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These COST-EFFICIENT Banelings Just Went STONKS!! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Todays Banelings are just built different. They are supposed to be cost-efficient?! Holy crap! That's IMBA as heck!! We immediately have to investigate! Like and subscribe if you think this is IMBA, but if you think todays guest sucks, like and subscribe instead! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jj_qrS-KTQw/maxresdefault.jpg",
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} | jj_qrS-KTQw | Hello Harstem, Zerg is completely overpowered. In this game I made no mistake and still lost. The Zerg just spammed lings and veins in my bases, which did no damage, but behind that he just creeped the entire map and tacked to Hive and then I couldn't play the game anymore. There is nothing Terran can do if the Zerg has a brain. With two control groups of Ling Bane Bollocks armies, Terran can never take a fourth. I tried to hold on with Ghost and then in parentheses behind it it says micro unit. But then he amof me with Bainlicks and in parentheses an A move unit. The Bainling is really imbalanced and always gains too much value for its cost. I'm really curious. What can Terran do to beat this? Was there anything I could have done better? Or is Terran just a non-viable race? I'm pretty sure I don't suck. So the question here is going to be Charazard, Terran player in Masters with 4.6K MMR on EU. Is it Inba or do you suck? And that leads us to this game here on Burlingrad between Chawazard, basically Chirazard but then misspelled, or perhaps the French pronunciation of Charizard, Chorazard, the beak flying orange Pokemon. And a Sisyphus here on the bottom. bottom right, a red Zerg player. Now, Perling Red is a Terran favorite map. I think most people would agree on that. It is relatively short. There is a creptone of little chokes. There is a ramp leading up towards your fifth base, which makes it difficult for the Zerg to take it. You need good creep there and creeping up ramps tends to be difficult. There's a nice little ramp up here, which gives good positions for tanks. There are tank positions in this area. There's tank positions in the bushes. You can push through the middle, remove these double mineral patches, which only have five minerals each. You have tank positions over here on the high ground. The first four bases for Terran are practically free. And that is something that's interesting, actually. In his imbalance complaint form, Chauazar, complained about the inability to take a fort base because of two groups of Ling Bane. Now, Ling Bane of Creep is one of these. units that just doesn't function very well. The link functions well. Off creep. I'm not going to lie about that. It's extremely high speed. It can run away, it can run, it can deal damage. The banling, however, falls off a freaking cliff, the amount of damages deals on creep compared to off creep. Off creep banlings generally just don't perform very well unless they initially have creep to catch up with the Terran army. This is just a fact. Banlings on creep are like twice as valuable as of creep. Another interesting complaint that Chauroix had over here is that he said that the beelings, I'm going to need to see it again here for one more second, just to make sure that I didn't, yeah, yeah, no, I read it correctly. It always gains too much value for its cost, which I thought was a very interesting thing because the bailing is one of the units that almost always trades inefficiently, almost always. Because it is, honestly, a relatively expensive unit. You need to morph it from a zerglin. For a basic unit that most of the time can't trade one for one. Yeah, it is quite an expensive unit. Also because it costs gas, of course. If you compare to like a zealot or a marine, these units do not cost gas and they trade quite well as well. Another thing that our Terran player mentioned was the fact that you don't really need the micro-bane lings and the fact that you need the micro-Terran units. Now, if we get to those situations, we can of course compare the micro that is being executed and compare the micro that is being required in these scenarios. But I do believe that the Terran might have a point there, especially on-Kareep, banlings view, like they don't need quite as much micro oftentimes. So I have to wait and see what's going to happen there. Reaper goes in for a scout, checks the gas, good play by the way. Both of their build orders are just Good. It's the beauty I think of StarCraft is that around that master level, midmasters, high masters, even low masters, you really start seeing tighter build orders, good strategic concepts, that type of stuff. It's fun to see. It's really fun StarCraft in my opinion. More mistakes than on the higher levels, obviously, but it also tends to make the games a little more dynamic. Combacks are a lot more likely, for example, which always fun to see. least for me. And it's relatively easy to still spot mistakes as well in both players. Now, Depot while on the low ground starts here with the third depot. Zirc can scout that. And as a result, know that it's not a fast triple-CC opener. Because with a fast triple-c-c-op, rather than relying on your depot, you rely on your third command center to finish up to get out of the 46 out of 46 supply block that you otherwise would run into. So this is a pretty big deal. If you're a Zerg player and you see that third supply depot, you know that it's not going to be a single gas triple-cccc. It's not possible. what's possible, but it's an extremely ineffective build. So no point in playing that of your Terran. Here come the four Hellions. We see four queens already moving towards the front. The question now is going to be, will we see a queen split or are we going to move these four queens to the Helion location each time? Nice, overlord spread as well, look at that. This air player really figured out the correct timings. Seas that there's no second starboard unit on the way either, which is good. knows that there's a Liberator on the way right now as well. Now, if it's just a Liberator, I think with Pure Queen, you can be fine, or you can get some spores. We see one. Okay, so one spore in the main, one spore in the natural. I like that. Most of the time, you're going to have majority of your queens at your third base anywhere, so you don't really need a sport over there. Spore is going to finish a couple of seconds too late, but yeah, Liberator should not be possible of dealing too much damage here. Siege is up, and this is in range of a spore. Now, this is the type of move that Terran. often make and I don't quite understand it, especially because I believe I saw that Charoosa our French Terumpleyer was looking at that Liberator and was looking at that spore as well. So here we go, we send it in. We see the spore building and then now we still need to make the decision whether to set it up inside of spore range or outside of spore range. and this obviously is a rather debatable call why would you not just put it slightly further over here like you're still vulnerable to queens from the top side and now you're also in range of the sport I don't understand this I really do not you're going to unseed as well which I guess is fine if you think you could have tried and save it you couldn't but maybe you didn't know so yeah that's a pretty big mistake and the reason I mentioned this is because you did open up with a delayed third command center for faster initial helions, for a faster starboard unit as well. If you cut economy in order to get things out faster, you need to deal some damage with it. And so far, you've only killed two workers, but you also lost a liberator of your own. So resource lost-wise, you're actually behind. This is not a good look. You've also only killed a single creep tumor and a creep, quite frankly, is booming. It's booming business to be in the creep department here over in Sisyphos, his company, if you will. Double evil on the way, extra barracks coming down. This was a six helion opener, I think. It's not a single helion has gone down. Six helion openers are, well, I think, supposed to hit slightly faster than you're hitting right now. Maybe 10, 15 seconds delayed is what you are at this point. not the biggest of deals and understandable because you're not an absolute top pro. Your opponent is actually playing some really good StarCraft. Like the Queen movement is almost consistently mirroring the Hellions, which is what you want. The creepspread is being pushed out further and further. There's five bases on the way. There's even a macro hatch coming down in the NetRow or in the third base. I am not a huge fan of this position because it can create a bit of a choke for lings and bannings if the Terran manages to siege up over here or siege up over here. rather would have it in this type of position in the main base or maybe oh even in this general spot um also possible of course then you run the risk if there's a couple of tanks over here that you have the same thing happening here with creating some type of natural choke for your uh lings and banlings to move through but i'm not a huge fan of this position but macro hatch is fine i really like it when players recognize the fact hey i have trouble spending my money in this matchup let me just get a macro hatchery that way i can spend my money money rather than floating five, six hundred minerals the entire way through. This increases my production and is a good thing. Fort and fifth base being taken at the same time also is quite standard. Ling run by is already being set out on the map as well. And the creep spread here at seven minutes is, it's honestly fantastic. I am very impressed by the Zerkes play so far. Worker count at 75, bainling speed is on the way, one one on the way. We have a run by setup. We have creep being spread. We have the appropriate amount of bases, money is being spent, bailings are being morphed in time. We have five bailings here moving on in the top side as well, going in for a run-by. And here comes the first push-out. Now, this should be capable of clearing at least a little bit of creep. So we should see a scan here, I think, that they've got the creep. And maybe with some good target fire, you could also take out some other things. We're going to move into the first point. Here we go. Okay, balings move in. We saw it. Immediately transfers the workers very quick response here out of Chawaz. are. And that is exactly what we want as well in this type of situation. So that is perfect. So far, you haven't really made any major mistakes. I'm sure your initial push was a little bit delayed, but you responded to everything in time. You haven't lost any halions yet. You've only lost that Liberator. But this is the butt. You haven't dealt any damage either. And you opened up with a two base opener with six heli, sorry, yeah, yeah, fast delayed third command center, so basically a two-base opener, into six helions and a single starboard unit, fast marines, and so far, you have killed nothing. You've killed three banlings and two lings. That this is not good enough. If you are investing heavily into your early game, you need to do something with your early game, otherwise you're just going to end up behind. And that is just what happened here. And it feels like you haven't made any mistakes, and you really haven't made any large mistakes where you mess up or you walk your entire army into banlings. But that doesn't matter. Right now, at this level, at Masters, you also need to do something. Not messing up isn't good enough anymore. You also actually need to create good moves. And I think this is something you're not quite understanding because you're like, okay, well, if I just sit at home and I don't make any mistakes, life seems pretty okay for me. And I mean, sure, this is fine, but you're going to have a good time against this type of run-by as well, most likely. But you're giving the opponent so much space, and the one thing you can do against Zerg is giving the opponent space. Because if you give your opponent space, the creep is going to continue spreading. The drone count can continue rising. Investation pit will get thrown down. There will be quick HiveTag. Tech, Hydra, then. More bailings will be created as well. And it will be really easy for Sirk to set up any potential runbys too. Now, on top of this, the fact that you're not dealing any damage wouldn't even have been so bad had you built a really fast fort base and decided to kind of just bunker down on four bases and go up to higher tech yourself but the way that you're playing this is almost with a semi three base all in like you're building a lot of units a very late fort base here at the nine minute mark only while floating one k minerals by the way um but you're not dealing any damage so once again it feels like If I look at your army and at the state of the game, it feels like you want to be aggressive, but then instead of being aggressive, you just sit at home the entire time. This is the first real creep tumor denial that we're seeing in this game, and you get pushed back immediately because your opponent, well, it's pretty easy to respond to only a single threat on the map at a time. And that's what you're doing. You're sending three meta vaccines like, oh, that didn't work. Let me just go back home. Now, Ling Runby goes in. Luckily, you still have 10 Marines idling in your main base. You also have 10 Marines Eiling in your natural for whatever reason. It's another Ling Bane run-by gets sent in. And look, I'm completely agreeing with you. These Ling and Ling Bane run-bys or whatever it is aren't really paying off in a big way for the Zerg. But they also don't really need to. The Zerg is alive. The creep is expanding. Extra bases are being taken. And he is stacking into a higher tier right now with that hive. We're going to see an Ultralisk cavern being built as well. So the Zerg is basically setting up for a late game while you're still, well, trying to get your Fort Command Center built. Like, this is not an even game anymore whatsoever. Your opponent is already starting a bank and you, well, you're not. You're not even maxed yet. Don't have, do you even have your extra barracks on the way? You're still on five barracks at this point in the game. This is a painful run-by for the Zerg once again, really not dealing too much damage. But even this type of trade, I think is fine. If you have this much map control, you can just kind of trade some units away. We see the overall resources lost app is actually relatively close. And that was the thing that I found really funny in your imbalance complaint form, of course, is that you mentioned that the bailing has way too much value. And I think the bailing, it almost always trades cost inefficiently, but because ZERC usually has more money, that is okay. And that is the case here, except this time around, Zerg actually is training somewhat well as well. Taking a seventh base, I think this is. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven before you even have your fourth base landed. I mean, you're just sitting here and doing nothing. I actually, I think this is the issue with you. This is what the issue is. Listen to this. A good way to look at it is to kind of think of StarCraft 2 and compare it to the 100-meter dash. Okay? So if we would have the Starcraft 2 leagues, you have your your bronze players. These would be the people at the 100 meter dash that would show up after the race. So often just showing up in the bronze league is enough to get your win. Then you have your silver players. These are the people that spend the entirety of the foot race complaining about how loud the starting pistol was. They might get lost on the way to the finish and all of that good jazz. You have your gold people. Now, these are the first people that start. moving in the correct direction. They know generally where the finish line is located and most of the time they will get there. Okay, but at this point you don't have to put in too much effort yet to win. We're moving up to the Platinum League. Now these people are, it's starting to look like running. Most people have stopped crawling at this point. Some are walking at a higher speed even. So, you know, it's starting to look a little bit like sprinting at this point. Then we hit Diamond and here I think most people will be wearing shoes already. The speed is picking up. But you, my friend, are in none of these leagues. You've passed these already. You've passed the bar of each of these individual leagues. You now are in Masters and here people show up in time. They wear their shoes. They know the rules of the game. And it's the same in StarCraft too. Just showing up, sitting back and waiting for your opponent to mess up massively. It's just not going to happen that much anymore. You need to force mistakes out of your opponent, and you're not doing that. Sure, you're not making that many mistakes yourself. Delayed Ford base, your initial liberator is a bit so-so. But the real issue is you are not forcing any mistakes whatsoever out of your opponent, while your opponent is trying its best to make you mess up by sending in Ling runbyes, by keeping pressure on you, all the while expanding behind it and creeping the entire map. So usually in your diamond league or in your gold leak, you'd have one of these three things happening, right? So either the opponent is expanding or they're creeping or they're attacking. But at this level, all three things are happening at the same time. And you are doing nothing. There's no pressure on the opponent. You're not denying any creep whatsoever and you're not even expanding that fast. So you just do every single thing that your opponent is doing. You're just doing it way less successful. And that is why you're so far behind right now in this game. is your opponent has a completely free game. He's not being obstructed whatsoever. And you're just going to finish, well, if it was a 100 meter dash, five, six seconds later than your opponent. And let me tell you, 100 meter dash, five, six seconds is a lot. I know. It really is a lot. It feels like a lifetime if you're the guy that is six seconds late. You once had to run these things for high school. And we had one kid that used to run for fun, you know, in his free time as well. It was actually ridiculous and it was depressing to have to run against him. So I can kind of feel what you're feeling in this game. And so, you know, I understand that this isn't fun. And you set up for a fort base, you absolutely blast it. Like, he was ready to pounce on this. This zergs game plan is just a pounce on your fort base when you try to take it to trade somewhat inefficiently, but it doesn't matter because he's outmining you in such a big way. This is even still pretty good trades, honestly, for a Zerg. like Zerg has a difficult time trading well they really really do you added your extra barracks and you're adding a fifth command center as well at this point but you're still not really putting in any look at this adding liberators at this one you're just completely turtling up and I'm all for turtling up if it's a bad situation but if you're turtling up you'll need a faster forward base you need to take a faster fifth as well in order to get that eco you can turtle up on bad eco, because then your opponent can continuously throw units at you, trade poorly and still win. And that's honestly kind of what's happening here. You pick up your units, interesting call. Every single tank is going to get taken out as well. There's a lot of tanks in this army though. I also find it kind of funny that you were talking about micro while literally the only micro you do is just running away from units. It's not like you're splitting and trying to maximize your damage output out of your Marines. I take a look at that last fight here. Like, this is not a Terran army that is, you know, splitting into little chokes and trying to find ways to maximize the marine output. At this point, you're literally just running. You shoot like twice and that's it. But there's no splits, nothing moving behind the wall, nothing to the side. You're not forcing banlings to explode onto single or, you know, double marines. Like, you're just literally running your entire chunk. And every now and again a bainling hits and you lose like, well, what is it? 5, 6, 10 supply. Resources lost is actually even. So saying that the bailing has, you know, it kills too much for what it costs, too much value for its cost. It's not actually true. All that, you lose your command center as well. This has just been a terrible sequence of events. At the same time, your opponent has the creep in your face. You have taken out 20 creep tumors in total in a 13-minute game, and like I said, this would be fine in. In the diamond league, this would be fine, in the platinum or gold, silver or bronze. But in this league, that is not okay anymore because right now there's 86 creep tumors on the map already. And I don't think that number is going to get lower anytime soon. Your opponent also figured out that you can just continuously be building more and more banlings to just burst this position. As long as you don't have a fort base, there's no real reason to panic because, well, he's taking his eighth base. Oh, and I love this move, by the way. Look at that. Taking the base closer to the Tarrant to try and mine it faster. Sisyphos. Sisyphos has a real game plan and is also using it relatively well. So it just forces another lift-off, make sure that no planetary can be built here. It's not a super efficient trait, but it doesn't really matter. Good run-bys as well. Even saving these units? Man, this is better than the average Protoss controls their Zellad run-bys. Average Pro-Los on the pro level. The safety pretty cool. Almost feels like this Sisyphus is in like a different league. I don't know to say he's smirthing, but he's definitely outclassing you. That's how bad this looks, is that I'm considering this smurfing. He's really just playing a fabulous game at this point. I'm not even quite sure why you're still in the game. Like, you've lost at this point, but you're still holding on to your rules from back in the day. You know, as long as I don't die, I still have a chance. my opponent is going to attack into me at some point and will completely ruin it because everyone else is idiot and I'm smart and I can defend everything. And actually your opponent does attack into you. But look at that! Look at the amount of constraint that this Zerg is using. It would be so easy here. Imagine being this Zerg. I'd feel like the Zerg here would have more of a justification to write an imbalance complaint for him. Like, hey, how's it possible that Terran, after doing absolutely nothing all game, not being capable of landing a fort base while I'm taking my 8th on his side of the map, having the entire map covered in creep. How is it possible that I'm not capable of killing my opponent yet? Why does this guy believe at this level that he should stay in? Like, isn't that imbalance the fact that Terrans believe that they can win a game like this? That is the real imbalance. And I'd be a lot more sympathetic with that type of complaint because that does feel a little bit ridiculous. Oh my god. How is this even possible? This is off-creep. You have tanks behind you. How do you lose 12 marines to six banlings while fighting with your entire army against like one-third of your opponent's army? Oh, good Lord. Honestly, the Zerg has been controlling the last two fights a little bit less well, but still is in a completely fine position. Now the Terran finally gets a planetary up, still a base in the main base. hasn't been morphed into anything, could turn into an orbital, could turn into a planetary as well. So a couple of creep tumors getting denied right now. You're not sending out a single drop. You're not sending out, well, basically, you could also maybe just nuke something. Just any type of pressure to the opponent would be huge. Ling run by on the right side. I just love this. Just setting in a single and checking, hey, can I attack over here? No, I can't. Can I attack on the left side? No, I can't. This is a ninth base being taken right now. So we're currently working nine base against, well, three, because this base isn't even there anymore. 87 workers, greater spire on the way, burrow, range. Literally everything is being built at this point. More ultras as well. And yet you're still staying in the game. You actually still are staying in the game. Six mines, 13 ghosts, six marauders. I think your army, honestly, isn't even that bad. And if you can survive on an army like this, and you would have had maybe four or five extra command centers, and your opponent wouldn't have the entire mapping creep, and this base wouldn't be here, and this base wouldn't be here, and your opponent wasn't maxed, and wouldn't have 2.5K minerals in the bank, you probably still would have a chance. So what I'm trying to say is that if your opponent would go AFK in the next three minutes, you destroy his army entirely while your opponent is AFK, I think it would be about even. And we'd have a real fighting chance. This could potentially be a good fight. Ooh, good splits there on the Bains, man. Why does... Poof! I want to see those splits again. Planetary gets taken out. Look at these Bane splits. Look at this. One, two. Hoo-hoo-hoo. Poof! Four directions, baby. Four directions. This Zerg split more in this. one fight, then this Terran has split in the entire game. The only micro that I've seen out of the Terran so far is running away, and that is not micro. That is, however, my strategy, if I ever get into a street fight, and then if I have to file a police report after, I'll say that I out-microde my opponent as well. Sir, you say you out-microde your opponent? Could you define that? Well, I ran at full speed. I learned that from Shahwazar. I probably get kicked out of the police station. But, yeah, this... It's actually kind of funny that you talk about ghost being a micro unit, and I see you. Look at this. Look at this. I can remove everything here. Everything is selected in a single control group. Look at this. Is the mine in there as well? Yep, mine is in there as well. Metavex, mine, ghost, Marine Marauder, a very diverse army that requires separate control. But you put everything in one group and then just run it back anyway. you were to put everything in one group so it makes it easier for you to split, I would understand that. But you move this group as one unit and just micro it away from the fight. So yeah, a little bit debatable to call your opponent out on not micro-ing. Well, I've actually seen some pretty decent splits, dodging minds, in general just calling the fights correctly what needs to be done. Don't forget that when Zerg engages into a fight with their army, they don't know what's behind it. And that is often the scary part of as a Zerg player in this matchup. You don't know if there's five tanks or seven mines up there still. It's just a really, really scary thing. Trigger some of these mines. Here we go with another fight. Planetary on the left side must have been taken out like three times as well at this point. A couple of these lings and bains being sent in ahead of the army trying to clear lines of mines, just like the mine defense. We get a pretty decent job at that. Honestly, I think the control of the Zerg is actually quite good. I also think the macro of the Zerg is quite good. I think the Zerg is, what, on 10 bases now or so? This base being built, yeah, that's going to be the 10th base. So it's 10 base against 4. And the entire map is covered in Creep. Look at his ghost. They're going to get taken out. No splits, no splits. Still running, still running, still running. Evens, look, look this. Splitting off these bailings towards the bottom side here to make sure that not everything gets caught by mines, anticipating what's going to happen in the future. freaking Nostradamus over here with the calls, man. This is fantastic. There's no way the Zerg is this level. He's just completely out playing Chorazar in this game. It's actually insane. Choirzhar, by the way, still staying in the game, despite, you know, not bothered by the fact that he is down. Well, actually, let's count the mining bases at this point. We'll count this as not a mining base, and we'll count this as half a mining base. So that is half a mining base against, Well, one, two. But potentially, actually every single base on the map right now could potentially still be mining. And a lot of them are mining. It's like literally six base mining or so. And it has been like this for a long time. Overall, the resources lost that, by the way. The one thing that the Terran complained about was the cost of the bailing. The cost compared to the value of the bailing. This is the one thing he complained about. And this is the one thing he actually is ahead in. is in the units lost. Our Terran player lost less units, at least resource-wise, than the Zerg. And also probably in actual unit numbers, because lings are very small and only have supply. Now, this probably is, well, once again, the final fight. I feel like I've been looking at final fights for the past 10 minutes already, and just waiting for Chalajar to also realize that it's the final fight. My friend, the troops... No, Gigi. Okay. I dig it. So it actually was the final fight this time. Leaves without a G. Sends in an imbalance complaint form complaining about banlings being an AMOVE unit while continuously moving away with ghost. This is an unbelievable imbalance complaint form. The question on there was, I'm really curious, what can Terran do to beat this? Now, what can Terran do to beat this? It's a relatively long list. So, first of all, if you open up with an, aggressive opener, you invest into your aggression, you need to deal damage with that. Or you need to force so many units and in that way inflicts inflicts some type of indirect damage. Otherwise, if you're incapable of dealing damage in the early game, you're not good with the harassment, play triple-CC builds. Double Benchy, eight Helion, four Helion into a two-on-one type of deal with a fast third CC, these builds, you don't have to deal as much damage with in the early game because you have a very fast third CC yourself. You're going to be able to also get a quick 4C with that. And then you can really turtle up on these four bases. If that is your play style, you should be switching up your build order. If your play styles to be really aggressive, your opener and your follow up makes some sense. But if you don't know how to use Halleons aggressively and your plan is to sit back and do nothing, then sit back and do nothing, but do it on a better economy as well. What else is there that Terran can do to beat as well? You could consider splitting your units. You could consider getting mines a little bit faster as well. Sensor towers are good to know where the army is coming from. Do I actually need to continue going on? Targeting with your mines could be useful as well. Targeting with your tanks. I haven't really seen that either. Most of the time the tanks were just shooting at lings rather than at banlings. Like there's literally an infinite amount of things that you could have done better. You could every now and then move on the map to try and deny some active creep tumors. I actually think that literally everything that Terran can do could have been done better in this game. You did nothing even remotely close to a high level. And your opponent was actually of a high level. You played against an opponent that knew how to tie his shoelaces, that knew how to run. He ran fast. He finished that 100 meter dash. seconds and you my friend you got lost midway through and still looking for the finish line that is an issue that has nothing to do with Terran that is nothing to do with Zerg no my friend you just suck that's the the hard hard reality all right that's going to be it for me today thanks everyone so much for watching this uh episode of is it imba or do i suck do you think that you found some real imbalance and you believe that you finally have me bested make sure to send in your own imbalance complaint form. In the description, there's a link to a Google form or whatever it's called, fill in your replay, your information, and maybe next week you will be the one who gets judged. Don't we all want that in life? Being judged. Thanks so much for watching. Subscribe, like and bye-bye. |
Cooking Advice With Harstem | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Welcome back to Is It Edible Or Does My Air Fryer Suck. Sadly not sponsored by a big Air Fryer Manufacturer, but we are working on that for sure. Sit back and let the maestro of cooking analogies take over your mind, to tell you to like and subscribe! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xELJrAvk9QE/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | xELJrAvk9QE | Dear Harstam, the CIA can't be stopped. Charged Lot Immortal Arcon timings. Normally, I would not blame balance, as I like to ponder, what would a pro player do? And try to overcome the problems in my play. However, this time is different. I fought against the same 5.2K Protoss player, a friend, on the latter, who went the exact same two-base Charcelot Immortal Arcon, also known as the CIA, A, all in, for all six games we played. I lost every single time. I know it's coming, but I can't stop it. Even when I noticed from the replays and try to exploit the lack of early units in his build, he still managed to barely halt and then overwhelm with the K.O. timing attack, despite having lost all his workers at his natural. It's ridiculous. He gets five immortals, a couple of Harkons, and then eight gate endless char slots with plus one, and he just A-moves at around the seven. to eight minute mark. Pure Roach Reveager dies. Roach Reveager Baines and lings dies. And it's not like I can really tack to lurkers that early without leaving gaps in my build order. I know my control on these fights aren't great. But is that really the only thing that is screwing me over? We're both playing from Asia to the NA server, so there's some lack, question mark. Am I getting too many drones? Question mark? Is my unit combat? Question Mark. Is the only way to hold the push to somehow snip the war prism? Question mark. How is it that I can have complete knowledge of what is coming, but still not be able to stop it? Question mark. I asked him what he thinks I should do, but even he is clueless as to how Zir can beat it. He says he copied the build order from Astrea in a game where Solar died to the timing. I am frankly at a lost at how to handle this build. Please advise me, Captain. is it imba or do i suck i have six replays of me trying out different things against this build i will just submit the one in which i held the longest with a proxy hatch blocking is natural to slow this build this was written in parentheses at the bottom of the imbalance complaint form the person who submitted it is called quote i think race is Zerg the league is master is a 4.8k player at the time of writing on the north american serk So that being said, let's hop into the game. Coat in the top right as our red Zerg player with this beautiful blizzard employee spinning around the hatchery and in the bottom left we have Leo. A beautiful three letter name. I think Leo also means lion. I'm not quite sure if that is true, but that's my feeling with the name. It's the name of a lion. That's for sure. This guy is opening up with a Gateway Scout which is extremely enlightened and I like it. At the same time we see this this, this dream. this drone move around the map and actually trying to get the block that we were talking about or that the guy was talking about in his imbalance complaint for him. So, so far this actually looks good. Just straight out of the Bly playbook, a classic third hatchery on the opponent's natural. Now, many people might not be aware of this, but there was a time in StarCraft 2 where this was relatively common and I want to kind of do a throwback there to the Sue games at Intel Extreme Mastres Katowice in. I want to say 20, 19 or 2018, I think it was 2019, where every single time against Protoss, or at least a lot against Protoss, he would open up with three hatch before pool, with the third hatchery not being on his own third base, but on the opponent's third base. And because of that, I have quite some experience with this build, at least from the Protoss side. I know how to respond with it, and I know what's annoying to play again. So as a Protoss, the appropriate response tends to be to pull four workers and to Krono boost a Zealot out. That way you can take out the hatchery without it finishing and without there being any creep whatsoever on your natural. And that is obviously the entire goal. The Zerg, if this hatchery goes down anyway, most likely still will be slightly ahead. It's a good situation for the Zerg, but only ever so slightly. And as the Protols here isn't really pooling a lot of workers, I think here it would be the correct call to actually finish this hatchery. That way you can delay the opponent's nexus for a long time. A with the creep. And at the very end, because some larva will spawn from the hatchery, you can build overlords from it. Ooh, Evo chamber. Hatchery cancel into building an Evo chamber is probably a good call if you're being attacked by four or five workers and a zealot, and you can't finish the hatchery with a lot of HP, like with 3,400 HP. So I think this was a mistake and it kind of defeats the purpose of the build. You're not actually blocking this Nexus for very long with it. It is still a reasonably time block and you save a lot of money because you don't finish the hatchery. But I actually would have preferred you finishing the hatchery there. But this is a minor detail. I still think your opening is fine. Your opponent is getting a second gate as well, which is quite frankly terrible for Protoss. Whenever a second gateway gets built, oh no, never mind. There's already tech out. I was going to flame him for getting a second gateway before attack. But this Protoss actually knows how to play the game. He lost 5-2 as well, so that makes sense. No, this is a proper thing. He is slightly supply block, so the prism is delayed, and that is bad, obviously. We also still see you mining with two workers in gas. This is kind of stupid, and this is especially bad because you already invested a lot of minerals into blocking your opponent's hatchery. The moment you're mining gas early in the game, there needs to be a plan with that gas, because gas is a very expensive resource to get. I've discussed this many times. But the only way for any of the races to gain economy is to spend minerals and to get minerals. So more minerals means more economy. Queens, overlords, drones, hatcheries, extractors, anything that can create economy requires minerals. So the more mineral mining you have in the early game, the better it is for your economy. If you want to become more aggressive in the early game or you want to attack quick or get quick upgrades, getting extra gas is very useful. But right now you're floating 160 gas, which you don't need at all. Like what are you going to get? A bainling nest? A fast plus one? You want to rush to layer? No, of course not. I like the Roach Warren, but you don't need to have 300 gas ready by the time that Roach Warren finishes. That is completely useless. You can't produce freaking, what is it, 12 roaches at this time in the game. You don't even have the minerals for that. So the ratio between the gas. and the minerals right now is completely off. And usually I don't mind that much, but you're a 4.8K player that is high masters. You're probably pretty close to Grandmasters, especially on NA. You should be aware of how the mineral to gas ratio works at this point. This is kind of sad. Now, if we look over at the Protoss, we also see that Protoss has a lot of gas, but for Protoss, this is understandable because the race works differently. Often for Protoss, you need to initially bank up gas so you can later either use it in Sentries if you're going for some type of two-base push or for Templar, Colossi, Disruptor, or later on upgrades. You can't as easily just take eight gases at the same time, saturate all of them and get an insane increase in gas income like zergan. You're also getting a bailing nest after you get the Roche Warren. And this actually is a mistake. And I'm going to explain this. and I will draw an analogy with moving into a new house. So when you leave your parents' house for the first time, when you're maybe 18 or 26 or 35, no matter how old you are, you will be facing the reality of having to buy a set of pans and pots. Everyone needs to buy these because you need to cook somehow. Now, the Roche Warren is kind of the five or seven pans and pot sets that you can get at the IKEA. Okay, it's a very useful thing to have. You're not a great cook most likely. So they will absolutely suffice. Like this is your primitive pots and pans. Nothing too fancy. It's the same in Stargerton. The Roach Warren, it helps you defend against most things extremely well. The Bealing Nest is more like an air friar. It is a very specialized tool that should never be your priority. And if you have limited funds, like you do right now, as you're only on 41 workers, you can't afford an air friar at this point. You can't afford this bailing nest. We should be sticking to our IKEA set of seven pots and pans. You know, you get your sauce pan, maybe two frying pans, and then two of these pans with the pots with the lids on it. You can boil your potatoes in it or make some nice soup. This air friar is way out of your budget at this point. On top of that, you're also taking a second gas, which is kind of understandable if you're getting a bailing nest, because you obviously want to be spending the gas, but you shouldn't be getting the Baining Nest, and thus you probably also should not be getting this gas quite yet. You want to be getting this gas as late as possible to once again increase your mineral income for as long as you can. Another mistake that you're making right now at this point is that you don't have a ling over here, scouting for anything. So you are extremely aware that your opponent does not have a third base, although I wouldn't mind if you scout around a little bit to make sure there's no proxy base, but you are not quite sure if your opponent is moving out or not. So that means that you're forced into building units that you don't need whatsoever. Your opponent isn't moving out. The beauty of Zerg is that you can respond to what you see. You don't have to blindly do things. You literally always have map control either with over... Where's your Overlord, by the way? It's not there. I guess it got taken out by the prison maybe. Prison and a stalker. Perhaps. Anyway, with lings, you can also see a move-out happening. By the time the Protoss leaves here, you have about like what? 35 to 40 seconds before this slow, sluggish army makes it way to this position or to disposition. Plenty of time to get roaches out to morph ravagers to morph baines. Morping revergers and baines ahead of time is completely nonsensical. There's no point. The morph time of these units is so low that if you have a scout here, you will always be able to get these units out in time. So these are resources that you're investing into something that you cannot be using yet. it just makes absolutely zero sense. Like you're just wasting money. You could either be getting more drones. You could be getting more queens. If you're not sure what's happening as a Zerg player, but you want to be safe, what you can do is you can build drones and queens. And if you already have like seven to eight roaches like you do in this case, that's great because then the moment you see your opponent move out, you just morph your roaches into Reviters. You start unit production. You have the maximum amount of drone. drones that you can have and you have a creptone of queens, which are great at, well, everything really. Defense, offense, spreading creep, transfusing, keeping yourself alive, killing air units, killing ground units, tanking against ground units, tanking against air units. They can inject, so provide more larva as well. They look pretty cool. And you have to do massive things on their head. Like five arms or something like that. They could really beat you up in a fight. I'd like to see the queen against Floyd Mayweather. And when I'm talking about the queen, I'm not talking about the old British lady, because I think Floyd Mayweather would definitely have that. But, you know, this queen, the desert queen. I don't think Floyd Mayweather would be having such a good time, especially if there's a couple of carapace upgrades on this. Take a couple of hits. So now this army moves out. And this is when you should be building you. So you probably should be, you asked, did I build too many drones? And I think the answer is no. You didn't build too many drones. maybe you even build too little drones, but most importantly, you build the drones that you built too late because you were too focused on building banlings, roaches, mainly banlings and ravagers, and other things that you didn't really need at that point in time yet, which you could have known if you just had scouted. So your opponent starts moving out. I actually do believe you have a fairly good defense setup, honestly. Like, despite the banling nest being a luxury earlier in the game, seven minutes in on 60 workers. Yeah, I think getting a couple of banlings is fine. Now, I do have to admit that getting 25 banlings against a push like this is a bit much. The banling is one of these units where it doesn't really matter whether, especially if you're trying to kill zealids. It doesn't matter so much if you have 10 or 35 in this case, because you're most likely going to be capable of blowing up the zealots and you won't be capable of blowing up the Archons. You can only blow up the Archons if you have such a huge eco lead that you can afford throwing 40 banlings into an army and then everything explodes at the same time. But if you can't clear an arcon, then, well, there's no point in getting more than 10 banlings maybe. So a lot of these banlings are kind of wasted defensive units. It could have been more revergers. This is a pretty decently sized error, and I'm going to be kind of nitpicky here because, well, let's face it, you're supposed to be pretty good. 4.8K MMR. You see your opponent move on your creep. You have a position with Ravagers and with Bainlings. One of the many strengths of the Ravager, and the Ravirder really does have very many strength, is the fact that you can hold ramps extremely easily. The Bial is a great zoning tool, probably about as good as the force field or a storm on us. Well, okay, storm is better. I take the part about the storm back, but it is a freaking good zoning tool. You can keep this ramp for a little bit, and time is on your side, you know. there's no third base yet. You're up about 20 workers. You're outmining your opponent by 700 minerals a minute. That equals about like five spine crawlers, I guess, if you include the cost of the drone as well. So every minute that you stay alive, you can add five spine crawlers into this army or into this defense while keeping the same army production as your opponent. Just put that in your mind and think how crazy that is. In two minutes from now, you'll have 10 extra spine crawlers and there's no way this pathetic little army is ever going to be breaking through. Back into the game. So you should have held this ramp. And also these banlings, the moment these zealids walk up, like the complete idiots, like they are in this case, the zealids should die immediately. They kind of do die immediately. Your roaches and rafters are kind of behind. Your queens aren't tanking. And you throw away all of your banlings. Okay. This was a bad fight, but yet you're in a good situation. situation. I'm going to explain to you why this actually was a bad fight rather than just calling it a bad fight. It's always interesting to know the reasons why. Like I mentioned before, the use of the bainling here is to blow up the zealot. Once you're done with blowing up the zealots, you can save these bainlings. Let's go back to our air fryer analogy here. Imagine you want to fry fish sticks in your air fryer. Okay? So you fry these fish sticks in your air fryer. You eat the fish sticks in the air fryer. You will still keep the air fryer because it is still working. You will not throw it out saying, well, I ate the fish sticks today. I have nothing to put in my air fryer currently. And thus, I will throw my air friar in the trash. And it's the same with the banlings. You wouldn't do that with an air fryer. You wouldn't do it with the banlings. Your banlings are still in perfectly fine condition. You can just send them over here. Save them for the next Zellet Warbin, which you know inevitably is going to come. Bainlings are your tool at defending the zealots, your roaches and ravagers and your queens, are the two at defending absolutely everything else. The Aracons, the sentries, the immortals, but just the zealots, it's really nice to have banlings against these. Throwing them into this army, look at this. You're barely even doing any damage through this immortals because you're busting through the barrier. There's really no point. Now, these immortals with plus one, absolutely ripping to. through your roaches as well, of course, at this point. And with the zealids tanking, none of these units are really dying either. I still think this is a very playable position for you. I actually believe you're kind of ahead. Getting the bailing speed upgrade at this point is interesting and I think a mistake. I much rather have roach speed, which would make kiting easier, rather than bainling speed. Look, your bainlings are going to be exploding on top of the zalids. you're not trying to catch high Templar with a flank from the back. It's really not that difficult. Save the gas that you're investing here and put it into more revergers instead. Put it into road speed. Hell, get more queens, although those don't cost gas. You also spend some minerals here. You're floating a crap ton of money. You could be building three queens at a time and pull all of... This is a brilliant trick that especially lower-level Zerg players, and I'm just going to say it, a 4.8K Zerg player apparently also isn't aware of this yet. If you're in trouble, you can pull all your active queens that are currently injecting hatcheries. You inject once with them, then you pull them downstairs and you just build new queens. And that's completely fine. And you can repeat this trick over and over again. And your queen count will continue to grow forever. And you will hardly miss any inject. I think you'll miss like, what, 10, 12 seconds or so of an inject round. But because you're spending money on queens is most likely fine. Here, once again, the zealids move forward. This time your bailings are stuck behind this massive, fat, piece of royalty. lings stuck behind your roach army as well. So the zealots tanked a lot of the initial shots. And I don't think your transfuses were too hot either. They will actually need to kind of take it a little bit slower here. So if we count the amount of transfuses available, we see what? There's three over here. There's four here. There's two here. There's zero here. Four plus two plus three. Every time I do mad hamster makes fun of me. I think this is third. I think we have 13 transfuses. 4, 4, 2, 3. Yeah. Let's count how many you actually use. So this one died without using a single one. That was 4. So out of the 13, we're already missing 4. This one dies with 3. So we're now missing 7. I think I just saw a transfuse be used here. That's 1. That's 2. That's 2. 2. I think 2 or 3 transfuses. It's difficult to count. There could have been a lot more health here on these queens or on the roaches if you want to heal those, of course. You could even be transfusing lings if you really want to if you're such a tryhard. Still floating a decent chunk of money as well. Might want to just spend it on getting a couple of drones at this point. It's probably worth it. Evo chamber. If you're building an Evo chamber, you're really investing in the far future. I wouldn't mind if you just use it to block units, but actually to get upgrades in your main base. Like that's two minutes away from now. I think you can spend that money more wisely. But at the same time, you're floating so much that maybe it's fine. Getting nine more banlings. I kind of like getting some banlings. I wouldn't mind seeing some more revereters. Once again, you're not really guarding the ramp ever either, which I think is one of the biggest mistakes that you've made so far this game. Oh, now we see the bainling speeds. So they will be useless at high speed. Look at that. It's like driving a Porsche into a wall. At least it was fast. Very nice. yeah, at this point you're dead. I mean, you have nothing left. His entire army, I mean, he's five immortals. He's going to bless every single roach that you have. And this is basically just because you fight like a bit of a clown. There's really not too much to say about this. Your early game wasn't very tight either. Yeah, I mean, you stay in for a long time as on. This is a massive copium here out of you. Gigi, at least you do Gigi. Then you leave the game. Wow. Leo wins. What actually was it that you completely? about exactly. So you weren't sure what to do. That was the main thing. What would a pro player do? And then you bring up that Austria beats solar with it in one game. Now, this is one of these things that absolutely pisses me off. Pro players lose all the time to certain strategies. Okay. I could, with this type of logic, I could pick one build where clam beats a player and we're like, look, even another pro player couldn't hold clams, whatever, eBay block into Tourex pressure. which isn't a very good build, but just because Klam won with it, then all of a sudden that's an argument. I don't think that is quite how it works, and I don't think it's quite how it's supposed to work. So that's an argument that I immediately will just say, I ain't buying it. What else was there? How is it that I can have complete knowledge of what is coming, but still not be able to stop it? See like this. Imagine you're boxing against Floyd Mayweather, okay? And he says, I'm going to punch the rights. side of your head, which is this side of my head. It took a little longer than should have. And then if you put up your arm on the left side like this, I'm not sure how you're supposed to defend your head in boxing. I never did boxing. And he punches your right side. And then you go, I knew exactly what was happening. I had full knowledge. Yet you knocked me out in one hit. How is that fair? He just laugh at you and probably walk away. Because it's kind of an idiotic thing to do. You had complete knowledge of what was happening, except you didn't really. know the moveout timing, I guess. But you just didn't respond properly. You took your gases way too early. You built units way too early. You could have built way more drones earlier, getting more money initially, and then later on start producing units. Your queen count was too little. You didn't use the transfuses. You didn't use the ramp control that you had with the ravagers and roaches as well. So there's lots of things that you were lacking. The spines were in a truly terrible position. If you can have spines attacking the moment units come onto a ramp, that is a fantastic thing because then the protels is naturally forced to either stutter step forward to kill the spines moving into your banlings as well or the protels is forced to stand in a small concave on the ramp where not everyone can shoot and the immortals will kind of start dancing you know kind of behind one another which altogether is just a bad situation so honestly I don't even think you play too bad like some of the things you did were good I mean you built units and you realized it wasn't Al-in, but then at the same time, your micro, your army composition, your build-up, your scouting of when the move-out was, yeah, it just all sucked. And if you're playing against a well-timed all-in, which this was, someone that follows a build order properly, and you don't defend properly, you make six, seven defense in the defensive execution, that is on you. That is not imbalanced. That is how the game is supposed to function. If you don't know when an all-in is going to hit and you don't defend properly when you do finally get the knowledge, yeah, you're supposed to die. That's not in balance, my friend. That is just you. Sucking. And that's going to be my verdict for today. And you have to do with that. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did, don't forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel and hopefully I will see all of you next time for new videos just as high quality as this one. So yeah, thank you and bye-bye. |
HE FOUND THE HIDDEN COUNTER TO LARVA!!! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Remember iNnoVation, the Korean Terran Pro Player? He fall WAY short of todays innovation in the TvZ matchup! This guy figured out, how to counter Larva! And how is Zerg supposed to build any units, if you are constantly out of Larva? A never before seen buildorder sent straight from heaven. Like, subscribe and abuse it on the ladder, before they nerf it to the ground! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9xgeqdtjSZg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 9xgeqdtjSZg | Hello Captain. This was a Zerg vs. Terran game that made me realize that Terran is Inba. And Zerg is absolute trash. This build that the Terran player played was the stupidest build that I've ever seen. He never got more than one barracks, factory and Starport until 8 minutes. He proxied a reactor Starport and proceeded to spam the Liberators into my base with no regards if they survived. The Liberators once shot all of my larvae so that I could no longer produce any unit. To be honest, I wasn't playing my best, and I was a bit late on the spores. But the very fact that Terrans can shut down a Zerg's entire production with a few liberators is stupid. So, is it Imba or do I suck? I love that this guy, in the balance complaint form, already says that he wasn't playing him best. He's already making the excuses, protecting his ego. I have a feeling this is going to be a great game. The name is Terran Master. The race is Zerg. is Diamond, 3.5K MMR, and the server is North America. So the question is, is it Imba or do I suck? Great stuff over here on Curious Minds. Penny versus the Terran Master. And the Terran Master is going to be the player that we will be paying attention to. Despite the name, do not get tricked by that. It is indeed a Zerg player with so far an absolutely perfect builder. Look at that Overlord pop out, double drones as well. the same time we have the Terran, Penny, starting with a gas first. This is a very uncommon build order for Terran as it delays the initial barracks a little bit, but it allows you to get a faster factory while building a Reaper. That is the main advantage that this builder has. We also see an extremely quick SCV Scout. I'm not quite sure what this is all about. Almost feels like Penny wanted to hedge block, except didn't quite very much. remember the time of when the initial hatchery goes down. Because this doesn't look great. Okay, we have a second refinery on the way. That is indeed quite interesting. Now, there were some complaints in the imbalance complaint form about the build order of the Terran player. So we're going to keep an eye on that. I think that is only fair, of course. I'm still not entirely sure what exactly was imbalanced. It seemed like Terran Master was complaining about the fact that Liberators could one-shot larva. This is the first time that I've ever heard that complaint in my life. A bunker. Okay. And a factory at home as well? Five SUVs in gas. Well, this is... I've never seen this before either. I don't think this is on purpose. Yeah, okay. One worker gets pulled out and another worker gets pulled out. But yeah, this is definitely not on purpose. That was a massive mistake. We get a second depot. And this bunker will finish up. The SUV will immediately run away. No need to repair it. No cesspenny. I am just going to run this SUV to the top side of the map where it will be safe from any of these angry zergs influences. Zerg so far knows that there is no command center on the natural. So start a spine crawler. Make some sense, right? You also see a bunker. Might be something like a Forex, but instead it's going to be a proxy starboard. Now, one of the first priorities that I would have, if I were a Zerg player, I know that there is no command center, and I know that a bunker just got built, I would start scouting around the map, just sending one link towards the top side and one link towards the bottom side. I can, of course, can't completely blame Tarrantmaster for not doing that. It does take a little bit of APM. What I wouldn't do, however, is build 10 extra lings. The Zerg has a beautiful little thing called the queen. And the queen can be built while you're producing workers from your larva. As a Zerg player, generally, you need to decide between units or drones. But the queen is kind of the exception because the queen is a defensive unit that doesn't cause larva. And you can build this unit while you're building drones. So ideally what you want to be doing in this type of situation is you just continue drone production. You scout around the map. you check if your opponent is moving out with the lings, and then you just build queens and drones. You get a very good eco, you're saving up energy on your queens, and you know that your opponent does not have a command center yet. Now, the beauty of the queen is that it doesn't only attack ground, but yes, it also shoots up. On top of that, it has an amazing amount of tanking ability, it has decent damage output, and they can heal each other. So really, it is the catch-all solution for Zerg against anything that can be constructed off of one base. What doesn't really work well is the zergling. The zergling basically sucks against anything that Terran can build. It's bad against Marines. It's bad against mines. It sucks against Haleans. It's not great against tank bushes. Bainlings are good, but right now the Zerg player isn't really at an economy to get bailings out. It's just simply not possible. I also love, by the way, that he built this entire line of zerglings just to move them back home, not scout around the map. We've been supply blocked at 35 out of 36 for what felt like five minutes. Now we lost an overlord and we're actually supply blocked at 28. The 28 supply block is something we don't see very often. That means that there's only two overlords on the map currently. Four minutes into the game. For just a point of reference, I think the standard. timing for your third overlord to usually finish is actually like maybe 205 or 210. So yeah, this doesn't look very good. The eco here and the general state of the game, it feels like we moved back in time. That's not a positive thing usually in StarCraft 2. If I haven't had a time machine, that would be a very positive thing. I'd be doing great things with it, like buying lots of Bitcoin in 2009, writing down all the lottery numbers. like I'd be I'd be a great person let me tell you that much predict loads of future events as well I'd be the true one Oracle I thought about this actually before that if I would if I would be capable of traveling back in time to predict future events what would most likely happen is that some government would kidnap me put me in a room and force me to do the future telling for them so you probably wouldn't you kind of want to keep a low profile you know you wouldn't want to be able to predict everything just every now and again and just like one of these people like one of the carnival people with the crystal ball you want to just kind of throw stuff out there so every now and again you're right and you point that see I'm right but you also want to have a backlog of predictions that are completely incorrect so that when the FBI comes knocking at your door you say no no no see I'm just gambling a lot you know I used the shotgun approach I put a lot of crap out there and eventually I get right. How this is in relation to this game, I can't quite recall. What is rather odd though is that we're right now getting triple gases as well as a spire off of three queens and 27 workers. Now, I'd like to remind everyone right now that Terran Master, our Zerg player, isn't aware what's going on. There is no vision on whether there is a command center. a third base has been taken, but technically we're still preparing for a one base all-in. Now, what are some common one-base all-ins? Well, they don't exist because there's no such thing as a one-base all-in in TVZ, but if we were to just think about it with a barracks, a factory and a starboard, we'd be thinking of marine tank pushes with metaphics, we'd be thinking of a Benchy attacks maybe, maybe a battle-cruiser rush as well. Literally every single thing that the Terran could have built from one base, This, whatever the heck it is that Terran Master is doing is not good against it. Terran Master had the audacity to complain about his opponent's build order, but his own build order is even worse. And you know what they say? If you live in a glass house, you shouldn't be throwing stones at other people, or you shouldn't be throwing stones in general. In general, you shouldn't be throwing stones. It's a dangerous hobby. Also, quite frankly, a rather weird hobby. I have a three-year-old domesticated hamster that lives in my basement and sometimes I let him out of his cage and he'll run over my keyboard and touch my mouse and I've seen him produce build orders that make more sense than whatever crap it is that you're showing me here, Terran Masterik, because this build is actual hot garbage. It doesn't make sense. It's not safe against anything that is from one base. It is not good against anything that would be from two-base. it just completely sucks. Low eco, really fast stack. You're actually super lucky. Honestly, you're one of the luckiest people here because aspire is kind of good against this. You get like two corruptors and you will be fine forever. Now you of course also have the two queens which should be capable of killing these liberators. Or you could lose both of the queens. But there's still one queen out there. Where's that queen? Oh, it's spreading creep. That is great. I like the priority. here of the Queen as well, defending this particular creep tumor over making sure that this Liberator will not be capable of denying mining for the next five minutes. You gotta be kidding me. You literally have a single unit a micro. How is this possible? How is this? What are you even looking at? Okay. What is this? Someone stomping on your drones? Indeed. Okay, look at this. You're selecting it? You're looking at this. You're walking in the circle, you still have it selected? You still have it selected? This is wonderful. This is slow motion view of some of the lowest level decision making that I've seen in my life. I knew that people like Terran Master were out there. And after two and a half years of doing, is it Imba or do I suck? I finally found one. A complete idiot. it. I've joked before about negative IQ. But Terran Master, if you're out there, I think science would like to study your brain. And then, you know, people, scientists always looking for ways to increase people's IQ. What they could do with you is they'd look at your brain and then reverse it, basically. The complete opposite of what your brain is like, reverse that and we'd get someone with infinite IQ. That at least is my theory for now. I like the queen that you're building here makes sense. You have great success with the last queen that you build as well. So I do like that you build another one. Taking a Ford gas. Yes, that definitely is the priority right now for us. Very, very smart. We have two gases that we're not mining from, getting a spore. Why are you getting a spire if you're not planning on using it? Like you could have at least built like a corruptor here from this base while it's not being blasted by these liberators. You said that every single larva got taken. You're building four drones. How does this have the priority? Two spores in the natural? How do six drones have the priority over getting two corruptors to deal with the Liberator harass? Ling run by. Gets taken out by this mine and then you're a hold positioning here behind the mineral line. Some great stuff. high level of RAS? I just really don't understand this. It's like I'm watching the first person view of like Alpha Star playing its first training game or something like this. It actually blows my mind that there's people like you out there. Like, why did you take the Ford Gas? Why did you build a spire if you didn't want to use it? I have so many questions for you. I'd like to get in contact for you. Could you please send me, an email and just we can talk it out but I'm excited to speak with someone exactly like you. I'm just so curious. 23 workers, two spores already done. This Liberator right now is threatening absolutely nothing. And rather than just sending these drones into the main where there is a spore already, you decide to build another spore with the only, what is it, 70 minerals that you have in your bank. You decide to build a spore at this base. I also like the persistence of trying to build units from these larva rather than just saying, okay, I'm probably not going to be capable of getting the units from those larva. It simply seems to be impossible. Now, your opponent actually isn't building anything. Your opponent genuinely has a terrible build order, and you are getting absolutely destroyed by this terrible build order. I don't think you should be complaining about the fact that your opponent is playing a bad build order. I think you should be grateful that your opponent isn't playing a real build. If Penny would have played something remotely similar to a view build, you would have probably lost all 32 workers, send them into like a mine drop, or if there was a single battle cruiser here, you would have two queens and a spore in no man's land. Like, this absolute garbage, triple queens on the way once again, because obviously after losing the first four queens, the thing that you really are going to be needing is more queens that you are not going to micro. This guy's actually controlling his liberators as well. I really do like that. Penny is having a blast over here. Does set it up into one of your spores, so at least you will get this liberator. The thing that frustrates me the most is that I don't even think you're that slow. Yeah, you look quite fast. You pull your workers away every single time. At least you somewhat pull them away. You move the spores around as well. It's just like you have no... Overlord speed. This is actually like watching an AI. Plus one! Maybe... Maybe Terran Master is playing some challenge, or not wanting to build any units, but getting the upgrades for them. Some beating Grand Master with Stupid Stuff. But rather than the series being called Beating Grand Master with Stupid Stuff, it's losing the diamonds. Wait, this is diamond? This is, yeah, this is 3.5K MMR on NA. Holy crap, America. Get it together. Another spore here. Another spore. The triangle spore location. Like the priorities here of what we're spending our money on is crazy. It's similar. Imagine you're in a post apocodictic world. Post-acopolitic world. Post, no. I was correct the first time. I was correct the first time. A post-apocalyptic world. And you have five post-apocalyptic coins. And you go to the post-apocalyptic store. And there you get the decision between six cans of beans, food, or one of these plugs that you can, it's like a translator plug, you know? When you go to America or to Canada, you put it in the wall. They can put your European plug in it and it will still work. You get electricity. Now, usually if you would have, what is I, say, five money or six. money and you could buy one of those. I'd say that's a relatively good deal if you don't have one of these. They're quite useful. But you forgot the fact that we're in a post-apocalyptic world and in this world, the six cans of beans are actually going to be way more valuable. And it's very similar here. Usually I'd say, hey, you know, getting the pneumatized carapace, the ovalor speed and sure, the plus one on the spire is great. But right now, this is a situation where your opponent is continuously rallying liberators into your bases. You're on 36 workers. The priority should be getting units out to deal with the liberators and then getting drones out to get back your economy. The priority is not getting upgrades for air units that you don't even have, getting triple spores in your main base and making your overlords fly faster. Like, what is this? I just don't, I don't even understand why you're adding two more. here. You're already set up Hydra Den. You cancel the plus one and go for a Hydra then now. This entire game just makes no sense whatsoever to me. I don't understand how this is 3.5k MMR. I really just do not understand that. I used to respect people in Diamond. This is very, very low level. I think this is the worst game we've seen. He does a creep spread though. This Zerg is really bad. Starcraft players are worse than this. That is so difficult to imagine for me. And it hurts a little bit as well. This is a relatively old game. Okay, this is it. No G-G either because obviously the only reason your opponent was because of imbalance. I'm not even sure if I can take this imbalance complaint from serious. This feels like a setup, like these two guys, the Terran Master and Penny, just set together like let's create the worst game possible, say that it's a different game possible, say that it it's diamond and send it in. I just can't actually believe that this is a real game that got played on the ladder. It just seems so unlikely to me. I don't really know what to say. I don't even really want to make a judgment here, honestly. Like, it's obvious to me that liberators are difficult to deal with, especially at lower levels. They can be shift queued in, and they can deal a lot of damage. You need to put sports in position. The queens always walk stupid when you aim of them. But you were looking at it every single time. You had somewhat correct tools. You had a spy already. It's like there was no decision making whatsoever in your head. And just nothing. I really don't know what to say here. You could have literally done anything else and it would have been better. I really just don't get it. It's just nothing here made sense. Like the entire thing, the only thing that would make sense is if you face this build very often on the ladder and you have no clue what to do against it is you use the process of elimination to try and get to the correct answer. So imagine we have a difficult mathematical question, a difficult for a Terran master in this case, like two plus seven. Now, most people would know that it's nine, but what you could do instead is you could just fix it. in every single answer until whatever you're asking or whatever thing you're putting it in tells you that's correct. You start with one, then you get two, then you get three, four, five, six, seven, eight, then you get nine. This is what's happening right now, I think, with this game. It wouldn't surprise me if from now on I'm going to continuously be getting replay sent to me by Terran Master against this exact build order, which is wildly varying, varying responses. So it starts with like this complete crap, four gases, aspire, get plus one, overlord speed, walk my queens into the liberators. And then he hears me say, it's like, oh, this is not good. Okay, it's not good. Next time he's going to build a hydra then, build four roaches, morph six banlings, and then moonwalk the queens across the map. This is the only explanation that makes any sense whatsoever. This genuinely was the worst game I think I've seen in this entire series. and it's a diamond game and that saddens me. You definitely do suck and liberators are not imbalanced. I really do not want to receive any more replays either. I'm just mainly confused and I'm going to sleep for 18 hours to try and recover from this. Thank you. That will be it for me and I'll see you all next time. Bye-bye. Thank you. |
Not The SIGMA Zerg We Need, But The One We DESERVE | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today's guest drips self-confidence and masculinity. He calls himself a true sigma male. But is that really true? Is he worthy of that title? And are Ghosts really IMBA in the ZvT matchup, or does our sigma male suck? Let's find out. And if you want to become more sigma, just like and subscribe! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E-gukm-j-Jk/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | E-gukm-j-Jk | Dear Harsta, usually I think that the game is pretty balanced, since I know I'm not on high enough level to really complain about the balance. But as is the case sometimes, I feel like I was just crushed and I have no idea what I've done wrong. I mean, sure, my build wasn't really optimal, neither my decision making, but was my composition as well, in parenthesis, also probably since I have wanted to try Roach Hydra instead of my usual Ling Binds. Though I feel like the ghost are just too well-rounded, you can't really attack into Terran, with roaches if he does three cc since he can easily death with banshee and fuel siege tanks without losing harass potential cause metaphics with marines and banshees are good at this as well. You really need to start using periods. Yes, I know that I shouldn't have attacked with the roaches and ravagers into three siege tanks. Bad decision out of me losing 20 army supply for nothing. Though I have no idea how was I supposed to defend the last attack. I really respect you and I love what you're doing for this game. I know I am bad and I would like to improve, but sometimes I just can't see what I do wrong, which is more of a reason why I am DMing you really then believing the game is in balance. But if I were to say what was the thing I have felt a bit overwhelmed by were the ghost from both sides since I am a random player most of the time. One hell of an essay over here. Name White Raven, but this season has a name change, named himself Sigma Mill. Now, for the people that don't live terminally online, a Sigma Mill is, I have an actual definition, A Sigma Mill is a slang term used in masculinist subcultures for a popular, successful, but highly independent and self-reliant man. And this honestly seems to be a moniker that is earned. You can't really claim it. So him calling himself Sigma Mill is not allowed. So instead what I did is I googled four characteristics of the average Sigma Mill. And that's one. The Sigma Mill is adaptable, independent. successful and above all is a non-conformist. And then it says behind this, he walks to the beat of his own drum. I googled this and I figured this out. So not only am I going to figure out in this game whether Terran is in balance and specifically the ghost, but we'll also figure out if you're allowed to keep playing under the name Sigma Mill or if you claimed it unrightfully. So let's hop straight into it. All right, in the bottom right we have Sigma Mill, our 3.9. 9K Diamond Zerg player on the European ladder. And top left here, we will be seeing our Blue Terran player. Probably a similar MMR. Otherwise, they would not be matched up against one another. So we're going to be just, you know, checking whether this player actually is a true Sigma mill and whether ghosts are overpowered or if the reason that he lost is something else. And maybe something to do with him sucking, perhaps a little bit. We have to go and figure that out. So far, the openers are pretty standard. I'm a huge fan of that. I really just like it. There is something special. There's really something special about seeing people do proper openers. I'm always happy when I just see a standard hatchery first and a standard barracks expand on the other side of the map. It just made me all, you know, my tummy feel good. You know, little butterflies in there, and I'm happy. Life is just a lot better when things are normal. I don't like things that are odd. Gas pool as well, even rallying the correct drones. our man, Invoid Sigma Mill so far is doing a fantastic job. Leaving the second overlord at home, I would not mind if you just pop out with that second overlord a little bit close by to check if there's any close-by proxies. You can get back in time towards your little high ground as well. It allows you to at least spot one location with that overlord and then respond in case of it being like some type of proxy two racks or even a proxy three racks or in the worst case a proxy four racks. Of course, these are all viable builds that Terran can do that are extremely powerful. If you can scout against it, that would be fantastic. I think you pulled into gas a little bit too quick, but I'm going to forgive it. Usually you saturate your minerals first and then you start rallying into the gas. You don't straightaway rally into gas and then pull one extra worker into it. That's what you do in ZVZ, not quite in ZVT. Everything else seems pretty much standard build order-wise. SCV Scout coming out of the Terran as well, who's also opening up with a very solid one barracks expanse. forgets to build the marine might end up going into a fast reactor because of that no just gets a marine a little bit later that's completely fine i am okay with it first two lings coming out no third base yet but this is kind of odd that there's no drone at either of these bases usually you patrol a drone at this base i would say um and you also are supposed to get four lings rather than just to despite pride being a slightly larger map it's still nice to have four lings or the reapers going have a way too easy time. Now that you did not put a drone over here, you will not be capable of getting a hatchery down. And that is going to delay your build order. You already see you're floating four, 500 minerals and now you start up the hatchery. This is the type of play that is relatively naive, I think. This really should never work and it shouldn't, and it also doesn't. That also kind of makes me happy if you make a bad decision and you get punished for it. Yeah, I, you know, that does make me happy generally. 310, your hatchery does eventually go down with some tricks, but it's not a very solid start. Reaper saw practically everything as well so far, killed one Ling. You're getting your creep chumers out. So, build order wise, somewhat okay, despite your third base being a little bit delayed, which is not brilliant. Getting your overlords out. I think this overlord might be a little bit too fast, the one that you're building right now. It's not the biggest of deal. You can Continuing to mine gas, which is surprising, especially because you already have your link speed done as well. So you've got a very fast link speed, then you continue mining gas, which lowers your overall mineral income. And in the early game, of any matchup, the longer you can delay your gas, the better it tends to be for your economy. And this is especially true for Zerg, because everything that creates economy is mineral-based, queens, hatcheries, nexus, probes, drones, SUVs. Everything that would increase your economy that you require to build a better eco only cost minerals. Gas cuts into that. If you have 10 drones working in gas, instead of working on minerals, you're going to get a slower fort base. You're going to get a slower third base. Building more queens is going to be impossible. So for Zerg very often, you want to limit your gas income until the very last moment where it's going to be possible. You need that initial gas for the link speed, but then afterwards what you want to be doing is you don't want to get any gases yet, because it is not good. And it's going to lower your queen count, which when you're a Zerg player is honestly the most important thing. And perhaps this is where your Sigma-Milness kind of comes into play as you're a non-conformist. And you see everyone else building queens, you're like, no, I can do that better. I can just do it without queens. That does mean that you're struggling against Hellion harassed though. There is a reason why people build queens and is to defend this type of pushes. because if there was an armory with this and there would be like four cars, you would be completely dead. You're lucky that there's no armory and that you have 13 roaches on the way, but this is really bad. You also decided not to scout, because apparently that's what the cool kids do these days, not scouting. And as a result, you get caught completely off guard. You don't have queens to tank the hit for a little bit. You might actually end up losing your third base here, which would be kind of game ending in a way. But even if you don't end up losing this third base, this still wasn't the greatest start for you. I love this drop towards the main base. Terran realizing, hey, this is a roach defense, that means probably that my Hellenes will be capable of doing something. I'd also like to kind of draw attention that despite you just building, what is it, 18 roaches, you are currently still floating 200 gas, which is completely useless. So you just wasted a lot of mineral income and instead are just floating gas for no real reason. You've lost nine workers. This is not a good trade for you. Lost a lot of mining time. those nine workers and you're continuing to build roaches. As a Zerg player, the thing you often want to be doing is when you defend something, is to immediately drone up, take another base because you already have these units. You're going to be safe for the next legit minute and a half. That allows you to drone up to 84, 85 drones. Your opponent honestly just hasn't been macroing so well. And you could have had a massive advantage here. But instead, you're continuing building roaches. you're morphing ravagers, you're not adding in any extra drones just now. After building, I think, an additional seven, eight roaches, you start building drones and increasing your economy, getting your hatchery. But these drones should already be mining. This hatchery should already be maybe 20 seconds faster, and that really does help. You move up this ramp, you see that there's two tanks, three tanks. You allow every tank to shoot twice. You lose a bunch of units, and then you decide to go back. So despite the initial misjudgment, you do make the... the correct call and don't go back in again. I'm not quite sure why you would rebuild Reviters at this point. There's no danger of being attacked soon and you can't walk up this ramp again. Surely you must be aware of it at this point. I love that this Terran's macro isn't great, but he's making the correct moves, you know? Just scouting around. I don't think this Terran is super fast. Yeah, it's not super fast, but actually is making correct calls. It's an interesting move. Oh no, I'm about to lose a ravager to a Benchy. Let me just sacrifice my entire army into a position where I know there's three tanks. This is the type of high-level thinking that I'm sure the Sigma Mill community would like to have amongst them. Like you just literally threw away the only lead you had. Because you didn't have an eco-lead, because you built a lot of units. The one thing you did have going for you was the fact that you were completely safe and that you were allowed to drone up till infinity and beyond as bus light year would say. However, instead of doing that, you decided to throw away your safety and now you have no army and no eco rather than just having no eco. It's the type of brilliant thinking that a conformist like me would never be capable of getting to. I still think you should be capable of making a defense. Not a huge fan of this Terran move out personally. Roaches make it really easy. easy to defend this type of push usually, especially if there's not a big enough marine count and a not enough tank count. Marines and tanks scale really well against roaches, but initially in like the 120 to 150 supply range of Zerg, Roach Queen is extremely strong defensively, especially mixed in a couple of ravagers for Biles on the tanks. So despite this looking quite bad, I still think you're going to be holding. Of course, this game should actually be completely over already in favor of the Terran, but because he's not macroing, you still have a chance. And you're managing to barely hold on. This should have been, if you just would have stayed at home and he would have made this attack and you had your 20 extra roaches, he never would have been capable of taking the third base either. So your idiocy of moving up the ramp actually allowed him to move across the map and take a third base. Now, him moving across the map did not do him too many favors. I have to admit, he lost his entire tank count, which is now non-existent, did clear a little bit of creep and forced out a lot of units. But once again, you have pretty much map control. You can take your gases, you can drone up, you can take a fifth base, and with this Roach Hydra composition, the most important thing is to get into the hive quickly. You want to be able to reach Vipers if the tank count grows massively. and you want the lurker upgrades because if you're playing a Roach Hydra composition, which by the way is not a standard composition whatsoever, it's not very often played anymore. Some people that do it at the high level, but most players play either Lingbane, Hydra Lingbane, or some type of Lingban, Murat's very Lingban focused. But yeah, if you want to play like this, it is absolutely vital that you're rushing to that hive because your army is complete garbage without any of, of these hive upgrades. Without vipers, without seismic spines on your lurkers, there's absolutely no shot that you're dealing any damage. They're building slightly too many hydras here, I think. I still believe you could probably either be droning up a little bit more, or you want to rely more on your roaches defensively. Roach is just a little bit stronger defensively, especially if you can morph them into ravagers, a delaying push-out, making sure tanks can't get into good positions. And hydras are quite expensive as well and don't really contribute much into a fight. The only real purpose they have is functioning as some type of anti-air. Now, this drop, I think you spotted it, but you just split your army in effectively. So yeah, it's just a little bit unfortunate. You're going to get cleaned up here, I think, because it's pure hydrogens marine. Might be able to clean it. Okay, that's nice at least. That is something. Still don't have an infestation pit. Still don't have a lurker then. it's not necessarily bad that if you're playing like a very roach-based composition rather than getting hydras is adding a couple of spores in like key locations so you express some creep in the main put a spore on the edge put like a spore over here on the edge one spore over here on the edge that that makes it more difficult for Terran players to do this type of dropping abuse because you don't have well you don't have any queen you have two queens right now both of them spreading creep as well by the way i love that's like larvae injections no that's not for me I just grind out those larva naturally with the hatchery. I don't need inject. So unnatural. Don't want any of that. Okay. Here comes the Lurker then and the infestation pit at the same time. I think I mentioned it first at like the 8.30 mark. So this is about two and a half minutes late. I do appreciate it that you end up building it. But usually the way that this matchup kind of... kind of flows. I kind of want to explain that in this specific scenario where you have a roach hydra composition, the way that it flows is that initially Zerg with a roach opener might have a Roach 1-1 timing. So it kind of, you know, the Zerg is the aggressive one. If the Terran holds that or if the Zerg thinks he can't attack into that, then sometimes afterwards Terran has a bit of a tank timing which should hit by the timing you have hive. So you want your viper's out most of the time against that type of timing. And then after you hold that timing and you have your lurker them with the seismic spines, the ball rolls back into the zirc cord. And that is the point where this specific composition that we're watching right now is the strongest. It's when the lurkers are out, it's usually when there's like eight, nine tanks, but there's no ghost yet. Because there's often a high lurker count, you can still attack into positions, makes it really difficult for the Terranx to defend because they don't have high orbital counts with a lot of scans and they don't have ghosts yet. However, in this particular game, because your early and midgame have been complete garbage, we're in a situation where the opponent is producing six ghosts at a time while you don't even have your hive started yet. He's like two entire steps ahead of you. Like, he isn't going to be doing it. He did, I guess, some type of tank push earlier, lost all of his tanks. But you're never going to grab the map control at this point. So the situation is just complete garbage. In this type of game, what you want to be doing is you kind of want to be bunkering up, sitting back, and wait until you hopefully can get some momentum back to you. You can get on the map again and start dealing some damage. The reason for that is that you need to wait to have a major advantage. After a fight maybe where he attacks into you, and then you can counterattack, maybe take out the... base you still will continuously need to play very careful because ghosts are out already. He is so far attack wise ahead of you that is just going to be difficult for you to fight. So attacking into this with ghost and tanks in position without seismic spines is a suicide mission. It really is a suicide mission and I would not, I really would not recommend it, especially because you see what's going on. You see, well, I guess this is good because you get two tanks for. free, but you know that there's ghosts there. You just, I don't really think you can attack into this. I really don't think you can. Not with these low range lurkers. Oh my God, this is just not good. No adaptive talents, no nothing. He's just moving out of range. He's going to scan and then he's going to snipe one more time. If there was just like one extra tank here, you would be in so much trouble. But even without that tank being here, you're in so much trouble. You lost your entire, like, your cannon fodder that is really needed in front of the lurkers. Once again, especially if they don't have range. You still don't know, you do have a hive actually. This is a weird skin. It tricked me. I have no one used this in a tournament. He really would trick me. Looks like a layer. It really does. Ugly skin. It's like the beak of one of these flying dinosaurs almost, no? Article. I'm not sure what the flying dinosaurs are called. I'm not going to make any guess or do we some dinosaur expert making fun of me in the YouTube comments. You always have this one guy. This is the problem with having an audience of more than five people. There's always going to be some extra. expert in the YouTube comments or in your Twitch chat that knows way more and they're always calling you out as well. So they're one moment to shine. It's got you've been studying the flying the flying T-Rex dinosaur for the past 35 years of his life and there I misspeak in a 45-minute rant. It's like a freaking essay about what type of idiot I am. I'm not falling for it. Flying dinosaur with the big beak. That's what I'm calling them. Yeah. Adaptive Talents here is the first upgrade, not a huge fan of that. And I know what you guys are going to say, well, I see Dark at the adaptive talents upgrade before the seismic spine a lot. Yes. And that is because Dark most of the time when he wants to do something is he wants to do some type of aggressive rotations. If you're wanting to be defensive or if you're forced into being defensive, like a good friend Sigma Mill is over here, seismic spines obviously has way more advantages, especially because he's not in six or seven base. so he doesn't even need to make any real defensive rotations. He's on five bases, which means that there's two sides that he really needs to defend. That's the left side, and you guessed it, the right side. I guess you have this middle as well, but you kind of automatically defend it. You have enough lurkers to spread it out. So seismic spines would have been way superior here. As we see, the Terran just moving out with just a massive ghost force. At this point, I don't think you're completely dead. You look to be in a pretty bad spot. It's hard when you play this style to counter. attack because you'll be investing a significant portion of your army that's not very good at running away. It's not very speedy. So yeah, you can't really, and it also can't really kill planetaries or workers very quickly, unlike Bainlings, which is the unit that you usually use for this type of run by. Ling Bainling, yeah, it's great. lings can even pick off reinforcements fast, but you're running like 15 roaches here. It just ups the depot, snipes a couple of times and nothing you can do. It just runs away with the SEVs. You can't really chase them. I think this is, interesting setup and this is the type of scenario. I was gonna say before you made that move, that this is the type of scenario where you need to realize that your army is proper balls at this point. Okay? You have an army consisting out of 10 lurkers, 10 without seismic spines and you're fighting a 14 ghost army. You don't even want to commit into this position in the first place because if this Terran would snip every single unit, you'll die. Here you say, okay, I don't want to fight pre-Sysmic spines. I'm going to be pulling these workers away. I might drop one or two lurkers over here and leave the vipers close by. So it's a little bit harder for him to continuously engage. But you got caught out of position, give up this base. You're already expanding towards the top side. Pull away the workers. Don't even pretend like you want to hold this base. Because the moment you do that, you're going to lose everything. But rather than that, you cast a blinding cloud, which you then run into with your entire Roach Army. And then, if that isn't enough yet, you decide to move into the Tarran concave with your non-range lurkers and end up losing every single lurker in this game. Every single one, there's none left. And you just lose. Also, you don't Gigi. After, in my opinion, a very well played game by this Tarran. Sure, his macro wasn't too tight, but he made a lot of very good decisions. This guy knew how to drop as well, knew how to move his army, understood what was needed to kill this composition. You were like, hey, I'm not playing asling Bane. Thanks, ghost. This is exactly what I want. Fast extra expansions as well behind us. Look at that. Extra orbitals. This guy knew very well what was going on and countered you perfectly. The least you could give him is a freaking good game here. But, yeah, let's just talk a little bit about your main complaint, which was the ghost here. I don't even really think the ghost mattered too much. We saw like four or five snipes go down when you moved into this army. But even if this was an army consisting of 30 marauders instead, so we replace every ghost with a marauder, you still would have lost moving into that concave. You just moved into the ultimate Terran concave, who was equal upgrades to you, and you didn't have your seismic spines. Like, I don't understand how you can blame the ghost. And even before that already, it feels like the game is over because of your terrible early game decisions. You're completely skipping out queens, literally the only S-tier unit that Zerg has. Queen is by far the best unit that they have. It allows you to continuously get economy while also getting defensive units because they don't cost larva. It's like this sick unit made by some Zerg genius and you built three of them. There's points in the game where you have two queens on four hatcheries. This is incomprehensible to me. I understand that you're a non-conformist, but this is just plain. stupid. This is like, rather than pooping in your toilet, pooping in your fridge, because everyone else already poops in their toilet. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever, and it's also very unsanitary. So, yeah, let's just start with the Sigma Milness. What did I have written down? I had adaptable, independent, successful, and a non-conformist. Now, adaptable, you weren't really adaptable at all. You did not realize in many situations, for example, that you didn't want adaptive talent here, that you wanted to go into high faster, that you needed to camp rather than to attack. It feels like you have a setup plan in your head, and no matter what happens during the game, you're going to be following the plan, which can be quite good, but you're now hitting a level where there's actually other factors. Like, hey, my early game is crap. Okay, maybe I need to be a little bit more defensive, try to get back into a different way. So no, you're not adaptable whatsoever. We can cross that out. Two, independent. Well, you're asking me for advice in a freaking balanced complaint form. So no, you're not independent. You require my help. So on that also, a big fat Red Cross. Three, successful. You just lost this game to a Taron that was continuously floating 3K minerals. So also, you're not successful. Four, nonconformist and specific. specifically walking to the beat of his own drum. And on that, I'll have to say yes. You are a non-conformist and you walk to the beat of your own drum. Sadly, the beat of the drum sounds a little bit similar, like an idiotic two-year-old that hits his fork on the table, screaming that he wants food. And although it is cute with a two-year-old, your drum isn't cute anymore. It's a little bit pathetic. So, my good friend, despite you hitting, one out of four characteristics. I'm going to say that you're not a Sigma Mail. And I'm also going to say that the ghost is not in balance, but instead, my friend, that you do suck. So denied on both points. I'm sorry. That's going to be it for today. Thanks all so much for watching. I'm expecting a name change out of Sigma Mail. And I'm expecting you guys to like this video. Hit the subscribe button and I'll see you on next week for another. I know also tomorrow I have another video. I'll just watch these videos every day on this channel. Link in the description. Ah, if you want to submit your own thing. Very cool. Thank you and bye bye. |
It's like DIVING WITH THE SHARKS! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today we are facing a true adrenaline junkie guys! He is a tough one, on a tough server! So buckle up and be prepared! Also like and subscribe :) If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/l5BjTSV_TTk/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | l5BjTSV_TTk | Hello, Captain. I am your fan from China. Recently, I am very confused about PVT. All-in is absolutely OP, exclamation mark. Regardless of advantages or disadvantages, the Terran player can choose this powerful strategy thoughtlessly. In this game, I got the nearly perfect defense for the push of Marines with tank. Basically, I thought I've got the victory. But what Terran player needs to do, was taking his army with SEVs and going to my base, just like going back his own home. Damn! Exclamation mark. The army of Protoss is so crispy, just like my grandma's favorite cookies. P.S. I don't want to play the late game with Terran. My disruptor control is bad. Because the imbalance of the PVT, I quit this game without GG. Just like what Stats said, the Protoss is garbage. this has to be one of the weirdest imbalance complaint forms. He starts by complaining about All-ins, then that the late game, he doesn't want to play it. But I think the main focus here is that Terran All-ins with SEVs are slightly too powerful, despite good early game defenses. Now, the name of this player is Roberto. Race is Protoss, League Diamond, 4.5K MMR on the Korean server. So it's a Chinese man playing on the Korean server. It sounds a little bit like the name of a bad bad. BBC TV show. But all of that behind us, let's hop straight into the game and see whether Roberto is correct and whether Terran SCV pools are imbalanced or if he sucks. Here we have the base of who I assume to be Roberto, as he's the only Protoss player in this game. I was playing on a barcode, not even playing under his real name, and then being proud of not Gigiing. That is the lowest of low Roberto, but I don't care. I'm going to judge this game fair and square based on what I see and what I perceive. Quick Probe Scout, start harassing this SCV, solid stuff. Always like seeing people just opening up with sensible build orders, and Roberto was opening up with a sensible build order. Core before Nexus, probably is going to Cronoble without some type of adept, even trying to block his opponent's command center from going down. This is just going to be a nice high-level game, isn't it? with concepts that make sense, with build orders that have been stolen and not made by themselves. And that is my favorite type of lower level game. It's when things make sense, it's the easiest to see where things go wrong for a player or whether something is truly in balance. If the game is super chaotic and I have no clue what's going on, it's often difficult for me to also kind of, first of all, see the thought process and truly judge whether something is imbalanced or not. So Reaper's going to pop out. So the probe moved towards the left side. It's just, this is barely going to miss it. It's very nice. Good start here for Roberto, honestly. Knows everything. Knows that there's a Reaper as well because he didn't see an early Marine. Got a lot of information with the initial scout. Building positioning is somewhat okay. We get a chronobust on the first adept as well. I'm going to get a tech building after the first gateway unit. This is one of these things that could be considered. What I was going to say, getting a Twilight Council before. the second gateway unit can be considered a little risky because if you do that, you can send that first adapt across the map to scout because you don't have a second gateway unit. However, you're still supposed to build that second gateway unit after the Twilight Council, even if it's going to be delayed. Getting this fast second gateway does absolutely nothing for you unless you chronobo boost the warp gate. Because the time it takes for a gateway to build is 46 seconds. That means when your warp gate research is on 56, out of a 54 out of 100 seconds, that's when you can start your gateway and it will simultaneously finish with your warp gate research. That means that this gateway is going to be 20 seconds too quick. And it makes no sense. And for that, he's cutting out a second gateway unit. So he's exposing himself to more risk for no real reason whatsoever. And if you're exposing yourself to no risk, to a lot of risk for no reason whatsoever, that usually just isn't a very good thing. If it's not necessary, I'd say no, no need. It's like the people that go swimming with sharks, you know, but then instead of using the cage, they don't use the cage around them. It's like, well, I'm not quite sure what that's going to add, except maybe a little bit of adrenaline. It just sounds very dangerous to me. But yeah, this gate obviously isn't very useful. We do have blink coming in, so that is nice. We're not getting any chronoboose on it, which is diso. pointing to me, but then again, life is a series of disappointment, and this is just a very small disappointment, so I cannot live with it. Sentry has a follow-up, kind of an old-school build as well with that sentry, will allow him to scout quickly across the map what his opponent is doing and then respond accordingly, but in case of any type of proxies or early pressure, it sometimes isn't so great to have that sentry because just a unit that doesn't do any damage. And these two gates are now going to be turning into warp gates. I do want to know that this second gateway that was built so early had not been used whatsoever yet this game, except for this first warp in just now. Reaper is going to scout everything, is going to disappear. The Adept is moving back home after I think scouting a little bit as well, but really not achieving all that much. So far this game honestly looks fairly standard. I'm kind of okay with that. This is actually a nice game. If this is what 4.5K looks like on Korea, then I think that is a very good. a very, very respectable level to be at. Because both of these players seem to have a very good clue on what to do. Oh my God. This type of pisses me off as well when this happens. You've got to be way more careful with your building placement. Also getting two gateways at this point isn't actually that useful because you don't even have the money to continuously be producing from these gateway. You also, I just want to note this, which adds onto my frustration is you send out your hallucination too late. You have the energy right now. And as a result, you build these two gateways blindly without having any type of information. The entire point of the sand tree is so that you can respond with your infrastructure to what you're seeing. This makes no sense. This is like buying a pair of glasses and then leaving them on the top of your hat for the entire day. I know people who do this. It doesn't work. Your eyesight will remain just as crap. this is basically the same thing like why even get the sentry if you're not planning on responding to what you're seeing? You're only going to be capable of responding to the unit movement right now but you're not going to be capable of responding with any type of building you're already getting five gates if your opponent had opened up with Banshees right now or cloaked mines you would have actually just straight up lost the game because you delay your robo by so much you cannot afford three extra gateways continuous unit production and also a robotics facility It is simply not possible. As a result, now you need to start cutting workers at a timing where you don't want to be cutting workers because you need to start where... What are you doing? We're building sentries. That's also not correct. You do get a scout now. Now, this is the most confusing scout in the world because this guy is building two extra barracks while moving out. If you can make the reed somehow out of this that you're being attacked, I'd be very impressed. I guess nothing being at home is a pretty decent tell. But yeah, this is just... It is the weirdest game. And I'm usually not a fan of very weird games. It started so good, but now you're on five gateways. Do you actually spot this move out? You don't quite know where the army is. I do like this move, though. You're kind of wanting to catch these units, and you're actually going to catch the reinforcements. This is fantastic play. I love this. However, during this, you're not building any workers whatsoever. And one of the main things while fighting a one-one-one type of push from a Terran is that if you allow the Terran to get more SCVs, while you're stuck on 46 workers, most of the time, even if you clean up this push, you're still not necessarily going to be ahead, especially if the follow-up is a triple-CC. That isn't quite the case this time around, but you've really got to be careful here and continuously build these workers. You catch a tank. Your unit position actually is very good. I really, really do like this. This is actually solid stuff. It sucks that you have these three sentries, but they can be used for hallucinations here. You could use like an immortal hallucination or two zealots extra hallucinated. Guardian Shield, of course, also is viable. Blink on top of this, take out the tank. This was just a really, really good hold. This actually just was a good halt. With how little information you got, your unit movement was very solid. The only problem is that you didn't spend a penny during this entire time. So you're actually only up three workers, but because your infrastructure is so good, and because you already have a third base, I still believe you're in a very, very advantageous. position right at this moment. Your opponent also didn't macro too well during this and continues rallying in. So I think if you were to give this game to any top protels and you were to give the Terran position to a top Terran, it'd be like an 85 to 15% win chance for the protels at this point. You can get your forges out, you're way up in supply, you can even expand to a fort base if you want currently because you're already kind of saturated on minerals on this base. This is the one thing that you're doing right now that I would not recommend is going for a straight-up attack. Especially on right-clicking the bunker. This is... What are these guys doing? Just hold positioning. This is not a very good move. This was a really, really, really bad move even. Do end up killing a lot of workers. Maybe it's even worth it. This literally was the only way you could lose, though. If this bunker gets repaired a little bit better, and this tank sieges up slightly faster, you'll end up losing all of your stalkers, your map control, your momentum, and your map control is going to be really, really important when your opponent eventually pushes out, so your opponent's already getting five wrecks. So you're basically handing your opponent an opportunity, it's like, hey, here is a lot of my army, and exchange for that, I want a bunch of your SCVs. But his army remains relatively strong throughout this, and especially his tech unit stay alive. What you could have done instead is try to blink into the main base, maybe snipe this tank, try and snipe a tech lab, jump around the bunker, work against the tank. This is a really bad tail end of the fight as well. Literally losing everything here, buddy. That is not good. Oh, Roberto, you silly barcode. I think major harassment while tacking into something else, like maybe one forge, a Templar archives, yeah. Basically what you're doing right now, getting a prism set up, all of this would have been perfect if you would have done it. before you lost eight stalkers and ten zealots for in exchange for like 10, 12 SUVs. Right now, I'm not so sure if this is what you want to be focusing on because you already have the lead in the worker count at this point. Before this, you had the lead in an army and you had the lead in, well, you had like a third base, basically. Those were your main leads. You also had very good infrastructure. Right now, you kind of traded that army lead in favor of being. up in Eco. So over time, you're already outmining your opponent. What you need to be focusing on right now is producing army that fights for you, not things that can get you further at, like a war prism, like a Nexus. I do like the Templar archives because you want some type of tech, as there's no upgrades for you still whatsoever. But I think your main focus right now should be in producing more army than your opponent because you just killed what was it? 15 workers or so. Actually, legit 15 works. Oh, a sick guess out of me. Holy crap. I never got to participate in one of these marble guessing games, you know, where there's a jar with marbles in it. And if you guess the amount of marbles correct, you had like 10K. I bet I'd be really good at that. If any of you have pictures of marbles, please feel free to send them to my email address. And I will guess how many marbles are in the jar. It wouldn't surprise me if that is one of my many hidden talents. What is a non-hidden talent, though, is seeing that this is an investment that does not necessarily make a lot of sense in this moment. I'd be down with two extra gates being added, maybe even three gates if you don't get this extra nexus. But adding all of this stuff right now, this is all investment into the future, except there is no future. This forge is not going to be used. These gateways might get a single warping in. This nexus is not going to be used for the most important attack that is coming right now. it was obvious your opponent was going to attack you with a powerful attack because you just killed a bunch of his eco. He is forced to all in or play from very far behind economically, even if you didn't have a fort base. So, yeah, I'm not a huge fan. I guess you're going to be able to spend most of your money because of this, which is somewhat nice. You're going to be giving up this base immediately, which once again, you have a lot of surprisingly good calls on when to engage the Terran army and how to do that against these pushes, but the moment you have to make decisions based on what you want to attack or what you actually want to do, you're really bad. It's like you kind of have like a split brain of when it comes to decision making, understanding how to fight defensively, but everything else seems to be hot garbage. This also is not a good position for these units. But why would you... If you look at this fight, okay? And you see your Arkon just bumping into your sentry, like he's in a bar fight screaming, Don't hold me back. I don't think the play is to warp 10 more zealids behind this army, which already is completely stuck and can't move anywhere. You obviously want to be warping in over here or even warping in on the left side of this pylon. Like, it is fairly obvious to me that this is not the play because these zealots are just going to be bumping into your army. until your buildings disappear. You do blink back and make some space for it. It actually was not bad. I do like that move. But you're fighting very far away from your super battery as well. There was no real flank. Prism got a little bit too late. This would have been a sick move. We also could have warped like the nine zealots here, yeah, to go for a faster flank. They actually probably would have been a good call too. I do like that you realize that at this point. I feel like all of these concepts are kind of in your head, but they're not completely coming out at time. I really do respect the way you fight and the way you think about fights. This is actually, it's not common to see this at 4.5K MMR that someone actually thinks a lot about how they want to fight. Very often it's like, oh, I need to fight now. They'll get that time incorrect, but then, you know, the actual concept on how to fight and what the appropriate way is to engage an army is often incorrect. And here you're kind of getting blasted. It's not a good position for you. I'm not even quite sure if this is a playable position for you. Honestly, going to lose a lot of workers here as well. You're down to upgrades. You recall half of your probe. The other half gets left behind to die. Still have a decent army, though. Your opponent has really crap eco as well. The problem with this is, is that in these scenarios, when the Terran eventually mines out and they can just fly over to a third base, life just becomes so hard for Toss often. It's just a bad situation. You're also stuck on such a crap army without upgrades. Like unless the Tarrin completely forgets the micro, or forgets the stim for the first part of the fight. It's just going to be hard. I like this. I really do like this. This is a good cleanup. Actually, nice cleanup. Kind of have a flank here, naturally coming in from the natural with these zealots. This was a good cleanup, dude. This was very cool. You also build a Nexus. Once again, I'm kind of appreciating the anticipation for a longer game here, where it's like, hey, if I want to survive in this game, I need to out-expand my opponent because he just better stuff. You're even harassing with a prison. The only thing we're kind of missing is like either storm research, an upgrade or a Robo Bay. I kind of say either storm or yeah, storm here is the correct, how double gas as well? Like how is this possible that so many of your decisions are good? And then now you're going to attack Intim. This would actually be a terrible, a terrible, terrible plan. This is exactly the same as that initial fight if you do commit here. Let's see if you actually are going to commit or not. Yeah, it seems to be the case. It's the same as that first fight. It's like you just took out a man's, like 34 SCVs, you're taking your own third base, and you're tacking into a better tech. This is the timing where you absolutely do not want to be fighting. Your opponent is at peak strength, and you're at your lowest strength right now. Like, and then you're also getting counterdropped at the same time. So this is like double jeopardy. Okay, can you say that? Is that how double jeopardy works? I'm not quite sure. I think this is double jeopardy. And that's not a good thing, if I recall correctly. Hey, you should have just stayed home. Set up this base, get your tech out. You're already getting the storm, which is good. Just get a couple of Templar ready for inevitably the next push. You could have figured this out as well because you had a freaking observer. Why don't you use that before you decide whether to once again kind of suicide into your opponent's army? Blink in. Hello? It's two marauders, mate. You don't need your entire army there. Your five stalkers and one zealot would have been plenty to kill this. Now you're going to be caught out of position. This guy stims into your third base. You lose it. Luckily for you, this Terran is not responding whatsoever. But even if he goes in towards your natural, you're going to be fighting from an absolutely atrocious position. If the Terran positions himself properly, good old mellow, that could be good. Arcon's moving forward. Actually, it's a good fight. It's a good fight for you once again. Again, not enough Metavex for Mello. Not enough Metavex for Mello. Actually, kind of holding here. I'm surprised how good these fights are going with no upgrades whatsoever. Also, can I just... I'm wondering why there's no Storm despite... or no Templar despite Storm being researched. That's buying like six boxes of ammunition and then not having a gun. He's like, well, the ammunition is nice, but you're not going to be shooting anyone with that. Like, you're not going to throw the bullets. Idiots. It doesn't work throwing bullets. You're going to throw something. You should throw like a hammer or something. They hurt a lot when I was playing Super Mario, I remember. That's one of the harder levels when I was a kid. It's where you had these hammer idiots throwing at you. Because they don't go in a straight line. It's not very predictable. They also jump up and down. Hammer bros were truly broken. Kind of like... Do I like this? No, you could have just defended this. I don't like this. I was talking about the hammer bros too much. You completely missed this army. Good map vision. I think you could have fought this, no? I think you could have. You're not necessarily up in Eco, but you're up a base. You have better tech than your opponent. You have 600 gas. Once again, just being defensive here probably would have been the best thing. It's not like attacking into your opponent is going to make your army better. It actually makes it worse in this case. And because you're the one that needs time to build up and to get Templar out to get storm. Once again, staying home would have been the correct call. You once again went for the incorrect call. just a little bit to trigger happy. And as a result, you're going to lose your third base. And it really was the only advantage that you had this game. Your army is smaller. Your worker count is lower. Your army is slightly worse quality as well, I think. You have three arc ones. Maybe it's better quality, actually. Slightly better quality. And especially with these Templars in here now. So you're just going to expand towards the far right side. I lost so many workers, though. This game is just going to be so, so difficult right now. Because you know, yeah. You know that eventually this is going to. going to happen. This always happens eventually. So you need to just be up like 12, 13 workers, and you need to always be up a base against Theron in these type of scenarios as well. You're not up a base anymore. You're not up 12, 13 workers anymore either. It means you're pretty dead, or at least, I think you're pretty dead. You still have Storm, which is a great comeback mechanic, but so far your positioning pre-fight has not necessarily been super brilliant. Your map vision is very poor as well. You never know where there's drops coming. You don't have an observer anymore either. I do like the DTs. I think DTs are an okay call. Not great. And the reason it's not great because you don't have plus one attack. And that means that these DTs are going to be two swiping SCVs rather than one-shotting them. And that is not entirely what you want. Usually. You have to double swipe. It's not cool. Oh, turret's also going down right now. A single scan. This is so risky. You should never put them in the same spot made. Always, always, always split them up. Oh, I guess you didn't know there was a third base yet. This little army is here taking out everything as well. Big scan. Is there another scan available? It's not quite seem to be the case. Nope, there's one more scan available actually. How is this army still alive? I feel like they should have been taken out years ago. Blink the stalker or don't blink the stalker. I don't care. You can do what you want. Yeah, this just looks really, really bad, honestly. You're going to need an absolute miracle to come back into this game. don't see much of a miracle worker. So I'm not completely feeling it. Also, at this point, I think getting DTs is not really worth it because your opponent is relatively compact in the setup. It's not like he spread out with 12 bases that all don't have a turret. Like, you already saw that there was a turret being built. You know that there's maximum going to be like, what, two bases. DT is a bit of a waste of money. I prefer seeing more Templar here personally. But, yeah, I don't know. You can't even really delay these pushes because there's just going to be scans available, right? Yeah, it's just saving up scams. Like, this guy is an idiot. This is actually a good level. I really like this level of play, like between both players. There's a lot of good decisions being made. Also some bad decisions, well, a lot of bad decisions, especially by Roberto. But overall, it's like kind of okay with it. Good for a storm. It's like a zoning storm of sorts. Where's the other Templars, though? I don't I see them. I clicked them. Oh, they're all here? No, it's just two here. Oh, there's one in the main base. Okay. I don't mind that completely against any potential drops. Once again, now you're going to try and move out. At this point, I'd say that moving out might not even be the worst call. And it's not because I think that a move out is going to be working, but right now you have a power spike because you have Templar and your opponent doesn't have a counter to the Templar yet. So this is the first time where you actually should be attacking, because the longer the game goes, the worse it's going to be getting for you. You're downing workers, you're down in upgrades, and you're not really transitioning into anything later. So yeah, this is, despite this looking like a worse fight than the previous fights, this is still most likely the correct goal. And this is just really unfortunate. You know, the timing of the terrain here is quite good. And, yeah, that just sucks. You know, like, I can't say much more than that. It just sucks for you. But you need to engage into this. Not the greatest storms. I think one hit the army, the other one hit your own zealots. Yeah, the game is honestly pretty much over at this point. I do appreciate that you're going in and that you're trying. There's a low army as well from the terror. You're actually going to be almost... Kill this! Kill the tank! Still had storms available as well. That actually might have been possible. This army is so low. If you hit one more storm, it just all disappears. A lot of crap here as well. I mean, the recall here, the moment you do this recall you know that the game is actually over because there's no way that in your next attempt you're going to have a better time than in the previous attempt and the previous attempt already was garbage so now you know the next attempt is going to be awful as well it's not like you saved some massive eco that you had at home it's not like this was a gold base with 15 patches with 40 probes and 12 mules working on it no it was four blue mineral patches with 21 worker over saturation It's like you're missing like 400 minerals a minute. It's like these three extra zealots weren't going to change the game. This goes not being in the army. The fact that this entire army was red when you teleported back home, that was going to change a game. That could have perhaps given you the opportunity to win the game. But at this point, I mean, we know that the game is actually completely over. A single EMP should win the game. Oh my God. What is this response time? What is this? Look at this. Look at this prison. Look at this guy. Drop the Templar? The other, the, the ghost has like five minutes to aim the EMP. Look at this. One, two. Boof. I hope a fly never tries to get into your eye. Because by the time you figure out there's a fly there, like the axe that he laid in your eye will have given birth already. Holy crap, you're slow. Yeah, and then you type leave without Gigi. like an honorable macroprotoz that you are. Roberto, I have to admit, I actually was somewhat happy with a lot of the things that you did. And I'll actually start with that. I think that the way you approach a lot of these attacks, when it came to the timing of your engagements against the initial tank push, you really did fantastic with very little information. Your control was good, your understanding of how to cut off reinforcements, and then the time of when to engage. also was very good. However, every single time you did something good, it's like you had an angel and a devil on your shoulder. And every single time you did something right, you immediately had to kind of balance out the skills and do something so insanely stupid that it would baffle a bronze one player. It's like your attack timings made so little sense. Just you're having this massive lead and the only way to throw it away, you figure it out and you do it. Consistently, just consistently, you manage to figure out a way to throw a lead just straight out of the window. It is a special skill, but it's a special skill that no one wants, and thus I would not be advertising it if I were you. And right now, you're advertising it for the world to see. I agree that Terran Allins can be very, very powerful, but there is a really sweet trick. against Terran Al-Lins, and that is not losing your entire army a minute before the Terran is about to attack into you. If you know your opponent is stuck on two bases with Crap Eco and it's just going to continuously be attacking into you, why in the world would you attack into their defensive position first, especially if there is tanks? That makes absolutely no sense. The army of Protoss is not crispy like your grandmas cookies. The army of your proto is actually hard like a freaking brick that we built houses from, We're powerful. We can take a lot of damage, but attacking into defensive Terran positions isn't one of the things that Protoss armies are good at. Why would you do that? It just makes absolutely no sense. On top of that, you get storm. Don't get Templar for the big push. So that's a lot of money that you just kind of throw out of the window and also a lot of potential against a majority Marine army that you could have dealt. Put it all together. I don't think Terran all-ins are overpile. I think you, Roberto, just suck. That's the reality of the case here, my friend. You just suck. All right. It's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? Now, if you thought that this was a great episode and you want to be on next week's episode, be sure to send in your replay with your imbalance complaint form in the Google form that is in the description below this video. Don't forget the like button, subscribe to the channel. Hopefully I'll see all of you next time for another video. Thank you so much for watching. and bye-bye. |
Amiral Harstem On His Expedition To New Protoss Grounds! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | It is unbelievable. After all this time, all these years and all these defeats, the answer lies right in front of me. I haven't been using all the units that Protoss offers! No wonder I didn't win the GSL Super Tournament yet! Ok guys, enjoy this while I'll be winning some juicy price money real quick before the other Protoss players know about this as well! Smash like, subscribe and abuse it on the ladder!!! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/NzwNgBgJUCo/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | NzwNgBgJUCo | 83% win rate. Dear Amiral, you can't stand as a captain all your life. Battlecruiser, Mines, is Inba. This Terran has 83% win rate in TVP, which is suspicious if it were balanced. My early game was decent. Then I forced it to retreat of his B3. Watching the replay, I'm quite sure it wasn't worth it. However, I had time to make the composition I thought it was okay. Hydra versus Mines and Corrupture. versus BC. Nope. Sucks. I was... Wait. Hydra versus Mines and Corruptor versus BC, yet he complains about his opponent's TVP win rate. Either he doesn't quite understand what race he's playing himself. No one told him that Protoss is the alien race. He believes that Hydra's and Corruptor are Protoss units. And you know what? We'll leave him. We'll leave him with this. I'm not going to be the guy to tell him to ruin his build-off image of what Protoss looks like. Let's continue. I was lacking gauze to make more, but I already had eight gauze. I do know what to do. Amiral, I know I sucks due to my MMR, but is it imba? Or do I sucks really hard? Name, suposaton, race, Zerg, thick diamond, 3.4K MMR and the server is NA. All right, we're here on Burlingrad in a TVZ, indeed. So, although this Terran has apparently an 83% win rate in TVP, we are going to be watching a Zerg versus Terran in which mines and battle cruisers are way too powerful. And you know what? I already agree with this. Mines and battles and battle cruis are a very powerful combination. Mines kill everything on the ground and in the air and battle cruisers also kill everything on the ground in the air. You put these two together and yet the type of synergy that you hardly ever see in life. The only problem with this composition is that it's impossible to truly get into. Staying alive without tanks is extremely difficult. Staying and in general actually mass mines also isn't that good because you can't really attack into places that easily. It might be great defensively or at least okay defensively. Once you get out like 30 or 40 mines and you have nine battle cruisers but attacking into positions is just extremely difficult because mines. need to burrow and burrow all the time. But we'll have to wait and see exactly what Fasada no Buxo, interesting name, is going to be playing over here. It starts with a low ground barracks and no gas whatsoever. So this is one of the build orders that I haven't seen before in my life. Okay, well, it's like a gasless expanse with a low ground. Well, I don't completely mind it, honestly. If he wants to be going into fast battle cruisers, it might actually not even be that bad. At the same time, we have supose Satan, who was the star of today's episode, opening up with a hatchery first, a gas and a pool. This overlord's going on a little trip behind his own mineral line, some sightseeing in your own backyard. People don't know this, but very often in the area surrounding your house, like the five to ten kilometers around it, there's a lot of interesting things that you don't really appreciate. And then once you move away, you kind of start missing those things, you know? Even in your own backyard. Did you know that if you spend an entire day looking at birds in your backyard, you probably have no life because who has time for that type of stuff? One of my friends once told me this. He was like, Kevin, did you know if you spend an entire day looking for birds in your backyard that you might see more than 35 different bird species? And first of all, I don't have a backyard. And second of all, why would I go look in my own backyard for 35 different bird species if I could just go online and look at thousands and thousands of bird species. Like, the fact that the bird is landing in my backyard does not make the bird more special. I never quite understood that. I'm terrible at sightseeing as well. Whenever I go to some foreign country with my girlfriend, she would like, ah, we went to Rome, for example. He's like, ah, let's go see the Coliseum. And I just, I Google the pictures. I'm like, well, I think I have a decent idea of what it's going to look like. I can find a lot of information about the Colosseum on Wikipedia as well. So, you know, I'm telling her this information, like all the things I know. But then when we get there, she still wants to take a tour by some guide, pay money for that. And I'm just not a great tourist, I guess. And also not a great tourist of the backyard. But that is not really relevant to this game that we're watching here, which is a ZVT. Four Queens opener so far. a fast speed single drone in gas. This builder actually looks pretty tight. The only thing we're missing so far is a scout. We're also getting a scout. We'll see the double factory. And we should see continued queen production at this point. So you kind of want to be building a queen from this base and from this base, continue spreading creep with the new queen. So it's actually kind of easy the way that Zerg works is that whenever a queen pops from a hatchery, you inject once, you start a new queen from the natural on the third. And then the queen that just did this first inject will join the other queens in creeping. However, for some reason, suposatan is not actually building more queens. And not building more queens is almost always a mistake in the early game. The queen is a little bit the... It's like baking soda in StarCraft 2, you know? If there's anything wrong in your house, 99% of the time baking soda will be part of the fix. whether that is a solo mission for the baking soda, or if there's some vinegar involved as well, it doesn't matter. It's similar for Zerg with the queen. If there is a problem that the Zerg has, especially in the first 10 to 12 minutes of the game, 99% of the time, this hole in your play can be patched by adding more queens initially into your game, especially if you're going to be floating 1K minerals. The interesting thing is that Zerg doesn't actually have enough larva in the early game to continuously be building, or to not start floating units, even if you have perfect injects, because drones just don't cost so much and they use up larva very quickly, which is why continuous queen production, first of all, it saves larva, because if you're building queens and your opponent attacks you with, let's say, Helions, you don't really need to build lings or roaches against that. However, if you don't have the queens, you need to cut your drones. So building queens is an economical play in every yeah in every single way it's just like I said the baking soda of Zerg for sure it fixes all of your problems trust me on that now if we're looking at the Terran he does have a third base already floating over and we see that Super Old Satan is going to go in for a bit of an Overseer Scout here I always do like a cheeky overseer scout allows you to see everything now he already is aware of the fact that there was a third CC he saw the double factory he saw the two armory, oh sorry, no, one eBay, one armory, and a fusion core also being built here. So, yeah, there's a lot of information. It's kind of important that the overseer goes in, but even at this point, he should already know that most likely there's going to be battle cruisers, because almost every Mac opener in the world has battle cruisers. It still would be nice to get that confirmation, though, especially, I guess he's going to wait for the numbing. I'm not really cool, by the way, and I kind of want to talk about this. I'll pause here for a second. This hatchery, it looks stupid, but it actually is not stupid at all. If you're going to make a macro hatchery, I don't mind it being in this type of a position, because it means that the reinforcements are going to hit faster wherever you want them, whether it is in an attack or in a defense. The only thing you need to be aware of is that you're not going to ruin your own unit movement so much that like a drop in a cheeky position would be able to deal more damage because of this hatchery. But otherwise I actually really like this. I like this even more than just straight up building it in the main base. I actually think this is one of the things that some of the top Zerg players don't do correctly and suposatain over here is doing it. I don't think you can build like three hatcheries like that because it's going to interfere with your unit movement. You probably don't want one next to your third base. But here, in this type of area, yeah, I actually think it's quite good. It cuts off four or five seconds of travel time. This is a really cool move, Super Satan. Now, what isn't a cool move is the Hydra Lysk. Hydra Lysk are some of the worst units that the Zerg can make against Mac, at least in my mind. If you're going for hydras, you really need to rush out fast vipers, and you need to be continuously trading with Hydra Roach, Fiper, I guess. This is not really a composition that we see a whole lot. It really fell out of fashion like maybe three or four years ago. We used to see some hydrabane against Mac, I think, back in the day. But even that we don't see at all anymore, honestly. Nowadays, majority of the time, it's going to be a Roach, initial Roach defense into corruptors to deal with the battle cruisers and then, well, just for a very long time sticking with that Roach Ravitur, high drone count eventually going into investors and all types of other stuff bailings being added in as well to start blowing up planetary so yeah it's this is a very old school style but if you're rushing into vipers and you have a pretty decent early game which i think suposatan definitely had it might not even be that bad honestly i do start to worry a little bit because he's floating a fair amount of money and he's still not aware of the fact that there's right now two starports producing battle cruiser And although he has a hydra then, he's only built eight hydras for anti-air. The queen count is very little because apparently Supal Satan does not require any baking soda in his life. The worker count on the fourth is a little bit low initially. I believe we already could be a lot higher because nothing has really happened. Let's not forget that so far the only interaction that these players had is, what, two mines going down, two marines going down, four lings and two hydras and overlord. Like, practically nothing has died at this point, and there has been no pressure whatsoever on suposateen either, who's right now building eight revengers without having any info whatsoever on what his opponent is doing. There is six Starport Battle Cruiser, and the best thing that he can come up with is to get nine revengers, 17 roaches. Two more overseers as well, by the way. I love that. This overseer still hasn't scouted anything. Let's see the fifth base flying over. Yeah, where initially I think the eco looked quite good for Super Satan right now, he probably needed to attack a long time ago and an attack would have required more hydras than what we currently have, because with just eight hydras against two battle cruisers, I have a feeling that just isn't going to be good enough, so you're just going to be walking into some big trouble. This actually is probably one of the first things you're going to lose to if you're completely kneel to Starcraft, is that you have units that don't shoot up, but are ranged. I remember when I first saw the roach, I thought this was the dumbest concept in the world. I was like, man, this guy has a range attack, but he can't shoot up. And it didn't work in my head whatsoever. I just couldn't grasp it for some reason. Absolutely pissed me off. I'm not the smartest guy, but it really did piss me up. Now, at this point, Super Satan sees the battle cruisers, knows that there's mines here as well. I still think attacking into this might not actually be bad because you could maybe clear... Could clear the mines and a bunch of workers. He threw a couple of bile on his own face. I kind of want to go back there in that moment. That's pretty wild. Look at this. It almost feels like he's rapid firing these bile as well. It's the way he's thrown around. This is the first as well. Usually you see Zerks. Xerks, they use their overlords to tank mine shots and try to fly them on top of the Terran bio army. But suposatan has a different trick. He uses the overlords to trick the widow mines into splash damaging on top of the roaches. That's absolutely brilliant play. I've never seen something like this before, but I'm learning all types of new things over here. Look at this. A couple of bile just throwing them down on himself for absolutely no reason whatsoever. a single SUV is being attacked. This refinery, however, is getting it. This sensor tower is getting it as well. Refinery getting it, and now majority of the SUV still managed to escape. Great fight. So so far, Supo Satan has killed absolutely nothing. That bar maybe like four or five workers and he took out a refinery as well as a sensor tower. And he lost his entire ground force. Literally every single ground, well, not literally. Almost literally, every single ground unit. He also said he had eight gas, but he's not really mining from eight gas. He's not enough workers in this one. Max is out on hydras. It's an interesting call. And the reason that's an interesting call is because he already has a spire about to finish up. And I'd reckon you'd much rather get corruptors against this army than hydras. I do believe you're going to need something to deal with the mines at this point. And Vravagers are actually kind of. okay at that as well. You can bile at mines and that will kill mines. You can you you can outrange him as well with your ravager. So the reverger corruptor composition would still work perfectly. Now the hydra link composition, this is the absolute sickest composition. I'm not quite sure what these lings are for. Cannon fodder maybe. Oh maybe he's like you know what? It works so well with the overlord earlier when I pulled my opponent's army, uh, you know, when I've put my opponent's widow mines on top of my roaches. This time I want to see if I can also do that with lings. Maybe that's going to be the goal of these lings. I love this single Ravager in the army as well. It's a very big play. Some scouting lings going in right now. Thirty-five widow mines. Very interesting. What if I can attack this? This gave him the green light. I love that so much. He scouts six battle cruisers. 25 mines in position he has what does he have it's like 15 hydras or so no this is all the hydras right now there's some hydras okay so there's like 15 16 hydras a ravager and 30ish lings and he's like yeah that seems fine this is this is going to be the fight that I want to take right now it's a brilliant play mine start burrowing brr foo fute ha ha ha ha Why do you scout if you don't understand what you're seeing? Absolutely no shot. This is like a guy that can't read going up to a sign and pretending like he understands what says. Like, hmm, right, right, right. So, it's like, it doesn't work, mate. If you can't read, don't go towards a sign and pretend that you can. It's the same here. Don't scout if you don't know what to do with the information anyway. Just give up. If you want to attack, don't pretend that you're waiting for the scout to confirm it. You know, just attack. Just go for it. I don't care. No one's going to judge you. We're playing in the Platinum League. So good. I like that he remixed on lings as well. After that last successful fight where he killed half a widow mine, he decided that building 50 more lings was going to be the correct answer here. Yes, I'm a high-level thinking. More mines moving in right now. And now you're actually in a pretty tricky situation, funnily enough, in which you don't have anything to deal with the mines. You finally do have your corruptors. I should have checked this earlier. Oh boy. 14K resources lost against 4.2K. I think this has to be one of the sickest ratios that I've ever seen. I can't actually remember more than 3.5. half times. That is really difficult even with Zerg. This guy is extremely efficient. Holy crap. It actually is very, very impressive. Now these mines are continuing to move in. At this point, I really do believe that the position is quite bad for Super Satan. He still should just not be building lings though. I like getting some spines as a defensive measure against these mines. I even would have preferred getting a couple of ravagers here that would have been absolutely fantastic. At the same time, he did manage to kill the fifth base and he's mining, well, he could be mining from some of these bases as well. He has 20 larva and 3,500 minerals. And I've seen this before, actually, from ZERC players at the lower level. And it's one of the things that I actually do not quite understand. So one of the most difficult things with Zerg is spreading creep and injecting. Like the macro mechanics of Zerg, are actually quite difficult to use. And often what I see in these lower level games is that zergs at least inject or they have plenty of larva, but then they don't just use them. And spanning larva is actually the easiest macro mechanic in the entire game, because you have all hatcheries on a single control group, you press the S button for select larva, and then you just build whatever you want, like 25 at a time. So he could just immediately redrown up into these bases, get up the 10 gas, and probably still be capable of playing a game here. Let's not forget his opponent is on a pure, well, 10 battle cruisers is a lot, though. Even if you're going to get a lot of these corruptors. At this point, I think you need to... Yeah, I think you're forced to get into some type of wind faster. A for the fungal, so they can teleport away, and B for the neural parasites. So you can use some of your opponents, Yamato cannons on themselves. You can maybe use a teleport as well, and, you know, just for some extra tanking power. Having five battlecruisers fighting on your side is always good, of course. So, yeah, I really would have liked. I think these 18 drones are a good call. I wouldn't have minded seeing some inject, which we, by the way, haven't been seeing. I said that he had a lot of larva, but all of these larvae were literally just... He had 21 larva, and I guess he has, what? Six hatches? Yeah, he has six hatches. So he did a single inject. A single inject, and now he's doing another single inject on all of his bases. Yeah, the injects just haven't been too good. Still, 12 larvae available and he's just not really spending it. 27 corruptors, the upgrades for the corruptors also really, really suck, despite him having two spires. I guess he's getting one-one. I'm not going to flame him for that. I'll allow it. I'll allow it. It's completely fine. A couple of hydras are being rebuilt here, probably to try and deal with the widow mines, not realizing that the ravagers would kind of fulfill that role in a better way. Has he scouted anything? Yamata is crazy. No? That's actually insane. Who are that? Poof. I feel like you should always keep vision in order for the Yamata to land. Sick spell. Absolutely crazy spell. Yeah. Corruptors anyway. Corruptors moving in right now. Some interesting snipes actually. It might have worked if you would have continued. It was kind of scary, of course, there with that mine burrow. Good to control, though, so far on the Vipers. I also wouldn't have mined like a single, or sorry on the vipers on the corruptors i wouldn't have minded a viper here to just pull one or two of these battle cruisers into this army i think that would have been quite cool now there's nothing absolutely nothing to deal with the mines so every fight is just going to be really really scary you just need something to deal with the mines even if it's just just some ravagers some fungles all of it would just be kind of a okay and now this fight is just going to absolutely blasted, right? You have two-two upgrades, mines are still hitting as well on these corruptors. There's still legit 15K resources in the bank for the Terran. This Terran is actually this is a crazy unit's lost step. Like even for a TVZ, this is actually crazy. Three times as March in a somewhat of a mid-the-late game. Gigi gets called and the game ends. Now, honestly, if I was a Zerg player and I would have played a game like this, And I would have watched the replay. I don't think I would ever in a million years, they're complaining. Right? Like, there's just so many objective failures, which aren't difficult theoretically at all. Like, I'm not even talking unit composition or anything like that, but just the fact that the saturation on the fort was extremely late, despite there being zero, literally zero pressure for the first eight minutes of the game. Well, you could be saying, well, the Terran was too stupid to put any pressure on. But at the same time, if there's no pressure on you, then that's good for you. If your opponent is stupid, you should be capable of abusing that. The fact that you can't abuse your opponent being stupid makes you dumber, and then you should be allowed to lose. Although of that, I don't think he actually ever ended up scouting your opponent's starboard. You literally had an overseer next to his main base. at like the eight or seven minute mark, something like that, how can you not figure out what's going on? As a result, your unit composition ends up being incorrect. Like, I'm not even talking unit composition or anything like that. Your injects legitimately sucked. Your creep spread was terrible for nothing happening. We had, what, like three lanes of creep in a 16-minute game, where once again, the Terran really did not clear too many creep tumors. The Terran took out nine creep tumors. total. Like, how many did you end up with 17 tumors? It's just, it's just not good enough. It really is just not good enough. I'm not even sure if you've injected more than 10 times. I think maybe in the natural you've injected like four or five times, but on the other basis, like these bases might have gotten a single inject. Like the macro has been improper. The scouting was bad. So, so your mechanics already kind of sucked. And then on top of that, your game knowledge and your theoretical understanding of this matchup is absolutely non-existent. You build Roach Hydra against Mind Battlecruiser. You realize that doesn't work. Then you remix on Ling Hydra. After scouting that your opponent is in position with an army three times the size of yours, you decide to attack in. Literally all of your decisions have been incorrect. Your unit compositions have been incorrect the entire way through. Like, there's no safe. people like you. Your opponent, it doesn't matter if it's mine BC or if it would have been tank cyclone or if it would have been mass store, you would have built the wrong composition to counter it anyway. Like, honestly, having an ape decide what composition you'd have to play, probably Nets better result than this. You sometimes have these monkeys that get to pick like 10 different stocks at the start of the year, and I believe they used to always outperform, like, these professional stock pickers, these professional investors. I feel the same here. Like, if we'd get a monkey to pick your unit composition, just purely based on chance, there'd be a higher chance that he gets to a better comp. And that's just really bad. So, yeah, we put that all together. And at the end of the day, my friend, it is not Terran that is Inba. It is not Terran that gives this guy an 83% wind rate. It's people like you playing bad compositions with bad mechanics that give him that 83% win rate. It's not imba. You just suck. That's going to be it for today. Thanks all so much for watching to this fantastic episode of IOTIS. If you did enjoy this, don't forget to hit the like button, subscribe to the channel. And I hope to see you all next time for more videos. Don't forget to link this to your friends and your family as well. we're looking for new people to recruit into the StarCraft into the StarCraft scene so if you know anyone doesn't have any real hobbies yet they're like ooh I wouldn't mind this person ruining five hours a day trying to improve their Zerg, Terran or Protoss and be sure to introduce them to this beautiful game of StarCraft 2 all right that's going to be it bye bye |
Build Order Innovation On Platinum Level Leaves Me Speechless! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | It's a heck of an imbalance form right outta NA! This will be a good one, I can feel it already! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/y33qVhVEVHk/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | y33qVhVEVHk | Dear Harstam, Zirc is just too overpowered in plat and above. It requires an ostrich brain to play it and somehow reach GM with insane scouting ability. Maphacks, a hundred army supply in a second, question mark, question mark, question mark. As a Protoss, I can't even play a macro game with Zerg, or I will lose badly. In almost all my Zerg players I play against is either I go cheese or all-ins, no macro as lurkers, breed lords and ultra-lurts, Breed Lords and Ultralinks are just too overpowered. This replay show that even, without a good Zerg comp, can beat Protoss with ease. Roach slash Hydra slash Viper isn't good at all, but somehow won, question mark, question mark. Against CIA with Kolo and Disruptors, what? Harstem. Admit it. Zerg is just O.P. Even if I don't play perfect, the Zerg swarm is equivalent to the Zerg negative IQ left, minus 1.5 billion IQ. Please tell me, Papa Harstam, God of Protoss. Is it just Inva, or do I suck? Name Kenosha, Race Protoss, League Platinum, 3K MMR, and the server is North America. One hell of an imbalance complaint for him. I'm not even quite sure what I read, but I think he complained about Roach Hydra Viper and about Lurker and the Insane Scouting ability, which is practically MAP-backed. So I'm looking forward to this one. And here we have our subject of today. Ken No Suwa, a Protoss player from North America with 3K MMR. That's the... What is this? Like a black hole or like a moon or something. But what do you call it when the sun is behind the moon? There's a word for it in Dutch, but I don't know this in English. This happens like every couple of years. And then people take pictures of it. in reality, it kind of looks like this, actually. I think that's what it is. In the bottom right, we have purple goose, our Zerg player, who actually has the decal of a purple goose. At first, I want to say, that looks a lot like an ostrich, but it probably is a goose, and it's purple, and his name is purple goose, and the color he plays with is purple as well. So this guy is what we call a concept player, you know? He has a concept and he really sticks with it, no matter whether it's cool or not. Also goes for a drone scout, which is somewhat surprising. Dron scouts are considered to not ever really be worth it, kind of a bad thing to do. As a Protoss, you can just, well, kind of ignore it. It doesn't matter. Zyr can get all the info that they want to be getting with their overlord anyway. The only thing you need to do is you need to pull two workers to make sure that they can throw down a hatchery on your base and so that you can get your own nexus in time. Oh, gets blocked. Yeah, this is why you pull two workers, so you can attack it. You can just get a core first as well and then attack this and you should still be fine. Throw it down on the... I like this a lot. You know, this is really cool. Throwing down the natural on the third base if you get blocked by a drone. This is like showing up to the grocery store, but the grocery store is closed. And then as a result, it's like, what's the correct decision here? You cut off your own leg and you eat that instead. It's like, I'm not quite sure if that is the best thing to do. Like you could have also just waited for the next day. You wouldn't have died overnight. And it's the same here. You wouldn't have died building your nexus three seconds later. Now instead you have your nexus on the third base location, which means it's going to be really vulnerable for any type of Ling attacks. It also means that the probes that your rally over there are going to take a very long time to get to that pace. And thus you'll lose some mining time. It would have been way better just to build it in this location. So this is genuinely quite a bad start. Now, I'm glad you rallied your gateway. Sometimes what I see is when people don't rally their gateway and it's in this position, your adept gets stuck over here, which is really unfortunate. And I'm happy to see that you did not do that. Now, the purple goose after blocking, hello? Why would you shade away? This is your job, adapt. This is like the security guard at the museum. The moment things get a little bit, you know, a little bit spicy. There's like 350-year-olds that have a discount card. and you don't want to deal with it, the security guard just walks away unless the pylon gets taken out, because of course if you have a pylon at the museum, I would have much preferred if that adept would have stayed at home to defend that pylon, because that's actually just entirely the job of the adaptive. If lings show up on your side of the map, you take them out with your adept. Now, instead, what you ended up doing is I think you send it into the main base and you killed one drone with it. I think the other drone that you killed was the scouting drone, but I could be wrong on that. You have no real tech whatsoever either. You start getting your Stargate right now. Now this Stargate got thrown down at three minutes and 35 seconds. The standard timing for a Stargate to go down with a Gateway Scout is two minutes and 21 seconds. That means that for no view of reason, you are more than 70 seconds late with your Stargate. And that is honestly kind of painful. I do not like that. it just means that your opponent can delay spores forever. It means you won't be dealing any damage. Also means that you won't have any scouting information, which is kind of important in this matchup. Your wall in your natural is also a work of art in that it serves no real purpose. The gateway over here, I am not sure why we're getting it in this exact location. You could create a bit of a wall with it over here. It's not great so far. But you know what? Work account is pretty equal. Your Zerg opponent also isn't perfect. He's floating money. You're doing okayish. You know, we're still in decent shape. It's not like this game is over. Sure, the early game wasn't tight. Sure, if our opponent would have linked flooded, we would have absolutely lost this game 100%. No doubt about it. But it didn't happen. And we can't always think about hypotheticals. Like we're living in the real world. And this had no bad consequences. and thus it wasn't too bad for you. You're not chrono boosting, your necksi for some reason. I do this like that a lot because it means you're going to fall behind even further in the work account. This Oracle is going to go across the map. I was afraid you would use it to kill this Overlord. I think it's the correct call to just straight away send this Oracle across the map. You get double robo in your main base and then a gateway added at your third. Stopping worker production. Now this is not a build that I'm familiar with. so I can't really comment on it. I just don't know what the exact purpose of this is. But as always, I have a mind that wants to learn more, you know, rather than being judgy immediately. I'm like, okay, I want to see what this is going to be. Because double robo, you probably want to get a lot of immortals out, maybe observers. You want to get a lot of vision on the map prisms. Like, these are the things that I'm thinking about immediately, you know. you want to be using that. And you actually are using it. This is cool. Because very often what happens at lower levels is that I see people throw down like four robos, three stargates, and then they build one voyter and like, all right, let's call it quits, they'll warp in seven zealots, attack across the map and still win the game, of course. But I'm glad to see that's not the case. You're actually building your production structures and you're using them. And in that case, I don't really mind it. Although this is very non-standard. It is an extremely rare strategy. Your entire build order has been kind of weird. All of your moves so far have been kind of odd. But at least you're using the things that you're building. So in your little niche of build orders that don't make any sense and don't seem very good, at least you build an observer and immortal. Now, of course, you start idling them after I've been praising you for almost 25 seconds straight. And that is what you get for being an idiot like me and praising people for things that aren't very good. So yeah, in reality, I don't actually like the double robos. But if you would have used them continuously, I at least would have understood it. Like if you're... Imagine that your goal is to build eight immortals. In that case, getting two robotic facilities is probably the correct way to achieve that goal. The question might just be is getting eight immortals a goal that you really want to achieve in the PVZ matchup, at least this quickly. I don't think so. But the way you're going about reaching your goal is probably correct with the Robo. But it seems like that wasn't your goal either. And this is always something that you kind of want to keep in mind when you're throwing down production in general. It's like, hey, what unit composition am I working towards? Like, how flexible do I want to be in that unit composition? Because if your initial plan, let's just catch another scenario here. Imagine your initial plan is to get those eight immortals out. and in order to reach that goal, you throw down three robotics facilities. Then you scout a spire and like, wait, against spire, I want, you know, anti-air. So you throw down three stargates yourself. Now, this is not a very flexible build order because you can't react within the production that you already have, which is why often when we see the top Protoss players play, they get a lot of gateways, they get a single robot and they get a single star gate, and if a Twilight and a Forge, It leaves you with a lot of flexibility to within the production that you already have, respond to a lot of different types of plays from the opponent. With your setup, it is kind of difficult to properly respond to something like a spire. You can't maybe get some phoenixes out, but getting any type of gateway presence will be really difficult because you just don't have enough gateways. So getting Archons, a lot of charge lots, one or two sentries out would just be very difficult. There's always something to keep in mind when you are building production like, hey, what is my goal? So, yeah, I do like that you're thinking about stuff. Sometimes you see people just kind of blindly copying pros. You're thinking like, hey, what is my goal? But yeah, just do know that there's a reason why pros do it the way that they do it. This guy builds buildings like he's an AI, by the way. What's how with that? You see that? The AI usually has like a roach warrant and a bailing nest. an EVO chamber on top of one another. It looks kind of silly. I don't know why. I know it doesn't really matter, like whether he builds it over here, over here. It just looks too proper. And then what actually pisses me off is that this Evo is one spot off because the infestation pit isn't bigger than Hydrodite, so you just misplaced it. If you're going to make a nice little square out of four buildings, at least do it correctly, this is actually making me upset. I just realized, by the way, this guy also is in a clan called P-Goose. So he literally is the purple goose, the pea goose, the purple goose. And he's playing purple Zerg. He's really cool. I can forgive this Evocham mistake now. All right. Back into the game, what is it that you're actually getting? So you scouted an infestation pit, no hydra then. Your response was to get Colossi, more immortals, a fort base as well. I kind of like that you're trying to wall here. That's cool stuff. You haven't once moved on the map to try and deny creep, which is starting to bite you in the bomb a little bit. as our boy purple goose and does not only like purple goose but also likes the purple creep and he's spreading it all across the map now you might be wondering why isn't he spending it spreading it towards the far left side here it's because creep doesn't spread here on the latter map the map is actually bugged fun fact well it's not a fun fact actually it's a sad fact this bug has been in the game for the past year that's not been fixed look it is no creep whatsoever beautiful stuff all right Right, first Colossi are being popped out right now. And your army comp against what your opponent has is actually kind of okay. Getting Immortals, getting a Colossi out against a very big Roach Hydra army. Yeah, it's not how I would do it, but it's probably going to do the job just fine. The only thing you need to be afraid of right now is either the follow-up of Lurkers or the follow-up of Vipers. And maybe in some scenarios, I could see like a corruptor Roach Hydra, very old-school. Not really common anymore, but it could still be a little bit dangerous if the Zerg is up in supply. It's going to be five vipers rather than anything else, rather than corruptors or lurkers. So in that case, you want to be countering those vipers already. And as you have even scouted, I believe, that there's a hive on the way. Yep, you should actually already be getting a Templar archives at this point. You have plenty of gas available. And if you would just get like, oh, you already have a Temple Archives. So yeah, you just warp in three, four, Templar. Perfect. Absolutely perfect stuff. It's important that you do not morph these into Archons, though. The use of the archon here is way less than the use of the Templar. So the Templar will feedback your opponent. If you research Storm, it can storm as well. Storm always is better than having an archon. And having one of your colossire mortal stay alive is also more important than having one Archon deal a little bit of damage against a Roach or a Hyder army. Now this wouldn't be necessarily true if your opponent has an army that consists solely of Ling Bane, then having Archons in there actually is quite useful, but against Roach Hydra, Archons don't actually do too much, so you can kind of skip them. Getting disruptors as well right now to add a little bit of splash in your army. You still haven't moved out once, by the way, which is somewhat impressive. And the timing you do decide to move out, this Rambi gets in. That is extremely unfortunate. You just ignore the run by? Oh no, he just sends it back. Look at this. He's microing a run by at platinum level. I actually can't believe what I'm seeing. Okay, five vipers are out. Now, this should be an issue for you, but at the same time, your army is so big that despite the lack of Templar, you might still be okay. It's just going to cost you a couple of units for free. So this should never have happened. You lose three colossi for basically free. You still have a lot of immortals, which means that this fight still looks somewhat okay. bay. One Coloss actually stays alive as well. Archons. Half your army just chasing Archons. The other half of your army is killing drones over here. I feel like you did not really micro this and as a result you kill and the drones and this base and also his army. So I feel like by not microing you actually did better than you would have done if you would have microed. So I like it. This fight gets a thumbs up from me. This is an approved fight. actually win this fight you're up 20 workers and this game looks pretty over yeah you have 1600 minerals in the bank you're on four bases the roach romeby did not deal too much damage I thought I just saw a couple of Templar march across the map what happened with those I want to see those again yeah I wasn't crazy do you have storm yet okay no storm oh you morph them into Archons okay no that's completely fine I was afraid you walk them into like 10 roaches, but instead you just morph them into Archons. And in this case, I actually think that's a, that's a decent call. Right now, there is a really cool concept, actually, which is called retreating. And this sounds kind of wild. I understand that because you have a big army and you like pressing that A button to A move across the map. But if we were to evaluate the situation right now, the only way that you can truly lose is, you know, you can truly lose, is to the instant remax of the Zerg. You know that the Zerg had complete map control, had a lot of eco, or at least a decent amount of eco during the entire game. You know that he had a hatchery in the main base. No, he was at least on like four or five bases, and there's still four hatcheries remaining that can reproduce units pretty quickly. Knowing that you have a bank, you probably know that your opponent also had a bank. He just killed two bases and had a very, very, very... advantageous fight for yourself. The one way you can lose is against the remix. So what you do instead is you just walk back, check what your opponent remaxes on, knowing that your opponent does not have the eco to switch into a different unit comp. You then counter that unit composition with your superior eco, and then you push out again. But in order to do that, you need to retreat. I am afraid that what you're going to be doing here is you will walk into this and then Actually, you'll just kill him anyway. It probably doesn't matter. I still would prefer... I think you should almost always move back. If you kill this many bases and you did not lose any eco yourself, there's no reason to attack into someone for this blood hour. Okay, well, here, if you're going to attack, at least use everything. There's like two disruptors sitting in this prism, a couple of zealots as well. These archons were idling. This colossi is attacking the hatchery. Interesting fight this was. Very, very interesting find. And I'm losing the disruptor as well. Verbedwoopiud. Very nice. The best part is that you're still really far ahead and that the Zerg probably realizes that as well. Like the Zerg knows that he's completely dead. Like he's looking at, wait, this guy's a complete idiot. Like he looks at his drone counts. Like I have like 40 drones. I know my opponent is on four bases. this, all he is left is like 10 hydras, 13 hydras and a roach. Vipers don't actually deal damage. That's the entire damage output here. You start tacking into Storm, get too colossi out, still have five immortals. Like, you're winning really, really hard. The reason why you don't think you are winning is probably because there's so much creep on the map. It feels scary, but this game is actually completely freaking over right now. Like, super over. The only thing you need to do is clear a little bit of creep. Take a fifth base, take the watchtowers. Let's not forget that you haven't had map vision at any point during the game. I love where this observer is positioned, by the way. You have a unit that is invisible. You can spot anything, anywhere, anytime. And you decide to put it in the dead space where you can see whether he's researching adrenal glands or not. Although I do doubt whether you know that, for the people who don't know, of course, is that if the pool is researching something, it starts moving a little bit like this. like the wavy grass in SpongeBob when he goes jellyfishing. So you just got to pay attention to that. And that's what this observer is for. Oh, actually gets F2 back home or gets just sent back home, one of the two. Wouldn't surprise me if that wasn't F2. Try taking a fifth base as well here, but the creep obviously managed to block that. There's a lot of zealots. There is Storm. What is the upgrades? 2-1 upgrades against 3-3. Now, the upgrades are a little bit lacking in this case. It's just also surprising because there's double forges. Having 2-1 upgrades with double forges, that is actually very, very little. Probably just completely forgot about it. We're not going to focus too much on that. Like it's bad, but Storm doesn't really care about upgrades. Immortals, well, they do care a little while upgrades, but it's also not the end of the world. You get caught out of position a little bit. This Roach Hydra attack just moves in. You do manage to take it out. This is really bad though. So if you're trying to, once again, we kind of have to think of like what goal you're trying to achieve right now in this game. But it feels to me that you just want to sit back and defend. And in that case, in order to have a successful defense, you still need to try and get some map vision. So like a zeal it over here, a zeal it over here, maybe you have like an observer positioned over here, and put your army in between the two bases. Or you could just build a lot of cannons on one. one of the two bases, like two Templar there and ta-da, you also have a defense. This is the weirdest run by I've seen in my life. Five slow stalkers without blink and a zealot scouting this top right side base, and then going in here. Watch them kill 12 workers. If he actually gets 12 workers, I will give this the imbalance stamp. If these five stalkers get 12 workers, it means that the Zerker is not paying attention. Okay, well, I did not want to give the imbalance stamp yet. But, so far he's making a pretty decent case for Zerg being imbalanced. I mean, this guy is stuck on a Roach Hydra Viper army with 3-3 upgrades. Again, such a sophisticated Protoss army. I still don't actually see a way for this Protoss player to lose whatsoever. Completely blind on the bottom side and start sending Zealots out. This is actually a very good play. Zellet runbyes are a great tool at, A, keeping your opponent home, and be getting information. So those are the two things that you want right now. I also kind of believe he should be considering attacking at some point. I mean, he's practically maxed out. Your opponent isn't going to stay on Roach Hydra Viper forever, although he's on 36 workers, and that means that transitions will be difficult. This is also kind of weird, no? Look at this. So you know right now at this point, that the entire army, or practically the entire army is on the bottom side, what I would do in this case is I would start moving my entire main army towards the bottom, send like a zealot over here, maybe send three zealots over here. Now, sadly there is roaches there, but of course you don't know that, and then you at least get that information that the roaches are there. If the roaches aren't there, you can kill a lot of drones. That way you're a matching your opponent's army movement, you get some map vision and you do some harassment damage, which all three of these things are really, really good as a Protoss player. So that's what you want to be doing. Instead, is you spotted this army. Oh, you actually do start moving. Are you just too late? Yeah, you're just too late. Maybe you should have recalled. Oh, you stopped moving. Maybe you should have recalled, actually. Send another zealot towards the watchtower after your army dies over here to see if he's going to attack you. It would have been helpful. Losing this base isn't the end of the world. And it might actually, he might actually be doing you a favor. because right now in your proto's caveman brain we all have it you go like lost the base time to counterattack and you start the counterattack and of course that's exactly what's going to happen here it's beautiful this is why sometimes i believe that zergs should not kill bases if they cannot fight the counterattack and right now purple goose absolutely cannot fight the counterattack he has a single brute lord no he's oh wait he can fight a counterc he's nine brute lords that's a big rb right here you have nothing really prepared for this either, which is somewhat painful. Yeah, this is an issue as well. I haven't really focused on it too much, but often when you do not scout and do not attack and do not transition into a different army, what can end up happening is that your opponent does transition into a different army and you will be unaware of that. And in that case, what happens is you can end up with like a completely non-anti-air army, except for the storms and a couple of Archons against these brute lords. And no matter how massive your army is, no matter how valuable your army is, you're just going to get absolutely blasted. Or at least the broodlords are going to eventually stay alive and kind of destroy this army. It's really frustrating because you had a good army for a long time, which you could have used to attack or trade out or to get map control. Another thing, by the way, that you could have done in this case, as you actually tap out. I'm not even sure if there's a good army. that was necessary. I mean, you were still up 30 workers. Another thing you could have done, which once again, this is kind of a revolutionary concept, but the moment you see that your army isn't the correct army to deal with your opponent's army, you could throw down like a storm over here, a storm over here, and actually just run back home. Like, what's he going to do, chase you? Like, there's no shot. It's like, like, unless, yeah, it's just not possible. Unless he has like fungles, does have a couple of abducts, so he might get like three or four units. But him getting three or four units is better than you losing your entire army. So at this point, you can just move back, run home, and it will be absolutely no issue. Actually, what are these two Colossi going to do? I haven't paid enough attention to these Colossies. I remember the first Colossi actually damaged this hatchery. Still has the scars. Now, this hatchery is also going to get it. But actually, I end up falling as well. Look at that. Entire fight. I guess you literally just aim of every single fight. which honestly majority of the time is okay, but if you're fighting an army that you can't fight, it's best to just move combat back home. Then you should be fine. Yeah, this is a very, very sad game. It's actually a very, very sad game. You're winning the entire time, despite you doing very little correct. If I was the Zerg player, I would have sent this one in. It's like how, how is it possible that I almost lost to this guy? I had an entire map covered in creepspread. He built a pure colossus immortal army. I don't think he even feedbacked any of my vipers during the entire game. Like, I played so much better, and yet he almost managed to beat me. How did that happen? And I would have been kind of sympathetic towards that imbalance complaint form. But this one is like you say insane scouting ability, map hacks, 100 army supply in a second. Like, none of these things even really mattered. Like the insane scouting ability and the map hacks is completely irrelevant because you always stay at your third. and Fort Base, you never moved out. You could have denied the creep and taken the watchtowers, but you didn't do that. Him having vision of the entire map doesn't matter if you're not moving on the map. The 100 army supply in a second. I guess one time he remixed on roaches and hydras, but there was more like 50 army supply in 25 seconds. And you could have just gone back home and still been fine. You can't play a macro game with Zerg or you will lose badly. I like this entire game just doesn't make sense to me you do nothing you have the correct army for a very long time then you attack into your opponent by the time your army isn't the correct army anymore and your opponent has brute lords you're consistently ahead in eco you have no map vision whatsoever like you actually did nothing correct yet you still play a very long macro game and you almost win and there's like practically practically 15 different points in the game where I could look at. If you would do one thing different here, you would win. Like legit 15 things, like from retreating to having a better unit composition, from microing your army, you know, defending your bases in time, having map vision. Just nothing. Absolutely nothing was correct. So I don't think with a good conscience, my friend, I can tell you that Zerg is imbalanced. No, my friend. It is you who sucks. And you suck very, very hard. All right. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching to this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did enjoy this episode, don't forget hit the like but subscribe to the channel and hopefully I'll see all of you next time for any video. Thank you and bye-bye. |
Buying A Car As Your Fancy Waterballoon Target! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | It's a wild one bois. Don't waste your time down here, smash like, lean back and watch! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
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"width": 1280,
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} | uyk67aY3OuA | Dear Harstem, I think lurkers are completely imbalanced. I'm going to be specific here, however. I think that lurkers take far too little skill to use compared to how difficult they are to counter. I don't think they're overpowered outright, but I think that much like carrier slash high templar spam, the fact that dealing with them is so much harder than using them and there is such a thin margin for error makes these units imbalance. This replay is from a tournament, so my macro and micro are necessarily worse after playing many, many games on the trot. But my opponent is the same MMR as me. We should be on an even playing field. But we aren't. His army remex is faster. It costs less, etc. This is all fine. I have no issues with it. This is how Zerg as a race are designed. The thing I take issue with is Lurkers being such an incredibly easy-to-use version of the siege tank. Look at how the finals of IAM. into TVT but with bugs and abduct wars instead of tanks and matrix, with lines of lurkers spamming at each other like bots in a YouTube comment section. When it comes to using tanks, you have to think. I absolutely cannot just F2A move and siege them on top of my enemy like a mass lurker comp can. Let's take the fight at around 13 minutes as an example of my specific point here. My opponent suicides his army into a Terran siege line. that he can get a flank. A misplay. I wipe him, F2, and then try to extend my siege and control of the map to his triangle 3rd. My logic with display is that if I can take an aggressive position and force him into dealing with me, as I start to destroy specific hatcheries and control the choke out of his main and net, I will force him into expanding to other harder to defend places. Once that's done, we'll enter late-game Terran v. Zerg, where I can mess a liberators and make his life harder. then finally go for the throat after simply trading better. But I make my own misplay. I overstim, over-extend and wind up losing everything, needing to fall back as the Zerg is now very far in the lead. From here, I totally lose control of the game. He is able to inflict damage for free, and I lose, taking third overall in the tournament. Good job on that, buddy. Congrats. But think about this. Before that fight, I had to play slowly and carefully around his mass lurker forces. I have to siege and unseege liberators, play carefully, slowly, never exposing a weakness in the overall defense of my position. This is how an army build around siege units has to play when they are Terran. When I miss micro, I lose many marines to the splash of his lurkers. By contrast, look at my opponent. Unburrow, a move, control click, burrow. This simple micro, it's even easier than lips, and let's face it, holding rapid fire and waving my mouse around isn't exactly difficult, forces me to back off and reassess if he times it anywhere in the ballpark of correctly. Even when he does suicide almost his whole army, the lurkers still achieve a pyric victory of a kind by decimating my infantry. My coaches say just mass lip with range or just make ghost law. And while these are to an extent valid, I feel that the amount of value lurkers get for their extreme ease of use makes them an imbalance unit, that while not necessarily overpowered, tamed the dynamic of an otherwise fun-to-play match-up. If my opponent wiped my army with good brain control and splits, I can't respect it. If my opponent runs a massive Zerg force into a siege line, loses everything, but yet still somehow isn't knocked out of the game despite losing pricey siege units, I feel more irritated. But if my opponent has an easier to use and hard as the counter-seach tank that doesn't deal friendly splash damage and is far more forgiving with its positioning, then, and only then, I truly feel like the lurker isn't balanced correctly. This guy goes on for about four more paragraphs, but I think we pretty much get the gist of this. He knows fancy words, and he's not happy with the lurker whatsoever. So, with all of that in the back of her head, let's just hop into the game here because, holy crap, he, uh, this guy has a vocabulary that I'm kind of jealous of, I'm not going to like, with, pyrrhic? I didn't even know there were words with a why that weren't yogurt. He's just using them in a sentence. It's absolutely unbelievable. So, all right, we're into the game. Missed in the bottom left as our Zerg player and Wayfarer as our fancy top hat-wearing, monocle-using Terran player who struggles with the Lurker. Now, he actually raises a fair point, I think. And this is something that people often forget when they talk about balance. And it is something that I like to focus on. It is the ease of use of certain units. And he mentions the Carrier, High Templar specifically. And I kind of agree with that. I think Carrier High Templar tends to be easier to use in the Protoss versus Zerg matchup than whatever it is that the Zerg needs to do, in order to defeat that. And does that make it imbalanced? Not necessarily imbalance, but it makes the game extremely frustrating. Now, the Lurker is a similar unit in this matchup that when the Lurker first comes out, Terran has a difficult time dealing with it, if they don't have sufficient siege tanks, if they don't have liberators, if they don't have any ghost whatsoever. It can often feel like it's just an auto-lose the moment Zerg kind of takes control of the game. And I really do sympathize with that feeling that Wayfarer has over here, it can feel that way if you don't have enough ghost or if you don't have tanks or if you don't have map control. Like, kind of three, four things that you need to have as a Terran in this situation to make the game somewhat more playable. Because it is a shift in power in the TVZ matchup that isn't seen with any other unit. With any other tech transition, there's never such a switch on power. That really makes the Lurker unique. Is that necessarily a bad thing? Is it necessarily imbalanced? No, there are certain units in other matchups as well that can kind of cause a massive power shift or a massive power spike. But with the lurker, because of how Zerg works, you can build so many at once that at times it just feels kind of silly. Where as a Terran, you are completely in control of the game for the first, well, 12, 13 minutes. And then 10 lurkers come out all at once. and the power balance completely 180s and you very often just die immediately. This is extremely frustrating and this can feel very imbalanced. And maybe there is something here. Maybe Wayfarer is onto something. Now, we'll do note that this is, of course, a diamond player, a tournament diamond player, by the way. This was played in a tournament, as he mentioned. And he actually opens up with some pretty cool. stuff. We saw him, I think he had an SCV over here that might have just died. Yeah. Trying to block the third base, so a Reaper on the, on one of the third and then the SUV on the other. So he tried his best to block the base. He's getting a standard triple-c-o-c-opener. Like, this is, this is a really good build order, a very standard build order. Gets the starport as... Gets a bunker accidentally, then follows it up with a star port, not entirely correct, but very close to correct. Gets the starport before the as well, has a fast second gas. Like, he knows his build order very well. This much is obvious to me. He's worse pro games. He, you know, he can definitely, he can copy a build, is what I'm trying to say. Okay, like this actually makes sense. It makes me happy to see. Like, he isn't all tall. He's not the, you know, he doesn't just throw around a bunch of fancy words that I don't understand to make me feel inferior and then play like some four bunker opener at his own natural while forgetting his command center. Now, like he's swapping the tech lab with the start port, his thing finishes, he starts into an orbital immediately. This actually looks pretty good. Now, Helions, once Helion 3 and 4 are out, most likely want to be going across the map. The reason why he's keeping these first two Helions at home right now is because he lost the Reaper. And if you lose the Reaper, you don't know where the lings are. In that case, if you move out with your first two Helions and there's like a link run by, you might end up losing a mule and a couple of SVVs in your natural, which is frustrating. and quite frankly not very good. Decides to follow this up with a cloak banshee. Most likely double cloak banshee and that will, that should be eight cars then as well. Or six cars is also possible, of course, but most of the time it's eight cars. Builds a reactor with this factory and then should build two barracks at the same time here. Look at that. This guy actually knows exactly what to do. He has a very good build order, a very solid build order. Now, I'm a little bit disappointed that he isn't using these helions whatsoever. If you build Helions, this is a harassment unit. It's a unit that gives you a map control, a unit that can deny creep. It really doesn't serve much of a purpose into the midgame. So I am not quite sure why you would not be using it right now. Like, it is better to lose them in the early game and try to deal some damage. Well, that's not entirely true because you can still use them to deal with runbys. but just getting six Helions early on in the game to deal with runbyes is not it. He also isn't using the Benchy whatsoever, so he invests a CREPton in harassment units, not to use them whatsoever, and that is a little bit surprising and also quite bad. I understand that if you're not entirely sure how a build order works, that you don't want to, you know, you don't want to split your attention too much into the Helians and the Banshees, but Helium Benchie Arras is extremely important, Portland and is one of the big things in this matchup or just harass in general is one of the big things. If you don't check the Zerg player with your Helions and your banshees, he's going to drone up to an ungodly amount of drones really quickly. And no matter how well you're trading for the rest of the game, it's going to be impossible to actually win because your opponent will just have too much stuff. You need to keep the Zerg economy in check. That is just a fact of the Terran versus Zerg matchup. You need to deal some damage. you need to deny some creep and you need to force lings out of your opponent. Now, luckily this Zerg player is an honorable Zerg player and although you're not harassing whatsoever, he says, you know what, I'll build some lings, I'll build some bainlings, we'll get 14 extra lings out and even though you haven't done anything yet, it will cut into my work account by a little bit. Now, these banshees are absolutely not being controlled here. I mean, this is not harassment. You just, you just shift-click these across the map and lost two banshees to kill a single queen. This is kind of ridiculous. And I'd suggest that if you're not going to use any harassment units, you should not be building them. It's pretty simple. It's basically, this is like buying a car without having a driver's license and not having any plans on getting a driver's license or driving the car. It just doesn't make a lot of sense. You invest a lot into this. It delays your barracks. marine production, it delays your first MataVec move out, and all you do is you just shift-click it across the map. It actually makes, that's like, that's like buying a card to use it as a target for water balloon practice. Like, you can have very many other targets that are way better at that job. You could have just opened up with a faster second directs from Triple Cc. It probably adds a little bit of safety. You should get a lot of Marines in the early games, well, no Benji, so maybe slightly less safe. On top of that, I'd also like to note here for a second that you're starting your 2-2, before you are starting your combat shield, your first two METAX finish at the 8-minute mark. So although I was complimenting you in the early game here for your build order, these two Menev with a cloak Benchie, 8 Helion build order, are supposed to finish usually, well, 6.45, and they're pretty late already in that case at a high level. you're finishing them an entire minute later than that for no real reason at least that I can figure out it yeah I don't really see why on top of that you also only have 56 workers while your opponent has 86 you've done no damage whatsoever you don't even know if your opponent has a third base you have no scouting he's on five bases you're you're barely aware of the fact that he has a third like you're not sure if this is a fort or a third base you have absolutely no clue you don't know whether he's a layer you have Zero info. This guy is a dark enjoyer, by the way. Double macro hatch in the main. Huge fan of that. Hydralist Dan already being thrown down. Like, this fella gets to make, the switch into 8 gas, into Hydra Dan, and eventually into Lurkers. At the 8 minute mark, off of 91 workers. Like, Serral is watching this and he's getting jealous. He's like, holy crap, this guy is the fastest transition in the world. And it's just purely because you have a number. moved out yet for the first eight and a half minutes in the game not with your heliants well you've moved out with your benches but rallied them into a queen um now finally you're moving across the map you kind of pre-stim your entire army half of your reinforcements get picked off well actually all of your reinforcements get picked off you stint with did you just stim three times already how did this happen okay so we have one stim already being used here I guess it's just a second stem that you use immediately. Very unfortunate. Well, if there's any banlings that connect right now with your marines, they're just going to get one shot because you don't have combat shield. And luckily for you, that's actually not quite what's happening because there's not that many banlings, but Hydras will still be capable of taking you out anyway. You take out a base and this is one of the things where a Terran would probably look at this fight and think to himself well resources lost pretty close you know about even I killed the base I killed 10 workers denied a bunch of creep and he writes in his little notebook you know that he has with his monocle and he stop and he goes like oh frantasma what's a better word for a marvelous trade it's like oh great marvelous and then put his little notebook down again it's like this wasn't actually a good trade you're still down 30 workers your opponent could potentially already be going into Hive you don't have a fort base yet there's no second factory and you're building a Thor now the Thor is the one unit you do not want to be getting against Zerg unless there are mutalis or a crepton of brute lords and it's late game and you can play Thor ghost or something like that but this is this is not a unit that you want against Ling Bane or Hydra link Bane or Hydra Lurker or against roaches or against Lingbane Ravager or against pure lings or against pure banling. Maybe you want it if your opponent is an idiot and plays mass corrupter, but in that case I still think Marines probably would be better. It's just a terrible unit that you don't really need against a lot of compositions. Because it is slow, it doesn't have a, like, it doesn't outrange like a tank does. Tanks are the solution to hydrolysk armies and especially knowing that a lurker then could be on the way. Yeah, I would suggest getting more tanks, over getting a Thor. I'm also really surprised, by the way, because when you wrote this entire post out, like you kind of tricked me, I feel like. I really do believe that I got tricked there. The way that you wrote made me believe that you played a practically perfect game and that the only reason that you lost was the lurker. You know, you use all these fancy words to say things that I didn't quite understand. But now I'm watching this, you're getting like seven barracks off of three base. There's no fourth base nine minutes into the game. And you're building a Thor and you're going into Liberators, although you only have three MataVex at this point. It kind of feels like I've been tricked. It's like you show up to like a dinner party with your top hat and your monocle and you sit there the chair and the waiter comes to your table and ask you, sure, what would you like for an appetizer? and you go, oh no, I don't require an appetizer. I'll be eating from my nose tonight and you just start spooning the boogers from your nose and eating them. And everyone at that table feels like they've been tricked by your appearance. And I feel like I've been tricked by your high-level vocabulary and your fancy words. I'm not a fan of it. Like, you're still on 57 workers. You're way down in the economy. And you still don't have Combat Shield either. just, like, this is nowhere near close, a perfect game. And you could have seen this as well, I think. Like, I think your analysis on why the Lurker is an annoying unit to play against, so far has been spot on. But you're not, you're not really facing any of these issues. It's not like you've been playing with map control. It's not like you've been multitasking. You have not been tasking at all, like not single tasking, not multitasking. Half of the time in this game, I've been wondering whether you're actually. tapped into the correct screen or if you're browsing YouTube videos. It's like it is difficult to see because literally nothing is happening. You're sitting at home with your with your crap army with your wank eco. I start building marauders. I do kind of like that most of the time. Start moving towards the left side. Okay. So a bit of a rotation. It's obvious that these three metaphics cannot support an army this size, especially with your willingness to stim your entire army for no real reason really quickly. Like you're very trigger happy with those stims. Just to get into position quicker. Just to die faster, it is your second stim already, literally getting one shot by Danix right now. It is absolutely insane to me that you're winning some of these fights, by the way. Because it's not like you've been micron very much or like winning or at least it looks like you're winning some of these fights. Like you haven't been micron too much. You're over stimmed. You still don't have combat shield. Upgrades are slightly in your favor. It comes to third stimp. No scan available anymore. Now this is of course an issue because you're completely lacking eco. So if you don't have extra orbital commands, this is another one of the things, which actually is frustrating to play against Lerker's with is if you don't have enough scans, you can't see them and they'll kill you. Look at the big stims here. You just stimp, by the way. Like I... I do not win. to be you know annoying or mean but you haven't really microed your army whatsoever so far you stimmed and if a fight doesn't look good you try to move back out of the fight but there's no splits there's no concave forming like all of this is just kind of moving into it um without forming concave for doing any of the moves that terence usually do like there's no moving back either you do siege up your units quite quite nicely you know yes good with the leapfrogging There comes a tank forward. There's a good scan as well. I like that. That's for sure. You can move these tanks forward once again as well. This lurker's going to die. You have a big army sitting at home. He's going to join up as well. Still, only 61 workers. You're being completely outmined by your opponent. So although it feels like you're doing a great job here. And although it feels like, oh, look at you denying a base. You're denying someone's like, what is this? This seventh base or so. Like, he literally has six bases. if you take this base out of the equation. You're still on three bases. You're undersaturated at your third, the only mining base that still has enough mineral patches, and you're oversaturated in your main and you're natural. He flanks you. This is the fight that you describe, I think, the 13-minute fight. So I kind of want to see that again because I missed the start of it. Here the Zerg moves in. It kind of flanks this. Don't forget you still don't have combat shield. Your army is completely in the red. Yet you win this fight, obviously because the Zerg engaged in a weird angle, did not really burrow his lurkers. But even though he lost this fight and he's down 7K in resources lost, by the way, 7K down in resources lost, you're still down 50 supply. He's a way bigger bank. The only thing he's truly lacking at this point is a guess. And the funny thing is that so far the lurker hasn't been an issue at all for you. In the early game, the first trade you did was 4.2K against 4.2K resources lost. And now you actually are trading a lot better ever since the lurker got introduced. You've been getting good trades. The lurker is not your issue. Your issue is that you don't have any eco yourself whatsoever. The issue is that you're not denying his eco whatsoever. This guy's been on 100 workers for the past five minutes and you're surprised that he has a lot of crap. It's like, yeah, of course he has a lot of crap. this guy's been mining non-stop. Like absolutely non-stop. Now, once again, you're just going to pick up these hydras. This Zerg player, actually his control of the units has not been so great so far. Like the flanks, the attacks, the micro back and forth. It just hasn't been brilliant. And you could be, you know, kind of using that for yourself and by expanding very fast and, you know, letting him attack into you maybe at some point as well, while increasing your eco. But I'd rather you have this massive overstimped armies. That is definitely a mistake. You really stim a bit too much. I think it's one of the big issues here. If you would have gone back, I wonder if you just would have been able to win the game if you had like two more metaphacks waiting at home or so. Still no combat shield by the way, 14 minutes into the game. Mr. Monocle and Top Hat is absolutely unbelievable. Fort base gets built. At the 14 minute mark, Terran gets like his seventh orbital command center. It's in actual fact. I've seen it happen. I've seen it happen, especially against Lurker's. Like you just need orbital commands. And this year, this is way too late. Now you finally did start saturating this. Oh, just now, actually. I think this base landed at like the eight minute mark or so, the seven minute mark, has been undersaturated for the past six minutes. Too busy not building combat shield and overstimbing the army to notice, I guess. more hatcheries as well coming up for the Zerg. Like this zirc is actually macroing quite well. And the funny thing is, and one of the cool things, I often mention this, is when people kind of realize that they're not perfect or they understand that they're not perfect. And they add like extra macro hatcheries just so they always have enough larva. And as a result, the zirc has been perfectly capable of spending his own money, kind of knowing, hey, I'm not perfect at this. I'm going to lose a lot of army because my micro isn't brilliant. and I'm incapable of spanning on my army because I'm not great at injecting either. He kind of realizes what his weaknesses are and kind of plays around this. I really think that is cool. Once again, you're going to kind of... This guy just always comes from behind, by the way, off creep as well, super consistently. Still no combat shield in this army. You do have it on the way finally. You get absolutely blasted here once again. You are aware right now that there's at least one base on this far right side. And now you also see that there's another base here. At this point you should be realizing that you're probably very far down economically and that there's not going to be much of a way to get back into the game. Send out the Liberator. I kind of like it, a little bit of harassment. I wouldn't mind a couple of extra meta facts as well. You're floating 2,900 gas. How is it even possible? That's kind of wild, huh? That actually is kind of wild. 2,900 gas. No Ghost Academy yet. But you are getting siege tanks, two at a time, which is good. I even like one or two liberators, but the main issue is just the complete lack of meta-vex in your army. But where's the liberator going against? Here. Seed-stop, dealing some damage. This guy's coming in. You're not really, well, you don't have any defenses whatsoever, so you're just straight up kind of going to die, I guess, because you don't have enough crap. Yeah. I think this, this is the first time. where what you described actually kind of happens, where the Terran isn't completely ready for the lurkers, and as a result, you just kind of sit there, have to lift your base, you lose 18 workers, and you pretty much lose the game. But, I mean, the reason why you don't have anything is not because of the lurker. The reason you don't have anything is because you lost your entire army on the left side, and you lost your entire army on the right side, you haven't been building enough siege units, and you have crap eco. like there is a very different issues kind of leading up to this problem he gets six more lurkers I mean he still has plenty of money overall units lost by the way you're still up 5k so despite your pretty terrible trades on the right side and over here you're still doing somewhat okay once again completely over stimming your army or at least stimming everything at once for no real reason with a single matter of fact you're going to stim most likely again to run to this base or something like that or once you get there, you'll stim again. And Bainlings will be able to do one shot to, yep, here we go. Bainlings will be rolling in and we'll be able to kill you at once. This is a real issue. You're completely dead as well. And I think this is the weird thing, is that Terrans often don't realize when they're completely dead. And that really is the case. Like, this game is not close whatsoever. This was not a close game. From start to finish, you were dead. He had 100 workers at the 9 minute mark or the 8 minute mark. You have 54 workers at that point. It was like triple out mining you. Yeah, Gigi gets caught. He also GGs. You lose the game. Now, if we actually end here with the resources lost, we can see that despite you having lost your complete army and him still having an army, he is down in resources lost. But he still has what is this? is like 8K resource bank, more, 8.3K resources in the bank. You have absolutely nothing in the bank. You have no money. The issue here wasn't the lurker. I do not understand how you can't see this. You're completely misjudging this game. The issue is that you did no damage whatsoever with your Helions in the early. You did nothing with your Benji's. You did not keep the Zerg eco in check at once. Your initial pushout was way too late at the 8 minute. mark. When you did end up pushing, the fight did not go too well. Like, you lost your entire army while he stayed on a very high work account. Your fort base was too late. Your second factory was way too late. You never got combat shield until the 14 minute mark. Like the major fights were decided without combat shield. Honestly, your fights against lurkers were probably the best thing in this game. The fact that he didn't just mass banlings was really helpful to you because every single time you're about to engage into a fight. You stim your army five. times and because you only have two metaphacks, it means that banlings always one-shot your army. The problem for you isn't the lurker. The problem for you is more the banling. And the problem is that you don't attack your opponent whatsoever or harass your opponent whatsoever. And you're kind of expecting everyone to stay on 50 workers so you can out-macro them. But that's not how it works. If your opponent gets more workers than you, more bases, and has a lot of crap, like even if your fights are going quite well, you're not going to. to be winning. It really feels like this entire essay that you wrote because it was darn long has nothing to do with this game. I remember, you know, sometimes you have these little toys as a kid where you need to put the, like the shape in the correct hole where it fits. So you have like a circle shape and then you put it in the in the circle thing and you have like a little triangle and you put it in the triangle. And if I were to have to do that, you know, if I were to have to do this with imbalance complaint forms and replays, this would be an impossible task. You're that the triangle shape imbalance complaint form here does not fit in the replay. I'd be the little idiot kit with, you know, hammering the round shape into the triangle. It doesn't fit! It's like, it just doesn't work. And nothing that you've described actually happened this game, I feel like. It was a nice essay and I'll give you some style points for that. but it's just not true. Like, it just didn't happen. And I can say, oh, like, the Lurker is very frustrating to play against. I understand this. And many Terrans will have many replays where this shows, but this wasn't the replay. Your replay did not show you losing to the Lurker. Your replay showed you losing to a guy with a lot more money. And, well, that's just life. So, yeah, the Lurker isn't in bad. my friend. You just suck. And that's the cold hard truth. The cold heart truth. All right. Thanks all for watching. I hope you enjoyed this episode of I-e-e-o-this. If you did, don't forget, hit the like button, subscribe to the channel. And I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you and bye-bye. |
6600 MMR TOP TIER EU PRO PLAYER IODIS! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | This might be the highest level replay we EVER had in this show. And it promises me my long dreaded and awaited IMBA-stamp. From a man, who might even know better than me! Is it really time...? Smash like and subscribe for this legendary moment in SC2 history! PtitDrogo: https://twitter.com/ptitdrogo If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zhZN4xIGni4/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | zhZN4xIGni4 | Race Protoss, MMR, 6600, League Grandmaster, server EU and the name is Petit Drogo. French Protoss player, one of the, in my opinion, top 10 European players currently, and he writes this to me. What's up, Kaff? Today is the day, the one you've been dreading forever since you started this YouTube series. And it's not entirely correct there. sure, waking up to a message from Drogo isn't exactly my favorite thing. There's a lot of people I would rather get a message from, but honestly getting a Skype notification with a little story in it is not really the day I've been dreading. But let's continue. You ignore this replay. The story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe about the state of ZVP. You watch this replay and I show you how deeply imbalanced Zerg Lategame is. We have a famous saying in France ever since the Maginot Line 1940 incident They're going to passé by la Forre six solo which roughly translates to plate perfect still loose I'm no native French speaker but I don't think that exactly translates one-on-one I digress, let's continue I think this saying is fitting here as my German opponent was using an even more broken tactic than the Blitz Creek, Zerg units. This game I put on a hard hat and a hammer, like the good working man, and built a beautiful setup for myself. Five bases, extremely good upgrades, and the complexity of my army was good enough to make a tasteless cry. I almost won the game after such beautiful play. Sadly, in a very lore-accurate way, the Zerg army was overwhelming, and there was nothing I could do. Ultralisks and broodlords dominate the ground. Corruptors make sure I don't get to build any air units. And worse of all, investors indoctrinate my own units, making them fight against their own brothers and sisters. I could go on, but the replay will speak for itself. So what will it be, Captain? Will he tell the truth to your audience and admit the game is imbalanced? Or will you lie like a coward and tell me I suck? The choice is yours. Petit Drogo. P.S. Yeah, I guess I had a bit too many workers. Now, I can't be the only one that spots the irony in a French person calling me a coward, but we'll skip that for now. Hop into the game. I decided to skip the first two minutes and 34 seconds because I do believe that Drogo is perfectly capable of doing the first two minutes and 34 seconds perfectly. He is a professional player that has been playing StarCraft 2 at the highest level for a very long time. And he is one of the players that loves playing one style again and again and again and again. And just slightly improving that style again and again and kind of unlike a regular French person, he doesn't actually like cheese that much. He is a player that wants to play very solid. He'll have build orders that are kind of aggressive. But cheese is not something that he has in his toolbox. He has a lot of tools in his toolbox. and he can play different styles, but the thing he likes the most is perfecting one style and playing that over and over, improving just the tiniest bit every single game. So I'm looking forward to a very tight, early and midgame, a very good understanding of what to do in every single situation, and I'm kind of curious how this is going to be. Now the opponent he's playing against is Shopify's Rebellion Lombo, who happens to be my teammate and a good friend as well, one of the best Serks in EU currently, is best performance up to date, is getting second place in the next tournament last year, somewhere in October. He beat dark in the semifinals and only barely lost to several in the finals. I think it was four to three. An absolutely fantastic player, very good theoretical knowledge, solid mechanics as well. It's also known as the professor because of his strong theoretical knowledge. So this is quite the match here on the... I assume this is the European ladder. I haven't seen these two guys play each other in the last, well, a few months, I think, in a tournament or the last few weeks at least. But maybe I haven't been paying attention. But for all I know, this is most likely going to be a ladder game. Drogo opens up by sending a void ray across the map here. I think he tried to deal some harassment as well with his adepts. But he's killed one worker so far. Now, this is a really cool move. He pulls the queens away with his void ray, flies in with the Oracle to try and deal some damage. Because at the highest level, it is really common for Zerg players to skip their spoor for as long as possible to get optimal mining. So you'll see Lombos skipping spores in two out of the three bases. And this Voidre move, which I think most of us got introduced to by Zest. He was someone that initially loved doing this, especially with double Stargate openers, send in one Voidre and then the Oracle, bam, can kill some workers. It did kind of work out. Three workers have gone down. And the Voidre is in a bit of an awkward position, but this seemed to be the plan for Drogo. So I'm just curious what he's going to be doing there. I could say, well, terrible. This is going to suck with any type of Ling defense. and you have Ling's attack and you need to defend them. But this is obviously a very conscious play out of Drogo. He understands what he's doing. I'm just curious what his actual plan is going to be with that void ray. There is a forge and a twilight before the robo. Before the queen nerve, where the transfuse was still possible of creep, this would have been considered a very, very risky play because opening up with not a robo, not straight up rushing into disruptors, was basically a death sentence against any type of queen push. But nowadays, as queen pushes have become rarer and rarer, getting these quick upgrades has actually, well, I don't want to say become the norm, but has become extremely common in this matchup. So it's cool to see Drogo also opening with that. He's been honestly been doing a good job. Killed four workers so far. Seems to have good information of the layer timing, knows that there is a fort base. And this is kind of what you expect out of Drogo. He just completely understands what he is looking for in the early game, what he wants to be doing when he scouts something slightly out of the ordinary. This Voidre from the back is coming back in. I think it didn't manage to kill a work here. At least forced a sport to be built. It's just really cool. Kind of that play between the Oracle and the Voidre. The Voidre coming in from one direction and the Oracle coming in from the other direction. Really keeping Lombo busy here. Lombo only on 69 workers so far. And Drogo is just kind of being passive, not wanting to attack before he has his setup. As he mentioned in the balance for me, so he said, I got a really good setup in the early game. I was happy with what was happening. He gets a double scout off as well. He has triple sentry, so he's going to be scouting for days here. Oracle can get the revelation, sees more drones moving towards that fort base. Double hallucinations are now moving in as well. We'll just be rallied over these bases, trying to figure out what tech it is that Lombo is going for. And he spots the spire here. Lambo already was getting an extra gas. We probably just wanted to build eight or nine muras into Reverger Ling Bane. This Voidre is doing a decent job against the spire, though. And I do like this. Honestly, so far, Drogo is playing a fantastic game. He scouted absolutely everything. Now, I don't want to say this is the perfect game so far, but if he loses in the next 20 seconds, I'd say, yeah, played perfect, still lost. The French saying here is pretty darn accurate. He gets the spire, only a single muta gets built, and immediately Drogo is already transitioning into triple Stargate as well as a Fleet Beacon. Now, there is perhaps one point where I'd have a small criticism here is why is there no plus one on the way yet? I feel if you want to transition into a fast triple stargate, getting a slightly faster plus one, and also taking the gases before your fort base finishes, would probably a wise play. Drogo has scouted or should have scouted the drone count on the fort already, and probably should have scouted this extra gas as well, should somewhat be aware of what's kicking off. I feel like these gases should have been taken slightly earlier, and the plus one should have started. Now, this is of course a little bit nitpicky, but once again, this is 6.6K MMR. Drogo is absolute top 10 player in Europe. Details matter. And honestly, not much has been happening. So there's no reason for it not to have gone correctly. He seems to be prioritizing Phoenix production right now, although he just took out the spire. I guess he was afraid of like 12 mutas being built just before the spire got killed. Now he'll see that's only a single muta. I wouldn't mind if he cancels this phoenix. There's no need for three phoenixes in this case. I don't believe at least. Gas is really quite late, almost delayed by 30 seconds or so. That's a decent amount of gas. We don't have enough gas mining here at the third base either. As for some reason, there was only one dude in this gas, two dudes in the gas. So we lost a lot of gas mining. And as a result, we really see that the gas mineral balance is just that tiny bit off here. You know, there's only 200 gas in the bank. is continuing upgrades as well for the ground. Then the question to me is, what are the triple stargates for? You know, if you're planning on going for a quick carrier rush, that's fine. But then why are we also rushing out the shield weapons? Why are we also trying to get so many, well, maybe Immortals isn't even too bad, get some extra DPS, not that gas intensive. But I'm kind of doubting the shield weapons here if you want to go for some type of quick carrier play and otherwise just delay your Stargates a little bit. There's nothing wrong with that. Or start with two stargates, double carrier, put a lot of chrono boost on that, and just do like a quick five carrier push. So you add your third stargate after the first two carriers basically finish. There's a decent amount of money in the bank, and this might look bad, the fact that he was floating 1600, but that's actually not necessarily a mistake. Very often for ProDos, the decision is waiting with money to get another base or adding more cannons, or building zealots if there is a need to build zealots. However, in an army composition like this, there is no point in spending your money just to spend the money. And I see a couple of you gold and bronze and platinum guys thinking right now, oh, I can flow 2.5K and it's no problem. No, it is no problem if you're not being attacked. Because adding 25 zealots on top of this army is actually useless because it would just make banlings, which zergs should always be capable of building, because there's always going to be a bailing nest, would just make the bailings a lot more useful against an army like this. So you only want to be building zealids in two situations. One, if you have a prism in their main base or you're doing a major run-by towards a base, and two if you're under attack and you need a quick reinforcement. And perhaps you can do one or two extra waves of zealots before. If you scout something like that, you can still use some in a run-by. So even if you see Drogo floating minerals here, that is not actually a mistake. So so far he's been playing a fantastic game. Like really almost no mistakes. His unit control has been close to perfect. He's lost one immortal. I'm not quite sure how that happened. I'm afraid that it might have been rallied across the map. And he's lost a single adept. He'd all the fair amount of damage. He killed a spire, killed seven drones, killed two overlords. Perhaps one point of criticism is that he hasn't been capable of clearing any creep. But at the same time, the creep spread also isn't massive and impossible to clean up later on. There is no observer yet, and that does worry me a little bit. because the moment these first three carriers are going to pop will be the first timing where Drogo actually has a little bit of map control. And with that little bit of map control, he should be capable of clearing a fair amount of creep at least around the basis. You want to be clearing all the active tumors, which makes it really difficult for the Zerg to kind of start respreading again. The queens need to start moving there. That can be scary. There's only seven queens total. So there's not even that many queens to respread everywhere. and not having any type of major splash in this army as well. I understand it because he didn't have that much gas, but right now the gas is available to at least start storm, I would think. He's nearing max as well. Like, if you look at an army that is maxed, you always want to think, what is the easiest way to improve it without spending a lot of supply? So if you could spend every little bit of supply, you could say, well, you'd get rid of like 20 zealots and you replace that by eight carriers. That would obviously improve that army. However, in this case, it's already maxed. You want to slowly get rid of the zealots. It's not like you're super rich yet. So you get rid of four zealots at a time maybe. And in this way, a good way to improve this army would be to just add three or four Templar, get storm, and that would increase the power, the damage output of this army by so, so much, so much more. than any other sick supply possibly could at this moment. There's no other sick supply investment that can be built with the money that Drogo currently has that would have as much of an impact as getting Storm and three more Templar. Sure, Storm has a decent research time, but with two chronobust on it, it's really only about a minute, 59 seconds, I believe. So, yeah, I don't know. I feel like that would be a very good solution to the problem of not being capable of increasing this army currently. It also could just be used as a transitional tool. If you know that you want to fight right now, you might want to be getting storm ready for the next push. This is... These zealots are absolutely blitzing in there. This is not the way you want to engage, Drogo. You know that, I know that. I'm not going to pretend like this is a good fight. Zealots are a big part of your damage. put in this army. You have nine of them, 10 of them. You sent all of them forward like a bunch of idiots. You don't have an observer with your army, so you're not even killing creep. There's no Oracle for Revelation either. Well, you have an Oracle, but you're not using the revelation on the creep or on his army. And you just move command, these zealads into his banlings. He has to spend a minimum amount of banlings, the smallest amount of banlings, to kill all your zealots. So the job of the banlings practically has been done already. Fantastic job. You just made his life a lot easier for no real reason. Not having an observer with this army, not having a prison with this army. These are obviously very big mistakes. It makes it impossible to reinforce this position. It gives your opponent free vision. Why would you give your opponent free vision if you don't have to? These are big mistakes and they're rather obvious. I find it difficult to believe that you believe that your play is perfect at this moment. There's obvious errors so far. Now, you're going to set up another run by. This is what, 10 zealots. And I like this. You're slowly getting rid of crap units like zealots. And the control on them is not very good. But I can kind of forgive that as well. Once again, no observer with this army means that this creep still gives vision, makes it difficult for you to do any aggressive rotations without being spotted. I'm not quite sure why you would want this creep to still exist. You're also not aware of where his army is exactly. You don't have storm in this army yet. These are... We could have started storm. legit a minute and a half two minutes ago would have been capable of having this army all of this creep could have been gone now lumbo gets a way better fight than he probably ever should have with a pure roach corruptor army i mean you have a you had a massive army you had a great composition a couple of your zealots did get through but it looks like they're getting f toed back home now they end up going here towards this hatchery yeah the fights so far just haven't been brilliant for you but despite that you're not even that far down in resources lost pre-pre broodlord investor viper it's really difficult for Zerg to get cost-efficient fights, honestly. It just doesn't happen because their main tool is going to be the Bainling, and the Bainling inherently is a cost- inefficient unit. So, so far, I'm not a huge fan of what you've been doing. The fact that you're losing more than your opponent in these fights show that the fights haven't been going too great. Now, Brutlards are coming out, Vipers are coming out. Your plan is to still go for this push, so you're setting up for a carrier void ray-ish like push. I do like that you're continuing upgrades very fast, by the way. I'd like to make a quick note of that. The double forge is really going to be paying off soon, especially in these like, whenever you play a late game against the Zerg, eventually you're going to get little skirmishes on the sides of the map. Zealots, Archons, or maybe just pure zealots, maybe a prism in a main base at some point, or not a run-by into 12 spines, but probably mainly going to be focused on the right side. And having these extra upgrades on the zealots, And if there's an arc on in there, go to be absolutely massive against Link. So I'm a very big fan of this. I think it's cool. Did delay your initial move out a bit. And I still feel like that your storm has been too late. But I mean, these are mistakes of the past. Let's focus on the now. We live in the moment. And in this moment, you're making some darn good decisions. The only thing that I really dislike is that this observer has been so slow. I really think this has been one of your biggest mistakes. and also just not knowing where his army is the majority of the time could have been a lot more painful if you were slightly more out of position his bailing run by is going to go in I think they don't even have plus two yet get a nice violent wall here Drogo very good good warpin as well man I just kind of want to go back here this was fantastic look at this this actually was really cool because Drogo kind of gets called off guard and I don't do this thought in I oldest you know I hardly ever get to highlight any cool place Drogo gets caught of guard a little bit here, you know? But he immediately realizes that he's being jupped. And his response against this bailing run by is honestly close to perfect. He doesn't have energy for a recall. He's like, hey, banlings, I don't want them to reach into my mineral line, throws down the pylon here. These banlings are a little confused. You see there's some weird aim moving going on out of Lambo. Now Lambo realizes, and then you get the good stalker warping just there in the end. A couple of stalkers do end up falling, but majority of the probes stay alive. And right now, with this move, and although Drogo initially got caught out of position, he now actually has some leverage to start moving across the map and maybe deal some actual damage. And once again, once you are allowed to step on your opponent's creep, it's really nice if you can clear this creep. And this time with the observer, that's actually going to be possible. So it's great to see that. I obviously would have loved to at the same time have some type of secondary play here, Drogo. I know you're capable of shift-clicking zealots into bases. I've seen you do this many times in the past. And having just a little one-sided affair here makes me sad. I think getting five zealot in towards this base, even running them down here or down here, would have been super helpful. It just forces your opponent to spread the attention. You don't really need to control the zealots. They work by themselves. You know that. I know that. I also wouldn't mind if you send this prism into the main base with like four zealots, then pop it back down immediately. You know, these very small moves cost very little effort for the Protols and cost a lot of effort for the Zerg to kind of fight off. Use this prism well. Okay, now in this type of fight, I usually believe the correct play to be to focus down Brut Lords. There's only eight Brut Lords. You have carriers with plus two and there's no, there's one Carapace upgrades on the Brut Lords. So in this case, you could have focused down the Brutlords. But let's just slowly go over this fight again. and actually take a look at what these carriers are shooting at. This is why I think one of the most important things with this type of five, six, seven carrier push is to have a separate hotkey for the carriers. So once the interceptors are out, you can actually start shift clicking down Brutlords. The moment Brutlords disappear from this army, let's just take a look what you're actually fighting. You're going to be fighting 26 lings and 14 corruptors. Now, both of these units have one very hard counter, and that is the Arcon. And you have plenty of Archons. You can even warp in zealots against it, honestly as well, especially with the upgrades that you have, right? You have fantastic upgrades. This guy only has, what, plus one. He's going to get 2-1 soon on his lings. You're working with 3-2 already with Shields. Like, if you clear the Brutlords here, this game is 100% over. But let's zoom in and see what these carriers are actually focusing on. So one carrier here, look at spreading the wealth to this spore, spore under some heavy fire from this carrier. Really cool. I'm glad to see that happen. And we see the spine crawlers. It's taking some heavy damage. Brutlings are being attacked. A second carrier decides to also send these interceptors over towards this left side. So we already have two out of the five just attacking spores on the left side that wouldn't even be in the fight if the carriers wouldn't be attacking it. Now, the spine crawler is going to fall faster than it ever would have expected to fall. We have a carrier now attacking one of the queens as well, more Brutlings going down. not a single carrier out of the five carriers is attacking these brute lords. The only real source of damage that can clear the ground. At the end of the day, the only thing that matters for you is making sure that you can win the ground fight. And if you kill the brute lords, that happens. He'll need to move more of more brute lords, and you already have blink on the way. So you're somewhat prepared for that transition. It's obviously absolutely terrible target fire. And now finally you start going after the brute lords. You'll get, what, one, two. back to the Queens and back onto the spores. You saw how quick these two Brutelords died. You could have done that once, like at the point where you still had all interceptors in the carriers, you probably could have just sift-click down. I think every single Brutlord before your carriers would have fallen. Now you're forced to recall. At the end of the day, you still had an okay fight, but there were no run-bys going on during this. There was nothing in the main base either. So you cleared one base, you had somewhat of an okay fight. But I think this could have probably been somewhat of a winning fight. had you microde that at all, there I say? Because this felt more like an A move. There were of course some focus fire. There were some decent storms being thrown down as well. You were focusing a lot on the vipers. But there was a lot of potential in that fight and it did not get used. It really did not get used. Prism towards the main. Now this is the type of move that I would absolutely love. if the year was 2010 and you were in bronze. Nothing is currently happening in this game. You're playing against one of the best Zerg players in all of Europe. And you think that this prism, after seeing that there's 14 corruptors, is going to get into the main base? Of course not, mate. Like, what type of wishful thinking is this? You're just straight up rallying into his aliens. Are you joking? Come on, Lombo. Turn around. Kill him. Make the point for me. Make the point for me, Lombo. well, good control on the prism, Drogo. I'm proud of you. Alambo didn't want to make the point for me. But, yeah, I'm not going to criticize. That was good control of the prism. You knew what you were doing. You thought there was an opportunity. I take everything I said back. Almost everything. Good job. All right. Next push here, as we have. Okay, how many broodlors are. Let's just take a look at the army before the fights here. Okay? So what should be the goal? in these fights. Nine broodlords in the sky, 17 corruptors in the air, a lot of stalkers out, a couple of ultrass. Are there any immortals? Two immortals in the battle as well. So once again, the moment you kill the broodlords here, the game pretty much ends. So that should be the focus, or if you don't want to kill the broodlords, you just dodge the fight. Good blink sucks that you got blinding clouded on, but the correct call, honestly, is to just target these down. Now, your carriers attacking ultralis and spores over the brutelords is, well, makes absolutely zero sense. attacking ultras with interceptors that is the definition of doing nothing. You know, it's like, now imagine there are two jobs that need to be done, Drogo. And for your sake, I'll pick something that you'll be familiar with. The first one being getting a white flag from your shed in which you store the white flag, and the other one would be digging a trench at the French-German border. So if he has these two jobs and the two tools we have are one, is the key to the shed where we store our white flag and the other two is a massive shovel and in that case you try to open the door of your shed with the shovel and dig the trench with the key that would be considered ineffective. The same is the case here in this fight. If you're using your carriers to focus down Ultralis while your immortals are taking out brutelings, these units aren't being used as efficiently as you could. And that tends to be bad. So we'll continue in this fight. I still believe you're winning this fight because the fight honestly was quite good. You're very decisive in your fights. You know quite often when to take them well, but the actual infight execution seems to once again be kind of lacking. But you kind of win the game here. You're extremely far ahead. You clear everything. Your prism is slightly suicidal here. But luckily you have a second prism. So you just warp in like, in my opinion, four Archons, eight zealots or so. How many gateways do you have? 13 gateways and you should be fine. Ah. Very smart. Look at this. This is also understandable. This is a very understandable move. And I'll explain you guys why. So right now, what happened here is Drogo seized this prism, but it is resting. And Drogo assumes that it is currently. on strike as a lot of public services in France usually are on strike. He's like, ah, you know, I probably can't use it. So instead he just uses the pylon at home. I also like that he uses the pylon that is probably one of the furthest away pylons from the battle. Rather than going to the fort base or going to this base, he decides, no, the natural is where I want to be warping in so that my stalkers need to move over to the battle for another 10 extra seconds. Very good call, Drogo. I appreciate keeping your units fit, making them walk a lot as well. There's what, 14 stalkers, it was not. 13 stalkers. Imagine that this currently has 13 extra stalkers. That would have been a lot of units. That would have been absolutely fantastic. You probably would have been able to just completely destroy everything. I like the target fire with the immortals. Pretty good. Yeah, 13 extra stalkers would have just straighted up won you the game in this fight. Now the stalkers are going to be... are going to be arriving after the game pretty much ends, or not the game ends, after the fight pretty much ends. You still, however, have a lot of money in the bank. You cleared two bases. Did you clear any major tech? You didn't really. But I still believe you're in a good spot. One of the reasons being that your probe count is so insanely large. Now that, of course, has disadvantages as well as advantages. The disadvantage being is that your max-out army is weaker. The advantage being is that you seemingly have a never-ending supply of money. You're not actually outmining your opponent currently. As Lambo also has a decent amount of workers and you were transferring a couple of dudes. Yeah, it's unfortunate that you haven't cleared the creep in the middle yet. It's actually kind of starting to piss me off. The amount of space you're getting to clear creep and you're not taking that opportunity to do it. Because just because you're lacking an observer. There's no real other reason at this point, except you're just not having an observer. That is nothing but a mistake here, in my opinion. And I can't imagine a scenario in which an observer would not have been good in this entire game. The game kind of stabilizes, and I really like the things you're doing here. So you're pre-splitting your army. You're adding a lot of immortals into your army, realizing that your opponent has a lower Brutlord count at this point. So you have the Stalkers to one-shot Brutlords. You want to just blink in, kill four, three, four Brutlords really rapidly, so only one or two remain. And at that point, your ground army. will obviously do the rest. This is a very sound approach, honestly. I don't see anything wrong with this whatsoever. I like the creep cleaning. I think this is good. The double armies make it difficult for Lombo to truly, you know, to truly figure out what's going on. Once again, if you had an observer here with this army, that would be even better. Don't forget that killing creep really has two benefits. One, units aren't quick and also they don't have vision, making aggressive rotation so much harder to deal with for the Zerg player. And so the longer the creep is there, the more vision they're going to be getting. Look at that. Get so much vision for a Zerg. And as a result, you see this entire moving on. If there was a, here, just look at what happens here. I'd just like to stress one more time. If these creep tumors would have been cleared before, Lombo did not have vision of this ramp. These lings might have just joined up with this main army. But instead, what ends up happening here is you walk over creep. Look what Lamo does as a response. he starts building, I think it's about 15, 12 banlings immediately. Maybe he builds 12 banlings because he's afraid of dying. It's also possible, but he could have responded to this. And I think in a way, he pretty much is. His broodlords are going to be pushing you back for a little bit. You realize right now that there's probably more brute lords than you imagined. And at this point, I think a switch into Tempest would probably be a correct call. I love these rumbites with Storm, by the way. They're so good. Storm against Link Bane is, I don't want to say, broken, but I mean, if you're a zergling and the other guy has storm, you don't want to be a zergling anymore and you wish to be morphed into an Ultralisk when you were just a little cocoon or a little larva. Good movement as well. Oh, uh, oh, drogo. Oh, drogo. That was not a good move. So you have 15 stalkers here in this army and I like this movement overall and I even like the idea of sniping investors. But if you're not planning on split shot, investors with your stalkers, just blink in five stalkers to one shot these investors. And you'll be absolutely fine as well. You can do it multiple times with multiple groups of five. You have 19 stalkers. You could make three groups of five out of that and one group of four. How great is that? I did finish my elementary school, so I know all of these things. Now what's going to happen is you jump every single stalker forward. He throws down one fungal. Sure, you kill three investors, but you also would have killed these three investors with just five stalkers. So there's absolutely no need to lose all of these stalkers. Now, you still have an observer in this army, which is good. All the investors do end up dying. You actually take a fantastic engagement here. That's actually crazy. And although you lost like 15 stalkers for free and you do get a couple of your Archons taken, it honestly felt like this was the best you ever could have hoped for in this engagement after that start. So Lombo kind of doing you a favor there. I would really like to see some tempus being added at this point though. you need to get back into air because without, yeah, Tempest is just correct here. It's either Tempest or back into Carrier, which is technically also possible, but because you're playing against someone that has Ultras, having a good ground army usually is best. So the way that that works is that if you're playing Carrier, your ground army often sucks, because carriers get better the more you have. But with Tempest, there's pretty much a limit to how many you need, somewhere between five and seven. most players agree on. So you don't really want to get more tempest than that. But with carriers, if you can get 15, you don't really want the ground army. That makes it difficult to fight ultra-investor armies at times. Oh, my good Lord. That was a huge fungal. Quick response on the recall, but obviously not great that it happens. This is a good attack, though. I'm not quite sure if they ran by. I'm going to check. They just ran by. This is a good play. This is really good play. And this can only happen because there's no creep. Lombo is completely blind here, and these cellas just go in. And I'm not saying that this wins you the game or save your game, but I think this is definitely a contributing factor in helping you stay alive. If this doesn't happen, you're not going to be dying here, but we would see a split off of maybe two ultras, two banlings, trying to attack a right-side base, a couple of bains maybe moving towards this base or some lings here. Now Lombo is forced back completely. The only reason this happened, once again, is because you took out the creep and you got in. So this was absolutely huge. And this is kind of what I'm, But I always want you to do, Drogo. I always want you to have these run-bys that don't get spotted by creep. Because that just makes life so much easier for you. It really does. Mothership on the way, I like that a lot. Providing invisibility for your army is great, fantastic. Another thing, by the way, I want to pay attention to that I haven't really mentioned yet, is that I really enjoy Drogo Sim City in general. This right-side wall was good. We saw some semi-walls over here, which saved him earlier in the game. I wouldn't mind some continued walling over here. here as well, just a little bit, you know. I definitely think that could be somewhat helpful. But yeah, this, this prism is going to keep flying. You could try to go for prism speed if you're a true tryhard. You want to get a robo-bay invest in that. But if you don't want to do that, I'm also fine with it, Drogo. You know, I'm on your team here and you don't have to do it. I like the Oracle, double oracles as well, maybe even triple oracles in case you lose one or two. And this would be the first time where I would truly say, hey, the probe count is a bit much right now. We're oversaturating bases. We want a bigger ground army. We see Lombo is dialing back the amount of drones that he has as well. So his army supply is growing bigger and bigger. As a Protoss, you always kind of want to be matching what the Zerg does. You either want to be lower on work or you want to be equal. but you never want to be higher in in worker count. I don't think so at least. This is my opinion. Of course, you can disagree with it. But I think majority of the time, there's no view we use in the late game to be higher in worker count than a Zerg. Could move out of Lombo this runway, by the way. Kind of realizing he's doing similar things here what Drogo was doing earlier with that Zellat Rumba, just forcing your opponent back. This base is really important right now for Drogo. And this type of play forces him to just go back home. or to just try and straight up engage into this army, forcing the run by back home. I like this ballsy play here out of Drogo, identifying that there's not that many spores here and just start shooting immediately. How many Templar are we at? We're at five Templar. Three of those Templar are at home. No, one of those Templars at home. This is a really good start of a fight, honestly. And if he just plays this out somewhat patiently with the constant use of these tempers here, I think Drogo is going to be in a fantastic spot. He could definitely, you know, he could keep shooting for a while. He has infinite vision with the oracles. If he just clears these tumors, look how little vision Lombo has. This is the hardest part for Zerg is all units are invisible. He's not moving on your creep, so you can't even see the shimmer. This means that every shot comes out of the dark and tempest outrange absolutely everything. You need to abuse this harder. At this point, I also wouldn't mind if you still have any zealots in this army. Even if there's not zealots in this army to just send like a couple of zealots over here, some zealots here to clear these buildings or maybe try to clear this, you know. This is the moment where if you would have 15 less supply in workers and that would be seven zealots or like five zealots and two dTs, that would be super useful in this type of scenario because it's really difficult to deal with if you're under a lot of pressure as a Zerg. So, oh, this is a classic. Now, this is one of the most frustrating feelings is that you hit the feedback as the viper at the same time, also hits his abduct. And here something happens, which can only be described kind of as the sunk cost fallacy of StarCraft 2. So we see that Drogo already feels invested in this fight and believes that he can still save this mothership. Now, this mothership is worth 800 resources. Don't get me wrong, it's an important unit and I'd like to see it back. And if you can save it, you probably want to save. but it gets pulled in, face first, into an army with corruptors, investors, a bunch of Brutelord, some ultras. This Tempest army, the main purpose of the Tempest, is to fight long-range fights over an extended period of time. You want to be sniping single units again and again, and you want to deny your opponent from engaging immediately. The longer you can stretch out the fight, the better it gets because you have the range advantage. So here, Drogo gets terrific. by Lombo into actually moving into this position, Drogo semi saves the mothership, but gets into a fight where he didn't want to be in. Investors can throw their neurals, ultras get pretty decent, what you call it? Surface area and literally every single Archon fights for the wrong side here. This is a classic case of losing one unit that he cared too much about, and then losing his entire army. trying to get the unit back, that already died. And often that is the mother ship. It is such a good bait because it's the most expensive unit, and you do start to feel a little bit attached to it as a Protoss player. But this obviously was the worst fight that he could have hoped for. Yeah, so instead of just getting a minus 400, 400, 400, or minus 800 resources total, he actually gets a complete crap fight and loses his entire army, loses a lot more than just 800 resources. So now Lombo is actually in a leading spot. It's funny that Drogo right now is like, oh, crap, my freaking tempest, terrible unit, can't win a fight with it. But before this fight, before Drogo got tricked into the fight, he actually was winning this. He completely pushed back everything. There are no spores remaining whatsoever on the map. These bases were completely open. Drogo is outmining his opponent in a big way. The only thing that happened here is that he got impatient. Now, usually the only thing that French people get impatient for is raising the white flag. back, but here Drogo got too impatient and actually just engaged into a fight. A mistake, a major mistake that obviously has the potential to change the outcome of the game. But because his work account has been so large and because he's been mining well, he hasn't lost any of the bases to run bys. Drogo is still in somewhat of an okay position. I just don't like the transition into carriers too much. I really believe that continuing the tempest route here probably would have been correct. It is a difficult choice to make. and I also understand that he's warping out a lot of gateway units because he wants to hold his base for as long as possible. A couple of fungles are going to hit on these stalkers. It makes life a lot harder. We have Templars in a prism not capable of doing very much. Neural parasite on an arc on as well. I think Drogo right now is kind of defending a position that doesn't really require, well, it shouldn't probably be defended here. I get some insane storms, by the way, on this army. But in an effort to save a 400-minute... mineral structure. I think he's throwing away a big portion of his ground army. And his carriers actually coming in kind of clutch, I have to admit, did not quite expect that. Maybe is Lombo actually who kind of overcommits into this position now. Microbial shroud being used as well. I still think there's an OKH fight here for Lombo. It's not the most brilliant, but yeah, it just ends up even fine. Yeah, I think it might have been better here for Drogo to return back to this base with the probes and to take this later on. There's really no way Lombo is going to stay here for much longer, right? It's too split. You can't defend both of these sides. I don't think so, at least. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm not entirely sure what would have been the correct call here, honestly. It's a really difficult call to make because you just lost a really big fight in which you lost every single area. So I don't want to make any big statements there. It's a difficult call. I wouldn't have tried defending it. I would have evacuated my workers, build up another Air Force, and tried from there. Because right now it feels like you're pretty all in on a semi-ground carrier army. And you also really didn't defend the base anyway. So you find yourself in the same situation. Of course, you don't know the outcome of the fight before you take it. So it is a little bit unfair to judge it like that. Because I have just more information than Drogo had when he made that call in the game. At this point, I actually believe the game is pretty over because you don't have the army to break this position. You don't have the money to run by towards the left. And that just means that Lombo can start pushing forward here. there's no real potential in these armies that you're building right now. I mean, the game is over. It really just happened in one bad fight, and that's just how PVZ works. And, well, it wasn't really the one bad fight. We had two bad fights before that as well, but the one bad fight really was the, well, kind of the final, the straw that broke the camels back, as we say in English. You know, you have your French sayings, play perfect but still lose, but we also have some in English. And it definitely was the straw that broke the camels. or maybe trying to defend this was. You're absolutely dead, and I admire your ability to stay in a game where you've absolutely lost. Your stop for spoken forward a little bit. Nexus at the 3 o'clock. Not bad, not bad, not bad. I mean, it is just how we can kind of move forward. Lamo is so patient with this as I'll look at that. I'd absolutely be just rushing in with my old trials. It's even moving his spines forward. Lamo is such a tryhard sometimes. I'm going to flame him later on Skype today. This is a little bit pathetic. I should have just A move into this. You have queens. Morve some brute lords into your opponent's face. Finish the game, Lamo. Groo said, come on. Unbelievable. Well, it's going to take out this base. I actually can't believe how long Drogo stays in. I would have left five minutes ago after I loved the middle fight. I really admire the grid. Gigi as well. Drogo leaves the game. There were no observer. So it probably was a latter game indeed. So I was correct in that. And yeah, let's just kind of go over your thing again. Let me open my Skype because Drogo, as the privileged programmer that he is, didn't need to fill in a Google form. He actually just messaged me on Skype with an entire freaking two-page essay. I'm not even sure what he complained about. Ultralis and Brutlords dominate the ground. Corruptors make sure I don't get to build any air units. And worst of all, investors indoctrinate my own units. Now, the only time we've really seen the investors be super useful was in that final. fight and that was because Drogo attacked into a position where he never should have attacked into. He tried to defend the mothership that already was a goner. I don't think investors are very broken at all. You can feedback them, you can storm them, they have extremely low HP disruptors are very powerful against them. They're practically static units the moment they use their neural as well. Tempest outranges absolutely everything. Feedback outranges the vipers as well or is the same as Vipers so it should be absolutely perfect. Like if you micro a Tempest Army correctly, like you were doing before the one mistake that you made, I don't think any of these units are much of a problem. You never had any major issues with the Ultralisk. The only time you had an issue with the Ultralisk is when you blinked in 16 stalkers to sniper two investors. Then you got fungled. And yeah, well, if you're standing still in front of an Ultra, he's pretty darn powerful. He's just going to punch hard, you know. But if you're running away and if you're kiting, which you could have done, your stalkers or you could have done with your immortals, and you did a lot of the time in this game as well. I don't think there's much of an issue. Lambo didn't even make that many corruptors. At times you had 16, 17 corruptors, never much more than that. Your air army never was in any major trouble until you just, except the times where you just decided to fight into bad positions. I think this game wasn't really that bad. Like, if you look in this game, It is very clear that the fights that you take are often good. A lot of fights that you take, but the actual infight execution of the micro is a little bit lacking. The carrier targeting is really mediocre. Well, practically non-existent. Brutlers just get to live their life. I think you're too aggressive with Tempus often, wanting to straight up go into a fight where you're not really abusing the range and the main, you know, the main advantage. of the tempest, which is the range in the fact that they can one-shot any air unit. Once you get like six or seven out, you can one-shot Brutlords, one-shot Vipers, one-shot corruptors. And if there's no spore for us, like there wasn't in this game, it shouldn't be an issue. I don't think I am a coward for telling the truth. I think one of the most important things is speaking the truth at all-time Drogo, especially when you're being peer-pressured by people of the same faction as you. And that is what's happening right now. and I'm not going to fall for it. I don't think this was imbalanced. I also don't think you suck, but I do believe that you sucked harder than Lombo in this game and that he deserved the win. And that's my verdict. You suck harder than Lombo. Thanks all so much for watching. Thanks to Drogo for sending in the replay as well and providing me with some reading materials before heading to bed. Very kind of him sending me that little essay that he wrote. I'll see all of you next time for a new video. I hope you did enjoy this. If you did, don't forget hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel and follow Drogo on Twitter as well. His Twitter will be in the description. He is generally very funny. So, yeah, thanks off for watching. Bye-bye. |
When A Clothing Store Picks Up Zerg On The Ladder... | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Did anyone ever tell you, how good elephants are at hiding in cherrytrees? You might think now, that you have never seen an elephant hiding in a tree before, but that's just because they are so good at it. And today's guest of IODIS will put that to the test! So smash like and start looking for it! 4 Levels of Defending Lambo's Roach Rush: https://youtu.be/KnZnts5JFoM If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2o4kvTpXH-M/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 2o4kvTpXH-M | Dear Captain, Terran defenses are just plain stupid. I know I messed up my Roach Rush build a little bit, but one Cyclone completely shut down the entire rush. How was that acceptable? I did a decent job hiding the Roche Warren, and that accomplished nothing. I immediately tack up the spire. Again, the Terran had no idea it was coming, but just a couple of blind turrets and completely shut it down again. I took so many good fights and was up on supply for the entire time, It was five base versus two base at one point, and I was doubling the Terran's income. But it was just impossible to break the Terran. Every time I wipe his army, he just pump Marine Marauder Medevac like it's free. Finally, I took one unlucky fight and got the Terran planetary down to just below 50 HP, and it got repaired back up almost instantly to fool. Like, hello? Who thinks it's a good idea to have a base that cannot die, deal a ton of damage, don't need to be defended at all, question mark. I outplayed this Terran from start to finish, and yet I still lost the game at the end. Terran defenses is just imba. P.S. Terran didn't even make widow mines. Don't even get me started with that. Name cool cats, race, Zerg, leak, diamond. It's the MMR's 3.5K, and we're on the North American server. anger of a ZVT. All right, cool cats. What do we have here? A ZVT on the North American server. Diamond, 3.5K MMR. Beautiful stuff here. We have Kudol. That H makes it difficult to pronounce for me. A mediocrely dumb Dutch person. So we're just going to call him Kudo Loll. I think he'll be okay with that. Cool Cats. It's actually the name of a shop around here. Used to be the name of a shop. When I was like 10, I always wanted to buy clothes there because they had the word. cool and cat in there and I like both of these things. But I'm not sure if this shop is actually still around. I remember being all the rates back in the day. Let's see if Cool Cats is the same here. See, opens up with a pretty standard opener here. Hatchery first into a gas, into a spawning pool, nothing too weird. The Terran opens up with double depot at the ramp and a command center in the main base. And Cool Cats will spot the fact that there's no command center on the low ground. So there's two options right now. One, you sacrifice your overlord in towards the main because you want to know if at least there's a barrack here. The command center should be going down at 140-ish. If it isn't there once your overlord arrives, something odd is going on. And you probably want to scout what that odd thing is. Like, hey, is there a CC in the main base? Is there a barracks in your main base? Like, am I being two wrecks proxy? But Cool Katz is completely happy with this information. He's like, okay, there's no command center. Let me throw down a road's warrant. And as a defensive to the Roche Warren here could be quite powerful, of course, against the one base play. Defense against this Reaper harass in a decent way. I'm not quite sure what these lings are doing here, perhaps anticipating that the Reaper was going to move up here. But I think they would have been slightly more useful on the low ground defending against the Reaper in the first place. You don't have to block this area the entire time. But, oh well, it is what it is. So Roach Warren has not been scouted so far. And he actually mentioned this, that he was pretty proud that he managed to hide the Roach Warren, but he didn't actually hide the Roach Warren. The Terran player just wasn't looking for it. Well, perhaps one of the reasons that the Terran wasn't looking for it is because the Terran blindly built a bunker in his main base and is getting a Tech Lab on the factory. Like, I don't think you can brag about hiding a Roach Rush well if your roaches get spotted the moment your roaches pop from your natural. That is hiding as well as an elephant hiding behind a pool. I appreciate the effort of you putting the roach war in the back of your base and patrolling your lings in this area even though the Reaper is here. But this is not really hiding it. And yeah, I'm just not so sure if you would want to even pull my attention to the point of hiding the roaches, if they literally get spotted 40 seconds before they move across the map. This guy already has the SUVs pulled towards the bunker. 30 seconds before. He is so extremely ready. He's never been this ready for anything in his life. You do mention that the execution of the Roach Warren, what did you call it? Let me just quote you properly here. I know I messed up my Roach Rush build a little bit, but one Cyclone completely shut down the entire rush. How is that acceptable? The question or the problem here isn't necessarily that your Roach Rush wasn't executed properly, although it probably wasn't executed properly. The real issue is that you went for a roach rush against someone that was on one base and you scouted that he was on one base. This is a little bit, imagine you're in high school. You go up to your teacher with a piece of paper and you go, sir, sir, my tracing of the Mona Lisa isn't looking too great. It doesn't quite look like the Mona Lisa. And your teacher goes, well, that indeed does not look like the Mona Lisa, but you're in year three math over here and you're 29 years old. I think your poor tracing of the Mona Lisa is the least of your worries. And I think it's the same here. You're doing the completely incorrect thing. You're responding wrong. And the fact that your execution of your wrong response is incorrect as well. That just kind of adds to the pain. But it's kind of irrelevant. You should not be marching roaches across the map if your opponent is on one base. If your opponent is on one base, you might want to build some roaches defensively because you don't know what's going on. But why would you move across the map? You're upper base. All you need to do is defense. So just really surprising. I mean, yeah, if he gets a cyclone out and you don't have any lings, you are like, yeah, you're going to lose your roaches, or at least some of the roaches. You don't necessarily need to stay here the entire time. You could send this roach in towards the cyclone so the rest gets to escape. You can split your army up in two groups. you can use the line of side blockers. Like, so far, you've lost one roach and two lings. And if you would micro your roach, you might be even able to escape here to the watchtower. And once you're in the watchtower, there's absolutely nothing he can do. But rather than going to the watchtower and safety, you just kind of walk back and forth and let all of your roaches die, which in my opinion is the incorrect call. Funnily enough, you even get the cyclone. Like, this wasn't even that bad of a trade for you. Although you shouldn't have been on this side of the map, I think it ends up quite well. And I believe you're actually quite far ahead because he had like 10 workers pool to repair the bunker in case you moved up. So you're actually in a completely fine position. Had you spent any of your money during the entire period of this, your third base would have been done already. Your fourth probably would be started or practically started. You could have had a, oh, you actually have a layer done already. Okay, so life is pretty good. You just follow this up with two base, two base Murat. You get your third base going. you're up 10 workers, your opponent has no infrastructure whatsoever, doesn't have a third base yet. This is a fantastic position. So although you tried handing in your tracing of the Mona Lisa in a year three math class, you're still succeeding. You know, what is it in American terms? Are you a C? Is that good in America? It's like just on the edge. I think it's a C. In the Netherlands it would be like a six. Five and a half gets rounded up to a six. That's what I did in high school. and I think in American it's a C or C plus maybe C minus all of that probably is fine I think once you hit a D that is no good and then a E I'm not even sure if they have E's probably and F is terrible is the worst thing F is complete failure it's a weird system with the letters always always confuses me numbers way easier no pluses no minus just decimal point numbers oh Americans always having to mess with everything All right, so your opponent follows this up with four racks into command center with Banshees and Marine Cyclone. Yeah, the build order honestly doesn't make a lot of sense and there's no real threat to you either, so you can just safely drone up. Now, you would be aware of this if you would scout or if you would have any information whatsoever, but because you honestly haven't scouted at all so far this game, you have no clue what's going on. and you have no clue what your position is either. I'm surprised that you just kind of keep building drones, you get the macro hatch, get another hatchery, without knowing anything. Like you're being two-based-all-in at this point. Like, you could be getting two-ways-all-in at this point, and it could be hitting right now if your opponent had a tight build order, and what you're doing is building pure muta. I would not have been correct, but then again, you have no info, so you don't know what is correct. Fort case gets spotted. But also, it would be easy here to make fun of the Zerg player. I'm getting a macro edge on three bases. But I respect this call. And I'm going to say it again. I say that every time I see something like this, if you are having trouble spending your money in the game, do not hesitate to build an extra hatchery. Do not hesitate to build extra barracks. Do not hesitate to add more gateways into your production. If you're having trouble spending your money, it is better to spend it in more production. So it's easier to spend your money in the future. And then once you realize you don't actually have enough money in future games, you can just dial back that amount. But it's better to spend it into something than to just have it floating. So a hatchery here, although it is not standard and it is not common and not many people do it at the highest level, it's completely fine. I don't mind this. And I'll never make fun and I'll never say this is a mistake if you're a lower level player and you're doing something like this. If you're trying to play a very optimized build order and you say that this is an optimized built, then I would disagree with that. But if you're struggling at spending your money, go ahead. Always good in the world. I don't give a crap about that. So, Ford Base is about to finish up. You have your double evo chambers. Bailing nest is, I think I saw it. Yeah, Bainnest is complete. Should start the bailing speed immediately, obviously. The moment you're going Mura list, you want to play Ling Bane Mura, as these units complement each other very well. Your Muda Lest, Mulek harassed is absolutely nothing. Your opponent, by the way, you said, He blindly built turrets, but I think he scanned because he was aware of the spire. And even if it was blind turrets, I mean, if he defends, he defends. Why do you care how he got the defense ready? You know, if it's the correct response, then he did the correct response. A little bit of Bench here, rats. What is this, by the way? Yes. Little two gases being added here onto the fifth base. Fourth base already saturated, already done. You decide to get the double extractors at the fifth, which still has, oh, about. about 35 seconds more to build. That's fantastic stuff. On top of that, well, you're already floating 1,200 gas at this point. You need gas about as bad as I need lip enhancement surgery. So maybe try spending your money first before getting more and more gas, especially if you're not planning on adding any extra mutilis into this composition. Like if your plan is to completely mess out on mutas at this point, I wouldn't mind it so much. You're actually going up to 10 gas already. already. Holy crap. This is really early on a low drone count. You need minerals as well. Minerals not very often when you're playing mutas are the limiting factor, but if you have this little drones, they can be a limiting factor. And I think right now priority should be to get a lot of banlings out and to just get a buzzing eco. Make sure you have plenty of larva. Make sure you have plenty of lings that you can morph into banlings. You can kind of start spending your money because you're just floating an astronomical amount of crap. Terran moves in. if you had any bailings ready at this point or you had spent any of your money this would have been an easy defense and here once again i can already hear you replying with but my opponent also has a lot of money's like yes but that's the point isn't it both of you aren't brilliant players but you can't complain about something being completely broken while you're literally floating 3k resources like that's just not how it works yes your opponent is making mistakes but you're also making mistakes and you're making huge mistakes. Like this isn't a tiny error, like a small decision that goes wrong. Like you're literally floating an infinite amount of resources. And you can observe this issue yourself very clearly as well. This is not like you need the input of a professional to figure this out, you know? It's just obvious. It's like you're participating in a running competition and you're running backwards. It's like you don't need Usain Bolt to tell you that running backwards isn't going to be the most optimal. Like most people that haven't even ran in their life can tell you that this isn't optimal. Just like most people that haven't played StarCrav yet, we'd be like, well, while spending your money, that would be a good start in improving, no? And indeed, it would have been a good start to improving. But, of course, complaining in a balanced complaint form in an IOTIS is a lot more fun and feels better as well, you know, getting angry at something else that isn't yourself. That does tend to work better. You know, just deflecting a bit of that blame. Terran actually is macroing it out pretty well. You also got rid of a lot of your resources as you just built a crap ton of veins. This is the correct call, Ling, Bane, Muralis. You haven't used the Muralist to harass in a while. That is probably because your opponent built four turrets in the natural. And you're like, all right, the ability to harass has now been denied. I will never harass again. Not knowing that the third base is completely empty, that you can still pick off depots, you can pick off SUVs, maybe like low marine counts that are being popped out of barracks. There's a lot of things you can still do with the Muralis. And the Muleus really is just a harassment unit. It's nice in an army, but it's not super brilliant. Like the bailings and the lynx will provide the majority of the damage output. And that's really what you want to be focusing on as well. Your creep threat also is completely non-existent, by the way. But we'll wait with that as we have a bit of a fight. Your bailings are actually connecting with everything. This is a complete man. Yeah, this game is over. At this point, the only thing you actually need to do is start your two-two upgrades. More of like 20 more bailings here. and you can probably move command into your opponent's third base with the banlings and win the game. So these bains, well, they're going to connect with more. Yeah, this is fine as well. You kill all the workers. Maybe you don't even need the bainlings. I think a couple extra bainlings would have been nice, but, I mean, the game is over anyway. You're up 30 workers. This is the point where you set your five base against two. Now, that is a little bit deceptive. I once again have to stop you here because, This base isn't really mining. You have 71 workers, which is technically 3.2 base saturation, something like this. No, slightly higher. 3.3, 3.4. 3.3, something like that. So it's not really 5-based saturation. Also, because you're heavily oversaturated, you're actually barely on like 2.5 base saturation. So your opponent has an entire mineral line. You're really just mining about 1.5 mineral line more than your opponent, I would say here. One and add two, maybe two mineral lines more. Because you do have this entire base mining. There's like six patches over here and there's four patches here. So yeah, it is quite a bit. But this is not a crazy amount. You don't have to attack into your opponent, but you can. You could also continue upgrading, like I already mentioned, two two. It's just an important upgrade. Just like every upgrade is important. Especially once you get more units, your upgrades are just, it's a very cheap investment for a lot of return throughout the game. A unit can be used once and upgrades are always going to be used. So I would definitely recommend continuing that. It's also just really important against Marines, which have a very high rate of fire to get these upgrades going. You decide to once again attack into this position. I'm not entirely sure why you decide to go through this little choke. You were just up here and you're like, how could I make this fight more difficult for myself? I could move through the choke at the third base. You run around and then just move through this massive funnel. You'll still get the connections with these banlings, obviously, because well, all of these marines are pretty exposed at this point. You do leave the mineral line somewhat untouched, but you have more bailings, so Lyphon is going to be art. You can just kill every single SCV here, and that's what you'll do. Correct play, honestly. Did lose all of your mudas, which I don't completely approve of. Let's see that one in the replay because that was a curious one. Okay, one more time. So you blow this up, that was good. And then here, right at this moment is where you realized that you have won the lottery. Okay, look at this. You've won the lottery, you've won the lottery, and you ate the ticket. Just like that you ate the ticket. Oh no. 25 million down the drain. And for the next three days, you'll be with a little stick going through your own excrement, seeing if the ticket is still intact. Like, what was that? They were connecting. They could smell the Marines already, ready to explode, and then they got the order to go back, and the lings get sent in as a replacement. No, they also get turned back. So, you're still very far ahead. Don't get me wrong, but I think this could have been handled slightly better, where you could have killed every single Marine and been in an absolutely un-loseable position. 11 more drones, you know, I don't even mind this. Just increasing the size of your lead is honestly not a bad call. So right now you're playing for a longer game. You're playing for a longer game. You might want to start working on these upgrades. Your fight so far, even though you've said that you haven't lost a fight yet, I think pretty consistently you've been losing more than killing, but because you have such a superior eco, it is kind of okay. I would like if you would continue building a couple more banlings, though. Banlings are pretty crucial. Any type of map vision would also be nice, so you wouldn't have to deal with any nasty surprises like this one. Glyle reconstitution and nine ravers. It's a debatable call here. as you don't have any attack upgrades for the rafters. Maybe you figured out that it's too easy to hit your opponent's army with banlings, and it might be easier to miss your opponent's army with Biles, because that seems to have been the goal so far. You do hit the tanks. Your Bile control actually is pretty good. But balings here would just win. Like, absolutely. Just destroy this army. Just even four or five bailings here would be huge. Biles are going to hit, but, yeah, I'm not entirely. I mean, you'll clean up this army again and that's nice, but banlings really are absolutely key in this type of, yeah, there we go, 32 paintings. A little bit surprising. You also lost this base and you lost like 30 workers. You're back on four bases now, but a lot of these bases are semi-mined out. You've had no map vision this entire game unless you attack, and then the only bit of map vision you get is basically the area you attack in. Once you get the banlings, you're just going to crush another engagement. At least get a pretty decent trade here. Tanks go down. I wish your Muras will still live to kill this. You're slightly up in work because you really need to start re-establishing a fifth base at this point though and probably even get a couple of extra drones. Still no 2-2 means that this is a somewhat playable position for the Terran. This is a poorly synchronized attack here. And a right-click on the planetary without killing the SUVs. If this entire attack, now there is a world, there is a, there is a universe somewhere, one of the many universes in our simulated universe theory, one of the many parallel universes, in which all of this engages at the same time. Now, I can visually, I can imagine this, you know, I could visualize what this would look like. And in this case, what would happen is you throw the bios on the planet, You use the banlings not only to force the marine marauder into a corner, and then you use the baylings like this, in like a sweeping motion to go into the planetary while killing the repairing SEVs. And that is the viewpoint of the banlings in these types of attacks, is to force the SEVs to not clump up around the planetary. You can also split the banlings a little bit, that usually is quite helpful. If you would have tanked with the Roche Reveger, the planetary shots, your Bainlings might have been able to do that motion. On top of that, you also could have used the Biles to hit the planetary and the SEVs. Or at least hit the SEVs, that way the repair isn't possible. So there were a couple of options here, but you decided to move command the Bainlings into nothingness, first the lings, then the Bainlings, then the Reveragers. Like, this is throwing a lead at a very high level. Like, I have not seen a throw like this in a very long time. And if the 1919 white Sox were watching this, they would be jealous at this skill. Because you make it look so natural, so flawless, the way that you lose stuff. It really does not feel like you're doing this intentionally. Floating a decent amount of money during this. Of course, we still have the 4K gas in the bank as well, always making sure that we have that as a backup. In case we need to transition into a unit that only cost gas. In case, Zerg gets the Templar archives as one of the many structural. added to the race in one of the next patches and the patch goes live during your latter game. All of these scenarios are of course very realistic, so we continue our, you know, our gas income rather than long distance mining. A couple of extra minerals. I missed a fight. It doesn't really seem to matter because at this point, you don't actually have the eco. You went for an all-in while you were in a decent position. You didn't retake a fifth base quick enough. you retook this fifth base after your attack failed. Now you're rebuilding on Muda Lists, even though the way that you use the Muda Lisk, this is another point actually that I want to make, is mutalisk are a great unit when you can harass with them or for dealing with drops, that type of stuff. This Terran hasn't done any drops yet, and you don't know how to harass. That's fine. If you don't know how to harass, once again, that is okay. Know your limitations, but don't pretend like your Serral or Reynor or Darry. or Roke or one of the other five top zergs, and that you can use these mudalists to get back into a game through harassment. Because I know, and you know, and everyone watching this video knows, that these mutas are going to be put in the same freaking control group as the rest of your army, and it will be used as a mediocre fighting unit with the rest of your army. So in that case, these 800-800 would be much better invested into more banlings. But rather than doing that, you're pretending like your name is Cyril here, and you're building nine more muta-lisks. Also an infestation pit. You want to tack into Ultralisks at this point. After having a 50 drone lead, you're like, no, let's stay on 1-1 upgrades and... I still 1-1, right? Yep, 1-1 upgrades, pure Ling Bane or Ling Raverager mutalisk. This is the timing where you have no eco left and you're under heavy pressure that you want to go into lurkers at this point. And a hive is truly unbelievable. Ling run by that dealt, what is it, 90 damage on this planetary and lost you about 60 lynx. If this trade would have been described in art of the deal, this would have been a very favorable deal for the Terran player, okay? If Donald Trump had played StarCraft 2, this trade would have made it in as a very good, the top deal. The best of the best. Not many people can make such a deal. Don't forget about that. Yeah, I mean, your Lurker transition is just way too late. Also, Muda Interlurker isn't very common. I would not suggest it, yeah, you're just absolutely dead. I mean, he has two units, he's up 80 supply. And you lost. Yeah, you absolutely got destroyed. Now, I could go on a very long rant about the many mistakes you made and point out all the individual mistakes. But there really was a couple of common themes throughout this game. And I think the three main teams were your vision, your upgrades, your army composition, and your engagements. And I'm well aware that that is not three things, but four. So there's four main teams during the game. Your complete lack of map vision whatsoever, not taking watchtowers, not knowing when drops from the right side are coming, not knowing when attacks were coming whatsoever, all of these things. MapVision was absolutely garbage. Creep spread was non-existent, and that kind of adds in the complete lack of map vision as well, but not even taking watchtowers or overlord spreading, which is practically free and also doesn't require too much APM. It just was painful to watch. You were never ready for a single attack. You never had the correct units as a result. You never morphed banlings ahead of time either. That really did just suck. The second point, your fights. almost all of your fights were bad. And if they weren't bad, it was because you just A-moved. Like, majority of the time, I think the actual control of your units was worse than if no one would have touched it. And this is, we actually have a term for this, this is called negative micro. It is better if you don't touch it and just A-move. And I genuinely believe this to be the case for probably majority of the Starcraft players, especially for you and I would recommend and this is not a joke or being rude I really would recommend it's just just a moving in the future just a moving your units and then casting the spells afterwards no individual control on bailings not trying to do anything too fancy I believe it would be better for you so yeah on the fights I would say it's not in balance it just you know wasn't great for you then the next two points the upgrades well you never started upgrading past 1-1. You also started building roaches, although you had no range upgrades. Your unit compositions were all over the place in general as well. I mean, you went but muta roach rush into muta link-bane, into ravagers, into Lingbane, into link-bane, into muta, into Hydra-Lurker. But you never got there. So kind of all over the place, not very good. Yeah, I kind of forgot my last point already, so we're back to three. Congratulations. This is how we roll, man. Yeah, we put all of these things together. I mean, you did nothing better than at a mediocre level. So, yeah, Terran defenses are not imbalanced. You just don't know how to control your army, how to build your army, or how to be in position. And thus, my friend, you suck. And that's the harsh reality of things. That's how it is. All right. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. if you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inbar, Do I Suck? Be sure to check out the other ones. We have a massive playlist that gets updated on a monthly basis. So be sure to click that. Hit the video like and the subscription to the channel. We're almost at 100,000 subscribers. We're only 15,000 or so away. And I'm hoping to get it before the end of the year. That would be great. So yeah, try to make that happen. I'll see you guys next time. Bye bye. Thank you. |
A True GM Teenage Drama | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Well. Case closed. The Thumbnail spoils it. Protoss is imba. Thanks for reading, see you guys next week. Or is it...? If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kOo34d-T5Ms/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | kOo34d-T5Ms | Hello, Harstem. I played a great game of Terran versus Protols and still lost. I absolutely destroyed this guy in the early game and thought I was about to win many times. I never overextended and heavily outplayed my opponent in every way. My opponent made multiple game losing mistakes. That's simply not possible. If you make one game losing mistake, you lose the game. That's kind of in the word there. If you make multiple game losing mistakes and you end up winning the game, none of these mistakes were game losing. It's literally the definition of the word. If this is how you start your imbalance complaint form, I am kind of skeptical from the start body. Anyway, throwing away Colossi in the early game and having his fort denied repeatedly, taking bad fights over and over, and I defended against the late game DT harass extremely well. However, my opponent was playing the easier race and had infinite money as soon as I couldn't close it out in the early game. My opponent even admits this. After constantly being ahead the entire game, the game immediately ended when I took one bad fight with some bad disruptor shots. Protoss can make infinitely many mistakes and the Terran can just make one mistake and lose. So the question that is here is, is it Imba? Or do I suck? Name I love oof with an F, race, Terran league Grandmaster. The OMR 5.3 and the server is North American. a North American Terran complainer checking all the boxes here, beautiful stuff. Maru spinning around the Nexus as well. This is going to be a classic. I can absolutely feel it. As our good friend, I Love Oof, starts here on Burlingrad. Now, this is exciting because I Love Oof is obviously someone that knows about professional Terran players. He watches Maru VODs, he copies the build orders of Maru. He micros his Reaper with. 700 apm while floating 800 minerals at home, forgetting about the buildings. I am really looking forward to this game. On the other hand, we have this Omega Chet Protoss player just sitting here on his barcode. He probably doesn't even know about professional Starcraft. He doesn't know the word e-sports. He has no clue what that all is about. He just thinks it's weird capitalization. Like this guy, you know, he just plays two, three games in his free time, accidentally made it to this MMR and then at some point, you know, might apologize for playing the race and that's completely fine. This guy, you know, he's other things going on in his life. So he's going to scout with his probe. I kind of just want to follow the Protoss for a little bit as well. You know, starts harassing, you know, just being annoying, but not too annoying. He doesn't want to discourage his opponents too much. Barrecks opener here, barracks into gas out of I Love Oof. And we'll follow it up with a one- one Rex expand, which is really just the golden standard of the Terran versus Protoss matchup. Honestly, the golden standard of TVP and TVZ. There's this... Ooh, it's a nice scout here. Look at that. It's kind of early as well. It's going to delay your CC by just a tiny tad. Also, probably has some poor SUV control, though. It feels like it's being delayed by a bit too much. There's no double stacking going on on this mineral patch. So let me explain this for the people that are not aware. In every base you have four close-by mineral patches, which you want to be mining from as early as possible in the game. And you can double-stack the workers on top of it, so you just gain a little bit extra money, while the far-away mineral patches, you want to saturate, well, not as late as possible, but just later, these have the priority for sure. So you always want to double-stack. If you don't do that, you're just going to get slightly less minerals in the early game. And I think that is what happened here for I-Love Oof, because, well, this mineral patch still isn't. double mining. That's kind of bad. I saw a worker bouncing around earlier as well. Look at this guy being sent back to the wrong. So now you have three workers on a faraway mineral patch and only one on a close by one. That is definitely not the way that you wanted. Second gas gets thrown down though. So does the bunker fast Twilight here out of the Protoss and a second unit also being cronaut. This toss is playing pretty safe but also has the ability to get really fast blink. And this is kind of cool to see. I like this type of opener. a decent amount, honestly. It should start to blink the moment that it finishes. I'm not quite sure why he can't. He must have also messed something up in the early game a little bit. P-P. Oh, look at that. Of course, the Protoss player just allows the pause of his opponent. Doesn't give a crap about it. This adapt is just... You're allowed to respond with the Marines. I think I Love Oof must have played against the guy that was cheating with his ADAPT. And the ADAPT managed to one shot Marines. If you have five Marines against one ADAPT, you're going to absolutely destroy that ADAPT. Hell, if you have three Marines against one ADAPT, you're going to win. Which is why the Marine into Reactor Build is so popular, because it gets out three Marines as the first ADAPT hits you. I'm not quite sure why you were sitting in the bunker, but it costs you a little bit of mining time. for no reason whatsoever. It kind of was a slow response. You're also not getting a helion, which means that the fast SCV scout is nice, but it doesn't give you any info on what tech your opponent is playing, and now you don't know what it is. In this case, it's not that bad because the double mind drop is actually quite good against what you're facing. Against blink, this is actually really good. However, if you were playing against someone to play Stargate first and saves up Phoenixes in their main base, you would just straight up lose this Madovac with the two minds, and that, my friend, would not be good. I'm not quite sure what this Protoss is doing, but he moved out of position and then allowed you to move into the natural. And you said, no, good sir, you were out of position and I will not take the victory. This makes absolutely no sense. This is like you're in one-to-one combat with someone. You're in like the full night gear, you know, with the helmet. But your opponent takes off the helmet and hands you a hammer to hit him on the head. head. You throw the hammer away, put his helmet back on his hat, and then start pretending like you want to deal damage again. This makes absolutely zero sense. You could have denied mining in two mineral lines. You could have dropped one mine here and one mine here. This would have cost maybe 250, 300 minerals. Right now it costs him, well, absolutely nothing so far. This meta fact now needs to idle here until your main push arrives. It will force some of the Protoss units to be positioned over here and some Protoss units to be positioned over here. So you're still going to be occupying maybe 10, 10 Protoss supply, 6 supply over here, 4 supply over here. Put 4 and 6 together and you get 10. This is an incorrect move. It works out because he had no units here. But, okay, yeah, rebarrow makes absolutely no sense. Yeah, this is a very, very poor move. this is the type of move that works in maybe mid-diamond, where the other guy might just not be paying attention. But in Grandmaster, if there's only one thing happening at the same time, I mean, like, he knows how to split workers, right? Like, you know he has, blink, you know you're going to lose that MET effect. Now you end up killing two workers. You lost the MET effect, you lost two minds. But more importantly, he doesn't need to keep any units here. He doesn't need to keep any units here. so you just weakened your own push for no reason whatsoever. I love this drop though. I think this is a very cool play. People like Utermal, Beyond are huge fans of this type of drop play, where they send their first two MEDAX around and move out with their kind of their main area. You can see that this movement was stolen from a top Terran. And I'm not saying that in a bad way. Stealing in StarCraft is good. Like if someone else does something well, you just copy it and just like that, you're as good as them. Well, if you're somewhat close with the execution as well, of course. So I'm personally a huge fan of that. Talking about stealing things, I haven't mentioned it yet, but Ailof Uf was a Korean Terran player in Brutwar, his name was written with a fee, whose nickname was Cheater Teren. And the reason his nickname was Cheater Terran was because he had such good macro, and people, well, you know, it was a joke. He knew he wasn't like a resource hacking. But his macro was so good that they couldn't believe, that he always had so many units and so much money. He wasn't floating the money, but, you know, he was rich. Good macro is what I'm trying to say. We'll see if you are the same, or if your nickname would be slightly different. We'll have to keep an eye on that. I like this push-out very much, though, and I like this drop in the main as well. I'm sad that Combat Shield isn't done yet. Seven minutes and 20 seconds into the game, and I'm confused by that. But this drop is dealing damage anyway, so it shouldn't really matter. You're dealing a fair amount of damage. Focusing all the pilots overkilling workers might actually be a mistake. At the same time you have this fight, which is going somewhat okay, I guess. The Colossi stay alive though, which is frustrating. And he still has blink. Overall, not a bad fight. The Protoss has a lot of money in the bank, but so do you. Ah, look at this, this is a trick. This is what I do with Terran as well. This is called the fake macro. This is when you see that you're floating a fair amount of units. And to make yourself feel better about yourself, you just queue up some marauders, you know, some extra units. You just queue them up even though you're already building them. This doesn't do anything for you, but at least the money is lower. This is like when it's like 3 a.m. and you decide that rather than going to bed, you'll browse Twitter for five more hours. and then as you're in bed you get the great idea that tomorrow is the first day that ever that you're going to run or that you'll go to the gym or you'll start eating healthy it's kind of the same here this is the fake life improvement building these two marauders don't fall for it guys you never get good ideas at 3 a.m. Trust me I tried. These two matter of facts are going to return home the reason why I don't mind the proto's floating as much is because he's forced to float you just took out all of his productions So although it is bad that he has this much money, it is more understandable than you having the money. Also, Terran macro is generally easier because you don't have to look at your production in order to build anything. This is a fact and honestly not debatable. Terrans try it, but there's actually no argument for Terran macro being harder than Protoss macro. I said what I said, and I will not take it back. So this guy takes a fort base. Okay, so here I guess we're going to see some of the, the fourth. port cancels that we were talking about, right? Yeah, you're ahead in supply. And I'd like to buy, basically, I would like to point something out here as well. So currently, I Love Oof, if we just look at the state of the game, I Love Oof is in an okay position, but he's not in a very special position. His supply is good, but Terran is almost always up in supply. Being happy that you're up in supply in a TVP is like being happy. that your three-month-old baby is burping. Like every three-month-old baby burbs, and none of your Facebook friends care about it, so stop posting on my timeline. And it's the same in TVP here. Like, you're always going to be up in supply because you just have more money because of the mule, usually. And also, Protoss requires more production in the early game. You require eight gates in order to produce properly. Terran only requires five barracks, and often they stay on three racks for a very long time, allowing them to get high supply, blah, blah, blah. So if we actually analyze the state of the game, work account is pretty even, usually good for Terran, upgrade, slightly up for Terran, that's no big deal. The fact that there are two colossi out is really good for Prodos. The fact that he has a craptone of gateways, eight out already, two more on the way, is also really, really good for Prodos. The only thing Toss really is lacking at this point is vision on the map. His fort base being canceled is annoying, but Terran also isn't thinking about a fort base yet so it's not the end of the world. Tos can be completely fine playing three base against three base. It's not like Protoss is the Zerg of the TVP matchup where you always need to be 20 workers ahead and you always need to be upper base. No, if you have good tech and you have okay upgrades, you can delay your fort base by a little bit. That is completely okay. I don't really like tank drops with small bio-armies usually. This was, I think, a bad drop and didn't deal a lot of damage. You cancel the fort base, but yeah, it is what it is. Ooh, look at that. That's a cool Colossi walk. Straight down the ramp into a Marauder Force. He's going to lose one, two Colossi for, it's not entirely free, but it feels pretty free at least. Overall units lost, by the way, slightly in favor of Tarran. That is good, usually for the Tarrant. Once again, Fort Base is being taken. I assume this one's going to get cancelled again because I don't really see a way for the toss to hold this for now. Right now, if Terran would push the advantage, I think he'd have a decent chance at straight up winning the game. With tanks, two tanks, four Vikings, there's no real ground army to speak off for ProDos. So a push that hits together right now that is microd semi-decently should be capable of dealing a lot of damage. We are lacking continued Viking production though, which is one of the most vital thing. We have no unit production whatsoever, or we had no unit production whatsoever, only two Vikings. Look at this. A lot of buildings being produced, but nothing else really, and that's kind of surprising. This also means that he can't attack in the next minute or so. And this is often a difference I see between the top Terrans and some of the lower tier Terrans. is that a lot of the top terrans, they basically, they're maxing out on army for a very long time. So they want to get the maximum amount of units out of their barracks, out of their starport, out of their factory. And then as they move out, they get a fort base, they throw down their armory, they throw down their eBay, maybe their extra barracks as well. But you're already investing in all of these things, or you're invested in these things 60 seconds ago, which means that your peak unit production was 60. seconds ago. And that means that you should have hit 60 seconds ago. This makes absolutely no sense. You're optimizing for a timing. That timing is now gone. And marching across the map at this point is objectively bad. It makes very little sense. And if the Protoss had any map vision whatsoever, you probably would die as you're walking. Because TOS just has a way, way bigger army. Right now, if you plan on playing this economically, with also 83 workers, by the way, you just need to sit back a little bit and I would not really recommend taking this type of fight. Even if this fight might go well for you because the Protoss has three Archons in the back for no reason. No, he actually crushes your army. I'm happy that this happens. Sometimes I'm very sure that I'm correct, but then the outcome isn't what I wanted it to be. But this time the outcome is exactly what I wanted to be. You lose your entire army, you're up in Eco, but this was an extremely bad fight for you, and this was an extremely bad timing for you to take the fight. I really would like you to pay attention to some of the top towns. Clambion, Hero Marine. These guys, they will always optimize for a timing if they want to hit it, and if not, they're getting their Ford base faster. They're getting their extra armory and eBay a lot quicker, if you want to go straight into late game. And it looks to me like you're going straight into late game, and in that case, you want to probably keep an two-armie split on the main. map rather than attacking in one big push because you just don't have a very big army. And it's not that useful to, you know, if you're just doing a weak push. Why would you do a weak push if you can do a strong push? You know what I mean? Seven extra ghosts? 13 ghosts. This is not TVZ made. That's a mistake. So if we take a look at the game state right now, you're not actually ahead. This game is about even. And although you had a nice early game, if you, don't capitalize and you throw your lead away like you just did with that fight. You're not actually that far ahead anymore. On top of that, I also believe that you're getting too many workers. The maximum worker count that I would say with a Liberator Ghost style, 75, 76, I've watched Maru play this style a lot. You know, some kind of tank camping into Liberator Ghost, turrets, that type of stuff. You need a big army. And those 10, maybe 15 supply, are important. That is why you also get the extra command center, which is A, for infinite scans, but B, also for extra money. If you can throw down mules, I'm sorry, don't be sorry, my friend. I'm sure, you should actually be sorry for the lack of map vision here. That's not very good. I don't like that. It's not fair. The game balance. I know I should have lost this game, but Protoss is broken. very dramatic thing to say, no? It's like a teenage drama. If I was the Terran here, I'd be absolutely fuming already. Because at this point, Terran is not in the bad spot. It's actually kind of fine. This army out of Tos really is not that great. There's a lot of Archons in here. There's a lot of zealots. If Terran wouldn't have 16 ghosts and just had a more morose, focused army? This would be kind of, okay, why do you have 16 ghosts? Ghosts are not actually that good against Protoss. You gonna snip zealots? Maybe wants to nuke or something. I actually know what these ghosts are gonna do. I mean EMP, that's for sure. It's much nicer to have a Marauder army with this. It's EMPs. Look this. These aren't still have full health. How does that even work? I think he threw like 30 EMPs on this spot. It's like EMP on rapid fire or something like that. Very impressive. Having 16 EMPs. Ooh, quick response. 60. Oh, I was up with this turret. Still quick response. Good job. Actually, good job. Yeah, 16 ghosts and then still keeping some Archons alive. Yeah, the reason why often when you play this style, you don't want to get too many ghosts, at least not 16, is because you also want to have an army on the map, an army on the map to either fight the DTs or to take out outside bases. because camping forever isn't actually that great. You need to do something at some point. You need to start taking good fights. You need to also get your liberators in positions eventually. That is what Maru does as well when he plays this style. He starts marching around with three Matax with units, two ghosts with it, like eight, nine marauders, and boom, go around the map, start killing stuff. Bio trades insanely well against any type of gateway army. It trades well against low numbers of disruptors. So if you get your opponent to split the army, that is always going to be fantastic. Now you're just kind of like a sitting duck. He just throws disruptor balls at you and you're not doing anything whatsoever. It's literally just waiting. You're hoping that your opponent kills himself into you. And if he doesn't do that, you can't win this game. This fifth base is never allowed to go up, not in a million years. If he lets you take this fifth base, that is a massive error out of him. and that is not because you did something fantastic. You're also lacking censor towers. I like that you're getting them now, but it is quite late. You're just sitting here. I don't understand. In your... You were talking about your early game. You never overextended. You heavily outplayed my opponent in every way. I mean, that is just not true. And also, when you say something like this, I feel like you kind of need to give examples. You can't just say, I heavily outplayed my opponent in every way. It's like me saying, I'm way smarter than Albert Einstein. And then the other guy goes, can you give an example? You're like, I'm just way smarter. Like, your initial drop was good. I'll give you that. But the rest of it, I don't think you really outplayed him. You've been sitting on four bases now for the past four minutes, building orbital commands and scanning. It's not really outplaying. APM is pretty equal as well. I think the Protoss is lacking map vision, but so are you. Is this what Terrans consider outplaying? It's just sitting back and not dying. It's really not that impressive to not die as a Terran. It's the best defensive race. Freaking tanks, liberators, boonkers? Just EMP himself? He did kill a lot of DTs again. This first time. 10 DTs? Not bad. I thought I already saw some DTs earlier get taken out. but I must have imagined that. Ship weapons level 2 on the way, which is good. 3-3 on the way as well. There's a fleet beacon on the way for your opponent, and he has an infinite amount of stargates. I wouldn't mind if you scan your opponent's main base at some point. This is something Maru also does. He scans to figure out if the opponent is tech-switching or not. He gets map control. He just, he does things. Honestly, you've just been sitting here and not doing things. you have 11 Liberators, three tanks, four marauders, seven marines, and nine ghosts. You know what's kind of funny? If your opponent would max out on 40 stalkers right now, he would probably win because you wouldn't be able to kill the stalkers. He'd just blink through the Liberator zones on top of your bio army. If you have this many liberators, I just don't think that's actually very good. I think 14 might be slightly too many. I mean, if you get 10 seats up in a good position, that's probably enough as well. You know, like, why do you need 14? It's not necessary. Still too many workers as well, especially because you have like eight orbital commands. You can definitely start getting rid of a couple of workers. Okay, now the tempest are out. You see that? And you're like, oh, crap. Actually, hard counters my army. So while you were sitting and doing nothing, you basically build up to an insane army that has a counter in either the Tempest or the carrier. You don't anticipate for this unit because you have one Viking. You do nothing with that army for three minutes. And then you're surprised that your opponent managed to find the counter to your army. It's like you're playing way too slow with your advantages. Like timings matter in StarCraft 2. A liberator is really good three minutes ago. It's a lot less good to have 14 liberators three minutes later because your opponent might have a counter available. You're lucky that this Tropos has some slightly debatable control here. Because otherwise you probably would be dead. You had absolutely nothing against this. I like that he's taking out these rocks. Moves in with the Tempest as well. Ba-di-Buddy-Bah. You unseech all of your liberators. All good. Start Viking production. I wouldn't mind getting another starport as well. I think it would be a good... Oh, you already have them. Okay, never mind. I said nothing. You have triple starports with a reactor. you're completely golden. Good EMPs here as well. It's not that difficult if you have that many. Well, actually only have six ghosts left. This is, you know, you're starting to actually build a decent army, except for the fact that you have 16 liberators. If this was like eight liberators or 10, I think eight liberators would be plenty. If you had eight liberators and the rest of this army was bio, you actually would have a decent army. Right now, you have one marauder, five marines and six ghosts. You have a very big air army, but you really have nothing on this. ground and it makes it difficult to push forward and difficult to catch anything as well because bio is the only thing that can really catch an arm a couple of disruptions this looks like a good fight for you honestly this is not how the proto should be fighting whatsoever okay this is a fantastic fight if you had any bio whatsoever right now you'd be able to take out well at least this base i think but you have four marines currently i would not suggest continuing attacking I just don't think that is a brilliant plan. Your opponent does have good reproduction abilities. And at this point, you should be trying to figure out what he's remaxing on. So you make a scan to see if the carriers are building or if he's getting things from the robos. You just want to kind of figure out, hey, what's your army going to be like? So you can anticipate what your opponent is going to be doing. You're taking extra bases, which is the correct play. You gain map control. You start taking bases. This is absolutely perfect. Plantary over here. That's good. Liberators. I wouldn't mind if you just go, why are you building more liberators? You have plenty, my friend. You have absolutely plenty liberators. You also kind of have to be wondering at this point what your goal is. So is your goal right now to kill your opponent straight up by attacking the main base and taking out the production? Or is your goal to take out bases on the side and win through having way better economy? That is just my question. Overall, resources lost look really nice for you, honestly. You're down or you're up 9K. I wouldn't mind if you continue trading like you have been because you're obviously better at the fights than your opponent. Except for this one, I guess. Yeah, this is just the issue when you don't have any bio. Like you just kind of blinks through. You're still winning. I don't understand why. That's kind of wild. I feel like you shouldn't be winning anymore because you have absolutely no bio army. All these liberators are not really, engaging in the fight either. You can just blink into this and absolutely destroy you. Yeah, okay. Now he's going to pick you up completely. This was a bad fight. This ended up going pretty sour. You lost like 4K resources there more than your opponent. But you can still remix on Marauder, Marine, Viking, Metafact ghost. And I go a little bit lower on the Liberators at this point. This is honestly what your opponent has right now. is just kind of a weak army. The Protoss army here isn't that strong. There's no disruptors. There's no colossi. There's no storm. There's no splash whatsoever. If you hit one EMP and you have a bio army, you'll kill this every single time. He's completely out of cash as well because you're mining pretty fast. You have orbital. Are you mad? How does this make any sense? You get a planetary here. You get a planetary here. You definitely should be getting a planetary in the base that is the least defended. The planetary is the only thing that's stopping him. from sending one zealot and denying this base from mining at any point. That's why you get planetaries because zealot run bys would just destroy you otherwise. Sure, if he sends in 12DTs, he's going to snipe this planetary anyway, but that is a huge investment out of him, not only money, but also supply-wise. So that's why you get planetaries because you force a big reaction out of your opponent if he wants to take out that base. He either needs to go there with the main army, or he needs to send a significant portion of his army there to deal with it. You start attacking into the carriers, move forward with a little. Liberators, honestly, is a fight that has some potential as well. I kind of do like that. More bio being produced, more Vikings. Always need to be careful with the Vikings. Once again, we need to figure out what our opponent is producing. If we get a scan right now, seeing no carriers whatsoever, and we already have eight Vikings, we should not be producing more Vikings. We already have the tools to deal with what our opponent is doing. And you don't need more Vikings. It's just, you know, if you're building a house and you're, you finished hammering in all the nails and you know you don't need any nails anymore, then you should not be buying more nails. And it's the same here. It will just be a waste. Getting these extra Vikings, and it's not just money. Like, money is almost never the problem in these scenarios. It's always supply and it's army composition in these very late game scenarios. you really have too many works as well, by the way. This is an actual issue as well. So that's 10 supply in there. You're getting perhaps, what is it, 8, 10 supply too many Vikings here as well. So you're just, for no reason, there's 20 supply less in this army. And those are the ghosts that you're lacking. You don't have a single ghost. You have a unit that deletes half of your opponent, literally delete with one click of the button, half of your opponent's shields, or half of your opponents, what you call, it, HP, or the life of your opponent's units. Because this is a pure stalker army. If you impede this army, your freaking liberators will be one-shot at them. Your marauders will be eating stalker meat for breakfast, and your marines will be dining on the bones of zealots. But yet, you decide to not get a single ghost. And I don't quite understand why Stim, Stim, Stim. Okay, that Disruptor shot misses. You're actually completely winning this game. There's no reason for you to be so extremely hurried. Three more Vikings on the way as well. You only have, what, four MET effects. I wouldn't mind. More METAX. More bio. You don't need liberators anymore at this point. You need to probably start denying bases on the left side, while your opponent is denying bases on your right side, start expanding to the left yourself. You're already doing that, but you're missing the final step. These bases are already... You're most likely not going to be capable of setting them up anymore because you don't have the time to get planetaries there. This is a bad fight for you. This is a really bad fight for you. This is... You just don't have enough bio. Six more liberators. Gigi. I'm... The worst part is that I'm not even sure that this is completely game over. Yes, you have a lot of supply in Vikings, but you have really good production. You have a crap ton of money. You have a lot of orbital commands that can help you secure bases quickly with mules. Your opponent is running out of mining. And at least... Okay, that's not completely true. This base is in any. been mining yet. I'm not even sure if you should have left there. I understand why you leave because it's frustrating and there's DTs everywhere. You probably could have tried playing this out. Like overall, your traits were better than your opponents. Your mining could have been better if you had probably used more mules on one of these bases. The main issue that you had wasn't some bad disruptor shots. I don't think there were any disruptor shots that really hit anything because your entire army consisted of air units. Like, this is kind of, this is not really engaging the problem of the disruptor. This is just dodging it, you know? It's like saying, well, disruptors can shoot up. So I'm going to get 17 Vikings and 12 liberators while my opponent has 40 stalkers. It's like, yeah, the disruptors aren't going to hit your bio because you have no bio. Your opponent admitting that Protoss is imbalanced, I'm sure it makes you feel good, but it doesn't really do anything about your terrible unit components. position, you're completely non-existent mid-game pushers. Well, you did one mid-game push when you shouldn't be pushing. The rest of the game, you just set back and let your opponent come back into the game. I'd love to say that this game was won because of the imbalance disruptor, because the carriers looked so broken and Storm-owned Vikings. Like, Protoss blade games can be super frustrating to play against. But none of that really happened in this game. None of his disruptorshorts really connected in a big way with your army. Carriers didn't ruin your Viking AI and you couldn't deal with them. No, you lost to a stalker army because you had no bio. And the counter to stalkers is pretty clear. It's ghost marauder. So I feel like you just misjudged why you lost and then you wrote a nice little essay to me. But none of it makes any sense, honestly. So, yeah, it's not even that you did a lot of things incorrect. You just were too passive and your army composition sucked, but we're playing at Grand Master level. So that is enough to lose games. If your opponent is somewhat decent, this prodols would somewhat decent. So I'm sorry, my friend, this wasn't in balance, but you just suck. That's the way life is sometimes. That's the way life is. All right, that's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy it. Don't forget to hit the like button, subscribe to the channel, and I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Tomorrow, perhaps. Bye-bye. |
