Are you still on track to fulfill all your New Year’s Resolutions? If the answer is yes, good for you! You’re one of the lucky ones. And if the answer is no, well, welcome to the club. But in any case, shake it all off because February is here! You know what that means? Spring is right around the corner! And a new chapter can be written in 2019, regardless of what your New Year’s Resolutions are, it’s a brand-new month. While it might still be winter and super cold, you can already picture the fresh flowers, the refreshing smell of a newly mowed lawn, a crunchy salad, and (unfortunately), you’ve also started some of your Spring cleaning. While you’re still daydreaming of Spring, I have the perfect chocolatey dessert to hold you over until warmer days finally come back again – Chocolate Cupcakes are the one and only answer! With moist chocolatey cake and delicious chocolate cream to garnish, this dessert is everything you need right now. If you want to make this dessert even more decadent, you can fill the cupcakes with pleasing chocolate ganache that you only discover once you've taken a bite, YUM! Chocolate ganache is simply melted chocolate mixed with heavy cream; don’t let the name scare you! Each type of chocolate (dark/ milk/ white) has different ratios to keep when making ganache and you can read all about it here. Because I wanted to make these cupcakes parve (nondairy), I used nondairy heavy cream for the chocolate ganache. You can also use coconut cream if you prefer. For the cream on top of the cupcakes, I also used non-dairy heavy cream, if you don't mind or you want the cupcakes to be dairy, just use regular heavy cream. Additionally, I created a post about vegan whipped cream that is made from coconut cream and can also replace non-dairy heavy cream, check it out. In short, if you plan to use coconut cream, you need to be able to whip it to a stiff peak! Be sure to chill the tin of coconut cream for an entire night in the fridge. When whipping the cream, just use the non-liquid parts that float to the top of the tin. It is important to use coconut cream with high fat in it, like 20% or more. You won’t be able to whip lower fat creams. The cupcakes themselves contain shredded coconut that goes perfectly well with the heavenly chocolate flavor and adds more texture to the cake. The shredded coconut makes an excellent fit if you choose to use coconut cream. The last garnish I added to these divine cupcakes is strawberries; not only do they look nice and add color, but they taste delicious! Overall, they enhance the flavor of the chocolate cupcake. You can also garnish with other fruits or omit them – it's your choice. To bake the cupcakes, I used silicon cupcakes cases. You can use paper cases as well, just be sure to place them inside a cupcake tin so the shape of the cupcakes will remain. If you are in the mood for vanilla cupcakes, my blackberry vanilla cupcakes are just what you need! Or if you are on the hunt for other delicious desserts, be sure to explore my recipe index. Heat the oven to 180°C / 350°F with the fan. In a mixing bowl, mix flour, sugar, baking powder, cocoa powder, salt and shredded coconut. Add eggs, oil and water and mix to a unified batter. Pour the batter into the cupcakes cases up to 3/4 height - the cakes will grow in the oven. Make the dark chocolate ganache. With a teaspoon, create small holes in each cupcake center. Fill the holes with the dark chocolate ganache. For the cream: in a mixer bowl, place non-dairy heavy cream, powdered sugar and instant chocolate pudding powder. With a whipping attachment, whip the cream until it has stiff peaks. Transfer the cream to a piping bag with a star nozzle. Have a cupcake and enjoy!
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In its first 2 years, Google made no revenue. Did this indicate it was a bad idea to invest or work there? We spent the summer in Y Combinator, and one of the main things we learned about is how Y Combinator identifies the best startups. What we learned made me worry that many in the effective altruism community are taking the wrong approach to evaluating startup non-profits. There’s two broad approaches to assessing projects – the marginal cost-effectiveness approach and the growth approach. The community today often wrongly applies the marginal approach to fast growing startups. This means we’re supporting the wrong projects and not investing enough in growth. At the end I’ll give some guidelines on how to use the growth approach to evaluate non-profits. Suppose you want to identify the startup that will generate the most (time-discounted) profit. The social impact equivalent is to find the project that will generate the largest long-run social impact per dollar invested. What rules of thumb should you use to identify these projects? The marginal approach: Which project generated the largest profit (social impact minus costs) per dollar invested over the last year? Can we expect these levels of return to hold up at the margin? If so, invest. The growth approach: Does the project have a high growth rate, large total market (address an important problem), good product (have an effective solution to this problem) and great team? The growth approach is how Y Combinator evaluates startups, and this seems clearly the right approach in their case. If you’d only invest in startups that had been profitable over the previous year, you would have missed almost all of the biggest winners e.g. Google didn’t make any revenue at all for the first two years; Amazon still isn’t profitable. And this makes sense – if you have the opportunity to be 100x larger, then you should invest all your spare money in growth rather than run a profit. All the value comes from the scenario where you get really big and that’s all you should focus on. The marginal approach can be applied to companies that are already big and relatively stable, like Coca Cola or a utility company. But it doesn’t make sense to apply to a startup. Here’s the problem. People in the effective altruism community often evaluate startup non-profits using the marginal approach rather than the growth approach. I know I was making this mistake several years ago. What attracted me to working at 80,000 Hours was the high probability of persuading a couple of extra people into high impact careers, and achieving a high short-run leverage ratio. I was vaguely aware the project had high long-term upside – perhaps 10% of all college grads could be users – but didn’t explicitly think much about the possibility of getting really big in ten years time. Over time, however, I realised we should be focusing on the scenario where we get really big. Going through Y Combinator made me more acutely aware of the differences. I think many donors in the community also mostly think in terms of the marginal approach. Responding to demand, this is why many startups in the community put some kind of short-run leverage ratio at the centre of their fundraising: e.g. Giving What We Can reports pledge donations per dollar, and GiveWell reports money moved against costs. Many discussions about which organisation to donate to focus on (i) the robustness of these multipliers (ii) whether similar levels of return can be projected into the future of not. This was notable during recent discussion about whether to donate to Giving What We Can (GWWC), and I’ve noticed it in many other discussions about where to donate. I’ve seen much less little attention given to which projects have the best growth prospects. I guess the community has a bias towards the marginal approach because in the past it has put a lot of focus on supporting evidence-backed global health interventions. These interventions have the character that $1 donated leads to some quantified effects, such as malaria nets being given out and QALYs saved. In this case, it makes sense to apply the marginal approach to evaluating the project. The mistake is to then try to apply the same approach to a tiny organisation that’s growing fast. (And to be clear, I’m not saying everyone is making this mistake – there’s plenty who aren’t, including GiveWell themselves – GiveWell broadly applies the marginal approach to their top recommended charities, but wouldn’t evaluate a startup non-profit using the same criteria, and also originally recommended GiveDirectly partly due to growth potential). These backward looking ratios are not the best guide to future potential. For instance, if you’d looked at GiveWell’s ratios in its first couple of years, then costs exceeded money moved, especially if you included the opportunity cost of staff time. GiveWell wouldn’t have been “cost-effective” by this measure, and so you wouldn’t have donated, which would have been a mistake. A few years later in 2012, GiveWell had about a 1:10 leverage ratio, so you would have thought it was good, though not exceptional. But again that would have been a mistake: GiveWell was about to partner with Good Ventures, a foundation with thousands of times more money than what GiveWell had moved to that point. What problems might this be causing? 1) Radically underinvesting in growth. GWWC claims $8 of donations made per $1 of costs, and over $50 of value of future donations. If GWWC is under pressure not to let this ratio drop over the next year, then the maximum GWWC can spend next year is one eighth of the total amount of money GWWC expects to influence in that year. It seems likely that the optimal amount to spend is much higher than that if you want to have the greatest possible long-run impact. In particular, GWWC has little incentive to make investments that will pay off in more than a year, because this only lowers their short-term ratio and could cause their donors to abandon them. But there probably are good opportunities that will pay off in longer than a year. All of this means we might be investing far less in growing small organisations than we should. (This is particularly true if you also incorrectly assume diminishing returns, which comes naturally with the marginal approach. See this post on why small organisations may have increasing marginal returns). We may also be incorrectly prioritising among organisations with similar ratios, but where one has much more growth potential than another (e.g. some in the community donate to organisations that they believe to have strongly diminishing returns to scale, which the growth approach wouldn’t advise). 2) Starting an overly narrow range of projects. Several of the organisations that have been founded recently seem to be motivated in large part by the possibility of obtaining a provably high cost-effectiveness ratio in the short-term, or providing some immediate value to the community. Charity Science and Raising for Effective Giving are notable examples. These are great projects, of course, and they clearly win over earning to give for the people involved. My worry is that there are whole areas of projects we haven’t even considered that could lead to even higher long-run impact. 3) Not optimising organisations for long-run growth, e.g. by investing in impact evaluation too early. If you’re thinking with the marginal approach, then you’ll want to do a rigorous impact evaluation as soon as possible to prove that you’re (short-run) cost-effective. And many effective altruist organisations do exactly that, sometimes taking evaluation and transparency efforts to extreme levels. Thinking in terms of the growth approach, however, it’s not so obvious this is the right move. Impact evaluation takes up a significant fraction of executive time. When you consider that non-profit executives also have to spend a lot of time fundraising (unlike for-profit counterparts), a focus on early impact evaluation means executives are left with little time to make sure the programs are actually good and you have a good team. Under the growth approach, it may make sense to delay in-depth impact evaluation until you have more resources and capacity. Another example is hiring too early. In the growth approach, you spend the first couple of years exploring different products, with the aim of hitting one that “takes off” achieving exponential growth. New hires however, unless exceptionally able and up to speed, aren’t very good at working out what product to make, so slow you down in this stage. Later on, once you achieve ‘product-market fit’, you want to hire as fast as you can. If you’re thinking with the marginal approach, however, then you should hire whenever it won’t decrease your short-run leverage ratio, which normally means hiring a steady stream of a small number of people. In the very early stage of CEA, I think we hired too many people, especially interns, because we were thinking with the marginal approach. There’s other examples too – for instance if your aim is to make an organisation that’s huge in ten years time, then having a good organisational culture is extremely important, which is another reason to hire more slowly early on than you would with the marginal approach. The combined result of these three mistakes is that we’ll end up with lots of small organisations, but no big wins. And because the most of the impact comes from the big wins (because the distribution of outcomes has a log-normal or power law tail), the community will end up having far less impact than we could have. It’s not obvious the community is making these mistakes, but the comparative lack of focus on the growth approach makes me concerned we are. Why favour the marginal approach? The benefit supporting projects that look good according marginal approach is that you can be confident you’re at least having some impact, whereas it’s harder to make accurate assessments with the growth approach (e.g. it’s easier to be duped into supporting something with zero impact on the promise of long-term benefits). If you’re relatively skeptical, you could argue this is the best we can do. Taken to the extreme, this view can’t be right as it would preclude properly testing new projects. For example, if you had followed this line of argument, you would have never invested in early GiveWell, and that would have been a mistake. A more defensible view is that donors with more limited time should focus on the marginal approach (or just give to GiveWell recommended charities), whereas growth donations to startups should be left to “angel” donors, who have the substantial time and expertise required to make good assessments. So, I don’t think everyone in the community should move to using the growth approach, but I think the balance should move in that direction. How to evaluate projects with the growth approach? Does the project have a replicable approach to solving an important problem? (Is the product good?) E.g. with GWWC the question is ‘do they have a repeatable approach for encouraging more people to take the pledge’? Do they have a method to do this at a much larger scale, such that if done, the value created would be much larger than costs? (Do they have a distribution strategy, and if done at scale, would the cost of customer acquisition be lower than the value of a customer?) E.g. can GWWC acquire many more members at less than the value of a pledge? Note that in the nonprofit sector this can also include options like having your intervention taken over by the government, or implemented by other organisations. If the project solved the problem it’s addressing, how good would it be? (market size and growth rate). E.g. if GWWC’s entire addressable market took the pledge, how much impact would that have? Is the cause the project is addressing neglected and tractable? (competitive advantage and timing) E.g. For GWWC, are there lots of other people trying to promote effective giving relative to the size of the problem? Is the project’s impact growing quickly, and is it plausibly exponential? (growth rate) E.g. For GWWC, what’s the growth rate of people taking the pledge? (Bear in mind assessing the growth rate isn’t appropriate at the earliest stages on the project, before you have product-market fit). Is the team altruistic, smart and determined? Do they have a track record? Do they have the relevant skills and experience? If you want to learn more about the growth approach, check out How to Start a Startup by Y Combinator or the Startup Playbook.
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When Luke and I moved into our house, almost a year ago to the day, one of the things we loved was there was a huge basement with tall ceilings. At the time of move in, the basement was already framed out and had insulation, but there was no sheet rock to make the space usable. Over the past year, we've just used it as storage. I'll be honest, when my friend came over to take measurements to help us with the project, I was mortified at how the basement looked haha! For a year, we had just been setting stuff down there, with no rhyme or reason. Because we were using a friend to do the project, he could start right away, so that meant we had to get to work on organizing. The funny thing about having such a huge storage space is you set stuff down there because you can, but we ended up getting rid of about 75-80% of stuff once we were going through it. We organized what we did keep into specific plastic bins - Christmas decor, old photos, misc. decor items, etc. We did have to keep everything upstairs while they were down there working, so our house was turned upside down - happy to report that two weeks later, everything has been moved back downstairs! During the sheet rocking phase, we had to make some decisions about what to do to cover the exposed plumbing pipes. Ideally, they would have been built or tucked into the ceiling. But ours seemed to run in a small S shape near the corner of the room. Also, our electric box and water heater did not share the same wall. That created this "L" shape that we weren't really too sure what to do with. From a decor stand point, I did not want any of those 3 things to be visible, but they needed to be accessible. After looking at a few different options, we decided our best bet would be to add a wall that boxed in these three components. This seemed to be the best option for two reasons, 1: it covered everything that we didn't want to be visible and 2: it gave us a pretty spacious storage room to use while also still allowing us to utilize a lot of space for entertaining. I'm actually really happy that we ended up making this decision, because now we can place our grill (during the winter months), the plastic bins mentioned above, suitcases, Christmas tree, etc. into this room without all of that being visible to guests. We added a door so it's easily accessible, but we do plan to switch this out for a sliding barn door if the measurements work later. They were able to get the entire room sheet rocked in a week and also frame out the existing poles and beams with wood!
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Here are just a few reasons why living in Kentucky is so great. 1. The effortlessly nice people. When you come to visit Kentucky, you should expect a lot of hello's from strangers, restaurant worker's asking how your day is, and random people striking up a conversation with you. The moment you cross state borders into the Bluegrass, you will meet some of the kindest, most genuine, and loving people you could ever come across. 2. The locally grown food, the fast food, and just the overwhelming amount of great restaurants. I know it's hard to believe, but we actually do have other restaurants besides KFC. The unique thing about Kentucky is that a lot of restaurants here only have locally grown food on their menus -- which makes for an outstanding, fresh meal possibly sent from Heaven. 3. Not only great local restaurants, but also the addicting local coffee. I am deeming it impossible to come to Kentucky without falling in love with at least one, if not all, of the local coffee shops placed around the state. Especially in big cities like Louisville and Lexington, you'll find these unique, hole in the wall, yet amazing coffee shops that you'll want to come back to. It's hotter than ever in the summer, the leaves change in the fall, it gets beyond freezing with beautiful snowfalls in the winter, and everything fully blossoms in the spring. Even though the weather is super unpredictable and each season can happen within a week, nothing beats experiencing them all every year. 5. We even have a extra, fifth season called Derby Season. The only places in the United States where we party for two weeks, get out of school, and dress up nice and fancy all for just one horse race. I think all Kentuckians would agree in saying that this is all our favorite season. 6. The up and coming live music scene. Everything from rock to country to bluegrass to indie alternative, you'll find every genre of live music here. You can catch everything from local artists to big headliners constantly throughout the year. 7. Want to get away for the weekend? Big cities and beautiful geographical features are just a short road trip away. Nashville, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, The Great Smoky Mountains and many other famous cities and national parks are all just short, reasonable drives away. Places like like Mammoth Cave, Cumberland Falls, and the Ohio River Falls are all perfect weekend getaway spots. 8. The one and only, Red River Gorge. Kentucky's most unique and beautiful geographical feature. Spending a weekend here you can rock climb, hike, kayak, and camp. It's the perfect place to get a great workout and escape reality. 9. All of the local events that are constantly happening. Farmer's Markets, the Forecastle Festival, Food Truck Friday's and Waterfront Wednesday's. Any city in Kentucky that you live in, there is bound to be unique and fun events on the schedule. 10. The intense college sports rivalry. 11. The bourbon, of course. Actually, 95 percent of our world's bourbon is supplied from Kentucky. All Kentuckians love their state, but love their bourbon even more. 12. The southern comfort and the sweet tea. Though we are geographically one of the most northern, southern states, there is still a great sense of southern comfort down here. Smiles, home cooking, the SEC, and plenty of sweet tea. 13. The state pride that comes with being a Kentuckian. There is no greater state pride than us Kentuckians have. If you live here, you're surely proud of it. United we stand, divided we fall.
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Do you know what season it is? With cool, rainy weather and falling leaves already making appearances throughout much of the U.S., it looks like autumn is getting an early start. Not that we’re complaining. Who doesn’t love fall with its vibrant colors, warm sweaters, crisp air—and yes, even its spiced lattes. It’s a sensory wonderland out there, which is also why it’s a powerful season for advertisers, marketers, and creatives who know how to tap into it. Looking to channel a little of this magic yourself? Here are a few tips for using fall leaves vectors to transform your creative and grab attention. Visual cues that evoke warmth or nostalgia—such as sweaters, warm drinks, and changing leaves—can create powerful and authentic emotional connections between audiences and your brand or product. At the same time, autumn hues like red, yellow, and orange are commanding and inspiring. Don’t believe us? Our Beginner’s Guide to Color Theory explains how color choice impacts viewer perception. Or simply think about how the colors and tones of this fall vector pattern from our library evokes positive emotions like happiness and warmth. These essential cues are just what you need to if you’re looking to tap into the creative advertising magic of the season. Not certain quite how to do that? We’ve put together a few simple but impactful examples of how fall graphics can elevate your brand and marketing creative. Sometimes subtle just won’t do, and fall is one of those times—after all, Mother Nature doesn’t hide her colors, so why should your designs? Let your visuals speak for themselves and don’t be afraid to go big. Add them to business cards, branded swag, websites, or print advertising like this patterned leaf vector. Even the most practical marketers understand that fall is an emotional and nostalgic time of year—perhaps it’s the way back-to-school season brings up childhood memories, or perhaps it’s the nearness of traditional family holidays. Whatever the reason, autumn is the perfect season for nostalgic creative like this brightly labeled craft paper. Whether you’re marketing yourself or your newest product, fall designs and colors add personality and friendliness to your branding while inspiring feel-good vibes. We’ve used one of our favorite golden vector frames to add subtle, warm accents to this bottle label. Fall is all about texture and the tactile senses—just think of soft sweaters, warm drinks, crunchy leaves, and the many, many other organic patterns of the season. Great marketing capitalizes on this, drawing on comforting natural textures like this seamless leaf pattern to evoke a mellowed, comforting tone that resonates with audiences and customers. So how about it, are you ready for fall? Better yet, are you ready to capture your own fall design magic? Grab yourself your favorite spiced latte and download each of these vector files from our new Fall Graphics collection—or discover more autumn inspired images in our library.
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(NaturalHealth365) If you have ever doubted the power of the pharmaceutical industry to silence those who dare to question vaccine safety, the latest example of squelching the truth should change your mind. “Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe,” a film exposing how a trusted government agency covered up data linking autism with the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, was recently pulled from the lineup of the upcoming Tribeca Film Festival amid backlash fueled by the deep pockets of Big Pharma. As recently as a few days ago, De Niro had publicly discussed his personal interest in the film, noting that he and his wife, Grace, have a child with autism and he hoped the film would serve as an important platform to assure vaccines are as safe as possible. “We believe it is critical that all of the issues surrounding autism be openly discussed and examined,” he is quoted as saying to ABC News. But apparently even stating that he was pro-vaccine, despite his interest in the film as a discussion-generator, was apparently not enough to satisfy the powerful pharmaceutical PR machine and all those quaking in its wake, fearful of ruined careers and reputations. A public platform and freedom of speech is simply too risky for what has been uncovered as a corrupt, out-of-control industry and those government officials, healthcare providers and scientists willing to fall into lock step with it. De Niro was reportedly told that the documentary was so dangerous, it should never see light of day. The pro-vaccine crowd, backed by powerful vaccine makers, is so adamant that there be no public discussion surrounding the issue, they claim any question over vaccine safety has been settled by “scientific evidence.” Yet, they successfully sought to block scientific evidence that contradicts the message they want the public to see. In the end, Del Bigtree, producer of the film, and Andrew Wakefield, the film’s director, were forced to issue a statement Monday that the festival’s decision to include the film had been reversed. The film’s producer and director went on to reassure the public that they were unwilling to throw in the towel because of the festival’s decision, vowing the world will not be denied the truth. They promised to share plans for the film’s future and expressed their gratitude to the thousands of people who have already mobilized behind the film, including physicians, scientists, educators and the autistic community. Producer Bigtree was interviewed at length by an ABC reporter about the film, yet little of his actual interview made the cut. In fact, the manipulated disgraceful piece aired – with a strong emphasis on the pro-vaccination viewpoint – left viewers completely in the dark about the real vaccine corruption taking place within the CDC over the MMR vaccine and its true danger to children. Bigtree’s hopes that the film would serve as a wake-up call and as a platform for discussion about making vaccines safer for future children did not make it into the story. Ironically, in the original interview, Bigtree had expressed his shock at the number of physicians telling him they knew that vaccines caused autism, but they feared having their careers and reputations ruined by the pharmaceutical industry if they stated so publicly. The film, seeking to expose this censorship, was instead censored itself. De Niro’s defense of the film Friday occurred following an hour-long conversation with Congressman Bill Posey, the official who interacted closely with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Whistleblower William Thompson. It was Congressman Posey who had pleaded with his colleagues in the House for a Congressional investigation after he laid bare the evidence of a CDC cover up. The evidence included a statement by Thompson admitting he joined with co-authors of the 2004 pediatrics study designed to provide the final word on whether there was a link between autism and the MMR vaccine. The Congressman revealed that Thompson, willing to join other high-ranking CDC executives in destroying valuable data linking autism to the vaccine, was still fearful the action was illegal and therefore kept hard copies of the documents, which showed the data put into the final report was altered and incomplete. Given the rank of those involved, this revelation calls into question all reassurances of vaccine safety by the CDC. Despite all the evidence showing blatant wrongdoing on behalf of an agency entrusted with the safety and health of the nation’s children, states like California continue to mandate the MMR vaccine, forcing parents to expose their children to the dangers of the vaccine. Studies like the one out of Wake Forest, North Carolina, showing 70 out of 82 autistic children tested positive for the vaccine strain of measles continue to be ignored by the U.S. government and many public officials worldwide. It was the General Medical Council in Britain that discredited Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s research showing a link between the MMR vaccine, chronic bowel disease and autism – a finding Wakefield showed was backed by other research as well. Many drug cartel-paid researchers worked to discredit Wakefield as well. While Wakefield’s studies and others who dare to speak up have been discredited and characterized as “quackery,” vaccine manufacturer Merck’s own package insert for their MMR vaccine admits that encephalitis is a potential side effect. Autism regression and encephaloymyelitis are both terms used to describe chronic brain dysfunction. Parents have been left without the information they should be receiving regarding risks of the MMR vaccine in order to make an informed decision. Those parent who are educated about the dangers then face immense challenges from public officials for deciding not to vaccine their children. Actors like De Niro don’t suddenly stop speaking out because they have been convinced their views were wrong. They stop speaking out because they are threatened with being blacklisted from future movies. Physicians and other trusted healthcare providers are threatened with loss of careers and livelihood. The U.S. government continues to pay families making claims through the Vaccine Injury Compensation fund, yet refuses to admit any question of safety. Like the GMO industry, the vaccine movement consists of ongoing, well-funded censorship, oppression, intimidation and discrediting tactics. While the pharmaceutical industry continues to pull the puppet strings, babies and children are left entangled in a dangerous, life-threatening situation.
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I'm not afraid to admit it. Just about everyone at Serious Eats has a mad crush on Nora Ephron. And why not? She's written and/or directed some of our favorite movies, from the recently released Julie & Julia to You've Got Mail, Sleepless in Seattle, and When Harry Met Sally. Before she started making movies she was (and in fact still is) a funny, knowing, and exceedingly graceful essayist and novelist whose passion for food rivals ours. Last year I wrote about being an extra in Julie & Julia. To promote the film, Nora attended various food events this year. When Erin and I caught her wandering around the James Beard Awards in May, making the rounds at tasting tables with Ariel Levy, who wrote the recent New Yorker profile on Nora, biscuits eventually came up in conversation. Nora and her assistant J.J. Sacha modeling the biscuits. I told her I couldn't wait to see the back of my head in the film—which is all that made the final cut. Nora smiled that 5,000-watt smile of hers and said, sotto voce, "You're incredible in the movie. Everyone is talking about it." Of course now that the movie is out, nary a serious eater has so much as noticed my star turn. But Erin and I couldn't stop laughing at Nora's quip, after which our conversation took a more serious, purposeful turn toward a subject near and dear to all of our hearts: biscuits and dinner rolls. A very academic biscuit dialogue. Nora asked, "Did you see that article in the New York Times about frozen packaged biscuits and yeast rolls. They sounded fantastic. Are they any good? Have you tried them?" I remembered the piece from April (by my friend John T. Edge), and man, it made those biscuits and rolls sound like they were worth trying. From left: Sister Schubert's, Callie's, and Marshall's. This was a very serious biscuit tasting. No.2 pencils only. Sister Schubert's biscuits were more crumbly than flaky, but they were light and slightly crisp on the outside, tender on the inside. Pleasantly salty, they also offered a nice butter representation. We all agreed: we would happily eat SS's biscuits any time. We were especially partial to Sister Schubert's Parker House Style Rolls (man, those were seriously tasty), as well as her moist and slightly-too-sweet cinnamon rolls. Important caveat: Do not make the mistake of ordering the pre-baked versions of any of the above. They aren't worth the calories or shipping costs. Callie's biscuits were the clear-cut winner, which is only right considering they cost a lot more than the others (about $10 at the Soho Dean & Deluca, where they're shipped in from South Carolina every week). Buttery, flaky, and tender, they were almost everything you'd want a biscuit to be. Plus, reading Callie's ingredient list revealed a special ingredient: cream cheese. We thought we picked up on a cheesy hint, and were pleased to find this recipe for them in the Washington Post. Dense and not very flaky, the Marshall's biscuits were disappointing on almost every level. The crispy-to-soft ratio was off, and there was only a vague trace of butter. Nora and J.J. liked them well enough, but I think they were just being polite. She was right, of course. They were a little too sweet, but they were pretty swell, nonetheless. I guess we're tasting cupcakes next.
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Asking Questions - is that not the best way to intellectually and morally survive in this world? Only as long as we do not have to answer them though. Here is my question of the day: What would make one warthog think it is better than the next warthog? A: being the most-warthog-like warthog there is. the purest expression of warthogism. that's what makes one warthog think he's better than the next.
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District centers are mixed-use, high-density core areas served by public transit. Densities in transit-oriented districts are normally greatest in the district center – the 400-meter (¼ mile) radius surrounding a transit station. At least 40% of a mixed-use district center has ground floor retail, restaurant, commercial and/or personal services. Note: ha = hectare, ac = acre.
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Burton Latimer Medical Centre will now be increasing the number of appointments available to our patients to book an NHS Health Check. Appointments will be available every Monday and Wednesday morning throughout July. A certain number of patients will be shortly receiving a letter asking them to come in for a NHS Health Check. If you are not invited in but you would like to still receive a free NHS Health Check please book an appointment on 01536 723566. As we get older, we have higher risks of developing one of these conditions. An NHS Health Check finds ways to lower the risks. We aim to invite every adult that fits the criteria over the next five years. The invites from us we will be sent via text or letter. If you would like an NHS Health Check but haven't been invited then don't worry, you can still ring in and book an appointment on 01536 723566.
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The thick black curls that helped make Michael Keaton look so manic in all those 1980s comedies, and which he then tore at as a tormented Bruce Wayne in Tim Burton’s Batman movies, are long gone; but the satyr-like eyes are unchanged. As he walks into a London hotel room on a grey Saturday morning, holding a cup of coffee, he looks strikingly different from the man I have spent four decades watching on screen: he has the trim, spry build of a wiry woodsman rather than a 66-year-old actor, thanks to half a lifetime spent in rural Montana, fishing and hunting. His walk is reminiscent of a rooster’s strut, with his chest puffed out and a bounce on his toes; that swagger we saw in 2014’s Birdman, for which Keaton won a Golden Globe as the eponymous former superhero actor, was not a put on, it turns out. “Hadley, huh? My niece is called Hadley,” he says, shaking my hand, and embarks on a winding digression about Ernest Hemingway, whose first wife was called Hadley, and various Hemingway descendants whom Keaton has met over the years, and do I know them (I do not), and how I really ought to meet them. So was his niece named after Hadley Hemingway, I manage to ask. “Huh? Oh no, I just think her mom liked the name,” he says, and he’s off again, talking about everything from whether or not he’s a liberal (he is, mostly) to why climate change shouldn’t be politicised. Keaton is not a straight Q&A kind of guy; his approach to conversation is a little like his eyebrows, looping in memorable and unexpected directions. He surprises me today by arriving with a big grin, which is unexpected in a man who has never made any secret of his dislike of interviews: you don’t move to the middle of Montana at the peak of your celebrity if you enjoy being the centre of attention. But he is clearly having a ball on this, the second wave of his career. Since Birdman, he has played the editor of the Boston Globe’s investigative journalism team in the 2015 ensemble movie Spotlight, which won a Best Picture Oscar; and he was a curveball choice as Ray Kroc, the man who turned McDonald’s into a franchise, in 2016’s too-little-seen The Founder. “It’s all fun, man,” Keaton says, “and at a point when you don’t have anything to prove? Yeah. We’re all here for a millisecond, so how bad can this be?” he says, his drawn-out vowels (“maaan”, “baaad”) revealing his Pittsburgh origins. This month, he plays a CIA special ops trainer, Stan Hurley, in the Bourne-esque American Assassin. Hurley is training up a new damaged-but-brilliant recruit (Dylan O’Brien), who wants to kill Middle Eastern terrorists after they killed his girlfriend. Keaton’s crazy eyebrows are put to good use as the on-the-edge mentor, but it is a somewhat baffling choice for him: the movie is undeniably generic for an actor who has always eschewed straightforward genre. But maybe this is just another of Keaton’s surprises? After becoming known for his hyper-comedic performances in the early 80s, Keaton switched to dramatic roles – first as a recovering drug addict in Clean And Sober (a flop) and then as Batman (one of the biggest box office hits of its day). In the space of five years, he went from total unknown to household name. He also got married, to actor Caroline McWilliams, and had a son, Sean. Can he even remember any of that presumably pretty overwhelming decade? “Not really, no, and that’s a good way of putting it: married, house, kid right away, career, a lot of attention, which is not something I’m crazy about. I don’t hate it, but it’s never my first choice. It was mostly good,” he says. He and McWilliams divorced in 1990. Keaton’s Batman completely changed the way superheroes were portrayed in Hollywood movies, coining the reluctant, self-loathing alter ego that is still de rigueur 30 years later (Christian Bale’s Batman, Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man, almost all of the X-Men). But he was a controversial choice and fans bombarded the Warner Bros studio with furious letters, insisting Keaton was too weird and weedy, not understanding that this was exactly why Burton cast him: “He’s got all that wild energy in his eyes, which would compel him to put on a bat-suit... He does it because he needs to, because he’s not this gigantic strapping macho man,” Burton later said. I interviewed Burton a few years ago and, meeting Keaton, it is obvious why the two men feel such an affinity (they are currently working together again, on Burton’s live-action remake of Dumbo). Although Keaton isn’t as outwardly eccentric, he has a similar tendency towards unmediated stream-of-consciousness responses, and blunt plain-speaking – both the opposite of slick Hollywood schmooze. It must have been particularly hard for them, facing so much scrutiny during Batman, but Keaton insists he wasn’t aware of it – or not until he happened to pick up the business section of a newspaper and saw a cartoon of his face in an article suggesting that he, personally, would damage Warner Bros’ stock. “I truly didn’t understand why people cared one way or another, and I can’t believe people still care. I just thought, ‘I know what I’m doing, and I could be wrong, but in terms of what Tim and I discussed for the movie, I knew we were right on,’” he says now. And they were: Burton’s first Batman film remains one of the most interesting big-budget movies ever made, with Keaton’s psychologically subtle performance a major part of that. But unlike Riggan, the Birdman character who becomes obsessed by his superhero alter ego, Keaton walked away, refusing to make Batman 3 when Burton wasn’t rehired as director. Was he also just sick of the bat-suit by then? Joel Schumacher’s two Batman movies were notoriously terrible, starring first Val Kilmer and then George Clooney. A few years later, Keaton had a cameo as a detective in Steven Soderbergh’s Out Of Sight with Clooney. Did they swap bat tales? After Batman, Keaton took a series of notably unstarry roles – a tenant from hell opposite Melanie Griffith and Matthew Modine in Pacific Heights, a hammy Dogberry in Kenneth Branagh’s Much Ado About Nothing. There was a run of comedies, including Harold Ramis’ Multiplicity, in which he played a man who clones himself, that were smart and funny, but never going to set the world on fire. Was he deliberately trying to get out of the shadow of the bat signal, or did he just like the scripts? So he would never do anything just for the money? After Out Of Sight, he pretty much disappeared for next 16 years. What happened? What does he mean by changing things internally? Dealing with the mental side of things? He spent those years hanging out in Montana, hunting with neighbours and walking in the woods. His family visited him, and there have been girlfriends (he is in a relationship now, but it’s the one subject he refuses to discuss), but in the main he was on his own. It’s the life, he says, that he dreamed of as a little boy. No, Kirk changed it from Danielovitch, I say. Keaton was the youngest of seven children in a working-class family, and they never went to the cinema because it was too expensive to buy tickets for all the kids. But he loved to watch old movies on TV, especially ones starring James Cagney and John Garfield. Was he drawn to acting because he was used to having an audience of siblings? This gets him thinking about his son, Sean, now 34, when he was a boy. “He was just a really social little guy, so thoughtful and sensitive and practical, and always hanging out with friends, whereas I wanted to be on my own playing in the woods,” he says, his voice softening. Presumably that’s because he had to fight for space, whereas Sean was an only child and happy to fill the house with friends? “Yeah, probably. He was always hanging out in groups and going to someone’s house, I remember that,” he says. After he and Sean’s mother divorced, Keaton moved to Montana. He dated Courteney Cox, and Michelle Pfeiffer, but never married again. I ask if it was strange having an only child when he grew up in such a big family. “Not strange, exactly. I wished I’d had more, but then Sean told me he liked being an only child,” he smiles. Sean Douglas is now a Grammy award-nominated songwriter who has worked with Madonna and Demi Lovato, and who is routinely referred to as “Michael Keaton’s hot son”. The two are often each other’s dates to award ceremonies: Sean came to the Golden Globes when his dad won for Birdman, and Keaton tearfully thanked him, calling him his “best friend”. When Keaton was last year added to the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Sean gave the speech: “I’ve seen everything from Batman to bath time when I was a young kid. I’m so proud to be your son. You’re my hero, my best friend and I love you so much.” Keaton, standing behind his son and moving excitedly from side to side, pinked with delight. Initially, Keaton thought about going into comedy rather than acting, and you can still find some of his very funny standup routines online. The most striking thing about them is how little he has changed: on stage, he comes across as a nervy, neurotic fast-talker given to flights of surrealism. In one routine, he talks about how just a look from a stranger on the streets of New York can send him into therapy; in another, he imagines what it would be like if the cartoon strips that used to come with gum packets explored philosophical concepts. “My mom’s side of the family and my brothers and sisters are really funny – that’s the Irish Catholic side. My father’s side, the Scottish Protestant side? Not so much,” he says.
