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This Guy Might As Well Be A Cat... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Does your pet have an active SC2 account? Might be a way to save the game from it's inevitable death! So maybe we should thank Requim, our lord and saviour, after all..? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Z1ebmbFW-_E/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Z1ebmbFW-_E | He pulled probes into the nuke. Maybe he's never seen nukes before. He's like a cat following the red laser. Hi, Harstem. I don't even know what to say. The replay is pretty self-explanatory. Terran is freaking borken. The only solution is to switch to Terran or we're all going to be doomed. Terran has tanks. Bio for ages. They can turtle on two bases and nuke the opponent all. day. Well, the Protoss players actually playing, macroing, making 110 probes, not getting supply block very much for 2.9K, taking bases for ages, and actually microing. Even the widow mine drop. I pulled my probes about as well as is humanly possible, but still he kills most of them. This fool even opened up with an unscouted proxy wrecks in my main, which I killed off with minimal damage, and still he wins. Harstem. Please, captain, please tell me, is it really not. not I-M-B-A, do I really suck this badly? What is the meaning of this? I am going to lose my mind if I keep playing against brain-dead idiots like this. This odd imbalance complaint form was sent in to me by Requiem from the North American server at Platinum level 2,900 MMR, asking whether Terran is imbalanced or if he sucks. All right, boys and girls, this is definitely going to be a banger as the, you can title the replays in StarCraft 2 as well, or you can name them. And the title of this particular replay was, I hate this game. In general, this imbalance complaint form, I felt a lot of kind of teenage angst in there. You know, it feels like Requiem. He is, there's deep unsolved issues, at least, at least within StarCraft 2. At least within StarCraft 2. Another reason why I think this is going to be such a sick episode is because Requiem was complaining about two-base turtling with ghost, which while mass-nuking. Two-base turtling while mass-nuking, which I am very curious to see. Like, although I guess it is technically possible, although it is technically possible that you can go for two-base turtle into nuke, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to do. This is the equivalent of going into your boss. his office, telling him that his wife smells and his kids are ugly, it's like, interesting move, but not sure how great it's going to be for your career, you know? And it is the same with two-based turtling and ghost, because if you're turtling, you're not on the map. You have no presence on the map. It should be really easy for the defending party against a turtling player to just defend, to not get nuked. You can just find the ghost and kill them, because They have no support. They're by themselves. Your opponent isn't being active on the map as they're turtling on two base. So I'm really curious how this is all going to play out. You open up with a 17 Nexus, which is a cool build order. And is now going to go for a second pylon proxy. I would have much preferred seeing that a little bit closer to the opponent's base, but I don't mind it. Thought of that, we also have a barracks in the natural base, which is technically the main, because the main and natural is the same here, of Requiem, which went in unspotted, despite being capable of being spotted because it's in vision of the Nexus. You can see it, but I'm not going to flame him too much for that. Maybe he was stabbing out. He was changing his music on Spotify or, you know, listening to sounds of the ocean and the 10 hours, you know, the 10 hour-long video just ended and he had to start it over again. These things are possible. I'm not going to flame him for that. This bunker, however, is going to finish. You're going to need a pilot plus battery. And then I think you want to get stalkers out as soon as you can. For now we have no units quite yet. First adapt finishes now. I think you immediately want to start a stalker. This is obviously not the correct position for your next pylon. And you know what's funny is that this pylon never makes any sense. I'm actually going to pause here for a second. Look at the situation we find ourselves in. Okay. We're in a situation right now where our warp gate is almost done. Okay. If we build a gateway right now, the moment that gateway. finish finishes, it can warp in. We don't need new supply. Okay. We don't need new supply. What we do need is a pylon over here for a battery. But this pylon does nothing. It doesn't provide a supply that we need. It does take away from minerals that we could invest into a stalker. And if you're going to build a pylon anywhere, it should be here. So this pylon is wrong in multiple ways, which is impressive because it is just a pylon. But in this case, actually quite important. love to see a pylon here plus battery or another gate being at what what is he defending from the five marines oh he thinks this is an all-in he's going to give up his natural he's going to defend his main base against this i'm oh he just has a completely way of viewing this game. A wrong way, but a completely different way. Minimal damage. He lost his nexus, build a battery, stopped building workers for the past minute and a half. How is this even possible? Now he's counterattacking with an adapt? This adept is idling, it's warping in another one. This battery was absolutely not necessary. And if it was necessary, it would have been over here to save this base. He's going to rebuild. I mean, it technically is true that he's taken less damage than he dealt to his opponent, right? He lost 400 minerals here, his opponent invested 150 minerals and built like freaking 6-7 marines, which all died. So probably overall this was a good trade, if you look at it directly. However, you are being outmined by your opponent because Terran has mules, so one base versus one base is always bad. What? I'm confused by the what? Very much so. I completely lost track. Was I going to say, oh, right. It just... And he could have just held it by building a battery over here, which he ended up doing here, losing the battery, and then rebuilding it after killing all of the Marines. Like, these are some... seriously bad decisions. It probably still is fine because your Nexus is done now. You are down in tech by a lot. Just now getting your robo and your forge. I'm not sure about the forge. Don't mind the robe. I would have preferred seeing maybe a twilight, but whatever. Like your opponent is already done with the one-one-one, is building his second barracks. It's now going for a mine drop. There's a bunker upstairs, which I'm pretty sure you're aware of. You've seen a factory as well. So this attack makes legitimately no sense at all. Like, legitimately no sense at all. Not sure if that's been spotted. Like, you should not be capable of getting any damage here in a million years. The only time you're going to be capable of dealing damage is if your opponent is counter-attacking you right now. Or is going for like a freaking two-benchy push or a double cyclone drop. And in that case, you probably want to be home as well. Leave one adept in front of your opponent's base, send the rest of the units home. Now, here comes the mine drop, which, if I quote correctly from memory, was defended as well, or the pro pool was as good as humanly possible. I believe that's what was said. Oh, that's actually true. As good as humanly possible. Unless you count the second two, my number two and, my number three and four. The second half of this attack was probably as bad as humanly possible. I feel like with that last mine, if you just A-moved with all of his workers, rather than clicking next to it and then going back home, you would have just killed it before it would have shot. If only one of those two shots would have hit, especially if it was just the first one out of the two big ones, it would have been a fine game. It actually would have been a fine game. Right now, though, you're in a situation where it sucks. You're not in a good spot. You lost a lot of workers. your opponent steals the two mines alive. This Taron is really not that bad. I'm kind of impressed by the Terran. He's doing a good job. I'm not so impressed by his build order, because now it has a tech lab on this starboard. That should probably be a reactor. We have a second eBay coming in as well. On two bases, I'm not a huge fan of that. Viking tank marauder taking out this gateway, which you love to see. Requiem now realizes, hey, wait a second. Didn't he have a bunker over here and a full wall? Let me attack with about the same size army that I attacked with three minutes ago, because it's been terrible back then. It's probably going to go much better now. Let's hope he built zero units during this period and sold his bunker. Ah, dang of the tank. It happens to the best. Let's just go back home, boys. All right, just going to check to make sure the Viking Marauder Medevac isn't here anymore. Maybe you're looking for a proxy base? Does this player know, does Requiem know that if you're even in bases, against the Terran, you're losing. He's pretending here, like his opponent is like turtling on two base while he's massively outmining his opponent. He's being outmined by his opponent. You can turtle if you're ahead in everything. That's not turtling. That's staying alive. Ignatavisius, not a name, by the way, is literally all you need to do is just sit back, relax and do nothing. I wouldn't really consider this turtling. This is more defending against someone that is so far behind that can probably only win by attacking. What the hell is this? What are we waiting for? Like a sign from God? Nice map vision. Look at this. He's legit no vision on the map and just positions as units here hoping that a double drop is going to pass over. This is like buying a $500 lottery ticket when the grand price of set lottery is $500. Like this is just bad. This is just bad. There's like no scenario in which this is good. Well, I guess unless your opponent decides to load their entire army into Metavex and fly over this spot three times again and again. But any other regular attack or a drop into this base, which is the most common location to drop, it would just kill you. You now have a pushout with two Metavex, two tanks, a raven, and a ghost I'm curious to see how this army is going to get used because holy crap I've never seen something like this the tanks are staying home get a third cc we have turrets on the way ignatavisius is also not really turtling like he just defended now he feels safe what they are oh no he's actually going to nuke He doesn't even cloak! Does he have... He has two ghost academies, three ghost academies. They just blink down to stand next to this ghost? He doesn't even cloak the unit! He killed... I think he killed more of his own units here than opponent's stuff. Okay, now these bad boys are getting aggravated. Wait a second, did I have an army somewhere waiting for something? Ah, right. Let's move it back. Okay, two more batteries on the high ground. Might be wise to fight this. Can he, wait, why is he building Glee adepts? You have charge, no? We have charge and blink and we warp in as a mineral sink units that become terrible the moment stim finishes, aka the adapt. I think with charge you legit clean this army. You eat it. What was that nuke? What just happened here? Why would he warp in adept? If you had them left over from the earlier game, I understand it, but this I don't. You don't even have glaves. If you had glaves, I would maybe understand it. Even then I wouldn't. Okay, what happened with that nuke? I want to see that again. Sorry, I missed that. Because I was paying attention to this fight. Okay, so he warps in four more adepts and then walks them into the nuke. Why would he do that? What was the plan of the adepts? Is to shoot the ghost from the high ground? This guy actually just continues nuking. This is, this Darren has the worst game plan I've seen in my entire life. Because this is not even a game plan. Oh, it is a game plan. It's kind of working. I feel like... I feel like not a single one of these nukes should have gotten more damage than what the nuke cost. Like, nukes are pretty expensive. There are 100 hundred. Like, this is targeting his own auto turret. Which expires. They... I don't really feel like the nukes are the deciding factor here in this game. Okay, now he's going to get glaves after he started building zealots. He's like, I know what I really could use right now? Some glaves for the adepts that died earlier in the nuke. In their memory, I guess, what the hell is this one? He's putting some serious pressure here on this pylon. That could be an issue. It's actually powering a lot. Is this the main range or second? Okay, it was the main range. There's like three ranges of the nuke. The middle deals 100%, then the second ring is 50%, and the third ring is 25%, I believe. It's like the outer ring. He pulled probes into the nuke. I pulled my probes about as well as is humanly possible. This is the second time. Maybe he's never seen nukes before. He's like a cat following the red laser dose. I can't touch it, guys. It's there, but it's not. So yeah. This guy's a cat. A pretty stupid one. And I already don't have, you know, I don't think very highly of the intelligence of cats generally. Okay, probe transfer to this bottom base. It's gonna get that at least. Like, nothing is being nuked this entire time. This is the equivalent of burning money. And Requiem is complaining about it. Like, ah, my opponent, constantly burning all his money. Hate to see it. What turt- He's not even on two-based, he's on four-base, and he's not turtling. Unless you mean... I guess he's keeping a lot of tanks at home, though. They're all stuck behind this factory. That's so funny. That's so funny. Four tanks. Oh, another nuke killed his own Metafax, I think. This nuke takes out the Nexus. Probably would have been faster just to walk over there. What the hell is Requiem doing behind all of this? Two cannons? Yeah, because static defense is really going to help against a guy whose main way of pushing into positions is by nuking it from a distance. This just makes no sense. This would make sense in a normal game, but not against a guy who figured out that the ultimate way of advancing onto the map is by sending a ghost forward in a vulnerable position and then nuking a location that is meaningless. Like, what is this nuke? He just hit the freaking base. Okay, finally. This is a World Wild Target, and he also cloaked. He loved to see it. Triple Starport. Coming in behind this. He also hits nothing, killed his own ghost again, and the Raven also fell, or maybe that was the stalker. Here, all the workers did end up dying. He's a freaking American server, man. How is this possible? How is it possible that this time? of game exists. I really love Ignatavisius though. Fun fact, these tanks were actually never freed. The only reason why they could move out at one point is because the main base mined out and opened a path to go all the way around the back of the main base to finally reach freedom. This guy's triple star porting behind this. I need air units. This is what I really need. It's like these nukes are fun, but Metavax. It's kind of forgetting about the fact that he still has a starport here and hasn't produced in like five years. Fusion Corps and three Vikings and two more starports. Going for a Viking battle cruiser transition. That's a classic after the Ghost, Raven, Tank, Marine Marauder, no Medivac push. Oh man. I don't think Requiem is going to see a single battle cruiser, though. But if he would, I'm pretty sure he would complain about that as well. And freaking battlecruisers? The mass nuking Tuba. It's insane. He literally hasn't scouted in years. Love this observer though, seeing everything. This is a good nuke as well. That's an assimilator and a pylon. That's 170 minerals. They're only paying 100 minerals and 100 gas for that. I guess he's going to get the probe. I'm balin. I am faded. I am bawling. I am faded. I have lost it all. that means but I think it summarizes this very well. I have no clue at all what Requiem was doing this entire game. To be honest, I also had no clue what Ignat Tavisius was doing this entire game, but he won it, so I'm not going to complain. I mean, Requiem, where should we start? The terrible defense against the initial Proxie Marine, the constant need to needlessly move across the map and walk into the same bunker again, again, and again. The widow of the mine drop that you dealt as well with as humanly possible, but in reality killed a majority of your workers. Warping in adepts when you have charge available, starting glaves when you're only building zealots, blinking into positions you shouldn't be blinking into, moving units, probes, anything that you can find into the nuke range. Like, I'm sorry, buddy, but your opponent played a build and a style that is god-awful, and you just managed to outdo him. You played significantly worse than your opponent, because his nukes weren't meant to hit anything. You made that happen, my dear friend. You build a city under his nukes. You moved your army into his nukes. That's what you did. That can only lead to a single conclusion then. And that, my dear friend, is that you suck. and that Terran is not imbalanced. That's just the way it is. It's going to be it for me today. If you think you have a serious imbalance complaint form, be sure to send it in using the form in the description down below. Perhaps next week you'll be taking Requiem's place. And maybe we'll find an imbalance. All right. See you then. Ciao, chow. |
This Guy Might As Well Be A Cat... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Does your pet have an active SC2 account? Might be a way to save the game from it's inevitable death! So maybe we should thank Requim, our lord and saviour, after all..? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Z1ebmbFW-_E/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Z1ebmbFW-_E | He pulled probes into the nuke. Maybe he's never seen nukes before. He's like a cat following the red laser. Hi, Harstem. I don't even know what to say. The replay is pretty self-explanatory. Terran is freaking borken. The only solution is to switch to Terran or we're all going to be doomed. Terran has tanks. Bio for ages. They can turtle on two bases and nuke the opponent all. day. Well, the Protoss players actually playing, macroing, making 110 probes, not getting supply block very much for 2.9K, taking bases for ages, and actually microing. Even the widow mine drop. I pulled my probes about as well as is humanly possible, but still he kills most of them. This fool even opened up with an unscouted proxy wrecks in my main, which I killed off with minimal damage, and still he wins. Harstem. Please, captain, please tell me, is it really not. not I-M-B-A, do I really suck this badly? What is the meaning of this? I am going to lose my mind if I keep playing against brain-dead idiots like this. This odd imbalance complaint form was sent in to me by Requiem from the North American server at Platinum level 2,900 MMR, asking whether Terran is imbalanced or if he sucks. All right, boys and girls, this is definitely going to be a banger as the, you can title the replays in StarCraft 2 as well, or you can name them. And the title of this particular replay was, I hate this game. In general, this imbalance complaint form, I felt a lot of kind of teenage angst in there. You know, it feels like Requiem. He is, there's deep unsolved issues, at least, at least within StarCraft 2. At least within StarCraft 2. Another reason why I think this is going to be such a sick episode is because Requiem was complaining about two-base turtling with ghost, which while mass-nuking. Two-base turtling while mass-nuking, which I am very curious to see. Like, although I guess it is technically possible, although it is technically possible that you can go for two-base turtle into nuke, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to do. This is the equivalent of going into your boss. his office, telling him that his wife smells and his kids are ugly, it's like, interesting move, but not sure how great it's going to be for your career, you know? And it is the same with two-based turtling and ghost, because if you're turtling, you're not on the map. You have no presence on the map. It should be really easy for the defending party against a turtling player to just defend, to not get nuked. You can just find the ghost and kill them, because They have no support. They're by themselves. Your opponent isn't being active on the map as they're turtling on two base. So I'm really curious how this is all going to play out. You open up with a 17 Nexus, which is a cool build order. And is now going to go for a second pylon proxy. I would have much preferred seeing that a little bit closer to the opponent's base, but I don't mind it. Thought of that, we also have a barracks in the natural base, which is technically the main, because the main and natural is the same here, of Requiem, which went in unspotted, despite being capable of being spotted because it's in vision of the Nexus. You can see it, but I'm not going to flame him too much for that. Maybe he was stabbing out. He was changing his music on Spotify or, you know, listening to sounds of the ocean and the 10 hours, you know, the 10 hour-long video just ended and he had to start it over again. These things are possible. I'm not going to flame him for that. This bunker, however, is going to finish. You're going to need a pilot plus battery. And then I think you want to get stalkers out as soon as you can. For now we have no units quite yet. First adapt finishes now. I think you immediately want to start a stalker. This is obviously not the correct position for your next pylon. And you know what's funny is that this pylon never makes any sense. I'm actually going to pause here for a second. Look at the situation we find ourselves in. Okay. We're in a situation right now where our warp gate is almost done. Okay. If we build a gateway right now, the moment that gateway. finish finishes, it can warp in. We don't need new supply. Okay. We don't need new supply. What we do need is a pylon over here for a battery. But this pylon does nothing. It doesn't provide a supply that we need. It does take away from minerals that we could invest into a stalker. And if you're going to build a pylon anywhere, it should be here. So this pylon is wrong in multiple ways, which is impressive because it is just a pylon. But in this case, actually quite important. love to see a pylon here plus battery or another gate being at what what is he defending from the five marines oh he thinks this is an all-in he's going to give up his natural he's going to defend his main base against this i'm oh he just has a completely way of viewing this game. A wrong way, but a completely different way. Minimal damage. He lost his nexus, build a battery, stopped building workers for the past minute and a half. How is this even possible? Now he's counterattacking with an adapt? This adept is idling, it's warping in another one. This battery was absolutely not necessary. And if it was necessary, it would have been over here to save this base. He's going to rebuild. I mean, it technically is true that he's taken less damage than he dealt to his opponent, right? He lost 400 minerals here, his opponent invested 150 minerals and built like freaking 6-7 marines, which all died. So probably overall this was a good trade, if you look at it directly. However, you are being outmined by your opponent because Terran has mules, so one base versus one base is always bad. What? I'm confused by the what? Very much so. I completely lost track. Was I going to say, oh, right. It just... And he could have just held it by building a battery over here, which he ended up doing here, losing the battery, and then rebuilding it after killing all of the Marines. Like, these are some... seriously bad decisions. It probably still is fine because your Nexus is done now. You are down in tech by a lot. Just now getting your robo and your forge. I'm not sure about the forge. Don't mind the robe. I would have preferred seeing maybe a twilight, but whatever. Like your opponent is already done with the one-one-one, is building his second barracks. It's now going for a mine drop. There's a bunker upstairs, which I'm pretty sure you're aware of. You've seen a factory as well. So this attack makes legitimately no sense at all. Like, legitimately no sense at all. Not sure if that's been spotted. Like, you should not be capable of getting any damage here in a million years. The only time you're going to be capable of dealing damage is if your opponent is counter-attacking you right now. Or is going for like a freaking two-benchy push or a double cyclone drop. And in that case, you probably want to be home as well. Leave one adept in front of your opponent's base, send the rest of the units home. Now, here comes the mine drop, which, if I quote correctly from memory, was defended as well, or the pro pool was as good as humanly possible. I believe that's what was said. Oh, that's actually true. As good as humanly possible. Unless you count the second two, my number two and, my number three and four. The second half of this attack was probably as bad as humanly possible. I feel like with that last mine, if you just A-moved with all of his workers, rather than clicking next to it and then going back home, you would have just killed it before it would have shot. If only one of those two shots would have hit, especially if it was just the first one out of the two big ones, it would have been a fine game. It actually would have been a fine game. Right now, though, you're in a situation where it sucks. You're not in a good spot. You lost a lot of workers. your opponent steals the two mines alive. This Taron is really not that bad. I'm kind of impressed by the Terran. He's doing a good job. I'm not so impressed by his build order, because now it has a tech lab on this starboard. That should probably be a reactor. We have a second eBay coming in as well. On two bases, I'm not a huge fan of that. Viking tank marauder taking out this gateway, which you love to see. Requiem now realizes, hey, wait a second. Didn't he have a bunker over here and a full wall? Let me attack with about the same size army that I attacked with three minutes ago, because it's been terrible back then. It's probably going to go much better now. Let's hope he built zero units during this period and sold his bunker. Ah, dang of the tank. It happens to the best. Let's just go back home, boys. All right, just going to check to make sure the Viking Marauder Medevac isn't here anymore. Maybe you're looking for a proxy base? Does this player know, does Requiem know that if you're even in bases, against the Terran, you're losing. He's pretending here, like his opponent is like turtling on two base while he's massively outmining his opponent. He's being outmined by his opponent. You can turtle if you're ahead in everything. That's not turtling. That's staying alive. Ignatavisius, not a name, by the way, is literally all you need to do is just sit back, relax and do nothing. I wouldn't really consider this turtling. This is more defending against someone that is so far behind that can probably only win by attacking. What the hell is this? What are we waiting for? Like a sign from God? Nice map vision. Look at this. He's legit no vision on the map and just positions as units here hoping that a double drop is going to pass over. This is like buying a $500 lottery ticket when the grand price of set lottery is $500. Like this is just bad. This is just bad. There's like no scenario in which this is good. Well, I guess unless your opponent decides to load their entire army into Metavex and fly over this spot three times again and again. But any other regular attack or a drop into this base, which is the most common location to drop, it would just kill you. You now have a pushout with two Metavex, two tanks, a raven, and a ghost I'm curious to see how this army is going to get used because holy crap I've never seen something like this the tanks are staying home get a third cc we have turrets on the way ignatavisius is also not really turtling like he just defended now he feels safe what they are oh no he's actually going to nuke He doesn't even cloak! Does he have... He has two ghost academies, three ghost academies. They just blink down to stand next to this ghost? He doesn't even cloak the unit! He killed... I think he killed more of his own units here than opponent's stuff. Okay, now these bad boys are getting aggravated. Wait a second, did I have an army somewhere waiting for something? Ah, right. Let's move it back. Okay, two more batteries on the high ground. Might be wise to fight this. Can he, wait, why is he building Glee adepts? You have charge, no? We have charge and blink and we warp in as a mineral sink units that become terrible the moment stim finishes, aka the adapt. I think with charge you legit clean this army. You eat it. What was that nuke? What just happened here? Why would he warp in adept? If you had them left over from the earlier game, I understand it, but this I don't. You don't even have glaves. If you had glaves, I would maybe understand it. Even then I wouldn't. Okay, what happened with that nuke? I want to see that again. Sorry, I missed that. Because I was paying attention to this fight. Okay, so he warps in four more adepts and then walks them into the nuke. Why would he do that? What was the plan of the adepts? Is to shoot the ghost from the high ground? This guy actually just continues nuking. This is, this Darren has the worst game plan I've seen in my entire life. Because this is not even a game plan. Oh, it is a game plan. It's kind of working. I feel like... I feel like not a single one of these nukes should have gotten more damage than what the nuke cost. Like, nukes are pretty expensive. There are 100 hundred. Like, this is targeting his own auto turret. Which expires. They... I don't really feel like the nukes are the deciding factor here in this game. Okay, now he's going to get glaves after he started building zealots. He's like, I know what I really could use right now? Some glaves for the adepts that died earlier in the nuke. In their memory, I guess, what the hell is this one? He's putting some serious pressure here on this pylon. That could be an issue. It's actually powering a lot. Is this the main range or second? Okay, it was the main range. There's like three ranges of the nuke. The middle deals 100%, then the second ring is 50%, and the third ring is 25%, I believe. It's like the outer ring. He pulled probes into the nuke. I pulled my probes about as well as is humanly possible. This is the second time. Maybe he's never seen nukes before. He's like a cat following the red laser dose. I can't touch it, guys. It's there, but it's not. So yeah. This guy's a cat. A pretty stupid one. And I already don't have, you know, I don't think very highly of the intelligence of cats generally. Okay, probe transfer to this bottom base. It's gonna get that at least. Like, nothing is being nuked this entire time. This is the equivalent of burning money. And Requiem is complaining about it. Like, ah, my opponent, constantly burning all his money. Hate to see it. What turt- He's not even on two-based, he's on four-base, and he's not turtling. Unless you mean... I guess he's keeping a lot of tanks at home, though. They're all stuck behind this factory. That's so funny. That's so funny. Four tanks. Oh, another nuke killed his own Metafax, I think. This nuke takes out the Nexus. Probably would have been faster just to walk over there. What the hell is Requiem doing behind all of this? Two cannons? Yeah, because static defense is really going to help against a guy whose main way of pushing into positions is by nuking it from a distance. This just makes no sense. This would make sense in a normal game, but not against a guy who figured out that the ultimate way of advancing onto the map is by sending a ghost forward in a vulnerable position and then nuking a location that is meaningless. Like, what is this nuke? He just hit the freaking base. Okay, finally. This is a World Wild Target, and he also cloaked. He loved to see it. Triple Starport. Coming in behind this. He also hits nothing, killed his own ghost again, and the Raven also fell, or maybe that was the stalker. Here, all the workers did end up dying. He's a freaking American server, man. How is this possible? How is it possible that this time? of game exists. I really love Ignatavisius though. Fun fact, these tanks were actually never freed. The only reason why they could move out at one point is because the main base mined out and opened a path to go all the way around the back of the main base to finally reach freedom. This guy's triple star porting behind this. I need air units. This is what I really need. It's like these nukes are fun, but Metavax. It's kind of forgetting about the fact that he still has a starport here and hasn't produced in like five years. Fusion Corps and three Vikings and two more starports. Going for a Viking battle cruiser transition. That's a classic after the Ghost, Raven, Tank, Marine Marauder, no Medivac push. Oh man. I don't think Requiem is going to see a single battle cruiser, though. But if he would, I'm pretty sure he would complain about that as well. And freaking battlecruisers? The mass nuking Tuba. It's insane. He literally hasn't scouted in years. Love this observer though, seeing everything. This is a good nuke as well. That's an assimilator and a pylon. That's 170 minerals. They're only paying 100 minerals and 100 gas for that. I guess he's going to get the probe. I'm balin. I am faded. I am bawling. I am faded. I have lost it all. that means but I think it summarizes this very well. I have no clue at all what Requiem was doing this entire game. To be honest, I also had no clue what Ignat Tavisius was doing this entire game, but he won it, so I'm not going to complain. I mean, Requiem, where should we start? The terrible defense against the initial Proxie Marine, the constant need to needlessly move across the map and walk into the same bunker again, again, and again. The widow of the mine drop that you dealt as well with as humanly possible, but in reality killed a majority of your workers. Warping in adepts when you have charge available, starting glaves when you're only building zealots, blinking into positions you shouldn't be blinking into, moving units, probes, anything that you can find into the nuke range. Like, I'm sorry, buddy, but your opponent played a build and a style that is god-awful, and you just managed to outdo him. You played significantly worse than your opponent, because his nukes weren't meant to hit anything. You made that happen, my dear friend. You build a city under his nukes. You moved your army into his nukes. That's what you did. That can only lead to a single conclusion then. And that, my dear friend, is that you suck. and that Terran is not imbalanced. That's just the way it is. It's going to be it for me today. If you think you have a serious imbalance complaint form, be sure to send it in using the form in the description down below. Perhaps next week you'll be taking Requiem's place. And maybe we'll find an imbalance. All right. See you then. Ciao, chow. |
This Guy Might As Well Be A Cat... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Does your pet have an active SC2 account? Might be a way to save the game from it's inevitable death! So maybe we should thank Requim, our lord and saviour, after all..? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Z1ebmbFW-_E/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Z1ebmbFW-_E | He pulled probes into the nuke. Maybe he's never seen nukes before. He's like a cat following the red laser. Hi, Harstem. I don't even know what to say. The replay is pretty self-explanatory. Terran is freaking borken. The only solution is to switch to Terran or we're all going to be doomed. Terran has tanks. Bio for ages. They can turtle on two bases and nuke the opponent all. day. Well, the Protoss players actually playing, macroing, making 110 probes, not getting supply block very much for 2.9K, taking bases for ages, and actually microing. Even the widow mine drop. I pulled my probes about as well as is humanly possible, but still he kills most of them. This fool even opened up with an unscouted proxy wrecks in my main, which I killed off with minimal damage, and still he wins. Harstem. Please, captain, please tell me, is it really not. not I-M-B-A, do I really suck this badly? What is the meaning of this? I am going to lose my mind if I keep playing against brain-dead idiots like this. This odd imbalance complaint form was sent in to me by Requiem from the North American server at Platinum level 2,900 MMR, asking whether Terran is imbalanced or if he sucks. All right, boys and girls, this is definitely going to be a banger as the, you can title the replays in StarCraft 2 as well, or you can name them. And the title of this particular replay was, I hate this game. In general, this imbalance complaint form, I felt a lot of kind of teenage angst in there. You know, it feels like Requiem. He is, there's deep unsolved issues, at least, at least within StarCraft 2. At least within StarCraft 2. Another reason why I think this is going to be such a sick episode is because Requiem was complaining about two-base turtling with ghost, which while mass-nuking. Two-base turtling while mass-nuking, which I am very curious to see. Like, although I guess it is technically possible, although it is technically possible that you can go for two-base turtle into nuke, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to do. This is the equivalent of going into your boss. his office, telling him that his wife smells and his kids are ugly, it's like, interesting move, but not sure how great it's going to be for your career, you know? And it is the same with two-based turtling and ghost, because if you're turtling, you're not on the map. You have no presence on the map. It should be really easy for the defending party against a turtling player to just defend, to not get nuked. You can just find the ghost and kill them, because They have no support. They're by themselves. Your opponent isn't being active on the map as they're turtling on two base. So I'm really curious how this is all going to play out. You open up with a 17 Nexus, which is a cool build order. And is now going to go for a second pylon proxy. I would have much preferred seeing that a little bit closer to the opponent's base, but I don't mind it. Thought of that, we also have a barracks in the natural base, which is technically the main, because the main and natural is the same here, of Requiem, which went in unspotted, despite being capable of being spotted because it's in vision of the Nexus. You can see it, but I'm not going to flame him too much for that. Maybe he was stabbing out. He was changing his music on Spotify or, you know, listening to sounds of the ocean and the 10 hours, you know, the 10 hour-long video just ended and he had to start it over again. These things are possible. I'm not going to flame him for that. This bunker, however, is going to finish. You're going to need a pilot plus battery. And then I think you want to get stalkers out as soon as you can. For now we have no units quite yet. First adapt finishes now. I think you immediately want to start a stalker. This is obviously not the correct position for your next pylon. And you know what's funny is that this pylon never makes any sense. I'm actually going to pause here for a second. Look at the situation we find ourselves in. Okay. We're in a situation right now where our warp gate is almost done. Okay. If we build a gateway right now, the moment that gateway. finish finishes, it can warp in. We don't need new supply. Okay. We don't need new supply. What we do need is a pylon over here for a battery. But this pylon does nothing. It doesn't provide a supply that we need. It does take away from minerals that we could invest into a stalker. And if you're going to build a pylon anywhere, it should be here. So this pylon is wrong in multiple ways, which is impressive because it is just a pylon. But in this case, actually quite important. love to see a pylon here plus battery or another gate being at what what is he defending from the five marines oh he thinks this is an all-in he's going to give up his natural he's going to defend his main base against this i'm oh he just has a completely way of viewing this game. A wrong way, but a completely different way. Minimal damage. He lost his nexus, build a battery, stopped building workers for the past minute and a half. How is this even possible? Now he's counterattacking with an adapt? This adept is idling, it's warping in another one. This battery was absolutely not necessary. And if it was necessary, it would have been over here to save this base. He's going to rebuild. I mean, it technically is true that he's taken less damage than he dealt to his opponent, right? He lost 400 minerals here, his opponent invested 150 minerals and built like freaking 6-7 marines, which all died. So probably overall this was a good trade, if you look at it directly. However, you are being outmined by your opponent because Terran has mules, so one base versus one base is always bad. What? I'm confused by the what? Very much so. I completely lost track. Was I going to say, oh, right. It just... And he could have just held it by building a battery over here, which he ended up doing here, losing the battery, and then rebuilding it after killing all of the Marines. Like, these are some... seriously bad decisions. It probably still is fine because your Nexus is done now. You are down in tech by a lot. Just now getting your robo and your forge. I'm not sure about the forge. Don't mind the robe. I would have preferred seeing maybe a twilight, but whatever. Like your opponent is already done with the one-one-one, is building his second barracks. It's now going for a mine drop. There's a bunker upstairs, which I'm pretty sure you're aware of. You've seen a factory as well. So this attack makes legitimately no sense at all. Like, legitimately no sense at all. Not sure if that's been spotted. Like, you should not be capable of getting any damage here in a million years. The only time you're going to be capable of dealing damage is if your opponent is counter-attacking you right now. Or is going for like a freaking two-benchy push or a double cyclone drop. And in that case, you probably want to be home as well. Leave one adept in front of your opponent's base, send the rest of the units home. Now, here comes the mine drop, which, if I quote correctly from memory, was defended as well, or the pro pool was as good as humanly possible. I believe that's what was said. Oh, that's actually true. As good as humanly possible. Unless you count the second two, my number two and, my number three and four. The second half of this attack was probably as bad as humanly possible. I feel like with that last mine, if you just A-moved with all of his workers, rather than clicking next to it and then going back home, you would have just killed it before it would have shot. If only one of those two shots would have hit, especially if it was just the first one out of the two big ones, it would have been a fine game. It actually would have been a fine game. Right now, though, you're in a situation where it sucks. You're not in a good spot. You lost a lot of workers. your opponent steals the two mines alive. This Taron is really not that bad. I'm kind of impressed by the Terran. He's doing a good job. I'm not so impressed by his build order, because now it has a tech lab on this starboard. That should probably be a reactor. We have a second eBay coming in as well. On two bases, I'm not a huge fan of that. Viking tank marauder taking out this gateway, which you love to see. Requiem now realizes, hey, wait a second. Didn't he have a bunker over here and a full wall? Let me attack with about the same size army that I attacked with three minutes ago, because it's been terrible back then. It's probably going to go much better now. Let's hope he built zero units during this period and sold his bunker. Ah, dang of the tank. It happens to the best. Let's just go back home, boys. All right, just going to check to make sure the Viking Marauder Medevac isn't here anymore. Maybe you're looking for a proxy base? Does this player know, does Requiem know that if you're even in bases, against the Terran, you're losing. He's pretending here, like his opponent is like turtling on two base while he's massively outmining his opponent. He's being outmined by his opponent. You can turtle if you're ahead in everything. That's not turtling. That's staying alive. Ignatavisius, not a name, by the way, is literally all you need to do is just sit back, relax and do nothing. I wouldn't really consider this turtling. This is more defending against someone that is so far behind that can probably only win by attacking. What the hell is this? What are we waiting for? Like a sign from God? Nice map vision. Look at this. He's legit no vision on the map and just positions as units here hoping that a double drop is going to pass over. This is like buying a $500 lottery ticket when the grand price of set lottery is $500. Like this is just bad. This is just bad. There's like no scenario in which this is good. Well, I guess unless your opponent decides to load their entire army into Metavex and fly over this spot three times again and again. But any other regular attack or a drop into this base, which is the most common location to drop, it would just kill you. You now have a pushout with two Metavex, two tanks, a raven, and a ghost I'm curious to see how this army is going to get used because holy crap I've never seen something like this the tanks are staying home get a third cc we have turrets on the way ignatavisius is also not really turtling like he just defended now he feels safe what they are oh no he's actually going to nuke He doesn't even cloak! Does he have... He has two ghost academies, three ghost academies. They just blink down to stand next to this ghost? He doesn't even cloak the unit! He killed... I think he killed more of his own units here than opponent's stuff. Okay, now these bad boys are getting aggravated. Wait a second, did I have an army somewhere waiting for something? Ah, right. Let's move it back. Okay, two more batteries on the high ground. Might be wise to fight this. Can he, wait, why is he building Glee adepts? You have charge, no? We have charge and blink and we warp in as a mineral sink units that become terrible the moment stim finishes, aka the adapt. I think with charge you legit clean this army. You eat it. What was that nuke? What just happened here? Why would he warp in adept? If you had them left over from the earlier game, I understand it, but this I don't. You don't even have glaves. If you had glaves, I would maybe understand it. Even then I wouldn't. Okay, what happened with that nuke? I want to see that again. Sorry, I missed that. Because I was paying attention to this fight. Okay, so he warps in four more adepts and then walks them into the nuke. Why would he do that? What was the plan of the adepts? Is to shoot the ghost from the high ground? This guy actually just continues nuking. This is, this Darren has the worst game plan I've seen in my entire life. Because this is not even a game plan. Oh, it is a game plan. It's kind of working. I feel like... I feel like not a single one of these nukes should have gotten more damage than what the nuke cost. Like, nukes are pretty expensive. There are 100 hundred. Like, this is targeting his own auto turret. Which expires. They... I don't really feel like the nukes are the deciding factor here in this game. Okay, now he's going to get glaves after he started building zealots. He's like, I know what I really could use right now? Some glaves for the adepts that died earlier in the nuke. In their memory, I guess, what the hell is this one? He's putting some serious pressure here on this pylon. That could be an issue. It's actually powering a lot. Is this the main range or second? Okay, it was the main range. There's like three ranges of the nuke. The middle deals 100%, then the second ring is 50%, and the third ring is 25%, I believe. It's like the outer ring. He pulled probes into the nuke. I pulled my probes about as well as is humanly possible. This is the second time. Maybe he's never seen nukes before. He's like a cat following the red laser dose. I can't touch it, guys. It's there, but it's not. So yeah. This guy's a cat. A pretty stupid one. And I already don't have, you know, I don't think very highly of the intelligence of cats generally. Okay, probe transfer to this bottom base. It's gonna get that at least. Like, nothing is being nuked this entire time. This is the equivalent of burning money. And Requiem is complaining about it. Like, ah, my opponent, constantly burning all his money. Hate to see it. What turt- He's not even on two-based, he's on four-base, and he's not turtling. Unless you mean... I guess he's keeping a lot of tanks at home, though. They're all stuck behind this factory. That's so funny. That's so funny. Four tanks. Oh, another nuke killed his own Metafax, I think. This nuke takes out the Nexus. Probably would have been faster just to walk over there. What the hell is Requiem doing behind all of this? Two cannons? Yeah, because static defense is really going to help against a guy whose main way of pushing into positions is by nuking it from a distance. This just makes no sense. This would make sense in a normal game, but not against a guy who figured out that the ultimate way of advancing onto the map is by sending a ghost forward in a vulnerable position and then nuking a location that is meaningless. Like, what is this nuke? He just hit the freaking base. Okay, finally. This is a World Wild Target, and he also cloaked. He loved to see it. Triple Starport. Coming in behind this. He also hits nothing, killed his own ghost again, and the Raven also fell, or maybe that was the stalker. Here, all the workers did end up dying. He's a freaking American server, man. How is this possible? How is it possible that this time? of game exists. I really love Ignatavisius though. Fun fact, these tanks were actually never freed. The only reason why they could move out at one point is because the main base mined out and opened a path to go all the way around the back of the main base to finally reach freedom. This guy's triple star porting behind this. I need air units. This is what I really need. It's like these nukes are fun, but Metavax. It's kind of forgetting about the fact that he still has a starport here and hasn't produced in like five years. Fusion Corps and three Vikings and two more starports. Going for a Viking battle cruiser transition. That's a classic after the Ghost, Raven, Tank, Marine Marauder, no Medivac push. Oh man. I don't think Requiem is going to see a single battle cruiser, though. But if he would, I'm pretty sure he would complain about that as well. And freaking battlecruisers? The mass nuking Tuba. It's insane. He literally hasn't scouted in years. Love this observer though, seeing everything. This is a good nuke as well. That's an assimilator and a pylon. That's 170 minerals. They're only paying 100 minerals and 100 gas for that. I guess he's going to get the probe. I'm balin. I am faded. I am bawling. I am faded. I have lost it all. that means but I think it summarizes this very well. I have no clue at all what Requiem was doing this entire game. To be honest, I also had no clue what Ignat Tavisius was doing this entire game, but he won it, so I'm not going to complain. I mean, Requiem, where should we start? The terrible defense against the initial Proxie Marine, the constant need to needlessly move across the map and walk into the same bunker again, again, and again. The widow of the mine drop that you dealt as well with as humanly possible, but in reality killed a majority of your workers. Warping in adepts when you have charge available, starting glaves when you're only building zealots, blinking into positions you shouldn't be blinking into, moving units, probes, anything that you can find into the nuke range. Like, I'm sorry, buddy, but your opponent played a build and a style that is god-awful, and you just managed to outdo him. You played significantly worse than your opponent, because his nukes weren't meant to hit anything. You made that happen, my dear friend. You build a city under his nukes. You moved your army into his nukes. That's what you did. That can only lead to a single conclusion then. And that, my dear friend, is that you suck. and that Terran is not imbalanced. That's just the way it is. It's going to be it for me today. If you think you have a serious imbalance complaint form, be sure to send it in using the form in the description down below. Perhaps next week you'll be taking Requiem's place. And maybe we'll find an imbalance. All right. See you then. Ciao, chow. |
This Overlord is having THE BEST of times!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | - LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GNzQeyi2tzo/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | GNzQeyi2tzo | Dear Harstam, Storm is the most ridiculous thing in StarCraft 2, not to mention StarCraft 1 Storm. My opponent holds 140 supply of Zerg with 13 High Templar and some shield batteries. It is completely insane how Prolost gets a point and click that spell that eradicates anything under it. Two, actually, but my opponent was incapable of building a Robo Bay, so disruptors were never seen. I opened with a standard hatch gas pool versus this Prodos. My scouting is bad, I miss his fast twilight, and as a result lose my third to a DT rush. But I kill all the DTs and retake my third. I know I am behind, so I go for a three-base Roachal Inn with plus two plus two. I hit before 10 minutes with 140 supply of Roach Ravager and creep in my opponent's third base. This is where the imbalance starts. I know that I shouldn't have lost my third to DTs. I should have had a fourth and a good economic situation versus this Protoss. But the fact of the matter is, I should at least kill a base with 140 army supply and plus 2 plus 2 on creep. My opponent somehow has 13 High Templar and next to nothing else but static defense. I aim up the ramp and meet no resistance and start attacking the third base. I only see High Templar and two Kronoboos at robotics facilities with no units. This should be an easy win, right? High Templar have no health and barely have an attack. but storm after storm shred my roaches and I can't reach the Templars because of a shield battery Sim City I drop 70 supply nearly instantly a quick warping of zealous and two immortals finish off the rest of my army that has been reduced to a single digit HP from like 40 storms my push is completely stopped and I have basically lost the game because I am unable to reproduce my 70 larvae worth of army versus two warping cycles of Templar I try to fight off the Protoss in the center of the map but I can't beat the mass immortal Templar army. So tell me, is Storm Inba, or do I suck? This was sent in by Paladin, a North American diamond player at 3,500 MMR, who says that Storm is too strong. And we're here to figure out if he's right. So is Storm Inba, or does he suck? Here we have our game between Paladin, our loser player and the Storm War. I love that nickname. I just in isolation, without any of the context, I would already love that nickname. I think it's a great nickname. But then the fact that this guy apparently only rushes storm and batteries makes it much, much better. I just love the fact that what he's about to do is in his nickname. As I'm really curious what's going to end up happening here. Because there's a couple of, let's call them suspicious things that I kind of. I kind of want to point out immediately here. The first suspicious thing that I want to talk about is the fact that he pretends, like hitting with 140 army supply of roaches, at 10 minutes, is a good timing. Because it's not. That is probably like two, two and a half minutes after you're supposed to be hitting. And hitting with 2.2 doesn't make a whole lot of sense either. I feel like the Carapace upgrades don't actually help that much for roaches in a massive all-in. I don't feel like the investment in there is that important. I would like range attack upgrades, maybe plus one, maybe plus two. I'm not sure if we should really be investing in Carapace this early because it delays our push. We also have some fairly interesting scouting positions here with the Overlord. This is my favorite thing in the entire world is when lower level players invent new overlord positions, despite being completely capable of just copying overlord positions of professional players. Maybe we should do a quick comparison. How about that, huh? So, a professional Zerg would put their overlord over here on top of this ramp. Now, what does that have? It shows you when Warpgate starts. It shows you what units are being sent out from the gateway, or what units are being built from the gateway. you have vision on both of the bases, both third bases, because both bases can be taken as a third base, so you know where the probe is going. And on top of that, you see the probe return with the overlord. These are the things that an overlord should be capable of doing. This is why this map has such a sick position. There's one position, which is completely saved this pillar, is capable of doing all of that. We have Paladin who picked a different position. Now, what are the properties, the characteristics of this position? it can see whether a unit is being produced. It can see which unit it is or if it's being sent across the map. It has full vision of one of the third bases. It is not safe. So this is a security risk. It doesn't see the probe come back either. But it is capable of inhaling the fumes of this Vespine geyser. So this overlord wants to get high. It is definitely possible. Basically, you give up a bunch of useful things like security and the ability to see things for the ability to get high, which, you know, for some people is very important, but in StarCraft 2, usually not as much. I'd recommend just putting it on the spot where every single pro gamer has been putting it for the past, I don't know, 12 months, for however long Golden aura has been in the map already because this position brings you absolutely nothing although you can see that no unit is being produced this one hell of a wall as well love to see it uh probe is just patrolling around in vision second overlord is just hanging in the main base some wild wild spots wild spots i also love that this overlord is here and technically could just go and scout which is kind of what you want to be doing if you have two overlords um but you probably want to scout right around now before you start making rash decisions like throwing down a roach warren. This is kind of the point of the double overlord, yeah, is that you scout before you need to respond to something because then your scout can be the response. This just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. This is first deciding an action and then getting intel. It's like you can't change your course anymore after the intel. Like the roach warren is already here. If your opponent had opened up with a Stargate, you would be stuck with a roach warren right now. If your opponent had opened up with glaves, you would be stuck with building two spores right now. So this is really the worst of both worlds. It's phenomenal stuff. Absolutely. You see a single unit in the wall, nothing else here, which should be kind of suspicious by itself. A pylon has managed to be dropped on the map as well because you didn't realize that the probe hadn't gone home. You haven't been scouting around with lings either. You build spores in every base except on the third. So these dTs are going to walk in. And yeah, they're just going to slash this third. So I'm not a huge fan here of the double Evo chamber. Like, I love upgrades as much as any other guy, okay? But generally, a good rule for Zerg players, as a general rule, a rule of thumb, is that if you don't know whether your opponent has a third or not, don't get an Evo chamber. And also don't get two Evo chambers. That technically is worse. And right now, although your opponent has a third. a third base, you're not aware of it. So you're not allowed to do this. Because upgrades take a really long time to kick in. If you're being all in of two bases, six minutes into the game, both of these Evo chambers are going to be a massive investment into something that's going to serve no purpose whatsoever for you. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Your position also genuinely is god-awful. Yes, losing your third base was very bad, but you also just have way too little drones. You have way too many lings. You've built too many buildings. You've built too many too early. You're floating six larva right now, which I don't quite understand. I'm pretty sure you missed injects because you just have such an insanely low drone count. We're almost six minutes in and you're at 35 right now. And I like that you kind of pretended like this was a minor issue, like a hiccup on the road towards a massive road supply max. But really, if I look at the current situation and I were to judge it, I'm giving our Protoss player about, a 95, made like a 98% win rate here, just based on this position if the players are close to being equally skilled. He's up in workers, he's up in tech, he has a third base that is mining. He has DTs, which can perhaps still do something. You don't even have a third base on the way of. This is a god-awful move by our Protoss player, which is, yeah, going to cost him for a Templar, as well as a recall, apparently. Going to lose the Arkon before it gets a recall. Double Forge. And he's getting storm. So here comes the storm warm. It's going to go hard. 1-1 upgrades. I mean, that's something, I guess. I wouldn't even mind seeing a double expand. And actually what you want to be doing is if you're this far behind, is you probably just want to camp. You want to go into Roach, Ravager, and then try to get into Lurker on four bases, eventually get a fifth base. Because there should be no way in hell that you're going to be capable of killing your opponent. Like your opponent has much better eco, much quicker attack, much more, like there's many more units. Your opponent is ahead in every possible way. It sounds near impossible to kill him with any type of attack. So I'd much prefer a more drone-focused play right now. I mean, there's plenty of cash in the bank to build some drones, to build a fort base, get an infestation pit out and try to attack into a hydra then. This is the beauty really of lower-level games, is that even if your early game is complete balls, you can almost always still transition into a campy composition because no one has a clue how to finish games. If you get five Lurkers out, this guy is absolutely going to poop his pants. Like, absolutely. His entire army so far, not great against Lurkers. He also has no aggressive potential out on the map right now. What you're seeing here is a Prodos player that is so afraid of dying that all he's doing is building defensive stuff. Batteries, Canon, Templar. That really is it. and he probably has a good reason to be afraid because you were on two base and you're also actually planning on a inning you're not scouting here whatsoever you're not aware of the fact that he has a fort base you're not aware of the fact really anything any of his tech any of his forges all you have seen so far is four ds and that he has a third base with six gases on it so you should be expecting either colossus disruptors or storm to be quite honest and this is not the army that I want to be building against what your opponent is doing. Your opponent also being up in supply where you're massing roaches is insane to me. Roaches are some of the most supply heavy units in the game. They cost very little and they fill up a lot of supply. So you inflate your supply rapidly when you're building roaches. Like a big fat balloon. Yeah, I'm... Triple Robo. Do actually like that? Not sure about the positioning. I think I'd rather have them over here. This is a safer area. I have them outside of your wall. You're just continuing to build roaches. I also love that in the imbalance complaint form, you made this out to be some genius strategic choice. But you legit have zero information. Like, something can only be a genius strategy if this strategy gets triggered by something. It's not like this is the ultimate solution to every problem you have. Like, oh, I lose four bases? Or I lost my third base to 40 Ts. Two to Roach all in. Oh, my. My opponent is rushing carriers, 2-2-Rodscholins. Like no, first of all, 2-2-Rodschilden doesn't exist, but if it were to exist, there probably would be a limited amount of things that it can kill, like everything in StarCrap. You know, everything has its counter and you need to figure out by scouting what that counter is. And you can't just say, oh, I forgot to scout or oh, I didn't scout so well, but my strategy was brilliant. It's not entirely how it works. Didn't you also say that you hit before 10 minutes? What did you say exactly? I hit before 10 minutes with 140 supply of Roach Ravager. If you say I hit before 10 minutes, I'm kind of expecting it to be at like 9.30. All right? I know this is a little bit nitpicky, but this is kind of pushing it. You know, this is really, this really is kind of pushing it. Is it 9.57 is when your link start attacking the gateways. I'll give it to you, though. I'll give it to you. How many templar do we have? You're freaking 16 Templar. Eight stalkers, 11 zealots, 95 probes, 1-1 upgrades versus 2-1, it's not even 2-2, immortals are popping out already as well. Like, these armies are not the same. They're not at the same level at all. The ability to reinforce here is also not at the same level. Like, it should confuse you that your opponent has the ability to build 16 Templar who each seemingly have two strong. storms as well. There was freaking 30 storms in this army while you were going for one of the quickest max-outs. Your opponent managed to max out with Templar while you were maxing out with roaches. Like you were so far behind. It's also not like this creep did anything. Like you can't brag about useless stuff. Holy crap. This is like me complaining that I lost a football match despite my brilliant ability to be capable of juggling three balls with my hands. is like, what is the point of this creep? The fact that you hit at 957 instead of at 10.03, like these five seconds don't matter. You should have hit two and a half minutes earlier. Not at this point. Like, what is the point? Why would you mention this? Like, this is somehow something that speaks to your brilliance as a player. It's a waste of mental resources focusing on spreading creep rather than focusing on injecting or scouting or having a good build order. You did none of those things. Instead, you spread creep till his base and then fought entirely off creep. This would have maybe made sense if your goal is to defensively survive. This makes no sense if you want to attack off creep anyway. You literally focus on everything that is wrong. And then complain about your opponent who made a very good catch-all army against a ground force. Would have kind of sucked against Muras. Not going to lie. Would have kind of sucked if he ever had to move across the map. before he's maxed out, not gonna lie, but because you attacked into him with 60 drones? Yeah, you get absolutely blasted. This guy's been saving storms since before Christ. And you walk into him with your primitive weapons, yeah, you're gonna die. You have pure roach. Then you also dare complaining about the fact that he can reproduce his army quicker. Yeah, first of all, he didn't lose as much of his army. And second of all, he has more infrastructure. If you had more than three hatcheries, you'd also be capable of reproducing very quickly, you plow. like that's kind of the point of Zerg isn't it is that the more bases you have the quicker your your production goes you don't have to add more production that is a benefit that is not a that's not a downside of your race that is kind of the purpose is one of the massive upsides that's a feature not a bug yeah of course with the roach ravager an army that gets countered by storm immortal you're not going to have a very good time then afterwards either why is this guy so focused on clearing those rocks though. This guy hates geology. He's been beaten too many times by Brock in Pokemon Yellow. I think it's the first gym in Pokemon Yellow. After you have like this massive maze, you get the guy that says freaking four judoes at you, or like a Gollum or something. Is he called Gollum? It's not the little guy from Lord of the Rings. It's the round ball. I think he can explode as well. Either way, I mean, this is... I find it stunning that you can look at this replay. See the fact that your opponent has 13 gates, 3-Robles, double-forge, 5 base, 104 probes, after killing you with a DT attack basically in minute 5, and then daring to complain, while your army composition is also being hard-countered. Like, there were no strategic calls. your plan probably from the start was a two-two roach push because that's probably what you do every single game and this time it didn't work you pretend like it was a genius call while doing nothing correct mechanically your opponent was better strategically your opponent was better execution wise your opponent was much better honestly micro wise your opponent was much better like in what realm did you outplay your opponent in such a big way that you deserve to win like maxing out at 10 minutes with 200 supply of roaches doesn't guarantee a win. And I don't want to live in a world where that guarantees a win, where every single time a Zerg manages to max out 10 minutes in, you get the W, you get the 26 MMR. Congratulations. You're not an idiot. Woohoo. IQ higher than 12. It's like, mate, this is a terrible game. You did a three base all in against someone on five bases that was maxed out, similar upgrade as you. and you got absolutely blasted. Accept defeat, gracefully. All right? Accepted gracefully. This was an imbalance. Storm isn't in balance. And if it is imbalanced, this game for sure didn't show it. You just freaking suck, my dear friend. And that's the way that it is. And that's also the way that this is it for today's IOTIS. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you all did enjoy it. If you did, don't forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel and hopefully you'll see all of you next for a new video. Bye-bye. |
He insults his opponent's stupid unit comp - just to build an even dumber one... | IODIS | Sweet Karma... LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3X9zT5iYSPg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 3X9zT5iYSPg | Dear Harstem, I thought this game was almost perfectly balanced until I ran into this Terran Mac abuser. My early game was suboptimal up to the four-minute mark, making some careless mistakes like losing two probes to the first Reaper and my adaptant stalker to two unexpected cyclones. But nothing that is game ending at my MMR. I will even admit my opponent actually played a bit better than me in the early game, absolutely blasting my army through choke points while disabling half my army with his imba ravement. So I had no chance. His imba cyclones had no problem kiding my immortals, which I thought would be a good counter. However, I managed to take a very, very good fight that allowed me to take out two of the Terran's bases along with his army. Putting me in what I thought was an unloosable position. Thinking I had already won the game and my opponent is not Gigiing, I thought him to take his annoying Macbilt and leave the game. and my opponent's answer was to just walk across the map and completely destroy me, causing me to leave the game with some salty words. So harsh them. How did this Terran down to one-third my worker count and down two bases, simply walk across the map and own me? It wasn't even close. Absolutely blasted me. Was this army composition to Inba, or do I simply suck? It's a good question as it was sent in to us by a, a moo, a North American prodos player who's in the Diamond League with 3,300 MMR, asking whether the Mac composition is imbalanced or if he sucks. Let's figure it out. Alright my dear friends and here we go. Moo versus Red Fury. Who's opening up with it? A gas first. Cool build out of the Terran player. Some rather interesting gateway play. I've never seen this quite before. I mean, this is a reaper spot. Like, reapers can jump up here, but I've never actually seen this wall off yet. And I've seen, and I played quite a few games on Dynasty. There is a wall where if you build a pylon here, a gateway and a core, a reaper can't enter through the back door, which is something that I would truly recommend if you want to build a reaper wall. But this is, if a reaper is in your natural and wants to move into your main, this is such a niche scenario that I wouldn't even really wall for it even if I had the buildings available like this this almost never is useful and it does put the gateway in kind of an odd position I mean if you're going to do this you definitely should have the gateway on the outside so it's closer to the ramp in my mind at least so you want to do something aggressive with an adapt that makes more sense but oh well oh well I digress as moves opening up with a build order that he made himself or he copied of someone that made this build order themselves because this is pretty freaking terrible. Second pylon before the Nexus doesn't do anything, doesn't allow you to produce an adept quicker, it just delays your Nexus for no apparent reason. So it's just objectively bad. Like there's actually no benefit. It's just worse than a standard Corby for Nexus expansion where, yeah, now your Nexus is delayed by an extra 12 seconds. Congratulations. You ruined something. That was beautiful. Reaper's going to make its way across the map. This is a gas, Gas first reaper, gas first reapers are simply not allowed to do any damage. Why is that the case? It's because they arrive three seconds later and Mu pretends like he has full information, despite being completely blind, shades across the map and then get surprised by a Reaper in his base. That's a, I want to see this micro again because this was very, this is very good. Okay, so he's going to lose his first probe. No, he's not going to lose his first probe. Okay, he's going to lose his first probe. Pulls all of his workers and instantly pulls them back. I have never quite seen that defense before. It's maybe meant to scare or intimidate his opponent, showing that look at me. I have not controlled just of a single worker, but of all of them. But so far it hasn't really done anything. Ends up losing a bunch of mining time because of that, actually. That move probably cost them like 50, 60, 70, 80 minerals or so. Like those 3, 4 seconds that 12 probes aren't mining. that's pretty freaking expensive and he ends up losing two workers as well which Uber sucks has no information because his adept was forced to go back home didn't probe scout either and then there's two cyclones there which by the way if I recall correctly Mu refer to as unexpected cyclones like everything is really unexpected if you don't scout that's pretty much how it works like if you go out tomorrow without an umbrella and it starts raining like mad and storming. It's like, oh, unexpected rains. Yeah, because you didn't check the weather before heading out. You didn't look outside or you didn't look on the internet to figure out what the weather was going to be. Like, it is not actually unexpected, or it shouldn't be unexpected because you can literally just scout this within the debt most of the time. You see a factory with a reactor. This is like signing up for a TV show called Temptation Island with your girlfriend that you've been with for three months. And then being surprised that she cheats on you after seven hours on the islands. Like, well, that was unexpected. It really wasn't. Have you seen any of the other 15 seasons that have been released in the past 35 years? Like, holy crap. These cyclones were literally as expected as they could have been. Had you scouted anything here? Had you seen the factory plus reactor, it can be two things. 90% of the time is going to be Helian or Cyclone. And the percentages in those 90%, I think majority is still going to be cyclone nowadays, at least. I mean, if your data set has games from Wings of Liberty, then cyclones weren't around yet back then. So, good job. Or before you needed a reactor for the cyclone. Or before you needed a tech lab for the cyclone. And yeah, it's going to be different. But nowadays, in the recent patch, if it's a factory with a reactor, I'm pooping my pants for this freaking cyclone. And it's not unexpected anymore. It's the opposite of unexpected. One could say that it is expected even. Yeah, I used the big E word. I did it. I have no problem with it. I don't regret it either. Try canceling. me for it, pricks. What is this? Hurricane engines being researched. So it's going to be a full-on Mac game. It's well as a tech lab here on the Starport. That is interesting. Probably going to be for Benchier Raven. I think he mentioned Ravens actually in his imbalance complaint for him. So I'm expecting, I'm expecting Ravens as they were mentioned. We have Immortals blink off of four gas, 600 minerals in the bank, yet a third base nowhere inside, which is a mistake, quite frankly. If you don't have a third base going up in the PVT matchup, before the five minute mark, that either means you're all-inning, or you took a lot of damage in the early game, like minus 15 workers or 16 workers, and you're also all-inning. There's no excuse to not have a third base going up at this point in the game, ever, really. so yeah this is just late it's it's not good it's late this early game is actually really poor I think he undersold us how bad his early game was you know he he tried to get ahead of it by mentioning it in the imbalance complaint for him saying you know trying to be pretend to be an honest guys like yeah I had some minor losses the early game wasn't great but this is this is not really the case this is this is like when you're reporting you had a big party your parents are about to come home. They're like, Mom and Dad, we had a bit of a party. Maybe the teapot broke and, you know, a chair or two, you know, an RIP to them. And then they come home and the house is gone. The house isn't quite gone, but this was a really bad early game. Worker-wise, this isn't looking good. Base being very late. The complete lack of scouting information here is, is quite frankly worrying. The fact that we're getting thermal lands after seeing six helions, after seeing like four cyclones already out on the map is a mystery to me. What are we getting Colossus for here? Like, well, in what scenario is the Colossus the right call? Against cyclones, I much rather have immortals. Against tanks, I much rather have immortals. Against Hellbats, I don't think Colosses are necessarily very good. I mean, they're okay. They're nice, I guess. But majority of the time, the helbits or the Helens aren't really the issue. On top of that, if you're fighting against someone that builds Ravens and you're relying on single Colosses to hold, you know, your third base or your natural, life is really going to suck majority of the time. Here come a couple of halions. Moving in towards a third base that is absolutely not defended. So every single worker that was mining at this third is going to get taken out. And now Red Fury can actually just piss off. Look at that. This is really nice movement. And well, the movement actually wasn't even that revolutionary. He actually just walked across the map into the third base and Mu was defending his natural because he legitimately has zero map vision. Absolutely. There's no scouting of the unit conversation. His opponent could be on four-based pumping battle cruisers right now for all he knows. It literally could be anything. It actually could just be anything. He went for the thermal lens plus colossus, single colossus. That's a lot of money invested for a single colossus. Now he's going to transition out of it back into Immortals. Has a second robotics facility. I guess for more Immortals. We're getting charged. How many zealots do we have? None. Love to see it. Today we're really getting upgrades that we're not using. I think zealots are a good call, though. I think the ideal type of composition is you kind of want to start with, I don't mind sentry stalker immortal, actually. I think that is an okay thing to start with. But then once they start getting tanks altogether, Zellat Arcon is really powerful in combination with immortals. Immortals blasts, immortals blast tanks. And Zellat Arcon, if they're flanks, is really good against both as well. Sellas are not as great against high halbet counts, but if you just flank and they don't all roll, you know, through a tiny choke over here on the left or, you know, in between minerals and there's like 12 helbetts against 30 salads, salads are actually quite good against Mac as well. Another thing that's great, if you're playing against Mac, you should always realize that the Mac player is going to struggle with moving out. Every move out from the Mac side of things is a major risk, and you really shouldn't be forgetting that. It really is a major risk. So taking fast bases, getting a lot of workers is generally a good plan against Mac. Because they can't really move out until they're practically maxed majority of the time. That's going to be the case. If they mass cyclone and they can move out a bit earlier, but it still has a lot of risk because you have blink off and Sentries and for fuel. This is a great fight. I don't even think any of these immortal shot in this fight so far. So that's minus 30 supply. I have the cyclone is also behind it. Forcefield is honestly not bad. I think this chasing move is. is not it either. So far the resources lost really in favor of the Terran, but I'm not a fan of this fight. I really am not. This was I guess somewhat even for term. Now okay, he's just losing a lot. Yeah. Fighting away from tanks after you used all your interference matrices, I don't think it's great. Overall though, Terran players still in a phenomenal spot. It's already building a fort base as well. He's playing against a two, sorry, a four gas Protoss player on three bases, 58 workers. This is a really really, really bad situation right now for our Protoss player. It just is. There's also six factories already out. That is serious production. The one thing we are lacking is upgrades on the Terran side of things. I mean, he has two armories, but he's not using them yet. And that's actually a pretty big deal. You really do want to get some upgrades. It's nice. Like once you have like 2-2-meagre. That really, that rips. You know, it's solid. It really is. Fort base now moving over from the Terran as the ProDos Army is continuing to get now adding in some zealots stalker immortal zealots. I really think Archons here would be a great add-in. I think taking this gold base would be great. You can take it on the outside. I think that would be even better. So you also have access to the Rich Vespian guy or you can start pumping some Archons out there. I think that would be brilliant. Five gateways, two robotics facilities. I mean, really, despite the relatively poor early game, if you just pump immortals and zealots and Archons it's really hard to lose to mech because mac genuinely sucks it's just not good this is not the viable composition i get a lot of mac terrants that send me replays it's like oh Protoss is too strong against mac it's like yeah it is like Protoss is too strong against mac it is mac is not viable against Protoss luckily for you you have an entire different composition that you can use. It's like me complaining about the fact that I can't mess adepts against terrorists. Mess adepts, not viable against Sarah. Like, no, no, it's not. That's not a good composition. It's the same with Mac. Mac is simply not a good composition against Prodol's. You can win with Mac against Protoss if the Prodos makes mistakes. Proz gets behind in the early game. Sure, it's possible to win with Mac against Toss, but if both players are equally skilled, I am expecting the Mac player to lose at high level, at high level, at lower level, I don't know, maybe you counter Mac with Adepts, then you're going to lose because adepts suck even harder than Mac does. How did I get here? I can't remember. Oh yeah, literally all you need to do against Mac is just get good eco, and apparently that's even not really necessary. Then just get a bunch of immortals. Make sure you attack from more than one direction. This is phenomenal stuff. Look at this. Look at the amount of shots. Can we get a shot counter that these immortals have here in this engagement? Look at this crap. What the hell is this? They get shot at from a distance. One. Two. Three. Three shots. Freaking. eight immortals. Three shots total here. Now they kill an SCV. Phenomenal stuff. Oh, what's happening here? The point of the immortals is that they deal a lot of damage when they get to shoot. So it's kind of important that they do get the shoot. Like this is going to be a great fight if you get the fight, just purely based on the fact that you have so many immortals. It's a nice interference matrix. You won't be capable of shooting any critters anymore. This is a Pida Raven. He hates it. And that immortal has killed many critters on the map already. He's a bad boy. Yeah, Pita on the case. Unbelievable. I hate to see it. Taking out immortals one at a time. Another great move out here that could potentially just kill a base. Purely based on the fact that Mo has never been in position in his entire life. Playing baseball with this guy was at last. I feel like that's a positional game, right? Baseball. Yeah, I don't know enough about other sports. I feel like base in... I think you have set positions in baseball as well. I'm pretty sure. Like six or seven in the field or eight maybe? It's like the outfield. Then one at each base. There's a guy that catches the ball. Seven or eight, I think. But yeah, he was terrible at it. Mu. That's where I was going for. Moo is like garbage at baseball. Did manage to save this base, though. That's nice. That's something. Add in three sentries as well. Love to see what this is going to be for. Sentry is actually practically pointed. You want one maybe for Guardian Shield and hope your opponent doesn't know how to target fire. Mu once again is going to be caught out of position. Very impressive. He's just always where the army was last. This is some genius, some genius thinking. He just hopes his opponents never rotate. This is one weird trick that scientists called Mu hate. And it's moving somewhere else where he isn't. No, no. Darn. This base is practically. dead by the time he shows up again. It's a terrible engagement as well. Out of the terror, but it's okay. It's okay. Some tanks is just kind of sprawled out behind all this. This is one hell. Look at this. Oh, he's going to split? Finally we get a split. I should have... This is why you shouldn't wish for things. Like splitting the army or flanking. We literally got zero shots. I think they might have killed a tank and two mines that were over here. How is this even possible? This flank showed up so freaking late. The fight was over. He blinks him forward. This is the worst timing in the world. This is like showing up with the morning after pill at your son's 17 birthday. It's like it's a little bit late, buddy. That ship has sailed. The train has passed the station. Holy cow. How is it possible to be this late? This is insanity. It's like these immortals haven't seen battle. There's freaking stalkers in there with more kills than most immortals. Most of these are zero kills. Most of them haven't even seen battle. They've heard, you know, they've heard the shots in a distance, but that's it. That's got to move across the map. He has a pretty decent chance. It's winning a fight, no? His army is still massive. Just need a guardian shield. Does he have energy for that? Yeah, I could use a guardian shield. It doesn't even matter. He's just winning. He has good upgrades. He had 3 plus 3 versus plus 1. And he has a bunch of immortals. This is the first fight where his immortals actually shot at stuff. And that's all he really needed. That's all he literally, this is the only thing he needed. Look at this. just lost, boom, 21k to 17K. And don't forget that usually against Terran, you're also significantly outmining them. I don't think that has been the case this game so far, because the Terran was on 5 base and has been mining a bit from the gold as well. Get 10 cyclones on the way. I also love the logic here out of Mu. Who just had the fight of a lifetime. It's like, man, this fight ran really well. Should I stick with his composition or maybe try and transition into a freaking fleet beacon at this point? He's like, you know what? Let's try something new. This is going too good. We're making too much money with this. Let's stop it. Let's just quit it. It's unbelievable. He's still winning. This game is absolutely over at this point. So he's taking out two of the bases. Sapona still has a pretty significant bank though, like a very significant bank. There's 3K in there. Sadly not a lot of gas and only mining from currently two, three gases, because this one in the main for whatever reason isn't mining anymore. So, yeah, I mean, this game is over. I'm not quite sure what to say about this. It's going to rebuild a command center. We have a fifth base. Decided to skip the gold because it looks scary. It's like, hmm, should I take a more vulnerable base that requires more probes to do the mining? Or this one, less vulnerable, an instant mineral and gas boost. Yeah, let's go for the vulnerable base. It's a good thinking out of move, really showcasing his IQ here to the world. I love to see it. You and your crappy build can leave now. Yeah, I mean, to be honest, Red Fury could leave, but he could also stay in. I've seen some of the fights that Mu has been taking. I'm not sure if I would suggest ever leaving against this guy. He's never been in position once. He managed out of five fights to get the immortals in a shooting position a single time. It's like, if I'm Red Fury here, I'm thinking to myself, yeah, I could leave. Sure, my early game build might not have been the game. greatest, but you're an idiot too, buddy. We're in this together. And on top of that, we're going into carriers now, which don't have an upgrade advantage. Because that was a great thing about this ground army as well. They actually had an upgrade advantage. They were plus three in the last fight, plus three versus plus one. And now that's going to be plus zero. And at this moment, we have two on upgrades. So the upgrades actually getting better here for Red Fury. Red Fury is also spending his money that he had in the bank. He has managed to take his command center, or build a command center here, more of than two an orbital. He's adding another CC, as he's adding more SEVs as well, and actually has pretty decent supply at this point. So we're really one bad move command with these immortals bumping into the butts of stalkers for five seconds away, and Red Fury might just be in a winning position again. Like, should you really leave the game here? Just because you think it's over? No, I don't think so. It's also a weird thing to do. respect people that flame while they're winning, unless it's provoked earlier, you know. Imagine Red Fury would have called him a moron or an idiot or some loser. Then you could say, ah, get out of my game. You know, then it's funny. But here, you're just a dick. You're winning already. That's kicking a man while he's down. And he's not even down. That's kicking a man while you think he's down. But he's actually standing up and it's an illusion. He's a magician, like a pen and teller. Or like Hans Kazan. It's a Dutch magician. I'm not sure if he's a good one. I feel like whenever I hear about Dutch magicians, they are always bankrupt. I feel like every Dutch magician that read about him in my life went bankrupt. It's pretty crazy. I know that these tricks are expensive as well. Most of the time they don't even invent the tricks themselves. There's people that make tricks and then sell them to the magicians. I guess you still have to be good at the hand movements. Still, it's kind of messed up. Where was I? ship. More carriers on the way. Carriers don't actually trade so well against cyclones, by the way. This is a little secret. It's the immortals that kill the cyclone or disruptors. Woo-hoo! Some good interference matrices as well. Do you freaking own this? You actually did own this. Oh. You know that in the end, the Terran is always going to win, right? Because it gets sent in by the Prodos. And you're not allowed to send in wins. But I didn't think it was going to be this fight, to be honest. I actually didn't think it was going to be this fight at all. It does surprise me. He's taking out some interceptors. Probably still cast an anti-armor or an interference here. Okay, going to go for an interference matrix. Almost still losing this fight. He's fighting away from like four tanks and freaking seven mines. It does scare me a tiny tad. But that's pretty decent eco behind it. It has these bases being set up as well. Honestly, 52 workers managed to rebuild SUVs. that's a W to me. And I love it here, as out of Mu. I just love that these carriers did nothing, mainly because they didn't have upgrades and there was no disruptor support. Like, carriers aren't actually that bad against mass cyclone, by the way. You can get carriers and disruptors or carriers immortal disruptor, and you're probably going to be pretty fine. The problem is that if you don't have any upgrades, it's probably better to stick with what was working before. Like, immortals work really well. There's no reason to transition out of mass immortal if you can still build it, and you have a lot of time to create that army. Like, he now spent a lot of time crafting an army that was worse. Like, he had something that was better, and you made it worse, and you put more time and money into it. Like, congratulations. There's a terrible investment. And so 169 supply versus 62. Also, Thor's against carriers. Good call. I feel like Red Fury actually knows what he's doing as well. Easy. This guy has some brains on him. Some brains on him. I wouldn't mind if he starts using the all-army hotkey every now and again. Please tell me. I'm just going to finish this game at this point. Now it's Moose turn, by the way, to leave. If I was Red Fury at this point, I would start sending question marks. But like in a pyramid, you know, you start with one, then two, then three, then four, then five, and then down to four, three, two, one. And then at the end of the pyramid, something like, get out of my game, loser. It feels so good to take out bad-mannered people. It just makes me so happy to do. Yeah, this is terrible. I'm just going to speed through this, because this is over. Yeah, Moose. absolutely delusional. He still thinks he deserves to win here. Builds a colossus, probably the worst unit was this. K, just make immortals next time. Carriers bad versus shitty build. Yeah. This is, this is, this is so stupid because literally, if you just had continued making immortals, you would have won. If you would have added in zealots, if you would have gotten Archons, if you would have even taken, if you would have taken two good fights instead of just one in this entire game, literally two good fights, you would have won this game. Had you taken faster eco at any point, you would have won this game. There's like, there's like five major mistakes, like the five pillars of beating Mac, and you managed to knock all of these pillars down. You manage to fill literally in every single possible way, always out of position, no map control, worse eco, terrible army movement, never flanking, always coming in from one direction. And then in the end, you even go for the, even when you had the good army composition, it still was incorrect, and then you went from like a medium bad army composition to a terrible one. You just love to see it. So is it imbalanced? No. Mac sucks, but Mac isn't the thing that sucked the most in this game because that my dear friend was you. Because you really do suck. And that is going to be it for me today. We all enjoyed this episode. If I did, don't forget to send us a replay. believe that you have something that's truly imbalanced. Forum in the description down below somewhere over here. And I'll see you next time for more episodes of this. Bye-bye. |
These Are NOT THE SAME!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | No, even if corporate tells you, this is NOT the same picture. But be honest, do you know the difference? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/f-0FxD7mAfg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | f-0FxD7mAfg | Dear Harstem, I'm very tired of lurkers. Every time I try to play macro versus Zerg, it ends with Zerg massing lurkers and just sitting there like a frog in its pond. And then he just sieges my bases, and I can't do anything about it. In this game, I managed to deflect zergs' early attempt to annoy me with Hatchery and my natural. And after that, I even successfully counterattacked with my war prism and charge slots, ruining zergs' entire economy and leaving him with only breadcrumbs. I got pretty big on army supply and my economy was golden. I got everything I needed to win this game. The swarm was in shambles. But then this happened. Zerg got lurkers, these ugly abominations of the swarm weckily destroyed all my chances to get a W. I can't even begin to understand what was in the head of a man who made an invisible unit that can practically wipe out any ground army without any problems. It requires no control and even less. brain. Now, I might be slightly brain damaged, but I'm pretty sure that this type of Lurker player is even more brain damaged than I am. So the question is, is it Imba? Or do I suck? This was sent into me by a player called Low Skilled on the European ladder in the Diamond League with 3,322 MMR asking, is the Lurker imbalanced? Or does he suck? Let's figure it out. Before we truly get into this Rockman versus low-skilled game, I'd like to just talk about the phrase that Low-Skilled used that the lurkers were like a frog in its pond. I've never heard of this in my entire life, so I quickly Googled it, and no one else had ever heard of this in their entire lives. The phrase, a small frog in a big pond, or a big frog in a small pond, similar with small fish. in a big pond has been used before and there's also a big frog in a small pond theory. But being like a frog in a pond, it doesn't mean anything. So I'm really curious what these lurkers will be. Will they be happy or will they be sad? As the speech obviously, you know, language evolves over time. So I'm really curious what this particular phrase means. Maybe this is like some local European thing somewhere. And one of the European countries this managed to, you know, be incorporated. in the English version that they use there. Maybe the British. It's a European replay. So maybe not the British. Not really part of Europe anymore, are they? It is possible as like maybe a local proverb or idiom and then straight up translated into English. Either way, I'd never heard of it. And I actually kind of curious. Like a frog in its pond. I bet they're happy there? It's like a fish in water, basically. The lurkers were like a frog in its pond. Either way, this is not that important as we have a hatchery that according to low-skilled got deflected very well. He said, I deflected the early proxy hatchery. Now, I know a lot about deflecting proxy hatcheries. So far, this deflection looks pretty piss-poor, to be honest. This is a third hatch proxy, which needs to be dealt with by pulling a couple of workers, single zealot, single gate. and then a nexus as quickly as you can, as well as fast adepts which you can send across the map. This is not an actual aggressive proxy build. This is not a build in which the Zerg player is hoping to kill you with this. Not at all. This is to delay your nexus. So this is an overblown response. It really is. This is usually not considered the correct response because it isn't the correct response. And now pooling workers is perhaps a bit late. We're going to see a battery coming in here as well, a second battery. This is about as big of a misread on this situation that you can make. Because this is, you don't need to be building batteries. You have two gate production. Even with one gate production, you don't need any extra batteries. You don't need any of this. I do like the Stargate. I think that is the correct call with it. If you want to play, like, why is this dude still in the wall as well? Or already in the wall, I should ask. This was a three hatch before pool. There's no way there's going to be speed lings coming out anytime soon. And if your opponent is sending lings across the map, that is exactly what you want. What did he just lose? Did he just lose a unit? I think he just lost a probe. Okay, lost the probe, killed one link so far. This has to be the worst defense against the build that isn't even aggressive that I've seen in my entire life. Like this is exploding with rage after someone compliments you. It's like that is the inappropriate response here, my friend. What did you just call me? He's like, well, a good and intellectual scholar. is like, that's disgusting. Like, well, usually that's considered a compliment. This is, this is not aggressive. Like, the Zurich is building spores. Defensively, he's afraid of the Oracle coming in soon. Which I think is actually a fair call, because he scouted the Stargate. Absolutely, this is a fair call. Look, Stargate is here. This just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Right now, low-scale is like a rat in a bar-file. which is basically completely out of place. He's going to be down six workers, but what's worse is he's down six, 700 minerals in income every single minute due to the fact that he can't build a nexus. Now, someone with a brain or less brain damage than low-skilled might look at this situation and think to himself, maybe I should build a nexus over on the third base location rather than having to meticulously clean every single creep tumor for the next four minutes, or go into a robotics facility, to churn out an observer and then clear it. He could have just taken this base as well, which would have been a completely fair response, but because he believed he was being attacked, he wanted to hold his one base. He's going to be fighting against three bases. While he's going to be stuck on a single nexus, going up to six gate, one base, six gate, and three different types of tech structures. He literally got every single basic tech that he could. The Stargate, the robotics facility, and the Twilight Council. The only thing that's missing here is a Dark Shrine of Templar Archives and the Fleet Beacon. We really didn't need the observer out of the robotics facility. Why didn't we need the observer out of the robotics facility? Because we could have just built an Oracle as the first unit, used the revelation on the creep, and cleared it. Instead, we're wasting more and more money on pointless tech. Now we're getting a Templar Archives canceling our sixth gateway, which means we'll remain with five gates, long distance mining from the natural, while the main base isn't even completely saturated yet, it is more efficient to have 20 workers on minerals in the main than it is the long-distance mine. That is always going to be the case. Above 20 workers, there isn't really much of a payoff or there isn't any payoff really in the main base. So after 20, you can start long-distance mining, but before that, it is better to go up to 20 out of 16. It looks weird because the numbers will turn red. It's actually good. First attack here coming out of low-skilled, hit six minutes and 10 seconds into the game. His opponent, meanwhile, has his plus one practically done. These queens are almost defending with plus one attack against two adapt harass. This is just phenomenal stuff. He's going to end up losing five workers, which honestly is more than Rockman probably should have. Rockman also is floating 1,500 minerals because he has had an income in the past few minutes. Has a gas bank as well. It's insanely far ahead. Meanwhile, low-skilled is about to enter the... the natural I assume with this prison. Now. Three. Now. There we go. It's only about 15 seconds after putting it in the flying mode. Just control it now. And as there are three queens and ten lings, this actually could just deal a lot of damage. This is, I think, the beauty of lower level games. is that the early game doesn't actually seem to matter so much because any aggression can kill at any point. Like this hit insanely late with no units. Even if he would have opened up with a four-base opener, this still would have hit too late, basically. You could have opened four Nexai before Gateway, and this would have hit harder if you go into it and you have something that resembles a build. This was seven zealots seven minutes in, but it can still just work. That's the beauty. And so I could talk for days about how poor the defense was against the proxy hatch, but as a matter of fact, it doesn't actually matter. Because Rockman at the same time is having also a very, very poor defense here to this zealot assault. I don't really want to call it an attack. It felt more, yeah. I guess, I mean, it is an attack, but it's not a timing attack, that's for sure. Or if it is a timing attack, then the timing would be too late. And despite it being too late, it's still working. 16 workers now against 41, as well as an army, soon to be an army advantage. There are five gateways. We have the robotic facility that can be pumping out immortals. We'd love to see a third base. I mean, this just looks fantastic for low-skilled at this point. It shouldn't. But, I mean, if you kill 36 workers and 16 lings and five queens, eight roaches, six hydras, as well as a hatchery, and you only lose 14 zealads. Yeah, that's a pretty good freaking start. As we see Rockman here desperately trying to rebuild a bunch of these workers as well. Still has some roaches alive, 16 roaches currently. We have no scouting whatsoever. Low-skilled has managed to use all three of his scouting units or his units that are capable of scouting to put them all at the exact same location. Observer is just checking out the Arkon, Phoenix Oracle, all on the same control group. Although, now that I say it, I wonder if there actually is a control group or if we're just F2ing our army around the entire time, that seems a little bit more likely. The All-Army hotkey is a blessing and occurs at the same time very often. Maybe we can get a lift with this Gravitin beam. Very nice. Well done. That's good. It's going to pick up a free roach. Rockman tried to scout. He's at least what the army comp of his opponent looks like. We have a third base for Low Skilled as well, who has allowed his opponent to rebuild about 32 workers. I think I saw the number 16 at some point. Now we're back to 48. And one could wonder whether this is a wise decision. Is it wise to let your opponent completely drone back up to a decent drone cut? Or would be smarter to, you know, trying to continue pressing on. So we have some nice long distance mining here. Thermal lands on the way as well as disruptors. Thermal lands were well known for improving the range of the disruptor. Storm, I think, just finished. I think just finished, do we have Templar? We have no Templar either. So it looks like we're just researching upgrades for units we don't want to build. Once again, an interesting call if your eco consists of 52 workers, of which 15 were long-distance mining for a majority of the game. Oracle is now continuing to turn on his pulse or beam going to the main base, hold positioning next to this. Look at this. This is some great Oracle Micro. This guy spent days in the unit micro tester going, for this Oracle Micro, probably should have honestly just spent some time in the help menu, figuring out what the help thermal lens actually does. It is for plus two range on the Colossus. It doesn't do anything for the disruptors. Storm doesn't do anything for Archons either. I think in Brutwar, there is a difference between Archons made out of Templar, High Templar, and Archons made out of Dark Templar. And I believe that one of the Archons, probably one made out of High Templar, I think they can storm, if I'm not mistaken. I could be mistaken, though. I hardly ever played Brutvar. I could actually play that. I'm really curious how high I could get on the ladder. If I just get a build order. How many weeks would it take me to beat Artosis? That's what I want to know. That actually would be pretty fun. I could actually just do that. Try a little bit of Brutwar. Some build order guys, all that. That's exciting. Double Forge here coming down right now. Oh, he doesn't have any upgrades either. I completely missed that, to be honest. As he is adding in Colossus at this point, that's beautiful. That's beautiful. We have some Templar once again. Hopefully these are for Storm as well. We still only use a single control group, which is going to make control extremely difficult with Phoenix, Disruptor, Templar, all kind of trying to get a priority when it comes to the spellcasting. It seems to me like the Templar first, Phoenix second and Disruptor third priority, so that's a lot of tabbing, which I'm not quite sure if we're going to see any of that. Here, Low-scale decides to attack across the map. Rockman with the revolutionary move of running away from his opponent's army, which honestly is as good a call as you're going to get. Rockman here does something so intelligent. He says, hey, my army is too small. I can never win a straight-up engagement. I'm going to actually put six spines in my main base so I can keep my main and then counter-attack. This shouldn't work. This shouldn't work. But it is absolutely the correct cause. because it is impossible right now to hold. And I love this move. He's just got eaten there by the one disruptor shot. This is a good defense, by the way, out of Low Skill as well. Gets the Storm, casts the stuff. Very nice. I like that. He's going to get another big warpin. Could use a super battery as well to keep his units alive a little bit longer. The fact that he still has zero-zero upgrades really isn't helping here. Any amount of upgrades would be fantastic as we get another observer snipe. Out of Rockman here. And the main base is being held by, lurker spine. Now, one could have perhaps suggested to low-skilled that attacking a base that isn't being defended but is still mining, two bases, which aren't being defended and are still mining, would have maybe been a better target. But I'm not sure if you can reach low-skilled with reason. As so far, not the most reasonable guy when it comes to the playing. But nonetheless, very far ahead. 56 workers to 36, bigger army. Only thing low-skilled is currently lacking is two things. Upgrades and perhaps a brain, although that second one we're still here really to figure out how severe the brain damage is. And of course, the philosophical question, can you have brain damage if there is no brain? Maybe not so much a philosophical question as a biological question. I'm sure the biologist in the comments can answer me that. Like a frog in their pond. Okay, one does start. Three more hydras on the way. And currently the main complaint, the unit that has been complained about by a low-skilled is here in numbers of three. We have three lurkers so far, moving across to the third base, or what once was the third base. Now the second, this is turned into the third and the gold base of his opponent functioning as the fourth base. once again we see a rock man here being allowed to kind of drone back up to well I was going to say a reasonable number but he said 38th so this is still god awful we have consistent somewhat consistent colossus production this is going to be the third one we have a robotics facility number two on the way I think that's number two yeah we don't have another one yet these upgrades are finishing up lots of cannons as well being added in which I I don't mind it, but I definitely don't like it too much either. I think right now we're really in a phase of the game where if low-skilled farts in the direction of Rockman, Rockman will probably fall over and die because he has no units whatsoever to speak of. There are three lurkers, 13 hydras. I mean, at this point, just the Arkon Zelead would be enough, just the Zeleot Colossus would be enough, the Arkon Stalker. You could have like three different parts, of this army by themselves should probably be enough to just kill whatever Rockman has. On top of that, the bases are very poorly defended, but Lowskilled is fairly unaware of the fact that there even is a base over here. It's now going to be made aware of the fact that there is a lurker, which I guess just going to get spotted and killed. Relatively quick response. Still haven't scouted. I think one of the main problems that Low Skilled has is the fact that he has no clue what his opponent's situation is. Like he just doesn't scout at all despite having, I think at this point two. Yeah, two observers. There's an oracle as well in here in this composition. I think I just heard the anime voice as well as the announcer. That's always a big freaking tell. Like, I have nothing against anime as a thing. But generally, as a rule, people that are really into anime, there's often something wrong with them. And I feel like low-skilled is once again kind of showing that. But it's often players that send in the worst IOTUS complaint forums have the anime voice running. This can't be a coincidence. There's a certain level of brain rot that you need to have had to truly enjoy this type of stuff. Four vipers now on the way? I'm just focusing on the gas as well. Minerals are fun, but gas, that's really where the future is at. no renewables for this are quite yet. This base is finally getting targeted down. I'm still honestly shocked by how passive low-skilled has been. It feels like he kind of goes in timing attacks, but rather than using upgrades or spikes in tech, like power spikes in tech, it seems like he's just based on timings. Maybe just has like an alarm clock that goes off or something. every four and a half minutes or every four minutes and 38 seconds, then decides to go across the map with whatever army he has at that point. Almost like it's a co-op mission, where the AI attacks you with some random crap every five minutes or so, every four minutes and 33 seconds, whatever it is. It's a fantastic observer control. Look at this. I love the kiting as well against the static. Look at this. This is the type of stuff that makes my day. This actually is it. Rather than trying to figure out what his opponent's army composition is or maybe what he should be getting, he spends his entire being of trying to kite a hatchery. Look at this. He's kiding a hatchery, stutter stepping and trying to kite a hatchery. Well, he's melee units. This is phenomenal. I just don't understand that type of stuff. Now flies everything he has into the lurkers. The first blinding cloud is going to hit. Maybe you want to use feedbacks on these four vipers that are here? No, of course not. Unnecessary. See if we can fly any more observers into a spore. No, we can't, we can't, we can't, we can't, we can't. It's going to stay safe. Clears this base, honestly, job well done. Has just seen that his opponent's army consists of pure viper lurker. This is a man that has about 7K resources in the bank. What is the response? Pure lurker. No. Eco. Is there anything that the lurker might be weak against? Yes, there are like 50 different things that the lurker is weak against. One of those things are air units. Lurkers do not shoot up. Tempest, carriers. I don't want to say void rays, but even void rays at this point would probably be sufficient to win a game, but if you don't want to go into air, I understand it. Get a couple of immortals out. Increase your arc on count. All of these things work extremely well and make sure to at all times have oracles in your army so you're capable of using Revelation. These are my tips if you struggle with Lurkers as a ProDos player. But generally I'd say at high level, tempest are the best. At lower level, carriers are the best because they're much easier to control and they're really difficult to control again. So I always say, hey, if you're struggling with Lurkers, build some freaking carriers. Never attack into the Lurkers unless you're 100% sure you're going to win the fight. and if you're never 100% sure, just don't attack into the lurkers and just go to bases where the lurkers aren't until you have enough carriers where you can just aim across the map and win. Low-skilled with a massive army with a big amount of cannons, superior base count is now going to go back in a base trade against lurkers with six hydras as the anti-air force. Okay, that's my first. minus 25 supply there. Now, I just want to pause it for a second. Just so that we could see how different the response could be. Okay? Right in this moment, right in this moment, what could we possibly be doing? Okay. I think at some point he figures out that his opponent is moving across the map. I think the moment you see these overseers moving there, it's like, hey, why are these overseers? Okay, then he sees it with the cannons, sees the lurkers. Now, here you have static defense here. You know you have more bases and you have much better production. You have freaking two robos. You have a Stargate. Lurkers are bad in base trades because they need to siege, unseach, siege, siege, takes a lot of time. The constant walking, getting into a range of buildings, clearing static defense in front of bases without being hit. That sucks and it's very time consuming. On top of that, the army that low-skilled has here is so much bigger that it just kills stuff faster as others. There's more damage output. So the first thing you want to do in this case is freaking base trade and build 30 cannons at one of the bases. I don't even care what base it is. You just need one base to have 30 cannons. And you just go eliminate all the other guy's stuff. You can start building a freaking void rays as well. Or you could finally add a fleet beacon and a second stargate or just three stargates over here. Expand towards the right side. These would be correct calls. The incorrect call is trying to desperately run into lurkers, which when they're seized into a position, are actually pretty freaking strong. Especially if your army walks into a line without even a moving, This has been one of the worst fights in the world. I actually want to see that one more time. Sorry. So this starts. Before this fight, the resources lost is 12K to 15,000 and 925 resources lost. Look at this. Look at this. That's like what, minus 2K already for the pro loss. See just up these observers. goes in again the Zerg has lost nothing so far killed 10K resources will the Zerg actually lose nothing the Zerg lost nothing and killed about 9kk worth of resources this might actually be the best fight I've seen in my entire life like legit at this point the ProDos is in a really bad spot despite that is still winning a base trade would still win 100% of the time Any amount of air units would still help you win. You can pump disruptors, shoot one or two balls, lose the disruptors, rinse and repeat while you're constantly base trading with more and more zealots. This takes so freaking long for these lurkers to move in forward. It actually hurts me. Disruptor's not being used? What are we even controlling at this point? I'm really curious. Nothing. Okay, here comes a disruptor. That's a good shot. It's nothing. Eh, that's okay. GGB. I wonder if I could still win at this point. Because there's a lot of cash in the bank for the Zurg as well. Like if I were to play this against LAMBO or Rain or E-Laser, I guess I'll lose my production too quickly. And they still have some cash. But the Zerg obviously isn't building anything. I feel like up until 15 seconds ago, I would have been capable of winning, but now it's too far. So the time of leaving probably is correct. But holy crap. This was legitimately, probably the worst fight ever in any IOTUS that I've seen in my entire life. Which is impressive, because we've been running IOTUS for like the past four years or so with one a week. It's like, what, 200 freaking IOTUS. There's almost 250 probably at this point. And I think this is actually like monetarily wise, the worst fight I've ever. seen. He lost nothing and killed 10k in resources. I could also go on by the way for about five hours on all the other mistakes that were made in this game by the ProDos players, but all of those were still irrelevant because he got ahead. He just got ahead anyway because both players, they don't have too much of a clue what they're doing. And that's pretty much always going to be the case when you're at this level. It's like if you can do something aggressive and it hits well, you're going to deal so much damage. It's very often afterwards. You're going to deal so much damage. that very often afterwards, you don't have to play so well to win the game. You just have to make sure that when you're fighting, you at least kill something. Or if you can't fight, that you base trade. And although I disliked everything that the Zerg player did this game, the one thing I really appreciate was the Lurker Viper Control and the fact that he always went for base trades whenever Rockman realized that it was necessary. First with the Roach Hydra and now with the Lurker Viper, and honestly, it kind of worked. this had very little to do with the lurker being magically overpowered. I feel like this also could have been a massive brute lord army. It just has to do with the fact that you have no clue what to do against slow CG armies. And sometimes the best thing to do is to counterattack. Sometimes the best thing to do is to engage. And sometimes the best thing to do is to just go into air unit, something that counters it. You honestly picked none of the right options at any point. And I'm sorry, but I'll have to say. say that it is you who is more brain damaged than the lurker Zerg, and it also is you who sucks. And it's not the lurker that is imbalanced. That's going to be it for me today. Like a frog in its pond, I felt great. I hope you all had a great time as well. Don't forget the like button, subscribe to the channel. See all of you next time for a new video. I'll see you then. Bye-bye. |
So THIS is why noone surrenders in low elo?? | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | There simply is an inexplainable beauty in the unpredictability of low elo SC2. And I am here for it! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/imacxW8_LP8/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | imacxW8_LP8 | Dear Harstam, I have lost so much MMR on ladder tonight to zergs. I feel like this replay shows an example of why Zerg is so broken in Protoss versus Zerg. I almost got a queen with one early stalker of a two-base blink timing. It's very clear that my micro was much better than my Zerg opponents. I almost got his third as well. I had him up against the wall for so long, and then he pulls 50 lings out of nowhere and A moves into my base. Please tell me Zerg is Inba. If not, then what do I do versus Zerg? This replay was sent in by Skystalker, a North American Prolost player in the Diamond League with 3200 MMR who believes that Zerg is imbalanced against the Blinkstalker. Let's see if he's right. And here we go, my dear friend, Skystalker versus Tauri, a Zerg versus Proloss at the 3200 MMR level, which is probably one of my favorite levels. actually. I think anything below 3K often, the games tend to be very long-winded, kind of boring often. And if the games get too high level, then it resembles StarCraft too much. I like that in IOTIS, you know, there's one point in my week where I'll be watching StarCraft that has very little to do with the StarCraft that I play and watch on a daily basis. You know, it's a, it's just different. It feels different. Like you're eating vanilla ice cream all week and then one day a week on the Thursday I get my strawberry ice cream. You know, it's not too wild, it's still ice cream and it's not like one of these crazy flavors. I remember once I went to an ice cream shop and they had spaghetti bolognaz flavor which actually was freaking disgusting. It didn't fit well and it was eerily similar which actually made it worse in a way. You know how with some ice cream flavors, like they don't manage at all to capture the taste. Like, for example, lemon ice cream is quite nice, but lemons are disgusting. People that eat lemons by themselves. That's nasty. But I feel like that would have also been good for spaghetti bolognese if it wasn't very similar at all, but it just was a nice taste. That wasn't the case. It just tasted exactly like spaghetti. Very weird. This is... This wall is about as good as spaghetti bolognaise ice cream. Holy crap. This is two holes over here. Then there's two, one and a half, one and a diagonal. There is two weak spots for bailing bus. I think this man has just managed to create legitimately the worst wall ever made. In the history of mankind, it's also a terrible build. Double gas opener versus Zerg, double pylon, pre-nexas. Zerg, meanwhile, opening with an actual hatch first, good opener, solid stuff, mining some gas as well, which I obviously like. started the gas mining a little bit late. Speed is going to be delayed. I don't think that matters so much because Skystalker here is Krono and out a stalker, which is still going to be delayed by six seconds for whatever reason. And he also started, I guess he started this Krono too late. Now he's floating 188 gas as he realizes that double gas makes no sense. This is such a beautiful build. And this is, okay, let me pause here for a second because I think this is, this so beautifully illustrates, why it's important to understand what you're doing in StarCraft. Okay? So Skystalker thought to himself, you know what I want? I want a build with a lot of gas so I can get quick tech and quick units. And what he got here is a build with a lot of gas in the bank because he doesn't have the minerals to build the tech. Usually a Stargate goes down at two minutes and 22 seconds. Or if you're getting another tech at two minutes and 15 seconds or two minutes and 16 seconds, that is not possible here because the money is simply not there. So despite trying to tack faster, or at least getting the tech resource, which gas is, we see Skystalker getting significantly later tech than you ever would with a standard Nexus before core. This stalker was two seconds faster than a Nexus before core, and as a result, he's given up about 25 seconds in tech timing and maybe six, seven, eight probes. Maybe six probes or so. I think that's an accurate number, six, seven probes. This is a fantastic micro with the stalker. Second stalker is about to show up as well. We have a transfuse soon available. I love that he's flowing 900 resources behind this as well. Okay, use the transfuse. Stalker's going to come back. is going to die? Second stalker is also going to die? I feel like this was a very short form so I can go back into it. I almost got a queen with one early stalker of a two-base blink timing. Now, I don't care too much about the accuracy anymore of the IOLIS complaint forms, but this is really pushing it. First of all, that was two stalkers. And if this is almost getting a queen, look at this. Eighty-one resources lost against 350, queen, nowhere near that. If this is almost getting a queen, then I almost have a bachelor degrees in econometrics and operational research. So if these are the standards that we're living by, then I can start applying for some different jobs in the future saying that I almost have my degree. Because holy crap. This was a terrible early game. He pretended like this was a good early game for him, didn't he? He almost got me. Behind this, though, did drone up or probe up properly, which is important. 39 workers, the 33. So income is actually pretty decent, with the follow-up being six extra gateways on top of the one that's already there. So for the people keeping track at home, it's going to be seven gateways, indeed. Blink. was that 50, 60% done or so? It's going to be 7Gate blink here. With a probe moving across the map hoping to not get spotted by lings or even by these creep tumors, honestly, could be capable, perhaps, of spotting it. One more creep tumor and you see this pile. If you have stalkers being warped in, Sporzer has no clue what's going on, by the way. Is it absolutely no idea. She's getting a layer at this point, 43 drones. Has three spores already in case it's DTs or oracles or carriers or void rays or whatever it could be. 13 drones in production. That's got to be a nice site after you fired up 13 drones. You've seen the eight stalkers move across the map. That ain't nass. It ain't nath, I tell you. Actually, spots the pylon. It's going to send a drone to start a gold base on the far left side as his first. fifth. And we now have our first warpin of seven stalkers. Another gateway. I love that this is being built at home rather than using it for quick reinforcements, adding it at the pylon so that the warpins will be faster. Skystalker actually just builds it at home. So we still have slow reinforcements. Sorry, I got to watch that again. Can we get it one more time? This is, this is Blink, guys would use it if they had no clue how to use blink. Like the, it just, he just blinks instantly basically. Actually, he's doing a pretty okay job there. That was okay. And then this one is beautiful. So that he can get further in range of the queen or what's the, what's the play here? Shoot his own stalker. Big move is all. Another blinking forward. I feel like this is a problem with a lot of Protoss players, is that once they have blink, they kind of forget that they're also capable of still walking. Like, he's just blinking. We should be kiding with this. Not just blinking back individually every single time. That is not entirely what you want. Yeah, you want to be kiding like that. Still, decent enough fight so far. Absolutely decent enough fight. It could be fighting maybe away from the spine crawler and not blinking for it as much, but everything else, it's still good enough. $70 million minerals in the bank built for this, Zerg. That's quite a lot. Target fires the spine, which is good. Blinks this back, which is also good. So one game, because we have nine stalkers versus two lings and two queens. So it's very difficult for me to understand how this possibly can go wrong, especially if you move into this type of area where you can't get surrounded anymore. Now we blink back or, well, well, we don't. Once again, kind of interesting blink that aren't great. We don't have a lot going on at home either. Cirque still has a lot of cash in the bank, which is really potentially an issue. Because as long as this game doesn't end, and there are larva coming out, and there are lings being popped. Like, neither of them have upgrades. And as long as the stalker count doesn't grow too big, these lings actually have a chance. Four queens on the way right now as well. more spines. I love the look here into the future for our Zerg player. Guess this around? This was actually a good blink for once. I would love for these stalkers to just kind of tuck themselves into this corner. I'm not mining from enough gases. Okay, we have an extra gas coming in. We're lacking the gas. Oh, that's not where the fight is happening. It's over here. 41 workers to 28. 1,500 minerals in the back. I think now might be the time to blink forward one more time. You know what these blinks are? They remind me a little bit of when someone gets like a sound path for the first time and every single time you get this everyone that gets a soundpad for the first two days just abuses it. Exactly. So we can keep you from one and a man. You know that happens every time, right? Every single time that happens. Like no exception. Like every single time it's possible. And it's the same with this guy and his blinks. Like he gets the blink research and just blinking forward or blinking back just when it's of cool down. Rather than when it's actually point, like when it's when it's useful, which is the exact opposite of how you want to be using blink. Blink almost always should be used defensively first of all. You almost never want to offensively blink forward. I've actually done research on this. And with my almost degree, I figured out that 87% of all offensive. blinks are bad. Now that doesn't mean that all offensive blinks are bad, but majority of the time, they're freaking awful. I love the positioning here on the Zealots as well. This allows lings, if they ever managed to get here, to get the maximum amount of surface area on these five. It's a very high level play. I'll have to import this into the professional level at some point. This is fantastic. Look at it. All gone. That one, that one. Did he, this, this type of stalker blink, It requires something. It requires something. Okay, just by itself. I don't quite it, I don't think it quite has the impact here. You have a blink like this. So we're here stuck in between the natural and the third, lings coming in. Now we could go to safety and our wall and where we can easily reinforce and we have a wall. Or we could blink towards the left side where we have neither of these things. exactly like that. Leaves the wall open as well. That's an added benefit of the beautiful blink to the left. This is really a game. This is the type of game that makes me believe that combacks are always going to be possible in Starcraft. Wow. Speedling OP. Like you look at this and I understand why players at lower level just legitimately never leave their games because it doesn't make any sense. If at any point you can get a run-by with 20, 30, 40 lings in and you just kill your opponent straight up, then why would you ever leave? This was such a weird game because it was completely over. I feel like I've had this a lot lately where we have these games that are completely over and then you make one or two huge errors and then you lose the game. And that is generally how StarCraft works as well is that you can be outplayed. or you can be winning the game for a long period of time. But then if you wet the bed massively, then you lose. The same that if you're ahead in a marathon the entire time and then you walk into the same wall 15 times in a row, there's a fat chance you're not going to be the winner anymore unless the other guy walks into a wall 16 times in a row or also 15 times you are ahead and it's even in the wall running. That might be the case. Yeah, I'm afraid here, then we're going to have to say, my dear friend, Sky stalker that it wasn't quite imbalanced but it was you who sucked. You had the game completely won. Then you forgot to plug a unit into your wall. You blinked to the wrong side. You didn't macro at all behind your actual build either. You had like 15 hundred minerals at some point. Didn't quite have enough gas. Could have gotten three bases at the same time and it wouldn't have impacted your rush. And if that's the case, then probably also is the case that it is you who saw. and not the zerglings or the speedlings that are in balance, no matter how hard you believe it. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode. Although, is it Inba? Or do I suck? If you did, don't forget, hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel. We'll see all of you next time for a new video next week. Thank you. And bye-bye. |
He wins in every category, but then shoots his own foot... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | This guy has some serious potential, but he is looking at the exactly wrong thing. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Yh4Z37xSERo/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Yh4Z37xSERo | Dear Harstam, I'll just get straight to it. I played better than my opponent this game. I was ahead in supply from the start, up to about 60 supply. My initial plan was to do a three-racks timing with Stim, combat and concussive. After defending his first push, I went for a counter-attack, but my attempts at an early win were thwarted. My argument for imbalance is in the effort it takes for ProDos to control their army. If we both have the same level of skill in Army control, the Prodos will win. Just so you're aware, I cursed at him in the replay. And by the way, big win earlier in the year for you. Hope to see more wins coming your way. I hope so too, Mr. Pock, but trying to butter me up there in the end is not going to make me go milder on you. As this is a European Terran in the Platinum League with 3,084 MMR who states that the imbalanced is in the effort it takes for Protoss to control their army. So if there's two equally skilled players when it comes to army control, control, the ProDols will always win because it's just too easy. So the question here is, is Proto's imbalanced? Or does POC suck? And here we go, my dear friends, on Crimson Court, one of the new maps, on the new Map pool. On the new patch, we have Pilly versus Pock. Two, honestly, quite good nicknames. I feel like we should have like a rating for nicknames as well. I rate Pock relatively high. I think it's good. It's a good nickname. Pilly. I'm not a huge fan of the double capital L there in the middle, but Not a bad name whatsoever. Quick Scout coming out of Pili as well, love to see it. I'm a big fan of these relatively quick scouts. Postgate, post gas, whatever it is. I'm happy with it. The other hand, we have a barracks into gas coming out of Pock here, who said his plan was to go for a quick three-rex pressure. Concussive, stimp, and combat shield. Which is interesting, because most of the time we see these types of pushes with just stim and combat shield, because there's simply no time to get conclusive. On top of that, concussive is not so useful because with most of the 3-Rex pushes that I'm familiar with, you're going to have one, two marauders maximum. And that means that getting a relatively expensive upgrade for them this early on, it won't boost the push so much, but it will ruin your follow-up of it. So I'm really curious how POC is actually going to try and execute this. So far, this just looks good. We're going to need to see a CC, which we'll go down here. Look at that. One minute and 40 seconds. Yes, yes, pock, pock. That's how we roll over here. That is a good timing. Nothing wrong with that. Gets the marina should really start the reactor instantly. Kind of pox it up, but manages to get it down anyway. We'd love to see a pull out of gas here as well. The reason for that is because when you're playing a three wrecks build, you're limited always by the minerals. So the moment your opponent can't scout anymore, you pull out of gas to maximize your mineral income. and then you don't need that much gas. You can just have a single worker on gas the entire time and be absolutely fine for getting stim and combat shield. You'll gather enough gas for that, most definitely. And Pock is not doing that. So his push is going to be a bit later because everything is going to be a bit delayed. He just doesn't have the minerals for it. So we have, what is this guy doing? Pilly's on an exploration mission over here. With his stalker as well. Maybe afraid of like a Reaper? He's afraid that he's going to lose probes at home, so he decides to send them across the map in case the Reaper shows up. Not quite sure what this is for. He's just going to go home. Maybe it's for a proxy. We have a second gate on the way. There's no bunker here. Interesting depot placement as well. I'm going to say interesting. I mean, god-awful. He's just fly it off. He's a single stalker. Dude. Pock is the type of guy when the Amazon delivery guy rings the doorbell. He hits the button for the panic. He stuck there for the next six hours. Like, this is some nuclear measures for a single stalker showing up. It just flies away. You could have definitely still started your orbital command if you play Marine into reactor. You know, you're going to get enough Marines. I wouldn't have minded a bunker in a response here either. So far, the response just seems to be to lose Marine HP, which is not much of a response at all. This is exactly what Pilly wants here. Pilly, by the way, behind this is not really macroing. And behind this we see POC also not really macroing, isn't getting a second tech lab, isn't starting Stim quite yet, hasn't built a worker in a while. Overall, those situations actually okay for POC because I believe his macro so far is actually slightly better. Is I going to pull workers offline to chase these stalkers? I mean, this is objectively a terrible move, but at this level it might actually work. No, it won't. Okay, so then even at this level it's a terrible move. Love to see it. Because you know, you can judge moves differently by level. And I think usually that's a terrible move. And here it also ends up being a terrible move. So I'm glad to see that some things are, you know, uniformed throughout the game at all skill levels. Honestly, not terrible control on these stalkers either. I'm kind of impressed by it. Resources lost is 200 to 50 right now. And because there's no bunker being built, this could technically go on forever until stim finishes or unless Pilly makes a big mistake, which this kind of was. there's no conclusive show this marauder should do nothing. He's going to get a kill, it's going to get a second kill. Okay. Paul kind of gets away with murder here. Oh my good, a triple murder. Freaking triple murder over here. This really wasn't supposed to happen at all. But he gets it. I mean, just building a bunker here would have been the correct and the safer play. Getting combat shield also would have been the correct and a safer play. Is that we're going straight into concussive shells? just for reference a standard 3-Rex timing hits right about now with 18, 19 Marines, 1-2 Marauders, Stim and Combat Shield finished on the other side of the map. Pock here is managing to start walking towards his Ford base 5 minutes and 20 seconds into the game with Stim not done yet Combat Shield nowhere to be seen in a factory already on the way and he prioritizes concussive shells over combat shields. which is, once again, objectively, a terrible call. Yes, there are a couple of marauders in here because he's hitting so late. It has more than the standard two marauders. But combat shield is so much more important than conclusive. It's not even funny. You're not actually chasing a whole lot on the other side, but Marines having 10 extra HP would be freaking huge. Super Battery, actually helping out quite a bit. Prove being pulled offline. Please pull them back, please pull them back. Honestly, good defense for how limited the units were, how little units he had. I also would like to state that, what did Pock say again? Pock sat. My initial plan was to do a 3-Rex timing with Stim, combat and concussive. First of all, this timing was way to lose. This truly was the cargo pants of 3-Rex timings when it comes to the tightness of it hitting. And second of all, I don't really care what your plan is if you then don't execute the plan. Like, if your plan was to bring a box of chocolate to your fiancé, and then you get arrested for peeing on a cop's car, it's not a solid defense to tell the cop that your goal at the very start was to just bring these, you know, bring this box of chocolate or some flowers to your fiancé. He's going to be like, well, I don't really care. You're peeing on my car, not wearing any clothes. And you're screaming that New York is the greatest city in the world. And we're not in New York right now. So there's three offenses instantly. Boom, there you go. As we now have a second attack, This is still without combat? How is that even possible? Maybe he... I think he just forgot about combat. Maybe he believed he had combat? This could be one of these games where Combat Shield never gets researched the entire time. You know that? That could actually be the case here. I have a robo bay that stars now? I mean, despite all of this, by the way, despite the... the garbage deer build order, the pretty awful execution and the weird skip of the bunker early on, Pock is still in a great spot. He is extremely far ahead. He has a third base. I was going to say, I saw a third base already. The third base is done. It was constructed in the main base. And then we have another base that is now being built on location. I really like this. So the first CC gets built in the main base in case it's not safe. And then rather than flying it over, he just keeps it safe in the main. It's like a backup. And then builds a risky one on the third base location. What the exact purposes of this move? I'm not entirely sure. And I don't like it either, actually. I think it's garbage. It's terrible. Pilly is still behind. Now, throwing down a second robotics facility. Do we have any upgrades for Pilly at all? Pilly has no upgrades. Charge slots. No blizzard. link. I'm not quite sure who Pilly bought off to be here, but this isn't looking too hot, honestly. Pock is significantly out macroing him and just outthinking as well. And that is, that is rough because Poc isn't doing a whole lot of thinking either. Now we have the fourth base that is on the third base location. Is this out of position as well? This feels far, doesn't it? I sometimes gaslight myself though. But this feels freaking far. Like two and a half depot could fit in between these patches. Or am I crazy? That might be crazy. Oh well. A little bit crazy. That's not bad. Third base now on the way here for Pilly, who has a single Colossus? I think the amount of marauders here. I think you can just walk over this now. Why are there two cyclones in this composition? What is this micro? Is this the famed Terran Micro? stim the entire army to run away. He still doesn't have combat, by the way. I do like this move. Putting the marauders in front so you can tank the colossus. What is this? What did he think was going to happen? Look at this entire sequence. This is so good. So he goes up here, Armand Pock. Look at this. Goes up here. It's like, oh, that's a big army. I think I'll just run back. He runs back. He hit this area, yeah? This is the area he hit. Then goes around, reinforces with two Matax, gives his opponent 25 more seconds, while continuously being chased by an observer, waits until his stim runs out, then goes with the exact same army, plus two MadaVX, into practically the exact same spot. Like, this is like a sneeze away for Pilly's army. army here. A sneeze away. And they rinses and repeats. Is this what POC thinks constitutes good micro? Is this the hard terrain control that we've been hearing so much about? It's selecting your entire army and running away from a fight while you're up 40 supply. That did look very impressive. Do we have an armory? Nice gas mining is on the main. We'll love to see it. Okay, we have an armory. We're a supply block. And as a result, we're going to throw it on a command center, two command centers to try and get out of that supply block as well. It's an extraordinary amount of stims that we have seen so far out of POC. Phenomenal stuff, really. I'm happy with this. Two tanks have entered in as well. I would have much preferred seeing mines over the tanks. I wouldn't have mind seeing a drop either or just an actual engagement. I think that also would have worked. Is he actually going to wait for these command centers to finish? Okay, he's now adding more depots. That's nice. Meanwhile, Pili is continuing to build a force. This is still not a very good game. It's going to have another big attack coming in. I love that Pock before every fight puts the marauders in front so that when the Marines run away, the Marines are running quickest and they can't accidentally be caught here. Look at this. Look at this. What the hell? Pili knows what he's doing. This honestly pretty okay control. That was a cute move, you know? That actually was a cute move. Pulling back Zealots as well when they're charging. You've stimmed our entire army again. It's nice to see. Maybe you have an... there we go, another stim. This is marines back in front as well. Dude, the Toss is actually pulling back charge slots after they charged. This is better micro that you see in most Masters games. What the hell? So far everything that Tarran has done is just stimming the army. Like the amount of drugs that these guys are using almost makes Charlie Sheen want to enlist in this Taron Force. in this Terran force. What the hell? I don't think he's fought. Have they fought any serious amount? No, they haven't. After the three wrecks. Okay, here we go again. We'll pull back, pull back, pull back. Yeah, pulls back once more. Like, I think this is actually just better. Pili is out micro-crum. This is so stupid as well. This is so stupid because, well, out-micron. Yeah, so far he's micron better. Pili is micro-ing better. This is so stupid because everything else, Poc is just doing. better but the micro is not the one how is this the thing you pick out there's legit no micro you're just moving back and forth at a very high pace that is not what micro is they're just moving your stuff these meta vex are all empty how's even possible eight meta vex are all going to be empty like this control of it's impossible to win this fight if you're if you're pilly i think if you actually engage as POC in any angle. Look, it's he just goes for the same move. Goes for the rotation. Is he hitting the exact same spot? Or practically the same spot? Let's roll the Vikings out of the fight, massive stim again. A Viking flank, so they're more vulnerable. This is legit the worst micro. How does he complain about the micro? Dude! Look at this. You're playing against a guy that hasn't been building workers at all. Upgrades too slow. Doesn't macro. It has a small army. You have so much more supply. You're destroying him in everything except the micro. Why would that be the thing that you point out? Out of all the things you could have picked. You go for the micro, the one thing you actually are significantly worse at. Look at your army is completely overstimmed. This is insane. Also, the army composition is not looking too hot. How is it possible to have this much money and this many terrible units? At this point, we should be getting ghosts and more Vikings. Like, two starports should be pumping Vikings. There is a second starport. We should have a fort base getting gas as well at this point, by the way. Just have random command centers and orbitals. We still have this one in the main too. Over saturation. 35 workers on the third. Like all of this stuff, I would usually flame the ever-living crap out of you for it. But I don't actually care about the 35 workers on this base because you're so far ahead in the macro. Like your army is big. Your macro is actually good, maybe a little bit too good for your own good, because you have 96 workers. You're a bit too keen there maybe on the workers, especially with how slow you are taking bases. But you should be trading. you're too afraid to fight it's like a guy that has been practicing for a fight all his life and then feigns before he has to step into the ring why he just don't understand why he would pick the micro the flame about he's just been getting out microed so far it's the only thing this is like having to roast bill gates and calling him poor like it just makes no sense Bill Gates looked like a nerd. Call him a nerd or something. Why would you... Why'd you call him poor? He's rich. It's the same area. You gotta get to. What was this Viking moving? You have brain damage. This is actually triggering me so much. Because you might have been capable of making a valid case for the macro, actually. He's like, well, you know, my opponent has no macro skills at all. Never moves out. Sits back and stupid Protoss. Good map vision though with this one observer. Ooh, looking at. Thanks just going down pre-fight. Vikings being sent in from a distance again. Stim's entire army and runs back. This is phenomenal stuff. This is actually phenomenal stuff. And now we take a fight. Now that our Marines are back in front, our Vikings have disappeared. This is when we truly want to engage. I still know ghost in the army. Viking-Gound, non-existent. I actually think that the army of Pilly might be big enough now as well, because we have three colossus. We have a couple of immortals in there. It's 102 army supply. I mean, we still have a lot of production and a crap ton of cash. Nine marauders are being built at the time. How many? We have 11 barracks and two starports. Why are we not building any Vikings? I don't understand. This one doesn't even have a reactor yet. Love this drop. This is the first good movement that you've made this game because your army movement has been legit one star so far. absolutely awful. Oh, good defense with a slow warping. Could have actually dropped there as well. Now moving back. Another big stim to run away with the entire army. This is mental. 28 marauders. It's also the easiest to micro army marauders. Because they can all tank stuff, you know? There's no marines that you have to micro to the back anymore. There's no ghost you need to use. You legit made the most brainedat army possible and then managed to miss micro it every time, because you're never fighting. I feel like your army probably took more damage from Stim in this game than from your opponent. Like every fight you enter into the orange. Look at this. Half of your units are gone already. This is insane. This is what self-destruction looks like. This is what it is. You still have so much cash as well. If you just spend your cash now, you probably could still... At this point is hard, actually. At this point I don't think you could do it. anymore. You could have based trade at any point as well. No, shot this guy and I said, your A-mover race? Dude, if only you knew how to A-move, you would have won this game. The problem is you is that you just move commanding back home, like waving the white flag before the fight even start. This is so insane. I mean, in conclusion, the summary is terrible army composition a terrible army movement terrible army control a very good macro you out macroed your opponent so hard it wasn't even funny but then you never fight like I don't even want army control I just want you to aim of your army you're doing too many well you're not doing too many things you're just running back you're stimming and then running back like this is nothing but there's no control there's just nothing no army movement no drops no scouting either, not enough Vikings. I mean, you could have complained about so many things from your opponent, the terrible macro, and you went for the one thing that your opponent didn't just do better than you, but completely outclassed you in. And not because this toss had insanely good micro, because your micro actually legit freaking sucked. Just like you, I'm sorry, buddy. It's not in balance, but it's you who sucks. And that's just the way it is. That's going to be just for me today. I hope you all enjoyed this. If you did, don't forget, did the like button. Subscribe to the channel. Sending your own replays. If you believe that you have found some true imbalanced, and I will judge you harshly but fairly. See you all next week. Ciao, chow. |
This Terran Map Is Clearly Zerg Favored!!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Wait... Something must be wrong here... LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LBLfLe6rruE/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | LBLfLe6rruE | Dear Hirstam, I hope you're enjoying the spring and that you're in healthy and productive circumstances. For sake of clarity, allow me to start with what I claim to be imbalanced. The claim is as follows. In Terran v. Zerg on the map Crimson Court, LD, Lurker's are imbalanced against Terran bio. Note here that I do not say anything about lurkers in general. However, I believe that the very peculiar layout of the aforementioned map makes lurkers too strong. against Bio. This map has the particularity of being organized in straight narrow corridors. In order to go to your opponent's base, you can't avoid these narrow chokes. Since the AOE of Lurkers works in straight lines, I think that they are overpowered on this map. As in the Battle of Thermopylae, the Zyrgy with a few lurkers, in analogy with the Leonidas led 300 Spartans, are able to hold a much more consequent Terran force in analogy with the Persian army. The replay I've attached to this report is, I believe, a good illustration of this imbalance claim. I would like to conclude by offering some remarks about how this game went. I play the standard triple-CC Reaper Helion Benchy build order. I think my build-order execution was more or less correct, although it might not be entirely perfect. You might argue that I don't harass enough with my Helions, but losing them makes it very difficult to land the third, so I like to keep him safe. My opponent defended very well the midgame and dragged me into the late. game where he was able to brilliantly abuse the lurkers. I might have left a bit too early, but at that point it was for me already clear that lurkers are a bit too strong on the map, and my hands hurt too much as I have weak joints. Let's be honest here. I do suck, but the lurkers are also unbalanced on this map. Thank you for taking the time to read. This lengthy novel was sent into me by Canobi, a North American Diamond Terran player with 3,912 MMR saying that in Terran versus Zerg, on the map Crimson Court, lurkers are imbalanced against Terran Bio. So let's investigate that claim. Now before we truly get into the nitty-gritty of this game, we have to talk about how the claim is set up. What did he say? In TVZ, on Crimson Court, lurkers are imbalanced against bio. There's like so many qualifiers there. that it's almost completely useless. You're always going to find specific scenarios in which a unit will perform extraordinarily well. For example, if you were capable of putting a tank on this particular high ground and then you have 500 zealots on the low ground, in that particular scenario, tanks would be way too good against zealots. But that is such a limited scenario, and that is also kind of how the game is supposed to work, is that every unit kind of has its specialty. So in a map with narrow chokes, if the Terran is idiotic enough to build pure bio, the lurker should be performing well. If the lurker is not performing well at that point, it's never going to perform well, and it's practically a useless unit. Like, basically what Kenobi did was describe the purpose of the lurker in his imbalance complaint for him and said it is imbalanced. But in that case, Voidre is also imbalanced. balanced against ultras and the Oracle is also imbalanced against Ultras. Because it's a melee ground unit that can't attack air. It's like, yeah, the Ultras garbage. In this case, it is true that the Ultras kind of garbage. But just because of that interaction, you can't really say that. That's such a, you're picking such a small part out of it. It makes no sense. Like you wouldn't say that the bailing is bad because it can't kill an Arkon. It's like, the bailing is not a terrible unit. and the Arkon isn't in balance because of that one interaction. There's asymmetrical balance in StarCraft 2, and every unit kind of has its niche purpose. In a way, Terran is the most complete race, and that's maybe why Kenobi is a little bit confused here, because his units do everything most of the time. The tank always good. The Marine, always good. The marauder. Yeah, it works. Thumbs up. The ghosts. Yeah, I get more. All perfect. Metavex. Woo, let's go, baby. It's like, he has units that are good for every single situation. But then he starts complaining about the fact that his opponent's units are okay or good in a single situation on one particular map. So even if I were to grant him that lurkers are overpowered, which I'm not granting yet, by the way. I'm absolutely not granting that yet. It is completely useless. It is meaningless. The next week I'm going to get five complaint forms about the fact that their mass ultras can't beat the 500 void raises. It's like, yeah, I guess in balance in this situation. Like, that's not really how you should view Starcraft. It's just not how it works. Like a unit is in balance if it is too good in too many situations. If the lurker is very powerful in one particular situation in one out of the nine map, by the way, which you can just veto before you hit the freaking find match button. And if you're playing tournaments, you can just veto it because you have three vetoes per person in a standard best of three format. You can veto this map. This is such a non-issue. This is an absolute non-issue. This is like complaining that your feet get wet when you're wearing flip flops outside when it's raining. It's like, well, maybe you should just wear some shoes. Instead of flipflops anyway when it rains. There's something wrong with you in your head then. Either way, Canobi here opening up with a, as mentioned, a triple-cccee cheeky little supply block coming in. He also said, though, that his execution wasn't perfect, but so far, honestly, it looks really good. This is a nice six-heelion double Benchy into three-rex opener. This is one of the most standard openers currently in the tech. Aaron versus Zerg matchup and it is being executed well here. There's not a lot of build order mistakes. Yes, we had some minor depot trouble and maybe still have some minor depot trouble. But I don't mind that. If you're just executing a build well, I don't care whether you're continuously harassing or not. I just want you to not be floating a lot of money. And right now, that's definitely not the case. There's not a whole lot of cash in the bank and it's actually looking good. Double Benches could be used for a bit of harass. I always rather have people focus on their build order rather than their harass. And once you've got the build order down completely, you don't make any mistakes there anymore. You can start focusing a bit on the harass. And that's kind of how Canobi is doing it. And I appreciate that. I also like that the Hellions are just at home. It's making sure that Ling Runbinds can't happen because that's something that's very frustrating if you're a Terran player that doesn't have clam-like helion control, where you're constantly poking and seeing how many lings are moving out. It's very, very difficult for, especially, you know, a bit lower-level Terran player. players to play against Ling Run by. So here come the double Banshees. They're just going to be moving to the dead space for a little bit. So the 30C has landed at this point as well. I also was thinking, by the way, about the battle of Thermopyla. Now, I could be wrong. I'm not a huge history buff. But I don't think the Persians there had ghost in their army with snipes, with sniper rifles, the ability to nuke entire position. I feel like that battle would have been significantly different otherwise. And Canovi does have access to that unit, the ghost. And with its snipe ability outranges, well, similar ranges the Lurker, and with tanks you can outrange the Lurker. So although it's a fun analogy to draw up, because everyone has seen the movie 300 at this point, I don't think it's extremely accurate because you have so many good tools at your disposal to deal with such a kind of a sieged-up setup out of the Zerg. out of the Zerg. I'm actually very impressed by the way by Canobi's early game here. This is really good stuff. I'm also a fan of the double load-up, just sending it across the map. He's keeping his bases defended. He's playing very solid. Honestly, good macro, nice barrack setup as well, is basically in time with his armory and he's hitting relatively tight timings. His harass has been extremely subpar. But as mentioned before, I don't actually care so much about this. If your macro is this good, at this level in diamond i'm like yeah you go for it buddy like you're hitting okay timings here and you know the opponent's going to be struggling with money as well if you're not struggling with money you're going to be in a better spot ford base on the way already second factory he's actually just the theoretical part and actually the executional part is really good so far i'm very very impressed by this not a huge fan of these benches losing all their energy or being in this death space the entire time in general but still this is this is actually quite cool this is nice see. And even then, second, second saddle drops moving towards the right side so we get these split armies, which is exactly what you want to be doing. If the control remains somewhat okay during all of this, I'm actually going to be quite happy here as a, as a Kenobi enjoyer for sure. It sucks that these minerals aren't down yet. Otherwise, you could unload and then stim into this general area. Where the hell are these metaphics going, by the way? Oh, just going to unload over here. At the same time, we have this group towards the right side. Combat Shield has now finished up. One one upgrades are here as well. Spine's going to get targeted down. As Biles do miss this main army, and Link's actually falling. OK fight for Kenobi, who's pulling ahead in supply by quite a lot. That's mainly because Jackal isn't really spanning his cash too well. He is floating about 4K resources, but honestly, credits to Canobi that he isn't floating any resources. He's now doing some minor multitasking, or at least being active on the map with his units, adding in the barracks in time as well. I'm, I think this has been one of the better diamond games that I've seen in a long time coming out of Canobi here. Yes, he's not under pressure, but he's in firm control of this game. He has very, very good supply. The only thing that's really missing here is a pushout. Yeah, but this is perfect. Honestly, so far, you're completely destroying Jekyll. And all of that is just due to the fact that you have a build order that you're executing well, that you're executing and really just putting the buildings down at the right time building the units at the right time your control in the unit has been okay not brilliant but definitely good enough as uh we see a couple more marines here most likely being taken out we'll lift the rest of these up rocks now being blasted here as well we have a single drop heading towards the main base at the same time fort base not quite mining yet i'd love to see a couple more workers there's three vipers and a lurker then are now on the way and here comes to push so what do we have army wise we have 54 marines against 13 roaches two hydras eight ravagers and that's it really this feels like a win if the tanks were siege pre-fight this definitely would have been a win even now without the tanks being siege pre-fight this is a massive double you here for what why are we unseaging please don't do that okay i feel like if he had siege properly before the fight and it's unseaged midway through the game would already be over, although the game is already over. So the game has officially, well not officially, but unofficially has now ended. This should technically be impossible for Kenobi to lose. Because Kenobi is up about 30, 40 supply, he's dealing quite a bit of eco damage, he has a massive army, got majority of his tanks alive, has the ability to now start transitioning into Ghost as well. That should really continue his upgrades. It has been dropping the ball a bit on the macro in the past minute or so, now starts SCV production up again. I'd love to see a fifth base as well. Maybe over here. I think that's a good spot for a fifth and you can take out these rocks. And you kind of, you hold this area. It's really funny, by the way, that a Terran talks about narrow chokes being good for Zerg. Because narrow chokes are actually really good for Terran. So it's not even true. I didn't even catch that. I feel like I'm just being gaslit because there's so many crap claims being thrown around here by Kenobi that I forgot about the fact that small chokes are actually good for Terran, not for Zerg, as Kenobi now is going to siege up all five of his tanks in the exact same spot, which is impressive. Now, if this was a stacking competition, I think Kenobi would have definitely won, because these tanks are well stacked. Look at that. Freaking three blinding clouds disabling, like 90% of the tanks in this army for majority of it. Despite that, Kenobi with an un-stimmed army is still just going to roll him forward and take out this base. He's going to reset his opponent. There's just four tanks here in the back. holding the flank in case the rocks start moving. Canobi recently watched Lord of the Rings and you remember what those threes could do. It's like, what if these rocks also can do it? That looks scary. He's Saruman over here, pooping his pants. Okay, we have three ghosts on the way. I mean, we're still winning extremely hard. And funnily enough, now that I think about it, I mean, I just keep... My brain is not working so fast yet today, but... This map is actually considered one of the best terra maps due to the small chokes. Whenever I talk with other Zerg players, it's really hard for them. Because there's so many sick positions you can put tanks in, behind mineral patches, and you can spread it out. And then there's really only a single area you can attack from, and like a single flank that you have. Once again, no pre-seech here, and the siege is right on top of one another. So a single blinding cloud disabling three tanks. Now, these tanks are going to activate at this point, as we have some random unseech tanks coming in from the side. We still have four tanks in the far back guarding this Milkarak. the 12 meta-facts now boost back. Don't pick up the unseech tank. No, no, no, no, no, no need. Absolutely not. That was a god-awful fight. But, despite it being a god-awful fight due to the stellar macro of Canobi over here, I'm actually somewhat okay with it. Like, these fights, they should have been absolute wins for Canobi. He should be up like 7K in the resource loss. He's only up 5k, actually. It's not as bad as I thought it was. but he fought most of his fights without majority of the tanks and also with them not caged up so actually maybe it should have just been double honestly I mean he's been fighting what mainly roach armies so far a couple of lurkers have gone down couple of hydras some vipers yeah mainly roach armies 3,400 minerals only 100 gas in the bank here for jackal who now has the imba lurker setup on the right side another funny thing here by the way is that Kenobi's army isn't actually really a Terran bio army. This is just ghost. Well, I mean, there's a lot of bios still around, but the units that should be doing the heavy lifting here are definitely going to be the tanks and the ghost. You know? The Marines are not meant to deal with lurkers, in my mind at least. In the mind of the Terran, the Marine is supposed to deal with everything. That's a nice move as well. I want to just slowly do that one again. Slowly. Yeah, for Terrans, for Terence, it's a bit the opposite of Einstein. What did Einstein say again? It was, if you judge a fish, a goldfish by its ability to climb, you're always going to think you have a stupid goldfish. Terran players are people that would flame their goldfish. Because they want their marine to be capable of doing everything. You know, they're like, oh, I can't kill the Lurker. It sucks. This is a beautiful move. Look at that. There's like seven ghosts at once. That was good. I also laugh, by the way. I think this is the choke that Canobi is thinking about. Look at this. He's walking through an area where one mineral patch has been removed in a line. This is what he had in mind. What did he say? What did he say? This map has the particularity of being organized in straight narrow corridors. In order to go to your opponent's base, you can't avoid those narrow chokes. You can't avoid those narrow chokes. Bro, you can mine them. They're literally single patches. They're single trip mines. You could send five SUVs here and in two trips have all of this gone. How is this possible? You can't avoid these narrow chokes? But not if you come from the left side and didn't bring SUVs. You just walk through the choke of all chokes, didn't use the snipe ability until he was in range of every single lurker, then loses six ghosts and then starts complaining. Oh, the brain damage. It's like, yeah. you do. Tanks in the far back, perfectly incapable of shooting anything as well. Love to see it. Love to see it. That is so smart. God, you're just so brilliant, aren't you? Parasitic bomb is going to connect to this meta-fac. Beautiful to see. This actually frustrates the ever-living crap out of me, especially because even with this choke, you could still just use the ghost snipe ability. You actually could. You actually could just snipe these lurkers. You could scan, queue up five snipes, then shift click them back right after, and you would just win the fight. I do like this move. I wish there were Matterfax going. There's one matter of fact. I think this is a good move. Canobi is a man of two minds. You know how they always talk about like the two halves of your left and the right side of the brain? I think Canobi just has two brains in general, one that works and one that doesn't. And every now and in the bad one gets turned on whenever fights start. The macro brain is working extremely well here. And just the general unit movement is also quite good. It's just whenever we start fighting, it's like he just forgets everything about StarCraft altogether. Like, what am I watching here? And what is this excessive? Like, this guy has all the vision in the world. He sees the spore over here. Like, I just don't understand what the point is. of trying to stim nine marines two marauders into this spore lurker spine wall. I like the play going in with the lurkers and you could unseach them and siege them again and deal with the lurkers and then maybe go with this or you could just try and harass these drones. But I just don't get the point of what we just saw here. I just don't get it. Despite all of this by the way, I would once again like to stress that Kenobi, it's practically in an unloosable position. He has an army consisting of 17, tanks, three goes, nine marauders, 20 marines, against 11 lurkers, 10 hydras. He has about 20 more workers. He has exactly 20 more workers. He is five base against five base, but he also has an extra backup already here with his orbital command. It's now going to take out this fifth base, which hasn't mined a single penny quite yet. Like, he's freaking cruising right now, all right? Jacko is cruising. I'd love to see Liberator Range, by the way. Fusion Corps. Liberator Range, yes, sir. Do like that. Let me stack up those tanks a little bit further as well. Maybe we can put all seven on the exact same location. So a single blinding cloud is all that's necessary to clear it. More lurkers now on the way. This is so funny to me. Because whenever I talk with other Zerg players or whenever I watch Zerg games, the Lurker is a unit that once tank, Ghost comes out, is not being used defensively in defending chokes anywhere. It's used in Nidases or to hold like a base with like one or two lurkers while you're doing big hydraling bane attacks. Like the lurker is not like this super ultra-tlenex. turtle unit. The siege! Okay, sieges. Nice. Takes out the Lurker. Honestly, decent fight. As a Hydra drop is now clearing the entire main base. Big scan forward. We could leapfrog with portions of our tanks. This is an advanced move. How is it possible that he moves into Lurker range? Just, Amscanning, he's gonna still win. This is so frustrating to watch because this all of these mistakes, he's still destroying his opponent. He's owning his opponent. It's not even close. EMP, EMP, EMP, EMP, EMP, or Snipe? What are we looking at at this point? Like, seriously. Marines. Okay, scan. Moves his army forward. Snipes. Snipes. Snipes. Then move. back. Main base Hyras are they being cleaned up? Still not quite the case. Looks at his main base for a little longer. Oh, and here they go. It's just like he's not paying attention to his army. Does he not know that he can move the screen up so he can see further? It's like he's continuously just just locked into his army. He's still winning. I shouldn't be complaining about this. I am getting upset though. I am actually getting upset. Loving this rally towards the top left. Love that this was cleaned up. We'd like a little bit of repair here as well. This game is so Uber over. It actually hurts me. We now have 15 lurkers though. That is a decent lurker count. But let's not forget about the fact that we're right now on four base versus soon to be six. Canobi is up in Eco, is up in upgrades, is up in army composition. Really liberate a range here would be fantastic. Oh, nice one. Oh, that's beautiful. Yeah, stim forward again. the mules in as well. Why did we lose? It doesn't matter. It literally doesn't matter. Even losing these last like 20, 25 supply for free, I don't think it matters. Although at this point, no more ghost. Tank counted for Liberators, only two. Yes, he's still very far ahead and outmining his opponent by a factor of three. Right about there. Oh, I'm just going to manage the siege of these tanks in the same spot. Another Liberator gets seats right into a spore, and he walks with Bio into Lurkers. It's like he has a checklist of the worst moves possible. It's like someone gave him a list of like the top five mistakes to avoid. Like you watched a YouTube video and he believes it's a checklist. It's like it's unbelievable. Bio into Lurker, check. Thanks all in the same spot. So Vipers can hit Clining Cloud. Check. Ghost, move commanded into Lurkers too. Check. All right. I think I'm ready to win the game now. It's absolutely unbelievable. And the funny thing is that he's doing a good job denying. Like, the general thoughts behind the unit movement are so good. Like, just the two sides and knowing what to do in the game. Until any type of unit control comes into play. Like, legit, any type of unit. Oh, he splits him! Hey, confetti. That is fantastic. That is fantastic What a great split Sadly, this army Well, actually that went pretty well Not gonna lie I thought it was gonna go worse That went pretty well Freaking Terran units, hey Did you imagine Even just a tiny Pre-pren units Oh come on Why would he focus down The freaking spore first Doesn't matter It doesn't matter Kevin This game is still over It actually doesn't matter Took out this base Yes he's gonna lose this one Planetary Yeah, he's getting a couple of kills Oh did he just try to micro One of his own hydros back That's kind of cute okay this is all up repaired as well this has been taken out 700 700 minimum income against 1800 it is really difficult for me to imagine how canobi is actually going to manage to lose this game because at this point there's also only a single lurker remaining three more four more on the way but right now there's a single lurker i wouldn't mind seeing some more s evis by the way loving the getting the rich vespine guys are here by the way as well as these extra gases He looks at his resource count. He's like, ah, 4,200 gas, 300 minerals. I know where my real priorities are right now. It starts two more gases. He says, and he wants gas so badly. He's putting five SUVs into this one. Very neat. Four more ghost on the way. What's the Lurker Count now? 11 actually has grown quite a bit again. That's good. 108 supply to 190. Gets a full scannier of this army. Full scan. That's big. Outranges the Lurker Force. with tanks, not with the bio, you outrange just with the tanks, my friend. No ghost here to snipe, by the way. It means that these tanks can be pulled in. He's going to move command some more bio forward. He's not actually thinking of attacking into this, is he? Oh, good split. Don't do it. A turret? You know this. feeling in your stomach when you know something bad is about to happen. Like he's here for too long. Like this, if you don't have tanks or ghost here, like this is, this is not where we're going with our army, you know? Like, there's four more paths we can attack here, my friend. Okay, Liberator move forward. I like this. Ghost, ghost, ghost from a distance with a snipe. Honestly, I feel like we could have given Kenobi a freaking sniper rifle in the battle of, what was it called, Thermopuli. He would have just walked up to his opponent and tried to smash him with the rifle and then get destroyed by one of these well-trained Spartans. Holy crap. Holy crap. This guy is capable of losing a void rate to. an ultra. Like he actually could do it. I'm not gonna lie. I feel like I'm getting scammed. By who? Who is scamming you? You're scamming yourself with these fights. This is like buying 500 lottery tickets? No! You're not even dead! He has more... There's five orbital commands, 60 workers, the 50 workers, the 50 He just scanned the same spot seven times. You could have just dropped on the left side, come back into ghost and tanks. At some point, there were 17 lurkers on the map, or 20 or something like that, and you won that. You know how to do it. This guy's delusional. Oh, no. What I was going to say is that the only scam is you. This is like buying 500 lottery tickets and then winning the lottery. eating the winning lottery ticket and then complaining that you've been scammed by the lottery. And the guy behind the counter will look at you like you're insane because you are insane. These fights were so bad. They really sucked. They really, really sucked. Which is crazy because it's so easy because you outrange everything. Like, snipe plus tanks, that is very good against Lerkes. And just tanks is really good too. If you just would have caged up your tanks at any point, even if you just, in the smallest specific scenario that you sketched here in TVZ on the map crimson court with lurkers, I'm not even sure if I would say that they're imbalanced against Terran bio. I think they're really good against Marine Marauder, but the ghost is also bio. And if you would have just used your ghost somewhat correctly, I think you would have won this game so easily. So I'll say I'll partially grant this. I'll say that lurkers are good against Terran Bio. But that's not really imbalanced. That's just what, I mean, that's just what it is. There's so many other counters to the lurker. But yes, if you're only building Marines and marauders and you're running at them at full speed in a line, the lurker might just be the best unit in the game. But everything else, absolutely no way. Like you actually freaking sucked in all fights. And despite that, you probably still had a win when you left the game. So a rage quit, insanity, and you suck. And that's it, my dear friend. I think that's actually just going to be it for me today. This one's not going to be good for my blood pressure. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you all enjoyed this one. If you did, don't forget, hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel and we see all of you next time for a new video. Bye-bye. |