KOREAN GM RAGEQUITS WON GAME And Still Complains?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | I gotta be real with you guys... I really was ready for some spice action on the new balance patch but this exeeded my wildest dreams! We have a Korean high level Grandmaster player taking on a Korean Pro player, completely crushing him and then ragequitting to gift away the MMR? I am still utterly confused. So join me on this tour, hit the like button and let me know your opinion on this in the comments! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cM_auVYMv4I/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | cM_auVYMv4I | Dear Harstam, I thought with the void rays being nerfed, ZvP would be a lot more fun. But apparently you can just rush carriers now. The Protoss I played in this replay rushed carriers, and I realized that with Queen Walks being nerfed, you can play without a forge. And he played so greedy that he was able to take a fort base with literally four units at 5.45. My early game, however, was very good. I only lost one drone, his Oracle accomplished nothing, and I hit a decent-ish timing, which could have been better, but honestly, if Protoss is able to rush carriers like this, I might just not play anymore. Name Demi, Race, Zerg, League Grandmaster. This is a replay from the Korean server against Korean Protoss Progamer Prince. Prince is currently a 6.4K MMR player on Korea, and Demi is 5.6K.6K. So a solid, well, what is it? 800-ish MMR below his opponent. But yet complaining about void rays. Well, not void rays, but carriers, actually. The void ray nerve did its job and void rays, you know, are not as good anymore. But the carriers are the real problem because the lack of queen walks means that you can just rush straight into carriers. Now, I want to talk a little bit about this. obviously. I think it's an interesting thought. And the first thing I want to talk about is the corrupter. The corrupter is the counter to the carrier. And corruptor timings were always the counter to very quick carriers. Whenever a Protoss survived the early game, whether that was with some disruptors, and then straight up switched into carriers without void rays, they would often struggle with corruptor timings because they don't have any void rays to defend the carriers. rushing out carriers by themselves does absolutely nothing because you tend to just die. You still need the void rays when you're rushing out carriers and because the void rate time got nerfed and the amount that you need to pay to build void rays went up, that should be more difficult. So the initial premise that carrier rushing is now more viable, in my opinion, is incorrect. Now, my opinion has been wrong in the past and it could be wrong again, but I don't think it is wrong in this case. We're just going to have a look to see where it went wrong for Demi if there is anything he could have done better or if Prince maybe has found the Holy Grill. Does he know how to rush into carriers without building any void rays whatsoever or does he have some other special tricks that make it impossible to kill him? I'm actually kind of curious because Demi said that he hit a decentish timing as well and he had a good early game. And often these are the two requirements, you know, hitting a decent timing after having a good early game, to kill a carrier rushing player. So if Prince manages to survive, I'm very curious to see what he has. Because personally, I almost never survive when I rush into carriers before the patch and after the patch. Well, especially after the patch. It's practically impossible. We saw Prince open up with a block here on the natural. Very common at the high level. Is he walking in a heart? Nah, not quite a heart. You're missing the little indent here of the heart. but it's pretty close. Demi going for the inject, double inject, I like it. Hatchery goes down at a standard timing as well. I mean, these guys are pro players. It's going to be really weird if I can see something that is wrong in the build order. It's of course important to see what both players are doing, but they know what to do. They have the speed to do what they have to do as well. Actually, pretty low APM for a Zerg player, but it's okay. Voidray first here for Prince. So this is not a straight-up rush into carriers. I honestly kind of suspected or expected like a four-gas built, double Stargate, quick carrier rush, that type of play that we've seen in the past. But this actually still opens up with a void ray here. So most likely it's going to be void ray into Oracle. A pylon in the wall indicates that he wants to get a very fast third base and skip the second gateway for a little bit. I do like this type of play. Especially now that the void ray is a bit more expensive, this makes the initial build order very similar to what it was pre-patch. You just have one less gateway and your wall is a little bit wonky as well. Demi sees that there's a Voidre out and immediately pulls back all of his overlords. Great play and is of course the correct play as well. You don't want any of these overlords getting caught. This one overlord is still trying to look for any oracles. I guess Demi believes that he can pull it back in time if the void ray ends up showing up there. I guess the spores, are they a little early? That's actually fine, two spores. Once again, I can kind of live with this. Sometimes people stay on a single spore for a long time that boost the Zerg eco a little bit because one drone mines for a bit longer. It is a very fast fleet beacon indeed out of the Protoss and a second Stargate. Now, first of all, there's also some initial problems with this. this of course. And the first problem that you can kind of see with that is that this would be pretty difficult to defend any type of Nidus attack. Now these attacks would be perhaps some type of blind counter like an attack. Like there's without a forge, without a robo, without disruptors, it's going to be impossible to hold your third pace if there's a Queen Ling Nidus, like how dark has been playing recently. I think he did it against Classic in the GSL. If Demi would do something like this, this build would die. So this is not, first of all, a safe builder. There are loads of build orders that are very good if you get away with it, but it's not necessarily safe. Sure, the Queen Walk is not viable anymore against this, but there are other builds that can just straight up kill this. And sometimes that is just kind of part of the game. You know, you can play greedy and then die against blind counters. That is just how it works. But there's also other things that usually can happen against carrier rushes, and we'll see what Demi decides to do. So far as early game is quite good, except for his scouting. Okay, five minutes and ten seconds into the game, and he wasn't even aware whether there was a third base or not. That is just a little bit odd. If all you've seen is a single void ray on an Oracle, literally anything can be a follow-up. There could be glaves coming, it could be double Stargate, it could be a charge lot all in like we've seen Zest do a lot on maps like Blackburn but also on maps like oxide before there's just a lot of builds that can come from it and it's important to at least confirm that the third base is there and up until 509 so he literally had what is it 71 seconds to scout this base and he didn't do it by the time he arrived his battery is almost on the base has already finished the worker as well the gases yeah the gases are already starting like this is an extremely late scout now it's not going to hurt him because the correct response against the third base is building drones and queens. And so far what Demi has been doing is building drones and queens, which is absolutely correct. So although he's made a mistake of not scouting, it has had no consequences whatsoever. Prince has made no major errors. He is consistently scouting. I don't really see any minor mistakes either. I guess he took a little bit too much damage on this Oracle, which kind of sucks. He lets the creep spread get a bit far. there's no attempt of denial whatsoever. Another point where I'd like to say something is that usually at high level, zergs have lings spread across the map for two reasons. One, to spot any type of move out, whether that's with Glave adepts, or to see wherever the Oracle or the void rays, or in this case, the carriers are going to be hitting if they do end up going across the map, also for prisms. So you'd have like a link patrolling here, a link patrolling here, maybe a link patrolling this area. You just kind of create like a ring of vision around the Protl's base. And because lings are so cheap, it is kind of easy to do. It's kind of easy to set up. And because this Protols is skipping basically every single unit, he would not have the units to get any type of map control. This is good movement. Demi's early game has actually been fantastic. I just like to stress that here. Is that he has, did he miss that? Oh, that is super unfortunate. Did he actually miss that? That was so close. No? Oh, no. Oh, oh, oh. He saw it. Well, he saw it, but he didn't really see it. However, he's still going to go in towards the main base, seize the fleet beacon, seized extra void rays. But because he knows that there's no extra void rays except this one, with some deductive reasoning, he should be able to figure out that the carriers are coming. towards his base. And if carriers are coming, there's a pretty easy response. What you need to do is you pull all queens to the same position. You move this spore to the front. You move this spore to the front over here. And you probably build a spore at your fort base as well. The queens from your main base also need to leave the main base and move forward. Because if you have all queens together and there's a single spore helping you defend, two carriers are going to do absolutely nothing, especially if those carriers don't even have any upgrades yet. Now, I like that he's still going for the Ling movement, but right now there are bigger fish to fry. And the bigger fish to fry really these two carriers, right? So right now he spots the carriers, immediately moves the sport. Fantastic quick response here. Queens from the main need to come over as well. There is a spire on the way already and it's about to finish up. So he can just produce a bunch of corruptors if he wants to. Often though, if you want to play... Ooh, this is actually kind cool. If these queens were here earlier, I don't think that queen would have necessarily died. That sucks. Yeah. He's going to go corruptors. Often if they play corruptor timings, you first want to get the roaches before you get the corruptor. So that's why he was a little bit hesitant there. He was like, hey, can I hold this without having to build corruptors? I think that that was his thought process why he, you know, he hesitated for a second. Now we could say that he's slow, but I actually think there was a, there was a decision being made there. And I don't want to criticize. anyone for thinking. I think that generally is a good quality if you're considering something and seeing how a fight goes before making a big decision. I think that's a very good call. I honestly believe that Demi has been playing a fantastic game and although he's had some minor errors with the late scout, which was eventually inconsequential and losing the two queens for free, he has good creep spread, he has fantastic Eco, plus one is about to finish up, He has ravagers on the way. I think his position is really good. And this is exactly what I was talking about, by the way. Carrier rushes are only good if you build void rays with them. And what are we seeing out of Prince here? He's building void rays. So this carrier rush achieved nothing except kill two queens. These void rays, however, if you compare prepatch to post patch, are way more expensive or quite. quite a bit more expensive. The void rays take longer to pop out as well, so there's going to be less void rays for the defense. This situation, prepatch, would have been way better for the Protoss player. Way, way better. If the Protoss would have taken a fort base at 545 prepatch, probably would have had two extra void rays at this point already and would have been capable of affording more cannons over here as well. So so far, the claim that anything is worst post-patch for Zerg, when it's coming. the rushing out carrier, I think is pretty much false. Let's have a look at this push, though. I love these overlords. This is so cool. He's saying, hey, my queens, so for the people who don't know, by the way, queens can't transfuse off creep anymore. That is the major nerve to Zerg. And it makes them very difficult to control. It's actually true. I know people like to joke about it, but it makes these types of pushes a lot harder. You need to poop overlord. It's a hassle. Then whenever they move off creep, they still can't do anything. You need to start spreading creep. It's just extremely annoying, especially because one of the main moves with these types of pushes is that you need to send the queens in first to tank for the damage. And if you always have to wait for creep, that is not very viable. Sending in the revergers first usually isn't quite what you want. So these reverters are going in and Prince is moving over to defend. I honestly kind of like this position here for Demi. So you just You force out the prismatic alignment You move back You constantly use the Reveger Bile Okay he takes out the fort base Continues producing corruptors He was a little late with that He built seven at the same time Rather than continuously adding on Right now what you want to be doing is you add an infestation pit Probably start plus two range here as well And you're honestly in a very good spot You can also continue moving forward by the way I'm not saying he should go back But there's plenty of money to do everything at once Plus one is starting right now for air. Prismatic alignment has already been used. This is a mistake here. This is actually a mistake. So the queens are the main tanking unit of this force. And it's really important that they're at the front because they tank not only the void ray damage and the carrier damage, but they also tank a disruptor shot. If you see a bunch of queens moving forward, you just want to fire a disruptor at them because as long as these queens are attacking first, your void rays and carriers can't be fighting that well against them because their damage, like the damage of the void ray isn't great against the queens. So ideally you want to have the void rays either attacking corruptors or if revergers are isolated, you take those out. The ravagers are not zoning any of these void rays at this point with piles, which is something you want to consistently be doing. If we just take a quick look at this fight again, even if the queens are not here, The way that we'd want to be fighting this is we throw a bile wherever the air army is every three seconds. This forces the protels to either split his void rays and lose a little bit of damage output or to just fly back and lose a lot of damage output and further the position of the Zerg, making it harder for the protols to reinforce from the natural. This type of stuff is kind of important. Corruptors continue moving in. gets one of the carriers. Like I said, I think he tanks a massive disruptor shot here, which isn't exactly brilliant. Poof, that's four ravagers. It's not the greatest split. Actually, it was not a split whatsoever. There's still a lot of money in the bank, though, so he can just kind of reinforce this position with more corruptors. I just wish he had an infestation pit started already. I am not entirely sure. why Demi left here? If I just look at this position right now. Four base, eight gas. There's a lot of minerals. There's a lot of gas in the bank. There's still 22 corruptors. There's actually so many corruptors that I believe that when the prismatic alignment ends, that the corruptors will win the air fight. There's only six interceptors and plus one. 22 corruptors against seven void rays without prismatic alignment and two carriers with six interceptors total, especially if there's a couple queens still around that can tank and transfuse. If you split them and don't get splashed by the Archons, I think you actually just win the game. Add on top of that that you have a crap ton of money in the bank. You could be taking a fifth base. You can get like 10 more corruptors with this as well. your opponent is mining out from the main base. He's soon to start mining out the natural. He hasn't even started a fort base yet. And he's only on double Stargate air production. And his ground is, well, has a single upgrade, but he only has seven gateways. I think this game is over, but it's not over for the person you believe it to be over for. Like, you've won. you actually won the game at this point. You're 800 MMR below someone. He does a build order that is extremely greedy and dies to a lot of things in the early game. You do a timing push. You kill him and then you complain. What outcome would you want? Like what is it with Zerg players? Do they just want everything handed to them? Maybe like after six minutes. of surviving against Protoss that we start building a wonder in the back of your base and if the wonder stays up for five more minutes that you just get the MMR of your opponent, I just don't understand what more you want. This is a completely one scenario. Yes, you played well in the early game, you made some minor mistakes. Then you did a timing which is supposed to kill your opponent and you killed your opponent. I just don't even understand really what you're complaining about. You won the game. You just left it. What was it? You said he rushed carriers and he played so greedy he was able to take a fast forward base. Yes, he was capable of doing that and you also took a very fast forward base and had way better eco than him. Like if the toss plays greedy, Zerg can just play greedier and then do a timing and kill the Protoss. If Protoss is able to rush carriers like this, I might just not play anymore. I mean, Protoss is able to rush carriers like this and you're able to kill them. You've shown that you're capable of killing Protoss when they rush carriers like this. I don't even understand what you're complaining about. This is like saying, well, if Terrans can open up 5 CC before Barracks, I don't even want to play this game anymore. So like, Terran can open 5 CC before Barracks and nothing is stopping you from sending 12 lings across the map and winning the game. It's the same with this Protoss. This Protoss rushed carriers took a fort base six minutes in and you won the game. Like, what is the problem? Except that you have absolutely no clue what's going on here. Like, I don't even understand it. You go on a date. It goes fantastic. I have a brilliant time. And the person you go on the date with at the end is, hey, you'll call me tomorrow, right? Then you go home, block her on Facebook, the leader. from your phone and never talk with her again. It's like, it doesn't make any sense. It's basically what you just did, but then in Starcraft, I'm just stunned. Like, I know that most people, they kind of rage send a replay, but this is so obviously, like, what is it that you saw here that even made you want to leave? Like, I genuinely don't understand. Oh, he only had one carrier even. It wasn't even two. He had one carrier. I thought there was two carriers, but he literally just has a single carrier. Like, this is the thing that you see before you leave. How many corruptors is this? This is like about 12. Then we add 8, 9. 12 plus 9. 21. I think you have 21 corruptors here. And there's one more flying over. Yeah. So these are all 22 corruptors are here. And you literally see six void rays and one carrier. You even have creepier so you can't transfuse. I honestly just don't understand this. I don't even think you suck either, but I also don't think it's imbalanced. I just don't know what to do with this. You won the game. You played well. You played a good game. You macroed well. Your control wasn't brilliant, but you played well. And you won. It's a draw. You didn't suck. And it is not imbalanced. All right. I draw. The first one. Well, congratulations Demi, I guess. I hope everyone else enjoyed this. And probably is just as confused as I am. And if you are, that's okay. And we can get through it together. And the best way to get through it together is to hit the like button on this video, shared with your friends that used to play StarCraft in 2010, but now play Fortnite with their three-year-old. son, tell them, hey, this is way more fun. Come back to us. All right. Thank you for watching, and I hope to see all of you next time for a new video. Bye-bye. |
PROBE SHIELDS ARE IMBA! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | It's unbelievable... They really give you 12 of these OP IMBA units for FREE at the start of every game just for picking Toss! I cannot believe how the whole competitive SC2 community could not catch on this for all this time. Time to be waken up by today's IODIS guest! Smash like for his courage! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jw_7yMj3FQM/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Jw_7yMj3FQM | Dear Harstam, TVP is Imba. Tos shield regeneration early game means they can always pick off free marines and SUVs with their probe and stalker harass. As long as they have sufficient micro, there is nothing the Terran can do until he has stim and probably concussive shells if the Tos decides to do a blink stalker pressure. You have to sit there bleeding out units until your tech hits and then pray that they messed up their macro. If Terran survives the early game by some miracle, they have a few glorious moments in midgame, where their armies feel good until either disruptors or Templar with Stormcom and rain on their parade. My other matchups have 10% higher win rate than this one, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Name Prometheus Race Terran Leaguemaster 4.4K MMR on the North American server. All right, Prometheus, you say that stalkers and probes are too imbalanced because they regenerate shields and their early game harass is too powerful. So this really is just a complaint about the early game and I can kind of empathize with that, you know? It can be kind of frustrating if there's a stalker out or a couple of stalkers and you're trying to move out as a Terran player and your Marines just get kited the entire way to the Proto's base. You started with 1617 Marines, you arrive at the Protoss base, there's only nine Marines left. That can be extremely frustrating. I'm not quite sure how the probes are going to come into this, but I am looking forward to it, obviously. Maybe I guess he's talking about the probe harass at the start, but you shouldn't really lose too much against that. So what you do is you just fight the probe until you destroy the shields, then the SCV that has some damage goes back into mining and you send a new SUV on that probe. The control for Terran is actually pretty easy. Yeah, this is fine. The Terran did a completely fine job here. Nothing wrong. Oh, Protoss opened up with a 12-pil and 13 gate. This is an extremely fast cybernetics score that finishes about 9 to 10 seconds quicker than a standard 14 pylon into 16-gate wood. And that's probably what's going to annoy the Terran player right now. Now, the Terran is completely unaware of that because he didn't scout, although I'm not quite sure if I would trust the Terran, even if he scouts what's going on, to know what it means. He's like, ooh, cybercores really fast. Is that normal? Yeah, whatever. Just go home. In this case, if there was an SCV on the low ground with full HP, I do believe that you're fine on the map like 2K atmosphere because the rush distance is relatively long. He also is already queuing up a couple of Marines. I'm not quite sure how that is possible. How, I guess he just has a lot of. of money left over. Fair play. So he's going to queue up a bunker after he's done with his orbital or with his command center. Yeah, it's just barely not going to finish. If you have a full HP SCV on the low ground, usually you're fine. So this SCV can just finish the command center. These Marines will be able to take out this ADAPT as long as you up the depot. Well, if you don't up the depot, then ADAP gets out again and might cause some trouble downstairs. CC finishes up, but the adept already has, what, two worker kills? It's actually going to get a third worker kill as well. It might still be able to shade out. This is obviously not quite supposed to happen. Once the adept kind of commits to going into the main base, usually what you're supposed to do is kill it. So you up the depot and then you get a free adept. Sure, you'll lose an SCV, but your opponent is lacking a lot of scouting, not knowing when you're going to move out. You could hide some Marines on the map. Of course, because you didn't kill the SUV, none of that, or you didn't kill the ADAP, none of that is really possible. Cutting a lot of workers, by the way, for no real reason. So you already lost three workers, and then there also was a big worker cut. You follow this up by going a third CC on the low ground while playing three racks. Now, the purpose of three racks is to go for a timing in the early game. at around the five minute mark, with as many Marines, and sometimes even a couple of marauders in there, as you can gather. If you have to get a third CC in before you can produce these units, you'll just be cutting a lot of units out of your army that could be in that push. So right now, you should already be walking and you'd only have 14 Marines rather than the 19 or 20 Marines that you would usually have. And sure, having a fast 30C is good, but if you want to play a build with a quick third CC and you don't want to deal any damage, it's just better to add a third CC before the extra barracks. That way you'd probably have a similar amount of Marines, a little bit less, slightly less Marines, slightly delayed Stim and Combat Shield, but if you're not planning on hitting a timing, a tight timing with Stim and Combat Shield, it doesn't matter if they're a little bit delayed. Also, putting the command center on the low ground is kind of risky because it allows your opponent to actually always attack you with stalkers and be able to kite away with bling, or just by moving back. That's a good scan there out of you, Prometheus. I do really like that. And there's really two main tools to deal with blink stalkers in this case. And the first tool is a bunker. The bunker basically is extra HP for Marines. The Marines can sit in the bunker and they can't be shot at, but they can shoot while they're in a bunker. So it really is a one-way street. if these Marines were sitting in a bunker right over here right now, they wouldn't need to stim. You just maybe need to repair the bunker a little bit, but honestly, against what is it, six, seven stalkers, you probably don't have to. Now, because your CC is already on the low ground and you're already mining from that CC for whatever reason, this is not possible. However, you don't have to be mining from that command center yet because you only have six workers on your natural. First, saturate your natural base, defend that natural base, with a bunker, and then once you have a decent enough force that you can easily take your third base, maybe you have med effects out, maybe you have a couple of marauders with concussive shell out, in that case you can start taking your third base. But right now, you're just exposing yourself in as many areas as possible for no real reason, except just to be exposed. Now, if you're an exhibitionist, that's fine, but don't take that type of stuff into the StarCraft game, especially in a PVT. Another Stim gets forced here. And now you get a planetary fortress. Now this is almost never the correct call to get a planetary fortress on the third command center because there's almost no situation in which this is necessary. Like, I guess it helps a little bit against runbyes, but you should not be getting a planetary in order to defend your third base against 10 blink stalkers. You should have just been defending your natural with a single bun. And then once your medevacs are out, at this point, you can easily fight back the stalkers and you can start taking good trades. Like the moment your medevacs arrived, the trades have been absolutely fabulous for you. And honestly, overall the trade so far have probably just been pretty decent. Your opponent killed 12 of your workers, though. And that just wasn't necessary. So he's now up 20 workers, or 21 workers, to be exact. And you're in a world of trouble. This is nothing to do with shields being broken or stalkers and probes being able to kite your army forever. No, this is just because you didn't build a bunker. You put five SUVs to mine in your natural, four SUVs at your third, and you just haven't produced enough workers either. Despite all of this, however, despite all of this, supply is still pretty even. And if you were to attack across the map right at this moment, I think you'd actually kill him. He has absolutely nothing at home. he's investing in a lot of infrastructure and he's going to have a big power spike in about a minute from now but with this lack of vision it's honestly going to be really difficult for the Protoss player to do anything I'd also just like to note that your opponent has about 100 APM more like this Protoss player actually is quite fast and he's playing quite well some of the things aren't quite as good but he's trying to establish vision he's scouted he's controlling his army he's macroing behind it his minerals have never been that high He's continuously producing workers as well. Like, honestly, this Protoss, he's micro-individual stalker. This is 4.4K or something like that. Like, this guy is pretty good for the level. Honestly. Now, you do get in here, and this will allow you to get a lot of these workers down. It's a good trade for you. Or should be a good trade. I'm not quite sure what right-clicking the robotics beta does here rather than trying to fight off these stalkers, but I guess you know more about the future than I do. just knew that that robo bay would be extremely important. I'm not quite sure why. Yeah, in this type of scenario, you just want to trade out your army with his army as much as possible, or you might have trouble with the counter-attacks. Like sniping the robo bay is nice, but it won't do that much for you. It's not worth, you know, the killing four or five stalkers here would have been worth a lot more for you, especially because a colossi isn't going to be super necessary for the Protoss player in the next two to three minutes. He will still get one because he already started it, it's not necessary. It's not like he's going to die. He's actually in a completely fine spot. He can also just build salads and more stalkers and be completely okay with that. So there really is kind of an issue for you here, my friend. It really is. Just losing that entire army. Evening up, the resources lost, but because you've been getting outmined for the entirety of the game, it just doesn't look that brilliant for you. Ford CC does go down before the Protoss. You're still down 20 workers exactly. you're up and upgrades and that's the one thing that you have been doing well is just getting those upgrades without mules on the third base by the way or no orbital here it doesn't mean that your eco sucks a little more um and you're already behind in worker so that's obviously painful you're also not really trying to deny your opponent's vision so far you've been playing completely blind with no map vision with absolutely zero scouting no multitasking either just everything in one big ball. And it kind of shows your opponent has perfect vision all around the map, has good saturation on the basis, is now once again getting a big infrastructure boom. So once again in about a minute, minute and a half from now, he's going to have a massive timing where he'll just be stronger than you are. I mean, Double Forge is also chrono boosting out upgrades. It's absolutely brilliant. You have a big army here, but I mean, there is a colossi here and a battery. I would not recommend moving in there. At this point, I'd also start suggesting getting units that aren't just marines and marauders. After you have like five, six metaphics, getting Vikings, throwing down a ghost academy. These are steps that you can... I was going to say these are steps you can take. And then you start an orbital on your fort base. Now, this is absolutely the world upside down. The reason... So I think you're confused here, okay? The reason why you get an orbital on your third base is not the... because the location of the third base usually is perfect for an orbital and other locations are better for a planetary. So it's not like this is a good planetary location and no matter what base you build here should always be a planetary. No, that's not how it works. The reason why you want an orbital on your third base is that as you're getting your third base as a Terran, often you have map control and salad run bys and major attacks are not extremely common to come from many angles. Once you get a fourth base, however, the amount of runbyes and harassment that the Proloss can do increases, as TOS tends have a little bit more map control and map version in the later stages of the midgame. And also, if you get another base, you spread yourself thinner with your main army. So your main army can always defend one base and it can push from that direction as well, kind of automatically clearing one lane where runbyes potentially could be coming from. However, if you have four bases and you have double orbitals, one base is almost always going to be vulnerable. That is the base that you will make into a planetary, and that's the fourth base. Your forward base always turns into a planetary. The reason for that is because an orbital, the earlier you get it, the more use you get out of it. The more energy you can use, the more scans, the more mules you can use. So it is just way more useful. I always recommend getting an orbital as a third base. And if you're struggling defending the third base while getting an orbital. orbital, maybe consider getting some tanks rather than morphing this into a planetary. Just quick words of advice. And once again, I really would recommend at this point getting ghost. Your opponent is spending a lot right now in research and development, you know, tacking up, getting better weapons. It's as if your opponent is continuously investing into like bigger and better guns and you're still fighting with sticks. And every single year at the budget meeting, you just go, guys, I think more sticks is definitely going to be the way for one more year. But it just isn't. At some point you need to transition out of that. And just having two four to four liberators isn't quite going to cut it. The EMP is probably the best tool that Terran has to deal with max Protoss armies. It just halves the HP of any Protoss army immediately at the cost of six to eight supply. Three to four ghost is all you're going to need, especially with the enhanced shockwave upgrade that Ghosts have. like there's absolutely no reason for you not to go for that now i do like that at least you're mixing in something but i'd still prefer seeing vikings against colossi rather than getting liberators liberators are very good at holding positions but vikings are good at attacking into a position and kiting back while kind of having the vikings zone out the colossi um this is a good setup though and i do like this you you start moving in okay um Move these two Liberators slightly forward. Former concave with your army. At least the marauders are being sent for it. It's not the worst micro so far. Sure, only half of your army is attacking and none of the Liberators are currently shooting. Oh my God. That was a sick sniper on the disruptor. Wow. You actually... I'm not quite sure if this was really good micro or you got lucky that you shot that one disruptor and that there was no third colossi here. but this fight should have been god-awful because you never made a concave in your life. None of your liberators were fighting, but you still honestly did an okay job. I'm surprised. Okay, well, all the Marines being in front, getting the colossi swipes is not quite what you want. There goes all the praise. Straight out of window. It was a good attempt, though. It was a good attempt. Almost killed him. And now that you've seen that he has a nice-looking arm. you're like, okay, what do we remax on? Two more marauders, six more Marines, getting the three-three upgrades. That is useful. Still no Ghost Academy, though. That is getting a little bit painful. It's funny to me as well that you complain about shields, yet you don't get a Ghost Academy. It's like you literally have a unit that destroys shields. It's like practically instant. It has a radius that is the size of the screen. It is often harder to miss and. an EMP then to hit it. You just accidentally click and all the shields are gone of your opponent's arm. You're like, oh, didn't even know I did something. That's an EMP for you. You just continue with the Liberators though. Not a huge fan of that. Sadat run by in towards the main base. You see that and you decide to counterattack. Okay. Look at this. This is some cute glaive adapter. This prolos honestly is really good. If his fight, his main fight wasn't so it wouldn't have been so bad. This guy would be really, really sick. He has good macro, good control of his units. He plays proper StarCraft too, also getting the Shadow Stride. This guy's been watching some Pro StarCraft. He's also pretty fast. Look at that. 253 for a 4.4K toss. That's actually crazy. This guy is proper. It really is. You move command some of your air army into the Protoss army. You end up losing, what is it? two Metafax, a Liberator here before the fight truly starts. Oh, my. This TOS control is actually good. The way he moves with the disruptors and with the Colossi. I really do like it. Poof. Big disruptor shot hits as well. Yeah. You try to do the same thing. I kind of want to see that again. You try to do the same thing here as in the previous fight, but this only works against very low numbers of disruptors. Or if all the disruptors are riding your face. I really do like it when Terran, strides and it fills. I don't think anything gives me more joy in life. Literally nothing sparks more joy than that. Look at this. So you see the disruptor shot. It's like, oh, it's pretty far in the back. Right now it's like a split second decision, you know, it's like, can I catch this, or can I not catch it? You shoot down this disruptor first, you do another A move and you take out a stalker, and then, oh, it's too late already. Disruptor goes off. You lose your entire army. not entirely the way you should be fighting against this. Not entirely. But good attempt nonetheless, you know. I appreciate what you're trying to do here. I really do. You're actually trying to clam plays like this as well. Clam is really good at this. Okay, clam at sniping disruptors. He's the king. He sees a disruptor and he snipes it. You sniping disruptors is slightly different. You know, if clam of disruptor, sniping is kind of what Canon in D is you know the perfect beautiful song played well then you would be well canon in D but this version it It might It It It It It It might sound very similar to the It might sound very similar to the original, but if you listen closely, it's just slightly different. And it's the same with your control against disruptors. People might mistake you for clan, but if they look closer, they just see as not quite the case. Oh! Another Disruptor shot? Let's see you're going to try again. We actually have a separate Holtki for Liberators as well. There's more than the average 7K MMR Terran player. Okay, now you can actually jump on this, by the way. Now you actually can, yeah. All of the shots have been fired. Still, an EMP here would be absolutely priceless. I'm not quite sure how you're doing it, but the traits are even. You've been down the entire game in Eco, but yet your army supply is relatively close, and you're still somewhat winning fights. You're not actually winning the fight, but you're really close to winning the fights, which is, well, I mean, it's impressive. I honestly, I'm impressed. If you want to play this style, by the way, that you're playing, like, I've been saying for a long time now that you need ghosts and Vikings are great, but if all you want to do is just build Marine Marauder, at least you need to split your army. Because Marine Marauder in small balls against Gateway units are actually quite good. However, if you're fighting a massive ball of Colossi Disruptor, Immortal Storm, whatever, Yeah, they're going to suck. But if you split up this army in two groups, groups, one to the left, one to the right side, first of all, you can show of your fancy multitasking. And second of all, with your micro, it doesn't really matter whether you aim move or not. Or if you're paying attention to the army, it doesn't change much in the outcome of the fights, at least not with how you've been microing so far. Perhaps you won't lose as much to disruptors anymore because you don't try to snip them if you're not paying attention. Interesting liberated position. Once again, Marines tanking all of the Colossi shots. Another quick trick is to put the marauders in front of the army so that they actually tank, or put the marauders in front of the army so that they tank the shots of the Colossi and then your Marines can deal damage behind that. That is the ultimate play. Another cool trick is to form concaves just to maximize your damage output, make it difficult for your opponent to splash on top of you as well. This is a good call, the base trade. You can't fight into this army and thus the only correct call is to just base trade. Now once again, if you would split your army in two parts here, one towards the right side, one towards the left side, that would actually really help in this endeavor of trying to win a base trade. Sadly, that's not what you're doing. Is this just going to recall? I guess he will after he kills this base, right? I'd recall to this one. He'll recall to the natural. If he recalls to the left side base, he's an idiot. Okay. I don't mind it. I actually really like this. This is the correct base to recall too, I think. Okay. Last time you got stuck in a corner, you decided to attack the Robo Bay. It's a bait Robo way once again. The Protoss saw what you did that first time. It's like, ooh, if I could bait him one more time into that, that would be sick. Okay, you just continue fine. The moment you get trapped, rather than trying to trade out your army, you just really focus on killing all the buildings. Look at that. Once again, look at this. This is actually sick. It's like your panic response. You actually didn't have that bad of a position in his base here. If you just form a concave on top of the ramp, or even while you're down here, look at this. If you just split your army, make somewhat of a concave, there's not that much splash. Everything is kind of slowly but surely coming in one by one. Zealots are stuck behind stalkers. There's only two disruptor shots left. as this disruptor already shot, literally all you need to do right now is not walk into two massive disruptor shots, and that's kind of what you do, because you're busy targeting down a robotics facility rather than fighting against your opponent's army. Oh, look! Multitask. I think this was your rally, and you forgot to rally it back, isn't it? I don't think this is intentional, because it's not being controlled. It is good multitasking, though, the accidental multitask, but still good multitask. I wish I could accidentally multitask every now and again. I just move command my zealots into hatcheries. Doesn't quite seem to do the trick anymore. Ah, now you're actually controlling this. And you didn't stim this army, so it wasn't an F2. I'm very proud of you. Is it... Prometheus probably is one of the only terrans that doesn't actually have F2 bound to a hotkey. He doesn't really seem to use it at all. And I like it. I don't mind it too much. These two adepts have been... Well, this... this cliff has been a bit. abused a lot so far this game. I think this is like one of the tricks that Tipu knows and then he just keeps using it again and again. Like the guy that I knew back in high school, they would just show me the same magic trick again and again because he only had one of them. After doing the same car trick 25 times in a row, it isn't quite as impressive anymore, but still interesting nonetheless. Car tricks, very cool. Yeah, Proz is just really far ahead at this point. I mean, he has 3.6K resources or 3.6K minerals, 1,300 gas as well, and you lose your base, walk into another disruptor shot, and just, you know, the business as usual, I guess we'd say. You have zero mining right now. You're aware that your opponent has at least one and a half mining base remaining. Now, this means that there's a lot of pressure on you to perform right in this moment. You need to go do something. And that's exactly what you're going to be doing. You're just going to start marching across the map. And although this looks like the incorrect call, this actually is the correct call. You also snip both disruptors, and then here, you tap out and you leave the game. Yeah, this was a very sad affair. I understand that you were upset by the early game, these stalkers destroying way too many Marines. But this problem could have been easily solved by getting a bunker or opening up with a view build order, like an actual 3-Rex, an actual triple CCC opener, or you could open, if you really struggle with this, and this is a problem that you often have, you could just open up with tanks or like with a cyclone first, that way you can push them back and afterwards you can get tanks. You can open up with a mine drop and a bunker at home with a mind drop and you just idle it in the dead space. That way, whenever the Protolus is at your doorstep, you send in a mine drop. And if he never goes to your doorstep, you leave the mind drop in the dead space. It's a win-win. It's a really cool move. isn't great against Stargate openers, but if he isn't doing a Stargate opener, that's a cool trick that you can use to force the Protoss to stay home. However, if you don't do any of these tricks, you can still just build a freaking bunker and you're going to be fine. You don't have to float your third CC and you shouldn't float your third CC to a third base location if you can't defend that third base location without taking massive losses. That is just kind of obvious. And you can say, well, TOSS will get a way faster third. TOS right now had a third base that was mining for way more as well because you lost freaking 12 SUVs. Like, no matter what happens, it's just going to be better for you to just safely SUV up or probe up. SUV up would be the correct word for Terran, I guess. Savely SUV up. And then from there on I'll start expanding once you can safely take it. This made absolutely no sense. Your macro honestly was quite good. It was on point. your control at times was okay, although I do believe that was more luck than competence necessarily. So maybe you just got lucky with a couple of good stim-ins. You didn't really seem to have a very good clue about judging fights when disruptors would be hitting you, when Colossi would be killing all of your Marines. You had some opportunities to win the game. Yeah, that really leaves me just with one thing. And that is that although this was a frustrating game for you, you made so many mistakes. Your army composition also was quite terrible. Your early game was god-awful. Your eco sucked the entire game. This had nothing to do with Protoss or with shields being overpowered. This had to do with you sucking, my friend. And that's the harsh reality of things. It is what it is. All right. It's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. If you didn't enjoy this episode of Is It Embar or Do I Suck, and you think, hey, I think I have a replay where my opponent's race was truly in balance. Be sure to send it using the Google Doc. down below in the description. I'm especially looking for replays on the new patch. I'll still be maybe looking at some older ones, but if you guys have some new replays, be sure to send them over. And perhaps next week, I'll be seeing if what you played again is truly imbalanced, or if you suck. Thank you for watching. Smash like and bye. |
He LOST To An AFK Player?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Harstem might not know it yet, but we do. This dude seems to have gone afk in the middle of the Match. And todays guest still loses?! What the hell is going on with these complains? Smash like to help me recover from that! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/28uVOM9lXBA/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 28uVOM9lXBA | Hey Harstam. Well in this game my first push was a little late. I had more units than it usually has and didn't do too badly with it. Everything else was on point. Then as the game goes on I multitask really hard, attacking with multiple armies in different locations at the same time, while spending my money well behind it. My upgrades also were really on point, giving me a lead in every fight. I even had me more workers than him in a TVZ. He did two tech switches. The first one from Lingbane into Hydra Corruptor, which I reacted to by building less marauders and more Marines, because, you know, marauders have less DPS versus hydras and can't even attack corruptors. But then, all of a sudden, boom! He switched into mass ultras and obviously my Marines die and I lose the game. He forgets to build units after this, so I ran over the map and kill a bunch of stuff instead of leaving, because I didn't know the game was over yet. I am sorry for that. Now, the question, is it imba or do I suck? Name Clem from Wish, race, Terran, League, Platinum, Server, EU. At 2.9K MMR here, we have a Terran player complaining about the imbalanced TVZ matchup. And basically saying that he was very on point this game. He said, all right. my macro was very good, my upgrades were very good, my multitasking was not just very good, it was perfect practically, multitasking many times at different locations at the same time with different armies. Now, whenever I get a message like this from a, what was he, platinum? From a platinum player, I always get a little bit afraid. I have yet to see the first platinum player that actually manages to control units in more than one location. Hell, I'm going to up that statement. I am yet to see a platinum player control his units properly in a single location, let alone more than one. It is really difficult in StarCraft 2 to control your army well. It is so difficult that probably 80 to 90% of the Starcraft population don't even know what controlling an army well looks like, except when they watch clips of Klam or Maru do it or, I don't know, other players that have good control that I can't currently think of. But for whatever reason, Klam from Wish here, with the perfect control in multiple locations at the same time, still loses to a zes. Zerg player that is 2.9K MMR. That is honestly quite wild. So I'm really looking forward to this. If you read that balance complaint for him, you'd figure that we're watching the most perfect player in the world. And so far, I kind of like this build or a reactor first. Could be going into a triple wrecks here. Could go into something like a four, six marine into a helium push. those are really the two main option but because he's still mining extra gas it most likely is going to be a factory opener is what I would say if this was a very high level player but because most players below masters don't actually care too much about optimizing mineral mining it is still possible that he'll go into three racks always I always like to keep my options open during these Iodices because I've seen some wild stuff you know people taking two gas floating 500 gas and then getting a third cc before their second barracks is like all right buddy this is obviously not going to be it go into like the five minute mark they have 900 gas in the bank 23 workers although they have triple cc is like oops okay it's actually going to be a three wrecks he builds both barracks at the same time usually not quite what you want to be doing um as the money doesn't come in at the same time right it's not like you go from zero to 300 all of a sudden. No, you get, you go from, you know, there is a gradual increase of money when your SUVs bring it back to the command center. So once you hit 150 minerals and you have money for that first barracks, you just want to throw that down, especially because when you're playing three racks, you will require two tech labs. And that one barracks that finishes faster than the other can start the tech lab quicker and thus can also start the stim research quicker, which is important because you want to kind of finish Stim and Combat Shield at around the same time for when you're pushing with your first 19 to 20 Marines. But in this case, that's not going to happen because both Tech Labs will be built at approximately the same time, I assume, and then Combat Shield is just going to finish way before Stim ever will, and that is an issue. There's also some slight oversaturation going on in the main base. Now, this could be for a very high-level mind game, but it could also not be. And given the fact that this man built both of his barracks as close to the edge to make it as easy to scout as possible, I doubt it's a very high-level mind game. But because I want to flex my knowledge, I'm still going to explain this very high-level mind game that it could have been. So when you're playing a three-recks opener, you play this off of a single gas. That means that most, every other Terran build opener is with a second gas. And the second gas can be built in the main, and again, Zerg can also be built on the low ground. But a lot of Terrans like building it in the main these days. If you have a second gas in the main base, that means that there's three extra SUVs in the main base. So if a zerglink scout would come in and would see this amount of SUVs in the natural right now, the Zerg would be able to tell us like, hey, there's probably two gas in the main currently because I'm missing three SCVs. This is something that people scout for at a very high level. Now, first of all, I don't think that this Zerg will scout at all. And second of all, I don't think that Clamphromvish knows what he's doing. But in especially TVP, it is thus a pretty common mind game to keep three extra SUVs in your main base, mining minerals. And although it's slightly less effective than mining them from the natural, it does not give the Protoss a free scout once they see with the adept, hey, there's too many SUVs here in the natural, that is going to be a three-wreck. So a very high-level mind game from a player that had no clue. that he was doing it. Just like with the monkeys and the typewriters, you know. If you give a group of monkeys infinite time and a bunch of typewriters, then eventually they reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. They actually, I think I mentioned this before, but they actually once did this experiment, somewhere in England, obviously. They got, I think, 2K pounds for it to conduct this experiment and they gave a couple of monkeys in a zoo, a typewriter. And they also, so filmed it, and they produced, well, not the entire works of Shakespeare, but they did produce five pages of writing. I think it was mainly consisting of the letter E, if I recall correctly. So it wasn't the most literate monkeys, but you always see that. Get them a typewriter and they just kind of abuse it. I think midway through the experiment, one of the alpha monkeys also started using it as a lavatory, which is a fancy word for a toilet. But that word always kind of trick me up. Yeah, kind of tricked me. All right. Back to this game, though. Enough about monkeys and typewriters. As we have our own Terran monkey over here, smashing his keyboard. And he actually produced a pretty decent result. He has a lot of Marines out. Now, like I mentioned, his stim and combat are a bit later than usual. This push is supposed to hit with 19 Marines or 21 Marines. If you play with the Reactor first, one of the two, depending on how tight your men. and how many SEVs are cut, at about 455 with both Stim and Combat Shield. This push here from Clam from Wish is going to hit a full minute later with slightly more Marines. There's obviously five Marines back here, so this is 25 Marines. So he has four Marines more, but he also hits a minute late. Now that's usually not a great thing to do. Let's take a look at the micro here as well. Not the greatest control. eight four bailings straight to the face and lost basically all of his marines because of that. But also it really could have been a lot worse. He at least tried controlling his army and we saw something that resemble the split. So I'm not even too upset by that. But yeah, what I was going to say is that if you only get five Marines more in an entire minute, that is usually not great. And also with this push, it's really important that you hit as tight as possible. Because later on it just becomes easier for the Zerg to hold. They naturally have more units. They have probably have a the bailing nest already done in some cases even a roach warren the queens will have more energy which means that transfuses will be very easy so yeah it's it just feels to me that hitting harder with 21 marines and hitting faster is more important than hitting later with four more marines especially given that in a minute if you have the production that this feller had you could technically get 12 marines more so he was he was lacking seven marines somewhere. They got lost in the process. This is a cool wall. This is a really cool well. There used to be a game that I played back in the day called settlers, where you had these dudes. I think they were called explorers and they would move the border of your kingdom manually. They pick up like the little pixel and they drop the pixel somewhere else. And this is kind of what these dudes are doing as well. You know, they're just manually just building a new border to their kingdom. And in Clam from Wishes. that kingdom consisted of the main and the natural, but now has a third base on the way. This is a great turret as well. This is defending absolutely nothing. Look at that. That is impressive as well. If you have a base that is this field, managing to build a turret that actually covers nothing. I didn't even know that was possible here. This guy must be like an engineer. Absolutely calculator. Look at this. So the only thing it's currently protecting is the SCV that just finished building it. This barracks can be attacked from the bottom, this factory can be attacked everywhere, the entire mineral line is free. I guess if a gas SCV returns the gas over here, it would be safe against Muta Lisk. But this is the most useless turret I've seen in my entire life. Nice. Very good job there. Good start already here by Clam from Wish. We also have some slight oversaturation issues in the natural. I do have to admit his macro is quite good. I don't like the buildings he's building or the order he's doing it in. And I've mentioned this before. Like there's, actually, this looks fine. This is, is this five? No, it's six. It's one too many barracks compared to what it usually is. And if this was a very high level game, I would be upset about it. Like, oh my God, you're building one more barracks, then you should be. And you also have three tech labs, which are really useless. But in this case, I don't mind it. If you can't spend your money with five. barracks and you're a lower level player, then the correct answer is to get a sixth barracks so you can spend your money easier. That's a very good call. And I like that he's kind of, you know, saying, you know what, I'm maybe a little bit weaker than some of the top players at this. So I'll just get an extra barracks. You know, and he's not afraid to say it. He's not afraid to do it. Please teach up your tanks. There we go. Did he stim? Okay, he stimmed just now. Right? That was a very late thing. I want to see that fight again. I think he just forgot the stim. Was he looking at something? Probably busy multitasking somewhere on the map. Okay. So he just doesn't control anything. And then, oh, he's splitting. He's splitting the units and then he stims in the end. Did he just... Oh, he sieged these very late as well. Yeah, that was very painful. This is not a good fight as he lost absolutely everything. He killed like five lings. He's down in resources. which is impressive. And the Metavex returned back home empty. This is a very sad sight to see. It's like, hey, whatever were the boys? It's like, uh, they went to a better place. Can we go there as well? Yeah, sure. Hop on in. And boom, the next few get transported to the front. Six gases coming out. You still have this high barracks count. Command center on the way as well. Honestly, you're playing. pretty close to not perfect. Well, no, you're actually not playing pretty close to perfect. You have 36 workers in your natural, which is extreme oversaturation at this point. Your third base isn't even saturated yet. There's no rally point on this third nexus or in this third command center either. Pureling Bane is defending right now. But he said eventually he'll transition into Hydra Corruptor. Talking about a local composition, huh? These are the five marines that are sent out, or the six marines send out on scouting duty. I don't think they're going to have a very good time on scouting duty. They tried sticking together to stay warm and then they got hit by Bainlings. This army is going to try to push forward. I would suggest seething the tanks a little bit back maybe over here, over here, rather than straight up in the middle of the fight. The tank is a long range... What was this? Look at this. These marines are being surrounded, and this guy, rather than picking them up, uses the boost hotkey to fly away, although there's not a single anti-air unit here. Look at this. Same amount of clicks, the boost and the pickup. The Zerg already believed that they were going to get picked up. And it's like, wait a second, he left them behind. And these Marines looping up, like, hey, what the hell's going on over here, boys? This is some sadistic, some sadistic metaphics. they've seen a lot of the Marines die already and now they're going to pick up the next wave he's just sending them to his death I don't think he's controlled a single army yet or tried to keep it alive anyway I was going to talk about the Hydra into Corruptor which I'm really really hyped for because the last time I saw someone play Hydra Corruptor is when Locos sent in the IOLIS form and that was a great one so games with Hydra Corruptor have a you know a very positive connotation in my head. I like this move out. So once again we have a move out. I wouldn't mind if we borrow some of the mines preemptively so that we don't have to do it while we're being killed by Bainlings. And well, none of these mines get a shot off. The marine stim, the Matax are idling and now they should once again boost back home. Or maybe just relax over here for a bit. All of these fights have actually been really, really bad. It's been surprising to see. how big Terran's army is getting and how hard it is getting smashed every single time. It is truly something else. It does not make me happy. This does not spark joy, my friends. It really does not. Seeing marine after marine army being sent out just straight to the dead. I do like the walling, although the wall here is so far out that it almost feels like you can't really defend it anymore. It does help against potential Ling Bane run by. Then we have another big F2 move, sending our entire army across the map. Three more barracks on the way. So we're already at 9. We're going up to 12 right now. That is really pushing it. But once again, if you have trouble... The Alpsis lose all of his medevacs? This was the worst fight of all of him. I just don't understand it. didn't he what did he say in his form didn't he say was multitasking as the game goes on i multitasked really hard attacking with multiple armies in different locations at the same time while spending my money well behind it maybe there is a theory that i have is that he was playing a second game of starcraft at a different screen and he was macroing in this one and then on the second screen he also macroed and microed and micro as well and that was where the multitasking was because so far look I like when people try to multitask but so far clam from Wish hasn't even been able to single task like he actually has been looking at his army a lot as well which is what makes me even more confused, angry and sad frustrated, lots of emotions at the same time like he scans he sees this army Now at this point Any healthy person would look at this and go I think I should go home He has five... Okay, actually kind of walks home But it's not really walking home Okay, this is not retreating by the way This is not retreating Okay, he should have retreated his entire army after the scan And just because these Marines stay alive Doesn't mean that this was a good move This search should have absolutely blasted that This does not count as these units staying alive. These units wanted to die. They accidentally stayed alive because the opponent got scared. One of the Marines farted and they were like out of here, mate. Now here comes the Corruptor Switch, which honestly also is a very surprising thing to see. I'm not quite sure about it, but so far he's won every single fight in this game. So I'm not even going to get upset about this. four MadovX are out and once again we have I think this is some of the multitasking Look at his legendary multitasking here The five marines get killed by these bailings Then these units get rallied once again onto creep Has there been a single scan yet Four creep tumors have been killed this entire game Oh my god, there's some legendary multitask over here Doesn't burrow any of the mines, doesn't use Stim Doesn't burrow any of the mines Will he use Tim? Will he use Tim? Will he use Tim? Will he used him? Burroughs one of the mines. Does it get a shot? We get one mine shot. Man, this indeed was some legendary multitask. And we get a drop in towards the main base. Oh, on this little part, very cool. So it's going to be able to take out three, four workers and lose both drops. You know what's funny? All of these fights were legitimately god off, right? None of them got controlled. 75% of the fights didn't even stim. But I do believe that this was probably still better than most of the other fights. As we see, the resources lost is pretty equal. Like, this is how good the Terran army is, naturally. Just without controlling it, you get about even trades. Even if you just send random Marine marauder squads on creep, and they seem to kill nothing. The bailing is such a cost inefficient unit that if you have marauders, the banling naturally just trades poorly. Now this could be a good fight, so you scan, you clear the creep, you borrow the mines, and then you try the pre-split. Or in the case of clam from wish, you stim, you run as far on creep as you can, and then make sure you get hit by absolutely everything that is there. Corruptors, hydras, banlings. It doesn't matter. Now these are two different philosophies in StarCraft. We have the philosophy of trying to keep your units alive. and optimizing the damage output because they stay alive longer. Or you have the philosophy that Clam from Wish uses here. And it's by throwing away all your units very quickly, making your opponent believe that he's winning so that he starts building weird units like hydras and corruptors, rather than just going into units that are powerful like the Lurker. Mine's actually dealing some damage once again. These Marines straight okay with the hydras, obviously. I do have to admit, the upgrades have been very good. The macro during this game has not been bad either. There's been a lot of barracks and, well, really 16 barracks on the way, right, or four more on the way. Okay, this is the first time we actually see some control. If he picks up these two Marines as he realized he's losing this fight, I will be happy. He does not quite do that, but this was actually good. A resource is lost is not looking great, but he killed some workers. There's still only a, wait what? There's a hive and a layer. Okay, so now we have the six ultras on the way. This is where Clam from Wish told us that everything would start going wrong. And I'm not really looking forward to that. Because in my mind, everything had already been going wrong up until this point. If he would stim this, I think this is a winning fight, isn't it? No? Was that a winning fight? I kind of want to see that again. There's a lot of Marines. It's like, what, 20, 25? It's 19 hydras. There's also two. If he stims, I think he might win this. It's 3-3 upgrades against 2-2. want to even. These mines could burrow as well. Without stim and without control, it obviously isn't going to be great. He ends up killing four hydras to be exact, but that's also because a lot of his time is spent shooting corruptors. I actually think it might have been possible to deal a lot of damage here. Now, this is some actual multitask, and he's even controlling this army. If there were drones here, this would have been a very good move. Of course, there's no matter of fact with it, so the units couldn't have been taken back. I don't think there's been, Except for the five Marines and two Liberators that went back here, every unit that got sent out got killed. That is a 100% death rate for your army. That is really, really cool. I bet you'll get loads of people to sign up for that. You'll never come back. Oh, that's great. A couple of mines walking into the Ultras as well. Matterfacts get taken out. Marines, once again, not stimming, not running towards good choky positions either. And at this point, once you realize your opponent, has ultras, he wants transition back into marauder. Now, I do want to explain one more thing here, Clam from Wish to you, and that is that the way that Terran works against Zerg is that you kind of have natural transitions. So I'll pause it here for a second. Basically, you open up with your triple CCC, something like you get three bases, you go up to five racks, you get a second factory at that point and then you can get like either double tank production from these factories or you can get mines from one factory and tanks from the other or you can get triple mine from both. That's fine as well. Then you get a forward base. You go up to eight racks. Out of your first four barracks, first five barracks, one of them has a tech lab and the other four all have reactors that ensures that you have maximum marine production, which is really useful against the Ling Baines that Zerg tends to build in the early to midgame. Once your fort base is done, you add three barracks. These three barracks get a tech lab. That leaves you with a four-for split of tech labs and barracks. And then you start casually, you know, building a couple of marauders. The reason for this is because marauders are, A, very good against banlings, tanking banlings, tanking shots in general, they're quite good at. And B, in case of like a lurker or ultra transitions, marauders are a lot tanked here and are just really good against these units because of the armor types. You kind of have these natural transitions. Then once you start taking a fifth base and other stuff, you can get a Ghost Academy or you can get more, you can get liberators out, and you just kind of continue tacking on and on. You started with a higher marauder count and then went back completely into Marines, as you kind of wanted to keep at least some marauders in at any point in case of a transition or in case there was going to be a huge amount of banlings. I think that is the incorrect way to really look at how Terran used. usually is played at the high level. Like you need a good mixture of Marines and Marauders and you should be consistently producing these. Then in combination with mines or with tanks, you can actually get pretty far. I'm sad to see that this was an orbital as well rather than a planetary that would have maybe made a defense possible here. You also, I didn't quite realize this, but you actually haven't used any energy whatsoever on any of these bases. I wonder if you actually ever muled. I don't know. I haven't been paying attention to your bases because your fights were so mind-blowingly bad. And I'm not trying to be funny or mean here, but if you're not going to be using the energy on your orbital commands, it is better to get a planetary. And it looks really dumb and it looks really bad. But this just makes no sense because, yes, this has the potential to be a lot of scans, but you never scan for creep. Oh, you did scan a couple of times to see where an army was, I guess. But if you don't use it for mules either, it might just be better for at least base 3 and 4 to build those into planetaries. If you're a bit too slow for that, once again, it is completely fine to say, hey, I'm not quick enough for this. Let me accept that and try to play around it. Getting orbitals on every single base is already an absolute no-go. But then if you're not even using it, it makes absolutely zero sense. It really just makes no sense. Now, what I do like here is that you're still trying. I think that's cool. Burrow the mines, burrow the mines, borrow the mines, or walk them into the ultras. Both options are about equal. There's a lively debate going on currently with Terran scholars, what is better? Move commanding them into your opponent's army or burrowing them and allowing them to kill 25 lings per shot. They're not quite sure yet. Of course, Terran's not known to be the most intelligent species. You continue your production. The game is pretty over at this point, but you don't know that and I don't really mind you staying in that case. Hey guys, sorry to blatantly jump in here but during the edit I saw something quite intriguing. The Zerkes APM according to the WCS 3.0 overlay dropped to zero for apparently quite some time so I went and checked and as you can see in his first person perspective he actually was AFK for over two whole minutes at this point. Obviously we have no clue if there was like a pause that the Terran player cancelled or whatever. Could be, could not be. I also don't know why he was AFK. Maybe his pizza finished and he had to take it out of the oven or maybe his kid fell and needed some help or whatever. But apparently Clemfrom Wish actually lost to an at least partly AFK player. And I thought that was quite funny. So yeah, just wanted to show you that. But back to you, Kevin. You know, you said sorry for that, but it's really funny that the people that say sorry for staying in too long often are the people that don't have to say sorry. And the people that are completely unaware that they're in a game that is completely unwinnable, they never say sorry and they just complain a little bit harder. Like you don't see any units. You walk like, what, 20 meters on creep, like two screens deep on creep and you still don't see anything. So, yeah. I honestly, if I were you, I would actually be getting a bit hyped. Wait a second. I'm accidentally winning here. This guy's like panic morphing in bailings. Now sure, the moment this fella builds ultras with these larvae or these next larva pop, it's going to be hard. And even if he doesn't, I mean, if it's just going to be pure Bane Hydra Ling, it's still going to be pretty difficult. But honestly, it is playable. You have a lot of, oh, I think you just, did you just scan a couple of times maybe? Oh yeah, you've just been scanning a lot. But if you would mule, like you're actually outmining your opponent pretty hard. You have a decent bank. I don't think this game is over whatsoever. And now you're actually multitasking as well. Look at this. You're stimming this army. This army, I have a feeling it might not be controlled right now. I just, oh, a stim? Well, mines are a bit too far back. You're completely caught on creep again. But this still was a better fight than all your other fight. combined. Here, here. Command center gets killed by a couple of hydras, this army falls. Honest... Wow. Very close. Very, very close. Yeah, I think honestly if your fights weren't so, darn, you're down 9K. I really didn't think that was possible in the units lost. Down 9. I've never seen this in my life of a Terran playing marine bio or marine mine marauder. I really didn't think this was possible. Wow. Well yeah, you're absolutely dead at this point, but I'm honestly impressed and shocked. It's like a weird emotion between these two. You fly the command center straight into your opponent's army. So I mean these altars are just going to finish the game. At this point it would be wise to leave. leave and now maybe this what you... Okay, no, G-G. Yeah, you left perfectly on time. Okay. Clam from which, let's look at us one more time. I'm not even quite sure what you complained about. You just complained about the matchup in general, right? There was nothing specific where you were like, hey, this sucked. It's just, is it Inbar or do I suck? And then Zerg is too broken. Well, let's just go over some of the claims initially that you make. The game goes on. I multi-tick, not actually the first sentence. Let's go there. Well, in this game, my first push was a little late. I had more units than it usually has and didn't do too badly with it. Well, the reason you had more units than it usually has is because you hit a minute late. It is kind of natural that if you do something a lot later, is that it's going to have slightly more of it. So that's good. Everything else was on point. I don't think that was completely true. I believe you got a tech lab on a factory, while that factory should have been producing a reactor to swap with a starport, then you should have swapped the factory with one of the barracks with the Tech Lab. All of these are details though, but saying that everything is on point when it isn't, of course, isn't exactly true either. Then, as the game goes on, I multitask really hard attacking with multiple armies in different locations at the same time while spending my money well behind it. Out of that entire sentence, that lasted a bit too long already, the only thing that's true is that you spent your money quite well behind it. Not great, but it was fine. You had a lot of barracks you needed for it. During times you were still floating 500, 600 minerals, but you didn't multitask really hard. It's like maybe you were juggling with one hand on the side or you're screaming at your kids to leave Daddy alone because he's playing a video game right now and I can't pause it. But you weren't multitasking in this game of StarCraft 2. You never attacked with multiple armies. Sometimes you send multiple groups to a part of the map, but then you completely left them alone. That's not multitasking. You didn't even really single task. Your upgrades also were really on point, giving me a lead in every fight. Your upgrades were indeed really on point, and that should have given you a lead in every fight had you ever controlled your units. You even had more workers than him in a TVZ. That is correct. But you also lost 10. NK resources more units lost. I have no clue how that's possible. That really is extremely impressive. He did two tech switches, the first one from Link Bane into Hydra Corruptor. Yeah, I already kind of discussed that. There really is a natural progression in the way that Terran works. And it's not so much huge switches to one thing on the other. And if you're making switches in the late game, it's often between higher tech unit, not so much about the composition of your core bio army. It's more about, hey, do I want more ghosts? Do I want more liberators? Do I want more tanks? Rather than saying, hey, I want 35 marauders now or 25 marries. No, you always want to keep that kind of balance between these four reactors and four tech labs continuously producing units. He forgets to, yeah, from that point on, it's honestly kind of over. Your micro was extremely poor. your multitasking was non-existent. Your macro and the way you built stuff was okay. But if you're down 10K, 10K resources in units lost, then there's, like, I don't even know what to say at that point. Really, all you need to do is just siege up your units and stim, and you're going to get better fights than what you're currently doing. Like, I can't in good conscience say that Zerg is imbalanced if you play this sport, my friend. And you, you sucked. And that's the heart called truth. All right. That's going to be it for today. Today's episode even of is it Inba or Do I Suck? If you didn't enjoy this, don't forget hit a like button, subscribe to the channel. And hopefully I'll see all of you next time in a new episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? Bye-bye. |
OG IEM PRO PLAYER SWITCHES RACE AND INSULTS HIS OLD RACE AS IMBA?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today's guest woke some past memories of my good ol' time at Fanatic... Let me take you down memory lane! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8HFk3Afyht0/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 8HFk3Afyht0 | Dear Harstam, I've recently come across the fact that the Zerg race is absolutely stupid. Corruptors cost two supply, while a carrier costs six. The math doesn't simply hold up. There's also the legendary lurker, which has about 400 of HP and 80 damage. This is an exaggeration by the author of this imbalance complaint form. Late game is simply unplayable. The Zerg has more money, more efficient units, and vipers make me want to cannon rush every single Zerg, every single game. That's not to mention spore crawlers, which are pretty much free and cost zero supply. Maybe we could just try finishing the game before that, huh? Well, I guess not, since Zerg has the Revager and a baboon can send lings cross-map to make you go back to your base whenever you try to do something on the map. What do you think? Is it Rimbab or do I suck? Name Shakti, race, Protoss, league grandmaster, and the server is an A. I'm a little bit surprised by this form for a couple of reasons. First of all, we have a Protoss complaining about Zerg late game. I usually get the reverse. Second of all, Shakti used to be a Zerg player. So for the people that don't know Shakti, is a Brazilian player that I thought was a Zerg player, but apparently recently or well maybe in the past 10 years has switched to Protoss. I remember Shakti as a Zerg player because in the Intel Extreme Master Sao Paulo 2013 or 2014, one of the two, Shakti managed to take out Hello Kitty. Hello Kitty was an American Protoss player who played for the same team as I was playing at the time, which was fanatic. And he went to Sao Paulo and got last in his group and he lost to Shakti. I remember that because I had never heard of Shakti before, and Shakti took out one of my teammates. So it was a bit of a shock. Let's put it like that. So the first thing I would say is that if you truly believe that the other race is imbalanced, perhaps change, switch back. You know, you know how to play it from back in the day. It shouldn't be too much of an issue. But on the other hand, Shakti made the honorable move of swapping from Zerg to Protoss. and maybe he wants to keep the moral high ground. Maybe he wants to feel good about himself. Maybe he doesn't want to feel dirty every day. And no matter how much he showers, the nastiness won't come off because he still plays Zerg on a high level. If that's the case, then of course you can stick to playing Protoss. And instead we'll just actually focus on what you ask. And that is whether this is imbalanced or if you suck. Now, in order to research this claim, we'll be looking pretty tightly at everything you'll be doing. I mean, this is Grand Master level. The standards are high here. You're playing against a player called Grasfren, which I have never heard of. Your opener is a gate scout, which means you can't block your opponents natural. The only scenario in which this is okay is if you actually play Showtime's build order, which is the four-adapt double or triple Oracle, I think it is, with a fast robo into Forge Twilight. This is the only scenario where I kind of like it. I don't know why I like it there, but Showtime does it, so it must be good. I know that is a bit of a fallacy, but I don't really care. If Showtime does something, I generally believe he has his reasons for it. And Showtime, whenever he plays that specific Oracle build, almost always opens up with a Gate Scout rather than blocking the opponent's natural. Whenever I talk with Showtime, I don't completely agree with him on that point, but he does it and Shelton is fantastic. So this is really the only strat I would, you know, I would allow this for. Otherwise, always block your opponents natural, especially the lower level you get. So at the very top, Zerg players are super optimized. And they know exactly what to do when they get blocked, when to build drones, where to send their lings, how to move their queens. But just even slightly below that top level, very often if you block your opponents natural and you chronobust out two adepts and send them across the map, it allows you to just deal so much damage and often get a lead that might just be able to kind of translate it. into a game later on. It gets you a lead that you can leverage into the midgame into a quick win. Instead, we see you just shade in... 36. So you lost 70 shields on this one adapt and also, what is it, 34 of your actual, your view HP. You lost 100, you took 100 damage. sniping a single creep tumor so far. Good job, buddy. Real nice control. Your opponent immediately pulls away. You walk away from your safe space, which is over here. You could have moved back towards this little safe space that you have, but instead you move into the lings trying to chase drones. And what do you get? You get a single tumor and a single link for two adepts. This is the worst trait that I've ever seen with two adepts in my entire life. That's very impressive because I've worked. are a crapton of StarCraft. Second Oracle is on the way, and you're actually playing the 4-Adeb builder. So I actually do like your build order. I just don't like your unit movement so far. This Oracle should be back home because it should be cleaning up these lings rather than moving across the map. You actually do that. Okay, that's good. It's a little bit late, and at this point your second Oracle is already out. Your third base should be going down at this point, honestly, rather than in five, six seconds from now. Once again, we're being quite critical of shock But the reason for that is because he is A, he's an ex-pro player or still a pro player, or at least a very high-level player, and B, he's in Grandmaster. So this guy definitely needs to know how to play the game. And delaying your nexus by 10, 15 seconds for no reason. Yeah, that's quite a big error, actually, at a high level. Spore is weirdly positioned. Did you just take literally, when is it, 54 damage on this Oracle for no reason? Once again, a lot of damage for no reason. You're also completely broadcasting every move with the oracle that you're making by staying in your opponent's vision. You're even idling in your opponent's vision, completely allowing the Zerg player to move the queens in the correct position to deal with these oracles. This is extremely impressive what I'm seeing here. The Zerg is defending quite well. You also target four different drones here. You lose one Oracle for free. You lose two oracles for free. Okay. So so far you have killed two drones, three lings and one creep tumor, and you've lost two adepts and two oracles. Your entire opener is kind of focused on dealing drone damage to your opponents with early two chrono boosted adepts, with fast three oracles. The entire purpose of the Oracle is to kill drones and to get information. If you're this bad with Oracle control, I'd recommend playing Voidray openers rather than playing a triple Oracle. opener. It just really doesn't make any sense to play this. If you're constantly flying into your opponent's vision, you're tanking damage for free for no reason. Like, what is this? Like, if you wanted to become like a figure skater or something like that, then you should have been practicing for that. But with an Oracle, you want to deal damage. Like, it's not the same. No one's going to give you points for a perfect spin in your opponent's creep or something like that. I also like aesthetically pleasing things and I like beautiful circles and that type of stuff. But this is not the time with the Oracle, my friend. Your follow-up is going to be Blink. I know for a fact that Showtime doesn't play this because he's not an idiot. So you copy part of his build order. You lose two oracles to adepts. And then you follow it up with Blink. If Showtime is still awake at this hour, then he's probably screaming out loud. He hates this. blink again Zerg is only good in one scenario no yeah in one scenario it's a very specific scenario it's good in the scenario where your opponent doesn't have a brain has no scouting whatsoever and took 25 drone damage in the early game but none of these scenarios happened on top of that you're also executing the what give one second you're Okay, you open up with, I'm just really confused. I knew the NA letter wasn't too hot, but this is really pushing it. So you rush out nine gateways, a prism, blink, and plus one. All of these are investments for the super short term. Blink stalkers fall off insanely hard. The moment there's more than three revergers, the moment there's any amount of banlings. Just the moment there's any. there's any unit that isn't just a pure roach or a pure link, the stalker sentry combination against Zerg is hot garbage. It's not even funny how bad it is. You invest at 500 gas in sentries. You're building nine gateways, blink, all of this purely for a bling, and the prism, all of this for a blink stalker attack. And then the moment that you worked up to arrives, you take a fort base, you throw down three extra pilots, you get a Stargate and a fleet beacon. Then why did you get the nine gateways and the blink and the five sentries? Gas is the most scarce resource for Protoss in the entire game, and you're just wasting it right now. You could have had three Archons at this point, which actually would have been a useful unit going into a longer game. Are you just going to be playing defensive stalker sentry here? This has to be the worst thing I've seen in my entire life. What a terrible build order. The worst part is that you probably thought it was so smart as well, and that's what pisses me off even more. It's like, ah, the sentries and the stalkers for defense and I go into carriers. Like, if you want to defend and do absolutely nothing, you build void rays and disruptors. We figured this out years ago, mate. Like, we really have figured this out years and years and years ago. This is like showing up in the year like 1900. and being happy that you invented the wheel. This is how late you are with this build. Like we played this in 2012, and even back then we realized it was complete crap. That is not completely true. During the entirety of Heart of the Storm, Stalker Sentry was pretty good. But then we wouldn't go into Fast Carrier. Just this entire idea of trying to defend with Sentry Stalker into a late game, it just doesn't really work. Sentry Stalker is inherently an aggressive composition, and thus needs to be used. aggressively. It's an army that wants to fight on the map, deny creep. And, well, it just isn't that good as well. Like, but if you're going to get it, at least go hard on it and only build stalker sentry and you need to all in with it. Then eventually transition into Disruptor or something like that and pretend that you can still play a game. I can't remember last time I really saw Mess Stalker work unless the ProDos had a massive advantage. I think Astrella Lombo on Blackburn might have been the case, but still. It's not even remotely similar to whatever monstrosity it is that you're producing here. Like this is complete crap. It's not a small crap, you know? This one is freaking 10 Kourix or something like that. This is a big crap. I do not like the way this looks. This Oracle is going to revelate at least. Well... It's not going to revelate. I wonder if you actually did anything with it. these oracles. The first two oracles got given up for free. You killed like three workers, I guess. So you paid basically 300 resources per drone, 150 minerals, 150 gas to kill one drone with, because I think you kill three workers total. Very cool. All right, you scout this drop and you start warping in some stalkers. There's probably a good call. I like that a fair I wouldn't even mind if you get like a cannon here or something like that or you send one of your carriers over there. I mean, you have three of them. If there's drops on the way, you might want to do something like that. Forget to leave a, oh, this is a good warpin, actually. That was just in time. All right. Now that we've talked enough about your initial build order, let's just forget about that, okay, and just kind of judge the situation for what it is right now. So at this point, you have a, honestly, you have a decent army. You just got there in a weird way. Okay, you have a decent army plus 10 stalkers, which of course are completely useless, but we'll get, we've already handled that. So I don't want to, you know, kind of stick around there. Four Sentries also not great. At this point, I would suggest clearing some creep and trying to see what type of comp your opponent is going for. So you want to know, hey, I'm playing against corruptors. Am I playing against a queen infestor? Or in this case, am I playing against Lurker? And do I kind of just get handed to free win to me? The Lurker generally is considered the weakest option out of all the Zerg options, especially once carriers are out. The lurker can only really defend one area. It doesn't attack air either. So yeah, it's not a brilliant unit. This is the type of harass that I love to see. I think you send in eight zealots to kill an extractor and then kill another two and a half hydras. It's nice to see that you really care about being efficient with every unit that you build. First with the oracles now with the zealots. It is a watching you control harassment units my friend shakti kind of makes sense though if you used to be a Zerg player this is how Zerg players also control their units whoa that's one rcombe very cool that actually was a very good abducta of him as well now a good trick to not get abducted as much and this is a pretty high level trick is using the oracle revelation on your opponent's wipers now this sounds difficult but in reality you just need to cast a spell like like once every, what is it, 18 or every 20 seconds, and you practically have map hack of where your opponent's vipers are. You can do this with like three oracles or something like that, and you'll never get abducted again unless you get caught slightly out of position. At least it becomes a lot harder for you to get abducted. You're kind of blind as well at this point. You have a prism in the middle of the map. I'm not quite sure if this is cosplaying as an observer or if you just want to reinforce this position later on in the game. It's difficult to say what your plans are. Because, yeah, so far I'm not really sure if you have a plan or if things are just happening accidentally. And sometimes they're good and sometimes they're bad, you know? It's kind of like playing roulette. Because right I'm playing roulette, you did this while playing StarCraft too. Sometimes everything as well, sometimes everything sucks. These carriers will start working on this carrier. Hello, carriers. Start working on this lurker, I assume. No? Just wanted to spot it. make sure it stays in the ground real nice over there. Oh, you kill the stalker. That's good. Don't need those stalkers anyway. Good job, Mr. Lurker. We'll send you a couple more later. How is it possible that this Lurker is still going, by the way? There's literally nothing going on in the game. What are you looking at? Okay, you're looking at your main army. You get the notification on the bottom right. Are you just giving up the base? Is it like, oh, that's too much to deal with? No. There we go. Okay, so you do deal with it eventually. Only took you about half a minute. Oracle is out. well you have a couple of voidreys on the way this is kind of relaxing it's the APM air 265 it's not even that bad just don't do a whole lot against Lurkers one of the key objectives is to pull your opponent out of position through aggressive rotations especially once your opponent takes a sixth base very often that is quite easy we can for example imagine this general area as an as an avenue of attack for the Protoss We position our entire army here. This forces the Zerg player with his Lurker Hydra army to make a decision, hey, do I defend this area? Do I defend this area? Or do I split up my army? Now, if the Zerg player splits up his army, that means that both parts are going to be relatively weak. And then you can start moving towards the right side, try and get this army to move a bit to that position. If the Zerg picks this base to defend, you have the left side base to attack, if the Zerg picks the left side base to defend. you have the right side base to attack. So you always want to be looking at these kind of key locations where the Zerg will have a difficult time spreading his army, and that's where you want to attack from. The worst angle that you can take would be from here, because this is a really easy angle to cover. The Zerg could just position its army here and would completely shut off this area. Even this middle area, I'm not a huge fan of. So you always kind of want to be walking on towards that far left side. Taking out these rocks could be useful, but don't forget that whenever you take out rocks, that also opens up a path for your opponent to attack you. So it's not like a one-sided affair. I like that you're using revelation, but obviously we need to see that revelation on the Vipers more than anything else. The lurkers are a static unit, well, it's a siege unit and will not move too much. They will not catch a carrier, okay? There's not a single lurker that has killed a carrier, not in my time of playing StarCraft too. And the carriers really are the key in your army. So what you want to be doing is making sure that your carrier stay alive and the best way is to have vision of your opponent's vipers. Not of these two spores, not of the lurkers, no, of the vipers. Because the vipers are going to be responsible for all the out-of-fight damage. So whenever you're not fighting, the only unit that can kill something is the viper. During a fight, of course, you might want to revelate these lurkers because it's important to see them. But out-of-fight, you want to revelate the vipers. Because so far I think you've lost three Archons, maybe one. or two Archons and one carry or something like that. They're still just moving into the same area again and again. No real aggressive rotations yet. I do like that you're building a lot of cannons. I genuinely think that is good. I wouldn't mind seeing a Templar here either. And another cool trick against Lurker is the mothership. So let's first wait this fight. Before I start giving you some more solid advice. Okay, so you lost three carriers there. and you killed maybe one corruptor, I think. He's rebuilding three corruptors. Didn't lose any of the Vipers, gets the transfuse. Now, these are obviously not good traits because he's trading energy against your carriers. And on top of that, whenever you lose carriers, you need to wait a long time for you to get completely maxed again. Carriers take 64 seconds, even with the two chronobo boosts that still will be 44 seconds. So that's a long time in which you're not maxed. Losing three carriers at the same time kind of sucks. You're also not continuing your shield upgrades or your armor, your air armor upgrades. Now, let me get back to that mothership idea, okay? So a cool thing against lurkers, once again, is that they can't be in multiple places at the same time and they can't fly. That means that if you're at a position where the lurker isn't siege yet, it's really difficult for them to settle dive. So if you're attacking this and the lurkers still need to come in, that is quite hard for them and they can't immediately start fighting because they first need to burrow and everything. This is why the mothership is so useful. If you have a mothership on the far right side and your army moves over here or over here, most likely the lurkers will position themselves over here and maybe into this position. That means that the entire right side is open. You recall your main army to the right side, you clear the spores and then you just kill this base. rinse and repeat this forever until you kill every single side. This forces the Lurker player to stay on a very compact base layout. Rather than taking eight, seven bases at the same time, they're forced to take a very small amount of bases. And that's exactly what we're not seeing here. Because you're just continuously attacking the same side. I don't think you've once rotated towards the left. You've rotated from here to this location. And once again, this location is completely shut off by just a single measure of these lurkers moving in positions. What is this fight? I don't even understand how you can lose fights like this. I need to watch this again. You have eight carriers. Okay. You have... He has 16 corruptors, right? I love that these sentries don't even use forcefield either. Okay, so you lose all your sentries, then you lose your Arcon and all your Templar. Not a single spell has been cast on these Templar. Look at that. Literally nothing. Not even a feedback or anything. So you lose all your Templar, all your ground goes down, and you killed two vipers and a couple of Lurkers. I don't even understand how that's possible. You literally just move commanded your Templar into Lurker. Yeah, the Lurker is genuinely quite a good unit. if you send Templar into them to eat. But the beauty of the lurkers is that it can't chase you that easily. It's a seizing unit. It holds a position. You don't have to walk into it. Maybe a revolutionary concept for you, but to me this seems quite obvious. Whenever you want to fight, this type of fight, try to keep the Templar in a position where they can perhaps feed back vipers, or just throw down one storm, on a chunk of lurkers and then throw them further towards the back. So you just throw one storm and then move away. That way it won't die, but it still will deal some damage to lurkers. The main thing of course is that you don't really want to be attacking into a position that is already set up. If you see that there's 16 lurkers set up and there's 10 spores there as well, perhaps it's a good idea to try and attack somewhere else rather than straight up attacking into the same location five more times. This rotation is also completely useless. Just, I hate having to go back in the replay every single time, but you just attack him here, okay? This is the location you attack him in. Your rotation is to walk all the way towards the bottom here, move up this ramp, and then go here. Your aggressive rotation takes almost 14, 15 seconds, while his defensive rotation takes a second and a half, because all he needs to do for you to walk 15 seconds around, is to unburrow five lurkers and put them over here. His spores are already in position as well, and it just makes no sense. On top of that, what you're doing by giving up position in the middle is you're making yourself vulnerable on a base like this, on a base like this. Your entire center is open. Whenever you're making rotations, you often want to keep the sides open, because these are easy to defend, because you can usually cut them off with a single cannon position. The middle is way harder. Look at this. If these lurkers go into the middle, they could go into the natural, they could go into this base, they could go behind this base, they could go over here. While the sides are way easier to cover. So what you want to do is with your movement is either you have a very good aggressive move or you try and keep the center while you're trying to poke for holes. Here, what would have been a better play from here on out is to just walk, pop, pop over here. and even just being here, forces the Zerg player to have lurkers on the left side and lurkers on the right side. That means that the lurkers are already split. And with a lurker count of 12, that means six lurkers on each side, two lurkers at home as well. So that means five lurkers on each side. Actually, there's some random lurkers sprawled around in other base as well. It's probably going to be like three or four lurkers on each side. Like, that's almost nothing. That is a completely different type of game rather than fighting the eight lurkers right over here. And this move is just so stupid. It really just makes absolutely zero sense to me. I don't understand how you can be 5.5K MMR without understanding how an aggressive rotation works or what the point of movement in this game is. Like it is so extremely obvious to... Look... What is he doing? This guy is probably just as surprised as I am here that you once again decide to attack in here. You attack into a position where the majority of his lurkers are, where all of his spores are, and where all of his air is as well. You clump up your carriers on top of one another while they're being parasitic bombed. You clump up the void rays as well, and then you're surprised that you lose the fight. Yeah, no crap. If I put a knife in my leg, I wouldn't be surprised that I bleed. That is kind of the, you know, it follows from putting the knife in my leg. It's the same here. if you don't micro your units and you attack into a seat-job position with a creptone of static, most likely you're going to lose the fight. Now you warp in stalkers against lurkers. And honestly, the stalkers wouldn't have even been completely useless if you would have at least targeted on the corruptors. But attacking into lurkers is like suicide. The lurker is practically the hard counter to the stalker. It makes me sad to see this. It really does make me sad to see this. Any other unit, but the stalker would have been fantastic here. What makes me even sadder is that it's working, because that kind of legitimizes your beliefs here. I think I hate that even more. This is a terrible fight. There's no shot that you actually watch this replay, right? You're down 10K in resources lost. I didn't even know that was possible. I think I could fight fights with my eyes closed and have better resources lost than you do. I don't even need to storm. You could just aim with an Airtos. army and have better fights than you. This is really crazy to watch. I often joke about negative micro, but I don't think negative negative quite covers it. This is like Kelvin levels of micro. It's like so far below zero. Like this is cold, my friend. This is awful. Okay, your opponent gets a couple of lurkers. Stalkers, Blinkford. I do like some of the moves that you're making here with the... Do I? Let me go back here. Okay, so at this point you have a lot of stalkers. You have a little bit of momentum behind you. You're out mining your opponent in a significant way. You're up 20 workers. So, at this point, you're not really maxed out. not really maxed out. You have a lot of supply in production structures, but you know your opponent also had a lot of supplying corruptors. So maybe this isn't even that bad. That blink forward isn't great because that doesn't allow you to run away anymore and if you get surrounded that could be annoying. These stalkers also aren't joining up with the main army which kind of sucks. All of these stalkers kind of just get blasted here I guess. There's a couple of observers with that army. Yeah, it wasn't a good trade. It really wasn't a good trade. It was a terrible trade. It still feels fine for you honestly. Like, despite everything that you've done wrong this game, which is a lot, you're still in a position where you're up in income. Sorry, where you're up in income, you have good enough tech to really win this game at any. point. You have map control, you're clearing creep and stuff like that. It's really not that bad. Your opponent can never really catch you. I mean, he has seven lurkers and 27 corruptors. Hey, this is one of these things as well. Like, I understand if this happens in like lower level games where people just don't think and they just, you're like, oh, I like the void right. That's a cool unit. But you're a grand master player. You have a mass stalker army. Your opponent currently has seven lurkers and 26 corruptors. You know your opponent is practically broke and has an inferior economy. Why would you build the one unit that he already has a counter against? That just doesn't make any sense. Disruptors at this point, immortals, zealot, Arcon, Storm, adepts, everything at this point would be better than Voidray. because all of these unit would contribute to attacking the weakest part of his army, which is the anti-ground army. His anti-air army is insanely strong. But his anti-ground is almost non-existent. And worst of all, it's pure lurker. So why would you continue with your void ray production? No, you transition out. You don't always have to go back to void rays. It's not necessary. It is bad boy. The Cirque believed that there was going to be an observer. I scared to have a living crap out of him. I really did. There's still a lot of money for you in the bank, so like a single salad warpin or something like that. This should be a good fight. I think. Super Battery. Yeah, yeah. This is a good fight. I like that fight. I like that you two get a fight. Okay, maybe we can micro this. Maybe. Maybe. I micro them nicely into two spores. So only lost one void ray in the end because the parasitic bomb ran out. But I feel like... Yeah, okay, you pulled them back. Good job. Nice. Get some Arconnes. I like that you now recognize that void rays are not going to be the answer. Although void rays are not the answer, I still don't think we should be throwing them away for free into a wall of spores. But that might just be me being crazy here. This is a difficult fight to lose, but the one way you could lose is by not having detection. So I think the Oracle call here is very good. I also like that you're quick to realize that attacking into lurkers without having detection isn't that useful. So you quit it immediately. It's an interesting blink forward. This is the type of game as well where I think like a zealot run by towards the left side is super useful. Because literally all he has is a couple of lurkers to defend with. The void rays, you can kind of keep them at home for defense against like lurker run bys. Well, hello. Where's the detection? Oh, no. Okay, we move up a ramp here. We're kind of cornering ourselves right now. Another Oracle gets sniped here. That means we don't have detect... He could have also walked into the main base, stayed on top of the rampant and maybe recalled majority of his army. But I guess losing 12 stalkers and getting damage on all your Archons might be considered a better play by Shakti into losing all your Archons. I can't believe these Vipers actually dealing damage. It's crazy. Shakti still is ahead here. The Zaled Rambai is quite good. I like it. It's hard to believe, but he's really still ahead at this point because the majority of the army consist of corruptors. The only thing Shakti needs to do is buy time. And, wait, did he build former void rays? Stop with the void rays, for real, dude. It's by time and get like disruptors out or just an immortal army. Like, just anything that is good in the ground. So basically just not stalkers. Like everything but stalkers would be fantastic here. It really would be. That's another good move coming. I really do like that. Do you have detection? Okay, yeah, it does have detection. It's not going to be a good fight, is it? Okay, double parasitic bombs. So all the Voidreys that he built in the past two and a half minutes get absolutely blasted. There's still 17 corruptors left over. And the entire ground army gets blasted. Gigi. I'm not even sure if that's necessary here. There's 16 lurkers. That is a bit. much maybe to fight at this point, but there's so many cannons here. You still have decent mining on the left side. You have good mining over here. You have full mining in this base, full mining in this base. You have $1,700 in the bank. You could send in a zealad run by with like an observer or with one of your two oracles to clear this base. You could take out the layer for practically free. I don't think this was over, but I also don't think you would have won it. I just think it required someone with more than double-digitial. IQ to win this game. Okay. I'm just going to go read through your claims again because it is all a bit much for me. So you talk about sport crawlers, which are pretty much free and cost zero supply. You say you can't finish the game. Okay. People do this a lot. They say maybe you could just try finishing the game before we get into the late game, but it's not possible because Zerg has a reverger and you can send lings across the map to make you go back to your base. this type of stuff I don't really like if it doesn't happen in the game like you can't simulate some game in your head and then tell me about it you'd be like well in my mind if I attack him with a stalker push you'll just push me back and I can't win so I'm forced into this like in that case you'd first need to show me that that actually happens and that is impossible to attack and that there's no player in the world that attack Zerg before they get into Lurker Vipers poor. Like, the one thing that zergs don't like about the Viper is, isn't even necessarily that they die with it. There's the fact that they need to stay super compact in general and that they need to build a lot of roaches in the early game to survive. And the roach is just a unit that as Zerg, you usually don't really want to be building because it falls off so hard. So they need to throw it away somehow. You didn't even try to attack. So you're not allowed to complain about Zerg being too strong. wrong defensively. Like if you sit on your bomb all day, building cannons, void rays carriers and a couple of stalkers for whatever reason, you don't get to complain about that. That's not cool. Your build order, so let's just do this systematically. Okay, so we have your build order, your midgame, I guess, and then we'll take a look at your overall decision making and your little attack paths that you took. Your early game and your build order honestly was quite good. I liked your first five minutes until you started blink. I actually think everything you did up until that point was practically perfect build order wise. Unit control, not so much. You lost all the harassment units. And I think that is an issue in the, when you're playing a build that is very harass intensive. With oracles, adapt and all that type of stuff, you need to be good with them. So you either need to practice that a lot or you just give up and you start playing void ray openers because you don't have to be as active with those on the map. They're kind of fine by themselves, clearing an overlord here and there, taking out a hatchery, something like that. So I like the build order. I didn't like the execution. Your midgame, I don't really want to talk about. You build stalkers while tacking into fleet beacons. You would have died against any decent queen walk because there were no disruptors. You would have died against any decent roachmax. Pretty sure you also would have died against swarm host, Hydra Lingbane, maybe Lingbane Queen. they honestly you seemed safe against absolutely nothing and you set yourself up for a bad midgame push as well usually we do these pushes with like three to six carriers these days you had no possibility to do it you had like 10 minutes with seven carriers hey that's this is really quite bad so that entire part I didn't like then I said yeah on that you you're got awful garbage hot trash whatever you want to put there it's all awful not good then the way that you attacked and the way you use your army is I think where I had the most issues with your entire play, with everything you did basically. You kept attacking into the same angles again and again. You never even threatened once to attack the left side of the map. You were continuously moving on the right side and also the same angles there again and again and again. Once a Lurker player is set up, he's set up and you can't just walk in there with Templar and try to storm it and right click on sports. You got parasitic bombed every single fight. Your splits were god-awful. You lost more Templars than I can count on my 10 fingers and my 10 toes combined. That's 20. So it's a lot of Templar you lost their body. You lost so many oracles. You constantly lost observers into spores. You lost void rays into spores. It really looked like you were trying your best to lose the game. And then when you succeeded, you got upset. So for the neutral spectator who watched that game, it felt like you were trying to throw or someone paid you to fix this ladder match or something like that. And then you send this balance complaint at the end. It makes absolutely no sense to me because you tried your absolute best to lose it. Yeah, your attack pads genuinely sucked. The Lurker also, out of all the units that the ZERC can build, I think it's generally one of the worst units. It's really difficult to use for the Zerg against a Skytos army you really require good control with corruptor viper you need decent creep spread you need good spore movement and good understanding of where to defend honestly the Zerg is completely outplayed you my friend this had nothing to do with Zerg being imbalanced and everything to do with you sucking that's going to be it you suck all right that actually is going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck if you have another proto's that gets kicked into the bin Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode. And if you did, don't forget to like but subscribe to the channel. And I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you for watching. And bye-bye. |
First Ever DRUNK IODIS SUBMISSION?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | I am not sure what happened with today's guest. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was some good old tilt, but something is not right for sure! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/avHrTLJHme0/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | avHrTLJHme0 | Hi, Harstam. In this game, we were both random, and I rolled Protoss, and he rolled Zerg. I was going to Cannon Rush, starting out, but his natural was late, and I was worried about a proxy hatch. I went back and expanded to my natural, followed by taking my third. He hit with a sizable force that took out a decent amount of my workers, but was able to hold. During the midgame, I was able to push out onto the map and pick off some of his army before he hit my third again. Eventually, he was able to get G-G Lords and take out all of the middle. of my production as I had very little anti-air. I could have sworn I had this game with my salad run-bys, even taking out his natural, exclamation mark. His composition made very little sense, consisting of everything from Ling to Roach to Reveger to Mutha. Sounds pretty normal to me, but we'll have a look, I guess. How can I, as a Protoss, switch to air with such little notice? There is just no way to get the infrastructure up in time to counter Zerg air. P.S. I know I lost some important units due to carelessness, as well as my decision-making at times being questionable. Sorry, I had a few glasses of wine while playing this game. So our drunk Protoss player called Jonathan is a diamond player on North America, 3,800 MMR. He's playing against a Zerg player called Happy Terran. That is a, well, like I said, a Zerg. his initial plan was to cannon rush but that plan got foiled because his opponent forgot to build a hatchery that is interesting to start with he sends out his first work this is not how you cannon rush at all by the way some of you might not be aware but when you cannon rush your opponent one of the most important things is to not to try and block your opponent's natural hatchery you don't need to send out your worker this fast because your forge can't finish at this point anyway. Your pylon barely finishes. So being here early, which a probe makes no sense. Okay, so he sees a drone move on the map. Then he scouts that his opponent has no hatchery, which makes sense because it's 46 seconds. Also, he saw a drone walk by. So he might even believe that there's a base at the third. And then as he walks in the main, he sees a drone go to the natural and throw down a hatchery. What was this? Four seconds ago. At 54 seconds. Now, take it into account that the Zerg player scouted initially with a drone and then build a hatchery. This is probably the fastest possible hatchery. This was a 17 hatch. It could have been a 16 hatch. So this hatchery was delayed by about three seconds total. Three seconds. If this is the standards that we're using to judge this game by, I think Jonathan might be in a little bit of trouble. Because this Zerg hatchery was literally only three seconds too late. He saw the drone go down into the natural and he saw a drone. pass by him as well. Like, he's the complete lack of a pool as well. And this is the point, usually, where with a cannon rush, you would start your first pylon. Between 58 seconds and one minute and four, five seconds. Because at that point, you have enough money to do a triple wall with pylons. On this map, I believe you need four pylons, so you probably would wait a bit longer. This would be the moment to cannon, to start your first pylon. He's not transitioning out of this yet. at this point he can still do it. He knows there's no pool in the main base. So you can still just go for the cannon rush. Also, the forge being in the main base, not in the wall here or in the wall downstairs, is a really odd call because that makes it difficult to hold any potential link runbyes if you would end up going for a cannon rush. You would have to get a cannon in your main base. But if they would proxy hatch and get three roaches and send them behind your mineral line out of range of the cannon, it would be very annoying. which is why usually when you cannon rush you either make a wall on top of the ramp or you make a wall on the low ground. He scouted the hatch first as well at this point now. He sees the timing of this. This is just a hatch first timing. He knows his opponent has no pool. So there's full information. I just don't understand what he's talking about in his first part of the balanced complaint for him here. It seems obvious to me that this was completely cannon rushable. If he was, wanted the cannon rush, if he had any idea on how to cannon rush. And now for whatever reason, he decides to transition out of it by going double gas, gateway, and not taking a Nexus yet. He's also getting a third and a fourth pylon before throwing down the nexus and creating, what type of awe is this? A pylon on one side, another pylon on the other. like this is obviously very mediocre Nexus gets thrown down now that these pylons don't do anything whatsoever like really just just whatsoever where was that okay so I just want to talk about these pylons because this makes no sense to me right you build your second pylon on the high ground and then you realize oh wait I also need to get a natural you build pylon three and four on the low ground you're never going to use this pylon this pylon was one that was necessary you could have this built that one over here and started a wall with that single pylon. Adding these two extra pylons and delaying your nexus by another like 15 seconds, about five times as long as your opponent delayed their hatchery. And according to you, that already was pretty bad. This is obviously not good. If we were to compare this game, by the way, with a standard game, you wouldn't be looking too hot. Let me tell you that. Cybernetics score in a standard game would finish about two minutes and 11 seconds or 2 minutes and 12 seconds into the game you're going to be about 50 seconds late with your own cybercore for no real reason except for the fact that your opponent's hatchery was 2 seconds delayed no other reason i like the cannon against the hatchery in the wall i think it's a good call um the plus one on the forge this is something that a lot of people do when they open up with a cannon rush and the cannon rush doesn't go so well they feel kind of tempted to use that force for something. It's like, well, I build it anyway. I might as well get some use out of it. But often it's better to just get an actual tech building. So Stargate, Robo, Twilight. Actually, don't get Robo. Just play either Twilight and go for some type of glave attack afterwards or go for Stargate anyway. Because opening up with Quick Plus One into Robo is just not very good at any level, in my opinion, at least. I understand if you don't agree, we can talk about that. I think in general, starting with a quick plus one off of a filled cannon rush, usually just gives your opponent a lot of time to prepare for something. Because the plus one isn't super useful in any type of scenario, except maybe an immortal in, and the plus one just gives your opponents more time to prepare for such an immortal in. So even in that case, I don't think it's too good. There's really no scenario in which I believe that the fast plus one is going to help you out too much. So we should skip that in the future. You go into two more games. madeways on the low ground as well. Another pylon being added as you're currently only have 20 supply available. So that definitely is a necessity here that pilot. I like that. Plus one is being researched. You're not starting at twilight. Like if you're going to rush into upgrades, it's important that your upgrades can continue the moment that your first upgrade finishes, right? Otherwise you're rushing out this plus one, but you don't really look to be hitting a timing with a fast plus one. Whenever you're in. investing heavily into whether that be blink, glaves, a plus one. You always got to ask yourself, hey, what is the point of this? I'm dedicating a, wait, don't you go armor? Armour is really bad against Serk. It's another rule here. We don't get armor against Sirk. We get attack upgrades against Zurich and maybe eventually we get shield upgrades if we have a lot of Archons or if we get air, but don't get armor upgrades. Anyway, what I was going to say is that whenever you're getting upgrades. You either want to continuously be building upgrades if you're investing in them early. So get your plus one, fast Twilight Council, then you get your plus two. That just makes a lot of sense. What doesn't make a lot of sense is that you rush out your plus one and then you can start your plus two. So you have to start armor, which is useless. And you're also not hitting a tight timing with this. Like if you were hitting with charge and plus one and a prism across the map right now, then the plus one at least would have some use as you're using it in the fight at that moment. But right now you rush something out and you dedicated a lot of resources to it. You dedicated chronobo boost into it. You probably delayed your third base for it as well. And it doesn't give you anything right in this moment. So you're basically went for a timing, except you're not doing anything with that timing. It's sending an invitation letter to all of your friends to meet at 6 p.m. in front of your house. And then when they all show up, just open your window. you give them the finger, then you go back inside. Trust me, they won't remain your friends for very long. I have tried. Third base is going to get built here. Also way too late, of course. It really doesn't have any major use here. Going into charge, your scouting is, well, abysmal, to be quite honest with you. Subserver has only spotted the creep so far. If you do open up with a build like this, I suggest getting a fast centric, which you actually did. then using an hallucination for a quick scout around the base. One of the main things you want to be fighting against or you want to be looking for is the amount of gases and whether your opponent has a spire or not. Because if you open pure ground, so no Stargate opener and you're not going into blink, mutalists are the biggest threat that could potentially hurt you. And it's important for you to know how much gas there is. If you see six extractors being thrown down already and you see no roaches and just pure lings, you could kind of put one-on-one together and be like, hey, where's all that gas that he's mining going? And he's probably saving that up either for a crap load of banlings, or he wants to go into some type of mutalism. This time that's not the case. Instead, it's just going to be a Reveager Roach army. It's of relatively low gas. Your opponent doesn't have that many workers, which is also important to figure out. Often when... So the way that Zerg functions, Zerg always wants to get all of their minerals first. They always want to do that. So ideally Zerg players, they saturate three mineral lines worth of minerals. So 16 over here, 16 over here and 16 over here. And then they start adding the extra gases. That is the most optimal way for Zerg to play them. Can you get a Ford base? They can start saturating those gases off because they have more money or more minerals. And minerals are the only way to create more economy. Drones cost minerals, queens cost minerals, extractors cost minerals, hatcheries, costs minerals, et cetera, et cetera. Okay. So if you see very quick extra gases and not that many drones, that probably means he wants to be aggressive because he's stacking into something without a lot of economy. If he would have scouted this, which of course you kind of did with this observer, you see no gases here, you saw a low drone count. You could have used the hallucination to maybe scout that there's no gas over here either. I always tell myself that if I am up in gases against a Zerg player, that is a good timing to start building batteries and batteries. because it most likely means that the Zerg player is going to attack you if you have more gases than the Zerg player at that moment. And also just more workers than the Zerg player at that moment. And right now you're about equaling gas. You have the same amount of workers. You also could, of course, call that this army. That would have been helpful as well. But you're completely unaware of the fact that he's moving out across the map. This moveout, he's been preparing this since about minute five. He's been building units. And this moveout comes at this point, seven minutes and 30 minutes. into the 7 minutes and 30 seconds into the game. And you have absolutely no clue about it. He has full vision with this changeling as well. Your army is in position. You don't have any batteries ready. Let's see how you respond in this fight. So you had a couple of force fields. You don't use them. You eat two bios, three bios, four bile. Now, if bios could feed a man, right now you would be full. And you have been eating bile for dinner. Let's see if you can perhaps thank a couple more. Look at that. There's another biol. Boom. Another one. Your belly at this point is practically exploding. All your sentries have gone down without casting a single spell. Another bile hits. These are the first two vials you dodge. Usually, maybe 20 seconds into the fight, most people would say, well, it is acceptable to get hit once or twice by biles. But you kind of reverse that, and you didn't get hit by biles once or twice in a 20-second fight. every other bile you managed to hit. If this was a Mario Party game, you probably would have gotten a lot of coins. Because I think that's how Mario Party games work, where you don't need to catch stuff and you get coins. I haven't played Mario Party in seven years. But yeah, this obviously wasn't it. You should still be able to hold this because, well, you do... Actually, you don't have the greatest upgrades. You have 1-1. Colosai comes out, though, and with charge, you should be kind of fine. Colossi tried to take these bile as well. well, didn't quite make it. I almost believe you should be dead here. If the Zerg had spent any of his money at this point, this game would be completely over and you would have had absolutely no chance whatsoever. Double immortal production, I don't really mind it. I don't quite get why you went into Colossi in the first place, as Colossi aren't that great in this matchup. But I do like that you're transitioning out of it. Building two more sentries. And here's another, actually, another to see you rebuild those sentries. Here's a, here's a, a piece of advice. If you don't know how to use a unit, don't build it. And this sounds stupid because then people are like, well, how will I ever learn how to use it? Practice using it first and then use it in your view games. But if you're never going to use a single force field or guardian shield in your games, then don't use the unit. Don't build the unit. You've now invested like 600 gas and 300 minerals in sentry so far this game and you haven't cast a single force field or a guardian shield. So practice the hotkeys on the sentry. It's fine if you don't know how to use a unit. I don't have any issues with that. I'd never make fun of you for that. But if you build six sentries and you never use it once in a game, yeah, that's generally not a good thing. So now you restart Colossi production again. You still have absolutely zero information about what your opponent is doing. He's into six gas right now. Double evo, well, single evo, one of the two still go. A couple of force fields. This is good. I like that. And there's a spire coming up. But you have absolutely zero scouting information. You don't know what's going on. Well, look at you. You start micro-ing against piles as well. Very nice. This was a good fight. Actually a good fight. I'm quite impressed by that. You haven't really put any pressure on your opponent the entire game. You haven't scouted your opponent the entire game. And that's why so far every single interaction between you and him has been somewhat of a surprise for you. He's going up to eight gas once again. you see eight gas and your opponent is building a crapton of lings, that probably is a decent indication that something is going to happen with that gas. In this case, it's going to be Bainlings. You also, I think, mentioned in your complaint from what did you say about this, his composition made very little sense, consisting of everything from Ling to Roach to Reveager to Mutha. So far, his composition to me made a lot of sense. Reveager, Ling, Bane, is one of the most popular compositions, and has been one of the most popular compositions. for the past seven years of legacy of the void. It is extremely good against Stalker Colossi, as banlings deal well with Stalkers. Reverger's can bile as well, and they can break force fields, which are often in combination, are there in combination with the Stalker army. So I honestly really like his composition. I like your composition less than I like his, because you're playing this kind of in-between A-Move army and this army that wants, to fight from a distance. Have a couple of zealots in there and these immortals as well. But then you also get a bunch of sentries and stalkers. These fights are good. This is how this army is supposed to be used. Rather than having the zealots in the main army, though, as they don't really synergize well with this, what I would suggest is if you play an army like this, and very often your warpins can't consist of only stalkers because you just don't have the gas. So what you do is you warp in the zealots, and you just use the zealots to take out bases on the side. So you send zealots to the left, Sell us to the right and from there and out, well, hopefully deal a little bit of damage. That is kind of the way that you're supposed to play this type of composition. Now, you're still completely unaware of what your opponent is doing. You're not even aware that he has a fort base, let alone that he has a fifth and a sixth going up right now. You're taking your own fort base. There's eight gases. This spire has been done for almost an entire minute. You're lucky your opponent hasn't built a muda yet because you have absolutely no units that deal with the mutas. You have 15 stalkers, but these stalkers do not have blue. and it makes it really difficult for you to deal with Murales. After rushing out your initial upgrades, you also completely stopped upgrades, although you could just start your plus three, and it would really help this army, because attack upgrades on stalkers and Colossi are absolutely fantastic. Here come the first nine Muras, you continue immortal production. I don't understand how you can play like this. Like, it's really a miracle to me. You have almost no map vision. You have no static defense in this space. You have no static defense in this space either. The only vision you have is the single old vision you have is the single, observer and your army on the far left side. You don't know where your opponent's army is. If a run by hits you on this base, you're going to lose every single worker. If a run by hit you on this page, you're going to lose every single worker. You're moving on creep like you own the place. But honestly, at any point, this army could have beaten you as well while you were on creep. You got lucky that the Zerg was afraid. But this guy is freaking 19 banlings with plus two. He would have blasted your stalkers, no problem. The only reason why he didn't was because he was probably waiting for the mutas to go attack across the map. You also have no idea whatsoever what your opponent is doing. In your mind, you could technically still be on hatchery tack, although I do believe you've seen bainling speed. So you do know he is on layer already because obviously centrifugal hooks does require layer attack. He's on 86 workers. The Zerker is playing well, by the way. It's quite a solid Zerg player. I do like that. Investation pit gets thrown down as well and we'll go into Hive. Now the MUDAS make their way into your main base. And I guess you start taking out, look at your opponent. Look at your positioning here. He is in between your army and your base. He could just attack this base and win. This is a good run by though. This is a very good run by. And I really do like that. So you teleport back into your main base and at the same time he attacks your third. You take out his sixth base and he is taking out your third base. He killed like 12 workers in your main as well. At this point I feel like you're pretty dead, I would say. If this Zerg decides to right click this building rather than half fighting your army, half fighting the buildings, which I do believe to be a mistake for now. You get a pretty... Actually, do you get an okay trade? Seems kind of okay. You lose a lot of crap, but you also kill a lot of crap. The end of the day, I think right now you're pretty dead. Salads bringing them back is a good call. What I like to do, if I have a run by all salads, is that I send three zealots over here and then pull the others back. that way you force the reinforcements to stay home. So if you're having a very tight hold, the one thing you'd really love to do is your opponent having reinforcements at home. And most of the time, they're going to send all reinforcements to your harass, whether it's three zealots or seven zealots. So that's why I like to send just three zealots. Once again, this is a very, very good move. This does so much for you. One, it gets you scouting information what units are being built. Two, it gives you some breathing room because let's be real. You just managed to barely survive. And on top of that, you potentially can deal some damage. Maybe kill another base. And worst case scenario, you just need to run away. Like, there's not that much creep. He can chase you easily. I don't quite understand this move out. You just got absolutely blasted on your side of the map. You're now aware that he most likely has been on at least five bases for a very long time. So you know there's money for your opponent. This move seems risky. You also move out without knowing anything. And I think that is really the main issue for you so far this game is that, oh my God, I can't believe you're winning this fight. This makes me, it actually does upset me. This never should have happened. He's 20 larva. You are not allowed to push out. You are dealing damage, but you shouldn't be. The correct call here was to sit at home. And I absolutely hate it when people make the incorrect call and it pays off because their opponents forgot to hold down the roach button. If this guy had built 20 roaches like he should have, you would have absolutely died. Now, you can't say, well, at lower level, this is a good move. But that's not correct. This is always a bad move. What you could have done is just send your zealots across the map because zealots are quick at pulling back and attacking. That way you keep all your high value targets at home, your immortals, your colossi, even your stalkers. And if there's nothing there, if your opponent is bad and didn't build anything, your salads will kill a base and will kill everything. However, if there is stuff there, you can just pull back the salads and your situation is still fine. That way you get the best of both worlds. You got very lucky. And that's not allowed. I despise you for it. So don't do that again. Plus three being researched, good call. I don't really like the colossi that is being built here for the simple reason that you've seen that there's like 12 corruptors. This is kind of like starting a colossi transition while your opponent has 16 useless Vikings. It's like it just doesn't make much sense. He already has the counter ready and you are still kind of tacking into that colossi count. Like these colossi are also going to get taken out. now your third Colossi is going to show up and is also just going to die. What do you think was going to happen? Like, what is the best case scenario that happens here? That he sees the recall animation and he thinks, oh, he's recalling. Let me just go away. Like, there's not a second here in which he can't attack the Colossi. He can attack them while they're idling. And he can attack them while they're idling from the recall. Look, they never stop. They just have to turn their head a little bit if the Colossi actually finish the recall. If you wanted to recall, why didn't you just recall into the natural where your stalkers were? That would have made a lot more sense. Your zeal has had a good job, though, and I do like that. In this type of scrappy situation, I'd always recommend a dark shrine as well. I really do like that as a recommendation. I'd also like to make you aware right now that you have known that there is a spire for quite a long time, but you don't know if there's a hive or not. And I think you were complaining a lot about how can I possibly transition into having any type of anti-air in such a short notice? And I believe that the spire finished at the 10 minute mark. And this is the first time that you're starting some type of investment into your anti-air with the blink. The first time, and even now you're not chronoing it. You're just still taking it slow. You've seen that there was 10 mutas. Now you see 10 corruptors. You have no clue what your opponent is doing tech-wise, whether there's a greater spires. So one spire, one greater spire, one for the upgrades. Now he's moving out. You know he still has corruptors. So I really do like that you're getting blink. I still feel like that's a little bit late. Once again, you get caught halfway on the map. And I just kind of want to look at this. Like, if you don't have a reason to be on the map, you should. couldn't be on the map. This is a little bit like in World War I, you know, when you had all the them trenches and stuff, if there was no good reason to pop your head above the trench, you'd stay in the trench. That's what you make the trenches for. You should be standing next to a Nexus with a battery, unless you have a goal while being on the map or you want to achieve something, whether that is a distraction or sending some zealots around, then that's fine. but what could possibly be your goal at this point? You know your opponent has freaking 10 corruptors and you also, well, I'm not quite sure if you know, but you should have known that there's also an army that's probably twice the size of yours on the ground. What is the point of being here right now? There's no point you should have been defending. You're mining, you have good upgrades, you need to be spending your money right now and sending out Zellat run bys to try and pray that your opponent never attacks you and that he stays busy with chasing Zealots all around the map. Instead, you get calm. But halfway on the map, you lose your colossi, you lose all your stalkers, which coincidentally also is all of your anti-air. You still don't have any batteries or cannons here either. Still believing that all these peace treaties that you're signing with the aggressive Zerg will work out eventually, this run by once again, absolutely fabulous. If at the same time six zealots would be over here, you would be denying majority of his mining. He'd be mining on one base, basically 12 mineral patches. That would have been fantastic. You actually would be out mining him by mining here and in your natural, which honestly is great. Once again, you have no static defense here whatsoever, and it's pissing me off. These zealots, at this point I'd say, just send all of them into your opponent's third or into their natural. That's exactly what you do. And that is once again the correct call. I'm not quite sure about attacking the extractor here, but I'll let it be for now. Your nexus here is still up, and you're actually defending the ground arm. army. These zealots are idling. Honestly, except for eating these bile. The past 25 seconds have not been so bad by you. I really do like what you did there. Moving back to the cannon as well. Defensive position. There's some Brutlords on the way right at this moment. Now, these zealots should be trying to deny as much eco as possible. You're still mining. Your opponent isn't. Attacking the hatch doesn't do too much. But if you can kill the freaking like 12, 20 more drones, you're going to completely be outmining your opponent. Here, your control ball. Did you actually try to eat that bile? I didn't know that it wouldn't hit. Look at this. You see the, I want to see this in slow motion, actually. And zoomed in. Look at this. So he starts hitting this pylon. Then he biles the pylon. Here, here. And as you see the bile, you start moving this stalker in it. And I think you believe, that you're actually going to catch it. Look how hard you're pushing for this. But luckily that is not how the hitbox works, apparently. And you get out. Now, you get six Brutlords into this little area. Your zealots are dying to broodlings on the other side rather than killing any of these bases. And now there is one very clear plan for me that would probably win you the game, and that is by just attacking him. Okay? It is obvious to you and to me that this one immortal and the five stalkers will not be capable of blinking into six broodlords with plus two attack while the broodlings have plus three attack. Okay? That is just not going to happen. So what you do instead is you send your entire army across the map and kill everything that they have at home, forcing either the brute lords to go home and defend or allowing you, this would be even better, allowing you to clear all of their eco while you're still mining. and then eventually either getting Dark Templar or getting enough void rays to just straight up win the game. However, what you do is you defend with six stalkers and an immortal disnexus and you lose all your zealots on the other side of the map to his superiorly upgraded lings and roaches. I'm not saying you necessarily would have won with the stalkers and immortals, but I believe you would have had a very good chance of actually winning. Even at this point, I mean, there's about 13 lings and two roaches. you warp in five, six zealots over here, you go and have a fight. I mean, yeah, really have a decent chance. He's going to take absolute ages to deal with your entire production. And the great thing about how Slow Brutlord skills stuff is that it also allows you to respond quickly. So you can build gateways over here or Stargates over here, once again, only sending out the zealots rather than the rest of the army. Like, what is the point of the army here? If you want to defend this base, just build a battery and a... cannon and then pray that he doesn't send anything but lings. Like, a warpin can also defend. If you had actually, he has nothing. He literally has one roach in defense and you have two zealids. That is it. If these units were here, you would be killing all of his eco and he wouldn't have been allowed to build anything anymore. Well, he wouldn't be able to afford it no more. I just don't understand why this army is staying home. You're saving up stalkers, but your opponent is currently outmining you. So you're getting a what we call not even really a counter. I mean, Brutlords, especially in numbers this large, actually beat stalkers. So you're not really getting anything done. Your opponent is growing stronger while you are growing weaker. And you're not tacking into any type of better tech that will allow you to win this game. Like perhaps Voidreys. Oh, you're getting a Stargate now. That is at least the one good thing. I do like that. But because your opponent is mining so much, you can just continuously produce corruptors. There's nine corruptors right now. I mean, a single void ray is good. And I know a lot of people, especially Zerkes out there, will believe that one void ray maybe can take out nine corruptors. But especially if the nine corruptors have plus two, that is not actually the case. Let me tell you that. Okay. This. Why aren't we continuing with this and warping in four more zealots? Why didn't we do this half an hour ago, taken out this base and this base? I don't understand it. Obviously, you know it's possible, but you just decided not to do it. Also here, you know exactly what your opponent's army consists of. You've seen these six Brutlords for the past three minutes. You can't beat it with this. Okay, it's not possible. You know this, I know this. You can't. Why would you not just try to do something else like trying to base rate rather than straight up attacking into this position, which you know 100% isn't going to work? You had nine stalkers against six Brutlords with plus two. with 3-2 on the broodlings as well. These broodlings are going to be insanely powerful. And there was lings on the ground as well. Why didn't you just try to base rate? Try to somehow win. Well, I guess because your decision-making hasn't been that brilliant. Maybe just a little bit impaired because of these glasses of wine that you had been drinking. Let's just try to break this down, okay, into a few, you know, bite-sized chunks here. So the first part is the opener and the build order. You kind of scolded your opponent for having his hatchery three seconds late. And then you completely overbid that by delaying your own cybernetics cor by 50 seconds. Your early game really was quite terrible. Also, if you're going to cannon rush, obviously pylon and the forge, both should be downstairs or on top of the ramp. So that also was in this day. You end up throwing down four pilots before your own Nexus. You go into plus one, into four gates, into a robo, and then armor upgrade. Like, your entire early game build order honestly just felt improvised, and it's the bad type of improvisation. You know, it's not Eric Clapton. It's like a guy that's been playing guitar for two and a half hours and can play only the top string so far. It's not going to sound very good, my friend. and this also didn't look very good. Let me tell you. If you don't know what you're doing in the early game, there is no shame in admitting that and just copying something from someone else. This is not like copying homework. Well, it kind of is. But I'd rather have you copy someone else's homework than make up your own garbage. Or just copy the history book or whatever if you're in history class rather than making up your own history because that's kind of what you're doing here. It just doesn't fuel, right? So for the build order, you're going to get a method. as if, uh-uh, that ain't it, chief. And that's not a positive thing when it ain't it. Secondly, your map vision and your overall scouting was, well, I think, unrateable as it was completely non-existent. You had no vision of your opponent's army ever. You had no vision of your opponent's bases, your opponent's tech, your opponent's drone count. The only thing you did have vision of pretty consistently was your opponent's creep. So you were very well. You were very well aware of about two or three creep tumors at almost every point in the game. And that might sound useful to you, but to me, that was completely useless. And I would recommend not focusing too much on the creep and more on other things that could give you clues as to what's actually happening in the game. You didn't realize there was a spire for five minutes. You had no clue about the greater spire. You didn't know whether your opponent was going to attack you the first time. You had no clue whether your opponent was going to attack you the second time. You got caught off guard in the middle of the map like twice. You got caught off guard while sitting at home because you had no clue your opponent was attacking. Your scouting was complete garbage. And for that, you're going to get a big, hard, not good enough, my friend. Your macro overall, I actually didn't pay too much attention to it, but it felt fine. You were spending your money reasonably well, better than your opponent at most points. But because your eco was so much worse and your entire build order sucked, it didn't really seem to matter. But for your macro, you'll barely pass. For that, I'll give you like one of the sideway ones, you know. and not the surfer sideway ones. Like, that's cool, but more like, it's all right, but it's not brilliant. Put it all together, my friend. And it's not Zerg that is too powerful with the quick tech switches into air, which are impossible to counter, but it is you who sucks. And that is the truth of the matter. All right, that's going to be it for today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy it. If you did, don't forget to the like button, subscribe to the channel. And hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you and bye-bye. |
This Checklist ENSURES FAILURE!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | Should a single unit be capable of killing an entire army? Of course not! And yet, this seems to be the case - at least in the eyes of Solari, todays "guest", or some might call it victim. Single Terran units are WAY to strong and have far to much impact he says. Let's investigate. Each like will unlock the next zoomstage on my digital magnifying glass, so help me to solve this case!! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Tohf_1RoNFk/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Tohf_1RoNFk | Dear Harstam, Terran are in balance like hell. First of all, I gotta say that I suck. I know that. I have no real build order. My macro and micro are bad. And often I don't know what to do in situations. But besides of that, Terran are just stupidly overpowered and every idiot can play them. For example, in my replay, I denied his natural base for a really long amount of time. I even had my third up at the time he started his natural. mining, but because of mules, he had more income than me with 2.5 bases up. Then I attack. Dot, dot, dot. Two shots of a single tank, which costs only a bit more than one stalker. Kill my whole army. When I focus on the tank, the Marines slash marauders kill my whole army in two seconds. I must admit my opponent did a lot of harassment, which I had to go back every time and clear it up. That's not the problem itself. The problem is that Terran has all these units where you only need to build. one and it does massive damage to the enemy. One mine in the mineral line is game almost over. One raven is an infinite amount of stupid turrets and even vision. One ghost is EMP, kills whole army shields. One tank is massive splash damage to everything plus stupid range. One Liberator is you need stalkers and blink to effectively kill it without losing your mineral line or army when in combination with a tank. The list goes on and on. But I think you get my problem. So please Harstem. Give me advice how I can win against those ugly guys with my shiny force of aliens. Name Solari, race Protoss, league platinum, and the server is Europe. All right, we got our game. A PVT, which is going to be played here on glittering ashes. Between two players that scout, well, the Toskouts after his first pylon, and the Terrant Scouts after his first deep. Actually, he has two SEVs out on the map already. I'm not quite sure what these SEVs are for. I've seen single SCV scouts for eBay blocks, but like this, I haven't quite seen it. Cool to see that there's still some innovation happening at the platinum level here. This probe is going to get chased all the way back to the base and a full wall at the same time as all. Is there a gas? Okay, there's a gas, only mining two in it. Very interesting build out of the Terran so far. At the same time, we see the Protoss player has a gateway, on the low ground. So he spots the eBay block immediately. Now the correct response here is to pull four workers and start attacking this eBay. Well, one worker attacks the SUV, make sure he can't continue building it. The other probes immediately start attacking the eBay. That doesn't quite seem to be the response here. A second pylon went down before anything. Cybernetics score starts, well, 11 seconds, no, 12 seconds late. Usually the timing for a cybernetic score is 124 with a regular 14 pylon 16 gate. This cybernetic score went down I think at 138 it was 136, 137, somewhere around that time. So a 12 second delay without anything happening. And then the response to an eBay blocking the natural is chasing an SV with a zealot that you built and getting three gateways before the Nexus. Now, If we compare this to the responses that we see at a high level, usually you pull four workers and you take out the eBay at like 130, 135. You can just throw down a Nexus and you'll have a single gateway that can produce units after. You don't have to build a zealot. Some people do build the zealot to try and put some pressure on, but generally it's not a great plan. Now, this Reaper is going to come in, kill a couple of workers, or at least I assume it's going to kill a couple of workers, because the stalker not only was the cybercore delayed, but even taking into account that the cybercore was delayed, this stalker is still going to be almost, what is it, 30 seconds too late? Oh wait, there's already a stalker out. I completely missed that. I was wondering how that happened. Why is this stalker so late, I thought. Well, the stalker was just chilling downstairs. Okay, so this Reaper just did this much damage for no real reason. Well, that makes things actually worse, but in some way it also makes me happy that his builder isn't that bad. Well, his build order still is really bad, but at least he got a faster stalker. That does make me a little bit happy. So finally, about two minutes after the eBay got built, the eBay gets taken out as well. Cancel gets used on it, and now the Nexus can go down. An alternative approach, by the way, to this, if you don't want to pool workers, is that you can just build the Nexus on your third base location. You will have to follow that up with Stargate afterwards, but it's a completely viable way to play. I was actually going to flame this Protoss player for building three gateways because you can't really use them anyway. But he decided to go for a massive probe cut and not use any of his Kronobo boost. And as a result, he could actually afford three units out of all of these gateways pre-warpgate. So he now has six units total. Once again, if we compare this to any actual build order, he still has less units than I would probably have with about 35 or 38 probes done at this point. nonetheless, he hasn't really wasted any buildings yet. Very often when something bad happens to lower level players, they'll panic and they start just doing things. They start adding random gateways. Maybe they add a quick forge, which they can't even afford all of a one-based economy. But here it seemed that although the response was very bad, the response at least, there were no useless buildings. Everything that got built so far has been used. well, I'd love to see this fort gateway being used, but there's absolutely no way. You can't afford three gates of a one base while having to build probes, getting a robotics facility, and a forge at the same time. It's simply just not possible. And that's why we're seeing not a single warp in being used in the past, what, minute or so in the past 50 seconds. Actually, not a single warp gate has been used since Warpgate has finished. These units were all built from Gateways without Warpgate. and I think to everyone now this should be very obvious that this is obviously not optimal. It would be way better to produce less units from the warp case. So let's just talk about this for a bit because it's actually very important. As a pro-dose player, you always want to get away with as little gateways as you can. Because a gateway is a building that doesn't really do anything for you except produce units. It's a waste of 150 minerals. If you want to hit a tight timing, the first thing you try to do, do is to cut as much of your production as possible, because if you can gain 150 minerals by cutting one warp gate, that would be fantastic. So something that Solari could have done here is rather than getting three gates and producing, what was it, three units out of, or four units out of one gateway and then another set of units out of these two gateways. He could have just produced three units out of two gateways total. That would have been better already, because in that case, the gateways wouldn't have been idle for so long. Another thing that he could have done is he could have used some of the chronobust energy that he was saving to chronoboast a warp gate twice or three times, cutting off 30 seconds from the warp gate timing and getting two units from each gateway as well and then a warp in at the same timing where usually that third unit would finish from these two final gateways. So what I'm trying to say is that Solari invested a lot in infrastructure that is useless for the goal that he's trying to achieve. and if you can get somewhere with less infrastructure, that tends to be more optimal. And especially this Ford Gateway, so I mean, this is never going to get used. And if it gets used, it is because we don't have constant production out of these gateways. What we often want when we optimize build orders is we want constant production on our probes, constant production out of our gateways as well, and constant production out of our other production facilities, and possibly also the tech. So adding these things, two gateways, once again, doesn't do anything. So far he's added three extra gateways without warping in a single unit. He's added a second robotic facility, a robo bay, and a forge without producing any units. All of these gateways are useless. These three gateways by themselves present the same value as a faster third base would have been able to represent. Actually, you say 50 minerals on that. And a faster third base here would have been more useful. he might eventually use all six of these gateways but it is not it is not economically optimal to get these this infrastructure as fast as possible it's just not the way now talking about this game a little bit i think i missed a fight here so i kind of want to look at that that little fight again all right so this fight there is a mine here which shoots kills the zealot then these marines take out the zealid as well sure why he lives this command center, but I guess he's afraid. And the tank shoots once and kind of forces this away. Honestly, not a terrible fight for the Protoss player. I mean, he lost two zealots, but also had two mules not working for a while. This should have been a worse fight if the tank was in a better position. But I still believe this was, this honestly was kind of okay. I like the position of the Protoss player here, as he's up 11 workers, forcing out a turret as well here at the same time. So this actually looks, it looks good despite his failings so far. And that's because the Terran opener also wasn't absolutely brilliant. The Terran is a little bit afraid of holding his low ground as well. Stalker controls actually quite good. You see some single target fire on these marines. For Stalkers, of course, take out a single Marine. Okay, so these were these the two tank shots? Okay, well that's a third tank shot. I like that he went in back one more time to make sure that it really was a tank shooting. Is this the fight that he was describing in his thing? He described a fight, two shots of a single tank kill my whole army. I mean, he lost one stalker here. I doubt this was the fight, right? It really would surprise me. It really would surprise me this was a fight. Because this fight honestly, you lost the stalker, but it's not the end of the world. Okay, Raven's going to make its way across the map. Three more barracks on the way here for the Terran, who, It does have stim already. It hasn't started Combat Shield and a slightly supply block. Once again, I'd like to note that none of these extra gate so far, these three haven't produced anything. These three haven't built a single unit from Warp Gate yet. We're still just stuck on the three stalkers from earlier. And right now, without ever warping in any gateway units, our Protoss player decides it's time to throw down three more gateways on top of this. He could have triple expanded at this point, and his army size would have been exactly the same. Nothing would have changed in the army size, except he would have had a way better eco. So it really makes no sense. The way that he's playing, the way that he's adding production here is, it's just really, really odd. It actually does make zero sense. There's a double drop heading towards the main base. Now, this is the one scenario in which the extra infrastructure is actually useful. If you're getting dropped and you have six gateways, you don't have to move your use. units in position, but you can just warp in a big warp in. I guess he's going to do both, move his units and position and do a big warp in. Kind of like that, dealing with this drop. Almost gets the Metafact, because the Terran control that a little bit sloppily. But does not quite end up getting it. Perhaps with these disruptors? No. Metafacts are going to fly away. So right now, all of these gateways have been used once. And if I recall correctly, Warpgate finished at around the 4 minute mark. That means that every four minutes so far, on average, he's been doing a war pin. That is a very bad score, my friend. That actually is a very, very bad score. And the funny thing is that I'm afraid it's going to continue, because he seems very focused on getting more units out of these robotics facilities than anything else. Now, then here we have two cannons, which are in odd positions as well. I wouldn't mind if there was one cannon here and one cannon here, but right now this entire area is kind of that, okay, there's another current cannon here. It is expensive, but if you don't ever want to deal with multitasking, this might be the way forward. Drop us heading towards the third base. At the same time, our Protoss player is actually attacking. Oh, I bet this is going to be the fight. This is, by the way, a very ill-informed timing attack, okay? I'd just like to point your attention, just direct your attention into the position that we're currently in, and just show you guys what a terrible call-loss is, okay? So let's just get back. First of all, a lot of money is invested in infrastructure, which when you invest money into infrastructure, you are preparing for a further away future because infrastructure has no inherent value right at that moment. You can have two gateways and 10 units, or you can have eight gateways and one unit. Well, it's obviously better for a timing attack to have the 10 units and the two gateways. but in the longer term, once your eco starts going, you'll need those extra gateway. So gateways are always an investment into the future, never in the direct moment. Second of all, there is a lot of investment in cannons here. This is what, 450 in the natural or in the main, another 300 at the natural. We have another 300 at the third base. So we have about, well, I can't count, but I think it adds up to about 1,000,000-50 or so, minerals invested in static defense. This shows to me that the plan for Solari should be with that investment in infrastructure and the investment in static defense that it should be to remain defensive. That would make sense given the fact that he's up an entire base and up 20 workers. This push makes zero sense. His opponent is about to all in into him, is forced to all in into him. And the fun thing is that Solari is actually well prepared. He has a lot of infrastructure. He has a lot of cannons as well. It's very unlikely that he will die. But because he's moving out, he gives his opponent here a chance to actually not only attack him at the third base, but also drop some mines in the natural, have another little pushover here. And while this is happening, we see this tank actually shelling out a decent amount of damage. Hello? You just started attacking his own eBay? This base gets lifted. Now, the moment your opponent lifts their natural, I think this is such a clear sign that perhaps it's time to go home and defend your three bases and your 20 worker lead. However, Solari here decides to walk up a ramp where there's two tanks in which he doesn't have vision. Oh, actually, there's three tanks. He doesn't have vision and loses his entire army. This was not a single tank shot. What did he? Okay, this was the fight he was talking about. Two shots of a single tank, which cost only a bit more than a single. stalker. First of all, a tank costs a crepton more than a stalker. It's really gas-intensive. It's an annoying unit to build. It takes quite long. It's expensive. It's more supplied than a stalker. Obviously, it's not the same as a stalker. So you could say that the roach is a bit of a cheap stalker, but a tank is a way more expensive unit. It just functions completely different. You can't really compare it. One is a seat unit. One is a very flexible attacking unit. also has an anti-ar attack, but whatever. Anyway, he attacks into three tanks, and he believed that this was a single tank. Now, honestly, if I walked into three tanks with my army, and I would lose my army, but I somehow live under the illusion that that was a single tank, I also would be extremely upset, because then I also would believe that the tank is overpowered. I mean, that tank should, holy crap, what is this? The tank just showcased the power of three tanks. So I understand why he's upset if he's this delusional. This was a very weird move as well, by the way. So the turret is a unit that runs out of time. So all you need to do is just wait and eventually it will die. It makes no sense to send in units to kill it if you're going to lose units to kill it because it will run out of time. Better is to just pull away your workers for a little bit, wait. He will shoot at the assimilator or the pilot. you will be fine. What he did just here, losing two stalkers, is kind of like challenging a 110-year-old for a jewel. Like, sure, most likely you're a bit quicker with the revolver and you'll still win the duel, but there's really a lot of, still some risk involved, and it's probably better just to wait it out. I mean, there are 110. How long can it last? Raven's going to move forward. Now, this is a case where you need to attack the turret in order to defend your third base, so that's 100% the correct call. These Marines and Marauders get a little bit of damage. And the fun part is, rather fun, the sad thing is, is in this game, despite Solari's biggest efforts to actually throw it and him being down about 3K in the unit lost tap, he still was actually ahead. I mean, he's up a base, similar upgrades. He has an extremely well-tapped army. He's up in supply. If he just builds like three waves of probes and finally kills his mine, which has 11 kills, by the way, I didn't really pay attention to this yet because there were so many other bad things happening at the same time. Sometimes I have this. It's like some type of sensory overload, but with like really bad play. If there's too many bad plays happening at the same time, I can't see them all at once anymore, you know? It becomes too hard to analyze every single one. That's what happened here. So Lari truly is pushing the limits of making every conceivable mistake. He's still ahead, though. Like this is, the Taron has not been producing work. workers at all. Like, that's really just a reason. I mean, the Protoss killed six workers and the Terran's only at 28. That's actually bad play out of the Terran. And it just, yeah, it just isn't great. Double turrets once again going in. No defense for the turrets. Just pulls them away, kind of like that. Good call. And then put some back to mine. It's actually was a very, very good response to the Raven because the turrets can't chase you. It's a static unit that that expires in a while. the sensor tower position is quite interesting as well. Now, after the last time's experience of going into a position blindly and remembering how poorly that went, Solari decided to live that same experience once again, loses both disruptors, gets a couple of shots on these sand trees, like, huh, maybe if I warp in three more stalkers, I can try that same thing again. Not considering that perhaps one of the two observers currently trailing his army might be used as a spotting device to see, if he can actually attack into the position. On top of that, it might also be wise to consider getting charged. If you're playing against a lot of tanks, Celts are quite good at tanking shots, and stalkers don't necessarily trade super well against tanks. If your plan is to just a move into positions the entire game, I would recommend a Charlott Arkham composition rather than a Stalker Colossi composition. With a Stalker Colossi composition, it tends to be more important to actually control your army because you don't want to be fighting, you just want to be abusing your range with the sentries and the stalkers. So far, what Solari has been doing is he made an army that wants to abuse the range, but rather than abusing the range, he just runs up there and then starts fighting. That's kind of like using a gun to knock someone out. Sure, it's still a pretty powerful weapon because it's quite heavy, but it would be a lot better if you use the range on it. And that's not what Solari has been doing so far. still I think two observers over here beautiful with this army making sure that he has zero vision on the map whatsoever nothing on the right side drops have been happening this entire game no pylon no pylon no unit over here no unit over here no unit over here no observer at the army a battle cruiser teleports across the map the correct response against the battle cruiser never is to warp in two stalkers in a slow warping pylon for the people that are not aware actually I know some of you don't play too much, but there's two types of pylons. You have the fast warping pylon and the slow warp in pylon. If a pylon is in powering range of a nexus or a gateway, the warp in take only three seconds. If the pylon is not in warping range of a gateway or a nexus, the warping of the stalker takes it, I believe, seven or eight seconds. It's a really long time. It feels like three years. So I'd always recommend warping in close to a nexus or a gateway. So all of these pylons would have been fine. However, he warped in two nearer pylons. it wasn't close by in excess, and thus the pylon actually got taken out before the stalkers even could finish warping. I love that the response out of Solari, no matter what happens, just seems to be to attack. Oh, there's a single battle cruiser in my base. That probably means the best move here to do is to attack into the same tank line that I attacked into earlier. I really do believe this is an almost unloosable game. So, hello, could we use the Guardian Shield perhaps? But Solari is honestly just trying his best to lose it. Colossi also target firing the Thor is a sight to behold. Good disruptor shot, though. Rather than going for units that actually take extra damage from the Colossi, like the Marines or the SEVs. Okay, this is the first time in the game where I'm actually scared for Solari. He took such a bad fight that he's currently down 6K. This battlecruiser managed to kill a bunch of crap as well, which is hard. to imagine as a single battlecruiser loses i think against like five or six stalkers which let's not forget he could have warped in that amount of stalkers while being on one and a half base mining turret comes in once again workers get pulled well not quite but almost good enough almost good enough this Terran has a play style as well by the way this type of stuff i don't really see anymore at my level but a planetary at the third i hadn't even noticed that yet two marauders in the bunker sensor tower placement. Sometimes I just miss playing on slightly lower level games, you know. It just seems like these people have way more fun. They can kind of do whatever you want. Against people like Solari, it might even work. All right. So the Terran is actually up in income right now, ever so slightly. Work account is very close. Solari, by the way, has been on 46 workers for the past 35 minutes as well. So did he just build a... Phoenix to deal with this Raven? You know what? I don't even mind it. I was going to make fun of him for that, but I don't even really care. If you hate playing against a raven, then getting a phoenix is completely fine. I said what I said. Yeah, snip it. I don't give a crap. Perfect. That was good. Now, there's another thing that Protoss has a huge advantage over the other races. And that is that Protoss, it's actually going to build a bunker, is that Protoss has a very good gasing in the Templar archives with the high Templar. Because the Arcon is such a powerful unit, if you're floating a lot of gas, you just throw down a Templar archives, warp in like 10 Templar, and boom, you're rid of your gas bank, and at the same time, you just created an insanely powerful army with five Archons. I still believe that the way for Solari to play in the future is to just get charged and Archons, because the way he controls his army, well, I wouldn't exactly call it controlling. he just A moves into a position and sometimes it even is a move command it just kind of move commands into a position Charcelot Arcon is way more suited for that than Stalker Immortal Sentry is so if I were to give you one piece of advice that really needs to stick it is to try to not build units that require any type of control you know sometimes you just have to admit your weaknesses and your weakness seems to be that you can't control units and that you make really bad decisions. So ideally also, you wouldn't make decisions anymore. But, yeah, that might be a little bit hard to play then. But yeah, maybe you get like a friend over or something that just tells you what to do. Or, this actually might be an okayish fight for Solari here. Still would have loved to see a guardian shield here. Once again, Zellis would be so useful against the tanks. Also at tanking marauder shots, by the way. get that stalkers are armored, so take extra damage from these marauders. Which means that having a couple of zealots a tank is always very helpful. Yeah, maybe you should just pre-record, you know, at certain points in the game. There are every minute or so, there's a pre-recording of you going, don't attack if you're up two bases. If your opponent builds 30 tanks and sits them on top of his main ramp, don't walk into it. You know, and then you just play that with like general pieces of advice. And after every single game, you can just add something, you know, if you make another silly mistake, you just ask one of your friends what your mistakes was, and then boom, they'll tell you, and then you record that as well. I actually give you a free sample at the end of a couple that might be useful for you. Don't worry. I'll get the base ones covered. Nice stalker warp in. I like that the, once again, two extra gateways were being added somewhere. Yeah, here. So right now we're up to 10 gateways, I guess. Yeah, 10 gateways is going to be the answer. Beautiful stuff, really. Especially because he tends to just use them once every two minutes. And he's been lacking money for the past five minutes as well. So it's really not that wise of an investment. But honestly, I guess at lower levels, I rather have too much infrastructure rather than too little infrastructure. And 10 gates of a 4-bay, well, 52 workers. It is very low eco. It really is quite low eco. Okay, here we go again. Let's do the Solari checklist. No vision of our opponent. Check. An army that consists of units that function very well in a longer lasting engagement with, you know, kind of dancing back and forth. Check. Absolutely no clue of the siege position. Check. Let's move command in, boys. We're ready. I'm wondering if he's actually going to go or not. Oh, yes, of course. If there's one thing... Ooh, that was a good disruptor shot. Holy crap. Is this fight actually going to win? No, it's not. Oh. Oh. Yeah, the anti-armor missile is really, really big against battlecruisers as well. Because they attack so darn fast. Actually, kind of... It's a semi-winning fight. If there was a prison with this army, I think it might have been like a 10 stalker warp in him would have really been huge. I really would not have minded that. Did that battle cruiser just teleport across the map? Oh yes, it did. Okay, so we have money ready. I do believe we have warp gates ready as well. I wouldn't mind the warpin of some stalkers here. There we go. Dealing with that BC. How many BCs have died so far, by the way? Two. Three. Worker kills of 50 as well, total. And his Terran is a harassing god. parks it over here again. This is a legendary position already, in my opinion. Terran moves out with two Vikings. No matter of eggs whatsoever. Going in for some harass. Look at these tank positions as well. I guess this is really cool. If you just build tanks and planetaries everywhere, people like Solari will consistently walk into it. And although you never shoot wind fights, you do kind of keep winning them. Solari still down 4K. But at this point, the Terran really is out mining his opponent. So not only does Solari need to start mining more, but Solari also needs to take winning engagements. And that's honestly the part I'm most afraid of. Still, by the way, absolutely zero vision on the map. Nothing over here, nothing over here. He's just gambling where his opponent's going to be. He also has an entire army parked against a single battlecruiser. This is the type of multitasking that I love to see. And now this BC actually teleports out. That was great. That's a great little interaction there. Now, if I were to predict what Solari is about to do next, every single time where he wasn't quite sure what was happening, he usually moves out or if he's not in position for something. So I think that after he kills this bio army, because the bio army revealed itself, he's just going to straight move across the map. I don't think there's any other solution here. Nice. A couple of mine shots. Very cool. Yeah, he's just going to chase this. He's a simple man. He has the go mode and the no-go mode. Oh, and now the Battlecruiser as well in this base. And now, ooh, actually warps in Stalky. Well, I'm not sure if that's going to be good enough. Blink, blink! Wanted to blink to dodge it. Actually, good defense. I really did like this defense. Well, it wasn't brilliant, but it was pretty good. A good trick, by the way, in general, if you're dealing with Battle Cruiser harassed, is to get a battery per mineral line. This forces the Battlecruiser to initially start shooting the battery before they can start attacking anything else. And also, if you warp something in and the battery is still alive, whatever you warped in is going to win the fight. So against Battle Cruiser harass, actually getting a battery per base, is just an extremely useful tool. And it's a lot more useful than cannons. Because even though cannons, they deal damage and batteries do not, batteries keep everything alive and they ensure that you have a higher eco. Okay, once again, I think we finished up the Solari checklist here. No vision whatsoever. not being aware of the siege line and just aim moving into his opponent's army I think all of these kind of get checked. Honestly, the disruptor control has been good out of Solari. This is the one thing I have to admit which is absolutely mind-blowing because you actually have to select the purification Nova and control it to click it on a unit. And he hasn't been capable of clicking on any units with the rest of his army. So it just is kind of surprising to me. Obviously this once again was a terrible fight as Solari right now is down, well, about 9,000 resources. Impressive. Very, very impressive. Battlecruiser once again gets teleport. Oh my god, this guy has 33 kills. How did this guy get 33 kills? Was this the guy from earlier that went into nothingness? I guess so, huh? I can't believe that the BC harassed is what did him in. I also can't believe that the only Starport is a TechLack Starport that has been building BCs consistently, which means. there's like a negative amount of meta facts. Yeah, there's literally two metaphics right now. It's actually a crazy low amount. Now, at this point, the game is extremely over, and there's 17 workers remaining. There's a single worker mining at this space, and now he decides to build a battery to defend these three workers, rather than when there was 35 workers mining there. Very cool. Very, very cool. BC gets teleported into a base where there's nothing there. That obviously is a mistake. I think this BC might actually die. I know this BC will die. Holy crap. Stalkers with Plus 3 deal so well with it. It's actually crazy. That's really, really cool to see. I'm a huge fan of that. Well, it doesn't really matter because Solari is completely dead. Sadly, for Solari, he's rather unaware of that because he has no vision of his opponents, preferring to keep all three observers with his main army at all times to make sure that if he loses two observers, that there still will be one to provide detection against widow mines. because that really has been the issue of this game of course, the widow mines, not the fact that he kept walking into siege lines. Now, once again, L Green, he's going to go for a little drop. We might even see some real multitasking here. This drop will hit, and at the same time maybe attack this base. Very, very cool. Hop, stims, almost at the same time. There even is a move over here. Solari doesn't know what's happening. Boom. Multi-prong, baby. Now, there's two things here that Solari can do. One, he could leave. Two, he could move across the map. Oh, goes for the first one. Leaves without a Gigi as well, of course, because this wasn't a good game. Stupid siege tanks. Now, I want to go over this complaint for him one more time. He said, first of all, I got to say that I suck. I know that. Well, I'm glad you already know, so I don't have to tell you that again. But I think everything else in this little form actually was incorrect. The two shots of a single tank obviously wasn't true. It was three tanks that shot you like five times. Like there's a difference between two shots total and 15 shots total. And if you don't recognize that, I honestly have a very difficult time seeing how you will improve in the future. When I focus on the tank, the Marines slash marauders kill my whole army in two seconds. Okay, this actually never happened. First of all, you never really focused on a tank. And also, if you have an army that gets. hard countered by tanks, like Stalker Colossi kind of does get hard countered, you can either do two things. One, you can move around the tanks and try and pull your opponent out of position, keep map control, and then just kind of poke into different bases, forcing the Terran to reposition the tanks. Then once the tanks are unseached, you can go in. Sadly, this requires vision, which is honestly one of the things that you really did like. Your vision this game was absolutely terrible. And I'm not even just talking about map vision. Like you had no pylons on the map, no units on the map, no observers in good locations, but also the vision in front of your army for when you want to attack into a position was just god awful. Not a single time did you have any clue whatsoever what your opponent was doing. None. You just did not understand what was going on. A single time. Really, not even once. And that is a huge issue. That actually is a huge issue. If you if you use an army like stalker colossi, you can't do that. This is why, first of all, absolutely terrible, terrible vision. And this is also why I suggest to you to play Chargedold Archon Immortal from now on out. It's an army that A moves easily. You don't need as much vision. They kind of do the work themselves. Sure, it's a weaker composition in certain situations. But for you, I think it's always going to be the better call. Two, your decision making. Your decision making in this game was really, really terrible. And a lot of that comes from a complete lack of scouting knowing what's going on. But also, it seems like you're incapable of basic logic, which is painful to say. You're up two bases. As you stayed in the form, you attack into someone that is down 20 workers while you're investing a lot into the late game. This makes absolutely zero sense to me. And the funny thing is that you even realize these things. but then you don't realize the mistake that perhaps attacking into your opponent as they're all-inning you isn't the correct call. So, yeah, for that also insufficient points. Not very well done. For the actual build order and the opening, well, it seems obvious you don't have a build order. You don't really know any regular responses to pretty basic variations like an eBay block. the logic of the infrastructure that you throw down well it's very difficult to see at least I can't find any logic in it it yeah it just the entire game just doesn't make a lot of sense you have one redeeming quality and that is that you spend your money quite well like really like legitimately I think your macro skills your mechanics seem to be quite good and that's what keeps you in the games your pro production is a little bit lacking but that's the one thing I'd say you know good job for your level. It's obvious to me, however, that is not Terran that is imbalanced. It is not the siege tank that costs as much as a stalker. No, my friend, it is you who sucks. Yes, you do. All right, that's going to be it for today. Thanks all so much for watching. Don't forget the like and subscribe to the channel. Oh, and before I forget, here are the three voice lines you can use next time you're lettering. So the first one will be, are we up two bases and 60 probes? If the answer is yes, just stay at home and don't do anything. That's one. Two, are we about to engage into a position and we have no knowledge of what is in this position? Try to get some knowledge of what is behind the first two units. Are there siege tanks behind it? Are there perhaps lurkers? Are there disruptors in the back? Figure it out. All right. Number three, if we are not going to be producing from our gateways. For the next six minutes, we don't have to add more gateways. We can use the gateways that we already have. All right, I hope this helps. Thank you for watching. Don't get a like button. Subscribe and bye-bye. |
He Insults The AI But Is Worse Himself?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | What can I say? TURN UP THE BASS! (and a like) If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IgfMESynPEo/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | IgfMESynPEo | Dear Harstam, minds are so broken. They aren't unbeatable, but they are imba. This game is a prime showcase for that. In the early game, I get Dark Templars out and crush his first push while terrorizing his SEVs. Eventually, he cleans that up, and then I put some pressure on with blink stalkers. It's not the greatest of moves, but since I'm already had, I'd say it was a net win. He counterattacks, and again, it goes overwhelmingly in my favor. I stay up in economy, the whole game. Nevertheless, he easily destroys entire swats of my army once he gets a big amount of mines. He snipes my detection, so then my army is forced to just walk over mines while he sits safely across the map with his real army. I run my army into the mine grinder twice. Before, that's all he needs to just marshaled cross and sloppily aim move all over the place. My favorite part about mines is that if they notice you're killing, their mines. A simple scan means that now the mines will auto-target a detection. And then the Protoss army just marches forward because AI forgets they saw landmines there two seconds ago. Now, this is kind of funny. Turnup the base here says that this is his favorite part about the mines, but I believe he's using something called sarcasm. He doesn't actually believe that this is his favorite part. I actually believe this is his least favorite part about the mines. Because otherwise it just doesn't make a lot of sense. Anyway, let's continue. Please view this. Give it the imba stamp it deserves. Then join me in petitioning Blizzard to put one last patch banning mines. Thank you for your time. Name. Turn up the base. Race. Protoss. Leak, Diamond, MMR, 36, A2. And the server is North America. All right. Let's have a look. and what our good friend Turnup the base actually performs here. What type of tricks he's up to. He opens up with a 12 pylon here or he's forgetting his first worker. That's two options. Okay, he starts a worker. Okay, he gets, well, he ends up getting a 12 pylon while floating 150 minerals. That means he might as well have gotten a 13 pylon because a probe costs 50 minerals and thus it didn't delay the pylon at all here. So basically we're viewing this right now as a 13 pylon. experience which means a 13 14 gate is what is necessary and we'll need an immediate Chrono boost here to make sure that we boost that eco where we want it to be. You're going to need to use that on the probes or if you want a zealot before the first adapt I guess you could use it on the zealot but that is extremely uncommon and that completely destroys your economy so I would not recommend it. It would delay your nexus it would force you to get a second pylon before nexus. of these things which tend to not be great. Triple in gas as well. Okay, so he wants to follow this up with a very heavy gas type of build order. And there's no second gas, so it can't really be a proxy void ray. There's also no scout. And he chrono boosts once he nears the end of his pro production. That makes absolutely no sense. That's like buying Tinder premium after you got a girlfriend. It's like, hello? What's the point? Nexus goes down. You just sat there for like seven, eight seconds or so, with the Kronoboose going on the Nexus and nothing happening. Not a very good move. Not a very good move. He has the eco as well of a 12 pylon, but he has the timing on the adapt of a 13 pylon. So there's about a four second waste here. that we're never going to get back. Push three workers to kill this SCV. Doesn't get it. Nice. That's the type of investment I like to see. So what I'm trying to say is that there's been a heavy investment here in this extremely quick adapt that now definitely needs to try and do something on the other side of the map. We have this command center going up. It can't be denied, I think, because this was a reactor first, which probably is the best build order possible against what Turnup the Base is playing. But Turnup the Base hasn't scouted and keeps some. his first adept at home. Now, this is complete nonsense. Okay. If you play a 12 pylon 13 gate or a 13 pylon 14 gate, your adept is so fast that it is there before the Reaper arrive. Okay? There's absolutely no point in getting that first adept to stay defensive. You need to move it across the map. You just cut like 120, 130 minerals into your build that you're never getting back. This adept needs to achieve something. This is basically like buying a bulletproof vest before the gun is invented. It makes no sense to use this defensively. You need to move across the map, get something done. That's the entire point of the build. Just that first adept being capable of canceling that CC temporarily or dealing some damage. I've seen this build being used with a stalker first, where people move across the map with the first stalker and then try to kite Marines. In that case, against the reactor first, it could still be kind of viable. But like this, it makes absolutely no sense. He's now going to try to hit a tight three adept timing. He's hitting at three minutes and 35 seconds. Like, this should do absolutely nothing. If this does anything, it is due to his opponent's incompetence and not due to his own brilliant build order. So he ends up killing two Marines, loses an adept. That is a good trade for a Terran, usually. As long as there's no Oracle follow-up, this is a type of trait that you'd be completely down with as a Terran. Terran is playing a 3-Rex and he's playing a relatively decent version. There's too many depots though. And because of that, has a slightly lower Marine count than he probably should. I also forgot to actually research the combat in time. Actually, his stim is really fast. There's something funky going on there, but I won't complain about the Tarrant too much. Do not worry about that, fellas. I will not complain about it too much. So we have a triple adapt into DT drop. Now, this is a build that I've seen Zest do a lot. Zest played this with a 12 pylon as well, except Zest then would do some damage with that initial depth rather than losing two adepts to 12 Marines. At this point, turn up the base is, of course, very aware of what's going on, and because of that also ends up building two batteries. I think that is the correct call, and I like seeing that. I think that generally is quite good. It's annoying that there's no wall, because even though these batteries are very useful, right now, there is a possibility that if the 1010, Terran makes the correct decision and ignores your units and the pilot and just starts killing your workers, that Protoss is in an absolutely terrible position. Protoss would just straight up die. I mean, it was 15 Marines. You can clear infinite workers by just stimming a couple of times. Like you stim once, then once the stim runs out, you stim a second time. I think you'll kill like 18, 19 workers with your Marines. Instead, the Terran here, well, he's going to head back home and try to defend this. Honestly, it's not even taking too much damage against the DTs. kind of impressed by his response at home. Just not too fond of how the Terran did this in the offense. Another DT is being warped in, but gets cancelled. And so far, like, the build order, honestly, the follow-up wasn't too bad. I like some of the response of Turnup the Base. But he should have been dead already if the Terran had properly focused these workers. It's not quite the case. Turnup the base loses a bunch of DTs for no real reason, straight into turrets. But then again, he's also doing a fair amount of damage, so perhaps it's not even. in the end of the world yet. More DTs now walking into turret range. It's absolutely right. I feel like all of the damage he did was just with like one or two DTs that just dodged the units. And the moment he started controlling the DTs, they just ended up dying. I believe sometimes at lower levels, it's just better to not control your harassment units whatsoever. Just kind of aim within the main base because I often see this type of stuff where Protoss players, by controlling their units, actually make it work. like trying to chase units rather than just aim moving and killing a refinery and five workers, which honestly would have been a better deal here. Anyway, let's have a look at the follow-up here. The follow-up was floating a crappton of resources, throwing down two extra gateways, added on to the already four that we have, not getting any forges and getting a robo bay at six minutes and 50 seconds. This is all relatively late and non-tight build orders, but because he dealt a fair amount of damage, I think I'm going to be fine with it. I'm losing 60 T's very gas-intensive. It's just very difficult often to make things work after such a start, even if you kill... or actually only killed four workers. Yeah, I don't actually really... I don't really like the start for the Protoss, but I like the start for the Terran even less. Like both players so far, not impressing me massively. Nice little control there out of the... Terran taking out three stalkers. That was cool. I do enjoy that. Concussive shells also being researched right now so that can come into play a bit later. Second eBay as well as an armory being thrown down. Huge fan of these buildings, getting those upgrades rolling. The same time Turnup the Base has pretty much full vision of his opponent, knowing when he will move out. For whatever reason, it's still only producing stalkers. No sentries are being added, no zealots. First Colossi is now in production. It's not being Chrono Boost. You'd figure, that if all you have is stalkers, is that you would get, well, some type of feeling of urgency to get that colossus out. Turnup the base doesn't really seem to have that type of feeling of urgency. One thing I'd really want to complement Turnup the Basin, though, is his map vision. He has these observers well spread out. I wouldn't mind having a unit or a pylon here. He also has a prism here. I'm not quite sure if this is meant to be a spotter, or if he just forgot that he has a prism and it's just floating on the map. Now, having map vision is. is one thing, but using that MapVision, of course, is a second. We're going to see if he will end up using that in this game. Stateran is finally kind of gearing up for that first push. You know, it's getting ready with these two Metafx, maybe with Metafx 3 and 4, he'll start going, or maybe Turnup the Base decides to go. Of course, a cool thing that you can do with Stalkers is you can always kite your opponent's units kind of back. And I'm not quite sure if this is what Turnup the Base is doing here. It feels more like a straight-up attack on the third base, which also is fun. But, I want to see that blink again. Let's just, just check that blink out again. So, first of all, I think if you're in a situation where you have a fully saturated third base and you're getting your fourth base, the priority is not in denying your opponent's third. The priority is in not dying right in that moment. If you do not die for the next 25 seconds, you're genuinely really far ahead and I think it's going to be difficult to die. That said, if you're going to make a mass attack with Blink stalkers, at least keep your Colossi at home because that's a unit that will be very useful defensively in combination with a battery. You can maybe do like some semi-based tradey stuff, keep your opponent busy with these stalkers would be very useful. Now, then the second part of this, if we forget about all of that. This is a move that I haven't seen very often. He targets down the sea. CC. Okay. Then in his vision, he has full vision still, he sees a marine, three Marines and a marauder. This CC is probably within sniping range right now if he just continues killing it. He blinks forward to the left to snip a marauder that came from the natural. This is like selling your car because you forgot where you put your shoes. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The marauders do end up falling. The CC, however, survives. And these blink stalkers are, well, actually, I think they can just kind of fight this. This is another case where perhaps an A move would have been better than, oh my God, then going for the straight-up target fire there at the start, because he was completely over-killing one or two Marines. Well, he probably could have just straight-up won the game. It's not going to get hit by any of these mines. He did just see those four mines burrow. That's kind of important because now he knows that these mines are there. He can get an observer, or well there's an observer over here, he can use that to clear all these mines and he should be pretty fine. Oh, good blink forward, sadly misses a shot. And as a result, oh, you got a good trade. So TOS is pretty far ahead at this point, right? Ford base is there, you're up 20 workers. There's absolutely zero need to go into the natural right now. you can however kite this army for quite some time with these stalkers there is one issue here and that is the complete lack of upgrades for the Protoss player i mean if you're floating 1400 minerals and about 1k gas you could you could maybe kind of consider getting a couple of forges maybe a while ago before getting the next six gateways or before getting your fort base perhaps as well before the second robotics facility. But then again, it is not super necessary. He also lost the aggressive observer that he had before. So I do like that second robotics facility so I can rebuild a couple of observers. He's pretty decent map vision before. Right now he's pretty blind, except on the right side, I guess. Liberators are being built as well. There's more mines in production. And don't forget that the mine was the main unit that he complained about. I'm not quite sure why, because so far, honestly he's been dealing with the mines fine. I think he lost like two, three stalkers to it, but that's about it. It's very difficult, by the way, often to move anywhere without knowing where your opponent is. So this type of move over here that he just did is to me absolutely insane because he has zero vision. And this is something I see a lot. And this is obviously not specific to turn up the base, but it is something you need to pay attention to. It's really tricky against Terran to just move. out on the map without knowing where the turn is. Because in a base trade, if you don't know where your opponent's army is, you're just going to have a hard time. And right now, the one thing you really don't want is a base rate. Because if you get a base rate right now, there's a decent chance that you'll end up losing. Well, if you just play out this game and at some point in your life actually throw down fortress, I don't think there's any way you can lose this game. I mean, you're up 23 workers, you have an insanely powerful army, two colossite, 26 stalkers, you have Storm on the way. another war prison. You luckily get vision of where your opponent is, so you're going to be in position as well. Now here come the mines, and now I guess we're starting to expect something out of these mines, but these mines get taken out because the observer is still here. I do like that a lot. Liberators also get taken out. And, okay, here the observer gets taken out. And then there was a line actually in the imbalance complaint, that I want to go back to. He snipes my detection, so then my army is forced to just walk all over mines, while he sits safely across the map with his real army. Now, this is a line that if you read it once and you're not super focused, you might miss it, but no one is forcing him to walk over mines at any point. He makes a decision to walk over the mines after he sees them. Later on, in the imbalance complaint form, he actually complains that the Protoss army marches forward because the AI forgets, they saw landmines there two seconds ago. Now, with all those complaints in mind and him specifically calling out the AI for being an idiot, saying, well, how can the AI forget all of a sudden that there's mines over here? Let's take a look at what this guy does. He attacks the mines, sees that there's mines here, loses his detection, and what is his response? Once his detection is gone, he just moves forward himself. And he keeps marching through the mines. The AI isn't the idiot. He's the idiot. He's the one giving the commands. He all of a sudden forget that there's minds and he feels forced. Like he's obliged to walk over that piece of ground. He could also have just stayed home for a bit, gotten these two observers, cleaned up the mines. He's not really in a hurry whatsoever. I mean, he has about 4K resources in the bank. Perhaps it might be a wise idea to spend these a little bit. Rather than running across the map, trying to force. a win the moment you can. Once again, this actually is a pretty decent fight for the Prolost, by the way. Seize these mines, it's going to walk over them because there's no more mines remaining. I kind of do like that call. Still no forges, by the way. Soon to be 2-1 upgrades for the Terran, I think, against 0.0. Genuinely, not the greatest fight that you can have or the greatest upgrade deficit. It's not brilliant as a Proloss player. Not brilliant whatsoever. good repair as well. I like that this colossar are just focusing on the bunker, not realizing that perhaps it's, you know, the SEVs that need to be focused down there. Now, just like the AI, perhaps this wasn't two seconds, but this was enough for the mines to recharge, shoot at these stalkers again. He loses a bunch of stalkers. Brilliant stuff. Of course, mentally once again, he got forced to walk over that specific patch of grass. I mean, is there any other way home except over these mines again? maybe to the left or maybe he could have stayed here and recalled or maybe he could have used one of the freaking five observers that apparently he has over here sitting in his natural. Nothing is stopping him from getting observer speed either by the way to make these go wherever he wants him to a bit quicker. Then as he walks back, oh, there's no way, right? There's no way, right? Three, four stalkers? I mean, personally, if I'm over here, I also can see a single different way home. There's only one road and that is obviously through this area. I mean, that area was already discovered by him so he knows exactly how to do it. It's fantastic. Now, if you don't like using observers and you're actually afraid of minds that they're going to kill you and you can't control your observers properly, you hate spreading observers, you hate having them with your army, then I do have a small tutorial. Boys, hit it. Hello, Protoss operator. Yeah, you. Today we're going to learn how to beat widow mines without having detection. Are you ready? Great. The first thing we're going to do is get our hand from out of our pants. Yes. And now put it on the keyboard. In front of us we have the unit called the Disruptor. You see that? Great. Now press the V button and aim at the clump of mines. You will see that all of them will disappear. You don't need any detection and it doesn't require. and it doesn't require any additional micro. Isn't that great? Exactly. Congratulations, Protoss operator. You now have learned how to deal with Widow Mines. Well, there was a very informative piece of video there. I'm glad I watched that. Great stuff. All right. Finally, we get some upgrades going as well. Don't get me wrong, the ProDol still was absolute light years ahead, despite walking through, multiple mines, a couple of times, or about the same mines, twice. I still believe that the pros is in a very good position. He has solid vision on the map. Once again, he has one observer over here, one observer over here, gets an observer on the right side, even cleans the mines in the middle right now with the observed, two observers with his army. So it seems like the issue of the observer has kind of been, well, he kind of found a solution here. Doesn't end up losing that observer even to splash. because the mine didn't end up shooting. So all of that is nice. On top of that, we have complete vision of our opponent's army. We know what he's getting. I'm not a huge fan of the Six Colossi. Often what we do want is we just, after three Colossi, you want to be going into Disruptors or Immortals. Because Colossi, they just don't scale that well into a late game against Viking Ghost Marauder. They don't deal too well with these units whatsoever. So if you can get disruptors or perhaps even immortals, I would prefer that. However, six colossi, of course, are easier to use and thus that's why he probably uses those colossi. 1-1 finishes up. Still going to be down at least one upgrade for now, but in the future, perhaps once again, that would be what? Three, two against 1-1. That sounds like three upgrades. Also, ship weapons on the way. That's kind of painful as well. like the orbital with the bunker. It's a cool move. If this bunker had gotten repaired, that would have been very good. Sadly, not quite the case. Now we see some extreme camping here with the main army, and I don't even really mind it. However, when you are camping, you do have to realize that often your army is getting worse. If you're not tacking into anything else, if you're not taking into carrier, you're not tacking into this ruptor, and you're already maxed, then you probably should be trading at some point. You still want to trade somewhat efficiently. You don't just want to run up ramps and lose like that. But you kind of do want to trade. A decent first storm. Interesting second storm. Did he just, the second storm basically hit all of his own units? These storms are quite good. But I'm not so sure about this attack. I mean, he walked up a ramp into five mines and three, well, what was it? Five Liberator zones as well. There's no entire versus the Vikings either. decides to once again run into the planetary, the mines and the Liberator, and lose all of his five Colossi against four Vikings. Now, if you don't have any anti-air and you still have five Colossi, there's two things you can do. Well, there's three things you can do. Number one is you can warp in stalkers and attack the Vikings. Number two is you can go home, if you don't want to warp in stalkers or you don't have a warpin available. Or number three, apparently, is you warp in zealots and you move command the colossi into the Liberators and into the Vikings. That apparently also is a possibility. That is not the one that I would personally recommend, but it does have the Turnup the Base endorsement. So if any of you are, you know, are big fans of Turnup the Base, then you know what he endorsed. Five Liberators still here. So this is, I think, the point where turn up the base believes he is dead. I am not so sure if he's dead. He has a lot of money. He has 16 gateways. He has two robotics facilities as well, which means that technically he should be capable of producing a lot. Sadly, for whatever reason, he's not quite doing that. Okay, it's going to add in a couple of salads now. Now, this is a foreign concept, I think, to turn up the base. but a lot of the time when you can take a good fight, it is fine to not take a fight whatsoever. You can wait. The moment your opponent is attacking you isn't necessarily the moment you need to start attacking back. You can, for example, sacrifice a base. If you're up two bases, like turn up the bases in this case, and you have a lot of cash in the bank, it is completely fine to just wait one or two extra warpins until you're maxed again. It is also fine to move. command all of your units into a tiny choke and basically lose 20k resources but you lose them in chunks of 8k resources at that time because you're only sending in small amounts of your army every single time and you don't actually end up killing anything of your opponent once again we know what turn up the base here preferred that was losing small parts of his army to do upgrades and wait once again it's just like an a i just sending in waves it's like playing tower defense but rather than having towers you have marauders liberators and mine And every single time that next warping comes, the mines are almost off of cool down again and they get another hit in. Look at this. Eight kills on this mine. And that's not probes or zerglings. That's freaking zealot stalkers. Probably a colossi in there as well. It's absolutely bunkers. Voidre now being produced. G.G. well played. I do like that he types G.G. well played. He seems like an angry fella in the imbalance complaint for him, but he says G. G.G. well played. Yeah. Well, let's do. Let's just, first of all, let's check real fast. What was it exactly that you complained about? It was the widow mine. The first thing that I want to note is that I don't even think it was necessarily the widow mine that got you here. I think something that was perhaps bigger was the fact that you were constantly down two to three upgrades. It is really quite painful when you have a large gateway army that also relies on colossi, so not really spellcasters. I mean, you did have Templar, but out of the three storms you cast, I think two of them were on your own units. So let's just forget about those, okay? Really, you didn't build any spell caster that were useful for you. In that case, upgrades are extremely important. If you get this Raptors or Templar, upgrades are less important because these units, they do not benefit from attack and armor upgrades. But you were so far behind in upgrades that even in fights where I believe you probably should have easily won with one of your terrible A moves, you still ended up losing. And that was just a problem that had nothing to do with you walking through mines 10, 12 times. It's more of a problem of you just not starting fordgers. I mean, you have plenty of money. You have plenty of time. You started them sometime after your fort base. Then you got 1-1, and then you forgot about 2-2 for another 3 minutes. That is the first issue that I really want to talk about. Just the lack of upgrades. Then let's just talk about your macro and your builder. and let's kind of push these two together. I think your initial build order wasn't even that bad. It wasn't efficient or optimized, but there were some thoughts behind it. You knew about the 12 pylon, then sure, you went 12 pylon 14 gate, which doesn't make that much sense. But your DT follow-up, it actually did make some sense. The order of the buildings, the Twilight, into the Robo, into the Dark Train. Sure, you made too many DTs, you got a little bit over-eager there. Your tech was laid, you built way too many stalkers, but in general there was some type of a plan. You went straight up to 66 workers as well, and then once you felt safe, you took a fort base. I genuinely did like all of that. There were some issues, however, with your macro. You were almost constantly floating above 1K minerals. In total, I think probably your average float was somewhere around, like maybe 2.5K resources, including gas as well. I mean, you end up dying with 3K minerals in the bank and 200 gas, which obviously is not ideal. your infrastructure was very good. So that really only leads me to believe that you just don't build enough crap. Like you constantly had enough gateways. Sometimes the issue is that people have six gateways. Well, then you can't spend your money, but you had, what was it? You had, well, 16 gateways or so at the end. 10, 12, 16 gateways, craptone of star gates. You had robotics facilities as well. You definitely could spend your money. You just decided not to. That sucked. But also, perhaps not even really the reason that you looked. The real, well, the second reason that you lost, combined with the upgrades, was just the way that you engaged. And the way that you engaged, it just felt like you were consistently in a hurry. It just didn't make a lot of sense to me. Because every single time you took a fight, you were ahead, and time was on your side. There was like a massive timer on your opponent's hat. and you decided to just attack into that timer. You attack upper ramp while you have full vision, which this is the thing that actually bothers me. You had the complete vision the entire time, but you never really used that vision to set up a good fight. You knew your opponent's eco situation. You knew your ecosystem. You know what your infrastructure is. You know how much money you have. You have full information every single time, and you kept failing. It's like having the answer sheet at an exam and encircling the wrong letter, you know, if it's a multiple, choice. It's like you knew it was going to be 10 times A in a row and you did A twice and then 8 times D because maybe it's a trick from the answer sheet. It's like it just doesn't make any sense and it's kind of annoying as well to see someone that has a decent idea about General StarCraft just completely ruin it. Now yeah there's attacking up ramps attacking through chokes again and again and again with small parts of your army when you're trying to rebuild for the final push. all of this obviously is not ideal. Then to get to the mines, yes, mines are very good and they're difficult to play against. But Protoss actually has very good tools. They have the observer mode on the observer. You can use the disruptors to shoot them, like I said earlier. And you can also use storm to storm mine clumps. You need two storms, but still, it is something that you can do. TOS has genuinely quite good tools to deal with them. And you knowing where they are and just walking across them like you're forced to doesn't make any sense. And that problem is not with the widow mine, my friend, but that problem is with you. And that is why it is not the mind that is in balance, but it is you who sucks. You suck. Real good. All right. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you had a great time. If you did, don't forget, hit a like, but subscribe to the channel. Hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you. And bye-bye. Thank you. |
Trading The ABSOLUTE WORST And Still WINNING?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | This game is an absolute slugfest. We have ASTRONOMICAL trades. I did not even know that you could lose so many minerals in so little time. And of course there also is a whining Terran... Smash like and enjoy, I'm off to my well earned vacation after this one!! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KlgJGrkHPWs/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | KlgJGrkHPWs | Dear Harstam, Lurkers are ridiculously imbalanced. Two lurkers can hold off 30 supply of bio while the Zerg just makes a thousand drones. In this game, my Reaper delays the third base of the Zerg for nearly a minute. My double drop does not get a lot of damage, but I take a third base while deflecting a counterattack and do a doom drop that doesn't go great, but trades out a lot of units. Then I macro up at home while being up two full upgrades the entire time. I push again with 2-2 and 4 bases and decimate the Zerg army of Pure Hydra Viper. I kill 51 workers and trade out my army, now up 14 workers and two upgrades. But my opponent has a trick that will counter all of that, a lurker then. I, however, predicting this, start up ghost, cloak and liberators. Over the next five minutes I kill five hatcheries and take favorable trades the entire time. being up 50 to 70 supply the entire time. By the 25 minute mark, I've killed 94 workers. The Zerg just keeps making lurkers. The Zerg decides to take into Ultralisks and attacks me, losing their entire army in the process. I kill two more hatcheries, and what has to be the fourth Lurker then. But as usual, the Zerg just throws down another Lurker then and continues to make Lurkers. The Zerg drops two lurkers in my main, which I kill. I attack another hatchery in order to kill another lurker. then, and the lurker shred my army. I try to escape with Metafax, but I lose too much. The Zerg has too many units, and unlike the Zerg, I don't have an imbalance unit to counter the encroaching Zerg army. I've killed over a hundred workers by this point. But it doesn't matter. I can't defend against this army. Four lurkers can shred my specialized army of bio and ghost, but what would four liberators or tanks do? Die immediately. or get abducted and die. So tell me, Harsden. Is the lurker imbalanced or do I suck? Name Paladin, Reyes, Terran, Leak, Diamond, and the server, North America. All right, Paladin. Let's have a look at whether the lurker is imbalanced or whether you just suck. Now, this is actually a very popular question and often it comes from ProDos players, but also very often and often the more convincing arguments come from the Terran in balance forms, I have to admit. The lurker is just a very tricky unit to play against, as Terran specifically, because your detection isn't quite as reliable. Ravens are difficult to navigate. They're not invisible unlike the observer. They don't function well with the Terran army, which especially lower-level terens tend to use F2 in the Terran army a lot, making it difficult to control Ravens. And then the only real real. reliable way of having detection everywhere tends to be the scan. But in order to scan, you need a lot of command centers. And in order to have a lot of command centers, you need a solid early game. This is something that a lot of Terran struggle with because the early early game consists of Ling Bane stuff, getting up four or five extra CCs, turning them into orbitals, can be tricky. These are all very good arguments. However, once the ghost are out and the liberators are in position, lurkers just kind of fall off a cliff, honestly. they become a lot worse, really just a lot worse. Once you have snipe available, every single time that lurkers burrow and unburrow, three, four lurkers are going to die, and lurkers aren't cheap. They're very expensive units, and it's really easy for the Terran to take super cost-efficient trades. Once you get the stable setup, or you get some type of split map scenario, we've seen it many times out of Maru. Once you get there, for a Terran majority of the time, it's going to be fine. However, I have a completely open mind to this. If I truly believe that the lurker is too imbalanced, whether that it is level related, so at this level it is too hard or just in general too hard, then I mean I'll need to change my opinion. I'm a man of science, you know. I stick with my opinion until different evidence gets presented to me or until I die and then the guy that comes after me, you know, takes over my work. Anyway, let's have a quick look here. this opening this early game so we see single Reaper as a start into a reactor this is a very uncommon build this means this will be a barracks as a secondary building but that barracks should have been built before the depot building the barracks and the factory at the same time is not correct second barracks before the depot is a mistake that a lot of people make i'm not going to complain too much about it good control so far on the Reaper as well i kind of do like that this also uh might actually get a drone here does get a drone That's very solid actually. Maybe he can get a little bit more done with that Reaper. Forced an extractor here. His opponent didn't build any lings though. It's kind of funny. It's very rare. I don't actually think, by the way, that the hatchery necessarily got delayed because of the Reaper. So in his little form he wrote that he delayed the hatchery because of the Reaper for an entire minute. But honestly, the hatchery is delayed because the Zerg player was floating 700 minerals. The Reaper went over here. this is more of an accidental delay. This wasn't a minute either. Maybe he can't count. Okay, let's go back here. Okay, so the actual timing that the hatchery was going to go down was three minutes and one second. And the actual timing it ends up going down is three minutes and 15 seconds. That is a 15 second delay on the hatchery caused by the Reaper. Sure, the hatchery is almost an entire minute late compared to what it usually is, but that was because of the Zerg's incompetence, not because of your brilliant Reaper. So that is the first part of your imbalance form that I would deem to be, well, pretty untrue. What was it you said exactly again? The Reaper delays the third base of the Zerg for nearly a minute. So unless we're rounding up, I don't think this was a minute. I would not recommend rounding up like that either. It's going to get some weird timings in that case. Yeah, you hit me. His Pro Scout literally arrived at like, well, actually, I don't have a good joke here. Never mind. We'll scratch that. The Reaper is got to go find this circling. In my head, the joke was going to work, and then I realized there really was nothing there. I'll have something. I'll make it up to you guys. No worry. Oh, I understand it now. Paladin didn't watch the replay, and he thought that this was the third base. Well, that is actually the fourth base. So later on, he's going to scout this base, completely unaware of the fact that there's a third base over here already. He's going to be real confused this game. I can assure you that. He's going to be real freaking confused. These lings are moving across the map, trying to get some scouting. There's a 2-1-1, by the way. Like I mentioned before, it's not the tightest 2-1-1 because of the late-second barracks, but it looks kind of okay. The third gas is, I think, slightly too fast as well. No, he wants two extra meta-fax. Yeah, that's not great. Okay, so this is the first drop that he does. Now, his opponent took a very fast forward base, doesn't have any units, and has six queens. That's it. If he unloads in time and stims his units, I think he should just basically get a free win here almost. Or if he boosts into the main base, that might also be a possibility. Take a look what's going to happen here. Queens will start shooting. Quick response out of the Zerg, by the way. Circus has pretty decent crew spread. Okay, we get a drop. Only drop with one Medivac first. Okay, this wasn't it. That really wasn't it. That was a very poor trait. So one of the concepts with the 2-1-1 is that the first timing with the two MataVex is nice and often you can do something with it, especially at this lower level. But it's most important to keep all your Marines alive. because then when your combat shield finishes, which should have started a while ago already, and your third Medivac arrives with six Marines and a mine or with eight Marines, you can really deal some big damage because there's only going to be slow bains, a couple of queens, and lings. And you can definitely trade well here. Now, the Tarrant did, he did talk about that. He said, my double drop does not get a lot of damage, but I take a third base while deflecting a counterattack. Now, this is one of these things, where the first part of the sentence does not connect whatsoever with the second part of the sentence. It's like imagine you work in a company and you're a salesperson. And you go to your manager, go, Janice, I know I haven't made a single sale in the past 12 months, but did you see the freaking word art that I made for the financial report of quarter one in 2018? like Janice will just look at you like you're a complete idiot because if you're not getting any sales that is the thing that truly matters here initially. The second part, good job that you're doing that correctly but we're criticizing you on part one here. Your drop did nothing and even worse than doing nothing. You wanted it to do something and you sacrificed Marines for it. And because of that, the most powerful part of your build, which is when the third MataVec arrives with the combat shield, is not going to be able to do anything. And at this point, your build is completely pointless. You just ruined your own build order. And the worst part is that you're not even aware of it yet, because in your mind, you deflected a counterattack and got a third pace at the same time. So then all of a sudden it's fine. This doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It really is very illogical. It's also a weird wall, by the way. It's like you played snake too much growing up as a kid. And now you always have to make shapes in, kind of like a weird snake. Very sharp turn there on the snake. Bit too sharp. It's not possible. All right. What's your follow-up going to be? Armory. You have these double e-base. Third barracks before the third CC. This is the incorrect call as well. Usually you should be getting that third CC before. Because otherwise, the longer you delay your third CC, the more all-in you're going to get. And That tends to be a bad thing if you're playing as a Zerg. Now the Zerg, this is very good by the way. I'm really surprised. His crew thread is quite nice. He moved his queens very quickly as well. His droning, sure, isn't the fastest, but he knows what to do. Like I really like the way this guy is playing. I feel like this is the second trip this SCV made. See, oh, there's still poop over here. Let me just build the third CC on the other side, I guess. Yeah, that's what he's gonna do. I'm not a huge fan generally of building the CC on position against Zerg because often a single link or three or four lings or ten lings can cancel that. I much prefer having it over here and you can just flow that down. What is this? Sir, we finish the wall. Perfect, soldier. Now send all of the women and children outside. What? Like this makes absolutely no sense. You build a wall, either you build a CC in the wall, so there's less surface area, or you build it on the high ground over here. The worst part is, at flying from this point is further than flying it from over here. So not only are you exposing it to danger, it's also just quite frankly worse. But this is the doom drop that Paladin refers to. And as he said, he said he traded this out. He said I didn't do a lot of damage, but I traded out a lot of units. So I'm very curious to see what that means kind of, you know, more in a more substantial way. Okay. Trading out units. I wish I had a pen here. I would have written it down in my notebook. Trading out units. Losing everything to four bailings. That's great. Next time I go to the casino, I'll tell my girlfriend that I traded out 500 bucks as well. to the casino. Yep, we're going to have water for dinner for the next three weeks or we're not making rent. See how she responds to that. There's absolutely no way this was good. Your opponent held this while being up 30 workers, by the way, or something like that. I think he had 78, 75 workers. Now still 71. It's already on four bases, taking a fifth base as you're trying to land your third. This is still not an orbital either. So, honestly, you're in quite a bad spot. You haven't cleaned creep once. Maybe. Not a single creep tumor has gone down. Not one. In a nine minute game. Then you know that something is wrong for the Terran. You haven't really killed much in general. Like, you went for an extremely aggressive build with the 2-1-1, delayed your third CC for an extra barracks, and so far the units lost is exactly even, and your opponent is up 32 workers. Yeah, this has not been a successful expedition so far. Let me tell you that much. Lurker then being thrown down at the 9th. minute mark, hive going down, triple Evo chamber. This circus playing really, really, really well. His creep spread is very solid. I think he's quite fast as well, yeah. This circuit is at 250 apm. for a dime. It's not bad. Like, his macro is slipping at times, and the injects aren't brilliant. But nothing that can be fixed with a couple of macro hatches, of course. So you see one macro hatch going down here and macro hatch on the far right side. Macro hatch in the natural as well. All that looks kind of good. You're just kind of sitting back. You're not even sending out single marine drops either. Like you could just send a single marine drop, start clearing some creep here. I'm actually not quite sure what you're paying attention to. It seems to me like you're not doing much of anything at this point. And it is difficult to believe for me that you at this point think that you did so much damage that you can just sit back and wait for your opponent to all in into you. It's obvious that that's not the case, right? You did no damage whatsoever. Even you stated that in your form is that you just didn't do a lot so far. The only bragging that you've done in your form was that you deflected a counterattack and that you managed to build a third base. Well, building a third base is just clicking the B and the C button for a second time. So you build a... What are these guys doing? Are they at a dancing party? What is this? Oh, see that again? Come. Come. Very cool. Very, very cool. I didn't know this was possible. Do you think he's clicking this to do it like that? Oh, he's chasing the Karak. He's dancing around the Karak. And whenever the Karak tries to move... Oh, I've never seen that before. That actually was quite nice. I do really enjoy that. What do we have as a phone? What do we have as a follow-up here? Vipers coming in. So this is the Hydra Vipers stage. Now, the five aggressive Evo chambers? Desirks. He's loving it, man. The aggressive five Evo chambers for the, so that the Vipers can start getting some energy from here. It's actually quite important, usually. I do like that. I really do like that a lot. Solid moves. Solid moves. Still not doing much of anything. I think you cleared two creep chumers so far. Yeah. Two creep chumers have gone down in a 12-minute game. You went into eight racks as well. And double factory. So this is, you're basically setting up for a three-base all-in here, 12 minutes into a game while your opponent is attacking you with Hydra Viper. It had an absolutely insane timing that you're managing to hit here. Fly the liberators forward as well into your opponent's army. You're actually, it's so obvious that you're... Oh no, poor Zerg. No bailings in his army means this is going to move through. I was going to say it's really obvious that you're using F2 so much as well. Because every time you have the Liberators not in siege position, they just move command into your opponent's hydras. It's quite sad to watch. This is a great run-by if it would be going into the natural or if there was a Ford base to attack, but sadly that's not the case. Set up these Liberators. I mean, I think I... this point I think at this point the if the zerga attacks into you with the bailings he should still be fine but yeah he attacks with the Hydros first now it's going to be kind of difficult I also like that you completely gave up on cleaning up the creep as well hey did one more scan kind of how do you see that again where you how many creep shooters you killed yeah 13 creep tremors have been lost so far you're completely deep into the creep I had a friend that had a similar approach to what you have with creep, but he had it with personal hygiene. So he almost, he always smelled quite bad and never really showered. And he said, Kevin, at this point, if I were to shower, I would need to clean so much. And it would take such a long time that I almost think it's not worth the effort anymore. And I feel like it's the same kind of thinking that you're using here. Like there's so much creep that you feel like it's no point anymore. But I think that theory kind of stinks. I would not suggest that. Just even if it's too late, you can still make something of this game. Just start by clearing the active tumors, that type of stuff. Now, you're dealing a lot of damage with this. Ooh, I'd love that as well. Good stuff. Making sure that the three banings can clear five mines at the same time. Possibly the only way you can still lose. You're up 40 supply currently against a player without any real splash damage, except a couple of banings. You have 13 mines. This should be theoretically impossible to lose at this point. I actually do believe this is impossible. impossible to lose. Oh, here come the bains I was talking about. Look at that. Now, he required three bains and a couple of hydras to clear five mines. Maybe stim two more times to get your army nice and quick into the red one. Another stim. There we go. Beautiful. Now one more. And we're exactly where we want to be. Two bailings in this army. I like that this man knows exactly where the priority lays. There's two bailings total and he thinks it's more important the first target down the lurker then, rather than hitting the bailing that could one-shot this entire army. Very cool. These Marines have never seen battle, but they've already overdosed on opioids multiple times. Very cool as well. Ten Marines left. Okay. This has actually been one, if you don't manage to win this again, it's actually one of the biggest throws I've seen in my life. The Zerg somehow led you in because he thought that you probably had a fort base. He built five Evo chambers aggressively into a three-base all-in, while he himself was on six bases, getting triple upgrades in the main base, tacking into lurkers. If he had five banlings while he was defending, you would have died already. You don't deserve to be in this game anymore. You're in this game because the Zerg thought that you would have a fourth base, and perhaps even a fifth already as well. The reason why you're in this game is a complete misunderstanding. Okay? It's not okay. It's absolutely not okay. Seismic spine. Uh, okay, I like that. So Lurker upgrades coming in right now. And I guess this is where the game starts going poor for you, which is once again difficult to imagine that things are possible to go poor from this point on. You have 30 Marines, six marauders. Your opponent has 11 hydras. If you would attack at this point, I think even with your eyes closed, you'd be able to win and without using Stim. Now, this changes once the Lurker comes out, which means that you'll need to switch up. this the current play style because so far it looks like you have been playing especially in the fights with your eyes closed and i guess not without stim because you've been stimming a little bit too much but if you just actually move across the map i don't think there's any way that you lose now there's another trick and this is a an advanced concept so if you're below diamond just close your ears But this is that you can split your army into multiple groups. So imagine your opponent has one base well fortified with tanks or lurkers, siege units, or with a planetary fortress or cannons, that type of stuff. You can with the other half of your army try to poke holes on the other side. You don't always need to have your entire army in a giant ball. Now this is kind of confusing for people and I understand that this can be confusing for you as well but just try it you just split the metaphax in half you split the infantry in half and you send one half to this side and the other half you don't even really need to use you don't need to use them at the same time just have them split and then you micro one half of your army and the other half is just defending if you see your opponent's army arriving where your half of the army is, you move that army back and you go forward with the other half of your army. That way you only need to control one half of your army at a time, but you're still forcing your opponent to split as well. And defensive split in often is harder than aggressive splitting. Now here a couple of lurkers are attacking your orbital command. Now this fight only took 15 seconds. So I completely understand why you decided not to lift this command center. It probably went a bit too fast for you there. It's like not sure whether to lift or whether to, you know, let it sit there and tank three damage from the lurkers. It's not like it was a planetary. It was a command center. There would have been no downside whatsoever to, yeah, to taking it out. But instead, I think you decided to take out some rocks during that moment. But it's completely fine because you have plenty of money to spend, right? Right. Also, that commands center definitely wasn't important because you're running out of minerals. Right. Right. Yeah, a little bit painful. Also lacking a complete lack of scans. You're losing this base as you're kind of caught out of position. To be fair, the Zurg also caught me out of position. I didn't see this coming. Now, there is a trick here, which is the sensor tower, which basically provides you with free map hack. It sees any unit that is moving towards you. it gives a little exclamation mark it's absolutely great I also want to just I want to check something real fast from your thing over the next five minutes I kill five hatcheries and take favorable trades the entire time being up 50 to 70 supply the entire time I'm not sure if this is this time but you have been up for 50 to 70 supply for the past three minutes already you just haven't used that advantage okay it makes absolutely no sense this is like if the US had won the space race against Russia or well they would have been they they built the first rocket that could go to the moon like five years before them but rather than actually getting it to the moon they decided to just leave it on the ground for another 12 years that's kind of what happened in the past three minutes okay you had the win all you needed to do was actually go to the moon or in this case move to the other side of the map how many mines 12 mines another quick tip here is that mines aren't as useful anymore against lurkers often. You can use them to mainly against stuff like run bys and to hold chokes, you know, or well, hold choke. As a surprise in a choke, like 20 lings go by or lurkers. Don't do that, please. Oh, he doesn't have a separate control group for Ghost, does he? I'm not sure if he has a separate control group for them or not. Oh? He scans forward, sees that there's an overseer, decides to go in, two snipes go off, and he loses all of his energy on the ghost. This is the type of decision-making that I tune in for my friends. Now he realizes, wait a second, if he has all of his lurkers over here, maybe there's nothing somewhere else at the same time getting run by. If he doesn't live this base, thank the Lord, if he would have lost another command center at the fifth to a no anti-air run by, I would have been extremely upset. Now, the same concept from earlier, by the way, still counts. You're still allowed to split up your army, especially just a part of the bio at this point, with three meta facts. You put a mine over here, mine over here, mine over here, and you start clearing creep with the bio army. You use the ghost defensively for when lurkers try to move in. You can snip them. You have a very nice ghost count. You have 19 ghosts against four lurkers. I'm not even quite sure how you're not just straight up killing him. Like, you can literally scan, queue up 35 snip. And if your snipes doesn't go off, you actually get the energy back. This is one of the craziest things in all of Stark. It's just EMP a lurker? Like, that EMP was so late. I think I actually hit a viper, but I'm not even sure if that could be considered an EMP targeted at the viper. Okay, you just killed every single lurker. You didn't even snip them. Stim? Blinding clouds? Okay. Snipes? Snipes? No, not necessary. So you win this fight again. a complete free win of a fight problem is this these seven lings have actually destroyed everything at your home but once again this was a very good fight every fight by the way or in general most fights have been very favourable for the Terran I just really like to point that out that the Terran was complaining about the fact that lurkers were too strong but so far not a single fight with lurkers was actually that bad unless you count walking 30 Marines into four lurkers, but that wasn't a fight. He just accidentally walked into a lurker. That's like saying that magma is too strong because your neighbor walked into a volcano accident. It's like, I'm not quite sure if we'd count that. Nice. Yeah, another very fruitful fight. And for the second time this game, you're absolute light years ahead because your opponent doesn't have any larva. You do take out another lurker then, very nice. Spawning pool gets taken out as well. And now what's very important is the speed at which you do things. So you want to be killing either buildings or drones, just making sure that you're really pushing your lead. You know, last time I think you took quite a while at times to get things going. At the same time, you can also, of course, increase your own position of power in this game. By, for example, rather than having 33 workers at one base, you can split the workers up, half over here, half on the other base. Nice to imp. It actually was a good EMP. It had like two, three of the vipers. Stim forward. Might want to use snipes. It is allowed. It is allowed to use snipes against things that aren't lurkers either. With a sniper, you can clear the hydras real fast. You can trust me on that. You can also kill vipers with it. Resources lost. Terran is up 16K. Well, the bigger number is with the Zerg. By about 16,000. It's a big deal. It's a very big deal. 1.23 supply against 96. For some weird reason, Paladin still isn't mining more than his opponent. Well, it's not a weird reason. It's because he's mining with 33 workers currently at four mineral patches. He still has this base completely open. He has an orbital in the main that he can lift to this base. So there's a lot of options. But needless to say, he's very busy controlling this army. Still not clearing creep, by the way. It's been on the map for the past five minutes. He has cleared 61 at this. point in total. So a little bit more than earlier. He started the cleaning process. I wonder if he's ever going to snipe any hydras or if he just doesn't believe in it. That's also possible. Drops the mules. He is aware that he has a base over here. Drops the mules there, but decides to not use anything else. You would reckon that if someone is so keen on not doing any macro or any good economic actions that he would have very good micro or at least would be focusing his entire attention on the micro. but instead he's just chasing a laser like he's a cat over there. Look at these hydras. These hydras are just baiting him to chase him. On the creep. Look at this. This Zerg is... I don't understand why the Zerg is losing so hard, by the way. It feels like the Zerg has been outplaying the terror in the entire game. There were a lot of bad fights. Well, I guess it was just a couple of times... This is the sickest run by I've seen in my life. That's actually really cool. Now we see some snipes. Okay, solid stuff. I guess the first fight was really bad for the Zerker. and after that there just wasn't enough lurkers. But the ghost, honestly, I've been training so well. I find it very weird that a Terran dares complaining after having this type of traits the entire time. Okay, this is the point I guess he was talking about. So right now, we're actually in a position. Just let's take in this information, okay? We currently have a Terran that should be outmining his opponent if he properly saturates these bases. who has 12 ghost which can snipe, basically any Zerg units, multiple times. There's four metaphics, 34 Marines and four marauders. And the Zerg has a single viper without energy, two lings, zero queens, and two lurkers in production. Now, I think you'd actually need to try to lose this game. I really do believe that if you would blindly aim off across the map, and you'd have a raven with this army, I think you would actually win. Your planetary is safe, you're mining from there for a while longer. If you just ice closed and you move on the map a couple of times, I think you could go, you know, make dinner for the night. You'd come back in 12 minutes and you'd see the victory screen. I am impressed that it isn't quite happening. Okay, there's no base over here. hasn't scouted this base yet knows that there was a base over here at some point most of the time that also means that there's a base here but he hasn't quite discovered it yet in the fog of war okay two lurkers get taken out pretty efficient trade i don't think he lost too much there there's also no why's he going to the main and he cleared all the tech in the main like five years ago already I guess he can go again take out the hive ultra cavern hydra then guess it's not too bad Still feel like this should be absolutely impossible to lose. He's up 60 supply. Okay. There's four lurkers here. The reinforcements are getting taken out. Good scan here. Very nice scan. He sees that the lurkers are there after losing eight units. He's like, oh, okay, let me just scan now. This is actually controlling the unit as well, okay? Okay. The Lurker has an attack that goes in a line. So unlike with most weapons, if you're standing behind someone and, you know, the person in front of you get shot, you're kind of safe behind that person. with the lurker that is very different. The lurker actually attacks in a line and it doesn't get stopped by the first person. So rather than moving into it in a line, what you want to do is you want to spread out your units. In StarCraft 2 we call that a concave. I'd want your units to be in a concave. That way, you wouldn't lose, well, what is this? Six ghost, four or five marauders and a bunch of marines to four lurkers. Oh my God, that last shot. Okay, you lost like 15 Marines or 20 Marines maybe even to four lurkers. Yeah, with this type of trading, these four lurkers are going to be really scary. Luckily, they're split up. So if at some point you decide to finally clear this base, you might actually be fine. Also, you're still mining from the same four patches that you have been since minute 19. Now we see a lift on the orbital, absolutely beautiful. Start sending it over here. Okay, I like that move a lot. I think that's genuinely a good move. I don't understand how it's possible that if all you're doing is paying attention to your army, that you lose a ghost to two hydras. Can't you pull it back if you see it's getting killed? Overlord's going to get pushed back here a little bit as well. Still have this base mining. I don't think he's in. He must be wondering right now what's going on. It's like, why am I? Why is he not getting revealed? Is it possible that perhaps this piece of fog of war that I haven't seen yet, that there's a base over there? Might that just be the case? Yes, that might just be the case. That actually might just be the case. These minds, I think, just managed to kill a lurker, by the way, maybe even two lurkers. Very cool. Currently, there is three lurkers, two hydras, two lings against six Ghost, six Metavax, eight ghosts, six Metafax and five marauders. Now, just with snipes alone, you will win this fight. percent of time. Why would you scan? What? You have a single orbital command and you scan an area. Why wouldn't you just send a single marine to check first? This makes no sense. Now a Raven is actually a very good call, by the way, because you're out of, oh, you have a second orbital as well. Is he not in a hurry? What are you even doing? Okay, the single marine is checking over here. There's a base here again. I wonder if he's mining anywhere else. It is just impressive. I really find it, I just don't understand. Like, what are you doing at this point? Is he looking for lurkers underground or something? Okay, send one unit forward. Don't scan. Don't scan ahead of you. Just send one unit forward. Or wait for the raven. Okay, solid. Good. Here we go. Okay, base gets taken out. This Zerg is quite quick, by the way. You just pulled away the workers in time, I think. Yeah. Very cool. This jerk has so many good moves, but yet he's losing. Very interesting. This is a bunch of money in the bank now at least. Okay, so this base gets taken out. Now, surely we can't break this, right? Hello? Nine ghost. Three lurkers. Five lurkers. Six Marauders. Five Ultras. Ultras might be a bit of an issue at this point. There's no Kytinus plating yet though. So, and no anabolic synthesis. So these Ultras aren't going to be brilliant. Watch this army F2 into this, by the way. Still at this point, this base completely unscouted. Okay, here we go. Snipe, snipe, snipe, snipe, snipe, just sniping, snipe from a distance. If you queue up six snipes on these lurkers, you'll get it. Come on. He also knows that there's a base over here, by the way. Once again, this concept called splitting the army could be of major user. Just sending a double drop towards this side with like three marauders and like 10 Marines and two medevacs would be fantastic. Allows you to defend this middle area so you don't have to be afraid of dying. And also allows you to keep pressure on two sides at the same time. With that army, you would be capable. of killing anything here on the right side, except maybe four lurkers, because I've seen how you micro against four lurkers. This army is moving out. You're at home. Oh, actually respond in time. Second Raven is out as well. I like it. Actually, don't mind the second raven here. Ghost snipes, more snipes, more snipes. We need more snipes. He moved commands his entire army into it while sniping. Oh man, one day someone's going to explain them about using a second control group. Look at this! This actually was way better of a fight. Just uses snipe from a distance, still loses four ghosts, doesn't stim, because the ghost is in front of the marina marauder. You need to use the tab here. He actually hasn't stimmed ever since he built ghosts. Now he stims because the ghosts weren't in his control group yet. This is absolutely fantastic. It is difficult to believe that this is an actual person playing. It really is. These ravens, auto turrets, I like that. Why is he controlling these ravens so well? But why can't he control the ghost just as well? Like he was moving it back, microwing it away from the spore. I really did not expect. No, not what? No, don't throw down every single turret you have. It was a single spine. You can use these later on. Okay, we agree. I think theoretically we're still winning. Now of course, if we would have stopped this base from mining it any, this base. base, I'd just like to show you guys. This base, according to the Terran, doesn't exist yet, but in reality has been completely mined out. I didn't even know it was possible to be this unaware of anything. It is very impressive. Really, really impressive. One day I hope to achieve this level of ignorance of the world around me. Life must be so easy. Holy crap. Okay, these orbital commands have a bunch of energy. So even if these ravens go down, we still have a chance. Our ghost count once again is up to five, but now the lurker count is actually rising. This is scary. Okay. Yeah, nice in a line, very smart. Good, yeah, clamp them up. Solid. Run out of the scan. Very annoying. Okay, here comes the scan. Oh! I tell you, this Zerg is actually pretty sick. The circus is really quite fast. Oh, and how many kills does this lurker still get? This was a lone lurker. How can a lone lurker get 13 kills? I don't even understand how that's possible. You could have just sniped it with three ghosts and it would have been fine again. Maybe he doesn't have a hotkey for a snipe and he needs to click it with the mouse. They would explain the speed of him. I feel like it's the fourth hive that we're seeing. Okay, the third hive. How many lurker then says he lost? He lost four lurker dens as well. Is he going to rebuild it? No, still he already has one. This is the fifth lurker than, the fifth higher than? How many M-station pits? Oh, he only lost one. God. Honestly, he should have built every building here. This Terra never would have found it. This is the one piece of the map he doesn't want to go to. He's heard stories about it. Rumor on the street is that there's millions of lurkers waiting for you there. So I won't go. Oh, two lurkers, two lurkers? Why build the Ravens? if you're not going to use them for the detection. I mean, he clears it, but even that wasn't too efficient, you know? This type of fight, okay, okay, okay, here, we completely oversee the situation of what is here, okay? This is super clear what is going on. Now, we have multiple solutions to this problem. The first solution to this problem would be, I was going to say maybe you can cloak because there's nothing there, but there might not be the case. The first solution, which would be the easiest, is you see this lurker is exposed, so you just snip it from the high ground. That is your first lurker. The second lurker also is in a great spot. You can also snip it. Then you can move part of your army behind this mineral line, forcing the lurkers to unburrow. Once that happens, we snip those as well. Okay? That is the game plan as I see it. Now let's take a look at what Paladin has for a game plan. Okay. Snipes, the lurker from the high ground gets it. The hydras show up. We lose all the ravens. And we lose the rest. Not entirely the same as I had imagined it. There are also no mines with this army. It might have been helpful, these five mines, stopping this type of move. Yeah. Um, good lord. Well, there was actually a very painful end. I'm not even sure if he was 100% dead over here. Ah, he was losing the mules. Still feel like it's playable, no? Two orbitals. If you can get it. I mean, theoretically it would have been playable. We know that Pallelin wouldn't have won it, especially not after that load up. All right. That's just, I'm just going to have to look at your crap a little bit again. He said the Zerg has too many units. And unlike the Zerg, I don't have an imbalance unit to counter the encrouching Zerg army. You actually have a siege unit. It's called a siege tank. The word siege is in the name of the unit. It helps massively at defending against encroaching Zerg armies. It helps massively holding positions aggressively. It helps massively covering for your ghost as well. You have a liberate. Have you even built liberators? Oh, you build liberators in the midgame, but you kept just move commanding them into your opponent's army straight up. So it doesn't really count. The only unit that you actually built, that was the counter to the lurker, was the ghost, but you just continuously move commanding them with your bio army as well. Your snipes were kind of late. I actually felt like you absolutely had this game as well, which makes it even worse. Like, the unit lost in the end is still 13K in your favor. You just got completely outmined by this one bottom right side base, which you never saw. So really to kind of summarize it, your micro was absolutely terrible. You have a single control group, which you always use, either F2 or a single control group. Whenever there's ghost in your army, you can't stim. Whatever you have liberators, they fly into your opponent's hydra force because you can't push them back. Only when they're sieged up, are the units not move commanding into your opponent's army. You lost an entire army close to your fifth base, or what was once your fifth base, trying to move into a lurker position. That was absolutely terrible as well. Yeah, there's no stimming. So for the micro, you get a big fat thumbs down. For your army composition, well, no tanks whatsoever. You had liberators. Did you have lip range though? No, you didn't have liber range either. Technically, it's possible to play with the army comp that you did, but not with your micro. So for you, I'd say the army comp is fine, but in the future, I'd recommend tanks and more liberators. Units that siege up, so you don't really have to control them anymore once they're sieged up. They can fire automatically. That's probably why you enjoy building widow mines as much as well. Now for the final one is your in-game decision-making and your army splits which were absolutely non-existent. You always had a massive ball of an army. You never once multitasked. You did two drops at the start but you only did that because your entire army could fit in the drops. You never multitasked. You never had a secondary attack going. Always came from one side. Your rotations were extremely obvious. You put it all together. And I think it's pretty clear that the lurker isn't the problem but your mediocre brain and execution are. And thus, my friend, it is you who sucks. And not the lurker that is imbalanced. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? I hope you did enjoy this relatively long episode. Thanks all so much for watching. Be sure to send in your own I-O disforms from the description down below. Use the Google sheet that we have attached to it. Hopefully I'll see all of you for a new video. Thank you. And bye-bye. The |
A Truly DEVASTATING And UPSETTING One... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | The Battle.net Forums can be a magical place that bends rules and reality. Can today's suspect still manage to win this unbeatable matchup? Smash like to help him out! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zJCJNRg_Kq0/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | zJCJNRg_Kq0 | Hello, Mr. Harstam. Here's a new complaint about Terran. This race is so stupid broken with mules and BCs. The fact that BCs can jump all over the map without having vision there, not like warping units with toss or put down a Nidus worm, is just broken. Even that you can't attack them while jumping in, like you can at warpins or upcoming Nidus. I know that my early game was less than mediocre and my response was rather bad. I managed to deflect the first incoming BCs and counterattack. I get the Terran down to zero workers, but Mules saved him the day. I don't want to complain about imbalance in general, because I know that BCs can be deft in several ways, but in lower ELO it's close to impossible. My queens were on two-two upgrades while Terran stuck at zero-zero, but still no way to get him out of my match. To talk about Yamato is unnecessary. OS, Queens, without even having the option to transfuse them back, is for sure not broken, I guess. I guess this is sarcasm. So, Captain, is it Imba or do I suck? Best wishes, GST 82. Race Zerg, League Diamond, MMR 3.5K on the European server. The main complaint seems to be battle cruisers. He thinks that Yamato's are a bit of a joke as well. and I think there's something about mules in there too. The Yamato bit was great. I like that this is the Zerg privilege that they have, you know, is that they want every unit to be capable to live forever with the help of strength shoes. I think it's completely fine that there are things that die in one shot. If there's anything that should die in one shot against a freaking sick supply unit that cost 400 minerals and 300 gas, I think the queen is definitely a unit that should die. It is a two-supply unit that requires nothing but a spawning pool and costs 150 minerals. I always find it absolutely insane that Zerkes dare complaining about something that kills Queen too fast. Queens have infinite HP. They have the ability to heal one another. You get them as a macro mechanic. And on top of that, they're basically free as well and they cost no gas. Like it is... And then you complain that a freaking capital ship, literally the most... expensive unit for all of Terran, one of the most expensive units in the game, is capable of having a spell that he can use once every minute and he can one shot your two supply tier minus one, 150 mineral two supply unit. Yeah, I think that is actually fine. And that's the way we start today. But let's not be too harsh here on Gxt. We haven't seen the game yet. Maybe he will show us something that will make me believe that the teleportation of the battle cruiser is too powerful, or that Zerg just doesn't have enough tools to quite deal with the battlecruiser. That, of course, is very possible. 19 workers to start with, all on minerals. We don't have a single gas being taken yet, which is a little bit surprising, because this is just oversaturation in the main base, and as your natural isn't done, it's just better to mine from your gas. It's more optimal to mine from a single gas right now, and have to catch that up later, yep, with two gases like right here. It's going to cost you two drones. And then, yeah, your speed is probably going to be delayed. And I don't even think it's that much better with minerals because you're mainly just oversaturated in your main base at the point that you want to play off a single gas anyway. So this early game is, as he said, less than mediocre. It is quite bad. I usually kind of judge it by what the standard is and how well you follow it. I feel like this guy invented his own build order and then also executed his own build order pretty poorly, which is of course possible. You can make an invention and then also execute that invention poorly. Like technically if you would play some type of two gas, I would probably pull out of gas too at this point to only have four mining, but it's just not that great of a build. It's just a bad invention perhaps. That might just be the issue. It's floating a fair amount of money as well. No third hatchery yet. Meanwhile at the Terran's base we have, what is this, a barracks producing marines, a starport coming down, two gas already mining. It looks pretty standard, except for the fact that there's two marines. So it was Reaper into reactor, which is kind of non-standard. This Zerg hasn't built a single unit, by the way, yet. I'll see this again. Is he not aware that there's Reaper walls? I think that's actually what's the case here. So look at this. He's not paying attention whatsoever to his main base. He thinks that the perfect way to keep the Reaper out is by just walling the front and keeping the Queen in the wall, not realizing that there's a Reaper pathway here and that there's a Reaper pathway here. Look at kind of the surprise on this Queen's face. We're just going to imagine a face on this Queen, okay? Just wait, once this Reaper jumps down, he's in the wall. He's like, ha, base secure, and it's like, what? Where did this bad boy come from? then he still needs to move there this is like a ZVZ build almost well this is actually just practically a ZVZ build like a two base roach opener in TvZ or like a two base NIDAS where you put down two evos but even then the second Evo slightly later than it is over here so even for ZVZ this wouldn't be the correct build also with ZVZ you actually open up with a single gas and not with double gas queen count is well it's at two now he's building three overlords speed N11 his build is all over the place honestly like there are some things it really just feels like he's making a cocktail of everything he's seen in the past in like different games but he doesn't really seem to care about matchup he's like oh I know that speed is good for my lings because I needed to deal with Helians then he's getting double upgrades because that's what you do when you play a 1-1 roach timing against Terran but usually do it of 3 basis or well you always do that off three bases now he's building some safety roaches i'm honestly shocked that he's up 14 workers um probably mainly because his opponent is not doing much of anything either when it comes to the worker production his opponent is mainly focusing on getting starports out at this moment and gathering a lot of gas i guess for well potential bc's but for now it's just going to be benches no scouting has really occurred yet from the Zerg side either the Zerg is aware however um four minutes and four 40 seconds into the game that there's two depots on the side of the Terran. So, yeah, it's a lot of information right now. Two depots, that's for sure. Nothing else. I also saw two helions already. You have some roaches in production. Three more overlords. He's really just moving from supply block into supply block and then adding three more overlords. I think he got supply block at 36, built three overlords. Now a supply block at 60 is building three overlords. I wonder what the next step is going to be. I guess 84 and then three more. No, he's preempting it by building two extra overlords right now. Not quite necessary, but I guess you'd rather anticipate your future mistakes than fall into the same traps once again. So I can't really complain too much about that. 1-1 is going to finish up. Now, usually this is a really cool concept, which most of you will be kind of familiar with, but perhaps Gxte 82 isn't quite, and that is the timing attack or upgrade timings. Generally, when you are doing some type of upgrade, you're either using it for a defensive timing or for an aggressive timing or to just get a big advantage later on in the game. So he rushed out these Evo chambers, cutting a lot into his own economy, the latest third base. And then the question is, what is you going to do with that? And he's actually going to go for a timing push. And even though this push by its, well, okay, he's just going to go home. Even though this push, I was going to say, by itself, isn't that impressive and doesn't look very powerful, I like the fact that he still has the idea that, hey, I got some upgrades and now I want to use them. So even though I think everything about this build order so far has really been bad, like the optimization of this build order is terrible, the idea behind. the build order is terrible, the execution is bad. I like that at least the general concept of getting something and using it is there. I much prefer that over some people that just rush out upgrades and then never use them, or don't appreciate that advantage or don't appreciate how much they need to cut in order to get those quick upgrades. So I do like that he's moving out with this, even though it's not a very good push. Two Banshees are on this side of the map. There's no real detection. There is no anti-air either. Now, these Banshees are hitting almost a minute and a half late already, so I'm actually impressed that he managed to survive up to 3.5K MMR in Diamond without having any type of anti-air or any type of detection until the 7-minute mark. As these Banshees now start flying back, still didn't build a spore in the main base. It's getting a macro hatch in the main base, though. I'm not for sure how it's possible that you can spend your money off, of, what was it, 40 workers while you have a third base and you're playing two-base roadshald in. The income really isn't that high. You're going to have plenty of larva. I'm not sure what the macro hatch is for, but I guess everyone macros differently. So he kills every single last worker at this point. So this is kind of what he alluded to in his imbalance form as all, right? He said, I get the tarant down to zero workers, but then the mules are just a bit too powerful. When you say something like that, it sounds really cool, but often it isn't just the mules, but also what's left over, right? And in this case, for the Tarrant, there's two battlecruisers and two banshees left over. Like, this isn't necessarily eco in itself, but it forces a response out of the Zerg and it's going to deal damage. So you can't just say, well, I was up 30 workers. Like, if I, if I all in a Tarrant player and I lose 50 army, supply, but I kill 35 workers, and then I complained that I lost because I didn't kill a single army unit. Everyone will look at it. I go like, well, that makes absolutely no sense. It's kind of the same here. Like, you need to still have defensive preparations for the counterattack. The counterattack often is the thing that you die against if you're doing some type of heavy pressure roll in. In this case, there's going to be freaking, oh, I think three battle, did one die? No, three battle cruisers total. So yeah. And with your math, you're just going to need a lot of anti-air. Now, a good tool against the battle cruiser is, well, actually, Neuroparasite is a decent tool. So getting the infestation pit actually makes some type of sense, especially if you're very low eco. I don't mind it too much. But of course, the spire also is very good. Getting corruptors against battle cruisers, yeah, that's brilliant. You get, what, 14, 15 corruptors, and boom, battle cruisers all of a sudden aren't all that useful anymore. They will still get a corruptor every single time they move in, but then they need to teleport out or they'll lose the fight. because battle cruisers don't actually fight as well against corruptors. However, if you're constantly fighting with queens away from spores and not even with your entire queen count, what's going to happen is you're just going to bleed out queen after queen after queen over time. You never get a very good queen count. And also, you're not going to get a big enough army to truly kill this. You need something to get these battle cruisers away from your side of the map. And while queens are good at defending, they can't really, force a unit away. The only unit that can really do that for the Zerg is indeed the Corruptor or a counterattack. If he would have built rather than 16 drones when he was being attacked by the two BCC's and the one bench, he would have built like 10 lings and 10 drones. He could he would have been able to keep the air units at home for a long time because there was nothing defending on the ground, which means even a very small amount of lings could have denied the mules from mining a lot and could have also denied the SEVs from mining, maybe forced them all to go to this base, which does have a planetary, but then you don't have any SCV production from that base, because, you know, don't work like that. Hydra then's being built. So the Hydra then in this case is kind of similar to the Queen in a way. I don't mind the Hydra as much if it's done in combination with the Viber. Obviously, it is not the correct unit here. Like, theory-wise, if we would ask any high level Zerg, they would tell this player right now, hey, buddy, we're going to need to get some type of corruptor to deal with this. It's just a fact, like, there's, you know, there's freaking battlecruiser out. We're going to need corruptors. It's just, it is what it is, you know? I've spoken with a lot of zergs in my time, and I can't remember a single time where a Serk told me that it's a very wise idea to move across the map against double port battlecruiser with pure queens. Now, I haven't discussed this scenario a lot either. Maybe once or twice it came up. But I don't think they ever said, hey, Kevin, you know what? I really do believe that marching across the map of creep with a queen count of what is this, 10, somewhere around 10, they do have 2-2 upgrades. I've never heard of the 2-2-10 queen push against 4 battle cruisers. Because even though the upgrades sounds really cool, let's not forget that this is a tier one unit that costs two supply and there's 150 minerals while he's fighting against capital ships that cost 400 300 and have an ability that can delete one of the queens instantly so technically this is a six versus four fight because you get to delete four queens for free and then all of a sudden you're like hey wait a second this is freaking 24 supply of the of the of the of the of the of the of the taring capital ship And this is what? 12 supply of a tier one unit of the Zerg. And it's not even in its element, you know? It's off creep where it's worse because it can't kite, can't do anything. Kind of predictably, the queen is going to lose this battle. And the response here is actually going to go to be to go into hydras. This just doesn't make a lot of sense. You're losing your initial attack with pure queen. And after your attack fails, you start moving out with the rest of your. army. There is actually another thing that is kind of interesting here and I kind of want to go back to this fight for that. So this fight, even though it was not a good fight to take, took a very long time, an extremely long time. This fight took almost, what, 30, 35 seconds. Imagine if this ground army was with it, not to attack the battle cruisers because lings and roaches obviously can't attack battle cruisers, but just to clear anything on the ground, either, whether that's depots, SUVs, trying to deny some type of production. That would have just been really helpful and maybe even kind of get the attention away from the queens. Then the terror needs to make decisions like, hey, do I defend my SUVs or do I kill the queens? And most of the times they're going to try to defend the SUVs. In that case, your queens are still going to be useless because they're off creep. But that's a story for another time. Hey guys, quick intermission here to tell you the full story that just happened. Some of you might have seen it on the mini map. He actually did push out with his whole army initially. He had the zerglings on the left side, he had his roaches and ravages on the right side, and the queens were kind of wandering around the rock or something, but then the unthinkable happened. A single reaper poked into the third and started to attack the hatchery. But of course, this was immediately answered with an F2 back home to deal with this insane threat. And since queens are not included in the F2 command, since it would kind of mess up all your macro cycles if you pulled all your queens away from your hatcheries, they were kind of left alone at the front to die. That's the story. Back to you, Kevin. This fight takes a very long time. I just don't think it was a good move. Honestly, before this, I think the game looked pretty good. During all of this, let's not forget, the Tern kind of SEVed up, worker up, droned up, SIVed up all the way to 60. So right now this started with a regular all-in. Now it's like some type of super all-in. And there's still no real answer to the battle cruisers. All of these are kind of soft answers to the battle cruisers. Like they might deal with them if you have enough hydras and there's not enough PCs, but it's not really a counter like the corruptor is. If you would introduce vipers in the mix or maybe even investors for neurons, I could kind of see it. Once again, I'm being pretty generous to the Zerg here because I really do believe that corruptor is just the best answer. Thrones are going on a trip to... top side. Not quite sure what they're going to be doing there. Interesting. Did he just kill a B.C. I killed two BCs already total. Yeah, I can't really fight this properly. It is quite tricky at least. Just kind of get kited. And I think we've had this in a previous I-O-this as well, where I think back then it was with Voidrays, where the void rays would just pop in between this area and this area. And then the Hydras need to run around. That's kind of what I mean. The queens and the Hydras have a similar characteristic there where they can't. really catch anything. There's no catch on it, you know. Even with stalkers, it's slightly better because you have blink. Now, they accidentally do get one B.C. But it's still, yeah, it's still not great. There's the infestation pit already, so I'm really surprised we're not seeing any higher tech, no high for potential vipers. Because in reality, this army still just kind of sucks. I mean, it really does consist of four battle cruisers. There's a lot of money in the bank for the Terran. There's a decent amount of workers, but... I actually believe with Vipers he would be capable of winning this. I mean, there's still two-two upgrades against only plus one. If you get in decent range where you can just pick them off one by one, I do believe that kind of should be fine. The priorities of the Zurg lay somewhere else, though, and that's with these rocks. The scouting has been just very mediocre as well the entire game through. I mean, he's just not aware of anything. In his mind, I guess he's still being outproduced by mass. Mess Battlecru, there's a couple of Thor's on the way, which also incorrect out of the Terran. Obviously, it should be tanks. If you're building Mass.BC and your opponent is spamming ground units. If you get five, six tanks out, the game is just going to be absolutely over. Now there's banlings being morphed, and this is just kind of a nonsensical decision. It's going to be to attack the planetary, but you always kind of have to wonder what the goal is here. So we're just going to pass right at this moment, okay? So what actually is the goal right now for the Zerg player? You would say, if you look at this army, is to bust this planetary and then go back home. This, however, only makes sense if you have a very large economy yourself, just an extremely large economy. Because in that case, you can waste resources to destroy your opponent's economy, then take slightly inefficient trades, but because you're outmining your opponent so much, eventually their supply will keep going lower and lower while you stay maxed because, you know, you have so much money so you can reproduce the units quickly. That is a valid Zerg strategy. In this case, however, we have an army and an eco that is not capable of doing that. We have less workers, less bases than our opponent, and part of the workers have been idling over here. Let's just kind of pay attention that he was too lazy to walk back home. And instead, he just decided to build a new hatchery over here. Rather than sending these drones home to just mine, he just built a hatchery here. This is the type of panic thinking that I need in my life as well. Absolutely beautiful stuff. But yeah, this is an army that wants to win a single fight because he's completely all in. So what would be the correct call here is perhaps to not spend too many resources into blowing up this planetary, but circumventing the planetary by, and this is kind of a revolutionary concept, I understand that, by running around it, going towards the left side, just walking up this ramp. That way you don't have to deal with the planetary and all this money can be spent in more hydras or whatever else you want. If you're all-inning like this, it might actually be a wise call to also take the queens with you. Because in this case, yeah, if the only thing that you really do care about is a single fight, go wild. You have 22 larva at home anyway. Might as well start moving out. I wouldn't have minded it at least. It would have made life a little bit harder against this battle cruiser teleport, but at the same time it would have made this army a lot more tanky. Good target fire here out of the Zerg takes out a lot of these Thor's basically immediately. Not the greatest micro right now. I would love to see a couple of spores being built. There's a lot of spores in the main base. All queens should kind of gather together as well. Hydra should be rallied at home. This is obviously a useless attack. I can't believe this hatchery, by the way, is actually going to pay off. Or well, if he starts mining from it. But technically, it could start paying off just because he panicked below. It's all that makes me sad and happy at the same time. Tours are still being blasted here. The army is semi-split and also partially dead. These Tours are going to survive. The battle cruisers over here are just going... What has he been doing for the past? I just want to go back for a second. Just want to see what he was up to. What is he looking at? So he's looking at his army. He sees the roaches dying right now. Doesn't pull back the roaches. Instead just A-moves again with the Hydra Lisk. He's one Hydra to attack the depot. Now he starts targeting. Okay. So all he's focusing on right now is this fight. Now he goes over here, sees the Hydras. There's actually something that I would like to tell you guys. And I know that a lot of you probably don't know this yet. Because I see this a lot in the replays. But if you aim off the same spot 20 times, your units don't actually start attacking quicker. Or if you right click a factory four times, they don't actually fight quicker. Even if your camera is not on your units, they will still do the work, even when you're not looking. I know for a lot of you middle management managers, this will be an absolutely insane concept that people do work when others. when others aren't watching, but the hydras will continue attacking the factory if you're not looking over them. And that allows you to organize parts of your organization that actually do require some attention. For example, like putting these hydras into a safe environment near the spores, or moving the spores from the main base into the natural or collecting all the queens together, sending them into the natural as well to defend that, or sending the drones that are currently not mining in the main base around going to your hidden. base that you build in a moment of well brilliance and confusion and a mixture between the two. But I'm glad you click the factory 12 more times made. I'm sure they had a big impact this game. I'm not quite sure what I think of these hydras trying to target down as many SEVs as they could. I actually do believe they might have been able to kill that Thor if they would have gone for it immediately. But it's hard to say and we'll never know because I can't be bothered to figure it out. These better cruisers are going to teleport back home. And I think at this point we're going to see a ZERP that is on, as we call it, on some massive copium. He's down to supply, sorry, 20 supply, two in worker supply. He's fighting with six hydras against four battle cruisers. I'm not quite sure if he knows that there's three queens in the main base. So I don't think so. They have 200 energy after all. In order to get 200 energy on a unit, you must not have touched it in the base. past what, 20 minutes or so. Heider's going to move across the map. I still like the optimism, though. You know, he has a hidden base. Sometimes, what is it they say against? Ignorance is bliss. And in this case, that's really true because he still believes he has a chance. He's not aware whatsoever of this planetary here. Probably due to the insane lack of scouting. Walked into a couple of hellbeds. The four battle cruisers kind of predictably loses everything. and now I'm just curious what's going to happen. Our lone Hydra here, Han Rita Hydra, reporting back home to his superiors, telling what's happened. And as he walks home, surely in the commander's office something has to be happening. Well, nine more hydras on the way, because they've worked well. Now, once again, I don't think this is actually winnable, but if this was winnable, why would Hydras be the way to the win? Okay? So far, every single fight you fought with Hydras, what has happened is that your Hydras died and you killed nothing. Now you have less Hydras than before. You have a worse Eco than your opponent. And you know he still has a bunch of battle cruisers, you're getting Halberts and Thor's again. Investors. This is such a good low eco tool. If you can get three neurons off or four neurons off and you actually take over these battle cruisers. Like I said, I still believe you're going to be losing. I don't actually think you're winning the game. But that is your only chance. It really is just your only chance. There's nothing else that there is that you can do, except for the investor. Building more hydras obviously isn't the answer. Now, perhaps once again, in your mind, it is the answer because you don't know your opponent is mining whatsoever. But even in that case, I wouldn't really mind the investment in... In investment. I'm also really... surprised that you were just floating 800 minerals just now when absolutely nothing is happening and it's obvious that you need to spend every last mineral into units. You start chasing this army of creep once again. This is very frustrating to watch. It's also frustrating that the Terran sometimes loses a battlecruiser, kind of giving you hope. That's actually what pisses me off more, I think, is that this Terran is your enabler, you know? he's not buying the cigarettes for you but he's basically buying them for you he's giving you the money and he knows that you're going to buy cigarettes for with it you know yeah this Terran is the reason you're still smoking or well in this case getting your hydra smoked by helions battle cruisers and thor's it's really impressive by the way that you're not quite wondering where all these units are coming from every single time you pop your head in you see more units you go like ah probably just had a very big bank right there's no way he's mining from This base or this base. You probably was on three base the entire game, just like I was planning to be. Because let's be real, that was your plan. You took this as your third, and when that was under attack, you took this at your third. When you believe that was going to die, you panic build this base. No, actually, you build this base as like a semi-macro hatch. So your drones had a place to stay. Absolutely madman. Yeah. Hey, did you just reinforce with lings? 16 lings you still have gas as well it wouldn't have mattered but it just doesn't make any sense why would the lings help here it's obvious that the main threat is the battle cruiser shouldn't we be sometimes i actually think this is is completely hopeless. It's like you guys aren't even listening. I've been doing this for like, what, two years now? And every single week, I just get one of these replays. And it's, look, I don't mind if your mechanics aren't great. You can't click the buttons like 1,200 times a second. But lings against battle cruisers is just the sheer stupidity. I don't understand it. And no one can explain it to me either. And I'll ask them sometimes, and, you know, I'll ask these people like, What happened to you here? It's like, well, I don't know. I don't think I was thinking. It's like, yeah, I know. I know you weren't thinking. But then why do you send me this replay? If you weren't thinking. Like, you can look at this. I'd be so embarrassed if I did that. It's like if I really wanted to become better at playing football, you know? And I have the, Cristiano Ronaldo has a show where you can upload a video. You upload a video and you ask like, hey, I don't quite understand how to do this technique. And I want to be able to shoot a ball for more than 20 meters. And I make a video of myself. And as I start walking towards the ball, I poop myself and I slip. And then I send him that video. Like, what do you expect Ronaldo to say at that point? And I'm not saying I'm Ronaldo. This is a hypothetical, of course. Like, I just don't understand it. Who are these people that send it? I would like to know you guys. I'm just so curious who these people behind. And then he leaves without Gigi as well. As the battle cruisers find the hidden base. Yeah. I just don't know. I really just don't know what to say about this type of stuff. It's just confusing to me. It's obvious that, well, actually, I don't think you actually watch a lot of pro game. But it's obviously you have some clue about StarCraft 2. You build upgrades and stuff. You had queens. Most Zerkes that know how to build queens kind of automatically get placed into diamonds so perhaps that's what happened to you as well you figured out that there's a Holt key for Queens and you build more than six and boom 3.5K MMR and then from there and out I guess you just like your build order it was really bad okay if we're just going to go step by step your build order just just straight up sucked it really just sucked there's nothing else from me to say about it was that some two gas two queen opener double evo roach. You did a creptone of damage with your roach attack. It shouldn't have, but you did. I'm like, okay. I can live with that. You did a lot of damage with that. But everything about it still sucked. Executioning, we're floating money, the idea behind it. None of it made any sense. It was no creeps spread either, even though nothing happened in the entire game. Your third base was insanely late. You didn't scout a single time. The only thing you saw were your opponent's two depots. So you get surprised by the battlecruisers, naturally. First you get surprised by the by the Benchie. they didn't get surprised by the battle cruisers afterwards. It's like the entire world is an entire surprise because you're living with your eyes closed. And moving into the midgame, you know he has air units and PCs. Your response is initially to walk across the map with the only anti-air defense that you have, the queen. You march it across the map. You lose four of them for free against Yamato. Then you lose six of them for free because battle cruisers are better than queens. Yes, deal with it. The battle cruiser is like five times as expensive. It's three times more. supply and you need to go to like tier five to get it as a Terran yeah queens are supposed to lose that even if they don't have any upgrades on the battle cruisers that is completely fine then you followed up with hydras out of all the units that you could have built is hydras is like you watch the loco iotis with your ears and with your eyes closed and just open them halfway through you saw the hydra's like oh it seems fine let's go these loco built freaking corruptors with it at some point i much prefer the Hydra corruptor than just a pure Hydra here. You never tacked into a hive either, even though you definitely had the money for it. You had the time for it as well. And then you just continue pumping hydras, roaches. And then as the cherry on top of the massive idiotic pie, you end with 16 lings against a triple or four battle cruiser army. It's like, I feel like there's absolutely no use for you to even watch this. Because, yeah, there's no ability to learn, or there seems to be no ability to learn. And that does sad on me a little bit. The battle cruiser isn't imba, the mu isn't imba. You just suck. That's the way it is. All right. There's going to be it for me today. I'm going to need to go into a meditative state for the next four days. I'm not quite sure if I will be uploading videos then, because this run really takes it all. I can do this too much. the heart rate goes too high, the blood pressure goes up. So please, in the future, send me something a little bit better, you know? Send me like a picture of like something nice with it as well whenever you upload one of these IEO, these forms. Because this is getting too much for me. Thanks so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy it. If you did, don't forget, hit the like button, subscribe to the channel. If you think you actually found something that is truly imbalanced, don't forget to upload it in the form below. Don't send me emails. I do not open them. It says I owe this in the email. I don't look at it because they need to go to the form. I don't want my email books cluttered with I.O. this is annoying. Yeah. Smash like. Bye. |
Judging The Battle.net Forum TvP Strategy... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | The Battle.net Forums can be a magical place that bends rules and reality. Can today's suspect still manage to win this unbeatable matchup? Smash like to help him out! The Poll: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxAhBz0wag2X7mkRyJXDjB5j28TGOdqdtR If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bVeMEmv2Xy8/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | bVeMEmv2Xy8 | Dear Harsham, as a fan of your IOTIS series, I'm really sad that you can't see how Imba, Zellat Archon in Lower League TVP and Chrono Boosting to Catch Upgrades is. I am a Platin player, so no one can expect me to build Ghost or use them correctly and hit the EMPs. My beloved tanks get crushed by Zealots and Marines get evaporated by the Archons. Even when I'm ahead, six upgrades, dropping multiple bases at once, being ahead in workers at all times. I'm not able to overwhelm the Protoss and finish the game. Even if he didn't use a single storm, nor was able to split up his army to deal with drops. I know I could have built Liberators for stronger siege, but I thought, I'm so far ahead that I could break him without. Even if you may see I'm sucking there, you might take a deeper look into how fast the Protoss could catch up in upgrades if he perma cronos from zero zero to three three. The moment this upgrades kicked in, he could easily overwhelm my army. If Zelladarkon isn't Inba, chronobo boosting upgrades is definitely. Name Amandus, race, Terran, League Platinum and the server is Europe. All right, let's head into this game and see what are. good friend Amundus, who does type out good luck and fun has for us here. Kind of excited. I do have to note that I've been getting a lot of Terran replays just in general as a rule. I know that the audience mainly is going to be Protoss, so you'd expect the most replays to come from Protoss. I do believe that's true, but I always notice, of course, anecdotally. There's a creptum of Terran's complaining. Now this can be due to two reasons. One, people that whine a lot are naturally inclined to pick Terran as a race, you know, it seems to fit them well. Or if you just play a lot of Taran, you become a whiny baby. It's one of the two, and I'm not quite sure which one it is. If anyone wants to conduct a study on this, if you're a researcher at any university or some other, some type of lab, you can contact me and maybe we can work something out. why it is that Terrans tend to whine so much why do they feel so superior to the other guys the other races it's a good question also a good question is why the scout is so early but I don't really mind it I much prefer seeing people scout too early rather than seeing them scout too late and that's exactly what Amandus is doing here Sakari is the opponent is a Protoss player nice solid Protoss player who hopefully will get some type of cybernetics core. I think a good timing as well. 127, 128. For platinum, I like to see it. It gets one too many probes, but these are all details. And I know that's where the devil is, but Sakari doesn't really seem to care. Should really get a second pilot, though. All right. Reaper opener, which most likely leads into either a triple-CC opener or a factory follow-up, but because this is back at Industries, This almost certainly has to be a factory opener. Because triple CC on such a small map might actually get some risk involved. Reaper, Marine, okay, I like all of that. This is cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then it's going to be... It's a little late with the factory, but it's fine. Reaper starts moving across the map. Okay, it gets a barracks here. It is a little bit confusing to go for a two or a three rex opener and playing Weeper Marine Interreactor. And I can explain why this is confusing as well. So whenever you open with a three wrecks or a two rex, one of the main factors on deciding how successful that attack is going to be is the number of units as... is the case with most attacks, right? The reactor is such an important part of getting out as many marines as you can, that building a Reaper and a Marine pre-reactor is just really bad. We never, almost never see someone play 3 wrecks with a Reaper first. And the reason for that is because a Reaper takes, I think it's 36 seconds, which is double the time of a Marine. So a Reaper ruins two entire marine cycles. if those marine cycles were done with the reactor, that could be four marines. Adding another marine before the reactor ruins another potential one marine because that could have been two reactor Marines at the same time. So getting a Reaper and a Marine before the reactor does, lowers the amount by five Marines. And you do get a Reaper as a free bonus, but the Reaper is completely useless in the push. So technically you're just down five Marines compared to a reactor first. first and you're down four marines compared to a marine interreactor. This is obviously not good if your goal is to hit as hard and as fast as possible which you can with as many barracks units as well. It just means that your push is going to be a lot weaker. The Reaper also, not just at lower level but in general tends to not provide too much value in these situations when it comes to the scouting. We see he saw two stalkers, saw a third base timing, but no tech whatsoever so he really isn't aware of too much of what's kicking off here as armandis also is doing some interesting cuts here in his worker production i haven't quite seen that yet at the high level but maybe that's a as we call it a a bottom up trend so this is something that gets popular with the plebs and then the elite takes over it is possible that in a year from now we will see terrans make random cuts in their s cv production but it's also possible Amunders just forgot to build a couple of SEPs. He's still doing fine worker-wise because his opponent probably also forgot to build workers a couple of times. This is just what happens at the lower level, the platinum level. That's completely fine. I don't mind that too much. There is definitely some ideas going on here. We can see that Amundas had some thoughts about how to play three wrecks into eBay, that type of stuff. He's floating 350 gas at this point. So we also know that this builder isn't tight. We also can see that by the timing at which he's hitting. I mean, this type of stuff is supposed to hit at the 450-455 with a similar army. He's hitting about 30 minutes too late with this army. Still should be capable of taking out this barracks. Should be capable of taking out this nexus here. Stimms starts trying to fight with these stocks. I like how he microde that. Kind of push that army away. And now just goes for this nexus. gets this Nexus basically for free. Some reinforcements coming here from the left side as well. And if he stims those and if he restims his main army, I actually think he can make a clean escape after pushing this back. He probably can take out this immortal and then just run away. He just did a lot of damage. Look at his resources lost. 1275 against 500. This is a really bad call. There's a battery here. Okay, this was a really good trade until he started losing all of his units. He actually was up like, I think. like 800 resources or so, 700 in the resources lost, and now he's down 300. And this is something that I often see at lower levels is where people they don't understand when they need to piss off. Just leave. At some point, you need to go home and be happy with what you've done, you know? It's like the people that always stay till the end of the party. And you all know what happens at the end of the party. She either get raided by the police or you need to help cleaning up. You need to know when to leave before helping clean up at a party. It's the same with StarCraft 2. Well, in StarCraft 2, the difference is that you are the one that gets cleaned up. But here he did fantastic damage, killed a Nexus, sniped an immortal, killed like two stalkers as well. If he just would have gone home, life would have been perfect. Okay? Would have had a large bio army sitting at home. His resources lost would have been heavily in his favor by like 500 minerals. And that initial trade would have been great. Sadly, however, that isn't quite what happened, and instead he lost his entire army. Yeah, it actually ends up not being too brilliant. He's down in supply right now, which is a place you generally don't want to be, and you definitely don't want to be as a Terran against a Protoss player. Now, he still has a very large army. He's getting quick upgrades, has double e-base armory almost done, five barracks, and the last thing he scouted. Okay, yeah, no. This is very good. The last thing he scouted was a lot of stalkers. He saw an immortal, so he knows there's a robo, didn't see blink, didn't see charge. Tanks make a lot of sense against this type of composition. More so probably than mines in this case. Now, if I recall correctly, in his form, he mentioned charge lot Arcon as the main culprit of imbalance. So I'm surprised to see his opponent so far just opening up with Stalker Colossi. I actually think that Stalker Colosser, or just Colossi in general, are hard at to play against than Charged Lot Arcon. Because against Charged Lot Arcon, you just have some extremely potent tools that you don't have as easily against the Colossi. Against the Colossi, often you just need Micro, while against Chargloid Arcon mines, deal really well with Charged Lot Arcon armies. They just destroy Chargots and you don't have to control them whatsoever. You just burrow them, they sit there and they do their work. There's a cool little drop. even though nothing's happening at the same time. This drop will be capable of taking out a lot of workers. Once again, he gets a very good initial trait and then go sort of forge here. I think at this point it would be wise to have left about 10, well, 5 to 10 seconds ago. This was nice. I love that he kind of is sticking with the theme here of doing a lot of initial damage and then losing all of the units that you just did the damage with. At the same time, as well, just floating a craptown of money. if we once again kind of analyze this fight we can see that Amundus killed like, what was it, maybe 15 workers, 15, 14 workers, maybe 16, I'm not sure how many killed in the early game. Let's say 15 workers for free initially. Then he decides, okay, I can now kill two forges or go home. He takes out both the forges, then tries to drop over here and kills like one more zealot. So that initial start of the fight was really good. Then once again, he stays slightly too long. And rather than just preserving his units, he decides to keep fighting with them until they die. And this is something that a lot of Terran players at the lower level do. If they drop, they're completely committed to that drop. They never pick up. They can't imagine not letting their units die there. They die in combat. They don't get back home to heal. There's not that many metaphics here, it seems like. There's a lot of bio. Vikings helping out in this fight as well. half the army is in the back. It's not ideal, but with the one one upgrades against this largely stalker colossi army and this honestly 50 marauders is extremely powerful. So this gets completely cleaned up. And honestly the game at this point should be pretty much over. I don't think you can just push straight away. You're lacking, well, a little of HP. If you stim another time, you're going to lack even more HP. That's exactly what's happening here. Another Stim, That's an interesting one. Now here I actually have a very high level tip for Amandus, and that is that the stim lasts for 11 seconds. And some of you might not have noticed, but here in the left side is a timer as well. So if you click stim, you can then look at the timer, and you can just count with it, you know, you go like one, two, three, four, all the way up to 11, and then you press the next stim. You don't have to press stim every three seconds. It doesn't stack. Stim does not stack. I know some people do believe that, but you can only use it once at a time. Like using drugs twice isn't going to make you twice as fast. It's just going to make you feel worse. And that's exactly what's happening with these units. They are very keen on using them drugs. Then we're also lacking some health care here. We don't have any meta-vex going into Vikings instead. that. Kind of surprise that we're seeing this on the European server. This guy's just investing a lot in attacking units, not so much in taking care of its own citizens. And forcing drugs into their own population. I know a country that likes to do it as well. He has a Tor. Wait, I didn't even notice this yet. What are you doing here, Mr. Thor? I feel like he's been reading the forums or something. something like that. This is something you often see is they have absolutely no clue what to do anymore in a matchup and they go to the Bellonet forums, which is completely populated by Terrence as well. And it's like, guys, TVP is unwinnable. Does anyone have any advice? And then another guy that hasn't won a TVP in his entire life, or maybe doesn't even have the game installed, goes, I think Tours are kind of good against all of Prodals. I mean, they're tanky and they do a lot of damage, why wouldn't you just get them? And my man Amandis in his little note who goes like, check, Thor's. That's the future. He also has vehicle plating on the Thor. I'm not quite sure why he'd get that over vehicle weapons, but I guess it is what it is. Yeah, Thor's completely useless. They have no synergy with this army whatsoever. The Thor against Prodals, it's like if the police would get a 20-wheel truck and use that to start chasing pedestrians, you know, rather than just doing that in a food chase. Like you're not going to drive this string thing through alleys to catch anyone, you know? It might look cool and like you have some type of authority and has, you know, a big armor. That's nice, but super useless. This could have been ghost. And ghost here actually would have been extremely powerful. I guess currently the entire army of his opponent consists of Archons, Salads and other gateway units, which all get hard countered by the ghost. And the Vikings, I really like that he started. started building Vikings the moment all the Colossite died. And he saw earlier in a fight that his opponent's army just completely consist of Charcelot Arcon. Archon, Charcelot Arcon Immortal. Stimps forward. Snipes a Templar. Okay, now should start running away. He sees this army is way too large. There's two marauders walking across the map. There's a five unit drop in the main base at the same time. Look at a store putting in the work, huh? Oh man, that was a great investment. Zero kills on that Thor. These guys get a bit of a trade. Once again, very low. Why is this army so low the entire time? He doesn't have enough metaphax. Still has two metaphax over here. There's some army here, some army here. Just... What was this snipe? What did he just try to snipe? Did he just try to snipe a zealad? Yeah, absolutely insane fight. Look at this. You don't this snipe an immortal. I mean, this guy has like a thing called the barrier as well. The immortal is probably the worst unit to try and snipe. If there's a massive army defending it, that was a very wild play. There's still a lot of army, well actually there's almost no army. It's like 20 supply that wasn't in the fight. Then you have these two metaphacks that weren't in the fight, these bad boys weren't in the fight. This is dropping. So actually the army supply here for Amundas wasn't that large. And although he's up for upgrades, if your army is just half the size of your opponents, and they also have units that kind of counter yours, usually you're still going to end up losing. That's just a fact. I'm also pretty disappointed. Oh my God. This is not going to be a good fight for the ProDol's, is it? No. This absolutely is not going to be a good fight for those. Look at this. This is what upgrades can do. This is six upgrades ahead. Look at that. Absolutely disappeared. If Amundus is spending, would spend any of his money, right here, he would absolutely destroy this. This drop also did so much out. This guy has 10 kills. 10 kills on a marauder, 7 on a marine. They're owning right now. They're absolutely owning. Ford base down, ghost would be really a great choice to go for. I understand that ghost, well actually, they're not even that difficult to use. If you research the enhanced shockwave on the ghost, you can literally click anywhere on the screen and you're going to hit it. you will hit your EMP. It's impossible to miss because the radius is like half the screen. If you get two ghosts, you can cover the entire screen. You get four, you can cover the entire screen twice. You get six, well, you get the gist of it. Ghost actually hard counter the Archon, okay? The Archon is a unit that consists of 350 shields and 10 real HP. 10! There's like an SV could walk up to him and knock him out, okay? That is, that is the type of HP we're talking about. If you get ghost against this unit, this is a 300 gas unit. Imagine investing 300 gas in a unit and are just disappearing because there's a guy with a sniper rifle throwing an electromagnetic pulse at your face. Like, honestly, the ghost is the ultimate counter. And I don't understand why all these low-level terrans think it's so difficult to use. They all complain about Storm, but yet they're incapable of using a ghost. How does that? I don't understand. the logic there but maybe I'm the one that's missing something. I also like that he has a huge army, 2K in the bank, and he's up for upgrades and doesn't decide to fight whatsoever. That's obviously also a mistake. Really should add more Metavex as well. Look it is. Well, he really only has three Metavex that are currently active and there's a huge bioforce, huge, huge bioforce. Also I want to actually touch upon the upgrades. So we've so far really just talked about the Charged Lot Argon, which was the main thing that Amandus was talking about initially. And he kind of threw the upgrades in there as a what if, you know? That is like the people that are still trying to deny something and then go like, even if it was true, that I, you know, that I pushed your little dull. from the building and destroyed it, it probably, you know, I probably had a good reason for it. That's the type of thing that he said in the IOTIS firm basically. He was like, you know, even if the Chargled Argum isn't in by, even if there are good counters in the mine and the ghost, and I just didn't use them. Or I didn't control my army the entire game. And I didn't, you know, I overstimmed my army every single time because I didn't have any medevacs and I like pressing the T button very much. Even if that is the case, then we still have the upgrades. Now, let's get into the upgrades. Is it actually true? With the Protoss upgrades, there is a funny thing that Terrans always seem to forget when they make these weird comparisons. And then it is that Protoss actually has three upgrades. Not only do they have the armor and the attack, they also require shield upgrades to completely, you know, fulfill their upgrade thing. Their units, all of them have like freaking half or like a decent size, a decent chunk of shield and then a decent chunk of HP as well. the Star Wars 80, 80, the Zela has like 50 shields. Now, of course, Terranes usually forget about this, because majority of them understand that if you use a ghost, the shield upgrades are completely useless. But this is still something you need. And there's another thing here is that if Chrono Boost isn't being used, even just going up to 3.3 takes longer for the Protels than it takes for the Terran. Only with permanent chronobo boost usage, or I think if you use 8 or 9 chronobo boost, you're going to be faster than the Terran. No, sorry, if you lose like five Kronobo boost, maybe, you're going to be faster than the Terran. But if that's not the case, that the Terran actually has faster upgrades. So we need to spend a lot of energy into this as Protoss. We have more upgrades. And even if we perma-Krono, if we want to get the shield upgrades, the attack upgrades, and the armor upgrades, it is still taking longer than what the Tarran counterpart does. So that claim is just absolutely false. It makes no sense. You can get individual upgrades faster, but getting to a completely upgraded Trotos army is just slower. These are facts. You can do the math yourself. You can do your own research here, Amundus, and you would have figured it out, okay? You absolutely would have figured that out. You're a smart fella. Well, you're a person with a brain. I want to see that one again. So there's a scan here. He sees that there's archons. I wonder if he thinks that these archons are just standing solo. He moves forward. Let's take a look at his vision. He sees the zealots right now in his vision. probably knowing that there's more. Like at least he should realize that these guys never come alone, you know? And he decides to right-click the pylon here. And he also, as he got charged on, he doubled down by moving even further into this. He just walked into the biggest surround I've seen in my entire life. Yeah. No crap, you're going to lose a fight if this has. happens. Honestly, he could have been up six upgrades at this point. If you take a fight like this, you're still going to lose. Like, there's absolutely no way that you're supposed to win a fight like that. It's just not possible. The same time, by the way, 2-2 has finished at this point for Sakari. I still believe that if at any point Amundas decides to build five ghosts with enhanced shockwave, is going to absolutely destroy this army. This is what? Seven Archons. You throw three, you blanket like four or five EMPs on this. This arm. This army is complete crap. It has nothing. You could also micro against it. You can have mines against it. I do like this drop. No, you could... Why are we always microing into a surround? What? He actually doesn't want his units to come home. He just keeps... This guy read the art of war. I was like, ha. If your units believe they have no way out, they will fight harder. That doesn't work in StarCraft too. They have a sense. that amount of damage. Like, no, if the Marine is dying over here or is running away, they'll still have the same damage per second as they usually have. Like, it doesn't matter. The art of war doesn't apply here, my friend. Okay, so this base gets taken out, kind of to be expected if you build a base so close to your opponent's base. I still believe at any point if the... What does he do these fights? I just don't understand it. I want to see this one again. Look at this. So, he has this huge army. He just saw the army as well, okay? It's not like he's not aware. He just literally saw his base eye. Twelve SUVs went down. He decides to go in. He has two metaphics that are going back home for that reason. He stims forward, goes into the bushes. He like, him, I have no... He knows! He sees with the sensor tower that there's units behind this. This can't even be a surprise. He walks in, he scans, walks out and uses the second stim at the same time while sending the Metafax into their death. I honestly couldn't have made a worse scenario for him if I would have tried. Like he did everything wrong there. It's like 10 out of 10 on the idiot scale. Congratulations. You messed it all up. Another stim. They just keep stimming. The opponent doesn't even need to use disruptors or AOE. This guy is just killing his own units. But consistently, you just second stimped. That was two seconds. He just stimped twice in two seconds. This is the most stim-happy tex. I don't think a single disruptor shot has it any of the opponent's units, by the way. That is something as well, huh? There really is something. And I can understand why that is frustrating for Terran. See the other guy consistently. hitting his own units with the disruptor. But if you think ghosts are difficult to use, my friend, you should hear about the disruptor. Because this ball needs manual control. You can't even just click it once. Well, you can, but... It's basically like a bad EMP in that case. It's actually ridiculous. I can't believe how hard Amandos got owned in this game after being so far up. Just because he's... He's literally just been building Marine Marauder. Usually there's Metafax, but he didn't even build a MetaVex. Just legit. Marine Marauder. He stopped building tanks as well. I would, honestly, tanks weren't great, but I still would have preferred having some type of factory units over having nothing. Mines would have been pretty useful against at least the Charcelot Arcon, as I doubt Sakari would have been capable of hitting a mine with any of these disruptors. Ghost Academy could have been very, very, very powerful as well. A good call, perhaps, if your opponent's army consists entirely of gateway units and like nine Archons. 10 Archons. And this is another Terran here on a little bit of copium, you know? It doesn't quite understand that the game is over. You always got to kind of think back, put this in perspective. Amandas at one point was up 30 supply and six upgrades, and he didn't manage to win the game at this point. Right now he's down 110 supply and even upgrades. And now all of a sudden he still believes. Like, if you didn't... We saw what happened before with that lead. He couldn't kill anyone and now he, for whatever reasons, without... He's getting two ghosts. I thought they'll leave the barracks. Like he'll be dead before they leave the barracks. Dishop? I can't get this raptor shot to end with as well. Do we get to see one leave or no? Will they see the light of day? Damn, should have built ghost earlier? Yeah. Yeah, you should have. How is it possible that you make the complete correct analysis already at the end of this game? And then after your moment of brilliance at the end of the game, you decide to write up this entire post complaining about zealot argon, which is literally countered by the ghost. I don't understand that. But, all right, let's think about this game a little bit. Okay, when it came to the macro, I think your macro was decent. You floated a fair amount at times, but your setup was absolutely fine. I mean, your five barracks, double eBay type of stuff. I really did like that. I think it was good. And, like, details weren't wrong. Everything, all the details were wrong. Okay. The devil is in the details, and I have some good news for you. You will never meet the devil because you don't know anything about details. entire early game is kind of weird and then the second eBay too early your Starport was late all that types of stuff it doesn't matter too much it's fine I was okay with your macro for your level it's good good enough good enough you know you should be capable of winning games with this you can get up six upgrades in like 2030 supply it should be no problem then you mentioned in your form what was it that you said dropping multiple bases at once this didn't happen like this is actually just a flat out lie you dropped the main base multiple times. One time two marauders didn't enter your two metaphics and they walked into the natural. That is not dropping multiple bases at the same time. That is accidentally multitasking. Don't make that bigger than it is. The reason why he said is because he saw like multiple red things on the meme. He said like, oh, I'm dropping multiple bases. It's not what happened. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. So for the multitasking, honestly, you're going to get a, uh, because whenever you multitask, you did start floating a fair amount. And the control also wasn't that good. It wasn't, yeah, you just stimmed. You stimmed a lot. Then we get to the two points where I think you really lost the game. One being the army composition. You never added any mines. You never added ghost. You didn't add liberators either. He also got vehicle plating that's separate, but please don't do that again. Either get ship weapons or vehicle weapons if you really want a lot of tanks. But otherwise, just get ship weapons and get Liberators out eventually. Don't get flating. Your army comp really did suck. You need ghosts. You need mines. These units kind of micro themselves. You need way more medevacs in your army. You don't need to build more Vikings if your opponent isn't building Colossi anymore. Having two, three, four Vikings around maybe, like kind of as a general rule, might not be bad if they ever switch. back into Colossi, but starting to build Vikings after you kill all the Colossi. And seeing that your opponent has Arkon Zellet, just doesn't make any sense. The complete lack of ghosts obviously is terrible. Complete lack of minds doesn't help you either. So for that, it's a... Then the final thing is, honestly, the micro. It was painful to watch at times. It was basically torture. If the CIA ever sees this game and they start showing this type of footage to the people they detain, they'll start talking real fast because it was awful to watch. Just walking into surrounds, stimming three, four times in mere seconds. I don't even understand quite how this is possible. I honestly wouldn't mind if you would unbind the Stim Hotkey. I understand that Stim has a lot of advantages and mainly the damage output, but you use it so much that overall, it might just be better to not use it at all. Just use slow Marines and marauders. I've never seen something like this. It really was quite bad. Also, stop trying to go for fancy snipes on Immortals. I'm not quite sure what that was. Just kite back, burrow mines, and use EMP. It really isn't that hard terrain players. It really isn't. No matter how much you believe that your race is so micro, heavy. So for that you also get a big thumbs down, put that all together and you my friend do suck and you suck real hard. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck where we deliver another suck stamp to our good friend Armandis. If you didn't enjoy it, don't forget it like but subscribe to the channel and hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Yeah. Bye bye. The |