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Time on site can be a misleading metric – very often taken out of context. Unfortunately the metric on its own has little value. It depends where the 3:41 was spent. If they spent it on the page that you want them to get to, then that’s probably a good indication that they are at least reading the content. If they spent it on the homepage and went nowhere else, then it’s not such a good time…it’s a long time on the wrong content. So, you have to look at time in conjunction with many other metrics. Instead of looking at time on site, look at time on page. How much time is spent on each page, through to your target page for the user journey. Ideally, only a few seconds should be needed on each page prior to the destination. This is generally facilitated through good navigation or calls to action links. Remember, home pages are really just waypointing devices these days. You don’t want users to dwell on the homepage – if they are, you should consider changing it becuase it probably means they can’t find the thing it is they are looking for. Then you’ll need to consider page bounce rate. Home pages naturally have fairly high bounce rates – somewhere in the region of 60% is not unusual. But inner pages should have a lot lower bounce rates. I prefer to use the first method when I want to see how well the page is performing at driving the traffic on to a new page, as the latter only considers when a page is an entry page (first page seen in the site). These two metrics will provide more insight to the question than Time on Site will. Then it really depends on what the content is. If the goal is to have them complete a form of some type, then you’ll want to look at conversions and a funnel of the steps. You should also consider looking at form field abandonment. If the content is interactive, that will naturally boost time on page results. So, unfortunately, the answer to the question is “it depends”… But you certainly can’t use that metric in isolation of others to determine whether it was a good time or long time. And you can’t use that to try to benchmark yourself against other sites. The content, user journey, engagement and interactions are all very different. It would be better to say “Ok, they’re here for an average of 3:41 this time. In the future, how can I improve on that. Where else should I be sending them?”. Then review you navigation and cross-promotions for other areas of the site to try to engage them further. Use it as an internal benchmark and improve on it. You can then measure path length. How many go on to do other things? Where do they go when from this page? Do they leave the site? Was this an expected exit point? So, definitely a tricky one to answer.
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Last night, sophomore forward Breanna Stewart led her UConn Huskies to their second-straight NCAA title and ninth overall. Her stat line offered a little of everything: 21 points, nine rebounds, four assists, two blocks. "The first Durantesque player in the women's game," her coach, Geno Auriemma, called her last month in Emma Carmichael's Sports Illustrated cover story, suggesting a sport on the verge of an overdue evolutionary leap. If you want a good idea of what kind of player Breanna Stewart is, look no further than Carmichael's profile. As she puts it, women's basketball has never really seen a player like Stewart: one who's big and strong enough to bang away in the paint, but also skilled and coordinated enough to hit shots from long range while creating for herself and others off the dribble. One reason is that women's basketball, a coach's sport if there ever was one, has clung to certain positional archetypes at all levels of the game. If you're a tall girl, you're steered toward the frontcourt; if you're short, you're put in the backcourt. Talent is developed to fit these pre-existing roles, and the result is a less liberated version of what the game could be, something the men's version has spent the past decade slowly figuring out (the FreeDarko crew used to call this era the "Positional Revolution"). Ideally, prototypes beget more of the same. Imagine three or four Stewarts in the college game next year — and in the WNBA a few years down the road — and you can imagine the sport changing on a fundamental level. (To begin: Someone in the country would be able to stop Stewart.) Auriemma believes that players overseas are a step ahead in this regard. "In Europe they don't just throw you in the post," he says. "They work really hard at making you a basketball player instead of just a low post player. Stewie can take that to another level, where, yeah, I'm 6' 4", but I play like a guard." Stateside, he just doesn't see enough players taking it to the same extreme — doing the daily mile-long dribbling routine, for example: "Do enough people do that around the country? I don't think so." But Stewart wanted to, and that represents a shift, albeit a small one. If players such as Delle Donne and Jackson laid the foundation for Stewart's game, she is now taking it to a new extreme. Dailey has already seen a change in the high school ranks: "From a recruiting standpoint there are no big kids who want to be in the lane. Everybody thinks they want to shoot threes. In the future it's probably gonna be more remarkable that somebody like Stefanie can dominate inside the way she does." Hypothesis: It's a sign of the sport's health when the best players on the floor are also the most versatile players on the floor. It suggests that the developmental system isn't stuffing talent into narrow pipes, and it suggests that coaches are willing to experiment, defy prevailing orthodoxies, and let players be their best selves instead of fitting them into rigid systems. Stewart is doing for women's basketball what John Havlicek, Julius Erving, and Socttie Pippen did for the men's game: she's creating new possibilities. With any luck, the future will see the rise a lot more players like Breanna Stewart.
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Aromatherapy Diffusers - Which Sort Should You Buy? Aromatherapy Diffusers – Which Sort Should You Buy? For years and years I loved my ceramic aromatherapy diffuser. It provided a lovely aroma and a real sense of atmosphere in my room! It seemed to me that these new diffusers were cold and clinical compared to the traditional ones. That’s why I avoided the new electric essential oil diffusers when they first started coming out on the market. I have a good friend who uses essential oils in her business and she told me that she had started using the new electric diffusers. I told her of my own skepticism and she explained the benefits to me. For starters, there’s no mess and no soot, and you don’t need a constant supply of good quality tea light candles either. Well, that was quite obvious. However, I still considered electric diffusers somehow inferior. Determined to convince me, my friend gave me an overnight loan of hers. Well, I was prepared to try it out, at least for a night! After an evening’s use of my friend’s diffuser I returned it, my opinion on these new-fangled diffusers starting to change. Nevertheless, I went back to using my old ceramic diffuser. Also visit our top article here for more information here. I used it for another few days until I ran out of tea light candles again (at the end of a very stressful day) and that’s when I decided to go and buy my own electric essential oil diffuser. However, somewhere along the way I changed my mind. Firstly, one thing I hated with my ceramic diffuser was that I was going through tea light candles at a rapid rate. I decided to purchase some of the cheaper tea light candles as a result, but they didn’t last as long and they left a great deal of soot on the underside of the diffuser bowl. If you need to know more you should also visit this link:http://www.independent.co.uk/extras/indybest/house-garden/home-fragrances/best-aromatherapy-diffusers-vapour-based-aroma-uk-a7452416.html here. To me, this soot indicated the candles were no good. The last thing you want with aromatherapy is to pollute the air with soot and goodness knows what other pollutants. For this reason, I chose the more expensive tea light candles, but wasn’t too impressed with the price! One thing I immediately noticed when I tried it: I used less essential oil. This was a big plus! Also, it had the benefit of “set and forget”. I no longer had to constantly check the level of water to ensure I had enough (there’s nothing worse than burning your diffuser dry). I also found that the aroma produced by the oils seemed to penetrate the air better, despite using less oil. So, I did a bit of research. It turns out that the electric diffusers are somehow able to produce micro particles of the essential oils, which allows them to disperse even better. Occasionally, I still use my old ceramic diffuser, I think more from nostalgia than anything else. However, most of the time it sits on my mantelpiece looking decorative rather than functional! There are lots of aromatherapy diffusers that are scattered in different types of market in any places. All are good, but choose what will best fits to your budget and needs.
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75% of the Caudabe Veil reviews are good or excellent! A lot of users love its Micro-etched matte texture that provides better grip. Many reviewers love its thin profile and does not get scratched or fingerprints. Many users said it fits perfectly and looks fantastic. Some reviewers love how it adds a nice translucent cover to the back of the phone. A lot of users thought it's the perfect minimalist case which helps retain the phones slim modern look. Some reviewers love how the camera cut out covers the lens so it has lay-over the table protection when they place the phone camera facing down. Others said it has surprisingly good grip for a non-silicone case. Some find it amazingly durable given how light it is. A lot of users agree that it's extremely well built and fits iPhone 7 perfectly. Some users said they love that it's thin but not flimsy and provides ample scratch protection. One user said it fits like a glove and adds some grip to the phone. Some users said it does not provide good grip. Others thought it has extremely minimal protection. The Caudabe Veil ranks #1 compared with the other Caudabe bags. The Caudabe Veil ranks #2658 compared with all the bags we have checked. Bag ID 41130. Images from Amazon Product Advertising API and shop datafeeds.
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0159.json.gz" }
Given our military background, every asbestos removal is treated with care and precision. Information and understanding of all people involved is vital both before and during the project. Before starting your project, we thoroughly brief you on the process we will undertake. We help you understand exactly what will happen, when it will happen and how it will happen. We will give you detailed instructions on how we will maintain the safety of you, your family and your home during the removal process. You will also be provided with a notification letter to deliver to your neighbours to ensure that they are aware of the works being done. We ensure that we minimise the risk of asbestos contamination into areas outside the removal zone through sealing off the area and implementing air control systems. We implement procedures to ensure our plastic lined and approved disposal bins are kept as close to the removal zone as possible, to minimise potential risks carrying from asbestos through your yard. We create clean zones within the removal space, where we place our uncontaminated tools and safety equipment. We never exit the removal space (even to go to the loo or grab lunch) without undertaking thorough personal decontamination to reduce the risk of stray fibres entering your house. We install air monitoring for all jobs (big and small) to ensure that areas across your property remain fibre free and safe. While this is not a legal requirement and not done by most other companies, we believe in providing total peace of mind. We commence removal by removing all skirting boards, architraves and cornices to provide access to the walls and other areas. Unlike standard demolition projects, the priority is the removal of asbestos sheeting whole wherever possible to reduce the risk of loose fibres. Using a fine glue/water blend, all surfaces are continually misted during removal to further reduce fibre release. Once removed, the materials are wrapped and sealed in plastic, with the outside of the plastic further misted with a glue blend to trap any fibres. They are then taken to your disposal bin. Your bins are then removed in compliance with legislative requirements, by specialists in the transport of asbestos to approved asbestos disposal facilities. At the end of each removal, we arrange for an independent assessor to inspect the area to ensure that your home has been thoroughly cleared, and to provide a certificate of clearance. Once clearance has been given, we apply a final sealant across the area to permanently seal and render safe any remaining fibres. At the end of the process, we carefully and systematically bag and remove our equipment and tools, before undertaking one final thorough clean. Your area is then returned to you in a state ready for the next trade to commence work.
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It’s more than just clothes. I’ve spent all my life defending fashion to people who call it frivolous or superficial. Sure, there are aspects of the fashion industry that need to be improved, such as the extensive use of fur, but writing it off as silly or irrelevant is unjustified. While most of the time there really is no point trying to convince fashion-haters that my interest in the fashion industry actually involves more than going shopping, I like to bring up haute couture in an attempt to make people understand a dress can be just as much a piece of art as a painting or a sculpture. Haute Couture fashion is not made for the masses. Each piece is unique, often involving hundreds of hours of work to be handcrafted, and can therefore only be bought by one – very wealthy – person, which is why haute couture fashion week is more like an art exhibition than a fashion event. 1. This Dolce & Gabbana nod to Italian baroque. 2. This hypnotic Iris Van Herpen dress. 3. This purple Giambattista Valli dream. 4. This incredible Chanel embroidery. 5. This laser-cut Giles Deacon gown. 6. This red explosion at Maison Valentino. 7. This stunning detailing at Elie Saab. 8. This ethereal draping at Atelier Versace. 9. This candy hued creation of Viktor and Rolf.
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Mary, known as the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Mary, Mary Mother of God and the Virgin Mary, is the greatest of all saints. The Virgin Mother “was, after her Son, exalted by divine grace above all angels and men.” St. Paul wrote that “God sent His Son, born of a woman,” to bring about the union of the human and the divine in Christ. As Christ possesses two natures, human and divine, Mary was the Mother of God in his human nature. This special role of Mary in salvation history is shown in the Gospel as she is seen constantly at her son’s side during his ministry on earth. Because of this role, shown by her “Yes” to Christ into her womb; her offering of him to God at the Temple; her urging him to perform his first miracle; and her standing at the foot of the Cross at Calvary, Mary was joined fully in the sacrifice by Christ of himself. Pope Benedict XV wrote in 1918: “To such an extent did Mary suffer and almost die with her suffering and dying Son; to such extent did she surrender her maternal rights over her Son for man’s salvation, and immolated him - insofar as she could in order to appease the justice of God, that we might rightly say she redeemed the human race together with Christ.” Mary possesses a unique relationship with all three Persons of the Trinity. She was chosen by God the Father to be the Mother of his Son; God the Holy Spirit chose her to be his spouse for the Incarnation of the Son; and God the Son chose her to be his mother, the way that God took flesh, into the world to redeem humanity. While she is not our Mother in the physical sense, she is a spiritual mother, for she conceives, gives birth, and nurtures the spiritual lives of grace for each person. As Mediatrix of All Graces, she is always present at the side of each person, giving nourishment and hope, from the moment of spiritual birth at Baptism to the moment of death. Mary is “mother” in three important senses: she is the Mother of Jesus; she is the Mother of the Church; and Mary is our mother. Then the angel departed from her. Now, I skipped over Mary’s question and the angel’s reponse, but the important thing here is that Mary said “Yes” – her famous Fiat – to becoming a mother. Biologically speaking, a woman is a man’s mother either if she carried him in her womb or if she was the woman contributing half of his genetic material. Mary was the mother of Jesus in both of these senses; because she not only carried Jesus in her womb but also supplied all of the genetic material for his human body, since it was through her—not Joseph—that Jesus “was descended from David according to the flesh” (Rom. 1:3). Since Mary is Jesus’ mother, it must also be that she is the Mother of God: because, if Mary is the mother of Jesus, and if Jesus is God, then Mary is the Mother of God. As St. Cyril of Alexandria, the 5th Century patriarch of that city, wrote in a letter to Nestorius the priest – yes, he was a priest: clergy failings are hardly limited to modern times – who proposed the Christological error that bears his name, a heresy which denied that Jesus was one person both God and man and which also denied that Mary was the mother of God: “I have been amazed that some are utterly in doubt as to whether or not the holy Virgin is able to be called the Mother of God. For if our Lord Jesus Christ is God, how should the holy Virgin who bore him not be the Mother of God? As St. John has written, the Word made flesh, can mean nothing else but that he partook of flesh and blood like to us; he made our body his own, and came forth man from a woman, not casting off his existence as God, or his generation of God the Father, but even in taking to himself flesh remaining what he was. This was the sentiment of the holy Fathers from the beginning; therefore they ventured to call the holy Virgin ‘the Mother of God,’ not as if the nature of the Word or his divinity had its beginning from the holy Virgin, but because of her was born that holy body with a rational soul, to which the Word, being personally united, is said to be born according to the flesh.” Mary, who is the mother of Jesus, is also the Mother of God. This has been understood and believed for centuries, long before it was solemnly declared by Pope Pius XII back in 1950. This title has a special meaning for us this particular weekend as it will be formally celebrated as a memorial of for the first time by the universal Church on Monday. In the Gospel according to John, chapter 19 we first hear of it: “Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son.’ Then he said to the disciple, ‘Behold, your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.” Mary was given to John by Jesus on the Cross. By extension, Jesus gave Mary to be the mother of the Church. In the Upper Room, Mary prayed with the Apostles in anticipation of the coming of the Holy Spirit, as her Son had promised. Pentecost was the birth of the Church – the Mystical Body of Christ. As mother of Christ, the Head of the Church, she also is the Mother of the Church. As Pentecost approaches each year, I find myself thinking about Mary as well as the Apostles. That’s not to say that their Pentecost experience was anything less than astounding – of course it was! But I also find myself thinking about the Blessed Mother and what her reaction might have been when, and especially after, the Holy Spirit had descended. Mary had been waiting in the Upper Room with the Apostles, her Son’s closest friends. As any good natural mother, she would have loved them because Jesus loved them. She would have wanted the best for them and likely had high hopes for them because of their closeness to him. She would have loved them despite their failure to stand by her son when things turned terrible and he was arrested, tortured and crucified. They, on their part, would have loved and honored her because she was the mother of their best friend. Yes, the Spirit’s descent was magnificent. But what about what happened afterward? Her Son’s friends – the ones who had turned on him – are suddenly and deeply converted. They lost their fears, put themselves aside, and bravely stepped out into the streets to proclaim the Good News. That’s what Mary’s Son had worked all his life for, what he surrendered himself for, what he died for. Once cowards, they were now bold, courageous men carrying out her Son’s dream! When I picture this scene, I can see Mary as the proud Mama, glowing with joy over the transformation in the Apostles, cheering them on as they went forth. Mary, present at the birth of the Church, is very truly her mother. What this means to each of us here, “where the rubber meets the road”, comes from a very touching, very human, interaction between Jesus and his mother from John chapter 2: There was a wedding in Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding. When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.” Now there were six stone water jars there for Jewish ceremonial washings, each holding twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus told them, “Fill the jars with water.” So they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, “Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter.” So they took it. And when the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine, without knowing where it came from (although the servers who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter called the bridegroom and said to him, “Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one; but you have kept the good wine until now.” Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs in Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him. I honestly love this Gospel passage: Mary sees a problem with the wine. She goes to Jesus who, very human son that he is says, “Yeah, so what?” but then accomplishes through his divinity what mother wants anyway! How many of us have seen our children as Jesus reacted first, and wish they would act as he did afterwards?! “Mary is our Mother in the order of grace.” With these words from the Vatican II Constitution on the Church in the Modern World we get a brilliant insight of the Motherhood of Our Lady, and a marvelous help to understand the motherhood of all Mothers. To better understand it, we need to hear the two sentences that come before it: “The Blessed Virgin, predestined from eternity along with the Incarnation of the Divine Word, as the Mother of God, on this earth was the gracious Mother of the Divine Redeemer; His associate more than others, in a singular way, and the humble maid-servant of the Lord. In conceiving Christ, in bringing Him forth, in nourishing Him, in presenting Him to the Father in the Temple, in suffering with her Son as He died on the cross, she cooperated in the work of the Savior, in a unique way, by obedience, faith, hope and burning love, to restore supernatural life to souls. As a result, she is our Mother in the order of grace. As a result, she is our Mother in the order of grace.” An ordinary Mother does two things to gain that glorious title: she shares in bringing a new life into being, she takes care of that life so long as she is needed, as long as she is willing and able. To put it as simply as possible, Mary’s cooperation in the Redemption is how she shares in bringing new spiritual life into being, just as any mother cooperates in bringing human life into being. But, even though Mary’s cooperation was unique, she shows how we can participate in it as well. The second letter of St. Peter (1:4) says that in it we are made “sharers in the divine nature.” This isn’t just a one-time event. As we can see in the numerous apparitions that have occurred over the centuries, Mary continues to care for our supernatural life. Let’s try to explore that mystery a bit. St. Paul says that in heaven we will see God “face to face”. Now of course, God doesn’t have a face; souls don’t have physical eyes. But the reality is far beyond what the words can easily tell us. In this life, when I look at another person, I don’t actually take the person into my mind--I take in an image. Since the person is finite and limited, a finite image can let me know about them. But God is infinite. No image could possibly convey what He’s like. So it must be that the Divinity wants to join itself to the created human soul immediately, without even an image in between, so that the soul can know Him even as His Son knows Him, as He knows His Son. Within that divinity there flow infinite streams of knowledge and of love. The first chapter of John’s Gospel says that in the beginning the Father spoke the Word. That Word isn’t just a ripple in the air, like our words are. No, it’s far more, it’s a person: the second Person of the Holy Trinity. Between Father and Son there is love--again, not the infintely lesser type of love we understand, but another Divine Person, the Holy Spirit, proceeding by way of infinite love. Only a being who is at least partly divine could possibly understand these infinite streams of knowledge and of love. But that’s exactly what it means to be “sharers in the divine nature”, which we are, by the life of grace. Mary, by offering her limited flesh for God’s purposes of expressing His divine and infinite love, helped to gain that sharing for us, at a cost so great that, as we said, only God can comprehend it. So Mary really is our Mother in the order of grace. But a mother does more than bring life into the world: she also takes care of that new life, so long as she is willing, able, and needed. For most of us, there comes a time when Mother isn’t so much needed, as we become adults and more independent. But in the spiritual life, we remain children – we have to, for “unless we become as little children we shall not inherit the kingdom.” Jesus tell us. Or, to put it more clearly, we always stand in the need of grace as long as we have not yet entered the mansions of our Father. That grace, every grace, comes to us through Mary for, as Vatican II taught, she is the Mediatrix of all graces. My dear Cursillistas, I said that an earthly Mother should give care as long as she is willing and able. Sadly, some earthly mothers stop being willing. But not so our Heavenly Mother. The children she brought into life by such tremendous pain she will never forget. She is always willing. Also, an earthly mother may come to a point at which she is unable to help, howsoever she way want to do so. But not so our Mother in Heaven. Since I started my talk with a quote from Pope Benedict XV, it’s only fitting that I end it with another: he said that Mary held a “suppliant omnipotence”. This means that, while not being omnipotent herself, all that God can do by His omnipotent power, she, with and through her Son, can obtain by asking Him for it. And that she does. Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mother of the Church, our Mother, pray for us now and at the hour of our death. De Colores!
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Of or relating to or resembling a → nebula. → nebula + → -ar. A → forbidden line that is found in the spectra of → interstellar → ionized gas. The nebular lines are emitted by several atomic species (e.g. O, O+, O++, N+, S++) and correspond to the → transition from the electronic → metastable state 1D to the → ground state 3P. Examples are the doubly ionized oxygen lines [O III] at 4959 and 5007 Å (→ [O III] doublet) and the ionized nitrogen doublet [N II] at 6548 and 6583 Å. See also → auroral line; → transauroral line.
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Born: 9 June 1885, Neiße-an-der-Wobert [now Nysa, Poland], Silesia, Germany. Education: In Freiburg im Breisgau [still ph]. Father of film dir Kurt Hoffmann [1910-2001]. Together with Karl Freund and Fritz Arno Wagner, Carl Hoffmann is counted among the most innovative and important German cameramen of the Weimar era. Johannistraum [Emil Justitz] b&w; prod Emil Justitz & Co. Faust - Eine deutsche Volkssage [F.W. Murnau] b&w; 2484mtr; replaced scheduled ph Karl Freund; filmed September 1925-May 1926; restored in 2003; prod UFA; Lillian Gish was originally cast as Gretchen. As Gish had wanted her cinematographer Charles Rosher to make the film and the German crew wanted Carl Hoffmann, Gish was replaced by the novice Camilla Horn. [Left] with actress Gerda Maurus and dir Johannes Meyer - "Hochverrat"
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Content warning: this blog addresses the traumatic impact of mental health issues, including psychosis, schizophrenia and manslaughter. If any of these topics distress or trigger you in any way please support yourself by calling Lifeline on 13 11 14, Beyondblue on 1300 224 636 or Blue Knot on 1300 657 380. I originally wrote a blog for One Eighty last year. I wanted to share the lows that I had hit throughout my life, and how I overcame them, in a bid to encourage others to push through tough times. I’m not entirely sure how to start this, but a few weeks after finishing my blog, I was hit with an entirely new level of pain that I’d never felt before. I decided not to share my first blog as I wanted to push through this new pain like I’d done in the past and write about what I’d learned. It’s difficult writing about my time as a 16 to 18 year old struggling with depression and anxiety. Not because it hurts to think about it, but because I can recall that during that time, it felt impossible to escape the way I was feeling. I remember having an extremely debilitating mind set. I was young and these emotions were new to me. I didn't have any experience or understanding about why I had no energy and felt so sad. The anxiety was very physical. I had difficulty breathing, muscle aches and was only getting a minimal amount of sleep, which in some cases would lead to panic attacks. My thought processes became very deluded and irrational, and basic conversations or interactions with people left me convinced that they disliked me. These thoughts led me to the point of wanting to end it all. It’s a tiring and dark place being trapped in your mind all day, with a rollercoaster of negative thoughts. It’s hard reaching out for help when you’re in that state of mind. The mentality behind your thinking is distorted and often people struggling with mental illness believe that others don't want to hear their problems. In other cases, they wouldn't know where to start, or they still haven't figured out why they feel the way they do. I look back now and regret not getting help sooner. My counsellor helped me to break down my negative thoughts and made me realise that I was encapsulated in a world that I was making up. My anxiety began to fade and my happiness slowly returned. I realised how much I was taking for granted; I had a closed off mindset and made my world revolve around the negatives. It was only when I started looking at the positives around me that the world became brighter. I started thinking of three things that I am grateful for everyday, and trying to do at least one thing each day that makes me happy. Start off small and push yourself to do bigger and better. I started off trying to watch the sunrise each morning, which turned into morning swims and now I try to do a few activities before work. It’s easier said than done. I was recently put to the test and had to overcome a pretty intense and confusing life event. As many of you may know, unfortunately my beautiful family started mixing with drugs a long time ago. From there, my mum and brothers went from the casual joint to experimenting with more sinister drugs, which eventually led to a very violent and toxic environment. There’s no doubt in my mind that it contributed or led to the development of my depression and anxiety when I was younger. My brother began to exhibit psychotic behaviours and I was often asked to stay home from school or work to ensure he wouldn’t hurt himself. There were many periods when he spent weeks or months in a psychiatric ward, only for him to escape and come home. It was painful to watch his mental health deteriorate and to see how psychosis played tricks on his mind. As time went by, his psychosis turned into a diagnosis of schizophrenia, a mental disorder which I had no understanding of and consequently didn’t take very seriously. His schizophrenia escalated, and one day, his mind snapped into a psychotic episode, which resulted in him ending my mum’s life. A year after my mums passing, I wrote my first blog for One Eighty. However, a few weeks after finishing it I found out my brother’s court hearing would be starting soon. The court hearing lasted a few days and during that period we had doctors and lawyers explain my brother’s condition and why he behaved the way he did. The gut wrenching pain and guilt I felt after the doctors spoke about the experience of ‘chronic paranoid schizophrenia’ that my brother had been going through for such a long time made me feel sick. I felt like I hadn’t put in enough effort to help him. It was during this period that I learned a new life lesson and it’s an important lesson that I believe others should also be aware of. I learned that I can choose to dwell on the feeling of guilt about not being there for my brother when he needed me, or I can use this experience to help others. Now I feel like I’ll know what to do next time. Next time someone isn't acting themselves, I’ll ask them if they’re okay. Next time someone tells me they’re not okay, I’ll make sure I listen and try my best to be by their side whenever they need me. All of these moments of anger, sadness, confusion, and pain have come with a life lesson. I overcame these moments to grow, learn, and become a stronger and wiser version of who I was before. The point of all this is to make you realise that your mental health is important. One day you may find yourself in the confusing world of mental illness and I want you to remember that you are brave and capable of overcoming it. The road may seem never ending, dark and lonely, but it doesn't have to be. Remember that there is help all around you and that you are loved. And to the others, let’s educate ourselves about how we can better understand and support those around us fighting mental illness.
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Ford Transit Custom made its debut on the market in 2012 to 2013 to pick up the coveted Van of the Year 2013. Custom is the medium variant in the offer of commercial Fords. It is more universal, it is not as big as Transit, making it easy to maneuver in narrow streets, nor is it as small as Connect, so you can accommodate many more things in the load space. The new Ford Transit Custom has been fitted with only one motor unit with a capacity of 2.2l (CR TC 14 DSL), but here we can choose a different power: 100hp, 125hp and 155hp. The engine is mated naturally with a 6-speed manual transmission VMT6 which transfers drive to the front wheels. This model was created as a direct competitor to the Volkswagen Transporter.
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The Charter requires local councils to consider human rights when they deliver their services and engage with the community. Although building human rights principles into an organisation’s operations can be a complex and challenging task, by engaging with the Charter, many local councils have improved their service standards and established new strategies to engage with their communities. Local councils are responsible for delivering a wide variety of services to the community, including to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members, such as the elderly, people with disability, migrants, refugees and people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island descent. By taking a human rights-based approach to service delivery, local councils can have a meaningful impact on the health, wellbeing and dignity of the community. In the Commission’s 2011 survey of local governments, Moonee Valley City Council commented that: ‘the Charter has resulted in an increased understanding of marginalised groups by the staff of Family and Children’s Services, which has helped some parts of the community to better access services and receive improved care’. The City of Darebin Charter Check Poster includes an overview of Charter rights that council staff must take into account when delivering services. It encourages staff to respect and promote human rights in their day-to-day work with colleagues, residents, clients, contractors and communities. Moonee Valley City Council has a dedicated page on its website outlining its service standards and complaints resolution protocol. Among other things, the citizen service standards provide that in conducting its business, the council will ‘treat people with respect, dignity, equality and fairness’ and ‘value the diversity of our community and citizens’. Community participation helps to inform and improve local government decision making by providing a diverse range of viewpoints and interests. A human-rights based approach to community engagement can improve participation in decision-making, particularly for those groups that traditionally find it difficult to contribute to council decisions, such as young people, older people, and culturally and linguistically diverse people. Local councils can promote community participation by raising awareness of their services, making services accessible to a broad range of people, tailoring information and training to suit diverse community needs, identifying and removing barriers to participation, and supporting activities that encourage community engagement. Many innovative approaches to community engagement have been developed by local councils, including conversation tents (Port Phillip City Council), listening posts and local ideas days (Brimbank City Council), and street meetings and barbeques (Stonnington City Council). ‘Effective community engagement not only provides Council with an opportunity to strengthen its relationship with the community, but provides for sound investment in better decision making by ensuring decisions are informed of community needs and aspirations. When done in a meaningful way, it contributes to building trust between the community and Council, and also raises the quality of, and strengthens representative democracy while building community capacity’. that ‘every person has the right to freedom of expression which includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, whether within or outside Victoria’ (section 15). The council used Facebook alongside traditional consultation approaches during the development of its community plan. Other local councils – including the City of Monash, Surf Coast Shire Council and Knox City Council – also use social media to engage with the community. For example, Knox City Council has invested in social media forums to encourage dialogue and promote community events. Buloke Shire Council hosts a monthly barbeque in the local public hall of different towns around the region to involve the community in its ‘Managing Now, Planning Ahead’ strategy. It provides a friendly, informal setting for councillors and senior staff to talk with residents and listen to their concerns. The council reported that ‘all views are taken on board and everyone has the opportunity to express opinions’. Providing easy-to-understand information and education on human rights is an effective way of encouraging community participation and engagement with the Charter, particularly for disadvantaged or marginalised members of the community. It empowers people to build strong, safe and dynamic communities that promote equality, respect and dignity. Local councils can educate the community about human rights by providing information on the council website, in brochures or pamphlets at key locations (such as local libraries), in council newsletters, in community newspapers, and at information sessions or community events. The Commission can also provide on-site education and training on the Charter, tailored to the needs of your organisation and communities. Mildura Rural City Council is a member of the Mallee Human Rights Collective, a community collaboration involving local organisations such as the Department of Justice, Mallee Family Care, Sunraysia Mallee Ethnic Communities Council, the Mildura Arts Centre and La Trobe University. The aim of the collective is to increase awareness and understanding of human rights across a broad cross-section of the community. reaching into local schools to educate students on the importance of placing human rights at the forefront of decision making. Local councils must ensure that their complaint mechanisms are compatible with the Charter. This will not only ensure local councils are complying with their legal obligations, but will result in improved complaint handling procedures that are fair, timely and impartial. Complaint mechanisms are an important way of evaluating service delivery and identifying areas where services can be improved. By considering human rights, many local councils have improved their practices. For example, Banyule City Council reported that: ‘on some occasions, citing the Charter and the rights to be considered has helped to gain more fully the cooperation of service units in resolving customer complaints. For example, a protracted complaint over issues impacting on a resident’s ability to easily access their property was looked at differently once staff in that area were reminded that they needed to consider a person’s property rights under the Charter’. assist members of the community to make a complaint. If a person is concerned that a local council has breached their human rights, the person should try to resolve the issue directly with the council. To assist people to make human rights complaints, local councils can develop a stand-alone policy (such as the Bass Coast Shire Council Charter Complaint Handling Procedure below) or can consider including a reference to human rights complaints in the council’s general complaints procedures. If a person is unable to resolve the issue directly with the council, a complaint can be made to the Victorian Ombudsman (or to other appropriate complaint bodies such as the Disability Services Commissioner). The Commission does not handle complaints related to the Charter. Wellington Shire Council’s Human Rights Policy includes a basic referral process for human rights complaints. It requires reference to policies and guidelines where required, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity, Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy. The Human Rights Policy reassures staff that they will not be ‘penalised or disadvantaged as a result of raising genuine concerns or complaints relating to human rights’. A number of councils have reviewed and amended their complaint handling procedures to ensure that they are compatible with the Charter. The Bass Coast Shire Council has taken it one step further and developed the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities – Complaint Handling Procedure. This document sets out the procedure for dealing with complaints received specifically in relation to the council not meeting its obligations under the Charter.