Toxic Guy Uses IMBA Spells For Free MMR?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | This guy really was something else. What a prick... LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2AKufbkDTWg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 2AKufbkDTWg | Dear Harstam, I find Storms very imbalanced against Terran Bio. My opponent was extremely toxic guy, played so bad but managed to win just because of this imbalance spell. Early games seemed to start bad for me, but I killed 20 probs with my liberators. Mike wrote better than my opponent, traded better, but still lost because he just had too many bases. What is this spell if you can be toxic, really stupid, and still win just A-moving and pressing the T button, which is Storm? So tell me, is it Inba or do I suck? His imbalance complaint from was sent to be by Nick Wellick, a European Terran player in the Diamond League with 4,000 MMR, with the easy question of whether Storm is imbalanced or if he sucks. Let's figure it out together. And there we go, Nick Wellick versus Spence. Nick Wellick is one of these names that is either an anagram of something else, or like if you read it backwards, it means something kind of. Liyu Kinn. No, it doesn't mean anything backwards. Either way, our pros players called Pants. That is a real thing, of course. That's what most people wear when they go outside. And I'm going for a little bit of worker harass here, trying to take out this SCV, for starters. So far, not doing a great job of that. It's taking a lot of damage. Taking some serious whole damage as well, which is always scary. We have somewhat of a serious build order. And, look at Nick over here. Or Nick Velik. Or maybe he's French. The Nick Velik managed to take. out that first probe there and that means Pance is not going to get the full-on scout. You got the initial scout that it's a barracks. You didn't even see that there's a gas, but I think you can assume that there's going to be a single gas. Won't know whether the version is going to be a Reaper or Marine, whether it's going to be a high ground or a low ground. Either way, both players with very standard openers, Corby for Nexus for the Protoss, which is the absolute standard and a Reaper expansion, which is what most Terran players would consider standard. There's some of the higher level Terran players that love going for two gas, openers or even Marine into factory for some quicker aggression with maybe mines. But I'm completely okay with this build. Klam plays it like 85% of the time. If Klam plays something 85% of the time, you can be pretty sure it's solid, it's strong, and you can definitely beat anyone with it as well. So I'm happy with this build. It's going to take the gas before the bunker. This is rare. Yeah, we don't really see that. Perhaps he's just going to go on a complete skip here on the bunker, which I also don't completely mind. It's a map with a ramp, which often is easier to defend on. Actually going to get some control on this Reaper. Let's take a look at how well the money is being spent behind all of this. One of my favorite things in life is watching Diamond players control a Reaper and then kill nothing while floating 12,000 minerals. We are floating a little bit here, 400 to be except. It could live if you. So? It could lie, live if you. Banz is a man that speaks in a very cryptic form. I'm not sure if Nick understand here what happened, but I definitely don't. These guys maybe seem to have some report already from earlier games. Cyclone is the first unit coming out of this factory, Starport behind it. Now we have a bunker going down, which honestly feels like this bunker doesn't serve a purpose anymore. It's too late to hold the first adapt and it's too early to hold a blink all in. So it's really here for banter, spending 100 minerals, putting it in the bunker bank. You can always get it back at any point anyway, so it doesn't matter too much. Or we'll get a portion back of it. No second barracks. Is that we're building the CC? Spit. Speaking with a lot of extra features here, some water came out of my mouth. But I couldn't believe that out of all the positions you would choose for your command center, You would pick the one that is a vulnerable from the low ground and the easiest to scout rather than two other completely fine locations either over here or over there. This is honestly a wild spot. I can't believe that this is a location you can put it in. But apparently it is. Barracks position also is odd. You kind of want to have it closer to your factory in Starport so you can make it flip, make it switch with the tech labs to start your stim quicker. technically Nik had the units ready except they weren't in the correct position which is fairly important that scans shouldn't work and it won't this used to work about two patches ago Nick is a little bit slow in the brain when it comes to that now has an anti-air unit which he could be using to clear that Oracle but he could also use it to stare at the command center and so far that is the I guess that is the use that Nick wants most Nick Nick I call him Nick Nick prefer staring I guess this oracle is going to regain shields at this point and now it's going to be capable of escaping. This is what giving your opponent a fair chance looks like. The Oracle is still going to be stuck here. We're going to get a recall and actually manages to escape. Had this happened about 30 seconds earlier when the lip popped out, it would have worked. But yeah, I guess Nick wanted to keep that Oracle alive for whatever reason. Going into two more barracks, so it's going to be five racks, semi-continued tank production? Zero e-base. It also feels like he hasn't built a worker in quite a while, or maybe not even a single time from his natural. There's lost a lot of workers as well. Come on, scan one more time. Maybe you'll get it this time. No, no. Okay, it won't do that. It would have made me very happy if he would have, though. As the Liberator is now going to get sent out, this is one of the quickest Liberator send-outs I've seen in my life. I think this guy popped at like four minutes and 30 seconds in, and she's been idling in the main base, then trying to chase an Oracle that got recalled, and then another 30 seconds of idling. Now it's finally going to go across, but by the time it arrived, there's going to be a void ray out. Honestly, Pence here could have tacked into carriers, and the carrier would have been in time to defend the freaking Liberator. That's how slow the move out was. There's a second Liberator out as well. Both of these are now going to set up, but they're going to need to deal a lot of damage, because Nick hasn't really been producing any workers at all, which is definitely a mistake. It's this lip... What? I like that his priority is sending six question marks here rather than pulling the workers away. I want to know the logic behind all this. I actually do believe he has mental issues as well. But there's actually an explanation for that for why Pence has mental issues. What is he doing? He keeps stacking his own buildings. He really the assimulator in the gate. It's because in Pence's house, when he was a baby, they had a tradition that whenever a visitor came by into the house, is that the visitor would be allowed to drop the baby on its head and thus over time incurring brain damage. And a lot of visitors came because his father actually had the oldest profession in the world. Pans's father was a tailor. So businessmen from far and wide came by to the house to get their suits tailored. And then, you know, when they come in, they drop the baby on the head. Then they sleep over as well because Pants's mom was a prostitute. And then in the morning when they left, they dropped the baby on the head again. So double drops per visitor. And there were a lot of businessmen coming by, let me tell you. So that explains some of the chatting that we've seen so far in the game. It also explains the constant need to attack his own stuff. Like, what is this? Good move command here. Nice scan. Okay, these three question marks, I can understand because what the hell was this? First of all, what is this attack? 1,200 minerals in the bank. No MataVX. He managed to hit the absolute timing where nothing is done. No plus one. No meta facts. He's been investing all of this money in like two e-base, this third base that had hardly been mining. Like, he put in all the investments. There's no pay of quite yet at this moment. And Nick decides that this is the perfect time to attack. Meets two zealots who have plus one armor here already, by the way. Stimms in. Then sees pretty much the majority. Ah, maybe he doesn't see all of it. Now, he sees pretty much the entire army and then scans the bushes in case there's some gorillas hiding in here? Like, not entirely sure what the point is of this, but I'm a fan nonetheless. I... The earlier six question marks, I don't agree with, but these three, I can kind of feel. I understand those, all right? I can empathize with that. I absolutely can't. Boyter's actually going to get taken out. I can't believe he's winning this fight. Holy crap, Protoss is too weak. We need more buffs. This is actually surprising to me. I guess Stim is going to run out. It's still going to get cleared up, but it felt like this should be a, a, much bigger bust here rather than what this was. I mean, it's still, it actually looks good for Nick now. Because there's only 45 workers for pants. And there's 54 for Nick. Doesn't have any gases on the natural. This is a new way of playing. It's a completely new way of playing. Armory, pure marine, no gas needed. Love to see it. Okay, now, I like this. Nick is someone that doesn't have the ability to anticipate for the future. He just lives completely in the moment. He's the guy blasting $500 in a club on bottles of gray goose while he has rent you tomorrow and only $500 in total in his bank account. That is not a good financial decision. But Nick really lives in the moment. He's like, oh, I need gas. Let me throw down refineries. Can't look into the future. Not at all. I also couldn't have seen this one coming. Decided to put himself in the best possible position. and forgot to use Stim as well. Gets absolutely destroyed by this attack. How fast was this response? Holy crap. I just kind of want to first person this, okay? 8.56 is when we spotted on the Mimab. Maybe even a second earlier, but I'm going to give that to him. Okay? I'm going to give that to him. So here we go. 857. Boom. Be don't be don't. So did it up a depots. To do barracks. Lala, Sisi. Another ghost academy. We've been fighting for 15 seconds. How can you not look at your army? For 15 seconds. When you're 4,000 MMR. Like, this can be real. Like, this is how nukes hit. It's like you're just standing there here the nuclear launch detected. And then freaking 15 seconds later, the nuke. comes down on your army and you're just in time to see it land. Holy crap. I don't think I've ever seen this in my life. Even silver players most of the time, they look at their army like every... hopefully more than four times a minute. Oh, 15 seconds. That's not a good look. He also didn't tap out. Like if he was stabbed out and hit zero OPM, but he was doing things. He was building Ghost Academies. He was re-centering his camera hotkeys in the main. Base. A fantastic play here by Nick. Lost it, he loses third now. I had to lift it. He's now down in workers. He's trying his best to take out that prism. He's trying to maneuver around how dead space works. Like, oh wait, it's over here. I can't shoot it. Pence is just baiting him as well. Look at this. This is pure baiting. I feel like you can still shoot from here now. Like a marine here. Is that range? Whatever the range is there. He just like it might be. It probably isn't, but it might be. Looks close. So we're going to get our plus two attack right now. Meanwhile, we already have plus two armor here for Pence, who is once again going for a zealot attack after the success of the last one. We realized this opponent didn't even use Stim for the entirety of the duration of that fight. We're going to go for a drop. Love to see those blind drops. Oh, never mind. There's an army here. What is this decision making? What? Look at this. This can be real. Look. Okay, so I could almost forgive him for blindly dropping across the map. Look how little map vision he has. He has legit none. It's like zero stars for the freaking map vision here. It's like negative. Absolute negative map vision. But then his drop accidentally scout something and he responds to it. He sees the army here. So I'm like, okay. he realizes he's about to be attacked. He's going to move his entire army into a choke, unload. What does Nick do? He sends the eight Marines, which is like 25% of his army, across the map, but not even in a direct line. Like, where the hell is he going? He's going to the bottom and then to the right to take the longest detour that mankind has ever known. This guy is freaking balls of steel. Holy cow. He got so low. lucky here. Because honestly, if Pants would have attacked with a guardian shield, this would have just been game over. Two on upgrades plus guardian shield against this tiny little army. There's only a single tank in position. No shot. Lovin, by the way, the use of the Viking here. Just in the main army rather than using it to kill this prism. A bunch of Marines also in the main base in case the prism shows up. Lovely stuff. And now we're going to get a drop. Doesn't know if there's a fort base, but it's going to find it right here. It's going to go for the main instead. It's a wild move. the Templar warping in next to the Templar archives. It pence is. God. His dad was one hell of a tailor. Let me tell you. God, one hell of a tailor. Everyone came by. Doof. There goes little pens again. Ah. I hate to see it. There is a dent on the top of his head as well. You can put him down on his head and he will stand still. You know how some people make a big deal of being capable of standing on their head? For Pence, that's no problem. because it's like such a massive dent. He's stable as a rock. I actually heard that they model earthquake-proof buildings after how his head is, like how dented it is. That's how they build them now, like these earthquake vulnerable areas. They have like a life-sized, what do you call these? Like statues of pants. These freaking question marks are driving me nuts. If I was Nick, I actually would have flame them back. Drop some mules at this point. His Nick right now thinks he's winning. Let me just move this tank here on the low ground real fast. Okay, that didn't work out. Maybe let's try again. I love that, by the way. That fight earlier, he was building a Ghost Academy. Hasn't created a single ghost yet. Legit not a single one. Beautiful little stack of the Marines here against these storms. Oh, yes. Yeah, no stim, no need for that. Poof. Is there a way where I can clump on my Marines any further? No, I think this was the max. These were some of the best storms I've seen. in my life. And I think none of the credit there goes to Pence and all of the credit goes to Nick. Holy cow. This is really something. Two, three, four more gateways coming out right now. You know, sometimes when I watch these games, I start to gaslight myself into thinking that the speed is too low. No, it wasn't. The speed was correct. These players just play really slow. It's like nothing is happening. There's no matter. Still no ghost. It's getting shield upgrades. I, okay. You know, I was actually going to flame pants here for getting shield upgrades. But, but I won't. Because he identified that his opponent, Nick here, is too dumb to build the ghost. So the shield is genius. Except Nick has now started two ghosts. So not as genius after all, but, you know, you can only work with, what you've seen in the past, you know? They always say this, that results achieved in the past are no guarantee for the future, and Pence just forgot to read that little, you know, the small text there, the fine print. Forgot to read that for a second. He thought, you know what, shield upgrades, let's go for it. He actually has the most EMP counterable army that I've seen in my life. He's like, you know what, purely relying on Templars not good enough, let me also add in a bunch of Archons, an impure zealot for the rest. The ghost would legit poop on this army so hard, It's not even funny. Oh, we get a stim. That's better than the other fights we've seen so far. The stim started as the fight started, not midway through or after the fight has ended. Zellet run by, or Zellet drop in the main base, is going to take out all the upgrades. This is still the same prism, I believe, from earlier that there's been idling here for five hours, despite a Viking being around. I think it is the same one. 90% sure. 87% sure. I'm getting less sure, the more I talk. Either way, this fight is going quite well here for pants, as in he's about to get cleaned up, but I think he dealt enough damage. There's a brilliant recall. Got two units back home, lost four more. Love to see it. As he's currently on five paces, has 11 gates. And Nick actually correctly identifying in this case that the best thing that he can do is going for a counteract. I love the SUV pool here. In case the SUVs suddenly gain the ability to attack air. does a high tier move. It's not really healing this up quite yet, just boosted all of his meta facts. It's also a good move. Shoot scan upwards here and an EMP. Sorry, one more time. I want to see that EMP once more. My man has a single EMP and he's playing against someone that only makes Templar and Archons. Look where he carefully places this EMP. Beautiful stuff, None of the Templar, which all are getting pretty darn close to having a storm right now. I think he did manage to hit the Arkhand. Come on, come on, run up the ramp. Run up the ramp, man. Let's get down to business and freaking destroy this clown. It's time to go. I feel like sometimes people really lack a sense of urgency. Like, after you lost all of your workers and you know your opponents on like 12 bases. The goal is to kill them ASAP. Yeah, this is not really working out. Get a piling, kill the pylon. Don't kill the pylon. It's not that important. Managed to lift some units in this Matafax earlier as well. We have a Ford base, so that is nice. No extra E-base are coming down. Now these Metafax will be boosting back home. Here once again, Nick, not capable of anticipating for the future. Doesn't want to drop his units. Like, no, they're saving the Metafax, at least for now. Realize they're taken out by the Phoenixes at some point. It's gone, I guess. Fort Bay is going to turn into a command center. Good move. We definitely need some. type of cash and mules are a good way to regenerate some cash. The lack of ebace is still hurting me. The lack of ghost is hurting me. Maybe he thinks the ghost is like a hero unit. Which is honestly not a weird thing to think, you know? As a Terran, imagine you're a Terran player and your only diamond. The power of the ghost is so surreal that you might believe is like the mothership. You can only build one at the same time. You know, when it loses you can rebuild it. Maybe that's what Nick thinks here. And I think that's, I'm not even going to complain about that. because I think that's a very reasonable thought. Logically, that makes sense, because the ghost is freaking powerful. Would I rather have a ghost or a mothership in my army? Honestly, majority, I think I'd rather have a single ghost in my army than a mothership. So, yeah, I completely feel the vibe here. Once again, Stim fairly late coming out of Nick. Fights have to fight without it. Has a couple of zealots in the main base, and at this point, one could consider this game completely over, but Nick has different plans. I was going to say ignorance is bliss, but he actually is aware of the fact that there are five bases out, at least. There's currently six bases out. He believes there are five. Well, he knows there's at least five. And he's currently on, technically on four, but he has the saturation of two. So not a great look. One of the funny things here is that Pants is very good at expanding too many bases, but actually isn't so great at saturating these bases. So he only has 71 workers, not a whole lot of gas mining, which I'm kind of happy for. because I think often mineral units in these type of games are much better, especially if the Terran is incapable of building Ghost for whatever reason. Ford Base has landed, once again, no worker production. The funny thing is, is that only 45 workers have gone down. That means that the total amount of workers that have been built was 83. Yeah, was 83, which is a very low amount for someone that has been in the game for this long. Like, that is actually very little. And we can notice this entire time. There is no SCV reproduction. Also some oversaturation on the natural, but that's the story for another time. Command Center is being built in position is a balsy move. This prism really is the arch rival of Nick over here. Holy crap. He built a Viking for it earlier, but never quite understood how to use it. Maybe he just hates air units, or doesn't understand how they work. I'm telling you, this prism could have been attacked earlier as well. It was fake safe. It was pretending to be safe. It's like, it's unbelievable. It's like a candy condom. It doesn't work. Get it together, man. Shields over here. What is this? Plus two. CC is going to be taken out at this point as well. Seventh base now on the way. More Phoenixes. And this is legit, the most primitive army that I've seen in my entire life. But somehow some way it's working. I do like the grid that. Nick is showing here. I don't like the fact that his units are not allowed better weapons or better upgrades. I'm also not a huge fan of splitting off these ghosts. Like there's some elite sniper force that are very good by themselves. Ghosts are insane with an army. But you always need some type of backup with them. TVZ that's tanks and mines and other ghost. And in this matchup, it's just regular bio. I think that's the trick majority of the time. So really, at this point, we see. Pants is about four upgrades. Also has a... actually has a smaller army. But if he can get any storms off here, which he won't. You might just be in a better spot. This actually is a fight that Nick potentially could win unless Pence realize he still has three Templar in this prism. Snap the prism, snap the prism. God, this guy has balls of steel as well. Look at that. Clumping the entire army. Okay, now he knew what was in the prism. Dude, there used to be the steep. show with a kid that would say everything twice. That was his gimmick. What was the name of that show? Where he just repeat the same sentence. Maybe that's what Pence is. There's a weird gimmick as well for a TV show. Like superhero shows in this kid's gimmick is that he says things twice. What was that called? A hamster will have it figured out. Maybe it was a Dutch show. Jacob Double. I think that's what it was called. I'm not sure there's an English or I'm sure there was. I don't think we made any TV shows ourselves in the Netherlands. Especially with such a bad premise. Saying everything twice. That's probably the worst superpower you could have. Imagine rubbing a lamp and you get a genie and you have two wishes. You accidentally wish the same thing twice. God, that would suck. Awful superpower. Okay, five Archons are out. Go still acting like an elite squad. here by themselves. Come on send these over to the simulator mate. I know you can do it. There's a random orbital here. It's like, ah, my main base isn't safe anymore. Let me put it further forward near my fifth base. God, I love the logic of these guys. Can I get the eBay finally? We also have, I think, this is nine bases. Can I count that correct? One, two, four, five, six, seven. No, I didn't. It's eight bases. Yeah, honestly, at this point, I think the question marks are warranted. The question marks actually are warranted. Because what the hell are we still doing in this game? I guess it's also partially on pants though. Partially on pants for not really finishing the game. Also it keeps getting everything EMPed at once. It's like the clump everything challenge in this game. We saw Nick trying to catch as many storms as possible. This guy is a real prick. You know that? This guy's a real prick. Pants. no one likes you all right it's not nice what are you doing here man you don't deserve the GG type it anyway oh you should have typed it anyway you don't deserve it but I'll give it to you anyway that's what I would have said I wouldn't have said that I would just type GG and I would smash my keyboard holy crap though Nick look I understand you were upset after this game because Pants is a prick okay let's get that out of the way he gets the freaking prick stamp you are a massive prick But holy crap, the complete lack of an actual build order with your 3C 38 workers 7 minutes into the game, the worst initial pushout I've seen in my life, the fact that you don't look at your army for 15 seconds after multiple alert is absolutely mind-blowing to me at this level as well. Freaking 4K MMR, like, that's not bad. That's actually not that bad, 4K MMR. Like I thought I respected people that had 4K MMR, but now I probably have to rethink my stance. Then the complete lack of rebuilding your upgrades for eight minutes after losing to the eBay, the fact that you don't understand how air units work. Like, I don't think that Pence deserves to win the game. But that's only because I think he's a terrible human being. The way that he played, he definitely deserves to win the game. Actually, I think he should take double your points. That's how freaking poor you played. Because, Nick, let's face it, you freaking sucked. This wasn't in balance. That's the way it is. All right, that is actually going to be it for me today. I hope you all enjoyed this episode of Is It Inba? Or do I suck? If you think you found some imbalanced in the new patch or on the new maps, be sure to tell me all about it. Send me an imbalance complaint firm through the Google form in the description and we'll be getting back to you ASAP. This was it for this week. Thanks so much for watching and bye-bye. |
Tanks Do NOT Shoot Up. | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | I have nothing to say. It is like you guys don't even listen to me!! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/n3D718U0GDU/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | n3D718U0GDU | Dear Harstem, I have to say that the ProDOLs is too imba, imba in every aspect, especially the speed of its mass air force. This video is the best proof of this. In the early game, I used the Mindgame Build Order, and the results are outstanding. I managed to spot that the opponent was using the VR Build Order, which is the Robotics Facility Build Order, so it's a Robo Build. I defended against it in advance, but the opponent didn't attack me at all. The Prodals is also Inba in It Cannot Come if it Can't Think of It, but you can't help it. I know all of these are English words. I don't quite comprehend the meaning, but I'm sure it's very deep. I can only camp and mass tanks and help that, because I scouted that the opponents are all ground units at 10 minutes in game. And then guess what? At 12 minutes, the opponent's two aircraft carriers came out, and three aircraft carriers were still under construction. And I'm almost all tanks. Nothing else. I was wiped out. I urgently produced Thor and Mines, but to no avail. I think this game is the best game I've ever played on Terran versus Protoss. But I lost. I used to be a master. But now I can't beat diamonds right. Let person lament. So I wanted to ask, is the Prodos a speed of its mass air force too terrifying? Or are the Terrence producing too slowly? Is Proto's Inba? Or do I? Suck? Inbellus complaint forms sent in by a diamond player with 4,300 MMR on the Korean server has a Chinese name that translates to after the high school entrance examination, things start to get messy. Yes, apparently in nine Chinese characters, You can write out that entire sentence. So we're going to call him the dropout. So imbalanced complaint form sent in by the dropout complaining about ProDos, asking simply, is Proto's imbalanced? Or does he suck? Let's figure it out. All right, ladies and gentlemen, here we have it. The Dropout, as our Red Terran player in the top left, our replay submitter, an angry Terran player. One of many versus Sky, our lovely Proto's who's going for a quick scout. Look at this brilliant mind build order, the mind game build order as the dropout called it. It is this. I always find it very impressive when a player manages to confuse the observer that has full information. Very often that is not a good sign. Okay, what in the hell is this scout? Like, what is he scouting for? The mind game build order. It's not like he can change anything. This is why whenever we see two gas opener, because this is a two gas opener, so this is what we call a fake proxy racks into two gas, which is a good opener. You don't scout with this, and the reason for that is very simple is because there's nothing you can do to play more safe. This is already pretty much the safest opener that exists because you get a factory in the wall, and there's no way you can really die. He's also messing up the build, by the way. you pull out of gas after you start your factory. So you have the fastest possible factory, very quick tech, quick aggression as a follow-up, and then you start getting more minerals. But instead we're getting a later factory. This factory is actually really quite late. So he just went to gas for no real reason. He also is forgetting to send out the Reaper, which makes me very happy to see. And then he's revealing the fact that he has a Reaper, is not killing the probe. Did he reveal that? Did that probe see that? I don't think it did. I think that pro barely missed it. Let's have a quick look at it. Because that's actually pretty interesting. I'm so surprised that that Reaper decided not to go across the map. Why is there three SUVs on the map? Is this a challenge of trying to play a game with the least amount of Eco possible? Okay, he did technically spot it. So I don't think Sky is solid. This is a diamond level game. So I don't think Sky now realizes that there's a barracks here. but if this this is you can't really call this a success I think like this is this is an insane amount of self delusion calling this a success okay I'll just I'll just quickly we already have to pass here that's how bad this is his factory was delayed for no reason whatsoever he scouted for really no reason whatsoever he's going to get the bunker up that's nice he had two extra SCVs on the map on top of the SCV scout already so losing a lot of mining there And also, he gave away the mind game before the first gateway unit was out. All right? That's a nice freaking success. This is one of these things, which I honestly have serious trouble getting used to when it comes to IOTUS. It's really frequent in IOTIS that we get people with just an insane amount of self-delusion. And I just can't get used to it because in real life, this never happens. The only other place maybe in real life where you get this amount of self-delusion is men filling in their height in their Tinder bio. That is literally the only other place where we get this. Like how in the world was this a great start? Like this mind game legit just didn't work. This guy also is honestly appropriately responding here. He's doing everything correct. The only thing I dislike is that the stalkers on the high ground that should be down here. Superbatteries should be utilized with this stalker on the low ground. and this honestly would just have been a pretty much perfect defense it really would have been the perfect freaking defense CC being built on the high ground is a move I kind of understand the tech lab rush with the factory is something I absolutely do not understand and these reapers are the side what did you just kill these two workers here for free huh because he wanted a scout really bad but he could have just gotten the workers and then tried to get for the scout So at the end of the day, he killed two workers, lost one worker, lost a bunker, has a high ground command center that isn't finished, has no real pressure on the map because he forgot to build Marines during this entire period as well. And he's now going into a factory. People that play Mac should never be allowed to be happy with their position anyway. If you ever find yourself in the weird position that you have a second factory against Protoss, that is already not a good position because Mac against Protoss is just a good position. genuinely quite bad. It just sucks. This is like shooting yourself in the food and in complaining that you can't run as fast as the other kids. Like yeah, no crap. Maybe you shouldn't start by getting your gun out and shooting your own foot, you moron. So the self-delusion here is, it is really something. It is beautiful. Four and a half minutes so far of just illusions. But now we have Banshees. I like this. I like Banshees. I really do like Banshees. Love to see Cloak with the Banshees. I think Banshees are a unit that is underrated. I think it's not being used enough, especially in the current meta game at high level, where Stargate is just not as, why the hell do we have a Viking? I hate when I can't finish my sentences because the player is doing something idiotic. He scouted. Wasn't he proud of the fact that he scouted? I'm going to have to read this again. I managed to spoil. that the opponent was using the Robo build order, the VR build order. Like, honestly, why do you bother scouting if you have no clue what to do after scouting? Like, what is this Viking for? It's like shooting the prism? Like, how often do people rush a robot and send a prism across the map? That shouldn't really be happening. And even if it does, there's better ways of de-well, I guess a Viking in that is pretty nice, actually. But building a blind Viking, this is actually insane. Especially if your plan was to go, I was going to say cloak Benchy, but I guess just regular Benchy. The reason why he can't afford Cloak is because he built a second factory, now realizes that factory units cost a crap ton of gas. Like, holy cow, I didn't expect this. I bet this is his first time playing Mac as well. This is legitimately one of the worst build orders I've seen in my entire life. If this is the Mind game Build Order, then I don't want to see a build order where he doesn't use his mind. Maybe I do want to see it. Maybe if he doesn't think, he does great things. like in the zone. Vikings now going to go for a scout. Love to see it. Love to see it. Going to get some robo action as well as a Nexus on the Gold, which I like. Honestly, against Mac, I'd almost always just recommend taking two bases at the same time. Or five bases. You just can die as a ProDos player if you have Blink. Is it legit impossible? Blink stalkers are so good against everything that comes out of the factory if they have to be out on the map. And imagine they move out with a bunch of cyclones. you can always match their cyclone count with four gate blink stalker and you can just double expand if they're going for tanks just go charge and they can't really attack you as long as they're getting a third cc you're most of the time just going to be absolutely fine like mech is really not that good and it's especially not good at attacking so you can you can you have all the freedom in the world literally all the freedom in the world can do whatever you like did he kill that did he kill the observer okay kill the reservoir nice it's quite nice oh this benchy production for the love of god So he built one Benchie four minutes in. This really felt like a Benchie rush, then didn't get Cloke. After the Benchie got scouted by the Observer, maybe this Terran thinks that you can only build a single observer in the game. He's like, ah, now that I killed his one observer that he's allowed to build. I'm going to get Cloke. This is legit the worst mind game I've seen in my entire life. And maybe the initial mind game was worse. Although that mind game in theory is good. The execution was just terrible. So we had the worst executed mind game in the world in this game and the worst actual mind game. Showing a Benchie without Cloke, then killing the Observer and then getting Cloak plus Benchie. You're going to hit so late by the time the Benchie makes it across the map with Cloak. It's going to be like three cannons per base. Because Sky is going to be preparing for freaking battle cruisers. I love the amount of pressure, by the way, that the dropout has been putting on our opponent. He killed two workers. Two. Down, technically, basically, mining from the gold and the rich with spin guys. It's not really down a pace, but it should be down an income. It really should be a fort for the ProDos. The ProDos is not playing this too well. Now, there come the cannons. These are not cannons to deal with with Banshees, by the way. Like this is, these are just canon. Like legit, at this point, Sky is afraid of a battle crew. It's like, ah, if 5 BC's, There's transfer. It's called psionic transfer. That's what they adapt to do. Just teleport? I think it's called teleport. Teleport in my main base. I'd rather have some units there. This is the slowest freaking banshee attack I've seen in my life. It's actually upsetting me. It is actually upsetting me. You have a Stargate coming out right now. As well as a stalker attack, this is not a good... Stalker attacks are not bad. Colossus really suck. Well, really suck. Yeah, they really do suck against Mac. They don't serve much of a purpose. They're okay at clearing cyclones. and Helions if they're in small numbers, that's pretty much it. So Banshees try to go in and have to piss off again. Ah, there goes a surprise. I just like to note once again, by the way, that after killing the ops, this move still took two minutes to execute is actual phenomenal play. It's like the decision making here coming out of the dropout is really something else. Meanwhile, plus one. Look at the scouting as well. Good scab. Very nice scan. Like, what is this scan? Actually, what in the hell is this scan? Like, you know there's a third base. So the army most likely is going to be the most frequent base or in between the bases. If you want to know if there's mining from this one, can't you just scout that with both of your, with one of your benches? Like, what are you scanning here? You're not scanning infrastructure. If you think infrastructure is in the natural, do you just scan the natural? Because then you get everything. this is also just the worst can possible again. It is really impressive how many world records that drop out this setting here. It is really something. Triple Stargate meanwhile being built. If only these Banshees could move. Stuck in position. How frustrating. Can't move before they max out in energy. Maybe he thinks this is like one of these turn-based RPGs where you need energy to move your units. It's really confused how to use his tanks because they don't have an energy bar. It's like, dang it. It's going to be stuck here forever. These bansies are just here idling until they have full energy, then start moving. Maybe he does think this is a turn-based RPG. Upgrades are coming along. I mean, we're 10 minutes into the game. Legit zero scouting. They actually is insane. Look at this. There's no clue as to what is going on. Like, legit no clue. This is a good scan. This is a good scan. He's a crono on the cybernetics score. this is a brilliant move as well. It's just getting some attention to the fact that something, look, he's getting scanned. Sky is like, Sky, Sky here is thinking to himself like, oh, he realizes that this scan didn't actually catch the extra Stargates and the fleet peak. And it's like, let me draw some attention to the fact that something's happening in my cybercore. All right, let me just draw a little bit of attention to that. They say, the dropout looks and it's like, interesting. Probably croning warpgate here. Nothing going on, guys. Nothing going on. Absolutely nothing going on. Has one pourout already? Yeah, it should be good enough for the entire air. Should be good enough for the entire. This scouting is legit, like one-star scouting. It's insane. Command center in the main base could be a fort base. Command center over here could be a fort base as well. Work account is actually in favor still of the dropout. Army composition. If they were to fight right now, I think the dropout has a pretty decent chance. I don't think Sky could do anything. I don't actually But the problem is these two carriers, isn't it? These two. That's actually a serious issue. That's actually a very serious issue. Another Stargate as well. Two cybercores? Did that get spotted too? No, I just saw the single cybercore. Sometimes I think that Terrans don't actually know what the buildings do. Like, I think most Terrans know what a Dark Shrine does, but I don't think they know what's in a cybercore in a Robo Bay. Do you think Terrans could name the upgrades in a robo way? I don't actually believe it. Maybe they get thermal lands? God, that would be a quiz. I feel like this could just be a game show by itself, asking Terran's questions about non-Taron things. I don't think they have any clue. What if they know how Inject works? I think they understand creep. Anyway, we have some nice... He scants the... where he scouts the triple stargates here. The four stargates. In fact that there's five stargates he sees. Now scans the carriers as well. Still not really worried about it because he has a raven. Loses it. Seages up all of his tanks, which I don't think is actually a bad move. Although it probably would have been better to just go back home. And just right now realizes what's kicking off. Don't forget at 10 minutes, he scouted the fact that there was a freaking cybernetic score upgrade here. now actually ends up losing his entire army while right-clicking a nexus to two carriers. And while now also the Colossus and the stalkers coming in. Resources lost, 7K to 3.6. Benji's still dealing damage, by the way. He's hilarious to me. Three more carriers coming out. Didn't he say something in the forum as well? I think he said that at the 10-minute mark, he had the perfect army against the ground. And then at 12 minutes, he didn't have the perfect army against the ground toss anymore. Despite him already seeing the fact that the Cyber Corps was researching at 10, if we still forget about that, it's just a hilarious thing to me that you believe that if you have the perfect army for 10 minutes, you also have the perfect army for 12 minutes into the game. Like, tech switches can happen pretty freaking fast. If there's, like, in two minutes, you can get a lot of carriers out there. You know, and especially if you know the fact that there's Stargates because you scouted with Banshees or you see the cybernet security resourcing maybe you should do something about it this is like showing up in the Formula One with like a horse and a wagon and then being surprised when the other guy show up in cars and like wait a second oh this technology over here is like oh man 20 years moves fast my friends yeah now the carriers show up still doors are pretty decent honestly mine's actually dealing quite a bit of damage on the Thor's they got some interceptors i don't even think that the carriers were really the problem anymore you think the fact that he lost all of his tanks was just too much. Because he did have, in total, five tors. Like, if there still was a tank army underneath here, this actually would be a viable defense. Honest to God. Yeah, now it isn't. I don't think this was too early of a leave, by the way. People are going to be like, oh, he's 121 supply. So he was pretty dead. He was pretty dead, right? 71. I mean, at this level, you can always make a comeback, so probably should have stayed in. And especially because Prolos players tend to continuously attack into Mac. It's quite common. Maybe, you know, with his base still, round. You could retake the fort and try to make something of it. But at the high level, this would be 100% over. But, you know, this wasn't a high level game. That's for sure. Because it was very, very mediocre. Actually, it was non-existent scouting. And when there was scouting of the robo in the early game, the problem was that there was no response whatsoever. The early game build order was extremely bad. The overall thinking was bad. The complete lack of pressure, the harassment. I literally think that this was one of the worst games of Mac that I've seen. seen in IOTIS. And on top of that, Mac also isn't viable in Terran versus ProDals. So you're already playing something that isn't technically viable in the matchup, and then you're executing it like a brain-dead idiot. So I think that actually deserves the very rare double-stamp hamster. You suck and you're an idiot. Hit it. I'm sorry, buddy. It's the truth. All right. It's going to be it for me today. Thanks so much for watching. if you do believe that you can do better than the dropout be sure to send in your replay as well if you believe you found and spotted some true imbalance tell us all about it and yeah that's pretty much going to be it thanks so much for watching i hope you enjoyed it hit the like button subscribe all of that good jazz and uh yeah lings in the description bye bye follow me on instagram |
Who Is Smarter? | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Mech Players are a species of their own, we all know that already. But today's example is an extraordanary, even for his kind! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5z57nvtoITw/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 5z57nvtoITw | Dear Harstam, I find vipers imbalanced in the current gameplay. The ability to abduct and throw blinding clouds on siege tanks is ridiculously imbalanced, considering those units do not need to accumulate energy like the High Templar and Ghost, but can instead gain energy by trading health from their structures. This inherently gives Zerg a faster out when responding to siege tank and battle-mack pressure as they can simply throw a blinding cloud down, an A-move. This game was wild, it was relatively even at the same time, start, but I managed to get a slight lead in the midgame by splitting my army and pressuring two bases at the same time, allowing me to snipe one of his bases and pressure the other. Everything fell apart when I was caught out of position and the opponent moved this entire army down the middle of the map into my natural and main, sieging it with his lurkers. Since I couldn't break the siege, I decided to attack his natural and main, but he held his main with a single lurker and a couple of hydras at the top of the ramp. The situation stabilized a bit after, but the opponent proceeded to abduct all my siege tanks with his vipers, and that was the end of it for me. I said Viper O.P., and my opponent laughed. It was a good game nonetheless, so I called Gigi and left. Upon watching the replay, I can see two things I could have done better. Number one, get ghost. Number two, better defend the area connecting my natural and third, so the opponent can't waltz right through. However, my interaction with the vipers inherently make me feel like that the The unit is busted and should be nerfed. So Harstem tell me, are Vipers imba? Or do I suck? Yours truly shadow Mamba. That's the person who submitted this imbalance complaint from a North American diamond player with 3,400 MMR, with a simple question, are Vipers imbalanced or does he suck? Let's find out. All right, here we go. Now before we truly get into this, I'd like to make sure that everyone is aware that Blinding Cloud doesn't actually work against Battlemac, at least if the Battle Mac consists of cyclones. Blinding Cloud stops attacks from working, but because the cyclone lock-on, I think, is considered a spell rather than just a straight-up attack. You can still lock on to units despite being blinded clouded. So that is something that Shadow Mamba put in his complaint form, but isn't entirely true. It's that the viper with Blinding Cloud is not actually that great against the cyclone. Abducks are very good against the cyclone, but the blinding cloud actually is fairly useless, or completely useless. It just doesn't do anything. It's good on tanks, however. I'm not going to deny that. So we have a Reaper opening here with a double-gas follow-up, quick factory as well. Let's just have a quick look here at the Reaper Micro. Nice control on these lanes. Whenever I watch Diamond games, there's sometimes certain parts in the game that just look really good. And I think this link control honestly was quite nice. Like the early game fuels relatively smoothly smooth, good overlord spread coming in as well, nice timing on the third base. Like opening-wise, this is actually pretty legit what the Zerg is showing here so far. And so our barcode Zerg, also coming out with a creep tumor, triple CCC. This is obviously incorrect. So our Zerg player with a build order that makes sense and that looks like a real build, our Tarrant player so far doing practically everything wrong, cyclone before reactor finishes, meaning that you can only build one factory unit at the same time. playing double gas, then mining a single SUV in this gas, three in the other, which is inefficient, and then having triple-CC before Third Depot while playing double gas. Like, none of this is a build. This is simply just, this is not real. Like, it doesn't exist. I've never seen this, and that's because it sucks, not because this guy has figured out, like, some, something genius. You know, this is, this is not Isaac Newton. This is an idiot who thinks he is Isaac Nielton. This is a bad build order and you shouldn't play it. Barracks in the Wall. Instantly also broadcasting to the world here. Hey, barracks in the wall not producing anything. I'm playing Mac. So when it comes to the first four minutes of this game, Shadow Mamba has done absolutely everything incorrect, game theory-wise, that you could be doing incorrect. Third base has been scouted, the fact that it's Mac has been scouted. and despite showing everything, he didn't really gain an advantage showing everything. Let me explain that. Sometimes in Starcraft, you can show everything, but because you're playing so extremely greedy or because you're taking certain risk, it is completely fine because, yes, you get scouted, but at the same time your third CC had an insane time, your double e-bays are fast. You know, it sucks that you got scouted, but at the same time you have a massive advantage because you played so greedy. That's not the case here at all. The case here is that his best. built sucked balls, and then despite rushing out a cyclone as fast as possible, still didn't manage to deny the scout on the triple-CC or managed to deny a scout on the fact that he's playing Mac. All of this is extremely obvious right now. I'm not sure if our barcode Zerg here has figured it out, but actually I'm pretty sure this barcode Zerg has figured out. Starting with range upgrades, yeah, that feels like our barcode Zerg knows that it's going to be Mac most likely. A lot of players love opening up with range upgrades, then getting a Roche-Warn in order to deal with Mac. than playing the double-evo melee upgrades, which is more of a standard thing to do against bio gases coming out here as well. And we're going to see more gases being taken for our Terran as well. Once again, just a godawful build order, rushing into four factories, but being incapable of even continuously building out of a single one. Five minutes and 30 seconds in, all we have is six heliants and one cyclone. This is just, quite genuinely, this just sucks. This has been a bad build order. Like the first, I said the first four minutes were terrible, now the first five minutes and 40 seconds are freaking terrible. The early game has been insanely good for the Zerg player, not a single bit of damage. He managed to survive building 18 lings, seven queens, is now already tacking into an infestation pit, five minutes and 50 seconds in, has gotten full information. Like, I'm pretty sure in the imbalance complaint form it says it was pretty even going into a midgame. if this Terran player truly believes that this is an even game, then there's something seriously wrong with this matchup. Like, if a Terran can open like this do absolutely zero damage in the first six and a half minutes while opening this aggressively with a double gas into Triple CC, and then the game is even, there's something wrong with the game. And perhaps we should just consider letting Terran start with 10 or 9 SVs rather than with the 12. with right now. This is not even. This is really nice for the Zerg. Look at this hive timing. That's beautiful. Four base is up as well. Fifth Bays is on the way. Creeb spread. This is not great creep spread, but we're in diamond. This is fine, fine creep spread for a diamond game. I'm kind of okay with this. We're still going to get a pretty aggressive push here. A couple of hydras are out already. Lingra, well, surround is going to connect with some of these cyclones. Hydra's coming in as well. And honestly, despite the very poor early game, Terran moves across the map, Zerg is not completely ready and it's actually in a little bit of trouble. Good control with the transfuses though. Like the scan as well, getting some high ground vision, but cyclone's not really being there. I mean, resources lost are pretty much even. Zerg is up 20 workers. Zerg is at hive. Faster upgrades. I don't understand how you can look at this game and think to yourself, you know what? This looks really nice for me. This is about even. even slightly favored for me. Like, this is absolutely not the case. 80 workers already versus 58. Yeah, freaking viper's coming out, seven minutes and 40 seconds into the game. Like, he pretty much, basically our Zerg player has figured out what the opponent is doing, hasn't died, and rushed right into the unit composition he wants to rush into. Whether that's the correct unit composition, I'm not sure about, if Ling Lurker Hydra is great against Mac. I personally don't really think so. But he really, like, the plan here has been executed completely to a T. Like this is as well as it's going to go. This is literally as well as it's going to go. Piper's now gathering some energy. As the tanks continue moving forward, 4C on position as well, despite having no map control as a wild move. Works out for now. lings coming in with a surround as these vipers hit a blinding cloud on a tank and get an abduct not a great trade for the Zerg but probably good enough for now I think I just saw a third evo okay actually a fifth Evo chamber being thrown down going to rotate this army after scanning this is insanely risky here by Shadow Mumbai he's just aiming his entire army to different sides the entire time no siege tanks at home single link run by would kill every single worker here three lings would kill this base as well if they would be sent. Like a lot of risk is being taken here that isn't even being capitalized on by a desert player. Basically, Shadow Mamba has been playing risky this entire time and got away with it and still was in a crap spot just due to bad macro and bad opening theory, really, and also bad midgame theory. Still only plus one as well, despite having double armories, not researching anything. Once again, two factories, not really producing whatsoever. This factory with a reactor only producing one unit as well. Now get surrounded next to lurkers. Did I make it up? I don't think so, right? No, I didn't make it up. This game was wild. It was relatively even at the start. But I managed to get a slight lead in the mid game. Relatively even at the start. The word relative is doing a lot of work there in that sentence. Relatively even. It's like relative to what? Holy crap. Like if you compare it to a seesaw with a freaking sumo wrestler and a three-year-old baby on it, then yeah, this game might be relatively even. But this is not really what I would call even. This is betraying the word even in my mind. This is not true. 87 workers now to 75. Fort base is up. It's an orbital once again. We haven't had a single tank just defending. any position. This Zerg player, not going for any runbys or any counterattacks, is doing a lot of work here for Shadow Mamba. He's completely unprotected right now. He once hasn't had his hands up, like a single time. He's just standing there with his hands down. And our barcode Zerg just isn't hitting. He's just staying defensive. He's trying to play his own game. I really feel like the Zerg has been playing significantly better. actually significantly better. So far, that hasn't even resulted in that much of a lead anymore. At this point, the game actually is even. Or, well... Okay, maybe it isn't. It is 14 cyclones versus eight lurkers. Lurkers are actually a good counter, by the way, to the cyclone. If you have cyclones and you're fighting against lurkers, you probably want to transition into a much higher tank count relatively quickly because cyclones can't outrange lurkers. Also, at the eight-minute mark, the vipers got scouted already. Okay? The Vipers got scouted already. We have no response yet. Well, the response is just not changing anything. Like, we tried nothing. We're all out of ideas, really. Like, still just pumping tank cyclone. No Vikings. No Ghost. No Thor's. Although I'm pretty happy about the fact that there are no Thor's. I think Thor's are a poor counter to the viper. You need a lot of Thor's for it to be really a counter. But like a couple of Vikings would be doing quite a bit here. I love this split though. I think this is a good split. This is exactly how you should be using cyclone helion, especially against something like a lurker. Then you try to push into this. Could probably morph these helions into halberts to tank a bit more damage and also deal a bit more damage. But these were good moves. This was a very simple tactic here, just having your army in two parts, killing one base on the right, then dealing a lot of damage on the left side. Your first good move, and also the only necessary good move apparently, because your opponent pretty much folds instantly. Did not have an army split. Now, you could be doing the same thing here, once again moving forward, going towards the right side. That would be good because, well, there was quite frankly nothing over here. Instead, you're deciding to stay home. Move everything to the right side. This is like if you're in a boxing max, boxing match, and you just have your right arm up. And the other one is just behind your back. It's like if the other guy starts punching the left side of your face right now, you're going to be in serious trouble. Like some serious, serious trouble. Okay, Cyclone's moving in. This is once again a good move. I actually really like this move. This is good movement. I completely appreciate this. 100%. Then at the same time, you also have this one coming in. This is also a good move. So that's two good moves here in a row. This fight should be okay-ish for you if you scan. Even if you don't scan, apparently. Blinding clouds here are fine-ish. This is an okay trade though for the term because you're also dealing damage here. This is a winning move. This is absolutely a winning move. So what you want to do right now is probably get some sensor towers, some turrets, make sure that you know where your opponent's army is coming from, and then make sure that you have a proper tank spread out. Because right now, your third, your natural and your main base, really the bases where the Zerg probably should be considering attacking, are all extremely exposed. There's just no sense of anticipation here. Like, what if he attacks into my third base? I don't think you've ever asked the what-if question in your entire life. You just kind of take it as it goes, you know? And so far it's surprisingly working out. You're the luckiest man alive. You didn't have money for rent this, you know, this month. And when people ask you, as soon as you start working, he's like, no, no, don't worry. Get these two lottery tickets. And they're like, ah, come on, you can be serious. And then the lottery comes around and you actually do end up winning enough money for rent. Like, this is your life right now. is what's happening. Your entire army was positioned on the right side, and that is luckily where your opponent decided to attack. Had it been the third or the natural, you would have just straight up died. You still have nothing to really deal with the vipers. Your tank count, however, is growing, which I do appreciate. I think even a heavier focus on tanks here would be good. Double starports are out, so Viking production could start, Liberated production could start, and as you're building fusion corps, I'm expecting this to be liberated production with advanced ballistics. Either way, you're in a spot right now where it's practically, I would say un-loseable. The only way that you could lose is if your opponent realizes that you never defend, well, majority of your bases and everything is positioned on the right. You also have no vision in the middle part, by the way. Actually, you have no vision anywhere. You have vision on the bottom side, and that's it. If your opponent attacks you here, if your opponent attacks you here, if your opponent attacks you here, even if it comes from the left side, you're going to be in serious problems. And right now, Zerg is moving towards that area. There's going to be four lurkers in this spot. You manage to take them out. Good scan. And nice tank fire, I guess. I'm not sure if these are real compliments, but I'm giving them to you. This is like complimenting someone on managing to step out of bed without killing themselves in the morning. It's like, I guess, good job, but... Yeah, I mean, good job. I'm proud of you. You saw that the lurkers were there earlier and you managed to remember... We're all proud of you, son. You're going to make it big sometime. With your next lottery tickets, okay. defensively at home as we saw before. Four Tours were stuck in the main base for whatever reason the Liberators try to get back home. We have a pure cyclone army that's now going to town on this Evo chambers. This is actually some really good thinking here by Shadow Mumbai is that whenever you're finding yourself in a base tray where speed is of the essence, it's really important to start taking out Evo chambers that aren't researching anything. Just in case your opponent decides to start researching plus three carriages, You wouldn't want your opponent to all of a sudden have plus three carapace. This mining is not so important, but the potential of plus three carapace, that is some serious crap. And I'm glad that Shadow Mamba here managed to keep that in mind. Send all of the tanks back home as well, I like that. Scans this lurker. Walks up anyway. I love these types of moves. Like, oh, that single lurker? Let me use all my units in a line. Good move. Also, while seeing Scympers. Six more lurkers being more thin. We could have probably just taken out this base with this lurker. Instead, tried to go up the ramp, lost everything, and now you're pretty much losing in the base rate. Another cool thing to realize here is that all the production went down. Like, not a single building tried to fly away. They all just got blasted. There's like freaking what? Eight factories here? There's eight factories, two starports and a barracks. Every single building here has died. They're all gone. Dead. Now, we do see the next barracks coming up right now. That I do love to see, because you're probably going to need a barracks to start building the factories again. I love the anticipation here once again, by the way. This is just beautiful stuff. You see your entire base being ripped the shreds. No extra factories here being built while you still have a barracks. No barracks being built while you still have the factories. No buildings flying away. Just casually floating, what, 8K resources? Like, oh, dang it, I can't spend it. Let me just build this barracks real fast. In general, the anticipation level in this game has been the level of a freaking duck. Oh, there's bread there. And then in the winter, you know, there's no ice everywhere. That looks annoying. Where's the bread? It's like, holy crap dude. It's like on the scale from duck to squirrel, you're to the left of the freaking duck. It's actually insane. It's like, oh, factory, I don't have so much money, can't spend it. That is difficult. We have advanced ballistics. Still no advanced ballistics. That's just lovely as well. What are you doing right now? What is this? Okay, he builds the factories, then sees these lurkers. It's not like we're doing some crazy multitasking here, yeah? Okay, see these lurkers? See these lurkers? See these lurkers? See these lurkers? No anti-air? But because he only has a single control group, he moves the Liberators like their ground units. God, this is why I hate all Terran players equally. No, actually I hate some Terran players more. And I specifically hate you more, Shadow Mamba. Scan, scan, nice. I feel like if these Lurkers wouldn't have moved into the unseached tanks, these lurkers never would have died. I don't think Shadow Mamba ever would have managed to gather the courage to go there. I don't think it would have been possible. We're about to hit something else, beautiful. Look at this. This is the freaking duck in shadow Mamba, once again just coming out of play. Look at this. All factories here are about to finish up? He's like, he! Factories, nice. All right. Time to produce some units. Oh, supply vlog. Then he'll have to start building freaking six depots at the same time. Oh, no, first a star port. First, two starports. Yes, very nice. Let's see when it is that you. Shadow member will realize that he ran out of bread. Let's see when he realizes. Good Lord. Pumpidum, let me build my star port. Oh, that was Reactor. Okay, so now, 10 seconds before the reactor's finish. Actually, that is only 8 seconds too late. No, 21 seconds for a depot. So that's only... I can't do math. This is so sad. 11 seconds too late. That took way too long. 21 minus 10 remains difficult. Kevin. As we see, triple depots being built right now. Star Wars on the way. Some nice unseaging. Oh, this is beautiful as well. This is complaining about blinding cloud the entire game and then making sure that your tank stack so much that a single blinding cloud could kill them all. Now, at this point, Abdux got used, which I think is actually the correct call. But still, the fact that you manage to clump every single tank right on top of each other is quite honestly, impressive. Damn. You only had double my supply. And you just managed to destroy me. What they say? I really think Vipers need a nerve. 2-op. G-G. Like, what did Shadow Mamba want to happen in this game? Sometimes I imagine a world that the Terrans want, and I can't imagine what it looks like. He played Cyclone Tank the entire game against Viper Lurker Hydra. Like, no unit counter at all there. And this game was still relatively close. Had he had any tanks in position with turrets at home, he probably would have just straight up won this game, despite building the complete wrong unit composition the entire game. Like, how many mistakes are you allowed to make in the mind of a Terran and you still should be winning? I feel like Terrans literally are people that need a freaking trophy for everything. It's like, oh, you manage not to get supply blocked in the first two minutes? Good job, Mr. Terran. And we're all so proud of you. It's like meanwhile his build order is complete garbage, third CC double gas, third depot in there as well, manages to have six heliants five minutes and 30 seconds in. Then he still wants to compliment because he almost had perfect SUV production during it. Like he literally does everything wrong, has zero map vision, has no build order, macros like a squirrel, has the anticipation sense of a freaking duck, and the spine of a teabre. Like, how, I just don't understand what Terran players think is difficult. Is it just because you manage to pick Terran in the lobby screen that you deserve MMR? No, that's not how it works, my friend. That's not how it works. Viper is a really good unit if you don't build anything to counter the Viper. Let me tell you, the tank is a great unit if the Zerg doesn't build anything to counter the tank. If this Zerg would have run 500 roaches into 20 tanks the entire game, I don't think the Zerg would have gone like, oh, thanks very strong. Like, no, we build vipers then, you idiot. Or brute lords. Like, like no other race, but Terran looks at this replay and things that somehow the viper here is imbalanced, despite making zero attempts to kill it. So no, I don't think that the viper is imbalanced. No, Mamba, shadow Mamba. I think it is you who sucks. That's just the way it is. All right, it's going to be it for me today. If you believe you have some true imbalanced and you want to put yourself to the test, be sure to submit a replay with the form down here in the description. Google form, just fill it in, put it up, make a little drawing if you want to. If not, don't make it wrong, we don't care. And we'll see all of you next time for more videos. Thanks so much for watching. And bye-bye. |
Harstem flames Korean Superweeb | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | This episode might not be 100% PG... LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/30t8gfue3l4/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 30t8gfue3l4 | Dear Captain, the Terran versus Proto's balance is very poor. Early in the legacy of the void, stalkers were weakened. Marauders were strengthened and void rays were strengthened, giving the impression that void rays were used against marauders. Soon, the void ray was weakened again, but the marauders survived. Back in the game seeing T's fatal miss in the opening, my happiness flew like the opponent's base. but soon I stopped laughing because two phoenixes and three masters can't solve two cyclones. Under my harassment, the crow was intercepted but still could not stop its advance. Even though I lifted his tank with the phoenix, I was forced to abandon a base. Then there's the scene that embodies the colossus where the marauders don't need any Vikings to fight the superbattery, taking out five colossus and two archons. I can't help but think that the Colossus is limited by all the air forces, tanks, Thor's, Raiders, and even anti-aircraft towers. I think he means turrets there. As the ultimate army unit, does it really have a reasonable balance? When will there be a Protoss in Intel Extreme Masters top eight? This imbalance complaint from what was sent in by coincidence, a player on the Korean server in the Masters League, at 4,400 MMR, with the question being very simple. Is Terranne imbalanced? Is the colossus too weak? Or does he suck? Let's find out. Now, before we truly get into the game, I'd like to point something out. As you can see right now, we have this beautiful man flying around on the tooltip here around the Nexus. The decal has been replaced. Usually that happens when you press the B button in a replay. You go back in the replay and the replay struggles getting the images like, oh, here's a placeholder. This is the standard placeholder image. This time, however, I was forced into doing this because coincidence has a naked anime lady floating around as the decal on his nexus. And as I like my YouTube channel quite a bit, I'm going to have to blur it by putting this placeholder on top. But this is already a first clue, is I think people that have to. have a naked anime lady as their decal on their nexus, I'm not saying necessarily that you have brain damage, but I think it's a first indication. You know what I mean? I think if you have like a requirement list, that would probably be beyond there. It's like a symptom, basically. It's one of the symptoms. You know, if you have two or three of symptoms on that list, you definitely have brain damage and coincidence so far has definitely hit that first requirement just right on the hat just beautiful that's a quick clue already here that coincidence there might be something wrong just a little bit this is a master's player by the way i mentioned that already but i figured i just want to mention it again a master's player with an anime naked lady flying around his nexus i'm not sure what the opponent had around the command center but i doubt it was an anime lady All right, Coincidence versus JV. Jion. I'm just going to call this Terran JV for now. So we're all just, you know, aware as to what the naming conventions are going to be in this game. Reaper first opener, very standard stuff, Reaper CC. We have a... That was... Okay. This is a very confusing build. Sorry, we need to go back a little bit because I completely miss this. So we have a standard gate opener going into a one gate expansion. Lots of gas mining as well, by the way. Probe being sent down. I don't know why this is being sent down, but it is being sent down. Nexus could be thrown down right now, but instead, we see co-insuit. here wanting to actually get a cybernetics core. So since the worker that's already downstairs back to build a cybercore, I think is what happens. Then realizes no, that's wrong, goes back to here, uses another worker to build a cybercore. This cybernetic score is usually it goes down at one minute and 24 seconds. Right now it went down at one minute and 38 seconds, which is 14 seconds too late. Don't forget, this is 4,600 MMR on the core. on the Korean server. These are serious players. They're not jokers. So the Nexus went down while there was enough money for a Nexus and a core. This might as well have been a Nexus before core. And then your Nexus would have been 15 seconds faster. Even then the core would have been quicker. This has been one of the worst openers that I've seen in a very long time at this level. This makes absolutely no sense. He just forgot his first two structures. And now is forgetting the assimulator as well. One more symptom, by the way, of brain damage is building a cybernetic score 12 seconds late for no real reason. So it's the second requirement. All we need right now is just one more and we're there. And actually, I think we might be getting there. I think we might be getting there. So we see this adept 15 seconds too late. Reaper doesn't manage to get a second kill because already did get one kill, but not a second one. We don't have a second gas yet. I'm not sure if this has been forgotten. or if this is some new more efficient way of playing. It's the double gas. Very nice. I just... Sorry, we're going to have to go back again. This is just too beautiful to miss, okay? So look at this. I bet that coincidence set studying. You know, he was thinking about this particular setup. He's like, okay, what I'm going to do is I'm going to long distance mine from the natural, increase my mineral income, then with, the increased mineral income, I'm going to get two assimilators at the same time and increase my gas income later on. But first, more minerals, then more gas. What in reality he should have done, if this was his entire plan, is just continue mining from the main base. Long distance mining is less efficient than oversaturating your main base till 20 workers. So this is extremely inefficient. Taking double gas is not just inefficient, but it's also just bad. You cannot afford everything if you don't have a quick second gas. You can't afford your fast warp gate, while also getting a Stargate unit out. You're not going to be having a serious amount of, what you call it? Serious amount of gas in the bank the moment your Stargate finishes, and that just freaking sucks. So this has absolutely been a god-awful start. I am not... What the hell happened here in the mirror? Oh, he lifted his base, I guess, accidentally. Okay, both players are really making a massive mess of this game. I feel like if I would have gotten this particular game in Wrang roulette, I'm not sure if I would have raided this above Platinum. Because holy crap so far has been bad. Like extremely bad. Once the dust settles though, no mining on the natural gas. So this gas is just for banter, I guess. Once the dust settles, I'm not even sure who's ahead here. I want to say it's coincidence. But I'm not entirely sure if this is true. Double cyclones popping out. Now moving across the map. A third Nexus on the way as well. I wonder what's being said here. Flaming each other a little bit. No worker production. Actually, I think our Terran is just ahead at this point. I think our Terran might just be ahead. Third CC on the way, Starport coming out. There's nothing really to deal with these two cyclones either. Do we have the Phoenix? Here we have one Phoenix. I'm not sure how it's possible to only have one Phoenix four minutes and 20 seconds into the game, but it is what has happened here. Cyclones moving back. The two phoenixes are going to be capable of probably dealing with at least one of these cyclones. Two adepts have now gone down. 700 minerals in the bank for our Terran. 300 minerals in the bank for our Protoss. Still doesn't have a Ford gas. Still only on 37 workers. Now we're going to get another pushout. Immortal on the way. extremely late Robo Bay. I just don't quite understand what happened in this game. It feels like coincidence has tried reinventing the wheel and came out with a triangle here because this is one of the worst Phoenix Colossus builds that I've seen in my entire life. Actually feel like that reinventing the wheel and making it a triangle is probably the third requirement for having serious brain damage. Congratulations, coincidence. You didn't need an EEG scan. We just figured it out like this. Yeah, save the third requirement. a little bit of cash. In the future, when you're struggling, you know why it is. Robo Bay about to finish up right now. Immortal is out. 41 workers to 40. This bay is not mining. Extra barracks on the way already. As a ravens being popped out. Tanks coming out. So, once again, let's just analyze the situation here. We have one gateway, one Stargate and one Robo as production for our Protoss. We have pretty much an even worker count. while there's a third cc which is definitely favorable for the Terran didn't coincidence mention that the early game went quite well or maybe he just meant the first three and a half minutes maybe coincidence always believes that the early game goes well because he has such a smart build order so he's just naturally ahead of his opponent because his builder is so much smarter and efficient so all these other proclos players have no clue how to make builds coincidence however has figured it out every time he wins the game and shoot to his broilings and when he loses it's due to his opponents in balance race is the only solution because the builds are just so darn efficient good lord i wish i could make built as efficient as this i wish i would have invented long distance mining from the natural while being on a single gas god i wish that was me but it ain't colossus on the way stim and combat as well coming out not a whole lot going on we have how many phoenixes have we had okay we lost zero phoenixes and currently there are four phoenixes out on the map seven minutes into the game which is an extremely low number and also they haven't done anything yet usually with Phoenixes you want to try and harass a little bit because they are not great fighters they're good at controlling airspace and they're good at harassing so far they have really done neither at least in my mind let's take a quick look here at the map vision is all absolutely beautiful neither of the towers being taken no observer on the map to scout where the opponent is coming from Phoenix is he aware of the third base now not yet aware of the third base right now coincidence down five workers as well which once again quite frankly impressive just purely because of the the lack of building workers in the early game he hasn't lost two workers killed three SEVs technically should have been up but it's definitely not up here Phoenix has could be rotating here in this base trying to kill some workers instead they're just going to be idling for a bit longer we still have absolutely Zero vision right now on the map. No adept, no nothing here being pushed out. Okay, we're going to get some kills at least. That's nice. Got two, got three, got four, five kills that Raven as well. Yep. That is the intercepted crow. The raven was the crow. Crow? Crow. Yeah, whatever. However you pronounce it, that's what he killed. Double forges coming in. So right now, eight minutes into the game, we have three gateways, two forges which have researched nothing. A Ford base. two more gateways in position, walling against zergling attacks. If JV at some point in this game decides to switch to Zerg, then this is going to be really useful. If however, JV decides to ever attack this with range units, I think it's going to create a better aggressive Concave for JV, as well at the same time, make these two buildings massive liabilities here, where you kind of need to defend them because he doesn't have so much production. He's getting a fifth base. opponent currently still mining on three bases. Fifth base on five gates. That is something that we very rarely see. That's actually something that we never see. Especially not if you're being, what feels like pretty much a one-one timing all in here, coming out of JV. Now, of course, if coincidence has scouted anything, even... Wait, this makes even less sense. Holy crap, look at this. I'm going to pause the game. I thought for some reason that this was... a response to seeing the third and the fourth base. But JV scouted a two base all in so far. And as a response goes up to five bases and air weapons. Make it make sense. Because I freaking can't. I just cannot understand this. No vision on the map. Now we're going to get our first vision. Seize this army. Otherwise, what could have happened here, usually one of the things that you want to do against tanks. Now this is a revolution. Oh my God, this is a terrible fight. This might be a revolutionary thought, but imagine you have a scout, okay, listen to this. Imagine you have a scout, you see your opponent moving out. You see a lack of Vikings, a complete like zero Vikings, and a low marauder count. Okay? What you can do is move forward with your colossus to meet this army in the middle of the map and then start shooting, forcing a slow sea job, a small leapfrog forward coming out of the tanks, allowing you maybe to transfer workers away from this base, towards your fifth base. Instead, what Coincidence does here, sends all the units that can be sent in right into their death, uses the Colossus range while also losing the immortals into the tanks. And then continues fighting here. This is phenomenal play. This is actually phenomenal play. Using all units exactly how you don't want to be using them. Okay, Phoenix is now coming in with a flank. Super Battery is active. This fight is going so well, for a coincidence. If JV. had just right-click the Colossus with the Marauders, this would have been a win already. Because it was just three Colossus without any backup here whatsoever. This is an insanely terrible fight. Colossus range once again could have been used there. Tanks were not in range to shoot at the Colossus. Now I hope the probes are being sent over towards the Ford base. That would be the correct call. As well as maybe sending out a Zellad Rambite to either kill some workers or pick of reinforcements. Would have been a good play. This game theoretically is over. but in a game of the level that we've seen so far, I think anything is possible. Like, this is what you want to be doing. Going in, which are Colossus, and then pulling back, forcing a siege up. Now, imagine if you had scouted with this observer, the moment it moved out, you could have repeated that move freaking 15 times, okay? You would have cleared every single Marine before it came out, and while you're doing that, a Zealad Rambi could have killed every single SCV on the other side of the map. You could have maybe been spending some of that 1K gas that you have into some more Argonnes before the fight happens. Don't forget the opponent moved out, initially but I think seven marauders. At this point there are 19 marauders and the only thing that you did here is adding in more colossus into your army rather than adding disruptors or adding more immortals which are actually counters to the marauder. Especially at lower levels disruptors are an insanely good counter to marauders. Yeah now you're just going to get absolutely eaten. Like how many colosses did he go for total? He lost three already now still has three builds another one so went up to seven colossus. before getting different robo units. I think there were two immortals from the early game, but never disruptors. Fights inside of tank range once more. And yes, the Colossus is not a serious counter to the Marauder, but it is definitely a unit that helps against Marauders because you can provoke the Marauder from a range, and when the Marauder is forced into going into the Colossus, you have either Immortals or Disruptors or Arcon and Zellet helping you out. The problem here isn't so much that the Colossus is terrible, it is that the Colossus by itself is pretty terrible. You legit had zero backup this entire game because your early game was very bad. You then didn't meet your opponent on the map except when you send in the zealots and lost them for free. But we're still actually alive. Despite all of these mistakes, Coincidence still continues playing. He's fighting a very large tank count. I still believe that a zealot run by here would be fantastic. Loving this move out, by the way. Just phenomenal play, really. Oh my God, JV, please just kill this. There we go. Yeah. Very nice. Unseecherunish. tanks here killing Colossus. Luckily, two more Colosses are showing up, which would have brought the total up to eight Colosses if they hadn't died. You know, I have another Colossus coming out. I also love that coincidence realizes that Colossus are not the answer to Marauders, yet the only thing that he keeps building is the Colossus. Like, if this were a Colossus only challenge, I'd actually have some, you know, I could empathize, empathize, empathize with the situation here, but he could have built any other unit at this. point and just decided not to. And then complaints that it didn't work. It's like, yeah, if you're trying to kneel and nil into the wall with a vacuum cleaner, it's not going to do so well. Probably should have used a hammer. The hammer is right next to you. You had the tech for the disruptor available. You just didn't use it. It doesn't leave you to G.G., which is something. But I mean, if you start with an anime lady on your nexus, you don't know, you don't follow up with the most inefficient build order that I've seen in my entire life, you then go into almost no worker production, no harassment with the Phoenix, zero map control and terrible fighting, and then the game still feels remotely closed despite going to five base against what you believe to be a two base. Then I think you're very happy that I don't say that Protoss is in balance, my friends. You should be very happy with that because holy crap, you sucked, Terran was not imbalanced. Not in this game. Didn't even use any ghost. Not a single ghost was built. How can you lose against the Terran that doesn't build ghost if you had Archons and colossus? This doesn't even make any sense. Yeah, once again, you sucked. Congratulations. You did it. All right. That's it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. Hope you didn't enjoy this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? In which once again, sadly, we had a sucker and an anime-loving sucky proto-player. It happens to the best. And I now also understand why he had a naked lady decal around his nexus, because that's the closest that he's going to get to a lady at any point if the gameplay is off this level. That was mean, and I apologize for that. I take that last part back. Thank you for watching. I hope you enjoyed it. And bye-bye. You will find love. Don't worry about it. Love, your skill in StarCraft doesn't matter for love. If she had the first thing a lady asks is your Starcraft rank, you're dealing with a rank digger. Trust me, you don't want none of that. All right. Thanks for watching. And bye-bye. |
90 % of units need to be REMOVED?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Today's protagonist of IODIS just wants to remove about 80-90% of all StarCraft II units - including 2 whole races! Is he right? Should SC2 really only include bio TvT? Or does he just suck? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/14HyzGYEkm4/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 14HyzGYEkm4 | Dear Hirstimer, Protoss needs to be nerfed. First, they start with a cannon rush. I somewhat ignore it and make triple racks assuming I will be able to hide a lot of Marines before they get that something is not right and assuming it will give me boost as they waste resources on multiple cannons and violence. Stupid cannons get made at their base just in time to counter even if they do not see my evil plan. How? Okay, wipe my tears. And after that, I make some stuff of those snipers on wheels and tanks to go through the cannon barricade at their base and defend from the flying stuff Protoss love to make always. That's why I did not waste can, as they are easy to win with. But no, they have too much resources and have just enough flying lasers to kill my snipers on wheels and everything else. And then some. Just in time for my third attack of many Marines, they make flying ships. that send small irritating ships from them and kill everything. P.S. This Protoss race is obviously O.P. I wish there was only TVT and TVZ. But maybe even Zerg is OP a little. But at least it needs control, not only F2 like Toss and send flying ships away without looking. Maybe StarCraft needs TVT mode only. That would sure be fun and balanced. Also, without battle cruisers. Is Protoss really imba or do I suck? Ha ha. This was sent in to me by Fat Beaver from the European server with bronze and an MMR of 2100. And the question is, is Protoss really imba or do I suck? He-he. All right, ladies and gentlemen, so here we are on Radhuset Station with Fat Beaver taking on Red Oper. It's sure to be an epic Protoss verse there. and I think this is one of my first bronze games that I've done in an extremely long time. It really has been a while. So I'm curious to see what the bronze level is like these days. I am hopeful, though. It sounded like an actual game. It sounded like there was a cannon rush, which is, ooh, the wall's not on time. Oh, never mind. I saw the depot queued up. I was like, oh, this guy, you know, he got away with murder. but this depot was queued up from the guy that's building the barracks so he got away with murder for about you know 30 35 seconds or so gateway into forge classic cannon rush you have a second probe in the natural to make sure that the gases aren't being taken in the gold not entirely sure what this is for the probe has been spotted um and fat beaver goes for for the barracks spot. I'm not sure if this probe has been spotted. Welcome to the first person analysis. If Fat Beaver saw that probe indeed on the top right, we can barely see the ramp and we briefly see the probe. We briefly see it again. And there is camera movement in its direction. But we don't see any SCV being sent out until we build that barracks. So actually he might have seen the probe and it might actually have been a response. Back to you, Kevin. So in the complaint form, Fat Beaver says that this is a response to the cannon rush. But surely a better response to the cannon rush would have just been to pool three workers and to kill this probe or to send the marine over. This is a, I feel like Fat Beaver might have lied. I feel like what might have happened here is that Fat Beaver wanted to play a one-based three-recks build, messing Marines, while also getting a lot of gas in the bank, then Saul he was getting cannon rush, and after the fact justified why he went for the two extra barracks. But if this was a response to the cannon rush, this must have been one of the worst responses movement-wise that I've seen in my life. Okay, well, it gets worse. Let's move away out of the cannon range. It's going to start attacking this pylon. I don't think this pylon is the one that's powering both of these cannons, though, is it? So this is cute. It's going to, well, actually not do anything. This was practically useless. Unless the goal was to free up supply for more Marines. No, no, no, don't put SMEs. You know, the funny thing is that I understand this in a way. Because Fat Beaver doesn't understand the range of the pilot. So it looks at this pie. It's like, oh, 7 HP. I'm maybe going to lose 3, 4 SEVs. I'm going to keep my refinery alive. That surely is a good deal. Right clicks it. Loses the 3. Actually only 2. This was a pretty tight move. Yeah, and then still gets attacked here by the cannon. Very unfortunate. Happens to the best, though, Fat Beaver. I'm not going to blame for that. Continues marine production. After a small break, by the way, now has skewed up five Marines in two out of the three barracks and four Marines in one out of the three. So continuing with some swift marine production in a way that second gas also wasn't necessary because Fat Beaver isn't building any gas units either. he's just building marines. So the gas remains a mystery to me, although factory does go down. The second gas still remains a mystery for me, because do you really need a second gas to build a factory, three minutes and 44 seconds in? I think all of us know that the answer is a fat and resounding no. Second factory now coming down. So it seems like we might be going into... I actually don't know what we're going. Like maybe Mac. I want to say Mac. but we have pure marine product. So I think of a hybrid style maybe. These cannons are still here. They're not achieving anything. They can actually just be safely ignored. Marines haven't done anything yet either. So now we're going to get a CC on the low ground, though. Actually spots this cannon. Is he going to shoot that down? No, he's not. I like that he just gives up as well. He's like, yeah, sure, I have, what is it, 12 Marines at this point? I just, this game actually shocks me. Because neither of these cannon rushes are really achieving anything. Red Oprah just wasted, well, it should have been a waste, but because Marines and SEVs got sacrificed onto the altar, that's not quite the case in her. But it should have just been wasting, like, 1200 minerals or so. Forge as well. Like all your tech super delayed. Now there's going to be two more gateways on the way. There's already one out. So it's going to bring the total up to three. We have a Stargate coming out. As well as having two cannons here. Two cannons and a battery. Be 12 Marines. I die, die. I'm owning. I think so, right? Today I actually don't know. I think maybe if you wait for arm marines. Probably actually, you can probably, you can just, can you run by this? I'm not so sure. Cannots have a lot of damage output and with a battery they get a lot of health. So I'm not entirely sure who should be the one winning here. Either way, it doesn't really matter because Fat Beaver has decided that attacking is not for him yet. He's currently up 33 army supply to zero army supply. So if he does manage to get through, should just be a win. Even now, use the tank ability, please. There we go. Seizes it up and starts outranging the cannon. That's a big move. Okay, at this point I'm pretty sure he can break this. Canon on the low ground as well. It's going to take out that one cannon over there. So slowly but surely six minutes in this cannon rush beam. cleaned up. Do you just lose a marine? Yeah? That's just a test. Start by attacking the pylon. Now attacks the second pylon. And now starts attacking a building cannon. This is... I feel like not micro in here would have been much better. I recall this probe. What was the thought process there? And also, what was the thought process here with the micro? This is a... Look at this. I'm just going to keep watching this fight again. This is mesmerizing. Just this entire interaction. How many Marines? We have... What is this? I can't count. There's 18 Marines. 18 Marines against two cannons. A pylon has 200 HP and 200 A cannon has 150 and 150. You would say you first attack the battery and then the cannon or first the cannon and then the other cannon. That to me sounds like a normal thing to do. Also scouting with two marines, losing them, then going back in, doesn't seem very bright. Instead he goes for the first pylon, losing a lot of marines. Then goes for the second pylon. Once again, losing almost all the marines. Then we get the probe pool here. Then we get the probe recall. Now this probe recall is so confusing. is so confusing that Fat Beaver here decides to then right-click a building cannon, which isn't being powered by the way, because he probably believes that this is a pylon which might once again power these cannons and the battery, gets killed by a ProPoole, still manages to snipe this cannon, and then starts moving back. Rather than shooting, just runs away, taking a lot of damage, and now finally starts killing some workers. I feel like this must have been one of the worst executed engagements that I've seen in my entire life. Just everything about it was wrong. And at this point, the stalkers are out, as well as an Oracle, and then the fight ends. And we went from 33 army supply to zero to 12 army supply for a Protoss, and 10 for the Terran. Phenomenal gameplay. Tank still struggling here with the question of, range. He almost lost two tanks to three static defenses. The one thing that the cannon is good against. Or sure, the one thing that the tank is good against. This tank is also, okay, still blocking the naturals who's going to piss off right now. Natural is flying over indeed. We still have a one marine contain on the outside. More cannons being built. We have double Stargate void ray now being produced. High level moves. We have We still have two tech labs here on the factories. I like the button. Oh my God. Every time I click a building, I just see, freaking four units being queued up the entire time. Isn't it great that despite only mining from one gas, fat beaver has been capable of basically building factory units whenever he wanted to? It also probably has something to do with that the production isn't that constant out of the fat beaver. But, yeah, the defending of the initial second refinery, perhaps not so necessary. The tank is going to finally clean up this cannon rush. It only needed eight minutes and about 30 seconds to clean up those five and a half cannons that Red Oprah went for. As Fat Beaver has another plan. After the initial attack, he now decides that the next move is going to be to rally cyclones and marines across the map. Or at least, yeah, yeah, two marines, four cyclones. as well as the tanks, or at least at least one of the tanks is going to be sent across the map. Oracle is making their way towards the main base. It does mean he's going to probably lose every single worker that he's ever had because there's really no defense here. So cyclones coming out now. Could be used in defense. It could also be used for running across the map while you're losing your workers. Okay. Gonna send it back. That's a good move. I like that. Cyclones going to stay alive. We'll take both of these out. as meanwhile our contain is setting up. Now this is exactly what we need right now. A long and never-ending contain. Because there's only one more base inside here for Fat Beaver. Fat Beaver is containing his opponent on three bases, while Fat Beaver himself only has practically one mining base with 24 workers. I know there's a second base and he can drop mules and a lot of mules at that. But he only has 24. Worker is going to lose a couple more. The double void rays now pop in. Marines probably need to be used to deal with that. I also love that he just dropped all the mules. Well, the only way to reliably get vision on the high ground right now is going to be to use scans. So using those five mules wasn't entirely brilliant. I do love all the turrets here that are being placed down. It's a good move if you just want to be mining from one base for the rest of your life. A better move probably would have just been to send the cyclones back for, you know, a little bit, just to deal with the air threats that are coming to your base semi-frequently. As none of these terms are actually going to end up finishing up. We have three tanks now that are being sent out. Actually, we think that would be in range of the cannons. Holy crap, how did he calculate that? This is like a warning to the opponent as well. It's okay, I'm containing you with tanks. If you don't have the unit right now, that doesn't matter. I'm not planning on attacking you yet. But, be warned. Okay. I'm coming for you with scans. How many more scans? Okay, he actually managed to save up once again. And he's only been in for a minute and a half. It's now the void rays. I have actually already materialized. They're just going to burst through all of these cyclones. I think that might just be the end of this almost. successful contain. Now, it would be easy here to make fun of Fat Beaver and say, you know, maybe he should have moved quicker, maybe he should have had different units, maybe keeping your opponent contained while you have half of your opponent's eco isn't good. But those are all cynical comments, and I'm not much of a cynic. Because how in the world could Fat Beaver have known that if he just parks outside here for two and a half, three minutes, that his opponent was going to build more air units after already having done that. He can't look into the future. He's not Nostradamus. It's just not possible. Although in the form, he actually did mention that he didn't require scans because he already knew air units were going to be built. So maybe we actually can blame him because maybe he can't look into the future. He just has such a good read at the bronze level prolos players. He knows exactly what to expect. Our follow-up is going to be a carrier and more void rays, while Fat Beaver has temporarily halted factory production and is back on the marine grind. I really like his kind of binary nature of thinking here, is that if he needs anti-air, he's building marines. Actually, I don't know why he thinks the cyclone is good, because he built cyclones, but I'm not sure. You know, very often lower-level players, they have one unit. that deals with a very large group of threats. And I feel like for Fat Beaver, the Marine is the unit that deals with anything air-related. The tank is the unit that deals with static defense. And then the cyclone, I think he probably just mixed in because it was there in the factory. I don't quite know. And you can build it with and without a tech lab, which is a versatile unit. We're now seeing a starboard being thrown down, as well as vehicle plating starting, which is good because not only does he have 22 marines but he also has two cyclones and you wouldn't want those to stay unupgraded. I like the prioritizing of upgrading the vehicle plating for the two cyclones over upgrading the armor on the marine. This is a high level move. It's so high level that we don't actually see it very much. And Sarah right now also scratching is that. Not entirely sure what's kicking off yet. But he's investigating, that's for sure. That sounds interesting. Plus one attack starting for Red Oprah, who's decided to add another Stargate to add into his massive void ray amount that he already has here in the naturals. The carrier, Ford Base is done. 74 workers. His macro is actually not bad. He's not mining a whole... Wait, how does he have 74 workers? And is he mining 1,400 minerals? Is it perhaps, because he has 26 workers in the main base? Where's all the other workers, though? I feel like I'm just missing workers. 26, what is this, like 18? There's a couple over here. Is this number correct? That's 74. I guess he just has a lot of idle workers as well, just kind of standing around. One more worker over here. We have a random void ray just sent out. Well, we're going to get our combat shield. 15 minutes in. After having lost 46 Marines, decided that maybe combat shield would be a word while investment. Two Manifax are also out. Manifax are also out though. I do like that. Some healing for the Marines. Stim also has started. As cannons once again being built. This game, I'm not going to lie, feels fairly over. I would be shocked. I would be shocked if Fat Beaver is going to be capable of making even anything remotely close to a comeback here. Let's figure it out. He's going to go in for a scout. I wonder if this scout will trigger something. I wonder if he thinks he's being cannon rushed again. He's like, oh, cannons. And they're crawling forward. Let me build some tanks. If he starts tanks now, then my theory was correct. Then my theory 100% was correct. I was not like that he slopped the factory onto the reactor. All right, that might have just been to get this tech lab to start researching things. Marine counts also pretty decent, by the way. 57 Marines against 11 void rays and four carriers. I'm not even sure if the carrier Voidre player wins that. If they fight straight up, you know? I almost never see just... Like pure Marine actually has a lot of damage out. And this is a lot of marines. Yes, the upgrades kind of suck, but plus one armor is also on the way right now. It might be somewhat possible as long as there's not too many cannons. As we just continue to sit here. Oh, no, we're not. I move out. Two Madfax. Oh, both players moving out at the same time. As they say, great minds think alike. And apparently the opposite is also true. As we're going to have... Oh, they're going to miss each other. just barely. Matter of fact, might be capable of scouting these carriers and by scouting my, I mean, flying into them and then dying. Stim isn't done yet though. That might be a huge issue. And the fact that he's down 80 supply might also be a huge issue. But you can't catch the carriers. Being outspat by a carrier's, uh, it's not on the bucket list of the average marine, let me tell you. I actually really wonder if Stim is here, who wins this fight. I think without Stim, it's going to be very, and so I also have. the army wasn't there and the Madovacs weren't there. Loving the prismatic alignment. That's beautiful. Doesn't work, of course, on units that aren't armored, but... There was a cyclone in there, so we'll count it. That was a god-awful fight. I can't believe I waited for three minutes of nothingness just to see that fight. Because this is the game, isn't it? Jesus. Christ. You know, for a bronze game, though, this was honestly relatively action-packed. Very often, when I get bronze games, and I try to do a video on them, and then there's like something happening at the five-minute mark, and then something happens at the 12-minute mark, and then nothing happens for 38 minutes, where both players are building up a massive army. One guy is messing ultras in the corner, and the other dude is messing. battle cruisers. And then they fight and the guy that has the Ultras goes, dang it, I can't shoot up. Well, nice 45 minutes of my life. And I'm just sitting there. Like, why did I do this to myself? And then you decide not to upload it because it's garbage. But this, this game honestly was relatively action-packed, you know? This is one of these games where we'll look back on in the future, the historians of the future. They'll look back on this and think to themselves. That was a game of StarCraft too. Was it high level? We don't know because this is the only surviving game that was left over from the Iodius era of time. But boy, Starcraft sure was being played back then. That's what they'll say. And it indeed sure was being played back then. I am just waiting for what Fat Beaver is about to tell us. Because Fat Beaver, I feel like he's the type of guy that has some strong opinions here as to what happened in this game. I'm feeling very good about a minor flame here coming out. Well, he's the right to evacuate the SEVs as well. Maybe if I start a new somewhere else. Oh, at the top left corner, I heard there's good resources there. It's like the freaking gold rush over here. He's actually just going to wait until he's completely dead. This is my... This is a peak experience. This is actually a peak experience. He-he. Isn't this also how he ended his imbalance complaint for him? He actually just sat there waiting for all those buildings to die. Now usually, I'd say that's disrespectful, but I have a strong belief that Fat Beaver doesn't know that you can manually leave the game. So Fat Beaver, if you're watching that, F10 is to pull up the menu, and then N is for the surrender button, the hotkey N. You can also click it with your mouse. That's also allowed. That way you don't have to wait until all your buildings are not. This was an absolutely atrocious game. Out of both. But Red Oper played significantly better. It wasn't good, but really, really significantly better. Good pro production, good unit production, lots of static defense, combined static defense as well, as the battery and the cannon work together synergizing, creating super static. when it comes to our good friend Fat Beaver. What happened in the early game there, my friend? You let the probe in, you saw it, you even told us that you knew that your opponent was cannerrushing because you responded with the double barracks. So that was absolutely terrible. If that was your actual response, rather than just sending one Marine five SUVs to instantly kill it, then as a follow-up, you went for a marine attack that focused on-powered cannons rather than killing all of your opponent's probes pretty much for free. your follow-up cyclone tank attack took so long to materialize that you ended up with another like 150 energy on your command center after mulling when your attack hit. So you probably stood there for two and a half, three minutes doing nothing and then started killing cannons. By that time your opponent had six void rays. And from that point on out, the game was pretty much over because your opponent had about triple your eco. You never defended any of the harass. like building five cannons in your natural and a battery is not a very efficient play but losing your entire main base to two oracles and a void ray is also not a very efficient play and I much rather build the cannon in this case because at least it allows you to continue mining so lower worker production worse armies and not researching upgrades for the army that you did end up getting bad composition bad upgrades, not dealing with harass, no vision, no scouting, slow pushing, and awful against scanner rushes. Ten mistakes and ten reasons why you, my dear friend, freaking suck. And that's the truth. All right, it's going to be it for me today. I hope you all enjoyed this bronze special of the Is It Inbar, Do I suck. If you did, don't forget, they'll like, but subscribe to the channel. Hopefully, I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you so much for watching. Bye-bye. Thank you. |
6 BASES IN 8 MINUTES?? | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | - LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SI8u9P9aCaw/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | SI8u9P9aCaw | Dear Captain, Zerg is completely imbalanced. And more specifically, the Lurker is. Now, hear me out, I know I'm not the best Prolos player. I'm only in Diamond 2, so my micro and macro isn't great. But I truly believe I played better than my opponent in this game. I started off this match with my own build order that I made up. If someone else invented this build, sorry, I didn't know. Which is the fast expand with fast upgrades. Now, of course it isn't the best build there is, but I really like it. Anyways, in the early game, I was so far ahead, because even though I didn't kill any workers, my economy was much better than my opponents, which is a Zerg player. At nine minutes, he went for a timing, and my plus three attack was almost finishing. So, I decided to give up my sixth base to get more time. I even made a five zealids run by that worked wonders, but it wasn't enough. My opponent's army with only plus two attack destroyed my 203 upgraded army within seconds, and I couldn't do anything but watch my poor army that I loved get melted. Looking at a replay I see I made many mistakes, which is to be expected for a diamond two player, such as an oversaturated my fifth base a lot, didn't notice I wasn't getting much gas, for example, but I really don't think that should make me lose the game, since I was still mining more gas than my opponent. Now tell me, Captain, why can Zerg players just mass lurkers and win the game? When I put so much effort in macroing, getting my bases and trying to defend to just die. I am so upset because this Zerg player didn't even spread a single creep tumor. Now, this balance complaint from what was sent in by the Macro Man from North America, who's diamond two with 3,600 MMR. And the question here is simple. Are lurkers imbalanced? Or does he suck? Let's find out. Now, before we get into the game, I want to share a story with you all. Is that something to do with effort and trying? A couple of years ago, my wife and I went to a paint bar. And a paint bar, the concept is very simple. You paint something with Bob Ross-like instructions from a teacher. Well, at the same time, sipping at a beer or a glass of wine, your preferred beverage. Now, you end in there, and there's about 10 people total, all of which are sipping a beverage, and they're getting pretty feisty, getting a little bit drunk, they had four or five drinks. Me, I'm dead sober, all right? I'm painting my little life away. I'm trying my heart, following the instructions, absorbing information, using the brush as an extension of my hand. The end of the night arrives, and a teacher comes over to me, a painting that was supposed to be, four roses looks eerily similar to four wine glasses overflowing with red orange wine and as she tries to give me a compliment she can't she can't stop laughing she's cracking up because she cannot believe that a dead sober person is capable of producing the monstrosity that i have just produced now at that moment i could have thrown four full paint bottles at her started screaming and tearing my own painting apart or saying, you're not Bob Ross, you're a cheap derivative. Go away, you nasty copy. I did do that. And yes, afterwards, I also got kicked out of the bar, got a restraining order, and I'm not allowed in the establishment again. But if there's one thing that the 240 hours of community servers thought me that the judge gave me afterwards, is that just trying hard and just putting, an effort isn't good enough. It also matters how good you are at the skill itself already, how much you practiced before. So it's great, my dear friend, that you put in a lot of effort here, but that gives no guarantees. Trust me, I know. And now that information in the back of our heads, let's hop into the game here, between a macromen, the protagonist of the story that we're about to tell here in this game versus Kines-Kines-Adriante. It's a, uh, sounds very French, Adriana, no, more Italian, Adriante. Your mother told me to get you because the pasta is ready. I wonder if Italians ever get bothered by how stereotypical they're being, you know, they're being portrayed in all media. Is it, there has to be something right. I don't think if I was Italian, I'd be happy with that. Yeah, we did more things than that. He participated in the Second World War II. Why does no one ever talk to us about that? Like, well, not sure if that's a route you want to go to, but you do you, Italian man. All right, what do we have here? Macro, and by, he had something interesting that he said. He said, I have a build, fast expand, with fast upgrades. And he said he invented it, but if someone else was first, he said, hey, I didn't know about that. You know, so it's kind of, you know, it's copying the iPhone one to one and then saying, well, we were not quite sure if this is going to be the iPhone yet. So far, this is a Nexus first. Nexus first is not necessarily bad. But it's not the standard either. It's not the standard either. That's for sure, isn't it? Single gas. Okay. We're into a scout. Now, this would die against a lot of different things, but it isn't dying right now. So I'm not going to complain about that. You could say it's unsafe, but I don't scout 90% of my game. So I know a thing or two about being unsafe. All right. I like this. I think this is cool. It shows balls, you know. Yeah. Let's do it. Cybernetics core, boom. Flop it down as well. There we go, son. Now we're talking. I do wonder how everything is going to be afforded here. Because I am looking at the gas situation in this game so far, which by the way is completely unnecessary. You're opening up with single gate into forge and then cybercore, you can get a double gas before that and you can be mining from both of these gases as well. So you should be capable of getting plenty of gas to start a plus one, get a fast adapt out and get your warp gate or even get a stalker out if that's what you want to do. One thing that's really annoying if you wall with this forge is the fact that you walled with a forge. So your opponent sees where all your resources are being thrown in. Holy crap. It's going to triple expand. Now, I've actually never seen this build before. And I don't think this build is good. But I think this is kind of cool as well. Like, I... Usually I flame people for their early game, but... I don't think this build is... Like, once again, I think just a regular Stargate opener is going to be better than this. But I also kind of like it. I don't like that the forges in the wall but that's this is cool if you get away with this you're just going to be really far ahead and I think at lower levels people look at this like Adriante here is looking at this like yeah forge in the wall makes no sense I don't know what it means because I never have any clue it's like you could be throwing a stargate under Adriante's overlord over here and Adrian's like maybe fast roghorn could be a DTuras like no it's void rays he's like yeah but what if there's a twilight in the back you know because lower levels are wild like that. He feels like this could mean anything. It could be a late cannon rush. Like, they better scout around my third base here. And these plus one zealots coming in strong. He has no clue what it's going to be. Adriant is going to scout the fact that there's a third base done at the four a minute mark. And he's getting spores. He's like, maybe oracles behind this fast plus one. And this is absolutely not going to be the case. But I like this build. The execution so far has been okay. Money is honestly being spent. You're going to be even in workers. That's pretty... Hello, heal your... Yep, okay, heal the pylon. This is also good. Opener so far, I mean, it's unorthodox, but it works. You know, this is getting the job done so far as long as you don't die to a Rochallin or a Bainlink bust or, you know, more than three lings that get built while your battery isn't up yet. Like, these are obviously issues of the build order. This isn't safe, but at this level, I don't find this the end of the world. I think to survive majority of the time. And you have a very quick upgrade. You should be capable of starting your plus two instantly as well. That would be kind of important if you're trying to rush upgrades. Yeah, basically started instantly. I'm getting a fourth gas as well. As well as going into blink. Blink and plus two. Honestly, I really have nothing negative to say about this. I really don't mind this. I think this is a cool opener. But look at the Zerg side, on the other hand. We see a Zerg that is taking six gas of a 46 workers, which is not very good. it theoretically. It's actually also mining from these gases, which is even worse, theoretically, has built a spine crawler, despite scouting this probe going over to build a forward base. So so far, I am completely feeling Macromen. Macromen is trying hard to establish his eco. He's doing his best to get his upgrades out. Macro Man's just ahead. Macromen is in a significantly better spot here than Adriante is. Absolutely. And all due to a phenomenal early game builder, that, by the way, he made himself. And now, I don't want any of you guys in the comments going, actually, I used to play this build back in wings of the library. He's like, no, you didn't. Macro-Man made this build, all right? You didn't do that. Don't even try to... If you think this is your build, send me replays of this exact build or of you doing it before Macromen did it, because I don't think that's the case. This is an original. This is an absolute original. This is no remake. Something they do nowadays is constantly remaking movies. They are out of ideas. If Macro-Man had a... at a film studio, only new movies. And no sequels either. Shrek 4 never would have been made. Ice Age 5 doesn't exist in the world of Macromen. All right? Only new things. Bomb, Marvel? Gone. Just the entire universe. He just makes a new one every single time. You're like, is this a Marvel movie? No. But it's superheroes. But different ones. I also feel like at this point, superheroes are becoming a little bit too much like Pokemon. Oh my God. Super air is becoming a bit too much like Pokemon. I just want to see that again. It's like we have so many now and they're becoming a bit ridiculous, you know? The first hundred Pokemon were good. Like, what was this? It's like, let me wait, tell him in the rat before recalling. This is the perfect location where I can still get hit. Shandry home, boys. I lost some units. I still think it's fine for Macromed, honestly. Is it? The problem that Macro Man has is that he is very good eco, but it's pretty crap production. Doesn't have any tag. Doesn't take map control with the stalkers, which is kind of the point of the stalkers. Like the reason why stalkers are so good in this matchup are because you can blink back if you get attacked. So you can save your stalkers. And the closer you are to your opponent's base, the better that tends to become. Charge hasn't started yet either. So we're kind of moving into a situation right now where Macromen has better upgrades, better eco, soon also a lot of gateways and good infrastructure, but he's not using these units to try and trade out. And I'm afraid he's just going to get overwhelmed by lurkers at some point, which is also what he complained about. So we're seven minutes in, takes a fifth base. This is some phenomenal scouting, by the way. Absolutely, he really understands what's kicking off in this game. Not. Doesn't see the fourth base quite yet. Now he's going to see the fourth base. I wonder if he knows if this is the fourth base, because he sees this one almost done. And he starts his own fifth. Like I feel like some alarm bells somewhere should start ringing right now. He's like, ooh, this is weird. Am I really up 20 workers and an entire base against Zerg? Like this base isn't even saturated. even saturated yet. Meanwhile, we're still continuing upgrades. Up to the 3-1. Storm on the way. I like that actually. I'd love to see a couple of Templar. Sixth base. Macro-man read the memo upside down. The memo that said that Zerg should always be a base up. And he's like, ah, Tos should always have two more than the opponent. He's building two necks-eye at the same time against someone that's practically doing a two and a half base all in here. Look at this, look at this saturation here coming out of Adriante. It is saturation here. Holy crap. Holy crap. Okay, here we go. Do we have any detection? No, can we trade? Probably. We probably can't trade a little bit here. No, move away. This is a, now, people will look at this particular moment and it'll point this out as a mistake. Okay? because they say, hey, Macro-Man, right now you're catching these lurkers before, you know, they go into their superpower mode where they can deal damage. But then Macromen says, yes, but maybe this fight also wouldn't have been good. Now, the problem with what Macromen would say there is that, yes, maybe this fight wouldn't have been good, but any incoming fights you're about to get are going to become much, much worse and your opponent is already at a very aggressive spot. So unless you send out a base trade right now, this fight should have been taken. Like, you can't just let these lurkers finish and then take the exact same fight 20 seconds later, but then the lurkers are there. Because then it's just going to be a worse fight, which is exactly what Macromen is doing here. There's no zealots being sent across. At this point, you can give up three bases and you're still ahead, just purely because of your upgrades. Three bases is what you could give up. That means that you could send this entire army across the map while keeping three Templar at home to storm the Hydra force. There's not even that many lurkers in here. There's four. Do we even have seismic? Okay, seismic spying is here. I'll give him that. Good Lord. One more time. For the slow ones in the back. Look at this. Okay? Two out of four lurkers. Okay? Two out of four lurkers. This is a fight with 140 supply against 165. Look what happens here. Moves in to snipe one lurker, moves away before killing the lurker, tries to move back, moves away again. Zerg lost one supply in this fight. Macro Man lost a lot. I can't count, but more than 10. Somewhere around 30, I think it was. Somewhere around 30. Lurker's moving forward. Full vision here. Now, Macro-Man just had a fight that didn't go so well. He could right now think, ah, maybe there's an alternative approach, like for example, base trading, and he's actually doing that. There's zealots across the map. Giving up this base, also a good call that I approve of. Is there anything else that we potentially could do? Maybe get another observer, get some immortals out. You know, just... What's our gateway count? Twelve. It's actually very big. Salets here going to force the entire army back home. Which probably should allow you to send. another zealot run by out. That's not what's happening. Instead, here goes Macromen into the Lurkers without vision. Loses all of the shields on the zealots. Now loses all the zealots altogether. Okay, does have vision. Kills two lurkers. Takes another terrible fight. It's just impressive. This is actually impressive. I cannot actually believe. Okay, it's over. I cannot actually believe that this game I understand why this feels imbalanced if you're Macro-Man because Macro-Man actually played so much better than his opponent. Macro-Man was actually 5,000 times better than his opponent here. Literally at everything. At macro, even its unit movement was good. The build order probably was better just because Adrianta's build order was so bad. And he did legitimately every single thing better, except for fighting. This have to be some of the worst fights, even for Diamond 2. And then splash units obviously are going to be quite good, but he also used his own splash units pretty improperly. Like these hydras didn't get stormed. We didn't get a single base rate. There were no other units but gateway units. It's like this guy just figured that if you build a lot of stuff, like a lot of probes and a lot of zealots and a lot of stalkers, you're just going to win. And this might be something that content creators tell you. you. But that's not actually true. You also need units that can kill others. Or if you want to build crap units, then you base trade with it. Because you can't just engage into lurkers, then pull back, engage back into lurkers and pull back. If I were to actually judge your play, I'd say that your macro, your build order and your overall play, we're like freaking sick. I think that was actually extremely good. But then you probably have a negative rating when it comes to fighting and crafting your unit composition. And these two things completely ruin the rest. Like, if at any point you'd build like immortals or just gone for a full-on base trade, you would have straight up just won the game. And I understand why you're frustrated. But just because you're frustrated doesn't mean you can start throwing paint bottles at people, macro man. That's not allowed. I know. So, you suck. And that's the way the cookie crumbles. All right. That's going to be it for me today. Thank you all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode. If you did, don't forget to the like button, subscribe to the channel, and I'll see all of you next time for more videos. Bye-bye. |
Korean TvT GOD vs IMBA Toss (gone sad) | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | If we'd just delete 2 out of the 3 races, he would be GM for sure!! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QmfUab8D6Ec/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | QmfUab8D6Ec | In today's episode of Is It Inbar Do I Suck? We have the slowest sieging tank on all of YouTube, the worst excuse for a barcode heard by all of mankind, and well, not the greatest micro against Splash. But at least the form is a beauty. Enjoy. To Mr. Harkstam. In this game, in this every race ought to be equals game, I felt contrast. Disparity is there. As long as each race have their own imbalance, It is not the imbalance of the game. But please tell me, how can I win the race with Cionic Mastery, a real Protoss? In this, zealots born with armor can be warped to the front in 18-second game. Why there is a race that has to accept the excess price of power? With stand 10 damage before starting to exchange that just passable DPS. It's talking about a marine here needing to stim before. getting good damage output, and losing all your flexibility to exchange 13 range. Talking about the tank needing to siege up before it gets a very long range. And here our complaint form continues with. Effort is a lie. The person with effort and gift still lose is the irresistible proof. I personally have no clue what this means. The vileness and conspiracy is the weapon of weak. I know there is no chance about wind protels. equal engagement. So I chose to accelerate expansion. When I found out he doesn't have the awareness of finishing this game immediately. I planned a war of attrition. But when I realized how is this game going on, his zealots already destroyed my troops because of the existence of observers and psionic mastery. My raid was still born. I chose to chase a powerful army. Unfortunately, even Tarrant can have a close troops with Protoss. It is still a flower in the mirror. Cannot be more than a vulnerable wish. Please tell me, am I suck? Or does Terran suck? P.S. My TVZ and PVZ win rate is around 30%. But it is no exaggeration to say that if there is only TVT and latter, I could be 4.5k MMR. Now the last line is a bit confusing because he mentions TVZ and PVZ so either he's a race switcher and plays he never plays against TOS according to his last line but he's complaining about TOS with Terran so I assume he meant to say TVP there as well as to say that if there were if it was only mirror matchups this dude would be 4.5K MMR right now he's 3.9 on the Korean ladder and the name, now this is an interesting little detail here. The name is Bobfish, but his friend changed his name to a barcode. All right? Let's just keep that in mind for a little bit. As we're going to figure out if Prodos indeed is imbalanced, or if he sucks. So here we go with the bottom right side player, a red Prodos and the top left Bobfish, whose friend changed his name to a barcode. this excuse is about as good as your dog eating your homework. I don't give this a very high rating when it comes to the excuse. It's like a two out of five, you know? This is fairly low on the ladder. If your teacher believes this crap, it's okay, Bobfish. You know, you play like a bit of an idiot, and you were afraid of other people on the ladder figuring out that you have a... It's not just that he plays as a general idiot. I think Bobfish might have a very specific style of idiot you know, it's like a, he's a trademarked idiot. It's an idiot, but with a trademark. So he doesn't want the others to find out. So he changed his name to a bar. Like, how would this process even work? A friend comes over to your house and as a practical joke does you the favor of changing your account name into a barcode. Oh, he got me good. And then not changing it back yourself. Like, every season, you just get a name change, I'm pretty sure. So you can just change it back. This legitimately sounds like, this sounds like one of the worst excuses that I heard in my entire entire life. But let's not, you know, let's not focus too much on that. We're here to watch Terran versus Protols, where this Protoss with psionic mastery and observers shows the true imbalanced phase of Protoss much clearer than has ever been shown before, just anywhere, not just in this series, but just worldwide. That is Bob Fischer's claim. So far, this game is actually looking like a game. We have a single barracks, single gas. Reaper expansion coming out. Okay. The first two minutes were solid. Now we're following this up with a reactor. So this is either going to be a three. No, okay, no. He messed up his build. So let me explain this real fast. If you open up with a single gas Reaper expansion, if you want to follow this up with a factory, you'll play Reaper into Marine factory. That way you can still get a reasonably quick factory. because you're cutting out the 50 gas of the reactor. Now, what Blubfish or our barcode is doing here is playing a Reaper single gas expansion into reactor. So that can only lead to barracks-focused builds, otherwise your factory is delayed for no reason, or into a triple-CC. But then, here, Bobfish takes a second gas. Taking a second gas when playing three wrecks or triple-CC is entirely pointless because you're just going to be floating gas. So in a way, he did the early game correct by getting a reactor if you wanted to play triple C.C. But then the second gas makes no sense. So we're just going to be seeing a lot of gas flowing. Another thing that worries me is that I believe that this command center, this third command center, was like a response to something. That's not really how triple Cc builds work usually. You can't do it as a response to something. That's a plan from the start. Because otherwise, that would be the excuse. like, oh, I scouted my opponent's natural, then I threw down the third CC. That's why I took the second gas first. But now he's getting a factory. Okay, this build makes it. This build is starting to make less and less sense. The further we get into it. He's just mixing lots of concepts together until it doesn't work at all anymore. Like this is... Like... Like... Okay. Imagine. Imagine you're at a restaurant. Okay, you imagine you're at a restaurant and you're reading the menu and it says the chef special. Okay, so you're a risky guy. You're adventurous person. You order the chef special. Okay, chef special comes out under one of these things, you know, on the plate and the waiter takes off the thing. I'm not sure what it's called. The thing covering the cover, the cover, takes off the cover and boom. Says, sir, for you, I have here a sandwich de la turd. It is sandwich with poop on top of it. Now, first of all, this is. a real meal or if it is a meal it shouldn't be a real meal. Second of all, the moment you open a sandwich, you realize that the la turd portion, the poop on the sandwich has been burned as well. So not only is this a build that doesn't exist, it is also a room or a sandwich that doesn't exist. It's also a sandwich that has been ruined due to the preparation. And it's the same here. Triple Cc double gas into factory doesn't exist. But even if it did exist. This has been one of the worst executions imaginable. Like I could have played this build, which once again is not a build, it's a terrible build. But if this were a build and you told me, hey, play this because you're an idiot. I said, okay, I can do that. I would have done this way, way quicker. I would have had a faster factory, a faster 3rd C. I would have had less money in the bank. I would already have three barracks up at this point while still having my factory and Starport as well. And I would not be floating. Well, I don't even mind the mineral floating, that just shows poor macro, but the gas floating is what really gets me. Because that gas is all from that second gas that was necessary. And I'm also completely lacking the understanding to why we need two more gases right now. Like, are we banking for the future? What is the entire plan here? This is something I would expect, perhaps in the bronze or the Silver League, where people, you know, they generally like battle cruisers, which require a lot of gas. This is not what I expect at 3.9K MMR. actually, a guy that claims to be 4.5K MMR if both Zerg and ProDos weren't so freaking broken. Look at this gas management. What are we? This is a guy that's going to be making mainly Marines and Marauders, mineral-heavy units. In which case, you want to focus mainly on mineral mining. We're spending so many resources, or we're losing resources while mining this gas. That could have been just gathering minerals, adding extra barracks a lot quicker as well. This has been a terrible start. Stim hasn't started yet. five minutes and 30 seconds in combat shield hasn't started yet five minutes and 30 in at the same time we're we're taking a look at this prolos player and is this the best builder i've seen in my life no but does it resemble a build order yeah and actually this proles player oh my god he hasn't scouted the third okay i was going to say if he has scouted the third this actually is kind of cool but he did all of this blind which is a little bit less cool get at least one colossus out. That's something. Not as a huge fan of this as I thought I was going to be. But then again, I hate Bobfish's build even more. Bobfish, however, is fairly equal in workers because he did open up with Triple C.C. And his opponent is afraid of probing or forgetting that probing is, you know, is a possibility as well as as Protoss. So despite Bobfish's failures as a build order crafter, as a builder executor, he's still in an absolutely playable position. here. This is, and the funny thing is here we can truly see whether he would have been 4.5K MMR or not. Nothing has happened in this game. He hasn't been pushed and I think his supply and his setup for this phase of the game, given how greedy he played, is not very good at all. I think this is actually fairly mediocre. The position should have been much, much better. In an unchecked game, a 4.5K player, it's not going to be exactly the same as a Grandmaster, but it's going to be pretty close, because it's just been unchecked, right? So you have nothing to do but just macro. And often 4.5K players are capable of macroing. So the claim of being 4.5K, to me, doesn't feel entirely accurate here. It really does not. Second Starboard here is being added on. We have a, oh, double reactor follow-up here, rather than Reactor TechLabs. So we're going to go for triple reactor, heavy marine focus coming out of Bobfish over here, which I'm not entirely sure is smart. If you see that your opponent open up with phoenixes, hasn't seen the robotics facilities yet, but you can kind of expect there to be some type of splash. And I'm focusing this heavily on Marines. Look at this. Basically eight minutes in, there are three marauders and four tanks. Very nice fight out of the toss. I think these tanks got to shoot three times total. I just kind of want to look at the setup here of this 4.5K player, okay? Look at just the brilliance of how he decides to engage, okay? Moving, been preparing for eight minutes for this push. Eight minutes for this push. Has a Reaper still alive, could use that for scowling. Has Marines that could be sent forward with stim to check the position. Does he have scans available? Let's just have a quick check. So there's no scan available here, no scan available here. Actually, it's going to get one scan over here. So it has a scan available, one scan available as well right now. Now, we are walking up around. He scouts with the Reaper as well. Scouts with the Reaper sees this army, charging in forward. And then still goes in. I just want you all to just understand what happened here. I thought he didn't check with the Reaper. I actually thought he didn't check with it, but he saw everything. He sees his opponent's army, seize the zealots. Now, any Terran with a brain here would siege up at least two out of the four times. But most of the time, all of them. You're going to siege up all of them, scan forward to get a complete overview of the situation. Don't forget, he hasn't scouted anything. Our Terran player has legitimately zero information. This could be a player sitting on three bases on two gas, or it could be someone on six gas. It could be someone on five bases if these bases have been taken. So many different scenarios could have been played there. There could be Templar. There could be Colossus. There could be nothing of the sword. And this army could suck. Either way, you want to get that information while you're in a safe position, sieging up. Instead, what does he do? He tries to move on top of a ramp where there's Colossus waiting. Phoenix has lift all of these tanks, which means that not a single tank shot is going to go down until the fight is pretty much over. I actually believe that if Bobfish had been caged up ahead of this. fight, he probably would have been capable of winning here. He actually probably would have been capable of winning. Because even now, despite this god-awful engagement with these tanks not doing anything, not using their 13 range, because the entire time was busy seizing up or flying in the air. Also, by the way, no target fire on the phoenixes while lifting these tanks. It's a mistake. That is definitely a mistake. This has been very poorly played, very poorly played so far. However, still in a playable position. Now, do I like the fact that we have triple reactors and all we can build is freaking Marines and two marauders at a time? No, I don't like that. Do I like the fact that we haven't started our two-two the moment that our armory finished up, despite also having the money in stock? No, I don't like that. Do I like this Ford base? Yeah, I think that's a good call. I think we should probably send another SUV over a couple of Marines to guard it. Do we need a Ghost Academy as well? Do we want mines, perhaps? Do we really believe that tanks are going to be the answer? I think, no. I don't like a lot of things in this game, but despite all of that, I still think we're in a somewhat playable position here. I actually do believe so, because we have double starports. Not a huge fan here of the SCV move in. This was maximizing pain, you know? This was legit. This is someone that wants to get tortured. Look at this fight here once again. Just, this is, this is phenomenal play. This really is phenomenal play. Just look at how this is. setup. Okay. So all of these zealots pretty much go down before the fight. All that is remaining are these colossus. Okay, all that's remaining are these colossus. You have enough marauders to clear these colossus by themselves and probably wouldn't lose a single marauder if you sent all seven forward here. Instead, what we do is we send the SEVs in. The toss targets down the SEVs and actually now targets on the Marines as well and thus gets the maximum efficiency on these colossus possible in this situation. So where they should have been and absolutely winning fight. Now it turned into a fight where our Terran player, if the Terrant doesn't get something out of this in the next 25 to 30 seconds, is actually just behind economically because he decided to decide, that's the correct term here, decided to lose 25 SUVs or 20 SUVs for no apparent reason, except that he didn't want him anymore or couldn't judge the fight. Like, kind of disappointing, just a little bit disappointed. We're here with a kind of quickish move out as a follow-up. Going to just move across the map. The army at home is probably big enough to hold this, isn't it? 26 Marines, 8 Marauders. Yes. Once again, Marines tanking the Colossus shots in front. Pretty much the opposite of what you want. Marauders should be tanking. Marines should be in the back trying to deal with any zealids that run in. Then Marauders can kill both the Stalkers and the Colossus. So this fight is probably going to be better than the previous fight despite of being 30 less Marines. You see that? These marauders by themselves killed more than when the 20 Marines walked in the Colossus there initially. Isn't that quite something? And now the game is looking extremely bad, honestly, for a Terran, who still hasn't built anything but tanks that have just been running unseached into the opponent. No ghost, so no splash whatsoever. like legitimately nutly. This is always just mind-boggling to me. Is that when I watch Terran players that seemingly have more than three brain cells, not ever throw down the Ghost Academy against Prodals. Despite with Ghost, you're legit just, it is so sick how good EMP is against Protles. Like, it's so good. It is... This is like buying a car with no wheels and then complaining that it doesn't drive very fast. That's what you do when you're complaining about Terran while not building ghost. It just makes no sense. It's like, yeah, you're going to be losing more fights without the ghost. Just like you're going to be losing a lot of races if you don't have any wheels on your car. You might occasionally win how I'm not sure. You're going to have to use some alternative mechanism. Maybe if you knock the other guy out before the race starts and you have a chance, like four guys pushing your block. but you're just making life really difficult for no reason and then the excuse that Terran players use is that ghosts require a separate control group and the funny thing there is is that they're self-reporting the fact that they only use a single control group or just f2 and second of all is not even true basically all top Terran players just use a single control group to control their units they have extra control group for drops but most of the time the ghost viking marine marauder is all in one control group and they use just box selecting or double clicking or control clicking on individual units to control them or tabbing through them so it is it is basically fake on both accounts which is once again fantastic now this army does look pretty pretty big it's once again fairly marine heavy due to the triple reactors that we had these storms are once again do it I just want to, again, just kind of stress, like, how poor the setup for these fights is, for someone that hopefully had a scan. He had no scans. No, he had a scan available. Once again, had a scan available. Scouted with a marauder forward towards the right side. So in the head somewhere, there was the understanding that you need to figure out what your opponent has before you run in. But he sent this marauder to the spot where he wasn't even attacking himself. That makes no sense. That's like booking a hotel in Rome when you're on your way to Oslo. Like, why would you do that? No, Gigi. Fantastic. This is one of those games where I seriously wonder if this Terran, A, has a brain and B, watch back this replay. Because I can't imagine watching back this replay and thinking to yourself, you know what really was the issue here? Protoss. He also complained about observers. Did we even have a single observer this entire game? There was one observer. I have no clue when or how or why it died, but I don't think that observer was the issue. The issue here was very simple to me. The issue is that Protoss crafted an army that made sense. Immortals, Colossus, Storm, even is a disruptor in here as well, and always was in position to fight properly. The Terran accidentally stumbled into fights without weapons. It's like falling into the gladiator arena. You know, and you're naked, you have nothing, no weapons. And the other guys like the sword and the shield's been training for this for months. And you're just kind of as they see all the guys on the stands going, you know, the thumbs up, the thumbs down, that type of stuff. That's kind of what it felt like for this terrain. The star was just kind of tumbling into fights accidentally every single time, unprepared, no proper army, no splash. Late on the upgrade, it was up 1-1 versus 0-1. Armory finished before his opponent started is plus one attack, I'm pretty sure. And yet now we're in a situation where 2-2 has finished before 1-1. This makes absolutely no sense. So I'm just going to put all of that together. Early game execution was god-awful. I'd give that a 1 out of 5 stars. The macro was pretty freaking terrible as well. 2 out of 5 stars. The unit control was non-existent. the splash non-existent and then when it comes to changing your name the excuse was also fairly poor and we put all of that together my dear friend and not only do you suck at the game you also suck at excuses so you just suck and that that is just the way that it is all right thanks so much for watching this episode of Is It Inmore Do I Suck? If you didn't enjoy it don't forget to hit the like button subscribe to the channel hopefully you'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thanks and bye bye. |
He got bullied by a single Colossus!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | In hindsight we should have put the Benny Hill Theme behind that... LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XlfcT0VHiMY/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | XlfcT0VHiMY | In today's episode of IOTIS, we have the worst cannon rush, with an even worse response, some very questionable financial advice, and a courageous Colossus, bullying multiple ultras all by himself. But first, let's read the complaint. The Prodos raises brain death, at least below the top tier of players, and perhaps even up to mid-GM. This game is just one example of it. Game didn't start very conventionally with the Protoss blocking my natural first and then cannon-rushing My Natural, which, was at my third, which is a dumb move to begin with. I handle it, and even though I'm sure there are better ways to deal with it, the game stabilizes and we go onwards to the midgame, in a somewhat familiar state for me. Scouting some sentries, I make a few roaches just in case I need ravagers, but this Protoss was just afraid. Yet, I do have a healthy amount of drones for his first push of his two initial basis, and after deflecting that, we move on with his third and me eventually getting the drones I wanted. Now, I agree I could have droned it earlier, but the game, was messy, so I didn't play my best. After I see his army is mainly Colossus, I split my army to deal damage on his side while my Ravager Bane and eventually Ultras deal with the Colossus Gateway Army. I do lose too many drones due to a zealad run by at my third, but with him losing a ton on his side of the map, we end up in a somewhat similar situation. Similar banks, similar worker counts. Each of us has to rebuild some tech and I already have four hatches for production. Yet, here, is the main brain-dead part of the Protoss comes to play. While the Protoss spans his 1K gas bank on a unit that can be A-moved, I don't have a good way of spending my similar gas bank in any way. No neural and no burrow makes investors not viable there. And I doubt a few vipers would have made much difference there. But the gas A-moved unit in the form of the Archon dominates this scenario. Bottom line is, as a Zerg player, I need prerequisites and actual skill. to use heavy gas units unless I go for the worst ZVP unit in the form of the Hydra first and keep some of them alive which he could then later morph into lurkers. No wonder that on the highest level where players actually have skill, the Arkon doesn't play a big role, requires a buff and ProDol's players rarely win something. As the Zerg and Terran players can use their gas heavy units and make a lot out of them, but up to the highest level, the Prodol's gas sink is just Imba. Now this imbalance complaint form was signed by Boya, a European diamond 4.1K MMR Zerg player who's upset that Protoss has too good of a gas sink and he's asking if it's imbalanced RV sucks. So let's find out. And this game sounds pretty much like a banger. I heard the word cannon rush and I was sold. I didn't need to read any further. The word cannon is just very powerful. powerful to me. You know, as a as a pro-tos myself, I enjoy seeing a good cannon rush. And you know what I enjoy even more than seeing a good cannon rush? It's seeing a bad cannon rush and especially I like seeing bad cannon rushes when they work. There is nothing that that brings more joy to my day than when I see an absolutely god-awfully executed cannon rush and the Zerg defending in an even worse way and then not being capable of defending. And then my favorite part would be if there is a complaint at the end. It just it makes me so freaking happy to see diamond Zerg players lose to a pylon that then built seven cannons. None of these cannons protected by more building, so a drone pool would just work. It really actually makes my day. This is already a great start. Look at this cannon. This pylon is going to finish later than the hatchery. This cannon rush is legitimately dead on arrival. It's impossible to do anything with it. are going to finish before the first cannon is even going to be halfway done. He could use this drone to block this area right now so that these cannons can't be walled in. This is legit impossible to lose as a Zerg. And this is going to put you so freaking far ahead. It's going to go for the probe, an interesting call. The wrong call mainly. Allows this cannon to finish. He actually would have cleared every single cannon, I'm pretty sure. Otherwise, At least he would have cleared this one that now just finished. And then the spine would finish. This is still completely okay. Well, you'll lose a lot of... Okay. Queen going down, lings going down as well. Very nice. This was indeed one of the worst possible defenses. Isn't building anything with this either. There were three larva just sitting there. Could have been turned into... Into lings years ago. Or they could have turned into drones. Honestly, this cannon is not really attacking anything. and no extra cannons can be built. This should be cancelled. Yeah, just mine. It's legit impossible to lose this base right now. You could probably just attack this with a queen, this pylon, no? Probably also just attack this cannon with like six lings and be fine. Maybe you need eight lings? No, six lings would have been fine. I guess if you only send him four, that's not enough. So it ends up losing all the lings, maybe one more drone as well. Yeah. Yeah, this was... I think this probably was the worst defense possible. Not using the lings that he had to clear the cannons, floating larva, not using drones to block anything or to attack cannons either, despite none of these cannons being covered by a SimCity or by another cannon that has already finished up. This pylon starting way to it. This was, I could flame this ProDos for five days straight. But you know what the problem is for this Proloss player is that all of his opponents, are awful. That is the problem. People like booja, that's what's wrong with people like cheese grater. Cheese grater, there's lots wrong with cheese grater's play. But the only reason why there's something wrong with cheese grater's play is because people like booja, let cheese grater get away with this crap. Like this game should be over. If your first pylon finishes two minutes into the game when the hatchery finishes, you should not be allowed to play at this level. But if you can't properly hold a cannon rush when the pylon finishes at two minutes you also shouldn't be capable of playing at this level you shouldn't be allowed to both of these guys should be temporarily taken out of the ladder in my mind because this makes absolutely no sense she's greater actually up-in workers right now which is impressive booyah here is going for four gases despite only having 30 drones going against all Zerg theory that has ever existed in the world so you just love to see this stuff just a lot of gas he's already floating 400 gas thinking to himself you know what a could really use right now more gas. That is the one resource I love. This guy freaking loves gas. Holy cow. You know an observer coming out? Like what's he going to do with all? Is he going to get three layers at the same time? Double Evo? Like rush into vipers? No wonder this guy complains about floating gas. This is also just complaining about something you do yourself. He's legit the guy with the stick in his own wheels. Oh, not the gas. It's like, yeah, no crap. You could have had like 500 more minerals here. Had you not been fully mining gas from minute four into the game, despite also being cannon rushed in the first five minutes. It's like, this is insane. Love the blind spore, by the way. Huge moves. Double blind spore. Huge moves, given the fact that he's playing against a robotics facility first. Now, Boo-ya, of course, not very aware of this, because he's decided that scouting is for idiots. He might have had an overlord here. He has lost one. Not sure where it went down. This one can't be used though. It has the important task of hanging above this orange tree. You know what I think would be a really good investment right now for Buiya? If he were to take gas five and six. So maybe he could go to 1K gas. He's going to become a millionaire in gas before he gets it in minerals, which is impressive and very difficult. Okay, Overlord here is going to get sniped. Still in a playable position though, because his race plays itself, and because this ProDos doesn't know how to macro that well either. There's no prison with this. Gateway count not quite high enough for the amount of probes that he has. There's an interesting disruptor shot as well. This push cannot work. It simply cannot work. It should be recalled. This is a recall. This is a recall. This is not a recall. Cheese Grater is going to lose and he's lost. Okay. At this point, I think the game formally is over right now. And informal. It's just over all the case. This game has ended now. We're in a situation where there are six ravagers and 37 lynx against two zealots, five stalkers and one disruptor. On top of that are Zerg players also up a base and could switch into MUDASP at a moment's notice, or into vipers or into anything that requires 1K gas at the 7 minute mark. Really just anything. 48 workers, by the way. Bainling nest, I actually do like that because that is something where you can spend your gas as a Zerg, morphinglings into Bains. It's not a bad call at all. Starts his melee upgrade as well. Don't mind that either. An armor upgrade now coming out of cheese crater, which is interesting. Very interesting. No extra gases here being taken yet for Buiya, which makes sense because he has way too much gas. No fort base. hasn't droned up in a while now starts building 18 banlings, scouted his opponent, taking a third base and having no army. Thought to himself, you know what I really need right now? 18 bains defensively. That's what I need. Now how do I know that these are going to be used defensively? It's because plus one and bainling speed aren't done yet. So attacking at this point would be the dumbest thing you can do. It's going to take into hive of 47 workers. He's barely outmining his opponent right now. Once his base finishes, he's not going to be outmining his opponent anymore. Gets another 10 workers finally. Took his sweet time. What freaking MMR was this? This is a confusing game, no? This actually doesn't feel very high level. What was it? 4,100. Only you. Okay? This actually does somewhat surprising. I feel like the droning has been very mediocre. And I'm a little confused. Because usually at 4,100, I see very decent game theory at least. Like go up to 60 drones, like full mineral saturation before you take extra gases. You know, that type of stuff. It's really common. But we're not seeing any of that here. It's legit like we're waiting for a muta transition that just, Like he forgot the spire, but he's also attacking in Hive, so I know that is not it. It's building three overlords now. What do we have for a prox players getting shield weapons up? What is that called? Shield upgrades, just regular shield upgrades. We have a prism coming out. We have two colossus, three colossus. Actually, a couple of Vipers would be sick at this moment. You have an instant counter here to the colossus. Triple overlord drop? Double hatcheries? No, just one? I saw a second hatchery. Oh, there was this. Wait, there's a macro hatch. This guy built a macro hatch in his main before taking a fort. Which makes sense because he's planning on staying on 57 workers till the end of time. Adrenal glands on the way. Ultra Cavern. This guy's getting all the tech. And then just continues getting lings. I think that might be my favorite part. This is also a typical Zerg thing, isn't it? This is, you know, this is the luxury. This is the Zerg privilege. This is what they do, okay? They tack into the highest tech tier and then they continue building the unit you can build two minutes in, the Zurgling. Like, this guy's freaking 120 lynx with 20 form around the way. He's going to have an army consisting of 140 lings. How does that make any sense if you're fighting against someone that has colossus? Which I'm pretty sure has been scouted multiple times. You need, you need Baines. You're gonna need... You're gonna need vipers. Maybe this army is actually just big enough as well. Lingdrop's gonna go in, still on 56 workers, 11 minutes in. Let's not forget that nothing has happened in the past six minutes. We've just been sitting back and relaxing. After that failed initial push out of the toss, this push just gets blasted. Holy crap. How dare this guy complain? My man built the king ground unit for Proloss, 300 minerals, 200 gas. getting destroyed by this primitive Ling army. And actually walks up the ramp, which is cool. This reminds me a little bit. I think there's a, like in Starcraft Master, which is like 30 challenges to see if you're a StarCraft Master. Like at some point you have to walk up and down the ramp with Colossus to clear Ling's. That's kind of what this feels like. So they just did. It was walked up the ramp and actually what it looks okay. This went very well. Holy crap. Where did all of his units go? I guess after the Bainz ran out, Buhya now is realizing that zerglings are not the hard counter to Zellet Colossus. Actually, I'm pretty sure that the Blizzard Help Tap would even tell you that. That zealots are good against lings and that Colosses are also good against lings. So Buhia officially theoretically less sound than the Blizzard Help Tap, which is impressive because that thing is not very sound at all. It has some wild counters in there. Okay, we'll try here. Attacking stalkers. This is legit the challenge. This is legit the challenge. Look, he's just walking up. This guy's an AI. Is he microwing on the other hand? No, he's not. How is this colossus alive? Why is this colossus shooting the roach warren? I have so many questions. There's no way he's just going to walk up here. Right? Who could have seen that coming though? But really? Like that is crazy difficult, no? If this has happened five times before already, how could Buhya ever anticipate a sixth time and perhaps pre-split one of his three ultras onto the high ground? God! Then Protoss truly is busted. You know, this just disgust me. I see this type of stuff. What kind of poor Zerg do against this? Well, I guess split, but this Protoss player only had to click his unit up and down and you could keep the Zerg busy for hours. For hours, I tell you. It's unbelievable. He's unbelievable. There was a prism here, by the way. I could have saved that. Okay. Now we're in a stage where both players have nothing. They have 20 workers each. There are three, four hatcheries that could mine. Booyah here is floating 1K gas. and starts a pool. Kytton is plating. I love that it. What did he say? Ah, come on. While the Protoss spends his 1K gas bank on a unit that can be A moved, I don't have a good way of spending my similar gas bank in any way. No neuro and no burrow makes investors not viable there. Meanwhile, my man is getting freaking kite and his plating. He has 300 minerals in the bank. Like, he could just research neural. and burrow. It's not like neural is an upgrade that costs like 1K, 1K. And even if it did, he almost has the freaking money if he were to cancel Kaitanus at this point. Booja managing to float more than 1.3K resources, despite being on less than one base saturation, which in and by itself is kind of impressive. It's going to get 18 lynx now. Scouts the Archons. It's like, you know what I really need? lings? He was like, those worked really well earlier against the Colossus. I remember I used to have 150 at one point. Can't quite recall what happened to them, but boy, did I love running around with them. Like, how does he analyze this situation and come to the conclusion that the Ling is the correct unit? I actually think that every unit that Zirc can make at this point would be better than the Ling. And it includes the Hydra. Even with plus two upgrades for the Ling. Because you saw two Archons already. Like, why aren't we? getting the freaking neural parasite, M. Burrow actually. Why aren't we actually getting that? And why weren't these lings just drones? And then while waiting for the research to finish, you could have already started some investors. So you just get like 10 drones and then the rest is just investors and you finish your gas. If you have three ultras and six investors, don't you just win the game straight up? You could even get a couple of banlings in there because you still have a bainling nest too. In case there are a lot of zealots. The investors deal with the good units and then everything else on the ground deals with it. What does he want? Does he want the infestor to be, to cost no minerals? Or does he want two investors to be capable of forming into a super infestor that has splash damage and a little bit of range? While remaining its energy and neural parasite? You know what this is? This is something I notice with Zerg sometimes. They have the, what is it called? The only child syndrome. Is it like main character syndrome? You know, it's like they're the only ones that matter. It's like they can have, you know, for Christmas, what did you get? You know, they asked, boo, yeah, what did you get for Christmas? It was like, ah, I got a mouse pad, I got a mouse, got a computer, got a keyboard, I got a camera, and a microphone. And I thought, ah, that's cool, you know, his friends say. And they're like, what did you get other kid that's not Booyah? The other kid that's not Bois says, I got a water bottle. And Boia runs home to his parents crying, why did Santa not give me a water bottle too? It's like, mate, Zirx has so many good tools in this type of situation. Yes, the gas sink is very, very good for Toss. But ProDos also, you don't hear Toss complaining that we don't have 150 mineral unit with freaking seven anti-air range that can heal each other. and it basically just defends everything the entire early game. The fact that our supply depots don't fly and act as spotters against the freaking widow mine drops and ravens and mutas and everything is like, yes, the races have differences and ProDos has the ability in the late game when they've already mined a resource to optimally utilize the gas resource and they do this better than all other races. This is true. This is absolutely true. Now, Proto's does not have the ability to build a unit that is to supply that can burrow, requires detection to see, and can take over that gassing from the Proto's player for free and stay alive. It's not like a Benchy in Warcraft 3 where you have to suck it up, then you lose your Benchy. No, this is, you take it over, you can do it again after. You can fungal as well. Use microbial shroud if you have brain damage. One Ling here going ham. Love to see it. What do we still have left over actually? One ultra. I love the rebuilding of the Ultra Cavern, by the way. Impossible to get Burrow and Nural. Ultra Cavern, however, Kite in a splating. Well, that's fine. That's definitely doable. It's going to lose both of these as well. Very frustrating. He's going to finish it. Actually, Ultra Cavern here also wasn't a bad call, though. I'm not flaming the Ultra Cavern. I'm just saying that the argument, of not having any money. Like, he actually mined quite a bit this entire time. He's been mining from like one and a half base for the past three minutes or so. This has actually been okay. This was, this was just, this honestly was just a unit composition error. Like, that was what it is. Well, okay, first of all, it was a build order error because the build order was god awful, way too much gas. Second of all, it was a unit composition error because he decided to just build pure link. against any type of splash against Colossus and then when Archons came out, they're like, more splash, all right, more lings it is. Then on top of that, the control, actually control, unit control, not bad. Because he went for a lot of base rates. I think that was good. I rate the unit control. What I didn't rate was the complaining about the lack of having a gas unit, especially when you could have just taken that unit as your own. And the delusionalness, that's the word, the ability to look at something like this and then pretend like there's nothing you could have done. Like you couldn't have research burrow. Like you couldn't have research neural parasite and gotten five investors. Like he got freaking three, four extra ultras out, built 50 lings to die into Archons. That definitely was possible. So, boo-ya, you put all of that together. And what do we get? Ah, you suck. That's what we get. And that's just the way it is. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks also much for watching. Hope you did enjoy it. If you did, don't forget, did a like, watch and subscribe to the channel. I hope to see all of you next time for a new video. If you did, don't forget, yeah, that's it. Repeat. |