Terran Defends His SACRED SITE! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | Some people take pride in their rank, their work achievements, their gym gains or their children. But this Diamond Terran player is different. He just LOVES his Sacred Site - the Unbuildable Plates. What is the secret of their love? Will he manage to defend it against the Zerg pest? And is he a stock trader? Like, subscribe and find out! PS: Did anyone see his opponent? I can't seem to find him... If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GSE556xGC1o/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | GSE556xGC1o | Dear Harstam, zergs' ability to yolo in things is just way too strong. Look at my replay, exclamation mark. I'm a low diamond player and my macro is not the best. I'm sorry for that. But at the other hand, the zergs' ability to rush and destroy complete bases is just way too powerful. The replay will show you. They lose a lot of their own troops, but at the same time deal a lot of damage to Eco of Taron. I was forced to go for a all-in at this point, 14 minutes and 20 seconds into the game, and lost to the zergs ability to remix instantly. Name Hellcat, Ray Sterran, League Diamond on the European ladder. All right, let's have a look at this then. Helcat, he's playing against a fella named Waldo. We finally found him. We're looking for him for a while. Hellcat is a diamond Terran player and these often show a lot of the characteristics of the higher level diamond players where they're very whiny and they lose a lot as well to random things just like most terranes do. He's just going to go here and lookers. Hey enough to do with StarCrafts unit. Look at this. You just see just, oh my God. I'm dead. Dang it. Kind of curious to see what Hellcat is going to be doing here. Sends out a second SCV. Okay. So this is too late for a barracks, but it's too early for a regular scout, you know? If he wants to proxy a barracks with this, that would be a little bit like a... getting a Christmas card during Easter. It's just too late, you know. But if this is for a scout, it's also kind of like getting a Christmas card for Easter, except too early. So the same analogy working two ways there. It's the first time for everything. So we have a hatch first coming out of the... This also wasn't even in time to block the hatchery. Like, this was the worst SCV scout in the world. It just falls right into the... middle of being completely useless. You lose a bunch of extra money because you send it out earlier and you don't get to block anything. You don't get any more info earlier on. You don't need to know whether your opponent is going pool first before you want to build your reactor. That is the timing you care about because the response, if you scout pool first, which usually you would scout at two minute marks when your SUV arrives a little bit earlier, 156, 157. If you scout your opponent, opening with a pool first, you can just add a second marine after your first marine and you can get a low ground bunker. All of these responses are still in time. If you scouted earlier, nothing changes. The only time this would be valuable information is perhaps if your opponent is playing a proxy hatchery and then you can build your CC on the high ground. But if you know your opponent is doing a proxy hatchery because there's no hatch here, you can also just continue marine production and get a bunker. So really it doesn't. It doesn't matter. It's just worse what I'm trying to say, basically. This bad scout. Bad scout. Not a good scout at all. All right. Hellbat, no sorry, Hellcat is moving across the map with his Reaper. He's also arriving late with his Reaper. I wonder why that is. Maybe just didn't send it over in time. Did he open up with gas first? No, he didn't. There's a couple of things here that are feeling a little bit funky, okay? timing-wise. I'm not a huge fan of that. And he just patrols his Reaper in front of his opponent's base. I kind of feel bad for this Reaper. The Reaper has like a 10-second window. Okay, I just want to follow the life journey of this Reaper real fast, okay? Because the Reaper is a very special unit. The Reaper has, in this matchup, about a 10 to 15. 15 second window in which it is useful. Now, this window has already been reduced because for whatever reason, Hellcat decided it was a good time to keep the Reaper at home for a little bit longer. So look at this Reaper, okay, already arriving five seconds later. That is 50% of his useful lifespan. Okay? First, he didn't even know whether he wanted to go into the main or towards the natural. Then he gets the order to patrol in front of his opponent's base. Back and forth. Look at this. back and forth back and forth meanwhile the queen is out this this is where the timing of where the reaper is useful ends at this point this unit is completely useless and the reaper knows that as all he's not an idiot he knows that once the queen is out his bullets are nothing he might be able to pick off a creep tumor and write home about his great success but he's he's a useless fella at this point This Reaper is well aware of that and as a result he just decides to end it. He doesn't want to come home with saying he didn't even see battle once. He'll have two shots, three, four. He hits a Ling four times and then he dies. This is the most useless Reaper I've ever seen. It didn't scout anything. It didn't deal any damage. It did force out the lings but that is really the minimum. That just happens by building the Reaper. That's not an achievement whatsoever. That's the opposite of an achievement. That's just a thing that happens automatically. It's like when you get a kid, you automatically become father or mother, you know? That is the starting achievement. It's like the things you get after the tutorial in a video game, you know? It doesn't really count. Like you can't write that on your resume, that you're a father or a mother. I know there's people that try doing that. And I'm sure that Hellcat will also write on his resume that he build a Reaper. But it doesn't count. We're not buying it, Hellcat. No one is buying it, okay? Also, no one wants to see the Facebook pictures of your Reaper. We don't care. Benchie on the way here, third CC. Actually, for how bad everything has been so far, his build order isn't even, it's actually quite good. This build order looks honestly quite legit. He's building Helions, getting a Benchie as a third CC. He's not building as many SEVs perhaps as he should, and he's keeping the Helians at home to guard this ramp. Absolutely brilliant. It's like buying a flamethrower to roast some marshmallows. It's like, I'm sure it will do the job, but he also just could have done that with a matchstick or, you know, just in a campfire, like a normal person, idiot. But he's very keen on keeping this ramp for whatever reason. Maybe he's just, actually just guarding the unbuildable plates. Rheen walks into the main base, starts attacking the Overlord. This is a lightning quick response he had here as well. that all oflors have been floating around in his base for the past 35 seconds. If you have this, uh, if you have this marine on guarding duty, uh, and don't think your house will be robbed empty before this guy comes over. Absolutely, absolutely great. Another fantastic timing here on the Hellions as they arrive at 5-11. I feel like this is, this is really just the, the tail of this game so far, is that our boy Hellcat seems to just be too late everywhere. They're just absolutely too late every single time. He's the type of guy that would pardon a turkey after the Thanksgiving dinner is over. It's like, it's too late, Hellcat. It doesn't count anymore. We ate him yesterday. It's like, now the Benji's fly over cloak already done about 20 seconds ago. So I'm glad to see that he's sticking with the theme at least. gives me something to talk about because he actually this is so, it's so weird he's just doing everything slow but he's doing the things quite well like the barracks, he has three barracks, gets two eBay's like the order of the things is correct but it's just everything is just a little bit slow like if he was a pizza maker and he was making a margarita like the way of putting the things on the pizza is correct but we just take him three to assemble the damn thing. Okay, and here we go wrong. No, actually, he gets the second factory and five barracks before the 4th CC. It just looks so close because he was floating a crap ton of money. But once again, the order of things is just so frighteningly correct. It almost looks like a good game. It almost does if you didn't know anything about timings. If time never had been invented and if clocks weren't a thing, this would have been the perfect build order. perfect build order. It really would have been because the order it's it really is correct. Well, it forgets this plus one armor, but everything else. I'm a fan of Hellcat. Another thing I'm a huge fan of by the way is that he believes that all of these units are one-time use and that after you do your initial damage, it's only proper to go back home with these Banshees, you know? You don't, you don't want to stay too long on the other side of the map. It's definitely not some you want to do. He's a man of etiquette and proper, you know, being proper in general in life. He doesn't want to annoy his opponents too much. He uses it once, the surprise effect. And then from there and out, he leaves him at home to once again guard the unbuildable place. Yeah, the most interesting sensor tower location I've seen in my life. Hellcat will get the warning of the censor tower when the freaking bailings are in his mineral line already. Ah, that is big, my friend. That is very, very big. Or if there is an overlord hiding over here and he comes into the natural to put anitis. He'll get a good warning of that as well, about two seconds ahead of time. The greatest sensor tower of all time. I didn't think it was possible, but we found it, ladies and gentlemen, close to the imbibble places. Aha! This is why it's over here. This is the most optimal location where it doesn't block any food traffic, but it still provides a lot of vision to truly protect these unbuildable plates. I'm not quite sure what our friend Hellcat actually has for static objects, but he seems to really, really like the unbuildable plates. Viking on the way now as well, out of a reactivis. This is kind of new to me, the Viking Matterfac combination. He's very keen on killing this overs here. I guess because it's showing on this mini, it's like this stupid red dot on the mini map. You should have never built that sensor tower. Yeah, this is once again, we're just a little bit late with everything. This opponent is casually building 10 overlords. He's preparing for a freaking tsunami over here, the amount of food that he's getting. Viking will take out the overs here. Yeah, so usually after this build, I recall you hit a 630 timing with two minutes. metaphics and 16 Marines. Hellcat right now is aiming for about the nine minute mark. Well actually his second Metafact isn't quite out yet. He does however have eight more Marines than most people had two and a half minutes ago. So technically that's an improvement. But because we are capable of knowing time and looking at clocks, I am actually not that impressed by this performance. Not yet. Okay. Here comes with us. drop and he's going to hit a solid three minutes after it really is supposed to hit, which once again he's doing the correct order of things, but the timing is just, well, extremely late. I'm not even quite sure how it's possible if you do the correct order and then just still be late. It must just be very slow. This APM also isn't that low. It's 107. You should be capable of clicking the things at a certain correct speed then. It's not like this APM has been tied up in controlling units either because the Helions, well they got sent home, the Banshees they got move commanded into 35 hydras just now. Here comes a bit of micro. Okay. Kill some units and then picks up again. Let's get to fly away. So it keeps eight of his marines alive. That's good. During all of this, however, he has been floating a decent amount of money. Sometimes, you know, I actually never really consciously thought of this. So I know how much money won base mines and how much money you get from like 66 workers, you know? And I have that kind of internalized. So I look at like three ways. I'm like, okay, that's 2,400 minerals a minute or so. But I never quite realized how much money you truly spend a minute until you see these people actually capable of floating like 5K resources at the 10 minute mark or at the 9 minute mark. Like, it just doesn't occur in my head that rather than spending the money, you just sit on it the entire time. There's just, like, if we look at this money, we can kind of translate that to time. Like right now, the income is too high because he hadn't muled in a while. But let's just say he gets about 3K minerals, okay? 3K minerals a minute. Or sorry, 3K resources, on average. I think from the start of the game, that is being rather generous to him and his macro. He gets about 3K resources on average, okay? Gas and minerals. Right now he's floating about 5K resources. That means that for at least one and a half minutes, he hasn't macroed one and a half minutes of income away. And don't forget that you can macro one and a half minute of income in about three seconds. Like, it's actually true, especially with tearing. You have a lot of production. This means that there's just times where he wasn't couldn't. controlling anything because these Hellions, they stayed at home for the majority. Now they walked across the map again. The Banshees weren't doing much. The Reaper didn't get microed either. He moved commanded that across the map, patrolled it, then sacrificed it into the main base. Where has his attention been going? Is the real question? Is Hellcat perhaps one of these gamers that plays two games at the same time? Or perhaps is he like one of them stock traders, you know, that whenever he sees a good trade on one of his other seven screens, he has to quickly click it. It is possible because I have no clue where his attention has been tied off. Often in lower level games, when people are floating money, at least you can say, well, it makes sense because this guy was controlling his Reaper like his life depended on it. You know, they have like 1200 APM with a Reaper. But Hellcat hasn't done anything like that, quite like that at all. He's just been sitting at home looking at stuff. And now he's looking at his bases die. I assume at least he's looking, no, he's just looking at his tank. He starts microing once again. Scans for us. Oh, yeah, that's a lot of lurkers. Lurkers, no seismic spines, no quick burrow either. 12 minutes into the game. Like, he was extremely unprepared for everything, because he just had so much money in the bank. Now, these lurkers, they slowly but surely, they burrow forward. They're taking everything out. And then this is where Hellcat is going to make a stand. And we know why. this. Just guy patrolling around the unbuildable blow. Oh, he's going to leave it. He says, well, the tanks are good enough. She's going to go for a counterattack. And this is the first move in the entire game that I think is actually good. This is a good move. Going for a counter attack where you're under very heavy pressure and you have units that can't fight your opponent's army. Yeah, this is a darn good call. I love this. Just go for a freaking drop. It's going to A, win you a little bit of time. Oftentimes, at lower level, it's going to force your opponent to just run their entire army back home because they have no clue how to split armies. And while you're doing this, you can build up a solid defense at home. Look at triple tanks. Two more factories on the way. You can get triple tank production going here. Wow. And honestly, if you survive in this game, you might just be fine because you have a lot of money. Like, sure, your ego got hurt a little bit. You're still 62 workers, though. you have plenty of bases. It's not even that bad. You have a freaking planet... Talking about wasting good manpower here, these mules repairing this planet that is actually physically hurting me. So this third base is going to be under some heavy pressure, but there's going to be about five tanks. Sadly, there's also still 16 Marines in these metaphics. Thanks to the high ground, unload the Marines, thanks to the high ground, unload the Marines. Thanks to the high ground, okay. It's a little bit slow, but he gets it done eventually. Also lifts this CC. Now, don't forget that we still have a lot of barracks that technically can be producing. These two tanks, they're stuck on the high ground. I don't think that is on purpose. What is this barracks doing? Oh, he wants to, I think, be capable of moving these bad boys. If all of these tanks could actually escape their Tech Lab prison, he would probably be fine. Even now, if these tanks could just move over here, I actually believe that Hellcat might be somewhat okay. Like if he just sets up a defensive position, it's obvious his opponent doesn't know a lot about proper engagements, you know? So far, like this guy just walks into tank fire the entire time. We have the opportunity right now to kind of set up. I mean, we just, we just held a big attack. We still have a lot of money in the bank. We have a creptone of CCs as well. Like we can build workers if we want to. Five at a time. Like that will go pretty fast. That will go a long way. There's money for extra command centers. Well, sorry, four at that time. I thought there was a CC here. Parix is going to assist. This is, this is the perfect time to build up. We actually survive with a bunch of siege units. Our opponent is on freaking Roach Hydra, 73 workers. Once again, if we just built some marines here, get to Metafax. And we get these command centers. I'm not saying the game is even but we could be at 150, 160 supply and we'd have very valuable supply. Well, our opponent has dog crap supply. Like, what even is this? It's pure hydra. It's just going to die to freaking eight tanks. Plus two vehicle weapons. Upgrades are good. Like, we're looking pretty solid. The correct decision here is just to go back home. We have a lot of money in the bank. Like, this is like having you carry with you like a couple of bullets, you know, you can reload your gun maybe once and you finish that and you're done. But behind you, there's still this massive like, this depot with just endless weapons and bullets. Like, you have lots of ammunition still. In this case, the ammunition is the money. You could just go home and get that, but you do need to get it. Right now, you're investing a lot into things that are going to be useful in the future, these three command centers. You still have four tanks stuck in your main base behind a single tech lab. You have a lot of infrastructure, which is super useful because you have so much money, and you have enough command centers that you can kind of effectively mine from multiple bases. You're actually in a good spot. If you would just freaking use your money, sadly you're not using your money, and you're also not using half of your tank force currently. And because you don't really have any Marines, that actually is quite sad. Now you kind of realize what's going on. It's like, hey, maybe I should go home. This all could have been done way more efficiently. You could have just already been set up with these eight tanks while producing freaking three more new tanks, perhaps building a couple of depots, getting more mines, getting the 3-3 upgrades for the bio going, maybe even getting a plating upgrade here or getting plus 3 on the vehicle weapons. Like, your position honestly is quite good. Just sit at home, send a single metaphak over here, a single metaphak over here, and go multitask or just leave them there. I don't even really care. Just whenever you get attacked, you send them in, you stim them and you aim move on the map or something like that. It's also possible, okay, if you don't want to multitask. Right now, the macro is your main priority. You want to get rid of that freaking money that you have. Your opponent is maxed out already, so he wants to trade, and he's going to start trading. Finally, your four tanks move out. Where are they going, though? So three of your tanks are on the other side shelling away at an extractor. One Liberator is guarding this Vespine geyser. You had four unseached tanks over at your third base and nothing but like two or three mines defending your fourth. Some great decision making here. It's also obvious that to me at least, oh my God, this can be a fight. Look at this. Imagine, honestly, imagine that there was three more tanks and just 25 Marines here. I think you actually would have won the fight. I actually believe you could have held this fight. Because then the Lurgers can just burrow straight into your face. They first need to go towards the Marines. You can kite back with the Marines. Meanwhile, the tanks are shooting. Your opponent is once again maxing on roaches. And this is the beauty of low-level games, is that even when you're losing very hard, often your opponents just have so many falls on their own that you can always get back, as long as you get to an area in the game where you are more capable or more comfortable, competent than your opponent. However, I'm kind of sad to say that I don't think there's a single area in this game where you are more capable than your opponent or really more capable than most people that I've seen play. It has been a little bit of a sad affair and to kind of add the rotten cherry on top of the nasty pie, you're also staying in the game way too long. You have 41 supply left. You still have some money, but this is the worst situation you've ever been. Yeah, Gigi. There we go. Took a while, but you get it in the end. The Gigi. This was a nasty game. This was a nasty game. Halcat. Waldo really kind of figured you out. And let's just look at this in a logical way. Okay? So, first of all, the compliments. I want to give you some compliments because the order in which you did things, that was great. you know, if I ever need someone to put things in order for me, whether that's, you know, from a group of people in height, you know, from tall to smaller, or, you need my closets cleaned up and you just happen to be around, you can order my books, then you'd be the guy to call. For a StarCraft game, however, I don't think I'd even put your name in my phone because the units that you built, although they were the correct units, never got used correctly. The Reaper completely missed his timing. The Hellions missed their timing. The Banshees missed their timing. But the initial damage at least was good. Then they went back home even though they had full HP basically. Then you send them back in at like the nine minute mark. The Helions also made a reappearance like five minutes too late, obviously. No initial creep denies. You were floating a crap ton of money. Your entire unit movement made absolutely no sense. You moved out when you shouldn't have. You stayed at home when you should have been moving out. You don't quite understand how SimCity works as there were like five tanks stuck in your main base for, honestly, I think, majority of the, maybe five or six minutes. You had four tanks there. It's a very, very vital moment. It really was quite painful to watch. I don't enjoy that. I really don't. And like I said, your macro just really sucked. Your decision making was proper terrible as well. I just want to kind of grab that form again. What was was really you complain about. The Zerg's ability to rush and destroy complete bases is just way too powerful. Yeah, maybe if you wouldn't have invested your entire army into defending the unbuildable plates, it would be a little bit easier to defend the outside bases where the game really matters. The replay will show you. They lose a lot of their own troops, but at the same time deal a lot of damage to the eco of Tehran. Honestly, the eco wasn't really any of your issue. Like, your money was always fine. You died having 2K, 2K in the bank or something like that. Like, it's, the eco was completely irrelevant in the game. The problem was your spending was just way too low. And your unit controls got awful. You do apologize for your macro not being the best. I mean, yeah, that's really just the case here. Yeah, you also say that the Zerck's ability to remix instant. is a bit too good. I mean, Zerg in the fight didn't even lose that much. And Zerg had a lot of money, and he was just injecting. He was macroing better than you. He controlled his units better than you. He had better decision-making. My friend, Zerg Yolowing in and killing you, isn't overpowered. You just suck. You really do suck. I'm sorry, buddy. All right. It's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? Where we delivered another big suck stamp here for Hellcat. Thanks all so much for. watching if you didn't join it. Don't forget the like, but subscribe the channel. Hopefully we'll see you all next time for a new video. Bye-bye. |
He LOST To MASS REAPER?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | I have no words. My doctor called and told me that my heart rate and blood pressure are through the roof. Please help me to calm those back down by liking the video and subscribing to the channel. Bathing in that sweet sweet YouTube money is really relaxing, trust me! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fpyTxUkWbdA/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | fpyTxUkWbdA | Captain! Send your best troops to Burlingrad ASAP. I played a game where my opponent, which I found out was a GM-smurfing post game, went Mass Reaper which I scouted into Mass Marine. My response was a hidden base plus blink Colossus. Colosses can't blink. It was no matter as Reaper's heart counter, every Ground Toss unit. I considered going air, but I had too much pride to do that, since I should be able to win against this, playing standard, even against the 1K plus MMR Smurf. I scouted late tech slash turd, so I thought I should be equal to a head, but I couldn't get my own natural up. People balance whining about void rays or lurkers? Nah, reapers, man. Please tell me how to suck less, or if I should pick up a slower game like League of Legends. Thank you for your service. This balance complaint was all over the place. The name was Pico, dog, he's a pro-dose player in Masters League on North America. And there's one sentence that I really want to focus on here for a second. I considered going error, but I had too much pride to do that since I should be able to win against this playing standard. This is something that people somehow got in their head that it is more honorable to win playing standard if someone does something offbeat or something weird. Actually, the best thing to do, if someone, is playing something offbeat is to hard counter that, no matter how you do it, that would be considered a standard response. Whatever is the best response is the standard. If the best response is air against Mass Reapers, which let's be frank, it probably is, that would be a standard response. Standard is not a word that you can just put on a matchup. Like, let me pass the game. You can't just say in PVT the standard is to play Blink Colossus. and then just applied it on that matchup in every situation. Because if you're playing against Mac, that simply isn't the case. The standard against Mac might just be mass blink stalkers or Charcelot Immortal Arcorn. It is very different. And people also differ on my opinion what the standard is or what the standard should be. The word standard means absolutely nothing and is completely useless. But if it would mean anything, it should mean the best build against whatever is happening or the best response. if I would say the standard response against the 12 pool is to get a second gateway and to chrono zealots out. That isn't the standard in PVZ. The standard in PVZ in the early game is to go for a 20 nexus. If you go 20 nexus against the 12 pool, you die. The standard changes, depending on what your opponent does. It makes no sense to say, I don't want to play air to lose my honor and my, because I'll lose honor and pride. Because going air against Mass Reaper would be standard. If I scout someone going triple Rex Reaper and I get a void ray out, I win the game. That sounds like a pretty good standard to me. That is the type of standard world that I want to be living in. If I scout something stupid, I have a good response and I kill it. Why would I make life harder for myself? Why would you do that? If it's just... It doesn't make sense. And then also saying, even though he is 1K MMR above you, yeah, well, that makes a lot of makes even less sense. Why would you go for a suboptimal response to someone that is this much better than you? If anything, you should be pulling out all the tricks against someone that much better than you. Sure, if his build is suboptimal, the reason it's suboptimal is because you can abuse it. If you, okay, I'm so sorry, but we're going to have to go over here. Imagine you play against someone only building drones, the entire game long, only building drones. He has like a million drones, like 120 drones. And once he gets one of 120 drones, he does a pure Brutlord push, okay? If I know this going into a match and I'm about to play against this guy, there's five different things that I can do. First of all, I could just attack him with any amount of units in the early game and he would die because he only builds drones. Or I could just save up mass void ray because Brutlords don't shoot up. I am changing how I'm playing based on what my opponent does. I change the standard. If I would just go into a campy game, go into disruptors and triple Stargate, even though I have all this information about my opponent, that would make me a complete idiot and it doesn't make any sense. The standard response, the standard changes based on what your opponent does. It is not just something that you can just broadly apply. Like, how broad do you want it? In that case, are you even allowed to have specific things in a matchup or is the standard always the same in the entire game for a race? It's just, how do you even respond to any type of cheese then? It's like, well, it's not standard for me to build a battery in my natural, so I guess I'll just lose against his two racks. Like, it's just, it's completely nonsensical. And it took me almost four minutes to explain that to you. I am not the most efficient speaker. All right, let's actually have a look at the game, though, as we have a triple Rex Reaper here coming out of Jotech, and we have a double gas into a second gate here for Pico. Now, like I mentioned before, honestly, if I would scout Triple Rex Reaper, I would open up with a Stargate. I would not open up with a Nexus. Actually, the proxy Nexus against Reapers, I think it might be worse than against most other things. Because the Reaper is a unit that likes to run around, check out different rotations. So this is a very significant risk. It also has very high speed so it can easily rotate in between this base and your main if this ever gets found out. If you're playing against a more standard Terran army and you take a proxy base, they're less on the map if they open up with a widow mine drop. There's just going to be one drop to your side. And then they might actually be scared. It's like, oh, there's no natural. That's weird. But in this case, this army should be very good at scouting because it's just really, really quick. I like this little Reaper wall you have here. That's actually quite good, Pico. I do enjoy that. You're getting a third gate as well as a robotics facility. You're chronoing your warp gate. I think this is a second time I've seen the chrono on the warp gate now. And it seems pretty consistent with the timing that it's going to finish. job. You're also here defending a ramp, which I think if you know your opponent is massing reapers, just defend your mineral line immediately. He didn't jump into it, but I think he could have cleared a couple of workers if he was a bit faster. I think the battery is a good call. So I just want to really kind of plan the flag here where everyone can see it. I think the response that you've decided to go for at this point is absolutely one of the worst responses that we can have. The proxy base, it leaves you very vulnerable if it ever gets scouted. You're just basically dead. It's also kind of obvious that something weird is going on. I mean, you're not playing an aggressive build order, or at least not a tight timing. You have 20 workers with who goes for an all-in and then completely saturates his main base. Like, this build is genuinely one of the worst responses I could have seen in my life. Also, can we just talk about how you said that you wanted to play standard and then you open up with a nexus on your fifth base location? Like, even if you're following your own logic, this doesn't make any sense. Nowhere in PVT ever is this standard. Well, a natural in your fifth and then going into a second gate before a robotics facility. This is a build I have never seen in my entire life. It's just not a build, okay? We're going to leave that behind us and we're going to judge you based on the weird mental boundaries that you have set for yourself. So we just completely forget about the build order. This is the worst thing I've seen. Okay, we kind of, we put that in the, in the freezer, you know? it's going to be there. It will be there in a couple of years from now. We'll forget about that. Let's hope it just won't rot. It will give an awful smell. I'm just going to judge you what you're doing based at this point. So the things you're seeing with the tools you currently have in hand. So if this was the state you got put in, I want to judge you based on the decisions you're going to take now and the moves you're going to take now. I like this recall. This is obviously good. You want to saturate this base. You don't want to rally workers from your main towards this base because they're just going to get picked off. That recall is quite smart. I do enjoy that. I like the little patrol. I have here on the adapt. That's good. I think these stalkers could be a little bit more here in the middle in between this ramp and this ramp, as these are the two main areas where your opponent could move into, basically. So I don't really mind that. The prison, now this is an extremely risky move. He saw that as well. You really have no vision whatsoever of where your opponent's reapers are, and you just start to move out with four stalkers in a prism. Look at what he currently has. He has 12 reapers, about to be with plus one as well. He has 12 reapers. You hardly have any units at home. If he would have jumped up the moment you load into this prism, you would have just straight up died. Okay. And it's not like this prism is going to go across the map for game ending damage. This prism is going across the map to harass, to kill one or two workers. It's not like you're going to go for a DT drop where the potential of actually killing your opponent or doing a lot of damage is very high. Now, you're taking a very large risk for a very minor gain. And usually these are not the correct place. You know, it's, it just, imagine you have, a lot of Americans have this. So a lot of Americans, I'm not quite sure what it's called, but they have this thing next to their sink and you put stuff in there and it cuts it up. It like makes it small. It's like a trash shoot or something like that. And something, sometimes, it's just like a blade spinning to make it small. I'm not quite sure how it works, some American invention. You guys will know what I'm talking about if you're American. Sometimes something gets stuck in there. Now, this would be like if a little walnut gets stuck in there, and you put your entire hand to push that walnut down while the thing is still spinning. Like, the best case scenario here is that you push the walnut down and that is not going to be stuck anymore. The worst case scenario is that you lose your hand. That's kind of what this prism is as well. This prism is not going to give you. you anything. Okay, it's going to slightly improve your life, if even. Actually, you know what? I think this actually is a giant loss because while you're doing this, oh my God, you're sending these across the map. You're also floating an infinite amount of resources. Like actually an infinite amount of resources. Look at this. Freaking 800 minerals, 400 gas you had. You could have already been building like either a robo bay or just anything, really any type of secondary tech, faster Twilight Council. I don't even mind that too much, to be quite honest with you. I don't even mind the Twilight Council as a secondary tech as much. I think it's okay to get blink against this. Keep your stalkers alive, but you lost three stalkers. You floated a lot of money and you kind of made yourself vulnerable here. You also mentioned in your thing, in your balance form, complain that you had trouble taking a natural. Well, I'm not really surprised you had trouble taking a natural as you're trying to take a natural with three stalkers against like freaking 12 reapers with plus one like obviously it's going to be difficult to take a natural you just lost three stalkers across the map um this prison by the way is keeping a lot of reapers at home so you could say that it's kind of worth it but at same time it's also if the if all of these stalkers were at home and and you wouldn't have lost the three on the other side of the map I think you would have been perfectly capable of getting a natural getting a battery there as well once you get a battery, Reapers just don't work very well anymore. Like, Reapers in general, they don't actually skill that well, especially once you get Colossi out. So I do like the call of the Colossi. We can see that you don't really have the gas currently to get both Blink and Colossi out. So I like that they're taking gas three and four. But I don't understand why you went for the fast Twilight if you realize that you need to go into quick Colossi anyway. This seems like an awfully naive thing to do as well, is to kind of move down here. Rather than, kind of waiting for a big unit or a big force and then moving down, you're just constantly trickling down a couple of units to try and defend the base that realistically is never going to get defended, right? You're just taking huge risks and you're hoping your opponent just isn't paying attention. So you're moving down with four or five stalkers. You know your opponent has what freaking 20 reapers or something. It's 25 reapers with plus one. Your colossi is about 20 seconds away and you still have a hidden base. At this point, what I would say, just wait till your call. Colossi is out. In that case, your fights are going to get a lot better. And now you might just, if you actually want to defend this, he has all of his reapers here. If Jotuck would fight here, you'll just lose all of your stalkers. I don't understand why you're so keen on defending this position, which is obviously undefendable. It's like fighting outside of your castle walls while the cavalry is about to arrive, you know, just wait these 10 extra seconds for this Colossi. And now you take it. This is the correct call. I'm glad you didn't go chase the Reapers or something like that. That would have made absolutely no sense. Prism is still alive as well. And to be quite frank, yes, your position is bad in that your downing workers. He has a lot of infrastructure. But on the other hand, your third or well, I guess your natural hasn't been spotted yet. You're getting an army that should fight extremely well against his army. Colossi stalkers. I mean, that should... Colossi absolutely destroy reapers. It's not even close. Once you get like two, three colossia out, the game just kind of should end, honestly. And I think this is a very winnable situation because all of his army supply freaking sucks. He's 32 Reapers, that's it. As long as he doesn't find this hidden base, you're completely fine. So this is why I'm so surprised that if your entire life depends on this hidden base not being found, why you would start rallying workers from that hidden base towards your natural location, increasing the chance of being found out by about 10 times. it just doesn't make a lot of sense. I like this battery here. That's good. I also don't quite understand why you decided to go for blink before the Colossus here. You always kind of, you gotta think of the impact that any specific upgrade or a specific... The impact that a specific unit or a specific upgrade will have in the fight. And if you compare what a Colossi or a second Colossi would have as an impact in the fight compared to Blink. The Colossi obviously has a way greater impact, and does you want that one quicker? This is... I just don't understand this. I really just don't understand this. I want to go back to this point where you lost the prism. I kind of glossed over that. But there's two things that happen here. First of all, you know that with this prism, you're keeping a lot of reapers busy. There's just a lot of reapers on your opponent's side of the map. then you lose this prison and you see a crap ton of units in your opponent's natural as well. So you know there's a lot of units on the other side of the map and all of these units have something in common. They freaking suck against colossi. The colossi for you is absolutely the saving grace. It doesn't matter if you're down 20, 30 supply. If you get 3-4 colossi out in this game, his army will disappear from the face of the earth. Then why would you start attacking across the map with 8.5. Stalkers and a single Colossi without thermal lands. Even if you were ahead in this game, okay? And even if you had an opportunity to attack your opponent in the near future, why would this be the correct timing? Let's just look at this logically. Your army currently consists of 1,300 minerals and 600 gas. Okay, 1,300 minerals and 600 gas. You have plus 1 started in this forge. That's 100,00. You have blink started. in here, 150, 150, 150, thermal lands, 150, 150, another colossite, 300, 200. You have almost as much invested in buildings that won't be ready for a fight if you take it now, as you have in your entire army. And this investment isn't going to help you whatsoever unless you wait 50 seconds. So why not just wait the 50 seconds? This is one of the greatest anti-timings that I've seen in my life, and it's not like you've seen some vulnerability. The last thing you saw is that your opponent had a creptone of units at home and he sniped your prism. You know he's up in upgrades because you can click his units and you can see that his plus one is already done. There's absolutely no point for you to go. On top of that, you know that your third base is faster because you actually saw this base build as well. You have zero incentive to move across the map. Absolutely zero incentive to move across the map. And what is it you decide to do? You move across the map. Then when you see his entire army, you lose eight or seven of your stalkers, you have to recall home, wasting energy, wasting your stalkers, you review your hidden base, and you lose your colossi. So really the entire sequence here was you scout the fact that your opponent has more army, has a later third base, and has an army that is going to be a lot worse against you once you get three colossi out. your reaction to this is that you move across the map with an army that you're still heavily investing in with upgrades with another colossi you have some gateways you can probably warp in with as well you see that your opponent still has more army because your army didn't increase in size whatsoever and his he got another five marines just straight up blast you then do you reveal the only thing that's keeping you into the game and you lose the colossi kind of resetting the timer on him because there was a timer on him to either transition into a better army or to kill you. Those were his two options. And as he wasn't really transitioning into a better army unless you count a single raven as a better army, he really had to start killing you soon and you just kind of gave yourself up. It makes no sense whatsoever. I mean, yeah, now there's just too many reapers. He's just going to kill you. walks him with it. These marines don't even have stim or combat shield, by the way. No stim 10 minutes into the game. This is a master's level game, by the way. If this guy is 1K MMR above you, I guess he would be Grandmasters. Even if this was true, I don't know if this is true. I don't care for checking. Hamster might check it. I don't really care personally. Even if he was 1K above you, it doesn't really matter. Your decisions were just terrible. It doesn't matter if someone's smart. It doesn't matter if someone's smurfing, if you keep cutting off your own leg at every single part of the game. It just doesn't make any sense. Look at the power that this single colossi will have here in this fight, okay? These armies are not quite comparable. Actually, they are quite comparable. We're not going to see a fight. If he would fight here, we would actually see what a colossi would do to an army like this. It would not be close. Had he just built the three colossi and had kept all of these alive, I actually think he could have won this game. I really do believe that. There's not a single tech lab, except for this bad boy that's researching Stim currently. I'd be surprised if this guy is GM, by the way. Like, his macro still is really sloppy. Just the unit comfort really doesn't make a lot of sense. Even if you're smurfing, I feel like you'd have better mechanics than this. Yeah, at this point, you're just straight up going to die. Stim's forward. Look at this. If this Colossi can just get like three snout, three, four, spives. Yeah. I think he just killed his own Colossi? I want to see that again. Does he actually just aim move on his own Colossi? Or what happens that? Does he just look that way? No, he doesn't damage the... I'm looking at these marines, not taking any damage. He's just shooting his own units with the stalker as well. Just because they get inter... You gotta be smurfing? Gigi. I mean, these decisions were honestly so bad. This is a stunning game. This really was a stunning game. I just want to go over it from start to finish one more time, and we'll judge you on multiple things. I already told you about the build order. Your build order is one of the worst things, or your response to scouting the three racks, is absolutely the worst thing I've seen in life. Your logic also makes absolutely no sense. I could already give you an absolute suck stamp just based on your build order and your logic separate from one another. You put these two together and you get the abomination that was your early game here. It was really, really bad. And I don't want to be mean, but it surprises me that this happens. I really believe that if you'd hit Masters at some point, you would understand that the standard, response to something is just the best response. You just get your air units out. And even if you don't, like, the proxy base into a three-gate robot with a prism. It just doesn't follow for me. I just don't understand it. I don't understand it. And yeah, I just don't. So for that, big thumbs down there, my friend. Not a fan of it. Not a fan of it. Second of all, your decision-making in the mid-game, the move-outs, the weird. trying to take your natural base with like four or five stalkers to three times. It's like you can't judge any fights, even though you almost every single time had full information. You knew from the start it was going to be Three Rex Reaper. So you had full information. You made the absolute incorrect call. Then afterwards, you know how many units there are on the map. You keep trying to take your natural down, which is also absolutely the incorrect call, not waiting for your colossi. Then the third thing is while you're researching all these things, and you know your opponent has a bigger army because you just killed your. your prison. So you won't even have reinforcements. If you do end up pushing, you decide to walk on the map. And that also is absolutely the incorrect call. So based on all these three things, is your decision making, your early game and your logic, and well actually your micro. The only time I saw you control your units was when you were attacking your own colossi. So on these all four things, my friend. I'm sorry, but I have to do it. You. You suck. You suck real hard. and that's the truth. All right, that's going to be it for today's episode of Is it Emma or Do I Suck? If you didn't enjoy this, don't forget the like button, subscribe to the channel. Hopefully we'll see you all next time for a new video. Pico, I hope you improve. And maybe in the future we'll have another replay of you. And you improved a little bit. That's all good. All right, see you guys next time. Bye-bye. |
Life Advice With Harstem! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | Special case today! Let's help him rebuild his confidence by getting a million likes on this video! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PREqfd1LGZU/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | PREqfd1LGZU | Dear Harsden, I enjoy your content very much and would love to hear your feedback of this TVZ match I played against my friend. I am a platinum player who got onto Diamond with luck, so my build and micro sucks. If you got into Diamond, you got into Diamond because your MMR said you belong in Diamond. You didn't get in Diamond with luck, you practiced, you beat players that were either in Diamond or slightly below, you got their MMR, then you made it into Diamond. I don't like people complaining about balance, but I also don't like people underselling their achievements. Always be proud of your achievements, even if compared to other people it isn't much. Because getting into diamond, it's a good job. You should be proud of that. It's not because of luck, it's because you deserve to be there. Your build and micro might suck, but you did deserve to be in diamond. All right. I copied the build I saw from a TVZ tournament match, which Maru used going against dark. Although in the tournament it didn't work out as Maru expected, however, I found it very in test-dressing, thus I tried to copy the build. In this match, I successfully declined his hatchery two times and had a plus-one plus-one advantage in almost every late-game fight. However, I still managed to lose due to the investor Roach combo. I stuck to your previous TVZ episodes' late-game advice and not using a monotonous M-M-M army, Marine Marauder, Medevac, because I don't have the confidence to utilized ghost, well, thus I produced only Liberators. However, even with the help of Liberators, I cannot win the match because my lack of knowledge when it comes to countering opponents, army components, or I just suck at SC in total. Please Harstem. Is it me, or is the investor Inba? It's a very good question. Name half cookie, Ray Sterran, League Diamond, well deserved, and server China. He doesn't sound very confident in himself, and I feel a bit bad about that, Because if you made it into diamond, surely there are some things that you do well. And it seems that you're aware of your errors and your underlying mistakes, your weaknesses. So you seem like a pretty reasonable guy. But then you do complain about the investor and the investor roachcom position in general. You mentioned you were playing against a friend. I assume this is your friend. I wish I knew what these words meant. Whenever I see these Chinese characters, I always regret. not studying any Chinese language. It seems real nice for all these replays. To be fair, how could I have known when I was a young man picking whether I was going to go for French, German, Chinese or Russian that one day a lot of Chinese people would be sending me replays to roast them? I didn't know that when I was 14. That's when I made the decision to learn German. What makes do you yet? Ah, yeah. That is good. That's my bet, I guess. We have a barrack center refinery coming up here for Haft Cookie. Just opening up with a standard build order. And because he mentioned copying Maru, one of the things I want to do is just take a look at what Maru does. Uh-oh. And what Haft Cookie does in this game. Probably still, I see the letter Z here. So there's probably something about that Zerg is completely underpowered. And he's saying, no, Zerg is. very powerful and I don't know how to kill the entire army and how to burn the carpet. That's what it is in Chinese. It's burning the carpet, clearing creep. I was like that. Okay, reactor first. I think I have an idea of what this is going to be. So, Maru recently went on a bit of a bout of three wrecksing in tournaments. He did it against rogue on curious minds. I think he also did it against dark on curious minds. He might have done it against Cyril, but I can't quite recall. he opened, I think that was in King of Battles on Curious Minds. I'm not sure if he played three wrecks there. We played it a bunch of times on Curious Minds, maybe even once on glittering or Berlin as well. I can't quite recall. This build is really cool. So it's a reactor first into triple barracks. Yep. This is the only reactor first build that Maru has done. And the goal is to hit with 19 to 21 Marines at the 5 minute mark. 502, 503 is when Maru hit when I watched that replay. You get three very fast barracks. You get Stim and Combat Shield. And while you're moving out, you get an eBay and then a factory. And when your factory finishes, you get the starport. You build the reactor with the factory, swap the factory and the star port. And then the factory goes into one of the tech labs of the barracks. Your first pushout is with 21 Marines. Your second pushout is with two MEDAVX and 16 Marines. if after you lose your initial 21 Marines. And then your third pushout is when you have METafact 3 and 4, and they pick up two tanks and eight more Marines. So then you have a, I can't do mad, 24 Marine Army with two tanks and four MataVX. And I think you have one at that point. It's a really nice, tight build order that is extremely fine-tuned. And when you're copying a build like this, it's important that you get the details, right? Because the devil often is in the details. And what I'm seeing here is a player that, A, stays in gas for way too long. After you build your command center and your first reactor, you pull one or two workers out of gas to increase your mineral mining, get a faster second barracks, a faster third barracks, because you have more minerals. And then after your second barracks finishes, the SUV that was building that second barracks, builds the refinery. So this refinery is 17 seconds too fast. And that first gas was mining too much gas as well. and we already see a big gas float. I'm saying this every single week, and I'm going to keep repeating it. Whenever you mine gas too early, your economy gets worse. Because the only thing that increases eco are minerals. Please put it in your mind, guys. If you want a better eco doing a build, you want to mine minerals as long as possible, and get into gas the latest as possible for your timing attack. The rest looks pretty fine. He's looking for overlords here. this is a move that Maru often did with either four or six marines, looking for one overlord on the map, killing it, hoping to force out a couple of lings, and then returning back home. It is important with these Marines to not lose them, because they really add onto that later push with the Stim and the combat shield. You will never be capable of killing queens anyway, because, well, there's going to be at least three queens. How are you going to fight three queens against four marines? It's not possible. Attacking the hatchery here is, it just makes no sense whatsoever, right? You know that the queens are there. Speed is also finished. There's like three different ways you can die right now. So way number one is you attack this hatchery, you kill the hatchery, but at the same time your opponent is Ling flooding your natural. That would be a possibility. You would absolutely die. You wouldn't have enough Marines at home to defend this. The second way you die is if your opponent is Lingbanebusting, you also just straight up loose. The third way you're in a bad spot is if he just trades with his queens against your Marines and the fourth way which I guess is the ideal scenario is when your opponent builds 12 to 14 lings so he cuts a couple of his own drones and then kills your Marines that way he loses six to seven drones but you also lose your four Marines and then he gets the drone up and I'll have the lings for later so none of these scenarios are good you're basically doing a move out and the commander lays out four scenarios that end up with you losing. Perhaps it's just time to cancel the mission at that point, half cookie. It's not a good idea to just start walking across the map without having a goal. Always think in the back of your head, hey, what is the goal with this push? What is the best case scenario? What is the worst case scenario? If your best case scenario is that you're going to be down 150 minerals, that's not a good scenario, even though it is your best case. Now, your next move out, as a result of that initial moveout, is also going to be worse. This is 13 Marines, I think. Actually, it might be easier to just count the Marines at home. 17 minus 4. 13 Marines. Good job, Kevin. So it's a 13 Marine pushout that is hitting very close to the actual timing. So I said 502, 503 with 19 to 21 Marines. So you're hitting with 6 to 8 Marines less here. Because you lost 4 and because your build wasn't completely tight, you already had two less than Maru did with this push. You're going to stim in, and your opponent has absolutely nothing. It does have a lot of workers, but nothing else. Starts building roaches. This is good for you, but it obviously could have been better had you had more Marines here. I mean, just would have been more powerful. But honestly, this is not bad. And now here's a concept that I hope you follow. And that is knowing when to go back. So often, I often talk about this in. when I see a Protoss matchup as well. So what they'll do is they'll have an oracle and there's a queen there. And they'll kill 12 drones and they'll lose the Oracle. But there is a point in that period where you're busy killing drones and that queen is attacking you where you can kill the maximum amount of drones and still fly away. So you preserve your unit and you have maximum damage output. That's probably going to be nine drones or 10 drones, right? So and then what you have to do. is you have to think, hey, is it worth it for me to kill two extra drones and lose my Oracle, or is it better to kill two less drones and keep my Oracle alive? And 99% of the time it's better to keep your units alive and kill the one or two workers less that allows you to go away. So you end up losing like three, four extra marines because you wanted to sniper queen or maybe four extra marines because you want to sniper queen. It's not ideal, but I still honestly like this situation for you. Your follow-up is good here. You go into the Marines. Okay. You went in reactor mines here and that is not quite proper. Two reasons why this is not proper. One, it kind of exposes you for roach play. Against roaches, the ideal hard counter against roaches is not actually the marauder, but it is the tank. If you get tanks against roaches, that generally is quite good for you. So what you want is you want to be producing tanks with this factory. this barracks wants to be on this reactor. That's very important. If you do that, then both of these buildings are on their ideal add-on. Right now, this barracks is producing less marines. Well, it's producing marauders, so it's not producing any marines, but it could be producing two marines at a time, which has very high DPS. And this one could be building tanks, which would be super useful against roaches as well. So this is not quite the scenario that you want. And once again, like I said, the build that Maru did, was really relying around that two-tank push that he follows up with for Metafax that you're just kind of missing right now. You're also not starting your plus one armor immediately, but overall it's still a situation that is pretty okay. Your third base is done. Your opponent is on three bases still as well because you, I think you denied it now for a second time or maybe he didn't start it yet. Anyway, the third base is still gone. There's no Evo chambers, or if they haven't been researching yet. So you're actually up-in upgrades. The only problem that I see so far is that your unit comp isn't really evolving into what I would like it to evolve. Ideally, we'd be getting tanks right now and a lot of Marines. We can keep the tanks at home, send two MataVX across the map to try and do some harass. And when you get attacked by roaches, you get everything back home. You defend with the tanks and the Marines. And hopefully you're going to be absolutely okay. Your mackerel is good, though. See, you're a little bit too hard on yourself, I think, buddy. You said you have no skill or bad macro, but your money is extremely low this entire time. You hardly are getting supply blocked. Oh, Liberator. Okay, so you're skipping a couple of steps here, you know? I'm sure that in previous episodes where TVZ is happening, I said something along the lines. In the late game, you want to get to liberators and ghosts. You don't want to stay on Marine Marauder. But you're skipping a couple of steps here. You need to go up to five barracks first, then up to eight barracks. And that is when you start your transition. Double factory, eight barracks, awful four bases. Like the typical layout is you go three racks or you go three base, you go three racks, then you go five racks, then you add a second factory. Then a fort base, three more barracks on top of that, and then you decide what your follow-up tech is going to be, whether it's going to be ghost, liberators, or maybe a third factory for more tanks. That is all fine. This is basically like you watching a tutorial video on baseball, and you're only half paying attention, and you hear the goal is to go back to the home base, you know? And you don't know really much about the rules in between. So you start running towards the first base, then you skip second and third base and just run back straight away and then you start celebrating. That's kind of what these liberators are right now. This is you celebrating after running to first base and then going back to home base. That's not how baseball works. That's not how StarCraft works either. Because you need to do the intermediate steps as well to build up an army that these late game units can kind of supplement. Late game units often are a supplement. Except for the ghost, the ghost is just, yeah, entire army by itself. It's a support unit, main damage output, tanking ability. That unit has it all. It's a complete man. The ghost is truly the Arnold Schwarzenegger of StarCraft 2. Governor, Filmstar, Bodybuilder. Overall nice guy. Seems like a nice guy. I never met him. Gives up a good impression too. To be fair, if I wouldn't say that, he might beat me up. Okay, is it not the greatest fight? Okay, maybe that was a bit of an understatement when I said not the greatest fight. This is a really bad fight. You walked straight into a couple of piles, and then you just walked up a ramp where he had a massive concave in Vester Roach. You were fighting with pure marine marauder, no tank support, nothing. Actually, resources are lost still in your favor, though. And you're outmining your opponent pretty heavily. At this point, we need to start adding two extra barracks. As you can see, your production isn't actually keeping up currently with your income. Often people look at this and they go, oh, my macro is not so great. But the issue here isn't your macro. The issue here is just that you're lacking production. Now you're getting the fusion core. At this point, you're truly even skipping the first base. You just go halfway to first base and then run back home. Start celebrating like you just ran a home run. It's not how it works. It's just not how it works. Fort base before Barracks 4 and 5 as well. Floating a lot of energy on all of these command centers. A second armory? I think you're misunderstanding here. Yeah, your goal is to get a big army and then really supplemented with these late game units, these lips, the tanks. Tanks are important against roaches. Let's not forget about that. Tanks do extra damage to the roach and also thanks to splash damage. They have long range. They're generally good as a backup unit. Now, what I'm not saying before next game you sent me in is you playing a single barracks pumping out marines and then you're throwing down three factories and two armories is that you just literally only build tanks. that would be Mac. That's a different play style. What you want is you want to kind of complement the marine strength together with the tanks. A tank has a long range and the marine can kind of kite back to those tanks. You can deny some creep, ideally not fight on creep. You're probably going to get some decent fights. It's what I would say. Going straight into Liberator, it's just not super, super useful, especially because your opponent has Reveragers as well. and Reveagers are quite okay against Liberators if there's no tanks near it because the lips just they'll just get biled down and there's nothing to zone away the roaches and the Reveagers. And there's even a couple of hydras. It's investors as well. You start moving out. You are getting the advanced ballistics which I like. We're getting a fort base which I also like. I like these extra barracks. That's a good call. And you're... There's some things that in your gameplay, very good. It feels like you generally have a concept of what you want to do. You abide by timings, at least semi-okay, especially for a diamond level player. I feel like a lot of things you're doing are good. But then other things just... Oh my God. Okay, well, that went a lot better than I thought it would for you. That didn't. Okay, I need to see this again. This move, okay? This is like chasing someone that has a knife while you're blindfolded. Your entire army is clumped. And what does the investor want? He wants a clumped army. You're just completely hoping that your opponent is either asleep or doesn't have a hotkey right now for the fungal. growth ability. And as we can see by the APM, your opponent isn't asleep. And honestly, even without a hotkey, he'd be able to land this fungal just by clicking on the mouse. Then he gets another one. Look. He actually hits your entire army. I didn't even know that the diameter of the fungal growth was this big, that it could fit that many units, but you were so freaking clumped. You mentioned that your micro isn't the best. And with that I would actually agree. Your micro, so far in this game has been very mediocre. And I don't think it's because you can't micro. I think you do know how to micro. I just think you're not patient enough. You're afraid of the Zerg army. Perhaps you haven't played with this composition much before and you want to end the game as quick as possible. And as a result, you kind of panic and you just go in. But you don't need to do that. You have an army with the Liberators that you had that you slowly but surely siege forward. Liberator, and ideally, like I mentioned before, you have a couple of tanks with it. then you send in small forces of bio kind of pre-spread. And sure, it might not be as good as clam. Or, well, it definitely won't be as good as clam. If it is as good as clam, then you can message the team liquid management, and perhaps we have a spot for you. But, yeah, it's just about patience. You can do it slow, but just try to do it properly. I rather have you do it slow and properly than quick and run everything clumped up. is it's not going to work for you. Then once again, you're stuck at home. You go into extra factories, even though you haven't been using this factory for a while now, that obviously should have already been increasing the tank count. You get an orbital command on your fort base. Now, I'm all for experimenting with orbitals on fourth bases and not copying what the pros do. But there's a reason why the fort base 99% of the time is a planetary fortress, and that is because it just adds a lot of safety to the base. and the benefits of the orbital command don't quite outweigh the benefits of a planetary here as a fort. Planetary here also would have died, though. So in that way, I guess we have a similar situation. We can pretend that it never happened in a way. Workers moving forward. This was kind of clumped up, these liberators, but they're all seized. Once again, you're unseaging every. at the same time and that exposes you to your opponent just attacking straight into you. Just take your time, unseach, at least keep one there and then unseach four of them. You know, that would be extremely helpful. I don't even mind this move out forward. This is good. This is exactly how you should be doing. You're just pushing your opponent back. Yes, look at this. This is absolutely brilliant. And now you siege them up. No. We leave one seached and then we go in with the four others. Okay, now all of these are clumped. They all get hit by the same fungal and look at that. All get hit by the same bile as well. These were four biols and one fungal on a clump of five liberators and all of your siege units just died. This is why you do things slowly rather than panicky. Lurker is in the backer destroying you and now your tank production starts. But it's the wrong order around. You ran from the first base back to home base and now you're going to the second base. It makes absolutely no sense. It just makes absolutely no sense. You have 3-3. Your upgrades are good. You're always up and upgrade. But upgrades are only useful if you have units that are fighting well against your opponent's composition. And at this point, that's just not the case. And you only have Marines and Marauder. Right now you're dead. But honestly, in that last fight, you probably could have been up six upgrades and you still would have lost it. You clumped all your liberators, which were the main zoning tool that you had against the lurkers. You lost all of those. And then your army just dies. because this army composition is better. People often think that Starcraft is just completely a mechanical game, but the strategy and the unit composition and the decisions really do matter. And a lot of your decisions, almost all of them, were incorrect. And it's the same with your micro. It's just kind of poor. It really was. And it sucks because I like your build order. I liked your over your macro has been good. I think you're, I mean, for diamond. 174. I don't know. I feel like these guys are quite fast for diamond. You're like 3.2K MMR as well. So it's kind of low diamond. I find them quite good. And at this point, this Eric's just going to move in and there's really nothing you can do. He still siege up the tanks if you want to try to play. But your opponent has freaking 9K resources. And often the best thing to do here is to just respect you and your friend's time. Respect the time with me and the viewers as well. Just leave the freaking game. you can have a try in another game watch the replay by yourself I mean this is what are we here for you know no use absolutely nonsense 65 supply against 169 gg yeah you lose the game yeah I actually kind of feel bad for you and for two reasons the first reason is because I genuinely liked your macro if I looked at this game and I looked at the macro and I looked at that early game builder Yes, I saw some small mistakes. But for your macro, for a diamond player, I would have said this is midmasters, maybe. You did that well. It's just after the early game, it felt like there was no plan anymore. You had a plan for the first five minutes, and that went okay. Well, it went well. You kill the hatchery. You're in a good spot. But then from there on out, you have no clue what to do. And it's important to have a plan. Because if you don't have a plan, what ends up happening is that you'll look at this game and you'll go, oh, Liberators didn't work, but you can't quite figure out where it went wrong because there was no real decision tree. You just blindly went into Liberators. So you were like, okay, in your head, right now, Liberators aren't good. Next time I try battle cruisers. And then battle cruisers don't work. And then you'll try another unit. But you need to build this up. Like you go bit by bit. So first you play the early game, then the midgame. Early game went well. Then you follow up with the midgame. It's going to be tank push and stuff like that, then you can kind of evaluate the situation from there and out and then see what the proper counters are to whatever he does. If you don't want to play ghost, which is fine, I understand ghost can be quite difficult to control on the lower levels. Also on the higher levels, they can be quite difficult to control. That's fine, but you still need these initial intermediate steps. So for your macro, I'd say, good. For your army composition, I would say, no, absolutely not. Too many marauders. no tanks whatsoever mines against roaches absolute nonsense as well yeah that's not good when it comes to the micro yeah it wasn't it you consistently were clumping up all of your units your liberators your army you were chasing investors with a completely clumped army you walked up a ramp initially perhaps the best fight you took was when you lost four marines against three queens because you didn't make any mistakes in that fight. In every other fight you made mistakes. Even in the fight with the four marines against three queens, you killed nothing, but at least you know, you didn't fill massively or miserably. So for that you also get a big, unit composition was an eh, then this was an eh, and then your infrastructure obviously sucked. Double armory before a fort barracks, fourth C, before a fort barracks. Yeah, absolute nonsense once again. I guess it kind of ties in with the armor composition. Push it all together into a nice little pile. And you, my friend, do suck massively. Investor Roach isn't imbalanced. It is easily beaten by tanks, but you just decided to not build them. And does she lost? You suck. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you didn't enjoy this, don't forget to hit the like button, subscribe to the channel. And hopefully we'll see you all next time for a new episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? or one of the many other videos on this channel. Thank you so much for watching and bye-bye. |
Waiting For The Water To Turn Into Wine... (Waiting A Long Time Already) | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | Guys, I am serious! The Lurker is just a Siege Tank in some spiky disguise! I do not understand how noone gets this... If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/boaXEAmC-tg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | boaXEAmC-tg | Hello, Hirsten. To be honest, I realized that I was floating way too much minerals. And to be frank, I'm not on the level I used to be. It is too many minerals. Whenever you have something that is countable, it is many. And whenever something that isn't countable, it is much. You have too much water, but you have too many minerals. Anyway, let's go on. However, even so, I feel like the attention needed to deal with lurkers in the midgame seems to be too much compared to how much effort the Zerg has to do to actually do insane damage. After watching the replay, I noticed I could probably have done a better base rate instead of trying to defend my third. But even so, I decided to ask you if you deemed this imba or not. Finally, I should probably have transitioned to disruptors earlier. The last comment feels a bit like a throwaway comment. It's like he already has the conclusion and then he puts like a part of the middle of the body of the text there at the end. It doesn't make a lot of sense. If there's one piece of advice I can give you before we get into this replay, is that please never become a professional writer. Because when it comes to the build-up of a text, you don't really seem to understand too much. And the grammar definitely also could use some work. Oh, before I forget, of course, we're dealing with a Protoss player who is a master on the European server and his 4.5K MMR. All right. Let's have a look at this. See what our man's spotlight here has to, has done wrong. or what he has done correct, of course. It's completely possible that the lurker actually is imbalanced because that really is what his complaint is about. The lurker simply being too strong. It's very common that we, we, and I say we, I mean I, that I get complaints about the lurker in my inbox. People are always like, the lurker is way too good, it's invisible, it does splash damage, it's invisible, I can't see it. It is difficult to attack it without detection. And if you notice something, it's that a lot of these complaints are the same thing. It's about the fact that you can't see them. And often, just having detection kind of is the answer to all of their issues, just not realizing that they can get more than a single observer or more than triple orbital commands for scans. They can get 10 orbital commands for scans, and then all of a sudden, it's a lot easier. Anyway, I'm drifting off here. It's going to have a, to take a look here at the build order. Standard 20 Nexus. Not mining quite enough gas, but this is a, this is a, what is a master's game. game, low masters. I'm kind of okay with it. You know, the build order doesn't have to be super precise. As long as you're doing the main thing's correct, which is the timings of the buildings and when to pull the workers in and out of gas. It's kind of secondary. You know, and so far, it looks pretty okay. He's even doing a little bit of mineral harass here, which I do like. You see the APM, 173, 172 for a 4.5 player, that's pretty darn decent. Circus is pretty low, by the way, which is rare to see. It is what it is. Second piling goes up as well. We get the chrono boost on the adept. This is an actual build order and he's doing it in kind of a tight way. The only real mistake I've been able to spot so far is the fact that he didn't get a block on his opponent's natural. So he probably did a gateway scout and the fact that he was a little bit too late into his own gas. Once again, these are things that I can forgive. Scouted all three bases as well. So knows exactly what's going on so far in this game. First, ADEP is not moving across the map. I like to just send that first ADAPT across the map, especially if you're Krono with, to just get a little bit of information. If you don't want to send your ADAPE across the map, why would you chrono it? If you don't want to get there quickly on the other side, use your Krono on another wave of probes or something like that, or save it for your Stargate units. Always think of why you're chronoing something rather than just chronoing it to Krono. It's now going to go with double adapt. It's something I don't really recommend to play a double-adapt sacrifice or double-adapt across the map if you don't chrono both of the adepts. If you want to do a play like this, go ahead, but chrono both adepts, because then you can get to the other side of the map quicker. The usual speed timing, or the usual timing that speed finishes at, would be about 328, 329. So speed should have been done at this point. Luckily for Spotlight, that's not quite the case, and he's going to be able to escape with these adepts and even gets a little bit of damage done. so that's nice. Gets to go home safely and he'll live to see another day. Full-up is going to be gases. All right. It's possible. I just don't know this build. Builds two adepts as well from these gateways. This adapt isn't properly set up in the wall either. And it continues going in with these adepts. Now, once again, in this game it is fine. But I don't think he scouted the speed timing, so it actually isn't fine. Even though it is doing damage and it's working out, it's not actually the correct play. And this happens often in StarCraft 2, where the play that gets someone in a good spot isn't necessarily the theoretically correct play. Using Adepts the way that he's been so far is theoretically very risky. You'll notice that if he ever plays against someone that rushes out speed, we'll just lose both of the adepts and most likely die to some kind of Ling flood. Wouldn't surprise me even a couple of weeks. I'll get an IOLus complaint from this guy complaining about the power of Ling floods. Or maybe he'll watch the replay and realize that you shouldn't lose two adept for free. Anyway, I'm drifting off here as we have charge. Two extra gateways. No, third base. Okay. Third base as well. Now this looks to me like it's going to be an R-comprobe. And the reason I say that is if you're going for a pure charge, a lot of attack, rushing into four gas before taking your third base, is kind of ridiculous, right? What are you getting the gas for? Salads don't cost gas. The unit that costs gas and is a good gas sink is the High Templar, and thus most likely this is going to be going into an Arkon drop. Instead of going for a prison, he opens up with an immortal. It's a second forge as well. Okay, three forges. It's going to get good upgrades at least. Now it gets an Oracle. Okay, this is not the correct order of things. I kind of was, you know, I was giving him a little bit of leeway. I was like, all right, these adepts, that's weird. Just a single Stargate unit, that's weird. But this is just bad now. Getting the Oracle this late is absolutely useless. The power of the Oracle is that when the Queen Count is still relatively low at 4 or 5, or sometimes even just at three, you can do some damage. You can deal some damage on the other side of the map. Also, in StarCraft 2, the earlier you tend to do damage, the bigger the impact. If a Zerg is on 60 or 70 workers and you kill three workers, that is a very small percentage of their income. However, if a Zerg is only on 18 or 20 workers and you kill three workers, that's an insanely big percentage, like what, 15% or so? That's huge. You're denying them a lot of, income and it really snowballs later on into the game as well. So if you want to be using oracles as an harassment unit, do that earlier in the game rather than later into the game. On top of that, getting extra gases really quickly to start flowing a lot of gas tends to be bad for the economy. And I've alluded to this many times before, many, many times. The only resource in the entire game that creates more economy, and this is true for all three races is minerals. You need minerals to build next side. You need minerals to build supply structures and you need minerals to build workers and for Zerg also overlords. Well, that's I guess the supply structure. So the more minerals you have, the more gas you eventually can get because you can expand quicker, that type of stuff. These extra two gases are really good if you want to hit a very specific timing with an Rcon drop, for example. However, if you're opening up with triple forge and your arcone drop is going to be hitting at what, like the freaking 7.30 minute mark, then you might as well just have taken a third base first and saturated those gases faster, which you could have done because you would have had more minerals. With more minerals that snowballs, you would have had higher supply as well, and you still would have been capable of doing this arcone drop. Okay, so you have these two Archons in the prism right now. And they're going to start harassing, I bet, at some point as well. we're curious to see if they ever do get to their to their goal they go in right here Zerg isn't completely ready i can't really blame the zirc for that either because this is the worst timing for arcon harassed that i've seen in my life like at this point the zirc already is uh considering what type of hive tech he wants and my man is still hitting with his first true harassment it's not quite what you want not quite what you want as a result he really gets well barely anything done four workers killed so far and he returns well i think it's going to go back home i wouldn't mind if it just rotates towards the left side or just stays here and then goes back in you know forces the queens to stay there maybe can force away another drone pool instead he's going to go to the tower maybe get a little bit of map control okay makes well not a lot of sense but perhaps there's something here okay it's not taking the tower either the same time let's take a look at what these triple forgers are doing. Wait, he cancelled one forge, so he's on double forge. Plus two. And what is this? He's going to go shields for armor. Now has to be shields. Shields it is. Prism is still idling here. And let's take a look just for a second. Let's do the, well, those again, the mid-game army composition review. All right. So we need to start with the scouting in order to properly review someone's army. You need to know what they have scouted. My man has seen absolutely nothing. He's seen the fact that a layer started. I think he might have seen one or two hydras as well on the map, but he hasn't really seen much else. However, he's still getting a decent army camp. He's getting immortals, salads, and archons. If his opponent had opened up with Muralisk, this game would have been completely over. There's no anti-air that is quick to defend mineral lines. There's not a single cannon everywhere. There's no blink either, so a stalker warping wouldn't have done it. this is terrible. If Muras were what the Zerg would have gone for, our boy Spotlight would have died, well, about five minutes, well, three minutes ago, maybe. For everything else, though, I kind of find his army okay. He's getting high immortal count, or trying to get a higher immortal count. He's a couple of Archons, Templar and Zellat, and he's a pretty decent probe count as well. So overall, I think you pass the midgame Army review for the Army composition check. whatever it was called. Here comes the prism. This prism has taken quite the path. Look at this. This would be the most disappointing prism in the world. What? Okay. Just a recap. The prism hit this base at seven minutes and like 50 seconds, something like that. It then picked up, went back to the tower, idle there for 45 seconds, then went into the main base, went in the phase mode and died. This is a little bit like going from Germany to New York, except rather than flying straight to New York, you first go to South Africa, you stay there for 25 minutes inside of the airport because you're not allowed to leave. and then as you see New York on the horizon, your plane makes a nose dive into the Atlantic Ocean. It's kind of similar to what Spotlight did here with this prism. If I were a unit in Spotlight's army, I would not want to be entering any prism in the near future. Okay, so the transition is going to be into DT, second robo, and Fleet beacon. I like the Fleet beacon, and I can even kind of see the second. second robo for higher immortal counts. I really do like that. Fleet beacon for carrier, mothership, maybe even Tempest. I mean, all of that is kind of good. One of the main tricks against Lurkers often isn't even so much what army you have, but where your army is positioned. And moving out on the map, it's almost always a good call against Lurkers. The reason for that is, is once the Lurker settles into a position, it becomes really difficult for you. Oh, it's a good scouting, by the way, here. Seize the complete army. It becomes difficult to for you to engage into that position. If you're attacking, however, those positions are going to be positions that the Zurg wants to defend. And while you're busy fake attacking, is what I was going to say, you can transition into an army that can clear the lurker. So at this point, Spotlight sees this and says, okay, I know where he is currently, and what I want to do is I want to transition into something different. He goes for disruptors. I don't really like that, honestly. I much prefer things like carriers. Disruptors always feel like you need a crap ton of them to do well. And even in that case, they're still super microintensive. They're not actually a hard counter to the lurker because the lurker can unburrow in time often. But this is obviously not a fight that you can take. The reason it's so obvious because your opponent has freaking 20 lurkers or something and you just don't have the units. You're down in supply. You still have 4K in the bank. Most of the time, if you have 4K resources in the bank, and, well, actually it's more like 6K resources in the bank, gas and minerals combined, and you're not maxed out yet. You want to stall the fight. You don't want to fight ASAP. Now, he warps in six stalkers on slow pilots. What? Why does he think that is the correct call? I feel like that is pretty, probably the worst unit that you can have against the lurker. Maybe an adept is worse than a stalker. Adepts probably worse than stalkers. At least you can shade away. The stalker is actually completely useless. Such a terrible unit against lurkers. And one of the issues here is that I actually want to go back into time a little bit here. Okay. So we're going to start before the first fight again. The first fight here, which Spotlight, well, this is actually the second fight already. I think he already has a fight before that. So the first fight that Spotlight has is a fight that goes very wrong. He has a 171 supply army against 185 supply of lurkers. And he's not fighting in a great position. He doesn't have the greatest army positioning either against this. And there's a bunch of units that are still running around the map, not really here. So he loses us a fight in which he is down 14 supply. His Templar are all full energy and he decided when the fight would take place. Okay. Now with this in the back of our mind, we could perhaps predict how future fights are going to go if our setup is exactly the same. We don't gain any tag. Our supply has decreased rather than increased. And our position isn't getting much better either. So here, once again, we're down 20 supply except this. This time we don't have any Templar remaining. Our army is already bruised and a big part of our supply is in the completely useless stalker. Right now a big red alarm should be going off in your head spotlight and that alarm should be telling you that it's time to perhaps change it up, to do something different. If this has gone wrong once already and you were in a better spot at that point, going for it for a second time is obviously not the correct call. So for a second time, this goes wrong, you pull back. I'm like, oh, okay, that's good. But then you just decide to do the exact same thing again. The moment your opponent unburrows for half a second, you go in, you lose 10, 15 supply. You just keep dancing back and forth. Now, I realize I'm criticizing a lot and I'm not giving any solutions. Here's an easy solution that you could have been going for while you're holding a choke with Immortal Templar. So whenever he moves forward, you storm at this point. You storm, you shoot one of the lurkers and you move back. And he basically has to leapfrog forward. You pick off one unit at the time very slowly. While you're doing that, you're doing a big zealot run by into this pace or into this base or into this base. Just try to get some damage on the other side of the map. This could also be done with a prism somewhere. He does have a lot of spines, which is a good call out of the zirg, honestly. But if you send in 12 zealots, believe me, four spines are going to fall very quickly, especially because you have two to upgrades. So they're quite powerful against the spines. On top of that, while you're doing that, so you either need to completely cut off eco and reinforcements and then slowly but surely shave this off, or what you can do is just try to do eco damage and buy time while you're tacking into something bigger. And whether that be carriers, tempest, or, in your case, disruptors. I'm not, like I said, I'm not huge on it, but it is possible that they will be somewhat valuable. I find it hard to believe that they're going to be super valuable if there's three vipers out already. Actually, I find it almost impossible to believe that they're going to be very valuable if there's three vipers or four vipers out already. Now, this warping to me, I just completely don't understand. First of all, it was a slow warping, but also, like, why would you send this in? I just don't get it. Like, you know that it's not going to work. And this is something that I see very often at the lower level in general is where everyone knows. Like my dad, my mom, they've never played a game of StarCraft 2, but they'll look at that. They'll go like, oh, that's five of those small proto's looking units into 12 of these guys that are throwing blades on their ground. They're like, hey, it's not a good idea. The low level player knows that it's not correct to send in the zealots there, yet the low level player sends in the zealot because he doesn't see an alternative. But the alternative is not losing the units and saving them up, or sending them across the map to fight against reinforcing units. This is always an option. Why are you not doing this? Well, here you're disruptors. Imagine coming out of the robotics facility, and these are your first two shots. Nothing going to be very happy with that. Then the vipers pull you in as well. Good Lord. More stalkers? I'm not quite sure who told you. you that stalkers are the counter to lurkers, but if you have that person on Facebook, you might want to consider unfriending him. Because that's not a real friend. That's an enemy. He's just keeping you close. Oh, another shot. Actually gets three hydras this time around. Still are floating 4K as well. You are at this point, you're not completely dead because you have a lot of money. If you had slightly more production, like 12 gateways, I could see someone warping in a lot of zealots here and then sending them across the map. It's just painful to see you do the same thing with the zealots again and again. Like, really, was this the best use of your zealots? You damaged one HydroLisk back to 3 HP. Lost eight zealots for that. You did 87 damage on one Hydra for 800 minerals. That's a good investment. That's great. That's absolutely fantastic. You're completely dead at this point. He's in your production. But for whatever reason you're still playing. Nah, okay. This is unfair with me. So if this was anyone else in the world, if this was anyone else in the world, I would say staying in here and hoping for a miracle, perhaps it's not the correct goal. But in your case, your writing is extremely, extremely bad. Your StarCraft 2 playing is atrocious as well. If everything in your life is as bad as these two things that we've seen out of you so far today, then perhaps the only thing that you have is hoping for a miracle. And then I completely understand it. There is no way that you're going to achieve anything using your own talent. Because you have none, apparently. At least not for the things that we've seen so far. Maybe you're really good at, I don't know, juggling or something. It's possible, of course, or something else that I wouldn't be aware. Solving Rubik's cubes, you know, I've seen people do that really quick. Magic tricks. There's lots of things, but writing and Starcraft perhaps isn't quite it. And then waiting for a miracle is a completely viable solution. I mean, we've heard of things like this happening in the past, you know. One second you have water, next second you have wine. Boom, just like that. I guess that's kind of what spotlight is waiting for right here. Because there's no way in a million years there's going to be winning the same. I like the DTs though. And I like the fact that he's not sending... I like the fact that he wasn't planning on sending them in, but they got pulled in. I'm not going to blame him for that. He had the correct idea there. And this is something also that I noticed. But this isn't even low level. Why do I keep pretending like these guys are freaking silver abroad? It is a master's level game. Very often at the lower levels, people kind of put units in categories, you know? So in their head, the dark Templar is in the category of an harassment unit. And the zealot is a fighting unit. So whenever they build zealots, they often want to fight with it. But when they build DTs, they'll use it for harassment. Or if they snipe the detection for fighting. They build these very specific categories. But StarCraft often is a game that's way more fluid in a way. It doesn't really, these units don't really fit in these specific categories. And they kind of go in between. Sometimes a zealot for one second is good as a counterattack. And in the next few seconds, it's great to function as a flank or to just fight in a straight-up engagement. And this is a skill that is very difficult to learn. but you need to be capable but these probes I think it's the second recall that they see I think it's a second recall and I once heard a theory about like teleporting and that type of stuff and I think the only way that teleporting is truly viable is if you store all the information of the human body and then you send that information and then once that person walks into the teleport machine you kill the person on the one side and then you basically build that new person up from scratch with the information that you send over. So really, this is the third version of this probe, is what I'm trying to say. If that makes any sense. If my explanation wasn't completely correct, you can tell me all about it in the comments as well. I love to hear it when I'm incorrect. You guys are always very passionate when I make a mistake as well. I do like that passion. Some of you have the passion for improving in StarCraft, too, so I wouldn't have to watch this type of crap. I guess it is what it is. A couple of parasitic bombs. Spotlight gets absolutely blasted. And I think at this point he realizes that his water is actually going to stay water. G.G. well played. Evan wins the game. I'm going to have a quick look once again at your balance complain. You realize you were floating too many minerals. That's the first line that you sent to me. I agree. Your macro just wasn't good enough here, I think. You were lacking extra production. you had 7, 8, gateways, well, you should have had 12, 13. Your transitions weren't quick enough either. You could have transitioned into carriers way faster with the amount of money that you had or into anything. You could have stopped building stalkers as well when it comes to the army composition. If we don't even look at the macro anymore, the macro part, we leave behind us. We know you filled that. You knew already when you sent me this, that you failed that. That's not focus on that. When it comes to the unit composition, I think the disruptors just, Just aren't that great of a choice. Once the Vipers are out already, you really want to be getting into that air. The stalkers as a midgame or late game transition even, it just really, it just doesn't make any sense, in my opinion. It just, it really doesn't. You say that you need a lot of attention to deal with the lurkers in the midgame, and it seems too much compared to how much effort the Zerg has to do to actually do insane damage. That might be true. but you also just didn't have the correct ideas on how to fight them. Sure, if you have a unit that sieges up, it always will require less attention than the person that has to deal with. It's the same with the siege tank. But these units have other weaknesses. Like the lurker, it can just transport very quickly from one place to another. If you're attacking at home, at his house, he can do anything about it. The lurker also doesn't shoot up. Every unit has something that feels broken about it. And in the case of the siege unit, it is that they're very good at controlling spaces once they're into the position. And one of the things you can do is try to not let them get there or cut off the reinforcements to that position that tends to work well against siege tanks, tends to work well against lurkers as well. You didn't do any of that. You just kept attacking into that siege position again and again. For whatever reason, whenever people do this against tanks, they can see their mistakes, but they see their lurker as a completely different unit because it moves a bit quicker. But it's similar in everything. essence that if you see 12 tanks, you wouldn't engage into that. But if you see 18 lurkers borrowed, for whatever reason, something in your head goes, oh, that looks fine. I think I can do that. But it's the same. You simply can. So, yeah, when it comes to judging the army fights, when it comes to your army composition with the stalker, it just wasn't good enough. You, yeah, this had nothing to do with the lurker. And your final sentence, the finally I should probably have transitioned to disrupt this earlier. I also said incorrect. It should have been carrier. You, my friend, you just suck. And the lurker is completely fine. All right. It's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? I hope you enjoyed this one. If you did, don't forget, hit a like button, subscribe to the channel. Send in your own replay with the form in the description below. And I will give you high level reasons why you most likely suck. So you haven't had an imbalance one in quite a while. But perhaps yours is just the one that I need. All right. Thanks so much. and bye-bye. |
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"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lQ_uOaRvRzg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | lQ_uOaRvRzg | Dear Harstam, ZVP is the most stupidest matchup in the entire game, and every time I play it, I lose several brain cells. The most stupidest matchup. It's either the most stupid matchup or the stupidest matchup. This sentence is the most stupidest in this entire imbalance complaint form doesn't work. It's just the stupidest sentence. Anyway, let's continue. Here is a fun fact to entertain your StarCraft bodies. Did you know that Voidreys counter hydras, question mark? They are faster than hydras, tankier than hydras, they can thicken beam to do more damage, they fly around terrain like Muralisks, and their voice is deeper and manlier than mine. I'm not quite sure what the last part has to do with the Hydra Lysk and the Voidre, but apparently these guys are a little bit insecure about his voice. As it turns out, Voidres can also act like Muralis, except they're better, because instead of killing workers, they can kill entire hatcheries in one go. It's so stupid that the attack I make of three base can't kill a four base Protoss because the void rays can just kill all my hydras. And then afterwards he has enough void rays left to dance around the whole map like his Protoss beyond with 200 less APM. I was so frustrated at the end that I left without Gigi. What do you think? Is it RIMBA? Or do I suck? Name the cell race Zerg, leak diamond 3,300 MMR and the server. It's North America. All right, let's have a look at this, Mr. DeCell. Your opponent is called Fat B-O in a box, so a fat build order in-box or a fat build-order in a box rather than in-box. We're going to have a look to see whether that, first of all, there's a couple of claims in here, right? So the first major claim that our good friend, the cell makes over here, is the fact that the void ray is better than the hydra, that they counter the hydras. This is the first claim that I kind of want to say is not true. Generally, pure void rays do not beat hydras, unless you match them up one versus one. But that would be a weird thing to do because the hydra is too less supply and is a whole lot cheaper. Like that's kind of how most units work. Like you can also complain in that case that the Ultralisk beats the salad. It's like, well, yeah, like the... Ultralisk is better. One ultralisk also beats an immortal, but an immortal is still the counter to an ultralis. I'm not actually sure if an ultra does beat an immortal now that I think about it. And also, it's kind of weird because Zerg probably has the best anti-voydray unit in the entire game in the queen. This is a 150 mineral unit that costs two supply, which can be built of hatchery tech and a spawning pool. So it's easily reachable for Zerg, and it absolutely hard counters pure void ray armies. It starts getting a little bit worse once disruptors or storms are out, but against pure void ray, the queen is absolutely the best unit in the game. It is super cheap. It is very supply efficient. If you have four queens and each queen has one transfuse and you fight against four void rays with plus one, the queen still end up winning. While you have the supply, I doubt you'll lose more than two queens. Maybe if there's plus one on the void rays, you'll those two queens. But they also scale better into a late game because the more transfuses you get, the better they become. This is why at the highest level, we don't actually see a lot of void rays being built. We see void ray openers going into carriers and into disruptors and into Archons. But the amount of void rays that people build is actually very low. The standard build order right now that most Koreans are using and that most the top players are using, it's a four void ray into double or into triple Stargate build. Four void rays. That's a maximum because Protoss players at the high level realize if you build more than four void rays, you're just going to die against any semi-average queen walk. And that is not quite what you want. So yeah, I don't think the void ray is actually better than the HydroLisk. And if you would ask me how to counter HydroLisk with Protoss, the void ray would probably one of the last units I would mentioned, I'd say zealids, I'd say disruptors, storm do pretty well. Colossi do pretty well. I think we've pretty much had it at that point. Yeah, yeah, I actually think that's pretty much it. Centries are good in cutting them in, you know, in half, the armies in half. Maybe you can do something there, but in general, the void rate isn't actually that great. So we see an interesting build order here out of the Tossies opening up with a straight Stargate, skips warpgate all together, go straight into plus one air. Zerg player opens up with a three hatch and the Zerg player is of course the one we're really paying attention to, gets a creep tumor out and goes for the third base in a line. Usually on Burlingrad you take the forward base because it allows you start putting creep towards the middle faster. It makes it easier that if you are playing against the Stargate built, you can walk a couple of queens across the map. Generally quite helpful. It also allows you to start spreading creep easier to this area which gives you vision of these edges, makes it easier to counter Voidre's flying into bases as well because you're still going to need to take this as your fourth base you might actually struggle holding this base when the Protoss player starts popping with Voidres over here in between the fourth and the main base this is a really quick layer by the way this is a really quick layer it's going to cost him well at least a couple of drones actually down five drones at this point I think just because for whatever reason he decided to not get any to not really use any of his larvae here a little bit surprised by that. Double gas for the TOS after the third race. This TOS builder, by the way, is really greedy. He played this off of double adapt and he got the battery up. If there was any amount of lings being sent across the map, I'm pretty sure that this could have been a cancel or at least a deny on the worker for a little bit. The cell is aware of what's happening here. So that is something. Speed also finishes like a minute too late. Interesting. What is this sport? What is this? protecting. Hello? What is this? He's really keen on holding the extractor. If there was a single Oracle here, which luckily there isn't, this would be a terrible spore that isn't defending anything of value yet. Like, if you want to defend this extractor, you can just put it over here as well. Like, this is just defending less, it feels like. This is like an anti, I'm not even sure what this spore defense. I actually have no clue. Sometimes you see anti-liberator spores that are being played in really odd locations. You'd see like over here or something. But void rays aren't spores. So two voids are going to take out an overlord. And that's allowed. I think he lost one overlord at this point. Yeah, that's usually the amount of overlords, one or two overlords. And then you pull all your overlords back and you'll be fine. He's taking a fourth base. This is a three-base toss. I'll have to read this thing again. It's so stupid that the attack I make off of three bases can't kill a four base Protoss because the Voidrace can just kill all my hydras. Maybe he can't count? Maybe he doesn't understand what Zirgen-Protoss means? He's on four bases already and this Protoss is on three. I might have been missing something, but... This is actually going to be impossible to do. do a three-based push at this point. Fleet Beacon goes gone for the toss. I also like that he rushed out a layer to then just not tack anywhere. Look at this. This is absolutely beautiful. Rushing out a layer and then just keeping it idle for a minute. This is the type of resource investment you want in your life. It's super brilliant. It's like buying a car for your kid when your kid is 10. It's like, we'll just keep it around for when you turn 18. Like, why wouldn't just buy a car when your kid is 18? Now the car will just be sitting there in the garage for eight years. That's kind of what this layer is doing. It's just sitting there. It's losing value. That money that was used in the layer could have been used for faster drones. For whatever reason, this Zerg, without having built any units, is consistently, well, I know why he's down in freaking workers. He's floating 1,500 minerals and has 21 larva. How is this even possible? This is the one thing that always surprises me when Zerks do this. when they inject, but then they don't span the larva. The injecting is actually the hard part of Zerg. Like, if zergs complain about finding it difficult to inject, they say, yes, that is actually quite difficult. It's like an extra macro mechanic. But then once you have these larva, all you need to do is have all your hatcheries in one hotkey, press the S button to select all larvae, and then you can build like 40 drones at the same time. Like that part of the macro is extremely easy and a lot easier than what Protoss or Terran needs to do. It goes into lings. Interesting call here. Very interesting. So far all he has seen is pure void rays and his response is to pump out 19 lings. Get six extra overlords as well. Double evo at the same time. No vision whatsoever here on the top side, of course. Often if you're playing against large void rate numbers, the only thing you really need to know is where the void rays are. So you can put one link here, here and then you just have your queens either somewhere in the middle or you can split in two groups like a group somewhere over here and like a group maybe somewhere over here. So it's easy for you to rotate either into the main base towards your fourth or towards your third. If you see the void raise over here, one group of queens can go into your main and another group of queens can go into your fort base. That is kind of the plan. There's 14 queens which means that seven queens could be on each side. But rather than splitting these queens in a way that would actually be smart, there is now six queens here on the bottom side. trying to pray that the void rays are going over there. Then the void rays pop into the main base, kill what, two, three queens? And kill one or two overlords as well. I love the overlord rally into this. That's really cool. So three queens, seven overlords have gone down. And he moved away with all of the queens as well from the fourth base. So now he's also going to lose the fourth base. And now all of a sudden I understand how he's going to be doing a three base all in to a four base. all in into a four base toss. Now, personally, I find this a little bit disgenuine. Okay? Usually when people say I did a three base all-in, what they mean is they did an all-in that was optimized around three bases. Okay? Because you can't afford the fourth base because your all-in is so optimized or your push is so optimized that spending these extra 300 minerals and that drone is just going to be too much and it will cut into your unit count. That's not the case here, however. What happened here is and that this guy wanted to play a macro game, his fort base got taken out because he doesn't understand how to split queens, and then he's going to attack with a mainly Ling army. There's a bunch of queens. This actually could still work, or this probably should still work. Like, Voidre's trade so insanely poor against queens that if our Zerg player actually manages to move across the map, I think he's still going to win. What is this Tos doing, by the way? He's playing six Stargate? Yeah, six target. With flux veins. Pure Voidre. This actually just gets countered by Queens and also by Hydras. Sixteen balings. You might say, man, what a stupid call to build banlings. There's only air. But I actually like the balings here because they will help clearing up these cannons. Sadly, he wasn't aware that the Voidreys kind of went around. And as a result, actually, it's going to turn into a two base all in now. Man, if I was him, this imbalance complaint form would have looked very different. I was two base holidaying my opponent. I still couldn't kill him while I was on 4 base. There's actually a good amount of hydras as well. So, so, the right click dash of... Did you just move command? Both of them are kind of move commanding. So this fight, this initial fight here went well, okay? So you clear these cannons. Well, the mainlings don't really connect with the cannons. The hydras do all the hard work, but in the end, you get some damage in. That's all good. Then you can see that there's a lot of void rays coming, and at home, you still have 11 queens. You also have 19 hydras with plus one. What you could decide is to kind of kite back with the hydras against these void rays to try and go to your queens. Because if you reach the queens, your hydras stay alive, then you can start pushing on the map with these queens. If your queens ever make it to the other side of the map, you win the game. There's nothing here that can kill a queen. You have plus one queens, you have what? How many transfuses? This is too many to count. I have two hands and two feet and I would not be capable of counting the amount of transfuses on my hand and my feet with the amount of queens that you have. Eleven queens, it's too many. Too many. On top of that, you decide to right click this hatchery with all your hydras. Please note that you did like 400 or 500 damage before you decided to start attacking voids. void rays. Void rays have 250 health total shields plus HP, which means that rather than doing the 500 damage on the Nexus, if you would have immediately started attacking the void rays, you would have been capable of clearing about two more void rays for free. Then you would have had 10 hydras against eight void rays, and because of the snowball effect, maybe you would have lost less hydras. Now, you just seen that your opponent has still 10 void rays and you have 10 hydras. You could just walk your queens across the map, or you could try and bust into your opponent's natural while you already know that your opponent has as many void rays as you have hydras. Thought of that, this one hydra, like literally 20% of your hydra force was not even in the fight. Now 20% sounds like a lot, but in reality it was just two hydras, one hydra moving into the natural, and then one hydro over here. But this is a queen hydra Bane Push. First of all, it hit way too late. This is supposed to hit at like 7.20 or so. You had at like 8.40 with way less units. And also you hit without queens. Hitting a queen walk without queens is a little bit like making a hot chocolate without using chocolate. It's just a glass of milk. And although milk is quite good by itself, if you were expecting a hot chocolate, you're not going to be happy. And if you're wanting to do a queen hydra bainwalk and you forget the queens, that is a very significant part of that push. That is not with the push. So now you're going to start spreading some creep. Still haven't rebuilt this base either. You've been long distance mining from your third base, while your fort base, or your old fort base is already done. So rather than increasing your income very easily by clicking your 16 workers over here, you decide to actually stay at an equal income to your opponent. Now you get the queens out. I like that. This is a good call. And this is still a fight that I think you can just win. The only thing you need to take care of right now is the cannons. And if you kill the cannons with like a couple of bailings, I actually think you should win, no? 14 void rays against 17 hydras and 15 queens. That's a 100% win for you. Sure, you only have, how many is this? Nine queens with this army, which is not the largest amount of queens. but it still should be fine. This is like kind of like if you would serve someone a hot chocolate, but you would just give them a glass of hot milk first, and then after they finish the milk, you give them a piece of chocolate, not even at the same time, just at separate occasion. This makes absolutely no sense. they were here. They just stood there as all your Hydrolyst died. Queens are supposed to tank. If your queens can tank, at least they can transfuse and deal the damage themselves as well. This is actually ridiculous. You end up killing almost nothing and now the queen show up and the funny thing is that this fight isn't easily winnable for your opponent. Just the queens by themselves are actually an issue. Imagine if you still had 15 hydras here with this, you would have been able to actually kill these things. Look at this. He can just engage into this. Well, he can try, but he probably is going to lose like four or five void rays before he even gets rid of half of the transfuses. Granted that you do use the transfuses, which, yep, I was kind of doubtful of. Look, imagine you had like 14 hydras shooting here. Without losing a single queen, you could have killed probably five or six void rays, and then he just needs to walk away because you have 15 hydars and 50 queens still still shooting him. And now you've lost the game. You're down and out. You're down what? 60 supply. You discuss the APM. So this guy has 151 APN and you have 174. How is that down 200 APM? Maybe you meant 20? You just put a zero too many. That is possible. I do like this. Yeah, right-clicking the hatchery. Like, obviously you can right-click a hatchery if there's nothing there. Like, every race can do that. If you had 35 hydras and your opponent had one cannon over here, the hydras are really good at clicking main bases as well. I do agree that Voidreys are quick at killing hatcheries, but are they allowed to beat something? They die against the two-supply 150 mineral unit majority of the time. Like, are they allowed to have one specialty? And if the specialty is right-clicking hatcheries when there's no one around, then I think that is a fair trade for a unit that costs 250 minerals and 150 gas. It's freaking infinite supply. Like, yeah, I think that is actually fair. Once again, you get tricked by this little poke into the main base, then into the fort. Look at that. Hop. Nice split here. There's an even split as well. All the hydras into the fort base. Ah, and he goes into the main again. And ping pong must be a very difficult game for you to play. You don't understand how these void rays ping pong from the fort into the main. And following the ball. going to be a real challenge for you as well, I can only imagine. At this point, you're dead. And him playing like, what did you call this? Let me pass the game here. Afterwards, he has enough Voidreys left to dance around the whole map like he's a Protoss beyond with 200 less APM. Yeah, well, what else is he supposed to do? He can't straight up and gauge into you, even though he's up 30 supply. This is how good hydras are. Even though you got completely blasted in the fight and your opponent is up 30 freaking supply, he's too afraid to attack into you. So rather than attacking into you, he's using the fact that not once in your life have you had a single unit on the map trying to spot where his void rays are coming from. And every single time you find yourself on the wrong side of the map when the void rays show up. You see the void rays leave over here into the dead space and you're like, I'll probably come back here because he saw my high rus here. Surely he wants to come back to this area. This prodos, honestly, not even the most brilliant strategic move, every single time he moves away with the void rays from a location and he sees your units there, he flies to the other side. And after this happening for five times, you still haven't been able to figure out the trick. You're the magician's dream. They could just do the same car trick 15 times in a row and you'd be absolutely surprised. You're the ultimate mark. Like, if someone's playing three-card Monty and you show up, they can buy a house after you're done. It's actually insane. how bad you are at reading this guy's mind. Well, you don't even need to be a mind reader. Like, this is just logical reasoning. He pops out here and he shows up on the other side 10 times. What do you think he's going to do the 11th time? Yeah, the exact same trick. How does this work? How do you not realize that if he's over here and you move your entire army over here, like this? That he's going to move back. and try to clear that bottom base. Why would you not just split this army? And now you go again. All 30 hydras. It's like a dog chasing a ball. Except sometimes when you do the fake throw, like my girlfriend has a dog. If I do the fake throw, the dog is smart enough to realize that it's a fake throw. But you're the kind of guy that just starts running and starts looking for the ball. It's like, it's absolutely insane. You're the dream to play against as a Voidre player. Meanwhile this guy is macroing up at home. He's doing a fantastic job. Getting more carriers. You're getting your Carapace upgrades going. And I do like Carapace upgrades, nothing wrong with that. Somehow during all of this, you still manage to float 1,400 gas. God knows how, but you're achieving it. Now you go for the counterattack, and yeah, now there's freaking five carriers out with plus two. You lose the game, you forget the G.G. I don't actually understand what you want me to say here. Did you even watch this replay? Sometimes I really feel like that people don't watch them before they send them in. They just make something up. You can't actually, unironically, be sending me a form saying that it's so stupid that the attack I make off of three base can't kill a four base Protoss. Like, does he think that I'm not going to watch the replay? Does he think I'm just going to look at this imbalance complaint form? After two years of doing I owe this, after having like 100 free. episodes of this show? Does he think that this time I'm just not going to watch the replay and believe him on a survey. Like, ah, yeah, makes a lot of sense. Three base versus four base. That sounds like the hydras to we can avoid rays to imbalance. You know what? Inbalance, pack it up, hamster. We go home. Thanks everyone for watching. No, of course not. Like, you lost the base. Your timing was delayed by a minute and a half. It hit without queens. And the hydras, whenever they were in sufficient numbers, probably would have traded well. if the protols ever had wanted to trade with you. However, this Protoss sees pure hydras and it's like, well, I don't actually want to fight that. Let me trick this guy ten times in a row. Like, we can kind of, we can put this in two parts, okay? Part number one is your strategy, strategy choice, strategy execution. Your strategy choice was actually fine. I think hydra bane into queen is a fine strategy against, six-targate void rate, which is, in my opinion, not very good. I think void rays are a bad unit generally. They're good for staying alive in the early game, denying vision and keeping your third base alive. But that's really it, at least in PVZ. PVT, there is some niche aliens that might be okay. However, your execution is so bad. You hit without any queens. You attack the wrong things at every single time. Your attack prioritization is literally off every single fight that I see you fight. So for the strategy part you're not going to get a sufficient grade. Let me put it like that. If this was a year in school, you would have to redo the year or you would be kicked back a year and I'd have to question the teacher a year before how in the world it's possible that you manage to even pass grade three because honestly the execution was very miserable. It's awful. It made me sad. If Lombo would watch this, he could possibly get a depression so I'll recommend him to not watch this episode. I know he's a big fan of the show, though. Shout to Lombo. Secondly, is your brain and your intelligence. Now, usually I'm not a man that goes after someone's IQ or goes for ad hominem attacks. But you are just extremely slow in the head. And I don't mean that as an insult. I'm explaining this to you so you understand that in the future, you can kind of adapt to this, okay? if you're very slow in the head and you're slow to kind of adapt to problems, what you can do is before the game is think about problems that could occur. So, for example, if a problem would be that he ping-pongs in between my main base and my fort base 20 times, a solution to that problem could be to split your army in two. Now, I understand that this takes a lot of time, and then you have useful resources like the Battlenet forums or any discord which has a lot of terrans in it, which are always very friendly when it comes to giving advice to the other races. These are the types of places where you could get advice if the problem is too hard for you to find a proper solution to. And I think rather than seeing this at a disadvantage that your brain isn't fast and you're not very smart, use it as an advantage and be very well prepared. And rather than saying, I am stupid. Say, I am well prepared for a lot of situations that could occur. But for now, your brain is god-awful, so you also get a negative grade for that. Put these two bad boys together. And sadly, my friend, the void ray is not imbalanced. You just suck. That's the way of the world. Sorry. All right. That's going to be it for this episode of Is It Inba? Or do I suck? If you did enjoy this, don't forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel and hopefully I'll see you all next time for a new video. Thank you so much for watching and bye-bye, my friends. Bye-bye. |
HOW IS HE DIAMOND?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | This can't be right guys. Have I been tricked? Was the loading screen altered? Or did I miss something? Are we getting an IMBA stamp today? So many questions, but we will answer them all in ... STARCRAFT TO... Ohh, wait, wrong format! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7aJq8pS35S4/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 7aJq8pS35S4 | Dear Harstam, please help. So my drops killed 45 drones. I was up in upgrades, killed the fourth. Supply was 180 versus 120 around 12 minutes. Lurkers simply walk and borrow so fast in great numbers and murders everything. All resources I read slash watched about lurkers couldn't help and I simply feel like once they get to the field, the game is over. A very short Iodis complaint. form. It is rare that we have one this short. It's also, it is a complaint about lurkers, but it's also a cry for help out in the desert, a man who needs water. And I have about a half a bottle left. So we see if we can provide some to Victor. We're also going to judge, of course, if the lurker is indeed imbalanced or if it is him that is sucking. We have a game on 2K atmospheres against a Zerg. The only race that can build Lurkers. Both players are opening with a pretty standard opener. Hatch first for the Zerg player. We see a your average barracks expand. There's no second gas yet. I'd be very surprised for this to be anything but a barracks expand. Now this is a map on which Lurkers are fine. They're not necessarily brilliant, but they're definitely fine on it. Attacking with Lurkers can be a little bit tricky because it's a bit larger of a map. And taking a sixth base for ZERC can be very hard as well. This base is kind of out there, and often with Lerkers defending this area. And this This area is very doable, but once you get this base, it'll become tricky, and there's so many areas you need to defend that, well, it's a bit of a pain in the bomb. So we're going to see exactly what's going to go down this game. I'm quite curious. Lurkers do have, you know, they have a lot of potential. Lurkers are quite good. I know myself, I play a fair amount of turn. They're difficult to deal with. And often, the best way to deal with lurkers is to realize that the best. that the best way to deal with Lurkers is not Marine Marauder or Marine Mine. And this sounds very obvious, but most Terrans, including myself, when I play Terran, you just kind of like to stick to Marine Marauder because you use that composition the entire game and then having to switch out seems like a bit of a hassle. You're so used to pressing your Barracks Hotkey and then spamming the A and the D button, switching off to your factory, building a couple of mines, maybe half a siege tank or something like that. It just feels nice and it feels right. You're in control, you have momentum. And then all of a sudden there's this unit that doesn't really care about how many bio units you have, but he just cares about the fact that you don't have any other units than bio. And in your head, you're like, well, I'm winning. I should just be able to kill my opponent like Terran usually does. You just kill your opponent if you're ahead. But the Lurker is a little bit different and it can be quite frustrating for Terran. and I understand that. But you have tools like the Liberator, the Ghost, siege tanks in large numbers. All do very well, of course, given that you do have some type of detection. And we'll see what Victor his mistakes are here. So opening up with a Liberator first. I feel like these Helions are quite late to start. My God sure wasn't wrong. You know, these are the first two cars. Well, I'm not quite sure what. exactly has been happening here, but this built doesn't seem like the absolute tightest. Opening up with a Liberator first, it's not super common anymore. These days, almost everyone goes Viking into Liberator. That way you can chase away the overlords that are going to be spotting your Liberator path if you want to be getting for two Starboard units, two Liberators, or one Liberator, one Viking, something like that, that tends to be the most common setup. We'll see if he gets maybe another Liberator behind this or if this is going to be it. Builds a couple of depots as well. I do like it. Build order isn't the tides, isn't the cleanest. This is a diamond game, and for a diamond game, this just looks like a very solid builder, honestly. Third Cc should go down right now. Yep, okay. Yeah, I'm really not complaining about this whatsoever. Well, I'm complaining a little bit. The fact that all of these Helions are at home and not on the other side of the map doing something is pissing me off a little bit. Okay, and he's going to head into tanks from here on now. So you see the tech. lab on the factory. So the reactor being built with the star port. One barracks will go down here and one barracks should be going down. Yeah, somewhere over here. Good. It's a good setup. It's very important for Terence to know how to build reactors and how to build tech labs. This is one of the things that you just need to learn and Victor is aware of that. He seems like someone that either watch us pro Starcraft, either actual tournaments or just watch his replays or build order guides because he's played, oh my God, there's not a nice. fight I think. Oh. Yeah, this is not something I generally recommend is running from the left to the right on creep to achieve nothing. Whenever you move with Helions, you always kind of want to have a goal. The goal here, it seems like, was to get from this side over here to this side over here. and you have two options. You have the path that is very dangerous and is on creep, and you have the path that is about as long and is not on creep, this path. I would always go for the path without any danger. It just doesn't make a lot of sense to go on the path where there's lings. Now he ends up losing what? A bunch of halions. He kills a few lings, but I think losing lings isn't actually that big of a deal as long as you don't have to reproduce them immediately. And as the halion count has stopped growing. I don't think there's any need for immediate lings. Game in general is looking pretty good for the Zerg as not a lot of Harris has been done. I'm not sure if the Liberator just died or... I didn't even see where it went but it probably... Oh, it's seized up. I think I did see that. Seagued up in the main base or something. Orbital Command is going to start landing towards the line third base. Majority of the time you see this forward base. A couple of reasons you can put a siege tank up here and kind of keep it safe from that high ground. Also gives you a nice position. to start pushing towards this tower, which tends to be very important in the ZVT matchup, this tower because you can kind of easily deny this base, you have access to the creep here very easily. So I would say normally this is a good position to push to. Now that you're taking this base, you could technically push over here, but you leave yourself very open for run bys. It's not a great path to push, I would say, majority of the time. I'll think Victor is a little bit late with his meta-vex, I feel like. I'm not quite sure why, because he didn't actually open up with that many units. I mean, he went for six Helions and one Starport unit. I believe your first meta-fact, two Metafact push should be hitting at what? 620, 625, something like this. Now it does have two tanks with this, which is going to help. And he's kind of, it's like a distraction, I think. I don't think this is a real... Yeah, it's a distraction. It tries to run away, the same time pushes in, Stimms, The Maddox aren't quite with this army yet, though. It goes forward. Siege is completely on creep. Takes a couple of Spinecrofts. I mean, this is a good trait so far, but, right, like this is where the real problem kicks in. Because he's either going to need to stimming a second time. But then if the bailings come in, you're just going to absolutely get blasted. Because two stims means that every single Marine is going to die to one bailing shot. And even though Victor had way more units here, this fight didn't actually end up as great as it should have been. I think he should have just straight up won the game here. Now I'm not even sure if that's going to be possible. Is there one-one for the Zerg? No, just plus one on Malay. It's going to surround these tanks, get them down. Queen survive as well. Yeah. It's interesting games. What is this? Oh, is that Barracks 4 and 5? There's a lot of money floating as well for both players. That's, yeah, it's not great. And the reason why I think it's usually worse for Terran to float money is because for Terran it's really easy to continuously be producing. For Zurich, you need to do your injects, but for Terran, all you need to do is hit your Barracks Holtki and build some units. So I always judge the Terran players a little bit harsher if they don't manage to macro during their push because it's just a little bit easier than with most other races because you don't have to look at your production. You can just do it at the same time. So, a little bit sloppy floating that money there. Dust immediately continue into 2-2, which is very important. Sensor tower as part of the wall. I'm not quite sure how brilliant that is. Actually, I'm pretty sure that's not super brilliant, but it's going to work for now. Painlinks are going to start rolling in as well. And, well, actually, taking out a bunch of these memories. I feel like Victor is playing a decent game. except for the fact that he's floating 2K minerals so far but everything he's doing just makes a fair amount of sense like I I really do feel like he's someone that understands this game he's quite good at the game even I would say the micro isn't completely clean the build orders aren't completely clean be the ideas behind most moves and the understanding of what needs to be done at what times yeah I actually think he's he's playing a good game here especially for a 4.2K Terran player. I'm really curious why he isn't slightly higher up on the ladder. Like, no, he's, you know, macro isn't perfect. 49 SCVs, I think he just lost a bunch, so I'm not going to complain about that either. Now, I do have to admit, sometimes when people say this guy has good macro, what they really mean is that a person is good at producing SUVs. And I feel like that might actually be the case here for Victor. I think Victor is good at producing SUVs and getting a lot of money. That means he's almost constantly up in supply. But he also is floating a lot of money. So his actual spending of the money isn't great, but he's good at getting it. And these are two really different skills. StarCraft kind of is a game in which you have like a lot of different skills, even within the bigger categories of skills. So people often go like, oh, his micro is really bad. But it's almost never as black and white as someone's micro being bad overall, but being bad in certain situations. You have people that are good at splitting against banlings, but can't target fire a bainling if it were, you know, if it were going to save their lives. And it's the same with macro. There are people that are really good at producing SUVs and really good at keeping like a tight build order in the first five minutes. But then one thing start happening, they just can't spend their money. And I feel like that's kind of happening here. So his actual openers, the idea, behind the macro are good. The continuous SUV production or the almost continuous SUV production, just getting the big eco has been good. But the actual spending has been very mediocre. At times, he probably could have had 20, 30 more units with a lot of the pushes. That's kind of painful. Once again, going for good moves. Sending out a double drop, dropping them outside of creep. I hope he actually is going to do that. Not boost into the main base. Okay, I'm not a huge fan of this. This is the type of multitasking, which is really good if you're very, very fast, but if you're not very, very fast, it's not that brilliant. It's going to lose one Medivac here. It's going to try to migrate. This is a good pickup. It's going to immediately go into the natural as well, I think. That is pretty cool. And this base gets cleaned up at the same time. So it's just doing large, large amounts of damage right now. Gets a drop in here. another pickup as well. So honestly I'm not too disappointed. Wow. It's actually playing a good game. I really am pretty impressed here. There's two mines here. Mines take some, do some damage. Medivac picks up as well. This has just been very good. Units lost so far, pretty far in favor of the Terran. Terran's also up in workers. Right now would be a good time to probably start transitioning, to, well, you have a second factory already. Actually, do you need to transition at this point? I don't think so. I think you can just continue pushing on. Whenever you do some big damage, you can often continue pushing on and do even more damage. That's exactly what he's doing. A lot of it is focused kind of on these tropes, and I wouldn't mind one big push, you know? Like, it's really fun to deal small amounts of damage, but you're still just, well, it's not small amounts. You're doing big amounts of damage, but at some point you still need to knock him out. You know, you're hitting all your punches, you're landing a lot of punches, and you can see the guy is kind of stumbling in the ring, and you just kind of keep, like, just small jabs all the time. And that is completely fine. That's a way to win. But at this point, he's so ready to get knocked out. Perhaps it's just time to, you know, deal the final blow. And there's another reason for this is that often when you're playing against Zerg, or also against Tos as a Terran, Tos and Zerg have these units that kind of give large power spikes. So the way that TVZ works is that it kind of flows. Sometimes Terran is up in map control in a way, and that's in the midgame phase, when they have these marines, these mines, and a bunch of marauders on the map as well. It's very easy for them to have map control, and they're the one pushing out. But then once the lurker is out, that is a very scary moment for the Terran. And you kind of want to make sure that you delay that moment as much as possible and also that you're aware of that moment. Because the moment your opponent gets lurkers, you want to be capable of keeping your opponent at home. If your opponent is not staying at home with the lurkers, it means they're on your side of the map. And most of the time, Terran isn't set up with it. It's the same against Prolos. Once a lot of Colossi get out, like three or four Colossi, Terran can't really fight that army immediately, but that is completely fine because you always have the option to base rate, because you have map control up until that point, and it's impossible to catch your army. Same with Lurkers. Lurkers can't catch up with your army. It's not possible. So this is a concept that is difficult for Tarrans to understand often, but being aggressive, majority of the time, is actually good. It's the best defensive option. There's a couple of cents an hour, and he actually is going to go for that aggression. that does see that there's something happening here here come the lurkers they burrow so you see job you scan interesting fight let's look at that one again I think though I think I know where the issue might be Victor so we had one fly against 126. So he sees the army move in. They burrow, slow burrows still. Is there scans available? There's none over here. There's none over here. And there's none over here. No scan available. Okay. So that immediately tells me that he should not be engaging this fight because he can't see the unit. This is just pretty basic. He walks forward. Doesn't stim yet. Doesn't stim yet. Now he stims. Loses half of his army to the next. shot, moves back into the lurkers, and then as his entire army dies, his scan becomes available, he scans, and then the tanks actually do reasonably well against these lurkers and actually push them away. So what wasn't possible with 180 supply here, he managed to do with four tanks and a bunch of mines. Pretty cool. Now you might be wondering Kevin, he didn't have a scan. What was he supposed to do? Well, a good trick against lurkers is A, they don't have recall, B, they can't be in two plays at the same time. So if you have a defensive setup with tanks and mines, which lurkers can push into, the rest of your army can just go across the map and try the base rate. That is a completely viable thing to do, especially if you're as far ahead as right now. Let's take a look at the defenses that are on the side of the map of citizen. Right here, there's about 17 creep tumors. Now, creep tumors don't have any defensive properties. They just provide vision. Then there's 16 drones on minerals, two drones in this geyser, one drone in this geyser. Not the best fighting unit either, the drone. There is five queens, no, sorry, six queens on the right side of the map with a bunch of transfuses, already upgrades, plus one attack and no carapace upgrades. Now, I know that people say that the queen is overpowered, but if you have about 90 supply of bio against six queens, I do believe that you're going to be capable of winning. What I'm trying to say is that there was nothing at home. The home base was completely empty. And it wouldn't even have been a base trade. You could say, well, getting into a base trade would be a scary situation. But it wouldn't have been a base because this base would have taken years to fall with the tanks and the mines over there. Moving forward was very dangerous. I actually think that citizen would have to run back home and he would come home to no home base. So he would come home and then at that point the house is already destroyed, which is not quite what you want. A bunch of mines are. on the same location. So, yeah, it was not a good decision to lose your entire army for free. But the game isn't over yet. You still have a lot of money in the bank. You're up in income. You have decent enough tank. You're getting another factory, which I like. It means it's going to be the third factory. You're actually taking out every single lurker. This is perfect. This actually was really not that bad. Oh, this Lingman, nice painful. Let me kill out three, four tanks. Well, you also kill all of these lings. That's pretty cool. Yeah, you're still far ahead. You're so far ahead. This game actually is over for the Zerg. The Zerg is dead. He's still there. He's down 40-50 supply. You're going to start building command centers. I wouldn't mind if you add a couple of liberators at this point or even go for a Ghost Academy. You're saying, hey, I want some extra attack. I do like the high tank count, but I also really do like adding some type of secondary unit, either the lip or the ghost or both in this case. Okay, you have all minds together as well, Victor, and you should see mines. Mines are a little bit like money, okay? And right now, what you're doing with your money, you're putting all of it in a savings account with negative interest. You're putting them all together. This is useless. What I would recommend you do with these mines is that you spread them around the map. So you put one over here, put one over here, one over here, one over here, one over here, it doesn't matter, just anywhere across the map. And if you do that, they'll start working more like an index fund in that you just put them there, you put your money there, or you put your minds there, you completely forget about them, and then they'll still give you profit, because the ZERC will always send units in different directions, and if they don't send them there, at least you know that that area is secure and nothing is happening on that side. One of the things against lurkers that is often difficult to deal with is the lurker run by sort of surprise attacks when you're not in position. So having them all over here is just a savings account with negative interest and we're going for that index fund type of fight. This is not investment advice, by the way. This is a StarCraft 2 show, please, for the love of God. 16 Marauders. Okay, this is kind of what I was afraid of, is that you continue Marauder Marine production. And once you spotted the lurkers, a secondary tech, it isn't necessary in this position, but it's useful. Good Lord! I actually think if you would have scanned and split your army, you would have won that. Out of range. Yeah. There's like a dotted line here where you can see that this was going to be out of range. It's impressive. Now imagine there was a mine here and then a mine here. puff, puff. All these units just dying. This is a good move, by the way. This is exactly what you want to do. If you don't have the tech yet, whether that's your ghost, your liberators or your tanks, what you just do, you actually just go, this is this base trade type of move. This is brilliant. See the lurkers coming here? You're out of position. Once again, imagine a mine here, man. Free profits. But yeah, this is very good because there's nothing at home. So you can just kill everything right now. You could go for the extractors, or you could kill that. larva as well. Yeah, nice. Take those larva out. Yeah. Take that. Who. Big stuff. At the same time, you are getting kind of blasted at home. But that's okay because you... No? You can kill everything over here. There's nothing defending. These bases are empty. Preferers to go for the creep. Interesting decision. That's a... That is a very interesting decision here. So you had this high-value target, the bases, the last mining basis of the Zerg. You decided to go for a couple of creepsumers that were covering for a base that already was taken out. Like this is not an area you even want to push in anymore. You rotate three seconds after. Okay, you're still in an okay spot. Okay, you're light years ahead. You have more bases than your opponent. You have more income than your opponent. You have an interesting stim. You have more army than your opponent and so on. I like your upgrades too. There's no carapace upgrades whatsoever for the Zerg. Okay, so you see this in the censor tower? I like that you just keep going, though. That was a very good call. Okay, here come the Lurkers. Here come the Lurkers. No, no, no, no. Just keep going, keep going. Not enough MataVX either, though. Which is kind of an issue. But honestly, I think you just triple stimp the couple of marauders there. Not enough Mettifx, but still, You take out a base. I mean, there's not that much mining here left for the Zerg. Yeah, sniper one or two of these lurkers. Two of these lurkers go down. Honestly, if you... If you... Yeah. It's playable still. Can kill these lurkers, I think. If you turn around, you shoot one, shoot one, shoot one. And now run again. Losing these meta-fax is kind of painful. This makes it really difficult for you to... To go for more base trading moves because you're running out. But once again, like, these lurkers and Hydras are... going to have a tough time killing this planetary. If you can just lift this orbital command, you still have a base over here, which is also a planetary. Ah, this isn't quite necessary, but you're going to get two, three lurkers. You have a lot of money in the bank still. You could repair the planetary as well to make it survive longer. It's one of these advanced tricks is the repair. I'm not quite sure people know about it in diamond. Yeah, good. Exactly. This base is really secure at this point. Look at this. Beautiful stuff. Yeah. Once again, you survive. You You're not quite up in income anymore because this base is mine, well, it's pretty close at least. We're really just lacking that secondary attack. Even just like two, three liberators here would be absolutely huge. For now we don't even have a single meta-vec, so air units are kind of out of fashion, I feel like. Oh, this is a classic move as well. This is the, wait, this is the second sensor tower? This is the sensor tower that reveals a base that the Zerg wasn't aware about. he did know about it. Surprised he didn't attack it earlier. I really am surprised. Seven more lurkers. Burrow being researched. I love it. Second, more tanks as well. Six things. What's this orator doing? What you doing, buddy? Okay, this is a free scan. If you scan this and you just run in, you win. Is there no scan available? Oh, no, there's no scan available. It's going to get a scan in about four seconds. Now these lurkers come in. Lukras? What? Was this a type kill? Lurkers are so ridiculous. Look at this. Ah ha ha. What? My man was 133 supply against 111. And as he sees the next lurkers approach, approach, he decides, and rather than focusing on the game and spending his money, he's gonna type the moment his opponent's lurkers run in. Did he have a scan available? Yeah, the scan available. If he pre-splits, I'm not saying he's gonna win the fight, but you could at least save his units, just move him back and let the tanks do the work. This game wasn't over. Yeah, now he's gonna go. in? He lost half his army while he was typing, complaining about lurkers. Oftentimes, the biggest enemy is our own mind. No way. You can be real. Well, let me read your complaint again. I am. Please help. My drops killed 45 drones. I was up in upgrades. Killed the Ford. Supply. was 120 versus 180 and Lurker simply walk in Burroughsafest in great numbers and murders everything. So a couple of things here. Early game, midgame was all completely fine. There were some minor issues with it, but you played it in such a way that you got a great position for yourself, where you had map control. You were lacking vision at times, so you didn't really know what was happening around the map. Things like run bys could really kill you. That's kind of what happened. He did a Lurker run by. it really all goes wrong once the lurker comes out and I think this is more a mental problem than anything else you just seem kind of tilted against it and I mean that first fight I think you legit lost 90 supply just walking back and forth in lurker shots while you didn't have detection like that has nothing to do with the lurker if you if you stood in 12 DTs without detection you also would have lost or if there's the 12 or 13 ghost and the Zerg just stands around there for 25 seconds, yeah, he's also going to lose all of it. Lurker should just kind of speed up the process because they have a lot of damage output and they do very well against clumped-up units. But you were aware what was happening and just decided to fight it. You really need to see the lurker differently. You can't see it as a unit that cares too much about how much supply there is. You need to have the correct units to counter it, or you can just base rate. and you just have been making the wrong decision. So for your early and your midgame, I'd give you a big thumbs up. I'd say, hey, buddy, good job. But when it comes to your unit composition, not a single time did I see any improvement. You're just sticking with your tank, mine, marauder, marine, which is fine if you use it correctly, but you also don't use it correctly. You don't use it to base rate. You don't split. You clump everything up. You almost play against lurkers like they're banings. Like you're kind of clumping up. You're moving in. and then you move out and try to split and then you go again. But lurkers are static so that doesn't work. They're not chasing you. You need to go in in a big concave in order to fight them properly. You didn't do that a single time, which is not good. Yeah, the majority of your movement just isn't perfect. Your map vision is kind of poor. The way you use your minds isn't correct. And once again, the lack of extra command centers also really hurt you here. You just need extra scans. Get extra command center. After you get your fifth top, after you get your fourth top, the moment you see your lurkers, you start adding command centers, morph them into orbital commands. It's fine. If you don't want to go into Liberator Ghost, because you don't understand how to use these units, another thing you can do, you can just kind of put siege tanks on the outside basis and use your Marine Marauder kind of as like a base trade unit. So whenever you see the Lurkers move in somewhere or move somewhere, just go to a different position with your Marine Marauder, either forcing the Lurkers back or forcing the Lurkers to attack. into a massive tank position with a planetary, these traits are almost always going to be good for Terran because there's just not enough, especially in a game like this where your opponent is on what, like 59 workers? Not good. So once again, I want to say I really empathize with you, Victor. I understand that the lurker is a tricky unit because you can't just build a composition that you build every single game for the past 10,000 games. You actually need to change something. And I know change is scary and change is difficult. But there's also necessary for you to win this game, to win against lurkers in the future. My friend, the lurker is not imbalanced. You just really suck against it. That's a matter of fact. All right. That's going to be it for this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did enjoy it, don't forget the like button, subscribe to the channel. And hopefully I'll see you all next time for a new episode. Thank you so much for watching. And bye-bye. |
This Is Like Playing GSL And Not Bringing A Keyboard... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | In this weeks IODIS replay we once again venture to China and watch two good old friends battle it out on Curious Minds LE. But wait! Something is lurking in the bushes ready to strike. Is it something IMBA, or just a lot of sucking? Or maybe a like that you want to drop on the video? Who knows.... Btw, did I already mention that Serral is my friend? :) If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HvltoSH0hJc/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | HvltoSH0hJc | Dear Harstam, your content is always fun and I enjoy each one of them. Even though your accent made it difficult to understand every word you say. It's a good start, buddy. I don't think he knows what he's signing up for. This is not how you're supposed to. Usually what you do in the first paragraph is you kind of warm me up, you know? You kind of do some I-O-Dis for-play, okay? Like, make me happy. Say something like, man, you're the greatest content creator. Then I'm going to go a bit easy on you. with this type of crap. If this is how you want to play it, all right. Let's see how it is. Back to the business. Yeah, yeah, go back to business. Ultralisk is utterly imba. All they require is money. And they will help shred through the Terran force. This is a game of TVZ I played against my friend. This is the first time for me to play against him. He's about 300 MMR above me. I played a little bit safe by opening up with 2-1-1. The early game macro was a little bit flawed with a delayed stim and shield. But I think I did a fine job. into the midgame. I had some fair trades against this army, and although I don't have a brilliant multitasking ability, I still managed the macro to plus one plus one upgrade. Because of my micro, I went very aggressive to fight Zircon creep, and I managed to get a good trade of it. I sustained this advantage until the plus two plus two upgrade. Then the Ultralisk game. There were simply too many of them to micro my way out, and they cleared up my force. Because of how Terran production works, I cannot pump ghost out of my barracks, like Zerg pumps out zerglings from their hatchery, so I lost. After this matchup, I felt like I had a huge advantage before being literally flooded by Ultralisk. My friend also agreed with me, thinking that he was in a very bad position and he was going to die. So for the sake of me and my friend's judgment, is Zerg Imba? Or do my macro suck? Name, prophet Ray Sterran, League Diamond, MMR 3, 3,300, and the server is indeed going to be. China. All right, my friend, let's see what we have here. You say you open up with a 2-1-1, your opener was fine, although it wasn't perfect. It was good enough. I'll be the judge of that for a 3,300 Terran playing against the Zerg that is slightly above you in a MMR. You're opening better be a dang tight. Look at that. A little bit of an extractor trick here. For the people who are not aware, the extractor trick is when you build an extractor. build an extractor while your overlord is building. And then you can build one extra unit. So your supply block at 14 out of 14. You build an extractor, which means you lose one supply. Then you add a drone, you go back to 14 out of 14. Then you cancel the extractor and everything will turn red and it will say 15 out of 14. And then three seconds later your overlord finishes. So all of it was kind of useless. People figured out about 10 years ago that the extractor trick actually is worse than just building a faster overlord at 13 supply but there's still some zirg that like to do it these Zerg players are incorrect it's objectively worse there's nothing better about it so nice good start already but we're looking at them and these guys are writing a freaking book to each other sick all right curious mind is a very small map as well and it's also a map on which a split map is quite common or at least you have these low base scenarios five versus five base 5 versus 6 and 6 usually on the Zerg side. Sometimes we see 6 versus 6. In that case, the Terran almost always wins because Tair units just tend to trade a little bit more efficiently. Let's not forget about that. It's actually true. Accidentally plus the plus button there. Parc is going to get thrown down in the main base. So this is indeed a 2-1-1, or at least it looks a lot like a 2-1-1. And this guy really don't stop talking. It's interesting. Interesting. Probably very good friends. Also said it was their first game together. I think that's very odd, no? If you're friends close in MMR, I always play against all my friends, even if they're way better than me. I've one friend who haven't beaten in over three years. His name? Cyril. Yeah, I just named Rob Zerl. I can do these things. I'm a big boy. Okay, wait, where are we? Second gas being taken. This builder actually looks fine so far, I think. Yep. Barrags went down before the second depot. Factory is going to get thrown down before the tech lab. This actually looks like a real build order, which somewhat surprised me because 3,300 isn't the highest MMR. He needs to start the tech lab immediately here, but if he does that, then I'm going to be pretty... Ah, he's busy micro and the Reaper. This is a classic Terran, especially at lower level. Like, these are the guys that really believe they're insanely fast as well. Okay, like, these are the guys posting on the battle on that for him. They're absolutely out multitasking their opponent. And what it is is that they're just using one unit and they're floating like 1,200 resources at the 3-minute mark. He was floating 400 while controlling the Reaper. You could say that's okay, and then you would be wrong, because that's not okay. Flooding 400 resources at the 3-minute mark, unless you're opening up with a quick triple C C.B4 second gas, that's not actually okay. It's completely forgetting his stim as well, which is kind of a big deal. Like, this build is practically a stim timing. It's a 2-1-1 stim timing. So forgetting your stim is really bad. It's like going to a marathon and forgetting your running shoes. It's like you really, or just shoes in general. You really do want to have those things, you know. Technically you can still go without it, but it's just going to hurt for you and for the people watching. It's not going to be a nice experience. The same here. Stim delayed. Metafx are going to be on the way soon. Seven Marines are already out. Have a good battle here, my friend. But it's going to suck for you, honestly. The layer being built on the side of the Zerg first to Metafx as well. A lot of SEVs being produced, but it still looks fine. The rest of the builder actually looks relatively tight. What happened with the Reaper? Probably died a pretty sad that. that I wish you could click it and see where it died but that's not possible. Technology sadly not there yet. But it's going up to 4 gas. So most likely playing MudaLisk in that case. Quick tip. Okay, here comes a double drop. Now we see that our stim isn't quite done yet for another 35 seconds which means that this double drop is going to do well hopefully nothing because if it does do something that would mean that the Zerg is not very good and that would actually really surprise me because slow marines are actually really bad like you could send like two and a half queens here and well you'd lose two and a half queens then but if you send like 20 lings there as well and you'd be able to clean up there's 10 baines on the way Cirque believes there's going to be stim, but there's no stim, so this is just a pickup and he needs to go away. This actually was pretty important. There wasn't that many units. He probably could have at least cleared a couple of lings. Not having stimmed, there actually kind of sucked. It really did. But the third CC is on the way. We have a follow-up. During all of this, during this beautiful non-stim push, by the way, our good Terrant players now floating a solid thousand minerals. 1,100 minerals at the 5 minute and 30 second mark. And now he starts investing that into extra barracks and into more units that he can't build because he's also supply blocked. So all of a sudden he spent all of this money, but none of this money is actually really being used. So if we just count how much money right now is not doing anything, we have 50 over here. We want like a creptle of money over here. It's like 200 minerals. Let's just do minerals. It's like 250. You have like, what is this? I can't do math. Like around 400. There's refineries, extra barracks. All of this money, I shouldn't have done the counting thing. I knew it was going to end poorly for me. All of all, they say with these depots and the eBay's. Notice is being invested in anything that's going to deal damage to the Zerg player in the next few seconds. Now he stims from a distance, starts running in. Doesn't it have the Madox. here. That was a slightly risky move, but... I guess a semi-pick-up. I mean, some of the Marines stay alive. It's better than all of them dying, I guess. But maybe that's why he's going here for, so he can lose all of him at the same time. He really should not be dropping anymore at this point. He really should not be dropping no more. He should just be going back home and creating Marines. Once again, during this very successful move, he was floating 1,200 miles. Often what you want to be doing, if you're a limited player, like this guy obviously is, no offense, but I can see that you're limited not only in IQ, but also in your APM, your mental resources are just a little bit limited. That's completely okay. In that case, what you want to do is you want to think about the things that give you the most return. So right now, you dropped Marines first initially without stim that got you to float 1,100 minerals, get your supply block for, 45 seconds. And then afterwards, with Tim, you went in, and I think in total you killed four workers, but you flowed it up to 1,200 minerals twice. It might have just been better for you to stand over here, kill this overlord, and then actually macro properly, rather than wasting a lot of APM, doing something that got zero return for you, but cost you a minute and a half to execute. It's generally not a very good thing to do. This was a nice bit if you hadn't been hit by the Boehling. So it wasn't a nice split. But the intention was there. This is what my dad always told me when we went bowling. I was really bad at bowling as a kid. My dad would always say if you would have bowled a strike though, that would have been a really good throw. Sadly, you didn't and it went into the gutter again. For a very long time, even when I was like 15 or so, I still played with these with the bumps on the side, you know? So it couldn't go into the into the side. I was really bad at bowling. Also, always hurt my wrist for some reason. I really didn't like it. They always thought I was a complete idiot at the bowling alley, though. Because I should have there is a 15-year-old that needs the helpers on the side. That's okay. I wasn't ashamed. And then I went practicing two times a week. And after two or three months, I finally was capable of just getting the ball straight in the middle. A big moment for me. I haven't bowled in years now. I hate it. stupid sport it's not a sport it's a game not even a game Starcraft is a game a real game bowling is like that it's also not a cool thing to do you know it's like I used to have like these parties back in the day where I can let the game play where like the kiss parties where you get invited for bowling or even when you're like 13 or 14 and then you always had the kid that would take his own ball and his own bowling shoes it was like all types of weird techniques. It's like absolutely destroying everyone else. It's not even fun, man. Like, let us be. It's like 180 points. I have like 23 total for like 10 turns. Like, oh, leave me alone. So that a nice fight if he hadn't been hit by the banlings. Actually, he's still an okay fight. You just had a lot more crap because your opponent had, I think, the lower eco for majority of time. Also, he's floating a crap ton of money. So that was cool. That's a good move. Generally a good move. do like that. I also like this stim. Yeah, yeah. No, I do like this. You won the game here. Congratulations. The game has now ended. It's over. Well, unless you stand up. It's still over, I think. Like, he just has way more stuff. I'm actually very confused how he's going to be losing this game. So we have similar upgrades right now. Maybe these bailings are going to hit everything. There's a craft on Marines over here as well. There's a fort base on the way, second factory. Like the idea behind this entire build has been pretty good. The only problem... Oh, he lost all of his tanks for free just now. The only problem, I guess, is that he isn't producing as much. But the... Like, he's a lot of production facilities. Yeah, it kind of... Doesn't look too bad. It really doesn't. Metafax still alive. Terran is still winning, in my opinion here. What did he say in his form? What was he complaining about? I can't quite... call. A little bit save open him. Oh, he really hated the Ultralisk. That's what he was complaining about so much. And he said his opening was a little, I just read it again, a little bit flault, he said. My man forgot the stim with a stim timing, a little bit flawed. All right. Seven mutas on the way. Oh, he's completely unaware of the fact. Well, he's not unaware of the fact there's going to be mutas. He actually knows that this spire is here, but he has no preparations whatsoever. Not a single turret. He's also saving for the next game or something like that because he's freaking nine mules that he could be raining down from the sky. You can have a scan for every single creep tumor on the map currently. There's seven creep tumors and he's more scans than creep tumors. That's not a good thing for the Zerg usually, but in this case, also not a good thing for the Tarran because it means he's, it could have been way richer. Mules really do make you very, very rich very quickly. A couple extra barracks on the way here. Two-two as well. This is a could drop. I like this drop. The control here is also pretty solid. It does need to pick up right now. It's not the greatest pickup that first one and the second one, the mutas come in. So I'm not even going to complain about it. Liberator, okay. So right now the plan should be to get drilling claws and probably get a Thor. At the same time, getting a lot of minds. He's seen the muralist at this point already and just isn't responding to it whatsoever. Generally when there is a big flying threat heading towards your base, it is very wise to start building some turrets. But as we have already decided, this man has the neural capacity of a jelly bean, it seems like. So I'm not surprised that he doesn't really have any turrets ready. This once again a good fight for the Terran, though. Terran actually is not doing too poor if you don't count the 4K resources in the Zerg bank. Terran also is pretending like the only unit that is relevant in this game is the Marine. This man builds the barracks, the first unit he can build in the game, the Marine, the first combat unit, and that's all he builds. 60 Marines, nine MEDAX and five mines. That's it. Nothing else. Not a high mine count, not a single marauder in here either. only now as he finally starting to add a couple more mines. Ooh. This honestly, I think, was a really quick response time if he had responded before the banings would have killed all the SEVs. Potentially, that could have been a really quick response time. But I don't want to blame him too much for missing that response time, even though there really was nothing going on. Perhaps in his mind there was a lot going on. Probably had a rough day. Wait, why am I being so nice? I just like the guy. Double stim. It's kind of risky. If you double stim, this can happen. Like, all your units die immediately. I know they always say, don't do drugs, not even once. But really doing drugs once is okay. Just don't do it twice, because that's when it really, you know, goes bad. At least if you're a Marine. If you're not a Marine, don't even do it once, guys. There's no matter of X around. That's an orbital command on the fort base as well. Generally makes life harder. He's getting more reactors. What? He looks at his current production, sees five barracks with a reactor. One barracks with a tagline. I can only build 11 Marines at this point. Let me just up that capacity to 15 Marines at a time. It's always to me that at this point you want to be transitioning into marauders, if only for the fact that you want to be capable of tanking bailings a little bit better, because so far tanking bailings has been a real issue right now he sees that there is ultralises well so that's what 13 minutes in or so he sees that ultras are here marine production is continuing this reactor production is continuing as well marines actually do negative damage against ultras look at that there's not even kite and a splating yet look how ridiculous is they actually don't do anything that's so crazy also hasn't built a worker in the past five minutes though Another big move. Oh! T-da-da-ta-te-te-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-te. This is the Mule-A-Larm. If you have triple orbital commands with full energy, 600 energy, you get the Mule alarm, and he got it. Congratulations, my friend. You got your own award. It is the I forgot the Mew for literally 10 minutes in this game award. Very big. Not a lot of people have that one yet. I'm very proud of it. you. Extremely proud even. Oh, here comes the worker production back again. Fifteen overlords from this guy. Also big. Also big. Five corruptors. So he just saw the fact that there's like 10 Ultralesk. Continues Marine actually completely cuts his unit production. This is not building anything anymore. It gets plus one vehicle weapons. The thing I really need right now is vehicle weapon, so with the single siege tank that I can pump out at the same time, maybe we can take out these ultras. This is movement. It loses half of his Marines before they even get to shoot. Loses another half of his Marines in his Medivac. There's like five Marines left over. This point there's more Ultralisk and corruptors than there is Marines on the map. Yet this drop is still doing damage. Now, you could say at this point, the game is. is over. There's a craptone of ultras, but I don't actually think this game is necessarily over for three reasons. Okay, one, this Zerg is really keen on going back home. Two, there's no creep spread. And three, there's so many mules that if he mules at some point, his production is going to go absolutely bananas. Like he's going to be so ridiculously high. It really sucks so far that my man Profit over here hasn't really been controlling his army too well, even though he seems to focus on it very well. He also hasn't been macroing too well, and he's floating 2K minerals without having muled, which also is better. Okay, this is a good move. Getting a tech lab here, I like that. It's getting another tech lab in the main base. He'll start tank production. He's getting liberators as well. Could maybe even get a bunker. It's going to get a command center. Look at him. He's actually transitioning into a sensible, position at this point. Sure, it took him two minutes to start the preparations for the transition, but rather late than never, even though I'm afraid that if the Zerg still moves across the map at any point, the Zerg will just straight up win. I think you can do in this case, by the way, if you don't have the army that you think you need to fight your opponent's army, is you can just either be very aggressive as Terran. So you have like two Madov X on the left side, You have like two meta facts over here, and you're just keeping your opponent on their side of the map. Or with an entire army, see where your opponent's army is, and then just dodge it, and always base straight. Leave mines sprawled all across the map, hope that he walks into it, keep some lips at home or something like that. And just like that, you have a decent chance. Oh, there goes the entire base. That's a lot of energy on that thing. Not that it matters, because I already know that it wouldn't have been used. Mines, you could burrow them. potentially could have burrowed these mines here. That would have been really nice. Once again, just picks up units in his meta-ax. Actually kind of painful. I feel like if he wouldn't have tried to split here against the Ultras, but rather just kite and actually had all of his units on the ground than the mines burrowed, he could have won this fight. I really do believe that. In that case, the game isn't even that bad, is it? I mean, this orbital is still alive. You have a fifth base. He's actually, I think he's going to be hitting full energy on four command centers in a couple of seconds. I don't think I've ever seen that before in my life. I'm very excited for this moment. Look at it. It would really suck if he decides to mule now. Well, it would not suck for him, but for me it would. I'm looking forward to the 200 energy. Do you get it? No, my God. Are you joking? Is this the timing you want to go? Did he use all of him just now? Oh, he still has the main base. Oh, he's throwing it over here. Look at his income. Look at the income go. Look at income home. I'm not sure if he's going to get that time though. This guy's going to start walking across him up. Look at it. Oh, 4.7. 5K! 5K minerals. That is so many marines he can build. There's like a hundred marines a minute. And I bet he would have come. And I bet he would have gone for Marines. Oh, he's getting ghost, actually. Nice spread of the mines all at the same spot. Very smart. That way, bainlings can all splash on top of them at the same time. At this point, the game is pretty over, though. The army is simply too small. Not a lot of money in the bank. It's an interesting game. This genuinely was an interesting game because the Terran got pretty far ahead in the early game. And it's not common, I think, at the lower level for Terran to lose in these later games because mines are just so good in these situations. But here it happened. I kind of want to go over his little imbalance complaint for him again. So although I don't have brilliant multitasking ability, I still manage the micro to plus one plus one upgrade. I actually skipped over this gem the first time I read it. Although I don't have a brilliant multitasking ability, I still manage the macro to plus one plus one upgrade. Like this is something to be proud of. Like, although I am no chef at a restaurant, I did manage to boil an egg this morning. It's like, all right. I'm not quite sure if these things are even slightly connected, but good job on starting one once. Like one of the easiest thing is starting upgrades, especially the first two. Because of my micro, I went very aggressive to vizurcon creep. I managed to get a good trade of it. I'm not quite sure what trade he's talking about, but I don't think I've seen a single good trade, except the first time he moved across the map with these fuel tanks. That was only a good trade initially because he just had way more units, not because of his micro. It's just a straight-up lie. And then the Ultralisk game, and that's when everything went wrong. Well, things actually already went wrong a little bit before the Ultralisc. So, first of all, let's just divide this into a couple of parts. So we're going to be defining this in your build order, your composition. and your control. Starting with your build order. Well, you went for a stim timing and forgot your stim. That is not good usually. The follow-up also wasn't very tight. You're supposed to push with three MET-FX. You were floating 1,200 minerals multiple times within the first five minutes. It was chaos, okay? It was chaos in your head. It was chaos on your opponent's side as well. You kind of got out ahead, but your build order just wasn't good. Your early game was bad. It sucked. It really did suck. So for that, you're going to get a negative. Your army composition. And the way that you craft your army in TVZ is really quite simple. I think TVZ, the theory there, is the easiest thing in the entire world. Because as you hit three bases, you go up to five barracks. That is what you do. Okay. You go up to five barracks. Four of these are reactors. One of this is a tech lab. That's a tech lab that researches the stim and the combat. shield. Before you build your fourth command center, you get your second factory, then you have one factory with a reactor on it and one factory with a tech lab. You can get your drilling clause and you can get a lot of mines if you need to, or if you're playing against hydras, you can get tanks going as well and you can get tank and mine composition, that type of stuff. Then after your fort base, you add three more barracks and there you get tech labs on all of these barracks. That leaves you with four barracks with reactors and four barracks with techlaps. The reason you do this is because if your opponent has a lot of banlings, marauders are great at tanking banlings. And on top of that, if they ever transition into either Lurker or into Ultralisk, you already have a unit that does very well against armoured in the marauder. And this is a step that you completely skipped. All of your fights, first of all, there was too little mines in your army in general in the early parts of the midgame. But also in the later fights, there was no marauders, not enough mines. you were just lacking something to beat banlings. And if you're a clam or any other top Terran, you can probably micro very well against high bainling counts, but you can't. I've seen you try to split and it just doesn't work. That's okay if you can't split, but then don't attempt it and try to make it a little bit easier on yourself or do attempt it and still make it easier yourself by getting marauders and banings. So for your army composition, you're going to get a negative there. And on top of that, yeah, you just didn't have marauders ready for the Ultralisk, which is genuinely quite bad. They like the Liberators being added on, but even that was a bit late. Your ghosts also were late. Just everything was late. Everything was a reaction rather than an anticipation. And often that is not how it should be in StarCraft. So for that, you're also going to get a big thumbs down. Then the final one, your micro. Your micro, the entire game just wasn't very good. I think I've seen you stutter step a couple of times, which was fine when you're stutter stepping into like a queen or something like that. I mean, there's really nothing to micro there except just stutter stepping. But the rest of it just wasn't pretty. Your splits always sucked. Your med effects were always floating behind. Your pickups weren't clean. Your pickups weren't smooth. You were consistently picking up units in your metaphics while you were trying to micro back or kite. In that final fight against the Ultras, rather than kiting the Ultras, you decided to pre-split your army against Ultralisk. That doesn't even make sense. It really just doesn't because then the Ultras just get to spread out and they do the maximum amount of damage while you're just standing still. So yeah, that also just was really bad. It sucked. You put all these three together and you, my friend, you sucked. It wasn't in balance. The Ultralisk is not in balance. There's good counters. Terran has a lot of counters to them. Liberator, mine, marauder, ghost. mine not so much but marauder liberator ghost very good counters you just didn't use them or you used them too late and that's all on you you suck all right there's going to be it for today's episode of is it imba or do i suck if you didn't enjoy this episode don't forget the like button subscribe to the channel and hopefully i'll see you all next time for a new video thank you so much for watching and bye bye |
THIS DROP KILLED HOW MANY BASES?!?!? | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | Today we have a hero of Starcraft 2, a true Terran prodigy, pretty much Clem's bigger brother - a Bronze Terran! When a Bronze player calls something imba, it must be an AMAZING replay. So smash dat like button, subscribe and enjoy our journey to the bottom of the bottomless hole! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kKUuiAd75O4/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | kKUuiAd75O4 | Dear Harstam, Protoss late game air units are Imba. I am playing a game against Protoss where I drop him several times in the game. I destroy several of his bases as he spreads like if he was a Zerg player. But unfortunately, I am unable to stop him before he fills his entire supply with imba carriers. I destroyed him the entire game and had three times his APM. But none of it matters when you have carriers that just. Just A-click and go-G. Name Al-Anne, Alan, but with double L. Not quite sure how to pronounce that. Race is Terran. Leak is bronze, 1844 MMR, and the server is going to be North America. So a North American bronze match. And Harzer is his in-game name of Alon. And his opponent is called Heaven's Blade. And Heavens Blade here is, I believe, a silver player. Hamster will correct me if I'm wrong, but in the loading screen he was silver, so that's all I know. The standard 14 pylon behind the mineral go down on the side of heaven's plate, and this is promising to be a banger. I haven't done a bronze game in an extremely long time, and I'm curious to see if the level down there went up a little bit or if it went down, or if it's still the same as it used to be. First depot is being placed at a perfect location. I do like that, starting a wall. If he builds the second barracks here, I feel like that. like you're almost guaranteed to get out of bronze just by knowing where to wall. Barracks was about 70 or 80 minerals too late. But I don't want to be too picky when it comes to the built order. This is an interesting one that I haven't seen before. I'll give him death. This is a classic three pylon plus gas before Gateway. I'm supposed to, sorry, the Taron. The Terran is going to go into gas. The gas is a little delayed as well. The barracks is late, but all of that doesn't matter too much, as his opponent also isn't really opening up with a build order. Second gas is going to go down here, and we see a Probe Scout coming out, but it's going towards the wrong base. And maybe he's just spotting for proxies. and he gets a forge down. I am way more interested in what this protest is doing right now, honestly. Okay, second depot before CC. It's not quite optimal, but I will forgive you. Double gate, after forge, and after three pylons, and after double gas. So, if Harzer had opened up with a Reaper here, the Reaper would arrive at something like 225-226, there would be zero units. The Reaper would actually just straight up win the game. Don't forget that Harzer is also scouting, except the only thing so far he's seeing is the complete lack of a nexus. Okay. Ah, okay. Now, this is kind of a classic, honestly. I've not seen this before, but it wouldn't surprise me if this is more common on the lower levels. just like this chronoboost without building anything is here. So he's proxying a nexus on the top. Even when his main base gets taken out, he'll still have this base. That's the type of high-level thinking that I hadn't considered yet. We had triple wrecks before the CC. Okay, and he's going to go into double tech lab. And then I guess stim and combat shield and go for a push. Worker production is very mediocre from both sides. Triple cannons? This guy is an absolute magician, you know. He's wanting you to pay attention to the fact that there's no natural and he wants you to believe that that natural is valuable to him. You know, he puts all of his defenses where there is no base. And then this is just going to be mining for free. This is the type of high level mind games that I didn't quite expect to see in bronze, but we are seeing them right now. And I'm loving every single second. Okay, we have a type of a scuffed three wrecks opener without any workers. So there's at least potential for a marine push. What happened with the SUV? Did the SUV go down or did he die? Now, he just went home. So the SUV saw nothing in the natural, stood over here for about half a minute or a minute, then saw that there was cannons building in the natural. I was like, you know, the main base, it sounds interesting, but is it really that good? It's like when a new restaurant or something opens up and everyone's talking about it. Actually, that sounds like a film scenario. It's more like if a bar opens up and people talk about it, it's such a cool bar. You go to the bar and no one wants to talk to you like in every other bar that you go to. That's kind of what that SCV probably thought about. You know what? I'm just going to stay home this time. I'm not even going to try to go into the main base. Get some type of scouting info there. See? Two more zealots on the way? and plus one is being researched as well. Now, this Twilight Council could go for charge, and at the same time we have four minutes and 38 seconds in the game. We're on eight Marines, 26 SCVs, and I guess Combat Shield is done and Stim is on the way. So just to compare this with a build order that would be tight and would make sense, at this point you can be on the other side of the map with about 21 Marines, 38 SCVs, Starport already started, plus one on the way, and Stim and Combat Shield. All of this can be done with just way more stuff. Just as a comparison to show you how poor the build order is that we're currently watching. It's down by 10, 11 workers, it's down by, well, an infinite amount of units. Starport is delayed. eBay is delayed. All of this, I would say, is really bad. if your opponent didn't open up with four pylon double gas forged into two gate into double proxy nexus as we have the second nexus also going down on the opposite side of the map so even though harzer's build order is really bad his opponent's build order isn't even a build order they're they're not really in the same league there you know it's like if you're trying to play a game of football my man heaven's blade is showing up with a baseball bat you're like hey hey you're not supposed to show up with a baseball bat and then just starts beating you with the baseball bat and he just starts screaming this is how soccer works now you're a little European idiot and now you lose the game you're bleeding out need to go to the hospital Heaven's Blade wins the game congratulations and that's kind of the brilliance here of Heaven's Blade Build Order is that he's not playing by the rules and Harzer here is playing by those you can kind of feel that Harzer watched some tutorials, you know. He watched some games maybe even, and he saw Klam do something like this, or Maru, you know, it's two Terran names that he knows. He's like, you know what, I'm going to copy these build orders, or at least what he thinks these builders are, I'm going to play it. Heaven's Blade, however, what he did is he read the back of the box. He found the old box of Starcraft to Wings of Liberty in his dad's basement. Heaven's Blade is a seven-year-old. And this is the first game that he's playing. I was like, oh, these cannons look cool the Boxart. Let me try that. Now you have proxy some Nexus. Sure, sounds good. I bet Heaven's Blade in this game is having a way better time than Harser because Harser is sweating. He's like, I don't think I have enough units quite yet. He also has hotkeys, you know. He knows how the game works. Like he's boosting his Metafax force. Yeah, boost is good. Always use it on cool down. He's going to use it. Boom, the moment is ready again. Sweating it out with 69 APM average. 300 right now. He's 300 apm. His opponent is on 32 average. See if the effort drops down to zero. Is there a time where Heaven's Blade just stops clicking things? Perguer's game. This is the weirdest scan. Is this scam? He plays it very safe. Doesn't want to go anywhere, you know? He could have just checked with his Medivac, but that would have been a little bit too risky. Okay, it's going to go into the main base and drop behind the... I kind of want to see what he's paying attention to during this drop. He started this drop with like 800 minerals in the bank. I wonder if he's ever going to look away and ever do something else. Better than just control these units. Oh? I'm not sure if he tried to move and accidentally clicked onto the MataVac or if he tried to load into the Medivac and it didn't work. I thought for a second that the Marine got to a spot where it usually camp. Okay, now he's dropping again. It took about 15 seconds as well, while completely only looking at this army to figure out that there were units in the Medevac. He hasn't done anything during all of this, mind you. Mr. 3 times his APM. He's just clicking his Marines and Marauders really quick. Okay, now he's producing something. I think that took about 45 seconds of nothing happening in the main base of his opponent until he dared to look back in his own main. So right now he probably realizes he's owning his opponent. But he doesn't realize, however, is that our man Heaven's Blade already has a second base prepared. And that's this one. Forge continuing upgrades over here, plus one air armor. You see this is a man with vision. He can anticipate the future. Harzer right now isn't even thinking about the future anymore because Harzer believes he won the game already. This man is getting shield upgrades for his potential carriers. He doesn't even know how to build carriers yet. Right now he's reading the game manual, sometimes pressing the F12 button. He'll go like this. He's like, huh, Protoss units. There's no, the Protostackery. And he's just looking at this. And he's like, huh, is there a way where I can get this at the same time as I'm playing the game? Takes like a screenshot, puts it in paint, then puts that on his second screen and sometimes just glances over. like okay where do I want to go? It's just hovering over all the units. He's like, ah the carrier, fleet beacon, capital ship can attack ground and air. Sounds pretty good. All right, let's continue the game. The same time, Harzer sweating his butt off. He's like micro, well, it's not quite microwing, but I guess he's... Okay, I want to kind of first person this here for a second, okay? He's not controlling his units. He's not really clicking anything, but he had 160 APM during that fight. He didn't build anything, I think. I think these were slightly after-hide, maybe just before the fight. And he just stood there and took it. So he lost half of his drops against slow zealots. No way, they had charged, excuse me, against charged zealots. That's actually a big difference. And now he's going to send out four more Metafax. For our good friend Harzer, the floor is lava. This guy doesn't give a crap about using your resources efficiently. It's like, I know that I could be using this for mules, these scans, and I could just send my metaphax there or just a single unit. I could also just scan every single base, and after seeing that it's completely empty, what is this? It's a triangle. I could still just send these units into my opponent's natural. I've actually been floating about 4K this entire game as well by away. Um, okay, it's gonna drop. Lose a couple of Marines and he can just stim into this and win. You really can't, like with any amount of units. He's one, one, and these are three cannons. I'm surprised he went for the cannons first, didn't just kill the pilot, but I don't mind it. Okay. I was using F2 because all of his units just came over. Has maximum energy on all of these command centers. Start scanning again. See this base is like, now I gotcha. And he's gonna go to the next base after he takes down the cybercore. I like that the cybercore in the main base, right now for Harzer, is the most pressing issue in his mind. You've seen a base go up here, it's like, eh, I can deal with it later. The potential threats that might be there. Let me just kill the cybercore and then take 20 seconds to load up into my Metafax. 5.2k minerals in the bank currently, by the way. No extra command centers, no extra production, no production is being used either. No armory or second eBay, nothing. At the same time, our good friend Heavens Blade might not be mining a whole lot, but everything that he is mining is being used very efficiently. Look at that. It's constantly been under 500 minerals. And although he didn't respond to him losing the main and the natural, right now he's actually, he's going pretty ham. Harger with this drop might be capable of scouting this right-side base as well, by the way. We have a large army here. If he stims, he will just destroy this. Yeah, this is a potentially a pretty decent fight here for Harzor. Well, potentially, this is a really decent fight. I also think we're almost hitting the three-minute anniversary of not building units. The last time that any of these barracks have been producing a unit. It's been a long time ago. Okay, now he sees on the mini map that he has scouted this base and he goes for it. Still not building any units. I wonder how high he wants. Okay, here we go. Starts four Marines after he hits the 6K mark. It's like, all right, that's enough, guys. I've had it now. This Marine Marauder drop will be capable of taking out this nexus. Now he loads up again, scans forward, once again, of course. He was already flying there, but rather than just seeing... Did you scan a second time on the same way? No, he just starts scanning all the bases, I guess. He's like, okay, that's interesting. So right now he knows of almost all bases what their status is, except this base and this base. But maybe he's not aware that these are mineral patches that can be mined from. Maybe he thinks they're just for show or something like that. Rather than attacking, by the way, into these cannons with his army. Actually, no, I like that. He shouldn't have done it. He should actually get all of his units together. There's a lot of things he should be doing right now, but one of the main things should be getting all of his units together. and then killing his opponent. He has 22 Marines, 15 marauders, good upgrades, or well, same upgrades as his opponent, and he has six metaphics. If he attacks into this, the marauders will take care of the cannons, the Marines will take care of the interceptors, and it's going to be impossible for Harzer to lose this fight. He also now realizes that perhaps it's time to start spending some of his money. Has 5.4K in the bank when it comes to minerals. I like this. You know what? I've been whining a lot about everything our good friend Harser has been doing so far. But I like the fact that all of this is nice and neat in a line. It's not the greatest StarCraft player, but at least he's a neat person. Okay, I do like that. Okay. Here comes the Stim. Takes out the first cannon, takes out the second cannon. There is three carriers out at this point as well. Okay. It was a very painful fight. He decided to lift up here in the end. So he decided to go for the mothership rather than... There was energy available for a scan. He could have scanned and just killed all the interceptors. then scan three more times and then probably another time. Instead, what our good friend Harza decided to is he wanted to, first of all, I think he started right-clicking this pylon, then he tried right-clicking the mothership and done, he lost all of his marines to carriers. Then he stayed around with all of his marauders taking out this right-side assimilator, rather than running back home or maybe scanning and trying to take out the main base or it is the main nexus. Now we have a three-carrier counterattack and there's nothing here. There's nine Marines. There's no Vikings left. His natural is going to die. He is building some extra infrastructure finally, which is a good thing. I always say that whenever you have a lot of money, it's always good to build infrastructure, no matter how much you already have. But if you're floating 5K, it's probably worth it to just plump down a couple of extra barracks or if your pro-lose, two, three extra stargates, you know, you need to be able to spend that money when you lose units. Okay, this is a, this is a better fight. It's going to target down all of these carriers, or at least one of the carriers, and maybe eventually I'll be capable of getting that second one. This still went a lot better than the first fight in which he killed an assimilator and lost about 75 supply. Now he lost about 15 supply and killed a carriac. So it's a progress of a kind. Vikings are not being produced anymore. I really do like the priorities here on the MataVex. He's like, huh, my base is under siege by two carriers. The one thing I really would like is some extra healing for my eight Marines, rather than getting air units that are actually good against carriers. Oh my God, he hues up a punch. I was wondering where all the money went, but I guess now we know. Interceptor still could die as well, by the way. just decides to stim and kill the interceptors, that would also be good. He's going to go for the mothership. Heroic attempt here on the mothership's life. He's going to get it. Except now he doesn't have enough anti-R anymore to take out the carriers. One does start to wonder whether he is aware that the scan can also be used for detecting rather than just for scouting bases while his units are already there. I have my doubts, honestly. I actually am starting to wonder if Harzer is, altogether aware of the concept of detection. I mean, he is a bronze player, so it's completely viable, or completely possible that he just doesn't know about detection. I remember the first time I played a game of StarCraft, I died against the Dark Templar. I remember being so upset that I couldn't see this unit. I was like, this is so stupid. I can't see the unit. Maybe he's having a similar experience. Maybe he truly believes the only way to get to the carriers is by right-clicking the mothership. That would make the game a lot harder for all other races that are in Protoss, by the way. They really would make it out. How would you beat DTs? Not possible, because they cloak by themselves. I doubt Harser ever won a game against Dark Templar. With the game being reset like this, though, Harzor now has another opportunity to show up his extremely high APM, triple the amount of APM of his opponent. Let's not forget about that. Perhaps the problem for Harser isn't that he's lacking in speed. I bet if we were to do an IQ test is that you get the reverse here, what we see in the APM. Wouldn't surprise me. Mother ship gets built again. I do like that because so far it is being used as a great bait for any of Harzer's units. Harser actually has a pretty decent army. I think if Harser would attack across the map, he would be capable of winning right now. Of course, Harser isn't aware of that because he hasn't used the scan ability in a while. The magical scout, it only costs 50 energy. Has he built any mules yet? You don't see mules in units lost right, if they just expire. I don't think he's muled once yet. If you're harser and you're watching this, a mule is the guy that drops from the sky in the yellow suit, and he mines minerals for you very quickly. Now, throughout the majority of this game, having minerals wasn't really one of your priorities because you had plenty, but in this type of scenario where you're down to 20 workers and you want some extra money. I suggest throwing down a couple of mules. Generally, it's a good call. Anian pulse crystals. Heavens Blade knows things that we don't. He's just going to get it in case he needs to go for the Phoenix transition. Bottom left side base, a couple of extra pylons. I do like it. And he's also loyal to where he started, you know. Very often when people make it into the big world, They forget where they came from, but not Heaven's Blade. He goes back to his roots. It's like his summer home. Vises his parents, that type of stuff. Gets any impulse crystals. Wait, he didn't scan before going in? Oh no, he scanned it already. No, he knew it was there. Sorry. How silly of me. But he actually flew in without scanning first. That's also progress of a kind. I wonder if he taught him this. trick himself during this game. You know, it's like, yeah, maybe I don't need to do that anymore. Maybe I can just drop. That's cool to see. Sixty Marines are going to be capable of taking out this base. And I guess this is some of the magical dropping that he was talking about in his imbalance complaint form. He said, I dropped a bunch. And his opponent hasn't dropped once. Now, I know that Terrans like to brag about the amount of times that they drop, but dropping isn't actually that special. Like just loading up your units. unloading them, it's just, technically it's just one more action than A moving across the map is. And if your units never returned, then perhaps just A moving across the map would have been the better option here. So it takes out the one base, loses all of his units. It's like, hmm, that wasn't great. Let's see if we can do that trick again. At this point, I think Heaven's Blade, could he move across the map and win? Yeah. I'm not sure if usually you can, but I know that if Heaven's Blade would move across the map, our good friend Harzer would right-click the mothership, and mothership might go down, one carrier might go down, but then there's nothing left. At the same time, Heaven's Blade's macro is actually quite good. Like, he's not floating a whole lot for being silver. It's not unimpressive. He's doing a lot better than his opponent, at least. Plus two air weapons on the way as well. I really wonder what he's clicking at this moment. Our good friend with the high APM. It's going to double expand. Did he get a planetary there? It's a good move. So far his opponent has really shown him what's good with all these ground units. This planetary is going to be very useful. You know who would never make this mistake? Our good friend Heaven's Blade. You know why? Because Heaven's Blade, if he would be playing Terran, He would click on this thing. And what does it say? Can attack ground units. Heaven's blade wouldn't fall for that. Ah, yeah, yeah. Hars are really lacking in the StarCraft 2 theory here. Getting a planetary against carriers is not quite what you want. I can't believe this, these type of games are actually being played on the same server that I sometimes play on. It feels like a bit of an honor, you know, that these guys play the same game at the same time period as I do. Oh, here we have a scan. Where did he scan? Okay, scans. Scans forward. He's like, ooh, that's safe. He's going to scan again. He saw one immortal. That's a threat. Back home. I like that. He doesn't want to lose his units another time. Of course, he didn't know there was going to be three carriers in between him and that base, but that was a lucky escape. So we're not going to see too much more I'm afraid of. Okay, Robo Bay, Twilight Council, plus to armor as well. Two more carriers on the way being rallied towards. where's this top side base. You see, already has this base secure. Still superior income here for the Protoss player as well. Now, what we could be doing is while we're behind, is trying to really get our eco going by getting a couple of extra bases. I do like that. Turn these bases into orbitals quickly, start throwing down some mules, just mainly they're starting to throw down some mules. And I think these SUVs that are being built at this point could have been built a very long time ago. Like we were on 23 workers for no real reason for an extremely long time. Okay, now we have an orbital coming down here. I don't think we have seen a single mu. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, oh. Yeah, yeah. Okay, so he is aware. He knows how it works. He just hasn't been using it yet. Weird. Very weird. Okay, ship weapons level two on the way as well. It feels like he just kind of stopped macroing for like 12 minutes or so and now decided it's time again maybe there's like a switch on the side of his head and he presses if the flying drops into carrier switch that's the one side of the switch and the other one is building SUVs and units I much prefer to building SUV and building unit switch I have to admit these triple carriers here on the top side don't think these are going to be capable of doing very much as long as they're over here I also like that Heaven's Blade just kind of keeps expanding, not caring whatsoever about losing bases. I guess if you have friends everywhere, like Heaven's Blade probably has, like the absolute chat that he is, you don't really care if you lose one or two friends because there's more anyway. You know, there's more efficient to sea. It's the same for Heavens Blade. There's more mineral patches on this map. He says, you take out my main and my natural, I already have proxy bases. You take out my proxy basis, I have my main and natural again. Like this guy truly figured out the game. Here comes another double drop. So switch has been flipped again. See how these are going to fare. You're going to fly into some carriers. Did he scan anything? This is one hell of a path. Oh, it's going to spot this base. Let's take a look at these lightning quick responses. Okay, sees an empty base. Drops the MataVX. Stimms. Wait still, everything is unloaded. Now he stims. Or now he will stim. There we go. That's big. See if his opponent cares. Oh. Here comes Heavens, Blade. This is a good escape. Well, almost was a good escape. If it would have been slightly faster, that would have been a really good escape. Now he's going to get into the main base. He's going to be capable of doing so you see. Look, 3K minerals again. It actually is how it works. He just doesn't do anything while he's dropping. He literally has a switch on his head. Not only if he could control that switch himself. It seems like it's a timed switch. Very unfortunate. He's going into Thor's right now. He keeps building marauders as well. I wonder why he does that. Like right now, the last unit that he has seen that was on the ground was this immortal when he scanned this base before flying in with the two metaphacks. He was like, yeah, that's too much. Maybe he's just really afraid of Protoss ground units. It is completely possible. Okay, 4K in the bank. As Heaven's Blade right now is getting rid of his decoy bases. His main once again is going down. His natural is going to fall. This base will fall eventually. And he says, you know what? I'm just rebuilding these bases anyway. So I don't give a crap. This is about the mine out. You think he forgot about the carriers? I think he might have forgotten. that he set the rally point over here. I kind of want to look at Heaven's Blade first person. It's a lot more relaxing. I bet he's eating at the same time as well, Heaven's Blade. Probably doing something else at least. You know? He just, oh, now he sees him fly somewhere. Surely. No, hey, he's still not aware. Or maybe he's trying to hide the carriers. It's also possible. Cues up six probes. Goes to the next nexus. Chrono boosted. Oh! Now he sees him. No, no. He was just changing the location of these probes. This is great to watch. Kay, queues up five probes after the chrono boost is almost ended. This is absolutely marvelous. I really like this. God. I wish I could play like Heaven's Blade. I really wish I could. I bet this guy's having way more fun than I do in all of my games. Just rallying up carriers. And sometimes he just finds a carrier bank somewhere magically on the map. Maybe he doesn't know how rally points work either. It is possible. And sometimes he just right clicks and then the rally points get set for the rest of the game. Chrono boost flying around. Okay, here we go. Another five-man drop. Because, ah, he scanned and he saw these cannons. He was like, ooh, that might be dangerous. I only have 3-2 bio. And these cannons are all, well, kind of vulnerable, but I wouldn't want to kill them by myself. Let me send the rest of the forces as well. As Thor's at home, has no upgrades for Thor's, though, and continuous upgrades for these... It's getting drilling flow upgrade. Maybe not even that bad against interceptors. Yeah, it's not getting upgrades for these Thor's. I also think he has the incorrect mode for the Thor's currently, but it could be wrong. Okay, he's going to absolutely destroy this. It's carrier still here on the top. And this is an insanely high-level game. I feel my brain moving slower as well. Hop, hop, hop. Picks up the drop. Goes back home. Turns this into an orbital. Still 8K minerals in the bank currently. Could start or could try. to start adding a couple of barracks or starports. Okay, so he sees that it's triple carrier. Now surely we unload and attack into this. No, we scan a different base where he isn't. If he goes in here, this is the play of the century. I... Does he not understand that the other guy can also respond to things and just fly his units here? here. Like you scan that the army is over here and your brilliant plan is to drop this base and then pick out. Okay, well, this is actually a smooth move. I'm not going to complain by this. There's a freaking James Bond over here. Oh no. I think Harzer might actually ruin it for himself here. He scans the carriers. I think, I actually think there is a chance that up until this point, Heaven's Blade wasn't over. Nah, he's been chronobo boosting this cybercore though. I feel like now they get added into the army. Now our good friend Harzer is in trouble. What was he going to do with these Vikings? What actually was he going to do with these Vikings? I'm very curious. Okay. Now I want to do a little bit of simple math here, okay? Before the fight. I just want to have a look at everything that has been going on. So, we have an army supply of 138 for the Protoss player. This army consists of 18 carriers with 3-3 upgrades, okay, 3-3 upgrades, and one shield upgrade. Against an opponent who has 129 supply, but of that 129 supply, 11-medevacs are built, so that is 22 supply in Metafax. For only 29 Marines, and you might say, well, only 29 Marines, there's also 14 marauders. Yep. But marauders don't shoot up. So these 14 marauders, again, 28 supply, also isn't useful. So realistically, this is more of a 140 pure carrier against like 100 supply of anti-air. And also, this anti-air only has 2-1 upgrades. So he's down three upgrades and the ground only has 3-2. so it's also down and upgrade. I'm very curious to see what's going to happen here. Stim isn't being used. Stim still isn't being used. I think he lost 10 supply before he started attacking, and all of that supply was anti-air. Okay. Scan now is being used for the first time. One carrier went down, as the Vikings focused on the interceptors as well. And he got absolutely decimated here. Completely destroyed. Not even close. Now I hear you think Kevin. Oh, he just leaves like this? Oh yeah, to be fair, he was pretty dead. And the other guy lost like a single carrier. I do like that he left. I don't like that left without Gigi. But what you can say here is that he didn't really have the correct army composition against a pure air army. Perhaps getting almost 30 supply and marauders. isn't quite what you want against pure air. On top of that, maybe you want to add a couple of ghosts. Ghosts reduce all the shields. If you get two, three extra ghost for a very low supply cost, you can EMP everything, including interceptors. Another good trick is to stim. This increases the damage output of all the units that are shooting the interceptors. Trick number four would be to target fire with the Vikings on individual carriers rather than Vikings just going like this, looking to see if they can hit another interceptor. Also not quite ideal majority of the time. So there is a couple of things that I could give as advice before we truly get into the nitty gritty stuff. So there you have it. Now, if we get into it, your balance complaint from, what did it say? Protoss late game air units are inba. I'm playing a game against ProDoh. where I drop him several times in the game. Okay, I understand that you drop him several times in the game, but dropping someone several times in the game isn't actually something that is necessarily positive. Sometimes I try this when I talk with my girlfriend as well and I say, but I cooked the past three days when she tells me to clean something up. Forgetting that everything I cook is absolutely inedible. It's nasty and disgusting. It is a net negative. I just wasted good ingredients. And it's the same here with your drops. You wasted potentially good units by throwing them away in a drop. Some of them were good, but majority of them, you just kind of lost them and you kill the nexus and then they died to carriers. I destroy several of his bases as he spreads like as if he was a Zerg player. Okay? That doesn't really mean anything. But unfortunately, I am unable to stop him before he fills his entire supply with Inba carrier. years. Okay. A really key word in that sentence is I. Unfortunately, I am unable to stop him. If we replace the word I with almost any other nickname of a Terran player in StarCraft 2, this sentence would be false. You, however, were indeed incapable of stopping him before he filled his entire army's play. There were multiple points inside this game where you could have just move commanded across the map. And then, once you see his units, A moved. Stim, A move, you scan to get detection. That would have been it. The first time, after you pushed him back, you could have done that. Before that, when you right-click on top of his mothership for whatever reason, you could have done that. 22 Marines with 2-2, 3-4 Metafax there, and there was, I think, 3-4 carriers total. You would have absolutely destroyed that. It wouldn't have been closed. All of the interceptors would have died and you would have killed him. So when it comes to your game sense and game understanding, I'll give you, on a scale from 1 to 10, a 1. It's the lowest. There's no game sense. The second one, when it comes to the micro in the fight. On a scale from 1 to 10, the micro in the fights, but it wasn't really there. Most of the time you used stim, which was good, but then you almost always right-clicked on the wrong unit. or you didn't right click, so you just kind of stood there and looked. Even in the early game against the Zellas, you just stood there and watched the fight happen without kiting back. So for that, on a scale from 1 to 10, I also will have to give you a 1. And then if we think about your macro, there were times where you were floating 8K while looking at a drop. There were times where you're floating 12K, 6K, K, multiple times. throughout the game. It seems like there was a switch there that you needed to flip, and sometimes you just didn't flip it, and your macro just wasn't very good. So for your macro on a scale from 1 to 10, I'll give you a 2.8. Put all of these together, 2.8, a 1 and a 1, and you, my friend, suck. You suck very hard. I'm sorry, it just wasn't good. Carriers aren't imba. You just right-click. the mothership. It is what it is. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of Is it Inba or Do I Suck? If you liked it, don't forget the it the subscribe button, like the video and hopefully we'll see you all next time for a new one. Thanks so much for watching and bye bye. |
This Zerg CRAVES The Smell Of ROASTED ZERGLINGS! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | Get your plates guys! We are dining chocolate coated roasted Zerglings today! And let me tell you, there is enough for everyone! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bO333RmYlaE/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | bO333RmYlaE | Dear Harstam, I have a solution for all the Terrans who complain about Carpal Tunnel. Play Mac. Terran Mac is absolutely imba and can aim as good as a Golden Armada. The reduced micro and ability to trade cost-efficiently makes Terran Mac absolutely imba. In this game my opponent opens with Hallions, which I trade with slightly unfavorably with lings. As the game progresses, my creep spread is decent and I would say I spend my resources as best I can, although my APM is lower than his. Because my opponent is largely haliong slash cyclones, I transition into Lingban Mutha and harass him with the mutas and kill bases where I can. But no matter how much damage I do, it is impossible to trade well against Mac. At my platinum level, there is no chance I can split against Inba Widow mines he made which kept chipping away at my armies. And once my opponent had Thor's out, my entire army was useless. And it was capital, G.G. Name, Ben, race, Zerg, League, Platinum, 3.1K MMR on the North American server. Looking to be a banger today, so we have Ben going under the name of Black Nova here. We can see him opening up with a... Actually, it was a pool first right now. And going for a drone scout, so some new school strategies that I haven't heard of yet. But if Black Nova does it, it's probably pretty darn good. The other side we have Ferrer, who's going to be our Macing Terran, getting a command center on the high ground because he isn't scouting. A safe and solid play, and you know what I love. That is indeed safe and solid plays. So I'm a big fan of Ferrer already. I think this is the same guy that also makes the little round chocolate that you can buy in the shop. This is the ultimate gift for people you don't truly know. It's a Ferre Roche, I think it's called, or something like that. When you don't know someone very well, you just give them a bag of these balls. They look kind of fancy. They're chocolate. Most people like chocolate. It's actually the perfect gift. I don't think there's anything better because what you could also do, if you know, if you think they might like chocolate, you could buy them like a mixed bag of like a Kit Kat and a Mars and a Twix and that type of stuff. But it doesn't feel fancy, you know? Like you can get away with that when you're 16, but once you turn 20, 22, you get four of these golden balls and these nice little wrappers. they're going to melt you'll be the king with that gift trust me guys Ferrer Roche I think it's called made by this Blue Terran player and I have a look at these build orders though what happened with the drone actually I kind of want to know did he just lose it on the map he lost two drones already both of them to this Reaper I'm not quite sure what happened okay he's gonna go 14 lings but he forgot his speed upgrade I think he realized that now as well I'm building my lings already let me get the speed straight after. So you see the Terran is going into Hallions indeed. And it's getting a starboard. It's an actual builder out of the Terran except for the fact the CC is on the high ground, but and this third depot is way too fast. But life is life. Terran scouts this with his Reaper and says, okay, I see what you're doing. I'm just going to get two cars out and be absolutely fine and also lose my Reaper at the same time. And boldened by killing the Reaper, Black Nova decides to move across the map with slow lings. against the Terran. This is an ambitious plan in general, moving across the map with lings. But against the Terran is very ambitious, because Terrans tend to open up with Helians. And what happens when slow lings meet Hallions? We're about to find out. Well, so far they're dying. And they all go down. And he manages to deal... What is this? I can't count, 25 damage on this halion. He lost 14 lynx and dealt 25 damage on a helion. Let me just remind you real fast what my good friend Ben said. He said, in this game my opponent opens with heliens, which I trade with slightly unfavorably with lings. That's quite an understatement here. You dealt 35 HP on one helion and you lost 14 lings. That's like inviting me to dinner and warning me before and saying, hey, I'm not a great cook, but it's going to be edible. And then when I arrive at your house, you serve me burnt cardboard. Like, I think this is similar skill right here, okay, the type of deceit that has been going on in this imbalance form so far. Two extra factories are going to come down out of Fed Air. I'm liking Fed Air's builder. You can see that he's played Mac before. You know, he has his little ideas down. He's going to float his barracks to the low ground, gets this, what is it, this command center in the wall, extra factories already. He's getting a liberator out for some harass. This is just generally a nice start. It's not a good build order. It's not a tight build order, but he has a plan, you know. This is a guy that has played Mac all his life. He comes home after a long day of, I don't know what he would do. I'm making chocolate, obviously. He's like, you know what I could really use is a relaxing game of Mac. And he starts building Helions as his extra factories. And Ferris is loving it. He's having a great time here. It's a couple of extra depots in the main base. And he's having such a great time. He eats a little bit of his chocolate on the side. A little bit of the different taste chocolate on the left side. Puts it back. Continues controlling his cars. Look at this. Look at this. Four Helions. A Liberator. Takes out the queen. Now this is a reaction speed as well I like that he pulled the lings to this one it's like hmm I wonder what would be the optimal players either grabbing both queens grabbing a single queen or sending my lings there and he decides to first send the lings there and then a single queen to deal with the Liberator to make sure he can't even kill it that's just brilliant did manage to kill some helions already three helions and he is well continue Continuing trading, what did he call it, slightly unfavorable. So far, five aliens have gone down and 52 lings have gone down. 1,900 minerals have been lost on the side of the Zerg and 550 have been lost on the side of the Taron. He's been trading four times worse than his opponent. I wouldn't call it slightly unfavorable. Back in the day I used to play football, if I would come home. from football. And my dad asked, hey, how did you do? Or how did, what was the result? I say it was slightly unfavorable. He would expect us to lose 3-2 or 1-0 or 2-1 or a drawl, but we played better so we deserved it, so it was unfavorable. He wouldn't expect me to lose 25-0, which is kind of what's happening so far in this game. Like, you're down 25 goals. You're down 15 workers. He has Helions, which hard counter-linked. It's just actually just a hard counter. If you have pure Helion against pure Ling, it is actually impossible to trade well with the lings. And as we can see, that's also not, well, this trade wasn't even that bad. It's actually kind of impressive by him, losing that many cars. It does end up killing all your lings though, and now he's going to go to work on the drones. Like, I would say that this game is kind of over at this point, okay? There is no real transitions you can make. Well, you could go into roaches, I guess, so you can finally stabilize against these cars. Get a lot of drones. Like these are kind of, this is the plan that you need to follow at this point. You need to get your eco back or you need to kill him in the next two minutes. Otherwise, you're going to be in a lot of trouble. Your opponent scans you, see if you're building drones and also sees a lot of lings building. So you see that the Farer actually is a pretty decent understanding of the game. I really do like that. Scans, figuring out what his opponent does. And as a result, he says, hey, he is getting more lings. Let me just continue doing what I've already been doing. Because for him, it has been working. For you, it hasn't been working. Einstein once said, the definition of insanity. No, wait. What he said was trying the same thing over and over again. But expecting a different result is insanity. It's the definition of insanity. Is there something like this? I'm paraphrasing. It's not a quote. Paraphrasing. Einstein said something like this. Ferrer at this point would be called insane by Einstein. And those are his words, not mine. I would... I don't know. Yeah, sorry, Black Nova, not Farer. Black Nova would be called insane by Einstein. This is, like I said, his words, not mine. I would never say something like this, but... You do look like a bit of a special case here, Black Nova, so far. You've lost... 125 lings. You haven't achieved anything. You're obviously down in Eco. The game has been going awful. And the only thing you can think to do is to produce more lings, which is the incorrect call. We need to, well, kind of transition out of that. The best way to do it would have been to get 10 roaches out and then to just drone up to 85. Because with roaches, you have some safety. With lings, there's no safety. No safety whatsoever, my friend. it's absolutely impossible. You need to be constantly on top of your lings. You need to be controlling the well. You need to set up surrounds. You need to micro them. And that's not really what you're doing. The way I would see it is imagine that you're a security guard. Okay. You have to defend a small building. Let's say it's my house. I hire you as my security guard and you need to defend my house. The problem is, is that everything I'm seeing when I'm looking at you, is you're slow, unathletic, and I'm not sure if your eyes work correctly because the traits you've been taking so far, I can't imagine a person with working vision taking the same traits. Okay? So I hire you as a security guard. You are showing up with a unit, like a knife. A ling is like a knife. In order to take out an intruder with a knife, you need to be on top of things, you know, because you can just punch you in the face, or he can also knife you. I think that's a word. And it would be an issue. The roach is like the gun. You could be an idiot sitting on your lawn chair in front of the door, waiting with the gun, and you're going to be capable of defending my house. What I'm saying is, is that you should get roaches. A very roundabout. Don't forget it, guys. Roaches kill people. That's very dangerous. Don't play around with those, all right. Ooh, look at Hellbats. Blue Flame Helions. Taking out a spine. That's big. Do like that. A couple of Bains. So he's kind of starting to anticipate how this fight would have gone, had he not morphed the Bains. I do like that. It does only decide the more of them 10 minutes into the game. This kind of was expected in a way, you know, like that the halberts were going to come. I mean, or at least the Hellions were going to show up again. So I'm surprised that the Bains weren't here yet, but I do like that Baines are here now. It means that he is learning from his mistakes of losing all the lings before. We're still on a drone count that is way too low. After you clear a push, often what you want to do is you want to drone up, especially if you're down 10 workers. That way you can afford more units in the future. And because you just clear the push in a very favorable trade, you should be kind of expecting that your opponent doesn't have too many units to currently attack you with. You could also think that maybe now is the time to once again mess on lings and lose all of them to halions. And it seems like that might actually be your plan here. As you walked into a wall here and you saw that there was only 18 heliants, How many is there? Fifteen halions. He said, you know what? Maybe this time, if I run in my lings into all of his cars, I can actually take a favorable trade. And as we can see, this is a trait that I would actually describe as just slightly unfavorable. And yeah, yeah, slightly unfavorable. If those bailings hit something, maybe it could even be fine for you, even. This ends up being slightly unfavorable. If you were referring to this trait in your imbalance complaint form, then I wouldn't have mine so much. But so far, you've been filled with lies and deceit. And also with very poor unit control. That is a different thing. We'll get to that later. You also haven't really scouted much. You accidentally saw that there's a factory here because you forgot about this overlord. I doubt you've seen it. Like, it's overlord. I haven't seen it, seen it. You know, your overlord knows and he's trying to send an email, but you haven't figured out how to turn on the PC yet, basically. So what's happening here. Okay, hive is coming down. Now, there was one thing that you mentioned, and that's that your creep spread was quite good. That's very nice, but it's also kind of useless right now because you don't have the eco. Like, creep spread is the thing that comes last, you know? It's nice to have, but you have bigger issues. And thus, I wouldn't be focusing too much on crux. Oh, this is a good surround. Nice. You actually got a good trade. This was a very nice surround. Actually, good job. This was actually not bad. I'm happy with that. Yeah. You should be focusing more on droning and spending your money a little bit. Your opponent also isn't spending his money, by the way. And that actually is to your benefit here, Because if Ferrer wasn't actually starting a college fund for all five of his kids in this game, you would probably be dead because he would be maxed out twice already. But yeah, I'd really recommend getting, like focusing a bit less on their creep. I do enjoy seeing good creep spread also at lower levels, but it's very obvious to me that there's bigger issues here in your macro. That focusing on creep seems a little bit perverse almost. It's like buying a really nice carpet for your house and then not having a roof. It's like, yeah, I'm not sure if the priorities are there. It's like, it's not brilliant. It's really not brilliant. Plus three on the way for opponent. You're getting good upgrades. I do like that. You're also kind of whenever you work with mutas, which you said you really went for Lingban Mura. I mean, I read this stupid form again. Because my opponent has largely Hellion Cyclones, I transition into Lingban Muta and harass him with the mutas and kill bases where I can. I think the mutas came out of the spire at a 10 minute mark or so. So far you've built four in total. Three have gone down and there's one here. There's four more on the way. You haven't harassed with it once. You haven't killed a single base once either. They actually have done nothing. They've just been F-2 around the map with the rest of your army trying to aid and killing Helians. Actually what's been happening and They've been doing a good job because helions don't shoot up. I feel like if you actually were controlling your mutas separately, these type of fights would be so favorable for you. There's actually no anti-air for him. There's three cyclones, that's it. And he has 23 heliants. If you would just separately control your mudalisk here, you should be capable of just fighting this army. But instead, you just keep feeding lings into his helions. That's some nice hits with the bayonics. actually, that was good. I'm going to take back what I just said. Okay, and now we get some control on the Moodas. Okay, so you're not quite sure if you're controlling them, but yeah. Let's take a look at this first person. Is this your first person? Okay, you're actually doing some Muraura I like that. So we go up to 17 Murares immediately. It's a little late, but I always say rather late than never. You start going ham. Now, while you're building Muda's, there's this quick trick. For Zerg players all around the world, by the way. This is not just for Black Nud. But while you're building muras and you build a lot of muras, you notice that you're going to be spending all of your gas because muras are very gas intensive. And even if you're on 10 gas, you'll be spending all of your gas. You'll start floating minerals. And that's great because this allows you to start building a lot of drones. Your muta, your mutilists are keeping your opponent busy on his side of the map. So in that time, you can get drones out. You go up to 90, 92, 93 workers, get up to 12 gas. you can start preparing for your next transition if you want that or you just get so much money that you continuously can send in waves of banlings and muta lists into your opponent's planetaries and kill those. That is generally the plan with link-bane muta. You want to be safe with like 10, 11 mutas, then you drone up and keep getting more mutas and then you start building units again. That tends to be the type of the larger strategical concept of the muta. They give you map control. Okay. Well, mines are going to kill a couple of these mutas. Five mutas here have gone down, I think. Which isn't great, but also isn't awful. He actually still has almost no entire. He actually has no units whatsoever. This is a bit of a painful engagement. I actually think if you were a micro there, you could have won. Let's go back to that area. Look at this. So first of all, here, this wasn't great. obviously no overseer even though you're playing as a guy with Mac. The fight in general wasn't great, but you still semi-win. And then here, imagine, like there's five helions, but none of them are here in this fight. Imagine you split off the lynx to kill the turrets and to kill the cyclone. And then these mutas, rather than flying into the turrets and killing nothing and losing all seven of them, they could then later come in to try and kill some of these SCVs. that would be really cool. Just a really cool concept. Or you could all together pass by this building, go into the natural while there's absolutely nothing there. Also could have been a good play. Instead, you decided to throw everything away. You have a lot of money in the bank, once again. So there's your opponent. And people often, they'll look at this type of stuff and they say, well, my opponent also was floating a lot. Sure, but that just means that there was a huge opportunity here for you to win. It means that even though your opponent was floating twice as much as you, you, he still either traded so much better or had way better eco that he still managed to win. That actually makes you even worse in a funny roundabout way. Now our opponent is transitioning into mass thor and the mutilis will get a little bit worse. And this is the point where you would say, okay, now that Thor's are coming out, we probably need to start transitioning into something else. And from a comp like this, you could say, well, How about we actually go into investors and start neuraling our opponent? Or how about we go into investor ultra? So we use the ultras to push away Hallions, Hellbat, and the investors to neural Thor's and to just fungal in general. And I think you'll get pretty decent traits with that. Another thing that you could be doing is you could go greater spire investor Brutlord, but, or Investor Brutlord Viper, but it's kind of tricky to do, and you don't have enough mining for that yet either. Like you usually only go into Infester Brutlord once you completely mine out the map because that army comp is too slow. But right now with like, you know, with Ultras, maybe you could have done something here, definitely. Also trying to do something with you. I'm not quite sure about your muta control. Sometimes you do control them separately, but it feels like it's not like really controlling. It's just you send them somewhere separately. It's like you tell the lings to stay at home so you can go lose all your mutas on the other side. Like telling your mom not to worry when you're, you know, when you were a kid, your mom would ask you like, hey, where are you going, son? And you're like, ah, don't worry, I'm just going to the football pitch. You know, and be like, ah, that's great. She doesn't realize is that all you do with the football pitch is just jump head first into the bushes. That's kind of what you're doing here, you know? The lings are like, all right, muras, fly away. Then the mutas just go straight into, oh my god, she's full 20, more muras. Go headfirst into these mines, which just doesn't make a lot of sense. Usually you use lings to tank the mine shields and then the mutas can go in to clear them. But you tank them with the muras, which is a way more expensive unit. And most of the time you still don't clear them. And if you do clear them, well, they already got their value. So it's not even that great. You're still relying too heavily on pure Ling as well. Bealings really are the key. If you want to go for this composition, they deal. so well with Helbitz, well with cyclones as well. Of course, Muras do fine against Cyclones majority of the time, but now you're going to get a surprise of a lifetime. Actually dealing some fine damage, though, here. Killed one base. You said no matter how much damage I do. So I think this is going to be the phase where you're going to be dealing a craptone of damage with these Muratis, right? So you took out two turrets. You lost two Muras as well. Killed a couple of workers. going to lose another muta kill another turret and lose maybe two more muras i think at the i'm not even sure if that was efficient like you were left alone with 25 mutas in a mineral line and you managed to lose i think five muta lisp you did clear all the cv so it probably was efficient but it should have been way more of it oh never mind we'll count this to the to that last trade as well good lord that's actual pain it's a classic as well just runs in with the lings again. Run straight in with the lings, even though there's like 12 heliolians here. Loses everything. You saw this. I just don't understand this. I want to take a look at this, first person. I want to see if I can get into his mind, you know? Okay, so right now, what does he see? Wait, I'm going to take this thing away. So maybe he sees something like this. Okay, so he sees four, five helions, at least. six he saw six helions seven okay he saw like 12 helions at this point and as a response he sends in all of his lings into this army and loses all of them this doesn't make any sense that they were there. What did you think was going to happen? Like I can tell you everything about macro and you could have the greatest mechanics in the world float zero, but if this is the decision making that you're working with, I'm not sure if this game is for you. And I'm not trying to be funny, but... Some things in life just can't be thought. Like, how many lings do you want to lose against Hellions for you to realize that they don't counter it? Like, you've seen this happen a million times. And yet you keep going, and I don't understand it. And it's frustrating me. Because I started growing to like you during this game, you know? You started mining more bases. And I actually do appreciate your good creep spread. But then your fights and your unicorns. And like why are we floating? 3K 3K right now. We have a larva available. You've done the work of injecting. Like just reap your rewards. This is this is like you have a piece of land and you plant like some potatoes there. And you take care of these potatoes. You water them and I don't know what else you do with potatoes. Just leave them in the game. ground, I guess. They grow by themselves pretty much. Put some fertilizer on the potatoes, you know. And then you pick all the potatoes by hand because you can't afford a machine and then you just leave them to rot in your little shed. That's what you're doing. You have so many larvae. You have so much money. You've done the work. Reap your rewards. Eat the potato. Make vodka out of it. I don't care what you do. Just use it. I don't understand. It's frustrating me. It really is. Yeah, you're gonna use some of them, well, all of the larva. Oh, no, not even all of the larva. 12 larva again. Well, it's fine. No real good army composition here for you either. You're going to hydras. Good large son. This is the type of unit composition that Loco would approve. Is there hydras without upgrades against mass torque? I mean, I guess. It's not going to work, right? It's Helian Hydra. Hydras are going to take extra damage of the helions. And then the Tors are just going to destroy it as wise. Without Vipers, this is a very ambitious project here, especially because there's not a single attack upgrade either for these hydras. So we'll be working with three carapace upgrades, which means they'll take a beating from the Thor still, because Turks don't really care too much about armor upgrades. Like too shot it anyway or whatever they do. Okay, this is a nice little surround here. If you were to surround not everything, that actually could have been pretty huge. Their heads are just too weak. This didn't work at all. You did kill a lot of workers. or maybe he just lost them for fun. How many orbitals does he have? Three orbitals only. Doesn't he use Mules either, just scans. He scans to look into the future where he can see himself winning. Farad is a really cool guy. God. Absolutely legend. I'm going to take an overseer here as well. There's more Thor's on the way, obviously. She's building Thor's as well. Honestly, I would be doing the same thing, just Thor's and Helions. If your opponent has so little idea about countering your... units. You can just do whatever. Seems like so far Black Nova has just been kind of building bad units at every turn. It's truly been the case. Whenever you had to make a decision when it came to unit comp, it has been incorrect. It really has been. That's painful. 28 more lings on the way. And you know what the actual pain is that I really don't think his mechanics are bad. Yes, this APM is not even that low. It's actually 190. That's pretty decent. Not sure I was going to flame him for that. He's flat, 190 average APM. That's great. I know Protoss players in top 50 GM that have less than this. I think your macro is fine and your creches, absolutely bananas for this level, especially. It's just your... You seem to have no clue of what's happening in the game. Like, why did you just build? 42 more lings after you already had 67. If there's two halberts here, or two helions, you'll lose all of them. And you know there's going to be helions. Because there is at least one factory, which you were aware of, which are overlord, with a reactor. You know about two factories with reactors, so you know there's going to be helions. And then this just happened. Look at this, look at this halberd. Venerall. Actually, I didn't do too much. Tors almost went down. And now the Hellions come in and everything dies. The game just ends. There's freaking 17 tours. There's more tours than overlords, almost. Not quite, but almost. I think it counts as well. You're still staying in. Is your time not valuable? Maybe. 32 more lings. I... He lost 984 lings. He's going to lose a thousand lings in this. He's going to lose... You look at the situation, you think, okay, I lost basically a thousand lings already. I lost a thousand lings. And what is the next thing that he does? He just builds 60 more. As a counter to an army, he already knows he can't beat. He looks at his bank, he sees he has 5K gas, he looks at his army, and he should be capable of dreaming this fight at this point, because he's done this exact same fight about 15 times. And here we go, he kills the hellbats, almost damages a Thor into the rat, lost everything. doesn't GG he doesn't Gigi that is one Thor with what was it 2 HP that's what made it unbelievable I'm going to read your thing again the reduced micro and ability to trade cost efficiently makes Terran Mac absolutely Imba okay this is what he said to reduce micro and ability to trade cost efficiently all Terran compositions trade cost efficiently again sir this is true for bio, this is true for Mac or tends to be true because banlings are extremely expensive and bailing is almost always a core unit of the Zerg army. What Zerg needs to do is to expand quickly, deny bases of the Terran and then overwhelm or eventually go into an army that can trade cost efficiently in investor, brute lord, viper, corruptor type of stuff. Sometimes you can trade cost efficiently with that. And there's some scenarios in which Lurkers trade very cost efficiently as well. I'm not going to lie about that. Lurkers are one of these others, but mainly against bio, not so much against Mac. So this is a given fact that they're going to trade cost inefficient. However, you really put the inefficient in cost inefficient. You know what I'm saying? We're used to having resources lost being different, but usually it's like this. In your game, it's like this. Every single trade you took was bad. bar maybe one trade in the early game where you got like Ling Bane on the Hellbad Cyclone. Every single trade was just awful. And you kept doing the same traits again and again. So if I were to rate you in three things, and those three things would be decision making, unit composition, and general macro. Then we'll start with the positive one. General macro was really not bad. Your injects are quite good. I like the creep red, even though you were floating at times. And I think you didn't know quite when to drone, but I think that's more decision-making than macro. So I think your macro, especially for your level, it's fantastic, fabulous. You're quite fast. It's obvious to me. You understand how to macro. So big up to you. For that, you're going to get a thumbs up from here, the good old Facebook like for you. Number two, unit composition. If you see your unit composition die 50 times in a row and you rebuild the exact same composition, again and again and again and again and again like I can't help you in that case you need to be capable of recognizing when a unit comp doesn't work anymore you started this unit comp when your opponent only at halions you continued this unit comp when your opponent went heli and cyclone you continue it continued it when he went a helen cyclone mine when he went tore hellbat you just kept staying with the same thing and it doesn't work in order to beat your opponent's composition you need to adapt to your opponent's composition and you didn't do that a single time you just went with what you already had and you lost every single time every fight you just straight up lost so for that you're going to get a massive especially by hamster drawn sock stamp and then the third thing what was it again uh decision making your decision making is questionable. And when I say questionable, I mean, extremely questionable. It was awful. The fights that you decided to take were almost always bad, not only because of the unit composition, but also just because your units could be doing something useful somewhere else. Your mutas could have been harassing and killing turrets quickly and flying out and bumping back in and flying out. But rather than doing that, you decide to fly them into a couple of turrets and then a couple more thores, or you see that there's 25 Helions and you decide to run in with 50 lings and you lose all your lings. Like, oh, no, awful. Not good. Your droning patterns were garbage as well. You didn't understand when to drone. You didn't understand when to build lings or when to build units. Yeah, it just wasn't good. And for that, you're also going to get a minus, I was going to say a minus negative three. But you'll just stick with a negative three. Otherwise it would be positive. So on scale from 1 to 10, be a negative three. You're off the charge in a negative way. Put all of these three things together and you, my friend, get a big, fat, massive suck. All right. Nice. Another case handled here in the Harstam IOTIS factory. Thanks everyone so much for watching. I did enjoy it myself, although it was hard at times to watch. Black Nova, thank you for sending in the replay, of course. Much appreciate it. If you also want your replay in here, don't forget. at in the description down below. We have a little form that you can fill in, write a nice, long message to me with a replay, where you really believe that your opponent did something in balance, and perhaps I'll pick yours. We have about 200 or so, I think, of the, on the new patch that I still have to go through, but maybe I'll skip some in line. We'll have a look. Thanks so much for watching everyone. Smash like, subscribe. |
The Great Wall Of China Touches The Sea - So This MUST Be IMBA! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | IT'S CHINESE TIME BOIS!! Even though this guy looks like an American at first glance, we have another chinese classic on the table. And he already messed up filling out the form! Man, this will be a wild ride... So smash like and buckle up! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/n9KbZHlBCxA/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | n9KbZHlBCxA | Dear Kevin, I am your big fan from China. Recently I've been struggling against TVZ, which I believe that Zerg is just so in balance. I tired to improve my TVZ skills, so I had this replay with my friend. Since he promised to have a macro game, I decided No Scout and early 3CC with Elliot and Benchy. This is just, the concept here is great, okay? This guy struggles in TVZ, so he wants to play some games TVZ with his friend. And then he also says, do not do any early game aggression. This is not how you improve. You improve by actually playing a real game. You could have also told your opponent to not build any banlings. I'm sure your TVZ would have looked a lot better in practice. Oh, sorry, let me continue with the thing. At the early in this game, I managed to do some harassment by the Hellions. He lost nine rounds and lots of lings without losing any of my units. I even didn't lose a single unit in the first six minutes. Well, I do lost all of my halions and one of the bansies on the next harassment, but also killed seven drones. I thought that his economic must be terrible, so I start to produce widow mines. He magically created 18 banlings towards my natural, and I tried my best, but still lost 12 SVs. Even though he lost a bunch of drones, it seems like useless to the Zerg. Ling Bane are still all over the map. Every single time I wanted to push out there will be his army attacking my third base. My micro was much better than him that only sacrifice little marauders can destroy a lot of banlings and the mines also did a lot of damage. Then here comes the Ultralisk. I destroy almost the whole army of the Zerg and one of his bases by only lost two barracks. But when I go through the map there's more Ultralis from every direction. I know my macro is not good enough. But so does he. It must be the Inba Race help him to win. Isn't it, Captain? Name Jerry, race, Zerg, league, diamond, server China. This man, Jerry, managed to actually fill in the incorrect race on the form, so we're off to a racing start already. I wish you lots of luck playing a game as difficult as StarCraft 2 if you're struggling with a Google form and what your race actually is. But we'll forget about that. Jerry here is the Terran. his actual complaint was a bit all over the place I think it had something to do with the economy maybe like he said that he killed loads of units loads of drones and he barely lost anything his traits always were fantastic and his opponent just kept having bigger armies so there was no real one big complaint but more just the trend of that desert eco might just be too good and you know the classic the classic one of they just reproduce too quickly We're going to have a look at that to see if that's true. Jerry here's the Green Terran and he's playing against his friend, Y, K, H, D, a Zerg player. So kind of exciting. I'm kind of excited here for Jerry. And I'm believing this to be a banger of a game. I'm really looking forward to the triple-CC opener as well without the scout because he knows his friend won't all in. This is like doing a magic trick where you. stack the deck. We had this guy in my high school. This is not a made-up story. I know I lie a lot, but this is true. We had a guy in my high school who would come up to you with a pre-stack deck and then do a car trick. And then after he did the car trick, and we'd be like, hey, do it again. He'd need to re-do the deck again and stack it in a certain order. It's like, it's not a very good trick if you need to prepare every single time. And it's obvious that you need to prepare every single time. So he could do this trick once every lunch break. We'd ask him to do the trick every single day because we thought it was hilarious. He actually later on turned out to be a pretty decent magician. And I guess everyone starts out pretty weak. That's kind of what Jerry feels like here. You know, he comes up with the magic trick. Except in order to do the trick, he, like, everything needs to be perfect, you know? It's like, pick a card and you pick one card from him. He's like, no, no, pick the top card. He's like, all right, Jerry. I'll pick the top card for you, Jerry. I know you're a terrible magician, but here we go again. We'll see what type of tricks Jerry has up his sleeve here, though. So for the build order, actually looks good. Especially for a platinum player. It's going to be opening up with a Reaper into Marine. Factory is quick. Reactor should start immediately. This is good stuff. I'm, I'm, he's not platinum. He's diamond. I'm impressed, though. 3,300 MMR on the China servant. This is a good build order. He's going to decide to do a little bit of damage. Gats the first. drone yep gets a drone so control is good macro is good behind this cc is going up it's going to start rallying into the gas i hope because you did get a second gas jerry kind of want to start saturating that gas it is what it is it is what it is um orbital's going down is all honestly this start out of jerry here it's just looking solid if this was a game on rank roulette and i would have the guess what level this is. I would say so far this this looks absolutely like a master's two, master's one build order. You know, everything is kind of tight. There's not a whole lot of money being floated. Sure, there's a little bit, but that just happens with this build. You know, it's not the end of the world. Moves back as Reaper before speed finishes as well. I'm, I'm kind of happy with how Jerry is playing this. And that is rare, especially when it comes to Chinese games. I've seen a lot of Chinese games in my time. And I always enjoy the Chinese games very much. But they're very rarely are they standard. The opener never is normal. The follow-up never is normal. The accompanying balance complaint form never is normal either. Like there's always some special twist in there, you know. But my man Jerry, first of all, has a very, very British and American name and also doesn't play much like his fellow Chinese players do on the Chinese server, especially on this level. Decides to keep the Hellions home for now. It is a little bit odd. So there is the two main openers that we have in TVZ, I would say. We have the third CC before second gas, and then we have the third CC after second gas. With the third CC after second gas, your goal is to deal as much damage as you can with your early game units, because you have less economy than you usually do. We see Jerry kind of playing this like he went for quick triple CCC. He left a lot of Helians at home. really been able to deny any of the creep yet or try to spar with some of these zerglings or well try to burn some of these zerglings it's not really sparring if one guy has a flamethrower and the other guy just has claws and wings it's not a fair fight but generally you want to be poking for it looking for damage looking for zergling skills maybe shooting down the queen something like that benchy is on the way like the build order is pretty tight i actually have to admit that but the the unit control has been mediocre now it's going to get a bar bunch of lings here. Third barracks has been delayed for no real reason. Should be at the same time as this barrack, as this factory building the reactor. That way you can swap the barracks and the factory and then you have two reactors producing marines while you're doing this opener. This is a really good start here. This is a really good start for Jerry and Jerry didn't lie. He said, Kevin, in the first six minutes I didn't lose any units, which to be fair isn't that odd as he didn't send them out to fight either. That's like Switzerland bragging that they haven't had any war casualties in the past two Sentries. They also were neutral in every single major war that was fought. So yeah, it's kind of what Jerry did here, you know. He moves out once at like 520, doesn't lose anything. I says, ta-da, I'm clean. The best unit control in the game. Follow-up is kind of sloppier. You don't want to be getting mines yet at this point. You're really want to increase that marine production. So your first two Madovacs, when they pop out, can immediately go with 16 Marines. Now, we're going to just replay that here for a second. So Jerry has a very good early game. He killed 1,300 resources without losing anything. That is good. He has had good traits so far. Okay, this is absolutely brilliant. I love that. I absolutely do love that. Now he's going to send them in and he sees all these lings and he decides, well, I'm just going to lose them. Kills three workers. So he lost 700 resources here and killed, what, 275? That's a bad trait. Now, what did Jerry say in his little thing? I do lost all of my halions and one of the Benchial on the next harassment, but I also killed seven drones. I thought that his economic must be so terrible, so I start to produce widow mine. Those are the two sentences that I want to focus on here. Now, this doesn't make a lot of sense. The first thing here is that just because you have good traits overall doesn't mean that all the moves you made were correct. Like, this is kind of like looking at this game and going, hey, I lost six Helions and he lost way more. So all the moves I did must have been good. No, the first moves you did were very good, but afterwards you basically completely threw it away. It makes no sense. It's like if you're playing a football match and in the first half you're up 6-0 and you end up winning 6-4, you could still say, well, we scored a lot of goals and we won the game. That was good. But you still made a lot of mistakes in the second half. And that's kind of what happened here for Jerry. And he kind of tried to play it off like it was fine. Like it's never fine to lose your Helians. And I doubt this is actually enough damage to really say, hey, I'm glad that I lost those Helians. Now, it's like, you don't really want to trade out Hellions because Helions are super important for the thing that Jerry complains about later. And that is run-bys. The Hellions and the Banshees that you use in the early game to harass lose their value as a harassment tool later on in the game. But they're really good at stopping your opponents harass. Banshees, Helions, great at dealing with Ling run-bys, great at dealing with small amounts of bailing run-bys as well. So you generally want to be keeping them alive as they allow you to move out with your main army. Without Helions, it just becomes really hard to move out with your main army. Behind this, Jerry also is just floating a, well, kind of an enormous amount of units. He's also getting kind of blasted here by slow bailings, which isn't great. So he loses eight workers, and his opponent is actually really far ahead. like this entire sequence if I when I read this in in Jerry's little book that he wrote to me it felt like he was in a great spot after this because he did so much economic damage he killed 17 workers lost all of his aliens and his opponent killed 12 workers and lost a bunch of banlings this opponent is on 70 workers right now and Jerry is on 40 I want to I had another sentence, by the way, that I did want to focus on in this little imbalance complaint for him. He said, I did so much economic damage that I wanted to transition into widow mines. And when I read that, I kind of glossed over this and was like, oh, you know, that makes a lot of sense. Because he said it with such confidence. But these two parts of the sentence are not connected at all. It is like saying I ate meat yesterday so I performed very well on the stock market or I did five push-ups this morning and thus it started raining like if you say it with a lot of confidence you might be able to trick a lot of people but saying that you did a lot of economic damage so you went into widow mines makes no sense. Dealing economic damage doesn't mean that getting faster widow mines is a better call like you want to be getting marine You want a reactor on two barracks and attack lap on one barracks getting stim and later on combat shield while you're producing your first two meta-vacs. Getting a lot of mines early on makes no sense because the ratio of mine marine is very important and there always should be way more Marines rather than way more mines. Right now against this attack you had like six mines and eight Marines. There should be like 16 Marines and two three mines and you would have a way better time defending your natural here. I just wanted to plan the flag there where everyone could see. see it because he almost got away with it. I put a mental note that I did want to call him out on that and I almost forgot about it because he said it with such confidence. He is, he's quite an elegant writer, Jerry is. And he got in my mind with his, you know, his poetic sentences. And he almost got away with it, but not quite. I caught you there, Jerry. One o for me. But keep trying, keep trying. So in Jerry's mind right now, he's light years ahead. He threw away six Italians to kill 17 workers total. Sure, he hasn't been producing SUVs for a while. And he's down 30 workers at this point. But in Jerry's mind, he's still very far ahead. And honestly, he's up in army supply and he's up in upgrade. He's only up in army supply because his opponent decided to not produce any units, even though there is 19 larvae at this point. So a little bit of a surprising tactic here. Now, we see this Ling run by. Not a actually doing very much. Do note that this Ling run by has been dealt with. I just want to show this to you guys, okay? This army that just moved back, moved back for no reason. It moved back because Jerry only uses a single control group. And it isn't even really a control group. No, it is the F2. Jerry saw a threat at his third base, F2ed back home, and said, oh, these runbys force my army back. Jerry, the fact that you can't multitask is what's forcing your army back. The lack of your ability to have more than one control group is forcing your army back. The fact that you lost all of your helions in the early game is what forced your army back. There's three reasons and none of them have anything to do really with the run by. The run by seems to be the reason, but the actual reason is your incompetence. Now, these mines do trade well with these bailings, I have to admit. These are good traits. Not the greatest hit of that bainling and this Bane. Oh well, this mine is also going to get a decent trade. A lot of banings are still alive. And they actually start walking into marauders, exactly like Jerry told us. This is great, by the way. The fact that the banshee is just in this army and not doing anything else. Like not patrolling an area, just in the army, no cloak. Stim is mean. He actually isn't using F2, by the way. So he's just using a single control group. He's, uh, because this army isn't moving. Now, at this point, Jerry's had a couple of pretty decent trades. However, he's completely unaware of the fact that he's still mining less than his opponent and it's just generally downing workers. His opponent has been casually tacking into Hive at the 10 minute mark while floating 2K resources. And this is something that I find hilarious that often happens, but Jerry didn't do. Very often, especially Terrence, complain about this, they'll send me a measure like, hey, Kevin, like, this freaking Zerg was floating. 3K minerals and I couldn't even kill him. And they're not realizing that by saying that, it doesn't show that Zerg is in balance, but it just shows that you're incompetent. If your opponent can get away with floating 3K minerals, that is just bad by you. That means your builders aren't tight. You're terrible at killing people and you wouldn't be able to smell an opportunity like if it hit you in the face. This is like Steve Jobs trying to sell you Apple in like 2007 for $10. and you going, ah, 10 sounds a bit expensive. It's like, mate. Like, it's already a big company, you know? No cancel on the command center. Some bailings being wasted there in the orbital as well. And honestly, after seeing these traits, I understand why Jerry does believe that he's a hat. I would also believe that I was ahead if I had seen these trades. So far, by the way, Jerry has only lost 22 workers. Now, you might say only 22. Yes. only 22. We're 12 minutes into the game and he's on 53 workers. If you're on 53 workers 12 minutes into the game, I'm expecting you to have lost like 80 workers at this point, okay? There's no reason for you to be this low in workers, 12 minutes into the game as a Terran who also has mules. Ford base is extremely delayed. He's one too many barracks for production, but, but, well actually he has four too many barracks for production. So, The way you usually work in TVZ is that you get five barracks, two factory, then you get a fort base, then you add the three barracks. He got these barracks after he built a fort CC and his Ford CC got cancelled. And also, if you are floating money and you can spend your money, I always say it's completely fine to add more barracks. I rather have you spend your money than have it in the bank and not being used whatsoever. It's better to just spend it in a barracks. And then once you get better, you can kind of scale down that amount of barracks. So you might want to make fun of someone for that. might want to say, hey, that's incorrect. But actually, if you're playing at this level and you have trouble spending the money, no, that's completely fine. Now, this is the magical fight that Jerry told us about in his legendary poem that he wrote to us. He said, I killed two bases. Or he said, what did he say? I'm going to need to read this again. God. I want to push out. I destroy almost the whole army of the Zerg and one of his bases, but only lost two barracks. He kind of romanticized the... how this fight went, I feel like. Because once again, he didn't really lie or not speak the truth because he did take out his opponent base and he did... well, he lost three barracks and like six SCVs and the Zerg forced a lift off. So it wasn't completely accurate, but he did kill a large barric. of the Zerg army and he took out a base. The problem is that this was the sixth base of the Zerg was busy losing his third base. Zerg was still mining with a hundred workers over five bases and Jerry also didn't really kill the entire army. So it's a little bit disgenuine, I think, to say that you took out a base and hardly took any damage at home. Like he hasn't been mining from this third base for the past minute now. It's not like this was a super clean trade either. It's not like he just destroyed the reserve army and still max. No, it's like barely at 140 supply. Doesn't have the minerals to start three three upgrades. Like he's in a bad spot. I wonder if Jerry watched the replayback of this game and I have a feeling he didn't because the situations aren't really as he sketches them. You know, this is this is rewriting history. Usually history is written by the winner but somehow Jerry managed to get his hand on a pen and write down this epic war story takes out the rocks Jerry always hated rocks hated them so much as a kid as well he's going to take out a lot of these ultras actually this is really good for Jerry and the army value or well the army supply is actually in Jerry's favor at this point he's controlling there's no mines in this army and he is floating 1400 minerals but there's actually some potential, especially if this is off-cream. Trying to get to the METAX by baiting, wading, wading, wading, walking through the banlings. That would be the word that I was looking for, slashing his way through the banlings into the Matax. Didn't quite work. A lot of the units did end up falling. We still just have a very nice income here for the Zerg at this point. Mine should burrow, burrow, burrow, burrow. Don't burrow. He's still going to get the Ultralisc. And at this point, you could say that, yes, Jerry is behind and he's not in a great spot, but he still has a decently sized army. His opponent is making a lot of mistakes and taking a lot of bad fights. Like, let's be real here. His opponent is down 14K in the resources lost. That's generally not a good thing. His opponent also keeps kind of move commanding lings and other units into his army. For a second, I was afraid that Jerry didn't have a hotkey for burrowing these widow mines, but did manage to get it here. We're going to see some decent kiting as well. And once again, he's going to take a fight that honestly isn't bad. Like, none of these fights have been bad. Well, that's unfortunate. Lose the planetary. Doesn't have a backup CC either. 3-3 isn't quite done yet. Like, the fights haven't been bad. He's just been mining a lot less. Because while Jerry was busy killing his opponent's sixth base, he wasn't mining from his own third. With another little attack here, Jerry once again, probably feeling like an absolute multitasking god. As he sends six metaphics to the left side, takes out the seventh base of his opponent. Meanwhile at home, he's valiantly defending against his Ling Ultra run by as well. Actually going to be able to dish out a lot. A lot of damage. That's all good. It's actually just kind of dead, isn't he? I'm just looking at this and I'm thinking, Jerry, why are we still in the game? Then I see the Zurg lose eight Ultralisk against 10 marauders. And I kind of understand why he stays in as well. It's like a double-edged sword, you know? It's like you don't want to waste your and your friend's time, but you also don't want to let him get away with taking this type of fight so I think at this point if you know your opponent has this bottom base and took this base you kind of assume that at least these five were taken so you're playing against five base while you're mining from two patches in your natural and one patch in your main it's a little bit optimistic and perhaps even naive to believe that you still have a chance in that type of game but then again I think the word naive and optimistic, might be the two words that describe the Terran population as a whole the best. I mean, if there's one race that likes to stay in games after the game is completely lost, it definitely would be the Terran race. I like Jerry leaves without Gigi, by the way, here. That is a big move as well. Imagine being Jerry's friend and getting the message from Jerry. It's like Jerry just lost three games on the ladder against Zerg and he goes, hey, buddy, you want to play some custom games? And you're, yeah, sure, that sounds good. I have some bills I want to try. And Jared's like, no, no, no. Not allowed to rush, all right? And then it was like, all right, no rush, whatever. You play a macro game. Perfect macro game, like very good macro, economy, many bases, no crease threat, but whatever, you win the game. Then he leaves without Gigi and blocks you on Skype or, well, the discourse or whatever people use these days, zoomers. Jerry, not the greatest friend. All right, let's just think about this game. here for a second and let's divide this game into a couple of sections so the first one is going to be game awareness i'm i'm going to name this game awareness just the the reality that the game is in and being able to connect to that reality okay jerry seems to not be bad at this he just seems to lack this capability whatsoever he is out of touch with reality jerry kills four drones with his and he believes he should be able to move command across the map and collect his free MMR. That is not quite how it works. If you kill seven drones and you don't build SDVs for 12 minutes straight, most of the time you're going to find yourself in a bad situation, which is also what happened in this game. You're constantly unaware of the position you're actually in. You seem pretty delusional about what you need to do in order to win and what your opponent needs to do in order to win. If you're down 50 workers and you don't realize that or if you're staying in a game where your opponent has eight bases and you're mining of three mineral patches total with 20 workers and you believe you still have a chance, it might be checked to get that, you know, just to check at your local doctor's office to make sure that everything's okay in the, you know, in the brain up there. So for that you're going to get a massive, uh, it's not there stamp. Just game awareness is not there. Then the second thing is the micro. Honestly, not too disappointed with your micro. For your level, you controlled your units fairly well. The splits weren't great, but you managed to get good fights throughout the game. We can see that in the resource lost, you end the game up 13,000. I'm counting that correctly, 13,000 resources, even though you have technically a worse army, as you didn't get any ghost or a lot of mines or a lot of liberators. Well, your opponent was on banling, Ling, Ultra. Like, that is impressive and I'll applaud you for that. So for that, you get a thumbs up from me. And those are rare, so put it on your wall or something like that. Hmm. Then the third thing I want to talk with you about is macro. Your first four to five minutes were fantastic. Actually, great. For diamond level player, this is what I want to see. You follow the build order and you got it right. right until the point where you needed to build a third barracks and swap that with the factory. After that, it felt like you just fell apart. The moment you started controlling your units on the map, you just stopped doing anything at home. You didn't build SCVs, like the units that you're supposed to build didn't come out. The amount of units that you had felt kind of low as well, and the order of the buildings didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense as well. So on that, I'm also going to have to give you the stamp that it's just not good, Jerry. I like you and I like the story that you sent me, the page of text. But it's just not good enough, Jerry. We need more than this in order to compete with Zerg player. So for that, you're going to get a suck as well on this little midsection. That leaves us with two negative reviews and one thumbs up, which... It's more like a participation trophy, you know? Like, it wasn't great, but you didn't suck too hard either. So put it all together. And you, Jerry, you just suck. Zurich isn't imbalanced. You're bad. I'm sorry. It's the way of the world. It's the way of the world. All right, my friends. That's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? As sadly Jerry sucked. And that's okay. Big up to the Zerg player, though, in this game. They did it pretty well. Don't forget to hit the like button, subscribe to the channel. Massive shout out to all the Patreon supporters who've been supporting on Patreon. That is appreciated. And I hope to see you all next time for more videos and other things. Leave a like. Subscribe. Bye-bye. |
He Lost Against A Math-Loving Roleplayer?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | Today's Highlight might not be the protagonist but rather the antagonist of this IODIS episode! I just love that guy... Also I would love* you, if you hit like, subscribe to the channel and activate the bell! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 *love being an euphemism for appreciating someone. | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Mm-Of3TtRWQ/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Mm-Of3TtRWQ | Dear Harstam, I am writing to you today that Terran is so imba. I admit that I am just a low-level platinum two player, but even at my skill, Terran shouldn't have won this game. Throughout the game, I had good storms and good army compositions. The beginning of the game was bad, I admit, but I got ahead eventually. The reason it should be imba is that I had a really good army composition, it's the second time he brags about his army composition, at the last fight, but just because I didn't storm him, I lost the game in an instant. Even my mid-game engagement, in which I recalled, should have ended him but didn't. Is it imba? Or do I just suck as a platinum level player? He throws in a lot that he's a platinum player. I'm not sure if it's like a brag what a lot of the Americans do when they went to like an Ivy League school. He's like, actually I went to Princeton. It's Ivy League. It feels like he's doing this. But, well, you know, we'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now. By the way, nice new imbalance complaint from him. We finally updated the 22. 20 regulations to 2021. And we're only 11 months into 2021. So that promises a lot for next year. Platinum, Protoss, North America, it's the Holy Trinity of Idiocy. So let's just pop straight into it. As we have Assisto here, the top left, who starts with a Kronoboose. Well, this is not promising a whole lot. And we have Judut here in the... I wonder if this guy starts every single game with this. Judith used the rock throw. That is dedication to the part, I have to admit, it is dedication to the part. I like that. You know what? We're going to see if Assisto is going to be capable of catching this opponent of guard. Catching, Pokemon, nice. Or this builder is god awful to start with, all right? You chronobo boost your first workers just to get supply block so that the chronoboose didn't even matter. Gateway at 16, gas at 16. It's going to be one of them games, huh? All right. Well, let's not try to look too closely to the Billsoram. We're still going to, you know, have a quick, a quick look at it, but we don't want to focus too hard on it. It's all I'm going to say. We're not going to focus too hard on it. Second Kronabood. Good Lord. I've had a rough day already, okay? I went outside for a walk and it was raining. and I don't like the rain. It gets me wet and my hair becomes all fluffy afterwards. So now I have to deal with that. And now I'm dealing with a platinum two Protoss who chronobo boosted before his first pylon, gets two gases before the cybercore and still somehow has a cybercore that goes down at 1.30 six seconds later than it should be. Well, okay, platinum two. I'll keep it in mind. Platinum two, I'll keep it in mind. Terran, meanwhile, my man Judeut. He's not only been studying the art of po- No, what is this? It's not only been studying the art of Pokemon, but also the art of build orders. This is an actual build order. Even puts the first barracks in the correct position, and it makes me extremely happy. Why would you do this? I don't even understand what this... Is this the block? the... is it... This was to block the thing, the add-on. He goes factory before ad-on anyway. Does the game look very slow to me? Yeah, it did look very slow to me. Meanwhile, he got supply block at home, but... How is this stalker not out yet? This cybercore finished 30 seconds ago, but he was supply block the entire way through. is floating 400 minerals, gets a battery. This battery might finish before his first unit does. Oh my God. He catches the Reaper in the probes around. Okay, I need to readjust my expectations for this game right now. I need to move down a couple of levels. I started here at the Platinum 2 level. Right now, I'm off camera already, okay? And I think I'm going to eventually, I'm just going to have to move my camera down bit by bit so I can show you guys how far down we are. You'll actually maybe even get to see the floor by the end of this recording. Looks fine. Okay. Terran continues going with something that resembles a build order. It's not the tightest. It's not the greatest, but he's building the buildings semi-correctly. He's loading a fair amount of money. He's getting a third depot when he shouldn't, but the third pylons going down already. After getting supply block for the first time, he got so shocked by that that he decided he'll never be supply block ever again. Because Twilight into Robo, double eBay out of the TaremD4 Barracks. Now we're seeing some build orders. Warpgate will finish. This is just to show how bad the unit production has been. Is that I think he crono boosted two of the Warpgate units and still the Warpgate finishes at the same time as the third Gateway unit finishes. It means, yeah, well it was just a 30 second delay on the first unit. It actually makes complete sense. It actually does make complete sense. It's going to go for four gate blink. Now, for a point of reference, when I would play forgate blink, I can hit on the other side of the map at 505 with blink done and 11 stalkers, a prison, and an observer. 505, okay? I'm very curious to see what this Protoss has in store for us when it comes to a timing. He's on 29 workers. I think I also have 38 workers, by the way, like 39, something like that. Yeah, 39 workers. Let's see what a good friend Assistol has going for him. It's a battery going for him. It starts with an immortal rather than a prison. It's a classic fourgate blink here, where you can't warp on the other side of the map, but you do have an immortal. You can tank a couple of tank shots. One more battery. After not scouting for a long time, he decided that two batteries is now the way to move forward. I don't quite see it, but once again, we'll let him play for a bit. Gets more stalkers. So this is the point where I'd be on the other side of the map with 12 stalkers and a prism, 39 workers. Well, I'd be there for the past 10 seconds already. Right now, a systol has seven stalkers and an immortal and six less workers. Also, no prism. And he's not killing his opponent yet. I'm so curious what the plan is. I also like that he praised himself multiple times on the unit compositions. And so for all he's doing is building stalkers and one immortal. There's no sentry to complement this army. There's no adapt for scouting. He now goes into a dark shrine to get DTs, which is, this is an army that doesn't trade well straight up with pure bio. Okay? It's just, that's a fact. Unless you're near a battery or you're with a choking and you have a bunch of sentries, this is not a great army comp. Adding in another thing that won't help with either AOE or boosting the strength of your army and straight-up engagement like charge wood or like stormwood actually is bad army. It's actually a bad army composition and it doesn't help you whatsoever. Now we see charge coming down. A couple of zealots are being produced. But charts can be done at this point already. Charges started really late for no real reason. You have a third base on the way, which is also very late. but I'm honestly not even going to mention the time anymore because at this point I do not believe that a systol has a timer because if he has a timer and he knows how to benchmark anything he would know that this build order is complete garbage and no matter how brilliant his unit compositioning is he you know he could just have so much more crap than this that it doesn't and even his unit composition is good There's no sentry for Guardian Shield. I just don't like this army. Just not a fan of it. Just not a fan of it. No sentries whatsoever. When you have a majority range army, it's just bad. What is this flank? I just have no clue what this flank is. Okay, now this comes in. Okay, this gets scanned. He could have killed this army like five years ago. Now he's gonna go. He's gonna get it good though. Good start. Blinks forward with four stalkers. Then fights in the choke. Realize his charge finishes up. I don't even... How did he lose that fight? I feel like if he would have moved commander across the map, he would have gotten a better fight. He killed like a tank and lost five stalkers there. He lost more resources so far. That was a hundred percent win that fight. He had much, much more than his bonus. His opponent didn't even have... combat shield yet. I think he was matching Stalger count with his opponent's marine count. This is absolutely phenomenal play so far here. Goes for... What's it called? Shadow Stride? So Shadow Stride on the Dark Templar before getting any form of splash. Ah, this is... If you ever need a guy that does the unit compositions for you, hire a systal because he has something that all the other guys that make unit compositions for you don't have. That is the lack of a brain. Because holy crap, how can he be eight minutes into the game without building a single sentry? Look at this. What has he lost so far? An observer for Zellas. He literally's just been building Zellet Immortal Stalker. Brilliant unit composition. That's what he said, no? I'm going to check again. I hate this when this happens. I had a really good army. The reason it should be Inba is that I had a really good army composition. I had good storms and good army compositions. How dare he say that? This is like a Terran bragging about that he managed to throw out some Marines and marauders, a couple of Mavecs. Like the Terran unit composition is very easy because you just get any unit that starts with an M and you're probably going to be fine. I guess in that way the Protels does have a more difficult job. You have a zealot starting with a Z, the Stalker with the F and the Immortal with an I. That's already three different letters in this army. I wonder if Assisol knows how the alphabet works. Did he also do the alphabet song as a kid, like all of us? I'm not sure. I'm not sure if he did. Oh, scout out of Judeoot? She's the gas? Where's he going to go? Then starts patrolling this. I love that. I love that. It's just scouting for a forays, the entire game through. Neither player is actually doing anything either right away, except assistal is creating the great wall. Here is one, two. All of this is just touching vision. I kind of like it, but it also looks very odd. Just an entire wall with pylums here. His army composition still nine minutes in, no splash. Also, no upgrades, by the way. His opponent is on 2-2. His 1-1 halfway done. And he didn't really take any probe damage, right? He lost three workers, but I think that was all to the Reaper. He just hasn't been. building workers, hasn't been building nexite quick enough, like he's still on three bases. And he has a garbage armours. He also hasn't been harassing. I'm going to go first person here. I want to see what this man does. Is this piling going to get sniped before the DTs finish? No shot. No shot. No shot. No, this guy's just going to scout. Okay, look at this. Okay, so he's controlling these DTs. Okay, maybe controlling was a big word for what he did to those DTs. I want to watch that again. I just want to note that he was doing nothing for the past... He... I didn't even realize this, but he, after he warped in, he just waited for them to finish. Okay, so you're gonna warp in. At 16 day warp in, this is a slow warp in. He just sits here and wait. 16 APM. 0. He's just watching it. Then as he sends them in, he decides this is the time to focus a little bit more on this pylon rather than moving my camera screen to the right. Look at this. Rather than seeing the fact that there's a turret here, now look, let's go back to his vision, he's still paying attention to the matter of fact. He loses both of the DTs, watches in disbelief as both of his DTs go down. He just sits there going like, oh no. I think he's watching this like it's a sports match, you know? Like the sports fans go, no, I can't believe my DTs. So then there's a little bit of a delay. He accidentally hits his mouse with the elbow as he's starting this. And now takes a look at the rocks. Like, oh, there's rocks there. This area is still dark. I can't see anything here. Let me move my entire army here. Oh, he's looking for a Madovac. Oh, he's killing the S. and the MEDAVec. He found it. Yeah, this is a game-winning move. Very nice. Very, very nice. Floating 2,500 resources during all of this, by the way. That's just fantastic. 2,500 resources. For a full minute, he just paid attention to this pylon and then to this dark spot to catch a Madovac. Just didn't macro. That is prioritization, my friends. That is something we don't see every day. Meanwhile the Terran, casually, a hundred minerals, okay? A hundred minerals float. That's a pretty big flex. That's a pretty big flex. Toss still about equal in supply for whatever reason, though. I managed to actually spend some of his money. Army composition, let's just do a quick, yeah, new segment. This is the army composition check. Welcome to the army composition check. Zellet, stalker, immortal, Templar. So, after having Zell. zealot immortal stalker for the first eight minutes. I think he got a stalker and immortal at like the five minute mark. Then he started adding zealots at six. It took him five minutes to get Templar out. So now we have Templar. That's great. Thanks for watching this army composition check. This was sponsored to you by VIP Grenad's not. No free sponsorship for you guys. If you want to sponsor the next army composition check, be sure to send me an email. Fort base going down for... Ford base going down for Judud. As our rock thrower hasn't really done much. I thought Joods would be a little bit like this is great sensor tower positioning, by the way. I love that. He's like really focused. It's like this guy just love Van Diagrams, you know. He just loves them. Except he doesn't know how to get circles in paint. So what he does is he takes a screenshot of StarCraft in game after he builds sensor towers. Then he photoshopps out all of the units on the mini map and he has a van diagram. That's actually what he does. Then he post it as a meme on Reddit. A true story. It's all the true story. I love this movement as well. This is pretty smart because he has vision everywhere else. And then he thinks rather than building another 100 mineral structure, I can just move my entire army here. So if anything comes over here, my entire. army will be here to welcome him. It of course has one small downside and it is if the opponent decides to move over here, your army is completely out of position and by the time you get home, you will have lost two of your bases and probably all of your production. But I mean, if you consider that small downside with a huge upside that if anything ever comes here, which is very unlikely because this is the least popular area of the map, he's going to destroy it with this great army composition. Oh my god, it's time for the army composition. position check. So he has a DT, Arcon, one immortal, seven Templar, actually five DTs. And zealids, still no sentry, by the way. A cybernetics core tech unit, which provides two armor upgrades to your entire army, or at least everything that stands within the Guardian shield range. Oh my God, I can't believe this is happening. I was on the other side of the map without scouting and now my opponent is on my side. Oh, she's going to attack into this. This is Brilliant. Okay, so this is half the army of the Terran. See how this fight will go. EMPs actually hitting. Okay, storms his own zealots. I just want to plant the flag here so everyone can see it. He said great storms. He just had a fight in which there were four ghosts and four zealots and he stormed both of them evenly. So far the storms have not had a net benefit for anyone in this game. He just managed to lose a fight against half of the army of his opponent. I didn't know that was possible. Okay. These were good storms. Well, they were storms and the other guy had mass marines. They're going to hit. Why would he recall? He killed all the ghost. He's like 15 storms remaining. And he goes like, his entire army is bruised. I'm destroying his natural. Now would be a great time to recall my army home. And do nothing again. You've got to be kidding me. This actually can be real life. This actually can be real life. I love that the Terran just completely got blasted in the fight. And he's like, ah, you know, it's time for me to move on the map again. There's no way. There's no way. Oh my God, what a huge error, by the way, out of Assistol. If right now Assistol had his entire army positioned over here, guess what would have happened to this army? Would have gone down real fast. Oh, what a huge error out of him. That's so dumb. God. I wish his entire army was over here. Actually, would have won him the game. Here you see it, guys. It's a predictive moves, except he only did it when it wasn't necessary. Now it would have been great. If only his entire army was there. Okay, here comes the pilot. This army, actually, Terran's macroing really well. Like, he loses a fight and then just spends his money. This is a foreign concept to assistal who wins a fight and then decide, because last fight was so easy, I can probably cut the spending a little bit more even. This is what tends to happen a lot in companies as well, is that if your department functions too efficiently is rather than thinking, hey, this is a very efficient department, let's give them more resources which they then can spend efficiently. People tend to cut the budget of that department even more because they already do so well with so little money. And then they send more money to the departments which aren't efficient. It actually true. There's a word for this, but I forgot it. Ah, idiocy. That's the word I was looking for. No ghost in this army, which means that storms are going to be absolutely bonkers broken here in this fight. Good storms as well to start with. It's one tour completely. Hello, Storm. How are you running away with six full energy Templar against 30 Marines chasing you? That doesn't make any sense. That actually just doesn't make a storm. Storm again, please. Storm everything. Just blanket it in storms. Just blanketed in storms. Just blanketed in storms. Running all away from Marines when you have high templar just makes no sense. It's like if you're a sniper and you see a guy running towards you with a knife like 2,000 meters away from you. You see him just coming and he has a sign saying I'm coming for you sniper and then rather than shooting him you start like undoing your position. You know you start packing up like all right guys I'm done this guy with the knife is coming for me. It's like the storm is honestly is the ultimate a two. That's not a good move command. Still a better fight though than the first fight that the assistal took. He just doesn't use his abilities. Okay, here comes a storm. A couple of feedbacks also good work. He just morphed too full, well half full high templars to morphed to morph into an arc. I didn't like that. 3K in the bank, 1700 gas. This is banging. This is actually banging. And he's going to move across the map and try to kill his opponent. Worker count is equal, but he's on three base. The other guy's on five. So the income is better for the Terran. Okay, storm. We can storm, we can storm, we can still storm. There is still a storm. The storm has now disappeared. There's no prism ever with the Tirm. There's no prism ever with these armies either, so reinforcements are just something that happens at home, you know. A mothership. The master of the army composition does it again. He looks at his opponent's army, consisting of tanks, marines, marauders and a ghost. And he thinks to himself, the best way that I currently can spend my resources is not on immortals, disruptors, colossi. More Templar. Dark Templar with blink. zealots, sentries or stalkers. Yes, I named every single unit, bar the Stargate units, but it instead is to get an 800 resource unit that cloaks my army and does very little DPS. That is the type of army composition decision making that I just absolutely love. I thought that he was joking when he said he has brilliant army compositions, but he really does. I mean, this guy is completely lacking any colossi. I don't even think he has a hotkey for disruptors. And he hasn't built a sentry yet, this entire game. No. Free two armor, the sentry. It's a hundred gas, two armor, extra, for all the units in the Guardian Shield. That's beautiful. That is just beautiful. I love this. This is the type of decision-making that I wish I had in my life. This is like having the ability. to get a full free ride on like some scholarship to an Ivy League university. But instead, you decide to become a pro gamer in a 12-year-old computer game in a genre that is that, like RTS. That would be some really bad decision-making. And that is kind of what we're seeing here from Asistel. If this works, I'll actually be upset. He just sieged up on a man's army. I didn't even know that was possible. That's like building a house over someone. Or a prison. Like building a prison cell around him. Like, ha ha, caught you against. I'm going to damn flabbit. I should have ran away after I saw the bulldozers and the machines that build buildings. I don't know what machines built buildings. Dropped out of high school. All right. Storms. Do we get them? Complete invisible army. Gets everything he impede. Loses the fight. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the king of the army composition. This is long fight. It was a long fight, dude. It was a very long fight. You were all out of PP, my friend. All out of PP. I didn't get my storm up? This is the level of analysis that I need in my life. While I'm floating 5K resources and having a mothership in an army, I need to think to myself, I wish that I could have gotten my storms up. In this last fight, if he would have gotten the storms up, it wouldn't have mattered. He was actually dead. He was fighting into seven tanks. Well, actually more. There's like infinite tanks here. This was not it. And honestly, it's funny. You know, you see Judeut in the loading screen and you think, ha ha. I'm going to catch this bad boy, but the only one doing the catching here was Judeo. And he caught some MMR. Assistol, let me read your thing again because this is mind-numbing to me. I admit that I'm a low-level platinum two player, but even at my skill, Terran shouldn't have won this game. No, that's incorrect, especially at your skill, Terran should have won this game. Because at your skill, nothing is happening. You do nothing. You're floating money. You're watching two DTs run into. to a turret for a minute straight and then you stare into darkness for another 50 seconds. You had good storms and good army compositions. There were some storms which were good. Well, now let me say it like this. Almost all the storms that you cast were good. But you just didn't cast a lot of storms. This is like if you're a football player and you have two shots at the goal and one of those goes in, you know? You look at the statistics and you say, well, you know, I shot twice and I scored once. It's 50%. I had a good game. And then your coach knocks you out because you also decided to not shoot 10 times while there was an open goal straight in front of you. Like, technically the sentence that you had good storms is not incorrect or false, but in the context of the game that we just watched, it is just not very genuine to say that you had good storms. It had good army compositions. Well, you didn't have multiple compositions. You had one composition with Stalker, Zeal at Immortal Arcon, and you added Templar and there was one or two colossi at some point as well. It was a fine composition, but there were no disruptors. Immortal count was lacking once the tanks were out. Immortal count was lacking once the Thor's route. You never transitioned into carrier either, which you could have done if you wanted to. So, I mean, it's not really, like you just built every unit that Toss had, except the San three. and then you went, ta-da, good army composition. Also, you didn't build a disruptor. So actually, if I were to compare you to other toss players, it wasn't that good of an army composition. Like, the Terran also didn't have the greatest composition, but you also really didn't. So on the army composition, you're going to get a big fat, you lied, stamp, because you lied. You lied to me. It wasn't a good composition. At the last fight, just because I didn't storm him, I lost the game in an instant. Now, I'm going to, I'm going to play this last fight one more time. Okay, I'm going to just play this last fight one more time. And you can tell me if you lost this fight because you didn't storm, okay? I have a feeling that wasn't quite a case. So here comes the mothership. Please note, 72 army supply against 113. Okay, let's see what the storm. You fly into or you walk into six tanks. You move command forward. You move command into your army. guy, you catch an EMP with your entire army, all of it, you clump it up so that the EMP can hit everything at once, and then also you don't storm. If you would have had 15 storms, all being covering your opponent's army, you still wouldn't have won the fight. The other guy literally had 11 tanks. There's 11 tanks in this army with plus two vehicle weapons. The issue here wasn't that you didn't storm. The issue was that he beat you already, and you thought you could still win. This is not the reason why you lost. So you probably wanted to, oh, Terran can win games instantly and Toss needs to keep pushing like little damage out. No, you, my friend, were just dead. This is, this is not it. Your mid-game engagement in which you recalled should have ended him but didn't. Because you recalled. Like, obviously. It's like a boxer saying I could have catoed him, but I stopped hitting. So he didn't get catoed. He's like, yeah. So keep hitting. Why didn't you do that? Also, for that, you lied again. Boom! Well, technically it's not a lie. It's just so weird to say. It just doesn't make sense. They're technically not lies, but they're... It's just wrong. It's just wrong. You, my friend, it's not Inba. It's not Inba. Terran is not broken. And this Tarrin didn't play that broken. And you had good chances of winning. You... You just sucked. That's the reality of things. Poc. All right, that's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba? Or Do I Suck? I hope you had a great time. If you did, don't forget, did the like button, subscribe to the channel. Hopefully we'll see you all next time for a new video. Bye-bye. |
