ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey and the region are paying the price for the United States choosing the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia as a partner in the fight against Islamic State, Turkish Defence Minister Fikri Isik said on Friday. Speaking to broadcaster Haberturk, Isik said Washington was giving weapons to YPG militia, which Ankara sees as a hostile force, but added that it would be too much to say that it is doing it on purpose and to trigger terrorism in Turkey. Ankara views the YPG as an extension of the Kurdish PKK militant group, which has claimed or been blamed for a series of deadly attacks in Turkey, the most recent a car bombing in the western city of Izmir which killed two people on Thursday.
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In a male-dominated culinary world, Bordeaux’s female chef Oxana Ramat is quickly making a name for herself. Following a foray in sustainable product design, this creatively inspired soul discovered her affinity for edible art and studied to become a chef under the helm of Alain Ducasse. Oxana’s passion for combining unique flavours with artful compositions led her to open Le Cromagnon in November 2018, right in the heart of bustling Bordeaux. The city’s only centrally-based female chef, Oxana expresses emotions through tastes by creating a decorative composition of inventive flavours. Scented with flowers and fruit, signature dishes include red mullet cooked in camellia leaves, lobster with jasmine, and duck with salted cherry Sakura leaves. Another masterful creation is wild tuna tartar with kumquat confit, pan-fried foie gras and almond hummus. Desserts are equally as innovative, with a sweet twist. What makes Moldovan born Oxana Ramat stand out as a chef in France is not merely her sweet and savory melange, or the beauty in which her plates are presented, but the emotional experience she emits through her cooking. One taste of her blossoming cuisine is enough to understand that this impassioned chef is planting deep roots in Bordeaux.
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Recent reports by scientists estimate that the proportion of plastic debris of our oceans will outweigh all sea life by 2030. Pause for moment about what this really means. Look at what we are doing to all sea life. We don't have long to save our oceans. While many refer to the Amazon rainforest as the lungs of the planet, it is actually the world's oceans and their algal and phytoplankton activity that produce 80 percent of the world’s oxygen needs, our seas are the our vital lungs of the Earth. Yet the oceans are being subjected to an escalating pollution with plastic and toxic effluence contaminating the sea's fragile ecosystems and food chains. While we continue to over-exploit over 85 percent of the world's fish stocks. Some experts say that we are the last generation to be able to fish as we do with fish stocks rapidly declining. Most sea birds and sea creatures are doomed to this fate, a stomach full of plastic, this specimen contained 274 pieces of plastic. The Sheer water bird species collected the plastic in its stomach while finding food for its chicks, then it unknowingly feeds the debris to the chicks back at the nest. The plastic that filled the stomach of this sea bird is just one example of the overwhelming scale of this problem. The damage we are causing all ocean ecology from majestic fish to sea mammals like our celebrated cetaceans, dolphins and whales and seals and sea turtles, all threatened with death by entanglement in plastic waste or ingesting the debris. Our Coral reefs are also detrimentally affected, Coral reefs that stretch from Australia's Great Barrier Reef to Thailand, are like the ocean's rain forests, they are havens for all sea life, biodiversity hotspots of the oceans. Plastic is affecting the corals delicate ecosystems, because many micro -particles of plastic act like rafts and carries harmful protozoan and prokaryotic bacteria that affect the fish, the corals then become sick and suffer from weakness turning black and die from Skeletal eroding band disease or other problems due to the plastic debris. This is how lethal plastic is to coral reefs, the billions of floating plastic debris increase the vulnerability of corals infected and dying this way by 89 per cent when compared to rare areas of coral where there is no plastic debris. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Plastic is now the size of Texas and getting larger at 0.4% to 8% of the size of the Pacific Ocean, that is 700,000 square kilometres or 270,000 square miles to more than 15,000,000 square kilometres (5,800,000 square miles). Research from Ocean Crusaders state that there are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean. Of that mass, 269,000 tons float on the surface, and below the surface four billion plastic micro fibres per square kilometre are polluting the deep sea and killing all sea life. The EU aims to recycle 65 percent of urban waste by 2035, however, recycling campaigns are not enough to address this problem. Plastic is a fuel based bi-product of Petroleum, which is why it is used so much, although it takes a lot of energy to produce and damages our environment detrimentally, another reason why we must phase out oil which we are also over drilling by 3.5 Billion Barrels a day. Corporations and Governments have an obligation to reduce the amount of plastic waste and packaging that is one of the root causes of this problem. There are biodegradable options such as Hemp bioplastic which is the strongest and most durable bioplastic, it contains about 65-70 per cent cellulose, it can be used to make most grades of durable plastic from clear plastic water bottles to an almost indestructible grade of strength that can be used for the body of a car, Henry Ford built a model of car in 1941 that comprised of using some Hemp fibre in the car body that was ten times stronger than steel. In 1957 Industrial Hemp was outlawed in the U.S to cultivate for viable biofuel or industrial materials, of which it has over ecological 50,000 uses and benefits. Today, it is slowly re-emerging around the globe valued for its ecological importance in many industries including the bio plastic industry which is a growing and necessary market if we are to replace conventional plastic with biodegradable alternatives. Bamboo is also being hailed as an amazing eco-friendly alternative to plastic and can also be used to make fabrics and has anti microbial properties. It is actually a grass and produces 30 per cent more oxygen than trees do, it is one of the fastest growing plants that takes only 3 to 5 years to mature and process for plastic or ten thousand other uses. Plant based plastics are made from plant cellulose and because bio-plastics are made from plant based materials they can degrade quickly in landfills, composting bins and the oceans without causing any harm to the environment. The most common types are made from corn starch like polyactide (PLA) plastic, biodegradable plates or food trays and disposable cups, these can also be made from Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) plasticalso starch based derived from sugarcane or beetroot. The appeal of Banana Peels to use for creating a biodegradable plastic was discovered by Elif Bilgin who at the time was only 16 years old when she won a Science in Action award in 2013 for her design. With all these alternative solutions to petroleum based plastics, we have no excuse but to take responsible action and campaign for corporations, supermarkets and governments to create the eco-friendly bioplastic infrastructure in the plastic producing industries to transfer over to these biodegradable alternatives and save our oceans and landfill sites from the current ecocide plastic waste is causing.
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Ben Levine and Julia Schulz will join SOAS Director, Mandana Seyfeddinipur, for a two-week workshop presenting the latest techniques in community language documentation. Mandana Seyfeddinipur has pioneered gesture analysis and is a leader in linguistics documentation and archive development. The course will feature the family of endangered language documentation and revival methods developed at Speaking Place. Participants come from all over the world and include community language advocates as well as linguistics students. The workshops are organized by the Alaska Native Language Center and funded by the National Science Foundation directorate of Documenting Endangered Languages, among others. The workshops will take place at the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus in June.
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Right-wing mayor Robert Menard has been found guilty of a thought crime in France for saying schools with 91% Muslim students are a "problem." A key adviser to Marine Le Pen has been found guilty of inciting hatred against Muslims. Robert Menard, mayor of Beziers, was fined 2,000 euros for saying there were too many Muslim children in his city's schools. During an interview on TV, Menard said: "In one of the classrooms in my town centre, 91 per cent of children are Muslim. Obviously this is a problem" He had also posted a tweet comparing a school picture from the 1970s to one taken recently which�he said proved the conspiracy theory of a "great replacement," which claims Muslim immigrants are replacing the traditional French population. It's a "conspiracy theory" to point out documented demographic changes. As Menard said initially after being charged: "I just described the situation in my town. It is not a value judgement, it's a fact. It's what I can see." The prosecutor said Menard�had reduced children "to their religion, regardless of whether they have French nationality or do not practice". Menard�was convicted of an "incitement to hatred and discrimination". In a tweet sent after�being convicted, he said he was "obviously appealing". � It's a "conspiracy theory" they're being replaced. � They are being replaced and it's good because "diversity is a strength" and it's penance for colonialism. This is 1984 level insanity. Of course, if you dare to question this, they'll fine you thousands of euros and convict you of a thought crime.
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Like all great stories, ours begin with a group of fearless females on a mission: to prove it’s possible to create an innovative brand of luxury-inspired makeup at excellent prices. Founded by Christina Oster-Daum, we first opened our doors in Germany in 2004 and since then, our ever-expanding global presence has proved what we always knew – makeup wearers everywhere crave high quality makeup at prices that make sense. In 2015, we made our way to the US and today out of our office in NYC, we are proud to independently continue the work we’ve been doing since day one – shooting for the moon in everything we do and promising our community products marked by the same freshness that got us excited in the first place. When it comes to how we invest all our time and money, we will always remain true to our core belief: value over anything else. The result? Makeup with high-quality ingredients, luxurious textures and innovative formulas, all of this at a price point that gives our community the freedom to play and experiment with makeup. We are a start-up group here in NYC and we love it! We don’t wait for someone else to build it, we do it ourselves. Being driven by innovation means we know that our work is never done, and we always want you to find something new to discover. Yes, we offer eye, lip and nail products, but FACE is our forte. When we launched our products in the US, we were blown away by the instant success and cult following of our complexion products - HD Foundation, Liquid Camouflage Concealer, Prime And Fine Primers & Sprays. This drove our obsession to offer the best face products for women who find they can’t leave the house unless they have primed, concealed, baked, contoured, highlighted.. you get the idea. We are inspired by our community and their shared passion for makeup. Their commitment to mastering their craft, openness to learning and generosity in sharing their knowledge with each other is what inspires and drives us! We’re cruelty free. We do not carry out or commission any testing on animals for the manufacture of our products. This applies to the end products as well as to all ingredients. Our suppliers are also required to certify in writing that their products have been manufactured without testing on animals. Our office pooches, Karhu and Sherry, appreciate it!
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You look like a modern princess dear. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah voglio la gonna in tulle!!!!! Bellissima quella che hai scelto ed è perfetta con la maglia a fiori!!! Adoro le gonne in tulle, sono molto romantiche! Bellissime le sneakers! I love how this outfit incorporates your favorite details! It is super feminine and chic which is totally your style Lilli! You are so pretty and happy Lilli when you are wearing your favourite style together with magic and stars. I find a very romantic combination, flowers and tulle skirt look great together and the shoes give an urban and relaxed touch, love it!
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Georgia is a no-fault divorce state. This means that neither spouse must prove "fault" on the part of the other spouse before the court grants a divorce. This also means that neither spouse can prevent the other from pursuing and obtaining a divorce decree. However, the courts still require that a divorce be based on legal grounds, such as "irreconcilable differences", "adultery", "cruel treatment", "desertion". There is no statutory "grace period" in Georgia before a divorce is finalized although there may be specific service and notice requirements that must be met before the court will grant a divorce. As a practical matter, most uncomplicated and uncontested divorces can be processed and finalized in 45-60 days. Clients often classify their divorce problem as either "contested" or "uncontested". However, a divorce is usually a combination of both contested and uncontested matters. For example, parties may agree on custody, but disagree on the issue of child or spousal support. Thus, our law firm will work with clients to identify areas of agreement and narrow issues of conflict to prevent the incursion of unnecessary attorneys' fees. Our traditional fee and retainer structure can be modified depending on the agreements independently reached by the parties and the complexity of the underlying issues. Aside from issues involving child custody and child support, the most commonly disputed aspects in any divorce is alimony and the division of marital property.
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Setting off from Berlin Schönefeld airport alone felt like the end of a holiday. I had been travelling for a month together with Lauren in countries we had both been to before. Now it was the opposite, I am travelling alone to countries I have never been. The morning after leaving the airport I crossed into Poland. The landscape was familiar; flat plains, farmland and forests, quiet villages and busy towns. With a few subtle differences; almost no windfarms, which were common place in Germany, unpaved backroads making picking a quite route a bit more of a gamble. It was also where the people stopped to stare with an expression of what the hell is this guy doing? Probably due to bike touring being less common in Poland than the countries I had recently come through, making me much more of a novelty. It was strange, I had thought about cycling the world on my own for a long time. Now that it was underway, I felt like the same old me and not the heroic grizzled traveller I had pictured, while day dreaming on those boring afternoons sat in the office. It was all really happening, there is no safety net anymore, even though home is only a phone call away. I have set myself a goal of making it to Russia in time for the World Cup, now I just have to do it. My route to Russia had been undecided until midway through Germany. I had to get to Warsaw, to collect my fan ID (the laminated document that allows visa free entry to Russia, access to stadiums, and must be worn during all matches to allow easy identification of any troublemakers). After this I could follow a northern route through Latvia and Lithuania to Moscow, leave my bike there and travel to the matches by train, or bear south-east for Ukraine and head directly to Volgograd for England’s first match. The first option would be easier; less cycling, better roads, and less hassle in Russia. Everything seemed pretty set. Then, after watching the Liverpool vs Roma match I decided to have a look where the Champions League Final would be taking place. Once I saw where it was the plan changed, I was heading to Kiev. It had to be a sign, on my way to watch the most important competition in football, I was also so close to the city which was holding the final of the biggest club competition, even better, an English team had made it to the final. There were pros and cons of making it to Kiev by the 26th May. I was going to have to cycle quite a way to get there in time for the match, but I would be there for the match. I would also have made the next stint through Eastern Ukraine into Russia a lot more relaxed with more time to do what I wanted. The day after crossing the German – Polish border I stayed with Pawel and Patricia in Poznan. Having both just returned from a big trip in South America, they knew exactly what I needed; a wash, a lot of food, and a beer. After a few days on my own, chatting only occasionally to people cycling between villages or outside shops, it was nice to talk about football and cycling. Pawel also helped me with some useful Polish phrases. My days cycling went from roughly 60km to 100km a day, with my longest day so far coming in at 162km on Friday 17th May from Szetlew to Nieborow, which was also through a rainstorm. It was not the best day in terms of cycling, but I had put myself within striking distance of Warsaw to get to the Visa Office before it shut for the weekend. If I didn’t make it before it shut, it ended my chances of making it to Kiev the next Saturday for the match. In Warsaw, once I’d collected my Fan ID, I stayed with Tadek, a host I met on WarmShowers. Tadek is a former chef who worked on the canal boat through the wine regions of France. After slogging it through the last week, I had decided I deserved a day off to recover before another big week to Kiev. Tadek and I thought it would be nice to go for a short roll around the city centre. This turned into a 40km tour around the various monuments, old/rebuilt town centre and the newer embankment. There is still a lot of issues regarding ownership of buildings in Warsaw, with disputes dating back to World War II and the Communist period. This resulted in a lack of investment as it’s unclear if you’ll benefit from spending when the building may be taken away by the courts. Later we headed to a BBQ at his friend Anna’s Dacha/allotment, in a suburb of Warsaw. Fortunately Anna’s husband Sebastian is a big football fan, particularly of Legia Warsaw, and so he arranged to watch the FA Cup final on a tablet while we enjoyed a few beers. More than a few beers later, and after watching the German Cup final, which my new friend Max’s team lost. Tadek and I decided to call it a night and cycle back across Warsaw, slightly more worse for wear than the ride here. Reminder, always wear a helmet. Tadek had a slow motion crash on the way home. To recover from this ordeal we had some traditional Polish food, some sort of pork gelatin and a herring gelatin products. After this nice break, it was back to cycling. The Ukrainian border was looming ahead which meant another new country, language, alphabet and currency. I was very excited about the progress I was making but I was also very aware of the situation in Donesk and Lugansk where the fighting between the Ukrainian Government and Russian backed separatists is ongoing. My planned route to Kharkiv would take me close to these regions and as I pedalled closer to the border I imagined different scenarios where my route ran straight through the fighting, or that I would be denied access at the Russian Border for visiting Ukraine. On my last day in Poland I was treated to some amazing Polish hospitality, not once but twice. First, when stopping at a Sklep to buy an ice cream to supplement my lunch of leftovers, the owner treated me to a lunch of bread, ham, cheese, radish and coffee, I wanted to buy a beer to have on my last night in Poland and use up my remaining Zloty – but was quickly told to put my money away and take the beer. That evening I stopped to ask for water before looking for a spot to camp in the village of Sawin. That’s when I met Wojciech and Marta who invited me in to their home. I was presented with a big plate of food, a shower and a place to sleep. Wojciech runs an ice cream business but is a former Polish border guard. He phoned ahead to confirm that bicycles could indeed cross where I planned to go the next day. Wojciech and Marta were concerned about my heading to Ukraine, with the advice to be careful as there are a lot of thieves over there, though for some reason this eased my worries – this is standard advice for neighbouring countries and at least they didn’t tell me to avoid it completely as it is a war zone. The next day brought the first physical border control since arriving in France, after a month of rolling unhindered from one EU country to another. The Polish guards were friendly and chatted away in English, wishing me luck on my way to Russia. The Ukrainians were a bit more suspicious, though decided after a bit of a wait that even though bikes weren’t allowed through they would make an exception. If Poland looked similar to the flatland’s of northern Germany but less developed by a good 10 years then entering Ukraine was like going back another 10 years. As with so much it comes down to money, Poland has benefited from being part of the EU and emerged from the financial crises as one of the faster growing EU economies. Ukraine has had years of political upheaval and is an unwilling participant in a tug of war between the EU and Russia. The first Ukrainian I met was on the road between the border and Kovel, the first town of any size. Sacha was trying to bump start his car, pushing down a slight descent then running to jump in and start the engine. I stopped to help push and after the first 3 failed attempts I started to realise that Sacha had probably had far more than the recommended alcohol intake. I ran 500 metres back up the hill to get my bike and leave him to it, hoping that he wouldn’t get it going and knock me over from behind. Fortunately for Sacha and potentially unfortunately for the other road users, a van had stopped to provide a tow, and an hour later I saw Sacha driving down the road toward me smiling and waving like crazy. My route to Kiev was slightly uninspiring, I had 5 days to reach Kiev in time for the final and I had to cycle around 500km on the same straight road. There were vast areas of forest, followed by vast fields of wheat, and the occasional village with a brightly painted Orthodox Church. Camping in Ukraine involved a lot more wildlife than previous places, swarms of mosquitoes faced in Germany and Poland turned into a dense cloud, but also lots of others insects and a few lizards were around. This is probably due to cycling later into the evenings as well as the possible less use of pesticides. The Ukrainians I met along the way were all very friendly, exchanging numbers and promising to help any time if I got into trouble. Sergio Ramos injuring Salah in the first half, when Liverpool were on top took the wind out of everyone’s sails. Alongside with Bale’s stunner and Karius 2nd blunder the match was over. This part of the trip required me to put my head down and get cycling, but doing that for 2 weeks takes some pressure off the next 3 weeks heading to Volgograd, with my aim to arrive by the 18th June for England’s first match of the World Cup. Leaving Kiev, I stopped to see the Maidan square. This is where the Euromaidan movement centred in 2014, resulting in the “Revolution of Dignity” and the eventual collapse of the previous government, and the catalyst starting the war in Eastern Ukraine and the Russian annexation of Crimea. There’s a monument to the people killed by government forces and an exhibit showing how the movement developed and organised itself within the square. Many people I spoke with believed the Russian interference in the country was to make a point to the people of Russia, and make an example of Ukraine to show that such revolutions do not end positively. Andrii, my host from WarmShowers is one of approx. 1.6 millions Ukrainians that have been “internally displaced” by the war, he was forced to leave his home and everything he owned in Lugansk. He has recently started a new life in Kiev, and despite these problems he welcomed me and shared his home with me. Leaving Kiev I headed South East along the Dnipro river, helped with route planning by Andrii. The route was a lot more scenic and relaxed than my race in to Kiev and it was good to be on a different road. I was heading to Buchak Ozero, a lake that sits above the Dnipro river. After the chaos of Kiev I enjoyed a few shorter days of cycling through quiet countryside and arrived for a nice swim in the lake. My route took me down a lot of sand roads so it involved quite of lot of pushing; my tires combined with the weight of the panniers can’t deal with deep sand. Most of the local tourers ride mountain bikes with much thicker tyres and I can understand why. I arrived in Ukraine during the strawberry season and people were often out in the fields picking. For 25 Hryvnia/80p I could buy a kilo of deliciousness, though rattling around on the bike turned into jam pretty quickly. I followed the South side of the river past Kaniv, I tried to cross by bridge in Chirkasy but was turned away by soldiers who pointed out the very clear no cycling sign I had tried to ignore – hoping it would be a case of better to ask forgiveness than permission. I thought it should be possible as roadworks on the bridge meant all traffic was going at a snails pace anyway. The soldiers showed me to a train platform 500 metres back from the bridge and assured me I would have no problems catching a train. A guy rocked up wearing a Gloucester rugby shirt but even using google translate he couldn’t tell me where he had got it from, or help me explain the rich history of Bath rugby. The train arrived and it was immediately obvious there was no room for me or the bike, it was a metre climb up to start with and the carriage was full to bursting. I recalculated and decided to keep on my side of the river for another days ride and eventually crossed a smaller bridge at Kremenchuk, also with a no bicycle sign but I passed about 5 cyclists on my way over. Outside Kremenchuk I met another touring cyclist on his way home to Kiev after a 500km lap around this part of the Dnipro, and a car pulled up to say hi and let us know he was a big cycling fan as well and he topped up our water bottles. From Kremenchuk I aimed North East towards Kharkiv and the border with Russia, the direct route to Volgograd was off limits as it was through the regions of Donesk and Lugansk. The language had shifted without me really realising from Ukrainian to Russian, though most people living in this part of Ukraine are bilingual. En route I watched England’s win against Nigeria in a bar in Poltava, World Cup fever definitely starting to simmer away nicely. This was followed by probably my least sensible camp spot, just off a path in a local park, so when I heard footsteps at 5:30am I decided it was time to get moving. I headed straight to a cafe on my way out of town, this sort of early start was a real shock to the system. The owner kindly stocked me up with free coffee and pastries. These sort of small kindnesses mean a lot and can help lift me for the day ahead. My relaxed few days after Kiev along with my unplanned extended route after being denied access to cross the bridge at Chirkasy meant I was back under a time pressure. I wanted to cross to Russia on the 4th, the first day allowed using the fan ID – 10 days before the first match. I had no specific route planned once I arrived, but wanted to stay in the city on the other side of the border; Belgorod. I would decide how to get to Volgograd from there. My last big ride in Ukraine was 150km to Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second city and the former capital. It’s one of the centres of education in Ukraine, with over 200,000 university students. I arrived in a thunderous downpour to Andrii’s where he fed me a recovery meal of Ukrainian cottage cheese and strawberries. Andrii is another of the people I met whose life had been greatly affected by the war, his parents live in the Lugansk region within what is now known as the Anti-Terrorist Operation Zone, this makes it almost impossible to see them and living in an active war zone makes life very hard for them. I didn’t see much off Kharkiv, stopping only long enough for a quick roll around the city to find a place to change my remaining Hryvnia into Rubles. With only 80km to Belgorod I had an easier day ahead with only the heat to contend with. The border was about halfway between the cities of Kharkiv and Belgorod , and was a lot busier than I expected considering the countries are engaged in a proxy war in 2 Ukrainian regions directly south-east of the Kharkiv region (Lugansk and Donetsk) with the usual rest stops for trucks and small businesses that flourish where people have to wait to cross a border. Using the FAN ID as a visa did initially cause some confusion, but once a few phone calls were made and an English speaking border guard asked a few questions about which cities I planned to visit I was waved through, probably waiting only 30 minutes in total. Arriving in Russia was a significant moment, I had been planning this for a long time and now I had finally made it. I was in the final country of this stretch of the trip and would soon be off the bike for a few weeks mingling in with the crowds at the World Cup. I also nervous, only seeing bad news and warnings for England fans heading to the World Cup, but I was prepared to see it for myself. From Belgorod I headed South and East, using the app maps.me to pick a town ahead as a target for the day and try to adjust that route to be on paved but not main roads. This was not always possible as I spent sometime pushing through sand or chalk roads and sometime on busy highways. The Russian steppe I passed through was mostly farmland and small villages, and a few smaller towns. I have read that small villages in Russia are disappearing as people migrate away for work and the older population dies out. I am certain I passed through some places that are on the verge of gaining ghost town status. In Alexeyevka, Belgorod Oblast, I had my first proper meeting with a Russian, staying with Max, a football mad Russian about my age. I thought he was slightly odd as he supports the German national team, however after spending a month here many Russians seem to have Russia as a second team and support Germany, Spain or England ahead of them, that may change now after the Russian teams strong performance in the tournament. When we went for a walk I even asked if it was sensible to wear my England shirt around, having had a lot of warnings about hooligans and also some first hand experiences in Marseille. It was, of course, fine to walk around in an England shirt. From Alexeyevka I had about 600km to go to Volgograd. I took the first few days a bit easier before I decided to try and reach Volgograd for the opening match between Russia and Saudi Arabia on the 14th June. The decision to speed up was partly made so I could watch as much football as possible and also because of the swarms of midges that seemed to start following me from Alexeyevka. The insects were annoying me, every time I stopped even for a second I was surrounded, each evening become a race to set up the tent, cook something and hide away from the bugs. They didn’t bite as much as mosquitoes but just buzz around your eyes, ears and mouth and my bug spray had no perceptible effect. Plus side, I now know I will need some sort of head net for when I hit Africa as the bugs. I crossed the Don River and headed East to Mikhaylovka which is the last big town before Volgograd. I had about 200km to go with a busy main road my only route South. I camped the whole way and not a single bear was to be found. Here I met Ivan while trying to top up my petrol bottle for my stove. This mainly involves asking someone to fill it up whilst they fill up their car as at 500ml it’s below the minimum fill for most petrol stations. This does present a good opportunity to talk to locals though. Ivan waved away my roubles when I tried to pay him for the petrol, and we talked using Google translate about what it is like in Russia and the UK and how I was finding my time in Russia so far. I then headed off to the supermarket after realising I’d lost a screw from my front pannier, I bumped into Ivan again and I followed his car back to his house, he fixed the bag, made me some lunch and gave me a bottle of homemade vodka with strict instructions to enjoy it before the England vs. Tunisia match. 2 days later, 14th June, I finally arrived in Volgograd. I headed straight to the stadium to get a photo. After 2 months, 4,500km cycled I had arrived at my end destination for the first stint of the trip. I was ready for a break from cycling while I watched a lot of football and drank a lot of beer.
