def build_objectives(self): obj_fun = FunctionsComposite() for f in self.f: obj_fun.add(f) objective = Objective(objective=obj_fun) return objective def build_constraints(self): eq_cons = FunctionsComposite() ineq_cons = FunctionsComposite() for eq_g in self.eq_cons: eq_cons.add(eq_g) for ineq_g in self.ineq_cons: ineq_cons.add(ineq_g) constraints = Constraint(eq_cons=eq_cons, ineq_cons=ineq_cons) return constraints def build_variables(self): variables = Variable(x_min=self.x_bounds[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1), x_max=self.x_bounds[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1), x_type=self.x_type) return variables
__all__ = ['parse_pdf', 'logger'] # Cell import logging from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, Dict, Any import requests logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def parse_pdf(server_address: str, file_path: Path, port: str = '', timeout: int = 60 ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: ''' This function if successful returns the JSON output of the science parse server as a dictionary. Else if a Timeout Exception or any other Exception occurs it will return None. If any of the exceptions do occur they will be logged as an error. 1. **server_address**: Address of the server e.g. `` 2. **file_path**: Path to the pdf file to be processed. 3. **port**: The port to the server e.g. 8080 4. **timeout**: The amount of time to allow the request to take. **returns** A dictionary with the following keys: ```python ['abstractText', 'authors', 'id', 'references', 'sections', 'title', 'year'] ``` **Note** not all of these dictionary keys will always exist if science parse cannot detect the relevant information e.g. if it cannot find any references then there will be no reference key. **Note** See the example on the main page of the documentation for a detailed example of this method. ''' endpoint = "/v1" if port: url = f'{server_address}:{port}{endpoint}' else: url = f'{server_address}{endpoint}' file_name = files = {'data-binary': (file_name,'rb'), 'application/pdf', {'Expires': '0'})} try: response =, files=files, headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}, timeout=timeout) status_code = response.status_code if status_code != 200: error_message = (f'URL: {url}. {file_name} failed with a ' f'status code: {status_code}') logger.error(error_message) return None return response.json() except requests.exceptions.Timeout: error_message = (f'URL: {url}. {file_name} failed due to a timeout.') logger.error(error_message) except Exception as e: error_message = f'URL: {url}. {file_name} failed due to the following error:' logger.error(error_message, exc_info=True) return None
import logging import json import re import os import time import datetime import feedparser import dateutil.parser from os.path import expanduser from scibot.telebot import telegram_bot_sendtext from scibot.streamer import listen_stream_and_rt from schedule import Scheduler # logging parameters logger = logging.getLogger("bot logger") # handler determines where the logs go: stdout/file file_handler = logging.FileHandler(f"{}_scibot.log") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fmt_file = ( "%(levelname)s %(asctime)s [%(filename)s: %(funcName)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s" ) file_formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt_file) file_handler.setFormatter(file_formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) class Settings: """Twitter bot application settings. Enter the RSS feed you want to tweet, or keywords you want to retweet. """ IGNORE_ERRORS = [327, 139] # RSS feeds to read and post tweets from. feed_urls = [ "", "", "", "", "", ] # rss best results no time harm reduction and psychedelics feed_older_literature = feedparser.parse("")["entries"] pre_combined_feed = [feedparser.parse(url)["entries"] for url in feed_urls] # (combined_feed) combined_feed = [item for feed in pre_combined_feed for item in feed] combined_feed.sort( key=lambda x: dateutil.parser.parse(x["published"]), reverse=True ) # Log file to save all tweeted RSS links (one URL per line). posted_urls_output_file = expanduser("~/drugscibot/publications.json") # Log file to save all retweeted tweets (one tweetid per line). posted_retweets_output_file = expanduser("~/drugscibot/posted-retweets.log") # Log file to save all retweeted tweets (one tweetid per line). faved_tweets_output_file = expanduser("~/drugscibot/faved-tweets.log") # Log file to save followers list. users_json_file = expanduser("~/drugscibot/users.json") # Include tweets with these words when retweeting. retweet_include_words = [ "drugpolicy", "drugspolicy", "transformdrugspolicy", "transformdrugpolicy", "drugchecking", "regulatestimulants", "regulatedrugs", "sensibledrugpolicy", "drugpolicyreform", "safeconsumption", "harmreduction", "druguse", "regular", "reduccion de dano", "dosis minima", "regulacion", "droga", "sicoactiva", "psicoactiva", "politica de droga", # "cion de riesgo", "legalizacion", "safesuply", "safersuply", ] # Do not include tweets with these words when retweeting. retweet_exclude_words = [ "sex", "sexual", "sexwork", "sexualwork", "fuck", "vaping", "vape", "cigarretes", "nicotine", "smoke", "smoking", "constellationsfest",# to be deleted after the festival "zigaretten", ] add_hashtag = [ "psilocybin", "psilocybine", "psychedelic", "hallucinogenic", "overdose", "microdosing", "drug-policy", "drugspolicy", "mdma", "drug checking", "drugpolicy", "drug policy", "ayahuasca", "psychopharmacology", "neurogenesis", "5-meo-dmt", "serotonergic", "ketamine", "psychotherapy", "harm reduction", "methadone", ] # trip # do not retweet if search results include only a single of these keywords watch_add_hashtag = [ "alzheimer", "depression", "anxiety", "dmt", "droga", "lsd", "therapy", "psychiatry", "mentalhealth", "trip", "regula", "regular", "mental health", "clinical trial", "consciousness", "meta-analysis", "dopamine", "serotonin", "psychological", "metaanalysis", "reform", ] # list of the distribution mylist_id = "1306244304000749569" class SafeScheduler(Scheduler): """ An implementation of Scheduler that catches jobs that fail, logs their exception tracebacks as errors, optionally reschedules the jobs for their next run time, and keeps going. Use this to run jobs that may or may not crash without worrying about whether other jobs will run or if they'll crash the entire script. """ def __init__(self, reschedule_on_failure=True): """ Args: reschedule_on_failure: if is True, jobs will be rescheduled for their next run as if they had completed successfully. If False, they'll run on the next run_pending() tick. """ self.reschedule_on_failure = reschedule_on_failure super().__init__() def _run_job(self, job): try: super()._run_job(job) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) telegram_bot_sendtext(f"[Job Error] {e}") job.last_run = job._schedule_next_run() def shorten_text(text: str, maxlength: int) -> str: """ Truncate text and append three dots (...) at the end if length exceeds maxlength chars. Args: text: The to shorten. maxlength: The maximum character length of the text string. Returns: Shortened text string. """ return (text[:maxlength] + "...") if len(text) > maxlength else text def insert_hashtag(title: str) -> str: """ Add hashtag on title for keywords found on Settings.add_hashtag Args: title: Text to parse for inserting hash symbols Returns: Text with inserted hashtags """ for x in Settings.add_hashtag: if"\b{x}", title.lower()): pos = ("\b{x}", title.lower())).start() if " " in x: title = title[:pos] + "#" + title[pos:].replace(" ", "", 1) else: title = title[:pos] + "#" + title[pos:] return title def compose_message(item: feedparser.FeedParserDict) -> str: """ Compose a tweet from an RSS item (title, link, description) and return final tweet message. Args: item: feedparser.FeedParserDict An RSS item Returns: mMssage suited for a Twitter status update. """ title = insert_hashtag(item["title"]) message = shorten_text(title, maxlength=250) + " 1/5 " + item["link"] return message def is_in_logfile(content: str, filename: str) -> bool: """ Does the content exist on any line in the log file? Args: content: Content to search file for. filename: Full path to file to search. Returns: `True` if content is found in file, otherwise `False`. """ if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, "r") as jsonFile: article_log = json.load(jsonFile) if content in article_log: return True return False def write_to_logfile(content: dict, filename: str) -> None: """ Append content to json file. Args: content: Content to append to file filename: Full path to file that should be appended. Returns: None """ try: with open(filename, "w") as fp: json.dump(content, fp, indent=4) except IOError as e: logger.exception(e) def scheduled_job(read_rss_and_tweet, retweet_own, search_and_retweet): # listen_stream_and_rt('#INSIGHT2021') schedule = SafeScheduler() # job 1 schedule.every()"22:20").do(read_rss_and_tweet) schedule.every()"06:20").do(read_rss_and_tweet) schedule.every()"14:20").do(read_rss_and_tweet) # job 2 schedule.every()"01:10").do(retweet_own) schedule.every()"09:10").do(retweet_own) schedule.every()"17:10").do(retweet_own) # job 3 schedule.every()"00:20").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"03:20").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"06:20").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"09:20").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"12:20").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"15:20").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"18:20").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"21:20").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"01:25").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"04:25").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"07:25").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"10:25").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"13:25").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"16:25").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"19:25").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") schedule.every()"22:25").do(search_and_retweet, "list_search") # job love schedule.every(5), "give_love") while 1: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1)
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# ScienceBeam Alignment [![License: MIT](](LICENSE) ScienceBeam Alignment provides generic low-level sequence alignment utility functions, similar to Python's [SequenceMatcher]( This project is currently mainly used for training data generation, related to the [ScienceBeam project]( Although this project itself has no ScienceBeam dependency and can be considered a standalone sequence alignment library. It is however more targeted at document size sequences rather than massive gene sequences. ## Pre-requisites - Python 2 or 3 ## API ### SequenceMatcher The mostly drop-in replacement of Python's [SequenceMatcher]( is provided by [fuzzywuzzy]('s [StringMatcher]( In that respect, `sciencebeam-alignment` merely provides a wrapper with fallback. ### WordSequenceMatcher A wrapper around the aforementioned `SequenceMatcher`, but matching on word level tokens only. It currently only implements `get_matching_blocks`. The main advantage is that it is much faster for long texts, because it won't have to match individual characters. It isn't recommended for short texts, where character level alignment is probably more desirable. example match results: ```python >>> from sciencebeam_alignment.word_sequence_matcher import ( ... WordSequenceMatcher ... ) >>> WordSequenceMatcher(a='word1', b='word2').get_matching_blocks() [] >>> WordSequenceMatcher(a='a word1 b', b='x word1 y').get_matching_blocks() [(2, 2, 5)] ``` ### GlobalSequenceMatcher and LocalSequenceMatcher The [GlobalSequenceMatcher and LocalSequenceMatcher]( implements the [Needleman-Wunsch]( [global alignment]( as well as the [Smith-Waterman]( local alignment algorithms. The implementation is somewhat inspired by [python-alignment]( It does implement `get_matching_blocks` to match Python's [SequenceMatcher]( By passing in a scoring object, the results can be influenced (e.g. gaps can be penalized more than mismatches). It does also provide an optimized implementation using [Cython]( The level of optimization depends on the type of passed in sequences and scoring. The fastest being with integer sequences and simple scoring. Especially with longer sequences, the potential speed ups can be significant. ```python >>> from sciencebeam_alignment.align import LocalSequenceMatcher, SimpleScoring >>> DEFAULT_SCORING = SimpleScoring(match_score=3, mismatch_score=-1, gap_score=-2) >>> LocalSequenceMatcher(a='a word1 b', b='x word2 y', scoring=DEFAULT_SCORING).get_matching_blocks() [(1, 1, 5), (7, 7, 1), (9, 9, 0)] ``` In addition, the `get_multiple_matching_blocks` can be used to retrieve multiple matching blocks with the same score: ```python >>> from sciencebeam_alignment.align import GlobalSequenceMatcher, SimpleScoring >>> DEFAULT_SCORING = SimpleScoring(match_score=3, mismatch_score=-1, gap_score=-2) >>> matcher = GlobalSequenceMatcher(a='xyzabc', b='abcxyz', scoring=DEFAULT_SCORING) >>> list(matcher.get_multiple_matching_blocks(limit=2)) [[(3, 0, 3)], [(0, 3, 3)]] ``` `get_multiple_matching_blocks` returns a generator. The number of variations can be limited using the `limit` argument or by simply stopping early. The `GlobalSequenceMatcher` can also be used to calculate the [Levenshtein distance]( (or _edit distance_). An example is provided in `sciencebeam_alignment.levenshtein`: ```python >>> from sciencebeam_alignment.levenshtein import get_levenshtein_distance >>> get_levenshtein_distance('kitten', 'sitting') 3 >>> from sciencebeam_alignment.levenshtein import get_levenshtein_ratio >>> get_levenshtein_ratio('kitten', 'sitting') 0.5714285714285714 ``` Calculating the levenshtein distance is mainly provided as an example. You might want to consider using [python-Levenshtein]( To check whether the fast implementation is enabled: ```python >>> from sciencebeam_alignment.align import native_enabled >>> native_enabled True ``` ## Development Development can be done either using Docker (default) or a virtual environment. All commands are available via `make`. ### Development using Docker Build and run tests: ```bash make build test ``` Or intended for CI: ```bash make ci-build-and-test ``` ### Development using a virtual environment `make` targets with the `dev-` prefix are intended for the use with the virtual environment. This requires that you already have Python installed. #### Setup (virtual environment) ```bash make dev-venv ``` To update the dependencies: ```bash make dev-install ``` #### Cython (virtual environment) Compile code using Cython: ```bash make dev-cython-clean dev-cython-compile ``` #### Tests (virtual environment) ```base make dev-test ``` Or: ```base make dev-watch ```