MY ADVICE MADE HIM WORSE?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | Our good friend Diabolous is back! I don't remember him. I also did not check, if he really was on before. So technically, I don't even really know, if he is a second timer. But whatever, I will flame him - I mean, find the imbalance regardless! Also: Smash like & subscribe! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Mi5HFsVFpGg/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | Mi5HFsVFpGg | Dear Harsham, it is me, your loyal fan Diabolus. After my last IOTIS roasting at your hands, I have re-emerged from the murky depths of any platinum with another balance complaint. While my MMR has not improved, my macro, and fundamentals have, it is for this reason that I submit another Iyotis complaint against Zerg, because I am so much better now that the only reason why I lost this game is because of imbalance. Zerg is completely broken, despite having a nine, 90 supply lead at the 12-minute mark, Bainlings eviscerated my army. Zerg's ability to quickly remax and spread creep meant I had no chance to respond. I attacked effectively, destroying three Zerg bases, and having an advantage in bases over my opponent throughout the match. Despite this, Zerg waltzed over my army, as if I was playing against Seral, so Harstem. Is it Inba? Or do I still suck? Now, first thing to notice here, is that this guy is abusing the caps lock like it's a YouTube title and I do not approve of that my friend let's uh let's keep the capital letters for the start of the sentence and and that's gonna be it let's keep the capital letters for the start of the sentence but once again i'll have a look at one of your games here diabolus as you're complaining about Zerg let's see what happens this time around i'm gonna be real with you i can't remember your game from last time at all Bera, bera, bidip. Turbo Dap. That's awful. A lot of good decisions being made here with Diabolus. Not. My man Diabolus is going to be the most jealous boyfriend in the world as well. You have to start from zero. You have nothing. You need to create these things out of thin air. That's going to be a difficult and long process and I don't really want to help you with it. and that usually when it comes to IOTUS is a positive thing. It probably meant that you weren't one of the top five idiots because I tend to keep a list of top five idiots in my head that if anyone ever anyone ever shows up in real life and says, hey, I am this guy, I know a top five idiot and you can just keep walking, don't have to shake the hand, you know? This is the types of you don't want to touch these people because that is dangerous. They might try to steal some of your IQ or accidentally you catch what they have. which is a low IQ. So you didn't make the list and that tends to be a positive thing. We're going to see what you'll do here in the early game. As your opponent, Life of Adam, that is the less popular version of Life of Brian. It's actually made before Life of Brian. Not a lot of people know that. Not quite as successful though. Start with a drone scout. You start with an SCV scout as well. So you're going to be able to get some type of information and you'll immediately see the lack of a quick, hatchery. So this is not a hatch first. You should be aware of this. After you scout this, oh, you are aware of this. He's like, hey, wait, this hatch isn't done yet. Let me double check and leave again. All right. I'm completely down with that. You know, if you weren't sure, that's completely fine. You're going to get a second factory. Beautiful lineup here, by the way. Look at that. So I just want to note what happened here is this SUV in the depot was about the finish. And rather than using this SUV to build a factory, they built a factory. here, you decided to send an SCV from your main to walk over here so that this SCV could go straight back to mining. Now, this is the type of inefficiency that Germans have nightmares about, you know, or the Swiss. I think the Swiss might be more efficient. Now, Swiss are precise, Germans are efficient. And then he walks back. Okay, this was insane. This SUV, finished the depot rather than building the factory, walked to the minerals, and then from the minerals, rather than mining anything, straight went and built a bunker. Beautiful. Absolutely love that. That's so great. Rather than using the Reaper to go across the map, you use it to kill the extractor. Now, people could say, ah, what a stupid move. But actually, that's not a stupid move at all, because your opponent is playing a pool first, and thus it's very possible that is hiding lings on the map. Going across the map with the Reaper would actually have been potentially a pretty big mistake. Something that I would recommend is scouting with your Reaper after building two marines. The bunker is a good call, but you go two marines before the reactor, and then you can go tech lab on the factory. In case you see roaches, you go for a cyclone. If you don't see roaches, you just swap the barracks with the factory, you go helions, and you can just put the barracks on that tech lab and you can start stim or something, get your star port up. Rather than any of these things, you had no units in the bunker that you just, oh my God. How did that even happen? Okay, well, you're still going to lose the bunker. You have no helions on the way whatsoever. You didn't start a unit from this either because your gas was too late. You're floating 600 minerals. Well, your star port is finished. Now, your early game build order here, I'm going to have to be real. It's a bit of an embarrassment. And it's not just an embarrassment for you. It's an embarrassment for NA. And it is difficult to embarrass North America when it comes to bad. builders because they've seen some bad builders all right that is all that happens on the american server but you my friend you pushed it again double barracks and third cc going down at the same time an absolute classic of someone floating 800 minerals at the four minute mark just love to see that base is lifted now you could be thinking kevin you're being a little bit negative is it really that bad yes this is this is really bad um it just yeah it was awful you have a tank now which is practically useless because you're not facing roaches. You could have known that you weren't facing roaches by sending in your Reaper earlier after the second Marine, which you didn't do. And now you're going to lose all your Marines on the low ground one more time. You're going to lose this mule most likely as well. Yep. Another SCV goes down as two. So this is just been terrible so far. Okay, this has been, we could classify this as a bad start. The only good thing here is that probably because you weren't microing your Reaper with 900 APM, like sometimes you see platinum players do, rather what you did here is you actually build some things. I'm just a fan of people that do things, you know? Even though they're late, even though they're slow, you do have a third CC and you're actually macroing. And this can actually be an advantage. I have a theory. This is a theory that is not based on much data yet, but I have a theory that when Terence in lower levels get attacked and they're forced to stay at home that they have a higher chance of winning, even if they're behind after the attack, purely because they have no units to micro, because the average Terran player, like they think they're clam or Maru, but in reality they're still just platinum. So what happens is they'll spend the entire time focusing on their Reaper and two aliens, making sure that they can deal 25 damage to a queen while taking as little damage as possible. in the meanwhile floating 1,700 minerals at the 5 minute mark, forgetting their e-base, even forgetting their second and their third racks, their third CC, no SUV production. But this guy, look, Diabolus hasn't been focusing on anything aggressive, and he's just been building SUVs. He has e-base ready. Sure, the timing isn't correct. He doesn't have any gas to start any upgrades. He accidentally opened up with two tech labs to go Stim and Combat Shield at the same time and thus completely limit his own marine production. But all of these things are details. Okay. Oh no. The first liberator is out. But the Ebola just shift clicked it in and isn't actually paying attention to it. This is beautiful. This is the type of terrain I love to see, you know? The Terran that says, I know that I'm not good and I'm not going to pretend that I'm good. I shift clicking in the liberator and what happens happens. Oh no. Oh my God. He looked at it. He thought he could micro it. See, there's no use, my friend. Just keep it there and don't pay attention to it no more. It will do. You know, Terran sometimes just kind of plays itself. You got to trust that. You know, you got to trust the race in this case. Trust the Terran. Now, we have Life of Adam, actually a little bit behind after that. Not quite sure how, but he's not in a great spot, honestly. Even though as we speak, we're getting two marauders produced from two barracks. Now, that's obviously not the way you want to play. You always want to have as many Marines as you can, even from the Tech Lab, that you usually have to get stim and afterwards combat shield. Don't produce marauders unless you're playing against roaches. Marauders don't really do a lot against Ling Bane. They're good against tanking versus Bainlings, but honestly the damage output of the Marine is so important that you just want to get as many Marines as you can, as long as there's no roaches, of course. Spires going up. Another reason why Marauders not as great at the start. Hmm. Because they don't shoot up, obviously. It's really just... as simple as that they yeah they just don't shoot up so just got to kind of keep that in mind all right two meta facts are now coming out of this changeling is hiding well look at that changeling looks a lot bigger though than the others now it does look slightly bigger is it always looking bigger or am i just going wild in the head might just be the angle that it's at oh over here in the main base he's basically everything here for a life of adam first six Muralisks are on the way as well. We're going to be looking at what the possibilities are for Diabolus here. He said around 12 minute mark. He was up, I think he said 70 supply or 90 supply. Now he said 90 supply. Was up 90 supply. We'll see if that's actually going to be the case. Or if he lied. You know, sometimes people lie to me and that's completely okay. Except I do need to know that, you know, so I know what kind of person we're dealing with. officer flies through the turret all good let's take a look at this control over here if there's going to be any control of course all of it getting spotted here by the changeling banning run by is not quite going to succeed i always like to pass my army on the edge of creep as well just to make sure that my opponent can really get that boost on the banlings until they truly reach my army this should be a really bad fight for the Terran it is a really bad fight for the Terran you just kind of forgot the micro there they just didn't do you just walked over and took it not ideal okay you do need to use stim and probably split a little bit siege your tanks all of these things tend to be very useful it feels like diabolus is pretty much just almost dead at this point honestly it's just very far ahead in eco for whatever reason we see live at them add a couple of extra drones right now This Muralisks will try to take out the refinery. We'll attack this turret as well. And I mean, a repair should be possible. There we go. Repair will be able to take out this Muralisk. Individual Muta Lisk micro. This is something we don't see every single day, especially not when it comes to the lower leaks. A little bit of oversaturation is all. I wonder what's going on here. So we have a couple of supply depot drops. Look at oversaturations. You just keeps building workers as well. That is way too many. workers for the amount of mineral patches that there are my friend it's like the gold rush holy crap there's only so many spots we can mine from guys not everything here is made of gold 31 SVs out of 16 that is truly oversaturation more workers less income absolutely good grief threat by the way to be fair we haven't seen a single scan yet out of Diabolus he's been using all of that energy on mules and he's been using his army to basically function as bait for bainlings. Not quite sure what the bait is there. It's like, hey, explode on these marines. They're very tasty. He's like, well, that's kind of what the Zerg wants as well. So I'm not sure if that's the optimal play here. Life of Adam's floating a little bit of money. I'm going to say a little bit. He's floating about 2.5K right now, and also 800 gas. So you could say, man, my opponent is so much worse than me. He's floating so much. while I'm also floating a lot, but a little less. But then it's like, well, if your opponent manages to survive while floating 4K resources, really it is you who sucks. Like, it should not be possible for your opponent to be down 50 supply at the 11 minute mark and there to be no consequences because you're just not attacking. Because let's face it here, Diabolus did one attack over here. He got completely destroyed. And ever since then, we haven't seen a drop. these tanks aren't sieged either so it feels like he should be moving out any second at this point actually have no clue what he's doing at this point it's just adding more turrets always like to check first person he's an orbital on the fort as well this is the type of move that switzerland would pull as another war is about to ensue it's like hello we're in a war zone here in switzerland and it's like no no we're staying neutral i'm not quite sure what a swiss accent is It's like a semi-German accent. No, no, we stay in neutral. That's a Swiss accent. I know it. I know you, Swiss. All they care about is money. See, he's mining. Making sure they get the optimal resources while the rest of the world fights. You don't give a crap, but really get a planetary at your fourth basis, guys. It's way better. Tank siege? Good start. This is the 12 minutes. This is the 12 minutes. He's not quite almost up 90 supply. It's 80 supply. Oh, well, 70-ish. 74 supply, it's almost 90 supply, the 12 minute mark. That is pretty good. It's going to be taking out a couple of these drones. Scanned creep as well. So he's taking out a bunch of the creep. Didn't really take out the first part of the creep, though, just the middle part. I know you guys have heard of the cutting off the head of the snake, but Diabolas here is inventing a new one. That's cutting out the middle segment of the snake, because that's really the body of the snake. You know, what is a snake without its body, you could ask? And that's the type of question that we need to ask here. It's going to be taking out this basis. Honestly, this game feels really over. 35 bailings on the way. It's hard for me to believe that all of these banlings will connect, especially as there's four tanks. And we could just clear some creep, send the next reinforcements, see these tanks a little bit more forward. I would recommend using the tanks that right now is your only form of splash damage in this army. And then, I mean, you can just have a really nice position. you're he never really was up 90 supply but yeah 80 supply then you know we'll walk out he'd say 90 right if it's 70 I'm actually gonna lose it the yeah 90 supply lead at the 12 minute mark that is yeah that is well count that okay walks back over creep towards the right side I love this so much it was like okay I just spent the past four minutes clearing every single creep tumor on the left side taking out this base, basically getting to the head of the snake, but then he remembered all of a sudden that he was going for the middle of the snake, so once again he wants to start clearing creep on the right side while keeping the beginning and the head intact. This is absolutely brilliant. This is high-level Starcraft. If Clem is watching this, take note, Young One, because this is the type of stuff we need to see at the high level. This rotation was fantastic as well, by the way. I think we might actually have a fight here. I'll get to that rotation in a bit. Tanks could have been sieged. They're going to siege as everything runs in. They get one shot off. Clumps every single unit on top of each other as much as possible. This is very impressive. So, so far we've seen two fights, and Diabolus is starting to convince me that he might not actually have hands. He might be playing this game with his feet. The level of micro that we are seeing here is so insanely. low, that I really would be surprised if you could actually perform a trick like this. These banlings also were completely unexpected. I think he saw the entire path from the banlings here to the command center over here. That's like a 35 second warning that he had. He's like one of the slow friends. If you ever do the thing where you throw an object at Diabolus and you say catch quickly, he won't even realize that something hit him until like 30 seconds later and you can always blame it on someone else. It's like the ideal franta prank, the ideal franta prank. That rotation, by the way, that we saw, I want to come back to that. So he went from here, walked back over the creep, not even through this middle area, because the creep here is more dangerous. It's the middle segment of the creep. Let's not forget about that. Walked back to the head of the creep, over here, on top of this, then go here, clear the creep tumors in the middle, not the active tumor, the tumor in the middle, to walk into a base without being sieged. This entire rotation was so insanely slow, it just gave the Zerg so much time to prepare. I'm not even quite sure what the goal was either. It's like you really like killing the edge bases. Rather than just sending a double drop here and keeping this position, you decide to run your entire army around the map for a minute and a half. You're the type of guy in the gym that between his sets just browses to. fitness reddit for 35 minutes. By the time you start your second set, your body doesn't even realize anymore that you did something in the first place. So it's completely pointless. It's like people always say rest well in between sets. Like you might as all take a nap in between it made. Like, you're freaking resting in between rotations. I've never seen something like this. The point of rotations is that they're quick and that they confuse your opponent. You might have all had like a massive sign on your head saying I'm going to attack the middle creep segment on the right side right now. You just don't control your units either. Like you're just standing still. I don't actually understand how this is possible. Like what were you even looking at here? What was more important at this point? Oh my god, you have 9K resources. I got so upset at everything you've done so far that I completely missed the fact that you haven't built a single unit in the past five minutes. Okay, what are you looking at? What is this? Are you building a star part? Looking at the barracks? Your entire army gets blasted. You're standing on the edge of creep. This is brilliant. You don't even realize until your army is completely dead. This is absolutely fantastic. Your opponent is moving... Is this the game? What even was your complaint? I don't understand this at all. I think you complained about your opponent being able to remax and spread creep. Your opponent spread creep all right, but mainly because you didn't take out any of the creep tumors. But remixing, your opponent hasn't been maxed once. Your opponent hasn't even gotten above 130 supply yet, I believe. Maybe 140 once. You just... You just ignore your units. It's like a first date gone wrong and you just ghost them. It's like, oh, I don't actually want to talk with you guys no more. That's not the way, my friend. Free Max, he said. I can't believe you complain about it. This guy's 1.23 supply. You're just not controlling. What are you doing? How is this more vital at this moment? As 12 Ultralesk, if your country, wherever you live, well, America probably, judging by this game and the server you play in, If America ever gets attacked, the guys are knocking on your door with the guns. You hear grenades explode. You're the type of guy that checks on his tomato plant to make sure you'll have tomatoes next summer. It's like, hello? We have a slightly more important business going on right now, buddy. Grab your firearm, start shooting. Okay, once again, we do get some units out. Up in supply, one more time. We've been consistently up in supply. opponent hasn't remixed once because in order to remix, you first need to initially max, otherwise it's just a max out. Life of Adam hasn't maxed out yet, and thus a remix is literally impossible. You just lie to me. This is not a remix. And it's such an obvious lie as well. You could have just seen this. This is like telling your wife you're going to the strip club because they make a mean tuna sandwich. Like, it's just not true. I know it, you know it. Your wife knows it, who now left you for a more successful person. that can micro is units. This is just painful to watch. Infinite energy as well in your command centers. What even is this? 5.3-t-t-tete-t-t-t. You're like 12 mules. Okay, I can't... No, actually, 12 mules, maybe. Very possible. You might have actually 12 mules. Okay, here we go again. Seach the Liberators? How? Okay, we get a stim. Liberators are fighting. No control back. This is actually bonkers to watch. You're just not doing anything. Okay, I'm gonna watch this fight again. I just wanna see what you see. I wanna look at the world through your eyes. Are you actually from Switzerland and you just wanna remain neutral? I know that Switzerland is like the mandatory military service as well. So they train all these soldiers that they don't really use and feel similar to you. Like you have a lot of money? They have a bunch of soldiers but you don't really want to use them. Like you're looking at the fight, okay, now you start seething. You just don't look at your army ever. And you probably have the mini map turned off or something like that. I wonder if that's an option that I'm just not aware of. Probably to put in a lot of work to get that going. Three tanks are still siege in the back. It's like, oh wait, tanks don't actually shoot up. If you keep attacking with this army, I'm going to be extremely upset. Please send it back home. Or just leave it here. I don't care either. Another first date ghosted. Back to the new army. I like this army more now. Oh my God. Good Lord, you're awful. Oh, here we go. F2 did it? Nice. That's beautiful. That's beautiful. Uh-oh. The moment I see something appear on the mini map, I just get extremely afraid because I know what you have shown before. Okay, tank siege up. Your army is huge. Your army is way bigger than your opponents. You actually feels like you're kind of in the lead here. Honestly. It feels like you should almost be capable of just straight up winning this game. Your opponent is at 171 supply, so really close to maxing out for the first time. I'm going to be able to take out this base. Do these broodlers have any upgrades? Plus one on air and the broodlings will have some upgrades, which is nice. Okay, you scan. You see... What was this scan, actually? You just move there and you see there's no creep. Rather than scanning up the ramp. Now you see the brute lords. Okay, huh. I have about 35 marauders in this army. 25 Marines. I bet this is going to be great. A great idea. This is a brilliant blink. I love that. Brilliant teleport. I don't think your units are stinted anymore at this point. Not targeting down anything, really. Just fighting the broodlings. The broodlings and the hatchery have priority here, by the way. This is great. Now the Ultras come in? These Brutlords are actually going to win the game, aren't they? Battlecrues are the answer. No Vikings. No ghost. No Thor's. He's almost plus three on the armory. Continues building tanks. It's like, huh. I feel like that tanks have really been proven to be worthy so far. I'm sure I haven't sieged them up yet at all this game. My opponent right now is eight Brutlords, but I feel like more tanks is really what we need. There's no Thor production whatsoever. Two, three Thor's would absolutely destroy this. Four Thor's then. Four Thor's would absolutely destroy this air. There's no ground army, except for a couple of Ultras, but no lings to really annoy your units. So Thor's would be super good. They wouldn't be getting bugged out too much. Okay, you don't stim, no meta-fax? Like, you just don't use your units. And I don't understand it. It's really like your... you're just playing without hands. It's like, are you playing with your feet, Diabolus? If you send me an email saying that you play with your feet, I will put up a rectification next time around. I'll be like, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making fun of you, my friend. I didn't know that you were one of the first feet players, you know, and that you just like to juggle at the same time as playing. But you haven't controlled your units once in a single fight. You haven't made any good decisions. Hey, you're an actual donkey. And although I do look a little bit like Shrek, if you and I would be starring in a movie together, I'm afraid you wouldn't make it out of the swamp because you'd probably drowns. Like, no, I can swim with my feet. It's like, mate. This is not it. Your opponent might actually hit Max though for the first time in this entire game by the time it ends. by the time it ends. You're actually behind in supply for the first time in a big way. You still have a terrible army. You continue building battle cruisers rather than Vikings or ghost or Thor's. This is a good fight if you stim. If you stim and control, this could really be a good fight. This was not a bad fight, honestly. You killed, what, three, four ultras? This is probably more that you killed with 200 supply armies against like 90 supply earlier. like it really is as easy as just stimming and controlling your units a little bit but you decided not to do that i i respect life of adam by the way creed rat marvelous um unit control of life of adam yeah has been pretty good unit compositions have been pretty okay as well life of adam guy has some real potential here it's not the quickest when it comes to spending money not the greatest early game but i yeah i definitely suggest playing more like life of adam than playing like diabotia But then again, I really would not suggest playing like Diabolus whatsoever, ever, in a million years. You think Diabolus is just dead, no? I like that he stays in as well, till 26 supply. Mate, you didn't manage to win with 200 supply against 90. What makes you believe that now you can win with two Marines and one marauder? Usually as well, when Terence stay in with very low supply, they start microwing their units, like a creptle, you know, I have like five Marines against 35 zealads and they're stutter stepping and they're picking up. individual Marines, except Diabolus doesn't know how to do that, so he's just standing there and still looking at his unit. Like with nothing else to do, he still didn't manage to stim his Marines immediately. This is just extremely impressive. Ah, we're not going to, we're not ever going to hit Max. Quick Gigi out of life. He had it ready for like the past five minutes. He was just sitting like this, you know, getting ready in the moment his opponent type Gigi, you go, pop, Gigi, got it in. All right, Diabolus. Let's have one more look at your imbalance complaint for you said your micro, your macro and your fundamentals have improved. Now, if your micro has actually improved from last time, then I'm going to have to go back and look at your micro from last time because this was honest to God, some of the absolute worst micro that I've seen in my entire life. I've watched gold replays, I've watched silver replays, I've watched bronze replays, all players worse than you. But this is just, you just didn't control anything. anything. Didn't stim, majority of the fights, almost never sieged up, or never sieged up in time, and some fights you didn't even siege up during the fight. You complain about Zerg's ability to quickly remax and spread creep. It doesn't matter because even the fights of creep, you still lost because you didn't control. Creep only matters for speed, but the speed of the Zerg army doesn't matter if you're not controlling your units. So the two things you complain about the remax and the creep spread are completely irrelevant. Remax didn't happen, and creepspread doesn't matter because you're not moving anyway. You attacked effectively. What do you mean effectively? You rotated a five-minute rotation where you could have just killed your opponent by seizing forward. How is that effective? Destroying three Zerg hatcheries. Just because you destroy three Zerg hatcheries, that's not very good. Imagine I'm in a boxing competition, okay, and I knock out my first three opponents. You might think, wow, that's pretty good. Then I get knocked out in my fourth match. And then I say, well, I had a good performance at my boxing tournament because I knocked out three opponents. But then later, if you learn that I was fighting against three-year-olds, all of a sudden you think, wait, how did you get knocked out in your fourth match? And that's what I'm wondering. Why did you only kill three? You're freaking a 90 supply lead, a better army your opponent had like, 30 banlings and six mutilisks against an actual Max Terran army Why wasn't only three hatcheries? Why didn't you eat his hive as well? Like you should have eaten this guy alive with what you had and you didn't You played freaking terrible, this Zerg waltzed over your army as if you were playing against Cyril, no, this Zerg waltzed over your army as if you were microing with your feet So Harsham, is it Inba or do I still suck? Diabolus, you've gotten worse This is not imbalanced. You suck. You suck. Real hard. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did enjoy this episode, don't forget to check out the other episodes of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? As they are just as great. Don't forget to hit the like button. Please do. And smash subscribe. Thanks for watching. And bye-bye. |
The PERFECT 14 Pool Response! Or Is It? (of course it's not, but I have to clickbait you guys!) | I don't know if todays case really wants an opinion on something imba or if it is rather meant as a guide or tutorial for me, after losing to Serral. Maybe I am the one to learn today! Smash like and join me on my journey of improvement If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MrSg22pS5nQ/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | MrSg22pS5nQ | Dear Harstam, in this game I was ahead since my opponent opened with an early pool, so I reacted correctly against that. I also built a battery to be safe because he had an extractor. I don't know why he didn't detect me. For this reason I sent my units across the map and kill some drones. In the scouting I saw no third base and a weird build order focused on upgrades. What a weirdo, god. In the midgame I had three bases and a high-tech army. Zerg had no micro and was constantly rebuilding his entire army. I had some favorable battles with huge disruptor connections. But then he showed up with another 200-200 army on my side of the map. Maybe my mistake was the counter-attack before having more reinforcements or waiting for my upgrades. I don't know what to do against that type of stuff. Is it Imba or do I suck? Name Raul, race, Protoss, league diamond, surher, North America. Indeed. So we have Raul who struggled with an early pool. Well, no, he didn't struggle with an early pool. He had a good time against an early pool. He was very far ahead, gone into a high-tech army, and then still somehow managed to lose the game against some weirdo that opened up with lots of upgrades. So, yeah, let's just have a look what exactly happened here. And now I'm inclined to agree with Raul already. I mean, his iotis form is very, very compelling. I have to give it to him. And I'm almost feeling like shipping. I mean, this is an early pool. This is a 14 pool. This is one of the faster pools that there is. You have a 12 pool before that, and then you have a 14 pool. So it's the second, oh, this is not a build. I am whatsoever aware of. Okay, that's a quick extractor as well. That's cool. Raoul, like the safe player that he is. and superior intelligence, scouts his opponent and wants to get some good reactions going. I like that. Opens up with a gate expand on the low ground. And this is looking fantastic already for Raoul. I'm a big fan of Raoul already personally. I also like the little thing that he has on the U. I don't know what it's called. I'm sure loads of you will make fun of me for not knowing what it's called. But I like that. The little dish, you know, it gives his name a little bit of character. Okay, so he scouts, sees that there's a single, a single larva turning into eggs okay sees the lack of a hatchery right right now if this was a regular 14 pool and your opponent is pumping out six eight or ten lings this is a good response no this is not a good response you're not supposed to chrono your salad you're only supposed to get a single zealot. However, if your opponent goes a 14 pool and builds two lings, you actually have nothing to fear. You can get a zealot if you want to, but in my opinion, you could just get a nexus out for all I care. This is a little bit like seeing a wasp flying around and calling the exterminator, you know? It's just you don't want to be that type of guy. There's a wasp and they go like, like you mean a, a hive, a wasp hive, is a nest? And like, yeah, yeah, no, no, no, I just saw one. It's like, all right, buddy. And they hang up because they think it's a prank call. Like, you can't be discautious in life, my friend. Like, you overreact. This is like when your girlfriend's spirit is two hours late and you start construction of the baby room already. Like, calm down, sit back, relax, you know? It's just two lings. It's not the end of the world, all right? Like, we, we can, we can perhaps respond more strongly in the future if we have more information. If he does indeed throw down a road corner, we'll 10 will he, he got a battery to adapt, three pylons. It doesn't even make any sense. 2832, 31 he could have been. Now he's 2839 and gets the Nexus after that. This is like installing airbus. bags on your shopping cart like nothing bad is going to happen to you my friend trust me all right like one salad would have been fine and you didn't even need the crono with you really did not need the krono it but you know i'm absolutely glad you did i'm i'm glad you did um the one thing that is nice is that if you ever oh speeding it up a bit too fast if you ever stay over you sleep at raoul's house he is for sure the guy that checks his uh monoxide detector batteries every single night you know just changes them into the new ones just making sure never living life on the edge just slightly cautious slightly cautious all right so let me open up that stupid form again what did he say i reacted correctly against that i liked that he just stated that like that was fact um i was ahead since my opponent opened with an early pool so i reacted correctly against that he would have gotten me if i didn't have a brain. He is very unlucky here that he sent it into me and that I do indeed have a brain. Because this is obviously not the correct response. You're down 10 workers. Like, in what world are you ahead? The only thing you're ahead in is in idiocy, maybe. And if the competition was to have the lowest possible IQ, you'd be a solid competitor as well. Because this is not the response. Battery, double gate, three adepts, nexus. Your tech is insane. late like everything just sucks for you at this point like everything you scout with an adept you see an evo chamber okay you see a layer like even if you didn't watch the replay which I'm assuming at this point you haven't watched the replay back with this scout you should have been able to figure out that you're basically dead you're then you're down 10 workers he had an Evo already and he has a layer like major wood is completely busting you here oh a couple of pauses look at hate to see it okay three adepts you send your units across the map this is why you always need to drink five coffee before i owe this it's because otherwise you might miss the details look at this look at this not the first shot but now no no no no Look where he shoots. This guy. She got hit in the face by two of his mates. Decided to rather go for their mate than for another drone. Did he hit him another time? No. Okay. So he loses three units, maybe four even, and kills five drones. That's impressive. That's not good. It's not good. Um, he's not going to... One upgrades on the way as well. He saw the fact that there was no... How did he even see the fact there was no third base with this? He scouts with the void rate. There could have been a third base, and my good friend Raoul would have been non-the-weiser. This is... He's been lying. Just a lot... Let me open this thing again. So the first sentence is incorrect. In this game, I was ahead. Since my opponent opened with an early pool, I reacted correctly. That was a lie. I don't know why he didn't attack me. Well, I do know why he didn't attack you because there was up 10 workers. For this reason, I sent my units across the map and kill some drones. In the scouting, I saw no third base and a weird build order. He saw the third base with the void ray. We'll count it as part of sending the units across the map. You know, you... On the edge there, though, Raoul. I won't push it too much further with your lies, you know? I wouldn't push it too much further. Just be careful. A layer is still up, as always. It's very rare that you see Zerg buildings demote in rank. I haven't actually had it happen before, so I'm not quite sure why I mentioned that. Gas is going down here for Raul. Second battery, a good call. Scouts with his void rays, the fact that there was no units, there was no third base. So early with his units that there was no units. And he thinks, you know what would really help me right now is a second battery in my natural, while I have complete map control and I don't have a third base yet this is the type of decision making that I'm personally I'm a very big fan of three void rays are out okay the follow up is going to be more adept a twilight council maybe a forge could be a possibility and Raul is pulling ahead at this point in the work account so that's nice the mechanics have been pretty solid could maybe be using this void to attack. This is an interesting patrol move as well, isn't it? Just keeping an eye on this hatchery. Well, we'll forgive him for that as well. Major wood currently on 1-1 upgrades. Good upgrades. Down in workers, though. And a quick infestation pit, man. Major wood really has a... Once they get into the 3-3-A-sap, you can feel it, you know? I wouldn't mind a big round of drones. He has some larva already as well. So just a couple of notes. Probably is just going to go into hydras and attack, though. Oh, God, I love this Zerg player. The builder doesn't make much sense, I have to admit, but I'm just a fan of people that do things, you know, and Major Wood definitely is doing things. He's making moves, all right? He's making moves. At the same time, we have Raoul, who is, what is this? Three gateways, five gateway, so seven gate with charge. No gas yet here. I wouldn't mind if they gets staking. can also need some way to get rid of that gas in the future. Wouldn't mind the Templar archives. He's seen Hydras. So Templar, either for Storm or for Archons, is going to be a very good call. Oh, here comes a move out, out of major wood. And Raul, slightly too slow with that Voidre. I don't mind that too much, though. I mean, it happens, you know. He got some information with it, and it is what it is. Centries? Good Lord. I'm not a fan of sentries personally too much against Zerg. Like, you need to do something with them, you know? Sentry is an investment into the near future, not into the long-term future. Templars are always good. There's not a moment in a PVZ where it go, dang, I wish I had less Templar. No, it's always I wish I had faster Templar. With sentries, they're good for sure. It's very useful, but it does become less useful. full over time. Okay? And like the bigger the armies get, the more creep there is. Once ultras are out or once lurkers are out or once ravagers are out or once ravagers are out or there's a lot of banlings. Centries just lose a lot in value. And also, I've seen Raul control his unit so far. I'm just afraid that the sentries just aren't going to contribute very much here to the fight. So you have a guardian shield, a single force shield. This army arrived completely after the zealots died. a good move as well. Personally, I'm a big fan of that. It's where you send the support after the entire army has died. There's not a lot of armies that do this, by the way, where they send their entire infantry and then after their infantry gets wiped out, they start sending in the medics to try and revive the dead bodies. But I see that Raul has you write a book, The Art of War and how not to do it. Not by Sun Tzu, but by Raul. And maybe he could have like the the prologue or like the first word by a major wood and he can for sure confirm that this guy knows nothing about warfare all right Raul leaves a couple of units behind that's fine scout units of course I wanted to check what the upgrades of his opponents are 2-2 he saw so Raul now knows to go back home he's like all right I don't want to engage into a 2-2 player while I'm getting only plus one myself. So I do appreciate that. We have roach speed going on. There's 22 roaches. I didn't even realize that. 2-2 upgrades, 3-3 on the way in an Ultra Cavern. It is indeed quite weird, all right? You open up with 3-3 upgrades for range, plus-3 range upgrades, and then you go into Ultra. The Lurker than, or Vipers, in my opinion, would make slightly more sense. but I'm not one to doubt major wood very quickly. So I'm not going to start doing that right here. You have a couple of disruptors out. I don't mind that. It's probably a good call. Now, Raul is he aware? Now, he's kind of unaware of his opponent's adventures into the hive territory. He's not aware the fact that there's ultralisk either. Raul is kind of unaware of most things happening on the map, though, to be fair. So I feel like it's unfair to just stack everything on top of each other. there you know i could have just said his scouting sucks but instead i went on this massive list of things he isn't aware of it's like this is just kind of mean you know close to bullying i apologize to that for that raoul right we have a couple of cannons going down this guy hasn't moved out once either a major wood major woods a macro player doesn't attack mate just sits back waste till he gets attacked and then bang destroys you with his superior upgrades to disruptors extra is seven disruptors out already, nine disruptors. Now, disruptors generally are very good against Roach Hydra. Roaches and Hydras are not great at splitting. They're easy to hit and they're pretty expensive. However, disruptors aren't great against ultras because ultras, they kind of get on top. You need a lot of shots to kill one Ultra. And because ultras are so fat, they basically cover your entire screen. So it's difficult to hit multiple ultras at the same time. Good start of the fight here, but now you need to run anyway. I'm not even sure if this was like a good trait. I don't know what this was before, but I feel like this was maybe a semi-even trade or slightly in favor of the Zerg. Like, I mean, yeah, this wasn't actually a good fight. The Zerg remains pretty much maxed out. Okay, this was not a good fight for the Zerg, though. It's going to lose a couple of ultras. Of course, not helping, the fact that these ultras don't have any attack upgrades either. Still, at the end of the day, Zerg is 2K up or 2K downing units lost. So Zerg has been trading better, mainly because of the upgrades, but also because the army composition of Raul just isn't very good. I mean, now he's moving out immediately. After scouting Ultralisk, like after you see a tech switch so significant like this out of your opponent, you probably want to be switching yourself into something different and you don't want to stay on your stalker disruptor army no you want to add more immortals and then wait for those to join your army then once you're maxed out and once you have confirmed that your opponent is still going for the ultras maybe you can move out eventually this is going to most likely be another good fight if super battery it's not available currently but otherwise this could have been a really good fight still is a fine fine engagement down 2k not the greatest i mean for how bad it started it ends up okay Now, if you're a TOS player here and you hold this push and you saw a massive army over here as well, I would say we max out, go into storm, make sure we get plus three going because we're down in upgrades. We have a massive bank, like 1,200 minerals, 900 gas. Like, we can get a transition going. We can get a fifth base. I mean, we're on 90 workers. But instead we're moving out. I'm not quite sure how. Or why? excuse me WTF I mean you can't really be surprised anymore at this point that there's ultras and lings like you've walked into ultras and lings twice already and now you walk into it again and you go what the hell what happened here guys it just doesn't make much sense to me Adrenal's not done yet for Major Wood but Raoul seems not really be responding and also doesn't have the army ready. Plus three is on the way finally. Super battery. Can be cast? No. Can be. Yeah, actually can be. Yeah, we can use super battery here. Could be useful. One of the greatest spells in the game. Yep, there we go. Thank you very much. It's actually going to be capable of maybe even holding this. But only, he did lose a lot of workers here. And his opponent actually did get quite of a bank. Not necessarily because the opponent was mining more, but because the opponent is up like 7K in trade so far. And if you're, oh my God, he rebuilds 39. hydras. I love that move. I love that move. Good deck switches here out of the Zerg. I do like that move a lot. So if you take a look at the current army value, I'll just pass the game here for a second. Okay, just let's get this straight. So we have an army value of about 3k here for Raoul. And he is down in the units lost by about 7k. That means he lost this army. two times, two and a half, 2.2, 2.3 times, something like that. Extra. If he would have this army two and a half more times, he'd be at 150 supply. Probably make a pretty, have a decent chance here at winning the game, I'd say. At this point, I mean, he's going to walk into a person who just has been saving money because Majorwood hasn't been losing a lot of units. forgets to Gigi as well leaves the game Raoul very odd Raoul very very odd alright let's get some thoughts together here okay so first of all let's go over let's just discuss your early game let's discuss your early game so I'm going to judge you on your early game your army composition and your micro so that's three things number one your early game you mentioned that you reacted correctly to the early pool. That was incorrect. You did not react correctly. You reacted the worst way possible. You completely overreacted the later nexus by almost a minute and a half for no real reason. And you were just down 10, 12 workers. Like your early game was actually probably by far the worst part of this game. Well, not by far. Your micro, well, we'll get to that soon. Yeah, it wasn't by far, but it definitely was the worst. worst part of the game. Your early game was awful. Honestly just terrible, really terrible. So for that, you're going to get the suck. Number two, let's do the micro. So we saw your first pushout. First we saw your first push out with the adepts and the zealots in which you targeted your own adept, somehow managed to kill five workers, but lost four units. Your second attack, you walk in with all your zealots first, before your sentries arrive, lose all of them, then have to move back home. And then the next week, the disruptor fight was good. You actually control the disruptor balls relatively well. Like you split them separately, even though you fight them very quickly. You control them. That was not bad. So, yeah, for that, I mean, two awful fights and then one okay fight. Still pretty awful. So you get the pretty awful stamp. Not great, not terrible, and more leaning to the terrible side, honestly. Final one, unit composition. This is really where it kind of fell apart for you in the later stages of the game because you did come back economically even though your early game was terrible and your micro in the first few fights was awful. You just didn't have the unit comp to deal with your opponent's unit comp. Every single fight you were just a step behind. You attacked into someone with mess hydras with pure zealot. Well, you had sentries, but you didn't use them. Then afterwards, you finally had your disruptor, so you had something to deal with the Roach Hydra. Your opponent had ultras already. you had nothing for that and then in the end you finally had some immortals and this guy switched back to Hydras you never really were ready for his units you just kind of got outbrained so for that you're gonna get a pretty massive incompetent stamp put all three of these stamps together and you my friend do suck as this was absolutely not imbalanced all right I think that's going to be it for today's episode of Is it Inba or do I suck if you liked it don't forget to let me know as well by hitting the tombs up in the thing and subscribe and comment down below what you told of Raul's performance in this game and of course how much you guys liked Major Wood shout out to your major and yeah that's it chaochao So, |
NA Masters EXPERT Sniffs Out An OVERDUE IMBALANCE! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | You know how the Navy Seals are portrayed as the best military branch of the world? It actually is the same with NA Masters players in Starcraft 2. With the only exception, that they do it themselves and they actually are neither skilled nor scary at all. But still this NA Masters EXPERT has identified an imbalance. Can I even contradict? Smash like and find out! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4QFFNFP_cU4/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | 4QFFNFP_cU4 | Dear Harstam, zergs' ability to reproduce lost economy and the Nye Scouting is insane, exclamation mark. Playing against Zerg feels so coin flippy, and it's discouraging that the only way to win his pro-lose against Zerg is with a two-base all-in or boring Skytos. This Zerg never did run-bys or split his army, except for borrowing Lurker so he could still use zergs' beloved F-2 key. In this game, I scouted that he went super-fast hatch with a quick pooling gas. Because my probe can scout the zergspace, I had the plan for both a link flood and for a roach ravager bust. I can't scout which one it is because the adept would just get killed by speedlings, and then I just died to a link flood. So I went Voidrace, and his roach ravager bust was a complete failure. Because I couldn't tell whether he was following up with drones or more roaches and ravagers, I decided to go DT, as it could punish both a hatchet, queen walk, and stop another bust. All of these decisions were pure guesswork as I couldn't scout with my void rays, lest my third gets destroyed by a ling flood. I pick off the send of mutas, and I decide to go Phoenix. It turns out I'm right, and he suddenly shows up with 20 mutas. Had I guessed hydras, I would have been dead right there. Noticing he didn't go spores, I counter-attacked with DTs, hoping to buy time for Phoenix to come out. I then proceed to kill about four mineral lines, where he was. of drones. No problem. Four S. D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d. Those are these. He means that he pressed the four-button control group hotkey, which is usually where the hatchery is, then as for select larva, and then press the D button many times. Now, it probably just held down the D-button once, but I understand what he's saying. He should have been dead there, but I couldn't kill him, but I couldn't kill him, because he my anti-air was too undeveloped. I kill hatcheries everywhere, but he just seemed to have infinite economy. He even goes ultras, all caps, against the ground proto's army, exclamation mark. Yet he still wins despite all of this. After being so inactive with his muras, losing four mineral lines to DTs, losing another 60 odd drones to run bys, as doing everywhere and going ultras, he should have been dead as dirt. But nay, exclamation mark. Please, Captain, this is totally imba. Is it? Or do I suck? Question mark. This is a great little form here as really this is kind of how most stories get told. You know, whenever you're telling a story and you're upset about something, you always leave out the things that you did. You know, it's like, yeah. So the other day I was just having dinner with March and all of a sudden out of nowhere just threw a glass of wine in my face, leaving. out the part where you joint an entire lobster straight onto her plate and then started throwing chairs into the air make them into a header just to land into her food as well. So I feel like we're lacking a big part of the story here. All we've seen is brilliant moves out of the person called Probius Corp, who is of course a Protoss and his masters on the NA server and the Zerg just being a little idiot. Now, Now, this sounds pretty unlikely to me. I have to say already at this point, if I read a complaint form like this, where the Protoss does everything correct and the Zerg does everything wrong and this guy is hard-stuck-in masters, I'm already thinking, I doubt that you did everything correct, my friend. But, you know, as always, I am very open-minded to the possibility. just perhaps a little bit more skeptical than I usually am just because of how his complaint for him was worded and you know the structure of it with him being the complete hero and the Zerg being the complete idiotic villain so yeah I'm curious to see what's going to happen here oh look at that 14 hatchery now this is a cool little move here out of yeast was a nice name as well I like that yeast um this is for sure is going to to confuse the mediocre-minded Protoss player but of course not probius corp as he is definitely not mediocre minded at least not what he wants us to believe now the 14 hatchery worse economically than the 16 hatchery means you get the hatchery before the overlord this allows you to always get the hatchery down before the nasty Protoss comes over and blocks that hatchery with with the probe forcing you to take this base as your natural or this base as your natural so Actually a pretty cool little move, something that a lot of pro players did for a while. The problem is because it's worse than 16 hatchery. If the Protoss decides to go for a no scout, you're just in a bit of a bad spot as a Zerg because you're sacrificing a bunch of eco. But it is definitely playable and it makes the games very consistent because you always open up with this hatchery over here. Now, on top of that, he follows it up with a very fast. Actually, this is really rapid speed. So, um... Yeah, this speed is going to finish at what, the 310 mark? And straight road for it. And so I like this build order here out of yeast, honestly. I'm a big fan. Now, technically the Protoss could have scouted it, but it is really tight with the link timing. And I mean, he just gives up the probe for free now. I kind of understand what he's saying, okay? I kind of understand what he's saying. Now, I have a word of advice here for all tosses around the world and also for Probe be a score. If you're afraid of a cheese and you're not sure what it's going to be, a really cool thing that you can do is rather than letting your probe die for free on the ramp, which might have seemed like a good decision at a time. You know, you're like, oh, you see a ramp. It's a nice burial site for this probe. I could just let it die here to the two lings that never would be able to catch if I just send a probe over here. Rather than doing that, what you could do is you could actually send a probe over here. it stays alive, you move down to the tower, then you check this third base, and then you check this third base. And even though you're not going to get any direct confirmation that it is indeed going to be an all-in, what you can get is indirect confirmation that your opponent, or well, direct confirmation that your opponent is stuck on two bases, because he doesn't have a third base. If there's no third base, the likelihood of there being an al-in does kind of increase. on top of that he wasn't sure whether it was going to be a roachalin or a lingolin because he was afraid he would die to link speed the beauty with the probe is that you can kind of run around being chased by lings in front of your opponent's base imagine if it would still be alive that probe right it would just be here link speed isn't being built right now because yeast went for straight roaches this means that your probe just would have seen these roaches move out right and if it would have seen link speed it would have seen link speed so you would have gotten to see it sure you would have lost a probe but you also lost the probe now and you got no information so rather than just losing the probe without anything you get some info for it and that can only be a good thing in my mind and i also think if you're playing against two base if he would have scowled that it was just two base getting a battery and going into stargate is always a safe play and will always, what is this? Holy crap, what is this wall? Getting a Stargate always will allow you to stay alive with a battery. Just make sure you try to have a super battery alive as well and that would definitely help. Oh, this is brilliant. Oh, I've never seen this before, but look at this. He can basically play musical chairs here with the wall. And wherever the bios are, he'll just walk to the different wall. I don't think this was done on purpose, but this is actually kind of useful in this type of situation. Like, he could, he gets biled here, he just walks to the next wall. Well, he doesn't do that, but he could have done that in theory. That is actually pretty cool. Also, that first void ray is pretty late. I don't know why, but it's just late by 15 seconds or so. Of course, he's still going to hold really easily because, let's be real, he has a full wall, he had a battery. quick tip, by the way, when you see this orange marker that doesn't indicate a spot where you need to move your units. That actually indicates the spot where the bile, these things that are now going up in the air, will fall down into. Okay? So try to move your units away rather than to stack as many on the same spot as possible. Just a quick tip there for all the tosses well. one really out there. So he did it correct with the stalker, but the adept just stayed there. It's a little bit of a mistake. Another thing also is that usually you want to focus on one units rather than trying to kill all roaches and revergers at the same time by making sure they all get red health. One of the main things in Starcraft is to lower your opponent's damage output as fast as possible. And a good way to do that is to focus units one by one, especially if there's very little units. Because the longer they stay alive, the more damage they get to do, obviously. I like that he finished a pylon here. There's no real use, but still, you know, extra safety. You can never be safe enough. This is a double bagger. We can feel it already, you know. This is a double bagger. I've never actually seen someone doubleback. I've heard people speak of double bagging, but I've never seen it in real life yet. Maybe I should move to whatever Probeus Corps is living because I just stake out the local grocery store and ah there we have him. Do Voidreys do find the overlord? Also I'd like to note that despite the fact that Probeus Corps completely stopped this push without taking massive, well he took some damage. He still is probably not in a brilliant spot right. He is he sure has some map control with these void rays. His opponent is getting a double expansion has a lot of money in the bank. There's 47 workers. Like, it's not super brilliant. And I think this is because he wasn't producing workers all the way throughout. His third base never really got started quickly afterwards either. He still full walled out himself. And probably was loading a fair amount of money during that push as well. I didn't see it, but I can only imagine because otherwise he would have had more crap at this point. I also feel like there might have been a couple of probe cuts because it doesn't seem right that he only has 44 workers six minutes into the game. Did he lose any workers? He lost two. So technically you should have 48. Now I'm pretty sure you can have like 58 at this point, maybe even 60. I think I'm actually fully saturated at six minutes, but at my third. But we'll, you know, we'll leave it for now. We'll leave it for now. I'm not going to put the bar too high here. We are dealing with an American and we're dealing with a master's player. And these two in combination are can be very dangerous. They're actually the most dangerous kind of American, the American master. Because they have to believe that they understand the game. So they start making their own builds and their own shenanigans, you know. And before you know, they invade another country again. So you always got to be, you've got to be very, very careful here with the American masters. Okay. Charge being researched. Forge is here as well. I like these things. I genuinely do like these things. This is good play. We're lacking some obvious vision. This is one of the themes that came back in the balanced complaint forms. This was a thematic. Thematic complaint form. I had a lot about the lack of scouting and the ability to reproduce. That's mainly what it was about. And Protoss doesn't have an easy time scouting, but we do have a couple of tools for scouting. And none of these tools are three void. race and six adepts. Now, the tools are an observer, hallucination, and an oracle. And Phoenix, I'll also count. And in the early game, an adept, you can use it. He didn't build any of these and then started complaining about scouting. This is like not inventing radar. And I'm complaining that you don't know whether planes are coming or where the boats are, you know, like it just doesn't make a lot of sense. Like, just invent radar technology. It's not that difficult, my friends. Betts have the same as well. I've actually once heard a story. This could be completely fabricated. So take this with a grain of salt. Most of the things I say are completely fabricated. I once heard that the American military, the guys who made the radar technology, couldn't believe that bats also were capable of doing similar things because it was such sophisticated technology that they wouldn't allow it. You know, they were like, there's no way this is true. That was the story. I know it wasn't very good. These two void rays also aren't doing a very good job. They now went into the main base, lost one of their brothers, then started focusing an extractor, and then as it almost died, swapped onto one of the queens that got transfused by his friends. So, wait, didn't this guy say that he sniffed out the mudas? I'm gonna have to read this again. What did you say? Control F. I pick off the scent of Muras and decide to go Phoenix. Did he have a Phoenix before this already? He had one Phoenix already. Okay. Yeah. He had one. Okay. I'll give you that. Decide to go Phoenix. Okay. I can. I can feel that. To be fair, having a blind phoenix is always good. For a second, I thought that he, when he said picking of the scent, he meant I got attacked by Muralis. This is like getting mauled by a bear and then going, I'm picking up the scent of a bear. I feel like I should get my bear spray out. But no, he actually already had a phoenix out. You know what? You win this one, Probeus core. You beat my analogy. Before it even got out of my mouth. I love this D.T. run by. This is a banger. This is great. Sends in 70 T's. Imagine just having the money to spend on 70 T's. Then you know you've been a good saver, you know? It's like when I was a young boy, I had saved a lot of money, me and my brother together. And then once the Game Boy Color got out, we could buy it together with Pokemon Silver. And we felt very good about herself. Probeius Corps managed to do the same thing now. He just warped in 70 Ts when he needed them the most. He was like, damn. That's a cool Game Boy color. I can buy that. And there's a cool 70Ts. Let me just warp them and run them across the map. He's actually doing a crap ton of damage. My favorite part of all of this, though, is not the fact that he could afford 70 Ts. Or the fact that he killed, like, infinite workers. No. It is that during all of this, he didn't build any more phoenixes. So first he picked off the scent of phoenixes, remember? He smelled them. Then he was getting mauled by mutas, as he moved across the map. And then as his DTs were keeping his opponent busy, he decided that the best course of action was to completely idle my Stargate for the next minute and just start building immortals instead. Because the thing that we really need, if there's only flying units on the map, is a unit that deals well with ground units that are armored. That is just a brilliant call. And this is the type of call you don't really see anymore past the American Masters level. I did a good job at the IRS. You know, I'm going to give you that. You're in a fine spot. Starts once again. You have cannons, batteries. Good setup. No fort base, by the way. My man is on 80 workers. Fantastic economy. He is outmining his opponent because he just killed like 50 workers, but he's on three bases. Now, very often if you have 80 workers, you might want to consider getting a fort base, as right now most of your probes are just doubling onto your third like you actually double saturated almost and it's impressive fort base goes down you lose every single phoenix to the muralist like phoenixes are good against murallis but you do need to control them which what do you think that stalker was thinking as his friends were just standing around admiring the unbouldable rocks Okay boys how about you help me as well I like this counter Do I like this counter attack I actually don't like this counter attack at all No I it's It's a counter attack That is meant to kill workers Because there's no ground units But because there's no ground units Five zealots would have done Probably the exact same thing Except in that case you wouldn't have lost the stalkers I'm also impressed by Probius here That he can warp in what is it like 20 stalkers without getting blink or without starting blink and just kind of using them as a stupid zealot like so far they haven't really achieved much of anything after realizing that his phoenix control isn't quite what it used to be back in the day just on a fleet beacon to get the range upgrades i approve of that move i approve of that move i feel you as well with your phoenix micro not being what it used to be um honestly you've done a lot of damage but you've also thrown away a lot of armies at this point. And you haven't really transitioned into an army that is great at dealing with large numbers of mutas, except at least not with the control that you've been showcasing so far. So, yeah, I'm not a massive fan of everything. Do you have plus one? I wouldn't mind plus one either on the phoenixes at this point. It tends to be very, very useful. Your control here is quite good, I have to admit, as well. Like you're controlling this well. You really are. Also, as there's no spores yet, I wouldn't mind seeing like a single DT being sent by. Very often in lower levels, people believe that DTs are only useful when you warp in 12. But actually, if you send a single DT to a base without any detection, you're most likely going to get a lot of workers anyway. And often what's better is to split DTs up rather than to send all of them to the same base. See, these two bases do have detection, but the outside bases don't. 74 workers once again for the Zerg. So the Zerg actually is macroing up while he's playing. He's doing quite a very good run by. Well, okay. The idea behind it was very good, okay? This is the... When I said this is a very good run by, I didn't know you just walk straight into your opponent's vision. This is like if Frodo were on his way to Mount Doom. the Mount Doom and the entire time he's just screaming I have the ring hello I have the ring like this is not really how it's supposed to go you know Lord of the Rings would be a very different movie if that was the case if Frodo had like 12 IQ you just literally walk through a watch tower to attack this base I like the idea though of sending out rumbis against mutilist Ling because it forces the muralists to come home because lings don't trade too well against against salads very often. So, of course, there's some hydros there as well, but they have crappy upgrades. Unless there's like roaches or banlings, salads tend to trade pretty well by themselves. You don't even really need to pay attention to it. I like this move. Once again, I would have preferred to see them split or just to have one send in, but it's not necessarily a bad move. At this point, the Zerg is actually, I think, slightly ahead. It's because he's been trading better and because he's actually been mining for multiple basis most of the time. Like the Zerg before this happened, actually I think was in a good spot, even though it seems like all of the things the Zerg did kind of fell flat. But he did do some damage and he kept you on three base for a long time. So the game is, I think it's honestly kind of evenish at this point. Upgrades are fine for the Zerg. Yeah, I really don't mind this too much. Do you have the range upgrades yet? Okay, you have Any Impulse. I still wouldn't mind seeing a plus one upgrade here. You don't have a cybercore, do you? Yeah, you don't. It wasn't the front. It died and then you never rebuilt it. Okay. Makes some sense. Now, at this point, as your opponent is transitioning into a more Ling Bane style, I'd recommend getting Storm. You're getting a Templar archives. It's a good thing. I do enjoy the Trobeus Corps. The game slows down a little bit here. You get a very big zealot. I'm not even sure how that's possible that you have this many zealots in an eye. army. Why do you get so little gas? Okay, well you're not mining from this gas that doesn't help. Maybe you were late on the gases on the fort as well. You were pretty late. They just started mining. Now, whenever you have zealids in your army and your opponent has banlings, you kind of got to think of how these armies interact with one another, okay? Like, if you have 30 zealots and they're fighting 10 banlings, you're not going to trade well. Like, most likely all your zealots will die and all of his banlings will die. If you have five zealots and he has ten banlings, all of your zealots will die and all of his banlings will die as well. So what we learn here is that in order to get rid of banlings, it's best to not run in with big clumps of units that are easily splashed upon. Run bys are a very good tool, especially run bys that go unspotted. Now, once again, I do appreciate you announcing where you are, but you're straight up walking into towers, but this does make it a lot easier to get spotted. So try to send one unit to a tower first. I also, in theory, I like this move, okay, where you send a runby to the right side and then push a different spot, a different location. However, as your first runby got completely blasted, right now the Zirc can just actually send this entire army to deal with this force. And let's be real, this force isn't the biggest force I've seen in my life. Especially against banlings, it is really tricky to fight with heavy zealot compositions. So we see the banlings just trade so darn well against salads, and then the hydras should be capable of cleaning up the rest of your army. This is a good run by if it was doing anything. What's going to happen is, look at this, he realizes his main army died, he's going to pay attention to the mini map in 15 seconds from now. Oh, he just did, and now he sends it in. After his entire army died, once again allowing the Zerg to respond to it without having to deal with any other threat. This is what I call fake multitasking. This is setting up groups of run bys, but only using them after your other thing that you were controlling died or has pulled back. It is completely useless because the main thing about multitasking or about having multiple groups, groups attacking at the same time is that it's really difficult to split off in the moment. Like, it's just extremely difficult for all races. This is true across the board. But also really for Zerg, because you have a complicated army. Look at this army. This is an army that right now is Lurker, Hydra Ling. Like, if there's 10 zealots here, what do you send there? Do you want to have a lurker there? Can you just send like, what, 20 Ling's and five hydras? It's probably not enough. You need to send a decent amount. By the time that these units arrive, this base might have gone down already as well. It's difficult to split an army. However, if there's just 10 zealids there and the rest of the army just got killed, you go, well, just sent my entire army there. Like, nice, you know, it's all good. So when you're trying to do run bys, try to at least have them semi-synchronized, you know. Something you can do if you're struggling with this, this is going to be a hot tip here, okay? Listen to this hot tip as you storm your own observer and your own zealots. do manage to win this fight. Holy crap, you have a lot of Templar. This was a good fight for you. I almost glossed over my whole tip, but I'm going to give it after this fight, okay? Don't go anywhere. Okay, listen to this whole tip. Imagine you have a main army here, which you do, okay? And you want to start pushing into this area, but you know you have crappy, you have crappy control of multitasking or just of your army in general. So you only need to focus on your army. What you can do is you can just rally five zealots with a massive attack move command. And you just go on the mini map, you go like A move, A move, A move, A move, and you just aim move a couple of things. And you make sure that the run by arrives while you are fighting. So you send a runby from here pretty far away, and it will take like 20 to 30 seconds. And you just start moving to the watchtower and you start doing things like clearing a bit of creep, throwing a storm on this army. And then while you're fighting, your Zellat Rambai arrives. And the Zellet Rambi will take care of stuff, you know, by itself. Like, Zellis are really good while they're not being microde. They're even better while they are being microed. A lot of top Protoss player will make you believe that that's not the case and that when you leave Zealots alone, they do their best job. You know, they don't want to be those micro-managers, but it's completely fine to just let them work by themselves. Just aim off in a certain pattern and then start controlling your main army. It's not really multitasking, but it is. a run-by and it is it is a setup that works really well very often what I see is that people send in the run-by first gets cleaned up and then after they see that a run-by died they start moving in with their main army so like this is exactly the type of move that I was talking about this is brilliant except this could have just been salads salads are really good when not controlled these are even better but dTs are super expensive and they're kind of similar to to salads anyway you know they're a ground unit that probably doesn't escape so you rather have cheap units On top of that, the Zerg is on 98 workers, is mining a creptone of money, and the resources lost is still pretty close. So you do really need to start doing some damage. And now you see your DTs are starting to do some damage. They take out the base. Zerg needs a split of units. This is annoying for the Zerg. If right now you would be moving forward here, I think you could just pretty much blast this little army that is here. It's what five lurkers. You have an observer. You have a creptone of zealot. You could lift two of these one of these lurkers. look, he's really struggling with it. This is what I'm talking about. Run bys are just difficult to deal with because you don't quite know what is there or what is going to be there in the future. Your army composition also sucks. You need a second robotics facility for more immortal production against the Lurker Ultra Army, which is not really an army. This is always so funny to me when people complain about, oh my good Lord. What was that fight? There was no support there. It was just lurkers. This is why I sent one unit to the tower first. If there's lurkers there, they'll show themselves. Oh my god. Well, painful. Painful. I wonder how you lost this game. Good Lord. It was like 50 supply there for free. You're like half a lurker. Okay, anyway, what was I gonna say? I had a good thought in my head. Right. I think you complained about the fact that he goes ultras against a ground Protoss army. What an idiot. Now, this is the type of argument where you actually own yourself. It is a complete self-own. If he manages to kill your army with Ultras, even though you have a full ground army, it is probably your army composition that sucks even more. How can you not understand that? Like, if you have an army that consists of mass Templar, zealad Arkon, and almost no immortals, and you die against Ultras, then you can't say, what an idiot for being Ultras. No, you're the idiot for not building enough immortals. Like, it's a complete self-own. And the fact that you didn't realize that makes me doubt that you actually have double-digit IQ. Phoenix comes home, I like that. Like, you can say a lot about this Zerg, but this Zerg is making place. He really is. Attacking, left, right and center, different unit compositions. He doesn't have to at all. This is a run-by. He's been doing run-bys. He's been splitting of his army when he is been getting harassed. Like, this Zerg has actually been playing quite well. Sure, his creep friend wasn't brilliant. Some of his fights have been mediocre. His dealings with harass hasn't been perfect, but he's kind of outplaying you, my friend. And so far, the only person that actually dealt with harass by splitting of units actually was this Zerg player. You say that he kept F2ing, but you have freaking phoenixes and observers all in the same move command. Like, yeah, you're not F2ing, though, because the phoenix sometimes flows behind. I'm not even sure we're still controlling the phoenix at this point. I do like the dedication to your army, but I say just let it patrol some area and pretend you forgot about it, you know? You don't want to be controlling a phoenix when you're fighting a ground army like this. Once again, slightly too many zealots, so you want to split off like seven or eight off. Go to this base. Once again, Zerg splitting off part of his army to go for her ass. It's looking quite good. Honestly, the Zerg is pretty decent. I really do believe the Zerg is pretty decent. This base. You have too little immortals. You have too many zealads. Not enough Archons really either. Sure, you don't have a lot of money. That's because you also haven't been expanding enough. You also have pretty poor map vision this entire game. I don't think you won managed to occupy a tower. Now you get chased by ultras, lurkers, banings. Good fight by you though. Really nice storms. Pretty decent target fire as well with the immortals. And you manage to conserve most of your zealads. So after a fight like this, rather than always send you. DTs across the map, just go for like a five Zelladromb, I just go like bang, bang, bang. You know, on the mini map, I just pink that. You just boom, go to that watch tower and then you walk into that spine and you don't even really have to look at it. Just go for it, man. Meanwhile, while you're doing that, you take the gases here, you probably have to take another base because currently you have 49 workers on this base. Now, I am a person that does like oversaturation every now and again, but this is pushing it even for me. And you give up this base. Because, okay, who is F2ing now, baby? Who is F2ing now? What is this? So he sees two lurkers here. And he sees three lurkers here. And I think this was a response to the lurkers over here, actually. Now he pulls away the works. He's like, oh crap, I'm out of position. I think he pulled himself out of position and then pretended like he wanted to give up this. build because at this point in his mind he's already hatching the plant to send us into iotis i can feel it i've got kind of a a six cents for that at this point well i already have a regular six cents so more of a seventh sense i would say now his army is still quite dangerous yeah it's a pretty big army um however the Zerg army is just a lot larger and not just a lot larger. I think at this point more stuff just beats less stuff. There's 14 Ultralisks against four immortals. This Zerg could probably fall asleep at his keyboard and still win this game at this point. And he isn't falling asleep. That's the beauty of this. It's not falling asleep whatsoever. He's just A moving across the map and he's going to take you out. That's absolutely, absolutely brilliant. Hop. Hop, good control out of you, by the way. You're micro in these fights. it's really not that bad. It's, you know how to keep an army alive. This fight that you just took, honestly, I kind of like that. Your control in general hasn't been too bad. It's just the decision making of where to fight and what army and where to fight with what part of your army. Like, very often the zealots are in the wrong place. You had a really bad fight over here where you just kind of didn't pay attention for 10 seconds or so, but that happens to the best, you know. I once remember there was a clip on Reddit where an entire Zerg army got nuked by a Terran. And there was one guy in the comments who said, this is why Terran is so ridiculous. You don't pay attention to your army for 30 seconds and just like that you lose the game. And at first I was like, yeah, that is kind of ridiculous. And I was like, wait, what? Probably if you don't pay attention to your army for 30 seconds, surely you deserve to lose the game. Like, what kind of idiot are you to not pay attention to your army for 30 seconds? And I feel like, that's not kind of what happened here with that fight, you know? At first I'm like, you know, that's tricky. Lurkers are pretty good. I'm like, wait, you saw that fight going south for like five or six seconds already. And you're just sitting there and like, oh, that seems pretty all right. Good kiting. Really nice kiting with these immortals. The zergs engagements haven't really been that hot. And you're actually doing a fantastic job. You're making this game close and I'm impressed. Like, okay, this is good. You're actually, unit lost is probably, yeah, it's going into your favor now. It actually is going into your favor. Ooh, that was a bad recall. You could have gotten this. I think you're just afraid of lurkers. I, too, would be afraid of lurkers. I've seen you engage into them. Nice. Pulls the probes back as well. I like it. No mining, though. Which is why I didn't like the recall. Because you're really worried. working with a situation where things are getting worse and worse for you, right? And your opponent just gave you an opportunity to pick off four lurkers for free, and you decided to pass it on so you could go back home. That's not really the way it's supposed to be. I can assure you that. It's not the way it's supposed to be. Now you're doing a salad run by, but this is not the time anymore. Just keep your army together, my friend. I think this is going to be kind of the final fight. These lurkers actually should be coming home at this point. These should be coming home too. Sirk is still mining though. Sirk actually needs to be really careful. He really could lose this. Yeast. Oh, the Lurker flank. I like that. I like that move. Yep. And now with the Ultras in the back. Okay. Yeah, this is going to clean it up finally. So Tuls does end up dying. A painful debt. I mean, no income still. And we have a base here. We have another base going up here. Lurker defense there. I love it. having 14 workers and 4 on 1 gas that's big especially because you already have 1500 gas i like that move i do like that move a lot come on prob you it's over like okay this is just a little bit pathetic and it's wasting my time like what is this you know your opponent still has a base and is mining you have two immortals you know the other guy has lurkers hydras and ultras and you have two immortals like do you do you really do you really really believe this is going to work. Like, actually, do you truly believe that with these two immortals, you can do what you couldn't do with five immortals and two zealads? It is just so difficult for me to understand this type of behavior. You're going to camp at the cannons while you're long-distance mining with seven probes. Like, you must have dropped out of like third grade mathematics or something if you don't understand that your opponent is out mining you. Like, you need to go. There's been a freaking type. timer on top of your head for the past eight minutes, and you're pretending that it isn't there. Like, the bomb has already exploded. Your limbs are off. It's time to die now, my friend. Yeah, Gigi, probably your score leaves the game. Okay, so your main concerns here, your main problems were with the service ability to reproduce lost economy and deny scouting. Okay? Well, to reproduce lost economy, yeah, Zerg is pretty decent at reproducing lost economy. They can rebuild anything very quick. That is something that is inherent to the Zerg race, and it's one of the reasons why they're capable of being competitive. If they would be like the other races, they wouldn't be capable of being competitive because their units are just a lot worse. They need that ability. This is what kind of makes it balanced. Like, on top of that, it's not like he actually got a heading economy. He got a heading bases. You were up in workers for the majority of the game. The problem was you were on three bases while having 80 workers, or on four bases while having 85, well, two of them are already mined out. You were just way too slow with expanding. The problem here wasn't so much with the worker count. It was with the base count. And when it comes to the base count, what is stopping you from taking? taking extra basis. Nothing. So on that point, on the reproducing lost economy, I'd say, yes, they're fast at it, but that wasn't the issue. You missed the issue here. Like, the issue was the basis, not the drones. So on that, I'm going to give you a big fat, no, a deny. Then when it comes to denying scouting, well, he didn't even really try to deny scouting so much as you're just giving yourself like these mental blocks where it's like oh there might be speed or there might be roaches and i can't figure out what it is sometimes you don't need to figure out what it is you just need to figure out what it is not it was not a third base so building a battery is fine and getting a void ray is fine you did those two things and you survived like you would have survived against both the link flood and against the revenger so why are you complaining. Like, that part of the game went very well for you. That was probably one of the only parts in the game that went very well for you. It's discouraging that the only way to win as Protost against Zurich is with a two base all in or boring Skytos. This game could have been win in like a million different ways. As they say, all roads lead to Rome, except perhaps the road that you picked because that one led to Atlantis. Like, you're dead under the sea, my friend. I'm not sure what you were doing, but you never. to rebuild your cybercore after it got taken out at like the 14 minute mark against Muralisk, which didn't allow you to build a second robo to pump out more immortals, which was the one unit that would absolutely would have won you the game. Your army composition in general was way to sell it heavy because you were lacking that gas from a fifth base, a faster fourth base. So you kind of dug your own grave, build your own coffin, then jumped in the coffin and laying in your grave, and then all of a sudden you're surprised that you find yourself in a grave, in a coffin. It's like, well, this is what you did, my friend. Well, like, I can't help you anymore from here on now. Like, the Zerg isn't broken. The Zerg made a lot of mistakes, but you made way more mistakes, and the biggest mistake was just never expanding, and, well, that one fight against the Lurker also wasn't it? So, my friend, Zerg isn't broken. Zerg isn't too good at denying scouting. They aren't too good at reproducing drones. You just suck, and that's the hard reality. I'm sorry. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you enjoyed it, be sure to subscribe to the channel. We're almost at 200,000 subscribers, only 130,000 away. So be sure to subscribe now and get that ticket for the big lottery that we will have at 200,000 subscribers. Don't forget to hit the like button as well as this was a funny video and we'll see you all next time for more videos. Bye bye. |
Columbus Discovers NEW META CHINESE BUILD ORDERS! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | Christopher apparently drank a little bit too much wine after discovering the new world aka America and somehow got lost on the way back and maneuvered his ship to China, where he is now enjoying his retirement by losing - I mean playing! - SC2. Smash like and subscribe if you enjoy these legendary chinese replays as much as I do! They NEVER disappoint! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/p4fTcHP1s6A/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | p4fTcHP1s6A | Dear Hirstam. Yeah, this is not a good start, my friend. At least get my freaking name right. Dear Hirstam, I encountered a T on the ladder. Both of us had not tried to harass each other in the early game, and I had better economic than him in the middle game. Therefore, he was easily defeated by me in his first push. After that, he was also beaten by me in next several engagement. I tried to scout if he had any Viking, so I sent my army to his base. After I saw them, I decided to make more high Templar, yet they didn't do much damage. I knew it is so stupid to produce lots of colossus after scouted Viking, but his economic, produce speed and army strength was just incredible. He had less base than me. I admit that his APM and micro was better than me, but with such a big economic gap and produced that much resources with just four bases, was irrational. Is this imba, or I was just so sucked that don't think. even though Zellet plus Arkham Plus Immortal would be better than Colossus. Please taught me how to deal with such a troop better. Sincerely, subscriber. And his name is Columbus. He's a Protoss player in Platinum. And yes, we got another one. A Chinese replay, ladies and gentlemen. You might think, hey, Columbus, didn't he go to America? But no. To China he went, my friends. The China, he went. And we got our, this is going to be a banger. The moment I see that the server is Chinese and it has more than three lines in the complaint form, I already know it's going to be fantastic. I've never had a Chinese replay in my life that disappointed me. That's actually true. Every single Chinese replay that I've ever had was brilliant. Now we're starting. Now we're talking. Assimulator first here. Now, assimilator first is only useful when you actually go into a no scout from there. If you're going into a scout, it's pretty terrible because you're just going to be undersaturated on your minerals. You don't actually want to be mining gas yet at this point. Gate timing also was a bit weird. Oh, my God. Oh, he's mining a lot of gas already. Yeah, this is not a great start. So I explain this every week, and I'm going to explain it again. The main resource required to increase your economy are minerals. So the earlier you start mining gas, the worse it is for your economy. Because probes, nexie, violence, everything that builds more economy requires minerals. Nothing that builds more economy requires gas. So the faster you get gas, the less minerals you have, the worse your eco is. This is how the easy AI scouts. Exactly like this, at 130. I once did a beating Grandmaster with stupid stuff where I copied builds of the AI, and I had the words replays of the Easy AI. And at 130 or something like that, the Easy AI sends out two probes to start scouting for proxies. Now, what did Columbus see in order to do that? Columbus saw a CC first. And then decided to go out with two. probes, go scout the entire map. All right. Yeah. You can see that Columbus doesn't have a lot of knowledge when it comes to StarCraft 2. CC first is the most economic opening for Terran, and it means that their first barracks is delayed. Columbus probably scouted this, had no clue that this was a CC first, and instead was like, hey, wait a second, there's no barracks up here. Probably proxied. Oh, this is great as well. Here we go, the third gas. Look at the timing here on the third gas, okay? Gas takes 21 seconds to build. The Nexus is still about 35, 36 seconds away from finishing. That means that Columbus' plan right now is to start long-distance mining the third gas on the natural while he's already floating. 140 gas three minutes into the game. I knew this was going to be. They never disappoint. I've never had a Chinese replay disappoint. Double Robo. I knew Columbus. was there to discover new areas, but he's also here to discover new strategies. Two robots in the natural with a battery behind this. This is the type of wall that you never see these stupid Terrans make. They always use depots and cheap buildings that are easily replaceable. This high-level chat Protoss just throws a couple of robos, the most important structure that he has, into his wall, because you know what? I'd rather lose a robot than a gateway. That's some good thinking right there. I'm so curious we're going to see her charged. Chrono boost on that. Let me note, by the way, that this war brigade didn't start immediately. We're going to go back in time a little bit, okay? Look at the timing where the... This is not going to be pretty, okay? Okay, look at this, look at this. Look at this. Oh, 205. The cybernetics score finished. Okay, 205. That means... He has the money for it, okay? He has 50 minerals and 50 gas. He can start his warp gate at any point during this time, okay? At any point. Ooh! Starts it almost a full minute too late. A full minute too late. And then in order to improve the timing where Warpgate would finish, he chrono boosts it once. He's going to waste a Chrono boost on this word gate to get the Warpgate 10 seconds faster, even though he just delayed it by 60, 60 seconds for no real reason. He's still 50 seconds late. I mean, if you're going to be 60 seconds late, it doesn't matter anyway. You're going to die against everything. Just let it be. Just skip warp gate altogether, you know, pretend like this was your plan. If I was this guy, I would have pretended like I didn't need warp. I would have started plus one error rather than this, you know? You got to stick with your guns. If people call you out on your mistakes, you just double down on your mistakes rather than admitting you're wrong. Otherwise, you're never going to make it in politics. Okay, it gets a robo bay as well. Charge. Ah, weird. This is going to be a game. I can feel it already. I also like that he, what did he say in the? I'm going to have to check back into the, okay. He was easily defeated. I had better economic than him in the midgame. Now, I don't quite know when the midgame starts. But I have a hard time believing that my man Columbus is going to have a better economic into the midgame. Okay. And let me explain this to all the slow people in the back right here. Kids in the back, all right. Pay attention. Hey. Listen to this. Mules count as about three and a half SCVs. Okay. So even though it says down here that the Protols has more workers than the Terran, the actual income is higher for the Terran because he has these bad boys that work real hard and real fast and real efficient. You can also see that in the income graph, my good friend, Columbus. It's not how it works, okay? More workers doesn't necessarily equal more income, especially if you're also not mining that many minerals. You're getting a lot of gas. You have more gas income. I'll give you that. But you're down 11 supply at the five minute mark, and that's not because of his race. That's because you just haven't been building. enough eco. Also, I'm going to be real. I don't quite know what this build is out of the Tarran, opened up with four racks, then went into a factory, then into two more barracks, and then into a star port. Somewhere in between there, a third Commence Center got built, but if I were to flame the Tarran here, it would be going against my principles, so instead we'll just say that his opener is also a rather special, but at least he's the one winning currently. Wait. Double row away, of course. I'm so stupid. I can't believe I never thought of this. Never in my life had I considered going for an observer speed rush. Without having a single observer out. That is brilliant. Now, you might think to yourself, Kevin, why would someone chronobo boost out, observer speed, if they don't have any? observers yet. And the answer is actually, why would anyone ever build an observer if they don't have observer speed? The question is the answer itself. It just doesn't make sense. If your observers are slow, why would you get them? I bet that the moment this observer speed finishes, he's immediately going to boost out an observer. And if not immediately, then the next best moment. And the next best moment will be defined by Columbus as difficult for me to judge what the next best moment would be, could be in 10, 15 minutes from now, but if Columbus thinks that is the way, then we're great, this is great, by the way, look at this. We're six minutes and 35 seconds into the game, and I just like to tell you guys what we have. We currently have an immortal and a colossi, two robotics facilities, two robo base, a forge, a twilight, and a Templar Archives, we have almost our bingo card filled with buildings is complete. Hell, if the Robo Bay, if we missed that the first time around, we could still strike it off on our little bingo card. But we don't have any units. Skewing up a couple of bad boys. See, he didn't actually need the Warpgate whatsoever. He probably just built Warbgate because he saw it in replays or like in pro games. But he's like he doesn't actually like Warpgate. Seven minutes in game. Not a single gate. I've never seen something like this. There we go. The first gateway unit, seven minutes into the game. And neither player has really... This guy hasn't even moved out yet. This is fantastic. Columbus plays like an AI. And this guy just plays like he doesn't give a crap about what's happening in the world. But this is high quality stuff. I like this so much. Okay, we get blink. storm, a prism. I think I saw an observer by the way. Oh, this speed is being utilized very well here on this observer. Look at that. This observer started following this colossi as soon as possible. As soon as it left the robo it went out. It's actually insane how good all of the Chinese replays. Yes, of course a robo here as well. For a semi-wall. I was going say it's insane how good the chinese replays tend to be like these guys just have a gift when it comes to creating memorable games storm plus two blink a third robotics facility he's like okay i now have two robotics facilities that aren't doing anything if i add a third one and the other two see the third robotics facility actually producing something maybe they'll also get motivated you know it's how people say that if you have a friend that is really into fitness you'll it's more likely to rub off, you know. It's a bit similar. If you have a robotics facility that is doing very well and producing lots of units, the other two bad boys also will get a little bit jealous. I think that is kind of what Columbus is going here for. He's exploring new ways of motivating his not only his units, but also his buildings. So he has Storm. He has four Templar, two Colossi, one disruptor, two immortals. He's fighting against 61 Marines. Now, I am very afraid. He also mentioned the APM, by the way. This indeed is a big gap. That's 81 average APM against 72. He said his opponent has better micro and better APM. That I do want to see. He got armory on the way as well. Okay, nice. He's getting the building armor, the Neal Steel armor. That's great as well. I love this stuff. This is a high-level game. I am afraid here. I'm going to have to be honest. that this Terran is going to walk into a couple of storms. I just have a feeling that we're not going to be seeing the greatest micro, okay? We have a scan here. Okay, he's going to move around the army. This is kind of exciting. This is... Ooh, a scan here, make sure there's no observer. Starts attacking the rocks. Make sure to warn your opponent that you're coming. Let's take a look at the first person here from Columbus. He isn't seeing it yet. He's getting the upgrades? Okay, get scanned on his army. Columbus is like, ooh, he sees me now. That's unfortunate. Gets attacked? Columbus? Sends his army? Okay, here we go. Now, this is the fight. First storms... Ooh. The first three storms only hitting our own units is unfortunate. Of course, the opponent moved away from it very quickly as well. So I don't think Columbus is the one to blame. here. Columbus, by the way, has negative eyesight. There is, rumored is that there's moles that see more than Columbus in this game. Okay, back to his forehead base. This doesn't have object permanent. He is a pigeon. Not again. Look at this. The army moved out of his vision, and he pretends it doesn't exist anymore. He's an ostrich. Actually sticking his head in the I was like, oh, army moved away? What if the army had moved here or here? Do you not care? Negative map vision. Absolutely negative map vision. Impressive. Observer speed being put to good use, by the way, here. Look at this bad boy. We've been following the observer at high speeds right now. My internet connection is jealous of the speeds that this observer can reach. Let me tell you that much. We now have a couple of Vikings. Now, I remember Columbus mentioning that he felt that he built too many colossi against the fact, is it two more robos? Three more robos! And prism speed! Because he's been feeling that the speed of the warp prism that has been following this colossus, it's what's holding him back. This is the reason that he's been losing. That the fights haven't been going his way. Moves into a random location now? Did he get scanned or something? I heard a scan and then he started moving. There's a single Marine here. This is a good warning though for Columbus. Columbus just chases wherever he gets attacked. You could send one Marine here. Columbus sends his entire army there. Then just straight A move into his natural one, destroy everything before Columbus realizes something happened. I like that. Okay, look at this, look at this. This, okay, this is the absolute highest level of following orders, okay? If your commander in the army tells you, guys, we're moving here, and you ask, boss, what if we encounter enemies? And the boss says, we just keep walking. Look at how this colossus looks, okay? Look at, look at how this colossus looks at this marine. Look at them, look at them, look at them. Oh, we see you. They still get taken out in the end, but the idea was there. Oh my God. This is going to be the drop of a lifetime as well. Colossus, sorry, Columbus is completely blind. No clue what's going on here. Now it gets this base destroyed. It's going to get a massive drop into the main base. How many Marines is this? You 75 Marines? Okay, let's see what the response is. Hopefully a recall to the correct base. Oh, correct base. call natural goes down main base oh honestly the Terrence movement is not too bad he's gonna get sandwich though but is it really oh my god another stim oh my god another stim maybe stim one more time he just stimmed his own units to death say no to drugs guys I'm not even sure if Storms did anything here but it's Difficult to say what actually killed these units. Was it just himself or was it a storm hitting? I think it was more himself over stimming. Upgrades are good here, by the way. This is a lovely game. I really like this game. He, observer's feet. Observer too fast for his own good. If these observers were just regular slow observers, this wouldn't have happened. Look at this. Oh, oh, also. Solid Protoss operator. Look at this. If these guys were slow like usual, if these guys were slow like usual, they'd just be floating behind these Templar or something like that. They would have survived. So for the observer speed not paying off, but perhaps in the future, you're never quite now. It's always possible that in the future something happens. I need to resume. Ship weapons. Okay, we have the new steel armor still. Armor still done. It's lovely to see. Immortal. We have three immortals, four Templar. I feel like there's actually a timing here in which if Columbus would decide to attack and hit like just one of his storms, that could be powerful. We'll see though. Okay, another miss. It's so close. yeah we hit one oh well you know we only had four storms and hitting one of them is better than he's done so far this game so i see this fight as an overall win for the Protoss even though he's going to probably lose this entire army i still feel like he made progress as a person which is also important you know it's personal growth in the first three fights he hit not a single storm unless you count hitting your own units as hitting storms and here he did hit one of the four So 25%. That's a percentage that Columbus is going to be pretty proud of. I can imagine. He does have more bases, by the way. And if you consider the 15-minute mark the mid-game, he is now officially ahead in economy. So as we're entering the five-based stage, or as Columbus would call it, the mid-game, he is in a fantastic spot right now economically. Because realistically, he's still down a crap ton of money. I didn't even know that's possible as Stoss. He's double the units lost. It's painful as well. Kind of painful, but it is what it is. Impressive, that's what it is. Oh, look at that. Four robos are being used right now. I guess the two robos in the natural did end up dying. May they rest in peace. Where are all the robos? He adds three more four. He already finished his attack upgrades so he can only use two forges. So one of the forges will be used as a backup forge. If one of the others dies, then he can take over the task of the others. Makes a lot of sense. Four colossus being produced at the same time. Where's, okay, so that's one, that's two. This is three and four and this is five, of course. He builds five robo units at the same time and starts his plus one ship weapons. or air weapons it's called for ProDos, excuse me. That also makes a lot of sense because it does feel like that the Stargate transition is imminent. I mean, he already has zero Stargates and there's no fleet beacon yet. So, oh, here comes the first Stargate, two Stargates at the same time. Columbus never builds buildings in once. They always come in pairs. Doesn't want the Stargates to be lonely. Builds them close to each other. Armour and Shield starting. It's crazy that he starts the upgrades so quickly, but then just does nothing for the rest of the game. He's just sitting, he doesn't... Do you think Columbus watched the replay? Or do you think Columbus? He just looks at the mini-map at the end of the game and says, huh, weird that I lost this game. My opponent only was on three base. I had five, building a sixth. Man, Terran Eco. Taron Yuen is completely broken. That's just insane. Yeah, let's have a look at this army. So we're going to maybe see a nice F2 here. See how this fight will go. Oh, it's an A move. We have no storms here. We have storms in the back. No storms in the back. We have some storms here. Okay, let's count storms. Well, so far the storms haven't really been necessary. There's the Coloss been doing a fantastic job. Oh! That's two hits at the same spot. That's better than not hitting though. And one more... Oh! That was a really nice fight. And this guy improves quickly. He went from zero hits to one hit to like three to four big hits. He's kind of a hat. He's winning. We're winning. The Protoss player is actually winning at this point. Columbus is doing it. Wait, how are you going to lose this game? Wait, this... We're up. 14 supply. We have Templar against a guy that has more air units than ground units does have three three upgrades just one storm needs to hit buddy i feel like this Terran is anticipating storms and columbus is just he's just not he's just not using them he says i'm not going to use my storms mate i like that the disruptor ball got sent exactly where the zealot would have been if the zeal it was still like he just used all of his templars to morph into arkons Okay, loses the Colossus But we still have five robos Ten gateways and two stargates And there's about 1700 minerals in the bank We're fine We're mining way more than the Terran at this point This is looking solid To be honest I don't quite see how this is going to be possible to lose Oh, is this maybe where The Vikings kill Oh, he's going to go for pure Colossi Now I don't mind getting three to four Colossi but you do need some ground support with it. Fleet beacon? Like some stalkers, some Arkham, some salads or I guess some carriers or tempest he's going to go for? Okay this this attack is going to hit hard. Couple more Templar. What am I looking at here? Okay the base falls. Vikings are shooting Control control Viking control is not happening There's no kiting but I think the Terran actually does win this I mean there's still 3K in the bank which You always kind of transferred it into the cheapest unit which you could buy which would be the zealot There would be 60 supply of zealots that definitely would have been helpful here 30 extra zealots being warped in Yes sir that would be real nice wasn't the case i can't believe he lost this game though that is indeed a little bit broken i wonder how he lost the game i mean his control was pretty decent the fights definitely felt cost efficient i just can't imagine a reason why columbus here would get kicked out of this game that's so odd Colossi and Immortal still stuck. Is Columbus realizing? He's rallying probes into his natural right now. Completely undersaturated third base, or whatever base is, sixth base. Columbus decides to rally them straight into his net, which has two mineral patches remaining. This is the type of high-level decision-making that stops me from reaching the top, I think. Sometimes I watch my games against Cyril Beck, and I think to myself, what could I have possibly done better here? But I think I'm getting the answers watching this. Okay, it's a fourth base again. I like how Calmie is under all of this as well. It's like, oh, my opponent's still on three bases. I think I have a chance. Didn't he say in his form that his opponent was on four bases? His opponent is actually on five bases. And there's a planetary here. Like, sure, it's not a whole lot of bases, but it's still more than four. Oh, my God. He wants against Storm. his own zealads. Also hit some of the marauders initially though, so not too unimpressive. Yeah, and at this point you're just dead. This was a fantastic game. All right. Holy crap. Where to start? First of all, you didn't speak the truth. You said you were ahead economically into the mid game, unless you define the mid game as the final part of the game. You weren't actually ahead in the mid game. I decided to make more high temp, yet they didn't do much damage is another thing you said they did do damage but mainly on your own units so a statement that i'd consider a half truth basically okay now we're going to judge you here on on three things one of those first one is going to be the map vision your map vision um was non-existent you had no map vision you saw nothing your response to everything you you did see wasn't there either. So both your responsiveness to the things you saw and seeing the things you wanted to see were the worst that I've ever seen. And thus you get a big, fat, that is absolutely terrible, massive suck stamp for that one. Then for the second, a new category invented especially for you, because I do feel a bit bad for you, and that is buildings. you had many buildings. You sometimes build the same building five times. Out of the buildings, you made many upgrades, which weren't all useful, but you did build them. So for that, you get a sticker. Three stars, three golden stars for you, my friend. Good job. Keep fighting. And finally, your unit control. It's been a very long time. a really long time since I've seen a Protoss get doubled in the unit lost step or doubling the Terran in the units lost while the Terran is on mass marine marauder fighting against Colossus Templar I'm not even sure how this is possible it is actually very difficult to do as a proto's and I am impressed appalled and I want to shoot myself all at the same time so for that you get a massive, truly atrocious stamp, especially hamster crafted stamp. Dish! On that one, put all three of these together, and what do we get? My friend, Taron is not imbalanced. You just freaking suck. All right, that's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you enjoyed this episode, please feel free to hit the like button. It helps a lot. Share it with your friends. Post it on Reddit, but don't tell them that I tell you, told you to be. posted on Reddit because then they'll ban my content. So do it on the download. And yeah, subscribe to the channel, of course. All of that good stuff. I also have a Patreon down in the description. Do all that. And we'll see you next time for more episodes of other things as well. Ciao, yeah. |
These ELITE ROACHES Are Actually Far Too Cost-Efficient... | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | After a lot of high elo replays in Grandmasters and other high leagues it is time to get back to the lower leagues again. And here we have a beautiful Bronze replay trying to showcase why Protoss is OP. But these players completely exeeded my expectations! Smash like to give them the power to rank up! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/sXc6geaqa7c/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | sXc6geaqa7c | Dear Harstam, I know that you're bored about complaining about Skytos, so I get something different. I played against Protoss, go 12 pool and have some damage on his eco, but he built Mass Stalker High Templar. I got my 3-3 upgrades before his ground attack 3 upgrade, if my memory is good, and I build Mass Roach, which, if I know correctly, counter-stalkers. And Templars too, because they are tanky, but he's beating me, no matter how hard I try and how much roaches I build, he's unbeatable and he don't even get disruptors or sentry just stalkers and that's it he won with 310 upgrades this guy should truly start considering using punctuation i know that i didn't attack his basis but it's still embarrassing out of context he almost stole my nickname so i wanted to beat him even harder but you will see is it imba or do i suck and sorry for this ant words but it was late and i was tired and he frustrated me to maximum so you know but i have to so you know but i have to i do i do i do i do do know but you have to indeed name tolo race Zerg league bronze we're indeed here in a bronze league replay starting with a 12 pool you know you see the lings making their way across the map this actually seems a properly timed 12 pool I have to admit the lings leave at around the time where you would expect lings to leave with a 12 who may be three or four seconds delayed we'll see it's actually pretty funny it's tollot versus tolo it is very similar nicknames He said a couple of boys get left behind here. Oh, they move back to make sure that the others can catch up. A rally point over here. Start chasing a worker now. You love to see it. Now, let me explain you guys a little bit about the 12-book. The 12-poo is a strategy that is supposed to hit as tightly as possible. And the reason for this is because if the Protols had scouted, which, let's be real, the Protoss didn't. He could already have a zealot out and his cybercore could have been done already had he gone Corby for Nexus which the toss did here but for some reason his score still isn't done for another 12 seconds and his first adept could be out in about 14 seconds. This is why you need to hit as tight as possible around like 153 154. Our man hit about 20 seconds late. 15 seconds late that's okay. What is this micro? I've never seen this before in my life. He is stutter stepping with lings. Okay, wait, I want to zoom in on this. To truly, I want to open up the APM tab here. Okay, so currently he's spamming 200 APM on stuttering. Look at this. Does one damage on this worker, like a 5, 10 damage on this worker, then goes to the next one, goes back to this one. He's just damaging every worker individually. Look. There's like five, six, what is it? Seven, eight workers that are damaged here. None of them have died. 400 apm of this. Look at this. He goes back now. Has one link still at the ramp. Goes in again. 300 apm. Of moving back and forth getting hit. Look, he doesn't even attack anymore. He hasn't done a single damage. I feel like an AI easy would be doing a better job with this. control. He actually, he did 10 damage total on two of these probes now with 4 lings. He lost 3 lings to do 10 shield damage. He killed nothing. He did zero damage. None. So the trade, didn't he say he did eco damage? I played against Protoss. 12 pool and have some damage on his eco. Well, that's a bit much, no? He pulled workers away to deal with your 12 pool. So you delay your hatchery by like 45 seconds in your case. She also went a very fast gas for some reason. Delayed your eco, cut workers, so that your opponent had to pool workers of the mineral line for about 25 seconds before you lost six lings. By the way, with a 12 pool, you're supposed to build 10 lings at least. You're supposed to get the gas way after the hatcher. because you can't really do much of anything. You damaged two workers. That's it. Two workers. One worker lost 5 HP and the other one lost 10 HP. So for the price, the small price of about what, the 12 pool cost I think about like maybe 500 minerals or so, or 400 minerals, a normal 12 pool. You managed to do 15 damage. Spread over two probes. That is just impressive as a result. I don't think that would be possible Even the Red Cross does more damage in their operations And they're a charity that tends to heal people Like they accidentally dry over like a rabbit or something like that You know? Like on their way to set up tents Holy crap You just start a charity my friend The way that you manage to keep things alive Even if it isn't your intention is very important is just big. This could be big for the world, my friend. You should become the accidental doctor, you know? Planning a military, like governments can hire you for military missions where you think you're about to attack an area, but really they just want the people there to get better. They send you in. Here comes Super Tolo again. It's a bit like the Truman Show. Everyone is in on the joke, except for you. You buy all these RPGs and weapons. try to shoot down a building, accidentally create a brilliant piece of architecture and saving the lives of many people at the same time. Not sure how you would do it, but you can. Holy crap, that was terrible, Ling Micro. Actually awful. We often discuss the concept of negative micro, but this is taking it to the next level, my friend. Very impressive. Okay, your follow-up is going to be what? double evo. Okay, so you're talking about the fast upgrades that you were getting, the quick layer. You're down about 15 workers, but let's just pretend that isn't the case here. So right now you're about 500 down in mineral income, about 300 down in gas income, which means your opponent is going to be capable of building a lot more units. Your opponent also is just up in supply overall, but you do have very nice upgrades. I'm going to give you that, okay? I'm just going to try to look at the positive here, because I feel like if I'm going to be focusing on the negative, I might actually have a heart attack by the end of this game. Because there's just a little bit too much information. So you get good upgrades, glial reconstitution, you're spreading creep. And honestly, for a bronze player, a very decent pace. Very nice. It's difficult for me to believe that both of you are actually bronze. Like, this guy is micro-ing quite well. It's getting glaves now after a Templar archives. This strategy really doesn't make a lot of sense from the Toss either. 14 drones got produced at once by the Zerg here. And honestly, the injects have been somewhat okay because there were a lot of larva available. So it's just nothing is being done with these injects and quite frankly nothing is being done in general, I feel like. I'm just going to first person this for a little bit. I'm just curious what's happening here. Like you're spamming a lot of hotkeys. Wait, am I not following your screen? Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm following the screen or not. Okay, now I am. I think I was before already as well you just didn't move it let's check the APM yes 80 is 100 just looking around making sure everything's okay you see the lack of workers on your third base and obviously the first thing you think of is let me get some workers on the third base what actually is happening here this is very weird to watch I feel like you're just watching things happen most of the time it's kind of clicking around. This is how I used to play Age of Empires 1, you know, me and my brother, and we just look at the guys mine the woods. We had a great time playing that game for hours on end. Just watching these guys mine woods and get like food from the sheep and stuff like that. This is a very peaceful experience. People don't appreciate this when they're at this level, but this is the type of peaceful experience. Once you get better, you're never going to get back, you know? Just building stuff and enjoying seeing as like, like, like, zooming. in on the evolution chamber going, oh, like, it moves when an upgrade is happening, dancing, you know, that type of stuff, it just feels so nice. I feel like both of these players just kind of are building up and having a good time playing some StarCraft too. I'm not even going to blame them for that, you know. Have you a good time building up your army. I would, however, suggest adding a couple of drones. You have a third base. You want to kind of saturate that. You're down in workers by quite a bit. You have been down in workers for a long time. you also don't really know much about your opponent the last time you saw your opponent he was barely building a natural and had a gateway in the main base an overseer or well you even got overlord speed so you could just send in an overlord and scout even though that might be a little bit of a foreign concept for you as yeah you didn't even know how to micro and scouting usually comes after microing oh you actually do get a scouting look at that you see things you see storm what else do you see see a lot of units here, a bunch of Templar, okay? And in your head, you think, okay, that's a lot of Templar, that's a lot of gateway units. I know that the Roach is a tanky unit. They can tank storms, and they're good against most gateway units, and this is actually completely correct. As long as there's no amount of immortals or disruptors or some air units or maybe even colossi, roaches actually trade surprisingly well against everything that Toscan build on the ground. Zealots, High Templars, Stalker, Sentry, yeah. Roaches do indeed, do very well. Now, when I say that they do well, I mean that they do well, if you have a lot of roaches and the other guy has a decently sized army as well, you're going to win the fight. It doesn't mean you get to just absolutely stomp over your opponent. Like there's going to be trades like there is in most armies, right? So you walk in here, a couple of storms. Don't forget that storm also is quite fine again. Like, it's not a bad spell against roaches. Roaches are very clumpy. You can hit, like, 12, 13 roaches with a single storm. And if the Roach player stays in the storm, Storm is actually a decent counter against it. Like, I think if I were to control this army, I could definitely beat this one. Like, a couple of forcefield, a couple of storms, and then you just aim of your way to victory, in my opinion. Now, of course, there is two upgrades. But I'd still suggest, even if you're playing against such a gateway-focused, army to eventually transition out of this. And you could transition into many different things, but as you're already getting the range upgrade, lurker could be a good suggestion here, you know. You're going to get your two-two upgrades, your three-three upgrades, add in a couple of lurkers and an army that has no immortals whatsoever. It's just going to get completely blasted here. Now, this is good control out of you, honestly. I like this control. You're moving back and forth, you know, the kiting. There's a lot of creep. There's actually a lot of creep. There's actually a lot of even though nothing has happened and sure you had a lot of time I appreciate the creep spread I mean you're actually just kind of winning this game you can fight this army as an interesting pile I'll see it again yeah it's so good show to me one two This is like the guys in a protest and when like the riot police shows up, they're all the way in the back. They have like this small tiny rock and they accidentally throw it into the floor onto themselves, you know? This by all did nothing, but I still appreciate that you tried, you know. You were there, Mr. Reveger. Appreciate it my friend. A job well done if you ask me. Now the toss is going to attack into you without plus two. That is obviously a mistake. This is a nice, nice concave. These were good bios. It seems like your control with this army is honestly not that bad. After I saw what you did with the lings in the early game, let's just say that I wouldn't have signed up for your army if I had the chance. You're also still lacking workers in a very big way. Like no extra gases. You're just down in income by a lot. Like you're just mining a lot less. Your army also is less valuable than your opponents, but I think your upgrades largely will make up for that. like you're down about 800 gas or so and gas often is very important in arreys because gas units tend to be spellcasters and expensive units that do well in fights i also feel like that your max out is a little bit slow like i remember that back in the day in wings of liberty a 12 minute max out was fast but that was off of a six-worker start nowadays people can max in like seven minutes to be fair they don't max with two-two so You do have that going for you. Just have a crap ton of money. You have four more raveragers. You could start 3-3, maybe some tech added. Maybe you could do a run by or anything. I feel like you're just mainly running back and forth with these roaches, not really wanting to engage, but not really wanting to stay back either. So you see your opponent. You move into the storms. You lose about eight, nine roaches. And you retreat. You build them again and you go back. This is one hell of a fight. I actually can't believe this is the type of game that I'm missing. You borrow. Okay. To hue quicker, I guess. I do like that as well. Tunneling claws. So maybe we're finally going to see some action. Like we have a base here that is open to attack. There's really no observer whatsoever here. So tunneling clause could be very useful. Let's see if these roads are going to be able to do something now. Have we had any fights yet? Okay. So far the fights have been. in favor of the Zerg every fight that has happened in total resources lost heavily or heavily yeah kind of heavily it's almost double heavily in favor of the Zerg this is a really bad engagement for Toss so far good Biles as well and good control out of the storms I I do like that a lot and once again you're even though your army was probably a little bit weaker and still is a little bit weaker especially gas wise the way the Toss is fighting is a little bit debatable with the storms everywhere he's still going to be trading out some units against you but I think in general if you don't lose all of these roaches this probably was another good fight for about an equal fight about an equal fight I think this was not bad not great it was fine you're gonna end up cleaning up so you'll get like plus 2,000 or something like that hamster will have that on the screen I'm sure so so far actually your army has been very cost efficient against this Like, especially if this guy keeps sending a unit like this. And you're also up in supply. Your opponent does have more money in the bank and still has more income because both of you are on four bases, but you are mining off of, well, two bases total. Half a patch here, or half a base here, half a base here, and then one base here. This one's highly oversaturated. So there was two base economy against about three and a half base economy, if we include the gold as well. Then you attack into someone who is messing stalkers. I think you can just straight up kill your opponent here. You just have way more army. You have 35 roaches with 2-2, soon to be 3-3, and your opponent only had 10 stalkers, but instead you're just waiting here. I do think you have a bit of a timing here. I really do believe that. You can just fight this. But instead you're just going to be chilling on the creep. I wonder what you're doing. Let's open the APM tab again. Okay, so you have 150. You have 200 average APM. Holy crap you're fast. I love watching this. This is so peaceful. He's just doing things, but he's clicking very fast. I'd love to see the actual first person, like where he's clicking, because he must just be like spamming buttons or something. This is good. It's a good fight. You can fight this 100%. You can kite back and fight this. You do need to kite back. little bit but even if you don't I think you're gonna get a good trade you're fighting three three against two two and that a couple of moves here reminded me of the initial Zurgling micro where you attack you move back but you don't really attack and you're gonna get cleaned up here I think overall you ended up with a semi positive trade still your opponent just had a pretty big army there so like you're you're gonna trade out something at some point in your life you know I'd really recommend here getting about 20 more drones so you go up to 78 80 drones take a fifth pace really get that eco buzzing and then transition into something different so far you've only really built one unit that's the roach you built six lings six lings and you've lost 135 roaches and seven ravagers so far and you remaxed on 31 new roaches well it's not really remaxing because you're very far from being maxed Your opponent's about to get plus three as well. And once your opponent gets plus three, sure, he's down in carapace or in armor upgrades, but it's not that big of a deal with ProDos most of the time. If you, again, Zerg, if you don't have shield, shield and armor. Because it's not like roaches have a very high rate of fire. So the armor would be nice, but it wouldn't be absolutely game-changing. If you're playing against Marines or maybe even Hydras, that would be a little bit different. But in this case, like i said it would be nice to have but it's not game changing see that you're going into malay upgrades and more queens as well getting some trades i wonder why the rest of your army is it feels like your your supply doesn't quite match with your check there's nine queens somewhere this probably was the first fight which wasn't that great for you so far oh a burrow i like that you can also burrow the drones oh roaches get rallied in i mean Yeah, this fight wasn't absolutely brilliant, and you're probably decently far behind, especially considering that your opponent keeps expanding and actually sends probes as well to the outside basis, and has just constantly been outmining you. Like, I don't think I've ever in my entire life seen a game where a Zerg builds mass roaches and actually is up 6K in units lost. Like the roach, the description of the roach in my mind is a very respectful. placeable unit that is inefficient but quite strong especially in the early to the midgame it's good for staying alive that's what the roach is for and it can be used in certain all ins you're using it as a core unit well you're using it at everything it's a support a core a carry what else do you have in these mobas you're just everything at once you're juggling as well my friend like you're going hem with this roach but eventually I would suggest switching out not because you're not trading efficiently but because you could trade even better against the mediocre army your opponent is building if you would be going into Brutelords ultralisk if you had the upgrades I have to add that Brutelords ultralisk or Lurkers you would completely destroy him like you turn these fights where you do have superior your upgrades and you tend to have pretty decent numbers and okay micro against a bad army composition which the toss quite frankly has like mess arc on zealot is just a bad army composition it also isn't what you said you said it was mass stalker this guy hasn't been building that many stalkers lately this is good control by the way by you very nice control out of the Zerg i do like that a couple of roaches taking out these zealids you know i think this was a very good fight so far for you even though you were down in army supply once again i think you're actually going to really get a head out of this or well get a very good trade you're never going to get ahead because you're down 25 workers so no matter what happens you're always going to lose um in the long run no matter how efficient you're going to be trading i also like that there was like nine queens with a bunch of transfusers just standing around doing nothing but they are going to get used now i really want to be up 8k in units lost playing pure roach, pure roach queen. Please use some transfuse. It's fine. You don't need to. Like, you're getting good trades. You just don't have any money. This is not an issue with the roach sucking or storm or stalkers being overpowered. This is an issue with you, A, not transitioning out of an army, which you could transition out of. But more importantly, it's just a complete lack of money. And I don't see how you don't understand this. Like, there's more factors in the game than just upgrades. It feels like you just focus so much on the upgrades and the fact that you had better upgrades that you should be capable of building anything. Let me tell you this. If you have 3-0 lings against pure Archon with only plus one, the Archons are still going to win because Archons are just a hard counter to lings. You could have 3-3 lings with adrenal glands. if your opponent has plus one Archons and like six Templar with storm and he manages to hit the storms on the lings you're going to win as well or you're going to lose as well with the lings like there is just unit counters that are better and even if you have better wait was this double spire even if you have better upgrades it doesn't necessarily mean you're always going to win the fight against people with worse upgrades unit counters the amount of units the amount of reinforcements all of these things matter so much in this game and you're kind of approaching it in a yeah only from a single angle I would say the upgrade angle which is good usually if you focus on one thing and you do that very well you can get pretty far but you're not really using the advantage well like you could be transitioning into lurkers and be doing so much more also you've never used the tunneling claws yet it really would do some damage because there's not a single piece of detection on the map I think there might be a cannon here, but nothing else. You could actually just go into your opponent's main base and completely destroy him. But instead, you're just standing on creep doing nothing. You're finally aware that he has five bases, but I mean, just the awareness of your opponent having five bases, it doesn't do much for you. It's nice to know, but you also need to be able to do something. Now your opponent attacks you again. And the thing is, is that I can see you getting another okay trade here, you know? You're probably going to end up. even further ahead in the trades. But your opponent still has 1,700 in the bank, is still outmining you by almost double the income and just took out your gold base. So yeah, I think you once again that's slightly better in the trade. Woo-hoo! Especially when it comes to army value. Supply-wise, I think, is actually pretty close, but roaches are just really cheap. So if you lose one, that's not a lot of units lost because they are only 75-25. Like roaches are very supply to resource efficient in a way. Stalker is 125-50 and roaches 75-25. Both of them are two supplies. So if the toss loses 50 supply of stalkers and you lose 50 supply of roaches, that's actually really good for you in the units lost step and overall because usually you have better mining than the toss. But in this case because you're mining so much less, It seems like your opponent can lose 50 supply of stalkers, and if he kills 30 supply of roaches, it's still going to be a fine trade because he's outmining you so hard. And that's just basically what's happening here. You're not doing anything. I just can't believe that you're just sitting here, not doing anything with any of the tools you have. You can burrow. Also, you started your greater spire, but now you don't have any money to get any broodlords out. I also kind of stop believing that brute lords are going to be the answer here, because your opponent now is on an army that consists of 34 stalkers. And even though stalkers aren't the greatest counter to broodlords, they can deal with them, especially if they're in small numbers, and they're not well upgraded. And your broodlords would not be well upgraded. So at this point, I'd maybe recommend going into some investors to catch the blink stalkers. I like this run by. I really do. I would like it even more if there was some multitasking involved. So rather than just trying to lose these, you could tunneling claws maybe out of here. that could be a possibility you have researched it after all your opponent has no detection you could have done that but you also could have given away all of your roaches I think this was one of the first fights where you actually didn't trade very efficiently I just don't understand how it is possible that for so long you can do absolutely nothing and still be in such a fine position building only roaches 24 minutes into the game just relying purely on your upgrades. I actually, I'm going to say one thing, though, I'm surprised that at the level of this game, like, I really thought that bronze was going to be way less creepsread, way more money floating, but especially the Protoss when it comes to spending money, actually hasn't been bad at all. He's been expanding pretty rapidly. The APM was 100. The Zerg had 200 APM. I'd love to see what this guy is clicking. I just want like a video of this guy playing like I want to know what's up here I really want to see this I think at this point the stalker army is simply the big no 43 stalkers to 14 roaches Yeah, it's not great It really isn't great Yeah, you're just gonna lose this fight. It's just what it is nice control now out of the toss as well for the first time by the way Toss also let's be real hasn't been controlling too well You're just gonna lose everything. Two broodlords? Where are your broodlers on the way? Okay, over here. Yeah. At this point I think... I am no expert, but I think two broodlords against 39 stalkers is going to be a very tough battle. But I do appreciate the micro. He's even kiting with the brood. How is it possible that a guy that controlled six zerglings against eight probes and killed nothing, lost all six zerglings, then manages to kite broodlords? What is this race? What do you mean? Do we get anything else or is that it? I have max upgrades since 10 minutes. And you have three attack, one shield. That's true. And you are winning. That is also correct. Because of storms. F toz. Because of storms? Where are you watching the same game, my friend? The unit lost step in the end says 4.8K resources lost for the TOS, 43K for the Zerg. And this is after TOS killed every last building on the map. If we slightly go back into the replay, it's probably going to be even worse. As we see, before all the buildings go down, it's like 11K in favor of the Zerg. of the Zerg. Spamming mess roaches, by the way. I've never seen this in my entire life. A Zerg player that is messing roaches and is up in the Yunus Lost app. Just in general, Zerg being up in Yunus Lost is super rare once players go into the main, into the late game. I just actually can't believe this. This is so odd. And you dare, you dare complaining about the High Templar? What's wrong with you? Okay, let's have a look at it. I harst them. I complain about Sky Tos. I got my three, three upgrades correctly. You know what? We're just going to go over. We're going to go over the little complaint for him, and we're going to figure out if this person lied at all. I played against Protoss. I go 12 pool. That was correct. He went 12 pool. And I have some damage on his eco. That is debatable. If pooling a couple of workers for half a minute is considered damage on eco, then everything is damage on eco. of a widow mind dies, but forces away five probes from the line, that would be eco-davort. So that is a lie. That's lie number one. But he built Mass Stalker High Templar. Yes, but not exclusively. So a partial lie. A lot of it was also Mass-Zallet Arcon. I got my three-three upgrades before his Ground Attack 3 upgrade. That was true. And I built Mass Roach. That was definitely correct. That is a big truth. And Mass. counter stalkers. This is, this was more of a question, but I, so-so, they so-so counter-stalks, and they also counter Templars according to him. That's just not really true, I think. I think if you have pure stalker Templar well-controlled against Mass Roach, the Roach player should never be able to engage because of good zoning storms, and you can't really stand into it. But if both armies are maxed, similar upgrades, actually think the stalker-templer player would win. But you know what? We'll give that to him as well. They're tankie. He's beating me no matter how hard I try and how much roach I build. He's unbeatable. He don't even get disruptors or sentry, just stalkers, and that's it. He won with 310 upgrade. Okay, he is not unbeatable. Actually, at one point, you had won 60 supply against like 80 supply, and you could have just A-moved him at his third base. He was beatable there. But also, you just kept killing his army. There was no issue with you killing his army, there was an issue with you getting your own army back. You just were lacking eco completely. You just, you completely misread what lost you the game. You didn't even watch the replay. You didn't even check any of the graph showing that his income went like straight to the sky off camera. That's how high he was. And your income was like, like this basically. It wasn't even close. I know that I didn't attack his bases, but it's still embarrassing. It was really embarrassing to watch. You had good tools to harass. You had tunneling claws, you had roaches. Well, that's really all the tools you had. But those are good tools, as he had no detection whatsoever. You didn't use it. I'm sorry, I'm going to have to say it, my friend. You just sucked. You weren't very good at all. You need to get more eco. You need to get more transitions going. but stick with the upgrades and your midgame micro wasn't too bad you know the roach control thumbs up for that but overall big fat suck all right that's going to be it for this episode of is it imba or do i suck if you didn't enjoy this episode don't forget to hit the subscribe button smash like and we'll see y'all next time for a new episode thanks so much for watching and bye |
The Hellion Drop that DESTROYED ShoWTimE... | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | I am tasked to defend my good friend and Sensei ShoWTimeE! This Terran really thinks, he lost to Imbalance while it was just ShoWTimE's INCREDIBLE skill and brain! Or... Was it...? Smash like and find out! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8P1oVd_Qtfw/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | 8P1oVd_Qtfw | Dear Harstam, this Protoss player I faced is so used to playing against marine reactor expense that he struggled to deal with my Reaper. On top of that, he did absolutely zero scouting other than the first probed and adept. No hallucination and his shade never got in. For this reason, I decided to fly my halion drop around to keep it hidden. My brain is bigger than his, and my reasoning paid off as I killed 16 probes for three helions and a medevac. When he took this much economic damage. I knew I just had to not take random damage from Blinkstalkers, which I didn't. I thought I would be in a good spot from this point, but the Protoss units just crushed my first push like an ant. I'll admit he was patient, made a nice around, but anyone can do that with zealots. In the meantime, I played faster than him with Raven harass, and had a double drop in his main shortly after, but lucky for him, recall is a thing. After this, he just moves out and kills me without any effort. I had absolutely terrible vision and didn't see his move out, but I don't think vision would have mattered. Name, find my appi, race, Terran league, grandmaster, 5.6K MMR, European Terran player, and his opponent is going to be Showtime. All right. So just to make sure that everyone knows, showtime is about a usually floating around 6.8, 6.9K MMR. This guy is what, what was he? 5-6. Why isn't my game speeding up? There we go. So that means that this is about a 1,200 MMR difference. The freaking audacity of this guy to send in a replay against Showtime though, that's something big. Holy crap. This is what Terrans do, okay? It doesn't matter who they're playing against. Terence actually believe this. Terence actually believed that if the game was balanced, that find my Appi should be capable of destroying showtime on the ladder. They think this is insanity. 1,200 MMR, okay? 1,200 MMR. That's low Grandmaster against the absolute top of Grandmaster. This is the difference between like a silver two player and a master's three player or like maybe Diamond 1. That is the level of difference we're talking about here. I never get that replay though, do I? I never get a replay from the Silver 2 Protols who played against his Zerg friend that is 1,200 MMR above him, saying, hey, I didn't manage to beat my friend who's been playing for five years more than me. This is imbalance. No, you only get this with low Grandmaster Terrans. This is what they do. This is what they do. All right, let's have a quick look at what's happening here. He said he struggled with my Reaper because he's only used to playing against Marine Reactor Expans. Now, let's see if that's correct. I already see something here. This is... Okay, so what's happening here is Showtime is playing the map. Showtime is a highly intelligent player. And I'm going to pause the game here for a bit. I'm going to explain you guys a little bit of game theory, okay? On this map, walling off the Reaper ramp is so good because you can double wall this with a gateway and a Cybercor, have your pylon over here, and hide your tech in this location. This means that if there is a Reaper wall, that the Reaper will never be able to scout what tech the Protoss is doing. As most Protoss do a Reaper wall, this means that building a Reaper on this map is really dumb. Or well, really dumb. It's not really dumb, it's just it tends to be very useless. As a result, what Showtime decides to do is he plays Nexus before Core, and that means his first adept is going to be delayed, and also that he won't have a Reaper wall. If his opponent opens Reaper, he's going to be in a bit of trouble because his first adept is late and there is no Reaper wall. If his opponent opens up with a Marine, it's going to be in a great spot. So that's kind of what Showtime is hoping for, that this opponent does the more intelligent thing. Now, that doesn't mean that you should never play Reaper on Oxide. I think it's good to mix it in, but whenever you see a very good player struggle with something, always try to think, hey, why is this? Was there something different in the build order here that I missed? And in this case, the answer is, yes, I missed something in the build. order as find my appi probably doesn't even know the difference between a Nexus first and a core first he's going to be popping in we'll be able to pick of one yep one probe that's actually just the way it's supposed to be this reaper should die though just pull the workers put that was really sloppy that actually was dealing with it poorly you know what i find my appi i'm going to give you this one one o for you you know you manage to stay alive with the reaper and you kill the you kill the worker so good job um you even manage to scout attack i believe yeah so this is At this point, the Reaper's already done his job. He can do two things with this Reaper. A, he can keep it alive to check for a potential third base and for like a moveout, so you can just poke in every now and then over here and you just patrol this area and sometimes poke in here just to make sure nothing is leaving the base, maybe even see like the ADEP moving out or whatever. Or second, you can try to jump in again, scout the secondary tech, like whether that's a robo or blink, and maybe get another worker kill. Because there's no Reaper wall. Showtime needs to keep both of his units at home actually I understand why he's moving out with this because he wants to get information but this is kind of dangerous because he only has a single unit at home so if a Reaper walks into the natural he might be in trouble Adept scouts what did he see well not much really he saw a barracks and that's pretty much it didn't see anything else so a complete lack of Marines in total though so maybe that's a clue It's hard to say. Shata wants to take a third base, so he moves there, and now the Reaper comes in. I'm not sure if this is good timing out of Find My Appie. Like he knew that this stalker was going to move out. But if it was, then that's pretty sick. If it wasn't, then, well, nice, nice lucky. Two workers have been killed so far. Yeah, that's nice. It's a good start. It's honestly a good start. The follow-up was going to be a... Where did he go? What is this? flying pad. Did you just fly to the corridor? I love to see this. It is. Why is he going over here first? Why don't you just straight away go to the left? I'm fine with it. You know what? I don't even care. You're allowed to do what you want, find my up. If you think this is the way to go, then this is the way to go. You know that? That is absolutely fine. We have a factory, a Raven. So it's going to be a third C. Or sorry, factory Raven. Factory Starport. So most likely going to be C. This is a build that someone like Hero Marine would do a lot. And if Hero Marine kills like three workers with his aliens, he'll move out afterwards with his barracks, with his three barracks production and just kill you with like three, four tanks, a Raven, one one upgrades. He hits at like 7.40, I believe, usually. 735, something like that, like 120 supply. Like actually, absolutely insane amounts. Hero Marine is probably, I think he's one of the best triple C openers in the world. Like he just has one of the best triple-CC openers, like out of anyone. Okay, so this is actually going to do a crap ton of damage here. That's really, really sick. Now, this is going to sound stupid, and I'm going to make an excuse here for showtime, okay? His start was a little bit rough, and he actually held all of his units in position until the timing for a helion drop was completely open. Over. So, like, this actually made sense. It makes sense that there's nothing in the main base at five minutes. You want to be moving out, or you want to be moving out. starting to think about defending your third. Maybe there's going to be a push or something. It is a little bit risky because you didn't have the observer here yet. So moving out, well, you open yourself for this type of stuff. But yeah, like I understand why this happens. It's not good, it's not pretty, and it's not super tight out of showtime. But I understand why it happens. Now, while this is happening, it's always important to note what's going on on the other side of the map. Okay? So, yes, our friend is doing a lot of damage, but take a little. look at this supply block okay let's have a look at this supply block this is a supply block of a lifetime so he drops these and at this point it wouldn't surprise me if this Terran player does nothing but micro the cars so we're gonna see if that's correct 70 out of 70 at 5 minutes he shoots he shoots he's building SVs not realizing he's supply block he's constantly swapping you can you can see that here in the bottom he's building more and more units not realizing his supply block still he's gonna wait for his CC to finish most likely every time he loses a unit he can build more units yeah he was supply block during the entirety of this he actually waited for his CC to finish that's gonna be the first time he's gonna get unsupply block it's gonna get double refinery before the eBay's as well and he's floating 500 minerals it's gonna be floating a fair amount of money he's gonna go Where's he going? Where actually is he going? Not going to go straight for an orbital command. Now the follow it most of the time is indeed going to be blink stalkers. So you always got to be a bit careful against that. I like the bunker on the high ground. He's not producing anything out of these barracks. These tanks are not in position either. Like what are these tanks defending? This tank is actually reaching nothing. reaching nothing. It isn't defending his mineral line. It isn't even really, well, it's defending the bunker, I guess, but if he jumps up here, he doesn't defend anything, doesn't defend the low ground. This is a really bad tank. This tank also isn't that useful as it's not defending this bunker. Like nothing is defending this bunker and there's two tanks out. Now finally unit production continues. Here we go. It took a long time for anything to happen here. There's almost 24 seconds without any production on this barracks. eBay's still not going down by the way. 200, 300 gas in the bank. He's going to get Metafax before he's going to be able to get his upgrades going. That is extremely rare. That is extremely rare actually. I really don't like that. So even though he said he didn't take any real damage from the blink stalker attack, he took a lot of indirect damage because his macro isn't that good. Like, and he's been messing up his building. build order, double depot drop at the same time as well right now, and still almost instantly supply block again. That's going to cost him money. No worker production during this. I don't even know why, because he did have the money. Now he can finally start 1-1. 1-1 is never going to finish for this push. Unless he decides to push at like the 9-minute mark or something like that, this is never going to actually do it. He has no real... It just has so little units because he's lacking money. He also didn't manage to land his third base yet. which is a little bit surprising because he should have been able to land that already he should have just been a little bit more confident in moving out now this push is about to hit at this point I guess with 1-1 stim-bat maybe not with 1-1 yet with stim and combat for sure it's going to start moving out there's a decently sized army I should cancel this bunker I'm not quite sure if this is enough he just lacks a bit of money and got supply block a lot but You know, he's going to get a setup here. He's going to get a setup. That's nice at least. Should be sieging up at least a single tank already. All tanks at the same time. This siege up really achieved nothing. I wouldn't mind if this was two tanks and then two extra tanks are being sent forward. Good first force field out of showtime. Like, you're not forcing anything here, you know? This has now been two siegeups, which basically delayed this fight by about 20 seconds. And he hasn't really been producing too much. behind this. I'm not quite sure why that is. He just hasn't been. This has two extra barracks, but there's just no real units being built. I don't quite understand what's happening. But the, well, double armory is what's happening. Maybe it's a Mac transition. I haven't seen that before. See, this army now is just, it's the same army as it was about a minute ago, except Showtime had three extra warping rounds. Yeah, he's going to clean it up. Of course. It's not that big of a surprise. So Terran loses about everything. doesn't really have a lot of reinforce... Where are the reinforcements? I was gonna get the double drop in the main. If this would have happened a bit faster, that would have been sick, or if this first fight would have happened a bit faster. Gets a double drop into the main, yeah, but there's a recall. Yeah, I mean, that's life, isn't it? That's just what happens. Like, there's a recall available, he uses a recall, and you get pushed out. So, what did you say in your little thing? What was he said? I thought I would be in a good spot from this point. The Protoss units just crushed my first push like an end. Yeah, sure, because you announced you were there a minute ahead of time, then you stood around doing nothing, seizing the rocks rather than seizing your opponent's base, not fighting, reinforcements being slow. You'll admit he was patient. He wasn't even patient. There was just no use for him to attack into you. Like, he wasn't under siege. This is like if you would set up camera, outside of someone's fortress, and then you still see the supply lines, supplying the fortress, and you just wave at the guys, bringing them, like, the carts and the wagons filled with food for the castle. It's like, you just didn't cut anything off. You weren't doing any damage. It wasn't threatening at all. Like, you might as well have been sieged up at your home base. It didn't matter. In the meantime, I played faster than him with what? With Raven Arrasse, and had a double drop in his main shortly after. Wait, did I miss her? Raven Ars? This raven got four kills. What do you mean? Played faster with my Raven Arras. You might have killed like half an observer and two workers. Played faster with the Raven Arras. I don't care if you played faster. It's whether you do damage or not. I can also play faster than my opponent. If I smash my keyboard with my fist a couple of times, but I don't think it will achieve a whole lot. How's you say? And you had a double drop in his main shortly after. Just getting a double drop into someone's main doesn't mean that that's a good thing. You know, I can have a mothership and eight carriers into my opponent's main base as well. But if my opponent has 25 corruptors, three vipers and four investors there, that's actually a bad thing, not a good thing. Like, you're just saying things that don't really mean anything. But let's continue this game. So Showtime is still looking for a drop. You just lost two drops for free, is really what happened. This drops stayed alive, but you lost these ones, and you lost the main army as well, basically. So all your tanks are gone, your major defense is gone. You now have two armories, and you have a Ghost Academy. Ghost Academy is really useful and actually is the correct call here. I do like that a lot. You realize your opponent is going into storm rather than going into anything else. Probably you could show all the Templar Archives and the Double Forge, I guess, with your Raven, which isn't being used right now. So nice playing faster here. Probably could just throw down a turret at some point. You also have no map control, no map vision. One of the main concepts, this is good, one of the main concepts in PVT or one of the main things in PVT is being on the map. Protoss armies very often are stronger than Terran armies in most stages of the game. The problem for Prodos is that they can't get across the freaking map because the moment they move across the map, there's five drops in their main base and two in their natural and they just can't move out. You, however, are actually completely blind. You have a drop on the right side. You have a raven here. You have not a single Marine on the map. You don't really have anything. You're building four turrets. Also, your fort base is really late, by the way. I'd like to focus some attention on that. That your fort base really is quite late. Now, he's just going to walk in. You don't have any mines burrowed. He storms your entire arm. What were you looking at? So you have 29 workers on one base, some slight oversaturation. But what are you doing? I just don't understand it. Okay, two more barracks. You're going up to 7 wrecks of 76 workers before a 4th base. Guess you you're scanning. And I see, oh crap, my entire army. It dies. Yeah, I mean, this is what happens. If you don't look at your army for 15 seconds, someone manages to take down these rocks without you noticing and move their entire army across the map and you're not prepared or even controlling your army, you're just going to lose the game. If you're standing still and a Zerg throws in 30 bailings into your army, it's weird to complain that balings are too strong. No, you just stood still and tank the banlings. If I hold position in a 15-tank army, I'm also going to lose my entire army. Then I could potentially complain that tanks are too strong if I'm hold-positioned in a tank line. I think that would be a rather silly thing to do. Now, we could look at this game and we could actually perhaps even make the argument that Terran is the imbalance one here, okay? You're a player that is 5.6K. I played the reverse card. You're a 5.6k player with obviously inferior mechanics than your opponent. The problem for ProDos is that they always need to gamble in the early game. So it's very tricky to play PVT, especially against lower level players that don't really know what they're doing too much. You build a Reaper, which, you know, I can accept. Then your Hellion drop pad makes very little sense. It hits like literally 35 seconds too late. Confuses showtime. He loses a lot of units. If you were semi-competent going into a mid-game, if you hit your timing's correct, you got your upgrades on time, or you would have macroed at any point in the game, you probably just would have won and beaten a guy that is literally the difference between silver two and diamond one. Like, he is that much better than you, and you still got close. I don't actually think that Protoss is the imbalance one if we look at this replay. This is someone that honed his crafts, been playing for over 10 years. Every single game, six, seven hours, one of the brightest analytical minds. and you got him because you delayed your helen drop by 30 seconds? How dare you? Unbelievable. No map vision, poor unit control, bad execution in the macro, a lucky early game and you think you deserve this win? No, what you deserve is this. Bam! The mega suck stamp! Congratulations! You suck is not imbalanced. Nice. All right, that's going to be it for today. episode of is it imba or do i suck if you thought this was a good episode hit the like button if you thought this was a great episode you're allowed to hit the like button and comment if you thought this was fantastic you're allowed to comment like and hit the subscribe button but only if you thought it was fantastic otherwise just stick to the like or the like and comment these are also fine that's going to be it for today and we'll see you all next time for more videos bye bye Thank you. |
Wait... His Macro Is Actually FANTASTIC! How Did He Lose?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | Today, my truest and dearest fan Stan wrote me some very poetic lines, that just started up a long lost melody in my heart. With such passion, his claim MUST be true. Protoss. Is. IMBA. But if you think otherwise, smash like and show us the way! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pViRTnrwNno/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | pViRTnrwNno | Dear Proto's terror rules my letter Don't see no green at all Even if I could it would all be fake Serrell's pictures on my wall It reminds me that it's not so bad It's not so bad Dear Hart, I wrote you but you still in college I left my cell, my pager and my home phone at the bottom I sent about a hundred Google Docs in autumn. You must not have got him. There probably was a problem at the balanced complaint office or something. Sometimes I spam complaints too sloppy when I jot them. But anyways, F it. What's been up, man? How's your Zerg to GM? I'm a Zerg too. I'm about to be masters. If I have a master bother, guess what they will call me. They'll call me Baby Caryl. I just had a game versus a provost effort, though. He wasn't doing anything. I did all that I could, and was ten times above his skill level. There was no storm he could have hit. I know you probably hear this every day. day, but I'm sick of Skytles camping and sitting doing nothing. I even watched all the Lambo guides that I could find on the internet and watch Cerro every day. I got a replay folder full of Cerro's games and his VODs as well. I like the crap you did with Reynor and Lambo. You and the boy's Slay. Anyways, I hope you get this man. Hit me back. Just a chat through your biggest fan. This is Stan. My points are gone, I'm wondering why. Who did I see up at all? Protostero roots my latter. see no green at all even if I could it would all be fake Cyril's pictures on my wall it reminds me that it's not so bad it's not so bad has some trouble the zvp enjoyer he's called on the letter it's uh you have some trouble with skytles camping sitting around doing nothing first of all very nice balance complaint creative indeed good job good job let's have a look at this game though see if you're as creative in playing the video game as you're creative in writing complaints about the video game so actually i didn't even check what what leak you are let's do that first huh what it's a Diamond, EU, 4300. So a pretty decent player, okay, on the way to Masters, that's for sure. If you're Diamond and 4.3K MMR, you're on the way to Masters. You're getting close to it. Let's see if that's going to be, if that shows here. All right, opponent is meta, who is, of course, a Protoss player. We're going to be paying some attention to the Protoss player, and we're going to be paying some attention to the Zerg player as well. Look at this. This is beautiful. He also has the rapid fire on the move command. it whenever he moves his units. Just infinite spam. So I think the APM, yep, it's going to be really high because of rapid fire. This is the beauty of watching Zerg replays. It doesn't matter what level the Zerg is. If the Zerg knows about rapid fire, they're going to have 1900 average APM. Look at this. This guy's Diamond with his 300 APM, just rapid firing his life away, spamming rally points and spamming other move commands. You absolutely love to see it. All right. Actually, this is not a bad game to start with. Look at this. Look at this harassment. This guy's doing a pretty decent job, harassing with the probe. I'm kind of impressed by that. Going to be seeing actual build orders as well, as we've hit a part of the ladder here where people tend to employ real build orders. I think usually above 4K, 4.1K, at least the first four to five minutes tend to be relatively standard. After that, all bets are off and you can do whatever you want again. But the first four minutes, they really do like their systematic approach in doing build orders that they've copied from professional players. or from non-professional players or from players that cosplay as professional players, you know, the whole range of people that you can learn from. And it looks like both players have an opener that makes some sense, at least. And that's always nice to see already to start with. I do like that. Double queens going, coming out, and then I'll start his speed. Curious to see if he's going to take the forward base or if he's going to expand in a triangle. That's always kind of important. So the triangle expansion, I think, is much preferred in ZVP at least. Sometimes you see the forward one if they want to do an ill-advised queen attack. But so far he's not sending, he hasn't started this speed either yet. So he wants to get the hatchery and then go into speed. Meanwhile, at the Protosite, we see the standard Stargate behind the natural. Honestly, I have nothing to complain so far. Both of these players seem to absolutely know what they're doing. He loses his worker, unfortunate, but also not the end of the world, maybe for a cheeky sky. As you see the Zerg go around with this Zirg link to try and get some information with that bad boy. Third Hatchery is built on location, the way it's supposed to be. It would be really odd if the third hatchery was built in the main base. I've seen things in my time, all right. I've seen some things. I remember one time I got a replay where a command center started building a planetary on the other side of the map. And ever since then, I haven't been the same. I didn't quite realize how deep the pit goes. There's a movie called, I think it's called the hole, El Jolla, or something like this. I think it's a Spanish movie. And the concept of this movie is that you have a lot of layers where people live. It's like a prison. And at the top layer comes a mess. It's called a platform actually, not the whole. The platform is what it's called. There's a platform with lots of food in it. Okay. And the people on the top floor, you get. it placed on a different floor every single month. And the people of the top floor get to eat first, and then the platform goes to the next floor, basically. And it keeps going down. And if you're at the bottom, you basically have no food left. So, yeah, I always thought that there was an end to that pit as well in StarCraft 2, where eventually, you know, at the bottom of that prison, there's nothing anymore. And the platform will have to go back up to be refilled eventually. In StarCraft 2, that doesn't seem to be the case. There's a bottomless pit of complete idiots there. Like, it just keeps going down. They actually infinity. When mathematicians think about infinity, they think about the amount of crap players that there are in StarCraft 2. And that is how they come close to an estimation of what the number infinite actually means. This is true. You can Google this. Don't do that. All right. Now, this opener now makes no sense anymore. So we started with a centicle opener from this Protoss, and then he built two sentries, while he needs to be affording his expensive, his gas-intensive tech, and probably more Stargate units. So I'm very curious to see what he's going to be doing. Unless this is like an immortal push, this doesn't make a lot of sense. Meanwhile, the Zerg player is playing a pretty standard game. It's a good worker count, spreading some creep across the map. He has close to zero information right now. He saw the second gate start. That is something. His spores are really late as well. Has absolutely no overdose threat, which makes sense because there is a void ray. out, but he also doesn't have his queens in proper positions and didn't have spores ready in the basis where he needed to have them. Even though there is a void, right, you can still put an overlord over here or over here, maybe over here. So you have at least some extra vision of where these oracles, or in this case, this single oracle might be coming from. Extra gas is being taken all at the same time. This is obviously the optimal solution usually. So the way that it works in StarCraft 2 is that the one resource that provides economy is minerals. So the longer you're mining minerals, the more resources, it snowballs into more resources. Because everything you need to build to gather more resources requires minerals. Nothing requires gas. Think of queens, hatcheries, drones, extractors, anything that could provide you with more economy requires minerals, never gas. So the longer you can delay your gas mining, the better your economy is going to be. And that is always the goal of any Zerg player. and in general, also with Teram, it process a little less because all of our good units require gas, so we do want to get gas pretty quickly. But as long as you can delay the gas, you want to be delaying it as a Zerg. And we've seen ZVP Enjoyer. It's been doing a pretty decent job by that. His third base is extremely late. He's been floating 900 minerals, which makes no sense. And I'm not quite sure why he's doing that either. He hasn't scouted gases yet either. So actually everything he's been doing is, it's been a little bit risky as the scouting has been mediocre he just went up to a very high work count takes this base as a fourth base i don't like this and no one really likes this because it's a bad fourth base um it's it's a relatively short path to attack it isn't easy to expand from here to anything else like this is an outside base and uh this ramp down makes it potentially vulnerable to force field um there's not a very wide angle where you can engage with a big amount of roaches. Imagine the ProD's over here. Storms could be very powerful, aggressively, and it's difficult to get creep here as well, which means that this is just a prime location to attack. I'd always say pick this middle base. You can clear the rocks, and I basically have a 360 surround, easy fifth base. You have access to potentially this base as well once you get this down, and creep spread just progresses very naturally on from there. So not a huge fan of this. Also, way oversaturated for anything happening yet. minerals in the bank. Now, this looks bad. Okay, and it actually is bad. I was going to say, if he has the larva available, what? Why? Okay. If you're long distance mining with, what is this, 20 workers or something, you just should take this gas. Because as a Zerg, eventually against Tos, you are going to need the gas. And it's better to take the gas than long distance mining. Before you saturate your fourth base, you always take the sixth gas in this matchup. The only time you don't is in like TvZ when you're messing roaches or in ZVT when you're playing LingBain off of four gas or maybe if you're really old school Lingbane Hydra off of five gas but that isn't very popular anymore because it sucks. Otherwise always get your six gas faster and in this case definitely get your six gas faster. Another thing I would like to get your attention to is I've mentioned this many times before for other races where I always say hey if you're struggling with spending your money just get extra production. I know it's really cool when you see Cerro and Lombo and Dark having four hatcheries and they always have 10 minerals because they have perfect inject. If you don't have perfect inject, just get an extra hatchery in your main base. And once you realize that you can spend all your money with that and maybe you're lacking money, then you can take it away again once you reach a higher level. But there's absolutely no shame in spending all your money very quickly. in real life I would not I would not suggest that but in StarCraft 2 try to spend your money as fast as you can sometimes you can save larvae if you have like 1,800 minerals and 1,800 gas in the bank and you want to wait until you can build 18 mutalis then yeah that's completely fine but otherwise I wouldn't say that's a absolutely great idea you have scouted absolutely nothing about your opponent's composition so you don't really know a lot you know there's a couple of gateways but you don't know much more going into seven gas now while still having this gas. It's actually a little bit annoying because actually all of your transitions as a Zerg, especially once you go into hive or things like lurkers or even like something like banlings, you require a crap ton of gas as Zerg into that mid to late game transition stage. In the mid game, perhaps not so much, but in that mid to late game transition, you're going to be getting two, three upgrades at the same time. You're going to be getting a hive. You'll be getting gas units that you need to invest in. Now, here we see something as well that is always so interesting to me. So basically you decide to go for a timing attack here, right? You're maxing out on an army that is relatively easily replaceable and doesn't scale well into a late game. And yet, you're not attacking with it. So you're basically doing a timing attack, but you're not attacking and you're not hitting a timing. And the word or the phrase timing attack consists of two words and you're doing neither. So the moment you're doing a timing attack, hit at the correct timing. And that timing was either the moment you hit max or if you would have timed this out a little bit better with plus two. Now you're already delayed, what was it? Maybe 20 seconds or so where you probably could have been hitting faster. You're just kind of running around doing nothing. Because for whatever reason, all of these units are so late. You were floating a lot of money. You could have built these earlier. If you're hitting timings, the main thing of the timing is to hit as fast as possible. So it might look nitpicky to talk about 10, 15, 20, 30 seconds, but 30 seconds is a difference between storm finishing and not finishing. It's a difference between one immortal extra being out or a cannon and a battery finishing up, you know. These things do matter. So to start the fight off, you're going to walk into two stasis wards, but you do catch your opponent out of position because he had zero map control. This is probably going to be a pretty decent fight here. There's a couple of storms. You're not aware of that whatsoever, but now you see it. so you start presplitting. This is very good. The fight so far, control-wise, has been pretty good. I don't really like that you're sending eight hydras here because this is a lot of DPS that could be assisting you in the battle. I think if you do three hydras, you still get a lot of workers and you have a little bit extra GPS. Doesn't matter too much because you absolutely just destroyed your opponent. Okay? You have infinite larvae in the bank. You killed a creptone of workers. You killed every single unit that he ever had. and you completely burst open this base. So at this point, what I would recommend is you did your damage with the first push, your plus two just finished, is you just go again immediately into the same location. Okay? And the reason you want to go into the same location is because you already busted this open. You know there is no wall here anymore, which gives you free entry here. It allows you to make a very big concave over here as well. Well, at the other basis, there's still a stasis ward here. There's four cannons. There's two batteries. And even though it might be a surprise that you, you show up there. Very often, if you completely burst through like you just did, you killed all of his important units. It's just better to go into the same spot exactly, right? It's if you dig a hole, basically, the first day, because you're trying to get to water, then sure, the ground might be very surprised. And be like, oh, no, he's going to dig at a different side now if you do that the next day. But it doesn't make a lot of sense, because you already have this massive hole that you just duck. And as we see, you actually are going to be going here. I was kind of afraid of this. This is something you see a lot at lower levels. So you're now attacking into cannons. First of all, it gives your opponent quite a lot of time to respond to that. And also it's going to give this army a pretty decent position here in this choke. This is nice to defend. Gets a couple of decent storms. You're completely clumped up. You send 10 roaches here and they won't be able to do anything. So I feel like this fight should have been completely one-sided. If you fight in the open, you're just absolutely going to destroy him. No chance. Now he at least got some kills. It still wasn't a great fight for him. You guys are equal right now in the unit lost that, but it just wasn't that great of a fight for you. Well, it was a good fight, but it should have been fantastic. You should have just A-moved all over him, won the game. Actually, you just won the game anyway, so it doesn't really matter. I'm curious to see how you're going to lose this game. You should obviously be mining from this gas. Once again, you're lacking a little bit of gas. in total the earlier you get those gases going the better you're already on well you should be on 10 gas that's exactly what you're doing that's good that actually is really good going into hive as well i would suggest even already having the hive at this point and having a second evo chamber so you can get carapace upgrades now that you see carriers very often carriers if there's a carapace upgrades they don't do too well especially if there's not a good templar counter there's no disruptors your opponent has none of that carapace helps so much against interceptors just like plus attack upgrades would help a lot for your opponent but he isn't doing that so would carapace really help for you now at this point you're still working with these armies that are easy to replace for you are relatively cheap and you can build them very quickly um so you just should continuously be attacking into this like the moment you have a new army you go as long as you're trading semi okay because you're completely out mining your opponent especially in the gas department so you go in i really do like this i think this is a fantastic call and now Now you basically, after the second day, you dug your second hole, rather than digging a third hole trying to go in here, you decide, okay, I'm going to go here again. And you see, no cannons, no batteries, no storms, you're just straight up going to walk through. I really do like that. And as you kill this fort base, you now know that your opponent truly has nothing. So you could start thinking, there's a couple of things you could do. You could either really prepare for a longer late game or you can just keep pushing the issue again and again and again and keep trading cost efficiently or semi-cost efficiently because you're double outmining your opponent. If you want to be trading, the only thing that matters is time. You need to go as fast as possible. And you can still keep going in and do things behind it. So you're getting a spire. You can get a second evo chamber, go up to 12 gases, you know, that type of stuff, as long as you're trading semi-okay. The only thing is that as long as you're building HydraLIS, you need to be trading quick and you need to be trading semi-cost efficiently. Okay, at least I would say one to one and a half or something like that. So for every hundred resources you lose, he needs to lose 150. It's not quite the case here, I think. I think he lost, no, actually it almost seems okay. At this point, however, you didn't kill, so you need to realize here what happened in this fight, okay? So in this fight, what you kill is mainly interceptors, a couple of stalkers. and maybe you shot half a carrier, did you? No, there's no carrier down, yes, so probably not. And you didn't kill Templar either. So your opponent kept a lot of its assets that do well against an army that consists of mainly hydras, especially if you wouldn't have morphed his Templar into Archons immediately. I would not suggest going straight back into Hydra again. You could get a couple of hydras or you could get a bunch of hydras again, but you need to add something to it because the trades aren't going well anymore. And in that case, I'd probably say, well, add a couple of. of vipers here, perhaps start thinking of getting some lurkers so you can deal with the ground and then your hydra viper can deal with the air. That way you can transition out of hydras into a composition that especially against a three-based protols is going to be absolutely viable. It's not the greatest and at higher levels I'd always say eventually need to go into double spire corrupter viper. But at this level, anything up until like 6K MMR, which is like top 50, top 60, a hydra-lurker viper is going to do absolutely fine against any Protoss player because the control of their templar is too tricky because the range of the lurker is very large can just kind of fly around with these vipers and grab stuff now you go into 23 corruptors and hydras and both of these units have a similar purpose they're there well the hydra is there to kill interceptors and eventually win a game or to abduct a unit and then kill that unit specifically and the corruptor is also there only to deal with the carrier. Right now, you have nothing that deals with the ground, which could potentially be dangerous if your opponent decides to attack at this point or you're forced into a fight at this point. Also, the complete lack of viper is really pissing me off. The viper is like the High Templar of Protles. It is absolutely vital in the army. Sure, there are games you can win without the High Templar, and sure there are games you can win without the Viper, but it just makes life a lot easier if you do get those units. You're going to be going for... This run by is really nice if your opponent has eight bases and is extremely spread out, but your opponent has one and a half mining base, so you're just going to give him a lot of your units. And this is not really the transition that you want. If you're transitioning out of an army, you want to either do it gradually and slowly get rid of these units, or you want to just continue and build on the units. that army with like a hydro lurker fiber even though like you said at high level not the greatest composition but definitely viable no second spire either for carapace upgrades which is a mistake you're getting brute lords now so the army composition most likely is going to be brood lord corruptor infester viper as that is probably the most correct composition there is to go into a late game as long as there's no tempest out most of the time Zerg is going to be absolutely fine with that army and once there's tempest out you can often use small run byes to deal with outside bases. You do need some type of spellcasters though, or you're going to be fighting against a bunch of spellcasters without any spellcasters, and that can be very tricky, especially because your upgrades also kind of suck, okay? Go forward with the Brutelords and with the corruptors. We can tank a couple of storms. This is not the greatest control of the corruptors. What was that last shot? Did you... Okay, let's just follow, okay. So the first shot is on this carrier the second shot is on a different carrier then you go back to that carrier you clear that carrier so four shots two carriers you shoot this and here i guess you turn around too fast so rather on getting three carriers you only got two um and then you keep pushing i'm not quite sure if you can't keep pushing look how low all of your corruptors are and look how much stuff he still has this is not really the way you want to be fighting you're going to kill most of the ground but I mean, you just don't have enough units to kill his error. He could have just used the carriers and beating you there. Probably should have returned a little. Are you just dead now? You don't really have upgrades. You're losing all of your broodlords. Your spores also could have been pushed forward, by the way. I kind of forgot about those. That was the game? I guess you were kind of dead if he would have attacked, but he wasn't attacking. It still had pretty decent income, especially gas income was good i don't know i'm not sure a if you should have left and b why you would complain about a game like this it seems pretty clear to me that you're you're a single hotkey user you use one hotkey and you just go with that army and you expect to win and then you're probably also the type of guy that completely complains about carrier a move all you did this game was a move with armies and sometimes your army was better and then you won and sometimes your army was worse and then you lost the fight. Like, you need to improve your army in order to win fights. Like, this is a little bit of a confusing game, because very often when I get these games, I see the Zerg working hard and, you know, with two, three control groups, infestors and vipers, but you just, you didn't even have upgrades on your second army composition. Like, I just don't understand what your goal was here. You did fantastic with the Roach hydrat timing. Your macro seems completely fine. Your creeps threat for a 4.3K player was great as well, but your unit control was quite frankly atrocious. You did very little correct. I mean, you just kind of A moved into this area and then there was some pre-splitting going on initially with a-hreau. Then the second attack, I mean, you just A-moved again. Then the attack over here, you A-move, but you had no spellcast. Yeah, I really can't say anything here except your army composition just wasn't good. Everything else you did was good. Like your macro was completely fine, but, you know, if your goal, if your goal in life is is to build a boat and the only tool you have is a toothpick is just going to be really difficult to build a boat and I know there's people that build these small sized boats out of toothpicks and I'm sure there's one guy that spent 12 years of his life building a massive boat out of toothpicks and I'm sure you guys will talk about in a comment but in general if you're going to build a boat the toothpick is not the thing the material you want to use you know and planks and hammers and, I guess, nils and salts and that type of stuff. You just had the incorrect tools, not easier or harder tools. You just didn't have the correct tools. You just used corruptor Brutlord without upgrades to end with. Corruptor Brutlord is fine, but they require the supplement of the investor. So honestly, your micro, well, it was non-existent, so you get a neutral stamp there. I guess we make that orange maybe, the orange stamp, neutral, no clue. We didn't see it. it exists, maybe it doesn't, then your macro was fantastic, especially for this level. Like, you completely out-macrored your opponent, you had insanely good creep spread, but your unit composition just freaking sucked. Like you massed hydras one too many times, you built 30 hydras when you shouldn't anymore, or you should have transitioned out of it and probably have gotten Carapace upgrades a long time ago, and then you went into corruptor Brutelord, you A moved into your opponent, they were like, well, I didn't win, this game sucks, it's broken. Yeah, I, that was. God awful, like actually, monstrosity, terrible, terrible is the stamp I want on the unit comp. Bam, and altogether, that makes it, sorry to say, a massive suck. Sorry, you do suck. All right, that's going to be it for today's episode of IOTIS. If you enjoyed it, be sure to hit the like button, subscribe to your general. We'll see you all next time for a new video. Thanks so much for watching, and bye-bye. |
DeKonings Pyramid of Terran Needs! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | Today's Terran whin.. I mean individual will proove us all wrong. Zerg is indeed IMBA. We will even take a deep dive and compare him to Clem himself to show his PERFECT early game! Smash like to give Clem more energy for the next tournaments! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2g5qMGCVR6s/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | 2g5qMGCVR6s | Dear Harstem, I think we can both agree that Zerg is completely broken race, in the sense that it can always make a kill move by making a big amount of the same units that are difficult to deal with until you can get your own answer, like Ghost for Hive. It's also a race that arguably has too good recovery abilities, as it is difficult to always know whether Zirc makes mass drones or some units too. It is in my opinion always a gamble for Terran. Most Terrans are either too afraid to go or too peaceful. While Clem is able to beat speed bailings on creep, most people just can do that because it's too difficult to think at the same time for the strategy aspect. Wait what? Most Terrans are either too afraid to go or too peaceful. While Clem is able to beat speed bailings on creep, most people just can't do that because it's difficult to think at the same time for the strategy aspect. This guy, while he should be targeting down bailings, actually is thinking about the grand strategy. I hope he never gets into a fist fight. He'll be thinking about what he wants to cook in the evening. He's like, oh, I can't punch my opponent because I'm not quite sure if I want to eat spinach or beans tonight. Pros can do it automatically, but we amateur players don't have the time to get those reflexes. I feel like this game I had arguably played a better game than a lot of people in Diamond, maybe even Grandmasters. Until the Luce of Benches. All right, we're going to plan the flag here. until the loose of the Banshees, he thinks he played a game better than a lot of people in Diamond, maybe even Grandmasters. I think I expanded too slowly. Well, I had a fifth, but didn't move until a lot. Maybe it's the main reason that I lost, question mark. Anyway, good luck, Captain. You'll need a lot of creativity to tell me I didn't play higher than Diamond and losing because Terran is the hardest race objectively. And then he has an emoji that looks like this. His name is Napoliton, Diamond Player, 4,000 MMR on EU. Let's just hop into the replay hamster. Let's just do that for once in our life. All right, what do we have here? The map is Oxide, and that's actually really nice, because I have a game that I very often reference is the game Clam versus Reynor on Oxide. I think it was one three McMasters ago. They played on this map, and Clem spawned in the exact same position as Napoliton, and also played a Benchie opener. So if they played a similar opener, we can actually nicely check the difference between Napoliton and between Clem in those games. Isn't that fantastic? The only difference here is that rather than playing against Reynor, Napoliton is playing against Nintendo. So it makes it a little bit easier, but he said until he loses the Banshees, he basically played like a Grandmaster. Well, at least that's what I got out of that sentence. We're going to have a look. That means that for the first part where he didn't lose the benches yet, we will be very, very rough on him. And any mistake is going to get called out. After that, we can drop our level a little bit to diamond, but until then we'll treat him like he's clam, basically. Send out a very quick SCV scout that is unnecessary in TVZ. Scouting after barracks is completely fine. It is safe. It will get you all the information that you could ever need in time. So you just waste a little bit of money. It's not a massive deal, but if you're trying to be a grandmaster, then it is something that does matter. The Reaper starts immediately. That's good. Orbital command starts immediately. Well, I can turn on the music. No, I don't want that. I lied. We have a pool going down for the Zerg, and it's slowly but surely mining a little bit of gas here. and then we'll take a look at this Reaper Micro as well of course we all know that one of the main things that top Grandmasters do very well is microing and on top of that while they're microing they're also spending their money this is usually at the lower level it becomes more of a decision it's whether you micro or whether you macro correctly at the high level they manage to do both majority of the time I have a feeling that we might just get one of these cases where neither is being done but we'll see all right factory going down immediately wait what there's a reaper okay yeah there's a repair factory this all looks normal perfectly standard no second gas yet so the builder looks good the control on the reaper honestly is quite good as well i like that it's gonna get a drone for free this is good control you know what i don't think clem actually got a drone against reiner so this this actually has been pretty decent control um you're not floating any money because this is the money that will go into your third base right now yep goes down perfectly on time and as well, your reactor is on time. This actually looks like a very tight opener. You've done a very good job so far. I want to say I'm proud of you, but it doesn't mean much yet. Well, in general, I'm not sure if that's your goal in life. Me saying that I'm proud of you. Starport should go down ASAP as well. There's two ways you can do this. You can either go Starport before Helions. In that case, you also need a second gas right now. Oh, there we go. Gets it on luck. This is a good start. Now, perhaps you could be doing a little bit more, trying to get a tumor but this is a map with a ramp so just attacking the third base or ideally what you be doing is just patrolling this area in that case lings can't go past because right now these lings manage to go past um if he would have been a bit faster the Zerg that is might have been able to snipe like a mule or something so that could be a little bit painful so far you're actually doing a fantastic job at executing the build order um it does look really clean i'm going to have to admit control the hell in the hellins is not bad either and we're going to have to see a couple of extra cars. Nice. Very solid start. I'm happy with that. Go immediately into the gas as well. Where is that Reaper of yours? Oh. Well, while this is what's happening, the Reaper died. That is a pretty decently sized mistake because now it becomes very tricky for you to move out with these two Helions. Bailing nest going down on the other side, not sure why, as well as a first banshee on your side. So, so far I'm pretty happy with everything you have done. You start your cloak as well. passive with the halions but you're focusing a lot on the macro and you don't really have map control so yeah I I don't mind it that much I don't mind it that much here comes to move out though okay I love to see it let's see what you're gonna double deepos going on I'd like to see what this Benji is gonna do are you gonna send it across the map this is perfect this is perfect this can this can fly over here oh you can also go like this yeah this is better sorry yeah this actually is Perfect. You need to build one here. Get a tech lab on this barracks. I was thinking it could fly on the reactor, but that's not actually how it works. I made a mistake there. My bad. It's going to be going for a quick stim as well. Continuous, well, almost continuous worker production. The control on the heliness perhaps isn't all that. This hasn't been spotted yet by the creep tumor. So far, I'm not saying it is as clean as clam, but it's pretty darn close. This guy is not playing a poor game. whatsoever, Napolitan. Now, he hasn't really controlled his halions once and no damage really has been done. We haven't seen a single rotation. The bench he has been shown as well at this point. As now this barracks is going to go over here and you have three barracks pumping marines already. Gonna swap this. What are we doing here? Oh, quick scan. Tries to jump for a creep tumor. Isn't quite going to work. So far, I'd actually say it's pretty darn close to, well, not perfect. but it actually has a really good start. Barracks too. I'm very impressed. I was going to make massive amounts of fun of you, but this is good. This really isn't bad, honestly. The only problem is, I guess, is that you've built a lot of units that are meant to harass, and you haven't really harassed yet, right? You've killed, well, nothing, a single worker, and that was with your Reaper. So I guess that's a bit of an issue. Now here come the Benchie. Let's see if that changes anything. Let's get let's just get the first person view here from you. You're controlling the Benchie. You're killing workers, killing workers, killing workers. Oh, building a couple more depot, two depots. You are slightly supply blocked here at 85. You're not building any marines because you are supply blocked. Your metaphics can start because you're supply blocked. You're getting some damage. This is not the cleanest micro either. You missed a couple of shots already. The control is a little bit sloppy. You go from supply block, I think straight into another supply block here. Yeah, you were only building a single depot. So now 93 out of 93. Still only building three Marines. You did do quite some damage, though, with these two banshees, so that is nice. You should also be moving out at this point. I believe the timing that you want to hit is 648, with like 16 Marines and two metaphaks. You have 11 Marines, no METAX, and you're not on the other side of the map. Your combat shield hasn't started yet. Your MataVX are still 15 seconds away, so you're already pretty late. So yeah, you're just going to be, like you're floating. I don't think you've macroed once properly ever since you started controlling the Venshees, and you're, are you going to lose this? I guess not. Oh, never mind. You did lose it. Okay. So 709, you have 92-7. supply out of 125. Your 1-1 is almost done and you have 16 Marines. For reference, let me actually quickly check what Klam has at a time like this. All right, I quickly watched the VOD and Klam had 121 supply, so that's about 30 supply more, and he already lost a bunch of units, and he was doing a hellbat push on the other side of the map. So, the claim that you were as good as a Grandmaster, you might still be as good as a very low-tier Grandmaster, but down 30 supply really is a lot at seven minutes. And you were floating 800. And maybe Clem lost something before as well. And your push was, well, it hasn't even left yet. I know this build because I play this myself. Usually at the latest, you're supposed to hit like 645 or so, something like that, after double Benchie 6 car. So you're going to be hitting about a minute late, I guess? Well, more than a minute late. You're also going to hit with slightly more. But, I mean, your timing is off. We also forgot your combat shield for quite some time. However, you're still in a good spot. I still think your early game. I actually agree with you. I think your early game was better than a lot of diamonds. At least it was better than what your opponent did. You killed some workers. You're now up 10 workers, which if you're a Terran player, you should know how good this is. This I'm not the greatest fan of. Walking on creep unseached. We'll see what happens. You're up 30 supply. and after this you're up 10 supply? So, yeah, you lost about a 20 supply lead there in three seconds. If you're up 11 workers, you're getting faster upgrades than your opponent, and you have tanks, there's no reason to rush up creep. You rush up creep if he just killed 45 workers and this is your final desperation push. You were far ahead. You could take it slow. You could siege a tank here. siege your tank here, kill some creep, pre-spread your Marines, all of that good jazz. You could have even dropped two of your medevacs here and left both of your tanks at home for defense. Lots of options here. You went for the worst option and you lost a creptone of units. I still think that you're going to be up. No, actually, your downing resources lost at this point as well, which is impressive. Once again, you just move forward with your splash units. You're going to lose, you're not going to lose it, but I think you could have lost it. Very sloppy. Once again, just running on creep. Running on creep like there's no possibility of there being banings. Oh, that was a good drag. That was a really nice control out of the circle, honestly. I think you just managed to snip a banning there, which is also good. It's not a bad game. You should really scan for this creep though, buddy. You just... Why'd you just keep moving forward? That can't be it. Because now the creep isn't really disappearing. It's really easy to deny creep spread, especially if your opponent isn't really actively spreading creep. You just kill the active tumors and you just keep going there again and again. Can you go for a Liberator? There's no Fort Base yet, by the way, which worries me. Oh, no, there is. You build it in the back. In that case, that doesn't worry me. It is a little bit late, and usually you'd build it over here. It's safe there and can fly to your Fort Base location pretty easily. You have a second factory as... Yeah, second factory? Drilling claws. And you're going into Barracks 6, 7, and 8. Okay, so far, you are someone that I guess you stole this build order. Like, you copied it and you copied it pretty well. All the ideas behind it so far has been good. Like, you actually have been doing a pretty decent job, I want to say. You're getting all the correct buildings. You're getting them at almost the correct time. The problem just so far has been your move-outs. You just actually move command on creep. And then I'm surprised that you get destroyed by banlings. It's like, this. This is literally the only thing Zerg has against Terran is banlings on creep. If there's no creep, bainlings really suck. Here you go again. You just walk. Now you stim? This is like trying to stand into a landmine to attack it. Well you also have perfectly long-range weapons to make sure that that landmine detonates from a distance. Now you rotate towards this side. I don't mind that too much. You really need to kind of leapfrog forward with your splash, whether that's your mines or your other things. It's nothing worse splits. It's just you only had three mines here and one of them didn't burrow. It's only two mines shot. You're going to get cleaned up by Ling Bane and a single swarm host. That's a classic. You haven't done a single drop yet on the far right side. Your opponent is moving in one big ball. You're moving in one big ball. pretty decently sized army at home again it feels like you're just sending in a big army then you lose your entire army and your meta-fact count keeps growing with that army oh there comes a mine drop a single mine up no oh three mines but why this one this one wasn't allowed what's wrong with him look this drop and cap them he smiles all right and then everyone else but him gets picked? What is this? This is ridiculous. He actually is leaving me. Look at him all his friends in the Matterfack. Poor guy. Well, absolutely the best. That's actually insane. I... What is this? I... I... Does he have to range on the planet area need no why would he build it here he does know that that command centers can fly because he built one over here earlier why wouldn't you okay imagine you really want to use a command center for a wall you can still build it over here initially like this isn't even a full wall now whatever let's continue sorry i just some things here are happening and i have no clue what they are okay here comes a drop oh accidentally spell it up a little bit. Habs to the best. Oh, drop. Boom, boom. Get some kills. Not the greatest amount of kills, but once again, just move commanding on creep. Not a single scan. Okay, here comes the scan. Burrow the mine and then you can kind of move back or you can, yeah, another. This was good. This is the first time you've almost done it correctly. The problem is there's so little minds with this. You just dropped all of your mines and now you don't have any splash. You also have 1, 194 supply. Where's the rest of your army? Holy crap. This is what like 18 Marines? Five mines? Three marauders? This like legit like 40 supply that's at home. That's like half of your army. Hey, you're going to snipe this, that's good. I think you could just kill your opponent. Or imagine splitting both armies, just having a double drop here and then the main army going here. You're also lacking metaphax, actually. Even though you haven't lost any yet We're 12 minutes in game right now Have you? You lost one Look at this fight This is an almost Max Terran player by the way What is this And he's pushing him back Okay here we go Yeah we're 13 minutes in game You've lost a single meta-vec and right now you have Six MataVex Six. How is that even possible? If you ever lose any, it's going to take you 12 minutes to get back to six. Oh my God! Corruptors are out. Oh, who, who, who, oh. Yeah, no, mines. Burrow the mines! Nice. Okay. This was really good. You burrow the mines all at the same time. Use the mines. Use the mines. No. They just run back to the mine. Captain, we have back up in the south. All right, we'll be heading east. Like, who does this? He's actually unbelievable. He just lost 50 supply because he didn't want to walk up this ramp again. Sir, we've heard that there's landmines in the south. All right guys, we won't be going to go there no more. Like, Widomites don't have friendly fire. Like, Widomites don't have friendly fire. This could have, oh my God, this would have been really big in the fight. They actually would have, now you don't have any medevacs left, right? Just Marines and marauders. Fantastic. The Metafax is like, you know how you have the pyramid of needs, the pyramid of human needs. And on the bottom, it is like food, shelter and water and things like that. And then the second one, honestly, security, safety, that type of stuff. You also have this for Terran, okay? You have the pyramid of Terran, and on the bottom of the pyramid, there is Marines, okay? Marines and mines is on the bottom. Now, we put Marines on the bottom. On the second level, you have mines. Without mines, again, Sir, you're not going to make it. Then on the third level, there's going to be Metafax, okay? Your first level is absolutely perfect. you got your food, you got your shelter. You have plenty of Marines, but you're constantly lacking minds. And the worst part is you're not even really lacking minds. You have the mines, except you're not using them. And then the meta facts, well, you also don't have the third level yet. And the fourth level would be marauders, then you get ghost and liberators. You seem to just skip certain levels. I can't remember. I think it's called Maslow's Hierarchy of Health. Something like that. That's what it's called. You have that for Terran as well, TVZ. And you're still at the bottom of the pyramid, my friend. So far you only have Marines out of all your base needs. And you're securing this area real nice as well. Honestly, what actually is it? Okay, you're still up in units lost. You're doing fine in that, which is a miracle. This shows how cost-efficient Terran is. When people say, Terran is cost-efficient, and then Terran is going like, well, I don't think that's true. you can just take a look at this guy's fights. He's been fighting with half of his army on creep without mines, 90% of the time, and he's still up in units lost. The Terran army basically controls itself when it comes to mines. These are basically high templar. They're hidden, and they auto fire, and they don't require energy. They're too supply and they're insanely cheap. It's like a high templar on drugs. I can't make this type of propaganda, because most people that watch these videos are Protoss players. If I'd say something like this and most of the people watching me were Terran players I probably have like a couple of extra hard attacks around the world you know Ladies and gentlemen we see another spike in that Oh they turned into a planetary It actually works It works the madman did it All right comes back look at that Look at that complete lack of meta facts here Beautiful absolutely beautiful Ultralisks are going to get the Well I'm quite a sure if They're going to get slaughtered or if they turn around that these Marines and marauders are going to get slaughtered. There's not a single Mettavac. This guy's real balzy. That investor had a fungal, didn't he? I'm pretty sure that investor could have fungled. Oh, 74 supply, energy. I don't think the Terran clicked that. I don't think he was like counting. Okay, in three seconds he's going to have 75. I'll snip him before then. kind of bossy if your entire army has minus 3 HP. I'll give him that. That's cool. High testosterone move, Napolitans. I like it. No planetary here. You already used these resources on the planetary they wanted to build there. Makes sense. For a meta-fax being produced at the same time. If a couple of ultralisks. So the army composition right now is ultralisque, corruptor, single investor, a couple of lings. Marine Marauder Mine is pretty okay against that as long as you... No way. He's like, not my entire army is in the orange yet. I think we can do better this. Maybe stim another time as you run away. Neal. He's what an overdosing population looks like. Look at that. Poor health. Where's the metaphics? All right, here we go. A couple of metaphics. This is going to be another planetary. That would make my day. Nice. And another planetary. And another. Okay, so he actually just blocks of choke points. I don't even mind this too much. He's playing in someone that's playing messily. bay. We haven't seen a single... What did he say again? I need to go back. Where are you? Inbalance complaint for. Clam is able to beat speed bailings on creep. Most people just can do that because it's too difficult to think at the same time for the strategy aspect. What strategy aspect? You just, you're following a plan and don't pretend like you're not. And your plan is, your plan is to go Marine Marauder 5 racks Double Factory, Fort Base 8 racks and then you add 3 star or 2 star ports and a Ghost Academy and you go into Liberator Ghost You do this every single game The reason I know this is because your transitions are not like natural transitions in a way You know you just I can see you just following the plan So you're not thinking about the strategy That was an excuse for your poor micro Caught him I mean watching a show lately and when I say lately I mean I watched it once it called how to catch a smuggler and the cops in that show are relatively incompetent or just doing useless work they should hire me because I just caught this guy out on a lie saying that he's thinking about strategy he's not thinking about strategy at all he just doesn't know how to micro oh Are these traders? It's like they see the battle starts happening and they load up in their in their meta-back and they go away. This is the first time he wanted to drop. Okay, let's just have a look what happened here with the decision-making. Okay, so he has these meta-fax. Okay, so he has these metaphics. He sees them. Okay, he F-2s them back initially. Then in his sensor time, and with this mine he sees a massive army come this way and he makes a conscious decision okay he just sees an ultra and ten banlings jump on top of this and his decision here is to send three medevacs filled with units to the far right side as he's being fungled and being overrun by ultras he spent the effort on sending away three medevacs only for them this is my theory to be F-toothed back. See? They turned around. I don't think... No. Did he actually pull them back manually? I can see that with the control groups. I want to have another look at this. I'm sorry, but this is the most interesting thing I've seen all day. I've had a bad day, I can tell you that much. Okay. He turns them around. When does he turn them around? No. He does it manually. He manually turned them around. Which is for? funny because at this point he's already lost the base. He has the planetary and has a defensive setup. Yeah, now it would make sense to keep going. They went back and forth three times. In that ping pong medevax. You're going to be in a pretty bad spot now, by the way. He is in a pretty bad spot now. I do like drop. Oh, once again, F-toot. This is the problem is that Terrans are too used to F-2ing, that even when they try to do it properly, they really can't. It's going to get this base. Or maybe this extractor. Depends a little bit he's going for it's going to get the base nice that's really nice this was a good drop your first drop you did and it was well except that it was a little bit slow at uh at getting there it did do a lot of damage that was a good drop i'll give you that nice good job buddy um your follow up here is going to be more ghost i really think a couple of extra mines wouldn't hurt you i feel like at lower level just in general not just lower level at any level minds are just really good having a couple around the map and having 10 12 mines is almost all always worth it honestly. So here you see your opponent in the sensor tower. Do you respond to that? Not really. Is Liberator stay here? Maybe want to defend that base. A couple of snipes. Good snipes. There's no mines once again. So the moment the banlings burst through, your ghosts are actually in semi-trouble. EMP, EMP, EMP? EMP? EMP? Well, no EMP. He could have EMP. What?! What am I looking at? He accidentally used microbial rather than fungal. I like this base rate move though, this is good. I like this move a lot. That's fantastic. Actually fantastic. You could have maybe picked up and dropped into the main base, but there's a lot of corruptors. So, well, went a little bit back. It's okay. This has not been great for you. Okay? The last quarterfights, what's the units of lost actually? You're still up in yours loss. You just haven't been mining as much. That's painful. Single muo could maybe repair this base and start mining here again. I mean, work account is still in a place where it might be possible. You fly an orbital over here, throw down a couple of mules. I like, well, this is very focused around just this area. What if the Zerg, with its huge brain, just kind of walks around? Well, that's not going to work. Holy crap. Imagine if you would have repaired it just a little bit. That would have been sick. Because actually, this army wasn't that strong. If he still had his base, if Napoliton still had this base, I think he would be winning. I also think if he had two extra minds in this fight, he also would be winning. Actually, maybe even right now, he's potentially still winning? He has six ghosts. It's not that bad, is it? Fly the orbital. Yeah, nice. Where are we going? Where are you going? Oh, okay, wants to let the tank out. This is great. this is efficiency here this guy the guy from the natural flies over here and the guy from the main to the right so both of them have a longer flight now that's nice that's real nice I love that they can gather a little bit more energy before they land that is the only reason I can get from that it's more trouble as well no well whatever these guys are never gonna leave are they I don't think they're ever gonna leave Do you think you realize that he could just make a MataVec and get them out like that? I don't think so. I don't think that's actually going to have it. You could also just kill this building. It's not like he's still here at that reactor. He already replaced it. I don't think our Terran's ever going to realize. I don't actually think our Terran is ever going to realize that he can get these out. Actually, did-da-da-da-da-da-da-it-da-it-da-it-da-it-da-it-da-it-a. Mid-game quiz. Before the end of the game get out of here. if you think the answer is yes press one if you think the answer is no press two good luck we'll come back to that later the midgame quiz we haven't done one of those in a while wonder if hamster still has the animation for that whatever the old tune i did was remember we did this before tough luck people that thought they wouldn't come all right they're out gets a barracks a barracks well i do like that a lot i think that's a a completely fine call I think that is a completely fine call but he's selecting them I'm so curious what he's doing okay is he just looking at it is this what what high-level strategizing looks like is this the reason why he can't micro-bank lings well a lot of strategizing there he's this can I think he scanned this and then realize well I'm dead all right Let's just go over your thing one more time. I think we can both agree that Zerg is completely broken race. It can always make a kill move by making a big amount of the same units that are difficult to deal with until you can get your own answer like Ghost for Hive. Okay. Let's just start at the start. Okay, let's start with your micro because I think I'm immediately going to answer a question here. Zerg is very good at massing units of one type. I agree with that. They have Ling's and Bainlings, and they're very good together. They can switch easily into high ultra-counser. They can switch easily into corruptors if you're building liberators. However, against Ling-Bainling, if you have marine mine and some marauders, you're just going to trade really well, majority of the time, as long as you micro that correctly. every single fight that you have had was A, on creep, B, without sufficient minds, and C, relatively poorly split as well, and like no pre-split. So none of the conditions that you need to meet in order to have a decent fight against Zerg was ever met. And it's even difficult for me to judge your micro in this case. If I would tell Clem that every fight against the Zerg would have to be on creep without minds and no pre-splits, he would also lose majority of the fights. Like, these are very simple steps that you can set up. So it's not even your micro, it's just the preparation before the fight. It sucked. I'm sorry. Then second, your multitasking, it was non-existent. For 16, 17 minutes straight, you didn't go clear creep on any other side except the site you were attacking to. your unit movement in general just was off. Half of your army tended to be at home, doing nothing, just waiting, rather than splitting in two parts, or just having a massive push at one end. Hell, even just staying at home and then dropping an army would have been better most of the time because it comes as a surprise. Now basically what you were doing is you're constantly showing your opponent, hey, this is a tiny army and I'm over here, please come fight me. He would fight you, you'd fly back with the metaphics, you go with your next army. Obviously that's not going to work. So on the side of unit movement, you get fairly mediocre stamp. BOM. For the micro or the pre-fight setup, you get god-awful, bum. And finally, for the strategizing, fantastic. I've never seen something like this in my life. I can really see why you're having so much trouble dealing with Bane-S-on-Creat. Because I can see your mind is constantly going in overdrive, just strategizing and thinking about other things. So for that you get an absolutely fantastic. You're a blast to hang out with. Boom. Altogether, sadly, my friend, that still makes a big fat, you suck. That's my judgment. You have to do with that. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of Is it Inba or Do I Suck? If you thought this was a very good episode, be sure to hit the like button, smash to subscribe as well. And we'll see you all next time for a new video. Thank you so much for watching. and bye bye. Oh, also before I forget, put the timestamp to your favorite moment of this Iodis in the comments. You guys will know why later. |
Is This Terran PRODIGY Whining Or Just Spitting The TRUTH?? | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | An up and comer by the name of "CuKu"recently reached out to me, since this Protoss player seemed unbeatable and made the race straight up look imba on his own. But once I saw this guy's name, I knew what was going on. The Protoss just is THAT good! Smash like and subscribe, so that this Protoss can win tournaments soon! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rc7WZVCEFQ8/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | rc7WZVCEFQ8 | Dear Harstam, I am here to tell you that my brain, it's dying every time I'm playing a TVP, but especially this one. My opponent had no clue about my build order, taking massive damage from one Reaper at the start of the game, while behind I'm playing a fast TRIRCC build, but still this was aunt enough. My oops were better, my economy was better. My opponent, it, Stephen getting outplayed a couple of times and he was doing a mediocre job at splitting his army properly. But once Tos gets into late game and they're getting a massive number of disruptors and blink DTs, you can't do anything anymore. My conclusion, it as that TVP, it as unplayable as a Terran, but maybe I am a wrong. So what do you think? Lord, Harstem. Is it Imba or do I suck? Nice. Kuku send this to me. Kuku is a prodigy Terran player. Playing for Team Rotti. I just dropped to the chair. He's about 5-7-58K MMR. He's one of the up and coming young boys that we have on the letter currently. Like I said, recruited by Team Rotti. Very solitaire player. And his opponent is going to be someone we are all very well, very familiar with. It is the cowboy, also known as Harston. It's a me. So this is a game that I'm. I played against Kuku. He sent me this replay, I believe, a week or so after this game was played. And right now we're about two weeks after that again, because I kind of forgot about this. Then I opened up my Discord and I remembered this message. And I was like, hey, let's have a look at that. So here we are. Kuku, a pretty decent Grandmaster player. I want to say somewhere around rank 100, rank 80. I actually don't know. Maybe it's rank 70 or 50. I'm sorry if I said too low of a rank Kuku. I know you're a fantastic player. But we're going to be having a look exactly at what he does. I can't remember this game at all, so it's also going to be a nice trip down memory lane. I assume that I win this game, not only because I'm a fantastic player, but also because he submitted his replay complaining about Protoss. Even though I wouldn't put it past most Terrans to complain about the matchup after winning, I have seen it happen. I've had Terrence complain that they didn't win hard enough because ProDos is so imbalanced. This is the type of stuff that only Terrans come up with. zergs are happy to win anything. Proes are happy to win anything. But for Terrans, they need to win in a dominating fashion. If the game is even slightly close, that might indicate an imbalance. Okay? This Prodol's player is a little bit slow on the head. It's going to lose his pro to the Marine here. See, it's not too happy with it. Happs to the best body. Don't worry about it. We have a single worker here, mining gas. Okay, single worker here mining gas. so that tends to indicate that we're going to be working with a triple cc which is also what he said in his imbalance form i said i'll remember that he said don't forigate me please i said i won't and he said thanks there's some high-level dialogue um this this could be a hollywood movie with this level of dialogue this could be a ben stiller movie except i don't look quite as good as ben stiller and but i'm also not funny so still could be a Ben Stiller movie. Okay, I opened up with Stargate and I didn't chronobo boost my second adept. I am kind of an idiot sometimes. I might not. That actually is really dumb. I'm not a big fan of that. All right. Reaper pops in. Yeah, I'm going to take some damage from this Reaper. That much is obvious. So, even said that, I took big damage from the Reaper. I can't remember this at all. I always chronoboose my second adapt. I bet I was telling a great story at the same time to my stream or something like that. This Reaper's going to get what? Kills. Come on, this isn't big damage, this is two kills. Oh, fuck. That's messed up. You can't say big damage when you get two kills with a Reaper. That's okay damage. Like it's like it's like a mule not working. Immediately sends it into the main base though. I really like that. Rather than losing mining time and keeping it over here, he says, okay, I'm just going to send my mule and my two extra SDV straight into the main base and I'm going to be fine with that. I like that response a lot. That's a really cool response cuckoo. That's cool. That's definitely a cool thing to do. What else do we see here? We have a Phoenix being built for the cowboy. We have two adepts moving in as well. Two adepts. Oh, they're going to finish up. Am I also going to do big damage here? Well, it doesn't quite seem to be the case. I think I'm going to be able to kill what? Two marines? Maybe escape with two adepts or with one adept. It's an okay trade. It's like one adept against two marines. I think if you're playing Stargate, that's actually a slightly better trade for Protoss, but it's not going to end the game most likely. Mainly if you play Oracle, trading out Marines against Adapt's is a good thing, because then he has less Marines to defend the Oracle, right? But because I'm playing Phoenix, it's a little bit less of a big deal. Third Bay is going to be going down here, and this is all of a One Gate. So this looks like it's going to be forged Twilight for me, rather than Robo, maybe Twilight into... But once I see the third base, I think I throw down a Robo as well. It's kind of cool. I can't remember the game very well, but I can kind of predict what I'm going to do just based on how I know I think. Okay, we immediately see a robo. I'm surprised we don't straightaway see a forge and a second gate. Okay, a second gate is here and forge also should be going down soon. I think I'm not sure if I want to cut phoenixes here. Ooh. Now, this is actually big damage. All right, Cuckoo, let me explain something to you. Let me explain something to you. A mew, a freshly landed mew will mine as much as I believe. 3.54 workers or something like that. 3.5 workers, I always say. So, I just practically killed 7 workers, at least for the duration of the mule. During that time, you're going to have 7 workers less income. That is big damage, okay? And I didn't even lose a phoenix for that. You had to lose the Reaper to kill two workers. Sure, that damage was permanent, but you also lost the Reaper. And you always kind of kill one worker with the Reaper if you're going to sacrifice it. So really, you only killed one extra work. I'm not expected to get to Phoenix. Look how upset you are. Nice. Nice. Okay, so I scouted basically everything. Here, wait. Didn't he, what did he say? My ups, splitting. My opponent had no clue about my build order. What do you mean I had no clue about your build order? Okay, let's, let's just go back. The first time I scout. At this, I just, I scout. At this, I was, I was, I was a little bit. At this, I was, I, you mean, I had no clue about your build order. And what you mean? And I, I had no clue about your build order. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay Okay Okay. Okay. Okay Okay Okay. Okay Okay Okay. Okay Okay. Okay Okay Okay. Okay Okay Okay Okay. Okay Okay Okay. Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay. Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay. Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay. Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay. Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay. Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay. Okay. Let's just go back the first time I scout. At this point, I have no clue about your build order, but it's not because of a lack of scouting. That's just because I cannot know. That's like me saying, right now my opponent has no clue, how many workers I have in my natural. It's like it's completely irrelevant because I don't have to respond to anything yet. Like there's no threat coming to me right now, and there can't be because I understand how the game works. It's like me pausing the game and asking you, hey, what currently is my work account and you're not answering the questions and then me writing an imba forming like my opponent didn't even have a clue how many workers I had. What an idiot. It's like it's irrelevant how many workers I have. It doesn't matter because I can't do anything even if you would have told me at this but I would have been able to do something with that information but I can't. It's not possible to get that information earlier. I saved up two phoenixes. Perhaps I could have gone a bit faster but I wanted to catch something. And then I decided, you know what, I'm just going to go for a scout. I see three barracks. I see the amount of Marines. And I notice immediately, okay, this is absolutely no problem for me. I'm not building a battery. So I realize this is triple C. I am not overreacting, thinking this is some type of three wrecks. I see the three racks. And I immediately realize, okay, I know what this is now. Like, I'm not taking any weird safety measures, any big prevent. Okay, I do get a battery here. I guess a little bit bad. I take back everything I said in the past 25 seconds. Maybe I didn't quite understand what I was going. I built two batteries. Okay, that's actually kind of embarrassing. I scout it now, though. Do I cancel? You know what? Is that even that bad though? Because very often, beyond when he would play this build, he would still walk across the map with Marines, with Stim, and then he tried to do damage. I think a battery is fine against this. I take back that I took it back. I put it back out there. Everything I said in the past 50 seconds, except when I said that I would take it back, has been untaken back. So it has been the truth. I play the Uno Reverse card. Second game, I don't like this, actually. This should have been a Forge. This is a Twilight and then a Robo Bay. Come on, Kevin. Get it. What am I doing? Oh, okay, I remember now. This is when I watch Showtime play Charge into Robo Bay. with phoenixes i thought it was so cool and no matter what was going to happen i would have played this so i'm not completely responding to everything but i'm responding a little bit all right a little little bit of a response i'm okay with that a little bit of a response you know sometimes you just got to test some stuff out and yeah i'm happy with it what is these two barracks i feel like this is a weird timing for barracks and i find it a weird location as well i'm also not sure about the single ebay but i don't mind it i like when terence nah i think single ebay is actually fine in this situation because you got it so fast. So then you get a nice push with plus one combat shield, high marine count. It's actually really good against big Phoenix builds. And because my colossi is actually pretty late, I kind of like his position for an initial push that he could potentially execute. He hadn't really made any major mistakes, except for losing the two mules where he wasn't really in position. He's hunting for Phoenix's finds of Phoenix. Honestly, he's in an okay spot. The only thing that I do have a little bit of an issue with is with the fact that, oh, I get another mule, that's really nice. he's floating a little bit of money at times where it isn't quite necessary as you see that i'm also floating some money but i'm a Protoss player so it's allowed because i'm waiting for my warpins so you see the moment i warp in i kind of spend it automatically you really do have to be careful here because it just means that you're not producing properly or you're getting supply block i'm not quite sure what the case was here but it there is no way for tarrant to quickly invest resources into something um if your infrastructure is too late yeah this is actually a pretty painful supply block. He needs the depot drop and gets another depot immediately. He already had two depot drops. That's two strikes already, all right? That's dangerous. Has to build three depots after he depot dropped. That is the anticipation level of a duck when he's eating all the bread being thrown at him. Oh, more bread. That's delicious. Idiots. The fact that ducks manage to survive makes me doubt evolution. Where were we? Five depots being built after. a Depot drop, okay? This is kind of messed up. I'm not going to lie. It's really kind of messed up. I don't think that is cool. This is nice move, Kevin. Yes, baby. Pick him up. Get him a router for free. Nice. Phoenixes are brilliant. Observer, also beautiful position. Now, I could say, I was going to say, you should scan this, but I'm not going to blame you for it if you don't, but you found it. So I'm going to give you credits for that. You did a good job there. Yeah. you did a good job there. So far, except for the massive supply block, I'm honestly, like, nothing really has happened. Except that I feel like your push is just late. It doesn't have that many units. I guess the supply block and it kind of does help with that. You go into plus one and then what is your follow-up here? So there's a couple of things you can do to follow-up, and all of these are valid follow-ups. So what you can do right now is you could throw down a fourth base, do a 1-1 push and get a second tech structure. So like Ghost Academy, Fort Base. Or you could get second Starport, Fort Base. Or what you could be doing is you get eBay Armory Fort Base. And you go into heavier upgrades and you stay on the map for a long time with two armies. These are all valid options. I'm just laying out the options right now. It's playing Fort Tech Lab, by the way. Which is kind of rare. Most of the time against Phoenix Openers, you have these Terran players that really like to open up with a heavy Marine force for the first two metaphics and then after the first two metaphics have hit, that's when they start sprinkling in marauders. Because they know that that's when the Colossi most of the time are going to come out. This was a really good trade for him and really poorly done by the Protoss player. Protoss in general in this game is a little bit in trouble actually. He's going to give up one unit. I am going to give up one unit. Speaking of third person is really odd. I'm having a very difficult time to get any type of map vision, honestly, over here. Nice. Send in a hallucination to tank the mine shot and tank it with your main dude. Alrighty, it's that time again. Today it's time for the very best of the very worst. Welcome to Bronze League Heroes. Absolutely fantastic. I think I'm going to go for a push now or something like that. Second Robo going down. I kind of like the way this toss is playing. I don't mind it at all. Good vision as well out of the toss. Okay, so this is the plan here. He's going to be going for double eBay Armory, Ghost Academy, and a fourth base it's a little bit too much at the same time i think i believe you're going to need a sixth gas for this no in order to afford this you can start two two and your ghost upgrades and ghost another supply block by the way it's a little bit painful did we have another supply drop as well no i'm keeping tabs on you buddy you're not getting away with any supply drops this game that i can ensure you you're just lacking gas no i think you're going to be lacking some gas it's floating a lot of money as well why you're not producing anything out of a lot of structures that's actually kind of bad like you I always like to translate units into supply and a thousand minerals that is 20 Marines 20 times 50 20 supply of Marines so you know you could be at 180 supply to be fair would only be Marines but you can some eroters in there as well which can be kind of useful you also could have already started your extra three barracks if you want to be going into that or your second starport whatever it is you want to be doing i think if you open with ghost double ebay i'd say probably want to be going into that eight racks first right um instead you decide to drop here do get the plus two this is a nice drop and the phil phoenixes are going to get at least one of holy crap this provost is a little bit of an idiot does end up getting the matter of fact though so it's not the end of the world salad's run by doesn't achieve much prism stays alive now a little bit of a supply block here for the prolos after his piling got killed on the right side ford base is about to finish up and now yeah you're you're lacking the gas buddy you can't afford this with five gas I think like he's going to be getting a so so basically the way I tend to this is your first real structure as a Terran okay this costs a lot of gas This costs a lot of gas to get ghost out, to get the enhanced shockwave. And then this is also going to cost a lot of gas. These upgrades cost a lot of gas. So doing all of that at the same time, while in five gas, is extremely unrealistic. You're going to have to cut something, and I'm afraid it's going to be the enhanced shockwave. You've been cutting a lot of air units already as well. Let's not forget we're 10 minutes in game. You've lost three MEDFX, and you only have six air units out. I think your first two MED of X finished at the 7.9. minute mark. Is that correct? Then you produce two every 30 seconds, which means you could have had 14 air units out if you had the money to continuously produce. Right now you have nine out. So I wouldn't have minded if there was three extra air units out, something like that. Would have probably been good. Second starboard. In that case, you also don't need such a fast second star port or you could get the a dregs first i still think in general the a dregs wouldn't have been bad if you're floating one k the entire time but there's just a lot of decisions where i'm not sure what is exactly best or what the complete correct order is but i really do believe a couple of extra barracks wouldn't hurt at this point especially because you're floating money like there's no shame in doing that you know even if sure you are grandmaster and you're supposed to be able to spend your money probably on this this is a good response by the way pull the workers away immediately while you're dealing with this crap that's really nice I'm a little bit weak here as well like you should you should be looking maybe to do something there could have maybe chased but it's tricky as well one disruptor shows up you lose your entire army that is something that that can be difficult to deal with so a nice pickup I thought he had Vikings as well though yeah these these bad boys probably should have been sent there a while ago to deal with that prism they will be going there right Now, your Ford base doesn't really have a lot of workers. I feel like you haven't been producing workers as well. I have to admit that. Your map vision ever since you kind of have been pushed back has completely decreased. And this is one of the things that I think sets good Terrans apart from Fantastic Terrans. It's that Fantastic Terrans always find a way back on the map to either get that map control or to deny their opponent's map vision. And very often these two things go hand in hand. This is an extremely risky drop and I'd even consider it. stupid. Like this makes very little sense if you don't know if I have this tower. I didn't have this tower. Yeah, so okay, but this is fine. If you do it like this, it's actually fine. You're going to be going here. The problem is you have no vision on any other side. My army could have been here and you wouldn't have known. You need to send out more marines to check towers, to check the middle area, maybe even something here. And then you can do things like that. Or you need to make an opening with a small harassment group. And once you have that opening and you force defense, So imagine you have two drops all the way going around here, going over here, walking into this place. Then you see me making a defensive reaction. Maybe your other army can start walking over here. But until, like, sending out such a big chunk of your army is just really risky, especially because your planetary isn't even done yet. Like, you really had no clue where my army was or what was happening. The only thing you knew is that there was a zealot here. It is kind of scary, I have to admit. It is kind of scary to more. move out like this. Two drops I would have been happier with. I really would have been. Because that also allows you if my army would have been coming from here, for example, to have another army going here, then maybe you can force a base trade if you can't defend. So a lot of the movement, I'm not the biggest fan of. Do you like these two Vikings there? I wouldn't mind if it's a single Viking. You're going to pull them back. That's annoying, but yeah, it's not the end of the world. And hence, shockwave, still not here. You're still kind of lacking gas, which really is kind of showing in your lack of air units. Another thing that I want to really put some attention on this is the fact that the way that it works for most Terrans, or the way that most Terrans see the game, is that against non-colossi, or non-colossi, you can survive with bio plus ghost, or just bio plus mine kind of wins that. On Stamplers are out, you need ghost, but if it's just Charged Lot Arcon, Immortal or something, you can with bio, marauder, marine, most of it, you're going to be fine. If you have a couple of minds, ghost will make you win that fight way harder. Once Colossi come out, you can survive with Ghost, but you want to start transitioning into Vikings. Okay? So you can, like, you can fight against Colossi with a Max Marauder ghost army, but it's difficult to win a fight unless you're in a very good position. You can most of the time just defend. Attacking into positions is difficult. With Vikings, without having a good position, if you have the correct amount of Vikings against the Colossi army, you will win the fight. Guaranteed. You hit the EMPs, you hit with your Vikings, you're going to be fine. Once disruptors are out, most terrorists like the transition into Liberators, liberators with range. Now, you might be wondering, why are you laying out the entire history of the PVT matchup? It's because you need to be anticipating these moves. Liberators gain a lot from ship weapons upgrades. So even though right now you might not be thinking about disruptors yet or you haven't even seen them yet, this might be your first time, you probably already should have been getting them. You have a lot of minerals in the bank. You should have been mining more gas in order to afford those ship weapon upgrades and perhaps even start considering throwing down a fusion core. Anticipation is key in this matchup. You always want to be a tech switch ahead of your opponent. Right now, even though you had a good position in this game, you've just been tech switches behind. You're still trying to pump out Vikings, well, I'm already transitioning out of Colossi because I'm believing that you should already have the units ready. I'm going into this Rupter. You don't even have liberators on the way yet. This is a fantastic move. Or a fantastic move. This is a fantastic situation for you. I didn't like how the move came to be. But I think the fact that it's here now is very good for you. I really do believe that. And it also forces me back. It's absolutely fantastic. Good job. You know, even though I'm not the greatest fan of how it happened, it happened, and you used it well. You also realized, okay, recall called. Now you move on the map with your second army, but we're seeing an issue here, all of a sudden, aren't we? You're lacking metaphics. Your army is extremely bruised. All of these medevacs are empty, not because you're over stimmed necessarily, even though you might have been a little bit too trigger happy with the stims at times. I've been paying attention to that. But because you're lacking air units. We're 12 minutes into the game. You have lost total four air units, and you're still only on 10 air units, six metaphics for Vikings. You've been in double Starport, but I don't think I've seen a single time where both of these star ports were producing. The fact of the matter is you've just been lacking gas for a very long time in this game, and now even though you aren't, you're still not really producing from that. You're getting your three extra barracks after your fifth base finished while you're starting your sixth base. You're just lacking production for bio units, and you were lacking production for your starport units because you didn't have enough gas. Sorry for that guy, some dogs started going, absolutely bananas in the background we'll have to have a talk with him later tonight all right this is a good move but the problem is it's not going to be a great move because this army is already so damaged so you're never going to be able to really get done what you want like this drop would have been really really sick jesus christ this guy's actually an idiot come on buddy this drop would have been really really sick had it not been that most of these units are already really bruised and you can't heal them up oh this is the f2 of a lifetime as well look that as a thing of beauty upgrade finishes nice good job Kevin we have a drop here as well I don't actually like this type of dropping I on do I understand why are you doing it no not really another stim yeah and we're losing even more meta effects and now because you're losing these meta facts you need to reproduce more meta facts and you're still not getting into the zone where you need to be and that is liberators you should already be having a decent Viking count Like I could switch back into three, four colossi at this point, and it would be really bad for you. You're lucky that I didn't, because, well, let's be real. The brain on this protocol isn't the brightest, but you had a good position, and now you kind of lost that good position. You, within about 20 seconds, look at this. So right now, look at the position we're currently in, okay? You're in a position where you have complete map control. You're going to be up. You can be up a base by getting this one. And you should probably already be, well, first of all, three, three upgrades maybe, getting some extra liberators, things like that. And you can do that because you have map control, okay? I can't move out until I have cannons and batteries up here. And I want to be taking a fifth base. So it's going to be very expensive for me to do that. I don't have that many work. I don't have that much income. I can't really do that. So if you just keep this army on the map, you can transition into an army. that you need. Unless you have 100% sure damage, there's no reason for you to do this. You're giving up your map control with this and you're giving up very, very important metaphics as well. Both of these things at the same time, giving up map control and your air units. That's a mistake, my friend. That really is a mistake. Okay, let's skip through. We already saw this. So this gets semi-cleaned up. Yep, that does get cleaned up. This gets cleaned up. What else do we have here? Now I start moving out. Now all of a sudden I have map control and this would be okay if you already had the units ready to deal with disruptors. Sadly for you, you haven't even considered building a single Liberator yet. You have zero ship weapon upgrades. I'm going to be getting blink DTs at this point because I'm getting ready for the next step. Once Terrans have liberators, it tends to be nice to do I get that shot off? No way, right? That was really close. It tends to be nice to get blink DT so you can snipe planetaries. And in that case, Terrans just need to defend properly and then if they can force a fight it can still be good for them. Now you don't really have anything to chase that already tends to not be possible against disruptors. So I would not recommend doing that, especially not against eight disruptors. With the army you currently have, I would say the only thing you can really do is either go for base trades, try to get map control back, basically, or, well, actually, there's no or. You can't chase this army. You need to force base trades. And ideally, with a couple of liberators here to hold positions, but you don't have that. You haven't taken your fifth base yet, which you probably should have had a while you had map control. Now all of a sudden you don't have map control anymore. So, well, yeah, you can't take your fifth base no more, even though this base tried is best. And now, yeah, you're just going to be stuck defending positions. that you don't even want to be in. Like, you're pretending like I'm a 5.3K Protoss idiot. You're trying to snipe disruptors from the back with an entire army, stimming while you have four Madovacs. Like, welcome to the Big Boy League, man. This don't work no more, all right? What you need to do is you need to start base trading like your life depends on it. Get a sense of reality, okay? I don't lose against a flank. It's not going to happen, okay? More than one thing needs to be happening for that to happen. And it won't. Because I know what these babies are worth. Okay. Okay, this is not the cleanest. Boom. Boom. Yeah. You flank. This is what happens. You were already in a bad position, but you can still make something better out of a bad position. This is kind of if you have like, okay, imagine you want to cook a nice arabatia, arabia, arabia pasta. Okay. delicious pasta, except there's a problem. You don't have any peppers, you don't have tomatoes, and you're lacking the pasta. Really, all you have is water and a little bit of salt and olive oil. Now, what you are doing right now is you're pouring the boiling water over yourself and spraying the olive oil into your own ice, and then you're confused that it didn't taste good. obviously it didn't taste good you didn't even try eating it okay what you should be doing is you should be making olive oil salt water and drink some of that stuff and in that case it would have been base trading far-fetched analogy but I think it lands I do think it lands at this point let's be real you're pretty dead okay you tried well you had a big lead but you didn't manage to leverage it okay that's just the way it is you had momentum at times but you didn't push it. You didn't keep map control. You couldn't control the pace of the game. The other player was faster than you. He was brighter, and that's a low bar to cross, my friend, because I know this guy a little bit. He's not the brightest man in the world. He's not the brightest man in the world. Fifth base going down right now for this Protoss. Your fifth base tries to go down. I hope I actually get this. Yeah, yeah, nice. Nice. That is nice. I mean, you're completely dead. We can talk long about it. We can talk short. about it. We could talk about it for a couple of days, but there's absolutely... This was a nice move, okay? You should have been doing this rather than trying to flank my nine disruptors with your tiny bio army. She's with two metaphax over here, boom, four through the middle, bang, a Liberator queued up on my third base, another Liberator here. Like, I don't have that many cannons in defensive positions for Liberators. That could have created some chaos, but instead you went for the sure play of losing, you know? Sure, the chance was low, but yeah, you made it zero. I gave you maybe 15 to 20%. And you were like, no, let me show you what I can do with that 20%. Boom, threw it down the drain. Out of this world, my friend. Out of this world. You're dead. You're dead. It's just the way to it. Gigi. You're a good man, though. You juggied. I appreciate your work ethic. I think you're a good man, good kid. You know, I think you're absolutely fantastic, but this game, you know, we'll judge you on a couple of things. First of all, leveraging situations or keeping good situations. Having an advantage tends to be, it is possible for everyone, okay? I can get an advantage in a game against Cyril. The problem is, I can't turn that advantage into a win, or I can't keep that advantage. You had the same problem here. Every single time you had an advantage, it felt like you got so nervous that you just threw it out of the window. It's like playing a game of hot potato. Instead of a hot potato, you got like a massive bag filled with dollars and you're like, oh, this is annoying, throw it out. You had the chance and you threw it out. When you have control of the game, you play out the game as it already was intended to be. So what I mean with this is if you have a plan that you start with and your plan is to win the game with liberators or with a 1-1 push and you get an early game advantage, try, the only thing that happens to your plan is that your plan just got better because your opponent's plan got worse. His defense, by definition, got worse. So if your plan already was good, now it's even better. So try to stick to that plan. That way you also have an easy way to evaluate whether that plan works or not, rather than just doing random things. Now every single time you got an advantage by playing well and playing proper, you decided to send four Metavex in here, three in here, and be like, let's see if I can accidentally win a game. Like, that is after Sarah loses his first two lings against me because I found them with my adept. I just pull all my work and just aim off across the map, then get upset when I don't win. No, you still need to play out the game properly. Just because you get an advantage doesn't mean you're entitled to win the game. That's number one. Number two is your control. Your control is not bad, but you seem at times a little bit, naive in that you believe that your opponents are all idiots. And now I can't blame you to think that your opponent is a bit of an idiot if you're playing against a cowboy. But I think I am good enough where I'm not going to get flanked by a massive marauder army. You need to realize where your chances are in a game and you didn't realize that. Trying to flank a nine disruptor army is just no use. Just go for a base rate, really. This is genuine advice. I care about, no, just kidding. But yeah, you should do base trade. It's good advice, do base trade. It's your best opportunity very often. If your opponent just has a way bigger army, don't go for the sure play. If the sure play is a loss, then go for the risky play. If you're winning, go for the sure play. If you're losing, yeah, go for the risky play, of course. And then finally, I do want to say something about your map vision. I think at times your map vision, not only that, but also the map vision that you allowed the opponent to have was a little bit much. You were very often in such a good spot and in a place where you had a little momentum, which tends to be the case against Phoenix Colossi, where Protoss plays very defensive. Terran can establish a network of vision, of having watchtowers, making sure they have two armies on each side of the map. It's very difficult for Protoss to defend these bases and to get any type of vision and to walk across the map. When Toss gets to walk across the map, they tend to be in a good place because the Toss Army tends to work around timings. Like I was talking about earlier, you have that Phoenix Colossite timing. If you don't have enough Vikings, you could just die because you don't have the correct units. So yeah, you're lacking vision. I think you played a good game. You got a nice advantage at times and there were some good moves in there, but all together, my friend, this had nothing to do with imbalance. This had more to do with you sucking. Would you playing a little bit atrocious? Would you being a little bit bad? Yes. You suck. right that's going to be it for today's episode of is it imba or do i suck thanks so much for kuku for sending in the replay much appreciate it and i'll see you all next time for a new video tomorrow bye bye |
How to lose with MAPHACK VISION! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | Long balance complaints always indicate some great games. And boy is that true! Sit back, like, subscribe, relax and enjoy this gold fiesta from the great Americas! Colossus Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMLi2-l-FLg If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-pzUv5R9-Os/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | -pzUv5R9-Os | Dear Harstam, I've written you so many times that I'm starting to feel like Stan from that M&M song, LOL. Let's be frank, Terran Mac is Inba. Demp's Defects, homie. It's actually what it says. I will shout it from the rooftops if I must. So the other day I ran into the A-Taron player ably named Teabag, very indicative of the buttwipping I was about to receive, Winky Face. I fully acknowledge I ain't no awesome pro-pleased. Play, yeah, once again, really what it says, like you, my shameless attempt at flattery. Ha-ha. Build orders are kind of like guidelines for me, like parlay for pirates. But hey, I love the game and want to have fun. That being sad, I had a pretty sweet start. I felt like I scouted well, had good vision, but then the harassment starts. Silly benches are annoying and can cloak. What nonsense is this? But I rallied, even caught a few drops, and took out a few drop ships. and hey, started feeling good about myself. At a few engagements where I feel I traded well, I felt the game was about to be in hand. I even sent a DT run by, that took out a base. Then literally all Mr. Teabag does is make a few tanks, a few doors, and boom, my army is routed. I thought Immortals were a good counter. You referenced that silly infosheet that's in game, and hey, I made those bad boys. Guess what? Didn't freaking matter. My army is wiped out and boom. There goes the dynamite. Game over. Terran Mac is outrageously imba. Thanks DPS is nuts and Thor's when used in combination with them make them impossible to beat. This is literally my 20th letter to you. Don't make me throw my PC off a cliff. Please see reason and agree Terran Mac is imba. Sincerely yours. Stan. Isn't it your biggest fan? Stan. aka sleepless in Seattle. Name MS van G. Race Protoss, league gold. MMR, 2,600. All right. Let's hop into this replay after these balance reports are getting longer and longer. Just because you write more doesn't mean you're more correct. You could have probably tried to summarize a little bit, guys, okay? It's a little bit shorter. There's no need to write me entire essays about why you're. believe with your 2,600 MMR, my Terran is imbalanced. I'm very curious. He said build orders are like guidelines. Now the beauty of guidelines often is that you don't need to completely stick to them, but that you just have to kind of remain close to them. So that is how we are going to be judging MSVenge in this game is seeing how close he will stay with the build order. How close will it be? That's going to be one thing that I'm definitely going to be looking at a little bit. She starts with a low ground wall. Okay, that's interesting. It is a PVT, so it's not really necessary, but it's completely playable. I'm not flaming this. It's completely possible to get a low ground wall, a core before nexus, and just chrono and adapt across the map to deny your opponent's command center. That is a fine opener. Look at that. This guy's even going to go at the correct time. Well, almost the correct time. So usually what I'd say for the cybercourt to go down, I'd say 124 is a good time. 124, 125 the latest. This went down at 131, but it is what it is. You know, you can't always win and gets all the buildings down. We're talking gold here, you know. This is, we're not expecting the highest level. We're not expecting a lot, to be honest. Expectations are low. And yet I have a feeling that our good friend MSMG is going to be able to kind of dive under the bar that we already set at the lowest possible setting. Second piling is coming down. We have a chronobo boost on... Whenever I see a chrono boost on Warpgate, I immediately get suspicious because I don't think in my long time of watching Iyotis replays that I've once seen. a chrono boost on a warp gate that did anything, okay? Let me just remind everyone what a chrono boost actually does. A chrono boost decreases the amount of time in a resource, a research, or in a unit that is building by 10 seconds if it hits the full duration, which means that now a warp in will be 10 seconds faster. This tends to be completely useless because most of the time you're not even going to have a second gateway unit yet. So you're chrono boosting out warp gate for your single gateway, which makes very little sense. Like you're just going to, you just want to warp in a single unit real fast. Makes no sense to me. Second gateway is going down. This built, by the way, I'm going to be honest with you guys. This looks a lot. Well, I'm not sure about the battery, but a lot like. my robotics facility guide. I'm not quite sure what it's called. I think it's called Crazy Colossar or something like that. Very similar build order here. I'm not upset by it. Okay. Now we get to see what the Warpgate research is. Oh look at that. This is just a thing of beauty. Chrono boost the Warpgate research, so it's done 10 seconds faster. Then as the Warpgate research finishes, he starts another stalker. So his first warp gate is actually going to morph, what, a solid 20 seconds after the warp gate finishes, or what, 15 seconds. And thus the Krono was completely useless. It's almost like I can predict what's going to happen in these games these days, because I've seen it so much. I know exactly... Okay, this is not my crazy Colossus guide. Forged Twilight and Forgas. Now we're talking. I do like the observer position, by the way. that's looking tight. Okay, and so usually when you play Forge Twilight, what you want is you want a very heavy mineral army, because you're most likely going to be wanting salads. Just going two-base blink stalker with plus one is not actually good. So you probably want to get maybe like fast blink into charge, and thus you want a faster third base rather than getting more gases. Unless you're rushing storm or Robo Bay, you don't actually need to get four gases before your third base. or maybe if you play Stargate. So, yeah, okay. Well, wait, no. Why do I say okay? I wasn't expecting the charge, because the charge makes the least sense with this. You'll see that the gas count is going to rise, and he said, aka sleepless in Seattle, which means he's American, which then again explains his affinity for having big amounts of gas that he doesn't really need. Benchie's going to roll in here. This indeed is very annoying. Not the slowest response time. Also wasn't a quick response time, but it wasn't the slowest either. We need to keep in mind that this is Gold League level and that both players are just going to be a little bit slower. Super Battery could have been activated here. Not quite the case, but that's okay. Who could have predicted that the Benchy would fly back? If only we had a way to defend two bases at the same time. by leaving his stalker over here rather than running like a... I like that he did it again. You know he didn't learn from his mistake the first two times, then did it a third time. But luckily for him, the Terran decided not to fly back into the main base. Could have just kept ping-ponging in between the main and the natural again and again. Now this Benji, technically we could react to it, but we could also just idle our units in our natural for a little bit longer. That also makes a little sense. This is the one, this is the most ambitious Benji that I've seen in my life. You're like my friends, yeah, I know they went for workers, but me, I got a pilot and I started working on the gateway as well. I got like 200, 200 shields of that gateway, all right? I did a good job. This isn't even Mac. I've been lied to? Did he... No, okay, it's the correct thing. He said T-Back. He was talking about... Amnita. Am I going wild in the head? Terran Mac is Inba dams the facts, homie. He's playing bio! What? This guy has four barracks. I completely forgot what we were looking at here. What is this, by the way? way, there's another observer, another observer. I wouldn't mind having an observer here for full vision, get a unit at the watchtower for some added vision on as well. There's an awful small amount of things happening this game. I have to admit, Robo Bay finally coming on. Okay, this is, I know that you said that you see build orders at guidelines, but this is more like that if it's said that the guideline is to eat five potatoes a day, then we'll What we kind of mean with that guideline is that it's fine to also eat four potatoes or six potatoes. Okay. What you do instead is you see you need to eat five potatoes a day and put an eggplant in your nose hole, you know? Like try to stuff them. It doesn't make a lot of sense. It's nothing to do with the guideline. This is a completely different thing than anything I have ever seen and hopefully different than anything I will ever see in the future. This is a warning for everyone as well that is looking at this and thinks, oh, that's fun. This looks like a builder. This is not a builder. What is this cannon doing? What is this cannon defending? If you're going to get harassed, it's going to come from here. This cannon is defending, this population of fish. In that case, that's a good cannon. I'm going to let it be. Okay, here you catch a drop ship. You're very proud of that. You started feeling good about yourself. I actually can't believe that I'm looking at a game that is considered Mac. Just because he builds two tanks, doesn't make it Mac. This is bio. He went for Stim. He should have combat shields on the way, yeah. And he has four barracks. And he's getting an armory. Okay, maybe he's going to be going to some BioMack. You hate to see it. When's the last time you built a worker? There's one building here, so about five seconds ago. Well, that question got answered quickly. Very rapidly even. Plus two, thermal lens as well. Okay, I love the vision that you have. I find it very impressive that you have five observers and still manage to miss this move out completely. I feel like we could give you map and you'd still be out of position this entire time. Oh, I mean you're gonna win this fight, that's for sure. The other guy just wasn't even seats with his tanks. Okay. A thousand gas in the bank, as predicted. Who could have thought that taking four gases this fast with an army that doesn't require a lot of gas would get you to float a lot of gas? That really is wild, okay. So you managed to take out a big portion of your opponent's army. You decide, hey, I want to come out a lot of your opponent's army. Hey, I want to counterattack now and do some damage. I kind of feel like you should just win. There's no reinforcements again. So you're building a prism. Now this is absolutely fantastic. What is this? And why weren't they included? I want to see this again. This entire interaction, okay? So let's see. He walks up here, sees a tank. Yes, okay, he has full vision. I keep forgetting he has full vision the entire time. He just can't judge anything, but he actually has full vision. What? I missed that earlier. How did I miss that earlier? Some cannibalism going on. Okay, so he sees everything that there is. Get shelled by a tank and his opponent stims. Then he's like, oh, that is way bigger than I saw just half a second ago. Let me run back. I see my opponent is going back to doing nothing. Let me recall my army. Great sequence. This was a great sequence. I wish there was a second part of this. I kind of want to see. this again but no we can't just keep repeating the same thing over it's like the people that watch like a shrek 12 times it's like come on buddy you know that the ogre is gonna marry the princess now you don't need to watch it again people who do that why do you always watch the same movies don't you want to watch something new every now and then it's like the lifestyle of an 85 year old at that point it makes sense you know it's like you kind of want to watch that you know you enjoy it but when you're 12 or 13 why do kids like doing that. How does that make any sense? Kids should be the one that are constantly exploring new things. They seem to be you know, I remember when I was a kid I watched Peter Pan like eight times. It's not even that good of a movie. It's not like you're finding new things with every watch. You're like, oh, thinkerbell's wearing a pink dress. Like, yeah, no, like it's useless. Okay, now we're going into... This isn't Mac. This is a single factory producing factory units and because your opponent has so little bio unit it looks like mac but this is not mac how are you going to lose this game though you have 2k gas now as Protoss you have this structure called the templar archives which allows you to throw away your gas into a unit that it's extremely good called the arc on oh my god you have so many cannons the cannons will just be able to hold this won't they be at your response time okay robotic facility okay you look at the cannons pull away the workers maybe super battery it no not necessary okay well no super battery but the rest honestly not too bad i'm kind of okay with that okay the problem is is that you have 1800 gas you're not using it your fort base started at the 12 minute mark this a good d t that's not really a run by because it is on the sides but it is a dt attack and i like that you know like I can dig it I can definitely dig it these 3dTs they did a buzzing job get some vision again there's no way you're gonna no actually there is a way you have an 18 second warning but there's no way you're looking at this observer and you're dealing with these drops oh my god this is just like with the benshi do you not understand that if there is a dead space you can fly over it and come out on the other side it's not like it's a black hole where he goes in and he pops out I believe you don't actually pop out of black holes anymore and just dies no that space can begin here and end here and then you can fly back and forth and you have vision of it again how you can how can you have this much vision and be so blind at the same time it's like you get too much stimulation or something like that you know if you know too much too many things happening at the same time. See people that get over entertained, you know, watching a movie, refreshing their Instagram, talking with their sister on the phone at the same time. That's something like that. That's what you do while playing StarCaves. Just constantly looking around the things because you have so much vision. Oh, look at it, vicious. I'd also be kind of, uh, kind of distracted if I saw these fishes. Yeah, cool fishes. Anyway, T-back's moving forward and this is indeed is a massive Mac army. I can't believe that you thought this was Mac. Like immortals are not the counter to this. Well, immortal charge is fine, but I'd say Colossi or disruptor, just your standard army would do even better. You're lacking about what is this? Seven Archons that could be in your army. Let's not forget that. Finally you're going to get vision of your opponent. Five observers again. Five observers and now you get vision. Completely out of position. so you need to run back. By the time you arrive back home, you're already going to have lost your base. Yeah, this is actually the weirdest game I've seen in my life. It actually is. It just doesn't make any sense. Just none of it made any sense. Why is there DTs in your army? Why is there no Templar? Why didn't you morph these into Archons? Why are you still almost winning this fight? Why did you reinforce with 4 DTs? Are you winning? No. The answer is now. Now your opponent is actually playing Mac. Mac bio combination with a raven. This is... I actually have no clue what to say. The weird thing is that I'm not even quite sure what you did wrong specifically. Like it felt like you have some knowledge. It seems like you have a brain. well. Okay, well now I'm not so sure what is this move? It's a run by through your opponent's army. Like basically what you're doing is you played something that resembled a build order for the first two and a half minutes. Then you went and did your own garbage. It's like if you were in like one of these Bob Ross classes, you know, and you start by drawing one three and then you just grab your paint bottle and you just squirt it all out over your paper. you smash your face into it and then you start licking the paper like a complete idiot. I feel like that's kind of what I watched here. Like you started with the tree, okay? The happy little tree is what you started with and you end up licking your painting. Which is not good for you by the way. This is bad for your help, this type of game. If you play more than five games like this a week, I would recommend quitting. I really would because the amount of stress and frustration that you don't only give yourself but other people that have to watch this hot piling heap of garbage is very, very high. I was happy with that insult. All right, well, you're dead. It's time to leave. So we can get to the good part here. G. Now, I think this game deserved more than one G. Your opponent absolutely blasted you. with the weirdest army comp with the weirdest build I've seen in my life. Okay, quick look at the balance for them. What is they say? Mac is broken. Okay, first of all, we're going to make three categories. First is game knowledge. Mac consists of units that mainly come from the factory. This was bio with a factory to supplement into Biomech hybrid. You get an F, a massive. Huge suck. And an F. Two stamps for this one. Your game knowledge is negative. People that know nothing know more than you. Second. Your vision. For your vision, you get a good. Your vision was really good. You had observers all over the map, almost the entire time. You saw everything. I give you a good. Then we have a bonus category. using the vision. For that, I don't even know what stamp to give you. Freaking terrible, god-awful, the worst. Kind of like the worst. Pop, the worst. Actually, the worst use of vision that I've ever seen in my life. Then to end with, your unit composition, you are lacking Archons completely. I don't mind the immortals as much, but if you have some archons here for tanking, it's going to help so, so much. add a couple of zealids in as well, don't get DTs. As a fighting army, a DT is 125 minerals, 125 gas. Instead what you can do is you spend that money on zealads and High Templar. And you morph the High Templar into Arcon. That has really nice synergy. You get a lot of zealots and you get a lot of Archons with that as well, rather than having to build these very expensive DTs that are really only good for harassing. So on that you're also going to get an extremely mediocre, to atrocious stamp. Congratulations, my friend. Altogether, you suck. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? Where once again we have someone who sucked. If you think that you don't suck and that it is indeed imbalanced, be sure to submit a replay in the replay submitting form below. Thanks everyone for watching. I hope you had a great time. I didn't. Bye-bye. Like. |
HE CALLED ME UGLY?! And Zerg Imba, But That Can Wait! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | The audacity. THIS AUDACITY. He really said he is better looking than me! Guys. I am an influencer. My ego is shattered... Please like and subscribe to build me back up again! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QvT5kOcp3-o/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | QvT5kOcp3-o | Dear Mr. Flaming Lips, first of all, I want to stress that I am better looking than you, and second of all, Zerg is Imba. These are two claims that I find rather unlikely. The economy they can acquire through larva and in combination with those mega-cheap roaches make them unbeatable. I opened up with a classic D.T. surprise attack. I killed his natural while taking a third myself. After harassing with Arconnes, I saw he had four. basis, so I decided to attack because of my advantage at the start. Even when my disruptor had the most immense hit you could imagine, I lose my whole army. Hit after hit, I take away roaches with the disruptor, but defeat was inevitable. What should I have done better? Is Zurich with roaches imba, or do I suck? Orion. Orion is a master's Protoss player from Europe. Now, first of all, Orion, you really think you're better looking than me? Unlikely, but we can test this at the end, okay? Let's first have a look at your I.O. disclaim. Roaches are mega cheap, is what you said? I agree with that. They're extremely cheap. And you said the Zerg economy made it even better or something. I don't know. I already can't remember your eyes from, I'm too focused on you thinking you're a better-looking. guide on me, which I just find a ridiculous statement. Ridiculous. Opening up with a decent little thing here though, sending out that worker to go block your opponent's natural is something I like to see. It's always good to force your opponent to take their natural on their third base location, makes them drones walk a little bit further, cost them a little bit of eco, obviously also cost the Protols a little bit of eco to get that propout early on the map, but tends to be worth it for the Protoss player. On top of that forces your opponent to split his drones like farther away from each other. So if you're doing something like a glaive attack, it's going to be harder for him to defend his bases. If the Zerg does something like this where they're really keen on actually trying to take their natural and like they're, you know, they're not going anywhere, you should just throw down a pylon. Job well done if you ask me. Yeah. No? You do it. You do it. You do it. You do it. You do a have to go up into the main base? No? Why would you even scout if you're not going to scout? What? How does that even make any sense? That's like going to holiday to check out the airport. What's wrong with you? You went out. You went out. there already check the pool timing you moron good lord now he plays corby for nexus that's absolutely insane this actually now he goes back in sees hey it actually was hatch first with a late pool oh my god my corby for nexus for no reason corby for nexus is really bad against serg um it a fast adapt doesn't do as much as it does against taran and that's really the only advantage as is the fast adept, which means a faster scout and a faster unit to fight of the Reaper. This makes no sense. You rush out your cyber, okay, let me just stress how insane this entire thing was that just happened here, okay? He opens up with Corby for Nexus. In order to do this, you're delaying your second gas, you're cutting off two workers approximately, like you have to cut one of your workers here temporarily, and also because your next is later, you're going to miss about one and a half to two workers because every 12 seconds your Nexus is delayed, your Nexus is just missing a worker because a probe takes 12 seconds to build. You get, you rush out a core at a pretty big cost for Prodos in PVZ. Then look at what you do, okay? The advantage you get from Corby for Nexus is about a 10 second faster core. The entire sequence that Orion goes for here is a thing of beauty. loses the resources of going core before nexus core finishes at 205 which already is impressive because it's supposed to finish at two minutes at a low ground okay maybe 201 i'm fine with that this core is four seconds late already for the core first okay 205 it finishes then he doesn't use the core for at least 10 seconds Exactly 10 seconds. He just waits for the timing where it would finish on a Nexus first and then start his warpgate. This is like getting an insurance for your house. And then when your house burns down, it's just buying a new house and never contacting your insurance. It doesn't make any sense. The only advantage you get is either faster warpgate or a faster adapt. Your adept starts later than my adept starts. How is that even possible? And then to make it all worse, you make up the 10 seconds that you just lost by delaying your warp gate by chrono boosting it immediately. So not only do you waste initial minerals and gas by going on Corby for Nexus, then you don't start your warp gate, but then in order to have your warp gate finish at a timing that it would finish with a Corby for Nexus, you put on a chrono boost. It absolutely beyond me what you're doing here. Absolutely beyond me. Holy crap. I love how you waited, legit, 16 seconds to start an adapt, only then to chrono boost an adapt. A chrono lowers the building time of whatever it is your building by 10 seconds. So you're delaying something so that the chrono boost make sure that it comes out at the same time as it usually would have. is actually just impressive. Okay, Twilight Council. He said it went for a classic DT drop. The worst thing here is, let me tell you, the worst thing here is that for a DT drop, you don't even need a fast warp gate. You don't need a fast warp gate. And the reason for that is because you don't need a lot of gate units out. You're going to be getting two to three gate units. Most of the time you get two actually with DT drop. You can get three if you want. You get two gate units before you warping your DTs. And because your prison makes it to the other side of the map at around 4.30-ish, 432, 431, you're not going to get your warp. You don't need your warp gate done before like 420 or 410. So you can even delay your warp gate, pretend that it's a star gate. Is it possible to maybe also just put the darks right here now that you're showing your opponent everything in the future? Just make it easier. At least if you put your dark shrine here, you won't have any clue what's happening. He's like, ah, there's a dark shrine there. There's no way this guy is such an idiot. You know, it's tricking them, making them believe that there's no way you can be this dumb. But you, my friend, are four minutes in. You're already breaking records. Very impressive. It's going to get supply block as well. 43 out of 46. I'm kidding. What is this? This is Masters League, man. Get a grip, bro. Two probes to build a pilot? I thought they were going to go into the gas and I was going to say, ah nice, he's putting his workers in gas. Teamwork. Very buddy-body. Can do anything by themselves. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I am a little bit pissy because he thinks he's better looking than me. I'm not going to lie. So I might be going a little bit harder on him than I would usually. But you know, it's a consequence of his actions. Maybe that's the one thing that he should learn in life, is that his poor actions have consequences as well, you know. Yeah, if you start your cybercore 10 seconds earlier, then not do anything with it for 10 seconds and then Kronobo boost it, that sucks. Just like if you send an email to me saying that you're definitely better looking than me, yeah, you're gonna get it. A consequence, mate. You're actually... Nice timing, by the way, on the DTs. Absolute clown. I'm sure you're real glad right now that. you got that cybercore first look at this look at it for 4dd finishes at 5 minutes we're 5 minutes into this game and his timing's already hitting a solid 30 seconds too late impressive very impressive he's not even walking them either oh here we go where are they going oh he thinks the third base is here does he now think that his opponent is on 2 base or what i love this broadcasting to his opponent that there's a prism here very smart This opponent has 31 lings, all of them out of position. Amazing. Gets the spore. His opponent also has a Ford base on the way already. This guy also is one hell of a dude. No spore in the main base. Okay, this game is actually just completely over, like 100% over. There's a nice supply block here at 6262. How long has that been going on? I hope that hamster puts like a timer on that. Just making sure so we know how long he's been supply block on 62. I have a feeling it's going to be rather long. So he walks into here, picks it up. I don't mind him not going into the main base because that can be kind of risky. You can get surroundings from two sides by queens. You don't know what's in the main base. Like you can know there's no spore here. So I'm completely okay with that, honestly. Like, I can tell you, okay, that is fine. Look at 200 energy. That's impressive. 200 energy on the Nexus. Six minutes, 18 seconds. Now, I once made a guide on a DT drop. It's called DT drop guide, I think. And I believe there I had a timing. First of all, my initial timing to hit with the DT drop is at like 4.30. Then my second timing I hit. Is it like an army that has about, I think it's like 115 or 1.15. 10, 120. And let's say 115. I think it's either 110 or 120. So 115, nice in the middle. 115 supply at seven minutes on the other side of the map. I think I might even have plus one, but I also could not have plus one. I can't remember that. Let's see what my good friend Orion manages to do at seven minutes. 88 supply. So that's about 20-ish supply less. No more. It's almost 30 supply less. And that's very good as well. See, this wouldn't have bothered me as much. If he hadn't thought that he was also better looking than me, and if he wasn't masters. If he was just, you know, a platinum player and he's hitting the timings late from builds that are invented already that have been made before. You know what he is? He used to do it yourself, husband. You know, the guy that rather getting a plumber to fix his, I don't know, like his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his, his. sink or whatever, decides that he can just do it himself. Even though he has no skills whatsoever in plumbing, just like Orion has no skills whatsoever in StarCraft 2 or the making of build orders, Orion says, you know what? This Harstam guy with his tutorial videos on YouTube and his explanations of what is optimal, probe saturation, you know, building adapt the moment your cybercore finishes. It's fun and all, but how about I just go, I just mess around a little bit myself. then i hit everything 35 seconds later it's like my friend you don't have to reinvent the wheel it's absolutely not necessary there's people out there for you with higher intelligence and better looks that already made build orders just a fact okay nice speed as well on 17 8 pm it's not bad no i can live with that let's take a look at this uh this arc of harass i remember him mentioning did he mention this arkana i'm gonna i'm just gonna keep towing back to this stupid to the stupid one I say. Arrassing with my Archons, I saw he had 4 base, so I decided to attack because of my advantage in the early game. That's what he said, okay? It's an interesting trigger as well, but I like it. I like it. The thing with 4th bases is, is that a 4th base by itself means nothing. This is a bit like if you imagine you want to know if another country. has nukes and what they have is they have a factory with a sign that says we make nukes here and then you go aha that's a nuclear factory and then you look on the inside and there's nothing there it's just an empty hall that they use for conventions or something like that you know it's a it's a fake to scare the world something maybe north korea could do it's the same very often with ford basis of a Zerg a fort base is only as good as the content of the fort base. In this case, this is actually the third base now. So you've got to treat it like a third base. And you look at this, you see he isn't even saturating his gases yet. Your opponent right now is on 71 workers while you're on 6. No, you're on 71 workers. Well, he's on 68. You're up three workers. You're up in income against Zerg. You're taking a fourth base yourself. And you have an army that is increasing in strength. every second. On top of that you have three upgrades being chrono boosted out right now. I hope at least one of them will finish before you attack. That should be blink most likely. There is zero incentive for you to attack right now. Anything that you're doing that isn't just harass is a waste. Look at this! You know something is a good timing when two upgrades are over 60% done and you just invested in a fort base that hasn't gotten you any return on your investment yet. Very impressive. I also like that you manage to hit three seconds before your blink finishes to really, you know, drive home the point that you absolutely have no clue how upgrades work in this game. Two zealous going, I like this move, this is a good move. Should have also sent like maybe a DT here or two zealots, but sending away two zealots from your main army is good. You had a big hit with a disruptor. But yeah, you attack into the Roach, which is the worst scaling unit in all of StarCraft 2. An army consisting of 200-200 Roach beats nothing. There's no other 200-200 army that Masroaches beat. They get a journey of this Disruptor. Mom, I'm being sent out into the field. I bet you're gonna have a great time. I think so too, Mom. controls me well. Did it, did it, did it, did it, did it, did it, did it, did it, did it, did it. Kind of got Sarah Carragant here, once again. Aye, aye, this is just, it's immensely sad. Watching you play is immensely sad. It gives me a headache. It actually does. I decided to record a video in the morning for once and you already ruined my entire day. This is... People like you are why I can't record videos in the morning. He's destroying Mahmood for the rest of the day. It's unbelievable. This is a nice run by though. That's a good job. That's a good job. I don't use this one as well. It's the only unit you have after all. Starting at Colossus at this point, I like it. Deciding that a Colossi is better than Disruptors against a Masroach army. This actually is a good run by. It forces him back. I like this a lot. This is the type of of stuff, even when you're behind, can really win your games. Well, not in this case, because you're really dead, but, like, you can really force your opponent back. And if you would have done that earlier, when you still had the, uh, this pace as well, maybe you could have even survived a little bit. I think it might have been possible. It would have been hard, but perhaps possible. Zerg, however, is just my easy-e-moving cross-map. Doesn't give a crap. He's like, oh, man, look at this ugly Protoss. It's like, I don't know that he actually is ugly, but I have a feeling that he might not be the best looking guy. That's probably what the Zurich is thinking right now. No match. What a name as all. It's a good name for StarCraft 2 account. Yeah, you get absolutely blasted here, and you have no chance. Okay? No chance. You did get some big disruptor hits. But you're actually down in resources lost. Imagine having the most cost inefficient unit in the entire game and then being down in resources lost. That's also impressive. all right let's actually let's get let's just get into this guys let's get no before we get into it let's go for the other claim to see whether he is prettier than me or not and we're gonna we're gonna do this by statistical analysis okay we have a couple of factors he's a propros player that tends to put people makes people good looking propros players good looking people okay so he has got that going for himself. He watches harsh them on YouTube. A bit of a downer, you know, it's a minus 10, minus 15%, you know. Protoss naturally 100%, and minus 10% minus 15% or so. He's an idiot, minus 15. He probably doesn't know how to wash his face or shower or use towels or any skincare products whatsoever. So that's another minus 25. So I think a good, a good would be that he's in the top 50, top 60% of pretty people, just mainly because he plays ProDos. And now I found a test online, and I took a picture for it, and we can use this test to determine whether I am prettier or uglier than him. So here we go. Am I pretty or ugly? Face beauty analysis. So we kind of put our face into this oval. I can adjust the eyes later on here. The outright eye, that looks good. Left eye, that is my left eye indeed. We'll put it over here. No wait, more close to the white, somewhere over here. Then we put this here. I think it's a very, it's not even, it's not even one of my greatest pictures, you know? I just snap this picture randomly. I was like, I'm not going to try art. I could do a little picture with some makeup on and all that good jazz. But I'm like, no, I don't need that. You know, I... Oh, natural. I think I'm a good-looking guy. Well, at least better looking than Orion. Get the side of my face. The leftmost point of my face, man, I have a massive hat. The hair line. Forehead is a little bit big. I have to admit it. What's this? I'm looking for the nose. Okay, nose is here. Hop and hop. Jeez, this is one hell of a test. Middle of the mouth. The rightmost point of the mouth. And the leftmost point of the mouth. Now, all need to be is about 55%. And I get 84. So, my friend, first claim, is you prettier than me? I don't think so. 84%. Look at this. Good face shape, normal forehead size, good interocular distance, normal mouth size, small chin and poor face symmetry. Which idiot wrote this? Well, whatever. So yeah, pretty clear to me. Then the second claim, is this imba? You, my friend, hit 30 seconds late with a DT build, which is one of the easiest builds to execute, Especially because you did nothing with your early game adept. So I completely forgot about that. So let's define this in three parts. First of all, your build order. Your build order sucked. It was terrible. Look like you made it yourself. And if you didn't make it yourself, I'd beat up the guy who gave it to you. Awful. Never play it again. Get a real build order. Hit tight. Get actual units out in time. Secondly, your decision making. You scout his 4. base but what you forgot is that you killed his natural location base which was his third base which then became his fourth base which is the base you should have scouted to see if it had any contents what you did right now is you saw a sign that said nuclear factory and just started throwing bombs no my friend you had to stay at home and do nothing just sit back your opponent is messing roaches worst unit in the game you could have won this game with a single void right like you could you could have just continued building disruptors at well. Fantastic. Also, you decided to attack while three of your upgrades weren't done yet. So for that, you get the very rare and unique, ESS, boom, atrocious stamp when it comes to decision making. And last but not least, you're not a very good-looking person. Or at least, not as good-looking as I am. So you get the ugly stamp, pop! Three stamps, all negative. It can only mean one thing, my friend. You suck. Nice. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of, is it imba or do I suck? And how ugly am I? Thanks everyone for watching. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, don't forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel. And, yeah, that's it. Like and all this stuff. Thanks so much. Appreciate your time. Bye-bye. |
Imbalance Thesis Defense By Platinum Professor | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | This for sure is the longest and most detailed Imbalance Complaint that we EVER had. This guys analysed the whole game already with his very objective and unbiased Terran knowlege! So this must be imbalanced, right? Smash like and help me to figure this one out! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vlYxrRzuUfk/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | vlYxrRzuUfk | Dear Harstam, first of all, I realize I'm not an amazing StarCraft 2 player. I only started playing last year, but I have reached Platinum League. I know that I laps in my micro, but I felt my macro was decent this game. My supply stayed up and I consistently had more workers and army. Here's what I thought I played well. 1. I controlled the mid game. 2. I maintained good army supply. Here are some of the ways I can improve. Holy crap, this guy wrote an essay. Um, number one. My mineral lines were oversaturated. Two, my drops were not effective. Shield batteries prevented worker damage, so I just tried to depower buildings. All they did was keep Protoss on his side of the map. Three, I did not micro my army well. I struggled to micro drops and pushes at the same time, so I tend to do one or the other. My opponent just A moves with a dead ball. Four, I get supply capped. If I played perfectly, I would not be in Platinum League. I believe, overall, I'd I played better than my opponent. I had significantly better macro and was more proactive. My opponent macroed like Silver League and never moved out. As my boxing coach used to say, you don't have to be the best, just better than the other guy. I believe I have stronger fundamentals than the Protoss player. Early game. I scout what I think is an all-in, so I built a couple of bunkers on the low ground. I scouted again and lost my Reaper. But I saw two adepts and a forge. At this point I'm confident it is a one base al-in with plus one, possibly glazed or charge if he proxied his twilight. I wasn't certain, but I play against a lot of al-ins on the ladder. I built two bunkers and wait for the push, which never came. Mid-game. I took firm control of the game. I denied his third base for a time before pushing at 10 minutes and 14 minutes. In these fights I traded with my opponent well. I took better engagement, I maintained an advantage in army supply and workers, after the engagement at 14 minutes. minutes he had two army, two supply to my 70. With my next push, Jesus. With my next push, I aimed to take the position between his natural and third to end the game. I had the upgrade advantage, I had the army advantage and a composition that should trade well in a fight. This is where I lost the game. I ced my tank and EMP this army, which had flanked mine. I thought I had the composition and numbers to take the fight, mostly marauders with conclusive shells to deal with Colossi and Zealots. He aimed, moved with Zealots and Colossi. After being a head all game, he aimed me and I lost. I probably could have taken the fight if I had split and stutter stepped multiple groups of marauders. I used my splash damage spell. I had the high ground. I had tank siege. I had the upgrade advantage. He a move with half my number of Zealot and Colossi and ended the game. I could have taken a better engagement if I had microed and dropped at the same time. He gave me a bad manner, Gigi, so I floated my buildings. He continued to badmatter me after the game. Here is the imbalance. Tarrant does not have the ability to rebound from a bad engagement. I was not that after the last fight, but I was behind. Reinforcements can only trickle in from the main base instead of being warped in all at once, when and where I need them. My main comeback spells, EMP and anti-armor missile only work if I have already a critical mass of Marine slash marauder. They alone cannot equalize the game, especially against supply-efficient units like Archons and Colossi. and Colossi, on the other hand, can variably and proactively equalize the game, even from behind. When two imperfect players compete, Protoss can have worse fundamentals, play more passively, and still win, because Terran is punished more for any mistake. So, Harstam. Is it Inba or do I suck? Good Lord! This is like your thesis defense. You wrote an entire thesis here, my friend. It's an actual essay. That took me almost four. minutes to read. That is not okay. I'm going to deduct some grades of your final grade for that already because it seems like we have quite a scholar here, so I'm going to grade him like he's back in school. And I'll be grading him on a couple of things, of course, and we'll all do that at the end. But for now, the question is, is it imba or does he suck? School edition. And five-minute initial essay edition. This is the longest. letter I think I've ever gotten. And I don't think that you're going to be funny and write an even longer letter because I'm not even going to read it. Usually I don't really, like I only read the top part, like the first two lines. And if I think it's good, I open the OBS and start recording. And I think that that process of mine now needs to be changed because of people like, what's he called, Egbert. Egbert, you're ruining my workflow. And I think this process is about to ruin your life. All right. What do you have here? We can skip the early game a little bit. It's not going to be too interesting I think just making sure that both players have something that resembles a build order well the Terran has something that resembles a build order I think he cut one worker temporarily but I mean we're in Platinum League these are not the things that I truly care about all right the Reaper starts orbital command should start immediately and he should walk down with it yeah it's all a little bit slow it's all a little delayed but in his opponent is opening two gate, tried the Reaper wall and then fail the Reaper wall. So, so far 1.0 for the terror. It's like watching a football match between two guys. And one guy constantly is hitting the ball with his hands, but the other guy is still stuck in his shirt and doesn't know how to put on the shoes the correct way. In this analogy, the guy without the shirt is the Protoss player, and the guy is slapping the ball with his hands is the is the Taron but yeah it's not looking too great so far all right is it's not the cleanest game in the first two and a half minutes I like this riding style more than I like his build order okay interesting call pulls always workers and throws down a forge sometimes when I watch lower level games it feels like time moves slower but it's not actually good things just go a lot slower It's like watching a turtle and you're not quite sure if it's in slow motion or not. It's like, no, that's really the speed of the turtle. Okay, so he scouts, he scouts forge at the three minute mark and two adepts. And he sees that there's no second base. Now, a forge upgrade would hit about, what is it? Two minutes, yeah. Two minutes from now. So he knows that if this is an actual timing attack and his opponent is going to use the forge, he won't really need to over prepare for it until two minutes from now. This is something you always got to keep in mind, is that if you scout a dark shrine, the moment it starts, you still have about 70, yeah, 75 to 80 seconds, in combination with the DTs having to walk to your base, of course, to respond to it. And the worst thing to do is to respond immediately, because then you're cutting most of the time economy or infrastructure, while you don't need to do that yet. But this is why very often at lower levels, just building a dark shrine is worth it, because the other person will immediately overreact, getting like three cannons in every base. And then you don't even have to build a single DT, and it's already worth it. So we see Egbert kind of, I mean, I don't mind his, what he's doing here, you know. Second bunker for safety. I understand that. It is kind of overreacting initially, and he doesn't really have any follow-up. Also, if he thinks he's going to get attacked, isn't it really? weird to play two helions. The helion probably is the worst defensive unit in the game against Protoss. Like it doesn't actually beat any unit that Protoss has. Mine is better against Adept, mine is better against Zealots, tank, cyclone, all better defensive units. The helion is good for scouting. So I wouldn't have minded if he would have built one and send it across the map for scouting. But that's not at all what Egbert is doing here. Oh, I'm miscontrol a little bit. My bet. Egbert's going to send his first Liberator across the map and is up... Sorry, I can't count. He's up ten workers. He was nine workers. See the Protoss go for a rope. Where is his cannons? Very odd game here. Very odd. Two eBayes. Okay. Now, this is what we call a classic non-bill order. Okay. So how do you recognize a non-build order? It's very simple. It is whenever you see someone build two e-base, well, they have zero gas and 600 minerals in the bank. He still needs to build his tech labs, his reactors. He probably wants to get another tank after this. He needs to start, at some point, he's going to need to start his combat shield as well. These two e-base are not going to get used for quite some time. Well, these are all small errors compared to what the Protoss is doing so far, because yeah the pro the Protoss has a real daughter here that i haven't seen before it's just in chess i think they call this a completely unique game you know because chess very often has repeat moves so like the first like five moves very often are they've been played like a million times before and they're like this massive database of moves now if we had this massive database of games i feel like after a minute like maybe after the five seconds we already had a completely unique game because the things big dirty and Egbert are doing here are quite unique. Okay, Colossi, Twilight Council. Has he? Okay, he has plus one. That's cool. Egbert meanwhile, oh, starting is plus one. One of the eBay is working now. Second eBay is going to start, no, not going to start. Third Cc. I mean, Egbert definitely is macroing better here. So far, I'd give him about a is six, six out of ten. Okay, we're going to be using the Dutch grading system. I never understand how the letters work. Like, A is the best, F is the worst. But I don't quite know what corresponds with like a sufficient grade. Like, is a C fine or is it D still fine? And you also have like pluses. Like what is it D plus? Is D plus better than D minus? I'm not sure. I actually don't know. I think D plus is better because A plus is the highest. So it makes sense. But I'm not sure. Like, for like if you get a six you know you can you can pass on to the next grade or whatever if everything's a six I guess it would be like a D or a C B would be like a seven eight A would be nine or a a plus would be that something like that I think we're just going to be using numbers easier from my brain so far his macro and build order has been about a six and a half give it it's good enough you know we can live with it it is probably better than the average platinum player, I would say. So yeah, six, what I say? Six and a half? Yeah, six and a half, I think is absolutely fair. Maybe a six. But pushing towards six and a half. That's what I'll give Egbert so far. Protoss player hasn't scouted anything yet, by the way. I mean, why would you scout? This guy is so brilliant. He's like, I can save 50 minerals of a probe by not scouting, and instead of that, I'll just build cannons all around my base. That will only cost me what? Three, three, three. There's like 900, a couple of batteries next to it, like 1,200 to 1,200 minerals. But then he gets to save the cost of one extra probe that he could send across the map or the cost of an observer, which is 25 minerals, 75, yeah, so that's really nice, yeah. This is a great economical thinking here out of Big Dirty. But we're here to look at Eckert, my bad, sorry, guys. Focusing on Eckbert. Okay, moves across the map. He's looking pretty okay. I'm not going to lie. And then shockwave on the way, he's up 20 supply. He has stim. He has combat shield. He has plus one. You see a job. He said, you see a job. This always kind of pains me is how unaware people are of the dangers that could be there, you know? Like he just went to this pylon, walked forward with the tanks. Like 25 charlesots arrived from the left side. He would be in a world of trouble. But luckily that didn't happen. But it's just one of these things that to me is crazy because I know if these tanks were exposed. and I'd be playing against it, I'd be on top of that with the Z. I'm so fast, guys. I don't want to brag, but when it comes to A moving on top of tanks, yeah, that's my specialty. I feel like this orbital has been here for a while. You can see that by the fact that there has 99 energy already. 63 workers. He mentioned a slight oversaturation, though. So it would be pretty lame if we then start complaining about the oversaturation. That would be pretty lame. This is something that is really a classic mistake. out of the Terran and that is when you're ahead in general, this is not just for Terran, but when you're ahead in general, so you have an extra base over your opponent, your opponent is on two base and you're on three. What you can do is you can just sit back because the longer the game goes, the better it gets for you. And what you start preparing is basically a next timing push. So you start investing with your advantage into a future timing push so that you're sure that he can never take a third base again. Now that could look like exactly getting two-two upgrades, getting that enhanced shockwave and probably already having this base mining for a bit. I didn't like the double drop too much because dropping into a two-base toss, I mean the distance between the main and the natural is so small that it tends to not be very useful. So I wouldn't, what is this? It's almost like an arrow. You know, you can kind of see it here. It's like an arrow and then here would be a line behind. It's kind of a lame arrow though. Yeah, it's not really an arrow at all. It's just five pilots randomly built. Never mind. I always try to, you know, look for intention when very often there's no intention whatsoever. It's just incompetence. That's okay as well. Okay. I mean, the Terran is just absolutely winning here. Terran has no idea that he's winning. Once again goes for a double drop. This time I don't mind it as much. But the Terran doesn't know that this is better now because he isn't aware that there's a third base coming up. Very often when you're dropping, you also want to be doing something somewhere else. But, I mean, he mentioned that he doesn't have an easy time multitasking. So we're going to have a quick look at his multitasking. This is not really multitasking. This is something that Terrans do as well. I hate to generalize, but it's always the Terrans as well. It's just because you're dropping with two MetaVex doesn't mean you're multitasking. Multitasking, multi, not many people know this, but multi actually is the Latin word for many. Both of them have an M as well, so you can kind of see how that went over the ages, you know, from Latin. you go to Spanish and then from Spanish to like the Germanic languages and Germanic language to bam British English and you have many multi means many and task is something that you're doing so for example dropping however this was just a mono task this was not multitasking this was mono and mono that is actually an Italian word not many people know this Italian word and it means one That's the, it's, yeah, mono, two, three, quater. It's the first four in Italian. What hell, Kevin? So he just did monotasking, but because it's dropping, he pretends like it's multitasking. But there's a big difference here. We're going to follow him once again. Let's see how the multitasking this time is going to happen. I'll just speed it up a bit. Oh? Fly's back home. Wait, am I actually on his camera? No way, right? Okay, yeah, I'm on his camera now. Okay, look at this. Here comes the multitasking. So he queues up the drops. Starts a planetary. He's maxed, by the way. Now would be a perfect time to hit a timing. He has two two upgrades. He has the upgrade for Ghost. He has a massive army supply advantage. Then he flies into a cannon. Then he drops. Okay, and now the multitask comes in. You can't pretend that you're doing many things at the same time and say that that's one of the reasons why you're not controlling your army so well. The reason why you're not controlling your army so well is because you just don't have very good army control. And that's okay to say. But don't lie to me. It's a little bit messed up. Deducted one grade for lying. The maximum you can get right now is a nine. It's kind of messed up, my friend. It's kind of messed up. lying to your mentor, your teacher, the man who's supposed to give you advice. So he moves forward. Helion, as a scout, I like that, I don't mind that. Decides to attack, oh, crap, accidentally pressed the plus. Straight into the base with lots of cannons, but I mean, there's cannons everywhere, so I don't even really mind it. Perhaps a scan forward to see what the army is looking like. That would have been nice, especially because he does have, he doesn't have that many, actually. He does have one scan available, but not that many. Yeah, it's a win. I still feel like that a lot of the micro is negative micro. No? If you just look at these armies and how the fight went here, let's just have a quick look at how my man controls everything here, okay? So he has... What does he have? What's he doing? He has everything in the same control group, so it's probably just F2. which means he can EMP but he just move commanding forward now. Okay, then he EMPs. Now comes the stim. Now comes to stim. Now comes to stim. Now comes to... He moves forward again. So we're not con... He just stimmed twice? Then right clicks a pylon. Yeah, I think if he just A-moved, it would have actually been better. Because now... This wasn't even stutter stepping either. Why does he... Why does he... lie. He said he was micron like stutter stepping. There's everything in one control group, which means that if you're if you would be stutter stepping back, the Vikings also start stutter stepping back. He's up 80 supply. He can just send anything across the map, no? He's like 70 more army supply. There's a bunch of units in here as well. He's still afraid of that early game all in. That early forge really did something to him. to his mental state. Okay, so he leaves these tanks to die. Then really, it goes for it, which has a good EMP. Okay, you probably want to get these over as well now. Maybe it's still okay, actually. There's not enough meta facts. Vikings could land. Vikings could land. He's not F2ing though, you see that? So he just control groups everything in one control. Oh no, this was an F2, never mind. No, no, he's an F2. He's an F2R. Oh, whoa. I lied. Okay. So these works aren't doing anything. We have 4K minerals. What's our production of like? We have five barracks, two factories. Why do we have two factories? That doesn't matter. Okay. So this is a piece of advice that I very often give here in this series. And it's actually very simple. And it's basically don't copy the pro gamers production. Okay. People very often, they look at pro gamers and they go, hey, this pro gamer has five barracks. a factory and a star port on three base. I'm going to do the same thing. But that's not how it works. You should be trying to copy the early game of the pro gamer, but if you're floating 4K minerals and a thousand gas, there's no shame in adding three barracks. Okay, I'm not going to deduct any points minus 0.25 for this, okay? Just small amount, but it's, this is an ego thing most of the time, okay? And having an ego isn't very good if you want to become a Starcraft player, because most of the time we're just going to spend losing games. It's just how it is, okay? Okay. That's the law of StarCraft 2. No one actually wins. There's like two guys at the top that win. It's Cyril, Reynor. Now you have Clemmaswell and there's a bunch of Korean dudes that take all of our money. There's no shot, okay? You're a foreign, you're a foreign Terran player. In the entire history of Star Wars, like three foreign Terran players that want to turn in. Now is not the time for an ego. But you manage to get a... across the map which is nice still only single meta vac is kind of low huh okay there's nuke's as well okay but you're not are you really microing I'm not sure if you're actually micro or just moving your army you know what I mean You're just moving the army and I say, look, I'm micro. It's like the guys that do push-ups, but in reality they just go like this. They never really go like this, you know. They're just shaking their arms really fast and counting at the same time. That's what you're doing as well. It doesn't count. You can't just move back and forth a couple of times. Still you're very far ahead and you're witty. winning, buy a lot. You're going to hit another timing, a 3-3 timing this time around. You're going to be up like 80 supply, you're going to be up three upgrades. But yeah, the micro definitely is an issue. And not the fact that you do it poorly, but the fact that you do it at all. You should probably just a move, like Stim and A move, is probably better at this point. Ooh, Cloakers. I like this, Egbert. Nice. Oh, even splitting them up. I feel like you have a lot of potential, Egbert. I'm not going to lie. You're a scholar, first of all, intelligent person. I could see that immediately after reading your essay. Okay, you split them up just for them to come together. Whoop, whoop, whoop. There's no observer. It's going to work. No, there's an observer. It's not going to work. I was a good attempt. You know, I could. say, well, maybe you need to split them up rather than F3 at the same spot, and then maybe you would do more damage, but don't believe the haters, Egbert. I think it was cool, and sometimes even if something is bad, it is more important than that it's cool than that it's bad, you know? You know what I'm saying? It's like clothes as well. It's like if we didn't care at all about how cool they were, everyone would just be walking around his sweatpants because they're the best they have large pockets they're comfortable they keep you warm um yeah that's it really the only things that matter but now people want to look cool in their clothes and it's the same here you know basically the thing that you just you just bought 500 dollar pens from calving klein i think they sell pens probably or diva vans aren't that expensive armani pens 500 500 dollar Armani pants is what you just bought okay and you're always going to have the haters that say well why wouldn't you just buy cheaper pants and it's the same here you're always going to have haters that say why wouldn't you just send one goes to this base and one goes to this base and one goes here and move your army at the same time or maybe use your three three timing but these people aren't cool and they don't have the same drip you know they don't have the same style sheesh that's fire lit lit it's for the zoomers My metrics show that mainly people above, I think it's like 35 watch my videos. So the last few days I've been studying TikTok to see what's cool these days for the zoomers, the kids, the Generation X, the pre-millanials. And words like sheesh and lit do very well is what I've mentioned. It's what I've found. Okay, here we have another attack. So basically what happened here is initially our good friend Terran was up about 50 or 60 army supply and up three upgrades. Then he decided to wait as long as it took for this Protoss to get his plus one armor upgrade and to get another 90 army supply as well. So that's very cool. Very, very cool indeed. So the Protoss has less workers, has a bigger army and on top of that, look at this. four Marines, two Marines, that is six, six supply, then there's from here, 10 supply for Marauders, 18 supply. So we have about, what, 23 supply over here. Oh, another tank in here, Marauder. So you're missing about, let's say, 30 supply. You're already down 12 supply. So basically, this is 95 supply, okay, 95 supply-ish, 90 maybe. against 136. I'm sure you're down 45, 46 supply in this fight. Let's keep that in mind. Okay, you're up two upgrades, which always is important. Oh, good Lord. You hit goody in peace? Very goody in peace even. Okay, one more time. Did she just walk into your opponent's Archons? It's over here. Okay, so the tank shoot. We get a stim. No, no, everything is the same control group so he needs the EMP first because the E the ghost has priority. Most of them are just walking. Now they start shooting. After he loses 40 supply he starts shooting. He hasn't stamped! He hasn't stipped! He lost 6K more than his opponent. That was a terrible fight. Okay, now what you're supposed to do is you start base trading, like your life depends on it. You have a crap ton of money, it's still maybe possible, okay? You put the tank here on the high ground, you get like a bunker over here or something, and you just, you start dropping the other side. Like, get this base down, get this base down. Maybe go into their main base, try to get their production as well. with whatever you have okay that is all you can do right now it's literally the oh maybe if you go over here and you have a lot of money and you're my god you're lacking gas you have a lot of bases though you can you have a single drop i kind of like that single drop but you need to remember that you're already down a lot so you actually yeah you probably need to do like a full base trade or you can't base trade at all like full base trade scenario like this is you can't have half it you know you need to need to yeah you need to fully do it is this single drop gonna force this entire arm what is this rule what are you doing here okay he drops four to the right and four on the left he wanted to flank the probes in the gas and something i haven't seen before okay recall forces an army back it's possible guys it's possible okay picks up once again the monotask are going very strong orbital command flying over this he's workers doing We want to send them into gas? No? No? Maybe no. Oh. Ah, very unfortunate. Probably got F-toothed. Yeah, I got F-toothed. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Yeah, nice try. I like this though. This is a good move. This is a very good move. The F-2 wasn't a good move, but the rest was fine. These workers here is like an outpost. I once heard. that a strategy to detonate landmines is that they would send a bunch of goats into like a minefield and then the mines would explode on the goats to clear like minefields. I can remember where this was. I remember hearing about it. It could also be an urban myth. These SEVs tried doing the same, except there were no mines but storms. We're just testing the waters, I don't know. Maybe it's not the same at all, but I just want to share that anecdote. anecdote. Okay. 135 supply to 136. So army supply relatively close. But at this point, the army quality of the Protoss is actually a million times better. He has so many heavy tech units. Look at that. Colossi, seven Archons, nine Templar, two storms each. Did I say four immortals already? I think so. It's like massive, massively over-tagged army. And his opponent is super. basic like this is basically a tier one army you know marines marauders two tanks that had cleared immediately and a single viking he doesn't stim again but why yeah this wasn't a very close fight at all this really wasn't a very close fight fight okay well this game's pretty over now i mean if you can't a very close fight i mean if you can't win when you're up 90 supply it's hard for me to believe that you win being down 80 supply the offensive djee i guess big dirty had similar thoughts aside he was like all right i was really dead this game and now i won like four fights in a row there's no way i'm losing this Agbert Gigi's back as well. Oh, is he floating? I think he's floating. Let's see what's going to happen here then. I think he mentioned some bad manner as well. I guess the Gigi is pretty bad manner. I do not, I do not approve of the Gigi. I don't think it's a cool thing to do, but it was pretty funny. You know, sometimes you just, oh, nice recall. Nice recall. Hop, back home immediately. Beautiful recall click there. Wow. That is not doing much of anything. I mean, he's completely that, right? He's actually completely dead. Yeah, there's nothing there. It's gonna go home. Ah, he's just gonna stall for a bit now, or what? Because Marine and Marauder go down. There's still a little bit of army left in the main base and some marines and marauders here, but... Yeah, the rest of this seems pretty over. Oh, he's actually gonna float. We'll just speed it up a bit then. Stop. Stop. It's over. Enjoy how? You give me a bad manner, Gigi. How? Okay, this was a mistake. You can already feel it. There's too long of a break. And we know Egbert is a big fan of writing essays. So I'm expecting. Oh, you said DJ then they resigned. That's not too bad. He is correct. Egbert is correct. It was a little bit bad matter. The game was completely over. You weren't still in the game. It was over, Edward. Let's not fool ourselves here, my friend. This guy feels like a fake version, yo. What? Question mark, explanation mark. What did he say before? Stop. It is over. He sounds like someone that you'd see in like the drug prevention videos. You know? When there's like three kids, like smoking weed. And then he comes over. Stop, guys. it's over. Didn't you know that drugs are bad for you? And then the other three smoking weed, oh, we had no idea. It's like, yes, drink some water instead. That is way better than those nasty drugs. You know who uses drugs? Losers. Oh, we're no losers. Nice. And then they all smile at the camera and they wave like this or something like this. Like some 80s drug prevention video. Actually like Big Dirty would be great for this. What? I'm gonna go make a sandwich, see ya. I had upgrade advantage all game. 75 mineral structure shuts down all the rest. What structure is he talking about? The cannon? Does he think cannons call 75? Or the battery? He probably thinks the battery cost 75. Get EMP to attack through a choke into an army with better upgrades? Is he just making up fights? Or did I just miss half the game? I feel like both of these guys. saw a different game than I did. I can't believe people actually do this to each other. Why wouldn't you just leave? You're wasting your own time, no? Don't they have better things to do? Big Dirty wins? And this proves that it actually was Egbert who sent in the replay because he left the game after... Why would you send this in? I'd be embarrassed to show this. Holy crap. I'm going to have to give you a grade now, don't I? All right. I don't even know where to start. Okay, let's start with your lies. I think you lost two full points for that at this point. So from a 10, you went to an 8 already. Okay, that's a starting point. I also, because you have an ego, I took out minus 0.25. You cried so much during the game, and then you floated. It's like, turn the other cheek or be a bigger man, you know? This wasn't it. So another minus 1.75. So it's nice, you know, the 0.25 that I deducted earlier. Right now you're in a 6. If you played absolutely perfect this game, just because you lied and because you're a little bit of a dick, you already have 6 right now. Okay? You forgot the stim in two of the fights, the most important spell that Terran has, that increases DPS by a crepton. You just didn't use it. For every fight you didn't stim, minus 1. Right now you're at a 4. at a 4. Your timings make absolutely no sense. You're up like 60-70 supply. Then you wait until you're not up in supply anymore. The upgrade gap gets closed a little bit more, and then you attack. That was the last fight. You get minus 1 for that last fight, for the timing of the fight. You get... So you're at 3 right now, I think. Okay. Then the early game to midgame, it wasn't great, but I think it was good enough. Like you played as a platinum level player, and you did okay. You know, you had a semi-build order, you attacked at an okay timing, you got very far ahead. Then afterwards you lost four tanks for free, so I'm going to take another, for the first three fights together, I'm also going to give you minus one. so then you'll have two left. Yeah, actually, I think that's a fair, that is completely fair for you. You didn't really micro, so you lost a lot for that. You're a bit of a prick, and all your timings were bad. The only thing that you did do relatively well is that you just had a lot of crap, especially in the first 15 minutes. You had a lot of crap, and you moved it across the map at times. That is really just what you did. And you get a two out of ten for that, so I'm sorry, sir. you have to redo this year and you suck. That's going to be my judgment. You can of course appeal at the exam board or the exam commission and we'll have some other people look at it. But until then, you suck. And yeah, no graduation for you. I'm sorry. All right. That's going to be it for this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you thought this was a fantastic episode, be sure to hit the like button. That's very nice. to subscribe to the channel and share this with your friends and with your family as well of course nothing better than watching iolus together with your brother your sister or your cousin your dad your mom your grandma or grandpa it's not like the average age of my YouTube videos can get any higher anyway so that's all good thanks for watching bye |