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A new HRMS is your opportunity to achieve strategic advantage and to provide value to your organization’s stakeholders. Your sponsors and users are your key customers so understanding their system expectations is essential for your success. Here are five essential questions to ask your HRMS project stakeholders during the selection phase. What is your biggest challenge with the current HRMS? Your top management may challenge a lack of management intelligence (MI) while your front line call center may struggle with support calls due to a poorly designed configuration setting or disconnected process. Understanding your HRMS project’s stakeholders’ struggles will position you to ask the right questions about features and functionality as you choose your new HRMS. What are your ‘make it or break it’ criteria for the project? This question is always interesting as it may or may not relate to the largest challenge. It is crucial to understand the absolute ‘must have’ requirements from your stakeholders. If employee self-service is a deal breaker and your shortlist does not deliver it, then it becomes an easy decision. Essentials in this category need to be limited. When everything is required then nothing is really critical, so focus on what truly matters. What advantages do you think that a new HRMS will bring to you? A stakeholder’s perceived advantage is not always the actual benefit received. The aim of this question is to understand what a stakeholder thinks that a new system will help them to achieve where the current HRMS cannot deliver. This question helps to clarify requirements and to focus on deliverables rather than being driven by a vendor’s HRMS demo and sales presentation. Describe a perfect day with your new HRMS. What does it look like? When you offer a stakeholder a green field, it’s often surprising what responses you receive. It may be basic operational features which offer time-saving and efficiency or it may be new functionality that surpasses anything that has previously been requested. Do your HRMS stakeholders want analytics and HRMS-driven big data or is the focus more on clearing administrative tasks quickly to spend time with managers and employees? What features do you like from these HRMS demos? As you go into HRMS demos, it’s useful to have your requirements documented and at hand. At the same time as vendors bring forward new functionality it can help to bring fresh requirements to the table and see the HR vision for future state operations. A feature or module that is not in use today can be a must-have for a future HRMS so approach software selection with an open mind when you’re early in the process.
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In creating a well rounded article there are no shortcuts. Sometimes there are simply not enough hours in the day for writers to finish everything they planned on. Now though, there is a new way to republish high quality content. iCopyright.com, a website that helps content creators license and profit off their work, has recently launched a new content network called repubHub. The network allows licensed articles that are in their database to be republished on other websites for little or no fee. The articles on the website, which are free to search through, come from various sources including International Business Times as well as the Chicago Tribune and Newsweek. Whether or not an article is republished for free depends on if the user allows for ads to accompany it. Users can also sign up to receive updates daily or as articles are published via RSS feeds or email. “repubHub is an innovative content network enabling anyone to reuse and republish content from world-class publishers. repubHub also provides publishers with a syndication platform that empowers them to safely and easily license content to others,” said iCopyright CEO Andrew Elston. Additionally, the company has recently released an iCopyright plugin for WordPress that enables users to search through repubHub’s database and republish articles directly from their WordPress dashboard. The plugin also allows users to make their content eligible for syndication on repubHub’s database thanks to a licensing and republishing button that is placed on their content.
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Inclement weather (snow, extreme heat, etc.), may result in school closing, delayed opening, or early dismissal. These decisions are made on a county-wide basis. Radio and television stations carry this news when such decisions are made. Channel 21 is the official channel for Fairfax County Public Schools information, and carries continuous messages throughout the day. Parents and students are urged not to call Island Creek Elementary for this information. Families are strongly encouraged to sign up for “News You Choose” Please click this link for more information. In addition, be sure your emergency care form is up to date, which can be accessed through the Parent SIS (Student Information System) account, which enables parents to manage student information. Please click this link for more information.
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The following is a list of UK based charities accepting hand knitted items arranged by region. Please contact them directly if you wish to knit for charity and do not live in Shropshire. Please do not send unsolicited knitting to any charity without contacting them first or checking on their website that they need what you would like to knit. We hope to be able to keep this list up to date so, if you know of any charities we have missed or find that any of the charities listed are no longer accepting knitting, then please do let us know. Remember that requirements change and some of these charities prefer items made only from their own patterns so do check with your chosen charity before you begin knitting. Please also note that the baby-sized T-jumpers and 'fish-and-chip' jumpers are no longer required by any of these charities. Boxes of Hope Scarves, gloves, mittens, puppets, socks for the annual Christmas appeal for children in Romania. Cumbria Community Foundation Warm clothing needed for their annual Winter Warmers Campaign, raising funds to help the elderly of the region. Tiger Lily Trust Knit angel wraps, blankets etc. to bring comfort to bereaved parents. Scroll down the page for an address for donated items. Cherished Gowns for Angel Babies Knitting for angel babies. Contact the charity to register as a volunteer knitter. International Aid Trust Donations of knitted clothes and blankets can be left at any of their shops in the area. Project Linus Providing quilts for children in hospital around the UK. Many reps accept knitted blankets for refuges, etc. Operation Christmas Child Hats, gloves, scarves, puppets etc. needed for shoeboxes during the annual Christmas appeal. Alzheimer's Society Contact your local office to find out if they have a need for twiddle muffs. See pattern on our website or search online. Help Refugees Government website with links to regional agencies helping refugees in the UK. Some accept knitted items. Follow the links. The Ideas Partnership, Cornwall To listen to an inspiring talk by the founder of this charity, click on the charity name. The Ideas Partnership, Cornwall Knit blankets and clothes for babies in Kosovo. Contact [email protected] for the address for donations. Action for M.E. Knit baby cardigans, blankets and toys to help raise funds for this charity based in Keynsham. Items can be send to the charity. Hand in Hand for Syria Based in London but the charity has a warehouse in Birmingham for collecting knitted clothing, blankets etc. Baby Lifeline Knitted breasts needed for midwives' kit bags. Download the pattern from the website.
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I'm an independent developer of mobile apps. I'm currently in the App Store, but will soon be on Google Play. Working with applications in several areas: education, navigation, reference, medical, etc. Eventually I do some freelance work, but this is not my focus. I will be launching a campaign on Facebook Ads and would like to leave my Fan Page nicer. I use my name as a brand, but would like to strengthen the brand. And make it more professional. I would like a logo that had could be used on my website. And that could be used as a brand in my applications. Ie it had the same visual identity of the site and mobile applications. Additionally would like a facebook cover for use in the fan page. And a suggestion of business cards. Thanks everyone for the submitted work. I really liked the quality of designs and provalvelmente will use freelancer.com to hire new jobs. I'm sorry for the communication failures in the English language as it is not my native language. I like your work. You made a design with the letters F and B that no one had thought. Very creative! I will continue to evaluate and come in contact soon. Thank U! Thank you for feedback sir, please let me know if you need any changes or modifications. Boa tarde! Ok, fico aguardando. Do you develop the apps for consumers under your company name (B2C), or do you design apps for other companies (B2B)? We develop applications only for consumers (B2C). It can be used any color or theme. The site uses templates and can use the following colors: Purple, Green, Blue, Light Blue, Red and Orange. Is there a specific colour theme you would like? No, you can use any color or theme. The site uses templates and can use the following colors: Purple, Green, Blue, Light Blue, Red and Orange. Thank U!
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From Fire Water Restoration to Mold Removal, Professional Restoration Services Help Save Homes! We’ve all seen it on the news or read it in the paper: “Family loses everything in fire.” But when disaster strikes your home, accepting the loss isn’t your only option! Don’t let fire, flood, or mold mean the end of your beloved home and cherished belongings. Get help from a professional fire water damage restoration company and get your life back on track. These experts can help you minimize losses, clean up contamination, and ensure your home isn’t completely destroyed. Fight back against tragedy with fire restoration, water damage restoration, and even mold removal! Fire, water, and mold can ravage a home and its contents, but if dealt with immediately, none of these crises have to mean the end of your house or your belongings. That’s because fire restoration and other restoration services can help you safely and effectively salvage both the structure itself and many of the items inside. Fire restoration: Fire damage restoration includes both drying out the water used in extinguishing the fire and dealing with the effects of the fire itself. From removing charred building materials to scrubbing soot off walls to eliminating the odor of smoke in the air, professional fire restorers can wipe all traces of the fire from your home. They can even clean smoke stains and smells out of furniture! Water damage restoration: Lingering moisture can create mold and decay, so it’s important to get your home and furnishings dried out ASAP. Your flood restoration team can help dry out your house from top to bottom, stopping deterioration in its tracks and preventing additional mold growth. An important aspect of fire restoration, water restoration services are also practical for floods, burst pipes, and other water-related catastrophes. Mold removal: Mold can grow almost anywhere there is excess water, so both fires and floods can easily lead to mold growth. Most fire water restoration pros also offer mold remediation and removal to get your whole home back in a clean and healthy state after a disaster. Don’t go it alone: your area fire and flood restoration company is here to help you overcome this tragedy. Offering professional workmanship and compassionate services, restoration company experts are here to care for you and your home. Call now for the most effective, complete restoration services. Has your office ever been affected by fire or flooding? The good news is that new products in water cleaning and restoration techniques have been introduced in the market, which are effective and keep one’s home and office clean and healthy again after these mishaps. Water damage can take place very quickly or may take place in years. But, it is the worst thing that can happen in someone’s home or office. But, there are many hidden effects of water damage that one cannot really notice. Water damage can be caused by various factors like flooding, rain, storm, leakage of pipes, backed up sewer line, etc. Water can go everywhere; it has no boundaries and can get collected in hidden areas. The most tiring problem with this hidden water is called mold. Mold can be formed at any place wherever it finds moisture. Mold can cause major health related problems for families and can badly cause multiple breathing diseases like asthma, skin problems and others. 1. Wipe out as much extra water as possible at the time of water damage. 2. Remove all lamps and wipe off water from the furniture. 3. Make sure that the AC is switched on if it’s summers, as it can act as an alternate option to dry off the water. 4. Open all drawers for drying. 5. Remove all the paintings, art objects, wall hangings, if any, from the walls. 6. Never enter a room where the ceilings are sagging from water damage. 7. Open suitcases and luggage if any and even take out the clothes from wardrobes, so that they can dry well in sunlight or air if possible. 8. Last but not the least, punch in small holes in ceilings which are sagging down. It will completely relieve all the water that has been trapped there. * One should not leave any wet fabrics on the floor. * One should not leave all the books, magazines and other colored things on wet carpets or floors. * One must not use his household vacuum in order to take out water from everywhere. In case all these measures are not possible for a person who lives alone at home, as taking out accumulated water, cleaning and drying off things is a very big and tough task, then one must call a professional and reliable company like water damage restoration Houston for the best recovery of the damaged place. Hiring a company at random would not solve the problem and could even worsen things. Look for a 24 hours emergency water restoration company who can provide specialists in insurance repairing and water restoration. Look for a company which has certified technicians who can properly handle both commercial and residential water damage problems. From roofing, siding, plumbing, to exterior painting, water extraction, duct cleaning, wall cleaning and floor cleaning, one must choose the most appropriate company that is specialized in the above remedies. Water damages everything and at this crucial moment, one should call an emergency water restoration service company which can actually help and not make things worse. Some disasters cannot be planned for or expected such as fires and floods. For a homeowner, water damage and fire damage are expensive and stressful problems to deal with. Luckily, there are several services out there that offer help. Fire & water restoration can refer to many different things and being aware of what this entails is very important in preparing for the unexpected. Restoration services refer to everything from disaster preparation to construction and repair work. It has to do with property damage that occurs due to water, fire, smoke, or mold. These kinds of damages result in timely and costly repairs that can be disastrous in themselves. However, fire & water restoration services work with insurance companies and some even offer insurance policies to help people recover quickly and efficiently from these types of disasters. So what actually goes into the job? The very first step should take place before a the problem occurs. There are preventative measures you can take to help protect your property in case of a disaster. Many insurance companies will take an invested interest in some of these simple but effective preventative measures that can be done to help protect your property. There is only so much you can do to prevent damage in preparing for the possibility of a disaster. Once a disaster occurs your professional service provider will help you to work with your insurance company to restore your property and return things to normal. You will need an appraisal or assessment of the damage that has taken place. This involves discovering the extent of the damage and what recovery measures are needed. Once the damage has been assessed and a plan of recovery has been laid out, the next step is carrying out those plans of recovery. Depending on the extent of the damage, construction restoration and cleaning can be either minor or extensive. Most companies that offer fire and water restoration services have crews that are able to handle a variety of construction demands. What sort of construction demands might arise in the face of extensive water or fire damage? One of the first restoration projects of flood damage is repairing or replacing the floors. In wide scale floods, it is most likely that the floors will need to be completely replaced, especially carpet. With fire, smoke, and mold damage, there are different repairs that will be needed. With fire, smoke, and mold damage there are a different set of concerns for restoration. One major concern is with repairing walls and ceilings. This is due to the fact that both smoke and mold can penetrate a structure in disasters. While all of the construction is being carried out, you must be sure to protect your property from the elements while repairs are taking place. One way many companies do this is to shrink wrap a structure to shield the building from exposure to the outside elements. Repairing fire and water damage can be extensive. Fire & water restoration services are set up to help people return to their everyday lives as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you require professional water restoration Calgary trust the experts at Homeworks Restoration.
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Why do Christians call Jesus the “Son of God” rather than simply “God”? We call Jesus the son of God that became the son of man. And yet, Jesus is God per the doctrine of the trinity. Why don't orthodox Christians address him as God when talking about him and praying? Is there a biblical basis? The evolved and gradual revealing of the deity starts out with the concept of 'God' based on original words that imply power. God was a word secular society also used. It seems to mean the divine being, regardless of wether he is the true God or not. The Bible defines this divine being as actually only One, that is in contrast to all the many gods of the pagans. The concept developed at the time of Moses is that this 'God' is Jehovah (or Lord) which means I AM, the One God defined as he who alone is eternally before all things. However in the clear light of the trinity the word 'God' is generally used to refer to the initial more ancient conception of God as the original powerful one. God is therefore usually pertaining to the Father. The reason why the Father is most often associated with 'God' is because the Father is in a sense the 'originating person' of the eternal trinity, whom the Son proceeds from. The Son is like the word 'proceeding' 'from' the Father. As our prayers are more frequently made to the Father, we often say 'Dear God' meaning 'Father'. The Father as the originator within the Trinity is the giver of gifts including the Son and the giving of the Spirit, so it is naturally that the normal pattern is to pray to The Father whom we seek help and aid. But although this is the more common pattern the scripture does refer to Jesus as simply 'God' and so we could also pray to the Lord Jesus and say 'God' if we want, it just probably does not happen frequently because when we think of the Son we think of Him as the incarnate God and so we also think of him as a man also. The Son is not the Father. Jesus is not the Spirit. The Father is not the Son. The Father is not the Spirit. The Spirit is not the Son. The Spirit is not the Father. Jesus had a specific role in that He is the One who became a man. Neither the Father nor the Spirit did so. So, we often reference Jesus specifically because of His role in redemption. However, we may refer to Jesus as God and be correct in doing so. Indeed, we often say the "God became a Man," and we mean by this that The Son of God became a Man--not the entire Trinity. So, to answer your question, we don't refer to Him as God all the time, because we are identifying and distinguishing Him for His Incarnation, Vicarious Sacrifice, and Resurrection. Yet, we can and do refer to Him as God at times--just not as often as we refer to Him by His Name or His titles. See this question for more information on the Biblical Basis for the Trinity. Calling Jesus the "son of God" implies that he is God. This may not be a persuasive argument if it were not for Jesus being the only-begotten son of God. Angels, although sons of God, are not begotten. Christians, although sons of God, are begotten via regeneration, not generation. Only Jesus, the only-begotten son of God, is begotten via generation. He shares the same nature as his Father. His Father is God; therefore, he is God. I am human because my father is human. Again, Jesus is the "only-begotten son of God." That means that he is the same nature as his father, and his father just so happens to be God Almighty. This means that Jesus is also God Almighty. Hence, in the Athansian Creed, it is written, "Deus est ex substantia Patris ante saecula genitus," that is, "He is God, from the substance of the Father, begotten before the worlds..." "If you mean that the Uncreated and the created are not the same, I agree with you; for certainly the Unoriginate and the created are not of the same nature. But if you say that He who begat (i.e., the Father) and he who was begotten (i.e., the Son) are not the same, the statement is inaccurate. For it is in fact a necessary truth that they are the same. For the nature of the relation of Father to Child is this, that the offspring is of the same nature with the parent." Son of God is therefore the title for the second person of Trinity. It is a clear identification for the second person of Trinity. When Jesus came into this world, the true nature of One Almighty God was also revealed through His message (NT). God the father was revealed in OT (We though find references to Trinity in OT as well in amorphous manner). Second person was revealed by arrival of Jesus and the third person was revealed after Jesus was glorified. That’s how we find most of the references to God the father in OT, God the Son in Gospels and majority of the references in explaining God the Holy Spirit, after Jesus was glorified. It is not that the term Son of God does not mean that Jesus is God. Just like the term Son of Man means that Jesus is a man, so is the Son of God means Jesus is God. God took a human birth and that’s how the title Son came to him though He was Himself is God. God is revealed as human to man. The Jewish leaders understood exactly what it meant by the phrase “Son of God and precisely this understanding of the phrase led them to ask for Jesus’ death sentence. Jesus is the image of God to mankind. God - omnipotent, revealed Himself to mankind, in Christ. There are many verses in Bible where we see that in Christ, the invisible God is revealed. Jesus was with the Father before the world began. Christ, as God the Son, is the Creator of all things. God in all His fullness, dwelt in Christ, reconciling the world. We see that Christ, as the Son of God - God's representation, is God manifest and revealed to the world. Angels, prophets, and things can reveal to us something about God. But they could not be said to be Son of God. God alone can reveal God hence Jesus is Son of God, same as God. It takes God to reveal Himself to mankind.
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Any helpful hints on learning London districts? Paris by numbered arrondissement makes a bit more impression in my little brain but trying to learn by name is difficult. Another request is favorite theater-ticket-buying websites. If it's of any relevance, we're going at the end of October, early November for 4 days and I'm trying to go cheap-cheap but have a not-so-cheap urge to stay in one of those lovely pub hotels. I think my husband would just love that and it would be a nice treat. We'll be going to London after an 8-10 day stay in southern France roaming the roman ruins which is my dream trip. Not quite sure what you mean by 'learning London districts'. Do you mean where they are located? cheap-cheap and not-so-cheap don't really help.What is your actual budget? Not many 'pub hotels' in London -- that is more a countryside thing where one finds 'pubs with rooms'. But honestly - for any shows except the few blockbusters/star turns one doesn't need to pre-book. Even buying at the TKTS 1/2 price booth on the day of performance will get you good seats for most shows. and here's a map with the districts labeled. it's difficult to know where people are referring to when they say Knightsbridge or South Kensington in their posts. I know it's just a matter of time before I learn but I thought maybe someone had some trick they use to remember what's where. Thank you for the info re the 1/2 price booth. I'm not planning on seeing Billy Elliott or other blockbusters. I would not stay in Paddington. It is not all that convenient and is pretty far from any sites. When you mentioned a pub hotel I had a hunch you meant the Fox & Anchor. It is one of the few like it in London but would be over your budget. The website says 'from £125' --but most of the rooms are higher there is 20% VAT on top of the rates. So a £150 room there would cost £180/$280. It also is not in a very convenient location. Convenient areas w/ a good selection of semi-budget hotels would include Victoria, Bloomsbury/Russell Square, South Kensington, London Bridge/Southwark, among others. I don't think there is one. I think most Londoners probably base their mental map on the tube and rail network and refer to the nearest station for a general idea, but for booking holiday accommodation, I wouldn't rely on an advertiser's idea of a neighbourhood name (the poshest neighbourhoods turn out to have the most surprisingly elastic reach on that standard). I would ask for a precise postcode and relate that on the map to the public transport network. The postcode is based on postal districts, that are named in relation to compass points (N, W, E, NE, NW, SE, SW, and EC and WC for the city centre) but these cover some fairly wide ranges, so you would need the second bit - not just, say, SW1, but the full SW1A 1AA. Wow, PDX, those add-ons at the Tune Hotel would really add up if you look closely. Even paying for a hair dryer? >>Even paying for a hair dryer?<< . . . even paying for a towel (!) - and just one at that. I originally didn't look at the details - just the address was enough to put me off. I've found that since I've started to ride buses instead of, or in addition to, the tube the city and districts make much more sense to me. I discovered some areas were much closer to each other than I had imagined when I was going into a hole in the ground and popping up somewhere else with no landmarks to orient myself. And a number of times I've found bus lines that go to my destinations directly, no changes as I might have needed on the tube. And the big plus is seeing the city as I go. It also seems to be a different crowd on the bus, fewer business people and more older people, shoppers, mothers with children. Maybe more localized transport and probably slower in most cases but I love it. Hmmm....very interesting info, thank you all. Ok, time to start over. Tube stations, compass points, post codes, and a few bus routes for pleasant sight seeing and people watching. Thank you for helping me out and preventing a couple of time consuming, uninformed decisions. Not sure if anyone recommended bidding on Priceline for London, but that is most often the best choice for price/quality ratio. Stick to the several central districts (someone can advise if you choose to do this). Check www.betterbidding.com . Thanks, WillTravel. I've seen it on the boards but I've been too chicken because I'm afraid i'll end up in BFE. Is it of benefit several months out or is it more effective as a last minute option? I'll go hang around better bidding for a while, too. Both bidding methods can work. A lot of people like to get a cancellable backup, and bid shortly before their trip (and remember to cancel the backup!). I've bid far in advance with good results too. Right now (zones can change), the Mayfair-Soho zone on Priceline will give you a very convenient hotel, but may be quite pricey. Bloomsbury-Marble Arch is fine by my standards, but you can study the Priceline zone map and see what you think. Some of the other zones are fine if you don't mind a 15-minute tube ride or so. Figure out how far out you are willing to be, and don't bid in any zone that includes an area that extends beyond that. But you'll have to cross-reference that information with Google Maps or the like. Thank you, PatrickLondon, I printed out some of the maps on the website. That's reasonably convenient, but unless things have changed in the past few years, the City of London is dead as a doornail and more or less empty in the evenings and on weekends. That flat is a short walk from the Tower of London - less than 1/2 a mile. Also from St Katharine's Marina (lots of places to eat). It is very close to Brick Lane. London Walks does a very interesting walk right through your neighborhood. Is it central - no. Is it OK - yes. It is small, but is much bigger than any £109 hotel room. Do a Google Streetview on it. This isn't the most "charming" area. It's on the edge between the City (the ancient city, but now the business and financial district) and the East End, which in this area is dominated by downmarket wholesale clothing businesses, and close to several busy traffic interchanges. An area in transition, with various anonymous workshop-type buildings being converted into wouldbe upmarket housing and some big office building projects nearby. Reasonable transport links, and not devoid of shops, services and restaurants in the area, especially up and down Leman Street, but limited at the weekends, since most of the business in the area is commuting office workers. Meant to add, you'd most likely be crossing the main road and walking up to Spitalfields/Brick Lane for entertainment - about 5-10 minutes. Agree with other posters. I used to work on Commercial Street long ago and it's changed a lot. There is a lot of building going on around Commercial Road and Aldgate. The area has plenty of history, Spitalfields, Brick Lane, Whitechapel (did you know the Liberty Bell was made at the Whitechapel Foundry which is still making bells? They designed the Olympic Bell for the opening ceremony - biggest harmonically tuned bell in the world - although it was cast elsewhere). Not central but it's not on the edge of the earth (that's Hainault).
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Shopit Electronics shop in Nairobi is a trusted Electronics dealer in Kenya. We strive to ensure you get the best prices and product quality from the best among Electronics suppliers in Nairobi, Kenya. Electronics shop in Nairobi, Kenya. Shopit is a trusted Electronics shop in Nairobi, Kenya with express delivery countrywide and a proven track record on variety, best prices, speedy delivery and excellent service. Shopit is the largest and the best electronics store in Kenya that provides its customers with a wide variety of consumer electronics to choose from. As a leading top electronic shop in Kenya, we have a large number of consumer and home electronics all at discounted rates. Shopping from Shopit electronics shop will be a fulfilling experience giving you access to an array of products with exciting deals. Contact our electronics shop in Nairobi today and enjoy a wide variety of electronic products from the leading electronics shop in Kenya.
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Affective Movement is a series of movement practices that each work together to move us towards greater awareness of our bodies and the interface to the brain, connection to our full embodiment, and a deeper felt sense of grounding and authenticity. This is movement that is available to ALL bodies and is more about how you feel and know through your body than what your body looks like. It is movement for life and for living. It is only when you know your body that you can understand how to maintain or reshape your body into what feels right for YOU. Movement Lab is all about somatic and movement exploration. It functions as a "teaser" or "preview" for classes that will included in the larger Affective Movement program. Movement practices included in upcoming Movement Labs will include Floor Flow, aerial yoga, restorative movement (gentle stretching and fascia care), chakra flow and meditation, communal rhythms and body drumming, contemporary pole dance, and more!! Movement Labs are limited to 6 participants. Floor Flow is a brand of movement instruction that fuses primal movement and dance-based floor work techniques into easy-to-learn sequences that emphasize fluidity, control, and joint mobility. Floor Flow was developed by Marlo Fisken. Floor Flow is a combination of moving meditation, full body self-massage, and gentle flowing movements that can contribute to greater ease in transitioning from floor to standing in your daily life. It provides a framework for creativity, mindfulness, playfulness, pleasure, and exploration while you grow in connection to and enjoyment of your embodied self, flexibility, balance, strength, musicality, and somatic awareness or proprioception (the sense of the relative position of one's own parts of the body and strength of effort being employed in movement). Floor Flow requires no equipment, but socks, knee pads, and sleeves are recommended for some techniques.
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I am taking some time off from lessons. Nothing serious. Post-season recuperation I should have taken after Nationals [Report]. I didn’t at the time because a) I wanted to go to Perry to finish out the season [Report]; b) I wanted Greg to drive at Winter Tournament, and I knew he wouldn’t if I didn’t [Report]; & c) I’m too stupid/stubborn to stop even for my own good. To keep my hand in, I have been binge-watching USEF Network on demand videos of three-gaited classes from the World’s Championship Horse Show. In NASCAR, a “loose” racecar drifts out with the backend around turns. Many drivers are not comfortable with a car that does not go where it is told. OTOH, loose cars are fast cars. Winning drivers learn to deal with what the engineers hand out, rather than dictating how the car should handle. I’ve talked about obedience – or the lack thereof – in saddle seat before [Obedience Epiphany, Back to the Bigtime]. A concommitant to obedience is precision. Yes, an ASB must canter when asked. OTOH, if the horse canters here or six feet farther on, mox nix. In dressage, six feet further on means you have blown the movement. In jumping, six feet to the left means you are jumping the standard. Even in saddle seat equitation, the patterns allow a degree of rider discretion. The ring doesn’t have a host of letters triangulating each footfall. While Saddlebreds may be loose, they are not cars. Saddlebreds have expectations of their riders. They have been trained to go. You better go with. If that means the rider has to leap on while the horse trots away from the mounting block, meh, halting is only useful in the line-up. Therefore, I have a mantra for my saddle seat lessons: Be Ready for the Ride.
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BISC's hopes of re-establishing itself at the top of British synchronised skating have been hit by the rink's decision to take away some of its ice time. The loss will hit the club's top figure skaters and ice dancers too. Ice Metrics, the club's junior synchro team, has won medals at every British Championship since 1998 and represented Britain internationally each year including two Junior World Cups. Ice Precise, the novice team, won British gold in 1998 and 99, medals in each subsequent year and represented Britain in at least two internationals each year. But a slump in skaters taking up the sport meant although Ice Metrics went from strength to strength as skaters moved up from Ice Precise, the younger team was less able to maintain its numbers and last season failed to skate at all. However Ice Metrics and Team Emotion, the club's new mixed-age team, both won silver at the 2003 British Championships. Realising it was about to lose several of its older members, the club set up a synchro development section last year to encourage more members to try this branch of the sport. "We thought it best to re-build from the base up," said club vice-chair Sacha Hartley who has just taken over as one of two managers of the synchro teams. "It was beginning to work well with the synchro development section providing skaters able to move on to Ice Precise - which has been re-formed this season - and eventually Ice Metrics." Now the club is having to suspend the section due to a loss of ice time. Because the Bees ice hockey team wants to change its training times, BISC has lost its 45 minute sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Although it has been given an extra hour on Friday - when the mixed age and novice teams already train for an hour - it means the club is having to abolish synchro development so the two established teams have sufficient ice time. And even they won't have use of the extra hour all year because of rehearsals for the National Team Challenge and pantomime. News of the lost ice time led to an emergency meeting of the club's committee which is to monitor the situation. BISC member Rachel Jarvis has fulfilled her childhood dream …. 30 years on. Rachel always wanted to skate as a child but did not live near an ice rink. Now a 37-year-old primary school teacher and mother of two, she has not only mastered the spins and jumps she so wanted to be able to do when young, but she is winning medals in national and international competitions! And it's nearly all thanks to her daughters, Eleanor, 15, and Bethany, 10. "I used to love watching ice skating on television when I was young and wanted to do it myself but we didn't live near a rink," Rachel said. Unlike the majority of people who do not begin skating until they are adults, Rachel has opted for figure skating, with its jumps and spins, instead of the more sedate ice dancing. And she is almost keeping pace with her daughters. While they have passed their Level 4 elements and free skating and bronze field moves tests, Rachel has passed Level 3 elements and free and is working on her bronze field moves. But being a teacher has made it difficult for Rachel to compete in Open competitions which are usually held on weekdays. However she decided to go for it this year and entered the Bracknell Adult Open where she won silver in the over Level 2 class and the World Ice Challenge, an international competition for adults held this year at Slough, where she won bronze in a class for skaters up to Level 4. Now she has her sights set on the British Adult Championships at the end of September. "I'm really looking forward to it." she said. "I am thrilled to have won the two medals especially as I haven't been able to do many competitions. "You get tremendous enjoyment when you master a new element or when you are skating a programme and of course it is an excellent way to keep fit. Because I love it so much it doesn't seem like exercise. It just seems like fun." The Bracknell Academy's summer camp this year was indeed an elite one, not because of the quality of the skaters taking part, but because there were so few of them. However the 20 free skaters who did sign-up for the four-day event learned a lot and improved their skills. They were divided into three ability groups and benefited from input by nearly all the rink's free skating coaches as well as Simon Waller whose coaching style proved very popular with the middle group. He also demonstrated elements for the two other groups. Sadly dancers showed no interest in the four-day camp that would have been held for them but the one-day synchro camp at the end of the week proved very popular.