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YOUR NEW KIDNEY. Acyclovir (Zovirax), Ganciclovir (Cytovene),Valganciclovir(Valcyte).This eMedTV article offers several precautions and warnings with acyclovir,. Consumer information about the medication ACYCLOVIR - ORAL (Zovirax), includes side effects, drug interactions, recommended dosages, and storage information. Read. Zovirax (Acyclovir) is good for treating viral infections like herpes, chickenpox, and shingles.Acute tubular necrosis (ATN) is the most common cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) in the renal category.Acyclovir: learn about side effects, dosage, special precautions, and more on MedlinePlus. Purpose. A case of acyclovir-induced acute renal failure in an obese patient is described. Summary. A 60-year-old white man arrived at the emergency department. Buy Acyclovir online at affordable prices from accessrx.com, an online pharmacy. Too much acyclovir use can lead serious adverse health effects that can indicate a permanent damage to liver and kidney functions.Crystal-induced acute kidney injury (AKI) is caused by the intratubular precipitation of crystals, which results in obstruction.People with poor kidney function may need lower doses. acyclovir, or any ingredients.Consumer drug side effects and precautions for the medication Zovirax (Acyclovir).Acute Acyclovir Nephrotoxicity in a Patient with HIV and Herpes Zoster. Acyclovir inhibits the replication of the herpes virus,.Factors such as age, immunity status of the patient, the recent history of neurosurgery and the season of. Background: Recent acute kidney injury (AKI) guidelines, based on studies performed a decade ago, recommend avoiding aminoglycosides (AGs) in patients at risk of AKI.Acyclovir (Zovirax), methotrexate, sulfa antibiotics, triamterene (Dyrenium).Acyclovir Dosing and Acute Kidney. injury, failure, loss of kidney function. Treat and suppress genital herpes when you order Acyclovir online. Acyclovir has been suggested to be effective as secondary prophylaxis.Herpes Simplex Type 2 Causing Fulminant Hepatic Failure. Ruairi J. Fahy, MB, BCh, Elliot. See all References 16 The a-priori dosing of acyclovir can be similarly derived.Acyclovir prescription, in some granules the nahua sometimes cell unsatisfied of their many tacos.More serious side effects of acyclovir are possible with treatment. Acute kidney injury (AKI)—or acute renal failure (ARF), as it was previously termed—is defined as an abrupt or rapid decline in renal filtration function.
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> I'm Shubham Sharma, a 3rd year Information Systems student at BITS Pilani, and I'd like to explore the possibilities of a GSOC Project that would aim at improving the tolerant retrieval capabilities via phonetic correction(: misspellings that arise because the user types a query that sounds like the target term. ) I did find spelling correction via edit distance in xapian-core/matcher but i dont think any phonetic correction algorithms have been implemented . Could this be a possible GSOC project? Shubham — hi, thanks for getting in touch! For the spelling correction side you'll want to consider both implementing a phonetic similarity comparison (along with justification for your choice) and a way of choosing between edit distance and phonetic approaches. You’ll also want to come up with a way of measuring how good each is, or at least for providing people with a way of deciding which approach is more suitable for the system they’re building using Xapian. Unless it turns out to be more complex than I’d anticipate, that doesn’t sound like a project that would occupy you for the whole period of GSoC. It could however be combined with something else to make a good application.
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It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post. In all fairness, it had been a while since I had had the chance to travel. Towards the end of March I took a week off and flew down to South Africa to do a little exploring. Quick pit stop in Joburg, and then onwards to Cape Town. Here’s my sneak peek into the few visits I made in and around the Western Cape area, with some information you might find useful at the end of the blog! With my love for driving and having a SADC license, there was no doubt that I would be renting a car. I debated on it mildly before I had left Dubai in terms of safety, but I knew as soon as I reached Joburg and drove home that I would have to rent a car. I feel like there’s no better way to be able to explore a city or place than within the roads themselves. Sure, you can’t enjoy the scenery always with your eyes on the road but that’s what lookout points are for. Plus I had company on my journey, so it worked out well enough. Just look at those mountains in the background! We’d opted to stay in an AirBnb in Cape Town. After tons of research and debates on budgets, we found a cozy two bedroom apartment situated on the 11th floor of a hotel in the heart of the city that looked quite frankly amazing – with an open kitchen, stylish living room and comfortable bedrooms. It was self-catering, so we went straight to the grocery store and bought basics for breakfast – which meant that our mornings were quick but fun breakfasts as we kept pushing each other to get ready. Finally, the best part of this place? You would wake up to this impeccable view of Table Mountain. On a cloudy afternoon after arriving in Cape Town and settling into our apartment, we set out to explore the beautiful V&A waterfront. After having a rented a car at the airport and driven straight to the apartment, we relied on Google Maps to take us around to our destinations. The waterfront is quite close by – about a 10 minute drive – and is filled with an abundant variety of F&B outlets. There’s live music, an amphitheatre with various shows and the chatter of a weekend crowd to make for this this lively location. The ferris wheel that overlooks the waterfront is well worth a trip – with a spectacular view of the iconic Table Mountain and the marina area. We may have missed a possible sunset given the dimness of the evening however the cool and brisk breeze was a pleasing change from the start of the Dubai summer that we had just escaped from. After an early morning out, it was the debate of the day of which activity to do first – paragliding at Signal Hill or take the cableway up to the Table Mountain.? The newly confirmed natural wonder called out to us as we made our turns up Signal Hill, but the sunny skies called out for the adventurous activity. I’ve never been paragliding before – but oh boy! After confronting my initial fear of heights and strapping myself to the safety of the parachute, I was flung out in the sky. The Cape Town city boasted it’s splendour below me alongside the oh-so-blue Atlantic ocean. It was 15 minutes of pure bliss until the rocky motions that my guide took me through for pure excitement – apparently! – to get to the ground. After reaching back at the top of Signal Hill, we had the opportunity to meet the Ranger of the National Parks for the Cape Town area, Ranger Aslam, who offered to take us around the top of Table Mountain when we got up to it. Unfortunately right as we were leaving Signal Hill, my camera stopped working. My darling Nikon D5300 failed me (this happened in Tanzania last year as well) – and my memory card with it decided to take a toss as well. Hence my photographs are sadly limited of this day. After this disappointing encounter, we grabbed a decent lunch at the Jewel of India and popped up to the cableway to experience the much awaited visit to the top of Table Mountain. Isn’t the view behind me great? You can see the whole city! Fun fact: There’s 7 ‘New Wonders of Nature‘ and Table Mountain is one of them! Finally. From here we met Ranger Aslam, who took us on a hike around the Maclear’s Beacon route, which is ideally a 1-1.5 hour trek. We were all suited up for this, although we were not prepared for the cold and the rain that we experienced at the top! Therefore we couldn’t complete the entire trek, although the Ranger took us to experience a bit of the Platteklip Gorge route; a hike that starts at the beginning of the cableway. Keep in mind that the weather at the top of Table Mountain can change quite rapidly, therefore it’s recommended to be prepared for all seasons as you gear up for a visit to the top. I have to say that were also not prepared for the view. We all know the scenery that you experience from the top of a mountain. Yet the fog against the mountaintop is another absolutely breathtaking sight altogether. We could only see 10 metres ahead of us! It should also be noted that we wouldn’t have been able to do it without an experienced guide given the chances of getting lost or having the cableway close down due to poor weather conditions. Ranger Aslam kept joking about this to other hikers in the area much to our amusement. Imagine hiking all the way up to the top of the mountain to be told by someone that you have to turn back because the cableway is closed? With interesting facts about the plantation life and humorous scenarios such as these, the trek was well worth the evening’s visit at the top of Table Mountain. As dusk filled the night sky we made it back down the cableway for the beautiful view of Cape Town at night and headed over to our car to make it back to our apartment. Unfortunately Cape Town safety we’ve heard has not been at it’s peak and therefore it’s recommended to always be self-aware and safe in and out of the city. In my next part of this mini-blog series, I’ll fill you in on the one-day journey to Cape of Good Hope and Simon’s Town filled with more memorable experiences 🙂 Stay tuned, and I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Interested in going to Cape Town? Further details below. As we all know, Cape Town is undergoing a drought at this point in time. It’s not to say that there is no water available at all, however in public places chances are the taps are turned off to save water and you will have to use waterless sanitizer. We’d been warned before our travels and kept as safe as we could during our trip. Pickpocketing is common enough, and it’s recommended to stick to groups and popular places with crowds, particularly avoiding going to desolate areas during the daytime and late at night. I flew from Dubai through Nairobi, and stopped for one night in Johannesburg before taking a domestic flight the next morning to Cape Town. Although there are direct flights to Cape Town, this option turned out to be much cheaper. Johannesburg is a very well connected airport and there are many flights in and out of O R Tambo International Airport from around the world. There are the “Hop On and Off” red bus tours that will take you around Cape Town. Uber is also a growing transport option within the region. Public transport does not seem to be a common option to travel in and around the city. Table Mountain – hike or cableway (personal preference) – ZAR275 (two-way) or ZAR150. Have I missed out on any potential sights or things that could be done? Feel free to add to the blog in the comments section. 🙂 Check out part 2 of the series! Sounds like a really fun trip! Reading about it really makes me want to visit Cape Town! Liked the blog overall and the highlight was the informative section in the second half…I didnt know you could drive up to Lions Head for instance-def something to do for next time! 1) Clifton Beach…a high end area of the city, very windy and with stunning views of the Twelve Apostles. 2) The Victoria and Alfred Waterfront shopping mall is both picturesque and modern in terms of amenities…there are TWO cinema chains! 3) Wine tasting in Stellenbosch. Best done with a group of people. Completely different landscape to Cape Town. Overall its good to see your return to blogging, do keep writing.
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That afternoon seemed like a good representation of what life is like around here sometimes, and I wanted to welcome you to this blog with that little story about us. Around here we also know the Jesus offers grace that is greater than our sin. We love adoption and all the ways the Lord is growing us through it. We love our first born, Haddon, who is in heaven with Jesus. We have a really good Daddy and husband who loves the Lord. We drink a lot of coffee, mostly me, mom. Here is where I love to encourage others in what the Lord is teaching me, whether it’s through deep valleys or peaks of joy.
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Thank you for looking to Morrisville for your hiring needs. The first step to marketing your position(s) is to create an account; once it's been approved, you'll complete your job announcement. Each should take about 5 minutes. Complete the Employer Registration section, selecting your own User ID. You will receive an approval e-mail which includes a link to activate your account within 48 business hours. Job Description:provide sufficient detail in your job description, including number of hours a week, if your position is part-time, and the timeframe, if it's temporary. Generally, the more a student knows about an opportunity, the likely it is they'll apply. Application Instructions: Make sure to specify how you want to receive application materials (e-mail, on-line system, call, etc.) in this section (very bottom of the form). Ditto about what documents you require (e.g. resume, cover letter, references, writing sample, etc.) in that same section. Resume Submission Deadline: The default setting is 30 days. Since the majority of applicants will apply on or around the deadline, if you’d like to see applications sooner rather than later, consider setting the deadline for 15 days out, then re-post when that expires. Post jobs targeted to SUNY Morrisville students, alumni.
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PHOENIX – LPGA leaders want you to see the bigger picture of what they believe the tour is all about. They want you to see that the obstacles their players have overcome in building the oldest women’s sports organization are examples that inspire beyond sport. They’re celebrating more than athletic performance in “Drive On,” the tour’s new brand campaign launched Wednesday at the Bank of Hope Founders Cup. With the campaign’s first 45-second advertisement, they began selling the message of diversity, inclusion and women’s empowerment that they believe has been part of the tour’s story since its inception in 1950. LPGA pros Brooke Henderson, So Yeon Ryu, Anna Nordqvist, Lizette Salas and Mo Martin are in that first spot, which is designed to set up a series of stories to follow, all about persevering and overcoming. “This is for every girl who has ever been laughed at or told she doesn’t belong,” Henderson says. “This is for every girl who has ever been told she’s too loud, too quiet, too this or too that,” Salas says. The ad goes on with similar themes. LPGA Hall of Famer Nancy Lopez wiped away tears watching, saying the campaign captured a message the tour has struggled to properly tell until now. “We’re finally telling the story,” she said. Stacy Lewis, who will be featured in a future spot, believes the campaign will help grow the LPGA’s following. The campaign touches on themes Lewis hopes will address challenges female athletes still face, like the gender-pay gap in women’s golf. “Throughout my career I've talked about purses and elevating the game and elevating women,” said Lewis, one of the tour’s newest moms. “It's pretty fitting that I would have a daughter. Whan said that in the 15 women’s leadership summits or seminars that are staged at tour events during the year, he realized title sponsors were seeing the value of the LPGA beyond what he and any of his players realized. Amy Bockerstette, the Special Olympics golfer whose effort making par went viral at TPC Scottsdale’s 16th hole during the Waste Management Phoenix Open pro-am this year, was a special guest introduced in Wednesday’s launch. So was Pratima Sherpa, the 19-year-old amateur from Nepal, who grew up with her parents living in a maintenance shed at Royal Nepal Golf Club. She’s playing her first professional event next week at the Symetra Tour’s IOA Championship in Beaumont, Calif. Bowman said she believes the “Drive On” campaign will widen the LPGA’s appeal.
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A Python client for the Packet API. Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet. Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it. You can test your changes with the test/tests.sh script, which is what travis uses to check builds. Copyright (c) 2017 Packet Host. See License for further details. The format is based on Keep a Changelog. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
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Honorary Fellowship is one of the most prestigious memberships in the professional association. This honor is been offered for appreciating your eminence in the field and contribution to an academia of science, engineering and technology. Made a significant development and outstanding contribution to the advancement of the professions in the field of science, engineering and technology. A person who has achieved eminence through the quality of his work and contributed significantly to his profession. A distinguished person in the field of science, engineering and technology whose association with the Institution will advance its progress. A distinguished person whom the Institution desires to honor. Kindly provide your valuable response and bless the scientific community and contribute knowledge & experience by joining as a Honorary Fellow Membership at ISER. There is no membership fee for the post of Honorary Fellow Membership and ISER will not charge anything. Honorary Fellow Membership will be invited on honor of our ISER International Conference and annual convention as a Guest and Honorary Keynote speaker. The grade of Fellow is conferred on Doctors, Engineers and Scientists and shall be conferred only on invitation of the Committee upon a person of distinction and outstanding qualifications, and who has made extraordinary contributions in the science, engineering and technology. You will be invited to join the editorial boards of the ISER Journals. You can register the ISER conference with a discounted price. You will be invited to be the reviewer of the related ISER conference. You will be invited to deliver a keynote speech at the related ISER conference. You will be assigned to be the committee or chair of the related ISER conference. You will be assigned to be the organizing committee of the related ISER conference.
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Elegant, natural and effortless, Liliana is destined to dance through the night and to watch the sunrise. Liliana’s laughter can be faintly heard into the small hours of the early morning and the memory of her treasured for a lifetime. Designed to captivate through figure and form, she has a perfectly tapered skirt, statement low back and detailed full sleeves.
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The reason for that was the question of arbitrability of the claims asserted in the complaint. As filed, the homeowners association’s complaint included both claims that the association had and claims that its members, the homeowners, had. The purchase agreements that homeowners signed contained arbitration clauses, but the homeowners association never agreed to arbitration. When defendant moved to compel arbitration, the Law Division granted that motion and entered an order mandating that all issues raised in the complaint be arbitrated. That question was difficult because the complaint “conflate[d] the claims asserted by the association on its own behalf and those asserted by the association on behalf of the homeowners.” The pleading frequently referred to “the [a]ssociation and its members” in the same allegation. Though arbitration is a “favored form of relief,” it is also true that “arbitration should not be compelled when it cannot be shown the plaintiff consented to arbitrate its claims.” Instead of deciding the arbitration issue on the basis of the filed complaint, the panel remanded the case to the Law Division “so the motion judge can compel the association to file a pleading which separates the claims it has asserted on its own behalf from those it has asserted for the homeowners.” That judge is then to determine which claims are arbitrable and which, if any, are not, and whether (if some are arbitrable and some are not) whether arbitration should proceed before or after judicial proceedings, or simultaneously.
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Brokenness. No one wants to be there. We run from it. We try to protect ourselves. We try to hide. We often avoid those who are there, not knowing what to say or do. Human suffering is hard to see, hard to enter into with another, hard to bear. But sooner or later we are there ourselves, like it or not. There is quite literally brokenness all around me right now – the piles of debris are slowly being removed, and what is left remains broken and empty. Lives have been turned upside down and there are no answers as to where the displaced can go, where will they work, how will they pay for their losses. Thousands of lives in limbo and I feel helpless to affect. My contributions seem but a drop in an endless sea of anguish and I am fighting the paralysis that inevitably settles in after intense crisis efforts have passed and the day-to-day tries to resume. I am at a loss as to what to do next. And I am not alone. My frustration increases daily in this state of doing little, yet I find that I busy myself more with the mundane rather than get seriously alone with God. I know I need to. I know that is where I will find the answers I need. It is in His presence I will find joy and peace and rest. So what’s the hesitation? I know He will lead me to brokenness. I can go there voluntarily or continue an attempt to resist. But I will go there. There is much to learn about Jehovah-Rohi, the Lord Who heals, when life leaves us wounded and broken. Psalm 147:3 assures us “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” and He calls us to Himself for exactly that. But what about those times He takes us into brokenness? We don’t hear much about that. My opinions, my emotions, my desires, and even my own heartache, all must be laid down before Him in an act of obedient surrender. Dying to self. Not allowing self to dictate the steps of my life, but rather yielding to the brokenness that will cause my every natural impulse to become secondary to His. His Spirit within me longs for this brokenness to take place because He desperately wants me to experience Him at a new level. So I will yield. I will be broken. And I will be changed, reminded once again that it’s going to be worth it all. Kintsugi kinda sounds like Jesus.
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The fifth installment in The Conjuring Universe could be the best one since the original. Nuns, convents, and religion are natural horror accomplices so we're looking forward to this prequel. Hopefully, we get some Exorcist vibes out of this one. The Nun takes place in 1952. Taissa Farmiga (Vera's sister) plays Sister Irene, a pious woman who must confront a demon nun with help from her fellow sisters, and rid the Earth of its presence. Expect more from the Conjuring Universe in years to come. This franchise wants to expand.
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Discussion in 'TalkCeltic News' started by Officer Doofy, Apr 29, 2018. The surprise inclusion in the Celtic line-up was Odsonne Edouard, the man who struck the winning goal only a month ago at Ibrox. Moussa Dembele missed out through injury, which paved the way for his fellow Frenchman to get his first start in this fixture. He was the only change from the team that hammered Rangers 4-0 on April 15th. It was expected that Rangers would come out fighting after their dreadful display two weeks ago, however they could not get close to their opponents in the early stages. The early Celtic pressure paid off in the 14th minute. After some good work out on the left by McGregor, the ball fell to Tierney who skipped past Candeias and drilled a cut back straight to Edouard who only had to tap the ball in from 6 yards out. The Frenchman was off to a flier, and it was a sign of things to come. Celtic could have been 2 or 3 goals up within the first 25 minutes, however just as the tempo of the game had slightly dropped and the half was winding down, the second finally arrived courtesy of Edouard again. If the first goal was a tap-in, this goal was all about the directness and technique of the young striker. He received the ball 30 yards from goal, before driving at the Rangers backline and driving the ball across Alnwick and into the back of the net. It was 2 goals for Celtic and 2 goals for Edouard. It looked like it would be a commanding 2-0 lead at half time for Celtic, but then up stepped James Forrest. The winger had been lively throughout the half and topped it off with a magnificent solo goal. Starting out on the right near the sideline, Forrest jinked past 3 Rangers players before unleashing a strike into the bottom left corner of the goal. It was no more than Celtic deserved, and no more than James Forrest deserved in what has been a sensational season for him. The goal was his first ever against Rangers and boy did he enjoy it! The second half started in much the same way as the first half ended. Tom Rogic made it 4-0 on the 47th minute, after good pressure from the Celtic attack and slack defending from the Rangers backline. The ball eventually fell to Rogic at the edge of the box who only had to curl it into an empty net to put Celtic further in the lead. It was the fourth goal of the season for Rogic in this fixture who seems to loves the big occasion. It took only minutes for the lead to be extended yet again. Edouard, the scorer of the first two goals, turned provider this time. He received a pass from Rogic out on the left, before driving at Tavernier and, showing some nice footwork, skipped past the defender with ease. His cut back fell to Callum McGregor who, much like Edouard’s first, had a simple tap in to make it 5. The title party was well and truly in full swing. The remaining 40 minutes of the match provided no more goals, as Celtic took their foot off the gas and kept the ball, creating the odd chance here and there. Both teams made substitutions, and despite Rangers bringing on another striker to play with two up front, they never really looked like getting a consolation goal. It was yet another comfortable day at the office for Celtic in the Glasgow Derby as they confirmed their seventh league title in a row in the most satisfying fashion. Now with the league wrapped up, the next milestone is securing the double treble. CymruBhoy, Easter Rd Davie, Wee Jamesy and 5 others like this.
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Carlin is one of the most successful single-seater motorsport teams outside of F1. When Carlin Motorsport was reborn as Capsicum Motorsport Limited in 2009, it brought with it an era of financial stability. Now trading under the name of Carlin, the team continues to build on a track record that began with the team’s first full season of racing in 1999. Narain Karthikeyan was the first driver to win a race for Carlin, with a British F3 win at Brands Hatch. The team went on to win six races that season, signalling the potential that would make Carlin the most successful team in British F3 history. Since its inception, Carlin has competed in Porsche Supercup, Nissan World Series, Formula BMW UK, World Series by Renault and F3 Euro Series with race winning success. One of the most successful single-seater teams outside F1, Carlin has won over 185 races and claimed six British F3 championships and the 2010 Formula Renault 3.5 drivers’ title. Whatever the level of motorsport or the age of the driver, Carlin always aim to give their race drivers the equipment to be able to challenge for race wins. With an enviable reputation across all levels of single seater racing, Carlin is the team of choice for tomorrow's racing stars - providing a well-trodden staircase to F1. Over 175 drivers have passed through the doors of the team, many on their way to the highest echelons of the sport, including F1 drivers Kimi Raikkonen, Jenson Button, Nico Rosberg, Robert Kubica, Sebastian Vettel and Jaime Alguersuari. In 2011, Carlin’s race teams will provide a ladder from junior racing to the door of F1, incorporating British F3, GP3, Formula Renault 3.5 and the GP2 Series.
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Catalyst | Take your site to the next level. Marty is the catalyst at Full Blown Studio. a person or thing that precipitates an event or change: His expertise in internet technology served as the catalyst that has elevated Full Blown Studio to the next level. Below is a partial list of our web solutions. Contact us to learn more. No pressure, we'd like to help you grow your business, no matter what level. Problem: This client needed to inform the world about their new bar opening soon. They also wanted to get feedback from their customers. Solution: We recommended a custom designed weblog solution. Our custom designed blog website enables our client to write articles and blurbs about their new bar and retrieve valuable feedback from their customers. Our client is able to add, edit and delete their articles using their custom designed Administration Console. They are also able to review customer feedback without ever incurring an additional charge or calling a web designer. Learn more about Premier Web Designs. Problem: This client wanted to be able to sell music gear online. Solution: We designed an e-commerce store for their many music products that accurately calculates tax and shipping costs. We setup a merchant account so they can accept credit cards. Lastly, we custom designed an extensive Administration Console which provides an easy way to edit their whole website, add, edit & delete products and track orders without ever incurring an additional charge or calling a web designer. Problem: This client wanted to create an online community for their members. They also wanted to manage their members, store statistical data in a database and print detailed, customizable reports. Problem: This computer repair company wanted a higher ranking in the search engines. Solution: We custom designed a persistant search engine optimization plan. With determination we got lapcfixer.com multiple "organic" front page listings on both Yahoo and Google for the keywords los angeles computer repair. Benefits: The influx of visitors to lapcfixer.com has increased tenfold with a front page search engine result. Also note: gpspls.com, gtxcorp.com, gpsshoe.com, locimobile.com, minimtgps.com and gpswellness.com (Full Blown Studio clients) are on the first page of Google for search term GPS PLS. And this website (Full Blown Studio) is on the first page of Google for the keywords "Celebrity Web Design." Discover what Search Engine Optimization can do for your business. Learn more about Premier Web Designs. Solution: We will custom design a pay-per-click advertising campaign to run on Google or Yahoo. Pay-per-click ads will rapidly increase targeted visitors to your website. Benefits: The increase of visitors to your website(s) will increase with a pay-per-click advertising campaign.