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import logging import timeit import numpy as np from sciencebeam_alignment.align import ( SimpleScoring, CustomScoring, LocalSequenceMatcher, require_native ) DEFAULT_MATCH_SCORE = 2 DEFAULT_MISMATCH_SCORE = -1 DEFAULT_GAP_SCORE = -3 DEFAULT_SCORING = SimpleScoring( DEFAULT_MATCH_SCORE, DEFAULT_MISMATCH_SCORE, DEFAULT_GAP_SCORE ) CUSTOM_SCORING = CustomScoring( lambda a, b: DEFAULT_MATCH_SCORE if a == b else DEFAULT_MISMATCH_SCORE, DEFAULT_GAP_SCORE ) SHORT_STRING1 = 'abc' SHORT_STRING2 = 'def' LONG_STRING1 = 'abcefghijk' * 100 LONG_STRING2 = ''.join(list(reversed(LONG_STRING1))) def encode_str(s): return np.array([int(ord(x)) for x in s], dtype=np.int32) LONG_ENCODED1 = encode_str(LONG_STRING1) LONG_ENCODED2 = encode_str(LONG_STRING2) def test_align_with_scoring_fn_py(): with require_native(False): LocalSequenceMatcher(LONG_STRING1, LONG_STRING2, CUSTOM_SCORING).get_matching_blocks() def test_align_with_scoring_fn(): with require_native(True): LocalSequenceMatcher(LONG_STRING1, LONG_STRING2, CUSTOM_SCORING).get_matching_blocks() def test_align_with_simple_scoring(): with require_native(True): LocalSequenceMatcher(LONG_STRING1, LONG_STRING2, DEFAULT_SCORING).get_matching_blocks() def test_align_with_simple_scoring_int(): with require_native(True): LocalSequenceMatcher(LONG_ENCODED1, LONG_ENCODED2, DEFAULT_SCORING).get_matching_blocks() def test_align_with_simple_scoring_str(): with require_native(True): LocalSequenceMatcher(LONG_STRING1, LONG_STRING2, DEFAULT_SCORING).get_matching_blocks() def report_timing(fn, number=1): timeit_result_ms = timeit.timeit( fn + "()", setup="from __main__ import " + fn, number=number ) * 1000 print("{} ({}x):\n{:f} ms / it ({:f} ms total)\n".format( fn, number, timeit_result_ms / number, timeit_result_ms )) def main(): print("len LONG_STRING1: {}\n".format(len(LONG_STRING1))) print("len LONG_ENCODED1: {}\n".format(len(LONG_ENCODED1))) report_timing("test_align_with_scoring_fn_py") report_timing("test_align_with_scoring_fn", 3) report_timing("test_align_with_simple_scoring", 3) report_timing("test_align_with_simple_scoring_int", 3) report_timing("test_align_with_simple_scoring_str", 3) if __name__ == "__main__": logging.basicConfig(level='INFO') main()
import logging import warnings from collections import deque from itertools import islice from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from contextlib import contextmanager import numpy as np from six import ( with_metaclass, string_types, binary_type ) try: from sciencebeam_alignment.align_fast_utils import ( # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module native_compute_inner_alignment_matrix_simple_scoring_int, native_compute_inner_alignment_matrix_simple_scoring_any, native_compute_inner_alignment_matrix_scoring_fn_any, native_alignment_matrix_single_path_traceback ) native_enabled = True except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except warnings.warn('fast implementation not available due to: %s' % e) native_enabled = False MIN_INT = -2147483647 def get_logger(): return logging.getLogger(__name__) @contextmanager def require_native(required=True): global native_enabled # pylint: disable=W0603 was_enabled = native_enabled native_enabled = required yield native_enabled = was_enabled def _is_array_of_type(a, dtype): return np.issubdtype(a.dtype, dtype) # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def compute_inner_alignment_matrix_simple_scoring_py( scoring_matrix, a, b, match_score, mismatch_score, gap_score, min_score): """Pure python fallback implementation. Calculates the inner alignment matrix for a and b using simple scoring parameters: match_score, mismatch_score, gap_score, min_score Arguments: scoring_matrix {matrix} -- Output matrix (1 + len(a), 1 + len(b)) a {sequence} -- First sequence (string or list) b {sequence} -- Second sequence (string or list) match_score {int} -- Score for a match mismatch_score {int} -- Score for a mismatch gap_score {int} -- Score for a gap (increase to peanilise gaps between matches) min_score {int} -- Minimum score (e.g. zero if scores shouldn't be allowed to go negative) """ m = len(a) + 1 n = len(b) + 1 for i in range(1, m): for j in range(1, n): scoring_matrix[i, j] = max( min_score, # Match elements. scoring_matrix[i - 1, j - 1] + (match_score if a[i - 1] == b[j - 1] else mismatch_score), # Gap on sequenceA. scoring_matrix[i, j - 1] + gap_score, # Gap on sequenceB. scoring_matrix[i - 1, j] + gap_score ) def compute_inner_alignment_matrix_scoring_fn_py( scoring_matrix, a, b, scoring_fn, gap_score, min_score): """Pure python fallback implementation. Same as compute_inner_alignment_matrix_simple_scoring_py but uses a function to calculate match / mismatch (may be slower but more flexible). Arguments: scoring_matrix {matrix} -- Output matrix (1 + len(a), 1 + len(b)) a {sequence} -- First sequence (string or list) b {sequence} -- Second sequence (string or list) scoring_fn {function} -- Function to return the score between two items (e.g. characters) gap_score {int} -- Score for a gap (increase to peanilise gaps between matches) min_score {int} -- Minimum score (e.g. zero if scores shouldn't be allowed to go negative) """ m = len(a) + 1 n = len(b) + 1 for i in range(1, m): for j in range(1, n): scoring_matrix[i, j] = max( min_score, # Match elements. scoring_matrix[i - 1, j - 1] + scoring_fn(a[i - 1], b[j - 1]), # Gap on sequenceA. scoring_matrix[i, j - 1] + gap_score, # Gap on sequenceB. scoring_matrix[i - 1, j] + gap_score ) def compute_inner_alignment_matrix_simple_scoring( scoring_matrix, a, b, match_score, mismatch_score, gap_score, min_score): try: if ( native_enabled and _is_array_of_type(a, np.int32) and _is_array_of_type(b, np.int32) ): native_compute_inner_alignment_matrix_simple_scoring_int( scoring_matrix, a, b, match_score, mismatch_score, gap_score, min_score ) return elif native_enabled: native_compute_inner_alignment_matrix_simple_scoring_any( scoring_matrix, a, b, match_score, mismatch_score, gap_score, min_score ) return except AttributeError: pass compute_inner_alignment_matrix_simple_scoring_py( scoring_matrix, a, b, match_score, mismatch_score, gap_score, min_score ) def compute_inner_alignment_matrix_custom_scoring( scoring_matrix, a, b, scoring_fn, gap_score, min_score): if native_enabled: native_compute_inner_alignment_matrix_scoring_fn_any( scoring_matrix, a, b, scoring_fn, gap_score, min_score ) else: compute_inner_alignment_matrix_scoring_fn_py( scoring_matrix, a, b, scoring_fn, gap_score, min_score ) def compute_inner_alignment_matrix( scoring_matrix, a, b, scoring, min_score): if isinstance(scoring, CustomScoring): compute_inner_alignment_matrix_custom_scoring( scoring_matrix, a, b, scoring.scoring_fn, scoring.gap_score, min_score ) else: compute_inner_alignment_matrix_simple_scoring( scoring_matrix, a, b, scoring.match_score, scoring.mismatch_score, scoring.gap_score, min_score ) def _next_locs(score_matrix, i, j, is_local): diag_score = score_matrix[i - 1][j - 1] if (i != 0 and j != 0) else MIN_INT up_score = score_matrix[i - 1][j] if i != 0 else MIN_INT left_score = score_matrix[i][j - 1] if j != 0 else MIN_INT max_score = max(diag_score, up_score, left_score) if max_score == MIN_INT: return [] if (max_score == 0 or diag_score == 0) and (is_local or (i == 1 and j == 1)): return [] if diag_score == max_score: get_logger().debug('diag_score: %s (%s)', diag_score, max_score) return [(i - 1, j - 1)] locs = [] if up_score == max_score: locs.append((i - 1, j)) if left_score == max_score: locs.append((i, j - 1)) return locs def alignment_matrix_traceback_py(score_matrix, start_locs, is_local): # Using LinkedListNode to cheaply branch off to multiple paths pending_roots = deque([ LinkedListNode(tuple(loc)) for loc in start_locs ]) while pending_roots: n = pending_roots.pop() i, j = next_locs = _next_locs(score_matrix, i, j, is_local) get_logger().debug('next_locs: %s', next_locs) if not next_locs: yield n else: pending_roots.extend([ LinkedListNode(next_loc, n) for next_loc in next_locs ]) def alignment_matrix_traceback(score_matrix, start_locs, is_local, limit): if native_enabled and limit == 1: yield native_alignment_matrix_single_path_traceback( score_matrix, start_locs[0], 1 if is_local else 0 ) else: paths = alignment_matrix_traceback_py( score_matrix, reversed(start_locs), is_local ) if limit: paths = islice(paths, limit) for path in paths: yield path class SimpleScoring(object): def __init__(self, match_score, mismatch_score, gap_score): self.match_score = match_score self.mismatch_score = mismatch_score self.gap_score = gap_score class CustomScoring(object): def __init__(self, scoring_fn, gap_score): self.scoring_fn = scoring_fn self.gap_score = gap_score class LinkedListNode(object): def __init__(self, data, next_node=None): = data self.next_node = next_node def __str__(self): if self.next_node is not None: return str( + ' -> ' + str(self.next_node) return str( def __iter__(self): yield next_node = self.next_node while next_node is not None: yield next_node = next_node.next_node def _path_to_matching_blocks(path, a, b): block_ai = 0 block_bi = 0 block_size = 0 for ai, bi in ((ai_ - 1, bi_ - 1) for ai_, bi_ in path): if a[ai] == b[bi]: if block_size and block_ai + block_size == ai and block_bi + block_size == bi: block_size += 1 else: if block_size: yield (block_ai, block_bi, block_size) block_ai = ai block_bi = bi block_size = 1 if block_size: yield (block_ai, block_bi, block_size) def _as_np_array(s): if isinstance(s, binary_type): return np.frombuffer(s, dtype=np.uint8).astype(np.int32) if isinstance(s, string_types): return np.array([ord(c) for c in s], dtype=np.int32) return np.asarray(s) wrap_sequence = _as_np_array class AbstractSequenceMatcher(object, with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): def __init__(self, a, b, scoring): self.a = a self.b = b self.scoring = scoring self._alignment_matrix = None self._a = _as_np_array(a) self._b = _as_np_array(b) @abstractmethod def _computer_alignment_matrix(self): pass def _get_alignment_matrix(self): if self._alignment_matrix is None: self._alignment_matrix = self._computer_alignment_matrix() return self._alignment_matrix @abstractmethod def get_multiple_matching_blocks(self, limit=None): pass def get_matching_blocks(self): for matching_blocks in self.get_multiple_matching_blocks(limit=1): return list(matching_blocks) + [(len(self.a), len(self.b), 0)] return [(len(self.a), len(self.b), 0)] class LocalSequenceMatcher(AbstractSequenceMatcher): """ Local sequence matcher using Smith-Waterman algorithm """ def _computer_alignment_matrix(self): m = len(self._a) + 1 n = len(self._b) + 1 scoring_matrix = np.empty((m, n), dtype=int) scoring_matrix[:, 0] = 0 scoring_matrix[0, :] = 0 min_score = 0 compute_inner_alignment_matrix( scoring_matrix, self._a, self._b, self.scoring, min_score ) return scoring_matrix def get_multiple_matching_blocks(self, limit=None): score_matrix = self._get_alignment_matrix() max_score = score_matrix.max() max_score_loc = np.argwhere(score_matrix == max_score) get_logger().debug('max_score_loc: %s', max_score_loc) is_local = True paths = alignment_matrix_traceback(score_matrix, max_score_loc, is_local, limit=limit or 0) return ( list(_path_to_matching_blocks(path, self.a, self.b)) for path in paths ) class GlobalSequenceMatcher(AbstractSequenceMatcher): """ Global sequence matcher using Needleman-Wunsch algorithm """ def _computer_alignment_matrix(self): m = len(self._a) + 1 n = len(self._b) + 1 scoring_matrix = np.empty((m, n), dtype=int) for i in range(m): scoring_matrix[i, 0] = self.scoring.gap_score * i for j in range(n): scoring_matrix[0, j] = self.scoring.gap_score * j min_score = MIN_INT compute_inner_alignment_matrix( scoring_matrix, self._a, self._b, self.scoring, min_score ) return scoring_matrix def get_multiple_matching_blocks(self, limit=None): score_matrix = self._get_alignment_matrix() m = len(self._a) + 1 n = len(self._b) + 1 start_locs = [(m - 1, n - 1)] is_local = False paths = alignment_matrix_traceback(score_matrix, start_locs, is_local, limit=limit or 0) return ( list(_path_to_matching_blocks(path, self.a, self.b)) for path in paths )
import dataclasses from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import ( Callable, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast ) from typing_extensions import Protocol from sciencebeam_parser.document.layout_document import ( EMPTY_BLOCK, LayoutBlock, LayoutGraphic, LayoutToken ) class SemanticContentWrapper(ABC): def get_text(self) -> str: return ' '.join(( block.text for block in self.iter_blocks() )) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(list(self.iter_blocks())) def get_short_semantic_content_repr(self): return '%s(%r)' % (type(self).__name__, self.get_text()) @abstractmethod def iter_blocks(self) -> Iterable[LayoutBlock]: pass def iter_tokens(self) -> Iterable[LayoutToken]: return ( token for block in self.iter_blocks() for token in block.iter_all_tokens() ) @property def merged_block(self) -> LayoutBlock: return LayoutBlock.merge_blocks(self.iter_blocks()) @dataclass class SemanticSimpleContentWrapper(SemanticContentWrapper): content: LayoutBlock = EMPTY_BLOCK layout_block: dataclasses.InitVar[LayoutBlock] = None def __post_init__(self, layout_block: Optional[LayoutBlock] = None): assert isinstance(self.content, LayoutBlock) if layout_block is not None: self.add_content(layout_block) def iter_blocks(self) -> Iterable[LayoutBlock]: return [self.content] def add_content(self, block: LayoutBlock): self.content = LayoutBlock( lines=self.content.lines + block.lines ) class SemanticTextContentWrapper(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): pass class SemanticContentFactoryProtocol(Protocol): def __call__(self, layout_block: LayoutBlock) -> SemanticContentWrapper: pass EMPTY_CONTENT = SemanticSimpleContentWrapper() T_SemanticContentWrapper = TypeVar('T_SemanticContentWrapper', bound=SemanticContentWrapper) @dataclass class SemanticMixedContentWrapper(SemanticContentWrapper): mixed_content: List[SemanticContentWrapper] = field(default_factory=list) content_id: Optional[str] = None layout_block: dataclasses.InitVar[LayoutBlock] = None def __post_init__(self, layout_block: Optional[LayoutBlock] = None): if layout_block is not None: self.add_block_content(layout_block) def __len__(self): return len(self.mixed_content) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[SemanticContentWrapper]: return iter(self.mixed_content) def is_empty(self): return not self.mixed_content def iter_blocks(self) -> Iterable[LayoutBlock]: return ( block for content in self.mixed_content for block in content.iter_blocks() ) def add_block_content(self, block: LayoutBlock): self.add_content(SemanticTextContentWrapper(block)) def add_content(self, content: SemanticContentWrapper): assert not isinstance(content, LayoutBlock) self.mixed_content.append(content) def add_content_and_return_content( self, content: T_SemanticContentWrapper ) -> T_SemanticContentWrapper: self.add_content(content) return content def iter_by_type( self, type_: Type[T_SemanticContentWrapper] ) -> Iterable[T_SemanticContentWrapper]: return ( content for content in self.mixed_content if isinstance(content, type_) ) def iter_by_type_recursively( self, type_: Type[T_SemanticContentWrapper] ) -> Iterable[T_SemanticContentWrapper]: return iter_by_semantic_type_recursively(self.mixed_content, type_) def iter_by_types_recursively( self, types_: Tuple[Type[T_SemanticContentWrapper], ...] ) -> Iterable[SemanticContentWrapper]: return iter_by_semantic_types_recursively(self.mixed_content, types_) def iter_parent_by_semantic_type_recursively( self, type_: Type[T_SemanticContentWrapper] ): return iter_parent_by_semantic_type_recursively( self.mixed_content, type_, self ) def has_type( self, type_: Type[T_SemanticContentWrapper] ) -> bool: return next(iter(self.iter_by_type(type_)), None) is not None def view_by_type(self, type_: Type[T_SemanticContentWrapper]) -> 'SemanticMixedContentWrapper': return SemanticMixedContentWrapper(list(self.iter_by_type(type_))) def flat_map_inplace( self, fn: Callable[[SemanticContentWrapper], Sequence[SemanticContentWrapper]] ): self.mixed_content = [ replaced_content for content in self.mixed_content for replaced_content in fn(content) ] def flat_map_inplace_by_type( self, type_: Type[T_SemanticContentWrapper], fn: Callable[[SemanticContentWrapper], Sequence[SemanticContentWrapper]] ): self.flat_map_inplace( lambda content: ( fn(content) if isinstance(content, type_) else [content] ) ) def