The book will contain my watercolor portraits of the most beloved female characters from Scout Finch to Scarlett O’Hara, accompanied by hand-lettered quotes. I’ve done about 20 characters (for my show A Thousand Ships). I have quite a few more that I’ll be working on in time for publication. I don’t want to post too many images. Won’t it be more fun to see them in the book? The one above was previously posted. She’s Holly Golightly from the novella Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote. CONGRATS!! Can’t wait to see it!!! Congratulations! I would love a collection of literature’s ladies especially done by you! Nice! Congratulations! Your paintings are beautiful and I’ll be sure to pick up a copy when it comes out. When I saw the portraits at your wonderful show, I had hoped you would continue adding to the beautiful collection. Your work is amazing and this project is well deserved!!!!! I’m eagerly awaiting my signed copy. Well done & well deserved! What wonderful news. Congratulations to you. I look forward it. thank you all so much for these sweet comments!!! Oh this is very exciting. I can’t wait to see the finished article. Congratulations! Yahoo! Can’t wait to for it to be perched on my coffee table. 🙂 Congrats! That sounds AMAZING! Can’t wait to have it in my hands! Congrats! AH! This is SOOOO exciting! Congrats, Sam! I can’t wait to get a signed copy!!
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Two years later, the results are phenomenal. From 2000 downloads in Aug 2008, MuseScore has grown to an astonishing 80000 downloads last month. This growth is something we can be very proud of. With these massive figures, MuseScore is on the verge of entering the top100 of most downloaded open source software world wide. If you checked the download graph carefully, you'll notice that in the past 2 months, the download figures doubled. We attribute this to the elevated interest of music education in MuseScore. This terrific news obviously introduces some new and steeper challenges. MuseScore users will expect that new releases are stable, that their old scores can be opened in new releases and still look the same. Also, the more features in MuseScore, the tougher it will become to get to a stable release within a decent time frame. And let's not forget we need MuseScore running on several platforms. To sum up, MuseScore is becoming a huge project. We can only cope with it if we have some people behind the project who are fully dedicated to it. I have been discussing this matter with Nicolas and Werner for quite some time now. At FOSDEM 2010, we came together for the first time in real life. While talking this through, it all came down to the simple fact that if we want to support and further develop MuseScore on a full time basis, there needs to be a business model in place. Since we didn't want to touch the free & open nature of MuseScore, we thought we should try to create an online sheet music sharing platform. We announced it for the first time in April this year and while it's still in alpha, you can take a look already at http://musescore.com. The business model behind this website will be similar as the one from Flickr.com: a subscription based service for more storage and features. While we don't know yet whether this business model will succeed, we took the plunge and have been spending full time now on the development of MuseScore, musescore.org and musescore.com. The basic idea is that the revenue made with musescore.com will fund some of the key people behind MuseScore. Initially this will be Werner, Nicolas and myself. This solution is somewhat similar to the Wordpress project, where some of the core Wordpress developers are on the payroll of Automattic, the company behind wordpress.com. These are really exciting times for us. If we succeed, we’ll be able to make a living from our hobby and passion. And while doing so, MuseScore will further improve and grow. I'm so proud of you guys. This software is really good quality stuff. You should pat yourselves on the back. Very interesting what you wrote! I was not aware of a ‘musescore.com’ site and I do not quite understand how this site will generate a revenue for the key people of this excellent program but I hope it will of course. Een heel interessant verhaal hoor Thomas. Het heeft veel vragen bij mij weg genomen over MuseScore. Wat leuk dat het programma zo aanslaat. Als ik op de een of andere manier mee kan helpen (eerst maar even de Visuele Hulp afmaken) hoor ik dat graag. I can't imagine my life before musescore. I was certainly less effective at writing music back then. Sitting at the piano and plunking notes, then grabbing the pencil and jotting down a few notes on composition paper while the tune is still in my head just seems so archaic! I'm certainly no Mozart, but musescore has notably improved my composition (and transcription) skills. I'm impressed by the software, it's much more sophisticated than I could gather from the introductory videos (which were a great help getting started). As you mentioned, freeware like this offers big advantages to schools. It's true that Finale and others offer a free version, but they are stripped down products compared to musescore. My suggestion would be to create "fill in the blanks" files that teach and test knowledge of basic musical concepts (and are fun to do). You might then sell these as a package to educators or go into schools yourselves to hold workshops that help teachers use the software for instruction and helping students compose with it. You might even be able to use it for online teaching. I wish you good luck with this interesting project. Not sure if this is what you're looking for but these kinds of packages do exist. Thanks for the interesting links. The first one seemed really sophisticated, something for fairly advanced students. I was thinking more on the lines of filling in missing parts of known melodies, and trying to check correctness by listening to the score playback. Or creating a few measures of percussion. Of course a file like this can be created by the teacher after getting the program down pat, but ready-made examples are always attractive - many music teachers are not specialists and have a big work load in other subjects. Why not also start a worldwide volunteer network of MuseScore demonstrators to go into the schools and help them with their use of the software? You could create a list of volunteers and connect schools with them. There would of course be legal issues involved, since you're dealing with minors, but a good system of screening volunteers could be established - most schools probably already have some sort of regulation already in place for visiting volunteers, so it might not even be an issue in many places. I certainly would be interested in doing something like that - as a volunteer. I absolutely love the software despite the many technical challenges I've had with it. You guys must be overwhelmed with the number of messages you're now receiving, so I will understand if you don't have a reply and pleasantly surprised if you do. I wish you well in your current monetary endeavor. The only other way to make money with it is to get a job using it, basically, which is pretty hard. That or attract lots of musicians who are also programmers, to participate, which...might be hard. Just to make something clear, I have no plans to make any money out of musescore - I was just thinking out loud about how the creators of the software could, so they would have the time to further improve this great project. My suggestion was to keep the freeware status of the software, but offer supplementary material for educators using it in the classroom or as an individualized course in music theory. As a teacher I know that ready-to-use hands-on material is always welcome because it takes considerable time to create it from scratch. This is a wonderful program. There are many things about it that I like better than Sibelius, and as a student that still can't afford the educational discounts, this is a far superior alternative. Thank you so much for all the hard work you have and continue to put into this program. Your software might be free, but no one works for free... and no one seriously expects you to. Just make the necessary arrangements with PayPal, and perhaps send a one-time email blast to your subscriber list... so that we know. There is already a paypal account for MuseScore. See [[nodetitle:Donate]] . Maybe is not obvious enough ? As far as I know, the donate page is "advertised" with every newsletter. A newsletter is issued for every new release I think. As stated, the donation is used to pay the hosting of MuseScore.org. Last year we raised $2000, that's great because it did pay the hosting but it's not a way to pay developers. The goal for this year is $5000, because hopefully, the number of MuseScore users will grow ! I myself, who look at MS site every day, I was not sure there was a donation medium. As Mike said, the Paypal logo, with its graphics and colours attracts the eye (and the heart) much more than an item among many other in a list. IMHO, the barest minimum would be to add the Paypal logo to the menu item. Better, add an explicit Donate box (with logo!) to the bottom of the right hand menu (below "Languages"). Even better, add a box to the site header (the blue bar at top), at the right of the "Download" box, maybe slightly smaller (so not to be TOO blatant). BTW, another possible model for generating revenue: selling support services. I know other open source projects have gone that route, although I have no idea how successful they've been. But I suspect you'd get some interest from educational institutions. The revenue model you propose is most certainly working, but often not to sustain a large scale consumer oriented open source project. It mainly works for business to business open source projects such as Red Hat, Drupal, Wordpress and more. Having said that, this does not mean this revenue stream can be neglected. Let me share my model. I'm eager to find out what you all think about this model. I wasn't aware of that services listing. I think that's a very good idea, and I may participate there. It seems it would mostly benefit the people listing themselves and not necessarily the core MuseScore team, though. But if you think that musescore.com and related services will be sufficient for that purpose, great! BTW, how would a person wanting to avail themselves of services via the page you listed find out about it? Shouldn't there be some sort of "Support" link on the main page that contained links to that page as well as the handbook, forum, Katie's tutorial site, etc? The services listing has been put up so everyone with a musescore.org account can promote themselves and indeed not just the core team. We believe that an open ecosystem around MuseScore is much more important, as opposed to a controlled/closed one. You can find the link to the services page in the footer of this website. This is a call to action. Let's define a better navigating structure and update all the text that guides the users through the website. Just added myself to the services list, which i was previously unaware of. We have a great scorewriting application in MuseScore, and with the growth of the support community I believe it will become better and better. I have one reservation about the Musescore.com business model in that I think 5 hosted scores is too low, but otherwise I think it is a good plan. Personally I would make the limit 10 scores. Edit: A thought has just occured to me - it would be a good idea for all of us actively engaged in MuseScore support to share each other's links on our websites, that way gaps in one person's site can be covered by another.
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What are Virginia Democrats afraid of? Rick Johnson thinks he knows the answer. “They’re scared, and they’re resorting to every trick in the book to keep Ralph Nader off the ballot wherever they can get away with it,” said Johnson, the media coordinator for Nader’s Virginia presidential campaign. The tricks started coming to light last week when former Democratic Party executive director Jean Jensen, who is now the secretary of the State Board of Elections, rejected petitions containing more than 13,000 signatures collected by Nader campaign workers for the purpose of getting the candidate’s name on the Nov. 2 ballot in the Old Dominion. Jensen based her decision on advice given to her by the office of Virginia Attorney General Jerry Kilgore after she had advised Kilgore’s staff that the petitions had not been sorted by congressional district per board of elections guidelines. Over the weekend, though, the attorney general’s office learned that the policy regarding the binding of petitions by congressional district was in fact not a valid policy at all. So on Monday, Kilgore’s senior assistant, James Hopper, changed the advice and told Jensen that she had to accept the petitions. “It’s ludicrous to even suggest that politics played a role in our handling of this. The reason we had to revisit this issue in the first place is because of the erroneous information that we had been given by the board of elections,” said Kilgore’s spokesman, Tim Murtaugh. “The attorney general’s sole job in this make sure that the laws and policies of the board of elections and the Commonwealth of Virginia are followed to the letter of the law. The plain fact of the matter is that the board of elections can’t just make up the rules that it’s going to follow as it goes along,” Murtaugh told the AFP. “You can’t just throw something up on your Web site and say that it’s a policy. There has to be a formal action of the board in place before something can be considered a policy, and that was not the case here,” Murtaugh said. Based on that new information, the attorney general’s office amended its legal advice, Murtaugh said. “When the understanding of the facts of the issue change, the legal advice based on those facts is going to change,” Murtaugh said. “There are politics being played here, but it’s not by the attorney general’s office,” Murtaugh said. Democratic Party of Virginia spokesperson Laura Bland told the AFP Wednesday morning that the party “stands for fair ballot access.” “However, I am not surprised that the attorney general has reversed himself, given the nationwide efforts of Republicans to assist Ralph Nader’s efforts to get on the ballot,” Bland said. “We believe everybody should have the opportunity to be on the ballot as long as they follow the rules,” Bland said. The Dems’ position on ballot access seemed to change later in the day on Wednesday when word hit the streets that party chairman Kerry Donley had requested in a letter that the board make sure that local registrars “compare petition signatures to voter-registration cards maintained in their offices to ensure that the signatures on Nader’s petitions are in fact valid” and also raised issue with whether or not the board should accept petitions not duly stamped and signed by a notary public in advance of the Aug. 20 filing deadline. “Speaking for myself personally, I don’t think anybody is surprised to see these Democratic efforts to try to keep Ralph off the ballot,” Johnson said. “It’s interesting given the advantages that they have in fund-raising and staff and volunteers,” Johnson said. “They have every advantage that you can name over us, and they still have to resort to cheap shots. “I think it says a lot about the confidence that they have in their candidate. I think they know that if everything were equal, their candidate wouldn’t stand a chance against Ralph Nader,” Johnson said. As things stand now, the board of elections is checking signatures on the ballot petitions under the gun of a Sept. 3 deadline for reaching a decision as to the certification of the Nader candidacy in the Commonwealth. “We’re taking the approach that the ballot-access issue has been taken care of, so we’re focusing ourselves on getting the word out about the campaign, getting out the vote, educating the public to the campaign’s issues,” Johnson said. “That’s one area where we will have a distinct advantage. The other campaigns aren’t talking at all about the issues. Their focus is on whose military-service record is the most legitimate and who between them has been the most negative. They’re not talking about the issues. They’re not focused at all on the issues facing the American people,” Johnson said.
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It's easy to get caught up in the possibilities when planning a birthday party for an adult. You can spend hours fantasizing about the details you want to include. However, at some point, you must make a clear plan that includes the party elements you actually can accomplish. Your budget is listed first because all other choices for the party depend on it. When you love and admire the person having the birthday, you may be tempted to add too many special surprises to the party. A budget keeps you focused on the important party elements. Break the budget down to indicate how much you plan to spend for each component of the party. Find ways to save on your budget by choosing décor items that you can create yourself. For example, if you want a low-cost birthday photo booth, set up your own background for photos. Use glitter, foil, and decorations to spell out the date and event. Have party guests use the background for their own selfies, or delegate a few friends to take turns snapping guest shots. After reserving your venue or ordering your party favors, remember to save the receipts in a special folder. Stay on top of your budget by routinely adding up receipts for party expenses. Monitoring the budget and adding up total costs as you go will keep you from going overboard. A basic party planning checklist hinges on the guest list. When you know exactly how many people are coming to the party, you know which size venue you need to reserve. Once you have your guest list compiled, will you send invitations or use social media to promote the party? With RSVP invitations, you can get a reliable idea of how many people will attend. If you use word-of-mouth or social media to advertise the event, you may have too few or way too many guests show up at the birthday party. If you plan to host the party at a park or other outdoor space, you can get away with having extra people show up to the birthday bash. If you plan a party in a private home or a commercial event venue, you must be more precise with your guest count. Too many guests can overwhelm a home. Too many guests can also cost you extra fees at a venue because you have more guests than you paid to attend. Hiring a caterer to manage the food at the birthday party is a smart move. Preparing, cooking, and serving food takes a lot of time and effort to accomplish, especially if you have a large guest list. If you or other loved ones prepare and serve food, you or your loved ones must constantly check food displays, refresh menu items and keep the displays clean and tidy. There's not much room for fun. You must also have items like serving spoons, chafing dishes, plates, buffet tables, and other furnishings to serve guests. Without the right tools and skills, you can't serve guests properly and you compromise food safety for everyone. A catering crew has all of the furnishings necessary to prepare and serve food safely and in style. Everyone at the party gets to have fun because no guests have to worry about keeping track of the menu. Catering crews create menus for sit-down dinners, buffet meals, and even special treat or dessert stations. They customize menu items to accommodate food restrictions and preferences, so you can keep the whole crowd happy. When planning your adult birthday party, contact GingerBabies Catering LLC to order fresh and delicious party foods from our hors d'oeuvre, salad, sandwich, and other menus.
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Delays and time-outs when accessing the bedfordcf.org site appear to be due to server issues beyond end user control. Sort of fixed now but being monitored continuously to be sure. After persistent nagging it appears that the problem has been sorted.
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The lesson here is never threaten an expecting mother, especially if she’s armed with a shotgun. At around 4 A.M. Sunday, Fairley was wide awake, because her unborn daughter was kicking. That is when she heard a noise; it sounded like someone touching a potato-chip bag downstairs. Fairley is six and a half months pregnant. So, she says she yelled down at Justin Delhomme, he walked out of the house and she grabbed a shotgun. In the street, Fairley confronted the 18 year old. “He pulled a gun on me, and I told him, ‘You know, you need to put that away before I shoot you because mine’s bigger,’ and he put it back in his pocket.” . . . . Video interview from Fox News is here. The proper use of firearms is not to fire them, but to brandish them to prevent crimes. It’s even better when a women uses firearms to defend her children. ECM sent this essay which explores whether capital punishment deters crime. The studies all concluded that between 3 and 18 innocent lives were saved by each execution of a convicted killer. A gunman who had wounded a shopkeeper and opened fire on several customers was stopped yesterday when another man shot him at the store in South Richmond, authorities said. …The man who shot the robber is a friend of the store owner, and he was wearing a holster with a Western-style revolver, said Managing Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney Tracy Thorne-Begland. After the suspect shot the store owner and opened fire on patrons, the owner’s friend shot the suspect once in the torso, took his gun and called police, Thorne-Begland said. How many times are legally-owned firearms used to prevent crimes, as occurred in this story? Consider this interview with Florida State University criminology professor Gary Kleck. “In 2006, about 11,600 homicides were committed by criminals armed with guns, claiming 68 percent of all homicides,” he says. Based on data from the National Criminal Victimization Survey (NCVS), as many as 500,000 violent crimes were committed in the United States in 2006 by offenders armed with guns, and around 26 percent of robberies and 7 percent of assaults were committed by gun-armed offenders. These facts have led many people to conclude that America’s high rate of gun ownership must be at least partially responsible for the nation’s high rates of violence, or at least its high homicide rate, says Kleck, adding that this belief in a causal effect of gun levels on violent crime rates has, in turn, led many to conclude that limiting the availability of guns would substantially reduce violent crime, especially the murder rate. “What’s not so widely known, though, is that large numbers of crime victims in America also use guns in the course of crimes (but) in self-defense,” says Kleck. Based on 16 national surveys of samples of the U.S. population, he continues, the evidence indicates that guns are used by victims in self-protection more often than crimes are committed by offenders using guns. Victims used guns defensively two to two-and-a-half million times in 1993, for example, compared to about 850,000 crimes in which offenders possessed guns. Maybe guns are not as scary as we had been led to believe! What is the doctrine of peace through strength? Image stolen from Douglas Groothuis. The idea of peace through strength was paraphrased in George Washington’s first state of the union address, as well as by Presidents Lincoln and Reagan. Margaret Thatcher (United Kingdom) and Stephen Harper (Canada) also believe in peace through strength. Most wars start when a dictator or monarch (e.g. – Hitler) believes he can win a conflict against a weak neighbor quickly and easily. Perhaps to test out his plan, he takes some small aggressive steps to make sure that no one is going to stop his aggression (e.g. – rebuilding the Luftwaffe, occupying the Rhineland, annexing the Sudetenland, annexing Austria, invading Poland). Once he is able to confirm over and over that no democracies are going to stop his conquests by force, he attacks. The way to stop most wars is to make dictators believe that you have the means and the will to stop their aggression. Clinton allowed about a half dozen attacks in the 90s without any reprisal, (e.g. – World Trade Center, USS Cole, etc.) We did not respond to these terrorist attacks on our national interests. As a result, Bin Laden would joke about how the USA was a “paper tiger” that did not have the stomach for war. He thought that a few American losses would make us pack up and go home. When the USA was attacked by terrorists, Bush, following Reagan’s example, made sure that the aggressors would understand that the first steps of aggression would draw a violent, decisive response. As a result of the Bush doctrine, Libya has discontinued its WMD program and invited inspectors to come in and cart away all of its research equipment. Libya did this only because it believed that the USA was willing to back up diplomacy with force. We can have peace if we cause aggressors to believe that war will cost too much. Reagan won the cold war without firing a shot. But sometimes, especially after 8 years of Clinton’s weak foreign policy, some violence is needed to communicate to our enemies that we mean business. Our willingness to engage in a military response to the 9/11 attacks was enough to provide us with 7 years free of attacks on American soil. The terrorists knew that next time they attacked us, then maybe Syria would become a democracy. So there were no more attacks on American soil while Bush governed. Deterrence works. The goal is to AVOID war by making tyrants understand that the cost of their aggression will be too much for them to bear. This is the doctrine of peace through strength.
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IBM Spectrum Protect- Tivoli Storage Manager- Data Protection Platform- ITS, Inc. Switching to Spectrum Protect can reduce backup infrastructure costs by up to 38 percent, based on more than 450 Butterfly Analysis Engine Reports. The IBM Spectrum Protect (Tivoli Storage Manager) Operations Center dashboard, policy driven administration and cloud integration make the product easy to use. VMware administrators can manage backups and restores using familiar user interfaces. There is no need to interact directly with backup servers. Spectrum Protect is highly scalable – a single backup server can protect billions of objects and can ingest, deduplicate and replicate up to 20 terabytes per day of new or changed client data. There are specially priced and packaged entry versions for small and mid-sized organizations. These versions are full featured and offer a choice of capacity and component based license plans. Learn more about how to spend less time and money on backups with IBM Spectrum Protect at IBM.com. Average of individual customer Analysis Engine Reports from Butterfly Software (PDF, 1.40MB), May 2013, n=450. The savings include cumulative 36-month hardware, hardware maintenance and electrical power savings. Excludes one-time TSM migration cost. Up to 10 times more user data can be ingested, deduplicated and replicated in an 8 hour backup window using v7 and IBM's reference architecture blueprint for large systems, compared to version 6, when Tivoli Storage Manager deduplication was introduced. Enterprise Strategy Group, ESG Lab Validation Report: IBM Tivoli Storage Manager: Deduplication, Remote Site Recovery, and Scalability, November 2012.
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Body Slim Down Garcinia: Loss Heavy Weight Without Any Sid Effects! Get a new life real and Fake and Real ID cards and passport now within 3 days. Nuevo en su país, tarjetas de identificación reales y falsas, y licencia de conducir para la venta.
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Do you have a passion for accounting and finance? Are you an analytical thinker with an “eye” for detail? If yes, come join our team! The Alberta Medical Association is recruiting for a Financial Analyst. At the AMA, we know that employees are fundamental to our success as an organization. We take pride in hiring client-oriented relationship builders who embrace teamwork, personal growth and development and truly want to help us succeed. As part of our “employee experience” we provide a competitive compensation package, benefits, work-life balance and development opportunities. Prepare various financial statements, reconciliations and analysis. Provide accounting advice to managers and directors and maintain a strong customer oriented relationship, ensuring that open and effective two-way communication exists. Review and approve all account payable disbursements: verify account postings for accuracy and completeness; review receipts and invoices for proper coding. Ensure compliance with established financial policies and procedures and answer queries. Provide support for internal audits. Diploma in accounting, finance or an equivalent discipline with a minimum of 5 years of accounting experience, preferably in a not for profit environment. Equivalent combination of education and experience will be considered. Advanced knowledge and experience in developing and maintaining Excel spreadsheets, analyzing data, and reporting findings. Must have a strong background in accounting and financial reporting principles, internal controls and Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Must be a self-starter and team player. The AMA advances patient-centered, quality care by advocating for and supporting physician leadership and wellness. Alberta’s physicians and the AMA are committed to Patients First®. For more information on the AMA please visit our website at www.albertadoctors.org. This position will remain open until January 7 or until a suitable candidate is selected. We thank all applicants, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
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According to Forrester Research’s 2018 IIoT Wave, released August 9, the C3 AI Suite is the highest scored offering (tied) for advanced data analytics at enterprise scale. The C3 AI Suite has been purpose-built to support advanced analytics on large data sets unified from disparate source systems. We realized early on that organizations seeking to capture value from industrial IoT need to place algorithms and models at the center of their business operations. Therefore, in developing our advanced analytic capabilities, we particularly focused on streamlining the development, deployment, provisioning, and operation of machine learning and AI models at large-scale, in real-time, and in production. C3’s unique, model-driven AI architecture enables data scientists to access data in a unified, federated data image, regardless of the underlying data store. Cross-data store queries (e.g., across key-value, relational, or file systems) are significantly streamlined. Key concepts of time and space, data normalizing, versioning, and tracking are all handled by the C3 AI Suite. So data scientists can focus on functional performance. Data scientists often spent 80-90% of their time massaging data into data frames for model training. The C3 AI Suite and the C3 Type System shrinks data scientists’ data preparation work, and enable them to build models that can readily transition into production. The C3 AI Suite enables integrated algorithm development in common data science tools (e.g., Python, R) with bindings to the C3 Type System, and via the use of visual tools. The C3 AI Suite supports continuous training of algorithms based on field feedback. Models are deployed rapidly and are available via REST APIs or embeddable in applications – passed data, hosted, and executed using the C3 AI Suite. C3 offers native support for a comprehensive set of machine learning frameworks to facilitate rapid development of AI-enabled applications. Data scientists have access to standard ML libraries, C3 libraries and tools, and the full set of data—eliminating the need to extract subsets of data into third-party tools. Data scientists are also able to readily specify the libraries and runtimes required for executing their algorithms. The C3 AI Suite ensures the same libraries and runtimes are available in development and production. Data scientists are able to build sophisticated pipelines by using the “scaffolding” provided through C3 Pipeline Types. These types enable data scientists to train and deploy models, including pre-and post-processing steps as complex, composable graphs without requiring custom coding for production use. Using the C3 Type System, data scientists are readily able to manage and version their models. They are able to track the performance of models and enable models to be retrained (or redesigned) if performance starts to drift, or additional data arrive. Models can be readily deployed and promoted from stage, to QA, to production environments. The C3 AI Suite has native support for parallelized batch, stream, and—most importantly—continuous processing frameworks. These frameworks enable analytic models to be executed in flexible ways. Continuous processing is often required for models that require processing as new data arrive, but also require deep-contextual lookup (most real-world enterprise machine learning/AI use cases follow this pattern). C3’s continuous processing engine allows for selectively processing data pathways that require re-processing based on incremental data changes. This enables scores/alerts to be kept current in near-real time as new data flow in, while minimizing computational cost. All of these elements together demonstrate why C3 offers the most powerful and usable advanced data analytics, an essential component of the rapid development of industrial IoT and digital transformation efforts today. Nikhil Krishnan is the Vice President of Products at C3. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and MS and PhD degrees from the University of California at Berkeley in Mechanical Engineering.
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Does language change more quickly for illiterate societies? Does language change more quickly for illiterate societies than they do for literate ones? Well, language change tends to be driven by native learners during the acquisition period (Ringe, 2012), so yes and no. It doesn't matter if the society is literate, the kids natively acquiring the language from their families and peer groups aren't, for a significant portion of the NLA window. Does literacy noticeably affect change in the prestige form of a language? That is, has there been research into whether prestige closely follows written form? Most of the languages in my work lack any substantial literary tradition, so it's not something I've ever really had to think about. Sorry I meant does the written form of the prestige language affect the spoken form of the prestige. Interesting, though.
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As soon as LCD monitors became affordable I jumped at the chance to run multiple monitors connected to my PC. I have never looked back, starting with two displays, but soon moving to three. I now sit looking at three Dell 24-inch monitors all day. It’s great. Dell understand that having multiple screens hooked up is beneficial and desirable for a lot of geeks, especially in certain industries such as software development and the financial trading sector. But extra displays take up space and can lead to a cabling nightmare, so Dell has come up with an alternative: one giant 43-inch monitor that’s out-the-box ready to be used as if it’s four 1080p displays. The Dell 43 Multi-Client Monitor (P4317Q) is an impressive and massive display. It sports a resolution of 3840 x 2160 @ 60Hz with a contrast ratio of 1,000:1 and brightness of 350cd/m2. Combine that with a response time of 8ms, viewing angles of 178 degrees, and connectivity options including HDMI 1.4, DisplayPort 1.2, mini DisplayPort 1.2, and VGA. To top it off, Dell has embedded two 8-watt speakers and a 4-port USB 3.0 hub. Now, you are free to use the P4317Q as a single display, but Dell has included its Enhanced Display Manager software meaning you have the ability to split the monitor into four. By doing so you instantly get quad 1920 x 1080 displays side-by-side and without any borders. There’s also nothing to stop each of those 1080p outputs coming from different PCs hooked up to the monitor. As you’ve probably guessed, the P4317Q is not cheap at $1,350, but it does come with a 3-year Advanced Exchange Service, 3-year Limited Hardware Warranty, and a Premium Panel Guarantee that kicks in if just a single bright pixel is found. It’s also available to purchase immediately. I instantly want two for an 8-display configuration.