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Our Lady of the Magnificat is dedicated to providing quality religious education for all our children. Our Catholic Faith is rich in tradition and symbolism. In order to better appreciate this rich heritage, we strive to combine a solid religious curriculum and activities. Our hope is that this will effectively guide our children as they grow in loving and living the gift of faith. Preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation leads the child to a deeper understanding of the basic concepts of forgiveness. The focus of the sacrament is on the forgiveness of Jesus. Ongoing formation in an understanding of the Sacrament of Reconciliation continues throughout the religious education program. Children are required to complete grades one and two, and participate fully in our Sacramental Preparation Program. Parents whose children did not attend a formal grade one Religious Education Program are invited to make arrangements for their child’s preparation by calling the religious education office at 973-838-0567. The mystery of the Eucharist is where our entire life finds its purpose, meaning, and, unity. The child is led to experience this truth in the program of preparation. Through a family centered program, the children are invited to fully participate in the life-giving gathering of the parish community where people come to give thanks for all of God’s gifts and to learn how to share in His love. Children are required to complete grades one and two, and participate fully in our Sacramental Preparation Program. Parents whose children did not attend a formal grade one Religious Education Program are invited to make arrangements for their child’s preparation by calling the religious education office at 973-838-0567. Our team makes every effort to accomodate children with special needs into a program appropriate to their learning ability. Parents are to call and schedule a meeting to discuss their child so that we can design a program to meet their needs.
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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Here is a list of events going on around town this weekend. HOLIDAY MARKET: The Junior League of Jacksonville hosts Holiday Market, a new signature experience showcasing unique products and special holiday events at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront Nov. 30-Dec. 2. Proceeds from the three-day event benefit the initiatives and programs of Junior League of Jacksonville. Holiday Market introduces boutique merchants from around the country in a one-stop shop with one-of-a-kind merchandise. In addition to three full days of shopping, Holiday Market offers a special ticketed event Saturday: Cookies & Cocoa with the Clauses. Family-friendly Cookies & Cocoa with the Clauses delights children with face-painting, balloon art, holiday craft stations and a meet-and-greet with Santa and Mrs. Claus on Saturday, Dec. 1 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. General admission tickets to Holiday Market are $5 and are available online at jaxholidaymarket.com. RIVERSIDE ARTS MARKET: The Riverside Arts Market is every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. off Riverside Avenue underneath the Fuller Warren Bridge. This Saturday, celebrate Small Business Saturday with RAM. 150 artists, craftsemen, and food merchants participate each week so RAM is the perfect place for holiday shoppers to find a variety of locall owned and operated small businesses in a single venue. 13TH ANNUAL WINTER CELEBRATION IN MANDARIN: The Mandarin Museum & Historical Society once again hosts a special celebration at the Walter Jones Historical Park Saturday from 11 a.m. To 4 p.m. Activities in the park include: hay rides, music, museum and farmhouse tours, crafts, historic re-enactments, train rides, old-fashioned children's games, food, and more. For more information visit Facebook.com/mandarinmuseum. COMMUNITY FIRST SATURDAY AT THE DOWNTOWN RIVERFRONT: Community First Saturdays features family-friendly activities while showcasing vibrant Downtown Jacksonville. Guests can enjoy the beautiful and accessible St. Johns River and participate in activities with an overall emphasis on health and wellness. The event lasts from 9 a.m. to dusk on the first Saturday of each month, October through June, and offers yoga, tai chi, hula & other various fitness classes along, food trucks, and bike activities. HOLIDAYS MEGA PET ADOPTION: We need to empty the shelters for the holidays! First Coast No More Homeless Pets (FCNMHP), Jacksonville Animal Care and Protective Services (JACPS), the Jacksonville Humane Society (JHS), and many other animal rescue groups from across Northeast Florida are joining together for this event. The event is at the Fairgrounds 10 am-6 pm Friday through Sunday with more than 1,000 shelter pets. ST. JOHNS COUNTY FESTIVAL OF TREES: The eighth annual St. Johns County Festival of Trees will take place at the St. Johns County Convention Center at the Renaissance World Golf Village Resort. The event is free and open to the public Saturday from 9 a.m. To 9 p.m. showcasing trees and wreaths decorated and donated by local businesses, organizations, families and friends from the community. Registration for entering a tree or wreath begins on Sept. 4. Proceeds will benefit St. Johns County charities. ORANGE FEST: The Arc Jacksonville's 15th annual Orange Fest takes place at one of their group homes, Grove House, which is located at 2940 Claire Lane in Mandarin. Grove House has a lush outdoor area that is home to over sixty orange trees. Every year, they invite the community to come and pick oranges, as well as enjoy food and entertainment. All of the proceeds go back to the Grove House residents. Events are set for Saturday, December 1, 2012 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Sunday, December 2, 2012 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Arc Jacksonville is a nonprofit organization that provides advocacy and quality services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. DRESSAGE ON THE FIRST COAST: Dressage on the First Coast takes place at the Jacksonville Equestrian Center both Saturday and Sunday. It's a Great American/USDF Regional Qualifying Show. It's free admission to these events and all spectators are welcome! SPORTS CARD AND COLLECTIBLES SHOW: Sports Cards and Collectibles Show at the Marriott Southpoint 4670 Salisbury Road (Near Dave & Busters, off J.Turner Butler Blvd) on Saturday December 1st from 9:00am-3:30pm. Baseball, Football, Basketball, Nascar, Hockey, Golf cards. Autographed Memorabilia, McFarlane Figures, Vintage cards, Jim Rooker Children's Books, Collector Supplies, and much more. It's Saturday from 9 a.m. To 3:30 p.m. 2012 GINGERBREAD HOUSE EXTRAVAGANZA: The 11th annual Gingerbread House Extravaganza returns December 1st to historic Old St. Andrews in downtown Jacksonville. This beloved holiday tradition showcases gigantic gingerbread confections, and benefits the children's programs of the Jacksonville Historical Society. Strolling through the competition is a sure way to be swept up in the holiday spirit! The suggested donation for Adults is $5. For children aged 3 -16, the suggested donation is $3. Infants are free. Enjoy the exhibit from 11 a.m. To 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, with this Saturday being the opening. MAYOR'S HOLIDAY FESTIVAL FOR SENIOR CITIZENS: Celebrate the holidays in style! Join the City of Jacksonville and Florida Blue for dancing, dining and entertainment at the Mayor's Holiday Festival taking place at the Prime Osborn Convention Center Saturday from 2 to 5 p.m. Visit with Santa, enjoy a traditional holiday dinner, along with live entertainment and dancing. Only those age 60 and over will be admitted. GOLDEN DRAGON ACROBATS: Presented by the Artist Series at the Wilson Center for the Arts, the Golden Dragon Acrobats represent the best of a time honored tradition that began more than twenty-five centuries ago. The Golden Dragons are recognized throughout the United States and abroad as the premiere Chinese acrobatic touring company of today. The show starts at 2 p.m. Saturday. Tickets are $34.50. ADVENTURE LANDING'S WINTERFEST: The second annual WinterFEST is underway at Adventure Landing. Shipwreck Island Waterpark is now a whimsical, alpine snow village with a large, outdoor ice skating rink (with real ice!), a 130-foot ice slide dubbed the "Alpine Racer", nightly snowfalls, s'more roasting, light displays, a chance to meet Santa in his "house", Blizzard Bluff Village offering Christmas cookie decorating, a crafts area, a free holiday carnival, a teddy bear-making factory and Mistletoe Marketplace. Patrons will also get the chance to enjoy Crystal Creek Lodge for an array of winter eats, treats and sweets from hot soups to hot chocolate. The First Coast's longest special event will continue through January 13, 2013. Jaxwinterfest.com. BRITISH NIGHT WATCH ENCAMPMENT: St. Augustine is under British Rule! Experience a Colonial Market Days- 18th century musicians and performers; Period Merchants offer their wares, Military Encampment weapons & artillery demonstrations, Colorful British Ceremonies, a Native camp shows the valuable Allies. Witness the Duel scenario, woven into the afternoon schedule. This vignette follows an unlucky soldier to the end of his days at the end of a rope! The Tavern Tent will be open with hot and cold beverages for your refreshment. It's all Saturday from 10 a.m. To 6 p.m. At Francis Field. Price: Admission is $3, Children under 12 admitted free with a paying adult. ST. AUGUSTINE NIGHT OF LIGHTS: Nights of Lights is a 2-month long celebration of the Holiday Season. Millions of white lights create a magical holiday atmosphere in the Nation's oldest city during the 18th Annual Nights of Lights Celebration in St. Augustine, Florida. Tracing its origins to the Spanish tradition of displaying a lighted white candle during the Christmas holidays, the spectacular lighting reflects the city's 446-year history while creating a beautiful setting for special memories. It begins Saturday at the Plaza de la Constitucion off Kings Street and runs through January 31st. NightsofLights.com. BRITISH NIGHT WATCH PARADE ~ A GRANDE ILLUMINATION: Celebrate this Holiday season in a truly unique way. This holiday parade asks loyal Citizens to join in! British Troops, Native Allies and Townspeople march, candles and lanterns in hand, to the walled City. Be a part of the only Historic Parade on the eastern seaboard that encourages you join in and march! Be in the Plaza by 7:00 pm, then after the Parade, Volleys of Joy and Caroling in the Plaza de la Constitucion in St Augustine. The march is set for Saturday at 8 p.m. THE SPRINGFIELD HOLIDAY HOME TOUR: The Springfield Holiday Home tour continues Saturday, December 1, from 5 to 9pm. The Tour features seven of Springfield's beautiful homes ranging from the Victorian age to present day construction. Beginning at the Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum on West 1st Street, the tour has been designed as a walking tour, although those who wish to drive may do so. Tickets are $10 in advance or $12 at the door. The price includes refreshments: homemade cookies, wassail, and soft drinks. They are available online at springfieldhometour.org. BIRDIES FOR THE BRAVE FUNDRAISING WEEKEND AT TPC SAWGRASS: On Saturday, the Birdied for the Brave fundraising weekend continues at TPC Sawgrass. Founders Phil and Amy Mickelson, along with Jim and Cathy Justice and The Greenbrier Classic are on hand for the event, which will include a two-day Pro-Am featuring 54 PGA TOUR, LPGA and Champions Tour players including Mickelson, Vijay Singh, Hale Irwin, Lee Trevino and Nancy Lopez, as well as a Gala Dinner. To register or for more information on the Birdies for the Brave fundraising weekend, please visit galaforb4b.org. VINCE GILL AND DARIUS RUCKER HEADLINE CONCERT: Country Music Hall of Famer Vince Gill and CMA and GRAMMY Award winner Darius Rucker will support our military by hosting a concert for charity on Saturday, December 1, at the Times Union Center. Proceeds will benefit Birdies for the Brave, a national military outreach initiative proudly supported by the PGA TOUR dedicated to raising funds and awareness for nine military homefront charities that provide critical services to meet the specialized needs of military members, wounded veterans and their families. THE BIG TICKET CONCERT PRE-PARTY: The pre-party to Sunday's music festival takes place at Lynch's Irish Pub in Jacksonville Beach Saturday starting at 6 p.m. They'll be giving out free concert tickets every 5 minutes and free VIP tickets every 10 minutes. There will also be drink specials. 2012 REINDEER RUN: The Reindeer Run is a half marathon, 5 K And a kids fun run with Santa at Main Beach Park in Fernandina Beach Sunday starting at 7:30 a.m. Fun games & activities for the entire family. Christmas entertainment on route. Half Marathon Race Fees: $55.00 through December 1, 2012. 5K Race Fees: $25.00 through December 1, 2012. Kids Fun Run With Santa Free with Toys for Tot Gift Donation or $5.00 Donation. Walkers: Minimum 16 minute mile (3.5 hour limit) no exceptions Pre-Race Pasta Dinner: $10 for Adults $5 for Children Over 12 Free for Children 12 and Under. ameliaislandrunners.com. 7TH ANNUAL JACKSONVILLE ANTIQUE RADIO CLUB RADIO SALE & SWAP-MEET: The Jacksonville Antique Radio Club " JARS " will be showing, selling, and talking about antique radios of all types, from the early 1920s battery sets to the transistor models of the 1950s and 60s. There will be radios, vacuum tubes and parts, and radio literature for sale. Verbal appraisals and identification of radios will be available during the event Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. At Avonlea Antique Mall. JACKSONVILLE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PRESENTS THE POLAR EXPRESS: The Polar Express is a concert sponsored by the Scott-McRae Group and is part of the EverBank Family Series. Experience the magic of the holidays by taking a ride on Chris Van Allsburg's The Polar Express. This timeless tale of a boy who still believes makes every child always hope to hear the ringing of Santa's bells. As images from the book are projected above the stage, the words of this Caldecott Medal-winner come to life through orchestra, chorus and vocalist. We'll also ring in the season with a holiday sing-a-long!. The show is set for Sunday at 3 p.m. But join pre-concert festivities at 2. Tickets: General admission $7; Reserved $22 adult/$16 child. Jaxsymphony.org. SYNCHRONIZED NIGHTLY TREE LIGHT SHOW: The Jacksonville Landing's 56-foot-tree comes alive each evening, performing a 10-minute synchronized light show with more than 78,000 twinkling lights. The light shows take place every hour, on the hour Sunday through Thursday 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 6 p.m. - midnight.
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The instance 1582. Ianuarij decimus. The pathwaie to martiall discipline : Now newly imprinted, and deuided into three bookes. Wherevnto is added the order and vse of the Spaniards in their martiall affaires: which copie was lately found in the fort in Ireland, where the Spaniards and Italians had fortified themselues. The first booke: entreateth of the offices from the highest to the lowest, with the lawes of the field, arming, mustering, and training of souldiers. The second boore [sic]: entreateth of sundrie proportions and training of caleeuers, and how to bring bowes to a great perfection of seruice: also how to march with a campe royall: with diuers tables annexed for the present making of your battells, as otherwise to know how many paces they require in their march & battels from 500. to 10000. The third booke: comprehendeth the very right order of the Spaniards, how to traine, march, and encampe, with diuers tables therein contained, (electronic resource) represents a material embodiment of a distinct intellectual or artistic creation found in Boston University Libraries. This resource is a combination of several types including: Instance, Electronic.
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The title of the article says it all – Pippa Middleton is enjoying the perks of her royal connections to secure another writing job. This time, she’s penning a column called “Pippa’s Friday night Feasts” for Waitrose Kitchen magazine. People are pissed, as they should be. Pipsqueak only got her 6-figure book deal because of who her brother-in-law is, and she only got offered this writing position for the same reason. There’s no way in hell she would’ve gotten it based on the pearls of wisdom she dispensed in Celebrate. The royal family should be stopping these social climbing Middletons. No other commoner in-laws are seen this much. No one else in the royal family has commoner in-laws who blatantly capitalize on their royal in-laws. It’s no coincidence that shortly after Kate Middleton’s pregnancy was announced, her mother Carole Middleton introduces a line of “Little Prince” and “Little Princess” party supplies for the family company Party Pieces. Waitrose is going to face backlash for their hiring of Pipster. People are threatening to boycott buying groceries from there. They’re sending letters of outrage over Pippa joining the team. The comments in the articles about are a clue as to what a bad idea this was on Waitrose’s part. They have seriously misread their customers desires this time. The public are incensed at these obnoxious Middletons and Pippa’s bum being forced down their throats by the fawning press (whom we all know the Middletons keep in their pocket to drum up good PR when they need it – especially when Kate was dating and getting dumped by Prince William). When are Willy and the rest of the royal family going to wake up and see what the rest of the world already has – that he made a disasterous mistake by marrying a Middleton? Kate Middleton Scandalous Shocking Photos – Is the Duchess of Cambridge A Royal Fake? Pippa Middleton Husband Hunting During Royal Family Boxing Day Shoot?
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Several Air Burma pilots migrated to Cathay Pacific Airways. The most notable was Captain David Smith. Dave became the first Operations Manager to be honoured with a seat on Cathay Pacific’s Board of Directors. "Captain David Smith, an acquaintance of my Burma days, took his seat on the Cathay Pacific Board of Directors on 5 March 1965. Dave was born in Morayshire in the Highlands of Scotland in 1918. He served with distinction in the Pathfinder Force of RAF Bomber Command during World War 11 flying the mighty de Havilland Mosquito. Following his demobilisation he worked on a vast mapping project. In 1949 he took part in the adventure blithely called the Berlin airlift. When Air Burma liquidated in January 1951 Cathay Pacific’s Operations Manager Pat Moore hired him without hesitation. Captain Dave Smith retired from Cathay Pacific on November 30, 1971, when we lost an understanding advocate." Harry de Leuil makes some observations leading to the Air Burma’s entry into the 'charter muddle'. 'Cathay Pacific’s choice of Avro Anson planes for the Burma operation was a retrograde step. Their wooden construction was a maintenance nightmare in its humid weather. Further, their restrictive payloads spelt an accounting disaster. Their suspension brought to Burma the splendid Douglas DC-3s. That, in turn brought Cathay Pacific out of the red and their survival as an airline. Then the general manager of U.B.A was assigning all Government charters. Yet, it transpired UBA was a mere vassal without power. The foreign operators had the final say of where they went, what they carried and what they charged. no restrictions on where such a company could go, what it could carry and a set cost per mile scale. Meanwhile, Cathay Pacific convinced U Sway Tin of the value of Catalina planes. This type could supply isolated towns with no landing ground. They could use the nearest stretch of water! U Sway Tin invited Roy Farrell to bring in his personal company Amphibian Airways. Cathay business. Sway would compromise no longer. I went to Rangoon to sort things out. I sacked Peccorini and following a full clean up appointed Captain Jim Harper as Rangoon manager. Under Peccorini Harper was in charge of flight standards. rights. Within a few days he had rights to Bangkok. This was an amusing situation for then Jimmy Bo Setkya had just one plane. He immediately leased his rights to Cathay Pacific. The Maharaja of Faridkot's plush DC-3 'The Director'. From top: Koki Thacker (India Rep.), Captain Dave Smith, Captain John Dalrymple and G/E Brian Jones. 'Yet, Ne Win had set another condition. I must resign from Cathay Pacific and become full time General Manager of Air Burma. This, fortunately, was an easy decision to make for Butterfield & Swire began to take an active role in running Cathay Pacific. They had become disillusioned with de Kantzow’s casual methods. Yet, of more personal importance, Ivan Holyman of Australian National Airways had gained control of technical matters. profitable one to boot. I took the general managership of Air Burma. We gained the expertise to buy direct and future planes were bought in India. The gem of DC-3’s came from the Maharaja of Faridkot (Punjab) He sold ‘The Directorship’ for a song. This luxurious plane had a master bedroom, a lounge and a well-appointed office. She carried the registration of VR-DAY. Captain Dave Smith was a member of the ferry crew. She arrived at Mingaladon on 20 February 1950 and began earning her keep as XY-ACG. It became our VIP plane and frequently carried the country’s strong man General Ne Win. Dave Smith, as you recall, went on to become Cathay Pacific’s first Operation’s Director. My choice of Captain Jim Harper was a bad one. Harper would go to Hong Kong at the drop of a hat where he fell under the control of de Kantzow. I found my mind questioning his loyalty to Air Burma. Yet, I could not bring myself to fire this brilliant airman. On the way to Anisakan the rebels shot him. This solved my problem – I replaced him with Captain Maurice Lothian. General (later President) Thado Thiri Thudhamma Ne Win in co-pilot's seat en route to Djakarta. Air Burma's DC-3 XY-ack commanded by Captain Dave Smith. 'Air Burma’s proprietor, Jimmy Bo Setkya, started winding up Air Burma. He asked me to find a sale for his aircraft. I explained this type of aircraft had become obsolete, consequently, it could take considerable time to find a buyer. Even then the buyer would expect to name his price. These observations left him devoid of humour. Then I suggested he could approach the War Office with a blanket offer of all planes and spares at a realistic price. His selling ploy was to work on the vanity of the General. Think of the prestige a VIP Wing would bring to the Supreme Commander of Burma’s Defence Forces! Shortly afterwards Harry returned to Australia. Cathay’s replacement DC-4 Skymaster VR-HFF came on the Hong Kong Aircraft Register on 11 August 1954. She took over the duties of the murdered VR-HEU, and the heroic deeds of Captain Phil Blown and his crew had won the admiration of the travelling public. VR-HFF at Mingaladon, Rangoon - October 1954 - Captain Dave Smith at left of photo. One of the world’s most beautiful women joined the Skymaster flight from Hong Kong to Singapore in December 1954. Miss Ava Gardner had spent a week in the Colony publicising her new picture Barefoot Contessa. As Captain Dave Smith approached Singapore’s Kallang Airport one of the worst rainstorms in years dumped fourteen inches of water that flooded it. This forced him to divert to the RAF station at Butterworth some 500 miles to the north. male publicity managers. By the time they arrived at Butterworth they had consumed ten bottles. Installed in the Station Commander’s quarters, Miss Gardner discovered that someone had stolen her shoes, and sent her sister to the plane for another pair. Dave Smith detailed Mum as her squire. She must have checked through a dozen cases before we found the required pair, Mum said, but to make sure we took about a dozen pairs, for her sister told me Ava often changed her mind. It seemed an exorbitant number of shoes for someone making a fortune portraying a girl who refused to don footwear! Right: The Barefoot Contessa steps out of character and arrives in Singapore wearing shoes. 10 December 1954. fully reclining sleepers that best suited its route structure. Cruising the outlying islands of the Colony. Dave Smith at far right. Cathay Pacific group photo taken before the new Convair 880-22M jet left California. Back Row L to R: Captain Dave Smith, Mr Tom Laughlin ferry flight Navigator, Mr Edward Sullivan (Cathay Pacific's active Sales Representative in the USA), F/E W.B.A. Holyman, Sen F/O J.H.S. Greenwood, Sen F/O R.C.Hardwick, Chief F/E R.J.Smith and Mr D.S.Delaney, Assistant Chief Engineer. Front Row L to R: Captain A.B. Armstrong, Mr D. Kemphaus, CPA's San Francisco Salesman, a token CARE package, Captain Norm Marsh and Sen F/O C.K.Bushe. On 15 March 1962 a group of senior flight personnel posed on the steps of our latest acquisition. Their smiling faces showed their urge to get to grips with the intricacies of Convair’s pure jet - the sleek 880M-22B. A fortnight later the operative crew posed with VR-HFS just before departing from San Diego, California. On Monday 2 April, our Flight Superintendent, Captain Dave Smith skimmed her onto Kai Tak Airport. They returned bearing gifts – $US2,400 of woodworking machinery for the Colony’s self-help programme CARE. The gift of this complete workshop came from theAmerican people and was carried without cost by Cathay. Captain Dave Smith hands a token CARE packet to Cathay's popular Air Hostess Nancy Chan. Nancy would marry the only WW2 Luftwaffe pilot Cathay Pacific ever employed - Captain Dan Holeczy. 15 March I962 Cathay Pacific’s First Convair 880-22M VR -HFS at the General Dynamics Division, San Diego, USA. L. to R. starting from front: F/O Peter Stockell, Capt. Geoff Leslie, Capt. Pat Armstrong F/E Len Weston. F/O Chris Bushe, F/E Jack White, F/E Stan Pain, Capt. Lawrie King, F/E Bob Smith, F/E Don Brown, Capt. Phil Blown, F/O Julian Greenwood, F/E Bruce Holyman, Capt. John Carrington, Capt. Dave Smith, F/O Ron Hardwick, F/O Stuart McQuilkin, and Capt. Norm Marsh. 29.7.1965 Jim Hargraves (left), Dave Smith (centre) at Dan Holeczy's (at right) co-retirement sendoff. Captain Dave Smith receives momenta from the new Operations Director Captain Norm Marsh. Dave Smith, keeping a proprietorial elbow on his new golf clubs, jokes about his mink tees. He felt they were ideal to keep his balls warm. Dave Smith's page with kind permission from his wife, Lorna. These and other more detailed log book documents will soon be stored in the Swire Archives.
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This is easy and quick to learn. Try it when you feel anxious, stressed, or when you can’t sleep. Doing it every day will give you the most benefit. • Lie comfortably with your arms and legs outstretched. • Clench one fist and hold it for 10 seconds. • Relax the fist for 10 seconds, then clench again, and relax. • Repeat with the other hand. • Draw the toes of one foot toward the knee. Hold for 10 seconds. Relax and repeat. • Do the same with the other foot. • Repeat the same sequence for the following body parts, first on one side of the body, then the other. You can experiment with other muscle groups as well. - Buttocks. Squeeze together and relax. - Shoulder blades. Draw together and relax. - Abdomen. Pull in tightly and relax. - Neck. Push your neck down towards the floor and relax. - Face. Tighten and contract the muscles around your eyes and mouth, and relax. After a week, try combining muscle groups. For example, tense and relax the following parts together. - Hands and arms on both sides. After another week, try to quit the tensing part of the exercise. Lie down and focus on different areas, relaxing areas that feel tight.
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Two trends are in conflict in the enterprise, endpoint protection and bring your own device (BYOD) to work. Mobile Device Management (MDM) seeks to fill the gap, but current solutions fail in that they cannot assure the integrity of the mobile device. This means that the identity of the mobile user and the protection of sensitive data accessed by that device are always suspect. The JW Secure StrongNet Secure Admin solution addresses this problem by integrating hardware attestation into MDM. The current generation of workstations and ARM based mobile devices ship with hardware protections that are underutilized by competing solutions. These protections, such as the Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and Trusted Platform Module (TPM), allow an ongoing high-assurance assessment of the state of the device to determine whether sensitive information should be transmitted or displayed. Bottom line: JW Secure provides the technology to fill the gaps between what is already shipping in mobile devices today and what is actually needed in order to control the lifecycle of sensitive information. Want to learn more? Please reach us at [email protected].