get_text_list(self) -> List[str]: return [content.get_text() for content in self.mixed_content] def get_text_by_type(self, type_: Type[T_SemanticContentWrapper]) -> str: return self.view_by_type(type_).get_text() def iter_parent_by_semantic_type_recursively( semantic_content_iterable: Iterable[SemanticContentWrapper], type_: Type[T_SemanticContentWrapper], parent_content: SemanticContentWrapper ) -> Iterable[SemanticContentWrapper]: for semantic_content in semantic_content_iterable: if isinstance(semantic_content, type_): yield parent_content return if isinstance(semantic_content, SemanticMixedContentWrapper): yield from iter_parent_by_semantic_type_recursively( semantic_content.mixed_content, type_=type_, parent_content=semantic_content ) def iter_by_semantic_types_recursively( semantic_content_iterable: Iterable[SemanticContentWrapper], types_: Union[Type[T_SemanticContentWrapper], Tuple[Type[T_SemanticContentWrapper], ...]] ) -> Iterable[SemanticContentWrapper]: for semantic_content in semantic_content_iterable: if isinstance(semantic_content, types_): yield semantic_content continue if isinstance(semantic_content, SemanticMixedContentWrapper): yield from iter_by_semantic_types_recursively( semantic_content.mixed_content, types_=types_ ) def iter_by_semantic_type_recursively( semantic_content_iterable: Iterable[SemanticContentWrapper], type_: Type[T_SemanticContentWrapper] ) -> Iterable[T_SemanticContentWrapper]: return cast( Iterable[T_SemanticContentWrapper], iter_by_semantic_types_recursively( semantic_content_iterable, type_ ) ) @dataclass class SemanticNote(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): note_type: str = 'other' @dataclass class SemanticMixedNote(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): note_type: str = 'other' @dataclass class SemanticOptionalValueSemanticMixedContentWrapper(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): value: Optional[str] = None class SemanticHeading(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticParagraph(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticSectionTypes: BODY = 'BODY' BACK = 'BACK' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT = 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENT' OTHER = 'OTHER' class SemanticLabel(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): pass class SemanticCaption(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): pass class SemanticTitle(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): pass class SemanticJournal(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): pass class SemanticVolume(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): pass class SemanticIssue(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): pass @dataclass class SemanticPageRange(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): from_page: Optional[str] = None to_page: Optional[str] = None class SemanticPublisher(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): pass class SemanticLocation(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): pass @dataclass class SemanticDate(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): year: Optional[int] = None class SemanticExternalIdentifierTypes: ARXIV = 'ARXIV' DOI = 'DOI' PII = 'PII' PMCID = 'PMCID' PMID = 'PMID' @dataclass class SemanticExternalIdentifier(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): value: Optional[str] = None external_identifier_type: Optional[str] = None class SemanticExternalUrl(SemanticOptionalValueSemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticAbstract(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): pass class SemanticRawNameList(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass T_SemanticRawNameList = TypeVar('T_SemanticRawNameList', bound=SemanticRawNameList) class SemanticRawAuthors(SemanticRawNameList): pass class SemanticRawEditors(SemanticRawNameList): pass class SemanticRawAffiliation(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticRawAddress(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticRawAffiliationAddress(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticMarker(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): pass class SemanticNamePart(SemanticOptionalValueSemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticNameTitle(SemanticNamePart): pass class SemanticNameSuffix(SemanticNamePart): pass class SemanticGivenName(SemanticNamePart): pass class SemanticMiddleName(SemanticNamePart): pass class SemanticSurname(SemanticNamePart): pass class SemanticName(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): @property def label_text(self) -> str: return self.view_by_type(SemanticLabel).get_text() @property def given_name_text(self) -> str: return self.view_by_type(SemanticGivenName).get_text() @property def surname_text(self) -> str: return self.view_by_type(SemanticSurname).get_text() T_SemanticName = TypeVar('T_SemanticName', bound=SemanticName) class SemanticAuthor(SemanticName): pass class SemanticEditor(SemanticName): pass class SemanticInstitution(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticDepartment(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticLaboratory(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticAddressField(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticAddressLine(SemanticAddressField): pass class SemanticPostCode(SemanticAddressField): pass class SemanticPostBox(SemanticAddressField): pass class SemanticRegion(SemanticAddressField): pass class SemanticSettlement(SemanticAddressField): pass class SemanticCountry(SemanticAddressField): pass class SemanticAffiliationAddress(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticRawReferenceText(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticRawReference(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticReference(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticInvalidReference(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticReferenceList(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticRawFigure(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticFigure(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticRawTable(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticTable(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticRawEquationContent(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass class SemanticRawEquation(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): pass @dataclass class SemanticGraphic(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): layout_graphic: Optional[LayoutGraphic] = None relative_path: Optional[str] = None def get_short_semantic_content_repr(self): if not self.layout_graphic: return repr(self) return '%s(layout_graphic.local_file_path=%r)' % ( type(self).__name__, self.layout_graphic.local_file_path ) @dataclass class SemanticCitation(SemanticSimpleContentWrapper): target_content_id: Optional[str] = None class SemanticFigureCitation(SemanticCitation): pass class SemanticTableCitation(SemanticCitation): pass class SemanticReferenceCitation(SemanticCitation): pass class SemanticFront(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): @property def authors(self) -> List[SemanticAuthor]: return list(self.iter_by_type(SemanticAuthor)) def get_raw_authors_text(self) -> str: return '\n'.join(self.view_by_type(SemanticRawAuthors).get_text_list()) def get_authors_text(self) -> str: return '\n'.join(self.view_by_type(SemanticAuthor).get_text_list()) @dataclass class SemanticSection(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): section_type: str = SemanticSectionTypes.OTHER @property def headings(self) -> List[SemanticHeading]: return list(self.iter_by_type(SemanticHeading)) def get_heading_text(self) -> str: return '\n'.join(self.view_by_type(SemanticHeading).get_text_list()) @property def paragraphs(self) -> List[SemanticParagraph]: return list(self.iter_by_type(SemanticParagraph)) def get_paragraph_text_list(self) -> List[str]: return self.view_by_type(SemanticParagraph).get_text_list() def add_heading_block(self, block: LayoutBlock) -> SemanticHeading: return self.add_content_and_return_content(SemanticHeading(layout_block=block)) def add_new_paragraph(self) -> SemanticParagraph: return self.add_content_and_return_content(SemanticParagraph()) def add_note(self, block: LayoutBlock, note_type: str) -> SemanticNote: return self.add_content_and_return_content( SemanticNote(block, note_type=note_type) ) def get_notes(self, note_type: str) -> List[SemanticNote]: return [ note for note in self.iter_by_type(SemanticNote) if note.note_type == note_type ] def get_notes_text_list(self, note_type: str) -> List[str]: return [note.get_text() for note in self.get_notes(note_type)] @property def sections(self) -> List['SemanticSection']: return list(self.iter_by_type(SemanticSection)) def get_sections( self, section_type: Optional[str] = None ) -> List['SemanticSection']: return [ section for section in self.iter_by_type(SemanticSection) if not section_type or section.section_type == section_type ] def view_by_section_type(self, section_type: str) -> 'SemanticMixedContentWrapper': return SemanticMixedContentWrapper( cast(List[SemanticContentWrapper], self.get_sections(section_type)) ) def add_new_section( self, section_type: str = SemanticSectionTypes.OTHER ) -> 'SemanticSection': return self.add_content_and_return_content( SemanticSection(section_type=section_type) ) class SemanticDocument(SemanticMixedContentWrapper): def __init__(self): self.front = SemanticFront() self.body_section = SemanticSection(section_type=SemanticSectionTypes.BODY) self.back_section = SemanticSection(section_type=SemanticSectionTypes.BACK) super().__init__([self.front, self.body_section, self.back_section])
import dataclasses import logging import itertools import operator from dataclasses import dataclass, field from functools import partial from typing import Callable, List, Iterable, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Tuple from sciencebeam_parser.utils.bounding_box import BoundingBox from sciencebeam_parser.utils.tokenizer import iter_tokenized_tokens, get_tokenized_tokens LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class LayoutFont(NamedTuple): font_id: str font_family: Optional[str] = None font_size: Optional[float] = None is_bold: Optional[bool] = None is_italics: Optional[bool] = None is_subscript: Optional[bool] = None is_superscript: Optional[bool] = None EMPTY_FONT = LayoutFont(font_id='_EMPTY') class LayoutPageCoordinates(NamedTuple): x: float y: float width: float height: float page_number: int = 0 @staticmethod def from_bounding_box( bounding_box: BoundingBox, page_number: int = 0 ) -> 'LayoutPageCoordinates': return LayoutPageCoordinates( x=bounding_box.x, y=bounding_box.y, width=bounding_box.width, height=bounding_box.height, page_number=page_number ) @property def bounding_box(self) -> BoundingBox: return BoundingBox(x=self.x, y=self.y, width=self.width, height=self.height) def __bool__(self) -> bool: return not self.is_empty() def is_empty(self) -> bool: return self.width == 0 or self.height == 0 def move_by(self, dx: float = 0, dy: float = 0) -> 'LayoutPageCoordinates': return LayoutPageCoordinates( x=self.x + dx, y=self.y + dy, width=self.width, height=self.height, page_number=self.page_number ) def get_merged_with( self, other: 'LayoutPageCoordinates' ) -> 'LayoutPageCoordinates': assert self.page_number == other.page_number, \ 'cannot merge coordinates on different pages' x = min(self.x, other.x) y = min(self.y, other.y) width = max(self.x + self.width, other.x + other.width) - x height = max(self.y + self.height, other.y + other.height) - y return LayoutPageCoordinates( x=x, y=y, width=width, height=height, page_number=self.page_number ) def get_merged_coordinates_list( coordinates_list: Iterable[LayoutPageCoordinates] ) -> List[LayoutPageCoordinates]: result: List[LayoutPageCoordinates] = [] pending_coordinates: Optional[LayoutPageCoordinates] = None for coordinates in coordinates_list: if not pending_coordinates: pending_coordinates = coordinates continue if coordinates.page_number != pending_coordinates.page_number: result.append(pending_coordinates) pending_coordinates = coordinates continue pending_coordinates = pending_coordinates.get_merged_with( coordinates ) if pending_coordinates: result.append(pending_coordinates) return result class LayoutPageMeta(NamedTuple): page_number: int = 0 coordinates: Optional[LayoutPageCoordinates] = None @staticmethod def for_coordinates(coordinates: LayoutPageCoordinates) -> 'LayoutPageMeta': return LayoutPageMeta(page_number=coordinates.page_number, coordinates=coordinates) DEFAULT_LAYOUT_PAGE_META = LayoutPageMeta() class LayoutLineMeta(NamedTuple): line_id: int = -1 page_meta: LayoutPageMeta = DEFAULT_LAYOUT_PAGE_META DEFAULT_LAYOUT_LINE_META = LayoutLineMeta() class LayoutToken(NamedTuple): text: str font: LayoutFont = EMPTY_FONT whitespace: str = ' ' coordinates: Optional[LayoutPageCoordinates] = None line_meta: LayoutLineMeta = DEFAULT_LAYOUT_LINE_META T_FlatMapLayoutTokensFn = Callable[[LayoutToken], List[LayoutToken]] def default_get_tokenized_tokens_keep_whitespace(text: str) -> List[str]: return get_tokenized_tokens(text, keep_whitespace=True) def get_relative_coordinates( coordinates: Optional[LayoutPageCoordinates], text: str, text_character_offset: int, total_text_length: int ) -> Optional[LayoutPageCoordinates]: if not coordinates: return None return LayoutPageCoordinates( page_number=coordinates.page_number, x=( coordinates.x + coordinates.width * text_character_offset / total_text_length ), y=coordinates.y, width=( coordinates.width * len(text) / total_text_length ), height=coordinates.height ) def retokenize_layout_token( layout_token: LayoutToken, tokenize_fn: Optional[Callable[[str], List[str]]] = None ) -> List[LayoutToken]: if not layout_token.text.strip(): return [] if tokenize_fn is None: tokenize_fn = default_get_tokenized_tokens_keep_whitespace token_texts = tokenize_fn(layout_token.text) if token_texts == [layout_token.text]: return [layout_token] total_text_length = sum(len(token_text) for token_text in token_texts) texts_with_whitespace: List[Tuple[str, str, int]] = [] pending_token_text = '' pending_whitespace = '' text_character_offset = 0 pending_text_character_offset = 0 for token_text in token_texts: if not token_text.strip(): pending_whitespace += token_text text_character_offset += len(token_text) continue if pending_token_text: texts_with_whitespace.append(( pending_token_text, pending_whitespace, pending_text_character_offset )) pending_token_text = token_text pending_whitespace = '' pending_text_character_offset = text_character_offset text_character_offset += len(token_text) pending_whitespace += layout_token.whitespace if pending_token_text: texts_with_whitespace.append(( pending_token_text, pending_whitespace, pending_text_character_offset )) return [ LayoutToken( text=token_text, font=layout_token.font, whitespace=whitespace, coordinates=get_relative_coordinates( layout_token.coordinates, pending_token_text, text_character_offset, total_text_length ), line_meta=layout_token.line_meta ) for token_text, whitespace, text_character_offset in texts_with_whitespace ] def iter_layout_tokens_for_text( text: str, tail_whitespace: str = ' ', **kwargs ) -> Iterable[LayoutToken]: pending_text = '' pending_whitespace = ' ' for token_text in iter_tokenized_tokens(text, keep_whitespace=True): if not token_text.strip(): pending_whitespace += token_text continue if pending_text: yield LayoutToken(pending_text, whitespace=pending_whitespace, **kwargs) pending_text = token_text pending_whitespace = '' if pending_text: pending_whitespace += tail_whitespace yield LayoutToken(pending_text, whitespace=pending_whitespace, **kwargs) def