HE BUILT 500 MARINES?! AND NOTHING ELSE?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | It's time again! You guys know by now that I LOVE chinese replays and complaints! They are just something else! Join me on this trip to the legendary Mass-Marine-Valley. Hit like and subscribe to get a window seat! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KajI2r9SaQ0/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | KajI2r9SaQ0 | Dear Harstein, I want to complain about Marine, period. I meet a T on the ladder. He played bio, but don't build any Madafeck or tank. From beginning to end, he only produced Marine without Stim. Every part of his macro is suck and incorrect. But so what? A steady flow of Marine can still combat my army with Bane and Lurke. In fact, my scout and Mabvision is also bad. But so does he. The Terran only have to build many wrecks to produce lots of Marines, and go straight to victory. If this is not Imba, please teach me how to against Terran. Chinese nickname, I can't pronounce it. I don't even know what it says. Terran player, platinum league. All right, let's hop into this. So the complaint here is that Marines, what was it? They don't require any upgrades. They're too easy to control. They're extremely broken. Just everything about the Marine is, insanity. And that is, of course, an issue that needs to be fixed. So let's see how this Zerg player does everything in his life. Okay? It opens up with a solid 16 hatch. The fundamentals are very important in StarCraft, too. And I'm glad to see that this ZERC realizes that. If there's something wrong in the fundamentals, it's very difficult to build a solid structure on top of that. And the 16 hatch is an absolute standard in ZVT and in any matchup, really, 16 hatch. very powerful opener, followed by 18 gas 17 pool. So what you do is you rally, yeah, you ready this one to the extractor and this one builds the pool. And it lines up extremely well. Like this is the most standard build order that every Zerg should know. And our Chinese friend does indeed know how to do it in platinum already. So that's nice. It's a good start, you know. It really is important that you get these early things down. The opponent is opening with a command center first and has a Tourex opener as well. So we see no gases being taken yet. This is a very old school build that got used a lot in Wings of Liberty, especially against Protoss, where Terrans would play either CC first or barracks gasless expand and then follow up with three barracks into two gas and then later on get their deck or sometimes only a single gas even after like the second barracks. So you have slightly faster, gas, you can get those tech labs a bit faster. Very old-school build. I don't think this build has ever been very popular against Zerg. And the reason for that is if Terran doesn't get Helions in the early game, it's way too easy for the Zerg to just continue pumping out drones and to have infinite creep spread because Marines are not great out on the map. They're not quick. They're not great against lings in high numbers. They get surrounded easily. They're not even great against Queens either until they have common. Bad Shield and Stim, probably even need Metafax to help them out. So if there's no Helions on the map, the Zerg very often can kind of do whatever it is that they want. This is nice as well. Immediately starts with the first tumor, the way it's supposed to be. Forgets the larvae inject in the main for a bit. But honestly, this opener is very tight. Pulled out of gas as well. So far, so good. All we need right now is an overlord. Yep. This opener is actually a very solid opener for a platinum player, I believe. He said he was 2.8K MMR or something like that. So basically 3,000 MMR, so we'll say then. I think this is a very good opener. Like all of the moves here in the early game are definitely correct. You get your second cream tumor, double cream. Like, honestly, if I would have been shown this start and like with the macro and everything, I wouldn't have guessed that this is a platinum game at all. Like this is a very solid opener. He's getting a lot of drones. He's not floating any money whatsoever. Speed is on the way. Queen count is rising. The creep tumors are being used basically the moment they're available or so far they have been. Yep, there we go. Next creep tumors is going down. This is a very, very clean opener here out of the Zerg. The one thing that I don't like too much, the fact that the Zerg hasn't scouted anything yet and has right now seen that there's a complete lack of halions. So perhaps sacrificing this overload would be worth or sending in a link to see, hey, what actually is going on on the other side of the map? Now he's going to he's going to figure out what's going on He sees a lot of Marines These are too early for it to be a 2-1-1 So right now he should be thinking Hey this could be a 3-Rex before triple-CCC Which is indeed what it is Zerg didn't know this was a command center first But it's not actually that important right now So let me see this move out as well A little bit of a supply block which is painful Especially at this moment right You're about to be under attack I think with six queens These Marines don't have stim They don't have combat shield you're going to be completely fine against this. Your queens by themselves should be capable of defending this. Actually, I got another supply block immediately, even though he's also building two spines, an evo chamber and a banning nest, just went supply block into supply block into supply block. That's one of the reasons right now our Zerg player is falling behind a little bit. Queen is getting to choose. The micro is good. Control is almost correct. I think the link should be more in the back here at this point because you just want the queens to fight. There's plenty of transfuses out right now. There's two spines as well. You don't want to sacrifice lings. You probably just want to continue building drones during all of this, which is something that the Zerg has not been doing for whatever reason. Once again, going into a supply. This is a little bit painful. There's no real anticipation on the larvae waves that are coming out, which is actually kind of disappointing. It's going to need to transfuse. Oh, my God, doesn't transfuse it either. yeah this spine could now re what do you call it move basically take a different position there we go there we position reposition reposition there we go oh my god take a different position reposition that's what i was going for okay plus one the range and carapace so probably going to be going for roaches otherwise this doesn't make much sense you always want your lings and your bains to do as much damage if you're going for a ling bane. They could get a bainling nest though. It's not actually going to lose this, right? He's actually going to lose this. Didn't really reposition the spine. That was really bad. This was really not necessary as well. Just constantly being supply blocked. It's so painful. Oh my God. Oh, don't do that. Just use the queens and dance around the spine. Like you can just push where. There's still no stim here. There's still no combat shield even. I have no clue what this Terran is doing. Oh, he's everything queued up. There's five Marines in every barracks right now. This almost feels like it's a bot playing. Look at this. Fort CC on the way already. What is this? Two e-base. He's playing single gas? No combat shield, no stim. I didn't really pay attention to it. Okay, I like the bannings, but I don't like the range upgrades. you only go range upgrades for roaches, usually, or you get range upgrades for hydras eventually, but initially in order to get to good hydra or to a lurker counts, you need to get the Malay upgrades initially. I'm really surprised the third base hasn't been rebuilt yet, by the way. That makes absolutely no sense. It's so obvious that it needs to be done. Hello. What was that? Look at this. So outside of my house, there is a bunch of pigeons, okay? And pigeons are legitimately the dumbest animal in the entire world. So sometimes when I'm bored, I go outside and I throw stones like just in front of me. I sit at like a little park bench and I just grab some stones and I start throwing them. And from everywhere these pigeons will start going and they'll start going on the stones thinking that I'm giving them food while it's just stones. And I'll show them looking like this is a stone and I'm going to throw it. and then it lands and it still a stone and they'll still all like move towards the stone. These banlings are literally dumber than the pigeons. Look at this. You have the juiciest piece of bread right over here. Look at the hit that he could have gotten by just pressing the X button here, just right clicking on these marines. But instead, he goes, what is this? This is the stone that I'm throwing and these are the pigeons. While there's a massive loaf of bread or corn or whatever that pigeons, eat. Look at this. How is this possible? And then he says, oh wait, it's a stone and then he goes over here. That's ridiculous. It's actually ridiculous. Hop. Get decent hits in the end. Now, you look at that fight and you think to yourself, okay, I had four banlings in my army. I had like 20 lynx and five queens. My four banlings killed like 30 marines. My lynx killed nothing. If you think back of that fight, even if you know nothing about Starcraft, you're going, I want more of those green guys that roll. You know, like anyone that plays this game would say that, no matter what level. Like, my dad could watch this and go, I don't know what these units do, but they seem freaking strong against the units that the other guys building. I want more of those. And I'd be like that, you're a legend. Completely correct. Is there you see more hydras on the way? A couple of banlings are being added as well. No, there's beaming speed. I lied. Bainling speed, that's good. Malay upgrades as well being introduced. That's good. The spore. What is this spore timing? What is this for position? This doesn't... He's defending... Maybe he's expanding his vision, you know? He doesn't know he can spread overlords. So you just put spores on the edge of his creep. He's like, oh, that will give me some vision. vision. Very odd. Now, Spine's doing a good job. Come to banlings once again. Banlings take out a good clump of marines. Ling Hydra remains. We'll be able to... Hello? Can we... Hydras are done with this? They did their job. We shot twice, guys. We can let them go. We can let them go. He still doesn't have a combat shield, does he? No combat shield? No armory? He's actually just building marines. This is an insane game. This is a thing of absolute beauty Huh Okay Mules Long distance mining mules I thought I'd seen it all as a planetary Oh it does have an eBay It makes some sense This is an absolutely magical game so far Combat Shield being researched Nine minutes in game And he gets a factory It's going to get some meta facts Might be for the armory as well as, hey, I want more upgrades. It's like, wait, for upgrades, I need an armory. For an armory, I need a factory. I think that's going to be it. I don't think he's going to build Metafax. Lurker then. Plus one range, plus two range, and carapace. I don't even mind the lurkers, but I kind of think you want to go to a higher eco-on-linked initially, especially if you see all your opponent is doing is pure marine. Like, the banlings definitely are a good call. There is Macron like a beast-Bane. way. Look at that. If you only have to mine minerals, you can get a lot of mineral mining really quick on relatively low work account. He has 71 workers and is mining 3.4, 3.5k. It's a scan. These guys still don't have combat shield. Just... Okay, look at this fight. Look at, oh my... This is a nice split. This is not a bad split. Oh, my marine. These hydras don't do anything. I wish there was a unit that could have just exploded on top of these. That's better than the hydra. More cost efficient than the hydra. Less supply than the hydra. Lower deer than the hydra. Slightly more larva intensive though. Is that the issue? No. 14. How does he always have 14 larva available? And why is he always floating money? This is, I see this often in lower level Zergs and I just don't understand it. These guys will spend their entire day injecting and spreading creep and then the final step is the easy step you know this is the easiest thing this is like constructing like building a door from scratch like chopping down the tree like the wood and making the handle in it and then the little things on the side that make it swing I don't know what this thing's the cramps metal thing is on the side make sure it stays in you know and then you have this door and all you need to do, the finish is just to close the door. And then he goes like, no, it's fine. Don't need to close it. It's like, holy crap, all you need to do at this point is just build a couple of units. It's literally a click. You can hold down the Z-button and circling's will come out. You did all the work already. Now, just enjoy it. It actually is more like making a mojito, which is a lot of work. People underestimate how difficult it is to make cocktails. Making cocktails is a crap ton of work. You have to do all these things, like it's this tiny drink and then you have through all these actions and put in five different ingredients. Then you have your cocktail and then you just leave it and you don't drink it. That's basically what he's doing. It's waiting there for you. It has alcohol inside of it and it's going to make you feel good. It's the same with the zerglings. Dude, you have 12 larva, just freaking build some units. I don't even care what it is. Hell, it, no, actually I do care what it is. Just build lings and go into Baines. But I don't mind Lurkers either. get a fort base or something he needs something no is it how is this possible oh they're all at this one ah they're all at the hatchery that he didn't have hotkeyed that makes a little bit of sense is it does he have combat shield now yeah yeah he's combat shield his graphics look weird high graphics not used to that i was playing on low graphics otherwise confuses the small proto's brain seismic spines on the way okay the range upgrade how is the idea here to get 30 lings in his army? Why? A single bainling? Okay, there we go. 14 bainlings. Now that's better. That's more like it. Okay. You see his entire army is here. Just take this base for God's sake. Just do it, my friend. What? Why would he... What? Okay. What is this move? What is the goal of this move? You just, the last thing he saw is a massive Marine Army here, which he can't beat with this. What is the goal of this? You always got to wonder, like, what is the point of going there right now? It's not like you're going to be able to defend this drone. If he was still there, you would have lost everything. If he's not there, you might be called out of position now, and you'll have your bailing solo. This was a negative move. It would have been better if you had done nothing. Absolute negative unit movement. Holy crap. Okay, he's getting some paintings at least Command center, command center I like what How many? He has 18 barracks Do you think this guy is not aware of how reactors work maybe? He's still queuing up three Marines in every single barrack This is absolutely fantastic I love this Okay, he scans, no stim yet by the way Also hasn't started his 2-2 yet Okay, look at this Out of position because he wanted to defend this base. lings get rallied in. Nice. Good start. Who's all of your lings? Here come the banlings. Here come the banlings. Here come the banlings. Look at the banlings. Lurking is doing some work here. that's when you send in the banlings. So basically, you defend the lurkers with the banlings. Lurkers are damaged over time and the banlings are damaged at once. So the longer you can keep the bailings alive, the more damage your lurkers can do because there's basically this wall that explodes in front of you, you know? He needs to send in guys. It's basically like the orc in Helms deep, you know. He needs to send a couple of these, these bearers of the flame, the flame barriers into to blow up the thing, to make sure that they can enter. And those are the banlings. You need to blow up the banlings. And in order to do that, you need human sacrifice. And the Marines need to do that. But in this case, well, I'm not quite sure where my analogy with Lord of the Rings is going, but the human sacrifice now got forced, which wasn't great. The analogy went, no, I will forgive myself, okay? Two okay ones already today. So if you fail a third one, that's completely fine. It happens to the best, okay? Can't always be perfect. Or never perfect. Always mediocre at least. So, it's fine. Look at these marines as well. How many kills do they have between them? Three, two. Oh, well, they died. Seven on these two and five on the others. That's a lot of kills. He actually... What's the units lost? It looks worse because the supply dropped so much, but it's just marines. And marines are 50 minerals. I was going to say it's just minerals. And I said it's just Marines. Have to the bad. Both starts with an M. There's an I in both as well and there's an A in both. Like it's too many things there. An R? Minerals? Nice. Yeah, yeah. Marines. S? A lot of similarities there. An I. Minerals? Yeah. I'm doing a good job here. I am completely aware of how the alphabet works. I really dislike that he's not building any Baines anymore. But I also kind of understand it. If you can get a very good lurker count at this point, you might be fine. But at some point you're also going to... Oh my jeez, Lord. Why would he burrow straight in front of him? Pull the drones, yeah. For sure. Because you already have so many drones. You can lose a couple out of your 47. Complete clown. No, why would you unborrow? What? You're winning the fight. You know, you need to go back and you need to burrow again. Yeah, you've got to lose the base. How is it possible that he just makes bad moves again and again and again? I wonder if he would have given this army to the AI easy, if the AI easy would have been able to do a better job with it. That's the lowest point for me, by the way. It's like the dumbest AI that there is. If the AI Easy would have done a better job, I wish we could take over replays with the AI Easy to see those things. I'm really curious. I'm not quite sure if he would have been able to win that fight. AI Easy is really bad as well, but man, this Zerg player is trying hard to lose. Once again out of position, has he ever had any vision on the map? Didn't he complain about his opponent's map vision, but his opponent constantly has had pretty decent map vision? Just because he has a massive stream of Marines coming across the map, he sees like half the map. He has bases on every single base. Like, he sees everything. Half the map is covered in either barracks, marines or command centers. 24 barracks. What are we? 1-1. Oh, 2-2 is about to finish, actually. You even realize. He splits pretty well. This guy knows how to use Marines. I just can't believe he hasn't gotten stim yet. Because he might think it's better not to if you don't want to build Metafax, but then why don't you want to build Metafax? T. Inba. This actually was a game. He literally only built Marines. 69 remaining. Nice. 434 Marines lost. More Marines lost than lings. That is extremely rare. He lost no gas units whatsoever. This is the dumbest game I've seen in my life. Let me pick your imbalance complaint for him again. Marine. I meet a T on letter. He played bio, but don't build a... any Metafek or tank. He only produced Marine without stim. Every part of his macro is suck and incorrect. No, no, no. His macro, well, actually, his macro wasn't great. Okay, this guy was queuing up a lot of Marines, but he was building a lot. He had a lot of production. He realized that he wasn't brilliant at it. So what he did was he got a lot of production and just continued building Marines all the time. A steady flow of marine can still combat my army with Bane and Lurker. This is actually not a fact. None of these fights. were even. Every single fight you had, you were down 80 supply, then you killed 90 supply of his, and you lost like 35 supply yourself, but because your opponent was outmining you so hard, because you're constantly floating 1K and having 25 larvae in the bank. Yeah, obviously. All right, let's give you two things, three things. I want to judge you on three things. First of all, your macro. Like I mentioned, your macro, honestly, it should be good. Your injects were good. Your creep spread. was honestly good as well. Your build order was good. The only problem is you got a supply block a couple of times, but it's platinum leak. I'm okay with that. But why don't you use your larva? You're constantly floating 10 to 20 larva. All you need to do is use them and you would be fine. So for that, sadly, I'll have to give you a suck. I don't want to, okay? Your control. Your control was terrible. It just wasn't good. You were constantly out of position. The fights you took always. sacrificed either the lings first or immediately through in the Bane lings you were out of position with your lurkers which I guess is a little bit of map control added in there as well but we'll count it in your micro or just unit control yeah it just it wasn't good enough but then again your army also kind of sucked and so you'll get a suck on micro because well it wasn't good and the final one is unit composition and this is really that was just too painful to watch is you messing hydras, getting more lings, fighting without bainlings, like just mess bainling. If your opponent is building mass marine, you mess bainling. And something people often do in this case is to go like, well, but if I mess bainling, what if he has tanks? It's like, but he didn't, you know? Like, if my grandma had wheels, should be a bicycle. Like, this is not it, you know? like he only built marines balings would work okay that yeah that's it you sucked your unit composition sucked your micro sucked your macro sucked and you my friend also suck nice all right it's going to be it for this episode of is it imba or do I suck if you did enjoy it and you didn't think this episode sucked be sure to leave a tomb's up down below leave a comment if you want higher level games lower level games. If you want more Chinese replays, I'm a big fan of the Chinese replays personally. Good descriptions. They tend to be kind of wonky the games. Some good imbalance complaints. Yeah, that's it. Subscribe to the channel, all that good jazz. And I'll see you all next time. Thanks so much. Bye-bye. |
RAPID FIRE EMPs GETTING DESTROYED?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today we have a fresh speciality straight out of the microwave. Let chef Harstem present you: The Terran Chocolate Tomatoes! Is it better than other fruit with chocolate? Hell no! But it sure is special! Don't forget to like and subscribe to your favorite Terran Tears Tester! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/RFujq36LG7c/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | RFujq36LG7c | Dear Harstam, Proto's Zimba. In this game I went up to five bases while he was stuck on two. I made ghosts which are supposed to counter Protoss. I made widow mines which deal bonus splash against shields, and I made Vikings to counter his capital ships. I realized that my engineering base were way too late, but this error should not let Tos win. Please tell me how I can beat Protoss. Tanks smash Mallow, also known as Prime. He made widow mines which deals bonus splash damage against shield, and he made Vikings to counter his capital ships. Also, ghost, which are supposed to counter Protoss. This is a mistake that people often make. Let me just state this first. It's that they state these things without any context. They say, widow mines deal bonus splash damage to shields. I mean, this is true, but just because that's the case, doesn't necessarily mean that widow mines are always good. Storm deals a lot of AOE damage on the target area. That's not an argument for you playing well. That is just what the spell does. Ghosts are supposed to counter Protoss? What are you on about? If you're playing mass ghost against someone building 30 disruptors, it's not that good. If you have mass ghost against someone building mass Templar or mass Arcon, yeah. it becomes a lot better. It's a bit like saying tomatoes are delicious, which is true. But if you put the tomato and chocolate together, all of a sudden you'd say, well, there are things that go better together with chocolate than tomato, like more chocolate or strawberries in chocolate, like a chocolate fountain. A good analogy. Let's just start with this game, though. As we have, we're already two minutes in, I accidentally forgot the pause while I was reading the imbalance form, but that's okay, because Prime had a perfect start, I think. Look at that. Yeah, it's not bad. Reaper, Marine Depot, CCC at a normal time. Look at that. ProDos on the other hand, also looking, well, in my opinion, pretty okay. I'm happy with this. I'm completely fine with this opener. Is the speed too low? I think so. This looks very slow. I'm sorry for that. Some people were like, man, this is the speed. of the video slow and it's hard to guys a bit slow on the head but now the game also seems to slow down but no that was indeed true two gateways from the protlos guess i said it is not a build order out of the Protoss by the way so so far i'm liking what the Terran is doing a lot more except for the fact that he's floating 400 and that his second gas is a little bit late it doesn't get a bunker either which does carry some risk with it but um it is oxide so very often you can kind of defend the ramp and you don't need a bunker quite as much Okay, Reaper jumps in once again and I mean basically saw everything he needed to see, right? So two gateways, saw a third pilot and he can now say to himself, this guy has no clue what he's doing. And I think that's enough for now. Even scouts in and sees the quick forge, like if I was prime here, I'd be very confused and B I'd be very happy because I'd be pretty sure that my opponent doesn't really have a build order that makes a lot of sense. Meanwhile prime, equal workers are almost equal in workers so just in an overall good spot okay swaps these two goes two hundred years okay this is just not a very good build um from barracks first into reaper this just hits really late like these cars what's that oh these cars are going to be done like about a a minute later than they usually are. Usually you can finish cars if you open like Marine first barracks first you can finish them around like 303 304 or something like that. So now they're like a solid minute late. Technically actually let me pass here. If you want to you could hit in your opponent's main base with four Hallions with a Proxied Starport at 355. So at the point where my man Prime gets his two cars you could be hitting with a drop. Now, in that case, you do need to skip Reaper or need to open gas first, but just for a point of reference, basically, for how late these scars are and how bad this opener is. Like, the buildings were built at an okay time, but then the things he did build the buildings make very little sense to me. But, I mean, I don't want to be too critical either. It is still an early game. The Proloss also isn't really playing a builder that makes a lot of sense to me. It's getting a Stargate, plus one air weapons immediately. Yeah, I'm not quite sure what this is exactly. We've got four cars. Yeah, four cars. Okay, assimilator. I'm just kind of wondering what's happening in this game. He keeps building more cars, but I see he's researching Stim. He has five cars. now and okay i just don't understand this he's getting benches right so he knows he's never going to drop into the base like he's not planning on getting a medevac he scouts up the ramp sees that there's a battery there and a bunch of stalkers and says to himself i can't run up with four hellions right now and then his response is to get more heliens with which he can't run up with Helions are awful in armies. You want to stop building Helions as fast as possible. They're only good for harassment in this matchup. Exclusively. Unless you play Mac, then you want them in your army. But it's not playing Mac. So right now he built seven Helions and killed one worker. And I think he even killed that with the Reaper. I wouldn't be surprised if he killed. Now he goes in. So he runs by. Lose four Helions. Realizes there's a cannon in the natural. mineral line and flies his banshee straight into the cannon. Now these are the types of moves that really do surprise me. And I kind of just want to go over this sequence again because this is just fabulous. So I just want to, I think sometimes it's important to do the first person here. So he goes in, he sees this cannon, okay, he kills half a probe. As he sees this happening, he sends in the banshee, where does he click? it? He doesn't click it on the cannon. He clicks it right in range of the cannon, though. And then he starts looking at, no, he moves it forward. This is, I just don't understand that. Like I can understand if you're having trouble like using units or if you're not that fast, like your mechanics can be bad. But this just makes no sense. It doesn't. This is like if you have a door that isn't opening with the key you currently have and you stick in the key, you try to turn it around, it doesn't work, you take it out, then you walk away for five seconds, you turn around, and you go again with the same key. It's like, it doesn't work like that. It really just doesn't work like that. I don't understand why he thinks it does. Again, both players are floating a nice amount. can see that they're definitely not Americans because they're actually saving some money. It's a European game. We have a nice little depot wall as well in the natural. What is this? I'm loving this setup. I don't know what this is, but we have like half a marauder being built. You have Stim. Wait, Stim is already done, I guess. Yeah, Stim is done. Combat Shield, Cloak. Finally have these. Like, only Tech Labs as well. He's only going to pump out marauders. And he's getting a straight Ghost Academy and a command center. He has the weirdest army composition I've seen in my life. Like this actually, I've seen a lot of games for IOTIS. I've seen a lot of games where I'm like, I don't understand this, but this I really don't understand. He has four marines with Stim, he has a Benchie with cloak, he has three widow mines, two cars and two marauders. And the Metafacts are about the bull. This is great. This is absolutely fantastic. I really do believe that the way that Prime kind of approaches the game is where he has certain rules in his head, not based on situations he meets, but just general rules like cloak banshees are good, mines are good, marines are good, marauders are good, and they're all specific, you know, he once saw maybe clam kill 22 workers with banshees, And ever since then, every single game Prime played, he just opened with Banshees, a couple of Banshees. Then he also has a game where he saw My Terran do a lot of damage with mines. And it's like, okay, let me add some mines. He saw Helion drops go well. And he heard a professional player or a castor say that ghosts are good against ProDos. And he was like, all right, ghost every single game as fast as possible from only Tech Labs. No, wait. He's getting triple reactor now? Wait, what does this barracks count? one two three four five six seven now here is something where I could make fun of him for but I won't and let me pause here okay just for a second so ideally on three base you're on five racks one starboard one factory and then you can decide to add a second starport if you're once your gas is finished you have enough the resources for that prime is using more production facilities. He has seven barracks. He's getting a second star port. He's getting a fort base, which is good. And he also has a factory. So he's two barracks too many. Now I could say, what an idiot. He can't macro. But no, I actually really respect this. He says to himself, hey, I know my macro isn't perfect. I know I tend to float a little bit. And rather than floating and have money in the bank that I'm not using, if I just add two extra barracks, I make it a little bit easier for myself. It was, it will just happen. So I actually, I actually really appreciate that. I really do. I think that is a good call. What happened here? Even that it shoots? Did I miss something? What are they talking about? Are they? What is he talking about? Are they watching a different game? Is the chat not lined up with what's happening in the game? The animation started? So, I just have no clue what these guys are wrong about. I just don't understand it. Oh, here it comes. I think they're talking about the Widow Mine though, because the Widow Mind tends to shoot after it dies already, once the animation started. And I guess that's what the animation means. Look at them ghost. Okay. This fight, this once again, an interesting. army but you think he's gonna stim oh my god does he have EMP on rapid fire just EMP that are like four times I love that though that's good also stim so he's using hotkeys now I think he's aware that there's a third base here is this Liberator sieged up yeah it's it's difficult to see though but you see the the white lines here and over here okay now I moves forward EMP, right click the super battery, right click this, he keeps EMPing. Look at it! Click the super battery, right click it. A super battery use 1400 shields over a period of 14 seconds, I believe. Instead he decided to let it live and keep EMPing the units. the units rather than just killing the super battery and winning the game. Then he tanks his own mind shot. Why does he keep waiting every time for his opponent to get more units? I mean, the game is still completely over here. There's like legitimately a single carrier and three zealots. I don't actually understand how it's possible to lose this one. 71 army supply against 22. But this thing's going to... I love that these Liberators just chilling in the back. back the mines are chilling in the back yeah okay there we go moves everything forward i feel like oh that's a good EMP that was a sick EMP okay he just wins the game now and he's flowing 3k resources right now so is his opponent though and he keeps building the liberators maybe he doesn't know that liberators aren't actually good against carriers they're okay if you attack the interceptors because you have a little bit of splash but I'd always prefer Vikings in this scenario. Didn't he also say that he went Vikings in his imbalance room? I think he did. Hamster will put that on the screen right now. I think he did. Or Hamster will call me an idiot. One of the two. Hamster much prefers doing the second thing, but I think I'm correct here. Why does he keep rallying forward? In small numbers. Like this army, if he just, maxes out or just does anything his opponent has 40 workers right now the Terran is actually doubling the income like in everything double the minerals double the gas another orbital I really like that he's getting so many orbitals by the way this is really smart because if you're fighting in someone with Eritals they're never gonna move across the map and if they do it's gonna be with air so a planetary isn't even useful I do like this this is a good play getting a lot of workers though I think slightly too many workers like the main focus here should be on getting more units out. This one Barracks doesn't have a tech lab yet and I don't think is, he's just not producing things. You know how a lot of people always say that oh now it happened with the mine. A lot of people always say that until you hit like diamond or messers or whatever, all you need to do is focus on macro. I feel like this guy has, has gotten the reverse advice. It's like one of his friends for like an April Fool's joke stole him. that in order to improve, all you really need to do is micro-what. Holy crap. I just want to... Maybe he's afraid of the battery. Maybe he doesn't understand how the battery works. But just look at this interaction here, okay? So he owns this cannon, then starts attacking the battery, sees the super battery go on, and it's like, hey, that will heal everything else. except itself, let me just attack every other unit that isn't the battery right now. Even did some damage to this pylon for good measure. So it's not like he's opposed to the idea of attacking buildings. He's just opposed to the idea of attacking that specific building. He's still floating three. He's getting so much money per minute. Imagine what he could do with that money. The amount of units, of pure marines he could throw in there, or barracks or... turrets like he could walk across the map with 40 SUVs and build 30 turrets over here okay and I think that would be a winning move I unironically would think that could be a winning move I don't think it's a good move but it'd be better than what he's doing now which is producing from two structures at a time I don't know why I did that yes two star ports does he have any upgrades actually he said that his e-base were laid But that shouldn't be the reason why he lost. I don't think him having late eBay is the reasons why he lost either Perhaps it's because he only gets a liberators rather than Metafax And mass ghosts rather than Marines even I don't even mind ghosts too much here just not this many I think 12 ghosts really pushing it You can also produce Marines way faster and really the only thing we should care about right now is producing a creptown of units Okay, we're maxed or well 101 workers though army supply is actually really close. Yeah, this might actually be an issue. Didn't he also say that it was five base against two? Where is the two base? This guy's been on three base the entire game. Holy crap. I actually think he has EMP on rapid fire. He just EMPs the same spot again and again and again and again and again and again. Now he loses his meta back and he's like, oh crap, that sucks. Let me just wait until the guy has more interceptors again. Then I can once again. again throw away half my army into it. He just keeps building workers. 105. How many do we get, you think? Okay, pause. Did did it, did it, did it did it did it. Midgame quiz time. Are we going to get less than 110 workers? Are we going to get a worker count between 110 and 115? Or are we going to get more than 115 workers? We'll come back to this later once his workers. start dying or once he stops worker production. Right now we're at 109. I feel like that this guy really works in production cycles of everything together. So whenever he just goes, he looks back at his base and just every structure he sees in his main vision or in his peripheral vision, he just starts producing from. Like a mindless builder. Okay. Rotation. Rotation. Sees the cannons. Okay. EMPs, EMPs, EMPs, EMPs, no EMPs. Stim, no matter of X. Everything in one control group, check. Okay, so right now he knows what this opponent has, army-wise, moves forward. Stimps, EMPs, this is good. This actually, this was by far the best fight he's had so far. He stimped, he EMPed, there was no super battery, he absolutely destroyed this fight, holy crap, this was a good fight, and this was even a fight. fight without Metafax. If this fight was with Metafax, it would have been perfect. He probably would have straight up won the game here. Now all he needs to do is produce units. Produce a lot of units, a lot of Metafax, a lot of Vikings, and what you do is you just wait for a little bit over here. You give up one or two bases, 109 workers, by the way. I don't think we're going to get above 110. And the one thing that you don't want to do is just rally your units into your opponent as they come out. You need like two cycles. This is a tiny Army they actually a miniscule army you need to be producing from everything as well like every single building needs to be pumping out units right now and ideally Marines Marines Ghost Viking Medivac it's all we care about 5k in the bank 160 supply okay no no no no okay this is this is what I was talking about this is the most important actually might hold it no we won't the most important thing to do is to just get a bigger army you just You just dealt a massive blow to your opponent. You have insane upgrades, you have the sickest eco in the world, just max out for the love of God. Just really, just save up your army. But I don't think he's gonna do that. He's like, oh, this is a really important position to defend, because what if he starts attacking these rocks? That would be terrible. Let me just move forward a bit. No, your opponent is moving back already, just let him go home. This is like if you're playing hide and seek with your friends, you're hidden in a hollow tree. And your friend starts walking away from the hollow three. And you just start like throwing rocks at him, hoping that that will somehow help you, that he doesn't see you. It's like, no, he's already running away, just let him go. Like just... He just keeps feeding his opponent. What are these pylons? I feel like this pro-dos doesn't even really want to win the game. And you just move around for fun. I was going to kill some refineries maybe. If I lose, Toss Inba. No, if you lose, it is because you're an idiot. And you build three MataVax this entire game. Five MataVX this entire game. And 17 Liberators, even though you're playing against Airtos. But keep believing that Protoss is Inba. Keep believing Prolis is Inba. Oh, here we go. My job. P, poof. EMP, EMP, EMP, EMP. EMP. Nice. EMP actually tends to be quite good in almost any situation against Prolosts, by the way. I think he kind of misunderstood when people said, ghosts are good against Prodels. It's more of like a support unit. It's like when I say Templar are good against Serg. I don't want an army of 35 high Templar, but... I said maybe I should be more specific when I say these type of things because I feel like there's a lot of people that just they hear a word it's like yeah you know it's good to get an or it's good to get oracles against Urk and you get people like Haas just building 25 oracles going lulls to be fair in Haas's case it actually tends to work but it shouldn't all right it shouldn't work guys and that's what's important yeah this fight is gonna go nowhere as kind of expected he has no Metafax, his army is actually tiny. Still has 2.8K in the bank, by the way, not producing anything. These SUVs haven't worked in a long time. Just running around, trying to leach of society in different places. They were here before. Couldn't leach there. Now they're leaching here, seeing their brothers work. Pathetic. Oh, here comes the attack from the back. Still, potentially, could have been okay if he had all of this most. money in Marines. Sadly, all of this money is not in Marines, but it's in Bitcoin instead, which a good investment, but perhaps not as useful if you're under attack, everything being in the blockchain and all. You never hear the cryptocurrency fanboys about that, you know. It's nice that all your cash is in the blockchain, but how are you going to fight the carriers? That's one of those things they never have an answer for. It's the crypto-entousas. But I'm sure there will be a couple in the comments telling me that actually the blockchain is great against carriers. People are just not using it correctly and will actually save electricity. It's like, alright buddy, relax. This is absolutely getting destroyed. I wonder why he's not leaving yet. Just running back. His 14 supply left. This is the type of delusional thinking that you only find in Terrance, you know? He had situations where he was up 90 supply and he couldn't finish the game and right now he's delusional enough to think that while he's on two supply and his opponent is at 195 he can still make a comeback. And he isn't just staying in, like he actually just try to build a marine here. actually really still believes at this point. Wow, Tos Imba. He doesn't sound very genuine sending this to Harsdam. Supply. I like that the Protoss is just very business-like, you know, supply, get out of my game mate, you're dead. Yeah, Gigi. Great. I like this. Nice little game by you prime. Let's just go over it and you know what? We'll do three things again. Okay, three things. We'll start with your control. Then we do your unit composition and then we do your decision making. Your control was awful. Nice. I think there was one fight where you did something correct and that is when you stimped in and you started right clicking carriers hoping your opponent wouldn't move back. Your opponent didn't and it worked out. Every other fight was you rapid firing EMP on the same units, ignoring batteries, making sure that they can knew as much as possible. having liberator sieged in weird locations, having mine seized way in the back where they don't participate. I think you actually just always used F2 or a single control group. I'm not sure about that. I didn't pay too much attention to the rally, but wouldn't surprise me if it was just F2. So for your unit control, you get a major suck. Your composition was awful. Terrible, atrocious, painful to watch. It hurt. my soul. You kept building more and more ghost, even though you probably just needed more damage output from Marines. You already have plenty of EMPs. You don't need 10 EMPs on the same location and thus you don't need 10 ghosts. If the shields are gone, the shields are gone. Spamming more EMP on Protoss units that already don't have shields actually doesn't do anything. Most of the time it actually does more to right click the battery, but we already did that in the in the one before. So I won't go too deep into that. You kept building Liberators for whatever reason, no matter facts, two little Vikings in general as well. Yeah, and too many marauders against an army that had like two Templar, which your ghost once again already took care of. Also the mines. Stop adding mines this long into the game. You really don't need them. So there we get a minor. Minor suck. No, no, yeah, minor suck. No, we'll make it major suck as well. You also started with the Helium Benchy crap. Major suck. We changed it again. I'm sorry, Hamster. It gets very confusing. Hamster always, when things change too fast, it doesn't work too well in the head of hamster. So you always got to be a bit careful. But major suck hamster, okay? You got it? Final one. Your decision making also was absolutely atrocious. You went way too high in workers. I'm not sure what type of decision that was, is that you wanted 110 workers, rather than just staying on maybe 80 or 75. workers and getting a lot of orbital commands for mules. No, instead you went to 109 workers, so actually was answer A, by the way. You kept attacking, even though your opponent clearly had a way bigger army at certain times. You kept just rallying in units, hoping that somehow four marines now would be capable of achieving what your opponent didn't. Let's not forget about the Helium Benchy thing, by the way, the Helium Benchie thing at the start. I think that counts as decision-making as well. You see the cannon and you go in with the Benchie like that. that's a terrible decision you get a major suck there as well you get three major sucks which means that my friend you suck nice all right that's going to be it for today if you did enjoy it don't forget to subscribe to the channel hit the smash like button and see you all next time bye bye |
SUPER GM Complains About TvP Being IMBA?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | My dear friend souL - one of the top european players - recently reached out to me, saying that TvP just cannot be right the way it is and that early Probe damage just does not matter. Am I really playing an overpowered and disgusting IMBA race? Or can someone of his caliber suck as well? Hit like & subscribe to find out! Check out the man himself: https://www.twitch.tv/soulsc2 https://twitter.com/souL_sc2 If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Zf2AmGrwg-8/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | Zf2AmGrwg-8 | Dear Harstam, I would like to know why my opponent can still easily aim of me even after losing 22 workers to few hellions. If I can't win after such damage, what will happen if my opponent wouldn't have micro like my grandma and lose 6 to 7 workers instead of 22? Signed, Sol. Yes. Saul, the top 10 European player, second best player in Poland and one of the most infamous Terunwiner's in all of Europe, rank 30, 31 in the world ranking, put there by Alleghen, not my rankings. So definitely one of the top players sent me a replay where he killed 22 workers with a few Helions, probably four, and he couldn't win after giving that amount of damage to his opponent. And he asked, well, how can I win if I can't even win after killing 22? How many do I need to kill, you know? That's a good question, Sol. Let's have a look at this replay and decide whether. It is Himba or if you suck. All right. Top right we have Sol, the Terran player for Cascade. It always feels like I'm about to cast this game because it's such high level players. And bottom left, we have Christiana. Also a Polish player, but this is a Protoss player. Also one of the better European prox players, I have to admit. Very solid player that likes to be slightly overly aggressive and used to be a little little bit known for bad mannering a little bit, but not much anymore these days. He's grown up. He's now a powerful man rather than just a boy. And he's a very solid protist player. Now, the beauty of watching pro games is that I don't have to worry too much about the early game builder, right? The first three minutes, at least the first five minutes, should be pretty clean. We're playing the absolute highest level. These guys know when to build their first barracks, when to build their first refinery, how their Reaper is supposed to move, etc, etc. So I'm not at all worried about this. What I can't tell you that I'm a little bit worried about is that Saul tends to be slightly greedy. So I'm afraid that he's going to be doing some major damage, be slightly too greedy behind it and then take too much damage behind it to kind of undo that damage. Often people kill a lot of workers with their initial attack, but by doing their attack, they're putting themselves behind in some way because they need to invest so much in defense afterwards. For example, with Terran, what can happen is if you open with a helion drop or you open with four helions, it delays any follow-up factory units. If your opponent plays Stargate and gets like Phoenixes or a couple of oracles, you need to get two, three cyclones and a couple of Vikings, and this can delay your barracks by a lot. So this means that your opponent has a lot of time to basically get back in the game by chrono-boosting their economy or just investing a lot in the economy. Zirc could make a lot of drones, et cetera, et cetera. Ooh, this is nice. This is a cute little first move. So Saul here sees, hey, my opponent is playing Nexus before a core, which means that there isn't going to be a quick adept. It also means that this bunker will largely go unspotted. And even if it gets spotted at this point, Christiana can't do anything about it because this adept is simply going to be too late. So Christiana sees the bunker. He's like, oh, crap, this sucks. It's immediately going to throw down a battery here. and starts a Stargate as well at the same time. So this adapt is going to pop out. You see, you see, Christiana is just actually trying to kind of... It's trying to zone this in some way. Almost got it, but not quite. This battery is going to be good, but it's not going to be good enough, I think. I think you're going to need a second battery here. Or you're going to need to get two stalkers behind this. With just a single stalker, I don't think you're quite going to cut it. We'll see if he decides to get... a second stalker or what he decides to do. So far it doesn't really seem like he's getting a second stalker. Just looks like he's going to be going straight into an oracle. Might be a little painful. Could be looking at maybe a super battery here though, that might be good enough. If he chronoboose this oracle, I'd be very surprised. This is definitely a super battery territory. I'm surprised how well he's doing. I don't think the SCV repair has been doing too great. Now behind this, what do we see Saul do? He's getting heliens, he's getting a proxy star port. So indeed it is going to be a proxy star port and he's also getting a tech lab here. So all of this is looking pretty good. So actually is a fair amount slower than Christiana. Christiana is very rapid. It's very weird. You don't need to click this much, especially not in the early game, but whatever. Let's have a quick look at what Saul is doing. He sells the bunker. Oh, gets salvaged. He gets four aliens. I wouldn't have minded if he had checked what his opponent is really doing. I guess he already saw the Oracle at this point. It doesn't matter too much. Christiana moves across the map with the Oracle. Actually nothing here at home to defend. Look at this. It's actually really sad. Ooh, Cristiano is getting distracted by this Reaper. If he wouldn't have gotten distracted by this Reaper and just straight up went in. I think he would have been able to kill six, seven workers here immediately. That's not the case. I think Saul is a little bit down in workers for whatever reason. It's actually moving into a major supply block, double depots. Christiana could just move in here, but he wants to go home. It doesn't quite know what's happening. Has a third base on the way. It is all of us, well actually triple gate, but triple gate after the third base. Here come the Hellions, no vision of it. So this is going to do a lot of damage. I guess this is going to be like, what, 16, 17 workers, and maybe you get five workers later on with like a mine drop. Meanwhile at home, we saw Seoul, by the way, have to build three depots at the same time because he was so massively supplied what. Gonna get a lot of workers here. This is 100% game over, by the way. Well, 100% game over. this is very likely to be game over. So he loses all of his halions, which is annoying, not the end of the world, gets his starboard back home, and he immediately starts his cyclone. Now, I saw something happening here, which is not great, okay? Especially not at this level. And I'll explain you what it is exactly. So the most important thing for Terran, literally one of the most important things in the world, is to get Stim and Combat Shield very fast. okay this is extremely important there's nothing more important because as long as protels is aware that you're not getting stim and combat shield they can keep producing probes and they can delay their extra infrastructure now these are some rather high high level concept so the longer you see that the barracks are being delayed the longer you can delay your own infrastructure and focus on things like tech getting gases and more workers the moment you know you need to have a influx of units is when you want your own infrastructure to finish, your gates four to eight, basically. This is a very special timing for the ProDos, and at the very high level, this is one of the most important things, is being aware of when that timing of that gate influx needs to hit exactly. And that's why it is so extremely important for Terran to either, well, in this case, if you don't actually get a starboard at home, I think the best thing is to almost always just go into three racks from here and get your barracks as fast as possible so you can get that unit production up and you can be aggressive quickly again after such a push while soul is microing this he is not producing anything at home now for a platinum player for a gold player for a diamond or even for a master's player i can't forgive this but if you have the speed and if you are as good as soul is you need to be capable of macroing and he right now now is floating 500, 600 minerals. He's queuing up, look at this. He's queuing up three SEVs per CC. So that's another 100. He's basically floating 800 minerals and 300 gas at four minutes and 46 seconds in the game. It's about 1,100 resources that he's floating. He's not producing from the barracks. At the moment, he's not producing from this factory either. So he's being very inefficient with his resources, either for future defense against phoenixes and oracles, or he could be cutting these units or cutting some extra of these to get faster barracks to get a faster command center. So he's just being lazy, queuing up a lot of SCVs and not building anything. These extra barracks and these CCs, let's actually see when they could have possibly gone down. So if he wanted to get a fast extra CC, he couldn't have built it at this point yet, right? We're seeing that that's actually not possible. It could have canceled these two workers or at least one of them. It's not possible. If he had wanted a barracks, that probably would have been possible at this point. His barracks could have gone down at 420. Then we continue on. This also is where the double supply block was, by the way. So that's also a little bit painful. Well, the triple supply blocks. So that's another 100 minerals kind of wasted. He didn't need this depot yet. At this point, he could have already added the command center and probably, if you minus the depot and cancel at least one of the SUVs, Probably would have been able to get a command center and a barracks at this point. That's 4.30. Then we continue on. We already saw what happened on the other side of the map. Continues, blah, blah, blah, blah. Still killing workers. He's doing a good job there. That's not what I'm blaming him for. He is about 30 seconds late with his stim timing, with his command center timing. Now, if you get your command center 30 seconds later, that also means you're sacrificing about two and a half workers, as every single SCV takes 12 seconds to build. If you delay this, it basically costs you two workers. Okay? So that's already two workers that you should have been further ahead, that you're not, if you would have built it at 5.30. The stim is delayed by about 30 seconds as well. And I understand that for a lot of you guys watching this, this is going to sound like I'm nitpicking, and I am. But this is the highest level. things like this are important you can't just be queuing up three SEVs at the same time this isn't Masters 1 anymore a low grand master where you can get away with this type of stuff this is the high level baby details matter commencer goes down to late barracks go down to late he did a fantastic job with the Hellions he micro those well he did a good job there sends the Starport back in time gets double eBay um a little bit debate weather that is completely necessary. I'm not sure. It seems like he went double eBay because he was floating money and I was like, oh, crap, I need to spend it on something. Because right now he is having trouble spending his money. Because he basically has too much saturation for the amount of infrastructure that he has. So he's going to be floating a bit. And that's an issue. And then the double eBay, they work out nicely. So follows up with a couple of cyclones. I'm not even sure. it's not the biggest thing but I think he could have probably swapped at least one of the barracks for this factory and I'm also not entirely sure on siege tanks but I understand why you would want siege tanks maybe I don't even mind this as much it's a different perhaps a difference of opinion that he wants siege tanks here I probably would have said hey I think you're going to be able to survive against your opponent that you've scouted with late tech like you're going to be fine going straight into mines here but tanks it also isn't too bad. You're going to have to be relatively defensive with that though. Now, another thing I'd like to you guys to all pay attention to is the fact that while this is happening, is that the worker production isn't perfect. So right now we're missing five, six seconds on this CC, we're missing like, what, eight, nine seconds on this CC. We're actually missing a fair amount of SUV production on these bases. And usually this wouldn't be a massive issue, except that he's rushing out a fast, 3rd CC. So he actually is going to need those extra workers. Christianer, on the other hand, sees the late timing of these barracks and says, hey, rather than having to spend all my chronobo boost in Twilight and Forge, I can spend all my chronobust on my workers, and he already had a third base. So right now, he's allowed to use all of his chronobo boost on Nexai rather than on a fast charge, rather than having to the chronobo boost to charge two times or three times to get 30 seconds faster, because this barracks was delayed by 30 seconds, your charge can be delayed by 30 seconds. And 30 seconds is exactly three chronobust. So that is three extra chronobust that Christianer gets to put on the Nexus for free, because Saul played poorly there. Combined it with the two SEVs of the command center being too late, and you're already seeing how it's possible that Christianer is getting back into this game. On top of that, Saul not continuously producing SCVs very painful as well. Once again, no workers being produced here whatsoever. Rushing out a fourth and fifth barracks, you could say, well, it's a decision to cut workers at this point. Sure, but if your decision is to cut workers and to attack your opponent, you can't be surprised that your opponent is surpassing you in the worker count. You're just all-inning at that point from an earlier advantage. And at this point, even though not much has happened. Christiana kind of is okayish economically. He's in a bad he's not in a great spot deckwise. Basically everything is kind of late from his plus one, his charge. He has good Phoenix numbers. I'll give him that. But his army also looks like massive crap. So I still think Sol is in a pretty decent lead at this point. Like I like his position overall. It's going to be going into reactor. So he built what? I build a tank. And one of the most important things with Terran is to get mines out as fast as possible, especially against these heavy Phoenix compositions. You want to get a lot of mines out. So we're going to be paying some attention to what the factory is doing. And right now it's not producing any mines. Because if you're playing against this type of army, both zealots and phoenixes are extremely weak, extremely weak against mines because of how the splash works so it's important that these start as quickly as possible now he does start them relatively fast and kind of like that out of him moves back with his tank here moves around and probably starts thinking about attacking now the funny thing here is is that at the same time that Saul wants to attack look at this he scans for a fort base sees the lack of a force base seize the lack of a forward base okay keep this in mind seize the lack of fort base and then decides to attack his opponent is actually alining into him right now worse upgrades no new future four gas Phoenix charge lot okay this is this is an extremely heavy pressure build there's no splash on the way there's no kind of follow up plan as the only type of splash that Saul really had is being picked off as well we'll see if these mines ever make it to the army and here we have another scan so this is a second scan soul making sure scans the lack of a gas at a third base sees eight zealous being warped in okay so right now he's not only aware that there's no fourth base but he's also aware that his opponent is on most likely phoenix charge lot so right now he knows his opponent has worse saturation or equal saturation to him has worse upgrades because he can see, hey, he can click on this and see, hey, plus one isn't even done yet. Right now, Sol sees zero-zero upgrades, sees there's no splash in his opponent's army, his opponent is practically all in, and what does Saul decide to do? Keep going on the rocks, rather than taking a defensive position at the third, starting to make use, perhaps, of the fact that he has two e-base, get an armory going, and maybe not get supply blocked for a third time this game. So instead just keeps going with an army without any splash against an army that does great if there's no splash around. Two mines in the back. So right now sees these zealots, scans one more time, looks at this army and thinks to himself, yeah, I think this is possible. 22 zealots against 20 marines, 10 marauders and two unburrowed mines and three cyclones. Cyclones practically useless. There's also eight phoenixes here and an oracle. If you look at these two armies as a Terran and without having burrowed mines and you think you can fight this, you're missing the plot. I don't know at what part of your Terran education you fell asleep during class, but you got to go back, you know, back to school because this isn't it. Look at this. You're just absolutely getting destroyed. This obviously wasn't going to be a very close fight. Look, he even had like half, what was this, like 15 supply, was just standing at home, chilling at home. And I don't mind 15 supply being at home. But you need to be able to look at this fight and realize that this is going to go poorly. I mean, literally half of his army could get picked up by phoenixes, and then there's 20 zealots on the ground. Yeah, of course the zealots are going to win. That's kind of what happens. Then right now Saul is like, oh crap, I'm gonna need more mines, we're gonna need more units. Start sending things down. Still not in an awful position. It's not a great position right now. His third is under attack. His opponent has a lot of momentum. Mines not burrowed yet. Both of them once again get lived. So once again, the one unit that can really change these fights again is not participating. So far I think we've seen like a single mine shot. Finally, we have an armory on the way. Soo moving way too far away. I don't quite understand why he scans if he's not going to do anything with the information. Look at this. He scans. Wait, what? Let me look at this again. So we have this, okay? We have this move out. He nicely goes back home with everything. He rises, okay, I'm being under attack and I can't right now defend my third base. Then what a soul do? He scans. Okay, look at what he sees. sees eight zealots move in, move in, looks at his army, looks at the zealots, looks at his army, and thinks, oh, it seems okay. This is like buying radar technology for 50 million, and then having a blind guy man it. It's like, there's no point. He keeps just scanning things. It's like this beautiful technology on the orbital called the, what actually is called the sweeper scan or something like that. He uses it, sees the lack of a for it base, he uses it, she's a lack of a gas here, normal probe saturation, sees eight zealids warped in, uses it here, sees his entire opponent army, uses it here, and what is his response here? I think I could change these phoenixes. He's like, no, you can't. You have like three marines. Of course you're gonna die in, now these SEVs are also vulnerable once again. Like finally these mines are actually settling down. Do you want to be building a mine count at this point? You know, you want to be adding on to that area. This, luckily for him, actually goes semi well in that he can, for now at least hold this area, but he lost way too many units for free. Yeah, once again, he's going to lose SUVs here. Now he's forced to push forward because he doesn't want to lose these SUVs. I understand this move out. I didn't understand the one before. He should have kept these SUVs at home, floated the CC for a little bit. His opponent still is on three bases and on a very mediocre worker count and on very mediocre tech. It's still completely possible. Armory isn't done yet. Once again, these mines. Yeah. One of them gets a burrow in. But he's not building a mine count because their armory is also. relatively late. So these mines don't become invisible. Now you're down 14 workers. You're playing against the guy who almost has a fort base. You don't have any SEVs left. Your entire tech advantage has disappeared. You don't have a ghost academy because well you can't afford it. You don't have any extra upgrades on the way. Well, you're still getting a ghost academy because at this point at this point there is no such thing as a good decision anymore. Everything is a bad decision. So I could flame him for getting the ghost academy, but I could also flame him for getting plus two, whoa, you need to finish the game. So I can't even blame him for this. It's like he's down 30 supply. It just doesn't look great. He needs to do something. But it's in the past five minutes where almost every single move that he made was a mistake. He had full information, he had full control, he just didn't macro that great. And then he'd another scan. Now he scans this. Now he scans this. Well, still not Fort Base. Scanning over here with, or he's scouting over here with the other mine. I like this. This is good play. This is genuinely good play. He's figuring out, okay, what is my position? What can I still do? And this mind drop is brilliant because it forces your opponent back. It gives you some breathing room as a Terran. The only problem is, once again, it's not actually building your mind count at home. This is really good, by the way. What he's doing here is absolutely fantastic. I wouldn't mind if one of them stays burrowed. I just want to highlight this because it is really high-level play, and these guys are very good. Here, rather than shooting immediately, you see, Christiana is just throwing one probe forward. He just keeps them unburrowed, and he just wants to burrow on burrow forever, basically. And right now, Saul sees his opponent's army here. At that point, I think you can burrow these. I would probably even just walk one towards the third base if you see the entire army here. And then you have to lift this and just run back because your opponent is basically, like you can't fight this army, I think, without minds at home. Saul still trying, which I find impressive. He's making some very good plays right now and I'm not even going to you know flame him for that it's just good it's actually just good place yeah I wouldn't have minded if he would have split it one more time so one here one here against the player that doesn't have detection could be good I don't understand this move out at all I really don't he just doesn't have the units it's so obvious that you without the mind count you just can't fight this type of army like you need mines and good EMPs And then I think you can do it. But I think with just one of the two, to me it's obvious that this shouldn't really work. There's just too many phoenixes. You need something that deters the phoenixes from just running it. I don't think any of these mines shot either. And yeah, at this point, phoenixes fly in, pick up everything. Mines here didn't get microed. Now I'm going to be a little bit critical. This is a static freaking unit. You can move it back. It can't shoot you back here. You're forcing your opponent to warp in extra in that case. Same with this. You can move it over here. You can move it to the natural. Like, there's a lot of things you can do. I'm not going to make excuses for that. Maybe it was a little bit rough with this, but I think this also, he shouldn't have been moving out over here. I also think that was a mistake. I understand that he wanted to do that because, like, hey, I have a timing maybe with ghost, but not with this little mines. I still think he actually had a possibility. Same time, he is floating 900 for whatever reason, even though he's only mining with 55 workers. I'm not quite sure how that happens, but I'm not even going to be too upset about that. I mean, that's okay. It's life. You know, sometimes in this type of hectic game, you make that type of macro mistake. That's fine. I can at least understand that. His opponent also isn't perfect. And his third base gets owned. He lifts it. He's like, hey, I don't think I can hold it. Then fly back. Scans. I wouldn't mind if he just leaves at this point. But so far, Saul has been terrible interpreting any information he has gotten through scans. So maybe he thinks he can only see things with the scan on. the mini map he's not aware i can also just look at it with his actual view but yeah i don't know it's hard to say it makes me sad because he genuinely played well at a lot of times during this game you know i really do i i really do think he played well at certain times and i think christianer also made some mistakes you know i'm not sure though guys i'll i need to think about this and yeah christianer just moves in and yeah i mean At this point, it still has a pretty big army. Yeah, problem is just there's a colossite transition. So just, yeah, it doesn't have anything really. Like he has decent army supply, but the army is god awful. And at this point, the mines are becoming a little worse because Colossi are on the way, right? So, yeah. Like, once Colossi pop out against something like this, the mines and the Marines become so much less valuable. Like the Colosai is basically a hard note to mines. It's like the don't do drugs. except instead of your random city cop coming to tell you that at your high school. It's like a guy that comes to your house every night and he shoot you if you smoke to eat that day. And that's what the colossus to the Marine. Gigi and Christiana wins. Yeah, this is a genuinely hard one. And once again, I do want to give the context that right now I'm judging through the lens of watching one of the best players in the world. This is not your average Joe. This is supposed to be one of the top. players. And he did a lot of things very, very well. His build order was super tight. His initial reactions to the Nexus, his micro with the Reaper and the SCV, his helion control was extremely good. First four and a half minutes were practically perfect. Game decision wise, control wise, macro wise, all of this was good. Then we hit 425, 430 in the game and he starts to slip. Overbuilding SCVs, meaning that you basically are faking that you're not floating. It's like 200 minerals and command centers at all times. You're not continuously producing Marines, which could have been afforded if you wouldn't have been overbuilding SCVs. He's delaying not only his command center, but also his extra barracks. He is, he just stops building SUVs for whatever reason, talking about Seoul and delaying his steam and combat shield because his barracks are late. I think these are the main points. Then he scans four times. Sees a lot with those scans, gets a lot of information, not necessarily sees things directly, but indirectly can deduce a lot from the clues that he's getting. He doesn't do that. Straight up scans his opponent's army. Straight up scans the warpins and still decides to take awful fight after awful fight, after awful fight, not realizing when to give up his third base. Huge error. As a Terran, you should know that sometimes in life there are times where you temporarily have to give up your third phase to later take it back and mule it again. Then in the end, with the mind drop, I think if he splits the minds, one, one, rather than two, one, and just holds his own ramp rather than moving out, I still think he can get a push set up with six, seven mines before Colossi, where he can get a very nice army supply, and he's also going to have four to five ghosts. I think at times it can feel very frustrating when you're getting A-moved by Zealots. It can feel that if you do a lot of damage in the early end, it can feel unfair if your opponent can just chrono boost up all those workers. But you gave him this time, you gave him the three extra chronoboos because he didn't need the chronoboge charge because your barracks were laid. You then stopped building workers. So yeah, he pulled ahead in workers again. And then he took terrible fight after terrible fight, not understanding what position you had in the game. I'd love to say that Protoss is in balance. And I'm sorry and ashamed for playing this race. But today is not that day. Saul, you suck. but not that hard, just at small things. You're actually kind of good, but you did suck. Sorry. All right, that's going to be it for this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did enjoy this episode, don't forget, subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you hated this episode, be sure to also subscribe to the YouTube channel, hit the like button, leave down in the comments what you thought of my verdict, what you think of soul, and what you think of the future of Is It Inbao or Do I suck? I see you all next time. Bye-bye. Bye. |
TERRANS HATE THIS TRICK!| Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | A very special video with a very special strategy - even without our SpeCial mexican friend! Let the Platinum special of a PartinG build unfold right in front of you eyes. Don't forget to like and subscribe as well, or you might wake up to a Planetary Fortress staring you down through the window tomorrow! My Guide for the PartinG build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGKRt_4dqKY If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IlZvJHUSt2I/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | IlZvJHUSt2I | Dear Harstam, you know it, I know it, we all know it. Terran's defensive options are outrageously powerful and require no execution to perform at a high level of efficiency, and I'm not even talking about walls. You'll see what I mean soon. I opened by following your guide on parting's early at that timing. My execution was poor, but I did manage to get in and do some damage without quite sealing the deal. I ran with my advantage, and by the eight-minute mark, I was doubling my. opponent's supply. But the extreme efficiency of widow mines and PFs as both defensive and offensive tools allow him to even up the game after I take one bad fight. From there on out I admit I was outplayed but how is it fair that Terran has tools that can erase such a massive advantage at all at once just by sitting there. If you had any doubts before I'm a hundred percent confident that this replay will convince you that Terran is indeed Imba and that I not suck. Love, weirnful. All right, so he says, widow mines and planetaries are too strong defensively and offensively. He had one line which I found very interesting, and that's that he said. The defensive options are powerful and require no execution. But that is always the case with static defense, is that they just shoot by themselves. Spine crawlers, spores, cannons, batteries, they all do what they do. without requiring any execution to perform at a high level of efficiency. If anything, the battery probably has the highest level of efficiency. I guess you do need to do something there. You need to click the nuclear battery to make sure that it spins like a madman. But anyway, enough talking. Let's just hop straight into this replay. Wormhole versus Cringer. Cringer is our Terran player. Wormhole is the man who sent us the email. And he said he opened up with the part. parting build order. Now, the beauty of the parting build order is that I know its timings. If he told me about the wormhole adept attack, I wouldn't be able to judge it as well, because I don't know quite when he wants to hit with the wormhole adapt attack. But part thing, I know, we want the three adept warpin at 3.80. Yeah, 318 and 3 adept warpin. Then we have five adepts total, one stalker at home. And that basically is it. Like, I'm familiar with this build order and I can really judge this build order because I know what is good and what is bad about it so let's see he's already doing a good job not chrono boosting his first thing is rallying this uh this nexus down to the i'm not quite sure what cringer is doing I think he's gonna play cc first but then I'm not sure maybe cc first in my god okay it's happening everybody stay calm what's the procedure everyone what's a procedure all right i thought it was going to be cc first into proxy barracks which i mean this is platinum level so this type of stuff is still possible but it's going to be proxy cc first into barracks at home so kind of the opposite what i expected um this could be for a hidden base in theory but I'm not question anyway we'll deal with what cringer is doing later okay first we have a look at how wormhole performs so so far he isn't performing too poor second pylon is being proxied all looking very very tight this could be an eBay as well and that he tries to fly this in to turn it into a planetary I've heard of this build at lower levels I am not I haven't really seen it executed yet At least not that I can recall, not in IOTUS. I don't really watch low-level games in general, but this... Okay, it's going to be in eBay, so this has to be a floating planetary. Okay, Cringer. Oh, wait, one second. Let me pull up the imbalance complaint for him. There was some foreshadowing here. You'll see what I mean soon. And then he also said, the extreme efficiency of widow mines and PFs as both defensive and offensive tools. When I read that, I was thinking, I don't think widow mines are that good offensively, but whatever. But my man is talking about the aggressive planetary float. This game just got a lot more interesting. And I'm really curious, actually, because this sounds stupid, but I'm not even sure how bad this is if the planetary lands. I think the main thing is that there is this one trick that planetary landers hate. and that is when you walk under their command center with a probe. Like, it's just a hard counter to what they do. And it's also not easy to hide a planetary or to hide a command center. Like, a barracks is relatively small, can fit in many locations. But it's not like you can just put the planetary behind the mineral line, you know, like, put it over here and then float it. Tadda, I'm here. Don't like. It's a huge building. So if you scout for it, when you see nothing on the other side, he sees an eBay as well. He's going to be so confused. He's actually really confused. His early game actually isn't too bad, by the way. Like he forgets, I think he forgot one chrono, but it's not the end of the world. Now he's going to need to respond quickly. So on the mini-map, he sees the command center. Okay, you pull workers and you walk under it. That is the trick here, my friend. You pull workers, walk under it. Okay, grabs an adept. At this point, I don't actually know if there's anything you can do as provost. Like, the planetary just goes up. I think this is just a bad situation. I'm not saying that the game is over, but I don't think you're going to be taking your natural anytime soon. So then you just counterattack, I guess, and you get like a Stargate or something like that. This is a brilliant building. Take a Nexus here. This is beautiful. Is he going to get range as well for it? I know there's a range upgrade. Increases the range of the planetary by like one. Okay, walks in with the adepts on the other side. Has two bunkers here as well. This is a great build, though. a great build though. You know props to Cringer for for making a play like this. This is good. Floats the planetary in and says all right this natural now is mine. Didn't really think about having anything at home though. Two adepts. Going to finish up the shade. Nice. In this type of situation, I wouldn't mind if it just, he has a lot of money, 900 minerals. I feel like he's just sitting and not doing much of anything. I just microing the adepts, I guess. Yeah, he's just microing the adepts. Now, very often microing things is good, but what's even better is if your opponent only has a single Marine, is to warp in three more units and just kill him. Like, he's been floating a lot of money for a long time already. This warping probably could have happened 45 seconds ago. He would have had, like, it's nice that your opponent has a planetary in your natural, but it's not like he's gone a long-distance mine with 20 workers at your natural. You know, like it's just not as effective as you being on one base. So if you deny this base, you're going to be completely fine. There is a mine here I'm surprised how slow he is with walking up Actually I'm very surprised how slowly he is with walking up Oh gets hit by one mine but I mean There's no armory so it's still going to be visible I wouldn't mind if Cringer does build an armory here I did another factory it's a bunker as well This is a fantastic set I love this setup One Marine per bunker a turret a planetary He's building workers I'm not sure if that's for repair or if he wants to kill these things And he's like well that's the only unit I can really build here this mine well well not not quite the most brilliant thing that I've seen in my life but it's also not the worst I can put on the sound by the way I forgot about that armory is on the way and once that armory is out I'm actually gonna be a little bit afraid because then these mines don't die as fast anymore needs to be very careful because these salads can't walk up there's three more what is the gate okay is five gateways he has a star I still think Wormhole is just winning really hard. And you know what is so great about this bunker? This is a bunker that is defending nothing, okay? Let me just pause here for a second. This bunker doesn't defend the ramp. It doesn't defend this area. You can just walk by into the mineral line. It doesn't defend any of the factories either. You can attack it with stalkers while being out of range of the bunker. this bunker is really just keeping the Marines and an SUV safe. This bunker is just acting like an idiot magnet. And it seems like Wormel is very attracted to it currently, which, yeah, I'm not quite sure how happy you're going to have to be with that. You know? That is not a positive. I mean, he's going to get a lot of worker kills. At this point, the armory is done, so these mines are just going to keep shooting. A good trick, by the way. against mines is if you can't see them and they keep shooting at your units is to not walk into them anymore. This is kind of an advanced move though. It's where if your opponent has a fortified area and a non-fortified area, what you can do is you just say, hey, rather than attacking into this meaningless bunker and these three mines, instead what I'm going to be doing is I'll just walk by and keep killing all your workers and make sure you don't have income. Okay, this is the famous eight minutes that we're about to enter. He said after eight minutes, I'm doubling the supply. Do you know what the worst thing is, is that he walks into a position pretending like he wants to go through with it? Like if you want to attack the bunker, you can tank two mine shots and attack the bunker. But instead what he keeps doing is he walks into a position, then gets attacked by a mine, and then doesn't even go through with the move. This is... He lost so many units already to these mines. There are mines with four kills here. Well, there's a mine with four kills here. Four kills, one, one. What's this? Also one. There's like ten kills on these mines divided. Like eight, I don't know. Counting's never in my strong suit. There's no drilling clause on this, right? No, no. He could also... Just walk to the right. Like, oh, whatever. If we now would evaluate this situation, okay? What, you run out of Marine? Oh, that's just great. He actually did it just to kill the pilot. He built 10 workers to build a pilot. What I was going to say is if we evaluate this situation, we're in a situation where you're up probably about double supply, double the workers, but your opponent actually is mining more because he's going to be able to long distance mine. He has mules at home. And he has a planetary in your natural. Oh, he's going to run up to this. He has an or he has a starlet. He could just build an oracle and revelate all of this. Stalkers outrange mines. Fun fact, actually. Stalkers do outrange mines. Mines have five range. Stalkers have six. Centries have five. Centries are not a good counter to mines. Stalkers are. There's an observer on the way. He built a... Stargate? You didn't build anything from the Stargate, right? I can say I've ever seen this before. Yeah, I mean, the planetary I can agree with. I understand that you didn't know how to respond to the planetary, but the mines, I thought I trying to change it up a bit. My man, Cringer. I'm a fan of this guy. Cringer, you're cool. I like you. I do really like you. Um, I thought to try to change it up a bit. All right, observer is coming in. I should tank on the high ground though. So at this point, it's going to be really tricky actually to kill the mines from a distance. I mean, you can probably still do it. You have about eight stalkers. It's going to take a while, but eventually you should be capable of doing it. But it's now 11 stalkers. And you could just aim of this. Just make sure you don't right click on top of the ramp. Yeah, they shoot from a distance. It's quite nice. Make sure you don't get scanned and lose it. Yeah, he moves back with the mines. I think I can just go in. What army is there really here? There's four mines. Yeah, you just go in and you win the game. Exactly what he's doing right now. Just right click... No, just write the tank. What? He actually acted like an AI. This is... Have you guys ever played like a tower defense where you need to make mazes? This completely works on Wormhole. He just went all the way around the maze and even got stuck for a bit like a bad 20... 2005 AI. He was like, wasn't sure if you should go here or here. This is ridiculous. He's a tower defense AI. The tank was here. He could have moved the stalkers here, right-click the tank. 11 stalkers, one shot a tank. At least five stalkers would have been able to shoot. Even in the worst case scenarios, if it only would have been four stalkers. I think it actually was like seven or eight, but even if it's only four stalkers that can shoot, you're still going to three-volley the tank. That's better than taking 12 shots while you're finishing the maze. And then once you reach the end of the maze, not having enough power anymore to kill anything. He did eventually get the tank. That was an awful fight. He's down 4.5, 4K resources. And he's being outmined because there's a planetary in his natural. Now he builds a void ray. He's like, huh, maybe if I get a void ray out, I can clean up this building that doesn't attack air. By the way. Planetaries don't shoot up. This is a high level game. Vehicle plating. Okay, I dig it, I dig it. I dig it. I get a... Let's see if he's going to try to right click this turret as well and go like this, fioril all the way around. I can't believe it, the personification of a tower defense AI. I didn't know these people actually existed. Now I wonder if this guy just based his life around the AI or if the people who made that initial AI based their AI on Wormhole. These are really the questions. Kind of like what was first the chicken or the egg, the wormhole or the tower defense AI. That is ridiculous. I love this so much. Look at it. I really like that he only has three units to micro and he keeps stacking them up so that the planetary can really splash on it. This is actual quality. He could have done this eight minutes ago by the way. His Stargate finished at like the five minute mark and he constantly, he constantly, he could have done this eight minutes ago by the way. His Stargate finished at like the five minute mark. constantly has been having money he's still up in supply which is pissing me off even more like everything so far in this game has just annoyed me does it have range no right plant every range is pretty big actually no buddy it's good cycle on micro nice come on right click it uh almost had it that actually would have been nice if he had gotten that how many more times is he gonna walk from up here to down there to up here to down there it really is impressive he has no clue where he wants to be in life he's the type of guy that starts four different studies in a year you know and has three part-time jobs at the same time completely different fields confused why he's never getting anywhere in life because he keeps quitting his job after two and a half weeks because he's going to look for something more challenging or something new has a sick resume though it's the same with He's immortals. They've seen a lot of the world, but they feel at home nowhere. Always on the road. Aye, aye, aye. Through globetrotter. Painful stories. Starting a planetary at home as well. See if these mines get another three shots. Five kills, two kills, three kills. These three mines have 10 kills. What do we think? What is the chance that he walks, oh, well, by the way, I ask. Yeah, send this one in as well. Like, how does he not realize at this point that if there's an armory, you can't actually see it after you activate it? Maybe Wormhole doesn't actually know. Maybe he isn't aware of this. So for the people who don't know, if there's an armory on the map, after mines shoot, they stay invisible. Well, usually if there isn't an armory on the map, the mines do become visible. And it, no, please no. Okay, I was really afraid he was gonna send in the sentries to tank a couple of extra shots. It would have made me so sad. It really would have made me so sad. This one goes down. Command center and the top right, of course. Makes sense. I missed what happened and I want to know. It's rewind time. Well, we figured out what happened. I'm not sure if I'm too happy I wasted another 15 seconds on that though. Loses his air, but I mean, I feel like I don't even really mind. Usually I'd make a big deal out of someone flying a void ray into a turret. But I've seen this guy walk into planetary fire 12 times, finish an entire maze before realizing he could have just shot from here behind the depots. and I have a feeling the party isn't over yet if you know what I'm saying I have you know I would criticize this usually I say why would you build a turret here but it wouldn't even surprise me if this turret is going to kill three void rays or seven observers that fly by it like it is an actual possibility here and it makes me very sad oh he's getting the range this I like this is the high sack auto tracking it increases The range of missile turrets, auto turrets, and planetary fortresses. It's crazy. Actually, the turret range looks so wild with it. They get insane range. Even though it's only one extra range, it really does look kind of silly. And tourists are really powerful. People underestimate this. Well, push. There goes another widow mine. Hate to see it. Hate to see it. Templar Archives. I'm not even sure about the Templar Archives. Usually I always say, hey, against Mac guys, Immortal Arcon Zelead is really good. But this is not standard Mac. This is the type of Mac where you need to range against it, you know? Like this is not even Mac, it is just widow mines and two accidental tanks. I bet this is not confirmed, but I bet that these tanks were misclicks, you know? Just fat fingered them. And that's fine. I'm not here to criticize. cringer I'm here to criticize veraum hole I do like the name though we're wormhole wormhole sounds so boring but the wormhole I don't know it sounds kind of spicy I like it I do kind of like it oh look at it cringer's gonna send a couple of mines on the map meanwhile on the other side we have Vierm hole oh no it's actually gonna happen look at him he's controlling his observer is he gonna fly into the turret no shot He doesn't see the turret yet. Come on. Fly further, fly further. What is the chance that this guy flies into this turret? I actually really wonder. How's he not seeing this? It walks straight into his vision. What's he looking at? I really wonder what the odds would be. If we were to ask like a, if we were to ask like a boogie, the chances of this observer flying into a turret, Like what would the payout be, you know? 2.05, 1.8? God, I wish I had a boogie on the line. I could show him this replay and ask him this question. If you're a professional bookie and you're in the comments, be sure to let me know what you think the actual odds would be that you would give me. I think I would take the bet, no matter what. I think the likelihood of at least one observer flying into this before it gets taken out by units? I think it's bigger than 80%. than 80%. I'm I actually think it's bigger than 80%. And that number I just made up, but that's fine. Like he sees the turret as all, which is what is getting to me. He sees, he's been seeing this turret for a long time and he's just ignoring it. Okay, now it's actually getting dangerous because he's fortifying the turret. The odds are going up. Ah yeah, yeah, look at this, look it is. It's in the army, Holtki. You can feel it already. You can smell it happening. Look at this. Same army hold key. It's going to go into storm. I mean, it is a splash that can kill mines. Fun fact, you need two storms to kill a mine. Mines have 90 HP and storms only do 80 damage. So two storms usually is good enough. Unless they preemptively start microing their mines or you miss a storm accidentally cast on your own probes. Happens to the west. I'm not going to lie. Might have happened to me. some time in the past. I'm very surprised he's not getting the turret though. I'm very surprised he's not doing much of anything. Actually, what is he doing? This has been one of my new things that I have really been enjoying. It's just taking in the calm and serenity of low-level games. It's when you see these guys just moving their army around, just clicking on the map, you know, just probably using the arrow. Oh, look, look, look, he saw that. You saw that? You can see the actual thought. Wait, what? I want to see this again. Okay, look at this. So he looks at it, then goes back to his army, and you can see him do a double take. Like a turret here, army here. Is there anything I can do there? And then he decides, you know what? I think it might be better if I just flank it from the side? What? Is he gonna flank a turret? A static structure that can't run away or move. This is just highly impressive. How did he come up with this move? Okay, he knows there's gonna be one mine there. He's gonna send in... No, okay. Ah, quiz time, quiz time, quiz time, quiz time, quiz time. Put the screen on Black Hamster. We have three options. Option number one. Is he going to send in a unit to tank the mine shot and don't go with his entire army? That's option A. Option B. He's going to use his observer and utilize the range advantage of the immortal to take out the mines. So it takes a bit longer, but he won't lose any units. That's option B. Or option C, the final one, is he right clicks his army onto the turret, loses his observer, and walks into mine. Or mines. Maybe there's more at this point. I haven't seen the overall vision. That's option C. Make your decisions. it's the drums but I'm done with my tongue okay let's have a look okay Arcon goes in tanks there's actually more minds now so he tanked two shots then gets distracted by three cyclones but look you can't distract this man he's like these these cyclones are annoying and I wish I could do something about it but he's probably gonna go back to the task at hand now Or no? He's just chasing this. He's actually like a corgi. What do you call the guys? The dog? Oh no. Option A and C at the same time. He didn't lose an observer, though. I would have lost my bet. Didn't lose an observer. Lost half an army into these mines. Okay, well, I'm actually kind of sad that I lost that bed. I really thought it was a very high percentage. But he accidentally killed the turret before with an army that he forgot he had on the left side. I can't actually believe that he surrounded the turret, you know? A 360 surround all the turret tasteless. That is something I haven't heard before. But a first for everything. Robo Bay, now I like this, okay? He is realizing, okay, I'm not having a great time with my Archons because Archons don't have enough range to kill mines. And I can't micro my immortals individually. Instead, what I'm going to do is I'm going to get disruptors or colossi. And both of these units have such a long range that is really easy to destroy mines from a distance. I'm looking forward to it. I forgot about this base. I've been in his vision for so long that I completely forgot the fact that there was a base on the right. I'm surprised that Wormhole is still ahead. How much did he lose? It's actually been getting closer. That turret with the mines wasn't it here for Cringer. Okay, there's Liberators on the map. Oh, here we go. We're Mholm hole. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, de, do, de, do, de, do, de, bram, bro. Didi de, de, de, de, de, de. Look, this is that. Oh, it's going to die. Dush. Is there an observer with this army? Oh, there is. Okay, good. I like that so far in this game, literally the only unit that has been built on the other side has been the mine. Like, you look at the units lost. 20 mines. more mines have gone down than Marines okay this is not you're not supposed to send in an arcone to scout okay the arcone is a highly expensive unit you send in a zealad or a probe how is this possible what happened with the observer oh it's here No shot. This one will fly, yeah, of course. Oh. Hey. That's great. How many observers have gone down? Three so far. I think, personally, I think we'll see more than six observers lost this game. Personally, oh. Oh. It remains funny. Oh. Ah. People around the world sad. It looks a bit like a... What do you call these guys in the sea? Like a jellyfish, doesn't it? The other day I went to the beach, actually. It was loads of jellyfish in the sea. But no one was afraid of them, so I figured they don't do any damage. I always thought that jellyfish can shock you or something like that. But these guys, they didn't look very scary at all. Like, I saw like kids just jumping. There's loads of like this big as well. The jellyfish was very close to... And he was like, dodged him because I'm too fast. You just see me in the water, man. I'm fast like a shark. Also big like a shark. The people are afraid of me like a shark. When I get too close to them, they tell me to go away. Like a shark. But yeah, people didn't seem to really appreciate me just putting my towel down next to them. You guys, it's okay if I join you. Grab one of their beers. Ha ha ha ha. Grab the aukscape. the aux cable, well now there's everyone, everyone uses Bluetooth. Push their phone out of it and my tunes. Yeah, wasn't really appreciated but I think it's because I have such intimidating looks. You know, big like Arnold, that type of stuff. Maybe intimidated by my intelligence as well. Also possibility. I love that this guy is just sending mines all around the all around the bases just turrets. He really hasn't done much of anything, I have to admit. He's getting battle cruisers now. Plus one ship weapons, plus one vehicle planning. Both of them at the same time realized, hey, you know what would be cool? If you get air units. I really like that wormhole decided now. He got the robot baby. Didn't get anything out of it, right? No upgrades, no. How do you do units? You? No, nothing. He hasn't used it, but... How many kills this going to get? Well, all kills. He's going to kill every probe. One. And a two. and a three and four and a five six eight nine ten yep eleven oh oh nice oh nice yeah by the time oh you know oh nice yeah by the time all the pros died he decided to respond 12 workers here comes a mine look at the multitasking here though well the lack of multitasking from wormhole really look at still making sure oh trying to chase the liberator oh gets the final shot off Oh, no, see, another thing under attack. Did he realize? How many kills did that mine got? Five. No shot. There's no way he's actually going to go there. So, yeah, what I would say against mines is you just get a single disruptor. And what you can do is you can just, or two disruptors, and you just shoot at the mines from a distance. And it can kill multiple mines at once. And there's actually nothing that Terran can do. If this entire army consists of mines. It is this one trick that. scientists hate or Terran's hate that only build mines. Is this going to get tectonic destabilizers? What's the up? He has no upgrades from his army. How is that possible? 27 minutes in. He has an observer here and he decides it's better to use one storm. He's going to lose another unit into it. This is unbelievable. Does he see it happen? What is he doing? Oh, he looks at it. He's like, oh, he's still there. Oh, no. Prism, observer, observer, observer. I'm just so confused what's happening in this game. I'm actually so extremely confused. Because nothing is happening. They're just, both of them are sitting. And the weird thing is, is that, oh, Wormhole isn't even losing. I actually think Wormhole is winning. He's freaking 13 Tempest against two battle cruisers and nine Vikings. If he gets like 10 stalkers underneath his army, these Vikings will be useless. He can get a couple of stormers to storm the Vikings. Like how in the world is he going to lose? This is this cringer just keeps going with the mines, man. This guy has no chill. A couple of bases on the outside. I'm a, personally, I'm a cringer fan. As the zoomers call it, the cringer Stan. I am, uh, be following him on TikTok for a while. now. It's some legendary place. Here go to Battlecruisers. Here go to Vikings. I mean, this can't really work, this type of fight, just with this army. Like, you're going to need some mines with it, because tempest are just completely going to stomp you. Like, actually just blast you, especially if there's one or two Archons underneath. Like, it's just going to be complete onage. You'd actually be surprised how good tempest are against Battlecruise. Like you have one shot all of these BCs, and then your ground units will just own. the Vikings. It's not even going to be close. I guess the problem here is, is that Viramol isn't aware and he might just lose like a base before he responds. Or maybe he walks through this. At least it's a zealot. Nothing else. Yeah, yeah, this is, this. Okay, teleports half his army. This move I'm not too sure about. I like the stalker warpin. I do like the stalker weapon. Look at this. I don't even know what hotkey you need to press for half of your army to stop moving to the location. And he's still winning the fight. Half of his army wasn't there, half of his tempest just didn't arrive and he still destroyed his opponent. Now what you could say is hey like maybe we want to see, oh he knows about his base. Why doesn't he just go there to kill it? That actually is Sam... Oh, he's gonna go. No, he's gonna go. Five more tempest on the way. He has stormers. And he says, okay, I'm gonna move towards the top right side. And I'm gonna win there. Or I'm gonna move towards the top right side, walk into mines and turrets. And lose. There's two possibilities here. And I'm really curious to see what it's going to be. And it's utilizing his range. Even the observers being used here. This is good. This is actually really good. I like this. We're officially 30 minutes and 37 seconds in game. And this is the first move that Wormhole did that I think wasn't bad. This is a good move. This is a game-winning type of move. Okay, needs to be careful. Is there drilling class? Yeah, there's drilling class. Actually really needs to be careful. This was perfect. Why couldn't we do this before with Immortals? Oh, no, wait, is that the sixth? Number five. I said six, I think. He could have done this like half a year ago with an immortal and a single observer as well. You just need to pay attention to your units. Make sure they don't walk into things and you're going to be completely fine. Oh, more stalkers? I actually wonder what the upgrades are going to be at 1-1. Plus 2 for air only. That's the one thing that Cringer really does have been doing a better job at, huh? Oh, 16 Vikings. He's actually, Cringer's getting a scary air army. You need to be careful, because if they get a too big air army and you don't storm well and you don't... You know what's really sick? Guardian Shield here. Because Guardian Shield gives you armor, and battle cruisers attack very quickly. Armour is really good. Also really good against Vikings, obviously, with their pew-pews. But yeah, if you just hit like one or two storms, he saw his opponent move out, like he's seeing this, you know? He's seeing this move. He saw it, well, I'm not sure if he saw it, but potentially he could have seen it. There is a possibility. There is an alternate world, maybe, a different dimension in which Wormel could have responded to this. Instead, he's not responding to it. He's going to lose this base. No, no, no, no. I know what's going to happen. He's going to move command here, and then he's going to walk into the Vikings. No, he's actually, this is also not good because you need these units. Okay, he's actually moving back, nice. Hey, he doesn't have blink? I mean, yeah, we're only 30 minutes in the game. I mean, that's not completely surprising, I guess. He's not even microing this too poor, it's just the stalkers really would have helped there. Wurps in six more, slow warping pilot. This army is just relaxing for a bit. He's going to recall half of his army again. He's going to recall half of his army again. Isn't he? Oh my god he lost 35k this game already. He lost 35k. At this point I'm not even sure if he can still win this fight. Not especially like this. Hello, can we get the stalkers on the Vikings? Storm hasn't been cast yet, the second storm. This is not it. The tempest need to clear the battle cruisers because they do extra damage to battle cruisers because they're massive air. Yeah, he just lost. What a stupid game. What a stupid game. What a annoying way to lose. I'm not even sure if he lost because of planetaries and mines. It felt like he just had terrible fights in the late game. I mean, walking into the same planetary and the same mines over and over definitely didn't help. Don't get me wrong. I feel like the speed at which things were happening was a bigger issue, no? Maybe I'm wrong? No, I don't think I'm wrong actually. I think I'm completely on point there. I like that now that he has 40 supply left, he decides that maybe it's okay to start attacking planetaries. I probably could have gotten it if he killed the Zellatis or the SVs as well. I mean, this game is actually just over now. G.G. I guess. Yeah, I guess. Is this actually what games look like? Not sure what happened here? Would you mean not sure what happened there? Let me tell you. Exactly what happened there, Grincher. Uh, Wiram Hol. So, first of all, let's take a quick look again at your balance complaint. Terran's defensive options are outrageously powerful and require no execution to perform at a high level of efficiency. Okay. the defensive options weren't really the problem, were they? They were part of your problem. But I think a bigger problem that you had here was that you kind of executed like a tower defense AI walking into mazes, and then he just optimized where he put his freaking towers to shoot as long as possible. And you just, you follow the script completely. like there was nothing you did to try and change the script which is a mistake let's actually let's have a little list all right as always we're going to judge you on three different things and if the average of those things comes out as you suck then you suck first of all build order execution okay build order execution wasn't bad the first three and a half minutes were pretty much perfect. You didn't block the command center, but I can forgive you for that. That's not really part of the build order. You knew when to Kronoboose, I think you forgot one Krona boost. Your first warping was a little late, but you did that fine. The problem with your build order is that the game continues on after the first three and a half minutes. After three and a half minutes, you stopped warping in. You just stopped doing things altogether. It's like your little brother that is like two and a half years old took over from that point on. The first three minutes, beautiful, almost perfect, great. And then the next, the 10 minutes after, it's like you just stopped doing things. You had a Stargate ready that didn't do anything. Your war pins on the other side are extremely late. Your build order gets a small suck, because you did, you know, you did do well. So small suck, still was suck, but very close to being neutral. Second, your unit control. Your unit control, unironically, is some of the worst that I've seen in my life. And I know I say that, oh, the unit control is awful, a lot. But I don't think I've seen anyone actually with worse unit control than this. It is because you're actively looking for ways to kill your units. Like, whereas most people, they just don't control their units well, or they move command a bunch, you just keep walking into your opponent's range of the planetary or into the same mines for a seventh time. It's a bit like if you play against the easy AI and he doesn't have detection. He just keeps walking back and forth. It really is uncanny. I don't think I've seen this before. It's really either a lack of object permanence or... Well, I don't actually know. You can put your theories in the comments, whatever you have. For your unit control, I'm giving you a massive suck. That is above a big suck and is the big type of suck that you can receive in this show. Congratulations. Number three, your game plan. It is very difficult to judge something that isn't there. So I would say your game plan was awful, but in order to criticize a game plan, I would need to see something. I will fill you on this. I'm not going to say you sucked. I will fill you because I didn't receive anything. I say, you know, sometimes for school you need to send in a paper and then the teacher didn't receive it in their email by 12. You just get a fill. You don't get a grade. You don't get a grade on this. It just wasn't there. So, you had a lack of a plan. That was a fail. You had a massive suck on unit control and on build order. You had a small suck. Put all of these together and you, my friend, suck. Congratulations. Welcome to the team. If you like this episode of Is It Inbao Do I Suck? Smash the like button. If you didn't like this episode of Is It Invar Do Suck? Be sure to tell me why in the comments below. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Do you want your replay in Is It Inbar or Do I Suck? Be sure to fill in the form down below as well in the description. And maybe your replay will be next week's episode. Left finger as well. Bye bye. Thank you. |
WE HAVE A WINNER!!! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Yes guys, we have a winner! But to be honest, he definitely might NOT like his price... Also, what do you think about the newest employee decision? Let me know in the comments right after that like and subscribe! Moles smell in stereo: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/article/130205-moles-smell-stereo-animals-weird-science Vacuum Cleaner Footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KilQtE5Nl90 If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wbBcXwxJed4/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | wbBcXwxJed4 | Dear Harstem, today I encountered a Zerg that went three hatch before even getting a pool. After scouting, I cancelled my nexus and decided to all in. However, his overlord watched me put down three gates, so I did a weird three gate rush, then nexus. It's not a build. Regardless, I put on heavy pressure, destroying his army and tech buildings, hit after hit, after hit. As his unit lost that doubles mine, and I move up to four, to five. Almost six base, which is five. That's already almost six. There's nothing in between five and almost six. Whatever. Versus his two and a half. He starts producing lurkers, in which I have zero answer for due to lack of detection. However, after quickly popping out some ops, I still can't touch him. Sure, my upgrades were non-existent, but I didn't invest, because he was constantly on death store, and he killed my forges. Zerg's ability to mass-produce workers slash units on less basis is simply imba or dot dot, dot, do I suck? Name, Zui, race, Protoss, league, diamond, and last but not least, he is an American. So from the American server, replay is titled, Zerg is Inba. Let's open up this bad boy. So we have top right, Zui, the man, the mid, the legend. He says, lurkers. No, he didn't say Lurkers or Inba, he said he lost the lurkers. What he said, however, is that it is Inba that Zerg can produce infinite units from two and a half base. He also mentioned that his opponent was doubling his unit lost step. I don't quite understand how I can square these two things, but I'm looking forward to this game. I really am looking forward to this game. Usually when people talk about the power of Zerg production, they talk about them having too many hatcheries and just being able to just drone up and with larvae, just pop out units whenever they want. But this guy is complaining about how effective the Zerg army can be of two and a half basis while bragging about. having better units lost that. So these in my mind are two claims that completely contradict each other inherently. But Zui figured out a way in which these two worlds don't collide, but they can coexist peacefully. And that is something that I would like to see. So here we are. Zui versus Deaver on the American server. So we puts a second Corona Boost on workers and doesn't use it it's one of my all-time favorites first of all the second chronobo boost before Nexus is not a thing and if you are going to do it at least build your 20th probe in time all right buddy just write it down real quick in your notebook gets a Corby for Nexus okay then throws down a Nexus himself Corby for Nexus is very popular if you're playing against pool first, but my man hasn't even scouted the pool yet. Now, according to him, he's going to cancel his nexus here and then add two more gateways. Now, this makes no sense. The reason why this makes no sense is because Zerg always gets three hatcheries. They always do. By the timing you're hitting with a three-gate attack, the triple hatch will already have kicked in. The weakness of triple-haping of triple hatch before pool is against things like a single adept crow node out. Because you don't have enough queens to fight them, basically. Your lings might be a little bit late. These are the things that are good against it. Triple hatch before pool isn't even great economically for Zerg. A lot of people actually believe it's worse for Zerg, and thus they don't play it because it's just, it doesn't serve a big purpose at all. He even blocked the first base and he forced the Zerg to expand over. here now if you just sense the first adept to this base look at it this queen isn't even going to be done yet and he's already like 30 seconds too late with his adept from a core first a core first adept nah it's gonna hit at around like what 340 335 then he goes into the natural rather than going into where the drones are going to be which is this base could have checked that with a probe as well of course he finishes the shade doesn't kite with the adapt be shading. That was some nice guiding. It was nice. Shade out, shade out. Keep cutting. Shit out. Keep guiding. Shade out. Keep guiding. It's going to lose the adept now. It was not the worst trade though. If he hadn't lost it and his opponent built 12 workers. The problem is that he cancelled his nexus. So his nexus delayed. These two extra gates have done nothing whatsoever yet. He could have built this amount of units from a single gate. And then his nexus would have been done a long time ago already. He would have been up five workers at this point. usually around this time you have like nine to ten workers here already on your natural and you're busy taking your third base and really all he got so far that inflicted damage on his opponent was a single adept which you could have gotten from a single gate as well so i agree with him when he said this is not a build i have a feeling i'm not going to agree with a lot else in his email but he was right when he called his own build not a build it's slightly over saturated in the main by the way you want to say slightly oversaturated i mean seven too many workers here he's not saturating his gas he's not producing any workers and actually know what he is doing one of my favorite things in starcraft is checking out what people are doing when nothing is happening and in this case i have absolutely no clue selecting his gateways okay am i actually on his vision he's just okay yeah i was on his vision he just wasn't moving the camera for this long Okay, he's getting charged. Right now sees the extreme oversaturation in his main base, starts rallying into his natural, has a third gas, even though he's researching charge and only warps in zealots. Five extra probes from your main base should be sent to your natural right now for more optimal saturation. Continuous worker production is of the essence, very, very important. You don't need this much gas when you're playing pure zealot builds or builds mainly focused around zealots, which definitely is the case. It's just going to be floating a lot of gas and rather than getting that extra simulator, perhaps you could have gotten an extra gateway or something like a robotics facility to reinforce quicker with a prism, for example. Staying at home got supply blocked. You love to see it though. Here comes the transfer, nice. Very timely. Only took him two minutes. And I guess we're going to see the push soon that will... will what did he say that will put the Zerg on death's door i never heard that before i kind of like that sounds uh sounds nice like that type of uh that type of speech puts him on death's door so that's nice case gonna move out here it's a bunch of zealids his opponent has a bunch of workers not a whole lot of units better upgrades though for the jerk look at already getting one-one plus one melee and plus one range a couple of roaches on the way this is the fort bay is going to get taken out. This is an extremely late push by the way. Six minutes with this. It's not very good. It's not a very good timing. There's no reinforcements. He's only on five gates. There's no upgrades behind this. You could hit way harder, way faster with this. Trust me. Could probably hit at like 440 with something like this or like 4.450. This amount of zealous, a couple of stalkers. It's actually just winning the game though. The game actually is kind of over, especially if he would have had reinforcements or would have sent these across the map. Another thing you could do is force fuel this area and move towards the third base to kill all of these workers. Another thing you can do is while roaches are killing your zealids is to start focusing the Evo chambers with parts of your army. So right now we see what is the Evo chamber I believe is 900 HP. So he did about what? 450 on this. Is it 200 on this? 300 on this. I can't count. It's about 800 damage on Evo chambers. Now, a roaches 145 HP. So that would be about, what, six roaches, I guess? Five to six roaches of damage that he put into this Evo chambers instead. And add on the snowball effect of losing roaches faster. You can see that this push had a lot more potential. Then, what, we add four gateways. So fill this push, but he's still kind of okay, right? Work accounts pretty equal. Just the upgrades of his opponent are a lot better. Okay, it's gonna go again. Still not quite realizing that perhaps having closed by reinforcements might be valuable. Even just a pylon with like a gateway would be sick, you know? Now everything needs to walk so far. He's adding the four gateways as well. Like this is the type of timing that makes no sense. Like absolutely no sense. It's like starting a war after you just invested your entire economy. building more schools in your country. Like he just, he just built what? Four gateways started Blink and started a third nexus. Okay? 600 minerals, 400 minerals, 150 minerals, like 1,150 minerals, a bunch of gas. None of that is invested in this army right now. And none of that is going to help in this attack. Can you imagine this attack with 1,200 minerals more of units? I can't imagine that. There would be 12 more zealots. So 100 to 1 zealot. So it's always very easy met for someone like me who didn't finish elementary school. It's very nice of Blizzard to do these nice, big round numbers. 12 more zealots in this army would make this. 23 zealots, two archons and one stalker against 17 roaches. That would have been an extremely big win for the ProDos, okay? But instead he's investing in things that will feel good for him, right? He'll be like, oh, like, look at me, I'm macron behind this, good infrastructure, I can spend my money. But it didn't at all assist him in this push. This push benefited zero from that, especially because he's keeping these units at home. I don't like, I don't like recommending people to use F2. But when this type of stuff happens, the all-army hotkey is so useful because these guys are just chilling. They're just chilling. You could warp in the next warpin already as well. Look at this. And he's still almost winning these fights, which is what's messing me up even more. I also am not really feeling like he's dealing hit after hit blow after blow or whatever he said. It's like he traded with his opponent and he traded well. Okay, I'm going to give him that. But his opponent was ahead in workers the entire time and does in Eco. The opponent is still mining more. And his opponent has been up in upgrades. is getting better tech right now. Like, he hasn't been doing any hits. He's been trading army while being behind an eco. His opponent is on four base. He's on two and a half base, which is weird because, yeah, okay, he's extremely oversaturated. I'm looking at the worker count of like 64. That means this base should be saturated and these gases should be saturated. But instead, what I'm seeing is seeing 10 workers here, some slight cases of oversaturation here. My man, Zui's knowledge of efficiency, all of the knowledge he has on the subject could probably be put on the back of a stamp. Like, it's actually pathetic. Look, here we go again. Look at this. These archons. Making sure that this hatchery goes to half half. Health, health. Look at this. If he gets the hatchery with this, I'm actually going to be pissed. Because this is not how your archons should be used. Okay, halfway through, he decided. it's not worth it anymore how much damage wasted like 1k damage wasted wait how many HP does actually yeah 1500 thank god that was right we're playing this game for 11 years don't even know for sure what amount of HP and hatchery has but 1500 was correct forget he literally just dealt a thousand damage with these Archons and Archons have splash don't forget he could have used that to splash thousand damage he just wasted it's unbelievable did kill a lot of workers this time around though insanely far ahead at this point when it comes to Eco. Not so far ahead when it comes to Army. Actually, he has a pretty small army. Luckily, his opponent is giving away a couple of units. Is there Storm yet? No Storm? It's getting double forge. To the left side here. Okay, interesting. 11 minutes in game, double forge. His opponent now is on two and a half bases, and he is going from four. Soon we'll see five, and then almost six. So I think he's just going to stay on six, a five base forever. This is beautiful. 129 supply. No upgrades. No real vision of the opponent either. His opponent is setting up for a desperation attack. 38 workers, doubling the economy every minute that goes by. He just doubles the money of what his opponent made in that minute. Look at this. The supply difference already. How is it a good idea to attack right now? It's not. It's not a good idea to attack right now. It takes out this base as well. the funny thing is is that he could be mining so much more sure he's on four base but he's freaking 12 too many workers over here he's what 11 too many workers on here he's barely mining this gas he's already so rich he's already outmining his opponent so far so much and he still could be doing more if he just transferred workers oh hamster ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ladies and gentlemen we have a winner among us our first three nexus I have 200 energy. None of the Kronoboos have been used in over four minutes. Big congratulations to the winner. Your big prize is going to be. Immortalized in an IOTIS episode. And on top of that, every letter opponent you will play against, who recognizes your name, will make a joke about your lack of Kronobo's usage. Congratulations to... Zui. Wow, wasn't that exciting? Even though he's saving all of his chronobo boost, and he's completely oversaturated, he's up 20 supply, he has an army that's pretty massive, he's outmining his opponent. These things went down at 10, by the way. Let's not forget about that. These things went down at 10. He could have already finished 1-1 if he would have started 1-1 the moment they finished. Let's pretend that didn't happen though. Let's just pretend. Not aware of his opponent's army. I think he might know that there's lurkers, but I'm not sure if he knows yet. I think he's seen it, but I'm not sure if he's seen, seen it, you know, if he, if he truly ate the information, you know, he digested the information. He already ate it, but he didn't digest it yet. That's the most important thing, the digestion. Something goes wrong there. You're going to be in trouble. Trust me with that. Just going to get a dark shrine. Okay, storm. Always smart when behind dark shrine, when equal dark shrine. and infamously said as well, went ahead Dark Shrine. So Zui definitely sticking to the rules here. Okay. Decides it's time to kill that base, but not really walks up here. Okay, he sees Lurkers. Now he truly has seen Lurkers. He's seen the spikes hit his units. He moved out of it. So I know that he's aware of it. Let's take a look at the reaction time that it takes for him. Does he even have a robot? He has no robot. For him to even start a robot, what was it? 1330. You know what? We'll give him 1345. Oh. Well, and if I gave him 1345, it took him only two seconds. Back to 1330, boys. Remove the lame reverse effect. I will end you, hamster. Unbelievable. 13 overlords? Huh. There's like a dinner date setup, like speed dating and he needs more people in there or something like that. Bainling nest on the way right now. Okay. Upgrades are actually looking kind of spicy on the side of the Proloss. You like to see it. 2.1.2. Or of the Zerg, sorry. The Prodo is getting 1-1. 14 minutes in game. Four minutes after he started the Forges. Has seen Lurkers? Okay. I wonder if he's going to attack Inton2. lurkers one more time or what the plan is he has storm he's getting 90 T's right now okay can we get a couple of storms why did he run from the hydras oh my god he has so much money you think he's gonna spend the money on anything was his gateway count is nine gateways we probably add 10 and still be fine okay these guys oh observer starts nice nice gets caught completely out of position also nice Where's the DTs? Sniped overs here! Snipe the overs! Oh, but the Lurkers! They just killed the DTs anyway. That's a pretty terrible idea. Imagine if you would have sent the DTs to the other side of the map what they could have done. Right now the amount of defensive units is... Well, there's a Hydra there, two queens. Very close to zero. And now these DTs, defensively, are also doing something. That's nice. Five more overshears here. on the way, they're going to take a while. Okay. He's using the DTs wisely. I like it. Perhaps start tacking into something as well. Like he has the key to victory here and it's in the bank. He actually has the key to victory and it's in the bank. I don't understand what he's doing. Why isn't he just building gateways or adding a robo way for disruptors? Disruptors are such a good counter to this. You can also just make infinite zealots and get immortals. Did he lose his upgrades before they finished? Probably could rebuild the Forges. And with the speed that he starts research, though. Probably will take another 10 minutes before 1-1 is finished. I'm not sure about moving into this. This opponent does have way better upgrades, no? Look at the money, though. This is like if you're extremely sick, and in order to get treated, you need to pay the doctor, like 5K. And in your bank account, you literally have $5 million, except you forgot your pincode and you can't access it. I feel like that's what's happening here. He's just not accessing his bank. He literally lost his card and his ID card. And he doesn't know where his bank office is. And he doesn't know how to use a phone. That's what this game is like. He has so much cash. And his response is to build another... Oh, this is almost sixth. Look, this... This makes sense. Okay, I think I understand it. One, two, three, four, five. And if this base would have been alive, there would have been six. So it's almost six. This is different than five. Mystery solved. Good storms. Actually, good storms. Too cool. Those are really good storms, actually. These are fantastic storms. That was really nice. That was great. That actually was very, very well done. These storms were good. It says, okay, these storms did a lot of damage. I know my opponent still has four overshares because I see them with my observers. You know what would be a good idea? Rather than adding a couple of Templar again, how about I warp in 40 Ts? Oh, this seem smart. It's actually going to be able to clean this army as well. Look at the money, 5K in the bank. That's 50 zealots. 50 zealots, guys. Can't imagine what 50 zealists will do in this army. Six lurkers. three hydras and 32 lings against 50 zealots even with the upgrades that we're currently at which is 221 two range attack and one carapace and two Malay attack I still think the 50 zealot would be able to win unless you come in in a line and you hold position in a line like in formation you know which wouldn't even surprise me too much if Zui would do that at this point Like this, six lurks just going ham. It's getting bailing speed. Five more overs here, just in case another single DT shut up. I feel like overlord speed would be good. He's getting so many upgrades. This guy also hasn't been on two and a half bases at all. Like, he's actually been on like decent base count, just low drone count. Unit Loss tap is even. So literally the only thing that matters is that he has a massive bank. Oh, but this is the sixth. This is the ALMO 7 then? Or is this almost 6? He tried to get a 6th, but it didn't finish. That makes even more sense. I was losing all of his observers? Like, oh, freaking lurker, so broken. I fly my observers straight into hydras and... Okay, I take back what I said earlier. Maybe the three hydras would have been able to snipe an observer, even if there were 50 zealots. What does he keep adding on stalkers? Another quick tip, by the way, if you're really struggling with lurkers, and you have 3K in the bank, What you also could do is you can counterattack. Because lurkers are not good when they're not burrowed. So if you force the lurkers to move constantly and you just run away and attack bases of your opponent, that's real nice. What's less nice is if you're just constantly running away from them while you're losing a base. You could be doing this on the other side of the map, where he's constantly trying to defend his bases and you're constantly trying to attack into them. You just run away once you see the lurker spines. That's an advanced. That's an advanced setup. though it's an advanced trick you need to buy the the course on my website right now it called harsdam for 35% off www harsdam.com for my advanced trick guide it's a single storm here single observer the observer is going to get sniped isn't it again no vision oh gosh darn it it's a opponent is just a mining fines actually outmining him right now units lost opponents also had by 6k honestly honestly i feel like he lied a little bit in his imbalance complaint for him no or did he mean with the double the units lost just the first attack in that case he didn't lie but it just doesn't have observers like he has no detection Like, just because you really want to see the lurkers doesn't mean you're gonna see them. Like you need an observer. It's just one of these things, you know? This guy would have been the world's worst inventor. Just thinking that if you just hope long enough that it will happen. If we have to trust on this guy to create our first plane, like air flight, like commercial airlines definitely would not be a thing. Or any type of airlines wouldn't be a thing. It just walks in. Oh, still no detection. Let me try to bump into it one more time. He forgets GG. Well, just leaves without Gigi as well. Zooey, zoooy, zoooy, zoooy, zooey, zooey, zooey, zoey, zoey, zoey, zoey, zoe. This wasn't it, my friend. This wasn't it. I'm not entirely sure what you're going to get. I'm going to leave that to the new reporter. Joe? Are you there, Joe? Joe? Hello? All he does is eat vegetables. Never ready for work. Joe, you're fired. All right. I'll have to do it then, I guess. So, what I want? What do we want? Three things. We'll judge you on three things here. Build order. Macro. So your money spending habits. And last but not least, let's just do vision. slash detection. Detection is part of vision, right? Let's start with a first on build order. You open with something I've never seen before. You cancel your Nexus to go three gate, but then you don't use the three gate. You just have them. Then you get your Nexus again. It makes absolutely no sense. Your entire early game was pretty hot garbage. You can literally just follow any guide, any build order, and you're going to get more units. You're going to get better units and a better ego. I'm pretty sure I could hit at the timing that you hit, but have like an extra base and 30 extra probes. So for the build order, you're going to get a big fat, boom, no stamp. You suck. Your build order sucks. Second, your money spending. Well, as you were saving more than the average person on the Swiss bank, I'm going to have to go ahead and say, well, your money spending habits also weren't great. You were constantly floating 5K, somewhere between 4 and 5K. It just wasn't looking tight, my friend. It wasn't looking tight, okay? Money spending. Boom. Big suck. First one was a medium suck. Medium suck, big suck. When it came to vision, I don't actually think you once managed to get any vision on the map. You were constantly out of observers. You were constantly out of position. I don't think you were aware what was happening at all. You're a bit like a mole, but at least moles have good other senses, you know. They can, I think they feel with their nose or something like that. They're also underground, but they can't see. Moles are blind. So that's why they look a little bit odd as well, blind animal. Beds also are blind, but bats have echolocation. Did you know that echolocation first got denied that it existed by, I believe, the US military? Because they couldn't believe that an animal could have such a... sophisticated technology that it took humans so long to invent. That might be a lie, but it could also be a fact. Wait, this I owe this. Crap detection, no bad echo location, blind as a mall, big suck. What do we get if we put a small suck, a medium suck and a big suck together? You suck. Just in general. It sucked. You weren't good. my friend Zerg isn't broken 2 and a half base Zerg isn't broken you just suck gonna have to live with it alright that's gonna be it thanks for watching I hope you didn't enjoy this episode of is it Inba or do I suck if you're sad that I fired Joe be sure to leave that down in the comments below be sure to hit the thumbs up button if you think that firing Joe was a good call that improved this segment bye bye Thank you. |
RANK 6 GM IMBALANCE COMPAINT! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | An IODIS FIRST today as we analize not only a north American Grandmaster game, but also our first Archon game! Smash like and subscribe to see me rip apart more wannabe pros with their incredibly brazen balance whines... Also, Joe must have met up with Stetmann and enjoyed some of that good Terrazine or something. He is like a new completly different man today! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fdIsEoB3k5k/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | fdIsEoB3k5k | Dear Harstam, after nearing the peak of the NARCOM Grand Master Letter, rank 6, we realize that shield battery overcharge is completely and utterly broken. It should have its cool down increased. It simply makes no sense for ProDOS to be able to overcharge their shield batteries six times for a total of 84 seconds. In the time it takes to execute a typical, completely standard, uninteresting, almost boring, proxy 4wrex cheese. cheese thanks p and keel slash yole bolson our first ever arkon game let's uh hop straight into it i'm very excited we've never had an arconde game before and i've never had two players complain about one thing at the same time well i've had many people complain about Protoss ertos in different complaint forms but never two people at the same time in one complaint from that so that's kind of exciting rank six grandmaster on n a um in Arkham. So I guess their individual level if we can convert, what do you call that? It converts that to Europe would be mid to high diamond on a good day. And that's not even including Ping. If they would actually be playing from America, I think they'd be floating somewhere between platinum and diamond. Of course, don't want to give them American Grandmasters too much credit. Now, now that there's two people, I think I can be twice, twice as hard on this. them because if there's going to be any floating, any build order mistakes in a freaking proxy 4 racks, like, you don't deserve the win, my friend. If you have two people and you're making that type of error, that's not a bit of proxy gate coming out of a Yama slash meta, who are the opponents, I'm quite sure what they're called. I think you only get four characters in your name in Arcon. So just, well, I guess it's a standard proxy 4ax, like the execution isn't bad. It is just, it is what it is. It is a 4-Rex. I'm a bit surprised that they opt to go for a 4-Rex strategy because this strategy, you can literally play, like, if you're an actual gorilla with only a single arm. Like, this strategy doesn't require a second person. It doesn't even require a second arm. Some people say it doesn't require much more than three fingers. The thumb, to move the mouse, and then the two top fingers to click the buttons, you can kind of move the mouse with those as well. fourth finger would be nice, a little more control of the mouse, but really that's all that's necessary. I've heard people say that this build actually is executable by gorillas. Now, I haven't tried it yet. I haven't been able to find a gorilla willing. I did find a couple of gorillas who did injure me slightly after I tried asking them. So I thrown banana and slinging poop at me, but yeah, it's been, it's been rough, right? It's been rough. So they're actually waiting to go. That's also extremely interesting. So they're playing this cheese build and rather than deciding to go as fast as possible, they decide to just wade it out of it. They're not scouting with an SCV either. So this is just, they're picking a random timing here to attack. This is not like some scientifically decided timing. It's like, oh, when we hit the 8th Marine at at 2.36 we move out. Not like, he could have just scouted with one of the SCVs. The first adept doesn't come out until 220. So the second barracks that finishes you can just send that SCV out and see hey what's going on they would have seen nothing here and they could have just gone in cancelled these cancelled these batteries most likely did he see that I think they saw that two pairs of eyes guys two pairs of eyes oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh two pairs of eyes what were they looking at well like now I'm curious we're gonna have to go through the sequence three times so this is player one Look at this. This is his vision. Okay. He's looking here. So he can't see it in his straight vision, but he can still see it on the mini map. Now, player two. What is player two looking at? This is the macro player. He's building the marines and, but really he's just building marines. There's nothing else. Oh, I think he saw the edge of a stalker there in his vision. Okay, so two pairs of eyes, not paying attention to the mini map, not paying attention on their own screen at least one of them. Not sure who that guy is though, I wish you could call them out on their name, but you can't see who does what action. At least not in this overlay. So he finds these two stalkers going to lose a couple of Marines. I like that one guy's job is just a micro, and I haven't seen a micro once. Like, none of these units are actually being pulled back. None of them. All of these Marines, they just stand there, they stutter step forward. You'd assume that if a guy's entire job is just a micro-managed this, it would go better. but just like in actual life whenever there's a manager that perhaps micromanaging every single unit is going to be best the results tend to actually not be great because most managers actually have no clue what goes down you know at the normal people workplace it's middle management ugh disgusting you know what i'm saying i have a lot experience with that as well um all my life i've been working uh you know blue color white color jobs It's not like I've been a pro gamer for 12 years and really didn't do anything before that. I have a lot of real-life experience. I like to flex that every now and then. I thought this was a good opportunity to create some empathy with my audience, a connection. The common denominator, or common nominator, what it's called. Look at these marines going in. Look at these marines go in. They're going to, they could target. I'm not even sure what you're supposed to target. I just should go for the batteries. Yeah, you probably should have gone for the battery immediately. And then now you go for a couple of stalkers. I do like that. This was nice micro. Like, good target picking by the Terran here. He decided, okay, I first want to take out that battery, especially the super battery is important. Not the greatest micro by the Prodels, but the Prodals just, I kind of do want to stress this. The Prodals player kind of has a blind counter to what the Terran is doing. He stayed on one base and was just producing units from two gates against a 4-Rex proxy. like you're just kind of supposed to win so far by the way the super battery hasn't really contributed much to uh to this game i mean the battery just got taken out after it got activated it didn't really have an impact yet i love the i love that he just keeps going he's like i can't just walk up this ramp sure there's three stalkers i know there's another battery in the main base but yeah let's just keep keep walking up that ramp again and again that's exactly what he keeps doing Actually, he's getting a lot of results with this as well. It kind of surprises me. He's going to take out a bunch of these workers. I'm just not sure what the second guy is for. Wait, what? He had a supply drop? Okay, so there's one guy is in charge of move commanding the Marines and then right-clicking on stall. at the correct times. And then there's another guy that literally has one job. And that is clicking the Marines with the hotkey that he has for the barracks and then with the hotkey has for Marines and making sure he doesn't get supply blocked. And he failed at that. How's it even possible? This is the easiest build to execute. You're going to be floating a little bit of money. Like you constantly are floating a little bit of money. You see you can even already start the next Marine. You have so much time. Was he just watching the Marines fight? Maybe this is not an arc on as we know it, but it's just one guy doing the job, and then the other guy just watching from a distance to learn, you know, and then they swap after every game. I can't believe they had to use a supply drop here. Holy crap. How mentally deficient is this guy? Let's continue here. Yeah, we have a couple of gateways. Second overcharged battery here is being used. The probes are coming off the line. I'm kind of surprised that they are. I don't think they should have been. I think the Stalkers would have been capable of handling this fine. I'm also a little bit, I find it very funny that these two Protoss players, that already got their natural up, you know, they're just pumping out units. It's four Stalkers against six marines right now. This game is really just kind of over. Two base against the one. Yeah, this kind of is just supposed to, and I like this movement though. The TOS Micro has actually been quite good, good kiting, good target fire majority of the time. Oh, needs to be careful here. This is a little bit unfortunate for the Tos players. Keep pretending like it's a single Tos player, but it is really too. Yeah, this was unfortunate. Again, I kind of surrounded by that marauder. On the other side, of course, there's a lot of DPS. Warpgate is about to finish up. Maybe we're going to see some... I don't think we're going to see any war connection here, actually. Probably just need to be defensive. A couple of pings on the mini map, though. I'm not quite sure what those are for. I guess maybe that I'm here is where the other guy spawned. I'm well it's ranked six grand master arc on and they should know where the other person spawns on romantic side look at look at my career and bang bang shoots beautiful pullback on the marauder do you see that saw that the marauder was getting focused by everything decided to not pull it back here once again beautiful that is so great just kites it forward every single time it really is impressive i really find it impressive that one person can have his full attention on the task and then just not do anything. Like, he's just watching his units go. It's just so beautiful. I also kind of love the, what would you call it? Like, how natural it comes from for Terrans that whenever they do some type of cheese, is that they're just supposed to win. It's like Terrans always have this type of, this privilege, basically, where they're like, if I execute a build order, no matter what it is, I should be able to win. And no matter how well prepared my opponent is, or how good their builder there is against mine, this should just be a hard win. Look at this. Because of the supply drop, and because these guys, it just built a depot here. If there was no supply drop, instead of two depots here, these two adeps wouldn't have been able to gotten in. So this actually is costing our Terran team, a Crapton. They're kind of go for an SCV pool at this point. But yeah, I'm just so, this really is something that Terrans do, okay? I'm not over exaggerating. But I had it as well where I got proxy repop. like Forex Proxy Reaper and I scouted everything and I responded perfectly okay I chrono boost out my units I cut workers I build a battery and don't forget proxy Forex Reaper is a big cheese I build a battery and you know I defend without losing much of anything and then my opponent complains is like well I wonder what would happen with this strategy if this game was actually balanced I'm like well if this game was actually balanced and you proxy four of your initial structures on the other side of the map. I scout everything, do the perfect response, and don't make any micro mistakes. I hope the God that I still win that game. Like, you don't hear any of the Protoss players that Forgate or Cannon Rush every single game. And when the Cannon Rush gets stopped, go, well, if this game was balanced, my cannons would be shooting from my natural into your maze. Like, no. Like, we realize that we're cheesy pricks and, you know, we accept our loss. Like, holy crap, just man up, woman up. You know, just accept your defeat. every now than Terran players. You're pathetic. All of you. Yes, I'm generalizing, but that's fine when you're talking about Terrans. These guys have no soul. No offense. Well, kind of offense. No soul. Actually, it's a pretty big offense. I love the micro from the Prodos though. This Proloss has been doing a good job at kiting and target firing, but his movement has been a little bit off. I have to admit it. Okay, the movement hasn't been great. Now, we have Stim about the finish here for the Terran. We have two batteries. We have very little units. Actually, very little units, but with Guardian Shield to Immortals, can they just hold this? I guess this is... Stim is very powerful. I think it needs to pull the workers as well. Guardian Shields, Forcefields, four. The two guardian shields. And not even at the main part of the Army. Super Battery gets used a little bit too late as well. I actually think the Terran is just plowing through this. This is not great. Super Battery once again gets taken out before. it gets to finish everything um good pro was this a good pro pool i think when he saw that the sceivs came came down all the way he should have just stood at this ramp with with sentries right and for like your opponent is losing so much income if you just kind of hold your ramp with sentries you're going to be completely fine once again i'm liking this micro this toss has nice micro good control really good control it's just that the unit movement it's oh okay that was not it Oh, that was not it. Oh, good Lord, that was not it. I take back everything I said, hello, folks, the battery? Sometimes I wonder if Terran players actually finished elementary school, or as a collective, they just didn't finish it. Like, let me explain this, okay? The battery has less HP than it heals. And you also have the super battery, which gives even more HP than it heals. So if you are free to target a battery and you're not losing it, any time or damage targeting the battery it's always best to target the battery letting it stay alive it's just dumb it makes no sense okay i'm glad we got that out of the way um another miss force so that's kind of painful and now we actually have him oh no that's how we're gonna die oh the battery that was big that was big i pull the workers put the workers put the workers oh target target oh beautiful target shot that actually was really big that was a very important shot we now six workers against two but mules are still working this is an intense game by the way holy crap absolutely intense game okay what are we doing here i mean i feel like the terence are almost winning for supply that's what four marines three marines one more on the way super battery being used for probes And he's mining. He has to, though. He has to mine. He's going to go for a stalker rather than for a battery. Or rather than an adapt. It was waiting for money. Terran sees the battery, sees a stalker, and with two Marines, decide, hey, let me stim in and give a couple more shots before I realize it's time to run away. Why is he running down? No, no, buddy. No! No! Kite, kite? Back to safety. Back to safety. Kite. Shoot once. Shoot once, my friend. Don't go down, don't go down. You can camp the ramp, though. You can camp the ramp. He's going to, he's going to, you're going to lose. No, no, no, no, don't chase. Is he going to survive? Okay, he's going to survive. No, no, no, no. It's like every single time he runs back to safety. He goes back into the lion's cage, into the lion's den. Escapes it just to come back. Oh, this is, still has a super battery, I guess. It's going to help out. Target down the Marines. Oh, oh, no, he's going to go instead for the marauder first. I think the Marines have more GPS here, my friend, and also easier to die, easier to kill. Quicker to kill. Needs to be so careful here. One more shot. Scoot micro. Really, his single stalker control is really not bad. I think people might underestimate this, but this ain't easy. He's doing a nice job. This Terran really hasn't microed a single unit in his life yet. No. Wait, does the Terrans just win? There's no money. He should cancel that worker. If he can't cancel that last worker, I can get a zealot. It's not enough. How does the Terran lose this? He still has a mule. It's gonna be mining. I think Toss loses. No shot. These guys. Oh my god, I usually don't do this, but... These guys, okay, these are the lowest, these are the lowest guys, okay? They send in a replay in which they drop supply in an Arkong game while playing a 4-R-R-X. They win the game even though they didn't micro their units, even though we have a complete guy in control of microing. And then they have the audacity, the audacity to complain about Protoss batteries. How dare it? This is the problem with Terrence, guys. They're so privileged. Even when they win with a strategy that's not supposed to work, they get completely blind-countered. They still have the audacity to complain. Now, I think I've said enough about that, and we're going to go back to our second-time reporter. Joe. Joe, what are your thoughts? Alright guys, sorry for that. You see I've been promoted to Inba Inspector after my last fantastic call. Today we're going to be having another look. This time we have three things. All right. Strategy toys, macro and macro. Strategy choice. You went for the 4-Rex proxy even though you're with two people. Two people can do different things in different build orders. Here you only really could micro and macro. Why would you do that if you're playing an art? Argon game. You guys are ranked 6 Grand Master in Arcon and this is what you decide to do. That an A letter can't be too good. You guys get a thumbs down on the strategy choice. Macro. Your macro sucked. It's really all it says. It sucked. One guy in control of everything didn't even micro. Just stutter stepped a bit. No individual unit micro. No solid target firing. Thumbs down. Macro Garbage I'm not making the rules guys, I'm just reading them Your macro was garbage At a supply depot had to drop it How can you get supply blocked? You don't have to do anything All you have to do is build supply depots and build marines It's two actions With 10 APM you can do that You failed it You my friend sucked at the macro Altogether Suck on the macro Suck on the macro Suck on the macro Suck strategy choice. You guys suck. Bode yow. All righty guys if you did like this episode or visit him or do I suck, don't forget subscribe, don't forget to hit the like button and I'll see you all next time. Leave down in the comments below what fruit you want to see me eat next or even vegetable that's also allowed. Bye bye. |
Can YOU Beat This CHIMPANZEE?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today one of our closest relative is venturing onto the battlefields of Ajur - a wild Zerg-Chimpanzee! The real question: Is he smarter than the average SC2 player? He does not whine on the Blizzard Forums, so he is off to a jump start! Also don't forget to hit like and subscribe to bring back our newest team member - Joe! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/W74q6mGvISw/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | W74q6mGvISw | Dear Harsden, the day on ladder, I ran into something that I did not believe was possible. I was matched against a Zerg player. But instead of being a human opponent, I believe the only possible explanation is that my opponent was actually a chimpanzee. Now, chimpanzees for the people who don't know are actually the closest relative we have species-wise to human. I believe researchers said that the DNA is like a 99% match with human DNA. I think chimpanzees and behind that bonobos are very close. So actually, this isn't even that unlikely. Like, it's, it is a possibility that there are some Zerg players that are indeed chimpanzees. At least sometimes seems that way, also at high level. So I'm not sure about Reynor, but he just play a bit like a monkey at times. Where was I? Well, his build order made no sense whatsoever. He went to base layer, did not use the layer for anything, and simply took a delayed third. Okay. He then took a fast fort base, but simply set his rally points on me and sent Roche Hydra across the map while, presumably, enjoying a banana. This replay clearly shows that Zerg is far easier than ProDos. I did not think it was possible for Apes to actually play StarCraft 2 and reach Master League. Clearly, I was wrong if they select Zerg. This replay was sent to me by a person called All for One, who's a Protoss player in European Masters, 4.6KM and 1. there's only one thing left and that's to hop straight into the replay so here we have mr all for one as my replay speed is a little bit low mr all for one here in the bottom right corner the the the blue Protoss player and he's going to be playing against uh well a red Zerg player look at that this guy's playing a proper opener and both these guys are doing absolutely fantastic i'm i'm in love with this game already guys look at the first pylon go down at the correct timing the first overlord went down at the correct timing this is almost looking like one of my own games except that this guy what did he just do look at look at this move this is a classic move okay my man builds a pilot goes back into the natural or goes back to return the minerals then the other probe goes in to build the gateway he does a switcheroo he's just long distance mining. This is brilliant. I'm not even sure how bad this is, but I've never seen this before. You can actually, if you're fast, you can get minerals, run back to return him and then build the gateway in time. But he has a different one. It's not the most efficient man in the world, but you know what? I like it. Some creativity here in the marketplace of ideas hosted by my man all for one. Not a bad play. Okay, let's see what this presumed chimpanzee has in store for us as Ogo Ogo. I can't this name is also not making it great. It is this guy is it is a real possibility guys. We're keeping it open. Okay. We're keeping a possibility of Ogo Ogo being a chimpanzee definitely open. He went into hatchery first gas spawning pool. My man here gets what he's playing real build orders. Okay. This is completely fine. Now what I want to pay attention to is first of all, desert builder. I want to see, hey, does this build make any sense? Because there's a possibility that he just went straight into layer, did nothing with it, and went into a third base. So I want to look at that. I want to see, hey, does the toss builder to make any sense? And I kind of want to measure these against each other. I want to say, hey, like which one was worse and presumably which one is supposed to win if we think about builders that make sense. So far, I really like what this Protoss is doing. He's just, he's even rallying, well, as I say that, he sends one into the gas, but he's, he's kind of rallying properly. Okay, never mind. Why would he do that? What actually is he doing? This is not at all how you're supposed to rally. I was kind of give him a compliment about rallying properly, and then I... He rallies to the other side of him. He builds a Stargate with a probe. He probably could have built that Stargate with the next probe that actually should have rallied down. He just does a lot of weird things in his probe movement, I have to admit. I don't quite understand why he does them. he's like the guy that invents the wheel again and then makes it a square like this is why people say don't reinvent the wheel because you're going to end up with a square like ladies and gentlemen I have a brilliant invention we can put this under vehicles it shows up with like or maybe like a hexagon or something like that you know so not quite a square it's better than a square but it's still like it's like the flintstones type of car I'm sure what type of wheels the flintstones had. I think even the flintstones had round wheels, but they were made of stone. Flintstones, meet the flintstones. Or it's the flintstones? I watched a show like once or twice when I was a kid, but that tune was catchy, wasn't it? Yeah, I was like, okay, straight layer. So my man Zerg goes into layer that gets scouted by the Protoss player. Now, I'm going to make... a bald assumption here, okay? And I think that the Zerg player wanted to do something with that layer, but then when he got scouted, decided against it. Okay? This actually is an intelligent play, because two-based layer builds, when scouted, are terrible. Like, they're just awful. So even though I think the build order of the Zerg right here is not good, I like the decision after starting with this, where he probably wanted to do some two-base opener, he decided to then follow up with, hey, I got scouted. I don't think I can do anything here. And he goes into a third base. And I actually think this is a very good decision. And maybe we could even blame the Protoss player a little bit for not continuing to scout with his adapt a little bit more, you know, seeing, hey, is there a third base coming up, what's happening? But on the other hand, how necessary really is this? I do like that he has pylons all across the edge, so he realizes, hey, layer is the thing. that he's going for, the possibility of erogenitis is definitely there. So he's getting ready for that possibility. And he has pylons all... This is the opposite of an artosis pylent. So for the people that don't know, an artosis pylon is a single pylon that covers a lot of building. So you have a single pylon powering like six structures, for example. So literally, he can't do anything about that. now finally going back home. And oh, there's one pylon powering all, oh my gosh. Rptosis entire infrastructure has just been shut down by a single pylon being sniped. Army moves into the natural and it's Gigi. Now this is the opposite of an artosis pylon. This is the all for one pylon. This is a pylon that doesn't power anything, which is by itself fine. But then he puts a second pylon next to it that also doesn't power anything. So now you have a completely useless pylon. I think we need a better name for that. And I'm going to suggest you guys to leave a good name suggestion for this down in the comments below. People that type are harsh than Pylon will get banned and it's not funny. No one thinks that's a funny joke. Okay. It's not original. It's not creative. It's the first thing I thought of you guys would do. You guys are so uncreative that I can already see what your guys wanted to type. There's three guys right now going, dang it, he caught me. Can he read my mind? Is this live? No. You're just that uncreative and non-fony. don't do it. No one likes you. And don't send me an email about it either. Okay, there's a little rant, not to do with this game. It's a bit of a weird build by the server. People that send me emails, very long emails, all in a sarcastic joke sense, making fun of me, are not funny. Stop doing that. I know there's two or three of you guys who do. They send me long emails and you just make I.O. this. about my tournament games. I didn't ask for this. I don't find it funny. You got to stop it. Okay? I'm not responding to you. Except, I guess now in a video format. Well, that kind of backfired on me. Well, this is the last time I'm responding to you guys. I'm serious. Don't send it. I completely thrown off right now. I wanted to flame some people, but I can't remember where I was going at the game. I should have a quick pass, see what this guy is up to. Forged Twilight A robot I don't even mind this build too much His work account is Fine-ish It's a little bit low But that's because he took his third base late Because he saw two base Two-base Zerg So I actually kind of like it His scouting has been Subpar He has no clue Now he sees these roaches He can send the void rays there So that's nice There's a bunch of adepts at home Doesn't really have anything else Why does he have so many adepts? adepts are like this thing that falls off so fast. The thing with adepts is, is they're kind of like the zip ties of construction. You know, zip ties are great for certain things, but you don't really want to use them to build the foundation of your building. And it's the same in StarCraft 2. They're great at holding your early game together. But if the guy that's in charge of constructing a house says that, hey, sir, in order to put these first two walls down, we're going to tie 70 zip ties together. It's a good time to request your money back and find a different construction, man. So, yeah, don't get too many adepts, is what I'm trying to say. Seven is really pushing it, especially if you're not going to use them to leverage any early game advantage you already were planning on. On having, or you already had. Is roaches coming? in do absolutely nothing. You see these adepts actually being useful, which is pissing me off even more. The only thing I hate more than adepts being useless is adepts being useful because then people think that they're good. I mean, a single battery would have done more, but yeah, it's still good. This is a very good start, okay? So the funny thing that, or the thing that always strikes me as funny, when people tell me that their opponent is playing a very suboptimal build is the fact that they basically just admitted to losing to someone that was doing a very suboptimal build, which means that they must have sucked really hard after the early game. Like, it makes absolutely no sense. It's basically like, imagine, okay, this is this, this is a great analogy. Imagine you're running a marathon, okay? And you're running against a guy that shows up two hours too late. And then 200 meters before the finish, he catches up. with you and he just sprints past you and then at the end you complain man i can't believe i lost to this idiot he showed up two hours too late it's like well you kind of admitted there to being so freaking slow that this guy could show up two hours late and still be faster than you and it's the same here like this erik has played a god-awful build i'm gonna just say it this build was terrible but he's still going to win the game against you which are mr perfect build order well perfect build order don't even want to say that like he might have showed up two hours late but you showed up without shoes because who the hell i just throw off my table we'll find it out later um you opened up with four oracles and three void rays you have no units whatsoever seven minutes and 50 seconds into this game he also only has a single hotkey no no hotkey he has no hotkey there's no unit in the world this guy he's getting armor upgrades what did this guy smoke is that the thing he's really thinks he needs right now is armor upgrades for his air this guy checks his doorstep sees like 35 hydrants and four roaches and he thinks the solution is to get armor upgrades rather than adding 10 cannons or something like that he's up like 20 workers hasn't scouted that he has absolutely no clue how can you complain about this look at this look at this movement he's just F-2ing them through his opponent's army that's absolutely fantastic to watch that's a great warpin as well these guys really did a lot this is unbelievable this is just absolutely incomprehensible I have you know what the weird thing is I don't even know what he really did wrong in a major way like he just had no units eight and a half minutes in the game you know it's like what do you say to a person that just builds nothing It's like you can't really critique it. It's like if you show up into your... Imagine you had to make a drawing for your teacher. And you show up in your art class with like a single dotted line in the middle of the paper. Like you can't... The art teacher can't give good feedback. Because there's nothing there. Like, you just had nothing. You did nothing. You produced zero. If we were in a society... And this game was your contribution. You wouldn't have contributed anything to society. Yeah. That's the worst analogy. It's the worst. And I know Hamster is not going to cut that out. He has Storm finally, which should be helpful. Storm is one of those spells that is beautifully easy to hit, but also one of these spells. that people seem to always miss for whatever reason, even though it's an instant cast. First, two good storms, that's beautiful. Like the opponent micros out. And then he morphs everything into Archons. Super Battery is it, realizes he has absolutely no units still. Transers works to his fort base. I love that this guy, oh, he's actually winning this fight. What the hell? Have I been jupped? I might have been juke. No, I haven't been. Back to not my. crying. Oh, both players are actually trying their absolute best to lose this game. No offense, oh go, go. I do like you, but holy crap, buddy. The move commands are getting a bit much. Double upgrades his offer him. Yeah, okay, so the toss just wins. Wait, have I been tricked? Okay, he can just build like, yeah, I was going to say like four Templar. You had him, maybe more of them into Arkham? Maybe sir? Buddy. Like we need units right now. Like this is not the time to wait for eight Templar to get energy. Dude. You gotta be kidding me. There's no way, right? Is he actually just not gonna do it? That is just wonderful. He's actually waiting for a storm, not realizing if he just had morphed four Archons and warped in ten more zealids. He would have completely destroyed this army. Look at this. He waited all this time. Okay? He waited all this time. And he decides as he hits 75 supply, that he morphed them into Archons. Okay. This is so insane. This is, okay, this is similar to imagine you need to go to a place. And the place is really close by. It's like a 500 meter walk. But you insist on taking the bus. Okay. So that's basically what he was doing, right? could have just morphed into Archons and he would have been completely fine. Instead he decides, okay, I'm going to take the bus. I'm going to wait for a storm. Then the second the bus arrives, he starts insulting the bus driver, pees all over the check-in machine, you know, where you peep your card, or if you still have the old guy that stamps your ticket, you just pee all over him. And then you jump out of the bus with a backflip and you start running towards the next towards where you wanted to go initially, where you could have run already half an hour ago. And then you're surprised that the bus driver gets out and beats you up. Bus drivers are surprisingly strong for sitting in a bus all day. These guys, they have some, you know, some power. You can see that often. You know, you don't want to be the guy that pisses them off in the end. I think this is, this is, this was not great. This was not, yeah, this really was not great. you know what I don't want to do this I I hear we have a new reporter who's going to take care of this on throw it over to Joe Joe are you there hello hello hello hello Kevin Thank you very much for throwing it to me. I am reporter Joe, and I'll be talking about whether this game was imbalanced or not. So let me take a look. His micro, his micro was not very good. He moved commanded, a lot, used a lot of F2. and in general, it didn't seem like he controlled units very well. His oracles did no damage. His void rays did nothing. And he also morphed Templar into Archons when they could have been storming. Two. Macro. I think his macro was quite good. He spent his money well and his early game game. build order. It was fine. We should not judge him poorly, give him a bad review on his macro. I think that was good. Game plan. His game plan sucked. He had no units. He built way too many air units. Even though his initial build order was good, he then just started doing random things without an amount of gateways. He spent his money relatively well for a long time but what he was spending his money on made no sense and it basically gave him a very very bad army so no the question was is this imbalanced or does it suck and I think the only truthful answer we can give is it sucked you sucked Thank you all for watching. If you did enjoy it, don't forget to hit the subscribe button, hit the like button, and perhaps we'll see Joe again in a future episode. Wait, I am Joe. And perhaps I'll come by in another episode if you get more than 2,000 likes on this video. Otherwise, Kevin won't be able to pay my salary in order to buy all these cool shirts that I definitely didn't steal from my girlfriend's closet while she isn't here. and she doesn't know I'm doing this. And I also threw the letters against the wall and it's sprawled across my room. Don't show this to Irene. |
KOREAN GM IMBALANCES?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | We have a top-class level complaint today straight out of Korea. And it seems to be VERY promising! Press like and subscribe to up the chances of the first IMBA stamp of the series! Spine Forest Episode: https://youtu.be/J8awgVbt2Hs If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TOCvB9wA0MQ/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | TOCvB9wA0MQ | Dear Harstam, I am a big fan of yours. Too kind. TVP is so hard to play. I believe most Terran, includes me, has the same situation that we spend most of time on practicing TVP, since the latter is full of Protoss, and get the lowest win rate on TVP. I want to say tosses every unit is Inba, especially Colossi, Disruptor and Carrier. I am not saying there's no way to beat these units, Terran can win, but the DOSUSS, difficulty of control is not equal. In this game the opponent just use the Phoenix Colossus build, sit at home, build lots of cannon and nuclear battery to defend and transform to Airtos. He means transition. I know it's impossible to win this by midgame push, so I just try to restrict this expand and expanding myself. I do get economic advantage by doing this, but when he gets 200 army supply, my army just like paper. He easily destroyed my army and pushed from his base to to my base finish this game. The thing that makes me feel unfair is that what he do is simply A-Move and use Disruptor VVVVV, which is the hot key for purification of the spell that disruptors use. But I have the EMP, Split Army to avoid Disruptor and shift carriers to win the fight. Some pro-Therent can do it, but it's too hard for me. I apologize I did not say G-G, but say in by the end of the game, since I really feel upset at that time. Well, first of all, this guy is Monukuma, Grandmaster Terran on the Korean server. First of all, Monouma, I want to compliment you on something. You seem to be more self-aware than 99% of the Terrans that send me emails. I get emails from bronze players that truly believe the reason they're stuck in bronze is not because it looks like they're playing the game with a single hand with the brain of a two-year-old chimpanzee, but because of imbalance. And with you, you do have self-awareness. You say, hey, I know that at the highest level, level. It is impossible. It is possible. But for me, it feels like the control is way easier from the proto side. And that is the reason I am losing, not because I played worse necessarily, but because my opponent's race is just a lot easier. So this isn't even really a complaint about, hey, this is in balance. But this is like, hey, it's what he is doing easier than what I am doing. And he has a lot of self-awareness in this entire piece. He even apologizes. for not saying Gigi. Usually people say things like they do the trick apology, you know. They say something like I said imba because I felt like he didn't deserve the win. But this guy says I said imba because I felt very upset at the time. He recognizes his own emotions and he realizes he handled out of that emotion, which I think it takes a big man to admit that. But enough talking from this useless content creator from the Netherlands. Let's just move straight into this game. All right. So we have, well, we're a Grand Master Korean level. These guys will know how to do build orders. And I think he was around 5-1, 5-2K MMR. So pretty decent player, you know, nothing to scuff at. But it's not going to be, it's not Maru. You know, Maru's like 16, 1700 MMR, more, something like that. So it's like, I should be capable. I feel qualified enough to handle this. I don't think I need the help of any of my friends yet. If you get anything above this level, then perhaps we're going to. I need some guys where I need clam or euthermal to truly explain to me the intricacies of the Terran race. You know, like hey, what's wrong over here? That's basically what I want to. But here I feel comfortable that I can still kind of do that. What do we have here? We have standard, pretty, well wait, this is a Nexus before core, I guess. Still pretty fast core. It's because he didn't scout early on, walked straight into a Reaper. Protoss not the brightest bulb in the box but then again a lot of people have been opening up with Marine first and sometimes you just kind of autopilot I can't I don't even mind it too much this looks well it's probably gonna be a Stargate because he said he opened up with Phoenix Colossi on the other hand we have our man playing Reaper into double Marine so double Marine what you do with double Marine is you kind of stop your opponent from moving out or if your opponent moves out with the adapt across the map you'll have two marines it delays your reactor a bit so delays marine production um but it does give you some nice defense against a faster that the thing is is that on romantic side is not really necessary the map is huge um so i'd say not necessary but i mean it's a it's a creative decision you know i'm not going to complain too much about that there's just a small point of people are aware of like hey this is something he could have potentially done different follow this up with um what does he follow Okay, well, he sees the Stargate. Still gets the Hellion. I wouldn't mind if instead of building the Hellion here, he decides to go into Tech Lab and go Cyclone Viking. But on the other hand, the nice thing about Helion is that you can scout the third base. So he sacrificed his Reaper to get the tech. So now he knows, okay, I'm going to need a mine. Okay, mine tech lab, I guess. And then a Viking here. but he can still see whether there's a fast third base Metafak? Okay, this is very odd and this is very risky and I don't really like it. Usually when you, like, then why do you scout if you're not going to change your plan anyway? This is the entire point of scouting instead of you can adjust your plan to what you're seeing. The nice thing is that usually the Viking comes out just as this bad boy arrives. So Marines hold, one base and then your Viking holds the other base. Now he even sees. He even sees the Medivac. A Viking is just simply better in my opinion. Better at stopping everything and you do need some units. Yeah, he's going to get a Viking now. Yeah, I'm not entirely sure about the matter of but it's something you know that if he doesn't lose the Medivac I don't even care too much. Opponents getting immortal. It's pretty afraid of some type of push I guess. kind of wonder what he's doing here. So we're seeing two more depots on. It's kind of getting some oversupply. And oversupply as Terran and Toss is really bad. As Zerg, it also sucks. But as Terran and Toss, it really messes with your infrastructure. So with Zerg, you won't have money to build units. But as Toss and Terran, it just delays your infrastructure. So not only is this base delayed, this is actually really painful, but also barracks two and three are super delayed. Look at that. That is just, he has so much oversupply, and all of these minerals invested in depots are not really paying off anything for him. It's like, it's laziness, basically. 69 out of 102. That is just really painful. He's going to get even higher. So the build order just isn't very tight here. I'm not saying that he could have potentially done some type of push, but he really is lacking. Raven? Okay, so he should be scouting with his halion and should have been scouting if there's a third base. The moment you see no third base, you know it's Phoenix Colossus. There is nothing else that Protoss can do, nothing else that TOS can do from two base with an Oracle opener, unless it's like a blink all in. But 99% of the time this is going to be Phoenix Colossi, especially at this level, and he immediately should realize this. Because of that, he kind of should have known that it's Phoenix because the lack of a third base. I'm not a big fan of this raven. The chance that this raven is going to mean anything in this game is very, very small. And the own... And mines? So, mines generally suck against Phoenix Colossi, because Colossi outrange minds massively. You can't really drop them because Phoenix get air control. So all the decisions so far in the early game have been crap. bad decisions from the initial scout response to then afterwards not realizing there was no third base knowing that that indicates that there's a phoenix a lot of the decisions here have been straight up crap we see that his stim and combat shield is extremely late there is zero pressure on the Protoss player here you could say well he opened up with triple cc yes but even with triple cc you see that the top terrants will hit you at 720 735 in game time with like 135 140 supply with plus one done, with two, three tanks, and maybe even a raven. That sounds like a very fair push. That sounds like a push that's very normal, even with one, one. Like, and hitting with that. We don't see that being the case here at all. We see our man isn't moving out on the map whatsoever. He's not going to be in time for that type of three tank push. That type of three tank push could have some potential if you keep your raven alive, but on a map like Romantic side, I would not recommend that. And I definitely wouldn't recommend continuing mind production. if you know that your opponent is playing something like this with the heavy phoenix colossi style with the very late third instead what you want to be doing is you want to get map control with quick um flexible units that are quick to change direction change rotation on the map basically and expand quickly yourself and then perhaps when you get 2-2 think about a mid-game timing onto a potential fort base this is something you can do or if you prefer playing like clam does you can get a fast second starport before Armory, way faster than this, and start pumping out Vikings, or getting a fast Ghost Academy, start pumping out like six Vikings and three ghosts with the enhanced shock wave while getting a fort base and denying your opponent's force. That is something that Klam would do. This push hitting almost a minute late with... Wait, did the Raven die already? Of course the Raven died, I'm not surprised. With only a single tank is not going to be able to do anything. have no push in this army. Okay, look, what is this? My man scans five cannons, two batteries. He knows he's playing against Phoenix Colossus, or at this level should be able to deduct that, knows there's going to be, it's eight minutes in game. Like, there's going to be some type of splash. How are you going to push into this without tanks? Like, you don't have the range. This means you're going to need to attack into this with your bioforce. You have nine marauders and 26 Marines. If there's any type of splash, you're going to lose everything. Even if it would have been stormed, this wouldn't have worked. But it's obviously not going to be storm. It's going to be colossi. This is like, if you're stuck in a fire and behind you, there is a fire escape. And in front of you, there's a door, and it's lit on fire. And you're just pushing into the door with your hand, trying to open the door again and again. There's, God, freaking burning my hand over here. How can I escape? It's like, it is just so stupid. it and there's absolutely zero reason for you to do this you just don't have the range to attack into an army like this and don't forget that the moment you scan five freaking cannons and two batteries we can do some simple math potentially some simple math five cannons is 750 minerals two batteries is 200 minerals add those two together that's 950 minerals that are wasted or invested into defending this area. That means this amount of minerals is not invested into infrastructure. It's not invested into units. More cannons over here. All of this money is not invested anything. The moment I always tell myself when I'm playing PVP, if I see three cannons on my opponent's base, I get a free nexus. That is the type of thinking you should be doing in your head. It's like, hey, I see five cannons here. If I don't use this area to attack, into, that's an investment. My opponent is not getting back, and I can even snowball that. Like, if I see he's investing, in this case, 1,250 minerals or so, I can get, like, two command centers, and that snowballs my advantage more into a midgame, even. It's a example. I wouldn't actually recommend getting two command centers, but that's the type of money trade you can do, like, if you don't attack into it. Now, instead, what he does is he's like, hey, my opponent invested a lot in defense, rather than finding an alternative way to get ahead, let me just push into this defense to make sure that it was worth it for him. So here you see that this engagement by itself kind of made this investment worth it. No fourth base on the way? Builds the fourth base on the third base location rather than on location. He sees his opponent as only investing in defense. You can play as grie as you want. You can throw down a CC here. You can throw down a CC here. Why aren't you doing that? No, instead. Don't get me wrong. I like CCs on the high ground. I like CCs here. But not in this situation. You need to be able to think situationally at this level. We're talking Korean Grand Master, my friend. This is not Little League anymore. You're here with the big boys now, buddy. It's time to step up or step down, you know what I'm saying. Mine's still here as well. No alternative form of harassment either. No like mine drops. Sure, there's two cannons here, but you can dodge that. Go over here. try to drop in the main base get a few very often i like this very often harass in tvp doesn't even necessarily give you damage or plus plus like positive damage so it doesn't necessarily give you 30 like worker kills but what it does give you is it gives you information you see hey something is researching here that's nice what is that then you go in here and you see hey hey there's carriers building that is interesting that is something that interests me very much even you get scouting information And this is the first time since his Reaper went in that he got any real information. That's because of the lack of harass. It's because he didn't want to go in. And I can understand that when there's phoenixes. But if you're pushing here with a big army, maybe you can send in a little mind drop into the main base or into the natural into the main base. Like cannons are static defense. That means they can't move unless you're a Zerg player and your buildings can seem to move, no problem. Nice static defense zers. Why does no one ever send an IOTIS forum about that? Just like, hey, why is it? it called static defense if it can move i would immediately just go like that would be a 15 second episode that would be like just clapping and i get all the proto pro gamers just to record like a 10 second session of them clapping in front of the camera it's like game set and match you know like completely fair but no one thought of that now instead they're complaining these guys can't move just fly around it it absolutely makes no sense it's like a guy with no legs chasing you with a night It's like it's not that dangerous you know it's not possible he can't move it's not possible to just attack his own probe doesn't does seem to be the case we have two upgrades ghost academy three Vikings this army this army just doesn't make a lot of sense does it Okay, so if you're going to push with a slow pushing army, like this is a slow pushing army, okay? I respect that. Let me just explain the thought behind it. So what you do is you shoot from a distance into static defense while you have enough Marines to kill all the interceptors. And the tanks are doing the hardlifting. You know, they're killing stuff. And when he attacks with either interceptors or with phoenixes, you have well-upcrated Marines to deal with that. In that case, what you need is, A, probably more tanks, which is why I didn't really like the mines initially. You need a couple of Vikings, which he does well, and maybe even slightly more Marines, but having some marauders, like 12, 30 marauders isn't even that bad. On top of that, you add turrets into this push. Turrets are such powerful static defense against air that it becomes very difficult for the Protoss to attack into that position. If you manage to deny this base without losing your army and slowly pushing forward, yeah, that's a big freaking new. Someone like Maru does this a lot. I know that because he did that against me, like five times when I played him last winter in TSL. I played this style. I know what the weaknesses are of this style. And the style is poor economically. It is difficult to get bases going. And once you start trading against the Terran army, it generally becomes bad for the Protoss player. However, there's no static defense here. He just denied a fourth base. He's setting up his own fort, his own fifth base. It's getting more batteries. I like that. Where are the upgrades for air? I would have preferred seeing attack upgrades, ship weapons. But at this point, basically what you're doing, you're sending out an army on the map, which is this army had a goal of denying a base or attacking a position, very slowly sieging it, basically setting up a position with turrets, with bunkers, maybe even a sensor tower so you can see movement, and then using the tanks to see. forward he used that successfully here minus the turret part but then once he pushes up here rather than using this same the same mindset he just kind of starts moving forward a little bit too far in my opinion with his marauders and with his marines now he's doing it properly again okay I kind of like it but without turrets it still is very very tricky and you could say well you can just throw disruptor balls from a distance that's true but it's very tricky to hit tanks with disruptor balls and on top of that, you can't ever engage into it if there's like 12 turrets here. And Luke, he definitely would have had the money to get 12 turrets here. That wouldn't have been an issue. And every time you kill a tank with disruptors, the other guy can just rebuild the tanks because I mean, our man has two factories. Two tanks are in the back currently. So this fight should be really good for the Terran. If there is five, six, maybe even seven or ten or twelve extra turrets here, all of the interceptors will disappear. Vikings will do all the work shooting down the actual units. Even now the fight is kind of fine. Like you're fighting, you're trading, which is good because you're outmining your opponent so massively. He's getting Thor's? Oh my god. This is the type of guy that fell asleep when they explain that Thor's are not a thing against Toss. Thor's actually just suck against Toss, okay? I'm sorry to have to break it to you. Also, can just have a quick look at that fight. What did my man actually do? So he was, he kept talking about, Let me read what he said. I'm just, I'm getting pissed off already. He easily destroyed my army. The thing that made me feel unfair is that he simply A-move and use Disruptor VVVV. But I have to EMP, split army and shift carriers to win the fight. Okay, so he mentions three things. EMP, split army and shift carriers. What did he do in this fight? What actually did he do in this fight? He moves up. Okay. It's just, what this is first person is? You know, let's just first person this, okay? What does our man do? He has no EMP. So that's one of the three things that he complains about. He doesn't need to do. He forgot to build ghost, okay? No ghost. He doesn't split his army against disruptors. He just runs back. And what are his Vikings? Oh, can we get a zoom in on the Vikings here? Are these Vikings shift-clicking carriers, or are they just aim moving into interceptors? Look at them. Look at them. Does this look a Viking with a mission? Or like a guy that, fighting off mosquitoes, like when I'm going for my run next to the water. That's more what it looks like. I don't think these Vikings got a single targeted shot off. This was their first targeted shot. He didn't do any of the things he was talking about. Zero, none of them. This is rewriting history, my friend, and not the good type of rewriting history. Usually I say that the winner writes history, but apparently the loser can also write history, as long as no one fax checks him fact checks him facts checks well i'll accept it see there's a still still is in a fine position is ahead should just get a second armory get ship weapons upgrade continue upgrades his opponent is only on plus two pretty crappy mining you're completely fine dude you could have continued with this plan of just tank viking marine emp i mean it worked out while getting loads of marauders not having any turrets, it's really not that hard to just shoot with tanks, the tanks shoot by themselves. I can assure you that. I tested this many times in the unit tester. They actually do shoot by themselves. Thor's are just not the answer. Thor's are not the answer. And the reason for that is because disruptor skill too well against Thor's. Thor's are very good against carriers, if there was only carriers. But once disruptors are there, Thor's actually don't scale very well, because the toss can do this crazy thing which is just throw the balls at the disruptors and tors are difficult to split because they're so slow i admit that they're difficult to split just play viking marine viking marine ghosts could add some marauders and get like five tanks and just push with tanks with with turrets as well it's such a powerful combination look at your upgrades on the marines the damage output of these marines who by the way never die against interceptors the way that you fight heavy marine viking armies would be with storm not with this type of army. It's getting cloak. Does you have enhanced shockwave? He has enhanced shockwave. Still not getting any ship weapons. Instead, it's getting two extra EMP machines. I also like this, by the way. This is a good move. You understand what you're doing. But the rest of your, this is cool if you have two armies of similar size that are doing this on opposite ends. Because then you're multitasking. Very often Terrans, this is, this is, very often when Terrans say that they're multitasking, really what they're doing is they mean that they're out on the map with an army. that isn't their main army. This isn't multitasking. This is single-tasking with your second army being at home. Everyone does that, okay? Multitasking is if you have two armies. This, I kind of like this, except rather than having five tanks with this army, you have freaking four thores or how many? Yeah, actually, which are completely useless. Like you literally only three, four tanks, then you force your opponent to attack into you. Right now, you can't siege your opponent, because you have nothing to siege with. Your army... I'm not too sure about this fight, actually. It's going to take out this base, but... It's going to be rough. Let's take a look. A couple of EMPs going down. Good EMPs, I have to admit. He didn't stim yet. It's going to stim now. Turrets are putting in some work. There's no Vikings, once again. I don't think we've seen a single split here. I don't think we've seen any Viking targeting. And the Thor's are completely useless. because their upgrades suck. Yeah, this is just the win for the toss. I mean, I'm... And even then, it's not that big of a win. It's like, it was a semi-close fight. Like, resources lost isn't that far off. If you just had mined more and gotten a slightly better army, the resources lost is really even. Once storm gets into here, I'd kind of agree that this army is difficult to beat. and it becomes really difficult to engage but that wasn't the case like this he had no intercept this was a really close fight except that you just had so much supply wasted in thor's rather than either in vikings or more ground units your turrets weren't done yet like and you didn't have enough tanks really to shoot at the disruptors if you have three three four tanks here and you just micro back okay so let's just have another look at that fight okay the way that you want to fight this is that you don't want to fight the ground army because the ground army is good against marines so what you do is is you fight the interceptors and all you need to do is dodge the disruptor shots and you run back towards your tanks and your turrets so either this guy needs to walk into tank range and he loses the disruptors or he needs to attack without the disruptors into the turrets and the marines which will just destroy interceptors instead what the Terran does here is look at it is that he just stands forward he eats he's hands have a disruptor shot. Turrets are helping a bit. This disruptor shot, yeah. Okay, that's just the disruptor shot that kind of killed it. So he didn't split. His Vikings didn't target once. He did E&P. So he did one out of the three things. He forgot the stim temporarily at the start as well. I mean, I, okay. I'm actually gonna give him something here, you know? I think this game. It's not even over yet at this point, by the way. What he could do at this point, what the way is right now, is you rebuild Metafax, Marine Marauder, and you just go for base trade mode. There isn't a lot of static defense on these outside bases, and there's not a lot of mining. If you can just force a base trade, you actually win as the Terran here. Instead, he's going for Thor's, which are slow units. Now, what I am going to give to him is if you get into the situation where there's storm, disruptor, Colossi, Tempest, Carrier, mothership, and he needs a second hand for that. So you need six types of units. and oracles, seven types of units, it becomes very difficult to fight for the Terran, but not because the control is harder, but because the army of the TOS is so all around, tempest with a large range. But don't forget, tempest would need a separate control group, oracles would need a separate control group, disruptors would need a separate control group, the main army separate control groups, and they already mentioned Storm, and Storm. I think you need four to five control groups to control that army properly. So it's not even that easy to... Like, this is an easy army to control, but it's not a very good army, and you can see it in every fight. Like, the army is bigger. It is fighting against a guy that doesn't micro at all, and has the wrong army composition, and still the traits are relatively even. Like, I really am willing to give it to you that I think the toss fights are easier. If you get to that late game stage, where if you hit a storm on Vikings, that's massive, and an EMP doesn't do the same. because it doesn't inflict real damage, it's just shields. I completely agree with you there. And you could even say that that ultimate late game is TOS favored, maybe even a little bit imbalanced. I could say, but to say that these fights that you've been taking this game were easier for the TOS, I'm not even sure if that's true. I can grant you a lot. And maybe you could grant it to Zerg players where the Zerg army actually is pretty difficult to control, but the Terran army you've been building, you've just been one control group in this. Every single time you engage, I see your Viking stutter step together with your Marines, and the fire rate of Vikings and Ghost is just very different. It is not the same. I'm empathetic because it feels difficult to fight this army, and it's frustrating, and it's annoying, but, I mean, was this really that much easier for him? Did he really suck more than you? And did you really do any of the things that you said you did? Like you said, sure, I can't control perfectly, but at least I did certain things. But really, at the end of the day, you didn't really do much of anything, honestly. You just kind of sat there and took it. Took bad engagement, built bad armies, got the wrong upgrades, didn't realize what was happening for such a long time, took bad fight, didn't snowball your... advantage at all and I feel bad because I feel like this is one of the first people that I've ever had in this series that was self-aware he realized he made mistakes he didn't seem too sure there was some nuance it was not a straight-up okay this is completely broken toss is insane no he was like I sucked a little bit maybe and it's painful I wish I wish I could have I I really wish I could have, but my friend, as we're nearing the end here, and I guess you said what, this is Imba. I'm afraid that once again, this just isn't it. This really just wasn't it, my friend. And I'm just thinking back, is there anything I can say for you? So your early game was good. You scouted, but then you responded poorly. You responded poorly to your scan seeing six cannons. your first move out was bad your second move out was good but then the second part of that move out was bad oh yeah here you go with the imba your opponent wins um i i your fights are generally quite awful he started building thor's you didn't get ship weapons upgrades i don't think you have a separate control group for vikings like i'd love to give this to you i really would but i'm afraid my friend that you just suck and that's just uh that's the way the cookie crumbles and my good friend jim carrie would have said that's going to be it for this episode with lots of empathy i say it is Korean Terran also he is on the barcode but let's not forget that as a grandmaster play it can be difficult to send these things in because people tend to make fun of you a little bit more so big big shout out to you there my friend for sending it I salute you that's going to be it for today if you did enjoy this episode don't forget subscribe to the youtube channel don't forget to hit the like button subscribe leave a comment down below what did you think of the game am i wrong am i right spoiler i am right and hopefully i'll see you all next time bye-bye |
Countering Imaginary & Hypothetical Scenarios! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | We have another very special episode of "Is It Imba Or Do I Suck"for you guys today! An amazing case of someone trying his opponent to follow a script instead of deciding on his own. Smash like and subscribe for this INSANE mindgame! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4sSge5PfknY/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | 4sSge5PfknY | Dear Captain, I'm gonna complain about Mac Terran. I met a Mac Terran on the ladder. He played Hellbeth, plus Tank, plus Tor. With his first and second push, I defended with Immortals, basically flank with Immortals plus Zellat. It actually worked well. With that advantage, I transit into Airtles for late game, as I suspect he might go for Liberators. Or battle cruisers. Terrans normally would do that. But he kept on Thor production, and Tours are so good against Carriers and Tempest. so I end up losing it. People are saying that zealots are good against MacTaron. I doubt it, as zealots are so vulnerable against Hellbat or Tank. If my opponent have mines, I don't know why he decided not to go for them, it could be even worse. Is Immortal the best choice for late-game PVT Mac? But using Immortal sometimes ends up in fighting tank range, which is not a good trade in his second push. Is Airtos just a worse choice in this scenario, or simply my micro sucks? Late-game protels would need tempest or equivalent, equal villain to snipe tanks, right? P.S. I said, you may Gigi, mocking my opponents at around 11 minutes after his first push has failed. But actually, I'm the clown. Yours, Tico. So he already is admitting to being a clown, and he said that he bad-mannered his opponent while losing. I mean, yeah, you love to see it. Let's just hop straight into this replay, I guess. What do we have here? We have Tico C.H. This is a game, by the way, played on Diamond. I think Diamond 1 on the Chinese server, so another Chinese replay. And you know that the Chinese replays never seem to ever disappoint. For whatever reason, the Chinese replays are just simply superior. And I'm really looking forward to this. He said he's struggling with Mac. And, okay, he did something. This is, let me, let me just pause it right here. Let me just go back at it. He did something, which I always love to do as well. What he did here was, if my opponent have minds, I don't know why he decided not to go for them, it could be even worse. This is the type of stuff you do when you're arguing balance with one of your friends. I have this often when I'm talking to Xerks. And I'm like, hey, how do I beat the queen walk? And they'll be like, well, you open this route. I'm like, okay, but if I open this ruptor, how do I beat muta? Well, like, well, then you scout and you get Phoenix. I'm like, okay, but what if I get Phoenixes? And then they just play Reveger Ling Baines. Like, well, then you get this. Not realizing in that case that all you really need to do a lot of the time is to scout. Like, you can react to things if you scout. Just because someone doesn't do something doesn't mean he's an idiot, it means he picked a different strategy. So it's a little side note there already for you, Tico. Just because you don't understand why he didn't go minds, doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. In general, actually, mines tend to be quite bad in Mac compositions because they can't really attack into an opponent. They have very short range, things like Disruptors completely destroy them, and even things like good zealot flanks are just kind of good against them. So, yeah, I would not really suggest mines a lot of the time as disruptor really is just a very big hard counter. Now, why is this guy opening with the CC on the high ground? I'll explain why this is not optimal. I usually don't like giving too much feedback on the player who didn't send it in, but if you build a CC on the low ground, after you play Barracks, no gas, your CC will always finish before anything can hit it, because you didn't get a gas. I think this build in general isn't great, but if you're going to play this build, it's probably best to play it on the low ground or to put it in a space where your opponent can't see it. So in that case, you're kind of pretending to be one basing. I don't even mind that too much. You just go a fast, full depot, well, maybe that was the plan. You know what? I kind of like this. I'm fine with this. I take back everything I said about my man Ziac. He's an all right dude. Okay? You have a proxy gateway. Oh, he's playing the departing three gate build order. Which is, I actually made a guide on this a while ago, and this is a good build order. Let's see how he actually does it, if he does it correct. I can't quite remember the exact. I think this looks pretty okay though. He's getting his gateway in time. He's getting Chrono Boost ready. He's staying on one gas, second Chrono Boost at the appropriate time as well. He didn't scout, which I actually think is perfect when you're playing this build because you need all the money that you can get. Now it is important that you're almost continuously building workers. He got a couple of workers there. He still is cutting... Hello, you have it selected. There we go. Taking your time. Yeah, this actually looks relatively good. Good opener. I like this. This is nice to see. He's actually playing a build order. First warpin should finish, I believe, at 318. I'm not sure if he's going to be able to make it. I don't think he's going to be able to make it, but even if he's a little bit later, that should be absolutely fine. You get five adepts on the other side of the map at around 325 in their natural, 3.30 latest in their natural. We see that he's a little bit delayed, but he actually did a very good job executing this build order. I mean for Diamond 1, 4 seconds late in a build order, that's absolutely fantastic. Okay, well, you forgot one at that. Okay, maybe he's 10 seconds, 12 seconds late. Okay, that's a little bit less good. Especially because we're only three minutes into the game. Oh, this guy's falling already? Whatever. I mean, yeah, it's not great. But, I mean, it could be worse. He also has been cutting workers for the past five minutes. It feels like he's actually downing workers. I didn't even know that was possible against Territ. but our man Tico is actually managing to do it. I mean, he has as many adepts as his opponent has marines. How is he losing this fight? Maybe we would stop stutter-stepping for half a second. He would have already won this with way less lost. How did he lose this many units? He should have absolutely destroyed this with like four adepts remaining, I think. Now he's getting stalkers, but the tank is out, yeah. It's the end of the party. I mean, he continued work. Honestly, it's not a terrible start. I feel like he should have had more workers. And if he had microd better, he probably would have been able to straight up kill his opponent. Or if he warped in the three stalkers a little bit quicker as well. So it's like literally four or five things that he could have done that would have just straight up one in the game, either probing up far enough, microwing his adepts or getting the stalkers about 10, 15 seconds faster. These three things all would have put him in a position where he's super far. Right now he's just regular head. He's not super far ahead, just regular head. He doesn't quite know if his opponent has a star port He does know his opponent as a factory and has an eBay in the wall But he doesn't know much else yet. So very often with little information it can be quite tricky and You know so far I actually think that Tico has been playing a little bit better than his opponent His opponent did a build order that didn't make a lot of sense had a lot of oversupply which meant that he had very little units very often if you're in investing too much in infrastructure or in things like supply depots, you end up with way too little units, which is kind of what happened here for Zach, Zayak, excuse me. Or maybe this is, he writes everything in capital letters, except the L. So his name is actually Zlag. Zlek. Possible. Would be a good one to trick casters. You sign up for a tournament. Everyone pronounce your name as Zayak. They complain to the organization that is pronounced slack Because it's actually a non-capital L You get all the casters fired Then you sign up under a different different nickname as a community caster And with all the casters fired You now made a career in casting That's how easy it is to get something done in e-sports guys A lot of people ask me like hey how do I get to working in e-sports And my men's slack here Honestly had a pretty pretty decent idea I like it and he almost caught me as well because if he would have sent an email and it's like, hey, my name is pronounced Slack. Give me your YouTube channel. I would have been like, well, that's a fair deal. I did mispronounce your name accidentally. So, yeah, I kind of like the plan there. So if you too want to work in Esports, that might be a good tip for you. Smart. Of course, the Esportscasters are also watching this. They'll be on top of it. Maybe it's a meta game a little bit. So it actually is a capital I. And they're pronouncing your name as Slack. and there's a no no it's Zyak and you got him I don't know why people watch these videos you're getting three cannons you love to see it so you scout the fact that your opponent has four command centers and two production facilities a total of like four units and your brilliant idea is to get three cannons on the far left side what does this even defend like I always okay whenever I look at this type of thing I always try to think what is the most positive interpretation of this move okay so imagine our man's leg decides to move across the map and is very keen on attacking this specific location I'm not even saying in general the third base but up this specific ramp which would be very weird with Mac because I think the natural pattern would be more towards middle. But if he decides to go up this ramp and then forgets to move back his units when he sees three cannons, these three cannons are going to be a golden investment. I can tell you that much. However, if Slack decides to go up here or, God forbid it, goes into the natural, Tico actually has nothing. This is a 450 mineral investment that's doing nothing for him right now. Those could have been gateways. This could have been an extra nexus. I mean, he's seen freaking four command centers, four orbitals at this point. already and his response is to build three cannons at a location that only defends this very specific ramp that never sees an attack. Impressive decision-making. Daily reminder that he only has six units so far. You know you're usually in a bad spot if your opponent has more tanks and Thor's than you have gateway units, especially if you have no other units whatsoever. Zlag could just move across the map at this point, aim move, pull the SCVs, then dance, drop mules, fly one of the orbiters, fly one of the orbiters, to the other side of the map, drop mules with that orbital, land it. What's the up motion? Lift it, then land it again, and still be absolutely fine. Slack is absolutely light years ahead here, Tico. You're doing nothing correct. How is it possible that he's constantly behind in workers? He just doesn't build workers. Look at this. He just doesn't build workers, getting a Ford base now. now it's like man so difficult to afford fourth basis because he built three cannons here earlier because he hasn't been making any workers he's just down 30 supply well he's the only one that did damage so far so the game basically with the parting build what you want is i what i would want is to deny a little bit of mining and kill two three workers that's it my man killed seven workers okay he killed seven workers this is like okay so when i buy a when i buy a lottery ticket which is very rare let me state that in lotteries are scams if you're addicted to lottery ticket buying now's a good time to quit what's I gonna say if I buy a lottery ticket okay the best case scenario or a scenario I'm happy with is when I retrieve the money back that I invested into my lottery ticket okay so I go in pay a lottery ticket or scratch whatever they got five euros nice same amount of money as I'm happy with that I didn't expect that much I was hoping for that. I didn't expect this much. However, my man Tico went in, got the scratch-off ticket, got $5,000 and I was like, hey, that's brilliant. Let me just keep buying more and more lottery tickets until I lose all of my money. And that's exactly what Tico so far has been doing in this game. He just keeps buying more and more lottery scratch-off tickets. I'm sure if those are called lottery tickets, until he lost all of his money and boom, there he is. Down 30 supply, equal amount of workers. For whatever reason, he's getting armor first. I'm not sure why. So usually you want to get armor against units with a high rate of fire because then the armor works multiple times, right? Imagine you have one unit who does 50 damage every second, then one armor will make it 49 damage every one second. Now imagine you have a unit that shows 20 times per second and does five damage, then the one armor works 20 times there. So it's minus 20. damage per second for that one unit. If you're playing against Mac you mainly want to be investing into attack upgrades. Armor upgrades simply aren't that useful against tanks and tors. We have very high impact but slow rate of fire. Yeah, my man's luck, nothing has happened this game by the way. Tico is completely unaware of what is happening as well. He's getting four stargates. So he scouted four factories and his response is to go up to five immortals, six stalkers, five zealads, then throw down four stargates, which gets scanned. And then I guess start building tempest from there. You love to see it. Also has 1200 gas in the bank, by the way, which zealots are good against, uh, against Mac, but what's even better is zealot-Arcon immortal. If you attack a hellbat tank Thor Terran with a flank with Zelet Arcon immortal, equal supply, and you actually flank so you don't just walk through a choke, there's no way in hell you're going to lose, unless maybe you're down 20 supply, but that's a different story. Here we see my man Tico, aim moving into an unseached terrain, and yeah, he's just going to absolutely blast this. This was a nice fight for him, by the way. Should have probably used Guardian Shield, but it's not the biggest deal. Like I said, plus two armor is nice, but doesn't matter too much against tanks and Thor's. So he kills absolutely everything. He loses almost nothing. And all of a sudden, out of nowhere, he's in a fantastic position this is one of the reasons why we don't really see Mac players attack usually is because if they're not siege completely they lose if he actually did G G G G G I think and I guess this means get out or something or Gigi this is my game that's something that's what he said right this is actually great this is actually great but our man's slack you know he's he's he's a he's a rougher things you know he had a worse time in life before you know he's he knows the bottom of the pit and he knows this isn't even close to the bottom of the pit he sieges up and he continues he knows his opponent is investing in stargates and he's like okay let me just throw a couple more tors couple more tanks tico is attacking into this position from one direction without any real meat in front of his army he has 2,400 gas a quick calculation That's a great recall. You could have just walked back like, mate, the tanks aren't going to chase you. It's like calling in like a helicopter evacuation because a slot is chasing you. Like, mate, you can just walk away. There's no issue here. So with the 2400 gas, he could have built eight Archons, which he didn't do. He probably could have just destroyed this. with like eight Archons, ten extra zealads. What do we find? You should probably start thinking about a fifth base. He has pretty decent eco at this point, but he's going to start mining out these extra patches as well. And that's usually a bad thing. Ah, there's a lot of... Oh my god, he has 5K income. Holy crap! 5.4K, 5.7. Oh boy, that's a lot of money. Yeah, yeah, that's the mules right there. the mules right there coming at you units lost still in favor of tico and tico decides here to do something really cool he decides to go into into carriers why is he getting plus armor upgrades on carriers yeah whatever now the thing with carriers is is that they're really really good against mac but you need something to deal with the thor's now there is a unit that deals really well with thor's and also with mines if they go for mines against this which sometimes they play mine thor or And that's the disruptor. The disruptor is an absolutely brilliant unit against Thor's, because Thor's are very difficult to split. You can't really run away from the disruptor balls, and you can't really chase either. So what you can do is you just throw some disruptor balls at the Thor's, then you run away. And the Thor's are like trying to chase you, but they're obviously very slow. And then if they chase you far enough, you have your next disruptor balls again. And then eventually you hit like five or six, and boom, all the Thor's explode semi-simultaneously. because you can have like two, three tours per ball. And then you can say, well, what if he has a lot of tanks? Then I can't walk in with the disruptors. Well, if he has too many tanks, your carrier should just be able to win you the game. So carrier disruptor, Tempest is a really good composition against Terran Mac. People don't realize this, but that's such a sick composition in late game against Mac. And it's very tricky to lose with as a Protoss player. Like, it's not easy. Here comes the second push, though. It's getting Tempest? are good against air but they're not great against ground they don't actually do a lot of damage against ground carriers are just simply better he could have also gone for like carrier chariotrarchal of arkon immortal probably been fine these carriers are going to put in some work now yeah figure that yeah can even micro away a little bit it's beautiful using these immortals yeah would you look at that yeah carriers are good man what the heck So we could micro them back a bit, but this was a very, a very nice starter. Now, just five Archons would be so helpful because Arcon's tank so much. They're so useful. Oh! He's doing a beating Grandmaster with stupid stuff. Look at that. He only is allowed to use either the ground part of his army or the air part of his army, but never at the same time. Oh, that's really cool. I didn't know that also was a thing on the Chinese server. Huh, what do you know? The influence I have is... There's no boundary. Regular... regular boundaries of countries. Borders, they don't matter. This nasty engagement. Oh, that's well actually. Never mind. Completely fine engagement. Destroyes all the Thor's, and then yeah, there's only tanks left, so you can actually just kind of own them. Right now there's seven Thor's still. And like you said, disruptors, Archon Immortal, all of these things are really fine. Immortal in general is really good against Thor. But because you need some tanking, I always recommend getting a couple of zealots, a couple of Archons as well, in case there's tanks in the back. But Disruptors are... It's just built 11 DTs? Where did he build? Why can't I click on the DTs? Oh, they have blink as well. I kinda like this. This is just a good play overall against Aaron. It's blinking on top of planetaries. It's so powerful. If you have 9 DTs with plus 3, you can 3-shoulder planetary. If you have 11, you also can 3-shoulder planetary. It's kind of how it works. If you have 10, you can also 3-shoulder planetary. Some people say that if you have 12, you can do the same. Now I'm starting to do the math in my head, how many you need to 2-shot, but I can't quite get to it. So, I guess 14 would do the trick. 14 probably would do the trick. I think so, yeah. Maybe 13 already, I don't know. It is a possibility. She has a lot of DTs. He sniped the base. Kill the planetary. Now he loses a bunch of DTs. He keeps kind of blinking around. He built 11 Tempest to counter. I'm not sure what. he thinks he's countering with the tempest. I think the tempest is probably the worst unit that Prolost can build against the Thor. Let me pause and think about it. If we were to make a tier list here, what would be the best units? So we have Immortals, Disruptors. I guess it would be S tier. Is that the highest? Then you got like A tier that would be like Immortals, Celets and Archon, they already mentioned immortals? Okay, Immortals is S-tier with disruptor. A-tier would be Zellet and Arcon. B-tier would be the stalker. Maybe the Voidre is worse against Thor's. I think Voidreys might be better as well. I think the Tempest is about equal with observers and prisms. About as close. Yeah, I think about as useful as observers and prisms. A similar level. Maybe mothership is worse. I don't think mothership would even be able to do any damage. Just going in with these ds. They just lost 11 DTs for nothing. That's kind of big. He's not even maxed at this point. Sands in some zealots into the Helions. Loving the flanking here. Then moves forwards with the tempest. And gets his head completely kicked him. Holy crap this isn't closed. Holy crap he got owned. This wasn't close at all. Big surprise. That the slow unit, that's mainly an anti-air fighter because of the big range, usually good with static defense, doesn't fight well. Oh, slack! Slack with a question mark. I'm not sure if these are manner muse, but I hope they're manner muse. Oh man. I'm a big slack fan here. The slack flank club. It is, look this, four Thor's. I love that this guy never test anything out and he just thought that Tempus might be the answer. Rather than just thinking about things, like, ah, Tempus, good anti-airfighter, long range pretty slow. Thor, good anti-air fighter, especially single target. I wonder who wins. Gigi by Tico. He honestly props to him for still typing Gigi and leaving the game. I find that kind of admirable, honestly. In a way, I really do find that admirable. After getting so destroyed not only physically in the game, but also mentally by getting manner-mute after he did an offensive Gigi, I think we should just have a quick rundown of what happened here exactly. Tico, Tico, Tico. First of all, let me just grab your... your imbalance complaint for him again. You complained about Mactaran. You complained about... I don't actually you complained about anything. He complained about a hypothetical scenario. I transit into Airtles for the late game as I suspect he might go for liberators or battle cruisers. But he kept on Thor production. He's complaining that his opponent didn't do what Terrans usually do. That's his complaint. He isn't actually complaining about imbalance. He's complaining that this specific Terran didn't just play proper Starcraft. Well, Tico, I can tell you something. You definitely didn't play proper StarCraft. My man's slack over here. Not only does he have a beautiful name, we play pretty great StarCraft. He stayed calm, he waited with the mules until the perfect time, did solid Mac pushes. You, however, forgot the pro. almost the entire game. First build order, pretty good. You know, I'll give you that. Build order was tied, except for the part where you didn't build workers. You had negative micro on the adepts as is a very common theme in this series. Probably would have been better to not try to micro them at all. Just kind of aim of them and they would have been absolutely fine. Forgot to warp in stalkers there. Then you didn't scout for about 10 minutes. You blindly thought that he was going into Air Terran, which wasn't the case. You built Ayrthos, got absolutely blasted by Thor's. Thor's, all of your engagements, except for the first two were pretty god-awful. Even the second engagement was really bad. You used half of your army every single time, either just the immortals or just the air. Never at the same time. When you did use them at the same time, you actually completely blast that fight. You never build a single arc on. Do I need to go on? Like, I can't help it that your opponents didn't follow the script that you had in your head. Okay? That's going to happen in Stargraft. People make different choices sometimes. And that is completely okay. However, however, what isn't okay is offensive Gigiing, sending in an imbalance complaint form while you suck so much as you did. Because you, my friend, really do suck. Nice. All right, boys, let's wrap it up. Thanks for watching. Don't forget to hit the subscribe button, hit the like button, and hopefully I'll see you all next time for a new video. Bye-bye. |
Zerg getting EVAPORATED by IMBA Storm! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | I finally managed to escape the cave! Join me on my journey to freedom and a brand new imbalance complain about IMBA Protoss Storm! If you are happy as well, that I am free again, don't clap your hands but rather clap dat like and subscribe buttons! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/AkIWpc_iCxw/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | AkIWpc_iCxw | What's up guys? This is day one of my escape and I spoke to an Amazon driver who delivered me the phone in the cave and he said that there's an old YouTuber called Husky Starcraft around that I'm looking for so I'll keep you guys up to date of what's happening and I'll hopefully be able to walk back home soon. See you guys. Boy is day two. I managed to find the husky. He was living out in the woods close by my cave and we had a relatively nice relationship for the time we're together he said I reminded him of an old love and he was talking about wings or freedom or something like that and then about like seven hours in as I thought things were going really well he just completely build on me for whatever reason so I'm gonna continue my journey on alone this was day three I hope to tell you guys more once I hit some intelligent life see you soon I'm not sure if you can see it but Loco just passed by and look what I found here. It's a little bit of zergling poop. I tasted it and I'm 90% sure this is zergling poop. So yeah, with the zergling poop and spotting loco, I feel like intelligent life is further away than I thought it initially was. All right, guys, I set up this trap yesterday. Let's see if we caught anything. Oh! Let's see what's inside. Let's look like some fries, maybe some curry. No ketchup but I think we're gonna have to do with it. We're getting very close to home. You made it home guys. You made it home. You made it home. It's good to be back, boys. Let's get into it. An email. An email. In balance complaint form Harstem. I believe that Protoss is OP. I open with a 12-pool, which kills my opponent's gateway, but is otherwise defended. I begin messing roaches after scouting his twilight counsel and easily defend the zealid attack. Eventually I max out and attack with a Roach Hydra army and watch it evaporate as it gets stormed over and over again. I tried to build Brood Lords to counter his powerful ground army, but it was too little. Too late. And I lose two bases to his attack. I tried to continue on from that point, hoping the Brutelords could save me, but it was futile. So I ask you, is Storm Inba? Are Brutelords ever a good idea? Do I just suck? Thank you for your inside. name meme lord race Zerg league diamond m m m m rick 3 600 and last but not least the server from america so this is uh honestly kind of promising to be a banger already so let's up straight into it put on the headphones as well who nice everything kind of feels like old what do we have here mr meme lord so we have a Zerg player who says he is a diamond player that does a 12 pool and then manages to take out the gateway. Look at this. Proulos player is actually trying to block the hatchery of his opponent. I like that. This is a really cool move. That's cool to see that. This happens in diamond as well. It's even taking the minerals and then builds the gateway. This is the optimal probe movement. This is very nice to see. Wow. I like Bonzo. This guy is really cool. What the heck? Look at that opener. This looks so tight. I'm so proud of you, Bonzo. I actually do think that's pretty cool. I didn't know people in Diamond were doing openers like this, you know, where they send out the probe in time. Like, honestly, this looks like my own game so far. This is beautiful Bonzo. Oh, wait, sorry. We're looking at the 12 pool. The only thing that sucks for Bonzo is that he's so busy blocking. No, he's actually going to scout. This is actually so well done. This is beautiful. Okay? This is actually beautiful. What is he doing? He's going to, I was pretending to take a hatchery. Poor Bonzo is getting completely. completely tricked by his opponent. Built to Pylon and then he's gonna try to block this base. Does Bonzo know right now that there's a 12 woman? Bonzo has the instincts of a freaking hyena if those have good instincts. Otherwise he has the instinct of... I don't know what animals have good instincts. Like a lion maybe? I feel like humans have pretty good... He has the instinct of a superior human. Holy crap, this is brilliant. Bonzo is a genius. What the heck? He's blocking this with a gateway as well. He's saying no way you're getting this base, buddy. There's no shot. I kind of like this. Okay, he's forcing his opponent to take this base. But finishing the pilot and getting a gateway there. I don't like that in that case you're playing two gateways. Not necessarily. Also, a cyber course way too late. Should be finished at this point, but, you know, it is what it is. That's beautiful, Bonzo. I love that. good thumbs up for bonzo um what are we seeing from meme lord mean or supply block why is he supply block why is he arriving so late if he also isn't taking his natural i feel like meme lord here took the worst of both worlds you know you ever have like like your friends have these dilemmas whereas like um like either like you you lose your legs and get a a million dollars or um you'll need to work 80 hours a week for the rest of your life. But you'll be able to sprint at superhuman speed, you know. My man, Mimlord, in this situation, would go like, I'd like to work the 80 hours a week, and I'd like to lose my legs. These friends go like, what the ass wrong with you, Mimler? It's this type of guy, you know? He takes the worst of both worlds. Not only does he hit too late with the lings because he was busy trying to take down the pile and the gateway, but then he also doesn't even take the natural. Now, the reason why, let me just pass. this, okay? A little bit of analysis here on this beautiful IOTUS episode. The reason why that's not good is because when you're playing against adept and you open with 12 pool, your gas is very late. You see that? This is normal, the gas to be late, which means that two adepts can just really stand in between this thing and then shade into the main, shade into the natural. And they can force out a crap ton of lings because lings of creep cannot fight properly against adepts. So that is the reason why when you're 12 pooling, you never not want to take your natural way. as your natural base quick tip there for you mean Lord also if I were you I'd go for the I'd go for the hundred thousand dollars and the nolex I think it's the best out of all the options I'm are seeing here this queen hasn't injected or crept yet he lost all of his lings I love that his zealous just chilling I just held on hold position it Why are you doing this Bonzo? No! It's an honorable salad, wants the fight to be fair, waited until the lings and the queens came out. See, that's how Protoss' role, you know. Protoss players have a good sense of honor. They're feeling good about themselves. This guy, no honor. He had to wait for his mates to show up. Now, he said he scouted at Twilight and then went for a roach warren and then defended perfectly. Nice supply block, by the way. this is uh what was that yes for people who miss this okay um this is what we call first of all this is the goody supply block okay and the goody supply block gets fixed by building by finishing a main structure so right now we see this building still has 14 more seconds to go and he's like you know what there's no use building overlords because he knows the timing that overlords take longer than 14 seconds to build let me just wait for this hatchery to finish okay so you're going to wait for the to finish for supply to become available, but then as the hatchery finish, he does something that no one has thought of before, and that is to then produce the overlords. Because who would want to build units straight away, right? I love that. I just, I think that's such a brilliant move here by Mimlord. That's just great. Once again, taking the worst of both worlds. He's actually just the king of this. I wonder what, like, a jet, like, what type of decisions he makes in his. his general life then you know if he's so bad at picking what's right and what's wrong for him he's the guy that goes into the shop check what was on discount last week and then buys it he's like wouldn't want to be paying any less and when some people consider eating healthy this man just looks at the back to see which product has the most sodium in it and then takes that this is meme lord nine drones wow another overlord yeah we only have 16 supply open Pretty smart. Very smart even. Okay, so he scouted the Twilight now. He's like, okay, Twilight, this means I need a road to warn and an Evo chamber. Okay? It kind of makes some sense. Well, the Evo chamber not as much, but I like the road warren. Roadwarren is good here. I don't understand why he has so little workers. I feel like, well, probably because he was supply blocked and then built eight overlords at once, but... Yeah, it's not looking super brilliant. Did I slow down the game to watch? No, this seems fine. I don't know. It's been a long time, guys. Okay. Life outside wasn't as great as live in front of the PC. I can tell you that much. This is great, by the way. Like, the creep is almost scouting it. I think goes to the left side. I love it. Because he really wants to take this as a fourth, I guess. If he takes this as a fourth, I'll just end the game. We'll do another episode next week, but that will be... Like, we'll just put the stamp on hamster. We'll call it a day, you know? We'll do the pop. And then we'll be... yet. Okay, he sees the lack of a third base. Now all the alarm bells in his head should be ringing. He already has eight roaches. He's fine. Yeah, this is good. He could probably keep mining, but yeah, I don't even mind this. Yeah, sure. Go mine from your naturals, taking the gases there. Builds a couple more roaches, but he knows it doesn't need too much. So, yeah. Now, this is a very nice defense here, meme lord. I'm completely fine with this. I'm a-okay with how you defended this, honestly. That was pretty tight. Good stuff, man. Good stuff. He also knows where these roaches or where these zealots are coming from. I was wondering if he figured it out. But yeah, he definitely did figure out. Built seven more drones. He stops an attack and his reaction, okay. So there's two reactions at this point, okay? So you can either go for a full-on roach counter attack and you're like, okay, I'm so far ahead, I just want to kill him. And you just keep building units, roaches, and then eventually you just reinforce with lings. The other option is that you just drone up to the highest amount of drones that you can. and then you start building workers. Okay? So that's kind of, that's the ultimate eco or the ultimate attack. But here we see five drones into five overlords. And usually when... What is this guy defending? It's very keen of this extractor, I guess. I've never seen this. I was going to say maybe if there's liberal. rate the harassed but then I realized we're watching a PVZ. None here. Honestly, technically there's no sports in any of the mineral lines. So if people would show you pictures of each base and ask you what's different, you wouldn't be able to tell. And it's like one of those questions you get on like your exam and then no one really agrees on the answer there, you know? You have to go to the exam commission or whatever and get it all fixed. Rough. I know the life, even though I haven't been in school for more than 10 years at this point. But it doesn't show many people tell me, hey, okay, very, very intelligent. The things you say on the daily basis. That's fine. It's because I self-study a lot. On the battle net forums. I have a very big vocabulary. I know more insults. in English, then trilingual speakers will know in all of their languages combined. And that's really a product of me visiting the battle net forums every day. You know how sometimes you have like these motivational videos of people just grinding. You know, it's like, when you wake up, you get ready for the grind. It's like I always, I feel the same when I wake up at like 6 a.m. and do like my two hour research on the battle net forums, you know, improve my language skills and just my vocabulary. read my diction and how to write essays basically. I feel like that always, yeah, it's a good start of the day and it's hard work, you know, it isn't easy, but I do get it done. I love that, yeah, I mean, there's no spore. He's going to get everything targeted down. He also didn't go for the economic option, by the way. He went for the middle of the road again. He decided, you know what, I don't want to kill my opponent, but I also don't want to get a lot of money. Instead, I want my opponent to stay alive. and I want to be poor. Once again, a very good decision here coming out of Meemlord. It's one of those decisions that I really do appreciate. Plus to range on the way. That's good. That's actually good. I mean, he's fighting against the guy. I think he has two forges or something. Oh, yeah, I saw two forges there. So, on that production time. So, yeah, what he could do here is he could scout his opponent, figure out, hey, what's my opponent doing? He sees two immortal or two robots pumping immortals, okay? two robots pumping immortals. Now, maybe Memlord is not aware, but there's a thing like armor type. And if you have a unit that is armored, like the roach, they will take extra damage from a unit that does more damage against armored units, like, you guessed it, the immortal. So it would be wise to pick a different type of unit to fight an army that looks like this. If you have an army that consists of almost exclusively immortals, things like lynx are really, really good. A, lings don't take bonus damage and B, Immortals shoot really slow, but they do a lot of damage per shot, but they're still not one-shoting lings. So lings are absolutely perfect as long as the Arcon count isn't too high. Now, things like hydras do fine as well. Lurkers are actually very good. The hydras, they don't scale too well because once storm is out, it's not great, but Hydra Lurker or Roach Hydra Lurker would definitely deal okay with this army. or now this is a controversial topic in the Zerg community in diamond but if you see your opponent building exclusively units that attack ground it could be an option to throw down a spire and get a couple of muras no base defense no base defense well unless you count these four immortals that can shoot air however because meme lord isn't scouting what he's doing instead is he's doing a classic move I think I've spoken about this one before as well. This is testing if the meat grinder works by inserting your head. And he's about to find out that this meat grinder works very well. There's eight immortals, there's two Archons, and he has units that take... Well, the Revedgers actually aren't even that bad against immortals, but all the roaches does absolutely disappear. Like, they got blasted by these immortals, and he's going to lose this fight. Like, not many zergs have lost fights before. It's relatively impressive, honestly. I'm just... Holy crap. that's big. Gets completely blasted out of this world. Here's a response after seeing 10 immortals is to build five more roaches. Every single roach he builds, I think is minus 10 IQ points at this point. At this point and so far what Mean Lord has been showing me is, well, I'm wondering if he's making the triple digits before the roach deduction. We've already seen five roaches. What I say 10 points minus? We're at 50 right now. Max, down to 10. Yikes. Are we going to see negative IQ this game? It's kind of a spire though. I kind of like that. Investation pit as well. So it's possible the spires just for the greater spire. I do recall him mentioning Brutlords, I think. Or was it Vipers in his little essay? I think it was Brutlords. So maybe we'll see some Brutlords there. But for now he's just happy not doing much of anything. He's outmining his opponent by a crepton. He still isn't aware of this left side base, by the way. And I do like that as well. well he's like yeah this is this was a normal army that this guy got off of two days that seems completely okay actually the army wasn't all that big it's just that it really just oh seven more roaches minus 60 oh geez soon the place where his brain is supposed to be is just going to be a black hole because it's like negative energy this is actually painful to watch hive going down like there is a help that I think it's F12 here Serg units let me show this to you okay weak against the immortal the immortal is strong against the roach they help you like these are things that you don't need like like I you don't you don't need me to tell you these things okay you can figure these out yourself just F12 okay HOTK is F12 meme lord after i'll make a video just for you okay i'll send you a little document like a seven-step instruction first maybe how to plug in the keyboard at times i'm not even sure if that's being done here okay you're getting plus one carapace i don't quite know why but i mean to be fair my man meme lord has absolutely zero info so i guess there could be five stargates pumping phoes and then you want to get corruptors with carapace upgrades maybe realizes their storm and eight immortals maybe it's time to run you don't have to fight it's it's not compulsory it's not an obligation that you need to keep it's you can run roaches. That hell's the brain disappearing. You ever did this trick where you knocked on someone else's head and then like knock the table like pretending like it's empty? I feel like meme lord doesn't need the table. Like this really is something else. He's getting the grapes ready. Did he wait for his carapace to finish? No, he was like, you know what? The carapace, maybe not quite as good. good or as useful as I thought. Are the broodlord just going to be too late? I think a broodlord is just going to be too late. This is going to be very painful. Okay, there is a trick. Now, this trick is pretty crazy. But when you see your opponent's army on the map, imagine your meme lord, okay? And you see this army. And he probably doesn't start counting. I don't know, people that can't count, do they still realize that this is many immortals? Like, this is a bigger amount of immortals than a small amount of immortals, Mium Lord. So this is an amount of immortals where your units can't fight. Okay? So what you can do rather than getting the fight here is you try for a base trade. You're getting units that your opponent can't fight. So eventually you will stabilize in the base trade. And maybe you can take out a couple of bases or force him to run back. That's a good analysis to make. Another thing that you can do is to make sure that the concrete is hard by jumping into it head first. Hard knock because there's no brain inside, but not quite sure how brilliant it is. Yeah, I mean, this fight is completely blasted. Holy crap. That was a nice upgrade. It's a 2-2 on shields. I don't know why, but I'm a big fan of that. Now the Great Spires about the finish. I love the spines against the seven immortals. That's definitely going to win a lot of time. It's like two shodding hatcheries almost. Two broodlords. I love this. Oh my god, this is some great resource management as well. He sees this army, it's like, okay, nothing can shoot up with range. Should I build broodlords out of every single corrupter or would it be better to get 21 hydras and only two broodlords and then five or three more after I finished the first two? Of course our friend went for the hydro option. Imagine if there actually was, how many could he have gotten? Two, four, plus three. Nine. He could have gotten nine broodlords. Nine broodlords against three archons. He would have blasted this fight. He would have owned it so hard. Like even now, like it's still almost working, but just not quite. And that's frustrating. That's frustrating, you know? I look at this and I go, there was potential here. There really was potential. potential here. I know you knew it as well. You look back at the replay and you go, ah, if only, you know, but... I mean, the hydras worked so well for you the other fight. I mean, that fight in the middle, where you had like 20 hydras, I think you almost killed an Arkham. So, that's like the type of trade that you're really looking forward to. I completely understand it. Like, the precedent that the hydras had set before in fights was so good that for you in your mind, it almost seemed silly not to build them again. Yeah, I mean that's just how it is sometimes that is how it be sometimes You're still not in a you're still not completely dead by the way if you just look at this It's kind of playable isn't it to void rays I mean you could now getting hydras wouldn't even be too bad There's a lot of Archons though I think there might be too many Archons yeah could maybe do a run by here if you knew that that base existed I guess there's cannons so even that's not possible yeah Yeah, it's gonna be hard to stabilize at this point, honestly. You can get a bunch of... ...over there, I guess. You could do that. Some long-distance mining. Don't mind it at all. I think that's even pretty good. Um... ...I do kind of like it indeed. Um... Actually, maybe with a brutal, nah, no shot. It's a good avoid, right? The problem is just that you had no information whatsoever, Mimlord. Like, if you knew you may... There's too many batteries. You never would have been able to kill him. You had to rebuild drones, I think, and just go for the longer macro game. Honestly, you mentioned... I think you said Storm was O.P., no? How is Storm O.P? in this game? He hit, like, two storms. And one of those was just now on the Brutelords, after you're down 60 supply. Like... I don't know, this... honestly this game is kind of cringe. No cap. Gigi! All right, no, at least you jujit, you know? Let me read this... Where you had, Mr. Post? How do I get there? Stuck in a K for a couple of weeks, and you really don't know anymore how PCs work. Where are we at? I believe that ProD is OP, he opened with a 12 pool. Right, didn't get his natural, didn't run across the map easily, or quickly. Pretty poor start for him. He did defend everything. He got up like 90 supply. That was good. I agree with that. And then just kept building roaches into an army consisting of only immortals and only High Templar. He then added on a couple of hydras so that the storm was a couple, a little bit more useful. Then eventually he decided to remix on 21 hydras rather than making instantly nine broodlords. Was your micro good? No. Your micro sucked. Was your macro good? No, you got support. Oh, I forgot about the supply blocks. the creative way you managed to get out of them. So your micro sucked, your macro sucked, your unit comp sucked, your unit movement sucked. I mean, this is just not even on average, just everything. Like the best thing you did still was awful. My friend, you just making sure you suck. That's a fact. All right guys, that's going to be it for this episode of is it inbound. or do I suck? If you did enjoy this, don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to the YouTube channel. If you get 3,000 likes on this video, I will make another one next week. And if we don't get 3,000 likes, I'll also make another next week. So it's very important that we reach it. Thanks all for watching and bye bye. Sick. |
Warp Gate - THE IMBA UPGRADE! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Hey guys, it's Hamster here. I cracked the code to get the emergency episode, but unfortuanately I did not hear a lot more from our lovely host since this quite disturbing video message... He just send a voice mail talking jibberish about some Zerg poop and seeing Lowko... No idea what that means. SMASH Like and Subscribe, so that he can find the way home by the smell of fresh YouTube money! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqNxyVYrd30&list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf&index=1 Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WpgtjnbFBXs/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | WpgtjnbFBXs | I don't know where I am, but I managed to escape from the case. We're going to need you to crack the safe. Get the secret, the emergency, the emergency episode in. And from there on out, hopefully everything will be fine. I'm going to try to find a way to get home. You need to take care of everything, Hamster. Oh, I need to go. let's see follow the protocol clean my hands okay we got that's what was the code again oh my god no Zerg nah that is proto oh does doesn't fit. Damn. Was it banana? Nah, it's not it either. Oh, I remember. Is imba. Oh yeah, here we go. Okay. Let's get this baby out. Dear Harstam, I am your big fans from China. In this game, I'm your big fans from China. In this game, I truly believe that Toss is too imba at the early time in this game. I found out that the Toss wants to have a three-base all in, with a lot of zealots. I hold his attack and have a huge advantage. I even had double supply than he had at the nine minutes in this game. However, I lose this game just because the base trade. I can't understand why Toss can use the warp gateways to send its armies in any place in the map. You can't predict where they will come from. This is too strong. If this is not Imba, please tell me how can do to defeat the Toss? Name, gold mine, race, Terran, Leek, Diamond, server, China. Oh yes, we got another Chinese replay, my dude. It's absolutely beautiful. The moment you read the description you already know, like the Chinese have a way with words that for some reason the Westerners just do not they just they really hit the nail on the head when it comes to their balance descriptions absolutely beautiful on top left here we have a root wg but we're going to call him gold mine for now for blue Terran player from china the man that sent in the replay and he was complaining mainly about not being able to realize what direction the opponent army comes from. Now that's very interesting of course because there are ways to get vision on the map you can use units to get vision you can build depots on the sides just like Tos builds pilots very often you can build like a depot over here for example for some vision against prisms you can have a unit out here like a marine and then a marine out here and I'm surprised that he complains about not knowing where his opponent come from because this map is Romantic side. You have this ramp and you have this ramp. There's two ways. Okay, there's two main roads. You just need to keep your eyes on both the roads. Maybe Goldmine prefers it if there's like just one massive tunnel, you know, the entire map is just one straight line and there's expansions on the side and the rest just airspace. Maybe that would be better for him, but for now, I mean, you do have to deal with two entrances for your first three basis. I'm sorry for that gold mine. I guess we can't win them all in life. So we're just going to pay attention semi closely to the build order. I just want to see like, hey, is everything going properly here? It gets the orbital is a little bit late, gets his reaper. Because one of the things I often see in games in Diamond League and in Platinum League is these guys, they, okay, they're good enough, right? They now know that they can get away with some micro at some points in the game and very often they pick the wrong timings to micro and the wrong timings to macro so for example what's very common is you'll see these guys micro their reaper like their life depends on it while floating 600 minerals and very often later on in the game they won't be microing their army at all and they'll be doing things like setting up a new base or building some extra structures while the fight of a lifetime is happening you know these priorities are switched. It's like when the Titanic was going down and he had one of the repairmen going, maybe I should try and fix some of the light bulbs rather than, you know, maybe try to either get out alive or fix the freaking ship. I don't think one repairman would have been able to fix the Titanic, but that's a story for a different time. Perhaps with two, they would have been able to do it. So here we have Reaper Man going in. And as I mentioned, he obviously is forgetting his gas for about half a minute now. He has three SUVs queued up, which at least he's building workers, which is nice but yeah this gas is a little bit too late it's not brilliant he's gonna send the Reaper back home did he get the info no it goes in with the Reaper gets a complete free sprout but doesn't manage to see the tech it's like I wonder where the tech could be maybe here or here you see both pilots it really isn't rocket science guys come on just get it right okay just freaking get it right dude it's not that hard okay um yeah Reaper's just gonna Nice little mine, cute order. K-D-8 charge, I believe they're called the Reaper grenades. Beautiful. I love the names they gave to the attacks of the units and the so well thought. I like the lore of StarCraft too. I don't tend to like people that know too much about the lore, but the lore itself is pretty pretty tight. Nice. Good job, StarCraft. You did a nice job there. It's not doing a nice job, is gold mine right now, as he's floating 400, Minerals hasn't built any marines in a while. I'm excessive he can't seem a little bit low. I think he might have missed one or two cycles already. He's just floating 300 minerals. His third depot is way too late. What's this guy doing? Why can't I zoom in on him? Alright mate. Oh, you're just chilling in the corner? He's going to build a VC. Interesting. What was he gonna do there? Was he gonna swap the start with maybe there's a mistake? Probably was a mistake. I have no clue why he would do that. Okay, gets a tackle up here, gets a tackle up here. Why is everything going so slow? Like what his first two minutes looked kinda tight and then afterwards this this Medivac is already supposed to hit. That's 435. Now he sees a hallucination. It's like, okay, this is scary. Let me just... return back home. But that's not how it works. You just have to commit. Just keep going. Pian, hallucination will go away. Okay, CC is going to finish up at least. It's not going to get a raven, so you should move this away. Has he not been building workers properly? I haven't been paying attention to it, but I don't know too much about this matchup, but you're not supposed to be up 10 workers for free. That's actually not how it's supposed to be, especially if you're playing blink, because you're you're chrono boosting a lot in the blink, you're also chrono boosting in the Robo. So there's like three four chronobo total on Twilight and Robo most likely. So you're not actually going to be up 10 workers at this point yet. That usually comes a little bit later into the game. Hello? Can we get the... Can you get the orbital going? Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. I was going to say, okay, there we go. How many more haste can I do with it? for a second he was never going to morph it into an orbital. He was in the main base as well. Interesting. Let's just ignore that for now though. Okay, so about a minute and 30 seconds after it's supposed to hit, he finally hits. And... Well... That's life sometimes. He's gonna kill 10 works. Actually picks him. This is a nice micro. He floats a little bit of money, but I don't mind that. This was kind of worth it. He's about equal. workers he should be up by about seven workers at this point i think but he hasn't been building workers as uh consistently so yeah it's not great now we look at the vision situation here look at this this is so beautiful this is just great one two two pilots nice pylon on the edge here as well observer in the middle you have this this adept was in the middle for any potential move out this guy really understands how vision works you know like he's just that's so nice it's actually beautifully done i i do really like that okay i think he tried to go in again so i was afraid that i missed more action but that seemed to be the case okay a little bit stalker harassment it's actually going to do a little bit of damage which is nice i like that this is cool toss is playing quite well and his vision is very good which is nice the other guy doesn't really have any vision at all he's not really looking at the same picture here you know what i'm saying these are two different ends of the spectrum. They really, oh, he does manage to spot this though. So I guess this is the three basal in he was talking about. Yeah, this is kind of like if, you know, if you ever went to the doctor, they have like this, this piece of paper on the wall. Okay, when you were a kid and the doctor, there's like letters on there in different sizes. And, uh, if the Protoss would have to do one of those tests, like he's, he'd go in and he'd read the letters you know maybe he'd need to squint his eyes a little bit to see all of the the rows and the doctor says you have nice eyesight my man goldmine would go into the same office and the doctor says all right can you read that first letter goldmine is just looking at the completely wrong wall like looking to the ceiling or something like that like this guy has absolutely no clue what vision is or what it's all about i'm not saying he needs glasses but he needs to start paying attention to the freaking paper on the wall okay that's what needs to be happening. It's gonna get in. That's nice. It's actually, he's doing a good job with the control on these units. Like I'll actually give him that. This is a scam, a lot of worker kills. He's a nice army as well. He's absolutely no clue where he's gonna get hit from. He's just, just by pure luck does he decide to actually move towards the middle. But he was just standing here idling. His opponent could have walked into his natural like five times already. He has no clue. now accidentally spots it with a matter-fack as well it's actually ridiculous actually ridiculous you can't fight this problem hello protist man so i say you can't fight this is because there's one one and there's three mines and then armory has finished like this is not the type of fight you usually want to take if you're a Protoss okay it's just not the type of fight you want to take try to blink forward it's going to be a major yikes here uh these might mines are gonna recharge and then yeah okay now this is probably the fight he was talking about the three base all then completely fails he's up 12 workers really all he needs to do at this point is not die it's getting three more barracks i much rather would have had him get a a fourth cc yeah that would have been better should get into gas again he's lacking some gas for the two two upgrades yeah if he just gets a fourth cc he's actually in a pretty sick spot lost all of his so he's going to need at least four meta-fax before moving out or he won't be able to support an army that has this type of size he sees he sees the army moving here i think he saw it right might have pretty decent vision range even for a burrowed unit the opponent goes in does the blink trick well doesn't quite do the blink attempt at the blink trick in life it's not always about the things you succeed in but it's about the things that you you attempt and that was a that was an attempt you know you'm not gonna complain about that my guys moving out with two meta-axe i don't like that especially because he sees the army here didn't he say he accidentally ended up in a base trade but you just see his army on the right side getting ready to attack with your minds like wait is this what he was complaining about he saw this What other options did the ProDos have here, honestly? I don't quite understand. Okay, so yeah. Oh, we're gonna go back. This is ridiculous. Okay, look at this. My man, what he sees. First, he sees the trick. Okay, here he sees the army, okay? He's not even halfway across the map. He can just walk back. His third is as far away for him as it is for the Proloss right now. He sees the prolus in an aggressive position. This has to be a conscious decision. Otherwise, he would make a terrible boxer, like a street fighter, you know? He's like, this is the first jab, the first jab that he gets. It like, you stand there? It's like, poof! First jab. Then my man, Goldmine, turns around, anticipating the next jab. Instead, he just gets knocked out in the back of the head, completely not expecting it to come from there. because who could have known that if the person is right in front of you, that that's exactly where the hit is going to come from. Brilliant. That's absolutely brilliant. This guy doesn't only need glasses. He also needs a brain. I should call the guy that made Frankenstein. Help him out a little bit. Okay, so if you know, okay, if you know your opponent's army is here. and you're committing to a base trade, perhaps this army should be here. Up the ramp. Mines perowed up there. So worst case scenario, you hold your ramp and you kill all your opponent's units and probes. While you're up in absolutely everything in life, SEVs, army upgrades, tech, but instead, He stims in with three marauders and two marines and doesn't burrow the two mines. Into an army of 20 stalkers, seven zealots in immortal and two sentries. This guy did not finish elementary school either. Me and him are the same. Like he can't freaking count. That's actually ridiculous. Okay, now he's like, hey, wait, maybe I should try to hold the ramp. And maybe not use the army on the other side of the map. He isn't stimming his army either. What is this mine burrow in case he decides to blink up this ramp? What? Why would he do that? Like, why would he do that? Okay, he's gonna lose a lot here. Five mines still. Hey, his position still isn't too bad. He can lift his building. He's probably gonna... It's two orbitals. He's gonna keep one orbital alive, I guess, right? guess, right? Seems pretty reasonable. It loses these mines. Army supply is equal. I don't think plus two will finish. If plus two finishes though, that would be really, really sick. If plus two doesn't finish, it's still good. I mean, he's up in upgrades. I don't want to get free demonstrator, yeah, good. Up in upgrades, he has more production, he has two orbitals. He's actually flying away with both. These SUV should die. That's a mistake by the pretty big mistake by Tos. Why is he not just killing both bases at once? Hello? Can we... Can we... What? Hello? Go burn. Is he splitting off part of his army? Why would you do that in a base trade? That's super risky. Okay, Starport Factory. Like, he probably could just save these, no what's the armies like 11 marauders 5 mines 12 marines and 2 medevacs against 14 stalkers yeah you can just fight this army as well that's completely fine not with half your army okay so you just lost 2 marauders and 5 mines for free why would he do that He's going to lose this, it's going to burn down. I think he's still ahead. I'm not sure if he still 100% wins a fight. I think he might. If it's in an okay position, he has plus two. His opponent has no production except for a gateway and a robot that are unpowered. He can drop mules. I remember him having like 200 energy on here. Just go home and defend, no? Like mate, you're outmining your opponent three times. You have better upgrades, so every unit you make is better than your opponent's unit. Your opponent has no tech. He's going to be stuck on gateway units and you're stuck on bio. This is a win. Like the other guy realizes and starts trying to attack, no? But he doesn't even, the TOS doesn't even think he can attack. which I think the Tos might be right. I think Dairn can still just, ah, the MataVX are too low, though. That's an issue. If the MataVX weren't so low, I think TOS could have actually, or the Terran could have just A-move. Now I'm not sure if he can. I mean, it doesn't matter, because you can just produce from here is outmining his opponent massively. Literally, all he needs to do at this point is relax. Do nothing. It's built a factory, maybe a second C.C. over here or something like that. And then after like two more production rounds. Have you you actually been dropped one too many times on your head or something like what is this dude you're outmining your opponent three times you have better units you have more production you're getting a factory what are you even drop like what are you going to drop the other guy isn't defending anything like it's just one base you're not going to multitask your opponent here just one spot either his army will be there or it won't be if his army will be army is there, that means you can kill his base, you can't, you will just lose your drops. If his army isn't there, it probably means he's in front of your base and he's going to kill your remaining army here. No matter where his army is, unless it's in the bottom right, this is the worst call you could have made. Like, there is no world in this, in which this was the correct call unless he was a, like, unless there's 15 stalkers attacking this depot. then you can do the drop and then you hope that this is all there's left at home but even then there's a recall so I'm still not a fan of it like there's actually no scenario here in which this is the correct play you just build four freaking depots at the same time then you do two more production rounds and you just straight up win the game this is awful, terrible and I hate you for this Gigi is unbelievable Okay, let me open this stupid, the complaint form. You truly believe that Toss is to him. I don't really care what you believe. I've seen you play. You held this attack. You had a huge advantage. I don't even think huge quite covers the advantage that you had. Your advantage was just humongous. It was so big. Like, you lose this game just because of the base rate, which you initiated. that you initiated the base trade that wasn't him you made that decision or well maybe for you it wasn't a decision but that should have been a conscious decision you can't understand why toskine use the warpgate wastes and its army in any place in the map what do you mean any he came from the direction you saw he came from like if you can't predict where this will come from you're going to have such a rough time in life like how do you cross the road is like you just you have these things that horses have you know you just look straight like I can't predict if there will be any cars coming from the left or the right how do I cross this road it's like dude take of these things I don't know what they're calling in English the horses have them as to not scare them perhaps we should give you some as all you wanted the map to be a tunnel already all right back to business yeah you suck yeah it is honestly yeah nothing else to say you just... your micro... was actually not bad. Your micro is pretty good. Your first two minutes were not bad. Your macro... Not great. Your map vision, hard suck. It's a double suck on the vision. And your decision making was also a hard suck. Which altogether, your average is big sucking. Congratulations. Pang, bang, bang. Give him three stamps hamster. I love that. when you do things like that. All right. I think that's it now. Yeah. It's going to be today's episode of Is it Inba or Do I Suck? If you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? We have many more episodes in the recommendation bar and also underneath and other places. Thanks for watching. Don't forget the hit the like button, subscribe to the channel. I'll see you all next time for a new video. Bye bye. |
FRESH IMBA Delivery to my CAVE | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | No matter where I am, the IMBA reports always find their way to me. I cannot escape, so we better start investigating! Like and subscribe so that I can get myself a shovel! This pen thing is taking too long... If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqNxyVYrd30&list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf&index=1 Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LWY_aR-SiVw/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | LWY_aR-SiVw | Is that a chair? I can believe Amazon deliver stuff into cage these days, but... I mean, it's not the greatest things, but I've got myself a little setup here. Let me see if I still know how this stuff works. It's so bright. In balance complaint form. I have a vague memory of doing this in the past. Headset, microphone. In balance complaint form? Let's go. He had 59 queens. 59. Queens are OP. They make units. They attack air. They attack air. They attack ground. They heal stuff. They make everything else faster. Investors are invisible when burrowed and steal your units. Triple exclamation mark. The most imba Zerg composition for the most in by race. Zerg is the most in by race combined with mass queens and investor. This is the most broken composition. Name, simply yellow, race, Protoz. Leak, diamond. on the NA server. And guess what, guys? I have this replay. It was attached with the email. Let's all straight into it. Oh, that's too many times speed. So we have in the bottom left, our main man, yellow pink. He says queens are too strong. His opponent built 59 queens. 59. So a 59 queen army with investors. That doesn't sound all too bad. Queens attack air. They hue everything. The investors, they take over your opponent's army. Investors are only two supply each, but they can take over a six supply army. You add all of these facts together. This sounds pretty freaking broken. Hamster. End it. End the show. Back to sleep. Put the big imba stamp on it. Queens are completely broken. Boom. Congratulations. No, just kidding, guys. We're going to watch this replay. I'll watch this replay. And we're going to figure out exactly what went wrong here for Yellow Pink, whether this game is actually imbalanced or if perhaps there was something that he could have done better i know it sounds unlikely as unlikely as getting an espresso machine ordered to your cave but some some good cave coffee right there my friends that's some good cave coffee we have uh yellow pink move we have the first probe it's going to go for a cheeky scout see what the opponent is up to this opponent is not up too much you know we have the barcodes right i always love seeing barcodes at diamond level. It's like no one even knows your real name and here you are playing under a barcode. Like what is the point? Actually what is the point of barcoding when your diamond? It's like trying to hide the fact that you're floating 500 minerals at the three-minute mark. Like let's be really where my friend. No one cares. Okay. The other guy probably doesn't even know how to upload a replay hat or to open a replay hat. So it's not like they're gonna be capable of you know actually seeing what you did wrong. All right. So he He pops in his hat. He's like, I've seen everything I need to see. I've seen the hatchery. I've seen that there's a pool and a gas. And now it's time to get back home. Now, ideally, you also check the timing of the lings popping out. You want to see if there's a third base with your probe. But honestly, these are all other details. He just wants to figure out, hey, am I being 12-pulled or 16-pooled? And my cave keyboard has the keys falling off. Nice. And then he just wants to go home with his probe. Okay, that's it. And that's fair. It's completely right. This is a fine way to do it. Sure, you don't get as much information, but you get the most important information. And part of that information is, hey, am I going to die in the next three seconds? And the answer here was no. So, you know, I don't mind. It's going to go for a robo here, Yellow Pink. Very rare to see robotics facilities being played in this matchup. Usually it's all Stargate at the high level, but not today. So we're seeing a robotics facility come out. We have Yellow Pink going to be taking a third base here as well. So it's all looking pretty tight. It's all looking pretty solid here. I do like that. I do really like that. This overlord's going to get taken out or at least going to be attacked a little bit. It's going to hide. I don't think you can see it on top of this dome, right? I want to read a book by Stephen King called Under the Dome. Fantastic first 700 pages. Then like page 700, he introduces some aliens or something like that. It's like, well, I wasn't into that, Stephen. Send him an email, but he never replied. It's a bit like Stan. didn't drive of a bridge so slightly different immortal sentry stalker I mean this is a build order I guess he's up three workers as well somehow not quite sure how that happened he also said something in the in the imbalance ticket by the way I want to come back he said queens produce units that's not quite true queens produce larva and the larva produce units okay it's a it's an added macro mechanic I think that's the one thing you shouldn't complain about because if they wouldn't have that, there would just be extra larvae spawning automatically. So we wouldn't want to make the game easier for Zerg. So whenever people complain about the queen, I never tell them to complain about the injectability because they still need those larvae. So either they will need to manually inject it or the hatchery automatically does it. And then in that case, I'd rather have them have to manually do it, you know? So this guy's actually using a queens pretty well, spreading some creep already. For the level that we're on, I like these first two three tumors, I guess, the two active tumors. but this is looking pretty solid. It's a good road warrant timing as well. Maybe a little bit late for the fact that there is no Stargate unit. He sees double sand tree. I think he pretty much knows what's up now, right? It's going to be a two-based immortal push. Like, yeah, everything, this just smells immortal push. This is 100% going to be an immortal push. So it's getting a spine crawler. He's going to get more queens, which actually is a good answer. I do like that. He already has six, but he's going to get at least one more. I wouldn't mind if he gets a second one as well. So this Zerg player is, you know, he's scouting things, he's responding to his opponent, he sacrificed a couple of lings, saw what his opponent's doing, tried to even sacrifice the overlord. He's building spines now. He's like, okay, all I need to do is just survive. I'm up a base, I'm going to be up a couple of workers. Like, what is the worst thing that can happen? Does he have speed? He has speed. I wouldn't mind if he keeps a ling over here on the third base, though, and just another link to see, hey, is my opponent moving out yet. The Evo chamber, I'm not a massive fan of either, but, you know, you can't have it all. Sporkrother also confuses me. Okay, so our ProDos player is actually completely setting up here for an immortal push. Should be building a prism as well already, which he is not doing it. Oh, there we go. Prism. This is what, 8 gate, 7 gate, 7 gate, 7 gate, immortal push. I used to do this build a lot back in 2018, except I would have already been attacking at this point. I probably had collected the big fat dub, but yellow pink takes it a little bit slower. And that's okay, of course. I mean, at this level, that's normal. We do see two more queens on the way. I'm starting to see where the issue is. We're now at nine queens total. Okay, okay. Creepreads not looking too healthy yet It's getting a battery so when he moves out he can't get counter-attack His opponent is building roaches Okay, he's getting stalkers Now I wouldn't mind see there we go finally we get the move out So my man yellow pink starts moving out across the map and hopefully we'll be able to deal a little bit of damage We'll see if it actually ends up working like that And this jerk is really not playing poorly look at this. Yes like the run-by stuff ready There's a... It's going to go for the stalker here. But there's a battery. So actually, while taking care of both of these guys having some nice moves anticipating what their opponent is doing. I actually think that this is a decent chance of working. There's three immortals against nine roaches. Can you get a force field, perhaps? No force field. Okay, no force field. Two, three, five. Some force fields, I guess. I'm not quite sure what happened in this fight, but he lost all of a force field. his sentries and got absolutely nothing done. I want to see this fighting and what was he attacking? I feel like he just killed the rocks or something. This was a very confusing fight for me. So first of all, I would suggest taking out these rocks. So you have a little bit more space for your army to maneuver towards. Then if you look, whenever you have this type of scenario, you want to look at the areas where you can force it. And this looks like an area with potential. This is what one, two, three, four. force fields or so okay to position your army here and you force you shoot it up you can take out the spine crawler instead what we're seeing here is so he's just he eats a bile completely then he force fields but doesn't actually use his force fields at all he loses all of his sentries or almost all of his sentries and kills a single roach i think he killed a roach and aiding and lost like five sentries his immortals aren't attacking half the time and when they're attacking they're always attacking lings this opponent just has a perfect tool don't forget our opponent scouted everything stopped droning at the exact correct amount and actually microdivis unit he threw down bios he transfused he used the lings for a flank this guy lost the prism as well okay this game is just over he completely butchered a two base all in he did it on a map where it's not even good and then he also butcher the micro completely he's down 10 workers his opponent has good crease spread, is upper base, has 12 more workers or 10 more workers or something like that. This game just ended, okay? This is actually game over. The game is, this is it. This is just it. It's kind of get a nexus. This is like the type of expand I do as well, but I usually do it when I'm winning. So if you're two-based, this is a quick tip. This is a quick tip for you guys at home there. Are you tired of every other race calling you a two-base all-inner or a dirty pros of cheaser, I am very tired of that personally. So what I do is whenever I'm all-inning my opponent, I always make sure that when I think he's about to leave the game, I build two Nexai at the same time. So when they look, they open, like they press the rewind button and they see like four dots on the menu. I was like, oh, it was a four-base all-in. That's weird that I lost to that. I only had three bases. I bet his macro must have been amazing. A quick tip for you guys, okay? Very smart. Back back into the game. Third base. He doing it the other way around as he's losing he's pretending that he was playing a macro game I like doing that as well I can't believe I lost another macro game against Zerg that you added into your massive file you have of lost macro games against Zerg then whenever there's a balance argument going on you pull out the big document with timestamps it always works very well I have a lot of Zerg friends friends still left over about two Nexus on the third base it's going there now I'm loving the scouting that's going on now from Yellow Pink. Yellow Pink attacked about a minute and a half ago and ever since then decided to completely give up on scouting and just blindly start fighting the units that he saw last. Okay? Now this is actually brilliant because what other information do we have except what we saw less? Well we could maybe scout or for buildings or we could check what's popping out of the larvae or we could look for the army. very often you can scout through aggression. So you send in like two adepts from this side. You try to kill four workers or so. And at the same time, whatever unit shows their face to you, you'll know that these are being built. Right now, it's actually funny because the Protoss is countering the correct units. But that's just purely by luck. He could have been countering the completely wrong units. Like right now he's thinking, oh, I saw roaches last. He's probably just going to keep building roaches, which he could have thrown down a spire like a minute ago and been on eight gas, and there would be 12 muras flying into your base in about three seconds. And at that point, you would have had eight stalkers without blink, two immortals, storm, thermal lands, and a colossi on the way, which is fantastic. This is kind of like, if you're a government, and there's been some natural disasters, okay? So you're an island, and you're surrounded by water, which is in heaven. to most islands. You're surrounded by water, okay? And you've been struggling with with floods, okay? But you're also on one of these things where a lot of earthquake happens, except you've never experienced an earthquake yet. Now, if you're a government and you've only dealt with floods yet, it makes sense to invest in something that can deal with the floods. So, dykes, or you rent Dutch people to hold back the water with their tall heads or something I don't know what you do against water, but I know that people like to hire Dutch people to deal with it. They're tall. However, there's still a possibility that there's going to be an earthquake. So as a government, you need to anticipate that. And it's the same thing in StarCraft 2 here. We need to anticipate the earthquake that Muras could cause in our proto society. Our friend is not doing that. Hell, he's not even researching if there's a possibility of earthquakes. He's la la la, la, he's going to flood. the water's gonna flood. He's like, I'm an island. What's the worst that's gonna happen? Well, it can be pretty bad, my friend. So always make sure that you know what are the incoming natural disasters, like what could be happening soon. And that is not just looking at the past, but also trying to research what's about to happen into the future. Just because something hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that it won't happen. So for example, if you have a national pandemic emergency response team and you decide to defund that in 2017, and then a massive pandemic breaks out in 2020. Yeah, that would be extremely unfortunate. That's bad governmental decision making. But here, luckily, it works out well. This is like taking out some type of pandemic team and then realising. that there's never going to be a pandemic in the term that you're sitting as a president. You'd be pretty freaking lucky if that happens. And this cave coffee is ridiculously good. Amazon really delivers everywhere these days. Two more immortals, because with all the information that we have, that seems like a great call. For all this guy knows, our opponent is still on a single gas. Really, you can only build lings. So colossi immortal sounds like a brilliant plan. This guy's really spreading some creep. I feel like after that first attack, not much has happened. Sometimes I look at these games and I think, you know, you know how StarCraft is always kind of lauded as one of these difficult games, you know, like a true test of skill and a high level and difficult and things like that. And I'm like, yeah, that's true. And maybe sometimes that isn't just for everyone, you know? Perhaps Yellow Pink would be more suited to play something like Sim City, you know, or the Sims. Just a game where it's more relaxing. you're playing against a computer opponent rather than against an actual opponent, someone that might fight back. You know, just play a game that is just more relaxing where you can just build up bases, you know, you can do things. There are some natural disasters happening, but if it doesn't go well, you just go back to an older load, like an older safe file. Because honestly, this just doesn't seem to be your speed, if you know what I'm saying. Like you're just, if you're just like building things, it's okay to play roller coaster tycoon. It's fine. It's fine. to try to build a zoo in zoo tycoon, okay? To create an alternative life in Sims 4 or Sims 5, whatever is the most recent Sims with the Dream Night expansion. This is the one thing that always fist me off with Sims. You had a stupid game, and then Sims 2 has like 17 different expansions. Of course, you weren't one of the cool kids if you didn't have all 17 of them. So as a kid, I really blessed that line wire with SIM expansion packs downloads. I mean, I bought all of my SIM expansion packs in the local game store. Using Linewire to download LineWire Pro really was a flex. I remember that. Those were the legendary days. I miss that. I really do miss that. I wish Linewire was still around. I really killed it off. So, I mean, the Scouting, like I said, still has been ruined. Really, he doesn't even know if this gas finished or not. Theoretically, the barcode Zerg could still be on zero gas, and it was a fake gas. He has no clue. The only reason he knows is because he saw a couple of roaches, okay? This is brilliant. There's a spire. Imagine if five Brutelords would show up right now. What would our hero do? He has eight stalkers with blink. He hasn't actually seen his opponent's army. His opponent's army, look at the amount of stuff he has and the amount of revergerage built. I think he might probably somewhere around. 3,200 gas since the last time that Yellow Pink saw this army. That could have been like legit 33 mudas or like 10, 12 brute lords. Or just bailings in your mineral line and because you don't have nothing in the wall, you lose all your workers. This is a great army split. I love this. Just making sure that you cover both paths. Smart. Okay. This is a brilliant engagement. A couple of piles hitting everything that they could have hit. I mean the army is just massive though and I actually think the Zerg is pretty good. that here so what you do is you throw a couple of storms you try to not eat every bile possible do you ever play these games like where you had to dodge things it's like it's like these games you had on on the on the Wii or something like that there initially was a thing where it was like a webcam you could like dodge things like I can't remember if it was weird slash things whatever it's similar here except yellow pink instead of dodging everything, in this case the bells, he just catches everything, just with his head, you know. He'd be a great game to play Dodge the Ninja Star with. I think you'd have a great quick trip to the hospital if you'd play it with him, because he's just catching everything that hurts him. I think he actually ate every single bile that's possible. Look at this. He just, he really is maximizing the damage output. Oh, that was two missed ones. Three missed bios we've seen out of 136 bios thrown so far. he managed to eat almost all of them he was going for the triple whammy bonus score a couple more yep walk the immortals in maybe also lose your templars to these next piles maybe so you can't storm anymore how is this possible he actually is hitting everything okay you just store I love that he moved command had a little more to maximize the potential of his opponents I can't believe he lost that army against this army. I had terrible upgrades. Oh, actually. Holy crap. So what has he been doing? It's just been building? Twelve gateways? I mean, he hasn't even really spending his money. He also wasn't controlling his army. I hate doing this, but I'm just so curious. He does this really strong. slow just sitting looking at things what is he looking at it wait what did you they just chrono boost his Nexus oh no wait wait oh cromboos the forge a couple of stargates more probes okay oh man this speed this is that makes you fall asleep at night and waiting for the next action you know, you might just fall asleep in between. It's like watching the Super Bowl, but instead of not doing any actions, it's commercials rather than actual action. Classic Super Bowl. This is a great run by as well. He's going to get every single probe, isn't he? Oh yeah, he's going to get every single probe. By the way, wasn't a complaint about investors and queens? He's eight queens so far. He lost three. That's 11. What did he say? 59? 59 queens. 59 divided by 11. That's 5.3. He was over a ratio of 5.3. I bet if this guy says that he has a 12 inch, you can't be real disappointed. Yeah, don't... Trust me, babe. It's massive. Poor guy. Poor yellow pig. Where this guy. He doesn't know how to do basic math. No, no, no, no, no, no, basic calculations here, my friends. It's getting plus two though. I mean, he's allowed to. He only has a 4K, 2K bank. So he didn't even lose to Queens. Does the other guy even research neural parasite? Did he even build an investor? Maybe he sent the wrong replay? and he was pretty proud of his own is it possible that he sent the wrong replay it is possible that he sent the incorrect replay 19 lurkers I mean this looks more like a lurker complainer but to me you know what truly is the point here doesn't even burrow the lurkers. That's got to be triggering. See that doesn't have a hotkey for a lurker bro. I mean, doesn't he just walk in and kill everything? His map vision has been fantastic as well, by the way. Look at that. He's really seeing everything that he can. He has creep chumers pushing into his fifth base. He's no clue that there's an army waiting for him. What's the response here? I actually wonder what you do. I think you just attack the other guy. like this position you're not going to win it anymore you know you just kind of give up at like you send your templar over here you attack with your army to the other side of the map he's building carriers now it's getting plus one upgrades for them i mean you're gonna need what is this three three yeah three you're gonna need like better upgrades on carriers at least plus two in order to do any type of damage this jerk didn't play poorly though he's taking nice position look at his crease red guys that's so crazy yeah i'm no expert at this game No, actually, I have an expert at this game, and this fight is not going to be a for the boss. Yeah, it's a big surprise there. Attacking into, like, a ramped position with 19 lurkers, and they're still stalkers in your army, that's usually not going to meet. You're either going to need disruptors or carriers or like Tempest or something. Like, either air units so the lurkers can shoot you, or you're going to need disruptors, or you're not going to break this type of army. It's just simply not possible, guys. It's simply not possible. Now he's down 80 supply. He sees it. He sees everything. He's absolutely no clue what's happening in his game. He's opponents on six bases. Maybe he thinks lurkers are queens. It's like a transformation of the queen. I hadn't even considered it. Maybe he doesn't know how lurkers are made. Like he also still believes that the stork brings the babies. and it does by the way it does bring the bit of the stork eight lurkers maybe maybe he thinks every range unit in the Zerg army comes from the queen and it's like a morph like the bainling you want the hydra you just more of a queen like you feed it 50 gas or something you inject the gas into the queen it turns into a hydra and then you give it 50 more gas it turns it to a lurker. So every unit is really a queen. Is that what happened there? Okay, let's do some counting. The roach doesn't come from the queen. Four hydras, 11 lurkers, and three queens have died. That's 4 plus 11 is 15, 18. Then there's eight more queens. 26. 29 plus 26 is 55 and then eight lurkers that is 58 he said 59 I think we figured it out he actually thinks every ranged unit he thinks every range unit is a queen if the game ends now this would be it he just miscounted by one or I miscounted by one Every ground range unit is a queen. This is brilliant. This was... A swing and a hit. This happens rarely where I actually figured out. He just doesn't know how Zerg works. Does he think that Overlords morph into Vipers? I'm gonna get an email next week complaining about Overlords. He had 700 Overlords. How does he? think lings are made? I'm so curious now. I am so extremely curious. This game is going to end and I'm going to be right with my 58. My theory worked out. Maybe it's drones. lings turn into melee units. That's it. Ten, eleven, three, twenty-four. He still had 23 alive and then 8 plus 8 I think I think we actually figured it out I feel a bit bad now for making fun of his size but I think this might be it he just doesn't know how the game works should I just make like a I'll make a basic guide on how Zerg units work for you okay upcoming Monday or so I'll just explain to you the evolutions and the transformations we just go over all the units in the game and then what's his name Yellow pink? You know, you do the same with Terran, you know? It's like, maybe he thinks that SEVs constructors up from the ground, you know? They build like three depots, and then the barracks, they land on top of the depot. He thinks barracks are really broken because they form the main core of the Thor. Such a powerful core, such a powerful core. I think we got it. I don't even want to say that he sucks. He just doesn't understand anything. Like, you're just really dumb. And that's okay, because you can learn. more. This is the beauty about being dumb is that you can just gain more knowledge and you won't be dumb anymore. You can't ever unsuck. But yeah, I don't want to give this guy the sucks. I'm sure he made a lot of mistakes. He never scouted. His micro was god awful. I mean, let's think back of that immortal fight. He just blind counters his opponent's army, then still manages to lose to his opponent's army, even though he has the heart counter towards it. He's never in position. His harass never worked. I think he sent out two rumbies. None of them didn't. any damage. So micro macro vision unit comp was good but accidentally so still overall okay you suck poof but also you're very dumb. Poofoof triple stamps I'm gonna go back I've been using this pen to dig a hole out of this cave so I think by next week I might be able to escape out of this place and we'll be back into my my own little home studio ideally so hopefully till then guys see you all next week and bye-bye don't forget subscribe hit the like button what the hell |
Is It IMBA Or Will I Sleep On The Couch Tonight?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Harstem needs to make a tough decision in todays episode as his girlfriend decided to send in a replay to Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? What will our lovely dutch YouTuber decide to do? And what implications will his decision have for his future life? Find out in todays IODIS. Moistchipxx: https://www.twitch.tv/moistchipxx https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZviMB1cv-SD1-jCiyPYF7A If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqNxyVYrd30&list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf&index=1 Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iDhCmqqDwIc/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | iDhCmqqDwIc | Dear Harstam, I played against a turtle-Terran who made a wall with planetary and built 348-204-823 turrets around his bases. They just made defensive planetaries and turrets. How am I ever supposed to attack into this? widow mines being burrowed and unburrowed to chase and kill my tempest? Can we talk about BC's teleporting constantly? I am convinced TVP is unplayable. I hope you come to conclusion that Terran is Inba. Sincerely, a victim of Terran. Name Moistchip XX, Race Protoss, Leak Platinum, MMR 3.3. I know this player. It is not your average prox player because this player happens to be my lovely girlfriend as well, going by the nickname of Moistchip XX, or chicken. She's complaining about, what was it again? turrets, planetaries, widow mines, BCs teleporting constantly, and TVP being unplayable in general. So let's have a cheeky look, shall we? So this is going to be the first episode of, is it Inba or do I sleep on the couch? As we have here in the bottom right, the beautiful chicken, top left, Sid Luxor, Terran player nasty of course builds planetary stirruits makes battle cruisers It's not the type of guy you want to invite to your party In general don't invite Terrans to your parties constantly complaining that there's not enough salt In the food that you made This beer doesn't taste like there's any salt in it You know I need to keep my sodium high So I would not recommend Inviting Terrans to your parties guys They're just scrolling through this game a little bit, right? Just don't want to focus too much on the start because it seems like the juicy stuff is about to happen later on in the game. I'm just going to keep a close look on the build order here, which seems to be fine. 20 Cybercore, 20 Nexus, 21 pylon. Well, 21 Nexus, I guess. Still, it's a little late and it's a probe late. The pylon isn't being built at all, but there's no probes being built before the gas either. like this build order it isn't tight you know it isn't tight that i'd recommend watching maybe one of my guides on how to open now it gets interesting we see a bunker being placed here behind the mineral line okay reaper comes in so this bunker's going to be quite annoying what you're doing chicken pock puck okay robo on the low ground i don't i don't mind it i don't mind it Probeman tries to run away, dies. Okay, now Chicken is aware of the bunker behind the mineral line. What is the response here? So the correct response is single battery over here. So you can shoot with the stalker while still being healed. Or over here is also fine. You can shoot from here. And then just chrono boost out of stalker. Continue building probes, rally them into the main base. What are we seeing? Second gate. Second stalker should, or the stalker should probably already be out at this point, so it's a little bit late. We see no probe production whatsoever. So without this bunker doing anything, right now the worker count is basically even which is really good for Terran because they have two mules also Terran is already already mining from his natural you can also decide to send the adeptor cross straight away once you see this once your stalker is out because adept is kind of useless against this building anyway like hardly there's any damage stalker is taking its time still you feel like we haven't seen a worker being built in a past minute or so chronobustan immortal and two batteries This is not a good response, okay? This is... There used to be this guy who, I think he started trading with like a red paper clip or something like that. And then eventually he got like a... He kept trading it in for a thing every single time. I feel like this is the start of one of those trades. I think he ended up with like a four-year record deal right, like a two million dollar villa or something like that after like a bunch of trades. Like this is the first trade. This dude invested a bunker which he said, salvaged and a Reaper, and he got out of it, two batteries, a chrono-boosted immortal, and his opponent, forgetting to build probes for four minutes. Like, that's one hell of a trade deal. This, my man Sid Luxor, he didn't only read art of the deal. Like, he wrote part of it. People always wondered who the ghost writer was. Now, we got him. Mr. Sid Luxor over here. Congratulations. New York Times bestseller. And also an accomplished StarCraft player, apparently. walking into a cheeky supply block here as well as chicken gets the third gas one of the good rules you can always follow is that you should never get your gases before you have at least 12 or 13 probes on the minerals in the natural or you're just going to be way under saturated on the minerals especially i guess if you're going to be supply blocked for the duration that your gas is building we see twilight robo bay no chrono boost usage we have a single pylon being used in a rather optimal way. This pylon is powering absolutely every single building that is important. Might want to add a second one. Add the tasteless pylon to the artosis pylon there. Observer. What's this observer going to show? This gas, of course, a very important gas. Important assimilator to keep an eye on here. We also have one observer on the other side. Seize the turret being built. Look at her. Look at her. Look at it. Well, I don't think This will be in vision range Won't it be? This is definitely in vision range Okay, you might want to move that Unless Sid Luxur decides He's building a planetary on the natural He's defending his lead That he got in the early game with the bunker He's still banking on that lead in the early game Still banking on that early game lead We now have a colossi out Do you have any scouting info? So we see a starboard with a tech lab, okay? This indicates Benchie slash Battlecruiser slash Raven. At this point, you're probably expecting Mac as well if there's no like Tech Lab researching Stim yet, like at least some Macy composition. There's two Banshees here already. Let's see what the response is. The response is putting the observer in observer mode completely against the side. So you only use half of the observer mode. That's very, very smart. It's a minimizing efficiency on this observer. Rather than putting it here where it still sees this, this side. as well and also catches part of this. Now you need probably double or triple the amount of observers if you place them like this. That's absolutely brilliant. You love to see it. This type of reverse efficiency. I've heard of reverse engineering before, but reverse efficiency is a new term that definitely can be used for this observer placement. It's luckily going to see the Banshees. Let's take a look at this quick Protoss response here. Responses to get another colossi. And take a look at, oh, would you look at that? pulls away the workers solid moves actually actually a good move you know what i can i can appreciate that then decides to it's not time yet to kill these uh these banshees it might be better to protect the cybercore oh the pylon this is this is the most important pilot oh no this is like the one ring in lord of the rings it's the one pylon once this one gets destroyed it's all over no blink managed to let the Banshees out of here as well. You want to send these pros back to work and get the pylon, the one pylon back in action. I meant Smeagle accidentally ate the ring here. He needs to cuff it up. Build that pylon. Hello? Literally three production structures not doing anything. What is our production? We have three gateways. We have three gateways and one robo. So 50% of our production and all of our production and all of our upgrade structures right now are working this pylon is that going to cover everything I don't think it covers this gateway could be wrong though I don't think it does observer did it change position look at that that's that's beautiful okay so right now we see two more CCs being built we still have absolutely no clue what is happening except that there's a tank here so far we've seen three units well four or five units one two three four now and then the two benches that actually went back home again as well. What's on the way? Is it battle cruisers? Okay, yeah, obviously it's going to be battle cruisers. If you're not pre-ignited, we see more command centers. Now, this looks very tricky, but we should not forget that whenever you see a planetary, you can't really, you can't easily attack into it. So what you do instead is you just get a bunch of extra bases. You can delay the gases on your third base, you just get a fourth base here, you get a fifth base here, you just get a crap ton of workers. The thing is that chicken hasn't been doing that. Chicken wants to win in a game of technology. But she's behind in technology. Right now she's in the Bronze Age. The other guy's already thinking about nukes. So in that case, it's probably finally this one gets taken out. It's been there for four minutes. Like at this point, you should be working at getting better economy. You know, if you have one guy that has a button that can launch a nuke, you have 12 cavemen with bats, you're still going to be completely fine. Getting something like a zealat, Charlott, Archon Immortal, maybe. some stalkers in case of Benchie it's going to be completely fine and you can deny a fort base with that forever now it's only useful to deny a fort base if you yourself already have a fort base because otherwise you're just keeping the other person on the same amount of basis so you want to get up in economy and then deny outside bases it's going to be hard to attack into that I'll admit that even though probably can cancel these and at this point you probably should be close to being maxed as a Protoss player okay quite the case. Colossi also double fleet beacon. Where are you? Once we're getting the Annie impulse crystals and flux veins at the same time. Very smart move. Something we don't see every day. Another gateway being added as well. Going up to a total number of four gateways. Maybe we can add another fleet beacon. So we can also get the tectonic destabilizers, the tempest upgrade, going at the same time. I feel like that would really add something here. 68 workers, 138 armies of light double fleet beacon. Amazing. Three cannons at the fourth base, because we really saw a lot of aggression coming from our opponent, who had three tanks and a banshee. One cannon would have been enough, could have already been on five, six bases, 90 workers. I would have been maxed seven times at this point. And then your main goal is denying the fourth base before it turns into a planetary. Even though, even if a fort turns into a planetary, it's very difficult for the Terran to basically, get a solid defense there as well because he just doesn't have enough units. He's getting four more command centers in the main base and more turrets. All of these turrets is basically money that he isn't spending on units or economy or bases. So every time you see three turrets, that's a free nexus for you. Okay? Three, four turrets. And every time you see a planetary at a random location, that's another free nexus for you. So at the start, we already saw planetary here. That was a free nexus. we saw like 17 freaking turrets everywhere so that's another like five nexus like you could have actually been eight base against three base and just constantly focus on denying that outside base right now this is the timing to attack okay you don't need to do anything else just attack at this point kill this fourth base make sure it doesn't go up you have enough to burst down your 170 supply still only on plus one by the way 12 minutes into the game absolutely no vision like the vision of a freaking mole. I like the run-by attempt here. No question. It's over here. Thinks the fourth base is being taken here. Probably should just have an observer here, have an observer here, have an observer here at this point as well. And from there on out, you can probably do whatever you want. 36 workers on this base is pushing it a little bit. But I mean, there's actually no defense. Like planetaries are good, but they're not that good, you know? They're actually not that good at all. Still on 4 base here for Chicken, who really hasn't been doing anything for the past five minutes, except building workers and sitting back. Now she hits max. Let's see what the plans are when maxed. This is always a big moment in lower level games, is when the supply hits 200, because now something needs to be done that isn't building more units. Okay, run by. So that's a big planetary. Five turrets. Looks at her army. Maybe fifth base now. Two more tempest on the way. Chrono boost everything a little bit because now there's nothing to be done anymore like it's over you know you're complete so what is it you start doing usually you start attacking or at least start thinking about what you could be doing maybe get some more vision on the map doesn't quite seem to be the case intense focus on this pylon finishing making sure the nexus is still building this is the micro managing manager you know what I mean this is the guy that stands behind you on your PC as you're trying to craft together your your newest thumbnail for your new YouTube video. That's what I do with Hamster as well every single time. He always has to share screen when he's working so I can complain about things. Now Hamster I think it will be better to go like this. That's what she's doing is it's looking Pilons build. Look at Pylumsville. There we go. See seven battle cruisers move through and it's a good time to move. move out with a small part of my army goes to defend against the battle cruisers with four zealots five stalkers and a carrier and then leaves five carriers and two tempest into the natural no now grabs another leaves these two carriers here in case a helion run by hits the natural or something okay these immortals die well they just get f2ed back home they were gonna die to the benches though battle cruisers teleport teleport to the other side. Now we could use a recall here, but we could also go for the slow process of walking there all the way, or in this case flying. I guess we already know what's going to be happening. Oh, recall as the Nexus dies. It's another solid call. Always wait till the last second with your recall. Makes the game more exciting, gives the Terran a chance to escape as well. Very brilliant move. You love to see it. By the way, I think we should have a little bit of a battle. cruiser teleport counter. So so far we've seen a single teleport 15 minutes into the game. Very often when people say they're going crazy because of battle cruiser teleports, what really happens is they teleport once or twice, they get caught completely out of position, they forget they have the recall ability, they have no map vision whatsoever and they die. Now one good thing you can do against battle cruisers is to have vision everywhere because battle cruisers can only teleport once. So imagine you have vision. on this side over here with like a pylon or whatever you see the battle cruis there you can just go to those battle cruisers and then if they teleport anywhere else into your base you will kill them they can't escape anymore and that's kind of the beauty you can also use oracles to to tag your opponent's battle cruisers to see where they are going you can use observers provision you can use a mothership for recall for getting a second recall first of all for having offensive recalls. Oh, it's a couple of mines. We have an observer with our army. Now, you see right now that there's like six mines. It might be wise to get something like a disruptor to deal with these mines. One or two disruptors help so much. Otherwise, the mines will just be able to walk underneath your units. Now, this is, I want to go back here, okay? This should never happen. The moment the battle cruisers are near, you should be aware of that, and you should start shooting them with your attack. Tempest, okay? That is the main goal of the tempest, is that they have long range. That's why an Oracle is so important with it. You can use revelation on your opponent's army, and you can just shoot from a distance. And that's, no, from a distance. So you use a separate control group. Now, this is a foreign concept for a lot of people, separate control groups, but you do use separate control groups, and you use just the tempest to go from a distance. And then your opponent either needs to fly away or attack into you, but you already will kill two, three battle cruisers, before he even arrives at your army. Now, once again, disruptor here would be fantastic. Another thing that would be fantastic is if you'd have the tectonic destabilizer that helps your tempest do like five times the damage to buildings. Would actually be relatively helpful. Oh my God. The only detection you have dies. This is fantastic. Oh, see how good tempest are here? Look at the power of the tempest. It's absolutely destroying these, these battle cruisers. Now it would be even better once again if you could actually see them from a distance so you could continue shooting. If you could see these mines, you could continue shooting those rather than waiting them to get their recharge and then shooting again at all of your interceptors. Five more battle cruisers are on the way. I love that chicken decides to attack every single planetary except the one that makes sure that mining is possible. It's like I feel like this orbital command that can fly away. It's probably more important to attack. than this planetary. Okay. Now that we killed all of the useless planetaries and all of the useless orbitals, let me just fly to a different base to see if we can kill any planetaries there. Yep, there we go. Absolutely beautiful. That is a job well done. Truly a job well done. Oh, taking out the turrets. Maybe take out this tank as well and you can go to this base. There's still a few turrets and an orbital over there that you could potentially take out. Oh, now it gets distracted. This is like seeing a cat on a mission. And, Like turrets and useless planetaries are like the lasers, you know? Like this cat is on a mission with, oh, actually, we might get one. There's no way. Right click it, right click it. Nice. That's one. Only took us five planetaries, 15 turrets and our own dead base to truly get it going. Here comes a little bit of a Thor rally, another classic. These thores aren't doing too hot. We still have no observer with this army, by the way. I was going to say, when do the mines show up for the firework ship? There we go. Beautiful. This is why I get a disruptor. One disruptor or two disruptors absolutely deal with this problem. Tectonic destabilizers really would have made this process a lot quicker. Don't forget that even though Chicken right now is killing a bunch of bases and is doing quite well, chicken also is losing every single probe on our own side of the map against three battle cruisers that teleported. Now you could have said you could have warped in 15 stalkers and dealt with this. You could have recalled back home five tempest and dealt with this. But another option, which is an option, I do kind of want to state this, this is an option that very often doesn't get shown in higher level games, and people don't really tend to talk about it too much either. And there is the third option where instead of actually dealing with the problem, you kind of pretend that the problem doesn't exist. This is like people tend to do this with their in-laws, people they don't like at work. You know, you just kind of pretend the person or a problem doesn't exist and hopefully it will go away. I've been doing that with my taxes for the past five years. So far, they've taken my car, all of my computer gear. I hit this one in the closet so I can still record some videos. But one day, as long as I keep imagining hard enough, I do hope that the taxman will indefinitely go away. and when that day hits I will tell you guys that this strategy for the first time ever actually was successful because I really do think in this case it probably would have been better to just warp in 10 stalkers rather than losing two bases and losing 40 probes you also probably could have pulled away some of the workers to another base like this one but I guess that will be required two actions selecting the probes on and clicking on the meeting map and then right clicking here that does sound like a lot of of trouble. I think just letting those bases die probably was better. This is kind of, this kind of scares me for my future, you know, like getting a pet or something like that. And I had the, the pet is sick, you know, just let it be, it will fix itself. Like, it's going to be a major yikes there, guys. That's a scary prospect. Even worse, if I am sick, and she'll just like, oh, well, you'll probably get better by himself. Oh, this is a good warpin as well. The zealad warpin, rallied into the battle cruisers. Very smart. Zellet, probably the only unit that you still want to build at this point that can't shoot up. Instead, will be rallied into two planetaries and 15 turrets. Some solid harass. Now realizes that there still is two planetaries. No, actually that doesn't deter her. Decides to still send them in. Plenty of money anyway. Let's see how good this trade was. So far, we've killed nothing and we've lost seven zealots. This guy He saw his mates going. He's like, not that they may. This is the biologist of the bunch. He's studying the plants. Oh, that looks real nice. That looks real nice over here, guys. She's the mules from the sky to planetary. He's like, oh, this beautiful. Pretend that there's some interesting bugs in there, endangered species. Nice try, buddy. So now the mining is looking pretty equal in terms of income. The army composition actually is very, very good for chicken. It's so many tempers. The only thing we're really missing is anything to deal with the mines, which have been a major issue. Unit Loss tap is pretty close as well. Probably want to be getting a couple of probes. Actually, we have plenty of probes. We just need another base. Or probably need to send a probe to the correct base. Overworking. Once again, efficiency is key here. The reverse efficiency, as I had coined that term. Oh, Zella decides now is the time. That probably was an F2A move. I'm going to guess that was an F2A move. Is there any units anywhere else? Let me have some tempest here. So maybe it wasn't... Like, actually, the tectonic destabilizers would have been really nice this game. The amount of buildings that have gone down on the Terran side and the amount of buildings that could have gone down, probably... I don't even sure how much extra damage it does, but it feels like you can basically, like, two shot planetaries with this amount of tempest once you get tectonic destabilizers. I mean, Chicken's army is still looking super solid. just super super solid the income is also actually better than the opponents we're just missing missing disruptors maybe like some ground arm even just a couple of stalkers and then one two disruptors even two three colossi would be sick against these minds like this this air army is never going to kill those tempest right there's three thores and what ten battle cruisers yeah that's just game continuing to attack every single turret Now taking out refineries as well rather than going for mining bases. I guess if you have absolutely no clue that there's a mining base, then this probably is the correct call to make. It's very, very smart. Just by getting very little information, you can't be blamed for making incorrect calls, because you can always just say, well, I didn't know that, you know. It's kind of the trick that our government has been using for a while as well. It's a nice on. Maybe chicken has a good future in politics. Oh, here come the mines. now aware of the mines once again. No observer with this because you wouldn't want to accidentally see the mines. Once again if you can't see the problem the problem isn't really there. Very very nice. Are we going to see a recall or are we going to go for the same strategy as earlier? It seems like once again a similar approach as earlier. Now this time, oh we actually have some tempest in the main base that probably were semi-forgotten. This is going to do very well against these battle cruisers. Maybe we want to use these three as well. But then again, you probably hope. Where did these guys teleport? I mean, not a bad fight once again for chicken. Still having some issues with these mines. Yeah, maybe we want to just get an observer. Maybe you don't even need a disruptor, but just being able to see them would be nice. Now, teleport to the other side. I feel like this is the second teleport we've seen so far. Yeah, this must be making you crazy all of these teleports. That's insane. 23 workers right now. So you would feel that there might be some urgency behind the gameplay of chicken. Chicken is down 40 workers, it's on half a mining base. There's now as many probes long distance mining this base as there is mining this one. There's as many probes oversaturating this gas as there's probes mining this base. You love to see it. it. Any extra probes? I might just want to build a couple extra probes. You still have 3,600 minerals and you have like 5 necks size, so you can actually still build probes at a very rapid speed. Probably could have been back at like 50 at this point if you would have continued doing that. Now solid map vision once again out of chicken, making sure that none of the threats are being perceived before they actually arrive at the base. very very good what is this 17 tempest against seven vikings and five battle cruisers now if you could see this army move in it probably wouldn't be too much of an issue i mean these halberts don't do too much once again a single disruptor would take care of the the massive issue that those mines are instead oh don't recall into this okay thank god there's no recall i wouldn't have put it past chicken honestly Thor's taking out of the simulator. Zellat's going in ahead of the army, smart. Oh. I like that there's like eight, no, come on. Oh, there's a second one. He's the backup observer. That's a legendary move, honestly. Yeah, I wonder how this fight will go. Oh, teleports out. Mines, mines, mings. I mean, not a bad fight. fight. The problem that I have here though for chicken is that there seems to be no sense of, okay, it's a good recall actually. I like that recall. And there's nothing wrong with that. See, this is what, okay, this is the third teleport, by the way. This is why these teleports aren't that good if you do them aggressively. We see three more battle crews are being ready into this. Might want to focus fire a little bit on one of them. I like that all the damage is split to make sure that all of the Yamato's go off. Oh, there we go. I want to right click this. Yep, there. Okay. So that was a six tempest trade against three battle cruisers and only get two of them. Then the tempest go here. I feel like chicken would realize now that the sensor tower has been built or that there might be a base. The chicken actually think that this was it. After these two top bases, they go cleaned up part of the problem. We'll be fine from now. Ten workers left. Now is the time to start rebuilding workers again. Smart. The type of intelligent play you kind of expect after seeing the rest of the game play. Three Tempest. Six. It's going to make a total of 10. I feel like these eight mines will be good enough because there's no observer anymore. I think pure mine. Okay, come, come on. Chicken move forward. Oh, dang, flabbit, more turrets. Let me just stand in turret range as well. Longest range unit in the game. still manage to fly into turret range. It has to be an ability as well. Chicken make one hell of a superhero. I'm always in range of whatever's trying to shoot me. Actually lose to a shotgun while having a sniper rifle. Right clicks the refinery. I mean, Army is still nice, and maybe if there was some kiting or... you know just any micro whatsoever that would be what's that stutter stepping with tempest let's do that in the replay look at this realizing the vikings are going to retreat chicken flies in to stutter step already pre-empting the fly away that's a high-level move that is high level honestly I don't care the rest of the game I don't I don't even care anymore this is this is brilliant oh here come the mines the mines probably have done the most so far this game pop you might want to turn around shoot them hello yes shoot the one that already fired the only one that yeah go back back to SDVs you love to see it poof very unfortunate again no vision Maybe want to get another backup boy? Backup boy. Let me see. Our Terran kind of realizes he's so far ahead. Doesn't even care about producing anymore. He loves this. He's 6K, 2K in the bank. His priority is getting a refinery rather than producing some units. That's when you know you're confident, you know. If Chicken had done this, we would have called it bad. Because it's the Terran. We know it's confidence. Utter confidence. It's two minds blocking his CC. well double planetary turrets over here i love this playstyle by the way this is great to see this is why i like watching lower level games as well because you know you just see these things and you're like yeah that's freaking cool that's actually freaking a robotics facility i lost the robotics facility can't build observers anymore maybe could have considered getting an oracle finally so what have we lost so far this game 35 tempest eight carriers what has the term on so far this game 30 battle cruisers eight tours 25 mines. Still 17 mines here. The Terran army actually is looking pretty weak right now. But after Chickens realized that there was a base here and probably a base here, and at this point probably bases everywhere again, chicken decided that the longer the game goes, it might be better because there's more minerals available on chicken side of the map. Look here, still have lots of minerals here. The other guy is mining out faster. So even though you're being outmined. About tenfold. This is really quite smart. They always say slow and steady wins the race, but I have a feeling that chicken is going so slow and steady that we might never see the end of this game if chicken were to win this race. Moves in, I'm afraid of these eight mines. Once again, there's a planetary that's not mining. Of course, it gets priority over everything else that's happening on the map. But we exist to through revelators. Is this the first time we get these? That's beautiful. That's just beautiful. That's absolutely amazing. Why is our Terran just not building anything? Maybe he went to get like a beer or something like that. Now he's just watching the game unfold. Look at this. The chick is going to fly into my minds one more time. We make a planetary out of this as well. What's the APM of the Terran currently? I think he's actually just playing with one hand or just scrolling around the map. He's just looking at things. Like he doesn't give a crap whether this is being taken out or not. This chick is probably going to take out the turrets in this planetary and then move on towards this one because it's not mining anymore. Take out these two refineries. Wouldn't want to actually try to deny any real mining. This is fantastic. Oh, we have some units being produced. That's an issue. That's a real issue. I can't believe this game is still going on though. What's the mine count currently? 15. Absolutely beautiful. Okay, base actually does get taken out. You love to see it. See how the rest of these tempers are... Oh, these two refineries, of course. Wouldn't want any long distance mining going down. Well, here, there's still a bunch of refineries mining, regular distance mining. Tempus go on to the next planetary that isn't mining. Maybe take out these refineries. Yep, there, of course. There's a turret behind there that could potentially be annoying. Imagine, for example, if you want to be... want to send a prism down here into these turrets. So you're like, I don't want to lose my prison to these, but these might kill it. And I think it's a good call to take out these turrets and also kill the refinery so they don't get spotted. Chicken disagrees for whatever reason. But in another dimension, I could have seen it happen. Now, attacks with full confidence into this army doesn't use the revelation, so I'm not really utilizing the complete range of the tempest for the 30s. second minute straight in this game so far stasis wards also could have helped against the mines by the way yeah so the mines explode and i guess that's actually just going the Terran jit i is guys this guy is a prick but that guy is a prick i don't like that i did that was a nice it luxury okay you should have you won already all right you destroy chickens You should have left it with that, buddy. You should have left it with that. But, but, yeah, let's think about the game. Let's think about that initial. What did it say again? The imbalance complained for him. Played against the turtle tariff made a wall with a planetary. I mean, it wasn't really a wall. I'm wondering if this is considered an easy wall. I think this would be considered an easy wall. Yeah, that was an easy wall with a planetary. a bunch of turrets. To be precise, 3482-904-8. Is that trillion? Three trillion turrets. They just made defensive planetaries and turrets. Chicken maybe thinks it's multiple people. They just made defensive planetaries and turrets. Nice. How am I ever supposed to attack into this? widow mines being burrowed and unburrowed to chase and kill my thames. I don't think there was a lot of chasing going on. This was more of a static movement. You know, like just where. I'm not sure if you call it chasing if the person you're chasing is standing still. It's like I got chased by someone with a knife. And then if you don't run away, is it really a chase or is it just coming up to you? I felt like the minds were more coming up to you because I don't think there was a single time where you actually ran away, which once again, it scares me for your life in real life. What happens if you actually will get chased by someone? Would you go, help, I'm being chased? please stop chasing me. It's like, well, you're not really moving. It's just coming up to you. It's maybe something to work on there. widow mines being borrowed in numbers. Can we talk about BC's teleporting? I think we counted three teleports, maybe four, maybe I missed one. I don't know. Counting, like I said, after I got kicked out of elementary school, never quite recovered from there. But I think somewhere around three and four. So yeah, I don't think. it is and that leads me to this one thing. I am sorry to say but you leave me absolutely no choice. You my friend, you just really freaking... Dear YouTube, I am doing fine. I'm being loved, treated with respect and I'm being fed daily as well. I'm currently at an undisclosed location. Do not look for me. I went here voluntarily and I do not wish to be found right now. The reason I went here is because I was about to make a big mistake and called a game that Chicken played a suck on her part. Well now I realized that this is actually extremely imbalanced. I cannot say anything else except yes, this is imbalance. I have my own reasons for this. And there are very good reasons for me to say this right now. Please, once again, do not look for me. I am doing fine. Thank you for watching. |