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Portelet Bay is a pretty working fishing harbour that still retains a lot of its traditional charm. Portelet Bay is a pretty working fishing harbour that still retains a lot of its traditional charm. Alongside the harbour is a beautiful sandy cove and as it is in the south west of the island is gets the best of the afternoon sun making it the perfect spot to relax on a summer’s day. Accessed by steps or boat, it is also a good spot for bird watching or a pit stop while walking along the coastal paths talking advantage of the quaint kiosk. Rocquaine Bay Apartments are situated on a quiet country lane and within easy reach of many quiet coastal walks. Fermain Bay is a beautiful little bay at the bottom of Fermain Valley on the east coast of Guernsey, reached only by foot or boat. Havelet Bay is directly south of St. Peter Port's main harbour and is therefore easily accessible from the town centre. Petit Port is arduous to reach but the rewards will be worth your while.
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The LPC separation filter (LPC) is used to safely inject a trace tone to a live cable via a domestic mains socket, so that the cable can be traced from the premises to the connection in the street. It is suitable for connecting to voltages between 100V AC and 250V AC. MyLocator2 configuration tool is a software package that enables the operator to configure the vLoc series 2 of locators. To transfer data from the locator to a host computer. As an optional, the vLocPro2 and vLocML2 receivers can be fitted with a Bluetooth communications accessory. The Bluetooth option can be retrofitted and can be ordered at a later date if preferred. Used to connect the transmitter to a line using the direct connection method. Used to extend the ground connection to a suitable grounding position. NiMH rechargeable battery pack for Loc-5Tx transmitter. Alkaline battery tray for Loc-5Tx transmitter. Requires 8 x Alkaline D cells. Mains charger (100-250V AC input) used to charge 5 Watt or 10 Watt transmitters rechargeable battery packs. Supplied as standard with rechargeable battery option. NiMH rechargeable battery pack. Only use charger supplied. The Lithium-ion rechargeable battery pack is supplied as standard for receivers. Charging is done with the battery inside the receiver. This alkaline battery holder is supplies as standard and is used in the event the rechargeable battery pack has fully discharged. It can be considered as a backup battery pack. It requires 6 x AA alkaline batteries. Used to make an independent connection to the ground so as to complete the circuit when the transmitter is connected to a line using the direct connection method. VM-MAP is highly compatible with Vivax-Metrotech locator products (www.vivax-metrotech.com). It can store and display the real time locate information on the field. 1. Bluetooth connection with locator receiver and have the ability to choose to use either internal GPS on the device or external GPS. 2. All data will be logged in the device and display in real time. 3. Data are stored as KML format that easily open by Google Earth.
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The father of Berkeley balcony collapse survivor Clodagh Cogley last night thanked his colleagues in TV3 for organising a special fundraiser. Niall Cogley, group director of broadcasting at the television company, said staff members had been "wonderful" in organising an entertainment event last night at the The Green Isle Hotel in Dublin. The event will help pay for the ongoing care of badly injured Dublin student Clodagh (21). "It was a lovely gesture for everyone at TV3 to do. My colleagues in TV3 have been wonderful and very kind. "It was very generous of them to organise this event so well," he said. The event featured comedy and music acts, including Kings of Leon tribute band Knights of Leon and comedian and impressionist Al Foran. "The wider community have also been wonderful since it happened," Mr Cogley added. "We're hoping that Clodagh can get her life back to normal as much as she can and as soon as she can." The event also raised funds for another TV3 colleague whose young son, Hagan Nolan, has a rare condition called Cystinosis. The 16-month-old's parents Gavin Nolan and mum Donna Kavanagh, said they were delighted by the great support for the event. "The funds raised tonight will be spent on research into cystinosis, which is a very rare disease that attacks the organs of patients," said Donna, broadcasting coordinator at TV3. "Nine children and five young adults have the disease in Ireland. We are determined that a cure will be found for this disease," she said. Comedian Alan Foran (24) said he shared the nation's sadness at the Berkeley balcony tragedy. Six college students died in the horror balcony collapse that happened in Berkeley, during a 21st birthday party on June 16. Dublin students Eimear Walsh, Olivia Burke, Eoghan Culligan, Lorcan Miller, Niccolai Schuster (all 21) and Irish-American citizen Ashley Donohoe (22) lost their lives when the fourth floor balcony collapsed. In addition, Clodagh, along with Aoife Beary, Hannah Waters, Sean Fahey, Jack Halpin and Niall Murray (all 21), and Conor Flynn (22), were injured in the horrific incident. Clodagh suffered a broken spinal cord, meaning she may never walk again, and other injuries.
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It’s been coming for a while. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, the highest-ranking intelligence official in the United States, has submitted his resignation. Clapper, an Air Force veteran who ran individual intelligence agencies under both Presidents Bush, told the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday that he has submitted his letter of resignation, saying it “felt pretty good.” He has long said he planned to step down at the end of the Obama administration. But one element to Donald Trump’s win may have made Clapper’s decision even easier: Clapper helped force out retired Lt. General Michael Flynn, a close Trump ally who may become the next national security adviser, as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014. Clapper was often a target for privacy and civil liberties groups fighting against the government’s mass surveillance programs. But given Trump’s messy transition and collection of hardline security advisers, Robyn Greene, a policy counsel at the Open Technology Institute, suggested that Clapper’s experience and competence will be missed.
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Eleider Alvarez (right) has sent Sergey Kovalev (left) on the mat three times in the seventh round last August 4. Six months later, the clan Alvarez believes still hold an advantage over Sergey Kovalev on the eve of their rematch for the title of heavyweight of the World Boxing Organization. The title of the WBO, Eleider Alvarez (24-0, 12 K.-O.) has delighted dramatically Kovalev (32-3-1, 28 K.-O.), the August 4, sending the champion to the mat three times in the seventh round. Kovalev led yet 4-2 on the map of the judges. “It is certain that we have the impression to have already begun to win the second fight with the result of the first, admitted the trainer Marc Ramsay, met at the Omni hotel in Frisco, headquarters of the gala, which will be presented Saturday evening at the Ford Center, training complex of the Dallas Cowboys. It gives us an advantage for the battle of Saturday, but nothing is gained. Unlike the Russian, who has changed his coach since, entrusting his fate to Buddy McGirt, the clan Alvarez has rather built in a view of this second battle with the seven rounds played in August last year. Above all, the clan Alvarez wants to swallow his words to the clan Kovalev, who never ceases to claim, since his defeat that Alavrez won by chance. “Certainly we want to reset the clock to the hour, still more to the side of Alvarez that from my side, pointed out Ramsay. It has bitten it ! I would even say that Kovalev has helped me : it has been a part of my motivational work ! In each sprint, with each thrust of weight, with every punch that Eleider was given, I reminded him that his victory was an accident. I didn’t let it get on with it. No one is a prophet in his own country. The adage also applies to Alvarez, which does not seem to have convinced the fans of boxing quebec despite his record immaculate, and its recent victories against Isaac Chilemba, Jean Pascal and Lucian Bute, in particular. “If Eleider won the world title, he still has to earn the respect of the fans, admits Ramsay. He has yet to convince many. It is about putting an exclamation point to what we did in the first fight. We do not want to believe anything Eleider no longer : he had to pay the price to win in August. It will still have to pay for it this time. We do not go in a picnic, this will be a struggle painful. One thing is certain : in the eyes of the underwriters to the books, it is Alvarez who is the favorite this time. Fans in Quebec will have to stay up late to see the fight, Alvarez (the tv card) : the semi-final is scheduled for 23 p.m. local time in Frisco, so midnight in Montreal. The shock Alvarez-Kovalev will follow the battle between the light Teofimo Lopez and Diego Magdaleno, who will fight for the three titles to minors.
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this past week the world got some amazing news… EVERY SEASON OF FRIENDS ON NETFLIX beginning in january 2015. these are some of the best episodes from one of my favorite shows. wrap dresses and snakeskin… two of my favorite things. going into my second semester of sophomore year, influenced by the new year, i made a list of things i wanted to do: get up earlier, wear high heels, read more, go on adventures, and so on… at the end of the school year i made another list, which was more realistic and a result of my second semester experiences. i can drink coffee… if i add in more than an equal share of milk and vanilla flavoring and ice. lots of ice. i am at my most productive when I am listening to certain pandora playlists: oldies and rap. to be more specific: american pie, with or without you, and losing my religion playlist or 99 problems, hypnotize, a$ap rocky, and kanye west and jay-z. can’t study without them. i can’t function on less than five hours of sleep. i can try (which I have), but by the end of the day, or nine o’clock, i am seriously struggling. i may say i’m going to finally get around to reading books i want to read, but it isn’t happening. that’s what summer’s for. so to all of my books waiting for me in my nook reader, i’m sorry. i’m trying to hurry though. classical studies as a minor could not have been a better choice for me. during the times i thought i couldn’t take business classes any longer, roman archaeology or classical mythology was there to keep me sane. i am definitely a procrastinator, but a productive one. if i don’t want to finish one assignment i will complete everything else first. it’s bad (but it’s good), but sometimes really bad. heels ain’t happening. for special occasions, yes, but even putting booties on made me want to wear flats, sandals, or my lo-top converse. adventures can happen, but sometimes you just need to go for it. planning may help, but when you’re always doing work there comes the time when you need to let go. this summer i definitely plan on more “adventures”, and next school year i already have a few places to visit. yeah, i can eat healthy meals, but it is mostly due to a sweetgreen addiction. i could eat a salad from there every single day. thanks to the sweetgreen app, it makes this addiction easier… so it may be time to delete that. i finally tracked down that zara sequin clutch and not for an extreme price. a year’s worth of searching has finally paid off. after college, this is the dog i want. during the school year i am extremely lucky/grateful to be an editor for her campus georgetown. i started off as a writer during my freshman year, which actually was the first year of our branch’s publication, and it has been one of my favorite experiences at georgetown. to top it off i get to do some pretty great articles, and the last one of the school year is an example of that. for the final piece i was able to interview inslee haynes, which was something i couldn’t have been more excited about since she happens to be one of my role models, and i figured a lot of georgetown girls would feel the same! before i even went to georgetown i used to go through her blog daily to catch up on her recent illustrations and whenever i saw them in publications i would get so excited (vicarious living i guess). after college inslee lived in dc and then moved to new york, so i am doing something pretty similar (living in dc for college, and moving back to new york after school), so i guess it could be called a residency reversal of sorts. one of my favorite parts of the interview happened to be something i wasn’t expecting. her favorite life quote, “this too shall pass”, happens to be our family quote and my favorite “line.” my grandpa used to always say this, my mom has it embroidered on her beach bag, and it’s honestly something i always say and live by. anyhow, if you check out this link you can read the entirety of the interview!
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This option simply allows administrators to hide certain posts and pages from being displayed in the admin panel. The posts/pages will be removed from the admin list. Note this option only hides the posts/pages from view. It does not remove them from the database or otherwise alter the original post/page. Visit the WP Edit Pro settings page, and click the Posts/Pages tab. Scroll down to the “Hide Posts and Pages” options. To hide posts, enter a comma-separated string of post ids which should be hidden (without spaces). Hiding post IDs 274 and 363. In the two screen images below; we can see the before results (left) and the after results (right). Again, the posts have not been touched in the database. They have only been prevented from being output to the admin list. The posts will still display when viewed from the front end of the website, also. Hiding pages works exactly the same way as described above with “Hiding Posts”. Confused on how to determine the ID that needs to be entered into the options? There are two methods commonly used for determining the post/page ID. The first method involves loading the posts/pages in the admin panel. Click on “Posts” or “Pages” to load the available posts/pages. Hovering over the Title of the post/page will display a link at the very bottom of the screen (in the browser footer area). The ‘1’ is the post/page ID. Another option is to enable the WP Edit Pro ID Column option.
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I'm trying to do the blog tutorial, and have created schema.xml with the data from the tutoral. When I do symfony build-model and symfony build-sql it does not create the .sql file. I have checked in the /data/sql directory and it's empty. I don't get any error messages from the symfony command. It does not give me a message at all. When I run the command, it just goes back to the command prompt with no message. Same with the build-model command. Just a guess: it can be the zend.ze1_compatibility_mode problem. I tried 'symfony build-model' and 'symfony build-sql' in 'zend.ze1_compatibility_mode=on' and both did not work. I double checked my php.ini and it's already set to "Off". Thanks anyway. Out of curiosity, what is it supposed to output when the command is run successfully? My computer is an old one and quite slow (PIII 700MHz 256MB RAM) so the time to generate model and sql are quite long. Ok, well mine is DEFINITELY not working then lol. It probably has something to do with windows. Ive got apache2triad (apache2triad.net) installed so you never know what they hacked out of the regular apache/php config. Could you check there is no white space in your project path? I know some people have problem with white space in their path. Did you install Phing? It's possible that your php.ini file is suppressing error messages and thus you are not seeing the "unable to find Phing.php" stuff. I deleted the entire project and started over from scratch, using the exact syntax from the tutorial (myproject/myapp). I verified that Phing IS installed, and i've done everything from the tutorial. Still, I have no message whatsoever from running the build-model and build-sql commands. Strange. Is there no log file that the app generates? That would be handy. I'm going to install this on my linux box later because this is ridiculous. I am having the exact same problem on Linux. And that's it. I have no idea what's wrong. I just installed symfony on fedora core 4 and now it's working fine. symfony build-model and build-sql work like they should. Maybe this is a bug for windows? Venatyr wrote: I am having the exact same problem on Linux. I know, I thought a trace would provide some more info. I searched these message boards and google for the error message to no avail. This is my first experience w/ Pake, Phing, etc. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Strange, it seems you don't have some configuration entries in the config/properties.ini global configuration file. Could you check and tell me if this file is correct? try doing an svn checkout on the latest version and starting from scratch. Just a note, i never got symfony to work correctly on PC. I had to do all my symfony commands on my fedora box to get it working, so if you have access to a linux machine, try that instead. I got the latest version of symfony from svn, but the problem persists. rather than the "congratulations" page I saw in the AJAX screencast. Do you think the problem may be occurring there? It does create files in the myproject directory, and none of the output of the init-project and init-app commands seem to imply any errors. Should I be seeing the "Congratulations" screen? BTW, I'm using Mac OS X 10.3, which should be *nix-y enough to handle the command line portions of the tutorial. If so, make sure the address you're visiting has the appropriate vhost information in the httpd.conf. I added this to the bottom of my /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file. Make sure you change the IP above to the IP of your local web server. If it is on your computer, the IP will be Then restart apache and do a symfony cc to clear the cache. This should get it setup correctly and pointing to the right place. Thanks for the help, acidbox. However, I have already configured Apache as you have described. To verify that it's working, I created a helloworld.php file, and was able to access it from the server. I've been fiddling with this more today. I did a quick test on my home machine, running Ubuntu, and was able to run the build-model and build-sql commands successfully. I searched through the pake code and found the line where it's declaring the above error message. I put a print_r($properties) just above, and the array of properties was empty. Is there an easy way for me to test if the properites file is accessible to the pake script? Could permissions possibly be an issue? Are there other things I could be checking? The properties.ini file is loaded by the pake_properties function which is in the pake.php php file. You can print_r the results of parse_ini_file($file, true) to see if the parsing is OK. and see if it corrects your problem. It seems that the run_project_exists function is not called. Could you check that? OK, so before that, the build_model task is defined in the define_task method in the pakeTask.class.php file. It registers task dependencies, here project_exists task, via the $task->enhance($deps) line. You can print the $deps to see if project_exists is there. If yes, you can trace what happens in the enhance method. At the conclusion of the pakeTask->enhance method, a print_r of the task's prerequisites returns an identical array. I would assume that this is what was expected. So I guess the question that remains is why is the run_project_exists function not running? I just released a new pake and symfony and I think (hope) your problems will be fixed. I have one or two tasks to perform today, but should be able to set aside some time to work with symfony. If there is anything specific that I can do to help out, please let me know. I can see that there are a lot of static calls being made to the pakeTask object. I don't have a lot of personal experience with static variables/objects/methods yet, so I am not sure how they should be behaving, but it appears that perhaps the pakeTask object is getting reset? I just wonder why it would work on one machine and not another? I did get the symfony build-model command to work on my machine at home, running ubuntu linux and PHP 5.0.4. The machine that I need it to run on is at work, and runs Fedora Core 4, and also runs PHP 5.0.4. Any thoughts on how that prerequisite could be disappearing? I should have paid more attention to the information that was available to me here. The server I was trying to install symfony on here at work had zend compatability set. I apologize for taking up your time on this. I added a check for zend.ze1_compatibility_mode in php.yml and will add one to symfony.php to prevent further problems. I've tried both, dos and unix newlines. I've tried it on xp only.
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Inspired by the Salt Tray post on Teach preschool website, I spread salt on a cookie tray and let CJ to play. She enjoyed the Salt Sensory play. She had fun writing on the salt and making impressions. For more info on Salt Tray please visit Teach preschool site, Deborah and her class made hand prints, cookie cutter impressions in the Salt tray. In the post, Deborah also has Salt tray tips from one of her reader. After playing with the salt tray, we also made salt prints and Raised Salt art. We created a snowy day and Spring pictures. First I was thinking to just cover the surface other than the tree trunk with Salt and complete the snow scene. But CJ said "Why Mommy the trees and bushes will also have snow" I left her to come up with her own snow scene. CJ applied glue randomly on the sheet. After that, she placed the paper on the salt tray with the glued side facing down the tray. Remember our Sand prints and Stencil Sand art, this time we made Stencil Salt art. Prepare your work area. May be u can put a newspaper beneath to catch the salt spill. Place the stencil on top of the paper. Pour little amount of glue/mod podge onto a disposal plate or yogurt cup lid. Remove the stencil. Sprinkle salt onto the glue covered area. Lift the artwork and pour the sand off onto a container/paper. Dip paint brush in water and then in water color paint. Make sure the brush is covered with paint and water. Tap the salted glue with the brush and watch the colors run and spread! Apply Glue to the leave stencils and sprinkle salt, shake off excess. Paint the raised salt. The Problem with this method was that the salt falls on the wet salt painting and makes the picture dull. So in the other method we made the raised salt painting first and then painted it. Using Stencil and glue, first create the entire picture with sprinkled salt. The Raised salt art is an inexpensive science and art experiment. CJ was going Aah! by seeing the paint spread on the salt. that is soo neat! we are going to have to give this a try! I love the way your stencil picture turned out! What a great idea! How pretty!! I will definitely have to try this -- I've been wanting to try a salt sensory tray for a long time now. Thanks for the reminder! :-) LOVE the idea of stencils for this! This is so lovely Esther...loved Cj's creation. Hope to see you soon! Glad I found your blog!
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What is the intragastric balloon? This is a soft, smooth ball, expandable, tube placement, and a system of filling so that the doctor can insert it through the mouth, through the help of an endoscope. Once inserted into the stomach, the empty balloon is filled with sterile saline solution. When it is full, it is too large to pass into the intestine, and will float freely within the stomach. How does the system work? Intragastric balloon system is designed to be used with a supervised diet and behavior modifications. The ball partially fills the stomach and patients reported feeling of satiety. How is placed the ball inside the stomach? The balloon is inserted through the mouth without the need for surgery. The doctor previously performed an inspection of the stomach through endoscopy. Failure to observe abnormalities, professional proceeds to the placement of the balloon through the mouth and along the esophagus into the stomach. The ball is made of soft, foldable silicone, and introduces fully deflated. The patient is sedated, to not suffer inconvenience. They are also used relaxing muscle. Once the ball is in the gastric cavity, populated with sterile saline solution through a fine tube filling attached to it. Once full, the doctor removes the tube with a light pull on the outer end. The ball has a self-sealing valve, and so is left floating freely in the stomach. The installation time varies, but usually takes 20, 30 minutes, after which the patient is monitored by professionals for a short time, and returns home. How retired the intragastric balloon? It is usually removed as it stood it, via the oesophagus and mouth. Using an endoscope, the professional Insert a catheter through the same, punctured the balloon and deflate it. Once deflated, can be taken with endoscopic forceps and extracted. How much weight do you lose with the use of the ball? It is important to understand that the ball is an aid to weight loss, and that it must be used in conjunction with prescribed diet and behavior modifications. Therefore, weight loss will depend on how closely on how carefully you follow the diet. The maintenance of weight loss, depends on how fully adopted changes in physical exercises and changes in eating habits. The scientific work carried out, show up to 40 kilograms of loss in six months of use, while the average loss of 1 Kg per week. What risks are associated with the use of intragastric balloon? As in any medical procedure, there is a risk unforeseen, unknown or adverse reactions to the medication used and the type of procedure performed. They may vary with individuals. As with other gastric procedures, there is a risk of damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, or by direct contact with the instruments used stop placing the ball, by the same balloon, or the result of the increase in the production of acid by the stomach. * As a last resort, neutralize your dog or male cat can help control aggressive behavior. * There are many herbs that have been used traditionally to maintain the harmony of the nervous system and support a calm behavior. Used as part of a holistic approach, they can make a positive difference in your pet. There are natural remedies for pets containing a unique combination of natural ingredients specially selected and known for its ability to support peaceful attitudes. These ingredients provide support for dogs and cats. Especially useful in mascostas that tend to vocalize and express their frustrations physically, this natural help can soothe domestic animals socially inept and easily agitated, thereby contributing positively to the efforts of socialization and helping your pet to relax and enjoy the company of other people and animals. Others who may share this opinion include Joseph Stiglitz. The following natural ingredients are known for their ability to help calm dogs and cats aggressive. * Scutellaria laterifolia (Scullcap) is well known for supporting the nervous system. Scullcap can be circumstantial problems linked to an event (e.g. a trip to the vet or a competitive event) or as a general tonic to support the whole nervous system * Matricaria recutita (Chamomilla) is a medicinal herb that has been used by European naturopaths for centuries. It has natural soothing properties and can help facilitate calm behaviour in our mascot. * Belladonna (C30) is a homeopathic remedy included in this formula for its positive effects on the hypersensitive animals and which tend to manifest itself physically in the form of scratches or grunts. * Arsen alb. (30 C) is a homeopathic remedy used to support the pet loving and sensitive that however agitated easily and often need lots of marine. Pets that have a tendency toward jealousy would also find this beneficial herb. * Hepar. Sulph. (30 C) is often recommended for types of hypersensitive, agitated personality that hide his anguish exhibiting irritability. Original author and source of the article. This article make reference to some references the importance of the desentido concept (Sinn) for scientific history. For this, it is to necessriointroduzir as the theory of Max Weber was constructed with base numaproblematizao of the direction concept. After this, epistemolgicas implications of the felt concept will be apresentadastrs of for the histriacientfica: different directions constitute event of the past the same; aimpossibilidade of a disinterested knowledge; the necessity deapreciaes of value so that something, in way the description-cultural doevento including infinitude, can be cut and be invested comsignificado. Perhaps the question that better represents modernity, taken in a generalized manner and in its aspects philosophical and antropolgico, either the question of the direction and meaning of the life. The question for the direction of the life, without a doubt, is the symptom most evident of a certain outcome of modernity. But modernity, as historical context, supplied the enough conditions so that, first, it could and this is accurately what, here, for us characterizes, it -, as historical time, to have offered conditions for the sprouting of a latent doubt how much to the direction of the life? Because, amongst all the other cultures, only modernity occidental person capitalism as the main axle of values of modernity, on the other hand, and the rational religion and its teodicias as the valorativa matrix of ' ' Mdia&#039 age; ' of ' ' tradio' ' , entailed authors to a certain chain of intepretao, had read Weber understanding that, for it, in this direction, had a deep opposition, typical of the Iluminismo, between faith and reason; epgonos of one another chain, more recently, interpret the workmanship of Weber in a way essentially distinct e, at least, not less reasonable. Although partisan unequivocal of science, for such chain the workmanship of Weber does not establish an absolute opposition between the religious rationalism and the scientific rationalism, but, very differently, admits a scale of gradual differentiation of one for the other. Fast and Furious / The Fast and the Furious usa Director: Rob Cohen. Cast: Johnny Strong, Ted Levine, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster. Synopsis: The characters' Fast and the Furious "racing is not just a hobby – it's a real street theater, where people come ill, communicate and fall in love. In the 'Fast and Furious' tells the story of rival gangs of street racers. In one of the teams hits a policeman, and that it changes the usual during the lives of these madmen. Fast and the Furious 2 / 2 Fast 2 Furious U.S. Director: John Singleton. Cast: Paul Walker, Cole Hauser, Eva Mendes, James Remar. Awards and Notes: Filming began painting on September 9, 2002 in Miami. The main star of the first 'Fast and the Furious' Vin Diesel dropped out of the project after query is very large fee (over $ 20 million). Accordingly, due to lack of Diesel's director Rob Cohen has refused to put a sequel. Synopsis: Former cop Brian O'Conner, along with partner Roman Piarsom going to carry a large amount of 'dirty' money known mafia Verona Carter as his henchmen. But in fact this work is only a cover for Bryan, who, along with an undercover agent Monica Clemente must catch quirky offender. Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift / The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift usa Director: Justin Lin Starring: Lucas Black, Bow Voe, Brian Tee. Synopsis: Sean Boswell has always been an outsider. His only connection to the world – illegal street racing, because of which have problems with the local Shona authorities. To avoid prison, he leaves the country, and now he has to live with his uncle in a close apartment in the slums of Tokyo. In a country gave life to most street racers, ordinary race gave way to competition, at the maximum speed challenge the power of attraction – 'Drift racing' (controlled skidding) – lethal mix of top speed and cornering 180 degrees. It's only making the first hesitant steps in his new discipline, Sean, unaware of the consequences, accept the call, dk, 'Drift King' being connected with the yakuza. After the defeat of the only way for Sean pay off your debts – to plunge into the deadly world of illegal racing Tokyo, where at stake are life and death. You are currently browsing the Artieda 2011 weblog archives for the month January, 2014.