get_layout_tokens_for_text(*args, **kwargs) -> List[LayoutToken]: return list(iter_layout_tokens_for_text(*args, **kwargs)) @dataclass class LayoutLine: tokens: List[LayoutToken] @property def text(self) -> str: return join_layout_tokens(self.tokens) @staticmethod def for_text(text: str, **kwargs) -> 'LayoutLine': return LayoutLine(tokens=get_layout_tokens_for_text(text, **kwargs)) def flat_map_layout_tokens(self, fn: T_FlatMapLayoutTokensFn) -> 'LayoutLine': return LayoutLine(tokens=[ tokenized_token for token in self.tokens for tokenized_token in fn(token) ]) @dataclass class LayoutBlock: lines: List[LayoutLine] def __len__(self): return len(self.lines) @staticmethod def for_tokens(tokens: List[LayoutToken]) -> 'LayoutBlock': if not tokens: return EMPTY_BLOCK lines = [ LayoutLine(tokens=list(line_tokens)) for _, line_tokens in itertools.groupby( tokens, key=operator.attrgetter('line_meta') ) ] return LayoutBlock(lines=lines) @staticmethod def merge_blocks(blocks: Iterable['LayoutBlock']) -> 'LayoutBlock': return LayoutBlock(lines=[ line for block in blocks for line in block.lines ]) @staticmethod def for_text(text: str, **kwargs) -> 'LayoutBlock': return LayoutBlock(lines=[LayoutLine.for_text(text, **kwargs)]) def iter_all_tokens(self) -> Iterable[LayoutToken]: return ( token for line in self.lines for token in line.tokens ) def get_merged_coordinates_list(self) -> List[LayoutPageCoordinates]: return get_merged_coordinates_list([ token.coordinates for token in self.iter_all_tokens() if token.coordinates ]) def flat_map_layout_tokens(self, fn: T_FlatMapLayoutTokensFn) -> 'LayoutBlock': return LayoutBlock(lines=[ line.flat_map_layout_tokens(fn) for line in self.lines ]) def remove_empty_lines(self) -> 'LayoutBlock': return LayoutBlock(lines=[ line for line in self.lines if line.tokens ]) @property def text(self) -> str: return join_layout_tokens(self.iter_all_tokens()) @property def whitespace(self) -> str: if not self.lines or not self.lines[-1].tokens: return '' return self.lines[-1].tokens[-1].whitespace EMPTY_BLOCK = LayoutBlock(lines=[]) class LayoutGraphic(NamedTuple): local_file_path: Optional[str] = None coordinates: Optional[LayoutPageCoordinates] = None graphic_type: Optional[str] = None related_block: Optional[LayoutBlock] = None page_meta: LayoutPageMeta = DEFAULT_LAYOUT_PAGE_META @dataclass class LayoutPage: blocks: List[LayoutBlock] graphics: Sequence[LayoutGraphic] = field(default_factory=list) meta: LayoutPageMeta = DEFAULT_LAYOUT_PAGE_META def replace(self, **changes) -> 'LayoutPage': return dataclasses.replace(self, **changes) def iter_all_tokens(self) -> Iterable[LayoutToken]: return ( token for block in self.blocks for token in block.iter_all_tokens() ) def flat_map_layout_tokens(self, fn: T_FlatMapLayoutTokensFn) -> 'LayoutPage': return LayoutPage( blocks=[ block.flat_map_layout_tokens(fn) for block in self.blocks ],, meta=self.meta ) def remove_empty_blocks(self) -> 'LayoutPage': blocks: List[LayoutBlock] = [ block.remove_empty_lines() for block in self.blocks ] return LayoutPage( blocks=[ block for block in blocks if block.lines ],, meta=self.meta ) @dataclass class LayoutDocument: pages: List[LayoutPage] def __len__(self): return len(self.pages) @staticmethod def for_blocks(blocks: List[LayoutBlock]) -> 'LayoutDocument': return LayoutDocument(pages=[LayoutPage( blocks=blocks, graphics=[] )]) def replace(self, **changes) -> 'LayoutDocument': return dataclasses.replace(self, **changes) def iter_all_blocks(self) -> Iterable[LayoutBlock]: return ( block for page in self.pages for block in page.blocks ) def iter_all_lines(self) -> Iterable[LayoutLine]: return ( line for block in self.iter_all_blocks() for line in block.lines ) def iter_all_tokens(self) -> Iterable[LayoutToken]: return ( token for block in self.iter_all_blocks() for token in block.iter_all_tokens() ) def iter_all_graphics(self) -> Iterable[LayoutGraphic]: return ( graphic for page in self.pages for graphic in ) def flat_map_layout_tokens( self, fn: T_FlatMapLayoutTokensFn, **kwargs ) -> 'LayoutDocument': if kwargs: fn = partial(fn, **kwargs) return LayoutDocument(pages=[ page.flat_map_layout_tokens(fn) for page in self.pages ]) def retokenize(self, **kwargs) -> 'LayoutDocument': return self.flat_map_layout_tokens(retokenize_layout_token, **kwargs) def remove_empty_blocks(self, preserve_empty_pages: bool = False) -> 'LayoutDocument': pages: List[LayoutPage] = [ page.remove_empty_blocks() for page in self.pages ] return LayoutDocument(pages=[ page for page in pages if page.blocks or preserve_empty_pages ]) class LayoutTokenIndexRange(NamedTuple): layout_token: LayoutToken start: int end: int class LayoutTokensText: def __init__(self, layout_block: LayoutBlock) -> None: self.layout_block = layout_block text_fragments = [] pending_whitespace = '' text_offset = 0 token_index_ranges: List[LayoutTokenIndexRange] = [] for line in layout_block.lines: for token in line.tokens: if pending_whitespace: text_fragments.append(pending_whitespace) text_offset += len(pending_whitespace) pending_whitespace = '' token_text = token.text token_index_ranges.append(LayoutTokenIndexRange( layout_token=token, start=text_offset, end=text_offset + len(token_text) )) text_fragments.append(token_text) text_offset += len(token_text) pending_whitespace += token.whitespace self.token_index_ranges = token_index_ranges self.text = ''.join(text_fragments) def __str__(self): return self.text def iter_layout_tokens_between( self, start: int, end: int ) -> Iterable[LayoutToken]: for token_index_range in self.token_index_ranges: if token_index_range.start >= end: break if token_index_range.end <= start: continue yield token_index_range.layout_token def get_layout_tokens_between( self, start: int, end: int ) -> List[LayoutToken]: return list(self.iter_layout_tokens_between(start, end)) def join_layout_tokens(layout_tokens: Iterable[LayoutToken]) -> str: layout_tokens = list(layout_tokens) return ''.join([ ( token.text + token.whitespace if index < len(layout_tokens) - 1 else token.text ) for index, token in enumerate(layout_tokens) ]) def flat_map_layout_document_tokens( layout_document: LayoutDocument, fn: T_FlatMapLayoutTokensFn, **kwargs ) -> LayoutDocument: return layout_document.flat_map_layout_tokens(fn, **kwargs) def retokenize_layout_document( layout_document: LayoutDocument, **kwargs ) -> LayoutDocument: return layout_document.retokenize(**kwargs) def remove_empty_blocks( layout_document: LayoutDocument, **kwargs ) -> LayoutDocument: return layout_document.remove_empty_blocks(**kwargs)
import logging from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union from lxml import etree from lxml.builder import ElementMaker from sciencebeam_parser.utils.xml import get_text_content from sciencebeam_parser.utils.xml_writer import parse_tag_expression from sciencebeam_parser.document.layout_document import ( LayoutBlock, LayoutPageCoordinates, LayoutToken ) from sciencebeam_parser.document.semantic_document import ( SemanticContentWrapper, SemanticMixedContentWrapper ) LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) XML_NS = '' XML_NS_PREFIX = '{%s}' % XML_NS XML_ID = XML_NS_PREFIX + 'id' TEI_NS = '' TEI_NS_PREFIX = '{%s}' % TEI_NS TEI_NS_MAP = { 'tei': TEI_NS } TEI_E = ElementMaker(namespace=TEI_NS, nsmap={ None: TEI_NS }) def get_or_create_element_at(parent: etree.ElementBase, path: List[str]) -> etree.ElementBase: if not path: return parent child = parent.find(TEI_NS_PREFIX + path[0]) if child is None: LOGGER.debug('creating element: %s', path[0]) tag_expression = parse_tag_expression(path[0]) child = tag_expression.create_node( element_maker=TEI_E ) parent.append(child) return get_or_create_element_at(child, path[1:]) def tei_xpath(parent: etree.ElementBase, xpath: str) -> List[etree.ElementBase]: return parent.xpath(xpath, namespaces=TEI_NS_MAP) def get_tei_xpath_text_content_list(parent: etree.ElementBase, xpath: str) -> List[str]: return [get_text_content(node) for node in tei_xpath(parent, xpath)] def get_required_styles(layout_token: LayoutToken) -> List[str]: required_styles = [] if layout_token.font.is_bold: required_styles.append('bold') if layout_token.font.is_italics: required_styles.append('italic') if layout_token.font.is_subscript: required_styles.append('subscript') if layout_token.font.is_superscript: required_styles.append('superscript') return required_styles def get_element_for_styles(styles: List[str], text: str) -> etree.ElementBase: if not styles: return text child: Optional[etree.ElementBase] = None for style in reversed(styles): LOGGER.debug('style: %r, child: %r, text: %r', style, child, text) if child is not None: child = TEI_E('hi', {'rend': style}, child) else: child = TEI_E('hi', {'rend': style}, text) return child def format_coordinates(coordinates: LayoutPageCoordinates) -> str: return '%d,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f' % ( coordinates.page_number, coordinates.x, coordinates.y, coordinates.width, coordinates.height ) def format_coordinates_list(coordinates_list: List[LayoutPageCoordinates]) -> str: return ';'.join(( format_coordinates(coordinates) for coordinates in coordinates_list )) def get_default_attributes_for_layout_block( layout_block: LayoutBlock, enable_coordinates: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, str]: if enable_coordinates: formatted_coords = format_coordinates_list( layout_block.get_merged_coordinates_list() ) if formatted_coords: return {'coords': formatted_coords} return {} def iter_layout_block_tei_children( layout_block: LayoutBlock, enable_coordinates: bool = True ) -> Iterable[Union[str, etree.ElementBase]]: pending_styles: List[str] = [] pending_text = '' pending_whitespace = '' if enable_coordinates: yield get_default_attributes_for_layout_block( layout_block=layout_block, enable_coordinates=enable_coordinates ) for line in layout_block.lines: for token in line.tokens: required_styles = get_required_styles(token) LOGGER.debug('token: %r, required_styles=%r', token, required_styles) if required_styles != pending_styles: if pending_text: yield get_element_for_styles( pending_styles, pending_text ) pending_text = '' if pending_whitespace: yield pending_whitespace pending_whitespace = '' pending_styles = required_styles if pending_whitespace: pending_text += pending_whitespace pending_whitespace = '' pending_text += token.text pending_whitespace = token.whitespace if pending_text: yield get_element_for_styles( pending_styles, pending_text ) def extend_element( element: etree.ElementBase, children_or_attributes: Iterable[etree.ElementBase] ): for item in children_or_attributes: if isinstance(item, dict): element.attrib.update(item) continue if isinstance(item, str): try: previous_element = element[-1] except IndexError: previous_element = None if previous_element is not None: previous_element.tail = ( (previous_element.tail or '') + item ) else: element.text = ( (element.text or '') + item ) continue element.append(item) def create_tei_note_element( note_type: str, layout_block: LayoutBlock ) -> etree.EntityBase: return TEI_E( 'note', {'type': note_type}, *iter_layout_block_tei_children(layout_block) ) def get_default_attributes_for_semantic_content( semantic_content: SemanticContentWrapper, **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, str]: attrib = get_default_attributes_for_layout_block( semantic_content.merged_block, **kwargs ) if isinstance(semantic_content, SemanticMixedContentWrapper): if semantic_content.content_id: attrib = { **attrib, XML_ID: semantic_content.content_id } return attrib def _create_tei_note_element( note_type: str, layout_block: LayoutBlock ) -> etree.EntityBase: return TEI_E( 'note', {'type': note_type}, *iter_layout_block_tei_children(layout_block) ) class TeiElementWrapper: def __init__(self, element: etree.ElementBase): self.element = element def xpath_nodes(self, xpath: str) -> List[etree.ElementBase]: return tei_xpath(self.element, xpath) def xpath(self, xpath: str) -> List['TeiElementWrapper']: return [TeiElementWrapper(node) for node in self.xpath_nodes(xpath)] def get_xpath_text_content_list(self, xpath: str) -> List[str]: return get_tei_xpath_text_content_list(self.element, xpath) def get_notes_text_list(self, note_type: str) -> List[str]: return get_tei_xpath_text_content_list( self.element, '//tei:note[@type="%s"]' % note_type, ) def add_note(self, note_type: str, layout_block: LayoutBlock): self.element.append(create_tei_note_element(note_type, layout_block)) class TeiElementBuilder: def __init__( self, element: etree.ElementBase, ): self.element = element self.builder_by_path_fragment: Dict[str, 'TeiElementBuilder'] = {} def get_or_create( self, path: Optional[List[str]] ) -> 'TeiElementBuilder': if not path: return self key = path[0] builder = self.builder_by_path_fragment.get(key) if not builder: builder = TeiElementBuilder(TEI_E(key)) self.element.append(builder.element) self.builder_by_path_fragment[key] = builder return builder.get_or_create(path[1:]) def add_dict(self, attrib: dict): _attrib = self.element.attrib for k, v in attrib.items(): _attrib[k] = v def append( self, child: Union[dict, etree.ElementBase] ): if isinstance(child, dict): self.add_dict(child) return self.element.append(child) def extend(self, children: List[Union[dict, etree.ElementBase]]): for child in children: self.append(child)
import logging from typing import ( Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Set, Union ) from lxml import etree from sciencebeam_parser.document.semantic_document import ( SemanticAddressField, SemanticAffiliationAddress, SemanticAuthor, SemanticMarker ) from sciencebeam_parser.document.tei.common import ( TEI_E, XML_ID ) from sciencebeam_parser.document.tei.factories import ( TeiElementFactoryContext ) LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _get_tei_raw_affiliation_element_for_semantic_affiliation_address( semantic_affiliation_address: SemanticAffiliationAddress, context: TeiElementFactoryContext ) -> etree.ElementBase: children: List[Union[str, dict, etree.ElementBase]] = [] children.append({'type': 'raw_affiliation'}) pending_whitespace: str = '' for semantic_content in semantic_affiliation_address: merged_block = semantic_content.merged_block if pending_whitespace: children.append(pending_whitespace) if isinstance(semantic_content, SemanticMarker): children.append(TEI_E( 'label', *context.iter_layout_block_tei_children(merged_block, enable_coordinates=False) )) pending_whitespace = merged_block.whitespace continue children.extend( context.iter_layout_block_tei_children(merged_block, enable_coordinates=False) ) pending_whitespace = merged_block.whitespace return TEI_E('note', *children) def get_tei_affiliation_for_semantic_affiliation_address_element( semantic_affiliation_address: SemanticAffiliationAddress, context: TeiElementFactoryContext ) -> etree.ElementBase: LOGGER.debug('semantic_affiliation_address: %s', semantic_affiliation_address) raw_affiliation = _get_tei_raw_affiliation_element_for_semantic_affiliation_address( semantic_affiliation_address, context=context ) attributes = context.get_default_attributes_for_semantic_content( semantic_affiliation_address ) if semantic_affiliation_address.content_id: attributes = {**attributes, 'key': semantic_affiliation_address.content_id} if XML_ID in attributes: del attributes[XML_ID] children = [ attributes, raw_affiliation ] address_semantic_content_list = [] for semantic_content in semantic_affiliation_address: if isinstance(semantic_content, SemanticAddressField): address_semantic_content_list.append(semantic_content) continue children.extend(context.get_tei_child_elements_for_semantic_content( semantic_content )) LOGGER.debug('address_semantic_content_list: %r', address_semantic_content_list) if address_semantic_content_list: children.append(TEI_E('address', *[ child