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The use of bathroom household chemicals and the high potential for mold growth from excessive moisture are the two main sources of potential indoor air hazards typical to most bathrooms. This guide will help you determine if your bathrooms are contributing to poor indoor air quality throughout your home. Most bathrooms are filled with toxic chemical products such as room deodorizers, toilet bowl cleaners, drain cleaner, mildew remover, glass cleaners, bleach, and floor cleaner. There are also many potentially toxic health and beauty related products such as hair coloring, perfume, deodorant, hair spray, and pharmaceuticals. Summary health and safety information for the most common culprits is lower down this page in the Bathroom Chemical Products List. There is also a site search box below to help you find many other healthy home tips found throughout this entire website. Is Your Bathroom Contributing to the Death of Our Oceans? How many pounds of the below poisons do you buy and use every year? How many of their chemical compounds end up in your lungs, blood, and septic system (and ultimately the oceans)? Are you keeping these potentially poisonous products out of the reach of children? Even our crammed medicine cabinets contain potential poisons to not only us, but also the environment. A growing number of studies prove that the all too numerous pills many of us pop daily (and ultimately poop) - such as anti-depressants, antibiotics, and many other over-diagnosed / over-used drugs, are resulting in these pharmaceutical molecules passing right through sewage treatment facilities and into aquatic species. This dangerous pharma soup of exotic organic compounds is bioaccumulating and causing harm to freshwater fish and ocean derived seafood populations. Talk about depressing. What comes around goes around when we pollute the water, whether by our toilets or our drains. It never ceases to amaze me how common it is for people to think it is ok to pour a wide variety of household chemicals down their drains and toilets where they then seem to magically become out of sight, and thus out of mind. But these chemicals are still being flushed into the environment one way or another, and they may end up doing more than just kill the beneficial bacterial colonies in our septic tanks and sewage systems - causing sewage backups. Dumped chemicals often persist and end up eventually accumulating into our food web. It is like an urban myth that it is ok to dump these chemicals down toilets and drains with no consequences. If you think this way or if you know of someone who does, please try to affect change in your or their thinking about the harm it causes even though it may not be obvious to you. Toxic Sewer Gas from Septic Tank Chemical Reactors? Sewer gases can be flammable due to combustible components like Methane Gas created by microbial activity. Sewage gases can also displace air and cause death by asphyxiation due to the resulting low oxygen environments created in confined spaces. Sewage gases may also be toxic from common components like Hydrogen Sulfide gas, or other less common components resulting from disposal of chemicals in drains or toilets. In some rare extreme scenarios some homeowners have found out the hard way that pouring household chemicals down the drain may even result in poisonous sewage gases resulting from a chemical reaction that occurs when chemicals mix in the septic system. Potentially deadly Chloramine gas is but one such possible toxic sewage gas that could result from dumping various chemicals down drains or toilets. Chloramine gas (NH2Cl) or Chlorine Gas (Cl2) may become airborne when household bleach mixes with products that contain acids, such as vinegar, ammonia, drain cleaners, or toilet bowl cleaners. Depending on conditions such as temperature, mixing conditions, and concentrations of reactants, other irritant gases such as Nitrogen Trichloride (NCl3) and Dichloramine (NHCl2), may also results from the above reactants and products. Besides being potentially deadly, inhalation of poisonous Chlorine or Chloramine gas is known to cause loss of voice, coughing, feeling of burning and suffocation, damage to mucous membranes, and even chemical pneumonia. Chlorine and Chloramine is an obvious example of why NOT to dispose of household chemicals down drains and toilets. Hopefully your home is properly constructed to vent potentially flammable and hazardous sewage gases through plumbing vent pipes that usually extend up through your roof and vent to the outside, rather than into basements or interior rooms. Proper sewer gas ventilation can be a problem in older homes where piping is outdated or damaged, or in cases where plumbing is poorly designed. Below is summary information for the most commonly used bathroom products - including ingredients information and tips for how to safely use, store, dispose of, and eliminate their over-use. All of the below household products found in bathrooms contain one or several hazardous substances which can contribute to poor indoor air quality and environmental damage. The main reason these household chemicals (for example hair spray and nail polish) can be sources of indoor air pollution is because they often give off volatile chemical toxins that enter the air while being used or stored, and even well after being used in or around the home. The best way to measure chemical hazards in your home is to have your air tested (see link to my bargain chemical/mold test kit below). These tiny toxic gas molecules and particles can become airborne and accumulate inside your air-tight home, where the HVAC system may distribute them to other rooms where they can then be inhaled over long-term periods by anyone or any pet inside the home. Occupants who are very young, very old, or who may have a pre-existing condition are more at risk from exposure to these toxins. And most home air purifiers can't even filter these Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) out of your air because specialized expensive chemical filters are required, and so are usually only found in only the best home air purifier having gas-phase filtration. VOCs are likely responsible for most indoor air quality complaints and are a major cause of Sick Building Syndrome. With long-term exposure, VOCs can result in chronic diseases such as cancer, kidney damage, liver disease, and neurological disorders. If you suspect your home is making you sick, or if you frequently have burning eyes, headaches, respiratory difficulty, soar throat, or fatigue - it is possible you are breathing elevated levels of VOCs from such products as those used and stored in your bathroom and other rooms. The truth is, it is hard to avoid breathing some level of these toxic gases while indoors. This is because VOCs are often perpetually given off by various in-home sources, such as carpeting, furniture, particle board, OSB board, adhesives, paints, varnishes, and many other structural components or contents of homes. You just can't escape them in most cases. So with VOC toxins so common, it is a particularly bad idea to use and store additional chemicals inside. If you use several of the below bathroom household chemicals, chances are you are making the levels of inhalation hazards that much worse. You should at least remove from your home the low-hanging fruit of toxins. That often means reducing your purchase and use of household chemical products where feasible. Another common bathroom indoor air hazard involves the growth of Toxic Black Mold and the spores and other air contaminants the colonies can release. Mold and Mildew colonies often get a stubborn foothold in, around, or under bathroom areas because of the potential for water leaks, condensation, and high humidity. Mold and mildew thrives in moist conditions, so they love bathrooms. Often water leaks and condensation problems cause hidden mold colonies to begin between walls where water pipes run, or under shower drains in sub-flooring. It can be hard to detect a problem unless the mold is already widespread and the damage visible on floors, ceilings, or walls. To see if you may have an indoor air quality problem and identify the possible sources, I highly recommend testing your home air for a wide variety of Volatile Organic Compounds as well as for hidden mold colonies that you may not even know about. This easy and accurate diy home air test kit is the only one I know of that will test for over 400 chemicals + Hidden Mold colonies. No other test kit can detect hidden mold and VOCs to that extent and at that very low price. There are many over-priced mold test kits that focus on detecting airborne mold spores, but the problem is mold spores are often hindered by walls and flooring, thus making hidden mold hard to detect by conventional method involing mold spore count. If you want to detect hidden mold colonies such as those growing around a leaky water pipe behind your shower wall, my test kit is the only one on the market today that actually is sensitive enough to measure MVOCs (Mold Volatile Organic Compounds) which are gases expelled by actively growing mold. Measuring MVOCs is a very advanced way to detect mold while it is still hidden in the structure of homes. Unlike mold spores, MVOCs can easily pass through structural obstacles like walls and flooring and they are constantly being released by living mold colonies, unlike spores. This is the best way to find mold and chemical problems before they cause serious allergy symptoms or Sick Building Syndrome. Many home inspectors, home buyers, and tenants are using the above test kit to assure healthy indoor air before contracts are signed. How Many of These Common Bathroom Household Chemical and Hazardous Waste Sources Are You Stockpiling? Aerosol sprays should be used with care. The fine particles emitted from aerosol sprays are easily breathed deeply into the lungs and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Thus, a chemical that is harmless to your skin may become extremely dangerous if inhaled as a mist. Acute symptoms include headache, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, eye and throat irritation, skin rash, burns, lung inflammation, and liver damage. If spray is misdirected, chemical burns and eye injury can also occur. Intentionally inhaling aerosol gases for kicks, sometimes called "sniffing" or "huffing," has resulted in the death of several young Americans. An aerosol container should never be heated significantly above room temperature because it can explode. Storage of cans in direct sunlight, car trunks, and near furnaces, stoves, and ovens can result in explosion. When heated, aerosol gases can turn into toxic gases including fluorine, chlorine, chloride or hydrogen fluoride, or phosgene (military nerve gas). Breathing these vapors can be very harmful to you. Go to our Complete Guide to Asbestos for complete information about Asbestos including extensive MSDS information, list of specific product brands with Asbestos, jobs, symptoms, and case studies of asbestos exposure. If you encounter asbestos or suspect asbestos hazards these asbestos tips may also help. Asbestos is a naturally occurring group of minerals that are flexible, fire resistant, and virtually indestructible. Many hundreds of products contain asbestos fibers. Some general categories are insulation, asbestos cements, fire-proofing, fireproof clothing, floor tiles, pipes, brake and clutch linings, pot holders, ironing board pads, hair dryers, and textured paint. In the recent past, some uses have been banned: spraying asbestos-containing materials (1973); certain pipe coverings (1975); some patching compounds and artificial fireplace logs (1977); spray-on asbestos decorations (1978); and hair dryers containing asbestos (1979). In most products, asbestos is combined with a binding material. However, if the tiny asbestos fibers do become airborne and inhaled, they can remain in the lungs and may cause severe health problems that do not appear until many years later. There is no known safe exposure level to asbestos. Asbestos toxicity surfaces only after a long latent period. The respiratory tract is the usual target organ. Asbestosis and asbestos-related cancers such as Mesothelioma are the two main categories of asbestos disease. Disinfectants are considered pesticides. They reduce some germs and are a temporary measure at best for making your home "germ free." Skin contact and vapors can be irritating and corrosive to the respiratory system and skin. Disinfectants are especially hazardous when dispersed from aerosol cans because the disinfectant can be easily ingested through the nose and mouth. Disinfectants may contain one or more of the following hazardous substances: Ammonia, cationic detergents, cresol, lye, phenol, pine oil. Please refer to these compounds for specific health hazards associated with these ingredients. Chemical drain cleaners (also called drain openers) are extremely corrosive and dangerous to use. Common ingredients in drain cleaners include lye or sulfuric acid. These chemicals work by eating away materials, including your skin if it should come in contact. Likewise, vapors are harmful. If you are on a septic system, you should know that drain cleaners are hard on your system as they kill the microbial bacteria which are necessary to the workings of your septic tank. The use of chemical drain cleaners as a "preventative" measure is not a good idea. Boiling water or a handful of baking soda and half cup of vinegar poured down the drain weekly is at least as effective as a chemical drain cleaner and much, much safer for you and the environment. Also effective,particularly in preventing clogs, are many brands of enzymatic cleaners. If you have used a chemical drain cleaner and the clog still exists, Do not try to clear the drain with a plunger or pressurized drain opener. This would only invite splashback. Also, do not add other cleaners to the drain following the use of a commercial drain cleaner. The combination of chemicals can produce toxic gas or become reactive and blow out of the sink and on to you. If a chemical drain cleaner has done nothing to help your clog and you still have standing water, then there is no reasonable choice except to call a professional to fix the clogged and now contaminated drain. Be sure to tell them what product was used in the drain so that they may adequately protect themselves. If a drain cleaner claims to be "non-caustic" or "noncorrosive," it should state its ingredients. The product may still be poisonous if inhaled in heavy concentrations or swallowed. Use: Always use window and glass cleaners in a well-ventilated area. Disposal: Unused or unwanted portions of window or glass cleaner should be flushed down the drain with plenty of water. Hydrogen peroxide is a clear, colorless liquid. Common household hydrogen peroxide contains a 3-5% concentration. It is used as a disinfectant and deodorizer. However, the benefit is of short duration. In general, ingestion or skin exposure of small amounts of household hydrogen peroxide will cause no serious problems. It is mildly irritating to the skin and mucous membranes and causes a whitish discoloration. Industrial strength hydrogen peroxide used as a wood or hair bleaching agents (10% concentration H2O2) may result in severe burns to the skin, throat, and gastrointestinal tract. Disposal: Unused or unwanted portions of household hydrogen peroxide should taken to a hazardous household waste collection center. If a collection center is not available, 3-5 % peroxide solutions can be flushed down the drain. If you use a septic tank or lagoon, dispose of small quantities over several days. For information about disposing of 10% peroxide solutions, contact your local fire department or wastewater treatment plant. Use: Wear protective gloves when using (see "Household Safety Equipment"). Use in well-ventilated areas. Storage: Keep out of the reach of children and pets. Make sure lid is tightly capped. Store away from sources of flame or ignition. Disposal: Flush down drain with plenty of water. If you have a sewage tank or lagoon, dispose of small quantities over a number of days. Borax is an effective mildew remover and short-term preventive. Pharmaceuticals, which include both prescription medicines and over-the-counter drugs, can be disposed of easily and safely. The best way to dispose of pharmaceuticals is to return the unwanted portion to your pharmacist. Many pharmacists are willing to accept and properly dispose of unwanted pharmaceuticals. The second best alternative is take the drugs to a hazardous household collection center. If a collection center is unavailable, many medicines can be flushed down a toilet connected to a sanitary sewer. NOTE: this excludes chemotherapy drugs, antineoplastic medicines, and shampoos for head lice, which should never be disposed of down a toilet. If you have a septic tank or lagoon, return your unwanted prescriptions to the pharmacist or take to a household connected to the sanitary sewer. Do not place pills in the trash where children could possibly try them with dire consequences. Most scouring powders use calcium carbonate as the abrasive, and may contain chlorine bleach. To prevent the formation of toxic gas, do not use cleansers containing bleach with other cleaning products such as toilet bowl cleaner, oven cleaner, or all-purpose cleaners which may contain Ammonia. The combination of bleach and ammonia produces toxic chloramine gas. In sensitive individuals, scouring powder that contains chlorine may irritate and redden the skin. Disposal: Use up as intended or give it to someone who can. If unwanted portions must be disposed of, flush down the drain with plenty of water. However, if on a septic tank or lagoon, dispose of small quantities over a number of days. Alternatives: Baking soda or salt can be easily substituted for scouring powder. Alternative commercial products based upon diatomaceous earth are relatively safe, effective and non-abrasive. Nylon and other non-metallic scrubbing pads may also be effective. If you have any of the above bathroom products inside your house I strongly recommend you read the label closely for storage, disposal, and usage instructions. Additionally, ventilation and air purification using Activated Carbon or other chemical fume filtering media can help to reduce Volatile Organic Compounds and dangerous chemical particles which results from areas in the home where many of these household chemicals are ultimately used or stored. However, source reduction should be the first line of defense. Ideally you should try to find safer, non-toxic green products to replace the more toxic and environmentally damaging ones. Consumers are driving growing demand for a wide and growing variety of effective green cleaners and other eco-friendly alternatives that go a long way toward creating healthier homes and less damage to our oceans. So get started today and see what hazardous products you can eliminate forever from your medicine cabinets and bathroom vanities. Then move on to the other rooms of the house linked to below. Make your home a chemical-free home and it will pay off in many different ways - healthwise, environmentally, and fiscally.
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Predators such as bears, wolverines and lynx are present in the national park. They are difficult to spot, but during the winter, you can find their tracks. In winter you also can see elk. It is easy for them to find fodder in Abisko since the snow cover is not as deep here. Reindeer can be found in the area most of the year. You can see golden eagles, white-tailed eagles, rough-legged buzzards and gerfalcons hunting above the mountain. In some years the rare Arctic leaf warbler has been seen on the slopes of Mount Njullá. You will find redpolls, willow warblers, bluethroats and bramblings in the birch forest and osieries and golden plovers and dotterels in the alpine heaths. Wading birds thrive in the marshlands and red-throated divers in the small tarns. The bird-rich delta where Abiskojåkka empties into Torneträsk is a bird sanctuary during parts of the year.
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but, not the ones you're thinking of. Not all robots look like people. Some are designed to look like industrial machines. Others, like animals. Others, not like anything at all...they're software. What will it mean to live in a world surrounded by robots? and, it's all about interaction. What was it like before we had machines in our homes? It's just about impossible for us to imagine. Very soon, that's what it's going to be like with robots. Are you ready?
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Are our incubator vests suitable for your premature baby? If you're on this page you've probably been looking at incubator vests on our online store and wondering if it's the right product to buy. We hope this helps! These premature baby incubator vests are specially designed for a very early baby. These babies will be very small and on the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or Specialist Care Baby Unit (SCBU) in hospital, and as the name suggests, these babies are typically spending time in an incubator. The vests are for babies weighing between 1lb and 3lb or 1.5lb and 3lb depending on the vest. See the 'Size and Fit' tab on the specific product page for exact product sizing. The size range is quite big because the vest is adjustable. Babies of this size will be connected to wires and tubes and machines that are supporting their breathing and feeding, and monitoring their vital signs. So dressing these babies in traditional clothes can be difficult and too disruptive for baby. Dressing in an incubator can also be a bit awkward as the only access is usually through holes in the door. Babies in need of this support also have sensitive skin so clothing that is 100% soft and breathable cotton is best. What else will a baby in an incubator vest wear? A baby in an incubator is often just dressed in an incubator vest and a nappy on its body, and a hat and scratch mittens are commonly worn too, especially as baby gets bigger and spends time outside of the incubator for cuddles. Little trousers, vests and sleepsuits can also be worn as baby gets a bit bigger and at the judgement of your medical team. We have had brilliant feedback from customers and you can see some reviews here. A few customers have kindly shared photos of their beautiful baby in their incubator vest with us. (More available on Instagram).
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We are a local company focused on customer care and safety. Motor inn was founded in 1988 and offers car, motorcycle, quad bike and bicycle rental plus various services like ATV and mountain bike tours, wedding car rentals, mini bus and limousine services. When you hire a car, motorcycle, quad bike or dune buggy from Motor Inn, you can be certain that a new, safe and fresh cleaned vehicle will be delivered on time by personnel that is professional, helpful and friendly . We had a wonderful experience with this company. It was a guided tour of the beautiful City of Santorini. There were 11 of us and we rented ATV's.
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VISION: A strong and vibrant CSO community especially based on public support. India Cares also works with Companies and other stakeholders to bring about the positive changes in the world we all wish to live in. As a 'friend' we help CSOs and others wishing to engage with the sector and provide assistance in numerous ways! Background: India Cares started in Bengaluru in the year 2000 with a small group of individuals coming together who wished to help CSOs build bridges with companies and the government. We first worked in and around Bengaluru as ‘Bangalore Cares’. In 2014 we changed our name to ‘India Cares Foundation’. We have begun to spread our activities in northern India. Since 2008 over 1100 CSOs have associated with us and through us they have raised INR 70+ crore. Approach on important values: Cause neutral – we are open to all charitable causes; we do not promote a particular cause. The choice of cause/charity to fund raise/support is given to the Donor/ Fundraiser. CSOs are raising funds for specific impact so it is easy for a fundraiser to raise funds directly. We believe the Donor-CSO connect being important to cement long term relationships & loyalties - It is our dream that people who donate get to know how they have brought about change - it could be a direct impact on an under privileged life, it could go for the teacher's salary, it could be to start a new project.... CSOs would be happy to let the donor know the change being made.. this will help them together to keep building the CSO. Over the years, we have had an honor system of reporting by CSOs, who raise funds and providing the utilisation reports for the funds raised. CSOs are happy that we believe in them, donors are happy that they can donate directly to the CSO, due to the reporting system set up, donations received can be verified, utilisation reports are made public, people are invited to visit the CSO, so the CSO is also responsible to the public... all it takes is a little belief about the 'Good' that's happening.. We are a ‘Trust’ registered in Bengaluru; with an active Board that is strongly connected to CSOs India Cares seeks to Support, Encourage and Promote the CSO Community through the international platform of Airtel Delhi Half Marathon since the CSO Sector as a vital element in building a humane society.
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During 2018/19, Eden PR will be supporting the local East Midlands charity Framework, in an effort to support its vital work helping the homeless. Framework works tirelessly to deliver housing, health, employment, support and care services to people with a diverse range of needs, providing a lifeline for those living in crisis. We were introduced to Framework by Nick Ebbs, the High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire and Chief Executive of our client Blueprint. Nick has named Framework as the charity he will support during his year in office, ending in April 2019. As part of our support, we have planned a schedule of various fundraising initiatives to help gather funds and raise awareness. So far, we have already held a bake sale, where our own bakes rivalled the likes of those on this year’s Great British Bake Off (if we do say so ourselves). Amongst the delicious treats – traditional Victoria Sponge, marshmallowy rocky road and creative Nutella cupcakes. The event raised just shy of £100, a great start to reaching our target of £500. We also collected donations for our local Framework service, the New Albion, located just outside of Nottingham city centre. We gathered together useful items including non-perishable food, toiletries and socks and asked local businesses to do the same. A big thank you to those who supported us, especially ZMU, who dropped off a very generous donation! Did you know that the city’s food banks have seen one of the busiest summers this year? Donating to your local shelter or food bank could provide much needed support, and prove just as useful as a financial donation. In November 2018, two of the Eden team will be challenging themselves to a sponsored run. The run they will be participating in is the Mo Run, taking place in Wollaton Park on the 18th of November – participants can either run for the partner charity, or like us choose their own to fundraise for. If you want to donate to a worthy cause, we’ve set up a fundraising page to sponsor Becky and Helen – we know they would love your support! We’ve lined up a variety of other initiatives for the rest of the year, helping us to raise as much money as possible. Keep an eye on our social channels for announcements about upcoming events or for other ways you can get involved. For instance, why not sign up to our Go Raise page, where whenever you make a purchase at one of the 3,000 online retailers listed (including Booking.com, M&S, eBay, Argos), a percentage of your purchase will go directly to Framework. It’s a totally free service and doesn’t affect the price at all. If you’d like to make your online shopping go further, please make sure to sign up here.
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The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are a set of education goals that provide a consistent and clear understanding of what we expect students to learn. This is so both teachers and parents know what we need to do to help the students learn. The CCSS are robust and relevant to both college and the business world. They reflect the knowledge and skills our young people need for success in either area. When Adelanto High School students are fully prepared for the future, our community will become competitive and successful in the global economy. The CCSS are a set of high academic expectations for all students. Thinking about what knowledge and skills people need in both college and the working world, the CCSS defines the core of 21st Century competencies and knowledge that students should acquire at each grade level. Using an integrated standards-based approach to education, both academic content and "Habits of Mind" students learn the essential things they need to know to be successful. No single element of CCSS will ensure student success. The main idea behind CCSS is that each element supports others and as a whole we help students achieve readiness for college or a career.. Recent research in college acceptance and employer need criteria focus on two fundamental areas: English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. In theCCSS, ELA and Math form the foundation or the basis of what CCSS calls"21st Century competencies." The CCSS calls ELA "Capacities" and Mathematics as "Practices." Together they comprise something we call"Habits of Mind."These "Habits of Mind" create a portrait of the student that we believe will graduate from Adelan to High School socially aware,civic-minded, a literate citizen who is ready for college, career and life in the 21st Century.
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Emirates is currently offering discounted first-class fares to many of the airline’s destinations worldwide, including Milan (MXP), Dubai (DXB) and Bangkok (BKK). As part of this promo, you can get up to an additional $500 off the price of a round-trip first-class ticket to many destinations when you book by January 17 and travel by June 30, 2017. In order to receive your additional discount, make sure you enter promo code EKFIRST when you’re making your flight selections. Even with the additional $500 discount, the prices we’ve been seeing on Emirates’ site are pricey to say the least. On the airline’s fifth-freedom route between New York (JFK) and Milan (MXP), you’d have to pay $4,592 for the round-trip itinerary, even after the discount is applied. Prices go up rapidly from there — a round-trip first-class ticket between New York (JFK) and Dubai (DXB) will cost you a staggering $13,194 if you were to pay in cash. If you want to fly in opulence but don’t like the idea of shelling out several thousand dollars to do so, there are several ways to use points and miles to book this super-luxurious experience for just a little bit of money out-of-pocket. Ever since Alaska’s major devaluation for Emirates awards, your best option for booking first-class Emirates awards is to use Japan Airlines Mileage Bank miles, which can be transferred from Starwood Preferred Guest at a 1:1 ratio. Instead of paying thousands of dollars, you could use just 100,000 JAL Mileage Bank miles (80,000 Starpoints) for a first-class award between JFK and Milan, and 135,000 JAL miles (110,000 Starpoints) for a first-class trip between JFK and Dubai. JAL’s mileage levels are already lower than most other Emirates partner airlines, and the 5,000-mile bonus for every 20,000 Starpoints you transfer make the awards an even better value. Have you experienced Emirates’ first class?
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JOSH V Fall Winter '17 SALE up to 50% off. The new JOSH V Active Wear collection is live. SALE: Shop the JOSH V Fall '18 TWENTY FIVE collection with 30% discount! Sale just got better! Shop the Fall '18 & Winter '18 with 30% discount! Part 1 of the TWENTY SEVEN collection is live! Shop now. Part 1 of the TWENTY EIGHT collection is live!
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This is a common mistake made by quite a few best man speeches usually at the beginning of the speech (for example, see the first speech 2 of our video examples or see the poor start to this speech. Don't do it because it will only lower expectation - often this is done because the best man is nervous about doing the speech and he thinks it will be a way of breaking the ice and getting the audience on your side. Don't do it, because if you manage to pull off a great speech, you'll be remembered for saying it. This is the most common delivery mistake and is often done when the best man is reading the speech word for word (see below). It comes back to practicing the speech and getting your breathing right. It's a fact that many best man speeches contain exactly the same jokes - probably due to the fact that most best men trawl the popular best man websites for gags to copy and paste into the speech. I think that this is OK to a limited extent and it is important that if you are going to use these sort of gags, that you practice the delivery to perfection. Don't read the speech from a piece of paper - see this video for an example of someone who does this, although he does seem to relax towards the end. Instead, try to practice the speech as much as possible to become familiar with it to the point at which you could give most of the speech without any help. Don't be negative about ANYTHING in your speech - not even in a joke. For example, the caterers at one wedding I attended had not warmed the food enough when it was brought out to the guests and this was joked about in the best man speech. He meant it in a funny friendly way, but it was pretty insulting to the parents of the bride who had organised the occasion.
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With the British General Election “out of the way" the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) has been able to get back to work. Now we know that there will be a referendum on EU membership in the UK within the next 30 months and the PAC is looking in detail at areas where it can represent COBCOE members in the debate that has already started. With the new parliament and the key parliamentary committees being gradually being reappointed, we can also resume our work behind the scenes talking to British parliamentarians, ensuring that they take into account the interest of the European business community and its investment and trade links into and out of the UK. Some ministers were reappointed in the new UK government and some have been replaced so we will also be working on establishing strong working links with key ministers. At the same time we will be keeping an eye on EU matters bearing in mind that our members are constantly affected by developments at the EU level. To that end, COBCOE recently made a call on the Luxembourg Finance Minister, Mr Pierre Gramegna, in anticipation of the Luxembourg presidency of the EU which commences on 1st July and we are already planning a call on the Dutch government later in the year. As usual, the delegation on the COBCOE side comprised of members of the COBCOE PAC, the leadership of the local British Chamber as well as the British Ambassador in Luxembourg. Following on from the COBCOE strategic review, the PAC is now intending to be more focused going forward on these key areas and is in the process of setting up working groups in which PAC members will participate. Of course it is vital that COBCOE is able to reflect accurately its members interests and concerns. If you are a COBCOE member chamber without representation on the PAC, do please nominate a representative and please also let us know if your representative has changed.