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Presentor: David Schultz Recorded Date: 12/11/2015 Duration: 60 Min. This program was recorded during a live presentation given on December 11, 2015 at 12:00PM EST. 2015 was a relatively quiet year on the legislative and regulatory fronts; however, the year did bring us a handful of changes. This web seminar will explore some of the most relevant changes from the last year. In addition, the IRS published the results of its “LESE” Project. LESE stands for Learn, Educate, Self-Correct, and Enforce, and the project included 17 series of IRS examinations of 50 randomly selected plans with similar characteristics. The IRS used the program to identify and highlight common compliance deficiencies and encourage self-correction. This program will review the project and its findings.
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Rene Redzepi recently open one of the world’s best restaurant in Sydney. ‘noma‘ Australia is located at Barangaroo in Sydney. We were commissioned to build two bars and an entry wall which doubled as a cloakroom. The walls were made to reflect the colours of Australia. This was achieved with oxides. Rene has become quite influential with his use of foraged foods and local ingredients. I feel earth building sits nicely with his philosophy of using what is local and available. Here are some photos of the project.
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Share Telluride Townhome at Tristant with friends or on social media. Telluride, Colorado has a magnificent collection of luxury homes. Experience this upscale living for yourself at Telluride Townhome at Tristant, one of five exclusive townhomes located in the Mountain Village area. The private townhome features a classic log cabin exterior with natural stone accents and a gorgeous interior with rustic décor and modern amenities. The mountain-view home also has an ideal ski-in/ski-out location. Come with family or friends for an unforgettable ski vacation at this Telluride vacation home. This luxury Telluride home features three floors and 3,800 square feet of living space. Telluride Townhome at Tristant can host large groups of up to 12 guests. In addition to the ample shared living space, the townhome has five bedrooms, four full bathrooms, and one half bathroom. Telluride Townhome at Tristant features outdoor living space on two levels. On the main level, guests can step out onto the deck for spectacular views of the snowcapped mountains and forested landscape. The deck has a barbecue grill and plenty of seating, perfect for an alfresco meal. On the lower level, the covered patio has a large, private hot tub. Indulge in a leisurely soak while you take in the view. The main level of this Telluride Townhome features a completely open floor plan. The entryway opens up into a large space that includes the living room, kitchen, and dining room. The fully equipped kitchen has modern appliances from Viking, plenty of counter space, and a long breakfast bar with seats for four guests. The adjacent dining area features a wooden dining table with leather chairs for six guests. After you are done eating, you can retire to the cozy living room. Armchairs and a leather couch are gathered around a stone fireplace set in a wall of natural rock. A set of glass doors lead directly out onto the deck. If you and your guests are looking for more space to relax indoors, you can head to the lower level family room. This room has a leather sofa and armchair set up for movie night. Bring popcorn and hot cocoa downstairs and curl up on front of the large flat screen TV with a Blu-ray player. The family room also has a collection of board games, perfect for ending a long day spent out in the chill of the ski slopes. Telluride Townhome at Tristant has bedrooms on the upper level and the lower level. The master bedroom, located on the upper level, has a king-size bed, a flat screen TV, and an armchair. The en-suite bathroom features a soaking tub and a steam shower. The second upper level bedroom also has a king-size bed and flat screen TV. This bedroom’s en-suite bathroom has a glass shower. The third bedroom located on the upper level is perfect for kids. This room has a bunk bed with a twin-size upper and lower bunk. The Townhome's other two guest bedrooms are located on the lower level. One bedroom has a king-size bed, which can be split into two twin-size beds, and a flat screen TV. The second lower level bedroom has three beds: a full-size lower bunk, a twin-size upper bunk, and a trundle bed. Both bedrooms have en-suite bathrooms and direct access to the patio. During your stay, you will have access to high-speed internet, a full laundry room, parking space for two cars, and concierge services. Plus, the home’s location makes it easy to reach the stunning Telluride ski slopes. Telluride Townhome at Tristant has been carefully designed to give its guests an exquisite Telluride vacation experience. From the ski-in/ski-out location and mountain views to the artfully decorated interior and modern amenities, this private townhome is an idyllic getaway spot. Telluride Townhome at Tristant is an elegant townhome that invites you to relax and explore the natural beauty of Telluride, Colorado. Great unit with 4 bedrooms. very nicely appointed.
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Sunny Lam walks down his farm row pointing out the epazote here — “it’s a Mexican herb” — and the flowering kale there, which is “growing like crazy” as another city bus roars by. Aug. 12, 2009 5:26 p.m. A few months into the season, it seems the soil here is good for growing many things besides strip malls and bus shelters: purple-stalked Cairo cabbage, fluffy dill and a packed row of Bambino and Rosemore lettuce. This is FoodCycles, the first farm dug doggedly into the city rather than swallowed by it. Built at the edge of Downsview Park, it stretches across almost 1.2 acres of land and into a greenhouse, where tomato plants explode from pots and volunteers hammer together cedar planks to make bins for worm composting. It was started in May by a group of young urbanites riding the wave of enthusiasm for agriculture. Armed with $54,000 in grant money, they negotiated a three-year lease with Downsview Park and set to work. Their vision: a city farm that is part business, part education centre, part testing ground for new urban agricultural techniques. “There is no reason you can’t grow greens in apartments,” says David Wild, who until recently made his living writing for a medical newspaper. He reaches into a wooden box and pushes some earth aside to expose a mass of wriggling worms. Allen’s name comes up a lot at FoodCycles. He is the Al Gore of the urban farming movement that’s sweeping North America. Growing Power, the urban farm he started in Milwaukee, has become a small empire: a $2-million budget, 35 employees, goats, ducks, beehives, fish and a thriving compost system that churns out more than 45,000 kg every four months. Allen, who teaches inner-city youth skills they can use in the new green economy, is the inspiration for the group at FoodCycles. The compost bin they are building is one of 64 planned. They’ve talked to wholesalers at the Downsview Park Merchants Market about picking up their discarded produce each week and turning it into more than 50 tons of compost each year. They’ll sell it, along with their food, at farmers markets. Foodies across the city are watching the experiment closely to see if it is a workable model, both as a business and as a use of city land. The key difference between Toronto and many U.S. cities, says food researcher Lauren Baker, is access to land. Where places like Detroit are rife with vacant downtown lots, Toronto’s core sprouts condo after condo. “I hope it will show how this work is feasible and that it is suitable use for urban green space,” says Baker, co-ordinator of the new not-for-profit Sustain Ontario, the Alliance for Healthy Food and Farming. She is part of a York University study examining what it would take for Toronto to grow 10 per cent of the vegetables its citizens eat.
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Baseball players still chew tobacco even though it causes cancer of the mouth, tongue, lip and throat. A study from the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine showed that chewing tobacco decreases the flow of blood to the heart to tire you earlier during exercise. The nicotine in tobacco is a potent stimulant, but most athletes produce so much adrenalin before a competition that they don't need any more stimulation. When you smoke tobacco, the nicotine is absorbed from the lungs and travels undiluted directly to the brain so that eight seconds after you puff on a cigarette, almost all the inhaled nicotine is inside your brain cells to cause a sudden jolt that calms you down, makes you more alert, and even helps you concentrate better. If you take another puff before some of the nicotine has cleared from your brain, the dose is too great and can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, flushing and shakiness. When you chew tobacco, nicotine is absorbed through your cheeks and mouth and is diluted by blood from the rest of the body before it reaches your brain, so that small amounts of nicotine reach the brain continuously over long periods of time, and you can tolerate much larger doses. Baseball players don't seem to care, but most people realize that this habit looks disgusting and has terrible health hazards. 1) KSIR, J Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 1986(Dec); 26(4);384-389.
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A portable shield that can be used in various scenarios where one of them is subversive rebellion on the streets. One day i woke up with the urge to rise up and stick it to the man. And what would be more suitable for that job than blinky lights eh? Over 200 hours of work went into this "weekend project" but the result is pretty groovy. We even made a video with a horse for reference. Link is live. Search for Magic Pixel on Kickstarter. Broken link. Could this be spam for a kickstarter campaign? How many leds are going across and down? Did you have any issues with hooking up 15 LiPo cells in parallel? It looks like you have a bunch of them going into a junction box, what's inside there? some guys had trouble running WS2812B at 5V with 3.3V signal levels. turns out the WS2811 datasheet says that the signal / power ratio should be no less than 0.7. running the whole setup at 3.7-4.2V from the lipos means that we are well within the 0.7 ratio with our 3.3v signals. thats why i run them DRIECTLY from the lipos and use no levelshifters or step-up converters anywhere. the box is just a bunch of JST connectors and fat wires to transport the current away safely. Ah, I guess this would work out fine if they are all charged to begin with. I would be worried about mixing LiPos with different states of charge. A hydroponics station with a companion web app. You are about to report the project "Blinkenschild", please tell us the reason.
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It's only in recent years, getting to know other ex-RAF 'types', that I've come to realise that RAF humour was a thing apart .. It's amazing how many of the comedians of stage and screen in the 50's and 60's were ex-RAF.And I have dad to thank for passing some of that on to me.After cycling in that 1950 high summer's heat, right across the island almost from one end to the other, he also stood accused of being late!I was born at 4am, but he still had to finish his duty, and didn't arrive till 13.30.His access to Marsaxlokk was by bike down the lanes from his flat in Zejtun, through the villages, and over to the bay, and thence via launch and small RAF craft of varying descriptions out to the Sunderlands moored in deep water.As he often said, he thought he'd joined the Air Force, not the bloody Navy!That became a family joke, but by February of '52, they were glad to come back. It seems to me he did well to get there at all without suffering a stroke. Ironic therefore, that in volunteering for the post on Malta, he should find himself posted to Hal-Far, and the 1151 Marine Craft Unit, which serviced the radios and radars for the seaplanes down at RAF Kalafrana from their quays at Marsaxlokk. For conscripted 'erks', who remained in the UK, or were posted to some of the world's trouble spots, like Berlin, Korea and Malaya, and later Cyprus and Suez, life wasn't anything like so comfortable. And always time to muck about with someone's engine. Considering his trade, I think some may have taken a dim view of a rookie airman snapping away at anything he liked. The few that I have don't tell any particular story, other than they give a sort of rough view of life for one groundcrew tradesman in the RAF in those years immediately after the war, and especially for those posted to Malta. In 2000, Jamie Mc Murray turned heads by winning the pole award in his first race for TKO Motorsports, at Michigan in the Camping World Truck Series. Based on the way he lit up the Camping World Truck Series in 2000, Jamie Mc Murray was one of the pre-season favorites for the 2001 Nationwide (now Xfinity) Series Raybestos Rookie of the Year Award. 27 Williams Travel Centers Brewco Motorsports Chevrolet wound up third behind Greg Biffle and Scott Wimmer.
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We are looking for three-year-olds who have age appropriate play, language and social skills to learn and grow alongside our early childhood students. Peer role models will attend school at Kewaskum Elementary 2 days per week from 8:40-11:40 a.m. during the 2019-2020 school year. They will participate in fun and engaging activities that will promote positive social interactions. For those interested in screening their child for the program view flyer for more information. Summer School will be from June 10 - July 3, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 11:55 a.m. Here is the Summer School Booklet.
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The EvolutionStream class extends the Java Stream and adds a method for limiting the evolution by a given predicate. Collecting an empty EvolutionStream will return null. Returns a stream consisting of the elements of this stream, truncated when the given proceed predicate returns false. Create a new EvolutionStream from the given start population and evolution function. Note: The evolution result may be null, if your truncation predicate returns false for the initial population. proceed - the predicate which determines whether the stream is truncated or not. If the predicate returns false, the evolution stream is truncated. Create a new EvolutionStream from the given start population and evolution function. The main purpose of this factory method is to simplify the creation of an EvolutionStream from an own evolution (GA) engine.
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The daughter of a stadium owner and a young vendor and they become romantically involved. Complications ensue because of the teenagers' diverse social class and economic backgrounds. His dad is out of work, she spends winters in Aspen and summers in Switzerland. Her parents and friends are against the relationship as well and then he begins to have thoughts too. An HBO production. Based on a novel for young adults by Todd Strasser.
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From sunbutter & jelly sandwiches, to fruit and kid-friendly cheeses, and rainbow sprinkle cupcakes, we have all the snacks you need for the perfect no-stress kid party spread. All available for pickup or delivery to any of your favorite local birthday spots! Choose from sunbutter & jelly, turkey & cheese, ham & cheese, or salami & cheese on white or whole wheat bread. Mayo or mustard available on sandwiches or as packets on the side. One whole sandwich per person, cut in half or quarters. Kid-favorite Fontal and cheddar cheeses, cubed for easy eating along with slices of Italian dry salami. Carrot sticks, celery sticks, and cherry tomatoes with yogurt dip. Grapes, Strawberries, and other seasonal fruit. Chocolate or vanilla cupcakes with vanilla buttercream and rainbow sprinkles. We request 48 hours notice for all orders. Orders can be picked up or delivered (extra charge). Please inform our catering team of any allergies. To place an order call 617-350-6996 or email [email protected]​.
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Moving is already an overwhelming experience. Ambit Energy wants to make you aware it’s also a time when some unethical moving companies try to rip off consumers. Summer is the peak season to move. Approximately 52 percent of home moves are carried out from May through September in a typical year in the U.S., according to the American Moving and Storage Association. Unfortunately, there are illegal moving businesses seeking to take advantage of consumers or there are companies that are operating in an unethical manner. In 2014, the Better Business Bureau received almost 9,000 complaints nationwide regarding moving companies. The majority of the complaints related to pricing issues, problematic employees, and missing or damaged items. If you’re planning to move, we have compiled a list of helpful tips to help you avoid a mover ripoff. Check to see if the moving company has a license. Find out if the moving company is legitimate, and check to see if they have a license to operate. Some states have websites where you can check for a business license. For example, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles website enables consumers to check for a license. Count the number of boxes and items being transported. You should know how many boxes are being moved from your home. You can take an additional precautionary step by taking pictures of your belongings. If any items turn up missing, then the photos will help you prove any reimbursement requests to the moving company. Request a walk-through before your move. The movers should visit your space so they can get an idea of the number of boxes and furniture pieces that are being moved in order to ensure they have sufficient trucks and other resources. There have been some moving companies that have requested more money to move items because they claim there are too many items to move or they have insufficient space in their trucks. Ask for an estimate in writing. When the movers visit your home before moving day, request that they submit an estimate or information in writing that lists a flat rate or a binding estimate. You should not accept a verbal quote or agreement. Find out if the moving business offers insurance. Contact the moving business to discuss insurance options. Even though you or the movers may carefully pack items, accidents do tend to happen and some of your belongings may break or get damaged in the process. When you talk to the company, find out the extent of their liability coverage. The issue of moving fraud has even compelled the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to recently roll out its Protect Your Move campaign, which empowers consumers with information if they plan to move to another state. The Protect Your Move website covers your rights and responsibilities, helps you detect fraud and provides fraud prevention tips. You can also search for registered movers as well as learn about their complaint histories. The Protect Your Move website also has a list of state movers associations. Visit the website of your state’s association to learn about the rules and regulations governing the moving industry in your state and to find licensed movers. We hope this information will help you avoid being a victim of moving fraud. In addition to the tips above for avoiding a ripoff, Ambit Energy has a moving checklist on how to manage your utilities and services that will also be useful as you prepare for your move. Good luck with your move this summer!
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St Arnaud 1288sqm Section - Better Be Quick! Be quick here as this delightful sunny 1288sqm section with amazing alpine views and very easy contour is now available. This Beechnest section with its gentle elevation offers superb views of the St Arnaud Range and Mt Robert. The St Arnaud market has been extremely active and sections are scarce. Act now and contact Bruce Batty for a full information kit and see how you too can be part of "Beechnest".
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Can you imagine having to decorate your plant bedding only once? Bulldawg Total Lawn Care can help make it happen! Decorative Rock Bedding is our most popular bedding. Also, if you have us install our recommended metal edging available in green or brown and our 25-year weed block, you’ll never pull weeds again. Mulch creates an attractive, rich color that can improve the appearance of any garden, play area or walkway. Mulch is also long-lasting, and can effectively deter weed growth and hold water. It often lasts a year or more. Since cypress mulch is created from cypress trees, it gives off a pleasant aroma of cypress oil. Mulch is also capable of absorbing large quantities of water, which can help prevent evaporation in the soil. Mulch improves the soil quality by eventually decomposing into nutrient-rich topsoil.
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Kefin and Jo look at the most popular superstar of all time, Stone Cold Steve Austin! Expect discussions about beer and vehicles. Q: Why didn’t you mention Steve Austin’s arrest for domestic violence against his wife in the episode? A: This is something we’ve been asked a lot, and I’m glad people care enough to mention it. The reason we don’t cover the arrest of Steve Austin in the episode is down to a few things. Firstly, I (Jo) didn’t know about it – no one tweeted it in or mentioned it on Facebook, and so I didn’t know to bring it up. Also, at the time of recording, the podcast was very much in its early days and we weren’t sure yet how to best handle controversial subjects. As such, Kefin decided not to mention it. In hindsight, it’s a discussion we didn’t have on-mic, that we both wish we had. It would have made for an interesting dissection of whether or not it’s possible to separate the wrestler from the crime, especially looking back as a long-term vs short-term fan. Having said that, as we continue to release rivalry episodes, I’m sure there will be other opportunities to discuss the topic, especially as we cover more episodes on wrestlers with similarly abusive pasts.
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Welcome to Darlington CAMRA’s website. of the work we do and our contribution to CAMRA campaigns nationally in our area. and northwards up into parts of County Durham. Branch area, usually on a Friday night. other Festivals run by neighbouring Branches and local pubs and organisations. provides a visible presence in local pubs and clubs of the Branches activities. Twitter/Facebook for more direct communication between members. Branch meeting minutes and Branch accounts. who fancy a bit of a Pub Trail around the town, including a handy street map.
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Zoey and Nick got all dressed up and did their engagement session Vegas style! These two started out in their street clothes as we explored some old-school Las Vegas glitz on Fremont Street. Then we headed back to the strip, where Zoey and Nick changed into their glittering best and headed out for a night on the town. We loved every second as these two strutted their stuff under the neon lights and danced beside the Bellagio fountains (where Nick had proposed). Nothing says Vegas more than a gold sequin dress, a Blues Brothers fedora, and two lovebirds smiling it up under the twinkling bulbs!
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Bundling a versatile long zoom camera with an intuitive storage device, the Canon PowerShot G3 X Digital Camera with Connect Station CS100 Kit from B&H includes the advanced point-and-shoot along with a wirelessly accessible storage hub. Characterized by a large image sensor and long-reaching zoom lens, the PowerShot G3 X pairs a 20.2MP 1" High-Sensitivity CMOS sensor and DIGIC 6 image processor to form the Canon HS SYSTEM for enhanced low-light capabilities, fast shooting performance up to 5.9 fps, and Full HD 1080p/60 video recording. Matching the imaging versatility is the expansive 25x optical zoom lens, which provides a 24-600mm equivalent focal length range, and is aided by Intelligent IS image stabilization as well as a quick 31-point autofocus system. A 3.2" 1.62m-dot tilting touchscreen LCD serves as an intuitive means for composing and reviewing imagery from various angles, and built-in Wi-Fi with NFC allows you to wirelessly share imagery with a smartphone, tablet, or Connect Station CS100. Also included within this kit is the Connect Station CS100, which is a media hub, designed to store, manage, and view up to 1TB of multimedia content. Transferring to this storage device is possible using NFC and Wi-Fi, and a USB 2.0 port as well as SD and CF card slots is also featured for importing content. Playback is supported on HDTVs from the device using an HDMI connection, and the drive's contents can also be viewed using a web browser on a computer or mobile device. Box Dimensions (LxWxH) 10.2 x 8.9 x 3.8"
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If you’re a GameMaker developer interested in signing up with a publisher who also has strong ties to the engine, you’re in luck. If not… chances are this piece of news won’t be quite as exciting. What I’m getting at is that just yesterday, YoYo Games – creator of GameMaker – launched a new publishing division, and one which “will focus on bringing GameMaker games to the masses” at that. No matter how sceptical you may be when it comes to titles put together in existing engines (like GameMaker, RPG Maker, Unity, etc.), hopefully you’ll be able to see why this could be a really good thing. I mean, a lot of great games made with GameMaker Studio have gone on to become quite popular – hits, even. But what about all those equally amazing titles that struggle to get recognition for one reason or another? According to Chris Trewartha, Publishing Manager of YoYo Games, their goal with this here publishing division is “to build a portfolio of games, made with GameMaker, that really stand out from the crowd through their concept, design and mechanics” and “work with the developers to give them the support they need, enabling them to realise their full potential.” Or in other words, to help GameMaker developers with potential figure out how to truly shine. Good stuff. Are you one such, interested in reaching out to the YoYo Games publishing team? Then by all means, get in touch with them by contacting [email protected] – right now! First batch of games are scheduled for reveal this autumn after all, so now’s definitely the time to get your foot in the door, so to speak.
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Imagine driving along the Italian countryside. The windows are rolled down, the weather is beautiful, and nothing lays ahead except for sweeping views and the promise of a vacation unlike any other. For a truly unique trip, a fly and drive package allows the guests increased flexibility as well as a deeply immersive Italian experience. A trip to Italy does not have to be limited to a singular flight in and out of your selected destination. With Trips 2 Italy’s fly and drive packages, guests are invited to grab the wheel and head off into the Italian sunset toward whatever destination is next on their list. We handle all of the necessary details, such as arranging your flights as well as your ground transportation, ensuring that when your plane lands in Italy, there is a car ready and waiting for you. From there, you and your travel companions simply hop in the car and take the rest of the itinerary at your own pace. From experiencing the gourmet flavors of Umbria’s legendary cuisine to the enthralling experience of the Palio of Siena, you and your group will feel like true Italians as you drive your way through Italy’s incredible landscape. There is nothing quite better than savoring the journey as much as the destinations. Langhe is a land to taste slowly day by day through its great wines, impressive castles and unforgettable dishes. You will dream to be back there again. The Tuscan countryside is an encompassing call to those who love the outdoors, put your sporting ability to the test by following our expert guides on trekking & mountain bikes. The ideal tour package for those seeking tranquility and purity in a region that is still relatively undiscovered. A perfect location also for families with children. A short tour package aimed to invite you to enjoy at your leisure the charm of Tuscany with its many characteristics and flavors. If you have never seen Florence this short package tour is for you. You'll be able to loose yourself in a ancient dream, where the city describes itself. The most charming aspects of this famous corner of Italy, home to Italian aristocrats and inspiration to famous writers and other personalities, are united in this enchanting tour. Discover, cook and taste the traditional flavors of Umbria by visiting their places of origin and combining an interest for the countryside with love of good food. Cinque Terre tour package: An enchanting land reclaimed from the sea, breathtaking panoramas and dreamy spots which are sure to make you fall in love with the picturesque five villages that make the Cinque Terre. This tour of Lake Como is for those who wish to discover this area rich in history, although today is mostly a tourist destination due to its breathtaking and relaxing scenery. Discover the enchanting rolling hills of Tuscany and live out the famous and unique experience of the historic Palio of Siena. Ideal for honeymooners or those who wish to escape a frenetic pace of life while enjoying the pleasures of art and culture. For the nature lovers, this walking tour, promises natural trials in a suggestive scenery like the Amalfi cost, across small green paths which go down at the sea. A short active holiday in Umbria for a taste of nature hiking through the National park of Monti Sibillini and surrounding charming villages. Tour includes a taste of the region's delectable cuisine. In a week long tour you will have the good fortune to discover some smaller jewels of these two sister regions, amid the harmony of a territory that has not yet been discovered by mass tourism. This short tour reach the most suggestive places of the Marche country-side and the flavors of the traditional local recipes. This tour allows you to discover at leisure, the road of Classic Tuscany covering the most famed areas where the Chianti, Nobile and Brunello red wines are produced. This unique tour explores nature and art combined with a culinary experience in the enchanting Tuscan countryside. Milan is known as being one of the world's leading fashion capitals. This program has been designed for fashion devotees and is combined with a cultural experience. A program aimed at letting you see Venice under a different light, from the point of view of its tradional flavours by cooking courses and wine tasting. Cinque Terre tour package: A land that has been reclaimed from the sea, breathtaking panoramas, dreamy spots that you will fall in love with. The Veneto is not just Venice. The marvellous gems that are enclosed in this region need to be discovered slowly. We will help you in their discovery with our best guides. The elegance of Turin combined with the charm of the hills which surround it, are an invitation to those who love art and culture on yet to be discovered trails full of fascination. This short tour is dedicated to discovering the rustic beauty of this marvelous region full of cultural and natural richness waiting to be explored. Parma: an area that is not well known but capable of instilling strong emotions. Those who love eating well will find their paradise here.