Getting Sugar From A Philosopher | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today's matchup is very very special. On one side we have an all-knowing fountain of wisdom. On the other hand a jealous prick. Guess right now in the comments, who will win this game? Also don't forget to like and subscribe for more philosophic wisdom! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqNxyVYrd30&list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf&index=1 Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/G-EKl3VO8iQ/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | G-EKl3VO8iQ | Terran, where to begin? This race is so imbalanced, it's actually sad. They can just do whatever they want, and I'm stuck responding to what they're doing. In this replay, he had some early game bullcrap, which I think I held reasonably. Yes, I probably lost a lot of drones, but I felt like I remade them pretty fast. After that, I should have been miles ahead. But thanks to Terran's incredibly easy early game defense, bunkers, easy wall-offs, with depots, etc. He can hold whatever early game push I might throw at him. At that point, I made lots of workers and was going into Hive. But he just decided to mindlessly mass battle cruisers. It takes no skill, no micro, and he just gets insane value. I know I'm not the best player, but my complaint is that I shouldn't have to be the best player to be the Terran. I should only have to be slightly better than my opponent. Please excuse the toxicity at the end. I was tilted. but sincerely shadow mantle. Context at the beginning, we just played another match on the latter, and he won with an early tank hellbat push. So what is really in this email? Let's just, you know, deconstruct this a little bit. So he's complaining about the easy walloffs rather than just regular wallops. He has no problem with difficult wallops. It's the easy wallops that mess with him. He lost a lot of drones, but he remade them pretty fast, and he felt like he held the early game bull crap reasonably. I got some points. Some points to look at. Let's just hop straight into this game and see what actually happens. Okay, look at that. Within the first seconds, he typed, I don't know why I play this game. This man, this means that he typed that during the countdown. So he instantly recued after he lost the last game. And then in the countdown, he's still so tilted from last game. that he types it in. This shows that he has a very powerful mindset, you know, even though he's completely tilted off the self-punishment. Dude, my man crawl over here. I bet this guy is a psychologist. Like, he instantly, he pinned this guy exactly where he is. Like, this is a form of messachism. It has to be, absolutely. Holy crap. Go straight back into the game. All right. What did he say? the game was, it went well for him, right? Lost a lot of drones, but he rebuilt, re-built them fast. So that's going to be pretty interesting to see. You see Carl Hungus, I like this name, by the way. I don't know why, but it looks like a name for a philosopher, you know. Let's see if his, if his place, how he's filled with wisdom. Terran is unbeatable now anyways. I like that there's a period. Give some more power to that sentence, you know? You're also, you really do know you're in a good mental state when you start complaining about the matchup before you have even lost. That's very, yeah. Dude, Carl, who is this guy? I want to meet him. This guy has the mindset of a warrior. You know, he realizes his opponent is slightly tilted. And Carl's like, okay, you know, like I'll cheer him up a bit. Even though there's MMR on the line, he's like, you know, I'll try to work on his mindset a little bit. And then this guy just keeps saying things, you don't need to be good to beat a jerk as Terran. And I bet Carl will say something filled with wisdom again. If your name is Carl Hungus and you're a Terran on the American ladder, I'm going to finish that scent. Yeah, Carl. Filled with wisdom, this guy. My man, Carl. Move over Plato. Oh my God. Confucius. You're an idiot compared to Carl Hungus. Oh, I love it. This is, Carl is a... This is I'm following the school of thought that Carl introduces. I don't care what this guy does for the rest of his life. Like, I'm following the things he says, you know. He knows what's truly important in life. He's proxying a factory and my man, Shadow Menthol has no clue about it, which, what was that? Was that Winter? He also plays with the Winter voice, voice, uh, voice pack. And also, also explains why he isn't too good. I love you, Winter. Okay, what's he going to do? I guess there's Helions, right? Three, four Helions. You save them up, then you go in. It's getting a bunker at home. Easy walling. This is not a difficult wall. You just build it right next to it. This is easy, guys. I bet right now Shadow Mentos are already fuming, seeing that bunker. So easily walled right next to the other one. The other hand, we see, look at this, difficult walling. Actually, there's probably space between this. Because this is difficult walling. This is not easy walling. That's the difference between Zurg and Teperg. Aaron. This is, oh my God, this is so easy. Another easy walling. Look at this. He scouts this with the Ling. He's like, oh man, this is what easy walling looks like. Now, the thing that Shadow Mantle should have picked up on is that there, so an SCV went in and nothing went out. Luckily, Shadow Mantle isn't as, as good on the numbers as the guy in the movie Saul is, you know, who counts the people going to heaven. because otherwise he would have known that there's an SCV here in the main base walking line to the ramp is this a joke? I've never seen this before. Oh, there's already one here. I didn't even see that. Oh, my God, he already has seven kills. Sorry, we need to go back. How did he do that? Oh, he saved up two. Okay, okay. So let's take a look what's Shadow Mantles doing. So he's scouting right now. Pompidom, so something's happening on the mini map. Still something happening on the mini map? I'm not sure if I'm actually on his vision. Oh, yeah, I am. He's just moving really slowly. Oh, how did my drones die? Doesn't quite understand it. Okay, spore, spore, spine. I don't quite understand the spine, but I like the spore. Isn't he curious where these mines came from? Oh, he just heard something? Oh, the link side. She's a mine walk, oh, okay, there it is. She's a mine walk into his natural. Decides the best play is to go keep. Oh, that's good micro. It was good micro. I like that. This is still in range, buddy. Nice try Carl. Execute attempt, Carl. This one is killed 10 drones so far already. That one's also gonna die. Spine crawlers out of range. He still moves it within sport range. This is a great game. Doesn't want to kill this. Doesn't want to kill this. It's gonna shoot again, isn't it? Hello, we have vision. 15. 15. Oh my God. I just really... I really hope that my man's shadow mantle... Why is he building another spore? Spores can move. I really hope my man's shadow mantle isn't... It doesn't build buildings. I hope he isn't in construction because he says this is a good beginning. Look at this. He's down 22 workers. 22. they'll come to him and how's the foundation? Strong foundation It looks like there's nothing No, no, no, no. It's strong foundation and they put in like the first post and it just sings into like the mud. It's like I thought he said it was a strong foundation. Was a strong foundation. Very strong foundation. Like dude, you're dead. You're one third of your opponent's workers. The other guy has mules as well. You still haven't even cleaned up two of the drones and you're getting another sport to check the one at the ramp rather than moving your sport. is a massive advantage that you have as a Zerg. Getting two spores for a single mine is like, imagine you're a goalie on a football pitch and you're a bad goalie, okay? And you're like, you know what I should do? I should probably get some glass. You get some glasses. You can now at least see the ball coming and it improved the situation slightly. Then you decide if one pair of glasses is going to make me this much better. Imagine what happens when I wear two pair of glasses. So my man, Shadow Antel puts on the second pair of glasses. Still can't hold the ball out of the goal of course, because he's also a crap goalie. That's the problem. The problem here isn't detection. It is the fact that you don't know what to do when the balls are coming towards you. Moves across the map with 20 lings. Smart. Counterattack? Oh my God, what an easy wall this is by Carl. That's ridiculous. Shadow Menthol actually fuming. If you had like a heat meter, you know, like you're seen in his house, he's completely orange and red where he is. just lights of his entire room. Like, oh my God, there's a fire in that house, but no, just shadow mental. When he sees an easy wall like this, that's ridiculous. That's absolutely ridiculous. What is he doing? He sees this. So he lost his lings now. Now he can focus once again on building drones and walking them through his mine. Maybe he can walk a couple of drones into these. They're not doing enough damage yet. He sends the queen there. I really, okay, this was a really, really smart move. Not many people understand this move, but I'll explain this to you, okay? So here for a very long time, this queen is just staring it down. And he's playing a game of chicken with this mind. I'm not gonna go in, you know, I'm gonna go close as possible. Then he goes to inject to truly show superiority and it's like, ah, you know what, let me just tank this mine shot with my queen rather than with a zergling or a drone, which are all, well, a zergling is like one sixth the cost and a drone is one third the cost of a queen. Instead, I sacrifice my queen into this mine, and then I can send the other queen from downstairs. I finally manage you to clean it up. So a very solid way of dealing with burrowed mines on your ramp, I have to admit. It's something we don't see very often. He also could have used the spine, of course, and not sacrifice anything. Oh, he realizes now he can move it. I thought he was going to put on the third pair of glasses. He realizes two is enough. Is this queen going to go all along the edge and also kill himself into this one? It is possible. Stay tuned to find out. Spine. Why did he build spines, by the way, rather than just getting like two lings and sacrificing one link and then using the other link to kill it with vision of the spore. A single raven moving across. Carl's a legend. Carl's floating 1,700 minerals. He doesn't care about that because he is very easy for him to all. Look at that. It's with depots, etc. Very easy to wall. Carl has no troubles. Two command centers because Carl has a lot of money. He doesn't, he doesn't mind. Carl is, yeah, it's lots of money. Carl, Carl is fine. Carl Hungus. He's writing a book during this as well. Like his philosophy on life. How to teach children, how to properly behave. Carl has loads of books written. He usually writes them in his letter games against Shadow Mental. But Shadow Mental keeps recuing every single time after he loses because this guy has the winners never quit and quitter's never win mindset. So just keeps going. One day I'll beat him. Meanwhile, Carl's playing with like his toes, writing a book with his left hand, editing his other book with his right hand. Carl has multiple brains as well. He's just a lot smarter than the average. Well, definitely smarter than the average Zerg player. But that's mainly because Shadow Mantle is bringing the average down so far. The actual average of Zerg player probably was pretty high. The Shadow Mental switched from Protoss to Zerg. All downhill. I love this. The double sport, the double glasses right next to each other. Instead of putting one to zone any potential threats, he decided to put both them next to each other. absolutely nothing. This is the kind of brilliant thinking, the out-of-the-box brilliant thinking that you only get from Shadow Mental. You love to see it. Meanwhile, let's not forget about the fact that he hasn't scouted anything. The last time he saw was a starport going down. He isn't aware of anything else happening. He's been down in workers the entire game. Like, if Carl invested all of his money into SUVs and aimed across the map with SEVs, I'd give him a 70% chance to win. I think that's pretty reasonable. It's getting Ling Bane, preparing for to explode on top of these battles. There's also 27 Marines down. But there's a wall. And it's not even just a difficult, it's an easy wall. Oh my God. This is so triggering to see. I hope someone, when Channel Mantle rewatches this, I hope someone is close by to give, you know, you don't know what's going to happen. with him. He might start raging. E. Oval's! Carl is just chilling. Doesn't really need to use the energy on his orbital. Gets a planetary on the fourth. Orbital in the main. Saving up battle cruisers to make sure he can literally one shot every building on the other side of the map. Shadow Menthol, after nine minutes of seeing nothing, decides maybe it's time to send in another overlord. Instead of sending it in, just leaves it, hovering over the fourth base. Brilliant. My man Shadow Mantle still had 39 workers as well. He's been building units exclusively, 93 lings, nine bane lings, rather than perhaps getting a couple of queens, seeing what his opponent is doing, taking a fort base. He decides the right course of action is to be down 20 workers, the entire game. The only reason the supplies are even is because Carl is saving for bad times, you know? He remembers the 2008 crisis. He's like never again. He always keeps the little bank. Hidden. Well, I'm not really his right there, but you know what I mean. Another command center goes down. Scarle can afford it. He's rich. Oh. Disgusting. It's not really a wall. This is just the defenses. But, well, this, I guess this counts as a wall. It's easy wall as all. Nasty. See if Shadow Mental is trying to wall anything. I'm not sure if this counts as a wall, but I bet that's really difficult to do, putting these two right next to each other. Hey, what the mental capacity that Shadow Mental has is. I don't know. It's hard to say sometimes. You have plus two ship weapons on the way. Right now we have six queens against four battle cruisers. So generally I think Shadow Mantle is well ready for these BCs as well. You love to see it. Creed threat continues on. Walls, everything. Rageborne that he's watching. This is his way of raising his heart rate naturally, you know. Just looks at this. His blood pressure goes up. It's crazy. He doesn't need medicine for that type of stuff. If he knows how to, like these certain breeding methods to get your blood pressure down, and then he has like just a picture of this, if he needs it to get up, he can perfectly regulate everything inside of his body. Shadow Mental is a level above the rest of it when it comes to bodily control. He's controlled over all of his functions. I like the Blue Flame Helium, by the way. I think that's big. No, that's really big, actually. Because his opponent is literally only on Ling. So it's going to be Helian, Helbet, Battlecruiser versus Ling Bane. So literally everything that Carl is making hard counters his opponent. Like every single unit is perfect. Except the 31 Marines. And everything, every single unit that Shadow Mantle made so far is incorrect. You don't want this at all. Like none of it. Niantos, nada. Zero. Zero. Zero. No. Spire goes down. He finally spots the battle crews. Wait a second. Truly fuming at this point. Like, how would I even have been able to find this out? As he has absolutely no clue. That he can just perhaps make an overseer, fly into his opponent's main base. See that there's like five... This was all of two starports. Holy crap. Imagine how long this took. This took like five minutes this transition. Hasn't spotted it once. Also didn't really. realized nothing was coming for him. I think in the past five minutes he legit went up 10 drones. 10 drones, while nothing happened. Doesn't even have bailing speed. Goes into the wall, only bust one depot down rather than all of it, waits until... ...then realize the wall was open already, even though it is an easy wall. This actually is doing some damage. Which makes me sad and happy at the same time. I bet he felt like an idiot, busting open this depot and realizing he could just walk in. in. I probably could have used these bailings for this. Meanwhile the battle cruisers, uncontested, because there's actually nothing that Sheterminty has. Shetermintel is not even in that better spot, funnily enough. Like, he has a lot of money. If he had a spire and just had like 20 corruptors on the way, you... What? Hello? He actually would not be in a terrible spot. Yeah, he's getting 15 corruptors now. You can just drone back up and he should be fine. Well, he won't be fine, but he's down like 8K resources, but it's not. It's probably playable with the way that Carl has been playing so far. Single battle cruiser. I'm not sure if this teleported or flew over, but it just went in and killed the remaining hive. Neal steel frame, of course. The hardcore. I think he complained about turtling as well, no? I'm pretty sure he did complain about turtling, yeah. So it makes a lot of sense. That's two bunkers in a planetary. That's very scary. I like that he didn't really complain about the battle cruiser or like... The fact that the Terran units counter all of his, that Terran is extremely cost-efficient. These are things that at least I could reasonably say, like this is nice to come, but too easy to wall. How do you even get that in your head? It's not even hard to wall as a Zerg either. You just build buildings. It's the same with every race. The way the hexas work just always works the same. I guess depots are a nice structure because it's two by two. He's mainly been using bunkers and his wall wasn't even complete. Why is he... What's he doing with his corruptors? I just wants to pee this base down, I guess. You'd feel like there's a little bit more urgency if you're on two base and thirty-one workers, fighting against a guy that's on four base. But there's no... What? This is the scout, the scout pier. This is what we used to do as well. When I was a kid, I used to be on the scouts, okay? It's a good story, actually. Used to be in the scout. I think you call it like the Boy Scouts. You know, the Boy Scouts. And whenever you get to a train track when you're in the Dutch Boy Scouts, it is tradition that you all pee on the train track. Because you know it's supposed to be safe, right? Even if there's electricity on it, you shouldn't be able to feel it. because the stream of your pee isn't consistent enough. But always what you do, you first send in the youngest guy that's new to test if it's safe. So he pees and if he's good, they all pee on the train track. That's what this guy was as well. The Boy Scout. It's a standard procedure really in the Dutch Boy Scouts. At least the chapter I was part of. Okay, better cruisers make their way across the map. take out the planetary fortress. You love to see it. It doesn't even like... What? You do whatever you want and still win? I'm really curious what Carl's response is going to be. No chance at all for me to win. This is just bad words he's using. So bad at this game too. sad get out i got to get out he won like this makes absolutely no sense you know let's go to the no before we go to the complaint form okay listen to this imagine this scenario a hypothetical okay completely hypothetical scenario imagine two people living next to each other shadow mantle and carl humus the famed philosopher now my man shadow mantle he wants to drink tea with some sugar in it okay just a little bit tea with some sugar in it. Except he's out of sugar. So what does he do? He goes. He goes to Carl. He says, Carl, you dumb philosopher with lots of money, who is just lucky in life and got born to parents with high IQ. I want some of your delicious sugar because your sugar is better, but only because you're lucky and an idiot. Carl, calm as always says, sure, you can have some of my sugar. Gives him a little sugar and as shadow mantle walks away. He keeps on insulting, calling him a a mama's boy and a rich kid, even though Carl worked hard for his money. And he tried his best. He's a humble dude, tries to help anyone that comes to him for help. Shadow Mantle is just complaining, complaining. Put some sugar in his tea, goes back through the rest of the sugar in Carl's face. And Carl, he just takes it. He breathes in through the nose and out through the mouth, because Carl knows that there's something wrong with Shadow Mantle. Now, that is basically a complete analogy for what this game was. We saw Carl being a complete gentleman, a scholar, someone that everyone would want as a friend. While Shadow Mental did nothing but insult and play poorly and make mediocre decisions. Now, from here on out, let's go into the balance complaint one more time. Let's just go over some of the things he said. So first of all, he said, I probably lost a lot of drones, but I felt like I remade them pretty fast. This is a claim that we can investigate. We investigated. This claim was simply not true. You did lose a lot of drones, but you did not remake them pretty fast. Like, that is absolutely not true. That's a big X for you, my friend. Like, it took you up until the 12 minimum wage, like 57 drones. He didn't do any type of aggression that stopped you from building drones for the entire game. All he did was send four widow mines into your mineral line that killed 45 workers somehow, and then completely ended you. there. You didn't rebuild them quickly. You didn't rebuild, but you did rebuild the drones that you initially lost, but you never built any more drones. And also even the ones you rebuild were really slow. So that is a false claim. Second, thanks to Terran's incredibly easy early game defense, he can hold whatever early game push I might throw at him. This is a claim that we tried to investigate but was impossible to investigate because you didn't throw anything at him. There was no early game push. You accidentally rallied 20 lings into his natural and lost all of them, killing half an SUV. If you consider that a push, we also this one out. But honestly, this one is undecided. We couldn't investigate this because no such thing happened. Impossible to investigate is what we say then. At that point, I made lots of workers and was going into Hive, but he just decided to mindlessly mass battle cruisers. I made lots of That is an objectively false claim. You did not make lots of workers. You did go into Hive and he did decide to make battle cruisers, whether that was mindless or not. We can't really say. So you know what? We'll give you partial true for this. It takes no skill, no micro and he just gets insane value. Nothing that you did. Takes any scale, micro. To be fair, you also had no value. But you did nothing correct. Nothing you did was with skill, nothing you did was with micro. And thus you also got no value. He at least did some things correct. He had correct unit counters. He put on some aggression. He built walls, even though they were kind of easy, I have to admit it, but depots, etc. I mean, that's disgusting. But he got way better value. Yeah, he got way better value. That's normal because you know what? Cirque is supposed to have a way better eco, but you didn't build any drone. and he went down to 11 workers like the 5 minute mark. So, in conclusion, were you correct in this balanced complaint form? No, no, none of the claims really hold through. And on top of that, you sucked. And you sucked extremely hard. That's a fact. All right, that's going to be it for this episode. Is it inbar, do we're talking if you enjoyed this episode. Don't forget subscribe to the YouTube channel. Don't forget to say that you like me more than hamster. and don't forget to smash the like button as well. All of these things in that order. Thanks so much for watching. Bye-bye. |
When Mentally Deficient Turtles Play Chess... | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | You know an SC2-Player isn't that great when you can beat him with a plastic straw. Today's guest is very very glad, that we are getting rid of those so that he can attempt to stamp around on the chess board once more! Like and subscribe to clean the ocean of plastic! (this does not actually work) If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqNxyVYrd30&list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf&index=1 Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aOD45PxCrI4/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | aOD45PxCrI4 | There Harstem, this replays sums up the gigantic difference in involvement required between Terran and Protoss to win a macro game in lower leagues. Being better in all quantifiable compartments, APM, income, army supply, resources spending, supply management, dot, dot, dot, dot. Of the game seems to not be enough to be the Protoss that plays the infernal quartet of charge lot, colossi, high templars and blink dTs. You're also expected to have a cardiothoracic surgeon position with your EMPs, a co-kin addicts reaction time to split your units and to repair your bases from blink DT assaults and a tactic worthy of a famous Chinese general to compete with Protoss Mappak, aka observers. How is that fair to expect all of that from a 3K3 Terran so that he has the slightest chance when the protis is just chilling and calmly spam storms? Hell, even when I want battles, I couldn't end the game because of the proto-stupid recall, an unbreakable static defense that gives him a second chance for free. Please Harstem, convince that I sucked more than my opponent in this game. It is EML, Terran player, Diamond Level, 3.3K MMR on EU. Now, I would immediately like to jump on something here, and that's the last sentence. This last sentence is something that I get a lot, okay? Let's just look at that sentence one more time. The sentence was, please Harstem, convinced that I sucked more than my opponent in this game. I don't need to convince you that you suck more than your opponent in this game. The way I see it is that very often when I get a replay, it's a bit like watching a game of chess between two cognitively limited turtles. The turtles might stamp around on the chessboard. They might accidentally move the chess pieces in the case. correct direction and the way that chess pieces are supposed to move, but never will it actually resemble a game of chess. And most of the time that's what happens. Now if one of the turtles at the end of the game claims that he has won and then the other turtle starts complaining, no one in their right mind would say something about the balance of chess, even though that statement might be correct. For example, if the turtle playing the white piece at once said, wow, uh, a, a, a, a I had such a big advantage playing the white pieces, even though this might be correct, there is no way that we could have concluded that reasonably from watching the game between the two cognitively limited turtles. And that is why I don't care about who sucks more. I care about whether you suck at all. And very often the answer to that is yes. But once again, I will be going into this game as objective as possible. My goal always is to award the imbalance stamp. you know it's a rare stamp we haven't really seen it very much yet um so yeah i i let's just hope that this is the day that we get it let's just hope that this is the day we get it so we have eml versus carpini it's an italian player definitely i'm sure what carpiini means but i i i like it EML, LME, no. Sometimes the letters mean something backwards, but I don't know what this means. So we're not gonna put any more effort into that. We see our Terran player opening up with a double depot wall into two Marines and no, and a command center. Okay, not really a build order, but I mean, I can dig it. I can, at least he's trying, you know, we have something here. So usually what you do is you play. Marine Command Center Factory or you play Marine Command Center Reactor Factory or you play Reaper Command Center Marine Reactor Factory. I think that sounds correct but what he did here is not a thing. Like I said, I'm not going to complain about this, okay? I'm fine with this. This is okay. It's okay. It's at least resembling an opener. Okay, second barracks going down. three second barracks he's still on one gas okay takes a second gas now and he starts scouting at the two minute mark like almost a three minute mark i'm not too familiar with this should start a bunker probably should have started a bunker a while ago so if you're just opening up with marines no reaper and like no marauder or anything like that and you skip a bunker if your opponent walks across the map with a stalker and actually start microing you lose all of your Marines and probably should even lose the game. So we have a bunker here, two stalkers arrive. Yeah, okay, this is this is actually pretty okay by the toss. Snipes the SV is a good scut guiding. It's nice guiding. I like this. You could probably move back a little bit faster, but what is he doing okay gets a tech lab as a tech lab on the factory and isn't really using it? He's going to lose all of his Marines isn't he? No. It's nice micro by the Tos, eh? Terran has nothing to say here, nothing to say. How many Marines do you lose already? Four Marines, four SCVs. TOS. Oh! Doesn't even even though he's looking good. It's gonna get another Marine even though he has a tech lab here. It's not getting anything from the factory. Like something that might make a lot of sense here is to actually open with a cyclone. Like if you're being attacked like this, to just get a cyclone. if you forgot your bunker. I mean, this game is just actually over. Like, my man Protoss here has been Microw like a god. He absolutely destroyed this. No marauder being built, no conclusive show also could be a tool. Why did he get such a fast factory in Starboard to not use it? It's hard to really judge it. Okay, here we go. This gets a tank. I mean, it makes some sense at least. Probably should float this away. Like you're not going to be able to defend this before it needs to fly. Yeah, okay, good. I was afraid for a second he was going to lose it. Now, the toss behind this hasn't been producing workers too well, and in general I don't like his build order too much, but I still think the toss is probably ahead after this. Like the unit lost is just too far in the favor of the toss. And honestly, he's been controlling his units relatively well. I'm kind of proud of this top play. Carpini, the Italian toss player, actually. Actually, he's doing an okay job. I'm happy. I'm happy. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wow. Okay, now this party is over, and we finally get to see the plan here for the Tarran player. Gets a reactor. Did he start Stim yet? No, I forgot to start Stim. He's getting a second tank. More Marines. I'm just so curious why he gets all of these buildings and then doesn't use any of him. Like it took years for him to finally build a tank, or a cyclone or a mine. He almost lost the two stalkers. Like even a mine or a helion would have probably been fine. He just didn't get it. Toss slightly behind an income because of Mules, but mentally he's ahead because, you know, unit lost and all that. So... What's he doing? What is this tank position good against? If someone really wants to attack this area? movement is all about. Okay, so the reason I say this is when you're playing against a blink all in, you actually want your tank further back. So they can just blink forward and snipe the tank. Like this tank position is not great unless you really care about this general area and having your Marines out there. I'm really quite confused what is happening here. Stim finally starts though. We have no eBay on the way. We have a bunch of mules. So this just seems like a massive all in. He's going to attack once with tank, marine, marries. in like a Medivac and three more barracks but he has no upgrades going he won't have combat shield with the push and the toss is just getting into into charge loads into a robotics facility you're getting a couple of upgrades the first upgrade yeah it's the first upgrade but I mean having a upgrade is better than not having any upgrades I see a drop here okay it's interesting so now a single drop across the map seven minutes into the game now usually my blink finishes at about 440 into the game and this type of play becomes extremely risky now this is a different level but I think being off by three minutes is it's a bit yikesy at least so I would classify this as a relatively risky move which could go wrong now it's not gonna go wrong because we see no blink has finished yet and blink isn't on the way or close to finishing but so this should never die right there's no anti-air that can actually chase which means this should actually be able to do a lot of damage here. Stim is available he doesn't use it saving the energy of the medevac it's very smart this a this isn't going in really this is an advanced move saving the energy of the medevac because he knew What is he doing? Like, I was gonna make a joke about that he knew that I was gonna stay alive and then he just straight up sacrifices the medevac. That's a terrible drop. Like none of these units had any chase, could never catch him. He could just fly away and be fine, repair it or something, but I guess it's also good. He did get some scouting info. I'm not sure if it's worth it to lose eight marines and a medevac to see that your opponent has a fortune at twilight, but, you know, we'll... We'll take it. Scouting info, no matter how it gets received, it's always good. It's actually, how's he up 20 supply? I guess he just has more workers and more income, hey? Poor Protoss player. Absolutely blasting his heart out here with his movement, getting cannons, batteries, being afraid of his opponent. It's up and upgrade though. Now the Terran is getting double e-base. Still doesn't have combat shields. It's finally getting it. I feel like everything is going a little bit slow for this Darren player though. It's a single MataVac as well, three tanks. I mean, this army is really powerful. This is the type of army where if you have combat shield and like 1-1, you probably move across the map and kind of win with it. So now he scans. He's like, okay, my opponent has zealots and an upgrade and also Templar, which are I'm pretty sure are all things that he already saw with his drop. Maybe he just wanted to know if there's a third base. But in that case he probably could have just maybe sent like four tanks in two Metafax to scout that because that seems to be his his way to scout things to just sacrifice a bunch of units that you might need in the next minute and a half. And now our player is not doing anything okay, just sitting around starts as 2-2 upgrades or at least it's 2-1 okay, yeah 2-1 upgrades neither player doing much of anything here. I guess the TOS is trying to establish some scouting information. He's trying to get some vision with observer, well, observers, observer, a observer on the map. The Taron is walling in with deep-bos. Okay, I like it. I like it a lot. Some big, what is this? Look at some modern architecture. Close by my house, we have things looking like this, like cube-looking buildings. Some weird formation as well. It's a bit like this. I bet this guy's an architect in his real life. Just wants to play SimCity. This is a peaceful player. He doesn't actually want to fight. I mean, so far he hasn't done any damage, really. He lost all of his Marines for free at the start. Now, I thought that was because he didn't build a bunker. But I think he rather, you know, kill his own units than deal damage to someone else. And I mean, his drop also just was for information gathering. He didn't really attack anything with it. Perhaps this guy is just a pacifist. Just doesn't like fighting. Except inanimate objects. The rocks are being taken out right now. Bang, bang, bang, bang. How does he have two medevacs with an army this size? These guys are... I hope they're getting paid overtime because he's gonna have a good time. Holy crap. There's 21 marauders, 42 marines, and there's three metaphax. How's that even possible? It's just not built any matter. Maybe he doesn't have this as a hotkey or something. Forget so you can build them. Like you can't lose metaphax here, buddy. That's 33% of your healing power. Okay. Siege is up, stands in the storms. Okay. Three of the four storms are good. Oh my god, actually a lot of these storms were good. Where they going? Sometimes I complain about people using F2, but I feel like this guy would be twice as good if he would use F2. What are these Mativex doing? This is like, imagine you get like actual medics in your army. Like, you're at war. You're at war, okay? And the war is in Canada. And then you send your entire medical department to the Netherlands. It's like, first of all, why do you want to go to war with Canada? There's nothing of use that you can get there. I don't think Canada has much oil. And why is your medical department in the Netherlands? These are interesting questions that we don't have an answer to. These guys just went back home. They didn't do anything. This guy tasted danger and was like, that isn't for me. I'm flying back home. This is fantastic. What is you going to have lost like? Six and the 7K against 3K. That fight was actually so bad. I didn't want to pay too much attention to it because he just walked into the storms and I thought maybe we can ignore it, but then I opened the unit last time. Like, okay, we can't completely ignore it. We'll say that perhaps someone rang his doorbell, and as the fight started, he quickly ran to the door to realize that the kids from the neighbors just, what do you call it? They press the doorbell and they run away. This happened to me two months ago. It really pissed me off. I need to go all the way downstairs to open the door, and then there's nothing there. It's like an empty shopping basket in front of my door. I was like, well, I don't know what they want me to do with this, but I just returned it to the shop, obviously, as a good Samaritan that I am. I can't remember where I was in this game, though. I feel like I'm paying more attention to the proto. I kind of like what the pros is doing. He's getting cannons, it's getting batteries, getting Templar and Colossi. The Terran player is getting a good army, but so far he hasn't really shown to be cable. of controlling it. It's kind of like giving a soldier a rocket launcher and then the soldier just like shoots it in the air to see how high it goes. I feel like that's kind of what's happening we're here with EML. It's like he's mightily intrigued by the things that his army possibly could be capable of but in his hand so far he's just checking how fast they can move around the map see how quickly they can die against storm which also is interesting research but I'm not sure if the ranked ladder is the place to do that type of research. Of course, EML, if we have a disagreement on that specific issue, you can always send me another email or fill in another form, as you know how to find me by now. What is this? He scans forward, sieges up the tank, moves around with the ghost. Like, first I isolated the metaphysics, now let me isolate the ghost. I'm so curious what his plan is here. He's going to impede the entire army. Okay. I think he just lost five ghosts for these EMPs. Now, that would have been good. If then the follow-up is also that there will be a fight straight away. However, if there is no fight, then it wasn't actually that useful. Okay, tanks are shooting here. At least one of the tanks is... Is you move command? Moving forward at least. I feel like the Toss can just turn around and kill this now. I feel like it's a little bit too... These are some of the weirdest stutter steps. These are actually very, very... Okay, I feel like a lot of the time he wasn't actually stutter stepping there. He was just running forward. It's like if you're chasing someone horseback, you know, you're just riding next to him, and you're just pointing your gun at him, just continuously. just continuously. And the other guy who's looked like, are you gonna shoot? And he's like, I'm stutter stepping. I'm stutter stepping. I don't know. I mean, he also fought without the tanks. Once again, I'm not completely surprised that the toss won this fighter. Well, won. It wasn't a big win. I think it was semi-efficient, actually, because the toss moved away. Vizel stutter-staping, guys. I'm stuck. Yeah, I don't know why they do that. It would have been a terrible cow-we. movie that's a movie without Clint Eastwood I can tell you that much that guy has a good couple of others DTs I feel like a goldfish sometimes you know I'm in the middle of a center and then something new pops up on my screen and like oh that looks interesting as well okay nice nice lands the command center in front of his opponent sees it burning down like what's these slashes coming from what what is this falling from the sky what is this noise why is it burning is It's like, you should lift it now. Probably nothing. It's just a flash wound. So lose orbit command, gets a command center, flies another one over. Now is aware that there's DT, so it should be starting to build some turrets. Yeah, we see a turret here. See a sensor tower over here. It's this command center. It flies so slow. Unless you're watching it fly to a base that is unmind yet as the opponent, then it feels way too fast. So there's the T's here. This Tos, by the way, is playing pretty proper. Like his game style is nice, you know. He's playing D.T. Colossi. I would have preferred Disruptor over Templar at this point because there is a bunch of ghosts. So disruptor tend to be better here. But I still don't mind it. Maybe he forgot. Theory. Did did it. Did da da da da, Kevin's theory corner. I have a theory that EML does. not know the hotkey for unseech. So once he sieges a position, he just stays there forever. He probably thinks it's a bit like building a turret, you know? You can put it anywhere, except it instantly deployed, or at least deploys very fast. And then this is just defense for there, for the rest of the map. This is a theory by Kevin. We'll see if it's true or not. I'm curious now. We have, you know, little side games going on as EML decides, it's now time to turtle up. Oh, he put a tank over here. here as well. This guy I bet also isn't going to move. It's nicely defending this refinery and the bottom half of the mineral patches. Like what is this guy defending? The top part of this ramp. Oh! Terrets kill the observer. That's nice. DTs go for a rotation. I like that actually. I do like that. There's short DTs here, six to the left. Now you need about 90s to kill a planetary. Okay. If you use 60 T's and they repair, your never gonna kill it. If you use 9 DTs, they need to be really fast with the repair to kill it. And if they have any units nearby, you'll probably still lose your DTs. You need to blink on top and then boom, you go. A well protected sensor tower there. Oh! Theory proven false. That is scientific progress right there. Unseached three of his tanks. This DT snipes as planetary? No! Oh, it actually gets it in time. That's big. That's big. Oh, here comes the flank, here comes the flank, here comes the flank, here comes the flank, tanks get taken out. There's actually no real anti-air. There's three colossal... Oh! What? Once again, it doesn't stim. Imagine being a... Imagine being a soldier in this army and having that drug. available and your commander just tells you no not today but sir it makes a shoot faster and run quicker actually do some damage look at this fight I just want to show you guys this fight again okay so initially we start we start off with a flank in which the tanks are are left by themselves okay these two colossal eye that's bad don't get me wrong that's awful that's terrible look at this first of all the the tanks they are solo as the marines and marauders are attacking the pylons and doing a lot of damage on this assimilator and the cannon. Then there's a move command here, look at this, we'll zoom in for that. A nice move command into Zealots, a stutter step forward without stim, moves into the storm, doesn't attack for a solid five seconds, goes back to attacking the assimilator and a probe, loses half of his army into another storm, right clicks the planet or the nexus without being stimmed, while flying the Vikings away from the Colossine. There's something else here. It's an impressive fight. You know how sometimes you have these educational videos or instructional videos on YouTube where it tells you how to fix your sink or something like that or how to do like a certain exercise and it also has like these three crosses, you know? Like the instructional do not bend your back like this and there's like a massive red cross and it's like blacked out basically the video like black and white. He's like a guy complain about pain in his back afterwards. I feel like EML would be great making these type of instructional videos, except he wouldn't do the instructional part, just the part where the guy is complaining about back pain because he used the equipment incorrectly or something like that. You know, or he cut off his finger with the pineapple slicer. This is a type of guy that EML, I think, is. and doesn't surprise me. It's the average IQ of the Terran player, of course. Tank still over here. The theory partly proven true, I think. Tank and turret are best friends. Tank and turret are best friends. That's potential for a song, if you ask me. 40 Ts moving into this planetary. Well, it was an... Okay, you see what happened here? Ha ha. This is this was a command center and then when he started attacking. He was like, oh crap, I need to upgrade this to a planetary. Maybe Harstam won't notice, but I but I noticed. Okay, I noticed. I definitely did notice. Don't even try to trick me there. Good storms. The the army control of this toss has been pretty okay. Understanding flanks, knowing what the storm, knowing what to move. Even as a separate control group for for stalkers. Look at that. Targeting down units and stuff. Nice. Love to see it. Does he always just move command in without stim? Oh, this was the Get Out of Jill Freecard. With the... Oh yeah, this recall definitely helped him a lot. Man, this recall completely changed the game. Now he stims. He's like, let me run to the other side of the map with my completely dead army. This Colossack can probably hold this by itself. Almost. Dude, he's completely dead. Okay, listen to what's happened here. He has everything in the same control group, which means that the Vikings never fight, and that he can't use stim because Ghosts have priority in control groups. You can see it. So that's why he isn't stimming. This makes so much sense. It's because he literally just uses one control group for every unit. Tank and turret are best friends. It is a banger. And then he loses army to DTs. Have his army attacking in a simulator again? Oh no! The tanks and they left. They left. Now they come back. Should have stayed here, buddy. This was the position after all. I was wrong. I take everything I said about this position back. Lift it, lift it. You can lift it. You can lift it. You can lift it. You can fly. It can fly. If EML was a bird, he'd really struggle with cats. He's really struggle with them. The cat is faster, he can jump. What do I have? Well, you can fly. No, but really, what do I have? Well, you can go to the tree and fly, or you can just be in the air and cat now, but what do I have? The TTs and zealots are so good. So one time against... The one time... I just want to... he complained about blink DTs and that you need to have, what did he say? He had some word for it. Cardiotoracic surgeon position with your EMPs. No, that was with EMPs. Cocaine addicts reaction time to repair bases from blink DT assaults. Now, let me remind you that so far he once got attacked by six blink DTs here and the planetary one, even though his repair time was pretty slow. Then there was one time over here where there was a command center and he tried to trick me by starting a planetary as the DT started attacking. Then he ended up, I believe, not lifting it. And then he didn't lift this one twice, I think at this point now. Or just once. No, twice. He didn't lift this one twice now. So this is nothing to do with repair reaction times. The one time you had a planetary, you just held. And the other times you could have floated your building. You didn't need to repair it. DTs don't shoot air. They're a bit like cats. but it's a dumb bird you wouldn't understand that. Another... I actually was going to say another no stim and then I caught myself and I was like, you know what? He doesn't need to stim here because these units are going to die already. And now he... Oh, he's stimming again because his ghost died. There's no ghost left. Then he can stim again. So usually I always say that ghosts are good to use against Protoss but for EML, I actually would suggest not using ghost anymore because it completely stops him from using one of the best spells in the game and that is stim. Just decreases the damage output of his RV by probably like three or four attack upgrades just because he can't use stim. This is hilarious. Yeah, this is good. I'm not sure if he uses control groups or just F2s, but I think it's control group, just a single control group. And I got us a lot of probes. Let me just take out all of these buildings and let the probes run free. And now he just over stimms, by the way. It's not like, this is great. You can fight this army, buddy, like this is good to go up. There we go. Another stim, matter of fact, completely empty. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Now we need to probably start going back. Oh! It's like the fourth move command he had. Liberators, F2 then. Oh, darn it, I lost the game. Drop the Vikings, smart move. move. Sacrificial, sacrificial lamps. I like that. Pleasing the Protoss god. This is off position, isn't it? Probably can still fix it though. Looks too far to the right to me. But it's flying again. Pa-pa-pa-ba-da-ta-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-pa-pa-pa. I don't know. I do have the things I do either, so far. Some nice blink d.D.T. Action. Just a in forward I think the Protoss probably is winning because he has a slightly bigger bank and right now he is out mining his opponent on the other hand there's is his off position that's great that does make me happy oh we have another tank where's the turret though tank and depot are best friends new best friend for the tank it's the depot and the sensor tower but the depot is closer When did he build that tank though? It's the second factor. Does his base look like two armories? It's a single vehicle weapon upgrade. You love to see it. Oh, this is a great drop again. Look at that. This is the effective APM that we see in action here, Tarrant player. Just move way faster than what any Protols can do. He sold... Oh, another drop goes in as well. Both Metavex extremely low. Oh, use a stim. No ghost, I bet, on the map. Did he stim his entire army? Sometimes they do that when they use F2, you know? Sometimes they do that when they use F2. Oh, here comes this army. He just gives up the base. Okay, I don't like that the Toss is going for the base right here. That's a bad call. That's actually an incorrect call, especially because this base is pretty useless. Oh. There's a ghost. There's a ghost. Oh, I should have done another theory. He actually doesn't stim if he has a ghost in. If he stims now, that will be it. Stim. He just 90% of the fights that mattered. He just didn't stim. It's an actual fact. I did have to do this back. Look at it. He doesn't stim and he doesn't micro. No stim, no micro, single EMP. This is fantastic. All right, where are you at? What did you complain about? What did you? How is it fair to expect all of that from a 3.3k Terran so that he has the slightest chance when the prox is just chilling and calmly spam storms? Okay, first of all, every single fight so far, you actually had the complete ability to EMP all of your opponent's army. The toss, although he did okay, very often was kind of late with his storms. Every single time, you had the chance to EMP before he stormed. It's basically the same ability, okay? Except after you cast your ability, he can't cast his anymore. So really, that was all on you. You could have stopped him by calmly spamming EMPs, rather than waiting for him to calmly spam his storms. it's not like you were doing anything else well I guess move commanding into your opponent army does count as something but not a single time that you stim during any of the big fights your stutter stepping was like a cowboy on a horse not shooting the villain in the movie that's a great analogy there Kevin and really milking that one honestly I think your scouting consistent of sending in a Medivac let me not forget about dead. You left your tanks at home. You fought without tanks in some of the fights. And then your macro actually wasn't bad. Like, okay, you macroed fine. You did okay there with every single fight you too. You didn't storm. You moved commanded. And or you didn't, yeah, you didn't stim. You moved commanded. You walked into storms. Your EMPs were almost always too late, except for the one time where you sacrificed nine ghosts. There your EMPs were on time, but you did lose nine goes. I'm not sure if that's worth it completely. Yeah, honestly, I think not only did you suck more than your opponent here, but you also just suck in general. You are a mentally deficient turtle, and that's just the way it is. That's a new stamp right there, hamster. Pop like a turtle stamp, right next to the suck logo. That be tight. All right, that's going to be it for today's episode of Am I a turtle or is it in balance? Thanks everyone for watching. If you liked it, don't forget to watch more of these videos. And don't forget to hit the subscribe button and smash like. These things half a lot. Bye-bye. |
INNOVATING TvZ To Beat IMBA Lurkers?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | On first glance we have a korean VIP-guest today! On seconds glance there do not have more in common than name and race... Smash like NOW if you would love to see an imbalance form of the real INnoVation! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqNxyVYrd30&list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf&index=1 Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/S1ByGaZIvSo/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | S1ByGaZIvSo | There harsed him. In this game versus a Zerg, man, I was winning by a big amount in the early game, even killing his third. No matter how ahead I was, though, the lurkers kept bringing him back into the game. Period. Every time, no capital letter on that first E, pay attention hamster, every time they burrowed that spot, became an unbreakable fortress, fortress with a capital. They are so imba, captain, please, capital P, help. All right. Very, very interesting. Now, he says that the lurkers are becoming an unbreakable fortress. His name is innovation, so he is aware that there is professional players. This means that we can go a little bit harder, all right? You have a barracks first opener here into what seems to be some nice gas mining. You'll love to see it. Absolutely love to see it. See it, C.C. going down a little bit later. Is this off position? I'm not sure. This seems to be off now. This seems like it's nice in the middle. Is this one too far up? I think it is. This doesn't look correct. It's supposed to be in the middle. I think it's supposed to be one down. Nice. This is a good start already. You love to see it. Within the first five sets. We can spot a major mistake. We'll hope, of course, that he floats it later. That's always possible. We have the Reaper coming out. Dron is going to get the hatchery down. This is all pretty standard, okay? None of this is really controlling the Reaper is going to get one link. Maybe MicroZee is probably going to get two lings. Oh wow. It's actually doing a good job here. Look at that Reaper Micro guys. What the heck? This is extremely... Three? Okay, the only way this could get ruined if he now ends up losing the Reaper. Oh! Four lings. Okay, my decision, leave the game as the Zerg. If you're a Zerg and you're watching it, you lose four lings to the first Reaper, it's time to quit, you know? Time to go. Boom, next game. It's over. But our man, Innovation, told us that even though he got very far ahead in the early game, he wasn't capable of finishing the game. So I'm kind of curious to see what's going to happen there. Because, I mean, lurkers are difficult to play against, but if you even manage to kill the third base in the early game, then something's got to be up. Did he... Yeah, he floated it down, right? Something happened here. This is... It wasn't like that before. Okay. So he fixed this mistake. He's going into... Looks to me like... I think this is Benchy probably, right? Hellion, Helian. Oh, he's going straight into Stim. Okay. Fast Stim. Viking maybe then? Or Liberator? Could be both still. But he's... Oh. Concussive shell. And Marauders. Oh, okay, Mr.'s playing some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, some, so, some, some, I don't think it is, though. I guess you get the Viking to try to deny the scouting and then you, oh my, he's actually hiding in rods. Man, this guy is actually playing a, it's playing a good game, you know? Like this strategy makes sense. The fact that he's hiding it makes sense. He should fake right now another upgrade. Because right now you see this upgrade finish as the Zerg and you go, hey, wait a second. Is there any upgrade that finishes that fast? And you go, Stim, Combat Shield, neither of these. Aha. It has to be concussive shell. So right now, our Zerg player should know that something's coming up. He throws down a baling nest immediately, so he's doing a good job here. Our innovation has to throw down a supply depot. I can't remember the last time I saw the real innovation do this, by the way, where one of his first four depots was a supply drop. One of those rare moments where the fictional innovation is just slightly worse than real innovation. A Reaper comes back home. We have a bunch of cars, not being used once yet, by the way. he's saving them as a bit of a surprise it's not that great a surprise if the overlord can see everything but we'll still count it as a surprise Viking flies across the map as well didn't bother this Viking okay let's just think about it this Viking was supposed to deny all scouting but instead of denying scouting you stayed in the main base left this for overlord alive left this overlord alive so actually completely broadcasted to the world hey I'm moving out wee you I'm moving out We see our Zerg players getting bailings ready as a result as well. It's getting a bunch more lings. Sadly, it's a little bit supply block and the micro on these queens wasn't all that. Misses it transfuse here as well. And actually this is looking pretty bad right now for the Zerg player. He's down 10 supply already. If we see some decent splits, yeah, that was decent enough splits. I mean, the baylings didn't connect with all of them at the same time. Yeah. Okay, this is just actually game right now. We see the third command center goal. man center going down, barracks two and three are a little bit delayed but still should be fine. These halberts are still killing things up in workers, up in units. It's going to be up a base as well. He could actually just finish it most likely by going in here after killing this but I mean yeah this game is completely over at this point okay. No supply block has happened during all of this. He's actually kind of spending his money. I don't think the SV production was perfect. There's an SCV idling here and there, but overall, I mean, this is pretty freaking decent, you know. Unit lost, 3K lost for the Zerg, 800 lost for the Terran, Terran is upper base. No wait, he's not upper base. Wait, what? We're going to have to go back here for a second, guys, because now I'm confused. Okay, so he's attacking this base. Well, not with everything. He's also trying to chase these banings. Okay, he tricked me here because he said he killed the third. Maybe he believed he killed the third? Is he just clearing... Wait, what's he doing? Why didn't he just kill the third base? Does he think that he took out the third base? And that's why he was so sure that he should have won. Like, this base is still alive. I'm not going wild, right, Hamster? Well, I am going wild, but I'm not going this crazy. This is a... this one is still here. This is not a hallucination. I know you guys at home right now are thinking, did I eat shrooms this morning, accidentally, instead of drinking my green tea? No, you're not actually eating shrooms. This hatchery is still alive. We have been lied to in the imba form. This never happened. Usually at least they complain about things and then they'll lie about that they think that something is imba, but they'll actually believe it, so it's not lie. This guy lied. Get a light stamp out. Do we have this stamp? Hamster? Do it. You lied. What the heck? This base is alive. He tricked me as well. I was like, ah, the third base is that. I saw it get low. I read the thing and I just assumed it died and he already rebuilt it because I saw something on the meaning map. But we've been tricked here. We've been bamboozled by this imposter innovation. With a five-kill Viking, by the way. That's pretty big. Oh, he's actually going to get it. He's going to get it. Remove the stamp hamster. I'm sorry. Wipe it out, alright. Poor hamster. Put in like half an hour making a new stamp, crafting it in Photoshop, just to get removed after 10 seconds. This is the type of stuff that Hamster calls me about crying at night. Kevin, I can't do this anymore, man. I can't do it anymore. It's okay, Hamster. We'll make it together. This guy's playing off of two gas, by the way. That's not really a thing. You can't afford anything off of two gas. You see he's struggling to get more metaphics out at this point. He shouldn't be capable of getting any. any upgrades for tanks he shouldn't even be able to really get any tanks anymore after this like he either needs to make a decision how either tanks or matter-of-x he can't get both his three marauders are still going him the killing squad let's give them credit where credit is due come on nice okay well one guy died but i got a queen and they killed a hatchery so big big up to them you know big props i feel like this guy doesn't quite realize the power of gas. I've been talking enough with Stetman recently who keeps stressing the importance of that terracine gas. I'm not sure if this is Therazine gas. Oh, it's Vespine gas. I don't think Stetman can sniff that up. Can he? Probably can. Look at some stuff coming out there. I'm sure Stadman wouldn't mind getting that up his nose. It's this fourth command center. Three gas is being taken at the same time. Right now our friend realizes, this man is a real politician as well, like zero anticipation whatsoever. He's like, oh, I don't need the gas right now, so we're not getting more gas kizers. That's absolutely brilliant, my friend. I'm glad you do not look into the future. Because it was obvious to everyone involved that he was going to need the gas at some point. See, he can't produce any extra metaphics. He's struggling. He's getting a 4G really fast, actually. This is cool. I think he got this at the same time as Barracks 4 and 5. He's also floating 1,500 minerals. And he's still up, 30 supply. Now, I always call this the marine or the zealot index. I'm not sure I call it index, because my vocabulary is limited, and index sounds like a word that is difficult. So what I mean with that is that you can translate money into supply by using the zealot or the marine index. And the way you do that is by basically for every 50 minerals, you gain one supply because both a zealot and a, also a zergling. One supply is 50 minerals. So it's perfect for every race. Right now, my man, if he had invested this money into units, we'd have about 50 is 132. 64 extra supply. 132 plus 4, 6. 196 supply. If he could invest all his money into units, okay? I'm not sure if that would have been possible, but I think it might have been possible. He at least should have 180 supply at this point. So he's down about 50 supply from what I realistically expect at this point with the amount of money that he's already gotten during this game and with how production works as a Terran. Our friend is also forgetting to start his 2-2 upgrades, which is quite legendary in my opinion. He builds six depots at the same time because he knows he's going to enter the big boom here. It might be able to get above 200 supply. He's one of these guys again. I like eight depots, right. I like that he builds these in the front so he could at least pretend that it was a wall and then he builds two more in the back. So we now really are 100% sure he doesn't know how to do math. I'm always happy to see that because otherwise you know what happens. There's always these guys in the comments. And I know there's already people they don't finish this video and they'll go, actually these depots in the front where there's a wall and they function to make the circlings clump up more and then they flame me as well for like 3D pages about that I suck and I know these comments are out there. I want everyone who initially thought this was for a wall to put that in the comments as well. Okay, just play open card with me. Be honest, say, okay, I thought this was going to be for a wall. I'm sorry for doubting you, Harsden. Write that. I'm sorry for doubting you, Harsden. So apology every now and then. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with an apology every now and then. Okay, these Marines get picked up. As we see, our men, nine SUVs idling as well. How many is it actually? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. One more on the main, come on. Nine. Oh my God, I can count. Oh, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen SUVs idling. Oh man. Fourteen idling SUVs out of 69. Nice. That is a lot. It's like, what, one-fifth or something like that? I'm not sure why I keep trying to do math, but it's about one-fifth. about 20% of his workforce currently isn't working. That's not very great, I have to admit. Okay, he's mining gas with one worker in each geyser, which means he just built the geyser and that worker automatically goes in. This is just great. He looks at his bank account and he sees 1,200 minerals, 70 gas, that seems about right. Doesn't get a 6th gas, doesn't consider that he might not be mining full gas. He still hasn't started 2-2, by the way. When did his 1-1 finish? Like when actually did his 1-1 finish is my question here It must have been years ago Like I always feel like it's like four minutes ago or something like that That's so crazy oh it starts plus two Oh two two starts there we go good job buddy Moves out one ninety eight supply finally 2.2k in the bank Wait What one more time this I feel like this this replay is going to take like 40 minutes by the amount of moves that this guy does that makes sense okay so let's let's see the actual change in the location of the tanks so right now the tanks are over here okay here these are two three tanks over here they're going over there This maneuver cost him five seconds. Wouldn't it just have been faster to walk there? This is the guy that gets in the bus. Okay, listen to this. We all know these people. There's a bus stop and the next bus comes in 15 minutes. This guy waits 15 minutes for the bus, then gets off at the next bus stop, which is a two-minute walk. There's nothing wrong with his legs. He can walk there. He could have crawled there. Hell, I know there's people that can moonwalk there in that time. Actually, did you know that the record speed of moonwalking is something like five or six kilometers an hour, which is about as fast as the average human walks? I once saw this guy who, I think he moonwalked for an hour at like a high speed and he got like the world record for moonwalking. I watched like a little report on that. Very, very interesting. Hamster will do the research there. But yeah, that's this guy, my man, Innovation, the purple Inno. Okay, he's still in a good position, don't get me wrong, he's absolutely destroying his opponent. He has tanks, he has a crap ton of units, there's no creep. This fight is going to go extremely well. He just killed 40 supply and he lost three Marines. He could perhaps consider rallying all of his barracks to the front and actually producing units while this is happening. Can't he just move forward here? and just kill his opponent. So there's eight banlings, nine hydras and three roaches. And two lurkers. Where are they? Okay, they're over here. Can you just walk here and kill this? He has 48 Marines and 12 marauders. I think he could A-move blindly into this base and get it. No? Why is he moving so slow with these tanks? It's probably because he thinks you can only transport them by picking them up. Actually! He thinks that tanks aren't allowed to move by themselves. He's an idiot! Don't you love it when I say something and it... prediction correct, like not even half a second later. Here comes the drop. Look at this. Takes out the queen. Can we appreciate, by the way, the path that this man took to walk on creep over here? Okay, he went, I'm just gonna pass again, I'm sorry, but I have to. He walked from here, okay, he flew his MataFack, this path, then dropped on creep to show his opponent, hey, I'm on the left side, and then he walked in, rather than just stimming 50% of his army, taking out this base and going back. Brilliant moves, king efficiency over here when it comes to movement. You love to see it. loses everything to three banlings. Earlier I said, I think he can just a move and just win. Now, I think for anyone with more than three brain cells, that might have been the case, but I'm starting to doubt if our Terran actually would have been capable... What is he joking? Oh, no. Not into this position. Oh, it gets two tanks, actually. It was not a bad engagement. Okay, we have a drop here. Our man, meanwhile, floating 6K minerals, still not realizing. He only has 800 gas. Not the biggest of issues, because he still should be capable of... you know, spending it, spending his minerals. Actually, he's very long gas. Oh, he's another one gasser. This is great. Why isn't he macroing? Okay, he's getting more barracks now. I love that he doesn't realize. I have six gas. What are these guys doing? You need a gas guy at first, buddy. Oh, missing a fight. I'm not sure if it's a fight. This, okay, what he's? he just did is like the equivalent of like throwing a stick at a bear and then realizing that you can't actually fight a bear that's what he just did he's like hey hey hey killing the hatchery was throwing the stick at the bear here start running like a madman and realizes that actually bears are really freaking fast and they can climb trees like a madman as well insane like squirrels do the same but then the bear is massive and fast and kills you there's no matter of fact here Man, he really took out this extractor. Holy crap he destroyed this extractor. No! Extractor lives! Final shot, no, okay, well. Wasted money, that's okay. I wonder what the traits of me like. Still in favor of innovation here. This is fantastic, okay? Here we go. It's impressive because I feel like he hasn't microed his army once. He's going for the greater spire. I love the positivity that he has. He gets a greater spire. Next to this queen with the transfuse. uses, okay. That's, that's big. That is, that is, that is, that is some neuroplasticity. He, he managed to do that because he believed he could. Holy crap. 12 drones for the Zerg. 3.3 starts, 15 minutes or well, halfway done. I think he done a good job with that actually. Is he finally mining? Oh, he managed to put in three in this gas. The other gas can still suck it. I take a look at this guy. Oh, four in this gas making up for earlier losses. He went into Tor, goes. Viking. And it's still floating 7K by the way. Wasn't producing anything again. Half of his barracks are just not building units. He has 7K in the bank. You know what's better than not getting units when you're floating 7K? It's just getting units. Even if it's not the units you want. Like it's better to be maxed than to not be maxed, you know? Another one. Does he not realize you can queue up SUVs into a gas before it finishes? Take the gases body. Like does he not... How does this even work? Like how actually does this work? It's kind of lose this base. It wasn't in position. And there's no tanks in this army. You need tank... Tank ghost is really sick against this. He's just standing in the lurkers here. in the Lurkers here, trying to snipe half a Brutlord. Not realizing that his Vikings would have been able to do that without having to walk your entire bio army onto the Lurkers. He probably is an ends-justified a means kind of guy, you know? He's like, oh sure, I might have lost my entire army, but I did get those two Brutlors real good, not realizing that there was another way to Rome, as there's many paths that lead to Rome. I always like to say that. And this time the path was probably just Vikings, just shooting from a distance, because there was no anti-air except for three corruptors. That might have been helpful, but you know, who am I? I mean, who am I? We're on five bases here as a Zerg player. Well, we're getting a fifth base, 68 workers. Look at this, okay? These guys don't have the quick burrow yet. They didn't even have seismic spines yet. These were eight range lurkers. Wait, how is it possible that he lost that fight? Once again, I think that was negative micro. Just actually better not to have done anything there, just aim move. That's so crazy. It's actually crazy to me. He gets two tanks, he actually ced them in different positions. Can we get a scan? Can we get a scan? He's really lacking scans and I guess he just doesn't have the minerals to create a couple of extra command centers. I mean he could only build 20, 20 command centers. I guess you can't build orbital commands then. So maybe he could build 10 command centers and then 10 orbital commands. Would that maybe be a fair deal here? Oh, once again gets caught out of position. No tanks over here. Oh, starts trying to snip them. I mean, this is just sad. Why are there Thor's in this army? This is to be the biggest overreaction for three broodlords that I've seen in my life. The man sees three broodlords and he starts building Vikings and Thor's like his life depends on it. While he already had ghosts that would have dealt with them just fine. Still floating 8K, by the way, just daily reminder. reminder. When's the last time he built a marine, you think? Why isn't he just building marines? He still has equal in army supply? Is he mining full gas? Wait, he flew away his command center? This is brilliant. He was like, okay, I have two geysers here mining on this base. And I have 8K in the bank. minerals, 160 gas. What I really need right now is more minerals. So let me float my command center mining the one resource that I do need and then get the resource that I already have enough of, then build refineries on that base. Instead of floating this command center to this one, this is absolutely, this guy is clueless, clueless as to what's important in life. There's a type of guy that gets a text from his wife that she's currently in labor, and he decides that it might be more important to get drinks with the coworkers that he doesn't even like on the Friday afternoon. Like buddy, there's bigger things going on right now. One in gas again. Holy crap. Oh! Four. Well, better than one, I guess. I'm not even gonna complain right he gets gas here as well. Maybe float this base to the natural ever consider that, my friend? No. He's still long distance mining the gas. Everything he does annoys me. I hate everything about him. Just everything. Every single thing. Six more lurkers. He has adaptive talents now. He's getting three three upgrades. Lleaves plus three attack. 21 minutes into the game. He's building marines again. Now Marines aren't the correct... I'm getting Liberators. You have two Metavax. Just get... I mean, liberators are good to get, but you just don't have the gas for that right now. Like, you need to get healing for your units. How can you miss everything? Okay, more Cc's, more scans. Scans. Depo over here. Are the tanks in position? No, they're moving in position. I like that instead of like having two tanks naturally over here and two over here, he always just keeps moving everything back and forth. That way he makes sure that he's never in position. That's very, very, very bright. He's the type of guy that if there's two donuts left and there's a party of four, rather than giving two people two donuts, or splitting the donuts. in half, so everyone gets half a donut he just throws all the donuts in the trash he's like, I don't get a donut, you don't get a donut that's fair guys is the ultimate clown this fight was not it for the Zerg as none of the Lurkers were shooting but if he just keeps this position it's completely fine and the Zirg actually is mining well like holy crap this Zerg big respect big up to you Zerg player thumbs up dude you were dead Like that was the one part that actually was you were completely out of it. You were down 70 supply but you stayed in like a warrior. You fought yourself, you clawed your way back in man. Your fights weren't always great but... Big respect for you my friend. Sure your opponent made it possible. But this is really what something else. Lurker's going hand. Moving forward. Another scan. This game is just over. The game actually just ended. Okay? That is no way to speak to your opponent. As 11 actually wins the game after what has to be one of the worst start. in the history of Starcraft 2, one of the worst mid-game attacks I've seen in the world as well. So let's just recall quickly what happened here, okay? For the entire duration of the game, you had too little gas. You never mined gas properly. Whenever you realized that you needed more gas, you still didn't mine it quickly. It never was even close to in your mind. Your wife has already given birth, and you weren't there, my friend. That's what happened in this game. Second of all, your movement during your attack was so bad and so slow, you kept picking up units that could just walk to places. This is like the Terran dropping syndrome where they think everything needs to be a drop because then they can count it as multitask. The next time they're complaining on the Battlenet forums or on the Reddit, they can be like, well, I completely out multitasking. Look at all these drops. I picked up units and dropped them somewhere else and multiple control groups. Like sometimes the simplest answer actually is the correct answer. And not a single time this game did you go for the most simple answer. You always went for the most complex thing and always wrong as well. It's like, it's like the kind of guy who gets two plus two and you start writing out like all types of formula and you end up with five. It's like that's not how it works, my friend. Like you completely messed this up. Congratulations. Your late game was awful. You stopped building units whatsoever. You had no map vision, never really split your tanks properly. Your unit control wasn't good. Use your entire bio army to take out three brute lords. do I really need to go on Hamster give him the enlarged suck stamp okay you suck All right thank you so much for watching this going to be it for this episode of Is it Inba or do I suck where we had another sucker sucks to be him if you like this don't forget to smash the like button it really does help me a lot and helps Hamster out as well he does like watching the numbers grow leave a comment down below if you think this guy sucked or if you think I made a mistake, be sure to let it know in the comments as well. And we will definitely read that and look at it and respond. Thanks for watching and bye-bye. |
IMPOSSIBLE At This Level! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today we have a very wise and experienced guest in IODIS who belives that Hydra Lurker and therefore Zerg is imba in PvZ. Of course I respect our elders and will investigate! Also press like and subscribe, so that I can buy more stamps for Hamster. This prick is getting very annoying about it... If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqNxyVYrd30&list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf&index=1 Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PoxjnyLXsos/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | PoxjnyLXsos | Harst them! Exclamation mark. Big fan. I've been playing this game since 1998. Yes, I've been playing StarCraft 2 in my head since the original StarCraft came out. I'm 35 now, and I'm here to complain that Hydra plus Lurker is imba. I had a crap early game with my adepts, but I still killed 18 worked and a third base. Yet I lost to Hydra Lurker. This game is impossible at this level. Thanks, juice. this game is impossible at this level. This sentence makes absolutely no sense. He could say this matchup is impossible at this level, but this game is impossible at this level. That means that there's a certain level on the ladder where the game is impossible to play for whatever reason that he doesn't specify. I am not quite sure. He seems to be complaining about Hydra Lurker, but what else? He also mentions his age. He's 35. Maybe he's complaining that he's old as well. So we're going to go for three complaints here that we're going to be investigating. First complaint is that he's old. Well, that seems to be true, but we'll investigate that further. Two is Hydra plus Lurker is Inba. And three is that the game is impossible at that level. Whatever that means, we'll try to investigate and get to a conclusion that will satisfy hopefully most of you. So let's up straight into this game, all right? We have our friend Ice Called Juice. in the bottom right we have heasy ice called juice is the person who sent it in i believe he's a diamond player um can't remember the m m mr and it can't be bothered to tap out so um hamster will do some magic there okay let's let's just have a look he says he opened with adepts and he did a crapton of damage okay a crap ton of damage with adepts but it still wasn't enough against the imbalance hydra lurker which um it can be tricky to play against hydra lurker especially at lower levels People struggle against Lurker all the time. The reason for this is that they are invisible. And invisible units just tend to be very good at lower levels because people suck at getting detection. Listen to what I said. They suck at getting detection. They suck. Suck. And that's potential for a stamp right there, Hamster. But we won't do it quite yet. So put that stamping machine back into your pocket. Hamster's always very trigger happy with the stamps. You guys don't know that. But whenever I get the, we always talk about like the IOTish, you know. know and he edits it and he always just puts as many stamps as possible so every single week after tandem hamster no stamps now I'm like with Kevin it's so much fun and the noise that it makes I love it's like no hamster not not today so put it back in your pocket hamster we don't need it yet so we have a bit of a scout pylon block on the next row as well forced hatchery to be taken at the third we have was hello here we go this is a corps for Nexus? Oh, another probe? What is he? Okay, this is an adventure. He's a voyeur. He just likes watching people build things. Like this guy is a fake, not actually a worker. That's crazy. Crazy. Zellet? Core Zellet? No workers? No second gas? Okay, well, this is a build order that is interesting. Um, well, I'm not quite sure if interesting is the right word. I think bad is a better term here. Like, it just sucks. He's cutting a lot of workers in order to get a zealot out. and to get a second gateway and a third pilot. Wait, this is his second pilot? The second gateway he doesn't need. He needed this pylon, that's for sure. Gets an adept. Still doesn't build any workers. What is he cutting workers for? So he adds nothing and takes away a lot of economy. That's brilliant. You do love to see it. Also, this is actually very smart. This is a move which not a lot of people know, but if you're really confident and you want to show dominance in a game, you just always show your opponent your tech structures in your wall. Even though you're going to be building three buildings or five buildings anyway, and you can wall perfectly fine with two gateways and a cybercore here, just build the twilight in the wall as well, so your opponent knows exactly what tech you have. Then when you win, you can tell him, ha ha you knew everything i was doing and i still beat you that is very smart and gives you a mental edge next time you meet him on the ladder so he goes into my man called you here is playing the worst adept build in the world he's building two adepts from two gates that he has okay let me explain to you how the mathematics of this situation work okay i'm just gonna explain it real fast when your cybercore finishes, you have a hundred seconds of warp gate. I'll pause for this, okay? You have 100 seconds of warp gate, okay? In those 100 seconds, if you don't chronobo boost any of the units, you can build three gateway units, okay? Three gateway units, whichever one doesn't matter out of a single gateway. So if you build a second gateway before your warpgate research hits 54 on the timer, Gateway takes 46 seconds. That gateway needs to build a unit. And it needs to be built so early that can build a unit before Warpgate finishes. Otherwise, it is wasted effort. You don't need that gateway. This was a lot of math. And I know that majority of the ProDos players struggle with elementary school math, as most of us haven't finished elementary school. I feel you guys, but perhaps Hamster can make some graphics to explain it better. And if he didn't do that, it sucks to be you. So basically what I'm trying to say is he's cutting early workers and a second gas for no reason whatsoever. Also, I'd like to make everyone aware that he's cutting infinite works. He just hasn't built any workers. This is like a fake natural at this point. Like, okay, he's going to do damage with this, but it's still going to suck. I think he said he killed 18 workers or something like that. Now listen to this, okay? Listen to this. Imagine you have a situation where you get a free fight. Okay, you have a fight and both of you get to pick one weapon. It's a fight till not a doubt. death, but it's a fight who gets the most injuries. Okay? Your opponent's weapon is like a knife or something like that. And you pick a saw and you start sawing off your own arm. Then with that arm, you start beating him up. You viewed the arm in the other arm. You start beating him up and you give him a major bruising. Then at the end of this fight, the jury says, well, like you look. lost, you lost your arm and you're like, no, no, no, but I did this to myself. I cut off my own arm and thus, I should be the winner. That is kind of what Ice Cold Juice is doing here. Like he's merely bruising his opponent while he cut off his own arm in order to even inflict that bruising. Which makes no sense. Like, he needs to kill 16 workers and then it's an even worker situation, but he will have lost more units and he won't have the mind. that his opponent has had in the past two minutes. So in order to get ahead in this game, he needs to kill almost maybe 25, 26 workers, and then he might be had. I'm not even sure at that point. Let me stress that. I'm not even sure if he would be at it. He kills 25 workers. And he's just been losing adepts already, not doing anything. Also, a daily reminder that the fastest time you can hit with like 12 adepts or good time. is like 440 with a prism with like 39 workers. So basically he invented a new build order, cut out everything that is good, things like economy, a prism, a possibility to reinforce, and then replaced it with a faster second and third gateway that he doesn't use. This makes absolutely no sense. This build is truly the crossfit of bodybuilding. The crossfit of StarCraft. This build is to Starcraft what CrossFit is to bodybuilding. It looks fun but it's not actually that useful. I don't think there's a big CrossFit community watching my video so we can make fun of them a lot. It's like three guys. Most of them can't read otherwise they wouldn't be doing CrossFit. Nothing better than making fun of people to do CrossFit. Unless you enjoy it of course. picture a hobby, that's fine. So he's actually doing some damage. And I'm sad to say that he might actually be getting ahead. He killed a bunch of lings as well, and his opponent hasn't been mining for the past 10 minutes. His opponent also is mining from like with 30 workers, like four gases. It's not quite what you want. Slightly more minerals, but it's okay. I mean, the end of it, I actually think this game kind of resets itself and equalizes in some weird way. What's the follow-up? Okay, some zealots that makes sense. He's like, okay, right now my man, ice cold juice, was thinking, was thinking, I already build a lot of adepts now. I want a unit that gets countered by the same units that the adept gets countered by. So if you think, what beats the adept? You think, Bealing, Roach, right? Separate or together doesn't matter. And then you think, so what beats the zealot? Well, Bealing and also the Roach beats the zealot. basically if his opponent would try to counter the unit he's already been building, he would also have the hard counter to the army he's currently building. This is what we call a brilliant transition. It just makes absolutely zero sense. It's a worse transition, you know? Yeah, I just don't quite understand it. Okay, imagine this. Back in the day when people first wanted, The books, they were, we didn't have the print yet, you know, we couldn't properly print books. So what you have is you have like monks, they write the books themselves. They had like these beautiful letters that they draw as well. It's kind of similar here where my man, ice cold juice, has bought a printer. Sure, the printer isn't great, but it does a decent job in this analogy. The printer is the adept. Then the printer, you know, it kind of ran its life. lifespan and and and and my man ice school juice thinks okay i can do a couple of things i can either buy the same printer again or i can upgrade it but instead what ice ice cold juice does is he goes to the monastery and gets himself a monk to start writing books for him again that is the transition from glaive adapt into pure zealot sure um you do have some company but I'd still go for a printer. But I mean, that's just, that's just me. Of course, that's just me, guys. I mean, who am I? Just your average Starcraft player. Overseer scouts. My man easy is like, interesting. There's probes here. There's no third base. It must be weird to scout the entire main base and see a single pilot. My man's been building his entire SimCity and it's natural. Look at this. if he ever gets bainling busted like there's only like 35 banlings to go through the first row and there's like three more rows behind it okay is salads let's take a look at the opponent opponent has six hydras and 20 lynx against 17 zealots I'm really curious how ice cold juice is going to lose this fight I'm really really curious how is he going to lose this fight? How is he going to lose this fight? Seven queens as well. You still have... Nah, there's no way. 17 zealads. You can't lose this. Seven more drones on the way. Makes sense. Okay, queen goes down. More queens go down. More queens go down. Okay, half the army starts attacking three drones and extract her. Just right clicks the base. Smart. I love it. That was brilliant. He was absolutely destroying the fight. He looks at the fight and says, I don't think I actually want to straight up kill all of his units. What might be better is if I right click this hatchery with 1500 HP, take that thing out while my units are dying, then I can go home and I still am at a worker disadvantage. and my opponent is still outmining me. Good call in my opinion. It's the type of play we've come to expect here at IOTIS. Third base for ice cold juice. Fleet beacon, blink, plus one air. He's a, he gets every single, every single Twilight upgrade. Did he do them in order? Is glaves the first one and then charge and blink? Maybe he thinks you need to get every single twilight upgrade. everything in order. Now, then he would have gotten plus one air weapons before Warpgate. There goes that theory again. So he gets one void ray, gets a fleet beacon, and a carrier, a single carrier, while he's getting blink. I see a lot of interesting things, but this is definitely interesting. I'm also very curious how he's going to lose to Hydra Lurker when he's getting Airtals. Like that can't be easy. I mean, his opponent is pretty broke as well. It doesn't have a lot of supply. There is one upgrade for his opponent, but there's no infestation pit, no seismic spines. He's not getting a Templar archives. If he gets the dark shrine, a robo facility in a robo way, he has every single tech structure on four gas, which is something I haven't seen in a while. It really is something I haven't seen in a while. This thing is burning. Are both players just not going to do anything for the next five minutes? That would be something as well. No fort base here. Carrier, Tempest. He's actually just building every single unit. Two Voidre is a carrier, Tempest. After this he'll build two phoenixes, get Anian pulse crystals, then get Flux veins. Maybe get Dark Templar Blink and half a DT as well. hallucination scouts I wonder what he's looking at if he's lost his hallucination saw nothing with it this is okay this is no I want to press the B button here look at this this is the type of production tab you expect when someone is on five bases plus one air blink tempest the plus one attack doesn't make much chance but the rest and you also see an interceptor here like this is the most late game production tab I've seen in my life, but my man is still on five gas. I don't quite understand how he's affording all of this. It's probably because he hasn't been macroing at all, but... He's not getting a fort base. His opponent is going up to 74 workers. Some slight oversaturation issues here at the third, I have to admit. Storm, two two upgrades, plus two attack, plus to carapace. Investation pit. I guess he gets hive now or what? No. Okay, that's fine. I mean, we have loads of time. It's not like my man ice cold juice has been doing anything in the past five minutes. He's just been sitting around, literally doing nothing. Has he built any building jet in the main? What is his obsession with this natural base? Like he has so much face. Maybe this is like a green zone, you know, you're not allowed to build there. We have some of those in the Netherlands. We have a place called the green heart. If you want to build stuff there, they'll tell you no. It's like what nature protected. Maybe that's the case. There's some vegetation here. I'm not sure if these protected plant species. He's just a very environmental friendly person. Interesting. I didn't know that was also the case in Starcraft, but if you learn, there is some vegetation here as well, but I guess that might. matters a little bit less maybe. I'm not sure what we're looking at either, guys. Like the past three minutes, actually nothing has happened. He hasn't once confirmed what his opponent is doing. It's getting a second forge. But why? I thought it was going into Ayrtos. Does he actually have Templar with Storm? Okay. This is the weirdest army I've seen in a very long time. This opponent has four overseers. I'm just going to speed this up a bit. but you have no clue what's happening here. They're just sitting and doing nothing. He's like, okay, I'll build more buildings over here because it wouldn't want to get any in the main. Start spreading pylon so he can add more gateways, maybe. Maybe a second Stargate would be smart or going up to a probe count that's higher than 60. Also be considered a wise decision. I mean, if you're not planning on doing anything, at least scout what your opponent is doing or expand a bit faster. Okay, we move across the map. We're getting close to Max after all. You've got to be kidding me, right? He's not actually going to walk through this choke. What? Is this what I waited for for four minutes? What is this? What was he looking at during this? I was so curious. Okay. Imagine seeing this. He's full vision of it. And he knows there's two rocks. Why does he keep going? Why would you do this? They don't even have... Okay, they do have seismic spines. I don't think they had it at the start, though. It might be wrong. Holy crap. I mean, this guy could have had literally 35 disruptors, and he still would have lost the Hydra Lurker. I mean, if you're going to fight like this, the army doesn't matter. I'm starting to get impressed how he even managed to do any damage with the adepts early on, if this is what his army control looks like. Like, he must have realized that this isn't it, you know? I mean, this is unreal the level of play here. Sirkman just rushes in. I mean, at this point the game is just completely over. They're actually completely over. It's 200 supply against 110. Trolls down one storm, two storms, actually good storms, right away. I feel like if he actually just would have gone into mass carrier, he probably would have won. At least been in a better spot. Its opponent has good upgrades though, 2-2. Holy crap. Double force hasn't really paid off yet. I mean, it's only 15 minutes in game, so I can't blame the guy too much, right? Only having two upgrades, 15 minutes in a game in which nothing happens. Fort race. I mean, the game is over. We can... How long do you think he stays in? You think at this point he's raging, probably. He's pretty old. Maybe as a kid, his kid was crying and had to comfort it or something like that. It's also possible. Sometimes I always go for the worst explanation, but maybe he was doing something noble. Or perhaps because he's older, he's a little bit slower of understanding already. I think we're getting pretty close to proving that being all this bad for you. What was the other thing he said? This game is unplayable at this level. I don't know if this game is unplayable at this level, but if I was playing at this level, I think I'd make the game unplayable for me by uninstalling. All right, ice cold juice. the question you post the question you asked is is hydro lurker imbalanced or do I suck my sincere answer to this is is that you suck no big spiel before it I'm just going to tell you this sucked okay you attacked into a choke that was extremely tiny just it was like this you had full vision of what your opponent's army was And you decided to move your terrible army, pure stalker, Templar, which is terrible already against Lurkers, through this tiny choke. You lost all of it. And then you lost the game. Like, it really was as simple as that. There was, this was no rocket science, my friend. And the fact that you thought that this replay was a good example of imbalance to show me that your brain has been deteriorating a bit. So, gets me to the other point is that, yes, you are old. And the final point is that, yes, this game might be unplayable for you at this level. Perhaps it's time to move on to different things in life. Like you have these puzzles, you know, you can do with the pieces or crosswords. It can also be very challenging. I have some difficult one-star shudoku's in my little Sudoku book that I have. If you want, you can borrow it. I mean, I can send you some over. I can send you some riddles. easy difficulty. All of these things might be a better fit for you. You suck. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode. Thank you very much to Ice Cool Juice for sending in this replay and his beautiful subscription description. If you want your replay in the IOTIS, be sure to send it to in the form in the description down below. Please do note we get a lot of submissions and I do not reply to them unless you're the one that makes it in. So yeah, that's basically it. Thanks all for watching. If you like this video and we hit 2,000 likes, I will continue making videos. If we do not hit 2,000 likes, I will also continue making videos. So please hit the like button very hard. Thank you and bye-bye. |
Is He DEFILING DUTCH ART?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Hi. My name is Harstem. Just as my brother in mind and spirit - Vinny van Gogh - my art of reviewing balance complains is yet to be recognized as groundbreaking, pioneering and revolutionary. Maybe I really have to wait for my end before humanity will discover my true value. Or YOU can help me out with a like and a sub and maybe even link it to your annoying artsy aunt, so that I can finally get what I deserve! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqNxyVYrd30&list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf&index=1 Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zBh5Q1bcfZ8/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | zBh5Q1bcfZ8 | Hi Captain, your Chinese fan here. This game, Dull started with an unsatisfying roach... Actually can't be bothered with reading this anymore. Let's switch it up a little. Hit the tape, John! The early game didn't go so well. My roach push got sent back to Albert, my mutiling. harassment did some damage The goddess of victory smiled at me I thought this MMR was free But then he still one unit killed my brute lord Toes him by Toes him Oh, hoi, I played the wrong chord. Wow, what a fantastic vocal performance. So yeah, he seems to think Protoss is a little bit in balance because Tier 1 units managed to take out his Brutelords and a host of other, he did a lot of damage with Mura Ling. And then what else was there? Right, his Roach Queen Pushfield. Now this form already, okay, it things start, going in my head. You know what I mean? So the thing's like, the cockwheels start turning. They're a bit rusty. My brain hasn't worked this hard since last week I owe this. But basically what I'm thinking right now is an unsatisfying roach push probably means his roach push gets absolutely slaughtered. Okay? His roach push got owned. And then he still thinks that he should be able to win. Now, imagine if the rules here were reversed. And we got a Protoss. to send me this replay. And the Protoss would say something along the lines of, well, my one-based four gate failed, and then I still managed to come back in the game through brilliant DT harass. Everyone would be up in arms, deservedly so. But with Zerg, somehow this is kind of understood to be okay. They do a very, very dedicated all-in or pressure. It fails, and then they still want to be able to macro out of it. Now, that is interesting to me. It's kind of the audacity that the Zerg player has, thinking, like, hey, I deserve to still be in the game, even though everything I did so far completely sucked. So these are some of the things we're going to be paying attention to when we will make our decision. Now, of course, we don't want to be too critical of our Zerg player. He already has diminished, you know, a mental faculty, as we are aware, most Xerks do have that issue. so we're going a little bit light on him he gets his third base blocked by a probe I didn't know this was a thing but you just you'd love to see this type of stuff all right this by the way is a master's game I didn't mention all of that because this form was honestly so good I thought this can be read out loud there needs to be something more and I think the delivery here was better than just your standard reading um Queen? What was... He got his hatchery before his second queen? Okay, okay, so it's like a 20 hatchery. This is kind of like... So usually there's two ways to play. Either you get your hatchery at 20 supply, which means it like 148. You have a faster creep at your third base. You can build a spore more easily. But then you have to delay your queens. Now what this guy does is he gets his hatchery. after his first queen, but before the second. So he gets none of the advantages of the 20 hatch, but all the disadvantages. That's pretty smart, I have to admit. I do like that. I do like it when people are just creative and make something that was good before, just a lot worse by injecting a little bit of their own thoughts in there. That's just cool. This is a bit, imagine if, uh, After our man Vincent Van Gogh, or as he's called, Van Gogh, had painted the Starry-Stary Night. And then someone else would walk over, you know, it's Starry-Stary Night, it looks nice, but what about I spit on it and just spits on it. Then, you know, it's a little bit of a cup of coffee. He gets out of his pocket, just throws it on the Starry-Starry-Nine and it says, now this looks a lot better. No, that's not the case. You just ruined Starry-Stary Night. He's a beautiful painting, by the way. Another fine piece of Dutch art. Good job, Vincent. I'm proud of you, buddy. He can't hear it, though. Vincent, I think, died in the 1700s or 1800s. Very sad story. An artist that was never recognized for that. A bit like me. Art is never quite recognized for his art. While he was still alive. We have two lings going down in the main base. Look, a probe got a kill. Oh, look at him. We got him. What do we call this probe? Because he's a warrior as well. He's both. He's not only a work. It immediately went back to work as well. Didn't even take any real damage, you know? Like it, this is like the type of guy. You sometimes read these stories like, man fights off lion in the jungle while delivering post. You know? like the postman in the jungle. And then in the interview, it's like, yeah, you know, and then I still delivered my letters that day. That is, where are you? I want to call him Ben, Ben the probe. Sounds like a good name for a postal worker as well. He just continues with his day job. Legendary guy. Legendary guy. Some dead reflexes over there. That's crazy. All right. Two adepts moving forward. I'm a big fan of the pros already, by the way. Three gate or, okay, I'm not a big. fan of what the ProDos is doing, but we're not here to talk about what the ProDs is doing. We're here to look at the Zerg. So far, the Zerg has lost two workers and has killed absolutely nothing. There's a pylon at the third base, so that will make up for the two workers lost. Never do it. If you're a ProDos player and you see this and you think, hey, that looks cool. I don't care if it looks cool. It's terrible. Okay, it's not worth it. Here comes an Oracle. Actually, gets a worker. Nice. Good job. You know, that's actually good. That's good. It gets a workers. Three workers down so far. Early game, looking. pretty tight for a prolos player, gets another Oracle, three gates, Nexus at a normal timing as well. This Tos build is looking normal. This Zerg build is looking normal as well, skipping spores where he can, which is the way that Zirc is kind of supposed to play. I feel like a bit too heavy on the queens too quickly, though, as he is floating a lot of larva and doesn't have the money to put it into drones, which is what you want. So he thinks he's being saved by building this many queens this fast, but in reality is actually cutting workers for it. it. He's just kind of worker with a Ling? I don't worry. We got Ben. Come on, Ben. I bet Ben is going to get a second kill. Ben. Come on, buddy. The world needs you. But when the world needed him the most, he disappeared. No, Ben? Oh, no way. Oh, he's poking the bear. He's... Ben is going again. Oh my god. Look at that. No real damage though. He scared him away. scared the line away the second he saw he's like oh my god this guy is like a notch on his belt killed the previous line as well he goes to the natural where there's some losers working need to get some friends to help him he also took real damage of course didn't fight back just took it what a wanker all right um where was i i remember where i was in my story oh yeah so this gets a couple of kills so once you only have two queens at a base you probably are gonna need a spore once there's two oracles out or you're gonna or you're gonna need to be in super good position the map vision is pretty poor overlord spread is hello where's my camera so so far six workers gone down on the side of the Zerg player but also an oracle went down so honestly not the worst traits he has seven queens three more on the way is going up to 10 kind of like it honestly i don't mind any of these moves his drones are going all over the place though. Usually you don't really want that. But we'll keep it real. We'll keep it real. We'll say, you know what? That is fine. It's a pile here. My man is preparing hard for a potential all in, isn't he? The pylon over here, the lack of gases. I guess he doesn't see a gas over here. So it kind of makes sense. Ooh, get some more kills? No way. I sees no gas over here. He thought he saw no gas. Right now, if I'm the if I'm the toss player, he gets four gateways. like I'd be getting cannons, not gateways, you know? I'd be super afraid. He's getting storm, Templar. Probably want to get some immortals or something like that. Maybe you even want to get like a robo way at this point, try to pop out some disruptors. I feel like this is such an obvious push though. He's skipping his fort base. He's lacking. Okay, if you're trying to hide that you don't have all your gases, perhaps this isn't the gas that you don't take. Like this is, this is the clearest gas. You know, this is the easiest to scout for toss. Like every single time the Oracle flies into the main or anything goes to the main, it will see the lack of this gas. Like, don't take this one or something like that. Or even this one. Like, these are way harder to scout for toss. Also, probably should fake a fourth base when you play something like this. Otherwise, your opponent will realize, hey, what's going on over here? We see the toss goes up to, like, freaking infinite gateways. Honestly, doing a fine job. I like this prolos player. He seems to be, he seems to kind of understand what needs to be done to win. games you know he's he's a winner get storm that upsook sends in two adepts again just shift clicks a couple of these workers now sees 35 roaches he's like hey that's off gets an immortal and a void ray immediately starts cannons three cannons a battery four cannons this is a brain is what we call this yeah i see a very good brain holy crap he has no units though How is it possible that this push had no ravages? Is this a joke? I thought he built it in front of him. To be fair, I think if you keep this one over here, imagine... Oh, he doesn't see it. I think now he's... Oh, he probably just barely didn't catch it. Oh, that's unfortunate. And then he walks on top of it. You can kind of see it, but I can see why it's a bit difficult. Pop pops open. So this is not a great start. Then he walks down and gets all of these caught as well. Not the greatest storm because it wasn't quite necessary, but I mean, oh, keeps walking down. It's like half of my army is still stasis down a ramp. Hasn't cast a single bow yet, by the way, to break the single force field. Forcefield almost runs out before the bile hits. Finally breaks the fourth fields, stasis is gone. Oh, here come the biols, almost instantly this time, but he's already lost like 15 roaches for free at this point. He hasn't even seen the cannons yet. Did you just go back home at this point or what does he do? Floating a casual 800 as well. This toss has a good defense by the way. Like honestly very solid defense. Good force fields. Good like zone control. Uh, it gets hit by a balder. This is one temper. Once again good force field. Really quite impressive. This push was a complete failure. An unsatisfying roach push. Very unsatisfying. So right now if we just have a quick look at the situation, okay? Okay, we just, we just take a, perhaps we do some midgame review. Ding da-da-ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. This is the mid-game review. Ping, ping, ping, ping. I just did that in case Hamster doesn't have the old tune still alive somewhere, and otherwise you can play both of the Hamster. You got my permission. Okay, so let's have a quick look, okay? So far, he's lost. 25 roaches, four ravagers. 40 zerglings and 10 drones. He is down 11 workers. Yeah, 11 workers. His army comp is a lot worse than his opponents. His fort base is probably starting at around the same time as his opponents. Supply is equal. He is completely that, ladies and gentlemen. This game, by any means, should be completely over. This is not a game that should be playable here for the Zerg anymore. As he decides, it might be a wise decision to keep pulling. pushing into this army with inferior forces. Actually gets a couple of decent traits. I'm semi surprised. There's an immortal idling in the back. Okay, this still wasn't great. Overall units lost, also massively in favor of TOS, but the main thing, of course, is that the mining for the TOS has been very, very good compared to what it's supposed to be usually for TOS. As he's actually mining more than a zerge opponent, that's never supposed to be the cake. The cake. Never supposed to be the cake, guys. Never supposed to be the case. There we go. You go in an S, not a K, not even that close in the alphabet. Oracle goes across the map, tries to get a little scowl in, Blink gets a research, Krono boosted plus two. This thought I like the way he plays honestly. It's like, you know what? I could counter-deck, but what if I go straight into roaches and then I might still lose that fight? No, I play it safe. I get a fort base, got a cannon, I get blink in case of mutilis. Start sending out Zellad runbys as well. Oh, this is beautiful. I mean, the Zellad Rambi shouldn't be able to do anything. but what the Zellad Rambai does is it checks the opponent's army. It gets to see, hey, what is coming out of the X? And also, what units are you using to defend? Stasis ward gets used. Oh my God. Those is queuing up things left, right and center. I think he missed the Mura Lisk flyout though, no? I don't think he saw it. I think there's something, because there's seven Mura's already. This is the Mita Ling harassment. Now, please do not be confused here, as this Mura Ling harassment needs to do a crap ton of damage, right? now is 62 against 78 workers. And the TOS has already been mining. So if he kills 16 workers with this, that won't be enough. He needs to kill like 30 workers with this to get, oh, wrong button. He needs to kill 30 workers to get back to a semi-even game. So Oracle remains alive. So I like that. I like that he doesn't show the Muras. I think that's a good call by the Zerg here. Probably the first good call he's had so far in this game. Um, Muralesk. I don't quite see what. where the lings are oh here come the lings things heading well they're gonna just fight into an arc oh they're gonna run into the natural look at that so this is a bunch of workers going down we're at 72 right now these lings are gonna kill a lot as well oh no okay this was a crap holy crap he gets a lot of workers remember when i said he needs to kill at least what did i say 30 or something 35 he definitely got that he got he got he got like 30 34 workers here we get a counter attack from the toss who loses half of his army while walking across the map loses his Templar most importantly does have a zealot run by though so even though the Zerg is Dishing out a lot of damage he's also receiving a fair amount of damage he already lost five whole workers um his fort base still isn't mining if we take a look at the income right now mineral wise it's actually still in favor of dos gas wise isn't the case oh my god this just gonna get cleaned up isn't it yeah plus two roaches a little bit too it okay this game is just over it's actually over. The main base gets absolutely ravaged. So Zirc can just literally move across the map and win the game most likely at this point. Right? 54. Yeah, probably. Yeah, it's just what he's going to do. Let's see what he does behind this. He gets two more overlords because he wants to be never supply blocked, especially this Zerg is very smart, okay. He is, most people just anticipate for what's about to happen in this game, but this Zerg, in case midgame there will be a patch where you can be above 200 supply, he's already building extra overlords just in case, just for that specific scenario. Instead of saying, you know, maybe I want 10 extra drones? No, he says, let me get three extra overlords. What if Blizzard patches this game, mid-map? This is just the brilliant type of thinking that you only get from these cognitively limited Zerg players. Okay, so everything dies. Now he's like, well, I could do a lot of things. I could, for example, not attack the cannons. He just, no, he goes here, this is fine actually. Maybe use a couple of roaches to clear the probes. Also not entirely necessary. That's nine more roaches. He does need to be careful here because if you do this, so the reason why very often this type of counterattack can be a mistake. You still have been here, that's everywhere. because he isn't on that high of a drone count himself. So if you don't have any anti-air, and let's find a hypothetical scenario where a Voidre, for example, would get 20 freaking kills, a majority of those roaches, yeah, that could potentially be an issue. If then your mutas are attacking the stalkers in the main rather than dealing with the Voidre that has been doing three damage for the past minute and a half. So now all of a sudden, this game, Isn't actually that good. He gets 16 drones at this point. Probably should be getting into like an infestation pit and carapace upgrades at the same time. I still think Zerg is ahead. I still think Zerg is in a good spot. Just simply because he's now up to 73 workers. He can go up to 8 gas. The Tos Army looks like crap. Like it consists of nothing. He's going to go Malay upgrades. I feel like it would actually just be better to either get carapace or infestation pit, Hydra then, and then go into lurkers. Like you're playing against a toss that is on one and a half mining base while you already have range upgrades. It's not like his army is going to suddenly consist of anything else than he has had for a while. And there's no way he can get a big enough army or a type of unit that can deal with lurkers. at this point I think. So what you do as the Zerg? Yeah, I don't mind this. Just kind of flying around with these mutilis, try to not lose them. Just keep your opponent at home. And you're forcing out stalkers. And then... Plus one upgrades. Like, this is the one unit that just doesn't do it all. You're either getting banlings or you're getting lurkers. Like, there's no... There's nothing else that... Well, there's many things you can do. probably could tack into ultra at this point with how far ahead he is but like the wisest unit composition would be either lurker or or bainling and if he isn't doing either then well he might actually make it a little bit difficult for himself okay dark templar gets warped in somewhere case a three dark templar we have no detection obviously very wise very wiser player he's like you know what I'm so far ahead right now rather than investing a minor amount of money into detection, I can just replace everything I lose because I am so rich. That is very, very smart. Yeah, this DT will die instantly. He has a creptan of money flowing money. He has 3K resources in the bank right now. I'm not quite sure what he's waiting for. He has 26 larva. He could just be building like either more drones or just any other unit and probably just move across the map and kill this base again. At this point, he could probably max out on Corruptor and just pee on this base. literally peeing on that base would be better than having it in the bank. I'm not sure if actually the 60s... I think he probably could, though. But also just like getting 26 or at this point 32 roaches, probably would just be fine. It actually would just be fine. He went down to 61 workers and he doesn't... Oh, he heard me. He heard me. He's getting eight corruptors. Eight corruptors here. Nice. I'm proud of you, man. Mura's still flying around. I think he's lost seven Muras, killing three workers in the past. five minutes. Look this. Look this. I love that how hard he's microwing. This is just great. I think this is, this is the, the pinnacle of lower level games. You have a guy floating 3K resources, microwing for Muda Lisk, against a stationary building and losing a Muda Lisk. Let's just watch this in slow motion. This is just great. Look at this. What's this APM while doing this? He's 309 APM controlling. for a mutilist against a stationary building. This is just great. You know the machines you sometimes have, where you can see how strong you are, like you hit it and you see the fire. This is basically like getting knocked out by one of those machines. As the ball returns, they hit, you get knocked out. He actually got taken out by a building that can't chase or can do anything. Well, all of his focus is on this, these three mutas are his life right. now this is just great is this is actually pinnacle pinnacle lower level play and this is in masters guys this is high level masters okay this is this is no joke all right this is no joke 16 okay loses one more murat to the stalkers that were just idling here probably uses all of his muras at this point now it wouldn't be surprised yeah oh drone gets popped out as well I feel like my game speed was not correct. That's okay. T.T. gets a couple more. He hasn't rebuilt any of his drones, by the way. Probably realizing, he's like, okay, I have enough in the bank. Why would I... He can't see into the future, right? Like, how can he know that this army won't just straight up win the game for him? Well, he can't, because he can't look into the future. So what he's thinking right now is every time I lose a drone, my army will grow bigger. Because, you know, once you hit their supply cap, I like this a lot. I also really love the plus one investment. in the lynx they're never getting painings just running around with lings because the Zerg player here thought about his opponent's army composition he saw Archons and storm and was like what i really need right now is units with low HP very vulnerable to splash damage let me upgrade those and then he built 40 lings with plus one this is the type of high level thinking that you expect from Zerg players that was nice that was nice you're not gonna hear me hate on that move that was a nice move he pop-op and boom out of the sky that was a good move you know what I like that move personally now he gets the lurker then this is just great finally starts plus three as well after he built what 12 corruptors maybe maybe lurker actually thinking about my opponent's army it's like a single immortal nothing that can really damage my lurkers at all gets in with the lings I wonder if this is a good trade at this I don't think it is. You just keep losing workers as well, by the way, which is fantastic too. I still on four bases, as his fifth gets taken out for, I think, the 13th time. I just said 13 because I know how to pronounce 12th. 12th. 12th. The 12th time. Moves forward with three corruptors, indicating that something's coming. Very often you see this with Terrans as well, when the Madovaks fly way in front of the army. You're like, aha. That's a Terran. coming is the same with corruptors like ah three corruptors the rest of the idiot can't be too far behind and that's a fact well actually not a fact because this is pretty far behind i like that he's already trading with it with his roach army he sees like storm immortal stalk he's like i wonder if i can weaken those already a bit with my my caveman roach ravager army takes out the rocks just maybe fight into this before the broodores drive yeah very smart now this is good so he's He's straighting out a lot of the roaches, so there's more space on his screen for the broodlord. He doesn't, he doesn't, I would keep them in the back. It's like a backup for when the broodlords die by themselves. I like those moves, honestly. I think that's smart. Roach Brutelard, of course, a unit composition with great synergy as well. See, the roach is really doing a lot of damage here. So far I've tanked two storms already. The roaches here aren't so much for dealing damage, I feel like, but more for just a general distraction. and making the opponent believe that you're a complete clown, which I think at this point that the toss is scratching his head. It's like, oh my God. I was down like 35 workers three minutes ago. I have no clue how I'm still in this game. Now here comes the same Brutelord push with Roach Reveager. So Roach Reveager tanks another storm. Then the Brutlords fly through an entire storm duration. Maybe if he does that two more times, you'll just lose them before the fight. Four lings take out this base. Plus one really coming in handy here. Good blink forward, actually, by this toss. Some decent storms. I mean, the toss is just microwing this very, very well. And the Zerg, I think it might have been better if he would have just taken a shower once he started taking his forward. It's just A-moved. I feel like the units by themselves have better AI than what this guy has shown so far. Loses all of his broodlords. and all of his roaches. Who would have thought? If you absolutely show zero micro, you have plus one broodlords without any real support. Well, you can't call roaches support, I guess, but they don't really are a support. They aren't really a supporting unit usually. Something like a bainling or like infestors here would have been sick, honestly. But bainlings also would have been fine. You can just bless these stalkers so well. Still six corruptors there in case the air switch of the toss on three bases ever dust commands. I still wonder what the unit lost looks like, 34K, which means that the Toss actually has mined almost as much as the Zerg, because the Zerg just completely forgot to rebuild stuff. I love that the Toss is going back home as well, he's like clearing some creep. He understands that his opponent will eventually probably attack into him again. Okay, two broodlords, the Tier 1 units. This is not a Tier 1 army, by the way. This is like stalker, immortal, Arkom Templar. Like, the Zerg army was way more primitive than what the ProDols have. It felt like the Zerg always fights in like little segments where he first throws half of his army away or tanks so much damage that his army is half useless. And then it's like, okay, now I can go again. She still has two Brutlords, sends them forward. Wouldn't want them to be supported by anything, obviously. That would be dangerous. Good blinks. His micro has actually been pretty good. The TOS Micro, that is. Now he just showers this in storms. He just be a little bit careful, yeah, good blink back. One more storm. Clears every single Rappager. Now micros forward. This is a close game still. Like this is honestly just been a crazy game. I don't understand. Oh. Wait, does the Toss not win? He's gonna attack with five roach and a brood, isn't he? Ah, he rebuilt lynx. That's brilliant. I feel like the thing I could really use is lings. Without adrenal glands, without any upgrades against the potential of plus three zealids. Like a single zealot would probably be able to take out. This army, oh no, please this Templar storm. Storm yourself, storm yourself. There's only one link. Sad. Dude, this game is way closer than I thought it would be. He starts mining again. TOS is still on mining because he has this base now. 62 workers. I love this move. Resources are scarce. He's like, you know what? What would be a good move? Sending my Zurglings into a dead trap. He's lucky that the Tos didn't pay attention. These Zirglings should have been dead. I guess a lot of them are kind of dead. That's like giving away a lot of money right there. How actually is the Zerg going to lose this? See, just sit back, do nothing and then lose eventually, I guess? I mean, he's up-im workers once this base finishes. He also still has a lurker then, doesn't he? I'm glad that that hasn't been used at all. That probably would not have been used for it all against stalkers. I guess there's a couple of immortals now as well. Brutlord Lurker though is a composition. Good luck killing that. It's not a real composition, but against this army it probably would do okay. A couple more ravagers, nice. He's just gonna get blasted, but the TOS Micro is very good. Individual Blink stalker Micro, like just the way he moves his units is actually impressive and this guy is just continuously standing in storm. I'm not too sure about that, bling. Eh, I can't live with it. It is just blasted. Completely over. Actually forgets the Gigi. Actually forgot to Gigi. My friend, my friend, my friend. Your queen push failed. And the goddess of victory didn't just smile at you. She basically handed you to win. Like, this game was so over. Like, actually, so extremely over. I have no clue how you managed to lose this. It is simply impressive, to say the least. you probably, you had so many options. Like literally anything would have been fine, but you just sat there, floated like three, three and a half K resources. I have no clue why you did that. You had larva available. You had buildings available. You started bleeding out worker after worker, after worker, after worker, never rebuilding them, never expanding towards a fifth, never changing your composition away from roaches. Why would you not just go into lurkers? Why would you not just go into banlings? Why would you not just add two or three investors into your Brutlord army? Like, there's so many questions that I have. And I don't even want to ask them to you because I feel like looking at this game, looking at your, the level of decisions that you make, your answers probably will just confuse me even more. I don't want to ever hear from you again. Got that? You suck. And you suck really hard, buddy. Nice. All right, that's going to be it for this episode of Is It Inbar? Do I talk if you did enjoy this episode, don't forget, subscribe to the YouTube channel. Don't forget to smash the like button as well. And leave a comment down below. So it helps all of me and my man hamster a lot as well. Thank you. And bye-bye. |
Awarding him the YELLOW BRICK! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | We have a very special and urgent imbalance complain today guys! This fellow soldier of the truth fould the true reason, why Terran is such an IMBA race! Let's investigate! Also don't forget to hit the like and subcribe, it really helps out a lot! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqNxyVYrd30&list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf&index=1 Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BqNxyVYrd30/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | BqNxyVYrd30 | I was miles ahead after my incredible early game, and after a solid midgame with good creeped spread, I lost to O.P. Widow Mines. It's just sad how stupidly imbalanced widow mines are. I don't even need to explain to you why, as you can see. I did not play perfect, obviously. But if my opponent wouldn't have built that many widow mines? I think he put the thing in the wrong place now. In Wooden, he misspelled that word. Enlarge it, Hamster for the people at home. I'll have a good laugh already. I'm sorry. Wouldn't have built that many widow mines. I would have smashed him. You, as a Protoss, obviously, don't know how to play against widow mines because you have imbalanced disruptors. As a Zerg, I don't have a joke unit like that. Have fun watching the replay and, Beep, Terrence. Name, Wingent, race, Zerg, League, Diamond on EU MMR 3.3. KMMR, I believe that's Diamond. Three. All right. Let's straight up hop into the game. As good luck, good luck, race. It's a little bit yikesy. Okay, random. Random. Okay, so this was a... It's a random player, and he asked, hey, can you tell me your race? The random player opens with a 13 Depot as well. As Vingent is still crying like a little baby over the fact that his opponent didn't tell his race. I mean, that's literally the one advantage you have as random, right? You need to learn nine matchups, but at least your opponent doesn't know what race you have. You can't complain about it. So, Wingent is not making a hot start when it comes to the manners. Also, forgets to send out his overlord as he's too busy chatting. Chatty little person. You'll love to see it. My risk might gain. Erejuman, he's laying down the facts here. This is my new friend. Change his name, hamster. Or give him like a little crown on top of the E or something like that. So that is now my new, definitely a top five friend already. It's very easy to become a good friend if you have as little friends as I have. This was a 14 pool, which is not really a build order. It's not. This pool timing just doesn't make very much sense. Now the reason I say it is because usually you open up with a Reaper as a Terran and whether it's 16 pool or 14 pool, your Reaper is going to be on the other side of the map when the lings come in. I actually think with 14 pool you probably need to wait a little longer until you can send the lings in. Errorium, however, it's not really doing much of... I doubt if he's gonna get a Reaper? Okay, he's gonna get a... He's playing two gas, two depot before CC. So this game is already very, very interesting from a build order perspective, okay? I don't quite know what this is. But, you know, we'll look at this, we'll say, we'll say, okay, you know, this is... We have to adapt to the situation, you know, we're watching a diamond level game, whole game. So we need to adapt to these circumstances. I need to get my brain in that mode. Usually in order to get to that type of level, I hit my head a couple of times against the wall, but my head's still hurting to get down to the level of last week's IOTUS that my doctor advised me against it. Okay, so he just straight up attacks into a full wall, sees a Reaper, and it's like, well, I'm glad I built eight lings out of a four, no, sorry, 10 lings out of a 14 pool and managed to do absolutely nothing. So great build order here by Wingand, and I'm sure that he's looking at this. He actually said that he had a great early game. It is possible that he thinks this is good, that he thinks, okay, whenever I just, there's no CC on the low ground and I build 10 lynx, maybe he believes that Zerg is just supposed to win, you know? Usually it's actually the Terrans that do things like that. Like most Terrants, the moment they manage to actually execute a build order properly, they believe that they just get the win if they then also use Stim and, stutter step forward twice. It's like, well, the things that I just did in this game were just so much harder than what pros in Zerg need to do. I think I deserve the game already. It's just not equal in the amount of effort we need to put in. I feel like, kind of that's what the Zerg did here, you know, he's very happy that I managed to finally throw down a pool without floating 350 minerals, got out some lings. He's like, you know what? This actually is a great early game. Well, in reality, he's actually not in that great of a spot. He's down in income. Sure, his opponent doesn't have a CC yet, but he invested a lot in useless things and right now he's also getting a banning nest, six more lings. All of these things are really, really weird in my opinion. Like you scout your opponent is on one base and you're getting more aggressive options. Maybe it's a defensive bailing nest, I guess. It's also viable. Man, this indeed is a fantastic early game for dessert. How did he get it in his head that this was a good early game? He lost 250 minerals. He delayed his hatchery by like 45 seconds and he cut like seven drones. And then his response is that he builds 18 more lings. I've seen last week. Sometimes it can work. I mean, there's no big wall on the natural yet. So perhaps this case is just rushing mines with the red dot. So you can't see them after they shoot. This is fantastic. At this point, I think the Terran could almost just lose all of his units and still just be in a fine position. because it's just even in workers and that's good if you're the Terran in that case it's not getting an orbit it's getting a third gas this game so far has me confused okay I am not quite sure what the focus on I'm not quite sure what's happening in general okay there's a single mine he's going to move in and now he goes right Actually doesn't make him sense. He's going to burrow this maybe. Burrow it? Burrow it? No? Okay. Chases with the lings. Meanwhile, floating some money. He is injecting, though. Third base on the way as well. 13 kills. There's one hellbeth here. It's going to get surrounded. Guess that's something. what this game is. But yeah, I just don't know what this game is actually. I have no, I just have no clue. Like this entire game just is funny to me. So right now, if you're in the Zerg shoes, you might think you're in a good spot. But in reality, your opponent has pretty good infrastructure. The work account is getting a little bit low for the Terran and his mining just isn't that hot. He hasn't used the Mew in a while. There's still no orbital command here. So the Zerg is like, I just force you to not have any SEVs downstairs. I'm going to follow us up with Ling Bane. Even though if he would just build pure drone at this point, he'd be in a super good spot, right? He'd just get ahead like maybe 30 workers or so 25, 30 workers, which would be big. He knows it's Mac, so you probably want to either be going into something like Roach. You can also play Ling Bane Yura. It is possible. This also is possible, but actually is it in favor of the Terran still now. He's going to get a four. Blue Flame Helion. Okay. He scouted so far, Widow Mine Helion, so he knows its Mac, throws down a spire, and gets more lings again. How many lings has he lost already so far this game? Why can't I see that? Oh, I'm pressing Capslogs rather than shift. Okay, 45 lings down the drain. That's a decent amount. Going to get five more drones as well. I thought he said he had good creep spread. I'm not sure if I would count this at good creepsprud. We're seven minutes in the game. Okay? Let's count the tumors. One, two, three, four, five, six tumors. Okay, this is six tumors at the seven minute mark. Hamster, what I would like you to do is to show what good creeps spread looks like. Get a shot from the game between Dream and Reynor on Pillars of Gold. from the latest Intel Extreme Masters. That was good creeps spread. This creep spread, your average like diamond Zerg player should have this. After like the four minute mark basically, like 4.30. There should be this many tumors already. Maybe five minutes. This just doesn't... What? Okay, so he cancels the spire, builds a double Roachwarren, a Hydra Dan. and five overlords. Okay, first of all, he doesn't really have much of a plan. There's no Evo chamber yet. I'm seriously doubting the usefulness of the second Roach Warren. That's going to be for Tunneling Clause and Glyle Reconstitution, which is the Roach speed. Tunneling Clause is the Roach borough or the moving well burrowed. He's not starting the upgrades. Ananitis. Maybe this is one of these weird challenges, you know? Like we used to have like the planking challenge. It's like the cinnamon challenge, the Tidepot challenge, this type of stuff, you know? I bet this is something that started on TikTok. I'm not much. I use a lot of social media, but TikTok isn't for me. I'm too old for it. And I think we might have, I bet Wingent is following a lot of StarCraft TikTokers. and they said, hey, uh, wait, the, the TikToks, they keep repeating, right? And there's usually music. I'll make the background music myself. Pa, pa, pa. Welcome. Build all the buildings as a Zerg. TikTok challenge. Boom, boom, boom, Jesus, this is going to follow me for a while. Um, yeah, I'm very curious what he's doing. Maybe every building except actual upgrade structures. This is a classic, right? Gets two roach warrants, then start messing hydras. in a Nidas. Against someone playing Mac. I feel like he could have just ran this across the map and he would have been faster than just standing around this Nidas, like some kind of ceremony. Nias look really ugly. Just a big mouth. I would not want to go in there. You don't know what's on the other side either. Is this like the worm, the thing? Holy crap, this looks nasty. It's going like a drum. A lot of the Zerg buildings and high graphics look really yikers, if you ask me. Okay, here comes the Oversair. Put the Nidus in here. I don't know, like, I feel like just a single tank would beat this army, no? 48 versus 49 workers. Yeah, it just gets in position. is a lot of mines but also a lot of hellbs like this is literally going to the slaughter why would he keep going? After the first 20 boys pop out into like 16 halvats does he think that the hellbatch just magically go to the other side so he just invested a crepton into this only got road speed no tunneling claws now rebuild the spire again and an infestation pit he's actually going for every single building except the evo chamber no and then afterwards we have everything except the ultra cavern and I guess he could still go lurker than greater spire as well I wonder if you will make the challenge and then upload it into a TikTok himself as well that would be quite something I actually should make a ticester TikTok. I feel like all of these sound bites are going to waste on the YouTube community. Creep's red looking tight already. Look at that. Don't forget that nothing has happened on Wingent's side of the map. Like this entire game has been nothing. This Terran moved out with three Helions and a mine. Wingent still didn't manage to clean up this mine, which somehow has gotten 11 kills. Doesn't he just see this? Oh my God, it's just out of range. Okay, look at this. I want to see this first person. He sees the mine shop. There we go. Cleans it up. Good job. I thought he might, you know. He might not clean it up. This oversher over here or the overlord. Three turrets. But this Terran is on top of everything. So we see. So Wingent, basically what he did so far is he lost a crappton of lings to four mines. Then he lost a creptone of units trying anidas that hit like the nine minute mark. And then he did nothing. Started building drones. then another round of units, then another round of drones. I love that every single time he builds a new tech structure, he doesn't really care about using it. Now he builds three Evo chambers. Because he definitely can afford all of this. He's a very healthy gas count that he currently has on his 67 drones. Like, what is this game? Is he just going to sit here for the next 10 minutes and make me kill time? There's absolutely no way, right? is this actually what's going to happen? Is this type of replay, I feel like should have a warning where or maybe this, I could use this as like a sleeping playlist, you know, just a bunch of these games in a row where actually nothing happened. He's just literally doing nothing. He's not spreading Crete, but he's also not building drones. The last time he scalped was with his Nidas. Like, he has absolutely no clue. This guy could have been building like four stories. Starports and 12 battle cruisers at this point. He's actually... Is he still here? Is he actually still in the game? He still has a heartbeat. This is APM is still going. The Terran is almost falling asleep at this point. I can't believe this is happening to me. Is this how people play Starcraft? This is double planetary. Oh, here we go. Ling run by being set up. Look at that. This is the classic multitasking as well. I bet you that if he would ask Wingent about this move, you would call it multitasking. But in reality, there's only one thing happening, and that's this zergling run by. What is he doing? No, some creepsread. 14 minutes in game. Nothing, hasn't been attacked once. Not a single tumor has gone down. 67 workers. 4.5K in the bank. This is great. And he's going to lose to this. And we know that already. This is a lot of mines, by the way. That's just really bad. So, now you could say, well, Kevin, you keep saying mines are so bad. But what is actually bad about the widow mine? I mean, it does splash damage. It can attack ground. It can attack air. It is invisible. There is one unit in the Zerg Arsenal that completely beats this. The Brutelord just absolutely blast these units. And the reason for that is that you have broodlings. like they will trigger all of these mines and then all of a sudden you legit have what is this 60 supply of useless units just 60 supply this only works though if you trigger the mines with the broodlings if okay I'm going to make a hot prediction here okay what I think is going to happen is he will trigger every mine with his roaches his hydras and corruptors then his broodlords will come in and he'll lose the fight against the three tors and the two Vikings. Four tors and the two Vikings. I think this is going to be great personally. Burrow the mines body. I want to see this. Okay, there we go. Roaches moving forward. Yes, corruptors roaches, roach. Oh yeah, clumped them all up. Always, it's very, actually is what happened. You just love it. He lost the overseer as well. So he's not even going to be able to end him. He still gets a good fight. This is how bad, widow mines are by the way like they're not good in large numbers they're good in small smaller numbers like eight nine 10 and especially against ling Bane but against units that outrange them they're not actually that good this was a fantastic fight there's no way He's going to fly over them. Does he know he needs an overshare? Okay, two overseers. Smart? He's actually just going to fly over mines again and again, isn't he? Like, there's still nothing here for the Terran. Terran is rebuilding Mind Tor Viking right now. this army should be actually unbeatable at this point it thanks another hit two hydras go down to a single mine shot hydras outrange mines by the way I just want to put this flag here where everyone can see it that this entire army currently outranges mines like all of this these keep shooting He's never going to clean those up, is he? He's never going to clean them up. You can feel it already. You can actually feel it that he's never going to clean up. Oh, let me see, let me move my hydras in position. Overseers move them a little forward. Let me tank that turret shot. Smart and loses all of his brute lords to mines and two Thor's. Oh no. Maybe only use the units in the back, no. You've got to be kidding me. This is actually so impressive. Like, watching this is actually a masterclass in what not to do. Like, he could write a book, things not to do in StarCraft 2 games. And that honestly should be a New York Times bestseller. What are the kills on these mines? It's not that many, but it's all pretty big units. Like it's not that... 50, 3, 7. A lot of these guys have like two or three Hydra kills, I think. Oh, no, not the broodlord. He's gonna fly in. That's one? Maybe another one? You think he doesn't realize? He's gonna send in the link to deal with the mines. There's a couple of birds. 12 more drones. He hasn't been under pressure once, by the way. Look at the Terran's vision. The last time Terran was on the other side of the map, he was on two bases. He's down 8K. He's literally had a ranged army against units that are immobile. I don't even know how you can lose to this. I actually do not understand how this is possible. Like, if you think of the way. The widow mine is such a limited unit. It isn't supposed to fight well against Brutelords. Against lings and Bains? Sure. But against anything that outranges it, no. He just owned this. All of these just are now useless. If he had any type of army here, he would just destroy it. I feel like these mines, I don't really, he's kind of losing too much. How many mines are 40 nights? I feel like he just isn't aware of detection. I feel like at this point, this guy is just missing so many clues. Like, it's like he has a gun, but he doesn't know quite how the trigger works, you know? He has long-range brute lords to deal with these guys, but he's not aware that he also needs detection. And he just keeps sending his poor soldiers forward on every single minefield that there is. Like, this just makes absolutely no sense to me. Like, he just... At first, I didn't think he was actually losing to the mines, but in the past three minutes, he just keeps going back again and again. Like, his entire opponent's army consists of mines, and all he's doing, like, there's literally 48 mines and 8 helvet. And he's only thinking about 8 helvets, because that's what he can see. Like, if he's... he was in the army and he would be playing against those stealth planes, you know, like the things you can't see, it would be over. He'd just pretend they don't exist. He's like, well, if you can't see them, they don't exist. Which is kind of an ostrich-like move. Except he's in charge of a massive army as well. Like, he just keeps rallying them in. And it's not like he's at first he at least He's tried with the Overseers but at this point he isn't even trying anymore. It's like he just accepted the fact that he doesn't know how to control units. It's like this just keeps growing. And if we pretend the problem doesn't exist, they might just go away. I just have absolutely no clue. How this guy wins any games. I want to see him play against DTs or Banshees. or benches, lurkers. I want to see what he does. If Muda started harassing his mineral line and he doesn't have a spore, he's like, oh, I don't have a spore already, so might as well just give up my life. Just sends the drones into like the corner of his base and then tells his opponent where they are. Like, oh, I can't deal with the Muda Lisk anyway. Now he counter-attacks, which is probably the best move he's made so far. Because all the mines were on his side of the map. Like the flaws of the mine are so... so patently obvious that I don't understand how you can miss it. I mean, he says that... What did he say about the disruptor? This guy had some big talk about the disruptor, didn't he? What did he say? Where are you? Where's my tab with the imbalance? What did you say, you little prick? You as a pro, those obviously don't know how to play against widow mines, because you obviously don't know how to play against widow. Mines, but I do know how not to play against Widow Mines. And that's what you just did. Like, honestly, we could have given him 12 disruptors, but he's just not aware of where the mines go after they burrow. Maybe he thinks that mines can burrow underground. So it's like, ah, there's no use getting detection because they just burrow underground away. I feel like if we would give this guy disruptor, the likelihood of him killing his own units is a lot higher than if he would accidentally hit a mine. This looks so dumb. This looks so dumb. This actually... We've had a lot of games which were weird and perhaps bad. But this just felt like there was a bug in the system. Maybe Wingent is an AI. Like one of the crappy AIs, you know? Don't deal well with invisible units. Things they can't see. So happy. that he built a second road warrant as well. He really got a lot of use out of that. In case this one ever fell, he still had the backup road war in the same spot. You know, sometimes when I get these emails, these imbalance forms, I'm never sure if these people are serious or not. You know, sometimes I feel like they're just kind of pulling my leg to get me to make some mediocre jokes. But I feel like this guy might actually believe it. If he actually believes it, then I have another bridge to sell him. Holy crap. If he thinks mines are in balance, what does he think of Banshees? They're invisible and they fly. And they can move while shooting. Like, he must have a really weird view of the world. He counter attacks into a planetary with his roaches. takes out a quick base Creep Trots fantastic by the way main reason is because mines can't actually attack Creep I think he would have won this game if he had built like 10 crawlers at some point Gigi's out Erojun wins I don't even think I need to do my hand segment honestly this one is so obvious he what is the I want to see the units lost actually I'm so curious 43,000 against 23,000 that's almost double against an army composition with a unit that has like, what is this? Four range, maybe? I think, I think minds have four range, right? Or five? I don't even know. It's because it's never really an issue. Like, everything outranges it. Hyra, Stalker, Brutlord. It's impressive, though, that you managed to lose this. I really think it's impressive. You actually need to try hard to lose against something like this. My man, Iridgium over here, my best friend, he was just making his own, like, beating Grandmaster with stupid stuff. And he's done a great job. I'm proud of all beating diamonds with stupid stuff. This was absolutely awful wing, and your build order made no sense. Let's not forget that this started with a cancelled, well, spire, cancelled, double Roach Warren, Hydra then, Nydas. Nydus unloads straight into 15 hellbats. Quit the Nidus, get 15 more workers, more roaches than hydras, get Brutlords, which you somehow managed to lose to two Tours and 14 widow mines. You never get detection. When you get detection, you feed it straight into the turrets. and to finish it all off, you actually just let a minefield stay in a location where, and then you just rallied your units into it. Like this was, you get, you know how in America you have these achievements, like the purple heart or the Medal of Courage, the Medal of Honor, or whatever, that's a video game, maybe also one of these medals and achievements. I feel like if you would be in the US Army, you would be getting the opposite. It's like rather than the purple star, you get like the yellow brick or something like that for the absolute worst soldier that we've ever seen like for a commander you get i don't know what other is like the opposite of the medal of honor you get like like a cup of old coffee like congratulations three years old and it's moldy here you go sir it's not a great achievement no well he said like freaking 40k resource into a minefield which we knew the location of and didn't move like It's just honestly impressive. You, my friend, Wingent. You suck. And you suck real good. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba? Or do I suck? You didn't enjoy this episode. Don't forget, subscribe to the YouTube channel. Smash the like button. Those things really do help. And we'll see y'all next time for a new episode. Bye-bye. |
PRO MATHEMATICIAN Proves The Terran IMBA Hypothesis | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | I mean, can you even argue the math? Well, YouTube comments can argue anything, so I guess you guys can. Please grant me your knowledge and wisdom by smashing like and subscribe so that I can check this intense math! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IOIDS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hUYFQmD0KoY/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | hUYFQmD0KoY | Hello, Mr. De Coney. I humbly request a cross-examination to what I believe is mathematical proof that Terran is Inba. I'm a diamond tozer and played a ZVT in an in-house tournament. My opponent is a superior player than I am. He's master's ranked. Therefore, my game plan was to choose of three-base Bainbust, since one or two base would be obvious from early scout. And he always scouts early. He went fast 3-C with no units. I punished that heart with my bailing bust. I brought him down to two SUVs, with the supply reading 11 to 39 in my favor. I thought, surely, the sub can't lie. Yet I walked away with the L somehow. Is this not empirical proof that Mews are imba? If a Terran can go down to two workers and still win, what is the point of this game? Or do I just suck? With regards, Chang'un. So his question is, did the sub lie? Or is it just like the hips? And they don't lie. Let's figure this out. As in the bottom right, we have Mr. Chang'un, spawning as the Red Zerg player. And in the top left, we have the Terran who is Thiel, I think, or Cian, and it's U. So we have a quick look to see what... Now, this is a start. This is... Let's just look at this because there's a couple of things that happen here. I want to explain. First of all, the reason this happens is because the stop hotkey is the same as the hotkey for select larva. So when you select the larva, or when you click the hatchery and you press the S hotkey, it selects larva and you can build a drone or an overlord, whatever. If you have all your drones selected, all of them will stop moving. This is not what I was interested in because... When he does this, okay, here we go. Look at this. Look how he fixes this problem, okay? Selects three in the middle, two on the right, two on the left. He has an optimal solution for this problem. Now, this should be something that happens once every thousand games, but this guy, It probably happened so much to him that he's figured, you know what? I need some, you know, I need an optimal solution for this. When this happens, I need to do something. This is a bit like, imagine you're working in an office. Okay. And the guy next to you just starts peeing on his keyboard, which is weird already, right? That is an odd occurrence. You're new to the office. But then you're like, oh, crap, peeing on his keyboard. it's all going to get dirty and his keyboard won't work anymore. As he's done, he just opens up his backpack, picks out a new keyboard, and has like some wet wipes, cleans it up, and he's good to go in like 20 seconds. That's basically what Cheng Hung did here. He peed on his keyboard, but he does this so often that is not even a surprise for him anymore. He knows that it's going to happen, you know. He can't contain himself. If you got to go, you got to go. That's what his daddy always told him, and he had to go, man. The keyboard is dirty, but bam, same model, but newer edition. That's Tsangoon in a nutshell. So already up to a racing start here is our Zerg player. Follows up with a hatcherfers. This is an early scout, by the way. He said, and he always scouts early. But this is freaking fast. Holy crap, what is this? Oh, he's playing CC first. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Well, then the early scout doesn't make sense. I'm not sure. I think, no, actually, still doesn't make sense. don't matter it don't matter pretty baby then I don't know the rest of the lyric but what are we looking at here there's nothing really happening is there Chang Chang's just scouting around you think he recognizes that this is this is a command center it's like a minute faster I'm always curious at what you know how we have the for a long time we had the mirror test for animals So when you wanted to figure out if an animal is self-conscious, we'd show him a mirror or her, a mirror. And if the animal would realize that it's a mirror image, we'd be self-conscious. I feel like we need a test like this for Zerg players, where we can figure out if they have positive or negative IQ by showing them different command center timings. Like here, this is definitely a command center first, but I'm not sure if this guy is aware of that. He might just look at this and think, oh, this is a command center. And then just go back home. Just like if you show like a hamster himself in the mirror, the hamster over the hamster. This is a hamster in the mirror. Then piss off back, like running the wheel. Why do hamsters do that? That, now that is a good way to generate some electricity. And I know people have suggested this before, but I think there is some future in that. Okay, speed, extractor, queens. It's all looking solid. Like nothing weird going on here. He gets four lings because he's like, oh, there's a fast command center. I bet there's also a Reaper coming quickly to my side. It's not completely wrong, but this Reaper is about, I really wonder if he knows. I don't actually care about the rest of the game. I think I'm going to send this guy an email and ask him if he realized that I will CC first. I'm so curious now. The rest of the game can kind of suck it. Oh, that was good blocking. Could have built the extractor a bit faster, but, you know, I don't even mind this. It's all good. It's playable, it's playable. Just take this as her third. I like that he said that he didn't want to do it from one or two base because that would be too obvious. and now he's actually doing it from two days. Like his third base is legit a minute, a minute late. He's at least pretending hard. Come on, take the extractor for the love of God. Thank you. Marine scouts this third. Like the Terran definitely knows something is up. He just started walling. He's like, oh, no third base. The Azirc thought he was so smart. He's like, oh no, I fake a third base. He's a German. Very sassy German as well. I picked the third base. And then I send the lings across the map. Doesn't know he will realize. I mispronounced that on purpose to mimic a German. That wasn't. My own mistake. A third cc is a star port. It's getting some cars going as well. Whoa! I also love it when they do that. Pop in, pop out. Like some secret method of transportation. It always reminds me of Harry Potter when they... flush themselves down the toilet except it's a bunker it's less nasty and this looks really bad for the Terran i have to admit so this goes in as well they say when it rains it pours and these buckets it's raining buckets right now guys three lings killing every single worker this game is actually over this is actually over i love that he builds more lings as well i think usually Usually that's not that great because you actually want to go into drones, but in this case, like, this game is actually over. Like, you can't lose anymore. It's literally impossible to lose at this point. Right? Oh, no. I love that he's like, you know what really has the priority here? This starport is like two cars, like shooting at him. It's like, you know, I bet that the Medivac or the Viking that's, that's, you know, I bet that the Medevac or the Viking, that's, pops out of here we'll have a bigger impact on this game rather than the two cars absolutely roasting my lings this is this is some solid prioritizing from our jerk player here I don't know the matter of fact what the heck okay we have three three workers I think he said he went down to two workers right we said okay there's 10 more lings I love it so right now he has a lead of 20 workers his opponent has three units left so the opponent all upon needs to do is micro these three units. So the entire focus of this Terran player will be on that. It's five workers already. 14 more workers or 12 more lings, 14 more lings. And now this might sound done, but if he continues attacking, I can see how he will lose. Because you're not supposed to keep attacking now. What you should be doing is you just drone up. You have what, two queens, getting a thing. third queen. You could legit just go up to like 45, 50 workers, get like five queens at home, and then you can start attacking again once your opponent tries to start your third base or something. Like there's no extra barracks. Their stim is going to finish at like, like legit 18 minutes into the game. He's still building bunkers. Now I love to see where he's going to go. This is, okay, this is some A-class decision making, okay? I don't even mind that he fails the bailing bus. This is, that is, that is something that I can live with. But then the follow-up here. Okay, so he has eight, nine, eight bailings. Counting remains difficult for me. Eight banings. You can just right-click this thing and it will blow up, okay? Instead, the lings will block him for, it feels like infinity. And then, yeah, the repair goes off and nothing happens. Then he sees this happen, okay? He sees, okay, massive wall, there's like a starport, a command center, a barracks and a depot. Like, this is going to take legit like 14, 15 banlings to blow up. His response, after seeing a solid wall with three helions parked behind it, 18 more lings. How does this make any sense? He's working of a single gas. Okay, imagine you have a massive concrete wall, okay? You have a massive, massive concrete wall. And you just used three trucks. In this analogy, the truck is the main. Just use three trucks to try and break this concrete wall. Your trucks, they get very close, but in the end, the trucks don't make it, they explode. Then your follow-up plan is, is to round up all the men of the nearby village and start running headfirst into the concrete wall to try and break it. This might sound like a good idea, but let me tell you, my friend, it is not. These villagers could be used better. for example, to mine minerals from a nearby mineral mine, or to get some of that Vespine gas. But no, 18 more lings. You love to see it. I feel like we're getting closer and closer to the answer on the question whether my man here has negative or positive IQ. Did I lower the game speed too much? Yes, I did. Six more main lings. Now we're talking. He's making trucks again, guys. Because last time it didn't work with eight and now six, now that all buildings are fully repaired, definitely is going to be the play. He just keeps building lings. So he was 21 workers against 3, now he's 21 against 21, and he's playing against triple CC, so triple mule. Does he not realize that Terran can repair? Like, does he actually think this will work? There's no way, right? This is in the wall. Oh no. I didn't even realize? I thought it was... Even at this point though, it's completely okay. He can literally lose every single unit and be fine. These cars will just... Yeah. Nice. Little did the man know that once he breaks down the wall, there's guys with flame throwers. Oh no, what a painful episode this is. What a painful episode. I love that he could, I love the dedication to this push though, you know. The complete lack of transition. That's, it's great to see. Very often, you see people not as dedicated to a case as this guy is. My man Chang'un here, you know. He gets things done. Sure, it's not the right things, but at least things are getting done. If he was a politician, he would have a very weird list of things to brag with, right? Like, usually politicians, what do they have? They have, like, we helped create this road. We build another school. I mean, Changun will have, like, a swimming pool for rats or something like that. Or he'll make, like, a duck pond, but put it on the top of an apartment building where the ducks can't reach. Like, it's like a bunch of very weird achievements. and then confused that no one votes for him for a second term. You'd make an awful mayor of a city channel. But... I love that he went for the starport first. He's like, he has a potential there, guys. I have a good feeling about that starboard there, dude. You know, that starport, I think, might just be it. Yeah. He's just getting blasted. My man here isn't even really driving the cars around two. well but that's a good that was a hot pickup is all we call that if I say it when I'm moving to the microphone you know it's real 5 14 workers at this point so our work account now is decreasing as well send a couple more lings trying to get the third base no not quite another repairman coming out flame thrower boy is still doing well 10 more lings because the past 1200 have done so well how many has you lost actually pause it here I'm gonna guess 126 write in the comments what you thought before you you checked it if you have it correct it doesn't count because then you cheated it was 152 holy crap 152 that's a lot of lings I'm impressed that's very impressive and I think really the only 30 40 lings did something which means after that he wasted 110 lings which equals about 50 drones well a bit more even 55 drones the drones that could have been but weren't that is just great this is this is truly showing what money in the wrong places can do it's a very powerful army but weak home infrastructure no healthcare. See, barracks being constructed back at home. I like that the Terran as all just realize, okay, my opponent actually isn't self-aware. He would not pass the mirror test. Let me just re-wall this. I don't need extra barracks. I just need cars and a wall. Yes, this was great. Now, let's read one more time. I humbly request a cross-examination to what I believe is mathematical proof that Terran is imba. I have to admit, my friend, I don't think this was very imbalanced. Your first bailing bust did fantastic. Then you just kept throwing lings and lings and more lings and more lings into a wall, which was defended by Hellion behind it. You bailing busted wrong buildings like 12 times in a row, sometimes splitting up the bailings between different buildings as well. in the end, like awful link micro, prioritizing a star port over Helions while you were in his base, and then just no follow-up, like no follow-up, a follow-up that made absolutely zero sense. You would be the worst politician in the world. And I'd like to tell you, my friend, that you suck QED. All right, my dudes, that's going to be it for this episode of, is it imba, or do I suck? If you did enjoy, don't forget. to subscribe to my YouTube channel as it really does help me a lot. Don't get to smash the like button as well. I can do that too many times or my table might break with this much power in my fist. Yeah, I'll see you all next time for more stuff. Bye-bye. |
Positive Mindset And Some Believing! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | The last few IODIS episodes I was focusing FAR more on the negative things than the positives. It's time to change that and grant full trust to the next victim of IMBA Zerg. Will I regret this decision...? YOU definitely won't regret smashing those like and subscribe buttons! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IOIDS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Gnjs9wYt0Hs/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | Gnjs9wYt0Hs | Dear Harstam, I am a Gold 2 Terran player that faced up against a Gold Zerg player. My opponent played extremely passive, the whole game, and even though I knew of his early third base, through excellent scouting, I found it hard to put pressure on him. Obvious reason for this are the many totally imba defensive mechanics that Zerg has. It is supposed to be the most aggressive of the three races, isn't it? No, I thought Zerg was supposed to be the reactionary race, but we'll leave that for now. First issue is the zergs' vision. Putting overlords in places that are not accessible to ground units might be fine, but creep vision is just broken. I mean, they can still see you after you killed all their structures unless you waste a scan. Next up, queens are just too strong. They are imba, no doubt. My two Madovaks-16-stimmed marinen drop got crushed by three queens. I mean, WTF, crushed by three queens. Okay, we'll write this down, okay? I've noticed that whenever people make claims like this, actually specifying numbers, they're never correct. Finally, I simply cannot comprehend why Zerg gets lurkers, an invisible seat unit. Zerg is not even forced to attack into defensive structures anymore. Lurkers, along swarm hosts, are utterly broken from a race mechanic point of view. I have no clue what a race mechanic point of view is. Is that the guy that in the Formula One races like changes the tires really fast? Maybe this guy is a mechanic for Formula One drivers and from his point of view, lurkers and so on most are utterly broken. That is the only thing that could explain this sentence to me. After calling me a smurf, which proves my far superior skill in this matchup, the Zerg even had time to insult me while using its also Imba, Remax ability to push me back and invade my base. Please share your ancient ire knowledge with humanity so that we can extinguish the Zerg plague once and for all, greets from the smurf. Jerks. Holy crap. It was on a hell of an email. This email was so long. I always put this on like one time speed behind this minute. It took me two and a half minutes to read this. That's insane. We skipped the early game. Life is good. All right. We're following the Tarran. We missed this opening build order, but this seems... Okay, never mind. I thought we could just go ahead and skip, but no, that's not going to be the case. Oh no, we need to actually go back now. Press this button. in a couple of times. What the heck are you doing, my friend? I thought I could cut my working time by a bit, you know? Just like back in the day in school when the teacher would say, if you finish your work early, you can go home early. I thought I could do the same here. I could, you know, skip the first two minutes of me talking about, the barracks being placed, because who at this point doesn't know when to build what structure, you know? But then I see this guy and I already know we're in for another treat here. is still fine, okay? This is just your opener, your Torex opener, your 211 opener, which used to be very popular. I want to say that BN popularized it, but it can also have been someone, I'm pretty sure it was Bion, I'm just going to call, that was Bion. You get your Reaper, you get your reactor, then get your Bres, second guess. Wait, maybe he did do the build correct, and I just haven't seen it in so long that I wasn't used to know. Okay, this is what pisses me off. Why does he build it over here? maybe the spot for Nidas. It's not very good because you can just build a depot and you want your production structures all close together so you can float the factories and the reactors and tech labs can interact with each other. They're all easy around each other. So if you need a different structure, that's how we have some nice micro here with the Reaper. Almost gets a link, not quite though. Forgets his tech lab, but these are small things. Okay. So the complete lack of marine. production is maybe not the smallest. But overall, this isn't even that bad, honestly. I could have skipped it. I should have skipped it. I'm an idiot. Once again, Circus not taking gas, a classic as well. A slight oversaturation in the main. But we're paying attention to the Taron here. He's a bunker. Okay. I'm pretty sure not supposed to get a bunker. I think it's really difficult to die if you play two and one because you have so many freaking Marines. So you can... Hello? Can you get a star port going? Okay. So... So... What? He's going to get mines? Before... Okay, no. So you're supposed to get your stim as well, because that's going to be the factor that delays it usually. If your stim isn't done, you just have 16 Marines in a matter of fact. Then you might as well play double reactor. You can probably get it faster in that case. I'm very confused. This Reaper is putting in some work as well. I love the complete disrespect here with this Reaper, saying, you won't have gas. Wait, actually, Solidi didn't have gas. This is good. This is a good move. Man, here I am, just talking crap already. This is not the right mindset, okay? Let's freshen up a bit. Let's freshen up a bit. Okay, there we go. I need to figure out if this is imbalanced. and we always assume that the email is completely true. I feel like in the last few weeks I've shifted too much into someone with too much cynicism. You know, I'm too negative. I already think the email is going to be a lie. Instead of looking for things that are true, I'm looking for things that are false. So instead, I'm going to be, I'm just looking at his claims. You know, and then we'll see if they're true or not. That's going to be the player. What is this? This is fantastic. Nine more workers. Okay, so this is supposed to hit a lot faster than... Wait, he built a Tech Lab with a Starport? Did he start the Starport over here? I feel like this game is giving me hallucinations. How... Okay. No, he... What? Wait, so what happens here? Wait, so what happens here? He flies the fact... Okay, well, that explains a lot. He just rallied it to the natural. And now he can get Matterfax. And now it's gonna look like this is fine, but he's gonna hit too late still. This is not the proper timing that man. I'm, oh wait, but, you know, just because he's hitting too late doesn't mean that Zerg isn't in balance. Lurkers are still invisible seat units and Swarmost from a race mechanics point of view are extremely broken. I just have, okay, he's going to hit about, like, what is it, 30 seconds too late maybe? You can hit the timing that he's currently doing with a triple command center opener. So basically he just gave, what is it? this? Ah! Here I once again fell into a negative spiral but no, in case that his opponents puts a Nidus over here and then pops out a lurker, you want to have not one but two turrets. It's a backup turret for the Nidus Lurker and you obviously do that before your opponent even started their layer. I think that makes a lot of sense. If you don't think that makes a lot of sense, leave it down in the comments. We know, and my, he's really afraid of mutas. Someone played one-based muta against him, and now every single game, rather than finding a build order that hits a minute earlier, he decides to throw down four turrets. You just love to see it. Okay, here's the three queens. There's a spine crawler as well, so it's not only three queens. And also there is three more queens. So it was six queens, a spine crawler and two spores. Now, it... It's a seventh queen even on the way. This wasn't really... What did he say in the email? He said, My two MEDevacs 16-stimmed marinen drop got crushed by three queens. Technically... Okay, hear me out. Technically, he isn't wrong. he just didn't mention the other queens there. You know, if I go out with a group of friends and I'm with 10 people and I tell my dad, hey, I went out with John and James, and John and James were two of the 10 people, I'm not really lying, am I? That's kind of what happened here. He just didn't mention all the other things that were there as well. it did get crushed by three queens. It also got crushed by seven queens, but also three queens, technically also one queen was there. I like the way. This is, so far, we're only finding truth here, guys. And see, that's the difference between looking for lies or looking for truth. No matter what you're looking for, you'll find, you'll find it, you'll find it, just like in life. You'll always find what you're looking for eventually, especially if you're Tom Cruise. And this is Mission Impossible 7. Okay, third command center in an interesting location. This is really cool because he checked in his base and it's like, okay, what is the spot where I need to fly furthest to my third base? And he found it. I think it might even be further away than this one, which is impressive. I didn't think that was possible. A solid early game, SimCity is really helping him out here as well with putting that command center as far away as possible. he's preparing for I don't actually know what he's really probably a push with tanks feels like he the only thing he got in the past two minutes it's just like oh he got like I guess he lost the first of matter of fact so he really just got these extra marines a tank does he have an extra barracks now there's barracks three and four okay this is the one thing that's been pissing me off lately is people send me replace where they don't abide by proper barracks regulations okay you go from two into three into five or you go from three into five and then afterwards you go into eight stop making four stop making six i don't want to see that type of crap okay i want to see either three barracks two barracks or five barracks the next time someone builds four barracks you're out i quit the replay i'm done i'll go do something else play rocket league or something start making jokes about that the cars and the balls no one will like it i don't know much about the game Alright, do you have an armory yet? There's an armory. He can start plus two theoretically, but this macro is simply too clean. He has a good army, though. This Zerg player is actually getting blasted. Like, this Zerg doesn't have any army, does he? But never mind, 17 roaches. Still, against 17 roaches against four tanks and 30 Marines, as a Zerg player, you're going to go absolutely die. Like, there's no way. It's a 15 freaking larvae, though. But this game is very passive. Next time, someone sends me a report. play, make it an aggressive one. Some fighting power, man. We're gonna see stuff happen. We're not here to watch grass grow. Although that also is a fun activity. I don't think this one actually grows. It doesn't even move in the wind. Look at these things, they're moving in the wind. These bad boys, terrible physics. Awful. Pathetic. These also move in the wind. But the wind on these is different than the direction on the wind on this thing. Oh, but maybe these are moved by these little cockwheels. Imagine having the time to do this because nothing is happening. Literally, he's doing nothing. What actually is he doing? You just, okay, this is his first person. He throws on two depots and just looks at his army. Fort base. There's a couple of marines in the main. Oh, here we go. Start moving on the map, unseach everything. Should I maybe scout forward, see if anything's there, Have any units around the map for any type of vision? Not really necessary. Hmm, is there anything here I need? I see a mine. Let me start a depot wall in a random location, but not really finish a wall, just start a wall. Take an overlord, make sure my army doesn't split. Perfect, perfect, this is looking solid. Okay, I have about 40 seconds until 2-2 finishes. Okay, nice. Okay, nice. Do I want to wait for three upgrades that are currently building? No, probably not. My opponent decks in me. Okay, we win the game. Fantastic. Game has ended. Game is over. Well, it should be at least, right? If we look at the armies here, there's two lurkers, but I don't think they have seismic spines. So with the crap range, we're actually completely useless. He has a crap ton of scans as well. Not because he has been saving scans, but because he hasn't, he forgot the mule. That's a big difference there. I know that. I can feel that. He should have had way more money already. You know what? Let me just not siege my tanks for a little bit. That is fine. It's fine. Longest range unit in the game. Bam, just like that. Okay. Another fight. 2-2 has finished. Okay, he just absolutely blood. He's actually up 50 supply. We were looking at the Terran, right? I'm asking this because there's been more than one time where I might have made an IOTIS from the wrong point of view. Where sometimes I had some real fire jokes in there. Smurf? He is blue. It is possible, guys. But which one would it be? You have the one with the red hat. It's the king smurf. A big smurf. I mean, this game is actually just over. I'm not sure why we're still watching this. He rallies another 35 Marines across the map. He has 57 Marines against 10 hydras, two roaches. Is he just going to walk into two lurkers and never scan? Please tell me this is not the case. How many kills will this do they're good? 14 kills, all of a Marine, 15, 16, 17. This one has eight. Together these guys killed legit 25 Marines. probably some tanks in there as well. He has scans, no, yeah. He has actual full energy. He has 12 scans right now. Maybe he doesn't realize that the lurkers were attacking him, and he was just wondering why all of his units were disappearing. You know, after this, he's still light years ahead. He has like 3.5,000 resources in the bank. Sure, a lot of that is gas. Okay, this is also one of my favorite tarrant things. Oh, well. Censor it. Censor it. Uh, this is it, this is so great. The fourth base, he has 1.6k gas in the bank and his priority, you know, before adding any more workers on minerals, let me take these double gases real fast guys, let me just take those real fast. Throw down three mules. Is this guy just going to win the game with two lurkers? He does have the seismic spines now? Okay, well, he gets eight lurkers. There's absolutely no way that he's just going to straight up borrow into his opponent. The funny thing is that that Zerg probably thought he already won, not realizing his opponent was still 20 worse head. He's just not going to scan. Okay, here we go, here's a scan. It's two of them. What? What is this? What was that decision making? Look at this tank, look at this guy, okay? He's in range, no? Why can I see the range? He's in range. He's in range. He's like, sir, I got them in range. What should I do? Move back. Sir, they're not moving. You, sure. Move back. It's like, what is this move going to do? If he was going to move into you, he will just move a little further now. It's not like this matters. They were under siege. He gets a raven as well. He's like, I don't think I have enough scans. Meanwhile, on the main and the natural. God, I wish I could see this guy's Hotkeys because I'm pretty sure he has, he just doesn't have his command center's hotkey. He also hasn't been. building workers for a long time. Gets plus two on tanks. It's working of a single factory probably, so probably should be adding a second one if you're playing against Lurker. A lot of the pros even get triple factory, and eventually you go into like Ghost, add a couple of lips as well. Ghost to EMP, the Vipers and sniper a couple of lurkers, perhaps. Okay, don't forget, Terran is still actually light years ahead. If he had any idea of how to get map control or how to get any vision on the map, What's he gonna do? Is he gonna tell them turrets, you think? Okay, look, he walks in a line up to it. Yes, auto turrets. None of the tanks are sieged. The planetary is doing a lot of work here. Man, this is a great fire. Accidentally spreads out the Marines properly as well. Do you think he doesn't realize that Lurker's Don't? that lurkers don't have infinite range and that maybe he thinks at the moment the first spines connect the lurker memory just knows where the opponent's unit is and we'll just keep attacking it until his opponent's unit is. Look at... He has 5K 4K in the bank. I have no clue what this game is, but I love it. What? He's up 30 supply. He's floating legit 8K resources. All of his fights have either been without his tank or with his tanks in the lurkers. Like this fight was with everything in the lurkers and then the tanks being slightly too far in the back. The fight before was with the tanks too far in the back. The fight over here was with the tanks in lurker range. Does he not realize that tanks outrange lurkers? Is that something maybe instead of making this entire video, I just just should have told him about the scan hotkey and i was just like send them a message like hey tanks outrange lurkers i feel like these are the only two pieces of advice this guy really needs like and perhaps try adding some production facilities once you start floating more than six thousand resources before that you're still okay now he loses to the to the lings resources than him. Shows you how efficient Terran is at trading, usually. Especially his first few fights were crazy. She keeps rallying forward as well. Probably thinking, man, this game is really over, not realizing his opponent is on 46 workers and has no bank. Like, if he can just stabilize, he'd still be fine. He just keeps building ravens as well. No matter facts? Pure raven. And I know that he does it for detection, but he has so many scans, and he also just could have built 12 new orbitals with the money he'd been floating this entire game. Like, Metafacts are just better. You need to add metaphax, I get a crap ton of tanks, ghost, then some liberators and you're absolutely fine. Well, in this case, just a single tank in a position that could shoot, probably would have just been enough this game. Okay, this is... This is awful. This was actually awful. I hate this. Okay? Our our player didn't play that bad. He actually didn't play that bad. I think he actually might have been outplaying his opponent. Honestly, he was winning. He did a tank push. He practiced a tank push. But the moment anything that isn't a basic unit comes on the map, I think he just doesn't know how units work. I think he actually doesn't know how the lurker is countered. He just doesn't know that tanks outrange them. He doesn't know. that lurkers can shoot up. How is your response, Mess Ravens versus this? When you're constantly having enough scans to see the entire map. He could literally scan the entire map and still have four extra scans to scan just on top of the lurkers. I want to read your thing one more time. The Zerg had time to insult me while using its remax ability to push me back and invade my base. The Zerg didn't max out a single time. He was constantly down like 50 supply or 40 supply, but you just didn't kill the lurkers. There were lurkers in there. There were from the start of the game, probably like triple-digit kills. It's like American sniper is nothing compared to these guys. You just stood there in range of the lurker. You did nothing. Why did you even mention the overlords in places that are not accessible to ground and the creep? He had like half a creep tumor this guy. None of these things were the issue. What do you mean overlords in places not accessible? You just died to... He could have built two lurkers and won the game with two lurkers. You wouldn't have done anything about it. You just would have lost. You lost 60 army supply against legit two lurkers and a roach. How am I supposed to have? help someone like you? How smooth does your brain have to be? I just don't understand it. It's obvious to me that this is not imbalanced, but that you suck. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck if you did enjoy this? Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Don't forget to press the like button as well as these things help. Yeah, I'll see you next time as well. For more. videos on this subject. Bye bye. |
The Harstem Research Facility Strikes Again! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Bringing you the FRESHEST results of the newest studies concerning Terran braincells! If that's not worth a like and subscribe, then I don't know anymore... If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IOIDS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DsQcmS5b5XY/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | DsQcmS5b5XY | Dear Harstam, in my opinion, Protoss race is too forgiving. There are overcharged for your battery if you aren't ready for attack. Boost if you are behind in anything. E dot T dot C dot. In this replay I was miles ahead in every way possible, but Protoss had disruptors and I couldn't do anything. I tried splitting and focusing with a single S, but one or two shots kill my entire army. P.S., I played two games against this guy and actually won the first time, but in this game he had better disruptors. the shots. That's why I lost. You have to admit that it is imba. Name, softer, race, Terran, leak, diamond, MMR 3.5 were on the EU server. The replay was saved in Cyrillic, so I'm assuming this guy is Russian. Let's up straight into it. We have, in the bottom right, spawning, the blue Terran player. We have Safter, the man, the mid, the legend, the person, in charge of sending me this replay. Now I am extremely curious to see how my man Saffler is going to play this game. He says he was miles ahead. Miles, not just a little bit, not just even. No, no, he was miles ahead. And then his opponent, with the nasty Kronoboose, managed to make a comeback. Now, these are some things that Terran say very often, right? You can make a comeback with Kronobo boost. But actually, the thing is, is that without Kronobo boost, Toss would always be. behind because of how mules work, right? So it's not really so much to be ahead. It is to be to stay even. If you're behind, you're, it kind of stays the same. That's at least what tends to happen. The reason why TOS tends have slightly more eco is because their nexus goes down slightly faster than the Terrans most of the time. So that's why they have like maybe one and a half extra worker initially. People always think it's because of Corona Boost. Yeah, obviously Chrono Boost helps but without Chrono Boost it really wouldn't be the case. So, I'll just turn on the sound a bit of my own headset. We have my man softer scouting his opponent, sees everything and it's probably going to be too late for a block on the natural here which is interesting because his scout timing was pretty much after Depot which is some of the fastest scout timing I've seen in my life or like slightly after Depot like a 17 scout. If you scout this early, you either eBay block or you steal the gas or something. I don't actually know, but I've never seen it being played like this where you don't do anything with that scout. Interesting start, that's for sure. Now we have Reaper coming out already. We see a single gas and the CC should be built relatively soon from now. There comes the command center. Yep, there we go. Pylon won't be able to quite block that. Well, it's going to be able to block the initial location. This should be a cancel on this pylon, by the way, at this point. That's uh yeah software should take out this probe I was gonna say he just runs past that that would be very sad and not very good at all All right stalker for the tost no warp gate yet what do we have here for our Terran player no second gas complete lack of workers so far Okay, it builds two at the same time a slight slight delay there on the workers okay I'm going to going to be paying a lot of attention to how quickly he will be building workers because he says he got miles ahead and then lost because of Kronobo boost very very often very often when Terrans tell me this look at their replay and they have like two command centers not building SUVs for three four minutes in the game it's like really Kronobo boost that's what they're gonna blame this on like that's definitely odd my dudes that's definitely not it but we'll see we'll see maybe the Kronobo boost you know is stronger than I imagine it to be. Or then I know it is. At least I believe it is. Let me see the Toss not getting any upgrades. He had no warp gate. Let me see. Ooh, Twilight and Robo at the same time. Okay, okay. Techlapse trade away on this factory. What happened with the Marine? Did he skip his first Marine? Did he lose it? Okay, he didn't lose anything. So he skipped first Marine. Oh, right, he played gas first. So slightly less economical opener, but it's going to allow him to do that type of stuff. Like Reaper into Reactor, fast factory. It's not really using the factory right now. Curious to see what he wants to use it for. It's going to be a cyclone. As this pylon is being taken out, we have at least decent SDV production. Two stalkers move across the map. Reaper's still alive, got a single kill. Is this a wall? I guess it is, right? I never actually have walled it. To be fair, I veto submarine. This map is awful for Protoss. Just terrible, terrible, terrible for Protoss. Prison? Okay, well, this is a build order. I'm absolutely not familiar with what the Produs is doing over here. He's going to be trying to trade a little bit with those Marines, but sadly for him, the Cyclone comes out. Good start here for Shafter, honestly. He is indeed going to be, as he said it, miles ahead. He will be able to take out at least one worker here if he decides to Micro's Reaper. He does decide the Micro's Reaper. If he would focus fire, you'd probably be able to get like two, three here. But it doesn't really seem to be the case. Oh, there we go. Yeah, attacks a full help one as well. Now, one of my favorite things to do is when the Terrans are controlling their one Reaper, is to keep an eye on their minerals here, you know? You just want to see like, hey, what's happening with the mineral count while you're microing this Reaper? I don't think he's gone back to his base in a bit now. Okay, now he's like, oh, crap. Oh, let me throw everything here. He's super supply block. Needs to build three depots at the same time. Probably can just throw down a command center, yeah, and two extra barracks at the same time. Just do it, buddy. I know you want to. Don't pretend like this was all planned. Just another CC. Just do it, man. I know you can. I know you can. But yeah, softter actually is in a very, very good spot right now. Softr is actually going to be just way ahead. equal worker count, third base is faster. The only thing he's really lacking is a second and third wax. It's not like he doesn't have the money for it, but he's just saving right now for bad times, you know. Oh, he's playing Mac. Oh, okay, okay. So he's going to be taking the gases before Barracks 2 and 3, which means he's going to be playing Mac. And makes sense, of course. I kind of should have seen that coming. The barracks... All right. All right, Sifter. You got me again. This is awful. Now, the reason this is terrible is because whenever you play bio, the most important thing is the timing on the stim and the combat shield. The longer you delay the extra barracks, the later those things will be, the longer toss has to kind of recover from whatever damage you did initially because they won't have to be afraid of anything. Any army that consists of bio that doesn't have stim and combat shield, It's just pretty weak. Sometimes there's some tank pushes with just Tim or tank push with just combat shield. Like there is some of them, but they're very, very rare. And this definitely isn't one of them. Like, this is not a builder. This also wasn't planned because he was continuously floating seven, 800 minerals. Taking the extra gases before barracks two and three is just awful. It's objectively wrong. Like, there's no discussion about this. You're not going to find a Terran who will be able to defend this. unless perhaps you paid them enough money. So, Sifter, if you're very rich and you want to disagree with me, then perhaps you turmoil or clam if you write them a big check, we'll be able to help you out there to humiliate me in public. But otherwise, you're wrong, buddy. This is not the way. Gets double eBay as well. I do like that. And we're going to be going into a, it seems to be a bit of a macro game. Now, he's still up in workers. He's on 44, which is fine because he has triple, triple mulech as well and he with triple cc he can actually continue building workers very very fast those continues losing uh i think a bunch of workers or well actually not the cases he has the battery here it's going to lose one or two is there no observer at all i don't think this one's going to move i think we're going to be building an observer from here, yep. So we have the unmicrode bench, he doing absolutely nothing. It's impressive. He knows there's nothing in the main. It's like, you know what? You know what would be better? I either have a base that is undefended completely, or I have a base where his stalkers are and where there's a battery to defend the probes. And my man softer, with the genius decision making that he has shown so far, decides to not only not go to the main, but afterwards starts attacking the stalkers rather than the probes because I think a couple of the probes here are vulnerable. This is just impressive to see. He's really, uh, you know how sometimes people, you'll look at a replay of yourself and you think to yourself, this wasn't the most efficient use of my unit. My man softer here, he will look at this replay and he can honestly tell himself, this was the least efficient use of my units. This is the worst. If you have a skill of efficient and not efficient, he'd be at the zero mark. This would be, you know, I'm not sure if you guys have ever had to, what do you call it, with a thermometer. So you get like a thermometer and you need to know like how to make the scale of it. What you do is you have like your zero mark, which is like water that is about to freeze and you have the boiling. And in between, there's a scale of like 100 degrees Celsius in between. Okay, that's, I had to do that in science class once. Awful, but I hate trawling and stuff. But a ruler, it's all difficult and fractions. God knows it in Finnish elementary school. So very difficult. Don't worry about that. Now, imagine instead of a thermometer, we have a skill of efficiency. My man's scepter would be on the absolute. far left or on the bottom wherever your zero point would be because this Benchy where did you go I died already could have actually single-handedly clear this entire base or this base well no there's a battery here so just this base but that's actually what you should have done during this by the way I remember looking at the clock at 630 he hasn't built a single worker not a single one so this this this leaves the question for us what What was he doing? He wasn't macroing. He was legit floating 1K. He hasn't built a single worker. I hope to God he wasn't microing his Benchy because I actually feel like just hold positioning it there or just shift queuing it in would have been better than what he did just now. What was he doing? I can't actually figure it out. I just don't know. I could go in first person vision and figure it out, but without doing that, I don't think it's possible to see what he did because I don't think he did anything. Maybe someone rang the doorbell, he had to get it. Forgot to press the pause button, and he just came back. He's like, oh, let me float my third down. A good call, though. At this point, he's not actually that far ahead. Economically, is he? Like, his mining isn't that great, especially because he also isn't throwing down mules. He's... Like, you can't complain about the energy that your opponent has if you never use your own energy, you know? You can't say, oh, my eco is worse because Kronobus. No, your eco is worse because you... you legit have nine mules that aren't being used right now eight three over here three over here and two over here it's legit eight mules like that's an insane amount of money and you're not using it also you forgot to build workers for a very very very long time this is absolutely nothing to do with macro what you're showcasing here I'm just surprised I'm so confused I Like I see, I have this cool overlay where you see the red arrows and the blue arrows and who's mining more. And now finally softer is mining more because he dropped two mules. Mind you, two mules. This guy had eight freaking mules ready. And just with two mules, he manages to already beat his opponent. Here, double arrow. That means he's way above. I don't know what these arrows mean. I have the wrong overlay. It's okay. Happens to the best. That's also why we have the ESL Pro Tour logo here. Trust me, guys. This is not an ESL Pro Tour game, all right? It might look very high level at times, but this is not an ESL Pro Tour game. We have another barracks. How many do we have so far? We had four. The SimCity, once again. We got to stop this, all right? Like, I'm done with this type of SimCity. Like, eBay's go over here, barracks go over here. You build them in a line, so you have some space. Like, this looks ugly, man. Please never become a city. liner, please don't. Even though we've been ripping on our man Sifter for the past few minutes, he still is in a fine spot. How did he create this army with what he has, by the way? Look at, let's just pay some close attention, okay? This is an army consisting of 48 Marines. That is two times 24. Okay. He has one, two tacklers. He has one, two tacklers. And he's, what's this? Another tech lab on the way. He's been consistently producing Marines out of these. Finally, he's building some marauders, but consistently been building Marines out of these up until this point. Why? Like, really, why? Why does he think that Marines, if Marines would be the call, which I don't think they are in this case, I think more marauders is almost always better, why would he get the double tech labs? I guess he needs to get stim and combat shield first. But then you use them for marauders. Stop with this just marine stuff. It dies so hard against Colossi, against Archons, against Storm. Like, Marines have very good DPS, but the moment any type of AOE hits the field, they start sucking so hard, like Colossi absolutely poop on Marines. It's not something you want happening to your Marines, man. That's not what you join the Navy for it. Many people say they join the Navy to help people, or they didn't know what to do after high school and the military was there for them, none of them, when asked in a 2012 survey, said, I would like to be pooped on by a colossus. Zero. Nul. Niantos. Nada. Actually, none. Absolutely none. Now, that's painful because he does have a lot of Marines. Getting some marauders. The nice thing, though, is that he can, can kind of hide behind this tanks. So what you do here is you hide with your marines behind your tanks for your tanks to the big work. They're shooting at something. The opponent has to charge into you. Then you go. This is brilliant. Now this is this is how you can see that someone is a strategic mastermind. Okay. This is this is actually beautiful to see. He puts these, I kind of want to pause for this, but oh my god, this, yeah, this engagement is just high level stuff. Okay. He puts the tanks back far enough that they can barely hit the outside structures, and then he moves his Marines so far forward that the Colossi and even the stalkers, I even saw some zealots get shots off without being hit by these tanks. That's just impressive. It's completely unaware of his surroundings, these Marines. They're like, you know what? We're going to fight these colossus, and we don't care if we die. These tanks in the back are like, guys, we drive us forward just a little bit, so you know we cover the area that actually matters as well. This toss is doing a good job, by the way, here. Let's not fail to mention that, of kiting in and out of that. And you can move two of them forward. You don't have to unseach all of them at the same time and then be afraid that he jumps on top of you. You can move even one at a time if you want. If you're really slow, like, so put one. Just put it over here. And then another one over here. And then the rest of your army, you can just kind of split it around. And with the tanks, you have the best range. force your opponent to move into you. I love that he drives forward with another tank and he's like, you know what? We're going to go a little bit closer to this gateway because this really is the goal, right? Meanwhile, I'm diving on top of the disruptor. Look at these tanks. These tanks. Two kills, one kill, one kill, zero kills. These tanks have been here for two minutes and they have nothing. They're not attacking anything. It's Colossus on eight. 16 on one of the disruptors. I saw it. Like, this is truly amazing. Move him. He also doesn't stim half the time. Okay, here we go. A stim. Oh, two of the tanks are shooting. Now, because he's getting charged on, all the tanks are fighting. This was actually the worst setup I've seen in my life. He also has so many freaking metaphags. This tank? there was a tank in the back was this here the entire time of course it was in case this area was too far forward I'm surprised we don't see like a tank over here to defend the rocks or something like that we wouldn't want these nice stones to go to waste with some nasty salad that's a good point defend those rocks body okay planetary now after all of this after literally doing everything wrong in the past eight and a half minutes, he's still ahead. He's completely fine. He hasn't taken a good engagement. His macro has been awful. His unit comp sucks. He's ahead. He's winning this, okay? This is a okay. He loves this. A couple of zealots going for some harassed. We'll get cleaned up, obviously. They moved into the army rather than into the next row. A little bit of a mistake from the Toss. Toss is getting an army with a lot of disruptors right now, the way and I'm kind of liking it I'm kind of liking it even though against tanks usually disruptors actually aren't that great because tanks okay so in theory disruptors actually outrange them but because the positioning is very very tight it doesn't tend to quite work that way because if you shoot in range it's pretty tricky and you need very good vision of where the tank is so if Terran is good about denying vision then tanks I think are slightly better because of how scan works Um, we have 3-3 on the way, the super upgrades is enhanced shockwave. Yeah, enhanced shockwave. That's an upgrade right there, guys. Now that's an upgrade right there. Okay, we see Templar. I like that as well. I do like some Templar. In a prism, that's good. Softter has, what's this map vision right now? Very, very good map vision, you see? So this is kind of what you want to see. If you're a Terrant player, then it's very important that you see absolutely nothing on the map. Now, this might sound sarcastic, but it actually isn't because you know how sometimes if you have an animal with a very small brain, if there's too many things coming towards that animal, like too many ways that it can get excited, it might just overheat, you know, and it dies. The same thing can happen with a Terran. a Terran has a very small brain size. This is overgeneralizing, but on average. Research has been done by the Harstam Institute. The average brain size of a Terran is about five times smaller that of a Protoss player. So if you give a Terran too much information, he overheats and he can faint or, in the worst case, accidentally uninstall Starcraft. So it's very important for Terran to have absolutely zero info. And you see he's doing a very good job at that. He sees absolutely nothing. He has no clue where his opponent's army is. He accidentally saw that there's a fort, which is a little bit painful. This is probably going to cause quite some panic here for the Terran because that's a lot of information for him already. But for the Terran right now, it's important that he doesn't see this army move into position or over here or just attack here or maybe a prism in here. Like spreading out marines or sensor towers and things like those is very, very dangerous. So if you're a Terran player and you know of yourself, hey, I have a small brain, I know I tend to overheat when I get too much info, be sure to copy softer here because that's really a play. Look, this is the type of movement you expect from a guy who has absolutely nothing around the map, but that is not a bug that's actually a feature. Okay, don't, no tank siege, because who really wants that anyway? Usually when softer siege is tanks, they're so far out of range that for him it's probably actually better that he just leaves them unseached because then they can't be in crap positions. It's like, you know what? These tanks are good over here. Let me move forward with my tiny army into this massive army. Sounds like a good plan. Okay, this is good. The unseeges has one K gas in the bank, like the good terrain that he is, builds another command center. I don't even know what this location is, but I love it. His building placement has been absolutely fantastic. He just, he sees an empty spot and he just wants to build something. You know, it doesn't really matter if it makes any sense. And I was like, oh, there's space here. Maybe the next sensor tower, the next turret will be over here. A couple of depots on the left side or an armory here. You know, you never know. As long as he, if he's there, he's focused and he thinks he needs that structure. He'll build it right where he sees it. Okay? He'll be the right where he sees it. Now, we have softer moving in to attack the fort base. He gets some accidental vision of his opponent. Now, let's have a look at this. Is this going to be better? So last time what we did is we made sure to be very far back with our tanks. No, no, he's cutting back. This is, okay, this is good. This is what you want to be doing. You trick your opponent into attacking into your tanks. Look at these tanks. They're actually putting in some work. And even though this fight probably shouldn't have been taken, the way he took this fight was a million times better than the other fight he took. Actually a million times better. The only problem is that he... invested a little bit too much in Metafax and not quite enough in things that actually do damage that is an issue if you have three Vikings and 12 medevacs remaining after a fight that could be considered bad but I don't want to be a party pooper here for Safter he's struggling hard enough already in his game I love this one as well by the way builds one CC over here another one over here Oh man the building positioning. This is just, this is just beautiful. You love to see it. You love to see it. What are we at for the TOS here? TOS is gaining an advantage in economy again. His upgrades are looking solid. He has disruptors a fifth base on the way. This observer has literally seen everything. Sometimes people say, I've seen it all. But this observer actually has seen it all. He's seen everything move out from the natural. Oh no, sorry. He missed these, this barracks. He didn't see. But everything else, he pretty much had seen move out. A little bit of a drop, some solid multitask. Is he only looking at the drop right now? This sometimes happens, where Terence only look at the drop, but they forget to do the rest. And then they pretend like they multitask. That's one of my favorite things in the game. Now, here's Don Shimabak. There's a way better army. Army that can actually find what? Hello? Oh, throws down a couple of storms. I think we should just aim move into this, honestly. He shoots a nice disruptor shots on six of his own zealots, but yeah, it's way too far ahead at this point. Yeah, this game is just pretty over. The game is actually just pretty over. Command Center finally landed, though. I like that both players take this one rather than just the one over here. That's probably a bit closer. And now I kind of start thinking, you know? Like, huh. Was this really true? Is this really true what softer said here? You know? Let me just open what he said in. He said, in this replay, I was miles ahead in every way possible. But Protoss had disruptors and I couldn't do anything. Now, I'm afraid that that isn't completely the truth there, softer. Okay. You were miles ahead. Okay. You were in a really good spot. You were up in workers, you had a faster command center, then you decided to stop building workers for two minutes straight, legitimately two minutes straight. You made a pushout, which probably should have hit a bit faster already, because you completely forgot about your barracks, consisted of only Marines, attacking out of tank range, into batteries, colossi, and disruptor. And even after that, you were still ahead. Then you decide to get zero map vision, lose a base, because half of your tanks are unseached. Your army composition consists of 12 medevacs, three Vikings, and no ground units that do any damage whatsoever. I like to blame this on the disruptor. I'd love to. I love to say, Sauter, you know what? You're right. You're correct. But I'd be lying, Sauter. And I don't like lying. That's what you did in your email. You lied. And I don't like that. And for that, you suck. All right. That's going to be it. for today's episode of Is It Inba? Or do I suck? If you also believe you have something imbalanced, don't forget to send in your own imbalance complaint from down in the description below. If you believe I was wrong about my call here about softer, also leave a comment down below, so I know exactly which people do the ban in my YouTube. And that's actually going to be it. Please like this video and subscribe as well, as these things are fantastic. See next time. Bye-bye. I'm |
He is SPEEDRUNNING this format! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today we have another CHINESE replay! And by now you guys should know how much I love those chinese replays! Therefore: 玩得开心! But don't forget to like, subscribe and tell your parrot about it, so he can fly out and annoy everyone until they also like and subscribe! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IOIDS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bPwjxQ4hmwo/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | bPwjxQ4hmwo | Hi, Harstam. I'm a big fan of yours. TVZ. I feel very unfair. I've been preventing him from developing fungal carpet tumors. My evil fire also burned a lot of fungal carpets. After the first attack, I went back to gather troops to fight the second attack. I played a double line. I knocked out one of his bases, although the main force of the other half was gone. It changed almost the same. However, his soldiers made up too fast and I couldn't stop it at all. It's unfair. If it is my problem, please teach me how to face these things. I absolutely have zero idea what you just said. None. I don't even know what matchup. Well, you said TVZ after saying I'm a big fan of yours, comma TVZ. And then period. I feel very unfair. I just kind of want to reject this one already. Hamster. Wrap it up. Poop. You suck. I was kidding. All right. I guess what he's saying is let's just try to decipher this message for a bit. I think what he means is that my evil fire is probably Hallions. So Helians managed to burn a lot of creep tumors. After his first attack, he went back to gather up more forces for a second attack. He played a double line. He multitasked. He knocked out one of his bases. Well, that was pretty obvious. Although the main force of the other half was gone. I guess the other half is his opponent. it changed almost the same probably means it changed nothing his soldiers remaxed too fast and he couldn't stop it at all so I guess the problem is that his opponent can remix too fast and produce too quickly got sent in from the Chinese server a master's player he has a name that oh I do not read Chinese so I can I don't know what it says 4.2k MMR it's gonna be on death aura and it's gonna be One hell of a replay I can feel it already. In the bottom left we have our man, well the subject, our Terran player, the man who is here with the evil fire, trying to destroy the fungle carpet, tumours. The red Terran. All right, in the bottom right we have IG Zau, which is the Zerg for today. I'm curious to see what we have. I'm really, I'm looking forward to this. The Chinese replays, not only do they always have great descriptions. They tend to be very very, very good. The Chinese server is a server that I, you know, I'd like to get a closer look at at times because these guys, they know how to play. It's of course not weird as one of the greatest military strategist of all time comes out of China. Sun Tzu is a world famous book, The Art of War, appear weak when you're strong, appear strong when you are weak. And loads of other, you know solid solid words of advice can be applied to starcraft let's see if our Terran friend also read the art of war or if you read the art of sucking which also is an interesting book do not buy that if you're below 18 um barracks uh i think this was a barracks first barracks first yeah barracks first depot and we have just a standard hatch first on the other side of the map so looking pretty solid here for opener wise you know just just your your your standard openers for for both players i don't mind this there's no s evi v scout but you don't need the s evi v scout every single game i'm not going to complain about not s evi scouting you know it's just the decision you make you want more money you don't as a v scout you know good for you i'm not going to complain about that if you like cash if you like the money you like a little bit of risk yeah don't siv scout you know where I'm not going to blame you for that. You know, I don't probe scout half of my games. It's just to show some dominance, showing that you're not afraid. I think that's a good play. It's a good play. See what it's going to do with the Reapers? Even going to keep the Reaper, is he going to keep it at home? We're just going to straight across the map. Straight across the map. No half-mashers here. She's just going to bang. Bang it out and then move. I like that. I do like that. Doesn't take the speed zones. You know, this guy just wants to take the long way around. To bottle whiskey for the way. He doesn't even need no sweet company. And he's living today. Leaving today. What do you say? And his Reaper's not going to be gone. Hopefully. Trows a grenade. Gets a drone. That's a good start. That's a good start. I like this. I like this. Start attacking the lings as well and piss us up. This is a good start. Not very often do you see people get a drone. Follow up at home is second gas factory. Barracks as well and orbital finishing up. Reap-Otakes out a creep tumor as well. What is this? Creep tumor and a drone. This is a very valuable Reaper over here. Look at this guy. It's the MVP so far of this game. It's looking healthy as well. Just healing up over here by himself in the corner. Hop one HP every half a second or something like that. It's going to go in for the second tumor most likely. Look at him. Oh, he sees it go down. He sees it go down. He sees it. whoop right clicks it throws the grenade takes the tumor loses his life not quite worth it of course but i mean he did a good job you know you you take a risk you know this guy he likes taking risk you know we we can see that already we can see that this this Terran players is not he's not a scare he's not a scared one he when he when he goes to an amusement park he goes into all the roller coasters you know he's he likes to live on the edge 4 Depot is a little bit too quick 5th Depot is way too quick 46 out of 62 is not quite what you need but I mean it's I'm not gonna it's better than being supply blocked you know we've had a pro player E Laser who was building 19 overlords at the 5 minute mark so it never be supply block again you'd send out your first void ray kill 4 overlords and watch the replay so he still had like 20 oversupply like what the hell is this creep tumors being thrown down get taken out so Actually, a lot of the fungal carpet is being taken out here by the evil fire. As this overlord gets taken out by, I guess it was this marine as well. Now, I did spot that there was cloak banshee on the way, so you shouldn't be able to do too much with these individual banshees. When you get spotted with cloak banshee, something that I think is, in general, very common at the moment, even if you don't get spotted, but it's also just very, very good, is to save up two banshees and then go in with two at the same time, because usually the spores or the overseer, well, it's going to be spores most likely, are going to be in time for that single banshee, and you're not going to be able to do very much with that first banshee, even though it has cloak, because, I mean, you got spotted, unless the opponent actually has no grain, you shouldn't be capable of getting any real damage there. Third C is he on the way, barracks three and two, two and three on the way as well. So you see four cars stay at home, four cars on the other side of the map. The Benchie flies in, it's going to get two drones for free, then decides to take a couple of shots to the head as well. I mean, why not? Two workers, I really think saving it up would have been better here, or just go for one worker and then run away again because I think that one worker was free damage. Now, he took so much damage here. It's going to be hard to go in later on. And once you have two Banshees, it just becomes way easier to one shot. drone. Well, it just becomes possible. If you have one Benchie, it's literally impossible to one shot a worker. Now this Benchie is doing a little bit of work still in vision range of the Spore. So honestly not the hottest control on these Banshees. Yeah, it's just going to lose it there, I guess. All right, Benchie goes down, flies into Spar of the Spore. Without overseers, you never really should be capable of losing banshees, but control not looking too hot. However, the creepy Nile is looking pretty hot. I am liking. the creep denial here we see a lot of tumors going down already i think we see maybe four or five seven tumors going down the banshee goes back in here so this bens she's actually going to be able to do a little bit of extra damage here as well uh gets what three more three more workers these helions are still all alive as well should be careful though don't really want to be losing that or even thanking any damage armory goes down stim has to finished up already combat shield hasn't started yet and the There's no real rally point on these marines and tanks. We see a supply drop being utilized. Now all of this is honestly sure it isn't great, but it isn't the worst thing. As long as eventually you do start your stim, I can kind of accept this, you know. The opponent is building two macro hatches in the main. It's not too keen on injecting it seems like. Overall, I think this is not a bad situation for the Terran. If I'm a Terran here, I'm going to be pretty freaking happy. We can repair our cars, we can move out with a little bit of a tank boot and we have two tanks. And yeah, it's just all around looking pretty freaking solid in position for the Ling run by. Hallion control, not brilliant, but, okay, lost, I think lost five aliens there. At least maybe he lost one before. There's a lot of aliens for against this many lings. Yeah, that's a bit painful. But we're still in an okay spot. Okay, first, sure it hits about a minute late sure he completely forgot about combat shield sure to two hasn't started immediately and he starts with armor rather than attack which is definitely not the play so it's not perfect okay but no one is perfect to be fair the Terran here really is is very far from perfect but let's just give him this okay plus two starts up sure combat shield is should have been done already at this point and hasn't started yet. Overstimming. Hello? What's this guy defending? He's holding the backline. In case there's a flank, he will die first. I don't even think they're in range of each other. He's like, if there's like two lings attacking here, this guy won't even be able to cover. This tank is defending absolutely nothing. He's vulnerable to everything, defends nothing. honestly at this point you might as well not take it you know this guy is just stay if you if you don't want to join in on the fight you just don't show up you know is the guy when there's riots against the police or something like that he's the guy in the back you know just just just just saying things whispering things like i don't like you guys i'm rioting too like just just just stay at home like you don't you don't have to be a bad guy you can you can do what you are just just the perfect spot for you is right over here, you know, maybe even a bit further to the back. So whenever this area, when there's lings over here, you can do some work, but don't pretend, don't join the forces, you know, like you don't want to be sent out. Just go home. This tank is completely useless, okay? It should be over here, or maybe even a bit over here. It kind of covers the front line, covers these Marines, covers this tank. Actually, can maybe shoot at a potential flank. This is pathetic. So we have these marines who are heavy, heavy stim addicts, completely over stimmed. Single bainling would be able to take all of the mouth. Luckily here, for our Terran player, it hasn't happened. Kills a lot of creep tumors though, only loses a single tank. And if he packs up now and takes this bad boy with him, I'm not even going to complain too much about this. You know, this wasn't a great fight, but he cleared a bit of creep. He only lost a single tank you can just pack up go home for cc on the way second factory on the way as well and he decided you know what perhaps getting those shields on my marines isn't too bad because i keep stimming again and again and again and i kind of would like them to be able to tank a bailing show at some point in their life so yeah i i do like i do like that a lot second factory on the way honestly the theory behind this is all proper right you're going to be playing five racks into double factory fourth cc two to upgrade what is This barracks musicianing. But you know what's possible? Is there a setting in StarCraft? I'm going to show you guys this setting. The setting is the... Where is that? The mouse and keyword is the mouse scroll speed. I think this guy has the scroll speed all the way to 100. And whenever he touches the edges, it just flies across the map. And so what happens is he goes into one of his bases, right? He goes over here, it's like, okay, selects his worker, clicks the build button. He has the barracks and actually goes over here. He's like, oh, barracks over here. Because his building positioning is just, this is not SimCity. Like, if this guy was a city planner, the hospital would be like 15 kilometers away from the city center because his mouse just went like this to the corner of the map again and again. like there's absolutely no logic like this cc what is this cc doing usually you build it over here second factory is supposed to be over here like you build your first barracks is at the ramp this is the only building that is in the correct position and the ebay's i guess i'm surprised that he managed to land the cc's in the correct spot because holy crap this guy has absolutely no clue uh of any type of city planning please i i hope to god for for the future of china Now, this man is never going to get a job as a potential city planner. That would not be good. So this is the double line he was talking about. We have that little bit of multitasking. He's doing a good job, honestly. Even without combat shield, he's picking stuff up. He's relatively quick, I think, at least. Yeah, he's fast, you know. 300 apm. As a turn, that's not bad at all. We have some unseged shenanigans here. He's going to seat them all in the same spot. Not a big fan of this. against ravagers because bios can usually kind of, well, if the Zerg would decide the bile, could do something about that. Half of the Marine Force is very focused on taking out these extractors while the rest of the army is being taken out. I guess the main priority here was ensuring that this hatchery almost goes down. Does take out this hatchery? I like that he shut down an extractor, half an extractor, like 90% of this hatchery as well. like you always got a kind of imagine in these scenarios is what would happen if that DPS was focused on the units okay so if you have a ravager that's what like 120 120 HP right yeah 120 HP on a ravager this hatchery is like 1500 he just basically he focused like nine ravagers down but instead he almost got a got a hatchery and same with this extractor like this extractor tends of like I think it's 500 HP right yeah 500 HP, he killed one, the other one is halfway down. Like, that's another three, four Reviters. Like, he probably would have just straight up won the fight. Now, it's still not bad because he took out the base. He has his own fourth base. His worker production has been a bit mediocre, but he has a good seeded up position here that should never be capable of being broken. I mean, he's up like 20 army supply. He has two-two upgrades, three-three on the way. I'm completely happy with this. He sees the move out from his opponent. He decides to counter-attack, and then you just kind of defend your seat's position. Or you move out on the map with all of your units unseached into banlings after you spot what's happening. He loses half of his army, he's like, hey, I think I can give you the other half as well. Yeah, he's kind of right about that. He's giving the other half of his army. He literally just lost 60 army supply for absolutely no reason. This absolutely makes no sense. This made no sense. You know what I think happened here? I feel like he's once done this before, you know? This fight that he did over here just now, he's had this before and he won it. And this is kind of what we call a dumb decision, okay? And this is based on a prior experience. And I think this is actually called the survivor bias. So what happens is people that have something good happen to them, or they just survive in general. That's why it's called survivor bias. They think that every decision that led up to that good thing was a good decision because the outcome was good, right? But that's not true. And I'm going to illustrate that with an analogy. Imagine you're into stocks, okay? And in order to decide what stock you're going to take, what you do is you go to your local, zoo, you start taunting the monkeys until they throw poop at you, and then you calculate the speed of the poop, and based on the speed of the poop slung at you by the monkeys in your local zoo, with a formula, you decide which stock to pick, and you pick a stock that rises a lot, and you go, see, the method works. But that's not quite how it works, my friend. Like, everything leading up to your decision was incorrect. the fact that you got the correct outcome doesn't necessarily mean that the process going towards that decision was correct and that's what you did here you already had this happen before but in reality you just had some monkeys throw poop at you and that's not the proper way to play starcraft um so i had to go very deep for that one um planetary fortress on the fort base i do like that even even you Even though that fight was god-awful, the situation still is somewhat manageable. The creep isn't great. Really, he truly has been doing a great job at kind of clearing creep in the early game. There's only four bases for this. He does the same thing again. But does he keep moving into the open space, the Siege his tank. He's like, I like defensive jokes, but you know, it would be better if the Zerg could just surround me and all of his units would be useful. It's very inclusive. I have to admit our good Terran friend over here, but not really the proper way to play. He's going to end up losing this planetary, but the Zerg is going to pay a big and hefty fine for that in losing his entire army. And honestly, they're both kind of throwing the game onto each other. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if either of these guys was baseball players, because they're extremely good at throwing. We have 3-3 about to finish up, and now that he's won a fight, our good Chinese Terran decides it's time to move out once again. 28 Marines, three marauders, three tanks as well. I'm kind of a fan of this. I'm a fan of this move out, okay? If he micros this well, he could potentially do something. You know what I'd like even more? If you just loads up like two metaphics and just goes to this area or something like that, there's almost no creep on that left side. And if you check, there's no fifth base over here. Maybe there's a fifth base over here. 4base versus 4 base tends to be quite beneficial for Terran. Did I lower the speed of the game? Accidentally, I think I had, yeah, nice. It's going to be one hell of an episode then. It's like twice as long as usual. Drilling clause starts for the currently zero mines, but honestly I don't mind it either because against big Ling bane count, getting a couple of mines can be quite useful. So if he eventually throws this onto a reactor or he throws this one onto a reactor, that actually could be kind of beneficial. We have a link run by, we have a link Bane run by being set up. This Zurich is playing well as well by the way. This is not a bad game. This was a master's game for a point two, but these guys are making very solid plays all the way throughout. I like to see it, you know, you love to see it even. The only problem right now for the Terran here is that the Zerkes is kind of outmining him. This is a good position. Now this is proper... Well, let's ignore these two tanks on the right side. Let's pretend that didn't happen. Okay, just make my camera a bit bigger so we don't. see that. Did this fight actually wasn't too bad. Sure he lost a crap ton of workers, but the way that he did this fight, he actually stayed in a defensive position. Also, okay, this is pissing off. Why every single time that he sees he's being attacked? He decides now is a great time to go and deny some creep on the other side of the map. Like, this is fine if you're up 40 supply, or you know you're going to absolutely blast a fight, but if the fights are as tight as this, you're going to need every single unit you can at home buddy like you're just going to need it how many workers did he only lost 25 workers which means he didn't really build that many workers overall and he's been very bad at rebuilding workers as well also his gas income is plenty you know like yes he is yeah just do you think this guy just does it automatically or actually looked at his at his resource tab was like 2.8k gas huh i think this with my 48 SUVs i might be going into a late game It might be best if I add two extra refineries here on the third. I'm surprised he hasn't rebuilt this one yet, but I see the SCV is already ready, ready, ready and in position, ready to go. There's an orbital here. Wait, what? Why would he build an orbital here? He keeps getting attacked into position by pure Ling Bane. You're going to get an orbital on your fortbase, buddy. I thought he flew over the main for a second, but no, that actually was, that should have been a planetary. So, okay, he's going to get his reactor now. I like that. It's going to be going into mites. He's taking defensive positions. All he needs is a little bit of counter-attack, a counter-harass on the other side. And he needs to increase his marauder production. He built some barracks over here. I like that as well. I actually kind of like the move this guy is making here. And these bailings are trying their absolute best to go to get to these rocks, but these lings are just kind of denying them. That's just sad. That's just sad. Can I take the fifth base with the orbital from the main? Income is pretty far behind here for the Tarrant. Once again, one of the tanks not sieged up. But Zerg is trying to look for an angle. It's not really going to be able to find it. I don't think, at least. I don't think he's going to be able to find it. Except I guess on this fifth base, but yeah, there's really not much to defend. Tank once again, not siege up. Hello? What are these splits? What are these splits? Okay, quick tip. If your opponent has banlings, which for the people not aware, explode on your units, the thing you don't want to do is you don't want to run forward into that. You want to be running back, kiting towards your tanks. Now, not all tanks are in position, but it's to be expected, right? You have to cover a big area here. What can help is a sensor tower, which is practically MEPAC, and it sees where your opponent is attacking. What you don't want to do is you see the bailings come in and then run towards them? Yeah, you'll lose the fight. Like, these ultras didn't even do any damage. You just literally ran into banlings. Gigi. Overall, units lost. still in favor of the Terran, even after those fights. I think, if anything, my friend, you might have been the broken race. Like, okay, let's, let's just, let's just go over this. Real slow and easy, okay? You said, you said, you cleared a lot of creep. That's correct. You cleared a lot of creep. You took out the base. That's true as well. Let's not forget about the, about maybe 1600 damage that you put on the extractor and, like, three-fourth of another, hatchery as well which probably would have straight up on you the game the forgetting of combat shield the initial forgetting of the plus to attack the the weird attack you know the the the monkey throwing poop at you in the middle of the map like i have absolutely no clue what you were doing there you kept taking terrible fight after terrible fight and somehow you're still up in units lost my friend i think the issue is absolutely not with Zerg being able to reproduce so fast It's just with you being terrible at taking fights. Like, Sun Tzu is looking at this and he's going to be real upset. You're a poor military strategist. And not only that, my friend, you also suck. And that's the way it has to be sometimes. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of, is it Inba or do I suck? If you did like this episode, don't forget to smash the like button on this video. hit subscribe as well as there will be more videos like this every single week on this channel and every single day there's another video of series that you guys like less and that's okay I'll see you all next time bye bye |
7 vs 2 Base AND HE LOSES?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Guys and gals. Today's episode is NOT for people with a weak heart since this imbalance complaint will skyrocket your bloodpressure! But don't worry, we dutch people have some ways to calm you back down again, so stick around til the very end for that! Also I heard that smashing that like and subscribe buttons is a very healthy thing to do! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IOIDS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tWMzXc1x2cg/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | tWMzXc1x2cg | Hi, Harstam. Thank you for picking this replay. I'd like to issue a formal complaint about two base terrans, specifically against the composition that the user Quackan, Mann, used in my recent letter match on 1115am, January 19th, 2021 on the lettermap Death Houra in gold MMR on the NA server. Medevacs, Marines, marauders, siege tanks and SCVs were all he made. In the attached replay, I had far superior economy, 7 bases to 2. And although I lost, I had more economy than the Terran throughout the entire game, with a more army supply, and yet I still lost. I had an unit composition that was supposed to counter this Inba composition using storms, and even Bill DTs to abuse the fact that he was on two bases, and therefore should be lacking scans. I do admit that I am terrible at the game and wasn't using the full extent of my income and getting supplied blocks several times, but there should be no scenario I should lose to a player who mines out two bases, stays on 30 SUV, flows his main for three minutes straight with no threat inside it, or making as many men. mistakes is this guy. I even sent several waves of harassment charlesles. And I would have won the game around the 22 minute mark where my charlors kill his third, which he built 15 minutes into the game and proceed to destroy the supply deep bow at his natural. Then kill it and all the SUV. Then he defends zealous with SUVs by repairing his buildings. Had he not used his unbalanced mechanic, I would have won the game there. At that point, he has 165 minutes. Yeah, right. We get it. I sincerely thank you for your hell. That's like, this guy wrote a freaking book, what the hell, dude. It's a small form. This is supposed to be a 25 second second. You're ruining my show. Basically, he thinks Terran is imbalanced because he lost the Taron while he was seven base while his opponent was two days. Now he had these situations before where people tell me, hey Kevin, I was on seven base and my opponent only on two. And then I watched the replay and they were like on three. and a half basis and their opponent was on three and then they're surprised oh i didn't win this game well yeah you weren't actually that far ahead so we'll see if this is going to be any different now let's keep in mind this is cold leak mmr okay um so it's not going to be the tightest game most likely but it still will be fun to to have a look exactly what goes down uh down here in the in the underground the caves the caves of the caves are necessarily on the ground the tunnels That's where they sit, the gold players, way under where the normal people walk. It starts pretty normal, honestly. Gate at the ramp is not necessary. This is something I see a lot with people that they've heard about walling, but they're not sure in what matchup and how to do it. So just kind of always build a gate at the ramp, which is not very useful in PVT and PVZ. PVZ, obviously, you wall downstairs. PVP you wall upstairs. But with two gateways and pvt, you either wall the Reaper ramp, you go downstairs or you just put it right next to your mineral line It's playing a build order though, which is nice to see. So it's going to be going 16 gate 20 Nexus which is actually a very standard build order like it's just going to be your your normal one gate expand the opponent is doing a build order that Well, I am not completely familiar with but maybe this is something new. Timings look relatively tight on the factory so I'm not gonna complain. Nexus, Cybercor, yeah, that Krono isn't supposed to be there because you need a simulator and pylon. Otherwise you're just gonna get supply blocked, which is exactly what's going to happen at this point. He also forgets his... Wait what? This is the one, this is the guy, who they watched one of my videos before with a build order and after a minute and a half they went i think i got the grasp of this i think i think i can play this how hard can this really be and then they followed up by getting supply block for 25 seconds and adding a second gate before he gets his first units from his initial gateway I don't know what this is, but dang, am I looking forward to this game right now? Okay, the reason I laugh is because I already know the timing on these gates means it's never going to be used before warpgate. None of these gates. Maybe one of them will build like a unit. Maybe he'll build one unit each. But it's completely useless to get the gates this early. This money could have been invested in something useful and nice, like faster probes, faster tech. Because pre-warp gate, your gateway 2 and 3 should never really be building anything. You can just do that from a single gate. All your gateway units in this matchup can just come initially from a single gate. The opponent is forgetting to build a reactor, but we can live with that. Okay, look, this second unit here could have just been built from the first gate if he started building units immediately. but instead he's doing like this weird staggered pattern. I can get four gateway units out out of a single gateway, three warpgate, and my warp gate would be finishing at around this point, like 350. So he's already laid with warp gate and he's going to get the exact same amount of units, which just means what he's doing sucks. I like the batteries here. Actually, he scouts, hey, there's no natural yet. Why would I get a third base now? Why would I continue with anything else? I want batteries. I'm probably going to be under attack. I think that's 100% the correct call. I'm pretty happy with that. This opponent is playing a game of the Flores Lava and loads everything up in this Medivac. Just drops into the natural... I mean this should never really work. It's just not enough units. There's batteries here. Can even use a super battery if he wants to on one of these two. There we go. He's not going to even lose any real... and any real HP. Just going to be shields for now. A little bit of a supply block, but honestly in my mind this game is completely over at this point. We're now at the stage in the game where if this was me against any player in the world, I'd be comfortable to call this game 100% win for me. Like, it tosses up 20 supply, or 20 workers. You have batteries for gas against a guy that is on two barracks, no stim, no tech lab. he does have plus one for four marines that's got to be one of the more useless upgrades I've seen but yeah this is this is just really really good for the Protoss right now and all all you need to do at this point as a toss is probably just get charged blink is also fine and then just get a bunch of gates continue building units and I don't really see a way for you to lose honestly but our man Aristal might might be making some some interesting place so what's his scouting info okay he lost his probe at some point and then he decided that scouting is it's pretty much for losers at this point he's just gonna sit back get a third base extra gas is going he's on what three gateways two forges templar archives i wouldn't mind if he adds like three gateways here starts his one one upgrades and throws down a couple of krona boost on this on this twilight council He's literally doubling his opponent's worker count. I have a feeling he might not have been lying about the seven against two base. God, that would be something. He's playing, what, four racks? Tank upgrades, okay. I love a tank position here, very far to the front. Kind of like a campaign, you know, truly like an outpost. Not great, but just give me that campaign feeling. No fourth base yet. No real scouting either, still by Aristotle. So he's completely blind about what's going on. He's absolutely zero idea. No clue about the unit composition. In theory, he doesn't even really know he spawned here. If he didn't know the map well, he could probably think that the base is here. I guess he did see something come down here, but he's absolutely zero info, which is fantastic. He's getting storm as well. It's not bad. Adding extra gateways, it's not bad. Spending his money, it's not bad. Still double work account as well. It's also not bad. but um dark shrine okay this is the dark shrine because he knows his opponent is on two base i feel like this is just one of those things he says you know he's he's just trying to justify it any way possible it's like i i i build a dark shrine because he's on two base and i could force out scans then if he's behind in a game it's i build a dark frame because i was behind and if he's ahead in the game oh i build a dark frame because i'm a hat so i thought it might be difficult for him to get detection. If the game is completely even, it's like, well, I thought I wanted to get an edge, so I got some Dark Templars. This is how it starts, you know, and I don't want to use some spells. No feedbacks. Storm wasn't done yet. Yes, there we go. It took his time, double drop doing slightly more than I expected it to. Because half of his army was just standing around now this is going to be a cleanup and let's have a gate count six gateways i need like one more unit here no never mind probes around also fine fourth base on the way 1,400 minerals in the bank could just add like two gateways it's getting charged which i like should start his 2 2 as well this guy's actually playing the floor is lava he just picks up everything i don't think he's actually touched the floor once yet He's like he's the ultimate dropper. Like the multitasking Terran, you know? All of his units always in Metafx. What's her? Arisol. Warps in as a slow pilot. 3DTs. There's a bunch of units here. There's defending this general area. To be fair, I don't even really mind that he's defending this. Look at this. Because he has absolutely zero clue as what's going on. He should be splitting his units. I can't make fun of him for trying to split his units. I can't make fun of him for the complete lack of vision on the map whatsoever. He knows absolutely zero. There could be 10 drops coming here. It could be a drop here, a main army here. Literally every spot is a viable attack path. And Armand Aristall has none of them covered. Just none. He probably thinks it's too much work to actually scout for what's going on. you know when he's like well if I have one weak spot it might be better to just have weak spots everywhere otherwise that the weak spot that single week spot would just get abused but now I have 10 different weeks spots so they can all get abused at the same time that just doesn't make a lot of sense that just doesn't make a lot of sense I don't like that at all Marines worker pool not really a luxury, more a necessity in the situations. Finally comes in action, but only with the DTs. The stalkers and the depth still holding guard over this general area, very important. DTs get scanned out, loses a base to four Marines and two marauders. This is truly something else. He hasn't used to single... How many Templars has he lost? He lost five Templars. I don't think I've seen a single spell yet. No feedback, no storm. Niantos. Nothing. I meant quacki man still chilling on a solid two basis. I'm loving it. DT's starting to move forward as well. It's going to do nothing. It's going to lose all 4Ds. So this is why usually. you send in one DT at a time to ensure that it's safe. That was something else. This entire game so far has been surprise after surprise. We're once again up to three bases as Aristol. I don't understand how his army supply is consistently lower than his opponent, even though his income is literally double the entire game. Still these units haven't touched the ground yet. I don't think they actually... He flies straight into the main base. This is the Artosis pylon of Artosis Pilons, by the way. Boom! Goes down. How many gateways is this? Eight gateways unpowered. Well, these two weren't yet powered. Response is to pull the zealots, obviously. I thought these units are ever going to participate. Maybe getting a couple of stalkers would be nice so you can shoot the main. Matterfax as well. He's not actually gonna do this, is he? We're not actually gonna watch this Benny Hill Sita. This guy is like the dog, you know? where you have your ball and you go like this and then you hide the ball behind your back dogs after you do it once or twice will realize aha the ball is behind the back my man aristol has no clue he's still looking for that ball to this day like where is it if the same thing happens again i'm gonna be so pissed he left some units okay good he left some freaking units just goes back home you know what I don't need to drop in this absolutely blasted this is why you just get a couple of stalkers he even has blink five stalkers would completely destroy it he's getting three nexai at the same time nexus I mean his opponent is still completely dead his one is literally down like six well one gay in bank at this point down 1.2k in income same upgrades smaller army there is nothing here that is looking good for the Terran there's nothing not a single thing here is good for the Terran I can't see it at least on vehicle plating the triple nexus like I have no clue what I'm watching here you could also start us 3 3 couldn't he You know, if I see one more slow warp, and I'm actually going to lose it. So if a pylon is close by a nexus, it provides a quick warp in which takes like three seconds. If the pylon is not nearby in excess or not connected to a nexus, it does the slow warpins. And so far I've really only seen slow warpins. He's actually up 20 supply. It's, or 20 army supply. And like double the worker supply still. Kills the third base. I think this is what he was talking about. Our main man still playing the floor is lava. Queque man. Come on, buddy. Keep going. Dude, we're cheering hard for him. Did it, did it, did it, did it, the only vision that Aristot has is in Nexai. He can also just spread out units, but instead he uses Nexai as a way to scout. Like, these bases are not meant for mining. They're just meant as scouting. He's like, man, it's really difficult for Tops to get any type of vision on the map. But Terran, I just used to use sensor towers. Oh, he did say he used to be a Terran main, by the way, in the description. I can't remember if I mentioned that because it was so freaking long. Maybe he thinks if you get nexus, nexai, you're going to be capable of scanning like you are with Terran. So that's why he's using that as a way of vision. Like, just use your entire... I don't think. he has any control groups at all. He's probably looking around the map for units to drag select and then right click into the opponent's army. Just build a couple of stalkers please. Yes stalkers. Oh, these guys have been here for a long time. How long will this last? Okay, storms, that's good. Feedback, maybe. Like, what's he controlling? It's another good storm actually. His storms have been on point. I mean, so far he's only lost while. he's only lost what five high templars and we've already seen two good storms he's still so far up he's legit floating 3k resources like at any point if he decides to spend half of his money get any upgrades any type of map this is the first time we're moving out he just insta wins Aristot he is legit on six base against two base he's up 50 supply and all of that is workers but he has so much what's the gateway he's 12 gates he could literally just warp in and be maxed basically this is this is a this is a decoy base it's not a you think this is the charge slot harass he was talking about if this is the charge lot i have i'm just constantly stunned by the things i'm trying to connect them back to the email right it's like this makes just no sense at all this is not charred lover ass this is just sacrifice sacrifice to the Terran god 5 dTs come in. The star has been good at scanning so far and as I say that of course he's going to lose every single tank for free. It does end up scanning. There's just no unit control. So I have a couple of working theories here. First of all, I think we might have a player here who doesn't actually use hotkeys. I think he just literally drag selects whatever units he needs. This has never moved. So whenever he warps something, in he immediately kind of selects it right because it's easy and then he'll just click it in or something like that what is the first person from someone like this looked like like there's a scan you see a lot of army let me continue right clicking the tank He sees the zealots here, look at this. The zealots, he's like, well, I am in trouble, but these zealots are kind of defending the left side right now. Maybe he's just a role player, you know? Just wants to defend the castle on the left side with this group. He cares more about the roleplay than he cares about winning this game. But then why would he send in the email? I do believe he's an actual role. He's larping right now. The actual role player live here on IOTIS. All right. He kills the attack, the DTs did their job, but now he's only on four bases. He only has double the worker count. He's only mining three, four hundred minerals more than his opponent. Like these are all things that are an issue. Sure, if we look at the... at the grand scheme of things, he's still light years ahead. But this guy doesn't need to be light years ahead. Like, this guy just needs to be in a completely different dimension if he wants to win a game. Like, he is so insanely bad. He just doesn't fight. He just keeps using DTs again and again and again. He's 3K in the bank. He has 12 gateways. He could spend that twice, and he'd be up like, he had double the army supply he would have double literally double the army supply right here he's he's owning the Terran with a single dt again there's no matterfax here by the way this is an army without matter of x where's the rest of the army it's all spread out that's the issue i have Okay, the initial zealad sacrifice. You think he's going to realize his units here? Like I just don't know what he's... He just keeps standing in single DTs. He didn't build a dark shrine because he thought his opponent wasn't going to have scans. He built a dark shrine because in his eyes, zealots are useless. But that's because he keeps sending in like squads of 20 zealads. Sir, we have enough to surround our enemy. We're outnumbering his forces, 10 to 1. How do you want to continue here? Mement Aristol goes, send in five at a time. Make sure that the opponent can rest in between waves. This is actually how it goes in the campaign and in co-op. Aristot is an actual AI. Like he's just sending in waves of units. I'm surprised he doesn't like, There's no pop-up coming on Quequamon stream. Amon is sending more units to our base. How are we going to be defending this? Like, that's the only thing missing here for Arista. It's just the warning that he's feeding him ten more salads. And this is not the campaign on Bruton, my friends. He is the normal. He's the normal campaign. This is not even hard. It's maybe even casual. He might actually be the casual campaign. Almost got a storm up. Oh, got another storm. I have no clue what happened here. But he has 21 workers left. 3K in the bank and he's down in army supply. If this base bill burns down, I'm going to be so extremely sound. so extremely sad you won't even believe it okay this iron this looks bad okay but in reality he's still on four neck size so he can very rapidly produce more unit or more workers um he has a completely fresh base he still's mining a bit here he has 3k in the bank he never got any upgrades passed to too by the way I love that it's like, you know what, I have 18 workers. My priority is going to be to get another base to really split those workers. Like, this just makes me sad, honestly. That's in a DT again. If I see one more DT go in to clean something up, that your freaking army of 35 zealots could also do. Why is he expanding to four different base at the same time? How about we saturate the one base that we already have? He's like the guy always aiming for more, but never truly using what he already has. He's the ultimate consumer, Aristotau. Like 17 different purses, doesn't use a single one of them. Oh, that's a nice new purse, let me get that one. uses it once. It just doesn't match my other outfits. Gets a new purse, except the purses are bases. There's no such thing as an outfit in Stark. It actually kills this base. Use all of his units to kill an opponent base. Now, let me give you some Starcraft theory here. If you are up to two mining bases, okay, and you have 26 workers, and your opponent has nine workers and has, basically half a mining base. What you can do is nothing. You can just sit back and do nothing. You're actively winning the game by doing nothing, okay? What you can also do is send 25 zealots across the map and then lose every mining base you've ever had to 10 Marines and 8 Mavax. That's also possible. Now, if these were two options in a quiz, I'm pretty... This is celebration time. These two adepts and stalker, they've been here for about 20, well, about 15 minutes, I think. This is the first time they moved. Just to be sacrificed to the gods. It's just sad. Another successful engagement. He is looking at this, right? right? Because where else is he looking? Like, I don't understand how that is possible. How is it possible that you can be looking at something and not wanting to change if the fight is looking so terrible? He's going to probably get the CC as well. You think he knows how to recall? I don't think so. I don't think we're going to see a recall. I'd love to, though. He actually might be losing at this point. And I know that sounds dumb because he still doubled the opponent's supply. But he just lost, I think, three bases to six or seven marines. He gave up. He actually went back. For a second I was going to be afraid. He was actually just going to keep attacking the wall again and again and again. Until he lost every single salad. But no, he sends them back. warps in a d t there's full full scanning full scanning possibility at this point okay so what really is there left let's let's quickly make uh evaluate the situation okay so we have 16 marines one tank one templar 20 zealads three dTs two stalkers he could split his army and win on both sides okay that's important here it's important to realize that he could split his army and win on both sides like probably without even microing all he would need to do is just a move that's literally all he would need to do I... I... Okay. Riddle me this. Why do people do this? I don't mind if you play like this, okay. Power, power to you. If this is your type of that's completely fine. I don't give a crap. But why do you feel the need to send this to me? Honestly, what am I supposed to say here? Like, what even was this? Like, what is this? You queued it up from here. It walks all the way over there to cast a storm eight seconds late. There's no upgrades or there's no control groups. You forgot to upgrade for 15 minutes. Like, what do you expect me to do here? I just don't understand why I get this. Like, you're double supply. Why don't you just aim move? He's still winning so hard. That's the worst part. He's like light years ahead. And I know he's going to lose this somehow. I think I could legit win this game with my eyes closed. And my opponent would be beyond. Like, all you need to do is find the F2 button and you can just aim off on the mini map and you'll win. It's not actually possible to lose this game. It's also absolutely fantastic that the first time he starts spreading out his units, is by the time that all he needs to do is defend his base. I feel like this would be the perfect replay. If you have just any type of player, it doesn't matter if you're new or old. It's like if you really want to know what you want to do in a game, you just watch this game and do the exact opposite, every single action he makes. Like just every single action, do the complete opposite. Because holy crap, this is awful. I love to stare him by the way. Like his passion for dropping is truly showing. It's something I can appreciate. This man just has one passion. That's to load up the units and then drop them again and load them up and just to drop them again. Okay, this move, okay, this actually does it for me. I'm not sure if I want to finish it. Just appreciate the brilliance here, okay? I'm going to actually take an alternative angle. He is being dropped. His army consists of mainly zealots. And his response is to build a pylon here to ensure that the zealots go in one by one, rather than five at a time. Look at this. He creates a choke for himself because he didn't think the game would be hard enough if that choke wasn't there. This is beautiful. Did you sacrifice his Templar? He actually... man, he's actually winning this fight. I think he just sacrifices his Templar. This is something else. We're in Nexus? Into the nose, out through the mouth. Holy crap. My blood pressure is actually insane right now. Like this is not good for me guys. This is shaving years of my life, this single game. single game. This should come with like a warning with a warning like cigarettes, you know. Smoking kills. Like Aristol is going to be the biggest killer. There's going to be like one of these big researchers in like different populations and people who were subscribed to my YouTube channel will just die 15 years earlier all because of this single game. This is actually Actually, I don't even know how... I... I'm gonna do the responsible thing. At the end of this video, after everything is said and done, I'll give all of you guys a two and a half minute meditational exercise, okay? We'll just do it together. Let me make sure that, you know, we can get back to normal levels, normal levels in her head, our brain doesn't explode. our heart doesn't start pounding so fast out of frustration that it might actually burn a hole in our chest. Okay, if we once again honestly evaluate this position, we have Quequaman who is mining zero. Okay, we have an income of zero. We have Aristotel who has an income of 1,000. Which means every minute this game lands. he's gonna get 10 zealots okay that's the theory here well if he would repower these gates versus units oh he still has some spread out this is great all he needs to do is defend this base okay if this base stays alive he actually can't lose it's not possible well theory it's not possible so far aristol has been showing me again and again that it completely is possible How about we build a pilot? What is he doing? I'm just so curious. You know what I really need right now? It's more workers. Because I have a single mining base. How is this the play? He's seeing that there's no expansions of his opponent. He's actively realizing that he... you have vision everywhere at this one how is the play here to build two more next eye it's like his opponent is on his last legs like this is it you know all you need to do is not die and you're gonna be like you'll actually just win the game and what does he do just builds two more next eye Just built some pilots, please. I still have absolutely no clue how he's going to lose this game. He could... He could literally aim of his opponent at this point as well. Don't forget, the army supply looks big for the Terran, but it's nine Madovacs. He has seven Marines and one tank. Against 10... 45 workers. He's so oversaturated. Okay, this is once again a warning nexus. This is the nexus that says, hey, you need to move to the right side to defend it right now. How does he not have any money? Like where's the money going to? Just more probes? How is that the thing that he really needs right now? He's going to have two mining bases. He has 45 workers. He's massively oversaturated here. He's long distance mining. He pulls the probes. That's something. He's actually losing this game. He's actually unironically losing this game. I just can't believe it. I just actually can't believe it. It's getting dropped again. These drops, man, I'd be going bananas if I was Aristotle at this point. I just don't... I have no worse for this. He's not even losing still, by the way. Like, it's actually still playable. He can just get Templar. If he gets too Templar out, who he warped something in. two stalkers, where did he warp them in? Over here, smart. Got a pile on here, but I'm just gonna follow him right now. What is the play here? Is he attacking? Sees a zealots, he's a zealotness and I won't need that. Stalkers? Nah, just doing a small attack. I'm gonna still leave like four, he's 48 workers against four, 50 workers against four. How many workers died this game? Holy crap. Oh God. What is the units lost? He just isn't looking. He's an ostrich. If I don't see it happening, it's not happening. He's an actual ostrich. So far, he's been an AI, an ostrich. I feel like I called him another thing as well, but I can't remember what. This is pure insanity. This is what pure insanity is like. It just starts expanding to the right side. He's actually lost the game at this point now. Right now, the game is actually over. He actually lost. It's Marines in the main base? It's... I can't believe. this. I don't think I've ever seen this in a PVT before in my life. Because A-moving is going to get you better ratio. Like actually, it's just not possible. I just never seen it. Let's just repeat this part up a bit. Oh, here we go. Final fight. That's it. He has no units. The thing is, he doesn't know that he has no units, because he never has them hotkeyed anyway. What? He's getting a Stargate? Probably, he's like, you know what the issue here is? It's the drops. The drops is the issue. That's really what got me. Not the trace, it's the drops. The drops got me good. Oh my god. You gotta be kidding. You actually gotta be kidding. He's building a Stargate, 35 minutes in the game after being completely abused by drops. For the past 25 minutes of this game. Actually, ever since the start, the first attack, don't forget, hit at 4 minutes with like 4 marines in a tank and a Medivac dropping over here. I remember. Do you remember? Actually mining again. He has no clue that he lost. He's still looking around the map for units, but he can't find them. What actually is he doing at this one? Gigi! That's it! Holy freaking crap dude. Holy crap. My friend said I should have built things that shut up and killed his Menevex, as he had no gas. But I built stalkers and high templars with Storm and still lost the fight. even though I wasn't able to defend my basis properly, I had so much more banked than him that I thought I would win for sure. Okay, even though I wasn't able to defend my basis properly, this sounds like there was a reason why he couldn't defend his basis. That's not what happened, okay? What happened was, is he didn't defend his basis properly. This is like when your teacher asked you why he didn't do your homework and you go, I wasn't able to do my homework. work and then the guy goes why not like did like did something bad happen like were you sick and like no I just wasn't able to do it like I I didn't sit down and I didn't do it I guess that's different you know he's trying to trick us through language but you're not tricking us my friend I almost managed to finish elementary school I know how to read I had so much more bank than him I thought I would win for sure I'm new to pro post as I was previously a Terran main my friend I don't like giving this advice but honestly it might just be best if you go back to Terran there's no no future for you in this race or perhaps in this game in general like I love you platonically but this is not it this just is not it whatever you do just enjoy the game by yourself but don't ever ever send me a replay again. I will fly over to where you live. I will find you. And it won't be fun. You suck. And you suck really hard. That's going to be it for today. Don't forget to subscribe and like. Get ready for the meditation. Become comfortable in your chair or your cushion. Perhaps loosening any tight clothing. Removing your glasses and watch. if that is appropriate. Settling in with a relaxed, but erect posture, straight but relaxed. Shoulders, relaxed. Noticing your sit bones on the chair or cushion. Finding a balance between your sit bones. Equal pressure. Centered and balanced. Settling in here now, relaxing. Perhaps moving your upper body slightly forward, then slightly back to find that balanced place in the middle, with no stress on your lower back from being too far forward, and no tension in your abdomen from leaning too far back. Finding that centered, balanced, natural posture, allowing your arms and hands to rest comfortably in your lap, gently closing your eyes now, or if you prefer casting your gaze downwards to the floor, a bit ahead of you. Not really looking at anything, rather partially closing your eyelids, and looking gently with a soft gaze, neutral, relaxed. Allowing your body to become still now as you focus your attention inward, your shoulders, chest and stomach, all relaxing, bringing your awareness now to the breath, not controlling or manipulating the breath in any way, but noticing your breath as it enters through your nose and moves all the way down to your belly and back out again. One breath following the other, the in-bread and the out-bread, following. Noticing how each breath follows one after the other in a never-ending cycle and flow, letting everything else move into the background, allowing the breath be the focus of your awareness. No need to think about how the air moves in and out, just peeing with the breath, allowing the breath to breathe itself. Now, allowing your awareness to rest on the path of the breath that is the most natural and comfortable for you. It might be at the tip of the nose, noticing that the air is cooler on the in-breath and warmer on the out-breath. It might be in the throat area as you feel the breath move through this channel to support your entire body. Don't forget to smash like on this channel as you breathe out. Hit the subscribe button. And don't forget to tell all your friends about it. That's going to be it for today. I hope you're all calm, ready to take on your day. And thanks everyone for watching. Thank you, Aristotle, for sending in the replay. You made me a stronger human by being capable of controlling my own emotion. my own emotions in the face of pure idiocy. I do appreciate you. I see you all next time for a new IOTUS, a new video. Bye-bye. |
REYNOR stepping in to save LOWKO?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Lowko is back with another FANTASTIC composition for us to judge! Lean back, watch and wait for our surprise guest that definitely is not in the title! Also LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!!! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IOIDS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jjZOFdhx9QU/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | jjZOFdhx9QU | Dear Harsdam, after showcasing you the incredible strength of Hydra Corruptor, I've got another beautiful game for you. At the highest level, it's popular to play Hydra Lurker, Viper, Infaster, Queen Spore, while doing counter-attacks with Ultra Ling Bane versus Skytos. But because I'm only able to average 350 to 400 APM in the late game, I can't really micro that army well enough. You're not tricking anyone here, Loco. 400 APM? You? Instead, I've been playing Ultra Hydra. microbial shroud slash fungal and it's been working really well in this game I clearly should have switched to lurkers instead of ultras but did he really win because he played better than me or is it imba loco all right a repeat defender here in mr loco himself that's kind of interesting let's have a look to see exactly what's going on here in this game as in the bottom right corner spawning as the blue zur it's going to be imposter which I guess is a loco's smurf account and in the top left spawning as the red proto it is oh oh oh oh it looks like two eyes with the eyebrows above it a little nose in between so he says he's struggling with sky dolls he has a he has a composition against it so we already got a you know we got to we got to give some credit to a local where credit is due of course because it seems like he managed to finally stick with the program. Not only did he start growing in size, but also he finally managed to actually keep it a unit comp, and maybe he can then improve on it. That's, of course, the best way to always improve in StarCraft is rather than swapping your unit composition around 17 times a game because you don't think it's working, you just try with one unit composition, and you can kind of adjust it if you don't think it's working. So he said, hey, hey, Kevin, here I played, what was it, Ultra Hydra, investor. I think I should have added Lurker instead at the end. But can you have a look at it? Or was it imbalanced? And you know, these are fair questions, loco. We're just going to have a look at it. Is Keitel's imbalance? Now, a lot of people struggle with it. We had a real gang earlier this year who struggled with it and complained a little bit. So he even made a video response to the IOTIS. That's the first. But that's not what we're here to talk about. Now we're here to talk about Mr. Loco, opening up with the standard hatchery, scouting around, with his first overlords as any good Zerg would do. We're going to see that there was a forge opener, but I think this probe got pushed away by a drone. Loco is quick on the responses there, so so far, I really just want to say good job, loco. Your opening looks absolutely marvelous. I am a proud Protoss player. I'm a proud content from one Dutch content creator to the other. I say, good job, loco, you're fantastic. So we have the first overlord going in and sees, hey, Canon going up, cybercore, there's about three minutes too late. Hmm, I wonder what this could be. Now, Loco, the smart man that he is, rather than checking the second pylon, he decides to just go back. So if you see a cybercore this late, probably the tech is going to go down the moment the cybercore finishes. And at that point, there can't be a stalker out yet because you see the cybercore finish. Now, this is a tip for people who play against people that play bad build orders. Like this, what OO is doing here, is a bad build order. But that means you should be abusing them. that this overlord should be scouting that Stargate for free because the stalker couldn't have been out yet. So you just go to wherever the second pilot is. You have plenty of time to look for it. And then you can escape to the back of the base. Just a little bit of advice, not going to be the biggest of deals here. I mean, if at the level that Loco is at, which is I think about 5-2, 5.3K MMR, maybe a little higher even, 5-4, I'm not sure. That level, the moment you see a forge in the wall and you see someone build a straight cannon, you know it's going to be aeratols. and Local probably knows it's going to be Airtles at this point already as well. We see the toll open up with a straight Voidre, and I mean the Voidre is just going to get rallied to the Overlord, so Locke is going to get that information eventually, but obviously you'd rather have it sooner rather than later. I like that he's patrolling. He had a fast speed, by the way. Holy crap, 333 has speed finished. He must have pulled in gas. He really cares about getting that speed fast. What you usually do is you rally drones into gas, and you get your speed at like 3.45, 3. You're going to be pretty okay with that most of the time. But loco, no, no, no. He's a fast man. He wants to finish things quick, my friends. He's bang, in and out. He didn't even notice he was there. Yeah, so it gets the speed very, very rapidly. Voidre starts kind of patrolling along the edges of this map, trying to look for perhaps a second overlord. Locke wisely pulls back his overlord that was above his main base. It's like, you know what? there's a void ray here is probably going to be going for double evo chamber okay that's interesting so usually you don't really see double evo chamber because a single void ray isn't necessarily an indicator of like hey i'm going skydolls it could also mean hey i'm following this up with a glaive in and then double evo chamber is kind of useless you want a rotor on against that uh so you kind of want to get a safety rotor on whenever uh any every single game actually has a Zerg just in case of like some delayed glaive depth timing. Loco is going to get that road to iron, albeit a little bit late. I can kind of live with it. As we see, this tool's very focused on getting this extractor. I'm not sure what this extractor did wrong to him, but yeah, the logo is going to be like, oh, that's awful. You're going to take that out. I'm just going to take it over here, I guess. And RICO, man, no half-mesters in this game so far. And Locos is actually going to get a scout, and I love this. He managed to hide this overlord, kind of in plain sight. And he's going to see, hey, storm, a single void ray so far. Did he spot the Oracle yet? Now, the Oracle is over here at the Natural. So he sees quick storm, and Locos' response is going to be, hey, you know what? I see Quick Storm. I'm sure there's a void ray, but I'm just going to be going into range upgrades and probably go into roaches and a couple of hydras from there on out. Maybe keep a couple of queens to get a creep spread, by the way. Man, loco is actually improving. This is not looking too bad. Now, I must say this is not looking too bad, but maybe someone else will disagree with it. As I heard, yeah, our new reporter is ready with a little bit of the early game review. What is your name again? Okwal? Okwold. What do you think so far? Hmm, I think this guy is doing great, whoever he is. And I believe if he loses, it's probably because of imbalance. Back to you, Kevin. Very, very interesting. I feel like I've seen that guy somewhere before, but I can't quite put my finger on it. But if he says it looks fine and it looks good, then we just got to trust him, right? These new young reporters are lots of enthusiasm in them and love to see it. Just love to see it. Continue with the game, 67 workers here for our main man, a loco. against the 51 so it's looking healthy now you could say perhaps a fort base would not be a luxury or it would actually be kind of a necessity at this point so even though roaches are good to kind of to kind of build you still want to know for sure hey this is not going to be an actual sky toss follow up right because if you're just going to be focusing solely on roaches and it is a sky toss follow up you could be in a little bit of trouble so even though at this point It's all looking great for Loco. I'd love to see, yes, this follow-up scout. This is absolutely beautiful. I'm definitely a big fan of that. I think that's good. Follow-up scouts are very, very important. He also keeps scouting with this Ling, his crease thread is looking solid, his upgrades are going fast. Locco is on point. If we compare this to old Loco, this guy has improved a lot. Throwing down a Hydra then as well. What is it? Sands back the overs here. You gotta be kidding me. Loco. I was just praising you so much. Loco? He's gonna put it with his main art. Are you joking? We need to know if there's air units. There is now a second void ray. Locke's gonna go for a pure road rush against someone that's making more void rays. This is a little bit how the US gets their intel. You know, they kind of get close to the country. They wanna invade and like, yeah, Vietnam. looks doable with what we currently have. Let's go in. Let's see how it will go for Loco. Locco, of course, man of big preparation, last thing he saw was a Templar archives, and that was only four minutes ago, so that's probably still pretty accurate, right? He's first into his stasis. A couple of cannons, he sees a Templar. See if he tanks the storm with his face as well. Yeah, sure. It's not too much you can do there. And then the void rays show up. Okay, wait a second. It's kind of annoying. It's two void rays and the Oracle there? I guess I kind of do need units that shoot up. So after last time getting hydrant corruptors to beat battle cruisers, this time he decided to go the other way around. He's like, ah, he's air units. I remember last time Big Harsden told me that I had too much anti-air. Let's try it with just pure roach this time. I'm not a fan of that And you could say, well, what Loco tried to do here is he just tries to poke with the roaches to see exactly what's going on. But poking with the roaches into a couple of void rays is like stabbing yourself in the stomach with a knife to check if the knife is sharp. Like sure, you're going to find out if the knife is sharp, but surely there has to be a better way than this. Overseer, stays alive, which I'm kind of happy about. He's going to go again. there's a couple of hydras. This is a good addition. He has good upgrades. His supply is good. And his creep thread is fantastic. Just pause and zoom in on this. Like, holy crap, loco. I'm not quite sure what he's been taken. I do know that he's from the Netherlands. So you never know what these guys put in their coffee in the morning. Like he's on fire, man. There's creep everywhere. It's like seven, what is it? One, two, three, four. Five roads of creep. Five creep lanes. Five bases already. Sure, he's a little bit supply block. Sure that the max isn't as quick as perhaps Sarah would have done it, but, you know, this isn't bad. This is looking pretty good. It's moving back, moving forward, sniping sniping Templar, left, right and center. Man, he's absolutely destroying his opponent here. This is almost textbook. I love this. Local. Now, that's the good news, of course, for us. The bad news is that Loco somehow manages to still find a way to eventually lose this game, which looking at the current situation is almost more impressive than sad. Almost. It is probably still going to be more sad than impressive in the end. Ten more hydras on the way. Well, 10 hydras, 17, 18 hydras. All right, Loco. Relax their buddy. Calm down. What do we have? I think we already have. Yeah. saw pathogen glens, so infester is the next move. He did talk about hydra, hydra infester, right? We did hear him. We talked about hydra infester, ultra. I'm not sure what the ultras are for, but you love to see it. No, piss off, Reynor. It's not your turn yet. You got to wait your turn, man. Just sit back and relax, okay? No, no one really cares about your opinion. Go away. fans right we're worried a bunch of hydras he said he was going to go into he's getting a sixth base or a man loco you beast you macro monster you injecting idiot no wait you super good player pulling the queens we're going all out here loco I am loving it I'm loving what I'm seeing here carapace upgrades No extra range, that's fine, ultra cavern. Okay, loco, let's do it. The final march. This is like when the trees start hitting the tower in Eisengard, man. This is about this epic, except instead of the trees, it's the queens. And instead of Eisengard, it's a Protoss base. Instead of cool guys in Lord of the Rings, it's Loco. But I think it's pretty close analogy-wise. If a stasis wars going down, he's micro-man, Locke is on fire. Holy crap. I know he's big on coffee, but this can't be just the coffee. Look at that, man. It's unbelievable. He's taking out everything. He's up. 60 supply. Sure, the Queens was a bit of a wild move. 11 minutes in. He takes down the fort base. Perhaps we could get some target fire on the Templar, but I don't even mind all of this. I don't mind any of this at all, loco. You're playing a fantastic take, putting him back on three, he's on six. He's on six, we can just go back. Sure, we can chase onto the ramp, but is that really what we want to do? We don't quite know how many storms there is. Okay, back up local. Breathe in, breathe out. Now, if we evaluate this position, we're local in this case, right? That's the three. I'm sure what he wants. A little bit too much coffee this morning, Loco. Evaluate this situation, right? So Loco has seen, I think, two immortals already. He's seen two immortals, eight Templar, eight, eight or nine Templar, and like five to six carriers, okay, and like a single Arkon. this army is largely designed to kill ground. This is not an army that attacks well into the air. You could say, well, carriers are kind of okay against the air, and there's a single arc one. If we have like a solid 15, 20 corruptors here, that's going to be very, very rough. Or even if you start playing with like vipers and pulling them into your hydros, that probably would be pretty sick as well. The one thing I wouldn't recommend against a guy who's making an anti-ground army is to get ultras because there's going to be immortals in it. Now, Locco only saw a single or maybe two immortals, so he can be completely aware of it. But you've got to be very careful with these things. I always say you want to stick with the composition, you want to have a plan, but through the experience, getting better in your plan, you need to be able to be kind of flexible with your plan. You've got to make small reactions. Now, this doesn't mean that from MESHydra, all of a sudden you start sacrificing all your hydras just to rebuild 35 corruptors. No, you kind of want to use the units you currently have and slowly try to trade them out for an army that is more adept at fighting your opponent's army, basically. That's kind of what you're aiming for when you're into, in a late game situation like this. I like the Investor Edition, microbial shroud, what's it called? The Entangle? Holy crap, neural parasite. This is what happens. Play this game for 10 years, 12 hours a day. I can't even remember anything of neural parasite. The amount of units I lost to that spell is insane. But yeah, you always got to be a little bit careful there as a player that your tech switches aren't too quick. You don't want to be like, okay, here you go, here's 40 hydras. And Loco isn't doing that. Locos doing this solid. He's going, okay, I got my hydras. I just had in a couple of ultras. Now, what you want to be doing is you probably want to be setting. up a good fight or be just a little bit patient look look look at what loco currently has okay he has everything the entire map is his he is on six bases one two six okay creep everywhere he could take this basically he's going to out expand his opponent like a madman he has more money in the bank and he's not been fighting poorly but he's going to be able to take like two bases of his about three bases of his opponent, it's going to be legit 10 base against four. Okay. Now, Locus Micro isn't known to be the best. This game, it hasn't been bad, but in general, isn't not to be the best. But if you can't win with 10 bases against four, perhaps it's just time to switch to a different game. Like, just go play some casual Tetras or something like that, you know, just start beating the neighborhood kids in competitive Pac-Man. But it's just a Those games are pretty difficult. An easier game. The game with the raccoon where you have to build stuff. That's more for you. I can't remember the name. It's the scummy raccoon. You guys know what I'm talking about. Attacking into this, we'll see how it goes. We'll see how it goes, Loco. So we see two ultras are almost continuously fighting. They all die because there's like 17 immortals. the carriers don't actually have that much DPS they're not the main DPS in the army that's going to be the storm and the immortals so Loco goes in he's like, ooh who lost all my ultras for free killed like three zealids hmm six new ultras all right interesting call here Loco interesting call indeed i'm not quite sure if this is how it works this is one of those times where you kind of want to switch something up and if you want to rebuild ultras and then wait for your opponent to move out and then fight into him i can kind of see it more but you just saw he had like five six immortals he's on four bases your opponent isn't going to be the one that's going to be quick at tech switching he won't really have that much money for that he won't have the gas This is pretty much the army. This dude is going to be stuck. He isn't even max yet. Like, this is not looking tight. What you want to be doing here is local. Probably want to be getting either into some corruptors. I don't even mind the Lurker call, but at least try to add a couple of vipers. So you can try and take either Archons, Immortals, or even some carriers into your units. And with vipers, in theory, you have infinite time, especially if you have your opponent contained on four bases, and you have access to a potential 10. Vipers can't really die against feedback so you can heal them. Sure, you're going to lose time, which is also a resource, but Loco really has plenty of time on his hands. The longer the game goes, the better it's going to go for him. I like this. Quick rotation to the other side. It's kind of smart. I feel like he's also not quite understanding how microbial shroud works. So microbial shroud, for the people to know, it reduces the damage by about 50%. from air attacks. Now, contrary to popular belief, or at least contrary to Locos believe, immortals are not flying units. I have made the suggestion multiple times on the Blizzard forums, but so far no reply from anyone at Blizzard. This means that microbial shroud does absolutely nothing. As ultras are mainly going to be attacked by the immortals and get their main DPS from the immortals, perhaps don't cast it on the ultras and just use your investors for for for neural this is like to a man with a hammer every problem looks like a nil and for loco with microbial shroud every unit looks like an air unit we can we can count this as a seven out of ten joke it wasn't my best Not my best work. But yet, you probably just want to be working on your neuroles. There's really not that much air damage, especially because this guy is somehow on plus one attack while you have plus three carapace. I don't think the carriers are going to be the real issue. And this is really the painful thing in this game for me is that this isn't really airtos. Loco isn't dying to carriers. Not really. he's losing to a ground army and ground armies we know how to deal with we can build lurkers we could play Brutlord Corruptor against this but perhaps we shouldn't be playing microbial shroud against the ground army loco I am not sure what this microbial shroud is but God I'd love to hear what this was for this is what sometimes you see Tost storm their own units. This is like local thinking it's a fungal. It's like, ooh, look this big orange fungal. I said a couple of good fungles by there. It's not a bad fight. It's not a bad fight. Some debatable decisions, but not a bad fight. I can kind of dig it. Now, there's a lot of storm here. We have a lot more hydras on the way, because 36 hydras wasn't enough yet for a local. He's like, I see there's about 35 storms left. Is there any way I could play into my opponent's hand more yes he tells himself as he presses down the hydra key for the next five minutes loses the hatchery literally just get stormed please note that these carrients aren't actually doing that much these carriers are not the ones dealing the main damage do not forget that this is not a loss against airtles this is a game against ground three support of six supporting carriers seven supporting carriers that wasn't really the issue now loco kind of has been building up up this entire bank all game long so for the past eight minutes he's been building this bank now that he needs to spend it hey he's lacking some larva because he's about to lose absolutely everything and maybe some static defense would have been wise to if you ever lose a fight with your invincible composition that perhaps you would be able to delay your opponent a little bit we just see him die to storm this guy's just bummered what is actually oh loco oh loco oh loco oh loco oh loco loco loco loco loco loco loco We could talk for a very long time here, Loco, about how, sure, you had good creeps red. And yes, you took many bases. And sure, the opponent perhaps didn't play as beautiful as you did, but your opponent also didn't walk into the same choke three times with ultras. Your opponent also didn't try to counter immortals with ultras. Your opponent didn't think that 47 hymnals. was a good call against 12 Templar. So that can only lead me to one conclusion, Loco. So basically, Loco, what I'm trying to tell you is that, Hey, what is this? Let me answer this. Hello, who is this? Hello. What's up, idiot? Reynor? Yeah, it's me. What the hell was this? Well, I mean, it's just a replay with Loco. I mean, the late game doesn't look that bad. I mean, sure, Loco played well, but the TOS also did some nice moves. The late game isn't that favored for it. for Tos, right? What do you mean? That was super one-sided. Loco did everything he could. He was clean, 100%. I couldn't do any better. This was great. Tos late game is absolutely nuts. I was just about to tell Loco that he sucked. Like, what's wrong with you? This is my show. Piss off. Just leave, man. What the hell? What do you mean? He sucks. Just leave. This is my show now. I'm supposed to go? Yeah, just leave. What the hell? I told you. It's my show. Leave. Just leave, man. Leave. What's up guys? Like I'm here to tell you, Loco, that was completely imbalanced. I get you 100%. I couldn't see that. Like my eyes are bleeding. Like you did everything you could. Good job, Loco. Protoc is just broken Hello You hear Kevin He actually left guys So yeah I was telling you Like yeah He did everything he could honestly Like I feel him 100% Like since since the late game buffs and everything and the Zerg nerves This is completely one-sided Like a local you're a beast Don't worry about the comments man You got it Hello guys don't forget to like subscribe and yeah just wine a bit more so maybe we we get a one guy at blizzard to buff us a bit yeah it's a bit sad honestly see you guys subscribe |
The MOST FRIGHTENING lings in Starcraft 2 history! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today we analyze how our honorable Terran Boi could have defended with very special FBI K-9 special agent squad of lings. They seem to be extraordinary efficient and absolutly unstoppable! So SMASH like and subscribe to help us figuring out how they operate and find their weakness! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IOIDS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xkbpQXCmlmE/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | xkbpQXCmlmE | Oh, hamster! You're gonna have to edit all of this out. Bera-be-de-be-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-dh. Bap-pppppbap-pbbbbbbh. Thurbdap to the other side. Alright. Alright, de da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da Alright Yeat I'm sure I did that Edit that out you prick or I'll come and find you in Germany I know where you live Dear Harstam I'm a platinum one Terran player who today played versus a diamond three Zerg player I was able to scout and anticipate everything he was doing perfectly That's all caps. I fully prepared and beat his Zirgling flood. I then beat his Rosebush after that. But I still lost the mess Hydro Lisk afterwards. His Hydrolusk were everywhere. They killed my harassing banshees. They destroyed all my counter-attacks and eviscerated my tanks. It's hard enough having to play against the race that can just press down on Z and R all they. Z. And R all day. Why does Zerg get Hydrolys too? Hydra's and all of Zerg early game are hopelessly broken. Is it imba or do I suck? Your devoted fan, Diabolus. P.S. You are the only StarCher YouTuber whose videos I actually hit like on. Nice. I already like this guy. I'm pretty sure this is imbalance. So it's a Terran platinum one from the American server. It's at 3.6KMR or something like that. I don't know. Don't read my emails. So let's just hop straight into it, right? We have our man Diabolus over here, opening up with a depot at the ramp. as every proper Terran shoot. And he said, I struggle with everything in the early game. And he kind of classified Hydra in the early game there, which I'm curious to see how fast these hydras are going to be, or how long this guy's boundaries, how big the boundaries are for the early game in Diabolus's head. I mean, there's not really a Diabolus, is it? It's with an OU, Diabolu, Laos. Laos. I'm not quite sure how to pronounce that. Laos. Diabolouse. Nice. 12 pool for fish bat, cool name by the way. I'm not sure why I like it, but I'm a fan. 12-poo's not a very good strategy against Terran because Terran has this ability to wall and build command centers on the high ground. So if Terran scouts, I think they just cancel the low-grounds, and rebuild it on the high ground, and they're ahead. You can just get a reaper, and then you push away the zerglings, put the CC on the low-ground, and you win. At least in my head, that's what's going to happen. But we'll see what my man, Dia Boulos, is going to be doing. He's going to be scouting at least, which is big. Scouting is important, especially against 12-poo. Is the reaper just going to be out in time for this? By the time these lings hit, the reaper will just be out, right? This has to be it. I don't think 12-boo is actually very good. But it's only going to be eight lings, so it's usually against the, what the heck? Get straight gas as well. So he's going to have really crap eco here. Like, this eco is absolutely atrocious. I can guarantee you that, my friends. Okay, so this thing gets taken out. You can cancel this, I guess, and then you could send down the Reaper as well. It's just going to go for a little walk. For everyone who missed that, look at what happens here. My man said, he responded perfectly. Holy crap look at this look at the response time as all this has been happening for 20 seconds no cancel if this is a perfect response to 12 pool you better run for your life if this guy says he has the perfect dish for you to taste I'm not sure what it's poisoned with but I ain't touching that holy crap that's awful gets a factor he just lost 400 minerals for now Well, 300 minerals. You only get 75% back, right? So that's absolutely terrible start here for Diabolus. I mean, you hold, but this is not really holding either. He's like the... If you've seen the Holy Grill, it's like the Black Knight. It's like no arms, no legs left. He's like, but I'm still alive. I'll bite your head off. like this is not a good situation like you didn't die against eight slowlings good job but you lost the CC that you didn't cancel that's awful this is going to be a good replay I had a good feeling already about it once I read that email and he had two words in all caps you already know it's going to be a banger because people who think that in order to give their email more power they need to write in all caps they tend to not be the brightest one in the the brightest one of the bunch and he had two words in all caps You already know it's going to be a banger. Because people who think that in order to give their even more power, they need to write in all caps, they tend to not be the brightest one in the brightest one of the bunch. Follow this up with a straight tank. He's still in defensive mode. You see that? He's like, damn, I'm getting all in really hard here right now. He opened up with 12-8 lings. So the best thing I can do is not scout with my Reaper ever and start building tank, bunker on the high ground. the high ground, then I built my CC in a position where it could potentially be bile from the low ground if there actually wasn't all in. So a lot of good decisions being made here with Diabolus, not. Roach warring goes down. Okay, so this is, what I think is going to happen is, I think my man fish bat here is probably just afraid of dying right now. He's like, well, I killed the CC. Then he's going to build roaches. Diabolus is going to see these roaches and think, oh, I'm being Rochall in. Let me build three more bunkers and four more tanks before I go take my natural. Meanwhile, our boy Fishpad here, completely outmining his opponent. Main base is getting muled out. You see this patch only 255 minerals left over here, 2505. He's not quite running out of minerals, but it actually won't be too long from now. And that's kind of scary. That's kind of scary. So here comes the Speedlinks. And these are safety. These are not roaches saying, hey, I'm going to go kill you. These are roaches like, holy crap. I have no clue what you're doing, but you don't have an expo yet. So, yeah, I guess I'm just going to be building units. Like, he's just afraid of dying. He sees two tanks. He's like, oh, crap. This is going to be a contain, not an attack. Like, he might poke up to see, hey, there's still three tanks there or two tanks there. Follow up his benchy as well. I just love this. I think this is. Secondary wall. This guy is extremely defensive. Like nothing happened, dude. He sent eight lings. This is your response? He probably, my man Diabolus, is going to be the most jealous boyfriend in the world as well. You know, the classic where like one of the co-workers says hi to his girlfriend, where they're out and about. and he'll be grilling his girl for the next three hours about who that was. And he's just, you know, he tracks her GPS location all the time. My man Diabolus absolutely has some jealousy issues. Holy crap, what is this? Benchy tank? Oh no. Okay, that's going to happen? He's going to fly down. See the road? Should be like, up, out of here again, flies back up. I can almost guarantee you this. I can feel it. He's scouting with the CC. See the roachies. Single Benji scouting there's a third base going up. Somewhere in the back of his head right now a voice should be going, well, if that's a third base, probably has a second base as well. And he has a lot of roaches? I bet he must have no drones on the natural, but he's getting a third. That doesn't make sense. Right now, oh, Diablo is actually going to move down. Oh, yes, three tanks now, so we can slowly but surely leapfrog forward. Tank in the... Moves it down two inches further than the tank on the high ground. I love it. This one being completely useless as well, the extra backup defense, in case the roaches decide to go behind the minerals here. Like that there's no tank over here. Sacrifices his marines for free. Okay, this tank's actually gonna shoot. This makes me angry. It gets one tank. It's okay. If he moves over here now, this tank actually was useful and I'm gonna hate it. I hate it. I hate you, Fishbeth. I hate you. I'll joke aside, Fishbett still in a fantastic position, obviously denying the mining here. Probably not worth the roaches he's losing currently, but he's still going to be in a good spot. 33 workers against 30 though, so he does need to be a a little bit careful. Third C. Also finished up at this point. Actually, Diabolus might have accidentally gotten a hat. There's still 1,200 minerals in the bank. Okay, here comes the famous Hydro-Den follow-up. Double Evo as well. No third base yet from a man. Finally starts from mining here. Main base mined out. It's five patches left. He was on one base for the first seven minutes and 30 seconds in this game. Because his opponent builds six lings, eight lings at the start. This is great. Follows up, he hasn't even started stim yet. That's how Afridi is. Adds three extra barracks. He's like, yeah, maybe time to add some barracks as well. Thinking about perhaps doing some damage in the next five minutes. His opponent, meanwhile, getting hydra-muscled augment or whatever it's called, the hydra speed. Oh God, this is not good. This is not good for Diabolus. Well, actually, if we look objectively at this situation right now, and I can do that, because I am very objective, to work account is equal, there's triple CC. I guess he has a bunch of tanks, so he can't really die. He's actually ahead. I'm not sure how it happened, but I guess our man, Fishpat just lost his dirt and hasn't been spanning larva or injecting. So he's a lot of queens though He's just been floating a lot of money That's okay We're not here to criticize fish bed But we just want to you know pinpoint like hey Where's it going room for fishbed here Because I'm also interested in his origin story you know It goes into 8 gas All right You do you Three extra depots in the wall Still afraid Extremely afraid Oh I love this Undefended third base. Please lift it. Okay, thank God. I was really afraid that he was gonna forget about the liftability. Does he fly in there? That's relatively close. But no cigar. I love this tank position as well, straight in front. This is very smart because if you force the ravagers to attack the tank, they can't be taking down important structures like the supply depots, right? Now supply depots might not offer the same defense as a tank back here would, but they do ensure that you can build more units. So if you think about it in in chicken and egg terms, you know, no one knows what came first the chicken or the egg, but we do know what came first here. And that's the supply depot. Without supply depot, no tank. And that's the real good thinking that Diabolus is doing in this game. Three Banshees going to be cleaning this up. He's in a fantastic spot right now. He lost a couple of workers, but if he considered rebuilding an SCV, okay good who that burned down from legit 350 HP who all right back to my sentence if he considered rebuilding an SCV then he's going to be in a good spot real fast again now he has a nice army consisting of five racks one star port one one factory production and he's building marauders marines six tanks and banshees getting storming combat shield apparently medevacs are for idiots so are upgrades I mean this is not really an army that's easy to attack with there's no real body in this army all the units are pretty much support units like you have a raven and four tanks like these are great if you have a bunch of marines but and then the real support unit he needs is the matter of fact, but instead he's just continuously building benches. So he move commands past it at first, benches fly too far, loses all of his tanks, then manages to clean it up with these benches eventually and with the auto turret. Now, if you think about how Zurich works, is that usually they create quite a few units from their larvae if they're being attacked. This is not a wise decision to keep attacking here. The wise decision here would be to go back. very rapidly but instead he's going to get two hydras three hydras loses I mean this is honestly not bad so he got I think one roach and two hydras and he only lost four banshees a raven and three marauders so if you look at it in the unit lost up you'll see it's not great for Diabolus but he did kill a couple of hydras and hydras of course are very dangerous so yeah I think generally that could be considered a terrible decision but if we compare it to previous decisions of Diabolus if the average decision of Diabolus is a six then this decision will rate it as about an eight sure it's one of the worst traits you can possibly take but that tells us a lot about the previous decisions are meant Diabolus has been making so far Diabolus defending this ramp not realizing that his third base is getting right-clicked. I wish there was a way to get any type of vision, like sending a Marine here, or maybe, you know what Terran could really use? It's a building that kind of creates a vision circle around it, and it shows when units enter it, not necessarily with, hey, this is a roach, but something like a little red exclamation mark that would show, hey, there is a unit here, maybe get in position. Or what he also could have done is maybe have one tank here or two tanks here and then the rest of your army here like split it up like you actually know how to play the game. These are all just suggestions of course. These are not things that he has to do. Oh look yet this is smart. This is a sensor tower now. I like that. Why can't I click it? Hello? There we go. But he now does the opposite. He defends his third CC and then the rotation here that took about five minutes to complete from fish bat. it's going to catch him off guard completely again. Don't forget he said hydras are everywhere, but what he really meant is that the hydras went into one location at a time, and I never was in position. And it really is... This is insane. This is a great game. It's going to get right-clicked again on the next base. He's going to unsege those tanks, or he's going to forget about the tanks. I wonder what's more likely. Maybe he's going to just leave them there and then lose them to these units as also possible. I think that's exactly what's going to happen. That he's going to lose this CC and then he's going to leave him. I hope he flames a little bit or something like that. That would really add some spice into this game. No G G gets called and our man Diabolus leaves the game, loses and Fishbet wins. Well Diabolus. My arm squeaks. Let's recall what happened in this game. You didn't cancel your CC. You stayed on one base. For the majority of the game actually, we know now, it was 14 minute game. You stayed on one base for seven minutes and 30 seconds. You are a terrible partner to your girlfriend. You don't micro. You have just no micro. I'm not even going to call it bad micro. In order for something to be bad, there has to be something. There was nothing here. This is like giving someone an empty plate and then asking how does it taste. And I'll be like, it's air. There is nothing on the plate. Your plate doesn't contain any micro. It has no decision making. This entire game was just void of a lot of things. People often ask for advice and ask me, hey, how do I improve? I say, hey, get better at micro or get better at decision making. But you just don't have these things. I didn't know this was possible. you have to start from zero. You have nothing. You need to create these things out of thin air. That's going to be a difficult and long process, and I don't really want to help you with it. You suck. You suck extremely hard. Nice. All right, guys, if you did enjoy this video, don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Please smash the like button, as it helps me a lot as well, and I'll hopefully see you all next time for a new video. Bye-bye. |