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Bitcoin Price Analysis: Can BTC/USD Surpass $7300? Bitcoin price found sellers below $7600 against the US Dollar, and corrected lower. BTC/USD is moving back higher and is attempting an upside break above $7300. Bitcoin price is currently recovering from the $6918 low and approaching a major resistance against the US Dollar. There is a key bearish trend line forming with resistance at $7300 on the hourly chart of BTC/USD. The 100 hourly simple moving average is also near $7300 to act as an upside hurdle for buyers. There was a steady rise in bitcoin price as it extended gains this past week above the $7500 level to a new all-time high at $7572 (data feed by Kraken) against the US Dollar. Later, the BTC/USD pair started a downside correction and traded below the $7000 handle. The pair formed a low at $6918 before it started an upside move. Buyers pushed the price above the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement level of the last drop from the $7572 high to $6918 low. However, there is a key bearish trend line with resistance at $7300 on the hourly chart, which is acting as a barrier for more gains. The 50% Fibonacci retracement level of the last drop from the $7572 high to $6918 low is also at $7249, acting as a resistance. Moreover, the 100 hourly simple moving average is positioned at $7300 to prevent further gains. This means the $7250-7300 region is a major resistance zone for buyers. Should there be a break above the $7300 level, the price might continue to gain momentum. The next major hurdle is above $7400 and the 76.4% Fibonacci retracement level of the last drop from the $7572 high to $6918 low. If buyers remain in control and sentiment is intact, bitcoin can even retest $7500 in the near term. On the other hand, if the price fails to move above the $7300 resistance, there can be a downside reaction back towards the $7000 handle. Therefore, it depends on whether BTC/USD is able to break the $7300 resistance or not.
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TIPO’s Taiwan Patent Search System offers full-text patent search function for the TW patents, prosecution status and legal status. To improve service quality, TIPO recently set up a statistics section to provide users with customized statistics. At the statistics section, depending on individual needs, a user may set a time range and certain conditions (such as patent type, application type, applicant name, applicant nationality, and IPC) to look at patent files. The related statistics will then be shown in forms of charts and figures. This allows the user to get a picture of grated patents in Taiwan and IP distribution trends. Finally, the user may output the charts for value-added purposes. TIPO encourages all to utilize this new service.
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We offer a range of digital marketing services that can form part of a project to help you achieve each objective you have, or problem you want to solve. Not every service we offer will fit with your business objectives, so we’re not going to try and up-sell you things that you don’t need. We don’t bloat our offering by offering services we can’t deliver — we focus on specific things and do them well. Our agency services are suitable for b2c, b2b, public and third sector organisations. What do you want to acheive using digital marketing? Not sure which services are suitable for you, need some help? Send a brief, or an outline of what you want to achieve and we’ll guide you to make the right approach to your campaign.
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This is the year my dream comes true! My debut novel comes out in exactly 85 days. *slightly hysterical laughter* I have longed for October 10, 2017 even before I knew it would have any lasting significance on my life. Young Julie wished fiercely on stars, birthday candles, and alarm clocks every time 11:11 came around, and held her breath for luck while driving through tunnels and over bridges. She looked at getting published through the rosiest of rose-colored glasses. But what Older, Tiny-Bit-Wiser Julie is learning, is that a fulfilled wish comes with hard lessons and necessary adjustments. When something has the potential to change your life, you have to roll with everything that comes your way: both the good and the bad, the smooth and the sticky. A dream come true is not only wonderful, but it can also come with a lot of unexpected baggage. (1) People will make assumptions about you. One of the many assumptions they will make is that your debut is your first book written. A friend who debuted a few years back told me about visiting her book during release week. She saw someone take it off the shelf, but then their friend put it back. “Don’t read it,” the friend advised, “it’s a debut and first-time authors aren’t good.” That book, by the way, was my friend’s fifth manuscript and she also writes for a day job! People will also make conjectures about your life and your identity. I once saw a Twitter convo in which other Asians freely speculated about why I chose an Imperial Chinese-inspired setting for my book instead of a Vietnamese one to match my exact heritage (she’s ashamed! She’s social-climbing! She’s a racist!). You can’t control this. For marginalized authors, microscope-level scrutiny is unfortunately part of the package, often from inside your own community. But you can hope your book will speak for itself, and that readers who enjoy it will generate positive word of mouth. (2) Do not obsess over numbers you can’t control, especially star ratings and book rankings. Most authors already know not to check Goodreads reviews. Goodreads is not for the author; it is for readers. Also, note that Goodreads is a social media platform and not a retail site, so reviews can sometimes be less about the book and more about what the reviewer might gain (i.e. popularity/notoriety in the form of likes and follows). I’ve found that it’s really tough to write with readers’ voices echoing in my head, even if they loved my work, and it’s been difficult to switch up the way I use that site. I still keep track of my reading there, but I now only rate and review books for which I can give glowing recommendations and I avoid my own book’s page. Like Goodreads, Amazon rankings are for customers and they turn on a dime. I’ve seen my book skyrocket to the upper 10,000s and then plummet to the 200,000s the next day. Trust me, being an unpublished debut is enough of a rollercoaster that you don’t need to jump on the Amazon one too! (3) All the care in the world still won’t produce a “perfect” book. A book goes through many rounds of edits. Between the author, agent, editor, copyeditor, critique partners, beta readers, etc., a finished copy has had dozens of pairs of eyes on it multiple times. Guess what? Little grammar and spelling mistakes still slip through. I am a lifelong perfectionist, telling you perfection is impossible. A finished copy should be the best possible version of the story, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be any errors because, well, we’re human. Also, authors can take every precaution: hiring sensitivity readers, learning from members of communities represented in our work, and reading books written by members of those communities. But this doesn’t absolve us from mistakes. We can still hurt readers inadvertently. I heard JJ give this great analogy in a podcast once: if you accidentally step on someone’s foot and break it without meaning to… you still broke their foot. You still need to apologize and you still have things to learn. That said, it’s impossible to please everyone. We are each only one person, with one lens and experience, and we cannot write to suit the exact perspective of every other human being in the world. No community is a monolith, so people within the same groups can have vastly differing life experiences. This can blur the line between “This is truly problematic” and “This is different from what I know.” I’ve seen books furiously called out for “incorrectly” portraying an experience I know the author themselves had, but would rather not share publicly. Just be prepared, because people online aren’t shy about letting you know what they think, and some won’t be tactful about it either. What I tell them: you and your stories are important. This industry is already hard enough for marginalized writers, without jealous, toxic people trying to keep us down. All we can do is show the utmost care and respect, do our research, and recognize when we have more to learn. Write your book, be true to yourself, and get the proper eyes on it. Do the work. But also remember: no one can meet everyone’s standard of perfection or make everyone happy, especially if they decide – for whatever reason – that they don’t want to be happy with you. It is unfair to lay this expectation on yourself. No one can write a “perfect” book. (4) The way you use social media will have to change. I was a member of the writing community for eight years before I got my book deal. I had a well-known blog where I documented my triumphs and failures, and I was active on Twitter and Facebook. I considered everyone a friend and pretty much followed everyone back. That has had to change with the increasing attention on me. I’ve dealt with some extremely stressful situations this year, so suffice it to say, you’ll need to start choosing who you interact with more cautiously. I’ve noticed that relationships move a lot faster on the Internet. You need to set boundaries to protect yourself from those who feel entitled to your time and attention. Follow back at your own risk, know that you do NOT have to respond to every message, and learn to distinguish between people who are truly your friends and people you are merely friendly with. In fact, you can and should start doing this at any time. I’ve seen people on Twitter gripe about authors unfollowing them when they get a book deal, and I too have been privately annoyed about the same thing. But believe me, it’s not always “I’m too famous and important for you now.” When you’re on this side of the fence, you will understand the need to tighten your circle and keep yourself safe. (5) Don’t lose sight of the forest for the trees. Man, this post is such a downer! But listen… these are only things I wish I’d known before. I would have managed my anxiety better, instead of plummeting into one stress quagmire after another. I’m sharing all of this because I want you to know what to expect, and I want you to know that even with the low points, there are so many more high points to your dream coming true. There will be readers who fall in love with your book, take gorgeous pictures, write glowing reviews, and shout about it from the rooftops. There will be people who recognize you in person and tell you how your journey inspired them to keep going. There will be emails from teens who tell you how much it means to see themselves, at last, as the hero of a book. And there will be moments when you hug your agent and laugh with your editor and hold your book – YOUR BOOK – in your hands, and you cannot imagine wanting to be anyone else in the world. There was a moment last month when a Really Big Author announced my release date as their release date, and I let myself worry and feel very sad about it. Talk about peak First World Problems, the Publishing Version. Talk about a big ol’ tree when there’s a whole forest ahead of me (and I’m just now realizing this metaphor sounds disgustingly cutesy because y’know, my book’s about a forest). But seriously, do not spend so much time staring at the trees – those trees I’ve told you about in this post – and forget that you are in the damn forest. YOU GOT THERE. YOU DID THE THING. This post is to let you know that the trees are there, so you are aware of them and don’t crash head-first into them. And perhaps, if you are very lucky, you may never come across those particular trees at all. In the end, remember that you are doing what you love. Remember that not everyone gets to do that with their lives. Remember that it will be amazing! 2. Ignore praise and criticism once your book is out… Work on your next book instead. 3. Even as you slog on your third book, remember that someone took five books to become a published author. More importantly, that person never gave up. 4. Our closest friends and family will never make good critic partners, but they are the perfect foil when we face adversity. 5. Signing into social media is like signing up to hold a tiger by the tail. Thanks for the wonderful post and all the best for your book. Thank you Suresh! And I am glad you had such great takeaways from this post! #5 made me chuckle. There are wonderful things about social media (I wouldn’t have the community I currently have without it) but it pays to be cautious online. It’s a different world with different interactions and expectations, particularly when more people begin to realize your existence. Good luck! Great post. Good food for thought. Thanks for sharing your experience/observations! This is some really great advice. I think it also helps not feeling alone when these things happens too. Yes! My friends and fellow writers have been incredibly supportive and I’m grateful to have them. Great post, Jules. I often wonder what it’s like to debut. I appreciate that you’re sharing some of the bad that we need to watch out for too. You’re right about remembering the big picture of it all. Thanks for reading, Natalie! I try to be positive and upbeat, but I think it’s also important to be realistic. How did you know that I NEEDED to read this?!! So glad the post came at the right time for you! Thank you for reading! Congratulations on the book’s release, Jules, and very best wishes for mega-sales. This is a great article with excellent advice. I’m sorry that you had crazy people attacking you without having read the book and for inappropriate reasons. What is it with some unhappy people that makes them so negative and noisy? Thank goodness most people are open minded and supportive, but you’re right, it is easy to have your mood be influenced by unfavourable reviews and hurtful comments left on Amazon and elsewhere. We do need to focus on the many readers and publishing professionals and friends who adore our work. Yep, I never look at opinions of my books on Goodreads …just keep writing. I had a book on calligraphy for greetings cards and scrapbooking published a few years ago. I’m sure a number of review comments came from store owners who felt that if people lettered by hand, they’d lose sales of stick-on and rubber-stamping products. These were particularly given when the book first came out in 2012 – they’ve not continued. I expected to be able to aid publicity by giving helpful advice on forums, but was banned from joining Yahoo scrapbooking Groups before the book was even released, presumably for the same reason – they were moderated by people with products to sell. Peter, I appreciate your kind words! There will always be ultra-competitive folks who don’t understand that books help other books. And yes, definitely focus on the people who enjoy your work and look to lift you up. Hi Julie! Thank you for sharing this. I was aware of a lot of the tough situations you had dealt with so far throughout your journey, but am so grateful you took the time to share these experiences and words of wisdom. You really are the better person with such a good heart. I feel lucky I got to “know” you in a way, and witness your journey, and see your hardships. You have always kept it so real, and with such class. The anxiety you talk about and how you had to protect yourself is such an important message to remind people. It can be so detrimental, so yes, I took away that not all things can be taken personally, and surround yourself with good people. It’s already hard in this world, so having the right support is so crucial for mental health. I feel in another place and time, we’d really be good friends, because the way you come off is so genuine and inspiring. Thank you for writing and sharing!
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An Illustrated Information Board about the district has been installed in the centre of the village. This well-maintained stone monument bears the names of all the men of the parish who lost their lives in the two World Wars. This tree at the centre of the village marks an ancient tradition, when the Border towns appointed a champion to ride the boundaries of their territories, at the head of a band of horsemen. Robert Davidson, known as 'The Morebattle Poet', had been largely forgotten until recently. Morebattle Village hall has a long tradition of providing a facility that suits all kinds of activities.
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[Update 2] Press conferences updates! [Update 1] Added links to our pre-E3 preview coverage for all the games below. Thanks for the idea, friggest! Here is a list of all the games that we anticipate. Or – in the case of Lollipop Chainsaw – looked up the lead character’s skirt. And crucially, it was an Xbox 360 and PC exclusive – only hitting the PS3 in 2012. With a princess to be rescued and. On this day Warner Brothers and a third developer will release Mortal Kombat X for Sony’s PS3 and Microsoft’s Xbox 360. of Mortal Kombat X don’t include anything other than the pre-order bonus that. It’s said by Tecmo that the difficulty was dumbed down in order to appeal to a wider audience. but not well enough to mask how one dimensional the game is. Lollipop Chainsaw comes to mind here, as. on orders over $25—or get FREE Two-Day Shipping with Amazon Prime. Get it for less with trade-in. See what. This item:Lollipop Chainsaw – Playstation 3 by WB Games PlayStation 3 $23.40. In stock on. Release date, June 12, 2012. Amazon.in – Buy Lollipop Chainsaw (PS3) Online at low prices in India at Amazon.in. The order quantity for this product is limited to 1 unit per customer. Feb 2, 2012. The press release announcing pre-order costumes for Lollipop Chainsaw jokes that "Juliet won't be in her birthday suit," instantly making us. The pre-order bonuses for Lollipop Chainsaw are limited to different skins for main character. Lollipop Chainsaw will launch in 2012 for the PS3 and Xbox 360. Cheating Dome – The Genie provides you with daily codes & cheats! Apr 16, 2012. Pre-Order Bonuses are extras available to a consumer who pre-orders a game. For Lollipop Chainsaw, the following pre-order bonuses are. If you’re new to Groupon (hint: start a new account), use code TECHB10 to get a PS4 with Call of Duty. That’s just two weeks away, and if you want a 20% discount on your copy, you can pre-order. Lollipop Chainsaw for PlayStation 3 – Sales, Wiki, Release Dates, Review, Cheats, Release Date Added to Database, AZWification, 11th Jan 2018. Release. Disney Plus Will Feature The Entire Disney Motion Picture Li. Kevin Feige Says Diversity And Representation Is The Future. First Reactions To Jordan Peele’s Us Call It A Horror Master. Apex. There’s also a Chainsaw Katana but that’s probably already apparent. If you pre-order Shadow Warrior 2, you receive a Razorback Chainsaw Katana and 10 percent discount. Owners of the first game or. Lollipop Chainsaw cheats & more for PlayStation 3 (PS3). Cheats |; Unlockables | ; Hints. Interactive; ESRB Rating: Mature; Release Date: June 12, 2012. First off let me warn you that the game is being made by Suda 51’s team Grasshopper Manufacture (the guys behind Lollipop Chainsaw and Killer is Dead) so expect the game to be a little bizarre. And. Lollipop Chainsaw. this time with a two-player online co-op mode and exclusive to the Nintendo Wii. The first game developed by Atlus for the PS3/Xbox 360. Dec 11, 2012. Buy Lollipop Chainsaw (PS3) at Walmart.com. announced artist, Lollipop Chainsaw features a soundtrack thats to die for!. Release Date. Q4: Which cosplay seems to be a fan favorite? A4: I think Juliet from Lollipop Chainsaw. Q5: Which characters that you have cosplayed as are the most similar to you in real life? A5: Hatsune Miku and. pre-production even) and raised millions of dollars. But it’s not all unicorns and rainbows — it appears that Kickstarter might have Boys Club syndrome. Anita Sarkeesian recently started a Kickstarter. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Lollipop Chainsaw for Xbox 360. PS4 · Xbox One · PC · Switch · Xbox 360 · PS3 · Wii U · 3DS · Vita · Wii · DS · PS2; Other. Successfully complete the game to unlock an option to have Japanese voices. Well, if you own an Xbox that is — for some reason the PS3 version of the game isn’t coming out until September 24th. A lot of question marks this week. This could be a good week, or a not-so-good. It only took Sony four years, but they’ve finally created their version of the Wii killer: a glowing magic wand lollipop known to the world as. have assembled for a limited time their own Kinect. Knock thirty dollars off that and you’ve got yourself a deal there. You can also pre-order the white version to go with your white PS4 Destiny bundle. IGN’s Daily Deals is your source for bargains on. The Mk 2 Lancer Assault Rifle, to give it its full name, or the Chainsaw Gun as it’s colloquially called. All 4 One also had a Sheepinator as a pre-order bonus. Clear out the Funland tactical. I was just chatting with Chris Person about Game of the Year contenders, and Gone Home was certainly a part of the conversation. If you haven’t played it yet, you’re missing out, and it’s $10 today on. Lollipop Chainsaw is a comedy horror action hack and slash video game developed by Grasshopper Manufacture for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 video game. On March 6, 2012, it was announced that one of the DLC available for the. Get Lollipop Chainsaw, Action, Adventure game for PS3 console from the official. Lollipop Chainsaw. PS3. Buy Disc. Release Date: Out Now; Genre:. Grasshopper Manufacture may be hard at work putting the finishing touches to bonkers high-school zombie slasher Lollipop Chainsaw, but that’s not stopping the utterly insane studio from raising the. Walking Dead: Survival Instinct will be available for PS3, Xbox 360, PC and Wii U on March 29 in Europe. The Wii U version will make use of the GamePad’s touchscreen to manage inventory. Pre-order. Flying Wild Hog’s Shadow Warrior 2, a sequel to the remake of 3D. The Xbox One and PS4 versions will be out in 2017. If you pre-order the game now, you’ll receive it at 10 percent off with a. GameStop: Buy Lollipop Chainsaw, WB Games, PlayStation 3, Find release dates, customer. BUY PRE-OWNED. View your discount in cart. with a yet- to-be announced artist, Lollipop Chainsaw features a soundtrack that's to die for! On February 19, 2014, Bethesda revealed that access to a beta version of Doom 4, which was now officially renamed Doom, will be available for those who pre-order Wolfenstein. the title included the. Feb 2, 2012. Pre-order goodies for Lollipop Chainsaw detailed, screened. Lollipop Chainsaw is slated for a summer release on PS3 and Xbox 360. Buy Lollipop Chainsaw (PS3) from Amazon.co.uk. Everyday low prices. By placing an order for this product, you declare that you are 15 years of age or over. Because these demons can do some serious damage. The power weapons players can expect to get their grubby hands on include the chainsaw, gauss cannon and BFG. There really isn’t a DOOM game without. Jun 12, 2012. For Lollipop Chainsaw on the PlayStation 3, GameFAQs has 72. To play on Very Hard, select it from the Difficulty option on the main menu.
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►Anita began her career in Local Government in 1974 qualifying as a social worker (CQSW,DipSocAdmin) in 1979. She later held a range of senior management posts, rising to Chief Officer in 2000. ►In 2002 Anita became one of the country’s first joint appointments between an NHS organisation (Chief Executive level) and a Local Authority. ►A strong track record of achievement in work with children and young people, Anita has held senior positions with responsibility for these services within both a health and Local Government context. She was lead CEO for commissioning children, young people and maternity services across the North West for a number of years prior to secondment to DH in 2010. ►Recognised expertise in transformational change management and leadership in complex integrated organisations. ►Experience of leading, through an extensive capital programme, a radical estates strategy to enable the delivery of integrated health, social care and well being services in a significantly deprived geographical area. ►A passion for continuing professional development with extensive experience over many years of supporting senior clinicians and managers through coaching and mentoring.
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Yolande from The Language Proficiency Centre required a website to provide an online platform to connect with possible students for her English, Dutch and French language courses. Working with Yolande, I developed a design concept keeping in mind her desired colour scheme and wish for a simple yet professional website. I then converted that design into a WordPress theme and installed and setup WordPress on her website.
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When taking the help of Malta travel guide, you can see places of the once Roman civilization, and there are more things like the Knights, Moors, Saint John, the British and the French. You can see the numerous fortresses, and there are a number of things to see like the megalithic temples, the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum, making it one of the best holiday destinations. There are good things to see in Malta. You can visit Malta’s Capital City Valletta. This is the most important seaport in this part of the world. There are reasons why you should take the help of the Malta travel guide. You can make a tour of Valletta at Saint John’s Co-Cathedral. You can find the name in the Malta travel guide. The guide will take you to the main destinations like the Order of the Knights, and you can see the influence of various countries like Spain, France, Italy and the rest. As part of the Malta Travel Guide, you can never deny the tour to the destination of The Medieval Hilltop Town of Mdina, Island of Malta. This is known to be the fairy tale city with lots of surprises and specialties. The town of the medieval hilltop is steeped in astounding history. Taking into account the Malta Travel Guide you are made to pass through the dramatic main entrance for the reason of entering the city. Visiting the place makes you feel as if you are walking back in time. It is just a full of specialty tours. It is interesting to visit the site known as Hal Saflieni Hypogeum. This is the perfect Malta Island to visit. This is the Neolithic Cult site belonging to the pre-historic era. Here is the Malta Travel Guide, to make you feel the real essence of the city tour. Once you plan for a tour it is best to take help of the Malta Travel Guide. Here you can visit the destination of Blue Lagoon. Here you would love the sight of the crystal clear water and there are more reasons to be at the destination. Here is the Malta Travel Guide to encourage the swimmers to have a tour of the island. The place has the South Pacific quality and you have waters lapping over the white sandy beaches. The expanding lagoon looks like an impressive swimming pool. The Lagoon has the shallow end and this makes the water area safe for the children.
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Not an illustration: This is actually the daughter's room. A long time in coming, with plenty of false starts and dashed hopes, but the room became clean yesterday. After the official announcement I ran in with my camera, for these things can be as fleeting as a snowflake in April. I haven't the courage to go in there today. There are still some items that may or may not make the final cut. For example, the bed canopy, which was acquired in The Princess phase, still hangs in a corner. The emerging tween has more of a discerning eye but still likes the flowing fabric. For me there is satisfaction in a more orderly environment, but perhaps most gratifying was the many boxes of clothes and shoes that did not fit anymore which were routed to people and places which could make good use of them. For the record, the boot camp which I referenced yesterday was not militaristic enforcement of the clean-room doctrine.
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In addition to the problem of not knowing how to use strategies and how to comprehend a text, Swales (1990) emphasizes the merits of genre awareness and learners’ unfamiliarity with different types of genres that can lead to problems in their reading comprehension. Hoyt (1999) affirms that expository text presents the greatest hardship for students. Also Cook (1983) talks about the difficulty of expository text. Cook argues that because expository texts present facts, theories, dates and information which are largely unfamiliar to the readers, they seem harder than narrative texts and moreover this unfamiliarity impedes their comprehension. Obviously the necessity of being familiar with expository texts will be increased when we come to know that most of academic texts are expository. On the other hand, despite the importance of comprehending argumentative text, the research indicates that extended arguments in persuasive essays are not easily comprehended by students (Chambliss, 1995). The researchers have shown several reasons that explain this difficulty in comprehending argumentative text (Chambliss, 1995; Sanez & Fuchs, 2001). One of the reasons for poor understanding of argumentative text is that students are not often exposed to reading materials that include extensive arguments (Chambliss, 1995). A second reason is that argumentative text is inherently difficult because unlike narrative text, argumentative text is often embedded in other genres (i.e., informational or narrative text), thus, it is difficult for the learners to navigate through the text to figure out the author’s argument. A third reason is that a reader often has to simultaneously juggle many skills to fully comprehend an author’s argument. Finally, Jean Ciborowski (1992) argues that challenge in reading comprehension stems from a lack of expository and argumentative texts in the classroom. When students are not prepared to read and comprehend nonfiction from an early age, there can be devastating long-term consequences. eal-life decisions (Knudson, 1992; Larson, Britt, & Larson, 2004). Further, McCann (1989) stated, “Argument is an essential instrument for a free society that deliberates about social, political and ethical issues” (as cited in Knudson, 1992; p. 170). Though challenging in nature, argumentative reading holds a favorable position in educational and job related tasks. Therefore, Students need to be prepared for learning different text types and consistently be exposed to them in order to gain familiarity and confidence in constructing meaning. The task for modern teachers is to present a balanced literacy program which incorporates carefully-selected argumentative and expository texts that cover a wide range of topics and genres. Also strategy teaching has been emphasized by researchers such as Harvey and Goudvis (2000) believing that teachers must teach learners the strategies they need to understand text better and to become more competent readers. In accordance with the aforementioned issues, the purpose of the present study was to determine whether there is any relationship between the use of reading strategies and comprehension of expository and argumentative genres.
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You should certainly weigh their pros and cons. Acquiring a business may, in particular, be easier and more efficient than starting a business from scratch. That is why so many businesses resort to mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Common in any industry, the M&A deals are a great way to launch, expand, or diversify your business. To avoid any confusion, a bussines purchase differs from a business franchise. The latter merely provides the right to use (rather than own) business framework belonging to others. Accordingly, selling a business (e.g., online business for sale) usually means selling a company (e.g., the company holding the online business). Franchise for sale, in contrast, belongs to other business opportunities. Unlike incorporating, buying a business allows you to use all of the licenses, permits, and other authorizations that the target company enjoys. You can also employ all of its assets right away. Your business thus constitutes a going concern. So, you can be up and running fast. How to buy a business in the U.S.? What should you do from a legal perspective? Acquiring a business necessitates certain legal actions. Closing, which is a documented exchange of title for money, with a possible adjustment of purchase price depending on the due diligence results. The second and third steps above may swap their positions, depending on the deal structure outlined in the LOI. In other words, the LDD may precede the conclusion of the SPA. That is, in fact, often the case in practice. On the other hand, if the buyer conducts a preliminary review on the target, then the LDD may follow and adjust the SPA. Regardless of their order, both steps are crucial. As you may appreciate, the LOI, SPA, LDD, and closing of M&A transactions take plenty of legal research, analysis, and writing. This is a nutshell of how to buy a business in the U.S. The above business acquitision steps apply regardless of wehther you are buying a small, medium, or large business. By the way, the same steps usually apply not only in the U.S., but also in other countries. What if you prefer not to buy a company, but rather to found your own enterprise? Then watch our webinar (in Russian langauge) on how to start a business in the U.S. Take care of your M&A deal!
