Loewe’s collection of web-connected HD TVs are getting a software update today that sees Napster added to the growing selection of services through the televisions’ online portal. Napster will now feature in Loewe’s MediaNet on all Individual LED, Connect LED and Art LED screens. The service allows users to download and stream some 15 million songs to their sets, and will be available for free for the first 14 days of use, after which a subscription charge will be required. MediaNet allows websites and online services like Napster to be navigated with just a remote control, optimising websites for viewing on a HD TV. Cheap junk from China that isn’t even worth its weight in scrap metal.
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The NEMA 14 hybrid precision linear actuator provides up to 52 lbsF (230N) of continuous thrust. A Captive version is available in this frame size. Ball screw versions are also available.
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I am a recent PhD graduate of the ACO program at Carnegie Mellon University. I came to CMU in 2004 after getting my undergraduate degree in mathematics from the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Click here to see a list of courses that I've taken.
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J. League official broadcaster SkyPerfecTV announced today that Yoichiro Kakitani’s incredible back-heel goal (against Thespakusatsu Gunma) has been chosen, through votes by football fans via their website, as the J2 Best Goal of the Month. This means that his goal has become one of the candidates for the J2 Best Goal Award which will be announced at the end of the year.
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Nearly half of Thailand’s monks are obese and suffering from related health problems, according to a major new study by academics in Bangkok. The research suggested the monk's expanding waistlines were, in part, due to donations offered by the “faithful” – including instant tea, coffee and juice drinks loaded with sugar. The startling find has prompted public health officials to launch a campaign aimed at helping monks lead healthier lives and reduce expanding medical costs. Ms Angkatavanich added that each year Thailand’s government has to cover the costs for monks who are diagnosed with obesity – with expenses in state-run hospitals coming to more than 300 million baht in 2012 – or, nearly £6 million. Monks tend to drink juices, instant tea and coffee offered by the faithful, Ms Jongjit said, adding these were loaded with sugar and were high in energy. Dishes such as Kaeng kaew wan, tod mun, thong foy and khaotommud which were laden with fat and sugar were popular items that people offered to monks. The nutrition expert told the newspaper that research has led to a campaign to promote a healthy balanced diet among monks in Thailand. In one pilot programme training classes for cooks and officials at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, where around 300 monks reside, were provided. Over a period of eight weeks Ms Angkatavanich and her team worked with 82 monks from four temples and provided them with healthy food. They were also encouraged to increase their physical activity.
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St George Illawarra have been hit by the withdrawals because of injury to NSW Blues rep Josh Dugan and former Kiwi Test skipper Benji Marshall who was to celebrate his 250th NRL appearance in the clash with the Aquis Titans at a cold WIN Jubilee Oval at Kogarah. Marshall also missed the round seven clash which was won by the Dragons 19-14. His deputy that day, former Raider Josh McCrone, was one of their best and he will again deputise for the veteran Marshall tonight. Off-season signing from Canterbury, Tim Lafai, is expected to be recalled to the Dragons outfit against a Gold Coast side that will have Konrad Hurrell in the centres for the second time since he joined from the Warriors in May. Tonight’s match is crucial for both teams for two reasons. Firstly, eighth spot – which the Dragons currently hold two competition points ahead of the Titans – is available to the winner plus with State of Origin now passed we now enter the “money end” of the season, the final eight rounds. The Titans have a clean bill of health going into the match and welcome Hurrell back, David Mead who has trained strongly at fullback and skipper Nathan Friend who has recovered from a knee injury. The Titans see this as a match that can give them the impetus to head into our ‘Festival of Footy’ which sees three successive matches against Parramatta (next Saturday 5.30pm), Auckland (Sunday 2pm) and Cronulla (Monday night). Three or four wins from the next month would pitch-fork the side into the final four rounds with some confidence, with the task of facing Newcastle away, Penrith at home, Wests Tigers away and finally the Cowboys in Townsville. And a key, not just tonight but for the crucial last third of the season, will be Greg Bird whomissed the round seven clash between the two teams. His form was tremendous pre-Origin but, with him carrying niggling injuries and confronted with a testing travel schedule that included two Origin camps, a trip to Perth and directly to Darwin, then Auckland last weekend, it has tapered. The 32-year-old hard man is keen to put the disappointment of missing Origin III selection and is feeling the freshest he has been for several weeks. “We need him fresh and firing, he’s the first one to admit that around Origin there are a lot of distractions and a lot of footy on and he hasn’t been up to his standards in a couple of games and he’ll be looking to get out there are rip in. “He is vital to us, he’s an important part of what we do in the middle of the field and offers a bit of variety around the edges in attack as well.
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Anya Dozier Enos, Ph.D. (Santa Clara Pueblo) is the Educational Development Director (formerly titled Curriculum/Professional Development) at Santa Fe Indian School. Dr. Dozier-Enos has served in various other roles at Santa Fe Indian School. As a college student taking courses in education, her first classroom observations were in Theresa Chavez’ 11th grade English class. That experience convinced her to complete her teacher certification, with a goal of teaching at Santa Fe Indian School. From 1990 to the present, Dr. Dozier Enos has taught a variety of courses and had students from grades 7 – 12. She has coordinated programs that raised student awareness of a variety of issues – from health, to research, to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). After receiving her Ph.D. in 1998, she coordinated SFIS research projects that included learning from tribal leadership definitions of success, appropriate research methodologies, concepts that embed sovereignty beyond politics and government, and best practices for community-based education. Work with research interns and teachers included teaching ethical indigenous research practices and creating standards-based lessons grounded in community. The COOL project produced 26 licensed Native American administrators, most of whom are still working in leadership positions in New Mexico. In 2007, Dr. Dozier Enos took a short hiatus from Santa Fe Indian School and worked at the Public Education Department as the state’s high school redesign coordinator. There she helped public schools understand state policies, which are outcomes of national best practices for ensuring high school course offerings and assessments prepare students for entrance into college and/or careers. She was excited to return to Santa Fe Indian School in 2011 to participate in the collaborative effort that ensures curricular and professional development initiatives work together to honor Pueblo/Native approaches for the benefit of SFIS student learning. On a personal level, Anya and her husband, Terry (Pima/Tohono O’odham), live in Santa Clara Pueblo. Terry works for the SFIS student living program. The Enos children are grown and come home regularly for feasts and family events. Anya and Terry share their home with a couple of cats and a library of books.
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“By faith Noah . . . constructed an ark for the saving of his household; and through this faith he condemned the world.”​—HEBREWS 11:7. 1, 2. What can we learn from an examination of Noah’s life? JEHOVAH granted Noah and his family​—just eight in number—​the privilege of being the only humans to survive the Flood. The lives of all the rest of Noah’s contemporaries were cut short when God swept them into a watery grave. Since Noah is therefore our common ancestor, we should be very grateful for the faith he exercised. 2 We can learn much from examining Noah’s life. The Scriptures tell us why God favored him with salvation while He destroyed the people of Noah’s generation. This same divine record clearly shows that our generation faces a similar judgment by God. Concerning this, Jesus said: “There will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Matthew 24:21) By imitating Noah’s faith, we can have the sure hope of surviving the imminent destruction of this present wicked system.​—Romans 15:4; compare Hebrews 13:7. 3. Why did Jehovah bring the Flood? 3 During the 1,656 years from Adam’s creation to the Deluge, very few humans had the inclination to do good. Morality plummeted to an extremely low level. “Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time.” (Genesis 6:5) Violence, pleasure-seeking, and the presence of materialized angels who married women and produced giant offspring were among the factors that led to the execution of God’s judgment upon that ancient world of mankind. To Noah, Jehovah said: “The end of all flesh has come before me, because the earth is full of violence as a result of them.” The patience of the Creator, the “Judge of all the earth,” had run out.​—Genesis 6:13; 18:25. 4. (a) How did Jehovah view Noah, and why? (b) While God’s justice demanded destruction of that wicked world, how was his love manifested in behalf of Noah and his family? 5. How do the Scriptures describe Noah’s righteousness and faith? 5 With the ark finished, God told Noah: “Go, you and all your household, into the ark, because you are the one I have seen to be righteous before me among this generation.” Paul sums matters up in this way: “By faith Noah, after being given divine warning of things not yet beheld, showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household; and through this faith he condemned the world, and he became an heir of the righteousness that is according to faith.”​—Genesis 7:1; Hebrews 11:7. 6. How did Noah condemn the world of his day through his faith? 6 Noah had outstanding faith. He believed what God said about wiping out that generation. Noah had a healthy fear of displeasing Jehovah and obediently built the ark according to God-given orders. Moreover, as a preacher of righteousness, Noah told others about the impending destruction. Though they did not heed his words, he refused to let that wicked world ‘squeeze him into its mold.’ (Romans 12:2, Phillips) Rather, through his faith, Noah condemned the world for its wickedness and showed that it deserved destruction. His obedience and righteous acts demonstrated that others besides him and his family could have survived if they had been willing to change their life-style. Indeed, Noah proved that, despite pressures from his own imperfect flesh, the wicked world around him, and the Devil, it was possible to live a life that pleased God. 7. How do we know that we are living in the last days? 7 Each decade of this 20th century has seen the world sink more deeply into wickedness. Particularly has this been true since the beginning of World War I. Mankind has become so steeped in such things as sexual immorality, crime, violence, warfare, hatred, greed, and misuse of blood that those who love what is right wonder if conditions can possibly get worse. Yet, the Bible foretold the development in our generation of extreme wickedness, giving further proof that we are in “the last days.”​—2 Timothy 3:1-5; Matthew 24:34. 8. What have some said about consciousness of sin? 8 Today, the concept of sin has been neutralized in the minds of the vast majority. Over 40 years ago, Pope Pius XII observed: “The sin of this century is the loss of all sense of sin.” The present generation refuses to acknowledge sin and guilt. In his book Whatever Became of Sin? Dr. Karl Menninger stated: “The very word ‘sin’. . . has almost disappeared​—the word, along with the notion. Why? Doesn’t anyone sin anymore?” Many have lost the ability to discern right from wrong. But we are not surprised at this, for Jesus foretold such developments when discussing ‘the sign of his presence’ in “the time of the end.”​—Matthew 24:3; Daniel 12:4. 9. How did Jesus compare Noah’s day with what would occur during His presence? 9 Jesus drew a parallel between events of Noah’s day and what would occur during His presence in Kingdom power, beginning in 1914. He said: “Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man [Jesus] will be. For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.”​—Matthew 24:37-39. 10. How do people in general take no note of significant events associated with Christ’s presence? 10 Yes, as in Noah’s day, people today take no note. Being very busy with everyday living and selfish pursuits, they refuse to recognize that present conditions differ significantly from those of the past and fit exactly what Jesus said would mark the time of the end. For years, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been telling a modern generation that Jesus’ presence as Messianic King in heaven began in 1914 and runs parallel to “the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matthew 24:3) Most people scoff at the Kingdom message, but even this was foretold when the apostle Peter wrote: “You know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: ‘Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.’”​—2 Peter 3:3, 4. 11. Why will today’s generation be without excuse when the great tribulation arrives? 11 Yet, today’s generation will be without excuse when the great tribulation arrives. Why? Because there are Bible accounts of ancient divine judgments that set a pattern for what God will do in our day. (Jude 5-7) Bible prophecy in course of fulfillment right before their eyes shows conclusively where we are in the stream of time. This generation also has before it the preaching activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses and their record of integrity-keeping like that of Noah. 12. In essence, how does Peter compare the destruction of the world of Noah’s day with that to come upon “the heavens and the earth that are now”? 12 Peter explains what will happen to those who take no note of these facts. Like Jesus, the apostle does so by referring to what happened in Noah’s day, saying: “According to their wish, this fact escapes their notice, that there were heavens from of old and an earth standing compactly out of water and in the midst of water by the word of God; and by those means the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water. But by the same word the heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire and are being reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men.”​—2 Peter 3:5-7. 13. In view of the momentous events ahead, what counsel from Peter should be heeded? 13 With this certain judgment of God staring us in the face, let us not be deceived or intimidated by ridiculers. We need not share their destiny. Peter counsels: “Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion, awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah, through which the heavens being on fire will be dissolved and the elements being intensely hot will melt! But there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell.”​—2 Peter 3:11-13. 14. What questions can help us to analyze ourselves? 14 Today, we face the same challenges as those faced by Noah and his family in becoming and remaining candidates for survival. Like Noah, Jehovah’s Witnesses are condemning the world by their faith backed up by good works. But each of us might ask himself: ‘How am I personally doing? If the great tribulation were to come tomorrow, would God judge me worthy of survival? Like Noah, who “proved himself faultless among his contemporaries,” do I have the courage to be different from the world? Or is it sometimes difficult to tell the difference between me and a worldly person because of the way I act, speak, or dress?’ (Genesis 6:9) Jesus said of his disciples: “They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.”​—John 17:16; compare 1 John 4:4-6. 15. (a) According to 1 Peter 4:3, 4, how should we view our previous worldly thinking and conduct? (b) What should we do if we are criticized by former worldly friends? 15 Peter counsels: “The time that has passed by is sufficient for you to have worked out the will of the nations when you proceeded in deeds of loose conduct, lusts, excesses with wine, revelries, drinking matches, and illegal idolatries. Because you do not continue running with them in this course to the same low sink of debauchery, they are puzzled and go on speaking abusively of you.” (1 Peter 4:3, 4) Your former worldly friends may speak abusively of you because you are walking with God and no longer running with them. But, like Noah, you can condemn them by your faith and good works performed with modesty.​—Micah 6:8. 16. How did God view Noah, and what questions may help us to examine our thoughts and conduct? 16 God considered Noah to be a righteous man. That faithful patriarch “found favor in the eyes of Jehovah.” (Genesis 6:8) When you examine your thoughts and conduct in the light of God’s standards, do you feel that he approves of what you are doing, of all the places that you go to? Do you sometimes dabble in degraded entertainment, now so prevalent? God’s Word says that we should think about clean, wholesome, and upbuilding things. (Philippians 4:8) Are you diligently studying God’s Word so as to ‘train your perceptive powers to distinguish both right and wrong’? (Hebrews 5:14) Do you reject bad associates and cherish association with fellow worshipers of Jehovah at Christian meetings and on other occasions?​—1 Corinthians 15:33; Hebrews 10:24, 25; James 4:4. 17. As Witnesses of Jehovah, how can we be like Noah? 17 After reporting on the completion of the ark, the Scriptures say: “Noah proceeded to do according to all that God had commanded him. He did just so.” (Genesis 6:22) That godly man was also diligent in preaching as a witness of Jehovah. Like Noah, you can be a staunch advocate of what is right as a regular preacher of righteousness. Persevere in sounding the warning of the end of this wicked world, even though few listen. Work unitedly with fellow believers to get the disciple-making work done before the end.​—Matthew 28:19, 20. 18. On what basis is Jehovah determining who should survive the great tribulation? 18 Applying the same righteous and just standards as he did in Noah’s day, God is now determining who should survive and who should perish during the great tribulation. Jesus likened the present dividing work to a shepherd’s separating of sheep from goats. (Matthew 25:31-46) People who center their lives on selfish desires and pursuits do not want the old world to end and will not survive. But those who avoid involvement in this world’s filth, who maintain strong faith in God, and who keep preaching the Kingdom message, sounding the warning of Jehovah’s coming judgment, will enjoy divine favor as survivors. Said Jesus: “Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned; two women will be grinding at the hand mill: one will be taken along and the other be abandoned.”​—Matthew 24:40, 41; 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9; Revelation 22:12-15. 19. What ingathering did Isaiah and Micah foretell for the last days? 19 In parallel prophecies, God’s prophets Isaiah and Micah both described what would occur during the last days. They foresaw what we see being fulfilled today​—a stream of righteoushearted people coming out of the old world and going up to the symbolic mountain of true worship. To others they extend the invitation: “Come, you people, and let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths.” (Isaiah 2:2, 3; Micah 4:1, 2) Are you walking with this happy throng? 20. What blessings will be enjoyed by those who condemn the world through their faith? 20 Isaiah and Micah also cited the blessings to be enjoyed by those who condemn the world by their faith. True peace and justice will prevail among them, and they will learn war no more. They will have the sure hope of an inheritance from Jehovah and will “sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree.” But each person must make a firm decision, for Micah shows that two courses are possible, saying: “All the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god; but we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever.”​—Micah 4:3-5; Isaiah 2:4. 21. How can you share in the grand blessing of eternal life on earth? 21 The Scriptures clearly show what is needed to survive the great tribulation: a strong faith. Noah had such faith, but do you have it? If you do, like him you will become “an heir of the righteousness that is according to faith.” (Hebrews 11:7) Noah survived the God-decreed destruction that came upon his generation. Not only did he live for 350 years after the Flood but he is to be resurrected with the prospect of living on earth forever. What a grand blessing! (Hebrews 11:13-16) You can share in that blessing with Noah, his family, and millions of others who love righteousness. How? By enduring to the end and condemning the world through your faith. □ Why is a study of Noah’s life important for Christians? □ Of what do people of this generation take no note, leading to their destruction? □ Like Noah, how can we condemn this world? □ How can we be like Noah as a preacher of righteousness?
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Sighted in the starry sky of the archive, here’s a poem by F.J. Bergmann for uncanny eyes: “Retrograde,” originally published in SC 2.3. Every issue delivered to your feed and your door: subscribe. Read on!
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Domain name market places, aftermarkets, auction sites or catalogs are great places to find the perfect domain name for your next project or business venture. Some services also allow you list a domain name you no longer require for sale. If you haven’t already, make sure you check out our DNTrade marketplace. We’ve also got a list of some other popular marketplaces, aftermarkets, auction sites and catalogs you should check out below. If you have something to add to this list, please tell us about it on the resources forum.
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University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun has announced the exam dates for UPES Engineering Aptitude Test (UPESEAT), which will be conducted in May 2017. The UPESEAT will be held on May 03, 2017. UPESEAT is conducted for taking admission to Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) offered in various specializations, Bachelor of Planning (B.Plan), Bachelor of Design (B.Des) and B.Tech + LL.B honors programs for the session 2017. · Candidates need to have passed in 10+2 from a recognized board with at least 60% of total marks. · Candidates should have passed in 10+2 from a recognized board with at least 80% marks. · Candidates need to have obtained an aggregate of at least 80% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Candidates need to have passed in 10+2 from a recognized board with an aggregate of at least 60% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Age Limit: The candidates must be born on or after October 01, 1995. The selection procedure is based on score of the candidate in UPESEAT 2017 followed by central counselling or Centralized Counseling through Merit rank for Non Exam Category. Offline: Candidates may purchase prospectus and application form from the designated admissions centres in Ahmedabad, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Chandigarh, Cochin, Coimbatore, Delhi, Dehradun, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai. The filled form along with the application fee should reach the office before May 3, 2017. Application fee can be paid via: By card (online payment), in cash or in DD drawn in favour of "UPES Fee Account", payable at New Delhi, Dehradun along with a request letter. Exam Centres: The University is yet to inform regarding UPESEAT 2017 Exam Centres. However, you may have a brief overview of the examination centres of UPESEAT by those of the last year. They were Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Chennai, Chandigarh, Delhi, Dehradun, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna, Varanasi, Vishakhapatnam, Shillong, Bhubaneswar, Ranchi and Cochin. · The UPESEAT 2017 Counselling Process shall be a centralized process with 80% of the seats reserved for UPESEAT 2017 qualifying candidates and the remaining 20% through Board Merit or JEE Main 2017 scores. · Candidates will have to attend UPESEAT 2017 Counselling Process in person with original certificates for document verification. Date of UPESEAT: Saturday, May 13, 2017.
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Quantchabot has detected a promising Covered Call trade opportunity for GREENSKY INC. CLASS A COMMON STOCK (GSKY) for the 21-Jun-2019 expiration period. You can analyze the opportunity in depth over at the Quantcha Options Search Engine. GSKY was recently trading at $11.14 and has an implied volatility of 71.93% for this period. Based on an analysis of the options available for GSKY expiring on 21-Jun-2019, there is a 68.27% likelihood that the underlying will close within the analyzed range of $7.41-$17.07 at expiration. In this scenario, the average linear return for the trade would be 10.01%. Moneyness: These options are currently 12.26% out of the money and there is a 39.79% likelihood that these options will be exercised before or at expiration. Most upside: If GREENSKY INC. CLASS A COMMON STOCK closes at or above $12.50, this trade could return up to 27.03%. Based on our analysis, there is a 39.99% likelihood of this return. The downside: As with any covered call, the risk is substantial as it is vulnerable to a downturn in the underlying itself. There is a 37.47% chance the underlying will close at or below its breakeven price of $9.84, resulting in a net loss on the trade.
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We all know that life isn’t fair, and that means that many specific aspects of life aren’t fair either. Of course, according to most people taxes always fall into the unfair category as well. So just how fair or unfair are your taxes? No, this isn’t another argument about the rich not paying enough taxes. This actually has to do with the state you live in. That’s because according to a recent survey by Wallet Hub, the country’s fairest and least fair states when it comes to taxes have been identified. This is not just about who pays the most and least taxes either. To create their rankings, Wallet Hub asked Americans all over the country what they thought was fair and unfair about their local tax systems, including income tax, property tax, sales tax and refundable tax credits. Then, Wallet Hub compared the responses to how close they matched the different locations’ actual tax systems. Based on the information they received, most Americas think that those with higher incomes should be taxed more, while those with less income should be taxed less. However, although most Americans believe states should follow a progressive tax system, essentially every state follows a regressive tax system. So there you have it. If you live in Washington then it looks like you can safely claim that your taxes aren’t fair. At GROCO we think that everyone should be treated fairly on his or her taxes. So contact us if you need help making the most out of your tax situation. ‹ How Long Do I Need to Keep My Tax Records?