for semantic_content in address_semantic_content_list for child in context.get_tei_child_elements_for_semantic_content( semantic_content ) ])) return TEI_E('affiliation', *children) def get_tei_author_for_semantic_author_element( semantic_author: SemanticAuthor, context: TeiElementFactoryContext, affiliations_by_marker: Optional[Mapping[str, Sequence[SemanticAffiliationAddress]]] = None ) -> etree.ElementBase: if affiliations_by_marker is None: affiliations_by_marker = {} LOGGER.debug('semantic_author: %s', semantic_author) pers_name_children = [] for semantic_content in semantic_author: pers_name_children.extend(context.get_tei_child_elements_for_semantic_content( semantic_content )) children = [ TEI_E( 'persName', context.get_default_attributes_for_semantic_content(semantic_author), *pers_name_children ) ] affiliations = [] for marker_text in semantic_author.view_by_type(SemanticMarker).get_text_list(): semantic_affiliations = affiliations_by_marker.get(marker_text) if not semantic_affiliations: LOGGER.warning('affiliation not found for marker: %r', marker_text) continue for semantic_affiliation in semantic_affiliations: affiliations.append(get_tei_affiliation_for_semantic_affiliation_address_element( semantic_affiliation, context=context )) children.extend(affiliations) return TEI_E('author', *children) def get_dummy_tei_author_for_semantic_affiliations_element( semantic_affiliations: Sequence[SemanticAffiliationAddress], context: TeiElementFactoryContext ) -> etree.ElementBase: children = [ TEI_E('note', {'type': 'dummy_author'}, 'Dummy author for orphan affiliations') ] children.extend([ get_tei_affiliation_for_semantic_affiliation_address_element( semantic_affiliation, context=context ) for semantic_affiliation in semantic_affiliations ]) return TEI_E('author', *children) def get_authors_affiliation_markers(authors: List[SemanticAuthor]) -> Set[str]: return { marker for author in authors for marker in author.view_by_type(SemanticMarker).get_text_list() } def get_orphan_affiliations( affiliations_by_marker: Dict[str, List[SemanticAffiliationAddress]], authors: List[SemanticAuthor] ) -> List[SemanticAffiliationAddress]: used_affiliation_markers = get_authors_affiliation_markers(authors) return [ affiliation for marker, affiliations in affiliations_by_marker.items() if marker not in used_affiliation_markers for affiliation in affiliations ]
import logging from typing import ( Iterable, List, ) from lxml import etree from sciencebeam_parser.document.semantic_document import ( SemanticContentWrapper, SemanticFigure, SemanticHeading, SemanticLabel, SemanticParagraph, SemanticRawEquation, SemanticSection, SemanticSectionTypes, SemanticTable ) from sciencebeam_parser.document.tei.common import ( TEI_E, TeiElementBuilder ) from sciencebeam_parser.document.tei.factory import ( SingleElementTeiElementFactory, T_ElementChildrenList, TeiElementFactory, TeiElementFactoryContext ) LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HeadingTeiElementFactory(SingleElementTeiElementFactory): def get_tei_element_for_semantic_content( self, semantic_content: SemanticContentWrapper, context: TeiElementFactoryContext ) -> etree.ElementBase: LOGGER.debug('semantic_content: %s', semantic_content) assert isinstance(semantic_content, SemanticHeading) semantic_heading = semantic_content children: T_ElementChildrenList = [ context.get_default_attributes_for_semantic_content(semantic_heading) ] pending_whitespace = '' for child_semantic_content in semantic_heading: if isinstance(child_semantic_content, SemanticLabel): children.append({'n': child_semantic_content.get_text()}) continue layout_block = child_semantic_content.merged_block if pending_whitespace: children.append(pending_whitespace) children.extend(context.iter_layout_block_tei_children( layout_block=layout_block, enable_coordinates=False )) pending_whitespace = layout_block.whitespace return TEI_E('head', *children) def iter_flat_paragraph_formula( semantic_paragraph: SemanticParagraph ) -> Iterable[SemanticContentWrapper]: pending_semantic_content_list: List[SemanticContentWrapper] = [] for semantic_content in semantic_paragraph: if isinstance(semantic_content, SemanticRawEquation): if pending_semantic_content_list: yield SemanticParagraph(pending_semantic_content_list) pending_semantic_content_list = [] yield semantic_content continue pending_semantic_content_list.append(semantic_content) if pending_semantic_content_list: yield SemanticParagraph(pending_semantic_content_list) class ParagraphTeiElementFactory(TeiElementFactory): def get_tei_children_for_semantic_content( self, semantic_content: SemanticContentWrapper, context: TeiElementFactoryContext ) -> List[etree.ElementBase]: LOGGER.debug('semantic_content: %s', semantic_content) assert isinstance(semantic_content, SemanticParagraph) semantic_paragraph = semantic_content result: List[etree.ElementBase] = [] for flat_parent_semantic_content in iter_flat_paragraph_formula(semantic_paragraph): if not isinstance(flat_parent_semantic_content, SemanticParagraph): result.extend(context.get_tei_child_elements_for_semantic_content( flat_parent_semantic_content )) continue children: T_ElementChildrenList = [ context.get_default_attributes_for_semantic_content(flat_parent_semantic_content) ] pending_whitespace = '' for child_semantic_content in flat_parent_semantic_content: pending_whitespace = context.append_tei_children_list_and_get_whitespace( children, child_semantic_content, pending_whitespace=pending_whitespace ) result.append(TEI_E('p', *children)) return result class SectionTeiElementFactory(TeiElementFactory): def get_tei_children_for_semantic_content( self, semantic_content: SemanticContentWrapper, context: TeiElementFactoryContext ) -> List[etree.ElementBase]: LOGGER.debug('semantic_content: %s', semantic_content) assert isinstance(semantic_content, SemanticSection) semantic_section = semantic_content tei_section = TeiElementBuilder(TEI_E('div')) for child_semantic_content in semantic_section: if isinstance(child_semantic_content, (SemanticFigure, SemanticTable,)): # rendered at parent level continue tei_section.extend(context.get_tei_child_elements_for_semantic_content( child_semantic_content )) if semantic_content.section_type == SemanticSectionTypes.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: tei_section.element.attrib['type'] = 'acknowledgement' if not list(tei_section.element): return [] return [tei_section.element]
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Callable, Sequence import PIL.Image from sciencebeam_parser.utils.bounding_box import BoundingBox from sciencebeam_parser.utils.lazy import LazyLoaded, Preloadable class ComputerVisionModelInstance(ABC): @abstractmethod def get_bounding_box(self) -> BoundingBox: pass @abstractmethod def get_type_name(self) -> str: pass @dataclass class SimpleComputerVisionModelInstance(ComputerVisionModelInstance): bounding_box: BoundingBox type_name: str def get_bounding_box(self) -> BoundingBox: return self.bounding_box def get_type_name(self) -> str: return self.type_name class ComputerVisionModelResult(ABC): @abstractmethod def get_instances_by_type_names( self, type_names: Sequence[str] ) -> Sequence[ComputerVisionModelInstance]: pass def get_instances_by_type_name( self, type_name: str ) -> Sequence[ComputerVisionModelInstance]: return self.get_instances_by_type_names([type_name]) class ComputerVisionModel(ABC, Preloadable): @abstractmethod def predict_single(self, image: PIL.Image.Image) -> ComputerVisionModelResult: pass T_ComputerVisionModelFactory = Callable[[], ComputerVisionModel] class LazyComputerVisionModel(ComputerVisionModel): def __init__(self, factory: T_ComputerVisionModelFactory) -> None: super().__init__() self._lazy_model = LazyLoaded[ComputerVisionModel](factory) def __repr__(self) -> str: return '%s(factory=%r, loaded=%r)' % ( type(self).__name__, self._lazy_model.factory, self._lazy_model.is_loaded ) @property def cv_model(self) -> ComputerVisionModel: return self._lazy_model.get() def preload(self): self.cv_model.preload() def predict_single(self, image: PIL.Image.Image) -> ComputerVisionModelResult: return self.cv_model.predict_single(image)
import logging from typing import List, Sequence, Tuple import PIL.Image from layoutparser.elements.layout import Layout from layoutparser.models.auto_layoutmodel import AutoLayoutModel from layoutparser.models.base_layoutmodel import BaseLayoutModel from sciencebeam_parser.utils.bounding_box import BoundingBox from sciencebeam_parser.cv_models.cv_model import ( ComputerVisionModel, ComputerVisionModelInstance, ComputerVisionModelResult, SimpleComputerVisionModelInstance ) from sciencebeam_parser.utils.lazy import LazyLoaded LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH = 'lp://efficientdet/PubLayNet' DEFAULT_SCORE_THRESHOLD = 0.0 def load_model(model_path: str) -> BaseLayoutModel:'loading model: %r', model_path) return AutoLayoutModel(model_path) def get_bounding_box_for_layout_parser_coordinates( coordinates: Tuple[float, float, float, float] ) -> BoundingBox: x1, y1, x2, y2 = coordinates return BoundingBox(x=x1, y=y1, width=x2 - x1, height=y2 - y1) def is_bounding_box_overlapping_with_any_bounding_boxes( bounding_box: BoundingBox, other_bounding_boxes: Sequence[BoundingBox], max_overlap_ratio: float = 0.1 ) -> bool: bounding_box_area = bounding_box.area for other_bounding_box in other_bounding_boxes: intersection_bounding_box = bounding_box.intersection( other_bounding_box ) if not intersection_bounding_box: continue if intersection_bounding_box.area / bounding_box_area >= max_overlap_ratio: return True return False class LayoutParserComputerVisionModelResult(ComputerVisionModelResult): def __init__( self, layout: Layout, score_threshold: float, avoid_overlapping: bool, max_overlap_ratio: float = 0.1 ): super().__init__() self.layout = layout self.score_threshold = score_threshold self.avoid_overlapping = avoid_overlapping self.max_overlap_ratio = max_overlap_ratio LOGGER.debug('layout: %r', layout) def get_instances_by_type_names( self, type_names: Sequence[str] ) -> Sequence[ComputerVisionModelInstance]: instances = [ SimpleComputerVisionModelInstance( bounding_box=get_bounding_box_for_layout_parser_coordinates(block.coordinates), type_name=block.type ) for block in self.layout if ( block.type in type_names and block.score >= self.score_threshold ) ] instances = [ instance for instance in instances if instance.get_bounding_box() ] if self.avoid_overlapping: _instances = instances instances = [] prev_bounding_boxes: List[BoundingBox] = [] for instance in _instances: bounding_box = instance.get_bounding_box() if is_bounding_box_overlapping_with_any_bounding_boxes( bounding_box, prev_bounding_boxes, max_overlap_ratio=self.max_overlap_ratio ): LOGGER.debug( 'bounding box overlapping with prev: %r ~ %r', bounding_box, prev_bounding_boxes ) continue instances.append(instance) prev_bounding_boxes.append(bounding_box) return instances class LayoutParserComputerVisionModel(ComputerVisionModel): def __init__( self, config: dict, model_path: str = DEFAULT_MODEL_PATH, ): super().__init__() self.score_threshold = float(config.get('score_threshold', DEFAULT_SCORE_THRESHOLD)) self.avoid_overlapping = bool(config.get('avoid_overlapping', True)) self.model_path = model_path self._lazy_model = LazyLoaded[BaseLayoutModel](self._load_model) def _load_model(self) -> BaseLayoutModel: model = load_model(self.model_path)'loaded layout model: %r', self.model_path) return model @property def layout_model(self) -> BaseLayoutModel: return self._lazy_model.get() def preload(self): self._lazy_model.get() def predict_single(self, image: PIL.Image.Image) -> ComputerVisionModelResult: return LayoutParserComputerVisionModelResult( self.layout_model.detect(image), score_threshold=self.score_threshold, avoid_overlapping=self.avoid_overlapping )
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass import logging from typing import Iterable, List, Mapping, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union from lxml import etree from lxml.builder import ElementMaker from sciencebeam_parser.utils.xml_writer import XmlTreeWriter from sciencebeam_parser.utils.labels import get_split_prefix_label from sciencebeam_parser.utils.tokenizer import get_tokenized_tokens from sciencebeam_parser.document.tei.common import TEI_E, TEI_NS_PREFIX, tei_xpath from sciencebeam_parser.document.layout_document import ( LayoutLine, LayoutLineMeta, LayoutToken ) from import ( NEW_DOCUMENT_MARKER, LabeledLayoutModelData, LabeledLayoutToken, LayoutModelData, NewDocumentMarker ) LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) NO_NS_TEI_E = ElementMaker() OTHER_LABELS = {'<other>', 'O'} class ExtractInstruction: pass class NewLineExtractInstruction(ExtractInstruction): pass @dataclass class ResetExtractInstruction(ExtractInstruction): reset_element_path: List[str] def get_model_data_label(model_data: LayoutModelData) -> Optional[str]: if isinstance(model_data, LabeledLayoutModelData): return model_data.label return None def is_same_layout_line( layout_line_1: Optional[LayoutLine], layout_line_2: Optional[LayoutLine] ) -> bool: assert layout_line_1 is not None assert layout_line_2 is not None return id(layout_line_1) == id(layout_line_2) def is_same_model_data_layout_line( model_data_1: LayoutModelData, model_data_2: LayoutModelData ) -> bool: return is_same_layout_line(model_data_1.layout_line, model_data_2.layout_line) def iter_group_model_data_by_line( model_data_iterable: Iterable[LayoutModelData] ) -> Iterable[Sequence[LayoutModelData]]: line_model_data_list: List[LayoutModelData] = [] for model_data in model_data_iterable: if not line_model_data_list: line_model_data_list.append(model_data) continue previous_model_data = line_model_data_list[-1] if is_same_model_data_layout_line( model_data, previous_model_data ): LOGGER.debug('same line: %r - %r', model_data, previous_model_data) line_model_data_list.append(model_data) continue yield line_model_data_list line_model_data_list = [model_data] if line_model_data_list: yield line_model_data_list def iter_model_data_with_new_line_instruction( model_data_iterable: Iterable[LayoutModelData] ) -> Iterable[Union[LayoutModelData, ExtractInstruction]]: line_model_data_list: List[LayoutModelData] = [] for model_data in model_data_iterable: if not line_model_data_list: line_model_data_list.append(model_data) continue previous_model_data = line_model_data_list[-1] if is_same_model_data_layout_line( model_data, previous_model_data ): LOGGER.debug('same line: %r - %r', model_data, previous_model_data) line_model_data_list.append(model_data) continue yield from line_model_data_list yield NewLineExtractInstruction() line_model_data_list = [model_data] if line_model_data_list: yield from line_model_data_list yield NewLineExtractInstruction() def get_default_note_type_for_label(label: str) -> str: return label.strip('<>') def is_parent_path_of( parent_path: Sequence[str], child_path: Sequence[str] ) -> bool: if len(parent_path) >= len(child_path): return False return tuple(child_path[:len(parent_path)]) == tuple(parent_path) def is_same_or_parent_path_of( parent_path: Sequence[str], child_path: Sequence[str] ) -> bool: return ( tuple(parent_path) == tuple(child_path) or is_parent_path_of(parent_path, child_path) ) class TeiTrainingDataGenerator(ABC): @abstractmethod def get_training_tei_xml_for_multiple_model_data_iterables( self, model_data_iterables: Iterable[Iterable[LayoutModelData]] ) -> etree.ElementBase: pass @abstractmethod def get_training_tei_xml_for_model_data_iterable( self, model_data_iterable: Iterable[LayoutModelData] ) -> etree.ElementBase: pass @abstractmethod def get_default_tei_filename_suffix(self) -> Optional[str]: pass def get_default_data_filename_suffix(self) -> Optional[str]: return None