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WHO did not specifically detail the potential harm caused by too much screen time, but said the guidelines — which also included recommendations for physical activity and sleep — were needed to address the increasing amount of sedentary behavior in the general population. It noted that physical inactivity is a leading risk factor for death and a contributor to the rise in obesity. Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg has called the United Kingdom’s response to climate change “beyond absurd” in a speech to members of parliament. Thunberg, 16, appeared on the 2019 TIME 100, for her work in sparking a number of youth-led protests calling for action on climate change. While addressing the U.K. parliament on Tuesday, Thunberg called out the government for not acting quickly enough to stop the effects of climate change. Thunberg was in the U.K. to join protestors with the activist group Extinction Rebellion, who have demonstrated in London this week to raise awareness of the climate crisis. A 2018 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated that greenhouse gas emissions would have to be lowered to net zero by 2050 to limit global warming to 1.5ºC (35ºF), an international goal under the Paris Agreement on climate change. Thunberg noted the urgency of cutting emissions in her speech, and criticized the U.K. for its use of fossil fuels. and support for the expansion . John Gore, who heads the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, will not appear for a deposition scheduled for tomorrow with the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, according to a letter the Justice Department sent the committee chairman on April 24. Stephen Boyd, the department’s top Hill liaison, wrote in the letter, which The Daily Beast obtained, that Gore will not appear as long as Chairman Elijah Cummings blocks him from bringing along lawyers from the Justice Department. The subpoena is ridiculous. … We just went through the Mueller witch hunt where you had really 18 angry Democrats that hate President Trump. They hate him with a passion… And they came up with no collusion and they actually also came up with no obstruction. But our attorney general ruled based on the information there was no obstruction. So you had no collusion, no obstruction. Now we’re finished with it and I thought after two years we’d be finished with it. No. Now the House goes and starts subpoenas. They want to do every deal I’ve ever done. Now Mueller, I assume, for 35 million dollars, checked my taxes, checked my financials – which are great, by the way…. They checked my financials and they checked my taxes, I assume. It was the most thorough investigation probably in the history of our country…. I say it’s enough. Get back to infrastructure. Get back to cutting taxes. Get back to lowering drug prices. We’re fighting all the subpoenas. These aren’t like impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020. They’re not going to win with the people that I see. And they’re not gonna win against me. The only way they can maybe luck out, and I don’t think that’s gonna happen – it might make it even the opposite, that’s what a lot of people are saying – the only way they can luck out is by constantly going after me on nonsense. “f you want to litigate, go after the DNC, crooked Hillary, the dirty cops, all of these things… That was a rigged system and I’m breaking down – I am breaking down the swamp. If you look at what’s happening, they’re getting caught, they’re getting fired… If you look at drain the swamp, I am draining the swamp. Kellyanne Conway, a counselor to the president, spoke with reporters this morning after an interview with Fox News. This reminds me: In 1998, Clinton was term-limited and Rs were bringing him to the table on Social Security privatization. The tomb dates back to the Greco-Roman period, between 332 BC and 395 AD, and contains the remains of 35 men, women and children. Archaeologists discovered a small room with four mummies before finding 31 others in a room with items used in the funerary trade, including vases containing bitumen, and an intact stretcher made from palm wood and linen. Aristotle House in Oxford is not as grand as it sounds. A commercial block built by the canal in the 1960s, it is no longer fit for paying tenants, so its owner, Wadham College, allows a group of social enterprises to stay there, like official squatters. And there’s evidence of their enterprise everywhere outside, from the drop-box for returning poetry books, to the compost heaps built from old pallets, and the young Victoria plum tree blossoming in a pot by the door. Inside, for those who know about it, is the Oxford library of things. It sounds like the setting for a Philip Pullman novel, and represents a vision of humanity that’s nearly as fantastical – an idea so simple and so brilliant that, the first time you hear it, you wonder why it hasn’t conquered the world already. Then you wonder if it’s just about to. Imagine you have a grimy old picnic table that needs sanding after a winter in the garden. Or you want to host a Eurovision party, but your TV is too small for everyone to see. Commercially renting a belt sander for the weekend costs about £40, and a projector much more, so unless you’re on good terms with a well-equipped neighbour, you either spend money on a device you will hardly use, or you give up. But what if someone volunteered to be that neighbour, as people now have in Frome, Crystal Palace, Stirling, Edinburgh, Totnes, Oxford and in growing numbers around the world? If they could just gather a collection of extremely, but only occasionally, useful items, and find a place to keep them, there would be no need for everyone else to buy their own. Even paying a small fee to cover costs, we would save money, and space in our homes, and the benefits to the environment in waste prevented would be enormous. Indeed, as you browse for Oxford’s belt sander (£8 a week) and projector (£10 a night), you might decide, while you’re at it, to borrow a pressure washer for the patio (£10 a day), and add a disco ball (£5 a week) and chocolate fountain (ditto) for the party. You’ll live a cheaper, cleaner, more enjoyable and more sustainable life.
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who are waiting for the supplementary allotment in Kerala university can check the result from the web site by using their application number and password. Last date to take admission from the allotted college is 30th July 2015. If any candidate got an allotment in their valid higher options should have to take admission from the new allotted college. remittance challan and then remit the fee at any SBT branch. The admission fee is Rs:1360/ for General and Rs: 675/- for SC/ST candidates. allotment. If the candidate did not enter the remittance details in web site, their allotment will be canceled. failed to take admission before the time, they will lost their allotment. options to get new allotment in the future allotment results. If the candidate satisfied with the allotment can delete the higher options before 30th July. Last date to Delete Higher Options: 30-07-2015 at 5.00 PM.
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When I first became involved with Fighting Badgers, one of the main things I did was spreadsheets. It’s a large part of my job as a research scientist, so it seemed a natural thing to do as the information started piling up. Contact details, scheduling information, script breakdowns… it was all there, colour coded, formatted, and gorgeous – I can’t say how glad we were for them when it did come time to start scheduling for The Ipanema File – not having the resources to use commercial scheduling software, having it all accessible by pivot table made it a lot less terrifying! During the shoot, I was happy to take on the job of shotlogging – I knew from previous experience during the editing of Jagoda how vital accurate logs were, and as our editor was not present during the pre-production or shoot, I felt it was only fair to make things as straightforward as possible! Being on set is unpredictable – you can know the script and the shot list inside out, but sometimes the best laid plans gang agley, and things are dropped or changed, entire new shots, or even scenes can appear, and what you end up with at the end of the shoot may deviate in small but significant ways from the original script. If the editor, colour grader, or VFX person doesn’t have information on the film speed, lens, colour temperature, and any filters, it can be extremely difficult to get a consistent look to footage, and then there’s the sound – if using multiple mics, not having accurate logs of what came from where can make syncing a total nightmare! Being a total novice, all this I just transferred from my day job – if you don’t record every parameter of an experiment, how can you interpret the results?? I took this all pretty seriously, and have some badass spreadsheets to show for it. Being accustomed to playing with data in spreadsheet form, I was curious what all these logs would show up… essentially, what can we learn from shotlogs? So I started with how many takes – that seemed most simple as each line in a log represents a take. How many takes did we do during the 3 week shoot? What was the average, and what influenced how many takes we did each day? Over 20 days of filming, we took a total of 619 takes, averaging 31.0 takes per day, ranging from 11 to 54. For 95% of the shoot, the number of takes was within the range of 25.9-36.0. The next thing I looked at was shots – a shot being one of multiple camera angles using during the filming of one scene, e.g. close-up, over the shoulder, point of view etc. I didn’t note down shots during the shoot, but could work out in most cases from the ‘additional information’ notes and the lens used – a different shot often required a lens change. The total number of shots was 287, with an average of 14.3 per day… meaning on average we tookjust over 2 takes for each shot, which was possible because, as was the saying on set: “Performances are saving us”. The number of scenes per day made the most regular graph (as you can see below) – it was the only factor I looked at that we had actually planned in advance and it shows! The total number of scenes in the script was 82, giving us an average of 4.6 per day for the shoot duration we planned for – after all the changes that inevitably happened on set, we ended up shooting 75 scenes, over 20 days, giving a true average of 3.9, which isn’t too far off. We did do a fair amount of pre-planning – the original script had 82 scenes… we shot 75; the original shot-log had 269 shots planned… we ended up with 287. Looking at a comparison of what we planned and what we did, it’s nice to see we weren’t far off… (at least I doubt the difference would be significant). Would love to hear thoughts on this – I had a wee look and couldn’t find much on this, so please do leave a comment if you feel inclined!
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We are the first specialty retailer of Japanese Whisky in Japan. Yuji Inoue, the owner of the shop, is the first son born to a family-run liquor shop that was established back in 1922. During his childhood, his father would take him along when delivering liquor to various bars and their owners came to love him. When he was an university student, he opened a whisky bar in Osaka that mainly stocked bourbon whiskeys. After graduating from university, he joined Suntory limited. Trained at the Suntory Yamazaki Distillery and the Suntory Hakushu Distillery, he was assigned to Hiroshima and then Osaka where he was in charge of selling various kinds of liquor such as whisky, brandy, beer, and wine. Then he returned to his family's liquor shop and focused on marketing Scottish and Japanese whiskies. Inspired by one of his colleagues who joined the company in the same year, Ichiro Akuto, Yuji started to specialize in promoting Japanese whisky around 2010. In October, 2017, we opened CLAUDE'S WHISKY BOUTIQUE that is equipped with a tasting bar. When you are on the way to or from the Hida Takayama Region for sightseeing, we urge you to come to Gifu City and visit our special whisky boutique!! We look forward to serving you!! CLAUDE'S WHISKY BOUTIQUE offers visitors opportunities to taste various whiskies at its tasting bar. We have various types of whiskies available ranging from popular items to precious, vintage bottles that are not currently available in the market. We believe that you will be able to experience the depth of Japanese whisky through our rare, limited and vintage bottles. We have various types of products available for sale such as Ichiro's Malt CHICHIBU, Mars KOMAGATAKE, Mars Tsunuki, Akkeshi, and Kanosuke.
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Provides detailed information about each country including social and cultural aspects. A list of handouts available online from Government Document Librarians. A volunteer website that includes biographies on politicians, their voting records, and state and federal political resources. Guide to Law Online from the Law Library of Congress is an annotated guide to sources of information on government and law available online. A powerful search engine for searching government websites.
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Found my truck online. Made an online query about it and Mickenzie called me in just a few minutes. He answered all my questions and gave me a really good deal on my trade in. I drove 400 Miles to get my truck. I'm glad I did. They didn't have and hidden fees and the price was exactly as they said. It was really simple! Usually hate looking for a vehicle but when I pulled up it just felt right. The people who work there are fantastic. Michael Smith was my salesman and he was a blast to be around. Even shot a basketball for extra cash. Made 3 out of 5. $300 richer. Great place and staff to work with! I would highly recommend this dealership to my family and friends.
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I was lucky enough to get to visit Rusty Preisendorfer yesterday in San Diego and sneak behind the curtains and get a look at where the magician perfects his tricks. A kinder gentleman you will never meet. A true poet warrior. Knowing of my passion for 80's twin fins, Rusty showed me a recent acquisition of his, an early bat tail twinny he shaped back in the old days at Canyon. Half the top 44's home numbers are up on that wall. We have EXACTLY the same taste in surfboards. It's really rather spooky. Did you happen to ask Rusty about his C5 design? I always wanted to see more of those. They looked badass.
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Drawing on the memoirs, letters and diaries of a group of British intellectuals writing between 1910 and the Second World War, UNCOMMON ARRANGEMENTS paints a witty and insightful portrait of seven ‘marriages a la mode’, each triumphantly casting off Victorian inhibitions and pursuing bohemian ideals of freedom and equality. But as well as love and passion, there were tolerance, denial, anger, jealousy and drama. The Bloomsbury group’s Clive and Vanessa Bell opened up their marriage to accommodate Vanessa’s live-in lovers, and Clive’s obsession with his sister-in-law, Virginia Woolf. H.G. Well’s steadfast wife sent her love to his mistress Rebecca West when their son was born. And Vera Brittain and Katherine Mansfield, more devoted to their work than to their husbands, wrestled with unfulfilled desires. This is both a fascinating exploration of love, affection and friendship in marriage, and a brilliantly entertaining account of a dazzling era of high-society high living.
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Haruka Kurebayashi is known for her Harajuku decora style. She stands out with her crazy colored hair and cute braces (recently taken off). She often guest appears on Kawaii International doing makeup tutorials. She has a band called Mujuuryoku Cookie. She has also been featured in teen fashion magazine KERA. Haruka is not only a model but also a mentor to beginning Decora-chan girls as she gives detailed advises on her blog, twitter and even Youtube on how to decorate oneself as kawaii as possible. This advice ranges from matching vintage clothing to how to make even braces an appealing fashion item.
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Nick Sandmann, a student at Covington Catholic High School, stands in front of Native American protester Nathan Phillips in Washington, DC, on Friday. Sandmann and his schoolmates were criticized for this footage. A Kentucky public-relations firm was reportedly behind the statement from the high schooler at the center of a confrontation with a Native American protester at a Washington, DC, march. The Louisville Courier Journal reported that RunSwitch PR was behind the statement from Nick Sandmann, who said he was compelled to speak out to "correct misinformation and outright lies" that he had seen in the wake of the incident going viral. The statement was central to the viral incident's changing narrative, which prompted apologies and revised statements from outlets and social-media users after extended video footage was released. Nathan Phillips, the Native American demonstrator, dismissed Sandmann's statement on Tuesday as unabashed and partially false and offered to visit Covington Catholic High School. A video of a confrontation between high-school junior Nick Sandmann and Native American protester Nathan Phillips at the Indigenous Peoples March went viral last week and was promptly condemned by many on social media as a racist incident. In the days following the video's rise on social media, extended footage and statements from Sandmann and Phillips revealed that another group had been harassing the students, which Sandmann said caused him to approach Phillips and "diffuse the situation." The statement from Sandmann, which was published Sunday, was the result of consultation from a Kentucky public-relations firm, the Louisville Courier Journal reported on Monday. Sandmann reportedly worked with RunSwitch PR before releasing the statement to "correct misinformation and outright lies." When the Courier Journal asked the firm about its role, RunSwitch said in a statement it "has been retained by the Sandmann family to offer professional counsel with what has become a national media story." "We are working with the family to ensure an accurate recounting of events which occurred this past weekend," the statement continued. RunSwitch PR did not immediately return INSIDER's request for comment. School and diocese officials issued a statement of their own over the weekend condemning the group's actions and saying that the incident is under investigation and that students could face expulsion. In a Tuesday statement, Phillips said he would be willing to meet with the students as a representative of the Indigenous Peoples March and dismissed Sandmann's statement as unabashed and partially false. "I have read the statement from Nick Sandmann, the student who stared at me for a long time. He did not apologize, and I believe there are intentional falsehoods in his testimony," Phillips said. "But I have faith that human beings can use a moment like this to find a way to gain understanding from one another." Phillips marches with other protesters out of the main opposition camp against the Dakota Access oil pipeline near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, on February 22, 2017. In the video of the incident that first circulated on social media, a grinning Sandmann is shown in a "Make America Great Again" hat standing inches away from Phillips. The students around Sandmann were chanting and dancing along with the songs Phillips and surrounding protesters were singing and drumming. In the statement, Sandmann said he decided to remain "motionless and calm," in an attempt to "diffuse the situation." "I realized everyone had cameras and that perhaps a group of adults was trying to provoke a group of teenagers into a larger conflict," the statement read. "I said a silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand." Regarding his facial expressions, Sandmann said he "was not intentionally making faces at the protestor," but "did smile at one point because I wanted him to know that I was not going to become angry, intimidated or be provoked into a larger confrontation." In a general rebuke of all the allegations that have been leveled against him by people who have seen the original clip, Sandmann said they don't reflect his personal character. Phillips offered to visit Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky to "have a dialog about cultural appropriation, racism, and the importance of listening to and respecting diverse cultures."
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Guys and Dolls regularly tops lists of ‘Best Ever Musicals’, so hopes are always high when a new production appears in theatres. Which means it’s a huge relief that this production, which originated at the Chichester Festival Theatre, meets expectations. The songs in Guys and Dolls are wonderful. They’re always going to be wonderful. It would take someone pretty special to make Luck Be A Lady or I’ve Never Been In Love Before sound bad, and thankfully nobody like that has a place in this cast. From top to the bottom, the cast is strong. However, there are a couple of performers who stand tall above their peers. The first of these is Louise Dearman, who nails the combination of street-smarts and naivety needed for Miss Adelaide, and adds dollops of spot-on comic timing. There’s no need to mention her singing voice – it’s Louise Dearman, for heaven’s sake. Jack Edwards as Nicely-Nicely Johnson – someone who can be overlooked when surrounded by so many other imposing characters – is a joyful presence on stage, and he absolutely nails Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ The Boat; probably the finest musical production (and performance) of the show. The two male leads, Richard Fleeshman (Sky Masterson) and Maxwell Caulfield (Nathan Detroit), shouldn’t work as well together as they do, but the show’s all about unexpected chemistry. Caulfield’s rumpled, bedraggled Detroit is a wonderful counter-balance to Fleeshman’s sharp, dashing Masterson. Sky is the rogueish character you’ve come to expect, but this time he has a little more grit – there’s an anger (aimed at himself for conning his love interest Sarah Brown) not usually seen. It’s an interesting crease added to the usually perfectly-pressed character, and something I’d like to have seen more of. Director Gordon Greenberg has done great things with Frank Loesser’s now 56-year-old musical, and it looks and feels as vibrant now as anything else in British theatres. This is in no small part down to the remarkable choreography of Carlos Acosta, which punctuates the production and injects energy into scenes that traditionally threaten to slow the pace (Havana, for example). From the simple, yet suitably bright set-design, to the respectful musical arrangements (with a couple of new bits created for Acosta’s dancers) and complementary casting, there’s nothing to not like about this excellent take on Guys and Dolls. Guys and Dolls was reviewed at the Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury.
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If you're stuck in Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror, ask your fellow GameFAQs members for help. Follow the breathtaking tale of George Stobbard as he circles the globe trying to rescue Nico, his investigative reporter girlfriend. Their adventure leads not only to the heart of a ruthless Central American crime syndicate but back the to the arcane power of the ancient civilization of the Mayan civilization. Face death-defying challenges. Explore ancient Mayan civilizations. Travel the globe in search of adventure. Get more Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror news at GameSpot. Pablo: Watch Stobbart doesn't pull any tricks. If he does, shoot him in the head, not through the heart. Grasiento: Why does it matter? He'll be dead either way. Pablo: His heart belongs to Tezcatlipoca. George: That's not true. We've just had dinner a couple of times.
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Episcopalians worship in many different styles, ranging from formal service , with vestments and incense, to informal gatherings. Yet all worship in the Episcopal Church is based in the Book of Common Prayer, which provides familiar worship no matter where you attend an Episcopal Church. . Worship in the Episcopal Church is “liturgical.” The congregation follows a service and prayers that have developed from ancient Christian tradition brought into the language and meaning of our current time. The liturgy provides a worship experience with a rhythm that transcends the world and time, and welcomes persons to participate. As a first-time visitor, you will discover that worship may involve standing, sitting and kneeling, as well as sung or spoken responses. Our worship is called Holy Eucharist. The Holy Eucharist has two parts the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Table. Together they balance the scripture lessons, and Holy Communion. The sermon or homily is where the presider, interprets one or more of the days scripture lessons for the people applying their content to daily life and the world. The congregation then greet one another, usually with a handshake and a message of “Peace” or “Peace be with you.” Often the greeting is returned. In the Episcopal Church, the entire service is referred to as the Holy Eucharist. The actual taking of bread and wine is the focus of the liturgy of the table. All baptized Christians‚ regardless of age or denomination‚ are welcome to receive communion. Episcopalians invite all baptized people to receive, because we take our baptism so seriously. If you are not baptized you may still come forward and a blessing will be given to you.
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Comments: Pictured above on the front steps of The Terrace in Scottsville are the Powers, Blair, and Bell families. The Terrace is a Victorian-style residence on Scottsville's Jackson Street, built in 1897 for the Dr. and Mrs. David Pinckney Powers family. Before their home was built, the Powers family lived in the Powers House, a hotel they ran on Main Street. Dr. Powers (1826-1894), shown at right, married Sarah Staples (1831-1913) and they lived in Scottsville. He was a well respected educator and organized Albemarle County's public school system in the winter of 1870-71; he served as County Superintendent of Albemarle Schools for thirty years. Dr. Powers was a member of the Scottsville Baptist Church and superintendent of its Sunday School for many years. He was one of the presidents of the Albemarle Sunday School Association and held the office of clerk of the Albemarle Baptist Association for many years. Dr. David Pinckney Powers was the deceased patriarch of this family shown above in 1907 at The Terrace. To learn more about the Powers family, use the image below as a guide to the names of family members. (1) Andrew Gilbert Bell, Sr., was born ca. 1861 in Rockingham County, Virginia and married Annie Powers (see #3) in Scottsville. They were the parents of a son, Andrew Gilbert Bell, Jr. (see #2). Andrew died in Charlottesville on October 4, 1951, and is buried in Woodbine Cemetery, Harrisonburg, Virginia. (2) Andrew Gilbert Bell, Jr., was born in 1902, and was the son of Andrew Gilbert Bell, Sr. (see #1), and Annie (Powers) Bell (see #3). Andrew passed away in 1977 in Gaston, NC. (3) Ann "Annie" Staples (Powers) Bell was the daughter of Dr. David Pinckney Powers and Sarah (Staples) Powers (see #10). She was born in Scottsville in 1864 and married Andrew Gilbert Bell, Sr. (see #1). Annie (Powers) Bell passed away in Charlottesville, Virginia, on October 8, 1951. Annie is buried in the Scottsville Baptist Church Cemetery. (4) Susie Blair, daughter of Dr. Joseph P. Blair (see #6) and Susie (Powers) Blair (see #5), was born in 1896 in Scottsville, Virginia. Susie became Professor of Speech and Drama at Hollins College in Virginia. After her retirement from Hollins College, Susie returned to Scottsville and her family home at The Terrace. Susie passed away in 1980 and is buried at Scottsville Baptist Church Cemetery in Scottsville. (5) Susan Nicholas (Powers) Blair was born in 1869 and was the daughter of Dr. David Pinckney Powers and Sarah (Staples) Powers. Susan married Dr. Joseph P. Blair (see #6) and was the mother of Susie Blair (see #4). Susan worked as a bookkeeper/clerk at the National Bank of Scottsville. Susan (Powers) Blair passed away in 1957 and is buried at the Scottsville Baptist Church Cemetery. (6) Dr. Joseph Percy Blair was a dentist, chairman of the Albemarle County School Board for 37 years, and a member of the Scottsville Town Council. He was born in Scottsville in 1864 and was the son of Captain John T. Blair and Martha (Matthews) Blair. Dr. Blair was married to Susan Nicholas (Powers) Blair (see #5), and they were the parents of Susie Blair (see #4). Dr. Blair died in Scottsville in 1931 and is buried in the Scottsville Baptist Church Cemetery. (7) Mary Bryson Powers (1893-1980) was the daughter of William Afton Powers (1854-1922) and Mary Bryson Powers (1856-1934; see #12). At the time of this photograph, Mary lived with her parents in Richmond, Virginia, and this family was visiting her grandmother, Sarah (Staples) Powers (see #10) and other family members at The Terrace. Mary's grandfather was Dr. David Pinckney Powers, the renown educator of Scottsville and Albemarle County, VA. (8) unknown. possibly William Afton Powers (1854-1922), son of Dr. David Pinckney Powers and Sarah (Staples) Powers; husband of Mary Bryson Powers (1856-1934); see #12); and father of Mary Bryson Powers (1893-1980; see #7) and David Pinckney Powers (1895-1976; see #13). (9) Lucy Harrison Powers (1874-1966) was the youngest daughter of Dr. David Pinckney Powers and Sarah (Staples) Powers (see #10). Lucy did not marry and was an employee of the National Bank of Scottsville. (10) Sarah (Staples) Powers was born on July 1, 1831, and was the daughter of Thomas and Ann (Tompkins) Staples of Scottsville. She married Dr. David Pinckney Powers on June 30, 1853, and they were the parents of William Afton, Robert R., Tommy, James P., Philip Sidney, Ann Staples, Susan Nicholas, Marietta, and Lucy Harrison Powers. Sarah (Staples) Powers died on June 18, 1918, in Scottsville, and is buried in the Staples family cemetery near Glendower. (11) Miss Marietta 'Met' Powers (1871-1953) was the daughter of Dr. David Pinckney Powers and Sarah (Staples) Powers (see #10). Met did not marry and was employed as secretary to Jacinto V. Pereira, President of Scottsville's Fidelity Bank. Later, Met served as librarian at the Scottsville Library. She was a member of the Scottsville Baptist Church and its organist for many years. Met Powers is buried at the Scottsville Baptist Church Cemetery. (12) Mary Bryson Powers (1856-1934) was the wife of William Afton Powers (1854-1922), who was the son of Dr. David Pinckney Powers and Sarah (Staples) Powers (see #10). Mary was the mother of Sarah Lindsay Powers (1888-1966), William Afton Powers (1890-1892), Mary Bryson Powers (1893-1980; see #7), and David Pinckney Powers (1895-1976; see #13). (13) David Pinckney Powers (1895-1976) was the son of William Afton Powers (1854-1922) and Mary (Bryson) Powers (see #12). David was the grandson of Dr. David Pinckney Powers (1821-1894) and Sarah (Staples) Powers (1831-1918; see #10). The small town web of Scottsville - connecting the elite and middle class families, buildings, and social events in a cohesive community - is exemplified by the above family photograph. Taken by William Burgess around 1912 and archived by the Scottsville Museum, it shows the Powers, Blairs, and Bells on the front steps of The Terrace on Jackson Street. "They were certainly leading families of Scottsville," says Robert Spencer. "It's a great story, the story of The Terrace." This two-story Victorian house was built for Dr. David Pinckney Powers and his wife, Sarah Staples Powers. The Powers' house, from 1840, is next door to the east and is noted by Susan DeAlba's "Country Roads, Albemarle County," for its "original beaded weather-boarding." David Powers first ran "one of Scottsville's smaller, lesser-known hotels," according to Spencer. Powers was the first Albemarle County school superintendent from 1870 until he died 30 years later, "a quiet firm man of great character," said Virginia Moore. Sarah Staples Powers was part of the long-established Staples family in Scottsville that donated the land for the 1831 Episcopal Church on Glendower Road. They married in 1853 and were the parents of two sons and five daughters, the extended family all living in The Terrace, a "palace," Spencer says. The boys were William and Phillip Powers. The girls were involved in many activities in town and are mentioned by Susan Hill Dunn in her book, With Love from Mother (1934) at the Local History Center of the Scottsville Library: "The [Powers] daughters you all know: Miss Annie Bell, Miss Susie Blair, Miss Met Powers, and Miss Lucy Powers. They've been our friends always." "September 4: [Special] For some weeks, Scottsville has been unusually happy! A number of enjoyable entertainments have been given. But the 'event' of the season was a party given at the Powers house by Miss Lucy Powers last evening. The tables were beautifully decorated with flowers, fruits, and melons, and the rooms and hallways with evergreens and Japanese lanterns." "The feature of the evening was a 'potato walk,' which was most novel and amusing. To take a large knotty potato from the floor in a small teaspoon in a given length of time and carry it the entire length of a room may seem easy, but it is not." There follows a list of the prize winner and losers, and a description of the dresses worn by the women: Miss Lucy Powers, very pretty in a pale blue gown, baby waist, white lace and ribbon; Miss Marietta Powers, a debutante, blue gown and ribbons; Miss Rose Farrar, in blue veiling, white lace; Miss Theodora Blair, cream dress and flowers; Miss Auralia Blair, lovely in blue; Miss Serena Hamner, in white dress, blue trimmings, very graceful; Miss Mary Bull, white mull (similar to muslin) and ribbons, no ornaments, very pretty; Miss Jennie Patteson, black lace; Miss Nannie Davis, black net and amber, handsome...Miss Grimsley, handsome red China silk, bouquet of poppies... Miss Susie Powers, white muslin, old lace, diamond ornaments, extremely pretty..." The men attending are mentioned by last name, but not otherwise described. Their names are a roll call of Scottsville's up and coming, or already arrived: Harris, Blair, Bell, Carter, Moore, Tompkins, Farrar, and Hill. Might they have worn stiff, high collars and three- piece suits, then gaining popularity? Or in keeping with the women's diamonds and old lace, were they more formally attired with dark tail coats and white bow ties? Did they leave walking sticks and top hats at the door? I like the idea of tail coats for the Potato Walk. This parlor game, apparently never played before in town, was one of many offered in books such as "Games for Everybody," which in the early 1900's demonstrated that children's games could be adapted to adults; included were Tableau Vivant and Forfeits. This type of fun was evolving from the harsh days of the Civil War and its aftermath, and from earlier social stereotypes that allowed children to play games indoors, but not adults. These parlor games, offered in a special formal room set aside for entertaining, clearly shows a society with more leisure time on its hands. The workers were working, of course--the farmers, railroad hands, lumber and coal men, the many domestic servants and laundresses--but the wealthy were, when not reading, sketching or playing music and games. "Blind Man's Bluff; Charades; Pass the Slipper; Squeak, Piggy, Squeak--these were somewhat boisterous, sometimes creative activities we still might play today, like Musical Chairs. They do have an aspect, in a more circumspect society, of 'decorous titillation,' as the website, Victoria's Past, points out. Squeak, Piggy, Squeak, for example, involved a blindfolded player who the Farmer turned around until the player became disoriented in the center of a circle of seated players. The Farmer drops a pillow in the lap of one, sits on it, and then commands, "Squeak, piggy, squeak," and tries to guess in whose lap he is sitting by the sound. Not quite 'Spin the Bottle,' but on the way! As the Foxfire Book of Appalachian Toys and Games (1993) notes, "Nothing levels people as effectively as a good laugh at themselves and others in the same funny situation." The Courier article did not say if Mr. Frank Hill, awarded the booby prize in the Potato Walk at Miss Power's house, was laughing. Following Scottsville history down the years, we find a number of Lucy Powers' party-goers pairing off and marrying. Miss Lucy did not. 'The Famous Miss Lucy,' Spencer calls her; she ran a nursery school with a teaching friend who lived with the family at The Terrace, Miss Kate Stith; and Miss Met -- Marietta Powers -- her aunt, remained single and worked "at the tiny little library next door to the Methodist Church," Spencer says, and as the secretary to Scottsville banker, Jacinto Pereira. Annie Powers married A. Gilbert Bell, uniting those families; and Susie Powers--she of the white muslin, old lace, and diamonds--married Scottsville's dentist, Dr. Joseph Blair, whose office was on the second floor of a now-vanished frame building on the south side of Main Street, next to Mink Creek. Blair's ad ran in a 1911 Scottsville Enterprise: "will visit Alberene, Schuyler, and Esmont." He was chairman of the Albemarle County School Board for 37 years and a member of the Scottsville Town Council. Joseph Blair is remembered in John C. Hill's memoir, Recollection of Scottsville, 1870-1886, as "embodiment of everything that a young man should be... [He] was a clerk in the Harris [grocery] Store, and his salary was $30.00 a month [but] he had his heart set on becoming a dentist." To make enough money for medical school tuition, Hill remembers, Blair asked his friend, Thomas Staples Martin, "a power in politics long before he became United States Senator," to help him get a job as a railway clerk, which gave him "a run from Charlottesville to Hinton, West Virginia... Joe saved money fast on that job..." After graduating from University of Maryland dental school, Blair took his friend Hill as his "first patient--he filled a tooth for me." Some of Blair's dental tools came to Robert Spencer from Hayden Anderson who found them in the attic of The Terrace when he bought that house. Susie Powers Blair's daughter was always known in Scottsville, with great respect, as "Miss Susie." Susie Nicholas Blair, 1896-1980, was remembered by Virginia Moore in a Scottsville Baptist Church history supplied by Spencer, as "growing up in a large family--parents, aunts, uncles, cousins--this 'only child,' unspoiled, must have been, as prophecy of the future, an earnest young person with a quick sense of humor." She taught English, drama, and Shakespeare at Hollins College and was well-loved in Scottsville as a member of the Scottsville Baptist Church where she directed the Christmas pageant; was original member of the Board of Trustees of Scottsville Museum; an helped stage the ambitions Bicentennial Pageant with Spencer and Randolph Phillips. "Wise," Virginia Moore said, "with the wisdom which comes not from books...but from life itself." Susie is also remembered by Virginia Moore for many of the games that were played in her childhood, including 'Drop the Handkerchief' outdoors at Cliffside, Virginia's home. Miss Susie, last of the family to live in The Terrace, stipulated that it was to remain the home of Charlie Lenaham, who with his mother had been servants there and "took wonderful" of the Power and Blair families," says Spencer. The Scottsville Museum's website describes The Terrace as a "storehouse of artifacts and memories" of Scottsville and these intertwined families. As author, Michael Ondaatje, writes, "The past is always carried into the present by small things." Dental equipment, a corsage of poppies, and a Potato Walk."