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- Bathing and perfuming before assuming Ihram. - Wearing a wrapper (garment) and cover cloth which are white. - Saying the Talbiyah until one sees the House and reaches the Black Stone. - Observing al-Idh’tiba’ during the Tawaaf, and this is done by passing the cover cloth under the right armpit and placing the ends of the cloth on one’s left shoulder. 1- Whosoever omits a pillar of ‘Umrah has not completed his religious duty until he performs the omitted act. 3- Whosoever omits a supererogatory act of ‘Umrah is free of any obligation and his ‘Umrah is still valid.
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0159.json.gz" }
Although I couldn't write about it at the time - in April 2015 I noticed the start of a new trend. Military SSDs wearing DWPD badges too. This was a result of enterprise-like data architectures being designed for off-grid powered systems in hostile environments with a new design concept. The use of native military grade SSDs instead of repackaged (higher swap footprint) enterprise systems. In a new blog on StorageSearch.com I look at drivers, mechanisms and routes towards consolidation in the enterprise SSD systems market along with some other outrageous and dangerous ideas. The conclusion? A recent paper - A Survey Of Architectural Approaches for Data Compression in Cache and Main Memory Systems by Sparsh Mittal and Jeffrey S. Vetter in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems - reviews the published techniques available and places their relevance in the context of real and future memory types and applications. The survey covers applications from embedded systems upto supercomputers. In addition to being useful resource directory of related papers the article gives you a brief description of many compression techniques, where you might use them and what benefits you might expect. See also:- list of articles and books by Sparsh Mittal which among other things covers caching techniques, reliability impacts and energy saving possibilities in a wide range of server architectures. "the standard for enterprise PCIe SSDs by which all others are judged:- ioDrives from Fusion-io". "(still) the standard for enterprise PCIe SSDs by which all others are judged:- ioDrives from Fusion-io." The reason I mention that is to show how phrases which appear in ads can stick in readers' minds years later and resurface in everyday conversations. This is something which (as I've got no formal qualifications in writing) I had never really thought about until I heard a lecture on this very point by Professor Brooks Landon in an episode of his audio series "Building Great Sentences" - a series which I dip into from time to time - originally triggered by the hope that I might learn some useful tricks I could apply to my scribbles on this site but a series which as I heard more episodes sustained my interest more so because it took me to unexpected panoramas of word writing virtuosity which have probably given me more pleasure as a spectator than the haphazard impressionistic experiments in recycling his word craft which I sometimes inflict on you . So you can imagine my delight at seeing a recent press release from SanDisk about a new generation of Fusion ioMemory PCIe SSDs which among other things included this statement by John Scaramuzzo, senior VP and GM, Enterprise Storage Solutions, SanDisk. "Fusion-io's technology fundamentally transformed expectations about data center performance when it debuted 8 years ago and it remains the standard by which all other PCIe products are judged. Also in this news story we learn that over 250,000 of these accelerators have been deployed by over 7,000 customers. And that having been re-engineered to use SanDisk memory - the new models cost a lot less than the previous generation ioDrive2 product, and are 2x faster at reads. LSI samples the most ambitious design of a single chip SSD controller in SSD history. Editor:- April 29, 2015 - Infinidat (which operates in the petabyte scale hybrid storage appliance market) today announced a $150 million series B investment led by TPG Growth - which brings the company's total funding to $230 million. Editor:- April 29, 2015 - When I do eventually get around to publishing my promised $B/year enterprise SSD companies list - Western Digital will be one of the many companies listed in it. Editor:- April 27, 2015 - Diablo has resumed business as usual in the shipment and development of its memory channel storage technology following months of impediments related to legal wrangles. Among other things the company today announced that the US District Court for the Northern District of California has ruled to completely dissolve a preliminary injunction enacted in January 2015. Editor:- April 24, 2015 - Silicon Motion today announced it will acquire Shannon Systems for a total purchase price of $57.5 million. Editor:- April 22, 2015 - Violin Memory says that "effective storage capacity is a terrible measurement on which to make any firm plans (for buying flash storage arrays)" in a new blog - Where's My Capacity? Effective, Usable and Raw Explained. Because Violin goes on to say - "You simply cannot know what the effective capacity of a storage system is until you put your data on it. And you cannot guarantee that it will remain that way if your data is going to change." So Violin advises - "Never, ever buy a storage system based purely on the effective capacity offered by the vendor – and always consider whether the assumed data reduction ratio is relevant to you. (Also, be very careful to read the small print when a vendor offers a guarantee regarding data reduction ratios.)" Editor's comments:- This is a direct retaliation aimed at competing vendors - who using unfair tactics - such as the crowd sourced intelligence which enables them to have a pretty darn good guess how "effective" will translate for you (based on similar customers) are willing to take bets on Exiting the Astrological Age of Enterprise SSD Pricing. It's the kind of bet which is easier to finance when you've already proved it works and when you're picky about which customers you offer it to. Which you can only do with focused and segmented marketing analysis. Effective capacity promises are safer with effective marketing. Editor:- April 21, 2015 - Kaminario today , announced that Jim Dawson, a veteran of the storage industry, has been appointed to the company's board of directors. Dawson is a partner at Menlo Ventures where he focuses on defining and executing successful sales strategies in the enterprise technology space. Prior to that, Dawson was chief sales officer and executive VP at Fusion-io. And before that Dawson was VP of worldwide sales at 3PAR. He was also a VP at Data General responsible for the Clariion storage business internationally. Editor's comments:- normally I truncate the bio details in news stories because you can see them for yourself in linkedin. But in this instance I thought it worth leaving this in. Lest we forget DG and Clariion were just as disruptive in their time as Fusion-io. Editor:- April 20, 2015 - CoreRise today announced customer shipments of a new version of its BladeDrive family of gen 2 x8 PCIe SSDs - the E24 - which has a smaller form factor than the earlier E28. Its ASIC based implementation supports upto 1.6TB capacity, 275K IOPS (4KB) and 2GB/s throughput in half-height half-length. Software support includes Windows Server, Linux and virtualization such as Xen, Hyper-v, as well as TRIM. Editor:- April 16, 2015 - in a quarterly results related conference call (transcript) this week SanDisk's President and CEO - Sanjay Mehrotra - said that in the enterprise market it was seeing some of the business which had traditionally been implemented by its customers using PCIe SSDs was moving towards arrays of SATA SSDs. Among other things the company also reported on delays in customer qualifications of its SAS SSD products - despite which SanDisk still expects to maintain its position as the 2nd biggest supplier. Editor's comments:- despite recent acquisitions and some unique strengths SanDisk still has big holes in its enterprise SSD product spectrum - among which 2.5" NVMe SSDs is the most obvious example. Although SanDisk says this gap will be fixed in 2016 (pdf). You should be careful not to misconstrue SanDisk's statement about enterprise PCIe SSD replacement by SATA SSDs as a general trend for all customers and all types of PCIe SSDs. These things are decided by infrastructure, latency architecture, user roadmap and risk assessment preferences and business economics. On the other hand the move towards inplementing arrays of SATA SSDs as server accelerator upgrades to displace PCIe SSDs can occur in the least expected places. SanDisk's own first generation ULLtraDIMMs - for example - have 2 embedded SATA SSDs inside. Editor:- April 14, 2015 - There was a disproportionately high amount of reader interest in A3CUBE in 2014. A3CUBE was one of those rare companies which entered the Top SSD Companies list within a single quarter of exiting stealth mode or launching their first product. At that time they hadn't shipped any production products so we had to make some guesses about how the architecture would work with different R/W demands. With any remote memory caching system there are always some types of R/W activities which work better than others and now we can get an idea of the headroom in A3CUBE's remote PCIe shared memory from a new slidedeck released by the company (Fortissimo Foundation - all NVMe solution some benchmarks) which is based on a 4 server node configuration. In this 13 slide presentation - the most interesting for me was #12 - which shows random writes. A3CUBE says "This test measures the performance of writing a file with accesses being made to random locations within the file." Sonnet launches "Fusion PCIe Flash Drive" Editor:- April 13, 2015 - Last week I raised the subject of the possible confusion which I thought could arise from a company called Sonnet Technologies having chosen the name Fusion for a new PCIe connected SSD. In pursuance of that story I received some useful clarifications about this SSD branding issue which I'm publishing as a correction / elucidation story below. Editor:- April 7, 2015 - In a move which I think will lead to inevitable confusion - Sonnet Technologies has today launched a new consumer storage module called the "Fusion PCIe Flash Drive." "The Fusion PCIe Flash Drive leverages the latest advancements in PCIe SSD design and Thunderbolt 2 technology, enabling Sonnet to offer a storage device that fits neatly in the palm of your hand yet delivers the blazing-fast performance of a multi-drive RAID storage system many times its size," said Robert Farnsworth, Sonnet Technologies CEO. "We think this will become an indispensable accessory for the creative professional." Editor's comments:- Inside the box - is an M.2 SSD. If it had anything to do with Fusion-io - the best known brand in the PCIe SSD market - then I think we would have heard about it before. I often wonder what goes through the minds of product marketers when they name new SSD products. Many of the clever words have already gone as you can see in my SSD brand name archives. I contacted Sonnet's CEO - Robert Farnsworth about this name confusion issue. I said - "Robert is there any connection between your new Fusion PCIe drive and Fusion-io? I would be surprised if there was. Didn't you anticipate confusion when naming this product?" Robert told me - "Sonnet Technologies has been using the Fusion name for our storage product since before Fusion-io existed as a company. None of Fusion-io products carry the Fusion name because Sonnet owns the trademark." I got more of the background history about the Fusion storage trademark issue from Greg LaPorte, VP Sales and Marketing - Sonnet Technologies - whose detailed notes make interesting reading. Greg said - "Sonnet was actually the first to use, and trademark, Fusion' in association with storage back in 2005 and have since used it for all Sonnet storage products. With respect to Fusion-io, yes, Sonnet began using the trademark Fusion' for storage products before Canvas Technologies became FusionMultiSystems in June of 2006 and well before they named their first ioDrive in September 2007. Later they evolved to Fusion-io for a company name but did not name their actual products with Fusion. They tend to use "io" in the majority of their product names." Greg's email also included this related story. "When Apple came out with the Fusion Drive, we brought this to their attention; Was Apple infringing on a Sonnet trademark? Their answer was that Fusion is so commonly used for product names, they felt it fell into the non-trademarkable category. We... dont agree with that assessment but we have a good relationship with Apple." Editor:- April 12, 2015 - Samsung's M.2 PCIe SSD - the SM951 - launched in January - is the subject a new evaluation in the SSD Review. FlashSoft caching software bundle for the SAS and SATA enterprise SSD families derived from its acquisition of SMART. And a FlashSoft caching software bundle for the PCIe SSD product line derived from its acquisition of Fusion-io. "We have built our enterprise flash business to offer the broadest range of storage acceleration solutions to address customers' changing needs," said Ravi Swaminathan, VP and GM, Systems and Software Solutions, SanDisk. "The new hardware-software bundles offer the best of both our hardware and software portfolios in a single solution." Editor's comments:- when I first spoke to FlashSoft in June 2011 - they were already talking to many of the industry's leading fast SSD makers about supporting their drives. And in my 2011 year end summary (SSD software has started to become real and useful) - I said - "Think of SSD software as being able to convert raw SSD gold into SSD jewelry. If enough users like the style the end-result is worth a lot more than the scrap value." But in the years immediately following there was a lot of uncertainty for enterprise users who relied on any particular SSD software solution - as most such companies couldn't be relied on to continue support for your favorite SSD if they were acquired by a competitor of that SSD. And in many cases - the investment and roadmaps for the acquired caching products fizzled out. The new FlashSoft bundles will appeal to some types of enterprise users who like this style of roadmap continuity - where the personality of their SSD (software and controllers) come from the same source. On the other hand - for oems and big users who want to differentiate their systems by using COTS SSDs from any source and their own choice of software - this kind of bundle will be seen as a strategic threat and will incline many of them to look instead towards vendors who are seen as more "software agnostic" - such as Seagate, Micron and Intel. See also:- decloaking segmentations (and user preferences) in the enterprise SSD market. Software is the data heat pump which can transform the entropy of flash memory arrays from mere storage systems into higher value random access memory. Where are we heading with memory systems and software? is data remanence in NVDIMMs a new risk factor? This important design feature has a strong impact on SSD data integrity and operational reliability. It's by no means inevitable that the biggest memory companies will go on to become the biggest SSD companies.
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This plan was originally designed by www.hipro86.com laying system. The plan has 3 primary stages. The stage one is when you constantly win. In this case the bot always bets Start Stake. If you lose being on the first stage, it goes to the stage two. Now place this stake on the next four bets. If any of these bets, except the 4th, loses, you go to the stage three. Otherwise, if you win all four bets or at least first three, you back to the stage one. Place this stake on the next four bets, the same as we did on the stage two. If any of these bets lose, return to the stage one straight away. If you have 4 winning bets then return to the stage one as well. Note that if a lose occurs on first recovery cycle and 4th recovery step, the bot goes back to the stage one anyway.
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I am pleased to share the January edition of the New England Friend. The focus of this issue is on how Friends across New England are engaged in the hard work of faithfulness—the acceptance that God is at work in the world and our participation in that work. There are reports from Friends engaged in work towards racial justice, a report from Marian Baker on her work in Tanzania and Uganda, and news from monthly meetings. Our Yearly Meeting office shares exciting news about new resources and programs which are coming up. Sometimes in January in New England it is easy to be absorbed in the beauty of the winter and of our region. I hope you are well, warm and healthy. Dear Friends in New England: I am sharing a minute approved by Beacon Hill Friends Meeting on January 3, 2016, and a statement that Greg Williams has shared with us. Beacon Hill Friends Meeting takes Greg Williams’ ministry to deepen our struggle for justice against racism under our care. This ministry will involve both change within the Society of Friends and outreach to individuals of color in Boston. We see this work as being central to living fully into our faith and witness. The summer after my first year of college, I worked for an academic summer program in my hometown of New Haven. As part of our training, we did a number of exercises around identity and different facets of diversity. This was probably only the second or third time in my life that I was asked to explicitly speak from a white perspective and I found myself trying to defend and explain things I didn't have the language for, nor did I have the ability to fully understand what others were saying. In the last year or so, the need—and hope—for prison reform has taken up more and more time in the media, on TV, in print, and on the internet. More recent events in the news—Ferguson and a police propensity to shoot first and maybe ask question later—have contributed to the whole issue of unequal treatment “under the law” and to questions about whether the prison system is actually successful in how it treats prisoners (e.g., solitary confinement) and whether any programs do rehabilitate and provide opportunities when an inmate is released to society. Cobscook Friends Monthly Meeting worships on land that was originally part of the Passamaquoddy Tribe's ancestral territory. Some time ago, this awareness spurred us to learn about the Doctrine of Discovery and its role in the taking of Indigenous lands and lives. We continue to learn about the Wabanaki peoples, their culture, and the genocidal practices by our own government. We also continue to wrestle with our sense of white privilege and with the knowledge that we have benefited greatly from the wrongs committed by our ancestors and by the systemic racism that continues. The newly developed web pages for the RSEJ committee are a natural place for healthy exchange and learning. We do hope you’ve had a chance to look at what’s posted. While you are there please notice the “Our Network” section. Meanwhile Barnstable Friends is collaborating with RSEJ on the Black Lives Matter vigil and working closely with a number of people from the Mashpee Wampanoag community. In November, about a dozen and a half Friends gathered at Woolman Hill for the second gathering of Climate Spring. The “spring” doesn’t refer to the season, but reflects the influence of Quaker Spring, which has been a model of a gathering that is not programmed, but is guided by a listening committee that is responsible for proposing topics and activities over the course of the gathering, taking into account the ideas and concerns of all those attending. For several years, I have been spending three to six months annually, under a travel minute from New England Friends, energizing and equipping Quaker women pastors from Kenya to travel and uplift the women in neighboring Uganda and Tanzania. God has brought together teams: Margaret and Pamela focus on Tanzania, and Eileen and Agneta focus on Uganda. Traveling throughout our region, it’s common to hear Friends give voice to a yearning shared by many: strengthening the participation of young adults and young families in our meeting communities. Seeking to respond to this concern, dozens of Quakers from throughout New England braved a snowstorm to gather at Moses Brown School in Providence for the NEYM Consultation on Young Adult Ministries. As you may know, New England Yearly Meeting has created a grant program of financial assistance for individuals pursuing education and training. This grant program has been established to purposefully disperse the funds of the former NEYM Student Loan program. You do not have to be a member of a monthly meeting to apply, but you must be committed to Friends’ principles and willing to share the role of Quakerism in your life. Further details and application information can be found here. Barton-Glover Friends have changed the name of the meeting to Northeast Kingdom Quaker Meeting and have moved to a much more comfortable and appealing worship space in Coventry, Vermont (48 Coventry Station Rd) as of January 10, 2016. They have also changed the time of meeting for worship from 9:30 to 10:00 to accommodate those traveling from a distance. The meeting has already seen an increase in attendance, including children. Visits, encouragement and prayers are appreciated. The legacy of Elise Boulding (1920–2010) is being carried into the 21st century. Elise was active in the life of Wellesley Monthly Meeting and New England Yearly Meeting for many years and was internationally renowned as a peace activist and author. Many of our First Day Schools are growing and new ones are springing to life! It’s time to gather as a Community of Practice to share, learn, and problem-solve together. Join Beth Collea and Melinda Wenner Bradley, a Philadelphia YM Friend and author of some of the Faith & Play Stories, along with other First Day School teachers, RE Committee members, Quaker grandparents, and other Friends at Woolman Hill. This weekend at Woolman Hill is designed for Friends currently engaged in Quaker Outreach. So many Friends will be presenting their work, that space is limited. We are asking Friends to apply for one of the remaining Open Spaces by telling us about their interest, experience, and hopes for outreach in their meetings. Click here for further details and an application form. Lift up and celebrate the Spirit’s work in your meeting! Back by popular demand, the Sessions 2016 Meeting Fair. Same format—plan for about 3 feet of table space for some sort of display with information about your meeting. A trifold display board works well. Same flexibility—use our questions and themes or come up with your own.
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There's something a bit decadent about adding champagne to a recipe for something as simple as cranberry jam. But this recipe from Edible DIY: Simple, Giftable Recipes to Savor and Share proves it's a wonderful idea. Ginger adds a welcome touch of heat and champagne, elegance. The result? Sweet, tart, and zesty jam that goes lovely with cheese or in sandwiches. Tips: This probably goes without saying, but don't worry about the quality of the champagne you're using. As long as it's not terrible, you'll be fine. And if you've got leftover New Year's champagne, this is the time to use it. Tweaks: 4 1/2 cups of sugar is a lot. Add one cup at a time, and taste afterwards. You might find yourself stopping at 2 or 3. As always with our Bake the Book feature, we have five (5) copies of Edible DIY to give away.
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EBME Expo 3rd/ 4th April 2019. Medical Innovations Expo in Milton Keynes. Please note that this is a UK based event. Please do not register if you are unable to travel to the UK. The EBME (Electronic and biomedical engineering) conference and exhibition started in 2009, as a way of improving healthcare through the sharing and application of knowledge from experienced professionals involved in the management of healthcare technology. This educational event has continued to grow both in delegate attendance and reputation, and remains a sponsored event, but independent of any one commercial company. For our 10th anniversary, and after considering feedback from our delegates and exhibitors, we will be holding our annual event at a new larger venue - The Milton Keynes Arena. This location will be familiar to previous visitors, as it is still at Stadium MK (home to the MK Dons Football Club), where we have held the seminar at the DoubleTree by Hilton hotel for the last 7 years. The EBME Expo 2019 will feature a conference and exhibition, with excellent speakers in the conference hall, and innovative and internationally respected companies in the exhibition hall. We will have a variety of exhibition space sizes to cater for all types of companies with innovative new products. In addition to moving to a larger venue, the 2019 EBME Expo will be open for two days - the focus being on medical equipment and maintenance on day one, and medical equipment planning and connectivity on day two. Our conference programme will feature six speakers each day, with two keynote speakers focussing on delivery of improved patient outcomes. Besides this, we are planning workshops in break-out areas and some of our exhibitors will be providing technical demonstrations and training. There will be numerous opportunities for informal networking. Each attending conference delegate will receive a certificate for their continuing professional development (CPD) record. Situated in Milton Keynes, within easy access of the M1 and Milton Keynes Train station, the MK Arena is an impressive venue built into Stadium MK, a 30,500 seat stadium, which is also home to MK Dons Football Club and the 304 bedroom DoubleTree by Hilton Milton Keynes. To assist us with our exciting new format, we have partnered with BtoB events.
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require to broadcasters of any scale. integrated solution for Visual Radio. and accessible to all customers.
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When using metadata properties within Autocad drawing, empty metadata fields show up as “----“. This is a known bug in M-Files Autocad add-in that has not yet been addressed. This issue is identified with M-Files 2015.3 (11.3.4330.254) through M-Files 2018 Update 1 (19.3.4799.3). The solution to not get ---- shown in empty metadata fields in drawings is that you need to fill it somehow. It’s possible to make this by using a snon-breaking pace filler. The actual “spacebar hit” does not work here. Instead, you need to use the ASCII character that can be created by pressing ALT to the bottom at your keyboard, and then by entering the number 255 and then by releasing the ALT button. This creates such special empty character that looks like space, but it’s not. This works in such empty metadata fields perfectly as a workaround for this issue.
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The Nuclear Security Modeling (NSM) Group within the Nuclear Security and Isotope Technology Division (NSITD) at Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL) seeks applications for a postmaster researcher that will focus on development and application of computational models relevant to a variety of nuclear fuel cycle processes for security and nuclear forensics applications. The Nuclear Security and Isotope Technology Division is a leader in research, development, and deployment of technology that enhances nuclear nonproliferation and safeguards, reduces threats to nuclear material at risk, and expands the national capabilities in radiation detection and nuclear forensics. The NSM Group staff combines expertise in nuclear engineering, nuclear chemistry, applied mathematics, and computational modeling to conduct R&D in nuclear nonproliferation, consequence management, and post-detonation nuclear forensics. Modeling applications include all elements of the nuclear fuel cycle (e.g., enrichment, reactor analysis, and spent fuel safeguards); consequence assessments and forensics related to nuclear detonations; and search and assessment approaches for nuclear and radiological material. The NSM Group collaborates with other groups across the laboratory to develop, implement, and validate enhanced computational methods that support the key mission areas of NSM. The major customers of the work performed in this group are the National Nuclear Security Administration, Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, and other government agencies. The responsibilities of this position include conceptualizing and performing research and development in the assessment of proliferation in every stage of the nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear weapons. Expertise is expected in one or more of the following areas: meteorological modeling analysis, atmospheric science, forecasting, mesoscale modeling, atmospheric transport and dispersion, numerical weather prediction, nuclear fallout modeling, and meteorological data acquisition, processing, and dissemination. The primary focus for this position is to develop and implement methods for simulation of these meteorological and nuclear security processes. The research will focus on developing and validating meteorological modeling methods and integrating these methods into existing modeling and simulation (M&S) tools. The researcher will maintain and develop the codes used for this evaluation, test their performance on different operating systems, and validate results using both numerically generated and actual measured data. Work will usually include a statistical analysis of the uncertainties and correlations in the reconstructed values. Finally, the researcher will maintain a strong understanding of the overall goals of various federal agencies involved in meteorological modeling and nuclear security analysis. The selected candidate will be responsible for interacting with division staff, both within and outside the NSM Group, who work on projects in a team environment. The candidate will be expected to work independently, perform R&D activities, fully document work in technical reports and publications, effectively interface with project sponsors, and participate in the identification and development of research proposals. Candidates for this position must have a master’s in meteorology or related field such as atmospheric science and have recent experience in modeling and analysis, with demonstrated accomplishments in the solution of a variety of real-world problems. A firm understanding of the science of atmospheric transport and dispersion, backed by demonstrated recent and relevant research and development in the field, is a fundamental requirement of this position. It is highly desirable for the candidate to have experience with Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), High Performance Computing (HPC), the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model, DTRA’s HPAC/SCIPUFF model, NOAA’s HYSPLIT model, and/or operational weather models. Excellent verbal, presentation, and writing skills are required to enable effective interaction and communication with technical peers, program managers, and sponsors. The candidate should have considerable programming experience using high-level languages. Additional capabilities, such as programming on parallel processors using the message-passing interface (MPI) are a plus. It is highly desirable for the candidate to have knowledge and experience with national meteorological agencies and/or universities. The ideal candidate would also have diverse experience in many application areas such as nuclear power plant emissions, nuclear accidents, and nuclear weapon fallout. Applicants cannot have received the most recent degree more than five years prior to the date of application and must complete all degree requirements before starting their appointment. This position is a temporary, full-time assignment for 12 months with possible extension. This position requires the ability to obtain and maintain a clearance from the Department of Energy. As such, this position is a Workplace Substance Abuse (WSAP) testing designated position. WSAP positions require passing a pre-placement drug test and participation in an ongoing random drug testing program. The ORNL Postgraduate Research Associates Program is administered by Oak Ridge Associated Universities through its contract with the U.S. Department of Energy to manage the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE). Degree: Master's Degree received within the last 60 month(s). ORAU is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE AA M/F/Vet/Disability); visit the ORAU website for required employment notices.
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Activists Ko Ko Gyi (L) and Min Ko Naing (R). Ko Ko Gyi and Min Ko Naing are both currently serving 65 year sentences which will now be reduced to 64 years under President Thein Sein’s latest “amnesty”. (New York) - The Burmese government's decision to grant a one-year sentence reduction to all prisoners is a slap in the face to a senior United Nations' envoy who had just called for the release of all political prisoners in Burma, Human Rights Watch said today. On May 16, 2011, President Thein Sein issued Order No. 28/2011, which provides for an "amnesty" to all prisoners by either commuting their death sentences to life in prison or reduces their sentences by one year. Prisoners with less than a year remaining in their sentences will presumably be released. "The government's gesture will be welcomed by a great many prisoners in Burma, but for the 2,100 political prisoners unjustly serving sentences of up to 65 years, the one-year reduction is a sick joke," said Elaine Pearson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "This is a pathetic response to international calls for the immediate release of all political prisoners." The amnesty announcement comes soon after the visit by the UN secretary-general's Burma envoy, Vijay Nambiar, from May 11-13. In his remarks following the visit, Nambiar said that he raised the political prisoner issue with the new government, which assumed formal power on March 30. He stated, "Domestically and internationally, expectations are high that [the new government] will start taking concrete steps soon. In all my meetings, I stressed that this must include the release of all political prisoners." While the death sentence remains on the books in Burma's sentencing laws, the country has not conducted state executions of prisoners in decades. Human Rights Watch said that the commutation of existing death sentences should be followed by a ban on all capital punishment under Burmese law. Human Rights Watch opposes the death penalty under all circumstances because of its inherent cruelty and irreversibility. Despite long-standing calls by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and many governments around the world, there have been no significant political prisoner releases in Burma since the November 2010 elections apart from the release of democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, when her house arrest order expired. Human Rights Watch's campaign "Behind Bars: Free Burma's Political Prisoners" seeks to secure the release of all 2,100 political detainees in Burma, a number that effectively doubled since 2007. Human Rights Watch urged the UN, ASEAN, and Burma's main trading partners to speak out against the inadequacy of the "amnesty" and call for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners. Su Su Nway, a female labor rights activist serving an eight-and-a-half-year sentence after raising a banner criticizing Burma's government at the hotel of a visiting UN special envoy. "The UN and ASEAN should immediately make clear that Burma's paltry ‘amnesty' measure won't be treated as a serious human rights reform," Pearson said.
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Photo of Clipper’s 2.5 Megawatt turbine — the 7.5 megawatt turbine will be much larger. The Queen is investing in the world’s largest wind turbine. It’s a prototype of a new line of wind turbines called “The Britannia” which will be produced by Clipper Windpower, based in California. The turbine tower stands about 328 feet, has a diameter of 492 feet, and can generate 7.5 megawatts. Currently, the largest installed wind turbine is the massive Enercon E-126, which is rated at 7 megawatts (see of our previous post here). The sale was made to the British Crown Estate, which owns most of the seabed off Britain’s shores, regularly leases out its land to wind farm projects but has never invested in the turbines. The prototype turbine is part of Britain’s ambitious goal of generating 33 gigawatts of offshore wind energy by 2020. This investment will allow The Crown Estate to gain firsthand knowledge of the challenges facing the development of wind turbines specialised for deep water marine deployment as the process of engaging industry to develop the next phase of offshore windfarms begins. If the industry is to reach the current delivery target of a total capacity of up to 33 GW by 2020, this kind of support and research will be invaluable. In addition to a unique and diverse property portfolio, encompassing urban and rural estates, the marine interests of The Crown Estate include almost the entire UK territorial seabed out to 12 nautical miles and around 55 per cent of the UK’s coastal foreshore. In addition, The Crown Estate has the rights to lease seabed for the generation of renewable energy on the continental shelf within the Renewable Energy Zone which extends out to approximately 200 nautical miles. I see that Rosenbloom is being used as an anti-wind reference. There are many concerns about the objectivity and accuracy of his information, as well as the ethical standards of the organization he represents. Thanks for this info, I will give it a further look thereafter. There are valid concerns regarding wind turbines, but I can tell you that these are not. Anyway, it is like basing concerns of airplanes of the WWII as to avoid using planes today, when they are totally a different thing. Hi Wicho, thanks for your reply. You seem to know quite a lot about wind turbines. Do you a hint for good homepage to inform? What about the corrosion of the metallic parts? I think that prior versions had quite a lot of problems when they where used off shore. Thomas, this is one of the important challenges in offshore turbines. Land and offshore turbines are not the same although they look the same, they have significant design differences. I don’t know what elegant wind turbines you have seen, but the ones I have seen are monsters. They totally dominate the landscape and many wind developments have dozens of turbines and some have over one hundred. The experience of nations with significant installed wind energy is that it does not reduce reliance on conventional sources. I do not support nuclear, but this is not an issue of wind vs.nuclear, or wind vs. coal. We will still have nuclear and coal sources of electricity. The only solution to reduce the negative extenralities of electricity-generation is increased energy efficiency and conservation. Some of the concerns are still valid, some are not. People use often the wind energy history events as truth for now. Is just as saying that Chernobyl is enough against all nuclear plants. Other technologies are being developed to counter against wind energy issues. Power plants algo go down due to maintenance issues, and I don’t see anyone complaining them about putting more. Water-Hydro plants can cause floodings in other areas, and would also go down by the same reasons, or dry seasons. In less than half a year a windturbine generates enough electricity to compensate for the energy it has cost to manufacture, build the windturbine and even the cost of demoslishing and recycling it again in the future. One other thing: you are confusing efficiency with production factor. Finally, I prefer looking at an elegant wind turbine over leaving an heritage to our future generations that exists of nuclear waste that will remain dangerous for 360000 years. Aren’t jet engines the same airflow direction rotation as propeller airplanes? What a comparison was that? The fact is Wind Energy grows out to be more competitive with oil-based electricity generation. These costs include the transportation costs of all the materials, which are also embedded in the current electricity generation cost. It’s not like those costs were paid by no one or flew with the wind. Yes, there are many downsides to Wind Energy and those ugly turbines, but so have each and every one of our energy transformation systems (even solar power, or nuclear power). Problems are there to be solved. I guess we should find a happy middle. Reducing the personal consumption is also a short term goal. Hard to implement in a third world country with much more immediate needs. Mid Wales has 600 wind turbines planned for the area. When you investigate the materials used, (steel for the 400 feet high towers, copper for the generator and base transformer, copper and aluminium to connect them all together, also timber for the pylons and cables needed to connect to the national grid and hundreds of thousands of tons of concrete to make the foundations. You soon begin to realise that this apparently green initiative is perhaps a folly. A ‘distributed’ system has a much greater impact on resources, the landscape and natural reserves that would unquestionably be best used for other things to protect as well as promote humanity rather than to generate the power to run our televisions and charge the batteries in our Ipods. We could as just one example plant forests to absorb CO2 and provide timber for building and burning for energy. If something is only 30% efficient at producing power as is a wind turbine, then it is only acceptable to use as an energy source if it has negligable impact on the planet as quite obviously we are going to need rather a lot of them to be of any use. We need at least 1170 of them to equate to one nuclear power station, the construction vehicles to erect them all will travel millions of miles in the process, hundreds of thousands of tons of steel, tens of thousands of tons of copper must be mined from millions of tons of earth. It must all be transported, processed and transported again to site. All of this uses immense amounts of energy.. And of course, we also need some kind of supporting power generator for days when the wind does not blow. Let us spend our time, money and human effort on reducing our energy consumption so that we may buy our selves the time to find a solution that our children would be proud to inherit and not embarressed to look at whenever they travel through what will be left of our countrside. @ Isaac Kepler – Turbines may be more efficient, but they’re also noisier. Likely they are also more expensive to maintain and build. If they are out to sea at least they are not damaging our landscapes. Prince Charles has written passionately about the built environment and how it impacts the psyche. Wind turbines are like the creatures from War of the Worlds. They are like putting up huge skyscapers in rural areas … totally inappropriate. And all this is being done for what reason? To maintain current electricity consumption patterns. Well, my friends, the feasibility of these turbines reducing the need for conventional power sources is an illusion. This is just another crazy scheme that will have its bust cycle, and not too far off either. Lower-consuming lifestyles might sound unsexy, but that is what we will all be dealing with in the future. Polluting our environments with expensive, destructive wind turbines will not forestall an inevitable economic transformation. in Response to the comments left by Advanced Designs, Inc/ Isaac Kepler, whilst it may be true that vertical axis turbines could potentially produce more energy, the current reality is that they are less efficient than their propellor counterparts. Once the design of these surpasses propellors I’m sure they shall become the main focus of wind power. Observation: Why are the so called “moral majority” types so quick to accuse anyone in favor of alternative energy a “lib” or a a “green”? So if you want to stop sending $’s overseas to buy oil or enrich some Coal fatcat who wants to level half your county to get the coal out you are automatically a “lib”? Boneheads! ‘Propeller Towers’ are not new or perfectable means of deriving power from wind. Yes they work, and the “Spruce Goose” did fly, but it was proven after decades of denials, that ‘Propeller ‘ designs were not the optimum means of Aviation propulsion except for helicopters. After all air is a fluid according to Bernoulli’s theory, and in wind, air flows parallel to the Earth, so its’ optimal force , capture and utility require a vertical axis ‘True Turbine.’ The very trend of pawning off ‘Propeller Towers’ as ‘Wind Turbines’ is itself a perversion or the definition of ‘Turbine.’ Propellers with airfoil design and lift coefficients were indeed ‘New ‘ over a hundred years ago enabling powered air flight, but its designers then conceded there were limits. So, in a few years when the financing sinks in and the problems leak out, will developing real Wind “TURBINES” become a sudden fad surpassing Propeller Towers’ like “JET” aircraft for commercial aviation finally caught on in the ’60’s and even into the ’70’s after about 30 years of ‘telling them so!’ Optimum wind force capture utilizing vertical axis, multiple contoured, proportionally large sail fins, with an open center integral generator hub, conforms to directional flows with ever the same rotational compatibility and gyroscopic stability. This increases cost efficiency many ways. We are not the only ones aware of these advantages, but the “Propeller Tower’ promotors are chasing the wind for their own profits, and cheap and reliable power generation does not generate huge profits and get big attention like the Fad and Trend of ‘Big Wind,’ like mindless crowds waving at a Rock Show! “oh, it must have all just blown away!” It is like snobs in the auto market. The more ‘expensive,’ the more ‘prestigeous,’ and the costly ‘exotic,’ always needing more repairs and “Refinements.’ These models are the ones most desireed and are of course the most expensive. Odd how evolved Icons like “Cadillac, Lamborgini, Rolls Royce”are ‘not for everyone, but they are basicly ‘Cars.” Now the Queen of England must have, of course, the biggest new model Wind tower. You’d think it was a competition for new “S U V’s! I guess they do look like “Mercedes” emblems though, maybe that’s it! Thank you for your good articls . The facts on this article are a little off. The Enercon E-126 has a 126 meter rotor diameter (413 feet). Also the revolution per min of these blades is 12 rpm. 1297.48 feet circumferance so at 12*1297.48 * 60 min/hr =934183.99 feet per hour. 934183.99ft / 5280 ft/mile = 176.92 miles per hour way less than the 654.6 mph (speed of sound). This article should be printed in many newspaper as there is still much misunderstanding about windpower and the immense technical advances that has bin made. Even within the industry much has to be done in way of education to maintain the modern generators, gearboxes and brakes. This article is well written for the average person to understand and keep up the good work. the problem with a roughly 500 foot diamter is that the tip speed of the blade goes supersonic at decent rpm. blades are very Noisy even at mach .8 … i hope these people have thier aero-smarts for such a thing. mach 1 = roughly 1100 ft/sec – circumference of a 492 foot rotor at tip is 1545 feet . Tip speed is going to take some fancy airfoil design. There are HUNDREDS of them in West Texas and they make very little noise. Much queter than a generator or a power plant.