def get_default_tei_sub_directory(self) -> Optional[str]: pass def get_default_data_sub_directory(self) -> Optional[str]: pass class AbstractTeiTrainingDataGenerator(TeiTrainingDataGenerator): def __init__( self, root_training_xml_element_path: Sequence[str], training_xml_element_path_by_label: Mapping[str, Sequence[str]], root_tag: str = 'tei', use_tei_namespace: bool = True, element_maker: Optional[ElementMaker] = None, reset_training_xml_element_path_by_label: Optional[Mapping[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, default_tei_filename_suffix: Optional[str] = None, default_data_filename_suffix: Optional[str] = None, default_tei_sub_directory: Optional[str] = None, default_data_sub_directory: Optional[str] = None ): self.root_training_xml_element_path = root_training_xml_element_path self.root_parent_training_xml_element_path = root_training_xml_element_path[:-1] self.training_xml_element_path_by_label = training_xml_element_path_by_label self.reset_training_xml_element_path_by_label = ( reset_training_xml_element_path_by_label or {} ) self._training_xml_element_paths = { tuple(element_path) for label, element_path in training_xml_element_path_by_label.items() if ( label not in OTHER_LABELS and tuple(element_path) != tuple(root_training_xml_element_path) ) } self.other_element_path = training_xml_element_path_by_label.get('<other>') if element_maker is None: element_maker = TEI_E if use_tei_namespace else NO_NS_TEI_E self.element_maker = element_maker self.root_tag = root_tag self.default_tei_filename_suffix = default_tei_filename_suffix self.default_data_filename_suffix = default_data_filename_suffix self.default_tei_sub_directory = default_tei_sub_directory self.default_data_sub_directory = default_data_sub_directory def get_default_tei_filename_suffix(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.default_tei_filename_suffix def get_default_data_filename_suffix(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.default_data_filename_suffix def get_default_tei_sub_directory(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.default_tei_sub_directory def get_default_data_sub_directory(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.default_data_sub_directory def get_training_xml_path_for_label( self, label: Optional[str], current_path: Sequence[str] ) -> Sequence[str]: if not label or label in OTHER_LABELS: if label and self.other_element_path is not None: return self.other_element_path if tuple(current_path) in self._training_xml_element_paths: LOGGER.debug( 'found current path in element paths, returning parent: %r', current_path ) return current_path[:-1] LOGGER.debug( 'not found current path in element paths, returning current: %r', current_path ) return current_path training_xml_path = self.training_xml_element_path_by_label.get(label or '') if not training_xml_path: note_type = get_default_note_type_for_label(label)'label not mapped, creating note: %r', label) training_xml_path = ( list(self.root_training_xml_element_path) + [f'note[@type="{note_type}"]'] ) return training_xml_path def get_reset_training_xml_path_for_label( self, label: Optional[str], prefix: Optional[str] ) -> Optional[Sequence[str]]: if prefix != 'B' or not label: return None return self.reset_training_xml_element_path_by_label.get(label) def write_xml_for_model_data_with_instructions_iterable( self, xml_writer: XmlTreeWriter, model_data_or_instruction_iterable: Iterable[Union[LayoutModelData, ExtractInstruction]] ): default_path = xml_writer.current_path LOGGER.debug('default_path: %r', default_path) pending_whitespace = '' prev_label: str = '' pending_reset_path: Optional[List[str]] = None for model_data_or_instruction in model_data_or_instruction_iterable: if isinstance(model_data_or_instruction, LayoutModelData): model_data = model_data_or_instruction layout_token = model_data.layout_token assert layout_token is not None prefixed_label = get_model_data_label(model_data) prefix, label = get_split_prefix_label(prefixed_label or '') xml_element_path = self.get_training_xml_path_for_label( label, current_path=xml_writer.current_path ) reset_path = self.get_reset_training_xml_path_for_label( label=label, prefix=prefix ) if pending_reset_path is not None: reset_path = pending_reset_path pending_reset_path = None LOGGER.debug( 'label: %r (%r: %r; reset_path=%r)', label, prefix, xml_element_path, reset_path ) if reset_path is not None: xml_writer.require_path(reset_path) elif ( prev_label not in OTHER_LABELS and pending_whitespace and not is_same_or_parent_path_of(xml_writer.current_path, xml_element_path) ): LOGGER.debug( 'closing element before adding whitespace, %r -> %r', xml_writer.current_path, xml_element_path ) xml_writer.require_path(xml_writer.current_path[:-1]) elif prefix == 'B' and label not in OTHER_LABELS: xml_writer.require_path(xml_element_path[:-1]) xml_writer.require_path_or_below(xml_element_path) xml_writer.append_text(pending_whitespace) pending_whitespace = '' xml_writer.require_path(xml_element_path) xml_writer.append_text(layout_token.text) pending_whitespace = layout_token.whitespace prev_label = label elif isinstance(model_data_or_instruction, ResetExtractInstruction): pending_reset_path = model_data_or_instruction.reset_element_path elif isinstance(model_data_or_instruction, NewLineExtractInstruction): xml_writer.append(self.element_maker('lb')) pending_whitespace = '\n' xml_writer.require_path(default_path) xml_writer.append_text(pending_whitespace) def iter_model_data_or_instruction_for_model_data_iterable( self, model_data_iterable: Iterable[LayoutModelData] ) -> Iterable[Union[LayoutModelData, ExtractInstruction]]: return iter_model_data_with_new_line_instruction( model_data_iterable ) def write_xml_for_model_data_iterable( self, xml_writer: XmlTreeWriter, model_data_iterable: Iterable[LayoutModelData] ): self.write_xml_for_model_data_with_instructions_iterable( xml_writer, self.iter_model_data_or_instruction_for_model_data_iterable( model_data_iterable ) ) def _get_xml_writer(self) -> XmlTreeWriter: return XmlTreeWriter( self.element_maker(self.root_tag), element_maker=self.element_maker ) def get_post_processed_xml_root(self, xml_root: etree.ElementBase): return xml_root def get_training_tei_xml_for_multiple_model_data_iterables( self, model_data_iterables: Iterable[Iterable[LayoutModelData]] ) -> etree.ElementBase: xml_writer = self._get_xml_writer() xml_writer.require_path(self.root_parent_training_xml_element_path) for model_data_iterable in model_data_iterables: xml_writer.require_path(self.root_parent_training_xml_element_path) xml_writer.require_path(self.root_training_xml_element_path) self.write_xml_for_model_data_iterable( xml_writer, model_data_iterable=model_data_iterable ) return self.get_post_processed_xml_root(xml_writer.root) def get_training_tei_xml_for_model_data_iterable( self, model_data_iterable: Iterable[LayoutModelData] ) -> etree.ElementBase: return self.get_training_tei_xml_for_multiple_model_data_iterables( [model_data_iterable] ) TEI_LB = 'lb' LINE_BREAK_TAGS = { TEI_LB, TEI_NS_PREFIX + TEI_LB } def _get_tag_expression_for_element(element: etree.ElementBase) -> str: if not element.attrib: return element.tag if len(element.attrib) > 1: raise ValueError('only supporting up to one attribute') key, value = list(element.attrib.items())[0] return '{tag}[@{key}="{value}"]'.format(tag=element.tag, key=key, value=value) class TeiTrainingElementPath(NamedTuple): element_list: Sequence[etree.ElementBase] = tuple([]) def get_path(self) -> Sequence[str]: return [ _get_tag_expression_for_element(element) for element in self.element_list ] def append(self, element: etree.ElementBase) -> 'TeiTrainingElementPath': return TeiTrainingElementPath( list(self.element_list) + [element] ) EMPTY_TEI_TRAINING_ELEMENT_PATH = TeiTrainingElementPath() class TeiTrainingText(NamedTuple): text: str path: TeiTrainingElementPath is_start: bool class TeiTrainingLine(NamedTuple): text_list: Sequence[TeiTrainingText] def is_line_break_element(element: etree.ElementBase) -> bool: return element.tag in LINE_BREAK_TAGS def _iter_flat_tei_training_text_from_element( parent_element: etree.ElementBase, current_path: TeiTrainingElementPath = EMPTY_TEI_TRAINING_ELEMENT_PATH ) -> Iterable[Union[TeiTrainingText, ExtractInstruction]]: LOGGER.debug('current_path: %s', current_path) is_start = True if parent_element.text: yield TeiTrainingText( text=parent_element.text, path=current_path, is_start=is_start ) is_start = False for child_element in parent_element: if is_line_break_element(child_element): yield NewLineExtractInstruction() else: child_path = current_path.append(child_element) yield from _iter_flat_tei_training_text_from_element( child_element, child_path ) if child_element.tail: yield TeiTrainingText( text=child_element.tail, path=current_path, is_start=is_start ) is_start = False def _iter_tei_training_lines_from_element( parent_element: etree.ElementBase, current_path: TeiTrainingElementPath = EMPTY_TEI_TRAINING_ELEMENT_PATH ) -> Iterable[TeiTrainingLine]: line_text_list = [] for item in _iter_flat_tei_training_text_from_element( parent_element, current_path ): if isinstance(item, TeiTrainingText): line_text_list.append(item) elif isinstance(item, NewLineExtractInstruction): yield TeiTrainingLine(line_text_list) line_text_list = [] else: raise RuntimeError('unrecognised item: %r' % item) if line_text_list: yield TeiTrainingLine(line_text_list) T = TypeVar('T') def iter_group_doc_items_with_new_doc_marker( flat_item_iterable: Iterable[Union[T, NewDocumentMarker]] ) -> Iterable[List[T]]: doc_items: List[T] = [] for item in flat_item_iterable: if isinstance(item, NewDocumentMarker): yield doc_items doc_items = [] continue doc_items.append(item) def iter_tag_result_for_flat_tag_result( flat_tag_result_iterable: Iterable[Union[Tuple[str, str], NewDocumentMarker]] ) -> Iterable[List[Tuple[str, str]]]: doc_tag_result: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] for token_tag_result in flat_tag_result_iterable: if isinstance(token_tag_result, NewDocumentMarker): yield doc_tag_result doc_tag_result = [] continue doc_tag_result.append(token_tag_result) def get_tag_result_for_flat_tag_result( flat_tag_result_iterable: Iterable[Union[Tuple[str, str], NewDocumentMarker]] ) -> List[List[Tuple[str, str]]]: return list(iter_tag_result_for_flat_tag_result(flat_tag_result_iterable)) class TrainingTeiParser(ABC): @abstractmethod def parse_training_tei_to_tag_result( self, tei_root: etree.ElementBase ) -> List[List[Tuple[str, str]]]: pass @abstractmethod def parse_training_tei_to_labeled_layout_tokens_list( self, tei_root: etree.ElementBase ) -> Sequence[Sequence[LabeledLayoutToken]]: pass def get_element_path_with_prefix( element_path: Sequence[str], prefix: str ) -> Sequence[str]: return [ prefix + item for item in element_path ] class AbstractTrainingTeiParser(TrainingTeiParser): def __init__( self, root_training_xml_element_path: Sequence[str], training_xml_element_path_by_label: Mapping[str, Sequence[str]], use_tei_namespace: bool, line_as_token: bool = False, ) -> None: tag_namespace_prefix = TEI_NS_PREFIX if use_tei_namespace else '' if use_tei_namespace: root_training_xml_element_path = get_element_path_with_prefix( root_training_xml_element_path, 'tei:' ) self.label_by_relative_element_path_map = { tuple( get_element_path_with_prefix( element_path[len(root_training_xml_element_path):], tag_namespace_prefix ) ): label for label, element_path in training_xml_element_path_by_label.items() } for element_path in list(self.label_by_relative_element_path_map.keys()): if len(element_path) < 2: continue parent_element_path = element_path[:-1] if parent_element_path not in self.label_by_relative_element_path_map: self.label_by_relative_element_path_map[parent_element_path] = 'O' self.root_training_xml_xpath = './' + '/'.join(root_training_xml_element_path) self.line_as_token = line_as_token def _get_label_for_element_path( self, tei_training_element_path: TeiTrainingElementPath, text: str ) -> str: element_path = tei_training_element_path.get_path() label = self.label_by_relative_element_path_map.get(tuple(element_path)) if not label: raise RuntimeError( 'label not found for %r (available: %r; for text: %r)' % ( element_path, self.label_by_relative_element_path_map.keys(), text ) ) return label def iter_parse_training_tei_to_flat_labeled_layout_tokens( self, tei_root: etree.ElementBase ) -> Iterable[Union[LabeledLayoutToken, NewDocumentMarker]]: for text_node in tei_xpath(tei_root, self.root_training_xml_xpath): tei_training_lines = list( _iter_tei_training_lines_from_element( text_node, EMPTY_TEI_TRAINING_ELEMENT_PATH ) ) LOGGER.debug('tei_training_lines: %r', tei_training_lines) prefix = '' prev_label = '' for line_index, line in enumerate(tei_training_lines): line_meta = LayoutLineMeta(line_id=1 + line_index) for text in line.text_list: if text.text.isspace(): continue token_count = 0 if text.path.element_list: label = self._get_label_for_element_path(text.path, text=text.text) if prev_label != label: prefix = 'B-' if text.is_start else 'I-' else: label = 'O' prefix = '' if label in OTHER_LABELS: prefix = '' prev_label = label for token_text in get_tokenized_tokens(text.text): yield LabeledLayoutToken( label=prefix + label, layout_token=LayoutToken( text=token_text, line_meta=line_meta ) ) token_count += 1 if prefix: prefix = 'I-' if self.line_as_token: break if token_count and self.line_as_token: # we are only outputting the first token of each line break yield NEW_DOCUMENT_MARKER def iter_parse_training_tei_to_flat_tag_result( self, tei_root: etree.ElementBase ) -> Iterable[Union[Tuple[str, str], NewDocumentMarker]]: for item in self.iter_parse_training_tei_to_flat_labeled_layout_tokens( tei_root ): if isinstance(item, NewDocumentMarker): yield item continue assert isinstance(item, LabeledLayoutToken) yield item.layout_token.text, item.label def parse_training_tei_to_tag_result( self, tei_root: etree.ElementBase ) -> List[List[Tuple[str, str]]]: return list(iter_group_doc_items_with_new_doc_marker( self.iter_parse_training_tei_to_flat_tag_result( tei_root ) )) def parse_training_tei_to_labeled_layout_tokens_list( self, tei_root: etree.ElementBase ) -> Sequence[Sequence[LabeledLayoutToken]]: return list(iter_group_doc_items_with_new_doc_marker( self.iter_parse_training_tei_to_flat_labeled_layout_tokens( tei_root ) ))