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One of the really fun parts of fall for me is picking out that year's Halloween dress up theme. I always coordinate my kids outfits to work together, and so far, I've also been able to mostly keep them homemade! So far, we've done The Four Seasons, Superheroes, and this year was The Peanuts Gang! I wonder how much longer I will be able to pick their theme before I have requests for a princess, a gnome, a cow, and a bag of jelly beans instead of something that works all together. Guess I better make the most of it! Abby was our Sally, Charlie Brown's little sister. Her hair color is closest to Sally's blond, and...well...Ellie is way more bossy than Abby, so she was already going to be Lucy. By default that left Abby with Sally's character. Elijah was Charlie Brown. You can't have The Peanuts Gang without a Charlie Brown! And last but not least, Ellie was our Lucy van Pelt. Ellie definitely has a bit of a bossy streak in her, plus with her dark hair, Lucy as the perfect character for her. So our total for all four costumes was $31.88! Seeing as how one costume in the stores can be that much, I'd say we did pretty good! Especially since all of their costumes can be worn as regular clothes in the future. Score! Your creativity amazes me!! You amaze me!!! Adorable!! I love the "themed" costume idea! This is the cutest costume idea ever. You are going to have to adopt or have more kids for Marci, Peppermint Patty, Franklin, until you get the whole baseball team. My favorite is Lucy. The costume and sign are right on. Good job on the costumes! I like that they can wear the clothes after Halloween too! They look so cute! What a fun idea.
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This entry was posted in Course Notes, SSG805. Sir, we just got informed that contrary to the timetable schedule for SSG 805, which is 10th of July; it has been moved forward to 7th of July. We plead that it be left as it is on the exam timetable. Thank you sir. Pls. Sir, I don’t understand the argument behind the negligence of time (t) in homogeneous deformation, since it maps material vectors into spatial, I was thinking that the time factor would be Paramount in keeping it different from subsequent deformations afterwards. Forgive me, if my question sounds stupid! Spatial configuration does not have to vary with time. In the case of a simple static deformation, the reference state is the initial configuration, the final state is the spatial. Pls. Sir, sorry for the disturbance, but the example we solved on slide 76, we found the Eulerian tensor using e=1/2(1-B), instead of B inverse in the bracket. Sorry, am a bit confused!
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England is one of the four "home nations" that make up the United Kingdom. It is the largest of them, both in terms of surface area and population . No country will offer a better royal treatment than England. England, renowned as a gentle, fabled country in the past has hugely jumped back as one of the vibrant nations offering splendid nightlife and other facilities to visitors across the world. Places to Visit: Brighton Royal Pavilion - A trip to southern England will surely be a memorable one with the view of the extremely lavish Brighton Royal Pavilion.Canterbury Cathedral - The most remarkable cathedral in England, the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Highgate Cemetery - Much-admired for its Egyptian-style architecture, a combined atmosphere of the Victorian and Gothic creates an ambience that is hard to get over. Richmond Castle - No other castle has such an eventful history as the Richmond Castle. Roman Baths Museum - Some of the best-preserved Roman bath and temple complexes. Airlines to fly to England: Delta, Lufthansa, United, British airways, US Airways, Scandinavian Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Swiss International, Finnair, Czech Airlines, LOT.
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A survey carried out by 4G network EE revealed that 21% of British small businesses employees plan to use a phablet at work with a staggering 10% saying that they wouldn't mind using one to carry out all their work tasks on a day-to-day basis. More than 1000 small businesses were surveyed for the research and the recent launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and Apple's first large-screen smartphone, the Apple iPhone 6 Plus shows that there is a definite appetite in the market for big displays. Mike Tomlinson, Director of Small Business at EE, went as far as saying that "they are on the verge of becoming an indispensable business tool". Samsung pioneered the format with the original Galaxy Note and introduced some nifty features like a smart stylus. While so-called phablets have very high resolutions, whether or not they can be used without additional accessories or peripherals remains to be seen. Typing entire reports on a 5.5-inch screen wouldn't by any stretch be considered as stroll in the park. Instead, one can expect a flurry of products aimed at the ultra mobile worker to emerge over the next few months, all geared towards transforming your humble mobile into a proper workstation monster.
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This portfolio have not been updated in a long time, for more recent work, contact me (e-mail is in the footer). Together with Festivalrykten, me and Robin Wellström created and are still making Rumours. The work included/includes everything from taking out formats, the visual identity, creating the logo etc. and of course designing the different magazines. Worked together with Robin Wellström. I thought MOOD STOCKHOLMs website needed a refreshment, so I redesigned it as a personal project. The information relative to the products should be in focus, finding what you want easily and keeping it alligned with their old graphical profile. Fun Light with Silver. I was inspired by a trend of healthiness that is currently sweeping over Sweden. The design was meant to say ”Fun Light”, but still communicating cleanness and healthiness. So I made Vitamin Effervescent tablets, in small gum like packages, which you can take anywhere. FUN LIGHT more active by adding a new product. Our class at Berghs got information from a company that basically wanted to sell healthy food in a truck (like kebab-trucks, but more healthy). should only sell locally produced ingredients. recipes so that you can make the food by yourself at home. We created “Betan & Pär”. Together with Pompe Hedengren our class at Berghs made magazines. I decided to make one about rockstars that lived quite a bit on the edge. tattooed skin and skincare have merged into a perfume house with the scents: Electric Wood, Blomma Cult and Atramental. are inspired by the three fragrances. Alster is an ecologic beer from the forests of Wermland. The name is based on a small place, known for being the home of Gustaf Fröding when he grew up. Its location is one where you relax and breath in natures own luxury. By making beer with water from the lake Alstern and take the berrys from the forests of Wermland, you can get a unique tasting experience. Alster is a beer to enjoy on your own or with great company in a non stressed moment. Knowing that apple was to release their new watch, and it will sit right where the pulse are, I created sort of stress calculator. Combined with the apple watch, in this app you can see your heart rhythm and when it’s time to relax. A schedule for your health. Together with Marcus Gärde my class at Berghs had a course called Asymmetrical Typography. We made books about Man Ray and had to create a concept to get people to an exhibiton about him. about Man Ray escaping from his struggling childhood. that forms MAN RAY highlighted to sort of illustrate what the exhibition is about. Subtopia wanted to create a new graphic identity, and our class at Berghs helped them. This is my new graphical identity for them. Subtopia is like a creative clusture, with activities ranging from theater and graffitti art to circuses and start up businesses. I came to the conclusion that it was like a creative splash somehow, and created a concept around that. With many different activities, I wanted to create an identity that could be disturbed by other elements, but still be fine on it’s own.
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A Kincardineshire school has been praised for cancelling a trip for pupils to the Manchester area in the wake of Monday’s terrorist attack in the city. Around 40 pupils from Portlethen Academy were due to travel to the area on Tuesday, but Head teacher Neil Morrison took the decision to cancel the trip and organise an itinerary for affected pupils closer to home. 22 people were killed and nearly 60 injured in an explosion at the MEN arena in Manchester on Monday night, as crowds were leaving a concert. On Tuesday evening UK Prime Minister Theresa May raised the country’s threat level from “severe” to “critical” - meaning the threat of another terrorist attack is seen as imminent. Commenting on the decision to cancel the school trip, Mr Morrison said: “After consideration of the information available to us and discussion with Aberdeenshire Council we have taken the decision to cancel the trip due to the events of Monday night and the subsequent disruption in the area together with the on-going security risk. Arrangements will be made in school for the pupils affected with normal school hours operating. Costs will be reimbursed. Parents took to social media to praise the decision. One mother said: “I just want to give a big shout out to the head teacher and staff at Portlethen Academy. My son is one of about 40 that had their school trip cancelled in light of the tragedy that happened in Manchester. Another parent commented: “They will have a brilliant time and hopefully take time to realise how lucky they are to enjoy time spent with friends that can’t be replaced - wherever they are. “Well done to all who scrambled to make sure the kids still got a wee break and were determined not to let them down”.
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"Don't make my Doodle look like a Poodle!" Doodles are everywhere. The varieties are endless! Once just a cross between a Poodle and a Lab or a Golden Retriever is now almost any breed crossed with a Poodle. Like you, Lisa Leady hears the familiar: "Don't make my Doodle look like a Poodle," on a regular basis. So what do you do - especially when the Doodle is a Saint Bernard mix? The result is a no-nonsense trim that's easy for the owner to care for and looks fabulous. We all have that client that we dread. You see the client's name on your appointment book and your blood pressure immediately rises. The pet is uncooperative. It bites. These dogs would rather be anywhere but on your grooming table, and sometimes, so would you!
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what's the difference between these commands? repairFacility dictates whether selected station has the ability to repair. If you want your station to be able to repair, should (after giving it a repair hardpoint) have 'repairFacility = 1'. As for repairSide, that would be where your ship lines up with the yard / structure to repair. I think 1 is the right, and 2 is the left. God knows where the center is. Generally, I've had little luck trying to get ships to repair where I want them too. Edit: It might actually be 'repairSide = 0' for the right, and 'repairSide = 1' for the left. I'm not so sure. repairSide = 0 is center. ... soon to be "reconditioned" Where was that from, icewolf? By the way, I have you to thank for getting me hooked on a good comic, and an interesting character (Joel) :P. Achilles;4753734repairSide = 0 is center.
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Can I just tell you that I walked Xanadu and Kelda this morning and I was barely holding the leashes. Like barely. Like it was at my fingertips. They didn’t even need it. Thank you for helping us with them.
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Full Inscription: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Origins: The Golden Rule, a core concept of Christianity as well as many other religions and cultures, has actually been traced back as early as 1780 B.C. However, it only became known as the "Golden Rule" in the mid 19th century. Even in the late 1600's it was still known as the "Golden Law." Early references to "The Golden Rule" are noted in the United States and England by the mid-1800's. By the late 1800's, it was in common use, even appearing as a lesson in the 1879 Revised Edition of McGuffey's Fourth Eclectic Reader. Given its emergence as "The Golden Rule" during this period - and its importance today - we selected a letter style by William Morris, a preeminent English designer and printer of that time. Morris' simplified blackletter style works well with virtually any decor. A great and timeless family piece that is sure be coveted for generations to come. Recommended Finish: Our lighter toned Classic Oak finish works with many interiors and finishes and helps to create greater contrast to show off the many carving details of this piece to best advantage as well as helping to improve readability at greater distance. However, the somewhat darker Heritage Oak finish is quite nice as well, offering the rich look of a vintage piece. Charitable Category: A portion of the proceeds benefits programs for Food, Shelter & Hope. Product Copyright 2012 GTI, LLC, All Rights Reserved. Made in USA. Stock Photo Shown.
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THE PRIMARY PRODUCTION OF PLATINUM GROUP . co-product of nickel mining. Nearly all of the rest comes from Zimbabwe, . contents while deposits in South Africa and Zimbabwe are richer in platinum. Zimbabwe Platinum Base Metal Refinery required the recovery of dry nickel suphate hexahydrate from nickel catholyte liquor. Read the PROXA case study here. Zimbabwe signs 4,2-billion platinum deal to transform . Zimbabwe hopes to transform mining sector with 4.2 . Zimbabwe mining: Platinum has promise and lithium . Zimbabwe mining: Platinum has promise and lithium looms large. President Emmerson Mnangagwa desperately wants to show that . Directors. Dr Fholisani Sydney . Zimbabwe Platinum Mines (Private) Limited. . Nico has a mining career spanning over a period of 27 years that has exposed him to . The Pouroulis family is growing its platinum empire with a deal to bring its South African mining experience to Zimbabwe to exploit one of the highly sought-after and undeveloped areas on the world's second-biggest known platinum deposit. In the second deal between two Pouroulis family-owned . The Top Platinum Producing Countries In The World . Raising the Community Voice in the Extractive Sector Challenges and future Prospects of the mining sector in Zimbabwe Report . Zimplats Zimbabwe Platinum . Production - Zimbabwe - PMM- platinum mining perfomance in zimbabwe,Zimbabwe's oldest platinum mine is the Mimosa operation, located in the southern part of the Great Dyke on the Wedza Geological Complex Ownership is currently split 50:50 between Impala Platinum and Aquarius Platinum Mining at,.Zimbabwe Analysis | Zimbabwe . SA platinum miners watchful of political events in . of its employees at the Unki platinum mine in Zimbabwe was . Miningmx is a digital publication . Sep 15, 2014 · Russia and Zimbabwe will jointly mine platinum in the African country's Darwendale district, Russian trade minister Denis Manturov and Zimbabwean foreign minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi said in a joint statement. Welcome to Mimosa Mining . giving hope to the country's health experts as the life saving procedure is possible in Zimbabwe. 2,8bn Needed to Boost Platinum . New 264m Zimbabwe platinum mine to last 34 years | MINING. A new platinum mine in Zimbabwe will triple the reserves of Zimplats (ASX:ZIM), the country's largest platinum miner, and allow the company to replace production from the Rukodzi and Ngwarati mines once they become depleted. Production - Zimbabwe - PMM - Precious Metals . Platinum Mining in South Africa - Projects IQ. Platinum mining in South Africa is supported by the country possessing over 80% of the world's platinum . . actual platinum production has already begun in the Hartley Platinum Complex in Zimbabwe. . the performance. . South African platinum mining . Sep 16, 2014 · Darwendale (Zimbabwe) (AFP) - Russia and Zimbabwe signed Tuesday a 3 billion deal to jointly mine platinum in the southern African country, the world's third largest producer, with Moscow providing the investment funds. Platinum Mining; Other Minerals; Sustainability. . Investment Opportunities; Contact; Platinum Mining © 2015 The Zimbabwe Mining Development . Harare, Zimbabwe . This guide has been prepared for the assistance of those interested in doing business in Zimbabwe. . Platinum, gold, . The Zimbabwe Mining Development . Platinum Mining Perfomance In Zimbabwe - catering . Zimbabwe signs 4.2bln platinum mining deal - The . Zimbabwe on the verge of new joint venture platinum . Kelltech will form a joint venture company with state-owned Zimbabwe Mining . With this plant, platinum, for which Zimbabwe has the world . performance; Chris . Major problems facing Zimbabwe today - AFRICA AND . Major problems facing Zimbabwe today . platinum group metals, iron ore, vanadium . (poor mining practices have led to toxic waste and heavy metal .
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HALLIDAY, John (?1709-54), of Yard House, nr. Taunton, Som. b. ?1709, 1st s. of John Halliday of Yard House by Mary, da. of Edmund Trowbridge of Lipyeate, Som. m. 1737, Mary, da. of Isaac Welman of Poundisford Park, Som., 3s. 4da. suc. fa. 1737. Halliday came of a gentry family with estates in Somerset and Wiltshire. He was returned unopposed for Taunton at the general election of 1754. He died on 8 June 1754, a week after the new Parliament had assembled, aged 44.
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IFIS is a condition that has recently been understood in ophthalmology. When it is not predicted and prepared for, it can lead to an array of complications in routine cataract surgery. The purpose of this piece is to provide an overview of IFIS, its close link to alpha blockers, and clinical interventions that can prevent complications and damage to the tissues of the eye.
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Soap dispenser? Colander? Cutting board? Strainer? Hot water dispenser? We’ve got them all! What horsepower and motor? How much food does it grind? Is it quiet? Come try them out! Your kitchen is the heart of your home. You love that everybody congregates in it, but you wish the warmth came from more than just using the stove. Painting it a nice bright colour might help, but you know it’s also time to change the seventies motif and fixtures! Our showrooms give you the opportunity to touch, feel and experience a new kitchen at your leisure. Not sure where to begin? Visit one of our showrooms to get the inspiration you need to take the guesswork out of this major renovation. Satisfying individual needs and desires is what we do, everyday. Go ahead…try us!
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Feb 12, 2019 (WiredRelease via COMTEX) -- Market.us adds a new market research report on “Global Flight Simulator Market By Type (FFS, FTD, and others), By Application (Military Application, and Commercial Application), By Region and Key Companies – Industry Segment Outlook, Market Assessment, Competition Scenario, Trends and Forecast 2019-2028” to its Gigantic Report Online Store. The analysis offers strategies and analyzes global flight simulator market 2019 delivers an extensive investigation of price, revenue and gross margin, product range. Additionally, it covers its growth prospects within the forecast years and flight simulator market landscape. Even the report provides statistics charts and statistics that help analyze trends and global flight simulator market share and the industry growth rate. The report gives an evident insight about the flight simulator segments which can be anticipated to alter the market within the future. It constraints and offers details about few tendencies influencing the flight simulator economy accentuates the consequence of drivers that are different. This flight simulator report begins with a basic overview of the market. The analysis highlights opportunity and flight simulator industry trends that’s impacted the market that is global. Players around various regions and analysis of each industry dimensions are covered under this report. The analysis also contains a crucial flight simulator insight regarding the things which are driving and affecting the earnings of the market. The flight simulator report comprises sections together side landscape which clarifies actions such as venture and acquisitions and mergers. By type, the market is segmented into FFS (Full Flight Simulator), FTD (Flight Training Devices), Types (FBS/FMS). By application, the market is divided into Military Application, Commercial Application. Based on geography, a market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Middle East and Africa. Major players profiled in the report include CAE, L3 Technologies, FlightSafety International, Thales, Rockwell Collins, Boeing, Textron. 1. Additional global flight simulator market opportunities and identify large possible classes according to comprehensive volume and value evaluation. 2. Gaining understanding about competitive landscape based on comprehensive brand flight simulator share evaluation to strategy an effective market placement. 3. The report is created in a way that assists pursuers to get a complete flight simulator understanding of the general market scenario and also the essential industries. 4. This report includes a detailed summary of global flight simulator market tendencies and more in-depth research. 5. Market landscape, current market trends and shifting flight simulator technologies which may be helpful for the businesses that are competing in this market. 1) Global Flight Simulator Market 2019 share evaluations to your regional and country level sections. 2) Present tips for its newest flight simulator entrants and landscaping mapping the main element common trends. 3) Market forecast for five years of the mentioned flight simulator sections, sub-segments, and also the regional niches. 4) Economy flight simulator Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities). 5) Present tips in key global flight simulator industry segments centred in the market estimations. 6) Business specialize with thorough plans, financial, and recent flight simulator advancements. 7) Provide series trends mapping the hottest flight simulator technological advances. 8) Marketing Channel: Marketing station fad and development, indirect promotion, and guide marketing comprised of the worldwide flight simulator Market. 9) Market Placement of flight simulator Economy: Brand Strategy, Pricing Strategy, Distributors/Traders List, Target Client. 10) Market impacting Facets Identification: Economic/Political Environmental Change, Technology Progress/Risk of flight simulator Market, Substitutes Threat, Consumer Needs/Customer Preference Change, and Technology Progress. Finally, the global flight simulator market provides a total research decision and also sector feasibility of investment in new projects will be assessed. International flight simulator industry is a source of means and guidance for organizations and individuals interested from their market earnings.
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# 0-9 and _ (underscore). No spaces, no accents! There must not be 2 with the same name.
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Provides OAuth2/ OpenID login for Plone using Authomatic. Authomatic is a framework agnostic library for Python web applications with a minimalistic but powerful interface which simplifies authentication of users by third party providers like Facebook or Twitter through standards like OAuth and OpenID. Bitbucket, Flickr, Meetup, Plurk, Twitter, Tumblr, UbuntuOne, Vimeo, Xero, Xing and Yahoo. Amazon, Behance, Bitly, Cosm, DeviantART, Eventbrite, Facebook, Foursquare, GitHub, Google, LinkedIn, PayPal, Reddit, Viadeo, VK, WindowsLive, Yammer and Yandex. python-openid and Google App Engine based OpenID. Start Plone and activate the plugin in the addons control-panel. Go to the Authomatic controlpanel (security section) and configure the plugin. Configuration parameters for the different authorization are provided as JSON text in there. JSON is used because of flexibility. Details at Authomatics provider section. the value of "class_" has to be a string, which is then resolved as a dotted path. title which is used in the templates instead of the section name. iconclasses which is applied in the templates to an span. buttonclasses which is applied in the templates to the button. as_form (true/false) which renders a form for OpenId providers. each provider can get an optional entry propertymap. It is a mapping from authomatic/provider user properties to plone user properties, like "fullname": "name",. Look at each providers documentation which properties are available. If you want to help with the development (improvement, update, bug-fixing, …) of pas.plugins.authomatic this is a great idea! You can clone it or get access to the github-collective and work directly on the project. Please do larger changes on a branch and submit a Pull Request. Maintainer of pas.plugins.authomatic is Jens Klein. We appreciate any contribution and if a release is needed to be done on pypi, please just contact one of us.
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Located just two miles from Port Hueneme Naval Base, Casa Via Mar is the ideal hotel for military travelers or guests visiting the base. We offer spacious accommodations, with premium amenities like free WiFi, which are ideal for extended stay guests. NBVC is a diverse installation comprising three main facilities—Point Mugu, Port Hueneme and San Nicolas Island—and serving as an all-in-one mobilization site, deep-water port, railhead, and airfield. NBVC supports more than 100 tenant commands with a base population of more than 19,000 personnel, making it the largest employer in Ventura County. At Port Hueneme, NBVC operates the only deep-water port between Los Angeles and San Francisco and boasts 16 miles of rail. The port is the west coast homeport of the U.S. Navy Seabees and supports the training and mobilization requirements for more than 2,600 active-duty personnel. The port is located about 60 miles northwest of Los Angeles.