Fighting Turtles: An Interactive Guide by Professional Survivalist Harstem | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Usually we talk about Protoss, Zerg and Terran on this show. But today we seemingly have a hidden 4th race that our chinese friend complains about: the Turtles! Let's see what is up with that crap! Also hit that like and subcribe buttons to help us rescue chinese turtles! (this is just a scam though) If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IOIDS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Earn points and rewards on Liquid+ just for watching: https://lqd.plus/K5IVLu Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/VRiNQgMbYlA/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | VRiNQgMbYlA | Hi, Harsdam. I am a huge fan of IOTUS. A US to be a GM on Korean server. Now I'm only 4,700, 5,000 MMR, because busy with study. In this game, I perfectly defended his harassment. His multitask also failed to disturb me. However, all caps. I found no way to break his damn turtle shell, all caps, even if I'm ahead. Terence's bio army moves so quick. quick, the static defense with minds and liberators is impossible to break through. Terran is born to be turtle, all caps. I want you to judge it. Is Terran Inba or do I suck? If I suck, please teach me how to beat these turtles. P.S. Terran is my father, T-A-T-P, is a meme in the Chinese Protoss community. T-A-T-P is a super-salty amateur protels always complaining about Terran Inba. Nice. All right, let's just hop straight into this replay of this extremely imbalanced Terran player who apparently also is an animal, a turtle. To be precise, open up that sound, beautiful, beautiful stuff. Now, the thing that we very often see when people complain about Terran being too turtly is that people tend to engage into a position where there's lots of static defense and where there's a lot of units that are defensive seat units or that are in a position, a defense position, either liberators, mines, tanks, they get engaged in rather than the position that's completely empty and then the toss goes, well, turtle everywhere, how am I supposed to beat this? Very often there is simple rotational patterns that Proloss can do, either involving prisms or just army movement that can probably cut off the defensive forces of the Terran to a base that they might want to defend now we start by looking at this game and we see an immediate mistake here so oxide is a map this is this is a specific mistake now this is a high level game I'm going to be able to give high level mistakes all right I can tell you guys Oxide is one of the maps Oxide and Jaganata in the current map pool where it's possible to wall of a Reaper ramp and deny the vision of your opponent on what tag you're building. So right now if the Reaper jumps up on here, he still will be able to spot the tag that will be built on this pylon. What you can do is you can build your first pylon here, gateway over here, Cybercor over here, still the Reaper will be able to jump up but you could build your tech potentially here and the reaper will never be able to see where that tech is going to or what that tech is going to be so this is an incorrect wall also makes your pylon more vulnerable than it really needs to be you're going to need the wall with gateway cyber anyway so might as well put your pylon in safety right it's going to be the most vulnerable part of this wall now opening actually looks pretty solid it's nice to see openers that are solid in iodis as well. My man here is going back in with the probe as we see the Terran open Marine Marine. Now Marine Marine is like a safety measure making sure that he won't die to a single adapter basically. Then he's going to be going into a reactor afterwards. Now Twilight opener should be able to get spotted here by the by the Reaper if he so decides to do it. as we see our TATP Protoss player moving out on the map with his first adapt. Ghost is going to be starting a helion probably for scouting. This actually just looks like a very standard game. Both of them are playing real build orders. This is a real game as I know it. I will be able to give some insights here, hopefully, shade into the natural. Now, the thing with the shade into the natural is you don't want to finish this. Nice. That was a great call, my friend. So the reason you don't want to finish it is because the helion pops out between 316 and 318. Meaning if you finish your shade past that timing, there's going to be at least three units out. So there can either be Reaper Marine Helion or it can be Reaper Marine Helion is possible. And the next, if it's Reaper Marine Marine. Marine Halley and next to Marines come soon. There's no way you're going to get anything cost efficient done after, I would say, 312. Never finish your shade after 312. And now he just sacrificed his adept for free, basically. Good job, buddy. Got absolutely nothing done, but did manage to lose your adept. Now, he doesn't have a full wall, but he's creating at least a semi-wall. Should have probably both of these in that wall as well. Yes, there we go. This is good. This entire interaction, I just want to have a look at it again, because this was great. Okay, so he closes the door perfectly, this is fine. Helion can't come in, then he's like, oh wait, let me open the door. Then the tarant goes, oh no, I'm in, let me leave again and loses the helion. this was something else the thing is I can't even criticize this too much this happens to me as well where you're like I'm not sure if this is actually a wall is it and then you move out and then it definitely isn't a wall anymore I might have had this a couple of too many times again circling all insets as well I have to admit oh yo yoy all right Reaper pops into the main base Pops out. So yeah, he's going to be able to scout this. This should be able, usually like I said, if you do the wall that I mentioned earlier, this will be denied 100%. Also, the Reaper wouldn't be able to just attack your pilot. Now, Reaper is going to die. Good movement here by TATP. I like the way he plays this. Honestly, good vision as well on the map. Look at that, hey? Now, I always complain about people not having vision, but this guy, absolutely not. He has great vision. Pylon over here, pylon over here. Now, this move out is a little bit risky. So if, if you're If we think about timings, 440 is a pretty standard timing at which a mind-rock could arrive for example. If you're halfway across the map with five stalkers, that could be a real issue, especially because you're not going to be able to do much with it. And I have no clue what this movement is. What is this? My man, TATP would have had a great time if it was like a raven. or a MEDAVec over here. But what would happen if the MEDAVAC is here? Does he just give up the mining in his main base? Holy crap, this is risky. This is like insanely risky for very mediocre payoff. Because imagine if the MEDAVAC flies here, then you just see it fly by. Like, crap, still don't manage to get it. And you'll still need to go back into position. This is super risky and has like no payoff. This makes sure. absolutely no sense. There's like a 10% chance this pays off and if it doesn't pay off like you lose your house. You make a bet with the bank or something like that. Holy crap. This year I think Argentina is going to win the World Cup. It's like not terrible chances but not the greatest chances either and the moment it doesn't happen. They actually take your your house and your bank account. Did he actually just get something with it? I was so focused on this being a bad move that he actually got something done with it. Amazing. Even though don't forget, you can still get good things done with bad moves and that that might be what just happened. I actually missed it. I was so caught in thought there. Okay. I like this movement though being here ahead of the in front of the Terrabahs, sorry. Loses a stalker though but it It's not the end of the world. I mean, I just like that he's here. This is good. This actually is good. You want to be doing that. You want to delay your opponents move out. He seems to have down when he wants to be building his gateways as well, which can be quite tricky. People tend to build him too late or too early, or they don't build them at all, which I guess is also too late. So I already covered that scenario. Oh, the prism. Now, this is one that we don't see very often, but I'm a very big fan of. The prism allows you to counterattack the moment you see your opponent. move out so basically you have your vision I guess over here so you see your opponent well guess he doesn't really see his opponent move out but maybe he feels his opponent move out yes you can you can tell by the astral signs and then he moves in with the prism with like two three salads and you just try to you don't want to warp in you just want to force the reinforcements to go back to deal with that okay that's your man go holy crap this My man ghost here has had some issues in the past against the rest. You can see it, you know? Two mines over here. Bunker in between an orbital, a depot and another orbital. Like this guy is... He's been heard one too many times by the prismas. The epic stare-off between the two mines and the prism. He's like, ooh, let me fly in the first one. Ooh, there's another one there. One more time. I don't think this was the spot to deploy your prison, my friend. He saw the Marines. I guess. Yeah. Fine. I liked the prism as well. I was a fan of that move. I'm liking a lot of his moves, honestly. Of my man TATP. There's also some debateable ones. There's some nice observing there by me. It goes into a Robo Bay which is good. Now it has a little bit of money in the bank. I wouldn't mind if he throws down. A Templar Archives rather than a dark shine. Darks frame relatively useless in a lot of situations where detection is not going to be much of an issue. Solid harassment by the Terran. Second Forge going down. All of these things are things that I like. And he also cares about. vision which is something we don't see a lot here this is someone that actually cares about knowing where his opponent is and he's kind of doing it by eliminating possibilities like hey where could my opponent come from well he can't come from here and can't come from here so he has to be here right you can kind of position your army accordingly which is cool to see now he also sees the third base being built he is lacking some vision on the far left now that he has his fourth base he does have the responsibility to have vision there as well so he's going to end up losing this base most likely well most likely he's just going to end up losing this base as he's i'm actually not sure what he's doing here whenever you do something you should always try to at least have thought about it now that doesn't seem to be the case here for my Protoss player he seems to just do things you know an impulsive impulsive actions which might sound like a good time until his impulsive actions is to stab you. It's like, yeah, my friends are so spontaneous. I always find that a dangerous thing, you know. All of my friends are very boring and predictable, so I know I won't get stabbed. That's some good thinking right there. Jesus. Holy crap. That was a disruptor shot. Now he's just gonna walk in. This is over. Okay, this is one of those games where you accidentally get one good disruptor shot, and then watch it. do is you just move across the map and you tell your opponent to leave hello can we what was that he got the disruptor shot of a lifetime then decided to sacrifice half of his own army to the opponent as well to even up the game again we can see that t a tp is a fair player you know he cares a lot about fair play making sure that the game is even and that they can go into a a fun long macro game without either of them being ahead. That's cool. No, it's nice to see that fair play is still alive. Okay, so he sees that mine shot. He's like, oh, that looks interesting. Let me just do nothing about it. Sounds like a lot of work. Facts. There's another mine here. I have no clue how these mines got here, and I don't want to go back in time. Please tell me he's going to shoot his own probes with this disruptor. What are these disruptors doing? I really wonder what he's looking at as well. We can actually figure that out though. He's not building probes. He hasn't built probes in quite some time, by the way. Five necks eye. No problem. He has an observer now. Okay, this goes down now. Finally, except for this widow mine still allowed to live. A couple of matter facts going into the main base. Now, I have a feeling he, oh, he actually is ready. This is cool. This was a little bit slow on the response, but it was cool that he already had units prepared. In general, he has a lot of units spread out around the map ready for harassment or ready for really whatever. He wants to be ready for a good, pick up at a Terran. And we see the Terran just pisses of back home right now. So Toss is on 5 base right here. but has a worker count of 65. Now, he did lose a couple of workers over the past minute, minute and a half, but not enough to say, okay, well, he should probably still be at 75, 80 workers at this point. If you have five nexus, nexai, like within like 20 seconds, you're going to be capable of adding 10 workers. And he really should be adding 10 workers. It's very, very important. Instead, he's going to be moving out. He has a good gateway count. Does he have a prison? There's no prison with this. Blink under this Blink, blink, blink, blink, no, okay, disruptors Disruptor shots Nice, the double disruptor shots Not many people know this But if you stack disruptor shots They actually do double the damage Except everything dies against a single disruptor shots So perhaps you might want to spread them out in the future But I mean this fight is still very very good If he has a prism here You can just warp in 14 zealads absolutely clear of this game. He has about 5k resources in the bank right now. But he isn't really doing much with it. Once again, still should be completely saturated on all of these bases. This is actually quite bad at this point. He's missing four or five, 600 minerals a minute on income. He just keeps donating units. These fights have to be really bad. Also, I'm curious when we're going to be seeing the turrets. of this Terran. Because so far this Terran has actually been doing things and the only turtling he's been doing is building a bunker and a planetary I guess. I don't think that really counts as turtling. It's not like he has like 12 liberators and 17 tanks. It builds three planetaries at his third. He's even dropping and stuff. He's doing mine drops. Finally, we go to a decent work account, by the way. More disruptors on the way. I like this. Now, he's still a little bit too ballsy with his moveouts, perhaps. Oh, this could be potentially a good shot. That's going to be a good shot again as well. The problem here is that he gets these pretty decent shots, but then he fights without having reinforcements here while floating like 3K minerals. Now, don't forget 3K minerals equals 30 zealads. That's 60 supply. So if he'd actually spend his money, he'd literally be maxed right now. I feel like he has no reactions. You know, there's this test called like the human benchmark, where basically what you need to do is the moment the screen turns green, you click and then you get like a time of how fast you responded. And then there's like a curve showing you like how. what you call it, how fast you are compared to other people. I feel like this guy would be the only person that actually just wouldn't get a score. Like he just doesn't respond to things. Like things happen and he just sits there. This must be one hell of a guy to be in a relationship with. Can I already imagine the conversations, you know, him and his wife, him and his husband have. That'd be quite something. Four salads, nice. Disruptor hits absolutely nothing. If we look at this position, this is actually a good position for the TOS. But because the TOS is TATP, this position is now looking quite bad. It's just because he's not macroing but he has a lot of money. He has upper base. He even has a prism on the map. His opponent isn't turtling at all, by the way. I feel like I've been deceived extremely hard by his report. There's no indication that this Terran wants to sit at home any more than I do in this pandemic. Prism. Finally, this is the first time I think we have a prism with the push. Now, we take a look at this fight. and how we want to fight it, okay? We're just going to analyze the situation here. That's important sometimes. So we have disruptors, okay? We have four of them, only two of them with this army. But ideally we want to wait until all four of them are here. What that means is that we want to be shooting disruptor shots at our opponent without us losing anything. So we stand in a position where it's difficult for the turn to engage into it, and we shoot the disruptor shots, by one and we just keep doing that and every single disruptor shot we're at least going to get one or maybe two maybe three sometimes four or five units okay and then afterwards after we kill enough of the army over a longer period of time because don't forget disruptor shots are free units are not so we're training free things for non-free things that's going to be our goal this is this is actually a very important concept is that we want the fight to last line Now, what doesn't help is that our men TATP actually has a creptone of Zealots in his army because salads are the opposite. Salads want to fight fast, which makes absolutely no sense. This is like having an army of swordsmen and nukes, okay? So you send in the guys with the sword and then you nuke it. It's like, well, sir, this is these are our guys well, it's like, well, these are the only two weapons we have. It just doesn't make a lot of sense. There's no synergy there. There really isn't. You want more ranged units with disruptors. Maybe you want some colossus, some stalkers. You can use zealot and DTs for run-bys, but not in the army. And otherwise, if you want a zealot-based army, you can add Archons and still colossi. That also would be good in that case. But this just doesn't make a lot of sense to have an army consisting of four disruptors and 19 zealids. It's just a bad army composition. So that fight didn't at all go how I'd wanted to go. We're still relatively low on income I feel like. I want to kind of get a sixth base at this point. Maybe start saturating that. I mean, he's still upper base. Oh my god, how many disruptors has he lost? Thirteen already. Holy crap. I think this might be the first game, where disruptors haven't been trading cost efficiently. And he started with a shot that actually killed like 1500 resources. Remember that first shot over here. Poof! Okay. So the thing with disruptors is, is basically you always want to be shooting and trading with disruptors, But you also always want to have at least one or two shots available so you can zone your opponent out if he wants to jump on you. He just killed two of his own zealots with his shot and nothing else. I wonder if he killed more of his own units with disruptors or more of the opponents. That was a good split by the way. Holy crap. The way he moved that. That was beautiful by Ghost. Wow. That was a good split. man the Chinese server is it's got some hidden talents what the hell that's crazy he moved that so in such an elegant fashion poop to the right like he does it 50 times a day nice micro a little bit overstimmed though at the moment no vision as well by the way actually zero vision my man's been fighting in the dark for quite a while like no observer with this army no observer anywhere he hasn't rotated once either. It's like keeps attacking the same base over and over. If this guy was a military general, the opponent only would need to put their defenses in one base. They have like one base camp. You know how in most or you have like multiple camps around the country, but here you just be defending one city. He's like, sir, we have no defenses in Rotterdam, no defenses in Amsterdam. Are you sure we should put 100% of our troops in the Haig? The guy goes, I am pretty sure. Our opponent is TATP, my friend. And he only knows one thing, and that is to attack the Hague. Now, still no vision. Actually, as I said it, of course, he starts a rotation. Now, this is good as... There's no sensor tower. And this isn't turtling, by the way. Let's not get this mixed up. My man, Ghost, is not turtling. He's trying to stay alive. Like, you can't possibly call this guy a turtle. all he's trying to do is not die he's been behind for the past 15 minutes and all he wants to do is go into a longer game because he understands his opponent doesn't know how to play a late game at all like he keeps basically force feeding ghost these uh these disruptors like here another disruptor for you for free sirs like no no no more i can't take it Solid run by, good blink, that's nice. The blink matters so much. The DPS of DTs is absolutely insane, but very many times they won't be able to get on top of the army, like even now. But the first blink, you just get like five, six slices off. That's a big deal. It really is a big deal. So we're still on, what is this, four, four base, one, two, three, four, against six. Now income is heavily in favor of TATP. He must have lost way more already. He's down. This is not normal to be down 8K, about 8K in resources laws. That's really impressive if you have disruptors. But the problem is that he just keeps rallying more and more cells. Another thing he does is that he rallies up the robos over here and then kind of sends them over in big chunks rather than one by one, which is extremely rare as well. I never see this. Not the worst defense. I wouldn't have minded if he pulled away the probes, but... They just lose a colossi? They just lose a colossi. I feel like the army of the Terran has been consistently crap. Like, this army has not been good at all for the past... Maybe 10 minutes? What happened here? Oh, this was an F2 from the Terran, a classic. Oh, here we go again. Sir, the Hague is under siege for the 27 time this game. this game. Good. Good stuff. Now this base probably is difficult to break. Even though with a couple of disruptors you might be able to do it. He actually just hit six of his own zealads. Now I would ask my editor to count if he did more damage to himself or more damage to the other guy but that sounds like a lot of work and god knows we we don't really have the time for that but i have a feeling it's going to be pretty close he definitely hasn't been cost efficient right how many has he lost in this game 20 disruptors he's down still 8k in resources lost i don't understand how you look at these two armies and you think that you should be going back in again with your five stalkers. He's like, he's like four marauders, six marines and like six metaphaks, and I have five stalkers and two zealads. I think this is the time to keep fighting. Like, this is not the time to keep fighting. This base extremely vulnerable, by the way. Salad run by would really do some good here. We're lacking any type of multitasking, this entire game. We haven't seen any prism try to go in, either this angle. Even this angle, that's going to be a bit harder with the mines here. but at least you should try. Now, this base being completely open, the entire game is important as well. The micro with disruptors is mediocre. Now, I really feel like this Terran hasn't been turtling. What he's been doing is he's been setting up bases and defending them against a guy that just constantly been headbutting into it. This is like getting angry at someone for putting up a wall because you can't stop yourself from hitting it with your head. He's like, ah, not again. There's like two years you have brain damage and you're like man these stupid walls completely ruining my life it's not the wall like there's walls everywhere my friend but you're the only one headbutting into it to disruptors solid rally the the bi-minately that's a word bi-minately every other minute minute Disruptor sacrifice. It's something that the ATP is very big on. It's in order to keep the game even. I can't I don't think I've ever seen 25 disruptors die like this. This is insane. He just literally has been giving him disruptor after disruptor after disruptor. I'm not sure if he's trying. I really am not sure. Liberators moving forward. So basically what Ghost did this game is that he sat back and the other guy just bumped his head into a wall. And then when my man TATP finally fell on the floor like head bleeding, head wounds, ghost just walked over. And then TATP kind of fell over. That was actually not a bad blink. That was a good blink. I was going to say this is an interesting blink, but I like that blink. He got all of the Liberators. Finally, his army consists of Stalker Disruptor rather than Zellat Disruptor. He's actually getting a good trade, even though for the first time he's way down in army supply and he doesn't have money anymore. But this was exactly how you want to fight. If you're fighting against five, six, disrupter, or liberators. This actually was good. I like this fight a lot. This was sort of, I was going to make fun of him for the blink, but then I look at it again, I'm like, no, this is smart. This is a good play. This is the only fight he probably had that was semi-cost efficient for him. Like, this was, I like that. I like, this is something I see a lot, is where people start microing their units the moment they've lost the game. It's like, why would you do that? Wouldn't it be better to start microwing the moment you're winning? they probably just win the game. They start trying really hard with like three or four units the moment they only have four units left. Like they care more about their four stalkers than they cared about their 35 stalker 28 zealotard army that they just relentlessly kept aim moving into the same location again and again and again into literally the same widow mind that never got cleared. He actually didn't hit anything. This disruptor has zero kills. And then it dies. 28. He's down 14,000 minerals and 4,000 gas. He's down 18K in resources lost. Now, you might be wondering, what do these things mean? They sent me translations. He sent me a translation of his own. bad manner. I absolutely love it. This is great. Let me read it for you. I'll pause the game. Protoss player says, wah. I'm not sure what the what means, but I like it. Why you still have money. You fail to expand fourth and fifth for a while. And then the Terran says, I banked up a lot. my fourth is still mining then the proto says oh you're fifth and sixth dot dot and then he ends with GG I guess we're not there yet this is this is great this gives us a little bit of extra insight into the mind of TATP where he actually believed he was trading efficiently if this is what trading efficiently looks like then Terran would be completely underpowered in TVP. Like if this is what the TOS needs to do to trade efficiently, then yes, Pro Tos is completely in balance. Because holy crap, the TOS micro was so bad. His unit control, the positioning, the army composition, anything to do with fighting. It's funny because his early game was so nice. The ideas behind it were nice. His initial, like the first seven, eight minutes, they just looked. again, not brilliant, but at least somewhat fine. Like the move with the prism, the initial stalker move out are a little bit dicey, but wait, has the game ended? I guess so. I don't know. It's just, it just makes me sad that someone can play this well in certain parts and then literally do everything else wrong for the remaining 15, 16 minutes of the game. like you're so close body but also so extremely far away ghost didn't turtle you just it's a bit like in fight club you know where the guy fights with himself it's like that issue you're just struggling what you're beating yourself up and ghost is just there it's like his bag of popcorn like it's looking good there buddy it's like stop turtling dish dish it's like this has nothing to do with turtling, you're just beating yourself up over nothing. And then Ghost absolutely destroy you. This is an insane unit's loss step for a TVP. Insane. Especially because Ghost mainly had Marauder Marine. So, yeah, my verdict, you suck. Absolutely, you suck. There's no two ways around it. Congratulations, my friend. You are the ultimate sucker. Now, that's sadly going to be it for another. fantastic episode from the Chinese server the Chinese replays have honestly been extremely high quality and very very fun to cast so thanks so much for all my Chinese fans as well I know you guys watch my videos on Billy Billy I appreciate it and for everyone on YouTube here a like down below subscribe and comment as well tell me what you thought of this game and of my man TATB thank you all for watching all next time for a new video bye bye |
He's accusing ME of being IMBA?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today we have an INSANE imba report who is accusing "The Cowboy"of using IMBA units and race. Little does this guy know, who the cowboy really is ;) SMASH like so I can load up my content revolver with new likemunition and challenge Lowko to a duel over who is the best dutch SC2 content creator! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IOIDS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5rHbl6314GA/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | 5rHbl6314GA | Hi Captain. First of all I must say thank you for your admirable work and everything you do for the community. You truly are an example for a Protoss player and I wish you could keep on keeping on. Nice. Enough compliments. All right. Let's jump into the balance complaint. Today I played against the player that I would describe as the complete opposite of you. This silly Zerg called the Cowboy. This abuser might have played everything that is broken about Zerg. Drones. Means, swarm host, messing roaches and lurkers. I admit I played very poorly. But let's be honest, I'm not the one who went for a swarm host strategy and lost ten of them without making any damage. I was clearly ahead, but yet couldn't find a way to strike the finishing blow. At this point I think he broke the arkey of his keyboard and it allowed him to counter all my harassment. I was so afraid to attack the Roach Army on creep and even when I felt I had enough he managed to push me back. Only one wave of locust was needed. Then in a similar fashion to bad Protoss player who make DTs when they feel overwhelmed by their opponent's skills, this guy might have played Protoss in the past, the cowboy went for Lurkers. Guess what? He won. Even though Lurkers are broken and they should have stayed in Brutwar, I think the game was already over for me, considering I wasn't able to secure my fourth properly. It seems so difficult to properly scout and catch the right window to attack against Urk. Every time I try to apply my Terence friends' advice to win as Protoss, A click more, bro. But it fails every time. Therefore, I need the expertise of a professional. Please, Captain, help me. Name Caldwin, league, Grandmaster. This is a 5.7K grandmaster Protoss player. And he's playing against the Zir called the Cowboy. Now, I'm a little bit familiar with the Cowboy, because that is my account. And this is me playing off-race. against Caldwin. I can't actually remember this replay. I can't remember this game. This game must be about a month, a month and a half old, but this sounds like a treat to watch, honestly, silly name called the Cowboy. So his main complaints are really that you can make no damage with Swarmhost, I guess, and still just die against roaches and lurkers. I guess that's basically going to be it. I feel like he is not, in his email, in his balance complaint he isn't quite sure what is broken he knows he just knows that something is wrong you know sometimes you don't know what is wrong but you just know you know that there's something amiss here that's basically what he's saying he's like i don't know what but it smells it smells funky and you go into a restaurant you order your your your your your spaghetti carbonara and it smells like a a letter boot it's like well you're not quite sure what they did with your carbonara but it's not supposed to smell like a leather boot and it's similar with this game where he's not quite sure what's wrong but this game smells a lot like a letter boot and we're gonna find out what's wrong exactly and i'm i'm honestly feeling for the guy you know swarmos roach is one of the toughest compositions to deal with in this in this game it's it's insanely hard i always kind of compare it to stopping stopping a penalty from in football you know it is possible but uh if the guy taking the penalty kick isn't, you know, less than 60 IQ, it's probably going to be pretty difficult. And it's usually the same when playing against Roach Swarmhost. However, he said that he didn't really take any damage from the Roach Swarm Host. I doubt that has anything to do with the lack of skill from the cowboy, though. This guy has crazy mechanics. Look at this. Poop, 400 APM. Treatment. This guy is so fast. It's ridiculous. How do these guys do it? He's floating 400 minerals. The nice thing is I can actually flame the guy who didn't send in the replay for once because it's me. This is just making fun of myself at the same time. This is going to be a first and probably a last as well. This is great. I like this. All right, let's have a quick look at the builders. Now, this guy is a grandmaster. Obviously, has his builds down, right? Adapt, Stargate. You're going to be seeing most likely probably a warp gate. after this it gets another adept and a warp gate i kind of like all of that that's completely fine i'm i'm down with that i'm down with that you get the warp gate a little later and then depending on how you feel you can get a third adept or you can get a stalker here it really doesn't matter too much and where's this first adept up first up just looking for my ling and my ling is is waiting for this thing to move out so it's going to go adapt adept stalker which should put put a tiny delay in your oracle because you don't quite have enough gas right so that's exactly what we're going to be seeing here you have like a 25 to 20 gas delay on that oracle because adapt adapt stalker just delays it a little bit I I send in my link I managed to run in I get the scout on the stargate well the cowboy which is me that's nice this is great and I see that there's a stalker as well so So, Cirque is a pretty good idea of what's happening here. Whoops, move to the high ground. Good job, Kevin. I'm so proud of you, buddy. Meanwhile, on the cowboy side of the map, I mean, not too much happening, right? Just drones, queens, your standard shenanigans, really. Nothing too crazy going on over here. First Oracle comes out, and this is usually where the fun starts. He gets a really fast third base. He cut workers for this. I knew it. I was like, this is not possible if you play. triple gate unit to get such a fast Nexus and a pylon as well you're not supposed to cut workers for your third Nexus buddy that's absolutely not the play you want to get as many workers as you can like a 10 second earlier Nexus isn't that big you know but cutting two probes for that yeah that's pretty that's pretty bad actually that's not what you want to be doing at all like really not what you want to be doing at all you're getting as many workers as you can I'm good a rass here on the creep tumor pretty happy with that follows it up with a robo, I dig it, I dig it. He builds Robo after second Oracle. Yeah, this is completely fine. It goes into a void ray, which is also okay. It's going to allow him to get a lot of damage done with these oracles, most likely, right? Because, or more damage, because you can clear these overlords. Once you can clear these overlords, that tends to be quite good for the Protoss player. Because once they clear overlords, the oracles are going to be way harder to be spotted. Oh. Does he fly away with both? What a player. What a guy. Forge Twilight has a follow-up, which is a good follow-up. His work account feels a little bit low, though, for whatever reason. I think it has something to do with that early on Probe Cut, but also I feel like he just hasn't been producing workers all the way throughout. There's a couple of breaks in here. Now, of course, I'm going to hold this to a way higher standard because I know he's Grandmaster, but you legit should have at least nine, maybe even 11. 12 workers at this point. We're 5.30 in the game. So it's just down like six, seven workers for no real reason, and that's just kind of bad. I guess an overlord, this is good. I kind of like this Oracle oracle into void ray. Very often if you open void ray, you clear the first overlord, then your void ray isn't going to get anything else done on the other side of the map. But now, still a lot of overlords on the map. So that's kind of cool. I kind of like that. Six overlords in production here. My man, E. Laser was giving me some advice. I guess. Yeah, the work count is way too low at this point. It's going to start immortals. Now, usually you build immortals if you're not sure what's happening or if you're, if you believe you're being roadshallant. I mean, at this point, he's seeing drones moving to the main base at the six minute and 10 second mark. This is absolutely not a roadshall in. Instead of getting these immortals, he should have been investing in extra gateways already. You first want to get the extra gate count and then want to get the immortals if that's possible. Gas is way too late on the third base as well. Gases should have been, it just lost an Oracle, gases should have been going down at like 530, 535, but instead they're not even started yet at this point. So they're going to be over a minute late. Yeah, this is, this is really, really terrible. That's just going to cost him almost a full arc on that he could have had here, which he's now not going to be able to get. That's just sad. This managed to reach a good worker count at this point, finally, and starts adding a couple more gateways going to be going up to 10 gateways which is a good actually against swarmholes what you want to be doing is you do want to be getting those 10 gateways before your fourth base unless your opponent is playing like 80 drone swarmos it's not that popular anymore or like 75 drone swarmos unless they do that then yeah just don't take your fourth base too fast doesn't go in gases in time works in a couple of Archons I mean this situation kind of looks okay for the toss in my opinion you can just build a couple of batteries battery cannon battery battery battery I kind of like this and then what Zurich is supposed to do in this case is they just move forward they use their swarmos from here and they kind of fly into your natural and the Archons get stuck over here and it sucks for the Prodos that's basically the entire plan here for the Zurk player now roaches there's not a lot of swarmos though for some reason this cowboy guy is pretty dumb that much can be obvious prism setting it across the map is kind of risky in that you can't micro your units it's really nice to have a prism you can micro units a over the wall and B you can pick them up if they're getting surrounded by locust waves here we see my man the cowboy he ha playing some questionable place as well six six seven zealad run by into the third base a couple of these batteries are gonna go down but really this is just a good initial hold here for Caldwin he has an attack going across the map stick a look at what these zealots are going to be doing so warps in here in the main base oh this is a classic as well look at this five zealads trying to trying to all hit the same spine not really being micro if these salads were controlled this entire mineral line would have gone down and he right clicks that this guy is the ultimate Protoss player this get he just a move zealot, he just attacked a spine and an extractor and then right-click my hatchery. This cost him a thousand minerals, this move. This really is a proto's classic. A thousand minerals and he killed one spine, damaged an extractor, and almost managed to snide my layer. And this is also another sick move. Basically, you just throw away a thousand minerals for free and they're like, you know it'd be sick? If I move out after losing 20 supply for nothing, that's probably. going to be a great idea. That's never a great idea. It's a terrible plan. Moves back, deservedly so, may I add. It's definitely a good call to not attack here. It's going to take a fourth base. Now don't forget that the cowboy here is only on 62 workers, really has no extra gases on here, and it's extremely all in. If Caldwin just decides to turtle on three bases here, continuous upgrades, which you know probably would be a wise idea, no matter whether you're getting a fourth or not. I think he's just going to be in a really good spot. Like actually in a really good spot. I mean, Caldwin is up in the unit's lost tab, playing against someone who's making swarm host. Like, you stopped the penalty kick, my friend. The road swarm host time is over. Like, all you need to do at this point is you just get storm, you know, you can just continue the game. Now, there's a mistake that a lot of tosses make and that I tend to make as well is that when you stop the initial swarmost roach push is that you kind of go like ha manage you stop swarmos roach nice time to make some real dumb moves now here we go as i say it he tries to catch these swarmost of guard there is no pressure on the Protoss to do anything whatsoever absolutely zero pressure like you have defended it what you do now is you get storm you can get your fourth base up You can start tacking into carriers once you hit like 160, 165 supply and you get storm. Like, imagine. Okay, this is the scenario. You're in a bunker, okay? You're trying to hold a position. This is World War II or whatever. And all you need to do is hold on until the reinforcements come. The reinforcements come in like two hours from now. You know, you're just fighting, fighting, fighting. One hour passes. 30 minutes pass. So one hour and 30 minutes have passed. There's some quick math right there. Another 15 minutes pass. It's like, all right, 15 minutes left. And the enemy is basically done. You know, they aren't even trying anymore. And right at that point, you decide to get out of your bonger and to just charge into a minefield. Like, you don't need to do any of that. You've already held on. You defended whatever this was that the cowboy was doing. I mean, he's still down in units lost. This is actually some of the worst road swarms I've seen in my life. Literally all you need to do at this point is just sit back, relax, and watch the Zerg implode. Like, there's nothing Zerg can do at this point. He has an army made out of 28 roaches and 12 swarmos, which keep being triggered way too fast, and then locust. I'm not even sure what these locusts are doing. I feel ashamed watching this back. That's what I feel. And you should be feeling ashamed the fact that you're losing to someone who play like this. These swarm hosts could have been anything. I might as well have made 10 mutas and just idle them in the top right side of the map. It would have been as useful. Like you literally... Why don't you get Storm? The impact that Storm would have here compared to adding two more Archons is so much bigger. Like I bet when you're fighting these two Archons are going to be standing behind your army majority of the time. I love this he's just pushing his Archons forward and the archers are like guys you're sure we should be going yeah yeah just eat those shots made you're just walking straight through everything this is yikes I must have been doing something very important over here I lost every single road I think it could have guided him back forever but yikers okay I mean, still, now I kinda like the push. You know, he... You think he does these with a ruler, where he puts down the first force field, then he gets out his ruler, puts it on the screen. It's like, yeah, second one, a little bit to the right, and he moves his mouse like an inch, like, takes out this ruler again. Dang, it's still a hole in the middle, realigns. Holy crap, what was that? This legit took him seven seconds to forcefield, a three forcefield ramp. I've never seen something like this. Meanwhile, losing Arquels to a single spine. So yeah, here Storm would have been great. It also would have been great if he kited back or used force fields. is holy crap, if this guy ever needs to build a wall I don't want to see that Still up by the way People look at this game and they'll go like Ah, Zirch is ahead. He has 180 supply But Cirque is in an okay spot here I have to admit, okay, Zurk is in an okay spot, but it's not actually over. It's not actually over. Cirque is on 59 workers, has no fourth base. Sure, there is two, three lurkers, but this army still isn't brilliant. There's 1,800 minerals in the bank, which represents about 20 supply, an army in army supply, if you would macro. Like, this actually isn't that bad for the toss. if the tos had a brain obviously this is making a lot of assumptions i understand that also if the Zerg had a brain holy crook he burrowed the swarm host and then burrowed the lurkers i think that might have been a small misclick i'm going to go ahead and call it a small misclick now imagine making every mistake possible right as the Protoss and then still winning a fight like this because the Zerg also is like negative IQ. That's fine. Right now we're back in a situation where you're completely in the driver's seat. You have a fort base going up. You're up in supply. You have 20 more workers. Now, imagine you have a better economy than your opponent and you already have a better or a bigger army. What is probably the best thing to do is to try to push that advantage into some type of tech advantage. Okay? So whenever we have an army, that is going to be sufficiently big to stop any attack in the next five minutes, and we have a bigger eco. What we can do is we can try to gain a massive tech advantage, because there's no way in hell, this CERC, me, is ever going to be able to afford any normal type of anti-air, or anything that can deal with Storm for that matter. So if you just tack into Storm or take into Storm and get a Fleet Beacon, like I think you should, I actually think there's absolutely nothing Zirc can do here. The game just completely ends. Like I just don't see it happen. Now, the only problem right now that I see is that perhaps the income isn't quite as great for Caldwin as it should be because he's not retaking this base. So he's going to have a lot of oversaturation, right? He has some oversaturation here, has some oversaturation here. That's a decent amount of oversaturation here as well. These moves make no sense. Staying on the map here, he's playing against the Zerg with no creep, who just wants to accidentally win. And the only way to do that is through like some counterattack or harass while trying to defend with lurkers. I mean, there's not even a fifth base. You have a good run-by setup. The moment the Zerg moves out, he's going to get run by it in three different locations. It's like eight roaches. Let me warp in two salads. I'll just leave them here. Two stalkers. See if that works, huh? Send in the two salads. Nice. Another two units for free. You just gifted him 400 minerals and whoop piss us off again. Now there is an observer here so these roaches are going to end up dying. Storm finally is getting research. That's looking solid. There's a massive immortal count. And this is a classic as well where four roaches distract you so much that the entire army of the Zerg can move across the map, get in a position. No. Now I'm starting to remember this game. It's this guy. Okay. When you're playing against lurkers, what you want is your units to not stand in a line, okay? The power of the lurker is that it attacks in a line. So what you want to be doing is you want to be forming a concave. That's not possible if there's a nexus here. So what you do is you cancel this nexus, you spread out, rather than literally tanking everything. This is actually painful to watch. Holy crap. I look like four lurkers in the back are hardly fighting. Like they join in halfway through the fight. Half this fight was just spent getting in position for Caldwin. He didn't actually do any damage. This is why Zurg lost no supply whatsoever. He should have cancelled this base, but he decided not to do it. So first of all, he gets distracted by three roaches. This is like when there's a mosquito on your nose shooting it with your own gun. then praying to God that you don't miss. Like, you just sense everything there. That mosquito is annoying. Other guy gets in position. And then he takes the absolute worst fight in the history of fights. That needs to call G. You know, I actually was kind of impressed by this game. I have to admit, this was an impressive game. He held the Roadswarmost from this brilliant Zerg player extremely well. He did some pretty okay moves. There was okay. Actually, no, there wasn't good harassment. At least the intention to harass was there, okay? He sent in zealads. Now, the control on those zealots is a little bit debatable, but then after that, I mean, he just keeps pushing the issue while he's... All he needs to do is wait. Just wait for whatever tax switch you're going to make. You're going to be completely fine. Caldwin, Caldwin. Two little probes in the early game. Your swarm house defense was good. I'll give you that. Your harass was bad. Your unit movement was terrible. Your decision making to it. attack time after time never worked out once and then your final engagement looked terrible it was awful no other words for it sure roads farmers is difficult to do it and I understand that it can be frustrating but this was not rhods formulas my friend this was you and you you suck that's going to be it all right thanks for watching hope you did enjoy this episode of is it in murder suck if you did don't forget subscribe to my YouTube channel hit the like button and we'll see you all next time bye bye |
HE HAD THE HIGHGROUND!!! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today we have a very special imbalance report by a tactical mastermind, using every advantage like highgrounds that he can find and STILL looses to the tactical nukes of terrans... How is that possible? Like, subscribe and find out! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IOIDS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/RHiF3vpLNMo/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | RHiF3vpLNMo | Nukes are simply too powerful. There is no other way to put it. I built two Ultimate Protoss armies in this game. Firstly, a powerful robot-based force of Colossi with a couple of boom balls for good measure. But before the fight could even begin, the Terran nuked my army into oblivion and I lost 70 supply. Luckily, I had already been planning for the transition to Skytles after discovering his machinations. So I had three targets ready to quickly remax. However, once again, he nuked my army to oblivion before the fight could even begin. And this time I even had the high ground. Obi-one would agree it is very imba that I could ever lose while holding the high ground. Well, I did not harass as much as I maybe should have, and they did have a rather annoying mine, also imba. They are invisible. Insert angry emoji. In my mineral line for a while, I had better upgrades, a better economy, and what should have been a better army. I look forward to you confirming that nuke is imba, or do I just suck? Server EU? Leak. I play unranked with my opponents usually are around 2.6k. This is promising to be a banger already in the literal sense of the word. So let's hop straight into this replay as we have Mr. X Stream LSO. Let's see exactly what he has for us here. Tarrin player is just opening up with a... I was going to say a pretty standard opener and then I saw the second gas and I wanted to reach for the bleach to put it in my eyes, but perhaps not the brightest. It's a two gate, a classic as well. So ideally in the PVT matchup, what we try to do is we try to expand as soon as we can. We play Gateway CyberCore at 20, then a Nexus at 20, then a Pylon, a simulator. Second Gateway is just not that useful. Especially, well, you can proxy a gateway, then it arrives in time to most of the time maybe cancel that that cc of your opponent but with two gate if your opponent builds a bunker in time there's just going to be a bunker and a bunker is just going to survive like there's no real use um for for the second gate like it doesn't do anything a bunker beats it like that second gate just gets hard countered by a bunker so it doesn't make much chance especially if you then wait 10 seconds before producing any units um our proto scowlia he's called he sold double gas and it's gonna expand no Nexus okay interesting interesting there's still an SV in the main base as well so this is this reaper timing it's very funny how this works that sometimes you watch games wait what the hell and some parts of the build are very tight like this reaper timing is very quick honestly like this is a good reaper timing but then I see this guy proxy factory in the main base and I have no clue what this is I just do not understand this I have a I have a weird feeling though that the invisible widow mine that's going to kill infinite workers is it's probably going to be coming from this factory and I have a feeling this is never going to get stopped this factory is going to be here for a very very long time actually a very long time two stalkers next is what oh no oh it's getting ready for the reaper I like it Nexus can I get a no robo he just this is how we played PVP or PVT back in Wings of Liberty when we didn't have a shield battery no much of my god what a terrible call by me this gets spotted immediately superior stalker movement of extreme LSO absolute madman does it again for soccer is gonna go downstairs boop this Reaper in the head pish get out of here soon no one wants you around um oh and he just moves it over here he actually just flies it back home i'm loving this already no cc yet for our Terran nexus goes down now for Protoss why does it say king of the hill is that something i did i think so let's pretend it's not there i removed it good job kevin um she gets double observers you know what the funny thing is is that if you compare this build to my build, is that I would have the exact same structures as this guy had, except I would just have like 15 extra probes and probably more units as well. I don't think I'd only have four stalkers at this point. He plays a one base build to get more units, but there's less units and like 15 less workers. They get like the four minute mark, the moment the warp gate finishes. Like that's going to be peak if you open with a very late nexus. I just don't understand this build. all he's taking gases before the nexus is finished but he doesn't really need that much gas at this moment i feel like also saving up for the carrier switch with the with the chronicles would you look at that 1805 chronobos that's absolutely beautiful chronobo boost is very very useful to spend during the game so you can get a better economy my man here is uh it's not interested in the economy it's not interested he's just interested in the army it's a bigger army it's a Chronobusing a little bit now. That's nice. That's nice. Okay. So this observer sees a cyclone and a bunker. He decides that's enough information. Imagine. Imagine if this was the army. All right. The actual army. We're talking the Dutch army. The Dutch military, world renowned for being very small. imagine the Dutch military buys a spying drone and they pay a lot of money for it, $2 billion for it, all right? Do you think that they would put it on the edge of the enemy camp? Or do you think that perhaps they might use it to actually see what the other guy is doing instead of just the outskirts of the camp? I'm not sure because I honestly can't remember the last time the Dutch military did anything. I have a feeling a competent military leader though would probably send this bad boy in to check like hey what the hell is going on here like I see a tank I see a cyclone I see a barracks I see an empty tech lab can we get an update on what's happening here you know because perhaps perhaps I don't want to overstep my boundaries here I'm just a a casual observer perhaps Colossus stalker is not the best composition to go if your opponent is opening with two factory tank Helion or tank again never mind what is this widow mine helion with a tech labbed factory and I thought I'd seen it all I thought I'd seen it all I thought I'd seen it all I love the observer positions as well just in case that first one missed the move out he has a second chance You know, you know, scouting around your base, making sure that you're not getting dropped. Sounds pretty good, but what if I can cover the same path with two observers? Now we're thinking, these have to be, if this mind shoots this observer? Is this in range? Pass. Pop quiz. Did it, did it, titty, titty, t, hey, is this in range? Yes or no. Pick your answer now. So, then we play some, do-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-cary. Boom. The answer is, yes. It was in Vision-range. Good job for everyone who picked yes. You can collect your prize in Netherlands. Oof. You know what would have been great? If my man would have been able to spot this with a unit or with anything, something that perhaps is used for seeing areas. There's a different word that I'm observing an area on the map perhaps. If only ProDos has a unit specifically dedicated for that purpose, maybe he would have been able to see this looming threat coming to his main base. And he wouldn't have to pull away all of his workers to follow another worker. I have no clue what he's doing. I actually have no clue what he's doing. So if we're in this situation and we know exactly what's going on as we should, we see a bunch a factory, you see second star port. What we want to do is, is you want to get a piling over here. We want to get a pylon over here. We want to get a pylon over here. We want to get a pylon over here. We want to get a pylon over here. So we cover these edges. We know our opponent is playing Mac. He's going to be playing very, very passive. We want to move on the map. We want to out-expand our opponent, focus heavily on improved economy. And we don't want to be getting Colossus Stalker. Colossus' Stalker is very, very bad because tanks do very well against armored units. And thus, Colossi Stalker is absolutely the worst thing you can. can be getting. What you want to be getting is charge lot Archons and once tors are being added, maybe add a couple of immortals. And with charged lot arcone, you're going to have such a good time against tanks, majority of the time. Now, if you do start with a Starwalker Colossi army, because your build order was either Robo or Twilight into Robo and you just have a Colossi, that's okay. But you can, what you can do with it is you can move on the map. You can try to control this space, try to deny a fourth base or try to deny a third base when your opponent decides to move out. you can't attack into tanks with Stalker Colossite is simply just not possible. Wait, what the hell just happened here? Okay, this winner-mine just got seven kills. This is a bit painful as well because this guy's actually kind of spining his money and the Terran is absolutely not. The Terran is floating at this point. 5K resources at the 9 minute mark. Now, it would be very easy here to make fun of the Terran. but let's not forget that the Protoss has absolutely no clue that this is the case because the only thing the Protoss has seen is that there is a wall technically is not even aware there's a base here yet so there could be 12 battle cruisers here or there could be two Marines he has absolutely zero idea and just the fact that you can have no clue that your opponent is saving up 4k resources that is pretty bad okay that is pretty freaking bad. I would recommend being a little bit more in touch with your opponent in general. You want to kind of feel him out, you know, poke him a little bit. And if he, you know, is imagine you're playing a PVZ game and you let your opponent save up 3K minerals, 3K gas, and then all of a certain 30 mutas pop out. Like it is nice to understand when your opponent is lacking some units. Because if there's this much in the bank, then yeah, that is probably not going to be as many units. Right now he's up 50 supply our Protoss player. He's not doing anything with his advantage because he has no clue that he has an advantage. The only thing that he knows is that the stalker hotkey is the S and the Colossus Hotkey is the C. That's really all he has. He might even have it on like written down on a note next to the PC and just keeps glancing to the left. Oh, still I still see. I mean, well, a couple more of those bad boys. Ding ding ding ding. Oh, mine. So this mine is also a tell, obviously, because it shows that there's an armory. The moment the mines have these red things above them, it means they become invisible after burrowing. It means there's an armory. So it could be a big tell that there is Mac. Now, Extremluso decides to throw down four more gateways. He only actually had four. Four gateway. Second Robo. Fort bases are for losers. He doesn't really need that. Sure, he has a little bit of cash in the bank, but, ooh, there's the double observer with the Colossi army just in case he loses one. This is great. Actually, this is a completely unrelated story, but I just want to tell it. Okay, so this is not to do with I owe this. But back in 2012, there was a tournament, Tremak Bucharest, which I think Nurt Show won in the end, but it doesn't matter. There was a semi-final, no, a quarter-final between Monchi. and Star-Nan. And that was a PVP. This is an old man story, okay? We need a bumper for that. And Star-Nan did the strategy, an 11-11-gate, 3-gate, I believe three games in a row, which is a really, really cheesy build. And you'd build a pile on the bottom of the ramp and try to warp over it. And 11-gate was a way faster gateway than usually you get, usually get like a 13-gate, I believe, in PVP. And the thing that Star-Nan, did was he would take, instead of having two probes, or one probe, the proxie of island, he would take two probes, the proxy of violent. And after the game, Monchi, who was the guy who played against Starlin in the quarterfinal and lost to him, it was like, why the hell would you take two probes? Like you have already zero money with this build. Why would you do that? And then Starlin said the legendary words, well, in a lot of my practice games, I tend to lose one. So if I take two, if I lose one, then I still have the other. And that's some high-level thinking. If you ever want to be in a quarter-final of a dream of Bucharest, you need to start thinking like this guy. So I was going to flame him for the double observer. I kind of like it. My man Star-Nan somewhere up there. He's not in heaven. He's in Sweden, up, you know, up to the north. He's looking at this game and he likes it. Yeah, yeah. This is it, my friend. Double observer next to this army. Big stuff indeed. Okay. This is eight zealots. hallucination flies straight into a turret it happens to the best right it can happen to you can happen to me can happen to anyone I guess a couple of disruptors disruptors also extremely useless against tank battle cruiser because it's very difficult to get vision of of tanks to throw your disruptors in such a way that they're useful now in theory disruptors out of range tanks because of the the diameter of the what you call it, the hitbox of the purification Nova makes it so that you slightly outrange. I think by half a range you outrange the tank. It's very, very difficult to do. And against Mac, I would not recommend trying to clear tank lines with disruptors. It would just take too long. The guy would just move forward with a lot of his tanks and then you have disruptors which are kind of useless. Against Tours, however, they can be useful. But, I mean, against this army, what you want? It's really just charted arc on. Just, just, let's try. to translate what we currently have into what we potentially could have if any scouting was done. So right now in army value, okay, so right here for the Terran defending, we have six tanks and four battle cruisers. Now four battle cruisers sound scary, but they actually don't kill Archons and Zealans very fast. So really all there's defending here that has big power is six tanks and maybe four heliens, I guess the planetary at the third. Now imagine if we had the 6.1K in minerals, let's say in 30 or 35 zealots, and then the 3K in gas, we had in 10 Archons or maybe 9 Archons and a century, something like that. You would completely destroy this army, you just aim, move in, you'd have a laugh at him. By the time he kills two of your Archons, the planetary is gone, this base is gone, he's probably thinking about lifting the barracks as well. and that's only him trying to kill your second Archon. There's absolutely no way you're going to lose a game like this. You always got to think like this. If you're watching a game, it's like, how is it possible? How can I not win this? And you can just kind of translate the resources that you have into an army that you much rather have, which in this case would be Zellat Arcon. Honestly, if you have no clue about the game, I'd always recommend playing Salad Arcon because it's kind of a good composition against most things. It's relatively Amu-friendly as well. People like Colossi because they destroy marines, but Salad Arcon also works very, very well against bio, especially if the bio isn't as well micro, like it is usually in the lower levels. Now, I'm an extreme so far is probably vaguely aware that there is a third base because he sees a sensor tower, but in reality all he's seen so far is a single factory pumping out Helions. And that's really it. Triple three observers. Now Star-Nan is watching this with envy from Scyl. Sweden. He's like, ooh, three. I should have thought of that back in... What was that? Seeing ghost. Get it? Ghost, Taron? That's a non-intended pun. Three star ports. I like it. Storm. A classic as well against tank. Tank Tor battle cruiser. Units that have the tendency to clump, right? tanks who doesn't know it the 25 clump tanks it's a true classic my man extreme LSO really has not done anything this entire game he just build units then is it possible that he does not know where his opponent spawned and he's looking for the spawn location he thinks this is like an expansion or something like that I'm not entirely positive that he's not doing that. I want to believe in him, but honestly, I'm not even sure. I... Gets attacked by a single helion? He's a type of guy that... When there's a mosquito in his room, he just throws a grenade in it. This is over. The big guns immediately. No matter how big the threat or how small the threat. He'll bring everything, you know. He's not great to banter at with the office either. He gets fired pretty quickly. He tapped him on his left shoulder. Then you stand on his right. He'll shoot you. That's Extreme LSO in a nutshell. It's probably not very wise to make this episode about him. These are just jokes, Extreme LASO, okay? The joke, this is... We're friends, right? I don't want to die. Please. I wonder what he's doing. What goes on in the mind of someone like this? What's an APM? Nice. It's pretty decent APM for her, though. What is he looking at? Oh no, this is the Terran. He was just looking at the map. What do these guys do? Okay. Okay, he moves back. He's like he moved a bit to the right, a bit to the left. bit to the left and this guy would be great in the salsa class is he actually ever he's maxed you can't build anything made stop selecting your buildings he's he's looked at his robo four times and i think i still can't build anything select my warp gates one more time here's the nuclear nuclear launch thing yeah cyber car sees the dot This has to be on purpose. But I know it isn't. But I know it isn't. He just lost 70 supply. Legit 70 supply by walking into a nuke. And here comes the fast remix out of three Stargates. You love to see it. I have absolutely no clue what goes on in the head of a guy like this. Maybe his head is always empty. He's just like one of these meditation masters, you know? There's no thoughts that can come through. He's always focusing on the breath. He doesn't even hear the notification. patience. It's a lot of battle. It's the first time he sees the battle cruise, by the way. Let's not forget about it. This is great, man. This guy's life must be so relaxing. What he just did, I'm thinking of an analogy here. Bear with me, okay? Imagine you go into a shop. It's a technology shop. Now what do a lot of technology shops have these days? Two things. A, they have an aquarium with fish. with fish and B, they sell you a smart watch. Imagine Extreme LSO is looking for a new smart watch. His last one broke down. He's not quite sure how. He went swimming with it. Some are broke. Weird. He goes in, ask the guy, the Shupp assistant, hey, I want a smart watch. The guy goes, okay, would you like this one, sir? Extreme LSO says, sure, this one looks great. Is it waterproof? And the shop assistant goes, no, sir, it's not waterproof. Extreme Maleso says, okay, that's cool. He pays for the thing, walks to the aquarium, and throws his watch into it. Takes his watch out, starts complaining that is broken. That's literally what he just did. He walks straight into a nuke, loses what he already had. The smart one is a good analogy. And then he starts complaining that is broken. To me, that doesn't make a lot of sense. obviously this wise shop assistant is not going to refund him this unbelievable okay he does the carrier transition plus two I love that he's adding more colossi I feel like the one thing I'm really lacking right now against these these seven battle cruisers is not perhaps a more couple of extra star gates or maybe just add 10 gate with the 5k that I have in the bank. I think if I add two more colossi to my already four colossi, perhaps I will be able to start shooting up magically. Look at this guy. This guy's on a mission. He cloaked. Tiri, did he didi-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-de-------------------. Oh, no. The shop assistant said, you know what? The insurance will cover this. Sir, here's your second. Smartwatch. Guess what extreme Alasota walks over to the aquarium? Boom. Trows it in. Absolutely brilliant. This has to be the absolute worst reaction to nukes that I've seen in my life. The worst scouting I've seen in my life. Pohr. I killed himself as well. That's sad. He at least said he I wonder what the takeaway is after a game like this. I feel like it's just information overload. There's too many things happening. My man, Extreme LSO is having trouble finding the surrender button here. Just like he had trouble finding the nuke dots on the map. He's trying to get out of the game for the past 10 seconds. He finally finds it. That's legit seven seconds. How did he do that? He said already Gigi at 857. He leaves at 06. Just for 12 seconds he couldn't find it. Way more. It's like 15 seconds he was looking for it. How does he do that? Maybe he controls the mouse with his feet or something like that. Like Twitch plays StarCraft. Holy crap. Extreme LSO. Extreme LSO. I don't even understand how you can complain about this. There's literally a 30 second warning. is it it's like you don't watch your army for 30 seconds and all of a sudden it's gone how is that possible it's like yeah that's kind of how the game works like he went to get a package and he comes back and the game is over that's ridiculous this has been an absolute blast to be with holy cry i hope he doesn't have a dog he walks away from his dinner for a solid two minutes and bam his food is gone dog ate it starts complaining to the pet shop I bought the dog over here. I leave my food for two and a half minutes and dog eats it. I don't even know what he wants Blizzard to do in this case. Honestly. Like what goes through your mind here? Do you want them to manually push away your units out of the nuke dot? Like there's nothing. It was clear as day you walked. I have no clue. This absolutely is not. balanced my dude. You completely suck. You suck extremely hard. This was terrible. Twice. He just walked up to you. Even though you had four observers with your army, my man Starland still jealous, envious. He just suck. Holy crap. That's it. That's going to be it for today. If you did like this episode of IOTUS, don't forget subscribe to my channel. because we have hot stuff coming out every single day like buns from the oven. Like I'm a bakery and my videos are bread. And I'm making them and you're eating them. But not paying. Just pressing the like button. Thanks. Bye-bye. |
Blaming the one unit that was useless?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Some people think everything is imba. Some people say the game is balanced. And some people blame exactly the unit that had NOTHING to do with their defeat. So let's debunk the real reasons! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/loj5KXBm3-E/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | loj5KXBm3-E | Hello, Harsdam and Company. Greetings, and thanks for choosing me. You're welcome, buddy. I think Hyrosd DPS is way too high, and the Zerg transition to late game is more smoother than the ProDos in general, thus making PVZ to some kind of mid-game pushes, or early game adepts all win. Because if you stay too long, you can get destroyed, like me, in this replay. I had more upgrades and better unit composition in general, got my expansions in a fair time, definitely not perfect, attacked when I got the advantage, and did some mistakes too. Maybe I did throw up a little bit. He played well, and I kind of suck a lot. But, hydras are still too O.P. in my humble opinion. Sorry if my English is bad like my gameplay. Exterminator, Diamond Protoss, N.A. A couple of interesting things there. He seems to be self-aware that he does make some mistakes. He accepts that he makes mistakes. He says, I'm not perfect. Are you perfect? as they say, never throw stones if you live in a glass house. I'm not sure how that's applicable here, but don't forget that. Now we have the probe here moving out. Standard scowling timing. We have a... Look at this. Builds the gateway with this probe, then waits until he can build the Nexus and the cybercore with this probe. Now, you could say, this is brilliant, because you don't need to do very much. But this is similar. imagine, imagine, imagine this scenario. You're a father or a mother, just a hypothetical, okay? I know loads of you probably don't have kids, but if you do, at some point you'll need to drop your kids off at school. When you drop your kids off school, quick tip, they will be doing things for themselves. You don't need to stay there until they finish school again, especially you exterminator this probe could have been mining 15, 20, 30 minerals while this gateway is building and you're waiting for minerals for your nexus you could also sit in your car for eight hours like man these days go by real fast just reading the newspaper or Twitter your Twitter feed and refreshing it every three seconds oh still no good tweets oh still no good tweets I don't quite think that is way to move forward though so just send them back all right buddy so why is cybercore so late pylon and no assimilator so the way you're supposed to play is you get 20 nexus 20 nexus and then you get 21 assimilator 22 pylon this guy went something completely different i have no clue what the build order was but But as a result, his cybercore is going to be delayed. His gateway is way too fast. This makes absolutely no sense, okay? This absolutely makes no sense. Because with the warp gate, what you want is you want it to finish the same time as your second gateway. Well, you want your second gateway to finish the same time as warp gate. And that's definitely not going to be the case here. That's a real issue, actually. Okay. I do not like that. I do not like that. because initially you just want to be producing from your tech structures. So that's why you get Gateway, CyberGuard, and you get Tech, you get Twilight, you get Robo, you get Stargate, and you're investing money into that. And then once your Warpgate finishes, your second gate is coming into play. Not before that, not after that, okay? Right now his tech is just super delayed for no reason. Usually your first Oracle would probably be pretty close to being done. We're talking 20, 15 seconds away. He just starts his Stargate right now. That's extremely late. That's not good. Gets a battery. he lost his scouting probe or sent it back too fast and he so he isn't aware of this third base which is I guess somewhat understandable that he then builds a battery but it shouldn't be necessary if you just had a quick oracle because then he's just going to be safe against most things but we can forgive him for the battery okay now usually what you do is after this you get an Nexus um at around this timing and from there on out Actually, you just get a Nexus and then you get maybe secondary tech. You get your robot. You get your forge. You get your Twilight. If you want to play double Stargate, you can go and play Double Stargate. Like there's really many options that you can go for. But I'm afraid we're not going to be seeing that here, are we? First Oracle starts, or starts building at the point where my second Oracle is basically done already. This one I would have killed like 10 workers. Rochronic goes down at a good time here. Evo Chamber went down at a good time. It's looking pretty good here. for for Yoda Eater. I like his build order. His work account is a little bit low, but I can live with that. He probably should have one more queen. I can live with that. That's okay. Okay, we have four adepts here shading in. Now let's let's see what he's going to be able to do here with these adepts. Okay. So you have one queen over here. We have 24 lings being built right now. So he's these Yoda Eater's definitely going to be ready for that. Now the beauty with adepts is of course that you can make decisions based on what you see. You can make decisions based on what you see. This is what I was saying. Now look at this, okay? We're at a fork in the road here. We have two ways to go. Okay? One way we see 20 lanes and one way we see a queen. Now, a queen is like a 75-year-old grandma with crutches. She might be dangerous, but she's not going to be too fast. And in reality, if you have an Oracle coming, it's like one of your friends with the big guns, you know. Not that dangerous. Here, 24 lings. It's the other side of the roads. Like, see five guys with guns holding a sign, I want to shoot you. It's like, I'm probably going to go to Grandmas side, you know? Just personally is what I would do. Does that mean that I condone violence to old people? No, absolutely not. If you beat up a grandma and then you say, Harstom told me to do it, I will deny that. And this is the little disclaimer that I have for that. So absolutely don't do that. Now, finishes the shade, predictably loses everything, kills what? Two, two adepts? No, four lings. It kills four lings. It's going to be able to kill maybe one more. One more link. Five lings. Five lings for four adepts. Now, let me remind you that a single ling is 25 minerals, and a single adept is 100 minerals and 25 gas. So that's what we call a bad trade deal. A very bad trade deal. It's a non-approved trade deal even. A follow-up is five, six gateways, robo. So it's going to be going into a six-gate robo push afterwards. This was kind of popular before where you get like three, Oracle, one, Phoenix, and then you get six gates, and you push with one, two immortals, prism. And you can get very strong timing pushes. not as common anymore these days, not as common anymore these days, but, wait what? Twilight counts? Okay, this is not a build. I mean, if you want a tack after this, you should have taken a third base before getting five extra gates. If you invest in infrastructure this early, you need to start using it this early, otherwise it could have been an extra base. That's the entire point of the game. If you get buildings, you should use them, basically. After three base, I can forgive a lot more, but pre-3-base, no, absolutely not. Okay, so goes in with another Oracle, uses infinite energy basically here. 35, 34, nice. It's like getting your electricity bill, and I'm wondering why you're paying so much because you left the lights on in your house for the entirety of the month. Like, oh, that's a lot of money. It's going to be the same when it looks at his Oracle's like, huh, why don't have any energy left? That's weird. I really thought Oracle's had more energy. Maybe I need to charge him by flying him around. That's how you get these weird myths on the battle net forums. Seven overlords on the way, man. He lasers over here. Charge, forge, immortal. Okay, this is actually just not a build order. He's just doing things at this point. Yeah, that Robo Bay. Just add it as well. Keep him coming. Maybe second forge and a second cyber corps. Start the fleet beacon as well. Then we have all the build. in the game and we can continue it up third base nice okay third base about three and a half minutes too late just three minutes just kidding guys not three and a half just three minutes follows up with phoenix because his initial error as was so successful he killed exactly one drone he was like i managed to do that with two oracles what if i also built for phoenixes now let's have a look is this control so far has been absolutely fantastic gets one drone gets a queen, almost gets a queen, loses a phoenix, almost gets a queen, oh, loses two and a half phoenix and got a drone, so two drones. He invested about 1500 resources, maybe 1,600 resources into the oracles, phoenixes and the Stargate. He managed to kill two drones and damage one of the queens. This is like building four battle cruisers and then Yamatoing a spore. then letting them die. It's like that's not quite worth it buddy. I'm sorry. Meanwhile, a rowaway being used absolutely brilliantly. See no colossi coming out yet, no disruptors either. A worker count is a little bit low for eight minutes in game. Usually you should be thinking about going up to 75, 76 at this point are made here as 47. It takes a fourth base. Okay, just just as a just as a quick recap. He went into six gateways, didn't use them, then build a third base, started using it gateways and then got a fourth base while not being saturated on the third yet. This is something else. Something else. Oh this is also good. Oh this is great. Okay, so he's getting the thermal lens right now while getting disruptors. This is like getting a degree in arts and then start working at the Starbucks. It's like it doesn't make a lot of sense, you know? Why did you get your degree in the first place? Congratulations, you're now 80K in depth. Like, it's not a cheap upgrade, you know, the thermal lens. You got to think about getting that. That's just not an easy decision. You got to consider all your options. Like, is there any better options here? Double Phoenix. Not sure what he's doing. But I'm sure they've done lots. They got one kill each already now. So that means they probably either killed another Ling or, They got an overlord accidentally somewhere that was idling. And then without looking he killed it. Built some cannon? No. This is a good cannon position. You guys thought I was going to make fun of Exterminator for this. But no, this canon position is good. Let me explain to you why. This area is very difficult to move through. It's kind of tight. If you have cannons here on the left side, it's going to be semi-covering your ramp, at least with detection and with some damage output as well, while still allowing your army to move in position easily. This is a good cannon. It has the harsh term. Ping. Seal of approval. Next, sends out a zealot. Sees the move out. This is good. Tries to walk into position. This is a slight error. He should have tried to completely control his ramp, not be afraid here. Because the moment you give up this ramp, you can't defend this anymore, because now you're stuck in this area. What you're supposed to do now, once your opponent is in such a position, you pull these workers away. way and you accept that you're going to lose this base. This is basically the sun cost fallacy in action. You know, he's like, oh, if I, if I give up this base, I've already invested so much in it. But instead, he's now also going to lose 16 workers, a bunch of his immortals, a bunch of his stalkers. Like, it just isn't great. He should have saved these probes at least. And send him here. He would have not been in a bad spot. You can still fight afterwards, you know. But just give up the base and save the probes. You'll be fine, buddy. You'll be fine. It's not like he had the probes to saturate four bases anyway. He was on 60 workers. So all he's really doing is just trying to defend the position. That's worthless to him. Which isn't great. 13 banlings on the way. I haven't seen the hydras much in action yet. I feel like these hydras haven't really been it. You know what I mean? It just really hasn't been it. Let's see. Still no Colossi being built. So the arch degree is being put to good use so far. Still 80K in that, don't forget. Stasis watch coming down. What is our friend doing here? He's going to hive. I should probably be looking into getting that seismic spines. Relatively soon that upgrade. Maybe some adrenal glands as well. I mean, he has good upgrades for his melee as well. It's getting plus two. It's going to go up a couple more drones, retaking his gases. batteries once again in a pretty decent position i don't mind it would have loved this pylon to be a bit further to the back now i'm not a big fan of this composition especially against banling stuff especially from oracle usually from oracle you want to be going into a charge lot arcon storm army charge a lot immortal arcon something like that just more umf the stalker colossi compositions are good but it's more from glave openers or d t drop openers if anyone wants to play those now he has two observers here in his army none on the map His phoenixes are not really scouting anything either. So his main vision is coming from these two station wars that he has on the map. When's the last time he scouted? That was about seven minutes ago when the layer finished. He's not aware that there's a gas here. He's not aware that there's a base here and he's not aware that there's a hive on the way. Spire as well. Could be looking for greater spire here. It's kind of spicy. Oh, stars are colossus. I completely missed it. He already has a colossus. So he just got the... all right i'm done with starbucks i'm i'm getting an empty entry drop entry job at my local college there's an arts professor congratulations you're making in the world still 80k in depth adaptive talents being researched storm armor upgrades we present like we didn't see it okay quick ling run by sends his entire army there the classic one-to-punch moves the rest of his army straight into the fourth and kind of gets caught out of position. These banings are just going to kill everything, aren't there? No pool on the workers. I feel like the hydras haven't really contributed too much yet to the fight. And also, I feel like all of these fights have honestly been very good, or at least cost efficient, or semi-cost efficient for the prodos, no? Yeah, he's just up by 3K resources lost. I'm not quite sure how he's complaining about the hydra. He just mined less. Like, he's down 60 supporters. apply, which that's about 2.5 to 3K resources. And then he's basically down 6K mined resources, something like that. It's like, yeah, no wonder you're losing the game. It's looking terrible for you because you just have no workers for the entirety of the game and you're not mining anything. It's like a big surprise. Now, this move out, we can, I can see this, right? He's desperate. He has a pretty big army. He has nice upgrades. He did say that I completely un-upgrade or out-upgrade him and got a better army. I mean, quality-wise, you probably have a better army, but quantity-wise, like, you just don't have that many units. Hello? The good old disruptor move command, double disruptor ball on the same spot, hits one of them, sends the second one forward. He just lost two disruptors without hitting anything and still almost wins this fight. I don't understand how you can complain here. He did lose this fight cost-effectively, cost-efficiency. Why so? I have to give him that. Now what's going to happen? If this turns into, okay, yeah, he's just going to build broodlord. He's just going to build broodlord. That's it, no? He has nothing. It's some stalkers. It's pretty decent upgrades. So in this case, what you want to do, if you think your opponent's going to be attacking you, send a zealot run by in. Look at this. Whop, whoop, whoop, like this. Three zealots here, two zealots here, two zealots here. and sure maybe one or two will get killed but it at least forces your opponent to go back home and it gives you time to react to whatever threat is coming to you and he's getting good upgrades he's has good upgrades on the way he's playing against someone else on 2-1 no carapace upgrades whatsoever so yeah I'm kind of liking this disposition like he's not winning but it's very very playable and that's something that people often overlook they'd be like ah I got so far behind sure but this is a very playable position This is a position where I'd be like, well, I mean, it's not great, but it could have been worse, you know. His army isn't that scary. It's what, for Brutlords? Once again, gets completely caught out of position here, by the way. Just completely. It's not even close. He just should be sending Zealots to bases at this point. I mean, he probably can take a decent fight as well, actually. If he attacks with everything at the same time, blinks forward with stalkers. And I think the stock account is too low here. Also, instead of right-clicking the Brutelawks. properly I think he attacked Brutlings for a bit so it's going to clear up all the hydras and then just lose to the Brutlords and the two corruptors. Another two lings got shot by this beautiful disruptor and at this point is just completely over right more lings streaming in. So yeah first of all he just has a completely wrong unit composition but even with that unit composition he's using it ineffectively disruptors constantly missing his work account has been abysmal the entire game got caught out of position two three times, didn't rescue his probes when he could have. I mean, I don't understand how he can blame the hydra for his loss. That's the one unit he fought well against. He's like, people have no clue what they're bad against or why they're losing the game. He probably just checked like the unit loss stab or something like that. What did he lose the most of? Like a 42 hydras. It's probably the hydra that killed me then. It's not quite how the game works, buddy, but it wasn't even the unit that got lost the most, but yeah, Gigi well played. Wow. All right. Just quick recap. Quick recap of the game. People have been asking for this. So first of all, build order sucked. Second of all, unit movement, terrible, economy awful, pro-production, complete garbage. Decision making when it comes or fight micro was just terrible. That disruptor micro was abysmal, you just move command it into your opponent's army. You're the reason why people suggest that the disruptor gets an auto attack, just like the Templars. You could just aim move it. Nick Prod is even easier. No, I don't want that. That's ridiculous. Your upgrades were good. Your cannon and battery placement was good. But you didn't lose against the hydra. You lost because you had no clue what was happening on the other side. You never interacted with any of your opponent's bases, had zero harass, had zero counters to his brute lords really you could have gotten tempest or just way more stalkers if you get like 10, 12 stalkers you can probably one shot the broodlords at some point if you get plus three I feel like you have no clue why you lost and also you definitely didn't lose because of the high route or because of imbalance and thus we will have to say I don't enjoy this you suck but you get one harsome stamp of approval so you know potato potato you get what you want now this is going to be it for today if you did enjoy this video don't forget subscribe to my youtube channel uh hopefully by the time this video goes live we've already hit 50k in that case good job if we haven't hit 50k yet you guys are pricks click the subscribe button don't forget to like bye bye |
He found the TRUE way of PvZ: Void-Storms! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | There we are. Looking for the best way of SMASHING every Zerg player (like you do to the like button) for decades and the solution was in our face the whole time! Storm + Void Rays. There is nothing to counter that for the Zerg and he can just F10 + N out of the game. Or does this Zerg just suck?! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/icvYP5VU5xI/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | icvYP5VU5xI | Hi Kevin. I may have to ask you for your help this time. For a long time, I truly believe that I can offset any imbalance in the game with hard work and more game knowledge, but I came to the conclusion after the following game that this isn't the case. I played a fairly decent game versus this Prodos player who rushed out Storm, which obliterated all of my early attacks. Then he went for void rays. This perfect combination of units cannot be countered by any Zerg unit. The storm deals with all the light units from banlings to hydras, and the voyage stared through the thick armor of every armored unit, be it roach or an ultralisk. The only good Zerg air unit, the Corruptor, is armored as well. Zerg has no answer to this combo. Please investigate this unfairness and tell me if this could have been solved in any way that is humanly possible. Thanks in advance, Golgo Tai. Golgothai is a diamond Zerg player on the EU ladder with 3,225 MMR. And he asked, is it Inba or do I suck? And we're here for you to investigate. All right, Mr. Nudest Gulgatai. Let's have a look to see what you're doing. You claim that rushing into storm and attacking into void rays is completely unbeatable. I don't think it is. But I have an open mind to things, you see, just like you, you're a nudist. You know what it's like to have an open mind to things. You've got to try new things sometimes. So I'm going to try to entertain this claim that Voidre Storm is unbeatable, even though both of them have pretty terrible range. And they don't have any real counter to Lurker, for example, because you can't outrange the Lurker things like Lurker Hydra, or Lurker Hydra Vyper can be very difficult to deal with if you're playing Storm pure void right now. You can add in carriers to counteract it or add in Tempest. But just pure Storm Templar. So we're pretty much expecting. I was expecting either a Twilight Council opener here, as it said Rush Storm, or I was going to be expecting maybe even a Stargate opener, opening up with a couple of void rays to then straight go into Storm. but it seems to me that this is instead a fast robotics facility. Now, nudist Gulgatai meanwhile is... She's doing a pretty standard build, except he forgot his third base. Maybe... Okay, he's going to get it now. It's a little bit late. No third queen yet either. It's probably going to get supply block here as well. It's not the greatest start for our protagonist. But, you know, I can deal with it. He scouts everything. Usually if you see the robo, you know enough. I wouldn't recommend going any further with the scouting, but it seems to work out as his opponent isn't really getting a stalker as a follow-up. You see two overlords on the way, of course, because he got the 36 out of 36 supply block, a true classic supply block of the ages. It's a road warren. This is a fair assessment of the situation, honestly. He saw two extra gates being added. He sees four gates. He sees a robo. My mind goes to things like an immortal win. That's actually the only thing. Maybe a gateway, pure gateway army on it. So Roche Warren is definitely a correct call. Now, do we want to get a second guess with that? Maybe you want to get a second guess with that eventually. I wouldn't completely mind it. His work account is extremely low. He's just not injecting properly. he's, his build order makes very, very little sense. He's floating 800, he's slowing 900 minerals at the 4 minute mark. That is not good at all. That is not good at all. Slight oversaturation in the natural here. So he has a lot of larvae actually. He's 11 larva just not using it. It's, oh, another supply. So it went from 36-36 into 49 out of 50. It's going to start floating up to 1,200 minerals at this point, pre-5-minute mark. This is, honestly, even for diamond, this is a very, very high float. This is going to be lower diamond, though, at 3,300. It's going to be Diamond 3 on Europe. So it is not the top of diamond. Big difference there, of course, between the bottom and the top of diamond. Forged Twilight. So now we're going to see the famous storm rush coming out of late van. There is some type of scouting going on here from Golgothai. It's going to be able to take out this probe at least. but his own build order still doesn't make a lot of sense. He sees the third go down. He has no follow-up scouting information is going to go into layer. Still slight oversaturation in the natural, but his drone count is starting to look healthier. His injects have picked up, and his spending of larva has picked up. Double Evo, double gas. I don't know about the double ego. The double gas, all right, we can live with. if he spends his larvae now, gets a couple more drones. Maybe it's okay. Double Evo, I'm not a fan of. He's not aware if this is a real third base, if this is a fake third base, what is happening behind this. The double Evo seems unnecessarily risky. He also simply just doesn't have the gas to really use both Evo chambers. You can see he can't even afford road speed and a plus one upgrade here. So, yeah, that second Evo is kind of useless. Just going to be wasting some money away in that. Could be spent perhaps on drones. into another hatchery. He's going to get another hatchery. He realizes his shortcomings. Now, you can say, well, I never see pro players get a hatchery in their main base. That's true. Pro players also have better mechanics. If you're struggling with getting enough larva out, there's nothing wrong with getting an extra macro hatch. I think this is a smart call. This is a mature call. This is saying, okay, I understand that my mechanics aren't as good as the top talks. I need more larva. I'm not going to hit all of my inject. I get an extra hatchery. I very often say this as well to Protoss players or Terran players. like, hey, increase your infrastructure, and they'll tell me well, but I need my, my, I see, I see, Arsham only gets eight gateways on three ways. Yes, but Harstam plays this game eight hours a day. He dreams about it. You play three games a week and two of the games are warmer. Like, just add three gateways. No one cares. It's just good practice. If, if you don't need it anymore, cut it out. But if you're constantly floating 1,200 minerals, yeah, This is a good call and I'm not going to make fun of him for that. There's plenty of other things in his play that we can make fun. For example, the 17 supply block in a row, but these are all mechanical errors. So far, do we have any major strategical errors, except for the weird double evo that hasn't been used yet? The weird gas mineral distribution and the lack of drones. Too many units. No real scouting from our, from our dude. I mean, he really hasn't seen much of anything. He's not aware that there's a Templar archives. He's not aware of really anything. He's once again floating 1,300 minerals. Work account is looking pretty okay. And his main claim was that Storm Voidre was perhaps a little bit too good. Storm is out. If we count well, we see two Templar, which means there's going to be a maximum of four storms in his army for now. I actually think that Golgatai, if he would spend his money, but even without spending his money, It's going to have a really nice timing here if he hits with bainlings speed. Imagine just morphing 10, 15 vanlings here and just rolling in. This army has no real tanking power except with the immortals, but those are tanks in the back. Zellis are going to die against the bainlings, then you have Roach Ling left to deal with a bunch of immortals. I think this is an army that can take this all very, very easily. Now, we do have a Stargate on the way here for a late van as well. So it's a massive supply, by the way. Holy crap, this painful. I wouldn't mind seeing a couple of extra drones and any type of scouting really, whether that's just sending in an overs here or just making sure there's no fort base over here or for it's over here, instead Golgatai is going to scout through the oldest way possible and that is by attacking. It's like, hey, what is my neighbor doing? Let me just beat his brains in. It's always a good strategy. You should try it sometimes as well. increases the interaction you have with your neighbor and perhaps with your your local authorities as well a couple of storms go down not the worst micro so far by either player actually the tosses micro in pretty well this is a classic look at that assimilator getting a beating of a lifetime oh yes oh look at these guys they're doing some real work and man this Nexus sure is getting it these roaches This is when you, what happens when you have two groups of drunk people fighting in the street. And then there's, you have like five against five and you're losing the fight and you're wondering what happened. And then you see John on the side just beating up this lamp post. Yeah, take it. Take it you thin prick. That's what those roaches were doing, really going ham on that assimilator. I mean, they managed to take it down real good as well, but I'm not quite sure if that was the optimal use of the resources that were available at the front here. Single Ling is going to kill his seventh probe. Still, good fight. 2200 minerals. Lots of material here for a remix, lots of resources here for a remix and another push. I mean, the storm didn't look too powerful, honestly. If you ask me, the storm didn't do too much. Really? Another round of bainlings. I think the strategy behind this is not bad. We're just lacking a little bit in mechanics. It's like, hey, there's 2K in the bank, you know, that's a crap ton of lings. That's what? 2,000, that is, 40 sets of lings. There's 80 lings. 80 lings could be out. It's 40 supply. We're missing in this army. That's a lot of army we're missing. That's really a lot of army we're missing. And it's not like our Tos really has a great army. I mean, he has two argons now for tanking. That's it. Once these Archons are gone, there's not even a storm available at this point. Straight remax into a fight probably would have been an okay call, but I also don't mind going into higher tech at this point. So we go up to 84, 85 workers, get those eight gases saturated. You see the gas count is a little bit low, tends to be a little bit low. No queen on this hatchery makes me a little bit sad. I wouldn't have minded a queen there to throw a couple of injects that way. You see some injects are being used. One, two, active injects. Yeah, could be worse, could be better. Well, could be a lot better. And our friend Golgletai decides, you know what, maybe it's time to go again. I've given my opponents enough time to rebuild right now. I'm still floating 2.5K, so I don't think I'm ever going to spend that money. Let's just go again. And I can't blame the guy, honestly. I mean, he's a good position. He's maybe he's going to wait for 2-2. It is possible. I don't mind if he doesn't. He can go straight into Hive, by the way. A nice play here would be. Very often, when ProDos is stuck on three bases, they can get good armies, so they get these Arkon immortal Templar armies. And Sirk is like, well, this sucks, you know, I keep denying the fourth base, and then Toss still gets a good army off of six gas. That's true, but what Tos can do off of six gas is get a good army and get tempest or get carriers as well. So if you just go into Brutelords from a Ravager-Ling-Bane army that you initially have into Brutelords, the Brutelor push is almost always going to win you the game. if you do good damage with your first or your second push. Just a quick tip, something you can do. Instead, we're going to see neural parasite being researched. This is high level stuff. A couple of spines going down. I wouldn't mind a higher drone count here. We're only at 71. That is a little bit low. I wouldn't mind 84, 85 those higher drone counts. I'm not sure what Gorgothai is waiting for. Maybe it's a sign from God. He's like, dang it, still nothing. Oh, he's micro-demutalisk. Oh, there we go. John once again really hitting that that lamppost hard. Keep going buddy. Meanwhile he goes in with the big army. Storm kills a lot of these bains actually. That was kind of poor micro. It's going to end up killing every single probe at the third base, but this fight probably should have been a clean victory. He just straight rolled through the storms. I think he probably had to try to clump those bainings harder. Like that was a lot of area of effect. You know, if you ever try the unit test map and you clump 25 void rays on top of each other and you cast fungles in it until they explode and you left, go to bed and you have nice dreams, I sometimes do that. It felt like Golgatai was doing the same thing here. He still has a lot of money, by the way. He is still really far ahead, worker-wise. His opponent's army, even though relatively large, is crap. So if he can just rebuild a good army with the money that he currently has, I don't think he's going to be in a bad pot still, though. I would like a higher work account. I would like to see Hive is done. That's nice. Maybe a greater spire here or a second spire. Hell, I wouldn't even mind seeing him transition into Lurker at this point. Now, this is going to be a controversial topic. But really, there's only two major ways you can transition out of Reverger Lingbane. Way one is to go into Brutlords and from there go into Brutlord and Fester, Corruptor. That is your first composition to be answered. entering the late game. Your second composition, that is a possibility, is by going, I guess, a roachling bane is a bit so-so, but you can do it. He already has the range of grace. He can go roach-ling bane into hydra into lurker. And then lurker-ling bane, you're going to go corruptor viper with that as well. You use the lurkers to control ground areas while basically flying around with corruptor viper armies looking for damage. What Golgatai is doing is something else. after his last test, which he managed to squeeze 40 banlings on top of each other to catch a single storm. A blast for that, by the way. Might once get a Nobel Prize for science for that as physics or whatever. He managed to fit more banlings in a square than people thought was possible. He really had to count the molecules for that, my friends. Optimize that very much so. Now, he decided. that he wants a second attempt here. As the first time went so well, trades so far, you see, have been extremely cost efficient for him as well, trading at a one to two ratio. Every two units that he loses, or every hundred resources that he losses, his opponent only loses 50. So he's like, you know what? I kind of want to keep going this way because it's been going great. Here we go. Opponent is moving towards a late-game army that is not only massive, but also highly-sufficient, sophisticated and our friend here still has an army that consists of tier one units literally only tier one units all of these units can be made on the first tier of Zerg while there's storm arcon immortal void ray good clump here on the banings who that was a nice one not as good as the last one i think two storms were required to kill all of these but if we take a look at the unit's loss step this once again was an absolutely terrible fight so Golgatai really continuing what he was doing before and enriching us with awful fights that we can look at you know how sometimes you have these these signs that have very basic instructions on what they'll be in the train you know or like how to enter the train you know like not with your like watching your phone or with your eyes closed or walking him backwards you know is a big red cross through it. That's kind of what Golgatai is doing here. He's providing us with valuable resources that we can hang on the subway stations. Like this is not what you do when you engage a Protoss army or just when you engage in general against any kind of splash. Golgatai is showing us all the way not to go about it. He's really just giving us a manual of mistakes. It's crazy. He's insane crease red by the way. He's 120. 27 creep tumors. This is the guy that probably has the creep tumor spread on rapid fire, but doesn't manage to get below 2,000 minerals in like a 15 minute game. Right now he's... Wait, he went ultras? fact that there's not a single anti-air unit here in an army that's going to be fighting 10 void rays. Not only that, I just need to pause before he throws away this army for free. He also actually just has units that are getting hard counted. You could say it's fine that he's not getting any anti-air as long as he's going to absolutely blast the ground. You know, you sometimes see that. He's fighting against a guy that has four immortals and like eight Archons, disruptors in the army is like this is an army that fights well against ultras honestly I don't want to waste any more time talking about how bad this army is I just I just kind of want to watch and enjoy you have oh oh nicely walks into the disruptor shot perfect now he yeah I think two bay lings might have connected out of the 50 there two Archons go down Disruptor fell? Maybe an immortal? Yeah, one immortal as well. Units lost? Oh, he outdid himself with this one. I think he lost 10k resources and his opponent lost two and a half. That is a 4 to 1 trade. That is difficult even if you're trying, which at this point, we just gotta believe that Golgatoy actually is trying to lose his units as fast as possible. Maybe this is his challenge. He's like, I want to be able to have 4 to 3.2. one trades like units lost in total and still be able to win the game. Then I'll upload it to YouTube. See in this Harstam Kid do pretty well, this beating Grandmaster with stupid stuff series. 167 creep tumors. This guy's absolutely on crack when it comes to spreading creep. But he hasn't had the time yet to open up the Blizzard help menu to figure out that Ultras can't kill void rays. 14 corruptors. I love this. This is the the non what you call it, the non-prepared corruptors which is like crap. The ultras didn't kill the void rays. Now let me try another unit that is armored and I have only a single upgrade for it so far. No support whatsoever, no viper, no investor. Oh, he got his neural, didn't he? He did get, yes. He has pathogen glands and neural. He can just get investors against this as well. You can just grab the Archons and the Archons kill the rest of the army. But you could also get link Bane, more Bane lings. That has been the issue in the past few fights. So if I look at this game, in my mind, the issue in these past few fights might have been that my man here didn't really have anything to deal with the Archons, didn't micro any of his units, didn't have anything to deal with the immortals. and had nothing to deal with the void rays. Really he had nothing to deal with the army, and in the units he did have, he didn't micro. And so far, every single fight with Bainlings was either a 1-2 or a 1-4 ratio fight. What he decides is he needs unupgraded corruptors against the hard counter of the corruptor, as long as the corruptor is unsupported. The moment the corruptor has support of either parasitic bomb or investors, they're fantastic to fight against Voidres. Parasitic bombs against a unit that auto-clumps, Yeah, that's going to be great. Fungle against the United Auto Club's. Yeah, that's going to be a neural to turn around with the Archons. The only meat shield in this army. Yeah, that would be great. But now, instead, we get, what, 16, 17 plus 29. If I could do math, I would know what it is. It's about 46, I believe. He gets freaking 46 banlings again. And we're going to be counting connections here, okay? how many bains do manage to connect with this army i think it's going to be slightly more than before because we actually do have a fight on crepe potentially all right here we go here we go banlings all nicely clumped up couple of storms not really going to hit too much all the bains die void rays use their prismatic alignment and all the corruptors go down against the pure Archon void ray army. Alright, I actually have a pretty hot take here. I think neither the void rays, or the archons were necessary in this army. I think if Leithven just would have, instead of having four Templar and ten void rays, had four more Archons and ten more zealads, he also would have blasted that fight. I don't actually think, The issue was with any of the units. It was just with the fact that these units can tank too many banlings. I bet watching Golgatai play against Mac is something else as well. I can't freaking beat barracks. This guy just had a barracks wall and I kept sending my banlings into it and I killed so many barracks walls. Like he actually would just die against the guy that makes eBay walls for a living, you know? He'd actually just lose the game because he keeps sending him bainlings. Like that's not what you're supposed to do. Like there are different ways to kill things. It's like for the man, for the man with a hammer, uh, every problem looks like a nail. And for the man with a bailing nest, every problem looks bustable. Like, holy crap. Like this guy, this is not normal. You have an addiction, my friend, to the bailing hotkeep. And that's an issue because the banings are really expensive and they're so easy to make us. they're so easy to make as well. You don't even need supply for it. You can just hold down that e-button baining baining baining baining baining baining now i have a feeling you're going to waste our time and stay in the game even though you're down 150 supply. So uh let's speed this up a bit. Oh, things are happening. Look at that. We have my man Leithven moving forward with his army. As you decided it was wise to go for the mutalisk, hydralisk, Beinling-Ling composition. This is the first time you actually managed to do a counterattack as well. To be fair, it's the first time Leithven decided to move out. I like that you're still staying in. You know, it shows up some true grid. 160 supply of units. Before you didn't manage to kill 10 supply with more than 100 army supply, and right now you have half of your opponent's army supply, and you're fighting against a guy with a 2K2K bank, and now you're still in. You have a lot of fighting power. I have to have some real grid is in you. I can see a bright future for you. Now, the problem, of course, is that you have, 8 mutas and 19 hydras against someone who has 10 carriers and 13 void rays. I doubt you're going to have too great a time against these cannons. Oh, a recall happened. I feel like at this point you're just kind of wasting everyone's time, including mine, which is fine. I think napping on the job is one of the many advantages of being a content creator. Oh, here come the void rays, and there go your final eight Hydras. your final five hydras where's the rest? I doubt you even over the rest is this single carrier. What are your upgrades on the hydras? Pretty good, I bet. Oh, there's no carapace upgrade. It's pretty important to get carapace as well. Yeah, this is just a little bit painful, honestly. It's just a little bit painful. A hatchery goes down. Your creeps bread that you worked so hard on. Your work of art. Sadly, you can take that to the next game. And neither can you take the MMR points that you're about to lose to the next game. as you are my friend definitely about to die G G G is the wrong guy that calls the G G G is the wrong guy that calls the G G G it's the wrong guy that calls the G G G you're still going to say you're going to make him kill I just did my final laugh my friend it's over you have to go I'm just gonna speed it up I don't need to wait for this I have my own rules there we go was defeated alright yeah it was you who sent in the replay nice okay let me take that email this was a good game though you made me laugh you made me laugh the early afternoon it's always good you thought that hard work and more game knowledge like you have less game knowledge than the game manual and these things still think that you start with six workers, like my friend. Don't even try. Game knowledge? Your counter to Masvoidre in Mortal Arkham was the Move Command, 48 banlings and 12 ultras into a cannon battery position. How can you even speak of game knowledge? I don't understand that. I don't understand that. imagine someone coming to you with advice like they need some help with something and you're like hey have you ever have you ever painted a wall or something you know how to do it you're gonna have i have a lot of knowledge so what you do is you just you spit a bit in the in the paint and then you use paper you dip that in the paint and you paste the paper on the wall and then the paint stays on and the guy just looks at you like i don't know a lot about painting but that is definitely not how you paint, my friend. You have no game knowledge. Actually none. Negative. If someone asks you for advice on this game and they listen, they'll be worse than before they ask the advice, which is difficult because almost all advice is good, except whatever is going to come out of your mouth. Okay. After following game, this is in the case. I played fairly decent game versus this Protoss player. This is fairly decent. Jesus. The bars. Hello. Rushed out Storm. Abliterated all of my early attacks. No, he didn't obliterate your attacks. You destroyed him. You were up like 50 supply while floating 2.5K. I forgot about your macro. Your macro wasn't good. Look, like I said, you have two possible transitions. You can either go into Brutlord after you do those attack, or you can just go into Lurker Hydra and then go into Corruptor Viper. And that's how you deal with it. You just need spellcaster. You didn't have a single spellcaster. Just kept move commanding baylings onto a single spot. The storms deal with all the light units from banlings to hydras. Yes, because you're stacking them. The void stared through the thick armor of every armored unit, be it roach or an ultralisk. The only good Zerg air unit, the corruptor is armored as well, yeah, it's useless. Zerg has no answer to this combo. No, you had no answer to this combo. Zerg has perfect answers to this combo. It was you who didn't have an answer. Please investigate this in fairness and tell me if this could have been solved. in any way that is humanly possible. Thanks in advance. Now, I think it is possible to solve it in a way that is humanly possible. I'm not sure if it's possible to solve in a way that someone with your supposed IQ can also fix it. So, yeah, I wish you luck in further life, but this was not in ballast, my friend. You suck. You suck real hard. Alright, that's got to be it for today. If you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck, don't forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel as it helps everyone involved. I get a higher number and you guys see my videos appearing your feet. Nice. Also, smash like. Nice. |
EX-PRESIDENT calls out IMBA units?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Our very famos guest is providing some HEAVY claims against Terrans. But is it really imba or does he just want to get their gas?! Find out right after SMASHING dat like button with a nuke! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aOkI2lyRzIg/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | aOkI2lyRzIg | Hello, Captain. I am here to tell you what I saw. What I encountered in a late evening. I was just playing StarCraft as usual, but one game I encountered a cyclone. Not one, not three, but there were many of them. The first one was handled poorly, but I managed to get back, and later I had the micro like a big boy, but I couldn't. They just lock on and run. A seaman apprentice could microdom. I used all my tactics, but I couldn't win. So Captain, is it Imba? Or do I suck? Good question. Bush? Nice. I always knew a lot of famous people were watching me, but that the ex-president of the United States of America was a big fan of the show, I would have never thought. We have my man, Busher, was a master's player. I believe this was in Europe. I could be wrong. Hamster will correct me. 4,500 MMR, though, which is beautiful, playing against a 10. Terran Barco, he opens up with gas first. Now, we'll see about these responses from Bush to this gas first build. Now, the gas first build is different in the barracks first, in that it gives you faster gas. But it also gives you a slightly later reaper. Your barracks is delayed by a couple of seconds. This allows you to always send your first adept across the map, especially in combination with hiding probes, forcing the Reaper to stay back to defend his base. Usually you get a cancel on the base, or not a cancel but you'll get an SCV now at least. His opponent's actually playing two gas. Now our man Bush here sees that. And Bush is a big fan of natural resources. So he definitely wants to go and deliver some freedom to this Terran right now. We believe they have weapons of mass destruction. And they also have two refineries. And I want those. That's my Boche accent. It's not bad. Alright, my man Bush here. What are you doing? Sacrifice himself for the Marine. You think, you say, I could make fun of this. He could have saved this probe. But the idea of checking whether it's a Marine or a Reaper is the correct plan. So I'm not going to make fun of him for that. I think that was a brave thing to do. Good job to you. And probes are replaceable. So it's fine. Actually the information is more important than the 50 workers. If he was quick, he also could have seen it was a tech lab. I doubt he clicked it. He probably expects a reactor. I'd expect a reactor here. And the correct response to this probably is actually Stargate into Phoenix. If you, if you, if this is all you scout, I would say play Stargate and go into Phoenix, two gate, battery and every base, that type of stuff. Then you scout with the first Phoenix exactly what's going on. But it's also possible to play Robo 2 or Robo 3gate, which is what Bush here is doing. And I don't even mind it. I like the decisions. that he's taking so far. I don't like that he wasn't a moving this. Now, what Bush should be doing is sending this adept forward. He should scout what's happening. He should cancel and move home. This is not what he's supposed to. He's going to lose this adept for free. Well, for free. Yeah, for free actually. I thought he was going to get that SCV, but he didn't. His opponent is floating the barracks across the map. This is going to be there to provide, help provide vision for his cyclone. Who has the super rockets? Now, at this point, Bush knows most. most likely that it's the super rockets. It still could have been drilling claws upgrade, but he saw the first cyclone. So most commonly this is going to be indeed a cyclone. Now he only has one extra unit and he's going to lose that. So it's a little bit painful. This is really just because he lost that first at that depth. It's a good attempt at surrounding and this is just a bit of an unfortunate situation. I could make fun of him again here saying well, you should have your stalker better or two second faster battery. But I mean this is just really because he lost that adapt early on. Right now he's fine again. Now he needs to make some decisions though. Because if we think about what lock on does as an ability on the cyclone is that it locks on and then it has a least range which is larger than the range of almost every unit that Prodos has. How could we break that lock on possibly? A couple of options. We could get a prism. Prism can pick up the stalker for the sentry that is being locked on and that will cancel the lock on ability. Another thing we could do is we could get blink and blink back any stalkers that are getting locked on. Another thing we could do is rush to Colossus and get thermal lands. Thermal lands out ranges, not the lock-on and least range, but the, well, not the least range, but the initial lock-on range, meaning you get a lot of free damage in before your opponent ever gets there. Another thing you can do is get sentries and when they try to get into range to lock on, is you put down a force field. And of course, microwing units back in general is a wise decision. Microwing forward when you're trying to kill cyclones also is a wise decision. We see him going straight for Robo Bay. I think this is the worst option, and I think if you're going straight for Robo Bay, you still should be opening up with a prism as well against it. My man Bush here is not doing that instead. He's going to go for an immortal witch. Sounds good. Like, Immortal does a lot of damage against armored units, not actually the correct call. You're going to need that prism to, rather than trying to push out as much damage as possible, you're going to need to deny as much damage as possible with a prism and some pickup micro. Now, please do note that we have full information of exactly what's going on. We see mines being produced here at the same time as well. Mine's, armory, well, this is Mac, and at this point, we should understand as Proto's players, that two things. A, it's going to be Helian or Cyclone Widow Mine Mac, meaning that Stalker Colossi with Thermolands is going to be an extremely powerful option, and we should not skip out on observers here. Because otherwise you can't see the mines, obviously. Now, it's important that you don't get locked on blindly every single time. This is not bad, honestly. Like, this micro, it could have been a bit better, but it's not terrible. The thing that you should never do is you should never get locked on while running away, which is exact. This is good. You know, it's sad because I think Bush is not a bad player. Okay, he's a man with the right intentions. He just wants some natural resources. But instead, he's not going to get those because he doesn't quite know what to do. He just is unaware of what to do in this situation. Does that mean that cyclones are imbalanced? I don't know. he's not playing a bad game. He's building workers. He's building upgrades. He does what he thinks he should be doing. The problem is really that he isn't really thinking about what he should be doing. He's just going through the motions, you know. This is kind of a strategy game after all, where sometimes thinking is necessary. Losing all your units to five cyclones isn't quite it. No thermal lens either yet. No observers here. So this is a classic move, by the way, where the mines they're gonna zone out the extra units from saving your base or or not instead it's just gonna sacrifice this to colossi to the cyclone gods it's some solid moves here coming out of bush i have to admit some solid moves coming out of bush plus one attack blink starting as well a couple of extra gateways now all of this is not nice and fun. How is this your response to not being able to see things like, you know, that probably a couple of cannons in the face of seven cyclones is the way to go. Super Battery is putting in some work though, hey? He just keeps pulling back into the Super Battery. We might actually be able to get a trade here. If only had an observer, whoop. He's just getting absolutely blasted by this guy. Holy crap. Drit and Claus is done as well. Yeah, he just has, he just doesn't have the tools. to deal with his blink still now. I love how he tanks the mine shots. It's like because maybe then afterwards I can kill them not realizing they're just going to go invisible every single time. Oh bush, oh bush, oh bush. And another one bites it. This was a very, very ambitious warping. there I love it I'm such a fan of what Bush is doing here you can see everything though he's had an observer in there for a long time probably he doesn't really have an observer to clear anything at this point Bush is just that and the best thing for him to do is not only to stop wasting his own time but to stop wasting our collective time okay I have a suspicion that Bush here is being serious and that he thinks that the way to beat this is to go for a probes around. Listen to this. What he does is he stacks them all up together. He clicks on the minerals here. So he does a mineral walk through these units and then he surrounds the cyclones. Let's see how that pans out in the next 10 seconds. Oh, there we go. Mineral walk? No, just an A move. Five probes made it. He just lost two stalkers on the way, and blink forward. You see, I wanted to end the game earlier because I was like, this game looks pretty over. What else is here to get? But apparently this man researches Blink and his opponent has two different units, two different units that have a lock-on ability that can be dodged with Blink. How does Bush uses Blink? blink? I just want to show this just to make sure you guys are aware of what he did here. He blinks forward. How is this even possible? One thing Bush was right about though, they did have weapons of mass destruction. These mines have been... Dirty freaking kills on this Mnine. Holy crap. There's some big damage right there, dude. Some big damage right. I mean, this is it. Gigi. They just lock on and run. A seaman apprentice could micro them. I used all my tactics, but I couldn't win. My man Bush has the smallest book of strategies and tactics in the world. Just says one thing. Make Robo, build Colossi, win the game. That's it. That's the entirety of his three. Strategic knowledge. Once it gets passed, standard bio, Bush has no clue what to do. He does not do mechanical warfare, my friends. He does not do mechanical warfare. Bush, cyclones, widow mines, they're annoying to deal with, and they're okay. But are they broken? Are they imba? No. You just suck. I don't have my imba inspector head, but it's okay. You suck really, really hard. And that's going to be it. for this episode of Is It Inba or Do Isuk? If you did enjoy this, don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel up here. And don't forget to watch any other videos. Leave a like, leave a comment down below. If you want to see more of this, then yeah, do all that. See you next time. Bye-bye. |
A perfect start always comes before THE FALL (not the season, but the hurting kind of fall) | IODIS | The legends of OP and IMBA Terrans reach beyond the start of time and will probably outlast every single one of us. But just because there is a legend does not mean it's true. I am the exception though - a real legend! And who does not want to support a REAL legend with a nice like and subscribe?! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/i7m-2dUWSn4/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | i7m-2dUWSn4 | Hiya, Harstam. With this I want to show you a prime example of why Terran is completely and utterly broken. To all the things of your little reservoir you throw at them, they always have a great counterplay to stonk you while also having the best units in the game to harass you, scout you and also of course out DPS you with their bio. Hope you can agree with me on this one. Thanks. Lebrequeza. Lebrequezae is a master Protoss player from Europe as we hop straight into the game playing against T a Terran player from well also Europe somewhere in Europe I assume oh this is when we start with something like this this tickles me in the right way you know I just see this gateway second second core well the first core can be built over here you have a nice little Reaper well this is the type of stuff that makes me very very happy when I see this I just look at it and go like yeah this is start This is how I know it. Um, T on the other hand, just playing some barracks for shenanigans, but this, oh my God, just core over here, gateway close to the ramp already rally to the correct location. He's rallying into gas. Oh my God, I look at it and I just, I just, I just want to pass the game. I say, I take off the hat. I say, yeah, Theron, Taron is broken. End of the episode. Hope to see you guys. No. We can't do that here. we can't do that here but i do want to do it when i see just ah ah this is so beautiful oh two probes mining in gas 16 on minerals a pylon oh i only was floating 10 minerals this is this is this is like when you you wake up and there's there's fresh fresh buns in the oven you know you smell it oh can't wait to eat them all right What do we have here? Just, it looks pretty soon. He's rallying the probes. Yes. Okay, I'm very happy. This makes me, this is good to see. You know, this is the beauty of watching people that are masters or grandmasters, and they just have a build order, and the things they do make sense. He chrono boost his gateway, and his core is spinning with the warp gate. Everyone is happy and dancing. His opponent is supply block, and is opening marauder first. I'm not sure if he scouted that it was, yeah, wait, he lost his worker. So he knows his marine first, and because he sees its marine first, he sends out the adept. If he sees that it's reaper first, he doesn't send out the adept. This is just, this is perfect. This is exactly how you want to be doing. He's even rallying the stalker already. He's crono boosting it, gets a third stalker, twilight coming down. Now, what you do is you use your adept shade to see what's kicking off. Pompidon. he sees a marauder and a attack lab and he's like okay I'm afraid of concussive shot I'm going to go back home and now he needs to build a gateway and a better I never thought I'd see the day where we'd have a freaking Protoss player just doing exactly what I tell everyone to do this guy just watches my videos He knows, he has reactions and everything. I wouldn't mind one extra chrono on these probes, but if he used it on the blink later on, I can kind of live with it as well. Ah, okay, one more on the probe, buddy. We do need one more chrono on the probe. Okay, it's a minor error. I like to have a little more eco than this guy has, you know? It's just slightly better to have like one extra probe. It's just nice, but it's okay. It's okay. Terran Scouts, what does he see? Two stalkers, he's back, okay, never mind, I'm back. Going back home. Sentry? Did he warp that in? I think he might have warped that in. Double gas, okay. So, usually I'd say the most common thing to do is to get a fast nexus if you play Sentry as well. It's not too common to play four gas, but I don't mind it. This is not necessarily Batman. This is... This is a beautiful game. I'm so happy with this. He's playing an actual build order. He's going to get an observer. Wait, does he want a corona boost? I don't think he wants to chrono boost it. And he definitely doesn't want to send it across the map. So the whole point of this thing is, is that you don't need to send your observer across the map because you can freaking hallucination scout. Second observer? Oh no, what are you doing? What are you doing with my build? This is not good. Okay, what he's supposed to do here is he's supposed to get, like, four stalkers or so, because he has such a fast blink. You don't actually need that many. You can just position him properly. Then he can get a very fast robot bay. That's the entire point of this build. The reason why you don't get a third base with charge? For a gateway, forge? All right, you guys know Bob Ross, right? So for the people that don't know Bob Ross, Bob Ross was this geezer who, he basically, he'd have a painting, okay? And he'd tell you how to paint it, stroke by stroke. So you say, you use this color and then you do pop pop like this. And then everyone gets a pretty similar painting, but it's still kind of your own painting as well in some type of way, you know? So this is kind of like my man, Leibra Keza, has been following a Bob Ross painting for the first five minutes, four minutes and 30 seconds. You know, and really this painting only takes five minutes. And just as my man Bob is about to say, all right, now we take out the green and do some final stroke, some nice little happy trees over here. Labracea just pulls down his pants and starts peeing on the canvas. Why would you do that, Lebracaesa? You were almost done. All you had to do was get this freaking robot bay. like 45 seconds ago. Now this build makes no sense. Like you're rushing out Colossi, 4 gas, delaying economy, and then you're not rushing out Colossi. What is this? Stop peeing on the canvas. What's wrong with you? Bob doesn't deserve this. Charged and an immortal? He's been dropped on the head one too many times. Like you can only improvise if you know what you're doing. Now the main problem that I have with this is just that it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Because if you get an immortal here, well actually the immortal in this case does make some sense because your robot is laid for no reason. Now this is so bad because ideally you have two colossi out before the first push hit. So regular push timing hits at 6.30, 635. That's with two metaphics. If your opponent pushes you without Metafx, they can hit maybe a... at six minutes or so. In that case, you will still have one Colossi because you're supposed to get your freaking Robo Bay about 35 to 40 seconds earlier than our man did over here, and with a couple of decent Chrono boost, like, he would have already had a Colossi out. Second Colossi should be about halfway done. So basically, where now the first Colossus is, should be the second Colossus. Terminal lens starting just now. The plus one can just be delayed for this, by the way. It's not necessary to be this fast. But also the four gates. And just go the three. gates, it's all you really need. What the hell are these stalkers doing? They're going on an adventure. They're definitely going on an adventure. They have no clue where they're going. It's just stepped on the boat and then boom, out of here. These rocks get taken down. It is not an army. So observer is okayish place, but our man has no vision anywhere else. Like, he has some vision here, but he doesn't know if the army is going to come from here. It's going to come from here. He just saw some units here, so he could just position himself kind of in the middle. But he's going to need very quick responses. Okay, so he gets scanned. And he's like, okay, he probably just scans here. Well, obviously he's going to go here. Gets right-click on the Nexus. This guy's just going to right-click and next and run away, I guess. Yeah. This makes a lot of sense. Who would have thought that if you have no vision, have no clue where your opponent's army is coming from? Then he scans for it. This is the most obvious move by this. the way Terrans always want to scan for it before they go somewhere. They go like, ah let me just scan this real fast and then boom they're running. Hello? You just lost four or five stalks for free my man you can't attack anymore. No rebuild on the third base. What? Okay I sorry I'm just So confused. So he loses his fourth base or third base. Now he can make two decisions. Either he rebuilds his third base and starts playing for a longer game. Or what he does is he adds gateways and goes for a quick push. In that case, you probably want a prism and the extra gates make a lot of sense. What our man does over here is he starts his 2-1 and investment in the future and gets four extra gates before he gets his third base. And then he still gets his third. So he's going to have bad eco, but he's playing for a longer game, but also extra gateways and not producing any workers. You know how sometimes people say, like, you want to have your cake and eat it too? He wants the opposite. He doesn't want to eat the cake, and he doesn't want it. He just has this want and tries like some Harry Potter spells on the cake, trying to make it disappear. He's doing one hell of a job. I have no clue what he's doing. He's scouts like, ah, there's a third base. Oh, I don't have that. That's annoying. I honestly have absolutely zero idea what our man is doing over here, and it's pissing me off. Well, I had no vision on the bottom side. Who could have thought that there might be drops? When I play against the race, that's primary unit is a drop ship. that can heal. He's down 68 supply. The other guy just... Actual macro. Oh, I walked away from my third base. I hope it doesn't... ... die again. Does this guy not have object permanence? Like the moment something moves out of vision, it doesn't exist anymore. He's literally dumber than a magpie. Macpies have object permanent. So do dogs and cats. cats. Our man, Labra case is like a terrible bird. It's like a duck or something like that. Can't really fly. I doubt honestly. Oh, they just shot. I bet nothing going on. And people can say, well, he doesn't have an observer. He doesn't have a robot to build observers. What is this? What is this? He has forges. He can build a cannon. No. Just lets it go. Rebuilds his, his battery. rather than just sending the, or it's a robotics facility, rather than just sending the observer back. Like, what is actually happening here? I don't understand. I just don't understand this at all. Yeah, well, who would have thought? They keep shooting if you don't deny them. Honestly, this Terran is playing a fantastic game. His unit movement has been A-plus. I'm not disappointed with this at all, honestly. I'm pleased with how this Terran is playing. I'm not pleased with how the pros are playing. Dang, freaking mines impossible to beat. Okay, our men invested 1,100 gas into sentries. Guardian shield, guardian shield, double guardian shield. You can use seven more, my friend. Use a couple extra guards. Two force fields. 1100 gas. Two force fields and a double guardian shield. No? No more? This is it? If he walks into these mines, there's... He recalls. This mine has eight kills. It's done seven shots and has been in the natural of the toss. How is this even possible? This guy is literally dumber than a... This guy is a duck. An actual duck. And this Terran isn't feeding him any bread. There's no clue how to survive in winter. The pond is freezing. Ducks are dumb animals. Should have been a squirrel made. Hide some food for the winter. Squirrels have object permanence as well. How else are they going to find their food later on? They can't. Did you know that dogs can actually still remember that something is there after placing two cups on top of it and rotating it 90 degrees? That's how good dogs are. Labyrincaise is not a dog. He's a duck. I like that he doesn't really feel like he needs to hurry either. His opponent is on three base, taking a four. He's like, ah, maybe I can kite off one or two marines over the next minute and a half. Let me just take out this refinery to deny my opponent's gas mining. Meanwhile... Meanwhile he literally has three probes mining. He uses force fields. That has been a good investment. He forgets to GG. He actually forgets to GG. This... How can you not GG after a game like this? You pee on the canvas, you destroy my build order, and then you complain that the other guy's unit to my 2,000, units do too much hours like you had zero map vision the entire game these minds are still here they don't understand how how this is possible honestly how can you how can you think this is imbalanced when you play like this you're not allowed to speak about balance anymore my friend is it in bar do I suck well that's an easy answer you suck and you suck extremely hard all right That's going to be it for today if you enjoyed this episode. Is it Inbar? Do I Suck? Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Leave a like, thumbs up, comment down below what you thought of this episode. And this guy who's spirit animal is the duck. See you all next time. Bye-bye. |
The IMBA Inspector is on the case again! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | I got my new uniform! The IMBA inspector will dive into another one of your games to help and judge you! If that's not worth a like, what is? If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ROqQjefRFJo/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | ROqQjefRFJo | Dear Harston, I'm a big fan of your channel. My complaint is going to be a little bit odd. I was playing against Zerg. The game was smooth. I was up in basis count. Upgrades. You name it. I got it. Keeping the Zerg under pressure, denying his hatcher ass. But suddenly he went to Brutelords and smashed my army 3.3. Marine did nothing. I went to produce tours, but I was playing bio and snipers are suck. So hard to keep it alive. Countroll, gas heavy and to transpose into Mac. It's such a risky move. I'm not saying that Groot Lords are Inba, but that the ability for Zerg to transpose into whatever he likes, with only one building is so opie. You can just build it to trap. me or to go massive. Taran, by the way, cannot do that, no space, costs a lot of money, yeah, and time. P.S. I'm just a platinum league player. Please don't go too hard on me. Thanks. Is it inbaer, do I suck? Welcome everyone to a new episode of is it in bar or do I suck from a man who hasn't been able to quite locate the period on his keyboard. That was a very, very long sentence. I'm going to need to take a quick breeder. Now, we have my man Lightov here, who is a platinum Zerg, platinum level Terran player on Europe. And he's not doing a... Wait, this depot started at 13, didn't it? He cut one SUV too early. Oh no, it's going to be one of them games. You know, it's not that bad, actually. build the barracks, rally towards, if he rallies towards the gas, I'll forgive him. Ah, and not forgiven. I love it when things like rallying happen. It just makes the game look smooth, but you have to click it manually like a loser. Not a fan of it, not a fan of it, but it's like scout timing as well. I say scout timing, this is going to be some proxy, isn't it? Oh God, no. I really don't want this. I really hope this isn't a proxy. The problem with this is, is that this proxy is going to, now, he's just got, his scout, look at his movement. He's even already, bang, bang, going to the third, going back home. He's at a rally point. He's like, I ain't doing that stuff no more. Okay, so they have a Marine first. He's going to snip an overlord. Okay, I like it. No orbital command. Nice. Who needs an orbit? all right am i right le Mayo guys just get the CSC is down yes sure we can't mule but build a CC my friend here we go orbital now no no it's more it's more SUVs man depot yeah I get the depot first I don't understand how he's this close to being supplied like he's lacking money but I'm not sure why he must have done something really wrong but he has no cash whatsoever he's supposed to be to afford a factory at this point and get straight reactor on this barracks as well. As if he comes back home after a successful scouting mission. Actually, if I think back of his post, what was the complaint? The complaint was that Zerg can transpose too easily. And the Zerg, the Brutelords are inba, right, even though he has 3-3 marines. So I guess the Zerg gets really crap upgrades and the Terran doesn't doesn't and then he loses to brute lords. I want to make a small prediction that I just, I have this weird feeling that the transposing of the Zerg is not going to be the issue. Or the, I don't like transitioning of the Zerg. A lot of the time when people say this, what they mean is not that Zerg was switching between tags. but actually that they didn't scout something that the Zerg was doing. And I think in this case it's going to be the Brutelor. This is extremely common in IOTIS where people go like, they switch deck so fast, even though Zerg just like they go to Hive in like 15 minutes and then start Brutelord and they never switch out of it. This is so, so common and for some reason, especially Terran's believe that this is switching unfairly because Terran is the only race that's fine in building literally Marines. until the 35 minute mark. These guys they have, you know, they're always confused when the other races don't do those. Like, whoa, they can get out of their basic units. That sounds broken. Okay, we have link scouting around. We have the heliants not doing very much of anything. There's no link speed, so these helions actually should be able to, I don't kill a couple of drones. Yes. I'm loving it. This is the game. What happened here? He lost the car against slowlings, didn't he? They sent him back home? I just sent the car back out. Nice, 5 HP. I'm not quite sure how you managed to get this much damage on a helion against slow lings. But... the roach the roach already no it he just took the damage now he actually almost lost the car to four slow lings five slow lings whatever let's have a look at the structures okay two reactors that's not a thing triple barracks he has a third cc already Medivac okay okay okay um she's gonna go for helen drop i guess like this this just smells helen drop you know like the you get a fast medevac the problem here is that he doesn't have a tech lab yet because you usually want to swap or you want to build stim a sap on your on your marines right you get a single tech lab you get stim with it and afterwards combat shield you'd like a 60 marine drop so it's getting a reactor on that's a tech lab another tech lab okay so he's getting double tech labs here this is for maybe he's going to go heavy marauder i think he'll swap these two stim and combat shield at the same time then he can get the star port on this reactor but he's making it difficult for himself when it comes to the add-ons these two definitely need to be reactors though also okay e-base going down after five racks i'll forgive you i'll forgive you lethev the zirc still looks really broken i agree with you so far zirc this is looking absolutely insane i mean is just owning you okay I feel like the Terran is not doing anything just not clicking buttons it like I feel like his early game at least was somewhat tight but he's getting second factory infernal pre-igniter And a Benchy. And a ghostic, I thought it was a barracks. I feel like every time I look at the production tab, I get a new surprise, you know, and it's all crap. It's like the wheel of unfortunate. You know, d-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. You're now unemployed. Woo! And you spin it again. Your wife leaves you. Spin it. again. I don't know what else. What other bad things could happen to you, but you go figure it out. Okay, this is my theory. This is a hell of a supply block. Because the first three minutes of Lightoff weren't that bad. He played an okay game. I think what happened is, is my man Lightoff got called by his girlfriend or boyfriend. It's like, hey, my parents aren't home. Do you want to come over and Lightov seizing the opportunity goes yeah I do want to come over but he just found a ladder game he already played for three minutes so Lightoff screams Johnny come over here you little prick Johnny's his little brother take over and Johnny of course only being six years old never having played a game on Starcraft before loves loves taking over he's like oh finally he trusts me enough to play one of his video games and I get to use his keyboard. Because usually Johnny needs to plug in his own keyboard. The one that got sand in with the computer, you know, the crappy one. I get sticky for no reason. Now, that fight obviously wasn't great, but this Benji is doing some work on the... How about we just let the Benji do with Chop, right? That event shoot that he's getting... Ooh, I like he's baiting him in the tank fire. This was a good move. I like this Johnny. And from now on he's Johnny as well. We know Lytov is not here anymore. Lytthof has left the building. He's getting stim. An armory? The classic armory before the 1-1 even starts. He has two tech labs on barracks. Yet only is getting stiff. no combat shield. Second armory. Yeah, it's smart. I mean, he does have two factories. And right now a single factory unit. So you do really want to work on those tank upgrades, obviously with that single tank. Ship weapons, no plating. Yes. And two more starports, and a fusion core. And this game doesn't make any sense anymore. Congratulations. Cloak! Yeah, just add it on. Anything else? No? Maybe bunker plating or Medevac speed you could research next. I mean, you're getting two extra starports anyways. Another barracks added, of course. One one starts. Finally. Finally one starts. You know what little Johnny? We'll call him Lathop again. This to this. Lathof is the kind of guy that when you go on a road trip with your friends, you know, everyone has to do part of the work there. One guy, he takes care of the music. He has the aux cable and he has some good playlist, you know, some bangers for the road trip. And then another guy, I don't know, he makes like the route and the planning. And then my man, Lightov here, is in charge of the snacks. And Latov is the type of guy that brings the stupid baby carrots as a snack. That's not a snack. That's something you feed your grandma when she comes over and she's a little hungry. Here's some snacks, Grandma. She can't have chips no more. It's old for that. But you can eat this carrot. Enjoy it. Grandma doesn't have to eat. This is what Lightov does with his upgrades. He just brings things that no one wants. The vehicle plating. You think the guys in this army were really looking forward to the freaking vehicle plating on the single four that was here or perhaps we should have had the one one done already in the freaking combat he's he has cloak pre-infernal reigniter pre-infernal reigniter he built four halions this entire game three wait where did that extra i swear to god i knew there was there was four no maybe he killed it himself and it doesn't show up at the unit lost or something like that Planetare. He's up a base as well. This is the worst thing. He's actually mining like a million times more than his opponent. He's just not building things. He queued up. Infinite units on the Tech Lab barracks. And then there is a couple of barracks with Marines that just aren't working. He built these starboards, which he still hasn't used. I just don't think he uses hotkeys for buildings. I think Lytoph might not be. aware that you can hotkey buildings and he just clicks them I think he just clicks them but he doesn't know that he built a star port here anymore so this one this was never gonna build anything I can guarantee you that he just doesn't know it's here and you're same with this armory like out of side out of mind you know he's he's gone hit the microphone for you guys I hope you enjoyed that um this is a good siege position honestly it's not bad You know also what wouldn't be bad? If he had combat shields. I don't ask for much, but... Combat shield is kind of important. Yeah, it's just one of those things that I do like. It's nice snipes, by the way, he's been using. Look at. Do you the energy on these bad boys. Doesn't have a hotkey for sniper, I guarantee you as well. He doesn't even know snipes and ability. When he watches pro games, And people build like 20 ghost and insta-snip like 10 Brutlords. He has no clue what just happened. He builds ghosts in his own games. They hardly do any damage. Look at this. It takes years to kill a corruptor. They have their worse than Marines and I pay gas for them. That's ridiculous. Freaking two supply for this crap unit? He doesn't understand it at all. Still up, by the way. Still absolutely blasting his opponent. 4K in the bank. No problem. High roller. My man Lytov over here. boom mules no problem over saturation boom no problem oh Jesus this completely empty you know in IOTIS it's often difficult to see what type of job people have in real life but he's definitely not like an efficiency manager like a power plant or something like that. Holy crap, he's understaffed at this base. How would they even work? He's the kind of guy, my man, my man light off here, that owns a gardening company consisting of seven consultants and zero actual gardeners. And then he looks, he looks at like his, at his year report, it's like, another year with just loss, like, if no, clients and I have so many consultants like when his advertising his marketing budget is insane he's just everyone knows his company but for some reason just the work doesn't get done he just looks at it and he just doesn't understand it light off in a nutshell puts another baby carrot in his mouth idiot oh the distraction this is the play this the play this moving in here a moving this yes yes yes yes the tank run by an iotis classic no combat shield no medevacs no problem shoot down the spine crawler whoop lose this entire army kill two is going to get three evos before he lose everything to the brutes this a drum roll i'm not sure if you guys can hear it do did did do do do do do no only gets two evos does manage to take out a couple extra broodling so good job on that very useful fifth base for the Zerg my man Lightov's never gonna scout this base my man Lightov just did his final push didn't this is just two battle cruised wait nice these two villains are never gonna get used man the last time the last time Lightov looked at this base like the last time light was still look at the base there still still is a wall in Germany. This is not it. He hasn't seen his natural in years. Let's take a look at his fight though. It's going to be fantastic. It's a single corrupter and there's two battle cruisers. Now be careful because you might be thinking these battle cruisers look very weak but, but, but, we can't forget about the vehicle plating upgrade here. So these battle cruisers actually can take a lot more damage than you expect. These guys can take a beating with their level one vehicle plating. Oh, let me tell you that much. Now, you could be saying, well, Kevin, why don't you get ship weapons? I mean, battle cruisers attack 50 times a second. Wouldn't an attack upgrade be more impactful in this fight against only broodlords? Yes, but I mean, how could Johnny or Latov have known that beforehand? There's some good micro, by the way. He just right-clicks the Brutlords. The battle cruiser is one of those units that can shoot while moving, so you actually should move it rather than right-clicking. and just following, you lose a lot of damage output. You saw how much the vehicle planning did in that fight, I think. The battle cruiser's got maybe half, or maybe two extra shots off. One or two extra shots off on these corruptors. Almost killing a single corruptor. Whoop, big blinking. Oh, he's forced now to look at this battle cruiser's gone. Oh no, he F-2ed. Okay. Yeah, okay, that's his luck. That there was in the control group or an F-2. Because God knows he's never looked at this part of the map. This base also just isn't gonna mule anymore. It's done, you know? This side is just, it's over. After he finished his upgrade, does he have 3-3 yet? I think so, right? Yeah, yeah. Well, he's really supposed to have 18 minutes in the game. After he got 3-3, he did this part of the map. He just puts like a checkmark sticker on it. On his monitor, it's like, I don't need to look there no more. This is done. Mission accomplished. Does he blink? And no. But we still have another battle loser. Maybe we can do something with that. Oh, yes. Pull the workers away. That was very important. They definitely were in danger as he moved back. Now you look at this situation and you think to yourself, Kevin. This game is very over, isn't it? And I say, no, not really. This base completely undefended. Well, parties two roaches. But he still doesn't have combat shield. He's never going to... He's not aware of combat shield. He just is not aware of the combat shield. Honestly, if he just... What he can do is he can send this battle closer over here. I'm pretty sure he's going to kill every single drone here. And he can just do... If we look at this situation, the opponent has 19 units. 19. 19. 19 corruptors here that are made entirely their entire purpose in life is to deal with this one air unit this battle cruiser perhaps this battle cruiser is he going to blame no of course not why do it why do i even try to get my hopes up that battle cruiser here actually would been able to do something I'm just sad it's you look at these games and you think this is potential and three minutes in I already know there's not going to be any potential anymore I just I can see it I can smell it I just just they I don't I don't mind mistakes with the combat shield and the Just everything. It's just not very good. He hasn't used snaps. Why do you build ghosts? If you don't use snipes. Okay, here we go. No, this is good. No, this is a move. Light off is good. He's making me happy now. He's heard my wines. He's heard me complain all the way to some European countries from all Europeans are the same. Now, he just forced an entire iron act. There's too many roaches at this point, isn't there? He's just gonna lose to Mass Roach. He's actually losing to Mass Roach. 20 minutes in game. 3-3-Bio against 2-1 roaches and he can't counter it it because he has zero matter facts and yes no combat shield and he doesn't have an army and this is the stupid ghosts are triggering me as well to know but this is it he actually still was outmining his opponent I actually I actually I got something new that I wanted to do but I feel like my vibe has been killed. I'll do it anyway. A fan sent this to my house. This is the imba inspector hat. It reads imba. And just like your fire inspector checks if there's a fire. I check if there's any imbalance in this. I have a feeling. I already know the answer, but let's just open the claim. We open the claim and we got to have, you know, we got to have an honest look. Okay. The game was smooth. I was up in basis. Okay, the game was not smooth. You can't say this. This is, if you think this is smooth, I want to see you hit on like a girl. because that has to be something like, hey Kevin, let me show you these smooth moves. You walk over, spill a drink on her, poop yourself, come back to me, he's like, not sure why she denied me, but that was pretty smooth. Like, this game was not smooth. This was the exact opposite of smooth. You kept the zerga under pressure? No, the only pressure that happened here was my blood pressure rising every time you got a useless upgrade. But you didn't deny his hatcheries, hatcher ass. What? He killed one base. The entire game, no? Suddenly he went to Brutelords. This is the type of thing that you can only say if you've never scouted in your life. Is like, and suddenly he had 12 Brutlords. And I wasn't aware of it. Oh, yeah, like, if you don't scout for the entirety of the game, that is kind of what happens. Smash my army, my 3-3 Marine without combat shield. He forgot to mention the no combat shield. did nothing. I went to produce TORs, but I was playing bio and snipers are suck. Yeah, because you didn't use any spells on them. You produced TORs. TORs are good. Tor's the only unit that don't really require micro, and they just did their job, even though for some reason they had more plating upgrades than attack upgrades. But I can almost forgive you for that. So hard to keep it alive, control, Goss Havi, and to transpose into MacB. Well, you're not supposed to transpose into Mac, but you could have added some Thor's and some snipers, some, some, some, some, some ghost. Not saying broodlords are imba, well, you were saying that, but the ability for Zerg to transpose into whatever he likes with only one building is so opie. You can just build it to Drapme or to go massive. Okay, I'm actually done. I don't want to read anymore. I'm losing IQ every sentence I read. This game was extremely sad for me. It's just, I look at this and I think what has become of my platinum league, where I started out as well. You know, I think back of the times, this is like when you go back to your old neighborhood and the playground is now a factory. This is what it feels like. You've ruined my old neighborhood. The nostalgia is gone. This is what platinum is like. Please don't go too hard on me. Thanks. It's too late. This, yeah, I don't know. This made me really, really sad. I can take off my hat. My work here is done. You suck. And you suck extremely hard. Don't ever send me a replay again. Never. That's it. I'm out. Smash like. |
Some Airtoss, some machine guns and a gunslinger | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Ok. We have to be serious and investigate here. This is a complain from an european GM player! Will we have our first IMBA case? Or will even this high level guys SUCK?! Find out by liking, subscribing and watching the video! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pMiK35n3D-s/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | pMiK35n3D-s | Dear Harstam, the current state of ZVP frustrates me greatly. I tried really hard in that game. I felt like my unit composition of Queen Corruptor Viper with 1-2 Ultras and a couple of lings was the correct match for the Skytos. However, it was really hard to shut down his expansions due to cannons and batteries. Despite all my attempts, I was out-expended and out-traded. Please tell me how this is not imbalanced. Cheers, RealGan. Realgan is a Zerg Grandmaster player from Europe. He's playing against Hulk, who is, I believe, a Russian toss. I'm not actually sure what country Realgan is from opening up with a 12-pooh, safe and solid macro play. Hulk, I know Hulk, also known as Genie. And I play against America now and then. He's a cannon rusher and a Skytos camper, basically. He is everything that everyone hates on ladder. So seeing a replay of these two guys makes me extremely happy. It seems like Relgan has some complaints about Skytals. Now, I do agree that Skytos can be very frustrating to deal with, especially Voidre Carrier Tempest, with a bunch of a mothership and a bunch of Templar underneath. This is right now the composition that Tos has, which actually is very good for Tos. And as a Zerg, it can be very good. difficult to do it. I agree with that. I'm not sure if that's what Hulk plays. It's possible that Hulk just plays pure Skydos like Voidre Carrier. That type of stuff usually just gets kind of easily countered by investors, some combination of investors and what do you call them, vipers. As long as there's no high templars really easy. But even with High Templar, if there's no tempest, Zir can almost always find good engagements. Now, opens up with a 12 pool, gets the hatch down. decent time. I think Hulk opened with Nexus first or something like that or tried the cannon rush. He seems to have a very weird opener here. You should cancel this forge. And then he's probably just fine. Okay, it doesn't cancel the forge. So this is a bunch of minerals there for nothing. Cannon is up though and this gate, oh actually the gate can be attacked at a certain location yeah it's just testing right now i think there's another spot over here up top i think two lings can definitely attack this oh cybercore goes down double hatch behind this i feel like if you see the cyber core as this late you can actually delay your second gas and you can play double gas later on so you can still get speed later on but it's not necessary to get it quickly because this cyber core is so late by the time two adepts are out you're going to have like five queens already so I'm actually not a massive fan of this fast gas. RELGAN also immediately sees a very fast third gas, which... This is 4 gas at once. I've never seen this in my life before. This is not a build. But the RELGAN did spot that, so he should know that most likely it's just going to be either MESS Phoenix or MESS Oracle, MES void, right? It's going to be something air with air that requires a lot of gas. So you just know it's Target already. I actually feel like at this point he... shouldn't be mining gas at all he has two queens so far he's not injecting with either of them there we go took his time moving into a supply block soon but for now yeah there's a lot of larva available he's actually just supply block yeah finishes up that's nice so a tiny supply block I mean these are small mistakes but they do add up over time but on the end with Hulk I don't know what he's doing it all basically doing random pilots make sure sure he doesn't die to Nidus. His eco is still slightly better than Rilgan for some reason. I have no clue how that actually happened. It's not like this. I guess RELGEN either wasn't injecting or macroing or just was supply block for a long time. Like he's supposed to be in a better spot worker wise than 36 to 32. He's now catching up of course as the queen start popping more and more larva out. Now we have the first Stargate plus one starts before the Stargate I love that. And this setup, if I'm real gang here, I mean I see a zealot, a sentry and a void ray. What you do here is you get like seven, eight lings like this and then you just get a bunch of queens, like five to six queens. You get a lot of drones, just constantly be pumping out drones, hitting all your injects, spreading a lot of creep. Never get a road to iron against. It's never in a million years. There's absolutely no use. You see this guy is opening up with Voidre. His tech is super delayed. You're not even sure if this is Warpgate. I mean, if it is Warpgate, it's gonna be the slowest warp gate in the world. You can just hold this with whatever layer tech you're planning to get. In my opinion, that should be Hydras. Unless you 100% know your opponent is playing Erichols, but then the Rotorne, the Rotorne never makes sense. Yeah, I think you just go to layer, get plus one and then get Hydras. And you can just, what you can do against most of these builds is you just get like seven, eight queens. then you get hydras with plus one and you get banlings and you just kill your opponent it's actually impossible to hold without storm you hit at like 740 750 uh with like 160 supply and you always beat these builds every single time especially if they rush straight the carrier it's awful because their dps is so little you can just kill the interceptors you have enough hydras to do that if you have hydras with plus one uh and you have a bunch of queens for tanking and transfuses there should be no problem So, Realgen build too many lings. This type of stuff, I mean, it can work. It's just gimmicky, right? If there's an Oracle here or there's two more zealots, you just wasted six drones, basically. It is going to work out this time, so it actually gets a cancel on the base. Hulk is like, okay, I'm just going to expand over here. We have a fort base on the way for RealGan. All of this so far is pretty good. If he was planning on getting Hydra then, he should have played a race. upgrades honestly these days hydra bane unless it's for a straight timing isn't actually that popular anymore because bainings lost a lot of their power like the macro variant of hydra bane now we have spire is this loco he's gonna play hydra corrupter 22 more things 22 more lings makes absolutely zero sense as well Should have been 10 more drones. Because there's no ground units, actually zero ground units. He's already seen the carriers now. So all he needs to do is not die against the carriers. And he actually... Like, he should be at 80 workers at this point already. On 8 gas, but instead he's building lings. And rallies them into a cannon and a void, right? Once again, this can work, but really it shouldn't. I actually think it's gonna work, though. Oh my god, he gets another cancel. I hate it when this happens. He's gonna lose a base in return. No way, right? And it's just two carriers. There's no way. Yeah, there's no way. Right? Just moves across the map with the three hydras. He's gonna trade a base for a base, which actually is a good thing. He's floating 2K minerals as well as well as 900 gas. I mean, I understand that he's floating a thousand gas because he wants to be getting corruptors, I guess. Or Muda Lisk maybe, I have no clue. His play style makes no sense. But the 1K minerals is pretty painful. He's not re-expanding to the left side or re-expanding here. Now finally my man Hulk is re-expanding. This is doing way too much damage. If this carrier dies, I'm going to be upset. Okay, doesn't die. He lost all of his queens now, so he literally only has 68 workers and 13 corruptors on the way. This is awful. Three more queens. It's like, ah, maybe a spore. I bet he's real glad about the plus one melee that he has right now. It's going to be real useful this game. Two carriers, three fighters, can he fight this? So, nine corruptors? I guess he can now, yeah. It's gonna get one two corruptors for free. There's plus one as well on this. That actually makes them a lot scarier. Three voiderers on the way Fleet Begin. I think Hulk is in a very, very good position right now. though he lost his third base three four times. Realgan has absolutely no eco. He has no units. He has no upgrades. And he doesn't even have any queens. I mean he has three right now. He's finally rebuilding this fourth base at eight minutes in. I guess he's going to be able to do a little bit of damage. Fourth base goes down for Hulk as well. This is good. So you get into the main base and then you can pick off like the guys that come to rescue it. So he gets two void rays. For a single corruptor, which is always a nice thing. I think now he stays a little bit too long and this straight ends up going pretty poor Plus 2 wasn't quite done yet, but it was close. I don't know I feel like at this point he shouldn't be be doing this anymore. What you want to do is you want to pick it off while they're So you do a run by to the third base or something and as they're flying you pick off a unit from the side because void raise are faster than carriers. You know. you can pick of a carrier from behind, something like that. No scouting out of real gang that there's a potential fort base. There should be a link here. There should be a link here. There should be a link here. Making sure that no extra expansions can be built. He's still only on 72 workers. And he's mining from a base that hasn't finished yet with his extra workers. It's like 10 more workers than his opponent, and he uses all of them to long-distance mine. So in reality, Eco is completely even. upgrades are way ahead here for Hulk. He has plus two against no upgrades on air. The ground upgrades are completely irrelevant. These lings are not going to be able to trade with cannons, most likely. If this base actually gets cannons, he said I had a difficult time denying base as well, yeah, it was because you didn't try. If you start denying a base, if there's 10 cannons, yeah, it's a lot more difficult. But this Nexus built, which is like 70 seconds, then he built pilots, and just now he's adding his cannons. It's like he's had basically two full minutes to try and deny his base, and he isn't even aware it's up yet. Just keeps focusing on whatever he's already doing. He finally gets his gases, but Hulk already has gas as well. So actually, income is completely even still. Worker count is equal. Zerg at this point should have his hive done. Should be a double spire, 95 workers, 10 gas. But a real gun just keeps building Ling Corruptor. and then just runs around the map trying to do damage. And every time he does damage, he'll kill like five workers, and then he loses three, four corruptors and 20 lings. So it's like he's doing damage, but he doesn't have more eco than his opponent. And he's losing more money-wise as well. So actually all of these trades probably, yeah, are not in favor of real gun at all. Right now, Hulk is actually ahead in trades, and I think the eco has been pretty similar. The only thing is that, that Hulk is investing so much in static defense that even though he lost more, even though Real Gun lost more army value wise, he's actually still in a playable position. Finally he's going up to 86, 91 worker, second spire, this is like, this is three, four minutes too late, two, three minutes too late, I think. When he started his fourth base, his fifth base basically should be saturated already with 10 gas, but because he kept building random lings, it didn't happen, also losing the Queen sauce, course a big pepeg move here we go 98 workers this is good then you just get vipers at this point once again this base is gonna go up without really being contested at all at this point another thing you can do by the way is if you have very good eco you can start doing bailing run bys like just busting like seven eight banlings in here then doing a ling run by but only after you have good eco so what real gang did here is he started harassing a lot and then got good eco but you can just do it the other way around so first get good eco and then start harassing it's exactly the same probably would do more damage with the second one and you actually have an advantage in that case so this is a bad fight most likely for hulk as there's a lot of queens there's a bunch of corruptors here as long as you just not fight into the prismatic alignment here you're going to be having a really good time as a RELGun. He did fight a little bit in the prismatic alignment, so I still think this fight was pretty poor, actually, for Valgun. On top of that, this upgrades still suck hard as well. But queens are extremely powerful against void rays. No transfuses being used. Yeah, there's one transfuse. Good. Yeah, this was a good fight. Like I said, if you just fight after prismatic alignment is gone, you're usually going to have a very good time. You're just... Corruptors actually trade very well against Voidray carrier if there's no prismatic alignment. and if there's a couple of queens around. So he loses a base and a bunch of workers. Another base for Hulk is up. And at this point, a real gun should be realizing that it's time to add some casters as well. You know, either investor or viper. What I like to see initially is viper, so you can fly around with your corruptor viper. You pull a unit to you, you kill it. And then you go into investors if you ever want to have a big fight. It seems like Ryulgan doesn't quite agree with it as he just keeps building corruptors. He's like, huh. I wonder what the counter is to mass Voidre. Maybe a unit that is armored and takes more damage from prismatic alignment. That sounds all right. Here come. 23 corruptors. This is a fight I actually don't know who will win. Okay, well if the Voidray's pop, then... Hawk is going to win. You see, Hulk completely outmining his opponent at this point, just by building cannons at base, all these bases, by the way, quick pass. You look at these bases and you think, hey, this is pretty secure. But in reality, this is just three cannons. So if you send a decent amount of lings here, or if you just, like I said, send a couple of bay lings, he already has plus two at this point, you're just going to blast this base. There's no walls, it's not 12 cannons, like here, also only three cannons. These bases are really really, really easy to harass and they're super out of the way for hulk to defend um like you said sometimes it feels as a Zerg player that there's not a lot you can do in these cases it's like oh there's cannons everywhere but then you look at it like well it's three cannons like you send in eight baylings here they're going to kill every single probe then you send like 10 lings and they clean up the cannons behind it as well like this is absolutely not a powerful defense at all absolutely not um two two upgrades plus three is done more Stargates on the way for Hulk. Real gun is just, I mean, real gun is just down 30 supply. I, yeah, he's just in a bad spot, honestly. He's really just been in a bad spot. Ever since the start when he decided that he didn't need a fort base to fight against the toss, that is camping on three. I feel like he's been in a poor position. He's also just been... He's also just been sending his corruptors around the map. Again and again without any type of finesse, you know. This is the caveman way of playing. Wait, what? Does he have lings and corruptors in the same group? I think he's just F2ing, honestly. Okay, no, he has a separate group. I think he just F2s a lot, because they were moving together. Now, what he should have been doing, like I said, is try to split up your opponent's attention. Like, these bases are like backdoor attacks. Imagine you have a scenario where your opponent has a fort, okay? And the fort is surrounded by land and it's not on a hill. And this, this fort is castle. This, it has a, it has one and it has two entrance doors. There's one in the front. that's where there's five machine guns in front of that front door. And the moment you walk in front of that front door, the machine guns start shooting. And then you have a door in the back. And there there's a guy with a revolver. You have six bullets in the revolver. It's one of the old-school ones, like in the Wild West. He's never used a gun before either. My Man Real Gun keeps trying to burst into the front door again and again, into the bases where there's eight, nine cannons and with the machine guns, the void rays, the carriers. While this backdoor of the castle of the fort is completely undefended, except for the one guy with the revolver that never shot before. And he just keeps going back again and again. Stupid machine guns so broken. Oh yeah. This castle is impenetrable. That's the word. Like, this makes absolutely no sense to me. And the beautiful thing is if you go through the back door of the castle, the machine guns will need to move. This analogy is going a bit too far. These guys will need to move. And then you can pick them off with your corruptor viper from the side. You have like a changeling over here, a changeling over here. You see a move. You see the carriers are behind. You can pick maybe a voidway from the front or a carrier from the back, whatever you want. Maybe you can pick off the mothership as this unit is so big. Like, if you accidentally click somewhere on the screen, you will abduct the mothership with your viper. Now, there's not a single sport either, but that's just because his eco sucks and has been sucking for a very long time. Still has the lings in his army, by the way. I love it. He builds 69. 69 lings. There's not a single ground unit here. He's like, huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Huh. Oh. If StarCraft had MVP awards, these lings definitely wouldn't get it. You know, through the process of elimination, you can quickly realize that it's not going to be the lings that win. Like, this army just had 35 supply in lings. It had 70 lings, right? That's 35 supply. 35 supply. Yeah. That did absolutely nothing in the fight. His total army supply was 90. One third of his army was useless. It just did nothing. It just was... It wasn't there. Like... And the rest of his army gets hard countered by this. Just like void rays and carriers and a mothership. Like void rays hard counter corruptors. I'm pretty sure if we open the corruptor tab. Look at this. Weak against the void ray. The void ray is strong against the corruptor. You see that? All Vielgun needed to do was open up the Blizzard Help Tap. This is... What does it say about the circling? At the circling, does it say strong against Voidre? Because if it does... I will apologize? No, strong against marauder, hydra and stalker. It can't shoot up. The circling doesn't have an anti-air attack. Do you understand that real again? This is important for me that you understand this. Now, what we could have built, look. It's the investor. Strong against? The Voidre. Also strong against the carrier. It doesn't say it here, but it is also strong against the carrier. It has this ability called Neurro Parasite in which. parasite in which for a two-supply unit, the investor, you can take the Protoss, big supply, six-supply unit, the carrier for free. And then after you use it, you can still throw a fungal as well. It will fight on your side. You get that? Fungal, great against units that clump, and then look at this. What does it say at the viper? It doesn't say it's strong against the void ray. It's also strong against the void ray. Parasitic bomb. But he still doesn't have a single viper? How's that even possible? He already started with Ultra. He felt like his lings last fight didn't quite do a good enough job of clearing all the ground. So instead what he decided to do was to make an ultra to clear the many ground unit that Hulk has. The sentry in the wall. This is as incomprehensible. He's just messing corruptors on a worse economy, wondering he's getting hard countered by a unit that hard counters the corruptor. You know there's actually a trick with Viper Corruptor? Let me tell you this trick. This works great against higher carrier accounts especially, and I mean this is just a higher carry What you do is, first of all, you send in the ultra first. Look at this guy. Look at the damage he's doing, the mental support he's providing. Dumpidum, Pidum. Pompidon. Is he actually winning this fight? I have no clue what Hulk is doing here, to be honest. I think he's going to recall this. No, okay. So there is a trick. Listen to this. What you can do as a Zerg player, If you're playing against someone that actually builds no Templar, this becomes even better. But even if they do have Templar, it's good. If they don't have tempest, which you can do, is you can paracitic bomb an opponent's carrier, then you fly into the carrier with all your corruptors. And then because of the splash of the parasitic bomb, all the interceptors that are attacking the corruptors that are within the carrier and thus the parasitic bomb will just die. And because interceptors don't have too much HP, the interceptors actually, die very very fast right now real gun is like dang it if only i could deny these bases somehow but real guy or hulk is just too fast i mean he built the nexus and then 50 seconds later he built the cannons i want to also get your guys attention that really relgun has been having full map control the entirety of the game like he had decent i say pretty good creep spread um he knew exactly exactly what was going on he just never wanted to scout for bases he only scouts bases after there's 17 cannons he's like the crappy spider senses you know he's like the type of guy whose gut starts tingling once he's already in jail but i caught by the bad guy if there ever was a spider man movie made about real gun you're like oh my spidey senses start tingling and he starts looking around just gets clubbed on the head the movie ends spider man died like oh this was crap I run angry box office 200,000 budget of the movie like 5 million but it should be a crap movie absolute spider senses of a donkey they don't have spider senses oh oh here comes yes I was almost afraid he didn't have an ultra with his army I was I wonder if he thinks that Ultras might have an a aura around them, you know, plus 10 attack damage or something like that. In Warcraft 3 you have the Kodo and there's war drums. You can get more damage. Let's just add some lings as well. It's like, you know what I'm really missing in my composition right now? What do you think? Investers? Maybe more vipers or extra corruptors? Maybe some bailings for her run by, yeah. Maybe an ultra and 30 lings. Sounds alright. Okay, here we go again. I like how he, I want to actually show this move because I thought this was great. So he just saw that there's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. That there's ten cannons over here. Okay? And he's right now in this location. Okay, let's just follow this army. It's like, huh, I can't really do much on the left side. What was there on the right side again? take dumpy don't actually let's go into his vision like okay let's go I think we can have it okay he's cowled 10 cannons oh still 15 cannons now he added 5 well that's still too much 10 was too much 15 is too much maybe I should check again in half an hour it's like what are you doing like you're not going to break this with pure ling but ling ultra like you need something that does splash Bainlings, for example. Bainlings, for example. I love that the corruptors always fly with his army as well. Of course, they want to profit from that the war drums aura that the Ultralesk has. Did he actually... I thought he unbinded his vipers for a second, but he didn't. Okay, now this final fight, for once we're not going to follow the Ultra. Because the Ultra is actually doing damage. in I can believe it. Let's see what he's going to do with this army. So throws a parasitic bomb, one, loses three vipers, cast a single parasitic bomb. I don't even know how that's possible. I really don't. I find it impressive. I mean, this... This is a This is the type of game, you know. I always tell people, I think Skytos is quite good. I do think it's good. I think it's difficult to deal with. Don't get me wrong, especially at the lower levels. Like anything below like 6K, you know, like the top guys, they're pretty good at dealing with it. But even for them, it's really difficult. And Skytos can feel really easy to play. But this Skytos is not good. There was no Templar, there was no Tempest. Like the problem here was just that Wilgen, he tried to basically link all in in the midgame, then got behind economically, and then for the rest of the game tries to counter void rays with corruptors and ultras. I kind of want to make like a chart for him, where it's like, does it shoot up? And then do I make it versus Airtles? And then the answer is, no, if it doesn't shoot up, you don't build it versus Airtles, unless you're killing probes with it. I'm honestly confused why he sent this replay. I mean, he's a grandmaster player. understand at least the, you know, the interactions between units that can shoot up and can shoot up between spellcasters and carriers and not having a single investor makes zero sense to me, not having a single sport on the map the entire time, not rushing 95 drones in the early game and actually being behind in eco against a guy with zero ground units, why do you keep walking into machine guns real bad? Why? I don't understand. I don't think you understand this game either. So, I have two things for you. First of all, read on the unit counters a little bit. There's a very helpful help tap F-12 in game. You can see what unit counters what. It's not always accurate, but it's going to do a better job than what you showed us this game. And second of all, you suck. Pathetic performance. All right, guys, that's going to be it for today. I hope you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? And I hope to see you all next time for a new one. Bye-bye. |
Protoss imba? The WHOLE TEAM investigates! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today we dedicate ourselfs to an investigation into the most reported IMBA-matchup: Terran vs Protoss! But there is no way that I can do this alone, so I recruited the whole IODIS-Team to reveal the truth! Just like the truth of liking and subscribing! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MqhMRqiOTdHllcWKILt9aSmAcV341VkCPGSAQE3EKsw Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/99PGYswhsDI/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | 99PGYswhsDI | Dear Harston, as always, I'm getting shred by protoses. This one was higher in MMR, but was doing me whatever he wanted, as to most of any other members of this Inba race, though I think I have played decent game. Decent game. Yes, I'm tereblah with supply blocks, but all in all, in 200 versus 200, they just do whatever they want. Don't have my APMs for controlling all mines Liberator Gov slash Tim, and they do just a move and storm. Do I really suck? Eat me. A Terran player in diamond on the EU server. 3.7K MMR. And he's playing against Mr. Mover. Now the question really is, does he suck or is Storm plus A move just a little bit to Imba? A good question to ask, of course. A lot of people complain about Storm. We see that a nice little conversation. This guy is very friendly. My man Mover over here with the question. where the opponent is from. Whenever people ask me too many questions, I'm a little suspicious that there might be a gate on my side of the map or a proxy star gate on my side of the map, but you see me scouting around this base of music, like, I am trusting this crap. Scouts as well. Opens up with a gas first here, by the way. It's a little bit interesting. Not a very common build anymore, but definitely still playable. Now SCV Scout with gas first is rather uncommon, but once again, Again, we can forgive him for this. Reaper starts, orbital as well as command center. On the other end, we see core first from our... Was this core first? It looks like next before core actually. Next before core from our ProDos player. Why is this CC? Legit 15 seconds too late. I don't know what happened here. And I don't know why my music isn't play. but this is really quite confusing for no apparent reason his cc is just 15 seconds too late and this is this is the level where I'm expecting cc's to be in time you know two seconds late well we can live with it but this this is pushing it factory reactor finishing up as well as we have my man movers gonna lose this probe for free. No, Eatme decides he has more important things to do, let's the probe return back to his family. Solid Krona was there. Classic. Absolute classic, I love it. All right. We see the factory actually, uh, finishing up. This is also really late. This, was he just AFK for the first 10 seconds? The Hellions are supposed to be out at like 304, 305, but they're only just starting. I don't understand why. I'm not quite the build order expert though. We actually, actually, we have a different guy for that. John? Are you there? Kevin? I told you I'm on holiday, you idiot. Don't ever call me again while I'm on holiday. I have one week off a year and this is what you do? When I come back I'm gonna punch you so freaking... ... your valuable input I guess. Yeah, let's just continue with the game as we have the first Oracle on the way. Did our friend Reaper Man see anything? Now, didn't see anything, of course. Didn't manage to properly get in playing against Stalker Stalker. Now he does have two cars which he decided instead of sending across the map he's going to leave at home. He follows up with two more cars. So it's going to get four cars, no starport, another barracks. Now, I've seen a build like this before, but in that case it was always played with a star port. He's also not producing marines consistently at all. He's going to need two mines to deal with this oracle. That's the standard. But because his reactor or his factory oscillate, I don't even think that's going to work. Doesn't he just lose to one oracle here? I mean... So he has three marines, no units in position. What? And then loses six workers. And his heliens kill. Okay, you get some kills with the helions as well, that's good. So seven workers killed on the one side. Nine workers killed on the other. But he's down 15 workers, which means he also hasn't been producing workers. He isn't producing workers right now. And he gets a tech lab for a factory on a cyclone that is too late for any air unit. This is like putting on the condom after the fact. It's like this doesn't help anymore, my friend. Why would you even do this? You already got your STD. This cyclone is absolutely nothing. Well, it's still good to have, obviously, but... You're already sick. Three more... It's just over. I mean, there's six adepts and three... seven adepts, three oracles. Six marines and a cyclone. And he's also like double the workers. He kills the turret. My man mover. P... Okay, these guys are out of energy. I guess that helps. Cyclone actually saving the day here. That's nice. I think she would cancel this, yeah. Just kill this. I mean, he's getting a third base as well. It's looking really good for mover. Okay, so this is gonna get cleaned up in the end. the end units lost up looking relatively even but my man eat me here hasn't produced a worker ever since the Berlin Wall fell so he's in a supply block as well I don't know how he can get supply locked after he's been attacked for this long didn't lose a depot right I wonder what this time supply block will be at the end of this game editor that's counted just you know we updated in in 30 seconds second increments so you don't have to do too much work Cyclone gets half repaired because nothing is better than a job half done. His wife must love him. Ah, so close, honey, so close. One one on the way here for Mover. Who is a... Movers continuing with his life, he knows. Like, well, I send over some adapt, some Oral and killed a bunch of workers, but he's not, he's not one to reminisce about the past. He's like, you know, what's in the past is in the past. Right now I'm happy just producing more units and making probes. My men eat me, still thinking about those adepts, absolutely destroying his life, the first Oracle taking out 10 workers. And here comes the cyclone, 43 HP. So half a shot of a sensory will get a boom. Nice. It's a good move out here. Maggially floating 1,200 minerals jutting all of this as well. Oh man, this is so good. Um... Thurcy C on the way. This is the Terran way of dealing and floating money. You just built like four structures. I wasn't, I was a floating cash. This was planned in the build order. All right, buddy. Four marauders are out. 101 supply against 57. 66 workers against 37. The fact that the Terran believes he's still entitled to this game. Should tell you everything about that race and the people that play it. Holy crap. Like, movers have been playing a good game. He has so many workers. He's getting upgrades. He's Corona Boosting Wall as well. Moover is... I like Mover. I'm not a big fan of the structures he's building sometimes, but... His macro is tight, like he's doing things, getting a fourth base. Doesn't give a crap... He also isn't like, alright, I don't want to finish the game yet, you know? He wants to get all the units here. Man, my man, Mover. I'm a fan. What do you have, charge, 1-222-2 on the way, Disruptor, maybe some Templar as well. He's just getting every unit in the boot. When Mover opens the game, you just goes through like the, you know, little guide you got with the game when you bought it in 2010. There's not even disruptors in there. He's like, well, what are you not sure I built today? And he just scrolls through the pages as the game progressed. This one looks cool as well. Bam. Builds it. It's get so sick. Armory, seven turrets, casual. Because he has plenty of money laying around anyway. He's down 30 workers. He thinks seven turrets at this point is a wise investment. Perfect defense against multi-prong. Only sacrificed two and a half command center for it. Actually more. Now it's two and a half, about two and a half. Hey, this is so sick. What the hell? One Viking here probably would have done a similar job and keeping a marine here and a marine here. I mean he's on two base. It's not like, like there's not going to be too much multi-prong here, you know. You can just move your army to your main at this point. I have a feeling Eatme isn't going to move out in the next 10 minutes either. He hasn't really done anything except for that one move out with the cyclone. Nice tank position. Never mind, guys. Yeah, okay, you realize, he realized. We can forgive it. I'll take back that I tried to make fun of you there. I'll take it back. I mean, he's just not doing anything. He's not scouting. He's not producing workers. But nothing is happening. So what is he doing? Is he one of those guys with two screens and is just watching anime on the other screen or something like that, you know? The final episode of Naruto. Like on repeat on the side. It seems like the kind of guy that would do that. It's on repeat, just looping again and again. Solid disruptor drop. We can forgive him. He has so much more money. Honestly, if I was mover and my opponent wouldn't be leaving, I just constantly be seen. sending in disruptor drops into my opponent's marine to tell him to leave. Something I do as well is just sending units for fun. Todd once showed me a replay, which he played against an N.A. Terra, where the N.A. Terran just wouldn't leave and kept camping on three bays, with a planetary as natural as a third. And he kept just move commanding, like 12 immortals and 10 Archons into his opponent's planetary, just dancing it back and forth, never attacking anything until eventually, I think Todd maxed out on one. 80 army supply just A moved into the guy that absolutely blasted him. It's like a 45 minute game of Todd just move commanding units in again and again and again. He sent me the replays the cap have a look at this. What do you think? Todd is so cool man. Double ghost academy. Because this really is the kind of game where he can afford a new court too. supply like he only has one thing to pay attention it's not like he's been controlling his army or thinking about what type of composition to get like how's supply a look let me start a CC gives more supply than a depot also only takes about seven times as long to build but it's got a double depot drop there we go and starts two depots that you will still supply blocked after Imagine being so supply blocked that you instantly are supply block again after. So he's going to be able to get one round of SCD. He's 51 SCVs. Oh my God. I'm so curious how long this guy has been supply blocked. This is really impressive. He's also, okay, he's getting 2-2. Why did he get the second Academy? All right. Little game show segment. Ding-da-ding ding ding ding bong dong ding Hello and welcome to the IOTUS game show Today we have a question for the audience and the question is Will we see any use out of that second Ghost Academy or is it just there for show We have two answers answer A Yes we're gonna be seeing both ghost academies used and answer B No we're not going to be seeing two Ghost Academies used Stay tuned for the answer. That sure is a good question. Um, let me see a couple of zealots. Just destroying a marauder here and there. I mean, this is, it's not looking good for a turn friend. Let's just be honest here, guys. This is... This is not looking to... I love the CC in here as well. Pretending that he still wants to expand. He has a single meta-vac now. Now, four meta-vex. Okay, that he's dropping. An empty one as well for moral support. The third. wheel. Well, your best friend and his girlfriend are making out in the backseat. This guy is driving the car. Completely sober as all, of course. Don't drive and drink, guys, that's messed up. He got left behind. They had better things to do. They really only use this guy for his car. If you're a person in that situation right now, it's still time to stop. These people are not your friends. There's more people out there. What's this? Okay, 24 Rother's, two to upgrades, drilling claws, because he's really been doing a lot of mine harass and he's been moving these mines around the bunch and it makes a lot of sense to get that upgrade. Float, another supply block. What? He's actually just constantly supply blocked. While doing nothing. Well, where was I? I was here. Maybe you should cut this out. This fight is looking interesting from the Prodos. I'm not quite sure about that one, but he's plenty of money. I don't mind it for now. It's literally one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and he's taking... Wait, I can't count. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight base, eight potential bases against currently three. He's ready for the double drop as well. I feel like he has a little bit of money to spare. But honestly, the fights, the one thing that Eadme has been complaining about, haven't really been going that poor. I mean, he's just, he's doing so much better in the fights, like twice as efficient. and he has an army composition of Marines marauders and unseed liberators. So I feel like he can't really be complaining about Storm here. I mean, maybe I'm the crazy one, but in my mind that seems like a bold play. We'll see if it pays off for him. Byron's going to go... Oh, the Disruptor drop. This is a classic. I like this one. Is this gonna be the second one that just insert... What are we doing here? Oh! Like how both players are just managing this little area. Forgetting about the rest of the game. This is the most important interaction they've ever had. And then the one DT just ruins it. Dang it, DT. Okay. This base gets cleaned up, so... Eatme is gonna be pretty happy about himself here, I guess. So right now it's only 6 base against 4, 55 works against 81. How is he up in income? I feel like my man movers should have sent in this replay. Hello, I have 6 bases, 81 workers. Terran just mines more than me. How is that possible? I wonder if I'm even if he's ever going to do something this game. Oh, mine hits. That's an interesting move. Coast Academy hasn't been used yet by the way. And he's not really hitting too many storms. So this... This fight looted really good for the... Yeah, 17K against 8.2K. I have a feeling, Eatme doesn't quite realize that the reason that he lost was... A, he was actual light years behind. B, he doesn't do anything in the game. See, he's been consistently... Oh, he can't get supply blocked anymore. I hope he loses a depot. Let's see how long it takes him to rebuild one depot. So this is most likely the final time of being supply blocked. But perhaps... He also, why did he speak about having ghost? When there's 10 Archons and he doesn't have a single ghost ready. Flies away with two metaphors. Oh, look at that third wheeling friends. Ding-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-K keeps doing it. There's not a matter-fax here either. 19K, he's literally twice as cost-efficient. How does he complain about? And all he uses is marauders without metaphax. And he complains? His arm, his opponent is like this, he's crafting these composition. Seven arc-calls here, some zealads, some storms. This guy just marauder. Marrada go brr. What the hell? He's building sophisticated compositions, my man mover here, with storms and a single disruptor. Like, how is Epe Me complaining about this? Actually, actually, I think I might know the reason for why Eatme is complaining about storms. This is a little thing called Terran Syndrome, Terran Whining Syndrome, and I could explain it to you, but I actually have a reporter who can do just that. Nikola's Kundening. Are you here? Yes, hello, Kevin. We're here in the hospital at a specialized hospital ward for the Terran Whining Syndrome. I'm wearing a mask this because the air here is filled. with sodium and if you inhale too much sodium there is a chance that you will dehydrate so just to make sure I am wearing that mess now Terran winding syndrome of course we've been seeing a lot more in the past seven eight years in which Terrans really believe that they deserve to win a game after sitting and doing nothing for five to six minutes they're defending their drops perfectly because nothing is going on and then they wind a lot they keep whining they keep whining they start whining to their friends their family, their spouses, their husbands, their wives, and it completely destroys their life constant salt pouring out of their ears and their nose. And that is what all of these people that are right here have to deal with. I'm feeling my lips starting to get a little bit dry, Kevin. And honestly, I don't think I can hold much longer. So back to you with the rest of this I-O-DIS. Always great a talk with my man, Nikola. Now, we have... Okay, look at this fight. No... No... No... No...me... No medevax? Okay, this... These tanks, have they seen any action yet? He's getting his first few shots in. This tank position has been atrocious, by the way. They should, of course, be on the low ground at this point. If you're defending this area... I mean... This fight still was... I think, semi in favor of Eat Me. Or at least... An efficient fight for both... Like, it's a fine fight, you know? And once again, just pure marauder against storm, Arcon, and a disruptor to end it. He hasn't built a ghost. Why does he keep, why did he refer to ghosts? Like it was something that he built. It's too much to control. I had battle cruisers and ghosts and liberators and Vikings. And the guy just builds marauders and mines. Well marauders and yeah, literally marauders minds and some leftover liberators every now and he actually has a good army. He probably it used to fight at this point if he just gets like two ghosts with this he probably would just be able to EMP and then win no scan I mean the way that mover is fighting is really you could have known it in the lobby screen because it's in his name like he's just moving a lot of the time it's not really fighting just moves in with a bunch of units like hmm interesting 30k against 20k. What's this 8 base? 7mage. Counting is so difficult. Holy crap. So glad I managed to finish elementary school. It was a tight call though. If I would graduate from elementary school or not. But I mean after I was done with that, I knew I never had school again in my life. So that was very nice. Nice run by. It's not going to do anything here. I feel like mover might just be throwing away his lead here a little bit. I mean his income is still nice. He's gonna try to expand over here again. Eat me, eat me, eat me. What do we have over here? Nex-I... nexus. People have been complaining that I say nexie instead of nexus. I'm not sure if I'll fix that. It's one of these things... Ooh, he actually lost the wheat. These are glaves? I love this. This is the type of harass I want to see. in the late game the quality 25 adept run by that's shooting a single lip or shooting a single refinery okay eat me is not allowed to complain his trades have been absolutely bananas he's up 15k in resources lost he has the super bunkers he's a bunker over here still tanks are still on the high ground this this ghost academy has never been used by the way i don't think it's ever going to get used it's now mining from the left side i think eat me is winning really hard at this point I think he can actually just move across the map and win the game. He has triple the army supply. You think he realizes? Why is he complaining? Man if I was mover I'd be fuming. It's like literally I'll mine my opponent about like 40k. Still can't win. And then this guy starts talking as well. It builds three turrets in case one wasn't enough for the detection. Like mover better start taking some real good fights or my man Eat Me is over you know it's that's it come some disrupt the shots you can do it move okay he's back on a hundred supply uh or 200 but a 100 army supply now this might be the fight that Eat Me has been referring to just forgets all the other fights that he had in the game it's like this one fight was really broke and I lost it Three Metafax? 31 marauders, 35 Marines. Why did he pretend like he was using the mines and the liberators? There's like 30 army supply on the right side here. Like legit just not doing anything. Was that like six liberators? Four mines? Eight liberators not doing anything. This guy's actually kind of shooting. Why was EidMe pretending like he was microing many things? He's microing a single control group. He doesn't have... He never built a ghost. And now he's gonna lose a fight, most likely, against a guy who's using three control groups, one for Disruptor, one for Templar. See, he is winning this fight as well. It's a semi-even trait. With the worst army composition and half his army on the other side of the map. He's not even replacing anything. What is he doing at this point? He's just looking at the planetary. Oh, I'm repairing it? Oh, it just died. What goes on in his head? Who? Send back my SEVs. I wonder if any units that I could use to defend this fight. What about these? He has them selected. He's just F2ing at this point, not realizing what he has. You don't really know what you've got till it's gone. I don't know what this is guys. I, he's dead at this point though. He's dead at this point, but... He had a single control group. Never... How does he complain about difficult control? He doesn't even know what control is. He literally just F-2ed with a bunch of siege units. I don't think he's allowed to... He's allowed to... He wins the fight in the end. 51K against 30... 20K difference. He lost Depot so he might actually be able to. This could be it. He could start getting supply blocked again. That's the dream. He's gonna move out now. See these DTs, they're like, oh, broken. Does he lose it? I'd be filming, I'm saying, go on shoot! This game is so close, holy crap. 80 supply against 17. But a lot of the supply is never gonna get used because he forgot the unseech hotkey. I have no clue what I'm watching, honestly. No Gigi, no skill. No Gigi, no skill! He left. While up, 30 army supply. apply, this is fantastic. No G G no skill. I have something for you my friend. But first, let's go for this musical interruption. Attention, they flew into sports, Marines what is a splash? I have 308 p.m. We keep pretending that I'm flash. I just nuked his entire army. Oh no crap that was mine Now I lost another letter game and it's time too Balance wine I almost forgot You suck dude Yeah, you do. Don't forget subscribe to my YouTube channel. More videos, thumbs up, and see you all next time for a new IOTIS. Bye bye. Full song coming out somewhere next week once I get my low e-string. My high e-string. Don't worry guys, I got it. |
The FLYING DRAGONS BOI RETURNS!!! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Something INCREDIBLE happened today! I woke up to an imbalance complain of our good old friend Derivative who once upon time complained about the IMBA-ness of flying dragons in PvZ! Now he is back with a brandnew case to crack! Will history repeat or will he redeem himself? SMASH like to find out NOW! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MqhMRqiOTdHllcWKILt9aSmAcV341VkCPGSAQE3EKsw Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
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} | 5wx-x0HOPmo | Hello Harstem, it's me. Your Flying Dragon Boy. Look, I found investors are so imba, even much more imba than the Flying Dragon. In this game I did a push with three oracles and one immortal when the Zurgis transitioning into Mutas. As my micro was stats alike, it was a great timing attack. He pulled out all his drones and struggled to hold it with a poor one-base economy remaining. While I have three bases and a healthy worker amount, I defended against innumerable mutas with shield batteries and stalkers, And then, I switched into Phoenix. Finally, when I reached a certain amount of Phoenixes, it's my turn to push back and make him pay. However, unexpected investors crushed all my troops and my dream of victory. Investors easily finished off my ground units and Armada, as if they were playing with a bunch of shiny plastic toys. How on earth can he make so many investors after producing so many mutas? I mean, they're all so gas-expansive, right? It's impossible for ProDos have Phoenixes and High Templars with six. team workers. Fungolos are fatal to all Protoss units as my units are all expensive and clumsy. You must watch this replay. Trust me. After that you feel the necessity to delete this broken unit or race as well. My friend is 5.5k in Korea server and this game which I had the chance was really broad on my horizon. I have no clue what the last line means, but I know what the lines before it mean. It means we have a second timer. Mr. Flying Dragon himself, the man who completely complained about mutas originally, my Chinese friend. Welcome back, first of all. Glad to see you're still playing derivative. He's called, sent me this replay, complaining about investors this time. Now, there was some mutas in here, but it seems like he learned at least a little bit from his last run-in with IOTIS. And he didn't complain about the mutas anymore. He built Phoenixes and was fine against it apparently. But now investors are the issue here. they easily crushed his units like there were some plastic shiny toys i haven't seen many shiny plastic toys but i'd love to see him i once i read this i got this email this this this this email and i was like oh my god this is so good i put on my my sweater which i bought in china last year in in chong ching i was like i got a you know i got a go i didn't really want to wake up this morning you know i was in bed i checked my phone and i see this email from derivative I'm like, okay, this is it. It's time to go. And here we are. Oh, man, this is going to be good. I'm really hyped for this. So yeah, obviously our main thing here is to figure out whether derivative sucks for a second time. So a double suck. Or if the investor is broken. And investor is a unit that has been broken in the past. So why isn't it broken still? You might be wondering that's a good question that's a very good question we see just standard openings coming from both players of course we have chronobust on the adapt good Stargate timing this guy knows what he's doing he's about 5k MMR on the Korean server like he's a solid solid player derivative even last time I remember his opening wasn't that bad Stargate probably just gonna go into Oracle's like he said and then the first thing of course we want to be looking at is how well does he do with the Oracle or ass is he just gonna be standing there is he is he going to be sleeping around this you know what sleeping around I hope but just he's going to stay there sleeping is what I meant I if your oracle sleep around you have whole other issues on your hands as messed up just how is your time with the Queen's yeah I was alright you got speed on the way first Oracle second Gateway a couple of adepts. Three, third adept, is on the way here. And after three adepts, he should be taking his nexus. If you're playing Oracle, Oracle as an opener, you should be getting nexus before you get your assimilators. Now, sometimes you see players, you're like, well, the Trap takes his assimilators before the third. That's correct, and Trap does that if he sacrifices his first two adepts. Because with two adepts early on, you're always going to be able to get that third base up very, very quickly. So I kind of expected this. This is a very common mistake for low GM players to high masters, where they take gases and don't focus enough on mineral economy. So it's a small error getting robo before third base. It's very old-school this. This is what we played in mid-2019, maybe mid-2018. I can't quite remember which year it was. I think 2019. So like last year, like 13-14 months ago we played like this. I'm not really a fan of it anymore, though. So it's kind of been figured out. The opponent gets overlord speed, which is good as well. We see four adepts being shaded down, so even warped into more adepts. This base is about 30 seconds, 35 seconds late. It's not ideal really. It's probably going to get a decent trade here though if the Zerg decides to fight this. I'm going to be focusing mainly on these oracles. I don't think... No, won't fall. Okay. So these two oracles. I'm not sure if they're sleeping around with the queens, but they were a little bit too kind for them. So zero kill so far. And he's just going to park them in this little area for... Yeah, for how long? How long are you going to... I like that he keeps selecting them. He's just spamming the hot keys. They keep selecting them again and again, not actually doing anything. This is... This is not good. So, the faster you do damage, which you're already... He keeps selecting them. Why are you doing that? Stop doing that. If you're not going to use them. Stop selecting them. Okay, there we go. The earlier you do damage, the better it is and then... I like this guy pulled away all of his works... Oh my gases are being stasis. They just pull all my works too less. What was this? What was that? Derivative, my man. Why would she do that? Six gates? So it's going up to eight, that's too many. Sixgate actually is the maximum you want to get with this push. I'm familiar with this push. This push is also hitting too late, by the way. I already knew that, of course. I could smell it coming. It's going to be too late. These should be moving across the map already, if you're really playing fast, especially with double Oracle. The problem with eight gate is that you can't really produce out of eight gate. If you continue producing out of six gate, you get the gates a bit earlier, it's fine. You can even fit in a couple of probes easier. Because if you're doing these big pushes, you actually do want to get some probes even if you do kill a third base now really all the harass he's done so far is kill tumors you actually killed not a single drone which is impressive because there's only four queens this middle base is really really vulnerable and even though there's double spores on the sides four queens is not enough because you're only going to have a double queen on one of the bases um oracle should be dealing with these lings very very important that you have some is that this is not how you deal with link run bys you can't just leave seven stalks at home dude what do you is you get a single battery and you leave both of your oracles at home or you even just follow the lings but this is not what you're supposed to do absolutely not it is half of his army against a run by that might not even happen he sends it over at the right again you still leave sword home yeah this is insane you should never play like this it's a no no that's a he lost an oracle he's playing his 77 drones if he doesn't straight up kill his opponent there's something wrong with the builder you know he's hitting at seven minutes and 20 seconds that's like a solid minute minute 10 seconds too late even with a triple oracle this would be a minute too late a minute and 20 seconds today mean the fight is going well the other guy literally has no units except 17 mutas on the way I feel like his opponent can just pull the drones with the mutas and probably win if he fights this with 70 drones and 17 mutas. He's probably just okay. But yeah, I mean it does look pretty good. There's no pro production behind this. Oh he lost his prison. His answer was to warp in eight Sentries ago. I love the decision making. Sometimes he's got to love the decision making. He sees the mutas. Do we have Phoenix production yet? No, not yet. So he still believes he can win. He's floating a solid 1k 500 during this. Now I understand why he's not building phoenixes in some ways where it's like ah come on there's no way i'm losing this right i killed everything i can kind of dig that it's eight Sentries making their way across the map now i mean this this should be kind of okay you just walk over here you kill the workers here you're going to the main kill some workers there and you're completely fine actually he needs to recall at this point yeah do we now have phoenix production okay he finally restarts Pro Production on one of the bases. Wait a second. He said 16 workers, didn't he? A little prick. Hey, check to be sure. 16 workers, one base. He said, why, he lied. He lied. This is 32 workers, that's two base saturation, and there's two bases remaining. This changes things. This is like, some of you guys probably have kids, yeah? When you have kids, and they got in a fight with another kid, the story of your kid is always going to be that he did nothing, he or she did nothing wrong, and the other kid did everything wrong. I remember, I was a kid. I always was like, well, he just started punching me for no reason, not telling the fact that he first threw sand at them and called him an annoying prick. But this is kind of what my man derivative did here, and I almost just skipped over it. This is not one base. This is literally, this is two base. There's two bases. There's basically two base saturation. You lied. That's not very nice. I don't like that. What do you have now? 13 muras, not a single phoenix. First phoenix comes out. About a minute after he spotted the first mura. So there could be about two, three phoenixes out already. Now, still fine position. Don't get me wrong. He's up 17 workers. The only thing really lacking is upgrades at this point is batteries in every base. A single, yeah, okay, maybe the main base is going to be a bit rough to hold without losing too many workers. Should send a couple of stalkers there. Some nice anticipation by my men derivative. I see the lessons from last time. I haven't been completely learned yet. Against the mutas. Anticipation is difficult to find in this game, but, you know, I dig it. We can live with it. He managed to, he lost six workers, okay. Unit loss still in favor of a man derivative, and his opponent is not building any drones. It's building four now, but that's really it. There's two Phoenixes, batteries are good, double Stargate production. I wouldn't mind seeing a forge and a Twilight being thrown down at this point. I mean, you've got to start thinking about the future. Also, plus one on air, probably is a good plan. If you're getting double Stargate Phoenix, plus one helps so much with these double attacks that Phoenixes have. I'd really recommend that. No worker production for quite a while now I feel like We just see very slow working no chronobo's being used For a second I thought we're gonna get three full energy Nexus I nexus XI But we only have two and then one half full so that's 300 energy Luckily there's nothing that is kind of urgent like chrono boosting health Phoenixes There we go. Yeah, good job We're doing it doing it together 42 works against 38 so income is relatively equal the one thing that probably this is what confused derivative obviously is this guy is on 38 workers but is mining from six gas and it's probably going to be mining from 8 gas soon so it's going to just be able to get a lot of gas out these units are very gas intensive that's actually correct both mutas and investors here we have the pathogen glands of course the energy upgrade for the investors and now at this point the mutas are practically useless if he had plus one at this point he's just going to absolutely blast Muralis yeah like it's it's just over you can chase them wherever it's just gonna end please that's that's it I like that he doesn't chase he doesn't quite know what's there might be hydras or something hello okay just make sure okay wait what okay he just moved out with everything he was like you know what I have a lead in absolutely everything let me give that up by moving out leaving nothing behind and having eight lings kill my eco on the third it's a good plan that's a very good plan where's this guy going i love it okay now warps in a couple of adepts okay set up mining again at this base you say continue worker production there's some slight oversaturation in the natural but it's all good Okay, you see spines on the high ground, you see investors, you see a base over here. This is over. Just kill these drones and kill this base, and the game is over. It's really as simple as that. No? You can lift them, yeah. Okay. Well, that's it then. Israeli probes across the map. It was probably for Manor Nexus. My man derivative here, he was looking into the future. It's such an easy win against these noob flying dragons. Okay, now this, this is one of those moments in your life where you have to make a decision. And there's really only one correct decision here, and that's recalling. If you look at this situation, right, we see two necks eyes still alive. We have 34 workers. four workers. And on top of that, this represents about 60% of the opponent's army, which is just going to be killed for free if you recall these phoenixes right now. Is recall available? Recall is available. So all my man derivative here needs to do is recall, chase these bad boys away, reestablish a base. And then you're playing against someone who has five workers in his main base and a bunch of investors and a NIDUS instead what we do we give up the third we give up the natural we move up a ramp into four I feel like he's just doing it to be on the show at this point there's no way you're telling me this is what a grand man ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I'm surprised he doesn't force shoot himself into a smaller square so the fungal can hit more. I don't think he's quite hitting enough yet and he still gets in. This is the worst part. But that is... What? So all he wanted to do was kill four. to do was kill four spines. Did he just lose his entire army to kill four spines and then teleport out. Mission complete. This is insane. He's flaming him. I really want to know what this has. I just can't imagine. He just walked up a ramp to clear four spines. he didn't need to death that's like if if this was a James Bond movie and James Bond does all the things that he does you know he just kill some bad guys lots of fighting gets poisoned by his potential girlfriend and then in the end he just grabbed like a butt scratcher It's like, oh, finally I got what I need and it scratches his butt and throws it out, then walks back. It's like, I feel like you could have just ordered one on Amazon. It's like, probably would have been easier. Like, was this all really necessary? I, he's actually just going to lose to the mutas. But the investor are still here, so under's anitis. This is... This is insane. He's still outmining his opponent as well. That's the best part. He even could have done that as long as he didn't just give away his phoenixes for free. He's going to move out again. I mean, he cleared the spines earlier. So there's no way these spines have been rebuilt, right? He comes back, there's five spines. Dang it, they grow back. There's no way. My man, the flying dragon. That's so painful to watch. 47 supply. Goes over, kills an extractor. I mean, what's he thinking? What goes on in his mind? Derivative. What? What? He thinks it's a base trade, but he forgets there's a base in the main. Or... I have no clue what he's doing. There's a storm on this? No, there's no, there's no, of course not. My way, it's for feedback. This is the feedback time plan. I just don't know what he's doing. He's gonna go back, no? If he walks up another... There's more! There's no way. If he keeps going, I just... I just know what he was going. doing why would he do the things that he is doing why is another extractor is the third extractor he gets is he's doing good business he left this on the life I believe this at 55 HM did they regain help yeah they go they do it dang it investors what now do you see 2 3 3 3 What am I supposed to say? What actually? Am I supposed to say here? His start was good. Well, semi good. A lot of things went all right. The start wasn't great. Some build order mistakes. But he got in a great position. then the first move out i already was a little bit suspicious of right he's up like 15 workers against the Zerg he hard countered the composition all he needs to do is just like if he gets like four char slots the game is just over you know he can even just harass with the phoenixes at that point but he sends his entire army across the map loses a base in the base trade but even then he's up one base against the Zerg that has no units that can fight it has support units and units that are good in base trades so what you do is you just sit at home you get a third third and you win the game. You just get your Archons out or whatever and you just harass with the phoenix if you want. You can keep him at home to defend the units. It doesn't matter. It didn't do nothing. Then he walks on top of a ramp, actually maximizing the damage the fungles could do, and he loses. I feel like the message didn't quite arrive last time, so I'm going to try it in your own language. You suck my friend and you suck real good. That's it for today. I hope you did enjoy this episode of I owe this. Is it? Or do I suck if you did enjoy it? There's more. Oh there, I don't forget subscribe to my YouTube channel. So I'll smash the like button as these things do help me a lot. Thanks all for watching and see you all next time. Bye-bye. |
This Voidray did NOT get the buff..... | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | One Like means one prayer for all the non-buffed Voidrays out there... Heartbraking story... If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MqhMRqiOTdHllcWKILt9aSmAcV341VkCPGSAQE3EKsw Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xVIaqscuX3c/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | xVIaqscuX3c | Harston, I am contact you. And please be gentle. Love your void ray. Love your videos. Voidre the other way around, Kevin. After spotting Bredel... Is it Imba? Or do I suck? Welcome back to a new episode as apparently we were already a little bit too far into this replay. Oh my god. That's stupid idiot. Harsham. I'm contacting you regarding the seemingly unbalanced composition of bio with armored battlecruisers. I am not complaining about the overpowered nature of the troops themselves, but rather their absurd cost effectiveness. I am a 4.1K MMR Diamond Prodos who is rather flustered with the outcome of this game. After spotting battle cruisers early, I quickly rushed to counter, but my attempts were futile. pitiful attacks with my army were easily thwarted by a rag-tag group of battle cruisers and a few marines. I was flabbergasted as to how I could have possibly beaten this terrain without raising my IQ by more than 10 points. Let me know what you think. And please be gentle. I'm always gentle, Voidre. So the question here is, is it Inba? Or do I suck? Let's hop straight into this game. as we have a little bit of a little wall here coming out of our ProDos players on the low ground. Might be confusing this for a PVZ instead. So what did he really say? A rack-tag group of marines and armored battle cruisers, something like that. And he said he spotted the battle cruisers early, but really couldn't do anything about it. There's just some big claims and we're of course, we're going to be seeing if these claims do end up checking out, right? We want to make sure that these claims do check out. So he scouts, it's like, all right, what do I scout? What do he scout? No barracks at home. Hmm, is there gas? Is there gas? There's gas. All right. How much gas? You click the gas. You see, hmm, not that much gone. Reaper. Proxy Reaper. You know, estimation, proxy reaper. What do we do? Core, Nexus. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Pylon gas. Just a standard builder. Standard Corp. No. No. Pylon first. If you get the gas first, what happens is that you'll be supply blocked. Or you can't build workers. One of the two. Both are bad. So now he'll need to cut workers to get his adept out, which means he has two less workers than usual. So even if this Reaper does absolutely nothing, which. which seems rather unlikely as this is a 4.1k mmr diamond prolos player it will already be worth it for the turn killing two works is completely fine. It's getting a bunker please tell me this Reaper at least goes into the main first. Thank God here we go. Okay this is good for the for the terror at least our boy void ray is going to be struggling a little bit I can I can assure you that one two now don't forget this is plus two so every probe that dies you got to imagine the plus all right it's just a just a prob case so you kill three workers technically all right three workers are dead now the way you want to respond to this is not what an adapt but with a stalker and a battery stalker and a battery can clear this if you use the super battery um you're definitely going to clear it without losing anything sometimes i even like to get a battery in my main so when you finish the bunker sometimes they'll jump into the main with two reapers and start killing probes there which is annoying now void ray spots this and then go goes, huh, what should I do? Should I... Should I maybe attack the bunker, build a battery, get some defenses ready? No, just stand over here. Do not across the map. I like this. This is Voidre, the kind of guy that when he has problems at home, goes out to the bar with his mates. And he's like, as long as he isn't at home, there's really no problems at home either. Marriage and shambles. Sure. That's okay. No real big issue. issue what's the worst that can happen it's like the what you call it the the babysitter has to deal with all the trouble it's one adept is not enough the O pair it's gonna leave soon as well yeah what you just want to do is you just want to get a battery here buddy you don't get what four in a row Zero pro production as well. Just cancelled all of them as well. I was wondering where all the money was right? This macro is pretty decent. I guess Voidre is doing some damage on the other side, but it's denying the CC. That shouldn't happen. This is getting rewarded for bad play, and I don't like that. So, I can't believe that this actually happening. There's no way in hell, though, that this actually is happening. You know what I'm saying? this immortal surely is going to attack the bunker right i've never seen two reapers kill a nexus before it took him like two and a half minutes almost three to get it to this low imagine the effort these guys have been putting in like this is the equivalent of like a stormtrooper actually killing a jedi you know like while the jedi is asleep and the stormtroopers can't believe their luck. They keep shooting, keep missing. Like, eventually we're going to hit. And after three minutes, like, the Jedi wakes up and smashes them, that's the immortal. But holy crap, Voidre. You had two and a half minutes of not mining from the space. And sure, the Terran had the same thing, but that's his problem. You know, your problem here was that two reapers and a single bunker managed to actually completely destroy your eco. You're still behind. You're supposed to be up six, seven workers at this point. You're up only four, which is bad. Your opponent has double, uh, double mew, which gives him way higher income. That's, well, way higher. Should give him higher income, not way higher, just regular higher. I'm going to forge Twilight, you have an observer. Okay, so here comes the, the spalling observer that spotted the battle cruisers very early. Ding, ding, ding, ding, tin, tin, tin, tin, tin. These guys are so slow. They look a bit like jellyfish, don't they? Like a mechanical jellyfish. This guy's lucky SpongeBob is around. So we have the Fusion Corps done for the bunker positioning. It's absolutely brilliant as well. I love it. Prism, Robo Bay, Forge, Twilight. I think he's doing the get all the tech, but no upgrades challenge. Oh, here we go. Armor upgrade. Observer spots Starport getting something. He sees two barracks, a bunker, a single mine. Doesn't spot behind the mineral line. the mineral line he also sees something happening here so this is either drilling claws or the cyclone upgrades most likely I would think that this would be drilling clause but maybe he has a different lead as a experienced diamond player now he isn't actually spotting the battle cruiser is he he is aware that there's a tech lab but this could be a raven this could be a benchy technically could still be a matterback or a Viking as well but less likely and as long as he doesn't see the fusion core he actually isn't aware and we see no preparations no batteries no nothing usually oh the battle river could come in and snipe this base couldn't it big scan big scan okay we have an attack at the same time as well so this is going to be weird i think bc probably will stay home ah if it tepees though i think our toss is in a world of trouble here he doesn't actually have that much so all right i just want to pause here for a moment. I say that Armand Voidre said he spotted the battle cruiser early. Now, he spotted the battle cruiser as the worst thing in his life was about to happen. He was about to lose, like, I know, it's going to be like 12 pros. This is not spotting early. This is like, imagine you're having a conversation with your mate, yeah? And you just divorced your wife. And you tell your friends, it's okay, guys, like, I spot it pretty early. Then my wife was cheating on. me and they go like oh really you knew it fast like yeah yeah like when I caught her in bed with the other guy like I just knew it and you're a maze go like what like yeah yeah like I was so sure at that point that's not how it works buddy this is not spotting it early this is spotting it as it happens like I saw the bullet coming oh yeah he had a gun and then he shot you like you noticed a hole in your leg it's not how it works right I missed part of this fight. Salads. Wait what? I want to see this again. Oh no, my analogy was too long and I missed a good part. Look at this, look at this guys. All right. We got, let me explain anything about armor types here, Mr. Voidre. So we got this bad boy does a lot of damage to armoured. Okay. This is the big guns. Okay, there's like insane damage against the. armored. Banker, buildings in general, armored, all right? Look at the focus fire of this immortal. First shot on the tank. Second shot on the tank. Third shot on the tank. Perfect so far. Marine. Marine. Marine. S.E.V. SV. SV. Dem it. Banker has too much HP. move over to the tank. Don't actually end up killing the bunker. This is like having an anti-armor rifle and then using a stick to fight a tank. My friend, you're an idiot. Oh wait, that's at the end. I can't make judgments yet. Perhaps this is imbalanced because the SUVs, they get the aggression from the... immortal and it's difficult to target. Battlecruiser, 14 worker kills. I wonder if we actually move the probes. I don't think so. I think he just, no, okay, he moved some. It just makes me happy to see this battle cruiser absolutely ravaging this guy's life. Four workers up right now. Now, the logical response to this would be to get as much mineral mining as possible, because you're lacking completely. You want a very fast third base, you want to catch up as much an eco as possible, and then you're going to be working with one of the combat mechanics that TOS have. So that's either going to be very thirdly with Colossus or Disruptor, or it's going to be DTs. DT is a good combat mechanic. People make jokes about it when behind Dark Shrine. Yes, when behind you do go Dark Shrine. It's a good freaking combat mechanic. Like, that's just how it worked. Like, honestly, if you're playing like this, you're going to need one handle of a combat I'm getting to get you back into this game. And in that case, the Dark Shrine is a... Hello? What button did I just press? And in that case, the Dark Shrine is a fantastic tool for people like you. I'm also a big fan of the 10 Stalker Squad when all you have is charged. Four more stalkers. Why not? Should you get Blink, maybe? Yeah, we got charged already. One of the Twilight upgrades. This should be absolutely fine. Blink Stalkers also a good way to get back in the game, by the way. I can do a lot of a rats with that, especially in the lower leagues. very poor base defenses very often. So, poof, another big disruptor shot, good stuff. Battlecruiser going back home to be repaired. I mean, there's a motto on this. You can just get himato. I guess he goes for the observer, so I'd go for the observer. Just for banter. Okay, he gets to disrupt. His army is actually quite big. There's literally a tank, five Marines and a battle cruiser. And he sees all of this. I think he could just actually walk in and kill it. If he had blinker, he would definitely win the game. Here we go. So that's a good move. He gets 20 damage on the battle cruiser, lose the stalker for it. I like it and I see that type of micro. Micro, my stalker's real good there, Chief. Alright. You sure about that? I said, are you sure? No upgrades being researched after the armor upgrade. You know what? It's not that necessary anymore. Upgrades are old school. What we want now is a Stargate. Because... I don't know why. What we needed was a third base, a fourth base. He should have been on four base already at this point. He shouldn't have taken gas here and just straight rushed fourth base and then taking gas. And then going to Tempest Colossus or something like, or Colossus Blinkstalker, I don't care. Like his army comp of the Terran is absolutely terrible. He's no units whatsoever. So the only aggression that's going to show up is going to be like a single BC. Voidre Colossus? Voidre's are so freaking bad against battle cruisers. For some reason, people got it in their head that Voidre's are okay against battle crews, but Voidre's suck massively, dude. They get one shot by freaking Yamato, and then they just teleport out. And they're slow, unless you get Fluxvein, then they're pretty fast. I do like flux veins. It makes them pretty fast. I like how Voidre is containing his opponent, while I was a very fast. opponent is outmining him. And he's not even containing him because the moment his opponent wants to leave, he's like, all right, now you piss off. But he's like, oh, okay, sorry. I didn't mean to intrude into your territory. Colossus shows up as well. Three battle cruisers. Please blink in. There's no blink yet. Dish. He really believed he had him, didn't he? I always love seeing that. He's completely unaware of where this game is going. down in income the entire game worse units I think I could just keep warping in units and contain them on two base forever that was his plan here I can see it I can see that was his plan there's no way okay opponent still on look some opponents macroing well by the way look at it look at these the money that this guy's I guess he doesn't have too much income I like that still no blink plus two armor only gets units that benefit from attack. Gets armor upgrades. I love it. No double four cheater. The void ray. I had no clue what he's doing. After that last fight, he's like, I want some more of that. Let me walk into a couple more tank shots. I guess Yamatos aren't of cool down yet. Maybe you should wait for that. Yeah, yeah. Please do wait for that. If he waits for the Yamatos to come off cool down and then goes again, I feel like I might just want to quit this replay. You just pretend this week never, happened and pick up where we left next week you know like what is the use void ray what is the use you think he has a timer next to his PC whenever he gets the amount to put the stop wash and he's like oh he has the amount to again time to attack the least cost efficient man in the world void ray one hell of a guy to have in your company resource management Oh, yes, Yamato is of cool down, here we go. Whop, whoop. Voidres got absolutely blasted by the Marines and the battle cruisers. I don't think anyone could have predicted that now, could they? 1,200 minerals in the bank, no problem. You could say, well, his opponent's also floating 1,500 minerals. It's true, his opponent also has 40 supply, and has more than 50 IQ. So, you know, I've got to pick your battles a little bit here, guys. bit here guys. Fourth base, I like it. I enjoy this. I enjoy this. Now, you might be wondering Kevin, if you even knew my name, Harstam. Why is he still building so many Colossus? It seems like the need for Colossus is not that high here. And I would say, yes, I agree. Because there's very little bio-units. It's picking up now, but There's still very little bio units and it doesn't seem to be the main issue. The main issue is just that he doesn't have enough. Stuff. He has no units. Really? You know why they call me Voidre. I think this is, I think he should ask for a name change after this game. The idiot. Moron. Fool. Crapper. There's lots of names I have for you Voidre. And just because you build three Voidreys this game doesn't mean that Voidray is gonna stick. I feel like a name change here is on its place, Editor. Let me do the animation move. Ching! You'll have some fun with it. Sometimes you gotta give your editor something, you know. Just like kids. Throw them like a candy cane or something like that. Throw it really hard to... BAM! On their hat. No blink yet. Right now we're on 13 stalkers. This is a man who built charge for nine zealots, then lost 16 stalkers without blink and built 12 more. This is the kind of person we're dealing with. The kind of guy to go armor upgrades on his air on units that are going to get one shot by Yamato. the kind of guy that looks at this army of seven tanks and four battle cruisers. Actually, I don't mind the Coloss anywhere. There's 31 Marines. I was going to make a joke, but I stepped back. I looked at the situation and said to myself, no, this is not the time. And you know what? It wasn't. I love the Archons. This is how people that don't understand the game think you counter-battle-cruisers. is by building Archons and Voidreys. Because like well both Dijun's do a lot of damage. But the problem is that they just die before they ever get anywhere. Tempest actually is a good counter to the Battle Cruisers. Tempest, because you need to... Look at these Yamatos, look at that. Pop! Actually, this fight is going a lot better than I thought it would be for Voidray. I thought Voidre was going to get completely blasted here, but he's actually only going... That was a sick blink. I love that. That was cool. This was not a bad fight here for Voidre. I'm surprised. Honestly. I'm actually surprised. Dush! Usually what you do is, like you damage the Voidre a little bit and bam. You shoot it with the Yamato and then all the Voidre's died because otherwise Voidreys actually have insane DPS. But this is actually not looking too bad. Right now, if I'm Voyder, I'm like, okay, I just had a good fight. How about, instead of throwing my lead or my little bit of momentum, I just built 20 extra probes and I actually play a late game from here. He's actually winning. He's doing it. No? He's not doing it. Oh no, he could have killed. this entire base for free. He's still killing this entire base. He had such a good such a good opportunity here. For a second I actually thought he had it. Not due to his own competence, but due to his opponent's incompetence. Let's be real here. This was not because he played this well. His composition still sucks. Voidre coloss is not a composition, guys. Also, please get blink. And stop getting freaking armor upgrades for your... I understand why you want armor upgrades against BCs, but the thing is you don't. You want to just kill the BCs Asaph. When you're playing Stalker Colossi, you want to be doing as much damage as possible. You want attack upgrades. They're cool. Armor upgrades are for losers. Look, you're going to be killing Marines anyway. That's not really going to be the issue. Is this going to be the attack of a lifetime? If he catches him in the middle of the map, he still is absolutely going to get blasted yeah still by the way just a friendly reminder that not a single turret had been built detees at any point in the game would have been perfect I'm telling you guys dark shrines underrated they have this bad I like this this is a good move the base trade is a good move because he knows he can't fight it this is something I see a lot of people actually make mistakes but I like this this is a good move yoink yoink I like that name oh it's a good move Voidre. I like this. Now this is less of a good move. Do you have storm? Do you have storm? No, just had a Templar there. What is this Templar doing? What in this army made you think? I think it would be sick if I have a Templar on which I just save a lot of energy. Was it for feedbacking the Metafax? Maybe he thought he could feedback battle cruisers. It didn't realize not possible. Does he control the Templar individually? I want to see this. No, he doesn't just aim moves everything. One more Templar. This is absolutely fascinating to watch. You know how there's some famous case of people who have very specific type of brain damage and then they study these people to see what the exact effects are of the of the brain damage because you don't really to experiment with people's brains you know you can't just damage someone's brain and study it so what they do is they find people who already have brain damage and then they study them do loads of tests with it I feel like we might have a very valuable asset to the to neurologist here in void ray because I'm not sure what type of of damage this guy has but he is completely out of it we could do so many good experiments with him holy crap just staying on six less than 60 workers the entire game against a turtling Terran bro how do you have so much money all right imagine your void ray and you're sitting on your porch. You don't have a job. Okay. There's nothing wrong with that, but Voidre also doesn't want a job. Sits on his porch and drinks lemonade. He loves lemonade. She's his neighbor go by to his, to his job every single day. How do you neighbor? Howdy Voidre? Comes back at night, worked nine hours shift, back in his house, kisses his wife. They have a good marriage. Voidre doesn't. Next day, same thing. This same thing goes on for 10 years. Five years, five years. After five years, the neighbor comes over to Vojera, says, hey, I'm going to move, I'm going to move to a way bigger house. And Vojer goes like, but how can you afford that? Bro, how do you have so much money? Well, you worked, you prick. Freaking my man, Joink here was building SUVs and mulling bases while you were there drinking lemonade on your stupid porch. That's how you get more money by working for it. Unbelievable. Let me open up this stupid email again. I had triggered again. Quickly rushed to counter, but my attempts were futile. Futile. Futile. Yeah, it's because your immortal started attacking SEVs. He probably actually wouldn't be able to win with that counter attack. He also lost the prism to a cyclone, if I recall correctly. Like, everything in that attack went wrong. He actually forgot the micro, and he couldn't reinforce. And he lost 15 workers to a freaking battle cruiser at the same time. I was flabbergasted as to how I could possibly have beaten this terrain without raising my IQ by more than 10 points. Yeah. Doubling your IQ is a pretty difficult task. Honestly, I don't think Battle Cruiser bio is overpowered, my dude. You can just get tempers. You just get a lot of eco. Any type of harass would have been nice, but you didn't do that either. My friend, this is in balance. You just suck. Declinsed, declinced. All right. Thanks for everyone for watching. Don't go anywhere as we have a little special thing after the credits. But don't forget to subscribe and press the other things, like and stuff like that. See you next time. Start the tape. |
NoScope Bile TRICKSHOTS?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Apparently the Tony Hawk of Ravager Biles found an absolutly outrageous imbalance in the current Starcraft 2 Meta. Let's see and learn from his insane skillz! Also, why don't you try to ollie over the like button? I promise: If you fail and fall onto it, it will be a really soft landing :) If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MqhMRqiOTdHllcWKILt9aSmAcV341VkCPGSAQE3EKsw Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hsjh9Xu6o4U/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | hsjh9Xu6o4U | Harstem, I need your help. I've been trying to climb for the past month, but I always lose versus Mac. It's just unbeatable. I've tried everything hundreds of times, but the Tarrant can just sit back and turtle on way less bases than me. And once they get 3-3, they aim move across the map and kill me. I tried using dummy larger groups of veins, great ravager shots, and kept him at bay, but after not long he walks across the maps, beats me with is thors and tanks. I will not accept that this is balanced and I believe if any Terran chooses bio over Mac in this matchup, they are the ones who suck. So harsed them. Is it imba or do I suck? A fantastic question here by Waga-Buga, a Zerg player who is in a diamond and is opening up with a hatch first. So he uses dummy big numbers of bates and great ravager shots. Now, I'm not sure what the amount of dummy big numbers of baines is, but I think somewhere around 30 baines. That's a dummy big number, number. And the great reverber shots, I mean, I'll be the one to judge. I'll be the one to judge. All right. So we have the Terran opening up with one Raxxpan, no gas. Also decided not to scout, so that's kind of interesting. Agabuga is doing some scouting here in the early game, which I'm a big fan of, of course. Always good to get those overlors out and about. Opening seems pretty standard. Now against Mac, we've done a couple of Mac replays in the past. And something that always kind of strikes me is a couple of things. First of all, it's very common for zergs to get a very high drone count because they see pro players do this. And what they do is they get that very high drone count and then they just sit back and they have a couple of bad fights. Now, the thing with a high drone count, drone count is, is that your army is going to be very small. So you're constantly going to need to be trading. This is not something that lower level Zerks do. Usually they just get a very high drone count, get a lot of money, and then they trade once every four minutes, and then the other guy moves across the map and just kind of kills them. It's really quite common. Another thing is unit compositions tend to go all over the place. If we remember the logo thing, they just, no Zerks tend to switch between compositions. kind of willy-nilly, which isn't great. Usually it's good to pick a composition and kind of stick with it and progress like there is a plan behind it. Instead of just going, oh crap, this didn't work. Let me try this one. That's not really how Starcraft is supposed to work. We see a road war on the way. Here for Wagabuga, that's a very early road war. This opponent's playing triple factory. Wagabuga has confirmed that indeed there is at least one factory on the way. It doesn't know about this. he see but I mean he can guess that building a bunch of lings no roaches yet I'm not sure why oh he's supply block extremely supply block at 36 so yeah this type of roach attack I mean it's a cut at 26 workers is going to have to do a lot of that much right that just kind of makes sense that you can't really cut workers this early be behind in workers against the turn and not kill any workers so we'll see if he gets very far ahead here or what is going to happen as the Terran continues, man. You're doing a lot of depots this guy. It's the beauty of Mac, isn't it? One click, six supply. So you always need to have loads of supply available. Now, we have four more roach on the way, already three out, not quite moving across the map yet. I'm not entirely sure what he's doing here. Maybe he's defensive roaches? Maybe he wants to group up. Then walk with him in a group, hello. Two more queens. Two more roaches. I love how he just builds it in increments, you know? It's like, oh, I could build all these seven roaches at the same time. But what if I build them two by two and then save them up? So I hit a solid minute later than I should. And the other guy in his brain goes, oh, sounds all right. Here we are. This hits really, really. He's down eight workers. I mean, by the time he's going to hit, his opponent's going to have like five tanks out. Well, not quite, but... I mean, there's gonna be some tanks out. So, I mean, income is not looking too hot right now for the Zerg player. Now he sees a bunker, five cars, he's like, huh, that's interesting. First tank pops, not a single raverger, so you can't really burst down... ...puts two SUVs in the bunker. I love it. What is this? Shows the roaches so his opponent can prepare, and then moves back home. Maybe he knows that he is just way superior when it comes to the mid and late game, that he always gives his opponent a massive advantage in the early game. Because he knows it's not fair otherwise. He's just too good. You know, you have these guys who tell me they have the grandmaster knowledge of the game. This guy doesn't have the grandmaster knowledge, it's like the grandmaster mechanics. He's just so good in the mid and the late game that he knows exactly what to do. He's building eight drones now. These roaches actually did nothing. None of them have any damage. None of them have a kill. He just built, what is it? Nine roaches. Just for jokes. It's not like the other guy really cut any work products. I mean, he already was at 44 workers. This guy went to command center, five factory, which is not a build order, but, you know, it's still more of a build order than whatever the hell it is that Wagabuga is doing. I'm still waiting for these great ravager shots, by the way. the way if I've seen zero I love to just adding ravagers I have no clue what's happening here honestly neither has Wagabuga the last time he saw something was when that factory was building he doesn't know if it's Mac I mean I guess he can guess it I wouldn't mind an overseer scout at this point honestly let's also not forget that Nikondi literally has done nothing for the first six minutes like no harass nothing he's just been sitting here like Like, Wagabuga could have been playing against the AI and have similar results basically. Like he hasn't been tempted or touched once. He hasn't been attacked once. And yet, how many tumors do we have? He has nine creep tumors only with five queens. Like, how's that even possible? For seven minutes, he's had three creeps threat. It's not like he was busy attacking. What has he been doing? His injects look okay. He has a good larva count. He's getting a baling nest. Oh, this is a classic as well. So this is Roach Ravager attack upgrades and then going into Bailings. No, adding six Ravagers. So he's going to be playing Ling, Bane, Roach, but with upgrades for the range. Now the reason why this sucks is very simple. It sucks because the main damage of the Ravitor is going to be the bile. be the bile and that damage output doesn't change with upgrades and the banlings are going to be the rest of your damage which means that it's better to get uh melee upgrades than it is to get range upgrade with this like he's not actually a head i bet okay this is what happened wagabuga in his head he thought of this as like man i really contained him hard with my with my ravager place you know some crazy good bile shots kills two s evs and three tumors he started cutting workers at uh 26 for this attack. Let's not forget about that. Crazy good ravager shots. This is also the type of guy who looks at this replay and sees 140 supply against 132. 59 workers against 48 and he goes his head. This is kind of like, you know when you go bowling and you... So you're doing one-on-one competitive bowling like most people do, you know, on their Friday evenings. If you don't have friends to go out with. And your friend starts, you know, your friend's name is Wagabuga. And he throws over five pins. And then he goes, man, I'm so far ahead. And you tell Wagabuga, well, like, you had the first turn. Like, now it's my turn. So I can throw over more pins. He goes, no, no, no. Like, I just threw over five pins. I'm up five pins. Like, and I go, that's not quite how it works. And it's my turn. I throw over seven pins. I'm like, I'm up too. Then he starts complaining about this bowling ball being too slow. Like, mate, your army consists of road. and revergers like these guys inflates it by you're not actually ahead at this right hell you're super far behind he has eight tanks out and three thors already and all you have is roaches and reverers your army gets hard countered you don't have the eco to easily switch out of things why the hell are you still on a layer against someone mecking like you should be going probably fiber with this composition on it like you only have range you can't rush into him now you get to aspire a hydra dam. Like I have some beating Grandmaster with stupid challenges where I had to build every single unit, but unless you're also a YouTuber who's making some content right now, I have no clue what you're doing. 17 more roaches, bailing speed, no infestation pit. I mean, who really needs Hive, right? Ultra suck. I mean, I wouldn't even mind investors here against this army. You could get some, like there's a big, Thor count already. Like, you see the big Thor count. You see there's like five Thor's. Why the hell are you building a spire? Like, are you going to mess Mura at this point? Like, that's absolutely not possible. Six more drones. So, he's actually getting a good drone count now, but as I said before, he's just not trading. He's not doing anything. And he's just building units that are running out of steam very fast, and then not doing anything with it. It just doesn't make a lot of sense. It's like, if you're gonna, like, these units have a massive time limit on them, right? Especially if you're not getting any extra attack with it. Like you need to be trading them out asap because they keep getting worse. If you have 10 roaches against three tanks or two tanks, that's kind of okay for the roaches still. But if you have like 15 tanks against 25 roaches, like you might get a single bile like how are these crazy good boughs? I mean, yeah, okay, I guess here I got three things. Resources lost? Pretty much in favor of the Terran still. Like these fights are so bad. This is what I'm talking about. He should have been trading such a long time. Look at the units lost. He just loses his entire army. 4.7K resources down. And this, yeah, he's pulling a loco. He goes, man, road reverters is like a list, you know. Compositions that might be able to work. And he just scratched off the first one. All right, road treader is crap. 48 lings, 9 mutas is next. who cares that there's 17 tours out already well five tours out already three more on the way there are cyclones the only thing that there isn't is turrets like all right the next one if the mutas don't work maybe he'll go into ultras and then maybe he'll go into investors and then when all of them have failed because he doesn't have the correct upgrades for them then he sends me an email complaining about things this is 18 bailings I love it look plus two range about the finish up So as he has a pretty vital timing here, he has a 2-2 timing basically, with range upgrades. All the range units he has left right now is this guy. This is the only range unit. Imagine you're in the army, all right? Imagine you're in the army. And your army consists of 30 Marines. You know, and one tank, one guy that drives a tank. Okay, now, let me make it better. 5,000 Marines with, like, guns and, I don't know, their shields and whatever. I don't know how Marines work made. And then you have one guy who drives a tank. And then your commander has the choice to invest into two things. It's going to be either training for all these 5,000 Marines, making sure, you know, just proper training, making sure they know how to use their guns and stuff like that, making sure that they know how the strategies work, or they can give the tank guy a bunch of training, so he can shoot maybe 0.5 times faster, 1.5 times faster. And your commander goes, well, you know, these 5,000 Marines, it might be fun to help them improve, but how about we make this tank really freaking strong? And then what we do is we leave this tank behind when we're going to fight, because I have my doubt that this Revitor is ever going to participate in a fight. Because this guy, I'm pretty sure isn't HotKit anymore, so unless this guy uses F2, which I don't think he is, this Revitor is not going to be seeing any action, and these two-two upgrades, or at least the plus two range, is completely wasted. Now, Mutas are actually doing some damage. This fight is already fantastic. He managed to actually stack up lings so that the Hellbet's got more surface area on them. I didn't know that was possible, but Vuga-Buga really is showing me a thing or two here about StarCraft and the optimal way of losing units. It's almost 7K behind in resources lost. And it's actually down in supply right now, which I have no clue how he's doing. He also said in his email that they move out once they have to be made. Your opponent has plus one upgrades. And you might say, well, that's pretty broken that Terran with only plus one upgrades. can beat an army that's 2-2, except the army that Vuga-Buga is making doesn't have any upgrades. These guys don't have any attack upgrades. Now this is... I was going to say this is a good run by. And then he literally threw like 45 banlings into 5 d'emps. depots and two planetaries. I wouldn't have minded that if his opponent wasn't already on 30 workers and is probably about to attack him. And if he had like some type of transition behind it or you know way more baines that he could actually knows for a fact that he can kill this army. 14k against 6k Okay. He has, yes, okay, so he's... Plus one on the lings finishes. He's like, huh. You know, I finally got some upgrades for the Baylings. Maybe I should go back into the range upgrades, because don't forget, we still have this guy over here. Oh, no. It kills three Thor's. You wonder what these guys would have been able to do with some upgrades, perhaps. And then his response is like, okay, well, Now, Roche Raveter hasn't worked, Link bailing doesn't do anything. Time to build my Hydras. Lurker than, Greater Spire and Ultraliscaverer to really round out my tag. Let's see what we can do. At this point, his opponent is literally a plus one upgrades. Um... Okay, we'll see how the fight is going to go because a lot of the time it's pretty difficult for Zerg to get all the units in at the same time. see a bunch of hydras. I have a feeling this is not going to be enough. Tanks are siege. He's just walking into siege tanks and Thor's, there's no vipers. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Mac broken, he says. Mac broken. All right, like, you completely forgot to use any type of hive units. He had all the tech. Don't get me wrong. Greater Spire Ultra Cavern. He had a hive. He was getting three, three upgrades. All of all very nice. Never used the information pit for investors, but he completely skipped Vipers, which is one of the most useful units that there is. His early game was terrible. Then he got a really high eco and didn't trade at all. Well, no, that's not true. He traded, he killed four depots and two command centers. Rather than attacking his opponent's army, even though his opponent was already on 30 SUVs at that point. So it's pretty poor eco. He didn't need to kill more eco, just needed to kill the army, make sure that he wouldn't die. He switched compositions three times at the wrong upgrades for the banlings. He, I mean, his creep threat was kind of atrocious for, actually, I'm kind of curious. What was the vision of that? I feel like this Terran never harassed. This Terran saw the edge of the creep, 13 minutes in. This Terran did absolutely nothing to stop his opponent from doing whatever he wanted. And Wagabuga did whatever he wanted. And then he complained. because the things he wanted to do weren't actually the things that were going to work, you know. Imagine getting free. Wagabuga is the manager of a company. It gets complete freedom from the CEO. And he invest his entire savings in a toilet that instead of flushing everything down, just pushes it out, you know, blows it out of the top. So every time after you're done doing your business at the toilet, you also need to clean. it up. And then when he gets fired because it's a crap, a crap investment, he starts complaining and sending me emails about how unfair it is in the world. Like, mate, you had all the freedom in the world and this is what you did with it. Like, he had plus one attacks. Wagabuga, my friend. Mac can be difficult to deal with. I understand that. It can feel broken at times. It can feel like that. I understand that as well. But this game, was honestly just a show of pure incompetence from your part. You did nothing correct and everything wrong. You get this guy. The world's most well-upgraded Ravager. Hasn't seen any use though. You just suck, dude. You suck so freaking hard. It's insane. Declinced. No, wait, I need to press the button for this. Thanks so much for watching. Another fantastic episode of Is It In My Are Do I Suck? If you did enjoy this, don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, as that helps me. Also, smash the like button. Smashing like buttons tells YouTube that you liked the video, and I will recommend it to more people, which means more people, watch more ads, means more money for me. If I get more money, maybe I'll finally be able to get a second Pop Dylan poster. Thank you all for watching. Bye-bye. |
Why is he ROASTING ME?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today I will show you how to deal with backhanded compliments and how to NOT deal with Phoenix Colossus openers! Also to all the Terrans: PRESS LIKE RIGHT NOW TO NERF TOSS NEXT PATCH!!!1!! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MqhMRqiOTdHllcWKILt9aSmAcV341VkCPGSAQE3EKsw Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/z4LeEQ1tB-E/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | z4LeEQ1tB-E | Dear Harston, I'm a big fan of your work. I owe this in particular, because this is the only thing worth watching on your channel. Wait, what? Kind of a weird backhanded compliment is that to start with? In my opinion, and in opinion of many Terrans of StarCuff community, TVP is the most unbalanced matchup in the days of modern balance. I think the reason of that lays behind mid-game army of Toss that decimates Terran without any effort. Consequently, if Terran did not get severely ahead or killed Tos in the early game, Terran player should just leave the game and stop wasting his own time, because Toss have freedom to do anything he wants in the most stupid way possible. This game is a good example of Tos just being slow, sucking at micro and multitasking, but still winning because he is good at abusing his race. Enjoy. So the question is, is it Inba or do I suck? Welcome back to a new episode. Alright, so what were the complaints? Well, the first complaint was that nothing except ILD is apparently is worth watching. And the second complaint was that the TOS is imbalanced. No use playing a longer game. It's a master's player, 4,400 from NA. So curious to see. What he's going to do here? Is there like my button? Depot first to start with. I also just going to have a quick look at the ProDOS. Now, whenever I think, of TVP. It is not an easy matchup, of course. Like, it's a difficult matchup for both sides. As a toss, you can feel like, no matter what you do, you're always going to lose workers to any type of harassed that the Terrant throws at you. It can be difficult to scout different things. Like, all of these things are always quite annoying to play against. You know, you get your Helion droves, your mind droves, your Banshees, Liberators, Battlecruz. And on the other hand, for Terrant can be hard to deal with Dark Templar drops or with an early oracle. Even things like disruptors in the mid or in the late game can be annoying or the charge lot of amos can be very annoying as well to deal with for Tarran players. So it's kind of a matchup that has two sides in that way where both players always struggling. You're a little complaining from both sides because Biddle minds feel so unfair and for the Tarrans, well, everything feels unfair for Tarrans because as long as Terran doesn't have 100% win rate, these guys are gonna keep complain seeing SCV Scout, sees a Nexus before Core. Terran opened up with gas first, slightly less economical. It's actually very rare to see SCV Scout with gas first. But, you know, it is of course possible. Gas first does indicate that this is going to be a fast attack, usually with factory units, because you sacrifice a little bit of your economy to get that faster attack out by about 15 to 20 seconds. So mine drop can hit it like 420, 418. If you proxy a star port, you can have a helion drop at like four minutes in your opponent's or even 355 if you're really fast. So you see the factory go down, reactor goes down straight after. And if you're playing barracks first into a Reaper, usually you'll see Reaper and then Marine. You simply don't have the gas to get the factory and the reactor. So that's kind of a big difference here. Second cache should be going down soon, most likely. Okay, he's going to get it on 23. Okay, here we go. See what this first reaper can achieve on the other seven laps shouldn't be too much Usually the first adept is going to be ready already there we go especially against gas first that's kind of a big deal majority I mean it's not going to be that big of a deal because it's just going to be out kind of ignores that Reaper that's an interesting move bunker with gas first is also something you don't see at all You don't have that much money already so investing in the bunker is kind of odd He's late with this swap. The Hellion should almost be out already. I'm not sure what he did, but... He messed up the build order completely somewhere because the Hellion should pop at about 304. And then this type of move is really not possible. Did the Reaper die? No, Reaper went back home or killed an SUV or killed a probe. So actually, I think what's going to happen here is that he opened with gas first so he has all the downsides of gas first uh and none of the advantages that's kind of like buying a calvin klein shirt you know and then not having the brand on it so it's really expensive the quality is the same as any other shirt and then you remove the logo of calving klein and it's just a regular shirt but you paid 15 times as much for it That's pretty much what like my button just did with this build. So he paid more for basically the same. As a absolutely fantastic. It is, it's liberator going to be late. These helions are laid. It's good to see that he's got his build orders down. And as he started with a backhanded compliment to me, I'll say that I like this build order, except the way you executed it. And I also don't like the build order. but I do like Helians so you know there's still some complement in there it's actually going to get damage done as well it is ridiculous it also is a little out of position but I guess four cars killing nine workers that's actually good for Terran usually so Terran's actually in a really good position right now workers I think should actually be even so it means that like my button hasn't been producing SUVs consistently if you kill nine workers I think at this point you should be at least even maybe even one or two workers a half. It's okay. He's still in a very good spot. He forgets his second and third barracks for quite a while already. He's getting mines to deal with any type of follow-up Phoenixes. Gonna lose a mine for free. It's not the biggest deal. I'm not gonna not gonna blame him for that. I'm actually also a thing usually when you play against Stargate is that you actually go into triple cc before triple barracks because a lot of the time it's really difficult to do damage with three wrecks against Stargate so what you want to do is you want to get a bigger army with one one upgrades later on and then just kind of take some map control and perhaps do a two-two push or a big one-one all in off of like five racks and with decent eco behind it something like that but straight three wrecks is really quite uncommon even though in this case I don't even mind it as much because he did so much damage the problem is that he forgot barracks two and three so this is kind of like trying to hit a timing but then basically building everything too late you know it's like doing an immortal all in and then forgetting your robot for two minutes it's like well you're immortal and it's like two less immortals at this point so everything is just going to be delayed like he's absolutely no units usually uh he only also only has 32 workers i guess he lost a couple but all right his lip is also doing damage it's actually good yeah his damage is fantastic he's not macroing at all and he's a supply block like his life depends on it look at this one That's a big one. Two. Is he going to build more? I always love it when people build like five depots at the same time. It makes me really happy. Okay, so he's about to hit. Usually you're supposed to hit right now with about 94-95 supply. Is it therein? Plus one done, done, stim, combat. I guess if you have four cars and open gas first, it's going to be a little later, but let's say seven minutes then. He's not even close to hitting at this point. He doesn't even have Madox out yet. This barracks doesn't even have a reactor yet. It's getting a second star port. Five wrecks? All right. Yes, yes, yes. So, I absolutely love everything he does in this build. Except all the Barracksus and the second starport. And also his macro is terrible. And I don't like his micro. So really I just like that he has a couple of mines over here. See what I did there, buddy? I can play the same game. I can play the same... How many mines is he gonna get? If you're dis-afraid of Phoenixes, perhaps you just build two cyclos and like two, three Vikings, buddy. Like, this is not the way. This really is not the way. Especially because his opponent is playing Colossus as well. Like, Colossus are really good against mines. Does he have any info about what his opponent is doing, though? And he knows it's a row away. Why is he building 11 mines? Wait, where did the starboard go? Did he cancel it? No, wait, this is so. No, never mind. I'm blind. This is peak performance guys, two starports. Both building a Viking age. Okay, here we go. He's adding the extra Vikings. But for a second there, both the starports are only building a single Viking. And that made me really happy. Another supply block, which this one might actually last till eternity. This one, it is possible that this one never stops. He's just not, what is this? It throws a depot on top of her. Still supply blocks straight away again. Builds two more depots. I love this. The best part is that he's not doing anything. So he really has no excuse, right? It's like if he was multitasking or something like, parent macro is so hard. Like he literally was just producing units. It's all he was doing from five racks to two starports. You just need to click like five different buttons every 30 seconds and he forgot to click one of them. This is absolutely fantastic. I love this. If you know you have the guys in the band with the triangle, you know, the ting, you have to play like once every minute. That's my boy, like my button and he forgot to do it twice already. He only has like five times he needs to play the thing. Ding, he already missed two of the five, or two of the three. We're not even at the end of the song yet. He's already missed this. So here comes a push. Okay. Let's just, let's do some analysis of this situation. Okay? Some analysis of this situation. Perhaps, you know, let's call it a midgame review. Ding da-da-da-ding, ding, ding, ding. A little bit of a mid-game review here. So what do we see here? We have 136 supply. We have eight Vikings, 12 mines, 44 essence. CVs, 24 Marines, 9 marauders. And we're hitting at 9 minutes and 31 seconds. Bit only plus 1 attack. No 1-1, no Ghost Academy, nothing. Absolutely just this is all there is. Now, if you compare this to the top players, you can see that sometimes they'll have 2-2 on the way already. Their supply is going to be way higher. They're going to have 66 workers. And they're going to have most likely more marauders and less mines. Because you don't want to get 24 Marines and 11 mines against Comossus. That's absolutely terrible. That's not what you want. Now, do I still think that, like my button, is going to win this fight and cancel the force base? Yes. I think that if he falls asleep in front of his keyboard, A moves. Wait, now he A moves, then falls asleep in front of his keyboard, then wakes up 25 seconds later. He's going to have killed this fort base and be ahead. But we're going to see exactly what is planet. So he has two MettaVex. It starts with a stim. He moves forward, moves back. Minds kill a single zealot. Loses his Vikings to all the stalkers while all of his bio is standing in the back. How does one Coloss survive? There was two Coloss, and you had eight Vikings. I don't think these units have actually done any damage whatsoever. I really wish we could see the DPS. of marines and marauders in this fight because he must have done like he just moved around for the majority of it. It's like bringing Usain Bolt to the war. Like all right guys we have a new asset and he can run real fast. Oh how's you with a gun? We're not sure yet but he can run real fast. It's like these guys in a nutshell. He's done... He can just... Miao... Meeong... It's moving real fast. He loses the fight. Against someone that went forward. base, Phoenix Colosses, losing workers in the early game, nine of them. Like, this should absolutely not be possible against the two base all-in. To be fair, if your two-based all-in hits at the same timing as most people hit their, hit their five-base-two timing, then I guess it makes a little more sense. But holy crap, my dude, what is happening over here? Second eBay armory going down. Okay, I dig it, I dig it. You know, this is something I can dig. So, I don't like your build. No wait, I love the way you've been playing, but... Really, the only thing you did right is getting the second eBay in the armory. The rest of it is pretty mediocre. Huh? Who's the mad dog now, bro? So... Funnily enough, Terran still is kind of okay. I mean, supplies are even... Upgrades aren't that far ahead of the... for the tools. He's gonna get two-two. It's getting two. getting storm, second robo is nice, seeing some liberated production, I don't mind the liberated production, fifth, six gas, should probably, I mean, he already had the infrastructure up from minute six, so it's not like he needs to add a couple more barracks or a second star port, he already has those things. He can just add a 4cc and pretty much go on with his day, which in my opinion, it's nice. Nice for him, you know, he's even pulling ahead in supply again. I have no clue how that's possible, but probably some macro issues, okay, only has five gateways to make some, sense. Now, how is his map control, his vision? He hasn't taken the tower once yet. He has no units on the map, spotting any type of army move out. Same could be set for the Toss, but actually, Toss has an observer. Toss has more vision. Nice. Oh, here comes a pushout, blind push out. So he just got blasted in a fight against the guy that was up to bases. Probably the play is to not move across the map to try and redo that, because you know your opponent had better eco and you didn't win the last fight. So, and your tech didn't improve. So really all you're doing is the same thing, except most likely your opponent is going to have more units than he did last time. And last time it already went absolutely awful. So here we see. Oh, stalkers Colossi Storm. More units. I scan. Hmm, it's going to be hard. Let me sacrifice my Vikings for real fast. There you go. Four Vikings for free. Now time to return back home. I'm not sure I would like my well-time quite know how the game works. Like maybe if I give him four Vikings, he'll leave the game. Bloodless starts moving across the map. This is a little bit unlucky for bloodless. I mean unlucky, he should have scowl it here. Now he might lose a fifth base. I mean, he's still up two bases, so losing one base is fine. The worst part is he might actually turn back home. If he just goes for the base straight here, I think he wins. Straight up. No? Oh wow splits off his army. I love that. It's gonna get one, two liberators here. Are we using any storms? Yeah, decent storms. Disruptor ball perhaps now. Okay. On the other side we have the army of bloodless. Let's see. Usain Bolt? No, actually doing some damage here. Jesus. Those are some big storms, but none of the disruptor ball. This was a good fight for bloodless, honestly, here. The other hand, this fight didn't go quite as hot, I do have to admit. I mean, Bloodless just have better upgrades as well. It's 2-2 here against 1-1, so it's just taking a fifth base on the other side. You know, he's kind of unfaced, bloodless. He split, kept his hat calm. It's like, all right, time to kill some workers. I guess it is pretty much it for like my button, right? Well, what else is there? Oh, maybe with this flank he can do something. Doesn't he have plus two yet? Yeah, okay, he has plus two attack right now. It's going to be able to clean up these stalkers with these marauders, most likely. Perhaps if he sends the zealots across the map or spend some of this money, wouldn't be possible but you know like my button will live to see another day and now this is a thing that Terrans do very often any other player of any other race right now would look at this situation and say hmm okay I lost 20 workers my opponent is still up a base and he's expanding again but I mean like my button there's no clue about it he had better upgrades than me better tech um his micro is better his brain seemed to be functioning What is this? I'm gonna just pass my... Why is he doing this rather than just mining from the natural? There's still plenty mineral patches. The good old long distance mining. Well, there's still a perfectly fine one right next to you. It's like having a water well next to your house, and then going to the one five kilometers further away. So why do you do it? It's the same water, well? I don't know. I saw like my button do that in a game of StarCrap Ones So here we are I lost my train of thought man This guy is in my head Alright the other races They look at this situation and go Alright this is over Perhaps I'll do a final attack And then I leave the game But Terrans always do this thing Where they stay in the game And then they pretend like it's still an even game And then when they lose in a game That goes past 15 minutes They go oh late game is impossible to win Oh yeah, you're down 40 supply, 20 workers. The fact that you're still staying in this game is a testament to how Guter raises defensively. Like, this should not be possible, my friend. Like, you did nothing right here. Still down upgrades? He's still gonna try, you know? Once again, like my button, it's like, huh? So I lost my entire army again. I lost my fort. He is way better eco than me. He's still better upgrades. Maybe another push out is to play, but he comes to his sense. He's like, you know what? No, that's not going to be it. we're going to do now is we're going to siege up, get a sensor tower at my third, another sensor tower at the fort would be great as well. I love the reaction times here. Let's see how quickly is going to be able to respond to these salads. I think rather fast. Yeah, yeah, this should be fine. No stim, there's no real hurry, of course. Money is for losers anyway. You don't want to get back to mining too fast. This toss is playing pretty well. I'm impressed with you, you bloodless. I'm good stuff, good stuff man. You're you're playing a good game here. Sixth base and everything. You just keep expanding, getting your upgrades. I'm not sure what the Voidre is, but you're my, you're my new best friend. Good job, buddy. All right. Like my button, still just relaxing over here. Pumpy-dump-dom no-cuh. Hello? What's a squad gonna do? Okay, it's gonna just transfer to a new base. You see? This is not even that bad. The thing that like my button should be thinking about is a sensor tower over here, planetary over here, more liberators than he can imagine, perhaps just spread one Marine over here, one Marine over here as well. You know, you have some vision in front of your bases. The double liberator on top of your own third base because you think you might be too slow to respond. I think that's a good play as well. He has been pretty slow to respond, so it's like, you know what, I don't trust my own reaction speed. Let's just do it like this. This is the equivalent of building like eight cannons in one of your bases because you're afraid of five zirglings. I'm a big fan of that always. So is my man bloodless, by the way. So a couple of weird dots on the mini map was like, I think I know what it is. Okay, so here, good scan, sees the entire army. And what you're going to do now is you're just going to... We actually lost the sensor tower, that's bad. Because you want to match the movement of your opponent. So if the opponent is here, you put the liberators here. If the opponent moves here, you put the liberators here. If the opponent moves there, et cetera, et cetera. You just make sure that your liberator always in position with your army behind it. In this case, the army isn't behind it. And like my Vatan, it's going to lose four liberators for free. A couple of disruptor balls. Going to hit the entire army as well. Okay. Now, this is one of those clear moments where in the Terran brain, you can only think, man, that looked really broken. he just walked into four liberator's hounds and killed them because in the Terran mind four liberators which is really not that high of a supply amount should be able to completely cut off this path from the toss from ever after should completely cut up this part from the toss from ever and i've had like a bunch of supply in there like that that should be safe right now but that's not that's not quite how it works i mean it's going to be fine for a little bit And if you have your army behind it, he can't just walk in. But yeah, if there's just four liberators, just going to blink in and one shot them. Like, that's just pretty much how it works. Then you tank, uh, tank four disruptor is with your head first. And I died. It's like running headfirst into a wall seven times and then complaining that you have a concussion. My friend, like the thing makes you the idiot, not the wall. I guess I'm not kind of how it works. Right, let me just grab the email again, right? He was a big fan of my work. I owe this in particular because this is the only thing worth watching on your channel. I remember that one. And the, yes, imbalanced. If Terran did not get severely ahead or killed toss in the early. Well, you did get severely ahead. You kind of did kill toss as well in the early day, my friend. So even in your own complaint, it makes no sense because you were really far ahead. It's just your follow-up was absolutely terrible. your micro in the first fight, I'm not quite sure what it was. Maybe some guys in the comments can have an explanation for that, but I'm not sure. So I'm just going to leave it to them. Then your follow-up is to try and attack again. You just keep sacrificing Vikings to the beautiful Protoss gods. I'm sure they're happy with it, but they don't really repay you in kind. I mean, this to us played a solid game. I really can't say to her. Like, I was like, well, all of his moves made sense. like it really was just you who wasn't making much hands five wrecks to startboard against phoenix opener really buddy phoenix colossus 12 mines what kind of defense is that get vikings get colossus or get phikings get uh cyclones there you go yeah it's it's not it's not it's not those that's imbalance my friends it is you that sucks and that is going to be it for today's episode of is it imba or do i suck if you did enjoy this episode don't forget subscribe to my channel it does help me a lot there's more videos like these over here as well don't forget the thumbs up and uh thanks all so much for watching see all next time bye |
IMBA PSI-BLADE BOIS and an apology | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Are YOU afraid of the dangerous Psi-Blade-Bois as well? Join our psi-blade-bois-protection-programm (PBBPP) RIGHT NOW by hitting the like and subscribe buttons so that our fellow superhero Poopman protects you! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MqhMRqiOTdHllcWKILt9aSmAcV341VkCPGSAQE3EKsw Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zYFo9SXcoxU/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | zYFo9SXcoxU | Dear Harstam, I'm a long-time Terran player, returning recently to the game in Legacy of the Void. I would consider myself a pretty decent StarCave 2 player, with a 70% win rate in TVT, a 57% win rate in TVZ. But Protoss is a completely imbalanced race, and thus my current win rate is only 33%. It seems like they have zealots in endless supplies, and with the changes to economy and meta getting charged on your zealot is no longer considered an investment. And Prodos players just get it before your first attack even hits. Let's couple this with the fact that Warpgate is a stupid imbalance mechanic that allows Prodos to make zealots literally anywhere on the map without actually planning ahead. You literally can't put on any aggression without having your expansions and our main flooded with imbalance sideblade boys. I hope you realize after watching this replay that I am 100% in the right here. Thank you, your biggest fan. Hero Dad. Hero Dad is a diamond player on Europe. Hero Dad, the hero boy turned into a hero dad. So you've become a father, that's beautiful. We see an 18 scout coming in, oh 17th Scout. That's very early. I think he might even be able to block a natural with that. Not entirely sure on that though. So you have a barracks on the way as well. looks like barracks gas for him. So pretty standard opener. Let's take a look at the Toss side. Breaking news, John. I'm sorry for breaking in right there, but we have Niels. We're right in front of the Harsdam residence here. And after last weeks, the Backel with the IOTIS in which the person who got roasted in the IOTIS didn't actually seem to be the person who sent in the replay. Harsom has been receiving backlash of this all week already. And we hear he is ready to give us a live statement. So let's get straight. into it. So do you want me to cry or just a deep sigh? And what do I say? Do I really have to do this? Oh, we're live? Um, hi. I'm really sorry for what happened to you, Alpha Blom man. It was not my intention to roast you. I thought you were the one who sent in the replay. I deeply apologize and I regret my actions and I will make sure this will never happen again. I hope you're happy with this apology. Thanks so much for your continued support. Yeah, we got it? Good. Wow, that was quite a statement indeed. If you don't believe that this guy is sorry, then I don't know what you will believe. Let's just hope that this fool won't do it again. because otherwise the pitchforks most likely will come out back to you John with a new episode of IHOres Real quick it's gonna be core first right no Nexus before core is completely fine as well on ice and chrome that's of course definitely doable now don't forget bonus points for whoever gets the Ursa doms on this map look at this this powerful creature guarding this he looks so Gary man. He is so cool. It must be a female Urshalom, of course. You can't quite see the gender. That's quite the Urshelon. Back to the game though. So the issue here is going to be charge lots, Warpgate. So I'm assuming some Prism harassed killed him. And then he got A-moved by Charg's Lott. Yeah, I'm definitely going to be looking forward to that. Reaper comes out here as well We'll be able to take out this probe Which is always helpful Of course taking out probes is one of my favorite hobbies as well when I play PVP Let's take a look at this build order This build order is looking pretty normal honestly I can't even complain about anything yet This is new, it's been two minutes and 26 seconds so far And I haven't really found anything that's like you know what This annoys me, why didn't you do this? But the gas timing seems okay. His reactor was a couple seconds late, but this is actually, so far, a build order. And I'm honestly a little bit surprised because this is diamond. And usually when I get the diamond replace, I get the replace, I'm not quite sure if what I'm seeing is actually a build order. He's floating a bit of money, which confuses me. He must have done something wrong. I feel like his factory might just be late. as well but that could be kind of wrong no starport goes down yet okay i dig it a bunker way too late for any purpose but also i can forgive it okay starport goes down it is a little bit late it is it is a little bit he must have forgotten the factory for a bit as well but once again you know these are things you can expect there's no major errors yet in this build so we're we're completely fine now he said putting on any type of aggression is impossible without getting salads in your base and you just get completely shut down basically that was kind of what he said forge for the tools a robo for the for the for the tools we have a couple of marines being built good SUV production so far once again my man hero boy uh it is showing us quite a decent game meta fact now usually when you play like this i believe the medevac finishes up at around to 420-ish maybe a little earlier maybe 415 or something like that this looks fine maybe it was 4 I can't remember my timings now always good in the world though yeah it's definitely supposed to be 4 it's supposed to be a bit faster but he's actually playing a build order right now barracks 2 and 3 should come down while you get the tech lapse on these buildings they already should have been going down actually should go down a bit before that. That way you can kind of swap them out. This can go build a reactor. You can also build a tank and a raven and then build a barracks at this point. Also completely fine, but he really does need to build the barracks. You see he's flooding 400 minerals. This just means his stim and combat shield is going to be extremely delayed unless he decides to do a one-one-one push with a lot of marines, a tank and a raven I guess, but that's not very common we also are not seeing an eBay and with this type of build okay here come the barracks usually what you get is um you you also get a third cc if you play like this type of heavy tank tank production and a raven i'm i'm just really confused what he's doing and he's doing a mine drop which i missed he kills 12 workers which is fantastic at this point in my mind the game is completely over like the if you're If you lose 12 workers as a toss, there's absolutely nothing in the world that you can do. That's going to make you win the game if you're on two bases. It's just technically not possible. So really, if he just hits a somewhat decent timing here, he's going to be absolutely fine. But I'm afraid it's going to be hitting a bit late. Usually, what you do is you hit at around 620 with Stim and Combat Shield. He's going to be starting his Tim and Combat Shield at around 620, I think. he's actually going to build a tech lab. He says, no. He's going to swap. There we go. Good job, buddy. And it's two things. So, yeah, this is going to hit extremely late. Let's just say that if this timing attack was his girlfriend's period, he would now be a father. Which would make sense because he is called Hero Dad after all. You're not still Hero Boy in this game, but after this game he probably became a father because holy crap, it's late. Like this makes absolutely no sense. Yeah, he should be hitting right now. He's just going to be like a minute and a half late. And this in turn is going to give the ProDos time to build up. Now, TOS still doesn't have a third base. He's still going to be down in army supply, in worker supply. Up in upgrades, though. Double eBay is not a thing when you're playing three wrecks. You're supposed to play single eBay. Whenever you play three wrecks, you play double eBay when you're playing command center or triple CC before barracks do and three. So pretty poor build order all around here. for hero boy who is actually going to be looking to hit with a one one timing with a decent amount of units at least he's going to have like four meta facts by the time he's hitting now not not building any extra meta effects now another trick you do is you rarely on your ramp usually in that case when a prism goes in you're very close no matter where it comes in if it comes into the natural you're close if it comes in to the main your close Oops. All right. That sure was interesting, but like I said, these units, if they're on the ramp, they're going to be able to deal with things like a prism. Really, just with anything. If I slow down the replay speed a bit too much. But that's okay. That's okay. We all make mistakes. Here comes the prism into the main base. Let's not pay attention to that as we have a beautiful fight here. No stim, no combat shield. The perfect anti-timing. Our Prodos player is still going to lose this fight because he's simply down 30 army supply. Meanwhile, these salads in the main base. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. How many times you think we can do this? And they're starting to hurt. Hello, Hero Boy? I'm just going to slow down a bit because, ah, okay. All the SDV dies, like, wait a second, perhaps, perhaps I should go. So once again, if this response was your girlfriend's period, you would now have two sons. Congratulations. You're a father twice hero boy. Hero dad, might I add. Now you have two kids. That's real nice. Scans a couple of times. Like, ah, bases, nice. That's beautiful. You just leaves his army over here. Upgrades finally finished, but now he can't really fight anymore because half of his army is at home, trying to deal with a prison. He has news for days, this guy. Holy freaking crap. Man, the last time this guy muleed, people still thought the earth was flat. I guess that joke doesn't quite work anymore these days. I guess the flat herders are coming back, but you know what I mean. It's been a long time since this guy threw down some mules. Like he could feed a complete continent with the money that he gets from these mules. There we go. Trows down four of them. That's good. Money is always nice. And he's still in a fine position. You see income is looking healthy. There's no third base for the TOS yet that is going up. Armory is too late. Upgrades won't be added. This is one hell of a worker split as well, by the way. We see complete oversaturation into the natural and no workers in the main. This is like, you're going to be a terrible dad. You have your two sons right now. And you go, you know, it's your birthday. You're going to have to split a pie in half, or at least what you believe is half. And I, I'm afraid that one piece is going to be slightly bigger than the other. He'll just go, oh, seems fine to me. One son's going to be real sad. And the other, the other's going to be real happy, my friend, because he gets the big piece. That one son that got the small piece is going to go into drugs. And then 10 years from now, you wonder, where did it go wrong? It was the moment where you put 24 workers on your natural and only seven in the main. That's what went wrong here, oh boy. That is what went wrong. I told you so. And you wouldn't listen. Now, you did manage to fix it now, so that's nice. These SEVs are taking the trip of a lifetime from the natural to the main to the third. You have decent army. So if you're in position at this point, or you just... Okay, it's going to deal with these salads. All right. This is a classic as well. Deal with a minor problem, so we can ignore the massive issue. Also floating, 1,200 minerals. So I guess that extra income wasn't really necessary. necessarily after all. No harass being done, no extra attack. Right now against this army, what you want is not Liberators and a Fusion Corps and a second Starboard. What you want is Ghost. Ghost absolutely hard counter the ever-living crap out of this army because it mainly consists of gateway units. Also, mines are really good against this. Like, you're crafting the perfect army for losing against Charcelot Arcom, Immortal. The only thing you could do is maybe add a single tank or something like that. But otherwise, you're actually probably doing one of the best jobs I've seen of crafting an army that gets countered by this. You also manage to attack once again while your upgrades are halfway done and you lose a fight in the middle of the map. This is just it's just fantastic. I love that probably you looked at this replay before you send it over and you went like this is the one. This is gonna change his mind. You know I've seen 50 episodes of this now and all these other guys they The problem with them is they just didn't make a very compelling case. But me, I played perfect. My first push, sure it hit without combat, without 1-1, without stim, but, you know, it was still a good push. My minds killed 12 workers in the early game. You know, you're like the kind of guy. Let me pass this. You're the kind of guy that makes a good joke once. We all have these guys, you know. They're not very funny, but they make a good joke once. They're laid at 9 the bar with your mate. Like one good joke. for the rest of his life, he's going to keep referring back to that great joke he once made. And after the third time, people are like, John, like, it was a good joke, but it's five years ago, you know, like, no one cares anymore. That's what you did here with the widow mines. You got 12 kills with the widow mines in the early game, and you're like, you know what? That was a great one. You're just going to keep going like, oh, I deserve to win this game. That's not how StarCraft works, buddy. You've got to make more than one good decision in your entire life. More than one good joke. So we got 110 supply for the Protoss, 81 for the Terran. I mean at this point you're dead. Like I said, you absolutely countered nothing. You might grow like a wet teaback. You lose your third base with... Actually you did lift at this time. So improvement of a kind. But yeah, you're completely... Does this guy have storm? No, it does have feedback though. You did very, very, very little right here, my friend. Once again, no mind. Once again, no mines. I feel like you had a factory though. Yeah, you do have a factory. It's not using it. Fantastic. And you do have 2-2. I think you could actually fight this now. If you micro. Oh, you're afraid of storm. And you don't have any meta-fax. I think if you micro this, you might be able to win. And you have really nice upgrades. So you're supposed to split or actually just go back here. Just need to keep running though. You can't let the Archons connect that easily. Yeah. All right. Never mind. Yeah, you get absolutely blast it. Well, please tell me you, Gigi. If you don't Gigi, I'm actually going to judge you very, very hard. I'm going to find your account on Battlenet and I'm going to flame you today from my barcode accounts. You're going to be confused who did it to you. So if your name is Hero Boy, you got a flame, then you know why you did it. Congratulations. You can leave as well, man. You have 40 supply against 113. Dyrrhushton My man, real quizette, man. This guy, if you're watching this, you're a real gangster. I love you, buddy. Hero boy, hero boy, hero boy. Oyo,oy. We've gone through so much together. You became a father, not once, but twice. You didn't micro, hit every anti-timing you could. Uh, forgot to take out the zealots in your main base, forgot to do an actual build order. Then you hit another anti-timing with 2-2. You lost your third base while dealing with three zealots in your natural, even though, don't forget, your buildings can literally fly. They can fly away. The only race that can actually save their buildings by flying away. way and you just let it die. My friend, Zealots are okay. You know, they're good at chasing armies, but your unit composition was so bad. I honestly don't know what to say. That is pure marine marauder, no widow mines, no ghost. You went into fusion court, double starport against an army that consists of pure Arconzellet. I love life and I love everything, you know, surrounding life. But you sometimes make me doubt my love for life because there's people like you just ruin it for the rest of us, which are complaining about things that you shouldn't be complaining about. Because you, my friend, didn't find anything in balance here. You just suck. And that's the reality of things. All right, that's going to be it for today. If you did enjoy this episode of Is it Inbao or Do I Suck? There will be more in the description below. If you didn't enjoy it, be sure to like my video, then I will try my best to make better ones in the future. Subscribe to my channel as well as helps a lot. We're almost at 40,000 subscribers. It would be great if we would be able to hit that before the end of the year. Thanks all for watching. See you all next time. Bye-bye. |
The WORST Lover in SC2-History | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Ultralisks are a fast way to the heart of any Terran's base. But is that really true love? Or do you have to be far more spontanious, like immediatly hitting that like button?! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MqhMRqiOTdHllcWKILt9aSmAcV341VkCPGSAQE3EKsw Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Kym7T3VGDHM/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | Kym7T3VGDHM | Hi Harsom, I want to show you my game against Broken Race. I destroyed his hatchery with my proxy racks, was harassing and doing a timing attack pretty much all game. And he still won, because he defended with Bealing printer and tacked up to Inba Ultras, so while he can just aim with his army, I need to micro as a pro gamer, like me. Isn't this unfair? Thank you, Alpha Blomann. P.S. I know that I should build ghost against Ultras, but I'm not Maru to go. control them all right alpha blomann 4.4k tearing player I think from America masters start with a proxy 3 racks since all of his works a little bit too early and place his barracks on 40 now I'm not the proxy rack master but this I haven't really seen before the the 14 14 14 I guess this is an extremely aggressive version of the of the three racks where you actually need to kill workers as well because you see only he's going to have 14 workers which means he's actually going to have a pretty bad time if this if he doesn't kill drones on top of the hatchery I think like you you can just I don't think you can cut this many SUVs and just be content with killing a hatchery but I could be wrong it's possible I've been wrong many times before I'm going to be wrong again and that is just the way it is Bim, bim. Some things will never change. So we see pool first from sanity. He's also going to get a roach warren. So probably I already had this plan that he didn't really manage to scout anything. It's a pretty old build order by sanity, but I can live with it. I dig it. And I kind of like it against this, honestly. If you would have gotten some lings early on, like two or three pairs of lings, this actually would be a free win for him. Now, funnily enough, even though he's going to be. rushing the roach war it's actually not that great for him it might you might think hey this is great it's going to get roach against marines but he's actually going to get the roaches a little bit too late so bunkers will be up already and hatchery will most likely fall especially because he only has a single gas so it's not going to be able to pump out three raveragers immediately i think it's just going to be like two ravagers actually he's getting a lot of gas fast maybe he will be able to pump out three ravagers immediately but i think the hatchery might be down already at that point this is a really bad call he should not be put in drugs but I'm here to criticize the other guy so let's let's stick to that shall we so you have continuous marine production or almost continuous marine production no SV production okay it starts now as well so gonna go up to slightly higher work account and at this point to me it's clear that alpha blombam is going to be able to kill this hatchery right so at this point what he should be doing is he should start probably gases and just have continuous SV production that's going to be to be the two main concerns for in here because right now at this point 304 minutes the game is pretty much done like for for the initial phase you know the initial phase is done it's like okay a single valve hit two marines and ac siv i didn't even know that was possible i bet alpha bloman had to try real hard in like the unit test map to make that work one has the way for me to get as much damage as possible. This is like one of those games. Like a carnival where you... Every game is a price, you know? Like sometimes the price is pretty crap. You get like a little Barbie doll or you get a stupid plushy, but at least you get something. Every single time this guy throws a bile. My mind, Alpha Blomman, just stands underneath it. So you actually stop producing workers altogether. all together. He lost two workers last time I checked. He's mining eight guys in the minerals and he has five on gas. I'm glad that he has units on gas, but he should have, he should be like 21, 22 STVs at this point, even with losing the workers. So you forgot to build like six, seven workers, I think. That's going to get command center. It should be getting a factory ASAP because you know there's going to be a counterattack, right? So you either want to be getting a banshee out or a quick cyclone. Some of the command center should be getting a factory ASAP. So you know there's going to be a counterattack right. So you either want to be getting a banshee out or a quick cyclone. Some. Some. So you're something like this. To me and probably many of you guys this is really, really obvious that you are going to need some type of attack. He builds the factory while he already has a hundred gas, extra. So he could have literally built it like 20, 25 seconds ago. Orbital does finish up. On top of that, he also sees that, I mean, there's a lot of ravager. So if I was him knowing, I'd probably build a bunker here or a bit further back. Just somewhere. just get a bunker to make sure that you can actually defend your ram. If, well, these ravagers eventually are going to be a breakthrough. So at that point you're going to most likely need a bunker. It's a tech lab. Okay. I wonder what he's going to get with this. Oh, maybe he wants to swap the two. That makes a lot of sense, actually. You should sell this bunker and run back home with the Marines at this point, most likely. I mean, there's not a lot to win here anymore for, for him an alpha Blaman. Oh, it's gonna actually get another ravager. That's nice for him. But from here and out, it's actually better to fight at this point, you know? Maybe you would be able to get one or do some damage to them. It's not like you running away, it's gonna delay him very much. Like, it's actually just gonna leave them alone. Anyway, so right now we're 22 workers. It's pretty much what we should have been last, like a minute ago. Because we have a tank straight coming up. I like that as well. Bunker is a little bit late, but so far, honestly, Except for the... For getting the SCV production, the game still looking pretty tight here for Alpha Blom-Mond. Right? He's up. Eight workers. He has a second base already. His opponent does not. He's scouting with a barracks. He sees absolutely everything. She's drones pop. So he's now, okay. Well, I know what this is now. Let's see what he's going to use this thing for. He's still only mining with two... two SUVs in gas. This is a pushback as well. This is honestly looks quite good for Alpha Blomon. Not really producing any SEVs anymore though for some reason. Oh, there we go. Starts at least one up again. Yeah, I like it. Liberator comes out now. You can use this Liberator for two things, either to harass the opponent because there's only going to be like one or two queens, or you can use it to try and push this guy away. But honestly, I think once you have two tanks, you can just kind of leap from your tanks forward and you should be absolutely fine, right? Like you can probably put one over here and then move down with your Marines or something like that. Like if there's one on the Yatch over here, you can put one over here as well. It should be completely fine. Seems to be exactly what Alpha Blommon is going to be doing and I like that. I think it's actually good moves. I'm trying to touch some Bileshots. Hello. Can you see this one up, Chief? There we go. I think Alpha Blomond so far, except for a few small errors like the slow transition. Yeah, it's actually playing a pretty decent game. get a third cc as well it's going to get a nice little supply block all of that is kind of okay the most important thing for him here is that if he gets this base up just starts mining and then he does some counter pressure right like he has a he has a pretty nice lead at the moment in in units at least so he should be using that real quick so i don't like this liberator too much i think the first one was fine for harassment if he would have used it. But instead it's just idling over here. This is when the shift click can come in handy sometimes. You can just shift click things up. It's gonna do some damage. And he still has a way better army, right? I would love to see a couple of metaphax being produced now for the next move up. Now at this point, if you're Alpha Blommann, you have three tanks and 15 marines. Stim is about to be done. You probably just wanna move across the map and kill your opponent. Or at least gonna be forcing a lot of units. Like the only thing you can really build roaches and lings and you have marines and tanks so generally that's that's a good that's a good fight for you especially if there's no upgrades for alpha blomen also has no upgrades right now we have 74 supply against 30 46 triple cc against well a third hatch sets later there's still some harass going on i mean this guy's been absolutely godly Let all the damage, I was going to die to a spore. Absolutely the best though. You know, I'm not going to cherry pick like that. We see a pretty big lack of SUV production here. I'm not a fan of this. Is he aware of the spire? Yes, he's seen the spire. We're seeing an eBay come up. No double eBay, which confuses me. Definitely should be double eBay. One SUV, two, three SUVs in production. There we go. This is what we want. Probably want to start getting some turrets out as well. um, throw on a couple of mules. Yeah, exactly. And get our, go up to five barracks at this point. That's going to be the main concern here for Alpha Blommann, who by the way, said he was harassing constantly. I'm not sure if that one Liberator counts as constant harass. And the timing push, I really haven't seen a timing push from him yet. But we're going to keep that in mind. You know, the timing push and the constant harass, as my man, Alpha Blombon said. Um, should, should really be fine. He's still not building work. And he's still really far ahead, but a lot of the time what happens in lower level games is that people get ahead in one thing and then they completely stop doing the others. It's a bit like, and then they think they deserve the win. It's a bit similar in relationships, you know, where very often it's guys who do this. They'll buy flowers like once or twice at the start of the relationship. And then whenever the girl was like, man, you never, you never do anything spontaneous for me. They guys are like, you remember in early 2012 in March, I bought I bought roses for you, a bouquet of flowers. It was like, yeah, it's like 10 years ago, dude. That doesn't count anymore. You need to, you know, you need to keep going. And that's kind of what my man, Alpha Blomann, is doing here. He's bought roses once this game. and his girlfriend has given birth the seven kids since then they haven't gone out to eat once together he hasn't even told her that he loves her that's what Alpha Blomann is doing and now he's confused why his his relationship is falling apart oh my friend it's time to buy some roses tell your girlfriend you love her very important Alpha Blomann also in Starcraft of course you need to keep going man. You can't just trust on one thing to do. Like he's still ahead but you need to continuously be making moves. You can't just stop building SUVs for five minutes and then hope that you're still ahead. No, that's not how it works. One good move in a game isn't going to win you most of the time unless it's a very good all in. That's something you have to realize alpha. That's something you have to realize. I've been loving the timing attacks we've been seen from Alpha Blombone as well by the way. This is the classic loose three three tanks to to seven Mura Lisk. It's a good timing. It's really one of the classics. I once bought a book in 2012 called Classic Timings in StarCraft 2. And losing three tanks to eight mutas at the 11 minute mark is one of the first chapters there. So I'm glad to see Alpha Blomann knows his classic literature when it comes to StarCraft. Here comes some of that constant harass once again. So we had one liberator at eight minutes. Now we have one. Liberator at the 11 minute mark. He's really pushing the boundaries of what is humanly possible when it comes to multitasking, being aggressive in the game. I'm very very impressed by him honestly. Alpha Blomman is showing me things that I didn't know were possible. So there's like 11 mutas out at this point. Now something that's nice to do against Muras is to have a dedicated force to just deal with the mutas and you put them in the least defended base, you use, usually the main base. You put like eight marines and a medevac here and eight marines and a medevac are going to be able to deal with like literally 15 mutas. Like you will die if there's 15 mutas but you're going to kill like seven or so. That is a classic. Pretending like you can't see if you're shooting. Nice. Take a look at unit loss. Unit loss is pretty even. We actually for some reason have sanity kind of coming back into the game. 52 workers. actually continues upgrading. Alpha Blommon has a pretty decent army size, but these upgrades are very slow. Only play single eBay. There's no armory on the way, no second eBay. This upgrade is about to finish up. Here come the eight mudas. These guys have been keeping Alpha Blomond at home, right? Like Alpha Blomon really hasn't been doing anything except for that one liberator. Turret goes down. Another supply block. Take a look at this reaction time. I don't want to deal, send a meta-hack to deal with these muir, no, no. Send in the SEVs. They might be able to repair these muralists out of the game. A sacrifice to desert gods, so to say. It's absolutely brilliant, my friends. This never worked for anyone in history, as it. I know the timing push. And this timing push is hitting harder than some I've seen in my time. Mine's in the back, not going to be participating in the fight until it's over, most likely. Oh, decent mine hit. It actually was a nice couple of mine hits, but... I feel like the micro might have been a little lacking there. There was no real tank support either. I'm not the biggest fan. All of a sudden, Alpha Blombman actually is behind. I have no clue how this happened. This is switcheroo of a lifetime. Units lost. He's far down. A bunch of units in the main. It's making sure right now that at least the main is protected. Alpha Blomann really is good at the tunnel vision. He's the king of tunnel vision, you know. Okay, alright, the problem last time was in the main base. So if he comes to the main base this time around, I think I'm gonna be fine. However, the natural... Oh, yes, I'm in the natural. And the third. His tank is a little exposed, but... Yes, he has some units everywhere. Let's see how my man Alpha Blomond is going to deal with it. Okay, armory gets stopped, which is annoying because the upgrades are going to get really, really important this game. in this game once two finishes, ultra less cavern on the way, you know, then you know you're, it's important to get the upgrades. Like right O, big link vein run by. So this is the reason why usually you leave the main army at the, at the third base, and you have the small squad to defend the main base. Basically, the ground units can just teleport into the main base, but the mutas can can bounce. So the only threat to the main base is the mutilisks. lings can't be a threat there. So you don't need to have marauders and six metaphax in the main base. That is not extremely useful, usually. Basically what Alpha Blommann just did, imagine if you have a house and you have a small tool shed next to the house. And in the tool shed, there is a hammer and there is what more than a tool shed? Nils. A hammer and nails. It's a terrible tool shed. And what Alpha Blomann does is he defends the toolshed with the newest security system. The Marines, the marauders, the mines. And then he has his massive villa in which he has golden bars. Because Alpha Blomann is a wealthy man. I mean, he's doing timing attacks the entire game, constant harassment. This guy has to be rich. But the house with the golden bars, you know, he only has a cat to defend it. Then his golden bars get dropped and he goes, oh, how is that even possible? How is that even possible, Alpha Blomann? Especially with the constant pressure you're putting your opponent on there. That does sound a little bit imbalance, doesn't it? I'm feeling it as well, Alpha Blomann. 36 workers, by the way. He's been doing a good job not producing those for a while now. He's lost 24, but so has his opponent. Did he scout that there's a hive? No. He really has scouted nothing. He also... Oh, this armory. Can we get a little timer of when this armory gets stopped? Because I can't quite remember. I want to say it was somewhere around 14 minutes, but that's a good timing. Oh, solid move command into the opponent's army. Always gets me going a little bit, at least. Just slow down the replay. Nice one, okay. This jerk is actually controlling his units very, very well. I like that. Detonates all the mines. Goes in. Oh. And the balings connect. Alright. There's an ultra as well. Clean up duty. Clean up an idle too. As a... Oh. Well, very unfortunate. And you might be thinking, how does this zergs survive under a constant aggression? I mean, we've seen a liberator at the 8 minute mark, a liberator at the 11 minute mark. I think we saw a pushout with like 12 marines and 3 mines and a marauder at like 12 or 13 minutes. And now another attack at 16 minutes? Like how does the Zerg even manage to get up a drone count this high when there's... Like, this Zerg only has like 4 minutes to take a breeder in between attacks and harassment? How is it possible that he managed to push this out? That's what Alfa Blondman is thinking right now. Armory, oh, finally being rebuilt, this guy's a hero. I can't wait to see the eBay start working immediately, because that's definitely what's going to happen. Actually losing a planetary to lings. Nice. Man, these milas have been absolute heroes. I guess he rebuilt them a couple of times, eh? 80 muras have died, yeah, they've been rebuilt a couple of times. Oh, there's another counter. Oh, this is a base trade scenario right now. What are we seeing here? Alfa Blonde 1. Not ready for the base trade. But these are some nice units on the other side of the map. Sadly these units are literally cavemen fighting with sticks. Well the other guys are... You know, right now they have swords and they're... They're actually researching the gun technology. You see 3-3 Chateness play thing. My man still has 1-1. Armory finished finally at the 18-minute mark. Single eBay not researching though. And here I take another great position and my mine shots absolutely destroyed. But I have one ultra. Sure the Ultra might have five better upgrades than me and my army consists of pure Marines, not even a single marauder, but I should be allowed to win. I kill this hatchery with my tree racks. You ever laugh so hard? It's almost a sneeze. Like this was... This is so sad. This is a sad story, 2,800 gas, so. If it was a prolos player, you could warp in a lot of high temp. I actually still have a chance in this game. But because he's Terran, I'm not too sure about it. My man's sanity just keeps expanding. Alright, I think I could take a sixth base. Alpha Blumen trying to resecure his third, meanwhile, 24 workers. Oh no. Two more Marines. Yeah. Keep them coming. You don't actually need ghost if there's six ultras. I mean there's no creep though. There's nothing to keep this army in place. If you just get a lot of marauders, it can be okay. You don't need the microbeck. I mean, it just doesn't have enough stuff. It's 3-3. Hey. How can I lose this? Sirk is really broken. If you go over the game in Alpha Blomonstadt, three wrecks, perfect execution, kills the natural. Sure, he forgets to produce SUVs for a bit. Sure, the gases are a bit late. Sure, his transition isn't great. I mean, hello, I kill the natural. Afterwards, insane harass with the liberator. Actually gets a good amount of kills. Then another liberator shows up, only three minutes later. while during this time by the way alpha blomond completely decided to give up on SVV production or infrastructure in general he loses like three tanks and seven marines to six muras which I didn't even know was possible but he managed to do it then the constant aggression he throws at his opponent is in alpha Blomond's head absolutely insane but in reality he got cleaned up pretty easily the one push that he did at like the 12 minute mark what more was there really well he just constantly He forgets to build SEVs. There was no upgrades. He just keeps to buy his wife roses. That's really the issue there. He did it once. And then he's like, you know what? This game is mine. I'm here to collect my MMR points. That's not how it works. Alpha Blamon. That's not how it works. You're fighting with Pure Marine against an Ultra Army with literally 3-3 upgrades. There was adrenal done. But you didn't even know that Hive had started. The last time you saw anything of your opponent was with your second liberator. You had no map control, no map vision. There was like seven mutas that literally killed an entire base. Well, not literally, figuratively killed an entire base. Everything you did this game was actually awful. Like, from start to finish, there was no constant pressure. Like, you didn't harass any of the outside base. You didn't drop once. I think the worst thing you did was dealing with the mutas. So that's the thing. that got me the most is just seeing seven mutas fly around while your entire army is just a fkking at your third or your entire army is afk in your main base and then he attacks your third base with like 12 lings and a couple of baylings and just kills everything you my friend are not only a bad lover you also suck really really bad and that's a fact oh i forgot to press this thanks everyone for watching i'll be did enjoy this fantastic episode of is it in Bauer's Do I like this? don't forget that I also have a second channel where I post high level StarCraft 2 cast every single day YouTube to com slash harsdomcasts please check it out and I forget smash like on this video and subscribe here so it helps me a lot it really does please do that or I will come and find you and you don't want that I'm not as funny in real life bye bye |