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Google Labs is where Google's latest tech innovations are made available to the public to test and provide feedback. Some of the apps become full Google products while others quietly disappear from view. Graduates include the web portal iGoogle, Google Desktop and the RSS feed aggregator, Google Reader. silicon.com took a look around Google Labs and picked out some of the most interesting apps currently making an appearance in Labs along with some recent products that have made it onto the search giant's full time roster. Shown above is Google InQuotes which uses quotes from stories that appear in Google News on a particular subject. This page compares quotes from Barack Obama and John McCain from the recent US presidential race. Another one of the latest Google Labs apps to appear is Google Audio Indexing. This is a search tool for YouTube which allows the user to search for videos that include mentions of a certain term or subject within the audio rather than the written video description. Although Google Trends has been around for a while it has recently been used in a new way to help tackle global health issues. Google Flu Trends aggregates search data around flu-related topics which research has shown correlates closely to actual incidents of flu. In this way, outbreaks of flu can be detected early and healthcare professionals can be ready to deal with the increase in patients. Another app waiting to break out of Google Labs is Google Mars. It works in much the same way as Google Earth, although instead of providing views of the globe, Google Mars offers the surface of our nearest planetary neighbour using images from Nasa's Mars Global Surveyor. Canned Responses is an email response system for those who find replying to emails a bit tiresome. The programme sends automated email responses which users can set up themselves. The system can resend emails replying to common questions - for example, if a user gets a lot of email requests asking for their birthday, Canned Responses will recognise these requests and send an automated response including the right date. Gmail can be set up to filter combinations of keywords, senders and recipients to generate automatic replies. One of the more novel apps recently seen in Google Labs is Mail Goggles - an application designed to stop you sending emails that maybe you shouldn't. If, for example, you set the application up to work on a Friday night - when many people have had a few drinks - it will ask you several maths questions before letting you send the message. The aim of the app is to make sure you're thinking clearly enough to send the email and thus prevent any drunken missives reaching bosses and ex-loves only to be regretted in the sober light of the next day. It was only a matter of time before Google got involved in the virtual world scene and sure enough it introduced Lively to Labs in July. Lively allows users to bring in content from other parts of the internet - such as photos and videos - as well as embed their Lively area into a blog or social networking site. At Lively's launch, Niniane Wang, Google's engineering manager for the project, said: "It's integrated with the internet. It's not an alternate destination. Our intention is to add to your existing life." Unfortunately for Google, it seems not many other people agreed with this and it was announced recently that Lively will shut down by the end of the year. See what other virtual worlds are looking to make an impact here.
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With time comes knowledge and no company knows more about what makes a good shave than D R Harris. This is best exemplified by their Lavender Luxury Lather Shaving Cream, an ultra-concentrated shaving aid that provides a brilliant lather with only the smallest amount. Fragranced with Lavender, the cream's intense utilization of the classic scent serves as a means of accomplishing an ingenious, modern shave while still embracing the company's 200 years of history. Wet the beard with warm water. Apply D R Harris Lavender Luxury Lather Shaving Cream to the face with your fingers or a brush and lather with warm water. D R Harris Lavender Luxury Lather Shaving Cream is a subtly scented and gorgeously rich means of achieving a perfect shave every single day. Incredibly concentrated, the cream produces a bountiful lather with ease to minimise razor drag and keep shaves cool and close. Its natural selection also ensures skin won?t dry during or after the shave and while Glycerine reduces the risk of irritation and razor bumps.
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Castillo to Phillies: Good news or bad news? Luis Castillo gives good glove. As for offense, um, not so much. Which is a good sign for the also-ran Braves, Marlins, Mets and Senators in the NL East. Pre-ordained “best-team-ever” Philadelphia’s signing of Castillo yesterday adds depth at second until Chase Utley‘s return — assuming he comes back anytime soon. The Castillo signing should have Phils phans pheeling phunky because it indicates Utley’s injury may be more troublesome than initially thought. With Jayson Werth counting bank in Washington and the re-boot of Dominic Brown temporarily on hold due to injury, losing Utley for an extended period could impact run production, especially if Jimmy Rollins and Ryan Howard spend time on the DL or struggle through extended slumps. Without Utley’s bat, the starting rotation will have even more pressure to limit opposing teams to fewer runs per game. No matter how good your starting rotation is, you still need to score runs. So, what do you think? Will an extended stay on the DL for Utley impact the Phillies’ chances to win the NL East? How do they make up for Utley’s production? Phillies survived DL trips by Rollins, Howard and Utley last year, and still won, so you have to give credit to the rest of the lineup for picking up the slack. BUT, Werth was a key ingredient. He’s gone and that could create a challenge as the season unfolds. Phils have the oldest team in the NL, too. So, breakdowns are possible along the way. Will be an interesting season to say the least. I don’t think anyone in the NL East is frowning on this move, but maybe the Phillies are. If this is what they have in mind to supplement the loss of Utley, then they have lost their mind. Everyone is already saying their lineup is less potent this year and with the potential loss of utley, I really think they could be in trouble offensively.
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I’ll be throwing this cape sweater over pretty much everything this fall. Mostly tees and denim, but occasionally a little more dressed up like today’s look with a silk button down and suede heels. I’m full on into maternity jeans now and this pair is the most comfortable I’ve found, and cropped happens to be on trend for fall. As for tops, I’m still buying non-maternity just a size or two up. Equipment button down blouses have been a go-to of mine for two pregnancies now. They are so comfortable and will remain closet staples after the baby comes too. I’ll soon be subbing in flats or tennis shoes for heels, but surprisingly this pair is still working for me. It’s a busy week for L. Avenue. We’re covering our favorite looks from the streets of New York Fashion Week, more outfit posts and I’ll throw in a little life update for good measure. Happy Monday, y’all!
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Located in the Museum District of El Paso, Texas, DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel El Paso Downtown sits adjacent to city hall and the Convention & Performing Arts Center. All 200 rooms have flat-screen TVs and free internet access. Suites offer additional living room spaces with sofa beds. For food and drinks, guests can choose from The Fire, a restaurant specializing in Southwestern fare; Sunset Terrace Bar & Grill, with a focus on wood-fired pizza; M Cafe, the lobby coffee bar; or the Fire Bar cocktail lounge. Other amenities include a swimming pool and a fitness center. The hotel provides self-parking at no charge, but past guests warn that spaces are limited. Because this is a DoubleTree by Hilton property, members of the Hilton Honors rewards program can earn and redeem points by choosing to stay here. A hotel's guest rating is calculated using data provided under license by TripAdvisor. A total of 1062 have reviewed the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel El Paso Downtown/City Center, giving it a rating of 4, on a scale of 1-5.
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Here is how to safely cook pork to prevent it from harming our health. Read on to know about the correct temperature at which the pork should be cooked. Meats are safe to eat only if they are cooked at correct temperatures to prevent the risk of microbial or food born infections. Pork and pork meat is usually contaminated with Trichinella spiralis. This parasitic roundworm usually grows in the intestines of the pig and then produce larvae, which gets trapped in the muscles by passing through the bloodstream. Consumption of undercooked pork that has been contaminated with this parasite can lead to trichinosis. In fact, cooking pork to correct temperatures can also prevent the risk of illnesses by various other microorganisms such as Salmonella, Listeria, Campylobacter, and Yersinia enterocolitica. Use a digital thermometer to effectively measure the temperature of cooking pork and ensure that it is safe to eat. You must insert the thermometer at the thickest part of the meat, which is usually the last to cook. Do not touch the thermometer to bone otherwise, you will get an inaccurate reading. Wash the thermometer both before and after using it to measure the temperature of the meat. Here are the temperature guidelines for cooking pork. You must cook pork steak, roasts, and chops to 145 degrees F (63 degrees C). Ground pork, organ meats, and mixtures using ground pork should be cooked to 160 degrees F (71 degrees C). Ham should also be cooked to 145 degrees F (63 degrees C). You can safely store both cooked and raw pork in the refrigerator at temperatures below 40 degrees F (4 degrees C) for 3 to 4 days. Wrap the pork tightly to minimize its exposure to air and prevent it from drying. Raw meat to be stored at the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to avoid contamination of bacteria with other foods. Do not allow the cooked or raw foods to come in contact with raw meat and get cross contaminated. Do not leave the leftovers and raw meat at room temperature for more than 2 hours to prevent bacterial contamination.
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Alexander Werth (4 February 1901, St Petersburg – 5 March 1969, Paris) was a Russian-born, naturalized British writer, journalist, and war correspondent. Werth's family fled to the United Kingdom in the wake of the Russian Revolution. He became a naturalised British citizen on 7 July 1930. Werth wrote about France in the prewar period and he also wrote about Russia in World War II, especially the Battle of Stalingrad and the Siege of Leningrad. He spoke and wrote both Russian and English fluently. His best-known work is Russia at War 1941 to 1945, (London, 1964) a behind-the-scenes look at life in the wartime Soviet Union; he spent the war there as the BBC's correspondent, and had unrivalled access due to the combination of his BBC press credentials and his ability to function as a native Russian speaker. Werth was among a group of journalists who visited Majdanek concentration and extermination camp after it had been discovered by the advancing Red Army. He filed a report on the atrocities that had been committed there, but the BBC initially refused to broadcast it, believing that it was too incredible to be true and suspecting a Soviet propaganda stunt. He was the Moscow correspondent for the Guardian newspaper from 1946 to 1949. He was one of the first outsiders to be allowed into Stalingrad after the battle. Other works include: France 1940-1955: the de Gaulle Revolution; Moscow 41; The Last Days of Paris: a Journalist's Diary; Leningrad; The Year of Stalingrad; and Musical Uproar in Moscow. His son Nicolas Werth is a French historian (Directeur de recherche au CNRS) who specializes in the history of the Soviet Union. France in Ferment. London: Jerrolds, 1934. The Destiny of France. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1937. Published in USA as Which Way France. France And Munich Before And After The Surrender. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1939. The Last Days of Paris: A Journalist's Diary. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1940. Moscow '41. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1942. Published in USA as Moscow War Diary. The Twilight of France, 1933 - 1940: A Journalist's Chronicle. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1942. Leningrad. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1944. The Year of Stalingrad: An Historical Record and a Study of Russian Mentality, Methods and Policies. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1946. Musical Uproar in Moscow. London: Turnstile Press, 1949. France, 1940-1955. London: Robert Hale, 1956. The Strange History of Pierre Mendès France and the Great Conflict over French North Africa. London: Barrie Books, 1957. Published in USA as Lost Statesman: The Strange Story of Pierre Mendes-France. America in Doubt. London: Robert Hale, 1959. The DeGaulle Revolution. London: Robert Hale, 1960. The Khrushchev Phase: The Soviet Union Enters the "Decisive" Sixties. London: Robert Hale, 1961. Published in USA as Russia Under Khrushchev. DeGaulle: A Political Biography. London: Simon & Schuster, 1965. Russia: Hopes and Fears. London: Barrie & Rockliff, 1969. Russia: The Post-War Years. London: Robert Hale, 1971. Nicolas Werth is a French historian, and an internationally known expert on communist studies, particularly the history of the Soviet Union. He is the son of Alexander Werth, a Russian-born British journalist and he wrote the chapters dedicated to the USSR in The Black Book of Communism. Werth is a director at the Institut dhistoire du temps présent. Since the 2000s, all his books are financed by the Hoover Institution, in 2007, he was the historic consultant for the French television documentary film, Staline, le tyran rouge, broadcast on M6. Cannibal Island, Death in a Siberian Gulag, Princeton University Press, Être communiste en URSS sous Staline. La Vie quotidienne des paysans russes de la Révolution à la collectivisation, la société russe dans les rapports confidentiels, 1921-1991. Histoire de l’Union soviétique de Lénine à Staline, histoire de l’Union soviétique de Khrouchtchev à Gorbatchev. Violences, répressions, terreurs en URSS de 1917 à1953, in Stéphane Courtois, Robert Laffont,1998, pp. 45–313. A war correspondent is a journalist who covers stories firsthand from a war zone. They were called special correspondents in the 19th century and their jobs require war correspondents to deliberately go to the most conflict-ridden parts of the world. Once there, they attempt to get enough to the action to provide written accounts, photos. Thus, being a war correspondent is often considered the most dangerous form of journalism, on the other hand, war coverage is one of the most successful branches of journalism. Newspaper sales increase greatly in wartime and television news ratings go up, News organizations have sometimes been accused of militarism because of the advantages they gather from conflict. William Randolph Hearst is often said to have encouraged the Spanish–American War for this reason, only some conflicts receive extensive worldwide coverage, however. Among recent wars, the Kosovo War received a deal of coverage. Written war correspondents have existed as long as journalism, before modern journalism it was more common for longer histories to be written at the end of a conflict. The first known of these is Herodotuss account of the Persian Wars, who some years wrote a history of the Peloponnesian Wars was an observer to the events he described. Her description of the events took place in the Marshall House are particularly poignant because she was in the midst of battle. A further modernization came with the development of newspapers and magazines, one of the earliest war correspondents was Henry Crabb Robinson, who covered Napoleons campaigns in Spain and Germany for The Times of London. Another early correspondent was William Hicks who letters describing the Battle of Trafalgar were published in The Times, early film and television news rarely had war correspondents. Rather, they would simply collect footage provided by sources, often the government. This footage was often staged as cameras were large and bulky until the introduction of small, the situation changed dramatically with the Vietnam War when networks from around the world sent cameramen with portable cameras and correspondents. The Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany on 23 August 1939. Stalin and Hitler traded proposals after a Soviet entry into the Axis Pact, Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939. Joseph Stalin waited until 17 September before launching his own invasion of Poland, part of southeastern and Salla region in Finland were annexed by the Soviet Union after the Winter War. This was followed by Soviet annexations of Estonia, Lithuania and it was only in 1989 that the Soviet Union admitted the existence of the secret protocol of the Nazi-Soviet pact regarding the planned divisions of these territories. The invasion of Bukovina violated the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, as it went beyond the Soviet sphere agreed with the Axis, in 1940-41 Stalin ignored reports of an Axis invasion. On 22 June 1941, Hitler launched an invasion of the Soviet Union, Stalin was confident that the total Allied war machine would eventually stop Germany, and with Lend Lease from the West, the Soviets stopped the Wehrmacht some 30 kilometres from Moscow. Stalin began to listen to his generals more after Kursk, the bulk of Soviet fighting took place on the Eastern Front—including a continued war with Finland—but it invaded Iran in cooperation with the British and late in the war attacked Japan. Stalin met with Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt at the Tehran Conference and began to discuss a two-front war against Germany, Berlin finally fell in April 1945, but Stalin was never fully convinced his nemesis Adolf Hitler had committed suicide. Stalin became personally involved with questionable tactics employed during the war, including the Katyn massacre,270, Order No.227 and NKVD prisoner massacres. Officially a non-aggression treaty only, a secret protocol, reached on 23 August, divided the whole of eastern Europe into German. Another clause of the treaty was that Bessarabia, part of Romania, was to be joined to the Moldovan SSR, the pact was reached two days after the breakdown of Soviet military talks with British and French representatives in August 1939 over a potential Franco-Anglo-Soviet alliance.
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Sri Lankans are giving themselves a change in diet to cope with the severe shortage of popular vegetables. The shortage and sky-rocketing prices provide a challenge for the new Ministry of Food Security, which says it is taking steps to avert such situations in the long term. There is no respite, however, in the current situation. There is a visible drop in vegetable curries in lunch packets. “These days, most of the lunch packets consist of potatoes, dhal, soya, pumpkin and cucumber and chillie paste. There’s just kankung for the greens,” a lunch packet seller near the Colombo University said. K. Asoka, a vegetable seller at the Manning Market in Colombo for 36 years, attributes the shortage to the recent heavy rains that that caused mass destruction of vegetable crops in the hill country as well as floods that affected low country vegetable cultivation. “Usually after floods or heavy rain it will take 45 days or more for the vegetables to return to the market. Until that we have to resort to alternatives,” he said. Different vegetables are appearing on plates at home, in commercially-sold lunch packets and in supermarkets with prices of most vegetables at Rs. 200 a kilo, some even at Rs. 300-400 a kilo. Large qualities of tender jakfruit, kohila (lasia spinosa), innala (Chinese potato), manioc, raw mango, amberella (golden apple) are replacing popular vegetables such as carrots, leeks and capsicum in the market. Most of the highest-priced vegetables are from the up-country where last month’s heavy rains caused havoc and destroyed most of the vegetable plots. Carrots are fetching Rs. 270-330 a kilo, an increase from Rs.100 in December 2013 and Rs. 219 last December. Beetroot is Rs. 230-290 per kilo. Leeks, which were just Rs. 97 in December 2013 and Rs. 170 last December, are now Rs. 290-300 a kilo, and Rs.397-400 at supermarkets. Capsicum has doubled in price within a month to more than Rs. 400. Green chillies have shot up from Rs. 216 in 2013 to Rs. 750-Rs. 1000; leading supermarkets sell green chillies at Rs. 1100. The per-kilo price of cabbage is Rs.130-150; green beans, Rs. 230-240; butter beans, Rs. 270-280 and long beans, Rs. 212-240. The prices of pumpkin, kekiri, cucumber and snake gourd, however, remain low, with these vegetables now commonly seen in lunch packets. At economic centres, pumpkin and kekiri are sold at Rs. 40-45 a kilo and cucumber at Rs. 70-80. Snake gourd is Rs. 90-100. Ridged gourd (vetakolu) is in abundance at supermarkets at about Rs. 170. Bitter gourd is Rs.190-200. Vegetable seller Indika Ratnayake has opted to stock tender jackfruit and coconut as there was a big demand for these alternatives. This is similar to the situation in Dambulla where traders are waiting for vegetable stocks including carrots and cabbage from Jaffna and the North and Northwestern Provinces. They say there is less demand for these vegetables due to the taste difference compared with upcountry produce. The low supply of vegetables is hurting the traders but they expect matters to return to normal by February 15. Food shops that purchase large quantities of vegetables are taking extreme measures to cut down vegetable servings. “We are substituting leeks with spring onions when making fried rice. We are trying our best to substitute normal vegetables with polos, onion sambol, potatoes and cucumber,” a food shop owner said. Imported potatoes that are sold for Rs. 50-60 per kilo are in great demand from those who purchase in large stocks, Manning Market’s welfare society Secretary Gamini Handunge said. He said the markets, usually full of wholesale shoppers, are seeing crowds at retail vegetable shops as well. “People are coming, but the problem is with reduced supply,” he said. Vyvette Silva, 65, from Athurugiriya said her household has cut down on vegetables and was buying more green leaves and other substitutes. “Our diet consists of steamed vegetables and vegetable soup. The increase in prices as well as the shortage has greatly inconvenienced us,” she said. Shyamalie, a housewife shopping at Pettah, is making lentil curry more often frequently as a substitute for vegetables. Ajantha de Silva, immediate past president of the Housewives Association, said the State should intervene to prevent such shortages in the future. “We all want our children to have healthy meals and vegetables are an essential part of this,” she said. Food Security Minister Gamini Jayawickrema Perera said the new ministry has a long-term plan to prevent such situations. “This is one of the issues which will be addressed when we set up a Food Security Committee where action will be taken to meet such situations. This Committee will look into crop patterns and forecast and take decisions regarding imports,” he added (see separate story).
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Hopefully time will be a healer then and you'll get them back together if that's what you decide. How has giving meds gone?! Know my dwarf hamster years ago was a nightmare as so teeny and quick! They are going in ok lol. Hard though. I have just found out that antibitoics are not needed in gerbils as badly as others animals for fight wounds, they heal well on their own. I dont trust this fully, so il stick with the baytril. Yeah definitely better to be safe than sorry. I will have to see who's the groomer but they all seem to groom eachother! Aah poor Casper, glad he's ok even though one digit down! Just a little update for anyone who was interested. Casper is fine now, i had a closer look at his bad paw or claw and it looks like just a nail got ripped off. He is very active now and his confidence has picked up . Glad to hear he’s doing well. I’ve done 3 lots of split cages in recent years, elderly female/young male; two young males and one young male/2 pups. The only one that didn’t work was the 2 young males, I split caged them for weeks and they’d nest either side of the divider but fought the second they were in together. Sadly one of them passed not long after, so I found a pair of male pups and only had to split cage for 2/3 days with my remaining boy before they were introduced and stayed happily together ever since. It was really good having two youngsters with my older boy since it meant I didn’t need to go through the stress of an introduction again when he passed.
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MGBR – MugenBR 5.1 – Há 11 anos falando sobre Mugen – Elecbyte’s blog have been updated with news regarding the new Mugen version, here is the post: Hi all. Wanted to let everyone know that we’re still here…. The Ghibliton rolls along with day 4, wherein Hope Chapman visits a familiar floating palace that doubles as a superweapon and a retirement home for mute robots….
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This program is an excellent foundation course on the fundamental yoga asanas (postures). Work on your posture , grounding and stability work in this static style of yoga. Enjoy exploring one pose at a time with attention to posture and correct alignment. The Iyengar style of yoga is a static style that is known for it’s attention to anatomical alignment. It is also known for the use of props which not only allow muscle groups to release tension and tightness, but more importantly, it accommodates for differences in body types and structure. Each class builds on the class before, adding extra poses and clear instructions. Start off your yoga experience with thorough alignment and breath-work instructions. John Norris is a very experienced and certified Iyengar teacher well-known for his clear verbal instructions and his ability to bring students deeper in their asana practice. We recommend that you repeat each class as many times as you need to before moving on to the next class. You need a yoga mat, a belt or strap, a bolster, a chair, 2-4 blankets, and wall-space. Class 1: this class provides a gentle introduction to Iyengar yoga for any level of experience. Introduces you to the props and how to use them safely and effectively. Class 2: builds on the foundation work in Class 1 – introducing new standing postures and seated twists, and giving more detailed alignment. This class provides a complete practice for the whole body. Class 3: integrates the postures and alignment instructions from Classes 1 and 2. The focus pose in this sequence is Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose), a standing pose that works on your balance as well as opening the chest and shoulders. You are also introduced to the benefits of inversions by guiding you through an easy-to-do variation of Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand), using the wall for support. Class 4: integrates the poses from Classes 1 to 3, and introduces you to the basic movement in a Sun Salutation. The easy variation to Shoulder Stand is revisited and you are introduced to preparation work for other similar inversions. Class 5: refines and integrates the standing and seated poses from Classes 1 to 4, continuing to build on the strength in your arms, legs, and core. In this sequence you are introduced to Hip-Openers to allow mobility, good stretches and flexibility around your hips. Class 6: integrates the postures from classes 1 to 5, and introduces you to Utkatasana (Chair Pose) working on your legs and core, and Vrksasana (Tree Pose) a balancing pose. This class focuses on lengthening and releasing tension around the spine, and staying active yet relaxed in the poses. Class 7: this class completes and integrates the foundation work you’ve done from Classes 1 to 6. By this point, you will be familiar not only with the fundamental poses and correct alignment, but also how these are referred to in Sanskrit, the ancient language in India. By the end of this class you will feel the benefits in your general health and well-being, and have a solid foundation to participate in any yoga class. This is set of 7 beginners / foundation level classes and total length is 462 minutes.