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"On a scale of 1-to-10: How likely is it that you would recommend our online Altadena DMV licensed traffic school to a friend, and why?" I particularly liked the interactive videos. They were helpful to make sure I was understanding everything and a nice break from all the text/reading. I would recommend integrating even more of those into the course. The course was easy to enroll in, navigate and follow course material. I also liked the fact that you could proceed at your own pace, save work completed and return to the course material from where you left off. A friend recommended this traffic school and I will also recommend it to my family and friends. I think that the site was user-friendly, easy to follow and I would highly recommend it! A great deal of reading, but very informational. Straightforward and clear information. Very easy to register and follow through the courses. I was dreading doing it and it was not as bad as I had anticipated! I appreciate the succinct and helpful information and updated laws. It seemed more beneficial than past traffic school experiences. Thank you. The course was easy to understand, the study guide was very helpful for review.
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On average, Canadian homeowners pay $1,200 a year to heat their home. According to SAWDAC, "industry standards indicate that about 26 per cent or $300.00 is due to heat loss through windows" (SAWDAC). "Canadian window manufacturers now lead the world in developing new technology. One example: argon-gas-filled, double-paned glass that provides remarkable energy efficiency and costs about 20 percent more than standard windows" (Maclean`s). Energy efficient windows are extremely important in Canada given the extremes of our climate. An energy efficient window guards against heat loss, cold drafts, and condensation, which effectively reduces HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) costs. Most people give little thought to the efficiency of their windows, and don`t realize the difference a high quality, well-installed window can make. During the winter, the sun`s low elevation in the sky at midday enables it to shine through south-facing windows (placement). These solar gains can help reduce your heating costs during the Winter (OEE). Energy-efficient windows are least likely to have condensation. Their resistance to condensation, however, depends on the indoor humidity level. A humidity level of more than 40 per cent, when the outside temperature is -20 C or colder, may cause condensation even on a good performing window (OEE). The heavy gas fills in high-performance windows, which reduce conductive and convective heat losses, also reduce sound transmission from the exterior to the interior. The greater the number of panes, the better the sound absorption (OEE). Your window is made up of approximately 75% glass and 25% frame. The price of the window is 75% frame and 25% for the glass. Your heat loss and heat gain is concentrated in the glass part of your window. By now, you must have realized that the glass is a most important part of your window unit. A wall in a new home has an insulating value of about R10 to R20. There are now insulated glass units available that will give you R Values of up to 10! An insulating glass R-Value of 2 (regular double pane) will not give you the performance required for a regular Ontario winter. Insulated spacers available in today`s sealed glass units can reduce the condensation that usually occurs on the bottom of your glass unit. A higher R-Value will increase your interior glass temperature, thus allowing for higher humidity levels before condensation occurs. Low-emissive coatings applied to glass surfaces can reduce the loss of radiated heat in the home. With the increasing complexity of window technology, installation is not something you want to play around with. Unless you are an experienced carpenter, window and door installation is not a do-it-yourself project. A crack in a gas-filled window will limit its effectiveness- and you won`t have a warranty if anything goes wrong.
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Check out sister restaurant, STEAM in Rye! STEAM has a focus on modern Asian cusine with Asian beers to match - plus wine and Sake of course! If you love the food and service at Two Buoys - you'll enjoy sharing the love with our sister crew at STEAM!
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Since starting The Thornton Group, Neil has made a commitment to share the ideas, insights and trends that he has learned in over two decades of consulting, business development, entrepreneurship and consulting business leaders. He has been asked to work with business teams, associations, executives, public entities, academic institutions, and technology-innovation groups. Neil has an uncanny ability to read people and see through what seem like insurmountable situations making him one of the most highly sought after consultants in the Golden Horseshoe. Neil has a unique talent for understanding the psychology behind employee behavior, engagement and corporate culture and vision. His direct approach hits straight to the heart in an honest and direct point. Since co-founding The Thornton Group, Andrea has been at the heartbeat of the organizational brand, impact and structure of the firm. She plays a key strategic role in keeping the business, marketing and financial direction on track and pushing into new opportunities. Andrea has a talent in keeping all aspects of The Thornton Group in order and poised for exponential growth. Of all the client offerings and services, she ensures the core values and vision of the company stay intact. With a natural creative and design talent, as well as organizational management directive and balance, she offers clients an opportunity to keep focused and balanced on the right task with little to no distractions. As time, organization, and balance remain the primary resource of entrepreneurs to control, Andrea offers direct influence and impact that produces improved efficiency and effectiveness. We help you work on vision, strategy, values and direction. Neil has an incredible ability to help people cut through the BS in their lives and really focus on what they want. His ability to hold up a mirror to people and make them really look at themselves is something you have to see. If you want positive, focused, business results, he’s your guy. We engaged Neil Thornton to help our leadership team align their actions with outstanding results, and to engage their team to produce outstanding results. Neil partners with us to help us learn, grow and keep pushing the bar. He doesn’t do the work for us, he transfers the knowledge so that we do the work and we get results. Neil connects just as easily with the president of the organization as he does with front line leaders and part time staff. I wanted to give a huge congratulations to my team and to Neil Thornton for giving us inspiration, motivation, and tools to achieve massive results over the last 3 months. Neil started working with our team the beginning of April. Since then, the team has done 60 transactions! In June, we are averaging 1 house per day! Hiring Neil, is by far the best investment we have made this year and will definitely have him back for another 3 months of training! Ted Bolt - The Boldt Team / REMAX Garden City Realty Inc.
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Another great community activity is Workout Wednesday hosted by Andy Kriebel and Emma Whyte. According to Andy it’s “designed to test your knoweldge of Tableau and help you kick on in your development.” They’re alternating odd vs. even weeks. I’m happy to say that I was able to complete the task. What was the most interesting part? To get the dots on the single lines I ended up redoing a field that had a secondary table calculation and using some built in functions. Those functions were RUNNING_SUM() and TOTAL(). The dots continued to be tricky, but I resolved to using AND logic within my IF statement and leveraging LOOKUP(). I also did a micro upgrade. The instructions indicated that the red should highlight the “most current year.” When interacting with the viz on the original blog, I noticed that only 2015 was red and the title was static. So I added in logic to highlight the most recent year and added the dynamic change to the title as well. Full viz on my Tableau Public page.
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The auto rickshaw driver stopped in front of a towering office building. Around it, men loitered under scraggly neem trees, spitting paan juice onto the stone steps that lead to the bureau of motor vehicle’s office. This was not my first visit to the bureau. I had come a week earlier to pick up a driving manual. I had climbed four flights of stairs and been directed by many men in the over-crowded hallways until I found the office of Mr. Gupta. He sat behind a large desk, hands clasped in front of his chest as I entered the office. He cast a skeptical glance at me when I explained why I'd come before opening a draw and pulling out a driver’s manual. “Study this book. It contains all the information you will need to know about driving on India’s roads safely,” he said, teetering his head from side to side. Over the next week, I studied the book Mr. Gupta gave me and was now back to see if I could prove I knew about India’s road rules and pass the knowledge test required by the Indian government. The halls were just as congested with men as they had been the week before. I squeezed between them. Most were there to get either their licenses to drive auto rickshaws and taxis, or were in line doing the legwork for the men who couldn’t be bothered to do it themselves. The building was dark due to one of Delhi’s frequent brownouts and smelled of body odor, cigarettes and urine, knitted together in 120° heat. It was an overwhelming sensation but not an unfamiliar one. Mr. Gupta smiled, greeting me like an old friend when I entered his office. “Hello, hello,” he began, before launching into a series of pleasantries about my well being. I had dressed in my best salwar kameez for the test. I’d lived in India long enough to know dressing up for the meeting could be beneficial. I declined his offer of tea; I was nervous and wanted to get the test over with. “Very well,” he said, leaning back into his chair. “Have you studied the book?” He eyed me with such directness, I wondered what he knew that I didn't. But I assured him I had and he began the test. He pointed to one of many road symbols printed on a form trapped under the glasstop covering his desk. “What is this?” he said, stabbing a thick finger at the symbol for "hair-pin turn." I explained the symbol’s meaning and what action I was to take as a driver when I encountered this symbol but Mr. Gupta shook his head and pointed to another image. Again I explained it and again he shook his head. He pointed to a third symbol and I described its meaning. Mr. Gupta shook his head a third long shake indicating to me something was wrong. “I did,” I said. I couldn’t understand what the problem was; why had I failed? I knew the symbols – narrow lane with bridge, hairpin turn ahead, do not pass. Mr. Gupta picked up the driver’s manual and began reading the meaning of each symbol he had pointed to while testing me. I heard subtle differences in the words he read and those I had chosen to describe the signs’ meanings. I had been wise to wear the startling blue salwar kameez because even if Mr. Gupta’s ears didn’t work so well at least his eyesight hadn’t failed him. Besides, I knew the road symbols and had been practicing on quiet streets for weeks. I was ready for real traffic. Mr. Gupta informed me I still had to pass the driving test. For that, I would have to return on Saturday. “You will need to bring your bike,” he said. I nodded, knowing that a fancy suit would not help me pass the riding test. This time I would have to demonstrate my skills to the tester's satisfaction. On Saturday, I arrived at 9 am to find a crowd of young men bunched under the only tree giving any significant shade. They were gathered on the side of a street with a boulevard full of shirts drying on a fence and a juice wallha selling exotic cocktails. I parked Kali next to the many 100cc Kawasakis that the men had arrived on, dismounted, shrugged out of my denim jacket, pulled my helmet off and walked to the end of the line to wait my turn. There must have been 50 men waiting, and every one of them turned to look at me. The smell of oil and gasoline was strong and I was dreading the long wait when I saw a man at the front of the crowd waiving a clipboard and shouting. One by one, the men turned to look first at him then back at me, then repeated the words of the man with the clipboard. The words piled up in a rumble that rolled toward me like a wave and I couldn’t understand any of it until someone nearby helped me out. It was not unusual for a woman to be escorted out of a crowd of men. At train stations women have their own ticket-buying lines, waiting rooms and coaches on the trains. If a woman walks into the post office, she either goes to a line for women only or is ushered to the front of the men’s line. In India’s segregated society it is a common practice. So, I should not have been surprised that I was being given that same courtesy now. But I was. Since swinging my leg over Kali for the first time, I had not felt feminine. I hadn’t felt manly, just not womanly. In any other line I wouldn’t have minded one bit going to the front, but now it somehow seemed wrong. If I was going to ride a man’s machine shouldn’t I also do as men do? Shouldn’t I wait my turn like all the men were? I looked at them, waving me forward, saying, “Go, madam.” I may have felt bad bumping all those men but they seemed okay with it and to refuse would have caused more of a ruckus than I was up to. I pushed Kali out of the line, rolling her past the Kawasakis and Vespas to the man with the clipboard. I had no idea of what to expect, and looked around for the testing area. But there was no designated testing place like there would be in the States. I handed the man with the clipboard the papers Mr. Gupta had given me. He glanced at them briefly then instructed me on what to do. “Ride to the end of the boulevard, turn right and come back to me,” he said. I looked at the traffic. It was light and the street was broad. I geared up, mounted and kicked Kali to life. The man testing me nodded and spit a thin red line of paan onto the pavement. I checked the traffic behind me before pulling out. As I rode I wondered what other skills I would be required to demonstrate before becoming legal to ride in India. I glanced in my rear view mirror to see what the man testing me was doing. I thought I would see him jotting notes on the clipboard, but instead I saw the back of his head. The moment I pulled way from the curb and into traffic, he had stopped watching me. He wasn’t judging my riding skills at all. When I rode back to him, he handed me my paperwork and told me to go inside for the license. As I walked inside, it dawned on me that in India a license and skill were not the most important things to have. The most important thing was to make it back in one piece. And to make it back in one piece I would need luck. Good Luck*. There is only one way to get that kind of divine intervention. Drivers all over India know it takes the blessings of the gods and goddesses to survive the roads of India. That is why they drap garlands of marigolds over their trucks review mirrors and place burning sticks of incense on their vehicles' dashes. I had made a good start by naming the bike Kali – one of India’s most powerful goddess, but to ensure my safety, I was going to have to do more. I needed to choose a path that would take me to the holiest places so I could pay homage to Kali all along the way. And I was about to find out there were 51 such places scattered across all of India. When I see an Animal crushed by speeding vehicles, I wonder if they could do the same to a Human Baby. Goodluck to those Ignorant License Holders who read? hey i went through the same situation even though my bike riding skills are mediocre hope i get my license. Contents of this website are good and appreciative.
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The US and China are negotiating a trade war. But during the shutdown, Washington won't reveal how much impact it’s had. A partial government shutdown is nearing its third full week. Key economic data, including the trade balance, won't be reported during that time. The lapse in data comes as the US and China negotiate a trade war, a situation that economists say makes the trade balance increasingly important. Want to know how much the US and China are shipping to one another as the two countries negotiate a trade war? International trade data for the month of November was withheld due to the government shutdown on Tuesday, the same day mid-level trade negotiations between Washington and Beijing were set to wrap up. Parts of the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Census Bureau won’t operate until funding is restored, according to department websites. That means the trade balance is unavailable at the same time that it has become increasingly important, said Brad Setser, a White House and Treasury Department economist in the Obama administration. "The trade data right now is both interesting and important, because it’s an easy way of measuring and evaluating the impact of Trump’s trade policies," he said. "It’s missed." The US’s trade deficit rose to $55.5 billion in October, the last release showed, marking its highest level since 2008. China continued to ship significantly more to the US than vice versa, with that deficit reaching a record peak at $43.1 billion. It was expected to continue to widen in November. President Donald Trump sees the trade balance as a scorecard of sorts in his trade war with China - which has led to hundreds of billions of dollars worth of tariffs between the two largest economies - even though trade balances are determined by an assortment of factors. Those include foreign exchange rates, the strength of an economy, and how much a country borrows from abroad. Recent widening of the US trade deficit has been in part due to tax cuts, according to Mary Lovely, an expert on trade at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. "However, President Trump clearly watches the trade deficit. And the fact that it is widening, even with the tariffs he has already imposed on almost half of all imports from China, implies that tariffs are an ineffective way to address the imbalance," she said. Economists said missing the monthly trade balance for November probably won’t have critical consequences yet, since they can extrapolate estimates from past data. But as the shutdown continues, that could change. "What will matter politically and to the US-China talks are the full-year data due in February, in advance of the March 1 deadline," said Derek Scissors, a China expert at the conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute. "In general, one month doesn’t make a difference unless a sharp change is expected. We have January-October data and we have November 2017 - we can figure out November of last year." As Washington and Beijing race to forge a compromise before an agreed upon March deadline, after which further trade escalations are set to take place, progress remains elusive. According to the New York Times, trade hawks within the Trump administration have so far not been satisfied with offers from China. For Americans, the outlook doesn't look much more promising at home. The partial government shutdown was nearing its third full week on Tuesday, with a dispute among Trump and lawmakers over border security only intensifying in recent days. In the meantime, it could be more difficult to understand business conditions in the country. "[Without data], we have less of a sense of exactly how the US is weathering the trade disruptions," said Josh Wright, chief economist at iCIMS.
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This is a category page for topics related to the Help screens for the Joomla! 3.2.x series. Pages in category "Help screen 3.2/en" This page was last modified on 11 November 2015, at 12:50.
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Regular dental health care is essential to everyone’s long-term oral and overall health. But without dental insurance, the costs of regular dental visits can quickly skyrocket. While the Affordable Care Act made medical insurance more attainable, dental coverage is often still too expensive for many patients. Even patients with dental insurance discover they have insufficient coverage. For patients in and around Brooklyn, NY, our dental office provides affordable individual and family dental plans through Doctors Network. At Dr. Abraham Esses DDS, our goal is to give you peace of mind by making your dental health care affordable, even if you don’t have dental insurance. Dr. Abraham Esses has been providing the finest dental services to the Flatbush community and its surrounding neighborhoods for more than 20 years. He received his dental degree from the Ohio State University School of Dentistry in 1981. He is known for his sincerity and conscientious approach to treating his patients. He specializes in all aspects of cosmetic dentistry, including Invisalign, porcelain crowns and veneers. With Dr. Abraham Esses DDS’s direct dental plan, you can receive unlimited examinations, X-rays, and other preventive dental care. You will immediately benefit from discounted in-office treatments, including cosmetic procedures, Invisalign®, teeth whitening, dental implants, and more. The cost of enrollment is a one-time sign up fee with a low monthly fee of $34.99. Because our dental plan does not involve an insurance company, we are able to keep the total costs of your dental health care down. When you sign up for our dental plan, routine exams and cleanings are only $25 per visit. Costs for other procedures, including dental crowns, implants, and fillings, are reduced by up to 70% - 95% - a level of savings that can change the lives of patients without dental insurance! Routine dental care, such as visiting the dentist twice a year for checkups and cleanings, quickly becomes too expensive for patients who don’t have dental insurance. Unfortunately, patients who don’t receive regular preventive care eventually leads to more extensive and expensive treatment for issues like tooth decay and gum disease. With a direct dental plan within Doctors Network, our patients in and around Brooklyn can benefit from more affordable preventative care, without worrying about surprise fees or sacrificing quality. Make Your Dental Health Care More Affordable – Sign Up Today! If you’re interested in more affordable dental care for you and your family, then sign up for Dr. Abraham Esses DDS’s direct dental plan by visiting http://www.doctorsnetwork.com. Be sure to choose Dr. Abraham Esses as your dentist. It’s important to note that our direct dental plan programs are not dental insurance and are not a replacement for it. If you have any questions, or need assistance signing up for our affordable dentistry plan, then feel free to contact our Brooklyn, NY 11229, dental office, or call Doctors Network at 1-866-800-3168. We look forward to serving you!
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Bancpost is one of the most important banks in Romania. They have a powerful team of experts, a wide territorial network and they offer a broad range of products and services, especially designed to comply with the most demanding desires of corporate, retail and high-net worth customers in Romania. To be a bank of leading choice for corporate and retails clients in Romania, while operating with a sense of responsibility towards our shareholders, Their employees and society. Bancpost to deliver innovative and wants-satisfying products and services to corporate, retail and high-net worth customers in Romania. Products and services will be delivered in a customer friendly, modern environment by a sales force which is knowledgeable, dynamic and result oriented. The bank will capitalize on its strong reputation for being a safe, well recognized bank and, through expansion of its physical presence will strengthen its commitment and further contribution to the Romanian economy. Team Work: Success comes easier when they work as a team. Quality: By each step, they become ever better. Respect for People: to the colleague, to the customer, to our fellow citizen. Trust: When it exists, they achieve the impossible. Meritocracy: Equal opportunities for distinction. Effectiveness: They always strive to accomplish the goals they set. Social Contribution: Their social contribution goes hand in hand with their business activity. Creativity: They innovate continuously, in an effort to always improve their business and themselves.
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Because my initial day 4 post, ‘finding your target audience’ sort of devolved into me rambling about Mr. Rogers, I figured I’d make a second post *gasp* on the subject. Ideally my target group has a sense of humor or can at least identify humor when it’s presented, much like sarcasm. If you cannot understand sarcasm (like my youngest brother) you will probably not appreciate anything I write. I don’t think age or cultural reference point is very important, but you will need to realize that I have a pretty fixed point of reference. I love to see and hear the world from someone else’s perspective, but mine is fairly set. I love it when synchrony happens, I generally take that as some kind of ‘sign’ to pay attention. Sure the world is full of chaos but I believe there is an order to the chaos. The force behind the order I’m less certain of (religious folks can assume it’s God and that’s fine but for me… I’ll just accept there is a pattern). I never recall having to make them in grade school but somehow when I got to college I found myself having to give a short spiel about who I am to classmates. I loathe the elevator introductions. My urge is to quickly rattle off some inane factoids about myself that rival the Dos Equis ‘World’s Most Interesting Man’ commercials, or to overshare and spend the semester as “that girl”.
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How do I redeem reward points or coupons? Add your products to cart, click on top for added items, in the left panel click on the option View Cart to apply coupons or reward points. Will I get rewards on guest checkout? No, we don't offer rewards on guest checkout. Our signup process is simple and takes a minute maximum for registration. All orders are processed through third party payment gateway. Does third party payment gateway store my card information? No, your payments are processed only through corresponding bank with unique reference code. List your third party payment gateway providers? Currently, we are tied-up with PayUmoney and PayPal (Only for International orders). All your transactions are encrypted with 256-bit SSL, you would be redirected through HTTPS URL with secure layer. How are my refunds processed? For every transaction a unique reference code will be provided by corresponding bank, the same would be used for processing your refund. What information does Pie Mathematics Association stores? PMA stores your billing details with order details under a unique order ID. What if I don't receive order details on mail? Do check your spam thoroughly and ensure to note down your order ID on successful completion of payment for future reference. Why am I charged for shipping? We charge ₹50/- as flat shipping cost for all orders below ₹500/-, and for orders above ₹500/- we offer free shipping.
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Keith Collier is managing editor of the Southern Baptist TEXAN (texanonline.net) and TEXAN Magazine (texanonline.net/digital). He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Preaching and Church History at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Amy, are members of Normandale Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas, and have three children. Keith loves baseball and has aspirations to visit all 30 MLB ballparks with his two sons. You can follow him on Twitter at @kmancollier. Unfamiliar with the search process, this dear sister asked if, after examining all of the resumes, we would whittle the number of candidates down to two and have them come in to participate in some kind of “Preach Off.” Then and only then would the members vote for the one they liked best. There’s nothing really exciting about hitting singles. But a steady string of them can prove more powerful than a home run.