Korean Protoss just hits different... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | But the european server is even better of course!! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/46IjiDh6aYE/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 46IjiDh6aYE | Dear Harstam, Protoss is the most stupid, imbalanced and brainless race in the world. Now, I'm not cursing, but Protoss is too strong. In this game my opponent used a Phoenix Colossus build and I opened with three reapers and two Helions. Because of his Oracle opener, I didn't kill many probes and I was in a slight disadvantage. But he didn't attack me, he just did some harassment, so I expanded and rebuilt my economy. When I watched the replay, I found that his third base, was slower than mine, and his economy was worse. I dropped some widow mines in the midgame and killed all the probes in one of his bases, so I decided to push. The push was very effective. I killed his fort base twice, and I scouted his carriers. But because of a small mistake in my micro, I lost a lot of units in the front. Facing the super battery and the zealids run by, I decided to retreat. I thought that with the help of mules, my economy was much better. As long as I expanded steadily and didn't let him take a fort base, the victory would be mine sooner or later. And I did that. I kept him from taking a fort base with my roaming units. When the game reached the late midgame, I met him in the middle. And his invincible carrier colossus and storms vaporized my army. Then he marched to my production and crushed me. So the question is, if Prodols can win by turtling on three bases, have no map vision and making an unbeatable army, is this matchup balanced? After the game, I thought I maybe should have used a base trade, but the position of that frontal fight was not bad for me. I also wondered if other openings would work, but Phoenix Colossus is a very strong defensive build that can hold almost any push. So tell me, Harstem, is it Inba or do I suck? This imbalance complaint form was sent in by PCEC Ameris, a Korean diamond player at 4,100 and 50 MMR, who struggles with the Protoss unbeatable army, asking whether I believe that Trolos is imbalanced or if he sucks. So let's figure it out. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, and here we go. In the top right, spawning is our Blue Proos player. It is Achilix, the imbalanced Protoss player who builds carriers, Colossus and Templar. And in the bottom left we have our Neurological Expert, America. This is the second week in a row that a Terran player is a neurological expert capable of determining brain damage, not just in one person, but an entire population of people, Protoss players altogether, all of brain damage, no need for CT scans anymore. No, this guy has figured it all out, Ameris. He knows prox players have brain damage. This guy could be used in a hospital real nice. He would clean up that emergency room and he'd fill the bets as well, 33% of the population, of course, Prolos players, at least of the StarCruff population. That's the only question he asked, you know, on the form. There's a couple of, it's like name, age, what else would have to, like, where you, like, your address and things like that, and whether you're a prolos player or not. You have to tick the little box in. That box is ticked. We're going straight to a bed, my friend. Rest is what you need, because you have brain damage, you're absolute clown. We're going to see how accurate that is, whether Chillix actually is an imba abuser, an abuser of imbalanced units. And it's nice to have a replay on the Korean server. I feel like we don't have a lot of those. It's rare to see Koreans. I don't think this form didn't read like it was written by a native Korean. But still, Korean server, 4.1K MMR. Quite some more. Look at this. Beautiful scout. This ProDos player knows exactly what he's doing, by the way. Wow. Scouts a full wall and is well aware of the. fact that this could be anything. So this could be a double gas opener, which is what it is, or it could be a proxy 3 racks, you know, 3 racks extra proxed in the middle of the map. And he's just scouting around, making sure that he can figure it out. And his Reaper is going to go across. Might actually kill this worker. Could have killed it if you were paying attention, but wasn't paying attention. Now he's going to jump in and try to clear that pylon. And that is, that is a wild move to make. Usually you're not really going to get that pylon. As this probe moved in, sees the reactor and gets the, scout on the CC. This is a really nice scout. I'm actually kind of impressed here by Chilix. Chilix making some extremely high-level decisions here. Honestly to God, this is fairly good stuff. I'm happy with that. Okay, here we go with his, what was it again? A three-reeper two-hallion build is what Ameris wrote down. And we're expecting this not to do any damage, because that's what he said in his little form. And why would people lie in their form? That would just be mean and weird. That's not what I'm expecting today. coming out for Chillix. Oracle opener indeed. That is beautiful. I'd love to see a couple of batteries here, by the way. If you're playing against a full wall, I think a necessity is a battery. I almost feel like this is a little late. This is post, what is it, third unit. And warp gate. Kind of get a battery in the main base as well. That's great against high Reaper counts because he doesn't quite have a Reaper wall. It does scare me a little bit. This battery is really on the edge, by the way. Like, timing-wise. that's fairly close. Okay, here we go. Hallions plus Reapers. Not going to go for the probes. Instead going to go for, okay, now we'll go for some probes. I feel like we'd have dealt more damage if he just would have straight up gone towards the probes in the natural, which I think would have been the better play. If you just see a single adept defending that natural, you see six, seven workers. I think going for the probes in the nap would have been, in my mind, a superior call there. a significantly superior call. Follow-up here seems to be a siege tank, a Viking, some type of push or attack, or maybe, no, it's not going to be a defense. I don't think you usually build tanks defensively against Stargate. No, you definitely don't do that. Why was I pretending like I didn't know that? Oh, I don't actually, no, no, you don't build tanks. You build tanks if you want to push against Stargate. You don't build tanks defensively against Stargate. that's really not that much of a thing. 99% out of the time. First Viking is going to stay at home. Second Viking hopefully gets rally across the map. I actually hope that that first Viking also makes its way across the map at some point. This is kind of a useless push. Like, it's not a whole lot of units. So what are you planning on killing here? This is very confusing to me. Like, he's pulling the boys? No, yeah, you really shouldn't there. Pulling the boys there is a huge blunder. Even just attempting that was a blunder. Okay, Oracle's coming back in, helping out. This was a very, very terrible push. He basically just ran into someone he knew had an Oracle and three adepts. And there were like seven Marines and a tank. And the last time he scouted his opponent, he saw the three adepts, the one Oracle. that was like a minute and a half before this hit. So unless you believe your opponent had a stroke recently, making this type of push out is actually just idiotic. Like you spend so much time building reapers early on that your marine count is fairly low. If you want to go for a tank Viking push, then what you do is is you play one Reaper into reactor and then you start popping out Marines at a high pace rather than going for two more reapers first. Those two reapers denied four Marines out of existence. If that push had four more Marines, and the Vikings actually would have been there, I think you might just straight up win the fight. I'm not saying this is necessarily a good build. I don't think this is a good build. I'm saying that if this was your plan, you should have executed it with two less reapers, and I also honestly don't think you should build a second helion, or even a first helion for that matter. If your goal is the tank push and you want to hit as hard as possible, single Reaper, then maybe Cyclone, then Tank, or single Reaper than one Helion and then tank. Like, you're delaying your tanks by building two Helions and you're delaying your Marines by building two extra reapers. And maybe it's easier for me to say because you didn't deal any damage, but your goal is to hit hard with the push, not to kill 12 workers with the first five units. Well, that to me sounds like an unrealistic goal. And if that should be your goal, then the follow-up needs to be different because your follow-up is just not going to hit us hard. So so far I'm not very impressed. rest. Now, I could be mistaken. I could be mistaken, but this he sees finishes six minutes and 52 seconds into the game. And Chilix is going to finish his nexus a solid nine seconds later. Nine seconds. And here I, here I want to read the imbalance complete. for him once more. When I watched the replay, I found that his third base was slower than mine and his economy was worse. Now, I am all for celebrating our wins, okay, in life, but I am not sure if I'd ever mentioned to anyone else if my nexus was nine seconds faster or nine seconds slower. I don't think that is, this is the huge advantage you make it out to be. If you were an airline pilot. I would not want to be like your co-pilot. Ladies and gentlemen, um, due to some, uh, eastern wind, I'll be able to reach Amsterdam destination 12 seconds early. My co-pilot John would not have been capable of doing that because he's an idiot. I repeat, I'm 12 seconds early. Please clap. It's like, what? If my pilot would say that, I would be very confused and I'd be afraid that he might just crash the plane if I don't don't clap, so I'm going to start clapping right away. I'm going to start clapping right away. It's just a really weird thing to brag about. Nine seconds, really. If nine seconds is a long time for you, then I pity your girlfriend. Because this is... Your position honestly isn't bad, but it actually isn't that good either. Actually, is it good? It's fine. It's fine. It's not great though. So the way that you usually judge positions, in the PVT matchup when Phoenix Colossus is in play is by checking infrastructure and supply. And right now supply is fairly close. And then if we take a look at the infrastructure, we have five barracks versus four gates and two more on the way already. So really, I think I would judge this game as pretty much even. The only thing you're really ahead in is in upgrades. That's really the only thing I'd say, wow, definitely ahead in that. Your army is worse because you have mainly a Marine Army, no marauders. So you can't really expect to deal any damage against someone that has two marauders and Colossus. You don't have Ravens to Interference Matrix anything. Your Viking count isn't high enough to contest anything either. Like, I think your position, I'd be okay playing this TOS position 100% of the time. Because Toss right now can for free take a fort base, take into Templar Archives if they want to, or a fleet beacon. Not a huge fan of this Fleet Beacon play, but it is, it is possible, it is allowed. I'm not a fan of it. That doesn't mean it's not allowed. It is allowed, which is not a fan of it. Going to get the mine drop in as well. Meanwhile, Ameris floating or was floating a solid, what was it, 900 minerals or so. It's going to go in with a double mine drop, clearing the entire mineral line. Well. I hope these get to shoot again. Because if this is it, you kill 10 workers. When I think of a... Did he say mineral line or base? Oh my God, I'm going to have to read this crap again. I dropped some widow mines in the midgame and killed all the probes in one of his bases. So I decided to push. Now, unless these mines shoot again, which I have a feeling they won't, he killed 10 workers in a base that has 16 workers on minerals and six workers in gas. That brings us to a total of 20. 22 probes. That means he killed less than half of the workers on this base. Now, 10 workers are still a decent amount of workers to kill, but we're also 10 minutes in game. There are three necks side which you can chrono boost. So really, it doesn't take so long for toss to reproduce those workers. If you lose 10 workers, two seconds into the game, you lose a very big percentage of your worker force. But in this case, not really the case, right? like you lose 10 workers if you have 65 or 66 workers like boo-hoo like the main thing that you're losing is that you need to rebuild them so you're losing straight up money rather than you're losing a lot of mining time or potential mining time which is usually why worker damage is so powerful right because you're also losing a lot of production time where your nexus and a lot of mining time for those probes but here it's like well you're more just losing a straight-up mineral cost of 10 workers, which is like 500, 500 minerals, which is a lot, but you also lost the Metafax and you lost two mines. So it's like, it kind of evens out in the end. Like Metafax is 100,000, mines 75, 25, 25. Add all of that up and you get to what, 400 resources. So really you had like a 100 resource bonus and your opponent didn't lose any gas. So I'm not sure how great that trade was really. Actually, I know pretty sure that the trade wasn't that great. The one thing I really do dislike is that Chilix hasn't managed to get a fort base up, and also the fact that he has no map vision whatsoever. Then again, Amaris can't really say much about map vision. He's also completely blind. No mines borrowed around the map to deal with potential salad rumbis, which is exactly what you should be doing at this point. I do like this sensor tower. There are no turrets, which is, well, there's a turret here. No turret at the planetary, which I think is a mistake. Planetary under fire can just be repaired, so there's not an issue. As the Vikings now move in, And rather than attacking the battery here, we're attacking the Colossus that is being healed by the battery, despite that Colossus being further away. That is not just surprising, but it's also a huge blunder. On top of that, we've also lost our forward base to a zealot run by, which I didn't think was possible, especially because it wasn't like there was 50 zealots. These were like 12 zealots. So had he just repaired, this would have been a hold. Also, can I just say that I find it weird that Chilix mentioned the fact that he denied his opponent's fort base, but then also lost his own fort base? That's not really... Once again, not a real thing to brag about at that point, is it? He's like, oh, I really punched the guy hard and he never got me. And then you see a picture of Chilix and he has two black eyes, he's like, what? Like... And then the video releases, you know, the CCTV, he'll him getting beaten. up. He also just shoot a straight of won the fight and he right-click the battery here. So that's like two pretty big blunders in a span of maybe 15 to 20 seconds. What's the upgrades for the Viking? Zero upgrades, okay. Plus two on the way already here for the carriers. It's also an army that consists of a lot of marauders, by the way. 25. You could definitely take another sick fight. No? Actually, I think at this point there are just too many air units. I think there might actually just be too many air units. He needs more Vikings and he needs better upgrades on the Vikings I think as well. Like this isn't gonna work. You have as many Vikings here as there are air units and your opponent's air units are six supply and they shoot interceptors. Like the carrier here is better. Now if you had an army consisting of pure marine ghost and mine behind this, you could kill the interceptors. Why would you land the Vikings? But you have an army of pure marauders. 25 marauders, 10 marines and 5 ghosts. This is not a very good army to fight carriers. This is like assembling a team of 10 social scientists. And then accidentally signing up for the football league rather than fit as much jargon as you can in a sentence competition. which the social scientist would have been very good at. It's a good push, by the way. And marauders are very solid at taking out nexite. Not as solid, though, against pure air. What are you producing at this moment? Okay, so you lost some supply. It should be pure Viking. Yeah. Yeah, any bio unit you're building at this point is a mistake. It should be Viking Ghost. That's where you should be building. Maybe even a Menevec in here. And on second armory, by the way, is definitely something we need, right? We're going to need these freaking vehicle plating upgrades because you're just going to be down in upgrades. Otherwise, it's going to freaking suck. Plus three about to finish up. Oh, good corona boosting. I like that. Another orbital right now being built on the fort base. So he is retaking it. Both players double expanding at the same time. Great minds think alike. Or brain that players think alike in the case of, you know, how Ameris views this. Three more carriers as well. It's going to boot the carrier count up to, well, potentially 11, 6 Phoenixes against currently 16 Vikings with only supply space left for, what is that, six more. I'm having a difficult time seeing how this going to work out. I think Ameris believes, oh yeah, he actually did just cancel the 4th and the 5th at the same time. That's impressive. Okay, I'm not going to say anything bad about that. Now, it doesn't, of course, influence a fight that happens up next. Like, people, people don't quite understand what denying Eco does. But if you're not killing your opponent's army and you just deny their eco, what it usually means is that they'll just have an army, a very big army, a very powerful army, but they'll only have it once. So they can't remix on it, basically, right? And that's pretty much what we're seeing here. Like, Chilix, he's mining less, although it's only 500 less a minute. It's not like, he's mining like 12,000 less a minute, which will also be impossible, but it's also not quite what's happening. Like, he has a very powerful army, and at this point he has a much more powerful army than his opponent for two reasons. The first reason is that his opponent... The first reason... Okay, actually there's three reasons why Chillix was most likely going to win this fight. One, because Ameris's army consisted of mainly marauders, despite this being an air battle. Two, because there were no good upgrades for Ameris's air units, and this was an air battle. And three, apparently Ameris, now, hold everything, boys, hold everything. I'm about to say something that neurological expert worldwide might be incapable of doing in a hospital without a CT scan. But I think judging this fight, based on this fight, I think I can make the executive decision here that Ameris might have brain damage. Because if you scan forward and you see that your opponent has freaking 10 carriers here, six phoenixes plus three upgrades done, and you yourself see that over here, how many is this? This is like 18 Vikings, which means there's a bunch of Vikings just idling. Yep, there we go. six freaking Vikings just idling over here. There are 18 Vikings over here against 10 carriers plus 6 phoenixes and you're down to upgrades. You have no anti-air on the ground except for four ghosts which I don't even believe get used for EMPs and on top of that you separate the Vikings away from your main army so that the Templars have full range to throw as many storms as they want. Now if you do all of that within the span of five seconds you must have serious brain damage. It is the only thing that makes any sense. Because who in the world would think that this was going to be a successful fight? Like really, he even watched the replay and couldn't figure it out. Like what was the line he wrote? After the game I thought maybe I should have used the base trade. But the position of that frontal fight was not bad for me. Maybe the position wasn't bad, but the other guy had units that killed every. everything you have. It doesn't matter what position you are in. This could have been the worst position in the entire world. You still would have lost. It's like if you have the high ground, but the other guy has a gun and you're bound to a chair, it doesn't really matter that you have the high ground, does it? He's just going to shoot you and there's nothing you can do about it. And that's pretty much this fight as well. You just shot you. That's it. His arm is... You could have actually based rated. You could have kept the Vikings at home. You could have built turrets at bases. You had more money after all. You could have EMPed the Templar. There's like five or six things that you could have done better in that fight. I'm not saying that all of them would have led to victory, because I think your victory should have come much earlier, first of all. And also your army composition at this point just wasn't really cut out to deal with your opponent. Your vehicle plating was too late. Your ship weapon upgrades were too late. And your Viking count was simply too low as well. Like you had 28 marauders in an air battle. Make it make sense. You can't, because it's... It doesn't make sense. And now Chilix walks over here and rushes your production, which is actually the correct call. Chilix might not have played this game perfectly, but his decision making was actually very good. He understood exactly what was going on, he understood that when you build 28 marauders, and if you have 11 carriers and 6 phoenixes, probably going to win the fight. Yeah. Well, no Gigi either. We'll have to see it. Chilix, Chilix, Chilix, legendary gamer. Ameris, however, not quite as legendary. Too many mistakes, completely misunderstanding his position again and again and again, getting upgrades way too late, control on the last fight, mediocre, decision-making to take that fight extremely bad. The worst part is that he scanned it. Had he done this blindly, I wouldn't have been okay with that fight, but I would have said, okay, he accidentally landed in that fight. But he set up for the fight. He made a concave for that fight that he knew he was going to lose. This is like seeing the lava come down the volcano and running in head first. It's like what do you think was going to happen? Like your cool head was going to take out the lava? No, you're going to die. That's what happens. And that's what happened in this game as well. Prolis, my dear friend, isn't imbalanced. You just suck. And that's just the way it is. I'm sorry, Amaris. I'm sorry. And get that CT scan, buddy. I think you'll be surprised by the result. It's not the Prolost players. It's you. That will be it for me today. Thanks so much for watching. Who did enjoy this, don't forget, hit the like, but subscribe to the channel. And hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thanks so much. And bye-bye. |
He REALLY Is ANGRY. | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Pure Anger. Channeled into a single complaint form. And then... Well, see for yourself. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2W0gwaoCK_o/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 2W0gwaoCK_o | Dear Hirstam, Protoss is the most brain-dead race. This guy opens Stargate and loses his Oracle to a mine? I'm ahead in economy the entire game and did not take any really bad engagements, but then is the same old story. If TVP goes to late game without a huge advantage, then it's an auto loss. That's just a fact. The only option Terran had to get some momentum was the Raven Tank Push or, well, the threat of it. But now that that's nerfed, the Prodol's. has literally nothing to worry about. And now everyone is doing this fast forge build with cannons in mineral lines, just so they are extra helmet and have even less to think about. And they can concentrate on the demanding task of a-clicking charge lots. The only hope for Terran is to catch them off guard with a cheese, or all in, or be 3.2 times faster than them. Just to get Home Story Cup, Gabe loses one three to skill us. and I heard even Clam was struggling against a random prolos player in the quarterfinals. So this was sent him by No Tricks, a North American high master player, 4,500 MMR, who believed that Terran is impossible to play in the late game. This is an objective fact. Just look at the recent results. So, Hamster, play the Clam compilation. And here we have it, ladies and gentlemen. No tricks, our Terran player, our angry, angry Terran player. He was very upset. It is rare to see such vitriol in these imbalance complaint forms. It's just some real power. These days I feel like they're too well written almost. You know that they treated like a poem, like a school assignment, some of these things. it. You know, they're like, oh, in balance complaint for him, let me rhyme or let me make it into a song or, you know, something other or something else. He's like, I mean, write a musical about this. He's like, no, I don't want that. This guy is angry. You can feel that he's angry. It had no, no capital, proper capitalization of letters either. No punctuation marks. At least, maybe there were a couple. In general, just, I like that. Just this raw energy coming out of this terror and just oozing out. Just making stuff up. like, oh, cannons brain dead. Because of ravens, these forge builds aren't possible anymore. They are possible now. No more ravens, forge builds are too strong. I'm not quite sure what. Raven Interference Matrix, now being a research, has to do with forge builds becoming viable. But we never like to let, you know, facts get in the way of our narrative. And a powerful narrative has no tricks sketched, my dear friend. Oh, what a powerful narrative. The narrative of the brain dead. Trotus player. My favorite narrative, perhaps. Look at this. Neat little Nexus before Core here. Neat little build order coming out of the Taron as well. Oh, look at it. Reber timing, two minutes. Pops out. Ooh, Depot. Perfect timing as well. Going to see a factory. Look at that. 150 minerals. Ooh, goes down. This is beautiful. This is high-level play. Or this is good enough. I'm happy with this. Look at the little bunker boy. He's going to build a bunker because he knows what to do. And so does his opponent. It's going to lose this probe. No, he's not going to lose the probe because he pulls it behind a natural. That is great. Reaper goes... Koukoochoo, Mr. Reaper? This is very big coming from the guy that calls the other person brain death. This was a Nexus before Cor. Nexus before Corp means that this adept pops out at around 2 minutes, 31 or 2 minutes and 32 seconds. That also means that if your Reaper is on time, you rally across the map properly, is that you can scout what your opponent's tech is, or you can at least move into the main base. Sometimes the tech hasn't started yet, but very often the tech is there and you get a scout. Sometimes you can even kill a probe if you move in towards the side. Now, Reaper Man over here saw this nexus timing and didn't realize this was a Nexus before core. Now, usually, I'd let this slide, but you call Prodos players brain that, and the first theoretical error is definitely coming from, the Terran here. Definitely. The reason why almost no Protoss players play Nexus before core with a Probe Scout is because you're, you usually lose a worker to the Reaper, because the Reaper just jumps in and you're in trouble, or a bunker gets built behind your mineral line and then you're also in trouble. This Terran player, however, not quite realizing that. Once again, I'm okay with that. If you're this level, that's okay, but they don't flame the Protoss player for being brain dead, okay? Don't do that. Don't do that. I'm not okay with that. is in a glass house should not be throwing stones and he without sin should cast the first stone and no tricks is definitely not without sin so he is with sin he's a sinner he's a big big sinner he's a big sinner good to kill the pro bad boy bad boy what you're going to do oracle's on the way out oracle into second gateway yes i like this oh oracle and the phoenix now we're talking build orders I really do like that. This adept is actually being microed. Nothing's being marked in the main. Oh my God, he pulled the probe away. Nico style. What the hell? Oh, gets in with the adapt? No offense, but no tricks is getting absolutely outskilled over here. No? Look at this. Got in with the adept because he didn't raise the depot, didn't get a kill with the thing over here, ends up losing the adept. Now, this is unfortunate. But honestly, this is nothing to do with being brain dead. This just happens. It is freaking hard to spot on some maps and some graphic settings. Sometimes you just, you fly in. You don't pay attention to a unit for two seconds. Terran has no clue what that is like. It is rare to see such, because they're the ones with the widow mines. They're the, you know, I guess disruptor, but disruptor has a way longer timer than the mine does. So I don't even think this is comparable. The mine is, it's a surprise unit. He managed, this is like no tricks hiding in his opponent's closet, you know, breaking into his house. Then when the other guy's asleep, comes out of the closet and punch him on the head. Like, ah, you didn't see that punch coming, did you? You idiot. And then no trick still gets beaten up because he's just weaker. Then he starts complaining about the other guy's muscles. Oh, it's too big. He has no brain. Why did he hit me on the chin? Doesn't he know that the throat is better to hit? Why did he go for a groin kick? Hasn't he learned Krav Maga? He's like, ah, piss off. made. Moron. Tech lap, tech lap. I like this. A little bit of efficiency here coming out of no tricks. That is just beautiful to watch. Can instantly fly these barracks over, start Stim and Combat Shield. I think that's very good. Ooh, it's my crone now. It's going to kill a bunch of these Phoenixes. Personally, I think Oracle into Phoenix builds with Twogate are extremely safe and should never be attacked into as a Terran player. That should be the general rule. Like 100%. Because you're just going to have a lot of gateway units and you have a lot of air units. You have very good production. So this type of push is generally quite bad. What happened here? So I was giving him compliments, but I shouldn't have. And I'm sorry for that. So I take back the compliments I gave earlier to No Tricks. What I said was, I love these Tech Labs. That is cool and that is efficient. But No Tricks over here did something cool, but not something efficient. The reason why you built Tech Labs with your Starport and your factory is so that the moment your barracks finish, they can immediately float over, start Stim and Combat Shield. Stim and Combat Shield are the limiting factors for when your push can arrive from the Terran perspective. Okay. So these barracks finish five minutes and ten seconds into the game. A tech lab takes 18 seconds to build. Okay. That means that at this point, if he had started the tech labs on the barracks themselves, they would be finished and he could start Stim and Combat Shield, or he could start marauder production. When does it actually finish? When does it start? He starts marine production. Look at it. Now floats over. So he's going to be, what is that, 14 seconds too late. Okay? Now, once again, I don't really, now, actually, I do mind this. I do mind this. I just think this is stupid. This is inefficient in both attention and in time. If you know you're going to be busy microing these Marines, just say, hey, I'm going to put my barracks in a control group, and the moment they finish, I press X and X to start my two tech labs, and then at some point I go back, build Stim and Combat. But then I don't have to float, which is attention intensive. It takes quite some time to execute that. And also, this ended up being slower anyway. This is basically what we saw now. Is no tricks going on a, basically a friendly hike with his mates. And then appointing an official pace setter and telling your friends that they have to walk in a straight line to reduce air resistance. It's like, mate, you're going for a walk with some, like, most of the margin, wearing dress shoes as well. They're not even proper walking shoes. Just walking around the city to like a Starbucks. This is way too much. It's too formal. You don't need to do that. Look, if you're not capable of microing your push and floating the barracks, just freaking build the tech labs on the barracks themselves. Like, I'm okay with that. And it would have been faster as well. Until you reach that level where this is actually useful, just don't do it. Practice it against the AI. And then if the game is serious, if MMR is on the line, just pick the things. thing that works best. Pick the thing that's most likely to get you MMR. That's what I find important. Points, wins, Ws, all right? That's what we care about. Now, Forge, double forge has finished. I would once again like to point out, by the way, that he had some, I'm going to have to read this. He said something about the Raven tank pushes. He said the only option Terran had to get some momentum was the Raven tank push or the threat of it. Raven tank pushes were god-awful against Phoenix charge. So in a way, nerving ravens, we did no tricks of favor in this particular game, because otherwise he might have built a raven. The only thing that was nerfed on the raven as well is the fact that it doesn't have interference matrix, that you need to research it. So the raven is the same against charge builds, but it's significantly worse against Colossus builds. This is a charge build, so nothing changed. It also would have been bad to get it in this case because Phoenixes are out, but also nothing has changed. So he's complaining about something that doesn't exist or that... It's just complaining to complain. This is like complaining about the fact that lettuce has gotten more expensive, but you never eat lettuce. It's like, why do you care? Hey, someone comes up to me, you see, they're increasing the freaking price of lentils. Oh no. That's awful. Let's protest. Well, actually, never mind. I don't eat lentils. I don't have brain damage. Actually, I do eat lentils. That's a bad example. And I do have brain damage. So it was a double bad example. All right. Plus two attack here coming in. I like this. I like that. We're also getting mind drops. That's good. Yeah, I'm going to hold this thought in my head while we take a look at this fight. Because I feel like I'm just getting gaslit by no tricks over here. First of all with his nickname he says no tricks but all he's been doing is freaking tricks tries to all in now this mind drop I thought he said that even these mind drops don't work because everyone's building a cannon like what yeah of course as a response it's not like this Proos player had the cannon ready waiting for this drop which actually is a fine thing to do like what is he flaming him for building detection against invisible units? Like, oh, these freaking terrans with their turrets and ravens against DTs? Why don't they just defend like a man with scans and units in positions? Like, well, that's very ineffective. I have no clue what he's complaining about. This guy's a... I don't know. I'm very confused. I have a... but... an open mind. I have an extremely open mind right now. extremely open mind right now. Because the main complaint was about the late game. There is some, you know, there's some, some, some, some, cannon fodder complaints in front of it. These we can, you know, we wipe them off the table. The Raven Tank thing, the cannon thing. They're off. They're gone. Off the table with you, you prick. Oh, that was a good fight. That was nice. I would love to see a couple more mines, by the way, against the freaking Charcelot Arcon army. Hell yeah. Oh yeah, I'd love that. Maybe ghost? Just a suggestion. Actually, it's not really just a suggestion. Ghost. Just get them. That's an order. Vikings. Okay. Some preemptive Viking perhaps. Maybe he's really afraid of phoenixes. I like this drop by-o. It's a good drop. I'd love to have a mine in here. Mines add so much in this type of drop. Like they really, really do. This still is a good drop, though. Can snipe maybe some of these phoenixes, not really target-firing. very well. Now could pick up potentially target the Phoenix, target the Phoenix, target the Phoenix, target the Phoenix, target the Phoenix, target the Phoenix, or pick up, target the Phoenix and pick up, after getting a lot of damage and losing all your drops. That's also allowed. Bad micro, good rotation though. I like this rotation as well. Now he should really piss off. Move these mines out of cannon range. Not great. The thoughts were good. The rotations were okay, but the execution of the pushes wasn't good. And he's actually lost his momentum with this. Mine production is too low. He's produced a total of 12 mines in an 11-minute game that is simply too little. How long does a mine even take to produce? I want to say it's like 22 seconds. 21. I was close. 21 seconds. So yeah, you want pretty much constant mine production. You want to have mines around the map. You want to have mines in your army. You want to have mines absolutely everywhere because mines are insane against zealads. And zealids runbys are a big issue for Terran. That's the only way that Tos has to deal damage to Terran pretty much. at this level. Because this is a pretty decent level. It's not like, you know, you can just run in with five stalkers at this point and start killing 12 words or two adept shade in, kill 30 works. Not like Zalid Rumbies and Prisms is a good thing. There are no turrets yet, by the way, to deal with prisms. Not a Utrend of that, no sensor tower either, but it's on the way. Okay, I do like that. We have ghosts coming out. Okay, we have four ghosts. That's good. Mind count is still too low. I'm just surprised how low the overall, I'm not quite, I don't understand why that's the case. Why do we have no units? I think maybe too many upgrades. We have two plus two ship weapons for five Vikings that are fighting phoenixes. He started ship weapons level one before the first ghost. I don't think I've ever seen this in my life, except for people that rush battle cruisers. But in like an actual game, I mean. It's like at higher level. This is higher level. I think masters we can call higher level, right? That's definitely a higher level, yeah. And also, like the games, it looks fine, but also just some oddities. Oh, starting conclusive shells now. I had missed that. He's kind of betraying himself or this is a self-report, you know, starting to concussive shells. I wasn't going to flame you for it, but now it means that all the other fights didn't have concusser shell. God, what are you? A noob? Nah, that was mean. I'm sorry, I take that back. That was uncalled for it as well. I do apologize. I shouldn't have said that now, tricks. That wasn't cool. Um, he's just going to go around for a little bit. Has seven goes right now. His army is huge. I love it. Moving back. Noise. Good control. Okay, mines. He needs the micro. He needs the macro. Look at the cache he has. What did he imp? Did he imp his own metaphax? What the hell was this fight? Just this entire... Look how many. Okay. So there's two things here. One, do you want to fight while having 1K in the bank and being on 8 barracks? The answer is no. You probably want to max out first. Okay? Although this fight should be winnable. Look how many... How many EMPs does this guy have? He's like freaking... Like two over here, two over here. There's like six EMPs. This entire army, the shield should just disappear. But how... Okay, that's one. He hits three units. Now he move commands. Hits the same three units again. Hits more units. Now I guess we'll see an EMP on his own MEDAX because they had no energy in the end anymore. Yeah, it's his own MEDAVX and two zealots. You know the target here are the Archons, right? You are aware of that. Now, maybe No Tricks isn't aware, but the arcon, I'll just give him some info, has 350 shields and 10 HP. That means that if you impede the arcone four times and a marine farts in its direction, the arcon falls over and dies. And these Archons represent 1500 gas. 1500 gas that is a lot of gas now there's a lot of gas still in the bank for the proto's this was a terrible fight it really shouldn't have been he shouldn't have fought but even when he did fight it should have been a good fight I just don't think you should fight if you have ghost Viking against someone that's on pure gateway units and a couple of robo units but no disruptors yet the keyword here is no disruptors I don't think you should fight until you're maxed I don't think there's any reason to. This was the worst thing he could have done. Executionally and decision making wise, probably. Well, he could have moved commanded. I mean, within reasonable standards. He could have done a lot of bad things. Like, obviously, could have stopped playing, could have left the game at this point. Could have started flaming his opponent before the fight was over. Like, there's many things that could have happened here that didn't quite happen. But the game continues, as we're about the, yeah, I'd say that we're now kind of starting to to kind of crawl into the late game. It's a slow process. And now we're moonwalking out of it by warping in five more Archons. The Archons, people mistake the arcone for a late game unit in PVT. The arcone is a midgame unit because ghost is the hard counter. Once you have ghost, the arcone is worthless. So right now this army consists of, what is that, 24 supply? 24 supply of nothing. These Archons are not... They don't exist. Like, you see them, they're an illusion. He might as well have hallucinated them. It literally doesn't matter. They should be capable of dealing zero damage. Right now, no tricks is actually up in supply. As long as he has more than five goes. He is five. He needs a sixth. Interesting fight. Maybe EMP. A couple of Vikings. He's building Menevax. No, no, not what? Why are we doing this? Just stand back, relax, build up your army. His army is garbage here. He's all-in in you! This is not a latheat, this is an all-in. He hit a lot of EMPs but not on the Archons. He just keeps hitting the big units. He's like, oh, Colossus. I should hit the EMP five times on them. They probably have a lot of shields. Nice target fighter on the refinery. Meanwhile, Zealots killing everything here. But this is the Zellet run by he was complaining about. Okay, now Disruptors are on the way. And once disruptors are out, game actually becomes pretty hard, once disruptors are out. I mean, at this point it doesn't matter because I think it's pretty much over. I don't quite understand how he's going to survive until the late game. Because in my mind, the ProDolus just walks straight into the natural. and then wins the game. Oh. I guess there's no late game? He complained about something that didn't happen. What the hell is that? What? This is like complaining about the moon landing. It's fake, bro. What? This was no late game. How can you lose to Argon Colossus? Losing to Argon Colossus. in the late game is this is like blowing up your own house and then complaining that it's cold. It's like, oh, no walls. It's like, yeah, no crap. You blew it up, you clown. Like, ghost Viking, marauder destroys Arcon Colossus. Like, it's not close. And this isn't something that Terran players will deny. If there's a late game army that doesn't have disruptors or a high immortal count, Viking ghost marauder, matter of fact, just eats it alive. Like, just freaking owns it so hard. Like, ask any Terran player that has a brain above 5K MMR, and they're going to tell you this. Terrans complain about disruptors. Terrans complain about storm. Terrence complain about carriers. Terrence complain about Tempest. They never complain about Colossus Arcon Zealot. Because they can fight that army. This is not some imbalanced army. This army is balls. This is a mid-game all-in that you somehow managed to die to, despite already having one foot into the late game because your ghost control is god-awful. My dear friend, Proto's players, you know, we might be lacking something up here sometimes. A little bit, but you might not have a brain after watching this game and how you control your ghost. You, my friend, you suck. And that's just the way it is. All right. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you didn't enjoy this. Don't forget to the like button, subscribe to the channel. I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Like, subscribe, yeah, that's it. Cha-cha-cha. |
But He NEVER Built Those Units... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | My guy must be rich! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/6E5zr40mwLY/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 6E5zr40mwLY | When low-player Terrans go for a stupid turtle approach and start massing BCs and Vikings, the only counter for them, the corruptor, sucks completely, even when one manages to mass them. Now, I will not brag about my own capabilities, probably because this guy has none, but I mostly play unranked to practice until I feel I would do well in ranked games. However, it is frustrating to confront Terrans and see how they can just. do nothing and force cost inefficient traits for the opponent. I may suck, but please also answer if there's any imbalance on the forced late game result of some games. This was sent in by Chris with a K from North America in the Platinum League with an MMR of 2,933 MMR with the question, is it Imba or does Chris suck? We're here to find out. Alright and here we go. Chris in the bottom right as our red Zerg player Hydrogee Chris. And in the top left as our Blue Terran we have Jamstone Geno. Blue Terran. Let's see how he's going to open up. He's opening up with a CC first. But so far without the CC. With a barracks. All right. Well, it's very rare to see someone floating enough money for a command center while still having to build their first production structure and then not getting the command center. Well, he's going to get the command center? Just double barracks into CC. Now, this is what we call not a build order. This is one of... You know what this is? This is a couple drinks in on a Friday night. Okay, sitting with your mates. All of your mates are are same level as you are. All plat, playing 2v2s or 3v3s usually, having a couple of beers, and all of a sudden you have it. Double barracks into CC in the wall. And let's do this, you tell them. It's safe because it's a wall. Things can't come in. They can't come in, guys. They cannot come in. They'll be on the outside. Your Marines on the inside, shooting out. it's always better pissing out than pissing in is what I say and counts for the toilet as well as you know if you have a you know it's somewhat of a annoying guy around it's better to keep them in the group than outside of the group because that way the bully is with you rather than against you always befriend bullies that is my rule and not to make them a better person but so that you're not the one that gets bullied it's self-preservation is one of the most important things in life my friends it's the only thing that truly matter Nice lift there on the barracks as well. I bet he also thought of that on the Friday night. That was after beer number six. No, he came back to it. Like the thought first arises after beer number three is like, two barracks and a command center in the wall. And after beer six, all of a sudden, you just scream out. It's like, you lift it! And everyone starts clapping. He lifts it. That's the overlord. It's also a good start here for Jamstone Gino. Nice name as well. Good opener for Chris. Overlord at a bit of an odd timing, but I can live with that. Speed starting, third base pretty quick. We have injects going down almost at the exact timing where they should. Look, there's a little bit of flotation there on the energy, but that is okay. I can live with that on that queen. It's like five energy. Yeah, that's pretty much down on the money there with those injects. That's solid. It's going to go for a scout as well with the lings. If he sends in this overlord at three minutes and 30 seconds, this guy has watched some Zurich guides, 100%. Oh, lings actually meet these marines in the middle of the map. That's intense. That is intense. Let's get the wind, though. Four lynx beat two Marines. Even when they don't have speed. And then two lings remain. I didn't know that. I guess there was no real micro on the Marines, but, you know, still. It's interesting. What is this Marine doing? Wrong side of the road. eBay in the wall as well. He said, oh, sensor tower. Yeah. Gemstone. Gino is not planning on dying today. He has his plans of staying alive for a little while. Roach warren on the way, double gases, double evos. A little bit early, perhaps on the Roach Warren, not a huge fan of that. Don't even have gas to build roaches, so why is it this early? If you can't build any roaches, you also don't need roaches this early. They're really done. Did we get a scout yet at all? I mean, saw that there was a barracks in the wall, saw that there was a barracks floating. So he knows that there's not going to be any type of helions early on. It's most likely going to be some type of two-on-one. setup and thus that the first timing you really have to be afraid of is well it could be a three wrecks or a two on one so like maybe the five minute mark that's what you want to be looking at us you know you're maybe your first round of units needs to finish there and before that just queens and drones and that's exactly what he's doing overall probably should be popping in at this oh my god what he actually did pop in I was going to flame him for not scouting but he just pops in this is a good timing for two on I like this timing I really do I think this is solid it's fly in. It's going to... That's a bad timing there for a fusion core here, Gemstone Gino. Oyo, yo, yo, gemstone Gino. That is not a nice timing at all. It's kind of funny, by the way. It's called Gemstone Gino. Actually, there's no joke here. Wait, is that a joke? A diamond? Is that a gemstone? I don't think it is. I was going to say, but he isn't diamond yet. That was the gem. I... It's diamond. How we Google that? are diamonds obviously gemstones, but they are also the fifth most popular gemstone, just as Terran might be the fifth most popular race in Starcraft. Joke would have worked, but I ruined it. It's just like a gemstone Gino here ruined the positioning of that fusion core. I'm pretty sure that the refinery spotted the Overlord already as well. Marauder joining in the fun as well is going to take this thing out. Seven more drones. I really like this start here by Chris. I think so far Chris has done everything. well. He is what we call the perfect platinum. Pee. Spire, a couple of spores, double upgrades as well. Now he's I was going to say he's floating a little bit of larva which is rare. He's also building 11 spores. Now I'll pause here for a second. I'll explain something. This is something that I see very often in lower level games. People scout a structure and they'll know what that particular structure does, but they also believe that that threat will materialize instantly, which is not the case at all. Here, what we're seeing is that he scouts the fusion corps still building and he pretends like he's seen a battle cruiser. But a battle cruiser is still an entire minute away at this point. That means that if you're going to respond to a BC, you can do it a minute from now. All right? This is like hearing on the news that is going to rain tomorrow and going outside with an umbrella. It doesn't make a lot of sense. Also, the response here is kind of overblown in a way. 11 spores. Like, either these 11 spores were for the Liberator, and in that case, it is insane. It's like nuking a freaking hurricane levels of insane. or it is for the battle cruiser. And then this is still extremely overblown, in my opinion. You can say, hey, I want two spores in my main base, okay? Two spores in my main, so I don't have to think about my main anymore. And then the queens can deal with the natural, with the third, and the fourth base. Okay, the queens can kind of move in between. Also, your spires about to finish up already. So you're just going to have actual anti-air already before the first BC is even going to pop. Of course, this BC started fairly late. So it's not entirely fair here to sit and say, whoa, you know, because a fusion, what's it called? Weapon Rift is going to finish up here before the first B.C. That's not normal. You always start with the first B.C. And the weapon Rift, the Yamato Canon, takes 100 seconds. So the first B.C could have been out for like 30 seconds already. Like two spores in the main base. And then the queen's just rotating around trying to fight the B.C. With just a single spore per other base is going to be fine. Now you're floating a creptan a larva. And you have been floating a crept on a larva for a long time, which could have been drones. You could have probably 75, 80 drones at this point, even with your injects, which haven't been perfect, but have been very good. But instead, you just didn't have the money for quite some time. And now you still do have plenty of money. You're going to probably need to invest that into corruptors. So gas is a little bit late as well. How many corrupts do we have? Three? I like, I don't understand this. The complete sense of, urgency that you had earlier when building these spores to deal with the BCs has now just disappeared. Look at this. We're starting an infestation pit, we're starting the plus one flyer attacks, and we're starting to upgrade. That's a lot of gas here that's being invested into things that don't actually deal with battle cruisers, in things that, you know, that are great for a longer game, but you can't have that sense of urgency two minutes ago and then when the threat is actually there to not to not care anymore. It just doesn't make any sense. It's like using five umbrellas when the sun is shining and then we see, oh, it's hailing, you throw the umbrellas out. Like, what? I'm not sure if an umbrella actually helps a lot against Hill. I guess if the hill isn't so severe, it might be fine. And this, this isn't so severe. This isn't such a severe attack. It's two battle cruisers. I'm going to fly in here with the corruptors. Double Yamato should go down. I have one Yamato had already been used, I guess, on the Queens. So you have the confirmation right now that there are battle cruisers. What is the correct play in this at this point? Well, I'd say get a bunch of drones and then just get as many corruptors as you can. All the minerals go into drones, all the gas, boom, sink that into corruptors right away because corruptors are a great counter to battlecruis. You can produce them in very high numbers. Your opponent doesn't have a four base yet. You're already on four. You probably should be mining from it as well. You probably should be taking the gases there as well to kind of utilize that advantage of having an extra base. because so far that's not really the case. You also build 54 lings against an opponent that has 11 marines with combat shield and stim. No stim. Combat shield. That's it. This guy just has combat shield. Turrets now going down defensively on the side of Gemstone Gino. And surprisingly, despite Gemstone Gino having a pretty terrible opener and dealing no damage whatsoever, supplies are completely even. Completely even right now. lings moving in forward. See the planet there. like, I believe we can do no, can't do anything here, nope, gonna be moving back. C's the increased number of battle cruisers as well, what's the response going to be? Five more overlords, going to bring the, oh my, well, it's never going to be supply block anymore. She's going to be at max capacity. We still have 14 larvas, it's going to turn into 15 drones. That's a good call. This should have happened. I said at the seven minute mark with your larva that you had available, you probably should have been at like 75 to 80 drones. You're going to hit that. a solid three and a half minutes later. That is not good. That's not good. These gases should have been saturated at a long time. Right now you're actually losing, which is surprising once again because your first five, six minutes were actually very good. Makes me sad to see. It really does make me sad to see. Currently, we also have 11 battle cruisers versus... Sorry, 11 corruptors against seven battle cruisers. Now, the battle cruisers have a spell that allows you to delete one corruptor every time you fly in and that you can do it with every single beast. So technically, if you hit your Yamato's well here, even with just five, you should be fighting. Oh, though. It's just going to hit a single one. If you hit every single Yamato with seven battle cruisers, I mean, there's only going to be four corruptors left. And I do believe you can fight that. You can win that fight with the BCs for sure. So probably going to need a couple more corruptors here, buddy, don't we? I like the Neural Parasite as all. That's a very good call because Neurl is actually probably the best counter you have to the B.C. when it comes to supply. So corruptors are to supply. Investors are to supply. One corruptor doesn't beat a BC, but one investor, it also doesn't really beat the CC, but that kind of does, actually, because you just take it over and you can kill it for free. It fights on your side. Like it's very powerful. You can even use the Yamato if you take it on early. Like you're fighting against 10 BCs and you have five or six investors and the rest of your supplying corruptors, you're going to win that fight extremely hard. Another thing you can do, by the way, is saying, hey, there's absolutely no ground forces. The moment my opponent takes a fort base, I have very good upgrades for my lings. I could just bust the fort base every time he tries to take one. However, in order to bust the fort base, you need to know that there is a fort base trying to go down. So you need vision over here on the left side. You're going to need vision here on the top side. Right now you have no vision. And we're instead transitioning into brutallords. So far, you've seen five BCs. and about five marines with combat shield. How is the main priority here going to be fighting off the ground force? I don't quite understand. Now, it's possible that I'm the idiot. Actually, it's not possible. The guy that is building eight broodlords to deal with 18 Marines is probably the idiot here, not me. especially given the fact that there's already 68 lings out. That is a sufficient number of lings here to deal with the ground force. Now these BC's coming out. I could actually do them a favor. They got some of these BC, some of these battle, some of these Brutlords. Yeah, it's actually just going to Yamato a bunch of brutes as well. Took out five Brutlords there. If you would have gone straight for the corruptors, Gemstone Geno would have instantly won here. I still think he's winning extremely hard. I mean, what is this? This is 10 BCs against 17 corruptors. We still have four Yamato's remaining. That means that corruptors are going to die. Chris here is looking at it. It's like, what is the biggest sense of urgency? It's like this single depot. No, never mind. He's like, gets it down to 10.8s. He's like, yeah, that will burn. I know how this works. You can't repair that. It's too long. Now, he figured out the timing, the exact timing that it takes to walk from the third base with an SCV over to that depot. he made the mental calculation. He could have been busy microing the corruptors instead or thinking of the next move that didn't involve him losing all of his air units or morphing into Brutelord. But instead he spent his mental energy calculating when the perfect time was to pull away the link so that the depot would burn down. Good use of the facilities there. Eight corruptors against 8 BCs and this game now is pretty much over. There are 99 drones. he's going into Kiteness plating. He's really afraid of those Marines. Love to see it. Maybe more of a couple more. Anabolic synthesis as well. I love that there's just no sense of urgency here whatsoever. He has two corruptors against eight battle cruisers. And the only thing that Chris can think to do is to start anabolic synthesis to make ultras move faster while off creep. Because that is the one scenario he's the most worried about. Not worried about the 8 BC's knocking on his door. He's like, well, what do I need to move my ultras of creep at some point? If I had ultras, of course, in the near future, that is. Because right now, he has zero ultras. That's a lot of gas investing into that. Could have been extra corruptors. Luckily, Gemstone Gino decides that this game isn't over yet. This is the last game Jamstone Gino is allowed to play. His mom told him. All right, Gino, one more games. Like, oh, come on, Mom. I've been working with the gemstones all day. I'm so close to Diamond. Like, no, Gino, one more game. I'm like, all right, mom. Battle Cruises and Vikings. Making sure that he max out before he wins the game. He wants to go to bed on a good feeling. Once to go to bed on a good feeling. Plus two at least. It's not a review game if you don't have plus two. The first strategy game that I ever played was Warcraft 3. Played it at my cousin's house. And I remember my cousin told me, Warcraft 3 said, if the game doesn't last for an hour, it wasn't really a good game. And because my cousin was an authority figure for me, for years I believed that if the game didn't last for an hour, it wasn't a good game. So even if I won, if the game didn't last the hour, I was like, huh, it didn't feel very good. And then at some point I realized that that's just something he said because he believed, we were playing against the AI as well back then. I was like, man, and I finally realized that it's allowed to just win in five minutes. It would be great. My cousin would not be happy with all the Canon Russian I'm doing right now. Glad he doesn't watch my YouTube channel. He would not approve. What has happened to you, Kevin? You're such a sweet child. That's okay. Triple C's going down here as the Ford Base is just going up for free. We still do have those 97 workers. Can we get some investors? Why are we getting every upgrade that has ever existed and then not using it? We have freaking bailing speed, chytentisplating, anabolic synthesis, neural parasite. Chris is a bit of a pretender, isn't he? He's like the type of guy that buys like a $5,000 coffee machine but doesn't like coffee. It contains caffeine. It's actually bad for your teeth, didn't you know? It's like, piss off. Piss off, Chris. No one asked. Right? No one asked you. What do you think about coffee? That's a bit of a poser, you know? We're not capable of using it. He's the same here. He stands like a screenshot to it, to his friends. Look at all that crazy. I got guys. Yeah, I can play any composition. Reality is messing corruptor Ling here. Corruptor Ling, there's a lot of corruptors, though. Not sure of attacking into the plant area, although Ling's here was great, but I'm not even sure of attacking with all those corruptors into this is that great either. Is he individually targeting Vikings as well? I think he is. Look at the overkill that was happening there. That's not very smart. That is not very smart. It's also just funny that if you have 40 corruptors, that out of all the things you target, it's the Viking rather than the BC. And you kind of got to understand the threat levels here, Chris. You know, it's like there's a frog, and there's a Komodo dragon running at you with full force. And the frog is also looking at you a bit funny, and you have a gun with one bullet, and you shoot the frog. He's like, well, I'm not sure if that was the correct call. maybe the Komodo dragon I don't sure if Komodo dragons that they look scary I'm not sure they have a lot of power I feel like the Komoto dragon is one of those animals where you see it and in your mind you go I bet he can't zigzag so you start running away in a zigzag and then he can't zigzag and eat you that would be very unfortunate that would be so extremely unfortunate what a way to go though Komodo dragon literally dying against the dragon that's pretty high tier that's a good way to go. Like on your tombstone, died fighting a dragon. Like, and it's legit. I don't know. I think that's pretty cool. That's probably the best way to die. Well, it's not in the moment, but the aftermath, the legend, you know, the myth you become. This has been an absolutely terrible game, by the way. Just constant moving into planetary turret lines. target firing, not having denied a single base despite the opponent not having a ground force. Okay, this could be a good fight. Now, okay, this wasn't a good fight, but it could have been fine if Chris had every single base on the map and had denied his opponent's bases. Like, this fight by itself, it wasn't great, but if you have like, if you have like, taken out this base earlier. He didn't allow it to land. And this base, this is a very, very strong hypothetical I now realize. I'm basically saying that if Chris would have, you know, macroed better and just denied bases, so basically just done the two main things that he didn't do. If he would have done those, this game would probably be okay. And that terrible fight would still be terrible, but it would be okay because he would be so far ahead. Yeah, he just needs to get investors. If you get investors here and you neural, That would be huge. You could also use vipers to join individual battle cruisers in. Now, I'm not sure how useful it is because battlecruiser can still just kind of Yamato as you're trying to fly in and it's difficult to use vipers. Investors tend to be a little bit easier because you just hit the neural parasite button and you're going to be fine. Now there's... This is the first attack that Gino does, I think. He flew earlier to try and attack some overlords here with his BCs. This is the first thing. There's no ground units. There are no ground units. And these marines don't have stim. What in the world am I watching? North American Platinum, huh? He's taken out a base. This is... Chris is getting desperate. He's like, oh no! If this forces the... The desperate all-in attack. Because Chris, like, look, he lost like 15 workers to this. How is that even possible? He just, he just, he moonwalked across the map with these Marines. That took a long time. They had no stim. They have plus two though. How did they get plus two? H. Gino is a wonderful play. I want to have more replays. I bet he does this every single game. What's his random eBay doing here? Maybe he thinks you need a second eBay for the second upgrade. That's why he never plays by. It's like how upgrades too expensive. Yeah, no, for me, no, the upgrades. Way too expensive. No shot, buddy. He's got to right-click this refinery. Yep, there we go. Right, it is good. Base denial. I like it. We're still in the game. We're taking a lot of bases right now. I still believe we probably should be considering getting something. And like, maybe, like actually, parasitic bomb would be huge on the Vikings. Fongo would be used on the Vikings. Ooh, move commanding. your lings into one mine. It's also a big move. We are target firing different battle cruisers here. We left one semi alive. Look, we're just switching targets the entire time. Now we go back to this one. So we end up killing two BCs and losing, I think there was, 28 corruptors. Not a very good trade. There's another quick tip. If your opponent has a much bigger army and he's defending and he's not threatening anything, you're in charge of when the fight happens. So you don't have to attack into your opponent. If you see your opponent has 20 Vikings and 12 battle cruisers, maybe you could think, hmm, hmm, maybe I should have taken it. This is stupid. Gigi, I guess. This is not stupid, Chris. The way you played was stupid. Absolutely not okay. Absolutely not okay. And let's just up straight here into our verdict. Now, verdict here is very simple as just like a 90-year-old man without teeth trying to eat soup, Chris. You too do suck. And that is just the way it is. Thanks so much for watching this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did enjoy this, don't forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel. I hope to see all of you next time for a new video. And, yeah, yeah. Thank you. |
This PLAT Has Better Macro Than ME?? | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | I don't understand what's going on guys. This guy has some INSANE macro! How the heck did he lose this?? Is it really a case of imbalance..? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WMaliNvDQOI/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | WMaliNvDQOI | Hello, Harsden. I am here to complain about the Hydra unit. In this game I opened up with my signature double prism charge lot drop. It owned, as usual. I kill over a dozen workers and soften up two of his bases. I then continue to be aggressive, killing those bases with my next pushes, dozens more workers and then three additional bases, even hitting his hive. Spawning pool and Hydra then. I was ahead in upgrades to the whole game, and he never attacked me as I built up my infrastructure or blasting his. But it was no use. I couldn't trade well versus his massive Hydra Army, even with better upgraded units that are supposed to counter it. Eventually he got the guts to walk across the map, and though I fought valiantly, he destroyed every mining base, and I tapped out. So tell me, Harsden. Is the Hydra imbalanced? Or do I suck? This imbalance complaint form, the first one of 2024, by the way, was sent in by the proletariat, a North American platinum pro-dose player at 2,9771MR. With a very simple question, is the hydraimbalanced? Or does he suck? And we're here to find out. And here we go. We have the proletariat versus Hatsune Miku. Now, Hatsunemiko sounded like an anime name, so I googled it, and it is the name of an anime manga character that is a vocal performer. I think it was one of the first ever robots that made music or supposedly a robot. Basically, other people make the music and they pretend that the AI does it, but it's really old. It's from Japan from like 2006 or something. this thing was very popular. Also, it's supposed to be a 16-year-old girl. And when they did the live performances, I watched the live performance, I'm sad to say, then they would project the Hatsune on like some screen and then a band would be around actually playing it. And then I guess a tape plays in the background as well. It's surreal to watch. Absolutely surreal. Being fan of a robot. That makes no sense to me. Going to a live performance of a robot. makes no sense because it's going to sound the exact same as on the record it's literally the same thing but that has enough to do with this game uh you can google this though it's ridiculous i'm getting you know you're getting old when you start flaming this type of i was like hey there's not real music back in my day we had mn mn m he was a true anthony and 50 cent in the club that was real music so i'm going to be telling my kids 15 years from now not this AI crap no humans have touched this um Ooh, a pylon block, a hatchery that shouldn't be going down. So he is stopping something that would be good for him to happen because a 20 hatch in the PVZ matchup is really bad for Zerg as double-adept Corona Boost will absolutely murder that. Because there's not enough queens in that case. You have to delay a queen and then the adepts managed to deal a lot of damage. So it's just the balls. Ooh, look at that. Builds a robotics facility right inside of this overlord. that is an interesting move, especially given the fact that he said he's opening up with a charge build. Now, with every single twilight build, the limiting factor of the build always is the twilight upgrade. So whether that's blink, charge, or glaverdap, doesn't matter. And what I mean with that is that if you open up with, a robo and then you build a prism instantly when the robo finishes your charge glave or blink won't be done yet so whenever you go for a charge rush or for a glave a death rush you want to get the twilight council before you get the robotics facility now sometimes you want to get a twilight council then a robo and then the upgrade um you can do that but opening up with a robotics facility when you're trying to get a charge rush going doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me and is just highly inefficient. Just by default is inefficient. Unless you're planning to do some immortal charge all in, then you want the robot earlier to produce the immortals. But that's not quite what's happening. Instead, we're having an observer being chrono-boasted, or at least being built here out of this robotics facility and being sent across the map. Now, we have a forge and a twilight as well. Now, this is also interesting. A second forge. Okay, now it's just bad. You know, I was going to give this, I was going to give this the benefit of the doubt. But at this point, at this build is not good. I give this build one and a half star so far. Now maybe I'm going to change my opinion when I see it being executed by the great proletariat. He was very proud of this build. He was, he wasn't just proud, he was bragging about it. As always, as always, I dealt a lot of damage with my build. As if, you know, because he always deals damage with this build because the build is so good. That's all he was trying to say. But this build is god awful. He's dealing damage not because of the build, but. despite the build. So far, his macro has actually been pretty decent. He's been building workers fairly consistently for a platinum level player at 2,900. This is honestly impressive macro. I'm not going to lie. I really am fairly impressed by this. He's using his cronobo. Now, you might say, oh, it's not building workers anymore. No, that's because he's trying to probably go for some type of all in. I don't think this is because he doesn't know how to macro. He is cutting workers on purpose because he believes this is necessary for his build to be optimal. This build is very many things, but it definitely isn't optimal. But this non-optimal build is being executed quite well. I'll give him credits for that instantly. It's only going to be four gates, though. It's not going to be enough. If you're hitting this late on such an eco, you're going to need way more gateways. You're going to need eight gateways, probably a Templar archives, in order to spend your money, because this is practically just a fully-sufficient, saturated 2Bes-Al-in. I mean, you don't have the gases, but you should be capable of pumping off eight gates here, and he should be capable. So now he's just floating money. I don't even think he's really missing. He's not missing any chronobust. He's now adding the gateways. But his macro is actually surprisingly good. Honestly, for a player this level, look at the opponent here. Our dancing robot has 1,200 minerals in the bank, 400 gas as well. inferior macro for sure but the build order that the Zerg here is playing isn't even good but it's better it's because it resembles something that would make sense look at the timing this is going to hit he's going to hit with a freaking 12 zealot attack from two sides six minutes and 20 seconds into the game this is the point where I hit on three bases with plus one two Archons 12 zealots while opening up with Stargate now of course I am about two and a half times this guy's MMR? Yeah, two times. Two times and a little bit. This guy's an MMR. So it makes sense that I hit a little bit tighter and a little bit harder. But the worst part is, yeah. Okay, well, let's just see how this works out before I truly start flaming him. Four zealots, five more. We have seven zealots over here that are idling. We have four zealots over here that are idling. This is also known as the single task, the single screen multitasking, where you do one thing at a time. but you do it in basically in sequence, in a sequence. It's not really multitasking, just kind of sending units in. Yeah, it's going to work somewhat, I guess. Probably going to need to deal more damage than just 10 drones, though. The opponent had 60 workers, three bases. There's no third base yet for our prolos. Look at the cache though. Cash remaining low. Upgrade started instantly as well. It's right-clicking a hatchery. That is also an interesting move. Right-clicking an extractor. That is a terrible move. I don't think he's going to get this hatch because of that. If it wasn't for that extractor, take it... Look at the other extractor also took a lot of damage. Why is he right-clicking hatcheries? No, it's not going to get a hatch. Clear the extractors, like, all right, my job here is done. You can have my prism as well. Good Lord. This is not going to be the second game in a row, where we have a guy just rallying zealots into crap again and again. Last week was practically a GM player, And this week we have, well, a plat. This is so frustrating to me, though. Look at this freaking macro during all of this. It is so low. The money is so low. Yes, he hasn't been building workers, but he probably believes he doesn't need to because he's fully saturated. Just has no clue what he's doing. You know what this is like? This build and this execution. This is like running a marathon, but zigzagging the entire way through. and then finishing the marathon in four hours. It's like, yeah, four hours is a pretty decent time already. But imagine how quick you would have been if you weren't zigzagging. Of course, proletariat would be zigzagging because he believes that every time that he, you know, he makes a turn, he gains a bit of speed. Well, in reality, he's just actually running 55 kilometers rather than the 42 that a marathon usually is. Because they add a distance of the zigzag. Like, that's actually legit just what is happening here. Look at the macro. Freaking low money, the other guy once again floating 1500 minerals despite nothing really happening. Struggling. Proletariat now starts building workers because he's building a third. Like, he is floating a bit of energy right now on both of his next side. This is the one thing I can forgive him. Okay, because he didn't want to chrono boost anything. What was it going to chrono? Gateways? Eh, not possible. It was flying around with prisms. Still has one prism alive, by the way. That's the beauty if you open up with two prisms. You lose one. Still have another one. Lost 33 zealots. nothing but Zellet so far. It's going to go for a second attack. Actually going for a solid double prong here is already in vision of this extractor. Usually if you're going for a surprise attack, it is smart to not announce that you're doing it. It's like a burglar ringing the doorbell before he goes in. You see him in your little ring doorbell. Won't be very smart. Proletariat would have made a terrible marathon runner and a terrible burglar. Now stop macroing altogether. Not a fan of that. He's busy with the attack though, you know? One thing at a time, baby. One thing at a time. Clear the little bit of creep. Now back to macro. No, still just roaming around. Okay, I dig it. Maybe tries to go for a little bit of a right click here on one of the hatcheries. Maybe an extractor. There's no extractors here. Can't really go for an extractor then. Maybe also go into the third. clear that extractor or kill the hatch. I prefer killing the hatch, but you never know it proletariat. That's two, too. Oh, he waited for the upgrades to finish. That's why. He's a timing attack monster this guy is. Look at him go. Hop. Kills the spine and it runs away. Freaking sick. Zealots killing stuff. Let's get a right click the hatch. Actually, a pretty cool. Well, hey. This isn't it. These salads, oh, they're going to get it though. Two hatch trees exploding. That's like freaking pole playing back in the day. There's necksy exploding everywhere. Did lose his entire army though for it. So that was not entirely optimal. It was quite bad. Let's face it. 3.3 is almost halfway done. Almost. Robo Bay on the way. Two more gateways. I love this salad warping. This is a very good one. It would be even better if he killed the drone. rather than right-clicking the hatch. This is probably the worst prioritization I've seen in my entire life. And he's also not going to get the hatchery. If he also loses the prism, this would be the worst attack possible, despite the circumstances being the best possible. Ooh, it keeps alive. Once again, pretty quick. Low resources, once more, once he focuses on the macro for even just a second, he knows exactly what to do with his cache. Oh, seller. Man, he's playing real well. as in the moves like the movement of the army is good but then once the army hits a base that's when things really start going wrong now starts attacking an evo chamber okay she's absolutely going wild of a little dance party by himself I feel like A moving every single time here would have been better and then A moving on the ground not A moving on a structure he's still killing a lot of workers though He had this prism selected for a second two. It's going to move out with more zealots. 3-3 is about to finish up, so the next timing attack coming in. Like, honestly, we're winning really hard right now. We're up 10 workers. We have insane upgrades with 3-3 against 2-2. Now, the Zerg also has decent upgrades, but not as insane as this. It's going to be like freaking two mining bases against, well, three mining bases, because there's only workers for three bases. Could clear every single worker here as well. Could also, perhaps, attack an extractor or a spine crawler. It's not actually going to get all of these drones. That runs away. Right clicks a hatchery. I like it. I do like that. You right clicks the hatchery, it explodes once more. It's a brooklings though. It doesn't really run away. So it's in the main again. Honestly, throwing away away. couple too many zealots here probably because he doesn't have the eco for it now if you were on 75 80 workers 4 or 5 base all of these trades would be really good now they're still okayish but if you end up like if you lose 12 13 zealots to kill a hatchery that is usually not entirely worth it because not only will you lose a lot of zealots and that means that your supply will be a lot lower but also just money wise trade wise it's not worth it one base mines what, 800 minerals per minute or so, then you have the cost of the hatchery. So it's like 1100. So you should never waste more than 11 zealots on killing a base. Unless you can also clear drones, of course, then it might just be worth it. I still kind of believe we're winning really hard. 31 workers to 56, up two upgrades, as in 3-3 versus 2-2. Fort base is up, is mining. Tech into Colosses is happening, which means that the hydra is now becoming a lot less viable. Even before it already wasn't so viable. We never really saw a fight though with the Hydra against just the Zealot Arcon. Hydera usually loses that. No sentry for Guardian shield, which is a mistake. This is a good army though. Still have the Prism alive too. It's like what? One mining base, one and a half mining base, two mining bases versus three mining bases still. Work account only at 60. Darkstrine on the way, shield weapons on the way. No. vision here. That sucks because that superratery could have been real helpful here in the fight. Ooh, it's going to pull away all the probes. It's going to lose this base. Yeah, and just pulls back. This is 100% the correct call because you lost the base already. It's like, okay, no reason for me to fight in a bad position right now. Retakes the base on the outside. Once again, just a good move. Like, I feel like the understanding of where to move with the army and how to expand and and all of those things is actually really sick, although I'm not a huge fan of this particular move out. I'm a very not big fan. I'm a bit of a hater, one could even say. I post on the forums hating this particular move. This fight is going probably as well as it could have as half of the hydras weren't engaging, but this was a fight into, what, almost double the army supply of Roach Hydra. I think that was maxed out Roach Hydra against, what, 130 supply, of Protoss. Still managed to get a pretty decent trade. Not a great trade, but a decent one. He's down in workers now though, so probably did need a great trade. Now, one thing he could have done here is just actually kind of wait until he's also maxed out. Also, wouldn't mind seeing some zealotrumbys again. Then in particular, an A move. Just a cheeky little A move. There are spines everywhere now though. Might make it harder. This base doesn't have any spines. Fort Base finishes up there's just nothing happening I'm really confused what the game plan is as well I guess it's just to always attack and kill bases no matter what your supply is and I think before he kind of had like the upgrade timings the live by you could look at that and be like okay 3-3 that's cool I attack now 2-2 that's cool I attack now but right now I guess his thermal lens finished. Up next he's going to be waiting for the anion pulse crystals or the tempest upgrade. I'm just going to go for it. That's a good fight. It's just, I mean, Zellat Arcon absolutely eats Hydra's alive. Like, it isn't even funny. Like watching this type of fight. Once the roaches show up, you probably want to piss off again. Colossus on the way. Hive now coming out for the Zerg player. finally, Hatsun Miko, the size that maybe getting 3-3 upgrades against someone that's been 3-3 for a long time is somewhat worth it, maybe? Just maybe. DT's as well. Actually, this is a stunning performance again. Look at this. I just don't understand it. So, if this DT was A-moved in this base, it would actually start attacking the Queen, and then the spines, okay? And I would say, you know what? This is a platinum game. I understand why drones aren't being targeted down. There just isn't the APM for that. You know, there's 110, 144. But look at this. Look at what this DT is doing. Okay? It's being controlled. It's being controlled. It slashes a drone. It has a nice little shift click. but it also amos on the ground and then it starts going ham so he's putting in the maximum amount of effort for the minimal reward no reward he's going to get two spine crossed like this spore is going to finish before this d t is freaking done with killing the spines and i feel like this has been the story of this entire game is just good ideas or good execution But, well, it's not even good, I'm not even sure how to describe it. Like, he's fast enough and he has the ability, and then he just doesn't do it. It's like a guy juggling with like 15 apples at the same time. And I was like, wow, this guy is the greatest apple juggler in the world. But the apple juggler can't stop eating the apples while he's doing it, ruining his own run. You know, he's going, he needs to go for a minute and at the 50 second mark, he just can't help but start eating an apple. It's like, you're just looking at it, and, you're just looking at it, and, And it's kind of like, what? Why would he do that? It's like, surely he's not going to do that another time. Yep, there it goes again. Tricking eats the apple. I just don't understand the, like, what the disconnect is. I feel like I'm missing something here. Because usually, usually when I'm watching these games, especially at the lower levels, like people are really good at one or two skills, but he is bad at all skills, despite being good at it. It's like someone's singing perfectly out of key in a song. Like the song is in F and he's singing everything in freaking F sharp. It sounds off and this is what he's doing. Like how is this possible? I just don't understand it. Like the things he is doing require skill and he has the skills to do them incorrectly in the correct way. It is phenomenal to watch. Now he's going for a base trade which, Once again, it's actually the right call. If the opponent's army is too big, you should go for a base trade. Like, this is, this is such a, this really is quite a high level concept. There's a, it's a concept that people can understand, but almost never execute at lower level. And now he was just running away. Like, he's killing base is running away. Freaking three more Archons. That is an interesting recall. But he does get away with majority of the army. Now if he, if he had another zealot run by going here, this would be freaking chef's keys. But I just don't. I don't think he has it in him. Yeah, zealots not really engaging into this. No guardian shield again. This actually, once again, not that a battle of a fight. Holy crap. Look how close these fights are. Like, I'm just on a... 181 supply to 126. Like, most of the zealots didn't even engage until, like, midway through the fight, basically. Like most of them are just running behind other zealus. It's a terrible angle. And yet the fight is still fine because this opponent's army is garbage tier. It's freaking Roach Hydra 20 minutes into the game. Hatsunamiko. It's not a good army, mate. 20 more hydras. How many hydras has it lost? 61? 151 zealots. Holy crap. Hey, you're going to cancel on the fort again. At this point, the game is absolutely over. over, over. I'm just, I'm just, I'm just confused. I'm stunned. I don't really know what to say. Because it is such a specific type of badness. I don't even quite have the words for this. Usually, I can look at things and I can, I can describe what a player did wrong. But he did everything right, yet did everything wrong. like his army comp wasn't that bad his unit movement wasn't bad his unit control was okay his macro was way better than his opponents and way better than you'd usually see on this level but then his okay yeah i guess we'll start with his build his build was god was it was a dog okay his build was dog okay we're not even talking about it that was that was that was that was awful that really put him seriously behind okay seriously behind but then afterwards he gets in okay positions and he makes good moves and then his execution doesn't feel bad but it's always wrong. The hydra is obviously not imbalanced here. The fights we saw were all with way bigger Roche Hydra supply or sometimes just the Protoss player attacking a hatchery or an extractor rather than fighting the units. The Hydra here definitely was not the issue. but I can't I don't think I can say that proletariat sucked because I don't think he sucked like he lost and he, a lot of things ended up going poorly for him but I wouldn't look at this game and say wow, you were much worse than your opponent. Like the hydra wasn't the issue. I just don't get it. I legit don't get it. I mean, for the form, I guess you suck, but it doesn't feel right. I don't feel like you deserved more, but you also didn't deserve the loss. I feel like the perfect result here would have just been a drawl. If this was a drawl, I'd be very happy. Then proletariat can try again another time with his good macro. Because this was very weird. Yeah. All right, but I guess that's it for me. Thanks a lot for watching this episode of iOS. it is. A confusing one. A very confusing one. It's rare that I'm yeah, just at a loss for words. I just don't know how to describe the mistakes and I don't even quite understand what the mistakes are except that the result always sucked. You know, this guy's playing fantastic football every single game. It always ends up losing. No one really knows why. Yeah, I guess that's it. Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I'll see you next time. Hit like, subscribe. Tell me in the comments what you thought. Bye-bye. |
This Old School Pro Player Is UNBEATABLE Today! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Good old Go0dy is at it again, terrorizing the european GM ladder with his strategically brilliant Mech gameplay! So, is it IMBA, or do his victims just suck? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XhZQua4SmQQ/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | XhZQua4SmQQ | Dear Harstam, I will admit immediately that I am but a man. What you are about to witness was not the perfect game of Starcraft. Hell, it was not even close. Even so, I sincerely believe that the end of it, you will see that I have provided you with your white will. A replay that unequivocally proves an imbalance in this game. Protoss is the poop. The poop! I was Mr. Money this game. Capital Manifest. My economy was flawless. My opponent's skill floored. I took all the bases, nine or ten to his meager four. My economy was massive. And I wasn't compensating. Surely, I thought to myself with an economy producing a GDP, some real world nations could only dream of. Efficiency? Not needed. I was a wolf. Wall Street wishes it could have taken the trade's eyes. But I am a true gamer so I was not satisfied with mere riches. No, I also subjected him to relentless multi-prong offensives that as you will see were a sight to behold. And I did this without missing a beat with my macro. I could almost feel the airflow cast by your approvingly nodding head. However, no amount of money nor multi-prong could break my Terran opponent. He set his way to victory, carried by the imbalanced strength of his mechanized army, unmovable, unbreakable, unfair. In the end I was left with no choice but to begrudgingly admit defeat at the hands of a player who, unironically, likely barely used his hands at all. My point is, if I'm able to outmine him this much, shouldn't I be able to own him? Why are Prodo's ground units so poop? Why are Terran units so good with little management? And why do I have to make air units? Basically the question here is, is Terran imbalanced? Or does he suck? Now this got asked here by heaven on the European ladder here in the Masters League's at 5.1K MMR, which is practically GM. He's wanting to know whether Terran is perhaps just a little bit to easy here at the Grandmaster level. And here we see Heaven fighting an old friend of mine, an old friend of the channel as well, Gudi, also known as Sasha Loup der Panzer General, the king of the tanks at the start of Starcraft 2 at the very beginning in 2010 when all of you were still in university or late phases in high school. Sasha Loup, Gudi, played Mac and was it perfect? No. Was it mechanically very bad? Yes. But his brain, it worked like a machine. He saw tank positions where others just saw terrain. And he saw spots to defend in where others just saw a cliff. You know, Goody was the first real Macer. He was extremely powerful. I actually Google him as well to figure out what he was doing now. And where he liked to build Mac units in StarCraft 2. He now is project leader at Airbus. So literally just making Mac units in real life as well, which I think is just absolutely beautiful. I wonder if on his resume he put that he's been, you know, he's been creating machines for a very long time already. It's like, you know, I'll create multiple machines a day. This is no problem for me. He didn't actually have that strong of a German accent, I think. I can't recall. I recall that Goody was a very good table tennis player. as well. I think he was even ranked nationally in Germany, which is, of course, where he comes from the Panzer General. Now, the man who submitted this replay is Heaven, Heavens, a phenomenal master's. I think in North America, definitely Grandmasters. And I think in Europe, just on the edge of becoming a Grandmaster as well, solid player, known for his macro style. I'm familiar with him, of course. I'm familiar with everyone in the range of 5K, all the way up to 7K. I've played them most likely at some point in my life. I play a crapp on our games. And Heaven is a good one. All right? He's a good pro-os player. And if he says that something is in balance, we've got to take him serious. So what do we have here? Early game-wise. We have a scout. He scouted everything. Okay? What does he see? He sees a command center. Factory coming up here as well. Second gas as well. We have that bunker very far forward. That would be legendary if a unit decided to pass it. buy on the side. Marines now popping out. Is this Reaper is moving across the map at a rather slow speed that does somewhat surprise me? Have an opening up with a Twilight Council. A little bit of a Reaper wall, Twilight Council. Let's see what Goody's plans are over here, sending the Reaper back home. God. Doesn't want to harass, doesn't want to scout, do they just wants to keep it alive for now. That's completely okay. What else do we have here? Orbital command starting on the natural. Second gay gas. Now, a second gate on the way here as well. We're going to get a little bit of an adapt attack. Now, Goody, we know he's going to be playing Mac. Okay, I don't think Goody has ever researched Stim. Rumor on the street even is that Goody doesn't have a hotkey for Stim so that he can't do it. Rumor on the street is also that Goody clicks all of his upgrades with his mouse, though, rather than using the hotkey. So maybe not having a hotkey on Stim isn't that big of a deal in that case. A bit up with a cyclone here, reactor on the barracks. tech lab on the factory and I wonder if we're going to see Marines being popped out of this barracks that will be re-actored or if he's going to swap it with either the factory or the starboard here. I know that Goody used to love Banshees as well. I recall for a while in 2011 I want to say or 2012. I really struggled and also in Heart of the Swarm at some point I struggled with his Benchy Mac style. I just couldn't figure out how to beat it. Back then everyone sucked massively. So styles that just kind of sat there and had tanks were really good because people had a low eco-hole. the time. eBay here is being produced. Don't get fooled by it. That's not for upgrades. That's just because it's cheap to build it in the wall. Goody with a tiny little bit of a supply block here and having the signing to cut workers for a tiny tad but not that long. Honestly, build order wise, this is looking quite solid. We have that robotics facility coming up. It is post-nexus. That is not a bad thing though against the Reaper. Like, build order theory-wise, I'm much preferring what I'm seeing here out of heaven over what I'm seen coming out of Goody. Goody's build order, quite frankly, just seems terrible. He's also moving from supply block into supply block. He was supply block at 46. Now he's supply block at 54. He's going to be taking a Ford gas already, despite floating 300 gas at this point. He's adding in a third CC as well. Like this is not efficient at all. This is the opposite of efficiency. Non-efficiency. Are they getting a turret on the edge? Just in case it's like a four-gate blink. If this was a fourgate link, I'm pretty sure that Goody still would die because he legitimately just has no units. Isn't looking all that hot. It really isn't looking all that hot. Double forges as well. Going up here on the side of heaven. Heaven hasn't really been scouting, though. What's the chance he flies his observer into the turret, by the way? Oh, it's a pretty fat chance, isn't there? He's going to pretend like he doesn't care as well. He's not looking at Observer. You know, I can't even blame the guy for it. Because honestly, if someone builds a turret to deal with your observer, the guy that built a turret is the idiot. Not the proletles that loses the observer. I don't think you can flame the protels for losing an observer in a turret that is randomly placed here five minutes into the game. I don't buy that. I really don't buy that. However, if he loses a second observer, then we're allowed to flame him. But, see, Evan is a smart guy, except for the fact that he has a legitimately zero info. Feel like he's playing the player more than he's playing the matchup. Because if you were to open like this every single time against Terran, I reckon your win rate is going to suck pretty freaking hard. Legitimately zero info whatsoever. He's seen a factory and a starport. That is pretty much it. He doesn't know. Look at his tank line. He doesn't know if it's bio or whatever. And he's taking a fort base off of double gases, getting an absolute 11 gateways already right now. Like that's a crazy amount to me. That's really not okay. Barracks here floating in the dead space. as the third command center has finished up. And we have some serious oversaturation here as well in the natural. Supplies look very favorable for Goody, but that's of course because basically all of heaven's money right now is being invested into infrastructure. He's adding nine gateways on top of the Ford he already had. That brings the total up to 13. There are two forges out. Ford base, we get cannons as well in case of Heli and Harvass. We now have another random turret here just being added in, kind of in the semi-middle of the map. as the first Banshees actually are being produced here. After we have two Vikings, a bunch of tanks, one Benchie. We're not going to get a second Benchie and Cloak to finish up. What is this? This is the blue flame as well, the pre-infernal igniter. We're not seeing cyclones, just a single cyclone for early game safety. So really Goody, practically still playing as in, you know, in his heyday of StarCrafts too, in Wings of Liberty. He really isn't building that many units. They weren't possible. StarCraft 2, without any of the expansion sets included. Now, when we're talking about Mac, there are a couple of possibilities, okay? So one thing you can do is you can really start dropping heavily with zealot stalker. What I personally like to do a lot these days is just massing stalkers and then blinking on top of tanks. That tends to work very well than having a prism for zealot run by or zealot attacks in the main or into the natural, and then slowly we're surely transitioning into Disruptor and then Tempus. That way you kind of have these natural transition into the next units that just win the game, to be honest. Like once you get Disruptor Tempest out against Mac, you usually just win because you have better Eco and there's no counter to Disruptor Tempest that comes out of Mac. You're going to need Viking Ghost. And you can't really transition easily into Viking Ghost if you're playing Mac initially. So, yeah, I often feel like if you get to Disruptor Tempest, the game just ends. but heaven here has different plans. He's going to play Pure Salad Stalker. Now, if you want to bust your opponent, I feel like you need to attack as soon as possible, or you need to go with a bunch of archons. I'm not a huge fan of pure zealot if you're hitting this late. Zealots don't skill very well against Mac due to the existence of the hellbat, the existence of chokes and the ability to wall things, which is what we're seeing Goody do over here. Like this bottom side is not really a viable attack angle. The right side, I kind of is a viable attack angle, but at the same time, there's so many halberts already, that this doesn't seem like a brilliant plan. Heaven is waiting for the 2-2 right now, after neither player have really done anything whatsoever in the past nine minutes. We're now, well, at least we're setting up for an attack. Also, who didn't mind if you just kind of sits here and waits until Goody moves out? For the sake of the game, I hope that's not what's going to happen. but for the sake of heaven, I hope it is. He decides to send 25 zealots into a choke where I think four zealots might have had surface area, two of them hitting the sensor tower, one of them hitting the CC, and then one zealot hitting a tank. This was probably the worst fight he could have taken here. 2,700 resources lost for a goodie, 6K resources lost on the side of heaven, who is severely outmining his opponent here, by the way, But this was a fight. Feels like without any real objective. He just kind of went there. Like, hey, I'm maxed. I want to not be maxed anymore. That's kind of what it felt like. Just, oh, this is also a wild one. Scouts forward, realize he killed five halberts before, now moves in with 50 less supply. Move commands. And starts attacking the bunker. Kills a little bit of, bunker and a tank and loses about 30 zealots there. So either there was no objective here. He's actually going to rebuild the bunker. I love that so much. Either Heaven just doesn't have objectives or his objectives are really bad. What I do know is that Heaven would have, you know, he possesses a quality that makes him one of the greatest people alive. Well, if he was a soldier in World War I, you know. heaven would have had a blast just walking going for a cheeky stroll into no man's land he doesn't need a reward he doesn't there doesn't need to be a payoff at the end you know the process is what he enjoys the most is going places and seeing things and his zealots also seem to really enjoy that process of just walking into the same meat grinder well so far twice in a row now but doesn't seem like heaven is quite done yet with this crap as he's going to be setting up another semi flank has a lot of bases though look at this you have seven necksi 96 workers and he's only on five gases like the mineral income at 4.5k is some of the highest mineral income i've ever seen now that have a toss it is possible to see this with Terran due to the mule but you almost never see this with toss because we usually just have higher gas counts so this is kind of wild this is honestly uh probably a bad trade but better than any of the trades before this is an an interesting interesting move as well, particularly interesting because there's no reinforcement ability. And the fact that the observer was not in position for the first eight seconds of this fight, resources lost, we see heaven doubling his opponent. Now, while doubling your opponent usually is good, then it comes to resources lost, that is not a great thing. It's a bit like being proud that you've cheated on your partner twice as much as they have on you. I'm not sure if that's a metric you want to put on your Tinder profile. Then again, what do I know? Fort base here. This might be the fifth actually here being set up. We have a fort here already. More zealots as well. And like, yeah, that tank looks interesting. We could also stare down another SUV and lose eight zealots. As overall, yep, 18K lost here for heaven. Against the, well, almost 11k lost for Goody. Still not the end of the world. In a way, I feel like this fight, you know, it brought at least a little bit of progress. There, a lot of tanks went. down. So really it's just pure hellbat benchy at this point. And then moving in with zealots, perhaps isn't the brightest call? I really don't quite understand why we're not getting any Archons. Archons are insanely strong against Mac and so are immortals actually. But Archons, they have so much, the ability to tank and they're really strong against Hellbets. They're powerful against Banshees as well. They're just a good unit all around. Like I'd love to see some gases and some of these Archons being added in. Um, this is... Okay. You know what happened here? This was pure disrespect. Okay, this was pure disrespect. Here, Heaven believed that his opponent was so slow that he wouldn't be capable of move commanding the helbets to the other side of the tanks. He was like, you know, I'm going to hit from a different angle this time. And there's no way he's going to be capable of responding to it. And Goody, you know, he's kind of sits here, looks at it. He makes like the mental calculations, you know. It's like, yeah, helmets in front, tanks in the back, tanks in the back, helmets in front, what do I do there? Makes the executive decision here to move the helmets to the front. Once again, these zealots are getting absolutely slaughtered. Actually, Zell is going for the, once again, for the bunker. He's like, oh, that bunker's rebuilt. He probably plays a lot of value in that then. Let me take that out again. The bunker seems to be important for him, or I wouldn't have rebuilt it, surely. It has another attempt at it. It doesn't quite kill it. It deals a little bit of damage. takes out, I think two more SEVs, almost deals 100 damage to this depot as well, while he loses 8 more Zealots. Overall resources lost 12K to 22K, as Heaven here hasn't even taken this base yet. He's now taking the top right. So the total amount of neck side that are out right now is 7. It's going to be, well, this base isn't. So it's 8. 8 versus 4. Big link forward here. damages the planetary halfway through. It's like, oh, I was in position again. The tanks are still there. I just don't quite understand what he think was going to happen this time around. You know, every single time so far he's moved into a position, there were tanks there. Did he really think that this was the timing where Goody thought to himself, you know what, I've been sitting back for 14 minutes, I'm not maxed yet, this is the timing where I'm going to unsege all of my tanks and wait for the other. guy to blink in. It's like, what the hell is this blink? This is also not multitasking, by the way. This is A moving zealots into a base and then blinking forward. And I'm going to go, that was multitasking. This is not multitasking. This is queuing something up and an A moving on the other side as well at the same time. This is a good pullback though. I like that. That's solid. You know what you could do here? I should have pause. You know what you could do here is you could rotate the stalkers towards the left side, take out these rocks and then blink forward. Because Honestly, Goody has way too many tanks on this right side. So although I freaking hate the game plan here coming out of Heaven, even with this game plan, it could have been better. Heaven, however, has a different rotation in mind. He decides to attack the angle where the most units are. Now, this is a very smart play. He just freed up about another 35 supply by losing all of these zealots for free so he can warp in another eight zealots and then another three. Now, this is the type of genius that you don't see very often at this level. It might confuse Goody. He's like, oh, he's throwing away zealots. He's probably making an air transition. So Goody right now is thinking, ah, maybe I need to add in some Vikings into the mix, you know, I need to start thinking of the lady and boom, it's actually more zealots. He just made space for more zealots. This is a good blink forward. It's not very efficient, but he took out two bases that it's better than he's done in the past, you know, 10 minutes in all of these traits. did end up losing a bunch of extra zealots once more. Money is also kind of starting to run out. We're at 4K right now. Actually, these bases are still fine. What am I saying? This is doable. This is doable. We still have that top right side bases. I'd love to see a Nexus here. Just going up to 9, I think, might be necessary, because resources lost. We still see Heaven doubling his opponent. We have 11 banshees out. 13 tanks. And now we have an arc on transition. Okay. 11 more zealots. So he's like, I'm going to free up a little bit more supply by warping in zealots, then getting rid of those zealots, then warping in a couple more. But then afterwards, surely, we're going to see a serious transition into some actual units. I also feel like heaven is kind of trolling here. He's like, oh, it's impossible to lose. This guy's an idiot. You know, let me just send zealot stalker into his army this entire time. And then, you know, he basically, he accidentally got a, got like, a grant to, to build like a house of Lego. He got like 500 million or so. You know, he has a subsidy. He didn't think he was going to get it. He got now. He's like 500 grants. Like, what am I going to spend this on? And for the first like nine months of the project of building this Lego house, he's just ordering bottle servers in the club. And whenever the bottle arrives, you know, he's big champagne bottles, the most expensive one, just throws the bottle on the floor and looks to the waiter in the eye, gives him a wink. Like, that's how we do it here. Nine months in, most of his cash has been spent. and he realized he hasn't bought any Lego yet. Which is kind of a necessity when you're building a Lego house. It really is. A house made a Lego. It's probably pretty expensive. I was surprised how expensive Lego was. I once tried buying one of these Lego structures, a Hogwarts Lego structure, like a Harry Potter with the wand. Jesus Christ, this got awful. And it was like, it's like a freaking 150 bucks or something. It wasn't even that big. Like it was mediocre big. To get these little, little Star Wars thingies for like 15 bucks. Like absolute rip-offs. Holy crap. Like 3D printing should take these guys out of business. Get out of here, son. This is a better army, by the way. That was a terrible engagement. The kill the planetary loss legitimately like another 20 zealots. This is a good move. This is the first time Goody has moved to the other side to do something. kill the base. That's enough for today, guys. We're going back home. Back to the airbase. God, he's a plane builder. I can't believe it. 15 Benches out. Army value here, 3,500 gas, 6,700 minerals. Oh, base gets taken out again. Nine Archons out now. Honestly, there's also no solid angle to really engage into anymore, because this has a ramp. This is a ramp. and there's no base here. This feels kind of uncomfortable. In a way, I feel like Heaven should be attacking like this. She's literally lining in here. Three Archons first, then the next two, then the next one. This is another one of the worst engagement I've seen in my life. If I were to make a top five of worst engagements in 2023, I feel like Heaven would be taking at least the top three spots. Maybe even just the entire top five. Like, dude, all of just beat his game. Like another 30 zealots to kill a bunker. Oh, the bunker's gone, actually. Good, he hasn't rebuilt it. I bet heaven feels like he's got scammed now. You know, he's like, wait, he didn't rebuild it again? I guess he didn't care about it. I invested all of this money. Oh, come on, please don't do this to yourself. Like, this is insanity. This is actually insane. Like, he just keeps doing it. The Madman. He's killed two SEVs. Loses 15 zealots here. He killed like two tanks. This SCV is dealing more damage by itself than the 18 SEVs that went into the natural here. And here come another 17 stalkers as well. Just targeting down Vikings. Because that's the real threat right now. Heaven with his strong analytical mind looks at this. It's like, I have a prism. and he's eight Vikings. My prism isn't quite as good if there's eight Vikings. Let me take those out real fast. He's like, ah, he's also building a mothership. Like, honestly, at this point, it's starting to feel a little bit scary. Well, it's actually scary. Income is the same. Can't afford the bottle service anymore in the club. He's still trying, though. He's ordering the bottles. And the bill comes in. He's like, well, you know, he's like, how about we trade that bottle? for my t-shirt, you know. The way, he's like, nah, don't quite think that's something I'm down for. It's like, please. I need more salads, please. I want to attack the eBay. There's still an eBay and the natural. You don't know about it, buddy. Like, all right, we can do it. Mothership here pops out. It's going to start moving across the map. I wish there was an upgrade that could make the mothership spin quicker. and then if it spins very quick it kind of it rotates itself into the air further like another level you need you know like super spade or something like that and from there it can shoot down as well I feel like that would be a cool game mechanic you have an invincible mothership on top of it using his powers there's a lot of Templar here by the way which is interesting because Storm is not necessarily great against tanks I guess it's pretty good against banshees. Feedback's also good against bansche. You know what? I like it. Just honestly, anything is better than throwing zealots into the meat grinder. So he could be building mass sentry right now, and I think that would be more efficient than whatever the crap he's been doing so far. 52K to 26K. I'm not great at math, but that's pretty much exactly half. It's nice to see. Gateway. You know the reason why he hasn't taken his base is because he blocked it with a gateway and a pylon about 10 minutes ago. and now he doesn't want to take it out. He's like, that's wasteful. That's 250 resource. He could be spending on all zealots. He's like, actually, I'll just go for the long distance mining here, guys. I guess otherwise I have to rebuild a pylon and a gateway somewhere. That'd be sick. And I only have 17 gateways. Oh, there goes the mothership. There come a couple of storms. I don't know more damage to the zealots than anything else. But then again, zealists don't really count when it comes to, you know, in heaven's analysis. It's like, zealots. I can hit those. you know how people often say I'd rather have one what is it I rather have nine guilty men go free than one innocent men go to prison and that's what heaven says as well I'd rather hit one Viking rather hit one Viking and nine zealots than no zealots that's just it's not entirely the same but the logic here hasn't been completely thought out yet by heaven He just really likes making sure that zealots die. And whatever it is, he'll change his philosophy to whatever achieves that goal. It's not very morally consistent when it comes to that. But I appreciate it anyway. You know, he's a man with a plan. And he's been following that plan to a tee. Because so far he's lost 250 zealots in a 22-minute game. That is more than 10 zealots for a minute that he's been throwing away. I wonder if these zealids did more than 1,500 minerals in damage. I'm actually not entirely sure. I think they might have. Not more than 2K. Like, they killed the bunker twice, so that's already 200. And I think Zealots have killed maybe a base, but we also seen a lot of lifts. I'm not sure if they've killed more than 2.5K. Like the main damage coming from the stalkers, I feel like, that we have been seen, but I feel like automatically. Maybe with SCV kills. Yeah, maybe I'm over-exaggerating now. Here comes another attack. Zellet's coming in from the bottom. This has been the best zealots this entire game. As they took out a tank, that only cost him seven zealids there for a tank. Supply-wise, not the greatest trade. I forgot about the fact that there are 11 Banshees, so didn't take an observer with him. Happens to the best, you know. Banshees have only been out for about 12 minutes right now. It would be weird to be completely prepared for that. He just isn't building any either here. He's starting to seriously sweat. I can feel it. You know, the body temperature starts to go up a little bit. here for heaven. I'm actually pretty poor. I'm starting to count his opponent's mineral patch. Like, I still see five. There's a couple over here. Like, maybe I can outmine my opponent. Now, honestly, he could. If he just mines from here, all you really need to do is heaven still. To this day, all he really needs to do is just sit back, max out on Arkholm Stalker, get some immortals in there, and then start mining from this left side base. I mean, you still have good mining here. You have a little bit of mining here. You have good mining on this right side as well. So you're going to be fully mining two bases against... Well, honestly, this is pretty empty. Like this... There's not that many minerals left here anymore at all. Well, yeah, that's not true. It's like 2.5K. 3K. This one has nothing, though. And there's still this base? Should be capable of denying that. You just want to max out, right? You just go and... Once you're maxed out. Now, there is an observer here. It's still not a single air unit, which is just really stupid. it. Just brilliant, brilliantly dumb, really. Also, no observer speed, no stalkers here to help out. So he's actually just getting kided. I don't think I'd ever really say that the Benji, you know, destroys an Arkon. But I guess if you have nothing as a supplement here or like a, as an extra unit to help out, I guess Banshees just do kind of kite them to death. A couple of stalkers that should end, absolutely. Very weird stuff. have a bunch of stalker zealot here on the left side once again heaven doesn't need to do anything at this moment all he really needs to do is just sit back relax throw down a fleet beacon get a stargate he has one starkey already has a fleet beacon he's been building motherships right he has I completely forgot about it he could just literally could just add any amount of air units not entirely true if he just adds a couple of tempest here like four or five tempest and this game is so far in his favor right now. This is a god-awful fight as well. Poorly synchronized. Loses his entire army on the bottom side. Once again, without an observer, how that is even possible. God knows. Is forced back here as well. Now, Cootie is starting to feel, you know? He's feeling emboldened there. He's like, oh, well, not a good fight. I think I can take this fifth base. 26 minutes into the game. Benji's moving towards the left. She's the recall. not that much though, that's three Archons. That's it. Still 10 zealots. We're about to hit the 300 zealot lost number. That would be crazy. That is actually one of the highest numbers I've seen in a in like a serious game. I remember this game between, I want to say it was nice versus spirit in Intel Extreme Masters Katowice 2021. I feel that like that was 200 or so or 250 as well. It's like just pure zealot the entire time just being wasted again and again. And again. and again and again i feel like this game has just been like a copy of that except at a lower level and with significantly worse trades so here come more banshees once again no observer with this army why that is god only knows even god doesn't really know it's like looking into into heaven's brain first of all looking for it you just gets through the scores like nothing there and it finally finds the brain and starts looking for the process like man this doesn't make any sense this is poorly coded this is this is it's I don't get any of this crap. Did I really do this? No shot. Freaking contractors, man. Writing crap code again. This is why I should do everything myself. I shouldn't have rested on that seven day. Shouldn't have rested. It's unbelievable. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, Temp is actually being added in. Yeah, yeah. At this point, he's like, he's realizing his wealth to lose somewhere. Omar. It's like, oh, I should probably build the good units now. Ha ha. This salad stalker didn't work. Loll. But he's been trying hard already for the past eight minutes. And we can all feel that. Look at it. She's getting owned. It's getting owned. You're getting owned, buddy. You're getting owned here by Goody. Their Panzer General does it again. Gigi, puff. Clapped out of this game. Rinsed is what you've been. Heaven. You've been rinsed here by Goody. Poof. And I mean, this is just, this is, this is just, this is just. such a beautiful little game. This is a beautiful game because you have new blood versus old blood, okay? Goody here, he's playing for the wind. Yes, his hands aren't as fast. Yes, his strategies might not be recent. And he's only built a single non-wings-of-liberty unit this entire game in that single cyclone. Everything else he could, this might have been a Wings of Liberty game for him, okay? But he won't be mocked, not by someone like heaven. And he sees him, he's like, ah, Stalkerzell, do you think he can do that? I've been playing against Stalkerzellet since before you. were born, you prick. Because Goody also played Mac in Brut. Now, I played Prolos in Brutwar, I think. Maybe he played Mac in Brutwar. Well, yeah, one of the two. Pretty similar in Brutoir anyway. And, yeah, he's not getting mocked here. And I haven't tried it. Mess Stalker Zell, obviously, is god awful. All of your engagements were seriously terrible as well. Your transitions into Archons were very late. Once you realized that the Stalker Zeld wasn't working. It was too late. You took the far left side base way too late. You kept attacking without even being Macs. You kept attacking at terrible angles, and all of your traits just sucked. And then finally, this is my favorite part, is that you were trying to, you know, you're like, oh, I'm going to try to do it without air units against Goody. Let's see if I can do it. And then you don't even stick to the challenge, you know? So you have no skill and no integrity. You're a double loser because you end up going for Tempest and then still losing. This just makes me so freaking happy. This is like challenging your cousin to a game of chess. and you're like opening with some crap openers like, ah, let's open with G4, you're never going to see it coming. And then when your cousin goes to the toilet, you take away the queen from the board. You know, something like this. You're cheating. No integrity, no skill. You suck. And that's just the way it is. That's also going to be it for me today, my dear friends. Thank you all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did, don't forget, hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel. I hope you all had a Merry Merry Christmas and I hope you all will have a great New Year as well. There will be more videos before. I'm just going to say it every single day because I'm such a festive person like that. Thank you so much and bye-bye. |
Even These INSANE DISRUPTOR SHOTS Could Not Save Him?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Those Purification Novas were insane though! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ki25b3FBGJE/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | ki25b3FBGJE | Dear Harstam, you know those games where you feel like you played well, but got completely outclassed nonetheless. This was one of those for me. Here I am doing my best to keep an eye on my opponent, while macroing at home and dealing damage. Instead, I have to fend off constant aggression, and when I counterattack, I get stymied by a planetary fortress and squads of ground troops backed by Liberators. I struggle to keep up with constant drops and lose entire expansions, as I juggle the rest of the fighting. He even left mines in the ruins of my bases to kill non-combatants going about their daily task. A war crime, if you think about it. Looking back, I feel like I played well, but was overwhelmed by Terran's superior defensive and drop capabilities. So, tell me, Cap, is it Inba? Or do I suck? This was sent in by a North American Terran player called Chuff, who is in the Diamond League at 3,150 MMR with a simple question on whether Terran is imbalanced, or if he sucks. Let's figure it out. The map is Sight Delta and the opponent is called Necessary Paper, without an E, as I don't think there were enough characters. The character limit was reached before the E could be written. I guess the E is the best one to actually skip in that case. I do like that. We have a fast scout coming out of Chuff over here, who is not a gambler. He doesn't say, hey, I want to be lucky here. No, he says, I want to win the game through thorough scouting with good information, solid responses all around, and a nexus that is 150 minerals late, and trying to construct it with two probes, and a pylon that is too early, and in the incorrect position. And a complete lack here of a cybernetic score. Now, I saw that necessary paper over here opened up with a Reaper expand, executing the build order, practically perfect. If this Reaper goes straight across the map, there's going to be about a, I think, like a 30-second window in which this Reaper just has free game in the main base, can just do whatever it wants. Luckily for Chuff, that is not the case, but this is still a very bad mistake. just because someone didn't capitalize on that mistake doesn't mean it ain't bad. This has the potential to lose you three, four workers. You're forced into building a fast zealot. This zealot, please mind, this zealot is going to pop later than an adept or a stalker usually would. The standard timing for an adept or a stalker to pop is two minutes and 20 seconds into the game. And that is not being reached by this zealot. Also, it wasn't being chrono, so I guess you save a crono. But now you have a zealot. and technically a zealot still can just get kited by the Reaper. Follow-up is going to be an adept as well as a battery in the main. We have a third pylon which absolutely is not necessary ever. Fourth pylon, which is definitely not necessary ever, because the Nexus, look at this. If you don't build this third pylon, you're going to have 29 out of 31 supply. Okay? And then the nexus finishes and provides you with enough supply so that you don't have to build that pylon it. You can focus on things like tech, second gateways, nuts, maybe Warpgate, if you want to ever get that in your life. Reaper moves across the map, arrived about 30, 40 seconds late, I'd say 35 seconds late, and still manage to get a probe kill. Total probe kills on this Reaper right now, two. Total probe kills overall is three, as the scouting probe also ended up going down. Absolutely terrible start. I think this possibly is one of the worst starts that a Protoss player could have, and we're at a level right now, Chuff. 3,100 MMR, where I think the first two minutes should be tight enough that this doesn't happen. I'm not saying that you shouldn't lose any workers to a Reaper, because maybe your opponent is just quicker than you are. All I'm saying is that you should know the order of your first two buildings, okay? This is, if we compare this, imagine you're an aspiring artist, okay? This really is the phase where you're, the face of the painting where you put the canvas on the stand, and you're just putting, you know, that you have these things with paint in it, these paint bottles, and you're putting the paint on your little plateau. I don't know what this is called, the thing that you put the paint on. And you put on your little beret, so you appear to be French. Like, this is the face we're in. Right now what you're doing is you're eating the paint and you're shoving the paint brushes up your bum. Like, this is not a very efficient way of opening up as an aspiring artist or in a game of StarCraft 2. You know, if you put the paint on your brush and then you create something, that is ugly, that is fine. At least the first steps were there. We can't progress from there. But this was an absolutely god-awful opener. And I would really recommend just figuring out what your first three buildings are in what order and at what timing they should be constructed. Because if you don't have that down, it's going to be really difficult to improve. Very, very difficult. Because if your fundamentals are wrong, like the building is just going to collapse, right? that's the same here in StarCraft Fundamentals are wrong your build is just not going to last it's not good we have a second gate sorry we have a third gate second gate is also done right now there's no tech we have 700 gas into a robotics facility to me it feels like there is legitimately no plan which is really nice because it also means you can't deviate from the plan see what I'm doing there like in a way it is kind of relaxing to play because you watch this replay and you go like ah I followed my plan completely to a T because there was no plan so you're always following it you're always perfect in your builder at execution because you have no build your plan is to be planless to be formless like water you know what is the Bruce Lee quote again be like water now you put water into a cup it becomes the cup you put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle you put in the teapot, it becomes the teapot. The water can flow or it can crash. It can water, my friend. It can ebb, it can flow. You put the water in a bottle. It becomes the bottle. Your water, though, is contaminated with garbage. Because this is not good water. You put this water into a bottle. You can't use that bottle for drinking anymore because there's now poop inside. It sticks to the walls. Disgusting. Double ford over here as well. We could start upgrades, I guess. Usually you do that after you get a third base or after you get more than five units, because getting two upgrades at the same time for an army that is 10 supply is usually not quite the optimal way of playing. You're throwing down a cannon, a battery, you add in two more stalkers. As I think you've spotted your opponent moving across the map over here, we get a forward scan. This is like all alarm bells should be ringing right now. I don't know how alarm bells sound like, but kind of like that. Good force fields. Instead, use the guardian shield. Now, for the people unaware, there was a hundred energy on that sentry. And this also is a two forcefield ramp, which means that had Chuff responded appropriately to this threat, he could have just fully forfeeled the ramp or cut the army in half if you were very quick. Now, of course, this is a little bit lower MMRs, so it might be hard. I'm also loving this pro pool, by the way. That's an absolutely. genius move. Here, this is actually very kind by Chuff. Chaff here realizes that despite his best efforts, his opponent hasn't actually killed any workers yet. He accidentally held this, despite having a terrible build order and not force-fielding the ramp. Chuff here begins to realize, hey, wait a second, my opponent invested a lot in these marauders and marines. He's not going to kill any probes. If he doesn't want to come to the probes, we'll let the probes come to him. So he pulls the workers not only losing mining time, but also going to be gifting just a couple of worker kills to his opponent. That is just, I love that. We're in the December month closing in on Christmas over here and you see Chuff already has that Christmas spirit. Oh, actually, ends up losing three more workers as well as losing about 150 to 200 minerals worth of mining time. So a very kind gesture here by Chuff showing that despite those two being enemies, you can still have respect to one another, you know, and give these kind of, little symbolic little gifts. We now have blink on the way as former stalkers are getting warped in. So I guess we're on four, okay, we're five warp gates. An observer is coming out right now. There is, I guess this could be considered some slight oversaturation. So once again, Blizzard, Mr. Blizzard, the guy who started the company, the CEO of Blizzard, Mr. Blizzard was kind enough to add numbers on top of the nexus. Okay. So as you can see here, workers 10 out of 16. This has the white color. That means that it is not fully saturated yet. The moment this color turns red, it means it is kind of optimally saturated. I think it happens at 16 or so. You can technically saturate a base up until 20 workers and still get some return on your investment there. This, however, is 30. 37 workers, so that is 17 workers of oversaturation. That is an entire base of mining of oversaturation. All of those 17 workers would be actually making more cash if they were long-distance mining right now. That is how bad. That is how bad this is. Now, usually what you do is you just get a third base so you don't have to long-distance mine because long-distance mining is also extremely inefficient and it takes a long time to get some serious return on the investment on your probes. but I still yeah I prefer the long distance mining here over the short distance mining so although you're this is still terrible it is at least slightly better terrible you know it's it's not you have god awful and then just very awful you're not at awful yet there's like a couple of steps below still but you know you're you're getting close to just having an awful build right now for now just very awful I also love this move this is a really cool move I used to do this a lot when I was younger, while playing hide and seek. Just hide behind the bushes. You get no information here whatsoever, but neither does your opponent. So you'll scare the ever-living crap out of each other, once again, providing perhaps entertaining scenarios in the future. So Chuff, not only thinking of surprising his opponent, it's surprise, not just with gifts, but also with an army behind bushes. What you could do is just put a stalker in the bushes that provides vision towards the other side as well. I'm also not sure why our army is in the middle of the map. Like, unless you believe that your opponent stop building units for about half an hour, it's obvious you have a smaller army right now, and ProDOS always needs to fight in range of batteries initially. Your opponent currently has what, like freaking nine marauders or something? 12 marauders, 14 Marines, and you're in the middle of the map with one immortal and four stalkers. If he were to move out right now and find your army in the middle of the map, congratulations, Chuff. You have just gifted your opponent, not just a couple of probes in the early game, but also about 26 MMR. Good job, buddy. as Prism now starts we get extended thermal lens on the way I just realized earlier today that people always call it thermal lens but it's extended thermal lens which means that the regular the regular thing of the Colossus is already called thermal lens so when people say he's researching thermal lens every time I'm co-casting with someone and now I'll just start making fun researching thermal lands he already has a thermal lens you massive idiot God no one likes you can't wait to beat you up That's what I'm going to say next time someone says that he's going to research thermal lens. It's going to make me a lot of friends. This was some nice kiding as well here by the stalkers. Managed to take out a marine losing immortal and five stalkers. So overall with decent trade, Chuff didn't have the clarity of mind there to bring a couple of probes to sacrifice as well. Otherwise I'm sure that would have happened too. If necessary paper would have warned him that a fight was incoming like this, we would have seen a couple of probes there, just as a sacrificial gift. Chuff really in the Christmas spirit already. Love to see it. I love to see it. Extended thermal lens is finishing up. That's an upgrade of 100 seconds. And we currently have a grand total of zero colossus. Actually, we don't even have a colossus on the way yet. So this is very rare, but this is also kind of par for the core so far in this game. Getting upgrades for units that don't yet exist. We saw it initially with the double forge for the five units. And now we're seeing it with the extended thermal. lands for the non-existing colossus. Very high-tier move. Necessary paper over here is roaming around with about 20 marauders and 21 Marines. Has two Menevacs out. Now four. I would love if he'd start using. Where are these Menevex actually? Okay, all four are over here. That's cool. Fifth base is done already. Necessary paper. Yeah, so four base mining, five base is done. It's going to get an orbital command there. While we see Chaff taking his fort right now, superior upgrades or well, wait what? It's getting grapetic boosters. So the observer speed. I'm looking forward to see this observer get out of surveillance mode. Surely that is going to happen at some point during this game. Maybe Chuff doesn't realize that all upgrades or like that a lot of upgrades are kind of unit specific. And he just believes that getting upgrades is good in general. Like he wants heard as the upgrades are important, but he doesn't quite understand. how they work. He's like, oh, upgrades are good. They'll throw it on a fleet beak and get Annie Impulse crystals and then start booting out Colosses and Immortals. It's like at least they got Annie Impulse. Didn't feel like it really improved my units though, but I got it. It's getting a couple of disruptors. Single Colosses here, of course, with that extended thermal lens, as well as the double disruptors. Looking sick. For Zellet, the VARPRISM heading in towards the main, or well, heading in towards the dead space. We'd love to see it going to the main. There's really nothing to defend. We have 200 energy on this Nexus or on the CC. We have about 69 over here and then lower amount on the third and the fifth orbital command, the third and the fourth orbital command. This is a nice army split here coming out of necessary paper. I recall Chuff saying that he was under constant aggression, but he's been attacked once so far in a six-minute game or in a 12-minute game, and this is the second minor attack over here as well. Mines are both visible here in the cannon range. actually seeing an army split. Colossus knows he has the extended thermal lanes, lands and start moving forward a little bit too aggressively in my mind. This is a very interesting attack. But it is working so far. I don't think this nexus is going to fall, is it? Could heal it with a super battery, not the case. Okay, main base also under attack. We see 38 workers being killed so far. Some swift moves here coming up. out of necessary paper, who scans, sees the Zealots. And it's like, okay, just going to pick up half of my army and put it in Metavax a little bit further towards the north. These Metafax are still going as well. This is a clean-up. That's nice. We'd love to see some extra upgrade. You could say, oh, no, awful that he lost a lot of workers as well as a third. But he's floating cash anyway, so really it's not the end of the world. It's not like his lack of eco is losing him this game, you know? He's losing this game because it just doesn't produce stuff. We'd love to see a sentry as well just for a guardian. Is this the same prism from earlier? I think it is. Oh, Observer actually moved. I moved quite a distance as well from over here till there. I understand why Gravitic Boosters was research for that. This is also a good move. I love this one. Bam. Just analyze this position for a little bit, okay? A little bit of analysis, okay? So what do we have? We have full vision right now on our opponent's army. on our opponent's army. We have a massive army out here. Okay, like huge. This is actually a free win if you fight this army. Okay. Now, you have a base that shoots as a massive cannon and what is it? Freaking 1500 HP, okay, as well as the ability to repair it, 1,500 HP. Then you have a base that has no defense. Now, a lot of people would look at this situation and think to themselves, I'll take the path of the least resistance. But that would be incorrect. Just like Isaac Newton did, we see our man Chuff here taking the road of the most resistance. He's making it difficult for himself. Why that is, I'm not entirely sure. But that is what he does. He flies into a turret, loses his ability to reinforce. The drop enters his fort base, but this is an afterthought right now. Good purification of actually. That was nice. That was nice. Loses all of his zealots into the planetary. Not a purification of it. I could hit. It does almost hit. All zealots now officially... Oh my God, there's a huge purification of it. All zealots now officially gone. It's like, okay, maybe that base I can't quite kill. He realized this is a nut that is too hard to crack. He can't get to the inside of the nut. What is the nut inside of the nut called? Because you crack a nut, then what's inside of the nut? Is that the fruit? The fruit of the nut? The seed of the nut? The nut inside of the nut? Actually, no, what it's called? Anyway, he can't get to it, is what I'm trying to say. I love that necessary paper also realized that his opponent might have minor brain damage and that he just is setting up all of his defenses right now, the planet there. He's like, ah, he attacked here before. Surely he's going to go here again. Not to the exposed third base. Surely that's not going to be where he'll go. Right, guys? Right? We have a major drop once again in the main base as well. As honestly, pretty decent response here when it comes to those drops out of chuff. recalled, went home, dealt with it now could start moving across the map again if he wants to. There's no base over here. There's no base over here. So it's really one to like four and a half bases versus, well, half, well, one base, I guess. Two halves makes a whole. We have a lot of energy still remaining. Liberators are out as well, just kind of chilling here at the starport. And after the success of the earlier fight, Chavs looks at this and thinks to himself, you know what I can do. First of all, I can probably fly in my observer at very high speed because I researched the grapetic boosters. Oh, it's actually got a micro-it properly. I love to see it. You get a... Woo-hoo! Hello? Okay. That is good. No, I dig this. Okay, this... I hate when I give compliments to people and then this happens. I especially hate it because there's full vision. Like, I know we're not there yet, but I would love to see just the... I wish it's like how you have like the browser history. I want to see the browser history of Chuff's brain right in this moment. Like, what in the ever-living hell was the thought process here? he's like, okay, I'm killing bio with my disruptors. This is the most well-defended base. It's a massive cannon. He can repair it. The army is nearby and it will zone everything towards the left into a range of the planetary. So rather than walking around and going towards the third and trying to hit summer purification of us with the full vision that he has, he blinks his entire army in range of the bio, while the bio moves out of range of the disruptors, the stalkers, rather than fighting the army, start right-clicking the planetary, and then he hits a purification nova. Look at this. On all of his zealots that are still remaining. He gets all of them, which in a way is impressive. I know he didn't micro this on purpose. It's kind of cool that he did get all five, loses his stalkers. So about 40 supply down the drain here. And then it's like, oh, actually, let me try hitting the bio again with the purification. advice, like, well, this didn't work out. Maybe I should try with an easier, not first. And go to the third base. Would that maybe be a good plan? And here's the mines. Okay, I like that. Good play here by necessary paper. Necessary paper still thinking that that economy is an issue that Chuff really has around. Chuff has plenty of cash. If he wants to, he can spend all of it. Runs all of these others just bantering through these mines as well. Here we go. Oh, oh, ho, ho, ho. Poof! Hoo! Boof! That's actually a good micro. Freaking Chav has a... really understands how to use the disruptors. It understands how to use vision. But then sometimes forgets that you don't have to attack into a planetary just because it's there. They just kill his own disruptor? What did he shoot there? Well, we'll have it in the slow replay. I'm sure Hamster will figure it out. Can be bothered to go back into the game again. Like, what is this? Like, it's really sick to me because honestly his army isn't scary, but his disruptor micro for his level is way too good. Like he's controlling the ball individually. He's hitting, he's hitting like a center mass of these freaking marauder ghost armies. Like, he's actually playing well with just the disruptors. This is like starting to play well after his opponent has won the game already. It's like, mate, it's over. Oh, the other guy has already passed the finish line. This is legit, like running a marathon, and then once you pass the finish line, you start sprinting like mats. Like, what? Why would you do that? If you had this much energy left, surely, we would not have gotten last here. His control is actually quite good, and now the rotations also aren't bad, but he's just down so far that it legitimately doesn't matter anymore. You can never fight these lips, because there's nine liberators and you have three stalkers. But the purification novas have actually been really kind of okay, as long as you're only controlling the purification of us. The moment you need to do more than one thing, I can see it going wrong. I kind of disappointed by this, honestly. It really felt like you found your stride there in the end. It's freaking planetary. 11 kills, most of those zealotin stalkers. But these lips, yeah, four kills and one kill. I mean, it is so sick to me, but because really the harass, like losing all of your bases didn't even really matter. Like, that was frustrating and bad. But the thing that got you in the end is the fact that you just went headfirst into a planetary, it's like three times over, losing your entire army and then going like, oh, this is not the optimal way of fighting. And then just doing it again another minute and a half later. It's like, why? I just don't understand that. necessary paper, never really used the energy in his main base. I mean, we can go over the game a little bit here mentally, but the entire early game was legitimately just really, really bad. Your upgrades are too early for units that don't exist. Your third base is way too late. You have like 50 or 60 workers while you were stuck on two bases. Like the fact that you were long-distance mining with 18 probes at the 6-minute mark, that is not a very good sign usually. It really isn't, all right? Then your entire full-up is just building stalkers, a single Colossus. Then once disruptors get out, you're actually really good with disruptors. I understand why you rush disruptors. Although I don't like anything you did before that, I love that you understand. It's like, hey, I'm good with this unit. I'm going to be using this unit. I have vision with my observers, and I'm going to use my purification of us. And you did that well, except then you also blink into planetaries. Like, legit, if you just sit back with a stalker Colossus army, move forward a little bit, disruptors and then come back to your stalker colossus while standing outside of the range of his orbital command, I think you win this game 99 out of 100 times, honestly, with your disruptor control and your opponent's bio control. Like, your disruptor control is much better than your opponent's bio control. It's just a fact. It's also easier, but you're doing this quite well. It's just everything else that you do before that and during that is really terrible. Like, this had nothing to do with Terran. Like, really static defense, the planetary and your own disruptor probably killed more than his bio army in those last three minutes. So I'm sorry, what's your name? Chuff? I'm sorry, Chuff. But it's not Terran that's imbalanced. It indeed is you who sucks. That's my verdict for today. Do you agree, do you disagree? Do you hate it? What do you rate it? Leave a like and subscribe and comment as well. Hit the bell and I'll see you all next time. Bye. Bye. |
Terran Is IMBA. Sincerly, Terran | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | - LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uo7onI26uQI/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | uo7onI26uQI | Dear Harstam, I'll be the first one to say what we're all thinking. Mac is simply overtuned. I recently participated in the Passion Craft Open Season number 16 and was met with another Terran considerably higher than me. As a bioplayer with a solid win rate on Ladder v. Terran, I was excited about taking this guy down. In this game, I decided to go somewhat greedy to counter his style of hunkering down and grinding me out. I was going to take the map and overwhelm him with my insane production, Zerg style. I went fast triple-CC into some sort of 5-1-1 into more production. I was 2-2 when he was 0-1. I successfully contained him on three bases as I eventually expanded to 5, 6 bases. Sadly, after taking some poor engagements of running into tanks, things started to go sour. He used this strategy of gaining air control, and he used. using lips to kill my tanks. Despite being so ahead of him, the Mac player was able to easily finish me off by basically just three-basing me. Maybe had I built Thor's or BCs, I would win. I take pride in playing bio, so this would not be ideal. Double his econ? Isn't enough? Question mark? This imbalance complaint form was sent in by Psycho slash Determinator. Playing on the European server, in the Masters League at 4,500 MMR. And the question here is, is Mac overpowered? Or does he suck? Let's figure it out. Mirror matchups are very exciting, but I do believe that Mac kind of is a different race. Of course, it is still Terran, but it feels very different from bio. And does I often have bio players who have this weird sense of pride in playing bio? like it is something special like 95% of the latter doesn't do that already like oh I'm not a dirty Mac player I play with speed and I destroy my wrist by moving the mouse around at a high pace despite only having 2.6K MMR like this is the average bio player there was actually a line in that imbalance complaint form that made me very it made me feel a bit sick in the stomach let me read it one more time actually in case you guys missed it maybe had I built Thor's or BCs I would win I take pride in playing bio, so this would not be ideal. He just acts like Tors or BCs are something that is dirty and kind of beneath him. It's like, I'm a bioplayer. If he has the same mindset to changing diapers for his kids, he would just be a crap father. It's like, oh, diaper changing? No, that's dirty. Pupus, poop is ew. I don't do none of that. It's for the plebs that play Mac and clean diapers. You know, that type of. This weird elitist mindset that bioterrans I very often discover that bioterrans have this weird elitist mindset. Mac Terrans generally also are nicer people, probably because they have more brainpower to invest into being nice, because the stuff they're doing in game isn't very intense at all. It's a little bit like playing a mix of SimCity and maybe like one of these old Ano games. I always used to like to play them. Although you're... For people I don't know, I think it's called a city builder where you had to keep your population happy. But no matter how many products you gave, your population, they always would be complaining that they needed something new. You just kept improving throughout the ages, but people would always be upset for whatever reason. I was also a fairly bad dictator, if I recall correctly, but it's very frustrating. Leading an island nation wasn't very easy, is what I learned that day, and that's why I decided to never become a president of an island nation or even a peninsula. It seems messed up. get an elitist mindset, I think. I mean, you're stuck on a country. An island is messed up. I don't know why. Cici on the high ground versus Cici on the low ground. Love to see it. Love to see it. Huge fan of that. I prefer the low ground, personally. High ground kind of feels like a loser move, you know? It's like you're already opening with a double gas opener. And a cyclone, I think he opened as well. And then also you're building it on the high ground. Like, what are you? afraid of, buddy. Like, I feel like if there's anything you die against while opening with a double gas straight into cyclone, then you probably deserve to lose. Because I think this is literally the safest build that exists. I also think he played, what? Was it Double Reaper? Yeah, I think he played Double Reaper into Cyclone. Like, I don't actually think there's a safer build out in the world currently. It beats all proxy raxus. All right. Whatever you want here, gypsy danger, the opponent of our replay submitter, who's of course, psycho slash Terminator. Glad to see that Arnold also sends in a replay. So the opener so far I'm actually kind of happy with. We're up three workers. That looks relatively solid. We're getting a very fast third command center. I also generally like that. So the trade-off in Terran versus Terran often is more Marines, faster third. So you see here that our purple Terran player is getting a couple, actually, he's less Marines. Usually, oh, I guess it's because there's no raven production here whatsoever out of cycle. So he's cutting the raven this time. Usually you're cutting the Marines. He's cutting the ravens. It's kind of a wild play. He's building a tech lab here on this starboard as well. So I guess he wants to start stim relatively late. Usually the first barracks flies over to a tech lab to start producing stim. That's not going to be the case over here. Actually, kind of a cool build. really a very fast rush here into bio, quick upgrades as well, and he mentioned it in his imbalance complaint form. He played very greedy in the early game, and he really did play very greedy in the early game. But if you're playing against a player that is considerably higher than you are, then you kind of want to play greedy. Like, that's a completely fine thing to do in my mind. I don't mind that at all. I think that's, I mean, I do that as well. Whenever I play against, Sarah, I'm opening three Nexus before I build my gateway. I don't think I've scouted once in the past five years. he's against him. Like, I don't know, scouting a guy that plays macro every single game, and that beats me even if he's down 10 workers. Like, I need to take every single advantage that I can get. As we're going to get double factories here in the main base for Gypsy Danger. Hasn't quite scanned yet, our good friend's psycho. But because this is a tournament and Psycho kind of, you know, he let it shine through in the form that perhaps they know each other. He knew his opponent's play style, at least a little bit. So I think he knows that this is Mac, despite not really having scouted that. We're seeing the triple extra barracks here being added in. It's kind of a wild play going straight up to six wrecks. He said he went for a 5-1-1. Perhaps counting has not been psychos, you know, is his strongest suit, because this is definitely a 6-1, 6-1, 6 barracks, one factory, one starport, with the barracks number being first, the factory being second, and the starboard being late last. So if you have a one-one-one-one, that is one barracks, one factory, one starport. But I guess there the order doesn't really matter. So what are we talking about, you know? Blue Flame Helion here coming out, or the Internal Pre-Agniter, is the official name. You have a single cyclone, which is staring menacingly over here at the factory. This is the factory that hurt him when he was a young boy. They didn't like it on, they removed his range inside of this factory. He remembers he used to have the long range. I used to have 13 range. I used to be capable of killing Tempest. Now I have nothing. I remember what you did. You stupid factory. Something along those lines. Yeah. Blind tech labs here being added in and starting marauder production without having scouted anything seems insanely dumb. But if they know each other, this is actually smart. Once again, I really like the opener here coming out of Psycho. In a way, I'm a little bit sad that he built that sixth barracks because I think he could have had a really fast fort base already that could practically be done at this point or 10, 20 seconds away from being finished. He's going for a 1-1 timing with 4-5 marauders, a decent tank count, and an absolutely insane amount of Marines here doesn't quite have the combat shield yet, but we'll be done in 30 seconds, so hopefully by the time he arrives. And he's looking here to perhaps break his opponent. Now Oceanbourne is a difficult map to break someone up because you have this ramp and then you have this attack path, which can be covered pretty much by tanks that stand somewhere over here. Sensor towers are being plopped down already as well, making rotations, aggressive rotations that are unexpected, a little bit harder. Metafek count extremely low with just a single Metafax eight minutes into the game. That means that every stim is going to hurt a significant amount. On top of that, as these tanks are in position, I believe it's fairly impossible here for Psycho-Sleaster to do anything. Snipes a Viking, or well, Vikings got themselves, really, they walked in marine range while trying to kill a Medivac. You require six Viking shots to kill a Medivac. So if you have six Vikings, you just right-click a Medevac and it disappears. My man, Gypsy Danger over here, went in with just the five Vikings, and thus the Medivac survives. That is generally how damage output works. Two more medevacs here on the way, as the Maraudicant has climbed up to 13, and I like this type of containing play. I still believe that double expansions could be something that is very good over here, but at the same time I'm kind of okay with this spot as long as he's just containing his opponent just kind of chilling like this this is completely fine you're up 40 supply as mentioned he's going to be plus two upgrades against just plus one there is ship weapons but ship weapons is not so important if there's only five Vikings and I guess also two ravens or actually three ravens there's a third one oh it's right there I didn't see it my bad guys my bad tank count fairly similar seven against 12 of course not extremely similar, but similar enough. Second factory going down for Cycle as well, which once again I think is actually a good plan. And so far, this setup is good. Yes, it is a quite a boring game. That's because Gypsy Jane Danger here decided to do nothing until he's going to take his forward base. And this is going to be the moment that we've waited for, right? We have a moment right. Oh, hello. Scan. Hello, scan. Hello, can we get a scan? There we go. Chicky Stimford. You're going to just clear these times. Yeah. I mean, this is good. This is really quite smart. And now we at the same time make a rotation with this army over here. So we're setting up a flank for the potential move out. You want to get a scan over here. See how many tanks remain and then move the army towards the right to see if you can break this position. And honestly, with this amount of marauders, I really think you can. There's freaking 14 marauders over here still. There's a crap ton of units in this spot as well. And this really only is four tanks. This should never be allowed in a million years. This is legitimately the that you've been waiting for. Like, this is the... Let's repeat it anyway. So I just want you all to kind of take a look at what happens here on the left side and what could have happened here on the right side, okay? So this entire army could have been preparing to stop this purple MAC force from moving towards the fort. Okay? You have basically your entire army fighting, freaking half of your opponent's army, while your opponent's army is also worse upgraded, and is already smaller to begin with, even if the entire army was there. Okay? That could have happened. This would have been a fight with, let's take a look. It would have been two siege tanks, seven Marines without any upgrades, a liberator, a couple of auto turrets, And I know what, like two siege tanks and three unseech tanks. That would have been it. You would have had your entire army there. All of this crap. All of this crap. I think he would have just straight up on. Instead, what we go for is look at this move. This is an absolutely bonkers move. A scan forward. Sorry, no scan forward. Literally just unseages everything. Get scanned by his opponent. And just moves in without any information. There could have been 12 tanks here and a depot wall. He legitimately had no cross. clue. This works out, but imagine what would have happened if you didn't walk into six siege tanks and instead would have had a flank coming into this army where there were only two tanks siege at that moment, which would have been the normal play anyway. This is the moment you've been preparing for your entire life. You had one job. You're just sitting there at the button waiting for the screen to turn green and the screen turns green and you forget to hit the button. It's like, this is legit your job as a bio player. It's like denying basis when your opponent tries to take him. You're still in an absolutely fine position, but you missed a prime opportunity to kill your opponent. You can still actually just do it. There's freaking three tanks over here. You split a little bit. This is a free win. No? Even if you don't split, hello, that's one tank. No? No, I guess not. No, no matter of fact still, by the way. So no ability to heal here whatsoever. We have two of them now floating towards, the top side. We get a... He just scanned this base rather than scanning forward to see if he can break it. Okay, now we get double scans. So he sees... He has full information right now, okay? Absolute full information. What does he see? What does he see? Single tank, liberator out of position to protect the tank, and a liberator that is... I think this is idling, or is there like a Liberator line over here? I don't think so. No. That is it. Okay? One tank. that has the plus one upgrade and plus two, 80% done. But that doesn't count. It's not like you get 80% of the damage for plus two then. What does psycho do? Wait for the Liberators to see job. Loses a marauder, gets scanned. Now stims in after two extra tanks have decided to see job. No extra units have been gotten because all the units got rally to the wrong location together with the MataVax. He's just kind of sprinkling in units bit by bit. It's every now and again, it's like, ah, a little bit of danger here, a little bit of danger there. It's like this massive ball of danger you can just knock his opponent out with. You're just sprinkling it in. Just enough for the opponent to, you know, to really tear it down. Right now, our Purple Terran player with a massive bank, not quite with the production, though. It has five factories, but it's really struggling to get, well, enough units out to still take that third base. between, behind all of this psycho has taken a fifth and is also throwing down a sixth as well as another star port finally, may I add the one thing that has been bothering him so far has been these air units like there's nothing else that he loses in except versus the air he is out echoing his opponent in a massive way here he probably should have built this one on location as as he had a complete contain the entire time continues losing tanks Liberators as well, which is just fabulous. You know what I also wouldn't have minded here, by the way? It's just having aggressive sensor towers. If you're playing against Mac and you don't want to play air, you still need to have vision of your opponent's tanks, otherwise stuff like this is going to happen. That was an interesting move. He lost his entire bioforce and killed two Liberators. Don't think that was entirely worth it. losing all of your momentum, all of your presence on the map, literally all gone in one go. I just would have loved to see a slightly quicker start-port transition. I really think that would have been good. Or just going up to eight barracks and then going full-on eco. And what I mean with that is just whenever your opponent moves out, going for base rates and taking like 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 bases, all at once. High worker count trying to trade or trying to base trade. These are the two options. Because right now legitimately single liberators are just distrower. destroying all of your pushes. So either you need to get more eco, which right now you're still kind of outmining your opponent, but despite having way more bases, you're actually down in workers. This guy's going to be uber oversaturated though, isn't he? Yeah, main base oversaturated, natural oversaturated, yeah. Fifth pace is in necessity. Oh, here comes another attack. Good movement, I guess. I missed it, but it seems like you're somewhat winning. The bio control hasn't been brilliant either. I feel like you don't even have to. kind of split during the fight but just pre-spread before you enter and then a move onto your opponent's army that way your army or a little bit behind it so your army remains in kind of this this large concave single liberator here going to take out 12 tanks if you're not careful this is a good stim look at this they weren't happy these these marines weren't happy with the speed they were dying at look at it is like oh we're on their fire there's a tank shooting at us let's see what we can do about it poof just stims in hello there go stims in ah right there's a lot of tanks moves back i lose it like six units how many okay this lip got four kills i think all of them are actually tanks legit all of them every single unit there was a tank or maybe at least three of them oh there we go another big siege up who could have seen that one coming as this has been happening literally the entire time. Three more tanks go down. Hop. Just like that. And you can see Psycho Think right now. I was like, huh, what would be the solution to these problems? Is there anything I can do to do with this? Liberation starts Viking production now. Despite having much better eco, by the way, not getting double armory to get ship weapons as well as vehicle plating, maybe even triple armory here. Like your advantage is that you can get more infrastructure because you have better eco and you can get faster upgrades. Right now you're down or even in the infrastructure that matters. Because at this point, bio isn't going to cut it anymore. Once there's more than 10, 12 tanks, the bio just is useless. This is a fact of TVT. This is a fact that most people are aware of. And then you need to transition into the late game army, which consists of Raven Viking or Viking Liberator, Thor, Viking Liberator, Tank. Basically, you're getting rid of your bio unit and you're placing them with units that are much more efficient. You happen to have map control and much better eco, but instead of transitioning into just more efficient units, you just continue building the bio, which honestly hasn't been trading well for the past five, six minutes already. And at this point, that's becoming an issue because you're not dealing any damage and you're not denying any bases anymore either. You're really achieving nothing. Before at least you were denying a base, so then trading poorly is kind of fine because you're making up for it in other ways by mining a lot, but that's not happening at all here. Rocks are going to get taken out. We get some aggressive sensor towers, finally, may I add. I feel like they should have been much closer to your opponent while he was trying to take the fort. That would have been huge to have. This is nice movement here with the Vikings. Interesting. Why would you scan towards the right? I know you have six orbitals, but still it's a limited research. This is one of those things. It's such lazy play here by this bioterran that is supposed to be fast and non-lazy. It's like just send a marine over there. And if it dies, then there's something there. Or just build depots on all the outside bases. So you get a warning whenever they try to take one. This is an absolutely wild stim-in that kind of works out, I guess. This is a wild stimming that doesn't work out. Now the Liberator siege up. So you end up killing like three tanks there. You lose two and all of your bio. At least you can now start rebuilding units that matter like Vikings or other units that matter. like maybe Ravens. Instead, we see four more marauders, two more marines coming in clean. Beautiful to see. Ship weapons start, still no second armory for those vehicle plating upgrades. So you're still just going to be behind in upgrades where it matters. You said, oh, I had better upgrades through to 0-1. That was true back then. But now you're in a situation where your upgrades actually aren't better anymore, especially not where it matters. Now, your opponent decides that he's had enough after taking 12 good trades in a row. He's like, okay, let me move across the map. and that's what he does. Now, you know that he has a massive tank count and a massive Liberator count and that you can't fight into this when he's sieged up. Yet, you're still pretending like this is your plan. Why aren't we base trading attacking this base where there's right now a single tank and a single Liberator as well as three Helions as defense while continuing to build air units? Look at his anti-air. What is this guy's anti-air consistent? He has seven Vikings and seven lips. If you get freaking 14 Vikings out while base trading and then build one Liberator, he has nothing that can shoot up. You just clear all his air and then you siege you're a liberator and you win the game while taking out these bases with your main army at the same time with your 13 marauders, your 14 Marines on your own four tanks. Sadly, you only have two star ports, one of them, which is right in front of your opponent's army because you were too lazy to build it in your own main base. The only thing that Mac players need to do is build things in the correct spots, but you also need to do that. You still need to do that. This is not a correct thing? What is this quicker Viking reinforcements through the middle of the map? You better pray you keep your map control. Wait, what happened here? Did you lose the base trade? No, you just went with like five marauders. I mean, five marauders is still better than zero marauders. If you would have gone with your entire bioforce here immediately, it would have been very powerful, honestly. Like, look what these five marauders are doing by themselves. No anti are in your army? You're still doing a good job. No healing either. Still doing a good job. If only you have. had two more starports here producing Vikings. At this point, you would have had enough anti-heart to clear both the lips as well as the Vikings. He wouldn't be capable of pushing forward anymore because you have tanks defensively. This is still a completely playable position for you as well. Let's face it. Well, completely playable might be a bit wild because there's a lot of cash in the bank for a purple Terran. For our Macking Man. That is... Another thing you can do is pick off reinforcements, you know, if you have your army on the other side of the map, this army isn't getting reinforced to anymore in that case. Now we have Thor's on the way. This is so sick to me. Okay, so even if you truly believe that in Starcraft 2, you have like moral high ground, if you're not building Thor's or BCs, then you still just lost it in the end. Because when things get hard, you still end up building it. So you have no moral superiority and you lose the game. Why don't you just build them immediately when you think you might need them then? This makes absolutely zero sense to me, like legitimately none. First of all, I think it's weird to have like an elitist mindset about which units are proper and which ones aren't. But then at least stick to your principles, especially when things get hard. Everyone has principles when they're up seven bases. That's great. The entire point is to have principles when things are difficult. The absolute clown. Thor's also need to be in a different mode here to deal with these lips. There's not even advanced ballistics. No, there is. Okay, never mind. Okay, but still, Thor's should be capable of dealing with those, no? Yeah, move him around a bit. You should have been fine. Viking count is six for the opponent. Now has two Thor's for anti-air. It's Liberator ceasing up. That was a nice pick-up. That's a good move. That's a good move. And gotta compliment the guy when he makes a good move as well, Psycho. But the Terminator, as they call him, loses the command center, forgets the lift, happens to the best. I wonder how many tanks have gone down to lips. Honestly, I feel like it's an insane amount. I think it's more than 20. How many tanks have gone down in total? 36 tanks. I mean, this is a fight that you probably can't win unless you drop on top of the tanks. GG well play. That's something at least. You get a GG, but I feel like there were like three, four, five moves or so that you could have made at any point, which would have just instantly won you the game. Starting with the very start. First up, okay, let's talk about the first seven minutes and say that I think Psycho for his level played almost perfect StarCraft when it comes to the thinking, when it comes to the executing as well. Smart to get high tech lap counts, smart to rush into upgrades. If you know your opponent is a campy little prick. This was a really smart and intelligent opener, which makes it even weirder that the rest of the game was the exact opposite of smart and intelligent, mainly dumb and dumb, just stupid, stupid and dumb. of the game was because you're setting up for a kill move on a sport base, the entire game. Then when that opportunity presents itself, you don't just fumble it. You just look at something else that you could have been doing the entire time, which is running up a ramp like an idiot. And then you decide, oh, no, it's the time for me to run up a ramp like an idiot without even scanning. Like, this is an insane decision, legitimately an insane decision. God awful. You could have won the game straight up over there. Now, if you're planning on playing a heavy bio style, style, first of you. of all, go up to a-tracks and get more expansions. You can play slightly lower gas, get a crap ton of expansions, run around, throw bio into your opponent's face, try to doodrop for all I care. I don't give a crap. That would have all been very good. Then, third thing that you can do as well is if that doesn't work out, which it wasn't working out, you were taking like minus 4K resources lost rates every single time with your bio, transition into the units that you need. Vikings, tanks, Tours, Liberators, Raven, I don't give a crap what it is, build them. Don't be elitist about them. It is stupid. So just get these units out and you'll be fine. And then finally, despite all of your mistakes in this game, all of the opportunities where you literally could have picked up a free win, you decide not the base rate, and once again run your entire force into your opponent's army and then realize, oh, now my army is just small. Freaking Mac, what can I do? It's like, yeah, your opponent three base all in you, well, eventually with four, just like a four base all in. You sat there with seven bases, throwing crap units into his face, never transitioning, and then in the end throwing your moral superiority out of the window as well. That can only lead to one conclusion here, my dear friend, Psycho slash Terminator. You suck. And Mac is not imbalanced. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks also much for watching. Hope you did enjoy it. If you did, don't forget to hit a like, but subscribe to the channel. Hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Yeah, be sure to submit one as well. If you have a replay where I think, well, Harsden, this is very broken, and the mainstream media isn't reporting on it. I'm sure to leave it up in a little Google form that's in the description over here. Thanks so much for watching. Bye-bye. |