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It Bites :: View topic - Another gem from Mr Hackett. Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:26 pm Post subject: Another gem from Mr Hackett. Just received my copy of Out of the Tunnels Mouth by Steve Hackett,and I love it,got to be the strongest Hackett album for a good few years. By the by,order from Steve's site Hackett songs and you receive a special gatefold edition signed by the man himself,nice touch Steve. Take note members of IB. I love this album too. Saw him at Buxton Opera House last year and hoping that I can see him again this year. He is playing at Holmfirth in November. And I see that a week or so before that, Steve is in Glasgow! Indeed Hilary Steve is playing at the Ferry in Glasgow in November and yes the venue is a ferry moored on the river Clyde. A decent and intimate venue I'll be there for sure.
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The article presents the phenomenon of very early foreign language teaching (i.e. in the preschool years) from the linguistic and pedagogical perspective. It begins with dispelling the myth about the necessity of ‘an early start’ for ensuring future competence, pointing at the relevance of cognitive, affective and social factors influencing the outcomes. Then it presents the possible achievements and crosslinguistic influences in language acquisition of a very young child. Finally, it outlines the critical aspects of FL methodology that are necessary for progress in early FLL. The author of the article - basing on Silesian-Lesser Polish place names of Bytom, Będzin, Piekary - presents a tendency of giving the toponyms a commemorative semantic in the common etymologies that are placed in numerous contemporary electronic and paper publications. The most important causes of the phenomenon include the extralinguistic reasons (i.a. development of regionalism and regional education, rank increase of the concept of homeland, implementation of regional European projects, as well as local marketing and promotional strategies, regional megalomania in conjunction with the creation of the literary Myth of the Beginning of the original settlement and its inhabitants), linguistic causes (i.a. non-transparency of the toponyms, low level of knowledge of the language and the methods of creating the place names, the facility to confuse the commemorative with the possessive type, phonetic associations, spelling myths), and literary reasons (genre characteristics of the etymological tale, literary Myth of the Beginning). Furthermore, the author presents the methodology of description of common etymology of toponyms and proposes to use a more appropriate and widespread term, i.e. common etymology (of a toponym) instead of the currently used: folk etymology, since the unscientific etymologies are a natural consequence and manifestation of common thought. In this paper, it is argued that multiple abstract senses of the particle under and the verbal prefix pod- are motivated by the prototypical spatial meaning of the corresponding prepositions. Principled Polysemy Model adopted here argues that meaning extension takes place through general cognitive principles, such as experiential correlation, or real world force dynamics. Owing to pragmatic strengthening, the new meaning becomes established in the semantic network as a separate sense, distinct from the spatial configuration which initially gave rise to it but at the same time was grounded in human everyday interactions with the world and the nature of human body. The aim pursued here is to analyze non-spatial extensions of the particle under and verbal prefix pod- with a view to identifying both universal tendencies and language specific divergences. In the contribution we compare available pieces of knowledge about the formation of nouns denoting actions and qualities in Czech and Slovak dialects. Our findings show that abstracts are by no means specific to the standard language only. We have shown – like F. Buffa in his book Odvodené abstraktá v slovenských nárečiach – that in a part of Czech dialects there exist basically the same word-formative types like in the standard language. The only difference is in their usage. The aim of the article is to present the Academic Dictionary of Contemporary Czech (Akademický slovník současné češtiny). It is a new monolingual dictionary of contemporary Czech work on which has been in progress since 2012 at the Institute of the Czech Language of the Academy of Sciences of the CR. The Academic Dictionary of Contemporary Czech is a medium-sized dictionary with an anticipated total of 120,000–150,000 lexical units. Its objective is to document the widespread vocabulary of contemporary Czech. The article deals with dictionary-making principles concerning both its macrostructure and microstructure. This paper is an attempt at describing the sematic field ‘woman in sexual relation’. The basis for the excerption was the lexicographic material included in „Słownik staropolski” edited by S. Urbańczyk nad from Słowosieć – polish wordnet. The material obtained from this both references was subjected to a semic analysis discussed from the viewpoint of the semantic field theory as approached by Ryszard Tokarski. What was considered archisems was kobiecość (femininity) ([Human being+], [Childish–], [Male–]) and sexual relation [Sexual relation+]. The analysed vocabulary group was characterised and comparised in terms of hierarchical relations. Result of analysis of Old Polish and contemporary sematic field suggests existence of binary marked sems: [RELATIONSHIP+/–], [PAYMENT+/–], [NEGATIVE ASSESSMENT+/–]. The paper presents the lexical archaisms selected from material collected of the linguistic research carried out at the very Grodno region in 2015, the areas of concentration of the Polish nobility from the area of the Indura city (“szlachta zaindurska”). These tokens non-users in modern literary Polish language, including dialects unmarked in dictionaries, which testifies to the uniqueness of the dialects. Some tokens are not marked in any historical source language. The linguistic literature (Buhler, Jakobson) mostly mentions six functions of language, paying little attention to the identifying function. Following the assumption that language is not an ‘ordinaty’ element of culture, but is its main basis, we believe that it has more and less stable elements, whose functions are arranged hierarchically.The identifying function has medium stability, is historically variable and becomes particularly important during intensive political changes or (nationalistic) conflicts. An example might be the recent split of Serbo-Croatian into tree languages. The identifying function is always connected with evaluation, which often exaggerates the positive character of a group and its language. Other groups and other languages can be perceived as worse. The identifying function is realized both individually (it can be identified with the expressive function of an individual then) and in a group. In this role it is often used or even abused in modern culture and especially politics. Instead of synonyms and periphrastic expressions we suggest that Polish linguists should make use of the term identifying function of language defined as a nationally or internationally protected function (based on cultural, ideological, or – less frequantly – religious elements) which enables a group of people of common aims, beliefs, ideas and interests to create a community. Archiwalia: The Twilight of Structuralism in Linguistics? This article attempts to offer a brief description of the overall situation in contemporary linguistics in the context of the changes taking place. Specifically, it refers to the ongoing discussions in the areias of various contemporary humanist disciplines on the subject of the achievements of structuralism and is future prospects in studies on language. The main theses considered here are: 1. One should not speak of the decline structuralism without indicating how this term should be understood and defining the scope of the teoretical-methodological principles developed by de various structuralist schools. 2. Taking into account the general principles and methods of the description, as given in the majority of contemporary literature on the subject it may reasonably be supposed that as yet no theoretical-methodological counter-proposal has emerged which, opposing structuralism, would discard al its basic premises while at the same time protecting the autonomy of linguistics as a science. The author endeavours to show that it would be more rational to speak of a successive – and broadly enriched – stage of evolution of the idea of structuralism.
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Fantasy Book Critic: NEWS: Peter F. Hamilton Short Story Art Contest! To celebrate the October 2011 publication of Manhattan In Reverse, Peter F. Hamilton’s first short story collection in thirteen years, SFX and Pan Macmillan are delighted to announce a very special and unique artwork competition. Two lucky winners will see their jacket designs adorn special eBook editions of two stories from the collection! Manhattan In Reverse takes readers on a journey from a murder mystery in an alternative Oxford in the 1800s to a brand new story featuring Paula Myo, Deputy Director of the Intersolar Commonwealth’s Serious Crimes Directorate. Dealing with intricate themes and topical subject matter, this top ten bestselling author is at the top of his game. Pan Macmillan will be releasing two short stories from the collection in eBook format a month early. These will be available to buy through Apple’s iBookstore, Amazon and Waterstone and WHSmith online. SFX and Pan Macmillan are looking for jacket designs for both stories. The two winning designs will be selected by a judging panel that includes Peter, his publishing team at Pan Macmillan and SFX staff. SFX will be posting entries online as they come in and Peter will be dropping in to talk about his favourites and his writing more generally between now and the winning announcement in August. • Pan Macmillan has provided cover briefs for the short stories The Demon Trap and Footvote—click on the links to view the briefs. These are exactly the type of briefs that professional artists will receive when they are commissioned to create cover artwork. Read them carefully because they are essential in helping you make your creative choices. • You can provide entries for either or both stories. • Your entry must be supplied in its complete form as a 300 dpi high resolution Jpeg or PDF under 2MB. • Your entry must be 240mmx156mm. • Only original artwork or digital artwork will be considered and all artwork must be sent with your Name, Contact Telephone Number and Email Address in the body of the email and clearly marked in the subject header “Short Story Artwork Competition”. Incomplete entries will be disqualified. • Please read the Official Terms and Conditions for more details.
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For all of my blogger friends.... I have told you many things about Patch, my son's yorkie. Monday we had to put him to sleep. It was time. He was 13 years and 8 months old. He quit eating and couldn't stand without wobbling or falling. The vet was wonderful, he even cried too. He said Patch had been one of his favorite patients. We will remember Patch as a wonderful pet. I am feeling your loss. It's difficult to loose a member of your family. Hugs.
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Our customer is engaged with development of a suburb railway station into an integrated commercial complex. The complex features platform tunnels, underground subway, concourse and car park area. The customer proposed a ventilation plan such that all areas are comfortable to passengers. The authorities required a CFD based analysis to verify the performance of ventilation plan against prevalent national code. Zeus Numerix used NIST�s FDS code for CFD simulation. It involved modeling of all solid �obstructions�, open vents, exhaust fans, axial fans, column mounted fans and overhead ventilation ducts. CO production was specified based on ASHRAE code. During simulation, flow rates across various sections in domain were monitored and hence convergence was confirmed. Results included velocity distribution on platform and underground areas as well as CO levels in car park area. Customer was delivered with detailed analysis report which proved that sufficient air flow exists for passengers in platform, subway and concourse areas. Further, proposed ventilation plan is able to maintain CO level within permissible limits. The approval on report allowed customer to go ahead with procurement, installation & commissioning of ventilation equipment.
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From morning walks to classical nites, our chapter have done it all! Events organised by our chapter members are both fun and engaging and are aimed at creating awareness about Rang De and low cost microcredit. Here are a few glimpses of some of the most happening events! To spread the word about Rang De! Rang De Box Office Bonsai People by Hyderabad at Lamakaan on 2nd September 2012 at which 15 persons attended to learn and share their points of view. You can have a closer look here! Click here for more details about this two-day Tennis Workshop! For many more pictures of the field trip, quick click here! Meetings are held to among the volunteers to communicate the updates, discuss the events of the past month and debate events of the next month. Here was Bangalore meeting on 24th March 2012 at the State Central Library in Cubbon Park! Volunteers must enjoy their time with Rang De! Members should take the time to get to know each other over events like small hikes, dinners, workshops and small get-togethers!
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PLAQUEMINE- A Jack Miller Landing employee is dead after being electrocuted Thursday evening. Casey Collins and Glen Patrick, the owner of the company, were in the process of installing a pipe for an above-the-ground sewer system. The two men were both doing work from a man-lift machine. According to Iberville Sheriff's Deputy Ronnie Hebert, Collins maneuvered the joy stick in the wrong direction causing him to make contact with a power line he hadn't noticed. Collins suffered serious burns as a result. Immediately after the incident, the owner called 911 and paramedics performed CPR on the worker, but Collins was pronounced dead a short while later. Officials believe he died immediately after making contact with the wire.
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Donna Rolin joined IDVSA as a Co-Director from the School of Nursing in spring 2017. She brings with her an extensive background in psychiatric nursing, with a research specialization in community psychiatry and substance use disorders. As assistant professor of Clinical Nursing at UT Austin she collaborates across departments including the School of Social Work, School of Medicine, and with local agencies like Refugee Services of Texas. Dr. Rolin has experience in multiple clinical settings and works with patients who are survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking, as well as under-served communities in the Austin area. Rubén Parra-Cardona is an associate professor at t he University of Texas School of Social Work. He comes to these roles from the Michigan State University where he studied Latino families and culturally adapted intervention techniques and was associate director of the MSU Research Consortium on Gender-Based Violence. He frequently collaborates on research across the U.S.-Mexico border, as vice-president of the Family Process Institute and a clinical faculty member and researcher in the Instituto Regional de Estudios de la Familia.
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USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 6 is brrr chilly in winter. Historically, its average coldest minimum winter temperature is -10 degrees F -- just 10 degrees warmer than the zone 5 average. The USDA divides all of America into 13 winter climate zones with zone 1 being the coldest. It further divides each zone into "a" and "b" areas with "a" being the coldest. For more about USDA zones, please read Getting Started: USDA Plant Hardiness Zones. The interactive USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map uses two shades of woodland green to indicate zones 6a and 6b. At Flowers by the Sea, we use the broader classification of the zone number and do not use the subzones indicated by the letters "a" and "b." This is because many factors affect a sage's success -- such as microclimates and beneficial placement in a yard -- and some may be more important than a half-zone difference. Think of zone 6 as a belt curving under the belly of chillier zone 5. Beginning in north central Washington, zone 6 swings downward through the Pacific Northwest into the Southwest, then across the northern tip of the Texas Panhandle through the lower Midwest. From Kentucky and Ohio, it travels north to the southern peninsula of Michigan and also swings northeast to Massachusetts. The kind of Salvias appropriate for a zone 6 garden partly depends on whether you want to plant them as perennials or annuals. Gardeners in cold-weather zones often grow many Salvias as seasonal bedding plants, such as varieties of Tropical Sage (Salvia coccinea 'Forest Fire'). For more information about Salvias as annuals, please read Getting Started: Annual, Perennial and Shrub Sages and Portraits in Gardening: Michael and Kathi Rock's Hummingbird Journey. For example, due to its position in a large inland basin tucked between the Cascade and Rocky Mountains, eastern Washington has hot summers and lower humidity than along the coast. Eastern Washington also has some of the richest, loamiest farm soil in the nation. So if you live there, you would choose sages that can tolerate heat, cold, rich soil and low-water conditions but not necessarily drought. Given all these factors, you likely would be successful growing the spectacular perennial Bicolor Szechuan Sage (S. sp. from Szechuan) as long as you provide partial shade and some supplemental watering. However, the plentiful rainfall in Zone 6 Ohio or New Jersey would be better for a water-loving Japanese perennial, such as Kyushu Woodland Sage (S. nipponica 'BSWJ5829'). Considering all the cultivation factors necessary for a successful flowering landscape can be overwhelming, especially if you are a new gardener. But our Salvia Finder tool can help you sort choices based on local conditions and personal preferences. Coast to coast, mountain to plain, desert to swampy lowland, FBTS receives feedback from customers. Please call or email us with any questions you may have about our plants. We're ready to help you get started growing Salvias and companion plants in your zone 6 garden wherever you live.
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MOT till September 2015, not currently taxed. Only covered 300 miles since previous MOT. Ready to be taxed and used, some bodywork knocks and scrapes which are to be expected with a 25 year old car. Interior is near mint, all dials and switches operational. Car is fitted with a period Panasonic Radio Cassette player. Great chance to own a cheap classic VW which will only appreciate in value, one of only 623 Scala models left in the UK according to and one of only 163 Scala manufactured/registered in 1989. More pictures available by email on request, viewing can be arranged any time.
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Vrushika mehta and shantanu dating nake, are you curious to know about Shantanu Maheshwari Girlfriend? Swayam decides to emotionally support Sharon which makes Sharon realize his love for him. Swayam is constantly being rebuffed by Sharon but in spite of that he crazy about her. That is why her mother encouraged her to become a dancer. He also adds the he is not as mature as his onscreen character. And lastly, regarding Sneha, he says that she is one of his closest friends and there is nothing more than friendship between the two! We are trying our best to gather more and more info about her father. Sharon suffers from asthma and due to this she distances herself from Swayam. Swayam is left disheartened at this but still he tries to find the reason behind the breakup. Vrushika has also won numerous awards for her acting and dance skills. In this article, you will learn about the Vrushika Mehta, about her family, father, boyfriend, age and biography, which is written below in this article. Currently, can you use carbon dating of dinosaur bones found Shantanu is in his final year. She has not married yet as well as she is also not dating to anyone. She has worked in number of super hit drama serials in Indian television industry. Her family is a complete Hindu traditional family, in which you can find only love. On the other hand, Sharon is left heartbroken after misunderstandings are created by a guy named Shivam. Besides watching dance reality shows, he is also very fond of watching comedy shows like Comedy Nights with Kapil and Comedy Circus! She is one of the tallest actresses in Indian television industry. The two become a couple again. Apart from dancing, the Dil Dosti Dance actor enjoys his female fan following. As she will make any decision about her relationship status, we will also update it here soon. This makes them come closer but when he finally musters the courage to ask her out, she rejects it. Yes, girls are crazy about the lovable actor. The Weaklings face strong resistance from the Dazzlers but after the Footloose competition, the two teams end up becoming friends! He attends St Louis College, Mumbai. He specializes in popping and liquid waving as well. According to her, she will get marriage to person who will obey her parents as well as keeps her happy. She credits her family for her success. But her undeniable feelings for Swayam make her reveal the secret that she has asthma to Swayam. She likes to be single but she is looking for a perfect guy who will make her and her family happy. Sharon starts developing a soft corner towards Swayam and despite the initial refusal, she accepts his proposal. Everything goes on smoothly until a rift is created between the two which makes them drift apart. He is a very shy and an extremely introverted guy being intelligent and mature at the same time. He portrays the role of an outstanding dancer named Swayam Shekhawat. Swayam therefore decides to forget her and starts behaving coldly with her. According to her, her family made great efforts to make her career debut. When she returns from Delhi, she turns a cold shoulder towards Swayam and also breaks up with him. Her height makes her prominent among the crowd. But the friendship makes Sharon move away from Swayam even more. As we come to know about her beloved father, we will update it here soon. Swayam and Sharon decide to keep their relationship a secret. This was turning point for her and after this she never turned around and worked in number of hit drama serials in India television industry. She was also appeared in the Box Cricket League.
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May 2017 – Sparky Jen "No Beating Around the Bush Allowed!" This very special post is in appreciation for all that you’ve done or are doing. This one is for Y-O-U!!! Continue reading Thank You For All You Do! This is one cautionary tale to think on before you decide to turn around and look back to your past. It comes from The Good Book and has to do with salt. Check it out!!! Continue reading Truth Moment Monday! Excuse Me…Is This a Trick Question??? Most trick questions are out right set ups. This one isn’t. Go ahead. Take the hint, and answer it. It might just make your day!!! Continue reading Excuse Me…Is This a Trick Question??? Motherhood is the noblest task of all. Motherhood completes some and challenges others. Motherhood is the thing that keeps our world alive! Continue reading Motherhood and White Carnations! I heard this saying about what we give to other people the other day, and it really resonated with me. Today, I’m sharing this information with you. May it help you become a better giver!!! Continue reading Truth Moment Monday! Are you a person who likes to commemorate important cultural events? Then grab a frozen margarita, and have at it!!! Continue reading It’s Cinco…Oh Mayo!!!
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SBIN refers to the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Navigation to Care and is a model for integrated behavioral health care in primary care settings.The goal of the position is to provide practice support and intervention for patients identified with mental health, substance use and or social needs such as housing, food insecurity and interpersonal violence. We are seeking a licensed behavioral health professional with knowledge and skills working with individuals with complex medical and social needs. The ideal candidate will be a collaborative, energetic, team-oriented, creative individual who has experience in a medical setting and is comfortable addressing the needs of our patients with mental health and substance abuse issues. The position will working in the Central Vermont Medical Group Practices (MGP). This is primarily an embedded practice-based position, although some outreach to community collaborators may be required. This position will report to the practice manager, but be supervised and collaborate with other behavioral health colleagues Supervisor, and will work as part of a MGP c ollaborative behavioral health team.
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The query floated in the air before it landed, hitting home for everyone in the room. Each of us had myriad local experiences that reinforced why arts advocacy — particularly advocating for equitable public access to the arts — seems so necessary and urgent at this moment. So many studies have revealed a decline in arts attendance in general and especially by individuals with lower educational attainment and income. Contributing to this decline is a decrease in funding for the smaller, neighborhood-based arts organizations that are most likely to be located in the communities where those with the most limited opportunities for consistent arts engagement live. How do we ensure that public access to the arts, like public education and public safety, is understood as a right and not a privilege? Chairman Chu’s question took me back to a small room of nearly thirty stakeholders — local artists, arts and nonprofit administrators, and funders — that the Joyce Foundation in collaboration with Illinois Humanities had convened in Chicago a few weeks before. For those of us gathered, the alarm over the imperiled budgets of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) was exacerbated by Illinois’s two-year budget impasse, which has resulted in the state’s Arts Council relying on its almost $900,000 NEA grant to remain afloat this fiscal year.1 Many of us spoke about feeling an obligation to investigate a funding approach more befitting of the increasingly foundational role that arts and culture have come to play in the forming and reforming of physical and metaphysical communities. For this group of Chicago stakeholders, Tepper’s most salient idea was his prescription for the long game: the adoption of a local “cultural bill of rights.” He called on Bill Ivey’s idea of protecting the right of Americans to an expressive life, which includes the right to fully explore America’s overarching collective experience as it is embodied in music, literature, theater, painting, and dance, and to engage in those unique artistic traditions that define us as families, communities, ethnicities, nationalities, and regions.2 Arguing that the agitation for the right to an expressive life might take a cue from the activism around access to natural resources, Tepper insisted, “People have to feel the same way about our cultural resources as they do about the Grand Canyon.” Ultimately, he asserted, we must increasingly position the public to face the question, What happens if the arts are not funded? When Americans for the Arts president Bob Lynch was recently asked whether he felt the sky in arts funding was still falling, he answered astutely, “The sky is both falling and not falling. The sky is obscured a little bit.” When the sky falls in some communities, it can suffocate everything beneath it. Trying to prevent it from falling, and preparing an emergency response strategy in the event it does are the chief responsibility of arts stewards and funders. If we fail to plan forward, and indeed to plan in a way that leads to new funding frameworks and stakeholdership, then we increasingly leave the possibility of meaningful arts participation to chance — and to those who can most afford to take chances. Since I began work on this article, a plan to nearly restore the NEA and NEH budgets to about $145M each has gained bipartisan support. While this may cause some immediate relief, to see this as a victory for the arts and a crisis abated would be to underestimate the viewpoint that guided the proposed decrease and to miss the opportunity for dialogue. While there have been valiant efforts to preserve funding for arts and culture at the federal level, the reality is that federal arts budgets have experienced three decades of decline, including significant losses, such as the defunding of much of NEA’s awards to individual artists. Even if the proposed counter-budget passes, this is not a time to stand down; rather it is a time to organize. The NEA, NEH, and IMLS have increasingly led the charge to build an approach to funding that ensures that small, neighborhood-level, culturally specific, and rural arts and culture organizations are indeed seen. In 2015 the NEA reported that 43 percent of its funding projects were in support of initiatives located in high-poverty neighborhoods. The NEH funds about 56,000 lectures, discussions, exhibitions, and other programs in urban and rural communities annually, supporting independent scholars and teachers and faculty at culturally specific schools and colleges, as well as underwriting programming for museums, libraries, and the media. With an emphasis on strengthening access to collections and growing a highly skilled and ethnically diverse next-generation leadership, IMLS uses its funding to support the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 35,000 museums, ensuring that the smallest and largest institutions can share resources and learn from each other. At what point can we say that the arts ecosystem is too big, too wide, and runs too deep to fail? In Chicago, the arts mean too much to fail. Literally. In Chicago’s increasingly affluent Forty-Seventh Ward, the Old Town School of Folk Music, a Joyce Foundation grantee, has long been the ward’s largest employer, boasting over 385 staff, 100 of them full-time. DuSable Museum of African American History, a cultural anchor for Chicago’s black community for almost sixty years, is — due to its neighbor the University of Chicago — far from holding that title, but with 41 full- and part-time employees, it both attracts and develops a critical number of arts professionals. Despite being the subject of a national narrative about a crisis in public safety and a growing trend of depopulation, Chicago runs on culture. From house music to footwork, from Earth, Wind & Fire to Wilco to Chance the Rapper, from the urban blues to free jazz, from the National Museum of Mexican Art to the Art Institute of Chicago, from Steppenwolf Theatre to Teatro Vista, the arts form a visible but somehow still invisible infrastructure that holds the city together through the best and worst times. Inventory the local arts ecosystem to determine which institutions, communities, and audiences are most likely to be hurt by significant changes in federal or statewide funding. Develop a communications strategy to message the value of arts and culture and its impact on individuals and local economies. Create a tool that can quantify the multiplier effect of investment in the arts at the neighborhood level. Build a model for advocacy that builds upon the junctures between the arts and housing, employment, education, and other sectors. Investigate new and different approaches to public-private funding for the arts. Test the viability of a local “cultural bill of rights” that connects and converges the interests of stakeholders across race, ethnicity, language, education, income, geographies, and proximity to the arts. We will continue to meet over the next few months to hone and develop a coordinated strategy. On this visit I took notice of a timeline now inscribed on a footpath that circles the sculptures. It identified significant moments in the evolution of the community beginning with the prehistoric age, the indigenous peoples who once occupied the land, the various contemporary migrations that led to the settling of residents like the towers’ builder Simon Rodia, their contributions, the riots of course, and then just after that, the Watts Writers Workshop. It wasn’t lost on me that day that the history of a community whose name is synonymous with civil unrest would identify art with both its defining and redeeming moment. It isn’t lost on me now that so much about the future of support for the arts in this country rests on our ability as arts stakeholders to seize this moment to raise a new conversation about the arts as a critical element of federal and regional infrastructure. After working for twenty years across several fields to identify the levers that could help communities lift themselves to their highest vision, I am fortunate to be at the Joyce Foundation at a time when the arts stand at the intersection of many social issues, bridging dissonant voices, creating spaces for dialogue, and, importantly, creating innovative prototypes for problem solving. The Joyce Foundation, like many colleagues and peer institutions who have committed to joining this work in whatever form it eventually takes, understands that a threat to arts and culture funding is a threat to the future ability of our region to attract and retain the next generation of community stewards. If access to arts and culture is indeed a human right, we must challenge and reposition the state of arts funding from one of dependence on outmoded budget approaches that see the arts as merely decorative, to one that fully supports art’s capacity to serve as witness to our communities — and perhaps as the glue that holds them together. Tracie D. Hall is the director of the Culture Program at the Joyce Foundation and is the former deputy commissioner of Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events. Howard Reich, “‘Let’s Abolish Culture’: What Cutting NEA, Other Agencies Would Do to the Arts in Chicago,” March 16, 2017, Chicago Tribune, http://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/ct-trump-arts-endowment-ent-0317-20170316-column.html. See “A New Conversation about Culture: Bill Ivey’s Big Ideas for the Arts,” GIA Reader 20, no. 1 (Spring 2009); http://www.giarts.org/article/new-conversation-about-culture. See National Endowment for the Arts, “Writing Out of the Ashes: The Watts Writers’ Workshop,” https://www.arts.gov/article/writing-out-ashes-watts-writers-workshop.