import os import logging import threading from typing import Iterable, Optional, List, Tuple import numpy as np from sciencebeam_trainer_delft.sequence_labelling.engines.wapiti import WapitiWrapper from import copy_file from sciencebeam_trainer_delft.utils.download_manager import DownloadManager from sciencebeam_trainer_delft.sequence_labelling.engines.wapiti_adapters import ( WapitiModelAdapter, WapitiModel ) from import AppContext from sciencebeam_parser.models.model_impl import ModelImpl from import download_if_url_from_alternatives from sciencebeam_parser.utils.lazy import LazyLoaded LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WapitiServiceModelAdapter(WapitiModelAdapter): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._lock = threading.Lock() self._wapiti_timeout = 20.0 self._wapiti_timeout_counter = 0 self._wapiti_trial_count = 10 @staticmethod def load_from( model_path: str, download_manager: DownloadManager, wapiti_binary_path: str = None) -> 'WapitiModelAdapter': # overriding method to return WapitiServiceModelAdapter model_file_path = os.path.join(model_path, 'model.wapiti.gz') model_file_paths = [model_file_path, os.path.splitext(model_file_path)[0]] LOGGER.debug('checking for existing local model files: %r', model_file_paths) local_model_file_path = download_if_url_from_alternatives( download_manager=download_manager, alternative_file_url_or_path_list=model_file_paths ) LOGGER.debug('local_model_file_path: %s', local_model_file_path) if local_model_file_path.endswith('.gz'): local_uncompressed_file_path = os.path.splitext(local_model_file_path)[0] copy_file(local_model_file_path, local_uncompressed_file_path, overwrite=False) local_model_file_path = local_uncompressed_file_path return WapitiServiceModelAdapter( WapitiWrapper( wapiti_binary_path=wapiti_binary_path ), model_file_path=local_model_file_path, model_path=model_path ) def stop(self): wapiti_model = self._wapiti_model if wapiti_model is None: return self._wapiti_model = None'stopping wapiti process: %s', wapiti_model.process.kill() def on_wapiti_timeout(self): self._wapiti_timeout_counter += 1 'wapiti timeout (%s, counter=%d)', self._wapiti_timeout, self._wapiti_timeout_counter ) self.stop() def _get_tag_results_with_timeout( self, x: np.ndarray, features: np.ndarray, output_format: str = None ) -> List[List[Tuple[str, str]]]: prev_wapiti_timeout_counter = self._wapiti_timeout_counter timer = threading.Timer(self._wapiti_timeout, self.on_wapiti_timeout) timer.start() result = list(self.iter_tag_using_model(x, features, output_format)) timer.cancel() if self._wapiti_timeout_counter != prev_wapiti_timeout_counter: raise TimeoutError('wapiti timeout received during processing') return result def _get_tag_results_with_timeout_and_retry( self, x: np.ndarray, features: np.ndarray, output_format: str = None ) -> List[List[Tuple[str, str]]]: attempt = 0 while True: try: return self._get_tag_results_with_timeout(x, features, output_format) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except attempt += 1 LOGGER.warning( 'received error processing data: %r, attempt=%d/%d, texts=%r', exc, attempt, self._wapiti_trial_count, list(x), exc_info=True ) if attempt >= self._wapiti_trial_count: LOGGER.warning('final attempt, re-raising exception') raise def iter_tag( self, x: np.ndarray, features: np.ndarray, output_format: str = None ) -> Iterable[List[Tuple[str, str]]]: # by default, WapitiModelAdapter will run the binary for each call # using "iter_tag_using_model" will result in a wapiti process # that we communicate with via stdin / stdout with self._lock: yield from self._get_tag_results_with_timeout_and_retry(x, features, output_format) class WapitiModelImpl(ModelImpl): def __init__(self, model_url: str, app_context: AppContext): self.model_url = model_url self.app_context = app_context self._lazy_model = LazyLoaded[WapitiModelAdapter](self._load_model) def __repr__(self) -> str: return '%s(%r, loaded=%r)' % ( type(self).__name__, self.model_url, self._lazy_model.is_loaded ) def _load_model(self) -> WapitiModel: model = WapitiServiceModelAdapter.load_from( self.model_url, wapiti_binary_path=self.app_context.lazy_wapiti_binary_wrapper.get_binary_path(), download_manager=self.app_context.download_manager )'loaded wapiti model: %r', self.model_url) return model @property def model(self) -> WapitiModel: return self._lazy_model.get() def preload(self): self._lazy_model.get() def predict_labels( self, texts: List[List[str]], features: List[List[List[str]]], output_format: Optional[str] = None ) -> List[List[Tuple[str, str]]]: model = self.model result = model.tag(texts, features=features, output_format=output_format) token_count = sum(len(text) for text in texts) 'predicted labels using wapiti model (document count: %d, token count: %d)', len(texts), token_count ) return result
from typing import Iterable from import ( ContextAwareLayoutTokenFeatures, ContextAwareLayoutTokenModelDataGenerator, LayoutModelData ) class CitationDataGenerator(ContextAwareLayoutTokenModelDataGenerator): def iter_model_data_for_context_layout_token_features( self, token_features: ContextAwareLayoutTokenFeatures ) -> Iterable[LayoutModelData]: yield token_features.get_layout_model_data([ token_features.token_text, token_features.get_lower_token_text(), token_features.get_prefix(1), token_features.get_prefix(2), token_features.get_prefix(3), token_features.get_prefix(4), token_features.get_suffix(1), token_features.get_suffix(2), token_features.get_suffix(3), token_features.get_suffix(4), token_features.get_line_status_with_lineend_for_single_token(), token_features.get_capitalisation_status_using_allcap(), token_features.get_digit_status_using_containsdigits(), token_features.get_str_is_single_char(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_proper_name(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_common_name(), token_features.get_str_is_first_name(), token_features.get_str_is_last_name(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_location_name(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_year(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_month(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_http(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_known_collaboration(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_known_journal_title(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_known_conference_title(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_known_publisher(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_known_identifier(), token_features.get_punctuation_type_feature(), token_features.get_str_sentence_token_relative_position(), token_features.get_dummy_label() ])
import logging import re from typing import Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union from sciencebeam_parser.utils.misc import iter_ids from sciencebeam_parser.document.semantic_document import ( SemanticContentFactoryProtocol, SemanticContentWrapper, SemanticDate, SemanticExternalIdentifier, SemanticExternalIdentifierTypes, SemanticExternalUrl, SemanticInvalidReference, SemanticIssue, SemanticJournal, SemanticLocation, SemanticPageRange, SemanticPublisher, SemanticRawAuthors, SemanticRawEditors, SemanticRawReference, SemanticRawReferenceText, SemanticReference, SemanticTitle, SemanticVolume ) from sciencebeam_parser.document.layout_document import LayoutBlock from sciencebeam_parser.models.extract import SimpleModelSemanticExtractor LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # # DOI_PATTERN = r'\b(10\.\d{4,}(?:\.\d{1,})*/.+)' # copied and adapted from: # PMID_PATTERN = r"(?:(?:PMID)|(?:Pub(?:\s)?Med(?:\s)?(?:ID)?))(?:\s)?(?:\:)?(?:\s)*(\d{1,8})" PMCID_PATTERN = r"(?:PMC)(\d{1,})" # copied and adapted from: # ARXIV_PATTERN = ( r"(?:arXiv\s?(?:\.org)?\s?\:\s?(\d{4}\s?\.\s?\d{4,5}(?:v\d+)?))" r"|(?:arXiv\s?(?:\.org)?\s?\:\s?([ a-zA-Z\-\.]*\s?/\s?\d{7}(?:v\d+)?))" ) # PII_PATTERN = r'\b([S,B]\W*(?:[0-9xX]\W*){15,}[0-9xX])' SIMPLE_SEMANTIC_CONTENT_CLASS_BY_TAG: Mapping[str, SemanticContentFactoryProtocol] = { '<author>': SemanticRawAuthors, '<editor>': SemanticRawEditors, '<title>': SemanticTitle, '<journal>': SemanticJournal, '<volume>': SemanticVolume, '<issue>': SemanticIssue, '<publisher>': SemanticPublisher, '<location>': SemanticLocation } VALID_REFERENCE_TYPES: Set[Type[SemanticContentWrapper]] = { SemanticTitle, SemanticJournal, SemanticRawAuthors, SemanticRawEditors, SemanticExternalIdentifier, SemanticExternalUrl } def parse_page_range(layout_block: LayoutBlock) -> SemanticPageRange: page_range_text = layout_block.text page_parts = page_range_text.split('-') if len(page_parts) == 2: from_page = page_parts[0].strip() to_page = page_parts[1].strip() if to_page and len(to_page) < len(from_page): to_page = from_page[:-(len(to_page))] + to_page return SemanticPageRange( layout_block=layout_block, from_page=from_page, to_page=to_page ) return SemanticPageRange(layout_block=layout_block) def parse_web(layout_block: LayoutBlock) -> Union[SemanticExternalUrl, SemanticExternalIdentifier]: value = re.sub(r'\s', '', layout_block.text) m =, value) if m: return SemanticExternalIdentifier( layout_block=layout_block,, external_identifier_type=SemanticExternalIdentifierTypes.DOI ) return SemanticExternalUrl( layout_block=layout_block, value=value ) def get_detected_external_identifier_type_and_value_for_text( text: str ) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str]: value = re.sub(r'\s', '', text) m =, value) if m: value = return SemanticExternalIdentifierTypes.DOI, value m =, value) if m: value = 'PMC' + return SemanticExternalIdentifierTypes.PMCID, value m =, value) if m: value = or return SemanticExternalIdentifierTypes.ARXIV, value m = re.match(PMID_PATTERN, value) if m: value = return SemanticExternalIdentifierTypes.PMID, value m =, value) if m: value = return SemanticExternalIdentifierTypes.PII, value return None, value def get_detected_external_identifier_type_for_text(text: str) -> Optional[str]: external_identifier_type, _ = get_detected_external_identifier_type_and_value_for_text( text ) return external_identifier_type def parse_pubnum(layout_block: LayoutBlock) -> SemanticExternalIdentifier: external_identifier_type, value = get_detected_external_identifier_type_and_value_for_text( layout_block.text ) return SemanticExternalIdentifier( layout_block=layout_block, value=value, external_identifier_type=external_identifier_type ) def parse_date(layout_block: LayoutBlock) -> SemanticDate: value = re.sub(r'\s', '', layout_block.text) year: Optional[int] = None m ='(\d{4})', value) if m: year = int( return SemanticDate( layout_block=layout_block, year=year ) def is_reference_valid(ref: SemanticReference) -> bool: for semantic_content in ref: if type(semantic_content) in VALID_REFERENCE_TYPES: return True return False def get_invalid_reference(ref: SemanticReference) -> SemanticInvalidReference: return SemanticInvalidReference( mixed_content=[ semantic_content for semantic_content in ref if not isinstance(semantic_content, SemanticRawReferenceText) ] ) class CitationSemanticExtractor(SimpleModelSemanticExtractor): def __init__(self): super().__init__(semantic_content_class_by_tag=SIMPLE_SEMANTIC_CONTENT_CLASS_BY_TAG) def get_semantic_content_for_entity_name( # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements self, name: str, layout_block: LayoutBlock ) -> SemanticContentWrapper: if name == '<pages>': return parse_page_range(layout_block) if name == '<web>': return parse_web(layout_block) if name == '<pubnum>': return parse_pubnum(layout_block) if name == '<date>': return parse_date(layout_block) return super().get_semantic_content_for_entity_name(name, layout_block) def iter_semantic_content_for_entity_blocks( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, entity_tokens: Iterable[Tuple[str, LayoutBlock]], semantic_raw_reference: Optional[SemanticRawReference] = None, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[SemanticContentWrapper]: entity_tokens = list(entity_tokens) LOGGER.debug('entity_tokens: %s', entity_tokens) ids_iterator = iter(iter_ids('b')) ref: Optional[SemanticReference] = None for name, layout_block in entity_tokens: if not ref: ref = SemanticReference() if semantic_raw_reference: ref.content_id = semantic_raw_reference.content_id for semantic_content in semantic_raw_reference: ref.add_content(semantic_content) if not ref.content_id: ref.content_id = next(ids_iterator, '?') semantic_content = self.get_semantic_content_for_entity_name( name, layout_block=layout_block ) ref.add_content(semantic_content) if ref and not is_reference_valid(ref): yield get_invalid_reference(ref) elif ref: yield ref
import logging import re from typing import Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union, cast from sciencebeam_parser.document.semantic_document import ( SemanticAuthor, SemanticContentFactoryProtocol, SemanticContentWrapper, SemanticMarker, SemanticMiddleName, SemanticMixedContentWrapper, SemanticNamePart, SemanticNameSuffix, SemanticNameTitle, SemanticNote, SemanticGivenName, SemanticSurname, T_SemanticName ) from sciencebeam_parser.document.layout_document import LayoutBlock, LayoutDocument, LayoutToken from sciencebeam_parser.models.extract import SimpleModelSemanticExtractor LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SPLIT_ON_SECOND_ENTIY_NAME = {'<title>', '<forename>', '<surname>'} SIMPLE_SEMANTIC_CONTENT_CLASS_BY_TAG: Mapping[str, SemanticContentFactoryProtocol] = { '<title>': SemanticNameTitle, '<forename>': SemanticGivenName, '<middlename>': SemanticMiddleName, '<surname>': SemanticSurname, '<suffix>': SemanticNameSuffix } def tokenize_individual_characters(text: str) -> List[str]: return list(text) def convert_two_letter_uppercase_given_name_to_given_middle_name( name: T_SemanticName ): given_names = list(name.iter_by_type(SemanticGivenName)) middle_names = list(name.iter_by_type(SemanticMiddleName)) if middle_names: LOGGER.debug('already has a middle name: %r', middle_names) return if len(given_names) != 1: LOGGER.debug('no or too many given names: %r', given_names) return given_name_text = given_names[0].get_text() if len(given_name_text) != 2 or not given_name_text.isupper(): LOGGER.debug('not two uppercase characters: %r', given_name_text) return layout_document = LayoutDocument.for_blocks(list(given_names[0].iter_blocks())) retokenized_layout_document = layout_document.retokenize( tokenize_fn=tokenize_individual_characters ) LOGGER.debug('retokenized_layout_document: %r', retokenized_layout_document) split_name_parts = [ ( SemanticGivenName(layout_block=LayoutBlock.for_tokens([token])) if index == 0 else SemanticMiddleName(layout_block=LayoutBlock.for_tokens([token])) ) for index, token in enumerate(retokenized_layout_document.iter_all_tokens()) ] LOGGER.debug('split_name_parts: %r', split_name_parts) name.flat_map_inplace_by_type( SemanticGivenName, lambda _: split_name_parts ) def convert_name_parts_to_title_case(name: T_SemanticName): for semantic_content in name: if not isinstance(semantic_content, SemanticNamePart): continue semantic_content.value = semantic_content.get_text().title() # based on: # # and: # def normalize_name_parts(name: T_SemanticName): if not list(name.iter_by_type(SemanticSurname)): return SemanticNote( layout_block=LayoutBlock.merge_blocks(name.iter_blocks()), note_type='invalid_author_name' ) convert_two_letter_uppercase_given_name_to_given_middle_name(name) convert_name_parts_to_title_case(name) return name def iter_semantic_markers_for_layout_block( layout_block: LayoutBlock ) -> Iterable[Union[SemanticMarker, SemanticContentWrapper]]: for text in re.split(r'(\D)', layout_block.text): if not text: continue local_block = LayoutBlock.for_tokens([ LayoutToken(text, whitespace='') ]) if text == ',' or text.isspace(): yield SemanticNote( layout_block=local_block, note_type='marker_delimiter' ) continue yield SemanticMarker(layout_block=local_block) def append_semantic_markers_for_layout_block( parent_semantic_content: SemanticMixedContentWrapper, layout_block: LayoutBlock ) -> None: semantic_markers = list(iter_semantic_markers_for_layout_block(layout_block)) for semantic_marker in semantic_markers: parent_semantic_content.add_content(semantic_marker) class NameSemanticExtractor(SimpleModelSemanticExtractor): def __init__(self): super().__init__(semantic_content_class_by_tag=SIMPLE_SEMANTIC_CONTENT_CLASS_BY_TAG) def iter_semantic_content_for_entity_blocks( # type: ignore # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, entity_tokens: Iterable[Tuple[str, LayoutBlock]], name_type: Optional[Type[T_SemanticName]] = None, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[T_SemanticName]: _name_type: Type[T_SemanticName] = cast( Type[T_SemanticName], name_type if name_type is not None else SemanticAuthor ) entity_tokens = list(entity_tokens) LOGGER.debug('entity_tokens: %s', entity_tokens) semantic_name: Optional[T_SemanticName] = None seen_entity_tokens: List[Tuple[str, LayoutBlock]] = [] seen_name_labels: List[str] = [] has_tail_marker: bool = False for name, layout_block in entity_tokens: seen_entity_tokens.append((name, layout_block,)) if name == '<marker>': if not semantic_name: LOGGER.debug('new semantic_name with marker in the beginning') semantic_name = _name_type() append_semantic_markers_for_layout_block(semantic_name, layout_block) continue if len(seen_entity_tokens) >= 2 and seen_name_labels and not has_tail_marker: previous_layout_block = seen_entity_tokens[-2][1] if previous_layout_block.text.strip().endswith(','): LOGGER.debug( 'new semantic_name marker after comma, seen_name_labels=%s', seen_name_labels ) yield normalize_name_parts(semantic_name) seen_name_labels = [] semantic_name = _name_type() append_semantic_markers_for_layout_block(semantic_name, layout_block) continue append_semantic_markers_for_layout_block(semantic_name, layout_block) has_tail_marker = True continue if semantic_name and name in SPLIT_ON_SECOND_ENTIY_NAME and name in seen_name_labels: LOGGER.debug( 'starting new semantic_name after having seen name part again, name=%r', name ) yield normalize_name_parts(semantic_name) seen_name_labels = [] has_tail_marker = False semantic_name = None semantic_content = self.get_semantic_content_for_entity_name( name, layout_block ) if not isinstance(semantic_content, SemanticNote): if has_tail_marker and semantic_name: LOGGER.debug('starting new semantic_name after tail markers, name=%r', name) yield normalize_name_parts(semantic_name) seen_name_labels = [] has_tail_marker = False semantic_name = None seen_name_labels.append(name) if not semantic_name: semantic_name = _name_type() semantic_name.add_content(semantic_content) if semantic_name: yield normalize_name_parts(semantic_name)