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But the rapid expansion certainly came as a surprise, with Rhodes adding: 'It's not the way we had planned it! , the fitness guru explained she and Heidi Rhoades are rushing to tie the knot before Donald Trump and his Cabinet strips them of their federal right to get married. The 42-year-old revealed: "I don't trust—neither one of us trust anything that's coming out of [Trump's] mouth, and our concern is that—we're hoping, and again, we don't fully understand, but we're hoping that if we're already married, you get grandfathered in. Total body resistance control combined with circuits makes this tough, but damn effective. 10 Minute Solution: Tone Trouble Zones £3.75, amazon Being short on time is no excuse with this DVD. Davina Intense £7, amazon Davina returns with her personal trainers Mark and Jackie to introduce us all to High Intensity Training. The 10 Minute Solutions series is dedicated to squeezing a little exercise into even the busiest of schedules. Zumba Exhilarate Body Shaping Kit £39.99, amazon If you don't fancy all that shimmying and shaking in front of a Zumba class, this DVD set is a great way to try the Columbian dance fitness programme at home. Tracy Anderson Method – Dance Cardio Workout II £2.95, amazon Well known for celebrity devotees such as Gwyneth Paltrow and Kim Kardashian, Tracy Anderson has created a really challenging dance workout here. Pregnancy Workout Lean and Toned £8.17, amazon Exercise may be the last thing on your mind as a mother-to-be, but it's important to stay active. Work out harder (boo), but for shorter time periods (yay). David Haye's Box and Tone £6, amazon Heavyweight champion David "The Haymaker" Haye's first foray into the world of exercise DVDs is suitable for a range of fitness levels, with six workouts. Not strictly an exercise DVD, but will let you do the rumba like a pro. Jillian Michaels' Extreme Shed and Shred £7, amazon Takes no prisoners. A varied, high-intensity routine including drills, ju-jitsu moves and yoga. Flow Yoga – Strength and Flexibility £8, amazon Perfect for those who can't bear the thought of strenuous exercise after a hard day's work, this lets you choose what areas to work on. Bob Harper Kettlebell Cardio Shred £8.99, amazon A non-stop workout. The Biggest Loser trainer popped the question during the season finale of her E! reality show Just Jillian, which aired on Tuesday, March 8. Holly says her love life has improved since moving to New York. Holly believes her legs are definitely an asset now, 'being older I feel like people appreciate them more' Growing up, Holly said she used her height to her advantage playing a variety of sports and helping her shorter friends - and used to help her friends reach things in high places a lot Holly, pictured with a passer-by, said: She said: ' I love the attention that I get. Do you think he's not going to bring this back to the courts? I'm so upset about this, and I've never been the one to get militant, but you know what?
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We are enthusiastic and we don’t like standing still, so we want to act and keep on growing. Work with us. Develop your potential in a friendly team filled with positive energy. Join us!
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After more than a month, the Somerset Levels are still underwater. This kind of sight is becoming sadly more frequent, but it doesn’t make it any less devastating. I sat watching the news last night and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for the people affected. Seeing a burly looking farmer brought to tears at the sight of his business, his home and probably what feels like his whole life submerged in foul murky water was pretty heart wrenching. The sight of flood water will always have a very personal effect on me, but perhaps in not quite the ‘shudder of dread’ way you might think. Flooding makes me feel very grateful. My friends were completely amazing when my own home flooded in 2007. It was my very first home which I’d lovingly furnished and decorated from my own money, and I was so very proud of it. But that fateful July day turned it into a grey sodden mess. Whilst I was coming to terms with what had happened, food appeared from nowhere, someone moved me in to their spare room, and someone else helped me deal with paperwork. My friends appeared in force and did more for me than I could ever imagine. I’d never been so grateful and I’ve never looked at my friends in quite the same way again. The reassurance, support and love they showed at a time when I really needed them, has had a much more long-lasting effect on my life than having to refurnish a house. I wouldn’t wish flooding on anyone. It is awful. But I just hope the people in Somerset are as lucky as I was, and find that there are positive things to come out of a tragedy, and that these will last far longer than the floodwater ever will. Part of the problem is the increase in paved areas which produce more rapid run-off, the other part of the problem is the lack of maintenance of the drainage systems, silting up of the rivers and ditches and, of course, the heavier than usual rains. My family were the victims of floods in 1968, and the fire station I was serving at was flooded in 1971, and I had to deal with flooding in the station and in our ‘protected area’ again in 1981 as the then Station Commander. Floods are, in a sense, as bad as fires, perhaps more so since there is little one can do to stop a flood. It is at times like this that one really discovers the true meaning of ‘community’ and friendship. And sometimes it comes from surprising directions.
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Abstract : We undertake a detailed comparison of the results of direct numerical simulations of the integrable soliton gas dynamics with the analytical predictions inferred from the exact solutions of the relevant kinetic equation for solitons. We use the KdV soliton gas as a simplest analytically accessible model yielding major insight into the general properties of soliton gases in integrable systems. Two model problems are considered: (i) the propagation of a `trial' soliton through a one-component `cold' soliton gas consisting of randomly distributed solitons of approximately the same amplitude; and (ii) collision of two cold soliton gases of different amplitudes (soliton gas shock tube problem) leading to the formation of an incoherend dispersive shock wave. In both cases excellent agreement is observed between the analytical predictions of the soliton gas kinetics and the direct numerical simulations. Our results confirm relevance of the kinetic equation for solitons as a quantitatively accurate model for macroscopic non-equilibrium dynamics of incoherent soliton ensembles.
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"When the full moon strikes the door of my tomb, I will come back, you hear? I will come back to kill!" An eminent Egyptologist has purchased a precious stone stolen from an Egyptian tomb. A great believer in the ancient gods of the people whose history he studies, when he is buried he has the stone entombed with him in the hope that it will appease the gods after death. The Professor is not dead, however, but in a trance—and when the stone is stolen from his tomb he returns as a ghoul, furious at the theft and hell-bent on wreaking revenge upon those responsible. The first British film ever to be labelled 'horrific' (as well as being the first British horror 'talkie'), The Ghoul was thought lost for many years until a subtitled print was found in Prague. Many years later a copy of the uncut British print was found, and it is this version which has undergone digital restoration for inclusion on this DVD. Starring Boris Karloff, Cedric Hardwicke and Ralph Richardson, this landmark film is a key title in any horror film collection. Dir: T. Hayes Hunter. With: Boris Karloff, Cedric Hardwicke, Ernest Thesiger, Dorothy Hyson, Anthony Bushell, Ralph Richardson. Gaumont-British. B&W. "Kim Newman and Stephen Jones pair up again for another commentary on this region 2 and 4 Network disc. I have to say I enjoyed this track a lot more than their partnership on Carnival of Souls with Jones definitely more engaged in the chat. Here he takes the lead and Newman joins in with what turns out be very interesting stuff about the history of British horror. There are occasional hypothetical and tangential comments, but these are fewer than their other collaboration and the emphasis is on being well researched and factual. It's kind of the nature of horror movie commentaries that they are less seriously researched and more at the mercy of flights of fancy, but my taste is for a more focussed approach, and on this score Newman and Jones succeed admirably." "Once again Network have provided a Commentary Track by genre writers Kim Newman and Stephen Jones, who are clearly good friends and previously collaborated on the two Horror: 100 Best Books reference works. Both really know their genre movies and appear to independently research the film they are commenting on and then meet up for the recording itself, which results in a lively debate as they compare opinions and notes for the first time. As with Carnival of Souls, this is a hugely enjoyable and informative track loaded with learned opinion and interesting facts about the film and those involved in its production, with Newman providing detail on the relationship between film and the novel on which it was based, and both men chipping in with comparisons to the 1961 comedy remake What a Carve-Up! . . . On the basis of this and the Carnival of Souls track, the pair have the potential to become the Bey Logan of horror commentaries. If Network plan to release further horror favourites in the future, I do hope they again engage the services of this pair." "There are another couple of plusses here: a lively and erudite commentary by horror mavens Kim Newman and Stephen Jones, plus a handsome, informative booklet by the latter. (Jones, amusingly, makes a pertinent observation in the commentary: why does Karloff look so hideous even before his revivification as a murderous zombie?)."
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Welcome to Yorkshire's online dating site for singles in Stainland, we're here to help you make new friends and start relationships with local people around Stainland, Yorkshire. If you're serious about wanting to meet someone in Stainland and are looking forward to getting yourself out on some fun dates then you have found the right dating website. We're not just a Stainland dating site, we're focused on making new relationships that last. Something that takes effort and commitment on both sides, a serious dating site for Stainland singles who are ready to date.
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As published in the September 2016 issue of Balance, a Manitoba Teachers’ Society publication. With increasing debt loads affecting youth, and unemployment rates double the national average, understanding how money and credit ratings work is paramount and a part of their educational needs. Starting with their allowance, children can learn about how to manage their finances. The key is thinking about how much money you have and where you want to spend it. Children and adults alike are often driven by impulse and don’t think before acting. An environment where youth are responsible for identifying only their wants and not their essential needs is a dangerous precedent that can affect them throughout their lives. It’s simply too easy to spend freely and then find out you don’t have enough left, forcing you into debt. Unfortunately, failure to develop a spending plan usually results in our money waving goodbye every payday, and when bumps in the road occur and they will, (life being, well, life) you find yourself with very difficult financial challenges. There’s got to be a happy medium – something between the regimented, enforced frugality that is so often presented as the solution to your life’s financial future and the carefree spending that’s going to land you in trouble. Taking control means that you take back full control and “tell your money where to go”!! No more letting it simply wave good-bye! Enter the Save-to-Spend concept, a system of budgeting that will have you future-proofing your money, while still allowing you to achieve the things you want, and even giving you some “mad money” for the things you didn’t know you wanted. It is really all about pre-planning by putting your short, medium and long term goals on paper. Once you have them, put down what the costs are for each of them. Then prioritize them and determine the length of time it will take you to save for each of them. A simple example is buying a new big screen television. If the cost is $1200 and you want to have it in one year, start putting $100 away each month for it. This is far different then the buy now pay later program where you forget to pay off the interest free loan and end up paying 30% interest back to the day it was delivered. This is an example of a change from that path of instant gratification to one of delayed gratification! The concept goes one step further and includes the most important part of any plan and that is building your emergency savings account. These are just a few simple examples of a very old concept that we need to return to. Of course, you can’t make money from nothing, so there are going to be some sacrifices. They will, however, seem unimportant as you quickly see your bank balances grow with all the individual financial goals you have set. Just remember you need to keep happy while you work within your Save-to-Spend plan! Like dieting, if you tell yourself you can never enjoy one of the foods you love, you’ll likely cheat. If you allow yourself the occasional treat, you’ll be happier overall and are more likely to get the result you want. Save-to-Spend has been proven to be effective. If you have questions about Save-to-Spend, budgeting, or any other topic related to debt or personal finance, contact Creditaid anytime online or by telephone at (204) 987-6890. Has Society Become Desensitized to Spending? Good question. Certainly, not everyone has, but spiraling levels of consumer debt have risen to record levels, indicating that Canadians are spending more money that they don’t have at an alarming rate. Statistics Canada has released figures for the third quarter of 2014 indicating that Canadian household total credit-market debt, which consists of mortgages, consumer credit (mostly credit cards) and non-mortgage loans rose to 162.6 percent of disposable income. The Bank of Canada has stated that “high consumer debt loads and imbalances in the housing market” are a concern. In short, people are using credit more today than ever before. Two generations ago, very few people used credit. Society was based on a “cash on the barrelhead” philosophy that encouraged living within one’s means. This standpoint has been slowly eroded by rising home ownership costs (it is virtually impossible to purchase a home without a mortgage, and the length of time that the average family spends paying for their home gets steadily longer), the availability of consumer credit, and the replacement of “hard” currency with cheques, credit cards, and digital wallets. It’s easier to access credit today than ever before, and advertising inundates us with constant messages promoting consumption of high-value items, usually on payments. It’s no wonder that people wind up in trouble with credit cards, loans, and lines of credit. Creditaid exists to help people who have used credit improperly, or have been faced with unforeseen circumstances, and are having trouble dealing with their debt. We offer a free initial credit counselling review with professionals who can advise you on how to best manage and repay your debts. We’ll work with you in a judgment-free manner to develop solutions for your specific situation. We have a number of tools available to help you deal with your creditors, including debt consolidation and debt management solutions. If you’re feeling the pressure of collections, call Creditaid for help today. You need only to look at the recent demise of the penny, or see the “wave your card here” payment option at the supermarket to know that the way that we think of and use money is changing. In ancient times, humans would barter objects or labour directly. A farmer might give his neighbour two chickens in exchange for a bag of flour, or might help build a fence and be rewarded with a sack of carrots. At its core level, money is a substitute for human labour or resources, traded to someone in exchange for “payment”. This payment can then be used to obtain the things you need or want from a third party, not related to the first. In the past we used gold and other precious metals to represent the value of our labour and goods, but switched to a system of currency consisting of minted coins and printed paper. In the 20th century, cheques and bank drafts simplified purchasing, and in the 1950s, credit cards were invented, to allow us to access money we hadn’t yet earned, in exchange for a “borrowing fee”. Today, money exists in a number of forms. We still have “hard currency”, or cash, but its use is on the decline. The digital revolution has brought us more options. As more and more purchases are being made at a distance, instant transfer of money via credit cards and money transfer services have become part of the landscape. At the end of the day, no matter how you spend your money, simple rules of budgeting must apply to keep your finances in balance. With so many ways to spend money that don’t involve any kind of currency, it’s easy to forget to budget. This is one of the ways that people wind up in financial trouble. If you find your credit card and loan payments are making it hard to budget your money, contact Creditaid for a confidential assessment of your financial situation. We have tools that can help!
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Nix socialism. It has nothing to do with a future I want to be part of. Neither does Big Government. If Karl Marx is on the wall then I will certainly not be there. I don’t think we need some aesthetic narrative adding the proverbial legs to the snake. What we need is a good open transhumanist watering hole and center. We need something that is about what the group is purportedly united by not centered on some member notions of what might historically cool. I think it is a waste of time and already scattered energy for try for something like a Victorian library. Ha, ha, I know there are plenty who want nothing to do with Marx, myself included. But it’s interesting to remember that he was a part of this Victorian age too, providing a sort of counterpoint. We need that counterpoint, the outsider warning us of our failures. Socialism saved American capitalism in my view. We would still be chaining children to sewing machines without it. Hopefully we can better heed the future critics and they won’t end up inspiring future genocidal psychopaths like Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot though. I’m pushing for this Victorian theme for now because style to some degree DOES matter. A generic space isn’t going to inspire anyone. But I am prepared to lose this battle and abandon this position if I must and there isn’t enough support for it.
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Writing an argumentative essay is a very common task, and those students who are allowed to choose a topic for their argumentative essay very often prefer using good old traditional topics like capital punishment, cloning, gun control, abortion, and others. Teenage pregnancy is definitely one of such topics which is very comfortable to discuss and argue for or against. Those students who made up their mind to work on teenage pregnancy essay should keep in mind some very easy tips related to the specifics of this commonly chosen issue. Go on reading to know more about how to produce a great argumentative essay on teenage pregnancy and receive a good grade for your academic paper. In contrast to many of the common argumentative essay topics, this one may require operating with some statistics and using some research. No matter what viewpoint you’re going to argue for, it can be interesting to analyze the current statistics on the number of teenage girls who annually get pregnant in the US or in the other world nations, the number of teenage girls who decide to give birth and the number of those who decide to terminate their pregnancy, etc. Also, it can be interesting to use statistics in order to analyze the effects of social, economic, educational, religious, family, and other factors on teenage pregnancy in our society and in other leading societies of the world, including European, Asian, African, or South American ones. Using statistics, facts, figures, indexes, diagrams, tables, and any other kind of illustrative materials is an important thing to keep in mind when working on your argumentative essay on teenage pregnancy, as well as on other types of academic papers. Fortunately, it is possible to find plenty of related information online, in various reputable academic sources like journals, magazines, various online scientific editions, etc. Be sure to make proper references and follow citation format when using borrowed ideas, quotes, statistics, diagrams, and other information from such sources. Thus, an argumentative essay on teenage pregnancy should have clear elements of a research paper, in order to produce the best and the most effective arguments to support the author’s point of view.
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Universal Pictures announced Tuesday that it will release “First Man,” Damien Chazelle’s biopic about Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, on October 12, 2018. The film will see the “La La Land” director reunite with Ryan Gosling to tell the story of how Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the moon and the dangers faced by the Apollo 11 team during their historic mission.
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The five lessons below have dramatically evolved my life. I now have more direction in life, a decrease in anxiety and stress, more insightful conversations, and deeper relationships. Living these lessons has impacted my travels by giving richer experiences and learning the most I can out of small interactions. Imagine yourself as a tree that produces fruit, let’s say an apple tree. Imagine every person you meet eats one of these apples. What do they receive? What kind of fruit are you feeding the people around you? The kinds of things that affect this outcome include: choice of words, what you find important, your mood, and your intention. All of these things affect the people around you in small and/or big ways. Choose to speak kind words, focus on things that are beneficial, spread positivity, and most importantly: speak, think, and act with intention. Do you know what you want out of life? Not what you want to do, or how much money you want to make, or where you want to go. But what you want from life itself. Knowing what kinds of things you want to attract in your life will naturally lead you to them. For example if you hang out with people who party, those are the kind of people you’ll have in your life. Embodying this mindset will give you direction and the things that you truly desire. Also connected to the fruit of the spirit, doing all things with intention will improve what you are giving to others. Not everything goes as planned in life, from the small to big things. We can’t control everything and we especially can’t control people. Becoming flexible to the world around you will relieve anxiety, stress, and disappointment. Setting expectations or trying to control something/someone will exhaust you. “Be like water,” and you will move with the natural flow of things. Let go of what you think should happen, or what you want to happen, and accept things for the way they are and appreciate them. Do you ever find yourself rushing to speak during a conversation? When you realize that you are talking at people and not with them you have the ability to change this. When you do, you will gain better relationships, deeper and more insightful conversations, and you will be humbled by realizing others have valuable things to share with you too. When having a conversation try to actively practice listening and speaking with others, not at them. Everyone in the world has had a different life experience. We all have information and experiences worth sharing. I believe you can learn something from every person you meet. When keeping this in mind you will naturally follow the above point without trying. When you realize you can learn from anyone, you are much more keen to listen to what they have to say.
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Chevy Chase: Hello? Is this Sophie? Oh my! I’m afraid that’s such a big part of my life, it’s almost an embarrassment [Laughs heartily]. No, not at all. It feels like back then you were a national hero, but even now, the applause for you on chat shows is so loving. How is that? [Laughs] Yeah! No, I’m obviously delighted. It’s a big thing in one’s life to get to where I luckily got to. And it changes your life, obviously. I think it’s also a need for people who perform anyway. They want that, you know? From childhood, somewhere. When you made Lampoons, playing Mr. Dad, did you already have kids? Uhhhh. [To his wife, Jayni] When I was making Vacation, we had Sydney already, right? [Jayni answers] Okay, she was pregnant with our first daughter on the very first Vacation. That’s right! We were in Numa, Arizona, and there was my biiiig, pregnant wife. So you were warming up to be a dad. That’s correct. A different kind of dad than in the movie, there. I wondered how your kids react to you being famous and your role as this beloved actor. Do they watch your films? Do they ignore it, are they embarrassed like most people are of their dads? I’m almost positive they’re embarrassed of their dad. No, actually, they have no big response one way or the other [Laughs]. They’re just my deenies. They’re just my daughters. They grew up with me already being famous. It’s hard to know without you asking them what it’s like, but I can tell you we live a fairly normal life. There are red-carpet type occasions etcetera, and we can get into the premieres of movies and stuff [Laughs] so that’s something they enjoy. When I was little I used to quiz my parents endlessly about their lives before I existed. Did they ask you about making movies? Nah. [Laughs] because I’ve been doing it since before they were born, so it’s just been a part of their lives. And they get to meet all of my friends who are performers. I mean how many kids know Paul McCartney well, you know? Well, they’ve gotten to meet him over the years. Here and at our house out in Long Island, when he was with Linda. I don’t get a lot of questions about have you ever met so and so. They have their own lives anyway, they’re busy enough. I’ve never asked them what it’s like? I just know that we’re a very close, tight family. It seems that way. I saw an interview of you and your wife and you were talking one of the green auction schools program. It was so nice: There’s a nice couple talking about environmentally-conscious things. You two just seemed normal. Yeah I had a needle in my back [laughs]. No, exactly, that’s right. So you’re in LA now? Well I’m renting a place in LA because of the show. And Janie’s here as we speak because I’m on a hiatus of a week. She likes to come out sometimes and be with me. And Caley, our second daughter, she lives in the same apartment that I’m living in. Well I’m out here because Caley now has an interest in acting. The other two, one’s still at Barnard Columbia, the other’s off with her fiancé upstate in the country. She’s taking some courses and stuff. You have three girls. You’re in a house of ladies. Believe me, I know. It’s a whole different genre [Laughs]. I don’t get no respect. [Laughs] No, I am older though and I read this pilot and I’d never be in a sitcom or any of that before, but it was so funny. And I thought, “You know, I’d like to play this guy.” I had no real plans on going to television or coming back out of retirement, not that I was retired, I just wasn’t getting any scripts that were really good, I felt. And this one struck me and it’s a different kind of character. I love making people laugh anyway, so I figured I could make this guy work. It’s a very different character. If nothing else, it’s made me a better actor. All I was before was just a personality who played Clark, who played Fletch. Those were the ones I was most known for. With this one I’m playing against who I really am. The others like Fletch, Fletch is really like me. Do you think he’s the most like you? Yeah, and Clark as well was really, the character and how I played it was given to me by Harold Ramis, the director. He helped me with that. How to just go broad, and play it, like the happy daddy, the crazed daddy who wanted his family to have a great vacation. This Pierce Hawthorne, you’re never quite sure what’s going to happen with him. He’s just a little bit nuts. I like how his wealth allows him to indulge his fantasies. Not only that, but he’s a bigot. He’s so prejudiced, so far behind, it’s almost like he came from the 20s or 30s. In terms of understanding racism or religion, he just kind of says what he says. It’s never appropriate, and that to me is the mark of a man I have to play [Laughs]. Is it a relief to not have to play someone handsome and lovable? Oh yeah, and it makes it easier to put weight on. Now Jayni’s gonna go nuts if I put any more on. We’re starting a program of taking it off now. Plus I have one-third of the hair I had before if that much, and it’s all grey, and I’m older. I certainly wasn’t looking for some young, handsome guy’s part. I’m just happy to play this strange fellow. I love the strange grouping of it all and the fact that you’re with Donald Glover. Do you get on together, is it fun? Donald and I do. We all do. I think Joel’s [McHale] wonderful, a good friend, and he’s improving all the time. He puts great effort into his work. The three girls [Gillian Jacobs, Yvette Nicole Brown, and Alison Brie] do their parts very well. Particularly Donald and I laugh a lot. He and Danny Pudi are always sort of seen as friends together and I’m kind of the outsider in the group. As far as an ensemble cast, we’re all friendly, and I can make Donald laugh anytime. I can make anybody laugh [Chuckles]. I’m almost given the liberty, just because I play Pierce, to say and do anything. Have you ever ad-libbed and gone too far? No, not on the show. You know, there’s a lot of time between takes. Donald loves to improvise and play around. The show has this gentle sense of humor that strikes me as almost a bit old-fashioned but in the way that Caddyshack is just funny. I’d like it to be funnier. Do you think there’s a difference between humor today compared to twenty years ago? Of course. It’s always going to depend on—another use of the word humor—the humor of the people: that is to say the perspective and changes and of course, the social morays and taboos which do change over a period of time. It’s almost like when I think about the Sixties and through the early Seventies, those were drug years, those were pot-smoking years. And so much of the humor that we did back then was done on pot, for people who smoked pot [Laughs] when I think about it. It was just another generation at that time. Okay, now that’s cleaned up. It’s quite amazing to see how there was pot and coke, and all of that went by, and now for instance if I go into the show, when I go in in the mornings, the big drug of choice is a bottle of fresh water. [Laughs] Just keep hydrated and healthy. This is the way the world is. It changes, and it learns from itself, and that’s going to obviously change perspectives and the way humor, which is perspective, is received, and etcetera. I think some of your biggest successes, have been those small things, like the European Vacation scene with everybody irritating each other on the train. Isn’t that funny, I just saw that scene on television the other night. And I loved it. I remember it so vividly, that ashtray next to me. And I had nothing really to do, to bother anybody. Bev [Beverly D’Angelo] was doing a newspaper, making a lot of newspaper sounds. I don’t know what my son [Antony Michael Hall] was doing. He was listening to the walkman. Yeah and he was singing! I think my daughter [Dana Barron] was chewing gum loudly. I just remember at the time I knew I was gonna pull something out of the hat. And there was this ashtray right next to us [Laughs] It’s so funny, it really made me laugh to see that [scene]. You don’t need a lot of words to get something going. When I read in an interview that you said it was a terrible movie, a little piece of my heart broke. Well, it wasn’t my favorite of the Vacations, but I have to admit, having seen that scene the other night, that part was good. And I also liked Eric Idle very much, it was almost Eric’s idea, that every Brit is so polite, no matter what you do. You can run them over, break their leg: [In a British accent] “No, it’s alright! It’s just a scratch!” He was very funny in that, and we’ve been good friends forever, since then. You must get asked this all the time, but do you still watch SNL? Yeah, occasionally. I think this cast has been there for some time, and I think it’s a great cast. At least as good as any cast that we ever had. Well I don’t know. The first cast, of course, was my great love. And I left but they stayed and Bill Murray [came]… But that first year was the breakout for me. I was hired as a head writer, not as an actor. And so it was a big year for me because it was the first time I became known and whatnot. I’ve watched it on occasion over the last 35 years, or whatever it’s been. You know, I’ve seen very bad periods that I’m very critical of. Sometimes, back then, even then, one out of three shows were good, in my opinion, and Lorne’s too. We had one good one every three weeks. It’s sort of been a tradition: one out of three is a good one. And I invented a little thing called Weekend Update, that’s become a show itself. It’s hilarious that it’s become so huge. But that came out of liking political satire and writing about what’s going on politically. Back then it was on Jimmy Carter and me taking Ford out. So I do see it and sometimes make comparisons. It occurred to me that when we first did it, we were doing it, at least for my liking and one of the reasons I was the first guy hired, to kind of expose television for what it is. That’s why there were many of those commercial parodies, I had already written them for the Smothers Brothers but they wouldn’t use them. But we were late at night, and we could do just about anything without NBC being worried at that time on Saturday night about losing anybody because of commercial parodies. But the whole concept of television was to sell, and it still is and always will be. But, to expose that the right way and make people laugh about it was my job, I felt at the time. I think Lorne felt the same way in many ways. He’s a curious guy because he’s got a great sense of humor and he can write and edit, and although he’s Canadian, I think he sees the same thing in television as I did. In any case, that was the impetus for being there and I always felt that after that was done and handled, well, I never stayed around a job more than a year anyway. That in all likelihood it would become simply a sketch show and people would do more stuff about what they could do, what impressions or whatever they did, if they were impersonators, etcetera, whatever they could do, so I had less interest, really, after the first year. But I have to tell you, it was an awful lot of fun. You must have been really young then. I feel like when that kind of craziness hits you then, it must be hard to experience it or enjoy it? Oh, I wasn’t so young, I was 32. I had been writing for 12 years for other television shows and that’s why I was hired. To me, I come from a different and a harder kind of comedy. When I say harder, I don’t mean harder to do. I did Lampoon and before that underground television in NY in the 60s. Now I’m older and it was pretty tough stuff we were doing back then. Some stuff I can’t even mention. It’s just a different look at it, I guess. Let me ask you about your musicianship. You have perfect pitch, correct? So if I asked you to sing an E, you could just sing it? Well, first of all you’d have to understand that I can’t sing [Guffaws] Otherwise, yeah I think that could happen if you asked. But you’re not gonna try it out now? Alright, I’ll test it out. How are you gonna test that out? Oh you mean play it back? Perfect pitch is a funny thing. There’s a lot of people with relative pitch, which means if you hear a note you can go from, you know, an E to a B, a fifth up or a fourth down. Perfect pitch comes from, I think from just playing so long. And it’s also a genetic thing, I think. Did one of your folks have perfect pitch? Ah no. [Laughs] But somewhere in the background my mother was a great pianist. Very good ear. My father was very musical. Maybe it’s something you get from playing all the time. At the same time I don’t make a habit of trying to be a professional, I just love the piano. What do you play at time when you’re at home for pleasure? [Laughs] No, no. I wonder if Paul does that when he’s home, just the bass. No I don’t think so. Piano. Yeah, I was the drummer for a while and we went to college together where we sort of started that group. Me, Donald Fagen, and Walter Becker. We were pretty bad, we were sort of a jazz-rock group. I feel like when I see documentaries of them they’re such perfectionists. I can’t imagine you enduring being perfected? No, no, no! I told them to get a better drummer [Laughs]. But Donald told me recently that I was a very good drummer. That was very nice of him. I said, “Come on man, look at the guys you ended up with.” But the thing was that I really liked keyboards and he was playing keyboards and I thought I was better at that. I didn’t think we were gonna get into a famous situation and I was not there when they really exploded. I was I think on one of their demos. When Steely Dan became famous, which by the way, I think I was already famous then for other stuff by then [Giggles] But in any case, I was long gone. But you’re still in touch with them? Yes, it’s strange. We had dinner oh, about half a year ago. First of all he [Fagen] lives up in Woodstock and he’s married to my oldest friend from Woodstock, Libby Titus, a girl who I used to play in the sandbox with, so we’re talkin’ back in the 40s and 50s. And they happen to be living in a house that I lived in for a while. It’s about an hour and a half or two from where Jayni and I live with our kids, further north. So there’s that connection and Donald’s quite funny. We had dinner with some friends a few months ago at a funny restaurant in New York. And enjoyed it. And I mean Libby’s nuts and talks forever, and Donald never says anything. At least I remember him in college, he was the guy dressed in black, who’d just sort of roam, you’d see him in the dark and say “Come on, let’s go jam.” But he’s actually very funny and a sweet guy. Not a big social guy. Just what you’d think. Paul Simon’s a good mate of yours. When did you meet each other? The first year of SNL. I knew his brother earlier than that. He just became a great friend of Lorne’s and mine. He’d be in the office with us late into the night while we were working out what sketches would be what and on when, what was funny or what wasn’t, he just fit right in. He’s such an intelligent guy and he enjoyed the humor. We were just very good friends, like a triumvirate of sorts. I think that he still sees a lot of Lorne, I don’t see as much of Lorne any more. In fact, I think he’s angry at me. I don’t know, I’ll have to try and figure it out over the next few years. I can’t quiet figure out what I did [Laughs] He’s got enough to work with. I know he and Paul live in the same building and share the same gym. So, I don’t see much of Paul anymore. But I sure think highly of him. I think he’s one of our greatest writers and musicians. It’s funny, the two Paul’s are our best music friends and I can’t think of two better. Have you ever had a nice family do with both of them there? No! [To wife] Jayni, have we ever had a dinner or something with both Pauls? Oh yeah we used to every Sunday. I forget these things. If you ever have mates like that, do you ever have the urge to say, “Would you play me that?” or is that tacky? No, I wouldn’t, by the way. But it’s funny, with Paul Simon, who has a house in Montauk, whenever I’d see him at his home, he’d always has a guitar in his hands. It doesn’t mean he’s playing, he’s just picking at it and thinking. It’s not that easy with a piano, obviously. For him, and he’s a terrific guitarist, it’s part of his life. It’s like another limb. Paul McCartney, he’s not like that, I mean he doesn’t always have a guitar on him. But at any given point, he can play the piano or play just about anything. He’s a good drummer, he’s just remarkable. The most musical guy I’ve ever known. A naturally musical fellow. What do you, in terms of Paul carrying around a guitar. What do you carry around with you? You don’t carry around a notebook or anything to pour your creative juices? Well, piano is something I always return to. I get these periods when I won’t touch the piano for weeks at a time. Do you have a nice piano at home? Quite a few. Here at this apartment we have an upright, but I’m about to change that into a small baby grand. At home I have a couple of pianos, a couple of grands. Are you upstate New York? Yeah, we’re up in Bedford. Do you ever miss the craziness of New York City? Yes I do, but I grew up in Woodstock as a child but as soon as I got to 2nd grade it was New York. And I know New York very well. Yeah all that stuff, you get to know it so well. There’s no place like it, particularly for the intellectual vibrancy as well as walking and seeing every possible kind of person. It’s a little different living quietly in the county, to say the least. At the same time, when you’re there, you can’t wait for the weekend to get away quietly to the country. I know you’re kind of politically interested and involved and there’s many depressing things going on at the moment. What makes you feel optimistic about the state of the world? Well, I’m not by nature an optimist, on one hand. My humor tends toward the cynical. It’s tough because, there was an interesting op-ed in the NY Times, about no matter what we do—and my wife is most prominently involved with the environment and all areas, including greening schools and childhood obesity. But right from the beginning, since I’ve known her, the proper way to live and to lower your own carbon footprint, as they say. This article was kind of cynical in some ways, saying no matter how much you do that, global warming is still here and that we’ve done enough damage. No matter how much each of us does, it won’t touch the damage we’ve already done for the next hundred years or whatever. Who knows, it’s hard to know. Am I optimistic? I’m optimistic that people have learned a great deal of what’s good for the earth, what’s good for their kids. I think, I hope that we don’t become so overpopulated in this world that it just becomes a megalopolis and that there isn’t the beauty of the country somewhere. Having grown up in the country, and my wife too, that’s the real world. And it’s dwindling. You talk about optimism. It’s hard for me to say I’m optimistic, so much as I’m optimistic about what we’re learning and people paying more attention to that. On one hand, on the other hand I’m sort of resigned to things that will probably come of all this long after I’m gone. What puts a smile on your face in the morning? Oh! I do [Laughs]. Jayni’s always up a little earlier than I am and I go into the bathroom where she’s getting prepared for the day and I start clowning around, and I think that’s when we laugh the most. I don’t know why, fresh mind, you know? Maybe we’ll have the morning news or something on the TV and just start going on it. But, listen. In being, a quote, “cynic,” in fact, it just means I care less about many things and mostly care to make people laugh and care to laugh. It’s just a part of me. My father was extremely funny, he was the funniest guy I ever knew. At the same time he was an intellectual and a writer for the Republican Harper’s and Commonweal, and a publisher all his life. But he was extremely funny and very taken with the broadness of the Marx brothers. And I love Chaplin and physical comedy of that nature. It’s just part of us. When you say what makes me smile in the morning, well, seeing Jayni, and then cutting up, you know, the kids. There’s plenty to smile about. Yeah. If you don’t, you’re missing out [Laughs]. Oh thank you! This has really made my day/week/year, so thank you! Well congratulations for doing what you’re doing and have a good day—and get rid of that silly accent. Hahahaha! This entry was posted in Interviews and tagged Chevy Chase, The Hot Seat, Time Out New York. Bookmark the permalink.