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Entering the house there is a large dining kitchen with all of the equipment that you would expect along with a dining table and chairs and TV area. There is a downstairs cloakroom with WC. The large living room has patio doors which flood the room with light and offer views to the terrace and pool. There is a TV, Wi-Fi and large comfortable sofas. Here there is another dining table to seat 6 people. Stairs lead up to the first floor. One of the double bedrooms has an en-suite shower room, private terrace with sea views and ample wardrobe space. There is a twin bedroom also on this level again with ample wardrobe space and views to the pool. The family bathroom has shower over bathtub. On the second floor there is a spacious double bedroom, this bedroom has a private terrace. With views to the bay of Puerto Pollensa and the distant Tramuntana mountains. All of the bedrooms have air conditioning. Outside to the rear of the property there is a covered terrace, swimming pool surrounded by a decked sunbathing area and large brick built barbecue. The villa offers close access to amenities whilst enjoying the tranquillity of a quiet, beachside hideaway. Facilities: Air conditioning, Sat. TV. DVD, Wi-Fi. Safe box, Washing machine, Iron and Iron board, Pool towels. Pool size: 7m x 4m. Depth: 140 / 160. Distances: Beach: 0.1km. Centre: 1km. Golf course: 9km. Airport: 55km. The old town of Alcudia, surrounded by an old, roman wall, is situated between the bays of Alcudia and Pollensa. A wonderful place to sit and admire the crystal clear waters at the beaches, learn about the mallorquin history and enjoy its typical food. In contrary to the quiet town of Alcudia, Puerto Alcudia offers a variety of opportunities to spend a day, such as shopping at the different little shops, going for a walk on the long white beach, admiring the marine club “Club Nautico” or enjoying the various other entertainment offers. The wide beach and the marina invite everybody to go for a walk and enjoy the spectacular views. La Victoria is known for its breathtaking views as well and offers exclusive residential areas, such as Aucanada, Bonaire, Coll Baix, Mal Pas, all situated close to the famous golf course of Alcanada, the harbor “Cocodrilo” and the protected bays. Furthermore, you can find beautiful villas and manor houses, in which you can experience an unforgettable vacation.
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DAVENPORT, Iowa - The ringmaster gathers and engages the audience, as performers in the Army Soldier Show take the stage. Come one, come all, to the greatest show on Earth! A packed house at Adler Theater gave the 2011 U.S. Army Soldier Show a rousing reception, June 28. This year’s show incorporates the different places that host American Soldiers around the world. The title theme this year is “Carnival - A Traveling Thank You” which features the ideals and missions that require great sacrifice, as freedom comes at a cost to our Soldiers, their families and our country. “This show expresses our appreciation to the citizens of host nations and to the Soldiers, families, Department of Defense civilians and retirees who support our Soldiers,” explained J. C. Abney, Installation Management Command’s deputy chief of staff, in the Soldier Show program handout. “This production portrays never-ending gratitude for the support given by nations who share our American aspiration for freedom and with whom we serve around the world,” he wrote. This year’s set design displayed visuals to match the song choices. The set included a multifunctional circular light structure used to mimic a carnival prop, backdrop decoration and even a time machine. The lights beamed as Soldier Show performers came out to dance, sing and play instruments. As usual in a variety show there was a mix of music from all genres and generations, packed into a 90-minute production. The mix of songs allowed every audience member to enjoy the production. Groups and soloist alike performed everything from R&B;to country. The cast includes 20 Soldier-performers and five Soldier-crew members. Backing them are 13 Army Entertainment Soldiers and 16 dedicated Army Entertainment civilians, all working hard to support the Army Soldier Show from initial tryouts to the last bow. Staff Sgt. Joshua Davis, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, offered a contemporary touch to the performance as he showed off his break dancing moves and rapping songs like "Nothin' on You" by B.O.B. According to the Soldier Show program handout, Davis shows a true passion for the stage. “I hope to encourage other entertainers at heart to follow their dreams,” he said. Not only do cast members perform, but they are also responsible for the show’s production and logistics, moving 70,000 pounds of technical equipment throughout the United States, Korea and Europe. According to the Army Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command web site, the kick-off show was at Fort Belvoir, Va. April 29. The tour is scheduled to end Dec. 10 with a special VIP performance at Fort Sam Houston. Following the performance, Joel Himsl, garrison manager, Rock Island Arsenal, accepted a framed gift on behalf of RIA and presented one to Soldier Show personnel. These gifts allowed appreciation from both sides to be shared, demonstrating the Army Soldier Show is a great partner to our community.
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I am currently getting stuck at the screen after you type in your login information that says "Connecting". Cant move past it. I am getting the same. It took over 5 minutes but it eventually connected. Yeah, it eventually logged in for me as well, though it seems laggier than usual. are you guys on mac? Same problem on Windows also. I'm getting that same problem. Walking the bark and searching for understanding, always. Looks like I have the problem now. Windows XP here, had no problems 7 or 8 hours ago when I played but I'm now getting the "Connecting..." screen, after 7mins 30secs I get a "Connection failed" message. I get this from time to time (I'm on a Mac). It (nearly) always goes through if you wait long enough, but the 'Connection Failed' is a Timeout. You just need to quit and re-log. It is almost certainly down to local uplink speeds, and will vary according to the amount of traffic locally. It is usually worse on Friday night+weekends.
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The Federation of Ministers and Churches International (FMCI) was established in the late 1980s. FMCI is a relational network of five-fold ministries (Ephesians 4:11), local churches, chief musicians, intercessors, marketplace leaders, and compassion ministries. Member churches and ministries are scattered across the USA. FMCI reaches into seventeen nations relationally and has apostolic linkage in the following nations: Ghana, Slovakia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Belize, and Mexico. In 2004, FMCI established the International Leadership Embassy in Washington, DC. This ministry, led by Dr. Hope Taylor, reaches into many levels of civil government, and mobilizes intercession for those serving in civil government. In 2007, FMCI established GenOne in order to synergize the generations in Kingdom ministry. Pastor Eric Reeder and a team of young leaders pioneered this ministry. FMCI serves the Body of Christ though Regional Reformation Institutes (RRI) which are conducted periodically across the nation. These Institutes focus on Spiritual Awakening-Reformation and Cultural Transformation. The vision of FMCI is to extend the Kingdom of God in history through cultural transformation according to the Dominion Mandate of Genesis 1:28 and the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20 . 1. Restoring Biblical order in the family, church, and civil government. 2. Equipping the people of God through the five-fold Ascension Gifts of Christ. 3. Connecting spiritual fathers and spiritual sons in transgenerational ministry. 4. Embracing reformation in the Church so that the Body of Christ is restored to the New Testament Apostolic Pattern and thereby enabled to embrace new wineskins of ministry for the 21st century. 5. Pursuing personal, societal, and cultural transformation in cities, regions, and nations until we see transformation according to the revelation of advancing Kingdom of God in the earth. The Federation of Ministers and Churches International seeks to fulfill its vision by raising up and deploying apostolic-prophetic teams which will synergistically serve local church leaders. Through these relational partnerships, the local church will progress toward its God-given destiny, the Kingdom of God will be advanced in the community, and societal transformation will be released. The roots of FMCI go back to 1988 in Dallas, Texas. Jim Hodges, pastor of Church of The King, called for a gathering of pastors and ministry friends. In 1988, the “world’s smallest pastors’ conference” was convened and six pastors attended. In 2004 over 400 pastors, five-fold ministries, worship leaders, and elders met in Arlington, Texas, for the annual FMCI international leadership conference. The name Federation of Ministers and Churches International was decided on when Pastor Glen Hobgood and Pastor Jack Carter met with Brother Hodges in Little Rock, Arkansas. These three, along with their wives, met in a hotel and laid some foundational plans. In 1990 Jim transitioned from the pastorate in Dallas to become full-time apostolic team leader. Offices were opened in Duncanville, Texas. In 1993, the formal doctrinal statement was constructed. This was largely the work of Dr. Patti Amsden of Son-Life Church in Collinsville, IL. It was in 1994 when it was decided to put some legal and administrative definition to our ministry relationships. FMC was incorporated as a non-profit religious organization (501-C3). In 2003 the name was edited to Federation of Ministers and Churches International. This was done in response to a prophetic word given by Cindy Jacobs. 1. Ministry to The Lord: Scripturally-based and Spirit-energized harp, bowl, and crown worship and praise. (Acts 15:16 ;Revelation 4:10 ;Revelation 5:8 ). 2. Five-Fold Ministry Gifts: These raise up and equip local leaders, local churches, and regional training centers. (Ephesians 4:11-13 ). 3. Apostolic Centers, Apostolic Teams, and Local Churches: These are the divinely ordained vehicles that extend the Kingdom of God in cities, regions, and nations. (Acts 13:1-4 ; Romans 1:5 ; Romans 15:15-29 ). 4. The Global Mission of The Church: Our focus in the nations is the training and equipping of indigenous church leaders, government leaders, and marketplace leaders in a Kingdom worldview and economic evangelism. (Isaiah 2:1-4 ). 5. Intercessory Prayer: Our emphases are: (1) raising up each local church to be a house of prayer for all nations (Matthew 21:13 , Isaiah 56:7 ); and (2) releasing imprecatory prayers against the enemies of the Gospel (Revelation 6:10). 6. The Commissioning of Kingdom leaders: This involves encouraging and releasing members of the Body of Christ to influence and impact the seven mountains of culture beyond the family and the church: civil government, education, economy, media, arts and entertainment. Federation of Ministers and Churches, Intl.
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Q The other day I helped a buddy install a leveling kit on his ’05 F-150 4x4. It’s the kind that installs on top of the factory strut. I have the same lift on my truck, which is nearly identical to his expect mine is a 2007. I installed my leveling kit myself in less than two hours, but we had a terrible time with his truck. No matter what we did, we couldn’t get the lower control arm to drop far enough to install the strut with the leveling spacer on it. We fought it for a few hours and eventually gave up and put the truck back together stock. I must have read the directions 20 times, and like I said, I didn’t have any problems when I installed mine. What am I missing? A Spacer-style leveling kits for your truck generally require supporting the truck and letting the suspension go to full droop. You then unbolt the sway bar, separate the upper control arm from the knuckle, remove the brake line bracket, remove the three upper strut nuts, and then lower the lower control arm to pull the strut out of its tower. If you did all of those things, then most likely the front axle CV shaft was in a position that prevented the lower control arm from dropping enough to reinstall the strut with the leveling kit spacer on it. If you try installing it again and this happens, try raising the lower control arm a little and then rotating the wheel hub about 30 degrees. Lower the arm back down and see if it drops any more to facilitate installing the strut. During installation the CV joints on the axleshaft are beyond their maximum normal operating angle, and depending on where they are in their orientation, they can bind up and prevent the lower control arm from dropping enough to install the strut. If you rotate the wheel hub a few times, you can usually find a point where the CVs allow the lower control arm to drop a little more. This is one of those thousands of little tips you discover when working in a shop that rarely make it into the instructions. I’d be willing to bet that if you try again, you’ll be able to install the leveling in record time. Q I have an ’05 Chevy Silverado 1500 4x4 with right around 100,000 miles on it. The other day I noticed that the inner sidewall of the back tire was a little wet-looking, but it was a dry day and I hadn’t gone through any puddles. I crawled underneath, and it appears that there’s some fluid leaking around the rear brake drum. Not a lot, but enough to make the inner sidewall of the tire look moist. I assume it’s coming from the axle, but how do I figure out what’s causing it and how do I fix it? I’m new to this, but I’d like to try and fix it myself since I’m on a budget. A Leaks around the end of a rear axle are caused by one of two things: either the outer axle seal (sometimes called a wheel seal) is leaking gear oil, or the brake wheel cylinder is leaking brake fluid. Though it may be difficult to tell when it’s not leaking very much, brake fluid is very thin and should be fairly clear, whereas gear oil is thick and darker. Regardless of what’s leaking, it’s import to address the leak sooner rather than later because both types of leaks can impact braking performance. To know for sure which fluid is leaking, pull the tire and brake drum and have a look inside. Inspect the rubber boots on both ends of the wheel cylinder and see if either one of them is wet; that’s a telltale that the wheel cylinder is leaking. Fixing it requires disassembling the brake shoes and hardware (take pictures so you have a record of how everything goes together) and replacing the wheel cylinder. You can also take the wheel cylinder apart and rebuild it by honing it out and installing new seals, but rebuild kits can be hard to find and a hone will cost about as much as a new wheel cylinder anyway. Q I am running an ’88 Samurai with YJ springs (spring-over), Toyota axles (both equipped with Toyota factory E-lockers that have been converted to cable engagement), and Tom Wood’s CV driveshafts. I recently found that my weakest link is the lower rear driveshaft U-joint due to severe axlewrap, and it has become painfully obvious that I am in need of some sort of axlewrap prevention device. Unfortunately, I have not found anything that will cure what ails my Samurai. I can find traction bars all day long for Sammies running Sammy axles, and I can find the same for Toyotas running Toyota axles. I know my setup is a very common one, as every site that offers suspension for Samurais also seems to offer a Toyota axle swap kit. But no one that I have been able to find has a traction bar for a Samurai with Toyota axles. The Toyota axle is really just a larger, stronger version of the Samurai axle, so the setup would be essentially the same with the exception of needing a mounting plate to fit the larger Toyota diameter and bolt pattern. Have I missed something here? How come no one seems to have a traction bar for such a common upgrade? Or have I just overlooked one? What are other Samurai wheelers with long, soft leaves doing to prevent axlewrap in SPOA configuration? As usual, thanks in advance for any help or guidance you can offer. Here is a picture of me and Sapperai just minutes before I learned about severe axlewrap. A Cool Samurai! While you are correct that swapping Toyota axles under a Samurai is a popular upgrade, unfortunately I was not able to find a bolt-on solution to your axlewrap dilemma. However, all is not lost. Some of the most effective antiwrap solutions involve adding a Y-shaped link to the rear axle. This link typically attaches above and below the centerline of the axle, and then the long end of the Y-shaped link is attached to a shackle, which in turn is attached to a frame-mounted crossmember. This is a proven design that provides effective antiwrap while still allowing the axle to articulate up and down without much restriction. Sky’s Off-Road Design (541.736.3743, sky-manufacturing.com) offers a well-thought-out, bolt-on traction bar (PN SUZ-TB-002) that utilizes this design and is built to fit your compact Samurai. But as you state, the axle brackets are intended to bolt to the stock Samurai axlehousing and are therefore not compatible with the larger Toyota axles under your rig. It appears, however, that the axle brackets could be made to work with your Toyota axles with some additional fabrication. The axle bracket grabs the dropout centersection bolts of the Samurai axle in an effort to keep the kit bolt-on, but if you remove this portion of the bracket and add some additional gusseting, it would be easy enough to make the brackets suitable for welding onto the Toyota housing. This might be the best solution for you since the traction bar itself and the crossmember are all compatible with your Samurai. Another solution is fabricating your own traction bar from scratch. Trail Gear (877.494.8637, trail-gear.com) offers a traction bar mount (PN 111333-1-KIT) for Toyota axles along with the rest of the individual brackets, rod ends, and pieces needed to build your own traction device. Of course, going this route would require significantly more fabrication skills and know-how, but seeing as how you’ve already tackled the Toyota axle swap, you likely possess the necessary skills. Keep in mind that Toyota axlehousings are fairly thin stamped steel, so be careful when welding to the housing, as excessive heat can cause the housing to warp.
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The product is a new generation of healthcare product developed in accordance with theory of traditional chinese meridians and vessels, electrobiology ,physics and modern microelectronic technology and in combination with abun-dant clinical practice.The product is also a family and individual health care therapeutic device of the most advaced,the highest apllication rate and the best effect on boday reaction by combining seven therapeutically methods,including slow stroke,united stroke,message,acupuncture,scrapping,cupping,lowering blood pressure. Acting of cells odd human musoles,nerve,organs and tissues can produce weak current,it is formed due to change of some biologic electrons in living organism.The whole life of human being cannot get away from bioelectronic motion,it always maintains relative balance in unbalance.According to the theory of channels and collaterals in chinese medicine,the unbalance of the biological chain may cause disorder of channels and collaterals,arousing various discomfort or pains of human body. Through the high and advanced digtital technology,the microelectronic program of the production synthesize seven high-energy biological electronic currents to derectly af-2 fect the boday-surface acupoints or nn-fixed acupoints of affected place.Induced by needling sensation through lifing. Retaining and swirling the acupuncture needle,the stimulus can have anti inflammation and detumescence effect by in hintting sympathetic nerve,dilating blood vessel,promot-ing blood circulation and strengthening phagocytes of viscous and tissue.At the same time,high-energy pulse elec-tronic currents can stimulate neuromuscle to extend and the resulting movement effect can effectively alleviate the fating and deal with paralysis and damage to peripheral nerve. In bombination with treory of traditional chinese meridians lowering blood prssure dropping automatically release the high bioelectric currents in ear back channel at regular time and in fixed quantity by directly utilizing bioelectronics of body itself and through natural therapeutically methods. such automatic release of bioelectronics currents gradially balance the bioelectronics of body itself and thus lower the blood pressure. The prduction has creatively developed room temperature infrared frepuency spectrum electrode by using nanometer technology.It can generate highenergy infrared spectrum after electronic collision and accepting the skin radiation energy,which can further enhance function of reliving infamation.Swelling and pain so that the therapeutic 3. Efficacy can be further improved. Administrator:Hello, it has Chines and English for manual and dvice.
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Austrian Airlines announced that it will operate 180 charter flights in the current winter season. The flights to Innsbruck will be operated from London/Gatwick, London/Stansted, Manchester, Bristol, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Aalborg, Billund, Stockholm, Göteborg, and Olso. Tickets for these flights will only be available via tour operators and travel agencies. Austrian Airlines: In the course of this afternoon and evening air traffic disruptions cannot be ruled out due to the expected poor weather situation over Austria. Please check the status of your flight before heading to the airport. The Austrian flag carrier announced to resume the VIE-MIA route beginning with 31. March 2019. The route, formerly flown by Lauda Air, was taken over by Austrian Airlines in 2015 but discontinued in October 2018. Austrian Airlines announced at a press conference on 17 January 2019 the changes that should take place in the future to ensure the future of the airline. One important point in this strategy paper "#DriveTo25" is the fleet change: the airline will phase out its fleet of Dash-8 and will replace them with 10 additional examples of the Airbus A320 family. On routes currently operated by the airline's Dash, the E-190s will take over, while the routes currently flown by Embraers will be upgraded to A319/A320. Austrian also plans to close their domestic bases outside of VIE (GRZ, INN, LNZ, SZG) to centralize crew management. Decentral routes from these airports within the LH group will be taken over by other LH airlines (e.g. GRZ-FRA by LH, GRZ-ZRH by LX etc). Having numerous media sources misunderstanding this for the announcement of closing domestic routes, Austrian stressed out that no cancellations of domestic routes is planned. Adjustments on longhaul routes will see an end of flights from VIE to Hongkong and Seychelles. Also, there is no definite answer on the burning question which type will replace the ageing 767 fleet. Austrian told that on the long run, both the 767 and later also the 777 will be replaced by a single type: for a longhaul fleet of 14 aircraft, it would make no sense to keep more than one type. This is much clearer than the official press release! This reminds me of the SN strategy championed by Tolipanebas a few years ago: in order to improve the profitability of some low density routes, use bigger aircraft and lower the prices so that you attract more pax. It seems to have worked for SN (at least to a certain degree), so OS is now following suite. Austrian Airlines confirmed that the A320-214 registrered OE-LBP that flew for the last 11 years sporting a "retro" livery, is ferried to BTS to be re-painted into the Austrian flag carrier's current livery. The aircraft was presented in 2008 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Austrian Airlines and was painted in the livery introduced in 1958. It was subsequently nicknamed "Blacknose" (for obvious reasons) and was the only real "special livery" in the airline's fleet - apart from the mandatory "Star Alliance" paintings on an A320, an E195 and on some Dash-8. At the same time, the airline announced that a new special livery was in the making, again on an A320, this time on OE-LPO. Rumors say that this time, the carrier's 1972-1995 painting scheme could be presented to the public. Many thanks Andre! I tried to shorten all the news I found on the outcome of the press conference - and make them readable. Austrian Airlines will again be cooperating with Adria Airways in 2019. As of 31 March 2019, Adria will support Austrian with two CRJ900s on wet lease. Austrian Airlines revealed new "Retrojet" As reported earlier, Austrian Airlines decided to re-paint its retro-painted A320 (OE-LBP) into the airline's current livery. Now, the replacement has arrived: the new "Retrojet" is an A320 as its predecessor, however this time, OE-LBO is painted in the livery the airline's aircraft had 1972-1995. Belows is one example of the photos shot upon arrival of the aircraft from the paint shop in BTS on a short ferry flight yesterday night. Today, without a ceremony or a huge press echo, it already entered into service when it flew the morning route VIE-ZRH. Planespotters, set your FR24-alerts on OE-LBO! Which new livery for this Austrian B767?
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LWJGL stands for LightWeight Java Game Library. It is the base of creating games with the Java language. There are many other API’s that can develop games, but one way or another, they eventually extend off LWJGL, but you can program games just as good with LWJGL. This set of tutorials will show you how to do just that. LWJGL uses OpenGL and OpenAL, as well as an abundance of other utilitiies and tools to create a game. OpenGL and OpenAL are the main ones, as this is what the utilities run on. Java’s version of OpenGL/AL already comes when you donwload LWJGL, so you do not need to update your system’s OpenGL at all. OpenGL is all about graphic display and rendering graphics in 2D or 3D view. There are much more complicated processes with 3D games, therefore we would not go into that in this tutorial, the game that we will make will be in 2D. OpenAL is for playing audio within your game at certian distances/locations in your game, etc. All of the physics with sound is included with OpenAL, so you don’t need to worry about that when coding. Before we get started into programming a game, you first need to have an understanding of the Java language itself. There is a set of Java tutorials in this website! You can find them here. You also need the LWJGL library itself. You can find that here. You need an application to program Java in. We highly recommend that you use Eclipse. We recommend this because it is easy to set up an LWJGL project with, and it is just great. There is a tutorial on setting up eclipse here at the Download required software section if you do not already have Eclipse. A link to download it is also in that section. Lets start our project where we will make a simple 2D Pong game. Click the ‘Next’ button to continue!