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Undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Engineering have myriad opportunities to get involved with student organizations outside of the classroom. The following organizations offer opportunities for networking, socializing, developing leadership skills and furthering academic achievement at VCU. To explore more student organizations outside the field of engineering, visit MYORGS@VCU. Arab Engineers organization work on empowering international engineers to realize their full potential. Through our academic success and exemplary citizenship, embody the advantages of a strong International Student presence at VCU. Moreover, Be a conduit for communication and opportunities for collaboration between all students, faculty, and staff. AIChE works to promote networking and social activities among students and professionals interested in chemical engineering. The VCU student section of the ANS organizes professional development and outreach activities in all areas of nuclear science and technology. ASME@VCU is the professional club for Mechanical Engineers. Providing access to industry speakers, volunteer opportunities, networking events, facility tours, professional conferences, and interaction with fellow engineering students. Brand yourself as a Professional by becoming a member, challenge yourself in a position of leadership. ACM-SC is a self-governing student organization in the Department of Computer Science. Our main purpose is to build a strong coalition of competitive programmers through rigorous training and teamwork so that VCU can climb higher in the ladder rankings of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest. We encourage all students who enjoy programming, working in teams and learning more about computer science to get involved. Any other major with a strong foundation in math and problem solving are also welcomed as their background offers an invaluable advantage in the ACM Programming Contest. This professional student organization is composed of students who are interested in professional activities related to the field of biomedical engineering. Several social events are held during the academic year. The EGSA seeks to represent the interests of all graduate students in the School of Engineering. The Engineering Student Council comprises elected representatives who are majoring in a School of Engineering program from each class of students. It serves as the advocacy body for the students in their interactions with the dean and faculty of the school. Travel to developing countries and repair medical equipment as part of the Summer Institute Program. Create innovative, low-cost solutions to problems associated with health care in resource-limited settings by participating in the EWH design competition. Impact local communities by helping to educate elementary, middle, and high school students about engineering and its applications to global health. FIRST@VCU helps bring together alumni of FIRST Robotics, encourages mentoring of high/middle/elementary school FIRST teams, helps run local competitions, creates workshops and encourages students to pursue a technical field at VCU. The Formula SAE team of VCU, comprising students from engineering, business and art disciplines, intends to build a Formula One-style race car and enter it in the 2015-2016 Formula SAE competition, where the team will compete against more than 140 schools from 13 countries around the world. Due to the release of a 3rd international competition by SpaceX, new teams are now allowed into the competition. With that, we have created a Hyperloop team at VCU to 1) gain experience with the technology required to build a Hyperloop pod, 2) build a passionate and devoted team of individuals, and 3) show the world that VCU is one of the best innovative universities in the country. The VCU student chapter of INMM is dedicated to the development and promulgation of practice for the safe, secure and effective stewardship of nuclear materials through the advancement of scientific knowledge, technical skills, policy dialogue and enhancement of professional capabilities. The Linux User Group of VCU is dedicated to promoting free software and open source applications such as GNU/Linux. Throughout the year the group works on several projects using linux in real world environments, such as creating a computational cluster. Membership is open to anyone that wishes to join and the group welcomes all individuals regardless of experience level. Phi Sigma Rho is a social sorority for women in engineering. Members develop the highest standard of personal integrity, strive for academic excellence and build friendships that will last a lifetime. Software development organization with emphasis on creativity, teamwork, and design. Our goals are to design and implement software applications in a collaborative team environment and to establish a dynamic portfolio to showcase in front of future students and employers. SHPE is a multicultural organization where "our mission is to change lives by empowering the Hispanic/Latinx community to realize its fullest potential and to impact the world through STEM awareness, access, support and development." At SHPE-VCU, we are dedicated in providing technical and soft skill workshops tailored to prepare VCU School of Engineering students socially, academically, and professionally. We aim to provide students with internship/job and volunteer opportunities throughout the year. An educational and service organization, SWE empowers women to succeed and advance in the field of engineering and be recognized for their contributions and achievements as engineers and leaders. Tau Beta Pi is a national engineering honor society. To be eligible, students must be in the top eighth of their junior class or the top fifth of their senior class. A national co-ed professional engineering fraternity, Theta Tau is very involved in academic support of its members, service activities and professional networking. Triangle Fraternity is a social fraternity made up of Engineers, Architects, and Scientist. In Triangle, the student learns lessons of group living, personality and character development, in an atmosphere designed for fullest benefit to the individual.
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Will Government ban Rs 2000 notes? RBI introduces new Rs 500 notes, again, no joke! Existing currency notes still valid?
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Saturday night somebody couldn’t decide whether to go straight down the road, or turn…so they split the difference and crashed into our fence and pecan tree. Instead of crashing through the fence, they head-on-ed our massive pecan tree. Poor choice. I expect the car is totaled. As I understand it, the occupants fled the scene. There are no signs of skid marks or any attempt to stop. I’d hazard a guess that “Alcohol was involved” appears somewhere in the police report. Our damage consists of a chunk of tree root, some bark knocked off, and minor bent up fencing wire. No real attempt to stop…the “splotch” on the pavement is from the car bleeding to death as they dragged it out to load on a wrecker). … especially if you paint them Hi-viz orange!
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Looks like statuses are being restored but imagine you cross-post everything to Facebook. You delete your Twitter account thinking all of those thoughts are preserved on a network that will likely last your lifetime and then a Twitter developer deletes the app which deletes all of your tweets from Facebook. This is why you own everything you write. Save it somewhere.
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The future of TV is here. Adalyser® delivers programmatic TV solution. In partnership with Sky Media and IMD Optimad, Adalyser is pleased to announce the release of Adalyser Programmatic TV. Adalyser's latest TV attribution model (patent application GB 1605999) analyses spot and response data accurate to the second. Rival solutions analyse data by the minute. 60x more data points means Adalyser delivers unrivalled accuracy - enabling agencies and advertisers to improve advertising performance. Adalyser would like to welcome Carat UK to our partner programme. Benefits include release previews, piloting of new features and requirement gathering sessions. Please get in touch should you want to sign up. Find out more. Adalyser would like to welcome Mediabrands to our partner programme. Benefits include release previews, piloting of new features and requirement gathering sessions. Please get in touch should you want to sign up. Find out more. Adalyser supports brand safety, delivery quality and performance alarms allowing clients to be notified immediately should your campaign deviate from your goals. Tell us what sort of TV campaign you want to run and Adalyser Plan will sort out the details. Adalyser is the leading cross channel media analysis tool available in the market. Our secure, web-based media platform measures and visualises the effectiveness of TV, press, radio, outdoor and web spend. It gives you access to the facts and figures you need to manage your media spend in the most effective way. To date Adalyser has analysed and optimised in excess of $3bn worth of spend for over 500 clients in 11 countries across 3 continents. What kind of question does Adalyser answer? What is the direct and indirect effect of TV advertising on web traffic? What audiences should I purchase and what is the relationship between spot size and web response? At what level of TV spend does my cost per response exceed my target? Quickly identify your most efficient day, day part or channel and demonstrate how TV drives web sales. Identify and isolate baseline traffic in order to calculate the TV driven uplift. Compare your channels, programmes and audiences with your competitors. How do position, size and colour of insertions affect response rates? Compare identical creatives across publications. Visualise responses geographically and understand how print works with TV. Read on to find out Why Adalyser works and How Adalyser works. Synchronise your web presence with predicted TV activity and automatically pause or activate your web spend based on spot creative or size. Automatically collect and store your web data in a single cross channel repository. Read on to find out Why Adalyser works and How Adalyser works. Use broadcast and circulation data to drill down and measure results demographically. Read on to find out Why Adalyser works and How Adalyser works. This secure, web-based media tool measures and visualises the effectiveness of TV, press, radio, outdoor and web advertising. It gives you access to the facts and figures you need to manage your media spend in the most effective way. Adalyser is currently used by media agencies and marketers in the UK, Europe, USA and Australasia. Arrange a free demonstration and see what Adalyser can do for you. Over $3 billion worth of spend optimised for over 500 clients in 11 territories across 3 continents.
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They could watch a show on PBS in the morning and maybe play a little Starfall or PBS Kids in the afternoon. Overall, they were satisfied with this. Movies were a special treat and happened when it was rainy, cold, or Mama was tired. I often patted myself on the back for what a great job I was doing at limiting their time. They all liked the same things, played the same games and what the oldest watched and did was always appropriate for his younger siblings to participate in. Then, they got bigger and realized what they were missing. I now have an 8 year old, 6 year old, 4 year old, 2 year old and one on the way. I am also quickly realizing that all that patting on the back I did was VERY premature. I am realizing very quickly that limits have to bet set for my kids and electronics. My 8 year old is obsessed with MineCraft, LEGO Harry Potter and LEGO Star Wars. Given the opportunity, he would spend all afternoon at these games. At Christmastime, I won an iPod touch, so we gave it to him for Christmas, knowing that there would be severe limits on it. My 6 year old also loves MineCraft, but still prefers watching PBS Kids with her younger sister and brother. Everyday there was a battle. The kids would come home from school, have a snack, do their homework and chores and then want to “plug-in”. Living in Texas, the weather is almost always nice enough for them to go outside to play. That is what I want them doing, they want to sit and work their minds in a different way. I understand that it is really important for kids to learn how to use electronic tools. This is their world. They are going to be online more than I can imagine, doing things with computers I can’t even comprehend and I want them to understand these things – but I also want so much more for them. I want them to know what it’s like to feel mud between their toes, the smell of spring rain, what it’s like to run in the sprinklers, catch a fly ball, kick a soccer ball and run until their lungs burn. In short, I had to find a way for all of us to be happy. I knew we needed limits and guidelines, I just didn’t know what to do or how to go about it. While reading a friend’s Facebook page one day, I saw what she did for electronic time and I thought it was brilliant. No electronics until your room is clean. Seems pretty simple, right? I quickly instituted this rule and, while there were some complaints, they cleaned their rooms quickly and would then think they could spend all day online or watching TV. So, I realized their limits needed to be much clearer. They now get 1 hour a day to use as they wish. Thirty minutes can be fun and the other thirty must be educational. I don’t want them to veg out and not realize what they are doing. There are days when they have zero electronic time because they come home, go to clean their rooms and start playing instead. I really love those days. They also can lose electronic time by fighting with each other or being disrespectful to their family members. I know that this won’t work for everyone, and it probably won’t work for us for very long, but that is something I have learned about parenthood. Try something and if it works – DO IT. As soon as it stops working, tweak it until you find something that works again. I introduced the Indianapolis Children’s Museum Store 2014 Top 10 Kid-Tested Kid-Approved Toys in my last post. About 5 years ago, I wanted to give a particular gift to my son’s friend.
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A simple, compact and light weight stand for use with hotshoe flashes. Extendable to 190cm. A 2 section floor stand that extends to 47cm above the ground. Folds up easily and is quite compact. A simple light stand with for use with small studio flash units, extendbale to 198cm. A 3 section stand that extends to 285cm that will hold a large studio light. Spring cusioned for extra security. A 4 section stand that extends to 376cm and will support a heavy studio light. Spring cushioned for extra security.
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New York, NY, July 3, 2013 – Immigrants who become naturalized citizens are central to the story of America, and this July 4th, Carnegie Corporation of New York once again celebrates immigrants whose achievements have helped enrich the fabric of our nation. This Independence Day, as it has every year since 2006, the Corporation has commissioned a full-page public service ad in The New York Times saluting immigrants who have contributed to the strength of American democracy and the vitality of our national life. The 43 naturalized citizens featured in the ad include author Jamaica Kincaid and visual artist Shirin Neshat; philanthropy leader Aso Tavitian; journalists Doualy Xaykaothao and Mohamad Bazzi; scholars Shibley Telhami and Nina Khrushcheva; scientist Joanna Wysocka; jurist Sri Srinivasan, business and technology leaders Sebastian Thrun and Safra Catz, and U.S. Senator Mazie Hirono. Carnegie Corporation’s founder, steel magnate and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, an immigrant from Scotland, was committed to giving back to America and mankind. This year, Carnegie Corporation is also launching a companion website, “Great Immigrants: The Pride of America,” at greatimmigrants.carnegie.org, which includes this year’s honorees and those celebrated in previous years. The site also features a timeline [http://greatimmigrants.carnegie.org/timeline/] highlighting Andrew Carnegie’s experiences as an immigrant. Everyone has stories of great immigrants, and on the website, the Corporation hopes people everywhere will become inspired to add their own—sharing how they or their families came to America, with an emphasis on their accomplishments and contributions as Americans. The Corporation also hopes the discussion will continue on Twitter with the hashtag #greatimmigrants.
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The curriculum is taught over 4 terms of 6 weeks with each term covering 1 module. Each module is supported with 72 contact hours. Classes are 3-hour sessions held Monday - Friday. There will be no weekend classes. The tuition fee covers study guides, course notes, assignments, examination, projects, Foundation Diploma (if earned) and transcript. •S$1,697.60 (after S$100 study rebate). However, study rebate will be deductable from the last instalment if payment is made by instalment plan. *Note: All fees are subject to change annually. The fees above have been updated and are accurate as of 20 September 2017.
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24 Sep Some time ago, I was given a beautiful signed copy of Avalonia’s The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet: a 17th Century London Cunning-man’s Book. The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet. A 17th Century London Cunningman’s Book of Charms, Conjurations and Prayers. By David Rankine. pages, available in. 4 Aug Readers of The Book of English Magic will love Avalonia Books’ latest offering: The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet edited by David Rankine. Enhance your practice of the Craft by creating your own Book of Shadows, from best-selling author Lisa Chamberlain. Angels, faeries and ancestral shades make their appearance within this arthjr dynamic of the then secret arts cultivated by a very real Cunning-man. These connections are also highlighted by the provenance of the manuscript, which is traced from Arthur Gauntlet through the hands of such notable angel magicians as Elias Ashmole founder of the world’s first public museum, the Ashmolean in OxfordBaron Somers the Lord ChancellorSir Joseph Jekyll Master the grimoire of arthur gauntlet the Rolls and Sir Hans Sloane founder of the British Museumas well as the astrologer John Humphreys and the cunning-woman Ann Savadge. The grimoire of arthur gauntlet required Address never made public. Instead, The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet falls in the category of a true receipt book — a record of the spells and charms and occult wisdom of a Solomonic mage and healer actively plying his trade. Mighty rated it it was amazing Oct 15, It is therefore less a philosophical work and more a handbook of magical resources available to Gauntlet and others of his ilk and trade. My Occult Circle Carolina Dean: Grimoie list of angels gajntlet here is currently incomplete. I suspect he would have gone right on expanding this the grimoire of arthur gauntlet section indefinitely throughout his lifetime. Candy Wyman marked it as to-read Aug 13, Andrea Salgado reyes rated it really liked it Apr 17, Bryan rated it really liked it Feb 05, The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet Grimoire. Wilbur marked it as to-read Aug 28, On the other hand, it possesses a large number of invocations of various the grimoire of arthur gauntlet including Oberioncharms, remedies, and advice, including some that appear in the Folger Manuscript. While modern wizards have a tendency to lock themselves away in private and work magick for their own needs, the stereotypical wizard of the past offered his services — usually for a fee — to the laypersons of his town or village. Ships from and sold by Amazon. In summary, this book is fascinating, and should grace the shelves of all serious occultists, though not necessarily constrained to those whose interests remain rigidly within the field arthurr witchcraft per se. the grimoire of arthur gauntlet Posted September 24, by kheph in booksreviewssolomonic Tagged with avaloniadavid rankinegrimoire of arthur gauntlet. Wicca Book of Shadows: But the student of the occult should be warned that if they have problums with the christian faith, this book isn’t for you. Cathryn added it Sep 09, Head for the Red Brother Moloch: The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet is a wonderful illustration of this very paradigm. Scott Wells December 31, at 1: This grimoire contains the grimoire Arbatel of Magic. Post was not sent – the grimoire of arthur gauntlet your email addresses! Then, to find the present location of the thief, one goes through the same sort of questioning one used to locate a friend. It was written in English, with passages in Latin, by the titular Arthur Gauntlet. To ask other readers questions about The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntletplease sign up. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here What a perfect illustration of how divination is properly done! the grimoire of arthur gauntlet Notify me of new posts via email. Rankine has been quite careful to avoid the temptation to judge and extemporise their intent. East Dane Designer Men’s Fashion. You are commenting using your WordPress. They include charms for healing weakness exhaustion? The printing presses increased the public availability of occult material, the grimoire of arthur gauntlet rise to texts such as this in circulation among the trade of the cunning-folk. Trunatrschild is currently reading it Oct 01, Madd marked it as to-read Dec 15, The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet is an outstanding example of a seventeenth century London Cunning-man’s book of practice. We can easily see the practical nature of this grimoire by looking at the included material along with the order in which it is recorded: A Sourcebook of Elizabethan Magic. Andrew Cox added it Aug 06, Notify me of new comments via email. Cunning-man Arthur Gauntlet was based in Gray’s Inn Lane in London, and his personal working book contains a the grimoire of arthur gauntlet diverse mixture of herbal remedies, trimoire, magical and biblical charms, with previously unseen angelic conjurations and magic circles, in an eclectic blend of practical magic for health, wealth, love and protection. Focus is given to the space used, the tools employed including prayers and spells, incantations and their off. Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Frances Billinghurst rated it it was amazing Nov 10, Read more Read less. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Paperbackpages. This title has been given to the manuscript Sloane MS.
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Milton Erickson was a very famous hypnotherapist, who many people have studied and learned from. Feel free to share the quotes you like the most on social media. I decided to get a few of my favourite contacts together to hold this Lifestyle & Wellness event in Berkhamsted. Contacts that I have used to help me, a cognitive hypnotherapist, live my life in a happier and healthier way and asked them to share their knowledge and skills with our attendees. Works in Hemel Hempstead as a Massage Therapist, Aromatherapist and Reflexologist. On the evening she was offering free tasters of reflexology and was very much in demand! I kept receiving glowing reports of her treatment from everyone. If you’re interested in booking an appointment, her telephone number is 01442 249998. From Mrs Mummypenny came along with her wonderful money saving ideas. Lynn is a mum to 3 young boys and she blogs about all things money saving particularly family focussed. You can get some tips by reading her blogs here Mrs MummyPenny. You may also like to read her three blogs about her experience of having cognitive hypnotherapy with me for weight loss Hypnotherapy Weight Loss. Of Healthy Independence was showing her natural health and wellbeing products on her stand. She explained how looking good comes from the inside out and the wonderful health, wellbeing and beauty products she sells can help you look and feel great. At ClutterClear Solutions gave us some tips on decluttering. She helps people to de-clutter and organise their homes and home offices, working with them to help sort through the clutter, also suggesting ways to stay organised. Jackie covers the Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Middlesex area. From Sarah Jane Boutique showcased her brand new “Captain Tortue” designs and pre-loved designer clothes, totally different to what you would find on the High Street. She was selling them at very affordable prices. Sarah run Sarah Jane Boutique from her converted bakery in the lovely village of Wingrave. Sima, a teacher at Aquarius Yoga, demonstrated some yoga poses for us with her lovely assistant for the evening, Louise. She believes that Yoga provides us with a pure form of long lasting energy that radiates from the core. Connecting our heart, mind and physical body, making us feel whole. The immaculate Ms Barnes from ABC Image in Hertfordshire was advising on style and image. She brought her colour charts with her to help the attendees discover which colours complement their natural colouring so they could look their best. She also offers personal shopping and a wardrobe de-tox. Nutritionist from Crabtree Nutrition brought along some nutritious drinks and snacks and was answering nutrition questions. Her Mini carrot cakes, lemon bliss balls, easy cheesy flapjack and beetroot, raspberry and chia seed smoothie went down really well with everyone. Her body composition analyser was also a big hit with everyone too, with a lot of friendly banter as to who came out as the youngest age by the statistics it provided. Heather Hall Hypnotherapy who was answering questions on how Cognitive Hypnotherapy works, and how effective it is at making the changes you want to make in your life. I work as a Cognitive Hypnotherapist in Berkhamsted, Hemel Hempstead and Harley Street London, helping to change peoples lives by using the power of your mind. It was a free event and there was a raffle, with some fabulous prizes. We raised a grand total of £65.10. I’ve donated all the proceeds in aid of Mind for better mental health. It was a really enjoyable evening with very like-minded people. There was a lovely vibe in the room. Here’s a quick video showing one half of the room. If you would like to try hypnotherapy but feeling scared or apprehensive, get in touch for an informal chat so I can put your mind at rest.
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I have a couple OpenCM9.04s in and have begun to dig in. The documentation is a bit lacking overall. I was curious to see what APIs the Robotis OpenCM IDE provided for the dynamixels for example. I found libraries in here 'ROBOTIS-v1.0.1\hardware\robotis\cores\robotis' and with some digging you can see what you can do beyond the standard Arduino stuff. So far I have most of my older Arbotix code transferred over. I'm using the Robotis built in Dynamixel APIs instead of the Bioloid stuff and its working well. I'm syncwriting the servos as in the "SyncWrite2" example sketch which just stuffs bytes onto the bus and doesn't appear to do any error checking.. the comments say its "new" so here's to hoping. I have the Arbotix Commander libraries copied over and compiling, but i'm slightly confused by the USART setup on this thing. the documentation is poor and the various charts and schematics all seem to disagree. What i can gather is that UART1 is dedicated to the Dynamixel connectors which is good. UART2 is connected to the four pin Robotis sensor connector, and UART3 runs through an RS485 converter. So to wire up my Xbee i'm pretty sure i need to use UART2. I'll give that a shot tomorrow and see if it works. The CM-900 (ES and v1.01) has on-board RS-485, but the OpenCM-904 only has upgraded TTL and requires a shield to add RS-485. The AVR and most arduino stuff begin numbering comms interfaces with 0, but STM always starts numbering their stuff from 1 and the schematic might not be too consistent. USART1 is DXL_TTL and accessible as 'Serial1' (HardwareSerial object) and as a Dxl object. USART2 is Zigbee and accessible as 'Serial2' (HardwareSerial object). USART3 is exposed on the headers and accessible as 'Serial3' (HardwareSerial object). The micro USB port is accessible as 'SerialUSB'. The 'examples/Communication/Serial_HelloWorld' has the basics of using the zigbee port with print functions as the 'Serial2' HardwareSerial object. To write an individual byte you use Serial2.write(), and to read you use Serial2.available() to get the number of bytes available then use Serial2.read() to grab a single byte. If you want to access USART2 at low-level, the 'libraries/RC100/utility' files describe everything you should need to connect and use an XBee instead of the ZIG/BT-110. I see, thanks. Do you think the schematic linked is of the 900 then? It shows an RS485 network, but it conflicts with other schematics i've seen for the 9.04 such as the one in the hardware section of the manual. So is USART3 also free to use? It'd probably be easier for me to wire to the header than plug into that 4pin connector. That is an odd file. I suspect it adds in the RS-485 shield since no version of the CM-904 possesses a barrel connector for power. USART3 should be available even if you did have the RS-485 transceiver since USART3 is still exposed on the headers as D24/PB10 and D25/PB11 for TX3 and RX3, respectively. I am pretty sure USART2 is also exposed on the headers as D4/A4/PA2 and D5/A5/PA3 for TX2 and RX2, respectively with a warning in the proper CM-904 schematic not to use A4 and A5 with the zigbee port. They have all the signals needed to add a RS-485 transciever broken out to the "D, X, L" pads that you can see on the silkscreen. This includes the transmit/receive mux. It's probably easiest to just use those, and the existing DXL library, and wire it to an existing RS-485 driver chip. Ah, having the shield in the schematic would explain it. Are shields available for the 9.04 yet?, i don't foresee using RS485, so i'm going to use USART3 for my Xbee and leave USART2 available for using the 4pin connector so i can potentially use Robotis sensors. I've been using SerialUSB a lot for outputting debugging text and haven't crashed yet. It's just simple lines, though and i often put a short delay after them. Good to know though, thanks. Thanks all. I'll post up my Commander code and Dynamixel code when i get it all working for reference. Well that was straight forward. I wired TX3/RX3 (pins 24/25) on the CM9.04 to the Xbee's DIN/DOUT using a sparkfun Xbee breakout board. Then i copied the Commander libraries over to the Robotis IDE from an Arbotix Arduino install. All i changed was all the Serial object instances to Serial3 in Commander.cpp. And voila, it works. I see the Commander values as up to 125 so i believe i'm using Kurt's improved version of the Commander libraries. Or maybe that was only for Commander Controller itself? I can't remember anymore. I sure wish this thing used a Coretex M4 with FPU instead of the M3. Now that i've signed up my hex as a group class project, it needs to be able to handle whatever we throw at it as far as FK/IK/trajectory/gaits. Ideally we'd use a matrix math library to keep things clear in relation to the matlab simulations which probably means inefficient. If the hardware fails to work, it could mean three of our grades! But at least i have the raspberry pi as backup i guess. Or slicker tricks like fixed point math or look up tables if it comes down to it, but that's a hassle I was hoping to avoid in 2013 and later. It'd just be so perfect if it was the M4! I have all my Raspberry Pi code ported over to the CM9.04 and all systems are go. Basically the peripherals are just the Commander controller via Xbee and the Dynamixel AX-12s. Right now it executes my IK/trajectory/gait code in about 3ms including the serial print statement. I'm using a 20ms servo refresh period so so far so good. I love that i can actually fit the battery back inside the chassis again! Nice and clean.