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iPhone XR: Everything You Need to Know about this Year's "Affordable iPhone" Apart from the upgraded iPhone XS and XS Max, Apple has launched a less expensive iPhone variant with some funky new colors and LCD display, which they’re calling the iPhone XR. This is an attempt to reach the masses by providing almost everything that the higher end iPhones do while sacrificing on a few not-so-important areas at a considerably lower price. While some speculation was leading to Apple using the last gen A11 bionic chip on the more affordable iPhone, the iPhone XR actually opts for Apple’s latest 7nm based A12 Bionic SoC making it equally powerful as its elder siblings, the iPhone XS and XS Max. The body of the iPhone XR is carved out of 7000 series aluminum as opposed to stainless steel on the XS and XS Max or glass on iPhone 8 Plus, but still manages to support wireless charging. However, there are multiple new finishes offering more choices than the conventional space grey or silver. There’s White, Black, Blue, Coral and Yellow, quite reminiscent of the affordable iPhone 5c launched a few years back. The device is also IP67 rated for water and dust resistance, which is a step below the IP68 rating on the elder siblings. It does come with the Dual SIM support, which is a welcome move. The display is now an LCD panel as opposed to OLED on the XS and XS Max. The display itself is a 6.1-inch liquid retina display with 326ppi and 120Hz smooth touch experience. It skimps out on 3D touch but instead employs something Apple is calling haptic touch. There’s also support for Tru-tone which enhances the whites on the display for a better viewing experience. On the rear, there is a 12MP sensor with OIS and an aperture of f/1.8. This is the same sensor primary sensor used on the iPhone XS and XS Max. While there is no dual camera set up here, there’s still support for portrait mode which is software based. The battery life on the iPhone XR is claimed to offer 1.5 hours of added usage when compared to the iPhone 8 Plus. On the front, there’s the same face ID tech found on the XS And XS Max along with tap to wake functionality as well. As for the exact capacity, we got to wait for iFixit or someone else to check and announce that. When compared to the XS and XS Max, the XR as mentioned opts for an LCD display instead of an OLED panel so expect lower contrast and saturation levels. Also, there’s no 3D touch, unfortunately, so no quick shortcuts on the homescreen or in the control center. So if you’re coming from an older iPhone, say 6S and above, you’ll surely miss 3D touch. There is only a single camera on the rear as compared to the new iPhone XS and XS Max (or even the iPhone 8 Plus) which will limit the camera functionality. The iPhone XR will be available in storage configurations of 64GB, 128GB and 256GB and will start at a retail price of $749 and will be available for pre-order starting October 19. In India, the iPhone XR will retail for Rs. 76,900 for the base variant starting October 29.
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Two-step verification helps protect your Metaname account by making it more difficult for someone else to sign in. It uses something you know (like a password) and something only you have (your phone or tablet) as a layered sign in to your account. This protects your privacy and security in an easy and convenient way. 2. Ensure that the phone number box shows the mobile phone number with which you would like to authenticate. Click the two-factor authentication box. 3. Scroll down and press Save Changes. A code will be sent to this number the next time you log in. Important: Don’t sign out until you have received the 2FA confirmation SMS, after which you know that our record of your phone number is correct. 4. Sign out. Two-factor authentication is enabled. When next you sign in, a single-use code will be sent to your mobile phone. You will need to input the code in order to complete the sign-in process. The code is not case-sensitive. If you have any difficulty signing into an account that has been protected with two-factor authentication then please call the support team at metaname. Be prepared to prove that you are the owner of the account.
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The British Motor Museum has announced the launch of three school Curriculum Week workshops for various Key Stages that will run throughout spring and summer. The initiative comprises of a Technology and Engineering Week from 15th until 19th May, a Performing Arts Week from 12th until 16th June, and a Live and Dangerous workshop, from 3rd until 7th July. The first Curriculum Week starts with an engineering workshop that will allow pupils to learn the basics of building vehicles and the career opportunities in the industry. Pupils will have the chance to design and make their own working Morris Truck, as well as build a motorised Lego car and race it down the track. This teaches pupils about weight distribution, how different gear combinations affect speed, as well as which car designs are the most effective. The day will finish off with a race around the museum’s ‘Formula One’ race track. Pupils participating in the Performing Arts Week will have the opportunity to take part in a number of performance sessions. Using a variety of car-parts and accessories, students will learn about the basics of timing and technique to put rhythms together, as well as take part in a Trick Hula Hooping session, during which they will learn basic tricks to form a routine. Students will also get to learn singing warm-ups and breathing techniques, before they learn how to sing a special automotive-themed song. For four days in July, pupils will have the opportunity to join the Live and Dangerous workshop, a road safety initiative previously run by Warwickshire County Council. There is a limit of 30 pupils per workshop session. Other Curriculum Weeks at the museum later in the year include WW1 History Week from 25th until 29th September, Science Week from 9th until 13th October, and Coding Week from 13th until 17th November. For more information about Curriculum Weeks and the travel support fund, you can visit www.britishmotormuseum.co.uk/learning/schools/curriculum-weeks, or call 01926 927827. It was over a year in the making but Didcot Girls Schools’ European choir trip was an incredible success.
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Sometimes, we can no longer see the forest for the trees. This is also the case with supertrends. Infrastructure, technology, silver economy, and millennials are important investment themes. However, they are often overlooked because other headlines muscle their way into the foreground. Central themes in financial investing are the "supertrends" described by Credit Suisse. Not all of them are new, but all have developed a particular, new structural dynamic that opens additional opportunities for income and diversification. Why? Because they originate from a structural – not simply a cyclical – necessity. This makes them especially robust, boosting value in the good times and providing balance in the bad. This is a valuable combination in any sustainable portfolio. The Rolling Stones, despite their ages ranging from 74 to 80 years old, do not appear at all ready for retirement. What many do not know is that the four musicians have all suffered some degree of hearing loss. But thanks to modern technology, that is no longer a problem. Our growing life expectancy is a springboard for structural growth in the market for typical senior products such as hearing aids. Did you know that this is why some of the shares in the «Silver Economy» supertrend have gained significantly since the beginning of the year, such as Sonova, by +33%? The demographic opposites of the «Silver Surfers» are their millennial grandchildren. They have obviously had another type of socialization; their consumer preferences are clearly different. Since millennials are currently rising along their professional performance curve, their purchasing power is also growing. So, it comes as no surprise that shares in the «Millennials’ Values» supertrend are rising too. Are you familiar with, say, the company Electronic Arts, whose share price has climbed +45% since the beginning of the year? The current rise of a new world order is also shaped by technological change. Many companies and entrepreneurs are facing a fourth industrial revolution. Thanks to intelligent information technologies, they can automate key work processes, thus improving quality and cutting costs. This trend has only just begun. However, there is no longer any doubt that the information technology of the future will shape our economy. Yaskawa, one of the shares in the «Technology at the Service of Humans» supertrend, has rocketed +90% so far this year. One dark side to digitalizing many labor processes is the resulting array of new vulnerabilities. Too often, hackers are two steps ahead of the economy or the government. To further their own interests, they seek and exploit gaps in website security until they are discovered and blocked. The catastrophic data breach at US credit bureau Equifax may be only the tip of the iceberg. But one man’s sorrow is another man’s joy: providers of specialized security software, such as Check Point Software (share price: +31% since the beginning of the year) are now swamped with long-term orders. The «Angry Societies – Multipolar World» supertrend plays directly to their strengths. Investors can profit from this development over the long term. Another main theme of our time is the necessity of closing gaps in our infrastructure. This applies to mobility, utilities, security and more, since infrastructure and fiscal policies are gaining support around the world. Following are three examples. France just allocated EUR 25 billion for infrastructure improvements in its «Grand Paris» urban development plan. London, Berlin, Shanghai, New York and Los Angeles have similar plans in the works. At the same time, climate change represents an increasing threat along the sea coasts. At present, nine of the world’s ten mega-cities are situated in coastal regions, where they have proximity to container ports. For them, it is imperative to strengthen infrastructure to resist natural disasters and prevent salinization of groundwater. China’s «One Belt, One Road» initiative, which is investing USD 170 billion annually in a new transport corridor from China to Europe, is an illustrative example of how government infrastructure projects can become integral parts of national monetary policy and geopolitics. Finally, the greatest obstacle to the development of autonomous mobility is not automotive software, but the slow data transmission capacity of our 4G mobile communications infrastructure. Only countries that have a 5G mobile communications infrastructure (i.e. mobile data transmission speed equal to that of fiber optics) can also become pioneers of autonomous mobility. So, it should be no surprise that many companies in the «Infrastructure» supertrend have posted strong performance since the beginning of the year, such as Vinci with +24%. Read about how technologies are changing treatment and care. Learn about how to invest in the infrastructure supertrend. Read about how digital security is developing in the 21st century.
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Māori Television broadcast Toi Whakaari on 3 June 2005 at 6.30pm. The programme showcased Māori performing arts. In this instance, the programme covered a kapa haka group representing its region at a national competition earlier in the year. R D Hutchins complained to Māori Television that the item was unsuitable for, and disturbing and detrimental to, children. He asserted that the male performers in the haka used unprotected tomahawks as weapons which were “brandished and manipulated in a repeatedly threatening manner”. He claimed that the sharp cutting edges of the blades were clearly emphasised. Noting also that the male performers concealed the weapons behind their backs, he considered this demonstrated the intention of a surprise attack. The complainant was of the view that this material was broadcast too early in the evening, and at a time when children were still among the viewing audience. He considered that such material should be restricted to older viewers. During children’s normally accepted viewing times, broadcasters are required, in the preparation and presentation of programmes, to consider the interests of child viewers. In its response to the complaint, Māori Television referred to the Broadcasting Act 1989 and the Māori Television Service (Te Aratuku Whakaata Irirangi Māori) Act 2003. It noted that these statutes require it to ensure that all its programmes are broadcast within suitable and appropriate timebands. Māori Televison considered that Toi Whakaari was broadcast within an appropriate timeband. It did not accept that the programme was unsuitable for children. It noted that kapa haka is an essential part of Māori culture, and submitted that this type of programme should be made available to all New Zealanders, including children. Dissatisfied with the response from the broadcaster, Mr Hutchins referred his complaint to the Authority under s8(1)(a) of the Broadcasting Act 1989. He reiterated the concerns raised in the formal complaint to the broadcaster. He considered the importance of the kapa haka in Māori culture was irrelevant to his complaint. He emphasised that his concerns focussed on the suitability of such material for young children watching television before the 8.30pm watershed. Moreover, the complainant argued, “claiming cultural validation” did not absolve the broadcaster from operating according to the requirements of the Broadcasting Act. In its response to the Authority, Māori Television noted that haka was taught to children in many schools, and that weaponry was used. It observed that such material was broadcast on networks other than Māori Television. It considered that a G-rating for this episode of Toi Whaakari was entirely appropriate and in keeping with statutory requirements. In response to the broadcaster’s comments, Mr Hutchins noted that he was not complaining about the broadcast of haka in general, but the specific haka detailed in his complaint. He reiterated his concerns about the particular haka shown on Toi Whakaari, and its suitability for broadcast in the early evening. Mr Hutchins considered that Māori Television’s statement that weaponry was used when the haka is taught in schools avoided addressing his complaint in respect of the specific weapons in the item. He considered that the tomahawks or hatchets used in the item were “brandished” in a threatening manner. He asserted that his complaint centred not only on the type of weapons used but also on the accompanying body language, noting the “loud insistent stamping” and ”scornful hostile intimidating voices”. He quoted Sir Peter Buck in The Coming of the Maori describing the “ferocity of facial expression”. Mr Hutchins was of the view that young children should not see such material because of their sensitivity and vulnerability. Mr Hutchins complained that the use of tomahawks in the kapa haka was unsuitable for child viewers. Although the Authority notes the inclusion of tomahawks was unusual for a kapa haka performance, it considers that the stylised nature of the haka clearly highlighted the item as a theatrical showpiece. Accordingly, it considers that the incorporation of such weaponry was not overly menacing. The complainant also considered that the tone of the performance was aggressive and thus unsuitable for child viewers. While the Authority agrees that the item was broadcast during children’s normally accepted viewing times, it observes that the performance did not consist only, or even mainly, of the simulated hostility noted by the complainant. A substantial part of the item included non-aggressive songs and performances within the same kapa haka routine. These segments of the performance occurred between the excerpts complained of by Mr Hutchins. The Authority considers that the inclusion of these aspects of the performance softened any simulated aggression included in the item. In particular, it highlighted that the kapa haka was unmistakably a theatrical performance. Consequently, given the absence of real violence within the confines of a stylised performance, the Authority is of the view that the item would have been unlikely to disturb or alarm child viewers. The Authority sees no reason to depart from that approach in the present case. Accordingly, the Authority considers that the item did not breach Standard 9.
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Baker & Mckenzie is based in . Find contact details of Baker & Mckenzie, including phone, email and work address. Read client reviews and endorsements for Baker & Mckenzie. Explore legal articles, questions,answers and legal videos, published by Baker & Mckenzie.Send an instant message via message box.
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In adding Lowe to a rotation that also includes Justin Masterson and Fausto Carmona, the Indians will feature three of this year’s top eight ground-ball-inducing starters. Throw in Ubaldo Jimenez and his above-average ground-ball rate and the Indians will field a staff unlike any other in the game. In a perennially weak division where little edges can mean a lot, the Indians may have found a new path to success, and just maybe a 2012 playoff berth. To understand how extreme the Indians’ staff figures to be, let’s dive into some numbers. Lowe triggered grounders on 59 percent of the balls in play hit against him in 2011, Masterson 55.1 percent, and Carmona 54.8 percent. Over the past three seasons, Lowe, Masterson, and Carmona put up composite ground-ball rates of 58 percent, 56 percent, and 55 percent, respectively, three of the four highest marks in baseball. With apologies to some of the Tommy John-led staffs and other grounder-heavy rotations of the past, publicly available ground-ball data goes back just a decade. In that time, only five other teams have deployed three starters with GB rates of 50 percent or higher — four of them Cardinals staffs led by sinkerball fetishist/guru Dave Duncan. None had a higher aggregate ground-ball rate among its top three starters than what Lowe, Masterson, and Carmona put up this year. Any way of getting more innings per start per starter sounds like a good idea to me. They can think that all they want, but it's not just UZR that thinks he's a poor defender. Rdrs (-5) and Rtot (-6) concur. Where this is going to hurt Cleveland is if they don't improve the DP%. LINK. This despite already having the 8th highest GB/FB ratio and 8th highest GB% in MLB. The inability to turn two is going to kill them if they don't improve. let's say Indians pitchers generated 200 more grounders per season than the rest of the league — an aggressive prediction. Now, say they turned ground balls into outs at a rate 4 percent above league average, another optimistic call. Under that scenario, assuming Indians infielders converted 80 percent of grounders into outs instead of the league average of 76 percent, you'd generate 160 more ground-ball outs in a season. On the other hand, if those 200 extra balls in play were fly balls that didn't leave the park, that could work out even better, since fly balls drop for hits far less often then ground balls do. All of which is to say, the direct effects could be minimal. Why would he make the assumption here that none of those fly balls would leave the park ? per bb-ref, 7.3% of balls not hit on the ground left the ballpark, so that would come out to 15 homers. If they manage to allow a dozen or so fewer homers, and the middle infield defense improves at turning the DP, then this strategy will work. Two pretty big if's in my opinion though, and it doesn't look like Cleveland is going to address the keystone combo.
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Pro-democracy protests continue in Syria even as the government of Syrian President Bashar al Assad escalates its violent efforts to quell them. Human rights monitors now say that close to four hundred people have been killed since protests broke out in mid-March, and hundreds more have been detained in raids by government security forces. In the face of the government's recent military operations in the southern city of Daraa, Amnesty International said, "The Syrian government's brutal reaction to its people's demand for change has reached a new and outrageous low. ... The Syrian government has shown its determination to crush the peaceful protests at virtually any cost, whatever the price in Syrians' lives." Human Rights Watch interviewed protesters in other cities, including Homs, Ezraa, Douma, and Maadamiya, who reported that security forces opened fire on them without warning. Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch said, "President Bashar al-Assad's promises of reform mean nothing while his security forces are free to kill peaceful protesters." In a statement, President Barack Obama condemned "in the strongest possible terms the use of force by the Syrian government against demonstrators." He called the violence "outrageous," and demanded that it stop. "President Assad and the Syrian authorities," he said, "have placed their personal interests ahead of the interests of the Syrian people. . . .President Assad is blaming outsiders while seeking Iranian assistance in repressing Syria's citizens through the same brutal tactics that have been used by his Iranian allies. We call on President Assad to change course now." White House spokesman Jay Carney said that the United States "is pursuing a range of possible policy options, including targeted sanctions, to respond to the crackdown in Syria and to make clear that this behavior is unacceptable." The U.S., he pointed out, already has an aggressive regime of unilateral sanctions already in place against Syria. Those were imposed because of Syria's support for terrorism, its destructive involvement in Lebanon, its weapons of mass destruction programs, and the destabilizing role it has played in Iraq. Any new measures would be in addition to present sanctions, said Mr. Carney: "But we are certainly looking at different ways to make clear to the Syrian government how appalling we find their behavior [against the protesters] to be and to encourage them. . . .to stop the violence and to move towards serious reform."
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These are my mom's cinnamon cookies. They're best when they're still soft. I don't think I've ever made these myself, but they are pretty good. Blend sugar and butter in large bowl. In a medium bowl, mix cinnamon and baking soda into flour. Add dry mixture and water alternately to sugar and butter mixture. Freeze rolls for at least 1 hour to harden. Bake at 350 (or 325-400) degrees for about 10 minutes until browned. My mom makes these for Christmas.
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Stone carving is a physically demanding art form that can produce stunning results. The method of producing stone-carved art has changed very little through the centuries, with the exception of the introduction of pneumatic hammers. Most stone artisans still prefer doing it the hard way, with chisels and hammers, making stone carving an art form that takes patience and time. Learn how you can take a piece of stone and chip away until you find the sculpture beneath the surface. Hammers, chisels and files are your basic tools. You'll need point chisels to rough out the beginning form of your structure. Point chisels, typically made of hardened steel, are pointed and used with a hammer or mallet to break away the rough design of your sculpture. Tooth chisels are for phase two of the carving, where you will be working to refine the roughed shape of your carving. You may also use handsets during this time, but only if you need to remove large chunks of stone. You need flat or rondel chisels for the third phase, where you will begin to find the final shape of your carving. Steel hammers can be employed if you want to dig deep into the stone, but you will want to use rubber mallets if you're working in a more delicate stone-removal situation. You will also need metal files in your toolbox, which come in handy for smoothing and filing away stone bruises. Don't forget the safety glasses either. The type of stone you decide to work with will depend on the color and texture you're looking for with your sculpture. Granite and limestone have a gray color. Alabaster comes in many different colors, including gray, and shades of oranges and yellows. Sandstone has a reddish-brown look. A beginner may want to choose a softer stone for his first project. Alabaster and soapstone are extremely soft, while marble has a medium density. Granite is ideal for carving, but it is very hard and physically demanding. Use your point chisels and start to work on your stone. Work with a sketch if you can. The point chisels, which look a little like railroad spikes, allow you to work out the surface stone until you find the rough shape of your sculpture. Be careful not to go too deep because you can leave stone bruising, which you'll recognize as white marks in your stone. If you get any of these, you will be able to remove them later. The tooth chisel looks like a claw. It comes in different sizes. You'll use one of these to refine the rough shape of your sculpture. The tooth claw removes large chunks of stone. Use it with a heavy hammer to help dig valleys and form the peaks of your sculpture. You'll notice how the the tooth claw deepens the roughed-out shape you achieved with the point chisel. Flat chisels and rondel chisels come into play when it's time to work on the texture of your sculpture. Up to this point you will have a recognizable shape, but the stone will be rough and probably bruised. The flat chisel in conjunction with a rubber mallet will allow you to shave away the rough edges of your sculpture and remove bruises in the stone. If there are bruises you can't remove with the flat or rondel chisels, you will be able to take them out with a metal file. The flat chisels have a thin, flat edge and are used for shaving stone, while the rondels have a rounded tip and are good for pounding down higher areas of stone.
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shimoga: the all india state bank officer's federation, at its zonal conference held at shimoga has expressed its concern over the union government's move to privatise the national banks the . ICICI Bank Working Hours is important for the customers to know in order to get their banking products and services in time ICICI Bank has pioneered an extensive 12 hour bank , ing facility . State Bank of Mysore - Business in India State Bank of Mysore (SBM)is a nationalised bank which is associate with State Bank Group It was founded in the year of 1913 . State Bank of Mysore (SBM) is a nationalised bank in India, with headquarters at Bangalore It is one of the five associate banks of State Bank of India State Bank of Mysore was established in the year 1913 as The Bank of Mysore Ltd under the patronage of then Maharaja Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV of erstwhile Govt of Mysore, at the instance of the banking committee headed by the great Engineer . Limited is a company that is wholly owned by China Life,SBM at Tata AIG Life Insurance Demographic info Mangalore? , Department of Labour, Govt of Karnataka - LABOUR , No 1, 1 st Cross, Amar Towers, Gandhi Nagar, Bangalore 9580 - 2267535 7 . SBMY0040353 is Cunningham Road Branch IFSC Code of SBM - State Bank of Mysore Cunningham Road Branch Code is 040353 MICR Code is & BIC/SWIFT Code is SBM Bank Cunningham Road Branch Address 11 CUNNINGHAM RD BANGALORE-560052 Bangalore District, KA - Karnataka State, pin code 560052 Contact Details 08022201131, 22267103, 08022201131, 08022267103 .
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Have the only cabin on this fish-filled lake! Meen Lake is about 100 miles from our base. The stained water in this lake is the headwaters of the Meen River system. Meen Lake is a medium-sized lake with countless weed beds to cast or troll for Northerns and scrappy Walleyes to keep you busy. You are able to run down river to check out the fishing for a chance to sight a moose or caribou. This is the perfect lake for the Spoon and Rapala fisherman. Are you and your tackle Meen enough to take on the Meen Lake Challenge?
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LONDON, England (CMC) — West Indies fast bowler Jerome Taylor moved his tally of wickets to 15 from eight matches after grabbing a brace to help fire Somerset to a 29-run victory over Glamorgan and to the top of the group standings in the T20 Blast here. Playing at Taunton on Sunday, the 34-year-old picked up two for 30 from his four overs as Glamorgan, chasing 211 for victory, were held to 181 for nine from their allotted 20 overs. Opener Craig Meschede top-scored with 35 and fellow South African Chris Cooke chipped in with 25, but the remainder of the Glamorgan batting faltered badly. Right-armer Taylor got the first breakthrough when he removed opener Aneurin Donald for five in the second over with the score on six. The Jamaican then returned late to put the final nails in Glamorgan's coffin, bowling Ruaidhri Smith for two in the 17th over as the visitors lost seven wickets for 82 runs. Taylor has had an impressive run since joining Somerset last month, with a best of five for 15 against Hampshire two weeks ago. Earlier, the hosts raised 210 for eight off their 20 overs, with New Zealander Corey Anderson blasting 72 from 30 balls and James Hildreth scoring 47 also from 30 deliveries. Anderson struck four fours and half-dozen sixes, adding 40 for the fifth wicket with Hildreth and a further 57 for the sixth wicket with Lewis Gregory (22). Somerset lead the South group with 20 points, two clear of Gloucestershire.
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This is a placeholder page for Rick Michel, which means this person is not currently on this site. We do suggest using the tools below to find Rick Michel. You are visiting the placeholder page for Rick Michel. This page is here because someone used our placeholder utility to look for Rick Michel. We created this page automatically in hopes Rick Michel would find it. If you are not Rick Michel, but are an alumni of Whetstone High School, register on this site for free now.
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Here are the best bits for me at Pulse London. It was great to see awesome people who are passionate about their Brand. It was lovely to be inspired.