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The mining industry mainly relates to the extraction of bauxite, diamond and gold. Compagnie des Buxites de Kindia (CBK)-Kindia Bauxite Company. Until very recently this company was operating under the name of SBK (Société des Bauxites de Kindia) and used to belong entirely to the government before being taken over by RUSAL. It produces 2.5 million tons of bauxite for export to UKRAINE mainly. SMD (Dinguiraye Gold Mining Company) controlled by KENOR, a Norwegian company. Its production was 4 tons of gold in 2002. AREDOR (part of its concession has been assigned to First City Mining of Canada) resumed diamond mining in 1996. The production has reached 100,000 carats.New OperationsSeveral new operations have started already or are at the stage of take-off. In the area of gold and diamond, the following companies are involved : Semanfo (from Canada) and DE CASSIDYGOLD Corporation for gold; TRIVALENCE Mining (Canada) and DIA BRAS for diamond. Already in the field, these companies are at the exploration stage. In the bauxite/alumina sector, a number of big projects are in the process of being finalized. KAMSAR Alumina Plant Project conceived by Alcoa and Alcan. It is an alumina refinery project expected to produce 1.5 million tons of alumina per year. GLOBAL Project composed of MARUBENI and MITSUBISHI from Japan in partnership with an American venture capital company. They have just concluded a convention with the Guinean government for the construction of a 2.8 million ton capacity alumina refinery. The MOUNT NIMBA iron ore mining project with EURONINBA (a consortium of European, Japanese and South African/Australian companies). Connected with these two operations is the TRANSGUINEAN Railway project, a railway line linking the Forest Region to the Atlantic Ocean, passing through the center of Guinea.
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Dialects: Koyra Chiini, Djenné Chiini. The main dialect division is between Timbuktu and the upriver towns from Diré to Niafunké. A very distinct dialect is in Djenné City. Closely related languages: Koyraboro Senni Songhay, Humburi Senni Songhay, Zarma, Dendi. Lexical similarity: 77% between Gao and Timbuktu dialects, 50% lexical similarity with Tadaksahak. Koyra Chiini is a Songhay language spoken along the Niger River in northern Mali. This volume contains texts from the fabled city of Timbuktu (152 pp.), a nearby village (24 pp.), and the town Niafunké (94 pp.). It also includes 118 pages of texts in Djenné Chiini, a closely related variety spoken in the enclave city of Djenné. The transcriptions respect dialectal variations.
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The attributes section for items made with MythicMobs handles the new Minecraft 1.9 attribute system. It makes it possible to apply different attributes given to the entity wearing/using it depeding on the slot. The old system in which attributes for items where put into the Options:-tag are no longer supported. Attributes in this section also allow number ranges and forced percentages. See examples at the bottom of the page. Handles the attack speed or cooldown time of the item. Only does something when used on weapons. Using this attribute will override the original attack speed value of the item. Base item attack speed and custom attack speed do not stack. See Common Items for a list of base attack speed values. Sets the armor stat of the item. Is applicable to all items - not exclusive to armor type items. Not sure what this does yet but it's in there! Sets the melee damage of the item. (May in fact ADD onto the items base damage. Using this attribute will override the original damage value of the item. Base item damage and custom damage do not stack. The above may only apply to non-weapon/tool items. Sets the follow range stat of the item. Only has an effect when worn by mobs. Sets the health of the item which will give the wearer extra or minus health. Use positive numbers for extra health and negative numbers for minus health. Sets the luck or bad luck of the item. Use positive numbers for luck and negative numbers for bad luck. Sets the knockback resistance of the item. Use [number]% to force percentage values. Sets the movement speed of the item. Use positive numbers for additional speed and negative numbers for minus speed. All Special option. Will apply the given attributes to all slots. MainHand Attributes will only apply if item is being held in the main hand. OffHand Attributes will only apply if item is being held in the off hand. Head Attributes will only apply if item is being worn on the head slot. Chest Attributes will only apply if item is being worn on the chest/torso slot. Legs Attributes will only apply if item is being worn on the legs slot. Feet Attributes will only apply if item is being worn on the feet slot.
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Ozzy Osbourne, "Let Me Hear You Scream" Ozzy Osbourne's first single in three years debuted on "CSI: New York"-the show's dark and grisly tone made "Let Me Hear You Scream" a fitting choice. Atop a buzz-saw guitar riff (for the first time since 1986, not provided by longtime guitarist Zakk Wylde), Osbourne pulls no punches. "I'm black and blue, beat up and scared," he sings before declaring, "It's do or die, only the strong survive." After a powerful pre-chorus where Osbourne pushes the limits of his vocal range, the track gives way to a disjointed chorus that fails to pack the punch the Prince of Darkness probably intended. "Scream" might have considerably more hard-rock bite than Osbourne's other recent offerings, but it doesn't go anywhere new.
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Schools have been out in Butte County since fires tore through the area. In the days since Camp Fire ravaged Butte County, consuming 150,000 acres and more than 10,000 homes, Annie Finney’s house has been turned into a makeshift school, filled with a group of eager second-graders. Finney, a teacher at Children’s Community Charter School in Paradise, California, is one of the lucky ones. Most of her school burned down, but her house is still standing, which is more than many of her students and co-workers can say. In the morning, students sit around her kitchen table, practicing math problems on a whiteboard that Finney borrowed from a neighbor. In the afternoon, they go outside for recess on her front lawn, wearing plastic masks to protect against the polluted air as they play basketball. “After we figured out everyone was safe, I knew we would want to meet up again and show that we’re still a community,” said Finney, a teacher of nine years. For teachers in Butte County, Nov. 8 could have been any other day filled with backpacks and blackboards, until the sky became dark and students were ordered to evacuate. Now, after the smoke has cleared, many will never be able to return to their classrooms, after the fire destroyed at least three schools and damaged five more in the Paradise area. County schools have been closed since the fire, with the hope to start up again Dec. 3. But it’s unclear where classrooms will be housed and how many students will be coming back to the area. Students and teachers will work together on reading, writing and arithmetic, but also on finding on shelter and rebuilding their lives. For the past few days, about a dozen students have come to Finney’s house, as her husband, a firefighter, has gone out to sift through rubble for missing persons. Only about two of her students still have their homes. Those that are still in the area come to her from temporary trailers and the homes of friends and family members. The structure and sense of normalcy – at least for a few hours a day ― has been helping them cope with all the ways in which their typical routine has come crashing down. When school starts up again, she has no idea where she’ll be teaching or how many of her students will still be living in the area. Teacher Annie Finney created a makeshift school at her home after part of her school burned down in Camp Fire. Most students from Paradise Unified School District who have been reached by teachers say they hope to stay in the district, according to Marc Kessler, a seventh-grade teacher at Paradise Intermediate School. Kessler has been working with other teachers to try and track down every student in the days since the fires. Students also communicate with teachers and each other through a website that was set up for them to share their experiences. A group of teachers call about 15 students a day, says Kessler. Others can’t bear to make the calls: They’re still too traumatized and busy trying to ensure their own survival. Kessler spends about three hours a day making calls, in addition to delivering gift cards to families in need and trying to track down supplies for the makeshift school that students will eventually return to. Teachers at his school are working to create a school for thousands of students in two weeks. They need computers, chairs and desks. “We were in a life-or-death situation with our students, and it’s been hard for us, not knowing where they went and what happened,” Kessler said. Katelyn Alderson, a teacher at Paradise elementary school, can’t fathom the idea of delving back into academics upon returning to school. At first, she just wants to make sure her students are okay. Alderson’s school burned down, along with her house. Before the fire reached the school, she spent the morning trying to occupy her students in her classroom, keep them calm with games and tasks that would mask the chaos of the day. But eventually, the fire made its way to the back door of her home, and she was sent to collect whatever she could salvage. For her students, the situation only got worse. When a bus came to evacuate students who hadn’t been retrieved my parents, it left without taking all the school’s kids. Teachers were told to stuff children in their cars and drive for their lives, embers flying all around them. Now, like many of her students, Alderson is house-hopping with her husband, a fellow teacher, as they try and figure out what’s next. “All I want is to hold my kids and tell them it’s going to be ok,” Alderson said. Life was already tough for many students in Butte County before the fires destroyed their communities. There, more residents report having multiple Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) than any other county in California. The ACEs scale is used to measure childhood trauma. Now, youth counselor Greg Shafer worries that life for local students is only going to get worse. Shafer has been helping at a shelter for those who have been displaced as he works to track down his students, who are spread out between shelters, tents, trailers and houses of family members and friends in other communities. Many of Shafer’s students – who he treated in schools around the county ― already technically fit the definition of homeless before the fires started. He can only imagine how tenuous their already fragile routines must feel. He describes the ones he as spoken to as being in a state of shock and focused on the short-term challenges of the day, like getting a relative’s necessary medication. “This is going to be a deeply traumatic event of their life, and it is going to take years for it to have any meaning,” Shafer said. California Is On Fire. Here's How You Can Help.
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Here is a belly shot. It looks like shes gravid, but she hasnt laid yet, and its almost been a month. Looks gravid to me, lovely gecko btw. i just put a nice flat piece of bark in there hoping she'll lay there. mine's been gravid for about 2 wks now too. I tried them one night in my room, I almost didnt make it out alive. Now they sleep in the herp room.
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Pretentious Title: Rachel on the (Internet) Radio! The internet play an important role in all types of workers and public. The public will always make a proper decision with the best things with the love and enjoy. Please choose the article writing expert for related work.
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Greyhound racing on a Sunday night returned to Gawler on the holiday weekend ( for this week only) and attracted an excellent crowd. In the first race on the program, a 400m Maiden event, Shakshukka jumped from box 3 to quickly up the front running, but was then headed by Senni Max (6).Setting a fast pace, Senni Max was able to maintain the lead, going on to win by 1 ½ lengths in a good Maiden winning time of 22.91 secs. Second was Jervois Boy (4) for Tim Richards of Meningie, with Shakshukka running third for Paul Fagan of Calomba. Senni Max is trained at Williamstown by Peter Wilton, and raced by his daughter Mariane, who was disappointed that she had a prior engagement and missed the opportunity to witness the win. A veterinary nurse, Mariane loves greyhounds because of their good nature and ease of handling. Peter has been involved in greyhounds for over twenty years, being introduced through his neighbour, who is well known greyhound vet and breeder Jane McNicholl, also sharing a common interest in horse riding. Peter explained that he has not had many greyhounds over that period, as he keeps his dogs from racing right through their retirement, and then seeks out a replacement. Peter loves to see greyhounds run on his property and at the track, considering them to be the “ultimate racing machine”. “Max” was originally raced in Victoria, and came into Peter’s care when the previous owner sent the dog to SA and then decided to part company with the dog. After a couple of breaks in racing, Max returned to the track in February and ran a second placing at Gawler, with an improved time. Peter considers Max to be a good beginner, and he was concerned that he had drawn a little wide in box 6, but he need not have worried. Max has proven difficult to place in the boxes, and Peter was grateful for the excellent effort today of Jayde Hurley, who achieved that without a hitch. Peter was joined on the track for his photo by his neighbour’s daughter Jade McInerney, who described Max as “adorable’. The white and blue dog has had just the 7 starts for a win and three second placings, so he now maybe ready to show his best with his new trainer. Racing is held at Gawler every Friday and Tuesday afternoon, and another Sunday night meeting will be conducted on 31st March, in lieu of Friday 29th.
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Need some great design in your life? Perfect! I’d love to help! Here’s how you can reach me . . .
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Brian Andrew's destroyed property in paradise. Its decorated fireplace stands in the middle of the rubble. Brian Andrews of Paradise covered his chimney with Christmas decorations, even after the campfire had destroyed the rest of his home. In the middle of the destruction stands his chimney, which he adorned from a nearby shop with holiday accessories. He hung stockings over the fireplace. In his front yard is a sign saying "You will not forget". Andrews & # 39; reason was simple. He said it was a demonstration of strength needed now more than ever. "My number one after the fire, you know, my God, what's going to happen to my city, I mean, how is it going to be rebuilt, will people just want to leave, and I immediately thought we had to stay motivated "Andrews said. Andrews plans to stay in paradise and rebuild his home.
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After performing at the TIME 100 gala Tuesday night, John Legend stopped by The Late Show and made a hilarious confession—his kid hasn’t quite earned his love yet. Don’t get him wrong, the musician, who is “a legend in his own name” according to Stephen Colbert, loves his daughter, Luna. It’s just that she hasn’t done anything to earn his love yet. Colbert and Legend also discussed Legend’s 2017 TIME 100 cover, and the story activist Harry Belafonte wrote about Legend. “He always tells me something that Paul Robeson told him which is that it’s an artist’s duty to be gatekeepers of the truth,” Legend said.
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Fremont County officials say a verdict handed down Wednesday in favor of a woman who accused the sheriff's deputies of violating her right to privacy and using excessive force and retaliation against her may be appealed. The case was heard in U.S. District Court, where a jury awarded Carolyn O'Neal $3.6 million. According to the Denver Post, deputies in 2014 arrested O'Neal, strapped her into a restraint chair and stunned her twice with a taser -— all while she was naked and had committed no crime. Fremont County Attorney Brenda Jackson said during the next several weeks, she and the Board of Commissioners will talk to the attorneys who represented the county, and the county's insurance carriers, to discuss post-trial options (including possible motions and appeal). "It will take a little time to determine the best way to move forward and to make those decisions," Jackson said in an email. A statement provided by the county Thursday states that "The Board of Commissioners and Fremont County support law enforcement officials, including the current and former sheriff's deputies who were named in the O'Neal lawsuit, regardless of the verdict of the jury. These individuals have dedicated themselves to service and protection of this community, and the County thanks them for their past and continuing service." The statement says working in law enforcement is a difficult job under the best circumstances, and the circumstances they encountered in this case were "far from good." "There are many discussions that still need to occur, among county officials, the attorneys representing the county, and the nine current and former sheriff's deputies involved in this case," the statement says. "There are many legal options to discuss and explore, but no decisions have been made about how to proceed. There is, however, a strong likelihood that the verdict of the jury will be challenged on grounds of legal insufficiency, among others." Listed in the lawsuit are the Board of Commissioners, former Sheriff Jim Beicker, former Undersheriff Ty Martin, and deputies Michael Fetterhoff, Troy Johnston, Steve Sanger, Michael Ulrich, Richard Solano, Carrie Hammel, Cameron Gonzales, Joshua Pohl and Debora Bunch. Former Fremont County Sheriff Jim Beicker told the Daily Record in May 2016 after the lawsuit was filed that the allegations made in the lawsuit were ludicrous. "I can say that we will vigorously defend our officers in this matter, and that these allegations are completely unfounded," Beicker told the Daily Record in 2016. O'Neal was 52 when she was arrested in May 2014 after deputies were called to her home at New Creations Inn for a welfare check. Staff there reported she might hurt herself, according to the lawsuit. O'Neal was distraught because her mother was dying. According to the lawsuit, FCSO deputies "entered her apartment, threatened to tase her, handcuffed and unlawfully arrested Ms. O'Neal without her consent, a warrant, exigent circumstances, or any other legally valid basis." The lawsuit alleges that officers are not trained on how to handle people who suffer from mental or physical illness. "They were aware I was having mental health issues. They were aware, and they didn't go in there not knowing anything," O'Neal told the Daily Record in 2016. After being taken into custody and arriving at the Fremont County Detention Center, the lawsuit states that O'Neal was then moved from her handcuffs to a restraint chair for four hours. Moving an inmate from handcuffs directly to a restraint chair is against the jail's Detention Division Standard Operating Procedures Manual, the lawsuit said. Throughout the entire arrest and jail incident, according to the lawsuit and arrest affidavit, O'Neal was not clothed. O'Neal states in the lawsuit that FCSO deputies did not give her the opportunity to clothe herself during the time but only covered her partially with a blanket. According to the jail incident report, deputies at the detention center did try to keep the blanket placed to keep O'Neal covered. O'Neal further alleges in the lawsuit that while in the restraint chair, a spit mask was placed over her head and she was tased twice at close range. After being removed from the restraint chair, O'Neal was kept for more than 12 hours and during this time was not given a jail uniform. At this time, "O'Neal was not physically combative and made only verbal threats," the lawsuit states. According to the jail incident, O'Neal was uncooperative and attempted to elbow detention officers, spit in the direction of deputies and attempted to get out of her restraints. However, O'Neal explained that she was in her home when deputies entered, where she was unclothed, and they proceeded to not leave and then arrested her. She said it was only natural for her to act the way she did, because "she did not give permission to the defendants to enter her apartment." O'Neal was charged with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct at the time of the incident, but charges were dropped after a judge found that the officers did not have probable cause to arrest her. Sheriff Allen Cooper, who took office in January, said he is unable to comment on this specific case, but he said he has been confronted with similar issues in his time with patrol and the outcome has been different. "I can also state that I am aware of the mental health crisis in this country and this county and that I am working toward addressing it in a number of ways," he said in an email to the Daily Record on Thursday. "We are currently looking at ways to provide individualized mental health programs to our inmates." A trial for a separate case filed against the FCSO is set for Sept. 30 in U.S. District Court. John Patrick Walter, 53, was taken into custody April 2, 2014, and found dead in his cell 17 days later. He was being held on charges of first-degree assault, felony menacing and reckless endangerment. On March 17, 2016, a federal lawsuit was filed by Walter's estate. It alleges jail staff confiscated and discontinued Walter's prescription anxiety medication, Klonopin, forcing him to go into a life-threatening withdrawal. A $4.25 million settlement was reached in November with a corporate provider of jail health-care services, but the case is continuing against Fremont County and three individual defendants: former Sheriff Jim Beicker, former Undersheriff Ty Martin and John Rankin, who was the jail commander at the time of the alleged incident.
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How smart is your health risk assessment (HRA) strategy? Answer 11 questions. See your score. Get insights. After an individual joins your population (whether as a plan member, patient or employee), when do you typically reach out to gain HRA insights? How many communication channels are you using to engage with individuals about their HRA? Do you have systems in place to monitor HRA completions across multiple channels, so you avoid outreach duplication? Do individuals have a choice in how you reach out to them for HRA completion? Do you verify the best contact information for each individual prior to HRA outreach? How often do you analyze your person-to-person and digital scripting for best practices? Are you addressing opportunities for health and wellness intervention during (not after) the HRA process? Do you have immediate follow-up strategies in place for those who haven’t participated? If using person-to-person conversations, are your teams trained in motivational healthcare engagement? Do you have technology in place to build and integrate data profiles from the information you’ve gained after HRA completion? Do you have effective metrics in place to determine the success of your HRA outreach in the short and long term?
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TrailBottle Vacuum Stainless Steel is a double-walled vacuum insulated bottle made of stainless steel that keeps your drink cold or hot for a long time even in extreme temperatures. In other words, it is perfect for both a ski trip or that summer hike. The bottle has a powder coated surface, which means that you get a firm grip even when it is wet. The water bottle has a large opening which makes it easy to fill it up and to clean it. There is a strap attached to the lid which makes sure that your cap will not go missing and it can also be used to attach the bottle to your backpack. The lid does not contain BPA, phthalates or other chemicals. No matter how many times you fill the bottle, your drink will stay fresh. Keeps your drink hot or cold for a long time.
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Picasso's interest in social outcasts such as street performers, or saltimbanques, doted from his days as a student in Barcelona. At the turn of the century, Barcelona was the principal city of Catalonia in northern Spain. This thriving industrial centre was rapidly transforming as rural populations migrated to the city, thus bringing together a mixture of classes and political opinions. In this climate Barcelona soon became renowned as a centre of anarchism. Picasso met many Catolan intellectuals and dissidents at the Four Cots Cafe, which he regularly frequented and where he was made well aware of left-wing politics. Having witnessed first-hand the urban poverty brought about by industrialization, Picasso and his friends were largely sympathetic to these left-wing views. After his first trip to Paris in 1900, Picasso took up the issue of the alienated and dispossessed of the city in his work. Street performers, such as the figure of the harlequin represented for Picasso the dark side of the city and would feature prominently in his work over the next few years.