PLEASE HELP ME Understand This Replay!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | I am completely lost. Not only did this guy manage to FAIL uploading the replay in the correct location, but his nothing but confusion complaint text also refers to a unit comp, that NEVER even remotely hits the field. What are we supposed to judge here?! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/x-mSlOkvztM/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | x-mSlOkvztM | Greetings, you're hi Captain. I sent you a replay with the same complaint before, but you've not analyzed it, and whether that's because you didn't feel like doing a video, or you're just being lazy, I don't know, but anyway, here's another one. There's not much to say about this replay as the Protoss destroyed me quickly. I opened up with a hatch first, trying to be economical, when I saw the toss going Warpgate Forge. I immediately started roaches and lings, and this time the Protoss transitioned quickly, not even making more than one zealot out of the gate. Once I attacked, there wasn't much to be done because he had a battery cannon, an immortal defense. I pulled back to regather my army and they kept building more robots and unit. Eventually, the Totsas army got too big and whenever I engaged, it completely destroyed me. Shortly after, they sent their army across the map and I couldn't get any sufficient number of units out, nor any air. Air technically also are units, but we'll let that be for now. if I did manage to get air out, however, the toss would have pulled back and used his many warp gates to build an anti-air regiment in addition to the robo units they already had. I still suck, even though I moved upper rank, but I believe, even more strongly now, that this strategy is unbeatable. And it could also be used as an early timing or cheese to destroy any Zerg player. Now, I'm not entirely sure what the strategy is, but so far what I've gathered is a warpgate forge rush into a single zealot, immortal battery cannon defense, and then more robos and units. And that's it. And with the possibility of making, let me quote, an anti-air regiment with the many warp gates. So I'm really curious, first of all, what this composition or this strategy is that's unbeatable because I haven't quite figured out from this form. And second of all, I'm also curious, where. the hell this guy uploaded his replay. So the imbalance complaint form has a little thing that says your replay. And in the past four years, people uploaded their replay in that little thing. This has never gone wrong. But Bill, which is the name of the submitter here, instead uploaded a document on Google that is called the Starcraft Quiz. And in the StarCraft quiz, we should circle the race that the brute war players play. choose the main race even if they have been playing off race recently. So no replay there. I thought, well, that ruins this imbalance complaint for him. But then I scroll down and we have a little header that says anything else. This is an optional thing that you can fill in. And there, there's more text. In case you have anything else to say or point out, here's your chance. And here goes Bill. I tested out the Colossi Immortal Stalker Arcon in the unit tester. And I found you need at least one upgrade advantage. to win with micro. You should try it yourself with the composition of 10 colossi, 10 immortals, with 20 stalkers and 8 Archons. Now, I think that is a supply of 180 or 170, something like this. And then on the bottom, he sends a one drive link to the replay that I actually have to watch. So this is the first time he mentions the composition, a colossi immortal stalker Arcon comp and if you put this in the unit tester it's unbeatable I tried putting it in the unit tester I believe it was like 172 supply or so this loses to 170 supply of muta if both forces are unupgraded and both of them are unmicrode it also loses to Mest Brutelord it loses to Neurall it loses to a lot of compositions mainly the ones that are in the air because this is an army that is mainly focused on killing ground. But I believe if you play some type of like lurker broodlord or lurker investor, you should be capable of always beating it and I managed to beat it a couple of times. A confused composition for sure. So let's just hop in the replay and take a look at this colossi immortal stalker Arkham ball. All right and that brings us to the game here on equilibrium where we have malice mokrum versus Bill, the imbalanced plain form submitter who's opening up with a never-before seen build. He mentioned the hatch first as an economical opener. This is a 13 hatchery, which I wasn't quite aware of. I never seen this in my entire life, but apparently Bill has a new build. He's also floating larva, two of them right now. This is not the greatest opener. This is not the greatest opener for sure. I forgot to mention, by the way, but Bill. is a gold player with an MMR of 24151. So, yeah, gold bill over here. Into Overlord, we're going to see no pool quite yet. Probably wants to drone up first before he gets the pool. No, just decided that getting the overlord first was more important. There's some interesting plays here being made. Now, as mentioned, this is a completely unique build order. I've never quite seen it in my entire life. It's very inefficient. We have very little mineral mining. We're constantly floating larva. This is not good. Wait, they just cancel the gate now. Okay, the gate finished. So we see a gateway and cybernetics core. Bill in his form mentioned a warp, I think a warp forge rush or a warp gate forge rush, something like that. I haven't quite seen the forge yet. Maybe Bill doesn't know the difference between a cybernetic corps and a forge, which is possible of course and we shouldn't you know we shouldn't joke about that there are people who are incapable of seeing the difference between those two most of them stuck in gold is he goes for a drone scout right now this build is a little bit confused to be quite honest i also am not entirely sure what why the response is building roaches and lings if you scout a gateway and a forge while you already have your natural all you need to do right now is basically not die and you should be fine, I think. You don't have to attack. You can just sit back and drone up. Magically, Bill has managed to fall behind by four workers, mainly due to, I guess, his lack of worker production consistently. This has not been a very economical opening. Okay, we see a third base as well. Still have three larva active at all times. There's some gas mining with a single drone in the gas. Bill is introducing me to a completely new build order. Okay, Twilight Council. You have that one zealot. Bill mentioned that as well. Looking forward to the battery cannon too, which is used as a defensive tool. I'm not sure if that is a battery and a cannon, or if that's just a battery. And Bill doesn't know that it's just a shield battery, not a battery cannon. The entire imbalance complaint from confused me very much, but probably not as much as, you know, the actual form confused Bill. And so far he's the only person over, I think we've had over, well over 5,000 submissions at this point over the years. Although you guys' enthusiasm on this show definitely is very high, the captain is vastly exaggerating here. We did not even get half that with exactly 2,462 send-ins since I joined in May 2020. So yeah, please don't stop sending replays or we will run out in sub-exit-ins. point back to the video i don't think i've ever seen a single imbalance complaint form that that didn't have a replay in it i once had a guy sent me the wrong replay um this is a good story for another time actually there was a guy who sent me a replay he's actually such a good story he sent me a replay of him playing a 2v2 but his complaint firm was written about a 1v1 and in the 2 versus two, he's legitimately just flaming his opponent the entire way through, then gets destroyed by his opponents and flames them a little bit more. It was literally one of the saddest things I've seen him alive. He started from the very start and he ended at the very end. I think the game lasted like four minutes or so. He was very, very rude, very rude. But at least there was a replay in there. You know, we all make mistakes, but Bill managed to, he sent a Starcraft quiz into the replay. He's wild. Bill is wild. The robotics facility is here We have that single salad A third pylon being added in As well as the battery now going down A second gas That is not a fight you really want to take There's probably the smallest joke you could go for A single thing attacking at the same time This is having a blast over here I think his battery is going to finish in time as well Immortal Way we have blink coming out as well. Full wall with a piling, you love to see it. Bill, meanwhile, is floating 11 larva. Could be building 11 drones as a result, but decides against it. And Stats adds another queen and just the three drones here over at the third base. He's kind of walking into a supply block soon. So despite having the third base about as quick as the opponent had the natural, Bill still is down in income, as well as in work. as well as in workers. You have a third gas now being taken, despite the second gas not quite mining yet. This is also not quite... Evo chamber. He legitimately builds his buildings like the AI does as well, like the Easy AI. You know, not Alpha Star. The EasyA always builds all of their buildings kind of in blocks. You know, you have a block over here, block over there. Kind of how American cities look like a massive grid. Except there's no little streets in between here, I guess, which you would have in American cities. That is a Robo Bay. We have no second robotics facility yet. I'm really curious to see how long it's going to take Malisi Mokrom over here to actually get to, what was it, 10 Colossus, 10 immortals, 20 stalkers and 8 Archons. Because the speed we're currently at, we're 5 minutes in and we have a single immortal. Three more robotics facilities now on the way. Okay, I'm starting to dig this a little bit. Well, not really, but... I guess it's a lot of. I guess there's a lot of production, which is nice, maybe. No third base quite yet either. If we were to compare this to regular timings, this all looks very poor. You could probably be hitting right now with an actual immortal in that would have like maybe three or four immortals already. And just adding more production this early on two bases. Usually isn't very good unless you're floating a lot, which I guess Malice Mokrome is doing currently. Bill coming in clutch with a 41 drone all-in that is hitting about as hard as an all-in that should hit at the three-minute mark is going to hit, which means it's not hitting very hard at all. There are two immortals out right now, as well as the battery cannon, as Bill often calls it. You have two colossus being popped out over here. Forge on the way. So we're going to get some upgrades. Investation pit hydrant. I like that we're seeing range upgrades. Though Bill knows that if you're getting range units, you want those range upgrades. So there's a big move here. He... Is he looking for where his opponent spawned? No, he figured it out already, no? Yeah, he scouted with the drone. But maybe he's forgotten? Like, why? Why is he scouting everywhere? And why is he doing it with his entire army? Surely if timing is of the essence, like if you're trying to kill your opponent, because you've seen a warpgate forge rush, which was basically just two gateways and a zealot. You want to kill your opponent. You want to hit as quickly as possible, surely. Still not mining from this gas. Still not mining from this gas either. I feel like this was the Ford extractor that went down. And this one just hasn't been mining, but has been built. We have 18 larva available. This is the thing that always upsets me a lot. We have these people that actually inject and then just sit there with 18 larva, which makes legitimately no sense. I always, I see this happens so often and I don't get it. You have these like gold or platinum Zerg players. This is such a common mistake that makes no sense to me. Maybe it is because they don't hotkey their hatcheries. Maybe they think it like auto producers or something. I have absolutely no clue. Okay, so we now have three immortals and two colossus. Here comes Bill. Looks at that fight. And I like here that Bill, you know, let's do a quick first purpose. person here. Okay, out of Bill. Let's take a look at the thought process. Okay, it's looking at his army. It's looking at his army. It's like, okay, this is my army. What does Bill see? It's like, okay, immortal. Two colossus, three immortals, a salad. Do some counting here. Six roaches. 12 lings. They looks at this fight. It's like, yeah, let me try. Snipes the zeal. It's like, oh, that was a mistake. Quickly runs back. Good micro, honestly. Only lost the lings, but the decision-making wasn't great. You probably could have figured out if you see two colossus and even just one immortal that there's nowhere going to win the fight, loses his entire army, which really shouldn't be the end of the world, because we're seven minutes and 40 seconds in, and it was like five roaches and ten lings. The problem is that there's really nothing else. I'm also kind of surprised how the overall money is so low, or well, I guess why the gas is so low is because we only have two extractors currently mining out of the four. the mineral count is actually relatively high, but in general it feels like if you're just mining, you just get more minerals than he currently has and more army as well. It's not like he's lost a whole lot. His army is just tiny for some reason. And even his bank isn't that big. He had one of the worst openers I've seen in my life, like the least economical openers, despite himself calling it economical, it's now going to defend against two colossi and three immortals with four hydras and two roaches. I'm not entirely sure what the imbalanced part is here are zergs all around really this delusional that they look at the cost of a colossal like 300, 200, and then they look at a roach, 7525. And they're like, yeah, he has one colossus, I have one roach. You know, he just does the counting. He's like he's four roaches against three colossos. I have more units. Should be winning that fight. Now they're freaking five colossus. Two mere mortals also being produced. Also, air units definitely would work here. Like, yeah, your opponent could build an anti-air regiment. But you could also have 78 workers at this point, a buzzing economy and 10 Brutlords on the way. Like, if we're playing the what-if game, then we'd be here until the morning comes. Queen dies. I would say that this is a weird joke, this entire imbalance complaint form, but all the clues kind of fit together, like the kind of weirdly written imbalance complaint form, the fact that the replay hasn't been entered properly, Bill just making up a composition that isn't even in the replay. And also, even the made-up composition is so ridiculous that even if it was in the replay, it wouldn't be capable of being in the replay because it's just made up and fake. Like, I've never seen 174 supply consisting of 10 colossi and 10 immortals, eight Archons and 20 stalkers. And then he mentions there, what did he say again? He says, try anything the Zerg has with micro and no upgrades. You will surely lose, as long as it is not so much Zerg. So basically what he's saying is if the Protols has a much bigger army than the Zerg, the Zerg cannot win, which in my mind sounds like good game design and well balanced. If one guy has a way bigger army, then that is good. And if the armies are equal or you counter your opponent's army, you can win. He's complaining about a composition that wasn't even in the game. he played legitimately the worst and least efficient opener. I've probably seen in, I think my entire life, at least in IOTUS, I don't think I've seen an opener being worse. I almost feel like he had like negative income at certain points. He had so little cash. It's almost unbelievable. His opponent also had zero anti-air. So a single muta probably could have won the game here, or five mutas could have at least been capable of holding your base. no gas mining despite having four gases, infestation pit that didn't get used either, and then having three roaches and four hydras against six colossus and three immortals. I don't even see what we're complaining about here. Like, at no point during this game, do I understand what you could complain about? He isn't even complaining about the battery, which also wouldn't make sense because there was a wall and there was two immortals against like, what, six roaches and 12 lynx? Actually, at that point, there was already two colossus and three immortals. It's like, the only thing he could complain about is that a zealid in a wall could kill 12 lynx. Which is, is that really the fight you want to take? That's the only thing where it's even remotely an unfair interaction, because the lings are slightly more valuable than the zealot is by itself. But then if you factor in the wall, that is actually, you know, that is more of an investment. So I am just very confused. I think even more confused than Bill was when filling in this form. And I mean, he sucks, I guess. So you suck Bill, but you also mention that already. I just don't quite know what to say. I just don't quite know what to say. If you have any theories at home as to what all of this meant, what it is that we're supposed to be looking at, be sure to leave them down in the comments. And maybe we'll revisit this at some point. but for now yeah keep fighting the good fight bill and I agree or I'm sorry and it's awful that that happened to you and we'll see you all next week thank you all so much for watching this week's episode and bye bye |
The Very BEST Chinese Amateur Zerg Reports A TRUE IMBALANCE!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | This description was written by a Diamond pleb. I am not worthy of commenting on this game! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tR3JlddkT-4/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | tR3JlddkT-4 | Hello, Harston. I am a 5,400 MMR Zerg Grandmaster. And many Chinese players think I am the strongest amateur Zerg in China. I am facing a 5,600 ProDos player, also from China. After I lose many times to him, I think ProDos is just too imba. They don't need any micro, they just need to press F2 and A to win. Normally, you just need to do things better than your opponent, make few. You were mistakes than your opponent and you can win the game. But this game doesn't seem to be the case. Every game against Prol's seems to be like this. I believe that in this game, even if Serral came, he wouldn't defend much better than me in the early and midgame. Facing two oracles harassing for the whole game, I only lost one drone very late. Facing charged zealot pressure, I also held off the opponent's aggression with acceptable losses. Although it was mainly because of the opponent's mistake, but overall my early game. macro should be close to perfect. The only thing I can think of that I was affected by the opponent was that I lost three buildings to a void ray, but that was inevitable. After my perfect early and midgame macro, he suddenly one punched me to death. And my opponent didn't even all in. He had four bases and a lot of probes. Even if this punch didn't kill me, he could still go back to his economy and make a stronger punch. If it was because of some mistakes I made that led to the game loss, I wouldn't think Proto's is Imba, but when you do everything right and you can't find any problems and you still get one punched by the Protoss, I can't think of any other explanation than Imba. Or is that Protoss can make countless mistakes, but Zirc only has the chance to lose three overlords. I believe that as a Protoss player, you will try to defend your race. But facing this replay, I believe you can't find any excuse for Proos, not being Imba. please tell me did I have any other major mistakes in my macro, micro or even transitions? If not, I think you can finally admit that P is imba. Tips, before I sent this letter, I searched for him again on the ladder and he once again used the same build order to easily defeat me. This might be the single most convincing in balanced complaint form that I've read in my entire life. This guy is not only the strongest amateur Zerg in China, according to many other Chinese players, he also played again against the same opponent and lost to the same build once more. His name is Chang'an, plays on the Korean server, and he's a 5,400 MMR Grandmaster. And he says that ProDos is in by, and just based on this imbalance complaint form. I'm kind of feeling like agreeing. But as always, let's do our due diligence and let's investigate together. All right, and here we go in our game. It is between a flash bomb, I googled his name, and in the bottom right, Chang'an, the replay Submitty. And according to many Chinese players, not just the greatest Chinese Urg, no, the greatest Chinese amateur Zerg in the entire world. So first of all, I'm honored that the greatest amateur Chinese Zerg sends in this replay, and that he even is aware that I exist. You know, you've made it in the world when people in big places, you know, like this, you know, people high up in the world start sending you replays. It feels good, okay? This is also confirmation that I'm on the right track of making big things happen on this channel over here. People like him care about my opinion. It's like no one has ever called me the greatest Chinese amateur jerk before, at least not that I'm aware of. It would be possible, but I'm not sure if many other Chinese players think that I don't think I'm the greatest Chinese amateur jerk. But let's focus here on the facts, all right. The problem that Chang'an had against flash bomb was that Protoss can just make very many mistakes. Look at that gnarly pro paras over here. You see that? This guy pulled a drone off. That is a sign of weakness. You know that? So pulling off a drone is basically saying, hey, I'm too slow to right click on the mineral patches every single time myself. At the highest level, this really is a... This is showing that you're slower than the opponent. And this pro per se, honestly, so far, is looking very solid. I'm not surprised at someone who has the word flash in his name. is very quick, of course. As FlashBomb here is winning the first two minutes. If I were to look at this from an objective point of view, not knowing the backstory of this guy being one of the top amateur players, I am not entirely sure. I'm not entirely sure if I'd say that the ProDos is worse. I think the Protoss played faster. I think the drones didn't mine as much as they should have. It's natural also got blocked, but of course you can't help that too much. You have an adept coming out here as well as a stunt. target for the Protoss player. So we have an exciting little game on our hands. Speed coming out as well. Let's see if build order-wise, everything is looking solid here for both players. Splits off a link to go for a scout. I like that personally. This was a weird... This was weird. I don't quite know what happened here. I think what happened here is that... Now, usually I wouldn't do this, right? Usually, I'm not going to be very nitpicky on tiny little mistakes, but this guy said that even Serrell wouldn't be capable of having a better early game than our men Chang on over here. Now, I play quite some games against Serral in my life, and I don't think I've ever seen Serol float two larvae, two minutes and 30 seconds into the game. Look at this. 350, 360, gets the hatchery, queues it up at 28, and then builds the two drones, to pretend to still build a 30 hatch. This is obviously inefficient. Floating larva is actually really bad in the early game for Xerkes. Well, every even, what is it? A couple of seconds you float it, you just lose a bunch of minerals. This is a mistake. And it just slows that he's sloppy. It really just saw the ears, floating two larva again. It's kind of weird. It's kind of weird. It's kind of weird. This is one of those things where it's like that isn't really necessary at all. It's also not so hard. But, okay, it's fine. It's fine. Maybe Protoss at the same time also was making similar mistakes. For example, why is this Gateway not doing anything? Well, maybe he only wants to adapt. Which would be fair. That would actually be okay. Kronos instantly. So far, Probe production has been looking solid. He gets probes at like the last second as well to have the maximum amount of money. That's like the last second as well. throws down that gateway third pilot. Build order out of Toss so far is actually perfect. It actually has been perfect. So far. I'm loving it. I really am loving it. Gas mining returns. This is normal, of course, with this build. We have five lings total, which is also fair. And now there is a void ray that's being produced, as well as a relatively quick third base. Oh, what a huge blunder here by Toss sending over two probes. Ugh. What a mistake. What a mistake. I understand what Chang'an was saying in his form now. This prodig is indeed making blunder upon blunder so far in this game. setting two probes to the third base is, of course, a complete rookie move. For the people that are not aware, Protoss has the ability to build structures without having to go in them. So with Zerg, if you build a hatchery with a drone, for example, your drone goes in there. So if you want to build, let's say, an extractor and hatchery, you'll require two drones. Now, same thing counts for Tern. If you want to build a command center and a depot, you need two SEVs because the SUV goes into the structure to build it. But Proto has this ability here to build. structures with a single probe. So even if you want the pylon and a nexus, you can just plop it down with a single probe. Now, it is very embarrassing here for this Protoss player to not realize that. I mean, he's a grand master player. Surely he should possess this knowledge. I'm starting really seriously here to side with Chang'an. If you have this level of mistakes as a Protoss, that is not okay. That is not okay. I'm also surprised. Oh, I like this actually. So he's going to send the overlord across the map first. So many people, their first instinct when they build an overlord, when they build a void ray, is to go and kill the overlord that is the sure kill. But he says no, because the moment I do that, all the other overlords get pulled back. So he first is going to go for the most, practically the safest overlords. And he says, hey, if I can clear that one, maybe I can clear another one around the map. Look, he's just scouting with his Oracle over here. That is so sick. That is actually such a nice little move. Moves off creep here with the queens, and as a result, can transfuse this overlord. This is actually a pretty big blunder, because now my man is in some serious trouble. Look at it. Look at his supply block over here. That is a serious supply block, and it was going to be a regular supply block. Now it's a serious one. Like my man, Bob Geldof called at this point, wanting to host a live aid to help Chang on out over here. That is how serious this supply block. block is. Like this is, he could have transitioned to build seven overlords. He's doubling his overlord count at once, more than doubling. He had five before. He's going to go up to 12. That is not a very tight early game. He's floating eight larvae. And it's not even because he can't afford building anything after the overlord, uh, ever the, the overlord thing, the overlord event. The event that shall not be. named. He's just floating larva the entire time. And not droning. Now we're getting some roaches. We're not entirely sure what we're getting roaches against. Because we haven't scouted anything really. It's a triple Stargate unit built, which means that any type of Twilight follow-up is going to be much, much later than usual. So a lot of the time we see like two Stargate unit attacks or sometimes even a one Stargate unit Twilight attack. That's going to hit quite tight. What is is a wild little zealot move out? Queens completely caught off guard. You know what's interesting? Is that I don't think you actually need to defend on this. This is a bad position, by the way. No kiting possible, completely surrounded. I think this is the worst possible fight. It's still going to be fine. It's just so wild that he only. has 62 drones. Seven minutes into the game and then eight roaches. Like this is actually just really poor macro so far. You should have had a way higher drone count defending a triple Stargate unit, mediocre twilight attack. Like this is awful. There's also zero scouting here, by the way. Completely unaware of the fact that there's a fork base. So if you've just seen this though, you just killed like eight, nine dudes. You just need the drone up. You probably want to get some confirmation, but you still just need to drone up. Oh, he was supply blocked again. Why? Maybe he just has like periods in which he mentally is allowed to build Overlord. So like get supply blocked at like 68 every year, 66 every game, builds 10 of them, then get supply blocked at like 120 and builds the rest of his overlord. He's just continuing to build overlord. He's once again floating 12 larvae here. isn't droning up once again 15 larva injects are looking tight nothing else is he builds 15 drones at once kind of a wild move this laid into the next inject already for a player that is often considered by many other Chinese players to be the greatest Chinese amateur Zerg Lurker then going down I'm not a huge fan usually of straight lurker place but it's playable, it's playable. You can definitely go, you know, you can get away with it. It's also not the end of the world, especially if you had a bad early game, which you really did. The thing is, okay, the thing here is, is that I like Lurker Place if you're behind, but I don't like Lurker Place as much when you're ahead. The Lurker is kind of a unit that makes the game very calm, and then it allows the player that's behind to kind of come back to a more stable state most of the time. That's what the lurker tends to. But so in this actual game, I like the call, but you thought you had the perfect early and midgame, and then you did it. So then I don't like the call. So although it is the correct call, I think it is the wrong call, because your logic is wrong. This is why, you know, when you have your math test, you can't just write out the answer. You can't just gamble 36. and if the answer is actually 36, it doesn't count unless the logic also checks out behind it. The logic is the important part. And it's the same with decisions in StarCraft too. Although at a tournament, I much rather have the correct answer than the correct logic. Too many times have I lost with brilliant logic while the other guy just gambling 36, you know, stands there with the trophy and a $100,000 check. But I really do believe that it's important to check your logic. If you think you're a hat, why the hell would be playing a stable lurker game at this point? That makes absolutely no sense in my mind. But let's get back to the game. Let's get back to the game. The spine's going down as well over here. Mr. Ahead sends out a link run by. Of course, these lings have no upgrades. They should be incapable of dealing any damage whatsoever. The moment there's even just a single cannon. And indeed, there is a single cannon. That's going to stop this link run by. Real nice and easy. Third, however, is completely exposed. Perhaps could have sent them there, at least gone in for a cheeky little scout. But as we have a Roach Hydra Army, 93 Army supply. I'm surprised how high your supply is. I guess a lot of that is because you have 28 roaches, which tend to inflate supply. They're very cheap and they cost to supply. So if you compare the cost to a stalker, which is also two supply, the roach is 7525, the stalker is 125. So much, much more expensive, making the roach a perfect unit for supply inflation. Now, this Arkon immortal attacks should not be capable of doing anything. whatsoever. You have plenty of creep. You have good vision. Easy rotations. Do you have seismic? Not quite. It's close though. And... Ooh, no! Too far back! Hmm. Okay. These are things where I'd expect this at like diamond level, where the anticipation of what's about to come is not there, basically. But really StarCraft 2 is all about anticipate. So the moment you see a rotation towards this side, you shouldn't just be thinking, oh, I want to hold my natural and third. This ramp is what's important. This ramp is all that really matters at this point, because it gives access to your fifth and to your third base at the same time and access to all of this creep, which you want to keep alive as well. You know that there's an observer there. So the moment you see this, this is the important area you want to keep. Who gives a crap about this spot right now? No one. You don't even have the range. So you're moving in forward with two lurkers in a somewhat okay position and the rest is too far back, hardly really working whatsoever. At the same time a zealot run by comes in. Transfus aren't really being used here at all against these zealots. Lurker slightly out of position. So now we need to move towards the left side. Instead we go and deal with this. Drones should have been pulled. Okay, we have one lurker here, which just is good one lurker and drone pool. Drones coming in for a flank right now. It's at the same time you're fighting outside of lurker range with all of your roaches into an army that consists of five immortals. You also transferred your drones from the only location that was under attack to the only location that was in more danger, which was the fifth base, and you weren't ready for the prison. Now, this isn't looking very good. And I actually think it's in Poyake. It's a Gigi. Understandable. This is not very good. Now, there's two things here that possibly have happened. Okay. Number one is, is that China is in serious trouble. if this guy is truly the best Chinese amateur Zerg player, there is a chance that he also is the only amateur Chinese serk player. He's the last month standing and automatically he wins by default basically. There is, however, another scenario. There is a scenario in which when Chang'an says many Chinese players, what he actually means is his parents once told him that he's the greatest, kid around you know it's like son i think you're the greatest son in the entire well not the entire world but at least in china out of the zergs and the amateur players and the guy's like oh thanks dad that means that means so much to me like don't worry son now back to beating 5.5k tosses oh no yeah that type of conversation it might have been had and then he thought well his dad technically is also a a Chinese player, plays in Platinum 2, 2 versus 2, sometimes with his little brother or something like that, you know, a nice family event. That is a realistic possibility. It's one or the other, because if this is actually the best Chinese amateur Zerg player, we're in trouble all around. All right, we're in trouble all around. Early game, this was not even close to being perfect. Calling this perfect is an insult to the word perfect. It really is. This was god-awful. You supply blocked. You kept missing your larvae spans the entire time, which I don't even understand is possible. Literally the entire Zerg early game just consists of moving overlords around and holding down the S button, which is select larva, and then pressing down D at a very high pace. Macro! Having a great time doing that. That is literally all it is. If you're 5.5K MMR on the Korean server, you should be capable of using a larva and turning it into a drone within half a second after that stupid larva spawns. It should be faster, but I'm giving you half a second. It took you five seconds every now and again. Then on top of that, you forgot that Queens can transfuse off-crep. It's a mistake we all can make. I mean, it's only been in the game for about the past 12 months. So you get supply blocked massively. You build freaking seven overlords. at a time. Then you get supply blocked again, build another five overlord. Your drone count at six minutes and 30 seconds was similar to the drone count of Cerro at four minutes and 35 seconds. Well, that's a bit, maybe five minutes and 20 seconds. Like, you're like a minute behind an actual early game. If you ever had played with any benchmarks in your entire life, you would have realized that. So it shows me that you've never actually benchmarked yourself. If you think this was a good early game, you have no clue what a good early game actually looks like. You're going to get your mind blown, you know? This is like a guy eating potatoes every single day in his life without any seasoning at all, just pure potatoes. Oh, potatoes, the greatest meal in the entire world. He's coming into office every day. The greatest dish. My wife cooked something yesterday. You're not going to believe it. Potatoes. And they're like, with seasoning. No, no seasoning. I'm going to introduce this guy to some freaking Korean barbecue food. His mind is going to explode. Like, mate, watch some serral replays. Look at what this guy is doing, okay, with the drone count, with his queen movement, with not losing overlords against the single void ray, and just having drones just all around, scouting as well. Let's not forget about that. My man had legitimately no information about the chargehold attack. He just blindly built the roaches, was completely caught of guard as well. He could have had way less units and defended that. He got surrounded perfectly by those zealots. out in the open at his fort base, which honestly was great for the toss. Toss, I actually kind of like the way the Toss plays. Yeah, he played a little bit Brain Dead. I don't think the build was great, but I think it's a good catch-all build. If you're playing against the player that is significantly worse than you, and you play this build, I think you're going to win 95% of the time. And I think Flashpom just realized it like, Chang'an, that guy, you see the greatest Chinese amateur Zerg. I think you can take him out with the Noob Killer. You know, we all have the Noob Basher build. We all have it. We all know it. If you play, it also is there at every level. You ask like a diamond one player, like, hey, you're in the loading screen and you're playing against someone with a platinum portrait. They have this build that they're going to do, which is the noob basher. You know, they know 100% of the time it's safe, it's solid. They're going to repeat that build freaking 20 times in a row against the same guy. It's a noob basher, all right? Flash bomb used the noob basher on you. And that, my dear friend, makes you the noop because you got bashed. And it also means that ProDol's ain't imbalanced, my friend. No, it means that you suck. And that's just the way it is. All right, that's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this. If you didn't forget, the like button, subscribe to the channel. And I'll see all of you next time for more and new videos as well. Don't forget, it's not just more videos, but I also create new ones every time. You can always watch back the old ones as well. They're all on the channel. If you want new ones, you have to check for tomorrow, because that's when the new ones come out. All right. Ciao, |
FAKE GRANDMASTER ALERT?! | Yes, according to some people, there are FAKE GMs! So let's investigate! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wYO-jwMRX2U/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | wYO-jwMRX2U | Dear Harstam, Phoenix Colossus Carrier is an unbeatable unit composition. Terran versus Prolos is not my favorite matchup at a 38% win rate, but even I know that the reason is because my mechanics, macro and game knowledge are not good. However, in this game I had a playable but suboptimal late game setup because of my poor midgame. Despite that, I made some good plays and killed a ton of probes with nukes. I saw my opponent building Mass Phoenix, Carrier and Colossus. So I thought to myself that making a ton of Vikings and a few goes with my pileball was the correct decision. I went up to three starports and maxed out with a ton of Vikings. I saw my opponent's army clumped up and rapid fire EMPD a ton of his army and thought, now I go in for the kill, only to realize that the Terran cannot defeat Mass Phoenix. All my Vikings and Ghost and Bio died and the game was over. Tell me, dear Harstam, how is Terran supposed to defeat the undefeatable protost composition which counters air and ground? Is it Inba or do I suck? And this was sent in by Tear Drop, a North American Grand Master Terran player at 4,78085 MMR with a simple question, whether that. That undefeatable Protost composition is in balance or if he sucks. So let's figure it out. Now before we truly get into this game, we have to investigate the claim whether this guy is truly a Grandmaster. And yes, he has the Grandmaster border. Of course, I checked. But his MMR is relatively low. And a lot of people will look at someone with 4785 MMR and say, oh, you're a fake Grandmaster. the reason why he's a Grandmaster is in the new season, in order to qualify for a Grand Master spot, you need to have played and won a certain amount of games. I think it's 30 games over the past three weeks. A lot of players don't have that on their account. So despite them having higher MMR than Teardrop, they are not in Grand Master because they don't meet the other requirements. So a lot of people go like, 4,785 MMR, you're not a real GM. These people are what we know as Dix. often jealous. They're just overall pricks. If someone reaches Grandmaster, they are a Grandmaster. Whatever the requirements are at that moment doesn't really matter. If they get the Grandmaster border, they're a Grandmaster. And it counts. And if you think different, you're wrong. You can say, well, he's not 5K MMR, and that's true. Yes, he was Grandmaster, but not 5K MMR, which is why usually when talking about skill level, it's much more useful to talk about MMR, rather than actual leagues because the boundaries of the leagues change over time. And at the start of the season, it's often easier to get higher leagues. Which is why I prefer talking about MMR. But saying that they're not Grandmaster is incorrect. This guy is not a fake GM. And people that call him, oh, fake GM, you're a prick. It's as easy as that. All right. Enough about that. We have Teardrop here who says he struggles with a particular composition. I think he mentioned the Phoenix, the carrier. there might be some Colossus in there as well. So I'm looking forward to this. Now, Phoenix Carrier Colossus is a very powerful composition that requires a particular response out of the Terran player. And it requires what I like to call a chrono-boasted response in which you skip a couple of steps. And this is difficult to comprehend for the Terran mind. Terran is the race kind of by default for true people. And I'm not saying that to be funny. I say that because I'm brain that. As a Terran, you don't really ever have to think. The game strategically kind of plays itself. You start with Marines, then you get marauders, you get Metavex and Mines. Then eventually you get Ghost, Vikings and Liberators. You know, there's steps in that entire process. And usually in games against Protoss, you naturally fall into the next step. You know, like your factory finishes with a reaction, oh, I can build some mines now. Your Starport is done. Okay, build some MetavX. I see Colossus. Oh, some Vikings. But because you're playing. against someone that goes straight into carriers, the Terran brain needs to realize that something is different and they can't just follow their default script anymore. You know, where usually this, you have like these dialogue trees for NPCs sometimes. Usually the dialogue tree for Terran is just one massive branch to the top. It's like, is he Protoss? Yes, open with Marines. Did he build a stalker? Yes, get a marauder. Is the game still going on? Yes, build meta facts. You know, it's like a massive tree trunk that just shoots to the sky. But But when the Protoss player decides to go for quick stargates and carriers, a second branch pops up and the slow Tarran brain has difficulty understanding this. And often the reason why they're losing to carrier build is not so much because the carrier is really powerful, but because Terran is still going up that trunk that they usually go, you know, they're shooting up on that trunk of the three and they don't see the branches. They have their eyes closed because they've climbed this. street so many times already. They know where the trunk is because it's right in the middle. This is why Terran generally is for brain-debt people. All right. We have a barcode here, barcode pros player opening up with a Phoenix Colossus start, battery a little bit far in front. Not a huge fan of that. I do like the robo being in the back. I would have loved to see this pylon maybe a bit further forward. I always love having double power for my robotics facility because often it can be very important getting an immortal out. Your forward pylon ends up getting sniped. Having that backup pylon can definitely win you some games. I think this is just barely out of range. I think if you build a little bit further to the back, it might be fine. But, well, we're not really looking at the pros. Well, we are looking at the pros as well, of course, but not quite as much. Teardrop here opened up with a double cyclone build order. I think he scouted a Stargate and decided, you know what I'm going to do? I get two factory units. These are going to be cyclones, and I get one Starport unit. This allows me to get very fast stim and very fast combat shield and does a quick push, while also simultaneously defending against any potential air threats. And I think this is really freaking, actually quite smart. This is actually a proper way of playing. You split your Marines in one base, your factory starboard units in another base, and then from that point out you start rallying your Marines onto your Cyclone Viking. And you should be safe. You shouldn't take any damage. Another thing here that Teardrop is doing well is building all of the depots, in a safe location. Very often you see Terrans just kind of randomly building depots wherever they like. It's a bit of vision over here. You can do that before Phoenixes are out, not after they are out. So I love this move. I think this is really freaking smart. I think it's good. I think even some high level Terrans don't quite do it like this. They're like, oh, let me build a depot over here. And then they lose that SCV five times in a row to the three Phoenixes that are idling in the dead space. Like, well, wonder if that could have been done any better. It's like, yeah. It definitely could have been any better. First Colossus here now on the way. Two Immortals have already been cronod out. This Protoss player is doing absolutely nothing, which is just beautiful to see. There's one thing I love is Protoss players just sitting back, relaxing, having a good old time. Now, one thing I will immediately say is that the Phoenix Colossus composition that Protoss plays, and especially the passive Phoenix Colossus, so Phoenix Colossus into Carrier and kind of skipping charge, is by far the most brain dead comp that exist in the Proto's arsenal. There's nothing easier to play than that when it comes to the strategic thinking. It is truly the Terran build of Protoss. You just build Phoenixes and Colossus. There's really no way of going wrong. I love playing this myself because of that particular reason. If you're playing against someone that is worse than you, Phoenix Colossus is a very easy way to make sure that it becomes a standard and boring game, which you then often end up winning. Third base is now up. Thermal lens is on the way, plus one halfway done as well. It's not actually rushing into the second Stargave. We don't even have plus one research yet. Phoenix count honestly isn't all that high. This doesn't really feel like a massive rush into carriers. Oh, another thing that I'm not a huge fan of. What is this? It's protecting the, I guess, the very left side of this. All right. This is God-awful. I think I'm not really fun of is just a complete lack of turrets altogether. Whenever you move out, you need turrets. Otherwise, it's really easy for Protoss to say, hey, I'm going to kill 7, 8, 9, 10 workers with my phoenix. This post isn't doing it. But this Tost could have done it because look at the freaking energy on these phoenixes, are going to catch the Viking instead. There's a cyclone drop now heading in towards the net as well. Should be capable of at least getting a couple of kills. Phoenix can, of course, lift one of them. Then the rest of the phoenixes will show up. So it's what, three, four kills or so. Same time I hear a scan, moving in forward. I'm going to try and take out a cannon. Takes out a cannon loses six marines. It's not a very valuable trade here. Let's fall up as a second robot? Wait, did I see that correct? Second Robo and a Twilight. It's not quite the carrier rush that I had expected. It also gets a fleet beacon. So he's literally getting every single building at the same time right now. You can say, well, it's broken that Toscan do that. What is Tarran supposed to do? You can't even kill them. It's like, well, if you can't kill an opponent that is tacking very heavily, there usually are other advantages that you can establish. And whether that is going to be map control, taking a faster forward base, denying all the vision of your opponent or setting up for some type of timing attack, all of these things can be very valuable. Just because someone is building a fleet beacon and Twilight Council right now doesn't mean you get to pick up a free win right at that moment, especially if your build order doesn't make a whole lot of sense. We're playing double Starport. They're not producing the entire time because the cash isn't really there. I think we've been lacking some gas. Okay, now we can start them again. You really just waited with producing altogether because you couldn't start all four at the same time. It's not a very good move. But so far, I honestly don't mind the plan so much. Actually, you know what's funny? You know what's funny? I actually do mind this plan. Because with the information that Teardrop has, this plan isn't a very good plan at all. Why would you be playing double star port Vikings against a Protoss that has a Twilight Council, a forge, single Stargate, and probably more gauge. You haven't scanned or scouted the main in quite a long time. Last time you scouted there was when the Stargate still was going up. So with the information that TherDrop has, getting a Ghost Academy would have been much better of a call than getting a second Starport. This second Starport is a stroke of luck. This is buying 100 lottery tickets and then winning the lottery tick and then winning the lottery, pretending that you made good financial decisions. No, mate, you got lucky, all right? this is not good. I do not enjoy this. This does not spark joy. Another thing that doesn't spark joy over here, by the way, is the complete lack of map control. That teardrop is just denying. He says, you know what? I know Terran has complete control usually in the midgame, but I'm working on a different plan here, and that's staying home. This is a very odd call, okay, this is basically, okay, imagine you're playing a game of ice hockey. Now, I don't know the rules of ice hockey, but imagine in ice hockey one of your dudes get sand off because he beat up the referee or something all right and then your team because you're down the man decides to just stand in front of the goal together with the goalie to make sure the little hockey puck the little ball the round thing it doesn't go in the goal okay as the opposing team you see that you're up a man because one got you know from the other team got sent out and then what you do is you do the same thing you're just standing there in the goal with your goalie but you're up a man you're like well they're doing it so why don't we do it as all. Like, yeah, I'm sure they're not going to score against you, but your advantage right now is in your opponent, tacking up very heavily, investing in this type of stuff. You should have been taking map control much easier or taking many more bases. How is it possible that this Prodolz is expanding faster than you are while you are, you know, you're the one in control, your opponent is tacking up hard. He's getting freaking third Stargate, carriers, mothership in production. I don't quite understand how this is possible. Now you're completely getting pushed back, six Vikings have gone down without actually dealing any significant damage. There are nine phoenixes. Having some amount of ghosts here would be huge as well. So even though this is not a charge world, I still actually think that going single starboard and getting quick goes would have been much, much better here. This is an interesting flank as well. Look at this flank. Just look at the timing of this flank, okay? This flank leaves or starts thinking about flanking when it is like 160 supply to 144. Okay? Now usually when you set up a fight, you want all forces to attack simultaneously. Look what happens here to Mr. Teardrop. He starts fighting with half of his army, then starts moving as he's already lost 20 supply, doesn't stim this either. There's no metaphics with it. Okay, now stims it, arrives at the fight after all of the cannon fodder, the SUVs that he's already pulled, end up dying. This is one of the world. first-time fight that I've seen in my entire life, it is very impressive. In a way I'm kind of proud. You call up the Guinness Booker World Records and you'll get the world's most botched fight. This is awful. Absolutely butchered it. I'm sorry, I'm gonna... Look at the information here that we have. And then look at this, this is beautiful. This is actually beautiful. Look at this. He forgot that he had... First of all, this is great as well. He just forgot about the fact that he had eight Vikings idling on the right side. I didn't see them either, but I mean, I wasn't the one playing. The one thing that we can say is that he doesn't use the F2 Hockey, the All-Army Hockey. He comes in with eight Vikings. Here he looks at the situation. It's like, okay, three stalkers, one immortal, two Archons that are fake. He sees that with a turret, by the way, he's aware of it, and one adept. There's three marauders on the floor. His immortals practically dead. I wonder what the best use of those eight. eight air fighters would be while being covered by a turret at the same time. And here he decides, my man decides, to land all Vikings so he can start shooting at the immortal and the stalkers. While simultaneously giving these phoenixes still the ability just to fight because you're just picking up phoenixes, disabling them. You're denying your own damage output because now you're getting lifted by phoenixes, which is not possible with air units. And you're losing an air fight that should have been an easy win. So rather than clearing the phoenixes, and then with reinforcements and a quick Viking land clearing the ground, you now lost all of your Vikings. The phoenixes stay alive, and yeah, you did clear the ground, but that would have happened anyway. There was two decisions in a row there. They were so god-awful that perhaps you are a fake Grandmaster. I'm just kidding. You're a Grandmaster, buddy. I believe in you. I truly do believe in you. Mother ship is about to pop out over here, as these two mines also go down, finally. did deal some damage though overall the situation how do we view this all right so you're down about eight workers you have a worse army you have similar upgrades to your opponent except he is starting plus two already you're not continuing upgrade for your vikings adding in barracks i love that your analysis of the situation here is it's like you know what my opponent at this point i think you're aware that he's messing air units you probably are aware as well that you could have seen that he had plus one. So it's like, okay, maybe there's going to be carriers of some sort. And you saw the Anian Pulse Crystal, so you know there's a fleet beacon. And you add three barracks as your priority, while you're not producing from any of your five barracks. This was not the priority. All right. Your priority here should have been getting a fifth base, getting your army out on the map, because the moment your opponent moves out, you want to be capable of base trading, spreading minds around the map for map vision. These are all the things you want to be doing right now. You're doing none of that. Instead, you invested in. in three barracks. These barracks hadn't produced anything. Really the only thing you need to be thinking about is getting upgrades for your Vikings when it comes to unit production and getting more Vikings. Getting a couple of ghosts in there as well would probably be a very good call. Now, Cloak is being researched. I do like that. I don't even really mind the upgrades on the bio because you probably still want to have some type of bio army. You want to have some ghosts at least. They of course benefit from those upgrades as well. So I don't entirely mind that. I'm not so sure if it had priority overtaking extra bases, though. And these three extra barracks are definitely a waste in my mind. Second armory is not here. And one of the things that people forget is that carriers have very many small attacks. Like they have a lot of DPS, one carrier, because they send out freaking eight interceptors. But all these interceptors fire individually, and thus armor counts multiple times, basically, against one carrier. So, yes, Viking ship weapons is huge because Vikings also shoot multiple times. but having freaking Viking armor against Carrier that is an extremely big deal and your opponent is aware of the fact that armor is pretty good to have of course he's not getting well he's actually getting the shields which is usually useless because EMP is always going to blanket your army but so far you haven't built a ghost so I kind of understand why your opponent is actually getting the shield upgrade which makes me sad to say Proz has legitimately zero vision on the map but honestly he's not really allowed to have vision on the map unless it's with observers. You also have zero vision on the map. You're not really allowed not to have vision on the map. You have to have vision on the map. Where you're playing against this army, one of the main strategies that you employ against a very big, clumpy army is the base rate strategy. The moment you are not ready yet, what you want to do. It's the same, literally against everything. It's the same against Mac. It's the same against camping Protoss players. I guess it's the same against some type of brute lord push if Zerg goes for that. if you're not ready to deal with the army, you base trade. Okay, that is what you do. Hello. Recall. Hello. Okay, snipes the first mothership. An interesting fight that honestly didn't start so poor, but I don't think you ever should have taken it in my mind. Now, the reason why you shouldn't have taken it, I'm going to explain, I was in the middle of a story anyway. If we take a look at the situation right now, it is completely unrealistic for your opponent to ever move out on the map. Okay? The moment he moves out on the map, you have a massive army that can immediately base rate. You can clear through cannons really quickly. That's no problem. On top of that, you're producing two extra command centers. You're getting your upgrades. You're nowhere close near finishing all of your upgrades. While your opponent has pretty much maxed out in power right now, he's maxed on 187 supply, has good upgrades. Like, he is not going to increase much in power. You can still increase in power and more you can also increase in production. So the moment you take a fight at your opponent base and you have very good eco and very good production, you can instantly reproduce all of your units, which is a huge deal if you're fighting against a better army. And if you say, well, whatever moves out across the map? Very easy. You just go for a base trade. This move was good, but you should have ran away. You really should have. And now, well, you just get caught and you make it very difficult for yourself because it makes it harder for you to take more eco, to get extra starports out because you're so full. focused on producing right now in this moment. Now of course, you also clear a lot of units out of your opponent, but at the same time, if he was capable of moving across the map with a single observer here, which he actually is, I think you probably would just straight up die. There are 10 phoenixes and four carriers, they're still colossus as well. It's going to be hard for you at least to establish new outside bases. I don't actually think this is viable whatsoever. And that means that you're even in economy against a player that has literally been turtling the entire time. you've also been turtling the entire time but you shouldn't have so there definitely is a difference there he had to you didn't have to you just did it because you're slow or because you didn't know what to do um i like this nuke this is good nuke's always cause chaos so we can just take a look at the first person here of this brother like what the heck's happening here you heard the nuke sound you know he's playing some banging heart style music during this dooooooo it's like a nuclear missile has been launched oh no yeah didn't pull stuff away not in time at least but now he does feel confident enough to be out on the map, which is bad. This is actually quite bad. This is real freaking bad, actually. If the ProDos has confidence to be out on the map with an Airtos army, you're usually going to be in trouble. You're now adding your third starport. At this point, honestly, you should be on freaking eight bases. You should have five starports with reactors, all of them out there. You should have the ship weapons level three upgrades, plus two ship armor as well. The fact that you don't have any of that, just shows you have a weak economical position. You're struggling maxing out on top of that as well. This is just painful. This move I really like. Splitting off the bioforce from your Viking ghost force saying, hey, this is my counterattack army. Probably do want to have one or two ghosts in this army in general. Okay, we get a big scam for it. I like that. Making sure that there's nothing there. Also making sure that there's nothing on the far left side. And I'm going for a rotation. I still believe that having a mine at every exit would be very nice because it allows you to get some information on whether your opponent is moving out or not. This is another good scan. See, hey, getting that confirmation as to what your opponent is doing. Recall is once more available. But if you force out the recall, it would be huge. Now, one more scan over here. Yes, perfect. Very nice rotation, I think, well, it's a little bit confusing. Okay, I'm just going to go back in time once more. A perfect scan to gather information that then doesn't get used. Like, we get this. The info that the main army is still about what, eight, nine seconds away? You could definitely take out this base. I at least send forward five marines to clear a bunch of these guys. I think I would have cleared the base. I definitely would have cleared the base. Then moving back home entirely, should be out on the map. Yep, there we go. Stay out on the map. And a thing that should be happening right now, but isn't really, is while you're continuously base trading, is you should make your base defenses stronger. So you should have better eco and then add turrets at bases so that Viking Ghost plus turret can either delay or win fights. And most of the time if you have like 20 turrets with freaking turret range and building armor, you're actually going to be fine against this type of composition and you can use a base rate with your bio army while defending with the Ghost Viking and continuously expanding. It becomes really difficult for ProDos to ever truly move out because they're always dealing with stuff. And if they go for a desperation all out attack, there's so much static defense that they feel super all in and you have a lot of time to reproduce units if you lose some it's just this is exactly how you'd want to be playing like i'm i'm giving you the freaking you know the timetable on what to do at that at what timing and so far you're semi doing it sometimes okay got a scan here on this observer i like that another scan a bit further towards the top i'd love to see another scan over here so important really freaking important i also wouldn't mind having a secondary army just moving towards the right side because this guy moves in massive clumps the entire time. It should be capable of kind of seeing that that's the case. And Protoss will do this majority of the time because a split Airtos army is hot garbage. So you often rely heavily on static defense, very heavily. So now we're getting these turret setups. But it's slightly too late and also... I just 25 Vikings and 10 ghosts right now are on the far right side of the map 25 Vikings and 10 ghosts that means you have 22 Marines and 9 marauders in this army you have no static defense whatsoever your opponent has a higher tech army which also you can assume is much higher in supply due to them having a lower work account and B, having their entire freaking army together. This has to be the worst decision after seeing what you're fighting against. Like, how is your guesstimation of this fight? I think I might take it. You see 12 carriers. You see four colossus. Like, if this army just consisted of the colossus and the phoenixes, you still would lose. If this army consisted of the phoenix and the carriers, you still would lose. If this army consisted of the final combination that I've now forgotten, you also still would lose. You lose, with like 30 supply missing in this army, with 40 supply out of this army, you'd still get absolutely destroyed and it's not even going to be close, even in those cases. Like, with this level of estimation, I'm just happy that in your free time, you don't have base jumping or parkour as a hobby, because I don't think you would last very long. Holy crap. Ghost here, nuke is good. Like, all of this was actually kind of good. You kind of got online here as well. It's like you were making some semi-correct moves. Like the decision-making was getting better, but then you take such a god-awful fight. Here you should be counter-attacking for base trading while simultaneously building 30 turrets over here, saying, hey, I'm going to give up this base for now. I'm going to counter-attack with my bio-force, either force my opponent completely all in and thus incapable of reproducing, or they have to go back home, and then I can just set up again. This is obviously a terrible fight because there's no static defense backup. You're not maxed out while your opponent is and your opponent has better eco and sorry, better upgrades. Your opponent had a better, bigger army that was completely ready to deal whatever you had. Now you're forced to tap out. Like you can undo all of this by just adding in more static. How do I even beat that comp? This is an insult. Like, this is the kid that gets a difficult mathematical question and doesn't even think about it. just instantly goes up to the teacher. I have no clue how to do this? It's like, oh, have you thought about yet? No, I haven't thought about it, but I also have no clue about it. It's like, well, how about you think about it a little bit, mate? Like, was there anything in this entire game that perhaps you could have done different? I don't think even this composition was necessarily the issue. Sure. Phoenix Carrier Colossus is a very good composition that's easy to execute, difficult to fight against. But you were fighting every single time you fought a serious fight. You fought either with half of your army or you fought with a serious supply deficit or a serious upgrade deficit. You didn't even make a serious attempt over here. The entire time, you're just behind. You have low eco. Your production is three starports against four stargates. So your production is legitimately worse. It should never happen against the turtling player. It's not possible that this is the case. How is it possible that the main unit you want to be building, the Viking, A, only has, well, only has weapons upgrades, and B, you only have three production structures for it. That doesn't make any sense. It really doesn't. Like, your eco and production should be so much better if you're playing against a turtly army. That is just the case. You should be employing base trade tactics way more. And if you are a true grandmaster player, my friend, you would know all of these things. And now you do, and as you can call yourself a true GM. But sadly, it also means that in this particular game, composition wasn't undefeatable or imbalanced. But you just sucked. And that's the way it is. Thanks so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode of is the Inba or do I suck? If you did, don't forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel. And hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you for watching. And bye-bye. |
This Zerg Is ALLERGIC To Upgrades!! | Have you ever wondered what this giant shadow on Oceanborn is? Today we will scan for the truth! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/JpQfAs-zFH4/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | JpQfAs-zFH4 | Dear harsh them. Why do Zerg units suck so much against Protols? Don't get me wrong, I know I suck. The thing is, the Ultralis sucks even more. I opened up with a standard hatch first in the three hatch. My early game wasn't the best as I forgot spores and sure lost a decent amount of drones to an Oracle. However, I managed to stabilize and go into Hydra Ling as I knew my opponent was going for an Oracle Blink stalker timing since my overlord saw the stalker count and he was building three oracles. I crushed his push and he recalled back home, so I counter-attacked. Somehow a handful of stalkers with a single super battery can hold like 30 lings, so I backed off to cut my losses and macro into lurkers, as I knew I was either even or ahead and the stupid zealot rumbies were bound to come soon. I defended all of his dumb attacks and was so far ahead, I looked at going into Ultras, since I already had melee up. Grades. Somehow, stalker zealot with literally two colossi, killed like 10 ultras, and from that point I lost the game as I exhausted my bank and couldn't rebuild. I really don't understand how gate units can destroy an army like I had, but I think it's brain dead. So, am I really that bad? Or am I brain dead? Or is perhaps Protoss imbalanced? This imbalance complaint form was sent into me by Maggot, a Korean diamond player at 3,800 MMR, asking whether Protoss is imbalanced, or if he sucks. And we're going to find out. All righty, here we go. Meggat versus a blue Protoss player whose name I can't read. So we're going to refer to this person as the Blue Protoss player. Hatch First goes down. That's a nice little start here, actually. as we saw the Protoss attempt a hatch block. Didn't of course work out because the hatch went down in time. It was a little bit too late when that Probe Scout. Happens to the best Mr. Proto. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about a little buddy. We're going to most likely see a gas into a pool from here and out. Look at that. Probe is actually running around trying to deny some mining. I didn't know this was happening at the diamond level as well. Sometimes it feels like diamond players have actual brain damage, all of them. And then other times I watched them play, I'm like, wow, this is actually quite nice. This is, you know, this feels correct. This feels good. Like, moves are being done. You know, moves are being made. Builds are being played. It just feels right. It's kind of correct here. You see the Protoss forgetting to build the Nexus at 20 supply. It's one supply too late, but we're going to not be too critical of that. I don't think I care enough about it altogether. There were some interesting things, of course, that I already saw in the imbalance complaint for. that I just kind of want to point out ahead of time already. For example, we saw Maggot mention that he knew there was a blink stalker oracle attack coming and that his response was going to be Hydra Ling, as if this was well known to be the hard counter to stalker Oracle attacks. To my knowledge, and I of course have limited knowledge, but to my knowledge, Hydra Ling isn't the hard. counter or a blind counter or even the preferred counter by a lot of zergs to any type of blink stalker attack or any type of stalker oracle attack. The reason for that is because the hydra is very gas intense and the moment you're investing a lot in gas, it usually means that your eco is a little bit worse. And most blink stalker or most stalker oracle attacks can be held with either Pureling Queen if you have melee upgrades on the lings specifically or with Ling into roaches, which is lower gas and thus allows you to get more drones out. So he made it, Magid made this seem like this was like such an obvious call. And I kind of fell for it. It was like, ah, right, of course. He goes for the Hydra Ling. And I was like, wait, why does he go for the Hydra Ling against the Blink stalkers? Like, I'm sure it's going to work as a defense. But there's a lot of things that could work as a defense. You could also stay on two bases and tack to lurkers and build 12 spines. Like, you probably wouldn't die against the three-based blink stalker attack if you're tacking into two-based lurker, but it just puts you in a very poor position. So, just kind of, you know, keep an eye on some of these things here, that we don't get tricked by his sweet words. Because Maggot, he's a writer. You can feel that, you know, that it was poetry, poetry in an imbalance complaint for him. That's what that was, all right? He was sweet-talking us. Well, not really sweet-talking, but he was talking, you know, Beautiful. I like that form. I like this one I'm trying to say. You can see I'm not a poet. I'm struggling with the words. Maggot would have phrased that way nicer. Here comes an oracle. This is perhaps the oracle that is going to go into the main and kill some stuff, as mentioned in the form as well. Queens, convincingly out of position. There are four queens out, which is a good amount. Two are in the front. One is in the main. One is in the natural. This is a completely incorrect split of the queens here. There should be two in the main. There should be. one in the natural with a spore and two at the third base right now. That is not the case whatsoever. Instead, we have, well, one queen too little and two queens completely out of position. I mean, he said the reason why he took so much damage is because he didn't have spores. The reason why he took so much damage is because his queens were out of position, really, and also because he was lacking one spore. Really, you only need one spore early on against a single Oracle. Delt significant damage. Seven worker kills in the first five minutes. But yeah, that is pretty darn big. It's annoying. It sucks. Follow up for the ProDos players going to be Forge and Twilight. As both of the oracles are still alive, it's a double Oracle into Forge Twilight. I'm expecting two more gates to be added, at least two more gates. I think this Protoss might have copied Hero, and in that case we might even go up to six gateways. That is the preferred gateway number for Hero majority of the time. Pro production is looking okay. Drone production is looking fine as well. Double gas is being taken in the natural. very early on, by the way. These bad boys have been... Is it very early on? It's quite early on. It's not very early on. It's quick, quick, quick gases for sure. Bailing nest coming down. This was a double Oracle opener. A bailing nest went down at 5.30. I just, once again, I just want to make sure that we're all aware here that if this was any type of timing attack as a follow-up. So, okay, I need to explain something here first. A lot of the time, if Protoss opens up, with two oracles into a Twilight Council, it can go into either glaive adepts or it can go into very fast blink stalker timings or even charge slot timings. And these timings can hit really freaking hard. In order to beat that, I believe you need to have a roach warren that starts latest at, what is it, 440, 445, something like this, or a bailing nest that starts at that particular time because both bailings and roaches are good counters against either glaive adepts or against charge lots. If you started at 5.30, your bailing nest is going to be halfway done. and there will be 12 adepts dancing in your natural. So in a way, Maggot got very lucky here that his opponent wasn't doing anything of the sort. His opponent went for a more standard blink stalker build. But Maggot is theoretically dead already. If a different build would have been played here from a two Oracle opener, then yeah, he would have died. Against three Oracle openers, I think you can get away often with a 5 minute and 10 or 5 minute and 15 second road war. or whatever or a bainly has maybe just a five minute mark don't want to have it too late in general we're going to get a real quick hydra then here and we see the work account is 55 to 57 as the gas mining is going look at this this is what i was talking about earlier already right we have that insane investment in gas he wants to be building lings because you need lings if you're only building hydras you can't hold blink stalkers you'll just lose the hydras and never kill anything you need lings for the surround keep them in place and for tanking as well as a result you're not maximum mining on the minerals here so it loses the fort base as well maybe kills an oracle no it doesn't quite 12 workers have been killed already and they stop to this is so funny to me this is okay just just look at what happens here okay just look at what happens here okay just look at what happens here. This is not a halt with Hydra Ling. This is a halt with Queen Ling. These hydras completely useless. The gas that is being invested in here, the larva that is being invested in here, all could have been something different. Like he could have had way more minerals, which is not something you really needs because he's floating 1K as well. But this is a defense with Ling Queen. This is not a high, like the hydras are here for moral support from the X. They're screaming. whatever noise hydras make. And despite holding, without taking any damage, my man Maggot over here is still down 10 workers. He is absolutely down 10 workers. Blink here is about to be done. This isn't even really a blink stalker push. This was a push with stalkers. Now he goes for a counterattack, fights without his hydras. So these hydras have been rushed out just for a moral support. That has been it. This has literally been it. Double evils now going down. There wasn't even melee upgrades yet. I hadn't realized that. I thought this was going to be some type of melee errors. Playing HydraLink Bane without having quick melee upgrades is kind of a big move, as in a very bad move. So not a very big move at all. It is just bad. It really is just kind of bad. Both players floating on an astronomical amount of money over here as well, which also isn't quite brilliant. At least I'm not as usual fan of it. Can I get an Oracle Stasis? going to get a revelation on this army. The pro is taking a little bit of map control. I'd love to see a fortbase word tools as well as a Templar Archives. This is such a classic Templar Archives timing. This I'm not a fan of the Robo Bay. So if you're playing Robo Bay, you really want to get that Colossus as fast as possible out because the Colossus is a unit with a timer on it, whereas the Templar is a unit that has no timer. The hell, the Templar puts a timer on the opponent most of the time. So if you want to get Colossus out, you'd rather get them quicker. This is really late for a Robo Bay. And if the Lurker then is already producing as your Robo Bay is producing, that's a very, very bad sign. So although I like the overall position here for the Protoss player, I actually do believe that to be a pretty major error. I think it's bad. I really don't think that is good whatsoever. I'm liking this Zellet setup, though. Zellet run by setup. That's good. Oracle scouting around. I'm going to throw down a revelation on this once. A couple of Stasis Wars wouldn't hurt. As there's no charge quite yet, this is a tiny army, but I think big enough to deal with. with this, especially of the zealous, your straight-up walk into them banlings. Good kind of thing, though, with the stalkers as well, this fort base is still going to go up. I'm surprised that Magot doesn't really feel the need to scout whatsoever. Like, Maggot is completely in the dark about literally everything in life. He's like, how many base is my opponent on, what type of tech is there? No Overseer has been built yet in this game. I like that he pretended that the Hydroling was a response as well. I don't actually... You know what I actually, you know what I think happened? It's like he had to justify after the replay why he went for Hydra Ling. And then in the replay, he saw that his Overlord scouted Stalkers. And he was like, oh, I saw Stalkers show I went Hydras. I don't actually believe that was a response. I don't buy it because this guy just doesn't scout. This guy is completely, he just doesn't care what the opponent is doing. He has a plan. Hydra Ling, Bane, Interlurker, every single game. I don't think there's any strategy involved here. You know, he believes, he thinks he's playing a strategy game, but he's like, this is like the guys that can, they can finish one of them, uh, them Rubik's cubes very fast, you know? And the, the first time you heard about it's like they can fix it in five seconds, like, oh, they're genius, they're intellectual smart, but no, they just remember a little trick. And it's the same here with maggot. Maggot pretends like he's making decisions, but he's just, he's not. He's just following the steps. He is absolutely just following the steps here. Zellid Rumb by being set up. That's nice. We have a bunch of lurkers out now. Actually, let's do it. It's time. We haven't used this in a long time. It's time for Harshdom's Midgame Review. It's time for Harstom's Midgame Review. All right. So, so far, what have we seen? We've seen mediocre counterattacks. We've seen bad unit compositions and low drone counts. all around. However, despite those mistakes, Maggot, I think right now is in a position where he has a lot of momentum or should have a lot of momentum. There are seven lurkers out on the map. There is a bailing Hydra army and there is nothing in the entire Protoss force that could potentially deal with lurkers. So what should the Protoss be doing right now? The Protoss' only chance is to consistently counterattack, send in Zealot Rumbies and counterattack. Because is the moment Maggot gets across the map and burrows any amount of lurkers over at the third or over at the fourth, if Maggot were aware of that four base, of course. But even if he just burrows them at the third base, he kills his opponent 100%. Like there's nothing in this army that can fight into seven lurkers. You can't even fight into four lurkers at this point with this army. It is simply impossible. Bealings deal with the zealots. Lurkers deal with literally everything else that is on the map, which is mainly just stalkers. So, in my mind, this game should end in the next 45 seconds to one minute. That's the end of harsh and midgame review. Woo! Let's see what Magid is going to do, actually. Let's see if he realizes, okay, he gets F2's his entire army to the left side, wants to clear these salads. Perhaps not a bad move, okay? At the 10 minute mark is really when the timer started ticking. It's like, tick-tuck, tick-tok. Produs decides to go back home, which is a clear mistake. a very clear mistake because he can't actually defend that home. There are seven lurkers out on the map. Currently, three of them are defending these creep tumors and giving some coverage to these spines. Two of them are over here on the right side defending the two spines and the... These as well, where's the other two? I was on the left side. So he's just defending with them. It's an interesting move that I don't necessarily agree with. Now, if you want to deal... Like, this is really stupid. I don't like this. Because he's dealing with the Zellad Rambai is just fine, but at the same time, at the same time he could have killed his opponent completely. Like, even if there's just three lurkers here, it's just a free win. This is like having a gun on someone and then shooting in their shoe because they're very good at kicking. If your goal is to kill the other guy, just shoot him in the chest or in the header or whatever. It's like, oh, these kicks are so annoying. Let me shoot the legs. Like, no! It's got to punch you to death now. Well, actually, this game is still pretty over. Really, at any point, these lurkers can move across the map and finish the game. Okay, seven, nine more lurkers get constructed here. I do like that as well. I mean, you still have freaking 50 supply. That's fine. Don't forget, I guess, that a lot of the supply here is in these lurkers, the seven lurkers that will. remain at home at all times. But still, nine more lurkers, brings the total up to 16. Good Lord, that's a lot of lurkers. Let's not forget that Magid is also completely unaware of the fact that there's a fourth, as well as a fifth base right now going up. These might be, you know, important information to know. I was going to say prime locations to attack, but really the third base is the prime location. There's no cannon, there's a battery. Magot has been standing still here now for about 20 seconds. Not entirely sure why that is. She sets up shop on the ramp. Okay, now we're moving forward again. Burrows in, this is good. This is actually good. Needs to go a little bit quicker. Doesn't actually have seismic spine shed, by the way. Good Lord, I didn't even realize. That might turn into a bit of an issue. She now rotates towards the bottom side to cancel his opponent's sixth base. Of course, Magot isn't aware of that. megat thinks this is the fourth, ha ha, I'm up five bases, lo, take two more, lo, this is a macro game. This is the Zerg pretending to macro as well, by the way, 72 work is not really a macro game. Like this is a, this is a concealed all-in. Loses a couple of these lurkers, now tries to move forward, probably wants to get a couple of bains in this compass all to deal with them zealots, moves forward, moves back, loses two lurkers for free over here, beautiful stuff. Not entirely sure what the goal here was for a maggot, but if the goal was to lose lurkers and not achieve anything. I think we can consider that goal achieved. We definitely can consider that. This was a successful mission. Operation has been accomplished, my dear friend. For sure. Okay, queens go down. Lurkers are going to take care of this, obviously. Um, burrows, burrows again. Yeah, this is not much of an issue. Still have this position as well. Here come a couple of purification of us. Don't move away from them. It's much more fun to hit them head first if you're a hydrolysk. Ultraliscavern Now he realizes Wait a second My Lurkers with 8 range aren't working against these disruptors Now Magad here could have gone for the direct counter of the disruptor in the Viper that would have potentially been a good move but instead he's going for the Ultralisk Now the Ultralisc is very good if you have a lot of creep and there's not a whole lot of creep I guess it can also be helpful without creep but the Ultralis and the Lurker they fulfill a very similar role most of the time in the late game they're good at taking fights against gateway units and they're good at taking out bases. So they have, yeah, like I said, very similar roles. So it's now finally Magid realized, hey, wait a second, there's a freaking base over here as well. What is this? Your fifth? Yeah, probably. It's now going to scout this fourth as well. It's going to leave the base alive. This is a very high tier move in a base trade. It's pretending to go for a base trade, attack your opponent's base, leave your lurkers behind, then go back home with half of your army while not killing the base. Okay, lurkers now are going to move forward. Eventually, I can probably just warp in two Zealots and deal with that. Oh, Colossus coming in with a flank. This is the first time in my life I've seen a Colossus flank. High tier move though against pure Hydra. Nine Ultras on the way, do we have Kiteness plating? No, do we have... What's the, anabolic synthesis? No, we also don't really have that. There's a bunch of disruptors in this army as well. Lurker's still active, here come the Zellet's going to deal with that. That's a pretty decent purification over. This one's also going to connect with a bunch of Hydra. of hydras. Not quite sure if you want to run down this ramp. There's another purification Nova hits. This is one hell of a retreat here. There's still, what is that? One, two, three. Still five lurkers just sitting at home. During the all-in attack that Magid is doing here, don't forget, this is an all-in attack, 69 workers, no money in the bank. This isn't really the fight that I was promised. I was promised. I was promised a fight with 10 ultras against a gateway army of similar size and two colossus. I hadn't expected that the ultras weren't going to hit these units a single time, because that is really what's happening here. Like for how little these ultras are fighting, they're honestly doing a pretty okay job. Yes, they're getting completely destroyed and not really killing much of anything, but there was nothing to keep this army in place. In my mind, I hadn't imagined just a pure nine ultras. I thought there was going to be units there. The thing with the ultra is, is that it is very powerful if it gets up close and starts fighting. It has good tanking power, good damage output and lots of HP. But you do need to get close to the opponent. So usually you surround with lings or you hit a fungal or you have like a bainling coming in from the side or you come with the Ultras from two sides. The Ultralisk is kind of as if you're in a fight and you have an anvil in your hands, all right? And you're running at your opponent, or well, speedwalking at your opponent with the anvil and saying things like, I'm going to drop it on your toes. It's like, it's very unlikely your opponent is going to stand there and take it. It's like, oh, you're going to drop it on my toes. That sounds pleasant. It's like, no, it's got to run for his life. It's the same against the Ultra. If you give your opponent the ability to kite away, he's obviously going to kite away, I'm not sure what these lurkers are doing here, but I guess dying is the correct answer. Like the issue with none of the armies that Magid has had is that they were too weak. It's just the fact that his opponent realized that his opponent's army was better, that Maggot's army was better. He would just run away against the lurkers. He just ran away. And then Maggot is like, oh, that sucks. Well, I guess I'll do nothing then here for 30 seconds. And now with the Ultras, it's the same. He's just kiding. He also doesn't have to speed upgrade. The speed upgrade finishes after the fight, after he complains. about Ultras being so bad. It's like, oh, I wonder why the ultras are so bad. If you don't get the freaking speed upgrade, like, if you had the speed upgrade, that first fight would have gone significantly better as well. Wasn't resources lost there? That's going to be wild. Yeah, it's going to be wild. That's what I was thinking already. This is the type of game where I look at it and I think to myself, why? First of all, why do we hate Spellcaster so much? All right? the disruptor was countering the lurker and rather than saying oh that's annoying I wonder if there's anything I can do about the disruptor and maybe a viper could help me and pull the disruptors into my army and the lurks are freaking boosto it's like no he's like okay lurker don't work anymore what's next ultra ultra fulfills pretty much the same freaking role as the lurker so you're just replacing a unit that's on a bit of a timer with another unit that's on a bit of a timer on top of that your upgrades are significantly worse than your opponent. The protest player went for double forges. I think at the first fight it was like 3-1-1-1 upgrades against freaking 2-1. I don't even think there was Kaitanus playing. There was no anabolic synthesis. Also with your first like four lurker pushes that you did, there was no seismic spines, there was no adaptive talons. Half of your lurkers are staying at home the entire time. It's really just kind of sick to watch how far ahead you got at certain points despite playing significantly worse the entire time. Like your calls are incorrect. your hydrolink counter was incorrect. Your drone count is consistently too low. The opponent actually was playing pretty okay StarCraft. He was kind of mirroring pro players. And you literally just sat there and at some point roll in 10 banlings killed 30 zealads because neither of you know how to micro. And then you believe that you deserve to win the game. No, you didn't. Your opponent has honestly outplayed you the entire game. I actually do believe that your opponent played better. Had better army movement, had significantly better understanding of what units to build, what counters to go for. you just went through your plan and then at the end of the game you look back at the replay and then you try to justify why you made those calls it's like oh he had stalkers so I went hydras oh he went colossus and stalkers so I went ultras instead of just getting lurker vipers like there's no thinking at all and it really shows in your gameplay as well you have no clue what your goals are you have no objectives whatsoever and then the only thing you can do at the end is complain about the ultralisk that my friend is not the Ultralisk sucking it is you who sucks. And ProDos ain't imbalanced. And that's the way it is. All right, that's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did enjoy this episode, don't forget to like button. Send in your own replay if you believe that you have found the holy grill of IOTIS and that there's something truly imbalanced in this game. Please send it over to me and I'm going to have a look at it. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks so much for watching. And bye-bye. Smash like. |
THE MAP SCARED HIM!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Have you ever wondered what this giant shadow on Oceanborn is? Today we will scan for the truth! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/s7HIqYeb-gM/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | s7HIqYeb-gM | Dear Captain, Protoss... ...is... ...is... ...is... ...is... ...is... ...is... ...is... ...it just imbalanced. ...they really don't care. ...how often their workers or army gets destroyed. ...they just replaced it within seconds. ...thanks to their warpgate and their insane Chrona boost. I tried proxy marauder, which was somewhat successful. ...killed a bunch of workers and units... ...even probes ROPs ROPs ROP. When they're far behind, they just choose what they want to build. Disruptor, High Templar, War prism drops, or Colossus to get back into the game. I tried then to go into battle cruisers, but it was too late. Sure, I did some major mistakes to not building ghosts, better macro, but not everyone is perfect, right? So, is Pradesh just Imba, or do I suck? And this was sent in by the partially German Starscream, who is from Europe, obviously, in the Master League, with 4,091 MMR. The question is very simple. Is ProDazimba? Or does he suck? Let's find out. Now, before you truly get into this replay, I want to do a public service announcement. As you can see, I have a bit of a bump on my hat. Now, I want everyone to know that this has nothing to do with me bumping into my kitchen cabinet this morning. But instead, this is a common occurrence with Protoss players. And this is what happens when your brain grows. So a lot of Terran players are listening. Your brain can grow. Yes, it is possible. Even at later age, for example, I'm 29, my brain still grows. And what it does, it just expands your skull outwards a little bit. And then after a while, there's new, you know, new skin comes on top of it and it will look normal. But I'll be even smarter than I already am. So just keep that in mind. And no slander please about my kitchen cabinet. He did nothing wrong. All right. Someone might have left him open. That might have been me. But the kitchen cabinet cannot be blamed for this. Ooh, you have a sexy little build over here. What is this? M-Core StarScream. Ooh. Oy, o'oy. You write like a German, but you play like a Frenchie. This is a build that Marine Lord, the now retired French Terring used to play a lot of retired. He's playing Age Vampires for now, which is kind of like the retirement home of StarCraft 2 players at this point. I feel like all the best AOE4 players are X StarCraft 2. I'm not sure what it says about the other RTSS, but Command and Conquer players step up your game because you're being made a full off by these SC2 pros. Yeah, so this is a real nice build order. It's a full wall in which you build, you should usually only build Marines. He goes for a Reaper, kind of faking a two gas opener, and then he's going to follow this up with a marauder, two marauders save up, maybe send another marine across the map as well. Marine Lord used to always do this with just sending one or two marines across the map. I think it hits a little bit faster with that, or at least you have more units. You build a bunker and you try to kill this base. That is the entire plan of the build. Now, I feel like it doesn't work so well anymore because very often the response against a two gas opener out of Taron or the response that is supposed to happen is that Prowdos is supposed to build a battery on the low ground. That is 100% if you see a full wall, that's what you're supposed to do. So this build kind of fell out of fashion with two gas builds becoming more popular overall, making it so that a full wall is just like an instant battery. And it should always be an instant battery. My good friend, Bug, however, doesn't have a bump like this on his head. His brain isn't the enormous size that mine is. And as a result, he doesn't build the battery on the low ground. That is a mistake because his opponent is now coming across the map with, well, It's actually a pretty tiny army for 3 minutes and 10 seconds, but it's still too big. It's still too big for what Buck has. Buck has literally nothing. Starscream is going to go into the main base. Is there concussive? There is concussive. We have three marauders out as well. Now, this stalker should fall. It's not going to target it down. Just wants to run away for now. Okay. I don't entirely dig it. The control just hasn't been so smooth. Should move towards the bunker as well, running away from it. Now should target the stalkers. We have some real split fire going on here. Look at that. Dealing some damage to both of these stalkers into a lot of the probes. No serious target fire. I don't think he's actually going to get to the bunker. Well, the bunker isn't finished. Even if he gets to the bunker, there's no point. We'll manage to kill one more stalker. This bad boy might just be capable of escaping. This was a surprisingly good hold by Bug, or perhaps a surprisingly poorly executed attack here out of Starscream. Like, this really was the best case scenario. Buck didn't open up with a Stargate, and Buck decided to only build a single unit in the first three minutes of the game and didn't have a battery. If you can't kill your opponent in the absolute, like, if you're making like three scenarios, you know, let's say you're your worst case, your middle case, and your best case, okay? This scenario wouldn't even be in there because you can't imagine a ProDol's having such a poor opener where he only has a single unit, no Stargate and no battery. Like, it makes no sense not to get a second unit if you see a full wall as a ProDol's. And it makes no sense not to get a battery. So even in the best case scenario, like, you're going to have one of the two in my mind. Either it's going to be a battery or there's going to be two units. So the fact that Starscream didn't win just straight up or dealt near fatal damage is a pretty bad sign. It's poor micro, poor understanding of how to execute a build, really. With some weird split fire. I'm really not a fan of that. We're going to get a high ground CC. I think I appreciate that actually. I think I like that. It's like just some safety because your bunker wasn't done in time for it. Otherwise, I think this is smart. I really do like that. I think it's a good call. I also have four marauders now moving towards their target. This is an absolutely wild move, by the way. He's aware that there's a battery. Like these stalkers moving out, I don't think you can really predict that. This is working out beautifully. Look at this. We're going to get a base trade. And in a base trade, I think I actually kind of favor star-screaming. here. Like this is going to go much, much better for Starscream than it will go for bug. Because there's no natural, so there's no SUVs to kill. We see loads and loads of probes going down over here. Well, if you stim another time and focus on the probes, you might have been capable of taking more down. Okay, there we go. It's going to get every single probe. No, okay, it's going to leave two alive. Very sloppy control here once again. I don't think there was much focus elsewhere, so I'm not sure why that is. It's not like this CC was flying over. It's not like a mule got used during all of it. What is this scam? What? In the ever-living crap was that? I've never... It's not like he tried to mule and missed, because you also don't want a mule here. Maybe he saw the shadow. Is this what happened? He saw the shadow of the sea monster. So for the people to know, this map is under the sea. Under the sea. Darling, it's... better. I think he sees the monster as like, oh, what's that? No shot. I think this is the first time I've seen someone make such an insane reaction to the sea monster. I mean, I get a pretty nasty reaction as well, but I just start insulting it. I don't think I've ever used in-game resources to annoy it, which it also doesn't work because, well, it's an AI sea monster. Well, it's the shadow of a sea monster. even if you zoom out far enough. I don't think you'll ever see truly the sea monster. Here we have a, what's the, seven stalkers, shoot two volley that. Yeah, will two volley that. Good race on the depots. Big plays here coming out. This is a wild game already. I love that this thing also, it got the combat shield as well. It's got every single upgrade out of the one tech lab. That should not be viable, but it is what happened. I can't change the truth, guys. There's not that many SUVs left, and there's a lot of SUVs being pulled. from the line, which is surprising, to say the least. A mistake as well, because it means you're now not mining any money. Sending the Medivac forward like that is also a mistake, because MEDAX don't actually fight. You want to try and keep them a live majority of the time. Both players at a low worker count. The army is slightly bigger here for Bugg than it is for Starscream. Starscream also has decided that add-ons are for idiots. Right now, out of the five structures in the main base, only two of them are occupied by add-ons, and it means that Marauder production will suck, also marine production is slow because there's not that many reactors. Too fair, he also doesn't have a whole lot of cash. That's going to be hard. Oh, that's expensive. That is four mules missing. One or two waves each. That is like 200 minerals you just lost there by pulling these mules off the line. Don't think that was quite necessary. Don't really think that was quite necessary. Oh, not again. It's going to, oh my gosh, just throwing money away. This guy definitely has a money three in the backyard. Or he's just really bad at financial decisions. that's actually more likely. Now using a mule to repair the Medivac. Very nice. Not only getting the repair cost, but also the cost of not having the mule mine. Of course, much better to have an S.EV repair that. SUVs mine very little. I think an SUV mines about 60 minerals per minute, while a mule mine's about 200 per minute. And in the lifespan of 64 seconds, they mine 225 if you use them on a close-by patch. So it's always better in these scenarios to use an S-CV. I'm also not quite sure what these turrets are doing. It's not like we're swimming in money. As mentioned before, poor financial decisions all around. Poor, poor financial decisions, most definitely. This is like investing in Microsoft stock because you like Skype so much. Let me tell you, that is a mistake. Turrets going to stop this hallucinate. I hate it when turrets like this work out. Well, they also didn't really work out. Got the trumped here by a single hallucination. It's quite nice target fire. Nice target fire. There we go. Actually, that was quite nice. I'm happy with this move. Bug is, he's growing on me. He had some stinkered in the early game. Some serious, meh. You know, you look at that and you smell it. He's like, ooh, that ain't good no more. That's been in my fridge a little bit too long. That's the expiration date, and it is 2018, and right now it's 2023. That thing is well overdid. were a couple of other hints as well that the black mold growing out of it the fact that it started moving around by itself but yeah a couple of stinkers in the early game for sure lack of the battery just some general micro stuff but that's all behind us now now our propros player is transitioning into a robo bay we have how many gates six gates I like that we have charge we have blink we still have a barracks over here I'm not quite sure how this thing survived for so long that's a legendary move also produced two marines out of it That is another legendary move And we have a double drop being sent out That is a move That I also like These are legendary moves And this is a move that I genuinely think is good I'm not quite sure what he's going to do with these meta-vex But for now it seems like he's just going to straight up fly over the pylon Which would suck There's already three stalkers in the main What? My man bug over here, huh? What do you know? This guy has the game sense The spidey senses are tingling Look at that Did he spot this pile? Yeah, spotted this pilot. Should have cleared it, I think. It's always nice to clear a pylon. That wants to go in right now. Says, hey, what do you have over here? Well, there's a battery there. And there's a guardian shield available. So, well, this is a good move. This is a good move. I wouldn't mind running away right now, but the initial move was good. I still wouldn't really mind running away a little bit. Okay, we're going to lose everything, kill very little. But that's life. I'll get a semi-evaluation over here. if you're one of the initial 12 Marines that died, sucks to be you. If you're right now on your way home in a MEDAVAC to your family, then congratulations. You've made it out like, look how little workers he has, though. He's 38 workers total. I'm not sure where they are. They're starting to long distance mine from the third right now, despite having an undersaturated natural. Interesting move. And when I say interesting, I mean completely wrong. you obviously want to saturate your natural. Even going up to 20 out of 16 is better than long distance mining. Fun little fact. That's because most bases have four faraway patches on which technically you can stack three workers increasing the income on that patch more than a long distance mining SCV would. So whenever you have 20 workers in a base, don't send it to long distance mine. Just let it 20 workers in the base. However, if you have a base with 11 out of 16 and one with 20 out of 16, then obviously switch on work. around. There's a lot of Marines in here. Colossus focusing on the only unit that doesn't take extra damage. Now starts fighting the Marines. Marines move forward. Pretty decent control, honestly, out of Starscream here. Did like how he controlled that. And also took out this push with relative ease, immediately on sieges. But I think this army is a little bit too small. So you just got to think at this point in the game, we're 12 minutes in, you saw your opponent has a third base. You're kind of expecting eight gates. Yeah, there are eight gates, exactly. So you're moving across the map with an army that consists of eight marines, one marauder and three tanks. You know your opponent still had some type of army remaining. If there's going to be just a single warpin, you'll probably lose the incoming fight already. Now, luckily for Starscream, there wasn't a single warpin of Zealots. God knows why, but it didn't happen. There's also an interesting move. As the fight starts, picking up eight Marines into your Medivac, These are some plays that I can't quite comprehend but maybe once I become a better player this will start hitting back I don't quite get this This is Some interesting moves are being made here The barracks also has a new friend It's the Nexus Would love to just see a zealot being sent over there Or this army to go there So yeah both of these moves I think are good There we go Gonna meet each other over here once more I think you want to run away from this fight Yeah, it's going to pick up. Does he have boost available? Yep, it's going to pick up and evacuate most of its army. I freaking hate that we still have pure marine production. The reason for that is because my man still doesn't believe in the add-on. Why he doesn't believe in the ad-on, I'm not so sure. Okay, there we go. Now has three taglaps. Like, well, the Colossus is very powerful against my Marines that aren't even being reactored out. Now it gets the Taglap so it can start some marauder production. I'd love to see some ghost as well at some point in the, well, it really, in any future, the near future or the distant future. Just in any future, I'd like to see some ghost. You have an armory going down right now. This is all fairly late, but the game is also all out of whack. So timings, you know, within the context of the game, maybe this armory is within a reasonable timeframe. I'm not even entirely sure if it is. I feel like in the context of the game, the third base just is under-saturated, and the third base also was too late, and the natural still was under-saturated. I feel like we've done a bit. poor job building SCVs in this game. Like, how many has he lost? Nine. If you lose nine SCVs and you only have 48 by the 14 minute mark and you're not too base all inning, there usually is an issue. And that issue, I dare to say, isn't Protoss. Surely this is in range, no? Yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Very much so in range. Beautiful stuff. So observer seeing everything. Turrets seeing the observer now that there's some vision with that Metafak on top of the little cliff. But it's still there. I freaking love this. Having vision over a Terran feels so good. I'm not quite sure. Maybe the pros doesn't realize that it's within turret range. It should die now. Yeah. There we go. Good stuff. Meanwhile, we have a zealot prism in the main base. A Viking being sent over. Two Vikings being sent over as well as a split of five Marines. Cute move. Five Marines shouldn't be enough to deal with these five. Zealots, then again, Terran units sometimes are a bit stronger than I give them credit for. The same time the fort base is being taken out. And it's going to get cleaned up. Maybe at the price of this base, should have blinkered forward. Shouldn't he? Blank? Should a blank. Should have blanked in there. Also, didn't actually clean those zealots because he F2, this entire army. So it's going to lose the armory, drops two mules to try and repair. Instead, loses the armory and then the mules. So, that's a beautiful example. This is the clip they should show in class when talking about the sunk cost fallacy. That was absolutely beautiful. There was no way that these two mules were going to repair it. I knew it, he knew it, Buck knew it, and the professor that's using this clip in his college is going to know it as well. What a rookie mistake. God. Learning new concept with StarCraft games. Love in Life. Still no ghost 162 supply him. That is surprising. And also very bad. Vikings are semi-moving separate from the main army. I think there's just a single control group, and then he sometimes control-clicks the Vikings. I think that's how we're maneuvering over here. We have a big stim coming out. Storm is not available yet. That's actually kind of a big deal. The Vikings move forward. Start going to town on these colossus. Good spread-out. Although a portion of that army wasn't fighting during the spread-out, really. I'm also not a huge fan of having the marines in front, you want the marauders in front, the main tanking unit. Now Storm finishes up and blankets the entire army. As we see Starscream kind of kiting into it. Now kiting into his opponent's zealots as well. Maybe this Terran isn't aware that kiting usually is done away from the melee units. He's just been kiting forward into melee units. And although it looks really cool when Klam does it as he's up 85 supply. against Ultralisks is not quite as powerful if you're even in supply against the Protols at 4k MMR and it might end up losing you the game. This is much better. There we go. So you go in and then you bait the zealous to chase you and then you run away. Some serious overstimming going on as well. I think he's stimming a little bit too quick every single time. Yes, he never runs the entire course and thus the matter of facts don't have enough time to catch up. So eventually this party is going to end. It's going to end with these marvellous. Well, either dead or in a METAVact. Luckily for them, the Madafax had some empty space. So these bad boys are going to run away. You could still sky kite a bit or perhaps pick it up, or you could just leave them here to die against charmed slots and blink stalkers. That is also allowed. There are no bad calls here. Well, unless you're one of the Marauders, of course. Then there are many bad calls. Serious oversaturation soon to be on this base. I'm not sure where those probes are. This doesn't feel like there are 40 probes currently, right? I don't see where they're coming from, though. Is this 40 probes? Oh, it actually is. Holy crap. I didn't see it. It doesn't look like 40 probes, does it? Oh, it moves to Muenah. Mad. All right. Well, fifth base on the way here, as Star Screen once again is trying to establish his fort. Still on 48 workers. He's lost nine more workers since, I think it was the 12-minute mark or so. Nine more workers lost, and he's, so he's built about two workers per minute or so. That's impressive. With three command center. That is very poor. That is very poor. I think you can actually do that just in one minute. So what took him... You know, what takes the average man about one minute, took Starscream seven minutes. But his girlfriend is really happy, but it's not very good when you're playing StarCraft, my dear friend. Planetary about the finish up. We have mules mining from here as well. No extra upgrades coming in for either player. Okay, this is one of those things. that doesn't not make it a mistake. Okay? People will be like, well, the Protoss also didn't upgrade. Like, yeah, the Protas also didn't upgrade. That doesn't mean you weren't an idiot for not upgrading, though. Like, this is literally the, oh, if your friend jumps off a bridge, do you do it too? Like, this is the same thing. Like, this is a great way to get an advantage. If your opponent is making a huge blunder, like not upgrading their massive army, and you do upgrade, all fights are going to be extremely, easy because you'll be up freaking five upgrades. If you're not doing it, however, there's no advantage to be gotten there. So a major mistake your opponent made just gets cancelled out by your own major mistake, which makes both of you idiots. This is not really an argument. He's like, well, he also didn't. He's like, well, yeah, freaking amazing, he also didn't. Good job. You're both morons. It's unbelievable. Okay, actually, stars plus three. Love to see it. Ship weapons as well. I think it's a good call. I would love to see maybe, yeah. Just one round of Vikings, I think. here would have been perfect. Just a single round of Vikings, really. You don't want more than that right now because you don't know how many colossite are going to be. The one thing that you really do want are ghost. Like, I also don't understand how this is a master's game, freaking 4K MMR, and my man doesn't build ghost. Like, this is seriously handicapping yourself. And the sickest thing is that this happens so much, right? this actually happens so much. You're watching a game. And then you know what Terran say? They say, well, they go. It's very difficult to control in the army. And then at the same time, what did this guy say? What did he say? What did he say? He said, when they're far behind, they just choose what they want to build. Disruptor, High Templar, War prism drops or Colossus to get back into the game. Okay. Disruptor High Templar War Prism drops, they all require separate hotkeys. And then whenever you talk to a Teran about adding ghosts, like, well, I'm kind of low level. I don't think I can actually make room for a, a, second or a third control. This guy uses one control group. The Vikings are always in the same freaking control group. They move with the main army. He's too lazy to get a second control group for the ghost or even to just use the tab button. Because you can also just have the ghost in your main army, then EMP, smash tap and stim. That's also allowed. Okay? I'm not even necessarily bashing that approach, but I am bashing the approach of skipping ghost because they're too hard to control while at the same time flaming toss players because disruptors and templars are too good. Like, how does your brain? brain work. Maybe you need a bump in the head. I have a kitchen cabinet at home that could. Definitely help out with some brain growing if you need to. Only charging $1,500 per use case. Trust me, it's definitely worth it. Very much so worth it. Not only do you get an aesthetic little bump, which everyone loves. It's the one thing everyone notices. It's like a new haircut. It's like, oh, you got a new hair. Oh, you got a massive bump on your eyes. Oh, thanks. I'm glad you noticed. It's my brain growing. Very cool. Beautiful stim right into a tiny joke. That is exactly what I live for here. Disruptor shots being sent in and I think that even got individually controlled there. Yeah! It's moving! It's moving! Once again some serious overstimming. Walks through two storms. Spellcasters. Freaking good, man. Beautiful stuff. Yeah, Terran now in some serious trouble. Also attacked about 25. five seconds before his plus three finished. We could call that a rookie move too. Four more marauders on. Another stim, mate. This is starting to hurt, isn't it? This is seriously starting to turn. We also haven't seen like a single drop. We saw one drop that landed and then went as a regular attack towards the third base. Now starts a battle cruiser transition because they also don't require a hotkey. Well, actually, they do require a hotkey. They really do require a hotkey. Oh, here comes a big Stim forward. Love to see it. Look at these Vikings. My man complaining about the opponent. Having Disruptors. This guy can't even use his Vikings. He's kiting so fast with the Marine Marrano and another Stim. Beautiful. Maybe two more, yeah, sure. Boom. Yeah, he's dead. Absolutely dead right now. But that is perfect. You know why? This was actually part of the plan. People watch this game and I think to themselves, oh, terrible, terrible micro. But this is really smart because this frees up the main control group that he can now use for the incoming battle cruisers. He's thinking a step ahead. You know, while you guys at home are wearing, oh no, it's going to have VCs. He's only one control group. How's this going to work with F2? It's not possible. This guy has already figured it out. Say, just throw my entire army away for free by stimming it 17 times, then walking into storms and disruptor shots. God, maybe this guy has a bump on his head after all. He's so much smarter than I am. Yep, whoop, boop, poof. Disruptor goes down, stormers go down as well. I'd love to see a storm being cast here. Yeah, very nice. God, I'm cheering hard for this pro. The beauty is that I already know that the toss is going to win as well, because that's the concept of the, is Rimbabur do I suck? So it just feels good when you're cheering for, this is like watching the highlight of your favorite team winning. It's the opposite of watching any harsh-them highlight when it comes to StarCraft 2 tournament. You already know that he's going to lose. Every now and again, though, there's this magical moment where I win a series. You always notice as well. All the comments are like, oh, Didn't know Harstem sometimes won. So yeah. Great jokes, guys. Doesn't hurt my feelings at all. Not at all. All right. First two BCs are out. Ship weapons level one is done. That was initially researched for the Vikings, but there's a double use in case you ever make a BC transition. Truly thinking at this point. Nice storms here hitting, well, absolutely everything. This game is Uber over. Maybe Terran should scan another time here to see that sea creature. See it more clearly. Maybe if I scan it twice, will reveal itself and give me the holy grill. It's not quite how it works. As we have a little bit of a blink in, this game has now officially ended. But the Tarrin's still in here. What is he doing, you may ask? Well, now that his control group is completely free, he has no other units except these battle cruisers, he can finally start using them. Yamato's the Cyber Corps. This is actually a pretty cool play. I'm not going to lie. So, if this was 18 battle cruisers instead of three, and there were only five stalkers, this could have been a game-winning move. But because he has only four BCs, and there's already 33 stalkers out, this is not going to be a game-winning move. Taking out the cybercore means you can't build Stargates anymore, and you can't build... You can't build stalkers, which are the two things that you probably want. You want Stargates, so you can transition into Tempest, and you want stalkers to stay alive until you transition into Tempest, basically. But it's fairly irrelevant because, well, first of all, there's too many stalkers already. So he could just move back with the stalkers. And also, there's so many bases he can build the cyber core at that you can just rebuild the cyber and just add like 25 more gates, which is exactly what's true. Bug is actually playing a good game here. He's not being faced at all. This guy has multiple control groups or at least knows how to use tap. I think he actually has a single control group and just knows how to use tap, which I, Like, this is the thing is that my standards aren't even that high. I'm loving the Yamato usage here once. Again, it's going to get the cybercore. Two more cores are on the way already, though. Yeah, like my standards aren't so high. I just want you to use your spellcasters. That's really all I want. That is seriously all that I want. The BC is now flying in. Canon's going to get taken out. This battle cruiser. This battery is going to get blasted. Super battery activated. Upgrades also better here for the stalkers than for the BCs. Plus three versus just a mere plus one. No armor upgrades. It's actually quite bad here. Bug, if you're watching, get that second forge, buddy. I know you're capable of doing it. Just get it going. Barracks, this is the most Terran game I've seen in my life. I don't believe that Starscream believes. It is not possible, right? I know that most Terrans are fairly delusional, but this is pushing it even for a Terran player. Like, you've seen the stalker count. You know there's a fifth base, at least. There is a sixth, but you know there's a fifth. So I never quite understand this. All Terran players do it. Why? No one knows. Really, no one knows. Many studies have been done. Many, many studies have been done. Perhaps a lack of bumps on the forehead after all. Oh, there we go. Big blink to the other side. Look, oh, there's a sixth. Gigi. Very nice. All right. Well, my dear friend, let's have a quick think over here. What went wrong in this game? Was it perhaps that Protoss was too strong? That's just investigate those claims. So it starts. How does it start? With a quick marauder rush into the best, best case scenario that I've seen in my entire life. You managed to completely butcher the attack. And as a result, are I think behind after the early game. Then your opponent moves out, giving you a way back in with your four marauder stim squad. So you kind of get lucky there. I think the game was already over. In my mind, you've lost the game with your poor execution, despite getting a free win handed to you on a beautiful little. platter. Okay? Then second of all, I think the one attack you did it with the three tanks, if you have a proper reinforcement setup, so proper infrastructure behind it with tech labs, reactors, and you wait one or two waves, then you go with three tanks, I'm pretty sure you can almost trade up win the game because you manage to defend your opponent's first push relatively well. After that, you still get very nice leads when it comes to army supply, when it comes to upgrades. You micro slightly poorly against Zellet Storm, often microying into the zealots, often standing in storms too long. But the worst thing is all is that you never build ghosts. Not a single time, not a single ghost has been, I don't think you build a ghost academy. You're not even pretending like you want to use it. These are like one of these people, they say, well, I can play guitar. Like, well, have you ever tried? No, but I can't play it. Why would I try? I know I can. It's like, well, yeah, that's kind of how things work. If you never try something, if you never practice something, you're not going to get better. If by default, you never play the ghost, you're going to suck it. And even the first time you're going to build the ghost, it's going to suck, but you'll notice after three or four times of using it, it's already going to be paying difference. Hell, if you're maxed out, it's better to have ghosts than to have Marines in there. It is just supply very efficient unit. It's powerful. You don't even have to cast a freaking EMP. On top of that, you're constantly overstimming as well. Your Vikings don't shoot half the time because they're in the same control group as the rest of your army, and you made a battle cruiser transition, which is not actually a thing. If you want to get a late game air unit that is very good against Toss, Please go for Liberators first. Then if it's a complete stable game, maybe go into a BC transition. But often during your BC transition, people end up dying because it's freaking expensive and it takes so darn long. So, no, my friend, Protoss isn't imbalanced. Instead, it is you who sucks. And that is what I and my bump have decided. Thank you all so much for watching today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck. If you particularly enjoyed this episode, now would be a great time to send this to all your friends. So we might get some new people in here as well. Hit that like button, comment down below what you thought was the most egregious play and tell me how many bumps you've had on your forehead in your lifetime. I'm curious to read all of them. Thank you so much for watching. And bye-bye. |
The All-In, That Isn't An All-In... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | All-In! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/V8koUlcyK18/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | V8koUlcyK18 | Dear Harkstam, I'm feeling very frustrated right now. As a Protoss, I have to consider every aspect, while Terran can simply close their eyes and produce units from two bases to win. In this game, I chose four gate blinkstalker, and my opponent used three reapers and two Hallions to harass me. But I defended well. My blink stalkers were hopping around my opponent's base like a bunny. My opponent came very close to losing, but I also inflicted enough damage. Then, I knew my opponent was about to push. I did everything I knew, battery, storm, charge, and push my units forward. However, when my opponent's tank set up, everything fell apart. My army was not smaller than my opponents, but they managed to break through my defense while battery overcharge and making my micro and macro look like a joke. please tell me how I can defend against this why can Terran blindly mass units while Protoss has to take risk and expand the three bases? This was sent in by someone with a Chinese name which roughly translates to the Earth is round so it's at least correct about one thing is a diamond on the Korean ladder with 4,004 MMR exactly and asked a simple question, is Terran imbalanced? Or does he suck? Let's figure it out together. And here we go. Te-Kaman. T-K-K-Man versus the Earth is round. At least according to this Blue Protoss player from China, opening up with a pylon in the main base. No wall here being made whatsoever. I'm never quite sure when I'm allowed to start criticizing this. You know, like where's the line? This feels a little bit like if you have a very young kid, you know? and they burp after they eat, you know, like riding your face. It's like if they're one years old, it's kind of cute. And it's like, oh, he burped in my face. Oh, good old babies. If you're a 16-year-old kid, every time he's done eating, just goes up to you, it's like, a dad burbs in your face, it's a little bit disrespectful and rude, I think. And I wonder where this line is for Protoss players. Like when do we want the first pilot to have a purpose? You know, when do we want that first pilot to be positioned? here so that a gateway and cybercore can make a semi wall against a Reaper. Or do we want the pylon over here for a complete Reaper wall? Or, well, it actually needs to be over here. If you build it over here, you're not going to get a good Reaper wall at all. But that's a story for another time. So I think 4,004 MMR. This really is an edge case. This is like, this is a 5-year-old burping in your face. Like it's not that cute anymore. It's starting to get a little bit disgusting. But maybe one more time, you know, is close your eyes. close your eyes and pretend like it didn't happen. We also don't have a scout here with a Corby for Nexus. This is something that I don't mind at all. I actually think this is cool to play. And if you're a ladder player, it's completely fine to mix it in. In general, I hardly ever criticize people for not scouting. If people, however, not scouted and die against the cheese early on, then they also should just accept that. Like you're accepting certain risks. It's like if you're going base jumping without a parachute, things can definitely go wrong. you know and then don't be surprised when you splatter on on the bottom of the building you know if the if the trampoline that you put up there got taken away by the police because you didn't have a license for it like there's i'm not sure i don't they have a trampoline it's like one of these i've seen this i've seen people they jump without a parachute not base jumping but i think out of a plane and then they fall into like one of these these massive cushions it's uh it's where you it kind of looks like the things you jump us as a kid like a bouncy castle that it's probably different than a bouncy castle i remember these bouncy castles not being very not being very sturdy when I was a, you know, a 13 or 12 year olds. There's also really just, there's so many lines where when is, when are you still allowed on the bouncy castle? I feel like that is truly when your youth ends, when people start looking at you weird when you're on the bouncy castle. Because as a rowdy 14 year old, it kind of makes sense like, ah, you know, boys being boys, you know, they have a little fight on the bouncy castle. But if you're like a 27 year old and you're on the bouncy castle, like pushing kids around, get on out of your son. I think it's a little bit messed up. Don't do that, guys. Don't get it. Trust me, don't do that. You'll be banned from bouncy castles from the entire southern part of the Netherlands. If you do end up doing that. Battery over here gets built blindly. This is good as well. Okay, this is someone that realizes, hey, I took a risk in the early game, not scouting. I got a little bit of extra money because of that. Let me invest that money that I got in the early game to make sure that I remained safe against later threats that I couldn't scout. And I think this is kind of a smart play. This is exactly how Hero does it as well when he opens up with a No Scout. Now, he'd still be in serious trouble if these three reapers jump into the main base, or if they just run by here. Oh yeah, this is a good move. This is a nice level playing. I'm always surprised at the Korean diamonds. Like, they really kind of know what they're doing. This is not the greatest control, but it's still okayish. We see a couple of workers going down, so for five, six workers, this is definitely... Oh my God. I'm so glad I was not standing behind this Terran coaching him because I might have screamed at him a couple of times. There were like three, four extra pros that should have died here. So the defense was okay. Well, actually the defense was bad, but the attack also was bad. So the level of defense perfectly matched the level of offense. So good enough for the level, I guess is what I'm going to say. We now have a prism on the way. Four gate blink. This is one of the standard builds that Maxpex has been using for a very long time. A lot of other ProDels are also using it. Initially, I think Parting was the first player to really get into those aggressive blink build orders. He used to do them very different. But, yeah, nowadays it's just really the bread and butter of your average Prolost players, either three or four gate blink. And I think it's a very powerful build, especially at lower levels as well, because it requires a very specific response coming out of the Terran player. You need good building positioning, which usually isn't there. You need a lot of tanks in smart spots as well. Now this particular variation of the four gate blink isn't hitting very hard. It might have something to do with the fact that he's lost a bunch of workers or with the fact that his builder just wasn't very good. It also only has 35 workers which is extremely low for a fourgate blink. Blinks in shoots the Raven. I was very close to ignore. I was very close to ignoring this fight altogether where you just cancel it out, you know? We just pretend that it never happened. But I'd like to just watch both sides one more time. Just here for a second. Okay. So we put the adept in there. We have an observer that we're not using together vision, which is really the only purpose of the observer. You use it to gather vision so you know what you're blinking into. So it's just blindly blinking into a tank right now. which is the worst thing you can do. Like if you're not in range of the Terran of the tank, then it's bad. If you would have blinked to the right side, you probably could have blinked outside of tank range. Okay, but there was no vision because the observer wasn't used in that way. We continue on. Then uses his first shot for the Raven. Now, with this stalker count, with two volleys, you kill a tank. You need 11 stalkers shots to kill a tank. Right now there's eight stalkers. That's enough to two volley this tank. Once you kill this tank, you're in a really good spot because there's no defense. anymore. The Marine count is very low. There's a bunch of marines in here. It's all good. So first volley is on the Raven. Second volley also on the Raven. So this tank should have been dead already right now. That's all good. And then he picks up a bunch of his stalkers, which is actually a good move, kills the tank, and then moves away. So he got the tank, you know, two shots later than usual, but it's still an okay engagement. He probably should have straight up won the game, but didn't. Now, let's look at that fight again, but then take a look at it from the Terran side because the Terran also does some very cool things here that we don't usually see in the defense. So most of the time with Terrans, what you want is you want to defend your tank. So ideally your tanks. Ideally, you have a unit here so you know where your opponent is blinking in from because that's where you want to mirror the movement of your Marines, right? So Terran completely blind here. Now it's moving in. This is luck. This is no skill. Raven moves forward. Shoot throw down the auto turret immediately. and then here we have a move that I think in no world would be considered a good play as he focuses his entire army with an A move on his own factory gets a single tank shot off on it doesn't get the auto turret down until very late gets a second shot on the factory and then loses the tank so we could be very critical of both players or we could just accept that this is what happens at this level you know that both players just make a lot of mistakes. Really, quite a few of them. Now, Protel still manages to win this game because there's absolutely nothing here, or well, at least managed to completely destroy this fight. Misses a blink and a half, it's okay. There's a single tank remaining, there's seven stalkers, this bunker is empty, the next warping should be available. Where did the Observer go? I think the Observer just got A-moved into the Raven Marine stuff. That's the thing that makes the most sense to me. If you blink on top of this bunker, the game is actually instantly over. There's no worker production behind this. There's no Nexus. either starting by the way or hardly any worker production um it kills the bunker like this build the reason why this build is so strong is because it has all in power but it isn't all in you know what i'm saying like this this build has like it it has that that main dish feel you know it feels like this is it but there's still something behind it and it imagine you go into a restaurant okay and as a starter you get like a real nice salad okay you get you get you get a proper salad like oh it's delicious and there's little pieces of mango in there and there's juices flowing around it and maybe there's a bit of meat in there as well or if you're vegetarian some delicious fake meat if that exists you know it's good it's real good but then after you finished with your your salad and you're happy and you're ready for the main course, the guy tells you to leave the restaurant because the main course isn't there. That's kind of what I'm feeling here. Like this is a setup, a great setup for a delicious main course. And that main course exists of charge slots, eight gateways, maybe an immortal sprinkled in there as well. As you know, the kind of the final tarts could go into storm, but none of that is happening. Hell, we don't even have a third base. Third base starts at seven minutes into the game, which is insanely late. This is like going to a restaurant and them delivering the main. dish the next day to your house but it's cold it's chewy the cook spitting your food because you didn't tip the day before but you left only having eaten the you know the starter of course you're not going to tip this guy what is this they kicked you out there's an interesting blink but a good one people who are a terrible blink no this is a very good one snipes two tanks even as some individual micro the fighting inside of the auto turret range is a mistake so once again really just a mix the bag of good and bad. It's like this guy went to like a pick and mix and picked some delicious candy and then saw like a dog turd stuffed into one of them, you know, them candy lockers and took it on. It like, hmm, delicious. And it kind of ruins the rest of the bag as well. So look at this blink, okay? Good blink. Moves him forward. Boom. Second shot on the tank. Clears two tanks. Can't get to just piss off out of here. There's right now as many Marines as there are stalkers, but rather than running away, he fights the entire duration into the auto turret damage. And auto turrets actually have pretty decent damage. That is two entire stalkers that you're losing here, maybe a bit more, like two and a half, three stalkers that you're losing to auto turrets. Without that, I think you just straight up win the game here. But even with this, you're still in a phenomenal position. You're up in workers. You have a crap ton of money. You can hopefully finally get started on your main dish, which, yes, there we go, Templar Archives. charge on the way. You have so much Corona boost available. Oh, holy crap. This guy's going to be boosting his production for the next five years. Technically, we're still in an unloosable position here. The only thing that the Terran has is better infrastructure and better upgrades. But he doesn't really have the ability to move on the map quite yet because there are no meta facts. And there's also no combat shield. Without combat shield moving on the map, that is a dangerous thing to do, all right? Now, stalkers once again are being rebuilt. I think The focus on stalkers here is a bit too heavy. Like, this is like serving the same salad again. It's like, oh, it was nice the first time, but diversity is the spice of life. It's just not as good, you know. It loses its value over time, these stalkers. You really want to kind of transition out of that. And you already have the Templar archives. Starting storm and getting one or two Templar before the push arrives is usually a very smart play because then you actually have storm in order to stop that push. Okay, nice. We start the storm. We start the prism as well. You can store the Templar into that prism, or you can use it to warp with more stalkers aggressively. Gateway count is up to six. We'd love to see that go up to eight. There's plenty of cash available. We'd love to see an immortal being crono as well. We have our first Templar now being built. And he has the stalkers in a good position. Once again, observer not being used for what an observer should be used for, and that is gathering vision, gathering information. Information is power, and we now see what happens if you don't have that information. Three stalkers have gone down so far against this pushout. Now... Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm going to back one more time. When you have stalkers on... The reason... There's multiple reasons why blink stalkers are so good. The first is that it can attack multiple locations. You can blink in, blink out. It's easy to keep them alive, even against stim units. It's powerful against tanks if tanks are not in good positions. But then even after that, they're useful because they, A, delay your opponent. move out and B, they can pick off units as your opponent is moving across the map. Whenever stalkers are on the map and a Terran moves out, the stalker player has an advantage where you can take out four or five marines by the time your opponent arrives, but you should be losing no stalkers. Here, the Earth is round, kind of reverses that process and loses three stalkers, doesn't delay the push, making his move out be a negative, which should never be the case. Also, forgetting to Krono this storm is kind of bad. And there's also only a single Templar still. Now we finally have that immortal. Now he's trying to... Now finally he's starting to try and deal some damage with these stalkers. Super Battery gets activated. We have two stalkers and a salad in a prism. Storm barely reaches. We still have four units in a prism, not participating in this fight. I'm not entirely sure why that has the case. case. Seems a little bit deranged in my mind. Also lifted the Templar in there at some point. I didn't see that quite either. I'm bringing in more and more salad. So there's no counterattack happening right now. There's no flank. Just running in and out of tank range without actually killing anything. And then loses the game to someone on 37 workers, four and a half barracks. a factory producing one tank, while also at the same time flowing about 2K resources. Now, this is why I said, A, get the 8 gates, have constant immortal production, or at least sprinkle some of them in. But B, this is really just... If you treat the 4Gate Blinkstalker as an all-in, and it fills, then it's an all-in. You know what I mean? If you put all your eggs in your basket, despite having three baskets ready, and then your one basket breaks, you can't be too confused. Like, the transition is so... Like, we're 11 minutes into the game. Your transition into Storm should be done 7.30. And then it's a late transition, you know? Your charge should be done freaking 7.30. You should have 8 gauge. Like, if your opponent hits a... a 10 minute mark, I'm expecting you to have six bases, some type of upgrades as well, the forces, forges, and like, freaking colossus and storm and everything. Like, you should be practically maxed, but you treat it like an all-in. And then when your opponent holds you're all-in, you're surprised that you still lose, despite dealing damage. But this is not how it works, right? If you're doing a pressure build, a heavy pressure build, which, forget it is, Don't get me wrong. It's a heavy pressure build. You always need to deal damage. But you dealt sufficient damage that if you have a follow-up that is even remotely decent, you're going to win. No problem whatsoever. Like, it's going to be the easiest win of your life. Because you killed every single tank. You killed a bunch of workers. You delayed your opponent's production. You had overall good traits, despite very mediocre micro at times. But then your transition was so slow and so bad. And your control of the big army was so powerful. four units consistently in a prism, losing three stalkers as your opponent is moving across the map. The only storm that you had, I think, got a bit too fast, but also why did you only have one storm? Literally, you spent, what is it, 200 into Templar archives, and Storm, I think, is also 200, and another 150 gas for a Templar. So you invested, I can't do mad, 550 gas for a single storm. Like, that is a lot of money for a single storm that hits three. marines, you know. Maybe if you're investing that much into those two upgrades, right, into the Templar archives and into the storm, maybe get another Templar. So at least you have two storm. You know, you split the cost of it. The more Templar you make, the cheaper the initial research was, or at least per Templar, it was cheaper. Yeah, I don't really think we can blame this on four Rex Terran pushes of 37 workers being imbalanced. This, my friend, was just a complete lack of a follow-up after good enough pressure. Your pressure was good enough. If you see this as a pressure, it was good enough. If you see it as an all-in, you have to kill your opponent, which you didn't, and you didn't, and you did see it as an all-in. So, my dear friend, tyranny imbalanced, you just suck, and the earth is round. All right, that's going to be it for me today. I hope you did enjoy this episode of Is it Inba or do I suck? If you did, don't forget to the like button, subscribe to the channel, and I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Do you agree with me? Do you disagree? Be sure to leave it down in the comments as well and chow-cha-cha. |
He ALMOST Makes You Believe That He Thinks This Is Good! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | He ALMOST tricked me guys. But the truth will always prevail!! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tEdUSN32sP4/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | tEdUSN32sP4 | Dear Sir, Mr. Captain Harsham, I must ask you to put your ProDOS favoriteism aside when you watch this replay. I have watched several IOTUS episodes where ProDOS players got away with some quite shady, borderline, imbalanced bollocks. The preferential treatment must end. I present to you a game where I was clearly winning, but was completely unable to close out the game due to Immortals and Shield Batteries. I mean, the unit is called Immortal. That sounds pretty imbalanced to me. With the slight buff to the immortal, I guess it's even worse. I played a pretty greedy early game with minimal units. I scouted exactly what silly build he was doing and prepared for the Arkon Zellate immortal timing. I stomped it and chased him back to his base to punish him. I tried in multiple waves, but I could not finish him, despite being up in both army and eco. I had very favorable engagements up until he got colossi and disruptors out. At this point, the zealot run by started and it was just a long death animation for me. If the rules were reversed and I did some timing attack that failed completely, there is no way I would have held the Prolost Deathball counterattack. Do I really suck? This imbalance complaint form was sent in by Baylor, a European master's Zerg player with 4,300 MMR. The question is simple. Is Prolost imbalanced or does he suck? Let's find out together. Something really interesting just happened, which I don't think I've ever seen before. Usually whenever people send in an imbalance complaint form, they pick their highest MMR ever to send in. So if there's, imagine there's a ProDos player that used to be 4,500 MMR, but right now it's just at 4,300. In the form he'll fill in, he's 4,500 MMR, right? Because that's the peak. Right now he's just not doing so well, but in a couple of days, surely he's going to be 4,500 again. He's going to reach that peak quickly again. This is, I think, the first time I've seen a player put a lower amount of MMR than they actually have than when loading the replay. When I loaded this replay, Baylor had an MMR of 4,400 and 33, a solid 133 MMR above what he stated he had. He's doing the opposite of bragging here. He's really selling himself short in a way. I mean, you always be proud of your MMR and always accurately represent. it or of course you just make up a couple of hundred points that's what the majority of the people do at least you know the the low diamond grandmaster grandmaster theoretical level kind of come from you know people always like to oversell their ability anyway let's have a look at the actual game as this is a nexus first coming out of a red check and burr but at the same time we have a hatchery on the low ground over here for baler with a standard hatch first timing nothing weird going on except well Actually, Nexus First is pretty weird. This is not a common build order. It provides many more minerals for the ProDos, but at the cost of a delayed cybernetic score and does, at the cost of a delayed overall tech. The lower or the later your cybernetic score is, the later your tech tends to be as well. So it's very uncommon to kind of see Stargate openers from this particular opener. You often see a different type of follow-up, not necessarily Stargate. Some Twilight build, sometimes even Robo Build. is coming out of a Nexus 1st. Just not a huge fan of Nexus 1st because of that, because it really narrows your options. On top of that, I think the Cybernetics were also has been delayed for no real reason. Just, you know, it gets delayed already because of the Nexus 1st, and now it's been delayed for another 10 seconds. So Red Checkenbur over here, not with the hottest play. There's something else I kind of want to discuss here. This is just general advice for Baylor. Baylor made kind of a big deal of the name of one of the units in Starcraft being the immortal. It's like the name already sounds in balance to him. Now this is a quick word of advice is that the name of something or whatever people call their thing doesn't always accurately represent what's in it. The immortal, for example, is a good example. It's a unit that definitely can die. We have the phoenix for ProDos as well. It doesn't rise back from his ashes. It doesn't have a reincarnation ability like the actual Phoenix does have. And it's the same if you're watching your television shopping channel or whatever, and they're selling you a knife set for $500. And it's called the best knife set in the world ever. No one will ever build something better. That doesn't necessarily mean that it's accurate. They probably don't even believe it themselves. Otherwise, they wouldn't be offering you a second free knife set if you order it now within 12 minutes and 49 seconds. So just a general word of advice, I guess. Now, Baylor said that he had scouted the silly build immediately and knew all was coming. Baylor does must be very good at interpreting information. Because I have no clue how he's getting anything out of seeing nothing. He's managing to get it all. It's also getting a second gas already and an extremely fast Roche Warren. Like this Roche Warren, it is so fast that it defends against nothing. There's no realistic threat that could. be coming right now. There's just none that you would need roaches for. I just don't, okay, he's throwing out spores as well. So he's preparing for everything, but at the wrong time. If an Oracle would have showed up, the spores would have been too late. If glaive adepts would have been too early with the roachs, and also spores still would have been building. So literally he's doing everything incorrect here. On top of that, he's not really scouting what his opponent is doing whatsoever despite technically this forge being in reach of this overlord seeing that forge would have been huge you know nothing can come so despite having such as an early roachwarne if it was a glaive adept attack i still believe that baler here would have just straight up lost because he he wouldn't have any units out right now he's what eight lings and five queens low queen count as well for five minutes into the game layer is way too quick i have no clue why we have it that fast so despite not building any units he's only up a single work He said he played a very greedy early game, but that is just a bold-faced lie. Like, it's not true. This was not a greedy early game. This was the type of early game. Imagine you ever find yourself in the situation that you have to throw a game of StarCraft 2. This would be a really good build to play. Because it still looks like you're doing something. It's not like you're move commanding bainling, you're not A-moving bainlings onto a rock or something like that. No, you're just playing a really bad builder, because that is what we've seen so far out of Baylor. just overall one of the worst build orders that you probably could play how is it possible he is even in workers despite only having built seven lings this is this is just impressive and if you don't pay attention to the details you wouldn't even catch it this is why this is such a great little build to throw games with this guy has a as a huge future as a match fixer baler it's all i'm saying because he makes it look so natural as well you almost start to believe that he thinks this build is good. You know, he sold it to me in the imbalance complaint for him. Beautiful stuff. Has scouted nothing, by the way, still. Now pops in, sees a forge, finishing researching. It's like, okay, there's a forge there. Um, no third base. That means he can throw down a fourth. He's going into bailing speed. And I was going to, yeah, he had the hydro then already. Now throwing out an infestation pit and more drones. These are all very wild type of plays as well. If you have no clue if there's even a third base. Didn't he say that he scouted? I played a pretty greedy early game with minimal units. I scouted exactly what silly build he was doing and prepared for the Arkon Zelead Immortal timing. Maybe you just have a different definition of scouting? Usually when I scout, I get information. Maybe he thinks having an overlord on the other side of the map is just what scouting means. He's a European. Maybe English is not as native language. I'm just very confused. This also is not a correct response to a Charglot Immortal Archon. If this was a good Chargloid Immortal Archon timing, that should have probably hit like 40 seconds ago. I think Baylor might have been in some trouble. I stopped at 72 workers. I'm just really confused how Baylor figured all of this. He just has no vision. Maybe he thinks there's no third base because he scouted this. Oh, no third. I'm being all in. Completely unaware of the fact that there's a third over here. Maybe he should consider himself lucky that he didn't actually get the scout. They'd get a hit off there on the prison, which is kind of a big deal. Huge moves there. And this is also very well done. Like running away this Vavitor just winning like another 20 seconds allows him to build so many more roaches. There's a lot of creep which means he can easily kite back as well right now to take out all the zealots. It means he could easily kite back right now to take out all the zealots. Okay, there we go. It took a little while to start the kiting, but he ends up doing it anyway. Took a little more damage on the roaches initially than necessary. He's floating a decent chunk of money as well. Both players are. For the pros, it's understandable because there's no prison with his army. For the Zerg, it's understandable, because he has crappy inject. It's going to go in for a chase. As he wants to get a couple more immortal kills, maybe some zealots as well. And now with the next warping, I think this is the time to probably turn around. I mean, you're fighting with zero upgrades against five immortals with plus one. This is very, very scary in my mind. Yeah, this is not brilliant. This is not brilliant. It's going to kill the super battery. He's going to lose eight roaches for that battery. It's going to lose another seven, ten roaches for one immortal. And then two more roaches while running back. So this is one of those interesting things. because technically it's not incorrect what he said. He said, I stomped the zealot arc on immortal timing and chased him back to his base to punish him. Okay. Now, it feels very good to do the initial thing correct here. And he did do the initial thing correct. He stopped the, he really just kind of stopped his opponent's attack, completely dead in his track. That was perfect. But then you've got to think to yourself, where are my advantages? You know, where am I winning? where am I losing? What assets do I have and what do I not have? Now we can have a look. He has plus one melee attack. Mealay attack that doesn't work on roaches, just on lynx and bains really, and all sorts of course, but realistically right now, lings and bains and you have the bainling speed upgrade already. Bainlings right now would be fantastic because Archons have disappeared. It means it's mainly going to be a zealid immortal army. And against zealid immortal, bailings are super powerful. So if you get a zealot immortal roach timing attack at this point, you'd be doing fantastic. However, he decides to rather than think about what assets he has, he just chases, he goes for it and fails. And his position is still completely fine. He is up in Eco, he has an extra base, has quick tech, so he can just throw down a hive, throw down a lurker then if he wants to, which kind of seems to be the road that he's going for. I mean, with these hydras. It is kind of odd, though, that he rushed out bailing speed and plus one melee, and then continues. just building pure Roach Hydra. Like there's currently four lings on the map. 26 lings have died. Not a single bainling has been morphed. We now have 22 more bains on the way. That is good. That is smart. But I feel like if you're getting this many range units, it's probably much wiser to get range upgrades as well before you get the melee upgrades. Especially after plus two melee has been nerfed. It doesn't one-shot probes anymore with the bainlings. It's not as important anymore. It really isn't. I mean, it's still a big deal, but not as big as it used to be. Salad Rambi now coming in, we have another round of drones. As Baylor is maxed out. I'm very confused by the overall plan. He doesn't seem to want to attack, but he's also not really going hard on Eco or wasn't going hard on Eco. a lot of units initially and then build drones and now he's lost those drones. I'm just really curious kind of what the plan is. He was maxed out before all of this. Could have probably been on the other side of the map with Ling Hydra, Bainling Hydra. It could have been fine. He's not building anything. Has 21 larva available. I don't quite see what's stopping us from maxing out. Six more drones. 21 more drones. So going up to what? 88 workers? 87 workers now that he's built a lurker then. This is the exact same army he had about a minute and a half ago. Except now his opponent has not only a much better army, but also about to have plus two upgrades here on the Prodol's ground weapons. Now this is kind of important because this Roach Hydra army has no upgrades. So what we're seeing right now is a plus two army of Protoss, which is perfectly hard countering his opponent's army. Like there's immortals for the roaches and there's colossus for the hydras. Like this is perfect. This was a late game Protoss army with better upgrades. Yes, it was smaller and it gets to hold as a result. It also doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If you're doing a, you're trying to hit a hard timing attacks to hit a minute and a half late, and while you're attacking is to build 21 more drones. This all just seems very odd. Ten more drones on the way right now, going up to 95 workers. We have a couple more spines coming in too. Range upgrades about to finish up. Finally. Hell, it's about time. I'm just kind of waiting for vipers to be added into the mix as well. This seems like such a natural transition from here. You've seen colossus already. Now he gets the bailings. But at this point, there are Archons out and there's a bunch of colossus. The Zealots have disappeared. Like this doesn't really seem worth it anymore. Wow, that's nice vision. That's a big disruptor hit. There are nine kills at once. This is a terrible attack. Super Battery could activate. Should activate, really. Even without it. I mean, this is still plus two against zero plus zero range units. Bainings do get a couple of hits. This has a really poor fight. Now we have 10 Lurgers on the way. So here comes the truck. Why didn't you wait for the lurkers to hit this? Like there was so much supply left over and there was plenty of cash. Just at like 10 hydras doing nothing. Very confusing game so far. Base is going to get sniped here. Really believe that Red Check and Burr should piss off at this moment though. Not a huge fan of being on the map. Yeah, just go back home. Clear a little bit of creep. Maybe set up some zealot run bys. Baylor obviously should be trying to take out some of these pylons as well. I think there would be a smart play. I really do believe that would be a smart play. We're now heading into a situation where I think the Lurker army is getting closer and closer to be encountered already by a ground-toss composition. We have Immortals, we have Disruptors, our four colossus. If Lurkers get in position, they can still be scary if they're attacking a base. But I don't entirely understand how, like without Vipers, this seems like an army comp that is getting worse and worse. Salad Rambi is looking good though. Red Chackenbur over here is making these zealids work for him. Drones not being pulled away is a mistake. Some nice multitasking out of Red Chackenber doing multiple things at the same time or at least setting up multiple things at the same time. He doesn't even really need to control it because neither is Red Chakker. Clear's a bit of creep. Army movement here is really, really good by Red Chacon. Completely understanding when to attack, when to move. The decision making is actually very top tier. I love it. Salad's now being F2 to the main army it feels like. No, what are you doing, buddy? Yeah, it's not quite sure what he's doing. I think he's A-moving with F-2 over here. Is there a third unit in the wall? No, there's not. More disruptors on the way. Upgrades are not quite continuing as Arkons being added into the mix as well. Seismic Spines about to finish up. We're still in a situation where Colossus have been scouted about four minutes ago, and there's not a single viper out on the map, despite hive being available throughout. Is... This is a... a little bit confusing to me. And I say a little bit confusing. I mean, this is very confusing to me. Just very, very confusing. Lurker's going to set up defensively, but lurkers can't chase. Three of them died into a disruptor shots. Could control there by Red Checkin, who's just in complete control of the map right now. Setting up a fifth base with loads of cannons, would love to see a couple more zealot run bys as well. I'm a big fan of this lurker attack, except it's not attacking. If these lurkers would have run into this base and burrowed behind the mineral line, I would have been a huge fan. Disruptors hitting absolutely everything as well over here. Still loads of cash available for potentially any amount of vipers. Really key. All of these units could be abducted. There's not a single Templar in this army. They could be built, but... Oh, good sell is run by. Like, this is kind of how Starcraft works, all right? Is that you have to anticipate what your opponent is doing, and then you counter it in like different steps. You could, in a way, you could see it like bidding in an auction, okay? So if you really want a specific item, and in this case in StarCraft is you want the win, you need to, like your opponent bids you colossus, and then you go, okay, I get vipers, you know, you get vipers, they get Templar, they get Templar, they get Templar, you might get Brutlords or Ultras, and then you just keep going until you're off camera and you can see it anymore. And then in the end, in the very, very late game, it's kind of even, and you have different types of advantages. But this is as if you're bidding at an item at an auction and the other guy goes 10K and you just bid 9K. You're just sitting there with your arms crossed and then the moment the actioneer says, Tada, it goes to the guy who bid 10K. You start flaming the auctioneers. Oh, but I bid 9K and before that 7K and 5K before and doesn't that count for anything? No, actually it doesn't count for anything. If your opponent right now is in a situation where he has four Colossus, three immortals and five disruptors, and you don't outbid that with Vipers, like, how are you expecting to win this game? I just don't quite understand how that is realistic. And that's also not how a strategy game is supposed to work. Like at some point you need to make a transition. You've been throwing the same poor units at your opponent for a solid three and a half, four minutes right now. It hasn't been working. There's many different transitions you could make, and you're simply just not making them. I like this movement, though. This is very, very good movement. If during all of this, you'd have like an overlord drop, dropping a lurker over here, and then moving into the main, dropping a lurker here or a lurker over here, that would have been even better. But I like this move as well, just kind of trying to do something here. Moving into a solid position, there's no overseers in this army, which is a mistake. There's still no vipers, which is also still a mistake. But I still think this is, when it comes to your army, this is probably one of the better moves you could have made good snipes as well on these disruptors. You're now fighting away from your entire Lurker army, which is usually not the correct call. You've not been capable of sniping these observers. It's also highly idiotic, by the way. Also not sure what your goal is. I think your goal should be to clear these bases. But instead, your goal is to move forward, and you're very slow at clearing bases. Like, this is kind of like your wall, and your opponent is now taking down the wall, slowly bit by bit, and now your wall is down, and your units are all out in the open. They're naked. I forgot to buy clothes. I don't go out without clothes. It's so cold. It's wrong with you. 13 hydras on the way. Still no vipers, of course. Worker count at this point is so bad that is actually starting to look fairly good for Red Checkenbur. And honestly, Red Chechenbur has just shown a much better understanding of unit movement in my mind, how to attack. And he's kept it easy for himself. He's kept it easy for himself. and he's just here, he's sitting and he says, hey, there's no vipers, why would I need to transition? And he doesn't need to. He's taking good fights. He's winning this game right now. And it's on you to do something and you're just not. You're just not. You're continuing down the same path you already walked many times. And every single time at the end of the path, there's Red Checkenberg just hitting you in the face. Boom, square on the nose. Poof! Oh, nose bleed again. Like, yeah, that's a 13 time. Like you can keep doing this, it's still, it's going to keep not working again and again. Unless you completely catch your opponent out of position, but that's going to be hard. Here comes a recall. It's an interesting one. It feels like there might be a possibility here to do something. Well, not if you move command hydras into five colossus. Exactly how you didn't want to engage this. Gigi gets called. All right, Baylor. All right, Baylor. Now, first things first, I'm the realest, but also first things first. Your early game was quite good, but not because of your early game. Your early game was good because your opponent's early game was even worse. So really, you were the best of the bats, which is not very impressive in a way. You got lucky there. Any of the standard meta-build orders, whether that's Glave or Oracle, would have put your opponent in a much better position than you would have been. He didn't do that, but your early game wasn't good. You didn't scout. You did stop his build, despite not scouting completely. But let's get this right. You didn't scout and you had a match fixing-like build order. That's how bad it really was. Then you do a poor counterattack, not utilizing the assets that you already have in the plus one melee and the bailing speed. Instead, you just move in with a bunch of roaches and look, oh, five immortals, the hard counter to the roach with the super battery kills 20 roaches. How weird. It's like, no, that's not weird. They also had plus one already. You continued not having upgrades whatsoever on your range army for a very long time into this game. Then when you finally get a freaking range army with lurkers, you get some range upgrades, you start fighting into Colossus very quickly and you immediately realize that you need something else because these fights aren't going well, especially the more disruptors are being added in, yet you never build a single viper. You keep bidding 9K and your opponent has already bid 10K. You're being taken out of the auction house and thrown on the street. And all you can do right now is cry. And that's what you did in this imbalance complaint for me. It was crying. It was sad. This was not in balance, my friend. This was a pathetic performance by you. You, my dear friend, suck. And that's just the way it is. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? Do you agree with my verdict? If so, be sure to hit the like button on this video. If you don't agree, be sure to let me know down in the comments. If you want to see more of this, be sure to subscribe to the channels. More videos like this every single day of the week except on Wednesday. which is the day that Harsham rested. Alright, thanks so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed it and bye-bye. I never do a wink with my right eye. It feels good. |