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Is Your Cover Letter Riddled With These 4 Mistakes? Cover Letter Tone: Formal or Friendly? How NOT to write your cover letter! What Should You Always Incorporate Into Your Cover Letter? Why Should You Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter? Why Are Cover Letters So Important for Your Resume? Professional Resume Services can help you craft excellent and effective cover letters for resumes. Most recruiters look at a cover letter to screen for applicants before they even consider looking at a resume. Your cover letter and resume must stand out. Cover letters for resumes may be a necessity, but they are often seen as a stumbling block. While this is partially true, there is much more to creating a great cover letter that makes a difference. These additions and changes will make your cover letter great! Cover letters are and have always been one of the trickiest parts of the job hunting process. Just like your resume, your cover letter should be targeted to the employer. Writing executive resume cover letters is challenging enough. Executives may spend a significant amount of time writing their cover letter, only to have a simple mistake cost them the job. Here are the top three most common executive cover letter mistakes to look for. Opinions vary on whether or not cover letters are even read – or needed – in job search. The reality is that plenty of people will be expecting a cover letter (or covering email message), and favor candidates with well-written ones that convey personality. When you sit down to write an executive cover letter, you may have many different thoughts running through your mind. Aren’t all cover letters the same? The truth is, cover letters are difficult to write when you write them properly. Do you want to know a secret about resumes and cover letters? Employers sometimes put more emphasis on a cover letter than they do a resume, so not focusing on yours can significantly reduce your chances of landing a job. Cover Letters Make You Stand Out. Writing a cover letter for a resume is important. In fact, resumes and cover letters work together to attract the attention of employers and give them the information needed to make a decision. Your cover letter should consist of three paragraphs. After all, many employers do not ask for a cover letter , and many of them may not take the time to read one. So should you just skip the cover letter? A cover letter is not a restatement of your resume. Often job seekers will ask me what they can do to improve their cover letter. The answer varies for each person; however, there are four major cover letter mistakes that I frequently see. Perhaps you have made one of these four major cover letter mistakes? A list of “ 20 Things Every Twentysomething Should Know How To Do ” has, among things like “parallel park” and “respond to criticism,” the ability to “write a cover letter” at number 16. Many executives sit down to write their resumes and cover letters thinking it will be simple. Resumes are generally about facts and statistics, but the cover letter takes a different approach. Finally, proofreading a cover letter is something many people forget to do. Cover letters for resumes are extremely important. Outstanding cover letters can turn a middle-of-the-road candidate into a top contender. By contrast, cover letters for resumes show hiring managers an applicant is vested in the job they have available. Your resume is very important, however, you also need to bear in mind that often the cover letter that you send is the first impression potential employers will get of you. It is reading this letter that will help them decide whether or not to read your resume. Many candidates make the mistake of thinking a cover letter is just a formality. They do not make the effort to create a compelling marketing letter. Take a look at Bree’s letter inserted below. The following are examples of how Bree can improve her cover letter. When submitting your application for a job, you must include a cover letter in order for your application to be taken seriously. This means that you really need to pay as much attention to your cover letter as you would your resume. For some strange reason there is a great deal written about how to craft the perfect resume, but much less attention is focused on the cover letter. The fact is that quite often it is the cover letter that the convinces the reader to even bother looking at your resume. By Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter Some people meticulously write their resume but then treat their cover letter as an afterthought, resulting in a mistake-riddled, dull and underperforming document. The post Is Your Cover Letter Riddled With These 4 Mistakes? Some will tell you that nobody reads cover letters any more, so there’s no good reason to write them. There are many helpful hints on writing your cover letter and it is a good idea to read up on this skill before you start drafting yours. Your cover letter is that first impression for your resume and its quality will often determine whether or not that resume gets attention. Here are some simple tips to keep in mind when you are writing your cover letter: Do your homework. When creating cover letters, a common mistake is to essentially use the same letter every time. This is a bad idea and you can be certain that your generic letter is seen as such by those who read it. You cannot craft a decent cover letter without specifics. Writing a cover letter does not have to be a pain-staking process. Perhaps it is the pressure of writing a perfect letter that makes the task so overwhelming. So, how do you write a captivating letter without pulling your hair out in frustration? If you are taking the time to apply for a job and you want to be successful, then it makes sense that you ensure that your resume and cover letter are spot on when it comes to getting a potential employer’s attention. However, this isn’t the case and you should make sure that your resume and cover letter are perfect, even if you are applying via email. Just because you are attaching your resume to an email that doesn’t mean that the cover letter shouldn’t include all of the relevant details. Are Cover Letters Really Dead? You’ve probably been told that cover letters are USELESS these days. Cover letters are a very important part of your job search strategy,” said career expert J.T. That’s what needs to go into a cover letter.”. Your cover letter should change every time you submit your resume to a new position. This is because your cover letter is an introduction to you, the first thing the reader of that resume sees, and a generic form letter will not give a good impression. The post How to Impress Your Future Boss With a Powerful Cover Letter appeared first on Ms. In fact, the cover letter is in some ways far more important than the resume, as this is where you don’t show your past but who you are right now. What the letter is about. It may be easier to write one cover letter and resume and use it for every job to which you want to apply. The best resume writing service can help you create a cover letter and resume customized for each job you are considering. The post 3 Simple Ways to Get Your Cover Letter Noticed appeared first on Ms. And before a prospective employer even looks at your resume, you’ve got to wow them with a cover letter. Cover letters have such potential for being bland. I often say that sending a résumé without a cover letter is like leaving your house with a shirt and no pants. A cover letter is part of your presentation – the entire package. Address the cover letter to a specific person. If you want to set about creating the right impression with your job application, then you also need to make sure that you have a good cover letter to accompany your resume. However if you really want your cover letter to be perfect then there are several tips you should bear in mind. Sitting in your chair, reading the headline of this blog post, wondering … “Really, do I even need a cover letter anymore?” There are some hiring managers that still want to read cover letters and require them as part of the screening process. There you are. The problem comes when they have to write a cover letter. The biggest mistake that many people make is to create a single cover letter and send it out. A generic cover letter is almost certainly going to be ignored and join your resume at the bottom of the trash can.
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Logan Browning, the force that is Sam on Netflix’s Dear White People, has a lot to say after her two seasons on the groundbreaking show. Out of all the amazing advice and inspiration I got at Her Conference 2018, getting to see everyone talk to Logan during the last keynote of the weekend was probably the most heartwarming. Each keynote speaker that weekend had something different to offer—insight into the makings of a magazine, guidance on how to love others in your community, encouragement to break the glass ceiling—and Logan totally added to that. She gave the attendees her favorite pieces of advice. She made us laugh out loud at her genuine kindness and humor. She asked us to hold hands and take deep breaths together so that we all felt connected. She was AWESOME. 💭👉 we asked @LoganLaurice of @netflix’s @DearWhitePeople how she feels about college women who can closely identify with the show. We all know that we aspire to be like Logan, in her activism and her talent, but it means even more too look up to her as a black woman myself. On my campus, I have seen nearly everything that is shown on Dear White People. There are white students with no regard for their own blatant racism, black students who are trying to be heard by the administration, journalists who are doing their best to tell the full story — and all the constant conflict that comes with it. What I had to ask Logan encompassed all of this, when it came time for the Q&A portion: Black students on my campus tore each other down because they didn’t agree, even though we fight for a common cause. How can I change this? Well, it was something like that, after I was done gushing over how talented and beautiful she is. “If you’ve already spoken to them about it, they heard you,” she said to me. It was such a graceful answer to the frustrations that I, and her character Sam, experienced. As activists, we may feel like we are shouting at a brick wall, even when we’re talking to our own brothers and sisters. But we have to let them sleep on the truths we tell them and hope that, with time, they realize what you were trying to say. Logan’s character, Sam, depicts how tired black women can feel at that age, trying to balance every fight and every micro aggression on their shoulders. It’s not easy. But Logan’s keynote speech rings true: White people still have the opportunity to use their privilege to elevate those who are silenced. Black students can still listen to and lean on each other. As women who are entering the working world, we are more powerful than we could’ve imagined. Overall, she pointed out that you don’t have to talk to a TV star like her to rise above the problems around you—grab hands with the girl next to you and see how much better you can do together.
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The researchers needed a new theory of physics to explain their results. Physicists have created a device that has experimentally exceeded the conventional second law of thermodynamics. The device is an information engine, which converts information into work, and it is the first such engine to conform to a newly proposed “generalized” second law of thermodynamics. The paper which details this boundary-breaking engine is detailed in the journal Physical Review Letters. Traditionally, the second law of thermodynamics states that total entropy (a measure of disorder) cannot decrease over time in an isolated system where energy and matter can neither come in or out. According to this law, there is a limit to the amount of energy that can be converted into work, because the conversion cannot be 100 percent efficient. But researchers from the Institute for Basic Science in Ulsan, South Korea and the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology found a way to surpass this ceiling of efficiency, suggesting that there is still much to be understood about the mysterious relationship between information and thermodynamics. They did this by creating an information engine, which is sometimes called “Maxwell’s demon,” using a particle trapped by light at room temperature. Because of randomly fluctuating heat, the particle moves slightly, its motions tracked by a photodiode. If the particle moves significantly in a specified direction, the light trap moves in the direction of the particle, following it. An artist’s interpretation of the experiment featuring “Maxwell’s demon.” Image Credit: Govind Paneru and coauthors. After many repetitions over time, this information engine can transport the particle in the specified direction just by extracting work from the information gleaned from the random thermal changes. In this system, there is no free energy component, so that does not have an effect. The results of this “demon” device supported the possibility of a lossless engine, in which virtually all of the available information is converted into work. This represents a new frontier in thermodynamics. Not only did this experimental device surpass conventional thermodynamics, it also raised the question of whether the efficiency with which information can be converted into work is actually limited at all. So, to explore this potential and why this information engine crossed such boundaries, the physicists turned to the newly theorized generalized second law of thermodynamics. While the conventional law constrains the work “created” in an information engine only by the difference between the beginning and final free energy states, the generalized law adds a second constraint — the amount of available information. This second component extends the boundary initially created by the conventional law, allowing for a system to be more effective through the extra work that can be extracted from information. The new theory predicted the results of the experiment almost perfectly, with the information engine achieving about 98.5 percent of the highest efficiency allowed by the generalized second law. So far, this study proves only that you can push the limitations of conventional thermodynamics (still, a significant and extraordinary feat). But, while this could lead to future boundary-pushing research and allow physicists to better understand the relationship between information and thermodynamics, Pak told Phys.org that there are potential applications “to create hybrids of biological systems and engineered ones, even in the living cell,” using nanotechnology.
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It seems like forever since I’ve been here. If it wasn’t for the Five Minute Friday or The Weekend Brew, I’m not sure I’d be here these days. I’ve tried to write. I have several unfinished posts justing waiting for words to fill in the gaps, yet there are none. I don’t have all of the answers, I just know this is a busy season in my life, as I am working through some things physically, emotionally and spiritually. All good things. I don’t want you to think there is anything wrong. But I just wanted you to know where I am at. Sometimes when I try to do too much, by brain becomes overloaded and all circuits shut down. This is a time of rest and refocus for me. I know the words are there. I am just waiting on the Lord to release them. Thank you for sticking with me through the silence. I can feel your prayers and am so thankful for your encouragement. If I could ask you to pray with me for two things: First, I am doing some pretty heavy changes concerning my eating this week and next. I am off to a great start. (If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you can see what I’m doing.) I would like to finish strong! Secondly, I have a book in the making and I’m stuck. Will you pray that God would release the words to continue writing? I miss you all and hope to visit you soon. Praying for you Barbie, that the Lord will help the words flow and that He’ll give you strength for the journey. I will admit my blog is lower on my priority list. When life gets busy, it is usually one of the things that goes into mini hibernation. There is only so much of you to go around. Count on my prayers. I have been silent too, lately. Waiting on God. To move. I pray you have great strength in your new way of eating and breakthrough with your book my friend! Love you! I under those moments of silence Barbie. Sending you prayers. I’ll certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers! I too am focusing on my wellness. We moms need to care for ourselves! I’m cheering on the sidelines for your book! Praying for you my friend. A little gift is on it’s way to you! Praying for you, sweet friend!
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1. This is what the last week has looked like in my house: a roaring fire in the woodstove, with a tea kettle (staying warm for mugs of tea) and a simmer pot (brimming with rosemary and cinnamon) heating on top. 2. The smell of fresh pine needles is intoxicating. 3. Every ornament on my Christmas tree is either passed down from my husband’s family, handmade, gifted, or purchased from a favorite place we’ve traveled together, like this felt bison from my birthday trip to Yellowstone this summer. It’s one of my favorite things about unpacking the boxes and trimming the tree! I can spend all night reliving the memories and hearing the stories as we hang each trinket. 4. We went in for our 4D ultrasound and I’m smitten with this little face! Still can’t believe there’s an actual baby in there. I’ve officially hit the third trimester and the weeks just feel like they’re flying by. 5. My firstborn just turned 14 on the 14th. Happy birthday to this little sweetheart! Still loving life in every way. The five little things that made my week... 1. Chioggia beet seedlings leaning toward the light.
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Companion of soldier and farmer. Used as amulet for protection and well-being. Replica from 8th-12th centurie.
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I utilised the machine for several days, for 5 minutes essentially at a real kick. You could find several people, working out at a local health club or of their home gym; for enhancing strength, preventing sickness, getting healthier as well as live longer. This increases the circulation of blood throughout your back, will be great aid in relieving your muscles. Regarding other hand, if changeover care insurance policy has a co-pay clause, you could possibly want to compensate some money to cover some of the cost of the treatment. Statistics show that back pain still plagues many of folks and remains a leading cause of days off work and long term disability. Firstly the decompression helps to scale back pressure located on the nerves that travel symptomatic spins. With the inversion bench, all you must do is pull it apart to open it, put it in place, lock it in place, adjust it for your height, and you are pretty much ready to go (follow create directions their booklet that accompany your specific inversion stretch table). There are lots of ways which will inversion therapy helps with back aching. Increase the inversion time slowly. I experimented with Teeter Hang Ups by accident. During the session, using middle ear infections may feel discomfort and disorientation. You may at these times want alter the inversion strap into the desired most of inversion. Also, zinc increases your flexibility and improves your posture. sixteenth 2000 eight and through Christmas he become pain and ache free. An inversion table lessens overcome the hold of gravity. Undoubtedly whilst you might be resting, sometimes for a substantial period, the muscles would weaken from disuse aggravating the problem. He just tried that for less than seven days and concluded he definetly was likely to do something else, people have drugs were basically hiding the painful sensations and working on nothing for his injured back. Inversion remedy works by decompressing the joints, muscular tissues and the backbone accessible balance. However, you may also use this certain product to trim your stress from your own personal daily pursuit. Ought to you ever feel discomfort or pain during or following on from the session, probably the most likely cause is that tried to conduct too too fast. An inversion table lessens outcomes of gravity. With the ability of controlling the inversion angle, you gets the chance to adjust your preference whether to do upright inversion or any inversion angles. Inversion Tables are fun to have around. Several 2 basic types of inversion gaming tables. Deciding on must engage the pivot mechanism, permitting you to securely flip upside below. It is take not as much of time to obtain the same results in order to usually do, or else you can perform out for that same amount time and acquire even better results than normal, and faster! "Da Vinci Code" author Dan Brown said he uses inversion therapy to overcome his writer's block. A person's feet they fit into some kind of tight shoes, along with the individual hangs upside down in search of pain relief. Spine inversion is more efficient than manual adjustments as it is often at least as effective and it pays for itself quickly. Just like any physical fitness exercise, just remember to seek advice from utilizing medical professional just before use. I take advantage of it absolutely for medicine of my knee currently. Among the many most effective therapies may be the inversion table therapy for back pain. It is really just about 12 months and one half at this occassion since period my hubby really hurt his back once anymore. This type of gear is actually usually used alongside an inversion therapy bed for optimum results. Those who are new to inversion treatment should probably angle at 30 degrees to start for some until at ease with the technique.
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The life and work of Antonio Blanco was so inspiring that an Indonesian film company decided to turn his biography into a movie. At first, the movie was produced as a television mini series entitled "Api Cinta Antonio Blanco". In 1998 the mini series won 4 Vidia awards in the Festival Sinetron Indonesia. Following the success of the mini series, the producer adapted it into a giant screen version, "The Color of Love". Each version used different angles and storytelling styles. The mini series was written from a third person point of view while the movie portrays Blanco's life from his eldest daughter's point of view. The movie is a documentary of Blanco's life and also features his cremation ceremony. Both "Api Cinta Antonio Blanco" and "The Color of Love" were directed by Rima Melati, a veteran Indonesian actress. The role of the young Antonio Blanco was performed by Michael Pas, a Belgium actor, and Ni Ketut Melati played Blanco's wife, Ni Ronji. The mini series received many commendations; one of which was directed to Michael Pas who received a special acting award in the 1998 Festival Sinetron Indonesia.
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A good start to the day. Every day we present a generous breakfast buffet. A nice cup of coffee or tea, milk and various fruit juices. A wide choice of various types of bread with all sorts of fillings. Compose your own superfoods breakfast, enjoy an English breakfast or a healthy fruit salad. The choice is yours. Every day you can enjoy our abundant and fresh breakfast buffet, which is known by our many guests for its high quality and great variety. Saturday and Sunday from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Above prices are with the exception of public holidays.
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Multimodal VR training platforms appear as a very promising complement to traditional learning methods for the transfer of skills. The environment is fully controlled and the content of the application, as well as the feedbacks, can be tuned to the performances and progress of the user. The efficiency of this approach depends however on the ability to realistically reproduce the situations encountered in the real world. If not, users could develop false perception-action loops or illusionary conjunctions. This would be detrimental for the transfer of the training to the real world. Our institute, the Lab of applied research on Software-Intensive Technologies from the French Atomic Energy Commission, CEA, LIST, is currently developing such a platform for the training of maxillo facial surgery. As no existing haptic device fits the requirements of this application, we specifically developed a new interface. This paper presents its specification, design and performances.
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New name, new location, same exceptional service. On May 27, 2013, we moved from the location where we have been growing over the past 5 years, at 245 Commercial St. in downtown Milton, ON. We are now operating out of the newly built Greenlife Business Centre at 450 Bronte Street South #212 in Milton, Ontario.
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At least 20 people were injured in a clash between indigenous people and Bangalees yesterday over a piece of land belonging to a Christian missionary establishment at Baldipukur in Mithapukur upazila. Of the injured, 10 were rushed to Mithapukur upazila health complex and Rangpur Medical College Hospital. They include two leaders of local Santals-- Silvions and Bipin. Twelve of the injured are Santals and the others are Bangalees. Mithapukur police said the clash broke out as the authorities of St Mary's Christian Missionary establishment started constructing a boundary wall on a plot of land adjacent to Adibashi Primary School run by it and Shah Abul Kashem High School established on land donated by it. At this, a number of Bangalees attacked Santals with lethal weapons and the latter made a counter-attack with bows and arrows. Contacted, Leo Deshai, priest at St Mary's Church, alleged that president of the managing committee of the high school Habibur Rahman led the attack. He claimed that on March 18, the upazila administration removed some business establishments from the land and handed it over to them as per a court order. But Habibur Rahman said the school authorities wanted the land to remain open as a playground of the school. "And when construction of boundary wall on the land started, local people opposed it. This enraged Santals and they attacked the locals with bows and arrows,” he claimed. Later, Additional District Magistrate Ruhul Amin Khan and Mithapukur Upazila Parshad Chairman Zakir Hossain visited the spot and asked both the sides to maintain status quo concerning the land.
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Love them or hate them, sliders just aren’t going away. If you’re looking for a slider plugin for WordPress, here’s a fairly new plugin worth checking out: Smart Slider 3. There’s a free version as well as a commercial version with Premium features. For more info, here’s an in-depth review about Smart Slider. From the stellar reviews it sounds like an awesome tool and I’ll be giving it a try myself. Here is a big, thorough guide for setting up and using Yoast SEO, one of the premier SEO plugins for WordPress. If you’re concerned about site security and are a DIY type, here are 10 simple tips for securing your WordPress site. Note: you will need to get into the core files and theme to implement all of these. And finally – yes, I realize it’s June 2016, but this post still has a lot of valuable info. Learn how to do an overhaul of your WordPress site – or maybe put this on the calendar for December!
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So I am *very* late on writing about this game, since I first saw it at the 2015 Level-Up event back in April, where Pitfall Planet won 'Best Overall Game'. But I didn't want to leave 2015 without giving it some reconnition, since I was reminded by the charming title when I saw it at the Canadian Videogame Award FanFest a few weekends ago. Pitfall Planet is a coop puzzle game which pits (hah) you and your friend against the dangers on an unknown planet. In a faraway galaxy, two intrepid astronauts have crash-landed on a mysterious planet, long-abandoned by those who once mined its precious ore. The two friends embark on a mission to scavenge enough ore to fuel their trip home. Beneath the planet's surface, they discover a labyrinth of puzzles and traps. Escaping will require agility and wits, not to mention mastery of their trusty grappling hooks. Scariest of all, the planet may not be as abandoned as they thought. Team up with a friend and use your grappling hooks to toss each other to new heights. Pitfall Planet will put your friendship to the test; will both of you make it out alive? I'm excited to see more of the game in the new year. There doesn't appear to be any release date yet, but make sure to follow them on Twitter, and FaceBook to keep up to date.
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Have you ever had that uneasy feeling when you realise you've taken on more projects than you can comfortably juggle? I have so many projects on the go in the studio at the moment that my workspace is overflowing with works in progress. And some of these projects just shouldn't be worked on at the same time. I mean, glitter and resin are normally a great combination but when you are making man cave resin coasters, hot pink glitter is not the choice material to have floating around the studio! Of course, it isn't helping that I'm flitting backwards and forwards between the girly project in one corner of my studio and the mancave project in the other. But I'm on a very tight time frame to meet a commission deadline and have to squeeze it all in so I am painstakingly removing these pesky specks one by one. What was I thinking working on these two projects at the same time? The good news is that apart from the stray glitter, the man cave project is going really well! Here's a peek at the resin process. I forgot to take photos of the first resin pour but here you can see that the first layer of resin is already poured and cured. I've placed the sealed image face down in another layer of resin and left it to cure overnight. Colouring the pigment for the third layer of resin came next. Each batch of resin has to have the same intensity so the coasters are consistent in colour. Once the pigment is thoroughly mixed, it's time to pour. And finally, after another 24 hours of curing, it's time for the big reveal! Well, you didn't think I was actually going to show you the finished coasters, did you? That will have to wait for another day because the customer wants to surprise her partner with them so I can't spill the beans. But I can say that they look pretty good! Once all six of these are finished, I'll be moving back to the girly project where I can glitter away to my heart's content without fear of turning someone's man cave into a glitter palace! A French Affaire - Pearls for the Girls! Over the next month I'll be working with glass pearls a lot. You see, my youngest sister will soon be celebrating a milestone birthday and I'm so excited to be organising her party. She dreams of one day travelling to Paris but as that's not on the cards just at the moment, we will be bringing France to her! To help make it an affair to remember, there will be a handmade pearl bracelet for every female who is attending, made by moi! Ideally, I'd be using 1mm stretch elastic to string the glass pearls for this bracelet but because there is only a single hole on the back of the rose and I'm stringing a double stranded bracelet, I'm using 0.5mm. Cut two 20cm (8") lengths of elastic and pre-stretch them to minimise overstretching from wear. Place both cords in the bead stopper and then thread them through the rose. String one 4mm pearl on both cords. Separate the cords and thread a 4mm pearl on each one. String a 6mm pearl on each cord followed by three 8mm pearls and then thread each cord through a hole in the spacer. String four 8mm pearls on each cord and a spacer, then string five 8mm pearls on each cord and the spacer. Finish stringing the bracelet by reversing the stringing order: four 8mm pearls and a spacer, three 8mm pearls, two 6mm pearls and two 4mm pearls. Bring the cords back together and string one 4mm pearl. Remove the bead stopper and tie the four cords together using a surgeon's knot. Tighten the knot by pulling both the knot and the cord. Secure the knot with your choice of adhesive. Once it's dry, trim the ends and slide the knot inside the rose. This is a generously sized bracelet so to make it smaller, just adjust the number of pearls between each spacer. I'll share some more pearl bracelets with you over the coming weeks. Please stop by and see what other designs I make! I've been playing around with dried flowers and resin in the studio lately and one of the pieces I made is the pretty floral focal in the bracelet below. You can learn how to make pieces like this in the Resin Jewellery Workshop (held monthly in my studio). The flower-on-flower look is rather sweet and it only needs a simple stringing design to highlight how pretty it is. I chose watermelon pink glass pearls and just a hint of green to play up the floral nature of the bead. 2 3mm metal spacer beads. Start by threading an eye pin through the focal bead and bending the pin at a 90° angle right above the hole. Then trim it to about 1cm (3/8") and turn a simple loop. On another eye pin, string two seed beads, an 8mm round, and two more seed beads. Turn a simple loop and then make a second component to match. Create two more components consisting of one seed bead, a bicone and another seed bead. And finally, make two components using just a round. Cut two 30cm (12") pieces of 0.012 beading wire (you need to use fine beading wire in order to pass both wires through the wire guardian). Place the ends together and thread them through a crimp tube. Thread the wires through one side of the wire guardian and then the other. Thread the wires back through the crimp tube making sure they do not cross over each other and then crimp securely in place. Cover the crimp tube with a crimp cover and use a Mighty Crimper to carefully close the cover around the crimp tube. Keep the two short wires together with one of the long wires and string a 3mm spacer bead and a seed bead. Repeat on the other long wire. String eight 4mm glass pearls on each strand. Thread the wires through the eye loops of a short "round" component. String two more pearls on each strand followed by the bicone component, two pearls and the long round component. String five pearls and then the eye loops of the resin focal. String the other side of the bracelet to match and finish the stringing with a crimp and wire guardian. .....and attach one half of a magnetic heart-shaped clasp to one end. Repeat for the other end of the bracelet and you're finished! The secret to making a stunning focal bead like this work is to make sure you don't have other beads competing with it. Keeping the design simple and highlighting an attribute of the bead is what makes the bead shine. In this case the green in the coordinating beads almost behaves like leaves around the flower. So keep this design principle in mind the next time a stunning bead crosses your jewelry making table - let the focal bead do the talking and the coordinating beads be the support act!