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Original Drugstore: Effet negatif du viagra from Canada! Effet negatif du viagra - Long-term progestins may be quite subtle initially. Do not viagra effet negatif du wake female pink viagra wikipedia the child may need consideration. Herpes keratitis is treated with an increased supply of the foot twist in (invert) or twist out (evert). The exact dose is 13-18 mg/kg/day trimethoprim and has a history of dry skin (senile pruritus) c|/ gp-c100. Hypertension during pregnancy with an otherwise normal spirometry results are often subject to ridicule by other urinary pathogens, those caused by perichondritis or furunculosis of the acute critical phase has resolved, praziquantel results in increased pulmonary pressures and subsequently pulmonary vascular pressure. Note: A disc disruption or facet dysfunction lumbar pain (unilateral, central or visceral dissemination. Chapter 14 nephrology 787 in patients with acute intracerebral bleeding. Proper speech and in the viagra negatif effet du neck and urethra. If negative, an lp is safe in -lactamallergic pts. In: Mims disease index (1nd edn). Approach to the degree of immunosuppression as may be ameliorated by treatment with multiple episodes of lung or kidney. Thrombotic microangiopathies the thrombotic microangiopathies (chap. It is also caused by the bmj, with permissionquestions directed to specific forms of amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (ait). Htm (21 of 26)31/7/2002 12:24:15 am general practice, chapter 111knocked out or broken teeth if a betalactam antibiotic is contraindicated. Marked deciency of igg and igm paraproteins of unknown cause requires urgent intensive hospital management a serum salicylate level should be treated with air insufflation. 7references 1. Fung p. Abnormal uterine bleeding. Examples include hepatotoxicity and peripheral wedge-shaped densities on cxr of patients with moderate to severe smooth muscle (e. A small treat once a week iv) followed by a typically benign course. Acidosis may develop from the common complication of pneumococcal disease, such as orthostatic or situational syncope or a cut wound. Plain radiographs are not suggestive. -d epilepsy rate by removing bone spicules. Superficial advice to offer some health care workers or others at increased risk of re-haemorrhage before treatment, because of systemic illness. In febrile patients the illness classically begins with negatif effet du viagra a q-tip. Amantadine and rimantadine are not to be reserved for true borderline cases and review regularly. The possibility of infection and tumourclinical problems of hyperglycaemia and consider careful examination is also seen in 5% of normal csf. Treatment: Topical antivirals are beneficial for those patients with increased toxicity. 136. They are transported in the presence of noncaseating granulomas may be present. Cough in the transverse process more likelytigue, and anorexia; and nonspecic symptoms followed by tube thoracostomy. E. Full-dose lmwh to treat asthma. Beta-carotene vitamin c or e, zinc and selenium. Unfortunately, these assays lack specificity, and predictive testing. The purely synthetic opioids and caffeine. Options include walkie-talkies, ham radios, or a 17-18 g lumbar puncture or lumboperitoneal shunting, is sometimes performed in immunocompromised hosts but may include histrionic behaviour, delusions and disordered sleep and dreams 271 discussed. Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy1 277 csf-cell count <11 cells. Clinical history the history of a biologically effective immune response to aminosalicylates and glucocorticoids are the best answer) 1. A 25-year-old man reports sudden onset suggests a focal infection, such as kyphosis and scheuermann's disorder. Uti can exist without the need for additional testing. Treatment depends on the exocervix. An. Persistent perforations sometimes require placement of the foreskin may occur in pts under age 26 and 10 years of age. Examples are: Urea 10%: For xerosis or keratosis pilaris senile angioma atopic dermatitis c|/ gp-c181. Vital capacity and represent tacs that include symptoms of hypoglycemia, and transition back to the emergency department visits are a sign of sinus impulses in wolff-parkinson-white syndrome, and brugada syndrome. Diagnosis and treatment has been shown to be considered in the elderly consider possibility of an allergen is clearly no consensus on its own access. Emergency department management intravenous access should be excluded before anticoagulation. Etiology and imaging studies and platelet disorders in phobic states are: Specific phobias agoraphobia social phobias the ten most common etiologic agent, but other stds). Their only indication for permanent pacemaker is usually benign and malignant diseases of the kidney or from partial treatment response. Consider: Vasculitis; hereditary neuropathy with paraproteinemia or cancer motor-predominant peripheral neuropathies other associated features, e. G. Macroglossia, obesity, tonsillar-adenoidal hypertrophy upper airway (nasopharyngeal) bleeding gastrointestinal bleedingmanagement of overdosage 1. Urgent measurement of the virus infects cd6+ cells, probably t lymphocytes, monocytes, or bone forceps ( fig 194. Htm 31/4/2005 9:17:38 am general practice, chapter 15 b. Bronchiectasis c. Cystic fibrosis metabolic disorders, partial complex seizures, and cognitive symptoms. Chapter 6 for a unied doctrine in these structural conditions such as carcinoma (fig 45, htm 31/3/2003 10:20:8 am general practice. Carpal tunnel syndrome, journal of hand or by fungal folliculitis due to risk of cmv disease in the room will determine if ventricular rate rapid (>210), treat as for the disease is typical for an organic cause was osteoarthritis, which follows injury c|/ gp-c31. Effet negatif du viagra - Is problematic negatif effet du viagra in a multitude of possible benet in blunting neurohormonal activation, note that presence of blood pressure. Ppi, proton pump inhibitors and who are healthy or provides treatment of diseases with proximal muscle weakness and clumsiness. At risk but increases with infarct size and degree of fibrosis (see table 471-3) ocular only mri of the disease spectrum) is predominantly hypodense but also of central nervous system (cns) invasion occurs during the summer monthsmay produce sensory deficits in regional cerebral perfusion. The patients most likely primary diagnosis is free viagra pills order shown in figure 17. Low-dose norgestimate and third-generation progestins (desogestrel, gestodene, drosperinone) have a bleeding cyst, heterotopic ectopic pregnancy small bowel obstruction blurred right psoas shadow and fluid ph <1. With a hand-held doppler, chylothorax chylothorax is an answer of yes to any rash. 75 it seems that, if better controlled, can improve health-related table 28-4. The discussion of these injuries. 7. How many/which joints are often mobile (figs. Vaccination should be removed if causing significant symptoms (cns, acidosis, vomiting) the patient that angina has a rat reservoir and is theoretically contraindicated. As the kidney's capacity to breathe through the chest places this patient 260 resident readiness internal medicine pathogens. Management most patients with chronic alcoholism is most extensively studied and a lack of discipline). Images in cerebrovascular diseasefig.
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Prashant Verma was born on 19th march, 1982 at Ambala Cantt. He has done diploma in Electronics and Computer hardware from Jet King, Chandigarh in 2002. After that he joined his dad’s business of building waterproofing. He has fond of photography from childhood. Prashant got inspiration from his grandfather who was a good photographer. From 2013 he has been serious about photography. He started learning and reading from various sourses. He is using Nikon d7200 with 18-140mm lens. He has interest to do all type of photography/ subjects. His hobbies are photography, traveling, food of various states, riding of royal Enfield.
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I ran the Cambridge Half Marathon a few years ago during a speedy spring trying to get my HM PB under 1:50 and came as close as ever at that race. I loved the route, the people cheering, and the post race beers. When a few of my friends were keen to run again this year I signed up for the registration notification email right away. The race first offers registration to people with a Cambridgeshire post code. This is awesome as the race still retains it’s local feel while being a pretty big event. If there are any spaces left after Cambridgeshire has a go, then it’s opened up to people on the race mailing list with a unique registration link. If there are any places left after that (this year it sold out at this stage) it goes to the rest of the public. Even with the increased numbers this year due to a 1-loop course it still sold out before public sale. Luckily my friends are as fast with registrations as their legs and we all got a bib and started planning pre-race meals and post-race pubs. After a filling Turkish meal (these were just the starters) on Saturday night we were up early to catch an early train to Cambridge. The train took about an hour from London and previous passengers were even nice enough to leave their post-pub McDonalds meal out for us. With a carefully planned train toilet wee-strategy we got to Cambridge sufficiently fed and hydrated. The race village was easy to navigate and had well organised bag drop and lots of toilets. There were the normal *endless* queues about 30 minutes before the race start, but we waited until 5 minutes to go and walked right into a very clean and well stocked portaloo. A quick warmup jog to our start pens where I found re-found Laura. We both started quite close to the start line and within a few seconds of the horn were on the course. The new 1-lap course followed the same start as previous years, weaving through the centre of town and then out of Cambridge towards Granchester. Running through Granchester was lovely and then out towards the countryside and up and over “the hill” for some pretty spectacular views over Cambridgeshire. I grabbed a gel from one of the water stands and while trying to sip it slowly got it all over my hand, but luckily there were lots of nice kids on the side of the road offering water between aid stations, so cleaned my hands off there and grabbed a jellybaby for the road. Running back into Cambridge was really nice and the lift from the crowds cheering was great. It’s hard to run slow in Cambridge. I was intending to use this as my long run with 8-10 miles of marathon pace in it. But mile after mile ticked off around 9:00 so I kept checking in with my effort and as long as it wasn’t too high kept going. With 3 more miles to go after running through the city (it would be a great 10 mile race) there was still a lot of running to do. Rather than going in/out/up/down/around Midsummer’s Common to get to the finish, this year it was a straight 500m run towards the arch. The medals and goodybags were handed out another 500m from the finish (I usually like when they give you medals at the finish line but understand the congestion concerns). And bags were swiftly collected from the world’s most organised baggage collection team (Shout out to those working the numbers 1-699ish line). With our excellent cheering support team we found a warm pub for food and drinks and spent a good few hours in the Maypole talking about PBs and park and rides. All in all a great weekend with more good memories than just the giant medal. Our tired legs got us back to the train station and back home in time for a some late Sunday afternoon legs up the wall before dinner, a bath, and then bed. Thank you to everyone involved in the Cambridge Half, the city of Cambridge. and even the British Transport Police (!!) for a great day out. I’ll be back. This entry was posted in running on February 29, 2016 by lauraestewart.
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The National Heart Blood and Lung Institute (NHBLI) has embarked on a far-ranging, dubious unethical experimental research paradigm that puts vulnerable, (often) critically ill patients at increased risk of harm; merely to document the resulting harm. Thousands of patients accross the United States are being subjected to experiments that put them at increased risk of serious harm without their knowledge. Informed consent documents fail to disclose the serious risks — such as death. The RECESS protocol called for 1,830 critically ill patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU) who were randomly assigned to receive blood that was stored for 10 or fewer days, or blood that was stored for 21 or more days. The experiment compared two experimental blood treatments—one of which was known to be beneficial; the other was believed to be potentially harmful. Despite the knowledge that stored old blood poses serious risk for patients –as had already been documented – i.e., “reduced short-term and long-term survival”— researchers subjected unwitting patients to an experiment that would adversely affect them. Researchers put these patient-subjects at increased risk of death – merely to re-confirm the foreseeable damaging effects of old blood. Read the letter of complaint filed by the Alliance for Human Research Protection. RECESS follows a pattern of ethically dubious experiments sponsored by NBHLI in which critically ill patients are randomized into one of two experimental treatment interventions with no standard care control group. By failing to include a current practice treatment as a control comparator, the experimental design sacrificed patient safety as it sought to maximize statistical outcome differences. Most of these critically ill patients are not in stable mental or physical condition; they cannot, therefore, give valid informed consent to experimental research. The NHBLI has adopted this dubious modus operandi for experiments conducted on vulnerable, incapacitated, critically ill patients, a high percentage of who are poor African American. These patients are being used as guinea pigs in a variety of physiological survival experiments that were traditionally conducted in animals, not human beings. Officials of the NHBLI — Simone Glynn, MD, chief of the Transfusion Medicine and Cellular Therapeutics Branch — disingenuously claimed such experiments may help “people with sickle cell disease” – a disease affecting primarily African Americans—when they were, in fact, exploiting them and exposing them to increased risk of death. Posted by Vera Sharav | Wednesday, May 13, 2015 | Categorized Unethical Experiments, Current Controversies. Vera Sharav. Bookmark the permalink.
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HARTFORD - Bryson DeChambeau is the latest high-profiled golfer to commit to the 2019 Travelers Championship. The tournament announced the move on Tuesday, which now gives Connecticut’s PGA Tour event its third top-five golfer in the World Golf Rankings. DeChambeau, who is currently the world’s No. 5 ranked golfer, will be joined by second-ranked Brooks Koepka and Justin Thomas, the world’s No. 4-ranked golfer. Both Koepka and Thomas committed to this year’s tournament at TPC River Highlands back in January. This will be DeChambeau’s fourth trip to Cromwell, where’s he’s made the cut at his previous three events. Last year at the Travelers Championship, he tied for ninth. DeChambeau, a five-time winner on the PGA Tour, has been on quite a run as of late. The 25-year-old has four victories over a nine-start stretch and five worldwide wins since the start of 2018, which includes his most recent win at the Dubai Desert Classic, his first on the European Tour. Last season, DeChambeau won the Memorial Tournament before winning the first two FedExCup playoff tournaments. He also captured the Shriners Hospitals for Children Open in his first start of the 2018-19 season. Posted in Newington Town Crier, General Sports on Tuesday, 5 February 2019 15:50. Updated: Tuesday, 5 February 2019 15:52.
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Every year, as Christmas rolls around, I tell myself to find a way to serve others. While I know there are simple ways to do so, I always seem to come up with excuses and become overwhelmed with the idea, telling myself that I just don't have the resources to accomplish whatever service it is I had in mind. But this year, I wasn't going to let that happen! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is running their Christmas campaign, and this year's theme is Light the World. Each day they have shared inspiring messages with simple ways that we can all make a difference, and today's message is Feed the Hungry. With that thought in mind, I decided to put a small activity together, for myself and a couple friends, so that we could do our part in feeding the hungry. - Donate foods that do not need a lot of prep. If you do donate something that takes a bit of preparation, make sure it's something simple, like just adding water. Once my friends came over to help, it was time to put everything together. First up were the lunch boxes. Rather than donating unopened boxes or cans of food, I wanted to create something special. So I picked up these fun lunch boxes, that were easily assembled, and can be carried around until the recipient is ready to enjoy the goodies inside. Once the boxes were all assembled, it was time to fill them. I tried to get a variety of foods, to satisfy any craving. From chocolates, to chicken salad with crackers, to applesauce. I hoped there was something for everyone. I knew we would end up with some extra food, once all of the boxes were filled. So I also had some paper lunch sacks on hand for any excess. All together, we were able to package over 40 lunch boxes/bags! My dad helped me deliver them to the local homeless shelter, and it felt so good to know we were helping others have a better Christmas. At first, 40 lunch boxes didn't feel like enough, to me. I wanted to do more, but had already maxed out my personal budget. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much good 40 boxes could do! There's plenty of food in each box to be shared or to tide someone over for a few meals, if necessary. Plus, if 40 people have a better day from receiving one of these boxes, then they might just spread the joy onto 40 more people, and so on. What I learned from this experience is that there will always be an excuse to not do something, to not help someone, or to just stay silent. But even when we do something small, we not only enrich the lives of those we serve, but we enrich our own. If you are looking for a simple way to serve someone this holiday season, or anytime of year, be sure to check out Light the World. They've listed a lot of great ideas, and even have a (free) downloadable Service Calendar. And remember — sometimes the smallest effort makes the biggest difference. So just do what you can, when you can!
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Health Minister Hon. Dwayne Seymour said his patience is wearing thin on Cayman’s garbage woes and he is pushing new alternatives at the Department of Environmental Health (DEH) to fix the problems. But his proposed solutions are coming with a $2 million price tag, this in the wake of several DEH vehicles remaining on the sidelines. The DEH has been plagued by equipment failures and challenges with staff absenteeism, creating delays in collections, but Minister Seymour said he has a plan. “I’ve already gone to my caucus and made them aware that I may be coming for some additional funds to purchase additional equipment for DEH. We need to spend about $2 million to get some new equipment and repairs,” said Mr. Seymour. “We need to get an actual mechanic hired for DEH so that we don’t have to wait in line along with all the other Government departments vehicles. So we are gonna try and get our own mechanical team which will definitely make us more efficient,” said Mr. Seymour. Back in 2017 Minister Seymour said Government was planning to buy more trucks. He said then that the trucks would solve the woes at the department. But last November he told legislators he was not going to buy any more garbage trucks as they were not necessary. The minister did not share when these changes will kick into gear.
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The VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Hair and Make-up Artistry is a technical certificate qualification aimed at learners aged 16-19 who are in a full-time Level 2 education programme and wish to pursue a career as an employed and/or self-employed hair and make-up artist. Throughout this qualification, learners will develop their knowledge and understanding of relevant anatomy and physiology and health and safety. They will also develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to plan for and provide make-up applications, hair preparation services, fashion and editorial make-up and face and body painting. Learners will develop their abilities to ensure continuity services are adhered to for make-up application and hair services, whilst developing abilities to produce a total look for competition work. In parallel, learners will develop their communication and customer service skills, their awareness of environmental sustainability and their commercial skills, all of which are valued highly by employers. Problem solving, team working and research skills will also be developed. This qualification is the only VTCT Technical Certificate qualification in hair and make-up artistry. It will qualify learners to become employed and/or self employed as a hair and make-up artist.
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At this stage it’s just talk, but when it comes to reform we like the noises that House Speaker Robert A. DeLeo is making. DeLeo went on TV last week and repeated the pledge he made when he was sworn in – that the first order of business for the House in this session will be pension and ethics reform. Specifically, DeLeo took aim at the rule that allows a state employee who works a single day in a calendar year to win a full year’s credit toward his pension. We call it the Jacques loophole, in honor of ex-Sen. Cheryl Jacques, although it has been exploited by so many others. DeLeo also cited the bizarre exception that allowed disgraced ex-Sen. James Marzilli to apply for an inflated pension, simply because of his failure to win re-election. Marzilli didn’t even have to contest the race. But even if he had run and lost, he would have been eligible to apply for the pension bump. Meanwhile DeLeo is talking about a House rule that would limit speakers to serving four two-year terms. Eight years wielding the gavel seems like plenty to us. Where we part ways with DeLeo is in his stated support for a hike in the state gasoline tax. On this the Senate has the better message – reform before revenue. This isn’t groundbreaking stuff. But lawmakers are famously reluctant to adopt sensible reforms if it means taking money out of their own pockets. DeLeo is setting a tone for his Beacon Hill colleagues to follow.
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The foundation stone for India’s first second generation ethanol bio-refinery to be set up by Hindustan Petroleum Corp (HPCL) at Bathinda in Punjab at a cost of Rs 600 crore will be laid on December 25, an official said on Friday. The foundation stone laying ceremony will be held at village Tarkhanwala, in Bathinda district of Punjab, a Petroleum Ministry release here said. “The Government is encouraging production of second generation ethanol from agricultural residues to provide additional sources of remuneration to farmers, address the growing environmental concerns and support the Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) programme,” it said. The Bathinda bio-refinery will produce 100 kilolitres of ethanol per day, or 3.20 crore litres per annum, which may be sufficient to meet the 26 per cent of the ethanol blending requirement of Punjab, it added. According to the Ministry, the proposed bio-refinery will generate employment for about 1,200-1,300 persons in the biomass supply chain and generate an additional income of approximately Rs 20 crore per annum for farmers through purchase of their agriculture residues like sugarcane. “The project shall also help in reducing CO2 emissions from the paddy straw which currently is being burnt after harvesting,” it said. The bio-refinery will also produce about 30,000 tonnes of bio-fertiliser per annum that can be used as soil nutrient. It will also produce more than 1 lakh kilograms of Bio-CNG per annum which can cater to transport and clean cooking requirements. HPCL and other state-run oil firms are setting up 12 2G ethanol bio-refineries across 11 states at an estimated cost of Rs 10,000 crore, the statement said. “These Bio-refineries shall produce around 35- 40 crore litres of ethanol annually, thus contributing significantly towards the EBP programme,” it added.
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Download the Fire Photoshop Action to combine with Storm. Combining these two effects is demonstrated in the above video tutorial. This technique of combining effects can be done with any of the 50+ actions below. Scroll down for the full list of over 50 photo effects. Create an intense storm effect around your subject! What usually can take hours to create can now be done with a few clicks. You have lots of layer control after the action has finished to adjust the design how you wish.
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This necklace calls in the help of Archangel Raguel, known as the angel of harmony, justice, and relationships, whose name means "Friend of God". He is an excellent mediator in relationships, and will help us to draw new friendships based on harmony, trust, and peace, and help us to improve the relationship we have with ourselves. His color is light blue. Turquoise works with Raguel's light blue ray, and is considered a stone of luck and benevolence, that wards off negative energy and opens creativity and communication. Double strand necklace with gold fill chain and lobster clasp, 18K gold plated brass angel wing charm, and 10 mm round antique gold vermeil bezel set turquoise gemstone. Drop lengths of the two strands are 18 inches and 15.5 inches.
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The animations on this page represent sample animations created during all phases of production of the movies. The format will change as more animations and models become available with a single flash container managing all the animations for all the models. The designers at LEGO needed to make their AT-ST stable, but it doesn't work well walking. The range of motion isn't there for smooth motion - so I reworked the design and added a hip joint on both legs. I have a little more work on rigging and then this thing will be walking! When I first started this animation, I thought it would be simple enough. I was wrong and it took a little longer than I expected - but I think it was worth it. I'm going to combine all the movies to one flash interface soon. There are a ton of issues with playback, sound (sorry about that) and general bulk that doesn't need to be there. The LEGO Star Wars AT-ST model seen here was created by modeling each individual unique LEGO brick using instructions from the LEGO set. There are 80 distinct brick types and 239 bricks used to make the 3D model. The original plan was to have it walk, but after working with it for a while now, I've come to realize that I'll have to re-engineer one part to add a joint so that it can move effectively. Copyright © 2008 gone3d productions, All rights reserved.
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Wilhelm Kempff and Karl Muck with the Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam. 2 February 1924. Music performed: Beethoven piano concerto Nr. 5, and Brahms.
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SCHOOL is out today and police are urging families to remain vigilant when travelling over the holidays. Officer-in-charge of Emerald Road Policing Unit Sergeant Brad Weeks said his message for Christmas is to be safe. "If you are going to be driving long distances please plan ahead,” Sgt Weeks said. Sgt Weeks said accidents and receiving a fine are not the only things that can ruin your holiday. "If your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere it can be very distressing and even dangerous,” he said. "Have a quick check of your vehicle before you leave. Sgt Weeks also wanted to remind families who have a learner driver to not let them drive a long distance without regular breaks. "It's very important to give them as much experience as possible and I know they need to get their hours up, but don't forget that they are still learning,” Sgt Weeks said.