Wait... He Just BRAGS About His WIN?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | I might have been bamboozled today guys... Let me know, what you think! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ovJKMZvIPFU/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | ovJKMZvIPFU | Normally with is it inba or do I suck, I start immediately by reading the imbalance complaint form. However, today's imbalance complaint form is so confusing that I think I need to give a warning here. I've read through it multiple times at this point. I had a couple of language experts as well. We're not entirely sure if this is an actual complaint or if this guy is bragging. Not even entirely sure if he's talking about StarCraft 2. What I do know is that he sent this in into the correct form. And there is a StarCraft 2 replay attached, which is called BMMEC player in TVP. So yeah, here it goes. I win this game. I shouldn't, however, I play better than my opponent. Way better. I make some mistake like missed a rally point and make core a bit late. But my slow early game was in purpose. My opponent just pull SV to kill my scouting probe and I, being aware of so much timings that have the timing race, I prefer to slow my eco and make four gates blink. I am a diamond two Zerg as well Toss is my off-race. I can defend Helbert Marauder with just clash opening. But Toss doesn't have a clash opening, or it will troll trying to defend with pure zealot. In this game, this Terran managed to make a TVZ timing in TVP, demonstrating that the guy does not know a Terran versus Prolos build order. I was well prepared, even over-prepared, but for my surprise Hellbet does good against buildings and kill my undefended third. At the midgame phase of the game, I managed to make a vision ring, but my opponent not satisfied, only with make a non-viable build. Also, he made a non-viable comp full of Mac and Hellbath. I was really not prepared for PVT versus Mac gameplay. Before the game, I tried to study how Prodos wins versus Mac, but R-slash-All-Things-Pols only say, it is not a viable comp, you should win, And in parentheses it says, very helpful. However, I hear to a 2-2-Zallet timing versus Mac that counter-tank and also Thor's, in parentheses, not halbet, but I mix up some arc on to not flow gas and tank, float gas. I can talk about the midgame or late, but I'm not going to waste your time more than I already did. Thanks for reading and kisses to our captain by Tomasel Ninja Pro, whose in-game name is Noop D-O-M-G. from the North American letter, 3.3K MMR in platinum. And the question is, well, I don't know if this is an, if he thinks Terran is Inba or if he thinks Mac is too good, or if this is a BRAC, but I guess to stick with, you know, the formula, he asks, is Terran imbalanced or does he suck? Despite him winning. So, yeah, I'm very curious what this game is. is going to bring us. Noop the OMG was so kind to tell us though that he is usually a Zerg player and usually doesn't struggle at all with Helbert Marauder pushes whatsoever. It's no trouble with Helbert Marrother because he can hold it by playing the Clash opening and the Clash opener is a specific type of opener that you play in Zerg versus Theron, where rather than building a hatchery at 30 supply, which is what you usually do, you build it at 28 supply while your third overlord is still building. This is a specific build that was created by Lombo and E Laser when they were in a team called, I think it's Clash Gaming, an Italian team. I think they've pulled out of StarCraft 2 largely now or completely. Reynor also was with them for a little while. Anyway, enough about that. We have a TVP on our hands between Noop D-O-MG and a Sippy Cup, are uh... uh... gasless expanding Terran player this is not a not a very viable build exactly like noob d o m g stated as well he said my opponent played a non viable build oh okay here comes the s cv pool also mentioned in the uh... form into a double gas there was there was one interesting thing that i'd kind of want to just throw back to and that was the fact that noop the omg in the in the little letter that he wrote me said that he delayed the cybernetics core on purpose and the reason for that was because he was aware of the timing or something along those lines can't recall the exact reasoning i don't entirely understand how delaying your core and then not doing anything else helps against any timing. To me, this just sounds like an excuse and a pretty poor excuse as well, because you realize you made an error, you watch the replay, and there's no good explanation for it. But it is okay to make errors. Look, I wasn't going to flame you for a four second late cybernetics score if you're a 3.3K player, all right? Like these things just happen. It's like, if you're working at the McDonald's, at some point in your life, you're going to drop some fries, you know when that happens you don't have to pretend that you drop the fries on purpose because you understand that the customers enjoy watching you know you drop fries or something like that you can just say ah sorry i made a mistake that's okay it's just helping you out here is some solid advice do you ever if you ever find yourself working at your local mac edies of course and then you know it could be helpful for you you don't have to always pretend that everything you do is on purpose it's good to sometimes acknowledge that even you noob d omg make mistakes So we have a lot of gateways here being added. So that's a four gate blink opener. Now, all of these gate finish way too early and cut workers. They get built too quickly. And in order to build them this quickly, you have to cut workers. However, Warpgate isn't even done yet. And look at this. Even when Warpgate will finish up, you won't be capable of warping in with all four gateways. So you're really just creating a lot of production that then you can't use because you don't have the eco for it. You cut the eco, they get the production. your production finishes, like, oh, I don't have the eco. Like, yeah, you cut that earlier. Your gates are way too fast. This is impossible. You don't have the cache to warp in four or stalkers. You can warp in three units. Okay, now here comes the fort. There's already a little bit delayed. You still need extra things as well, probably a third gas. I'd love to see a robotics facility as well. None of these things can really be afforded at this point. We have a double marauder plus two marine move out coming out of Sippy Cup. There's an interesting move. Not a very good one, I don't think. It's hitting quite late, and this should just be stopped by the superior stalker count that we have over here. We don't see any real pullback. No, okay. There's some okay pullback micro, mainly just kiding forward or stutter stepping forward. Okay control. The same time, Sippy Cup here, building an armory. It's continuing to the mine with his muse. It's really building that many SUVs. And four heli and start behind this. This is a... I'm not personally familiar with... this particular build order. I don't think a lot of people will be familiar with this particular build order. I definitely haven't seen it before. I hope to not see it again. It doesn't seem very good. It's a lot of resources here into Helions, which generally kind of suck, honestly, against Prodos. Noop the OMG decides to attack here 12 seconds before Blink finishes up. And as a result, it's actually going to lose a couple of stalkers. Because if you have enough marauders and Helions, they might actually fight off stalkers. A couple of stalkers are over here at home, both players floating a decent amount of cash. We don't see third bases going down quite yet, and all these stalkers actually do end up getting cleaned up. There are six stalkers that have gone down, three marauders, two heliants. Overall pretty okay traits in this game for Sippy Cup. But the eco is superior here, of course, for a Noop-D-O-M-G who's adding in batteries at a high pace, saying, hey, I believe I have better eco, and even if I don't, I don't have a lot of units and I don't want to die. So let me just add some of these batteries. Helium production continues here. We also see a Medivac on the way. I would love to see a swap between this factory and the Starport. I think there would be a stroke of genius. Having some more healing, especially because there's an armory. In the moment, Helens turn into Hellbats, not only do they gain more HP, they also get the ability of being healed by Metavax. Metavax can heal them and on top of that SEVs can also still repair them. I think they're the only unit that can be repaired and healed by a Medivac at the same time. I don't think there's any other unit that I'm familiar with. Maybe stalkers? I think you can repair. Can you repair stalkers? I think you can repair stalkers and maybe you can also heal it. I'm not entirely sure about this. I bet there's some lore nerds in here that could explain all of that to me in detail. Third base now going down for Noob D-O-M-G has these stalkers forward. Some of them. Okay, now he blinks over his own wall. Perhaps not realizing that he could also just move out. Generally, you don't want to use blink too much for transportation, but, well, you're always going to use for transportation, but not for moving to an area quickly. You usually want to do it so you can either blink away or you can blink into areas. This is good initial control, honestly. Very well done by Noob-D-O-M-G. He's going to target down the meta-fac as well. This is a relatively powerful attack. The attack isn't powerful, but I think the defense has so little units and so little valuable units. Like there's no colossus seven minutes into the game. There's no immortals, no sentries, no nothing. That this push is dealing way more damage than it ever should, because I don't think it should do any damage. So really the moment this push even kills as much as two stalkers and a pylon, it already has done more than I think it should. because I really do believe that this should do absolutely nothing. It's going to get a kill here on the third base as well. The prism is out. We see charge. Immortal is stuck. I wonder if this is on purpose too. To defend the mineral line against potential drop threats. Mines are now burrowing. There's no observer out quite yet. At least not, no, okay, there is an observer out. It's just on the other side on the map. Could be recalled. There's loads of energy available on this Nexus. Cipip up actually finds himself in a pretty decent spot here, I'd say, where Cipip has 35 workers, I believe we saw a third CCC. He has good production. If Cipy Cup were to spend any of his money at this point, I believe he'd be in an almost unloosable position, despite him playing Mac, which is a pretty terrible composition, and especially if you're playing Mac with Marauders or Pure Mine. If you want to play Mac, you probably should open up with some type of Hellion Cyclone, at least a cyclone opener, and then transition into tanks. Those units are actually quite good when it comes to fighting against Toss. Prism now is going to get sacrificed here as well. Not entirely sure why that is the case. Second Observer is out. It's being sent to deal with this threat. Immortal soon will realize that it can shoot up as this Liberator is moving in towards the main base. I wonder if this immortal is going to die here, stuck behind a mineral patch. No, you get freed. What? How did that happen so fast? There we go. That's just in time there that the immortal got freed. Still have some of these mines in this location. Observer somewhere is helping out. These Liberators getting more kills than it should. Two actually is not so bad. Prism on the way as well. Third base hasn't been saturated yet will turn finally into an orbital command, as Sippy Cup stakes the lead here in the worker count as well. Now so far this game hasn't really impressed me from either side. I'm not entirely sure still what I should be looking for, but I'll give you a quick analysis so far, is that Sippy Cup played a really poor build order. Noop the OMG responded with a very poor build order, and as a result, I think we're kind of tight. It's about even, I think. If the money gets spent for Sippy Cup, he's in a great spot. I could be adds two more factories right now. Honestly, I think in this type of situation, if you're a lower level player, just build three starboards and start pumping battle cruisers. It's not a good way to improve, but it's a good way to win games. Like, it's BCs. If you're about even and you have a lot of cash, just get like five BCs out, just teleport them across the map, fly them across the map, teleport them back, whatever. Protop's players at 3 to 4K MMR really struggle with that unit. Liberator here being annoying as this is a slow warp in. So there's two types of piling. You have the fast warp in and the slow warp in. This is a slow warp in because it doesn't quite connect with a Nexus. If you connect with a Nexus or a gateway, you warp in significantly faster. And thus the harass would also have been stopped quicker. Liberator is actually going to escape, which is impressive. There's been some good control out of Sippy Cup. I wish his macro behind this would have been as good as his control. Noop D-O-M-G, meanwhile. It's seeing the lack of a third base. It's probably going to be pretty happy with all of that. Has charged, I think, already. Not a single upgrade. Then again, we're only 10 minutes in. Oh, here we go. It was the first plus one. 10 minutes and 55 seconds in. This is all on purpose, of course. Two more cannons also get added. Three, four more cannons get added in here. I'm not entirely sure what he's building the cannons for. I guess it could be for mines. In that case, I don't mind it entirely. Yeah. You know what? I like that. Build some cannons. I'm okay with that. I'd love to see a Templar Archives. or just anything to try and get rid of that gas. It's so important to find a spot where you can kind of throw out both of the resources at the same time. Like if you're flowing too much, too many minerals, maybe you need to add some gateways or get more zealots out. If you have too much gas, then you really do want to use that because this is very inefficient, a very inefficient setup here. As a tanks are still being produced. Ford Base is now finished for Sippy Cup. It's got to fly that over to his natural. I'm not entirely sure why that is the case. Maybe he wants to go towards the top side. Noop the OMG indeed has established a bit of a ring of vision. This is what he mentioned in the imbalance complaint form. He's warping in five more stalkers. Not the greatest unit to play against mass tank. But I also don't mind it. It depends a bit how he used them. So if I play against Mac, I actually love playing high stalker counts. But when I play against Mac, I also tend to not straight up engage into it. And this is something I'm a bit afraid of here for Noob D-O-M-G, is that the moment he sees the tanks, is rather than running around with a mobile stalker army, which is really their purpose. I'm afraid he's going to attack into this. He resources Storm. He's going to get into Archons here. He still has this weird-looking surround setup. Not super fond of it. I just hope he doesn't attack, because this is not the area you. want to attack through usually. Yeah, just have a look at that one once more. This guy has set up a surround. It is like, what, the 180 surround or something like that. Coming from every angle at the same time. And then the largest portion of the army, he's going to try to to try and shift through the smallest area possible. If he just spreads out a little bit towards the side, I actually think he would be capable of straight up winning this fight. Instead, what we get here is we get a move command initially, or like an A move command, upper ramp into tank fire, and then a blink forward into more tank fire. I think if there is 50 more ways in which this fight can go, then this is probably the worst possible. This blink, this one is the one that gets me. Very nice. Archons, not a... What did he say? I mix up some Archons to not float gas and tank. These Archons definitely cost a lot of gas, but tanking, they didn't do. They're still all full help, standing in the back line, just witnessing the action. You know, they were very close to seeing Stalkers eye. They were close in proximity. That was nice. Very cool. Plus 1 has finished up, meanwhile, we're 13 minutes into the game. and Storm now is being researched as well. Not necessarily a fan of Storm against Mac, although it can be useful against both Cyclones and Hellbats. I think right now we're in a situation where just a pure Zealad Ark on Immortal attack would straight up kill this every single time. There's also no real need yet to, or there was no real need to attack before this. You don't have to attack into a Macing player while they're on two base. You can do that while they're trying to take their third base, especially if you have four bases yourself already and you're in the process of taking a fifth. Like you usually kind of want to wait it out in that case. Liberator once again is being sent out as Sippy Cup, despite playing Mac, doesn't have a single tank sieged up right now. Planetary being thrown down at the fifth. What happened with the prison, by the way? Did he lose that? I just went back with the main army. We have air weapon upgrades. There are eight gateways with five more on the way. This cannon actually doing a pretty decent job here. Love to see it. It's too late with the Anseach now just in time. And once again, Noop the OMG starts moving out on the map. Or at least I thought he was going to start moving out on the map. I have two Thor's on the way. Okay. I... I just wanted to check something because this... This would have been way too high level of a play, right? So he starts his Thor's after plus one air weapons start, which would be the perfect timing. So I wanted to see if Sippy Cup had seen the plus one start on the cybercore, but he hadn't. I was like, well, that is a very suspicious timing. Like, that is a crazy good timing, actually. I'm very impressed by that. Or I would have been very impressed if that's how we figured it out. It's like, that is a high level place, checking if the cybernetics core is researching. because people often don't know, but the cybernetics core has a different animation if it's researching. Like stuff is spinning, lights are glowing up and just feels great. So yeah, but that's not the case. So Torch is being built blindly here ahead of time. Planetary is standing tall as well over here. Sippy Cup's still just chilling on siege. I think this is a key moment here for NoobD-O-M-G to just set up a powerful attack to try and deal some damage. The thing is that if you're up in supply right now and you're maxed out and you're out, and you're outmining your opponent. If you can trade on your opponent's side of the map in any capacity, that's usually pretty good. This is a nice scan, by the way. Holy crap. That's actually a very nice scan. It's now going to try and move in position here with those tanks as well. Oh, he saw it maybe with the sensor tower. I hadn't realized it was a sensor tower quite yet. Okay, it's unseached completely. Very surprising as Noobty OMG here is setting up a bit of a flank should work as none of these tanks are sieged. Now, one of the things with flanks is that usually you want to attack with both sides of the army. With flanks, it is often not optimal to run away with half of your army and then attack with the other half. The point of the flank is that two armies can attack at the same time. Now he's sending away all of his zealots into hellbats. These have been some debatable decisions when it comes to army maneuvering. He still is okay in supply, but when it comes to army supply, right now, we see noop the OMG actually down by a significant amount. I'm loving this base trade, though. This is such a smart move. I really, really enjoy this move. It's like saying, hey, Meg is a slow army. It's bad at base trading. If I can force you back, or if I can cut off your reinforcement, take up a base, A, I kill a base, lower your eco, and B, I kind of set up a flank naturally by base trading. So you're cutting off reinforcements, then you warp in like, some zealots over here, some units over here, you come in from two sides and boom, you own it. Once again, the flank attacks a significant amount of time before the rest of the army attacks. Still completely fine though. Look at that. This is looking okay. Noop the OMG with the upgrade deficit is just going to get a bit of a W here. Way, way, way up in workers. Up in army supply as well. or not an army supply, but in army composition. I really like his army comp. There's only four tanks. There's 17 mines. There's like six mines in the main base. If those mines would have been with that push, they would have been quite big. They're not with the push, and that was quite small. Orbital command now flying over towards the third. This Urugu is trying to body block it. Not quite sure if that's the smartest thing you can do, Mr. Urubu. I've seen birds being taken out for less in StarCraft, too. Let me tell you that. mines here are setting up. I like this move out once more. I think this is good. I think you want to trade if you're this far ahead when it comes to the economy. Not a huge fan of blinking forward into mines and tanks. Everything else so far. I think this is honestly quite okay. Thor has popped out as well from the main base. Natural now in some serious trouble. This Thor is... stuck here. Between a tech lab and a wall. Okay, these mines. That's an actual big damage as well. I love that the zealots were kind of roaming around. There's nothing really of value anymore. They see the mines burrow. It's like, you know what we could do? You can just stand around and give these mines something to shoot at. You could give these mines something to shoot at. Look at this. cleans up the entire army then it's like what now all right absolutely destroyed holy crap no observer here either by the way to deal with any of this there's an observer at home that is still in the observer phase mode or whatever it's called single tank in the back is helping out as the army supply is now actually in favor once again of Sippy Cup which is kind of wild to think about 78 army supply against 50 And the supply is actually really close with these mules landing as well. I'm almost starting to believe here for Sippy Cup. If SipipiCub moves out at this point, it feels viable. It feels very viable. Is these 16 mines? Not in the greatest position. This mine is also not doing much of anything. Is it scouting? Not really either. I love that these carriers have been built not in the main base. Against Mac, I think generally. it's actually a good idea to split up your production. Because often what happens is that the Mac Army can attack one place at the same time. And if they take out all your production at once, you don't have production anymore. But if you have it in multiple locations, you're capable of producing from multiple locations. Even if you lose one location, you still have some type of production, which I think is actually quite smart. I'm not sure if this was laziness, but if it wasn't and he did this actually on purpose, like everything else that Noob D-O-M-G does, then I think it was quite a good move. I like it. I really do. We have some Thor army moving across the map here with the mines. There are a couple of carriers out right now. You see the Thor shooting as well. Upgrades have now largely moved in favor of Noob D-O-M-G. Just don't think there's enough anti-air in this army. He also doesn't have the correct shooting. He has the javelin missiles on one of these thores, which makes them much, much worse. Sippy Cup taps out with a G-G. I guess Noob D-O-M-G wins over here, although Army supply is still heavily favoring Sippy Cup. And Sippy Cup is also still micro-ing. I'm not entirely sure if Sip-Cub is aware of the fact that if you say G-G that it's... The normal thing to do is to leave right after. I've had it before in the past, where I typed G-G, and then I realized, wait a second, my position isn't so bad. And obviously, you shouldn't leave the game then, but maybe you... you should type a sorry or something like that. I don't know what the proper etiquette is in that case. Or in case you say GG, maybe you should just leave. I'm curious to hear what you guys have to say about that. Because I feel like this is a somewhat common scenario in which someone types GG and then they realize, wait a second, maybe I still have a chance. Supply is still in favor, army supply, in favor of Sippy Cup. He's building a lot of Hellions down. He has a Thor at home, a couple of these mines. Tank at home. Single Marauder. More mines at home. I still do believe that Noob D.O.M.G. winning this because there's really no counter to the carrier but it's a good try here by sippy cup and and that kind of brings us now to the question is is it imbalance i i don't even quite know what the question is i don't quite understand how to answer this because i didn't really understand the entire form um was he complaining about mac or was he bragging about how easy it was with Protoss or did he say it was much harder with prox and it was too hard. I don't actually know. But my analysis of this game is that both players made an absolute creptone of mistakes. Neither player really had a build order or a game plan that made any sense in the traditional way of making sense. Maybe in an alternative reality this makes some type of sense. But to me, this all felt fairly odd. I've never seen compositions quite like this. Or surrounds being settled. up through little chokes. And despite all of that, I still think that Noop D-O-M-G managed to win relatively easily because he just had better eco, which I think is one of the main concepts against Mac, is that you just get better eco. You out-expand, have better mobility, and then you have so much production that even if you lose a fight, you're going to be fine. Because resources lost actually is in favor here of Sippy Cup, but because of the superior eco, it doesn't actually matter. I have no clue what we're still doing in this game. I have no clue in general what the entire point of all of this was. I'm just very, very confused. And I would like some answers. Like, I don't think NoobD. OMG sucked, or I don't think he sucked more than his opponent. I also don't think Mac is imbalanced. So make of that what you will. I still feel like there should be like a grand finale or something. Hey, the second GD coming in. I just, I was kind of hoping that this game was going to give me some closure in a way, you know, because I read, I read this form. And I think to myself, you know, it intrigues me because it's different, you know, it's something that I haven't seen before. It's like when aliens land on Earth, like people are going to look. Like, it might be dangerous, you don't know. They come out. They shoot you with their laser guns. I was afraid of that happening in this replay as well. But then we just have a replay in which two lower level players fight. and one wins in which seemed to me like a logical conclusion to what happened before. Like it all kind of made sense to me. Better ego, he wins against Mac. Okay understanding of that carriers are good against Mac as well. That's nice. Didn't build disruptors against the Thors or against the minds, but everything else was kind of okay. If you are a friend of Noob D-O-M-G or you did manage to understand what the entire point was, please be sure to let me know. And otherwise, well, we're in this together. This is a knowledge acquiring journey that we're on right now, figuring out what happened here. This is, by the way, this is not an invitation for some jokers to think that they can copy the success here of Noop the OMG by sending in winning replays and having a story that makes no sense and non-cohesive arguments. This was a one-time thing, okay? That's all I want to let you know. And NoobD-O-M-G, congrats on the win. Good job and keep going, I guess. Hit the like button. Bye-bye. |
How Can MECH Be This INEFFICIENT??? | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Today we experience another first together. A mech player who trades inefficiently over and over again and instead OUTMINES the Zerg. I don't know what to say... This is unheard of! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/v8KZRrpOgkM/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | v8KZRrpOgkM | Hello, Harstam. Zerg is so imba. The composition of Swarmhose Nidusworm and Corrupter can crush any Mac army without any problem. In this game I have a proper build order and I'm ahead for the entire game. At one point I also have more mining bases than my opponent that is a Zerg. He was on four bases for the entire game but could kill all of my Max Out Mac army with his Imba composition. If Zir can play like this and still win, Mac is not viable in TVZ. You can make fun of my trade all you want, but the transition into air is not viable since he has corruptor. So here you go, an unbeatable army. So, is it inba? Because I can't be suck. This imbalance complaint was sent in by Yuri. and he was a diamond player with 3,39 MMR, just lacking one MMR to get the 3.4K, not quite there. And of course, plays Terran, and he's a Macing Terran. So the question is very simple. Is Zerg imbalance, or does he suck? Let's find out. Now, something that I found quite interesting in his little imbalance complaint for him there, that he put Zerg in between quotation marks, like his opponent. wasn't really a Zerg player? I'm not... sometimes I read these things, I'm not entirely sure what they mean. He also bragged about having a build order, which... I feel like this is often the bare minimum kind of that you could have in Starcraft, is that you have a build order, you know, just get the barracks and the depot at the correct timing, the CC. You know, there's really no excuse for the first three minutes. containing any build order mistakes, except for pure laziness, really. Because this is something that you can just remember. Yes, the timings might be off, but the order in which things are built, you should be capable of remembering. Because the first three minutes, usually, there's hardly any interactions with the opponent. So now that you, Yuri, I'm just going to call him Yuri for the rest of the game, now that Yuri has told us that he has a build order and that his build order was on point as well, we're obviously going to make sure that he won't be lying to us. So we're going to be very keen on any potential mistakes there in his build order and make sure that he actually is playing a build order and not something that he thought of himself and he believes to be a build order. All starts pretty okay here. Good SV Scout timing. Perfect CC timing if he throws it down. Oh yeah, this is beautiful, is she? The first one minute and 44 seconds so far by our friend Yuri are pretty darn good. The other hand, we have Lucarian here as our Zerg player opponent. Went for a hatch first. This also looks like an actual build order. Look at that. Good for you, diamond players on EU with the build order looking beautiful. SCV Scout just checks the hatchery timing, then goes home. This is also exactly how you want to be doing it. This hatch timing is all you need to know as a Terran. And the Reaper can give you all other information that you need. You don't have to poke in with your SUV in the main base. if you see that it's a standard hatchery timing like this. So good job so far, Yuri. I'm very proud of you with your own point build orders against this Zerg player. Queens are about to pop out as the Reaper micro. Well, so far it's not a whole lot of micro and more just kind of moving around. And you know what? I don't really mind this. Yuri has died one too many times to Roach builds and he says to himself, you know what? I could kill one or two lings here with my Reaper, but I'd rather make sure there's no Roadswarn going up in the main base. There's no third base after all. So, you know, what are those minerals being spent on? He wants to know. And I think this is a fair question that Uri asks his Zerg opponent. And the Zerg doesn't quite have an answer yet as to what this money is being spent on. Yuri tried to go in another time, pokes out, and it's just doing some very solid scouting. I'd love to see a poke here to the alternative third base location. I don't think Uri is quite going to do that. Now, there's also no base here, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't scout for it. Just because it ain't there doesn't mean he's not aware of the fact that it ain't there. You know, so that is interesting. He's going to throw down a blind bunker. So does seem afraid of a roach rush anyway, but in that case, you probably want to keep the Reaper in front of your opponent's army. Also opened up with reactor into a tech lab, and is floating 211 gas, also playing triple-CC. If there's any Yuri fans here in the audience right now, I'll give you five seconds to just close your ears very gently because I think we might have our first piece of criticism. Yuri, this quite frankly doesn't seem like a real build order. I don't know what this is, but it is definitely not something I've ever seen before. It also seems extremely inefficient. Let's just pause here for a second and go back in time. just a tiny tad, okay? Oh, actually, more than just a tiny tat. Look at this. The tech lab here on this factory finishes up three minutes and 27 seconds into the game. Three minutes and 27 seconds, this tech lab finishes up. Now, when is this factory going to use this tech lab for the first time? We can just speed up through the replay. Look at that. No, not here. At this point, we've reached 30 seconds. So half a minute in the first four minutes of one of your two productions, structures is simply not producing. Now the barracks during all of this is also not producing. A second starport is being constructed, which is also not a real build, but I'm sure we'll get to that later. CC finishes up during all of this just flowing a solid 300 gas. And we're about to reach the one minute mark of this factory having built nothing. He might as well have played four CC as an opening here and then built the factory after. Nothing. No heliants, no nothing. Look at this. Look at this build order here that Yuri is playing. What exactly did he say again? In this game, I have a proper build order. Now, if this is a proper build order, I want to blow this guy's mind and show him some of the stuff that I'm doing, where I actually use all of my structures appropriately and efficiently. So, when did this start 10 seconds ago? So about a minute and 30 seconds after the Tech Lab finishes, he starts his first tank. He could have already had three. tanks extra at this point or at least two and a half tanks extra 2.8 tanks maybe something like this. So not a very efficient build order. Now I wouldn't have minded this because I realize this is a diamond game. But don't brag about having a proper build order if you don't have a proper build order. Like you didn't have to mention it. You were the person that drew attention to the build order. I was going to let this fly. I was going to be impressed by your ability to build battle cruisers two at a time early on. I was going to say good for you, Yuri. You figured out that the battle cruiser is a good unit at Diamond League. That is very easy to use and it's very difficult to counter for Zerg players. Double turrets blindly going down here in the main base, triple turrets in both bases going down right now. Now this third base has finished up a while ago. It has not flown over to the third base location yet. That might be because there's only a single tank and there's really no ground defense whatsoever. There's no heliens really to deal with any lings either. So I actually kind of like that the CC is still in the main because there's no units to defend it. However, there should have been units and the third CC should already be on the third base. But with the current setup, yes, he simply can't move over to the third base with the CC. And thus, you start to wonder whether rushing out triple CCC, if this is your plan, was such a smart idea. Wouldn't it have been better to rush out the battle cruisers a little bit quicker, perhaps? Also, please note that so far Yuri has scouted absolutely nothing. He is as blind as a bat. And unlike bats, he doesn't have the, it's called sonar location. He has no clue that there's a spire here. Echo location, sonar, whatever it's called. He doesn't have that ability that the bats have. Now, Leukarian on the other hand, look at this. Full scout with an overseer that had the pneumatized carapace as well, so the overlord speed, scouted the fact that there's two starports here, as well as a fusion core. Now we're going to get the jump straight away across the map into the main base, into a spore and into two queens. Now, it's going to get the surprise of a lifetime as he now realizes that there's a spire, and honestly, all that Lugarion needs to do at this point is build 10 corruptors and pretty much win the game. We see that Jury over here, well, it's not really doing a whole lot of anything. He's going to lose the first battlecruiser to just queens if he ain't careful. What has he killed so far? A couple of workers, that is nice. These corruptors are about to pop out. There's no ability to jump away anymore. 14 drones get produced. Honestly, I'm loving the response here out of the Zerg player. This Zerg has played a phenomenal game so far. Has these corruptors on the way? Is adding more drones realizing that this threat is pretty much cleaned up? A common mistake at lower level is that when people are being attacked and they already have the units or already producing the units to clean it up, is that they're building more than they will need eventually. And then they end up with a very low drone count and a very high unit count, which then they can't use. Lucarian here immediately realized, like, hey, I think I am going to have enough soon to clean up this threat. I'm not going to need anymore. And that should mean that I can build drones again. And that's what he did. Five corruptors cleaned up those two BCs. Now we have a straight-up switch into, what, six factories over here, coming out of Yuri and I'm just a little bit surprised to see two Starports being plopped down two BCs straight up teleporting across the map not achieving anything and then completely transitioning away from any type of air whatsoever and straight up going into Helion Thor and I guess two tanks as well are here in this army now we do have an armory that means we're going to see some vehicle weapon upgrades but for someone that claimed to have a very proper build order this seems like a very poor setup in the first nine minutes of the game where really there were minimal interactions until Yuri was the one decided to start having some interactions he was the one that that kind of pulled the trigger you know he opened the box of Pandora and I was surprised that there were things in there like oh that doesn't look like a whole lot of fun at all close that thing but it was too late it was open and now you really need to deal with the consequences. But yeah, I just don't really like his setup here. Like, what was the plan with why double starport? Why not just continuous battle cruiser production from a single starport as is the standard with proper build orders? What you do when you're playing Mac is you get a single starport, you either build BCs or you play Banshees as an air unit to deter any type of swarmhost play, and then you start adding from three to five factories, ground units to kind of complement each other. You know, you have the Banshees and BCs for harassment and dealing with Swarmus, and you have the ground to deal basically with everything else. Now, we're not even really getting any type of tanks here. It's just pure Thor to deal with the Air Force that Lucarian is building. And I think this is a correct call. I think getting a couple of thoris out here is good. The turrets, of course, that were built very early on are still here as well. And they're going to pay off right now, or at least they're going to be useful. Now, they could have been built three minutes later, and it could have been a four to fifth and a 60C already, but none of that really matters at this moment because, let's face it, these turrets are doing a fine, fine job. Thor is definitely helping out as well as these turrets are even being repaired. Leukaryon is trying to harass, but mutas against the mass store are not the, well, not the greatest counter, let's just say that from the, from the Zerg perspective. zergu also doesn't have any upgrades that I can see. I do spot an Evo chamber over here, but hasn't been used. yet. We're going up to 20 swarm hosts right now. This is something that I think is quite cool. The swarm host is such a good counter to the Mac army as long as there are no air units. The moment air units are out, the swarm house kind of falls apart as an anti-MEC unit because, well, locus don't shoot up and it's really difficult for Zerg to have enough anti-air to defend their swarm house because Swarmos is such a supply-intensive unit. You also want to drones as a Zerg. So it's really hard to kind of balance that that entire army comp between like corruptors and and Swarmhost, especially if there's BCs already on the map. Five more factories are going to get produced. The upgrades do continue. Double Nidus Network Swarmus. This is something I never see. And I definitely had not expected NIDA Swarmhost in a in a diamond level game because I think this is a fairly tricky composition to use. The thing with Swarmost is, is that they're not very good if you can only use them once. So you consistently need to be using them. And at lower levels, people tend to be worse at doing things consistently. They'll use it once in a fight and then they'll forget about it for a minute and a half. But here, Lucarion is actually doing a pretty decent job. Nitis goes in. Now, of course, Terran has this one thing called the lift ability. So this would have been great against ProDos. You would have killed the Nexus 100%. But against Terran, the problem is often that they can just lift the command center like that. and it stays alive. Now, at the same time, I do like this little attack here that Yuri is going for. He says, hey, you just used a massive locust wave. What do you have at home? And the answer is, well, still 25 swarmos, but pretty much all of them own cool down. Yuri, by the way, who still continues to purely build Thor Hellbat, despite there really not being that many muras and corruptors alive, could be considered a decently sized error. So I'm really microing them. Okay. What is he actually controlling right now? Okay? Here he looks at it. Aim moving. Is he target firing? I don't quite understand yet what's happening. Or what he's spanning his attention on, but it does look interesting. Thor is now right-clicking this Nidus network. He's building three more Tors, as well as getting more Helions behind all of this. Now, it's actually kind of funny that someone whose main composition is Thor Helvet is complaining about another race. Because if we have to make a kind of like a ranking of difficult compositions in the game, and in general, also just for Terran, if you just focus on Terran, okay? And on the very top of that ranking in difficulty is going to be your marine mind players in TVZ, right? the guys that if they misclick with their Marines or if the mines accidentally friendly fire, lose their entire army. It's difficult. The macro is quite hard. You need to be very aware of what composition you're upon on this plane because maybe you need to transition into tanks if there's too many roaches or if they're getting into lurkers. You need to goce. You need to think about the micro. You need to think, you know, where do I move my army? And you also need to think about your composition a lot. Now, slightly below that is marine tanks. Slightly less thinking, slightly less micro. All you're doing is stimming, A, moving them running back to your tanks. your tanks do the rest of the work. Then there's a big jump, okay, from Marine Tank to Mac. With Mac, there's still some decision-making, but all the micro you're really doing is leapfrogging tanks. When you're moving out, you're slowly with surely, you're slowly getting one group of tanks, you're moving them forward, and then you'll unseat the other group of things, and you're just kind of crawling your way across the map. There's some good defensive rotations that you need to make. Maybe you need to harass with cars as well. So it's still not as easy as the final. composition, but it is getting significantly easier already. And the final composition is what Yuri is playing over here, and that is Thor Helbert. Thor Helbert is, if scientists ever manage to get a human to live without a brain, and they want him to perform as well in Starcraft 2 as possible, they let him play Thor Helbert. Thor Helbert, it just, you don't have to think about the composition because Thor Helbert that counters basically everything. You don't have to micro it because you aim move. It's practically always fine. It is difficult to imagine a composition that is easier to play and that can remain the same throughout the entirety of the game. There's almost nothing that you need to add in. It's fine against brutes. It's fine against Raverger Link Bane. I don't think you should build lurkers against it either. Like literally the only unit that you need to think a little bit against is going to be going to be the swarm host. And really the thinking there isn't so hard. The only thing you have to think about is like, oh, swarm host, what do they do? Right, they spawn three units. I don't want to fight those. And they don't shoot up. So maybe I want to get there. These are the only thoughts that have to be in your head when you're playing Thor Helbet is that the swarm host might be a scary unit. There's just nothing else. And yes, the swarm host did get built, which is I think a good call by Lucarion. I'm not a huge fan of getting 27 swarmost but I'm also not a huge fan of just sticking with pure Thor as a response. Now here this is a key moment okay. Here is really where you can spot the intelligence of the Terran in a big way. 35,000 locusts show up. Terran player right clicks on a hatchery while it's being transfused doesn't run away despite Locust being on a timer. and just continues going for the hatchery while being completely destroyed. Resources lost right now is 11K resources versus 13,000. So already slightly favoring the Zerg. This is not really supposed to be the case in this matchup ever, especially not when there's Mac, because tanks tend to trade very well. Tours also tend to trade very well. One Locust Wave has already done its shop. Here comes the next Locust Wave. Once again, Locus Wave shows up. Could be walking back away from this. could also stand a fight apparently Holy crap doors are powerful Locke is still going to take out this store but actually standing and fighting here might have not even been the worst play I mean it probably was actually the worst play out of either running away or fighting because if you run away you could just come back a little bit later and do the same thing again right-clicking the hatchery here rather than taking out any of the units is probably a mistake but the resources lost is getting a little bit closer over here the next wave is still some 15 seconds away or so from starting as eight more Swarmost are now on the way. Fifth base is being constructed as well. So we see Juri really with a, yeah, just quick expanding all over the map. And Thor Helbert pretty much doing a solid job over here. Locust pop off and we'll take out these Thor. So this little push is going to get killed here. Now, one thing that is also quite good against Swarmost is having attacks in multiple locations that are split because it's really difficult to defensively use locust in multiple locations, especially because you can also always run away, of course. So this is something to always keep in mind. Now, the next wave of Thor's is being move commanded across the map. We're going to find some of these swarm hosts. Helene's also showing up. Once again, decides to just kind of stand here. Not do anything. It's going to lose a couple of units. I really don't quite understand where we're not just running away. I also don't quite understand why we're not building any BCs. We still have the two starboards from earlier, and there's already a fusion corps. there's an armory that could start ship weapons. One thing, by the way, that's pretty interesting to note here is that Leukaryon has no upgrades whatsoever on these swarm holes, which is a huge blunder. If there was a range attack upgrade here, these locust would be so much freaking better. Something that's quite interesting when it comes to the movement of Yuri is that he doesn't really seem to have an objective. He's just kind of moving across the map, wanting to fight locust, which doesn't actually do anything. This is a little bit similar to fighting water. Yes, the water might move away for a little bit, but it always ends up coming back. You can't actually hurt it, just like you can't actually hurt locust. Like if you're not killing Swarmost or Bases, you're really just losing. And that's kind of what's happening here. It's 18K resources lost to 24,000. Now have tanks being built as well, just sieging up by themselves? Once again, really, without any type of objective that I am aware of, Resources lost is leaning more and more in favor of the Zerg player now. The next wave of Thor's also decides to show up. It's like just losing these tanks is not good enough. I have a couple of Thor's that I can throw in for free as well. Lucerne's like, all right, I'll take those two if you want to. You know, you don't have to, right? You can transition into anything. He's just move commanding. He's not even A-moving anymore. These locust are going to take this out. Resources lost is now 27K to 19K. Don't forget, this was about 2,000 apart when we were at 12,000. thousand resources lost. So, uh, Yuri is a rising star when it comes to losing resources. This is one of those things you don't really want to be a rising star in, though. It's not a brilliant thing to be very good at. Scouts the lack of a fifth base, as he threw it on his own sixth right now, significantly outmining his opponent. Once again, I'd like to remind everyone that the locust don't shoot up. There are currently 38 swarm host out on the map, as well as 42 drones, that only really leave supply for, what is this, three, four corruptors at the moment. Even just a single battle cruiser would be fantastic to have here. It would just be brilliant. Look at the, what are these stores doing? They're always just shooting locust or corruptors. They never do anything. I don't feel like Yuri has convincingly done anything in the past three and a half minutes with any of his units. I think this might be the first real unit he's about to kill, and it's a spine crawler. I can't believe he lost a tank, by the way, in spine crawler range. That is also inspirational. If you think something is impossible, then you can always come back to this game on Ocean Born, where you really decided to move a tank in spine crawler range. I don't think those spines knew that they were capable of doing that. Anything you want to achieve in life is also going to be possible. Now, Lucarian is right inside the opponent, what is this, the third base over here. have a battle cruiser finally starting. Resources lost right now is 33,000 to 20,000. This is an absolutely insane amount of resources lost. It's really, this is so rare to see in this matchup. To see Zerg ahead in resources lost, or well, behind in resources lost, I guess, because they have less resources lost, but it makes them ahead. You know what I'm saying. Thor, once again, being rallied into a bunch of spines. Does I have a lot of kills here. I hope all of these are spines. as these are going to clean this up. Now, a cool trick is when you're being attacked by three units is to run past your opponent's army and kind of force your opponent back home. The one thing you don't want to do is continuously fight the three units till the end of time while not really dealing with the head of the snake, which is, well, the swarm host in this case. It's really important to kind of cut off the swarm house. If you're not killing swarm host, you're not killing anything. Locust do not carry any value. And once again, another wave gets sent in here. Just going to be taking out a couple of units. And now comes our first BC. Now, look at the immediate change of what happens in this game. The corruptors are being taken out. The swarm host, they're eventually all going to die, or they need to piss off. Like, these are the only two options. So what could you do is you could probably just run back with the Thor's for a little bit, you just kind of wait it out. Just a single BC, a single BC forced 43, farm host, back into their NIDUS, away from here. Just a single BC. Who could have thought that if you build 43 units that are very supply intense and your opponent builds a BC and these units don't shoot up, that forces them back? Who could have thought? Five corruptors now get constructed. That's still not enough though, because there's going to be, well, there's two BCs right now and don't forget there's just mass store as well. So if you just target down the corruptors during the fight, then all of these swarmost once again will be useless because you still have battle cruisers. You still have battle cruisers. BCs do teleport in. Not a huge fan of that move. One of the very cool things about battle cruisers is that they can't die because they can always teleport away. Three four BCs do end- or three four swarmost already go down practically instantly. Allian is also helping out complete map control here just by building these two BCs, which is very impressive. Here comes the Yamato. The site to Yamato the swarm host rather than taking out the corruptors. A very interesting call. The swarmos don't have any direct threat right now to this. Oh my God. Did he almost clear the Nidus? No, he didn't. There's so many Nidus networks that wouldn't have worked either way. Thor's now cleaning up this fort base as the Swarmost are moving forward. Now, a very cool move would be if Uri realizes that he can run away with the Tors, keep all of them alive. I am afraid that that is not what's going to happen here and instead he's going to once again fight against 35,000 locust and is going to lose basically every Thor here. Yep. Wanted to run away for a second decide it's not worth it. You know what, they're dead already, just let them be two new BCs get sent in. Please don't teleport them in. Okay, yeah, that's good at least. No. Ah. A very cool move. Sacrificing, well, I guess all three. This reminds me a little bit of back in the day, you had the mothership with the vortex. And sometimes you would hit a vortex on two brute lords of the Zerg. And then the Zurg is like, oh, you already has two. Let me just put all 20 Brutlords in the vortex. And then you throw in the Archons. And with a move called the Arcon toilet, you could kill all Brutlords as they pop out. I'm... Why would he teleport in the third BC? Well, why would he teleport the first two BCs, knowing that there's enough corruptors out to kill them at this point? Why wouldn't he just Yamato two corruptors and then teleport away? Wouldn't that have just been much, much better? The funny thing is, by the way, is that these battlecruisers, even though Yuri right now is still losing the game, have completely dealt with the threat of the Swarmhost. Like Swarmhost have been having such a hard time moving across the map, and it feels like within like two and a half minutes of these bc's coming out there's only 26 workers left for lucarion uh the swarmhouse count has been reduced by 10 like if there's still were any amount of thor's behind this with the bc's you could probably just move across the map with thor bc helbat and be completely fine this is such a sick composition i kind of want to play this from my next beating grandmaster with stupid stuff just pure thor hellbet bc like Legitimately the lowest tier composition that there is. Like the most brain-dead composition, and somehow some way, Yuri still manages to make mistakes with this. Which is very impressive. He takes the easiest composition and still loses it. This is like juggling with one ball and continuously dropping it. It's not even juggling, you're just throwing it in the air at this point. He should never become a clown. Although this game is quite funny to me. As Lucaria now is so far ahead that I truly do believe this to be impossible to lose. Thor is still out in the air. There's 27 corruptors out as well. So yeah, even the BCs at this point can't save it anymore. Yamato's could be used, which probably would be better. Where does he teleport to the other side of the map? Maybe he doesn't know that he can teleport backwards as well. Maybe he always thinks the teleport needs to be forward. But you can as all just go to safety. You know, you don't have to teleport into danger. Why is he right-clicking the Nidus network? Does he really think this is the most important thing right now, and not the queens killing him? Yes, the prioritization of attacking is so odd, and has been so odd this entire game. I just don't understand it at all. I just don't understand it. It's just going to get taken out. 31 supply to 192. Sir? you are on four bases. That's accurate. That is perhaps the first accurate thing that Yuri has said so far. He also said that you had a proper builder, don't forget. But this is actually correct. You're on four base the entire game. That might be true. I think there might have been five at some point. This and this one together. It could be wrong. And you two are winning. Now, that is also true. So these are accurate statements here that are being thrown out. Yuri with more accuracy here in writing than he's been in playing this entire game. Is he going to wait until all of his buildings die or what's to play here? I don't quite understand. Still flying around with his BC. Watch him teleported into the Queens on the other side of the map. I can feel it. No, no. Maybe not. All right. Well, I guess this is it. He's actually just going to sit here. This is so unfair. Gigi. Still gets a Gigi and though. That's impressive. Now, let's take a quick look here at the resources lost. And let's not forget that up until the 12,000 resources lost mark, it was fairly even. So since then, Yuri has lost about 50K resources more. And Lucarian has lost 20K resources more. So it's not a very efficient army here by Yuri, especially given that his army is supposed to be more efficient. When you're playing Mac, especially when you get the max out, and also when you're up, don't forget, basically two to four upgrades the entire game, usually you're going to end up winning in the trades at least, and you don't win in the Eco. But here he won in the Eco and lost in the Trades, which is just by itself so freaking impressive. Like, if anything, this game, I didn't know that it was possible to make mistakes with Thor Helbert. I actually wasn't quite aware of that. I thought that this composition just kind of played itself. Like, you made Torch, you made Helbert's, and you A-moved across the map, and then whatever happened happened, it's like you put your fate in someone else's hands, you know. It's like, this is not to us anymore. Only God can save us. In this case, apparently, Yuri did manage to mess it up, as despite playing by far the easiest composition to play, both micro-wise as well as decision-making-wise, he did manage to mess it up by just continuously walking into Locust. And he said that his build order was proper. That wasn't true. He had an idling factory for a long time. He had a third C.C that achieved nothing. He went to the double star port to BC, then switched out of it. A completely useless investment. He does say at one point I have more mining bases than my opponent. That is a Zerg. That is true. But the reason why usually Zerg needs more mining bases is because they're going to be trading inefficiently the entire time. But because for whatever reason, you kept move command. entire Thor tank armies into 35 locust. It actually was kind of okay for the Zerg. At any point, you could have added battle cruisers for the first 19 minutes of the game again, and the Swarmos transition would have been stopped, but instead, you just kept moving ground units into it again and again and again and again. My dear friends, I don't think Swarmhose Nidusworm Corruptor can crush any Mac Army without a problem. I don't even think Swarmhose Nidus Corruptor can crush Thor Helbet. if Thor Helbert just runs away from the swarm house, especially when the Tor Helbert is max. I actually do believe that Thor Helbert is supposed to win. But you could make it easier by adding in BCs. But just honestly, running away is the best solution to units that are on a timer. If you've done any, just a single thing better, either increasing your composition, making it slightly better, or just micro in your units, just pulling them back. Really, the bare minimum of StarCraft 2. I'm pretty sure you would have completely destroyed this game. with your superior eco and that Yuri makes me believe that it is you who sucks and not Zerg that is imbalanced that's going to be my verdict for today that's going to be it for today's episode of is it in bar do i suck if you enjoy this episode don't forget the like button subscribe to the channel and yeah leave down in the comments what you thought of Yuri what you thought of his composition do you agree with me do you disagree with me please let me know sending your own replays as well with the form in the description i'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you so much for watching and bye-bye. |
"Healing Power Of FLYING MECHANICAL ANGELS Does Not Suffice!!"| Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | A true poet. No words could ever match his wisdom! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/h95cKytBu0M/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | h95cKytBu0M | Dear Captain, I wish I could state it otherwise, but bearer read that at platinum level, Protols is simply imbalanced, and I will make my case. I start with a Rex expand, scout its gate expand, go into Marine drop in the main, plus alien attack in the natural. Helions cannot pass, but the Marine takes 10 plus probes before getting repelled by the infamous dark Templars. I already have a safety raven at home, so I build a second one in turrets, continue producing bio and a few tanks. Did these drop in my main, but do only little damage for the investment. Third base is taken roughly at the same time by me and my opponent from Iyer. I build medevacs, additional barracks, and go for a push on his fort. Fort is cancelled, but potent psionic masters unleashed their rat on my poor unarmored force. Healing power of flying mechanical angels do not suffice and I must retreat. That being said, my fort is. up, granting me an economical lead. I rebuild an army and decide this time to push on the right side of the map while distracting him with a drop on his fourth. His army is out of position, I snip his fifth and then our proud soldiers annihilate each other. He counters with DTs and successfully take my fifth, I add ghost to my army composition while he decides to take the path of airs by building carriers. Another big fight occurs where I admit I engage and trade poorly. And it's the beginning of the end. Building Vikings to counter the airborne battleships is not enough. I lose my supply lead and unable to secure a sixth base and get crushed by eight carriers and DTs. Now, don't get me wrong, I already know I do suck. Greatly, my timings are late, my upgrades are late. I've done only one drop in the middle of the game against a low mobility army. My ghost are freaking late. I have zero map control. The fight at 1820 is a disaster in all possible ways. I don't know what to do during the late game, and I'm sure you'll have a few comments to add of your own. But man, I have a supply lead, an economic lead. I bring the fight to his ground. I honestly think I did better than him all game, with all due respect, and still lost. So, I do suck, but is Proto's imba at plat level all the same? This imbalance complaint form was sent in by Pimpke, a Terran player on the European server from 2800 MMR, which is platinum. The question is simple. Yes, I suck, but is Proto Zimba. Now, Pimki over here is a special one because Pimki has already featured in a previous episode of IOTIS, not as the person submitting the form, but as the person winning the game and thus causing someone else to submit in an iota called the most surreal in-game chat ever. It's I think about six months ago. We saw pimkey starring in that as well, so you can have a look at that if you want to. For now, let's focus on this. Let's see what the mistakes are. Let's see how imbalanced this Protoss player truly is going to be. You have a reactor going up on this barracks after a, was it just a marine-interreactor opener? Yes, it was. Marine reactor, pretty decently timed factor. So far, honestly, for a 2,800 MMR player, this early game build order is quite tight. I'm much less of a fan of whatever it is that the Protoss is doing, who is now throwing down a Twilight Council after floating a crap ton of money. We see a second gateway that is so early that it cannot be useful to the build order whatsoever. In no world is this gate going to be properly timed. Second gas, which is normal. We are lacking a little bit of SCV production on the side of Pimki, but starts two SEVs immediately now after realizing, yes, I wasn't building SUVs for a bit, and that is something that I am a fan of. SCV has scouted that there's a gate, has scouted that there's a second gate. Hasn't seen any of the tech yet, but perhaps that's not even necessary, because if you have a solid good initial build order as Pimki here, I don't think you necessarily need to figure out immediately what type of tag your opponent has. Second Kronoboose, by the way, on the cybernetics course. This is a completely unique move that I haven't quite seen before. This wall is also something. So now I'm not an architect, but I do know a thing or two about walling. I think you can put a stalker in this portion of the wall, but the stalker can't move through this diagonal little alley. However, on the right side, there is an entire hole that I think needs to be plugged with a pylon. I think a single pilot should be capable of closing this off. If you do, however, close it off, then you can't move out with your stalkers anymore. So a little bit of a dilemma here for APL. Definitely needs to work on the walling skills. This ain't looking all that great. What do we have coming out of Pimki? Pimki is opening up with two cars, has both of them just waiting at this Selnaga watchtower, while at the same time starts a meta-fact, and has a bunch of Marines out. Eleven Marines are out already. Now, all of this is hitting very late, This is pretty much the standard in this league. Everything is supposed to be hitting late. I am not too upset about that. Both players are floating a creptone of gas as well. Pretty much as I expected. Dark Shrine finishes at a very decent timing, by the way. But sadly, there's no prism or pylon across them have quite yet, which means that the DTs cannot be built into the opponent's main as of this moment. Medevac is taking the long way around. I'm not quite sure if they have enough supplies for the Marines in here to survive that long. Usually this type of drop would hit at four minutes and maybe 25 or 30 seconds into the game. This is going to be hitting about 45 seconds too late, which sometimes is actually a bonus because it means that the Protoss has moved out already. I don't think that's going to be the case over here. Protoss is still at home, builds a battery right now on the main. You have this prism just idling at home as well. as the two extra barracks are coming out. First Raven is slightly supply blocked, I think we can say. It's 41 workers to 36. And here comes the 8 Marine drop. With the first four workers going down. At the same time we have these halions being stopped as these stalkers are just not being pulled in towards the main at all. Instead, we see a DT warp in, triple DT is being warped in, to deal with that drop. 11 workers have been taken out. As the same time, this prism is going to move. move into position to try and do something. But there's already one Raven on the way, as well as an eBay right now that's going up. So turrets are imminent. No stim or combat shield quite yet. So very slow with the follow-up deck. That is not great. Nice scan. DTs. Not really dealing any damage so far. One will make it in towards this mineral line and now both of them will end up dying. So one person lost eight Marines. No, actually only four Marines. kept the MadaVac alive and killed 11 workers and the other player lost 3DTs and killed a single worker. This is an uneven trait definitely in favor of our Terran player by quite a bit as well. However, Terran so far doesn't really have the ability to move across the map and punish the opponent. And the reason for that is because there's no stim, there's no combat, there's no MataVX on the way. Once again, we're just in a massive supply block. I feel like we're really just moving from this. supply block into supply block. This is absolutely insane. Supply like, well, 72 or something, 86 and 78. I don't think that math quite works out, but I've seen a lot of supply blocks so far this game. Yep, we're going to see another supply drop here as well. And once again, it's practically going to be supply block instantly, 93 out of 94. So far everything is actually producing. But, yeah, this ain't looking that great. I'm also not a huge fan of the Raven. Detection in TVP is, is something that is a bit more binary in a way. You either have it or you don't. And a second raven doesn't mean that the yes is more of a yes, very similar to the second condom not really achieving too much. The second raven tends to just delay the medavex rather than actually, you know, giving you a little bit more safety. I don't quite understand why this is here. To me, it seems like a bad play. This starport time could have been used to create a reactor and start pumping out Metavex and in that case you would have had a real powerful timing by the time that both Stim and Combat Shield end up finishing. Like take a look at the armies right now. Imagine two Metavex with this army. There's really nothing for the Protoss player. This third base would be absolute toast. But right now, Starport is still completely idle or eight minutes into the game. A regular push timing would be about six minutes and maybe 40 seconds or so. That's when it's supposed to hit. This is going to be hitting more than two minutes late, much more than two minutes late even, because the metaphics haven't even started yet. You see a Ford base that is now being added in. Continued upgrades. Shield upgrades coming out of the Protoss player as well. That is what we call a mistake, actually. For the people that are not aware, the Terrans have a unit called the Ghost. The Ghost is a spell called EMP. EMP removes all the shields from Protoss units, or not all of them, a hundred, but on most Protoss units, that's all shields. Once the shields are gone, shield upgrade don't actually work anymore because it upgrades the armor of the shields. So it doesn't actually give you more armor by itself if you don't have the shields anymore. This is why very often in the Protoss versus Terran matchup, even when Protoss is completely maxed out and has 10K resources in the bank, they're still not researching the shield upgrades. It's because it just doesn't serve much of a purpose. And that's the case here as well. This is just not serving that much of a purpose. Second Forge is now being added in to hopefully get an upgrade that is going to be just a bit more useful. Are these the same 3DTs from earlier on? I think they are. Just kind of idling. We now have these psionic masters out on the field with Storm as well. And at the same time, we see a complete lack of follow-up tech coming out of Pimki over here. Three barracks are being added in. I do enjoy that. So it's going to bring the total up to six. It's a weird number. But it's keeping his money low, which is one of the most important things in all of StarCraft too. It's just keeping money low. Planetary is going to get constructed. Second Raven is protecting the third base. Main Raven is protecting this turret. It's just kind of detecting each other. Detection battle. Classic thing for Terrence, of course. Detection battle. God, they've been doing that for years. No fort base yet for our Prolos player, who's now going into a Stargate, as well as some rather interestingly placed cannons. I'm not entirely sure what he is afraid of. This is the type of thing, though. Like these cannons, I'll make fun of them. Like, terrible position of the cannons, what type of Terran is going to go there? And then the game before, APL played against the Terran player who had five Starport battle cruisers and teleported all of them over here. So I could be very harsh about, this. I'm just glad that he's spending his money in some way. I'd rather have it be in that cannon than in the bank, because money in the bank doesn't work for you. Plus two shield weapons now on the way as well, so that is going to be the second useless upgrades here for our pro-lost player. And Sterran moves out with what seems to me like a close to impossible to beat army, as well, the supply is much, much higher. I forgot to use Stim so far. Hasn't seized all of his tanks, two Ravens, not using any spells, there comes an auto turret. I mean, this is a very interesting, just the priorities. I always love watching priorities and fights. It's the most important thing. And if your opponent has storm, your priority is making sure that not all 50,000 of your Marines are clumped, okay? Just take a look at the first person here coming out of Pinky. Okay, what is my man looking at right now? He's just moving forward, has a helmet in there for whatever. Scans, he's like, okay, that's a lot of stormers. That's a lot of stormers. Seed up one tank, like second tank, do I want to siege it up? Ooh, there's a storm. Maybe move back a little bit out of that. Look, look how the camera moves as well. And then he's like, okay, my entire army right now is kind of on the same location. I have two Ravens that could be fat-packed in a second. Let me just throw down a single auto turret. Now, this is the type of, of, of, a priority setting that I'm absolutely in love with. Despite that, still going to win this fight because Protoss forgot what the hotkey for storm was. It's a rookie mistake we all make every now and again. If there was a single storm extra being added on top of this army, it would have absolutely disappeared. Well, there we go. Would have absolutely disappeared just like that. A couple of decent storms here coming out of Protoss is going to kill every single Marine that has ever existed for somehow, some way these ravens are still alive. I'm not sure. If people in Platinum know that feedback can kill units with energy, that it deals damage and it removes their energy, maybe they're just familiar with Storm, but it's going to clean this up regardless. 102 supply against 167. Both Ravens still alive. That means that DTs are still being double detected. No STDs for you, Mr. Pimke. Very nice. Can repair these back at home as well. Get that fifth base up at some point, maybe. I would have loved to see some go. your opponent is building a unit that completely relies on energy. The ghost with its EMP ability doesn't only drain the shields. Also, of course, drains the energy in the energy bank of the Templar. So this is something that is very important to note. That when you're fighting against Templar is that the ghost is a perfect counter against that. And usually when there's a perfect counter, you kind of want to use it. I'm not a massive fan of researching vehicle weapons when you're playing Marine Marauder Tank. tank because you don't want to be playing Marine Marauder tank. So maybe, okay, maybe my issue isn't so much with the vehicle weapons upgrade, but my issue is just with the tank in general. You don't want the tank, so you don't want to get upgrades for the tank. However, maybe if you're building, if you're planning on adding two more factories and getting 10 more tanks, maybe it's not so bad to get the vehicle weapons. It's just bad to get the tanks. I guess if you're building 10 tanks, yeah, probably want to get an upgrade here or there. Ghost the enemies is finally going to be built here as, well, rather late than never, I always say, as 13 minutes into the game is definitely very late. He's adding three more command centers as well, as APL behind all of this is quickly transitioning into Star, well, quickly. He's transitioning into Stargates as well as the Shield Weapons Level 3 upgrade right now, making sure that EMP is going to have the biggest effect it has ever had. There's something that is interesting to note as well, is that, well, not that the Ravens got repaired, which is a high-tier move, but that Pimki seems to have no sense of urgency to kind of use his advantage for something. He's like, oh, I just won a fight, where I was up 60 supply. I guess I could build up to a max-out army and hit exactly as I maxed out so that my opponent has lower supply. No, Pimki maxes out, waits 35 seconds at home, then decides to start moving across the map. Like, this basically means that APL is going to have 40 more supply in this fight that he probably would have had if Pinky had just hit a very tight timing afterwards. On top of that, I'd also like to make note of the fact that there's still no ghost in this army, despite having seen a practically a pure Templar army earlier. I'm loving this drop though. I think this is a real nice distraction and also managed to kill quite a few probes over here. So that's fantastic. This fifth base is in some serious trouble as well. When I say serious trouble, I think it's pretty freaking dead. Sadly, without the ghost, I think this is going to be a hard fight to win unless the tanks shoot down all of the templars from a distance. Ravens with a double detection, can they use a spell? No? They can't because they're tank. Oh my god, this. Ha ha. Holy crap. Oh, look at this guy. There's one zealot here who slept with the wife of one of these templars. Look at this. I think he's one of these guys. Look at these storms. Okay, and here they come. Poof, is this again freaking Johnny over here. Couldn't keep it in his pants. He's getting like five storms on his hat. Oh, Johnny. Couldn't let it be, couldn't let it be. Yeah, these templars weren't happy with that. A couple of storms going to hit, well, a whole lot of ground. was any earthworms underneath that they have now been disposed of entire ant colonies are being wiped out here at a very high pace oh my god the drop actually still alive though as the tea gets warped in this was a i don't even know if this was a bad fight for the Terran let's take a look resources lost no this was probably just fine for the Terran it could have been an absolute game winning move if there was even just a single ghost and a single EMP or if you actually would have had like 12 tanks I think you can just target down the Templar that probably also would have been fine neither of those things happened right now we're seeing a transition into starports coming out of Pimki himself as well so we're going to have a bit of an air versus air battle this is what happens when you use two ravens at one time and then you don't have a raven for the next time congratulations Pimki you're now a father and your planetary has died and these two planetaries are coming up Is there blink on this? No, there's not. God, I wish he had built a third raven right now. Shoot a triple-backed. Apparently a lot like 10 workers here to these 3DTs. After losing a planetary as well. There's plenty of warning there, mate. Like you saw a freaking massive structure disappear from the mini map. Like, oh, that's weird. Wonder what that was. It's like, mate. It's like your house being destroyed by like a bomb. You're just going, huh. I thought there was a house here before. And still getting shot by the guy that drops from the helicopter afterwards. Like, well, maybe you should have ran by the time your house was gone. So now we have a four Zelletron by in towards this planetary. This never really works out. As they're going to actually target down two SEVs. This is the highest level Zellodrome I've seen in my life in Platinum. Actual target fire on these SEVs rather than just aim moving into a planetary. High tier stuff. We have 10 DTs in. this army, 17 zealots and two Templar. Where's the Templar? Come on. Okay, they are kind of in this army. Carriers are being added in as well. As ghosts have now are being constructed, being added into the mix. Let's hope that our good friend Pimki is going to wait for those with the next fight. That could be very exciting. There's a lot of energy on these, uh, these orbitals, by the way. Maybe he isn't aware of the mule. If he's not aware of the mule. If he's not aware of the Mew Pimki and you're watching this. The Mew grants you 225 minerals in 64 seconds, which is, I think it's, what are the 3.4 or 3.6 SUVs or something like this. So it's a good thing to do if you have, well, four mules per orbital and you have three orbitals, it's 12 mils. There's a lot of cash that you could be using. Now, not that you're lacking cash right now, because cash does seem to be the one thing that you're having a decent amount of. There's three tanks as well. It's plus three vehicle weapons is busy finishing up. I really would have preferred seeing ship weapon upgrades earlier. I also would have preferred seeing a switch into Liberators or maybe Vikings the moment whatever we're going to see is going to, you know, these carriers once they get spotted. Just being able to produce Vikings with like plus one or plus two upgrades is so nice to have. And most of the time in a TVP you're going to need Vikings or you're going to need ship weapon level upgrades. Whether that's for Liberators or Vikings, doesn't really matter. Like if there's Colossus you want Vikings, if there's carriers you want Vikings, Maybe at this level people bought void rays. Okay, here we go. No stim quite yet. That is okay. We can always use it later. Here we go. Now we use the stim as we walk through most of the storms. And actually kind of win this fight, but rather than chasing to win the fight, we move back home. Give our opponent some time to warp in at least one more warp in. And then decide to go for it. Interesting move. No extra reinforcement. MP not being used, Stim not being used. Okay, now we use Stim. There's going to be one more warping coming in pretty soon. As the DTs on the ground are not being spotted, if only there was a Ford Raven here in this army. I actually think this could have been a win. These DTs are dealing so much freaking damage. 10, 7 and, what is it? And 8 kills on these DTs. Carriers in the air are also dealing quite a bit of damage, of course. This is the first fight in which I would say Pimki. this isn't looking that great. Now he's popping... Why is there... Where does he have tech labs? On these starboards? I was like, why are we only building four Vikings? And I see like two starboards with tech labs. What was this plan here? To get a couple more ravens to deal with the DTs or what? A couple of BCs out. I mean, surely, if you want to have a BC transition, first you're gonna need to get the air weapons upgrade. It's absolutely vital here. But not the case. Like without air weapons upgrades, you're not really going to win a fight against carriers either, especially if the carriers are soon to be plus three. It also seems like Star Wars can only build one type of unit at the same time when they're in control of Pimki. Because we're kind of lacking a META count here. I'm glad to see that some ghosts are being rebuilt, although so far the EMP uses hasn't been great. Can we get a planetary up here? I think it might be a little bit too late, mate. Yeah, that is kind of scary. As this Zeta Trumbi is going to deal a significant amount of damage here. That is a lot of workers that just went down. Used to be 27 on this base. Right now there's 13 left. Am I highly... Okay. APL is doing Pimki a favor here because this was misplaced. Well, he would have done him a favor if Pimki would have realized and lifted the base in time. but as the base didn't get lifted in time it wasn't quite a favor he ended up just killing a command center which usually is not considered a favor at the highest level of so ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha he has two ghost okay almost maxed out army two ghosts two e mp total how does he decide to use the first one Poof! Straight on the pylon. This is like the Greeks entering the city of Troy in their horrors. And rather than using the element of surprise to slaughter their opponents, they come out and just start screaming Viva la Gris really loud while peeing against the walls of the city. It's like, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, mate. You had one good opportunity. Or you had two good opportunities. Now you only have one left because you decided to E&P a freaking pylon. Was that really the most time-pressing thing? Is taking out that pile? I'm like, oh, my supply block my opponent there. He's only going to have a 192 supply in that case. It's like, mate. Still not a single meta-veg here, as we have an A-move coming in out of the Protoss player. Huge storm is connecting with everything. And no scan either. I think that is pretty much this. These carriers are plus two. And these Vikings are. plus zero. Ship weapons level one is about to finish up though. It's getting closer. Carriers not really in the fight. They don't have their, you know, their mind quite in the game, but are going to finish this up. 60 workers behind this for Pimki. It's mining from these base. I'm loving the double planetary setup. I haven't quite focused on this. We have a Thor on the way, which funnily enough might not actually be bad if you have plus three vehicle weapons. This base, however, could be in a bit of trouble, mules, SUVs, all coming in clean to repair here. I can only imagine as ghosts and marines could come in maybe with a stim maybe maybe maybe not maybe they're just going to move in here in eMP would be nice to have as well no no stim no impi okay gg well played well there's one thing we can say about pimkey's very mannered because it did end with the gg well played this is such an interesting game to me and not because the game was interesting. But the reason why this game was so interesting for me is because there was only one skill that Pimki was lacking. I actually kind of agree with him that he probably played slightly better for some part during the game, but he was lacking a very vital skill. And that was the skill of using any spells or any unit abilities altogether, which his opponent was capable of doing. And that's a very big thing. I kind of want to draw a comparison here between two people with a gun. Okay? In the one hand, we have APL, our Protoss player. He can hold the gun and he can pull the trigger. Okay, these are the, you can load it or whatever. I don't even know what you do with a gun. I bet you load it and then boom, he can shoot with it. Okay, that's all he can do. Meanwhile, we have Pimki is like juggling with three guns at the same time and he can reload it with his eyes closed blindfold and his hands tied behind his backs. You can put him in a shack and give him two guns and he can create a campfire. You know, he can make like a roast mule out of this with just two guns. Like this guy's a machine. The one skill, however, that he lacks is shooting the gun. He's incapable of pulling the trigger. He doesn't have the power. Now, all of these other things are really cool if you're hungry and you're tied up in a shack. But right now we're in a duel on a gunfight. APL pulls the trigger and Pimky dies. That's kind of what happened here as well. His inability to use Stim or EMP lost in the game. Well, the opponent did manage to find the A button, was capable of A-moving, and also used to storm very many times in this game to, well, sometimes the great effect and sometimes to make sure that, you know, John wouldn't go chasing the ladies again. So you already admitted to sucking, and I'm going to agree with your analysis there. I do believe that you massively suck this game, but I also believe that you sucked much more than your opponent because you lack the most basic skill of all, and that is just pressing the button that makes your units deal 30% more damage, and pressing the button that removes the shields from your opponent's army completely. So, yes, you suck, and no, even at platinum level, Crotles isn't imbalanced. And that's just the way it is. All right, that's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? did enjoy this. Please send in new replays. We're in dire need of replays, actually, because a new patch has hit. If you're not capable of playing the new patch, because you're from Europe or Korea, go on to the American letter, play against some of our North American brothers, take them out or get destroyed. Put the replay down in that form below. Right now, we have actually only a single replay so far from the new patch, and the patch has already been out for a day. So it's a very low amount. We need more of those replays. Please send them in as soon as you can. And from next week on, Catch games only. Let's go. |
GM vs Pro Player - It's NOT The Same! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Sometimes we like to think that any Grandmaster Player could go pro. But the difference in skill and knowledge is still BIG! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/of3E0lsBxFg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | of3E0lsBxFg | Dear Harstam, the two-base Raven Push is hard to defend with a blink stalker opening. So, I chose the Phoenix Colossus build. In the early game I gained some advantages, but I found that even with a slight edge, it was still difficult to defend against the Raven Push. After successfully defending the Raven Push and expanding to my 4th base, I realized I was slightly ahead. However, because his micro was better than mine, I decided to harass him while pushing his his third. I discovered that in the mid-to-late game, attacking Terrant with blinked stalkers and disruptors are, as a Protoss, was challenging, making it tough to finish the game. I attempted to harass his economy and managed to kill over 120 plus SCVs, but I just couldn't find the right timing and location to close out the game. I am aware that I have more workers, but the mule makes a significant difference, and the combination of a planetary fortress with Liberators makes it challenging to execute effective harassment. In the late game, I made more and more mistakes in multitasking situations compared to him. After some mismanagement and losing my army, I ended up losing the game. I know I am suck compared to Epic, and I made some mistakes in this game. However, I'd like to just point out that in the current patch it is challenging for Prolost to deal with a Raven Push and maintain an economic advantage. In the late game, Protoss often relies on blink stalkers and disruptors while utilizing zealot harassment. There don't seem to be many other viable options. Now, this imbalance complaint from was sent to me by YSMS, a player from the North American server, who is a Grandmaster at not just 5,100 MMR. No, my friends. He filled in 5100 plus MMR. I'm not sure what that means. be really anything about 50100. It could be 5102, which I think is probably what it is, but it could also mean he's 5.5K. It's all very possible. Either way, YSMS believes that Terran might be a little bit too strong and there's not enough options for ProDals in the late game. So the question is, is Terran imbalanced or does he suck? And then here we go, my dear friends with Epic. Sending out an SVV to block his opponent. We see an eBay being landed over here as well immediately. And well, that means that the Zad most likely is going to be finishing up. Low ground gateway coming out of YSM. This is one of those things that I'm usually not very fond of, but in the case of fighting against an eBay block, he's going to be pretty happy that the gate is there. Because not only does it scout the SCV, it also means that your Zillet is going to be there quite quickly. With another SCV that actually is making his way across the map, that's a little bit surprising to me. But so far, honestly, good start I think for YSMS. Not a fan of this pylon positioning, it's not really blocking anything in the future, but that's all okay. It is not the end of the world. That's going to be croned out as well as the zealot makes his way across the map. It's going to take an alternative route to the Reaper. I'm a little bit surprised to see Epic send this Reaper across the map straight away, rather than trying to find the zealot, which, I mean, you know that there's a zeal that got constructed to deal with your eBay. Surely it's going to be there somewhere. This is nice control on that. Reaper by the way. That is a real nice. Look at that. Did it quite a bit of damage on that adapt. Zellet's still going to make its way across the map. Bunker is kind of late as well for whatever reason. Not actually sure why that is. I guess the eBay block delayed that at least a little bit. It's Marine now in a bit of trouble and I think both of these SVs are also going to be in trouble. I'm usually not a big fan of sending out the Zellat straight away across the map. This time it definitely does seem to be working out. Reaper, are you going to die? Yeah, Reaper dies. Okay, well, this game is now officially over. Adept and Zealot versus zero units. Second Adept is on the way as well. Literally all you need to do is just camp this area. And you... Well, not saying you pretty much win the game, but the Terran player is going to need to add another depot and need to wait until they have four Marines until they can kill this low ground. Well, unless you throw away one adept, I guess. In that case, two Marines and a Helium probably will be quite enough. If you're down here with Zealot, adapt. It's a really, really good situation. And the supply block that Epic finds himself in right now is going to last even longer, which would have been fantastic. So that's going to get a couple more kills. As this adept also managed to make its way into the main base. And it's going to get, well, a kill here on this mule. It's a mule that half-life remaining. So it's still something, but I probably would have preferred just killing another SCV in that case, if he would have been aware of that. But behind this, the eco is kind of okay. Like, it's not brilliant. It's fine. There's no orbital over here yet. So that means there's going to be minus two more SEVs. 25 seconds on the command center. That is turning into an orbital means that there's just going to be too less SUV. So yeah, YSMS right now is in a really, really good position. I just can't stress that enough. This adept is popping out. You can cancel this battery. Put the adept in the wall. This is a good play. This is a good play. I'm not a fan of the double Oracle into robotics facility, but I am a fan of how he's doing most of the adept. these other things. Oh, that's both of these Helions in though, but battery in the main base should mean that no... This went okay, but I just want to draw attention to this move. Okay? Just just think about the logic behind the play here. Look at this. So he gets in with the helion. First Helion gets in. YismS sees his first Helion move in, thinks to himself, you know what, helions are always in pairs. This is Noah's Ark after all. Yeah, let's move out of the way. Oh, the second one also in. He's technically completely prepared for this by having a battery in the main, but then pulls his workers away from the battery. This is like having an impenetrable fortress and then going outside to Wii because you forgot to build a toilet inside of it. It's like, what? Loses one worker. Luckily, Epic wasn't controlling this, otherwise he might have gotten two worker kills. At the same time, this Oracle is moving in. It's now moving away again. Not the greatest defense, but still in a very decent position. There's lots of cash in the bank. A third base is probably very viable right now because you know your opponent literally has no units. There's like nine Marines, actually nine Marines and two mines is quite a bit. But at the same time, you have two oracles as well. You're already getting an immortal. A forge before third phase. Now this is something that I never like. I actually think this is really bad. And I'll explain why that is later. But for now, just assume that I'm correct all this. The forge before the third is a pretty decently sized mistake because it means your third is going to be delayed by another 150 minerals. And at the level that we're playing at currently with YSMS and Epic. Epic I think is around like 6K MMR or so on the North American ladder. And YSMS is 50. 50100 plus. I think this is actually a decently sized error. Now we have this immortal popping out. We have a Nexus on the way and here we see the beauty of the forge in this situation. Wait what? I was gonna make fun of this but he's actually gonna get plus one. The reason why this surprises me so much is because you really lack gas when you're playing Phoenix Colossus. Even so let's imagine that why SMS doesn't have brain damage and has this gas entirely saturated with three workers, right? Imagine that is the case. Now, even if that is the case, you're still going to be struggling, getting out a colossus, getting out a thermal lens, and having basically continuous Phoenix production. These things all have priority over getting plus one. Right now, plus one got that priority. So thermal lens is going to be delayed, making things a lot harder in the potential defense that you have, means that your Phoenix count most likely is going to be smaller as well because you're just missing a hundred gas. Now, not fully mining from this gas is also really adding up at this point because it has already mined less, a hundred gas less than the other gas, which I think got built at a very similar time, maybe 10, 15 seconds later. Raven is going to get scouted as these phoenixes. Oh, one phoenix does end up dying there. Another phoenix gets hit by a mine. So a phoenix count is fairly low. Oracles do manage to stay alive and have some kills as well, nine kills total. already. Of course, some of that is from the early zealot adept herat, and a little bit is from those oracles. Third base is up and is basically fully saturated. We still have no saturation on this gas. Second Colossus as a result couldn't really start instantly. Thermalance is finally on the way. Phoenix count's still low. Another thing that is important to note is that rather than getting plus one, I think charge is much more important when you're playing against, well, tank builds, but just in general, I think charge is just more important. initially when you're playing Phoenix Colossus because it allows you to a do counter damage with zealot harassment and B if there are tanks it allows you to clean up the position much much easier so plus one is nice but it doesn't have quite the impact that my opponent that YSMS believes it does and as a result he's now in a I still in a fine position I honestly think he's in a completely okay spot just because of the early game stands out of four zealot run by without zealot lags which is kind of get spotted People often don't think about this, but if you send out four zealots and they don't deal any damage, you lose 400 minerals. This sounds very simple, but people for some reason, when it is a zealotrum, I don't really seem to care at all about that money. It's the same amount of money as you have with a, like losing a Nexus. If you were to lose a Nexus straight out, people feel awful about that, but somehow some way you send four zealots across the map, lose them for free. They're like, eh, that's fine. with that. I still like the attempt though there. I think that's good. At the same time we do have this three zealids run by going in. These two could probably be rerouted towards a third as well. I think that's generally a good move. Super Battery did get shot already, which could be a mistake. Phoenix is now the site to suicide themselves into two Vikings, which is probably also a mistake. There's no real flank setup. I'm not sure how necessary it is. It's only three tanks. Third Colossus is in the back, not really doing anything. And at the same time, we do have these zealids dishing out quite a bit of damage. actually, they're going to be taking out a bunch of SCVs. 35 workers to 60, double interference matrix is on these colossus. The third colossus now shows up, as there's still three Vikings in the air. These two zealots could be helping out coming in with a flank instead. They're just chilling. But overall, despite some mistakes that YSMS made, his early game was so good with the Zelda that thing. I don't think it really matters. Right now he's in a position where he's up 25 workers. He has pretty much finished his infrastructure already. This is a huge deal when you're playing Phoenix Colossus. Absolutely massive deal. A counterattack is now viable. You could just go for pure zealot colossus, arcone, boom. Get a prism. 10, 15 zealots, 1, 2 Archons and 2 Colossus. And you still have the two immortals in there as well, which is fantastic. Instead, we're now seeing a quick pivot here into disruptors, as this gas is finally going to get saturated. Ford base is on the way as well. There's no cannons anywhere, which means that this mine drop might actually deal some damage. Quick response here. Coming out of YSMS, does he still have a phoenix? Yeah, he still has a phoenix. More stalkers being warped in as this mine indeed is going to get cleaned up. This mine should also get cleaned up. I'm still very surprised to not see a counterattack whatsoever. her. Because this is such a clean position for a counterattack. Like, it really is. There's one thing that YSMS is lacking a significant amount here, and that is map vision. He's completely unaware as to what is kicking off. Has no pilots on the left. There's no pilots on the right. There's no units in the middle. There is a stasis work that was probably spotting, well, very close to nothing. Any drop could kill this guy. Like any, any sneaky move from the side could. be a huge surprise. Despite having 12 stalkers, there's no blink being researched quite yet, which I also think is a decent error. And the moment you attack into disruptors, people don't understand this, but the disruptor is a unit that forces you very often to sit back and do nothing. If your army doesn't have any colossus, it's hard to move out on the map, or if it only has one colossus. With disruptors, you often end up defending until your 180, 190 supply. It's tends to be the case. So by swiftly just kind of transitioning into disruptors, he also gave up quite a bit of map control. Now he's going to still make his way across the map, which I freaking love. If this is possible, if you can go across the map with disruptors, that's always fantastic. And at the same time, there's actually a zealot run by in the natural. This is better than fantastic. This is fabulous, my friends. Holy crap. This is a nice move. So here comes a disruptor shot from a distance, moves back appropriately as well, realizes that his Zellet Rambi is doing all the work already, so why would he continue fighting with the Disruptors? A very good call in my opinion. Zealots are not quite being controlled and end up losing a decent chunk. We're now moving back in, I think that's just kind of, yes, this is such good play here by YSMS. This is such good play. He's attacking the opponent, forcing the main army to stay here, while the Zelots are trying to deal damage. Now, in my opinion, we just rinse and repeat this, another five, six, seven times. Ideally, we get maybe an observer for vision up here, so we know what our opponent is up to, or if our opponent attacks into it, that should also actually be kind of fine. Interference Matrix does connect with the Colossus, as these Vikings are going to take out the final Colosses, and here come the disruptor shots, not really being controlled, as one out of three gets a minor hit, one out of five gets a minor hit. Okay, eight disruptor shots. and two of them managed to hit something. Maybe seven Disruptor shots? Counting remains difficult. He throws them really fast as well. And misses all of them. Not a huge fan so far of the control, but this is something that YSMS said as well, that he struggled with the micro. This isn't so much micro, it's just sending a ball on your opponent's unit. This really isn't the hard part. of playing Protoss, let me tell you that. This really is quite impressive, no? And here comes to Zellatromba, but I do like this idea. I would have liked this more if they were an A move. Because right now they're half of the marges move commanding majority of the time. Not really doing very much. At the same time, this ruptors here being taken out. I'm not sure how this is possible, that you're losing the four marauders. Okay, there we go. Finally a hit. And then a hit on his own stalkers. and then a blink forward into this. I am not sure if YSMS has bad micro or if he believed that he has bad micro and as a result gets the bad micro. Like he's making so many bad moves that don't have anything to do with control, but more with decisions, that I feel like this is a problem of the brain, more so than a problem of the speed of the fingers, you know? So for the people that are not aware, I can actually tell you this, is that the disruptor, once you shoot its purification, Nova, you can select the purification Nova and you can right click it on a Terran unit. And then the Purification Nova will follow the Terran unit and explode on top of the Terran unit. It's really quite easy to do because it only requires two clicks rather than having to manually, you know, use it. So if you have a lot of disruptor shots, there can be a good way to go about it often. Here we see, I think for the first time really that Epic now is kind of pulling a head. kind of pulling ahead. He has a bigger army. He is on the map. Doesn't have any ghosts yet in this army though. I think he had them earlier, but it must have lost some. Yeah, three ghosts total. It's uncanny how many disruptor shots have been missed already. I'm very surprised by this. I felt like that was one of the spells that even lower level tosses, like at 5.1K, should be capable of using quite well. We have another salad run by, which is now being sent in towards a planetary base. and there's no planetary quite yet so i don't entirely hate it you see the tank being taken out here right now these zealots are just going to walk into their death now this is something that actually bothers me quite a bit okay and this is something that actually bothers me with with Protoss players okay Protoss players often complain about the multitasking of Terran and make fun of how little they get controlled. While at the same time, it seems to be generally accepted by by Protoss players that zealot drumbites don't have to be controlled. And this is something that annoys me. Because I think that if you have a squat that is worth what, 800 minerals, that it probably is wise to dedicate a control group to it. You can't make fun of Terrans using F2 for everything and then shift click command zealids into bases without controlling them. This is 800 minerals that you just lost, and more importantly, the Terran opponent now knows that most likely there's no Zelladron by on the map on the left side, which allows him to move freely if he wanted to. So, I mean, that is not harassment, what you're doing, you're just shift-clicking, and we don't really count that as harassment usually. It's the same with Liberators, you know, when Terran shift-click liberators on top of Zerg basis, that is not really active harassment. They're not going to, you know, shift-clicking never really counts. It doesn't. Fusion Corps here on the way into the main base for Epic, as we also had, I think we saw double prisms being constructed. I do like this. I think if Zellet Rumbis aren't working, then Zellet fliance with a prism are often a very good solution. Here comes a big disruptor attack. Move the Colossus in range of the turret so that the turret also has something to do. Very kind. Zellet Rumbai pops in at the same time, I think a recall probably is a wise decision here now. Maybe he wanted to kill that base before teleporting out. Teleports to the wrong base. I just want to have another look at this entire interaction. Okay? So, my man, YSMS. In this situation, up about, what is it, like 24 workers or so, has a zealad run by and his opponent natural steel, which is being controlled? Yeah, not really. I don't think it's being a move. They're just kind of shift click, command it in once more. We have this base that is 183 HP from finishing right now. One more shot and it dies. And just like that, you're up 4 base versus 3 base. Then you can still recall to this base, be in position to deal with this, push it back and go for another aggressive push because, well, you're ahead in everything. Instead, my man doesn't select the individual nexus, just clicks whatever nexus, hits the recall button, goes back home, zealot run by still just kind of semi-running around. Sometimes a zealot hits one or two SEVs and then continues running around. So only ends up killing two more workers with those six zealots, loses his own base, and then doesn't even manage to catch this army. So probably the entire worst sequence that was possible here. You know if you have like multiple timelines for the same events, if small things would have gone different. I think this was probably the worst one. Salad Rambi does nothing. You lose the base. You don't get to kill the army. And the orbital command, yeah, stays alive as well. Very nice. Now, we do have that counterattack that I was talking about. I actually think this is a very good call. I'd love to see one of the two prisms that we have with this army as well. Now, I do appreciate it being in the dead space as some type of expansive spotter. But I really do believe that... What are these purification of us? I really do believe that having a prismere would be nice. This is also the worst angle you could possibly take to engage into. Decent two purification of us there in the end. This one could hit as well. No, it's not going to it. The same time Zellot and DT is making their way in towards the main base, which is actually kind of a big deal. I feel like YSMS doesn't quite understand how the disruptor works. The Disruptor... Oh, hold that thought. We have a... Well, not just a blink in, also just a walk-in. It's just sending in a couple of units. Mine's going to connect as well. Prism died. DTs died. We have two adepts now behind this mineral line, which is quite cute. Worker count is 32 to 72. Two purification novas are actually going to hit something. See two ghosts going down. Okay, this is... It's an interesting way of running away. this is a little bit what I was going to say is that the disruptor is a bit like a chicken but now I have a different way of thinking about it the disruptor is like having a chicken in a neighbor dispute okay you know if you have a neighbor dispute the most logical thing to do is not to talk with them like reasonable people but it's to start egging their house every single day now eggs in the current economy as we all know are fairly expensive so what's a good thing to do indeed you buy one or two chickens maybe they provide you with a daily eggs and you egg your neighbor's house every single day now what YSMS did over here is that he threw two eggs he missed both of the eggs and then decided to throw the chicken as well now the moment you throw the chicken that is a mistake because not only does the chicken do nothing to the house of the neighbor they don't have to clean it up they now have the chicken and you've given them the ammunition to start throwing eggs back at you so yeah sending in the disruptors forward into the Terran army is generally considered a mistake. And that is what YSMS just did there. Now, we have these three mines just laying over here. Having a good old time. It is 34 workers of 67. It is five base. It is five base versus what should have been three, but is in reality four. Don't forget, this base is technically dead. There's no, this guy went through the He saw the light at the end of the tunnel. He went through the light. He met the people on the other side. They were waiting there near the light. He was practically in heaven, and his body got... Fluped back down this CC, all right? And repaired back to life fully. That's how it went. DT is going to get taken out in the natural, as this DT in the main is still going to deal some damage. I do like this type of harassment. Overall resources lost is favored for Epic. That's kind of what I expected. Because he's a Terran player. and Taron is very powerful in the late game often if they get ghost out. Is it Templar here as well? Is there storm? Dark Templar gets cleaned up. So the mining for Epic right now is better than that of YSMS. Just purely because of the mules. And also maybe because there's a mine here. Actually, that didn't do so much. This is a good move here by Epic. I really do like that. Up, EMP, EMP, EMP, EMP, EMP. Okay, there we go. Took a while. You always want to deny your opponent's recall ability as soon as you can. If you're a Terran player, you have this type of run by. This was a good move. I love these types of army splits. Makes it very difficult as well for YSMS who finally has some map vision, not a whole lot. He has a Phoenix in a location that doesn't scout anything, but this observer is doing quite well. Settlet run by being sent into a planetary and liberator zone and as well as the entire army is going to die. I'd love to see. Oh, more these are being sent in. This, you could actually deal some damage. Gonna probably kill five, six workers at least. There we go. Well, it's going to get more than six workers if you pull the SUVs against it. There we go. Eight, maybe nine? Can we get nine? Nine! We can't. Oh, frustrating. 57 workers. Now, I think that has been bothering me a little bit this game. Well, first of all, why are we building Archons against someone that already has ghost tech? There's like making balloons while you're living next to Michael Van Gerben, world's greatest darts player. Okay, he's just going to destroy your balloons. He's not a nice guy to live next to. If you live next to him, you better get a couple of chickens, my friends. Trust me on that. Disruptor shots once again, not quite connecting. Although that one is pretty good. That one is pretty good. Finally, some huge use out of these disruptors. At the same time, Zella DT run by towards the third base, as the army move in here. It's going to lose majority of his own stalker immortal army. We just got a couple of good shots off now with those disruptors. That's actually quite nice. This is the first fight where I felt like the disruptor shots did something. You know, like what they usually do when we see people use them. Another DT is going to get sent in here. I'm not quite sure where it's going. It's going all the way around. There's a turret over here. He's aware of that turret as well. This is what we call a risky move. I feel like just moving like this would be much safer. Just the inside and it's taking the path over here. This DT might still get in, though. We have another. Epic is so good at sending out these little maneuvers, these little side quests that he has. Like, oh, kill a base. And get like seven points. I want those seven points. Poof. It's going to move in towards the natural. Not a huge fan of that. I would have preferred taking out this base on the right side, as it's still mining. It's going to snipe the cybernetics corps. It's actually going to put himself into a bit of a weird spot here. Oh my God, that's a big purification Nova. At the same time, DT is still active in the natural as EMP plus Marauder will clean this. This is actually poorly done by Epic, but at this point I'm not even sure how much it matters anymore. The only unit that YSM has right now is the disruptor. We've seen him use that unit before, and it wasn't so great. It was not so great. It's kind of warping a couple more zealots. How many zealots has he lost? 92. Two Archons. 14 disruptors. It's a lot of disruptors to lose. 62 stalkers as well. I hadn't quite expected that. Okay. Purification of us. You're allowed to shoot him. Ooh. Yeah. This, my friends, is why we research the blink upgrade. So that when we shoot a purification Nova at it, we can quickly blink out of the way and pretend like it was intentional. Look at this move. Hey! Very nice. Very nice. Purification of a moving forward. And at this point, the game is fairly over. Epic is getting closer to his three, three, 25 minutes into the game. refineries being taken out. And I think it's much easier to harass if you have a significantly better eco than your opponent. Or well, it's still possible to harass, but at that point you really need to start controlling your units. So it's kind of funny that finally we see these zealots being pulled back after he realizes it's not worth it. Like, you shouldn't just be caring about your zealots once you become poor. You know, like, you probably should, you probably should care about your zealots early. so you don't become poor. Like if you're not constantly throwing away 20 zealots for free, move-click commanding them into planetaries and major armies, then you probably don't end up in the situation where you have to do it. You just want to do it because you want to keep the zealots alive and you want them to be as effective as possible. But now in this case, you only have one zealot remaining. So yeah, you're just going to control it, obviously. Yeah, this game is completely over. G-G well played, wow. Look at that. Very mannered here by YSMS, but that is really, really as far as the positive notes go in this game. Because let's face it, you were in a situation in an early game where you were extremely far ahead. You had complete control of the game with the Zealad Adept early on. You kind of mess it up. There's just so many areas in the game. Like there's four or five points in the game where I'm looking at it. I'm thinking to myself, from here on out, the game is unloosable if you just do X or if you just do Y. So we start with like the Zealad adept move in. If you keep your two adepts plus the zealot on the low ground, that CC is going to finish so freaking late. There will need to be a third depot before the command center even manages to finish. I think you'll be up by probably four or five more workers even than you were up right now. It is hugely frustrating for Terran for that to happen. Instead, you just send that one adept that was a fairly damaged already into the main base of your opponent and against two Marines, five SUVs and a helion, it just dies for free. And as a result, you need to give up the position on the low ground. That is kind of point number one. And the second point is after you completely destroy your opponent's push, you're up-in workers, you have insane infrastructure. I think it was nine gateways that I saw. You're taking six gases. You can tech into Arcon if you want. You can get a prism out after a second colossus. Just do something aggressive with your lead. After you've taken out a bunch of metaphics, all of the bio your opponent has, they can't be on the map anymore. Just push, kill your opponent, or take out at least a lot of, workers on the third base, right? You have such a huge opportunity there. Instead, what you do is you get disruptors, completely giving up map control in the process for whatever reason. And as a result, Epic for the next minute and a half can do some things around the map. Have a blast. Then you decide to push across the map after you push back his army, which I think is a fantastic move. You're sending in zealots, which aren't being micro-super efficiently, but at least it is something. Once again there, I think if you control that very well with four or five disruptors, at his third base, while having a Zellatrumba at the same time, I think if you micro that well, you're honestly just straight up winning the game. I'd be very surprised if you give that same situation, the Maxpex and Clam, if Maxx wouldn't just straight up win that. Now, of course, you're not Maxx, and your micro is quite a bit worse. But there's so many, this is pretty much the story of the game. It's that you have like, these are just in the first, well, nine minutes or so, or first 10 minutes of the game. You already have three opportunities in my mind where you can just literally pick up the game and walk out of it for free. Like, if you can't, like, in StarCraft 2, very often people think about getting ahead very much. And like, how do I get ahead? Hey, I was behind here. How do I stop that from happening? It's like, well, it doesn't really matter for you anymore because you are capable of getting ahead, apparently. Your early game was, was good enough. Your decisions there were fine. But then you seem to be completely incapable of actually finishing a game. I'm not sure if you can't make the correct decisions or if your control is just too bad that you can you don't dare fighting it feels like you have no will to really win like you just want to get ahead and then be ahead forever but never really commit to anything big it to me this just makes no sense now on top of that your map vision was absolutely abhorrent your control well generally was quite bad um your macro is very good. I enjoyed your macro and I think your compositions were fine as well. You complain about compositions saying, Protoss often relies on blink stalkers and disruptors while utilizing zealot harassment. There don't seem to be many other viable options. Well, DTs with blink are also a viable option. Of course, those need to be controlled, which might be an issue for you. But also, it is kind of normal that in the late game, like having an army that consists of four or five different unit types and that kind of complement each other. That's kind of the standard in late game for all races. Like for Terran you could say well they have to rely on marauder, matter of fact, ghost and liberators. It's like yeah they they do like what's your point? Like you had blink stalkers disruptor zealots and dTs. It's not like you were trying something new and it failed and you're complaining about the fact that you can only use one unit coms. Like you use the unit comp, You just used it inefficiently and ineffectively. Like, I don't really know what to make of this entire imbalance complaint form. The only thing that I can really say about it is that you suck. Oh, and you suck hard. And that, my dear friends, it's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode. Is it in more, do I suck? If you did, don't forget, did the like, but subscribe to the channel. Be sure to send in your own imbalance complaint form. You can do that by going to the link in the description. There's a form link there. Fill it in and perhaps next week you'll be the one getting to complain to me. Thank you all so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed this. If you did, don't forget the like button, subscribe to the channel and I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Ciao, chow. |
I Must Have Missed That Patch! Oo | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Today we witness a new Blink mechanic with the Stalkers, that I have not seen before. It really shocked me quite a bit, so stay tuned! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GUNU89uKKVI/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | GUNU89uKKVI | Dear Harstam, zergs macro is way overpowered. My opponent played proxy hatch against me that I countered with two adepts that killed overall 10 units and even managed to escape. My opponent then made a bunch of lings that brought in absolutely nothing and couldn't even cancel my third base. At the midgame, I killed more than 10 drones with Oracle harassment and managed to scout the Hydra then, to which I responded with a Robo Bay. After sitting at his base, losing drones to my harassment and building the same unit, the Hydra, he just A-clicked me and I could do absolutely nothing. Even overcharge didn't save me. This goes with the fact that my opponent lost 600 more resources than me. So, is zerge I'mba? Or do I suck? The person who sent in this imbalance complaint form is a barcode on the European server in the Masters League with 4200. The question is very simple. Is Zerg imbalanced or does he suck? And we're here to find out. Alright, here we go. Ryan in the bottom left, spawning as our Zerg player, the imbalanced race. And in the top right we have our barcode player. Actually wrote the word barcode on the imbalance complaint form as the name, but has an actual barcode as the nickname. So I was kind of hoping it would be like the, like the ironic barcode. I really like people that just write out the word barcode properly rather than relying on these types of cheap tricks on the lower level. So for the people that don't quite understand the entire barcode hype in general, the reason why barcodes became popular was for professional players to hide their strategy on the ladder so that then they could play it in tournaments. It would be hard for people to prepare for someone that only practices on a barcode, right? You don't know who it is, especially if there's 10, 20 different barcode, becomes quite tricky to figure out who is who, and especially to organize replays, unless you tag them, you know, if you know which barcode is who, then you need to tag them individually and save them, and a lot of pro gamers are quite lazy. So, barcodes are very efficient when it comes to that. Sadly, this behavior also became popular on the ladder at lower levels, not because these people wanted to perform well in tournaments, but because they didn't want to get blind-countered or hard-countered when playing on the ladder, which that is the one thing that I think barcodes kind of suck for, honestly, in a way, is that if you're never getting blind-counter or if you're never getting hard-countered, you're not ready for that in tournaments either. I think it's good practice to get blind-counter. I think it's good practice to be very far behind in the early game sometimes. You know, it kind of makes sure that your build orders are tight. never have to play against someone that says, hey, this guy loves fourgate blink, let me just do the hardest counter to fourgate blink. And then when you end up playing against that type of hard counter in a tournament, you won't be ready for it because you've never been really exposed to that. So I think at lower levels, barcodes usually are not super useful, unless your goal, of course, is to raise MMR. If your goal is to raise MMR, go ahead, go barcode, change your portrait after every single game. But if your goal is to improve and become the most well-rounded player possible, That's not where you should be doing. There's also a proxy hatch in which the hatch got cancelled by a good response out of the ProDels. Okay, let's pretend that this assimilator... I'll go back in time. Okay, a simulator hasn't quite built yet. A great response here out of the Protoss player. Pulled five workers, build a zealot which got chrono boosted for a little bit. Not a huge fan of the chronoboose, but everything else is absolutely perfect. And the way that you want to continue from here on that. out is you probably want to even cancel this worker right now, get your two adepts out, and then build a nexus as soon as possible. The reason why it's important to build a nexus as soon as possible and not to get an assimilator here is because you don't want to oversaturate your base too much. Because right now what's going to happen? Now imagine, yeah, we know the simulator is going to go down. Ooh. assimilator. So your nexus is going to be delayed by quite a bit. You want to probably produce some workers for that assimilator as well if you want it to be useful. That delays your nexus even further. And it means you're going to have more oversaturation, less workers overall, because once again your nexus is going to be delayed. So just a crappy situation all around, in my opinion. Probably want to cut the next to a depth out, at least for a little bit. I'd love to see Warpgate start, though. I think that's generally a good call. instead we see even a Stargate before the Nexus. So that makes this type of attack a lot more all-in. A proxy hatch on the natural of the Protoss is not an all-in by Zerg. It is actually a trick to try and get ahead. If your opponent responds poorly, which is what the barcode player is doing here, then you might get ahead. Now, Zerg player also doesn't have the greatest setup to defend this. It was forced into building hatchery over here on the third base, which actually really freaking sucks, because then the Zellet plus double-euvre. Adept is going to deal some serious, serious damage. Adept somehow missed that drone. I want to see that interaction again. That was freaking impressive. Look at this. He right-click the drone. I want to see that for a third time. What in the world was that? How is that even possible? Oh, I think I know what happened. So, okay, I know exactly what happened. So what happened here is that these Adepts, they shoot something just before their shade finishes and thus their attacks are on cool down so it probably shoot the yeah see the last thing he does is shoot this head so then you're right-clicking the drone he's like wait i can't shoot it's still on cool down it feels really weird and that's his own mistake really so it could have been minus one more drone a bit of a mistake but happens to the best of course overall the damage that has been dealt has been good enough i think like if you if you can take out all these lings especially if you were to target fire and not split shot everything He did two, three shots there. Ended up killing one Ling. That's not a great return of investment. Oh, it's going to get more. I mean, this is just so good for you. This is so freaking good. There's some worker production behind this as well. Stargate has been supply blocked for... Well, quite out. Actually, that Stargate went down pretty quickly because that was with the second gas. Now, an entire chrono boost has been used on it as well. So the reason why the second gas got built was for the faster Stargate, but then the Oracle didn't pop out anyway because he was supply blocked. Now the nexus is the thing that unsupply blocks him. This is beautiful in a way. This really is quite beautiful in a way. Adepts coming back home. This is not really the end of the world. You can just build a pile in here temporarily or even a gateway or a cybernetic score. In this case, I actually think a gateway would be the best thing to build here. So you see that this is actually, this is some nice theory as well. So if you're being bailing Al-Lind or Roach-Lind, the thing that you want, is probably a cybernetic score, and you want, so you want to have these three hexes, you know, ready so you can build a three-by-three building that can either be a forge, gateway or cybercore. Now, the reason why against roaches and Bainlingbus, why you want a cybernetic score is because it gains HP the fastest. A cybercore has 550 health, 550 shields, and builds in 36 seconds. Well, a gateway has 500 health and 500 shields, and it builds in 46 seconds. So it takes a longer time and does it. the overall health per second increase is much lower on the gateway. So if you're being all-in by something that really tries to get in fast and most likely is going to succeed as well, you probably want to have some type of cybernetics score. However, in this case, where it is a non-committed all-in, most likely, a gateway is better because it builds for 46 seconds. That gives you a lot of time for you to not forget to cancel. If you build a pylon, like we saw our barcode friend do right here, it finishes in 18 seconds, and that means that now, you're stuck with a pylon because most likely 18 seconds after you start the pylon, the link flood is still being active, it is still trying to kill. But you know that it's going to stop the moment your Oracle finishes up and the moment your first battery finishes up. This seems like a little bit of overkill, double battery, full wall on top of everything. Also I think we had a bit of a probe cut during it because all of a sudden we're a little bit behind in workers, which shouldn't really be possible, I think, after the early game that our ProDos player had. This is like getting insulted on the street one time by like a seven-year-old. It calls you a loser. Then deciding to get like a personal security detail walking around your neighborhood when you're walking your dog or something like that because you're too afraid. It's like, well, perhaps you really are a loser if that is, you know, the type of action you take after being called one once. Like, this is, it's too much. It's a lot of overkill here. Not a huge fan of it. Really not a huge fan of it. Oracle's coming in are going to get a lot of kills. Hey, the Zurich is not defending very well. Still up a work or somehow some way. Freaking phenomenal production. Just been building drones this entire time. I really do believe that this Ling investment was worth it. And it was a Ling investment that kind of was a reaction to the initial adapt, you know? Forced out a lot. Nexus on the 30. extremely delayed over here as well which is important to note it's just extremely delayed god more gas is coming down this poor positioning is not not quite brilliant in my opinion this boy this is fine if you have like 12 queens yeah this is something people copy from reiner reiner does this quite a bit like he puts it on the outside um and then the queens they cover this area, but then the oracles can't easily fly in towards the main base. And then you have, like, lower level players. Like, oh, Reynor puts the sport over here. Surely is good. Yeah, but the thing about Reynor is that his queens are always in position and also that he gets like eight queens. Right now, the Zerg player has four queens. So this is basically now an empty base. Like, if they two or the three oracles, if they show up over here, snip the queen and then take out 15 drones, this poor is just going to be sitting there, like, from a distance. Like, what am I supposed to do, guys? This is not the position that was supposed to be built in. It's not good. It's really not good. Okay, this was the attack on the third base. This is just the leftover link from earlier, though. This actually is just like... This was not supposed to cancel a third. This was more of a scout, see if he could take out an adapt. This is not a serious, serious assault. Prodose player still down in workers at this point hasn't quite saturated these gases. Scout on the hydrodron hasn't happened yet either. We're going to see that over here right now. Now. Not our hatchery. This jerk has a freaky way of playing. Let me tell you that. I'm not a huge fan of it, but still a hat, so don't hear me complain. Hydras is a response to three oracles, is kind of what it feels like, or maybe just because it wants the Hydra all in. At this point, Hydra then has been scouted though. I said he was going to respond with the Robo Bay and Colossus, I think. Three oracles moving around. This is a really weird attack. Yes, he's down in workers, but it doesn't actually matter so much. If you see that your opponent is on four gases, no fort base, as a Prodos player, all you need to do is survive. You just sit back, relax, wait till your opponent kills yourself into you, because it's going to be pure, well, a lot of lings. in there. There might be roaches, there might be hydras, but it's mainly, there's going to be a lot of lings because there's simply no gas for a never-ending stream of hydras. Also, a never-ending stream of hydras is quite bad, to be frank. There's no upgrades with this either. Roebbeye has has finished up, and I think a disruptor would be the correct call. Now, this has all been spotted, right? The fact that it's foregast, the fact that there's no fortbase. So that means that getting extra batteries here would probably a good call, or extra cannons would be a good call as well. even in bases you just build batteries invest your money in batteries oh you need to do a fort base this is an interesting one well interesting it's a mistake a pretty sizable mistake as well that's a lot of minerals that you could have invested in static defense now if you're being attacked in your choices between a nexus or four batteries and a cannon usually the batteries and the cannon are are much better it's a bit as if you're being attacked on the street and you could pick to either have a knife or an apple and half a potato. Now, I'm sure that if you're... If you're very creative, the potato could be useful. What is this? Look at this. Like, what was the thought process here? Let me just blink into melee range of the lings. What? What MMR was? Yeah, 4200. 4200 MMR. The entire point of blink is that you can blink back. Blink your stalkers to safety. Or for chasing. Your opponent is in a position. This is beautiful. This probe is... Like, this entire setup is so good, actually. I freaking love this setup. There's a cannon over here. You could build a stasis as well. You have this wall going for you. If your opponent needs to chase you right now, that would suck. You have one colossus kind of on the way. This robot bay went down like three minutes ago. Why is there no Colossus out? This Blingford is not it, mate. Super Battery also can't even heal majority of the stalkers. Like, Super Battery is actually inactive for a majority of this fight. Healing the Oracle. That's it. Now it's going to do this one stalker. This is a terrible fight. This is actually... And now the game just ends. I mean, yeah. You could have stalled for so much longer here if you wouldn't have lost all of your stalkers on the left side for free by blinking into melee range. And now the Colossus shows up. What was this? Sorry, I want to check a couple of... things. I think the game was going to end so fast. Okay. When was the Robobey? When did that start? I feel like I was with the pushout. Okay. So Robo Bay finishes up. Eight minutes and 20 seconds in, right? You definitely could have had a colossus had you started one immediately. But didn't you, what did you say in the stupid form? I killed more than 10 drones with Oracle harassment, and I even managed to scout the Hydra then, to which I responded with a robot. bay. So, this might be my poor understanding of the English language in general. Okay, I'm not a native speaker. But if you say I responded to that with a robo bay, I kind of assumed that it naturally followed that you would get something out of the robo bay that would help in the defense. Otherwise, why would you mention that as a good thing? It's like, they were threatening my life. So as a response, I bought a bulletproof vest. And then you get shot? They open up your shirt? No bulletproof vest because you left it at home in the closet. It's like, what? Like, surely if you're bragging about getting the robo bay as a response to a hydrodotene, you get a unit out of the robo bay that is impactful or that did anything. Like, you can't complain about it. didn't use it. You can't sue the manufacturer of the bulletproof vest because you left it at home in your closet when you get shot. Well, I didn't wear it at the time, but it still didn't work. Like, yeah, no crap. Holy cow. I don't even quite know what to say. I feel like the position was way better than you deserved, mainly due to the deserts very poor early game and poor harassment defense overall. builder there was legitimate balls, your response to the cheese was legitimate balls. But the Zerg follow-up also just wasn't so tight. And he masses hydras. You scout it. You could have prepared for it. You knew there was a hydral incoming because you built a row away. But you also get a Ford base. It's like, eh, not entirely sure. This is like putting half of your money on roulette on the black collar and then half of your money on red. Repeat this experiment for seven hours and realize you have no more money left. Like, oh, how did that works? Like, yeah. No, crap. It's like, in the middle of the road. not always the greatest thing. Cannons and batteries and a colossus and you're fine. Well, also don't blink your entire army into your opponent's lings. Like you want to reduce service area using blink, not increase it. I mean, I'm impressed by the Zerg's ability to come back after the very poor early game, taking a lot of damage, but you made it very easy. This had little to do with Zerg being overpowered and more to do with you sucking at reading games and just not responding properly and god-awful micro so sorry my dear barcode friend you suck and that's just the way it is all right that's going to be it for today's episode of is it imba or do i suck if you did enjoy this don't forget hit the like button subscribe to the channel be sure to send in your own replays using the form in the description and hopefully i'll see all of you next time for a new video thanks so much for watching and bye bye A right eye blink. Never get these. Rare commodity. |
But He STILL LOST The Game?!?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | I don't know what to say. Here I sit, reading this complaint form about how much damage this guys supposedly did in the early game, thinking it is nothing but a lie, just to find out, it all is true! But how does he lose this game after killing over 30 SCVs early on?!?! I guess we'll have to find out together. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wqi5FhXvlHk/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | wqi5FhXvlHk | Dear Captain, I am currently in a state of disbelief regarding how strong Terranalins are. This issue has been bothering me for some time now, but I think I finally obtained definitive proof of this blatant imbalance. The game starts with a proxy oracle I learned from our proto's savior, hero. They managed to kill an astounding 14 SEVs while my opponent sneaks in two Helions and kills some proponents. and kill some probes in return. I admit my control wasn't perfect as I ended up losing two oracles for nothing. But obviously the damage was still far greater on his side. My opponent then decides to attempt a marine drop, but loses everything for a mere three probes and a zealot as he decides to manage it with the so-called... ...myrind micro. My next step of the game was to do the usual four-gate blink aggression which turns into a massive success, success, with an additional 16 SEVs killed and the Stim research cancelled. Feeling confident I decided it's time to end the game and go for the kill with a charge and storm push. However, I was caught of guard by the size of my Terran's foes army. My micro was not perfect and I didn't have a war prism for the High Templars, so I backed out and saved my key units. As expected, the Terran chose to go all in shortly afterward. I thought it was going to be an easy hold. to my horror, I had once again underestimated the strength of a two-based errand, especially one with Ghost. Unable to defend on two fronts, as he also decided to drop my main base, I was forced to tap out. How is it possible for my opponent to come out on top with a Stim A move after being dominated and sustaining so much damage throughout the game? I knew the other end was coming, and yet I was still powerless to stop it. Please tell me, Captain. Is it Imba? Or do I suck? This imbalance complaint form was sent in by New Horizons. On the European server, a master's player with 4.5K MMR, wondering whether Terran is imbalanced. Probably sucks. And we're here to find out. There we go. New Horizons versus Tombra. Here on Dragon Skills, opening up with a bit of a reaper wall. New Horizons That's also the game with the with a crooked raccoon, isn't it? I re-played this game for a bit. I forgot the real name of it now for a second. Animals Crossing. There's a raccoon that loans you some money and then you can go build on his island. I'm not sure if you also need to pay rent. This guy is a massive prick, this raccoon. And then you can build furniture. It's kind of like an MMRP, except you don't kill anything. And you can't level up your skills very much. It wasn't very fun. It was a very basic game, I remember. It was called New Horiz. Everyone was very excited for it, but I don't quite understand why. It was really bad. Animals Crossing, yeah, that's what it was called. This build order here, I'm not entirely sure if Hero plays it like this. Now, it is possible that Hero played it like this. I don't think he would build it back here. Usually, what you do with a proxy target is that you build it as close to your opponent as possible. And even if it's going to get scouted. So most of the time, at least you build it over here, sometimes even here. This is a very obvious location. But all the way back here means that it's like, what, another eight, nine seconds of traveling. That might mean another round of Marine comes out. So rather than there just being two Marines, it might actually be. four marines, or rather than being four marines, it might be six marines. On top of that, it also means that maybe an extra mine is out or a cyclone can, you know, pop out on the map, depending a bit on the Terran build order. Terran does SCV scout opening up with a Reaper first. Get that high ground CC as a result. What did he play here? Fairly odd early game. What is this? Reactor into factory, I guess, then. Okay, well that just means the factory is going to be very delayed. Also, it's not going to find the Stargate, so that's at least nice. This was a pretty late Stargate, by the way. This went down two minutes and two seconds, so no type of 12 pylon, 13 gate or 13 pylon 14 gate, in which you can get that Stargate maybe 10 seconds quicker or so. So this is not a super rush. It's not as dedicated or not as committed as we see some of these other Stargate proxy speed. This just means you're going to need to kill some workers and maybe deal some damage. You're already delaying the CC from going down in the natural, as this all got built in the main. So that's already good damage, despite not really being direct damage. It's a nice indirect damage for sure. First, the Marines here are popping out. I never quite understood this type of move, just starting to hit a depot with an adept and a zealot. In my mind, this should almost never work. I guess you're going to deal some damage on these Marines, which is nice. We have a car on the way. This is kind of a wild move, isn't it? Surely that should have been a mine. Surely that should have been a mine. Well, as a result, this article's going to deal a lot of damage. Surprising call here from our Tarrant player. Also not in position at all here to deal with this Oracle. This is not his game. This is absolutely not his game. There's Oracle's just popping in over here. It kills a six, seven workers, yep, seven workers. Takes out three, four Marines as well on top of that. Hallion has been spotted. There's a second Helion on the way. This is a very confused response out of the Terran for me. I don't... Like, if you're being proxied, you either get a mine or a cyclone. These are the two options you have. Usually you get a mine into a cyclone, so you're safe against Oracle. and mine is always nice to have and then the cyclone can help you be safe against more oracles later on or in case it's like a proxy robot or something, but I don't quite know what this was. Now the cars are moving across the map. They're going to deal a little bit of damage at least, so that's going to be nice, but you're still struggling with these oracles. 14 worker kills total. Now this Viking is going to clean it up because New Horizons has decided to stop controlling the units altogether. Has added two more gateways and now starts blink, I kind of do enjoy a little bit of a three-gate blink behind this. I think this is a good type of build order. It allows you a lot of control and maybe allows you to deal a little bit of damage. Well, probably actually allows you to deal more than just a little bit of damage because you've already dealt so much damage in the early game. You know, if you deal a lot of damage initially, it becomes much easier to deal damage after as well, majority of the time at least that seems that is the case. Double minds now out this Yeah I mean Terran is absolutely dead at this But the game is over over Like he's not just a little bit over It's absolutely completely over You have a fort gate coming down Ne This I'm not a fan off Okay what was it you said again My next step of the game Was to do the usual four gate blink aggression Which turns into a massive success The usual four gate blink aggression. Now, forgate blink aggression is very common to play and proxy oracle, you know, you can play as well. These are, these are separate build orders in a way. You can't really mix the two and then say, oh, this is the usual fourgate blink aggression because you open up with a proxy Oracle. This is like having two completely different recipes. It's like you're making your chicken Alfredo pasta and then midway through, you realize, you're you also want a watermelon smoothie. You know, like these things, one doesn't necessarily lead into the other. It's not, you can have it with it. That's allowed, but it's not like, you make it sound like the four gate blink is the standard follow-up. I think the standard follow-up from a proxy Oracle is some type of three-gate blink, and I know this sounds like a small difference, but I don't think it is. Or perhaps you're just going into like a Phoenix charge type of style, you know, where you're going to keep a lot of control, control with the air units. The problem that I have with four gate blinking situations where you're very far ahead as a follow-up is that it puts you in a more all-in position that you would need to be. Right now, you could have been building a fort base already at like five minutes and 50 seconds in. Instead, you're going to get like maybe two extra stalkers rather than having 11 stalkers are going to have 30, you know? And I honestly doubt that you're completely, like, fully producing this entire time anyway. So I'm not a huge fan of this. I'm also not a huge fan of these three pylons that get built all at the same time. I mean, you're dealing with this drop that should be no major issue. Mine's going to clear that one zealot. Yes, yeah, drop is going to get cleared up. This wasn't a great drop. But so far, honestly, I... Like, I really don't like this. type of play. When you're really, really far ahead, I think it's much, much better to just get a slightly faster third base, and you still go on the map with your three-gate blink stalkers or even two-gate blink stalkers, you know? You can deal some damage with it. You can control the pace of the game, but you also continue getting further and further ahead with that probe count, because right now you're going to have a small probe cut, and your nexus is going to be delayed by like a minute and a half compared to what it usually is. Like, well, okay, by about a minute. That's at 5.50 or so he probably could have built a nexus. So that's like what five probes that you lose from that nexus. This is an interesting way of blinking into tanks. That one I haven't quite seen before. Dodging a mine by then blinking deeper into the tank shot. Not a huge fan of that personally. I have a Templar archives going up behind it. So there is some macro. You have continued work of production again as well. Here we go into the main. Hashermire so far forward into tank shot every single time. Not a huge fan of that personally. Okay, I got a revelation of as well. Moves in. I'm not a huge fan of the Blink Micro so far. Well, of the Blink. It's not really been micro with it. What was that? What in the world was that? Okay, look at this move. No way. My man, my man stands still here. Look at this. Stand still here for five seconds. Then blinks for movement speed. This I've never seen. He was literally just idling here. If you want to move here, you can start moving already. already. It's like where's the anticipation of where you want to go next? This is like when you're driving up to a traffic light and rather than hitting the brake, you know, ahead of time, anticipating what's about to happen, you just drive straight into a tree because it makes you stop quicker. It's like, what? Now, I don't want to be mean, but perhaps you shouldn't build blink stalkers or practice with them first. because you dealt a lot of damage, don't get me wrong, you dealt a great amount of damage, but it is kind of painful that you didn't kill your opponent here, or that you kept all, like, majority of your stalkers alive. It felt like every single time you lost a stalker, it was completely unnecessary. So I would recommend just very critically looking at your own blink control and then kind of taking it from there. On top of that behind this, you haven't been macroing so well, you just now threw down those extra gateways. And as a result, you're flowing quite a bit of cash and you're down in army supply, which is, you know, sucks quite a bit. You've been very aggressive, but you haven't been preparing at all for the defense. There's no map vision at all here on the left side, which means that a drop heading into your main could actually deal with some damage. You're still working hard on losing stalkers into a bunker, which this is not really what you should be focusing on right now. You should be focusing on spending your money. That's much more important and getting some map vision. Now, there are 4 Templar out. Storm is about to finish up as well. Charge has finished. There's not a single upgrade, by the way. Not a single forge is even out yet. This drop now hits the main base. Recall can be used, of course, to deal with that. It can also just start walking there. It's going to take a bit longer, but there's no stim yet with this push. So honestly, it's not really the end of the world. No cancel on that robotics facility. This army should just get cleaned up pretty much for free. As this drop is trying to get a pile and kill. manages to run out no feedback being used not the greatest control on those stalkers now this was bad for our Protoss player here our new horizons proos player but the game is still completely over like it it is even more so over than before now why is that the case is because now the only drop that is really viable has been you know it has been shown and as a result it's pretty easy to throw down pilots right now um there's a lot of cash there are a lot of games waste 10 gates, so it should be capable of just adding in like four Archons at this point. You're, you know, just start working towards a max out. There's a forge on the way, which I don't completely mind either. I'm not a huge fan of attacking when you're up. Well, what is it? Basically double the workers or almost double the workers. Because the advantage that you have is time. Why would you want to shorten that advantage, right? If you're fighting on your opponent's side of the map here, you're going to be fighting earlier. Your opponent is going to have the benefit of reinforcement as well. Well, if the Terran moves out, that's another 30, 40 seconds that you have, which is, well, basically two more warpins that you can have in your army before you fight. And you just said you knew your opponent was all in. So I'm not a huge fan of this. Still should be fine, though. Look at the Templar. I didn't quite catch it. Okay. We have four Templar with about two, two-stom. each. And there are marines here without combat shield, which means they die very quickly. Now look at where the priority here of these Templars, okay? Look at this. Look at this. They're like, oh wait, this might not be best. No, it was. There's no way. Four full energy, Templar, a single ghost. out on the map and an army that consists of pure marine. And you manage to put these four guys just on a move to attack this barracks. That is insane. That is actually insane. This is like having a team of five people. You need one person to go for the fastest run possible. one of the people in your team is Usain Bolt. And you decide to use Usain Bold as your water boy or something instead. Rather than having him as the runner. It's like, this is a complete misappropriation of resources here. Like, literally a single storm would have completely ended him. I still don't think the fight was necessary. I don't think the fight was a great call. But I still also believe that you should have won the freaking fight. Because users, I mean, you just were very far ahead. and you had freaking Templar against non-combat shield marines. Now you have no clue that he's moving out. Once again, you're too late to realize that there's a drop coming in. You could recall for this. You have no clue that this attack is coming in either. There's a fort base at this point. So you have kept expanding behind this. Two robotics facilities as well. Robobabat finished. We build a warp prism. Ten zealots now get warped in right into your opponent's face. Use a recall. You're just walking into... Oh my god. Did that second storm actually completely miss? This is unbelievable. This is actually... Look at this. Look at the first storm? First storm, so that was a good storm. And then the second one... I don't think it deals any damage to these tanks, does it? Oh, no, a little bit. A little bit of damage. games still looking good for you technically you're up quite a bit you have an extra base you could pull these workers away you could hold these salads back for a bit and then just clear this army no yeah i don't quite on it was let me pick up our arc on here i'm not so sure warps in right in front half an army is still up here waiting for something to happen now moves out of position as the drops come back in for a fifth time. This is an absolutely unbelievable game. I think... I just think that at any point, literally at any point, if you have a split... And I'm not even talking about a perfect split. Just any split ahead of time, you just win the game. If your units are ever in position, but every single fight you took defensively, your units were in the wrong spot. Like, the tank Marine Force arrives at your third base, you're in the wrong spot. The drop arrives in your main, you're literally never there to stop it. Legitimately no map vision, there was no control on the Templar that I would deem to be acceptable, and it was the same on the blink stalkers. So what I would suggest to you here, New Horizons, is that as it like your macro honestly seemed completely decent you're floating about 1500 gas in the end and yes there were moments of high flotation in general what I would suggest is just stop using stalkers because you need to control them kind of individually stop using Templar you need to kind of control them individually just get a more of an A-move army getting colossus getting Archons because when it comes to unit control this definitely wasn't it I'd also suggest going for map vision, but as that's something you struggle with, maybe just blindly pre-split like six stalkers to your main at all times. Use recall whenever you're out of position rather than whatever this was, just sending them out and then having to recall back to your third base into your opponent's setup already. Like, you open up with an Oracle all in or with an Oracle proxy. It deals a lot of damage. Then you have somewhat of an OK follow, which also deals. deals a lot of damage. You need to understand that if you're extremely far ahead, that you just need to survive. You said you knew there was an all-incoming. Well, if you knew there wasn't all-incoming, why are you building a fort base with two more gases? Why are you building a war prism? Why are you attacking into your opponent that is on two bases at that point? Like, there's just so many questions. Like, why do you decide to add in a forge, you know, at like the eight-minute mark if you know that you're being two base all in. Like surely every single resource should be going into stopping, stopping an all-in. And also, if you know you're being all-in, why are you pulling your entire army out of position for a two-met-effect drop if you know that a two-base-all-in is coming? It's like you're saying these things, but you don't actually believe it at all. You're a Protoss grifter, my friend. Like, I understand this is very frustrating. I've had games myself like this against Darren, right? where it's like, oh, the stupid mules and they can afford their full production. But at the same time, it's like, you already had the tech, you already had the production. Like, if you can't win a game against this dude being up freaking 40 workers for a majority of the game, then maybe your opponent is just better than you. And maybe the only reason why you're acting at this MMR whatsoever is because you have some cheeses that put you very far ahead in the game. Like, I think you were the one kind of looking out of. of place at this MMR level, not your opponent. Your opponent got caught of guard and honestly god-awful cheese defense or proxy defense, but whatever you did afterwards was just terrible. Like there was, I'm kind of disappointed and ashamed of the European server that this is what manages to make it to four or five these days. So yeah, I'm sorry, New Horizons, just like Animals Crossing. You suck. And that's just the way it is. All right, that's going to be it for me today. Thanks also much for watching this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did enjoy it, don't forget to hit the like button, subscribe to the channel and hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Bye-bye. |