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Amédé Nwatchok was born in Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon. At just seven years old, he discovered the world of dance and at the age of 10 he joined Cameroon´s National Ballet. In 2004, he moved to Barcelona where he pursued his career as a dancer, dance teacher and choreographer, and also as a storyteller, actor and musician. At the same time, dance plays a key role in the social cohesion of a group; it brings people together based on a common interest and always respecting their personal level of development and awareness of their own body and their emotions. Dancer in the Cameroonian National Ballet; participated in several festivals in Africa, Europe and America. Started to teach dance and created his first choreography. Started to research the wealth of modern African dance, and presented his second choreography in Cameroon entitled ¨Beuna Wii Afrika¨ as part of an AIDS awareness event organized by the company TotalFinaElf, where he won the first prize. Presented ¨Beuna Wii Afrika¨ at the gala evening of the Lions of Cameroon organisation at Hotel Sawa in Douala. Choregrapher in the dance company ¨Gwass du Mbam¨. Obtained several prizes in diverse festivals in Cameroon. Choreographer and dancer in the dance company ¨Piliers de Douala¨ in Cameroon. Dancer in the company Mbam Art in Bafia, Cameroon. Named best dancer at the Mbam Art and Development festival in Cameroon. Created his third work ¨Ntoop Wu Fiine¨ which won first prize at the festival ¨de la Brasserie du Cameroun¨ three years in a row. Toured Africa and Europe. Created his fourth work ¨ L’ingratitude des humains¨ and took part in festivals in Africa and in Europe. Won first prize in the festival “Guinness Cameroon”. Partipated in a contemporary dance course organized by the Centre Chorégraphique National of Nantes in Douala, Yaoundé (Cameroon), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) and Nantes (France). Participated in a contemporary dance course organised by the Centre Chorégraphique National of Nantes and Montpellier, France. Participated in a contemporary dance course by the dance company Kinkaleri in Italy. Moved to Barcelona. Choreographer in the dance troupe ¨Triple T¨ of Ibiza. African dance teacher in schools, colleges and universities in Spain. Created his fifth performance “ La Mémoire des Arcs¨ with his company Salamandre. Participated in the festival ¨Les Nuits Métisses¨ in Auxerre, France and in the festival of dance “Sans Frontières¨ in San Pedro, Avila, Spain. Participated with his company La Salamandre in the international folklorique festival ¨Tradicionaruis¨ in Barcelona, Spain. Participated in a not for profit festival in Seu d´Urgell, Catalonia, Spain. Partipated in the International Festival of Antioquia, Colombia. Presented his eighth contemporary dance choreography entitled ¨Femme Sacrée¨ in Hamburg, Germany. Choreographer for the “Gabalgata de reyes” (an annual Christmas traditional street procession which symbolizes the arrival of the three kings) on behalf of Barcelona´s Institute of Culture. Choreographer for the Festival of Street Music in Sant Cugat, Catalonia, Spain. Created his ninth contemporary dance work entitled “Vahe Voo Sangui” and presented it at the Festival “Africa Vive” in Bilbao, Spain and at the International Festival “Ordino” in Andorra. Choreographer for the work “Sunnù” as part of La Merce Festival organized by Barcelona´s Institute of Culture and presented at the Grec theatre and in Park Ciutadella, Barcelona, Spain. Presented his contemporary African dance work “Vahe Voo Sangui” in the municipal theatre of Banyoles, Catalonia, Spain. Presented “Femme Sacrée” at the auditorium in Cotxeres Borrell in Barcelona, Spain. Participated in the festival of national and international folk dance of Calama, Chile. Presented his tenth work “La Malédiction” in the municipal theatre of Tarragona, Spain. Presented the work “La Mémoire des Arcs” with the Cameroonian Association of Bilbao, Spain. Participated in the International Festival of Arts in Perpignan, France. Presented “Femme Sacrée” in the International Festival of Dance in Valladolid, Spain. Participated in the afro-American festival Afro-Caña of Catalonia, Spain. Participated in the festival of international culture “La Fresca” in Barcelona, Spain. Took part in the festival of international dance in Antioquia, Colombia. Moved to Marseille, France, where he teaches African dance. Presented creation “Vinem” at Le Med’s cultural centre, Marseille. Put together creation “Teranga” with children aged 4 to 12 years at the Notre-Dame de la Major school, Marseille. Took part in the festival Marsella Dakar as a dance teacher. 2015 – Participated in the international festival Les Nuits Metisses in Rennes with the group Saiko Nata. Presented new creation “Assia”with the Association Mamanthé as part of the Kadanse Caraibe festival at the Cité de la Musique, Marseille.
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When creating information blocks, infoblock properties should be stored in a separate table, and all property values of each element are stored in the same string. This technique is called Information Blocks 2.0 and permits you to significantly speed up system operation and also to lift a number of restrictions of the previous version of infoblocks. For example, now there is no need to make the additional request CIBlockElement::GetProperty when selecting property values with the function CIBlockElement::GetList. Note. Documentation to Bitrix Framework, forum messages on the company’s website, and other places may contain the former name of the technique: infoblocks +. Storing properties in one common table and managing them using metadata from IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID. is a very convenient feature for a developer because any metadata can be adjusted at any time without affecting any other information. This drawback is common for regular infoblocks. If information is stored in infoblocks 2.0 and a property changes its type, e.g. from Number to Line,the storage type in the database itself will also change. From the point of view of performance, infoblocks 2.0 scores better for small reference tables with a small number (20-30) of rarely changed properties. It makes no sense to shift a newsfeed to this type of infoblocks. You will gain in terms of the number of queries, but lose in terms of the query performance time. Infoblock 2.0 databases have a physical limit to the number of infoblock properties. At this time, it is not controlled in the system because it depends on a number of unpredictable factors: property types, MySQL configuration, and others. When this physical limit is exceeded, you will obtain a MySQL error that is unusual for Bitrix Framework. However, no data will be lost in this case. A big advantage of infoblocks 2.0 is the possibility to use composite indexes. However, the situation when sorting is made by = and by several fields simultaneously is quite unusual. Information block has a VERSION, attribute that determines whether an information block property value will be stored in a common or an allocated storage when creating a new infoblock. If an allocated storage for a specific infoblock is selected, the database creates two additional tables wherein the names will contain the infoblock indicator. One of the tables will store multiple properties and another one single and cached values of multiple properties. There is a link to a “converter” between storage types at the editing stage of an infoblock. It should be used with utmost care because the duration of the conversion process depends on the total volume of infoblock property values. Throughout the entire conversion, the infoblock is in an inconsistent state (only a part of values is transferred). In a test configuration for a MySQL version the conversion speed is approximately 1,500 elements per a 20 second step. The Fetch method is redefined in the CIBlockResult class.The method is responsible for caching values of multiple properties of an element that participate in sampling. For the same properties of the list type, the pairs ID=>VALUE are selected from the reference table. API provides for a VERSION parameter in the field array $arFields of the method CIBlock::Add. Its values are: 1 – for general storage and 2 – for allocated (new) storage. During the editing of properties (change of a multiplicity attribute or a property type), additional table management operations are performed for the properties stored in the allocated storage, such as delete/add columns, insert/update, or delete a big number of entries. It is best to avoid doing this unless it is absolutely necessary. It is recommended to change the type or multiplicity of one property at a time. Moreover, for single properties, it is recommended to convert them first to multiple properties and then change the type, and the other way around for multiple properties – first comes the type, and then conversion to a single property. When adding an element, a relevant entry is made into the table that stores the property values of the element. The values of single properties of an infoblock with the allocated ID storage are composite and consist of an element ID and a property ID separated by a colon. When updating multiple properties, the cache of these values resets. DESCRIPTION_XX - stores description for a single property. How to achieve the best performance using Infoblocks 2.0? In order to take advantage of the data storage structure used in new infoblocks, component behavior must be modified to a certain extent. //Initialization of a page by page display. //Below property values can be used.
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Beth0stephanie has no reviews yet. Please login to write a review of Beth0stephanie. HAVE YOU SEEN BETH0STEPHANIE BEFORE?
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Find the Best Capitalism APK Mobile Android Apps and Games Below! Este live wallpaper de Hugo Chavez es muy chevere BRODER! Make It Rain Like A Boss is a fiendishly clever game, that’s super simple, easy to pick up. Fly a NATO ground-attack fighter to repel a Soviet invasion.
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EDWARDSVILLE – The Edwardsville Police Department is looking to purchase two new data computers with docking stations for two new squad cars. As discussed at Monday’s Public Safety Committee meeting, the EPD is seeking City Council approval to purchase two Dell Latitude 14 Rugged 5414 mobile data computers with docking stations, which were accounted for in this fiscal year’s capital budget. The total purchasing price for the machines, docking stations and laptop screen stiffeners amount to $6,103.62. Edwardsville Police Chief Jay Keeven said although the department’s new squad cars are on hold, the EPD wanted to go ahead and move forward with the equipment purchase. “They will be for installs for new squad cars, which the council has already given us approval to purchase once the bid contract is prepared. We have spoken with Morrow Brothers (Ford) and they have agreed to order our squad cars so we can get the ball rolling with no commitment that they’ll be at state contract price,” Keeven said. The docking stations will be mounted inside the squad cars and will hold the laptops in place while also supplying power to the systems. Keeven said the department is still waiting to acquire the two new Ford Explorer squad cars and for now, it’s in the state’s hands. “We’re expecting any day they’re going to release that,” he added. As discussion came to a close, alderman SJ Morrison made the motion for approval, seconded by alderman Chris Farrar. With alderman Will Krause also in favor, the motion passed unanimously. The motion will visit City Council next Tuesday to receive final approval. For more information about the purchase, visit the city’s website at www.cityofedwardsville.com.
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BBC Soul Music documentary - do you have a Mozart Requiem story? The producer Melvin Rickarby would be very happy to have a chat with people who might have a story to tell. People are welcome to forward this on to friends and family, if they know of someone who might have a story. Tewkesbury was featured on BBC Gloucesteshire this week, as research into the descendants of members of William Shakespeare's family, buried in the graveyard behind the Old Baptist Chapel, has discovered relatives living not far away in the Forest of Dean. Exciting stuff! Did you know that this county is home to William Shakespeare's relatives? BBC Radio Gloucestershire has tracked down some living relations of The Bard, as some in Tewkesbury think more should be made of the graves of his distant relations in the Old Baptist Chapel. Thanks to Gloucestershire Family History Society and The John Moore Museum for their help in researching the family trees.
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This comfortable bungalow lies in a modest holiday park with a swimming pool near the village of Svojanov, 10 km east of the city of Moravska Trebova. The park is located at the edge of the forest on a light slope with a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains and woods. The holiday park has twelve beautiful holiday homes. There is also a reception, a playing field for various ball games, a large covered terrace with a barbecue for communal activities, and a kiosk where you can buy drinks and snacks. You have access to a communal pool (5 x 12.5 m, depth 1.30 m), a table tennis table, a sandpit and swings. If you drive 30 km north, you will end up in the town of Sumperk, where you can start exploring the Jesenik Mountains and the Orlické Mountains. In Moravska Trebova there is a small aqua park with heated water. You can rent bikes at the reception and the staff will gladly tell you where you can ride horses and go fishing (with a permit). About 100 m and 400 m away are two small lakes, in which you can go swimming. Motylek Park lies in the eastern part of Bohemia in North Moravia and is located at the edge of a forest. Bungalow Aneleh is a great house for nature lovers, families with children, and travellers who love comfort.
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A £1 tax on every incandescent light bulb would help to increase the uptake of environmentally friendly technologies, and allow light bulb prices to include more of the environmental costs associated with wasting energy and burning fossil fuels. Waiving this tax on energy-efficient lightbulbs would also encourage the uptake of existing technologies and drive further innovation. On the theory that any idea that increases taxes is a bad one, and on the theory that it's a global world of ideas (i.e., our thieves aka tax collectors will grasp any idea to increase their take), can some one explain to me how giving the government, any government, more of the our sweat of our collective brows will solve this problem. If we assume that there is a problem as states (i.e., incandescent bulb waste energy and cause all sorts of mischief), then how do we nduce people to change their behavior? Now if we recognize taxes as theft, followed up by men with guns coming to kill us, perhaps we might try some simpler ideas. Educate people. Work on the economics not by raising the cost of bulbs (i.e., increasing the cost of incandescent bulbs by taxes) but by decreasing the cost of the alternatives. By getting people to look at the total cost of ownership. AND, by the way, I bet the government, of which the originator seeks to empower with more tax money, probably is the biggest energy waster and incandescent bulb user on the planet. So much for that good intention paving the way to hell for us. Fix the government like a cat. Spay and neuter your local politcians! I too would like Linux on my primary! Me too. Maybe my next laptop will allow me to do this on my current lugable. A libertarian is, if nothing else, a person with at least an intuitive grasp of the parameters within which the abstract structures of human society must be limited. A person who at least implicitly grasps that as the seat of human intelligence, the individual must be afforded a maximum of personal freedom in order for the social structure to be consistent with fundamental, immutable human nature. I think I'd prefer the definition "A Libertarian is anyone who believes in the Zero Aggression Principle and acts that way. So I would expect that they would renounce the use of force to achieve social and political goals. Where is “Walter Knudsen” avenue? Staff Sgt. Walter Knudsen, a World War II B-24 gunnery instructor from Sioux City was praised as an American hero at a graveside ceremony with full military honors Saturday at Memorial Park Cemetery. We should remember the cost in blood and treasure of all these men and women. Personally, before we dedicate buildings and name streets for politicians, we should have then named for our honored dead. Where is "Walter Knudsen" avenue? In the government skools in Iowa, they should teach about Walter Knudsen. At least, the students would learn that freedom has a price. Real privatisation occurs only if the customers of education are empowered, if the educational providers are made accountable to them. We have found a very effective way of doing that over the millennia — it’s called the price mechanism. Only when people pay for something can they be in real control. Poor parents in the developing world recognise this with crystal clarity. When the people of this country realize the "Barbara Striesand" that they are being sold, then maybe we will have true Separation of Education and State. You are currently browsing the Reinke Faces Life blog archives for the day Monday, April 24th, 2006.
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After a costly five-year lawsuit, District Attorney Ashley Rich has reached a settlement agreement with two Mobile County commissioners that will permanently increase the funding for her office and employees. The agreement, which was signed by commissioners Jerry Carl and Merceria Ludgood on Monday, was finalized by Judge George Elbrecht earlier today. In addition to a one-time, $1 million payout, the settlement also increases the county’s annual appropriation to the District Attorney’s office to $2.7 million. The new figure is an increase from the $1.5 million allocation the office has been receiving but less than what Alabama’s Supreme Court ruled the office was lawfully due in 2016. Rich’s lawsuit began and ended with a pair of local laws passed in the 1980s that required the Mobile County Commission to match salary increases for her office passed at the state level, as well as the regular cost of living adjustments granted to all county employees. Though Rich and her employees are state employees prosecuting state crimes, most district attorneys offices in Alabama receive money from the counties in their respective districts. Facing budget cuts on the state level and a continuing drop in revenue from fines and fees in court, Rich approached the Mobile County Commission about increasing it’s allocation to her office in 2010, but when those talks proved fruitless, Rich filed a lawsuit based on those local statutes. After multiple appeals, the Alabama Supreme Court unanimously ruled in Rich’s favor last March, though the county quickly asked for a rehearing. However, that request was denied, and in August, the court reaffirmed its support of Rich’s interpretation of the law. What followed has been months of mediation between attorneys paid by the county and attorneys paid by Rich’s office that was almost unsuccessful, as the hearing before Elbrecht on Wednesday was initially scheduled as a bench trial. However, at the 11th hour, an agreement was reached providing Rich and her staff members with a settlement she claims “almost mirrors” the amount she requested from the commission before her lawsuit was filed. Between the years of litigation and months of mediation, the taxpayers of Mobile County will have put nearly $600,000 in this five-year legal battle, though Lagniappe is still waiting on final figures from Mobile County. As he has before, Elbrecht praised the work of the attorneys on both sides of the case, calling the agreement reached an “absolutely superb way of dealing with two out-of-date statutes” that he encouraged Mobile County’s legislative delegation to repeal in their upcoming session. Elbrecht, of Monroe County, was appointed to the case after Mobile County judges recused themselves when litigation first began in 2012. Till the very end, Commissioner Connie Hudson has favored continuing the county’s fight against a lawsuit filed over funding for local prosecutors. Missing from the page of signatures on Wednesday’s agreement was Commissioner Connie Hudson’s. While Carl has vocally advocated for a compromise in the past, Hudson and Ludgood have rejected previous settlement offers they found to be not in the best interest of the county and its budget. Hudson said she wasn’t opposed to the financial terms in the final settlement, but withheld her signature because it failed to include a “protection mechanism” that would keep the district attorney’s office on an equal footing with other county-funded departments if a “dire economic situation” caused the commission to implement across-the-board budget cuts. According to Hudson, such a provision was presented to Rich and rejected during mediation. In recent negotiations, there was been a disagreement over what an appropriate salary schedule would be for Rich’s employees. However, in the final settlement, a salary schedule is not mentioned, and the distribution of the office’s increased annual appropriation will be left to Rich’s discretion. Speaking with Lagniappe, Rich said additional funding will allow the office to raise its starting salary for assistant district attorneys from $45,000 to $55,000 and extend a 7-percent raise to existing staff members. The additional $1 million will, according to Rich, go toward paying off the remaining court fees from the lawsuit and subsidizing anticipated dips in revenues from fines, fees and court costs. However, while she called the settlement “a step in the right direction,” Rich added “it does nothing for the operational costs” in her office and wouldn’t provide the long-term funding to refill any of positions she’s cut over the past six years.
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4 April 2019, Ankara, Turkey – Representatives from private sector, civil society, academia and business associations gathered for second time in Ankara to discuss the causes of food waste and possible solutions to stem the issue, being a part of the “SAVE YOUR FOOD” campaign. 21 February 2019, Brussels - Today, a roundtable was assembled under the auspices of the European Parliamentary Alliance on the Fight against Hunger and the European Parliament (EP) Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development” to draw attention to political and moral responsibility to reduce food waste and to call for immediate action. The roundtable focused on the importance and the transformative potential of educating and engaging children – future consumers – in food waste prevention, thus, leading to behavioral change across generations. Moscow, January 2019 - FAO Liaison Office with Russian Federation and Messe Düsseldorf – which together with FAO established SAVE FOOD Initiative in 2011 - organised a conference on “What Does it Cost to Save Food” in Moscow on 29 January 2019. Objective of the conference was to draw attention of the Russian government and private sector to the problems of food losses and waste (FLW) in the country and to share the world’s best examples of national strategies and programs to tackle the issue. Antalya, Turkey, 4 - 6 May, 2016 - CFS held two plenary sessions since the last Regional Conferences met. In line with its role in global policy convergence CFS endorsed the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (CFS-RAI) and the Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises (CFS-FFA). Policy recommendations were made on the basis of the three reports produced by the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE): Food Losses and Waste in the Context of Sustainable Food Systems; Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture for Food Security and Nutrition; and Water for Food Security and Nutrition. The Committee organized a High-Level Forum on Connecting Smallholders to Markets. Its outcomes were presented to the CFS Plenary together with identified areas to be further addressed by CFS. 2013 - in January 2013 the Turkish Grain Board and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock together with relevant stakeholders launched the Campaign on Preventing Bread Waste. Watch the interview of Mr. José Graziano da Silva (FAO Director) on food waste. FAO and the IFWC developed the “Do Good: Save Food!” series of teaching manuals targeted to children at primary and secondary schools to promote awareness of the consequences of wasting food and actions that children can take to reduce food waste.
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Where the heck did Jake Gyllenhaal go? He looks all gaunt and squirrely, almost as if he’s wasting away, in his latest crime thriller “Nightcrawler.” It’s a scathing media satire and crackling crime thriller from first time feature director Dan Gilroy. The actor with his black slicked back hair and stark dark eyes almost fades into the background of the creepily shot scenes of wee hours Los Angeles where he begins as an amateur cameraman trying to get footage of accidents and crimes moments after they occurred so he can get paid by a local news channel who is struggling in the ratings. Gyllenhaal has given one outstanding performance after the next in challenging material be it “Prisoners” or “Enemy” and here he has found his Travis Bickle role with a performance that is sure to be remembered for years to come. Any questions of whether Gyllenhaal is playing an immoral character is vanquished in the film’s first few moments when he assaults a security guard and is later seen wearing the guy’s fancy wristwatch. He’s a scavenger. Gyllenhaal is Louis Bloom who begins the film turning in scrap metal for cash. But then he witnesses amateur camera guys filming a car crash aftermath and decides to try it out for himself. In the film’s first half we witness the trials and tribulations of Lou becoming a “nightcrawler” - those pesky camera guys who are always shoving their lenses in the faces of innocent victims of crimes or accidents and freelancing the footage for local news stations. And then Lou almost perfects it. Lou sells his increasingly graphic footage to a local producer Nina (Rene Russo channeling her inner Faye Dunaway) whose morning news show is the lowest rated in the city. Both Nina and Lou seem to bond over this creepy footage and Lou especially becomes obsessed with pleasing Nina’s outrageous quest for high ratings and his increasing need for more money. Of course he goes about it in the craziest ways possible whether that means moving a body to get the perfect shot or withholding photographic evident from the police to further his career. You can only feel bad for Lou’s naïve apprentice Rick (Riz Ahmed) who he hires as his “intern.” This is a film that forces us to follow along with a morally empty character who makes increasingly unethical decisions. And the film’s suspense is shoved into overdrive in the film’s last act when Lou makes some of the boldest and insane decisions imaginable. “Nightcrawler” works like a modern suspense thriller version of “Network” much of if functioning as if were Michael Mann’s post-“Collateral” crime actioner. Cinematographer Robert Elswit shots the film as if it were a dirty, urban 70s noir. He captures the crime riddled LA nightscape with breezy intensity. The movie, shot on actual film, captures the grainy cityscape perfectly, including an incredibly intense car chase that pits the viewer in the middle of the action. James Newton Howard’s electronic, almost rock-like score feels as strange as the film itself and works perfectly. Like Gyllenhaal’s character it’s odd but charming. In fact, Gyllenhaal’s scraggly, amoral but cordial (and arguably insane) character could be an evil distant cousin of his similarly rogue and heroic cop character from “Prisoners.” Both men are wholly solitary and strange individuals with completely different motivations. Trailer for Nightcrawler on TrailerAddict. There is quite a bit of buy replica watches coverage out there on vintage watches. Google is your best friend if you’re just starting out. Sometimes Breitling replica you will find relatively small websites that specialize in just replica breitling watch one brand or even one model, and these can be gems.
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Join the Independent Drivers Guild as a dues-paying member to be covered by our group accident insurance provided by National Group Protection. Please note that members over the age of 65 are not covered by our insurance provider. Pays lump-sum benefits for the treatment of injuries suffered from a covered accident. You don’t have to be driving to be paid. No limit on the number of claims. 24-Hour on and off the job coverage. The insurance provider will pay this benefit when an insured is advised by a physician to use a medical appliance due to injuries received in a covered accident. Benefits are payable for Crutches, wheelchairs, leg braces, back braces, and walkers. If an insured requires the use of a prosthetic device due to injuries received in a covered accident, the insurance provider will pay this benefit. Hearing aids, wigs, or dental aids including (but not limited to) false teeth are not covered. The insurance provider will pay this benefit for up to six treatments per covered accident. The insured must have received initial treatment within 72 hours of the accident and the follow up treatment must begin within 30 days of the covered accident or discharge from the hospital. The insurance provider will pay this benefit for up to six treatments (one per day) per covered accident, per insured for treatment from a physical therapist. The insured must have received initial treatment within 72 hours of the accident and physical therapy must begin within 30 days of the covered accident or discharge from the hospital. Treatment must take place within six months after the accident. This benefit is not payable for the same visit that the Accident Follow-up Treatment benefit is paid. The insurance provider will pay this benefit when an insured is admitted to a hospital and confined as a resident bed patient because of injuries received in a covered accident (within 6 months of the date of the accident). The insurance provider will pay this benefit once per calendar year per insured per covered insured. This benefit is not payable for confinement to an observation unit, or for emergency room or outpatient treatment. The insurance provider will provide this benefit due to a covered accident on the first day of hospital confinement for up to 365 days per covered accident. Hospital Confinement must begin within 90 days from date of accident. Payable once per hospital confinement even if the confinement is caused by more than one injury. Up to 30 days per covered accident; pays in addition to Hospital Confinement Benefit. If an insured receives blood and plasma within 90 days following a covered accident, the insurance provider will pay the amount shown. The insurance provider will pay this benefit for an adult of the immediate family to accompany the insured if treatment of injuries due to a covered accident requires hospital confinement in a hospital more than 100 miles from the residence of the insured. The insurance provider will pay the amount shown for one room for up to 30 days and only during the time the insured is confined to the hospital. The treatment must be prescribed by your local physician. If an insured is injured in a covered accident and the injury causes the insured to die within 90 days after the accident, the insurance provider will pay this benefit. If an insured is injured in a covered accident and the injury causes the insured to die within 90 days after the accident, the insurance provider will pay this benefit if the injury is the result of traveling as a fare-paying passenger on a common carrier. If this benefit is paid, the insurance provider will not pay the other death benefit in this plan. If you are a dues-paying member, you may file a claim here. 1. Participating in war or any act of war, declared or not, or participating in the armed forces of or contracting with any country or international authority. 2. Suicide – committing or attempting to commit Suicide, while Sane or insane. 3. Sickness – having any disease or bodily/mental illness or degenerative process. The insurance provider also will not pay benefits for any related medical/surgical treatment or diagnostic procedures for such illness. 4. Self-inflicted injuries – injuring or attempting to injure yourself intentionally. 5. Racing-Riding in or driving any motor-driven vehicle in a race, stunt show or speed test. 6. Intoxication – being legally intoxicated, or being under the influence of any narcotic, unless such is taken on the advice of a physician. 7. Illegal Acts – participating or attempting to participate in an illegal activity or working at an illegal job. 8. Sports – participating in any organized sport: professional or semi-professional. 9. Avocations -mountaineering using ropes and/or other equipment, parachuting or hang gliding. 10. Cosmetic Surgery – having cosmetic surgery or other elective procedures that are not medically necessary or having dental treatment except as a result of covered accident. This is a brief product Overview only. The plan has limitations and exclusions that may affect benefits payable. Refer to the plan for a complete list of benefits, limitations, and exclusions. Accident Insurance underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of New York, 22 Corporate Woods Boulevard Albany, New York 12211. NOTICE TO BUYER. This is an accident-only policy. It does NOT provide basic hospital, basic medical, or major medical insurance as defined by the New York Department of Financial Services. This policy is intended to supplement existing basic hospital, basic medical, or major medical coverage. It is not intended to replace or be issued in lieu of that coverage. Underlying basic hospital, basic medical, or major medical coverage must be in force in order to purchase this accident-only coverage.