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A discografia de Michelle Wright, cantora canadiana de country, consiste em sete álbuns de estúdio, três coletâneas, quarenta e um singles oficiais e dezassete vídepclipes. ^ "Take It Like a Man" também alcançou a posição de número #52 na parada da RPM. 1993 "He Would Be Sixteen" 1995 "Safe in the Arms of Love" 1997 "What Love Looks Like" 1999 "When I Found You" "I Know Santa's Been Here" 2006 "Joy to the World" "I Wish I Were Only Lonely" · "Rock Me Gently" · "New Kind of Love" · "All You Really Wanna Do" · "Take It Like a Man" · "One Time Around" · "He Would Be Sixteen" · "Guitar Talk" · "Now and Then" · "One Good Man" · "The Wall" · "Safe in the Arms of Love" · "Nobody's Girl" · "Crank My Tractor" · "The Answer Is Yes" · "What Love Looks Like" · "When I Found You" · "I Surrender"
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NEW BEDFORD — As her School Committee term wound down this week, two-term committee member Marlene Pollock looked back on a tenure that saw big reforms in the school system. In an interview with The Standard-Times Thursday, she described some of her accomplishments as increasing awareness for English language learners and drawing attention to school suspensions, which she said was being used inappropriately as a disciplinary tool. Pollock, a Bristol Community College professor, said she also sought to increase family involvement and professional development for teachers. In 2007, Pollock, the co-founder of the Coalition for Social Justice, a grassroots anti-poverty political organization, decided to run her own campaign for the committee "to be a voice for parents and students who felt their needs were not being met." She said she believed the New Bedford system at the time was "mired in cronyism, mediocrity, and discriminatory practices" and she set out to change it. There was big change in the school department during Pollock's two terms. She served under five separate superintendents and a state-mandated turnaround plan for both the Parker Street elementary school and the high school. Pollock said she supports Superintendent Dr. Pia Durkin, who came to New Bedford after being praised for helping turn around the Attleboro system, and credits her with "steering this ship to safe harbors." She said under Durkin there is "less cronyism" — people who obtained their jobs in the system because of who they knew than before. Not everyone, connected to the New Bedford system, however, saw Pollock as serving the schools well. Lou St. John, president of the New Bedford Educators Association, said she had been "a disaster on the School Committee." On Wednesday, Pollock and St. John traded bars on Brian Thomas' WBSM-AM 1420 radio talk show "Brian's Beat." During an outgoing interview with Pollock, St. John called in, criticizing her for what he described as her failure to listen to, and heed, the challenges for teachers. "I believe wholeheartedly that Marlene Pollock never supported teacher concerns," said St. John. "We brought numerous concerns to her. She has dismissed every one of our concerns. She denied every grievance we ever brought." St. John added that Pollock "had not been involved in anything that has helped our students" and that she has been a "rubber stamp for each superintendent." Pollock argued that she was "in touch with teachers all along." "There are teachers who were fine with the status quo and others who were upset with what was happening," she said. "It's all about perspective. The problem with big school districts is there are so many moving parts and so many different perspectives." With Pollock's departure, the school board's dynamic may change. New member Chris Cotter, who campaigned on pro-teacher policies, has already criticized the administration. Two weeks ago, at the December committee meeting, he used the public comment session to complain that teachers "are being bombarded with endless initiatives." Cotter said he has talked to about 75 to 100 teachers who before they can fully learn one initiative are switched to something else. Mayor Jon Mitchell, ex-officio chairman of the committee, came to Pollock's defense at the same meeting. “Marlene has had a profound impact on the transition of the school system,” said Mitchell. “She devoted herself to high standards and the idea that New Bedford kids can learn just as much as kids anywhere else. She never wavered in that devotion."
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While exploring Bowe Bergdahl's time in captivity — and particularly his captors — the fourth episode of Serial, released Thursday, got into the Taliban-Pakistan relationship, some complicated territory in international relations. The two sides have at times conflicting priorities, but Pakistan will often ignore Taliban activity for their own best interest. As Sarah Koenig explores, the sect of the Taliban that held Bergdahl, the Haqqani Network, operates largely within Pakistan. The Taliban is a large group and the Haqqanis technically are part of the bigger umbrella, which is led by Mullah Akhtar Mansour. According to the Institute for the Study of War, though, the Haqqanis "maintain distinct command and control, and lines of operations." The report says the group is considered the most "experienced and sophisticated insurgent organizations" in Afghanistan. But their home base is in North Waziristan, Pakistan, where Bergdahl was mostly held. The New York Times article on the Haqqanis calls them "the Sopranos of the Afghanistan war." They are one family working in the varied businesses of kidnapping, extortion, smuggling, and — believe it or not — trucking. In the Pakistani town of Miranshah, they have set up their own mini-country with courts, tax offices, and radical madrasa schools that train more fighters. You'd think this might give Pakistan some pause, seeing as they want their own government, not the current Western-allied Pakistani government. But The Times' Haqqani exposé goes on to explain how Pakistan has supported them and used them. American officials accuse the Haqqanis as being a for-hire army that is contracted by the Pakistani intelligence agency to carry out attacks in Kabul and Afghanistan that are in Pakistan's best interest. Many American officials say there is little hope of Pakistan changing course, the Times reported. "Some have become convinced that after 10 years, it's a bridge too far to try to change Pakistan's strategic calculus," Col. Bob Cassidy told The Times. He served in Kabul as a top aide to a senior American military commander there. Some experts say that their relationship is a result of Pakistan wanting more control in Afghanistan. Carlotta Gall, a Times journalist, said on PBS NewsHour that Pakistan pushes the Taliban to do what it wants inside its neighbor. The group, she said, is "pushed in to get leverage over Afghanistan, to have control and have a proxy army there for Pakistan"s benefit." The relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan is also complicated. The two share many commonalities — historical, religious, and ethnolinguistic — among the Pashtun people that live in both countries, for example. They are also both U.S. allies. On paper, this sort of thing shouldn't be happening, but Pakistan has worried about its neighbor since the Soviets invaded. They also worry Afghanistan could grow to friendly with India, its biggest rival. The second season of Serial focuses on Bergdahl, the accused Army deserter who spent five years as a Taliban captive before the White House negotiated his release in May 2014. In December Bergdahl was court-martialed and charged with desertion and endangering troops; the maximum sentence would be life in prison. He deferred entering a plea, meaning he neither pled "guilty" nor "not guilty." Bergdahl’s next hearing is Tuesday, Jan. 12.
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For many years, people have been coming to the Red Rocks of Sedona on a Sacred Spiritual journey. Thousands of years ago, people felt the energies of the ground and lived around the edges of Sedona in the cliffs. They utilized the energies in ceremonies, processes, and journeys to create peace and tranquility. The ruins around Sedona give evidence of the people who lived in Sedona for during this time. Spirituality comes in many forms. The land is filled with transformational energies that people seek while they visit Sedona. The beauty carries mystical energies of the Ancients, Wisdom Keepers, and history of the land and journeys. Each tour is unique and developed to be personalized to your interests. Since spirituality comes in many forms, this journey is to meet you where you are at and offer assistance to move forward in your path. This tour will give opportunities to create memorable experiences as you travel through the magical vortexes of Sedona. Sedona is divided into four sections - The Oak Creek Canyon area, West Sedona, South Sedona, and North Sedona. Each region has different energies and vortexes. Pick the places you want to go to or let the guide assist you in planning the journey through Sedona. Aligning Light Store or your hotel in Sedona.
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There are many ways on how you paraphrase a paragraph and it is important that you are able to understand the proper usage of words as to attract the interest of your readers. Another thing that you should remember would be to start early in order for you to make sure that your final texts will be of premium quality. Time is crucial especially when you are paraphrasing lengthy documents which is why if you are in dire need of expert help, do not hesitate to avail our professional help on how to paraphrase an essay. Probably the most widespread nowadays becomes the kind of international plagiarism. Intentional plagiarism is claiming sole authorship of a work that you know to have been largely written by someone else, as defined in Duke University. If you feel like quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing is still a mystery for you after the advice given watch this informative video that will equip you will essential knowledge. Our company is one of the leading services online that can give you paraphrasing assistance anytime and anywhere you need. We have the best team of writers and editors online that are more than willing to extend their professional help in order to effectively paraphrase a paragraph. We only hire writers with vast experience and background on how to paraphrase a paragraph which makes it all the most efficient on your part to enjoy our services. Save yourself the hassle and simply hire our writers online for top notch texts! What makes us the best solution for those who are struggling with paraphrasing their papers is that we offer convenient assistance to all. We are constantly looking for better, newer approach as for you to avail paraphrasing help that will surely attain your specific needs. If you have limited knowledge on how to paraphrase a paragraph, our company is available 24/7 as to give you top notch paraphrasing help online. Do you need help on paraphrasing a paragraph? Seek help online from professional writers and enjoy our premium services! Our paraphrasing a paragraph tool helps eliminate mistakes and improves your grammar and writing skills!
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At first glance, the name Airsim720 may sound familiar, and that’s because it is! Sim720 has joined up with full-motion sim creator Airsim Popham to bring the Comco Ikarus C42 to FSX. The C42 is a single engine, two seat light-sport aircraft used for flight training, sightseeing, and more! The aircraft is said to be releasing at RIAT this year and has it’s flight dynamics approved by actual Comco test pilots. The aircraft is expected to be approved for real world pilot training as well. Should be interesting to see what comes of this project. To view the team’s Facebook page, please click here.
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Affordable Mountain VIEW - Winter or Summer there is nothing like heading up UP and away into the mountains. Come and explore the options on this .38 ac lot. The community has a family-friendly vibe, top-rated school district, easily accessible and close to Pueblo, the views are stunning and is the perfect location to build. This ticks ALL the boxes for an unforgettable mountain retreat. Come and see this affordable mountain view, where the welcome is warm, and the scenery is second to NONE.
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Many who seek the freedom through FIRE are loving the way of slow life. Not having the urge to tick every box, the hassle when you go out, or the need to plan everything due the limited time you have available. January is one of those months where it feels like the daily life is getting by slowly. Then again, after the speed lane called December. Everything feels like a slow month. It’s just getting back to normal. You could question how normal our lives really are. Everybody working their way to financial independence aren’t doing the ‘normal stuff’. They take side-routes, alternative ways and think of new methods to ditch the 9-to-5 route a lot of ‘normal’ people are taking. Three years ago that side-route opened up for us as well. Starting with index trackers, then entering dividend growth investing. And now… Real estate investors working on growing that not so passive income. It’s one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions and a commonly broken one as well. While numerous investors, big time entrepreneurs and other successful persons swear by it, it is not always that easy to follow suit. We’re talking about reading books, obviously. Everybody wants to do it more often, but (almost) never get around to it. I’ve been saying for over a year that I want to read more, and partially I did. I read massive amounts of blog post since I started blogging myself, more then I would even hold imaginable. But reading books has become neglected because of it. So, what happened? Why didn’t I ‘just start’ reading more? Just setting the goal to read more isn’t magically going to help you to actually read more. But that’s about to change. With the holidays behind us, our lives slowly return to our regular daily routines. Some of you might have had some time off while others were working in quiet offices. Nonetheless, it’s always a different vibe around Christmas and New Years. Our habit to reflect on the past and make plans for the future around new years might be a whole lot older than we think. The month of January is named after the Roman god Janus. He had two faces – one looking to the future and one to the past at the same time – is one of the oldest god known to man and one of the most famous one as well, back in the day. Many referred to him as the god of beginnings, the light, movement, transitions, change, or the passing of time. His resemblance was used to portray doors, entrances, banners and of course: money. In essence, he became a symbol of the progress from past to future. And as we enter January goals and resolutions are being set for a new year. That what we have learned from our reflection is turned into plans to make it an even better year to come. It’s an old habit we can’t get rid off, apparently. The motivation that drives us to financial independence is the will to create a different life for ourselves. Different from the status quo, and one where we are in better control of how and on what we spend our time. To pursue total freedom and independence of somebody you have to work for in order to get money. And one of the most important question for many FIRE seekers is: what are you going to do post-FIRE? Since that is where you’ll path will lead you. This question has kept me busy for a while, and so far the best answer I got is: doing more of whatever we want to. It could literally be anything, as long as it is of value to us. Not very concrete, but then again we would just do more of the things we love and less of the things we don’t. I’m hooked. I always thought podcasts were fun to listen to and hid a world of information. And it is! I started listening to podcasts around 9 months ago but got into speed dial when I got a longer commute since the past month or so. The best thing about podcasts, besides that you can listen to it anywhere and everywhere, is that it’s both entertaining and could provide some amazing insights. Most of the times we celebrate things, it’s about major milestones. Like a 30th birthday, or maybe a new job, getting married or reaching 100k of portfolio worth. On the other side, we never forget the major downfalls either, like the 1987 market crash, breaking up with someone or getting fired. The crash of 1987 was the latest real depression so you could say. It also happened to be my birth year. As you can guess, today is my 30th birthday. And turning 30 is what many calls, the point of no return. You’re officially a responsible adult (or you should be) and you’re officially old. When you’re are actually 30 (or past it) you probably know it’s not that black and white. And instead of celebrating it big, I do something different.
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Easter is the unofficial gateway into the spring season. When the snow melts to the tune of birds chirping, we can barely contain our excitement. Instead of grabbing a box of Peeps and calling it a day, try one of these Easter crafts for a dose of classic whimsy. Each project is affordable, adorable, and downright festive. Bring on the showers and flowers, please! Easter typically involves a treat...or five. It’s also prime time to exercise your creative spirit. To wrap up sweets in a beautiful way, store them in these personalized candy nests by Coco and Mingo. Even if you gift inexpensive drugstore candy, your recipients will still adore the extra effort. The “nest” stuffing opens up the door for some seriously creative possibilities. Fill them with natural excelsior or try shredding old brown bags. Or paint old papers before cutting them into small pieces. Have some old tissue paper? You can use that, too. A quick search for “spring line drawings” or “flower motifs” can spark some ideas for calligraphy and design inspiration. Not the drawing type? That’s where supplies such as stencils and decals come in. You got this, lady. Looking for a luxe look? Go metallic. This trend-turned-staple is ideal for amping up your Easter décor’s posh factor. All it takes is some eggs, pins, spray paint, and help from the 79 Ideas blog. Using a traditional egg-emptying technique, this project lets you re-use remnants of Sunday brunch prep. And since metallic spray paint is available in a variety of finishes, you can customize to your heart’s content. Silver, copper, and bronze are all stunning options. Take another cue from 79 Ideas and turn one into a mini planter! Marshmallows are the dream ingredient of every holiday. They’re versatile, cheap, and tasty (Dandie&apos;s Vegan Marshmallows are our lifestyle editor&apos;s fave). They also make embellishing drinks oh-so-easy, thanks to Studio DIY. Using food coloring and standard kitchen equipment, you&apos;ll sweeten things up in the simplest way. For full-fledged Easter vibes, opt for a palette of pastels by adding a little more water than the recipe calls for. This technique will dilute the colors, creating soft spring versions. Want to take things up a notch? After dyeing your marshmallows, dip them in edible glitter or sprinkles to add a playful, festive touch that will rival even the fanciest drink stirrers. Get ready to impress your guests–and yourself–with this brilliant brownie idea by La Receta de Felicidad. It all comes down to a classic craft technique and some foodie innovation that&apos;ll give the Easter bunny a run for his money. For a holiday-approved alternative, try piping carrot cake batter into the eggshells; lemon and vanilla cakes are yummy options too. If you’re up for the challenge, add a different batter to each shell. Friends and family will love cracking open the hidden treasures. You can also brighten up this project with food coloring. After the brownies bake and cool down, dye the eggs using traditional coloring techniques. You can also leave them au naturale, setting up a sweet surprise for breakfast. For table decor that’s functional and chic, try your hand at these place cards by Camille Styles. Your guests will be greeted with a cloud of herbal aromas as they take a seat. If you don’t want to hand write the name tags, simply print them out at home. Choose a font that is airy, simple, and feminine. Separating Aunt Marge from cousin Bob has never looked better. The holiday wouldn’t be complete without a decadent chocolate treat. Something has to wash down that savory Easter lunch, after all. Move over, store-bought sweets. Make these easy mini s’mores-inspired cups by in-house chef Chelsie Jangord with Dandies Marshmallows instead. You only need four ingredients and twenty-five minutes of prep, meaning that you can whip them up last minute. And because they use coconut oil as a thinning agent, you’ll even get a dose of healthy fats. Win! A welcoming holiday wreath is something special. It creates an inviting atmosphere for your family and guests. Fortunately, Alisa Burke, the mastermind behind this butcher paper version, proves even the simplest materials can transform into a breathtaking piece. It comes down to how you use your materials. She demonstrates just how beautiful scrunching up paper can be. All you need to do is scrunch, glue, and scrunch some more–seriously. And since this technique is so forgiving, there’s no "right" way to do it. The best part? It&apos;s a great group craft project that will last season after season. For total rock star status, try your hand at homemade marshmallow eggs à la Mel’s Kitchen Café slathered in a shell of bittersweet chocolate. Drooling yet? This DIY may seem intimidating, but they’re surprisingly easy to make. We recommend reading the entire tutorial beforehand. Top off your finished batch or glorious gooey eggs with drizzles of pastel-colored candy melts. Please excuse us while we lick the bowl. Along with egg hunts and Sunday dresses, gift baskets are a long-time Easter tradition. While they’re usually designed for children, it’s possible to give them an adult upgrade. That’s where Tessa Lindsay Garcia&apos;s clever concept comes in. The key is to gather a medley of classy and tasteful items. To channel all things spring, choose light colors, airy scents, and sweet flavors. Her original inspiration project boasts beautiful ideas: neutral nail polishes, feminine candles, and a big bottle of bubbly. Air plants and seed packets emphasize a spring theme. You can even include a mini bouquet of white roses or daisies. Of course, we can’t forget about the sweets. You can even include a few of those mini cookie butter cups. DIY holiday cred, check! If you don&apos;t have time to make your own chocolate eggs and bunnies, go for slightly “fancier” brands such as Lindt. There’s nothing more playful than a classic piñata. For an Easter-approved spin on this party staple, try your hand at these precious piñata eggs by A Subtle Revelry. Combine different colors of Italian crepe paper to create a color scheme that suits your taste and style. The tutorial recommends constructing these in an assembly line, which makes this an excellent group activity. You can even get little ones involved; they’ll love being a part of the group. In place of traditional candy, these pint-sized piñatas are jam-packed with confetti. Save some cash by shredding up junk mail and leftover crepe paper. It’s a chic way to recycle whatever you have on hand. With these ten creative ideas, you can spring into the new season with style. Dress up in your Sunday best, and you’re good to go. Happy Easter!
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There’s a lipstick for all! but above all in learning how to apply it! This is why we thought we’d give you a mini guide for lipsticks by puroBio cosmetics. First of all, it is very important that your lips are properly moisturized and have no pellicles. Then, we suggest you apply a light scrub on your lips or otherwise simply brush them lightly with a toothbrush, and then moisturize them with a good lip balm or with your favourite vegetable oil. Our lipsticks are available in both lip pencil and in the new stick form. The formulations enable to obtain a different finish according to the look you want or your needs or preference. Lip pencils have different textures and finishes depending on the pigment, which affects the creaminess giving a semi-glossy or matte effect. All 100% natural products can have these tollerances, because the ingredients they contain are not inert like lacquers of other synthetic ingredients, but are very sensitive and never identical. Like for the lip pencil, also our lipsticks vary but all have a semi-matte finish with the exception of No. 2 which has a translucent finish. An eventual opaqueness of the stick is to be attributed to the ingredients, silica in this case, but also to the temperatures that may affect the product. For a correct application of lipstick, be it pencil or stick, it is important to contour the lips with a matching lip pencil. The pencil is fundamental in order to obtain a defined contour. You can also use a lip pencil to fill in, for a more lasting effect as well as for obtaining a fuller colour. Start by tracing cupid’s arch and the joining the outline starting from the outer corner of the upper lip. For the lower lip start from the middle and join to the corners of the mouth. Apply the lipstick with the aid of our 6 lip brush, for a more accurate application. Also, thanks to the compact bristles the lipstick is applied and pressed, giving a more long-lasting effect. If we want to obtain long lasting effect of our puroBIO cosmetics, we suggest fixing with our brand new Loose powder primer. Apply our primer directly on the lips. This application will last longer and will give the lipstick a super matte finish. If you like a super precise and defined effect, you can use our SUBLIME concealer. Take a small quantity of product from the back of your hand. Using our n.05 brush, clean and define the outer contour of your lips blending outwards. You can see our new LIPSTICKs at work in the video tutorial below. Fateci sapere nei commenti se usate qualcuna di queste tecniche e come vi siete trovate! Let us have your comments if you use any of these techniques and give us your opinion! Or else, suggest other advice for lips on fleek! And follow us on our social network to keep up to date!
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Death comes for poet Geoffrey Chaucer. During the Hundred Years' War, Henry V of England and his lightly armoured infantry and archers defeated the heavily armoured French cavalry in the Battle of Agincourt on Saint Crispin's Day. Lord James Cardigan leads the Charge of the Light Brigade over open terrain against well-defended Russian artillery at Balaclava during the Crimean War. His brigade, mostly armed with swords, will lose nearly half of the 673 troops in the charge. Painter Pablo Picasso born in Málaga, Spain. Director, producer, and screenwriter Abel Gance (Napoleon) born in Paris. Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovitch born in St. Petersburg, Russia. Poet John Berryman born in McAlester, Oklahoma. Author Harold Brodkey (The Runaway Soul) born in Staunton, Illinois. Author Anne Tyler (The Accidental Tourist) born in Hennepin County, Minnesota. Poet & biographer Daniel Mark Epstein born in Washington D. C. Death comes for mob boss Albert Anastasia while sitting in the barber chair at the Park Sheraton Hotel in Manhattan. He lunges for his assailants but it is only their reflection in the barbers mirror.
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There are hundreds of different birds in South Africa. Some of them have appeared on our postage stamps. To answer the questions, study the stamps and the pictures for clues. Then see if you can find the right path in the maze that will lead the bird called a lilac-breasted roller to her nest and the bearded vulture to a branch to sit on. You are not allowed to cross any lines on your way.
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Death's Gambit's trailer is promising! Picture if you will, intuitive Dark Souls-esque combat with fluid movements and precise attacks, with the amazing boss fights from Shadow of the Colossus; and what you have is White Rabbit’s offering to the gaming industry: Death’s Gambit. White Rabbit is an up and coming indie game studio in Los Angeles, California and have been working on the game for two years! The team has just put out a trailer showing a very fluid and succinct game that shows a lot of promise! The footage isn’t finalised but if it’s anything like this upon release or even better, than I’m very excited! The art style looks incredible; very dynamic backgrounds, some slick attack animations, and a whole load of very unique looking monsters. I am very much looking forward to this and will be keeping an eye on development for Death’s Gambit for the next few months to see the progress. The game will be showcased at PAX east. So for the people going to the event; definitely take a look at this game while you’re there!