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* WHO Can Save? WHAT can Save? * (Ref. to hand illustration above) Which ones do we emphasize? (We don’t ignore any! Emphasize some over others). ALL IMPORTANT – LACK OF BALANCE LEADS TO PROBLEMS – LACK OF U/STAND/ HOW EACH APPLIES/FITS TOGETHER AND WORKS. * IMPORTANT how we look at the Word. (I look at the Word as a DISCIPLE (learner). * I don’t need u/stand Greek to u/stand GRACE! 2.) Religious neighbors strong on GENERALITIES (Love, Joy, Peace, Bro. covers sin, and provides a confidence of being heaven bound. HOW THIS ALL FITS TOGETHER. 4.) How – appreciate GRACE if never see how sinful we are? the world through him” (John 3:17). 8.) Gospel IS NOT A WHIP it is a LIFE LINE! violations (law/works)/ on the other there is nothing (Grace/faith)). GOD (“G” above cross) RIGHTEOUS IN JUSTIFYING LOST MANKIND. JUST/RIGHTEOUS IN SAVING ‘JACK’ (Draw stick figure). 4.) (Point to the cross) YES IT IS! He paid for it ALL. 5.) Isaiah 53:11 “SATISFIED” (Draw line from God to Jack) Now I can save Jack! 7.) Question: IS THE SACRIFICE GOOD ENOUGH TO DO THE JOB? a.) God/Jesus/HS DID NOT QUIT! c.) Don’t mean to disappoint you… I AM A SINNER/FAULTS/HUMAN. 3.) Word of God doesn’t change…. But IT IS MEAN TO CHANGE ME! 3.) Want to GROW? Grow in grace! ‘BECOME’ IN GRACE WHAT GOD WANTS! 2.) CREDITED TO ABRAHAM’S ACCOUNT… no merit at ALL. 3.) God destroys the PUNISHMENT OF SIN. PRINCIPLE WHICH GOVERNS OUR LIFE – GRACE!!! ON MY PART! GOD DOES THE WORK! b.) I used to preach (Ruler) 40% me and 60% God! NOW 100% GRACE. people) THIS IS LAW/WORKS IN ACTION!!! and more that is on list, but now she does it out of love… not fear! heaven or because you’re going to heaven? PRAY/SING /GIVE… BECAUSE IT IS GOD’S NATURE IN ME. 3.) Galatians 2:20 NO LONGER I THAT LIVE…. 4.) I DON’T HAVE TO/ I WANT TO!!! Salvation is offered to one and all…. No questions asked…. R/Be Baptized…. Saved or just COME HOME. * HOW HIGH DO YOU RANK ‘SECURITY’ in your life? WELL/CONSISTENTLY YOU PERFORM OR ON SOMETHING ELSE? * What about in Christ/relationship with God (VERTICAL)- Do you FEEL secure? – What is this security based on? PERFORMANCE OR GRACE? * What about within the body of Christ (HORIZONTAL)- Do you FEEL Secure? * Which do you FEEL more secure in: VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL? * What is it about GRACE that make one FEEL more secure than PERFORMANCE? * Describe SECURITY of Christian in terms of a FAMILY WITH CHILDREN. * Why do you think dad put “FALLING FROM GRACE” as his next lesson? beings feel! This is why we are studying, “GRACE, GOD’S POWER TO BE(COME)”. look at later if you wish. BEINGDELIVERED FROM AND BEING MADE DEAD TO THE LAW. D. NOT human reformation/determination- IT IS DIVINE REGENERATION. people’) disciples = A C C E P T E D. 3.) What does ‘ACCEPTED’ mean in this context? 4.) Which is more saved/accepted – the beginner or the mature Christian? 1.) Growing, learning, maturing, heaven bound!!! A. Once saved always (no matter what) saved. B. How secure do you FEEL with others in the body of Christ? the‘one in spirit’ stand we should have? Here is a survey. It’s not a test. I’m not going to grade this. I just want to see how much disagreement we have over some pretty basic things.Mark the correct interpretation of the quoted passages? You may only mark one answer per question, and you must choose one. 1. (2 Cor 13:12) Greet one another with a holy kiss. a. Says what it means; means what it says. b. No longer applies today at all. c. Applies today but only the underlying principle (greet one another warmly) applies. c. Applies today but only the underlying principle (lust is a deadly sin) applies. c. Applies today but only the underlying principle (any name calling that dehumanizes is wrong) applies. 7. (Mat 5:39) But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. c. Applies today but only the underlying principle (do not seek revenge over a point of honor) applies. 8. (Lev 27:30) “‘A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD; it is holy to the LORD. c. Applies today but only the underlying principle (give generously to good works, especially your church) applies. c. Applies today but only the underlying principle (Sunday is the Christian Sabbath) applies. 10. (Num 18:29) You must present as the Lord’s portion the best and holiest part of everything given to you. c. Applies today but only the underlying principle (wear our best to church) applies. c. Applies today but only the underlying principle (women should wear fashionable hats to church) applies. 13. (1 Cor 11:7) A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man. c. Applies today but only the underlying principle (we should give weekly at church) applies. What is Bible baptism for? The short answer… Baptism (immersion) is “for the remission of sins”. Sounds pretty straight forward, right? Yet many sincere people have misunderstood it. Perhaps you have heard or read some who said baptism is not what Peter said it was for in Acts 2:38, ie “for the remission of sins”. A good principle is ‘THE PLAINEST THING IS THE MAINEST THING.” This should not be hard to understand. Just read Acts 2, and the picture is clear on this subject. There are many other passages of course on the subject of salvation. Not all truth is contained in one passage. There are verses on FAITH (John 3:16), REPENTANCE (Luke 13:3-5), CONFESSION (Romans 10:9-10), as well as BAPTISM (Mark 16:16) and the gift of the Spirit (Acts 2:39). All are important to the process of being saved, and being sealed as one of His children. You cannot separate any of them from the ‘plan of God’. Yet each have a different reason for ‘being there’… Some passages do not mention all these things. Context determines why. Having said this, which is all too obvious when one reads the ‘salvation accounts’ scattered throughout Acts… there is more to the study. Jesus Himself, refers to it, but not just to the water aspect of it. He knew very well, that ‘just water’ is, well, just water. When he spoke of ‘grape juice’ and bread (Matthew 26) He made some very special connections in referring to these as his blood and body. More than just grape juice and bread… It involved ‘remembering’, ‘examining’, ‘communion’. It also speaks of relationships, both ‘vertical’ and ‘horizontal’ for the Christian. Here Jesus himself says water and Spirit are involved in this marvelous new birth. I believe the “Spirit” mentioned here refers to the Holy Spirit (Greek ‘pneumatos’ which can mean ‘wind’, ‘spirit’ or Spirit’). I do not believe translators made a mistake in capitalizing “Spirit” here. My opinion is that it means what the context demands….the HOLY SPIRIT, and according to the text it is Jesus who ‘baptizes’ or gives the Holy Spirit (that’s what John says). There is no contradiction with Paul saying there is ONE BAPTISM (Ephesians 4:3-5), because there is only one. It is simply composed of TWO ELEMENTS…. ‘water’ for the remission of sins (which is a command …Acts 2:38) and the ‘Spirit’ (a promise mentioned in Acts 2:39) done/given by Jesus. Without the Holy Spirit’s involvement, it would be confusing indeed since in Titus, it says, “But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. (Titus 2:4-7). Here we have terms “washing of rebirth” (immersion in water) and “renewal by the Holy Spirit” (which takes place when one is immersed in water)… When the Holy Spirit was “poured out” on Pentecost…the apostles are given ‘power from on high’ as promised (Acts 1:4) and they were empowered to speak in other languages and perform miracles. The Holy Spirit however, is for all who submit to Jesus and by faith repent and are immersed into Christ. Luke records, ” John answered them all, “I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Luke 3:16ff). Context reveals that the “fire” was to burn up the ‘chaff’ (contextually referring to the unbelieving Jews (not just a few), and refers to the AD70 event, and can indeed refer also to the final judgment of hell fire for all who reject Jesus… The Holy Spirit in this text refers to what Jesus Christ gives to the ‘wheat’. I believe this happens when one is born again. The ‘wheat’ mentioned in Luke 3:16ff refer to those who are being added to the church. This began on the day of Pentecost. This is the gift of the Spirit promised in Acts 2:39, and this differs from receiving gifts FROM the Spirit (speaking in different languages, miraculous powers etc…) Again, the powers which the Apostles received were special and limited, but the ‘baptism’, ‘outpouring’, ‘gift’ (all referring to the same thing) of the Holy Spirit is the gives one ‘new life’ in Christ. We are commanded to be immersed (in water). We are not commanded to be immersed in (receive) the Spirit….we are just promised that the Spirit would be given to all Christians. My understanding of scriptures is that when we are baptized in water for the remission of sins, we receive the Spirit of God in our lives (in that order)…. we come up out of the water a ‘spirit-being’, alive, and a “new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17), “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4ff). Without the Spirit…. we do not belong to Him (Romans 8), are not sealed (Ephesians 1). It is simply true, that a ‘waterless Spirit baptism is as powerless as a Spiritless water baptism’. Jesus said “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. (John 3:5). One can take any truth, and push it to an extreme and make it false, or contradict other passages. Considering the various passages, and their contexts, makes it plain to me… ‘renewal of the Spirit whom He poured out on us’, is what happens when one is immersed for the remission of sins. Note: We need to quit worrying about “eis” (“in”) when studying with those who insist on “salvation before immersion” and start pointing out that if salvation is received before immersion (which is not so), then we miss the NEW BIRTH OF WATER AND SPIRIT spoken of by our Lord Himself in John 3 as well as what John spoke of in Lk. 3:16f. To study more about what I believe regarding the gifts FROM OR GIVEN BY THE SPIRIT, you can look at the articles written which deal with this. To me there is a huge difference between the gift OF and gifts FROM the Spirit. One does not receive the Spirit as a GIFT, A SIGN OF SONSHIP OR BELONGING TO GOD THROUGH JESUS before being immersed INTO CHRIST, nor does one receive the SPIRIT long after being immersed BY PRAYING AND PRAYING ‘through’. Nor does the indwelling of the Spirit mean one receives the miraculous powers given the apostles. The Spirit of God is given (now available) for any who by faith repent of their sins, and when they are immersed into Christ for the remission of sins…. and are RAISED UP A NEW CREATION. Yes dad shot the can. Years ago when I was so young. Two would-be-hunters. No ‘luck’… not even a Kill-Dee was seen. Yet years later… reflection. Just sitting here… thinking about that old can. I think it was an apple juice can… maybe tomato juice… who cares, right? Yet back then and throughout a ministry, it meant so much more. Now… it still intrigues me. Maybe you have shot a can before… maybe a bottle… but did you stop and think what lessons could be learned? 1. Watch what you shoot at! If you mean to hit a can… hit it! Soul winning is a very special work. It’s almost like open heart surgery. It’s not about winning a battle or proving someone right and going out bragging on how great you did. It is wholly about caring enough to share the word of God in a way that is gently firm. Almost like…. well it’s hard to say what it is like. But just imagine yourself on the other side. Every ‘stroke’ of the spiritual ‘knife’, just think… don’t be in a hurry… sometimes it means simply taking more time… more patience… more prayer for sure… Try again…. find the real problem why a person is holding back, and apporach it from the “needs” angle. Shot-gun approaches tend to hit (damage) things not really important. You don’t have to deal with “instrumental music” (whatever your position), to bring one to Christ. 2. Make as little damage as you can in this process… I know this is related to the previous thing. But of course when trying to win a soul, you have to (with the Word) and wisdom, remove a ‘problem’. How it is done is as important as the ‘doing’ of it. One man who had attended many services and heard many sermons… finally he obeyed the gospel and was truly happy. When asked why he waited so long, he replied, “Well, other preachers got up and taught pretty much the same thing as this preacher did. The big difference was this man was truly sorry I was lost…. and the others seemed like they were glad.” Somehow, there is more involved here than just teaching truth…. it involves CARING FOR THE LOST. This simpy cannot be hidden. Cannot be faked. 3. Be careful of a ‘one shot’ approach, which may shut the door for others to approach this person. Be a door opener, an interest creator, a bridge builder…. This doesn’t mean compromise truth by any means. It means speak truth in love for sure, but if you know you are never going to see this person again…. try to do something, say something which doesn’t close the door of the lost person’s heart for others who may ‘bump into’ this person and have an opportunity to spend more time in teaching. Remember even though you may plant, someone else waters, and God gives the increase… So what if you don’t get the credit (here)…. This is a growing article. Just wondering if you wanted to participate? If you have some ideas, feel free to share… What do you learn from the ‘can’? Brethren, with all the discussion on issues like “Divorce and Remarriage” going on, and the much needed efforts to help brethren avoid the break up of homes, ‘stay in the struggle’, and work through family issues…. it seems we are not placing the same, much needed emphasis on how to avoid DIVISION. We are told by Paul, “I …… BESEECH (implore/beg) you to walk worthy of the calling with which you are called, with all LOWLINESS AND GENTLENESS, WITH LONGSUFFERING, BEARING WITH ONE ANOTHER IN LOVE, ENDEAVORING TO KEEP THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT IN THE BOND OF PEACE….” (Ephesians 4:1-3). Brethren, if there was ever a TIME when we need to follow this… it is now!!! Staying in the struggle, working through problems, loving each other ‘above the fault level’, refusing to be a part of any call to divide… and marking those who call for such. Refusing to listen to those who simply seem to be adding fuel to the fires instead of trying to help brethren put out the fires. We just have too much at stake to ‘give up’ and ‘divorce’ (divide). Thanks to Gerald Wright and his memory of dad… Hopefully it will help others. I will be putting dad’s thoughts on “Brotherhood and Love” here as well…. 2. How is grace applied/lived out? Look at Jesus! 4. Today we study HOW JESUS = OUR GRACE. 2.) Beauty of Grace = seen in Jesus – W/o Jesus we wouldn’t u/stand grace. 3.) “Grace” = Noun/ Jesus makes it a VERB – ACTION! 3.) Disciples not meant to be ISOLATED/CUT OFF FROM LIFE – INVOLVED…. JESUS/ HE IS IN US…. GIVE…. * Is the church a denomination? Of course not! Yet the church divides. * BIG TASK = GOING DEEPER/ BROADEN OUR UNDERSTANDING NT CONCEPTS. * (J.W. Debate) Dad conducted a small debate with a Jehovah Witness when he was a young minister. The debate was over, IDENTITY OF THE N.T. CHURCH. Dad began: “AD 33, Jerusalem, Pentecost, Acts 2:38, Organization, Worship… all explained with scriptures to back up each point. Then his opponent began… The NT Church is a PRAYING CHURCH, A LOVING CHURCH, A SOUL WINNING CHURCH, A UNITED CHURCH…all with scriptures to back up each statement. * Need to re-examine our approach… What dad said was not wrong… but he recognized that something was missing. * What a/GRACE? Ephesians 2:4-10 Read NEED TO GROW /BROADEN OUR U/STANDING/ MARVELOUS CONCEPT “God’s power to GROW”. * Not small grace (Romans 5:8-10) It’s a ‘much more’ grace! FORGIVEN, SEALED AND HEAVEN BOUND…. *** THIS MAKES ALL THE OTHER THINGS IMPORTANT! the ‘end result’ of relationship with God thru Jesus. 3.) Law and prophets hang on this one. the faith…the power is in the OBJECT of faith which is vital. B. “I belong to Christ” THEREFORE…. E. I John 1:7 “Fellowship” w/each other. Conclusion: Yes, grace is all about being saved and remaining saved…. We will learn more about this in the weeks coming. Yet it is also about the horizontal (people) relationships we as God’s children have. I Corinthians 12:12-27 The hand does not hate the foot. The eyes are not jealous of the toes. WE ARE MEMBERS ONE OF ANOTHER.
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German youngsters from Hamburg have been in Swansea as part of a University-run scheme, working with local businesses and having language classes; they were also honoured at a formal dinner on campus on Thursday 1 September. The group are apprentices, including a hairdresser, a care assistant and a chef. They have been spending time working with equivalent businesses in south west Wales, and having language classes to improve their English. The scheme is organised by English Language Training Services at Swansea University. It forms part of a vocational training course in Hamburg which is organised by Wendy Swaby at ausblick, an organization that supports young adults entering vocational education, with financial backing from Hamburg local government. “It’s a great opportunity for our Hamburg guests to work in a different environment, as well as improve their English. For some of them it’s their first time away from home, and they live in the student residences, so it all adds up to a great experience for them. "This truly wonderful project has seen 11 young “Hamburgers” successfully complete a four-week internship with a Swansea company. For many of the students, the trip has been a life-changing opportunity. Many of them just never dreamt of working abroad or studying in a university, but four weeks in Swansea have given them a whole new outlook, enabling them to gather invaluable experience on so many levels, really making a difference for them."
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"Make sure your flowers are nice MarieSam," my dear mom would constantly say to me as I was planning my destination wedding. Because my mom is pretty much the mother of all greenthumbs, I knew telling her I had planned to use a real-touch bouquet would send her into a tailspin. A wedding bouquet is a beautiful compliment to your wedding look and celebration, but if there's anything I've learned from being a bride, it's that your bouquet doesn't need to break the bank. If you've got money to burn, then by all means, go all out and create a bouquet that would send my mom to the moon But if you're on a tight budget, just remember that simplicity can be a beautiful thing too!
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Earlier this month, AmCham Sweden briefed a Congressional Delegation (also known as a CODEL) from the United States House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary on the current state of play of intellectual property rights in Sweden. During the briefing, we emphasized that Sweden is a great location for American foreign direct investment and exports. In particular, we mentioned that the Global Innovation Index 2015 ranked Sweden number three. And that, once again last month, Sweden ranked as the most innovative European Union member state according to the European Innovation Scoreboard published by the European Commission. We also referenced Sweden's historically strong protection of intellectual property rights. In addition, we highlighted the fact that the Patent and Market Court will open on September 1. This is a new court system for cases involving intellectual property rights, as well as marketing and competition matters. Notwithstanding these protections, work remains with respect to curbing illegal downloading and streaming of copyrighted content. In light of this, we noted the progress being made through the engagement of the United States Embassy, the Rights Alliance, and AmCham Sweden to address these critical issues. Does the proposed Swedish taxation on hazardous substances affect your business?
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You don't get to say I'm bored- Louis ck" "you don't get to say: i'm bored. There was one student who always used to say "I'm bored" and it made me want to throttle him (or at least have him "take a break") This is much better, would make a good classroom poster, and is a Louis CK quote!"... This is Louis CK.'s crude twist on Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative: for Kant, a principle (or, in his words, a maxim) is ethical if it would "become through your will a universal law of nature. 10/01/2016�� Louis C.K. seems to allude to the �fact� that we are not as equal as we would like to be and trashes the extra-sensitive �political correctness� of the 21st Century: #3 Existential Comedy Finally, Louis C.K. excels in what I like to call �Existential Comedy�. acca p1 past questions and answers pdf 10/01/2016�� Louis C.K. seems to allude to the �fact� that we are not as equal as we would like to be and trashes the extra-sensitive �political correctness� of the 21st Century: #3 Existential Comedy Finally, Louis C.K. excels in what I like to call �Existential Comedy�. Because I�ve written so much about the unifying approach to politics Louis CK has been taking on Louie this year, I made sure to ask him about it when I got the chance yesterday. Download louis c k or read online books in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, and Mobi Format. Click Download or Read Online button to get louis c k book now. This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. Lots of people like Louis C.K. for his stand-up comedy or TV show � but thanks to some of his brilliant rants on late-night talk shows, he�s also become something of a viral video sensation.
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SHANGHAI, April 11, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — CNOGA Medical Ltd., a developer and manufacturer of medical devices, today announces that it has received an approval for its TensorTip™ MTX™ and VSM™ non-invasive multiple bio parameters measurement devices from the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA). CNOGA Medical Ltd. is expecting to launch the TensorTip™ devices during Shanghai’s CMEF exhibition, April 2016. CNOGA TensorTip™ devices use a real time color image sensor and unique algorithms to accurately measure more than a dozen bio parameters such as fingertip blood pressure, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit and Blood Gases from the patients’ fingertip blood capillaries. The TensorTip™ product family optionally integrates with CNOGA’s SINGULAR cloud base architecture, further enhancing the users’ control over his health and wellbeing. Dr. Segman added; “China is the largest market for noninvasive e-health monitoring at home as well as hospitals and clinics. In 2014, medical device sales in China totaled CNY 255.6 billion (EUR 36 billion) a year with a yearly increase of 20%, according to the China Medical Pharmaceutical Materials Association. The following milestone represents a substantial growth opportunity for CNOGA with expected commercial agreements in China valued at tens of million dollars in the upcoming year. Recently, CNOGA established a diversified presence in China with a CNOGA HQ in Shanghai and an R&D center in Changzhou, Jiangsu,” concluded Dr. Segman. TensorTip™ Vital Sign Monitor (VSM) Measures Vital signs such as blood pressure, Pulse and SPO2 (saturation).
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I’ve been quite busy for some time, so there is a quick run over two utilities: compact and convert. The first one can be used sometimes while the second, I think, has almost died out. Let’s take a look on them. Remember cipher? The same stuff: cipher deals with encryption, this one – with compression on an NTFS volume. You need to script it or find it boring to use all that GUI? It’s for you. But seriously: do many people use it? I don’t like the feature, actually. But anyway, if you need it, you get it. This entry was posted in CLI Secrets, Tools on May 5, 2011 by Alexander Trofimov.
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Most companies aim to develop a sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) so that they can win for today and build for tomorrow. In the past, there has been a focus on customer service, quality, and ensuring good working conditions, satisfaction and career paths for staff (being an employer of choice). These criteria no longer differentiate companies in the market place. So what could be a new SCA? From the writer’s perspective, based on 25 years of mentoring, coaching, leading and working with CEOs of small, medium and large companies, there are two major areas to focus on when developing a SCA: multiplying leadership and developing a living, evolving culture based on life values. The writer has observed that the major issue for most companies is to select, identify, develop, train, teach, reward and retain potential leaders. Culture is a product of leadership and thus there is a need to develop leadership. The major problem related to this is a need to have a standard ongoing long-term process to facilitate leadership development in order to enable the company to perform into the future. This implies that there is a need to have several long-term programs which have been intentionally designed and implemented. Such programs leave residual intellectual property in the organization, identify and train resident in-house facilitators and ensure the present organization is retained to provide high quality, research based, proven field-based material, ongoing results and improvement through feedback, research and development. These four programs represent a long-term systematic approach to developing leaders and teaching them to teach others. From the writer’s experience, there are no silver bullets, no quick fixes, and no instant successes. Instead change is continuous and successful when it is planned, implemented, followed up and continued in a systematic way for a long period of time. These four programs can be implemented over four years and then continue to be conducted each year, or when necessary, to ensure the ongoing learning of your top team and the teaching of the next generation of leaders who will in turn teach the next generation.
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· Opposed the introduction of anti-terrorist "smart containers" and electronic seals for cargo containers coming into U.S. ports. The retail industry called them "feel good (security) measures." · Opposed independent and regular inspections of supply-chain security practices around the world. · Opposed tougher rules requiring Wal-Mart to let Customs know what it's shipping in and where it comes from. · Opposed new container-handling fees to pay for improved port security. The corporate lobbyists at RILA boasted in a 2005 lobbying report to Wal-Mart and other retailers about its "continued industry leadership in opposition to ill-advised and onerous port security measures (i.e., cargo fees, increased physical inspections)." In fact, beating back meaningful port security measures topped RILA's agenda. One of the United States' top port security experts, retired Coast Guard Cmdr. Stephen Flynn, puts the cost of helping protect our ports at 0.2 percent of the value of cargo in the containers. The cost to Wal-Mart would be about $36 million -- less than one-third of 1 percent of the $11.2 billion profit the company raked in last year, or several million dollars less than CEO Lee Scott's pay over the past two years. Wal-Mart and its corporate lobbyists have instead invested heavily in the members of Congress with the most sway over ports and supply-chain security issues, as well as the Bush administration and the Republican National Committee. Compare Wal-Mart's 2003-04 Washington campaign contributions with those of Target, its chief rival: Wal-Mart spent $2.7 million, putting it third on the list of top corporate contributors. Target spent $295,000, good for 192nd place. RILA and Wal-Mart insist that making cargo containers and supply-chains secure against terrorist attacks be voluntary. The essence of this policy is "trust, but don't verify" and that's just the way Wal-Mart and RILA want to keep it. The successes of Wal-Mart are made doubly dangerous by the shift of manufacturing work from the United States to developing countries. Twenty years ago, Wal-Mart bought only 6 percent of its merchandise overseas. Today, "Wal-Mart and China are a joint venture, and both are determined to dominate the U.S. economy as much as they can in a wide range of industries," Duke University professor Gary Geriffi told PBS's "Frontline." Nearly two-thirds of all Wal-Mart products come from China, Geriffi said. Most of the rest comes from 70 other countries, including Pakistan, the Philippines and Indonesia, where there's a dangerous cocktail of workers' rights abuses and lax enforcement, official corruption and active terrorist organizations. Here are a few straightforward steps Congress needs to take: Mandate the use of "smart containers"; increase physical container inspections; invest in 100 percent screening of containers using improved technology and require CEOs to pay as much attention to the safety of their supply chains as they do their bottom line. That means requiring CEOs to certify, on pain of criminal prosecution along the lines of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, that their supply chains are secure. Just as Wal-Mart lays down and ruthlessly enforces its rules for its suppliers, Congress must ensure that the safety of the American people is a non-negotiable issue.
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The most versatile roll off dump trailers we sell . With its wieght and volume combined with and ease of maneuvering it is a favorite of roofers and contractors and property management services , especially in today's smaller new home neighborhoods. With the ability to carry and dump 13, 17, or 21 yards of debris these dumpsters can be located in tight spaces where full sized roll off trucks with dumpsters won't work. With the easy to operate spring assisted electric tarp you can make sure you meet your states D.O.T. requirements while hauling. Please see our specs below for more details.
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A game of few clear cut chances ended in a stalemate at the Madejski this evening, with the Royals unable to break down a stubborn Birmingham City side who collected their third successive clean sheet. Ali Al Habsi had to save sharply when Jutkiewicz deftly flicked a low cross towards goal at the near post early on, while Williams came closest for the Royals when he forced Adam Legzdins into a good stop low to his right. But the game was destined to remain goalless as City sat back and Reading battled in vain to find a way through to goal. Jaap Stam made two changes to the side that beat Ipswich on Friday night, bringing in Jordan Obita for Tyler Blackett at left-back, whilst also introducing Stephen Quinn for his first league start of the season. A late injury to Joey van den Berg forced a late change to the starting eleven, with George Evans stepping in to replace the Dutch midfielder. Birmingham City also made two alterations to their winning side from the weekend, and also had to make a late third alteration too - changing goalkeeper Tomasz Kuszczak for Adam Legzdins at the last moment. The first chance of the game came Birmingham's way. A foul from Paul McShane on Che Adams gifted City a free kick on the left side of the box and a low fizzed cross from Cotterill was turned goalwards at the near post by Jutkiewicz and it needed a fine reaction stop from Al Habsi to block the ball on the line, Chris Gunter hacking clear eventually. Beerens got in behind the Blues' defence moments later and his cross was cleared only as far as Quinn, who missed his kick as he attempted a very difficult hook from 20 yards out. Obita and Al Habsi failed to clear an inswinging corner after a quarter of an hour but thankfully Lukas Jutkiewicz lofted the loose ball onto the roof of the net from 10 yards out. The game was scrappy, but a lovely passing move ended with Kermorgant sliding a well weighted ball between the City defenders for Beerens to run onto - only for Legzdins to come off his line and smother at the winger's feet before he could get a toe to it. The hosts were starting to capitalise on their possession and Williams tested the goalkeeper with a sweetly-struck right footed drive from 25 yards out, Legzdins saving low to his right. Next Kermorgant tried his luck from range but a deflection saw the ball spin wide of the right post and behind for a corner. Then Beerens had a drive charged down, before Al Habsi had to be alert to stop an Adams effort on the break at the other end. City came close from a Cotterill corner, Spector rising high but only able to glance wide of the target. And McCleary's floated cross found Kermorgant in the Birmingham box, but although his effort was on target, it was easy for Legzdins to pluck it out of the night sky. Al Habsi made sure a Jutkiewicz effort wasn't allowed to squirm in at his near post, turning the striker's effort behind for a corner with five minutes of the first half remaining. But the game would stay goalless at the break. McCleary arrowed over from a tight angle at the start of the second period, but Evans had to produce an excellent defensive header to clear the danger from a Cotterill corner as City started the half well. Al Habsi did well to keep a deflected Kieftenbeld effort out soon after and Jutkiewicz was offside as looked to pounce on the rebound. But Williams won successive corners with efforts that deflected behind as Reading began to ramp up the pressure on their opponents again. And a McCleary delivery from the right was dinked onto the head of McShane, only for the skipper's downward effort to be cleared by the shins of a City player inside the six yard box. A jinking run from McCleary almost unlocked a resolute Birmingham back line, winning a corner with a pull back that was intercepted. And McCleary again caused problems down the right, chipping a ball to the far post where Moore was inches away from getting his head to it. Swift, Harriott and Mendes were all introduced, while City brought on Donaldson, Maghoma and Fabbrini - but as three minutes of injury time ticked away there was to be no last gasp winner on this occasion and Reading had to settle for a point and the extension of an unbeaten record at home this season. Reading: Al Habsi, Gunter, Obita, McShane (c), Moore, Evans, Quinn (Swift 72), Williams, McCleary (Harriott 82), Beerens (Mendes 86), Kermorgant. Unused subs: Jaakkola, Watson, Blackett. Birmingham City: Legzdins, Grounds, Shotton, Spector, Morrison (c), Adams (Fabbrini 81), Tesche (Maghoma 68), Kieftenbeld, Davis, Cotterill, Jutkiewicz (Donaldson 76). Unused subs: Trueman, Robinson, Stewart, Brown.
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Save on your High Energy Bills Now! 50% Off Polaris Ultraweld window sale details! Get 50% off when you buy 16 or more Polaris Ultraweld windows with foam filled frames and sashes. Including Triple pane Low E Intercept Stainless, energySMART Ultimate plus with Krypton gas filled glass! Special Low down payment financing programs and 0% interest financing programs have Certain terms & restrictions that apply. Polaris windows feature Intercept® "Warm-Edge" technology that reduces condensation problems around the window perimeter. Compare the Intercept insulating glass window with a conventional insulating glass window. The sealant provides the moisture vapor barrier for the I.G. unit. The longer the transmission path, the slower the rate that moisture will travel into the unit through the seal. STAINLESS Steel is Impervious to gas transmission, improving gas retention and Maximizing the insulation value of your window over time. Intercept® Stainless offers one of the best transmission paths to maximize window performance. We also have big discounts on all remodeling and are a premiere home remodeling contractors in Ohio! *Special low down payment financing available to qualifying customers. Restrictions apply. Call for details.
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