But His “PROOF” Is A MASSIVE LIE! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | This is an AMAZING game today guys. We actually have a win condition victory instead of a surrender, we have some good old flame in the chat and some INSANE decision-making. Sit back and enjoy! Here is the link from the form btw: https://youtu.be/3jcGiFEMITQ?t=2020 LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7LBIpZM0JAM/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 7LBIpZM0JAM | Hello, Captain. I am now furious. Salud me familiar. This nonsense has been bugging me for a long time. It is no other than the Inba carriers. The game starts with a cannon rush. Okay, so I sack my natural expansion and go expand somewhere else, while I defend the cannon rush with two roaches and a queen. He finds my new expansion and kills it. But after this, I make two expands and harass him with some muta. I keep denying his third base and then the imborses. He just messes carriers on 2Base and I can do absolutely nothing. Right, that's what I was thinking, dude! I have hydras, but that doesn't help at all, even when he has small numbers of carriers. Then he suddenly just gets a lot of carriers on 2Base. Tell me, how is this possible to beat? Even when I know it's coming, I cannot do anything about this. Carriers are imba. They must be, right? Or do I just suck? This imbalance complaint form was sent in by Heat, a European diamond with 3,80099 MMR. The question this Zerg player has is, are carriers imba or does he suck? And we'll help him figure it out. This place called Harstam Health. You can make it up. All righty friends, here we go with our game between Heat, our submitter, and the opponent is going to be Smarza, says you too, have fun, from, ask heat. Very intense. Lots of conversations here at this level, I guess. I hardly have, well, actually, I also have a lot of conversations when I have that. All the time. I'm so bad at it, though. Whenever I start typing to other people, usually I get supply blocked or forget to build my second gas or forget to build my cyber. Like, one of the standard structures just get forgotten. And as a result, I tend to just not chat at all with my opponents anymore. Like I'll do it once or twice, and then I realize why I didn't do it anymore. And I'll lose like 400 MMR to a guy that's 5.6K. God, life is difficult. Hatch first does go down here for heat, so that is nice? Or well, is it nice? Because the hatch first allows Smarsa to throw down the forge and go for a cannon rush. Both overlords so far are being sent across the map, which is an interesting maneuver. It's one of those moves that is kind of cool. you sometimes see it at higher level play because it allows you to scout a tech from two directions. So basically you can poke in with an overlord from this type of area to see maybe if something is over here. You can see what units are spawning from the gateway. Well, at the same time, the second overlord can come from the back and maybe scout the actual tech, like whether it's going to be Stargate or some type of Twilight Counts or a robotics facility. Although it does look like heat has different plans right now. he's really keen on seeing what this extractor is up to. He's like, well, been proxigated from this exact location before it. This is not quite what you're supposed to do. Usually you keep your overlord, if you're not sending it across the map, your second overlord, keep it in the natural, exactly so you can see cannon rush is coming. And if you see it coming early, you can pull drones against a gate into forge cannon rush and probably be completely fine. This is just using your second, your second overlord wrong. It's like putting binoculars up your butt, and I'm being surprised that you can't see so well, and also that your behind is going to hurt. Because it just doesn't make any sense. It's really in between the correct calls. Either you leave it at home, or you send it across to use for scouting, but you don't leave it halfway across the map. It doesn't give you safety, and it doesn't give you information later on. You know, this is not a risk with a reward. It's just a senseless risk. It's like juggling with knives in front of the mirror, with your eyes closed, while you have never juggled before. that's usually going to go wrong. I'm not sure why the mirror is there, but I think it's a well-needed detail. Dron has escaped to the top right. It's going to build a hatchery. Look at this, though. Smart has a profession. This is how you know that someone is a professional cannon rushers. Is that their first response, after having a successful cannon rush, isn't celebrating or starting to spray with the probe on the other side of the map, or dancing their units, or building a, you know, a manner nexus, starting to bad manner, whatever, no, it is scouting to make sure there's no proxy hatch. Literally scouting every single base is going to find this base that heat is building here top right. So that most likely is going to get spotted. Meanwhile, heat is tacking into layer, has two roaches as well as a queen-outloos, even microwing that roachback. It's actually kind of nice. I do like to see that. See no target fire. Otherwise, the right-side erosion might have still been targeted down. It's not going to be the case as these pylons are now in trouble. But at the same time, let's not forget, this hatchery most likely also is going to be in some troubles. the zealot starts fighting it, this hatchery is a long way from home. It's actually closer to the Protoss base than it is to the Zerg base. I'm not entirely sure why we're building it over here, rather than just building it on the third location. It's not like Protoss can continue proxy canoning the same base again and again. It is way too expensive. And especially if you're planning on defending with roaches, you're already going to have the units to deal with it anyway. So this seems like once again a risk really without a reward. Like, it would just have been better to build at the third base. Now, most likely it's going to end up dying. And that means that we have a situation in which Protoss not only has more workers, Proz will also have better tech, or, yeah, Spire versus Stargate, so better tech for Protoss, and be up in Nexus as well. So really right now, Protoss, as far as I can see, is it added everywhere. How did I miss this queen just moving across the map? This is the journey of a life. This has to be frustrating to arrive. It only gathered 72 energy in that entire walk. That does surprise me a little bit. You rebuilt the hatchery here. That has to be a mental defect now. Why would you do this? Because it's already been spotted. The entire point of a proxy is that it doesn't get spotted. it's not going to provide any value to the heat for being here except quicker reinforcements if you're planning on all inning but he's playing one-base muta so in my mind having this hatch just rebuild on this particular location on the third location would have been much better than building it over here where it a already has been spotted and b it's super hard to defend it the reason why proxy bases are so such a rare sight to see is because it forces you to have defenses in two locations. If Smarsa ever decides to attack the natural, you need a massive army there. If Smarsa ever decides to attack this base, the proxy base, you need an army there. And this is a long distance. So you'll need very good map control in order to deal with all of this. Now, mutas are popping out, and that's going to give some map control, but these mutas need to deal some freaking damage. It is 38 workers to 22 currently. Not a very good look here for our Zerg player. Actually, a fairly bad look for our Zerg player. Voidre is going to move back, and the mutas will, well, ignore it at least for now. Queen is going to move over. I wonder if the void ray is going to switch targets or if it's going to continue attacking this hatchery. Always interesting to see. She's going to get an instant recall the moment the mutas get spotted. I don't actually think these mutas are going to be capable of doing a whole lot. Two void rays nearby. We have a second start. Oh, there's a battery cannon in the main already as well. Phoenix immediately starts. So invested into six mutas, and so far has killed five workers. Now, let's not forget that investing in these mutas has also significantly delayed the extra drones. So this is not just the straight-up cost, like the 200-200 for Aspire and the 1,200 resources for building the mutas. But no, it's also just the fact that you have less drones as a result. So he's down in Eco, has invested in a crap tech that has already been countered by the default choice of the opponent. I felt like he said that he was kind of denying things on the other side of the map and did some successful muta harass. But so far I haven't quite been capable of discovering that yet. We have any impulse crystals. I think this response is slightly overblown as well. We're going to see a third Stargate and more phoenix is on the way. I understand that as someone that has been traumatized. That's a queen with a dead wish. Is this the same queen that walked to the right side? No, it's a different one. These queens, they freaking love walking off creep, don't they? This game must not be a very good boss. They walk into danger. You know, I want to end it as fast as possible. But anyway, what I was saying? Right. Traumatized by Mura. So I understand that you want to save up some phoenixes and that you're not really scouting. I actually kind of empathize with this Protoss player. Mutas are now idling in a corner somewhere on the map. Still have only killed five probes total. So if you take a look at the resources lost app so far, it shows, well, it pretty much tells the tale that the protels has lost less important things. And on top of that has also just been ahead in Eco this entire. time. It's honestly kind of a miracle that these drone counts are so close as they are. I honestly think that the Zerg is pretty lucky that Prodos doesn't realize here that there is a new base up. Because if that was the case, it would have just gotten harassed by these phoenixes or the zealot-stalker combination moves over or this Voidray attack would go there. I don't necessarily mind this Voidre Phoenix attack over here, but if it would have been going to the third base, that third base would be 100% toast. Now it might still be somewhat close. Spororor is helping out as well right now. Hyros are about. to pop hydros have popped void rays are just move commanding through this sport that's actually kind of a mistake he's using them in the same control group right now as the as the phoenixes so he's never actually dealing damage with these void rays that is a mistake for sure as a result is going to end up losing a lot of units here and that actually is kind of sad i feel like otherwise the game would have been over already like very very over because honestly prolos was miles ahead now there might be a little bit of a timing but don't forget this is still of very low eco. Hydro-lisk on low eco are not great. There's nothing to do with the economy. Hydros on high eco are also not great. It's because Hydra sucks. So no matter what eco you have, they're going to be bad. You can have 120 drones at this point. Hydra still balls, mate. Like, she's a bad unit. Also, if you have the same amount of hydros as your opponent has Phoenix, these are practically the same, like in an attack, usually it's not a wise timing to attack. I'm surprised this went that well. There was like six hydros against four phoenixes. If a super battery had been activated and the phoenixes would have been microed, well, once more, hydras would have ended up dying. Now, carrier is going to be somewhere. Where's the rest of the hydras? Okay, they're now making their way across the map. Get a big lift over here. Is this hydra's going to die? It's plus one versus plus one. I'm surprised that we're continuing the assault here, but I guess with these eight new hydras, maybe it's possible. If you, I think you have to clear the interceptors. I I do think that is the fine call. Yeah, loses one or two hydras, we'll clear all interceptors, and we'll actually get the third base as well. So that's kind of cool. Now, this is a little bit of difficult theory that is often overlooked, but the moment you gain a lead somewhere or the moment you kill a third base doesn't necessarily mean that you gain an eco lead, right? So if we're actually looking at the economy situation right of this moment, I don't actually think Zerg is very far ahead when it comes to that, right? It is 49 workers to 46. Yes, you have more mineral patches that you can saturate, and the main base is also already kind of mined out. But this is still a very small difference that we're looking at. In order to now utilize the advantage, or yet to kind of use the fact that you killed this third base, you need to drone up. You maybe even need to take a fourth base. And being at an equal worker count, versus the Protoss that already has carriers out is usually not a very good look, especially if your tech is significantly further behind. Like carriers are the very last unit that Protoss gets to build. If you don't have any tier 3 units, no viper, or even casters, like an infestor or something, life is usually going to be quite difficult. I also wouldn't recommend moving across the map with 10 hydras against five carriers. Don't forget you're just trading against the interceptors, you're not really killing carriers if you're trying to attack now you okay i i'm gonna have to go back in time this is i just don't understand this type of move it's like there's no no real vision there's no goal he just is kind of following like whatever his gut tells him to do in the moment you know it's the type of guy this is the type of guy that goes into a grocery store and just literally follows his nose. You ever read like those marketing books where when you go into a grocery store, you put like the bread section in the very back because people will follow their nose through the store, you know, and they pick up products they don't need and they're hungry, you know, you're enticing. And that's why, you know, fresh bread people love. Fresh bread. And all of these studies are always done with people like heat who just kind of, they have no self-discipline, you know, they don't know if they need 12 avoccurts. tonight, but they smell the bread and they are hungry now and they want to eat. It's the same in this game. Like, if we just think about this situation for a moment, we have 1,700 resources in the bank. There's 12 larva waiting to be used. We still need to saturate gases on our third base, and we have a fort base coming up. We have just cancelled our opponent's third base. This is an absolutely key timing to just sit back, spend their money and start countering whatever the heck it is that our opponent is doing. In this case, it's going to be carriers. Are we safe versus a counterattack? That's the first thing you think about when you just kill the base. Are we safe against the countertrak? Do I need to worry about that? Is there any point of me pushing into three cannons and, well, at least three carriers? Because that's what you have scouted. You've scouted three carriers already. Right now, the army here wouldn't be capable of beating three carriers. You're definitely not capable of the reinforcing carrier, so the five carriers total, the three cannons, the three batteries. as well as a super battery. You literally killed like what, maybe three interceptors in this fight and lost all of your hydras. You still have 2K in the bank. You could have just moved back and the Protoss player either would have gone for a counterattack and that meant that you might have been capable of spending some of your money, maybe gotten some spores defensively as well and thus been ready for the counter or the Protoss would have stayed at home and you could have perhaps expanded your lead by droning up a little bit, getting those gases saturated, getting the hive. Because now you didn't. did nothing with it. You threw away the one advantage that you had, which was an army. You didn't expand any of your other advantages, and you're just way down in tech. Like, your opponent has as many carriers as you have hydras. There's not a very good look. This is also not really messing carriers. Like, this guy tried to play a legit game, well, opened with a Canonverse, but from there on, tried to play a semi-legit game, you know? It's going into void rays, and probably he was planning on some real legit style after. There was some real stark, coming in. It was you who did the D'Alins here, yeah? You walked across the map with the hydras and the rotors of 45 workers. He just defended, lost his third and then sadly was forced into a counterattack. And then now you're, well, extremely dead. So there's eight carriers versus nine hydras. You are probably not going to finish your plus two. Your main base is gone. There are some spores over here. And in a way, I appreciate the grit that you have. You know, just staying in this game. But I do wonder if it is the smartest use of your time. Imagine you have 50 minutes a day to play StarCraft to. Do you really want to sit here for another 45 seconds, seeing how your spire is going to get targeted down? Personally, I wouldn't. Are you still here? 50? Yeah, you are. Interesting. Hydra's taking out interceptor, still kiting as well. Still to believe that maybe something is possible. It's like earlier, my six Hydraus couldn't kill the three cannons and the three carriers, but maybe this time they're going to be capable of doing it. Nope. Still not capable of doing that quite. More extractors being taken out. Now it's truly starting to sink in. There's nothing left on the production. That's a scary moment. It's a scary moment in an I-O-this, when there's nothing left on the production tab. Because that either means that the guy just left the PC or he's busy asking chat GPT for some good insults. Oh, there. That's funny. Get owned all game and produce carriers. Now, you see this emoji here. That's this one. Heat isn't actually smiling. This is like a sarcastic one. So for the Terran players that decided to watch this, sarcasm doesn't really mean it. Okay? Don't worry, guys. He's actually quite upset right at this moment. he isn't happy at all, despite the happy emoge, whatever you call it. Spawning pool on the way. He said Gigi Noop. I didn't even catch that. This guy's such a baller. That's even dumber to say. No, I actually think that if someone starts flaming, oh, you have absolutely no skill. If someone says get owned all game and produce carriers, you're allowed to say GG Noop. I'm okay with that. You know, I'll rate that. that responds four out of five stars. I really do. You have absolutely no scale and you mess. One unit, beautiful. Yeah. You have absolutely no respect for other people's time because we're still in this game with nine supply against 141. Also, he legit was getting owned the entire game. He went for a one-based mutap play against someone that they went for a cannon brush and then you tried proxy hatching, which got spotted, killed, then rebuild the proxy hatch in the exact same location never went above 55 drones in your entire like in this entire game you're not entirely sure what are we doing here though this is this is not really it is it okay i'm not actually gonna watch this guy just sit here and attack a layer and spores That's how I spent seven days chasing a donkey in the Alps. What a time. So this is actually really cool. I do appreciate this, is that Smarza kind of has a sense of humor. And rather than attacking this with the carriers, decides to just use the probe. Patrol it around the spore for a little bit as well saying, hey, you're going to have a... I wonder if Heat is watching this or not. No, he actually went away from the computer. He went to get a drink or something. You definitely need a drink after a game like this. The funny thing is that he probably really believes that he deserved this. Because at this point he hasn't seen the replay yet either. I'm surprised that this got sent in, because I think if you watch this replay in a semi-serious manner, you know, you should be capable of figuring out that this had very little to do with the carrier. It literally could have been any unit. Yeah, D-G. Well, no, Gigi. But close enough. Like, it has very little to do with the actual, you know. It could have been like void rays, or if you would have massed Phoenixes very early on. I think there would have been enough phoenixes to kill the hydras as well. Or if it, like, or Colossus. You know, the problem really just was how bad the eco was early on after the cannon rush. It was probably one of the worst cannon rush responses that I've seen in my entire miserable life. And on top of that, the follow-up is also just garbage. Like eco-wise, it just sucks. And carriers, they're a little bit unfair in the way that as a Zerg player, you're going to need a lot of resources initially. Like, it is just the case. But the beauty of the carrier is that it allows you those resources. So if you see a toss tacking into carriers, it means they can be aggressive on the map for a very long time. Because if there's two carriers out, six queens are capable of beating those. If there's four carriers out, it becomes a little more scary. But by that point, you should already have like 85. drones, still those seven or eight queens, maybe some type of corruptor and just four carriers can't really move across the map. So there's a very long period in which it is completely viable for you to just practically exclusively build drones. However, rather than doing that, you continued building hydras the entire time, tried to go for a Hydra all-in, which it really was a very low drone Hydra all-in, which filled as you didn't kill your opponent. You did clear your opponent's third base, but you didn't drone up behind it. case it failed. I guess if the goal was to kill the third base and then drone up, well, yeah, then you also didn't achieve your goal because she didn't drone up. So either way, you executed it incorrectly. And then, yeah, carriers do beat Hydras. Like, I'm very sorry to tell you that, especially if the Zerg doesn't even have good eco to start with. You saying that you owned your opponent the entire game is simply not true, though, because the cannon rush went way better for your opponent. You lost your proxy hatch. The only thing that went well for you is the fact that the Protoss player Smarsa had decided to put the void rays into the Phoenix group. If he hadn't done that and the void rays would be attacking during that initial attack or he would have found the proxy hatch, you would have lost the game instantly after the cannon rush. And we never would have had this imbalance complaint for him. Well, maybe we would have had it. You would have told me that cannon rush is imbalance. And despite your perfect hold being down 25 workers, you still manage to lose the game. It's like, well, this is very little to do with imbalance. And it's not okay. It's not okay. It's not Okay, this is an honorable Canon Rusher that carved out a beautiful lead in the early game and then went in some nice Triple Stargate play. And I think that deserves respect, not just from you, but from all Zerg players worldwide. We've been disrespectful for too long. Cannon rushers rise up. Of course, this means this can only lead to one answer and that my dear friend, heat, is that you suck, and carriers are not imbalanced. All right, cannaders rise up. We'll be terrorizing the ladder for the next. five days with Canon Rushes exclusively. This is my promise to you. And I hope you guys will do the same thing. This is payback for heat lying on this imbalance complaint for. We're taking out the zergs around the world. Cannon Rush into Double Stargate Carrier. All right. We're ruining some day soon. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks off for watching. I'm going to get stabbed by a Zerg player next time I go to an event. I can feel it. Yeah, sorry. If you liked it, hit the like button, subscribe to the channel. It was all of you next time for a new video. Thanks so much for watching and bye bye. |
WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF, MY BROTHER?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I SUCK? | Today might be more of a therapy session. We have to talk about this guys fears! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/h-F857fMsWk/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | h-F857fMsWk | Dear harsh them, Zirc can make infinite units and Protoss can't do anything about it. Protoss units suck balls and Zirc units absolutely destroy them. The only way Protoss can win is if Zerg makes many mistakes and Protoss doesn't make any. It is a completely imbalanced matchup that is literally three times harder to execute the current meta as Protoss than it is as Zerg. As Zerg all you do is Herp-B-Durp defend and play super-grim 3D making a billion drones and Protoss has no units early to punish. How is it at the race which is designed to have units that are beefy and expensive loses to Rhodes Ravager cheap and A-move? It's actually a joke. The current meta is insanely more difficult for Protoss than Zerg and it's not even funny. As Protoss you have to have an extremely crisp build order or you just die to several things or you can never get your third up. Like, if you lose a single adept at the third, you lose the third most of the time. Or if you hold position your wall, one pixel of center and lings can squeeze through, you just die. It's really astronomically more difficult for Protoss than Zerg. Zerg is literally sit back, defend easy harass from Protoss with techniques that have been solved. Example. Oracle, just build a spore and two queens at each base and you won't lose more than three drugs. In order for Protoss to not lose, the Zerg has to play a bad game. It is irritating how much worse my opponents are than me and still manage to beat me because my units are trash. This Inbalanced Complaint Form was sent in by Krill, a 4,000 MMR Diamond player from North America and Krill wonders whether Zerg is imbalanced or if he sucks. So Krill, let's figure it out. All right, and that brings us to Neo-Humanity, Krill versus the Little Tyrant. Protoss versus Zerg on a map that in my mind is a little bit Zerg favorite due to this rich Vespian geyser. We always, or always, we often see Zerg players take the forward base, either as the natural as their third or as their third base, and then they just move across the map with Roach Ravager or they do some Roach attack and go into Mute us from there. It just allows for way sharper timings, and it is actually really difficult to deal with as a Protoss player. also feel like that it's quite hard to harass on this map with things like adepts and even with oracles to a certain extent. The wordstowers give so much much vision for the Zerg player that I really feel like it is so, so difficult for it thus often. Wait, this is a 12-poo, isn't it? Yeah. 12-po opener here by Natty Little Tyrant, not a steroid user. As we have a... It's interesting that this didn't get mentioned at all. No? Usually whenever there's a cheesy early game or just anything that is slightly out of the ordinary, I feel like it would get mentioned in the imbalance complaint for him, but not today. So that that kind of scares me. It might mean that Creel had such a terrible response that he decided to just kind of, you know, I'm going to admit that part of the entire game. You know, sometimes I'll watch the game. It's like, I played a perfect early game. I watch the early game. The guy cancels his Nexus four times and misplaces it the fifth time. He's like, well, it's perfect early game. Sure. That looked great. This is... You know, on any other map, I would have been... Well, would have been okay with this whole, with this build. I wouldn't have been, because he gets supply blocked on 22 while a chronobo boost was still active. That is actually really bad because it means that this salad is going to be way too late. But on any other map, I think this setup would have been okay. But on this map, because it's possible to make a two building... wall and he went for a two building wall. It should just be gateway cybercore, single zealot, into an adept and a way faster nexus. You don't need that second gateway. You probably don't need a second zealot either. If you feel very insecure, you can get it. But this second zealot was so late that an adept would have popped at the same time. Look at this. It actually, let's go back in time for this. This is beautiful to watch. So the cybernetics core finishes exactly usually at the two minute mark. And if you start an adept and chrono boost it, it takes 20 seconds, which means that the adept should finish at two minutes and 20 seconds if you execute the build order perfectly. Now, Krill over here has his second zealot, a unit that doesn't require a cybernetic score, popping out at 220. So this unit would not pop out before an adept boot. And an adept is simply way more useful. So this basically shows already that the entire early game here has been inefficient for Creel. Now, I still don't really mind Creel's position because Little Tyrant has followed this up with no gas, a hatchery that gets placed on the third base first, so I'm honestly expecting a lot of damage here out of the first to adapt. A gasless base on the third, that means that speed won't be out. It basically means that you're going to need double sets of lings in both bases. So if your natural is, well, in your natural, You can put two queens in the front and you can start hitting the adepts the moment they show up. And as the shade goes in, you chase the shade with the lings. However, if your bases are split and the adepts move in between the bases, you need lings and queens on both sides, making the defense way, way more expensive. And that is why you need speed in the defense. If speed doesn't get researched, however, adepts basically have free game. They can do whatever they want. They can shade back and forth. You can go up to four adepts. You can go up to five adepts. You can literally deal infinite damage. And often the hold against 12-poo is not that important. Everyone can do the hold against the 12-pool. The reason why 12-poo isn't popular at the high level is because of the adept follow-up as well. It's because the adepts require a serious response out of the Zerg player. And right now, it really doesn't. This Zerg is droning up. Has just now started mining gas. So, melee is going to take a... or sorry, melee, well, melee is going to take a long time to research well, but speed is going to take a very long time to be done. Like, you could have literally had five adepts on the other side, shading in-between bases, there's freaking two queens total. Like, I think you would have killed every single worker here. Well, honestly pretty close. If you would have had four or five adepts, you at least would have forced out another 12 lings, minimum. And on top of that, the adepts in combination with a potential Oracle, could have dealt a lot of damage. Right now you have zero scouting information. Look at this. You know nothing. You don't know if there's gas. You don't know if there's speed. You legitimately know nothing. You're warping in stalkers for no reason. It's costing you a lot of gas. Your third base is super delayed. You could have built that a long time already because there's literally no threat. Despite holding the 12-poo in an okay way, not taking any damage. You're not actually ahead. You're not in a good spot whatsoever. You haven't forced anything out of your opponent. Your opponent built a... a naked spawning pool in the early game without speed, and out of you got three stalkers, three adepts, and two zealots, all of those defensively. You literally, almost literally build as many gateway units as your opponent built zirglings in the early game. This is not an appropriate response to the 12-pool. Your initial response already was overblown, but your follow-up was way more overblown. Everything is delayed for no reason. your harassment has been absolute garbage so far. Like, he's had no queens whatsoever. Right now he's going up to four queens. Finally, why did your Oracle hit so late? I don't... Ah, I guess because your second gas was late. Oh, that makes some sense. I'm going to take back wanting to insult you for that. I'll stay still for now. Double batteries? Like, bro, what are you afraid of? Who hurt you? Like, I know exactly what this is. And, oh my God, I know exactly what this is, actually. I'm going to get to this in a second. Yep. No. I... Oh my God. Okay. I'm just going to pass here for a second. We need to pass. Six queens total. Okay. Four over here at the third base. One spore over here at the third base. One spore in the other bases. And one queen per base. Now, what is going on, my friends? The Protoss, I'm sad to say, is delusional. And there were a couple of tip-offs here in the imbalance. complained from him that I sadly have missed. This guy just sits up at night making up hypotheticals of things he possibly could lose to, not things that have actually happened in this particular game or in another game, but these are just hypotheticals, things that he thinks of that Zerg could possibly do to kill him. Look at this. Like if you lose a single adept at the third, you just lose the third most of the time. Or if you hold position your wall one pixel of center and lings can squeeze through, you just die. Zyrkis literally sit back and defend easy harass with techniques that have been solved. Oracle, well, just build a spore and two queens at each base and you won't lose more than three drones max. None of these things have happened in this game. There's one queen in the natural and the main. The base that you are about to attack, the base that you're about to enter, legitimately has a single queen. Oh, it has been solved. Two queens. He didn't use to solve. You're playing against people that haven't used to solve. solve. You're making up hypotheticals. This is like going to get a gas, like going to a gas station to fill up your tank. And as you step out of your car, a guy that's like freaking 600 pounds filled of muscle, hit you in the back of the head, takes your keys and drives off. You call the police. The sheriff won't do anything because apparently the sheriff is the uncle of the guy that stole your car. You know, then you're like, well, I'll call the FBI. You call the FBI, but FBI won't help you either because the guy is well connected in Washington. Life freaking sucks for you. He's stronger than you. His uncle is the sheriff and he's well connected in Washington. It's all over. Like, this is the type of hypothetical you make up in the shower and then you start becoming afraid of going to the gas station. Bro, none of these things are happening. Your opponent has a single queen in two out of the three bases. He's probably, he's not attacking you. He's playing legit without speed for the first freaking seven minutes. How is he going to squeeze through something? You build a blind in your natural, despite having the ability to scout for a very long time, you build a blind battery at your third base. You literally have zero information and despite all of this, you're still up. Why are you still up? Because your macro is actually quite good. Your mechanics are pretty legit. Your opponent at this level is flowing 1,900 minerals, 200 gas, but you're actually having a pretty okay time. You're spending all of your cash pretty well. You're just not doing anything else. You're not scouting and you're deadly afraid of things that aren't happening. You're constantly checking for the monster under your bed and it's starting to hurt your neck. Like why are you doing this to yourself? You start playing a bit more free. Take your gas is a bit quicker, brother, come on, live a little. Right now you're starting to move out with what? A bunch of stalkers actually kind of like this move. I think this is good. You probably could have moved out about 17 minutes ago and now that speed has finally finished you do decide it's time. I think this is cool. You can get your oracles with it as well. There's hardly any lings out. Now you're not aware of any of those things but because you're not aware of those things but because your macro is so solid, you actually could have a pretty decent chance of doing something. You do need to scout before you go in. Hello, this is not possible. Are you mad? Hello? Is this a common move at Diamond? Maybe worth it? I don't... You lost four stalkers. going to lose these three as well. I mean, there's a fifth base already, or halfway done, and 65 work. So no, this actually was not worth it. Of course, our friend is not aware that our hero of this game is not quite aware of that. Oracle stuck... You know why these oracles are actually stuck here? It's because Creel has imagined a scenario in which every single base has two infestors. So the moment these oracles fly in, they will get neuraled, and they will be flying above, flown above a spore, and they will die. It is impossible to move out of the dead space with the Oracle. Zerg is completely busted. How can you not see this harshdom, you stupid idiot? I'm sorry. I am sorry. I could have recalled this. I actually can't recall. You already used it. Got to get caught completely out of position here against what is pretty much an all-in here out of the Zerg player. Well, this is just an all-in. I mean, the Zerg is on 59 drones. Has pure Roach Ling, with just plus one on the upgrade. This is absolute garbage. What the heck? Yeah, this game is just over. No? I'm not sure why we're only building stalkers. I thought we had a Templar Archives already. Yeah, we have a Templar Archives. We could... There's a robot. We could get an immortal as well. Now, this is an absolute key moment. I'm loving this move out over here. Not. Okay, look. Just... Just think about what happened here for a second, okay? You just got attacked by a massive Roach Force. You held the massive Roach Force and you have a lot of stalkers remaining. It is very tempting right now to move across the map and go try and kill your opponent. But you know what's even cooler that you can do? You can check with your Oracle for free over here or use Revelation and just check how many drones there are. And if your opponent doesn't have any drones on the Ford base, there's no reason for you to attack because it means that your opponent is stuck on the same drone count as you. You're probably going to be capable of getting better tech on that same work account and thus all you really need to do is stay at home and send your prism across the map for a counter attack when the inevitable follow-up all in is going to come because there's legit nothing else that the sir can do from this. You even scout? You scout no drones on this base. What? Sir, it's been confirmed that it's a trap. All right. Move in. Sir? What? Move in. It's like... What is this? Why would you do this? No! It's alive! Oh my God. You legitimately can't make this stuff up. I feel like half of these games I'm getting sent. these days are freaking scripted. It's like these are not real players. Now starts fighting outside of battery range. Still winning this fight. Really needs high ground vision though. If only... Blinks forward. Oh, come on. Don't blink into your opponent. You can just blink back individual units. You can move back to your battery. No! Stop it, please. You're hurting me. This hurts. It's still going to hold. It still hurts though. No, don't go again. This is so painful. It's like... But why? Why are we moving on creep against someone that's down 20 workers? Look, you're taking the gases. There's cannons here. You just invested in defense. Why are you all inning? There's down a robo bait. This is the guy that so far in this game has built 51 stalkers, two sentries, two zealots, and in a debt. He's fighting pure roach, hasn't built a single immortal yet, hasn't decided to go for storm, now throws down a robo bay. You're like the rich kid that buys like a $3,000 knife set because he thinks he's going to become a cook, you know? It's like the 900 euro truffle slicer, pans made of pure 25. thousand carrot gold or whatever it is that the gold is here the purest amount of gold beautiful gold and it cooks twice with it and the rest of the rest of the year just orders macdonalds through uber eats three times a day it's like holy crap bro you have all this equipment waiting for you to use and all your building is is freaking stalkers like no crap you're going to lose fights at some point your opponent also continued upgrading a little bit at least it's going to have carapace Like, this is such a... It's such a sad situation. It's so frustrating to watch this. Like, you're actually winning so hard and it hurts me. I want you to win. I'm rooting for you, man. I'm rooting for you. It's like your macro is good. I can see that you practice these things. You're just a bit confused. You just don't quite know what to do with the... Ah! Just use the stuff! stuff. Like even now you're so far ahead and you don't realize it. Like you're literally at the finish line and you're starting to flame the referee because you don't know where your opponent is. Like you decided to run with closed eyes. The referee is trying to explain to you that you're 100 meters ahead but you don't hear him because you're just flaming the guy. Dude you're winning. Go home. Sit back relax. Get this Oracle home as well. building Stasis Mart. Your opponent, the J has no workers. Like, I don't... This is so frustrating for me, it really is. Like, I... Like, I look at games like this, and I... You know what the worst part is, is that I can understand your frustration, okay? You actually played quite well this game when it comes to the mechanics and warping in, I didn't like your micro and most of your decision-making, but it's obvious to me that you've practiced your build orders and your mechanics really are solid. Like your mechanics are actually better than your opponents, but you're so afraid of everything, dude. You're so afraid of, first of all, any al-in your opponent can throw at you, that you're playing overly safe in the entire early game stages. And it makes me sad. You're giving up a lot of efficiency in order to protect yourself against things that aren't real. Like, they don't exist. Just, you don't need a battery in your natural. Don't need three stalkers blindly against the 12th who every single time. It's just not necessary, man. Come on. Let's not do that. You can scout with the oracles. You can figure out what your opponent is doing. Then you get all these fancy tech buildings, but you're too afraid of getting into a macro game. Probably because at some point in your life, you've lost to a zergu who was really good at macro and got to these high tech units. And now you're afraid of going there again. So in order to protect yourself from losing in a longer game, you just attack every single time with stalkers. But you don't want to be an all-in-er. So you're also taking a fort and you're building cannons and you're taking gases. It's like, just play with more bravado. Go in there, you know. Live a little, krill. Come on, man. I'm rooting for you, brother. But we've got to be honest here. This is not fair. This is you not be. great at the game. Like I said, you didn't micro very well. Your decision making was legitimately awful. Your scouting was practically non-existent. Your early game harassment, non-existent as well. Your opponent got away without speed for seven minutes. You had no clue about it. How is that possible at this level? It really shouldn't be. At least, I don't think it should be. But maybe that's not me. Yeah, Krill, I'm sorry to say, but Cirque is not imbalanced. You, my friend. Just suck. That's just the way it is. All right. That is going to be it for me today. I do hope you enjoyed this episode. Krill, stay strong, my brother. I truly do believe in you. I felt real passion in your imbalance complaint for him as well. And that's a beautiful thing. And channel that passion for something beautiful and positive. I hope to see you on the latter in the future. That's going to be it for me today. I do hope you all enjoy it. If you did, don't forget to the like button, subscribe to the channel. And I'll see all of you next time for it. video. Thanks so much for watching and bye bye. |
IT'S MY PCs FAULT, I SWEAR!!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I SUCK? | We are calling out @UpATree for the ultimate tech support challenge! Fix this young lads PC to release a new Terran PRODIGY into the world of StarCraft 2 e-sports. I mean, it's the ONLY thing holding him back, isn't it? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YeZ5KC7FTWQ/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | YeZ5KC7FTWQ | Hello Harsdam, I would like to inform you of the insane imbalance of the Zerg race of StarCraft 2. In this game I made many minor mistakes, including stopping two of my workers as the game starts. I acknowledge this in the game after questioning why Blizzard would make a map where you start with 10 workers. I stopped worker production for some time every now and then. These can all be explained by my faulty computer. Even with my minor mistakes, I thought that I was in a final location of my early game. I go with the build order that I am most familiar with to max out at minute 10 and send wave after wave of units. During my preparation I am attacked by Mutealisk which I defend without problems. Even though I may have overreacted to them, I thought that my advantage weighed out in my favor. But then I maxed, moved out and get crushed by Baines and lings. People complain about Marines being Tier 1 when Ling Bane can crush my large army. Even Though my micro is not great, it is present with pulling my marines back. Wave after wave, nothing seems to work. When I have to spend all my money remaxing, my opponents can spend money remaxing while taking up to Ultras, as well as investors. Eventually I am crushed. How is the Zyrk economy and units so imbalanced, yet Blizzard doesn't bet a nigh? I guess what I am asking is, is it Inba, or do I suck? Also, I have created a game for you to play. How many spelling mistakes are you able to find? I planted some for you, as I know you, love to flame these. Oh, Jolly Gou, thank you so much for planting these spelling mistakes in the imbalance complaint form. You really caught my hobby. Come on. This is not freaking blues clues over here. You don't know how to spell. It is okay. You don't have to make up some weird reason. However, I do have a game for you, Void. If you managed to find all 54 hidden blueberries in this episode of IOTIS, I will personally send you a picture of me giving you the finger. So I'm looking forward to that. I'm also looking forward to this game as it's a platinum game on the North American server at 2,900 MMR. Did you see the first blueberry? Did you? Alright, here we go. Void versus Zip in which indeed the first two SUVs are accidentally pressed on Holtz position or the stop command. Now, this is something that actually happens quite often with people who use the default hotkeys for Terran. Why is that? It's because in the default hotkeys for Terran, SCV is on the hotkey S. Stop is the same hotkey. So if you accidentally select your SEVs rather than your command center, then you stop them. I have this happen quite often to me as well. I usually notice quite fast and if I don't notice, then well, I'm mining a bit less, but I don't think I've ever blamed Blizzard before in my life. That is definitely a new thing, but I'm a fan of it. I'm a fan of it. We have a standard one barracks, one gas expand. So far, no second gas quite yet. And we have a 19 hatchery coming out of the Zerg player. I'm playing this like bronze. In reality, I think both players here are platinum. Void at least is platinum. So he says he's playing significantly worse than he usually would. If you have someone that, you know, he's actually bronzo says I'm playing like bronze, maybe it means they're playing very well. You never know. So context is always important with these things. When I say I'm playing like a gold, that's obviously not great because I'm actually a grandmaster. But you know, if someone that's silver says I'm playing like a gold, it means they're having the day of their life. So yeah, context is always important. Actual, well, not great build orders, but okay is build orders. I made three mistakes already, La Mayo. Yeah. I mean, I could go back and try to spot the three mistakes, but then again, I'm not a huge fan of just looking for things. But I am. Idling SUVs in the mineral line. Not queuing up workers, even though nothing is happening yet. A way too late refinery. And that's actually it already. Not a huge fan of a double marine opener. I'm not a huge fan of not producing SUVs the entire time. But then again, can't complain too much, because all of these minor mistakes that are being made were part of the faulty computer that Void has. I'm not entirely sure how that works, the faulty computer, but I love to have that just in the back pocket as a general excuse. It doesn't really matter what it is. I forgot to build a round of SUVs. Faulty computer. Oh, decision-making was crap. Faulty computer. My build order doesn't make any sense. Faulty computer. Oh, I didn't find all the 54 blueberries that are hidden in this video. Faulty computer. Indeed it is, void. Indeed it is. And these guys are having an absolute blast playing in this game. Holy crap. Popping back and forth over here. It's not quite going to get this overlord yet. Could perhaps move one bad boy down here to catch it eventually. Follow us this up with a second barracks. Really quickly. I'm not entirely familiar with this build order. Void is very familiar with this build order because he specifically said, this is the build order I'm most familiar with. So that really was a dead giveaway to being familiar with the build order. It's opening up with tanks, maybe. It could also be that this barracks is going to float over and start stim, and then I don't know what the follow-up is going to be, but maybe there's a possibility. I'm afraid it's going to be a tank, although there's really no cash available right now for a tank. There's not going to be, well, no gas available really, for quite a while for Stim and a tank, that's for sure. So I think these two need to swap right now, or this is one of the more inefficient builds that I've seen in my time. Third base, meanwhile, is up for Zip, who is droning, away heavily, has constructed two lings total and is now going up to 40 workers already, which is very high. Spores are way too quick. This is a spore timing that you would play in Zerg versus Proto's, not necessarily in Zerg versus Theron, because Benchis tend to arrive quite a bit later. I think the earliest timing you ever want to build spores in this matchup is 425. If you're playing against a triple-c-oameroner, I think that timing shifts to 4 minutes and 50 seconds in the game. I think these timings are actually accurate. So yeah, these spores are, well, about 40 seconds too quick here. They're already finished at this point. They shouldn't even have started quite yet. Bailing nest goes down as well as three gas. We see 14 lings on the way. Stim has finally started for minutes and 22 seconds in the game. So this is either a really bad 2-1-1 timing push, or it is a really bad macro build, and a really bad macro build because you're getting a second barracks before a 3rd C. So we'll see what it is going to be. no matter what path Void decides to kind of walk on from here on out, it is incorrect because I mean, just the direction was wrong, you know? He's had a fork of, he's at a fork in the road and he needs to pick, you know, between going left or right, but he needed to go backwards. He had to U-Turrun about 15 minutes ago. He's going north. He should be going south, basically. So no matter which side he picks, it's wrong because his entire direction here is incorrect. That's important. to note because if it's a 2-1-1, he should be hitting right now, so quite a while ago, he should be on the other side of the map already with Stim, with two Menefx, with 16 Marines. If it is a triple-CC, that triple-cc should be done and should have been landed already, most likely. But neither of these two things is the case. Like this 2-1-push is way too late. There is a tank for added safety, although if you're playing 2-1-1, you don't really need added safety because you're building so many freaking Marines. So the entire build is kind of nonsensical, in my opinion, and in the opinion of every professional Terran player that has ever played this game. So you could say that I'm a pretty decent company. Then again, Void has been struggling with a faulty computer. So that could explain perhaps the delayed third command center, as well as the overall poor build order that we're seeing in front of us. I'm not sure if this wall is also a result of the faulty computer. I hope it is because this looks absolutely awful. We're building... This is like maybe a pattern or something. Like one, two, three, one, two, three. It's like one of these IQ tests that you have to do for a job interview. You know, this is the first line, this is the second line, this is the third line. And then you need to recreate what should be the first, you know, the first thing in the pattern. If you get it wrong, you don't get hired. You get a salary deduction. I don't know how it works. After I have to do an IQ test for a job interview, I've never actually gotten the job before. So I'm probably not the guy to take advice from when it comes out to fill in these patterns. But maybe Void is better at that. Who knows? As he starts by boosting in some Metafax, nice little shift click over here. Now, of course, there is a spore. Well, there's multiple spores actually in position here. There's one on the left side of the hatchery. It's one on the right side of the hatchery. He's always going to be in position with those spores. This meta fact just got shift clicked in. It's going to barely survive as the queen is not. target firing actually quite a mistake oh there we go does get taken out we have a drop in the natural as well at the same time let's take a look at the first person so the drop in the natural of the Zerg is being microd stim is he oh my god this is some quick screen scrolling over here stimmed these units then started looking away this is the famous Terran multitasking that we hear so much about shift clicking in a drop hitting the stim button maybe on the all-army hotkey And then going back to building too many barracks for what you can actually produce. Oh, actually, that's not true. This is five barracks total. He's on three bases. This is a fair amount of barracks. I've said nothing. As what have we killed so far? One worker has gone down. Resources lost is 900. Resources lost to 675. So definitely in favor of the Zerg so far, who's now starting mutap production. It's honestly kind of a miracle that this Zerg is behind. I guess the fact that the Zerg is floating about 2.7. 7K resources is definitely not helping the Zerg's case. Sip could have done that just ever so slightly, just a tiny tad batter. As Void's said he was going to max out at a 10 minute mark. I actually think there might be a possibility. We have a 4th CC on the way. You have double upgrades. I'd love to see an armory. It's already here. I love to see it. Love to see you, Mr. Armory. As Overlord is still stuck. I feel like the resources dedicated to making sure this. Overlord doesn't get any more information. I don't think the ratio of Marines to Overlords here is correct. Scouting, everyone always has knowledge is power, and I agree with that. But guys with guns is also power. And if you could have, what is this, 10 more Marines, 11 more Marines on the other side of the map with your push, that is probably better than denying this Overlord. If you really want to get rid of the overlords, there's also another secret trick that the Illuminati doesn't want you to know about, or the mainstream media, and that is building a Viking. You can even build a Liberator, or you could use the Tor which has superior range. You already have the tool to deal with this. But then again, it is difficult to send the Tor over here in a matter of fact if you have a faulty computer. Things with a faulty computer always are. It's just so much harder. People that have a well-working computer, they don't understand what it's like. That's the properly working computer privilege that you hear so much. about. It's like people just don't quite understand what it's like. So a couple of mutas are going to get taken out. This is not, this is not quite what we call successful harassment when you kill two SEVs and lose seven mutas. It's usually the opposite of what you want. Even if he would have killed seven SEVs and lost only two muas, I still think that would have been a bad trade here for our Zerg player. Zerg is falling further and further behind, but he's tacking up to an infestation pit right now. And that does sound very scary because so far there's only two tanks, there's nine MED of X and there's 47 Marines. That is kind of scary because that is not a very good army against bailings or against investors and especially remembering that Void is playing on not just a faulty computer, but also just, you know, it had a tough game in which the first two SEVs weren't working like they were supposed to. I'm kind of afraid for this. I'm kind of afraid of afraid of those lings and baylings. It has been a very passive game, by the way. Holy crap. Hive is now on the way in the main base, so that is nice at least. Terran's also getting a way quicker to two upgrade here, which is kind of sick. Now, this would actually be a really good timing for a, well, a timing attack. That's what's a good timing for. What's not a good thing to do is to fly your orbital command into a group of muras. In general, I don't really like having an orbital command as my fifth base. I much prefer having a planetary there. But then again, who am I? It's hard for me, you know, easy for me to say these things. I'm not working with a faulty computer. This orbital command move there all by itself. This was supposed to be a regular command center, turn into a planetary. Void had already ordered the building of 12 turrets here, but it didn't go through because of the faulty computer. Oh, actually running away with the Marines. As he said, the micro is present as he moves back. It's still going to lose the command center, which honestly is an achievement by itself, if there's only five muras on the map without any upgrades. That has an extraordinarily slow response time there by Void. Void is finally going to pull the Marines away. He has built some turrets, though, in case the overlord, you know, wants to get freaky again and maybe going towards the natural. Creep gets used just in the middle of the way. He's a poser. He's a poser. He doesn't know why he's doing things. Oh no. He's the guy buying the 50,000 Louis Vuitton slippers. Because he saw that it looks cool in a magazine. Oh no. What is this? What is this? He's seen other Terran. He's just, he copies, look at this. He's seen other Terran players scan for creep and knows that this is part of the act. But this dude has no. clue as to why you're scanning. So for the people that have had major brain damage growing up, let me explain to you. Creep provides a speed bonus to the Zerg. So the reason why you remove creep tumors is to remove that speed bonus. But the speed bonus isn't in the creep tumor. The creep tumor is just to spread the creep. The speed bonus is on the creep itself. So as long as the creep is still there, the speed bonus is still there. That is. That is why when you watch high-level Terrans play, what do they do? They take out the creep tumors, stand on the edge of creep, then when the creep disappears, they move forward. What they don't do is scan the middle of the creep. As the creep is busy retreating, move on to the next patch of creep, where the Zerg bailing army is waiting, stim forward, and then lose your entire army practically for free, despite being up 50 supply and two upgrades. again, pretty much an achievement by itself. Being up 50 supply and two upgrades and still losing a fight, double thumbs up for that. Also, have you been counting the blueberries? We've had 16 already. There are still nine Metavex remaining on the map right now, which is great. It means technically you could evacuate. Liberator also over here, taking out some overlord. So he is aware that there is a unit with anti-air attack. Could have taken out the overlord, perhaps, you know, little bit earlier as now the 10 new marines on the way. Seven more barracks as well. You love to see it. It's like that marine that's quite the unit isn't it? I like that one. Fifty minerals. It shoots quite fast. It gets killed fast as well by investors and banlings. Basically the army of my opponent but we can try the exact same thing once more because it went brilliant last time. We are up 60 supply, up two upgrades. Boy did we have a good time losing our entire. Armion creep. Now at this point, the good news is that this creep has disappeared. So if he takes the exact same angle in the next attack, that indeed means that it might just end up working, which would be fabulous. Ultralis Cavern is now on the way in the main base over here. We have plus 3 carapace starting as well. We have plus 3 melee. 33 also has started at this point for a void. That is fairly late because these 2-2 was about 60 seconds quicker than his opponents. So, yeah, make of that what you will. That is quite odd. More reactors, because right now there's only 50 Marines. That number, you know, needs to go up. It's a well-known rule as well that the longer the game goes, the better the marine becomes. As a Terran, you don't really want to attack to anything, you know, higher tier, like ghost or marvoders. These units are difficult to control. Sometimes I've heard you even require a second control group, which is, oh, this is blasphemous for the average Terran player. So more marines, the better. Fifteen medavecs as well. Despite having 53 Marines, all of them still require an individual medevac healing as well here. Oh, here we go. Scan forward. This one's just for vision, not for clearing creep. She sees that the opponent is there with the entire army. Moves forward into a fungal. I just want to go over that. This sequence is just so funny to me. I want to see the first person view. Okay, this is the first person view here of Void. Scan sword. He sees the army. Moves this camera so fast. Holy crap. It's okay. It's like counting on his fingers. Like lings, pain lings, investors. I have pure marine. Last time that didn't go so well. so well. It's like just thinking to himself, okay, that's a big army. I see a setting up for an engagement now. Move into the fungal. Yeah. That's a... What is this? This is unreal now? You can make this stuff up. If I were to script and I owe this, it would be less funny. Like, this is so good. This guy is a comedy genius in my opinion. opinion. If you're struggling to find a job in the future, then comedy is the future for you, my friend. It's like a real slapstick comedy. You know, falling over a banana peel is move commanding Marines into investors. I can watch this all day. I actually could watch this all day. I'm also loving the transition into more Marines. We currently have 16 barracks pumping marines at a high pace. What is it again? We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas. He's like, ah, these marines didn't work the last three times, but maybe three times is the charm as my opponent's army keeps getting better and bigger and more complex. I will just have an even more lopsided ratio between marauders and Marines in here. No splash whatsoever. Have we seen a single tank in any fight? I think there used to be two tanks total, so one tank has gone down. So I guess that's the only splash that has been built in this entire game, unless you count the Thor splash to the music. us, but it's not anti-ground splash at least. Marauder Count is actually climbing just a tiny tad right now, as vehicle weapons level one is on the way. We have a scouting barracks with this army as well, which is an uncommon move. Although it is possible that this wasn't intentional, and it is the computer or void acting up once more. Command Center has moved forward. The fifth base is being re-established. Don't forget this went down at like the nine-minute mark or something like that. So this is not the, you know, not the quickest rebuilding over here. Not the quickest rebuilding, oh. And he sees all of this. This is how real. No. Like he sees it. No. He's just watching it. Usually the problem is that Terrence aren't watching, but this guy is watching and he's just letting it happen, you know? It's like a guy comes running up to you with a wooden stick and screams at you, I'm going to hit you. And then you're just like, he starts hitting you and that, hey, what's going on over here? Quit that. You walk, you know, you run away, you walk a block and you see the exact same guy with the stick running at you. I'm going to hit you. And you just stand there looking. It's like, I wonder what this guy is up to? It's like, what you mean? It's like he's done it twice before. Like he's going to hit you in the head with a stick again. Man, like his stick keeps getting bigger as well. It's like spikes on it. It's like upgrading his stick, like it's some RPG or something. It's like, there's Marines again. There's going to move command another group of 60 Marines, this time into ultra-investor bailing, as the ultras have been added in, the third spike on the stick. This is absolutely unbelievable. The matter-of-act count has been lowered significantly. I don't think I've ever seen 27 Marines in production all at once. That is crazy. That is actually crazy. Holy crap. Look how much gas he has as well, 3,400 gas. That's a lot of ghost. You could build like 10 Archons with that if you're a Protoss. More. 11 Archons. Soon 12. That's a crazy amount. This is how I always look at things. Whenever I see a race, that isn't Protoss, they have so much gas. I'm like, oh, that's so many Archons. Oh, okay, we have the high-sac auto-tracking and the building armor, because the two things so far that have been very going very wrong in this game. It's just the lack of range on turrets and planetary, of course, as well as no building arms. How many buildings have actually gone down? A single orbital command that was against the mutas. I actually do believe that if there was building armor on that command center, I don't think the mutas would have gotten it. So this is a solid investment. Yes, it's a little bit late because the orbital command has already died, but what is it again? The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time to plant the tree is right now. That's what he's doing. He's planting the tree of Neo Steel armor. Wait, no. Yeah. No. Wait, this isn't the building armor at all. Oh, I... Wait, what? Increases the cargo space. Okay, it also upgrades the armor structure. Man, I was going crazy. there for a second. I missed that. There's the main fight. My man has been all set up for a picture for years. And the photographer just eats the camera. I just forgot that there was a game going on. I was getting worried about this Neo Steel Armor thing. All right, let's have a look. What's kicking off here? Nice pre-split. That was very nice. Good clump still, though. I actually think he optimized the clumps here so that a fungal would still have maximum efficiency. See, every single time a Fongo can still hit the maximum amount of Marines. I don't even think the Zerg player here lost any units at all, except Bainlings. I don't think an ultra went down here. Gigi, but how do I beat this? Let's play a little game because you are so fond of games. Now, I'm going to give you three, a multiple choice, three different answers. Okay, three different answers to the question. How do I beat this? and I want you to answer this, okay? Hey, what's up guys and welcome to the no stupid questions quits. Today we have a viewer question from Void who asks GG, but how do I beat this? Great question, Void. We have three potential answers for you. Option A, build more marines. Option B, build more barracks. Or option C, build units that actually counter your opponent's composition, like Marron Maybe add in mines, tanks, some ghosts, perhaps some liberators, benches, ravens, battlecruisers, I don't care, anything but marines, especially with your crappy micro. Do you think you know the answer? Be sure to hit the button. Did you click C? Then you are correct. Back to Harstam. Well, congratulations if you got that answer correct. It's a very fun game. Let's see if Zip is also as aware of this. See, Zip also has a good answer. Zip is just going to aim off on your buildings. Building armor is really helping out here as well. Love to see it. Zip is not the quickest typeer. Zip is just busy winning. It doesn't give a crap. It is the first time Zip has won a CVT in his entire life. He's super happy. Let's go! Most can beat me easily. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. This has to be the most motivating thing to read in the entire world after you get completely destroyed by someone. Oh, you're really the only person that I ever beat. Everyone else beats me. And it's not even hard for them. You just destroy me. Just more aggression. They're just better at the game. They're not idiots. It's like... I love this so much. These are such good interactions. All right. Well, Void. You had a question. And your question was, is it imbalanced or do I suck? Is the Zurich economy and the units so in balance? Why Blizzard doesn't bet an eye? All of these rough questions. Let me tell you. Let me tell you, Void. Let me tell you, Void. Zip, he just said more aggression. Now, I don't think your lack of aggression was an issue. I don't think your macro was bad either. I think the main issue that you have is that you actually don't have any micro, and that is okay. If you don't have the ability to micro, to split, to understand whether you're going to win a fight or not, that usually is kind of okay with them because of a unit called the tank. The tank makes sure that from a distance, no one that can kill your Marines can reach you. So you get eight, nine tanks, you slowly but surely leapfrog them across the map, and then you win the game, which is A moving with your Marines, and you can do all your splitting and running back and you can feel like you're some god. Your tanks are really just doing the work. This is what all lower level Terrans do, okay? They just want to feel good. You know, they practice the marine splitting map 15 hours a day, and then they just build 35 tanks, eight marines, and they split them one by one as the tanks do all the work. This is what I would suggest for you as well, because you simply do not micro your units. Just change your composition. If you don't know how to micro, that's okay, but then don't pick units that require micro like the marine. Also, if your opponent is stacking very hard and you're floating 3.6K gas, the issue isn't with the Zerkerkerker. economy, the issue is with you building 16 barracks to push out 27 Marines at the same time, rather than building goats, rather than building liberators, rather than getting into more tanks, any type of late game unit, really just anything other than a marine, I would say. I honestly believe that if you were to transition into banshees, you'd have a better chance of winning than whatever the heck it is doing that you're doing now. And I understand that you have a faulty computer, and that is very frustrating. And I'm sure I, as a good computer-having person, can't quite understand what it's like to, you know, be in your shoes. But I do believe that certain things can be done. I don't think you move commanding Marines into fungal clumps every single time and into banlings has anything to do with your faulty computer. I don't think you not ever transitioning into a unit that is better than the Marine has anything to do with the faulty computer. No. The reason why you do those things, my friend, is because you. you suck. And that's just the way it is. Bada b'am, bada b'am, b'a b'a b'all. All right, that's going to be it for me today. I hope you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inmore Or do I suck? If you did, don't forget, did the like button, subscribe to the channel, and I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you, and bye-bye. |
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"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/urdvEEudSB4/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | urdvEEudSB4 | Dear Harstam, it is impossible to engage into lurkers and vipers. I was amazing this game. I did standard three Oracle harass into Blinkstalker plus one timing. I denied my opponent's fortbase with my oracles, and then again with my blinkstalkers, and then again with a zealot run by. My opponent was getting severely outplayed the entire game, and then he made Lurkers. I don't know for the life of life. me how to engage into a Lurker Plus Viper Army. I only know how to do multi-prong attacks because lurkers aren't very fast. But when it's finally time to fight the Lurkers, I always just get demolished. It's so frustrating to play a game where I am completely out playing my opponent, and then he just A-moves Lurkers and burrows and thinks he did something smarter, that it took any skill. Lurker DPS is just too high. Zerg is the easiest race. I'm tired of this narrative that Protoss armies are all A-moving, you have to blink, navigate back to your base to build stuff, handle multi-pronged zealad rumbies, etc, etc. Zerg is the race that can build units without looking at their base, just ass-z-z. It's games like these that really piss me off. My knowledge of the game is superior in every way, my control is superior in every way, and my opponent just uses lurkers and wins. Tell me, Captain, please! How do I engage into a Lurker Viper Army? This balanced complaint from was sent in by Kriel, who says, Lurkers, are they imbalanced? Or do I suck? We're about to figure it all out. Now, Kriel is a 4K MMR Protoss player from the North American server. And Kriel told me something very important. He said, my early game was amazing. or I played amazing this game. So we're going to check that, obviously. You want to see, well, how amazing is your early game, really. It starts off kind of fine, actually. I like this block here and the opponent's natural. I think that is good to do. Execute it okay. Not a huge fan of trying to fight a drone. The optimal play is actually to run away with your probe so that you can block the hatchery for longer. Right now, a second drone got pulled down, actually managed to get the hatchery down. And thus, this is. not the optimal result. By far this isn't the optimal result. Ideally what happens is you block the natural for as long as possible with your probe and then once your HP becomes too low, you throw down a pylon so that the ZERC is still forced into taking a base on the third location. That way you, A, delay the hatchery for a very long time, you might even force a pool first, your opponent pulled off two workers and they still get the hatchery on the third base location, which is an inefficient way to open for Zerg. It also makes it way harder to later on deal with any adapter as if that's what you're planning on doing. Now, behind all of this, we have a very standard one gate expansion with a 20 nexus, the 20 cybernetics core. It's going to be a 21 gas over here and then a 22 pilot. This is all extremely standard. There's been a little bit of more mining in the gas than you'd usually see. Or they have quite a bit of gas in the bank. So this definitely indicates that it's going to be a Stargate opener. Now, this isn't a very impressive read because Creel also mentioned that in the imbalance complaint form. So it's not like I'm, you know, I know the guy with the cards, the tarot cards. You know, actually I am very similar to the guys with the tarot cards because usually they just make stuff up or they already have some insider information and then they work off of that. And I do the exact same thing. I have some insider information and I just work off that. I believe Stargate is going to be the opener. and indeed it's a Stargate of course but yeah fairly obvious as he mentioned that he opened up with a triple oracle single gate so far which is also all looking very normal and cool we have continued gas mining on the Zerg side of things pretty quick speed third base that is perhaps a little bit later than you'd usually see it and I'm not entirely sure why I think this overlord was simply too fast usually the overlord gets constructed after the third base not before so just something to keep in mind here. See a creep tumor coming down. Adept not quite in time to deny that creep tumor, which is standard. But this creep tumor was very late and the adept also was very late. So both players messed up and that created a more standard situation. I'm not quite sure how that one worked out, but it's interesting to know it at least. Adept, adapt into Stalker, so three units before the Nexus. I'm loving this wall, single gateway, single Cybercore wall. This is possible on two maps currently on the map. It's possible on Neo-Humanity and it's possible on Royal Blood. And the fact that we're not seeing a second gateway, but instead, Creole right now, is heading over to the third base location to get a faster third base is something I absolutely adore. I think this is a really good call. This is something that even at the highest level still doesn't get utilized enough, just skipping that second gateway that often has no real purpose early on and just getting a slightly quicker third base. I think this is brilliant. I freaking love this so much. Adepts are in position to deal with any potential runbys. Oracle didn't really get any damage done, which I think is not uncommon, especially if the Zerg defender opens up with double spore. A spore in every base that is quite expensive for Zerg. So despite not getting any damage done, I actually think Kriel currently is in a much better position than Ronin is. Ronin also is investing money into a layer really fast, which is generally considered to be a mistake, unless you're going for an all-in, which it does seem to be the case. Double gases being taken here at 430, layer, well, practically halfway done. And I think now we're going to see, well, basically a bunch of lings into some type of Roach Queen All-In. That is the only thing that I can really imagine from this particular opener. Zerg always wants to maximize their mineral economy, and right now that's not what Ronin is doing at all. Third base is still being somewhat droned up. It's just a single queen and a spore halfway done. Creel realizes this and actually gets good damage in. Twilight Council at a decent timing as well. I hate to say it, but this early game is actually pretty amazing. So far, Krill has actually been playing really well. Like this build, this is a legit build order that's being executed very tightly. Like, honestly, this has been a very tight build order. No real mistakes that I can see. Like maybe, like, maybe the gateways are like five or six seconds late. yes, the blink didn't start instantly, but for a 4K game, this is actually very high-level execution. I completely agree with Krill that so far he's outplaying his opponent speed-wise. It's a better build order because Ronan is playing some hot garbage over here, like straight into Hydra Dan, fast-range quick-for gases, really low mineral eco in general, which means it's just going to be hard to get to a decent drone count before this blitz. Blink push is going to hit. We have extra gateways on the way. Now, we do have a really fast robo with blink and plus one. This is actually fairly uncommon. It is also really uncommon to add extra gas. If you're going to such a high gateway count of four, maybe even to five or six, this is... We'll have to see what the follow-up is going to be, but this is starting to smell a little bit fishy in my... opinion at this point. As in it is not quite optimal anymore. We're really getting to the dangerous territory, continuous worker production despite being fully saturated on three base and the Zerg not having a fourth base yet. So we need to really differentiate here between the two main scenarios and like the two possible scenarios. One, Zerg is trying to play a macro game and two, Zerg is trying to all in. Right now with the information that we have, there is no ford base. So the chance that there is going to be an all-in of some sort is fairly large. If six minutes and 41 seconds into the game, there is no fourth base on the way, or if there's no fort base done yet for Zerg, that is definitely a massive risk. And people would be like, well, should I then prepare for an all-in? It's like, yeah, you probably should prepare for an all-in, or at least be aware of your opponent's unit count. Because why would you be producing probes three at a time if you're already up-in workers? Zerg does not get better units with less money. Zerg needs more money. That is the main power of zergs, that they can get more money. So the moment you have the same amount of bases as the Zerg, you probably want to be focusing on the defensive. And even if Zerg is playing a macro game, if they're playing a macro game from three bases, you're completely fine on three bases as well, as long as you build the correct tech. So what you want to be doing is just revelating the hatchery, see what units pop out, and then respond accordingly. Now, what could responding accordingly look like? Maybe two or three sentries being added in, and rather than constantly warping stalkers, get a cannon over here, get an extra battery in there, and start tacking into some higher type of tech. Make sure you keep an eye on your opponent's fort base. That is generally a good call to make sure that, you know, they're not actually getting a fort and getting good eco. But so far, this Zerg is practically all-inning. And because Kriel had such a good early, game, he's not realizing that this is an all-in out of the Zerg, but right now Krill is actually all-inning into a Zerg that is all-inning, but the Zerg is on significantly worse tag, has less eco and has less supply. So this is really completely unnecessary. What I would say to do here is that maybe you could kill a Ford base for free if you would want to, and then you just tech and transition. You can even throw down your own Ford base, because imagine if you believe that you can fight on your opponent's side of the map while being even in basis, imagine what you could do on your own side of the map. You know, if you think you can fight on their side, then what can you do on your own side? Well, you can fight way better because you have static defense there. You have quicker reinforcements. Zerg has slower reinforcements. So rather than pushing this and making this stalker attack way more all in that it needs to be, you just deny outside hatcheries, which is going to be off creep, easy for you to do while simultaneously getting a fort nexus yourself and tacking into some higher type of tech. You already have the robo bay, you've had it for quite a while, yet it is not being used at all. I don't see why, I don't quite understand why, but why in the world would we be attacking into a 65 drone Zerg player that is struggling to stay alive when we already have way better eco? And why are we doing this with such a basic unit composition? Like it doesn't make any sense to me that you're investing into a robo bay into six gases just for you to then attack with pure stalker then what was the point of getting all that extra gas like you can play this exact same push but rather this we're actually going mesh like it's an okay trade it's it's it usually would be a bad trade for the Protoss but because the Zerg has no eco at all this is actually a fine trade for the prox i think it's good But why would you have gotten your six gases and your 74 workers if you're planning on just messing stalker? If your goal in life is the mess stalker, maybe with zealots with it that have charged as well, just stay on four or on three gases. You can get the same upgrades. You can get the same amount of stalkers. But you can also afford a fourth base and you can increase your mineral eco by way more. At this point, nine minutes into the game, if you would have played a proper three or four gas opener, you could have been on five base fully saturated with 82, 83 workers, you would have had 12 gateways, this fight would have been freaking brilliant because at this point you would have had freaking 500 minerals in the bank. Instead of that, you invested so much in gas, you overproped a base that was already properly saturated, and then you still went with a pure stalker attack, which just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Despite all of this, your position is still absolutely fantastic, though? Like you actually have outplayed your opponent so much in the early game, that this poor decision making doesn't really seem to matter at all. But don't pretend that you've been having superior decision making. You had a superior early game and as a result it is covering up your lack of understanding of the mid-game state. And this is a problem that a lot of people have. They get so far ahead and then they think that they're just allowed to win at any point, despite making very poor decisions afterwards. Like this game, it officially was over already. You have already won. If you didn't completely budge the mid game like you just did, if you wouldn't completely ruin your own follow-up, yes, you should have won this game already. Of course. You were freaking far ahead in the early game. Your opponent played a completely nonsensical build, but instead you attacked into him and now you're kind of giving him a chance. Now once again, Ronin is making a move here that would not be considered optimal play. This is not the perfect play. There's no theory books that state that you should attack into someone with cannons and colossus when you just have hydroline. However, Ronin is already tacking into hive. Ronan is already getting a lurker then as well. And you are stuck on a stalker colossus army. Now, that isn't necessarily awful, but against lurkers, you need to be aware that stalker colossus is not the composition. In general, stalkers against lurkers. Lurkers are really quite bad. Colosses against Lurkers are really quite bad. You want things like Immortals. You want things like Storm. I do like Zealots. I do like Archons as well because there's often a lack of banlings. Like there's no clump splash. There's just line splash from Lurker. So zealots that come from multiple angles can actually be quite good against them. Well, if there's bainlings out, then zealots almost always suck in a direct engagement. Warping in more and more stalkers here, I think is actually a mistake. if you know your opponent is building lurkers. But you're blissfully unaware. In your mind, you're not even sure if your opponent is on a layer. The only indication that your opponent is on a layer comes from the fact that there are HydroLiscount. That's literally the only info you really have. You haven't scowled at once this entire game, which is okay because you were so far ahead, so you don't need to scout. You would have been safe against anything anyway, once again, because your early game was actually phenomenal compared to what your opponent was doing. like in a way it really showcases your lack of understanding of the other phases much much more if you get this far ahead and then completely butcher every single time like it it just shows that you don't really understand what to do at all in the midgame like imagine if the the early game was even how bad would this game then have looked like right now you're still ahead because well your early game was was absolutely fantastic spines will take out these salads here you move in with a stalker Arcon Army, take out this base, you run away from the Lurkers, you don't get the base, you run away from the Lurkers. I think this was honestly a very good approach to fighting against lurkers. Now, what is the power of the Lurker? The power of the Lurker is in the very limited range zone that the Lurker has around the Lurker. As long as you stay out of that, you're going to be absolutely fine. Very often I see Protoss players that don't really respect that range, you know, the lurker zone, but so far you have, and I kind of do enjoy that. We're going to get a bigger zealot run by after the initial one failed. Not sure if right-clicking the hatchery is actually the optimal play. I perhaps wouldn't have minded if you first try and go for the spines here. Once again, you poke forward with your army. Maybe you should deny some creep at the same time. This is actually really good movement. But what are you doing behind this? Are you tacking into something better, into something bigger? Not really. You're getting observer speed. Are we not getting carriers? Why are we not getting two, three, four robotics facilities just pumping immortals? Why is there no storm on the way? All of these are ways to improve your army. You're staying alive and you're dealing damage, that's nice. But you're basically playing into your opponent's hands with your army. The only chance right now that Ronin has is maxing out on lurkers and pushing across the map. This is the only scenario in which your opponent wins. And right now, you're completely accommodating to that scenario. You're not on the map, you're not keeping map control, making sure your opponent can't move out for free, and you're not transitioning into something else. The only thing you're doing correctly is adding in a lot of static, which makes these types of moveouts a lot harder. But everything else is honestly kind of incorrect. Like there's no cash. It's impossible right now for Ronin to get meaningful anti-air. And I'm not counting hydras as meaningful anti-air. The moment you get six carriers out with plus one or plus two upgrades, hydras completely. melt, especially if you have storming combination as well. It just, it should never work. Okay, so here, now you finally get on the map again. I think this is a good call, makes it harder for your opponent to move out. You don't want to engage into this. You just want to be transitioning behind this and that's what you're doing. You're getting storm now as well. You're even getting a second forge, which I think is really phenomenal play. I think this is completely the correct call. Blink for it because you saw there was very little lurkers here, a couple of abducts do happen. I'm entirely sure why you move it back. You could have definitely cleared that final lurker. But okay, we go back a little bit. Now we take a different approach, another Zalid run by going in. Well, at the same time, also moving into a turn. This is actually phenomenal movement. Like your movement has been very, very, very... They're actually out playing your opponent. And there's no issue either. Like, you're winning really hard. Even though you're not tacking into anything else, you have 17 gates. ways. You're up three bases currently. This situation should actually be impossible to lose. 13 Templar might be pushing it a little bit. I'm not a huge fan of the Arkon as a counter to the Lurker. I think it's fine if the Lurker count is fairly small, but once again, you need to kind of analyze the situation and figure out what the only way is that your opponent can win. And the only way that your opponent can win is by going for a Lurker attack. And now you even moved back home, giving Ronin the opportunity to move across the map. This by itself is a mistake out of you. You should have been kind of camping outside, making sure that a move out is not possible. Because once lurkers are in a position, they're actually really freaking powerful. People really underestimate this. They really do. And this really is a classic mistake. First of all, the blink in is absolutely insane. This is ridiculous. This is ridiculous. This is probably the worst fight that you ever could have gotten. You lose all your Arkansas blinding cloud. And then, well, they died to the Lurker shots. It's so funny as well because you know what's the case? You know what's actually the case with the Lurker and the tank? They're very similar to bodybuilders and UFC fighters. The tank, it looks very big, it looks very powerful, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, for example, but there's not so much strength in there. Yet, people, when they see a tank, they really respect a tank, just like they respect Arnold's muscle. You know, we're able to squeeze, like, oh, these guys are big. Take a look at a UFC fighter. Now, you know these guys are strong, but when you see their body, it isn't as bulky, it isn't as massive. And you could be seeing one on the street, and you'd have no clue that this guy is real powerful. It's the same with the lurker. The lurker is one of those units where you kind of sleep on it in a way. You look at it. It's like, oh, 12 lurkers. Well, that sounds bad, but it's not 12 tanks, right? No, it's way, way stronger than 12 tanks. Whenever you look at a lurker position with 12 lurkers from now on, I want you to mentally just project one and a half tank there on top of every single lurker. So that means that 12 lurkers turn into 18 tanks. Would you ever, in a right state of mind, walk into 18 tanks, especially if there's five vipers above it as well. No, of course you wouldn't. Now, what are you supposed to do against the Lurker instead then? Well, the Lurker can only attack ground. So getting air units might be a pretty decent idea. But Ars them, I have no ground here, no air units. I'm an idiot. I forgot to transition. Just been building cannons and bases around the map. Well, fair point. You are an idiot indeed. Why didn't you transition into air units? Your mistake. But there's still another solution to this massive problem. Imagine this, for example. Every single day, you're walking past Big Jimmy's house on your way to school. And Big Jimmy and his friends, they're out on the porch, you know, they're vaping and they're listening to classical interpretations of rap music. It's a scary bunch of kids. And every day you walk by Big Jimmy's house, him and his friends, they beat you up. They take your lunch money. You know, you have a black eye and no lunch money. Can't buy lunch. You know, life freaking sucks. Now, what you could do is you could take Brazilian jihitsu classes for the next nine years, become a black belt. And then finally nine years later, when you're in college still getting beaten up every day, you fight back. Take out Big Jimmy and his friends. Half of them right now are in jail already. You know, you fix the problem. This is a very long and difficult solution to a problem that could have just been fixed. by taking a different route to school. Now, what is the analogous situation here in StarCraft 2, taking a different route to school? Which has been to freaking base trade. Dude, you have eight, nine cannons over here on your fifth. You have cannons over here. It's difficult for lurkers to go in for a base trade. You had a massive army. You would have taken out his bases way faster, would have forced your opponent back home. You had a lot of cash. You had superior income as well. Like, how can you not realize that you could have just dodged the army? killed all the buildings, and you would have been fine. I mean, you didn't win this game. Crap all in her. Loll, okay, Gigi. I mean, I just hate this. You don't deserve this game. You just made lurkers. Well, Kriel, in a way, I kind of agree with you. In any normal situation, if he was playing an able-brained person, yeah, I don't think Ronin deserved this game. his opener was legitimately terrible. His midgame was legitimately terrible. He kept losing bases. He didn't ever multi-prong or defend your multi-prong very well. The one attack he made earlier with the Ling Hyder was completely ill-advised. But yet, because you took world's worst fight in the entire world and then had no transition ready behind this, despite being up freaking five mining bases at certain points, yeah, you still managed to lose. And he could say, well, my opponent made way, more mistakes and I only made once. Like, yeah, you can't completely outplay your opponent, no issue, but then if you mess it up at the end, you still lose. It's the same in football. If you out-dribble all your opponents, but every time you get in front of the goal, you pick up the ball with both of your hands and kick it full force into the head of the referee, you're probably going to get sent off the game as well, and you'll end up losing eventually, despite your opponent being completely incapable. That is more to do with your idiocy than with the lurker being too strong. like the only fight that went well with the lurker was when you completely attacked into it while there was 17 blinding clouds active as well and you just went in like some clowns it's like yeah of course you deserve to lose your mistake was so much bigger than all of your opponent's mistakes combined those were always mistakes of efficiency in the early game or like misjudging the fights early on which roland really consistently misjudged that but then he takes one good fight and well not a good fight a freaking perfect fight and he wins the game That is how most games in the world work. If you completely mess up, yeah, you'll end up losing the game. That is not imbalanced. It is you being an idiot, throwing away an almost unthrowable lead. And that leads me to, you know, the only fair conclusion here being Mr. Krill, is that you suck. It's not imbalanced. You just took a garbage fight. You could have made different decisions at any point in the game, either to transition or to base trade or to take a fight earlier in the game on your opponent's side of the map while you have more time to still reinforce. These are all things you could have done, but you didn't. And thus, you suck. And that's just the way it is. All right, that's going to be it for me today. I do hope you enjoyed this episode of is it imba or do I suck? If you did, don't forget to the like button, subscribe to the channel. I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you. And bye-bye. |
First MIRROR MATCHUP Complaint?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | Our editorial staff distances themselves of the title as well as any statements made in the video. Responsible is only Riley Reid. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BmsCk0VHGjY/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | BmsCk0VHGjY | Title. First, mirror matchup, complaint. Question mark, exclamation mark. I think this is the first time in my entire life that someone has gone through the trouble of writing a title as well as capitalizing certain words. Like this is a YouTube thumbnail, but I guess in a way it worked because here we are. All right. Captain, I bet you've never seen a complaint quite like this before. I am confirming for my Terran and Zerg brethren from behind enemy lines that the carrier is indeed a brain-dead, idiotic unit, especially in PVP. My opponent starts the game with some what can only be called any nonsense, which I held reasonably. Sure, I probably didn't need a forge. I cut a few workers in the defense, but my expo is faster, and I scout that he gets a forge, Stargate, and cuts warpgate. So I figure I'm in no threat for a while. I figure the best response is to Rochelle Blink and deny a third while getting my own and eventually snowballing to a much larger army. But I forgot he can just turtle on batteries and cannons, crawl to a much later third, and by the time that I scout carriers in production, I know I am on a ticking time bomb. There's no response for this. I can't build a critical mazel stalkers to ever engage since he has stasis plus Phoenix Lyft plus batteries and I can't ever transition to Tempest in time since he will be so far ahead in upgrades and Phoenix Carrier Count. I try, but I've lost so many proms at that point. It's futile. What is the correct response besides rolling over and getting the loop? What is the timing I can hit? If there's none, feel free to use this and dethrone maxbacks in PVP. You deserve it king. This titled imbalance complaint form was sent in by Riley Reed from the North American server, who is in the Masters League with 4,400 MMR, basically asking, Is the carrier imbalanced? Or do I suck? All right, here we go. Riley Reed versus Hesse Jimbo. Yes, Hesse Jimbo is sending out a probe rather quickly. Now, of course, we did read in the imbalance complaint for him that it was some N-A nonsense in the early game. So I'm very curious what this is going to be. There's a pilot home. There's no force yet. It can't really be a cannon rush. Or at least, it would be a very weird timing for a cannon rush. Or at least for that probe to be out on the map. It's going to be a pylon over here in the natural. I think this is a reasonable response. After seeing a pylon go down in your natural, you pull one worker. Maybe you pull a second. Yeah, no, I'm completely down for this. I think this is a good response here by Riley so far. We now get a gateway. Maybe a cannon. You could still, yeah. Okay, second gate. Now, this is actually kind of an interesting setup here that we see. And I think the advantage. think it might be worthwhile to just pause here for a second and to actually analyze the situation properly. Okay? So Riley Read over here has this gateway 35 out of 46 seconds on. Well, my man Hesse Jimbo has this gateway 21 out of 46 seconds on and the second gateway 14 out of 46 seconds. That means that the zealot, well, what did I say? The times, it's going to be about 15 seconds faster here for our blue Protoss player. Fifteen seconds faster with a zealot. Okay? Now, as a response, something that you can do is just throw down a second gateway yourself, so you just mirror what your opponent is proxying in your natural except you're just going to have it much faster because your first gate is quicker, so you're going to have a bigger zealot count, your opponent lost a lot of mining time, and they're going to be losing these buildings as well, and then you does be very far ahead. So you yourself already said, Riley, that you thought that the forge was an incorrect play, and I agree, it should have been a second gateway. I actually think in reality that a second gateway isn't even necessary, because I think with a decent pro pool and with a zealot chrono, you should be fine, but I don't mind a very fast second gateway, chrononing that for a zealot. I mean, this full wall is definitely quite smart as well. And now that you know that you have the full wall, something else you could do, is just cancel the forge last second and replace it with a cybernetic score over here. Then you know for sure you're going to get this Spylon down and not a single zealot is going to ever get pushed out of these gateways. And in that case, I think the game is just honestly pretty much over. Instead, you let the forge finish. Your cybernetic score starts later than your opponent. And we actually see Hesse Gimbo over here with the Krono boost on the Nexus as well. So actually getting quite a few pros. So yes, this looks bad for our man Hesse Gimbo, but it's not as bad as it should have been. This game should have practically been over, either due to superior production. here for Riley or just because the eco-lead should have been too big and you know the cost of losing these two gateways or this gateway and the pylon should have been way too large. Nexus does go down here for Riley but we also see the next going down on the other side for Hessey and that means that we have honestly a fairly even game with the only downside here for Hesse-Gimbo being that there is no gateway at home. So this is something that people don't realize, okay? People will look at a situation like this and they'll think to themselves, okay, I stopped the rush, I am now naturally ahead because I stopped the rush. But that's not how it works. You can be ahead in certain things, but be behind in others. Right now, for example, we actually see that Hessey Jimbo is up to workers and only has a slightly slower nexus over here. So the only thing that Hesse Jimbo right now is lacking is ground defense because he's not going to have any type of gateway units out. This is the area in which Riley is going to be ahead. and this is the area in which he will need to kind of capitalize in order to get further ahead or to stay ahead. If you don't capitalize on the only lead that you have and you, Krono boost the stalker, build a battery for God knows why. Like, this makes no sense. This battery is absolutely idiotic. This is very, very dumb. It makes no... Like, you know there's no gateway. You're scouting that there's no gateway. The first threat that's going to come here could only be an Oracle. That means that a battery on the local. ground here is completely nonsensical. In no world does this make any sense whatsoever. This is actually idiotic. This is 100 minerals wasted. It could have been a way faster second gateway, which would have been great to have to kind of match up with warpgate finishing up. You can get a lot of stalkers. Maybe you can then pressure with stalkers because your opponent doesn't have any freaking ground units. If you would have moved across the map with your first stalker, chrono boosted your second stalker, maybe you could have forced out way more cannons. Maybe you could have killed a bunch of probes as well. These are all things that definitely coulda, had you just moved across the map with your stalkers, which is where your lead is in. Right now, you don't actually have a lead in very much of anything. I think your tech is actually better because your opponent is opening up with Phoenixes for whatever reason, and you're playing Twilight Council. So I think your tech is nicer, but you're not producing workers properly. You're not chrono boosting workers properly either. I think the Chrono Boost went on the Twilight Council here. Once again, you're still not croning. On the other side of the map, well, we have quite a few workers, 33 versus 30. So we actually see that Hesi Jimbo is now up in economy, still kind of down when it comes to map controlled. Because there's only a single Phoenix out. There's going to be blink soon enough. There's going to be a lot of stalker. So Phoenix is shouldn't be capable of dealing a whole lot of damage. And taking a third base, playing pure air units is practically impossible. Like it is really, really difficult to do. It is really difficult to do to take a third base when you're messing Phoenix against someone that opened up with straight blink. If this was Stargate into blink, then maybe it's possible. But going straight blink against your straight Phoenix, that is freaking hard. Okay, now we get two more gateways. And here you always got to be careful as a toss to not fall into the MGMS mistake. This stands for the more gates, more strong. Simple little acronym there for the Protoss players. Now the MGMS, the more gates more strong fallacy, is one where you believe that just Because you build more gateways, you actually have a stronger push. This often ends up not being correct. So if we're here maximizing for a timing with these two gateways, we should be hitting in, well, first warpins is going to be in about 20 seconds from now, then the next warpins in 23 seconds after. So you probably want to hit in about 50 seconds from this point on out. And you want to hit constant warpins and you can't build a third base. Okay. What we're seeing here already, which is kind of what I expect is we're seeing a dark shrine being added in, we're now seeing a cannon being built as well, and we see a probe moving over towards the third base. So Gateway is now finishing up, and they should morph, or they should warp a stalker immediately. If the goal is to push, they have an as strong push as possible. Every single warpin needs to be hit. Instead, we get a Nexus. Now, if you had wanted a Nexus, what you could have just done is build the Nexus before you build Gateway 3 and 4. You haven't used them yet anyway. You've only been using these two gates a single time. Right now, I don't even think you should be using these two gateways because you should be focusing on getting more probes out, getting more upgrades out. I pray to the Lord that you end up canceling this dark shrine. So really these two gateways, these 300 minerals you invested in here, so far haven't benefited you one bit. They've been completely useless up until this point. Completely useless. You could have had more units, taking a faster third base, chrono boosting more probes, and just having continuous production out of these two gates. I would have much preferred it. And don't forget, this is not a silver or a diamond or a gold or a platinum game. We're watching a high masters games, 4,400 MMR on the NA server. This is some of America's finest, okay? These are some of the great minds that America has to offer. Now we're seeing, look at this, three more gateways being added in. Despite these two gates not even having been used once, we see three more gates. What would I have preferred here, you might ask? Well, let's once again just analyze the situation. something that people tend to forget to do and something that Riley definitely is forgetting. What he needs to do at this point is realize, hey, my opponent has an army that can't freaking kill me. Phoenixes can harass, they can defend, but they can't kill people aggressively. It is impossible. What you could have done, rather than building these three gates, is take a really fast forward base as well, continue chrono boosting worker, maybe even getting a second forge of some sort, and then maybe maximizing a very efficient four-based. timeing attack where you have 75 workers, you're going to get up to 12 gateways, which are constantly pumping out units. And you can do all of this while still putting on more pressure than you currently are doing, because you literally haven't warped in a single unit, except for a century maybe, ever since you added Gateway 3 and 4, which once again have been completely useless. I'm afraid that Gateway 5, 6 and 7 are going to have a very similar fate there, and I'm going to be completely useless, even going to throw down an 8th gate, a Templar Archives over here. I much rather would have seen you get more of a lead when it comes to the eco and continue a stalker production from a low gateway count. More workers, more workers. Almost always the answer. When you're dealing with someone that is turtling hard, you want low production, high worker production and maximum amount of unit production as well on the facilities that you already have. I'm not entirely sure how this is possible either. You literally have nothing to do. You're not harassing. You're not on the other side of the map. And yet your opponent flies in, managed to kill 10, 12 workers all at once. Literally your only job in the past six minutes has been to stop this, and the one time your opponent decides to move out, you kill two phoenixes and lose freaking 15 workers, which is kind of impressive by itself. Your opponent, by the way, still stuck on two bases, but I'm not so worried about that because your opponent also has more income at the moment. 1,800 minerals a minute, 600 gas. Don't ask me how that is possible. I guess you're not mining any gas from your third. and you just simply have less pros than your opponent. Now we start moving across the map, and you've managed to, well, achieve the remarkable feat of having less stalkers than your opponent has Phoenixes out, eight minutes and 40 seconds into the game. This is definitely something that you could be very proud of, because I haven't quite seen that before. Walk into a stasis with half of your stalkers, very nice. Phoenixes turn around. First Voidre and Carrier show up. and you basically lose your entire army here for free. I've seen a lot of bad responses over the years, right? A lot of bad responses over the years to Airtos. But I think this one is honestly one of the greatest bad responses that I've seen in my life. You're not rushing out Eco. You're not really going for a timing attack. You kind of play a low eco style with very little units and no timing attack. There is no prism or any type of reinforcement. It looked like you were going for a three-base all-in, yet you had no way to reinforce this push. It looked like you were going for an Archon zealot push, which I honestly wouldn't have mine so much. Archons are really, really sick against Phoenixes because they can't be lifted. They have insane splash damage. Zealots are good at dealing with cannons and batteries as well. I wouldn't have minded a proper 10 or 12 gate timing from 3 base even. I think that might have been okay if you hit as the third base is going up. But you did none of those things. You just literally sat here, got no eco, took insane damage from your opponent, and then you walked into a stasis. Now, it's possible that I've missed something else that you've done. But in my mind, these are the only things you've done so far. Now your opponent has carriers out. Now, at this point, I would say, you're almost in an unwinnable position because your eco is still completely garbage. Your opponent still has a lot of potential eco kill in these phoenixes. And the main army is probably stronger than your main army. So even without the phoenixes, if every single phoenix would die and trade in all of its energy for probes, which I think you can definitely do, the eco is so much better here for Hesse Gimbo. And the army is also going to be much better for Hesse Jainvo. Turtle and make carriers. I'm not sure if this is a complaint or if this is like a... It's just a statement. It's like just telling himself, turtle and make carriers. That's what it's like... He's using the general chat here as a kind of a way of journaling. He has a diary that he can always read. He does this in all of his readplace, my man Riley. Fantastic stuff. Fantastic stuff. All right. Four carriers out. Four more on the way. Plus one armor as well coming in. B4 plus 3. I'm not a huge fan of. Big blink forward. Once again, less stalkers than Phoenixes. Carriers are still in the air. Not entirely sure what the point is of this. You weren't even trying to deny it further. I guess you were trying to deny this, but you knew you had less, less of an army. Here comes a Stargate transition. This is the famed Stargate transition that you said would be too late because transitioning into tempest is useless. And yeah, at this point, but technically anything you can, could be doing is fairly useless. And the reason for that is because you're completely dead. I don't think it is possible to have responded much worse to this entire setup, which is kind of weird because I feel like I say that like every other week. So at some point we need to make like one of these brackets between people's responses to certain things and then make them fight against each other. We get a team of like three judges and we figure out who truly has. had the worst response against carriers. But I honestly do believe that this is pretty high up there. Like this has been fairly mediocre. Please blink into this just for a comedic effect. Okay, too bad. Just gets everything lifted instead. It feels like finally now, though, Riley Reed here is figuring out that getting a good eco might actually be worth it. Starts running around with stalkers, except it's just way too late. It's simply just way, way too late. This should have been done years ago, like five, six minutes ago. And could have done all of this as well while denying third basis. That is the funny thing to me. Minimum amount of stalkers, maximum production, minimum amount of probes. Like, literally the opposite of everything you want. Like, you know how sometimes they say that a monkey would have performed better than you? Because monkeys, whenever they get a 50-50, you know, they'll at least pick something. So there's a 50% chance. Monkey wouldn't just have done slightly better than you. You'd have completely destroyed you here when it comes to the choices. The monkey would have been fantastic. Yes, yeah, this game is completely over. We'll go over it one more time, though. Okay? In case you're wondering what the correct thing to do is against a carrier camp or really discount for any camping in general. Usually people that camp very heavily on two bases have very poor eco, and they don't have the ability to establish a third base. if you're camping on two bases with Mac or with Airtals, it's also really, really difficult to move out on the map because the moment you move out on the map and your opponent counterattacks you, you're going to most likely be losing a base rate because of two facts. One, the moment you move out and the opponent base trade you, it means that the opponent gets to shoot your buildings first. They initiate the base rate, so they start by killing your buildings. And second of all, because you've been camping on two bases, you have less bases, which means it's easier to clear all the buildings as well, for the person who isn't camping. And this is also most of the time going to be the way to beat a turtling player is by getting better eco yourself behind it than getting a lot of often cheap units that if your opponent threatens to move out, you can pay straight with. And then once you have your eco set up, you're on 85 workers, you get all your gases saturated and you start transitioning into the actual counter of your opponent's army, which in this case could either be double-forge, Arcon Zealot Stalker and just A-moving into your opponent's fortbase the moment they try to get it with like 16 gates. Do you have double-forged, good upgrades? This can definitely work until disruptors are out. At that point you can just transition into Tempus. But the main thing here is that the eco needs to be very good and you need to try and deny your opponent's third base for as long as possible without really losing very much. And that would have been completely, both of these things would have been possible had you stayed on way lower production, completely maximize that production by building stalkers again and again and again and again maybe proxying one gateway across the map after your third base, so you have quicker reinforcements to that base. And then after you get your fort up and running, go up to eight gases, Charcelot Arcon, boom, you go for it, all good. Go up to five bases for all I care, just play a very patient game and go into Tempest. Boom, also completely fine. The worst thing you can do is having some half-garbage stalker attack walking into a stasis word, losing your entire army, while two Archons are still idling at home because you didn't think of building a prism or a gateway and a pylon. This is absolutely not the way, my dear friend. Like I said, you've done absolutely every decision you had, every path of the three of choices that you had, you went in the wrong branch. You know, the rotten branch, you fell down the tree, and that's just how it is. And you, my dear friend, Riley Reed, you, you suck. the way it is. All right. That's also the way it is for this episode and that's going to be it for me. We did enjoy this beautiful game of StarCraft 2 and this IODIS replay. If you did, don't forget, did the like button. Subscribe to the channel. Send in your own Iodis if you do believe that something is truly imbalanced and we'll get back to you soon. Ciao, chow. |
Banes Go Boom, Why No Win?! - Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck? | Does Terran really need no micro? And is it unfair that Zerg players have to make decisions? This and more in today's episode of STARCRAFT TODA.... Ohh, wrong format! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/xWfuldQaDSs/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | xWfuldQaDSs | Hello, Captain. Terran is not balanced. It is incredible how little effort Terran can put in macro and still come out of it fine. Why do I have the balance between making drones and army, while Terran can just click on barracks and spam marauders and drop some mules from time to time, which gives infinite amount of money, by the way. Those animals doesn't care about microing because their units are cheap and trades incredibly efficient. even if my bailing connects, it doesn't matter, because traits are going to be even at best. Terran doesn't even need to tack up. Why do I have to make investor Viper and he can stay on pure marine tank and maybe add some ghost to counter all my spellcasters? Am I so bad at the game? Or is Terran not very balanced race? Tell me. This imbalance complaint form was sent in by Kildren, a European diamond at 3.7K MMR. whether Terran is not very balanced or if he sucks. Let's find out. Alright and here we go. Kildren versus H-T-U or H-2. I'm going to stick with H-2 for now. Opened up with a reactor first opener into a CC while having a lot of gas as well. So I believe this did come from a gas first opener. Meanwhile on the other side, with Kildren we have a Hatchery first opener. into what seems to me like a gas and a pool. Both overlords make their way across the map, looking for a little bit of scouting information. Of course, these days with Terrans opening up with Tourex quite a bit, with the Triple Reaper, I think going for a scout in the wall is a very good move. I like how Kildren does this. Either is aware of the meta, or this is something he's always been doing. Either way, I'm kind of fond of it, to be honest. We have a, like I said, a factory for H2 coming down here. Now, of course, with these first two marines popping out, Kildron actually does need to be somewhat careful as he's going to pop in, seize the two Marines now, and starts running away for its dear life. Right? Please, run away for your dear lives? I wonder if you're going to make it out. I don't think so. Usually flying towards the barracks where Marines are being produced is not the optimal play. It sounds bad, but you probably just have to fly in this general direction. Is there a pillar here somewhere? I think there's one here. Okay. Maybe you should have gone over there because your lings maybe can come and help in time. At least they're going to get one Marine here, I think. Maybe even two. Nah, just one. One Marine will go down Kildren's supply block. Why are we supply block actually? No offense. But, no. Actually, freaking offense. Okay. Two minutes and 30 seconds into the game. Now, I am not a brilliant person. Okay, you don't have to be a... a brilliant person. But if you're seeing two marines here and you know your opponent opened with reactor first, the next two marines are about to pop out. This overlord, if you're flying it into your opponent's main base, reasonably, is probably going to end up falling. I don't think it is a bad move to at this point already add a new overlord so that you don't get massively supply blocked. Now, this might just be me being brilliant, but I think the moment it dies is not the time to start preparing for it. This is like starting to prepare for a nuke the moment it lands or the moment it gets launched. It's like it's too late. There's no time to build the bunker anymore, my friend. That time is now five years behind us. I know they often say the best time to plant the tree is 20 years ago. The second time, second best time to plant a tree is now. That is not the case when it comes to nuclear strikes. If you are going to get nuked, the second best time to build a nuclear bunker is not now anymore because it will not finish in time. It's the same with an overlord. It didn't finish in time. You're supply block for no real reason. You're also mining way too much gas, which I don't really like, actually. What are we using this gas for? I don't quite see it. The standard is the plowl of gas so that you increase your mineral income, which is the most important thing for Zerg in the early game. I've mentioned this so many times, but as long as people are going to do it wrong, I'll have to mention it again. The only thing that produces economy are minerals. Minerals produce economy. Queens, Overlord, hatcheries, drones, all cost minerals. Gas is for tech. Gas is for better units, higher tier units. But anything eco-related minerals. And thus in the early game, it is your goal, especially as a Zerg player, to increase your mineral income as much as possible. That's why many players pull out of gas the moment they start speed. At least pull two workers out of gas, sometimes even three. I have seen it. Now, our Terran player here is opening up with a hellbet, push, this is fairly common as an opener from Reactor first. I do not expect Kildren to be aware of this, because Kildren also wasn't aware of pulling out of gas is a good move. Kildren wasn't aware of an overlord dying. Maybe you want to, you know, preemptively build the next one. However, there's four queens in position. There's five queens. Mettafeck isn't really healing. This isn't going to be great, but it's going to be a halt. Actually, it might just be great. Queens kind of defend for themselves, especially if the Mendevec is just seeing the sights, I guess. Not quite sure what that Mettabek is up to. I do like the target fire here on individual Marines and just letting the halberts go ham in the drone count. If these helmets were being controlled about 10, 15 seconds earlier, I think 12 drones would have ended up dying here. This would have been still a non-successful push for the Terran player, but it would have been kind of annoying. Now, we have 700 minerals in the bank currently for Kildren. We have about, well, 300, but some of it just got spent. So it's not entirely fair to pick this moment. There's just more money. And this is important to note, as one of the things that Kildren said, was that I have to make a decision between army and drones. Now, while this is true for Zerg, especially later on in the game, at the start, this isn't actually true. This is completely false. The queen makes it so that you don't have to choose. You just build drones and you build queens at the same time. Queens don't cause larvae, and you can thus just produce them while also continuously building drones. What is this hydra timing? This is not real, right? I've never seen a hydroless den pre-Ford base, and I've never seen a hydroless den pre-Evo chambers either. This is extremely rare. I'm not familiar with this strategy. Usually when I'm not familiar with a strategy, I try to not comment on it, like especially if it's higher level games, because it could be that there's something brilliant popping out of this that I'm just not aware of. I'm going to give Kildren the same courtesy. I'm going to extend the same courtesy here until I see what this fast hydra then achieved, and also until I see what it stopped from doing, like did it stop any extra upgrades coming in early because he was spending money on, what is it, muscular augments and grooved spines and the money for the hydra then. Or did this Hydra then, you know, maybe there was a huge purpose here. Maybe it's a Hydra Bainbrush without any upgrades, which I haven't seen before. I'm also no clue what this Terran is doing. Weapon Rift upgrade here for the Battle Cruisers. Is there any... We have one battle cruiser out now. I think the moment this happens, you want to throw down a spire and probably send an overseer into your opponent's main base, because you have no clue what's going on. This could be like some weird triple starport. your opponent could also just have brain damage and just build a BC for banter. Or it could be a YouTuber who's, you know, one random battle cruiser into standard play challenge. It's completely possible. It could be anything at this point and you need to figure it out. And thus, I really do recommend sending in an overseer scout. I like the, I like the spire. Even if it is quite blind, you see a battle cruiser and I think this is a safety, like a safety precaution that you pretty much have to take. Now you do get that battle cruiser down with your queens. Honestly, pretty well done. You have a bunch of cash in the bank and I think a lot of that cash should be getting translated either into drones or into more units at this point. Now there is another real cool trick as a Zerg player and that is adding production. Rather than adding three roach warrants like you would have to do with your Protoss or Terran, you just add more hatcheries. You can build those hatcheries in position but we see a lot of top level players also just build them in their main base. Dark of course known for having triple hatcheries in his main. I know Lambo likes to build it in like some random location over here because it's quicker reinforcements. I'm sure there's some scientific reason for it, but just build them wherever. If you're floating money the entire time and you feel like you need to make a choice between drones and units, despite constantly floating 1.2K minerals, then yeah, maybe it's good to add a little bit of production. If a Terran is struggling spending on two barracks, I would also tell him to go up to four or five barracks. If a Zerg is struggling to spend money on four hatcheries, go up to five hatcheries, go up to six hatcheries. I don't give a crap. You have plenty of queens already, so I wouldn't recommend spending money in those anymore. You also have plenty of larva, actually, 19 larva. They're just not being used. I'd also like to make a shout-out to the quick Hydra then that we saw here, doing absolutely nothing. So far, Spire is out and is starting six corruptors. Now, this is an absolutely beautiful example. as to why I believe you should have sent in an Overseer Scout here. This is a good run by the way. Holy crap. It did big damage there. Now, why did I say an Overseer Scout? Overseer Scout is because the spire response is basically free. Your opponent built one Battle Cruiser and they build a fusion core. If the Terran transitions out of Battle Cruiser altogether after that one, it still was okay for you to have a response in the spire because it is less money for you to invest into a spire than it is for them to invest into a battle cruiser and a fusion corps, and in the time of the starboard that it takes to build a BC as well. However, if your opponent is not adding any extra battle cruisers, you don't want to build anything out of that spire. You don't want to get plus one. You don't want to get six corruptors because they're going to be practically useless. That is why the overseer is so darn important. If you get the overseer scout, you see, hey, my opponent is a clown and he's now going triple factory into five barracks, getting six corruptors n plus one on your air unit is definitely not going to be worth it. You could still play Muda if you really want to. I don't think that is the correct call necessarily, but these corruptors are definitely not the correct call. Like they're countering nothing here, except this one BC. Did he build two BCs? Yeah, two BCs. Except this one B.C. But I'm pretty sure at this point, you could have just held that with Queens or even half a spore in position anywhere. I much rather would have seen a Hydra Bane follow-up. Now, you're continuing to add more and more drones, which is kind of weird because you're already saturated on three bases. Hell, I believe you're already getting oversaturated here. And as a result, now you start long distance mining from a fifth base. These guys are also gone on long distance. Yep, they are, aren't they? A couple of them definitely are. This base is toast. Take out the fourth base, which is quite nice, I think. Good job. I'm proud of you. You did well, son. Haven't quite scouted the other base, though. there's already a different fourth again and despite having so many workers the difference in income is actually relatively small because you don't have enough bases to mine from I mean your long distance mining is freaking 16 workers over here your upgrades are really slow it's kind of funny because you said you need to make decisions between drones and units but you don't have to make decisions between drone units and upgrades upgrades are free you could be throwing down an infestation pit right now you could be throwing down you know plus two range or plus two carapace. I wouldn't mind carapace against a full bio army, but you're doing none of that. You pretend that like Zerg has to make choices between these things, but your macro is just bad. And it's fine to admit that your macro is bad. Like, you're just not very quick. That's okay. But don't pretend that the reason that you're not getting everything is because you have to make so many decisions, you know, and you don't know what the right decision is and you constantly need to scout. Mate, you aren't scouting at all, and you also are not making decisions. You're just not doing anything. This is like being faced with a hard decision and just freezing in your chair and looking at your screen starting to shake for like 10 hours. And when your boss comes in asking, hey, what have you been doing? It's like, making decisions. Leave me alone. It's like, okay. Back to work you go, son. It's like, you're just floating a crap ton of cash. You have larva available. You could have been tacking into anything else. Yet you didn't do any of those things. You haven't been scouting either, which isn't a larva decision either. there's just a lack of APM or a lack of understanding that you need to get something done. Croptors do actually get some kills here on Metafax. I love that they go back despite there still being one MataVec around. I'm not going to flame you too much for this. Because honestly, despite all of your failings as a player, you're still winning this game. Queens have held the backline properly. Bailings have connected with the bio. You came in from one angle the entire time, so the fights weren't even that optimal. But they were good enough because quite honestly. Honestly, your work account is very impressive, especially for the level that you're playing it. I don't think a lot of Zergs get to this high a drone count. Your creep threat also is actually reasonably good. So all of your fights, or almost all of your fights, are going to be partially on creep. Now, would this situation be much better if your hive was done, you had two two done, your adrenal glands was on the way, and you had some info on what your opponent was doing base-wise, as well as army composition wise, sure, all of that would be better. But for now, I think your position is completely fine, as long as you manage to spend your money in any way, whether that's going to be drones or units. I don't even really care personally at this point. Like they were getting another hatchery over here. I wouldn't mind seeing four hatcheries being plop down in your main base, though, at this moment. I wouldn't mind seeing you go into hive. I wouldn't mind seeing you get upgrades once again on things. It's just all really slow. This is a nice engagement. Coming from the back as well with these lings, getting the tank fire in there. Bainlings all nicely into the tank. Love to see it. These bad boys. It's going to get taken out for free. Happens to the best. So your control is fairly mediocre, to be honest. I haven't really seen too many good moves. I like the Ling flank, where that was about it. It feels like you're A-moving your Bainlings with your Ling army as well, while Bainlings most of the time should just be move commanding past Marines and then exploding on top of them when they reach them. Tends to be a better thing than A-moving into tanks. Once again, this is a good fight for you though. I'm absolutely not worried at all for your position here whatsoever. You still have a lot of cash in the bank as well. moving into Hive, which means that the Ultra Cavern is closed by. Now, the beauty of the Ultra Cavern is that you need to have absolutely no macro ability in order to spend your money once you have ultras. Like, if you get like seven larvas and you have enough cash, all of this money will just pop disappear like that because ultras are freaking expensive and they just cost a single larva. I still haven't quite received the update from the Lord Masters, how it is possible that a single Roach comes out of the same larva as a single Ultra, especially given that the time, the time difference of building is relatively big, but not big enough that something the size of a roach could then grow into an ultra. Not quite sure how the evolution worked there, just find it all a little bit suspicious. zerga bow at work once again. Ten overlors on the way now. Some nice oversaturation at these bases. This is not necessarily an attack I completely approve of. Usually I would approve of this, but we need to keep in mind this. situation that we're in. So just think about the spot you're in right now. Okay. You're a Zerg player. You have 68 army supply against 88 army supply. Okay. The larva count available is 11. We don't have a unit we can produce that is very expensive and cost little larva. I guess the best unit would be the hydra list here, but we don't have an ultra and we can't move these hydras into lurker. So we don't get a real fighting unit. Usually I'd say with this amount of bank and with this amount of workers, taking out a planetary is good. But the moment we lose these banlings, we don't actually have a defensive setup anymore. Like we hardly have any units around that can truly defend. We have a couple of queens, but actually this guy's still in one-one. Maybe queens are still going to be somewhat okay in that case. But you always got to be real careful. So even if your eco-situation is good, you need to think, hey, how quick can I reproduce and how much am I going to lose after, you know, making a move like this? Yes, this was technically great. and you could probably leverage this in the future. But for now, what is it actually going to do? I love this Ling run by. That's a good Ling run by, especially if you would have continued killing SUVs. That would have been real, real good. Greater Spire? Not a huge fan of the Greater Spire personally. Here come the Baines once again. It's kind of A-moving in onto tanks, onto marauders. I guess that's the only thing really available in the army, so it's not weird that they're going to be hitting marauders. and these guys. Against very marauder, heavy armies, by the way, it can be quite good just to get a very heavy link count rather than getting too many banlings. Because lings are quite powerful against them. I would not recommend losing all your queens for free either. Something I generally, you know, I fight against. When I'm a Zerg player, it's like, eh, don't think that's the brightest thing. This is not a good fight either. This is not it. Not a very good fight at all. Still, this situation should somewhat be, There's a lot of cash in the bank. We have 13 larvas still remaining that aren't being used, now get turned into 26 lynx. We have hydras on the way. And the upgrades are also not great for Terran. I guess they're also not great for you. It's just a very confusing game this is for me. It feels like you constantly have such a huge bank, but then you're constantly not building the things that I feel like you should be getting. Just continue on Ling or Bane. just move commanding into or a moving into marauder tank. I think we're allowed to transition, but I don't think we should transition into Brutelords. The problem with Brutlords is that it slows the game down from your side so much. It makes it really difficult to make defensive rotations because the Brutlord has such a low speed. It is good if the game is very stable and the Terran is on like a ghost Thor army, which makes it hard for them to rotate as well. But right now it's very easy for them to rotate because they mainly have a bio army, while you still are trying to get outside bases. You can never defend outside bases with brute lords, because by the time you show up, this bio army is going to have taken out five bases, and then they just run away from your brute lords. You don't have fungal to keep them in place. You don't have lurkers to defend any of your side bases either. Terran actually is 16 minutes in starting the 3-3 upgrades as well right now. She's going to take out two bases. And for the first time, I think, in the entirety of this game, Terran now might actually be pulling I had economically. Because yes, you still have a very good work account, but you're mining off of, well, half a base over here, a single mineral patch in here, four patches over here, and well, still about seven patches there. So this is the first time you're actually in some serious trouble. The first time in this entire game, I'm somewhat scared. A, because of your army comp, and B, because you don't really have the eco anymore. This base is now being constructed, but that's going to take a while. adding more brutal or slowing your army down even further. This base does get cancelled. Once again, you have no clue if there is a new base here. You have no clue if there's a base on the bottom here. You have no clue if there's a base right in the top bottom, sorry, the bottom right side as well. Like, you literally have no info whatsoever, and you're just going for it. Which almost never works for Zerg. Like, for Zerg, it's really important to take out mining bases and that these mining bases can be replaced quickly. Because then you can create an eco-lead and then over time, if you trade somewhat closely, which you have been doing, to be quite honest, then life should be okay. It's also a very odd army composition. Not a huge fan of doing this fight in range of the planetary fortress, who already has 32 kills right now. Majority of them coming from, well, this little bit of a fight in the past 35 seconds. Planetary overtime get a lot of kills against like the smaller Zerg units specifically. Even against bigger Zerg units, they're pretty okay against Lurkers too if Lurkers aren't in big enough numbers. 23 Baines coming in. We have adrenal glands. We don't have the 333 upgrades. There's not enough cash anymore for the 333 upgrades either. Now we get 15 more workers. It feels like you don't quite understand what kind of arm you need in order to defend. Such a spread-out amount of bases. Like, it's obvious to me that this is not really high. you can be playing. This is a nice run-by. Or well, this would have been a very nice run-by if you had... If you had more units back up here, back home. This is a good run-bye. Actually, I still like it. This was a good move overall. I do enjoy this. I definitely do think that was correct. The problem is just that the rest of your army is such balls. Actually such balls. I would love to see just a couple of ultras or a couple of lurkers, some type of late-game unit, maybe using Vipers. I saw a Viper being constructed earlier. but I don't think it ever really cast a spell, either for parasitic bomb or blinding cloud would be huge. Not banings do get some decent connections here against the Marines as well. Now you have a pure Bane army, and the majority of your opponent's army is going to be Thor tank here. You can't really efficiently trade against. You're actually A-moving into Thors with Baines. That is never a good sign. I think now you're actually kind of dead. Ah, come on. Is it repair-a-mules or Manner Mules? It's kind of Manner Mules, isn't it? Maybe he wanted them for repairing and then forgot about it. We'll give H2 the benefit of the doubt. I don't like Manner Muelers. I really, really dislike Manner Muleers. They're pricks. Ech. Not a fan of that. Some nice Brutlord transition coming in once again. Against Thor's. Not the most brilliant pick. Yeah, this is the type of game where I look at it. And I think to myself, the Zerg is actually a better player, right? Like, mechanically, I don't think this was close. You're so B-NAT? I don't know what that means. But you're Terranx-D. I forgot the G-G as well. I don't know what the B-NAT means. It's probably one of these cool abbreviations that the kids use these days. I don't know any of them. But yeah, it's like one of these games where you look at this, and mechanically, you can see that this Zerg has. it down, you know? He spends a lot of time practicing against the AI, injecting, creep tumors, all of that stuff. However, StarCraft 2 is still a strategy game. And if your strategy sucks massive balls, then your gameplay is going to suck massive balls as well. And I think that's kind of what ended up happening here. I think in the very, in like the later stages, especially if you're struggling to spend your money like he was, I think you need to get some type of transition unit, whether there's going to be a lurker or an ultra. Like these units real easy to control. They're nice to use. They're quite expensive because, let's face it, despite having good mechanics, you were still struggling in spending your money. And on top of that, actually, your upgrades also were very poor, the entire game. I mean, we're 20 minutes in, and at the end, all you had were 2-2 upgrades for your ground units. You definitely had the resources available to continuously be upgrading that, yet it wasn't happening. Why? I honestly don't quite know. Like I said, mechanically seemed completely fine. maybe just didn't understand how important upgrades were or how important it was to tech into a different unit comp. Like you're playing against someone that, I think this theorem was on three factories, which is something that never got scouted, of course. But the moment you see that, then it's like, okay, that's going to be a lot of things. It's going to be a lot of doors. Perhaps I'm on some higher tech myself as well, whether it's going to be vipers or mainly just vipers. I would really would have loved to see vipers here. And like I said, Lurker Ultra also would have been good. Overall, yeah, what can I say? say good macro when it comes to producing workers, good macro when it comes to, or good mechanics when it comes to spreading creep, when it comes to building upgrades, it wasn't good enough when it comes to making sure that you have production so that you can continuously produce whenever you need it, not good enough. There were a couple of times where you made a decision to basically do a run-by, like you see Serrell or Reynor do, except then you didn't have the backup that they usually have. Whenever they go for a move into a base, they make sure that if there's a counter-attack, they have enough to at least catch that counterattack. And I think that often went wrong for you as well. So yeah, I don't think this was imbalance as well. I think there were so many things that you could have so easily fixed that would have given you such a major win in this game and just really basic strategic things, like switching composition ever so slightly, rather than Brut's Ultra or Lurker, or just getting upgrades. Sorry, my friend. It is not Terran that is in balance, but instead it is you who sucks. And that's just the way it is. All righty friends, that's going to be it for me as well today. I hope you all enjoy this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did, don't forget, hit the like button, subscribe to the channel and see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you. Bye-bye. |
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"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R7h0f_MiF7w/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | R7h0f_MiF7w | Zerg is Imba. I don't understand how my opponent won this game. I just don't know. We have a fairly even early game where I managed to get away with a slightly greedy third nexus before second gate in my hero style opener. He only manages to kill eight probes with a large attempted link flood at my third and natural. Meanwhile, I still have six drone kills to my name with my oracles, putting him behind. Once my upgrades finish, I move out and trade efficiently during the midgame, even killing 20 workers with one run by. I was ahead in every possible way. I have the game in my hands. Surely only Serral would be able to come back in this game with superior multitasking and skill, right? Apparently not. As there was nothing I could do to stop his Roach Hydra Ling army of smaller value from A-moving to my Ford base, fighting into a battery overcharge, and, dot, dot, dot, winning. I don't know why this is possible. Even my opponent, Chu Chilla, is stunned at how he managed to win this game with a simple A-move. Perhaps if I had three more gateways, I would have been able to hold this ape move from my opponent. But this is a tiny mistake compared to the multiple blunders of my opponent. My opponent made so many blunders, so many more blunders than I did, but still won the game. Surely, this is imba. Or do I suck? This imbalance complaint form was sent in by you. A player called you on the North American ladder in Grand Master, 4,815 MMR. And he says, Zerg is imbalanced. Or do I suck? And we're here to find out. You and I. You versus Chewilla. Oh, what a game this is. A game for the ages in which we have you, a Grandmaster player, starting his pylon. 45 minerals too late. And on the edge of getting 50 minerals, that is a pretty significant error already at the Grandmaster level, but we'll forgive him for it. He was, from what I've heard. Yeah, he was switching his music on Spotify. And then sometimes this type of stuff happens. You know, he was still in the lobby screen playlist. You know, the loading screen where you're trying to find a match. But now he's in the in-game playlist, you know, as a true bangers, like R&B from the late 90s. That's what you truly vibes to, at this moment at least. And specifically when it comes to Babylon. Such a 90s R&B vibe, if you ask me. And you definitely agrees. Open up with a Gateway Scout. This used to be called Enlightened. I still believe this is Enlightened. These days, every single Zerg player opening up with 14 hatches, 15 hatches, making sure that you can't block their natural anymore. So I understand the Gateway Scout. You don't want to block against this because your probe doesn't get to block anyway, so why even bother trying? You might as well give up altogether. And that's exactly what you did over here. Mining two workers in gas rallies a worker towards the third. Forgets to start his 20th probe. Happens as well as switching a song. So Mariah Carey came on. It's not what he wanted at all. Now builds a Nexus at an appropriate time, and then throws down that cybernetic score. Three in gas, this is just... Oracle build. It smells like an Oracle build. It looks like an Oracle build. This is an Oracle build. Another big giveaway to the fact that this was an Oracle build is the fact that he stated that he built oracles in his imbalance complaint for him. That makes these reeds significantly easier for me. Majority of the time what we see here is a pylon forward. Instead, we're seeing a pilot further in the back. I'm not necessarily opposed to this. I really am not. Most of the time, Zerg players will wait with their Overlord Scout until they see what comes out as the second unit. If the second unit is a stalker, they will not go in with their Overlord to Scout. If the second unit isn't adept, they'll go in with their Overlord to Scout and confirm what the actual tech is. Now, this Zerg player is a little bit different, Chuchilla. He says, hey, I actually want to figure it out right away. I don't care so much about whether your Kronaboo. your gateway, how many gateway units are going to be building. No, I want to know what tech you have. And in order to get that info, I am perhaps going to sacrifice my overlord. Because if that first unit is a chrono-boasted stalker, you could be in a little bit of trouble with this overlord. So this move carries some risk, but it is a risk that pays off here. The first unit is going to be an adapt that is non-chrono-boasted. Two lings make their way across the map as well. We'll poke up here. See that the adapt is still in the wall. This is a very standard opener here. Is it? Yeah, very standard open. For a second I was thinking, wait, this is Cretechumor too early or is a Criptumer too late, but I think that Creeptum is fairly at a normal timing. Two overlords here are the very weird timings. He's completely skipping queens altogether. We don't have queen number three. We don't have queen number four. Now we're starting a queen, but that is after what? The fifth overlord. This is extremely uncommon. This is actually extremely uncommon. You really never see this. He has to build two spores immediately as well because he won't have queens in time to deal with the first Oracle. I've never seen this before out of a Zerg player. That is super weird. Now, there are a bunch of lings coming out right now. We don't have a full wall yet here out of the toss. Who is playing what he called a greedy fast third base. But to me just seems like a bad build order. It's going to lose a probe here and a depth. I'm going to explain why I think this is a bad build order. You know, you guys could take my word for it and say, oh, I'm very good at the game. You're smart, he's a big brain. Attractive as well, by the way. Stop the cap. Handsome fella, for sure. I'll take his word for it. But no, I'll show you why the execution of this particular build order has been quite poor. And I think we need to go back further because we see all carnaboo's used it. Yes. here we go. This is actually interesting because I spot that something goes wrong in the build and then we can go back and find what our Protoss player did wrong here. So if you're opting to go for a Nexus before third pylon, what very often ends up happening is that you get supply block on 46 out of 46 and you can't build your second Oracle straightaway, which is pretty terrible for a Protoss if you're trying to get multiple oracles out. So what you don't want to do if you want to go for a fast third base, is chrono boost your probes like Matt. Actually, you want to chrono boost your adepts. This sounds weird, but in order to properly play a greedy build, you need to chrono boost adept rather than probes. Because if you end up chrono boosting probes, you'll see what ends up going on here. So he has the double chronos here on the probe. I think it's actually the third chrono here on the probes. So every single chrono so far has been on probes. I think if you cut two chronos, this works out. But because he's building so many workers, a lot of money is being spent in workers. and it means that the supply is going to rise much quicker than it would if you didn't do those chronoboose. Because the probe count is higher and you want to get your nexus pre-third pilot so that you have a quick nexus, this means that what ends up happening is that you don't have the supply available to either continue probe production here or to continue Oracle production. Well, ideally, you want to be continuing both at the same time. So he's going to throw down a nexus right now at 43 out of 40. supply, this Oracle pops at 3 minutes and 32 seconds. We keep that in mind, 332. Piling goes down now as well. Bampi-d-d-don. Doesn't have the cache available to full wall with a second gateway either, which means... If this Ling flood, or if this would have been a Ling flood, or if these lings would have gone in towards a natural or towards a main base, this probably would have lost you three, four workers, which would have been kind of painful, also with a loss of mining time. That's not the case. This Zerg player instead goes over towards the third base where I think he snipes the worker. But look, even right now, we see a minor supply block, and this pilot is going to finish up. What did I say? Was it 32 that I said? 332 or 337? One of the two. Whatever it was, this Oracle is going to be delayed by about 20 seconds, which is kind of a big deal, especially given the fact that the Zerg player, kipped on queens. So the Zerg player played this pretty greedy. The Protoss played this pretty greedy. Except it felt like the Zerg got away with it way more than the Tost did here. Also still going to get quite some damage here on this adept. There's only a single Oracle. This Oracle only had 25 energy, so using a pulsar beam here was practically impossible. Now needs to pull down this adept from the high ground, which means if more lings were coming in at this point, this would have been extremely risky. So he's taking a massive risk. What Chu Chila did here was a very standard move. He moved across the map with eight, I think it was eight lings. Yeah, it was eight lings. It could have been ten lings. You would have been in so much trouble. You actually would have been in so much trouble. Instead it was only eight lings and this already felt like the worst possible start here for you. I literally can't imagine the worst. Look at this. This gas is going down 20 seconds after it usually is supposed to go down on the natural. Usually it can build two gas at the same time on the natural. Not sure why the forecast isn't going down right now. I'm sure we're going to have a great explanation for that later, but for now I've absolutely no clue. Oracles have been delayed. Scouting has been delayed. There has been no scouting since the early game adept. There's been no harassment since the early game adept. Like, there's so many things here that could have been going wrong behind this. You is very lucky that Chuchilla is just playing a standard macro game. And now you're fighting against four queens against someone that didn't have overlord spread. and you get six worker kills. Wow, that is very impressive. So once again, just to make sure that we're all on the same page here, the standard amount of queens in ZVP is either going to be six queens or seven queens. Right now we're working with four queens. That means that every single base is going to have one queen except for one base, which is going to have two queens. That means that two out of the three bases are going to be very vulnerable. against Oracle Harass. And all you managed to do was get six drone kills. This is like being proud that you managed to beat a three-year-old in table tennis. But you didn't even win with 21-0. No, it was like 15 to 21. Like that's not pathetic. That's not good. That's pathetic. The kid can barely stand above the table. It doesn't even see the ball coming. He only manages to kill approximately 8 probes with a large attempted link flood at my third and natural. Meanwhile, I still have six drone kills to my name with my oracles, putting him behind. The authority at which this was said almost made me forget about the fact that 17 probes have been killed so far in this game and a mere six drones. Okay, let me revisit the table tennis analogy here, all right, let me revisit that. This is like bragging about beating a three-year-old, 21 to 15 in table tennis, but then forgetting to mention that he swept the floor with you in the next four games, 21 to 0. Like, you're so far behind right now, are you serious? You lost 17 workers to a link flood in which majority of the lings also stayed alive. Behind this there's tech going down, there's a bunch of cash in the bank for the Zerg player. What did you call it? You call it an attempted link flood. Yeah, attempted Lingflot, which also succeeded. This is like saying that Jack the Ripper attempted murder. It's like, yeah, he attempted it and he succeeded at it. It's like, what? This is not how language works. When you say he attempted a link flood, you make it sound like it didn't succeed. Like he failed. He didn't fail. This went great. He has 69 workers to 53. He has plus one on his lings. He has roaches for safety on the way. He's getting extra upgrades. Has four bases up already. Hell, you have no guess. He's killing more workers. He just killed two extra workers. You're forced to use a super battery. You have four idling probes out of the 54 as well. How is this a good situation? How are you going to get back into this game? I actually have no clue. Oh, I guess these seven drones are going to definitely help out at least a little bit. If these seven drones were just 40 more lings or seven more roaches, my lord, would you have been in some serious trouble here? Nice movement moving behind the extractor making sure that all the roaches can properly spread out for maximum damage output good control actually here by the Zerg who is supply block which is a very major error lost a couple of overlords and as a result can't produce has plenty of larva can't do anything with it can't do anything with it look how much cash he has in the bank 59 workers to 75 I actually believe that this game is technically should have been over it really technically should have been over You also call this Hero style, by the way. I don't think Hero wants anything to do with this. This is like me playing a cover of an Arctic Monkey song, you know? Oh, yellow bricks lose a risk. Quite early an escapeologist. Luke so missed. When it is. For a thousand less is better than this. Rip headphone users. And then I called an Arctic Monkey song. It's like, no. the Arctic monkeys would listen to it and they'd make sure to pull their name off of that stuff it's not theirs you know this is not heroes either hero looks at that as like what 18 stalkers 9 minutes into the game your 4th base starts now you lost 19 workers to to 25 lings this ain't mine you can keep it mate I am not touching this with a 10 foot stick holy crap this is some pretty decent control though You're pulling back actually very properly. I like the way you're doing this. I really like the way you're doing this. Pulling down stasis, denied a lot of creep and just trying to trade off creep. This works fantastic, especially against roaches without any link cover. You can just individually blink stalkers back. Pick off roach, pick off roach, pick off roach. I like that you're getting charged. I also dig that you have started your, what you call it, that your plus two has finished. I think plus three could be on the way ASAP. Going into six gases is fairly different from what Hero does. hero usually goes to higher gateway counts initially, stays a little bit longer on those four bases, on four gases, majority of the time, at least when I see him go. I'm loving these stages as worse, though. I actually think this is good, but you're still in a bad situation. You're right now in a situation that if the Zerg had the ability to spend any of his money, you would be completely dead. I really do believe that. Like, completely freaking dead. Zerg here is moving out, and it's honestly a move that I kind of understand. Although I would have preferred if there was any amount of bailings with this and if this were maxed out and if money was being utilized, if plus two melee was on the way. There's a bunch of things here that the Zerg definitely is doing incorrect. This is the Zellat Rambi you spoke about. This is actually a very good Zellat runway. So I like the way you have utilized your unit so far. There's not enough Zerg to truly kill this. The upgrades for the Zerg are probably also not good enough and there's simply not enough stuff. Half the army get sent back to deal with the Zellet run by, which is busy killing stuff. I think at this point you are actually in a fairly significant lead. You're very far ahead right now. And I think partially of that has to do with that single Zellad Rambi that you just managed to execute. Without that Zellat Rambi, I think Zirc could have done this a little bit slower, but the Zerg felt the pressure. Now, we can now look at this situation. Think about what we should be doing, okay? We're in a situation where we're up 11 workers. We have plus three on the way. We just finish a robotic facility that we're currently aren't using. We have 800 gas in the bank, which is the most important resource for ProDOS against CERC. And we have a robotic facility that isn't doing anything. Now, there's a couple of things we could do. The first thing, before you make any move, is you want to analyze this situation. What info do we have? So, do we know how many workers we have killed? Do we know how much gas there is? Do we know if there's a hive? If there's no hive, is there really any reason for us to attack whatsoever? I think the answer is no. We see that there is no... If we know we're up in workers, which is something that we could scout, we could check how many gases are being saturated. You see there's hardly any gas mining going on over here. It's a little bit suspicious. Why is that? Like why is that? Maybe you don't have enough drones. That is completely possible. I like the transition into Robo Bay as well as second robotics facility, but I would love to see some immortals here being built. There's also a lot of gas in the bank. You're fighting against an army of purely range units with no force field breakers, no bailings whatsoever, that means that force fields could potentially actually be very helpful for helping you stabilize, for helping you survive. You have nine gates available, and you have 700 gas. You warp in five Sentries. You still have enough gas to start your disruptor or your colossus transition. I'd much rather have to be disruptors, by the way, or just immortals, honestly, I also would be okay with. I am loving the way you're moving this unit. I am hating the way that you don't have a zealot run by setup yet. That worked perfectly for you last time. It is difficult for Zerg to split off units defensively if they already don't have such a large army and if they're pretty much forced into an all-in, which is kind of what you're forcing your opponent to do here. You're forcing your opponent into an all-in with these constant traits, with the fact that you are going to be up-in upgrade, with the fact that you have more workers, and you're not preparing for a defense quite yet. Yes, you have two cannons, no sentries. You decided to go for an observer rather than opting for one or two immorional. that you could have probably pushed out in the past two minutes. This fight is, well, it's probably as good as you're gonna get it. We do get a sniper on the super battery, but if there's Roach Hydra that is pretty much maxed out against the pure Stalker army and the Stalkers can't move back because they need to defend something, Roach Hydra is actually pretty decent. This is the one scenario in which Roach Hydra is pretty decent, and then you lose a fight. Like, this was a complete all-in army from your opponent, Another thing you could have done is you could have just send another run-by out. Give up your own fort base, evacuate the probes, move them over here, you take this as your new fort, send in a run-by. You still would have been up-in workers, probably would have killed another 10-12 workers, force your opponent's army back, and then you can continue kiting with the stalkers to another base. So you have these two cannons, you have this battery over here. Instead you decided to hold the position. I bet you knew you couldn't hold when you looked at those two armies, you realized that I was playing. probably too much, yet you tried and then you failed rather than looking for an alternative solution. Like sometimes in life the easiest thing isn't to go head first through a brick wall, but it's to walk around the brick wall. And that is kind of what you could have done here. You could have just ran away from your opponent's army with the mobility advantage that you had. Instead, you just bob your head into the brick wall and then you lose to a Roach Hydra Army. This is literally the only thing that a Roach Hydra Army is good against. It is against a non-splash, non-Forfeeld zealot stalker army that can't kite back. Like, these are very specific requirements that you need to meet in order to make a Roach Hydra army perform somewhat decently. And you managed to hit every freaking requirement here in the book. Yeah, impressive. Very impressive. Yeah, now you're dead. You're also, I don't like transitions into Colossus this late. I genuinely think they freaking suck. 99% of the time. You tend to open yourself up for viper abuse. You're not great against things like lurkers. And I mean, do you really want Colossus against heavy Roach Force? I'd rather just have a couple of extra immortals and sentries. You're playing against this type of army. I personally think that is better. I know that there are other tosses that prefer different things, but at least while you were attacking into the Robo Bay, you should have built some immortals knowing that you were up quite a bit and that your opponent was stuck merely on layer attack. Like, I find it difficult to believe that Choo Chila looked at this game and told to himself, man, I have absolutely no clue here what the Protoss could have done better. I don't believe this. I think that Chuchilla, I think that Chuchilla is actually just a pretty good friend. That's what I'm just going to say, okay? I think Chuchilla is a good friend of yours. Because you said that even my opponent Chuchilla didn't know how he won. It's like, well, I think he knew he just didn't, you know, he didn't want to insult you. Because the reason why Chu Chilla is winning this game is because you decided to build nothing but Stalker and Zealot while you were being all in by a Roach Hydroar Army. If you would have built sentries, if you would have built immortals, if you would have built more cannons maybe preemptively with the massive bank that you have. Like all of these things could have been freaking helpful. Maybe spend some of the cash that you had, you know, saving up for the carrier transition. All of these things could have been very helpful. Yeah, Gigi. I think Chuchilla is just a good friend. He didn't want to hurt your feelings. But actually, that makes Chuchilla a bad friend. A good friend who tell you. Chichela is like one of these friends. You've seen a couple of times at a party. You know, you drank a beer with once. Chuchilla told a funny story. You laughed at it. And, you know, he tagged you in Instagram. That's pretty much as far as your relationship with Chuchilla goes. But he's not friendly enough with you to tell you when you're wrong. He's not that type of friend. He's not that close, you know. feels a little bit awkward. He felt awkward when you asked him, like, hey, what did I do wrong? You know, it's like, well, a lot. Your entire early game was incorrect, for example. I'll take the role as Chuchilla, okay? This is what Choochilla would have said if you were a very good friend of yours. He would have said, well, first of all, your build seemed fairly suboptimal. Inefficient. You chrono boosted your probes four times, then got supply block at 46. Is that really a greedy build, or do you just not understand how the early game works. Huh? That's what Chuchilla could have said. Then also, I cut three queens from my own build order. Yet you only got six kills while building three oracles. That's pathetic. Hero often gets 20 kills while fighting against nine queens. You did an awful job. You're not worthy the name of a hero style. That's something Chuchilla could have said. It's not what I'm saying. Chuchilla could have said that. He could go on. On top of that, I went for a Ling run by, which at this timing really should do absolutely no damage whatsoever. yet I killed 17 workers because you didn't pull your workers away at all you just stood there continuing mining your adepts were safe but I'm aiming for your workers I'm never going to kill a base with a link flood because you have triple oracles so get your workers to safety and let the adepts do the tanking these guys are replaceable your probes really aren't then with a good run by and some good control you get back into the game I appreciate you for that and I think that is probably the most skill you have shown in this game but you're floating so much money. Well, you know that I'm going to all in because I don't have a hive. I don't have a high worker count. Why don't you continue run buying? Why aren't you tacking up into immortals? Why aren't you building any sentries? No static defense. Why didn't you give up your fort base when you knew that it was dead and just tried defending at your third while going for a run by? These are all the things you could have done better and yet you didn't. The only thing you came up with by yourself was that you should have had three gateways. But with those three gateways, all you would have done is just add another six stalkers. That wouldn't have saved you at all. You know why that wouldn't have saved you at all? Because you suck. That's just the way it is. Some things will never be the same. Yeah, that is indeed the way it is. You suck. You. And shout out to Chuchilla for being a good opponent. Now, that's going to be it for me today. If you did enjoy this episode of, is it Inba or Do I Suck? Be sure to hit that like button. Subscribe to the channel and perhaps I'll see all of you next time for more videos. If you have any input as well on why you think you suck, be sure to leave it down in the comments below and tell me what you think of the beard that I've been growing as well. It's not been going great, but it is a start. So yeah, give me a rating, one to ten. Anything below five, I will ban you from my channel forever. Thank you. |
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"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zzDV-NGqT-s/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | zzDV-NGqT-s | Terran Mac is way too strong. Every Terran on the ladder is playing Mac now and I've tried everything to beat it, but to no avail. In this game our openings were even despite taking some early damage as he lost a lot of Mew mining time. I went for Hydra Ling Bane as I thought he was messing cloaked Benji. My goal was to keep the pressure on so I threw an early two-pronged attack at him. It crushed his eco and he ended up losing his third due to bad macro. I knew I had to win quickly. So after catching him in a nice surround, I pushed my advantage. I had him on the ropes, but he barely survived. Having both blue flame and Thor's, he had everything he needed to roll over me. My lings melted and my hydras were squashed. Even with my macro hatch, I couldn't recover. So tell me, Captain, is there anything that can be done? Is there in Mac Imba? Or do I suck? Now this balanced complaint form got sent by BJHO. On the Northern American server, a diamond player with 3.3K MMR. And he asked, is Terran MacImba or do I suck? We'll investigate and figure it out together. A great little line that you might have skipped over from the imbalance complaint form is that line, he had Blue Flame Helions and Thor's. Everything he needed to roll over me. Like, this is kind of an admission of being garbage. This is, like, Blue Flame Helions and Thor's are really easy to attack to. That is not like a crazy thing. It wasn't even like he had an infinite amount of Hellions. No, it was like, he had Blue Flame Helion and a Thor. It's like, game freaking over. It's like, the guy came at me with a handheld fan, and he sneezed in my face, and there was just nothing I could do. It's like, well, this is, these are not very dangerous weapons, you know. This is not as impressive as you make it sound. This is not how you tell a good story. So I'm already a little bit suspicious. In general, there's some, I think some minor jams in that imbalance complaint form. But let's remain unbiased for now because I personally, as a, when I play Zerg, also really dislike playing against Mac. So if there's one composition, I truly want to hand that fat imbalance complaint stamp too, it would be the Mac composition. I dislike Mac players. Well, I dislike them in game. Most of the time, Mac players outside of game are perfectly normal people. I'll be it a little bit slower than regular people, but still completely fine, you know, regular fine people. That's fine five times there, just to make sure, you know, that I don't get stabbed by the group of Mac players. I bet they still have Facebook groups as well. They're a bit slow with migrating to new social media. I still be on MySpace. Guys, harsh them said something mean again, let's stab him. Yeah, then he come out. I'll see them coming from a while ago, look, because they move quite slow. I think I'll be capable of running away from them. There shouldn't be much of an issue. Right. Zurich versus... What is this kind of doing? Hello, Jeff? Jeff Festive. That is a nice name. That's his nickname that his friends gave to him, Festive Jeff, you know? Because wherever Jeff goes, there is a little party. Good old festive Jeff. He always heard, what do you call these? these little hats that you have when you're just a party hat I guess and the you know you blow in it the roller comes out I don't know what that's called either I don't even know what these words are called in touch I think this one is just the party hat I don't know the other one but you know they make a noise out per you blow in it like a little roller I don't know what that's called festive Jeff ladies and gentlemen remember that name for all your parties and weddings as well It's going to be a two-base speed opener with maybe a third if it doesn't straight-up die to this Reaper. Reaper shows up. Oh, Hatchery just goes down. Very late Hatchery, I don't quite know why. We also had double Overlord and an insanely fast layer. I'm not quite sure why we're rushing out that layer, but maybe to rush out... I don't know actually. Mute... It's not really a two-based Muda build. Well, it could be two-based Muda, I guess. There's lots of larva available at this moment. Some of them are being used. Some of them aren't being used, despite the being, well, to be larva, plenty of money and supply available as well. Here we go. Ten workers do get constructed, as Helion 1 and 2 have now popped out. We have quick stim, so so far, so good when it comes to the calls from the Zerg player that's playing against Mac. This has his opening regular stim. Nice. Third base going down as well. Terran Build Order is actually looking. pretty secure, pretty normal. We get eight lings out right now, which is a bit late. I would have preferred seeing some lings a bit earlier, either to deal with the Reaper or to deal with the potential Helions. It's going to go for a surround maybe on the Reaper, or send those lings across the map. Which is an interesting call, given the fact that these Helions are now also moving in. I say interesting call, I mean, genuinely quite a bad call. Please both players will we can. capable of dealing quite some damage to the other side. So we see what is this? Eight workers going down over here. And here, oh, we see heavy focus here on the depot. Yeah. Okay, there we go. How many was it in the end? Nine. Okay, nine workers. But... Wait, wait, wait, wait. I want... Sorry, I have to do this. I have to do this, because I remember this line. In this game our openings were even despite taking some early damage as he lost a lot of Mewel mining time. Is our Zerg player really pretending right now that he had any clue as to what was happening on the other side? He A-moved his lings across the map, they attacked the depot, these Mews could have been mining the entire time, Mews hadn't actually been landed. This C.C. has a hundred energy. This C.C. has 91 energy. No mule mining time was lost at all. Like that is the one time that wasn't lost. SCV mining time, yeah sure. Couple of Hellions going down as well. Is the game even? Probably both players are floating about 1K, so whoever spends that first is most likely going to be ahead. But the one time that didn't happen here is muil mining time being lost due to the run by. Like that is the one time that really, really did not end up happening here. Or am I crazy? No, I'm not crazy. So we have another 20 lings. going to go in for... I thought they were going to go for another attack, as he saw no units, but he builds nine defensive banlings. I'm not entirely sure what he's defending against, because he's seen that there's a single factory producing, as well as one barracks and one starport. So what the nine bains are for after just killing the last two helions that were on the map? I'm not so sure. Okay, now realizes there's no threat, start sending units across the map. This is a very odd way of playing. This is actually a very odd way of playing. Like we should be droning up like mad right now. Okay, that's happening. You could have just built 12 lings and I think you would have been fine. Attacking across the map when there's banschees out is obviously ridiculous. It does get the kills on all the Hellions. And forces once again these SEVs away from the mineral line, although I don't even think that was really necessary. Now what you do is you just build 10 lings, now eight lings and then the rest throws because there's literally once again no Helions out. Okay? That's the one thing we need to do. Double factory going down. Now our Zerg player said he wanted to go into Mesh Hydra because he thought he was playing or he wanted to build hydras because he was playing against Benches. He saw two Benches which is a very standard build opener. You think he goes for a Hydra all in every single game? just every single time he sees the two Benchie openers. Look, oh, HydraLink Bane all in. Otherwise, I'll play against Mass Benchie. Like, this guy is just a cheeser in disguise, you know? He takes any excuse. You have these people that drink has already. They eat cake. You know, I was like, oh, cake? No, I never eat cake. Except when it's a birthday or at weekends. Friday afternoon, every now and again. You know, there's always an excuse to freaking eat cake. There's always an excuse to eat cake. Just like this guy always has an excuse to play Hydra Ling Bane of all. 48 workers, but with two Evo chambers. So far, BJHO has really impressed me with his decision making. Basically what he does is he kills all of his opponents ground threat, then thinks to himself, huh, I killed all the ground threat, let me build some defensive units in case I get attacked. Then he builds the units, realizes there is no ground threat. It's like, wait, why did I build those units? I don't need them right now. Let me just throw them away to the other set of the other. map loses all of his units on the other side of the map then thinks to himself well what if i get a tag now let me go build some units builds the units once again realizes wait there's no actual ground thread moves everything across the map loses all of it this forever this is like every morning going out of your house with an umbrella and then when you look up in the sky when you know you're doesn't rain you throw your umbrella in the trash and as you do that you order a new one on amazon for you to be delivered at home tonight so you can go out with an umbrella again and the day after. Like, mate, you should have been a freaking 95 workers at this point. Impressive. Legitimately no viable threat has been made to your base except for the Banshees for the past. Well, ever since the first four cars honestly died, yet what you did is just built an insane amount of units for a threat that really doesn't exist. Like, there is no threat currently. This is just you playing against a Terran in your head. Sometimes you actually see this as well with lower level zergs where they copy the unit building times of high level zergs, but they don't copy the droning of high level zergs. So they're like, oh, 6.30, Klam would hit me with two Madafax at this. How many was that? How many do we lose into the rocks? One, two, three. No, it's not so bad. But yeah, they just think, well, at 6.30, Klam hits with two Madafax. and they see Zerg players starting to build units at six minutes. Lombo building units at six minutes, hmm, that sounds good. Except the thing is Lombo has freaking 68 workers at the six minute mark as well. If you have 29 workers at the six minute mark and your opponent is stuck on one base playing Stim into Mac and won't attack you for the next five minutes, you can probably drone up a little bit further, my friend. It's not so, you know, I wouldn't worry so much about that if I were you. Another thing I wouldn't really worry about is, what was I going to say? Well, whatever. We'll get to the end of that sentence another day. For now we have our fast-hitting attack here with a hydroling bane. This is the well-known multiprong. Actually dealing some significant damage. This is actually big. This is a nice attack as well. I generally like multi-prong attacks, especially at this level. If you can set it up, it's so difficult to defend. Attacking is so much easier than defending a majority of the time, which is why I'm also surprised where you didn't see a planetary. Planetary aids so much in the defense. Now, this is the third base, which is going to fall because of the poor control out of the Terran player. And this is still going to get cleaned up. Not being happy with enough damage. He's like, you know what? I want to kill another cyclone and two Helions and lose all of my lings. So I can produce 46 new ones. Very smart, my friend. Rather than increasing your eco-lead, just hold down that link button again. I guess technically have plenty of cash. Technically, yes, plenty of cash. also has plenty of gas over here. My goal was to keep the pressure on, so I threw an early true-pronged attack at him. It crushed his eco and he ended up losing his third due to bad macro. Now, I kind of didn't read the due to bad macro earlier. Like, I'm not quite sure if that's what we'd call macro, someone not lifting their CC. I think that's just bad, like, map awareness or awareness of what's going on. But it also didn't happen. Like, this is actually just fake news again. My man is just making stuff up here. Like, this CC, it lifted. Now, it is possible that our Zerg player here is only capable of like kind of looking looking straight and looking up in the air is difficult. And if that's the case, I do hope that our Blueserk never is going to get a job as an air traffic controller. Houston, we've lost another plane. I can't see it anymore. It is gone, gold red. It's like every single time a plane takes off. I'm not entirely sure if that's the gore. The CC just stayed alive, mate. It just floated in the air. Oh, no, is it going to burn down like this? After I made a joke about it. No. Actually, he's just repairing it. Is he? Oh no. Is he actually going to lose it like this? I'd be so sad. I actually would be so insanely sad about this. This is still, by the way, an okay situation for the okay situation for the Terran here. If he can just get a couple of good kills, there's a bunch of Banshees. If you can fight off creep here, it would be relatively useful. I'm not entirely sure how it's possible that the Terran players, has this much supply, but I bet it has something to do with the fact that the Zerg hasn't managed to drone up in the past 10 minutes. Oh, come on, please. No, don't burn down. That's actually so sad. I'll look like a prick with my jokes. Also, he must have watched the replay to be aware of this. So he watched the replay and couldn't find any mistakes after, which is impressive, because there's no way he realized this during the game, right? This is actually a good flank. I like how the Zerg is playing this. That's for sure. Is Blue Flame here yet? Yeah, it is here now. Benches haven't fired in the past four minutes as well, just flying back with the army rather than aim moving, which is kind of bad. You're going to see some disjointed attack into a third base. Every single Ling, making sure to tank the Blue Flame alien shots. This was a really bad fight. This was actually probably the worst I've seen in my life. All the units that were supposed to do something did the exact opposite. The lynx went into the Helions. The Hydra shot down a depot, and the Bainlings went for a couple of SEVs. They killed like seven SUVs. This was, I think, one of the worst fights, and the one Thor is out, so now the game is officially over. Everything he needed to own me was there. Four Blue Flame Helians and a Thor with 160 HP. He's just standing there, menacingly. Does this store have any upgrades? One, one. Yikes. 66 workers. Why does he keep... I don't understand this. It's the weirdest order of doing things. He'll get drones, units, drones, units, drones, units. Aim of into my opponent. Units, drones, units, drones. It's like, just get your round of drones. Once you have your 90 drones, you don't actually need the drone anymore. You're done with that, you know? It's off your plate. It's now someone else's problem. All you need to do is maybe send them over to a different base once one base, one base mines out. It's not like Festive Jeff has been planning on doing any harassment so far this game. Festive Jeff, you know, he keeps it cool, keeps everyone together, because that's how Jeff rolls. Next few Thor's here are coming out. Terran player once again just up in supply, probably partly due to the Mule income and due to the fact that he just has been outmining the opponent, really. Resources lost are completely even, but this is the lowest Eco-Zerg against Mac that I've seen in my entire life. Also, the worst unit comp of a Zerg. I've seen in my entire life. My man is playing Mass Hydra Ling against Thor Helion. I feel like with pure Helion, you would actually be capable of already beating this. Maybe a couple of halberts and then just pure Helion. Benji is definitely helping out as well. There's no detection for this up here either. Now the Thor's are just ripping through. Is this actually it? And this has actually been one of the saddest games I've watched in my life. The funny thing is that, yes, the Zerg traded poor in the last fight, but all the other fights were way better than a Zerg usually trades against Mac. Usually Mac, like once, it just is like a one-to-two ratio or something like this, once there's enough tanks out. This guy didn't even play tanks. He just actually built, he played Battle Mac with Thor Hellion. I've never seen this before in my life. Started with Cyclone Helium Benchie and just went into TORs and A move across the map. This is absolutely fabulous tors. I didn't know this could work. I am loving the spine crawlers over here, that's three. Definitely contributing to the fight as well right now. 58 new lings on the way as well. The only thing missing to truly complete the circle is another round of drones at this moment. He's droning at the absolute worst moments every single time and making units at the worst moments every single time as well. You could actually maybe win this fight if these guys don't turn into hell, but... Holy crap, lynx are good. Now, this is kind of what you could have done as well. If you had any amount of bainlings earlier in the fight here, you just clear all the Hellions with like eight bainlings, and then the lynx actually freaking destroyed Tors. Like, lings are really good against Thor's, and the thores will start attacking the lynx, and then the hydras actually have good DPS as well. So all you needed in that fight was just a couple of banlings, and you probably still would have won, well, I don't want to say won the game, but at least you will have won that fight. Winning the game probably requires a skill set that you don't quite have, and I'm not quite sure if you will ever acquire it in your life. Not a surround on these doors. I mean, this should be, in a way, this is kind of empowering, you know, that freaking 20 lings are taking out three tours. This is the confusing part. to me. Okay? Very often I get replays and I know for a fact that these people haven't actually watched the replay. But here I know that BJHO has watched the replay because he talked about that third C C.C. Burning Down. Okay. Like he wasn't aware of that otherwise. So he watched the replay and then comes out with the with the line, so tell me Captain, is there anything that can be done? like he's tried everything and he just can't think of anything right now to help him improve in this situation. It's like his macro has been terrible the entire game. He was legitimately, how much gas were you floating? He was floating 6K gas in the end. Six K gas. Okay, why would he need that? My man was playing Messling majority of the time anyway. He lost 343 lings. You could have mined so many more minerals rather than that gas and you probably would have had some pretty okay fight that all the fights were executed terribly as well, that's number two. The timing of droning, the timing of lings was always god-awful too. Your early game build order made absolutely no sense. And your unit comp made no sense. Like literally, you did everything wrong. This is complaining that it's cold in your house. While you don't have the heater turned on, all your windows are open, and you left all doors open. And so, like, oh, do I get warm? Why is it so cold in here? It's like, well, it's like, what could I possibly do? It's like, mate, just close the windows. Like, it's just so obvious to me. And it should be obvious to him as well. Like, it upsets me more that he watched the replay. Usually I'm happy when people watch their replays and look for their mistakes, but this guy, it just doesn't get it. It just doesn't get it. Well, BJ H.O. I think it is clear to me. that you suck, I'm sorry, but it is true. I don't think Helian Cyclone Benchy into a Thor attack is necessarily imbalanced. I think Mac is very powerful and has some potential, but I don't think this particular map has a whole lot of potential. I think you just completely messed up every situation. So yeah, you suck. That's it. All right. That will be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode of... Is it in Byrdway? Sok if you did, don't forget, hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel and leave a comment down below. And I'll see you all next time. Bye-bye. |