These Are NOT The Shades You Are Looking For! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | The imperial Roachtroopers really showed their incredible precision once more! Surely they will get an own TV in their rooms of the Swarmstar for this heroic deed! Smash like right now your next waiter/waitress will gain their precision and flood your whole table with applejuice! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MqhMRqiOTdHllcWKILt9aSmAcV341VkCPGSAQE3EKsw Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/NMyg5xlrnFE/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | NMyg5xlrnFE | Hello Captain, I'm an up-in-coming Diamond Zerg showing immense talent. Some of my friends even call me Cyril Jr. However, ProDos is just too imba for me to make it to the big leagues. The 4-Gated Depp with War Prism is just so broken. I don't know how it hasn't been removed from the game yet. Adepts can just teleport around your base on repeat, with seemingly zero cool down. After you finally think you've recovered, the shimmery boys just waltz into your base, wreaking havoc. Immortals are OP versus roaches, and ravagers are just weak. please help Kidder Kit. Alright, Kid or I will refer to you from now as Cerell Junior or Junior. I think Junior is just fine. So the claims here are going to be Forgate Glaive Adept is too good. The shimmery boys, which I assume to be either High Templar or Dark Templars, both of them shimmer a bit, are also too good. Roaches, I mean Immortals are O-P versus Roaches and Revedgers are just weak. Just weak, you guys. So that's four claims right there. I'm going to be able to remember probably a solid 25% of them. So I will be focusing on the claim for now that the Furgate Glave is too powerful. Now, Forgate Glave is a good build. It's a build that has been used a lot in the past few months. I made a guide on it, a couple of months back as well. I absolutely love this build. I think it's a good build order. It puts in a good spot against the Zerg, but there are certain responses from the Zerg, which have been pretty well figured out over time, as is usual, if a new build becomes really popular. And the way to respond to it is, I've alluded to this before, is you stay on a single gas with a crap ton of lings. You get a spine at your third base, and then you get a roach war at some point. They start producing roaches from a single gas. You have a lot of lings, five queens, and once the roaches are out, it becomes pretty easy to actually deal with the adept. So first of all, we're going to check how the response of Kidder Casor Jr. is against this Forgate Clave. And we're also just going to take a look at his unit movement, his overall drone count and his follow-up responses, basically. That's going to be the main goals here. So far, it's looking pretty tight. I mean, he's a diamond player. This looks all fine. He knows how to play the game. His opponent, who almost messed up the build order. It's still messed up the builder. He almost messed it up and then did mess it up in the end. But that's okay. We're not focusing on him for now. And it's actually not the biggest of deals with this build, a complete order of buildings. You can randomize it a bit. So, this first adapt is gonna be too late. I guess this is a Nexus Earth or something. I'm not sure. It doesn't look like it. You just forgot to build an adapt. So our man Jr. gets the scout in, sees the lack of a pylon. I saw the second pilot over here, so he knows the only location for tech could be here. Decides to just let the tech be, what it is, goes into the main with four adepts or four lings and no defense. Decides to just walk out again. Yeah, he should be scouting. Okay, yeah. He could have done this with a single or with two lings earlier, but I mean, this is kind of okay as well, right? He gets the information in the end. He knows it's the Twilight Council. There's no about the robot follow, but I think he can kind of guess it. So the best response here would be is to drone up to 44, 45 maybe in this case, because everything seems a little bit late from the toss side. Then just start producing lings, five queens, roaches, you got your one guess. Okay, well, this is a mistake. But if you have the natural on the natural rather than it being blocked, this actually is kind of okay as well. I don't even mind this too much. It's poor. I am not entirely sure of. he saw the complete lack of a dark shrine at like 3.30. Dark shrine takes 71 seconds, which it hadn't even been built yet, if it ever is going to be built. So that's at least, what, 70 seconds, would be like 4.40 when your spores need to finish, not even adding the warp in time and then walking. So like at five minutes. So this spore is way too fast. This port is way too fast. By a solid 30 seconds and it's a small thing, but it's still a detail that does matter. How the hell did this guy get here? Wait what? Is there a prison? How did he get here? There's no walls? Now I'm curious. This is all fully walled? This is fully walled? There's no prison? What the hell? This is way more interesting than the rest of the replay. Let's go back. I want to see this. The rest of the replay can suck it honestly. What magic trick did this guy use? Where's your stalker mate? Oh, he warped it! Well, it's slightly anticlimactic. I'm not gonna lie. He really got me good for a second. I didn't know this could reach. That's ridiculous. Alright, sorry. I just absolutely mesmerized by this stalker. I thought I saw a magic trick happen in front of my eyes. I once had a guy do this with rope while I was eating at the Ike. with my parents. When I was like seven or eight, this guy had many tricks with the rope and he did make it go together and go apart. And I remember it, wait, what is this? Oh, there we go. And I remember just being extremely mesmerized by how to do it and he just wouldn't tell me this guy. Like, why would he come up to my table, show me all these tricks and don't tell me how to do it? That's a weird flex as that to do. That's a problem with magicians. I got a guy in high school with it as well. Came up to me a deck of cards and then start doing tricks and not explain. how they were like I didn't ask for this but at least if you're gonna trick me explain to me how he did it absolutely ridiculous magicians I love man this stalker is great I love this this is a big play now remember what I said about the proper response to this was going to be single gas roaches even without a layer but honestly this hits so late that I don't even mind that he has a layer but there's no lings he only has four roaches at the six minute mark. He has no clue where the prism is coming from exactly. So he needs to respond now. Eight adepts in your base. So a couple of things that are wise to do is probably to pull away the drones. Even if it's only temporary, yeah, this is a good move. Yeah, this is exactly it. You don't even send them here, you just send them to the site. And then once the adept shade out, it's all good. You see the adapt shade, you split off half of your army to go there. Otherwise, If you send away your whole... He's attacking the pool. I'm not a massive fan of that move, but it is okay. So so far the defense hasn't been brilliant, but it hasn't been too bad either, right? We mainly see some poor control here from the Toss as well who is focusing too much on roaches. Okay, yeah, come on guys. Let's keep our head in the game. Let's keep our heading in the game. Yeah, there come the roaches. You split up your army, perhaps? No? Just keep... keep running in one ball. All right. We're just going to be following the roaches. I mean we'll see the worker count go down. So. Here, here. No. Guys, hello? Are we paying attention as well? Don't split up. Yes. Oh, oh, oh, here come. Oh, gone again. Oh, come on, guys. Do the other side. Right now we have 21 roaches against seven adepts, perhaps a 7-7 split in every base or just half splits. One following the shades. Oh, there we go. We're following the shades. Good. job guys come on come on come on here we see follows the shades for the first time kills all the adeps I wonder if you realized that this was the that this was the trick you know that perhaps the movement wasn't too brilliant here or do you think we're gonna see more of the the previous movement where he moves his entire blob of roaches to one side that's like oh crap he shaded to the other again here once again we have the roaches oh one massive blob here we go guys cancel no finishes If only there was a way to deal with four adepts if you have 30 roaches. Like my friend, my grandma has more fluid movement than you have and she's 90. Like just split your units. It's really not that difficult. It really is not that difficult. Adepts finally do get semi cleaned up. Except for these four, I guess. Here comes Roachman again. He's still building drones, by the way. It's a fifth base or fourth base already. Plus one is done. Like, please cancel, yeah. Hmm. Hmm. What is he doing? He thinks they're in the prism. Oh no. This is like a guy getting tricked by the coin behind their ear for the 20th time in a row. I got a freaking coinette. He keeps feeling his ears again and again. And the magician isn't sure if he's still like, if the guy he's talked to is an actual idiot or if he's the one being tricked. It's like this guy with the adepts, like I know he has 35, like he's 37 roaches and I have five adepts. Like does he not know that the coin is behind his hair? Like it's just in my hand and then I pull it away. They're like, man, must have so many coins behind my hair. No, my friend. Like, imagine being a drone and these are the guys in charge of defending you. You're working your entire life, mining minerals. Just once in your life, you want something like, this guy is absolutely pooping his plans. He's seen all his brothers die while the guards just stood there, like looking around where the shades went this time. Like, just split guys where with 40, like, It can't be this hard. These are the absolute stormtroopers of this game already. Like they don't hit a single shot. He's still not in a terrible spot. Like he needs to do some damage now, but he has plus one. He's up like 30 army supply. There's nothing here for the Tulse who already is taking a forward base as well. Like this game is completely over, actually. Yeah, this is actually a game. I was supposed to desert. yeah this is i mean in okay in so i guess in theory this is his game right he's up 60 army supply and upgrade this base is completely undefended this base is completely undefended this base there's an immortal and a war pin it's sometimes a bit tricky to get into to to walk up into ramps like this so i'd actually suggest killing all the workers for free like if you think of the rewards at the end of the trip here right so basically here, this isn't too difficult to break, but let's make it a bit extreme. So here you have, you have climbing Mount Everest. And at the top of Mount Everest, there is a suitcase with $100. And the other thing is, like, you need to walk to the park. And not even to the park. You need to think about walking to the park. And there's a suitcase with $150. And this guy decided to climb Mount Everest. It's like, I'm not sure if that's the play, my friend. Like, I'm, I'm actually, not sure if that's the play. Well, I know that's not the play. So you lose all of his roaches. He did manage to equal up the worker count not because he killed workers, but just because he's been building drones. It's building an infestation pit as well. He decides that plus two perhaps isn't necessary as... Is plus one finished like a sort of four minutes ago? I love the oversaturation as all. That's a big play. They work harder when they're together, guys. them drones okay prism falls up 60 army supply still so perhaps oh the ravagers are out and here okay shivory boys are gonna be dark shrines I guess or the dark templar dark shrines four dark shrines on the ravagers just moving across the map uncontested I'm not gonna I don't yeah no roaches with it just ravagers I love it This is the first time he split his army when he's attacking. It's brilliant. Who attacks with 11 revergers and leaves 23 roaches at home to defend against nothing? He just literally gifted his opponent like 2,200 resources. Like here you go my friend. I guess he's not going to lose all of them. This is actually the sick... What? That was a beautiful move. I love that. Guys, we've escaped. Alright, let's go back. Oh man, if this guy was in prison break, the show would be way worse. We made it out of the prison guys and then he just knocks on the front door again. Can I be let in? Oh no. Oh, that would be a terrible show. Junior, what are you doing here? Wait, did you... Did you just attack your own roach? So some high-level cannibalism? Okay, this guy, what's this guy doing? Hi, Chief. It's my soul mate. There he goes, turns around. Um, where was I with my brain? I had a great analogy coming. It's okay, it'll come back later. Plus two finally on the way. Builds a bainling nest. No upgrades for bainlings, though. workers, 1800 in the bank, up 60 supply. So even though his entire early game was executed by someone who seems to have a single-digit IQ, he still is in a pretty decent spot. Oh yeah, I was wondering who his friends are and how they think he is Cyril Jr. Like if this guy is Cyril, then, like I have no clue what I'm going to be but I'm a lot better than this guy with my assert. What is this movement? He just walks through immortals. The recall? To the 4th. Oh, to defend. Okay, yeah, I like that. That was a good move. Yeah, that was not a bad move. So what do we have here? Yeah, just entire... I mean, Immortals, I'm sure, are extremely strong if you never attack them. Like, he actually has doubled the army supply. I'm not saying, you know, I think he actually could win if he just fought with his entire army against the entire army of the other guy. The thing is, he never seems to do that. He didn't split one time in the early game, and now that he doesn't need to split anymore, he keeps, like, only standing in half his army and just move commanding through immortals, which is absolutely bonkers to me. I don't even understand why he would do that. Like, in what world is that a good play? He's still maxed. He's transitioning now. Plus three could start. He's on Hive, right? Yeah. New Stage with Hive. Lurker Dan. Sixty-one workers. Or 63. I mean, he could build a couple more, but he could also just fight for once. Like, the thing with roaches, they get so much worse, right? After a while and you just need to use them. Like, the moment you hit maxed or you hit a good power spike, like you just got to start using them. Like, you can multitask. There's no defenses here. You can send three. here, three here and then your main army kills this base. Or you could walk up a tiny ramp without any vision, luckily managed to get up and then start fighting into immortals. Like this actually could be a pretty decent fight. The way you want to be fighting this is you want to be stutter stepping forward to kill immortals. What you don't want to be doing is right-clicking this while there's a bunch of immortals on the right side. Or attacking with a what is this move? Oye, there's 12 detees, let me just warp all my units into reverber so they can't fight anymore. Oh no. Oh no. The glimmery boys, the shimmery boys are just wreaking havoc in my bases. The adepts destroyed him, the immortal's own roaches. And then he doesn't have detection. No detection. He still has the spores from early on. Sport was built at the three minute mark. These sports are like the guys that comment first in the YouTube section. I know there's a couple of you do every single time. I absolutely love it. And spores are the same. These are your soul brothers friends. You guys saying first. The best part is there's going to be a couple of guys in this video saying first and they're going to hear this later on. They're going to feel a little bit ashamed of what they did. That's okay. I'm glad you are. Like this absolutely has to be one of the worst losses and the thing that pisses me of is is if you think back of what he said is he said that Glaive adepts and then Immortals was it? Oh no no Gigi no Gigi no Gigi Oh no, a rookie mistake. Cyril Jr. without the Gigi. I see adepts can just teleport. Shimry boys just waltz into your base. Immortals are OP versus roaches and ravagers are just weak. All right. This guy, imagine you have these people that work for the firefighters. And they have to investigate why a fire started. If Aram and Cyril Jr. here was one of those guys. like the fire inspectors, we would be in for one hell of a rough time, honestly. Like, he'd find like a handful of mattress and a can full of gas. And you'd be like, huh, perhaps it started with the microwave. It's like, mate. Like, this is arson, like this, the guy is over there. He's like two cans of gas sneaking up. It's like, yeah, I think we should definitely investigate like this, this weird looking sandwich here. It might have caught fire in the oven or something. and I say, mate, that's not the reason. Like, the reason you lost is not the glaver death. Like, you have no clue. Like, the reason you lost, hey, you move like an idiot and you never split your roaches. Why? Why? Why don't you just split your roaches for once in your life? You only start splitting your army. Once you're up 70 army supply, you could just right-click probably his nexus and kill it. You went into his natural when his third was completely open, his fort was completely open, and his army supply literally consisted of an immortal and four stalkers he just worked in it was like 12 like five stalkers you just maybe had like a salad somewhere or prison I don't care like it's actually insane the opportunity you had to win this game were so big for the entirety of the game even though you lost 35 workers duel but seemed to be like 10 adepts while you had 35 roachers like I was going to complain about your build order being bad and it is bad like it sucks I already give you that and then on top of that you still had enough units to deal with his pressure. He had 37 roaches to deal with seven adepts. And you managed to always be at the base where he wasn't. Like, you could literally hold position 10 roaches in each mineral line, and it would have been fine. Like, that's not a way to defend this, but it still would have been better than whatever abomination of a defense you just did. Then to follow up, you never scouted, like not once. You had no clue what he was doing. you're just, and you kept building rogers and raverages. You were floating like 4K resources. You forgot your plus two. You never had an overseer with your army. And then in the heat of the moment, as you were getting killed by DTs, you morph your entire Roach army into ravagers. And then you left without GG. Because this somehow was in balance, man. This is nothing to do with imbalance. You're just ultra bad. Oh wait. You suck. I forget. up the premise of the show for a second. Like, the things you've done to my brain here is like, incomprehensible. I have no clue what happened, but I have difficulty thinking normal thoughts. If this lingers for the rest of the day, like I'm, you're in trouble, my friend, you're in trouble. I'm seeing you in court. Like, this is actual brain damage you caused to me. And you didn't even have to be in the same room. Like, I absolutely pity the people right around you. your friends your family man that must be rough what a roast what a roast and what a time to hit that like button right now don't forget to smash it or uh johnny recco will come and build spines in your natural thanks everyone for watching i hope you did enjoy it don't forget to hit that subscribe button up there there more videos in the boxes that my editor made the time some time ago that's cool see you all next time bye bye I'm |
DIVING into the IMBA Tank Push | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | We didn't know yet but let's be honest; The Beatles already predicted the unfairness of tank pushes on this map with their classic song Yellow Submarine. I mean, what else would they have meant? So crash your submarine right into the like button right now and use the subscribe button as a lifebuoy so that Pamela Anderson can fish you out of the throbbing cold water right now! (We also have Zac Efron in stock if that fits you better ;] ) If YOU want to file a report use this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MqhMRqiOTdHllcWKILt9aSmAcV341VkCPGSAQE3EKsw Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gTOMlIvQ6A8/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | gTOMlIvQ6A8 | Hi Kevin, I have something a bit different for you today. We already know that Terran is in balance, so no need to beat the dead horse on that one. But, I believe the map submarine is even more imbalanced. The insane short rush distance, super open third base with a tiny ramp to high ground, I've only gotten two base pushed on this map. Now this guy decides to push with five tanks off two base and a crazy amount of bio. How is it possible on this map to hold such a push when I know it's coming, but he can arrive instantly and set up an insane position. I got Arconnes and Charged Lot out quickly for the push, but it just wasn't enough. Master 1, 5K MMR, N-A server. Thanks, Lone Wanderer. And here we are in the game. With my friend, Lone Wanderer. All right, Lone Wanderer. Now, let's have a look. So you already assume, you assumed that Terran is overpowered. I can live with that, you know, for now. We're just going to assume what you said. And then afterwards you say that the map is broken. So you say the third base. What did you say exactly about the third base? Third base with a tiny ramp to high ground. I mean, this isn't really that tiny, but... I think he's taking the wrong third guys. Okay, so this is not the right map to take because, well, there's an insane high ground with a ramp there. This base is way easier to keep. I'm not even sure how he thought that this was the correct third base, but that's irrelevant for now as we're just going to have a look at his opener, see what he does exactly. what he does exactly. And then from there and now, we'll see if, A, if Terran is overpowered and B, if tank pushes are too good on this map. Submarines are a difficult map to play. I'll give him that. I don't like it too much against Terran myself. I still think it's better than some of the maps, but it really, it could be worse, honestly. So we see him building one too many probes. You're supposed to get 20 Cybercore, 20 Nexus, 20 pylon, and you piss off back with your probe. You start a probe and then a simulator at 21. Now it's going to happen is he's going to build a pylon probe while you forgets this probe and then you're supposed to build an assimilator after but Yeah, I don't know it's not it's not great if you have your cybercore in time. You're gonna get a small supply look in this case, but I don't think he had a cybercore on time so perhaps it's fine No, cybercor was a bit late. It's okay for now. I can live with it. He opens with stalker Usually you go into warpgate straight away because you're not playing Stargate if you open stalker, but I guess maybe he forgot. I don't know. We're not going to be too nitpick. Even though this guy is pretty good, right? Masters 1, I think he said, 5K MMR. That's high level stuff, it's high level stuff. No, it's a Twilight. Okay, then in that case he definitely should have started his word bit. That's actually a very big error. He starts scouting around because he saw a full wall. I appreciate that he's doing that. I think it's definitely a good call. His opponent is opening Marine. into fast factory reactor more Marines. That's nice. I can't live with that. For how safe he is with scouting around. He's really not that safe with his unit movement. I mean, if like a Reaper comes by at this point, he doesn't have a second unit, still no start on the Warpade. That's actually really quite bad. If he gets blinked before Warped, I'm gonna be real upset. So he gets a second gateway. That's a good timing for a second gateway. He chronobo boosted the third unit. You never have to do that, honestly. He also sees the second gateway. also sees the CC timing, etc. So he's going to be completely fine. He gets a robo. So this means either DT drop or it means Robo and then blink could be the four gate if he hadn't forgotten Whartgate. We can also just be three-gate blink honestly. Okay. So he gets Robo and blink before Warpgate. I'm not going to be too mad about him forgetting WarpGate, right? Mistakes happen and and that's just that's just something, you know, that just that happens. Mistakes happen. That's it, guys. That's it. Leave him alone. He tries his best. He's 5K MMR on America. So he gets a third gas, no fourth gas, indicating then he's going to take a fast third base. I guess over here. It's important when you play this build that you get very fast observes and you use one chronobo boost on the first observer. Second observer stays at home. I even like to get one battery in one of the bases in case you're playing against Benchy, especially if they play either gas first or barracks first Marine. That means there are any kind of tech is going to be a little bit. bit faster. He's not chrono boosting this. Third base goes down, so he's going to be going into charge slots behind this. The third gate is on the way. Where? Over here. And he has started his warp gate at this point. So him actually missing the warp gate in this case is not going to be that big of a deal because he's playing against banshees. Still hasn't chrono boosted the second or supply block. It's a little of a nasty supply block, honestly. It's not that nice. Yeah, it's not great. We see... What's the opponent actually doing? Opponent, well, he was going to do a five tank push, if I recall correctly, is what I meant. Now, Benji is coming in, is going to get spotted by this pilot, so... Should not be too much of an issue to deal with, right? Observer could just come into position. Where are the... I don't think he saw it. Okay, then this is really going to suck. Robo Bay. Okay, so this Benchie is doing a lot of damage, which that's really bad already. This is why I usually save one battery. What? Why would he... I didn't have energy here. Okay, I can live with it. He probably also could have just started an observer and be done already, but... What was it? Nine kills. Nine kills on the Benchie. Now, the reason this... me off this robo bay is because now he's not playing a proper build order anymore. Whenever you play robo bay you need to take four gas before third base and get a robo bay. Otherwise you just can't afford all of this. All right, this is a bit. So the reason why it's important to follow build orders properly is because otherwise bad things happen. Like he's just not going to have enough gas for any of this basically. His Colossus is going to start way too late against a regular three racks, he would have died as well. Usually you're supposed to have two colossi against that. He's barely going to have one. Now this is a bit like imagine you're a cook, okay, and you're going to make a tomato sauce for your pasta. So you boil the water, you put in the spaghetti, start chopping up the garlic and stuff, you know, your onions, maybe a carrot, like a stick of celery, whatever. You throw it all in there. And don't forget making some tomato based sauce, right? You fry it a bit. And then instead of using the tomato, you use horse poop so you throw in the horse poop you know put everything together you you spin the thing you know to make it all real small and then you serve it to your family your family goes what the hell is this is well it's tomato sauce it's like no that is not tomato sauce what you're doing here is not blink Robo Bay this is horse poop mixed with garlic my friend that is the real issue that we're having right here because you're not gonna have enough enough gas. Like, if you're following a build order, you need to follow it properly. You can just use some of the things that you think might be good. Like, if you're following someone else's build order, your thoughts are pretty irrelevant. You're just going to be using that until you're familiar with the build order, and then you can start thinking about changing things. You're not going to be changing how much gas you need because you're always going to need more gas. You can't afford anything, dude. Like, you're struggling to get a first colossi out. You can't even afford thermal lens yet. Your first colossal, usually a three-rex push, hits at 6.30. 6.30. You have 7 units. He has 21 Marines. This is nothing to do with the map. You could be playing on Earth, and this guy could be playing on the moon. And he would still be in time to kill you, because you just have absolutely nothing. It's just... You also took the wrong third base. I knew that after I read your email, obviously. Like, how is this possible, dude? Like, you have no units. You just build nothing. thing. Oh, press the wrong button. I'm back. Oh. I'm gonna keep this in. Armour, charge. A cannon because, okay, like, look, I love cannons. Don't get me wrong. I think they're great against mind drops and all of that. But you just scouted a dude building like five tanks, right? You saw it with your observer. Like, you know he's on two base for now. Like, like, you're, you know, he's on two base for now. Like, your priority is not getting cannons. Your priority is getting more than three units out in the next five minutes. Like the first seven minutes haven't been too hot, my friend. Like the next seven better be something for real. I actually, I didn't even completely mind this. You know, there's not that many marauders. If you know how to guide, if you have gas, well you have gas now, but if you had gas at the time for thermal land, this is not a move, I think. I can think he can just kill you. But no, no, okay, he's just going to set up his blue. position. You have vision over here. You might want to keep the vision before we go into an engagement, right? So you see kind of where the tanks are positioned. Now, what you're doing here is, first of all, you need to get thermal lens. It's very important with this build order. I like this flank, though. This is a good flank. You might want to sync it up with the rest of your arm, though. Hey, you'll get two things, but this is not supposed to happen, man. You got to be kidding me. You're lucky this guy. I wasn't paying attention. I would have thanked you for this move. No thermal lens yet. You keep your observer here. You think that having detection around your colossal is going to be more important than seeing his army move with my friend. I don't think so. You actually had a decent hold despite everything. Not because you did anything right, but just, you know, sometimes even clowns get lucky. It is where, you know, the gambler wins the jackpot or something like that. You know, it was a bad decision to go gamble, but you won. like it's some weird type of fallacy I think not sure which one you guys in the comments can figure it out now no vision whatsoever what's happening you don't even know if he has a third base or not just casually taking a fort I don't mind you taking this fourth base by the way because then you can transfer your workers away from here you don't have to deal with this position anymore okay so you meet them in the middle randomly you have no vision you get shelled down lose two colossi for free lose three Closai for free. And this is it. Do you send me a 9 minute replay? I really should start checking how long replays are. Oh no. Four tanks in position. Maybe this guy just sits back for a bit. You can get a game out of this. So you start a Colossi or... He was not on 2 base. You told me he was on 2 base. I was expecting a 5 wrecks, my friend. This guy is just macro. He's getting plus 2 and everything. Just doing a couple of pushes here and there. And you're down 40s play. This is one hell of an engagement. Yeah. up the ramp in a choke. I'm confused who led you in Grand, or in the Masters One League, my friend. I feel like we should keep a guy at the gate, just like they do what happened, you know, so we have someone to blame if someone like you get let in. Like, holy crap dude. This is very, very impressive. You still have absolutely no vision. Okay, you have a little bit of vision of his army now. for once. Like you'd be, no, are we gonna go? No vision of where the tanks are. No, just going. It's working out. I absolutely hate that this is working out because, okay, this makes me happy then that he's gonna do a drop here. That's good. What you're doing here, imagine, imagine you were a soldier in the army and I'm the general. And after a while I'd get a call. general I have good news and bad news the good news is I know where the enemy is the bad news is in order to figure it out I had to get shot like the way you're figuring out where your opponent is is by rushing into an area then you meet them you go like ah okay his army is here now I have to decide whether I actually want the fight or not most of the time it's already too late you're like seven tank shots um you're already in the fight no no real decision making beforehand just oh oh crap I guess I guess we're fighting now. Some casual chilling here. I mean, there's actually no hurry for you to do anything anymore. Despite all your shortcomings, you actually managed to get into a game somewhat. Like, you're still behind, or well, you're still, you're behind now. I'm not a massive fan of this attack, though. Into a siege position. Once again, you do the same thing, you know. You get shot in there. I think you're like oh I guess I should have been here you just like 15 supply they realize it probably wasn't the fight to take then we have I mean you know four base it is I you're in trouble man you're gonna need disruptors or something at this point you're gonna need secondary secondary tech you're gonna need to start harassing with Zellats you're gonna need some damn vision on the map my dude look at this move so I I have I we almost missed I almost missed this though we've been so sad so this guy so first of all we have this move right he pulls back loses 20 supply we've seen this then you see this single marauder on the left side have HP 1-1 upgrades zero vision on the map okay we have we have some vision here what does our hero decide to do stances his entire army to the left side entire Sorry, look at the vision, look at the vision. No clue what's going on. Pompiom. Kills the marauder, moves back over here. Still no clue if the opponent is siege here at this point. Is there a drop coming here? Is there a four drop coming here? Like, no clue. As I was ever just moves across the map again. No clue if there's a run by. I think, man, this guy is absolutely loving life. Hey, that's an interesting EMP. And this is a good run by. I appreciate that. I actually do appreciate that. That's good stuff, dude. I'm proud of you for that. This part, I'm not quite sure if Proud covers the load here, right? Lose your entire army for it feels like the fifth time this game. There's a look like seven Colossus. Five Colosses have gone down. How can you be losing traits if you're playing Colossus? That's not really a thing, usually, my friends. That's really impressive. I am... I'm truly impressed, yeah. You can say that. You definitely can say that. It's a good run by. He gets a couple of worker kills. Problem being, of course, that he has no units on the other side of the map. He's fighting against two-two upgrades, while he himself only has plus one armor. And I think this is going to be it. This was a good replay, though, man. I love it. Masters 1, 1 America. That's just absolutely great. Absolutely. I can really master's one. That's very impressive. I guess our hero is going to stay in front. a bit longer here he's down a hundred supply me might as well try right still has the annoying base with the tiny ramp up didn't think of clearing the rocks either you know after being pushed here seven times with that these rocks they you know might might come in handy later on in the game haven't really come in handy but definitely would have been handy to kill those big mulege i don't we're just going to skip through this a bit like he's he's really just wasting our time at this point we we don't want that long one there You've already wasted my brain power, you've made me mad, and now here you are wasting my time as well. I am standing for it. So a couple of EMPs, good Viking Shultz, and Gigi gets caught. Now, quick look at the email once again, right? The map is in balance. The map is difficult against Darren, I agree, but not because the third base is hard to hold. You just took the wrong third base. Your build order was worse poop. Let's not forget about that. your micro was interesting your vision was non-existent your unit movement was I'm sure interesting it's quite as rare I haven't seen that before the way you decide to move across the map the the confidence you had in your army despite it being terrible I also find something that was great you know it's kind of as if you would go to the auction house for like high level art and you show like a macaroni painting you know you had to glue the the macaroni's on the paper i remember doing that when i was in elementary school that's kind of what your army movement felt like i just honestly like the map really isn't like it's bad but it's not it's not imbalanced um and Terran also isn't imbalance my friend you just really really really suck all right that's going to be it for today if you did like this episode don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel up here I have other things up there and more over here which you can all click so thank you very much see you all next time bye |
Is It IMBA or does he CHEAT?! | Is it Imba Or Do I Suck | Today we have a special DOUBLE accusation since this Zerg might be either imba or a dirty cheater. If you don't smash like real fast I'll Call the Karak-riding anti-cheat police and they will blast your fridge like it wasn't even there in the first place. If you are searching for the mentioned link to send in your own replay I am afraid I can't help you. Haven't seen it yet, but good luck on your search! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MqhMRqiOTdHllcWKILt9aSmAcV341VkCPGSAQE3EKsw Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6JynSQrAe9s/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | 6JynSQrAe9s | Hi Harsden, I'm a Diamond 3 Terran player. Today I played versus a platinum Zerg player. No matter where I moved on the map, the Zerg army was always able to find me. And I wasn't able to harass his bases due to this. I was ahead on upgrade, but this Zerg player was able to shut me down completely. No matter what I tried, the Zerg's ability to gather information is too easy and overpowered. Either that or the Zerg player was cheating. And I accused him of this in game due to frustration. Is this player cheating? If not, I believe this Zirx ability remix, their army, and together information due to decrease red and overlord to be far too easy and overpowered. So the question is it Inba or do I suck? Thank you, Anonke. All right. So is it Inba or do I stop? Welcome back to a new episode. As today, we have a replay from a Terran player who truly believed that not only the Zerg player might be cheating, but also that if he isn't cheating, his race is overpowered. I like that he said that, you know. He's either cheating or his race is overpowered. So if we actually find out that the Zerg is cheating, then his race apparently all of a sudden isn't overpowered. The ability to remix as fast as possible seems completely fine at that point to Anonke. So he is a very interesting way of framing things in his head, but I'm very curious to see. I think part of the frustration as well for Anonke here is that he's a diamond player and he lost to a mere platinum player, right? so it hurts the Evo a little bit and then of course if this guy is a different race then you definitely have to get him so we're going to have a look at the build order that Ananke plays so he plays command center first barracks refinery second depot there's absolutely no need for the second depot when you play command center first I'm not even sure if you should ever build the command center on the high ground. I don't think so. Maybe against the 12th hole, but that's not even a build. You see that the depot did nothing. So he wouldn't have been supply blocked. This is the beauty of the command center first is that you can literally just wait for your command center to finish. It allows either for a faster second gas or just allows you to gather a little more minerals with that first SUV. So factory off position, but I guess I can live with it. This is not really a builder, so I've seen... I've seen build orders before, but this is not one of them. Throws down a mule. CC finishes up. His opponent is playing some... I think this was a pool first with really fast speed, which also is not much of a build order, but... You know, we're here to focus on one man and one man only, and that's Anang Cave. Still has the CC in the main base at this, I've never seen this before. No scout whatsoever. No Reaper, just straight straight to cross. cars and then CC in the main base. I don't even know what this would be good again. So the reason why you'd get the CC in the main base is if there's like a Ling flood or something like that, but there's absolutely no clue what's happening. So you can just keep the CC at least in the natural, you know, there's nothing wrong with that. You use it for extra mine. It's going to be slightly oversaturated now. Factory and barracks should switch over here. and yeah should oh by the way the things we're going to be looking at in this game obviously are the first question is is this Zerg cheating because to me that seems well after reading the email it seems very likely that the Zerg is cheating so we're definitely going to be having a look at what Ultimate is doing in this game and second of all is the ability to remix overpowered from Zirg so we see four buildings going down at the same time here two extra barracks to ebays at the 350 mark, before he gets the units from the star part, which is going to be the Viking. That's not really a thing you do. So a majority of the time, what you'll see is you see fast third command center, after an opener. Like, it is a reactor. Oh, this is not all you're supposed to do, my friend. This is supposed to be a tech lab so you can start stim. So if you get reactor first, in order to get stim and combat shield in time, you're going to need to get two tech labs but in tvz you want as many marines as possible so you get your tech lab so you only need one tech lab and then you get two reactors on the outside barracks so you get more marine production it's denying some scouting so far ultimate has seen the entire base knows exactly what's going on so he has good information due to scouting i i don't think there's any hacking going on yet here i haven't at least i'm not quite aware of it couple of supply blocks perhaps, but hacking not yet. Anonke has done absolutely nothing this game. He left all of his halions at home. And even though he's been keeping his halions at home, he's been getting supply blocked. So it's really quite impressive. He's focusing really, really hard at the double tag lab. This is a classic. This really is a classic. Like, oh, you get Stim and Combat Shield at the same time. But it really limits your marine production going further along in the game as well. Yeah, the problem with what he's doing is he's really focusing on the macro and then he's failing the macro as well, which in that case perhaps it's just, you know, it's time to realize that you're not the greatest player in the world, maybe cheating at nothing to do with it as we are approaching the six minute mark. We're also approaching the thousand mineral mark here in this game. Ding, ding ding ding! Annount K has reached a thousand minerals. Congratulations. You can collect your price of minus 35 mmR in the shop located at the end of the venue. This is the kind of stuff that is an IOTIS classic at this point, right? Player complains about Zerg Remax ability, floats, 1.5k resources at the 6th, what is he doing? Hellions don't shoot up my friend. They don't shoot up. That's a proper Roofing mistake right there. I think he's just actually F2ing around the map to look for overlords. And in his mind, he's doing a great job denying scouting. Oh man, this guy has absolutely no clue what I'm doing. Like, I killed like, how many did he kill you already? I killed three overlords. Like his scouting is going to be terrible. Meanwhile, his opponent actually, all he really needed to see was these three barracks before a third command center and he's going to be pretty fine. We take a look, however, at Anonke's visions. He's the only thing he's aware of is that there is a base at the third location. I'm not even going to say there's a third base because he doesn't know if there's a natural. All he knows is that there's a base at the third location. And you could say, well, it's way harder for Tarrant to Skild, which it might be true, but it's not like Anonke tried. You know, he ran once over here with his helions. Then he was like, oh, there's a queen. Let me just move that back. I don't want to be there no more, guys. I don't want to be there no more. As Anonke is really kicking up the production here a notch. He's going into, I think, seven barracks. That's good to two starts as well. This is kind of solid fourth base is on the way as well. And Creed spread is slowly but surely pushing forward. The good old seven-minute lift towards the third base is also a modern-day classic. Anand-Kastil blissfully unaware of everything that's happening. It's the ostrich approach to Starcraft. If you pretend that there can't be anything happening, then there probably isn't. There's a lot of good examples of this, of course. Back in Wings of Liberty, there was a Swedish jerk player called Forsen, who invented the thing called the Forsen Mutas, where he would ostrich is really hard into the mid game by getting five bases and 10 gas without scouting, without building a Roche Warren, and just praying that the Protoss player wouldn't attack. And if the Protoss player wouldn't attack, this guy was the absolute best Mura player in the world, because he just had like a 45 drone lead and he was always going to win you know and then if you're immortal in dim or he did any type of pressure he would lose the game and he'd flame you so either way he'd never had the responsibility of uh of losing the game on himself you know either he completely out macroed his opponent having way more workers and you know with with good mind games or otherwise he'd just flame you so truly was a win-win for him um don't think he plays the game anymore i haven't seen him around in a while while at least. What we do have is a couple of mutas and these were no force and mutas as our friend Ultimate has been scouting around. He gets two Metavex over here. His upgrades kind of suck though which might be an issue here for Ultimates. There's some decent micro. Quite the opposite of what our friend Ananke is doing here. I'm not sure what these guys are doing. He's having a blast standing over here. Bumpidum. He's dealing with the mutilisk a little bit. He lost a couple of workers, not too many. So I actually think Ananka, even though he scouted absolutely nothing and his macro has been pretty horrific this game, he's still in a playable position, I feel like he has way superior upgrades, his 2-2 is about to finish, while his opponents 1-1 is about the finish. Really the only issues I see is that he's not aware of anything really going on. Upgrade, complete. It's really the kind of guy where his wife tells him that, you know, she's making over hours at the office and she comes home smelling of a different man every night. And Ananki is like, yeah, it makes sense, you know. But there's loads of men working at the office. Every time she goes to the late night office, you make sure to do her makeup, puts on her lipstick. She comes back. Her hair all messed up. And Ananki is like, oh, good work at the office. And right, yeah. Great day at the office. the office. That's her boy Ananka for you right there. Completely unaware of anything that's happening in his life. Except for what he's seeing right in front of him and those are those mutaliskas. We now have a flank coming in which, it's not really a flank, just the entire army about the bum into Ananke's army. You see some nice micro-ing into a position. I'm not sure if that was an attempt to split or what happened that. An interesting fight to say the least. He loses absolutely everything to a couple of banings. And he's done. I mean, he's still had a decent supply, so that's what really gets to me, you know? He has two to upgrades. He's losing a lot of SUVs, but he's actually been doing a decent job compared to his opponent building workers. I actually have some micro coming out of Anante as well, which is the first time I think this game we've seen him do that. just control his units rather than just stimming and standing still. Very, very interesting. 3.3 is about to finish up. 54 more lings on the way here for Ultimate, who... Oh, I completely forgot that we were looking to see if Ultimate was cheating. I mean, I don't think so yet. I've seen nothing that indicates cheating. He took a fight after he saw the Marines move out of position. He's actually been scouting pretty well the entire game. Ultimate hasn't been spending his money too well, but the one thing he's been doing extremely well, has been scouting, he's been completely aware of everything that's happening. His upgrades have been a little bit late. His muta control hasn't been perfect, but you know, really he has been spending a lot of effort into scouting, and Ananka has been spending a lot of effort in walking into corners, just walking into random locations on the map. It's really the wrong thing to do. Spelling after him. Yeah, he's going to lose a lot of SVs once again. He's just, oh, that's a big mine hit. I mean, he does have that going for him. Like, I, it's very, very weird why sometimes people believe that they deserve a win or just anything, when they're really not doing something related towards working to towards that goal. So the main occupation of Ananke here seems to be walking into corners. He walked over here earlier, then he walked here, then he was in the corner over here. And I don't understand how he believes that entitles him to a win. It's a bit as if your job, wait what? A psychic cheat. Fricking abracadabra over here. I was about to have one hell of an analogy. Let me tell you. Imagine your name is Ananka and you have a job. You're an architect. You're supposed to be, your occupation is drawing. I'm not sure architects. They draw and they make buildings and stuff like that. And you want a promotion, which, you know, you've been working at the company for 12 years now. And everyone except for you has been getting promoters. been getting bigger jobs. You're confused as to why you're not getting because after all, the thing that you've been doing to work hard towards that promotion is every day you bring in four different types of coffee and you have a little coffee tasting with all your colleagues and you force them to do it. Hey guys, I got four new coffees every single day for the past 15 years you've been doing it. Every time you have one of these promotion rounds, you go up to the board of directors or there. I've been working really hard. Like I've been bringing coffee like four different types of coffee and the coffee tastings you know and everyone's been loving them and the guys are like what it's like yeah like so i would like to get a promotion it's like well like you mean like two drawings in the past four years like don't you think you should work more towards that's like no no no like the coffee though like i think that's really really important that's like my friend ananka that's not what is how it works you know just walking to the side of the map into a wall does not guarantee you a win what we need from you to do is we need you to control your you need you for once in your life to scout. I mean, literally your opponent could be on two... Always going to my army of creep without vision. You've never moved on creep. You've literally never were on creep. How is he supposed to fight on creep if you never go there? You've got to be kidding me. Overlords? No. It's cheating. How is this possible? He would see them with his meta effects. He's making good points. I mean, if there's one thing Ananka has been doing well this game is making sure that there's no overlords around. Are you seen every corner of the map here, my friend? Catches Ananka out of position again. Once again, completely cut out of position. How is that possible? I mean, if we analyze this situation, really, quickly. We see that Ananka has his army positioned smartly in the middle here, where he's defending nothing. So this base, he's a bit close to it, but it's still vulnerable. This base is extremely vulnerable. The main base is vulnerable to Muras as well. So the three main avenues of attack right now are vulnerable. But in Ananka's brain, it would make more sense for Ultimate to just attack straight here. Like, why doesn't he just walk up the ramp? Well, the explanation for Ananka here is. It's very obvious. It's because this guy isn't. It's an obvious cheat. How else does he always catch his army out of position? Sometimes over here, sometimes over here, sometimes over here. He's always there where his army isn't. Except when he is when his army is. Then he's cheating for finding the army. No matter what Ultimate does, he is cheating. And it shows in every move that he makes. I think we should actually grant Ananka this because I didn't think it was that obvious before, but now I see it. as well guys I mean he always fights off creep which you know that is indicative of cheating for certain reasons which I cannot share here because you know you don't want to give away all your secrets but as a cheater hunter to me this cheater hunter this seems pretty clear cut to me honestly once again rallies straight into his opponent's army like he knows where it is you know what I mean here Gifting him 30 40 lings for free. Would a non-cheater do that? No. I think Ananka figured it out. He's still up by the way. He's absolutely winning this game. 3-3 upgrades against 2-2. There's no Muralis. He has 40 workers against 59. And he's about to drop like 35 mules. So if he wasn't super oversaturated in his main for so long, I actually think this game would long be over already. Oh, we're gonna see some micro here. I'm not quite sure he'd consider that micro, but he moved so much of his units. So it's progress of a kind as well, right? If you compare it to previous fights where I remember this one he just stood still, but now there was some movement. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but we at least saw something happen there. He has a mine spread around the map as well. He's still winning, by the way. They literally double the army supply. They actually doubled the army supply. There's no bailings right now. He has nine metaphics and he's better upgrades. The thing is that Ananka doesn't know any of this because the last time he saw anything on the other side of the map was at the four minute mark with four Hallions and then he saw a queen and got scared back to his own base. How many mines does he have 40 mines? He's alright quick prediction here. He's going to clump all of them up and he's going to get killed by two bathings. I don't actually see how he can lose this game honestly. If he spreads the mines, I feel like the mines would just be able to win this as well. It's literally just lings. There's not a single bainling at the moment. There's four on the way. 25 Marines, 9 Madovacs, 3-3 upgrades against 2-2. Like he's absolutely winning. All he needs to do is make sure that the mines participate in the fight. The only way he loses is all of his Marines die. Before he reaches, he overstimped a little bit as well. Three stims. Oh, my. Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm. Oh no. Stim's army four times, his own mind shoot it. Still all in a club, by the way. It's going to cancel this way. He's still in a spot where it... Like, honestly, it's just... just impressive. You could give this to an actual caveman and he'd still be able to win this, I think. Like he's not in a bad spot, guys. He's not in a bad. He still has mules and everything. Like he's mining like a madman. He's a couple of SUVs doing nothing. He could be mining more even. He's gonna pump up like the marine, the mean marine production air. Oh my god, once again ultimate with a run by. Here it triggers the mine, losing only 15 lings per mine. That's something, definitely a map hacker would do. So... Oh, look at this move. Ah, come on, man. This is not a report that. word that. Let me grab the email again. I kind of want to... What did he complain about? No matter where he moved on the map, the Zerg army was always able to find me and I wasn't able to harass his bases due to this? Is he really going to pretend like he was trying to harass anything here? He moved out four aliens at one point. That's literally it. He did nothing else. He was ahead on upgrade. But the Zerg player was able to shut up. me down completely no matter what I tried like guys I moved into four different corners and every single time my army got caught by 35 valings like well only is his cheating his race is broken I don't know my I that you can be serious this this this I the worst for this that I believe this guy is actually serious sometimes I get emails where I'm like alright this this can be serious right the email is too much but this guy in the game flames him as all for cheating so I mean you did absolutely nothing, right? Like, your build order was terrible. You never moved on the map, never cleared any creep, did zero harassment. Yeah, you didn't spend your money. You forgot the micro every single time. Your unit movement was actually the worst. I've seen in a long time. Everything you did, actually just was terrible. So for me, you're going to get two stamps. First of all, you do suck, the standard one. Second of all, you're an idiot for thinking that your opponent act, because this guy definitely wasn't hacking. He just was better than you. I mean, that's, if everything that is better than you is a hacker, that's putting the bar very low, my friend. So two stickers for you. Congratulations. If you did enjoy this video, don't forget subscribe to my YouTube channel up there. Otherwise, anything more like this in the bottom here, Patreon, Twitter, all that are good stuff. Bye-bye. |
He Thinks It Is SINGLE PLAYER?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | We get a replay from a player who accidentaly queud up a ladder game and was surprised there was opposition in his game. Lets see how it works out for him in an all new episode of IODIS. Smash like or Mick Jagger will dance on your sheets before you wanna go sleep and no matter how many times you tell him "I wanna go to sleep Mick"he just won't freaking stop moving like himself. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QqWkA9y_fbg/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | QqWkA9y_fbg | Dear Harstam, I'm a big fan of your YouTube channel and a regular Twitch viewer. Even your knowledge could not guide me to victory in this game though. The Zerg plays extremely saved the whole game, pool first, very late Fort Base, and yet he never falls behind in any way. It is impossible to attack into this play style because they have too many units in the early mid-game, and in the late game there is creep everywhere. I am just not allowed to move my army or expand until I inevitably have to spell out Gigi. Thank you for showing this imbalance to the world. Aki. Welcome to another episode of Is It Inba or do I suck where we have Aki from the... I hope he's from the UK. Or maybe it's just because the letters UK are in there. But for some reason I believe him to be from the UK. The server at least is Europe. So from now on this guy is going to be British. Our boy Aki in the Pickpan. It's, I believe, the clan of PIC, another content created. A lot of the people that send him replays to IOTES have been in the pickpan. They all sucked so far. So I hope Aki might be able to change my mind on everyone in the pick pen. But so far, every single one of them has sucked. So we're going to see an SCV scout. He sees the pool first. Like he said, pool first, late fort base. And yet impossible to attack into this play style, which, you know, those are big claims. Those are big claims. impossible to attack into a play style. Now, it's not very often that I hear something like that, because every playstyle, of course, has its downside. Now, I'm also curious to see what the playstyle of the Zerg is going to be. Like, is it going to be something revolutionary that we have never seen before? Is it just going to be standard link bay muda, hydrabane, perhaps? We'll have to see a couple of lings, of course. We'll be able to shoe this SUV away. Let's have a look at the build order here of our, uh, of Mr. Aki here. he's going to take a fast third command center. On a map like submarine, a lot of the time you'll see a faster second gas around 220. You don't see the straight command center as much. Factory goes down. Yeah, refinery. Makes a lot of sense, honestly. It's such a small map. Roach rushes are quite common. This is one of the better Terran maps, though. So a lot of zergs will actually attack on this with like an early Roachal Inn or that kind of stuff. So Terran needs to be a little bit afraid. perhaps get an early tank, or play Helium Benchie is also fine, of course. Two lings are on the other side of the map already. Reeper stays at home. Wait what? What happened here? So this is something I've never actually seen before. The way you're supposed to play, if you play Barracks Gas, is you play... or Reaper Marine, then Reactor, and then you can just swap the factory, but he went for two marines. I'm not quite sure, but this is not the build order as I know it. It's just a small difference, but just something to keep in mind. First Mew goes down, Starport starts as well as Stim on the way. A little bit of oversaturation in the main and not a lot of scouting info yet here, right? right he doesn't really quite know what he's up against mr. Aki he's going to move out with the first two halions of course afraid of run bys as well as he knows there's lings out on the map already doesn't know quite where they are 30 C should come down soon then we're going to see how many cars it's going to be is going to be four is it going to be six perhaps even eight well he's playing bios so most likely not going to be eight most likely just going to be six cars or four cars actually looks to be four cars and then we'll see a command center go down, followed up by two barracks, most likely. SCV production looking solid indeed. As the four aliens keep moving in, 30C comes down. There's quite some creep being spread already. Nothing really has been killed so far, two tumors. Just a very standard game, honestly, for a start. Viking starts working at things and we have a overlord. We have an overlord scout coming in for Della Beta. A bit of a supply block. Well, not a bit of a supply block. This is a big supply block. This kind of thing actually matters. This is a full supply block is what I like to call it. As he's full supply block. He also loses two palliants. But that won't actually get him out of the supply block. He's still pretty supply blocked. You see his SUVs in building. So you should have had a couple of more SUVs already. Like the full supply block is basically when you only start the depots. after you've gotten supply blocks. So you hear the we need more supply and then you go like, oh crap, we need to build deepos rather than the anticipation. So that's going to cost you most of the time in SCV and a half, right? Every single time that happens. So we could have had a little more workers already. And we see double eBay's on the way, no worker production on the natural starting at 520. I think we should run a timer for how long CCs don't build SEVs here because that's actually kind of a big deal. feel like he might have missed some earlier as well. Main also not building so that doubles up the timer twice the speed right now. E-Bes are starting. I mean, this is the type of thing you see a lot, right? People are confused as to why they can't kill the other guys. Like, oh, he's playing so safe. Well, you're not playing safe, you're just macro and poorly right now as well. So the other guy can play as safe as he wants as long as he's just spanning his larva in some kind of way. He's kind of going to be fine. All right, SCV start again. we'll keep the timer on just in case later on they'll stop building SCVs again, which might actually, all right, this is triple. Jesus, that's really bad actually. If you have triple CCs and you're not producing anything with any of the orbitals, that's not good. Now, there is a build where you get triple CCs and then just use the mules, but with that build, you build four barracks at the same time. So you cut workers very early, four barracks at the same time, and then you try to hit very hard with one one, and five barracks production really early. That's not the case. So it's definitely a mistake here. We see the halions have achieved truly nothing. Three helions died, killed eight lynx, Ovalor died to the Viking, and three tumors have gone down. So, I mean, he's still pretty much in the dark as to what's happening here. His first move out is going to be a little bit late. It's floating eight, 900 minerals. So is the Zerg, but we're not here to judge the Zerg player. we're here to judge the Terran player. So the question is, hey, what would have happened here if he actually would have spent his money? Now, we can translate this money perhaps in, well, what is it? 15, 16 more Marines, something like that. That probably would have been quite helpful in this army. Well, quite helpful. Probably would have just straight up one in the game. Of course, it's not a one-to-one translation money to Marines, but I think at this timing, he probably could have had 10, 12 more Marines, It's two more Matterfax as well. What? Ah, this is the Goody Way. So there was this famous Macing Terran who used to trick people that he actually had good macro and he did it by building CCs or queuing up four units at the same time. And he'd only play Mac as well. Good old Goody. Yeah, this is not how you're supposed to play. But I still prefer this over floating the money. So a lot of the time people will just be floating 500 resources. it's still better to build something with it, even though, you know, it's like tricking yourself that you're macroing better. But I don't really mind the extra CCC. That's fine. That's completely fine. So actually, our Terran here is in a pretty decent position. He has a decent amount of units. He has tanks in nice spots. He can scan some of these creep tumors away. Now, the thing we're really missing is... It's a lot of workers, though. Like, this army gets cleaned up. But that's... They shouldn't have been the biggest of you. I'm having difficulty finding my words here, because he should not be at 51 workers at 9 minutes. If we compare this to any other pro game, or just any game in which nothing happens to the economy, I think we're going to see a Terran that's going to be at least at 65, maybe even 72, 73 workers with the fort base probably already going and saturated. I've seen innovation play games, definitely with bio, where he's up to 80 workers at this point already. This should be flowing towards the fort base and be building into a planetary. This should be being built into an orbital. 2 is on the way, which is fine. We see no second factor yet. So the way you want to be playing in TVZ is usually whenever you're, you're building a fort base is that you play five racks, second factory, and then you go, well, you get the second factory while you're building your fort base. You don't go six racks. So this one is a little bit late. It's not the biggest of deal, but just a small note. Also, he hasn't done any harassment whatsoever. Very common in this matchup is to do the frontal push and then have a drop on the side. The boat clear creep there and to make sure that the Don't do that, please. And to make sure that the Zerg is a little bit distracted, and maybe you can do some damage, you know, you can clear Crete at two sides at the same time. He completely stopped his tank production and he went straight into drilling class. Now this is the sign of someone who has no clue what he's doing and just copy the pro player which I'm not even necessarily a... Oh, decent splits. I can live with that. I can live with that. Probably should just move back, though. I don't think you can fight, but the splits weren't that bad. So what I'm trying to say here is that he's seen a top player go second factory, drilling claws and mines, and he gets the reactor on this factory as well. But that was either against Ling Bane or Ling Bane Muda. If you're playing against Hydra Bane, you'll see almost every Tarran, 99% of the Terrans will play. tanks. They'll make many, many tanks because tanks are really, really good against Hydra Bane in general and that's how you want to be playing. Now, sometimes they'll still throw in a mine here and there to deal with run-bys, but in general, the main army composition is going to exist out of tanks because tanks are just extremely powerful against HydroLISC because there's no mutas on the way. You don't need TORs. The mines are okayish, but not quite as usual because high rust can outrange him of course now once again we have Aki moving a little Kufar forward loses another army basically on creep sieges up two liberators floating a solid 2.6k minerals and 12 minutes into the game don't forget first we were at 53 workers and now we're already at 61 workers and I think that was at the 8 minute mark so he managed to produce 7 workers off of five orbitals in four minutes. In four minutes. So that means per orbital, that is about one worker per three minutes. Now, that is very impressive, because you know that you can build five workers per minute with Terran. So I'm just a little bit confused exactly how he thinks his opponent I mean, if I was him, and I wouldn't pay attention to building SDVs either, I'd also be confused, like, man. Like, my trades aren't even that bad, and he's playing so safe. Like, his fourth base was super late. Man, like, your third base is barely saturated. Your fourth base hasn't even really started yet. Like, it doesn't really matter how late your opponent's fourth base is if you're never getting a fourth base in general. It's like complaining your opponent doesn't have a third when your one base all innings. Like, mate, he doesn't need to. You literally have no workers. Like, what are you going to do here? Well, the answer is absolutely nothing. Mines are being spread. The Liberators are out as well, which I'm not the biggest hater of Liberators, but... I feel like it's a bit too soon, you know? Usually you see Liberators later on in the game once the Terran has a good position, a decent tank count, and perhaps starts thinking about Ghost as well. you see stuff like Ghost Liberator, but in this case I mean there's just a single tank. Oh, we're actually going to be seeing a drop. Now this is kind of intense. Fly straight into the Overseer. Nice. Oh wow. Is that a French voice? Amazing. So we have what you call it? Advanced ballistics on the way as well. another double drop heading out right now. And actually he's doing a fine job macroing, right? Like he's spending his money a bit better than the Zirch is. The Zerg is floating 6K resources and our UK Terran is only floating 4K resources. So really he's doing a way better job when it comes to that. Of course he's also mining less. So the rate of spending is probably very similar. Now we actually have two drops on the way and this is where the multitask of the Tarran comes in. Let's just have a look at the famous. Terran multitask. So he's maxed. Comes the first macro. Seize that it dies, gives it up. Fair play now. Actually, it gets a little bit of damage now. That's good trade. Good first trade. Second part of the army. Dyes, but it gets a hatchery. Altogether, pretty good. Pretty good, right? I'd be happy with this if I was the Terran, honestly. You killed the fifth base, once again denying one of the outside bases, absolutely destroying the Zerg. The Zerg actually has... what the hell? Why does he have so little supply? He has a lot of painlings and he lost all of his hydros just now. I just love this move-out. There's not a single META-fact with this army. There's two metaphacks coming back now. Liberators are still just defending this part. So there's like 30 supply defending this area, then there's 30 supply defending this area. Nothing is defending the fourth base. So any type of run by Woodwin. He is right though. There's infinite creep. And there's infinite creep is because he hasn't one tried to actually kill some creep. I don't think he's actually... Like how many tumors have like maybe 15? But he has 60 tumors killed. Jesus. Creep is broken guys. I mean he killed 60 tumors and the game still isn't over. isn't over. That's actually surprising. Look at this. This little 4.3K Zerg player over here, literally better creep spread than Sarah. That's quite something. I think Uki might be onto something. The creep? No, I was going to make fun of him for not killing too many tumors, but damn boy, was I wrong. Actually, nothing has happened this year ago. Aki is literally playing the campaign, and he's angry that the AI has improved so much, and he can beat the AI anymore. There is missions where you just need to hold on against waves of Zerb. And that's pretty much how Agi plays latter as well. It's like, all right, what's the next wave? You know, and he tries to craft the perfect army to deal with everything like Marine Marauder, Liberator Mine, single tank, no planetaries, but I want more money for mules. And then he just keeps holding back wave after wave after wave and he just hopes that he gets the win eventually, that the Zerg takes such a bad engagement, that he can counter it. without really having the micro ever again. I've been flying forward some solid joinks, but... Honestly, once again, I don't think this was too bad a fight for Akki. Like he just, he clears everything. He finally has his fort base up. He right now is mining from one... One and a half base. Literally one and a half base. So, no matter how good his traits are, he's always going to be in kind of a crap spot, right? So no matter how good his traits are, he's always going to be in a bit of a crap spot, honestly. Like he's mined out his main, his natural, his third is about to be mine out. So he actually mined a decent amount of minerals, but he's just always going to be bases down, as long as he doesn't get to clear any of the creep. Because what Della Beat is doing is he's just taking base by base, staying on a pretty low worker count as well. But at least he's always going to be able to get bases. I mean, if you compare it with Aki here, who is having trouble establishing a fort base with an orbital command. It's just sad to see that like three, four tanks here would be super helpful. or the 7-8 tanks would be super helpful as well. Or even using all the mines you have in the back or the mines that are at your army just burrowing them. You know, there's so many things that are going wrong here. That's really quite painful to watch. I mean, he's just wasting so much supply from things that shouldn't be happening. Once again, no meta-facts at all the matter. Like every single fight, he just stays until he loses every single unit. And he's like, okay, I've lost every single unit. Now I'm allowed to build a new army again. And he starts from basically from scratch again. every single time it's super frustrating to watch because it makes absolutely no sense as well it's like why the hell would you play like this dude it actually makes zero sense the way you want to be playing is you want to try to preserve as much of the good units from your army as possible if you realize you're losing a fight like you can just fly back with the matter of x right katie's building more liberators nothing else floating 4k minerals 900 gas now you could say sure the Zerg also is floating but I mean, Cirque has worse units lost, but just mine more resources. And still has a pretty decent army. How many larva is there? 20-2 larva. This is one of those things I can never understand. If you have the larva available, yeah, you can just spend them. Like the injecting is the hard part. But, sorry, back to the Terran. Another command center could be helpful to maybe try and take a fifth pace here with a planetary at some point. Like a double drop over here. I mean, there's a couple of spines, which you could just kill that. should be no problem. You have three three marines. The one problem that Yuki, that Aki has over here is of course that he has no meta-vex. So any kind of pressure is going to be with Marines that are completely overstimmed, with liberators, which will be spotted a mile away, because actually the entire map is covered in Creep. Seventy-seventh creepers have died so far this game. I'm actually honestly quite impressed. Seventy-seven creep. Creep might actually be too strong. I'm leaning towards it, guys. If this guy who is a 4.4K player who can't spend his minerals is building this much creep, it might actually just be too powerful. My boy, Aki here has been working hard on killing the creep. Sure, he doesn't have no matter of fact, sure. His macro hasn't been perfect. Sure, you forgot to produce SEVs for majority of the game isn't really getting gas on the third or the fourth base. And I'm sure there's a host of other problems with this play. but the creep man it's massive oh here comes the the classic marine mine run by onto creep big stim how many more times can he do this before they just fall down due to exhaustion oh what more scan here we go a couple more tumors who mine shoots no does not shoot if there were metaphics here perhaps you could have picked it up that would have been real nice actually two more Vikings on the way right now. I feel like if you realize you have to build this many air units, it might be wise to just throw down a second starboard. But then, you know, he would actually need to take gases. Oh, he does it. He realized that as always, I have wait a second. I only have four meta-fax playing against eight broodlords and tanker rafters. Perhaps the answer would be to get gas because right now I have zero gas mining. There might be an issue. I'm not sure if this guy is trolling or not. Are you mean what is a big fight here? I don't even know what to say. This game is so good. Yeah, Bainix will roll in, there's no micro whatsoever, Gigi. I mean, I'm not sure if Aki is serious, right? Maman Aki, first of all, what we need to work on over here is, um, the first minute and a half or the first two minutes. You had some weird builder. I didn't like that very much. Second of all, what's up with the SDV production, man? Get it together. You're building no workers. You have three CCs. You're slow as crap. Third, the way you build your structure, double CCC, late second factory, six racks, before 4CC, no gases on the third base. Unit composition, where were your tanks? You can just get ghost if you see Viceroy. as well. I know P-EMP or snip, whatever you want to do with an enhanced shockwave. It's really easy to hit. So against Hydra Bane, you could just play like tank lip, a ghost or something like that. You're gonna be absolutely fine, my dude. But yeah, tanks are good. Like if you are getting mines, use them rather than having them to defend the third base with 14 mines and four liberators. You could use sensor towers as well. Don't forget that. You could wall at your third base, which is helpful. You should take gases at your third base. You should multitask. You completely forgot the clear creep whatsoever. Well, okay, wait. I catch myself once again. That's actually not true because you did try the clear creep, but there was just too many tumors. Now, that possibly could be, and this might just be a suggestion, that you are literally playing the campaign. Like you actually never attacked. You were just defending wave after wave after wave. And I'm telling you, even a gold or, well, in this case, a diamond player, is going to have the best creep spread in the world. if he's going to just be allowed to sit there for what seems to be 30 minutes straight. He just literally sat there, like, all right, you're not going to clear my creep, or you're not going to move on the map, or distract me in any type of way, all right, another tumor, another tumor. Like, this guy had so much time. He was just slowly taking bases. He was, you know, he probably was doing other things at the same time, honestly. Like, you were sweating over there, like, sweaty micro and Marines forgetting to build SCVs, and he was feeding his kit, man. This guy was having an absolute blast. so yeah all together yeah you suck suck pretty hard that ain't too nice all right if you did enjoy this episode of is it in where do i suck don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel up there and otherwise check out some of my other videos over here nice |
LOWKO Believes Terran Mech Is IMBALANCED ft. SpeCial Guests | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | @LowkoTV believes mech Terran is overpowered. Lowko might be a fantastic content creator, but lets see how this claim holds up when a couple of experts look at this replay... Finally someone wants to do a video with me! Thank you @LowkoTV ! Go and check this great lad out. Special's instagram: https://www.instagram.com/specialsc2/ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Edited by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KgM_BW5Nlqw/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | KgM_BW5Nlqw | Hi, Harsden. Recently I've been struggling against Terran Mac. While I didn't enjoy the Brutlord investor style of the past at all, nowadays it feels like Terran gets a similar amount of bases up, and just turtles, it becomes nearly impossible to defeat. It seems to me that Zerg late game sucks. Brutlors die the Tours, Died the Tours. Ultras died to everything, and investors require your opponent to suck and not scan when they move out. Usually the strategy I go for is to go up to 90 plus workers as soon as I recognize it's a turtle-terrant, and try to prevent them from expanding to a fifth. I know I won't ever get an efficient trade in the late game, but it doesn't matter if I have more resources than they do. So, is it imba or do I suck? Thanks. Loco. Oof. Mr. Loco decided it was time to send a replay in as he had a latter game in which he just could not fight the mechanical Terran army. Now, once I saw this replay, guys, I changed my life. I shower this morning, which is something that usually only happens once a week. Put on a nice shirt, comb my hair, put on some cologne, as it's ready to bury a fellow content creator. We have a replay here with a well, I mean, when I say bury, I mean, of course, analyze whether any mistakes were made. He said Mac is overpowered, everything he can do against it sucks, and we're here just to judge to see if he made any mistakes. So is it imbalanced or does it suck? And yeah, let's hold straight into it. So it's a game on ice and chrome between him and a Terran called SJK. Let's see how it goes. I'm not quite sure how good this SJK is, but local is pretty decent at the game. Might I say, he's pretty damn good. So it's interesting to see a high level game like this. Let's see what happens at this. guys. So we have the standard SCV Reaper stuff trying to deny a third base. Locco is pretty smart. Takes the other third base on the map like ice and chrome. That's no problem. Loses a drone to a Reaper. That's not quite as brilliant. But you know, I sometimes lose two probes to a Reaper. So losing one drone to the Reaper, you know, everyone has bad days. We're not, we're not going to blame him too much for that. All right. We're not going to blame him too much for that. So it's on a creep tumor at the perfect time. forgets about this uh no actually so far everything is good perhaps the second queen at some point or a third queen and uh yeah life is going to be completely fine here for my good friend loco so far yeah loco first three minutes well i don't want to say perfect because you lost a worker but i mean the build order everything so far makes sense i'm a i'm definitely a fan reaper comes back in okay okay two drones at this stage in the game i'm not too sure we're still lacking an extra queen as well so i'm i'm not i'm not too fond of the opening okay not not too fond of the opening anywhere third queen is a little bit late which means uh decisions will have to be made whether you want to inject or put creep tremors down at this point let's see what local decides to do opponent the meanwhile is using his barracks to float for the for the high ground now Usually, this is an indicator of something Mackey afterwards, right? It could be a fusion core for battle cruis like we're seeing here. It could be just Benji. It is going to be a fusion core, which I'm excited for. Better Cruisers are always quite exciting. Local has almost no scouting information, has been supplied block for quite some time. It's still only on three queens, four minutes into the game. That is pretty slow if you compare it to most other people. They would have way more queens. A lot of the time you'll see them produce. three queens from their natural hatchery and then get their next queen over here at the at the fort base as well and they kind of continue queen production until they have seven or eight queens against their and majority of the time queens also should always be in position to stop any types of helions from just poking on the creep now the way you want to he also finish this extractor okay i didn't see that that's pretty funny um that's not perfect Dida Loco. Once again, I can forgive you these minor errors. So you want to have overlords kind of at the edge of the creek. So you can spot halion movement easily. And that way you kind of mirror the movement of the halions with your queens. So you'd have an overlord over here, maybe an overlord over here. I mean, this overlord, I guess it's quite useful. This one could be pushed a bit further down as well. So you have a quicker way of spotting things. This overlord. is being kind of useless. This overlord is being pretty useless. So we have two, three overlord. Oh my god, there's two more here. We have four or five overlords that could be positioned in different places as to make it a lot easier to counter any type of helion play. Now, like I said before, his queen count is a lot lower than it should be. And it's not going to be. He also rushed layer to go straight into Beinling's speed. Now this is a move I haven't seen before. Nowadays when we see layer rushes, we see them either for an extremely fast spire, or, well, actually, that's just it. They just see them for an extremely fast spire. I haven't really seen them for anything else whatsoever to speak of. So I am not entirely sure what this is for, honestly. We have a couple of halions now coming in. I mean, there's three banlings, but you're not really going to be catching aliens with banlings. I guess he does catch a couple. But I mean, that's even without bainting speed. So I'm not sure about it. Battle Cruiser comes in here. Now, when we think of Mac, we see two very popular responses in the pro scene. And a very common response we see is Masmuda. And people say, well, what about Tours? Doesn't Thor just kill Masmuda? You'd be surprised how well these top players do with Mass Muda. Muda against Thor. And another one is most of the time Ravager roach corruptor and then going into Lingbane Ravager after on high work accounts and just continuously trying to kill bases on the side. And playing this very high momentum game with rather inefficient trades, but because you're outmining your opponent by so much, a lot of the time you're going to be able to just kind of kill them. Like they'll run out of money eventually and then you win. Mac is kind of popular at the moment in the professional meta as well but it hasn't been doing extremely hot honestly it you know the the the times i see mac a lot of the time the zirc ends up winning so here we have so you have plus one on range and we have carapace upgrade so this should be roach corrupter Spire? And four more queens. I am afraid Loco is slowly losing the plot a little bit here. He is slowly losing the plot. I think he just went in a cinema and he expected to watch the Incredibles. But really, he's watching a human centipede and he's confused where the superheroes are and what these people are doing to each other. Huh. Yes, loco, this is cinema hall too. Here we play Roach Corruptor. Corruptor Hydra is not a composition. In order to ensure that all my information is correct, you know, as I'm here possibly roasting a fellow content creator, I have a couple of help lines and I'd like to use the first one. So here comes the first Terran expert. Alright, I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer it honestly. Okay. Okay. What do we think of Hydra Corruptor as a composition to beat Battlecruiser Mac? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Do I really have to answer that? No, no, this was fine. Well, that Terran expert seemed pretty clear on loco's decisions so far. Let's continue into this game. Hydra, Corruptor, doesn't really seem to be a composition here. So we'll put that as the first strike. And we're going to use first strike system. We're going to use the American justice system, which is based on baseball. So three strikes and you're out. So we're going to be using here. And right now, Local has got his first major strike. Let's see how many we can rack up in this game. Corruptor Hydra, not a composition. That's a creature that's actually looking pretty good. His work account is looking good. How is his information looking? I mean, he knows it's Mac, which is interesting. He knows it's, what do you call these bad boys? Battlecruisers. He's doing a fine job stopping the battle cruise from doing any damage. Now, the thing when you think about Mac, and especially with Corruptor-based plays, is that a lot of the time you don't really want to use these as a late game composition very much. A lot of the time what you want to do is you kind of want to stop the battle cruisers with your corruptors and then do big attacks on the fourth base, on the third base, with high bainling counts, the snide planetaries, basically. That's kind of what you want to be doing. You want to be playing an aggressive style. If you don't want to be playing an aggressive style, you've got to take very fast into Hive to get quickly into Vipers, because Viper is the one unit that can help you trade very well against Mac compositions. So in that case with big Viber counts, you're just trying to walk around, pick of a tank here and there. I mean, there's nothing really here right now to deal with Vipers, right? There's basically pure tank. There's a couple of battle cruisers, but you can just pick these up. Now, as we continue in this game, we still see, of course, the resource advantage here for a logo, which is extreme ice getting a lurker then all right well i'm curious to see what he's going to use it for this could just be as a distraction for when the Terran scans and he sees oh a lurker then my opponent is an idiot then he might start playing worse i kind of like that idea of loco honestly because in his current composition is that great isn't that great already and his opponent probably is already considering that his opponent you know might not be the brightest uh Two in the chat. Yeah, here we go. Here's the scan. He's like, ah, Lurkers. This guy's an idiot. This is a free win. So I wouldn't be surprised if we're going to see way more dangerous unit movement and just bad moves all around now from the Tarrin. Because like, well, if someone builds Lurkers against Mac, that person definitely didn't finish elementary school. So, up. I really liked this by Logo, actually. I'm kind of tempted to remove one of the strike just for this brilliant move. As long as he doesn't actually be. as he doesn't actually build any lurkers, we're going to be completely fine. Gets his vipers, which is good. Seismic spines, he's sticking to the part. So whenever this gets scanned again, the Terran sees, ah, he's actually researching upgrades as well. That's rather idiotic. And then, you know, the Terran will start playing even worse. So you see that Loco is not only a fantastic content creator on YouTube, he also has a massive brain really thinking about the, you know, the mind games, just the things that you can do with the brain. he's fantastic at that apparently. Now, this kind of rotations are really painful to watch, of course, especially if they're completely done in vision. Whenever you're playing against Mac, you want to be confusing your opponent with quick rotations from base to base. And the way to do that is to always take the shortest route around. So you push in here, you check over here. Well, you don't push, but you like, you poke. You poke, you prod, you poke, you prod over here, and then you just keep going until you see a vulnerable angle because the Terran army, this is the one thing that Max sucks at, is at moving around. It is slow. It is crap. It doesn't do his job very well. You know, at least moving around. It doesn't do that job at all, honestly. So at this point, Loco has hydras and corruptors. Both units are extremely good at dealing with battle cruisers, which right now they're still three off, and both the armies are really just kind of out of position. This is why Hydra Corruptor isn't that great both of them fulfill a very similar role which isn't Isn't that that useful to have you know like you you already got that covered with the corruptors You don't need more hydras like roaches or ravagers would be a lot better they're cheaper You can get them out a lot faster a lot they're less gas heavy which allows you to attack to a high faster get those vipers now When you have vipers what you want to be doing as cirque is you want to be trading like you just want to be spending and Oh no. I'm kind of tempted to remove one of the strike just for this brilliant move. As long as he doesn't actually build any lurkers. Poor loco. So, let me finish my sentence before I make a bad joke. With Vipers, you want to be trading energy for units. So you constantly want to be abducting units into preferably a roach, or Roach Reveder or Roach Reveager Bane Army. So you're constantly training keeping your opponents bank low, preferably even keeping them below 200 supply, which is definitely possible. I mean these fibers have been flying around for a very long time, and these are the first two abducts, and they're not even into something. Right now, this is what should be happening all the time. You should just constantly be abducting, abducting, abducting. Now for my bad joke. So if you guys remember the Matrix, at a certain point, the MAPTC, the main guy, I'm not gonna spoil too much, Neo needs to pick between two pills. You got the red pill and you got the blue pill. I can't even remember what the pills do, it doesn't matter. Now, Loco also once met a guy and he said, I have three pills for you. Here's the red pill, the blue pill, and here's the green pill. If you take the green pill, you will think that Lurkers are a good idea against Mac. And Loco, I'll take the green one, ate it, and now Loco lost. not only 25 IQ by taking the green pill, but he also believes that lurkers are good against Mac. Which is honestly a bit of an issue. Let's just say that if Local was the main character in the Matrix, that movie would have a very different ending. Oh, the Lurkers maybe good against the robots? No. They're not good against the robots. Man, the robots can fly. So yeah, the Lurkers, the reason why Lurkers are not that brilliant against Mac is because everything outranges the lurker. The lurker is good because it can outrange things. This is this is good loco. This is what we needed to be doing for the past four minutes. Ever since we had these vipers out, like there's nothing to be able to deal with these vipers. Absolutely nothing. All you need to do is pop, there we go, keep pulling them. The problem is he doesn't really have units because he has so much supply He has 13 corruptors, he has 6 hyras and 4 lurr. He doesn't actually have an army. Like his entire army right now is consisting of support units, which makes absolutely no sense. It's not, it's like starting a football team with like 12 goalies. Like first of all, you're only allowed to have 11 men on the pitch, and second of all, even if you're allowed to have 12, this would still be a terrible idea. So I kind of like that he's throwing away his corruptors. and actually getting a decent rate with it. This is a, it looks like a bad move, but it's a good move. Get rid of them. They'll need them anymore. Seven Vipers, perhaps is also a little bit over-sealous on the Vipcar. I think you only need like four, maybe five. It should be fine. But I'm a fan that he has so many and that we're finally trying to get some trades down. Whop. And actually, every time he pulls them in, he does get kills, right? Even though it's slow because he only has like five fighting units. he's actually getting good trades. He's still down in units lost because his initial trades weren't that brilliant. But he is at least trading at some point. And as you can see right now, when Zerg starts trading, you see that his bank is still massive. The other guy isn't even maxed and is losing a bank. This is literally all he needs to do, and he needed to be doing it for the past four or five minutes. Like he can start doing this. Hello? Is a stationary unit going to kill a viper? Actually, I think it might have killed him, but it's okay. We can let it slip by. We give a second major strike, by the way, for the fact that Loco hadn't been using his vipers very well. Also, now that the corruptors are gone, you see all of a sudden this army looks a lot scarier. And I said that Hydra corrupter is in the composition. Hydra viper actually is kind of playable, I guess. It's not super popular anymore. It used to be a lot more popular back in the day. Nowadays it's all about these banlings blowing up bases, but I mean this can really trade very well. I don't understand why he uses these hydras so forward rather than using them in unison with these vipers though. That makes very little sense to me. The battle cruiser run by. This is something that he's been doing pretty poor, I was going to say, but now he does well. He splits of part of his army rather than his entire army. That's good. Because then... I was going to say he can keep on trading. But he doesn't keep trading. He just loses units. Where are your vipers game. We still have vipers available. And there's still two lurkers, which God knows what these guys are going to be up to. Now, what Loco needs to do, once again, is he just needs to get his crap together. You know a thing he could also do is 8K minerals. He could build some static defense over here so he doesn't need to think about any type of run by. And then all he needs to do is just pull, pull, pull in, pull in, pull in, hop. We get a trade. On our viper side, not too great, but it's better to trade. Like when you think of a meg army, what you want to be doing is you just want to, in the end, there's one thing that's loco is most likely going to be right in and that is your fights most likely are not going to be efficient and that's completely fine because as a Zerg player you have so much more mobility that you should be capable of denying his bases at a way higher rate than he can deny yours you should be able to mine way more than him and you should be able to constantly be forcing fights because you have abduct only when the Terran gets ghost out do vipers become useless? Before that, they're always going to be able to trade. You see, every time he has energy on vipers, and he has his entire army together, he's getting good trades. Now, see, who you see, whoop, hey, here we go. Still, actually, he's getting way closer in resources lost. Now, let's analyze this situation for a second here. A little bit of midgame review. Ding-da-d-d-ding-ting, ding-ting-ting-ting. This base, completely open. No planetary, zero tanks, absolutely nothing. He's not aware of it, but I think you could guess that there might be a base here. This base, one, two, three. Three tanks, planetary basically done, two battle cruisers, four, five turrets. Now, we can do two things here. We can either attack into this base and probably kill it against some losses, or we can get it for free. Or what we can do is we can keep attacking this until we think that a fight might go kind of sour and then go over here to attack this base. Also, we could just send it. three hydras over here, clear this base, force it to lift off while we're killing this one. Let's see what local decides. He goes for this base. Instead of right-clicking the base, he moves commands into tanks to clear a turret, does not finish down the planetary, loses about 15 hydras, a couple of overseers, leave this base alive as well, and then moves back. I hadn't even thought of that scenario. I had three scenarios, the loco, our green-pilled hero, once again figured out a scenario which I didn't know was there. I just didn't know it was there. Very impressive. You know, usually when at companies, imagine this, you're in charge of the hiring process of a company. And your manager tells you to hire someone, needs to be able to think out of the box and your guy comes back with local your manager is gonna be fuming you know this is why you specify that when you think out of the box it still needs to be good thinking you know like thinking outside of the box isn't necessarily good it's like all right we have we have two scenarios here guys we either need to cut the cost by you know sacking a couple of or you know we need to we need to somehow get our products cheaper and a local comes with a suggestion like how about we build down the warehouse of our supplier and on the meeting is us oh my god who hired this guy green pill logo for you my friends green pill loco for you the man the mid the legends two lurkers still holding their you know holding down the fort at this point loco about to get the realization that tanks actually have superior range two Lurker Dan has done absolutely nothing good so far this game. Once again entire army getting pulled out of position by two units. Loses a base, loses a bunch of drones. Even though actually the trades haven't been going that poor. The last few trades were kind of crap, the one where he walked into the planetary. But before that, every time he actually fights, he kind of does well. Like, he actually is doing a pretty decent job. This? You know? I like this. You guys might look at this. it is right just waiting for so many bainting to a planetary yes but he's denying mining against a Terran that's gonna be hello okay that's gonna be on lower base count now now that's completely fine the thing is you need to use this momentum to keep going you break location you want to be breaking more locations you get a good trade yes this is what you need to do you have so much money in the bank this is absolutely perfect you need to keep your freaking vipers alive though You don't have your vipers alive. This kind of stuff just isn't useful because you need to continuously be training. Now, even at this point. So we saw a fight which was probably slightly inefficient for Loco. But if we look at everything that has just happened, is we have an 8K, 8K bank here for Loco. We have a 700 bank for the Terran. Loco has map control. He has decent creeped pretzel out. He should be taking this base. Everything I say about split map scenarios versus Terran, where you don't want to have them are untrue once Zurk is upper base. Now, I'm not great at counting, but most mineral patches have about 1500 minerals. Some of them have a little less. What is it? 800. 900. So in a base, you're gonna get about, what is it, 5K minerals. I don't care, approximately 6K minerals, 7K minerals. 10K, more like 10K minerals. You're gonna better get about 10K minerals, okay, all right, per base. The moment you take an extra base, you're basically up two bases, right? So instead of it being 7, 7, all of a sudden you had 8 and he only had 6, which means you have like 20K more minerals, you're going to get what, like 10K more gas. So all of a sudden you can be down 30k in units lost if you get a proper split map scenario where you mine one more base. This base is going to be impossible for the Tarrant to keep. It's too far out of the way. He can never defend this area. He can never defend this area. Like, he would need to put three tanks over here. But without any backup defense, a couple of vipers would be able to completely destroy that. Terran can only, the only thing Terran can do is push this base. So loco main priority should be mining out this base and mining out this base as fast as possible. Because then he can take the fights that he's been taking again and again and again without having to push his advantage. So there's two major ways in which you can beat there. One is by getting more mining and do a split map scenario. And two is by putting very high pressure on the Terran and winning purely through momentum. Now, like I said, I like the bailing stuff. The thing is you need to keep going after it. You can't just do one of these, then wait four minutes until the Terran establishes the position again and then go again. The moment you put on pressure is the moment you need to keep going again and again. Now actually local was having good fights with the viper stuff. I'm not quite sure why he stopped fibers in general even if you're going into a baling composition as long as you have some type of Hydra. Why does he have 19 corruptors again? The deal with the battle cruisers? There's not that many battle cruisers like like the 90 corruptors are complete dead weight in this army honestly like honestly complete that way this way this could have been like 25 viper or 25 hydras and I don't know like four or five Vipers extra. And then you still have so much left over for balings as well, which could be used to pick off outside bases, pushing into positions after you cleared up. These are not good traits. He just doesn't have the ground army to deal with this. He just sends in 20 bailings to their death, then seven more hydras, then three more hydras, just to clear five tanks. Like, this is not how it's supposed to happen. These trades should be going way better. And really, once you clear these tanks, this base is defended. that. So you always got to think of how Terran splits their supply, right? They have a bunch of supply in these battle cruisers. That could be stopped probably with a couple more spores. Maybe a small hydra force to deal with that. Maybe some spines deal with these heliens. And then Terran needs to defend this area, or you can walk there, they need to defend this area, they need to defend this area, and they need to defend this area. So there's There's one, two, three, four main areas. One, two, three, yeah, four main areas that Terra needs to defend. They're going to need more than two tanks per area there. Or they need to continuously be moving around. Like this, this should not be possible. There's not. If you have a well-organized attack on this position, Zirc should lose maybe three units here and should absolutely crush this. And that's exactly what happens, right? Now, you're going to need to temporarily give this up, but you create, like, if he starts, a base trade that's really good for sure right you have a big bank you should have larva available you can just keep going you just keep pushing you go into their production you probably win the game like you're way faster at killing stuff unless I guess your army consists of 40s Brutelage I'm not a big fan of the Roodlers usually oh my god it's just really straight into the end of it. We get the resource loss now. Ever since he started transitioning into Baino, it's going worse and worse, which it makes sense because you're going to trade worse against Army. So whenever you play a Bainling style, you really need to bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, and if you can't bang, bang, then don't get the bainling. You know, just stay on Hydra Viper, in that case, or stay on Roach, Roach Viper, Rove, whatever you want to do. playing catch you know this is it's just not what you're supposed to do when you have brute lord you you hope to fight like in the next few seconds like you're not going to be chasing heliens around with brute lord hopefully because they're really freaking slow mac is slow like literally the only thing slower than mech in this world is uh is the brute lord perhaps loco's decision making just kidding loco i love i love you buddy um going in for a command center. Vipers are coming back in the game. I kind of like that, but his army is so, I'm not even quite sure what the play. It's Corruptor Hydra Ultra Fiper, although 50 drones. He doesn't really have a, like what is the goal of this army? The goal of this army is to have a good engagement. But if you're going for engagement, the thing you need, like this is another way actually to win. You can have good engagements, against Mac armies. But in that case, you need investors. And you need neural. So you can neural five, six of the Mac army. The Mac army kills itself while your Hydra, ultra force, perhaps with some banlings. I don't even mind some corruptors in that case, moves in and kills it. But without investor, it's absolutely impossible. You can take a straight up engagement into a siege-up maxed-out Mac-Army with non-spell casters. It's just not possible. Unless he doesn't have enough anti-air, you have a lot of bruised. but I don't think that's fair. This actually might be a pretty decent engagement, honestly. One blighting cloud would help a lot, Loco. No, no blinding cloud. But yeah, this engagement obviously is very good. It was a non-steached army. You see a lot of the Terran units are still kind of just set around the map as well. Loco just killed his way. This was a really good fight, honestly. I'm proud of him for that. I mean, he does have a big army supply at this point. His back is is growing lower and lower, he's not even really maxed anymore. Ultralisk does go down. I feel like the many play styles he's trying to mix isn't really working. It's like, you know, you ever have these guys that, that ask you for advice, the people that go to the chip, and they know what I'm talking about. And you have like a friend who wants to. wants to start as well and he asks you for advice and you just tell him it doesn't really matter what you tell him right you tell him hey like you have ever heard of the 5 5 or whatever like the strong lips it's like a decent program like people are gonna make games with this kind of stuff you know and your friend does one workout of strong lips and he calls you up like Kevin this strong list up isn't working for me my bicep didn't grow 5 cents here you're like well like maybe give it some times like no no I'm trying something else I'm doing full body workouts eight times a week. He does two full body workouts. It looks in the mirror. It's like, my chest isn't the size of Arnold Schwarzenator yet. That's an issue here for me. And I'm like, okay, well, just try to stick with a plan. Maybe he's like, no, no, no. This is this, Gap. I got something new. I'm going to be running three times a week and then I'm just going to be body weight as well at home. And I think this is the key. I saw some videos of calisthenics guys and they look insanely buff. And I'm like, all right, good luck. Like, just stick to the programs. Like, after two calisthenics run out uh workouts and half a run he decides to call it quits and he tells me as bad genetics and can can never actually become big that right here is what loco is doing he switches composition into composition without actually sticking with it or following the game plan with it he started with well hydro corrupt hydra corruptor which isn't a composition we're going to skip that part then he goes into hydra viper which actually was working reasonably well he just wasn't executing it very well He wasn't doing the exercises, the correct way. He wasn't having the proper nutrition. But the plan was good. He was trading. He was doing a good job. He was winning the game very hard, I think, at certain points. Then he goes into mess banling. But once again, he didn't start with that plan. And hydra banning, or well, it's not really supposed to be hydra bainting. With reverberger bane is a composition where you play on high momentum. So this is not the time to use that plan anymore. The time for that plan is way past. Then that doesn't work. He's like, ah, crap, I'm losing all my workers. Let's just go a fighting army. But he doesn't execute the fighting army correctly. He doesn't have the investors. And that's the issuer. He just keeps switching plans and he never is growing his muscle. And then he complains to me that he has crap genetics. No, you don't have crap genetics. Just stick with the plant, man. It's better to stick with a crap plan and to keep switching between decent plans without actually completely executing it. This is the random mule that we're waiting for. When you have. three zergling and you see twelve mules drop you're like all right we're gonna be in trouble the next minute and a half that's a good run by though there's one thing that can be said about loco is that he's quite patient with the way that he sets up uh i was going to say sets up engagement as i say this literally runs in head budding this mac army with ling hydra corruptor to blood but before this he was being pretty patient with setting up engagement he was very consistent with his run-bys with his things I that's one of the things I I do appreciate in this game where he's playing pretty well but yeah it's it's just not gonna be enough right like he honestly the game is way closer than I thought it would be with the mistakes that he's been making where I stopped counting strikes but we would be at about five right now at this point so matter can just add a fifth one right now just the quick jump he would be in Jill twice already life you're never coming out there it's over for you baseball he would be at the bench again if loco would be playing curling he would be in trouble as well because curling is a very technical sport nothing to do with the three strikes though um corruptors just flying around loco is busy admitting defeat and he's taking a sweet time for it i actually like that he's staying in though i mean he still has pretty decent income right he has 67 workers doing good damage not that many planetaries anymore. Like this is just a regular base, which means if he can somehow stop this base, he could be in good shape. I don't think he's going to be able to stop this base because he literally only has Ling Bane. But you could see a world in which Loco would have won this game. Perhaps had he taken the red or the blue pill. Sadly, Loco decided to take the green one. Lurker. I think this is the first time I see a Lur. At least kill it, please look. Okay, there we go. Lurker gets a kill, dies five seconds later. No coming out. Thaking range of these tanks are so broken. Here we go, head butting into 12 doors. I mean, it's not gonna work. Now, it would make my day complete if we can get a little, a little bit of a flame in a Loco. Just tell him how broken Mac is, come on. Loco is too nice for this kind of stuff. That's the problem. Too nice. Lurkers get burrowed. Do absolutely nothing. Kill half a hell, but the Tours march him. Literally a right-click lurkers. Loco, loco, loco. This is a man in disbelief. Tried everything. That's the thing. It's the same with the gym, you know? He tried everything and it doesn't work. My friend, stick with the plan. Loco, you sent me a Twitter DM. Not even an email. at Twitter the complaining that Terran is too strong Vipers died to Tours Brutelors died to Tours Ultras died to everything and investors require your opponent to suck and not scam when they move out I don't quite know about your opponent but you definitely didn't play too well this game you did not play too well your Brutlords did die to Taurus your Vipers did die to well actually I'm not quite I think your Vipers might have died to turrets your army composition was incorrect your idea, your general concept of high workers and then taking semi-efficient trades, denying bases on the outside, is a good plan. But really try to stick with it a bit better. Your vibre control could use a little bit of work, your consistency of trading. You kind of want to, when you play like this, you want to really cut off a part of the map where he can't be doing counter attacks. Like I said, with that static defense that you definitely have mind. And then all of a sudden if you're only focusing on the army you have at hand, you can think about making rotations to To sides where his army isn't and that's that that's really just it. I mean you played a decent game, but Mac is not Mac is not in balance my friend. You you just wait what? I think I have some better guys to do this for me Let's go boys I've come to conclusion that you suck. Loco, you suck, man. Loco, you suck. Loco, you suck. Yes, yes, you do suck, Mr. Loco. All right, that's gonna be it for me today. Before I go, please thank Loco for his cooperation with this series. Don't go flaming him that he sucks. That's not very nice. Finally, we have someone else that actually wants to do a video with me. And then if you guys go flame him and make his life miserable, that would have been nice. So please follow him and do his stuff on YouTube. Like, he's actually great. He's a great lad. I absolutely love him. I also have my stuff. But thanks so much, Boko. And see you all next time. Bye-bye. |
Broodlords, Corruptors And Vipers ALL IMBALANCED !! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | In todays episode we have Greta, who feels like Zerg might just be a little bit too strong in the lategame. Lets see what Mr Harstem thinks of that. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/yRMl91fthuA/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | yRMl91fthuA | What's up friends, welcome back to... Oh crap, I stopped doing this introduction. Now my editor will roast me again. Hi, Harstam. Late game Zurk is Imba. Especially versus ProDels. And I think a big part of that is the Gigi Lord, Viper and Corruptor combo. Please tell me if it is I'mba or if it is I'mba. Maybe show us how pro gamers deal with Gigi Lords, because I see no solution. Every single time I play a macro game versus Zerg, it ends up like this. I didn't have the best fights, but I thought I played a better game than my opponent, until he decided to win by building aptly named Gigi Lords. Sincerely, your fan from Canada. All right, fan from Canada. Main complaint, Gigi Lords, Brutlords, in the late game of PVZ. The little two side complaints, Corruptor and Viper. So we can really see this as a bird, where the best one. body of the bird is the Gigi lord and the wings are the corruptor and the viper and our issue is is that the bird is pooping on our car and in this analogy the car is our MMR in Starcraft 2 and the bird is the Zerg player that annoys us so now that we've established exactly what we're dealing with let's see if there's a way to shoot this bird out of the air so to speak and most of all let's see if it is even possible to shoot this bird out of the air because this bird of course might have anti-bullet armor kevlar he's wearing a kevlar vest and proto's players don't really have kevlar penetrating bullets so we need to figure a couple of things out of course first of all our brute lord's broken and then secondary of all are the are the wings broken the corruptor viper are they broken but our main concern is going to be the brood lords we're going to be having a close look of everything that uh Heil Greta does, from now on just referred to as Greta, or our Canadian friend. But yeah, let's just have a look to see if there's any mistakes that he made at all, or if it is the broodlords. Now I believe this is a game from Diamond. Our friend is a Canadian, so I'm assuming he lives in Canada as well and plays on the North American server. Now, first mistake is not having a wall at the time where speed is finished. That's a mistake that's going to cost you a lot of games against link floods. Imagine this guy left the tab open and kept building lings and all of a sudden you get link flooded. That's not very nice. Usually you drown and you lose your MMR. So I'd always say try to get your wall done before 3.30 in the game. It's a little quick tip here by the professional guys. Just write it down in your little notebook. It's a good tip 3.30. try to get that gateway down it should be possible with star get it after the oracle and after the third pilot and you don't have to stop pro production for that we see greta is stopping progress for a bit gets double gas before the nexus not the tightest build that i've seen in my life are the greatest build but uh it looks fine you know it's it's it's somewhat uh similar to a build that the build that i shown casually explained where you just get a fast third base going to robo get observer out for scouting info maybe try to do some damage with adepts maybe keep them it doesn't matter too much so let's have a look at these two oracles see what they're going to be capable of doing here two oracles of course the key number as i've discussed a couple of episodes ago two is a lot better than one uh about 50 percent better a hundred percent better um fleet beacon on the way now this is interesting this is not in any of my build orders this is so the thing here is is that it doesn't make a lot of sense with the robo I like robo if you're going to be going into forged twilight but if you're going to be going into fleet beacon I think it's better to just get a faster fleet beacon and a second stargate so I'm not even going to necessarily hate on this build too much right the fleet beacon I don't necessarily hate but the robo just is a little bit senseless in in that case, I believe, at least. Also, working in three stalkers. It's going to cost you a lot of gas. Three stalkers is basically equal to a stargate, right? Gas-wise. And gas is going to be the limiting factor for TOS when you're doing a heavy tech build like carrier. So this is one of those things where you just see so many inaccuracies in a build, like the robo, the observer. We're talking 175 gas already, three more stalkers. 150 gas and you work in two Sentries, another 200 gas and all of this is just delaying your carriers from starting. So even if I don't like the build to start with, even if I would have liked the build, going fast carriers, I still wouldn't have liked your execution. So that is, you know, if there was a form about this builder, I would have to take no twice execution, no, and do I like it also? So no, even not considering the execution. Your oracles have done, well, is that five workers? Five worker kills. I'm not going to flame you for that either. I think that's completely fine. Now, of course your opponents aren't great at defending. Maybe you see a lot of openness. I think you could have gotten a bit more, but you know, for your level, this is completely fine. You got seven kills, you're up in workers, you're getting your carriers out. This is what we call a decent start. Now the real question for me is how the hell are you gonna lose the Brutelord? If you're going straight into carrier and you're gonna be up like seven upgrades or something like that. See this guy's playing Hydra Lane. He's still on 61 work. I mean you're up in workers. Getting cannons already. I wouldn't even mind the fort base pretty fast. I guess as long as you don't see any drones on the fort, it's not really necessary. But I wouldn't have mind it. So yeah, you don't have any carriers out yet and we're already 7 minutes and 30 seconds in game. I think this could be done a lot smoother, a lot, a lot smoother. Just gonna speed up a bit. If the theme of this game is going to be camping behind cannons and carriers, then, you know, we don't want to sit here for the next seven days. Hydra Bane attack, okay, you're aware of this. Not really, but you're also, you should know that something is coming. I mean, you have units in position. You have, what, three carriers, which can be used at this point. It's probably with the three carriers and the cannons, a couple of decent farfields should be enough to hold something like this, which is nice. Now, you're not getting any real info when it comes to work account, when it comes to tech, that kind of stuff. You're only releasing unit movement, which if you're paying attention to that should be good enough. This one should be an easy win for you, right? He also stopped carrier production for some reason. Oh, you got to fly well. That's another minor mistake. We'll add it to the list. Alright, so this fight should be kind of going into your, at least going your way somewhat. Especially if you fight near cannons, right? There's absolutely no way this is going to do anything. So I like continuing carries. I'm not a big fan of charge or immortals here. Whenever you play carriers or fast character like you do actually let's hold that thought Ah okay, close Let's do that one more time alright The beautiful force shield that blocks nothing All bainainainting connect all right um as you're going to can I most likely clean up this army. You just still have some interceptors left over, you have some stalkers which do damage. That's all of good. Now, when you think of carriers as a unit, what are their main attackers? They're the main guys that kill them, right? So let's just go over that. Those are hydras and corruptors, majority of the time. So if you're rushing into carriers, your follow-up should be, should be anticipating whatever it is he's going to be doing. So you want to be scouting, hey, is it hydras? And if it's hydras, your answer is going to be storm. If it's corruptors, your answer is either going to be storm or Arkom, or it's going to be Voidre, so you add more stargaze. Now, in general, I always like to rush out a couple of temperatures if you do go into fast carrier, because if your opponent actually has a very high Hydra count, and you don't have storm, and they get good upgrades, and I'm talking like 2-2, for example like plus two attack and plus two carapace this guy went plus two malay instead of carapace then carriers actually will lose all their interceptors to the hydras because you don't kill the hydras fast enough um so i always say try to rush out storm like immortals don't contribute anything to this army that the carriers aren't already contributing you're basically like they're not useful here the immortal you know immortals will be able to kill roaches but if he's getting roaches you've already won the game because roaches can't shoot up if he's getting lurkers immortals would be great but carriers destroy lurkers so the immortal here is a unit that has no use whatsoever the charge lots I mean I understand why you would want to use them for harass but do that after you get the things that you really need like your storm perhaps another Stargate you have two right now you could be getting three dark shrine is a luxury thing as well Like, don't forget me wrong, you have plenty of money, but your priorities are completely incorrect. Like you're, you're pretending like it's a normal game, but you rushed out carriers. Stop pretending like it's a normal game. This is not normal. You know, this is the opposite of normal. It's weird. Nothing wrong with being weird, but at least embrace it a little bit. Can't go around, you know, walking in these long coasts that cover your knees, all in black, and then pretend to like Ariana Grande, you know? I know you don't. I know you don't, great, eh? You don't like Ariana Grande. That is pop. You like goth rock or got metal. See what I mean? Another good real life analogy here, live on the Analogy channel. I'm your host, Kevin the Go-I. Um... Where was I? I broke my own thought process. Right, storm, there we go, 12 minutes in, it's a little late, but yeah, you get it in the end, so I'm gonna scratch that... Oh, no, I'm not gonna scratch on my little, that's still a complaint. But, but the, yeah, I'm still complaining about that. You should have gotten it faster, like this army dies the storm. Like, the flies in my room die to my fly swatter. Real fast, as long as I manage to catch them. It's the same with Hydros, as long as you hit them, like they're gonna die real quick. So 2DTs, I mean, these are all Titos, because I know I'm picking on these, but this is not TETO. You want to be getting a third target at this point. You're hell, you're on eight gas, man. You could be on force targets while still getting all of these things as well, producing carriers. Something that I also wouldn't mind you doing at this point is just moving out. You have a pretty powerful force. You're basically on your peak at this point, right? You have plus two upgrades. you have storm, you have a decent carrier count, anything from here, he's just going to be more prepared, you know? Even if I still think it's completely possible to be the Zerg, that has the perfect army against carriers, it's better to hit when they don't have a perfect army against carriers. There's a reason why in war most people try to do surprise attacks. Like you might still be able to win the war without doing a surprise attack, but it comes a hell of a lot easier if your opponent is drinking tea when you're, you're, you're, you come in with the guns, you know? It just makes life a little more convenient for you and less convenient for the other guy. So always try to, whenever you have like a power spike of some sorts or when your storm finishes and upgrades finishes, try to use that. And there will be people like, oh, that's a timing attack. I'm a macro player. I don't really care what you are. Like you're just going to use your timing advantage. You don't use your timing advantage. Like no matter if you're a macro player or a cheezer, you're just an idiot as well. You know, both macro players and cheesers can be idiots. It's the beauty of it. It's not exclusive to any type of person. Instead, you go back after having a fantastic trade. You killed literally every single viper. You damaged a bunch of his corruptors. And you were still maxed, and you're plus three just finished. So right now, he has one one upgrades on corruptors. He has no carapace upgrades. He has plus two, and you have plus three on air. Like, this is as good as it's going to get upgrade-wise for you. Is it good at... group is that it is as good as it's going to get unit wise as well like his army doesn't look very scary the only thing I wish is that you didn't have your immortals and these were like two extra Archons instead and your stalkers were dead all right we'll ignore that for now pretend like it never happened Oh boy, Greta probably used to that. What is that? If I don't speak to him, maybe he will just go away. Poor Greta. Alright. Let's just analyze this situation real fast. Alright? Ding-da-da-d-ding-ting-ting-ting-ting. So, you know you are on creep. You know your opponent has full vision on you. Complete, complete vision. Complete vision. Whenever you're in creep, this is the scariest moment in your life. Okay? This is nothing is gonna beat this. Like absolutely nothing. Like your entire life, this is what matters. This is what should scare you. Creep. He has full vision. His units move five times as fast as they usually do. And what you decide is the correct play is to move your Templar and Arcon away from defending your carriers and attack rocks in the middle of the the map. The only reason why I can see that you would be attacking these rocks in the middle of the map is because you're scared of their intellect. You might not be the smartest person in this portion of the map anymore. Because holy crap dude, this is some insane levels of stupidity. Like what's wrong with you? Your own creep, you know he has vipers, you know his corruptors. There you go. Lose a carrier. Lose another carrier. Hell, lose another carrier. Three carriers, gone for free before your templars are even bad. If he continued focus firing, you probably would have lost every single carrier ever. Like this fight, you should have completely destroyed it. Like, you're still up in supply, don't get me wrong, but you're probably gonna lose some stuff on the retreat. You're out of storms, you're out of interceptors. Like, you should have destroyed this fight so hard, dude. Like, you shouldn't even be closed. Here, this is where he should have left and this is where he should have been sending me the replay. Aircos is completely broken. I played perfectly. I had very better creep spread than him. But in the end I just lost. Well, this is... This is what should have happened. In a different timeline where you're not so threatened by the IQ of a rock, you would have won the game here. You would have gotten 25 points. Man, you would have laughed to yourself. Stupid, Zerg. I'm building hydrodden against Storm. Man, corruptors against carriers. No, you need him faster. Then you would have laughed at his I owe this episode that I would have made, making fun of his unit control or something or the way that he did things. But no, this is the timeline wherein, my friend, and are he too stuck? Oh, no. Greta, Greta, Greta. Man, they look really pretty. like decoration on the wall you know not going to be too useful anyway this game so he pees on your nexus you come to the rescue with your Archons and other things not really to the rescue so this is another reason why i said before i think it's good to have more stargues oh yeah four stargates actually okay i take back you know four stargates that's nice i'm a fan of that i'm a fan of that i've zealid run by strike to do some damage i also don't mind that completely don't get me wrong you're still in a good spot units lost, you're still ahead. The problem isn't with where you are in the game, is a problem where you should, what are you doing? Where you should be in the game. And right now where you should be on the game is probably not here on the map. Like currently, you're not maxed. You have a crap ton of supply in Stargates. Why would you want to be on the map right now? Like, the carrier army is the best when it's maxed, basically, or getting close to maxed. You also, really want to get rid of crap units before you go do something. And what I mean with that is that you're what the hell you have nine stalkers. Like, stalkers are completely useless in this situation. Please don't get them. Okay. You don't want, you don't want stalkers here. The things you do want are either a mothership for invisibility, more Templar, more carriers, maybe a couple of Voidre's. I mean, we see a big Corruptor army. Now I always say Voidre is the most useless unit until Corrupted. come out then it's still very low on the list but it's at least slightly more useful than a stalker our cons are nice to have as long as there's no Brutlords Archons are completely fine as well I'm a big fan of that but yeah try all right just just try to do your best get rid of the stalkers okay and there's two ways you can get rid of the stalkers you can either assist them in suicide or you can just just send them in here which also is practically some type of weird suicide. So just do that alright, just send them in there and right click it. Now another thing that you've been lacking for a while now is oracles. Oracles with Revelation, well actually you have one, you're just not using it. Oracles with Revelation are a very powerful tool at seeing where your opponent's viper corruptor army is. me is and it really helps in the micro again why we are tempers in the corner why why would you do that it's just a little bit sad this feeling inside storm storm storm storm storm storm so them out with storm i love how you have like 25 supply over here just chilling we're doing anything. Life is life, I guess, eh? La la la la. Yeah, some more harassed. Now, don't get me wrong. Are you still ahead? I was going to say you're still ahead, but I'm not sure anymore. You have good income. Problem is your gas is a little low. I think it's fine still for you, honestly. His army is still utter crap. He is hydra-corruptor. But your army, whenever you lose carriers, you decide to either build more stalkers or you add more TTs. Like just build more carriers, dude. We need higher carry count observer speed. How many Templar is there? 11. That's slightly too high. Ah, against 24 hydras? I think 8 templar would have been fine, but 11, you know, I'm not going to blame you for it. The main issue is with the stalkers here. Because really, if we look at what your army consists of, it's mediocre at best, you know. You have eight zealots, nine stalkers, four carriers, four Archons. Really the main DPS is coming from the storms here, which is fine as long as there's no brute lords or any type of major anti-ground. Like you don't actually have good units that do DPS. What is that? How many corruptors are like 22? Well, Mr. Corruptor man. Let's see what you can do here. I honestly still like it for the toss here. Our boy Greta made some mistakes and his army might look like crap. Sure, his runbys haven't really been working and he just lost his bottom right base, but he still has an army that should be feared. Oh my god, what is this? Okay, there we go. Good movement. Four carers. There's only four carriers. It really is too little. You need more carriers. But every single time he loses some type of units, he just rebuild salads. Or he gets more Archons. Right now we're at six, six Archons. it's gonna get bleeped out. Is that a bad word? Some creep denial. I don't even mind that. That seems good. Alright, here comes the fight. Templar, 11 Templar. Don't forget, that's the main DPS of the army. We get two, three storms hitting half a corruptor. Okay, now you have some forms hitting stuff. That's good. And the fight changed for the better there towards the end. You saw at the start how bad it went. If the Templar aren't there, like, this is pretty key. you know like imagine you are an army and you have a secret weapon and a secret weapon is a tank all right it's a massive thing imagine imagine we're fighting in Roman empire times right the Roman Empire led by Julius Caesar against the Vikings all right these live that around a similar time so let's square these two guys off. Now, the Vikings didn't have a gun. They just used swords. Same with the Roman Empire. Now, imagine that the Roman Empire managed to construct a vehicle that is a tank and it shoots massive bullets and makes stuff explode. The problem with the tank is, is that it is rather slow. And a great war general like Julius Caesar might understand that the rest of his army in order to survive will move at the same speed as the secret weapon the tank. Otherwise, what's going to happen is your tank is going to arrive when all your infantry has died. That's not very smart. Now, Greta is the Roman Empire and the Templars are his tank. The problem here is, is that we have Greta rather than Julius Caesar as the war general. And these Vikings, they're going to be doing some real damage. if they don't get shot by the tag. Pugh, I was pushing it even for me. Yeah, this is honestly a terrible. What? How is it that whenever I get a replay from anyone below masters, that the majority of the title is just kind of storming their own units? It's just something they enjoy. It's like one of these weird games. They play in Masters. It's actually running out of gas. It really should be prioritizing getting gas. getting gas somewhere now yes for for extractors for gas guys are assimilators there you go I like that he's using zealus now for run-bys but this is something that happens very often all right actually it's gonna end up well but very often when people have only minerals left they start using massive salad run bys and they also stop caring about them so they just pretend like the guy it's just money you know I can just put it into salads I don't have gas anyway and then later on on when they're all of a sudden completely out of bank, they go like, oh crap, I wish I just had 50 minerals again, so I could rebuild his nexus. Well, shouldn't have warped in 25 zealous and send them straight into their depth. This is a very common occurrence. Honestly, this game still looks pretty good for our prolos player. Mineral count is extremely low for the Zerg. His army is utter crap. Like, if we think of the ground army now, and now there's a move which you can do, which is absolutely genius. It's called attack switch. So rather than staying on the same composition for the entire game, you try to react to what your opponent does. Now this might... That's painful. This might sound revolutionary to some of you guys, but imagine you see an army consisting of 31 corruptors and 7 hydras. Now there's two things you can do. You can either continue carrier production, so your opponent already has to counter ready or you can start working on a massive ground force. Now what Greta does over here, not surprisingly, is he continues carrier production because what is better to counter 31 corruptors than two carriers? I like I like the way you're thinking here great. I like the way you're thinking because if you would have focused too much on killing the ground you might have accidentally won the game. I mean there's seven hydras and 24 lings right now. With your 16 zealots, 10 stalkers, you probably can just aim of across the map. Now imagine that the money that you just put into carriers you put into blink or something like that, then even if there's a low count of brute lords, you can actually do something because there's no ground force to protect them. That sounds very smart, doesn't it? But no, carriers is the way. I love it. That's, you know, that's good stuff. Because right now the only thing Aqua Black can actually beat is an air army. It's like, oh my God, please for the sake of everything that's holy, you know, please don't show up with more. than three ground units because you can't actually kill them. No, no, you get six Brutlords and now he's actually getting a slightly scarier Brutlord count. And at this point, you could still say, well, if you would have just built a ground army now, you wouldn't have done anything. No, you would have done something, you would have won the freaking game, dude. Even if there's nine or ten Brutlords and you have 16, 17 stalkers, if there's no ground army to defend the Brutlords, you could just blink under and target them down. There's absolutely no problem. The thing is when you have carriers, you're not going to be blinking under and killing stuff. What you're going to do is you're going to be fighting the corruptors because in your head, the carrier is the most important unit. And the way to preserve the carrier is to kill the corruptors. So instead of just killing the only thing that can kill ground, in this case the brute lord, what you're going to end up doing is you're going to fight the corruptors while your entire ground army dies to eight or nine broodlords and three zealots or three lings and five hydrots, you know that's what's going to happen here we're gonna watch it we're gonna laugh at him this is not a tempest they yeah it's the ultimate cuckmore at this point oh there goes the first carrier gone oh no second second carry man what a surprise like literally getting one shot by the 95 corruptors that are still on the map and also an aquablax wait a second I think I might be winning this I mean I only have 21 workers I don't have a ground army to speak of whatsoever and my army is literally the slowest in the game like even leapfrogging siege tanks move faster across the map than broodlords do but I don't think that's going to stop aqua black from doing what he's about to do which is probably okay there's two scenarios here either Greta is going to stay at home and defend against this army and die because he's going to be fighting the corruptors mainly or Greta is going to do a desperation attack even though he's up 50 workers oh it looks like we're going to get scenario one over here this is I absolutely love this now the reason why I love this is because this army in a million years can't get back it's just not possible you can't get back that with this low basis, low basis. If he's all the way over here and the toss, it needs to make a mature decision here. He's like, all right, this base is gone. Gonzo. You know, and you just give it up and you kill everything else on the map, either with run bys or with your main army, you're going to be completely fine. But instead what he does is he takes a fight on a ramp while being slaughtered by Brutler from the side. This is what I was talking about earlier, by the way you see brute lords are not getting attacked he's killing the corruptors which the corruptors have no real use like honestly almost no real use like they do need to kill the carriers and the tempest but that obviously is going to happen there's like 25 of them you know and by the time that great i realize oh wait a second i don't have air units who protect anymore maybe i should have attacked the brudlers earlier because his army actually isn't that scary now he's getting blinks getting a mother ship he's like ah wait a second what if i had 25 stops Oh shit, man, that would have been really neat. But instead, he doesn't have blink, he doesn't have 25 stalkers. He went five carriers, two void rays and mothership. And now he's about to aim off with zealots. Three stalkers without blink, a single tempire with two storms and three Archons that are killing broodlings underneath these brooders. And this is, this is Peak Star Trek. When I picked up this game 10 years ago, I didn't know quite what Peak Star Trek was, but after watching this game, evolve over the past 10 years. I know that this, it doesn't get much better than this. This is what it is. It's units that can't attack broodlords walking under the broodlords to kill the broodlings as they pop. That is what Peaks Starper foods. Now here we have the desperation base rate, which he also could have done earlier when it wasn't a desperation move, but actually a good play. There's the beauty of a lot of desperation moves. A lot of desperation moves are actually kind of good. The problem is they're not good because you're already dead at that point, you know, going for a base trade most of the time only happens when people realize they're really far behind. They go like, oh, the only way for me to win is a base trade. Well, imagine how good that only way to win was when you were like light years ahead. Like, you could have done that as well. You know, you don't need to wait to be behind until you start pulling out the good moves. It's a common occurrence I see in low level games especially, where people go like, ah, it's no time to base trade. I'm ahead. Well, I mean, if you get a good opportunity to base and you're really far ahead, you probably should take it. You know, you probably should take it. Now, we basically have Grata do what I recommended Grata to do about, what was it, 25, yeah, five minutes, five or six minutes ago, seven minutes ago. We have a bunch of Blinkstalkers. At this point, sadly, there's also 23 hydras again, so there's actually some anti-ground. There is still a couple of storms, but, I mean, if he gets the Brutelor's separated, it's still completely possible. completely possible. And you just right-click. Right-click. Okay, never mind. You absolutely died. And you did get the broodlords. But, yeah, I think it's going to be enough guys. I don't think this is one of the final mining bases. We have some zealots over here doing nothing. Making sure that this base never gets up again. There's an empty base as well. That's great. Get it real good. Kill the hatchery. Don't kill any of the attack. There you go. That's better. gets one more base yeah this is this is rough to watch guys rough to watch we still have one base mining for for black aqua black and we have nothing for Greta here I think this is going to be it let's pop forward now usually I just end the replay here but I have a feeling that Greta after such a long game of disappointment upon disappointment might have a couple of words for our opponent so I just want to make sure that you know we don't miss any any major BN there we go it's going to be it can't say something great huh yeah are we actually still playing the game 15 stalkers there's some income again maybe it's possible no way right time to leave great I stop wasting our time Oh, this base actually going down. 22 supply against 80. Neither players have income anymore. Okay, now this base has income. No, Gigi, oh, great. Why didn't Gigi because my opponent definitely didn't deserve it. Great, great, great, great, great, great. Where do we start? We started the start. Your early game wasn't that great. We didn't like the build order. We didn't like the way you executed it. I didn't like that your carrier production Was picking up steam so slowly should have added a third stargate way faster Your macro in general was quite bad. You were floating 2k resources throughout almost the entirety of the game Your the way you took fights was bad High temp are often trailing behind unit composition even though you had a lot of time to craft didn't really feel very powerful. A lack of carriers, too many star-fers. Then after a while, while he only had like 10 ground units and 31 corruptors, you continued carrier production rather than switching back into ground, your blink was too late, your... your harass wasn't that bad. You did a lot of damage with Zellet Runbass and I'm proud of you for that. But I'm sad to tell you that that's not going to be. and mask all the incompetence you have shown in this game which is a is a big list honestly brutalchards are good corruptor vipers are good but your unit movement was absolutely terrible your unit composition crafting was absolutely f tier that's the lowest tier by the way there's nothing below that it's like it's just you we had a tier maker you'd be on the bottom list greater um i'm sorry to tell you but you suck And oh, do you suck hard, my friend? Oh, yes, you do. All right. That's going to be it for me today. If you did enjoy this video, don't forget to subscribe to my channel up here. And if you want to support me, I have my Twitter to follow my Patreon to send me cash, my Twitch, where I stream daily high quality content. Don't forget to check that out. There's more video here in the bottom. Bye-bye. |
Beware Of The Carrotman | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | Another fresh episode of IODIS. Amazing stuff isn't it lads. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QjLMPVHyBCs/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | QjLMPVHyBCs | Dear Harstem, I'm a huge fan of your Iota series. I think I did everything I could, but I still lost this game. Protoss is just broken. My opening build did not work well, but I took out Protoss' third base in the midgame. However, the opponent produced Zelots like they were free, and HDs were like harvest knives reaping my bio. Even though I used EMP to counter them, the disruptors beat the crap out of me. I think I am like a desperate marine nailed in the coffee. nailed in the coffin and six salads are doing the coffin dance. Best wishes, vegetable. Alright, vegetable. We are about to find out what type of vegetable there are, whether you are a carrot, a tier a vegetable, or something similar to a tomato, which is a lower tier vegetable. Some people even consider it a fruit. And everyone knows that fruits are worse than vegetables. Let's have a look to see if zealots are imba, if high templars are imba and if disruptors really beat the crap out of you. Or perhaps it might have to do something with your scale level. So let's start where we always start and that is the build order. Or well, this, this thing. So he opens with a full wall. This is a little trick that a lot of the Terrans have been using. where you fool well and it's very difficult for ProDos to kind of figure out what's going on, you know? That's nice. I don't mind that. Now, one of the things that it's nice about is that you can get a pretty fast factory, and the timing of the factory there becomes pretty important. So you want to get the factory down ASAP. I know I skip back into the replay, but just to show you guys that he had a decent amount of gas stacked up before he built a factory. That's not quite what you want to be doing. He had 34 gas. So not too tight there in the builder, my friend. You gotta really, when you play a builder like this, tightness of timing is absolutely everything. And well, you were about as tight as the face of a 55 year old. Unless they use Botox, most of the time, that's a little loose. Sorry for all the 55 year olds out watching. Shout out to you. My boy vegetable going back with that SVV now as well. And okay, he's probably gonna. Proxia Starport. Okay, it's an interesting path he's taking. Okay, yeah, here we go. Factory hasn't finished yet, so the Proxy Starport is most likely going to be in time. Reaper goes across the map. Oh, it's not going to pull the casually explained there and just pops into the main base. You want to get a scout on what kind of type of attacker is, maybe get one or two probes, so this is all looking pretty fine right now. Proxy Starport with Triple Helion. Honestly, this is, I'm liking this. I'm liking this as a start for our boy vegetable here. He's looking damn fine. This is some eggplant level decisions here. My vegetable man. Two gateways from the proto's, well, let's just say that this protest is lucky that he isn't the one that's sent in the replay because I'd have a thing or two to say about him. Now, the one thing that always bothers me whenever people play this type of build order, is that they don't actually know how many resources they need at all. Like, they just, what is this? Supply block into the double Metavec queue. I was like, hey, I was going to complain about his resources, and he realized that I was like, let me just queue up to Medavex, so it looks like I actually macroed well. So whenever people do aggressive builds that open two gas, they never think of how many workers they need to put in gas. Sometimes it's fine that after you start your first factory, you don't need to keep three, three workers. Just pull out two workers, get a little more minerals so you can afford a faster command center. Because in this case, he's floating, that lets me well here, he's loading 320 gas, which that could have been minerals and it could have been basically a command center at this point, or could have been pretty close to a command center. So just something to keep in mind their vegetable, but you know, I'm not going to blame you too much for that. So far, it's, you know, it's almost a build order. I've seen worse. I've seen a lot better, but I've also seen worse, which we're focusing with positives. I'm a change man. I went on a small holiday. I came back, refresh. I'm like, I don't want to be the same old negative guy, you know, just complains about everything. I'm relaxed, I'm calm. I have a high tolerance for crap, like the things you're pooling here right now. So let's see how long I will last. First, matter of fact, is about to pop out. One of the many things you want to do, of course, is that whenever your Medivac pops out, you want to have it lined up with your three helions being there. So your timing is tight, right? You want to be able to drop into the main base as soon as possible with three aliens. Now, a funny thing about this build order is that I faced this build order before with the no CC. And I know the fastest timing at which it can hit. The fastest timing at which it can hit is three minutes and 34 seconds. Our friend vegetable here is hitting a full minute too late. No, that's not true. Only hits 57 seconds too late. That is honestly not that bad. I lied there with a minute. Only 57 seconds, but that's okay. As you can see, instead of there only being three units, right now there's, well, closer to what seems like... Why can't I count? Eight units. Six talkers and two Sentries. Eight units. So that's about a five unit difference, which you know that usually whenever you do a timing attack One of the most important things of the timing attack is to actually hit at a timing It's kind of in the word there where if you're just randomly attacking at you know at any given time It's not really a timing anymore. It's just a move out What vegetable did here was a move out. He moved out without there really being any sense of timing he's been behind behind an income for quite some time or at least behind a worker. It's not behind income at the moment because the probes all threats are to the main, but he should be behind income. His CC is very late and his follow-up is, well, I... maybe it's fine, like getting two wrecks is fine. The problem is his CC is just very late, so his Eco kind of sucks. No eBay yet either, so upgrades are not really going to be a thing so far in this game for our boy, Vegetable. and he's still just down 11 workers. He killed three workers. And I have a feeling that two of those workers killed were with a Reaper. So basically what Vegetable did, he delayed his CC by three minutes to throw away three Hallions into eight Gateway units. That is the state of the game so far. So could we consider this as vegetable out playing his opponent? bonus so far? No, not really. I don't think that would be a fair characterization of this game so far. I think Vegetable has been making some mistakes in the build order. He's been making some mistakes in the control of the drop and he's been making some mistakes in his follow-up as well. I guess that kind of counts as the build order. But, you know, we're still in a good mood. The holiday spirit is high and maybe he can redeem himself. You know, a couple of good drops, a couple of of nice move outs here and we're all gonna be fine mr vegetable we're all gonna be fine no i won't even blame you for what happened in the early game if from now on you start playing very well we get an ebay starting to get upgrades you know i'm seeing this game with rose tinted glasses you know it's everything's looking pretty everything is looking beautiful double fortune the other guy's actually playing pretty well i didn't like his opener very much but he's doing some solid moves man a little bit of krono boost saving But you never know when you're going to need it. So, just saving for the Great Depression. Here's our boy vegetable. He's starting to macro up as well. You know, he's producing some workers again. This game definitely has some potential. A couple of meta-fax will be used to, and we're going to have a move out. I guess when stimming combat finishes and two more meta-fax, something like that. Now, the thing you want to do as a Tarran, um, First of all, you want to get your Metavax, basically the moment your starport is ready. So you can, even if your Stim and Combat isn't finished, you can start moving out a bit. You can start pushing for it and push these stalkers back a bit. Because most of the time there's going to be blink, right? And in that case, you do want to be pushing that back. Another thing you can do to keep stalkers at home is to send the Raven like this. So you just go to the right side and you start harassing a bit with a raven. Or you send it over here. You start harassing it. and you fly it into the mountain and from the mountain you can put a turret here you can put a turret here you can put a turret here the first a lot of units to be left behind now if any race is broken here boys what is this he's gonna pull as evis oh no vegetabla you gotta be kidding this also is a classic move by the way just imagine the mental gym nastics of this one. It's like let me build a third cc and then pull all the workers on my natural. It's like the this is the triple mule mindset is what I call it is where you just build a command center to throw down some mules. I'm absolutely loving this. He didn't even pull all of his asses. He just put like like 10, you know, doesn't even the balls to really commit. Ah, that's so sad. It's like mate, you've been together with your girlfriend for five years now. Maybe it's time, you know. know maybe it's time to really commit but no you keep talking to your side piece you know just making sure to have to have something in case it goes what no just commit for once in your life to something vegetable what is this you can just walk on the map with 12 SUVs for for a minute and a half chasing back to Blink stalkers it'll happen with the Raven I love this he really has commitment issues I think. Oh man, glad I'm with his girlfriend or boyfriend. That'd be messed up. That would truly be messed up. Honestly, a supply isn't even a bad, but it's because our proto's friend is floating 2K minerals. Three tanks are in a good position. This is a beautiful stim. Now this is what I want to see on close. This the Templar, you know? I feel like this Templar might be a key factor in this game. I just have a weird feeling that our boy vegetable might have some trouble my own. No, this is looking good. What the hell? This has a good job so far, vegetable. He only has a single upgrade and sure as a pond is throwing some money. Vegetable only has 45 SEVs and rallying liberators across the map in some weird attempt to siege this third. But I mean his micro against storm has been absolutely a class so far as in that the single storm tick has hit anything. And this Nexus is falling quick. Man, our boy vegetable with the commitment issues here is making some real plays. With the classic icy storm so I'm not going to send any units forward at all. I love it when Terrant. This is so cool. Okay, look at this, look at this move. So what he's doing, he's pre-splitting his units in a good way, right? But because he's a Terran player, the only hotkey he uses is F2. So whenever he actually starts moving forward, the pre-split is going to be useless again. This is really a classic. Actually, it doesn't do it this tank. That's a bit sad. I can't believe I pass for that. A couple of storms on all of the tanks together, but honestly not the worst fight. Man, this guy really is proving me wrong in every possible way. Vegetable. He's pre-splitting and leaving the pre-splits. He's pretty much won this game honestly. I don't... Like his opponent still has 3K in the bank because he forgot the macro for the past 5 minutes. How many gates does he have? 8 gates. He should be able to produce stuff. And he literally has no units. It's like 6 Templar, 6 stalkers, and 7 zealots. So what you do in this case is you send your marauders forward, You right-click this base and you win the game. Yeah, just like that. And then you can send a couple of marauders for it to kill these. Did he send a replay in which he wins? That would be so sick and a massive waste of my time. Writes the juicy description. And he's absolutely stompch his opponent. He even has more money at this point. He's still not really transitioning when he's getting plus one, plus one armor. I'm sure the macro isn't looking too hot and sure the... The worker production stopped at the five minute mark. These are all things we can complain about, but... At the end of a day, a win is a win, you know, it doesn't really matter how you get it. If your macros sucks and you don't get upgrades, your unit control is mediocre, and you don't have any worker production, that all might sound bad. I mean, if you win, you win. A perfect drop as well into the main base. Hello, how about we unload everything? No? Okay, yeah, there. I actually have no clue how vegetable is gonna lose this. I mean, he literally just killed everything. Even though this fight wasn't insanely good, it still was good enough because, I mean, vegetable has 2K minerals, well, 1.7K minerals. at this point. He has pretty decent production and he has four, you should have five wrecks, right? Yeah, there's five racks. He has a starport. He can build tanks. He can go into two two. All he really needs to do at this point is spend his money, get his gas production going. I mean there's gas mining going. There's one really no gas money over there. Fort base. I'm not a big fan of that, but the problem really is that he's only building three units, at a time even though he has five barracks and a factory which usually if you kill a third base of your opponent and take a decent fight it's wise to try to spend all your money no armory no second eBay these are also mistakes the longer the game goes and your own low upgrades that usually kind of sucks for you there is no big ghosting enhanced shockwave it's called actually the proper name for it let's use it for one the big ghost thing actually actually empe's everything the perfect play so now something that sounds very tempting here for vegetable is to chase this army as you've just gotten basically perfect emps and it makes some sense i don't have too many issues with it the only issue i have I have it is that his army actually isn't that big because right now he's slowly 4.2k resources. He actually is gonna do well for a bit but in the end he's gonna get blasted I mean there's plus two armor but what was this complaint about? He complained about zealus and high templars. He's losing the game to archons and stalkers even though in theory the Archons did come from high templars. I was believing that storm was going to be the broken factor, you know, but in reality the real issue here is the 3.5k minerals in the bank. I always like to translate minerals into supply and the easiest way to do it is to pick marines, obviously. Marine is 50 minerals and one supply. So if you think of a 2.5k bank, that would be 50 supply that you could have added in pure marine isn't that great how that works if supply yeah that's correct so basically our boy vegetable should be at around 150 supply right now or well 160 170 supply on top of that he's finally getting his two two actually which is good he's getting a fort base like the production tab is looking a little healthier now but i still feel like his production overall has been lacking a little bit. I wouldn't mind him adding a tank here and there, just to spend some of his money, or even just to go back in, or to go into widow mine production. I won't say go back, but you can only go back into some type of production if you've done it before, and he definitely didn't produce widow mines before. Now his upgrades and everything are quite late. He's a bit oversaturated on the third, but that shouldn't really ruin the party. He scans forward. I mean, an enhanced shockwave is done. So at this point, I feel like once again we're in this situation where vegetable is really really in a nice spot I feel like he's been in a nice spot for the past five minutes he's even produced some workers he's transferring them now like he's he's kind of looking healthy honestly is it the good old Madovack rally across the map it also really a classic the flanking ghost with two more Mettivacs So you would think if he hits this EMP once again, that that would be good enough. I think it might... What are the upgrades? 3-2 against 1-1. So our boy fetched oil here hitting just before his own 2-2 finishes against the 3-2 army. Now, if we put some quick math onto the case here, we see that 3-2 against 1-1, that is a 3-upgrade lead. Yes, that's a three upgrade lead for the Protoss player in a situation where the army supply was even. So even if you hit the perfect EMP, the fight still is going to go terrible. On top of that, our boy vegetable, still floating like he's saving for the next financial crisis. This is not looking to get my boy vegetable. This is not looking too good at all here, my friend. I mean, you really did try hard. I believe him, you know. The reason I knew that he was trying so hard was because he was only focusing on one thing and I was moving around with his army. At the start he was so focused on executing the build order, he kind of forgot to hit the timing. Yeah, you sometimes just have that, you know? Whereas like, man, I really want to execute this build order and then you're so tunnel vision on this building things that you completely forget to actually line up things like Helens moving out for the, for the Medivac, your factory when you get a hundred gas. You focus so much that you don't see the goal anymore. That's kind of what happened here with vegetables. You know, we give him an A for effort so far, but the execution has been lacking. The execution has been lacking. I was going into my endgame rent, but it seems like this game just never ends. That's nice. It's a bit like life. Just keeps going on and on. Absolutely beautiful. 157 supply against 117. I mean, I feel like our boy vegetable still actually has a chance. This is the thing that always sticks me off. Whenever I do any of this replays, it doesn't even matter what, honestly. Whenever I do one of these replays, I just look at it and go, at this point, you could give this to a player with a brain, and he'd probably still be able to win. And it doesn't even matter what league the player with the brain is. I know for a fact there's 50 guys in the comments right now that are going, man, I'm I'm bronze seven and I would definitely be able to win this situation. He didn't hit a single EMP, he's floating constantly 5k minerals. I agree with the guys in the comments man. These guys are definitely right. This is a sick drop. This is going to be the first successful multitask that we're going to see from vegetable. Now we're going to follow these two metaVex because this is really exciting. We've seen him attempt two drops. We've seen him attempt two drops, before one over actually no he did a drop in the main base but that wasn't a multitask that was just a complete army drop let's see what these two matter-fax are gonna do we're not gonna pay attention at all to the fight we're just gonna look at these drops this is the multitask that tarrants are so well-known for look at these guys this is this is really always the one of the key things from vegetable do you remember yes he does That's beautiful. We're actually seeing some Miltest man. Every time I'm about to make fun of him for something, he actually does it well. This guy is absolutely ruining my show. Oh, drop actually does a lot of damage. Pretty proud of that. It's not even really pretty pretty. Some first person view here. Picks up the Mata Vax flies away. Who? She's a single salad, moves there with his entire army, sensible, sensible. 12 DTs move in. What's the reaction time on the repair it's just not in time slightly too slow but can't blame him for that this planetary survives I can't believe we're actually going to a longer again I really thought the game was over oh man I should start preparing for this no another scan and I recall all right all right now if we take a look at this Let's just, all right, let's just pause and take a step back. You always got to do this. So what do we have here for the protests? We have an army that is extremely susceptible to any type of EMP. Doesn't really deal well with higher liberator numbers either. Usually Colossi are good against liberators or campus, but Colossi stalker is good because you can kind of kill stuff that's in the Liberator zone and try to blink forward. like Colossus stalker disruptor is a really nice composition. For that, there's no colossi here, which means that in theory, with just pure lip, ghost, marauder, you can do it. Or if you have good micro, just mass marauder with a bunch of ghosts also actually beats this army. Because you can E&P everything, then kite back forever. Splitting with marauder is relatively easy as well. So that's the type of fight that definitely can be won. This base is going to die to a couple of zealids. We have the drop coming back once again. It does die this time, but actually create some space. So this was a nice move. Now, the final fight is, well the final fight, I assume this is going to be one of the final fights. It's going to be the most important. So we see the disruptors coming in. The scan is on the disruptors. That's one. Do we get any more? Z. Only one major shot gets it. Not a single EMP has been cast. Okay, there, EMP, EMP, of course, on the entire army. Fight, actually. Not going to pour, even though he took a full disruptor hit to the face. Still floating a solid 2K resources as well. Slight overstimbing. I have to admit this game is becoming really tight. I thought we were just going to be making fun of vegetable, but this game is pretty exciting, actually. And it's not exciting as in a Formula One race, you know? This is more where your neighborhood boy in his soapbox car against another neighborhood boy in a soap box car, both built in a day and a half. And when turning the first corner, both the wheels fall off, and now both of them are just pushing their body forward, trying to make their soapbox advance. And even though it's kind of a train wreck to watch, you just still keep watching because you're curious if your seven or seven year old neighbor on the right side or your 12 year old neighbor on the left side is gonna have more power in his body to push the soapbox forward so this is kind of what you're what you're looking at here just to give a little bit perspective a little bit of perspective to this game there's only really a single disruptor left if that doesn't hit a massive shot I mean the upgrades aren't that great there is what One, two storms. Oh no. Good EMPs. Perfect EMPs. No scan! Oh he can EMP the DTs. Man, this game is going down to the wire. There's still some mining left here. There's one base mining left here. I mean, I wouldn't say that Vexha will play perfect. Or close to perfect. Or well. Or even did a lot of good moves. But then he... He... He met him use... No. He's an idiot. What? Did he think he had won? Let's get into the mind of someone with barely double digit IQ. What the hell was that? Did he think? Did he think he won? He had to believe he'd lost and it was like his... His last ditch effort or something. So he moves in. He has what? How many scans available? One, two... Two. He's gonna have three seconds. His income, actually, if he gets mining again, with this many mules, it's gonna be close to what this guy has on, you know, one and a half base. Probably better. So what he should do is he should scan. can up and he should move into the mineral line here to stop the zealots from doing too much 13 zealots 3 dTs and 5 stalkers 8 marauders 14 marines foregoes if you're in the mineral line over here there's no way in hell this force is going to be doing anything so we see a blink into this what is he attacking at this and instead of scanning the dTs or eMPing the zealots and microinous army He decides the best way to use his already quite low APM. How does this guy have 300 APM average? Okay, well, it's rather low APM to spend it on dropping two mules. How the hell is that gonna help you dude? I even would have preferred him right-clicking the Nexus, because then he's three base, or well, he has three Cc against, uh, against half a mining base. And then you can pick up or something. Me and Molo actually had the same sentiment. I typed a question mark in my head as well. You know just... Inside my mind's eye was just a massive question mark. What's he saying here? Proto's is very broken. You are an idiot. idiot. You don't deserve this win. I outplayed you a million times. All of that in confined in three simple characters. That's my my Mandarin is very high level. And then he still stays in. Is he gonna float his buildings? Is this actually the first floater we're gonna get? Oh man this guy is a top lad This guy is a bottom tier vegetable Like a pee or something or a Kidney bean Yeah these are the worst It's not even really a vegetable we count them as a vegetable What is he doing This game went from mediocre to bad to mediocre. To terry, he forgets to DG as well, my vegetable was proper fuming. This was beautiful. Alright vegetable, let me have a quick look at your email again. Proz is just broken. His opening build did not work well. At least he is self-aware. But I took out Protoss third base in the mid game. Yeah, it's true. He took out the Protoss third base. and you completely won the game there you are floating 3k 3k minerals at that point and about 800 gas while being even in supply against the prolus that had 9 actually you were up in supply he had like 106 against 92 however the opponent produced salads like they were free he had like 7 zealots and high templars were like hard i don't actually think high templars cast a single storm that hit they really the main thing was the fight where you fought with 2-2 against 3-1 you lost your entire army for free while floating 3k and then the game still got close afterwards then the disruptor beat the crap out of me no he hit a single disruptor shot on you this is the thing people send me this replays and they think they know the reason why they lost they don't know the reason why they lost the reason why I lost was a he was floating a crap ton of money B he took A fight in the middle of the map that was absolutely horrendous. I'm not even quite sure how to describe that fight. Like just before two, like literally 10 seconds before two finishes. The one thing that vegetable does not have is any type of timing. If I were to make a YouTube series with vegetable, the episodes would come out slower than they currently are with casually explained. Like this guy would always be too late, never on time, just not show up. this might be casually explained starrant smurf i think we're onto something here i'm i'm gonna have to send a follow-up email to my boy vegetable just to check a couple of things as some simple questions like are you a famous youtube um yeah altogether vegetable i appreciate the effort that you put in and the manner mules even though you were losing a fight that you should have won if you just move and scan but at the end of the day it's very simple my friend. High Templars didn't kill you. Disruptors didn't beat the crap out of you. No. You beat yourself by not knowing timings, not understanding how time works. That's a big mistake. And thus, you suck. And you suck very hard. All right. Thanks everyone for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inba or do I suck if you did? Don't forget to leave a comment down below. Subscribe to my channel and follow me on Patreon. Love you all and bye bye |
Self-Proclaimed MACRO GOD Finds Imbalance?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | A LITERAL GOD Sent us his replay. I wonder if I can find anything wrong in his play... Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qsviMjMu8Sc/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | qsviMjMu8Sc | They're Harstem. I'm having a huge time seeing how to deal with lurkers. They are stealthy, long range, dirty bush dwelling pests. And nothing I do seems to counter them. They seemingly outrange all ground units. And since they're always accompanied by hydras, any air units I manage to fart out get ruined before I can get a decent count. Clearly, I am not the problem, as I have literally perfect macro. I am a macro god. That's why I have achieved the pinnacle of platinum bleak. So is it imba, obviously, or do I suck? Impossible. I am a god. Cheers, Jack. Send from mail for Windows 10. I don't know why, but for some reason that makes me smile. If you're too dumb to remove the send from Windows email 10, I feel like it's going to be hard to take you seriously. But, uh, quick note, to my editor, the name Jack the Funk is going to turn into either macro god or literal macro god. You can have your decision there. Then we can continue into this game. So first claim, well the only claim really he makes about his own place that he's a literal macro god. We're of course going to have a look at it. What the hell is this? Oh, this is pig. Nice. Beautiful. Let's have a look. Alright, let's see what this fella is doing. It's a decent time. Use diamond three. Diamond three. I say this because people in my, in the YouTube comments are always very mean to everyone. I'm gold three. I'm better than this. No, you're not. No, you're not. All right, Stargate coming down. Pretty standard timing, perhaps a bit late. You can see a second adapt. warpgate on the way it's all looking okay I don't mind this build order so far this is looking pretty tight now from the Zerg perspective just standard link openers this is a this what I call a flat wall now the problem with flat walls is actually a pretty big one because you need two structures especially if your piling's placed over here to wall this this little place you You need a pylon here and a pylon here. That's why you always want to stagger the wall. Is that what you call it? Make it like a stairs. You want to be able to have like a bit of a dent. So put this gateway one block to the right or put this one one to the right. That way it's very easy to wall with a single building. Helps a lot. Now, Phoenix first. A little bit of chronobo boost not being used. A little bit of probes not being used. probes not being created but all of these things you know we can we can live with I don't care too much about them I'm not gonna you know I'm not gonna complain about this kind of stuff anymore you know we've we've heard it all we've heard oh no you forgot to go probes for three seconds and no one cares what the hell is this though oh you've got a third pilot oh no okay so if you forget the third pilot that's okay but you just cancel your units like it's bad to not have a third adapt than it has to not have any pro production for three minutes or well in this case 30 seconds okay bad start he also takes his extra gases before he takes the nexus i'm not a fan of that i think it sucks he plays phoenix oracle which i also think sucks he should play at least two oracles before he gets any type of extra attack like the difference between one oracle and two oracle is so big that it almost feels criminal to not build a second oracle because list it is if you go from one oracle to two oracles you increase your efficiency or your yeah your effectiveness by 50% because what first by a hundred percent if first you need one shot two shots now you only need one so you increase efficiency by a hundred percent no you decrease the time spent by 50 percent so at first you spend two seconds now you would spend one no so then you increase efficiency by a hundred percent you see guys I did finish my math courses good so yeah this is why you get two articles always because it's very good you can just pop pop pop drones really easily it's very nice don't want to be the guy with a single oracle see you got zero kills that's typical of a single oracle absolute loser it's a nice animation he has there I saw holy crap no um now what else are we doing here mr Jack the Funk so far you haven't really been too busy but you did get a fortune at twilight I like that you're scouting this general area so in case there any type of nigh display over here that would be very easily spotted which i'm a big fan of honestly i think it's good to have this kind of stuff prepared you know he's just thinking about the niche attacks that his opponent can can throw out him now four adepts are going to move across the map and the thing you want to do with four adepts is usually you want to use them in unison with your oracles so you can either clear creep or maybe you can even try to go for some drones but usually you split them up to two but I guess this also seems to work another quick trick with adept is try to move into these mineral patches so that this kind of surround can't happen as quickly but once again this all seems pretty reasonable so far this I mean these are decent shades for getting some damage done with these adepts this is what eight workers going down now there is a classic thing here where Usually when a player below Masters 1 is doing things that isn't macro, it's usually worse than if he would have actually macroed. Now, I'd like you guys to think back off about a minute ago when these four bad boys shaded in. And I'm going to assure you that he probably was at 50 workers, or 49 or something like that. Probably one more worker finished up. He hasn't made a single macro action. He's floating 2K resources. And he didn't produce a single probe. So even though he killed 16 workers, even though I don't think there was all of it with just the four adepts, maybe he had some before. No, wait, he didn't because his Oracle was completely useless. Yeah, so it must have been just these adepts. I still feel like his position in the game didn't improve very much. Because he just kept floating money, didn't build any workers for himself. So you see, he's still down 10 workers, which is impressive. Also getting your gases down at 7 minutes and 40 seconds is almost 2 minutes later than I usually get them, which is also impressive. So so far our literal macro god is about 2 minutes behind in an 8 minute game. And that is 25%. Unless you calculate from the 6 minute to the 8, then he's down by 33%. See how it works? percentages are a very wild thing. Did I just hear a robo bay being queued up? Alright, all right, all right, all right, all right. I thought we were gonna have one hell of a game, but I guess not. So he's gonna get a storm, second Robo, Robo Bay, without mining any gas on his third days. I have no clue how this is gonna pan out, but I'm a fan already. I am definitely a fan. The problem with getting this, yeah, throw the dark shrine down as well. I mean we have plenty of gas anyway, right? Jeez. How is he gonna be able to pay for this expensive habit of just buying everything with gas? It's like the type of guy that has seven credit cards maxed out, gets called by his bank, like I made you have seven credit cards max out. That's annoying, but could I get an eighth card? Because I feel like I really need that dark shrine right now in my life. Like, I really feel a strong connection as I'm a, what I called? Gemini. The astrology signs. I feel like people that max out more than seven credit cards usually are into astrology. I think you have to be a special kind of stupid. it. Actually, that's such a Leo thing to do. No, that's not a Leo thing to do. Stupid Gemini's. Where else? Ah, Colossus. 1400 minerals, 200 gas. He's going to be able to work in a dark template, like a single one or something. And the rest of his army is just going to be pure zealot. So you can actually afford a lot of gas units out of special structures. The problem with that, is that it just leaves you with such a big zealot army that you're just going to die the moment your opponent has two or three banlings this actually is a very good army though against anything that isn't banlings which at this level it seems like people don't really make banlings which would explain the by a little lower plat lower lower lower what was that You heard about stutter stepping once? Let's have another look at this stutter step. What the hell? So the reason why people stutter step is because you want to get in range of your opponent, or when you're chasing, or when you're running away, right? You stutter step, you shoot while running away, so you still do some damage, but you also get away from your opponent. This guy just move commanding. into units that have less range. This is anti-studder stepping. This makes sure that your opponent doesn't need to have. Look at this. What was this move? It's like, oh, you can't reach the immortals on the back yet. Let me just move a bit quicker. Closer. That's fantastic. That's a good move. I completely lost my train off. I write the low-level dudes. Because no one builds banlings. Stuff like Immortals and Colossi are really broken in this, usually. in this league or in this player bracket I don't know how you want to call it this guy's just actually just maxing roaches I don't quite see how Jack the funk here is gonna lose this game but usually these guys manage to find ways that I haven't even thought of so even just speculating would be kind of ruining part of the phone now imagine there was a prison with this right and What? What the hell was that? So this was what? 20, 24 roaches, maybe? Okay, it says 41, but a lot of them weren't there. I think that was 24 roaches. There was freaking five immortals in the Colossus there. I think he could have just fought that fight. He just moved commanded away. He lost like five, six units. And now it's like, again, now that I've recalled, I can go again. That's not quite how this game works. Like he probably could have already filed before. This is absolutely wild. Fort base goes down. I mean, that's a big road to run by. This circus expanding life is like his life depends on it, though. Now going into Lurkers. Kind of like it. I think that's kind of cool. You know what? I think that is kind of cool. Gets to two upgrades. It's funny because Jack the Funk thinks he's a literal macro goal. Meanwhile, he's been floating at least 2.5K resources consistently since minute 7. But this Zerg has actually been expanding absolutely everywhere. You know, he's even as a base down here. He's trying to screefe spread. He's just playing very basic units and just focusing on macroing. You know, he's getting his injects done. He has larvae everywhere. He has a lot of money in the bank because he's been mining so well. He does a run by here and there, but there's nothing fancy in his play style. You know, it's just good old solid Roach Hydra. And sure, it's not the best play style. And sure, there's no banlings. And yeah, the creepstrat could be better. But he actually has a, you know, it's not a bad style. It's, it's solid. You know, he's a lot of money. He's working on his macro. I like it. I feel like the actual literal macro god here is Protoss OTP. And our boy Jack the Funk here is, it's not doing Okay, here come the Lurkers. Now, this is a key moment in our literal MackroGault's life. Because this is where stuff starts to go wrong for him, or at least where he believed stuff starts to go wrong for him. In my mind, stuff has been going wrong in his life for a while in order for him to even get to this point. Sending a replay complaining about Lurkers while you're Diamond 3 and constantly floating 2K resource. Maybe he doesn't have the A move button. like bind, bounded, bind it or something. Like, make your armies like five times the size. Just fight! How can one guy be this bad at judging fights? So right now he has 34 workers, our literal god. He's still floating 1,800 minerals though. Does he not realize he can just aim of this army? He has six immortals. Like, I know going down ramps is not the way to go, but I think even going down this ramp, he would be able to win. He's been able to win for the past five minutes by just aim moving, I feel like. And instead of it does, he moves commands around, loses seven more immortals, and then decides, oh, I just lost seven in mortals. I probably can't fight this. It's not because your army sucks because you keep movement-commending around. This is painful to watch, honestly. I mean, this army is complete garbage at this point. There's seven lurkers. There's nine immortals, dude. And there's two colossi. There's storms available. Circuit's floating like madman as well. Holy crap. No ford base on the way, 47 workers again though. No gas being mined. Our literal god hasn't probably looked at his base in the past five minutes. He's just going to aim move across the map with a massive immortal army. No, he's not going to aim move. If he would be a-moving across the map, he probably would just be winning. He's going to be doing something dumber. It's working a couple of zealots to deal with the threat of zerglings. With no adrenal glands yet, so zerglings can actually be beaten at this point. Oh, all right. Now what we do here, Jack, this is. We regroup. We get an observer with our army, if we don't yet. Okay, we do. And we make sure that our whole army is together when we attack a base, okay? And then whenever this guy comes to defend, we kill him. Another point of contention, by the way, is the complete lack of upgrades here for Jack, who's on plus one. our macro god who has been floating money since minute six, minute seven, who has the money for two extra oracles, but can't afford a plus two upgrade. Observer speed, so his observer can fly into spores faster or into overseer ranges. I feel like he's also F2 in his life away, isn't he? Dude, just go and fight for once in your life. You can clear the rocks as well. You don't have to walk down only this ramp. You can also go through the middle, man. How is it possible that you can do absolutely nothing in a game when your army is... ...lose the observer because he has overlord speed. Oh, Jesus. He's getting a fleet beacon on three bases. He actually got every single tech structure on three bases. He's not even mining gas. How is it even possible that his main base is not mining gas properly? And now his natural is... Oh my god. The macro god does it again. I get... what are these DTs doing? He's actually gonna move down. He could have. I wouldn't even mind it. He really could have. Does he have blink? No, he doesn't have blink. Our literal macrogoth on three bases. With two K minerals in the bank. How do you even get two K minerals? He gets 1,100 minerals a minute. That means if he doesn't do anything for two minutes, macro wise, that's how he gets a bit. tank. Which literally you could spend 1200 minerals by building by like one warp in cycle. One warping cycle is done within like two seconds. You can't even spare two seconds to macro. What are you doing dude? Move command into move command. I feel like he hasn't actually fought. Look, this it is. Immortals and Colossi are fantastic units, right? But they're mainly good at fighting. Like, really. Their strength is their power in straight-up engagements. Running away isn't their main strength. They're not French built. This is like investing, imagine you're a country. Imagine you're a country, you are Belgium. Imagine you're from Belgium. And you invest, as the government, you invest a lot of money into a tank. Now this tank is a great, is a great stationary tool. You know, you can siege it up. It has crabt tons of damage. It has long range. It can shoot fire missiles. It can do basically anything. It's the ultimate unit. Then when you're in a fight, you decide to just run away with all your tanks. And then the commanders go like a ball like this tank is you know it has no speed. You know, we have to push it or like it's being pulled by gorillas, you know? Like this is a stationary thing that does the most damage of standing still. And they're like no, no, no, I feel like we should be sending these guys back, you know, back, back, back. Back to the capital just to make sure like now, sir, we have a good position here. We're outsizing our opponent's army about 15 times. Really, it's just one guy on a horse. I feel like we should keep this position. But instead, what you do is you run your 15 siege fire tanks back, or while they're being pulled by guerrillas, they're being pulled back, while the guy on the horse with his bow and arrow is slowly but surely whittling away on him. That is kind of what this game feels like. You've had the absolute best army in the world against what he could have. This is the meme with the guy that puts the stick in between his wheels, you know. He's like, ah, fucking lurkers, man. He's like, dude, it's not the lurkers. Like it's... It's you. Why would you use the gorillas to run back? You have the best stationary siege tank in the world. I'm just gonna have a conversation here? This is not what I signed up for. This is the ultimate circle jerk. Two guys in diamond tree talking about how much lurkers are broken. I tried with the DTs. Ha ha ha ha ha. Oh no. All right. Our literal world, my friend. I'm sure you meant well. well. I'm sure you meant well. The problem is you had no macro. You're honestly, everything you did was terrible from your macro. The first four minutes were tight, except the supply block. You forgot your third pilot. We'll forget about that. Okay. But the first four minutes were tight, minus the supply block. Then you went into double robo, immortal colossus, storm, dark Templar, Stargate, fleet beac. You had everything. Like, just. try to go with a unit composition and stick with it. We have a unit composition called Charge Immortal Archon. This unit composition is absolute king, my friend. Like they beat everything on the ground. We can storm. We can run in with Immortals. We can A move. It's like a little party just by itself. And here you are with your 17 different tax structures. No, man. We run by with zealots and we just kill the rest of their army. What immortal charge Archon? That's the way it is. That's the way it's going to be. even if we think of if we don't think about your army composition we just look at how good your army was and how you handled that army like the amount of it started with the move command into the roaches like you won that fight but it still made me angry then you had a move command away into a recall from 20 roaches while you had six immortals with with plus one um you stopped upgrades completely the one thing you should have been investing your gas in is definitely upgrades. You tried getting a Ford Base once. After it got cancelled once. Well, never mind. It's not possible, guys. Like, I actually can't do it. It's too much for me. This is the kind of people that attempt to go, not even a marathon. I was going to say a Marathon. I was going to be nice to you. But taking a Ford Base is not like a Marathon. Taking a fourth base is more like going for a 5K run. You know, the first run you're going to do. And there's these people, they go like, I'm going to go on a run. And then they can't find their shoes. And it's like, I can't find my shoes. Like, how am I going to go on a run? You know, no shoes. I can't run. This is just logic. You know, they call their, their husband or their, their wife. And they go like, no shoes, no run. The husband's enabler, of course. Of course an enabler goes like, yeah, no shoes. Can't run. Back on the couch. Just like that. No running for you. That's what you did with the fourth base. I'm not sure who your enabler is. maybe you should visit a therapist for that couple counseling might be useful there but yeah it's uh it's rough man i can't remember where i was going with this um to cut things short really terrible unit composition terrible unit movement no micro negative decision making negative IQ decision making I have to I have to say and then at the end you complain which shows a weak mindset a bad brain and just poor personality trade in general we can zip it up here boys you suck you suck very very hard all right thank you everyone for watching for to this amazing episode of is it in bardo so if you did enjoy don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel And if you didn't like it, then follow me on Twitter because they do very different stuff there. I also have more videos like this, which are over there and over there. And I'll see you all next time. Bye-bye. |
His Micro Makes Me MALD | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | In today's episode we discuss many things. The speed of sloths, the power of not storming your own stuff and perhaps the imbalance of the remax. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/X5gaq_vorAM/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | X5gaq_vorAM | Harsden, I used to suck, but thanks to your build order tutorials that is no longer the case. I'm now a Diamond 3 Proloss player, MMR around 3.2K. I attach a replay of a PVZ, where I dished out critical damage in the early game, killing my opponent's third, as well as his layer. I messed up the build a bit, it happens to the best, but clearly the damage was done regardless. I then managed to defend his counterattack, destroying his entire army. However, no matter how many times I killed my opponent's army, the hydras just kept coming. Sirk's ability to remix is imbal. Inball? Even after critical early game damage. Best, that word. P.S. Terran tank pushes are in ball too. Even with your colossus opening, destroying Terrans, beating a Terran that builds tanks is near impossible. Okay. Well, so two claims, the Terran tank push, I obviously can't help you with, but what's the other one? The remix. The remax. I think this is a common. team and a lot of people have been asking me, it's like, hey, what's up with the remix of the Zerg, man? It seems completely broken. How is it possible to win? Well, we're going to have a look at that, won't we now that word? We're going to have a look at that. Thank you very much for sending in your replay. And the main claim we're going to be looking at here is indeed going to be the, is the remax? Nothing else. Just not a specific unit. He said the Hydra remax, but I think it's just the VMAX ability in general. Like, he did critical damage in the early game, guys. Not just regular damage. I sometimes do regular damage. I kill four or five workers with my horacles, but my boy, that word here, he did critical damage. Now, that's new. That's very new, because I haven't seen that before. Critical damage. What does that look like? Critical damage is like when nothing else can happen anymore. You know, if you're hunting for deer, Like the deer is just laying there. You already shot it twice. All you need to do is finish it at that point. That's what critical damage is. I want to see how... What the hell is this build? Oh, he's playing Nexus first, full wall? That word. That word, that word, that word. Why would you do this to me? Not a full wall. I don't even mind the Nexus first, honestly. Just put this side row, one to the right side, one one little square to the right and you actually have a wall. What is this useful for? What is this good for my friend? Okay, we're going to see a Twilight Council. I guess adapt, adapt. Stalker. Okay, it's a stalker. Continuous worker production at least, so that's nice. Yes, two in gas here. I'm not sure if that's intentional. I say usually that kind of stuff is intentional, but with this guy, I'm not too sure. I'm not too happy with how this is going already. Why is this version of that out of 324? Even for a Nexus 1st, that's late. That's really late. Linkflot hits at this time. I don't think he'd be able to hit with just a single stalker mate. So his opponent is going road for him at 340. Too far his opponent is probably just confused. How the hell is this clown on? I have no clue either, Pax. I don't know either. So you see a third gateway, glaves, a robotic acidity, and a fourth gateway. Then we have a third gas. I think he might be playing a glaive adapt drop. Huh. Well, this is one way to do it that I've never seen before, and I hope I never will see again, because if anyone actually watched my glaive adept video, just a little bit with any kind, you know, just slightly detail-oriented, you might remember that I say that around 425 or 426, whatever I say, is a good time to do your first warping on the other side, of the map with the prism. My man, Deadward doesn't even, hasn't even started the prism yet. This guy's going to be so late. You know what Deadward? That would do. He'd had a wife, and they're expecting a kid. His wife's in the hospital, and Deadwork is still at work. You know, he's working, because they're not sure exactly when she's going to give birth. He's like, you know, they don't want to miss it, but also, you know, have an important deadline at work, My boss has been a real dick to me lately. He said, what the hell is this? Are you ruining my analogy with more bad things? Just let me finish roasting you here. So, wife's in the hospital. And he's, you know, that word, you know, he has to work. Then his wife was like, you really need to come right now. Like, it's going to happen within the next 30 minutes. And that was like, all right, I'm ready for it. You know, I've been preparing for this all my life. My man, that word, you know, when he shows up? He shows up after his son graduates college. That's how late that. That's how late this prism is deadward. What the hell are you doing? Five minutes and ten seconds. It's not even out yet? What the hell is wrong with you bro? You have a kid man, take some responsibility. But no, you show up. After he finishes college. It's over now, man. What did all that overtime get to you? It's a nice house but you haven't even met your kid yet. Pathetic. I kind of just want to ignore this Stargate, honestly. Just pretend it didn't happen. I feel like this game might have had some potential, but... I feel like it just got thrown out of the window straight away. All right. Let's have a look at the timing. 5.40. 41. Come on, man. Don't that make me count. Up to six minutes. Oh. Warping mode? All right. At five minutes in 50 seconds. Hence, my boy, Deadworth managed to get out six adepts. I get eight adepts at four minutes and 22 seconds or 23 seconds these days. Which means that Deadward is absolutely the slowest individual I've ever witnessed playing. On top of that, he's floating 2K resources at the 6 minute mark. He has a full wall. The worst part is that the full wall is actually going to help him this game. I think there's nothing worse than watching people like Deadward. and good things happen to them because they don't deserve it at all it's it's like when you're annoying neighbor who like cheats on his pipe wins the lottery I remember John I remember Ella didn't deserve that you know and then he leaves with his new hot secretary to some to some island tropical island it's just insane that's that That's what that word is doing here. He's getting damage, but he doesn't deserve it. This guy doesn't deserve anything. It really, really doesn't. Oh my god. Just dancing the bouts. This is floating 4K resources almost, man. It's seven minutes in the game. I didn't even know you mind that many resources in the first seven minutes in the game. Like you're learning all these new things about Starcraft that I really wish I didn't know because Ah, this is just so... These DTs are doing great defense, honestly. You killed what? You didn't kill the third base yet, but you killed 15 workers. I mean, you're just up 20 workers. And you have a bank account that Trump would be jealous of. Like, holy crap, my dude. You have so much money. How in the hell are you going to lose this game? that you could actually start a two-base carrier transition while taking three bases at the same time, and you'd still be floating 1K. Like, this is not normal behavior, man. If you get this base, I'm actually gonna be upset. If these three... What are you doing? What are you doing? Ptoeing packs. I know we're not allowed to flame the other guy, but what the hell, dude? My boy, Debtred over here, just... Ah, okay, gets a couple more cannons, which I guess isn't too bad. It's just... How is it possible that you're on four gates, a robo, a stargate, a forge? You haven't used your forge at all except for cannons. not using your logo whatsoever, you just build void rays and warp in DTs on the other side of man, get a third base, get some immortals out, get like, okay, if your macro sucks, that's okay, but at least admit it, you know? Like, just, just admit it. Like, you can build four more gateways or six more gateways if you have trouble spending your money. You get your, you get your charge, you get your upgrades and everything. Like, that's, that's fine. But you're pretending like you're having the pro gamer layout you know it's like oh i've seen i've seen zest and and harsom play with with four gateways and a robo and they don't float any money so i should just copy that no like what you should be copying is our it's our early game build order but if you're floating 3k minerals at the nine minute mark you you add six gates i don't give a crap man that's a good decision in your case like that's gonna help you spend your money Instead, you're, like, it's nice that you're doing damage, but, like, the difference in income is all in your bank at this point. Like, you could literally be at what? Like, 100 minerals is usually two supply. So, 2,500 minerals would be 50 extra supply. You could be up 30 supply right now. And instead, you're down 30, 23. It's just impressive, really. more cannons like i really quite don't know what to say here you just keep doing the same thing over and over more ds more void rays and at this point that you could even use this prism to put the probe over here and build a nexus that would fix so many issues just get your immortals get further upgrades you're getting storm and single stargate void rays immortal man. What's the APM like? How do you have 250? Like what is happening right now that you're pressing 250 buttons at the same time? Let's have a look at his first person. Bumpidum avoid right. Let me queue up two more. Tompidom. One more over here. Oh, pom, pom, pom, boom, boom. This is a little. absolutely fantastic to watch. This is a man that has no sense of priority whatsoever. The only priority this guy in life is right-clicking spores. He just looks at it as well. He's just looking at his DTs do work. It's like making sure that they still keep auto-attacking even if he isn't there. He just literally looked at DTs. Wait, is he... anything. He's looking around. Two more pilots. Here we go. Finally some gateways. He's a massive army in front of his base. I don't understand. I suppose he keeps attacking as well. Okay. Battery overcharge here would obviously be fantastic. You know, that actually definitely would help. Put it on one of the backward ones. I guess it's not completely necessary. It probably would have saved him two, maybe three void rays here. Okay, so once again, A fantastic fight because Pax decided to make an attack that I'm not even sure of what that was exactly. Okay, so you completely slaughter an attack. You have 4K resources in the bank. You're sitting here. You're getting more gateways. Do you have charge yet? No, you do have stormed now. You've had a forge for seven minutes now. You've had a robo, which so far only built a single... I think it built two prisons, no? I think you lost one. No, just a single piece. I'm sorry. It built a single prism this robot did. And now we get plus one. Plus one air weapons is almost done. Dude, how about this? What? Can you just do something normal for once in our life? Like, what's wrong with this or with this? These bases are fine. This is further away, harder to defend. I don't care if it's hidden or not. Like you're light years ahead. What does this have to do with his opponent's ability to remix? You're the kind of guy that joins a car race. It's like, you know, you have the, I think it's called the Dakar Rally or something going, or the, yeah, the Dakar Rally where you travel through the desert, you know, with your cars, and it's a rough race, it takes very long. You're the guy that absolutely is like 10 hours ahead of everyone in this race, right? You're like, you're just destroying the competition, like literally 10 hours ahead. Then, on the final day, when you're about to finish, what you decide to do is you go for a 25-hour nap. after your 25-hour nap, you wake up, and you go like, oh, everyone else finished? Man, they must have had way better cars than me. Like, it can be possible. Like, I was so far ahead in the early parts of this race. I don't understand how it's possible for me to even lose this. Like, I just was way fast. I'm like, mate, yes, you were faster at the start, but they took a 25-hour nap. Like, you've literally been doing nothing for the past five minutes. Like, actually nothing. I've seen slots more active than you. And that's impressive. Because I watched the documentary once about slots. In fact, sloths are one of the most extreme animals on the planet. And not just because they poop, only once a week. And these guys are really lazy. So in the first part of the documentary, like this sloth just forgets to join his family. And then as a result, he joins up a saber-tooth tiger and I think what's called a mammoth. and they travel, they have to bring a baby back to its tribe. It's one of my favorite documentaries of all time. It was released on, I think, Pixar or Disney. I can't quite remember. It's a really good documentary called Ice Age, if you haven't seen it. But yeah, so I know quite a bit about slots and Jesus. My boy, you are so lazy, it's insane. You actually did manage to spend your money. you still have a million times better army than him if you just hit any of your storms what the hell was that can you get that in slow motion editor man Let's just have a look at that in slow motion, all right, in slow motion all right? I'm gonna do it in slow motion for myself as well. I'll speak in slow motion. Bhoa... Okay, storm hits two hydras and hits four zealads, now three zealots, 3DTs, some of the void rays. This storm hits nothing. How is it even possible? It's an instant cast spell, my friend. How can you hit nothing? Alright, I'm gonna make a recommendation that I wouldn't make too many people, but... for you that work, I don't think Storm is the spell that you want to be using. Just perhaps the idea of the High Templars, it should just be used for Archon for you, okay? I think anything that requires more than five brain cells should just be, you know, locked in the box for you. What? What was this? I mean, you win the fight once again, like don't get me wrong. It's absolutely impossible to lose these fights even though my man you're trying you're trying your absolute best to lose these fights like If this was if this was a broadcast game I knew you would be match fixing like There would be no discussion you'd be you'd be banned for life. Hey, this is not normal behavior Once again you're you're up 10 workers. You have a better army I like that you go back this is the first good move you do and we're We've only been 16 minutes in, so that's pretty fast. Good, good, okay, that's a, that was a good storm as well. So actually get some decent storms in. You're absolutely light years ahead again. You have four base against, well, I guess three base, well, four base as well, but it's not mining. I mean, you're not really mining either, to be fair. You decide to move out with a single immortal, three void rays, and four attempts. Then you don't cast storm. A couple of storms go down here. Once again, good fight. Just go back, remax. You have what? Seven gateways. Still haven't used your robot except for that one prism. Might want to get a couple more templar at this point as well and just really just produce anything at this point. Getting some probes. I do like that. I wonder if you have an immortal. You just forgot about it. That's nice. Casual scouting void ray. Who doesn't know? know it. I don't. I've never heard of the casual scouting voider. Don't do it, please. This is just, I am just impressed, honestly. The level of play in this game by you, that word, is so low that I always wonder what happens below diamond. If this is diamond, then what's happening in the lower leagues? And do I really want to go there? I think I know the answer to these questions and I don't think I want to go there. Now, you're actually getting a decent... What the hell? Single Stargate Carrier. I thought I'd seen it all, boys. The Single Stargate Carrier, A. An all-time classic. Zellet, Voidre, Arcon, Single Immortal, Templar, Carrier. Map control, zero. Map Vision, zero. Any idea of my opponent's tech. Zero. Any idea of how many bases my opponent has. Zero. Ways to detect my opponent's army. Zero. Brain cells. Three. On a good day, maybe four. For my boy, Dadward here. Lose his fourth, but... Oh, this is going to be one hell of a recall, isn't it? Okay. Actually, it was a nice recall. That was a good recall. I was going to make fun of him because I thought he just was going to reco. What? What the hell? Okay, let's look at this one again. How does this even happen? First person deal. First person view. Like these guys haven't seen enough yet. May they have 12 and 10 kills. These guys are veterans. And this rookie just throws a storm on them. This like literally everything you've done so far in this game actually constitutes a negative micro. I think almost every single fight would have been better with you just not doing anything. Just A moving in, closing your eyes, probably just walking away from your PC. It's not like you do anything else. Like, it's not like you macro behind this or you're actually, you know, making progress in this game. This is so insane. You're actually... I'm not even sure if you're behind. That's the thing. Reality doesn't mean much to me anymore at this point. If I was in this position, I'd probably feel ahead. But I've seen you in a position where you're up 20 supply and up 10 workers while floating 3K in the bank. And I still felt that you're just so far mentally behind that it doesn't really matter. So I, like I said, I think this position is okay for you. I just, I just think there are things wrong with you as a person that make this whole expedition a lot more painful than never should be. 2DTs, okay, we haven't seen those in a while. Maybe we could harass a bit with them, that would be cool. Good storms, very good storms. This was nice. Ooh, this was very good. Fantastic fight. Okay, like, how is it possible that sometimes you storm your own army and other times? You actually storm the other, yeah, the other rays. It's good stuff, man. That was good. Good job. I feel like I'm kind of getting Stockholm syndrome into giving him compliments, you know? He's abducted me and forced me to watch this replay and in order to kind of bond with him and try to make him release me. I just give him compliments and hope that that's going to help and that he won't send me anything anymore. Just kind of feel like giving this the imbalanced one, you know? So he just never emails me again. He's like, yeah, mate, this was completely broken. This definitely looks too difficult to beat. Let me run by, doing some damage. Honor was like to play like this. We have absolutely no goal in the game. Just kind of sit there and stuff happens to you. It's like the passive way to live life. Like never proactive about anything. I wasn't sick before this. I just started coughing randomly. I didn't know it's possible to actually get sick from watching this game. Like you're making me feel ill physically. I was gonna go for a run after this, but I don't think my legs will be able to move very far. I actually can't believe the things you're doing to me, man. It's really painful. constitute some type of abuse or assault. It's actually insane. How little I want to go? Another first person shot here. Dumb-pum-pum-pum. Dime, couple more units. Maybe you get some vision now. Let me just... Oh, plus three. Is he actually gonna wait until? he gets the money for plus three. I can't believe it. This guy's a legend. Look, he just has this cybercore selected. This is the beauty, I think, of the game at this level. If you don't have the money for something, instead of coming back in 10 or 12 seconds, you just sit there and stare at the mineral counter until you have enough. And he clicked the plus three upgrade. Then you chrono boosted once. It has nothing to do with StarCraft. This is a different game. I don't know, I don't want to comment on the storms anymore. But I keep beating a dead horse. The dead horse keeps showing me the dead horse. You're like, here where it is, man. Here's a club, like, just battered. I don't want to be beaten this horse enough. He's like, no, no, no. It might look that, but you can keep going. I don't want. This army is so bad. No, it's not true. This army is good, but... Okay, three bailings would absolutely destroy this. But if there's no bailings, this army actually has some potential. I'm just gonna speed this up a bit. My patience is ending. I don't understand how that would actually manage to play this game if this is how it looks like for him. Like, you send a run by or something at least. I think if all you care about this building stuff, you should be playing SimCity, my friend. Like roller coaster tycoon. The lion has escaped. And then Debtor just gives up because it's too much effort. Starts in a new zoo. No wait, that's not Roller Tocococoon. That's Zoo Tycoon. I also used to play that. Fantastic games, really. Spent way too much time with those when I was seven. That word never really grew out of them. 25, 26-year-old man. Sitting here still playing Zoo Tycoon. Just with different skins. A couple of stalkers for diversity in his army. Oh, okay. He hits 200 and he moves out. Okay, we at least know his trigger now. We know his trigger. Now this fight actually should be relatively easy. There's only Hydras and he has 12 Templar and all of them have full energy. So all he needs to do is make sure he doesn't lose his entire army charging in and storm the Hydras. But what's gonna happen is he's gonna A move in into this army with everything and then once all the zealids disappear he's gonna storm his own void rays and dark templar then he's gonna lose those then he'll only have templar left he'll still kill all of these hirass and then he'll lose to the remax and that's when he thinks he lost because of the remax this is gonna be it boys i can feel it okay let's show me those storms of that okay it's good storms fantastic strong a couple more can you have couple more here well good storm you know actually not bad storms i'm not gonna lie 3k in the bank that's okay oh lose all his dTs because they're moving forward i think what that work needs is a slower army he needs his entire army to be the speed of high templar so that when he's chasing an army the high templar can always storm because he lost 80 supply of zealads for no reason whatsoever which is nice but also kind of bad so he killed absolutely everything he had the fight of a lifetime he's up like 10k in units lost I have no clue how with his micro but he managed to somehow do it perhaps because his opponent decided to only build hydras against 35 Templar with storm if that word goes back now let's not forget by the way he didn't do a single macro action during this entire time he fought for two minutes he was busy looking at his army guys he's just gonna sit back and and macro up again isn't he I can feel it already. I still don't quite understand how he's going to be able to lose this game. Like his opponent literally only builds Hydros. And he has 4K in the bank. If Deadward wins this game and I just wasted 30 minutes of my life, I'm actually gonna flame him in some emails. And I'll record that process as well. I just can't understand how it's possible to lose this game. It seems not doable, right? Like this guy just keeps moving through storms as well. I guess the storm count is getting lower every time. And with the complete lack of macro on that word side, maybe it's possible? We have a run by, but there's three cannons. I wonder if that word actually ever looked at a replay. Just not this one, just in general. If he saw his mistakes, then wonder if there's anything he can do to improve. He has 3-3 upgrades. He's going to make fun of him for his crap upgrades. To be fair, if you only have plus 3 plus 3 at 30 minutes in the game while constantly floating 5K resources, that is pretty crap. He's going to lose it. He's going to recall. He's going to recall to this base. and he's going to lose all of his templars to five hydras is that what's going to happen? No Warps and DTs instead I mean this replay has to come to an end at some point right I remember I thought that once before and I was stuck in a 50 minute game between two guys that I don't think made it quite out of bronze too yet issues okay we have an attack from that word Now he's the famous zealots going forward move. His only mining base has just been destroyed. This one, okay, this one still is barely mining. There's what? 14, 2,800 minerals there. 2 times 1,400. I did that very fast in my head. If you guys were wondering how I calculated that so quick. I impressed a lot of people with my quick maths like that. So I saw 700 on one patch, then I clicked the other, 700 there. So the 2 times 700, that's 1400, because I know that 2 times 7, is 14. I have two zeros. Oh my god, are you joking? This is it. He a-moved his Templar. He lost because he a-moved his Templar. I actually cannot believe it. Please flame him, that word. Please just say something. Show me a sign. The euphoria of Pex has to be insane at this point. Kind of validated Pex's place though, which I'm not too happy about, because this guy literally only built Hydras and upgrades. Ooh, it's 20 Templar. Ooh, let me get some more Hydras. Ooh, that didn't work. Let me try another time. Hmm, more hydras. But you know, at least Pax isn't a complete it. yet. That seems to be reserved only for people that sent every place to me. In this case, Deadward. I am just going to scroll for it. I actually can't be bothered to watch him lose every single problem. He's actually going to stay in. He's actually going to wait for him. Gigi. It's over, guys. It's over. Holy crap, Deadward. What a train wreck of a game, my friend. Did you do critical damage? Yes. Yeah, you did critical damage. You killed him multiple times over. If this was a street fight, what happened here? List to this. A street fight with weapons. You had a knife. He had a knife. You stabbed him multiple times. He lost his knife. He was on the floor. He can't move anymore. He can't do anything. Except back for mercy. You stood there with a knife, claiming victory already. Then as you try to stab him, you fall over, accidentally cut off your left arm, your left leg, and step your big toe on your right foot. Rookie mistake, you might say. That's correct. Then, to continue the street fight analogy, you're still fine because you still have one arm and you still have one leg where only the big toe has gone missing. You decide for fun to stab your own stomach a couple of times, that you losing the charge of the analogy stops here my main point is is that everything you did this game was terrible your build order was literally a minute and a half two minutes late you floated money like your life depended on it like my friend like he's going to do banking or something save some cash like I absolutely no clue what you were doing there it's it's just impressive no map vision You had zero harass. You didn't even know he had a layer, I think. The only reason you know he had a layer was because this guy literally only built hydras. I don't think you built an observer to clear creep. Maybe you did. I can't remember. Your storms were something else. It was actually terrible. It hurt me to watch. You killed more of your own units than his at some points. Honestly, mate. The ability to remix of Zurich is strong. I can give you that. Like roaches are in hydras. They can come out fast. But you were so bad this game that you should actually never be allowed to complain ever again about anything in your life. You've been banned from complaining. I, you suck and you suck so hard, dude. You are so bad. Honestly, this is terrible. You suck. You, like, really, just really suck. I'm sorry, dude, like, yeah. I don't know guys, I don't know why they keep sending them to me. Why do they do it? If you like this, don't forget subscribe to my channel. More of this is over here. My latest video on the other side. I also have some socials up there. So if you want to follow that, check that out. That's all cool. Love you all. See you all next time. Bye bye. |
Grand Theft Mutalisk | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | In todays episode we have a complaint about mutalisk. I obviously wanted to get to the bottom of this and used all my critical thinking skills to figure out if mutalisk are imba or if this guy sucks. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ax9d7gRQNn4/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | Ax9d7gRQNn4 | Dear Harstam, I've had to deal with Zerg for what feels like ages, and I'm not sure what to do. I feel like every time I get ahead with a successful push, they just stack switch and win the game anyway. Are Muda Zimba, or do I suck? Because it feels like every time I'm in a winning position, it's stolen from me. All capital understolen, of course. All right, Mr. Basherslis. Let's have a look to see if Zirq is Inba or if you suck. and specifically Muralis, I think, what's the issue here that you mentioned. So let's hope straight into it here on Simulacrum, one of the older maps actually. Curse how we got a new replay on one of the old maps. That's going to be interesting to think about. All right, we have ourselves here. Mr. Basherslice was a 4.4K player, a pro, Not sure what server he's on, but maybe my editor managed to find out and there will be a little pop-up now. Now, he's struggling with mutalis. Now, whenever you see someone struggle with mutilisk, this is usually because a couple of reasons. A, they don't build anti-air. B, they don't have base defense. And C, they attack into someone who has Murales, then lose into a base trade. These are the usual reasons why people lose against Mutas. a lot of the time the correct play to do against mutas is just to do nothing and get cannons and batteries and just sit there till you have max supply and then you move out while chronoing out phoenixes basically off of a single stargate majority of the time this is going to be enough against phoenixes so the main things we're going to be looking at here is of course the early game then see how he transitions into a midgame what his economical position is and how he deals with muddhas eventually but we always start with the build order and so far this is looking absolutely fantastic voice voice i'm loving this so cybercorps sound at 160 minerals see only 10 minutes late see only 10 minutes late this is something i could do as well 21st probe gets an assimilator please uh okay assimilators one supply late Oh, gets a pylon before the assimilator. That's definitely an error stops work in production. It's a bit yikes here. It's a bit yikesy. You're supposed to get a 21 assimilator, 22 pylon never stopped pro production, of course. But we can forgive him for these minor errors. If what he says is true and Muralisk are actually broken, then it doesn't matter if you have an assimilator three seconds earlier. Like, I mean, if they're actually broken, then it doesn't even matter at all what you do, because Muralisks are going to win. anyway so the Stargate man I'm actually this is the second week in a row where we have a guy actually doing sensible stuff in the first three minutes which is just fantastic to see you know I almost feel like I need to speed this up a bit because this just looks so beautiful it's like there's no real point going over this because it's actually correct like he's he's doing the correct things he's following a build order he's making sensible moves look he doesn't lose his probe he has an adept for scouting a third He has a stalker for clearing this overlord. He's going to get a second gate a little bit too fast maybe. Okay, there's some... You're not supposed to get a probe cut at this point. That's not good. You're all supposed to get a second pylon before your second gateway. That way it's easier to get a third unit and a second oracle. But we can forgive all of those minor mistakes in the build order because the general idea here is just working for him. know it's wow my god that's a battery oh no he's an idiot it's gonna be one of those games huh all right the reason you don't build a battery when you're playing oracles because you have a freaking oracle an oracle kills everything you've seen a third base what are you gonna need a what are you going to need a battery for what's he going to build over three bases it's just going to be lings it's worst case scenario it's bay lings and even then you're going to have two oracles. Oh my God. I hate it and people will be like, oh, it's only 100 minerals. In general, it's a good investment. I don't care. It's a bad investment. It's not a good investment. You're wrong. You're not supposed to build a battery at this point. You're supposed to be getting a faster third base and you're floating 400 minerals already. Why is this overlord not being cleared? The peeping Tom is in front of your window. It is. My boy, Basherslice here is a good. girl changing or a man changing can be either just coming out of the shower he looks out of his window and he sees a guy in a long letter coat you know one of those that goes all the way down to the legs camera in the hand and my boy basher slice you know what he does he just stands there you know it's like continuous with whatever it's doing now you could say oh that's not a bad that this fella is taking pictures and everything. Like Bessor's Lice, cover up, close your window, call the police. In this case the police is this stalker. They could just walk here and shoot the peeping tom. Like this is not what you're supposed to do. My friend. Take out this overlord. Why would you give someone free information when you can make them pay for it through an only fans account? That's the real question I have here for you. Uh, where different Bres Gies said is quite the the supply block as well 830 minerals third base is way too late um should be going down generally not after 410 4 minutes and 10 seconds if you do it after 4 minutes and 10 seconds you've made a mistake already now i realize that you've made many mistakes in your life so this seems to just be adding on on top of a pile of why do you have two batteries you know a battery was wasted if it only uses two energy if you can't even see that it used energy when you zoom in on it. There's two batteries. What's wrong with you? It's such a terrible structure to build this fast. To be fair, for me, it would be a mistake to build this battery. But for my man, Batcher Slicer, it doesn't matter because he seems to be very happy with just having a 1K bank at all times. A little bit of a buffer, you know? How anti-American of him. actually have some savings. Huh. Two gates going down, Robo, Twilight. He's absolutely lost. Man, I can't believe how quickly this went from, man, this guy actually plays a build order. This is going to be great. To him just throwing down all the buildings that he knows the names of in rapid succession. Because he, for some reason, is incapable of taking extra base. Like, literally what you can do. You can just move. here with five units. Oh, okay. If there's 20 lings, you can move here with three adepts, two oracles and a probe. And if he jumps on top of your probe, you can kill eight lings. Like if you activate the oracles in time. But instead, what my boy Baxter Slice does, Besser Slice, yeah, Bester Slice. What my boy Besser Slice does over here is he just sits, sits at home, you know, just sits here, just behind his batteries, behind his wall, gets a prism. 8 gateways is absolutely fantastic the thought process I'm not sure what he's thinking is like oh that's a lot of lings like opponent is 23 workers ahead right now we do have some pretty decent production I have to say which is I guess something to have eight gates no tech well charge is tech with no forge nine more drones for those it sure really doesn't give a crap either by the way holy. Circus is two base. It's like, you know what? Probably is the right call here. I just add a sport on my fourth base and get a couple more gases. Overlord speed, road speed, bailing speed, plus one. 74 drones, seems all right here. It's literally up 30 workers. Literally up 30 workers. It's just absolutely amazing to watch. The best part is there's going to be some guys in the comments going, I can't believe this is 4.4k. Man I'm high gold and my game is way better than this. I'm gonna have to break it to you guys, but your games don't look much better than this. It's gonna be so much worse. This is the, it's absolutely the best part about reading the comments that is it in Bardoosakis, the guys, they're high silver and complaining about the Masters 1 player suck. He's like, man, this guy is so much worse than me. I can't believe I'm stuck in silver one, lol. All right, we have a... enough bashing on the lower leaks we have a little move out here as a bachelor slides managed to take out this forfeit now in theory this is something that looks quite nice right but this is the this is the tuned-up car without an engine move is what I call it it's like it's like the car that can make the they can go up and down you know to go myr-purn and and as like Real Niles, do you call it a body of a car? I think so. It's like a good car body. Like you know it's gold or red. It's shiny, no well cleaned. And then you ask Bacher's Slice, hey Bacher's Slice, that's a good looking car man. How fast does it go? And it doesn't drive. No engine. No inside. Just all outside. And that's the same with this move. He walks across the map, kills the Ford. And people go like, wow man, he denies and he denies. afford this game is looking tight and then you look back at what my boy basher slice has and he has an army consisting of five sentries barely getting 60 workers not a single attack upgrade and he's getting storm which that's actually something i like i'm not sure why i was was hating on that and i do get storm a lot as well i take back the hating on the storm and i'd like to formally apologize to basher slice and oh i'm other protoises who might have thought for a second there that storm was a bad. Storm is always a good call. Let's have a quick look at what my boy Basherslides doing here. Just this scouting information at the nine minute mark. So so far, Basherslice is aware that this base is being rebuilt. In Bashers' mind, there is, well, this gas isn't even done yet for Bashar. There's no gas here. There's no gases here. So right now, Zerg is on three gas. and on hatchery tag. I doubt Bashar had the clarity of mine to click on one of the units, so it probably takes this zero zero as well. Now in reality, we have a six gas, that's on layer, has a spire, two evos, which only one is being used, but I can't forgive him for that, a road warren and a bailing nest, and bailing speed done, and road speed done, and someone with 198 capacity who's still building six more overlords. So, If Pacheles was aware of this, he knew for sure to not target overlords in the next fight. But he also would know perhaps that's wise to build a couple of phoenixes, perhaps a cannon here and there. Now, this is always one of the key moments in a Produs's life, is when Muras fly in and you're not prepared. This is where we separate the boys from the men. This is where we separate the GPL 2016 winners from the non-devil. GPL 2016 winners. What is the reaction to the Muta? It's actually pulls away. That looks pretty decent here. Attacks across the map and he's going for the base trade scenario. Now the beauty of the base trade is that it never works against Muta if it's done like this. Like it only works if the base trade was a decision. This wasn't a decision. This was oh crap, I'm out of position. I think I'm going to attack. Now, I'm not saying that batter slides necessarily gonna lose, but I don't think he's winning either, because he just lost every single gas unit he had in his army to four bailings. This is just absolutely great. This also, by the way, was only six minutes. Oh wow, the game's actually over. Man, I thought it's going to be a real long replay. Let me talk a bit more though. So another thing I want to talk about is the, it's not just him. losing everything for banlings but also six murals so this was six i can count seven seven murals this is what i call the the muta reaction that people always do is they see seven muras and they go oh i can't believe he managed to get out 25 muras it's time for me to base trade because there's no way i can get on the air well if you actually warp in four stalkers against this you're probably going to be fine and you can just play it out normally because seven mutas actually isn't that much he still had a single phoenix as well so four A forestalker and a phoenix can probably just push this away and probably give it some chase as well. And then all you do is you clear this base and then you piss off back home when you're on four bases and probably still at 65 workers. But instead, evacuates two bases completely because of seven mutas, then walks up a ramp. I can't honestly see this one in slow motion again because this is one hell of a fight. Now let's count the force shields we have available here. All right. wait i need to open my my thing for that that is oh i can't see energy when i'm when i'm on bus okay so this is about well that's four four eight six let's say 18 force fields it's a rough estimation he also well he used to have about maybe five storms let's see exactly what he does with his spells here okay five storms i think it's all right four storms okay four storms 18 forces no five storms this guy comes in okay so No force fields yet, no force fields yet, no force fields yet. Storm number one. Boom, boom. Good storms. Getting a lot, getting a lot of lings, a lot of damage. No force field, no force field, no force field, no force field. Storms, pretty decent storms. Doesn't really kill it. Every spellcaster just died. Well, well, Mr. Bressor's lies. This ain't it, Chief. This ain't it, Chief. This ain't it. It's time for your evaluation. Now, you said mutas were OP, but really your early game was absolutely terrible. You were down 30 workers, was it? 44 to 74, right? Yeah, that was it. That was it, like the 6 minute mark, 640, 7 minute mark. Not very good. You didn't know harass at all with your oracles. You didn't manage to take a third. Your build order made no sense. Forge was too late. Never did a single run. did a single run by scouting was atrocious. I dislike your name. I think it's not very good. I'm sorry. That's at home. I'll take that back. Your name is nice. You're good boy. Your micro was terrible. Your car doesn't have an engine. How are you going to pick up any girls basher? How are you going to do it? You can't. Well, no one can't COVID and all. everything yeah and then you completely overreacted to the mutas it was seven man it wasn't mess mute i was seven mutas how can you lose that that's just impressive you're impressive at sucking because you suck all right that's going to be it for today's episode of is it imba or do i suck if you did like this don't forget to subscribe to my channel and if you didn't like this don't forget to support me on Patreon, Twitter and Twitch. If you want to see more of this, there's a video over here. If you want to see my latest video, which technically is this video. So I'm going to put a link of this. No, just kidding. Yesterday's video is here. And I'll see you all next time. Bye bye. |
Roach Printer Goes BRRRRRRRRRRRR | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | Roach printer goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: www.twitter.com/harstemsc2 Twitch: www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : www.instagram.com/harstemsc2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fTBlvQ_rBPQ/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | fTBlvQ_rBPQ | Hello Kevin, big fan of all your content. Your guys help me learn a lot. I know I don't execute them perfectly. But hey, why should I? If I'm a 4.4K, you brain that Protoss player has been touched inappropriately by roaches too many times. I play different styles. Clave adepts, DTs, blink DTs, Blink DTs, Stargate, two basal lanes, but all of them have one thing in common. The bug on the other side of the map just holds the R button for too long and kills me no matter what I do. This game I have a near-perfect build-up to six minutes, losing nothing early, staying ahead of my opponent's ego the entire game, while I scout my opponent perfectly, and I'm able to pick off a few drones here and there with oracles. Without losing them, don't forget about that. He doesn't lose his oracles. What a micro god. Hell, I even expect a roach attack from him, and he walks up in the worst possible choke. But it doesn't matter, because the roach printer pumps out so many units. I just can't deal with it. Much love, Brady. The title of this is Roachpinter. go brr welcome to is it imba or do i suck where today we will be investigating whether roaches are overpowered or of brady sucks now it's a very difficult question to answer usually but it's just the main the main claim that i want to be looking at is the first six minutes right he says i played the first six minutes near perfect which i have pretty high standards for near perfect so let's have a look at exactly how near perfect it is what he's truly doing here he's playing against SRBS is a Zerg player seems to be aware of what is the proper opening here now gas first coming out of Brady which is completely fine if you're not scouting it allows you to get slightly more gas rather than rather than getting more minerals or sending out a scout because the moment your gas finishes, usually you get an extra worker. So right now you can rally it straight into the gas. Usually you want full saturation on the mineral, so you don't need the gases early if this probe would go across the map to scout. I hope that made some sense. It's going to be a no scout. And this opening all looks pretty tidy. I love it. I love it. Overlord's flying across the map. You have a wall that actually looks like it might wall something. So, you know, already big improvements being made over the guy from last week who I think forgot to walt for what was it the first eight or nine minutes of the game so we're already seeing some resemblance of an actual video game which is nice to see you know it's nice every once in a while to see a game where at least the first one minute and 33 seconds seem somewhat normal I do have to admit that the core is a little late which means this gate must have been a little late as well this is a full wall it doesn't look like it but it is how the rocks work. I believe it is at least. And we'll figure it out later otherwise. Moves to the watchtower. Get a second pylon at an appropriate timing. So maybe the first six minutes aren't near perfect, but at least the first two minutes are indeed absolutely fantastic. And I am starting to get this weird feeling in my stomach voice. This might be the week. This might be the week where we figured out that the roaches are actually overpowered because this guy, he seems to be right. I mean, he's doing everything correct. So, far. This is the perfect game. Okay, he's getting Warpgate before any tag. He's not getting any tag. Warpgate before attack. Even this, I don't mind. This could be a trick. Tricking your opponent. Hey, look, I'm getting Warpgate before any tack. This is not Stargate. So it's a little bit of a trick. I don't mind that. I don't mind that at all. Stalker as a second unit makes sense. Almost constant pro production. Man, this actually is looking good. We're three minutes in game. and we might actually have to approve his claim that this is the best six minutes that is possible. This opponent's couting around the map. This is a good level game. It's very weird that sometimes I watch like the 4K players and they play like they're, you know, it's like they're playing Red Alert or something. Like I've never seen a game like they apparently play on a daily basis. And then this guy is also 4.4. He's playing a fantastic early game. Nothing wrong here. Forgets his Oracle for a little bit. So that's not quite perfect. Yeah, it's on the way, it's maybe 10 seconds later or so. Honestly, I'm not too disappointed so far here, my friend. I'm not too disappointed so far. We have no chronobo boost on the workers though. I wouldn't mind seeing one or two extra chronobo boost on the workers. Get a little more probe, get a little more money. I think a second gate usually is necessary as well. Third gas is too fast. Okay, it plays Oracle Phoenix. A lot of the time when you're going to be playing Oracle Phoenix, it's better to play adapt, adapt, adapt, rather than adapt stalker. Because the phoenix basically does what your stalker does, and that's denying scouting. So there's no real use in getting that stalker in that case. Get a robo, relatively quickly. A third base as well. I mean, this is a bit of an old build order, but it's still a build order of some sort. So first four minutes, near perfect. I wouldn't mind that. I think we can agree on that. I think we can agree on that actually. Phoenix is getting some kills as well. He got some kills with this Oracle. Like the start here is looking absolutely fantastic. I'm getting afraid that we might have to approve his first claim. Of the almost perfect first six minutes. Okay, here's a big supply block. This is a painful supply block as well because this is with the second Oracle. That's a little painful. Okay, it's not near perfect. It's not that difficult to not get supply blocked. It gets a forge. If he gets a twilight, yeah? The build order here makes a lot of sense. This is very close to what I recommend it to casually explain as well to do. It's one of the better build orders. Whenever, this is a mistake. It should always be right in the little nuke over here or over here. And he still gets a pretty decent trade here. I'm happy with that. He continues his worker production. He is not getting an observer or an immortal. This actually is a huge error because you want to be seeing what your opponent is doing as fast as possible with that obstacle. server. And Brady right now, yeah, this is really late. Okay, so this is, this is actually kind of a big mistake. Also, not having the second Oracle yet is kind of annoying. General lack of map vision. I mean, the Adepts are really not doing anything. They could be either holding this tower over here, or the adepts could be trying to do some damage on the other side, perhaps move to this tower, clear creep over here, or maybe in unison with these two or try and do some damage. He's not doing any of that, which I'm not a massive fan of. Now, we actually are seeing a lot of money floating right now, so it is not perfect. Let's be real here. We're going to pause at six minutes and do a small mid-game review. We don't usually do that, but I think he made such a strong claim on the first six minutes being near perfect that I think we're just going to have a look at the state of the game at six minutes. So midgame review. Ding da-da-ding, ding, ding, ding. That's the theme song for the mid-game review. I made it myself just now. We have an observer staying at home, not scouting anything. He's been at home for quite some time, at least 28 seconds. Now, you could say, how do you know he's been here 28 seconds? Couldn't it be a chronobo boost on the robot? And the observer's only been at home for what? 20 seconds or 18? No, because we see chronobo boost hasn't really been used at all. whatsoever. I mean, it could be possible in theory, but I don't think our main character, the protagonist, has been using chronoboose. So that's another mistake. No scouting, no chronobusing on probes, no chronobusing on upgrades. Near perfect game, but floating 1200 minerals. Near perfect game, but floating 460 gas. Near perfect game, but not producing workers from one of your necksi. Harass has been pretty okay. He killed six workers. of lings I think he's actually up in workers which he said he was but he's he should be at least up to six gates by now he should probably have gas five and six on the way if you actually follow the proper build order were the first six minutes near perfect the answer is no definitely no let's continue so the first claim has kind of been disproven lots of money floating lots of Chrono floating, not constant pro-production, poor scouting. So these are the first three points we have. SimCity here looks pretty terrible. You want to be walling off part of your nexus, not the entire part of your nexus. Because now imagine the Zerg positions himself over here. All these gates are going to be three real estate for him, where he just can kill them and you can't move through this choke. You're creating a massive choke for yourself. So most of the time you only build one or you build two gates. So you have a lot of space for your army to move through to defend those gateways as well, necessary. So you say you scouted roaches or you knew they were coming, but you haven't really seen that much. You don't really seem prepared either. The scouting info you have so far is that he didn't take the gases on his third base and you know nothing about the main base. And then all of a sudden, what is it, 20 roaches show up, 14 roaches and 6 ravagers. You have a single immortal. Like, this is not quite what you want. Now, in this kind of situation, we look at the response. What is the panic response here from our ProDos player Brady. Now, he should be getting void rays should be Crono boost. He should be getting Immortals, should be Crono boost. Perhaps a battery here or there. Perhaps a cannon using your war pins as efficiently as possible. Using your oracles to target down ravagers because that gives a, they give more damage to ravitors. None of these things is happening. Instead, he builds a prism, which is definitely a wrong call. But this roach push actually gets completely destroyed even though a lot of the responses weren't very clean he didn't really scouted and he wasn't ready he still managed to completely destroy the roach bush which you know is a good thing so now what you would think is well you keep your observer here and you see more roaches coming what is the response to more roaches coming probably immortals probably an extra cannon probably uh avoid ray warping in units not getting supply blood not floating 2k minerals all of these things are usually quite good to do, especially the not floating at this point, two and a half K resources, basically. As we see in a response to floating this many resources, he builds gateways. Now it's easy to say, well, you don't need this many gateways on three days, which probably is true, but in this case, it's better to invest into something and into nothing. I'm just going to go back into the replay. I'm sorry because okay he has a good position here all he needs to do is force field the ramp you know one two three doesn't happen bios just standing in the bios do you see that he just attacks his own stalker here so first of all he misses his forcefield he attacks his own stalker he stands in the bios if he just puts down three forcefields this game is completely over again even if he just gets a single void rate this game is really really good for him I feel like there are so many things here that Dredi already could have been improving on that his first six minutes weren't good but minutes six till 830 were quite awful mostly with negative micro we call it negative micro in the pro scene when someone micro something but it would have been better left unmicroed and I think in Brady this might be the case because whatever he's doing with his unit seems to actually make them perform worse than I thought was possible. All the while floating 2.3k resources. Losing a third base. At this point the game is pretty over. Brady has shot his shot. He has lost his third base. He's lost some probes. There's not much he can do anymore. At this point, Brady is fuming at home. boiling his head is becoming all red and he's probably screaming to his friends that are watching him play live because he told him he's so good at this video game I swear guys I'm very good because the roaches meanwhile the other guy playing with one hand injecting with his eyes closed a moving roach across the map and our boy brady calls G G G G not brady brady brady brady brady brady brady brady brady brady brady I kinda wanna have a quick look at the email again. Flashback. What did we read? The bug on the other side of map just holds the R button for too long and kills me no matter what I do. This game I have a near perfect build up to six minutes. Losing nothing early, staying ahead of my opponents eco the entire game. Well I scout my opponent perfectly. Okay, so first of all, you might have scouted your opponent perfectly. You did see the Roach Warren. Actually, you didn't even see the main base. You didn't know the drone count. You didn't know how many gases he was on. And actually, just scouting perfectly, even if you had, which I think you had enough information to know something aggressive was coming. You saw less than six gas, only four, usually indicates roach aggression, or Ling Bane aggression, or just pure Ling aggression. So you saw this. The problem is you don't react. Like, you scouted it, and you didn't react. That's not a very good thing to do in life. That is not a very good thing to do in life. You're the kind of guy that stands on the side of the road and you see like a car coming your way and you go, there's a car coming my way. He's like, oh, that looks kind of dangerous. And you just keep standing there. Until the car hits you and then you complain in the hospital. What was I supposed to do? Like I knew he was coming, but he's like, well, yeah, if you know the car is coming, you move to the side, you idiot. Same here in Starcraft. You scout the roaches are coming. and you just jump in front of the car this is the wrong move what you're supposed to do you're supposed to get immortals get your cannons get your batteries get your spent your money in general void rays for all i care um you macroed pretty terribly you forgot the force field the ramp your oracle control is pretty good i'll give you that i like your oracle control i did like your first six minutes except for the fact that your gateways were too late um but yeah honestly just no micro not enough units macro to poor are vouchers imba no they're not you just really suck my friend that's the reality of the case all right everyone thanks so much for watching if you did enjoy this video don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel up here if you want to see more videos like this go here if you want to see my latest video go here also I have social media in this corner, Twitter, my Patreon and my Twitch, Twitch, I'll be streaming daily from around 4pm Central European summertime till about 9 and in the weekends, usually a little less, but check it out if you want to and see you all next time. Bye-bye. |
Drones Are IMBALANCED? | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | My boy josh was wondering if Zerg was really imba or if he sucked. You will NEVER guess what I'll tell him. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: www.twitter.com/harstemsc2 Twitch: www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : www.instagram.com/harstemsc2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DK-pW9L4STM/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | DK-pW9L4STM | Hello Kevin. Cirque macro is actually ridiculous. In this game I kill 64 of his workers with Glave adepts and he still manages to win the game. It's absurd. I can't believe how he can have units on the field similar to mine with that big of a worker loss. I actually can't believe it. My APM was about 50 higher and my EPM was also about 20 higher. I know the problem was probably not being able to close the game but still. We lost similar units in terms of the unit lost debt, but he lost 64 workers and he still. for workers and he still had stronger economy and powerful army. Something is not right here. Thanks, Josh, Diamond 3, Protoz. Welcome to a new episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? Today we're going to be having a look at a replay from our boy Josh, as you can hear. So let's hop straight into it. It's going to be played on Simulacromo and Josh says he he killed a lot of workers. He killed a lot of workers. And yet, He was not capable of winning the game, which is obviously an issue. Usually if you do a lot of economical damage, whether that be at the start or later in the game, you're going to be able to push that advantage. But Josh said, you know what, Kevin? I killed a lot of workers, a little eco-damage. I couldn't kill my opponent. I even had higher APM and higher EPM. Now, you know if someone has higher APM, that truly means business. Because being able to spam buttons very fast, has always been a very good. good indicator of skill. So now I'm truly worried that that Zerg might actually be in balance and I'm very curious to investigate this claims made by George. So his main issues with the economy that it's too strong that even if you kill 60 workers, the Zyrk can just rebuild his worker. All right. First interaction, I guess goes in favor of the Zerg player. As George is, it's lose his first probe, Josh. Why would you do that? Place two gate? Cybercore, no gas, second pylon on the low ground, and then a gas. Now I've seen a lot of builds that aren't builds, but out of all the builds that I've seen that aren't builds, this is the build that is the the least a build out of all of the builds that aren't builds. This makes absolutely zero sense, a couple of reasons. His gas is going to be so late that neither of his gate can produce a cybercore unit. He might be able to build a single adapt. But no, he'll need to wait. Warpgate is going to be delayed. Nexus, I'm not even sure why this is it. Like there's a build order, which actually plays two gate. This ain't it. This is not the build order that is actually a two gate. Like there are double adapt openers like this, but they're absolutely not like this. You would still wall on the low ground as well. An issue you're going to see now for Josh as we go into this game is that in order to secure the low ground, he's going to need three more structures here, which either means he's going to need to put his stack into his natural, which shows his opponent exactly what he's doing, or he'll need to just wall kind of artificially with gateways. Because let's just imagine the regular timing of zergling speed being around 340, 350. Before 350, Josh needs to wall with three big buildings over here in order for lings not be able to get in. That's simply going to be impossible, and that's why you can't just build all your buildings on the high ground. It's not good. So he opens up with two gate, and he's hitting with his two adepts at the same time as I would hit with a one gate expand. He tries to walk into his opponent's mineral line for a bit and He gets a drone, shades into the main, probably we'll get one or two more phones So far he's done five drones six drones. I mean this is a good start all right I'll admit this start is good is so bad that even if his start is good, it still kind of sucks, you know? At this point, I'd say that Josh is at, though, like his opponent's only on two base. There's a fast layer on the way, but I don't mind. So yeah, like I said, he's going to need to put his tack in the wall, so it's going to be a free scout here for reserve player. Josh follows up with two stalkers, a Twilight Council. and a robotics facility. So 2Gate into 3gate, Twilight, Robo. I'm not quite aware of this build, obviously. He still doesn't have a wall, which, let's be real. Speed has finished at this point. 10 lings would be able to basically win the game. Well, 20 lings. If there was an actual link flat here, the game would be pretty much over. Now we have spire on the way for. for the Zerg player. Josh is not aware of that but he saw the layer so he should know, hey, layer on the way. I can expect either a NIDAS or maybe Hydralis or Muralis, like these are the options that there are currently are. Still hasn't completely walled off at the five minute mark, prism on the way. What the hell? He just starts moving across the map. Just start moving across the map. Nothing to save him, no upgrades. No timing either because glaves, God knows glaves are still about 40 seconds away from being done. So he's just going to be on the map without really having any reason for it. We see the Zerg players trying to get Muras out. I think he'll be able to get a couple of Muras out before Glaves finishes. So the issue here for Josh just is that his build doesn't make any sense. He isn't really producing workers. There's no third base yet. There's no... He's playing some weird version of the fourgate glave build. For reference, the fourgate glave build hits at 428 or 427 with a Pylon scout, while having more workers than our boy Josh had at this point. when Josh is hitting a minute and a half later. So it's not the greatest execution so far. So here come the glaves. Now there is a spine, mutas will get shown for the first time now. See what the response is against the muralist. Well, the response so far is building a forge at home and just continuing using the glaive of death. He hasn't filled that many workers with these glavered at all. he's killing a fair amount. The problem is that at this point the muras are the biggest threat. So if you kill 10 workers that's nice, you really got to be careful of muralists. Like you need to be able to defend your mineral lines, you need to be able to not die the moment your opponent flies across the map, right? I mean there's six muralists now, they should be able to be dealt with a couple of stalkers. So in my opinion what you do here is you immediately the star blink and one cannon per mineral line and you just keep warping in stalkers. The moment from the moment on the solves in the release. Josh's response is to make a maze of cannons. Well, I'm not even sure quite what they're in. He gets five cannons, literally protecting every single structure he has, or trying to protect every single structure he has. And he starts double stargate. So he just invested five cannons, a crap tonne of money. And then went double Stargate. Instead of just, he could have also just gotten one cannon per mineral line, then a couple of stalkers and then get like double Stargate afterwards if you really want to. I don't think Double Stargate is the answer here. So even though Josh did a lot of damage at this point, he also lost a fair amount in the unit. loss tab and because his eco was a little worse before you see that he's down 25 supply he has no real upgrades there's 16 mutas against three stalkers right now so there's no real anti-air there's a third base ready already for the Zerg player so Josh needs to really start thinking about a third base that's what needs to start thinking about how he's going to be dealing with those Muea Lace because Phoenix is are good but I Having such a low Phoenix count against such a high muta count usually is an issue. Another issue that... I like this run-down. Pulling the Murat's back is good. In this case, what he should have done is he cancelled two adepts, so he basically is attacking two bases at the same time. And he also would have been able to get these eight-nine workers. This desert responses so far have been a little bit underwhelming to say the least. Well, this does look pretty good. good, I have to admit, I mean, he kills a lot of workers. But the thing with killing workers is that killing workers only really matters if you are also getting workers and you're getting economy. Josh hasn't really been losing too many workers, but he's just on 39 workers. He doesn't have a third base. He doesn't really have any units to speak of whatsoever. He kind of got caught of guard by the Muralizk. altogether like he didn't know that was going to happen he lost all of his clave adepts he doesn't he isn't really preparing anything for a longer game just getting more and more phoenixes and i mean at this point his opponent is equal again in worker count and in a couple of seconds his opponent's going to start out mining him the way you want to micro phoenixes against murielis is that you fly away from them while abusing your range so you're faster than muralyze you have slightly more range. So you try to poke in, poke in, poke out, poke in, poke out. Something that helps a lot, actually, when you have your phoenixes, is getting a couple of batteries because you're always going to make mistakes in the micro. And cannons don't help as much with that, because cannons, they just protect the general area. The nice thing about batteries is that you can always go back to it to get healed. And they have longer range of healing, basically. So if there's a battery here, you can fly here safely. Well, if there's a cannon here, flying here with your phoenixes is still kind of risky. So I much would prefer to see some batteries being added as well. Now we have infestation pit, 55 workers. So even though at this point already 50 workers have been killed, it doesn't look quite as good for Josh. Simply because this is the first time in six minutes that he's increasing his worker count. He doesn't really have any army. whatsoever to speak of is upgrades are equal with the Zerg but rather tough mostly. I do like to harass the continued effort to keep harassing. That's good but he's going to need quite a lot of harass to be able to get into this game because he's down 12, 1213 workers is going to be down two bases at some point and the upgrades in fact for the Zerg player is a lot better here. So here come the Phoenixes. This time actually does use decent micro. You see a couple of hydras coming out now. And Josh doesn't really have anything ready for these hydra. He's not really aware of attack switches in general. Um... Response to seeing hydras is three more cannons, which I would have much preferred to see him the response of getting charged, Templar archives, and he's getting a Templar archives, and then adding a couple of gateways. Like this canon makes no sense. like this base is going to be pretty safe right if you have three cannons if your opponent has enough to kill three cannons majority of the time they're going to have enough to kill six cannons as well like the most important things are going to be to increase your gateway count increase worker count which is something that once again he isn't doing and and to really work on that tech so getting high templars getting those immortals making sure that the probes you mine to your base are actually going to be mining you know that kind of stuff get plus two perhaps for ground weapons instead obviously George do is he just gets three adepts and he starts walking across the map again feels like his entire plan in pvz is to move across the map with adepts and try to kill as many pro drone as possible and hope the opponent leaves because there doesn't seem to be anything of a follow-up plan so he starts researching storm gets four templar which made me pretty happy then he morphs them straight into obviously when you're getting storm what you want to do is you want to even if you're afraid of your opponent attacking you you want to keep your templar not morphed into Archons for as long as possible basically and then when you get attacked and you don't have storm yet you can always still morph them into our comes but what he did now is it's not that great so we see a couple of templar actually good eco for the first time or at least better eco than his opponent still not in gas but should be kind of fine charge starting plus two is starting immortals are starting so at this point he's actually in a pretty decent position he needs to be aware of that there is a hive and that there's a greater spiral on the way i would love to see a run by with some zealous or something like that now there's a couple of storms ready um not quite enough to fight straight into this but defensively and josh is definitely going to be fine at this point he can probably start thinking about a fourth base as well, can't he? So he has plenty of money in the bank. He has a pretty good defensive position here. So this could be a decent fourth base where he can take this as a fourth base. Jesus. This is one of the slower games I've seen, honestly. It's really wild, diamond three. We have a complete, I think this is F2 movement now. The phoenixes are in there, everything is in there. There's no unit in a wall. Hell, he doesn't even have a wall yet. A couple of cannons just spread around and here comes Josh. Here comes George with the timing attack. 14 minutes, 112 supply. No, too scary. He does have a lot of Templar. Actually does have a lot of Templar. Charge is done now. So the way you want to attack in any matchup is by doing two things at the same time. So you queue up three zealots into this fourth base, which Josh actually is aware of. And then you walk through the middle, perhaps clear some sort. creep. At the moment, Brutelorch hit the field, you either, you want one of three things. So you either want Tempest, you want carrier, or you want a lot of Blinkstalkers. I'm usually not a massive fan of the Blink stalker thing, but it is possible to do. Some people say, why not Voidreys? Well, it's about 35 Hydra, so Voidreys aren't that reliable in this case. Now, actually get a pretty decent fight there for George, I believe, who basically stormed the entire army of his opponent. We'll end up losing a couple of his Templar. But if he recalls this, this fight actually wasn't that bad. He also has nine gateways, which means he can warp in a lot of zealads at once. Which I don't think he did. Instead, he queues up. eight phoenixes instead of using any of his nine gateways he prefers using the Q function in the Stargate to get phoenixes against someone who still has a bunch of corruptors and has shown a tendency to build hydras. Phoenixes are probably the worst Brutlord counter there is because they kill Brutlords extremely slow and they die against everything like two corruptors and a hydra will be able to beat like five phoenixes basically or at least they will be able to win so much time that the broodlords kill the entire ground army. I'm not a big fan of the phoenix counter here, to put it mildly. The worst part is that it's actually working. This is, there's nothing worse than bad decisions, except when those bad decisions work out. Trying to validate the wrong opinion of people. It absolutely triggers the crap out of me when this happens. Like, Phoenix is definitely not the answer to this composition. Well, to this composition, Phoenix might be an answer, but just any anti-air would completely destroy it. Once again, Josh really using that F2 button, like his life depends on it. As you see, there's no anti-air. If he just uses the phoenix's separately from the rest of his army, he would be able to at least kill all of these brutal-lorset free. It is actually making me angry that he is now filling brute-lords of phoenix. This is not supposed to be a thing. The only reason this is a thing is because the Zerg didn't have any anti-air whatsoever to speak off. Which also makes me angry. So if this Zerg would also want to send in this replay from his side, then I'm down to do that as well, because you are making me a sad person, making it harder to criticize Josh over here. I can't believe that Josh actually is a hat in supply at this point. He has four bases. He has cannons. He's getting plus three. incorrect counter two broodlords but it actually does seem to be working our Zerg player actually is kind of struggling at this point 17 minutes in game army composition for George 128 supply has two Archons a couple of storms and seven phoenixes I'm a big fan of this so this is what I was talking about once the corruptor count gets too big the phoenixes just don't have anything to say anymore so now if anything turns into broodlords imagine he builds eight broodlords and then still has five corruptors remaining that would be absolutely fantastic because then what is Josh gonna do here he has no anti air except for three phoenixes and a couple of Archons but Archons can never move forward against broodlords instead we're gonna be seeing is a five Ling run by and a single broodlord I absolutely no clue what's happening in this game. We haven't seen a single multitask attack yet. I think anyone will have some hell of a storm as well, kills three lanes and takes away ADHD on one of his arcon. It's now the corruptors kill everything that's in the air and a single broodlord pushes away this army. One second, one second, one second. One second. One second, I want to have another look at that one. Slow motion, slow motion. Slow motion. So you manage to hit four circlings with one of your storms for a millisecond because they only got like one damage stick or something like that. You missed everything else. Was this really worth the one storm? No, that wasn't. Another thing is that there's literally a single brood lord. If you look at the units right now, there's a single broodlord and 15 corruptors. Why are you running? Why? Why are you not just sending zealads into every single base? Why aren't you just killing the broodlords that are morphing in front of your base? No, single broodler, let's go back. It's too strong. Yes, range, look. This feels like the way an AI plays, you know, with these weird moves. If a probe attacks one of the barracks that he pulls seven workers. The moment Josh gets attacked by a single brute blood, he's like, oh no, I don't have phoenixes. Let me just move back. But now that he has two phoenixes, he suddenly got the confidence to start fighting into five blueblowers. How does this make any sense? He actually is an AI. But no alpha star, you know, he's the crappy ones that keep bumping into walls. The color, a wall, douche, oh, waltush. He actually plays like a crappy AI. This is fantastic. First zealot run by at the 20 minute mark. Instead of a moving it, right clicks on the hatchery. That is some higher level stuff. This really is some good stuff. Loses nine zealots for free. All you need to do is A move, mate. All you need to do is A move. The zealus do the work themselves at that point. Four Phoenixes are out. We'll be able to clear half a brooddlord before dying. Right now George, like, oh, crap, Fleet Beacon. I probably could have built it earlier. Realizes just in time before his, well, this was a stirred, base falls to Brutelords, always down a hundred supply, down 22 workers. Yeah, let me just expand to the bottom side, perhaps I still have a chat. Right now I'm sure there's 10 Brutlords and 12 corruptors, but I still have one phoenix. I think he has a very big trust in phoenix for some reason. Whenever he has a phoenix, this army movement gets way bolder and also he just seems to, you You don't still believe in his channel here coming on a couple of Zales right clicking on a hatchery somewhere across the map. So just killing drones that are walking around for free. At this point, Josh is just wasting everything. I'm saying, G.G. Woplay, that's odd. No, that's great, Josh. I'm glad you, you decided it was time to go. I mean, really? Do you want me to go over it? All right, let's do it. Your issue was that the economy of the circuit player was too strong. His economy really wasn't that great for a very long time. I mean, it was okay. The main issues were that, first of all, you had no wall. You had no build order. You had no real plan either except make slave-adap skill drone, which that plan worked. Then you realized that plan wasn't quite as complete as you believed it to be. You went to double Stargate Phoenix 12 cannons. Your third base started at the 10 minute mark. You started producing workers again at the 9 minute mark. You just had like a casual five minute breaks of getting any sort of economy. Because I don't know, but you just didn't feel like it maybe. Then afterwards, you actually get into a really big winning position where you're up 20 supply. You don't scout brute lords. You haven't scouted any of the transitions. You didn't know about the hydras. You didn't know about the Muralis, you didn't know about the Brutelorch, you didn't know about the corruptors. Once you figured out it was Brutelord, you started Phoenix production, which is the incorrect thing. So that's also terrible. Then at one point, you actually kill his entire army, except for 15 corruptors and one Brutelor. You still have Antear left, and you decide, now is the perfect time to go and walk back to your fort base. then you finally get the balls again, but then the brooddlord attacks you into some AI-like moves and you just run back until you get two phoenixes, then you decide all of a sudden it's fine to attack into six broodlords and 15 corruptors, which, you know, the one broodlord turned into four or into five. You did zero run by, she had no map vision whatsoever. Once again, your builder really sucked. I would love to stress it a couple more times, like how bad your early game really was. And the zealot move, right-clicking the hatchery, might want to use a move there. I mean, there's just so much to talk about. Like, honestly, you could have killed 150 units. With the way you play, you probably still wouldn't have managed to lose this game. You're the kind of guy that they bring out in challenge, you know? When there's a challenge where pro player plays against a person who gets a five-minute head start, you're the kind of guy capable of losing that, you know? All the credit going to the other, like you managed to lose positions and to play as slow and as poor as you did for other people would require a lot of effort. If I were to try and play like you, I don't think I would manage because just out of my habits, I would be doing things so much better. And I think most people would have that, Josh. You, this game, were quite, the failure and thus you suck very very hard all right it's going to be it for today's episode of is it in murder do i did hope you enjoyed it if you did don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel or click on one of the videos on the side or above or whatever they put and uh i'll see you all next time bye bye |
Protoss Is TOO EASY? | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | twitch.tv/harstem LIVE first 4 hours after this video goes up. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: www.twitter.com/harstemsc2 Twitch: www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : www.instagram.com/harstemsc2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/44pqSptFDyc/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | 44pqSptFDyc | Hello everyone, welcome back to a new episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? Today we got a replay from Mr. Panda K-O. Now let's have a look at exactly what did he write. Hi, so I'm getting sick and tired of Protoss. I've been doing the same Mac 2-Base all-in with SCV pool for about two years now because TOS has been broken for the better part of a decade. Yet somehow Protoss still sometimes finds a way to ruin everything I'm doing while I'll still Macrone like a champion in the background. I made literally one mistake in this game. losing my Reaper and it results in him snowballing with stalkers in my base because he got slightly ahead. As a result he cronels out 60 probes within minutes, goes on to four bases and puts relentless pressure on me because of this one mistake. It should not be possible to micro like a probe player and also harass my base with dozens of units in the early game in low 4K MMR. I'm not asking you to tell me whether or not Protoss is OP. That much has already been confirmed. I just need you to diagnose which specific mechanic of Protoss is producing this. advantage for players so that I can relentlessly email the balance team about the issue. My suspicion is that Kronobo boost is providing this advantage, but it could also be the ridiculous health that Protoss units have been granted. As a Protoss player, I reckon you realize the advantage you have, but I judge you as a good sportsman, so I'm sure you share my goal of getting to the bottom of this once and for all. Please have a look. Thanks. Alright. There's a lot of information to take in, but let's just just, you know, just take the basic claims here that we got out of the email and just put him right in front of us. So the first one is he made only a single mistake, which was losing his Reaper. So that's the first claim we're going to investigate. And then he, as a result, he crows out 60 pros with minutes, blah, blah, blah, blah. The second thing is that it's possible for the opponent to macro like a pro player and harass his base in low 4K MMR. which we'll have a look at and just a side note something to remember um the first line was i've been doing the same mac 2 base all in with sce vpoo for about two years now i just would like you all to remember that just you know as a point of reference as on which we're going to be judging this guy i mean you would assume that if someone has been practicing the exact same build for two years he'd have a decent understanding of how to play it and the execution is going to be rather tight. So if someone says, hey, this is the first time practicing this build, you know, and then you see him make mistakes, you can kind of accept it. But if someone has been practicing the exact same build for two years straight and they make errors, we can judge that way more harshly, whether that be theoretical errors or something like that. It's like someone has been practicing Wonderball for the past two years on the guitar, you know? And they still mess up some chord changes. Like, we're going to blast them for that. If it's just a random guy picking up the guitar and he messes something up in Wonderwall, you can still blast them a bit because let's be really it's Wonderwall, but you know, you're going to be a little more lenient. Now, a two-based McAllen is basically like playing Wonderwall on the guitar. Everyone can do it, but the question is, do you really want to do it? Most of the time, the answer is no. So here we see the Reaper go in. For some reason, our dear friend already started floating 400 minerals. I've actually no clue how this can happen. but I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for it. Mr. I've been doing the same build for the past two years. He forgets to start his orbital command. Oh no, here it goes. It was just three seconds. I take back the orbital command starting late. So he'll go into Cyclone with the Mcfield Accelerator, not build a single Marine. So he really only starts with a single Reaper, then goes into a single cyclone. I feel like there's a lot of builds that die, that he dies to. Imagine if an Oracle shows up or even just like a three gate with chrono-boasted warp gate. Like two three gate units can actually just kill a cyclone. You usually need a bunker, or at least you need marines. So if you don't build marines at all, your whole early game is going to suck. So it seems a bit odd that if you've been doing the same build for two years, that you haven't realized that perhaps spending some of that 600 minerals that you're floating at the three minute mark could be better spent into marines than into anything else. I mean, we're literally four minutes in game and he's floating. You know, let's define floating from now on in command centers. So he's floating practically two command centers at this point. Go straight into four gas. So it's even kind of difficult to be floating minerals at this point because his gas income is so insane. Like he literally could be adding factories. Well, he could be adding two command centers at this point. He should have had way more Marines already. Now I know he says he's doing a Mac push, but you just need Marines for safety. And also a lot of the early game pushes that Terran can do come from the Marines. Like the power from those pushers come from the Marines. See the Prodo is actually macroing up pretty nicely. Like 42 workers. He's playing an actual build order from Blink. Robo is perhaps a bit late and the forges are before the third. But, you know, shut up. Shut up Mac probably was one of my guides and I was like, I think I can try to copy that, you know, this is the third time Shut Up Meg is playing this build, only floating half a command center, well, Panda-K-O, I'm practicing this build for two years, floating two and a half command centers at this point. And like I said, no bunker, no tanks. It means that whenever stalkers come in, they'll just be able to snip a cyclone, and you're just going to be in a little bit of trouble. So, so far we're five minutes in game. and Panda K.L. managed to create five units, three of the which died. Well, at this point all five of them have died, but it was four cyclones and a single Reaper. That's all he built in the first five and a half minutes in the game. And I'm not quite sure he thinks this is the most efficient build to get to his two-based Mac all in, but I have a feeling it might not quite be. Rally is a cyclone down the ramp straight into stalkers. Some could consider that a mistake, but Panda-KO is just, you know, stalkers are too strong down the ramp. How is it possible to go in there? I'd like to make everyone aware that this indeed is 4.5k and MMR. You have barracks building in the opponent's base now. Wait what? Armory going down at the 6 minute mark. Now, usually when you're doing an all-in, you want to be hitting as tight as possible, and you want your upgrade, if you're getting one, to finish with your first or second cycle of peak of production. So imagine you're playing an eight gate as a Protoss, after one or two warpins of all eight gateways, you want to be hitting with that, because that's when you're at your peak, basically. Now, you want that production cycle peak to kind of coincide with an upgrade. So getting an armory this late when you're doing a two-based mechall in, usually isn't that great. Now, this Reaper should do absolutely nothing. Like proxing a barracks and then saving up two reapers to go snipes on probes. It makes absolutely no sense. This opponent, however, is making quite some sense. I mean, there's not a lot of scouting, but at least the build he's doing makes sense, right? There's no scouting from the Terran either. I mean, he's... He has four bases, he has two gases, and he's just going mass stalker zealot. He's macroing quite well. Like, he honestly hasn't been floating too much money for how much money the ProDLS has been getting. Meanwhile, Panda Keo, whenever, you know, he gets an income that's above 1,200, he starts floating a couple of command centers. We have a couple of tanks now being added as well. Plus one hasn't started. yet, even though the armory has been done for what? 40, 50 seconds. And once again, just move... Now he just moves out. Without any vision on the map, completely unseged. He didn't check with any heliants what his opponent was doing. Just gets blink on. He absolutely dies. It's... hard to imagine that someone would look at this game and think, you know what, you know what? I think the other race here is the issue. I think the main thing that went wrong here is that the other race is too strong. I think if that's what you think, then you're not the brightest fella. Not the sharpest tool in the chat. So it was a pretty short replay. It was only eight minutes and 13 seconds. But I think we have some material here, boys. All right. Put ourselves a little bit bigger. My friend, Panda Kea. It starts with you losing the Reaper. That was your first mistake, but definitely not your last. It was your first mistake, but definitely not your only mistake. Afterwards, you decide to have probably one of the world. build orders in the world. So you come back to the to the Wonderwall analogy here. Basically what you've been doing. You've been telling your friends for two years that you've been playing Wonderwall again and again and you're an absolute master of Wonderwall. And then your friends are like, all right, you can show us, you know, like show us how to play Wonder One. You tell them, no, no, no. We don't need to quite yet. Like I want to show you guys. I want to practice a bit more until I have it perfected. Then after two years of holding them after, like, all right, Pandakeo, like, sit down with us, show us how well you play Wonderwall. And take out your guitar and you start playing. You just play a happy birthday. And you play it with the wrong chords in the wrong rhythm. And they're like, hey, like Panda Keo, are you warming up or is this Wonderwall? And I like, nah, nah, no, no. Like, this is Wonderwall, guys, really. This is, this is Wonderwall. This is what it sounds like. Oh my God. I can't believe it. What you've been doing for the past two years is the worst mechalin I've seen in my life. This is not a build order. This is not Wonderwall. This is some abomination of a Macalyn. The Protoss player played, honestly, he played pretty decent. I mean, he didn't do anything special. He just walked across the map with two units, killed a cyclone. Then he walks across the map with seven units, and he killed the rest of your cyclones. We had no units. You had no defense. He had no scouting on the map. Your map vision was absolutely terrible. Like, the only map vision you had was a barracks in your opponent's base, which you randomly build to go save up some reapers. I have no clue how that makes any sense in your head. But, I mean, after sending that email, I already figured something is wrong there. So I really don't have, like, it was a short replay. But there's so many thoughts in my head and so many different insults I want to hurl at you, that it's painful that you manage to invoke this much emotion out of me in such little time. Usually it takes people 20, 25 minutes of garbage play for me to go absolutely ham on them. But you've managed to do it in a mere eight, which is actually kind of impressive in a way. But it also just makes me wonder if perhaps this just isn't for you, you know, if this is the best you're going to be able to do after two years of practicing a single build order and you're floating 800 minerals at the three minute mark, perhaps. It's time to find a slower hobby. You could think of gardening, even though I'm not. quite sure how well you'd be able to keep your plants alive if you you can't follow basic instructions like a bill order but you know something with a little less speed um that someone that might be in their 80s would still be able to do because that's the speed you're you're handling everything in this game i hope you understand that you absolutely sucked this was completely terrible um yeah just don't do this again your your email was was quite funny and well written I'll give you that, but I'm afraid that you actually meant it, which means you might have some brain defect. So you might want to get that checked out as well. So yeah, just some general advice for you, like get into gardening, get some checkups at the hospital just to make sure everything's all right. And speedy recovery to you, man. Keep practicing Wonderwell. All right. If you did enjoy this video, don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. It helps me a lot. smash the like button and yeah that's it that's it for today short episode but that's fine sometimes as well it's not the size that matters but it's how well you use the time in the replay yeah see you all next time bye bye |
Thors Too Strong, BLoodlords Too Weak?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck? | Thors are broken? Are they??? But really are they??? First video done by my editor. Motion Graphics Design and Editing by Hamster_Designs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCndgQXGZEoLwL5o6aDONwrQ https://www.twitter.com/hamster_designs Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: www.twitter.com/harstemsc2 Twitch: www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : www.instagram.com/harstemsc2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/N8T3WjUbiUk/sddefault.jpg",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
} | N8T3WjUbiUk | Hello friends, welcome back to a new episode of Is it inBardu I Suck? Today we're going to be having a look at a Chinese replay, which was sent to me by a fan from China. Zerg player in the Chinese server with 4.3K MMR. There was a game I played with a Terran who used Mac. I was playing two-based muna build and kept leading in supply and economy and almost end the game as my Blue Lord kill his natural. But then he just defended all of my army with Tor and pushed me back. I found it so hard for Zerg to deal with those giant transform in the late game. Tor is just a unit that need no micro or maybe it just too impact. Thanks. Fans from China. So not a very wild claim here. Just a pretty mild claim. Tours are too strong, not even just Mac in general, just the Thor. He seems to be doing fine in the mid and the late game. Just the moment there's too many tours, they don't require any micro. We're going to be having a look here indeed, my Chinese friend. Let's have a look if the tour is indeed in the mid-game. if the door is indeed imbalanced. Or if perhaps something else is going on here. We just have a pretty standard opener out of the Terran. I think it was a guess first. Rieper seems a little bit late. eBay block or bunker block on the third base. On this base in theory you can take this base but it's not that good so I'd not really suggest it. You have speed on the way here. Yeah, seems pretty interesting to me actually. Just a pretty standard game, nothing weird going on yet. This is pretty much how usually CVT is being played. If your third gets blocked, a lot of the time you see Zerx actually playing for that two-based Murat style. So they can, once their speed finishes and they get like one or two queens out, they can deny the bunker. But they don't have a third base during that time, so might as well, you know, keep mining gas a little bit and go straight into fast layer and then followed up by muralist. And I guess as we're going to be seeing here, out of our Zerg. Meanwhile, the Terran is just hopping into, what is this? So he swapped, he built a tech lab with the factory, then he moved the barracks away to build the reactor and is building single heliast from the factory. It's an interesting builder. I haven't seen much of that. Layer starts straight away, slight oversaturation in the main base but nothing too bad. Three queens moving to the front. There's one queen in the main as well. So four queens total so far. Wouldn't mind seeing some extra gases going down at this point. At least one of them as a new round of drones should start happening. All right, three gases. Perhaps pushing it a bit, but that's fine. Third base could be going down, is going down. So a pretty solid build opener here for our Zerg player. who is happily spreading creep as well. So far there's nothing to complain about, honestly. No tors have entered the field yet either, so... It's looking solid so far, I have to admit. As the layer is close to getting finished up, we will see the spire start very soon. First, Benchie is out, and Cloak is about halfway down. Second Benchie on the way as well. Now these hellions shouldn't be able to do too much. Usually you push the helions away with your queens rather than with the lings. It's usually the way too well. He's doing actually a pretty decent chopper trading. It's like 10 lings or I guess what was a helion or maybe a reaper? A reaper and a cancelled building I guess. Third Command Center on the way as the two-based spire kind of starts up. First Banshees out. Now do we have any kind of scouting? information no we have zero scouting information so for no overseer being used on the other side no overseer being used at home usually the timing for blind sports is 430 i assume if you're getting an overseer uh blindly you need to get it around 440ish something like that or 445 just to be in in time for cloak bench you know it's going to be a little bit late it's going to lose some workers that's the first true mistake really not getting any scouting info overseer being late could have had it earlier spires already pretty far done So that's the timing he already had a layer. He will need to pull away his drone. Second Benchie arrives on the third base as well. So a couple of more drones will be going down here. Not quite the way you want to open. Fusion Corps is a follow up for the Terran together with an armory. So it seems to be going into Battle Cruiser Mac, if you ask me. This Benchie is also getting a couple of kills. Let's know how many workers. There's a four workers still in total. A couple of extra lings going down. This screen might fall. There's no detection current. over here overseers on the way so one raccoon does end up falling lots of lings going down as well so good job here by the Terran managing to really keep the zirc behind you see sirk hasn't been doing a great job so far as he's down 10 workers he doesn't have any muras on the way yet defense of the benches has been pretty soft bar i have to admit now we finally have some muta list on the way but it took his time so the early game is really really bad here for Zerg um You're just really well. I mean, being down 13 workers, he does have seven muras on the way, but that's no way to live life, you know? As a Zerg player, you want to be usually ahead in workers, but if you're not even, then you might as well just leave the game most of the time. So we have a Mac King Tarrin here indeed who will be going into a second armory as well. We have continued Mura production from a Chinese Zerg player who cleans up what I can only assume to be the final Benchie. First battle cruiser has now arrived and our Terran should be aware that there is indeed muralists. Muradists are being sent around for some kind of harassment. There's no turret yet. There's a lot of freaking mules though. Mules and scans absolutely in abundance if he wants to. Two mines are burrowing. Turret will finish. So, still a very bad situation here for the Zerg, right? down 14 15 workers gets a couple of workers but not quite what you want he really needed a little more than just this now the battle cruiser shows up and will push away this muralist we have turrets everywhere we have mules we see the income is heavily in favor of the Terran no fort base yet for the Zerg only now getting 11 more drones just have nine more larvae so it means he was saving larva up for a while already it's funny because Zerg actually has like the are difficult but then you have the easiest spending mechanic right you you can just hold down a button and it automatically produces units so he has been failing a little bit with that but once again he has nine larva floating for no real reason still no forth base on the way as well good link run by coming in though and there's not a lot of cars you have to defend transform into the hellbeds the main lings will try to get something done but battlecruiser will shut that down as well miras looking for openings left right and center might not be able to find them as there's still two mines here. Good target fighter on this step level. I'm not sure he's aware of the mines. We're just getting lucky that he didn't fly any further in. Here's the first store. We'll be able, actually won't be able to scare this up. So it's going to be taking quite a beating. As after all of this, after all of this fighting, 19 workers have gone down or have been killed by our Zerg player, but he's still on even workers. We still just have lings and mudas flying across the map and running across the map trying to get some damage done. Really not thinking about the future as well. Third base is late. Creep spread has been advancing slowly but surely. We get a fourth and a fifth at the same time. I don't mind because they are so late but this fort should have been done a long time ago already. Our Zerg player should be on 76, 80 workers at this point and then taking a fifth base trying to get into that 88, 89 worker count really where you can start throwing banlings into your opponent consistently. Third hatchery, wow, he's going to be saving a lot of larvae. Even now he already has 12 larvas having some trouble spending his money I guess, otherwise the triple hatchery doesn't make a lot of sense. He does have a good map vision. He's doing a pretty decent job almost. seven more workers on the way so now really trying to even up that work account you can see mineral income still behind by almost 2,000 there's a lot of mules on the map there's a bunch of battle cruisers out already together with the torch should definitely be able to deal with all of those murals and whoops bunch of mutas do end up falling so far five meters have gone down units lost is still in favor of the Terran and so is the eco so there looking spicy 16 more drones are on the way Do we have any upgrades? We have plus one so far for the Muras, no plus two on the way. Even though he does have 60 Murallisk already, we're not seeing any advanced tech, we're not seeing an infestation pit, here we go. It's taking his time though. The transitions, the drone build up, everything is a little bit too slow so far. And even though it feels for the Zurg like he's been doing a lot of damage, you know, killed a lot of workers. The trades actually have been relatively easy, even. Actually, there's more units lost here for the Zerg than there is for the Theran. or resources lost rather. 11 more workers. So now finally getting into the perfect number of workers, I feel like, as we have an ever-increasing count of Tours. Now, the problem here for the Zerg player is that in order to deal with Tours, you're either going to be needing, most of the time, some kind of viper to either blinding cloud, or you're going to be needing a lot of units just trying to get around catch them off guard. I've seen ultras being played against them, not the greatest a lot of the time. Lurker sometimes is an option as well in combination with vipers, but pure Mura usually isn't the answer as Thor is pretty much the hard counter of the Mura list, right? So, and just pure Brutlord also isn't the answer because Brutelor lost their range in the latest post-Bliskom patch in which now Tours do a lot of damage to Brutelords. Well, they are actually able to do their damage to Brutelor. They're able to get in range. which definitely is going to be an issue here for our Chinese Serg player, who still doesn't really have any intent of attacking. We see the Terran very intelligently scanning. He's like, that's a layer. All right, that's a layer. You know what? I'm just going to sit back, not do anything, max out. And then once I max out, I'll think about having some action on the map, but not before that. As I say that, he moves out on the map. He varies pretty close to being maxed. He does have a nice army. There's not that many helions, which I wouldn't have. mined with this link down. This is a very bad play here by the Zerg. Holy crap all of this. So another 3K resources lost for a Zerg who was behind in Eco all game long basically. Now he's up in Eco, he's mining more minerals. He is mining slightly less gas, but still looking pretty healthy when it comes to his resource collection. A single turret. Wouldn't mind seeing a second turret here for the Tarran. And the Tarrin decides to move out. Muralists are doing some harassed, but have these mutilists really paid for themselves? I'm not quite sure, honestly. So far we've lost five Muralisks. I think a bunch of workers have come down. I guess these murals have kind of paid for themselves. The problem is they're, the Muralists aren't going to be able to kill this army, right? We're going to need something else. And I mean, bailings are an option and lings. It sounds silly, but if you actually just blow up the hellbats, lings do a really good job against Tors, especially if those lings have three to be upgrades. adrenog lens which at this point the Zerg definitely has the money for but for some reason he is not researching it we're not seeing any of the tier 3 upgrades for whatever reason adrenog lens of course is a massive increase of damage very good on the lings if 333 on the way here for the Taron as well as building armor you see the Zerg moving forward doesn't actually get a good surround on a bunch of the Thor's we see halber being morphed as well and And the Zerg is going to be able to do some kind of damage. No, it just gets pushed away. Actually evens up the units lost a little bit. So getting closer and closer to that Theran. Actually a bunch of Hellbad. Try to kill a Tor with pure gaining. It's not quite the most efficient traits. If you see him pulling or falling behind by 2K once again. Terran, however, is not mining as much anymore. you can have slightly less cost-efficient trades, if then you just follow up with a lot of pressure on your opponent's basis and make sure he can't really remax easily. In a split-map scenario, efficiency is the only thing that matters, but if you're not in a split-map scenario, then it's fine to take cost-inefficient trades if you're mining a lot more than your opponent, and you're going to be mining more for the rest of the game. It's a weird blink across the map by the Terran, but he's going to win him some time, actually. Let me see the Zerg. He's struggling to defend here, but once the Muda's come back, this probably should be an issue. Much of drones will end up going down, but, I mean, we just pure Ling, Bane. This kind of should be fine, I believe, to defend. It's even going in. These are not the most cost-efficient traits if you have Bainix rolling into Tours. Yeah. Even after losing those battle cruisers, you can see that the Tarrant still is kind of far ahead now, again. and in the Yin' Lost Habs, so the last few fights have been good for him. We do have a, no, we don't have a Greater Spire, we just have plus 3 on air. We have a bunch of corruptors, which are now going to be practically useless. The only anti-ground there is are 32 lings and what appears to be about 7 Muralis. So Greater Spire is pretty much a must at this point. You see a couple of banings on the way, which is nice Krifstrut has been pretty good. but we're kind of missing the tech switches into faster tech, into those 3-3 upgrades, into the adrenal glands. Rebuilding drones at this point would be a wise decision instead of seeing 3 Ultralisks being built. But at this point, we're going to need to see efficient traits for the ZERC because income is completely even, supply is completely even. And the Army of Terror, obviously, is pretty strong. so we're going to need to see some more finesse in the army of the Zerg and that doesn't really seem to be the case so far honestly like ultras are nice but you're going to need something with it like some kind of viper some more support and ideally with ultras your plan is to kill like outside bases with ultras and bailing run bys in order to do that though you need very good economy in order to replenish quickly and the economy is just lacking 12 drones are good, but it's once again a little late. It feels like all of the tech switches, all of the periods where he's droning, just hit slightly too late in order to truly do something. These corruptors have been pretty much useless so far and now they're going to fly into the Great Wall of Turrets over here. Me meant to keep these corruptors out doing a good job. Still no greater spire on the way, even though plus three is done at this. point now I wouldn't mind a couple of Brutelords even though they aren't too great usually against Thor's perhaps with some fiber play you can make it work once again we have only seven meters over here trying to to do something as well 86 workers is fine sir really isn't it feels like just everything is happening slightly too slow he keeps letting the Terran set up an extra base he keeps letting the Terran get away with with moving out and just getting decent again and again and again and once again Terran gets this base, builds another command center, starts moving forward for this top base as well. And Surg really needs to do something to deny these outside bases because if you allow Terran to just keep moving like this, like if you look at the spread of the Terran at the moment, we see two Tarrons or two tanks over here, and this base really only being defended by a single planet-air. This is a vulnerable base. Zerg realizes that and goes in. That's exactly what he should have been doing, but he should have been doing it a long time ago. He should constantly be moved. looking for vulnerable places and going in. Because it's very difficult to straight up engage with this army and get a very cost-efficient trade if all you're working with is four ultras, uh, lynx, bains and six muras with three overs here. Like that's just, just not good enough. Um, you could start thinking about adding some investors for neural as well to take over tours. Like, there's lots of ways that you can play and that you can transition and we're just not seeing it from the Zerg player who, uh, well, technically is still on a very rudimentary army. The 12 Brutlords, once again, they're gould. The problem with the Brutlords is, is that the moment that Thor's actually had underneath them, that the Taurus absolutely wrecked them. So you need something to stop the Thor's, whether that's neural, whether that's a lot of lings that can connect and basically kill the Thor's. But you can't let the Taurus get underneath Guthlil's because they just get destroyed because of their range. I like that these Miras are still alive though I actually do like that. I'm forcing a lot of turds. It's a three Tor split. I'm not quite sure why that is the case. So we see the Tarrin completely moving out and the zergs like, oh I think I could catch this. I think the Zerg can catch this as well. It's going to be able to do so. It gets a lot of the tanks for free here. And there's only four Tours really, and the Tours are not focusing on the Brutlords now. There is some damage being done onto this Ultras, but not that much. This was a very good fight for the Zyrr player, that we see there's still a big bang for the Terran. There's still a couple of Thor's, I believe, up here, which will be coming back right now. And this is kind of what I mean, like the moment a Thor gets underneath the Brut Lords. You see, even if there's a lot of Brut Lords, a Thor still, you know, he got one Brutelord, almost got a second one. So imagine if the Thor's, like, if there's no ground support. Thor's actually completely wrecked group lord. There's also no additional anti-air, or just no anti-air whatsoever. So a single Viking or a single battle cruiser will be able to kind of go unchecked. Now, this is still a very good situation for the Zerg player. But yeah, I'm absolutely no clue how he's going to be losing this game. But he's honestly going to be one of the biggest throws if he does manage to lose this one. Because he's up 20 workers, he's up about 40 supply. He can basically kill all of these mineral lines for free. Instead, he decides to push up the van without anti-air, without his lings with his army. Does he have any lings? He's a bunch of lings without his ultralies. Just pure Brutlord, which is not even dying against Tours, honestly. These Tors, sure, they get a couple of kills. Most of those are, of course, brutelings. And they will be able to get like an old Brutler. But look at this bad boy. This is a battle cruiser. And this battle cruiser has been in the business of killing Brutlers for a long. time. This is definitely the MVP who I'm pretty sure managed to kill about seven or eight broodlords at this point, even though he only has plus one air attack. See this is this really wasn't so much doors as it was just there being no anti-air here for the Zerg player. Now two Thor's do end up popping. We still have the Zerg being of like 30 workers, 3k income. But the Tekken keeps expanding and the Zerg just keeps you rallying unit after unit straight into the meat grinder. See unit loss is actually really even and I can bet you after that fight in the middle. I think Zerg must have been up like 10, 1011K or something like that. It's just he doesn't have the right unit composition, but even with the wrong unit composition of fighting pure Tor. He still should be able to do it just by having better unit movement like trying to deny bases rather than walking into a meat grinder into a SimCity didn't tour that just pops out of the factory. Honestly, still an okay position for dessert. I'm not saying it's great anymore, I'm just saying it's okay at this point. Now why is that? Because we have a lot of workers for dessert, we don't really have enough bases to saturate them. So if this bottom base, it can still be saturated this base, so that's one, two, three, actually, I think he does have enough basis. It's about four and a half base or three and a half base. that he still has available, with 81 worker, that should be kind of fine. So it just didn't really distribute his work as well. But these tors are more corruptors are being built for some reason. So we now have 21 corruptors and nothing that shoots the ground, except these spines and three banlings. And all he can build at this point is turn those into Brutlords against a pure Tor army. This is the classic case of the don't have any anti-air units, when there's air and then don't have any anti-ground units when our opponent switches into ground he just got completely outplayed unit one position wise one battlecruiser managed to kill seven broodlords and then seven ports managed to go absolutely insane because the Zerg for some reason decided to only build corruptors now i'm not one to complain quickly but I feel like at this point someone needs to explain our good Zerg friend here that certain units can and other units can shoot up, but perhaps we can put in a little diagram to show exactly how that works. Maybe explain it by drawing or something like that, but this is not really the way to do it, my friend. There is nine baylings, there's two ultras and there's two brutalers on the way, but 13 corruptors completely useless. They're just going to get wrecked by Thor's. Ultras are getting wrecked by Thor's. And yeah, I understand why he thinks Thor's in, but like corruptors can't kill them at all. Like, I spent, what, like 4K resources on these corruptors? Pretty expensive, pretty beefy, supply-intensive unit. These tors just absolutely destroyed and like, how's that even possible? I guess, pissing on another command center. I don't think that's quite going to do it, though. At this point, the work account for the Zerg is lower. At this point, the work account for the Zerg is lower. Supply is pretty close. Army supply is much more in favor of the Terran. The problem is a lot of the army supply is still on the useless corruptors. I'm not quite sure if this is the game you want to be complaining about. I am not quite sure if this is the game you want to be complaining about. A couple of cars going into this hatchery and slaughtering every drone that was still left mining. No pretending over here by our Terran player. We have this base mining. We have two bases mining. We have our eight tours going ham on a single ootra. We have a couple of broodies. Let's see it. More cars moving forward. Now, I have to say, I haven't read any Chinese in quite some time, but this word over here, those four characters. This means imbalanced or overpowered. This is Tor. It's the symbol for Thor, all of these combined. And then this means Terran. so Thor, imbalanced, Terran. And that's just one word, because this guy speaks very fast. So, well, let's look at the claim, shall we? Let's look at the claim. And what better way to look at the claim than enlarging my face. All right. Number one, early game, hot garbage. Absolutely terrible. Down what 15 workers I'm pretty sure it's not how he played two-based muta I'm not a Zurk expert but I don't think you're supposed to be down 15 workers. I don't think you're supposed to be floating 9 10 life. I'm not even sure how it happened. I can't even complain about his injects because his injects were quite good He just wasn't using the larva. I don't even know how you can do that. It's a different kind of impressive So he didn't use his larvae. He was just down workers forgot his fourth base forgot his fifth and built three hatcheries at the same time Tacks into hive forgets that he has a hive, I think, because for like three minutes of having his hive, he gets no 3-3, no adrenal glands, no ultra-gather, no greater spire, a single viper, basically no hive unit. Like, I understand if you really like lings and bains, but at least upgrade them on hive tag. Then afterwards, he managed to accidentally catch his opponent of guard in the middle of the map, kills 20 things for free, then decides to go into the natural. with Brutelords without any Antier, loses eight of them to a single battle cruiser, keeps attacking into the same base, where units are spawning, just into the meat grinder, loses the 10K resources that he won in the fight before. And then as a response to seeing a single brettal cruiser and a single Viking, he builds 21 corruptors, which then are fighting against nine pores. Then it's surprised that the corruptors don't shoot down. So if we, I think you can do this with my hands actually. So imagine you have a unit down here and it can only shoot forward, not up. That is not a unit that you want against a unit that is flying because it doesn't shoot up. It's just shooting straight. If you have a unit in the air that only shoots forward and not down, your opponent has a lot of units that are down here and the unit only shoots forward. that is also a unit you don't want again. And if there's an air unit of your opponent and you have air units, you might think that's good because air units can always attack, you know, to, you know, they can attack the other. Not necessarily true. The Brutelor, there's a special unit that can only attack down. It's the Brutelor. It shoots down. The better grudor shoots up. I hope that made sense to you. If it didn't, I have a couple of crayons and a drawing board and I can explain a little more slowly. So be sure to send me an email then. I do want you to get something out of this. So yeah, you give so. Yeah, this wasn't the imbalance. It wasn't even the tour, mate. It was the battlecruiser. It really was the battlecruiser. The battle cruiser lost you the game wasn't the tours. So you were wrong in that as all. You really sucked. Yeah, that was it. Thanks everyone for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? For the smart guys out there, they see that I was wearing the same shirt now as it was last week. That's because I recorded two videos in one day. Now that's hardworking. If you want to support me in my hardworking journey, don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, smash the like button. And I'll subscribe to my second channel, which is down in the description, down in the sidebars. It's everywhere and it's great. See you all and bye bye thanks thanks for watching and all that |
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