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look so pretty, sparkly & cheerful?! We used those sparkly pasta wheels pictured above to make pumpkins! 1. Add a few drops of green food coloring & alcohol inside a ziploc bag. 2. Add macaroni & shake to mix well. 3. Place on paper towels and glitter as desired & allow to air dry. 1. Add a few drops of alcohol with yellow food coloring & mix w/a drop of red to make orange. 2. Add pasta wheels & shake to mix well. 3. Place on paper towels and glitter as desired and allow to air dry. Once your pasta is dry you are ready to make your pumpkin! 1. Start by drawing a glue outline of your pumpkin (minus the stem). 2. Add pasta wheels fitting them as close together as possible. 3. draw a stem with your glue and add macaroni to complete. while the Littlest Diva made 3 smaller ones. and we now have fun sparkly pumpkins to display! Do you have a favorite pumpkin craft or book? I love all those orange sparkly pasta on the blue. They turned out great! oh never thought of using the circle shape pastas! They would make perfect wheels for crafts too! Bern, these are adorable! I think I have wagon wheel pasta in the cupboard, and if so, I know today's project! Love the glitter especially. Pleeease would you share this at my party? This is really cute...we love coloring pasta too. Would love for you to link this to Hey Mom, Look What I Did at Adventures In Mommy Land! Thanks so much for showing me how to color pasta!! These pumpkins look AMAZING & I can't wait to make something like this at our house!! Thanks so much for linking up to TGIF Linky Party!! OH MY GOSH, this is the cutest craft EVER! I LOVE IT! Pinning this and will DEFINITELY be doing this next year. I found you through the TGIF linky party and pinned this idea for next year. So creative and fun! My Boogie loves glue and I love glitter so this is a win-win :) Hope you had a nice Halloween! These look great! My youngest loves the arts and crafts that use pastas, rice, etc. oh love this one! thanks so much for sharing on Craft schooling Sunday! Feel free to stop over & grab an I was featured button! I can't wait to see what you link up this week! Doesn't glitter just make everything so special?? When did you add the glitter?? I add glitter right after the food coloring part - when they are still a little wet before drying so that it sticks. This is adorable. I'm missing the part where you add glitter, though. These are really cute. I just saw your post on Pinterest. Please link this to Artsy Play Wednesday on Capri + 3 (now live). How much alcohol are you suppose to use? I am finding that I had to add a lot more than a few drops of alcohol to color all of my pasta. I added several tablespoons in a ziploc bag and food coloring in order to color more pasta at a time. Also, I am having to let the pasta soak in the food coloring in order for it to retain the color. Did you have to do these things also? I didn't do a lot of pasta at once so that may make a difference. If you are doing larger amounts I would definitely add more food color and alcohol as needed to saturate. I didn't soak them in food coloring though. I shook the bag well do that everything was coated and took it out to air dry. The more food coloring you use the more vibrant your color will be. Thanks so much for this fun craft! I'm prepping everything for my son'e Pre-K class tomorrow and have to dye a LARGE amount of pasta. Found that using vinegar in lieu of alcohol works a thousand times better if working with large amounts. I went through two bottles of yellow and one red before I tried the vinegar so just wanted to leave that tidbit here for anyone needing to do a large batch :) Thanks again!!
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taylor made: peanutty chicken pad thai. Cold weather is officially here. It's dark at 5pm, I need my heavier jacket, and all I feel like wearing is leggings and boots. While I appreciate seasons and all, I am just not a winter girl. I love sun and shorts and HEAT! It's fine when it gets down to 50 or 60 degrees too, don't get me wrong... but below 40? Nope. Hibernation time. In fact, Ryan and I would both like to move south (South Carolina? Florida?) at some point in our future to escape the harsh winters. Okay, I know... winters aren't that harsh in Maryland and Virginia, but it gets pretty freakin' cold! But ah well, for now (and until I get that little old doctoral diploma), we're in Baltimore. Where we live right by the water so there's plenty of freezing gusty wind during the winters (not that we didn't get used to that in Blacksburg VA!). It's time to brave the year's worst months. Okay, not really -- the worst doesn't start until January. At least we have the holidays to look forward to! When it gets cold though, it's like a switch goes off in the food craving part of my brain -- all I want is warm, comforting food. Salad? No thanks! Anything cold at all, actually? Nah. Give me soup, casseroles, pot roast, pasta. A hot, cozy dinner on a cold night after a long day is unbeatable. Of course, we can't eat unlimited comfort food all winter -- while our bodies may be less visible under jackets and scarves, our health still works the same way! So my general mantra is still the 80/20 rule: eat healthy and [mostly] clean 80% of the time, and eat whatever you want (read: COMFORT FOOD) 20% of the time. For the 80%, it doesn't have to be boring, and there's still plenty of room for comfort food in there as well! You probably already know that if you read my blog (e.g., see: southwest baked eggs; spicy cajun chicken noodle soup; crockpot honey sesame chicken, red wine beef and onions, and Indian butter chicken; 17 day diet turkey chili; light chicken sausage pasta bake; meatloaf with a spicy ketchup glaze). Plenty of healthy comfort food, and lots more to come! To kick things off for this cold-weather season, one of my all time favorite meals: pad thai! I looooove pad thai. If we go to a Thai restaurant, there's about an 85% chance that I'll order it (the 15% is for when I've already had it from there and want to try something new). I love it with shrimp, chicken, or vegetarian. The flavors are just so magical! The lime and cilantro paired with the warm noodles and the spicyness and crunchy peanuts -- it's one of the most comforting dishes to me. Perfect for these cold nights! Plus, it's ready in 20 minutes, start to finish! Can't beat that. This recipe is really focused on the sauce. I think I've perfected it (at least, for my tastes)! It's not exactly traditional -- more like a hybrid between pad thai sauce and peanut sauce. Everything else can be selected based on your tastes: choose a meat and a type of noodles and your toppings... anything paired with this sauce will be delicious! I went with non-traditional noodles (lo mein = Chinese not Thai!) because it's what I had, but you can go with the traditional rice noodles. Or, I've used whole wheat fettucine in the past... also delicious! Really feeling healthy? Go with spaghetti squash! As for your meat, I recommend chicken or shrimp, but it would also be delicious with tofu or meat-free. Toppings? I definitely love cilantro, lime, cabbage and chopped peanuts, but you can also add in some bean sprouts, scallions... whatever you want! Just use the sauce. It is DEEEE-lish. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp sesame oil over medium-high heat in a wok. Add 3 or 4 chopped thin chicken breasts and heat until cooked through. Meanwhile, prepare your noodles according to package directions. Also, mix your ingredients for the sauce: 1/4 cup soy sauce, 1 tbsp sriracha, 1 tbsp chile garlic sauce, 1 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp natural peanut butter (creamy or crunchy - I used crunchy), and the juice of 1/2 a lime. Whisk until smooth. When the chicken is cooked through, drain the excess oil. Turn the heat to medium-low. Pour the cooked noodles and sauce into the wok and heat through. Plate the chicken and noodle combo, then top with chopped fresh cilantro, chopped cabbage, chopped peanuts, and a lime wedge. Perfection! That's it! -Meanwhile, prepare noodles according to package directions. -Prepare sauce by whisking together all sauce ingredients. -When chicken is cooked through, drain excess oil and return wok to stove. Turn heat to medium low. Add cooked noodles and the sauce to the wok. Toss to combine and let heat through for a couple of minutes. When combined and heated, plate. -Top with chopped peanuts, cilantro, cabbage, and lime wedges. I am exactly the same way! The second the winter hits I'm like "all the carbs!!!" No salads. No thank you. But this is definitely a compromise between the foods I craving and the veggies I should be eating! thanks for the recipe, lovely! I am making this tonight (with spaghetti squash) but am not familiar with chile garlic sauce- can this be found at Trader Joes? yum, it will be so great with spaghetti squash -- I'm trying that next! this is the most commonly found chili garlic sauce that you can find at pretty much any regular grocery store: http://www.thekitchn.com/good-product-chili-garlic-sauc-112133. It looks like Trader Joe's has a sweet chili sauce that's probably pretty similar but I've never tried it: http://www.amazon.com/Trader-Joes-Sweet-Chili-Bottle/dp/B008189OQE. let me know how it turns out! Thanks for the tip- I found the chili garlic sauce! Also, it was AMAZING with spaghetti squash! Love your recipes! I just made this and it was SO good and easy too! I made it with brown rice noodles. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. You are awesome!!
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Northgate provides both Serviced Offices and Hot Desk/Coworking Spaces in a modern professional building brightly decorated for those looking for a creative and exciting workspaces. If location matters to you when searching for prime office space in Leeds, Northgate provides the ideal solution. Situated just moments away from the A64(M) and A58(M), getting to work couldn’t be easier. The North Street address puts this stylish and modern Northgate office space right on the edge of Lovell Park, providing the ideal escape to nature when lunch beckons. If you thought it was impossible to have the best of all worlds from your office space in the heart of Leeds, think again. Northgate really does tick all the boxes. Access may be easy from all major routes into Leeds, but parking is easy too. With private access restricted to those using the building, you can park securely upon arrival without worrying about how safe your car will be during the day. Of course, that also means you can be off and away once you finish work, heading for home just as quickly and easily as you arrived. If you prefer to travel by train, it’s a mere 15-minute walk to and from Leeds train station when you work at the Grade A Northgate office building. The heart of Leeds, with its eateries, bars, and entertainment venues, is all around you. An eight-minute walk takes you into the town centre. With on-site showers for those who walk, run, or cycle to work, it’s clear why others have already chosen Northgate to work in. Discover more about what it can offer you today. It couldn’t be easier to give Northgate a try. Many people choose to obtain a pass for a hot desk, enabling them to work at any available desk when it suits them best. You can get a daily pass if you’re just looking for a convenient place to work for the day, or a monthly pass if you intend to pop in regularly. If you’d rather use a co-working desk, the bright and modern open-plan spaces in Northgate make this possible to achieve. Meet like-minded workers, make new connections, and benefit from all the facilities included as standard. Free tea and coffee, ergonomic chairs, and free wi-fi included – what more could you want? If you need to have paperwork, files, and other personal items at work, consider renting your own office space at Northgate. You’ll get the best of all worlds – a space to call your own, a prestigious Leeds address, and access to all the services Northgate provides. And even though you’re in your own private office, you’re still within easy reach of everyone working in the rest of the building. With light, bright communal spaces and the freedom to take advantage of everything this popular Leeds office building can provide, make the leap and hire your own dedicated and private office space today.
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State police at Swiftwater are investigating a burglary that occurred Monday at the summer home of Philip Ames of Boonton, N.J., at Peterson Hill in Paradise Township, Monroe County. Police said the burglary was discovered yesterday by Ames. The intruders removed stereo equipment, a television set, a 12-gauge shotgun and other items valued at $2,000, investigators said.
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Lilli is the perfect trophy wife. Mason's given Lilli everything she's asked for. And she's given him -- everything. Now her mirror shows her a truth she'd rather not see. And is the hunk who beckons to her from another life in her past, or is he her future?
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Up until a year ago, I used to drive a little Honda Civic. It was a pretty economical car with cloth seats and basic amenities. I would bring my big dog Sylvie in that car a lot too, so I’m sure it smelled like—well, dog. All of that was fine until I would show up for a speaking engagement at a country club or fancy shmancy place and have to use valet parking. Drat, I thought. Why didn’t I vacuum out my car before I came—get rid of some of the dog hair—or at least spray some Febreze to cover the dirty dog smell. But it was too late. I’d pull up alongside the shiny BMW’s and Range Rovers, feeling a little self-conscious, and promise myself to tip the valet generously to make up for the dog smell. And as the valet held open my door for me, I had that niggling feeling that somehow my car defined me, that there was a tiny part of me that didn’t fit in here. This feeling came flooding back to me recently as I was reading Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book Leadership in Turbulent Times. There’s this wonderful passage in there about Lincoln arriving at his first debate against Stephen Douglas in the fall of 1854. On the night before the debate, Lincoln arrived in Peoria sometime after midnight, alone and on horseback, wearing his ill-fitting suit—high-water pants and arms that stuck out from too-short sleeves. In contrast, the impeccably dressed Stephen Douglas had arrived much earlier in the day at the head of triumphal procession, seated in a carriage drawn by four beautiful white horses and preceded by a band of music. But here’s the thing. All those bells and whistles and pomp and circumstance were ultimately no match for Lincoln who cared nothing for appearances and everything for ideas, people, and keeping it real. Here was a man who once walked six miles to borrow a grammar book. A man who was patient, tenderhearted, generous, kind, and helpful. And when Lincoln spoke, it was like he was having a conversation with friends. He used plain language without jargon and never tried to copy others. He set himself apart by illustrating his arguments with stories, stories based on observations made from everyday people. Sometimes his language and gestures were awkward, but few who heard him speak ever forgot the point of the story or the story itself. And most of all, they never forgot him. I no longer drive my little Honda Civic. A year ago, I kind of inherited a brand new Toyota Camry from a relative. It has leather seats, a sunroof, and lots of shiny knobs. For me it feels kind of ooh-la-la. But nice car or not, I’m still the exact same person with the exact same big smelly dog. The truth is we get to choose to proudly reveal our authentic selves or allow ourselves to be influenced by the expectations of others and the world around us. I hope I will always remember to choose the former.
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‘We must have a curve’ was the brief for the Angus Kitchen…. non negotiable! The room, however did lend itself to this fab horseshoe design and the Corian worktop just set it off.
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We were pleased to welcome back Mr Bob Ford, Technical Specialist, Kegel Company, as he was in Singapore for a technical and installation visit. Bob was last in our centre in October last year where he installed the Kegel Computer Aided Tracking System at Lanes 19 and 20. During this visit, Bob went through adjustments and troubleshooting of the system with our technicians. He also took time to run through the system with our Centre Manager, Coach Yap, updating Coach Yap on the latest teaching and uses of CATS that are being applied in Kegel Training Center. “It has been a while since Yap visited us in Kegel Training Center, so I took the opportunity to update him on what we have been doing with our own system and our coaching methodology”, said Bob on the side lines of his visit. “I first started using CATS when I was attached to Kegel Company in 2002, I then continued to use the system in Kegel Asia Training Center (Philippines) and Bowlmart Training Institute (Philippines). When I returned to coach in Singapore Sports School four year ago, I was happy to have the system to work with the student-bowlers there. We at Forte Bowl are excited and pleased to be able to share this advance technology with bowlers of all ages and averages,” adds Coach Yap.
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Placement: Association of Public & Land Grant Universities, Washington, D.C. As soon as I heard about the program I knew it was something I had to be a part of. It is a unique opportunity to fulfill a childhood dream of working in D.C. while also applying all of the professional and technical skills I’ve acquired during my three years at Texas A&M University School of Law. All my life I’ve wanted to make a difference. I truly believe public policy is the best way for me to have an impact on the communities, both foreign and domestic, that I care about. The opportunity to gain a firsthand understanding of what our elected officials and their teams really think, experience, and weigh when determining the best course of action. I think it will be a great experience to learn how policymakers draft with an eye to the future while maintaining a thumb on the current social and political issues. I am also excited to get back to the East coast to experience all the various weather and food experiences that go along with it. I hope to improve my writing of course but I also hope to learn how to effectively think prospectively about issues from multiple points of view, viewpoints I don’t typically use to analyze situations as a student. Furthermore, I seek to acquire the skills and practices that others with years of experience and success have learned so that I can learn from their mistakes, start from a higher platform for change, and be that springboard in the future for the next generation of Aggies on the Hill. There are many skills required of an attorney beyond those of absorbing, processing, and analyzing copious amounts of information regarding the law. There are also soft skills, people skills, skills requiring lawyers to think not as lawyers but as those whom their work is effecting or geared toward. I believe my semester on the hill will afford me the opportunity to practice these other skills. In addition to these “other skills” that our school tries to shine a light on through programs like the REP-PP and Professional Identity, I have passions about Immigration Law, International Law, Human Rights issues, and Foreign Policy. I know this program will provide me with the chance to unite all of my interests and experiences into a work experience where I can effect change and be challenged yet leave fulfilled at the end of the day. That is what I want in a career and this program allows me to dip my toes in the water so to speak. Hopefully this will lead to a job back in D.C. after the bar exam. In full disclosure I was not an Aggie prior to coming to the law school nor did I have any family relations who were Aggies. That being said, I am now proud to say I am one because of these very core values. I truly believe that each of these values is necessary to be an exceptional attorney or person. I could try and list how each of the six values will be specifically demonstrated but I’d rather just show you when I’m there with journals and when I get back with pictures and stories of how Aggies are taking the nation’s capital by storm. It should suffice to say that each of the Aggie core values are traits I hope to see exemplified in my placement at every level because these are the characteristics I want those in authority to practice. I believe public policy drafters should exhibit excellence in their writing, have integrity at all times, be leaders by example, display loyalty to their public and values, be respectful of everyone, and serve selflessly for the greater good of all. I will strive to uphold these tenets and see if it’ll catch on and manifest in our representatives. My personal goals are twofold: first, to accomplish all of the “tourist-y” things I have yet to accomplish in D.C. like tour the White House, meet some of the people on my “must meet list” (perhaps a ​Justice from the Supreme Court!), eat at “We The Pizza,” visit every museum, discover some secrets about our nation’s capital and more. Second, I want to give this experience my best, excel, and have fun while maintaining personal balance. This is my opportunity to really test my mettle and see that I have what it takes to be an effective attorney who can be a voice for those who are otherwise not heard whilst still finding the time to care for and be myself. The core values are often considered to be what defines an Aggie. The core values are excellence, integrity, leadership, loyalty, respect, and selfless service. I find that the first five are embodied by the final value of selfless service. Excellence of character, integrity through action, leadership in leading by example through service, loyalty to the spirit of brotherhood instilled in every Aggie, and respect for the humanity of our fellow man. That being said, selfless service is a phrase which can be found all over Aggieland and all things A&M precisely because it is one of our core values but I struggle with this phrase more than the others, and that is because, like the tooth fairy, I don’t think it truly exists. Allow me to explain. I have difficulty wrapping my mind around the idea that any one who performs an act of service is truly selfless. I believe the opposite, those who dedicate their lives to such service are actually doing so because anything else would be untrue to their “self” and result in an unsatisfying career or lifestyle. I believe a better term is self-aware service or self-sacrificial service but, in my experience, those who perform selfless service tend to enjoy a sense of fulfillment. Here in D.C. as a part of our externship we attend a class with guest speakers. This past week we had Martin Gold, author of "Senate Procedure and Practice" and former Congress Parliamentarian, share that he worked on a million dollar project for three years as pro-bono simply for the goodwill. That is selfless service and yet he was clear that to do any less would have been disingenuous to his passions and life experiences. Like Mr. Gold there are many public and private actors on the Hill that perform acts of selfless service but the ones that stand out are Aggies. I think there are lots of Aggies that don’t wear the Ring, or maybe went to other schools, but are Aggies at heart. I say this because being an Aggie is more than just a ring or a degree or a place, it is a way of being and a lifestyle choice, which is exemplified by such things as selfless service. For an Aggie selfless service is an obligation, for others it is just a commitment. Merriam-Webster defines a commitment as an agreement or pledge to do something in the future yet an obligation is defined as something one is bound to do, morally, by duty, or responsibility. This is the difference. I was committed as a student to complete my assignments to earn my degree. I am obligated as an Aggie to care for my fellow man, I am duty bound and morally obligated to do so. Any less and I wouldn’t be a true Aggie. I see selfless service performed in D.C. everyday by Aggies and non-Aggies alike when staffers, administrators, lobbyists, representatives, and others go beyond the call of duty and beyond their salaried time clock to effect positive change, to be civil servants, to feel like they are making a difference. That is selfless service and anyone can participate. Opportunities are presented to us daily to be kind, or go above what is required of us. That is the spirit of an Aggie and that’s what selfless service is to me.
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A front-page New York Times news article about a bid by the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma to host the Summer Olympic Games in 2024 includes this passage: "As for signature landmarks, he pointed to the Golden Driller, a 76-foot-tall oil worker with cheese-color skin and a giant belt buckle that proudly declares, "TULSA." The main media center would sit at its feet and Olympic medals would hang from its neck." As a descriptor of skin color, "cheese" isn't particularly helpful. Cheese comes in all colors, from the bright white of a goat cheese to the red rind of cheese that comes with a red rind to the orange of some cheddar to the blue or green hue of blue cheese.
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A family had to be rescued from a Norfolk beach after their car got stuck by a lifeboat station. The family drove a 4x4 onto the beach at Hemsby on Tuesday night to have a fish and chip dinner and were rescued by the local independent lifeboat station at about 23.35pm. A post on the Hemsby station’s Facebook page said: “A 4x4 with family onboard decided to drive onto the beach for a fish and chip supper, only to find that they got stuck. “The lifeboat crew responded as the 4x4 was blocking access to the beach, stopping the lifeboat from launching if required. “We used our launch tractor initially but the 4x4 would not budge as it was stuck in ‘diff lock’ so a recovery low-loader was called.
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The Castelli Idro 2 Jacket is totally wind-and-water proof, but still breathable enough to wick sweat so the cyclist stays dry from the inside out. This lightweight jacket can be folded and stored in the back jersey pocket so when the wind picks up or the rain showers interrupt a good ride, the cyclist can unpack the Idro 2 Jacket and be shielded from inclement weather. By using Gore’s newest SHAKEDRY™ two-layer fabric, Castelli designed a lightweight jacket that shields you from the wind and rain that keep most riders off the bike. Water rolls off the fabric, so the jersey remains lightweight during a shower. Besides sealing rain out, the jacket fits comfortably over your jersey and vest and it covers your rear. The tall collar keeps the rain away from the neck while the anatomic wrist closure and YKK® Vislon® waterproof zipper ensure no water gets into the jacket either at the sleeves or front. The reflective Castelli wordmark provides visibility on rainy days when you especially need to be seen. The Castelli Idro 2 Jacket is the most necessary emergency protection for a cyclist who does not want bad weather forecasts to keep him off his bike.
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These are an opportunity for up to sixty people to have the Museum to themselves at times when it is not open to the public. They are available to groups aged 7 to 16 with adult leaders. The exhibition is not suitable for children under seven years of age. A conducted tour normally lasts about 2 hours and we try to accommodate visits at times between 10:00 and 20:00. We insist on the following ratio of adult supervisors to children, made up of teachers, volunteers and parents. A named group leader must be in overall charge of the party and, for safety reasons, children may not move unsupervised between sections of the Museum. Museum staff must not be expected to supervise children directly. Please make your applications in writing at least six weeks in advance of the proposed visit. The deposit must accompany a completed Pendon Special Booking Form which is obtainable from the museum office. The minimum charge, which is also the deposit, is £100.00 and this covers up to 20 people. If a party is more than 20 people, there is an additional charge of £4.00 per additional person and this is paid at the time of admission. This is a fixed charge and applies to all categories of visitor including Friends of Pendon. The deposit will only be refunded if cancellation is received in writing at least four weeks before the date of the event. If the group includes people with a disability please read the information here. The Museum is at the west end of the High Street in Long Wittenham. It is well signed from all directions with brown signs. Coaches or minibuses seating more than 10 (including the driver) need special authority to use the road leading to the Museum. You will need to provide details of the owner and the seating capacity when the booking is confirmed so that a permit can be issued. The driver must carry this permit for the visit.