PLEASE HELP ME To Find This NA Barcode Player!! | I am serious guys! We need to find this NA GM Barcode player! He has some VITAL information. So if anyone knows the barcode by the name of "LLLLLLLLLLLL"(lower case "L"s) please contact me! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WwRkczBrNr4/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | WwRkczBrNr4 | Dear Kevin, as a North American Grandmaster, Terran and Protoss, I think tanks and marauders are broken. I had double the income, army upgrades and had very good creep spread. I started with a successful roach pressure into denying his bases with creep and land literally every fungal. Sure, I made a few very tiny macro mistakes and flowed a little bit of money, but it should not matter when I have double the army and can't break a tank position. So, are marauders and tanks imba, or do I suck? P.S., I forgot to Gigi, but I messaged it to him afterwards. Now, this IOLUS complaint form was filled in by Apple Juice, who is a 4.4K Zerg on North America, asking the very simple questions. Are marauders and tanks I'ma, or does he suck? Let's investigate. All right, before we truly get into this game, I want to point out to three things. Three things from that imbalance complaint form. Number one, rather than going for Harstam, which has a difficult spelling and people tend to struggle with every now and again, my man wrote Kevin, less letters, so you think harder to make a mistake, but Apple Juice managed to still make a mistake as he forgot to capitalize the K in Kevin. And when you write a name, you usually capitalize the first letter. So just a little bit of advice for starters here, Monsieur Appel Juice. Second of all, we got the hum, well, it wasn't really really. humble back. There was a straight up brag just saying, hey, I'm Grandmaster with both Protoss and Terran, which is really cool, but then afterward he mentions that it's on the North American level. There goes all your credibility. And third of all, let me actually, I'm going to pass it because I don't want to misquote this line. P.S. I forgot to Gigi, but I messaged it to him afterwards. And then there was one of these creepy smiley faces. No teeth, no nothing, just a regular happy phase. Oh, this creeps me out a little bit. Now, saying that you forgot to GG, but messaging afterwards, I just can't confirm this. I can't, but this Barco-Theron might be capable. So if you are the Bar-Code-Therent in this replay, or if you happen to know the bar-code-Theron in this replay, I would like to, well, go for a little bit of a man-hand. I'd like to find this person and ask them if they remember getting a G-G from Apple Juice. We're going to keep you up. We're to date on the Manhunt in future episodes as well. So if you're around 4.4k MMR and you know this Terran or you're the Terran yourself or your friends with it happens to be your brother or your sister, be sure to send me an email, a tweet, a YouTube comment or contact me on Discord because I want to know if this is true. You can't just say I send it to him afterwards. Like, Apple Juice truly is the type of guy that every single party he goes to becomes the greatest party ever, as long as there was no one else from your friend group to confirm that was the case. You know, we've all been there before. You go to a party, it sucks, you leave at 1145, you know, before it even truly kicks off. Apple Juice doesn't want to leave. Yes, you know, only go out once a week. I'm going to stick with this party. Goes home at two himself. The party sucked the entire time. But when he tells you about the party on Monday, it was the greatest thing ever. But it only started right after you left. And as long as there is no one else around to confirm that it indeed was a great or to deny that it was a great party. That is Apple Juice, just making stuff up as long as there is some, you know, as there's no way to properly check this, to verify this. And that is really the sinister thing that people like Apple Juice do. Like they just put this throwaway line in there. And I could have gone, oh, he Gigi them after. Well, what a nice guy. You just forgot the GG. But we can never confirm this. But this time, we actually have the resources. We have the people. So I ask you, if you're this barcode tarrant and you remember playing this game, or if someone knows this barcode, there, please, we need to verify this. We're going to call you out, Apple Juice. And it's too late to come clean now as well. You can't message me on Discord tomorrow. But like, oh, it was a joke. And it's like, no, you've been caught. We have you. Well, or we don't. And you actually did send the Gigi. But in that case, at least we got to verify it. So this truly is a win-win for me. A little bit of a ling run by over here. Towards the natural. I like that. I think killed one worker, lost, what, two lings. That's an okay trade here if you're apple juice. I'm very happy with it actually. Layer, roach warren into three gas. Okay. Did mention something about roach pressure. Most of the time when I think of roach pressure, though, I'm thinking of like really fast roach pressure. And with most fast roach pressures, you don't really want to get a layer because it's quite a bit of gas that could have been just four extra roaches, right? So this can be a super early roachers. It might just be, there's a build that has been gaining some popularity as of late, which basically is a speed roach all in off of two bases. Oh. Oh, no, no, no. This is a queen drop. Oh. I hate. people like this. Oh my God, I'm just seeing Apple Juice as a person in front of me right now. I know exactly who Apple Juice is, like legitimately. This dude figured out something that is a little bit niche and made it his thing. You know, it's like he's a hockey sack player. He's someone that goes bouldering and only talks about that. This is this is a one-trick pony to the max. He figured out one thing and made this entire personality. He's a queen drop. are, oh my God, it's disgusting these people. It really is. You know what's so bad about it? Like, this isn't even a bad build, but this is a niche build that works in specific situations. And this guy is just sitting around on 4-4, just doing this every single game, every single time, because you don't need any responses with that. You don't have to think anymore. You basically outsource the thinking to the build. And when you win, you can say, I've got him with a queen drop. That's so cool. And other people feel a bit bad, you know, I lost to a queen drop, that sucks. Never seen that before. And if he loses, he's like, well, I just lost with a queen drop. Like, how bad is it really? Did I really expect to win with queen drops? He's like padding, it's padding for his frail ego. You know, if he loses, he can just say, oh, well, I couldn't have done anything because the build, well, it's a queen drop. It's a niche build. It just has hard counters. But if he wins, then, oh, this guy, you can't stand him. He's just going to continuously brag about it. He'll bring up multiple times in the conversation as well. that he's Grandmaster with Protoss and Terran on the North American ladder. Now, so far this Terran player is actually doing a pretty okay job. Double bunker, double tank as well, pulling the workers. The macro seems to be somewhat fine. Oh my God, this is nice. Well, tank stayed alive for a bit longer than it should have. Marines need to come out of this thing. This Queen Drop has done absolutely nothing, by the way. This is a major investment. And so far all they've done is drop two tumors. They're adding two more in over here, but they haven't really helped with the push whatsoever. So yes, Apple Juice at the moment is still in kind of an okay position, but that's just because I think his macro is actually just better. Like he, if you would have played a standard macro game, he probably would have been way further ahead, or if he would have done a less committed roach pressure, probably also just would have been significantly further ahead. Although he still is pretty far ahead at this point. Has six queens, has one one on the way. There's no upgrades coming out of the term because the term, well, never seen this in his entire life and as a result is having a difficult time. The thing with this build is you can't continuously do it. This is kind of like the, this is like a magic trick, you know, the coin, the most simple magic trick. It's the coin from the air, you know. If you have a two-year-old kid and you do the coin from the air, they're going to be real impressed, you know, and you can keep doing that to a two-year-old kid. So they go, there's little coin from your ear. like yeah where does it come from i'm a two-year-old i'm an idiot he's like oh coin from here again oh somebody coins behind my hair where are they you know the kid is the kid is confused the kid is surprised um and you can continuously do that because you're you know you're older you're better but at some point your kid turns three there's no coin behind my hair this it's just it's just hidden in your hand actually don't know how the coin trick worked i assume it's somewhere hidden between the fingers maybe yeah it's not as impressive anymore your kid gets a little bit bored with the coin trick you know it gets a little bit bored with the coin trick. Now, the coin trick also is a good, kind of a metaphor for the, not a metaphor, is an analogous thing with roaches. I think Terrans often struggle against the first roach push because it comes as a surprise, just like the coin trick often comes as a surprise. But the second time, you know, tanks are going to be built. There's going to be a transition into tanks. And once you have tanks, when you have decent tank numbers, it becomes way harder to break a Terran. It's still possible if you've created a significant lead in the early game, which I think Apple Juice kind of has slash had. So it's still possible that we get like a big kill move out in the future. Not a huge fan here of the follow-up, the floating of 1K minerals, 500 gas. We have pathogen glands on the way right now. Usually when you're going for roach pushes, you don't get investors with the push. You use investors defensively most of the time. And you could say, well, What if he's just playing defensive Starcraft? Well, that could be the case, but then right now there should be more drones. Because this is an all-in drone count, but the unit composition actually suggests wanting to defend. So the eco and the composition simply don't really match up, which is a bad thing. Now we're going up to eight gases, which is kind of odd on it. It was just weird. What do we need the eight gases for at this point? I guess if you're building six, six Infect. You probably need it? He's probably got a lot of investors. Investors are gas-heavy. Oh, here come a couple of marines. We'll take out even more workers. And now all of a sudden, despite the initial trick, it doesn't actually look that brilliant for Apple Deuce. He still has an opportunity. There's four tanks, which one of... Actually, where's the... Where are they? Okay, two out of the four are not siege right. are not siege right now, which is definitely not going to help in the defense. Take a look at what these fungles, by the way, are going to achieve in this particular fight. Oh, look how great they are with this attack. Man, these fungles are really putting in some work so far, aren't they? At this point, I don't think the Terran should be dying anymore. It should be set up with four tanks. Oh, my God, this is so painful to watch. These two tanks up here are so painful to watch. Oh, no, no, no, not the fungles. Oh, my God, I hate when things that shouldn't work work. These fangles shouldn't be capable of hitting. Now, there's three tanks upstairs still. This actually... Okay, maybe the game is over. Oh, my God. The coin behind the ear, working again. Your four-year-old son made a friend in daycare. Took him home and, hey, coin behind your ear! Friend of my four-year-old son? That kid loves you right now. You're the greatest dad ever. You did the coin trick. Aye, aye, aye. Got him again. Okay, this game now is legitimately. over and you start droning up, which is a cool call as well. I like that. This is what I like to do as well when I won the game with an all-in is then I start droning up like a madman, saturate my fort base, get double upgrades going, you know, go into Hive or in the Protoss case, you know, start taking the carriers and mothership so that when your opponent eventually has to leave and they watch the replay, you know, they click the rewind button, they think that it was a macro game. I love that these queens are still floating around. They actually have not achieved anything. This is not a great fight either. This is actually a really bad fight. This tank has nine kills. All of those are roaches. Spread and creep on the other side of the map. I'm so creative. I do this every game. No one talks to me online because all I do is queen drop. No creep spread at all at home. This is just a weird gimmick. The point of... And it doesn't even work. The point of... spreading creep here initially is that you can connect it with your creep back home and then you have a lot of creep but if it's just around your opponent's base then it's just like a launching path for your terrible all-ins apple juice currently also is floating 3k minerals and 400 gas so maybe rather than spreading 25 tumors in your opponent's third base you should have maybe you know got an inject in at some point i don't know too busy hey you're not a coin out of your ear i'm so funny learn a car trick or something learn out the juggle i don't I don't care. Something else. Stop with the coins. Overall, resources lost 10K500 to 9,100. So Terran is ahead, but not quite as far as you would expect, especially given that it's a pure roach composition. Now, here the queens finally get cleaned up after having flown around in that overlord for about seven minutes, having achieved nothing but a couple of creed tumors that are poorly placed and will not be benefiting apple juice the moment it all gets cleaned up because there's really no creep anywhere else. More roaches! More roaches! Now that is just absolutely brilliant. Because the one thing that could lose you the game at this point is by building the one unit that your opponent has been actively countering for the past six minutes or has been trying to actively counter for the past six minutes. Yeah, and this fight... Oh, I got, these funnels are actually very good. This actually hurts me to watch as well, but I still think this was okay for Terran. I don't think Terran actually lost that many units there. Go in again, 14 more roaches. I mean, why not? We're not tired of them yet, are we? A couple of tanks in the back. Oh, this is great. 163 to 120 supply. What a fungal. This actually, this actually getting a little bit painful to watch. But despite all these fungles, I honestly still feel like the Terran is kind of trading okay. Terran also started 3-3 significantly faster, like significantly faster. And it's a lot of gas that you're losing into investors. 6 tanks are out. 5 marauders. I feel like this is a fake good fight for the ZERC. As in this is not a good fight, but initially it looks like a good one. I go so I'm pretty far in supply here. Loses all the revergers and all the investors. I actually think this was pretty bad. This looked good initially. This actually looked very good initially. Just like when your son is 16 now, comes home. His first, you know, his girlfriend, it's still fresh. You meet her for the first time. You go up to her. Go in to shake the hand. But no. What is that behind her here? A coin. She gives you a polite laugh. When they think you're out of earshot, you hear her say, man, your dad is such a loser. And your son, what does he say? Yeah, that coin trick wasn't funny 15 years ago. Dum, dumb, dumb, you've now officially ruined the relationship with your son. Man, this story took a dark turn. More roaches! Because that is what we truly need right now. There's only a single tank left over here, which is a bit. sad for the Terran. Spread himself too thin. Way too thin. And now might actually be paying the price, good splits, good pre-splits for the first time as well. I do like that. This does look like it's going to be a bad fight for the Tarran, but there's so many meta-fax that it feels like just nothing is dying. There's no real damage output. There's no bailings. There's no lurkers here. And also the roaches are down to upgrade. I'd still honestly felt kind of okay maybe. What's a real roger do? have to be rebuilt. More roaches, by the way. I think it was like 40 more that I saw finish over there. This is going to get chased. We don't have concussive shell, do he? If he had concussive shell here, that would be high tier as well. That'd be very cool. Look at his go. Come on, one more. Continue fighting. My man saw that the fight with 25 roaches, seven raveragers, and four investors didn't work against eight marauders and two tanks. Then he lost half his army. He was like, Maybe now. Now is the time for me to turn around. Fight again with my roaches. Twelve more roaches on the way. This point resources lost is starting to look fairly one-sided. Don't forget, it was 10K versus 10K. Or about 10K versus 10K. Now there is a, what was it, a 7K? No, oh, a 9K deficit. Holy crap. Favor of the Terran. New command center is being added in. Marauders, Marines rallying across the map. What? Now these roaches are dying, as they should. The matter of raiders being built and the meta-fact count is just so high that I think at this point there's absolutely no way for roaches to ever fight efficiently anymore. Yet you try. Yet you try. Continuing on with the roaches. You haven't had enough yet. Did you just detect the rocks here? That's also a mistake, but we won't look at it too closely. There's also a tiny army. Why is the army so tiny? There's not enough gas for some reason. I don't understand where all the gas is going. I guess this is going into ravages and investors and you've lost all of these. You have inefficient mining in the main, we have efficient mining. I mean there's freaking ten gases. This one isn't mining fully either. These are. these are. This is fairly odd to me. I understand how you can have so little gas. Five, five more investors. Spire. I guess it's for broodlord, which is not a great call because you have no creep, so you can't defend any of your outside bases. Now, Tullin-Lawls has finished up. One tank is going to end up dying. It's the rest of your of your Roach Army also gets taken out here. Two investors join the fray again. Oh my God. These fungles are actually painful. This is, this kind of shows how bad roaches are once the opponent has a counter, right? Despite all of these fungles, you're still losing every single fight. Like this is just not the army you want anymore at this way. Like roaches are fine with 1-1, and in some cases, if you manage to reset the tank count and have a high pushing pace, you can even go for another 2-2 timing. But after that, you really need to transition out. That's why all high-level players do that as well. The moment there's more than three tanks really and any amount of marauders has popped out, you transition either into Lurker or you transition into Ravager-Ling Bane from there. Which is just, this is just the most common type of follow-ups. 13 mutas! No upgrades on the mutas against 3-3. I think there could be four Marines with Metafax. I'm pretty sure they would be capable of taking out 13 muras if they have 3-3 upgrades. Holy crap. What is this? Ready for pickup? Holy crap. What is this? So the entire game he's playing Roaches until he realizes there's a worse unit he could be. against this army. And it is using Muraas as a fighting unit. This is actually insane. I love it. We do need to continue the story about the coin though at some point. So the Rojoin now gets taken out. Your coin being taken away. You're not allowed to have him anymore. Yeah, well no Gigi, but apparently he sent it after the game. So I'm not worried about this. Usually they say, oh, how bad matter. No G.G. No Gigi, but I've heard from a reliable source that actually he sent the G after the game. Now this hasn't been confirmed by a secondary source, but it's probably true. Who would lie about something like that? This is actually just the saddest thing. This is, and I think this happens a lot with people that open with roaches. It's because it works once, they'll continuously do it again and again and again until it doesn't work anymore and when it hasn't worked two or three times. times. And then they try the transition, but because he has no clue, he just builds random units. Like this is, this is actually an off-race Terran player. You can feel that this is not a main rays zergs, because main race zergs, they look at games from the zirc perspective. This terror, like this is a Terran. And what does he think about? I like, oh, I usually lose the roach pushes, so went for a roach push. And then what else do I lose? Ah, right, mucus are good. That's just how the brain went. But this was garbage. The follow was so extremely low tier. The macro was extremely terrible. So I hate the way investors were just sacrificed the entire time. Like they threw a fungal. It would hit. But then the investor also would end up dying. And because of the high meta-fac count and the inability of roaches to actually deal with the bioforce, it really did feel like despite all the fungles hitting, this could do nothing. That is not a bug in the game. That is not an imbalance. That is a feature. When you have an army that consists of seven, eight tanks, and an army that consists of so many marauders, both units which are pretty much the hard counter to the roach. Like, it's hard to find a harder counter. Maybe Mess Benji would be better, or like 35 battle cruisers. Like, this is how you should see it, really. People can't imagine that at some point there's a unit that could counter another. But I'll give you an example. If you were building Mess Roaches and your opponent has 12 battle cruisers, you lose all your roaches into the 12 battle cruisers, you're not going to build another 35 roaches. This is the same way you should view the... view those tanks and marauders. Like, they're a counter. They might not be as clear a counter. Like, it's not as like, oh, my units can shoot up. Oh, I probably should build a different one. It's a little bit more subtle. And that's why it probably went over Apple Jus's hat because he can't take a subtle hint. Because how the story with the coin ends is actually very, very sad. He had a final roach fight. He went to a daycare where he started pulling coins out of ears of random kids. Then he got arrested because he was getting too close to their ears, got put in Jill, and then he went to his cellmate, and he said, can you pull my finger? Pull the finger, and then Apple Juice farted. Those are the mutas. He said, you know, they said, even worse of a Joker, even worse of a trick than the roaches, and then he got stabbed. Then Apple Juice died in his cell, just like he died in this game when he tried building Muras. And that was a fitting ending to this episode, but not before I tell Apple Juice, of course, that he freaking sucks, because this was absolutely bottom tier. If you get such a massive lead for yourself, and you can't imagine building any other unit than the Roach for 12 minutes, then you 100% deserve to lose once your opponent has the heart counter. That is how strategy games are supposed to work. Okay, there needs to be some way to come back if your opponent is a complete idiot, and that's what the tank and the marauders are for. So good job. You've shown once again that StarCraft works perfectly fine as a game. All right, that's going to be it for me today. I hope you did enjoy this. If you didn't forget the like, don't subscribe to the channel, and I'll see all of you next time. If you noticed a cut in the middle of the video somewhere, which would be rare because Hamster is very good with the editing, is because some kids came midway through the recording, and they threw their little airplane, a toy airplane on my roof, and I had to get it off. This way I also was a little bit more sweaty in the second half of this video. So some nice insider information you have. You only get that if you stay long and hit the like button. Otherwise, I will take it away from you. All right. Thanks for watching, and bye-bye. |
LOOK AT THESE TRADES!! | This guy is Robin Hood. He STEALS his rich opponents resources!! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tu8Ocxzuct0/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | tu8Ocxzuct0 | Dear Haastem, I will complain about Protoss. In this game I played 3-Rex vs. 4gate Blinkal in. I came to the Protoss base and traded okay with Stalkers. Then I decided to transition to 3rd Cc and then I scouted Colossus Tech. That's why I was playing inactive in the next few minutes. Also I knew that Prodels make 3rd base in the same time with my 3rd. Then I destroyed the 4th and 5th Protoss base and got a normal trade while I made my 4th. After all, I felt myself very comfortable. However, I saw some disruptors and decided to make one big attack with Liberators, Ghost. But in this time, Protoss took three more base with static defense. Four more Robo, about 20 gateways, and about 100 probes. A hundred! And at that moment, I can't kill his bases anymore, because he has infinite reinforcements right on the battlefield. He lost almost all fights. but I still managed to lose. Finally, Harstem. I know that you are on a dark side, but tell me, is Proto's imba, or do I suck? This imbalance complaint form was sent in by well, a European master player with 4.3K MMR, who is a Terran. And the question there is very simple. Is Proto's Inba, or does he suck? Let's figure it out together. And here we go. indeed, oh, harsed well. This man's clan name is harsed, which I assume stands for harsed them. I didn't know this was a clan. But yet, when sending me the imbalance complaint for him, he spelled my name without the R, which it means it's either one of two things. One, he was not very careful when submitting this balanced complaint for him. And for StarCraft players, it's very important to be careful, you know, to be precise in what they do. It's one of the biggest skills you have in Stargraft. Or he was trying to make a little bit of a jokey, a good old meme at the expense of Mr. Haastem. But I'm not there for that, okay? Name jokes are, it's not very funny, you know, mispronouncing someone's name. No one likes it. No one thinks it's interesting. It's even worse than puns, which I consider to be the lowest form of humor. Even worse than sarcasm. And then jokes about someone's name is, There wasn't even a joke in there. You just removed an R. Nothing funny there. What is funny to me, though, is that this product builder looked pretty good. And I saw something interesting. But before I properly report it, I want to make sure that this wasn't done on purpose. You know, just like the misspelling of my name. So people who have been looking at the screen for a while now probably have realized that there is a little bit more space here. and there should be. This is a four hex distance between the CC and a close-by mineral patch. So usually a single depot and then you have one like half a depot, one and a half depot between the CC and a close mineral patch. But this is most definitely two depots. Now it is possible here that well is aware of this and that he just wants to start his orbital command first and then floats it over. Otherwise, this is the second inaccuracy, obviously the first one being misspelling my name, which is a rather large inaccuracy. But this is also... I love that... Okay, if he's aware of this, I am not loving the fact that he dropped the mule on the right side and that every single SUV so far is running, you know, is taking the long way around as well. Like, this is obviously way closer patches to the CC. Like, surely you have to realize... Take a look at the first person view or here. It's so obvious to me. Maybe it's not so obvious to other people. Maybe I'm the weird one. But to me, whenever a CC is misplaced, it is really freaking obvious. It hurts my eyes. Like, I can see. Stop rallying everything to the far away one, buddy. It's not okay. Anyway, build order wise, three wrecks versus four gate blink. This is a really bad scenario for the three wrecks. Three wrecks ideally wants to be playing against some Stargate opener, or maybe against a two-gate blink with like a faster third nexus and you want to be capable of hiding the fact that you're playing three wrecks as well like these are the most important things when you're playing three racks blind turrets blind bunker supply block very nice this actually is quite impressive but because when you're playing three wrecks there's literally nothing that you have to be doing so you never should be capable of making any macro errors because like I said there's literally nothing that it is you're doing. Has 14 Marines already. One marauders. Going to get a second marauder. Yep, there we go. And then you move out with two marauders. This is a fairly common way to go about things. Not a huge fan of the double turrets is early. Not a huge fan of the... Well, obviously, this is C-C. This is not good. This is really not good. And the fact that he doesn't see it is kind of what bothers me. Like, I can accept not seeing it when there's no building. When you're building the turret, like it's so obvious there's a whole way too big right now at this point. Now the stalkers move across the map and blinks back. So a good move there out of the Protoss. I just want to pause here. I just want to have a tiny little pass. So I think this is probably one of the top top two worst case scenarios. I think the worst case scenario is a like a colossus rush coming out of the Protoss and basically has a Colossus ready for your three wrecks that is a bad scenario and I think the second worst scenario probably is Forgate Blink. Why is that? Because A, the Protoss meets you in the middle of the map with Blink and a decent count of stalkers. Can kite you all the way back to your base and then once you arrive the base there should be so many stalkers that you can't even trade. You should not be capable of killing everything. So the moment you see, what was this? This was nine, eight, this was eight stalkers in the middle of the map at like 440. This is really clear to me that, hey, he also saw that there was blink, there's most likely going to be 12 stalkers at home. On top of them, you're moving up a ramp through a slow zone. All of these are things that a good Protoss would be capable of using. So if you're ever in this situation as a Terran, you never want to continue attacking through the same route. Absolutely never. This is a huge blunder because if this proxels had played slightly better, he would have stood on top of this ramp and killed three, four marines for free. If you killed three four marines for free, you blink back, you're going to have blink again by the time your opponent hits. And I don't think Toss loses a single stalker. Even if Toss does not go to the top of the ramp, I still think going back home in this case is the best call. Either that, or you're just hiding at some type of watchtower, because you should never be capable of trading efficiently into this. Like, this is freaking 12 stalkers with blink, you have 14 Marines and two marauders. If Tos microes this accurately, which Tos isn't microeing this accurately, for whatever reason, if Tos would have micro this properly, accurately, this would have been a complete slaughter. So this was, despite this, I don't want to say that it worked out because he still ends up losing all of his Marines and marauders and he has nothing really on the map left. Starport is extremely late. Like, this was an okay trade compared to what it shoulda, woulda, could have been. had this Protoss responded properly. So, so far, we've seen some, the diagnosing of the game, the diagnostics by well have not been great. Okay, so far what have we seen? A completely misplaced command center, which can happen, but then hasn't been realized yet. And then such a clean cut situation with a three wrecks, right, where you're fighting into fourgate blink, completely making the incorrect call by attacking. If Well was a doctor, there would be a guy coming in with purple skin and like a hat the size of a balloon, basically, ready to burst, you know? Well, would look at it, be like, eh, you can go back home, drink a little bit of water. If it's not over by the end of the day, you know, let's go to bed and we'll see what happens in a week or two from now. It's like, mate. Well would be to medicine what Bill Cosby was to appropriate. relationships with women. Not very good. Okay? The diagnostics so far not been great. Not being great. CC, up in the main base, a third base. I do like that. Now, don't forget that the work accounts here, they don't mean so much because this base is not mining efficiently. So even if this looks, like worker count looks kind of okay, you'll notice, that the income isn't as high as I love that he's just dropping every mule on the wrong side. I saw, holy crap, this is triggering me. That actually is seriously triggering me. Like seriously, seriously triggering me. Double colossi coming out right now here out of Croden. Cruden, Croden. I do like that. Well, I'm not a huge fan of double robot, but I like Colossus against 3-Rex openers as a follow-up because the thing with 3-Rex is that your meta-fax are often a little bit delayed well also the latest start-port even more so they're even further delayed that means that Vikings are further out as well and with Vikings vikings further out colossi are just absolutely fantastic as a unit obviously so yeah just just just keep that in mind against 3-rex it generally is nice to rush out a couple of colossi do I do I want to see double robo pumping out colosai before a fourth pace. No, most of the time, but it's a master's level. It's 4.3. I'm okay with this. You know that? I feel fine. 71 workers here already for the toss. 53 for the Terran, who's now adding in two more deepos as well. It's severely under-saturated in his natural. The reason for that is because, well, these probably could have four workers on them at this point. I'm not sure if you could have four workers, actually. You definitely could have three workers on the close-by mineral patches. There's some definite downtime. Probably missing like two, two and a half, three workers, something like this. Mine's moving forward. Going to be taken out, basically before they get to do anything. I wouldn't have mined at an, like a mine drop, because the armory has finished at this point. That means they remain invisible. There's no cannons in position. It's kind of like one mine drop to a mine in every single base. It's super frustrating for Toss often. Now, Toss now realized there's a lot of colossi out. Immediately starts Viking production. which I kind of do like. No fort base yet coming out of well. 2-1 on the way as well. We have Gravitic boosters. Hello, let me click it. There we go. It's the observer speed. Yes, yep, that will work. We're actually going to do an armory mine drop. I really like this. I think this is almost always a good call. If you're a Terran, just anywhere in the world, I think too it is good. If it's against high level players, it's good. If it's against low-level players, it's usually. also good. If you're a medium level player, it's fantastic. And this is I think a medium level game, right? 4.3. Yeah, it feels about medium. No blind cannons yet. The only problem is maybe at lower levels people just build blind cannons all the time. But then if you see blind cannons, you just piss off. They build blind cannons. Is it really that bad now? Split them. Split them across the base. Don't do it like this. This is way easier to clean, right? Way easier to manage. You just want to split them. This one to split them, buddy. It allows you to kill more probes and forces them to move two probe lines away from their mineral line, which is always going to be good. Always worth it. Mind drops are always worth if you can get them in and there's no cannon, there's no stalkers in position. Always going to be a good thing. There's a second factory on the way right now, which is wildly interesting, mainly because the first factory isn't even being used. Very, very interesting indeed. It's like people buying a second car but not having a driver's license. I'm not sure how useful that is, but I'm looking forward to see how you're going to use it. Maybe he meant to build a second starport? I don't think so. I don't think he meant to build a second star port. He just has two factories. This is phenomenal play. What is this? It's just a marine run by? I've never seen this before. It's like a decent chunk of a... This is not a small number. 12, 13 supply. Yeah, let's get the job done. Not a fan of this, because every single time you run in like this, you're going to lose it. Of course, it deals the damage. It shouldn't have, but it did. At the same time, moving it, this is a good distraction. Okay, I love this move. This move was brilliant. Here we go. So, cancels the fifth base, and is going in for a kill right now on this third. Could definitely burrow the mines that would help in the retreat. As Protoss hits mainly his own zealots with the disruptor, Well, 20 supply of Terran also ended up falling. Oh, another big disrupt wall. Chaos. Not great here for Terran. And you kill one base, but you lose a decent chunk of army and also a lot of air units. Like there's legitimately like half a matter of fact. This is, well, zero. Zero metaphics remaining right now. There's Fusion Corps on the way. Yes, this doesn't actually look so great for for Terran. I think people often think too much about economy. So if you think about this last fight, What really happened? So, a fifth base goes, okay, let's actually properly analyze it, right? Terran is on three bases. So it has three base mining. Cancels a fifth base and kills a fort, but doesn't kill any workers. So Protoss has the same amount of mining still as the Terran. Well, actually a bit more, even with long distance mining, because there's just way more workers. So Protoss loses basically just a straight-up value of maybe, let's just say, 800 mineral, okay, the two necks. And of course, a lot of mining time gets lost as well, but let's not think about that for now. The reason why we don't want to think about it is because there's no advantage there for Terran. So Terran is not going to be outmining the Protoss during all of this. So if you think about the actual, like the actual trade here, what did the Terran really achieve? Yes, the Terran did achieve delaying mining on this base, but Terran also lost like 40, 40, 50 supply of units for practically free, because Protoss hardly. lost anything. Prozlos was like seven, eight zealots, and then those two necksy. So yes, this is probably pretty cool to do if you have very good eco yourself and you can easily replace your army. Terran doesn't have very good eco, doesn't have brilliant infrastructure. Proto has these things and now has a bigger army as well. So the one advantage that Terran had, perhaps a slightly bigger army, an army that was somewhat sophisticated, is now gone because you can never take a fight ever again for the next, well, minute and a half or so, because you just lost your army. So you basically said, hey, I want the eco to be a little bit closer, but I'm giving away the one advantage I have. And TOS still has all the other advantages. So you basically, you traded the one advantage away for no real major gain, which is usually a bad thing to do. Because if you're behind in everything and you don't have map control, life can become very difficult. Like if TOS were to move across the map right now, clear these rocks with a prison, move across the map, and then just straight from a distance, throw disruptor balls at you. I actually think Terran is completely dead here. The difference between defending against disruptors and attacking into disruptors is huge. Disruptors defensively are quite weak. Disruptors aggressively are freaking insane. Like they're so, so good. It's like a tempest. It's just shooting from a distance and it can kill clumps of you. units at a time. While it's defending, the Terran can just run away and rotate somewhere else. You're baiting out the shots, waiting for a chance to jump on top of it. But defensively, it's so hard for Terran. It's so hard. If you don't have control, it is so freaking hard for Terran. Not having a split army also really sucks against disruptors, because disruptors are terrible when they're being split off. Like, in the Disruptor's world, the Disruptor just wants to fight a massive bio army, you know, over a period of five minutes. It gets like 20 freaking shots in this disruptor. That's the disruptor's wet dream. You know, this is what they want. This is all they think about and it's disgusting. But that's what the disruptor wants. Don't forget, by the way, that our Terran player still only on four bases. So the longer he sits back and does nothing, the further the Tos gets ahead on the 90 workers. I saw nine gates being added, so that is indeed up to 17 gateways. That is a good number as well, 17 gateways. That is a very solid number. I feel like whenever I go above 10, I want an odd number of gateways. But while I'm below 10 or 10, I want an even number of gateways. I wonder what's up with that. But above 10 I'm like, oh, 15 or 17 or 13. Those are good numbers, you know? But below 10, I'm like, oh, 8, 6, 4, 10. Oh, that's good. I love that. I'm not sure why it is. Even 11 still feels somewhat wrong. I think 12 might actually be the cutoff. 12 even is still good, but then I want to go to 30, not to 14. 14 is a ridiculous number for gates. And I feel like this is actually common with other tosses as well. I don't know why that is. I feel there's something mental there. It's tradition. That's Protoss tradition right there. Above 12, odd numbers. Below 12 and including 12, even. Okay, here we go, a fight. Nice little move command there with those colossi, but Liberators are largely out of position. EMPs, oh my God. This spell is so good. What? Why did Terran win this? Why did Krolin not send this in? First person is for the Terran as well. I slow it down, I slow, slowing it down. Look at this. Okay, so doesn't EMP until 10 seconds after the fight start, something like that. Look at this. So now the EMPs come in. Here we go. What's he looking at? And here every disruptor ball is legitimately going to get like 15 supply because there's no micro at all. It is legitimately no, it's zero. Negative. Look. If he wouldn't have hit all balls at the same time, I guess that would have been better. The spread wasn't brilliant. I guess the toss also doesn't really microvehaphymed. very much. It felt like a very even battle when it comes to the amount of effort that both players put in us. It was very close to zero. Cheeky little blinkback. I honestly think if this Terran, if well, would have been capable of controlling this army, just even a little bit, this would have been a straight up win. Even without any control at all, he technically still won the fight, resources lost. Not quite favored though. Not quite favorite. I actually thought it was a straight up. going to be favorable because there was a lot of colossia in there. Four colossar at a time. This guy has five robos. That's what he said in his form as well. Five rows. That's so many. Odd number of robos is also weird. Disgusting behavior. Doesn't really matter though for Tos. Tos is infinitely rich. Loving the fact that this is a slow warpint pylon, builds a gateway next to it. Don't forget that if you build a gateway at a piling, the gateway finishes turns into a warp gate. while it is turning into a warp gate, it becomes a fast warping pylon. If a nexus is building or is done and there's a pylon within range of it, it also is a fast warped in pylon. Otherwise it becomes a slow warping pylon. I like this drop. I don't like that as being queued into three cannons. That is what we call a mistake in the world of Starcraft. Usually you want to keep that alive. He continues flying in towards the main base. What's this guy doing? He's also having a blast. Also died into the cannons. It's snipe, maybe, this forge. Got the shields. Got the shields! Seven stalkers, glaive a depth as well. This toss is getting every upgrade in the book. It's going to be seven base against five as we have a sad stage in this game in which absolutely nothing happens. So now both players are allowed to craft their ultimate army. Let's see what the Terran has. I much prefer the Terran army here. This has Liberators and Ghost and Marauders. This is really all you need as a Terran. On the other hand, we have zealots, stalkers and Colossi. This is not entirely the army. This is actually completely, this entirely not the army. Completely the army you don't want, actually. Okay, here we go. Perhaps a little bit of a fight. No? Scan, scan forward or don't. Siege up. There we go. EMPs could hit. EMPs could hit. Don't have to, of course. All I'm saying is that if I had a spell that could instantly destroy my opponent's army, just cut it in half the HP of my opponent. I think I would be using the spell. I could be wrong on that. Maybe if I had it, I would feel bad for using it. You know, like a too powerful of a tool. You're like, oh, that doesn't seem... That doesn't seem fair. Look at this. Look at this. Let's this. He's an expert. Expert EMP here. I show... Poof! Okay. Don't you worry a little well. Harstem is just a Terran hater. The EMP obviously hit and all of us have seen it. Okay. Miss. Ooh, nice. It's right over there. I'm not sure where he queued that from. It was like a ghost over here. Got the order. Coordinates 6673-1-2-4-8-9. It goes like, copy. Goes in and just goes. No backups. This is a great siege of as well. I don't even understand how it's possible to lose the fight, but Weld just managed it. This is actually very impressive. I want to see this again. Okay. Look at it. the current situation. I just want you all to look at the current situation. We're in a situation in which these guys have plus two ship weapons. There are 12 marauders, nine liberators, and five ghosts. Now, with plus two ship weapons for the people that are unaware, if a ghost hits an EMP, stalkers get one shot by liberators, okay? Even if there's freaking 27 gateways at this point, I think this base dies 100% of the time. All you do is you siege up the liberators, you can siege them in such a way that your marauders can attack the cannons without the Liberators necessarily being attacked. Just move in, siege up, you siege up, you EMP your opponent's army, and then you go. Now what you shouldn't do is move command into the cannons and then siege up half of your Liberators at first, the next half while all your units are dying to a DT war pin, then realizing there's a DT war pin, and then still winning the fight because the Liberator is inherently Unless the Germans would say it, caput. Which I think means broken. Because holy crap, this unit is good. That's a nice mine as well. Like, here the game should have been over. Like, I don't think this army ever gets killed with reinforcement warpins. I don't think it's possible. If you have nine liberators and ghost with it, like that is insane. How's it possible that he always move commands his liberators in? Is everything just in one control group? Or maybe, even better, no control group. Command Center going up here, planetary in this base. I see this quite a bit out of Protocus. At the high level as well. I've seen MaxPex do this. They'll send in like 10 zealots into a planetary and lose all the zealots, kill two SEVs. Please, please don't do it, Crotin. This I like. This I think is good. Even sends back the zealous. Look at that. Micro machine. Absolune micro machine. Liberators now going in for some harassment. Do they not have advanced ballistics? No, they do. Just decides not to use it. What? It seems very weird, no? I think it's really hard as well, is to make Liberators look like they don't have advanced ballistics. But we don't know. Advanced Ballistics gives two extra range. But the way these lips are all sieged up, it looks like they're just regular Liberators. I didn't know this was possible to make him look like this. There's no ghost in this army. Despite that, we're still getting a pretty okay trade. Well, actually, pretty okay trade. It's a freaking good trade. Overall resources lost now in favor of the Terran. No more Liberators are on the map though. He's just crazy to me. This is just crazy. This is like... Okay, well, hold that thought. A little bit of a fight here, which wasn't completely microed, or perhaps was completely not microred at all. EMP connects with all the observers, which is nice, and once again, Theron is going to win a fight. I got the perfect analogy during that last sentence. I just had it. Using the Liberator short range when you have advanced ballistics is like using the zoom of your digital... camera to look at the moon when you have a perfectly fine telescope right next to you. I knew there was something there. I just couldn't quite get it. My apologies. It took a little while. All these fights, I feel like, have been going really well for well, but they should have been going even better in my mind. Like, this is legit 12 zealous and four stalkers. If you just hit an EMP on this every single time, I don't think it's possible to lose. Every single SCV ended up dying here as well, which isn't great. Matter of account is a little bit too low. There's currently three observers out and 99 probes. That is it. That is literally the army. Three observers. Now, if any amount of air units plus ghost ever hit the other side of the map, once again, I think it's going to be over. Okay, here we go. Digital camera users. There's usually a button on the side. You don't press that. That's the picture button. Oh, maybe he's sieging it up properly this time. Oh, who am I kidding? How is it possible? Okay, this one actually almost looks like it has range. That's crazy, no? I've never seen this. He must have like a very particular, peculiar, particular way of setting up the Liberator zones. He's the only one I've seen mess it up this consistently. Or just actually, even in general, it is really difficult to do. I also love that Well was complaining about his inability to. take out bases on the sides. Well, all he's been doing is taking out bases on the sides. Like, it's super easy. It's actually super easy. He's been having an absolute blast with this. This fight also should be a complete walkover. If you hit any amount of EMPs, I think you can just clear this. No, maybe not. Hello? We'll never know now. Okay, Stimms back home. There's any Vikings with this army? There's some lividers. Hello, turn around. EMP, EMP, EMP, EMP, EMP, EMP, EMP. No move commanding! does end up hitting the EMP. I feel like if there wasn't a move command here, this fight once again would have been significantly better. It still is a fine fight. I feel like this is really the kind of the theme of this game. You know? It's well just completely messing up his opportunity to take world's greatest fight and still taking a pretty okay fight. Not world's greatest fight, but like good traits overall. It is uncanny as an ability to do nothing correct and still get good fight. I think Croden is making a pretty decent case for Terran being too powerful here. Look at this Zellat run by. Taking out another 20 SEVs. Love that these minerals weren't taken out. It makes it a lot harder to defend this base. That's smart. Always make it easier for your opponent to rotate and for yourself to defend. This is the one lesson that we learned today here, watching Well Play against Croden. Vehicle Plating Level 3, loving it. Absolutely loving it. Above shipweapons level 3 does anything. Maybe for the Viking. I guess it does something. for the Vikings. Yeah, it would do something for the Vikings. This is the worst army I've seen in my entire life. Legitimately the worst army. Come on, burrow the mines. Set up the liberators and hit your EMPs. It's really not that hard mate. Look at this. Look at these fights. Wait what? I was gonna say, in my mind, there was a refinery here. Now, what? What? What? happened with that refinery? One might be wondering, okay? One could wonder. Now, don't forget that zealots have 100 HP after an EMP. A refinery has 500 HP. Okay, let's take a look at what happens with this little refinery. Just have a quick look. How do you even misclick that? I don't quite understand how that's possible. Like, where was the A moving? Uncanny, uncanny. Scary almost. How well is capable of messing up every single fight, no matter how good it is looking. It's still up in resources lost. Still up in resources lost. There's a base over here. Croden is the expansion king. His expansions everywhere it goes. Well told me that's impossible to take out these bases because of the quick warpins. As another base gets taken out, this is going to be the fifth nexus that we'll get killed. Glad that he stimmed absolutely everything. No watchtower vision either because vision is for idiots. It's way cooler to not know what's about to happen to you. Maybe stim two more times. And it's going to be a good look. Yeah, there we go, once more. And then one more time in a little bit from now. When you're trying to run away, I think. Or maybe to clear these probes. One more stick. Come on. Your metaphics aren't empty enough yet. This is a good call. This is a very good call. Okay, this base is also going to die. So it's two bases for one, but this also gets set up. So I actually kind of like this position. All you really need at this point is one good fight. And one good fight is just around the corner because this army consists of nine Archons. And the arcon, I've mentioned this before many times. Arcon is the worst unit in the world, the moment the ghost is out, because they literally just pop like a balloon. You impede them and they die. Like, this is all a useless supply. There's so much useless supply in here. It's like 36 supply that's super gas heavy as well. Terrible, terrible army. This is actually not a bad move. I think at this point what you want to do is you go back and then you kill your opponent. That's literally it. I think Liberators you want to add in at some point as well again. It's just not that much income right now, which is bad and sucks and all of that good jazz. Mine are actually going to connect with this arm. This is an insane fight already and nothing has happened yet. I'm not a huge fan of how Croton is approaching fighting. Okay, EMPs. EMPs, EMPs, EMPs, hello, on the Archons. Okay, I guess it's a win again. I just don't quite understand how it's possible to miss this many EMPs in a row. It felt like a lot of Arkansas had at least some type of HP remaining, there are some type of shield remaining, which should not be the case ever. Now, Liberated reinforcements here, set them up, EMP, and you literally just win the game, right? This is a clean fight. Up, cheeky little EMP, Stim, your army, EMP, EMP, T, TARG, TARG, TARG, TARG, TARG, TARG, or Split, No, or don't. Don't do either. It's also fine. It feels like well just gets handed like four different opportunities, every single fight, then throws three away, each half of the last opportunity, and then takes it. It just makes absolutely no sense. This is a man that doesn't want to win, you know? If this was a football match and you could bet on it, this bet would be void. Because the bookies would look at it, book makes real, they see it. And they say this wasn't kosher. You know, this is not correct. What happened here ain't happening. It's someone through. You know, someone got paid. There's a bribe. Whether it was a bribe directly to the units or a bribe too well, we don't know. But this control can't actually be real. Yeah, now you don't have ghost and the Arkham reinforcement. And now the game actually is over. This is the one fight you couldn't win and you also lost it. G. Very nice. So despite losing that end fight in a miserable, miserable way, resources lost ends with 66,000 to 55,000. And you could say it was a miserable micro from the prox player. Okay, I'm even willing to admit that. The micro from the prox player was not brilliant. It really wasn't. But he did do one thing well. And that was expanding. He expanded like a madman. He expanded like a crazy guy. Okay. And that's important too. He had infinite amounts of money. You did not manage to deny any of these outside bases efficiently the entire time. You send out a squad. Whenever you send out a squad, you kill the base. Whenever you wanted to kill a base, you kill the base. But there were entire periods in the game where you just sat at home, practically doing nothing against a zealot stalker, two colossi army. Then every single time you had a fight with real potential, you managed to completely mess it up. You've misplaced your CC in the natural, which actually is really impactful in the early game, right? Imagine even if it's just one or two less trips per mule that quickly adds up. And it's the same with SCVs, right? It just takes a little bit longer. You wouldn't surprise me if it's about maybe like 150 minerals to 200 minerals a minute that you're missing. That's a free base two minutes in, you know? That's significant money. So your early game was garbage because of that. And your midgame was garbage because the one fight that you took where you did cancel one base and then you killed another, but you still only had three bases yourself. And you lost the map control. And the moment you lost your map control, your opponent was allowed to expand whenever he wanted, wherever he wanted. There was nothing you could really do about it. You tried multitasking once with a double drop in towards the main base that absolutely failed as one of them flew into a cannon. The other one just got cleaned up as well. like too little multitasking, no army splits against the disruptors, and then whenever you did have a significant army lead, a way better army, you completely botched every single fight with the most notable one, I think, being nine disruptors against 12, or nine liberators against 12 stalkers, and somehow just move commanding the liberators in DT, slashing your entire ground army before you realized, and then losing. And despite all of that, you still got chance after chance after chance of redeeming yourself in future fights, and you manage to mess it up every single time as well, which honestly given how many chances you were given, I am more impressed than upset. You know, someone can just be, it's like being given a golden opportunity time after time. You know, there you are 10,000 euros invested in a stock, you know, you put it in, money gone. Every single time. You get 10 bags of 10 grand, all of it gone. Congratulations, well. It's nothing to do with pros being imbalanced. You just sucked. That's how it is. All right. That's going to be it for today. If you enjoy this episode, be sure to hit that like button. Subscribe to the channel, and I'll see all of you next time for our new video. Bye-bye. |
He Invoiced Me For HIS LOST MMR?! | I will not comment on this ongoing investigation without my attorney present. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! 100% Winrate vs Zerg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mF2-8BXY50 If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Cn7HurJRm6g/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Cn7HurJRm6g | Dear Harstam, you owe me ladder points. I was promised a 100% wind rate versus Zerg from your Adept Glaves Guide. Now, unless you're one who partakes in swindling your viewers for fun, I believe you owe me the ladder points I lost when I executed this build near perfectly, but still lost versus imbalanced Zerg. I dealt massive damage this game, with Adepts plus DTs, killing almost 50 workers plus a base by the 10-minute mark, versus zero damage from my opponent, yet imba Z was able to carelessly keep droning and building supply, despite my massive damage, eco and tech leads, I somehow lost to the imba Zerg economy. So captain, do you agree that not only is Zerg imba, but you also owe me ladder points? Or is it a possibility that I suck? This imbalance complaint form was sent in by fractal, a North American server and Joyer stuck in the Diamond League at 3,325 MMR. And the question is very simple. Do I owe this guy letter points and is Zerg Inba or does he suck? So let's investigate together. Now in the imbalance complaint form, there is a reference to the 100% win rate build versus Zerg. This is my 13th ever YouTube video that I uploaded on the 23rd of September 2019. So, uh, all, almost four years ago at this point. And in this guide, I just watched this because I was curious, like, hey, 100% win rate versus Zerg, that does sound pretty good. So I rewatched it. Now, it is a three and a half, four year old build order. It's not the prettiest one. Okay? It really is not the prettiest one. It is a... Now, I just said that it's not the prettiest one. Now, I just said that it's not the prettiest build order, but I am 99.9. I'm 100% sure that I did not put a second Chrono boost before my natural Nexus. This is extremely bad. I figured this out in the moment Legacy of the Void came out, I'm pretty sure. In like, 2015, 2016, I knew this was garbage. There's absolutely no way that my... build order contains a second chrono before the Nexus. Going up to 21 supply before the cyber, uh-uh. It ain't happening, my friend. Anyway, yeah, it's not the most pretty build. It's not the most efficient build, but it's a build that, well, in the North American Diamond League, in my mind, should be capable of getting the job done. It has about 14 adepts at the 5-minute mark, it's a five-gate glaverdap, not a four-gate glave-dap. This is before Zest, innovated and cut one gate out and, you know, played the build a little bit different at the Intel Extreme Master's Katowice in 2020. So, yeah, it is not perfect. The build really isn't perfect, but it is, it is kind of tight for what it was achieving and it looks good. I'm proud of that one, you know, I'm proud of that one. And I'd be surprised if you weren't to get a 100% win rate with this, especially in the Diamond League. I'm not. I'm not sure if I still could get a 100% win rate, you know, that the titling is a little bit old. Maybe I should update it now. 65% wind rate in PVZ, but for most people this should be 100%. A chrono on the warp gate also seems completely out of order. I don't think that is actually what you want to be doing at all. So two Chrono boosts have already been, uh, have been put on the incorrect structures, at least at the incorrect times. It's going to be. adapting to stalker. Now that part is correct. I do believe that you want to get adapting to stalker as the Zerg opens up with a three base speed into Bainling Nest. This is also a build order. Now I actually quickly want to show something here. So the reason why the Kronob boost on the warp gate is bad is because the warp gate, basically the first time your warp gate finishes, you need to warp in a bunch of units. So if you use a Krono Boost on your warpgate here, it means that your gateways need to be added in 10 seconds faster. Now with this particular build order, I know for the fact that there's simply no money for that. It is impossible to get your gateways 10 seconds earlier without having to cut 15 workers out. I'm actually not sure what you would need to do to achieve that, but I think it is impossible. So right now what we see here is this cybernetics core is already on Warpgate research on 70 out of 100 and there's not a single gateway that has been added. Now, a gateway takes 40 seconds to complete. That means that the latest you want to add at least two gateways is at 54 seconds out of 100 on the Cybernetics Core research. That means that this gateway that's going down right now, well, it's being blocked, it's not going down right now. If it were to go down, okay, this is literally 40 seconds late. Well, even more, like 40, 45 seconds. This is almost just an entire gateway too late. Battery into dark shrine, into double gas before any extra gateways. Near perfect. Very, very near perfect. He lose his first adapt as well. Yeah, it did. Very nice. I mean, this is a very poor execution of a very good build order. Rather than having five gates at this point, it only has two gates. Now, the dark shrine is significantly faster because, well, you cut everything else that's good out of the build. So you could afford a faster dark. And this one is mainly just a really a DT rush. But the DT rush also isn't fast. Like you're not hitting a glaive adepts attack. Where did that? What was that? What is this guy doing? Maybe he doesn't know where his opponent spawned. I mean he's looking for balings or something? Maybe that's what he's here. He's like, I'm really afraid of banlings here. He's plenty good setup. Don't need to look for that buddy. Let's go across the map, warp some freaking adepts. So I said that I would hit at the five minute mark with 14 adepts. My man over here is hitting at the five minute mark with, well, with two adepts, but he has three. So if we compare the two build orders here, this is like 14 to 3. It's like sending out 14 party invites, three people showing up, but forgetting to open the door for one of the people, it's just consistently ringing the doorbell because this guy is going to be stuck behind. This is not going to be a great party. Well, it's not necessarily true. I've had great parties with three people. Sometimes it's more fun with less people. That's what I was told myself in high school, and no one would show up as well. Glave is actually done. Let's see how much damage is going to do. Also, please note the complete lack of units out of the Zerg here. Four queens, 55 drones. Imagine if there actually would have been 14 adepts here. Just imagine. I think it was at six minutes that the first DT warping is supposed to be happening in my build. So you are slightly faster with that. Congratulations. You really improved this build order. Cutting out, what is it? 11 adepts to get two DTs about 10 seconds faster. I think I got three DTs at well. six-minute mark so I'm I'm very very impressed by all of this I'm yeah so so impressed there's no wait this is a layer yeah I freaking hate these skins I sometimes can't even see if it's a layer like I know it lose difference from a hatchery but good lord is it hard I struggle so much with this stuff to overseers here being constructed Ford Bay is already on the way behind this by the way our pros is doing nothing now if this is near perfect execution then Lehman Brothers expertly navigated the 2008 financial crisis as well. Near perfect. Like this is some extremely low tier stuff, my friends. Extremely low tier. Still getting a lot of kills though. It just pains me as well that there's no nexus behind this, that there's no upgrades being researched, that there's literally nothing being added at all. No extra warpins. All you're doing is just purely warping in DTs. Two at home. I'm not quite sure what these are for. There's still a perfectly fine prism over here. If he walks them across the map, I might actually lose my marbles. Okay, now warps another one across the map over here. Doesn't use it. Still a DT active. I kind of want to go into the first person and see what my man is looking at. They're scouting with the observer. And still two evo chambers. I really wonder what that observer was for. What did he just see that he throws down a stargate here? Like what's... What is the big giveaway that the Stargate would be the... You know? He's looking at this. Again. This is unreal now. For a second... So sometimes in StarCraft, when you press the button that you want to chase someone's camera, you know, want to look at exactly their camera, it kind of bugs out and it just keeps looking where you were looking already. So I thought that's what happened. Like I pressed the button is C, where I can follow the person's camera. But I thought I had just bugged out. But he actually was looking at this. How was he looking at this interaction with the DT and the queen and thought to himself, the thing that I, look at this. This guy is stuck. And he's right-clicking behind the queen. Because he thinks, if he clicks, just click harder. Does he do it another? Yeah, that's over here. He's like, okay, let's go off. He's been good enough. Got it up. Why is this screen so far to the bottom as well? I have so many questions. I'm still curious what the Stargate call is too. Like, what actually is going on? There's a bunch of probes just idling here. One, two, three that I count. Maybe somewhere in the main, no, just three. Like scouts a Roche-War and double-evo. You know what I really need? It's a Stargate right now. Like, I don't mind a Stargate, but most of the time you get a Stargate either when you're scouting a spire, if you're opening without a Stargate, or you get a Stargate at the very start, so you can deal some damage with your Oracle's early on. Like, right now, there's no... There's nothing really for which you'd need the Stargate in my mind. Like a Voidray defensively is not necessary. Phoenixes are not necessary because there's no Muras. Are you really going to build an Oracle at this point? I don't think so, 17 drones at once. The Zirgnos out of macro, that's for sure. the actual units lost here. 11 DTs have been lost, 44 drones have been lost and one hatchery has gone down. That's a lot of resources lost here for the Proloss as well. Funnily enough, he is actually ahead because he killed so many drones. I don't think he should be. If the Zerg had macrodisc just a little bit better. Observer still poking around as well as this guy doing. Why is he continuously scouting? Like what is he looking for at this point? It's not like the opponent can all of a sudden throw down like two hydra dens and and more of 17 lurkers you know that's not how this game works like you don't have to scout the entire time to see what pops out of every single egg like you got a general clue of what they're doing you see double evos seen a roach ward and you see what they're producing trying to retake a fort base and you're already set into your ways anyway like you're already going for a char-slot arc on attack like let's not pretend that if you would have seen a hydra den here or aspire that you really really would have changed your plans. I was like, oh, there's a spire. In that case, I want to go into Colossi from here. It's like, no, you're already in this army. You can't just constantly be reacting. Sometimes you need to do something, and you're just minor adjustments in your build. Stargate has built a single oracle now. I can't wait to see what this oracle is going to do. I hope it flies in and just dies to a queen and a half. Forward base does not get canceled. Does get killed. Zealots tank every single bailing shot possible as well as the DTs walk past the fight. and straight into the third base, which honestly, it's not even that bad of a... It could have been a bad... It was not a bad move. It just didn't work out here. You know, I like the fact that, you know, I like the harassing. I did like the harassing. I still feel like he could almost just aim of this army, you know? Maybe not anymore. I mean, it feels like a fairly powerful force. Orkel's building a stasis. I feel like this fight would have gone better if there was less to do here. I would almost recommend Fractal to just disable a couple of hotkeys. Maybe just disable the hotkey for the Oracle. And just in case you accidentally click one, disable the hotkey for all the spells as well. So you can't be caught, you know, doing anything stupid like building a stasis ward halfway through the game. Not halfway through the fight for no real reason. Archons are still like, this is still... Honestly, looking fairly good if more units were being warped in. I would have loved to see some upgrades behind this. This has not been a good fight. This fight's been going on for very long as well. There's constantly units walking into roaches, then barely dying or barely winning. And then more units walking into roaches a little bit later on again. Okay, now I think it's really time to go back home. I mean, behind all of this, Prolos is so far ahead, right? Prolost has to establish the fort base. So this is, I guess, the massive eco lead that he was talking about and the massive tech lead. I actually kind of would agree with all of this. He's down and upgrades, but everything else. Fractyl definitely is a head in. Better eco, better tech. Okay, Fleet Beacon, second Stargate. Interesting call. Immortals, I do like. Seen a mainly Roach Army. So yeah, immortals are pretty good. All of these fights are just super good right now for Fractal, in my opinion. Like off creep, you're going to be fighting. pretty well if you have this size, an army this size basically. Worker count 60 to 79, Oracle gets a couple of extra kills here. We'll take out one or two more drones. Now the real question is, what is the follow-up plan going to be? Don't forget, Fractor has consistently been scouting and has now realized that there is no anti-air. This is a big realization as well, you know, you can see what kind of things like, ah, the roach, the roach. What does it do? It's a rain shootout? Short range unit. It's too supply. Doesn't shoot up. Doesn't shoot up. Doesn't shoot up. Hmm. Doesn't shoot up. What can I do about that? Is that it's weakness? Doesn't show up. Air. Air. That's what I need. Starts another Oracle. Fleet beacon. Second Stargate. Boom. Prism! Also flies. Now he's thinking. Now he's thinking, my man fractal. Observers! Can't shoot. those either also fly. It's just building units that can't be attacked. Like this is the type of high-level thinking that fractal is on right now. He's on a completely different, in a different plane, a different level this guy, all right? 100%. This is a pure Roach Refriger attack. It does have upgrades, plus one, two one to finish soon as well. Double evo really coming in handy and that will finally happen. I'm actually kind of afraid here for fractal. It should be capable of winning this fight as long as he doesn't stand in all the piles. Yeah, super cool. Woohoo! Okay, scratch everything I ever said about not building oracles. This was great. Oh, that was beautiful. Snipes the overseers and warps in five DTs as well. Oh my. Oh my lord. This guy has a plan. Another stasis, beautiful. Doesn't work, but I appreciate the thought of timing that out. He was only off by five seconds. It's not a huge deal. Just five seconds. Although five seconds, of course, is different. You know, depending on the context. You know, if you plan on meeting someone at 12 p.m. and you're five seconds late. It's not the end of the world. However, if you're running a 100 meter dash and you're five seconds late, it's pretty significant. I feel like the Oracle Stasis Ward is a little bit more like the, you know, the 100 meter dash. It is kind of important. It's not five seconds earlier, five seconds late. Now carriers are on the way over here. There's no upgrades for these carriers yet. There's no upgrades for anything yet. As fractal, maybe doesn't have hotkeys for for forges or just for Cybernetics Corps upgrades. Lomatized Carapace coming in right now for LRT. It's an interesting call as well. I can't wait to see how that's going to pan out. Are there any carriers? Okay, there's one carrier out right now. There's 81 Army's deployed. against 100 and I'm honestly having a fairly difficult time understanding how Fractyl is going to lose this game is there's currently nothing that can kill his carriers. His opponent is maxed out. Fractal is practically maxed out. His upgrades are balls, that is 100% true, but it still feels difficult for him to lose. Another thing that's interesting is that Fractal mentioned superior eco for this. Let me actually find what he said exactly. damage, eco and tech leads, I somehow lost to the Imba Zerg economy. Now, so far the Zerg economy has actually been inferior most of the time. Well, the Zerg is mining more, but that's just because the Zerg has more bases. The Zerg actually has less workers here. So it's not like the Zerg has been outproducing him worker-wise. He's like, oh, Larva are so broken. He can build too fast. He's an insane fight, by the way. 2-1 units really fight very well against zero-zero-units. But then again, there's also nothing here that shoots up, and that could be an issue. Now, a really sick move that you could use. This is an advanced move, though. Maybe not quite for fractal. But once you're being attacked at a base, and you know you can't hold it, you can actually retreat to a base where you might be capable of holding, maybe in combination with a battery, super battery, that type of stuff. It's just a thought. Another thing you can also do when you're being attacked. by your opponent's army and you have a lot of workers in that particular location is to pull the workers away. Now this allows you to keep the workers alive rather than just sacrificing their life for absolutely nothing. That tends to actually be a pretty cool play because then when you stop the attack eventually with your air unit that you have, you can just resaturate those bases very easily. Just rebuild the one nexus you have and you wouldn't have lost 45 workers, which I'm pretty sure. Okay, lost 63 work so far this game. So at this point, Fractyl has lost more workers than his opponent, which is not a good thing. But he still has one massive advantage. Fractyl has four carriers and there is no anti-air. And on top of that, well, there's going to be anti-air soon, but not quite yet. On top of that, plus one and Storm are on the way. These are two big upgrades. Sure, Fractyl is down about 70, 75, 80 supply. But maybe it's a possible... That's 31 corrupts, a bit much, no? That is really a bit much. I'm not a fan of that. Holy crap, that's a lot of corruptors. She's built even more. Just add a couple in. It's going up to... I can't count, but... They're legit 40. 39 corruptors. 39 corruptors. You know this is actually kind of scary for the Zerg. Because there's legitimately no ground force. This is one hell of a provoked response. If you can hide the carriers now, it would be very high tier. But it's also cool to attack the overseers, to give the opponent your exact location of the carriers. Very nice. It's that type of higher level thinking that I don't quite possess, but fractal seems to have plenty of. Share a little, my friend. Oh, oh, no. After all this time, finally, you know, his brilliant, his mastermind plan of building units that fly. Not paying off anymore now, is it, buddy? PRISM, observers, carriers, all being taken out. How unfortunate. Forty corruptors. And he's lost a couple as well, right? He lost four. He went 44 corruptors. This is a maxed-out army on 38 lings, 40 corruptors, four queens and 85 drones. If you build like 5-6 Archons and you have Storm, now I'm not saying you're going to win, because most likely you're not. But there might be a chance, you know, if you don't need that much. A cool thing that you can actually do here is completely ignore the corruptors. Corruptors are dead supply. Like, let's face it, you're never going to win the air battle again. Right now your thought shouldn't be on, oh, I wish you could. produce void rays again in the near future. I was like, no. Your thoughts should be, man, I hope that I can beat the ground force and that my opponent doesn't get a greater spire. Right now, there's not even a hive yet. So greater spire is really, really far away. Now, corruptors of course are great against building and peeing on them. But I really believe that if you were to move out right now, I think you actually have a decent chance. I mean, you have some storms. There's four Arconnes. Sure, they only have plus one, but these lings only have plus one as well. I guess they have plus two carapace, but that doesn't matter too much. That's not so interesting. That really is not so interesting. Nexus gets rebuilt. Not a huge fan of that. Observer going on a scouting mission. Like, what is this path? Making sure there's no basis there? Like, surely if you're afraid of your opponent taking bases, on your sixth base location, that is perhaps a sign that something needs to happen. Like, you have 70 supply, 38 workers, you are aware that your opponent is on five bases. Like, time isn't on your side, buddy. Like, not at all. You're being outmined by a factor of at least four. This is awful. The bailing runby also wasn't great though. That bailing run by was not great. I do like that the Zerg players is basically only building banlings, realizing that the kind of the limiting factor here is not necessarily money, but it is supply. So you want basically the most expensive units in that supply, the most efficient ones. I'm not sure if these are the most supply efficient ones, that is. I'm not sure if that's the case with this, but it might just be. Do you even get a single Arcon with this? No. Money Payne's was that total? 27 he lost so far. Killed nothing. Not the greatest trade. I think he actually should rebuild a couple of roaches at this point, and it would be somewhat important. This is the one timing that fractal has, or well, timing. Despite being down 120 supply, I'm actually kind of starting to believe again. Like, if you just move across the map right now, completely ignore these corruptors. I'm not sure if the Zerg figures out that he needs to build roaches. Just clear all the drones, clear all the overlords, then go for it. Keep the corruptors alive and hope you don't lose to a base trade. I mean, it is possible, right? It is definitely possible. Two Neal Nexai on the way. Now starting to kill all the cadets is a mistake. What in the world are we storming here? Look at this one. This one up here. I actually wasn't so bad. I said nothing. I said nothing. No, it was fine. Almost dealt damage to three of them. That was okay. I thought it completely missed, but I actually did hit something. Cateously chasing these corruptors. Like, you know this is not a good plan. You're just freeing up your opponent's supply. unless you're giving your opponent so much time. The funny thing is, is because he dealt so much damage to these corruptors, is that Fractol now might believe that he has a timing. He's like, oh, I managed to damage the corruptors, that means there's less power in the air. So now, if he builds a void right now, I think I might actually lose it. I think I would actually lose it. That's not happening, is it? Okay. Creator's spiral on the way. That means that we're about 60 seconds away from this game completely ending. But until then, there's still a chance, Storms? Storms? Buh. Could have been better, but also could have been worse. 28 new lings in production. Did you forget that he built a roacharn with two two upgrades as well on those roaches? Maybe. Just continues to getting more and more lings. This could have been happening a while ago. Larva are hardly available, by the way. 50 lings in production. 50. I think it's going to be enough. I think it's gonna be enough at this point, just purely with the lings as well. Like, Archons are very good, but if there's a recall? No, come on. What? Like, I don't think it would have mattered in this game, but in what world is this the correct play? Like, you... If this dude wasn't aware of the fact that there was a fifth base, that there was 10 gas, I would be okay with that. But you're going to a situation in which you're a hundred, like guaranteed you're being outmined. It just makes no sense. Like there's no future for you here in this game. Like legit no, none. You have 31 workers. 31! A couple of hatcheries in the middle of the map as well. Love to see it. Bailing speed finally on the way, 3-3, 9 Brutlords. Why are we building a Stargate when we still have one available to us? Two! We have two! And we don't want air units. I think this is worse than building a void ray. There's 20 corruptors out. 20. You have an income of about 600, about 16 hundred minerals a minute. minute and 300 gas that's two void rays a minute like you'll need to you need to wait 10 minutes to have as many void raises your opponent has corruptors and in hope your opponent hasn't mined during all of that I why would you build another stargate with the little cash you have okay this game is over it's time to go it's time to go this my friend was not good at all. It was actually fairly bad. It was fairly painful. Now come on. Up, here come to beinlings. Fractal has stayed in for way too long already. Ah, beautiful beaing attack. No Gigi. Very nice. Very nice that I got to see that as well. Alright. What went wrong? Well, what didn't go wrong? Honestly, it started with the build order, which I can now officially say isn't mine, you know? Like, sometimes people, you know, when a kid claims to be theirs, they have to do like a paternity test. I think I don't have to do a paternity test for this one. I think people look at that build and they look at my build and they say, that ain't his. It's impossible. It's impossible. Okay. It's not mine, all right? I'm not going to do no test. I don't need it. I know it's not mine. You made some absolute idiotic build. Two gate, three glave adepts into 11 DTs, which you've lost. Yes, you kill the base. And yes, you were actually ahead behind all of that, but you forgot to get upgrades. You then ended up defending your Ford base when you, you were. you couldn't. You didn't pull the probes away at all, which meant you lost like 45 probes over the course of a minute. So then you were actually down in Eco. You fly across the map with the carriers, actually deal some damage, teleport back home with the carriers, start attacking overseers with the carriers to show your opponent where your carriers are. So there are 40 corruptors, pop, pop, pop, shoot down the carriers. Then you sit and do absolutely nothing, despite 40 corruptors tying up a lot of supply of your opponent, and then you end up losing the game. Now my friend, I don't think there was anything wrong with my build order. I think there was a lot wrong with your build order. And I don't think Zurich is overpowered. I think you just freaking sucked. And that's life. That's okay. It's okay, buddy. That's life. That's going to be it for me today as well. I hope you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inbar or the Way suck. And if you did, don't forget to the like button, subscribe to the channel. Hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. And uh, chow-cha-cha. Thank you. |
no gg, cause he is hacker | What a double whammy... Protoss is imba AND this guy is also hacking as well?? No wonder he hides behind a barcode!! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gwaBsAcn6XY/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | gwaBsAcn6XY | Antaro Captain. I am the copy Terran. The kind of people who have no brain and hands, but they're able to copy the build order from the winner of recent pro games. I am trying to do as the professionals do, even though I don't know the mechanics of the order order. I hope the reason for my victory is the good detection and reasonable following reactions, just like Cyril, instead of gambling or waiting for my opponent's mistakes. However, the phoenix and the oracle have huge differences between the upper level and the lower level. They can easily investigate without any loss. Protoss just need to natural with four gases. Terran can do anything. About this game, my experience tells me that I should go home when Protoss is Skytos. The only thing I can do is wait for a powerful push with weapon upgrades and Viking. but when I push the carrier and disruptor stopped me halfway. Even if I was lucky that I push according to my experience, my eco is favor, but Protoss's force is so large that even if I did not make mistakes, I still could not defeat him. So Captain, could you give me more details against Skytos, or maybe Skytals are imbalanced when Protoss have incredible micro. This imbalance complaint form was sent in by Gou, who is a Korean server Grandmaster player at 5K MMR. And usually I don't check it, but today I actually checked the anything else section of this forum as well. And it stated, no Gigi because my opponent seemed like a hacker. So two things to investigate today. Number one, is Keitel's imbalanced or does Gu suck? And number two, is this Protoss player a freaking hacker or not? Let's get into it. Terran versus Protoss on Babylon, one of the better maps for Terran in this map pool. It's a map that I'm very happy to play always when I play Terran, a map that I'm not so happy to play when I'm playing Protoss. Now, the reason for that is fairly simple. Blink build orders can't really be effectively utilized on this map because there's no aggressive potential here at all. This is not a good blinking in area. The main base is very small, making it super difficult for four or three gate blink to really achieve anything whatsoever. So, yeah, generally I'd say this map, good for Tarrant. It's good for triple-CC build orders as well, and it's hard to die. So really the only viable option, majority of the time, for Protoss, is going to be Stargate play. Now, we've seen Gu, Gu, who has Chinese characters in his name, but I can't pronounce any of these, and I can't read them either, so we're going to stick with Gu. Google. Go already said that the Phoenix and the Oracle are units that are too good at scouting. We call it investigating without any real cost. So let's just keep all of this in mind. On top of this, of course, our barcode protels here has been called a hacker by Gou. So we're also going to be having a look at this. Now, I don't like making big judgments or big statements on that. I sometimes can see that they're not a hacker, but it's really difficult. to know whether someone is a hacker or whether they're just have good game sense. Like if they hide it well, it is almost impossible. So I'm going to try my best to see if there's anything fishy here or if there isn't, but I can't say, and I don't want to say, hey, this dude is a hacker unless I'm actually 100% sure. So even if I'm 90% sure, I will not say this guy is a hacker. It's just, I think it's generally a bad thing to do. You know, I don't want to have any false positives. I think that's messed up. Anyway, let's take a look at the build order here. This seems to me like it's going to be a factory before reactor. Okay, quite a common build order currently in this matchup. Fast CC as well. I think the CC was actually built before the first Marine and a bunker coming down. So, yeah, I like this build. I think this is genuinely a very good build order. People like Clam. I have been playing this a lot. Beyond has played this a Crapton as well in the past few months. I really love this build. It allows for very quick tech, while being relatively safe. Now, the goal with this build is to get a quick scout with perhaps your Helion, and then have a good response as a follow-up. We're going to see Starport coming in as well. Marines should start ASAP, and then the orbital will go down. Not quite starting the Marines yet. Okay, this is quite weird. I actually just want to rewatch this part real fast because I don't quite understand it. So this is one of the weak points of this particular build order is that a fast adapt can be very annoying and can deny mining for a long time. But your Marine 2 and 3 should come out at 257, 258 I believe is the timing with this build order. You'll have a Hellion at that point as well. So the three-minute mark is kind of the mental note I have as a Protoss player. If I have an adept, I want to piss off at that point because things get dangerous. But we see that Goo over here actually just delays the Marines altogether and gets a faster orbital command. This is not the way it usually is played. This is not the way it usually is played. Now, I'm not saying this is necessarily bad. Maybe Goo has some insider information that is. opponent never moves across the map within the depth, because sometimes you do need to cut an SUV temporarily to afford everything. But this is not the correct builder. These marines are an entire marine cycle too late, which means over the next few minutes, there's just going to be two less marines the entire time, which makes defending against things harder, and which also makes using them aggressively just a little bit more difficult. So an auto-opener. Now, Helion moves across the map, starts scouting for a third basis, but also needs to pause. on top of this ramp to figure out what the timing on the gateways are, what type of units are here. That hasn't been done quite yet. Oracle now flies in and starts working on these marines. I mean, there's still three marines in this bunker, which definitely could be pulled out here in my mind, but they seem to be pretty happy in there. Another Marine goes down. This has been a very mediocre start. Can I just say that? What is that? Four marines, okay, three marines that have been killed. Full Scout. No extra barracks that are being at it yet. Now going into a raven and a tech lab on the factory, but a barrack should already be pretty much 75% done right now, decides to not get the raven and instead go straight for a reactor on this. This reactor can't be used. I'm going to have to pause here for a second. What did my man say again? What did he say? I am the copy-Terran, the kind of people who have no brain and hands, but they're able to copy the build. order from the winner of recent pro games. Now, this is the level of copying that I did in high school. You know, you have your smart friend who actually did the homework and you're like, hey, I forgot to do the homework or I was busy playing Warcraft 3 the entire night. Could I copy it from you? Your friend says, yes, sure, but make sure that the teacher doesn't notice. This is kind of the level that you're doing here. You're copying a build order, but you're making sure that no one that knows anything about Starcraft 2 would be capable of telling that this is copied from a competent player. You did such a good job hiding that you've copied this build order. You've completely ruined it. You're 5K MMR and with a build like this, I can't wait to see your midgame because this is freaking atrocious. Your midgame and late game have to be absolutely phenomenal in order to make up for how garbage or early was. It wasn't just the two early Marines that you skipped, but the complete delay on the extra barracks, I don't quite understand. I haven't seen this at a higher level game, especially because nothing was happening. I mean, there was an Oracle attacking your stuff, but that is kind of standard. Like you should be capable of dealing with that. So far you haven't impressed me and your statement of lacking a brain and hands, so far has been correct. Honestly, when you said that you have no hands, I thought that you meant that you had, you know, No poor mechanics, but now I'm starting to doubt that claim. Maybe you don't actually have hands and it's really difficult for you to play. That is completely possible, of course. Viking production from a reactor starboard. Before stim and combat start, double mind production coming in. Now, if this were a chess game... Ah, shit. Here we go again. This is what the chess players would call. Completely unique, because I've never seen this before in my life. Legitimately never. Not even once. Metafx are going to finish before, like, way before Stim and Combat as well. You have like no, no... Like this. It's like 12 units, six minutes in. This is unbelievable. It's unbelievable how bad this opener is. Now, you also complained that a Protoss can basically do whatever if they open up with four gas on their natural and then go, I guess, go into Colossus is the most common follow-up. I'm not surprised you believe that because your push is hitting so weak. Honestly, this toss could have opened up with anything and you wouldn't have been capable of achieving anything whatsoever. It is, your build has been garbage so far. It has not been good. Get a CC on the low ground that I do kind of like, maybe. Lose two mines. I mean, why not? Do you really need mines in your army? No, not really. Phoenixes could clear this bad boy as well. She'll leave your units kind of exposed. There's not a single turret in a good position. So the phoenixes, or if the Oracle is still alive, could just come back and start killing stuff. Move out across the map. Now, this is a push that should never in a million years work. Like, actually never in a million years. There's a colossus. There's detection. There's plenty of phoenixes. So you're going to end... Oh my God, this micro has not very good. This micro has not been brilliant. I do have to admit that the map vision of this toss is also fairly mediocre. It really has been, you know, a single observer, no pylon spread at all, not a zealot, not an adept anywhere. I don't know, but that doesn't quite feel correct. It really doesn't quite feel correct. Let's follow us up with going into six gas. going up to Barracks 4 and 5 as well completely supply blocked this is what we call the Goody supply block now for the people who don't know what the Goody supply block is Goody was a player that played Mac exclusively at the start of Wings of Liberty and he played throughout Wings of Liberty and the start of Heart of the Swarm as well and he famously said he only played Mac because with one click you can get like four or six supplies and makes it easier to macro basically. He was very, very slow, good decision-making. His brain worked very well. Now, another thing that Goody usually did is he would get supply block, and then rather than starting depots, he would start a command center and wait for a command center to finish to get unsupply blocks. So basically a full 70-second supply block is what Goody would really, well, just supply blocks in general is what he was known for, but the Goody supply block is specifically when you wait for a command center to finish up to get you out. of supply block and that's what we just saw. There's a 4th CC already on the way by the way. That is fairly fast. We see a second eBay, a Ghost Academy as well, a second Starport. So heavy investment here into tech and into eco, not a lot into the army. As these bad boys are still just kind of flying around. Maybe looking for kill. That was weird, no? That was weird. No vision of this spot? For a very long time. No vision of this spot. No vision of this spot. No vision of this spot. No vision of this spot. Nah, it's not... If he's a hacker, that's a really bad hacker. No? I mean, you would just preemptively revelate and then not lose two phoenixes for free. Also, going to clear this mine while there's six Vikings or five Vikings around seems like a relatively risky move. So far, the hacker claim I'm not really feeling. I agree that there's very little map vision, but I'm not feeling the hacker claim quite yet. Now, our Terran player said that he knew he was playing against Skytos. He hasn't scouted once. He hasn't seen anything, honestly. He should be completely unaware of what the opponent is doing. I mean, there's no clues right now that would point towards this being Skytos. Carriers haven't been spotted. Actually, there is charge as well, which usually is not quite the case if you go straight into Skytos. The funny thing is that if Gu truly believed that there was Skytos here, he's playing this wrong. Because if you believe it's Skythos, you want to get an orbital on your fort base so you can get more eco. Skytos never attacks with zealot run-byes because these zealids won't have any upgrades. and then a planetary is practically useless. The main damage is always going to come from air units. Planetaries just delay everything you have. Now, gas mining is insufficient here. Look at the buildings that have been built just now. Do we remember double eBay's Ghost Academy, okay, and a second Starport? Now, only a single eBay is being used. Armory is not being used for ship weapon upgrades. There are five ghost which is nice, but you're just lacking gas. You're building all these buildings that you can do. use because you're lacking the resource for it. You're also adding three more barracks, which I don't actually think is necessarily bad, but I probably, if I was playing against Skytles and I knew it, probably rather would have a faster 5cc and then just add a third starboard as well, because one of the main things that you want against Carrier Colossi is Vikings. Vikings are freaking fantastic against it. All you need is three ghosts, your EMP, send in the Vikings with their plus one ship weapons. And you're going to be in a fantastic spot. You haven't once moved on the map to confirm anything. You're also magically behind in supply, which is I think difficult to do if your opponent never is aggressive and is trying to play Skytos. So yeah, I'm not entirely happy yet with your setup so far. Actually I'm not happy at all with your setup so far. I'm also really doubting that this ProDos is map hacking. I haven't really seen anything that makes me believe this long. Tos is hacking. You also haven't done anything aggressive yet. That would make me believe that this TOS is not playing well, though. Holy crap. That this Tos is hacking. Eleven Vikings against six carriers. Carriers are going to have better upgrades as well in the near future. Tos now starts moving on the map. You scan the fifth base, see that it's there. So you're down in bases. You have a worse army composition. You also have no map vision whatsoever, by the way. Another scan on top of the army. Why, I don't know, but that just costs you 400. Another one. Yeah, sure. Another one. Yes, keep going. That's what, 900 minerals down the drain in less than a minute and a half. Could have been used in mules. And no matter how many times you scan, it doesn't mean you know how to micro against these disruptors, apparently. Resources lost 2100 to 1900. So your army is balls. Two tanks as well. Two tanks as well. Well, you just started with mines and then went into tanks. I'm not a fan of that either. Like, tanks are good against this type of army. If you're planning and doing a max-style tank push with a lot of Marines, a couple of ghosts, and maybe five, six tanks, and then adding in a lot of turrets. And you kind of slow push towards your opponent. This is something you can do against pure erythals. The one thing you don't want to do is use tanks defensively. This makes absolutely no sense. says defensive tanks against Ayrtos legitimately freaking suck. They're expensive when it comes to gas. You could have gotten another starboard. You could have gotten faster liberators, more upgrades, just anything but tanks. Because these aren't really achieving very much for you at all. If the TOS attacks into it, they're brain dead. And if they don't attack into it, then they're useless. So, yeah, there's really no point that I can think of into building them. It is kind of weird, though, that this TOS has, like, no map vision at all. Then again, it's also kind of weird that you, for whatever reason, have no map vision at all. There's one mine at the 6th or 7th base. Literally not a single sensor tower, no marines being spread out. It is just weird. Down in income as well, for quite a while already. This toss has just been outmining you for the entirety of the game, basically. Now, the tank is going to get taken out. This Ruppters trying to set up a couple of good purification of us. The one thing you usually want to make sure that doesn't happen is that all interceptors come out of the carriers before a fight. We're honestly doing a decent job defending here as long as you don't get hit by any disruptor shots. I would have loved to see some turrets maybe preemptively build if you know you're behind and you're going to get attacked. This is also somewhat okay. I wish the Vikings were being used separately though. Look at these Vikings. All they do is shoot freaking interceptors. They could be shooting carriers as well here. EMP is going to connect in a big way, everything in one huge control group. Look, just moving back and forth. Here we go. Finally start shooting with the freaking Vikings at something. Did target three different carriers so far. Could have probably sniped two extra ones if the target fire would have been someone. Look at this. You're actually destroying this fight after you started using your Vikings independent from the rest of your army. Resources lost is pretty heavily into your favor. You have extra bases on the way as well. Now all you need to do is to just max out on an army with more liberators. repair your Vikings and kind of continue this plan. What you can do is just set up over here, build like seven, eight, what you call the missile turrets, send the liberators in, put up forward, and then just with the bio, start taking out these dudes. Build turrets further forward. The beauty of interceptors is that they never, like they don't go right on the target. They kind of fly around, which allows turrets that are further back to also shoot. Like, turrets are so good against this. Turretches in general are freaking powerful, especially in combination with liberators. Now, we're seeing Tempest coming out, which is the correct call out of this Protoss. The fact that there were no tempest out kind of makes me doubt that this TOS is map hacking, because the moment you see a lip transition, you definitely would want to get a couple of tempest. I think that is a pretty natural response. I'm keen on a fight here as well. There's Ruppertr shots connecting with basically the entire army. Still a good fight, though, no? Resources lost, up 3K now. Retreat back home after you see the warping, and I don't really see a problem. Maybe I'm the idiot here. I think if you would have retreat from this position and would have macroed back up, at slightly better eco? So far, you've been winning all the fights. You were complaining about the toss microing too well, but you should complain about the toss macroing too well because that is really the only reason why this toss is winning. Hey, this toss has just been losing every single fight, I've seen so far and now as kind of a hellmary play has warped in a bunch of stalkers to try and kill the lack of your ground force. Like you have absolutely no clue why things are going wrong. This is like explaining how a smartphone works to an 85 year old. Things are going wrong but they usually have no clue why. Maybe they blame the company that produced the phone or new technology just isn't as solid as it used to be back in the day, but... Maybe you shouldn't hold down the power button for eight seconds at a time and be confused where your phone turns off every single time. It's the same here. You just have pretty crappy eco. You don't even die to Airtles. Your worst fights start happening once your opponent starts messing out stalkers. You've killed every Airtle's army. And now the game does look fairly bad as you're down 70 supply. But you're still up in resources lost, which means that you've just been mining less than your opponent. This is not really how I expected this game to go. Usually when I get Skytos replays, it is games in which the Terran kills three units, and that's it, you know, the Protas Army looks powerful, Terran doesn't micro, walks into every disruptor shot, but yeah, sure, the Viking micro wasn't too hot, but it was good enough ever since the latest patch. I mean, Vikings don't really need the micro as much against the carrier anymore because they auto-target the carrier rather than the interceptors. This particular situation has been made much easier, and it kind of shows as well. Despite your poor control, you still manage to win every single fight. Now you're staying in and I think the game is over. You could leave. Have we seen any real conclusive proof that this ProDos is hacking? Not really honestly. I feel like he lost all of his air units for no reason against the Marine drop over here in the top side, against a mine here on the bottom side. Like his movement isn't brilliant, I feel like at least. If he had MAPAC, I would be playing it different if I had full vision. I just put it like that. Don't want to criticize the opponent too much, but I'd be doing a lot of things different. Maybe he's very good at hiding it. That's also possible. Sampium is fairly low as well. It's not too weird for Protoss players that play Skytles, though. Tends to be the case. Yeah, this is. Like even now you're down 70 supply, this fight almost looks close. Of course it's not going to be a win because you're down, well, like legit 70, 80 army supply, but... I don't feel like the fights here were the issue at all. And this is often the case as of late. I feel like I'm getting these... Yeah, no Gigi. I'm getting these IOTUS complaint forms with people who have absolutely no clue whatsoever why they're losing and they just make up a reason. than analyzing the replay themselves, they think I'm some, you know, the analyzing monkey, you know, just send it over, see what Harstam has to say about. It's like, that's not how it works. Like, you can pull up the resources lost up yourself. And I would recommend doing this at multiple points in the game, not just in the end. Like, oh, I'm down 4K and trade it too poorly. That's why I lost. No, you lost because your ego wasn't quite on point. Your early game builder are sucked balls. Why were we building planetaries against Skytles? You didn't scout your opponent's composition for a long time. The construction of buildings in the midgame was awful. You had too little gas to afford all of that. Like, you did not copy a professional build order. You've watched a replay of a professional build order, then tried to remember it, then realized that you didn't have a brain, and this is what you came out with, with this absolute monstrosity. Like, this is nothing to do with Skytles being in balance. This is everything to do with you being incapable, of following a build order and getting some darn decent eco being able to put some pressure on your opponent and allowing you to scout because of that. Skytles isn't imbalanced and this guy isn't a hacker. You suck. And that's how it is, Gou. That is how it is. Isn't Gou also the name of the dude from the minions? Minions movie. Gru, you scald. Yeah, well, close enough. I'm not too into touch with the movies for 12-year-olds. apologies for that. Anyway, that's going to be it for me today. I hope you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did, don't forget to hit the like button. Leave your comment down below. Do you believe that this Protoss was a hacker? Do you believe that this Protoss player abused imbalance or did the Terence suck? I'm so curious to hear about your opinions and I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thanks for watching and adios. |
This Build Is REAL!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Nothing is as real as this build! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
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"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Lfdt2ep2zLo | zergs can come back from incredible damage. They can sit on their bases with their unlimited vision, lose those bases, and it doesn't affect them at all. You think after two bases sniped, they can harass damage while dealing none in return, that you'd be able to kill the Zerg player, but you just can't. My build is nuanced and it's hard to those unexpected. But seriously unfair that someone with zero, awareness that they're going to get hit and can fight it back. This was sent in by Go to You Death, a European player in the Masters League at 4,450 MMR. And there was actually an added note to this as well that reads, if you don't like my real build, do it in beating Grandmaster with stupid stuff, because you'll be shocked at how successful and real it is. No, it's caps in there. So I think what Go To You Death is complaining about here is that Zerg can be unexpecting of a nuanced build order, whatever that is, and still be capable of holding without any trouble whatsoever. So let's investigate that claim. Is it Inba or does he suck? All right, here we go. Go to You Death, our legendary Protoss player versus Toru, the blue Zerg. And this is a pretty high-level game. 4.5k-ish MMR. So I'm really excited for the build orders here, seeing what it is. He said he didn't have a good build order. He said he had a nuanced build order. Now, I'm not quite sure what this means. When it comes to build, I know what the word nuance means, but in a build order, I don't quite understand what that would be, that there's a lot of tiny little things that make it more efficient or that make it slightly better, I guess. I'm just not so sure. I've never heard someone describe a build order like that yet, a nuanced build order. This is like the sophisticated armies. I always like when people call their army sophisticated. It sounds very good, but I don't quite know what it means either. Like a sophisticated army. It's like less primitive, I guess, in a way. I don't know. I'm really looking forward to this. We have a quick gateway. And wait, what was this? Whoa, whoa, whoa. What happened over here, my friend? I completely... Okay, we're going to have to entirely go back into this game. Look at that. This is what happens, you know? We start to quick. So, my good friend, go to you that over here. Now, this is very nuanced as well. This is very special. Let's just start all the way back from the start. Why not? I missed it. You might have missed it. Look at this. It was in the back of my hat that this was going to be a free block here on the other side of the matter. My man opens up with a... This entire... This is a very nuanced opener. I'm going to have to watch this three times. Look at this, okay? The probe starts over here in the main base. You see that? Then go to you that, sends out a worker to go for a 13 pylon, realizes that this worker is not going to be in time for a 13 pylon, doesn't produce the 14th worker, okay, for about three seconds. This worker goes straight across the map, then builds the worker here, and then gets his pylon in his natural 30 minerals too late. Now this is one of the most nuanced openers that I've seen in my entire life. So he wastes a little bit of nexus time, those probes are late. He uses a second probe to ensure that he gets a block on the other side of the map. And then what do we see when we speed up? He still arrives too late. This is like taking the train a day early but going in the incorrect direction. I thought you'll have yesterday. He's like, I accidentally went to Switzerland and I wanted to go to Canada. I don't think you can go to train by Canada if you're in Europe anyway, so maybe that was your mistake after all. You can definitely block your opponent's hatchery on grass van, by the way. That is no problem, especially if you send one of your first workers across the map. So, oh, this build is very nuanced. Look at this. How long was this worker standing there? This is a level of nuance that I have not seen before. Let me tell you that. Rather than right-clicking on the assimilator so that this bad boy goes in automatically, he decides to wait it in front. And then, as a result, has five seconds less of gas mining. I've never seen stuff like this. Oh, where are we going? Building a Nexus, I guess. Pulls into the gas. I do like that. If you're playing Stargate specifically, I think that is generally a very good call to go for. It's pulling some workers into gas. Now pulls one out of gas. Wait, what? I'm not going crazy, am I? I don't think I've ever spent this much time in the first minute of a game. Well, and the world is happening over here. So forgets to mine gas. To make up for it, sends two extra workers in gas. mines a single trip of Vespine and then pulls the worker out. Well, I have never seen something like this before in my life. That is the one thing I do know for sure. Holy crap. The amount of nuance in this build order is flowing out of my ears. And what do we have as a follow-up here? Probe goes back home. We got our second gas, which is a little bit delayed, but not the end of the world. Second pylon could start soon. I'm going to have to pay so much attention to this build order now. Things here are happening that I didn't know where humanly possible. Okay, proxy's a pylon. Some sort of proxy Stargate is what I'm assuming here. Proxy Roeb is not very popular. Proxy Twilight makes no sense. So Stargate is the thing that seems most logical for me. And in that case, actually mining earlier with three workers in games. and keeping the mining makes sense because you want that Stargate ASAP as well. That's going to go home with this probe too, so that is cool. Colons out and adapt. So, I mean, this is a build I generally like. It is just poorly executed because you didn't get the block on your opponent's natural. But I think this is a really good build. This is also not really beating Grandmaster with stupid stuff. Often the point of beating Grandmaster with stupid stuff is that I do a build that is bad. This is stupid, but this is, I mean, proxy Oracle is freaking good. That's an A or an S-tier build in my opinion. Like if you can mix that in every now and again. Yeah. Thumbs up for you, my friend. That's a great plan. It's a great plan. Just not a huge fan of the execution yet. Second gate here is coming out. Adapt is going to be sent across the map as well. That does feel good. Maybe it's going to get a drone kill here. If Zerg isn't paying attention. Zerg did not pay attention. It actually was relatively slow. More drones coming in. Did the Zerg literally build zero lings? Yeah, this is great. I hate jerks like this. Like, this is obviously illegal. If there was double Krono or if the second Adept went across the map at any point, you legitimately just kill the Zerg with two adepts. Get like seven worker kills or something. And it's over. It actually is freaking over. Now the Oracle is going to go in towards the main base where there is no second queen yet. I mean, this is just freaking huge now. It's going to get, what, three, four kills? Three, four. But what? Why did we do three shots on the queen and then damaged two separate drones? I don't quite know. It could have had at least two more drone kills, maybe even three more drone kills. So not the greatest execution, but yeah, this build generally is quite good, I think. Not a huge fan of the massive hole we're leaving in the wall here, but the timing of this nexus is at least correct. Going charge into and forge, cancelled and rebuild. Now, I don't want to be that guy, you know, that I kind of do want to be that guy. So, as Protoss, we have a limited amount of Chrono Boost, hopefully, if you're chronobo boosting well, or you have a limited amount of chronobo boost. I have infinite amounts of chrono boost. If we're going for what seems to me, like this is going to be some type of timing attack with charge, and plus one, we have to allocate this resource, the Chrono Boost, accurately. Now, there is a trick, okay? This is a very high-level trick that only the highest-level pros know about, and I'm about to share it with you for free. So if you want to match two different types of upgrades and make them finish at the same time, a quick trick that you can do is you can hover over the upgrade and, see how long it takes for it to research. So charge takes 100 seconds, while plus 1 takes 121. That means that plus 1 takes 21 seconds more. Now that roughly equals two chronobo boost. That means that you want two more chronobust on your forge than you want on your Twilight Council. So far the plus 1 started later and also has an even amount of chronobo boost as the Twilight Council and thus most likely is not quite going to completely match up. But maybe I'll be proven wrong, you know? Maybe I'll be proven wrong. And I just revealed this massive secret that only the best of the best know about for no real reason. As he has actually stopped cronowing the Twilight Council. So maybe, you know, maybe I spoke too soon. It is possible. I just wanted to put it out there for everyone to know. You know, it's everyone, I think everyone should know about this. As indeed it is going to be a timing push. And this is actually a really high tier build. This, oh, this actually, he's doing it well. Okay, I said nothing. I'm the idiot. Revealing my tricks here. It's still not going to be completely matched up because the plus one, well, it started a little bit late, but I'm okay with that. No, this build is super high tier. Like, if you would ask any Zerg player, and it's like, hey, what do you think is a really good build? I'm sure, I'm actually really sure that they tell you about. Hatch block into proxy Stargate, into single Oracle, followed up by some type of Twilight Council build. like a glave adapt attack, a charge lot all in, or a blink attack. Yeah, that is freaking strong. I, however, do have an issue with your build order, and that is that the execution of it is just severely lacking, I think. It really is. Right now you're pushing five minutes and 51 seconds into the game with two adepts, two zealots, and then four more zealots, so five more zealots, so six zealots, three adepts, now two adepts are over here, and one Oracle. your push, if you open with just a single Stargate unit, you can hit at about 5.30 between 13 adepts, okay? 530 with 13 adepts with Glave upgrade. Now, they don't have plus one, but that hits about 21 seconds earlier and with significantly more units than you are hitting with. So I am pretty sure I've never tried playing a charge-lot rush after a single Stargate unit because I do think that it's kind of weak against high queen counts, which generally Zerg gets high queen counts. But I think your build is just inefficient. This isn't beating Grandmaster with stupid stuff at all. Beating Grandmaster with stupid stuff is me using something stupid, then optimizing that, making sure that, yes, I am playing something really dumb, but it's the most efficient way of playing really dumb. And that allows me to win with it. This is playing something that is genuinely quite smart and then doing the opposite of optimizing it. They're like having a really good concept, a really good idea, and then completely throwing out of the window, pretty similar to what Twitch is doing with our platform right now, which is something I wouldn't generally recommend. You do get a kill here on the hatchery, but if we really look at the current situation, if we closely analyze it, aka take a look at the drone count, we'd realize that we're still behind. you're down 16 workers, you are at an even amount of bases. Yes, your upgrades are better, but only ever so slightly. You don't have any follow-up tech yet. Your gas count is extremely late, which means that your follow-up tech is going to be most likely relatively late. There's no fort base. So I don't entirely know where you believe, like, you should have had an advantage now. It is very standard for Zerg to have a fort base done at the 630 mark, or 620, sometimes even earlier already, sometimes they already have a fifth base as well. Like, there would be no problem at all. You didn't really kill any drones. Well, you killed seven total so far in this game. And six of those were by this Oracle, I think. At least four in the early game. So you didn't really do any damage. You basically invested a significant portion of your eco and your aggressive resources into right-clicking a hatchery. And I guess clearing a couple of roaches. There were queens in the process as well. Like this was a largely unsuccessful trade. Absolutely. Like not a successful trade at all. If the Zerg had been spending money throughout, you would be completely dead. Well, not completely dead, but I think you would be severely behind. This is a very good run by. I do enjoy that. And this is okay-ish micro as well. Well, never mind. It's okayish micro on the stock. It's good enough. Once again, going for a kill here on the hatchery, which is nice. But there's a base over here. there's a base over here, is not really the end of the road. Yes, you kill two hatcheries, but you also end up losing nine zealots for it, or eight zealots, or however many zealots that was. So I don't actually that that particular trade was necessarily brilliant. Like you lose a bit of momentum with the zealots. You lose a bunch of money, and you delay your opponent's mining. And this hatch is about to finish up, so it's not really the end of the world here for the Zerg, is it now? You're still fairly slow with transitioning into something else, But I do believe that your overall position is good, mainly due to the Zerg not macroing and having a creptone of cash. Injects are fairly mediocre here so far. But usually once plus two finishes up and Bainlings come into play, all of these fights that Zerg has been taking so far will get better and better for the Zerg as well. So, got to be kind of careful about that 15 bains. It's going to be annoying to deal with if you have a lot of zealids, which you are building. Centries. God. Okay. No, no, Kevin. Restrain yourself. Let's first see what these sentries are going to achieve. Okay? Now, I will say that building five Sentries in this phase of the game, where you're probably wanting to look into some type of follow-up tag, whether it's going to be Templar or, well, really just Templar. this point, I would say, maybe get some disruptors in there, but you need some type of Arcon presence. Spending 500 gas in sentries with an army that consists of 13 salads. I don't think this is necessarily wise, okay? Especially given the fact that you know your opponent was going for melee upgrades because you've clicked his lings yet, right? You've clicked it and you know that you're fighting against melee upgrades, which means bay lings as well. Yeah. Well, at least there's 500 less gas on the map. That's nice. And that's gas that's not coming back. It's a non-renewable resource, you know? This is not great. This was really not a great fight. Like this fight, I think, really shows that you don't completely understand the purpose of each unit in this composition. So if you're playing very stalker heavy like you're doing, you probably want to be trading on the edge of creep or of creep altogether. What is the value of the stalker? What does the stalker do so darn well? It can attack and then when it gets low, it can blink back and it escapes. So it basically gets free trades the entire time. That's what you want to do with the stalker. It doesn't have great GPS. It doesn't. It isn't great at fighting one massive fight. No, it's great at standing on the edge of creep and moving back. Now, what are zealids great at? Zealots are great at fighting once. They charge in and hope that there are no banlings and they can clear. They're great at harassing as well. having these two against a baling army and going for a direct engagement makes no sense stalkers are not meant to be used like a battering ram zealots are meant to be used as a battering ram but not when there's bains around because then zealots are supposed to be used somewhere else don't have them in your main army if you would have played pure stalker sentry and stood on the edge of creep trying to force field of portions of your opponent's army while there's no revengers I would have said okay maybe that sentry investment was okay but the way that you used the sentries here was quite frankly terrible and the way that you used the stalkers well is like using the stalkers as a battering ram is fairly similar to using a guitar pick as a replacement of toilet paper not only is it just fairly inefficient it also is very likely to get your hands dirty which is not something you'd usually want or something you're into then go ahead use a guitar pick my friend Play the music. Yeah, you just continue to just practically move command into your opponent's army. And from a position where you were even in supply, equal on upgrades, having denied all your opponents creep the entire time, you're now in a position where you're significantly down in supply, you still have no real tech. I mean, a single disruptor is not a game-changing unit against banlings. Disruptors are really good against Roach Hydra, and they also have their uses against Revergerlink Bane in larger numbers when you have Archons to tank in front of you. But just a single Disruptor by itself when you're down 40 supply is not going to make up a supply deficit of 40-50 supply. Now, these Bainlings get significant hits here as well, and that is kind of forcing you all in. Look at it. Disruptor killed one stalker and a Reveger so far. Some brilliant tech that we're getting out here. And now you're trying to do the kiting off creep, And you realize, wait a second, I don't have any oracles left to actually make sure that my stalkers remain secure against higher link counts. And I also just don't have enough units anymore. And I think this is the point where in my mind the Zerg is so far ahead that it's almost impossible for Protoss to win. Zerg has plus two on melee. Zerg has the ability to move across the map because there are no bailings anymore. And Zerg's army isn't being encountered right now or in the near future. future being the next three minutes. There's no Templar archives on the way yet. There's no large amount of disruptors. There's no Colossi. There's no carriers coming in. There's just nothing. It is pure gateway units that are going to get completely destroyed here again and again and again and again. Because these are just not going to be good traits. It's not possible. The roach count is getting a little bit high. I would prefer to see more lings and more bainlings, but perhaps it doesn't matter. Nice run by as well. No static defense here. No walling. whatsoever either. Go to you that really wanted his build damage because he had nothing prepared back home. No, no defense whatsoever to speak of. How many gates is this? That's six gate. It's eight. Six gates in the main. I can understand one gate in the main, accidentally, but everything else should always be at your third and fourth, helping to wall out against bailing run bys. Otherwise, it's just impossible to deal with. Prodels does not, does not deal well with bailing runbys unless you have walls. And we've seen that so far. Go to you that? Or is it go Tao that? Go to you. Go to. Go to death. It's fairly dead, honestly. I don't think there's much you can do. There's no super battery available. Even if there was, it literally doesn't matter. You have pure stalkers. 1,500 gas in the bank. Now it's like, ah, maybe Templar Archives. Yeah, that would be pretty sick to have. So lings are going to be moving in. I thought there was a bailing there, but I guess not. Everything here goes down. And nice little zealot warping right in front of all of the units. going to be a nice splits out of the Zerg. Taurus actually played relatively well. I didn't like the macro in the early stages, but everything else was fairly good. Back to the complaint. What did we read again? You think after two bases sniped, taken harass damage while dealing none in return, that you'd be able to kill the Zerg player, but you just can't. Well, you dealt harass damage on 52 workers, if I recall correctly. You killed two bases while you were... Well, you killed them one at a time, really. Like, you can't say that your one attack killed two bases. Like, you killed one base, your opponent had a backup base. They killed another base, and your opponent had a backup base. Never really dropping your opponent's overall income whatsoever, like maybe by a little bit, but at that point, you still was at 70 workers, and 70 workers on three-based saturation is completely fine. You're hardly oversaturated. So you didn't actually deny any real eco there, at least, yeah, maybe 200, 300 minerals a minute. And that was the second trade with the zealots actually wasn't all that good, because you right-clicked on that hatchery, you lost nine zealots, and you didn't kill any drones whatsoever. And you believe that you're so far ahead. You take an absolutely atrocious engagement and you throw the game in which you did have some control. You completely throw it out. You had a good build order, terrible execution, and no follow-up plan. It's like, oh, this is my build order. I win. Give me the win. No, you don't want to give me the win. Give it again. It's just doing the same trick again and again. And it just doesn't work like that. We're at a 4.5K MMR. people know how to play. You're going to need to try a little bit harder than just executing your build order that is inefficient. I'm sorry, my friend. You suck. That's it. I can't help it, guys. I can't help it. Seven Zele as at a six-minute mark with plus one. It's not going to be enough. That is going to be it for me today, though. I do hope you enjoyed this episode of Is it in Mardi-Du-Suck. Don't forget to the like, but subscribe to the channel. And of course, good luck to go to you that in your next games. I do hope to see you in Grandmaster one day. Keep finding the good fight. All right, thank you, hit the like button, subscribe, comment. Adios. |
The MOST PRECISE Colossus Ever! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Keep your head down guys, this Colossus is a sharp-shooter!! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/5xaEFi4mEOs/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 5xaEFi4mEOs | Dear Captain, Terran is Imba. Their advantages in strategy choosing in the early game and the ability to turtle since midgame is insane. In this game I opened up with a Stargate, which in my opinion would be a good reactive call against Terrans who walled off the ramp. I scouted and defended the early Reaper slash Hellion harassed with acceptable losses and cleared out the following mind drop with only a single worker loss. Despite my huge lead in the early game, I barely survived the tank push, but I thought to myself, at least I survived and the game was somewhat playable. We then went into a macro game, some fights here and some mind drops there. Situation was overall even for both of us. I basically had map hack vision and map control since midgame. Then the devil came. Lips plus tanks. It was impossible to break through a Terran who decided to just turtle at home with this composition. My attempt of prism attack and transition into air also seemed futile. Once maxed out with full upgrades, Terran just moved across the map and brutally executed me. Please enlighten me, Captain. Is Terran Inba, or do I just suck? Sincerely, Hitoa. A Protoss player from North America with 4,700 MMR, asking me whether Teran is Inba or if he sucks. Well, Hitoa, we're here to find out, my friend. 4,700 MMR Protoss player. Now I am excited for this because the beauty of 4.7K is that everything kind of, you know, it kind of just starts to work. You know, people have real build orders. They might even know how to build a Reaper wall. Oh, this is, I'm really looking forward to this. PVT in particular, because there's so many cool decisions, there's so many nice build orders. Oh, this is going to be a game. Oh, there's going to be a game. For the people who just missed that, we saw some nice probe stacking here in the middle part. This probe, he was going to get blocked, and then he pulled it back up, and then popped it back down so that the probes don't bounce around. Because the one thing you don't want is bouncing probes. That's absolutely terrible. And as I say that, we have some probe bouncing going on. Not the greatest probe microwave. Wait, he's trying, you know, he's trying. This is 4,700 really is kind of. of on the edge where you should be doing it but it's not the end of the world if you don't. It's kind of comparable to shying your two, your shying, tying your shoe laces. You know, if you're 11, you really should be capable of tying your shoelaces. Now personally, my mom still did it till I was 17, but for most other people, you know, 10 really is the hard cut. If you don't know how to tie your own shoelaces yet when you're 10 years old, there probably something not entirely correct there. and it's the same I feel like 5K really is the hard cutoff from there and out your probes in the first two minutes should be bouncing back and forth as little as possible really no bouncing over here there's not a bouncy house there's a freaking mineral line we put in the work here you clowns that's what we do let's have a look at the theory though because this is going to be the scout scouts a full wall leaves his probe upstairs till 148. Now why do I like that so much? Because at 148 the Marine is supposed to pop out. So this Protoss player here, this 4,700 barcode, knows the marine timings. And as a result, knows that now it's a Reaper first and doesn't need to rush out a battery really quick in the natural. Because if the first unit is a Marine, it could have been a second barracks proxy with a marauder. Now, that battery is not necessary yet. You can build it after you throw down your attack, which, I love the fact that that got scouted. I love that this probe stayed up just a tiny bit longer. God, high-level games are so much, so much more fun to watch than these clowns that don't even know the first three minutes properly. Come on, get it together. Pops back in as well here. Look at this. With the probe, seize the reactor. And now this is actually kind of difficult. What do you do here? You scout the reactor. That can mean two things. It either could mean that your opponent, the Terrant, is going for like some type of mine drop or a tank attack, and it just wants to produce very fast marines. However, this Terran run a mock is going for a really quick Triple Reaper double Helion build. Okay? And this is the most aggressive build that Terran can do. There's almost no build order that hits harder than this at this point. So according to the Protoss theory books that I've read in my time, You need to throw down a battery. If you see Reaper Interreactor, you still need a battery on the low ground. It is absolutely necessary. Yes, yes it is. Second gateway here, what is this second gateway going to do for you? This should be a battery here, my dear friend. Warpgate is 18 seconds in. Are you, am I really going to believe that you will slow build a unit from this gateway pre-warpgate? You and I both know that this isn't true. No, this money should have been spent into a freaking battery. You know it, I know it, but you didn't do it. You're getting the battery, but it's a little bit too late. Well, it is fairly... Actually, this battery is at the perfect timing to be completely useless. This is like taking an anti-conception pill after you got pregnant. It is too early for your next kit and too late for your first. If you were going to get tank pushed, this is about... 45 to 50 seconds too fast. If you're being double Reaper Heliant or Triple Reaper double heliant, it is too late. So there's literally no purpose for the timing of this battery. It had to be earlier so that it finishes at about 320, 325. Or it should be way later where you're ready for a tank push. Right now you scouted something and responded completely incorrect. Now the damage that you took is actually pretty big. You mentioned in your form, let me actually, you know, let me I quote the form here today. I'm feeling like quoting. Despite my huge lead in the early game, I barely survived the tank push. Huge lead in the early game. You're up two workers against a Terran with two orbital commands. My dear friend, at this moment, you're behind. You're not ahead at all. Your opponent has really quick tag. Like what is it really that you have? You're late robo. This is a sexy build order. pooh, sheesh. Ooh, do like the will. But you're not that far ahead, is what I'm trying to say. You should be up six, seven workers. But because you lost five, that's not quite the case. You do end up getting one, which is, well, a woo-hoo for you. Then you fly your Oracle into a mine, which is woo-hoo for the Tarran. And I think you managed to clear one more. I'm not sure what that was. Was it a mule that just exploded or wasn't an SUV that you killed? Whatever it was, this is not really that great of an early game for you. Let's just get that out there first. Okay, you're playing, I guess, Phoenix Colossus after double Oracle. Your robo bay is not going to start until freaking five minutes and 20 seconds in. That is about a minute later than we usually would see. Your third base is very quick, which is cool. So if you survive, it's not that big of an issue. But this is an extremely greedy build order. And I don't really think you're ahead at all. I don't really, yeah, I don't think so. whatsoever. There's one Phoenix out. You are fairly blind, but you're keeping the Phoenix at home, which I like. I think that's a good call. I mean, if your opponent, just, if your opponent had actually pushed out with like a cyclone, a tank, the Madovac and like 12 Marines, your third base would be toast, right? Let's take a look at this situation. Triple adapt, Phoenix Oracle. Like, how are you going to hold this? You don't have a battery. You don't have a pylon here. No immortal on the way. everything you do from now on in this game, please do know that this was an illegitimate game. You should have lost already if your opponent had actually just pushed out at any point. So you're living on burrow time here. You're not supposed to be alive anymore. It's an interesting way of dealing with it, but it seems to be working out. Gonna drop it. Ooh, nice pickup, run and mock. Look at you. This is a fun game so far. The Phoenix micro has not been brilliant, we haven't produced a worker during this mine drop, but it has been a pretty cool game. I like this. Kind of chaotic. All right. How's the tech looking? Where are we at with the Robo Bay? Robo Bay is now done. Colossus hasn't started yet. You're floating 800 minerals for no reason. And in order to spend those minerals, you now add four gateways. Now... I'm conflicted here. I really am kind of conflicted. Usually I say, if you're floating money, add production. But we're now at an MMR where just blindly adding production, like a chicken without a hat, isn't necessarily always good. I want you to think about what you're adding. Like, if you're floating 1K and your master's 1 or you're on the edge of Grand Master, like a solid response is not just always adding six gateways. You know, like, we probably would have wanted a forge or a Twilight a bit quicker, maybe get a battery or a cannon and spread out some more pylons. You use it in a different way, maybe go up to six gas. I don't think that going up to eight gates actually really does something for you, and I do believe right now you're at the skill level, where you should be capable of spending that money in a more productive way. It's specifically in better tech. Your forge and twilight is insanely late. Like, we're eight minutes into a game, and you don't have a forge yet. You don't have a Twilight. The only reasonable follow-up from here is going to be like an Eightgate Phoenix stalker Colossazole in, which used to be really popular in 2017, and hasn't been very popular for the past six years, because it sucks. Yeah, I don't recommend that. We're now going into Forge Twilight. It is just really, really late. Defensive setup should be good enough. There's infinite marines. And there's two tanks. Raven might be annoying, but with a super battery and some good positioning, I do believe you should be capable of dealing with this. Now, there's an interesting move almost. Snipe the Raven. I was gonna flame you for it, but this almost worked out. Now, what do you really want to do at this point with the Phoenixes? I think ideally you'd be picking off reinforcements. Like these Marines, these mines should not be able to. allowed to join in. Your opponent is going for a tank push, which means that it's really unlikely that he's going to drop into your main base with the tanks. You can't just leave those tanks alone they'll die. So actually cutting off reinforcement with Phoenixes, as you continue having vision with revelation on your opponent's army, I think is the correct move here. I don't always think that it's the correct move. Sometimes it is really risky to send the phoenixes across the map or to pick off reinforcements because if they have three, four metaphors and Marine Marauder, they'll pick up, go into your main. But because you have constant vision with revelation and because his army is basically pure marine, if he does send Metafax into your main base, a single colossus should be capable, a single colossus should be capable of basically dealing with this. So I think the movement here of the Phoenix is trying to snipe the raven is cool, but I think picking off the reinforcements would have been more consistent as a response. In my opinion, but I think if you ask multiple prognosis, they might give different answers to this. I'm not going to go too hard on you for that, okay? I think we'll try to keep it fair. I'm not quite sure what this is, but you did throw away a bunch of zealads. I guess that's why you need the 8 gates to throw away all these salads. Now here comes the fight, and you can't allow your opponent to take out your super battery. So you need to defend this. Like this is an absolute key moment, because here comes the Yon Siege. Now you need to jump. Ideally, you have a guardian shield. You don't... This is go time. This is go time. Yep, and it is go time indeed. Okay, single in... interference. Get used. Super battery gets activated as well. We're going to work in this fight again because I saw something that some people would consider very interesting. Okay. Yeah. You should still be capable of holding. This Terran should go back home because it's best, you know, the time is running out. He's done his damage. Should go home and Macrope is floating quite a bit. I just want to analyze this fight so bad. Oh, no. Oh, this is a nice pickup going into the main. I think we've waited long enough. I can't wait any longer. Now, I just want to have a quick look at the actual unit counts here. Okay? A quick look at the actual unit counts before this fight commences. Okay, when does it start? When does it start? 8.50, I think, somewhere around it. Okay, here. What do we have? We have 36 Marines. And we have three marauders. One of those marauders is at home. So we have about 30 Marines over here. We have two tanks. And we have two marauders. Now, the Colossus ideally wants to fight the Marines. Because the Colossus freaking eats Marines for breakfast. Okay? It destroys it. Let's take a look at the one Colossus that is still allowed to attack. What does it do with it first, three, four swipes? Just pay attention to this. So this Raven. comes in, uses interference matrix on the one Colossus. Now have a look at this guy. First of all, both of them at this point, we're just shooting the one marauder here that was in front. It's difficult to see. If we do some nice zooming, you see, this marauder is really getting it. So we get that one interference matrix. Look at this marauder just getting blasted. That is like four swipes on the marauders. Legitimately four swipes. If those would have been targeted on the Marines, half of the Marines would be. gone right now. Now, what makes this so hilarious for me is the fact that there was only two marauders and you managed to pick them out. Now, it doesn't stop there because look at this colossus. Okay, he's going, he's going, and he gets this clump of marines, gets this clump, retargets, moves back and forth, and where does he go back to? Well, first the mine, I'm not quite sure why that is, and then goes back to the freaking marauder, finds the second marauder. Like, this guy is to be the most, if you were to just micro at random, it would be less likely to pick the marauders out of this. This product has to be the unluckiest prolos. Poor micro, but also unlucky. Because usually if you aim, at least you're going to get some amount of marines here. It feels like the marauder just keeps tanking in front. You know how in the, when you buy like, you get like a prescription medicine for something. You know, because you have low IQ, for example. They give you a prescription medicine. and on the little paper, the little information leaflet next to it, it says like, there's a one in five million chance that tomorrow you wake up and you'll start growing until your skin turns pink and you make an oink-oink noise. Look at that, go like, what are the chances, you know? If I am this prox player and it says that on my freaking medicine prescription, I'm not taking it because you're waking up as a pig the day after 100%. This freaking guy managed to pick out two marauders in an army of freaking 37 units. This is phenomenal stuff. Absolutely phenomenal stuff. It does have a fort base though. Still no upgrades. With all that behind us, we still actually have a game. Yeah, we're still in the game. It's not looking great because you're down in upgrades and you lost all your phoenixes as well as your oracles, but your colossi count is intact, which is huge. If you lose your colossus, usually you just lose the game. You actually have decent infrastructure because you started that party fairly early. And you're adding a second forge, which I like. You're adding in cannons now. So from this point on out, I'm actually liking the moves that you're making. I'd love to see just 10, 12, 13 workers being added. I want to see pylon over here. I want to see a probe or a zelet, a pylon over here. I just want you to have map control. Because isn't that what you said in your IOLIS form as well? Let me quote him again. Look at this. I basically had map hack vision and map control since midgame. Let's just hope that this guy never becomes an eye doctor. You have a guy coming in. Can't see anything. 2020, looks good to me. Next. It's like, mate, you legitimately have no vision right now on the map. Don't talk about vision. You're practically blind. This is nothing. It's all dark on the map. Maybe he believes that if you remove, like the, if you've scouted a location that you can see it forever doesn't understand how the fog of war quite works you know how you like the the super dark areas and then just the the kind of shadowy areas like oh i've spotted most of the map you would have been a great explorer a columbus eat your heart out this guy's coming for you my friend like is it a good explorer but not great when it comes to my problem oh actually oh i spoke to soon didn't i oh no i looked like the idiot oh this is a nice ring this actually is a really really nice ring of vision. It took you about a minute, but it is pretty. I take it back. My little jokes and my pokes. No, this is nice. This is actually, this is good. But the one thing we shouldn't forget about vision is that vision isn't just important to have so you can react when you're being threatened, but it's also important to set up your own attacks. So ideally I would like to have a couple of Zealots over here, a couple of Zealots over here, I'd want to maybe have a prism right now in the dark space. I think something that a lot of Protoss is underestimate is how useful prism speed is. After you finish your thermal lens, your Robo Bay most of the time is going to be, well, not doing very much of anything. I think getting prism speed and a prism after triple colossus, especially when you're playing Phoenix Colossus often is a very, very good call. One of the things that is really difficult with heavy colossi armies is to move out on the And a prism in your opponent's base definitely tends to help with that. This is a good fight as well for you, by the way. This is a really good fight. You're freaking destroying your opponent. Run amok, by the way. I think it's a... It's a... It's a... ...itrynging a... ...it's a cannibal! I was going to say he's a 5,300 Terran player. That's Grand Master, but he also just killed one of his own tanks. What was that? It's going into very quick Liberators. This is not very good as a strategy. Like, it is annoying to play against this heavy turtle, but it's not good as a strategy. And I'm about to explain why. One of the biggest advantages that Terran has over Protoss in the midgame is that they can have map control. They can move around the map with either ghost Viking armies or with like big Metafax splits, having map control, quickly expanding, maybe even getting a bit of an eco-lead. The moment you set yourself up defensively with Liberators, you're basically giving the ProDos a free pass to go up to 85 workers, 5, 6 bases, infinite gateways, and basically what you do as a Terran, you're telling the TOS, hey, I'm going to fight you later on in the game, but it's going to be a single fight. Okay, that's it. If the Terran wins that fight, Terran most likely wins the game. If the Protoss can force the Tarran to stay at home and maybe pick off units on the side the entire time, Protoss can have such an insane infrastructure. However, despite the complete map control that is basically here for our barcode player, our Protoss, he isn't really using it. He's just staying at home. He's defending against an army that shouldn't be allowed to really move on the map. I mean, with this many siege units, you simply can't be competitive out on the map. He has full vision everywhere as well. Run by setup? Like, this setup is perfect, but the work account right now is pretty much, even, and if you include the mules, we actually have worse income right now for the Protoss than for the Terran. That should never be the case. While this is happening, though, the ProDos is stacking up into Stargate and wants to get DTs out. So our Protoss is pretending like he has superior economy, and I think this is copying, you know, but it's copying incorrectly. Our Protoss player has seen other Protosus do this. Like, oh, DT run bys and Prisms in the main and Carrier. and many gateways, you know, this type of stuff, except you forgot to copy a very important thing, and that's gathering the resources for them. You need to be at a superior eco-count at that point. You can't be throwing away massive amounts of units if you have inferior economy. Then you need to trade better than your opponent. It's one or either you're trading better, or you have better eco, and then you can afford to trade poorly. But right now, I don't actually think you have a better army, and you're most likely also not going to be trading. Well, you'll have no... Let me pass so I can try this sentence again, but slowly. You don't have better eco. And I also don't think you're going to be capable of having a very efficient fight. That wasn't so hard now, was it, Kevin? I have to prolong with these prescription medicines. It says one in 10,000 your brain becomes a little bit scrambled, and here I am. I thought I'd take the risk. Tough luck for me. Triple Stargates on the way. Once again, this is way too much infrastructure for 69 workers. Nice. He has no cash in the bank. This is fine if you're 86 workers, and you've been mining from 10, 12 gas. You have cannons everywhere. This is another thing, by the way, that I would like to add on to it. If you have 85 workers, it allows yourself to build cannon walls, which can win time, which can help you win a fight. And if you only need to win a single fight, which... is what you will need to do later on against this Terran army, because the Terran Eco also sucks, then yeah, having a little bit of extra time allowing you to rebuild your army, if you've lost it on your opponent's side of the map, is absolutely fantastic, or it maybe allows you to go for a massive DT run by, and then the cannons can buy a lot of time. Right now, you can't really build a cannon wall of 10 cannons, you can barely afford these two cannons. Like this is, it is painful to watch. You don't have good upgrades for your air yet, either. You're transitioning into carriers right now, but, if you're, if you're, If you're transitioning into carriers, you need a lot of time and you need to buy time. Right now you're not in a position to buy time. You're on your own side of the map. Yes, you have great vision, but you have no cannons. You have no counterattack set up. Oh, actually, Double Prism is an okay counterattack. There's like no DTs roaming around, which I think is one of the key things you need to do if you're playing a heavy disruptor stalker style against Liberators. The moment your opponent moves out, you go in with DT, sniper base. and you force the Tarrant to either all in into you or to go back home. And if they go back home, you can recall the DTs or blink away. That really is how the style works, but you're not really doing very much of any of that. I love this double prism though. This is really cool. I wish more ProDos players would do this, especially higher level tosses. The thing I don't like as much though is that both prisms are empty. I would love for the second prism to have four zealots in it. And I also think going up to like 12 to 16 gateways would be good, given that you actually have the money for it, but which you still don't, because you literally haven't built a single extra worker in the past 35 minutes. This is also ridiculous, obviously. Like, this was not a timing to go in. Your timing is just off, okay? Let me just take a look at this. So, what do we have here? I have these two prisms. Observer spots, a very minor move out, okay? this is like hardly any army. You can't go in then saying, okay, this is 40, maybe 45 supply that's moving out. You can't expect there to be nothing defensively. You could make this play, go in with these prisms, if your main army is threatening something else at the same time. So if you're threatening this third base or you're threatening this fourth base, this double prism move at this moment would be great, but your main army is threatening nothing. So you're sending in your one potential counterattack that you have and you're wasting it for nothing. Absolutely nothing. You're doing, you're achieving nothing with it. Congratulations. Your opponent didn't even really need to return back home. He's going to because he feels bad for you. It's like, well, those prisms are completely useless. Let me pretend like I care and steams back home to his third. I don't know why, but it happened. It's like there was plenty of units here. This is completely useless. Now, your opponent is getting closer and closer to the moveout timing. Well actually, I think, We are a little bit past the move-out timing, and right now, after losing both of your prisms, you have absolutely nothing that can counterattack. And thus your opponent can move across the map. Oh, you see it with a zealot. That's great for you. What can you do? You can only go for a full-on base trade. That's literally the only thing you can do right now. Nothing else. And your opponent says, well, that's great on all those full-on base trade. But I can actually defend with two, three liberators here, have a couple of Vikings behind it, and catch your... your carriers in the middle of the map, like I can still start setting up on your side of the map. And you're going to be forced back home right now, and you're out of position. Look. Boom. Great rotations here by the Terran, by the way. Really nice movement. This is really a masterclass in movement here out of it. Very well done. I love how this looked. Very properly done. Nice scans as well now coming in. Oh, and there you are. The Terran basically gave you map control in the midgame, and the moment the Terran wanted it back, he took it. You know? This is like giving your little cousin the GameCube controller that isn't plugged in. You go, he let you play. Yeah, I played Call of Duty for seven hours last night. Like, well, sure you had a great time. Say, this is nothing. He just gave it to you and pretended it was something, but it wasn't. He just wanted you to be happy with your stupid map control and you didn't use it, not one bit. And now he just rotates twice, you lose this base. Once again, he rotates to a different side. You now lose... Look at this. Look how is cutting this up. This is the difference here. 5300 player, 4,700 player. Cuts off this area. Now, you might say, well, this isn't really even threatening this base, but it is threatening this base. So you will be forced to attack into this right now. You're forced into defending this base. So this looks stupid, and it is stupid. You probably still shouldn't just move into the Liberator, but I understand why you feel you have to, because this base is now vulnerable. This is Terran completely outplayed you. Holy crap. He said, well done by the Taron, honestly. He's nice. He lost five supply in that last fight. Gigi? I mean, you can't complain about the game like this because you weren't participating. It felt like you were beating the Tarran, but the Tarrant was just giving you whatever he wanted you to have. And you had no clue what to do with it. You just had no clue. It's like your first time playing football. You're just fumbling the ball. again and again. Your opponent kept on handing it to you. It's like, yeah, give it to the idiot again. He'll fumble it. Like, that was it. You had the most valuable resource in PVT, which is map control, and you also had vision, which often comes with map control, and you had no clue what to do with it. You were like handed 50,000 bitcoins in 2012, and you lost the password. You know, this is what happened. He didn't know how to sell them. Flushed them down the toilet. I don't know what to do. This is nothing to do with imbalance, my friend. This is legitimately nothing. It's a very good game by the Terran, by the way. I don't see more of this dude. Run amok. Not a bad player at all. Now, Terran is not imbalanced. It is you, my dear friend. That sucked. And that is the way of the world. All right. I actually think that's going to be it for today's episode of is it Inba or do I suck? I do hope you had a good time. I hope you'll learn something as well. I always feel like that we learn a little bit more when we get these high-level games. So if you're a higher-level player, be sure to send it in. If you're a lower-level player, be sure to also send it in. I do enjoy the platinum leaguers every now and again. Some bronzes in there. Oh, yeah. All right. Well, that's it. Thanks so much for watching. And, uh, Joe, Joe. |