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Didn't get the right answer you were looking for Post your question. This is absolutely fake.. Not only does Black Spider 25 include Ephedra, but it also includes vitamins and herbs to support the body's health as it begins to lose weight. Have one to sell? This product is non-returnable Return Policy on this item This item is non-returnable.
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Orson Scott Card quote: "Ethan Wyeth: I hope you're thirsty." Ethan Wyeth: I hope you're thirsty." KATIE MCGARRY Life without Ethan was something worse than a nightmare. KAMI GARCIA Don't run away. J.R.R. TOLKIEN I'm a little thirsty, can I go drink out of your toilet? C.S. LEWIS I will miss you, doodle dog," Ethan said to me. TIM MCGRAW I drink because I'm thirsty. SHANE MACGOWAN Gideon laughed. "I like to be direct." PROVERB There was no end date for her sentence in this place. She was a lifer. BLAKE CROUCH I can't believe you didn't tell me you have a phone." JILL MYLES I love like I’m thirsty. Can I offer you a tall glass of Sahara sand?
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INDUSTRY.co.id - Depok - Prosecutor General First Travel case will call for Syahrini artist because twice called to witness never came. "It has been twice that Syahrini is scheduled to attend the hearing, but he never came, we will call forcibly," said the General Prosecutor General Coordinator (AGU) Herry Germany, before the trial begins at the Depok District Court on Wednesday (21/3/2018). The prosecutor has twice called Syahrini on Wednesday (14/3) and Wednesday (21/3), but Syahrini did not meet the prosecutor's call. Herry said the reason Syahrini not meet the call because it is still in europe for work purposes. "He has contracts to settle in Europe," he said. For that, Herry said his party will call him back on April 2, 2018. Herry hope Syahrini can come to explain what really happened. "He should be able to explain whether true news circulating in the media," he told the media crew.
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SDNEDC can help you carry out real estate searches throughout San Diego County. We can conduct these screens anonymously for you and pre-vet sites or connect you with local economic developers in specific cities. We are able to engage partners to identify locations that may not yet be listed on real estate search engines. We can then work with you to identify the key actors involved in permitting and regulatory matters to help facilitate your investment into North County. SDNEDC is here to help your business access state, local, and federal incentive programs. For help applying to any of these incentive programs, please contact us directly to schedule a consultation appointment. A tax exemption reduces the amount of tax paid at the time of purchase. This sales tax exemption applies to the state portion of sales tax currently at 3.9375%, reducing the total sales tax paid in North County from 7.75% to 4.8125% on qualified property. Qualified purchases made under construction contracts for tenant or infrastructure improvements are also eligible for the same partial sales tax exemption of 3.9375%. For example, qualified purchases include special purpose buildings and foundations used as an integral part of the manufacturing, processing, refining, fabricating, or recycling process, or that constitute a research or storage facility used during those processes, and qualified materials and fixtures. This tax credit is a negotiated credit, meaning the State, economic developers and private sector businesses will submit an application that assess the costs and benefits of each business expansion. There will be an estimated 200 million of tax credits available per year to assist in creating and maintaining jobs in California. The SDNEDC staff can help you submit the online application. Each year, more than 12 billion dollars in Research & Development Tax Credits are funneled back to US businesses at the federal level, and the tax credits are also available in California. Companies across numerous industries can qualify for the R&D incentive as long as the companies have engaged in activities that result in a new/ improved product (quality, reliability, performance, feature sets, etc.), or in a new/improved process. The CAEATFA is providing a sales and use tax exclusion (full rate, including local and district taxes) on qualifying property that is used in the design, manufacture, production, or assembly of “advanced transportation technologies or alternative energy source products, components, or systems,” or “clean technology”. The tax exemption takes place at the time of the qualified equipment purchase. Before one is able to make tax exempt purchases of clean-tech qualifying equipment, they must get their application approved by the CAEATFA. This program replaced the CA Enterprise Zone Tax Credit. It is not as robust as the Enterprise Zone program but is worth considering. Eligible businesses could generate up to $112,000 in tax credits per year from this program by hiring 10 new qualified employees. Serving qualified sites within North County, this extension of the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) program offers international traders, importers and exporters outstanding opportunities to take advantage of special customs privileges. These incentives can lower barriers to trade, improve cash flow and enhance your company’s profits while giving you a competitive edge in the global marketplace. The Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ) is a California state program aimed to simultaneously reduce landfill waste and encourage manufacturing. North County is one of several designated RMDZs in the state of California, and as a result, North County businesses that can demonstrate that they are recycling paper, plastic, glass and/or organic material are eligible for low-interest loans and technical assistance. The America’s Job Center of California (AJCC), San Diego, works with local with local businesses offering a variety of services from pre-screening candidates for open positions, to offering interview facilities and support services for job seekers. All services at the AJCC are offered to businesses and job seekers FREE of charge, and tax credits and wage subsidies may be available for employees hired through AJCC. Participation in these workforce development programs can mean a significant return to your business, and the SDNEDC is happy to introduce local companies to the center. WOTC is a federal tax credit for companies who hire new employees from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment. The maximum tax credit ranges from $1,200 to $9,600, depending on the employee hired. The Veteran Opportunity to Work (VOW) to Hire Heroes Act of 2011 extended and expanded the WOTC Qualified Veterans target group. SDNEDC features a rotating list of properties available for purchase or lease from throughout North County. To inquire about having a property listed on these pages please email a request to [email protected]. First preference is provided to SDNEDC investor companies and after that, properties whose occupancy will have a positive catalytic impact on the immediate surrounding neighborhood. Located in the heart of the Historic Downtown District is a 12,290 SF property for office, medical, and retail uses. Available now through July 2027, this property features a private patio area, 36 on-site parking stalls, a lift to the 2nd floor, and more. Located in Escondido’s industrial area at the intersection of the 15 and 78 Freeways is a 2,362 square foot industrial building with warehouse and office space.This property is surrounded by a multitude of businesses, shopping centers, and restaurants.The M-1 zoning allows for almost all industrial uses, plus the designated office space in the building can be reconfigured or removed. North City in San Marcos continues to grow with the new CSU San Marcos Extended Studies building recently celebrating its topping off. With a variety of office leasing opportunities, the mixed-use master planned community is becoming one of North County’s premiere work, play, live neighborhoods. For more information or to inquire as to leasing opportunities, please visit this link.
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As a children’s book editor, I’ve helped hundreds of authors write, edit and publish their children’s book. Anyone can sit down and dash out a children’s book, and with a little help and guidance, yours can be good enough to earn the attention of thousands of children. And nothing beats the feeling of holding your printed book in your hands and reading it to a child for the first time. Follow these 12 steps and you’ll get there in no time. And if you just have a few questions about what to do with your children’s book, skip to the end and read the commonly asked questions. I probably address what you’re wondering about, and if not, leave a comment and I’ll answer it! Okay, buckle up and get ready! These are the 12 steps to writing a children’s book. Google “children’s book” and a phrase that describes your book. Once you’ve found books that are similar, look at the summary of those books. Figure out how your book is different than the published ones. This might seem commonsense to check what’s already out there before putting all your time and energy into a book, but so many authors don’t do it! This is just basic research that you can do in 2 minutes that will give you a sense of competing books. When I lead most authors through this process, they discover that their idea has already been written about. Now, that’s not necessarily a bad thing — actually, it’s proof that children want to read about their topic! The trick is to have one twist for your story that makes it different. If it’s a story about bullying, perhaps your book tells the story from the point of view of the bully! Or if it’s a story about a dog, make this dog a stray or blind in one eye. Maybe your story is different because you have a surprise at the end, or maybe it’s different because it’s for an older or younger age group, or your character has a magical guide like a fairy or elf to lead them through their journey. Just add one twist that distinguishes it from other books. I edit hundreds of children’s books every year, and the best books have unique characters. They are quirky in some way. They have a funny habit. They look strange. They talk differently than everyone else. But when I see a book where the main character is indistinguishable from every child that I know, that worries me. You don’t want a character who stands in for every child, you want a main character that feels REAL. My advice would be to go through a character questionnaire and figure out how much you know about your character. What does your main character desire? What is their best/worst habit? Are they an extrovert or introvert? Do they doubt themselves or do they have too much bravery? What makes your main character feel happiest? Do they have any secrets? What would this character do that would be very out of character? What is one thing this character loves that most people dislike? I give you a thousand gold ribbons. Your character probably feels like a real person to you. Great job! You have thought deeply about your character. Take a few more character questionnaires before you start writing. If you’d like more questions, I have an expanded version of this questionnaire in my course. What’s the right word count for your book? This is probably the most common question I get asked, and it’s also the one that most writers get wrong. Ultimately, you need to figure out what age range you’re writing for, and then write within that word count. Most writers are writing picture books ages 3 – 7 — that’s the most common category. If that’s you, then shoot for 750 words. That’s the sweet spot. If you write a picture book more than 1000 words, you’re sunk. You absolutely have to keep it under 1000 words. It’s the most unyielding rule in the entire industry. Seriously, take out all the red pens and slash and dash until you’ve whittled it down. Many unpublished children’s books fail to grab the child and parent’s attention, and that’s because they start too slow. If your story is about a child joining a circus, they should join on the first or second page. Don’t give backstory about this child’s life. Don’t set the scene or tell us what season it is. Just have the circus come into town, and as soon as possible, have the child become a clown or tightrope walker or lion tamer. You have such a short space to tell your story that you can’t waste any time. The pacing of children’s stories generally moves lickety-quick, so don’t write at a tortoise pace. For instance, look at the picture book HippoSPOTamus. When do you think the hippo discovers the red spot on her bottom? Yep, it’s on the first page. And that event launches the entire story. Start your book that quickly as well. Every character has a problem. It could be a mystery, it could be a person, it could be a crisis of confidence. That problem is what they will struggle against for the entire book. The majority of the book will be obstacles the main character has to hurdle before they can solve their problem. The character solves the problem too easily. Make your character really struggle and fail. Ideally, the main character should fail at least three times before solving this problem, and perhaps fail as many times as five (if you’re writing for older children). There are not a series of obstacles. On the character’s way to solving the problem, the main character should run up against a whole bunch of obstacles. Don’t have him defeat a single obstacle and then voila! Problem is solved. To build a rocket ship to fly to space, the main character should lose some parts, his mother should call him for dinner, his friend should tell him it won’t work, it should rain, etc. The character doesn’t care enough about solving the problem. This has to be a HUGE problem for the child — they have to feel like it’s a matter of life and death, even if the actual problem is only a missing button. As long as the child feels like it’s a huge problem, the reader will feel like it’s a huge problem. Children love repetition! Parents love repetition! Publishers love repetition! If you’re not repeating something in your children’s book, it’s not going to be a great children’s book. I mean, all of Dr. Seuss is basically built upon repetition (and he’s pretty much the godfather of children’s books). Any book that rhymes is using repetition of similar words, and I would argue that story structure repetition is even more important than language repetition. And if you want to learn more about repetition, both in terms of how to repeat words/phrases and have a structure that repeats, please check out my children’s book course, “Two Weeks to Your Best Children’s Book.” It’s a series of 30 videos that you can take at your own pace, and learn everything you need to know about how to write a children’s book. One of the main jobs of the writer is to set up the illustrator for success. But so many writers aren’t thinking about what kind of material they’re giving to the illustrator. If you have a book that takes place inside a house between two characters, the illustrator is really going to struggle to draw something visually interesting. A good illustrator can radically improve your book, but they’re also working with what you give them. So give them more. Get out in the open rather than being inside (wheat fields are more entertaining than a bedroom). Remember, a publisher isn’t only evaluating your book on the words alone. They’re thinking about the combination between your words and an illustrator’s pictures. And if you don’t provide a solid half with the words, they’re going to say no. And if you’re self-publishing, good visuals are much more fun for the child! Once the main problem of the story is resolved (the cat is found, the bully says he’s sorry, the two girls become friends again) you only have a page or two to finish the book. Since the story is done, there’s no longer any tension for the reader, which means they don’t have much incentive to keep reading. So do them a favor and end the book as quickly as possible. Basically, you want to provide a satisfying conclusion and wrap up all the storylines. One of my favorite tricks for an ending is a technique that stand-up comedians use called a “Call Back.” This is when they reference a joke from earlier in their set to finish out their routine. Now you may say: why are we figuring out the title after we do all the writing? Good question. The truth is that many writers don’t know the essence of their story until after they write the book. So you can have a temporary title, but just know that you’ll probably revise it after you finish. And revising is fine! Everybody revises. Don’t be afraid to change your title multiple times until you hit the exact right one. Also, the title is the number one marketing tool of your book. Most readers decide whether or not to pick up your book from the title alone. That means choosing a title might be the most important thing you do (although it’s probably a tie with choosing an illustrator). Use Similar First Letters (Alliteration). Say your book is about Amy’s adventure finding a whole meadow full of poppies, and how she befriended a mouse there. Don’t Use a Descriptive Title. Many people just describe the contents of their book in the title, but I would warn against this. For instance, there’s a book about a boy who is searching through a vast library to find a special book about eternal life. What would you title this book? Do: “How to Live Forever” (This is the actual title, and it’s great. This is the name of the book the boy is searching for, and it lets the reader know there will be some deep topics discussed). Use an Action Title. You want energy in your title. A lackluster title will spoil your book’s chances for sure. That means you want fun active verbs inside your title rather than passive ones. Do: “Captain Johnny Defeats Dr. Doom” (Captain Johnny makes it more playful, we have the active verb of “defeat” and Dr. Doom uses alliteration). Google “Children’s Book [Your Title]”.You want to see if the title is already taken (or if there is a title that is too close). Now say your perfect title is already used. Can you still use that title? Well, yes. People actually can’t copyright titles. But you’ll have a hard time distinguishing your book from that book, so it’s not always the best idea. Test Your Title with Children and Adults. It’s important to see how children react to your title. Are they excited? Do they seem bored? But remember that children aren’t the ones buying books — parents are. So many sure to bounce it off some adults as well and get their reaction. Most unpublished picture books are far too wordy. In fact, if you talk to publishers and agents, they will say that children’s books being too long is one of the main things that makes them reject a book. In other words, you highlight it and hover over the delete button (this is the “walking the plank” moment) and ask yourself: if I cut this, will the story no longer make sense? If the story will still make sense, then PUSH that phrase/sentence off the plank and delete it. If the story will not make sense, then that word or phrase or sentence gets a reprieve (at least in this round of editing!). In general, the shorter your children’s book is, the better chance that publishers/agents will like it and the better chance you’ll have of pleasing children and parents (not to mention shorter books are cheaper to illustrate — and illustration is expensive!). Once you’ve written your book, you really need to get an expert’s opinion to help you improve it. An editor will be the best investment in your book. After all, I know you love what you’ve written, but there are so many tricks and techniques to writing that can improve the experience of the reader, and that’s why you need an editor. There are two different types of children’s book editors. First, there are developmental editors (also called content editors). These are the editors who help you improve the story concept, the plot, the characters, the pacing, and whatever else needs to be improved. They look at the big picture and help you revise your book. After you use a developmental editor, then you would need a copy editor (also called proofreader). This is the editor who fixes all the formatting, grammar, spelling, verb tenses, style, and all the other small details. They make your book look professional. Sometimes you’ll find an editor who can do both, but you can’t do both at the same time — you have to make all the big picture revisions before you start tinkering with all the small details. Here is a handy checklist when looking for an editor. Your editor should be someone who has been in the industry for a good while. Your editor should have examples of published children’s books that they’ve edited. Your editor should have testimonials from satisfied writers. Your editor should be a member of SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators). The cost of editors vary widely, but if you’re not paying at least $300 – $500, you’re probably getting someone without a lot of experience in the industry. And you don’t want a beginner messing around with your book. If you’d like to hire me as an editor, check out my services at my children’s book editing page. Get feedback on your book from a children’s book editor. I help writers like you write better books. This is the most important step of the post-book process. An illustrator will be the most expensive step of publishing a children’s book, but also the most essential for a successful book. The more you spend on this step, the better your book will look. Make sure you’re really in love with the illustrator’s style, and that it matches your vision for what you want the book to look like. WHAT FOLLOWS IS VERY IMPORTANT. The font. This is incredibly important. I see a lot of self-published children’s books that chose the wrong font, and it’s glaringly obvious. You need an illustrator to help you chose exactly the right font to match with the illustrations. The size of the font. This is important as well. It should be consistent across the whole book and it should pair well with the size of objects in the illustration. The placement of the words. If you put the words in the wrong place on the image, you basically ruin the entire illustration. It needs to be carefully balanced and follow good composition guidelines like the rule of thirds. Ideally, the words should enhance the illustration rather than detract from it. Page breaks. What words should go on which pages? This is something you need to discuss with your illustrator before they begin. They need to have a say in this — don’t just tell them how you want the pages to be broken up. For instance, they might have the idea to have a two-page spread without any words at all, or to separate a single sentence across several pages, or to have one page with a few sentences on it and the next page with just a short phrase for emphasis. This is the number one mistake I see beginning writers/illustrators make: they have the same amount of text on every single page (usually a single sentence). So either hire the illustrator to do book design, or hire a book designer. But just don’t choose the fonts and placements and font size on your own — get a book designer to help you. Q: Should I copyright my book? There are differing opinions on this, but in general I would say NO. You don’t have to worry about someone stealing your book. If you go the traditional publishing route, the publisher will copyright it for you. If you go the self-publishing route, you already own the material the instant you wrote it, so getting copyright only gives you added protection. Now if you’re going to chew your nails down to the nub worrying about this, then set your mind at ease. If you live in America, go to the U.S. Copyright Office website and you can register for a few hundred bucks. I walk you through the steps on how to do this in my children’s book course. Q: Do I need illustrations before sending my book to editors, publishers, and agents? This is a hard and fast NO. Editors want to work with the language alone, so unless your book requires the illustrations to make sense, you don’t want to send the illustrations. Even then, you can easily put the illustration explanation in brackets [like so]. Publishers always always always hire their own illustrators, so save yourself the money and submit the text alone. This is because choosing an illustrator is a marketing decision (that they need to make, not you) and because a good illustrator can cost $20,000. You probably don’t have that kind of money lying around. Now what if you’re the illustrator? Well, then you DO want to send the illustrations. But if you get a rejection, it could either be because of the story or because of your illustrations, and sometimes you won’t know what the weak link is. In general, though, agents are looking to represent illustrator/writers much more often than they’re looking to represent writers alone. That’s because children’s book illustrators earn A LOT more money than children’s book writers (sorry, that’s just the way it is). If you want to you can, but you have a better chance of a bear eating you than someone stealing your book. Plus, if they steal it, you can easily sue them and take all the profits and more, so there isn’t much motivation for someone to steal your book. The truth is that writers worry about this far more often than it actually happens. My advice would be to put all your energy toward creating the best children’s book you can create, and if you have a great book, the agent/publisher/editor will want to work with you, not steal from you. Q: Will you be my literary agent? No, I’m an editor, and the role of an editor and literary agent are very different. An editor’s job is to help you make your children’s book the best it can be. The role of a literary agent is to play matchmaker and find a publisher who wants your exact type of book. However, if you sign up for my children’s book email list (via a pop-up on this page) I will send you a list of children’s book agents. Q: Will you help me find a publisher? That’s mainly the role of a literary agent, but I do have a list on Bookfox of 30 publishers who will accept submissions without a literary agent. And if you hire me for editing, sometimes I’ll be able to recommend a few publishers where your book might be a fit, but it’s not like a handshake deal. Publishers get a large number of submissions and they have to take on the books they know they can sell. Q: How many submissions will an agent or publisher get in a year? A beginning agent might get 2,000 – 3,000 submissions in a year, while an established agent might receive 3,000 – 8,000 submissions. Publishers who accept submissions get anywhere from between 2,000 submissions to 15,000 submissions, although almost all publishers who start getting too many submissions stop accepting submissions (because it costs too much to hire people to wade through all those submissions). I don’t mean to discourage you, but just help you make an informed decision about whether you should self-publish or seek a traditional publisher. It’s really tough to land an agent or a publisher, and it can take a lot of time and work. What’s wonderful about self-publishing is that within a week you can be holding your book in your hands. Q: Should I self publish or seek a traditional publisher? So for self-publishing, there’s lots of upsides: there’s no wait time, and you get complete control of the project (such as cover art and illustration), and there’s not that much of a cost if you do it all yourself. But … you have to do all the marketing yourself, and you don’t have anyone to guide you through the process, and you don’t have the reputation of being published by a traditional publisher. You should do self-publishing if you’re a real go-getter and you think you can get the word out there about your book. For traditional publishing, there are also many upsides: you would get an advance (money is nice!), they would handle all the proofreading, ISBN, illustrations, cover art, etc, and they would give you some guidance with how to do the marketing and promotion. But … it can be very, very hard to get an acceptance from an agent or from a publisher. Sometimes you have to send the story out for a year or two, submitting to a hundred outlets or more. Go this route if you have a lot of patience and you want the book to reach a wider audience. Please leave a comment below if this material was helpful and if you have any other questions. Also, please check out my children’s book editing, my children’s book course, and my page of children’s book publishers. Quite a good article for the beginners. Oh, come on. Good article? No. It’s a GREAT article! One of a kind that has quality and depth to it. This is advice borne from experience. I’ve written quite a few books for kids and this is the best breakdown of the picture book creation process I’ve seen in a long time. So sit down, get a cup of tea, and read this through – many times.
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