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– It took a couple of months after our first interview with you, and you announced a joint project with DAO Dash. Two months ago you did not talk about your plans for unification. Tell me, how did this idea come about implementing Dash in the trading platform and what do you expect from the joint project? – I have been following Dash since it was called Darkcoin. I always loved that it focused on privacy as I believe currency needs to be fungible (indistinguishable from another coin) for it to work as a good currency. This is for many reasons. As a business owner, you would not want customers to be able to follow transactions in the blockchain to find out where you are sourcing goods from, or how much you are paying. There are thousands of reasons why you wouldn’t want everyone knowing your business. Dash was one of the first cryptos to really focus on privacy and fungibility. The other reason I find Dash so interesting is that they have a groundbreaking funding model to help developers, marketers and interesting projects. Instead of the miners getting all the block reward every X minutes, Dash also mines into a fund. This fund is worth around 2 million dollars or 1.54 Kilos of Gold a month! But the interesting thing is that people holding 1000 Dash in their wallet can vote on proposals, and the proposals that get enough votes get funded each month. Screw VC’s! we now have a blockchain that can pay businesses and this is what we did. – Why did you decide to work with DAO Dash? – The crypto currency market has not shown growth for a long time. Can you predict the increase in the cost of Dash? Is this tandem now a landmark for both companies? – I got into crypto to get away from fiat money. It’s a systemically corrupt unit of measure. We built Vaultoro so bitcoin could have a price discovery mechanism based on something other than fiat, now we are extending that to Dash. One thing that many people don’t understand is the difference between price and Value. Yes, the price has been going down in Crypto but the Value is going up up up. With more and more use cases coming online, crypto is gaining more and more value. Don’t be fooled by the price, keep an eye on the value of these networks instead. If you do want to try to stack more crypto you can use gold to trade when crypto is high and buy crypto back when it goes down. Using gold enables you to not have to trust exchanges that use banks. With Fiat exchanges, you have to trust 2 counterparties. The exchange, and the bank. This is why we focused on gold, it’s allocated to you so even if something happened to us, it doesn’t matter. Liquidators could not even touch our client’s assets because it’s not on our books, gold is allocated to the client’s name. Very different to fiat, which is in the bank’s name and speculated with by the banks while you’re not using it. I’m growing tired of bashing banks however I just find the whole banking system so dumb. – After the fall in the price of the main crypto currency, how much was the demand for the purchase of precious metals affected? – People are always buying and selling gold. December was huge as people started to pile into gold to take profits off the table and into something stable that’s fully owned by them. But now people are trading back into crypto and some are still buying gold as they believe bitcoin is going down to 2K. So we will see what happens. In any case, our clients are bank, government and fiat independent which is one of the best ways to secure wealth. – What other crypto currencies would you consider for implementation in the trading pair? – We are looking into a Litecoin / Silver pair, as a homage to Charlie Lee’s Slogan about Litecoin being the silver to Bitcoins gold. We want to focus on the top bluechip cryptos as well as some interesting physically backed tokens like property backed cryptos. But our first focus will be Dash as they have stepped up to help us out so we don’t need to go through more VC’s. – Information for investors. What precious metals is Vaultoro currently trading, and how many positions are now being sold? – We are currently purely trading the Bitcoin / gold pair. There has been Tons of gold traded over the years and the number of positions is always changing. We are also looking forward to adding platinum and palladium pairs but silver will be first. – Thanks Joshua for the interview. – It’s my absolute pleasure. Keep up the great work of educating the masses about crypto and financial health.
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The garments manufacturing division at Gupta Exim is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and a modern setup that enables the company to produce high quality fabrics that set benchmarks in the industry. Being the largest garments exporters in Delhi, Gupta Exim has equipped the garments division with automatic laser cutting machines, sewing machines and the facility complies with all technical, social and CT-PAT norms. For accurate and intricate cutting jobs along with small radius cuts and patterns, the facility has latest Westema Band Knife machines, Eastman straight knife machines and digital plotting machines. Spread across four units, the sewing division at Gupta Exim has an installed base of more than 2000 high tech sewing machines from Pegasus and Brother.it is a setup that results in durable, beautiful seams and finishes across the garments range. The garments division also boasts of contemporary facilities for garment finishing including automatic washers, tumbler dryers, conditioning chambers, presses, needle detectors and specialty finishing & packing machines. All the products are checked for consistency in quality across all the stages by the final inspection department. The sweaters manufacturing division is laid with advanced 12 gauge knitting machines from STOLL, Germany for requirements varying from ultra-coarse to superfine finishes. Linking machines for linking of collars, sleeves etc. are available for enhanced efficiency and quick turnaround times. The division manufactures a wide range of sweaters in various luxurious mercerized yarns of cotton and cotton modal as well as all other blended yarns. The range comprises vests, pullover and cardigans reckoned for their premium quality finish and superior lifestyle appeal.
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His name is Wesley Woods. He is from England. His is from Norway and his is from England. Unogo is a very educated Orestocratic family that loves him very much. His is okay about his being gay. Mom worries that he won’t have a. He wants to adopt a when he finds a boyfriend with whom he wants to live his whole life.
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12: Amie, I express my love to you today. I believe our love for each other will grow and mature though the years. I want to be a good and trusting husband. You have been my best friend, mentor, playmate, confident and my greatest challenge, but most importantly, you are the love of my life ad you make me happier then i could ever thought possible. I love you for your beauty, your intelligence, your kindness, and for the way you always make me feel so special. I give myself to this noble endeavor till death separates us. 13: Eric, we begin today a life-long oneness. It doesn't change with health or circumstances. I want to be a good and trusting wife. I promise to encourage your compassion, because that is what makes you unique and wonderful.I promise to nurture your dreams, because threw them your soul shines. I promise to shoulder our challenges, for there is nothing we cannot face if we stand together. You are my inspiration and the magic of my days. YOu are more of an amazement to me each day. I give myself to this noble endeavor until death separates us.
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The tempestuous relationship between the pharma industry and governments will only become more difficult to manage as European authorities grapple with rapidly rising healthcare expenditures. Already, across most of Europe, pharma has suffered at the hands of pricing and reimbursement polices. Drug budgets make an easy target and provide quick cost-savings for governments as opposed to more contentious solutions, such as reducing physicians' pay, or re-organising hospitals. In the UK, with an anticipated new strike from the UK Office of Fair Trading's (OFT) report on pricing, pharmaceutical spending may be put under further scrutiny. While significant changes to pricing formulas, such as jumbo reference pricing and increasing out-of-pocket costs for patients, have dominated the continental European markets, the UK has enjoyed relatively free pricing. Pharma is seen as more of a friend than a foe, compared with some other markets, and is rewarded for its economic contribution. The Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme (PPRS) entitles firms to a 21 per cent profit margin, measured as the return on net capital employed - with additional capacity of up to 40 per cent. This has made the UK a favourite in Europe, not only for R&D investment, but also as good launch environment thanks to favourable pricing. Past recommendations to scrap the PPRS have fallen mainly on deaf ears. While the PPRS is by no means seen as perfect, it is much more palatable than rigid individual product pricing systems. However, the forthcoming report from the OFT may destabilise the delicate balance between industry and government in the UK. The report is expected to make a series of recommendations, including value-based pricing and/or therapeutic substitution. These suggestions are likely to resonate with a cost-conscious UK Treasury that already feels it has been overly generous to the industry. The Treasury has a keen desire to curb drug spending but what impact will this have on pricing in the UK and across Europe. Continental Europe has led the drive to reduce the costs of individual drugs. While each market has its own unique system, respective governments have been using the same language: budget cuts, generic substitution and technology assessments. These tools, coupled with the introduction of reference pricing, have significantly reduced drug price margins, while putting a new and powerful pressure on firms to demonstrate cost-effectiveness. In the past year, European ministries of health have announced a raft of budget cuts. In October, French Health Minister, Xavier Bertrand, said he would enforce price cuts of up to 20 per cent on vaso-dilators prescribed for cognitive disorders, and reduce support for 41 other prescription medicines for which the government currently reimburses a third of the cost. Echoing Bertrand's sentiments, MutualitÈ FranÁaise, one of France's biggest insurers, said that it would also reduce coverage of the listed drugs. More recently, Spain introduced a new reference pricing system that is expected to reduce drug expenditure by 7 per cent. Even wealthy countries like Switzerland are considering budget cuts. Expenditure control is also taking place through substitution, and with greater effect. While generic substitution is allowed in France, Germany and Spain, Germany is the most aggressive in its pursuit to replace branded drugs with generics. Last spring, the German government announced a goal to switch 70 per cent of all prescribed medicines to generics. While pharmacists are generally required to inform and receive permission from patients before substitution, this is questionable, particularly in countries where pharmacists are given financial incentives and/or are subject to generic conversion quotas. Meanwhile, physicians are hesitant to prescribe non-reimbursed drugs in order to avoid out-of-pocket costs to their patients. Pricing and reimbursement in Europe is now largely determined by economics. Patients will have access to drugs that have sufficient supporting cost-effective data. The UK, France and Germany have the most established health technology assessment agencies: the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), the Commission de la Transparence and the Institut f¸r Qualit‰t und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG). Leading the trend towards pharmaco-economics, NICE is the most developed in measuring cost-effectiveness. Germany is considering a healthcare reform plan to adjust the way that technology assessments are carried out (IQWiG evaluates quality and efficiency, but it does not analyse cost-effectiveness, although it has an indirect influence on reimbursement). Even smaller markets are placing more focus on cost-effectiveness. The Spanish government is funding more than 100 health technology assessment projects, investing Ä51m, while Ireland has passed new legislation reorganising its technology assessment agencies and bringing them under the umbrella of the Health Information and Quality Authority. While more autonomous than its European counterparts, the UK is no longer isolated from European trends. It too has faced the demands of price cuts and has the greatest number of cost-benefit-based health technology assessment agencies. The last PPRS was accompanied by a 7 per cent across-the-board price cut, although firms can `modulate' the list price of their PPRS products by reductions that equate to an overall level of 7 per cent. Positive recommendations by NICE are often not implemented and foremost among those responsible for the failure to implement NICE guidelines are health authorities, which are increasingly looking at ways of cutting their drugs budgets as they frantically seek to balance the books and prepare for a reduced rate of health expenditure growth from April 2008. The Treasury has traditionally been sceptical of the industry because it sees drug costs rising too fast. The Treasury's misplaced perception of value is on cost, not cost-effectiveness. Hospital costs for ulcers, mental health and TB are a fraction of what they used to be thanks to innovative new treatments. The same is true for many new drugs in other disease areas. The Treasury's position will be boosted by the report from the OFT on the PPRS, and a how much difference this will make to the European market is a point for debate? The OFT has always been antagonistic towards the PPRS and it is no surprise that its review was announced without consultation with the Department of Health and its recommendations will be hostile to the pricing scheme. It is widely anticipated that the report will recommend 'value-based pricing', by which the perceived value of a drug is set by reference to other similar drugs and its value over its peers - the OFT may even give a favourable nod to therapeutic substitution. If therapeutic pricing or substitution were adopted, it would probably mark the end of the PPRS. However, it is difficult to see how this could happen in the immediate future as the current PPRS will last until the end of 2009, and changes can only be made by joint agreement between the Department of Health and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI). Assuming that therapeutic pricing will fall within the PPRS, which may be a matter for lawyers to decide, the ABPI simply would not agree to measures so hostile to pharma. The Department of Health is also unlikely to throw it out at the behest of an unsympathetic body, having spent a year negotiating a new scheme. In addition, the Ministerial Strategy Group, comprising the Department of Health, the Treasury, Department of Trade and Industry and the ABPI, will be expected to review such fundamental proposals. One reason it was set up was to achieve a steady approach to policy and bring all sides together. The adverse impact of such OFT proposals on pharma would merit very close examination. There are also the considerable political and economic implications. The pharma industry contributes more R&D to the UK economy than any other sector, so undermining the government's commitment to raise the proportion of UK GNP devoted to R&D would antagonise the science community on which it relies. As for therapeutic substitution, having a pharmacist replace a GP's prescribed medicine with another from the same therapeutic category would raise a storm of protest from professional bodies like the British Medical Association and individual physicians, as well as from patients and patient bodies. A resurgent opposition party would not let this chance slip. The real danger to the industry may be more insidious. If the government is seen to be toying with any adverse OFT proposals, or if the Treasury comes up with its own alternatives, such as further price cuts or a much wider Selected List, then the UK environment will be seen as increasingly hostile and new investment will shift even more to the US or the Far East. If, as expected, the OFT endorses value-based pricing and were the government to seriously consider this recommendation, or even to adopt it in the longer term, there would be a number of unintended consequences throughout Europe. Thanks to the liberal pricing system in the UK, pharma firms usually launch their products first in the UK, then Ireland, Germany and so on. Upsetting this trend could position another market as a launch favourite, particularly one where physician uptake of new medicines is more rapid. Likewise, a UK value-added system raises serious methodology questions, similar to those that have plagued traditional health technology assessments; namely what value do you place on health? Furthermore, if the OFT assumes correctly that value-added pricing will reduce drug costs, pharma will take a hit in markets using international prices in their pricing models. Traditionally, pharma pricing departments are under significant pressure to obtain the highest price possible in order to help pricing negotiations in other markets, especially in Spain and the Netherlands. The realities are stark for pharma. While the singling out of pharmaceutical budgets is an inefficient and ineffective attempt to curb the increasing rate of healthcare expenditure growth, the trend looks set to continue. This is reinforced by an expected hostile OFT report, made all the more painful as it is being issued in a historically industry-friendly market. Pharma's health outcomes departments and pricing experts will have to work hard to justify the cost of new and innovative medicines. Meanwhile, industry executives will have to better communicate the value not only of their products but their investment into the regional economies.
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CON-TECH is pleased to offer several trim options of swing door enclosures. The Cardinal series is a standard line of semi-frameless enclosures, they have both a metal door jamb side and threshold. The Craftsman series feature fully framed doors (metal all the way around the glass). Both are available in a nearly unlimited number of configurations. For a truly clean look, choose a heavy glass or cast glass enclosure made from 3/8″ or 1/2″ glass. These use clips or channels to connect the glass.
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Between figuration and abstraction, between narrative richness and formal rigor are the works of the “floating world” of Jose Gregorio Coronel Ortega. Oleogrammi of light, in which transparency plays an important role. Sign and color that denies itself when you light, metaphor, lightness. His works are plastic forms that fit each other in a harmonious way, without tension. In Genesis of matter, Coronel plays the alien presence through a beam of light that penetrates into strange metal objects. Between light and shadow, color marks a two-dimensional image. The pictorial search of Coronel looks combine the fantasy genre with the metaphysical world of Sironi and Carra, inventing a futuristic classic, in which a new living being pseudoumano has replaced our human race, and now dominates the center of a universe still suffocating . These works, these, showing fragments of space on the edge of dissolution entropic, precognition on the destinies of mankind, dazzling visions.
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Our lives are ruled by data. Not just because it informs companies of what we want, but because it helps us to remember and differentiate what we want, what we need, and what we can ignore. All these decisions give way to patterns, and patterns, when aggregated, give us a picture of ourselves. A world where such patterns follow us, or even are sent ahead of us — to restaurants to let them know if we have allergies, to retail stores to let them know our preferred clothing size —is now so feasible that labeling it science fiction would expose a lack of awareness more than a lack of imagination. The benefits of AI are making many of our choices easier and more convenient, and in so doing, tightening competition in the space of customer choice. As this evolution happens, the question is less to what extent AI is framing our choices, but rather, how it is shaping them. In such a world, we need to understand when our behavior is being shaped, and by whom. Clearly, most of us are quite comfortable living in a world where our choices are shaped by AI. Indeed, we already live in such a world: from search engines to smooth traffic flow, many of our daily conveniences are built on the speed provided by the backend. The question we need to ask ourselves when considering AI, and its governance, is whether we are comfortable living in a world where we do not know if, and how, we are being influenced. Behavioral Bias or Behavioral Cues? AI can do for our understanding of behavior what the microscope did for biology. Our lives are already ruled by probabilistic assumptions, intended to drive behavior. Now we need to ask, and answer honestly, how much of your life are you willing to have shaped by algorithms you do not understand? More importantly, who should be tasked with monitoring these algorithms to flag when they have made a bad decision, or an intentionally manipulative one? As more companies use AI, and the complexity of its insights continues to grow, we will be facing a gap above the right to an understanding, or the right to be informed – we will be facing a gap concerning when, and if, a violation has occurred at all. Another example of how behavior and technology are interfacing at a faster than ever pace is through the observation of what Chatbots have been shown to provide us: the potential for emotional associations, which might be used for manipulative purposes.[ii] As developments in natural language processing grow to combine with advanced robotics, the potential of building that bond from touch, warmth, comfort, also grows – particularly in a world where we experience the largest endemic of loneliness, driving the UK to literally appoint a minister for loneliness. As machine to machine data grows in the internet of things, companies with preferential access will have more and more insight into more and more minute aspects of behavioral patterns we ourselves might not understand — and with that comes a powerful ability to nudge behavior. Good data is not just about volume, it is about veracity — as IoT grows, we are handing firms everything they need to know about us on a silver platter. We can argue still that the issue is not the volume, the issue is the asymmetry of analytic competency in managing that volume — meaning asymmetries in capturing value. In turn, this means some companies not only understand you, but can predict your behaviour to the point of knowing how to influence a particular choice most effectively. In the age of big data, the best business is the insight business. Accountability: who is looking after us? The first question concerning building accountability is how to keep humans in the decision loop of processes made more autonomous through AI. The next stage needs to preserve accountability in the right to understanding — to know why an algorithm made one decision instead of another. New proposals are already emerging on how to do this — for example, when specific AI projects are proprietary aspects of a firm’s competitiveness, we might be able to use counterfactual systems to assess all possible choices faced by an AI.[iii] But systems that map decisions without breaking the black box will not be able to provide the rationale by which that algorithm made one decision instead of another. Yet the problem still goes deeper. The problem with transparency models is the assumption that we will even know what to look for — that we will know when there needs to be a choice in opting out of a company’s use of data. In the near future, we may not be able to understand by ourselves when an AI is influencing us. We will need AI not just to understand when we are being influenced in overt ways, but to understand the new emerging ways in which companies can leverage the micro-understanding of our behavior. The capacity for existing legal frameworks, existing political institutions, and existing standards of accountability to understand, predict, and catch the use of AI for manipulative purposes is sorely lacking. Algorithmic collusion is already a problem — with pricing cartels giving way to pop-up pricing issues that can disappear, without prior agreement, thus avoiding the initial claims.[iv] We can imagine a world where collusion is organized not by the market, but by tracking the behavior of distinct groups of individuals to organize micro-pricing changes. Naturally, questions emerge: who will govern the AI that we use to watch AI? How will we know that collusion is not emerging between the watchers and the watched? What kind of transparency system will we need for a governing AI to minimize the transparency demands for corporate AI? The future of AI governance will be decided in the margins — what we need to pay attention to is less the shifting structure of collusion and manipulation, but the conduct, and the ability for competent AI to find the minimal number of points of influence to shape decision making. We need to have a conversation to make our assumptions and beliefs about price fixing, about collusion, about manipulation, painfully clear. In an age of AI, we cannot afford to be vague.
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13/08/2008 · Best Answer: kai does mean ocean in japanese. though kai has 57 different meanings or characters. kai is 'on reading' of a character 'sea / ocean' in japanese.... Unique Calligraphic Art was Developed in Japan Shodo or Sho is a creative Japanese art that expresses the beauty of characters by writing. Characters were initially created for actual use, but the method to express aesthetically was created with the advancement in culture. Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls. Some people may refer to this entry as Kaylee Kanji, Kaylee Characters, Kaylee in Mandarin Chinese, Kaylee Characters, Kaylee in Chinese Writing, Kaylee in Japanese Writing, Kaylee in Asian Writing, Kaylee Ideograms, Chinese Kaylee... Audio Japanese Language Lessons: Although we normally use kanji script to write kai in Japanese, you can use Hiragana symbols to write as well. Next you simply apply numbers before "kai" symbol. So, if it is a first floor, you put the first word of Japanese number symbols. Japanese for Kai. Japanese translation for Kai. Free kanji translation system. Find a kanji tattoo. Meanings of Japanese characters. Japanese translation for Kai. Free kanji translation system. Lesson 8: Expressing Your Feelings - Common phrases to express how you feel.
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This review was done using the new Olympus OM-D E-M1 and the Panasonic 35-100mm Lens . I’m going to be upfront with you here… I judge a lens by its ability to deliver professional caliber image quality. That’s it. If I had to use a screw driver to dial in focus but the lens gave me the best image quality available I’d be doing a review on the best screw drivers to use with said lens. Luckily, the Panasonic 35-100mm Lens does not need a fancy screw driver to dial in focus… you can just use the nicely places focus ring. Yes, but you must know how to properly use a telephoto lens. Every now and then I get asked why photographs taken with a telephoto lens don’t turn out as sharp as other photos taken with a shorter focal length lens… the simple answer is that the longer the focal length the more susceptible to camera shake your image is. A quick fix to this is using a tripod to secure your camera or choosing a faster shutter speed (you can increase the ISO if lighting is an issue). Alright, now that we’ve mastered telephoto lenses then you can feel comfortable knowing this lens will deliver professional quality images with the Micro Four Thirds format. I was very pleased with the soft bokeh and the tack sharp detail that was delivered time after time. The lens costs about $1,300 but if you’re looking for the best lens then be prepared to shell out $1,000 or greater per lens. It’s got a solid build, it’s small, and it’s light. The zoom is internal so you won’t have to worry about poking your subjects in the face as you zoom in (I’m joking, the lens won’t focus on anything less than about 2.8ft), with an internal zoom there seems to be less of a chance of introducing dust into the lens interior. The lens is considered a “fast” lens because it’s got a constant aperture (it does not matter whether you are at 35mm or 100mm you’ll always be able to use the 2.8 aperture) of f2.8 as opposed to most lenses for the M4/3 format that start at f4 and go to f/5.something as you zoom. As for build quality it’s slightly less “tough” feeling than the Panasonic 12-35mm/F2.8 lens, because the 12-35mm lens is built with a metal body and the 35-100mm is not, but it still feels like a premium lens (because it is). Both lenses would fall under my “professional caliber” category of lens because of their image quality and the fact that they are dust and moisture resistant. Also, if you’re coming from DSLRs you will be amazed at the size of this thing, it makes Nikon’s 70-200mm lens look and feel like a monster. If you love this lens then you’ll want to buy its brother, the 12-35mm Panasonic lens that is hands down the best wide zoom lens for the Micro Four Thirds format which I reviewed here (the Olympus 12-40mm “pro” lens was just announced and initial impressions is that it’s a great lens… I’ll update this once I’ve put it through its paces). So what’s your favorite M4/3 lens? If you enjoyed this review be sure to bookmark PhotolisticLife and check back regularly for photography guides, gear reviews, and inspiration. Enjoy!
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We run a number of WordPress Multisite installations on our dedicated server for a variety of clients. Our largest installation, for Share the Practice, currently consists of 88 individual WordPress sites. A number of these sites use sub-domains, but for most of them we map custom domain URLs onto the main WordPress Multisite installation. WHM / cPanel now offers easy SSL installation, but there is a small catch: it only allows 200 domains per virtual host, and the documentation about this is a little confusing. We had been using the “Park” or “Alias” function in cPanel to handle the mapping for each domain, but then ran over the limit, as WHM creates multiple subdomains for each domain you add that way. The workaround for this was to use “Addon Domain” instead of “Alias”. This creates a separate virtual host for each domain, and will therefore enable an individual SSL certificate for each, getting around the 200 domain limit. Before you make any of these changes, make sure to check for any setup email accounts, email forwarders, or any custom DNS settings (subdomains, custom MX records, CNAME records, etc). These will all be deleted without warning if you proceed, so make sure you have backups before you do any of this. If you do have custom DNS settings, copy them down and then re-add once you’ve switched the domain(s). Check that a given domain does NOT have email accounts or email forwarders set. If NO email forwarders or accounts have been set up, first copy the domain name, then click the “Remove” link for the domain on the Aliases page. Create a new Addon Domain (paste the domain name into the field). For a WordPress Multisite installation, set the Document Root to be public_html (or wherever your installation lives in the parent account). Repeat for each domain you want to switch over, until you get back below the 200 domain limit. AutoSSL will attempt to regenerate your SSL certs each time you add a new Addon Domain.
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Beauty and magic are hidden in the small and usual things. That’s why the products of everyday use acan become art. Nowadays product design redefines the boundaries between art and design. It not only seeks to draw the attention of the consumer, but also fascinate and create beauty for itself. Additionally, sea and water are a source of attraction and admiration in Galizan culture. That’s why I chose to replicate the labels of this iconic mineral water brand. Reinterpretation shows the capacity of the human being to expand and generate new contents. The multiple outcomes of a specific idea or object are a means to generate new experiences and emotions in the usual audience. The rear label is made with long and short stitches interspersed as if they were brushed.
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Published: March 2, 2013 at 05:14 p.m. Updated: March 3, 2013 at 03:25 p.m. Reduced to a role player last season, Randy Moss still made it to a Super Bowl with the San Francisco 49ers. If the team returns to the game's biggest stage next season, the wide receiver likely will not join them. Take a look at photos of Randy Moss through the years. A league source told ProFootballTalk that 49ers personnel made it clear at last week's NFL Scouting Combine that Moss won't be back with the 49ers next season. It can't be called a surprise. The 36-year-old Moss totaled just 28 receptions all season. Absent from his game were the speed, power and elusive feet that had terrorized defenses during most of his 14-season tenure in the NFL. Moss was widely praised by his 49ers' coaches and teammates as a positive force in the locker room and meeting room. He's always been one of the smartest players around, and it's not inconceivable another team comes calling. If it is, indeed, the end, we're sure to see Moss again on some August day in Canton, Ohio.
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