import logging from typing import Iterable, Set, Union from sciencebeam_parser.document.semantic_document import SemanticAuthor from import LayoutModelData from sciencebeam_parser.models.model import ( LabeledLayoutToken, iter_entity_layout_blocks_for_labeled_layout_tokens ) from import NameSemanticExtractor from sciencebeam_parser.models.training_data import ( AbstractTeiTrainingDataGenerator, AbstractTrainingTeiParser, ExtractInstruction, ResetExtractInstruction, get_model_data_label ) LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) # based on: # ROOT_TRAINING_XML_ELEMENT_PATH = [ 'teiHeader', 'fileDesc', 'sourceDesc', 'biblStruct', 'analytic', 'author', 'persName' ] TRAINING_XML_ELEMENT_PATH_BY_LABEL = { '<marker>': ROOT_TRAINING_XML_ELEMENT_PATH + ['marker'], '<title>': ROOT_TRAINING_XML_ELEMENT_PATH + ['roleName'], '<forename>': ROOT_TRAINING_XML_ELEMENT_PATH + ['forename'], '<middlename>': ROOT_TRAINING_XML_ELEMENT_PATH + ['middlename'], '<surname>': ROOT_TRAINING_XML_ELEMENT_PATH + ['surname'], '<suffix>': ROOT_TRAINING_XML_ELEMENT_PATH + ['suffix'] } def iter_model_data_with_reset_instruction_iterable( model_data_or_instruction_iterable: Iterable[Union[LayoutModelData, ExtractInstruction]] ) -> Iterable[Union[LayoutModelData, ExtractInstruction]]: # using extractor to re-use logic to split author names # here we will split on the first token of the extracted semantic content extractor = NameSemanticExtractor() model_data_or_instruction_list = list( model_data_or_instruction_iterable ) entity_tokens = iter_entity_layout_blocks_for_labeled_layout_tokens([ LabeledLayoutToken( label=get_model_data_label(model_data) or '', layout_token=model_data.layout_token ) for model_data in model_data_or_instruction_list if ( isinstance(model_data, LayoutModelData) and model_data.layout_token is not None ) ]) LOGGER.debug('entity_tokens: %r', entity_tokens) reset_token_ids: Set[int] = set() for index, semantic_content in enumerate(extractor.iter_semantic_content_for_entity_blocks( entity_tokens=entity_tokens, name_type=SemanticAuthor )): if index == 0: continue for semantic_token in semantic_content.iter_tokens(): reset_token_ids.add(id(semantic_token)) break for model_data_or_instruction in model_data_or_instruction_list: if isinstance(model_data_or_instruction, LayoutModelData): model_data = model_data_or_instruction if id(model_data.layout_token) in reset_token_ids: yield ResetExtractInstruction( ROOT_TRAINING_XML_ELEMENT_PATH[:-1] ) yield model_data_or_instruction class NameTeiTrainingDataGenerator(AbstractTeiTrainingDataGenerator): DEFAULT_TEI_FILENAME_SUFFIX = '.authors.tei.xml' def __init__(self): super().__init__( root_training_xml_element_path=ROOT_TRAINING_XML_ELEMENT_PATH, training_xml_element_path_by_label=TRAINING_XML_ELEMENT_PATH_BY_LABEL, use_tei_namespace=True, root_tag='TEI', default_tei_filename_suffix=( NameTeiTrainingDataGenerator.DEFAULT_TEI_FILENAME_SUFFIX ), default_data_filename_suffix=None ) def iter_model_data_or_instruction_for_model_data_iterable( self, model_data_iterable: Iterable[LayoutModelData] ) -> Iterable[Union[LayoutModelData, ExtractInstruction]]: parent_model_data_or_instruction_iterable = ( super().iter_model_data_or_instruction_for_model_data_iterable( model_data_iterable ) ) return iter_model_data_with_reset_instruction_iterable( parent_model_data_or_instruction_iterable ) class NameTrainingTeiParser(AbstractTrainingTeiParser): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__( root_training_xml_element_path=ROOT_TRAINING_XML_ELEMENT_PATH[:-1], training_xml_element_path_by_label=( TRAINING_XML_ELEMENT_PATH_BY_LABEL ), use_tei_namespace=True )
from typing import Iterable from import ( ContextAwareLayoutTokenFeatures, ContextAwareLayoutTokenModelDataGenerator, LayoutModelData ) class ReferenceSegmenterDataGenerator(ContextAwareLayoutTokenModelDataGenerator): def iter_model_data_for_context_layout_token_features( self, token_features: ContextAwareLayoutTokenFeatures ) -> Iterable[LayoutModelData]: yield token_features.get_layout_model_data([ token_features.token_text, token_features.get_lower_token_text(), token_features.get_prefix(1), token_features.get_prefix(2), token_features.get_prefix(3), token_features.get_prefix(4), token_features.get_suffix(1), token_features.get_suffix(2), token_features.get_suffix(3), token_features.get_suffix(4), token_features.get_line_status_with_lineend_for_single_token(), token_features.get_alignment_status(), token_features.get_capitalisation_status_using_allcap(), token_features.get_digit_status_using_containsdigits(), token_features.get_str_is_single_char(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_proper_name(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_common_name(), token_features.get_str_is_first_name(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_location_name(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_year(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_month(), token_features.get_dummy_str_is_http(), token_features.get_line_punctuation_profile(), token_features.get_str_line_token_relative_position(), token_features.get_str_line_relative_length(), token_features.get_block_status_with_blockend_for_single_token(), token_features.get_truncated_line_punctuation_profile_length_feature(), token_features.get_dummy_label() ])
import logging from typing import Iterable, Optional, Tuple from sciencebeam_parser.utils.misc import iter_ids from sciencebeam_parser.document.semantic_document import ( SemanticContentWrapper, SemanticHeading, SemanticLabel, SemanticNote, SemanticRawReference, SemanticRawReferenceText ) from sciencebeam_parser.document.layout_document import LayoutBlock from sciencebeam_parser.models.extract import ModelSemanticExtractor LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def is_looks_like_reference(layout_block: LayoutBlock) -> bool: # a quick and dirty check whether this remotely looks like a reference return len(list(layout_block.iter_all_tokens())) > 3 class ReferenceSegmenterSemanticExtractor(ModelSemanticExtractor): def iter_semantic_content_for_entity_blocks( self, entity_tokens: Iterable[Tuple[str, LayoutBlock]], **kwargs ) -> Iterable[SemanticContentWrapper]: entity_tokens = list(entity_tokens) LOGGER.debug('entity_tokens: %s', entity_tokens) ids_iterator = iter(iter_ids('b')) ref: Optional[SemanticRawReference] = None is_first_ref = True for name, layout_block in entity_tokens: if name == '<label>': if not ref: ref = SemanticRawReference(content_id=next(ids_iterator, '?')) ref.add_content(SemanticLabel(layout_block=layout_block)) continue if name == '<reference>': if not ref and is_first_ref and not is_looks_like_reference(layout_block): yield SemanticHeading(layout_block=layout_block) is_first_ref = False continue if not ref: ref = SemanticRawReference(content_id=next(ids_iterator, '?')) ref.add_content(SemanticRawReferenceText(layout_block=layout_block)) yield ref ref = None is_first_ref = False continue yield SemanticNote(layout_block=layout_block, note_type=name) if ref: yield ref
import logging import re from typing import Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Tuple from sciencebeam_parser.document.semantic_document import ( SemanticContentFactoryProtocol, SemanticContentWrapper, SemanticFigureCitation, SemanticHeading, SemanticLabel, SemanticNote, SemanticParagraph, SemanticRawEquation, SemanticRawEquationContent, SemanticRawFigure, SemanticRawTable, SemanticReferenceCitation, SemanticSection, SemanticSectionTypes, SemanticTableCitation, SemanticTitle ) from sciencebeam_parser.document.layout_document import LayoutBlock, LayoutTokensText from sciencebeam_parser.models.extract import SimpleModelSemanticExtractor LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SIMPLE_SEMANTIC_CONTENT_CLASS_BY_TAG: Mapping[str, SemanticContentFactoryProtocol] = { '<figure>': SemanticRawFigure, '<table>': SemanticRawTable } PARAGRAPH_SEMANTIC_CONTENT_CLASS_BY_TAG: Mapping[str, SemanticContentFactoryProtocol] = { '<figure_marker>': SemanticFigureCitation, '<table_marker>': SemanticTableCitation, '<citation_marker>': SemanticReferenceCitation } HEADER_LABEL_REGEX = r'(\d+\.?(?:\d+\.?)*)\s*(\D.*)' def get_section_label_and_title_from_layout_block( layout_block: LayoutBlock ) -> Tuple[Optional[LayoutBlock], LayoutBlock]: if not layout_block: return None, layout_block layout_tokens_text = LayoutTokensText(layout_block) text = str(layout_tokens_text) m = re.match(HEADER_LABEL_REGEX, text, re.IGNORECASE) if not m: return None, layout_block label_end = m.end(1) title_start = m.start(2) LOGGER.debug('label_end: %d, title_start: %d (text: %r)', label_end, title_start, text) section_label_layout_block = LayoutBlock.for_tokens(list( layout_tokens_text.iter_layout_tokens_between(0, label_end) )) section_title_layout_block = LayoutBlock.for_tokens(list( layout_tokens_text.iter_layout_tokens_between(title_start, len(text)) )) return section_label_layout_block, section_title_layout_block class FullTextSemanticExtractor(SimpleModelSemanticExtractor): def __init__(self): super().__init__(semantic_content_class_by_tag=SIMPLE_SEMANTIC_CONTENT_CLASS_BY_TAG) def add_paragraph_content( self, paragraph: SemanticParagraph, name: str, layout_block: LayoutBlock ): semantic_content_class = PARAGRAPH_SEMANTIC_CONTENT_CLASS_BY_TAG.get(name) if semantic_content_class: paragraph.add_content(semantic_content_class(layout_block=layout_block)) return paragraph.add_block_content(layout_block) def get_semantic_heading(self, layout_block: LayoutBlock): section_label_layout_block, section_title_layout_block = ( get_section_label_and_title_from_layout_block(layout_block) ) if section_label_layout_block: return SemanticHeading([ SemanticLabel(layout_block=section_label_layout_block), SemanticTitle(layout_block=section_title_layout_block) ]) return SemanticHeading([ SemanticTitle(layout_block=section_title_layout_block) ]) def get_raw_equation_child_semantic_content( self, name: str, layout_block: LayoutBlock ): if name == '<equation_label>': return SemanticLabel(layout_block=layout_block) if name == '<equation>': return SemanticRawEquationContent(layout_block=layout_block) return self.get_semantic_content_for_entity_name( name, layout_block=layout_block ) def iter_semantic_content_for_entity_blocks( # noqa pylint: disable=arguments-differ, too-many-branches self, entity_tokens: Iterable[Tuple[str, LayoutBlock]], section_type: str = SemanticSectionTypes.OTHER, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[SemanticContentWrapper]: entity_tokens = list(entity_tokens) LOGGER.debug('entity_tokens: %s', entity_tokens) section: Optional[SemanticSection] = None paragraph: Optional[SemanticParagraph] = None raw_equation: Optional[SemanticRawEquation] = None _previous_tag: Optional[str] = None for name, layout_block in entity_tokens: if LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): LOGGER.debug('entity_block: %r, %r', name, layout_block.text) previous_tag = _previous_tag _previous_tag = name if name in {'O'}: LOGGER.debug('ignoring content (%r): %r', name, layout_block) note_type = 'fulltext:other' if name == 'O' else name if section: section.add_note(layout_block, note_type=note_type) else: yield SemanticNote( layout_block=layout_block, note_type=note_type ) continue if name == '<section>': paragraph = None raw_equation = None if section: yield section section = SemanticSection(section_type=section_type) section.add_content(self.get_semantic_heading(layout_block)) continue if not section: section = SemanticSection(section_type=section_type) if name in SIMPLE_SEMANTIC_CONTENT_CLASS_BY_TAG: section.add_content(self.get_semantic_content_for_entity_name( name, layout_block=layout_block )) continue # treat everything else as paragraph content if ( not paragraph or ( name == '<paragraph>' and previous_tag == '<paragraph>' ) ): paragraph = section.add_new_paragraph() if name in {'<equation>', '<equation_label>'}: semantic_content = self.get_raw_equation_child_semantic_content( name, layout_block=layout_block ) if ( isinstance(semantic_content, SemanticRawEquationContent) and raw_equation and raw_equation.has_type(SemanticRawEquationContent) ): LOGGER.debug('already has equation content, start new one') raw_equation = None if not raw_equation: raw_equation = SemanticRawEquation() paragraph.add_content(raw_equation) raw_equation.add_content(semantic_content) continue raw_equation = None self.add_paragraph_content( paragraph, name, layout_block ) if section: yield section
import logging from typing import Iterable, Tuple from sciencebeam_parser.document.layout_document import ( LayoutBlock ) from sciencebeam_parser.document.semantic_document import ( SemanticSection, SemanticSectionTypes ) from sciencebeam_parser.models.fulltext.training_data import ( FullTextTeiTrainingDataGenerator, FullTextTrainingTeiParser ) from sciencebeam_parser.models.model import Model from import ( DocumentFeaturesContext ) from import FullTextDataGenerator from sciencebeam_parser.models.fulltext.extract import FullTextSemanticExtractor LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FullTextModel(Model): def get_data_generator( self, document_features_context: DocumentFeaturesContext ) -> FullTextDataGenerator: return FullTextDataGenerator( document_features_context=document_features_context ) def get_semantic_extractor(self) -> FullTextSemanticExtractor: return FullTextSemanticExtractor() def get_tei_training_data_generator(self) -> FullTextTeiTrainingDataGenerator: return FullTextTeiTrainingDataGenerator() def get_training_tei_parser(self) -> FullTextTrainingTeiParser: return FullTextTrainingTeiParser() def update_section_with_entity_blocks( self, parent_section: SemanticSection, entity_tokens: Iterable[Tuple[str, LayoutBlock]], section_type: str = SemanticSectionTypes.OTHER ): semantic_extractor = self.get_semantic_extractor() for semantic_content in semantic_extractor.iter_semantic_content_for_entity_blocks( entity_tokens=entity_tokens, section_type=section_type ): parent_section.add_content(semantic_content) def get_section_for_entity_blocks( self, entity_tokens: Iterable[Tuple[str, LayoutBlock]] ) -> SemanticSection: parent_section = SemanticSection() self.update_section_with_entity_blocks(parent_section, entity_tokens) return parent_section