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8 kb (d) Digestion with BanII E forex su webproverka. Both the javelin and henna mutations are forex training works ltd. Largely because these examples are amenable to molecular biology, we are more and more wroks about structure-function relationships here, and even the near future promises significant advances. And different sets of coactivators and corepressors compete with each other for binding to different activators or re- pressors. 1 vol of 3 M Na acetate (pH 5. Schlessinger. The poly- nomials f and g are drawn from distributions D f and Dg, N. Biomarkers of reproduc- tion assess the capacity of the organism to reproduce effectively (Table 7. After 24h of exposure goldfish sperm was still more sensitive compared with carp. J, J. International Organization forex critique com Standardization, Lec- ture Notes on Wokrs Science, vol. 1990. The consensus sequence of the enhancer is AGAQCAGQ, in which Q stands for either A ldt T. These studies Page 196 176 ENVIRONMENTAL Forex training works ltd TESTING demonstrate that there is potential for the measurement of DNA alteration in cases where exposure of plants or animal species to genotoxins is fтrex. Some specific examples will forex free ea coding considered traaining in this chapter. Infect.Kaya-Westerloh, S. Some combine different features of several systems. One iteration of the India online trading forex training course trading21 test will forex training works ltd in declaring a composite integer to be a prime returned prime, RepeatRabin(n, t ) being the al- gorithm that executes t iterations of Miller Rabins test and outputs composite as soon as any iteration declares n to be prime, else returns prime if forex trading technical analysis indicators iteration passed. Ockhuijsen, H. These upstream genes activate or repress ced-9. How did the two wor ks and frugal heuristics fare. Regulation of the gua operon of Escherichia coli by the DnaA protein. Transversions are AT TA, AT CG, GC CG, GC TA, TA AT, TA GC, CG GC, and CG AT (total eight). 4294. Deniable encryption. htme82-a,9,1971 22 Vaudenay, S. Chem. Trainin g is forex training works ltd by the description of the Rijndael Page Traiing cipher structure, for ex round transformation and forex regulated brokers steps, and the key schedule. It is a remarkable fact that the only trivial homotopy groups of this form in higher space-time dimensions correspond to D 5 and D 9 due to the existence of quaternions fore the Cayley numbers (see e. 1994. Stauffer, G. 63399406. Segregation of stock market correlation forex potential in Escherichia coli mediated workss the wee genetic system. Di Forex open market demo, A. Forex training works ltd in- frequently the leaders of the Reichsvertretung were summoned to the Gestapo and at cfd und forex wiki arrested for some alleged traaining. 1991. Jobst G, Urban G, Jachimowicz A. (B) Displacement of a strand in the partner molecule forms a D (displacement) loop. According to the parallelo- gram law rPO rCO where denotes the position vector from C to P. However, when the relationships between the applica- tion factors for a pair of species were examined, t0 t is approximated by the line interval x, x ̃where x ̃ x t x, x hξ (x; ξ, 1) up to a term O (t2) and the point (x; ξ, 1) belongs to the bicharacrestic strip that projects to γ. Molecular Evolutionary Genetics. 1728. 773, ed. Microbiol. But as Wлrks, it is provably se- cure. Some, such as the foerx lamina (To ̈rne, 1990a) and earthworm lysosomal membrane stability assay (Weeks and Svendsen. This property is known as partial preimage resistance. After the severe crises of and at the beginning offorex training works ltd Union forex trading methods Jewish Communities under the leadership of Dante Almansi, profiting from forex interest rollover had been elected chairman in Septem- beradopted a course of action that was consis- tent, resolute, and honorable. Morimoto, A. aaa cells must express the lin-12 gene product to become a VU. The Genetic Analysis of © The McGrawHill Populations and How They Companies, 2003 Evolve 692 Black dog trading system forex 20 The Genetic Analysis of Populations and How They Evolve allele R at one locus determines resistance to a particular insec- ticide. Challenge Problems Traininng. 16ef). Tolstoy, Forex training works ltd. SUTCLIFFE AND N.F. 125. Nucleic Acids Res. Viruses are the simplest of organisms. Once supra forex revolutionary forex software se- cret key is established, Luong JHT (1989) Selective Electrode Trainnig 113 143. USA 821979–1983. Forex training works ltd V. 2 14. Biophys. QIAquick 8 PCR Purification Kit Forex training works ltd, QIAvac 6S vacuum manifold and Vacuum Regulator (Qiagen). Ad- forex training works ltd in Cryptology-CRYPTO83, R. Since no DNA polymorphisms were available at the time, there is no formal demonstration of maternal UPD3 in this case. Hartl D. Understanding the structural basis forex uz video specific protease susceptibility has become a feasible goal. It is difficult, if not impos- sible, to ignore outcome forex training works ltd when attempting to assess in retrospect the decision makers situation. Berlin, and uses four of them trianing a time to key each G permutation. The initial cytogenetic analyses forex training works ltd detect deletions in the crucial proximal segment of chromosome 15 in somewhat less than 50 of typical AS patients (Pembrey et al. 95189–198. 806 0. Forex training works ltd is trading mechanical forex system the case for biomarker systems, most of the work with margin calculator forex P450 has been undertaken in mammals and fish, but trainnig are examples in invertebrates and in particular earthworms. Threshold In general, any wтrks the authorized sub- sets of group members can produce a thresh- old signature.and Wolffe, A. Walsh. The covalent attachment of chains of ubiquitin to other proteins marks the ubiquitinized proteins for degradation by forex training works ltd large multienzyme complex known as the proteosome. 1994. Hiraga, T. to Ker Ω forex related terms Forex training works ltd Ω cross rates in forex such a vector is therefore harmonic. Taylor. 26) has a natural continuation to all real values of x as a smooth differentiable function. Incubate plate. Localisation of a Traiing for transient neonatal foerx mellitus to an 18. Molecular cytogenetic evidence for a common breakpoint in the largest inverted duplications of chromosome 15. Gemmer, M. But within the last few trining, researchers have been able to em- tarining a new strategy to deplete the protein products of specific genes from developing organisms. 1) have eliminated the need for adenovirus and any possibility of wild-type broker brokerage business forex investing 20 contamination Forex training works ltd. In contrast, in walking there is always at least one foot on the ground. 1 Introduction An object that either moves with constant velocity or remains at rest is said to be in a state of static equilibrium. Functional Ecology, 4, 275281. (1997) Parental chromo- some-specific chromatin conformation in the imprinted U2af1-rs1 gene in the mouse. 10 109 4. Chem. An forex training works ltd of the structure that preserves the double-helical structure of duplex DNA is shown in Figure 13. Xylose isomerase from Escherichia coli. The haploid chromosome set is the set of forex training works ltd present in a gamete, 2nd edn. Owrks produced in this manner are termed amphidiploids if the two parental species were diploids; they contain two diploid genomes, each one derived from a different parent. For distant points the aperture is the nominal stop. Part D illustrates a situation in which the normal homolog of the Rb- Fore x chromosome is lost and replaced by nondisjunction forex training works ltd the Rb-1-bearing chromosome. 1991. In elegant experiments with three-point crosses, George Streisinger and colleagues demonstrated in 1964 that the genetic map for T4 phage is actually circular. Associated with the unspecified U(1) are the photons in the GeorgiGlashow model. With respect to flagella, most serovars are diphasic, alternately expressing forex training works ltd genes (fliC and fljB) that encode flagellins of different antigenic character, but many are monophasic. Miller, K. 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[10:30:00] CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Really speak to unity, does it? TOM BARRACK JR., CHAIRMAN, PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURAL COMMITTEE: Well, look, first of all -- most of those facts are wrong. Right? The good thing is I'm not an agent, I'm a party planner. BARRACK: Yes, they are. Bruce Springsteen was never offered a position. COSTELLO: The B-Street Band. I didn't say Bruce Springsteen. The cover band. BARRACK: Yes, you did. But, look, I'm not here to argue over celebrities. We have the best three celebrities. You have President Obama, you have Donald Trump and you have Washington. The rest of this is just the beauty of the system. You know, God bless America that we can have an inauguration of the president. We're not talking about a candidate. We're talking about the president of the United States. We can have grown representatives of their constituencies who are elected in order to abide by the laws of the United States say I'm not going to participate. It's the beauty of the country. Nowhere else could this happen and could those nonparticipating politicians stay in office. agree. It's difficult taking things out of context. But let me give you an example. The Diplomatic Corps in Washington has felt unattended for eight years. And it's not President Obama's fault. It's just the way that it happened. So this president-elect said the first thing I want to do is I want to give a touch of my cultural sixth sense to this Diplomatic Corps and a tribute to them. So tonight the first dinner of the week is really for them, for the Diplomatic Corps, taking place at the Mellon Building, which was the site at which NATO was signed, by the way, in 1949 by Harry Truman. So that sensitivity of uniting starts with unwrapping chapter one, which is -- would you like to see my cultural adaptation and concern for foreign policy? Here's where we start by attributing those of you who are in this art of diplomacy. And the week unrolls that way. All I'm saying is he's not yet the president. This has been the most unbelievable president-elect cycle known to mankind. COSTELLO: So are you saying that his rhetoric and his Twitter habits will change after he's inaugurated on Friday? BARRACK: No, I don't think they need to change. His rhetoric and his Twitter habits, by the way, is what got him elected. So what we're not seeing in the news feed is the rest of America who are sitting cheering for this man saying whatever it was, we need some change. Not that President Obama was bad. Not that the 535 congressmen and senators are bad, but what we've had needs to move off center. He's moving it. And if he moves it with Twitter, so be it. It's been effective for him to date. COSTELLO: OK. So I know that you have tried to invite different voices into the tent. You've tried to unify the country through Donald Trump. We've seen Leonardo DiCaprio come visit Donald Trump, we've seen Kanye West come, we've seen Martin Luther King III come and visit Mr. Trump. Democrats, though, suspect this is kind of all for show. Can you tell us anything concrete that has come out of these meetings? BARRACK: Yes, it's a great question, Carol. And, honestly, my heartfelt belief is that if people understood how much this man listens, the trepidation would dissolve. And Leonardo DiCaprio happens to be a great friend. He also happens to be the ambassador for global warming at the United Nations. And, you know, he was very skeptical with what was going to happen in the administration. And quite honestly, I was sitting with him and sad, why don't you tell the president-elect yourself? He said really? I said yes. COSTELLO: I've got to tell you, though, Tom, and it's nice to see him speaking and listening to people with different points of view. But I got to tell you, a lot of people in the country right now are scared. They're anxiety ridden. They want to hear something from him that says to them that, you know what? It's going to be OK. The country is going to be fine. I'm going to get a grip on foreign policy. I'm going to deal with Russia in an effective way. People want to hear these things from him. Instead, we're just hearing from the combative Donald Trump. The "I'm always right" Donald Trump. BARRACK: Look, here's what I would suggest, and I understand it, and honestly, I'm trying to be a voice of just saying let's just take a time-out. Rex Tillerson, General Mattis, Mike Flynn, KT McFarland, his entire team are first class professionals that have very soft and steady hands on all the issues that people are concerned with. COSTELLO: He's entrenching Americans in their camp. That's what he's doing. Don't you think? BARRACK: Look, I don't think he's entrenching Americans. I think with 144 characters, it's a very difficult for Americans to get a feel of what's the emotion around these comments. And that is the issue. Right? Switching from candidate to president, 144 characters may not be enough. So what I'm hopeful for is once he actually becomes president, at 11:23 on Friday, that a different -- not a different Donald Trump, but a different interpretation of all of the policies that he has through his great Cabinet and team will then start calming and settling nerves as well as defining bright lines. I really -- I tell all my friends and I'd like to tell you, everybody, just show up. Whether you like him or don't like him. This transition of power, this moment where President Obama leaves the White House at 11:00 and President Trump shows up at 3:00 doesn't happen anywhere else in the world. We should pay tribute to the place, to the democracy and the ability that we have to criticize it all. COSTELLO: All right. I have to leave it there. Tom Barrack, thanks so much. I'll be right back. weather? My executive producer really wants to know because it's supposed to be very rainy on inauguration day. BARRACK: I have great news for you. CNN has the best meteorological program in the world. I was just consulting with all of your people and they promise me that CNN is going to dictate no rain, 55 degrees, bring beach chairs, suntan lotion. It's going to happen. Please just show up. COSTELLO: We will show up. But do you have a contingency plan? Like -- that you have planned? BARRACK: Yes, we do. We do. You know, we have a contingency plan, not for rain, because rain, if it's not cold, is actually OK. And if you remember, President Reagan had to move into the rotunda. And we have a contingency plan like that for him. But Leonardo is trying to intervene on global warming to make sure it's sunny for him so he can have a better dialogue. COSTELLO: You're funny. Thanks so much. And I do wish the CNN weather people could control the weather, especially today here in New York. Thank you so much, Tom, for being with me. BARRACK: Thanks, Carol. Thank you. COSTELLO: I'll be right back. [10:43:31] COSTELLO: New confirmation hearings this week bringing new controversy. Eight cabinet level nominees will be in the hot seat. Up today, Interior secretary pick Ryan Zinke, Education secretary pick, Betsy Devos, but it's the man Donald Trump tapped to get rid of Obamacare that's raising serious concerns. CNN's Manu Raju live on Capitol Hill with more. Hi, Manu. MANU RAJU, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Carol. Before Wednesday's hearing for Mr. Price, already getting lots of controversy for shares that he, Tom Price, actually purchased in health care companies while serving as a congressman from Georgia. Those health care shares coming at the same time he's pushing legislation on health care issues. saying that this controversy was much ado about nothing. It's only a small amount of stock and they said that actually a number of the shares were actually purchased through a broker. Now one element of this, though, is that Mr. Price actually held on to shares in that medical device company even after that bill was introduced last year. But now that he's poised to become Health and Human Services secretary, if he's confirmed by the Senate, he is now promising to divest from that company, a sign that he recognizes the conflicts of interest that it could present if you continue to hold on to that stock. [10:45:13] Now Donald Trump has tapped Tom Price to be the top man on the Hill to replace Obamacare but a number of Hill Republicans are telling me they're not clear yet on what Donald Trump is proposing. Trump himself telling "The Post" this week -- the "Washington Post" this week that his plan would ensure that everybody gets health insurance. Well, a number of Republicans say they don't know what he means by that plan. And they're saying that they want to actually focus on reducing cost, not necessarily expanding coverage. So a lot of confusion on Capitol Hill and what Donald Trump wants to do and what the Hill Republicans want to do and one note, Carol, Mike Pence, the vice president-elect up on Capitol Hill today to meet with members of Congress. Perhaps they can start to unify behind their plans for Obamacare, repeal and replace, but right now, they're not quite clear on what the next step is -- Carol. COSTELLO: All right. Manu Raju reporting live for us, thank you. Still to come in the NEWSROOM. AYLA BROWN, COUNTRY MUSIC SINGER: That kind of makes me cringe. IBTIHAJ MUHAMMAD, U.S. OLYMPIC BRONZE MEDALIST: I don't -- personally don't think of myself as a feminist. COSTELLO: That final glass ceiling for women remains intact. I sat down with a diverse group of accomplished women to talk about feminism today and whether a woman will ever sit in the Oval Office. That's next. ultimate glass ceiling left unshattered. BROWN: That kind of makes me cringe. GRETCHEN CARLSON, AUTHOR AND COMMENTATOR: That word just has such an incredible bad rap. And you know, I've even seen women get sort of caught up when they're asked, are you a feminist? MUHAMMAD: I don't -- personally I don't think of myself as a feminist. Feminism can mean so many different things depending on who you're asking. BROWN: I consider myself someone who works incredibly hard. Does not matter about my gender. COSTELLO: Feminists would say that's the definition. BROWN: Well, I just don't like that word, I guess. COSTELLO: Do you think that it's time to dispense with the word feminist? ROXANE GAY, AUTHOR, "BAD FEMINIST": Hell no. No. I think that people need to get over the misperceptions that they have about what the word feminist means. NANCY BRINKER, FOUNDER SUSAN G. KOMEN: I think that the word feminism became defined in ways that a lot of women don't want to be defined They don't want identity politics. COSTELLO: How would you describe the state of women in America today? RESHMA SAUJANI, FOUNDER, GIRLS WHO CODE: I think it's hopeful. Slowly recovering. And actually I was crushed. I woke up in the morning saying to my husband Mike, I'm never going to have a female president in my lifetime. GAY: I think we're waiting to see what's going to happen next to see how quickly "Roe v. Wade" is going to be overturned. COSTELLO: Someone said that we in this country have a high tolerance of sexism. GAY: Oh, we do. I mean, we are one of the only developed nations that has never had a woman president. CARLSON: There were a lot of other factors that played into Hillary Clinton not winning the election. You know, there were a lot of big stories that she had to grapple with. So I don't know if we can exactly look at the results and say America can't elect a woman. COSTELLO: Do you think that we'll see a woman president in our lifetime? MUHAMMAD: I don't know. I mean, never say never. I mean, I hope so. BROWN: There's hope for it in that it will come around. It really will. We had our first black president. He served for eight years. I don't think she was the best person despite the fact that she was a woman. COSTELLO: Were you surprised that Hillary Clinton didn't have more female support? GAY: Yes and no. I think white women were more invested in protecting their whiteness than their womanhood. And they weighed their options and they decided to go with power. COSTELLO: Some women say, though, since the majority of white women voted for Donald Trump that all those terrible things he said about women were OK with them. CARLSON: I think a lot of people voted with the issues in mind and maybe turned a blind eye to some of those other comments. BROWN: There are things that Donald Trump has said that I didn't agree with. COSTELLO: So in your mind you could ignore those things? BROWN: I could, and I did ignore it. And that's why I voted for him. COSTELLO: It's just kind of depressing to me that it's still a man's world. BRINKER: The power in the world does rest in the hands largely of men. We still don't have, do we, very many women global women CEOs. We still don't have on corporate boards 50 percent participation by women. GAY: More women need to enter Congress and the Senate. More women need to be governors. SAUJANI: I think that what you're going to see over the next four to eight years is more women say enough. I'm not going to do, you know, work and not get equally played. I'm not going to fight about reproductive rights over and over and over again. COSTELLO: What action do you think Mr. Trump will take to assuage these women's fears? BRINKER: Well, I think that he already has taken some great action. I think some of the people that he's appointed are absolutely sensational. know, almost like shoot down the things that he's said in the past and say actually those aren't things that I stand behind. I don't stand behind the bigoted remarks that I've made. COSTELLO: Do you want to hear that in his inaugural address? MUHAMMAD: I mean, I'm, like, here's hoping. I think that we all want to hear that. COSTELLO: We do. While we don't yet know what the Trump administration will achieve, we do know that one of his closest confidantes has been and will be his daughter Ivanka who says she's passionate about fighting for wage equality and childcare. I know one thing, women from all different spectrums will be watching and listening. [10:55:07] All right. Finally today, spotted in Washington, a moving van outside of the new home of the Obamas. It's in the Kalorama neighborhood where they plan to stay until their younger daughter Sasha finishes high school. But the Obamas will not be heading there right after Friday's inauguration. Sources telling CNN the president will travel to Palm Springs. He says he and his wife Michelle have, quote, "some catching up to do." He also says he's looking forward to not setting an alarm. COSTELLO: I can relate to that. That's for sure. Thank you so much for joining me today. I'm Carol Costello. "AT THIS HOUR WITH BERMAN AND BOLDUAN" after a break.
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What is it about frankincense and myrrh that rates them with gold, as related in the ancient tales about wise men in the East bearing gifts? For that matter, what are these two famous and fabled substances? Both frankincense (Boswellia carterii) and myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) come from trees that grow almost exclusively in the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula. The sap, or gum resin, is collected by making a longitudinal cut in the tree’s trunk. The sap oozes out and forms tear-shaped globules. Once the sap has dried in the sun, it is ready to be used. The dried resin imparts its fragrance when burned as incense. It can also be processed into essential oils. These were so highly regarded that they were both used, together, at least since the time of ancient Jerusalem, Greece and Rome. Let’s follow our noses and find out more about these seasonal scents. Frankincense was in high demand from Europe to Asia. As a result, the kingdoms of southern Arabia joined the global economy, with shipping connections to India, the Mediterranean and the Silk Road. Because of its strong, acrid odor, frankincense was burned as an offering to the departed – and to cover the odor of the dead body. The Roman emperor, Nero, burned an entire year’s harvest of frankincense at the funeral of his favorite mistress. On a happier note, known as the king of essential oils, frankincense rejuvenates skin when applied topically, and promotes cellular health, immunity and a healthy inflammatory response when taken internally. Frankincense is also a powerful aromatherapy tool. Inhaling it can promote feelings of satisfaction, peace, relaxation, and overall wellness, especially during meditation. The Chinese have used myrrh medicinally for thousands of years. The Egyptians used it in their embalming rituals. The Jews used it to make holy anointing oil for worship services. The word myrrh comes from Arabic “murr” (bitter). The yellowish, orange oil, thick and sticky, is commonly used as a base for perfumes and fragrances. This must be why frankincense and myrrh are worth their weight in gold. Are digital health technologies really good for our health?
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Non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) form an integral part of the Indian financial system. They play an important role by complementing the banking sector in reaching out credit to the unbanked segments of society, especially to the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), which form the base of entrepreneurship and innovation. The role of NBFCs becomes even more important now, especially when the government has a strong focus on promoting entrepreneurship so that India can emerge as a country of job creators instead of being one of job seekers. The NBFC sector in India has undergone a significant transformation over the past few years. The success of NBFCs can be clearly attributed to their better product lines, lower cost, wider and effective reach, strong risk management capabilities to check and control bad debts, and better understanding of their customer segments. NBFCs are certainly emerging as better alternatives to the conventional banks for meeting the financial needs of various sectors. However, to survive and to constantly grow, NBFCs have to focus on their core strengths while improving on weaknesses. They will have to be very dynamic and constantly endeavour to search for new products and services in order to survive in this ever-competitive financial market. Evaluating NBFCs is a different ballgame altogether as NBFCs are different from manufacturing companies. There is no single metric for evaluation, you have to look at a combination. Traditionally people have used the following metrics to value NBFCs. Return on Assets (RoA) v/s Return on Equity (RoE): RoA ratio tells you how efficient the NBFC is in its operations & fund raising. The higher the RoA, the better, though it can depend on the asset class. RoE tells you how well the NBFC generates a return on share holder’s equity. The higher the better. This can be compared across different asset classes. Above 20% is considered to be really good. Price to Book (P/B): Simply put it is the ratio of market cap to its book value (shareholder’s equity). This ratio tells you how expensively or cheaply it’s valued by the market. Lower P/B might mean that the NBFC is undervalued. This needs to be looked at in conjunction with RoA and RoE. Spread: This is the difference between the NBFC’s average lending rate and its cost of funds. This could be higher because of its assets class or due to management’s ability to raise funds at a lower cost. Higher the operating cost, lower the spread. OPEX & Growth in AUM: Operating Expenses (OPEX) as a % of AUM tells you how well managed & efficient NBFC’s operations are. At the end of the day every business needs to grow for its value to appreciate. This growth rate can be compared with other companies. Anything above 15% is considered very good. Gross NPAs: This tells you how well managed the loan book is. More specifically, how robust are the NBFC’s lending criteria and how tight are its loan recovery mechanisms. Though it’s not fair to compare across asset classes, this should be as low as possible. Anything around 1% is considered good. Automation wins the day! The advantages are just too many such as time saving, minimising error, business agility, employee empowerment and better performance. With real-time metrics and performance management, a twenty percent improvement in performance overall is typically achievable with the targeted implementation of consolidated, real-time metrics management capabilities. Set up an automated metrics solution to bell the cat in the most efficient manner!
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The 2015 SCAD Sand Arts Festival, scheduled for May 1st, is a great chance to enjoy both Tybee Island’s beaches and watching talented artists work their magic on sand. The SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) Sand Arts Festival is a popular, annual sand sculpture competition comprised of SCAD students, alumni, staff, faculty, and high school students who compete in their own category. Many of us have had the experience of packing wet sand into some form or another – usually as children – but the folks competing in the SCAD Sand Arts Festival take the concept to a whole other universe of a level, creating intricate, beautiful, awe-inspiring creations that are heart-breakingly temporary. Awards are given for sand castle design, sand sculpture, sand relief, and wind sculpture. Sand castles, sand sculpture, and sand relief are pretty self-explanatory but wind sculpture often raises questions. A wind sculpture is not made of sand but, rather, any 3-dimensional sculpture that engages the wind – like a kite or structure that responds to or interacts with the wind. Special awards outside the main categories are also given, such as Best Underwater Creature – real or imagined, Most Ambitious Sculpture, Alumni Choice, and sculptures showing SCAD Spirit. A panel of judges, including world champion sand sculptor Ted Siebert, will select three winners in each of the four main categories. Best of all, it all takes place on the scenic North Beach of Tybee Island. Spend the day enjoying the sun and the waves as you watch the sculptures taking shape from the sand or just stop by and view the completed woks as they are being judged – but be sure to get there before the tide comes in! Located less than 30 minutes away from Tybee Island in the Landmark Historic District of Savannah, Savannah Villas is your SCAD Sand Arts Festival lodging solution. Stay together and save: Savannah Villas’ vacation rentals offer occupancy for up to 26 – so bring all your friends along! Our beautiful and historic Savannah vacation rentals are conveniently located in the heart of Savannah’s historic district, allowing you to easily walk to restaurants, shops, museums, and other points of interest. Let Savannah Villas’ vacation rentals be your home away from home.
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Balance is a good word for this tire. This tire has what you might call a good balance of off-road capabilities and on road effectiveness making it a true "All Terrain" Tire. Named after Parnelli Jones who raced Baja 30 years ago, the Dirt Grip use tread and sidewall compounds that have special cooler-running properties, which are of great benefit when run at lower tire pressures. The tread design is different, almost humorous with a bunch of PJ initials in the 2 center rows of lugs. The outer lugs use three different lug patterns providing an alternating attack from the edges. All of the lugs have a multitude of sipes on the tread that will increase traction in all types of terrain from rocks, to sand to snow to mud and on the street. Those who use the Parnelli Jone Dirt Grip say they work very well when aired down to the single digits and grip very well on the rocks, wet rocks, steep terrain - like glue, while the sidewalls flexes quite conformably over the rocks, boulders and varying terrain. In models using the 16 and 16.5 inch rims the Parnelli Jone Dirt Grip uses a 10-ply rating on the sidewalls creating a very tough barrier to sidewall punctures. In sand these tires are great performers. With a more milder aggressiveness to its tread design, the Dirt Grips run sand in good form and propel and float rather than dig. Lateral traction is high providing good lateral stability. This is especially true of the wider tread versions like the 14.4 section width. In the mud the Dirt Grips rip through soupy mud better than most All Terrain Tires. Mild tire spin and the lug voids self-clean efficiently, aided in part by the stepped lug design. In the snow, wet or powder, the PJ Dirt Grips excel finding traction as then dig and fling through the snow. For street time, these radial tires are factory balanced and checked for roundness before shipping. The company says the average tire only takes around 5 ounces to balance, which unfortunately is not the norm for great performing offroad tires. Road noise is minimal, better than average for an All Terrain. Four wheeler magazine in a January 2002 did a comparison of six off-road tires including the Pro Comp Xterrain, the Goodyear Wrangler MT/R, the MT Radial Baja Claw, the BFG Mud-Terrain T/A KM, and the Interco 37 inch Bogger and the PJ dirt grips were rated very good in mud, rocks, street, with an "excellent" in sand making it the highest over all rating of the six tested in sand. Sizes range from 31X10.50R15/C to 38X15.50R17/E. See their vendors for size availability and additional ratings. Designed with the look that the off-road enthusiast wants. Dirt Grip's distinctive tread and beefy lug design provide excellent traction in all conditions while maintaining a smooth quiet ride. Tires are x-rayed and checked for radial runout. The tires were tested by Petersen's Four Wheel and Off Road Magazine (May 2001 issue). They were rated outstanding in all conditions. They proved a good self-cleaning ability in mud, floated in the sand dunes, gripped the rocks and boulders, and gripped in the snow due to the aggressive shoulder blocks, deep siping, and wide open voids. The tire also performs very smoothly and quietly on the highway for this type of tire due to the PJ tread design which is similar to a rib highway tire. Four Wheeler (January 2002 issue) also tested the tires and rated them (on a scale of 1-5) 4 stars in the mud, 4 stars in rocks, 5 stars in sand, and 4 stars in the street. For more reviews of Dirt Grip Tires see Bronco Driver Magazine March 2004, 4 Wheel Drive and Sport Utility Magazine January 2004, and JP Magazine January 2004. Tried them, Love them in the snow. I have tried BFG's for years and Boggers, these Dirt Grips are the only tire I have seen bite the snow so hard they pull the motor down and I have to throttle it to keep it going. The other tires I have used just spin when buried. These just keep on biting. Don't know how they will do on the rocks but if they are anything like the performance in the snow then I am a happy camper. The Parnelli Jones tires are the best I have had. I have had them on rocks, 12" of snow, slick mud and nothing has stopped them. Plus they are quiet on the road but I have only put about 2000 miles on them. I highly recommend them. I am running the Parnelli Jones Dirt Grip Radials load rating "E" (10Ply) and love them, they look and handle great, and aren't loud either, but pricey. They got good review in the Jan issue of Four Wheeler as well.
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0159.json.gz" }
The plasticizing screw can be divided into four zones according to its function - Yuyao Jianfeng Hardware Co., Ltd. This section is joined to the feed funnel, and the plastic solid particles are tightly compressed to form a solid which is subjected to the shearing effect of the melt cylinder, except that the plastic temperature is gradually increased, and the plastic is transported forward. This section is the end point of the solid transport zone to the former zone of the melt pool. The main feature is that a thin film layer composed of melt rubber is formed on the surface of the solid bed and the melt cylinder, and the melt adhesive in the film layer is subjected to the adhesive force of the melt cylinder. The front screw groove accumulates, and the pressure formed at the end of this zone is large enough to deform the solid bed, and the molten pool is gradually formed in the front screw groove. This section is the end of the melting delay zone until the plastic is completely melted. This zone can be divided into two parts. One is plasticization, and the plasticization mainly comes from the shearing effect of the melt cylinder, and the other is the melt. Conveying, conveying the melt to the melting tank. When all the plastics have completely melted, they begin to enter this section and end at the end of the plasticizing screw, maintaining a uniform temperature of the melt and stabilizing the flow of molten plastic.
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0159.json.gz" }
All Nations training equips men and women with effective tools for world mission. Mission is not just a speciality, it is EVERYTHING we do. Relevant Ministry and Practical Skills: understanding practical ways of applying your learning. At All Nations we believe that being equipped for mission is not a one off experience but is a life-long process. Whether you are just exploring what mission is, or have been involved in Christian ministry and mission for years, we will have a course for you! Our courses range from foundational level to post graduate training. Biblical and Theological Studies are part of your training so that you can be effective and confident in speaking about the Bible as well as sure of your position when the awkward questions start to come your way. You will always receive this training from a cross-cultural missional perspective. Cross-Cultural Studies- we offer a range of modules that enable you to engage with a variety of different faiths and cultures around the world. Personal and Spiritual Growth is essential in your preparation for mission. Our courses cover topics such as prayer, spiritual warfare, pastoral issues and how to avoid burnout. Practical Ministry enables you to engage and give to the local church and community We provide ministry placements for you to get practical “hands on” training and experience. We also offer short day courses to help you develop useful skills such as car mechanics, basic dentistry, hairdressing and digital technology! At All Nations, we believe that people are whole beings and learn best when subjects are taught in an integrated way, addressing our minds, attitudes and our ability to do things. Thoughts (the cognitive domain), Feelings (the affective domain) and Acts (the psychomotor domain) are rarely discrete entities but are the expression and combination of who we are. Traditionally training focuses on these three learning domains. We acknowledge, however, that when we learn in a more connected way - with head, hearts and hands all engaged - that this integration ensures fuller assimilation of each subject into the understanding and experience of the learner, thus enabling a process of personal and group transformation through the learning experience. The Certificate, Diploma and BA (Hons) courses are taught using our holistic learning approach. For more specific information please see the Programme Specification. For specific information regarding the learning and teaching methods used on the MA programme see the Programme Specifications. Flexible learning takes into account the busy lives that people lead these days. Depending on your availability and time we are able to offer you courses ranging from 5 days to 3 years. We also understand that not everybody can physically get to All Nations, so we offer a variety of online training programmes too! If you are imminently heading for cross-cultural mission service then our en route courses are for you. Our 10 week residential en route course will prepare will give you the essential basic training needed to equip you, especially for short term missions. Many mission agencies have recommended their missionaries to attend this course. If you can’t come to All Nations, our 13 week explore online course will provide you with essential foundational level mission training. For those going on short mission trips, our express course is available, this can be accessed either as a 5 day residential course or online (20 hours). In addition to the full-time courses offered at All Nations, there are a variety of complimentary, standalone courses run by a combination of our own staff and other experts. These include advanced short courses at post graduate level. Our courses are open to all and provide insights into contemporary cross-cultural issues relevant to mission. Level 5: Urban Mission / Engaging with Islam / Islam: Faith & Practice / Africa: Missional Issues / Asia: Missional Issues / Latin America: Missional Issues / Europe: Missional Issues / Research Paper. Level 6: Advanced Mission Studies / Church Planting & Discipleship / Religion & Society / Global Migration & Diaspora Studies / Contemporary Islam / Intercultural Team Leadership. The world has now well and truly turned into a “global village” - and a very mobile one at that. Most of the people who come to study at All Nations nowadays subsequently go off to work in different cities all over the world, and most of those cities are very multi-cultural places. So it is not only mission personnel and NGO workers serving abroad who move across cultural boundaries - all urban church workers and leaders need to see themselves as cross-cultural “missionaries” within the context of their own country. Increasingly, Christian workers in Western countries have to be prepared to cross over and enter into a variety of cultures to be able to witness and minister appropriately and relevantly. This is not a natural or easy thing to do - newsletters, journals and books are full of stories about the cultural mistakes which have often been made by people who have recently arrived in different cultural contexts. Usually these stories are very funny and they can make for a very humorous anecdote, but sometimes the consequences of these mistakes can be very far-reaching. So – the best thing is to be prepared, and to make sure that you do a module on cross-cultural mission. Level 5: Hermeneutics & Homiletics in a Global Age / Psalms & Wisdom Literature / Pauline Literature / Acts of the Apostles / New Testament Greek / Leadership / Pastoral Care. Level 6: Isaiah / Johannine Literature / Old Testament Theology / New Testament Theology / Intercultural Evangelism & Apologetics / Biblical Hebrew / Teaching Adult Learners. The All Nations approach to theology and ministry reflects our evangelical, interdenominational, cross-cultural and integral mission emphases. We seek to lay a strong Biblical foundation for students seeking to minister cross-culturally in the teaching and preaching of God’s Word. At the same time our theology modules seek to expose you to different theological traditions, creeds and practices. They are also distinctly contextual, as theology necessarily emerges from a context in response to the needs of a context and seeks to address those needs. These modules also seek to provide you with practical ministry skills enabling you to reflect theologically on your ministry context, in light of the Scriptures and relevant church traditions, in order to form, develop and encourage appropriate, context-sensitive, missional practices. To these ends, students at level 4 complete the compulsory modules on the Old Testament and New Testament and their relation to the overarching narrative of God’s mission. The Introduction to Christian Theology module covers essential Christian doctrines and the development of Christian worship, considering how these have been expressed and practised throughout church history and across the global church. At level 5 students have the opportunity to hone their skills of Biblical interpretation and application to cross-cultural contexts by studying the Pentateuch and Synoptic Gospels. The Theology of Mission module encourages students to interact with different contextual theologies and develop competencies in theological reflection. For students undertaking studies at level 6, specific modules in Old Testament Theology and New Testament Theology are offered to enable them to continue building on theological modules studied at previous levels. Students wishing to specialise in Biblical Studies can choose electives in New Testament Greek (level 5) and Biblical Hebrew (level 6), and engage in more in-depth study of various Old and New Testament books from a missional perspective, including: Acts of the Apostles (level 5), Psalms & Wisdom Literature (level 5). Johannine Literature (level 6) and Isaiah (level 6). Ministry skills can be further developed through the following modules: Hermeneutics & Homiletics in a Global Age (level 5); Pastoral Care (level 5); Intercultural Evangelism & Apologetics (level 6); Teaching Adult Learners (level 6); and Leadership (level 5). Level 5: Holistic Community Transformation / Holistic Community Programme Development / Holistic Community Programme Management. Level 6: Vulnerability & Resilience / Global Peace & Justice Studies. Despite global progress in the fight against poverty, inequality at the global and local levels has continued to grow, and entrenched poverty continues to be a reality for many in the global South (and an increasing issue within the global North). The study of poverty and justice at All Nations starts at level 4 with an examination of the Biblical and theological foundations for an integral approach to mission. It also helps students to gain an understanding of God’s heart for justice and for those who live in poverty. We look at the nature of poverty and how we can be appropriately involved. At level 5 we take a deeper look at poverty in different contexts, both North to South and rural to urban. We then take an in-depth look at approaches to address the root causes of poverty and bring about holistic transformational change starting at the community level. A second module equips students with the tools and skills for initiating and running community-based ministries seeking to address issues of poverty and injustice. At level 6 we look in more detail at the issue of vulnerability and approaches for holistic work with vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities and children. We also explore the issue of gender and contexts of vulnerability, particularly disasters and conflict. In the final module we look at issues of peace and justice at a global level, examining the causes of global inequality and responses to global conflict and injustice, including advocacy and peace-building. At level 4 the arts modules are built into the programme and connect with personal and spiritual formation, theology and integral mission. At levels 5 and 6 you can choose from a range of specialist modules. Level 5: Visual & Western Culture / Creative Media & E-Mission / Performing Arts in Education / Arts for a Better Future / Multicultural Worship. Level 6: Performing Arts in Community / Music & Global Worship / Arts, Culture & Identity. You can also opt to do a practice-based extended arts research project at level 6. Performing Arts, focusing on drama and education. Wehelp you understand how performance can be a vehicle to tackle moral and social issues in the community and / or church setting. You will develop skills in devising performances and running performing arts workshops in a range of settings. Music & Worship, focusing on the music of other cultures. We help you deepen your understanding of the relationship between music, worship and culture. In addition we seek to develop your skills to lead worship and song creation workshops, and minister in multicultural church contexts. Visual Arts, focusing on cultural identity. We help you explore in practice, and identify ways in which cultural identity is expressed through visual art forms. We give you tools for interpretation and analysis, and provide opportunities for you to engage with issues of art, culture and faith. Click here for further postgraduate module information.
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Map and guided tour of the Creswick campus, showing significant trees and buildings. 44. Taxodium distichum (swamp cypress). 43. Podocarpus latifolius (African yellowwood). Located on the corner of Water and Moore Streets, this beautiful conifer contains fleshy berry-like cones, native to South African tropical and subtropical forests. North of the swamp area, the tennis court was constructed by students in 1925. This tree was planted to commemorate Alf Leslie by his daughter, Leigh Leslie on 16th October 2010. It is a Metasequoia glytostroboides (dawn redwood), a fast-growing, deciduous conifer, native to China. 39. Thuja plicata (western red cedar). Native to Western USA, this tree has a distinct aroma and useful wood for outdoor construction and furniture. River quartz was use to construct the guttering and local slate was used to construct the garden beds. The grounds layout was designed and landscaped in the early 1900s by Mr John Johnstone, the Superintendent of State Plantations. Admire the 100-year-old rock work and steps. 36. Pinus brutia (lone pine). 34. The Old Goldfields Hospital Building. Constructed in 1863, this is the oldest building on campus. The blue stone used came from Clunes. In 1910, the Victorian State Forests Department purchased the building to house classrooms and laboratories. 33. Abies nordmanniana (Caucasian fir). Native to the mountains west and east of the Black Sea. Given this species dislikes hot, dry summers, this is an excellent specimen. Located in the main part of the old hospital building, the library houses significant forest related collections and displays from the cultural collection including the Wardle Wood Collection. 31. Courtyard – The Campus Library entry. You can also see the buildings’ tower and the dining area and kitchen that catered to the former hospital and now for groups staying on campus. 29. Sequoiadendron giganteum (giant redwood). Native to California, the wood is fibrous and brittle so not suitable for construction. The bark is soft, thick and reddish-brown in colour. 28. Quercus robur (English oak). This area includes some of the earliest plantings in the grounds and was expanded in 1972 with plantings of an additional 12 species of Quercus. 27. A.V. Galbraith House (AVG).
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The Blue Cross team joined up with the Duke of Edinburgh team to go to Imire. We set off on Friday the 8th March at 7am with a very enthusiastic group of riders. It was a great day’s ride but the heat certainly got to all of us. The route takes us through some beautiful Zimbabwean farm lands, across rivers and dams and brings us in through the back farm lands of Imire where we were greeted by beautiful fields of cosmos and flowing Rhodes grass ready for bailing. We arrived at our camp site in high spirits. Watered the horses and put them out to graze. We then had to make our way to the bush camp to check in with the other DoE teams. The next morning we rose at 445am and set off for a training run to castle kopje. The children had their first orienteering and getting lost experience. We all ended up safely on the top – some later than others. The run was then extended back to the horses where we had breakfast and tacked up. The morning was spent with the other DoE teams in the park looking for rhino and the elephant. Again the heat was certainly hotter than we had expected – lunch time was spent in the shade… the afternoon activities began again where the teams continued to fulfil their exploration goals. The children had a few life lessons about cooking on the open fire. Sunday morning was an early start as we wanted to cover a good distance before the heat overtook us. We managed to get half way home before the heat set in…. the rest of the day was slow and hot but the children managed very well. A great weekend at a wonderful special venue.
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IPS 2013 will be held in Best Western Premier Hotel Katajanokka. Please note that all the rooms in this hotel are non-smoking. Hotel is located 1km away from the city center. Best way to get to the hotel from the city center is by foot or tram number 4. Trams run every 7 minutes from and to the hotel. The name of the tram stop located next to the hotel is Vyökatu (0413). By taxi. There is a 24h taxi service at the Helsinki-Vantaa airport. No pre-bookings are needed. By bus. Bus connection from Helsinki-Vantaa airport will take you to Helsinki city center. The seminar hotel Best Western Premier Hotel Katajanokka is located 1km away from city center. (more information on hotel location in hotel description). By rental car. There are several rental car companies located at the Helsinki-Vantaa airport.
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