imba. | IMBE. Am I right guys? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/kphm5oICXzg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | kphm5oICXzg | Today's imbalance complaint form comes from Magus, a 2.7k platinum player from the North American server who plays Protoss. And this is what it says. Zerg Tech. O.P. That's it. Three words. A man of little words. But these words had an impact on me. I read this and I thought, oh, I got to see this replay. So let's hop into it. Zerg tech op. Alright, here we go, a game between Magas and Canaral, Gnarl. I always find the Gn very difficult to pronounce, so we're going to put the G and the N together. And then you get the K, this is higher level linguistics. Eat that, Noam Chomsky. So Carl over here in the bottom left, opening up with an extractor first, into a spawning pool. I like it. Cheeky little pool first. A bit of a speed rush and either going to be a proxy hatch or a drone scout towards the third pace. Perhaps. Is it possible? Is it possible? I think this is a proxy hatch, to be quite honest. I think Carl thinks the same thing. Carl is a proxy hatch over here. 17 boom, this is a build order. Well, almost a build order. 30 seconds later, or 30 minerals late. It's okay. Gateway on the high ground here for Magus. And follows up with a cybercore, 18 supply. What was this? 18 Nexus? 18 core. This is a completely unique build, as the chess players would call it. So we have... Yeah, I've never seen this before in my entire life. We're going for... This isn't even really a wall either. I'm not quite sure what this is. It is not a wall though. It's somewhere in between. Like it tried to create a wall and then it filled and just kind of gave up. Probably really needs a door here, that's for sure. Second gate on the way on the low ground as well, and opening with a stalker. I'm curious to see how he's going to respond to, well, honestly, anything. Because so far there is zero information coming out of Magus. Magus has not scouted. Magus is starting a forge which actually is probably an okay call against this, despite him making the call without having information. I have a suspicion that Magus made the correct call because he didn't have information. I feel like if he would have had information, the call probably would have been inferior. Pulling some probes here to try and stop the lings, it didn't work. Apparently six lings kill four probes. Who would have thought? Stalker is now kind of running away, probes get pulled again, how many workers have gone down total, five workers have gone down total, Gateway has been unpowered, forge is unpowered, but that doesn't really matter, you still can build cannons despite it being unpowered, but where do you want to build it? On top of that Magus isn't quite aware of what's happening. Well, technically he is aware, like he can see it on the mini map, but Magus right now is not doing much of anything. Okay, he sees the creep. Does he respond? No, not really. Goes into the main base to make sure there's no Naitis there or an overlord. This is the real priority as the creep is creeping up outside the race. Maybe actually Magus thought that Zerg players these days, even at the platinum level, just really getting good at creeps thread. He looked at the creep on the menu. I was like, man, this guy is crazy creep. That's real impressive. Now I realize, wait a second. There's spines already as well. I wonder what's going on over there, huh? I wish I would have scouted. Let me just fool wall here for a second. I'm not quite sure if that is the correct call. I much prefer seeing a couple of cannons being thrown down. Yes, I like that gate being cancelled. I don't like this stalker being sent in to die for free. Meanwhile, on Carl's side of things, we have two sport crawlers being added in. I guess in case of a void ray response, or maybe he's really afraid of DTs. I'm not so sure why the spores are this far forward. Maybe the tank. And spores do have more HP than spine crawler, so perhaps that's important. Fairly odd opener here for both players. Well, I mean, this is tactically a build, right? I've seen this build before, but not with this amount of spine crawlers. Usually it's three spine crawlers. The rest is Ling Queen. And then if you can't spend your money, you get a hatchery. It seems like Carl is really keen on just, just add more, brother. Boom, four sport crawlers, there we go. Two more spines as well coming in. It's going to bring that total up to eight. I like it. Meanwhile, we have Magus, continuing to mine from his natural, which is probably not even that bad of a call. I mean, get all the money that you can while, you know, this base is still up, and then you just transfer the probes in towards the main base. Follow us this up with double robotics facility. I think this is a... Not a good call. Inefficient is what I'd say. So if you're going to be stuck for an extended time on one base, you've got to think about the mineral gas ratio that you will be getting, right? You can't afford too many gas units from just two gases. You're going to need some type of mineral sink. The mineral sink doesn't come out of the robotics facility unless you're planning on building for Prisms. That doesn't seem to really be the case. One of the first units here is an observer to make sure that the spines are still outside. I don't quite sure what this object is doing. Well, suicide. He observed the situation that his commander was in. It's like, I'm out of your voice. I'm not staying around for this. I know how this story ends. He saw the seven spines and the three spores. He saw his opportunity when head first. He's like, I'm out, boys. No shot, I'm staying around. There's still no information really for Magas. Technically, he could be a hat. Technically, he is a hat. He's up 15 supply. He has 700 minerals in the bank, 800 minerals in the bank, 200 gas as well. He is controlling these immortals in such a way that they're taking more damage than they ever really should. There's no prism either, which makes these moveouts a little bit scary, in my opinion. The one thing he does have is mineral, so I think a prism would be a logical follow-up step, but instead we see the observer sieged up in such a way that I'm not even sure if it provides more vision than the pylon would have by itself. I think just barely more vision. This is not entirely brilliant. I'm not quite sure about these batteries either, like what value they provide, but Magus is definitely feeling it. He's managing to micro this in such a way that It almost feels like the spine crawler is the counter to the immortal rather than the other way around. Have a Robo Bay on the way. Two more pylons as well. This is just a very weird setup. And technically Carl is still not that far ahead. It's going to come in for surround now though. It gets one immortal. There's no prism. These can't be saved. Second immortal will go down. Third immortal in trouble as well. Shield gets activated, it's fairly lucky there. It means that this immortal will survive. Two immortals go down, so will a bunch of lings, 36 lings died. But at this point Carl actually is pulling out. He's building nine drones and at this speed, the speed that Magus has been clearing this spine wall with means that, well, he's going to be stuck here for a little while. So far he's killed one spore and lost two immortals and an observer. And now he's producing two more observers. I've seen what the previous one did. I don't trust these guys. This guy is having a blast though. He's like, I'm safe. I'm good. This guy sees the spore. He's like, okay. Also fine. Getting some information. Not a whole lot of information, but at least a little bit of information. You know, there's a spore over here as well. There's plenty of opportunities for suicide if you truly want to. Spore here. Spore on the bottom side. I like to bring your attention to something special as well, here and that is the money that that maggis has been floating during all of this he currently has 1700 minerals and a hundred gas which by itself is a fairly impressive feat i do have to admit that um this fuels a little bit as if you were to be locked into prison for let's say a year so you're locked into prison for a year and the security guard gives you a rubyx cube okay and the security guard says, if you finish this Rubik's Cube, by the end of your prison sentence, you will be rewarded $15 million. Okay, $15 million. So, close the thing. One year later, open a prison cell. Guy comes out, Rubik's Cube, nowhere to be found. All the stickers have been peeled off very well and used on the wall to create a, I don't know, the drawing of a penis or something with stickers. And I don't know else what he did with the ruby soup. All we know is it ain't there anymore. I flushed it down the toilet. This kind of feels like what Magus is doing here. He had one job, sit in his base and spend money because, let's face it, he hasn't been really doing a whole lot else. But he hasn't moved down with these immortals for a bit. And he just isn't doing it. He's not spending his money. He's floating 2K, which on an income of 500, once again, is very impressive. That means he hasn't been spending any of his minerals basically four or three minutes of his income. He hasn't been spending that at all. Impressive, really quite impressive. Disruptors are moving forward. And I love the way that they're spreading out their purification novice. This is really smart. This is a trick. It allows the Zerg player to transfuse all of the spines back to health before your purification novas are off of cool down again. So this is like bringing water to the sea. Not very useful. Some more purification novice. I think one of those managed to hit a building. The others missed. Oh! The observer died. Oh, no, I died. Was that the second one? Yeah, second one. Poor guy. drones on the way. Meanwhile, Carl over here in the bottom left is honestly giving his opponent as many chances as possible. He's like, all right, what does my opponent have for army? Four disruptors and three immortals. Let me build the one unit in the Zerg Arsenal that is really bad against that, the Lurker. I guess he also could have massed roaches or, I guess out of all the units he could have built, the corruptor would have been the worst. It would have provided no value here whatsoever. So in a way, you know, the Lurker ain't all that bad. And there's also a bunch of lings out already. We have 16 lings. I think they have one one upgrade. Yep, one upgrades as well. So he's feeling good about all of this. Proification Nova. Boom. Gonna hit that spore. That's some good stuff. That's some real good stuff over here. Oh, three observers. Can't have enough vision in your own main base. Loving the fact, by the way, here, that he hasn't scouted anything on the other side of the map quite yet. Legitimately nothing. He hasn't seen past his own half. This man has built six observers so far in this game and has negative information. Impressive. Hive is now on the way here for Carl. It's a couple of overlars just running around. What are we actually doing at this point? Not a whole lot it feels like. I think we've just been idling for the past like 25 seconds. It's going to have the APM tab open for a little bit, just to make sure that nothing's going on. That Carl's going on. Look at it. With up the 400 over there. Oh, one observer managed to escape from this hell that they call the Protoss live with Magus. Two necksi on the way. Okay, he's getting rid of his money at a pretty high pace. The immortals will clear this, uh, this zirc cocoon. What's the resources lost for for? 2,800 to 3,600. This isn't looking so good for Magas. And also something that is quite interesting here. May I just say something that is really quite interesting? Is the fact that Megas, its only thing that was on the imbalance complaint form, was zergtec OP. And so far, all the Zerktec that Magus has seen came from the spawning pool, which is the most primitive tech structure that Zerg has. If Magus already gets upset because of the spawning pool, imagine how angry a roadrun must make him or a bainling nest. Bailing nest costs gas. Like that really gets his blood boiling. This entire experience is kind of wild because he hasn't scouted once. He's not aware of anything. Wait, wait. I have a theory about the move out that we just saw. Look at this. I think Magus believes that you can spawn at any base on the map. I think Magus believes that this was the main base. He thinks this is where the zergs spawned. He believes he just killed the main base of his opponent, I think. I think that's what happened. That's why he's so confident in. He's like, man, I just destroyed my opponent's main. And then he checked to see if he expanded to a natural or not. This makes so much sense. This completely puts a, it sheds a new light on this game. I thought this was the worst replay I've ever received in my life. It probably still is, but at least we now understand the mindset here of Magus. Meanwhile is making sure that every rock gets taken out on the on the map stars his two two upgrades for the carapace Man, this is a freaking game and a half isn't it? Holy cow 94 supply against 171 CERTEC-tech opi Observers What's the game we've got how many have you lost so far? 4 Okay, these guys, they're joining forces. They're looking for a sport to fly in, but they can't find any. Boys, have you seen any forces? Like, no. I want to go ahead first as well. I was like, yeah. It's like talking about how jealous they are of the other observers that manage to escape already. They're just lurkers, but they can't attack up. They don't have any detection. Any overseers around over here, no. Neither. God, that's so frustrating. How do we get a lot? out of this game. How do we leave it? Good Lord. Three overlords are on the way, or sorry, overseers are on the way for Carl. It also throws down a bailing nest. It's on 74 workers. I just can't believe that we're in a game with a Protoss that built 10 observers, 14 minutes and 15 seconds into the game, and he hasn't seen past the halfway point of the map. It is just magnificent. Here comes a, well, a, a, a major. with the entire army disruptor usage has almost been pretty okay disruptor usage has almost been pretty okay disruptor uses has almost been pretty okay these two hydras will go down good lord I'm not quite sure why anyone would send this replay Okay, first thing, I have no clue anyone would send this replay. And second, why in the world would you write ZyrkTac OP? Like, was this like a random word generator and these came out? It just doesn't make any sense. He legitimately lost the lings and spines. He lost the spines and then lings did the majority of the damage. Is it possible that the impact? that the imbalance complaint form was Magus's way of showing off his entire vocabulary. Like, this is all he knows when it comes to English, or just any language in general. Zerg tech, these were the three words. He went to Duolingo. You know, sometimes at Duolingo, you get these sentences. This football tastes delicious like grass. It's like, ah, that's a great first sentence to learn, duolingo, thank you so much. Maybe that's what his duolingo. was. It just had zergTech OP. And it's like, hey, Zerg Tech OP. Let me put that in here. The boys are going to be so jealous. And let me just add this random replay that I played on the ladder the other day. My opponent spawned in a really weird location. Like what in the actual living crap was this? This was one of the worst games I think I've seen in my life. I don't understand how Carl and Magus can be matched up either. Like the skill difference was so massive. Carl was legitimately macroing and doing things his eco was good. His eco was good. He understood what to do. He borrowed his lurkers. His micro wasn't brilliant all the time, but he also had an all-in in the early game, which probably should give you higher MMR. Like, the thing that I really want here is a replay which Magas wins. I want to see what that looks like, because it's difficult for me to imagine. He doesn't really seem keen on. Maybe his way of winning is just by mining his entire side of the map and his opponent suicides into him or something. She doesn't seem so keen on attacking. I actually have nothing useful to say about this game. Like, this was legitimately one of the worst games I think I've seen. Like, really nothing from the prologos here made sense. It just felt like a completely unevenly matched game, despite this being at 2.7K MMR, which is probably one of the lower MMRs that you can get on the North American ladder. Like, this is the bottom of the barrel. and Magus just fell through it. Like he truly hit rock bottom. It's kind of inspirational in a way. Like Magus said, zergTech isn't O-P. You suck. But I have no clue what this was. Is this a recall that he just used here in the end as well? This Nexus looks weird. No, probably something else. I have no clue what this was. I don't want to replace like this anymore. I'm done with this. I appreciate all of you for sitting through with me through this, through this replay. If any of you have a replay of losing to Magas, I'd like to see it just for my own entertainment. If you're Megas and you have a replay of you winning, I would like to have it as all. Just send it to my email and I'm just fairly curious. Well, it looks like. Yeah, you sucked, obviously. That's it. Like the video and subscribe. See all. all next week or tomorrow because I have videos every day. It's multiple series. It's not just I owe this guys. Bye-bye. |
MOST WHOLESOME Viewer Gets TRASH TALKED - But He Stays STRONG! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Please guys, take our boy Kilby here as an example. The StarCraft II community is toxic enough as it is - I mean, just monitor the Geneal Chat or the Battle.net Forums for 5 minutes. We need more people like him - a strong spirit, head held high and amazing manners! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7AvMT_K9rXc/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 7AvMT_K9rXc | Dear Harstam, is there any way for Zerg to win when a Terran gets multiple planetaries with turrets? Please enlighten me. In this replay, I am quite sure you'll agree that my opponent sucks. He starts off with a failed proxy tree racks and then proceeds to suicide battle cruisers into my base repeatedly for the rest of the game. This is low diamond, so it's not like my defense was perfect, but I feel like I was coming out on top. The only problem? All of my opponent's expansions were planetary surrounded by mass turrets. I could not find a way to capitalize on my army advantage because any harassment would result in a bad trade. All I could do was defend and keep up with my macro until he arrived at a composition I wasn't prepared for. Is it possible to harass fortified expansions efficiently? It seems like the answer is no, but maybe I just suck. Cheers. Killby. And the server this was played on was the North American server and the Diamond League at 3200 MMR. And the question here is, is it possible to harass fortified expansions efficiently? Or do I suck? And we're here to find out. Before we truly get into the game, I just want to say that I don't think it's a fair question or a fair statement to make that zergs can trade efficiently against planetary fortresses, thus Taron is in balance. No, there's a lot of things in which you can sketch specific situations, and in those situations, you might make it look in balance. So if you have a situation where there's a zealot against six lings, and the zealot has a battery with it, and then you ask, is it okay that six lings die and the zealot survives if you fight in the battery? It's like, well, is it fair? I don't know if it's fair. That's an interaction that's currently happening in the game. I don't think it's a very problematic thing. But asking the specific question whether you can ever get a good trade against that zealot with the six lings, it doesn't really answer whether it's imbalanced or not. Like, there's a lot of scenarios. Like, is it ever possible for an Ultralisk to be the muta list? It's like, no, that's not possible. but that doesn't mean that the muralisky is overpowered or in balance. Like certain things, despite them feeling unfair or at first glance being unfair, don't necessarily have to be unfair. Sometimes having a bad trade is completely okay. So we're looking at a three-recks opener. For example, if you've ever played the game Catan, in Katan, you can be in a situation where, for example, if you require one more victory point and you have eight sheep, you know, you have eight sheep. You know, you have eight sheep, and you have two oars and one grain. I think you need three oars and two grain to build a city. You could trade six sheep that you have in your stack for one more ore to get the final victory point. But then if you say, well, that's an unfair trade, you know, unfair trade. I don't want to trade six sheep for one oar. That is not cool. Then you're never going to win the game. Maybe another guy, it does do it. And boom, sheep gone, ore builds a city. Now you've lost your game of Catan. everyone in your family hates you, never inviting you again for game night. Yann also is not getting invited for game night anymore. What is this? Hi? You can't do this. Yann. Come on. No. This guy has to be the worst to play board games with. Every time you... It's like the guy that every time you land on his hotels in Monopoly, just starts clapping and dancing, like, hey, you have to pay, you have to pay. Like, mate, it's not cool. Like, you're already feeling bad enough as a Zerg if you're being three racks, right? Like, this is, it's not okay to then also start, start saying hi. Bad? Nah. I don't approve of this. This is behavior I do not approve of. This is also a spine position. I do not approve of. Like, let me defend my two extractors, which don't have, uh, uh, any drones on them yet. Okay, just put the freaking spine in the middle please. Yeah, there we go buddy. That's the good stuff. That's the good stuff. This honestly looks really, really bad here for Kilby. Hardly has any drones remaining. I think I actually mentioned this in his I owe this complaint for him as well. Let me have a quick look. He starts off with a failed proxy three racks and then proceeds to suicide battle cruisers into my base repeatedly. Right, not a completely accurate representation. He starts with a failed proxy 3 racks. I'm actually not sure if this is failed or not. Has this failed? It's killed a lot of workers. Seven. Like the proxy 3 racks hasn't filled. I think the follow-up might have failed. There's no natural command center yet that should have probably been going up a while ago. In that case, I actually do believe that Teram would be pretty okay. I don't really find this stuff funny. The constant speaking, like the epic trolling. This is like a guy that really wasn't a nine gag in 2008 or something. The epic troll. These bad memes. I actually thought that was funny as well when it was like 16 or something. I thought the epic troll face guy, he was so funny. He said, I would read those memes all days. Another meme with the troll face. So good. Yann stills like that. Yann, however, is a 55-year-old man right now living in the basement. The basement of his sister. Who does have a happy marriage, but Yann is playing three wrecks every night against jerk players and then doing some epic trolling on the side. Very fun, Yann. I might find Yann is German as well. Yann, are you coming upstairs? We're eating. No, sweetie. I'm doing some epic trolling on the ladder. Okay, Yann, enjoy yourself. Ready? I just asked him if he's ready. Epic troll. He's got piss off, Yann. You don't want this. What's he doing? You took a gold hair? I... I actually, I don't think this is funny behavior either. I actually don't like that. I don't like the... the like the like this type it's just not so cool i really don't think it's so cool it uh kilby seems like a well put together person though he's not really responding very much uh this just yeah ready like i if i was losing and some guys started doing this stuff i'm not quite sure if i i had the self-restraint to the to type in a normal way you know i i think i might be flaming him back a little bit I'd be telling him some stories about getting out of the basement. I'm not happy with this. I'm also not happy with the way Kilby is playing. The defense was quite bad. I hate to agree with Yann here. But now too many spines are being added in as well. I really do believe that. There's no scouting really going on, hasn't confirmed this base quite yet. There's no third base on the way yet for Kilby either. So this position generally is really, really bad. I feel so bad for Kielby. kill me now. This game is hard. Yeah, this game is hard. Piss off, Yann. Leave him alone. Leave Kielbi alone. Doesn't deserve this. Five overlords. Well, another overlord. Not entirely sure about this. I really do think we need a third hatchery at some point in the near future. Yeah, there we go. To call out four turrets on the way. Good Lord. It's just interesting to me that the Yann is disconfident. I mean, if the game plan is to build four gases and eight turrets, despite the opponent being stuck on two bases, I'm not entirely sure how much trust I have in Yann's ability to actually get this game to a solid ending. I don't actually think there's any way that that's going to happen here. Building armor as the first eBay upgrade, you're kind of weird. He's not angry. He just, he calls it as he sees it, Kilby. This guy should run for president. Yeah, he says what the common man thinks. Kilby, my man over here, look at this. You're kind of weird. I love that. That's such a good response as well. You know, you're kind of an odd duck. The things you do are quite all. I love that. That's so good. Kilby himself is also an odd duck in the pond. All the other duckies, he looks more like a chicken. He's building out two spores in the main base. The spine did go to the main. I like that in case there's a drop there. I'm not quite sure what the double spores are for. You're playing against the guy that is more keen on building turrets than units, honestly. Now we're getting the classic triple starport plus armory transition. So this is most likely for the battle cruisers that we were. talking about. So really what has happened so far in this game is that we've had a 3-Rex attack that, well, it didn't fail but it didn't kill him and then nothing for six minutes. Kilby should have been at a way higher worker count at this point already. He's going into Muteylusk which I have no opinion on because in a normal game he would have been dead. Right if your opponent gets Stim and gets 300 Marines rather than getting 500 turrets and 18 different command centers around the map. Then, yeah, I think this game would have been over. I love this scout though. Catches this refinery as well. Saw this base being set up over here. Work account still very low. But so is the work account of Yann. And don't forget, usually you have mules to make up for that. But Yann actually decided that mules are for a complete idiot. Yann is doing an energy-saving competition against himself here. He's saving the most energy out of anyone in this game. He's the only Terran. This command center is also the sole winner. Everything else is a planetary? So yeah, there's no mules. It's going to be a game with zero mules. Is that possible? I'm going to keep an eye on this orbital command. The zero mule game, that would be impressive. Turus are going up here as do we have our first mucus out yet? Not quite. Plosmon ship weapons is coming in. Second Armory popping in as well here. As now Kielby finally starts to expand a little bit. In this case, I really do believe... Well, I was going to say it would be wise to add in more hatcheries so you can get more larva. But he actually had a lot of larva available. Inject seemed to be quite good. It just wasn't producing. Now it's nine overlords? And five muras. Not a fan of that. Not a fan of the nine overlords. It's a little bit too many. Killing up the 170 supply. out of 1990, 99 out of 170. It's going to add in seven more Mudos as well. This base is, well, completely unprotected at this point. This base is unprotected. These turrets honestly are in terrible positions as well. You could just snipe one. Now, there is the plus two building armor as the first upgrade. There's no turret range yet, so only one of the two has been built. This is an interesting little setup that we have here. Plus 1 is about to finish up. This is a really slow transition into Mudos by you. the way. We're really just lacking the drone count. You know what the beautiful thing is with Muras against the player that does absolutely nothing? Is that you can invest all of your gas in Muras and into Mura upgrades and then the moment you have minerals left over, you just build more drones until you have like 10 gases, 95 drones. And then what you do is you just throw Ling Bane into planetaries. And throwing Ling Bane into planetaries is really trading the seven sheep for the one ore to win the game. Because if they can't repair their planetary, the Planetary is just going to go down, right? And if you take out a planetary, your opponent doesn't have mining anymore. And if you have 95 workers, which you should have if you're playing Lingban, Mura. Then that also shouldn't be much of an issue. You're just, yes, the individual traits are bad, but because you're so far ahead, it doesn't really matter very much. You can. Oh my God, that was Micro. What? Did you just individually micro back for Mutalisk? Freaking Dark doesn't even do that. That was mad. Why is this guy sending question marks? He's down 60 supply. Like he's legitimate. Ah, maybe the question mark was because he was about to blink him at 5 BCs. I mean, this is still not the end of the world. This is bad at losing the spire. That is actually 224 mutas with plus 1. Do they beat 1-1 battle cruisers? I don't actually know. I bet, I bet Muras are fine, no? 24 is a lot. He managed to get three corruptors out as well. That's nice. So all of these are going to get taken out. And only five BCs teleported over, right? It wasn't six that TPed over. Or was it? No, there's one still somewhere at home. You forgot the Bessand across the map. This was not a great trait necessarily for Kilby. I mean he lost how many muras they will lose? About 14, 13, 14 muras And a bunch of drones went down as well. Drones need to be produced back immediately. Gases are being added in. I love that. Problem is that there's no spire right now. That means that it is a little bit scary. So, if I am Kilby here, what am I thinking? I've seen six or five battle cruisers teleport in once at a time. What should the follow-up plan be? Yes. rebuilding a spire, perhaps getting a spore or two spores per base, because you know your opponent, yep, there we go, has multiple starports producing these units. And then I don't think that you actually want to harass with your corruptor muta anymore. I think you just want to kill bases with Ling Bane. So you look at a base like this, you're like, all right, I'm going to send in Ling Bane over there. You want to test if there's any tanks here. Otherwise, you can just take this base out as well with pure Ling Bane. and then your opponent doesn't have any mining anymore, and all you have to do is sit back. I think a mistake would be is to fly these units across the map before you're properly set up anyway. Right now it's still not really properly set up. There's no spore over here. There's no spore over here. We don't have a spore in this area really either. And the drone count is still fairly low as well. Now, despite this low drone count, that doesn't mean you can't use your lings to turn them into banlings. I'm not quite sure what we're waiting for at this moment, I guess another round of 15 drones. Injects have honestly not been terrible. I'm somewhat surprised by that. Here come two BCs. They have been spotted. They're also going to be taken out here, I think. Kilby is not the sharper stool in the shed when it comes to finding BCs. They now teleport in towards this base. Quick pull away with the drones. I do like that a lot. Queens also being pulled away. I think the control of Kilby is actually quite good here. as these badweds are being taken on. Meanwhile, on the mini-map, I'm seeing three more BCs teleporting in. And once again, drones being forced to pull away. This time, 10, 12 workers do end up falling. Yeah, the BCs go down, but if you have two spores here, I'm not saying that all your drones stay alive. But at this level, like, in order to target down the drones, he'd need to right-click drones individually then. Because otherwise he automatically attacked the spore. The spore is kind of like an attention seeker. You know, like, hello, I'm here. Like a young in the basement, you know, and he didn't get his food in time. His mountain dew, new mountain dew, didn't arrive in time. Schneller sister, I need the mountain dew. I'm thirsty again. You can take the Fulcans back upstairs. All right. These battle cruisers are going to get taken out as well. Teleport to the other side of the map. There's just not that many drones. There's just not that many drones. This is the real issue, I think. Is it so... Okay. Now, this is actually perfectly... describes my problem with what Kilby was talking about, is that planetaries are always efficient. Yes, or it's difficult to kill them efficiently. It's the same with these BCs. Like, losing 10 BCs to kill 20 drones isn't really worth it. It really isn't in almost no situation. However, you're also denying a little bit of mining time and your opponent isn't mining while you are still mining. So now we see the Tarran actually just continuing to expand, getting more and more money, Like the Terran is basically saying, all right, I'm just going to throw away these very expensive units to kill the cheapest of your units, the drone, but it means you won't have enough money, you won't have enough mining. And over time as I keep expanding and you don't have time to look at my expansions, I'm just going to end up winning. And that's the exact thing that the zergs should be doing here. The zergs should be throwing units into these planetaries, throwing a Ling Bane in there, making sure that they can one shot it, making sure that they kill it. and then just continuously deny these bases with your ground force, while your Air Force takes care of the BCs. With your Air Force, you'd be doing the good trades, and with the Ling Bane should be doing the inefficient traits, but the very important ones, so that the battle cruisers can't continuously teleport across the map. Here we go. Another teleport, this time plus two is going to be in, well, more than just a little bit of throw. I'm not sure why all of the corruptors were across the map. Like we've seen how many BCs have gone down so far? 14 BCs have gone down. 14 BCs have teleported across the map in the past 4.5 minutes. Like, unless there is a good reason to believe that that's not going to happen again, it might be the best plan to just stay at home. I think that might just be the case. Like, I don't understand why you would not want to stay at home with the corruptors, just waiting for these BCs to teleport back in again, because you're killing these BCs so darn fast, my friend. You're taking them out at a very, very high pace. Look at this. Boom. If these corruptors had just been idling over here when he teleports in, you're taking out what, what is it? Oh, math is so difficult. Holy crap. Like 2,100 resources or so? Basically for free, you lose five drones. That's a good trade. Now, at this point, there's 94 workers for the Terran. Terran is actually slowly but surely transitioning into the factory. You know what's kind of interesting as well? Is that Yann hasn't actually said anything in the past 10 minutes. I think he realized after losing this base and only being stuck on this one, so that when he had four bases total, that he probably was losing. And Yann immediately went quiet. He was like, okay, time to play the game again. Try his best. And actually, it is working out. This makes me more sad than happy. Usually I find it kind of fun when people like Kilby, you know, he doesn't quite manage to win or something stupid. We all have a good laugh. But here, I'm kind of rooting for him, you know? Oh, he's back. Oh, he feels comfortable now. That was a really bad trait. That actually was a really bad trait. I want to see that again. But I also look at this. How many lings do we have? 55. How many cars does he have six? Like at some point, after losing the first 40 lings, you have to be looking at this fighting thing to yourself. Maybe this isn't the position I want to fight it. Like, he killed one Helion and lost 55 lings. That is a bad trait. I don't think you can compare, you can complain about bad traits against planetaries if you don't complain about this. Like you killed one Helion, one. He lost 55 lings. Usually I always say that it is difficult to make. mess up a fight if you just A move, but I'm pretty sure you just a move there. That was really bad. That was really, really bad. Now, corruptors do take out a base. At the same time, though, Hallion's absolutely running rampant here. BC is moving in. I think the game is over. And usually I would flame you for staying in and wasting this guy's time. But this time I'm not flaming you for wasting this guy's time. I'm flaming you for wasting your own time. Okay, like your time killby is obviously more valuable than Yann's time. He's loving this epic trolling. This is what he was born to do. You should just leave, block him and move on. Not think about this game anymore. If this got you anger, because you know he's going to continue talking. This is just some life advice. There's nothing to do with StarCraft 2. You know, it's going to continue talking. He's going to get to you a little bit, even if you don't want to admit it. You know, it pains you a little bit that you lost to this guy. I understand that. I really do understand that. Ah. You're profusely sweating right now. I've had this as well against these crap talkers. Like you're losing the game and there's nothing you can do anymore. You're just sitting there hoping that somehow his PC disconnects or something. The worst is if they start pausing. Because you don't want to be a prick either and unpause. So then you wait for them to say that they're back. But they're never coming back. Then you have to unpause and you feel even bad about it. Because you're a decent person, Kilby. I can feel it. You're a decent person. You don't want to spend too much time with pricks like this. It's mean. It's mean, Yann. Do not approve of this. I do not. Six more turrets on the way unless... these doors stuck. Like, this is the worst thing, isn't it? Hey, this guy's talking so big. He doesn't realize that there's been 80 supply stuck behind the planetary for the past four minutes. Now he realized they're taking out of their own planetary. I think the game is really over. Maybe we should move out. What's happening? What's the APM of this guy actually? 90. God, this must have been a frustrating game to lose. This must have actually been a frustrating game to lose. Mine's coming in, vehicle weapons. This guy isn't even producing properly either. Sadly, manners are not necessarily a great, what you call it? A great predictor of how good someone is. You can be very mean and very good. It can be a great person and terrible at the game. It can be a nice person and... Oh my God, Gigi's even. This guy typed out dance. Holy crap. Okay, before we get into the negative part, my absolute kudos to you, Kilby. This is very, very impressive self-control. I am just, it actually is impressive. I think we've all been in a situation where we play against the Yan. We all know Yan's in our life as well. You know, everyone has a Yan in their life. It's not fun to be around, but sometimes you have to. You're forced into it. And, wow, the way you carried yourself in this game, Kielwee, nothing but credits to you when it comes to that. The way you played in this game, however, That is a different story. You hold of the three racks, you yourself thought that it was a proper hold of a three wrecks. I don't agree with that. I don't think it was such a great hold. But I do believe that your opponent gave you about six minutes afterwards in which you did very little. You did no scouting. You did no droning up. You didn't really build any units. You didn't take up quickly either. It took you freaking 10 minutes to get into Mura's. It then took you a long time to get the Moodas out because you were massively supply blocked, which is weird because really nothing was going on at all. Your creep spread was obviously kind of horrific. Your scouting came at some point and then you scouted all the bases. That was nice. I really did like that part. But in the moment you saw the planetaries, you kind of just froze. It's like you saw the planetaries like, oh, I can't trade efficiently. Just sit at home and do nothing. If you're afraid of trading inefficiently, Zerg is not your race. okay Zerg is always going to be trading inefficiently mainly because of the bainling the bainling takes inefficient trades but because Zerg is always up in eco that is completely fine like you're never going to win a game against protols if you don't want to make inefficient trades it is that's an okay thing to do we're all fine with it especially if it comes to targeting eco very often it is inefficient to to target away the eco in a direct sense like if you lose five zealots to kill 12 workers that actually is efficient if you lose five zealots to kill eight workers and technically it's well in a direct trade it's inefficient but it's good because they lose mining time and maybe you force the army back you know you there's loads of little factors in and if you take out enough eco eventually they don't have money anymore and if you have a massive bank then you rather use that bank in a fight rather than just having it sit there, right? Having a bank of 12K versus someone having a bank of 4K, like the 12K bank wants that bank to be active because they have more. They want money to be spent the entire time. And if you're trading a little bit worse in order to do that, that is okay because your opponent's bank is going to run out faster anyway, unless you take absolutely horrific trades. But planetaries aren't that good. Even if they're going to be trading two to one, which is I don't think going to be the case, especially given that most of these planetaries were undefended. it still would have been okay traits. It actually would have been at certain points in this game. I really don't like that you kept moving out with your Muda Corruptor. You should have at some point kind of established the pattern that he's just going to keep blinking in or teleporting in with his battle cruisers, and you just could have picked up all of those battle cruisers for free. Like, well, you kind of know what's going to happen now. You know, like you shouldn't be taking damage against it anywhere. It should be happy because he's just throwing them right into your face. It's like someone throwing coins at you, you know? After all, you're just, okay, you just keeps throwing coins at me. And rather than just turning your back to the guy that's throwing coins at you, you can just catch them and it gives you money. So, oh, no, not more free money. Please, not more coins. Well, you're getting rich. This is your way of getting rich. And it's your way of possibly could have, you know, beating Yann and making all of us happy. Sadly, you didn't. But it wasn't because of the planetary, because it was imbalanced. No kill we. It was because you sucked. And that's live. All right. That's going to be it for me today. I do hope you enjoyed this episode. Of is it Emma or do I suck? If you did, don't forget to like, but subscribe to your channel. Subit your own down in the description. Use the Google Sheet, Google Form, whatever it's called. And perhaps next week, you'll be up here. And maybe it's in balance. Who knows? All right. Chow-cha. |
Chinese REFUGEE vs Korean MONSTROSITIES | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Today we learn about the tragic story of the Chinese server and it's population. A truly sad epos... LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tgN1cXEthss/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | tgN1cXEthss | The blizzard brought ruin to our world. Our proud Chinese players became refugees. The server, union of our every thought and emotion, had been shattered. And today, on the Korean server, I encountered a Zerg on the ladder. I tried to block his natural initially, which works out. And after seeing his spawning pool in one gas, I assume he will be vulnerable for the next few minutes and would build a third base soon. So I decided to go for an adept blade attack. I must admit I am not really good at this build order. I am also not quite sure how I should micro such an army. Anyways, it deals some damage to my opponent and makes me stand in a superior position afterward. I did make some mistakes and with slightly better decision-making, I thought I could just kill him. However, it is not the case here. I decide to go back and start tech up. I realize he is messing out Hydra and Roach, so I just built some disruptor with high-tri. Templars as a response. With those Aewees, he couldn't kill me with his army. However, after the lurkers came out, everything changed. Loadsome and terrifying, the corrupted monstrosities with lethal spines that pierced through their flesh, burrowed and moved, and my valorous, exalted, war-forged kin are shed mercilessly as their agonized cries reached my ears. I sensed the unacceptable amount of loss of my most sacred treasure, my vespine and minerals. Yeah, in the form of unit losses. And the war machine of our purifier brothers. Disruptor didn't work so well. Therefore, I decided to make some carriers. In fact, I had anticipated this scenario before, so I had been preparing for air transition for a long time. But I was not fast enough. Before the carriers reach enough numbers, I am dead. The hive mind now has conquered Babylon. and the Protoss had lost. And please don't misunderstand me after all. My opponent plays a decent game. The only thing that I find challenging is Lurkers and how effective they are. I apologize for forgetting to Gigi. So I sent him the message later after the game. We tried to verify that the GG indeed was sent after this, but we couldn't find it. So we're going to have to believe this guy here. All in all, dear Harstem, the leader of our firstborn, is Lurker slightly overpowered? Or do I just simply too? Suck. Ah, by the way, my opponent seems to have an MMR of 3,200, and I once had 3,500 MMR on the Chinese servers, where I only played two carriers and immortal pushes against Zerg. Sincerely, your fan. Airtos. Ertos, playing on the Korean server in the Platinum League at 2,900 MMR, wants to know whether the lurker is imbalanced or if he sucks. And we're here to find out. That was one hell of a story, you must I say, an actual epic written here by Eretos. Remember the last time I read something this long was when I read the book about the prick that was attacking the windmills. Don Quijote, I think he's called in Spanish. I had an English translation, and the first 70 pages of the English translation are the translator explaining why it's so difficult to translate Spanish books to English. And him complaining how, saying, oh, it's hard and some translation good and art of bad. And he was like pooping on some of the previous translators and how they mistranslated some of the intricate little jokes that the Spanish writer meant. It's like, mate, after 70 pages of the translators' notes, I didn't even want to read the book anymore. So I put it back in the bookshelf, started playing Starcraft again. It's a disappointing experience. I honestly felt fairly similar about this epic that my dear friend Erthos just wrote. didn't even really want to watch the replay anymore. I felt content after having read his massive text. Don't really feel like we need to see the rest of the game anymore. Although there were some gems in there that made me still want to tune in. And there was one in particular which made me very happy. He said, and I paraphrase because I'm too lazy to pull it up, said something along the lines of, I scouted a gas and a pool, but just a single gas. So I thought his defense would be weak for the next few minutes. Now, I'm not entirely sure how he got to the conclusion that his defense would be weak. Every single Zerg in the entire world opens up with a pool and one gas. Like, what are they supposed to open up with our like two gases? Are zergs supposed to roach rush on two base every game in order to be safe? It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. This is the most standard of build order openers, and you somehow think this is a sign from higher beings that it's time for you to pull out your glave adept build order, which apparently you're not very good at. You also manage to delay your cybernetic score by more than 10 seconds. I'm not quite sure what happened in this early game. All I know is that you're going to be supply blocked at 23 out of 23, and your cybernetic scores 8 seconds late without anything having happened in this game. Did you also say you try to go for... What is this build? Holy crap. Good Lord. Is this the guy that called the Zerks Monstrosities and then opens up with a build order like this? Like this is the actual monstrosity here, my friend. Holy cow. Gateway, the same time he starts, his warpgate, chrono boost his warp gate immediately, then goes into a twilight. Now, this means that this. This gateway is going to be done so long before Warp Gate, it is insane. You could probably produce two units out of it. However, I don't think that's going to be the case. I think my man Ertels here is not going to build a single unit out of this gateway, because this always happens and it drives me absolutely nuts. And even if he does make another unit out of this gateway, it would also be incorrect because you want another gateway instead. This is a loose, loose scenario that Erthels here has created for himself. He was also going for some fantastic scouting here, by the way, completely unaware on whether his opponent is taking a third or not, but he did manage to get that information because he saw a single gas in a pool. Maybe he thinks that multiple pools provide Zerg with more production. Maybe I've been looking at it wrong. I thought that the big tell for Airtles was the fact that it was just a single gas. But maybe Ayrtos looked at this and thought, Only one pool, what an idiot. How is he going to produce enough queens with only a single spawning pool? This might just be an ignorant Protoss player that doesn't know that if you have one tech structure as a Zerg, every larva can now turn into the unit that the Zerg tech provides. So if you build a spawning pool, every hatchery becomes a zergling machine, basically. I don't want to try and save this natural, or this third base. This is indeed... What did he say? I'm going to get a quote here. I decided to go for an adept blade attack. I must admit I am not really good at this build order. If there ever was like a Grammys for the understatement of the year, Airtos would win it. I'm not really good at this build order. My man, you have absolutely no clue how this build order works. Okay? When I play this particular build order, I hit at 4 minutes and 40 seconds, which is right now, 12 adepts, a prism, glaves, 38 workers, a third gas mining and a Robo Bay on the way. On the other side of the map, your opponent would have had 11 lings. You haven't even finished your prism yet. You do have a quicker third base than I do. But you also have six less adepts, and we're already 25 seconds later, which is fairly impressive honestly. Sometimes I do believe that just doing random things, like after you do your one gate expand opener and then just doing random things might actually be better than trying to copy something meta because this... This is such a... It's such a weak version of the glaive adapt attack. And the Zerg most likely is going to be somewhat familiar with a glaive adeptic. I say that and the response from the Zerg here is two Evo chambers, a Rochwar and a layer and 11 more drones. Not quite sure if this guy got the memo, how to be Clave Adepts to be honest. Matching the Adept count with lings, guys, is not the hard counter. It's not good enough, all right. Adepts, contrary to popular belief, actually do beat lings in a one-on-one fight. They two shot them. There are spores in every single base in case the Oracles do end up showing up somehow some way. This base is now, this game is now officially over, I guess, or at least this third base is toast. Zerg player decides to take a different third base. It's like, well, I have 52 workers. How bad is it really if I lose this base? Well, usually it would be quite bad, but... Honestly, given the passiveness of these adepts, it might actually be okay. I'm kind of fine with this in a weird way, honestly. I really am kind of fine with this. Does he finish this shade? He does? These are not necessarily great traits anymore. The moment there's more than four roaches. Glaverdebs fall off really, really hard. You don't really want to fight that. You want to fight drones and lings majority of the time. Because now you just end up taking crappy fights. Still going to take out so many drones, though. Just because the damage output of the Zurg is not good enough. But yeah, you don't really want to fight the roaches. You want to fight the drones in this case. I actually do believe that Airtles is doing an okay job at that. Still has the prism around as well. Has a nice savings account as well. He's been saving for the college fund of his kids. Airtles has a lot of kids. That's why he's saving so much. He has 25 kids. He's saving 100 minerals for each kid. That's spend a little bit. Now goes into the main base again. I love that he started producing probes once more as well. And actually has kind of been macroing behind this. There's a legendary SimCity as well. managed to not create a full wall in any of these spots. There's a hole here. There's a hole here. There's a hole here. There's a hole here. Four holes in a wall. He's still going to clear a lot of these drones, though. I always wonder what he's actually doing at this point. Is he just straight up looking at the adepts? Because the micro on the adepts isn't great. Why are we looking in the dead space? Oh, there's a new base there. Let me warp in more adepts to right click it. It's like at this point you're so far ahead. There's a couple of things you can do. You can either just tell your opponent to leave and just kill every single drone he has. Or you can go back Research Storm Plus 1, and then go again once you have that and simply win the game. Why is this guy's camera moving so weird? It makes no sense. It really makes no sense. This hatchery is going to be under some heavy fire. I can't believe this adept attack has been lasting for... It feels like two and a half minutes now. and it's still dealing damage. Okay, now finally it stops. He's drone still being chased. Now, let's take a look at the overall situation here, okay? So here our Protoss player is up 13 workers, has 1,700 minerals in the bank, enough for the college fund of 17 of his many children. Storm basically done, charge on the way, can start producing immortals, already has an immortal, and is fighting against the pure Roach army. Airtos himself describes this, as a superior position. I once again think this is a bit of an understatement. It truly is the age of the understatement with Airtos. Because I think that this is almost unloosable at this point. This is if you're in a gladiator, one versus one fight, you've just stabbed the guy in the stomach, you've cut off both of his legs, and you're like grilling them on a fire. That's the phase we're in right now, you know? the guy's still alive, you offer him a piece of his leg, he's like, no, thanks. Not they're hungry right now, kind of bleeding out. You're just sitting there next to him, it's like, I think I might be winning this gladiator fight. Everyone in the Colosseum is getting proper bored because this guy is just grilling some meat for hours. It takes hours, I bet, and grilling a fat leg as well. Never actually grilled a leg. That would be a weird admission to make as well if I had. Not sure if this would be the proper platform to do that on. Okay, I love this. It's like, okay, I'm so far ahead right now. My opponent has no legs anymore. I'm just going to add a Stargate, go into my late game transitions, second robotics facility, four more cannons in case he manages to pull 30 roaches and 15 lurkers out of his high hat in the next five seconds. Like, he's so far ahead right now, but he's giving his opponent some opportunity. you know, he's taking a bite of the leg and he leaves his sword on the floor, the other guy's like crawling towards it, grabs him, and starts trying to stab him in the nose or something. It's not quite working still, but slowly but surely the Zerg is getting back there, you know? Slowly but surely, very slowly, may I add. At any point, I still think Erthos can probably move out as he has a composition that actually fights. He has disruptors, pretty much the heart counter to the roach. He has Storm, which is also very good against high roach numbers. Archons for some meat shields and he can add more and more immortals. Prism is being added. The gateway count is absolutely fabulous. The one thing we're lacking are upgrades, but those are honestly on the way as well. The Zerg doesn't really have upgrades either. Supplies are even against a Roach Hydra player. His bases are, well, I guess completely secure. There's six cannons here. I think the Zerg would literally need to throw its entire army into that base. still lose like seven or eight roaches into that particular position out expanding the Zerg simultaneously 78 workers and adding void raisin as on it's a little bit confusing I think I've already no okay I didn't see a fleet beacon I thought I saw a fleet beacon already but this is just the Stargate that I saw I wouldn't so once again there's two things you can do in this case okay there's two options option number one is you attack and kill your opponent there's many ways in which you can do that and I will explain to you the most optimal way in which you can do that. Okay? How I would have done it. I would have sent five zealots towards this base. I would have sent three zealots towards this bottom base and I would have stood on top of this general ramp with my entire army waiting for my opponent to either send large portions somewhere else, then you can move forward, or to engage into your position to remove your army from that threatening spot. It's really difficult to deal with that type of multitask as a Zerg player. That is a very fair option. That's a very fair way to approach this fight. Another thing you can do, because there are no bailings, is keep everything together and just use your storm on top of your opponent's army and just kind of take it from there. If you storm your opponent's army completely, you should be fine. Now, actually, we have another option, and that is not fighting, as your opponent is completely all in. Your opponent has 73 workers, which means he's down 12 workers, and he's on a roach army. He has like four hydras, seven hydras with it, which he can use. But it's not like hydras are absolutely brilliant just by themselves. What you can do instead is you tack into carriers and you win the game with your carriers. It gets like three Stargates, all of that good jazz, blah-de-bladie-blad-blah. Congratulations, you've won the game. Three options. Now, what does Airtos do instead? First storm kills one hydra. A moves in. Second storm. It's pretty decent. I'm okay with it. Disruptor shot kills six or seven of his own. Zealots, decent storm hitting Zealots and Roaches about evenly. I feel like when I say decent storm, that's being a little bit deceptive. Because it wasn't, they weren't actually good storms, but what I mean with a decent storm when I'm watching Airtals play is that a good storm doesn't have negative value. So if at any point in time a storm hits one Zerg unit and deals 10 damage and doesn't hit a Zellet, that is a good storm. because it's a net positive. I know the bar is very low when it comes to that for Airtos, but so far his control has disappointed me so much that I think this is where I put the line. So that one disruptor had negative value. That was a bad disruptor. But all the other Templar, I think, have dealt more damage to the Zerg army than they have dealt to the Protoss army. So that's solid. Honestly, it's kind of winning this engagement. Can't just warp in anything and continue A moving in. I'm not so sure why we have so little gas. There's no gas mining. Well, there's very little gas mining at the 4th. There should be enough gas here. I'm very surprised by this, because he does have a lot of Templar. Now this is really where a small Zellodrombi would help so much, because then you force your opponent to attack into your position often. Once again, more storms coming in. Can't just wait till you're maxed out and go once more. Or stand on top of this ramp. This is working perfectly. All this game is completely over. Once again, good storms. Good storms all around. Only hitting his opponent. Army. Not really dealing any damage, but you are trading slightly better than your opponent, or maybe even significantly better than your opponent at this point. Kind of like that. Now, this was a lot of move commanding, but probably still negative disruptor shot. Probably still okay. I don't entirely see how you're going to lose the incoming fights. I guess throwing away your disruptors for free as a start. Not using Storm anymore altogether. Look at this immortal going ham. The immortal has dealt how much? 310 damage to this one extractor. 307 damage to that one extractor. First a recall. Overall, probably still an okay trade. Resources lost probably was somewhat close. However, your unit count did kind of get reset and you lost most of your Templar. Your Zellat run by was a little bit late. But you still have 91 workers. You have 14 gateways. gateways. Technically still impossible to lose this game. If that's going to be the same in practice, I don't know. Good disruptor hit once more. Like roaches really freaking suck. And micro at the lower levels also isn't quite ruined. So dodging these disruptor shots hasn't been going too hot either. This game honestly feels completely over. Still. I'm very curious what's about to happen. I can't quite recall this part in the imbalance complaint form where he's just... He's fighting against a pure Roach army with 93 probes against 74 workers. He's getting somewhat beneficial traits as he's out-expanding his opponent, simultaneously tacking. Building void rays makes no sense though. This isn't really preparing for an Airtos transition either, is it? He said he was preparing for an Airtos transition, but building Voidrace prepares a opponent for an Airtles transition. It doesn't prepare you. It makes your Airtles transition worse because Voidrex freaking suck at everything they do, except in the very late, late game when they can fight against corruptors. They might be quite useful. There's a lot of disruptors in this army. Really do believe this game to be completely over still. You could just move out when you're maxed. You could also not do that and wait until your opponent has a new type of tech. In this case, the Lurker. It's an interesting call. Not a call that I necessarily agree with. Most of the time when I call something interesting in IOTIS, it is not a positive thing. Well, first person might be useful here. One, two, three, four, one... Honestly, not that bad. I had expected so much worse. I thought now we're gonna get it, but he microed back. This was a fine engagement as far as engagements go in this game. Now he just got a run and counter- attack maybe? Just use your void rays? Now there's not enough, there's enough anti-R, so you can't really do that, I guess. I think you just counter-attack at this point. Like, there's nothing at home here for the Zerg. Everything is here fighting you. This is the one thing you probably shouldn't do. This is an absolutely classic mistake. People, oh, okay, this was painful. Look at that. I want to, I want to have another look at just how bad this trade is, okay? And why this trade is so bad and why this was garbage. So this was 180 supply against 170 and at the end it is 173 supply against well about 120 and this base is still gone. Now this is something that Protoss players at lower levels very commonly do, especially when they have a lot of disruptors in their army. The disruptor is a siege unit. You shouldn't forget this. A disruptor is a unit that gets a lot of value over time. If you can use it again and again and again, you can really whittle down someone's defenses. Now, giving up a base when you're up a base against the Zerg is completely fine, especially if you have 5K in the bank. It is okay to do that. What you're doing is you're just throwing eight, seven disruptor balls, then you wait and then you do the same thing again. You're going to lose this base anyway. Like move commanding your army into the lurkers is just going to make the lurkers more useful. It will not make your disruptors more useful. And the only way you're breaking this army with the army that he previously had is with the disruptor. So you're looking at an army thinking, okay, my main strength is the disruptor. They fire once every 18 seconds. Let me move command in. Like the logic there just simply, it doesn't compute. It makes no sense at all. This also is a retreat path that I'm not quite sure if I would be taking that one. But then again, who am I? Who am I? Here comes some nice disruptor shots. poof. This would also be a prime prime time, by the way, to send in a little bit of a zealot run by. Like just you have 14 gates, warp in 10 zealots, send them across the map. It is really difficult to deal with zealots if you're rallying all your units across the map as a Zerg player. This Zerg is uber poor as well, so it should be good. There's still not a single carrier in production. We're still working off, I think, a single Stargate here. Nice preparation for the Stargate late game, my friend. Just having a... Maybe he meant mentally prepared. He was like, he like Googled the hotkey for the carrier or something, in case he needs it this game. I swear that he said that he was prepared for the late game. No, I'm going to check it. Yeah, here we go. Therefore, I decided to make some carriers. In fact, I had anticipated this scenario before, so I had been preparing for the air transition for a long time. You guys tell me what preparation has been making, but I mean, I guess he had the plus one done. But he's working of a single Stargate. I feel like this. the air transition is long overdue at this point. He's been floating 9K resources for the past four minutes. Now finally he's adding his second Stargate. This is not prepared well in advance. This is saying, oh crap, I lost a massive fight. I need to do something different. That is actually the opposite of preparation. Preparation means that you have something ready, like anticipation is you have something ready before the thing becomes a threat. You start the transition after there already is a threat out on the map, an army that you can't deal with. And the funny thing here is that this is not an army you can't deal with because the units are good, but because you have not enough control. Your control over your units, over your current army is too poor. And as a result, you need to transition. Now, if you know that, I would be way more willing to shoot a Stargate transition a bit quicker, to go for it faster, pull the trigger on that. if you know that you can't control an army like this with this much AOE, because it just hasn't been great. It really hasn't been. I mean, you're making losing traits against an army that consists of 20 roaches, which by itself is quite impressive, because the roach is just a terrible unit once armies are maxed. It is garbage against AOE, deals very little damage, it dies quickly against everything, and yet you keep managing to have poor traits against it. This is actually quite impressive in a way. Here comes the well-prepared air transition with the single Stargate. No plus two yet starting either, despite still floating, about 4,500 resources. Absolutely no problem. Not a single unit has been sent across the map to harass. I don't actually think I've ever seen multi-control group usage yet. So far, I don't... I think he actually only uses F2. This observer is the only unit that... I mean, it's probably in the control group, whereas in the... F2 group is just... Yeah, you see, it's being selected. It definitely is. This is being selected. It was earlier at least. Yeah, it's always being selected. I think he only uses F2. I've never seen this with a toss. An exclusive... That means there's never a unit in the wall either. Oh, here comes the anticipated air transition. Man, that was a hell of an air transition. That was sick. He really was mentally prepared for losing that one carrier. losing that one carrier there. My man is legit losing to pure Roach Hydra, despite having void-ray Templar Disruptor. I didn't even know this was possible. I thought that Hydras would poop themselves just seeing the disruptor show up or seeing this many Templar. I just... Like you really need to try hard to lose these fights. See, you just storm everything and it's always always fine. Hydras have no HP, roaches die so quick. It is uncanny. Melee upgrade here for a Zerg, also an interesting call. This move-in is also an interesting call. Oh, Disruptor. Clears it. Nice, this is a good move. Nice one. Actually dealing with the threat appropriately. Very cool. F-2ing his entire army to the top side. Still has plenty of cash in the bank as the air transition now truly starts to kick off. You know what's funny here is that I look at this situation and I think to myself, yes, the Protoss army, or sorry, the Protoss Eco sucks, but his army is really big and his army is still kind of good as all, like Ford is, well, I guess these two disruptors that are stuck here are not really helping, but just the Templar and the carrier Voidray, if you clear the Hydros, there's no anti-air, it should technically be possible. It's difficult. You need to control your army and so far he has been trading 6K resources worse than his opponent against pure Roach Hydra. So we know that efficient trading hasn't been his forte, so to say. Disruptor moving forward. Can we get a shot? Can we get a shot? No, we can't. Can we get a storm? Can we get a storm? No, we can't. Can we get a prismatic alignment for the roaches? No, we can't. More storms? Okay. That's something. This is... That's an interesting last storm there. I mean, technically a win in a fight, but at this point the Zerg has Eco again and simultaneously staking out your base and as you use F2 every single time you do something, there's not going to be anything there, is there? Cirque still has 90 larva as well. I have a feeling this game might actually be over. I believe this... This is a magnificent game. This is... You know what this was? You know what this was? This was a Protoss player. misidentifying a weakness of the Zerg, playing a build order that he has no clue how to execute, accidentally being up so far that it becomes impossible to lose, and then the Protoss player getting outplayed for 18 minutes straight, legitimately for 18 minutes straight, just getting outplayed again and again and again and again, and again, just the entire time, no matter what he does, he's getting outplayed. Like his army is literally always out of position. He doesn't harass once. He's losing bases, left, right and center. And then he looks at the game and thinks to himself, the only reason I lost this is because of imbalance. Mate! You're losing to someone messing Hydras. This is not even a composition. Like this is a unit tester for EO at this point. No Gigi. But according to Airtos, he did message after the game. And as Airtles has been nothing but truthful so far to us, we will believe him. Definitely said Gigi. Now, he might have been truthful. The gameplay was truly, well, kind of horrific, honestly. The glave at that build order was terrible. It really was bad. You played it due to not understanding how the regular meta game in PVZ plays out. Despite that, you do a lot of damage. Get really far ahead. get multiple types of AOE, which you know how to use, but also you don't know how to use it effectively. I'm not quite sure how to play. You storm, but for whatever reason, you don't ever really win fights once your opponent gets maxed out or once the fight happens to quick. I'm not even sure if the lurker was the problem, or if the thought of the lurker was really the problem. It's like, oh, lurkers are scary, and you just forgot that you had to storm your opponents Hydras or forgot you had to use your disruptors. People see the lurkers and they just completely freak out. I feel like that's what happened. You're like, you were fighting against the ghost of the lurker, more so than against the lurker in my mind. There was one absolutely awful fight where you lost all of your disruptors. But even after that, you had plenty of opportunities. You had the entire game to transition into a composition that you could have controlled. I mean, mass carrier, if you can't control that, you have to be legitimately brained at. So I feel like you had so many opportunities. to redeem yourself in this game after your many failures because of your fantastic early game or the Zerks' horrible early game. You didn't take any of those, and that can only lead me to one conclusion. And that is that you suck. I'm sorry, my friend. I loved your little essay you wrote to me, but you suck. Stick with immortal all-inning and two carrier-rushing Zerks, because this macro game, this macro life, it ain't for you, brother. it ain't for you. All right. That's going to be it. Got some windmills to fight. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you to enjoy this episode of Aiotis. If you didn't forget to like, but subscribe to your channel, and I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Adios, my friends. Adios. |
This Is Why I HATE 1-1 Roach Players... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Ahh... My old nemesis... 1-1 Roach players - the mechs of the swarm. Don't have much to say about them. Just hat'em. For real. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/n5vIjTV0Nrc/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | n5vIjTV0Nrc | Dear Harstam, simply put, Terran is Inba. The comeback mechanics of this race are ridiculous. On top of that, the marauder trades unbelievably well against roaches. It's like some kind of superhero. This Terran floated more than a ping-pong ball in a swimming pool and still came out on top. The early midgame had both of us floating some resources and hitting supply blocks, which he will certainly be quite critical of. But I didn't take too much damage despite my delayed third and decided to go for a three. three-based roach attack. I completely shut down his halberts and counter-attacked his third. At the 8.30 mark, I'm sure you're going to pause the replay and wonder how I could have possibly thrown away my massive lead. My attack into his natural certainly could have been better controlled. Better and done more damage, but it shouldn't matter. The end result was me being up 78 drones to 29 SUVs. I macro up, rebuild my army and get ready to go finish the game, or so I thought. His army of equally upgraded 20 marauders and two tanks were like the Avengers coming to save New York and just wiped the floor with my roaches. After killing his army I assumed that since I was so far ahead economically I should be able to go win the game now since my army should be much larger. But no, a second wave of marauders and some tanks was enough to wipe everything out again and push back to my base, winning the game. So tell me, Captain, does this imbi unit that is the marauder have a kryptonite or do i just suck this was sent in by tater a north american server player stuck in the diamond league at 3.6k mr and the question is fairly simple is the marauder imbalanced or does he suck well taylor let's find out and here we go taylor versus a uh a Terran barcode actually i i've seen this before It'll be like a 4.2K player or in this case a 3.6K player. Then they play on a barcode. It's like who are they hiding for in tournaments? You know, this is the reason why professional players play on barcodes. I have a theory that when people barcode on a lower level, it's when their significant other knows about their battle net account and they promised their significant other. They wouldn't be wasting any more time playing that stupid StarCraft 2 game. To get conversations like this, like, oh, what are you? you're doing something? No, no, administration. Don't worry. All right, I'll check your, I'll check your battle on that account again. And you're like, he, go ahead, check the battle net account all you want, buddy. I'm playing on a barcode. Because that's what's happening here. And Tater is playing against one of these unfaithful barcodes over here. Now, fate was unfaithful. Tater was honest in his complaint form. And I did enjoy that. I always enjoy seeing an honest person in my inbox. He said, you know what? I flowed a little bit of money. And yes, I could have controlled better. But despite all those things, you know, I was very far ahead. I should have been able to just pick up this game. It was the marauder who took it away from me. And that's important as well. So we'll have a look at everything and, you know, we'll put it all together. We'll combine it and then we'll see what comes out. But I do think he makes some reasonable arguments. I mean, the roach is generally quite bad against the marauder. And if you don't have the cash to transition into anything else, it can feel very frustrating. Same with tanks. Roach is a real commitment, right? It's difficult to build 10, 20 roaches or so in the early to midgame and then transition out of it. Even if you're ahead, it can sometimes feel like you deal so much damage. And then the Terran just saves up tanks and they move out with 9, 10, 12 tanks before you have vipers out. And boom, you're completely dead. Oh, this is a nice start out of the Terran. I like this a lot. I'm not a huge fan of the bunker here. We've seen this with Ebays before. I haven't particularly seen this with bunkers, but I guess you could sell them as well and you could put a Reaper in it, so maybe it's not the end of the world. This is usually done when there's only one viable location though, because now there's two viable locations to expand to. So even if you block one, the Zerg can just take the other location eventually, right? And that's exactly what happens. So this bunker now needs to be salvaged. You kind of ruin your own build order as well behind it. I mean, his third CC is extremely delayed. I assume he's playing triple-cc at least because there's no second gas. And the Reaper here continues attacking this hatchery. Now, third hatch has gone down. The interesting thing is that this type of move, if you're the Zerg player, it really separates the cream from the crop. You know, crappy Zerg players, they'll panic like, oh no, my third has been blocked. They'll throw down rojoir in a bainling nest, two Evo chambers. They'll tack the lair and to hive on two bases and three gas. And then eventually seven minutes in, they finally clear the Reaper and get their third base. But this actually was kind of a calm response. I don't think it was necessarily the appropriate response. You're not supposed to send slowlings into chasing a Reaper. But it did the job. And if it did the job at this level, I'm not going to complain about it. Two tumors are out as well. This is almost looked like an actual build order that the Zerg is using over here. as a little bit supply blocked, but the queen count is looking healthy, which is really important. And also, he seems to know when to build the queens, how to build the queens. Like, this actually feels kind of correct from what I know about Zerg. This actually looks pretty correct. Of course, the crease spread isn't as brilliant, but we're watching a diamond game. I mean, got the guy some slack. Meanwhile, the Terran player is doing a completely unique build order. He's rushing out Stim with a meta-vac. and for, no, two helions so far. I guess his plan here is to go for some type of hellbat attack, but he doesn't have an armory yet. So it's going to be world's latest helbat attack that also will be hitting quite weak. Link speed has also been delayed a fair amount. I don't entirely mind it. He hasn't seen a single helion yet. I mean, if there's no helions, you don't really need link speed, do you? What are you going to use the lings for? The pop and do this wall? No, don't think so. Zerg so far is impressingly a lot more than this Terran has although the moment you see it as a third CZ being built on the low ground if you had Lingx speed you might have been capable of doing something about it even now it could have been closed if it just floods like 20 lynx or so across the map you kill this 3rd Cc I don't want to say that the game ends but the game pretty much ends right it's actually pretty much over now link speed is about the finish and as it finishes Tater here starts this Roach Warren which is a an interesting move. I've seen a lot of people just skip link speed if they're going to get it this late and then they want to go into roaches after. So that is somewhat confusing, but maybe for the initial defense, link speed is still going to be useful. Who knows? First few roaches could be produced soon, though. Extra gases are also on the way. Oh, here comes a drop. Overlord spread wasn't perfect, so this has been scouted pretty late. Tater also is responding pretty darn late. He now sees the matter. It's like, oh, matter of fact. Oh, Helions. He just panned back to the MataVac? He wasn't sure which one had the higher priority. I was like, there's four Helions in my mineral line, and there's a METAVec staring menacingly at my overlord. He was like, all right, Helions it is, and he moved his camera back to the left side. I wonder what that double take was. It's always interesting to see. I mean, he took way less damage than I think he should have. He lost seven workers, which is genuinely bad for him, especially because he only killed two drones, or two helions, so lost seven drones for two helions. But because the Terran builder is so inefficient, I actually think he's in an okay position. He's fine. He's playing 1-1-Rodge, which, by the way, is kind of ironic, I think, is complaining about things when you're playing 1-1-Rodge. Now, there is some personal bias here, but people that play 1-1-Rodge are probably the most dishonorable people in the world. Like this 1-1-Rodge, the 1-1-Rodge players are the phone scammers of StarCraft 2. Okay? This is like a phone scammer, a phone scammer complaining about the high prices of international calls. It's like, well, you know, you're a piece of crap. Maybe you shouldn't be complaining about this. You know, just look at yourself first, all right? One-1-Rodge is these are people that don't really want to play Zerg and then play Zerg and pretend that they're playing ZERC. You know, they'll watch Sarah. I was like, I want to be like that. And then I play One One Roach. Like, no, you don't want to be like Serrell at all. You wanted to be a Mac player. 1-1 Roach is the Mac of Zerg, but then pretending that you're still a regular zerge. That's what really gets me. Mac players have given up pretending that they're something else, you know? You ask a Mac player, they're kind of proud of being a Mac player. But these 1-1-Roge players, they get 66 drones, 1-1-Rodge. You'll be like, no, I play Macro. I have a Ford Base. I see my fort base and my injects and I almost have three creepsumers being sent out you know I'm only supplied like half of the time you're like well well this is this is this is not okay okay from now on new rule if you play 1-1 roach against Terran you don't suddenly complain from I'm not reading them anymore it's over for you all right it's over this is also an interesting move is continuing to attack the rocks for a little bit while you're being attacked by halbatts this just this is shows how similar this is the Mac. You know, these units fight for themselves. You don't have to really control it at all. Poof! A bit of a mine shot over here as well. Clow Reconstitution finishes up and the Tarrin hasn't macroed that well. I'll admit to that immediately. Might have forgotten to spend a couple of thousand minerals and five, six hundred gas. It's now adding his barracks. Everyone does have a lot of units. Let me add some barracks. See if that's in time. This game is actually over. I think he mentioned the 830 mark in his complaint from, didn't he? And we're very close to approaching, or we're approaching that 8.30 mark. He wanted me to pass there. And then ask, how the hell does someone lose this game? Let's analyze. 42 roaches, four ravagers, versus five marauders, one tank and five marines. No new tank on the way yet, and two marauders about to pop out. Now, how the hell does someone lose this? Like, holy crap, this is a dream scenario. Even a 1-1 Roach player should be capable of winning this. Okay, one shot of the tank. So he knows there's a tank here. Now, there are two correct decisions here. All right? Let's go over them. The first correct decision is you look at this and you think to yourself, my opponent is stuck on two bases. I have four bases. I have way more supply. He can probably never take this third base as long as I stand here for the next 15 minutes. What if I just build 20 drones, take eight gases, go into Hive, play Lurker, or even just start melee upgrades and go into Raverger Lingbane, go into Ultras, just literally anything late game related. That is the first thing that you can do. That would be the safe play. Now, the second play would be walking up this ramp and just killing your opponent because you're so far ahead. This carries some risk with it, but in this particular scenario seems difficult to fail. Very difficult. That's of course given that the roaches are somewhat controlled. Vravages are going to hit that tank, tank goes down. This is an extraordinarily bad fight. Half of the roaches just aren't fighting, I feel like 80% of the time. Okay, now they start taking out SCVs and new tanks shows up. I have no clue how the Terran survived this. I have no clue how the Terran survived this with Marauders staying alive. What was it before the fight? I think we started this fight with, what is it, five Marauders, five marines and a tank, 42 roaches and two Reveders. We now have four roaches, eight. Eight marauders and one tank. This is what in... So this is a bit lingo. This is jargon. It's StarCraft lingo. So be careful. This is what we call a bad trade in StarCraft 2. Now, a bad trade for the people who haven't heard that yet is, for example, if I hand you an eaten lollipop and you give me 10 grand, that would be a bad trade for you. Now, the same thing can also happen in StarCorp. aircraft 2, where you give 42 roaches and the other guy gets three marauders and loses five marines. That's what we would consider a bad trade as well. So just whenever you're watching your own replays and you catch yourself in one of these so-called bad traits, be like, aha, I should not be doing that again in the future. Just some words of advice here. Now, do not worry, Tater is still in an absolutely fantastic position. He's completely fine. What is extraordinary, though, as Thater so far has shown us that he is an extraordinary person that managed to build one-one roach is that he decided to build more roaches. Tater looked at that last fight, looked at the resources lost mentally and was like, that's the trade I want to go for again. It's like, my opponent's army consists of pure marauder tank. Let me remix on 28 roaches. Now, I'm not entirely sure about this call. I'm just going to go ahead and say it. This is as if you're trying to break down a wall in your garden to make your garden look bigger than your neighbors. And your first attempt is by throwing a plate at it. The plate breaks, and your wife is starting to wonder why you were the man she picked to marry. And then you throw a second plate against it as well, which, well, as we're about to see, shouldn't really work. Because plates generally don't take down walls too well. However, the supply lead is so big that maybe... Nope, no, again. The plate breaks! What is this? Your wife right now is Googling hotels nearby to stay for the night. Well, she finalizes the divorce. They just started throwing plates against the wall. This is unbelievable. He saw that fight and just... legit started building more roadshed. Did I add in some Hydra? I said maybe the Hydra is good. I do want to actually point out something that I hadn't personally noticed before... Nice, 13 more roaches. There we go, buddy. A true 1-1 roach player. Ah, my 1-1 roach attack didn't kill him. Maybe my 2-2 roach attack will take him out. Unbelievable. I don't quite know what this is. We're watching a Terran who's playing... Beach tanks, get a second vehicle plating upgrade before the infantry gets its armor upgrade. Now, this is, this I've actually never seen before in my life. You sometimes do this with widow mines where you get vehicle plating. I still believe it's garbage in that case. High-level Terrans do it. I've been telling high-level Terrans to stop doing it. They've been starting to listen to me. Just get vehicle, vehicle, it's useless. If your tanks are being attacked, if your mines are being attacked, they're going to die. It doesn't matter. Just give up. You want more damage. That's what you want. Damn you... You're tearing, you're powerful, you're going to shoot stuff. That's what you're born to do. Or if you're a tater, you're born to throw roaches into your opponent. At a high pace. Or half of your army first into the command center that can lift. This is a fantastic fight again. What am I watching? This is another... This is another word that you guys haven't heard of. This is what we call trickle flanking. It's where you're flanking, but rather than hitting simultaneously, is when you just hit with one side first and then the other side. So you just trickle in the units one by one, so it's easier to kill for your opponent. This is actually unbelievable. Also, may I just note that before this fight, okay, before this fight, We're in a situation in which a Zerg player is on 86 workers against a 51 worker, Terran. This Terran is all in, okay? This Terran needs to kill you soon. Otherwise, you're going to have the best late game in your entire life. You're on hive. You can transition into a lurker. You can throw down another Evo chamber, start melee upgrades. I don't care. But you're... This is the 1-1-Roge player mindset. His entire life is just attacking with 1-1 roaches. He doesn't see perspective. anymore, just thinks he needs to go. This is almost as if your entire ground is covered in poop. And rather than waiting for your shovel to arrive, you start eating it just because you want the floor to be clean. It's like, this army, it can wait. You know, it's just laying there. It's better to be on your opponent's side on the map than on your side of the map, which is, I just don't get it. Why would you fight here? Why wouldn't you just wait for creep or your opponent to attack into you? maybe get some extra attack or get some vipers for all I care. Parasitic bomb, blinding clouds on the marauders or anything. Like you can't seriously be complaining about marauders if all you do is build roaches. Like you're literally building into the country, 10 more roaches, yes. Your opponent's building nine marauders and... I've never seen this either in my life. This guy has nine tech labs on barracks. These... This is a godless... Man has all this terror, that's for sure. No one builds an army filled with marauders like this. He has no religion. Absolutely not. Doesn't believe in anything. He wants the world to burn this guy. Nine tech labs! Now builds nine marines from barracks with taxes. This is unheard of. This entire game has just been blowing my mind on a different level. There's on a plus three vehicle playing as well. I want to get in contact. with this Terran. I just want to grill him, you know? Get into the nitty gritty stuff, the decision making. I don't want to get in contact with Tater. This is a 1-1 Roach player, now attacks upper ramp. From one side into tank marauder. Yeah, I mean, sometimes I feel like my leg is being pulled by many people at the same time. You know, with everyone that submits their IOTIS complaint, Because I find it very difficult to believe that anyone with more than three brain cells watches this game, watches this replay and thinks to themselves, the marauder is the problem. It's like, no, you're the problem. This is an issue on the user side, my friend. Not on the game, all right? They usually, they say, don't hate the player, hate the game, but in this case, hate the player. This is terrible. I do not approve of this stuff. Yeah, now you die. Yeah, of course you're dying. What is this transition? 16 lynx with 03 upgrades. No bains, no nothing. Honestly, this base has been empty. If you send 10 lings here, you probably also win the game. This is the thing. There was so many paths to win. It's like how you have like these massive decision trees, you know? Like you started like the trunk of the tree and the trunk of the tree for this guy is one-one roach and then it's like attack or sit back and go into ultras or going to lurkers and every every branch of the tree eventually leads to a win after an early game like this right but tater managed to jump out of the tree this has never been done before he had a decision tree and he jumped out of it and he fell head first and now he died is it just unbelievable to watch this game gigi When I look at this game, the marauder is too strong. He's like, no. Of course not the marauder. What was this garbage? What did he lose this game? 160 roaches. He lost 160 roaches. You'd figure that a guy, after losing the first hundred roaches, might, you know, by some scratching it, like, man, the roach, I lost a hundred. They haven't been too efficient. maybe need to add something in like a viper or lurker. Like, nah, let me try one more time. Maybe the 17th time is going to be the charm. Like, come on, it'll be serious. It's the last time I'm doing this stuff, okay? It is so obvious to me that the marauder isn't imbalanced and that you suck. But I don't want to do this anymore if this is how it's going to be. I won't, I want, like, you can't look at this game and think that the marauder was truly the issue. I don't believe that that's the case. I want you to believe what you write. Okay? That's important to me as well. I feel like my leg is being pulled there. I feel like I'm being trod. I'm not okay with that. So if you truly believe you have some imbalanced and you want me to judge it, then please send me your replay. Send me your imbalance complaint form down in the description below and I'll have a look at it. Thanks so much for watching this episode of IOTIS and I hope to see you all next time. Bye-bye. Thank you. |
How To Beat 5 YEARS Of Mech Experience | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Mech. A style as hated as it is old. Strong defensive siege units, giant cannon-wielding Thors and various forms of flamethrowing maniacs. But there must be a way to beat it, even as Zerg, right? Or is in indeed.. IMBA? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rJI7vlQRvP0/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | rJI7vlQRvP0 | Dear Harsden, I am here to say that nothing gets my blood boiling more than Terran Mac players. My opponent in this game is a prime example of the issue. Throughout the game he displays no skill at all and shows that with tank Thor Hellbat, you can just collect three wins up to Master One MMR. My complaint is that the only way to defeat Terran Mac is by playing like Serro, micro units on not one, not two, but three different screens. Alas, I am not an octopus. and therefore I am unable to win this game. Because I am not this octopus, I know that I suck. However, I think my opponent sucks more, and the only reason he wins is because he plays Mac. Name HDAC on the North American server Masters League with 4.3K MMR. And the question here is a little bit more complex than usual. Usually it is my opponent sucks, and I'm great and this is in balance, but this time it's, yes, I suck, but my opponent sucks more. And the only reason he wins is because he plays Mac. So an interesting claim and one we're about to investigate. All right, and there we go on a Dragon Skills Ladder Edition. HGAC in the bottom right here, our beautiful Red Cirque player. In the top left, we have Net Mac. This is the brilliance of Mac players, isn't it? Just the intelligence here being showcased. I love that he just has Mac in his name as well. He's not afraid to admit that he's a Macer, and he's not afraid to give his opponent a little bit of an edge. Because this guy is so darn good, he doesn't need to hide that he's playing Mac, okay? If it wasn't in his nickname, he would just say it at the start of the game. Hey, I'm planning on building tanks and Thor's this game, and that's going to be about it. Now, HGAC did not have enough help with that because he's going to end up losing this game eventually to the macaroni's, which is very unfortunate. We're here to investigate who sucks more. Now, I don't usually like doing that because comparing yourself to your opponent in StarCraft 2 tends to be a bit odd because most people have different skills and different races require different skills, right? at certain levels, just being capable of making a good unit composition is good enough. Now, you could have someone who's building a creptone of lynx at 500 APM and microwing those lings properly, but if they're playing against someone that rushed plus three vehicle weapons and is messing hellbats and then the link person continues building lings, then yeah, you're going to lose just based on the composition. Did you technically play better? I mean, in a way you did, I guess, because you're way faster. and you obviously have more skills, but your army composition is so bad that you manage to lose. And this is often the case in StarCraft. You can outplay someone in many different ways, like you can out-eco them, have better multitasking. But if you're terrible at fighting, for example, you can still lose games. And it doesn't mean that you've lost that game due to imbalance. It means that you've lost the game due to that one particular skill. So it's always really difficult to compare players like that. So it's going to be a difficult episode for me, which HDAC managed to, you know, create a hard task here, for starters. Opens up with a little bit of a tumor here on the low ground, fairly standard opener, except for the fact that he's rushing overlord speed, which is kind of an odd thing to do. Honestly, we don't see this a whole lot at the high level. Sometimes we see it against CC first openers, but honestly, otherwise. I don't think we ever really see it. This might have been a CC first opener, actually. Was it? No, it wasn't. No, it most definitely wasn't. He just opened up with a really... Pretty weird. What is this, actually? I have no clue what this was. It looks odd. And I don't enjoy it. Pure Marine into Triple Factory. Now, this is going to get scouted. So despite Overlord Speed being very uncommon and generally considered to be crap, It does pay off because he scouts a two-based mechall-in here. This is not just Mac. This is a two-based Mac-all-in with three factories before the third C-C. That means he wants to produce a lot of units. We immediately see a Roche Warren go down, which I like. I would love to see LinkSpeak being cancelled. You get the full scout. You know what you need. You know what you don't need. You see no reactor on any of these factories. So it's going to be a relatively low Helion count and probably a bigger focus on units like cyclones or tanks. And so you won't need to deal with any early game harassed. Just straight up rushing roaches here, going into road speed and canceling link speed, I think, would be a very fair thing to do. I'm not necessarily opposed to rushing into Laird to get quick glial reconstitution. I also don't think it's entirely necessary, though. This timing push is not going to hit before you would have road speed out anyway. So it seems like a little bit much, in my opinion. Armory here is on the way as well. also is probably going to be a plus one timing attack. And as I say that, we also have a third CC. So I'm not entirely sure what this build out of NetMack is going to be. What I do know is that HDAC has full vision of whatever this, well, honestly, an abomination of a builder there is so far, what this is. He knows what's coming. He has the exact timings. I like that a couple of roaches here are being produced, like three, four, just to make sure you don't die against any halions. And after this, we should straight up see. droning all the way up to 66 maybe even 75 with a fort base i think 66 for starters would be actually a really reasonable number is that we see a spire and double evos all right um Mac. So, usually against Mac. Mac opens up with either Benchy. We've seen that a lot as of late, like heavy Benchy usage, five, six Banshees with the Benchie speed, and then into like Helion Cyclone stuff, eventually adding in tanks, that type of stuff. Or we've seen in the past a lot of Battle Cruiser openers out of Terran, I'm throwing in Battle Cruiser, Battle Cruiser, Battle Cruiser, and then eventually transitioning into like Tank Mac, like more solid. ground-based Mac. This, however, is just pure triple factory. It's more of like a Mac push that's coming at you. So building a spire is not necessary. It feels to me like HDAC has two modes in his hat, and that is bio and Mac. And against Mac, you get a spire for corruptors, and then you go Ravager Lingbane or you get roaches, roach lingbane, whatever it is. He's actually getting the correct upgrades. but there is different types of Mac. You can just have these massive categories and pretend that there's nothing different inside of those tiny categories. It is simply not true. It's like having like brown chocolate and white chocolate. Like you have very dark types of chocolate. You have these, you know, I think it's called milk chocolate, you know, the ones with a lot of cacao and with less. You know, it's different variations. and you need to mentally prepare differently for the chocolate. You know, you get one of these chocolates with 98% cacao. It's like you want to puke straight after, so you get like one of these puking bags ready. And it's the same against Mac. If your opponent isn't building any air unit, this fire seems like a waste of resources, especially if you're being pretty much 2.5 based all-in here, which is actually what's happening. And funnily enough, despite having full information, HDAC is completely non-ready, it feels like. He has an insanely low amount of units. I don't quite understand why. It felt like, has the opponent even scouted anything? This is seven minutes in. This is the first move out on the map. I've seen people at 180, 170 supply at this point as a Zerg while they were being harassed by Helians, if they're roachmaxing. Like, the fact that he only managed to get to 120. while being completely aware that nothing was going to hit him, until the seven-minute mark, is a little bit surprising to me. And yes, there are some money here in the spire. There's some money in these upgrades as well. It is just a really odd start of the game. The way you would want to fight this right now is probably by, kind of like this. You just attack into the hellbatch, throw a couple of miles, and then you move away. Make sure you stay out of ten. I wouldn't even mind if he sends like five roaches around to pick off any potential reinforcements. I think they actually would be quite smart. Or a ling run by, I think is also quite smart. Three mutas? However, I'm not entirely sure of. There are no cyclones, but there, well, there's one cyclone and two marines. They might actually be good enough against three mutas. What in the world are three mutas gonna do here? I am so curious. Is it like harassing mutas or? I hope my opponent has no anti-air whatsoever, Moodas. Okay, here comes the attack. A little bit of a flank, just straight up walking into the halberts. The same time, though, Ling runbys are killing a lot of workers on the other side. The Roach Ravager will just clean up this push in the end, while floating simultaneously, about 2K as well. These mutas are still just idling. This makes absolutely no sense. Like this... He accidentally built a spire, and I was like, okay, I'll build three. Muda's. Honestly, Lingbane Muda is a viableish composition against Mac, but then you do need to kind of start with that and you can't go Roach into three Muda, then back into Rode or four Mura, excuse me. Turret is out. It's going to take out one. No, almost look out of Muda there. This is so weird. This is such an odd way to start as well. It just makes no sense. Like the Muras don't achieve anything here. achieve that your opponent starts building Thor's quicker, which I'm not even sure if that's something you want. Roach into muta while getting melee upgrades and also getting the upgrades for the air. Bailing nest infestation pit, low drone count still. I'm really not a fan of these mutas. 800 resources waste into that. To be fair, I guess it doesn't really matter too much because they're still about, what is it? 2K, 2.2K resources in the bank here for HDAC. Has a Ling run-by setup as well. And he killed a lot of workers there initially with that first Ling run-by. Eight workers killed. That's nice if your opponent only has 62. It's pretty low on his own worker count, though. It's very late with the bailing speed as well. This Terran Mac player also hasn't quite received a memo yet. Seven factories. One, two, three, four. Seven factories, six of which have a tag lab. And my man has created an army consisting of 23 halbats, which can be reactored. One cyclone, four tanks, and a thor. This is like becoming a professional football player so you can smell grass. It's like, well, if you really want to smell grass, you can literally do anything and just buy a bit of grass. You know, take it with you everywhere you go. Some pocket grass. Smell it whenever you get lonely or whenever you feel like you need it. It's like you can mix in halberts with your bio if you really want to build helbets this bad, but this makes very little sense. Here, banlings would be absolutely fabulous, of course, dealing with those bad boys. Instead, we see a very high reverger roach count, and after spotting the fact that his opponent has infinite halberts, rather than adding in lings to build banlings, our friend HDAC creates 11 roaches and three vipers. I like the vipers against the large units. I do not like the roaches. and I also, there's not that many large units. There's not a lot of tanks here. Like the main issue is obviously the halberts. If you deal with the halberts, there's like five units left over. And you can deal with the halberts pretty easily by just morphing in, what, 10, 15, 20 bailings and going for it. Work account should have been a lot higher during all this time. It really feels like HDAC kind of knows what he's doing, but he's only been shown like part of the puzzle. You know, he doesn't entirely know what the end picture has to look like. He knows that roaches are pretty okay and he's heard that a spire is necessary. You probably want to go into a hive and get bailings as well, but he's not really on that high drone count, that 95-96 worker drone count. And he's also not tacking very fast. So he's kind of stuck in between tacking really quick into, for example, Brutlord, and massing out units, continuously attacking into your opponent. He's also not doing that. Now this is a terrifying pushout until you realize that there's 30 helbats in here. There is 60 supply of units that will die against bainlings. If there were enough bainlings, that is, of course. I thought the Vipers were out as well. Yeah, they are. I'm loving these moves. This is absolutely fabulous. Here come the bains. Actually good. Yeah. Every single halberd there got taken out by about... 15 supply worth of banlings. Now the vipers move forward. Blinding clouds rather than abducts. I'm not entirely opposed to it honestly. I mean, I feel like maybe a couple of abducts would have lost him less ravagers. If there were a bunch of lings behind this now that all hellweds are cleared up, that probably also would have been good. This was some atrocious control out of the Zerg. Some legitimate atrocious control of Zerg. But still a completely fine fight. If you're a Zerg player and you're down only 3K fighting against the Mac armies, you're Usually fine, except for the fact that this time around HDAC just has too low of a worker count. And by killing all those hellbats, he's actually improving his opponent's army. I feel like right now NetMack already has more tanks on 130 supply than he had tanks last time when he was completely maxed. It's kind of wild, honestly. I also like the expanding to the sidebase here. Look at this. That has one. There is a two. That's a three. just taking every single base on the map because he's seen this, you know, he's heard about it, but he hasn't seen the entire picture. No one's told him that bases don't generate any income without drones. Like you need to saturate bases as well in order to use it. It's continuously low on gas as well because of his weird fetish to more of every single roach that he's ever had into a reverger. He's built like 20 revergers so far this game. Lost 15 already as well. It's not entirely brilliant. now we have a greater spire on the way and then the lower drone count makes sense but for a brute rush this is kind of hitting too late as well like it's not really a rush anymore it's just a a brood lord attack except there's no brute lord yet either I do like this move by the way mining from the corner basis first once again this is just better if you have more workers it really is just better if you have more workers Also, this entire style, like this style that HDAC is playing here is so focused around trading and then denying bases of your opponent. And neither of these things are happening. HDAC is maxing out and then standing at home, but you want to throw your units away and then hope that you can remix faster with the help of your higher eco. This third base has been opened the entire time as well, not a single Ling run by after the first one, despite nothing being there. Bainlings, lings, anything could have cleared this. Now once again we have a massive move out with, what is that? 14 halberts. This time though there's also 15 tanks. So sending in 30 bains won't quite do it anymore. And yes, if Mac is maxed out and you have a hatchery-tier army, life usually is actually going to be pretty darn difficult. Vipers decided to not get any energy either, just using single-up ducks here. And we get a very interesting decision to attack into this. losing 50 supply before realizing that perhaps this isn't the fight. Meanwhile, the Terran lost five heliands. I want to see that one in slow motion one more time. Because that bailing move was kind of interesting. Let's just focus here on these balings. Where? Okay, okay. I want to kind of go to the first person view of the bailing. So we go over here. Nice and slow, nice and slow. Bumpi-on tank. Ooh, look at that. Lots of nice halberets on the far. right side of the screen that looks beautiful oh look at that hellbiz oh oh oh wait all right i just want to do this kind of first person view from the bannings here so they see this it's like oh a bunch of halbas that looks juicy that looks juicy and then here more helbets to the right or a massive thor with infinite hbp that i could burst myself into let's do that a couple of helmets stay alive as a result and these 60 lings which should be absolutely fantastic after you clear every single halbat are now going to be a little bit little bit more useless. Ravager is actually doing an okay job, but don't forget, he also lost about 50 supply were of Rodes Ravager already at this point. So yeah, life sucks. Life actually does suck. There's no follow-up tech here yet either. Tarran has been doing this off of four bases, which is fairly impressive. I guess that's what happens if you just invest your entire force into hellbats, your entire mineral income into hellbets, rather than having to build so many expensive gas units early on. Oh. Banings there prioritizing the tank, overgoing for the Hellions and Hellbats again. At this point, I feel like the game is honestly pretty much over. It's really not that much you can do anymore. There's Thor's Thor's for a potential anti-air change. There's a single Viking. There's plenty of tanks. We've seen your fights against a maxed out Terran army. I'm not even sure if this terrain ever fell below 180 supply in the past few minutes. He has been micron behind it as well. No fifth base has been constructed. This third base is still completely open. I wonder if we were to give this game to Serral against Netmec. I feel like Sarah would still be capable of winning. I just, I feel like that would be the case, right? I'm not sure if it's true, but I... My gut, it tells me that it's true. It really does tell me that it's true. However, for our boy, HDAC, who decides to morph another seven ravagers. I don't think it's entirely true. Brutlors now coming in with a flank, I do like that move, that's nice. Roaches here died into the natural. Maybe we'll some lings, I quite recall. Double Thor's are out. Bum, Bidum, just moving over. And you can even just ignore these brutes at this point, can't you? If you're NetMack, yeah, you completely can. This is a ridiculous game. So it started with 10K against 13K. After that, NetMack lost 5,000 resources, and HDAC lost 18,000. That is about a 1 to 3 ratio, and a single G. They don't deserve 2Gs. Didn't deserve it. Now, let's actually investigate this claim a little bit, okay? Let's think back about this game. And the question is, who was worse? The question isn't, does HDAC suck? Because he already said he sucked. So, congratulations, HDAC. You sucked. You absolutely sucked. Now, who played worse? Netmax build order wasn't a real one. It was honestly pretty darn bad, and it should have dealt absolutely no damage, as HDAC completely scouted it. However, despite scouting absolutely everything in the early game, HDAC still only managed to survive with 62 workers, which is a very low drone count, while also getting a spire and muras. A couple of incorrect choices in my mind. To follow it up, Netmac went into a massive hellbath push, which, honestly, by any stretch of the imagination, is terrible because Bainling should be capable of completely clearing it up. Now, Bainlinks partially did clean it up. It still felt like HDAC lost a little more than he should have, in the end. But at this point, I'm actually kind of feeling okay-ish for HDAC. If you can continue getting trades like this, if he gets 15 more workers, he's going to be just fine. Instead of continuously trading, HDAC sits back, gets no extra workers, then gets aim moved while he's on a hatchery tech army, while his opponent actually added 15 tanks. And in that case, I think you're pretty much supposed to lose. You're fighting with a very low-tech army against a high-tech army, And then it doesn't matter how fast your APM is or how clean your bailing splits are against the tank shots. You just have the wrong composition at the wrong time or you're using your composition incorrectly. You should not allow your opponent to get to such a high tank count completely uncontested. Without ever attacking a completely open third base, I've been trying to deal some damage onto the planetary. So even to your question, after already telling you that you sucked, yes. You also sucked more. So you get the double suck stamp. Regular suck and you suck more. It's the extra one with a golden shiny border. Congratulations, HDAC. You massive sucker. All right. That's actually going to be it for me today. If you did enjoy this episode of Isdh Marduerd-Du-Suck, be sure to subscribe to your channel. Hit a like button. Leave a comment down below. And also please send me a replays in the form down below, Google form. And perhaps next week, you'll be the one to be judged. Adios. |
Korean Matrix Agent Against A FILTHY Terran! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | You have 2 options. Pick the red pill. Go back to laddering, pretending Terran is a balanced race. You'll stay one of the sheep and live your pathetic excuse of a simulation. Or... You take the blue pill and I show you, how deep this rabbit hole goes. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/oEkNl5RBjWY/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | oEkNl5RBjWY | Dear Harstam, I have quite the complaint about the race that's supposed to represent us humans. How is it even possible for them to surpass so easily a technologically advanced race, such as the magnificent Protoss? Let me explain myself. My opponent is a filthy 4K6 Terran. He goes marine first and builds its first base at three minutes, because you don't need that many units to defend as a Terran. Then does a scan when he sees it fit to review all my strategy, As I was going to drop D-Tee, and even so, I reckon I was 30 seconds late because he scanned my dark shrine. I couldn't do as much damages as intended. After that, he filled two MataVex to drop my main and even though I was expecting it, my stalkers were a bit late, resulting in losing them and some probes. Yet, at that point of the game, I didn't thought I was that behind. We were quite even. Turns out, I even was a bit ahead in terms of economy. I could have made some more probes and technologically. But then he decides to heavy drop me after a scan on my third base to localize my army, which led no chance to my defensive stalkers sacrificing themselves to its four meta-fax. He ends up not doing that much damage except for my stalkers, my cyber and a gate, and at the same time I dropped some DTs doing economical damage as well, so I thought we were even. But I knew I had the counterattack as I had three Colosses. Zealots and an upgrade advantage, but no stalkers to counter the upcoming Liberators. But I underestimated his late drop and as my zealots were attacking his main army, his Marauders flanked my Colossus, utterly defeating my attack. After that he immediately countered by heavy dropping me again, while I tried to use some zealots on his third to gain some time by distracting him, but I knew I was defeated. He even put his rally point directly in my main, losing some Marines and Marauders who were surely not seeing him fit as a commander. I tried to dodge the mines to defend my main with freshly warped zealots and a colossus, but his marauder heavy army just crushed my hope, leading me to Gigi. So, Captain, my question is quite simple. Is the marauder, Imba, or is it the scan? Or do I suck? There we go. So an easy question here by IMData, a protost player in the Diamond League 4.2K MMR himself on the Korean ladder. Is the Marauder or the Scan Inba or does he suck? Let's figure it out together. All right, and here we go between Luna Vavilia, our filthy 4.6K Terran player and IMData, the submission man of the form that I have just read. And in that form, there were a couple of things that I found interesting immediately. That caught my eye. The first thing was the fact that Luna Vavilia said that the first base went down at three minutes, and three minutes is not a very fast timing for a first base to go down. And I think he might have meant third base instead, because, I mean, this first base just went down at, what is it, one minute and 15 seconds into the game. It's going to scout that there's no gas here as well. So interesting opening out of the term, we'll come back to that later. After I tell you the second thing that I found interesting, IMData also said that he expected a drop to the main base, but yet his stalkers were too late. and as a result he took some damage, which is kind of a weird thing to say. It's like admitting that you knew what was happening, but just not preparing for it, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense in my mind. Like if I'm about to tell you, I'm going to punch you in the face, it's probably a wise decision to run away or to protect your face, then I hit you straight in the face and it hurts. You can't go complaining, well, I saw it coming, but it's still too powerful. Like my punches aren't that hard. Like if I announced I'm going to punch you, there's multiple things you can do about it. One of the things you could probably do about is just talk to me, tell me, please don't do it. I mean, yeah, fair point. Why was I going to punch you in the face again? That's a good question. Or maybe IMData is going to give me a good reason to, you know, punch him in the face over the internet here. That's of course, do not condone real violence, but over the internet, I'm allowed to do it to IMData. Opens up with a Twilight Council. I'll absolutely love this, going for a very fast dirtbase. This is really smart, okay? I just want to... I told you that I was going to talk about this double gas, but this is a really cool move. So we see that IMData scouted the lack of gas early on and saw the quick CC. This means that there's only two viable follow-ups here from the Terrant player. Viable follow-up number one is going to be a quick triple-CC, and viable follow-up number two will be a T-Rex. And the T-Rex is what we're playing here. Either way, if you're getting a couple of stalkers with blink across the map and a quick third base, there's absolutely nothing that Terran can do, and Protoss will be ahead economically. So I absolutely love the idea here of getting a very quick third base. And then, yeah, first unit of Stalker, second unit of Stalker. This is actually really smart. I really like this opener. I like the DT opener a little bit less. And also, it looks like this probe wasn't actually building a third base. So I would like, like to retract everything I've said so far when it came to giving compliments. Because this is actually the opposite of brilliant in my mind. This is the opposite of brilliant. Like I said, very likely that it's going to be a 3Rex or a triple CCC or in this case a combination of the two. Now what is the main advantage that triple Cc has is good ego and a creptone of scans, which means that DTs are probably the worst tech option that you could go for because you're doing very minimal pressure that has a hard counter in detection while your opponent very likely is going to have loads of detection. If you believe it's going to be triple-CC, you could do something like a blink-all-in or play very greedy yourself. If you think it's like a 3-Rex, you just want to position yourself on the other side of the map and maybe tech into a robotics facility. So against the two most common options, there are different responses that are optimal. This is very far from optimal. And it was clear as well. Like this was as clean info as you could get. Like you see the CC. You see the no gases. My man, IM Data has the processing power of a Tamaguchi here that he didn't quite realize what was going on. Because I'm not a fan of that. It's not just the processing power of a Tamaguchi. She also has the executional ability of a Furby, because this is a really, really bad execution of the DT drop. What is this timing? Usually you're supposed to be hitting at 4.30, 425. You can do your first DT warping on the other side of the map with the prism, and then you go in. He said he was 30 seconds late. He's going to be almost a whole minute too late here. So despite him picking a, like, well, he, He picks a terrible build and then on top of that, he executes it in an awful way as well. I just don't quite understand it. It's not like there was pressure on him. His opponent has barely managed to hit the other side of the map with anything. Now gets a scan in, scans that it's a dark strike. That's kind of lucky, but this scan should have been completely irrelevant because this scan hit an entire minute after this DT drop is supposed to hit. Like, the DTs have already killed every single SUV. This scan is... It doesn't matter anymore. It literally doesn't do anything, or it shouldn't do anything. In this case, it actually does do something because it allows him to prepare properly, get turrets down and everything. But that should have not done anything. It's a very weird world we live in. Like, it feels like IMData had a green light to literally do whatever he wanted in the early game after seeing what he saw. You know, he literally could have done what everyone, could have played world's most greedy build, could have gone for a very low unit count, or could have gone for an actual all-in. Instead, what he picks is a high-tech, low-eco build order. This just doesn't make any sense. This is like being allowed at an exam to use a book, and then spending the first 30 minutes of the exam eating the book. First of all, you're wasting your time, and second of all, now you don't have a book anymore. And that's pretty much what happened there. He doesn't have an eco lead. He doesn't have a real tech lead because DTs aren't a tag lead in the way that a colossus would be or having extra upgrades. DTs are there for a very specific type of harassment. It's not actually that good against what his opponent did. He had three stalkers out of position. Did you have blink at least? Without blink? And then it's surprised that this drop gets in. If there was a scan used here slightly quicker, the game would have simply ended here. The game actually would have been over right now. Game still is looking bad for IMData. He's taking quite a bit of damage, going to lose two more DTs and probably a couple more works as well. Now realize that maybe these slow Zellas also need to come in and help out. Colossi pops out, luckily for him, and does have plus one. So it's a terrible position, but it's a playable one. We're lucky that this Terran did not build enough workers. If this Terran had continued worker production, I actually think IMData would be completely better here. Like, there should be 60 workers right now. The fourth base should practically be done at this point for the Tarr. And then IMData is very, very lucky that that's not the case. So he held the drop, loses this pylon, positions three stalkers into the main base. What's our vision status like right now? Okay, we have some vision here with an observer at the front, which is quite nice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is a brilliant move. Look at this. This is brilliant. I freaking love this move here, AMData. This is how you know he's a nice person, a true philanthropist. He says, you know what? I could harass with one DT and force a scan out and then pick up this DT, but I could also do something else. I could drop my DT in the same circle space where this observer also is, so that a single scan doesn't just get a single invisible unit. No, it gets two invisible units. Then I don't pick up the prism to make sure my DT dies. I lose all my vision on the other side of the map, and I make sure my opponent is aware where my prism is as well, so he can chase it away. This is a brilliant little move here out of IM data, completely ruining his already fragile position in this game. Even further, it is impressive how little he can accomplish every single time with the units that he has. He's a magician of source, you know, making his own units disappear. It's a truly impressive feat. Now, Prism is going to go in. I do like this move, actually. I think this is a... I don't like the DT warp in because there's turrets everywhere already, but I would have loved if this were like six, seven Zellish is being warped in. I think the prism in general is a good move. Now, because the observer has been denied, and also because there's absolutely zero vision on the map right now, one, two, three, 4. Every single attack path is dark. It's pure blackness. Not necessarily, well, yeah, just all fog of war. Look at that. Three stalkers in the main base. This wouldn't stop a single meta fact. It wouldn't stop two metaphacks. It wouldn't stop three metaphs. And it most definitely will not stop four metaphs. Every unit is going to pop out of here before these stalkers are going to even damage one of them meta facts. So nice little preemptive scan here as well. Darks find being targeted first is a mistake. 100%. Every probe could have died here. Once again, Luna Vavella actually helping out IMData a little bit in this case, because here the game should have been pretty much over. Luna Vavalia, however, does not lose a whole lot. Oh my God, came back. What is this? Did you just fly back with this meta-fac to save that one Marine? Oh my God. Some hell of a lucky Marine. This is the meta-fax that Nova deserved. Is it Nova or Kerrigan? Is it the same person? No. I never remember. I'm so bad at StarCravlar. Well, okay, maybe not quite. It's a little bit over-eager there. Some okay harassment behind this, and actually a lot of cash in the bank as well right now for IM Data. So despite his pretty terrible early and mid-game, well, yeah, his early part of the mid-game, he still was in a playable position somehow. I'm not entirely sure why. I think it has something to do with the complete lack of SCV production on the side of our Tarran player. But it has been a fairly disappointing game. Okay, now we have an attack coming out here. Upgrades are favorable as well for IMData. Starts by taking out that turret and losing one or two zealots for free. Nice moves. An A moves into this position. Get some guiding. Ooh, this is a nice flanker out of the Taron, yeah. I mean, let's just take another look at this fight, okay? See what is there and what isn't there. It's always important to do that, you know? So do we have anything at home? No. Every single unit that's on the map is currently here. That still means that IMData is 20 supply behind while floating 1,400 minerals and 500 gas. Now, I always like to do a little game of translating the mineral. into supply and I like to use the zealot in general. I think it's a good unit. So we could be building 14 zealots. Zealots are two supplied. That means we could increase our supply by 28 still, if we had macroed a little bit better. Now, there's also some gas units here. Maybe we could have even added in an ARCOM as well. This is a pretty realistic thing that we could have had with this push. That is not here. Okay, those are the effects of this push. The prism is very far back, which means that reinforcements are difficult, and Colosite pickup micro is hard. When you're engaging into a Terran like this, one of the things you always want to do is you want to send three zealots into the third base. Why do you want to do this? Okay, let me tell you. If you send three zealots into this base, you force the Terran to attack into you rather than you having to chase the Terran into his natural where they can often make a nice concave. This is where you want the Terran army to be, which are colossi spraying all over them while they're kind of clumped up. Another advantage of sending three zealids into this, base is that you know whether there are any units there. If you send three units here, you know that there's a flank waiting for you from that side. Instead what happens is all the zealots are now just running after Marines marauders trying to right click a bunker, and you lose all your colossi to a flank, which you could have scouted by simply sending three zealots into this third base. Sounds like pretty decent moves. Now you're still floating a magnificent amount of money, so despite the terrible start of this fight, I don't actually think it's necessarily over. Something you can do now is pick up a couple of zealots and pretend like you're going to counterattack the moment your opponent moves out. It's really difficult for Terran to move across the map if there's 12 zealots in their natural. It's one of the things that Terran players generally don't like quite as much. Now, there is a colossus on the way. We're not continuing upgrades for whatever reason. And Luna Vavella scans the fort base and says, you know what worked pretty well the last two times? It drops to the main base. Once more IMData, let's have a quick look. completely in the dark has absolutely no clue what's happening and is going to be caught somewhat out of position. Now, I do actually like that he's sending these zealots across the map. I think this is genuinely a good call. If you can warp in some dets at home as well at the same time, send them in one by one, so multiple scans need to be used. I think that would be a pretty good call. Colossi is going to stay alive. This is, of course, a fantastic engagement here as well. This is what we call the trickle defense. Now, the trickle defense is very famous for never working. I want to show you why it never works. The trickle defense is basically issued trickle units onto your opponent's army as they're warping in. Rather than getting a big clump together and then using your entire army, you just go, okay, I have five zealots here, two DTs and one colossi. I still have 900 minerals in the bank and probably warp gates are off of cool down pretty soon. I could lose all these units for free into this army right now, or I could wait for another warp in and try to you. the stall by using the range of my Colossi. IAMData obviously goes for the trickle defense here as he sends everything in to die, almost manages to kill a whole marauder here. Yeah, almost. Not quite though. Did get healed by the Metavex of course. And now gets the next Warpinion. So that's fantastic play. Meanwhile the Colossi was busy running away and now starts attacking his own Nexus. Interesting moves did manage to kill his opponent's third base. So if he had just killed his third base, recalled home and still had all those units alive, I think he actually would be making a defense at this point, but instead what we're doing is, well, losing more zealots for free, waiting for these bad boys to show up. Honestly, still almost the defense. If any of this money was being spent at this moment, if there was enough production or if there was sufficient macro skills, I think we might still have a win on our hands. I truly do believe that. Still observers on the map as well to eventually deal with these mines, who have like three to two kills each. So like seven zealots that have been killed between these mines. fantastic stuff. And then here the game, I guess, pretty much ends. Yeah. G-G. Nice. I find it difficult. Very difficult to look at a game like this and truly believe that AM Data, IMData, watch this and believes that there were no opportunities in this game. I understand if you don't have the strategical knowledge, okay? It is possible that as a ProDos player, you simply do not know what you need to do. And that would explain the early game. He's like, okay, gasless expand out of the T-Taron. What is that? That is really odd. I don't know what to do. What do I need to do? Well, I'll do a DT drop because I'm familiar with that build. But he wasn't familiar with this build because he managed to hit an entire minute too late. So why the decision for DT drop was the incorrect decision, execution, complete garbage. We're a 4.2K MMR playing again the 4.6K player. Like this is a decent level. This is not the Garbo tier anymore. you know we have we have actual builders at this point um that following it up never have any map vision whatsoever tricking your opponent into scanning your observers removing even more vision from your side harassing with dTs which are 125 gas despite they're already being turrets rather than using zealots like i think every decision that gets made in this particular game was a mistake another funny thing to me is that he complains against the marauder or about the marauder and the scan and I don't think either neither of these units really had an impact on the game very much the marauders had a nice flank against the colossi I guess but the main issue here were just drops that came in unscowled and bad decision-making of one to engage into your opponent poor micro in the main fight poor control in your own main base at the very end There were so many things that went completely wrong from start to finish. It's a miracle that you were in this game. This almost makes me believe that Protoss is the broken one in Protoss versus Theron because you were constantly floating money. You had a terrible build order. You had no understanding of what to do. And yet you were kind of in it. You were floating money literally always. If you had ever spent that, you would legit be winning this game. And why? because you managed to produce probes at a decent rate. Is that good enough to be 4.6 at this point? I'd hope not. So, yeah, it's not the marauder. It's not the scan. You just freaking suck data. It is what it is. And that's life. All right. That's going to be it for me today. Short little episode. Be sure to send in your own submissions using the form down below. If you did like this episode, also hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel. And hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new one. Be sure to check out last week's I. us as well in yesterday's video, which doesn't exist. Adios. |
Is This An IMBA MINDGAME?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | I just LOVE the Zerg's build order today! It's such a nice mindgame and caught our Terran player completely off guard, leading to this beauty of a complaint form! Enjoy! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ucesfqgLyPM/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | ucesfqgLyPM | Dear Harstam, I recently discovered a fact that buffed mini ultralisks is actually quite imba. Reduced size while splash damage remains the same makes engagement that used to only fit two or three ultralisks are now have five or six ultralisks attacking at the same time. Double splash damage! Can you even imagine if same changes applies to Arcon? question mark. My opponent used a quite interesting 12 pool opening that caught me of guard, but I defended without taking too many losses. Then my opponent decided to go for fast muta, which I always struggled to deal with, and losses half of my army at third basis, but I managed to survive through it. I attacked my opponent when 2-2 finished, a classic timing attack against Mesmura, and I indeed made some progress, inflicting heavy losses on my opponent. However, I pushed too slow and my opponent managed to make transition into ultralisk. That's where everything went downhill. Here's the thing. I don't think my opponent played better than me. Yes, I do make awful splits and don't know how to deal with mutilisk harassment, but to a race that only knows how to a-click slash move, constantly flowing thousands of minerals in bank. can make 16 workers at the same time, never needs to worry about supply block and walling, using Queen to defend everything. Isn't it too much to having this ultralisk buff? So the question here is, is the ultralisk imba, or do I suck? And that's what we're here to find out. The name is for Ziegtiig from North America, a diamond player at 3.6K MMR. Is the ultra imba, or does he suck? Let's find out together. All right, here we go in Neo-Humanity here, a ZVT, opening up with a 12 pool that get built at 13 supply. So the first small discrepancy between what was written in the IOTIS form and what's actually happening. But 13 pool, 12 pool, who really knows the difference, am I right? Only absolute nerds who study the game all day and that's definitely not me. I completely understand that the 13th. 12 supply thing, you know. It messes with you. It's a barcode jerk, by the way, which is interesting because we're playing at 3.5K MMR. Like, who are you hiding from my friend? I don't think anyone is going to be stealing your strategies. But, ooh, actually, a 13.13. This is a build order. Oh, yo, yo, yo, yo, oh. Oh, I love this one so much. I believe you can actually play it with a 1414 as well. It's close enough. This is a, this is. It's a very high level mind game for this level. That's so cool. So what will happen here is that if the Terran SCV scouts, this hatchery will finish at the same timing as when it's supposed to finish with a hatch first. And most Terran players, when they SUV scout, they only scound the natural and don't go into the main. So the Terran will be completely unaware of the fact that there's lings out on the map. And despite SUV scouting, will actually get a couple of lings in his face and not have the Reaper at home. That is the goal of this build order, at least. And there's an actual SCV Scout. So this is pretty much the dream scenario here. Oh my God, where's this guy going? So in a freaking world tour. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. There's Paris over here. Berlin. This is Belgium. So I assume he's going to be going over here. Belgium moved. It's over here now. This is the Netherlands. Look at him. lings want to stand there for a little. while perhaps, wait until the Reaper's gone past. Yeah, having a great time in the Netherlands. Come visit, guys. Oh, it's great. Don't go to Belgium. That sucks. So, Poo is out. Extractor also gets constructed here, and the Reaper makes his way across the map. Oh, look at this. It's a magnet. It's going to pull the Marine out of position. First position, first person view. First person view. There's a queen there. That's weird. That's too early. Oh, my Marine died. Oh, it's six lings. Loses the Marine, loses the SCV. Not a great start. Not a great start quite yet. Reactor, probably is going to fall as well. CC actually in some significant trouble here. SCV now being attacked. The lings made their way into the main. Is this... This CC almost just dies. It's just kind of crazy in my mind. Okay, this Reaper just popping around, having a blast. Bup-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-do. Now, I... I am not entirely sure if I would agree here, it was written on the form, okay? He's lost three workers, ran around with six, seven SEVs, lost the reactor, instead went for a tech lab on this, delayed his command center building by like, now like 45 seconds, now builds a bunker as a response. What did my men write on the form again? I defend it without taking too many losses. It's an optimistic way of writing about what happened or judging your situation. A good salesman, for sure. A good salesman reminds me a little bit of my old landlord. When I told my old landlord that we had a hole in the roof, the size of a large fit. the fist of a giant and that it rained inside every time rain came out of the sky. My landlord told me that a lot of people like falling asleep to the sounds of rain hitting something. So he considered it a feature and now that I mentioned it, actually wanted to raise the rent. Now that ended up being illegal, but that didn't stop him from trying to sell it to me. It feels like you also tried to sell an illusion to me here, because this wasn't a very good start for you at all. good start for you at all. You lost a lot of mining time. You lost three workers. You completely fell for the trick, which is a very good trick, by the way. So I'm not going to blame you for it. But if you fall for a good trick, don't pretend that you didn't fall for it. Like, it doesn't work. Like, you can't go to a magician show. And then despite not having any clue how any of these tricks, there's a mirror in there somewhere. This has to be mirrors. It's all mirrors and smoke. I know their tricks. These guys can't fool me anymore. Like, while you're screaming, your watch is gone if you lost your wallet, magician is, you know, dangling it above your head. You just got tricked. It's okay to get tricked in StarCraft 2. It's a tricky game, you know? This guy played a fantastic build order, this barcode Zurb player. Just be honest about it, okay? I'm not going to flame you. It's not what I do at all here. And here for constructive criticism through the power of analogies. And to end up killing a couple of overlords. I like that a lot. flying around with your little Viking, floating a little bit of money, forgetting to build your third CC, getting three barracks before your third CC, all of these things not being very standard. Executing a build order, that makes absolutely no sense. Yeah, that is, that is key, that is absolutely key. Look at this. My man rushed out Stim and Combat Shield, so that his three marines in this bunker, a little bit extra tankiness once the road rush arrives, or if they try moving across the map with the three Helions and one Reaper, that are Terran player, Versixtig has five minutes and 45 seconds into the game. Verzikig means careful in German, I believe. Well, I know it's German. I think it means careful. And this guy does play very careful. He's someone that's keeping all of his money under his mattress. He doesn't trust any of the banks. He doesn't trust the government. Everything in gold. He buries it under his mattress. Some people, they dig a hole, but this guy he dug a hole under his. mattress, cover that hole with another mattress. He sleeps on two mattresses as a result. That's crazy. It's just what I've heard, though. These are the rumors on the street. Can't actually confirm them. So we do have a muta rush. That part was fairly accurate. This is a fast build. My man, barcode over here. What is this? Opens up with a freaking 1313, follows it up with a muta rush in which the mutas are going to pop at the seven minute mark after a 1313, that is actually kind of impressive. Like, I'm genuinely impressed. And it doesn't happen often when I'm watching Diamond-level games. This looks good. Like, it actually, it looks like a cool build order. Yes, the macro isn't completely accurate, but the creep spread is fairly good. Yeah, I'm loving the way the Zerg is playing. Am I loving the way that the Terran is playing so far? Well, not entirely. We're seven minutes into the game after, according to him, a pretty much perfect start. Right now we have six Marines with Stim and Combat though. Two tanks, three Helions, a Reaper and two Metafax. Which is fairly little for a flawless early game. I know people that are practically maxed out at this point. And have managed to deal damage with their first few units as well. Because so far, well, we haven't had a whole lot of harassment yet. Tenlings and two overlords have gone. Now, where did the Viking go? I still around. She's chilling near the creep. Being intimidating nearby. Okay, the Muta's come in. Take a look at the response here. Out of forzik. Boxes marines to the third base in anticipation of the Mura's killing all of his units. Oh. Oh. Pushes the Muras away. Forget to look at his own army, though. That's very unfortunate. I don't think you can complain about A-clicking or A-moving if all you did so far is A-move to the mutas while losing your entire army at your third base against slow banlings off-creep. But then again, I'm not an expert on what you're allowed to complain about. Technically you're allowed to complain about everything. Technically, yeah. Thor is on the way. We have drilling claws as well coming in, second factory is out. The funny thing here is that the way that the Terran is building is actually correct as well, right? Five barracks, double factory, two e-base, get your armory going and everything. So like the flow of building is accurate, but the execution isn't quite accurate yet. There's now double evas on the way. That's very late here. So upgrades are going to be a very, well, play a fairly big role. They would play an even bigger role if the Terran had remembered to start his two-two when the armory finished. I guess there's not really a lot of gas available either because he lost his refinery. He's only mining with two and this gas. It's technically mining of like two and a half gas at this point. Cirque just continues expanding. Now, theoretically, this game is completely over. But I've learned over the past few years that even in Diamond, anything can happen. Okay, like this is the Wild West of StarCraft, except even wilder than the wilder. Wild West. This is a... The Wild West wasn't actually that wild. It was terrible to live in probably. We also... You know what I learned about the Wild West the other day, by the way? Oh, all that thought. Here's right click the CC. That is a sign of disrespect, I think. It's like he doesn't believe his opponent can pull the SUVs quick enough. He's going to right click the SV with... Right click the CC with Mura's. What is? The CC's been floating. floating. Where's this guy been going? I feel like I've seen him fly around this entire time as well. Okay, now it's going to land. Let me tell you, though, about the Wild West. I thought that jewelling was very common in the Wild West. But then I read that actual jewels, like when the clock hits 12, you shoot each other, weren't so common. And whenever you had a, you know, a fight with someone, you just lure them out and then you'd shoot them like in their back when they weren't paying attention. That was a way more common approach, obviously because it was much safer if you wanted to put a hit out on someone like that rather than challenging them to a proper jewel. Yes, that was interesting. 2-2 is now on the way. We have 2,900 minerals here as the income for the Zerg. We have 2,800 as well here for the Tarrant, despite him being on 46 workers. That is quite interesting. Perhaps it's something to do with these bad boys. They work real hard. The mules, of course. Two more getting thrown down. Man, how many mules that we have saved up? How many SUVs can we queue up as well? Look at that. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. So, we had three building and then six queued up. Very cool. It's usually a bad sign if you're mulling very hard and you're only barely outmining your opponent. Like 12 mules on the map. Nine. Yeah, it's not great. Four C is coming out. 16. Oh, this is the moment. This is the moment. So he did look into the replay. Because I think he specifically mentioned 16 drums. being built at that time. That must have really bothered him. That must have really bothered him. The 16 drones... 92 workers against 53. I've been macro-ing perfectly. I hardly lost any workers before. Only 26. Well, that doesn't quite fit my narrative, but you know what I mean. Ra! Three more barracks coming out. We have turrets everywhere. There hasn't been any muta-harass in the past 10 minutes. Absolutely no muera at all. Now, the one thing, okay, the one thing I kind of want to give to 460 is the fact that the money has been fairly high for the Zerg player. Okay, there's been a lot of cash in the bank this entire time. And you could say that as poor macro, but on the other hand, it is not completely fair, okay? Because the Zerg player has been mining 34, 35, 100 minerals, entire time, while Versixte has been barely scratching the servers of 2K, sometimes only being like 1.5K. This is really, this is like the guys on Twitter. You know, the Twitter heroes telling Elon Musk how to manage the company. Because, you know, they're also managers. They walk the dog twice a day and they cooked a meal using Hello Fresh the other day. So running a household is basically like managing a company as well. So they know a lot. It's like, well, sure. what's happening isn't perfect but I'm not quite sure if this dog walker's going to do much better. This was a good fight by the way. This is a really good fight for the Terran. Holy ever-living crap! That was a very good fight. Wow. Okay, so we win. Well, it's not quite a win, but that was fairly insane. 2-2 upgrades really helping out here as well against the 1-1 units. The mines doing damage. Like half of that fight was off-crep, that was a legitimately terrible engagement. We can't say that. There's no more Baines in the comp. These Moodas are just kind of idling for now, I guess. They're coming in at this point. They do have plus two upgrades. There's three Vipers as well. Where did these guys come from? Just having a blast. You can't fight this with Moodas. It's not possible. Mudas don't actually dual-div. damage. Like you need lings or bains in front so that the marines need to run. This was an insane fight. There's still 16 larva, but I'm actually starting to believe. This was, this was world's worst engagement in the world. This was actually really, really bad. And now it's kind of over. 2-2, what is it? It's going to be 3-3 against 2-2. Or 3-2 against 2-2? There's 6 Ultralis. Is there Kaiton as plating? There's no Kaitonis plating yet. Are there marauders out? There's 11 marauders on the map. Army supplies 103 against 88. I love this. Look at this. Look at the situation that we're at right now. Okay? We have five lings, seven mutas, three vipers, six queens. Against 38 Marines, 11 marauders, seven medevacs, five mines. The priority here with an army advantage of like freaking 40, because there's a lot still, you know, in production. So we don't count that. It's to take out this extractor. It's a take out this extractor of the seventh base. of the Zerg or the sixth base. I don't even know how many bases the Zerg has. I can't count properly. It's like this is obviously not going to be our priority. Our priority is going to be to clean up a base or something or to scout what our opponent is doing or just kill, completely destroy our opponent. If we had stimmed in here 15 seconds ago, I'm pretty sure you would have cleared every single overlord here and every single drone and this game would now officially be over. Now with these six Ultras popping out in the near future, is there still still a possibility that this goes wrong. No. I don't think so. There's no Kiteness plating yet. The plus three has finished as well. So, no other should absolutely be destroying this. That was not the greatest bit of control there. All right. Well, the good news is that so far the Ultra hasn't done a whole lot yet. All of the damage. has been inflicted by the balings. On top of that, these smaller ultras probably would have done the same amount of damage if they were the bigger ultras because, well, you don't kite at all, you just stand still and you let yourself get surrounded from basically a full, well, 360 or whatever. I can't really, I don't know, the side angles are kind of being covered. Yeah, a 280 degree angle. You got covered. It's a nice little surround there. Mutas are going to end up dying. You did lose your momentum a little bit. Don't forget your opponent had a bang. That was fairly, fairly, big. You know, this is not a bank that's going to go bankrupt anytime soon. At least, I hope not. They have a lot of cash in there. $199 out of 200. 11 more drones. These guys are a macro machine. Five more queens. Also, also, why did you complain in the early game about queens? You hardly harassed. I completely forgot about this part. I was so busy with being confused. is that I forgot to mention that you're, you built three Helions, a Reaper and a Viking, and you kill two overlords. Like, that's pretty much what you're, like, what do you expect from these fights, you know? Like, I don't quite get it. It's an interesting fight as well, by the way. It's going to be partially of creep. This guy can use spellcasters. That is wild and diamond. This guy can't split. It does boost all of his metaphics away after the one matter of fact that was a parasitic bomb died. There comes the next parasitic. Boom! Just want to look at this. It's the most important. Boom. No more metaphics remaining. Half the army gets thrown away for free as well. We get another Stim. Still a pretty decent engagement for the Terran, given everything that has happened. Like, just look at the... Just think about what this fight really was. Like, what was this fight? The Terran was up two upgrades. Had a pure bio army, a Tier 1 army, fighting against a Zurb that was using spellcasters. Ultras, a freaking tier 5 unit. with the Kiteness plating upgrade and had banlings and there were no splits, no micro. And there was more supply as well for the Zerg. And yet, the Terran walks away with a part of his army. What more do you want here? Like, your opponent is out-tacking you, out-supplying you, out-echowing you. Do you feel like you deserve the win in these fights because you press the stim button or because you borrowed the mines all at the exact same spot? I don't quite understand. You say your opponent is just A-moving A-clicking, but I literally haven't seen a single split yet. This entire time, you didn't pull away the damaged met-effect that got parasitic bombed. You don't dare building ghosts because they're so difficult to control. Like you haven't used anything that doesn't require a-move. Legitimately nothing. Not one thing. How can you complain about the other guy A moving if it's all you do as well? You even mention in your form that the splits weren't great or they weren't brilliant or whatever it is that you say. Like how is this game still even, despite your opponent constantly being up five bases? The creature isn't brilliant anymore. The fights actually have been really bad as well out of the Zerg. This is a huge army now out of Tarrant, consisting of 26 marauders, 32 marauds. and six mines as well as six METAX. Two MataVX completely empty, so make that four MataVX. Cheeky little pickup here. Love to see it. Here comes an attack again. I do not trust this Zerg to take good engagement. I really do not. Oh God. Here come the mines. It's actually... Woo! What? You can't come. complain. If this is how you move your units, there's no way, dude. Okay, I want to show this again. What was that move? Okay, I don't mind the not splitting, but this? This is really pushing it. Look at what this army does, okay? Look, look, this army, I want to see this. Oh, I need to run away from the ultras and the bains. I think there was like mines in there as well that weren't burrowed. Hey, this is an absolutely low tier micro. Like, there's literally not a single split that has happened this game. Nice pickup as well, clean and smooth. It's like the... Wasn't there a lady a while back that they picked up with like a... with a helicopter? She just kept spinning at like high speed. Like... It's like that's just what happened to these marauders as well. They are being picked up and being safe. It's like, blasted by Bainlings, is that the metavex are just going back and forth. It's the saddest little thing. Yeah, there's no right. Now this game is truly over. I mean, the ultras are out still. You're going to get more banlings. There's no more eco at all to do anything. And Zerg just continues to expand. I mean, Zerg is so much better here. This Zerg has actually been much superior in this game. Like I'm, if this Zerg knew how to engage, even just a little bit, like how to micro-banelings, I think this Zerg would be legitimately a thousand MMR higher, like 900, 800 MMR higher. Like, the skill difference in this game has been so large. It's actually painful to see. Like, this is legit. Like, it's just so much better. Like, build order wise, like thinking wise. There's actually some cute things he was doing. Honestly, the fact that he's using Vipers, understanding what unit comps to get. The muta harass was kind of cute, I guess, as well. It's just the inability to fight properly is really ruining the Zergs MMR. So if you're watching this Barcox Zerg player, around 3.6, 3.7K MMR on the North American ladder. Please look at some replays. Move, command the banlings. This is a quick tip. Don't A-move them. You move, command them. Because then when they dial, though, I explode. so you don't you know they tank a little bit more damage as well it's really really important this is going to improve your game massively yeah gg i i actually don't know what to say you you literally you complain about the a clicking the a moving it's all you do you don't micro at all your build order was kind of balls your response was kind of balls your follow-ups were kind of balls you managed to win a fight here which never should have happened like finally enough moving out there in any situation and in a situation in which the Zerg knew how to fight would have been a very bad call because you would have lost that fight after that early game. So you made the wrong decisions, but they worked out, but they shouldn't have. So even your decision making was off. Even when you did things correctly, it was because you did them incorrectly. Or when things went correctly, they went correctly because you were making mistakes. Like you shouldn't have never been there. If that Zerg had any clue on how to engage, you would have been super dead in that massive fight. Like, I don't know. Like, I look at a game like this, and I think to myself, you either Terrans are truly deranged as just a species, or this is like I'm being, I'm being clowned on. You know, I don't think this is legit. I don't think the form is legit. I don't believe that you can watch this replay, and your takeaway is that is that Zerg is in balance. And specifically the ultra, those were the bailings that killed you. Against the ultra, you could move your entire army in a huge clump, which is what you want to do and just stutters that. But, I mean, this is just poor analysis of all went wrong. Literally everything is incorrect. And the Zerg did a lot correct except the fighting. So, yeah, then you lose. And you still almost managed to win. Like, I don't know. To me, this is simple, my friend. Ultras aren't imbalanced, but it is just. you who sucks and please don't write me again that's going to be it for me today thanks all so much for watching hope you did enjoy this if you did don't forget did the like button subscribe to the channel and i'll see all of you next time for a new video a cheer |
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"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_KvhReeMRxE/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | _KvhReeMRxE | Dear Harstem, as I have played thousands of games over the years, I do have the experience to pinpoint my mistakes that led up to a loss with high accuracy. However, I am utterly clueless as to how I lost this game. I opened up with the new standard double gas, and my following widow mine drops managed to kill 15 workers by six minutes. As a follow-up, I transition into five wrecks, deal with a little stalker harass, and then managed to take down my opponent's fourth base, as well as all of his important tech units. At this point, I'm already up 3K resources in trades and established my own third base behind it, though I could have been a little quicker about it, admittedly. I proceed to macro up to 8 racks, ghosts and 2 starports, while having two armies on the map to keep my opponent at bay. With good army control, I managed to get even better trades, 43 total probe kills and a 8.7k versus 15K or 1.5.000. resources lost at 13 minutes, which results in a 20 supply lead for me. Thinking I'm way ahead, I tried to end the game with a 2-2 push with ghosts and Vikings in the mix. I managed to beat my opponent's army, but the green super battery and constant zealid reinforcements barely save him the game. We both sit back a bit to build up our forces again, and with my fifth base established and 3-3 complete, I tried to end the game once again. However, I get absolutely blasted and eventually A-moved. Searching for the reason where it all went wrong, I asked my opponent as to how I lost the game, but even he was clueless. So tell me, Captain, how is it possible for Protoss to lose bases, tons of probes and crucial tag units over and over and over again, and still make the impossible possible? Could it be imbalanced? Or do I suck? yours sincerely VMG NARA and VMG Nara is a grandmaster Terran player on the European letter with 5,541 MMR at the time of his writing I actually know this fella quite well I played him a lot with my Terran, played him a lot with my off-race he's pretty good I'm very curious whether Protoss is imbalanced or if he sucks let's find out Whoa, look at that. It's not just VMG Nara, but it's also Enigma here in the game. Very young, I at least believe he's very young. Protoss player, not quite sure where he's from. Just know that he's pretty darn good. Played against him a bunch as well. I like this guy. He's a solid understanding of the game. Often realizes what the most standard way is to play, and he'll use that. He's kind of a standard player, I would say. Yeah, I think that's fair to say. I think I haven't played in much in Protoss versus Terran, mainly in TVT and in TVZ when I'm playing Terran or Zerg against him. Pretty standard as well. You know, follows the meta. He's one of these engaged up-and-coming players, you know. So you have players that play their own garbage, you know, they've been proxy touraxing or cannon rushing since the beginning of times, basically, since when Cleopatra was still alive. But VMG Nara is different. You know, he stays in touch with the meta-build. and he'll stalk the match history of Maru on Korea, that type of shenanigans. You know, he definitely knows what's kicking off at the high level. So, as he said, opening up with the two gas opener here, a very standard opener nowadays, which allows the Terran to get a faster factory while still getting that scouting information with the Reaper and having a reasonably timed command center to boot as well. So we actually will have to talk about numbers here. I know most of you are incapable of counting, but let's try anyway. So the standard timing of a command center in TVP with a 1-Rex, 1-GAS expansion is usually 140-ish. If, however, we are talking about a double-gas opener, this often gets delayed to 223, 224, 225. Now, with an SCV taking 12 seconds, we can do the mat there. So from 140 to 225, that is 45 seconds, divided by 12, and we get 102. almost a little bit more than three SEVs, 3.5 or something, 3.6. I don't know how it works. Around that number. So you have three less SEVs. And on top of that, the SEVs that you have earlier will not be capable of having optimal mining because you're natural, there's going to be a little bit of oversaturation in the main. So these are the disadvantages of the double gas build versus the single gas build. That is considered the standard or the old standard. just the most common build order in Terran versus ProDels. Now, what does that mean for this matchup? It means that NARA needs to do at least four or five workers, a little bit more actually, six, five, six workers of damage in order for this to be somewhat of an even game. Okay, so I just want you to have this background information, because often I'll get games from Terran players where they open with one base till the eight-minute mark, and they'll kill 35 works. like, oh, no, not win, my opponent lost 35 workers. It's like, well, it doesn't really matter if your opponent loses 35 workers, if you have 9 and a half workers, while your opponent has 12 and a half. You know, 12 and a half is still better than 9.5. So you always got to keep that type of stuff in mind. Now, all of that being said, of course, Enigma did open up with double battery because of this rather aggressive opener. He's not taking any damage, but that is still a somewhat significant investment that we saw here out of Enigma, the double batteries. What was coming out of Nara here? Fast minddrop seems to be the follow-up. So Reaper- Reaper into Hellion, which kills a single worker and then following it up with a triple mind-drop, I believe. That is a not completely uncommon opener. I've definitely seen this before. Yeah. It's actually hitting surprisingly late. I don't know why. Why is that? I think he might have messed something up a little bit in the build. Because this is the timing you would be hitting with just a standard one one gas expansion. Your barrel, your meta-vect will be hitting at what? 428, 429, 430? I remember a hero marine sometimes would hit me at 425, just playing with a one-gas expansion. This is really, like this is late. Even for a one-gas expansion, this would be late. Why are you late? So you basically have all the cost of playing the two gas and none of the benefits, except I guess double Reaper single Hellion attack. This hits at 445. This is a ridiculous timing. This really is a ridiculous timing. As a point of reference for the people that are not aware, if I am playing a standard blink order, a blink build order as a pro-lost player, a standard blink build order, which is not what Enigma did here. He got some fast sentry, it's some weird shenanigans. Not a huge fan of it. We'll get into that later. If I play a standard blink build order, my blink can finish at 4.30. I would have blink and sick stalkers. This matter of fact would never come in. This was a very poorly executed build order here in the early game. Like very, very poor. It makes absolutely no sense. Now, there is, however, an armory that went down, which means that these mines are invisible, and as the robo was a little bit delayed, it means that these mines get to shoot again. They'll get to shoot at least once more. I'm not sure if Enigma is, aware of it, he seems to be aware of it, kind of miscounted there, pulled away slightly too early. Do we haven't? Where did the mine? Oh, there's still two mines in here. He dropped four mines. Oh, that's probably why he was so late. He waited for four mines. That's kind of uncharacteristic. This is going to take out a bunch of workers. 15 workers total here. But what I'm really paying attention to during this time is the overall income, right? The income earlier was higher for Enigma. Now he lost a bunch of workers. workers, but it's still going to be relatively even, especially once he starts saturating this third base. So yeah, this sucks, but it's really not the end of the world. And because so many factory units were built, four mines, one helion, then a tank, Stim and combat are actually insanely late. This is not a normal timing for Stim and combat. These barracks have not been building any units. Look, we are six minutes in, and there are six marines out, and a Reaper from the early game, plus one tank, one raven, that's it. This is very little units, even for the build that he went for. I'm not quite sure where it went wrong, maybe the fast armory into... Vehicle weapons? All right. Let's ignore that for now. Maybe he's going to build a lot of things. I think the execution here of the build order so far in this game has been extremely subpar. I really mean extremely subbar. Too late with the Metafax. Improper follow-up as well. It seems like these tech labs are way to late. Stim and combat are hitting so late that by the time this push is going to hit, I think that Enigma can be on full saturation on three bases with good tech and with good infrastructure, which means he's going to be just fine. There's no supply at all for Nara. Nara should never be down in supply at this point in the game, especially not if he dealt this much damage. He opted for five wrecks as well, and five wrecks is interesting. It's actually very interesting. For a specific reason, is that I often believe that Terrans have no clue why they're playing five wrecks. And this is a conspiracy, the Harstom Conspiracy, that goes all the way to the top of the Terrans. I believe that most Terrans are incapable of counting, or just incapable of seeing what it does to a build order. 85%, this is a number I just made up, 85% of the time, when I see Terrence play 5 racks, the 5 racks hardly contributes to their push, their big spike push, basically, and they're better off building a 3rd C.C. So what I want to do this game is I want to see how many units will pop out of these barracks and for about how long did he delay his command center. So a command center is 400 minerals. Barracks, these two are 300 minerals. You include the Tech Labs. It comes to about 400. And he's been floating money this entire time. So let's just say that Naira was capable of building a command center about 40, 50 seconds ago. I think that is fair, right? He could have had a third base 50 seconds ago. Let's see how much these two barracks are going to contribute to the incoming push. Please do note that Stim and Combat are done right now, plus one. is done right now, this is the peak that Terrans usually are fighting for. So this would be the timing where as a Terran you want to hit with your first two metaphacks, which would have meant that the five wrecks would have contributed absolutely nothing so far into this push. Nothing. Nara, zero, niente. Okay? Just none. We see Enigma meanwhile adding more gateways because he's like, well, my opponent still isn't pushing out or eight minutes into the game. There's no third base. Like maybe I just, you know, macro up a little more. Can I get away with it? Yeah, I guess so. I'll build more stalkers, zealots. Freaking has a Colossus out here despite playing against the Raven. Not a huge fan of it. I think I would have preferred seeing Storm here, or just a heavier arc on count, slightly less stalkers. But I do appreciate the Coloss as well. And now we have a fourth base coming up the same time as this third. What have we seen? Is this the first unit? I think he built a marauder from here already. God, I should have kept track. Hamster cap track of how many units popped out. I'm going to guarantee you it won't be very many. It won't be a very impactful number. It's going to be like three or four units. Majority probably going to be Marines as well. Because he built a marine out of this. Now he supply blocked. And this command center, what did I say? It should have gone down at maybe 610, 620. It now starts 8 minutes in. So we're a solid 1.5 minutes delayed with our third base. I have less mining as a result. We're oversaturating stuff. We have less gas, which means that Ghost Academy, are going to be delayed, 2-2 is going to be delayed, all the types of SUV production will be delayed. Overall, a pretty crap situation. In general, this entire game has been crap. I don't even want to talk about the vehicle weapons, because my man started vehicle weapons and then swapped his factory to a reactor to start building mines. I literally have no words for this. Loses his raven without using the interference matrix as well on the colossus. So, So I criticized Enigma for building a Colossus, blink into Colossus against a Raven build, but perhaps if your opponent, if you know that your opponent has crap control, which Nara apparently has, maybe it's completely fine to build a Colossus. I'm okay with it. If you know your opponent can't control Ravens, go ahead, build Colossus. They're not going to get interference matrix anyway. It really doesn't matter. This is a wild thing to defend, by the way, if you're Enigma. Like, this is not a good fight for him. He... He's on four bases, full saturation. Like, he's bawling in life right now, okay? He's doing fantastic. He's owning so hard. He did not need to defend this fort base. He does it, lose a colossus sucks a little bit. Now it's going to be forced to defend in the main base. Super battery in there. So I'm going to hold this for sure. This fourth base is actually in a bit of trouble. Yeah. I think you honestly just give up this fort base. would have been the correct call here out of Protols. He's still in a fine, finish position because he has a lot of cash. He's just been outmining his opponent for the past, well, three and a half minutes. He's been up a base. He took 2,700 minerals a minute against 1,500. C.C. flies over finally. Took a freaking wild, didn't it? These fights are actually going in favor of Nara, which isn't a miracle, considering that Enigma has been floating a crept on the money for a little while already. I wonder why that is. He does have the correct amount of production. Must have just made some mistakes there. I don't actually think that Nara can finish this. And what did he say? What did he say about this in his thing? I actually want to read this again. I transition into five wrecks, deal with Stalker, Rass, and then manage to take down my opponent's fort base, as well as all of his important tech units. When he said important tech units, he meant the single Colossus that was there. At this point, I'm already up 3K resources in trades and established my own third base behind it. This is just kind of funny to me, because it sounds like he's proud of canceling his opponent's fourth base as like a goal on itself. Well, he was basically two base al-inning. He was five racks. His third base landed and started into an orbital at the 10-minute mark. Like denying a fourth base is not enough. This is like saying your, imagine your goal is to starve someone for whatever reason, okay? I'm not judging. They go into a restaurant, they order as a starter, small Caesar salad. eat it, order family-sized pizza for the main course, eat it, finish it. You're just watching there with your binoculars, you know. Order two servings of tiramisu for dessert. Chomp it all down, you know, still watching through your little binoculars. Might have zoomed in. Then they bring out the coffee. And with the coffee comes a little piece of pastry, you know, maybe a sand cookie or something. You see that? Throw your binoculars away, go in, smash the pastry out of the guy's hand, jump in it on the floor while you're screaming, you will die out of starvation, you will die out of starvation. This is kind of what Nara has been doing this game. He was so happy with denying a fourth base, while he didn't even have full saturation on his own third base himself. His opponent was bawling on like five gas, boom, boom, boom, money, money, money. He was struggling. He's still behind in army right now, or in just overall supply. That should never really be the case in TVP. usually Terran is up in supply, except in the rare case of a four-gate blink or a three-gate blink where Protoss delays his infrastructure to get a high supply counterstop the first push. But yeah, that wasn't the case here because this was a three-based blink build. So this actually never should happen. And especially not if Protoss also has good tech in this case of Colossus. And this especially shouldn't happen if you kill 15 freaking workers in the early game. It just shows that you're doing things incorrectly. Once again, Enigma completely outmining his opponent, three, four, five hundred minerals a minute, and it's been like this for the past five, six minutes. Yes, it's great if you're up, 3K in resources lost, but if you've been mining four or 500 minerals less, then that basically just makes you even. Ship weapons? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I missed something important here. I missed something important. This guy got ship weapons before he got a single ghost out. Now, this is getting your priorities all wrong. The ghost is one of the most essential things in the PVT matchup. Okay. It allows you to take away the shields of every unit that Protoss has, because ProDos only has units with shields, with a single click of the mouse. It is the most important thing. Ship weapons, ship weapons is like rituals hand soap, you know. If you have a lot of cash, if you can afford it, you can go to the ritual store and buy some rituals hand soap. The Ghost Academy is more like toilet paper. Okay? If you don't have toilet paper, your hands are going to smell. All right. Right now, Nara has smelly hands. There should be ghost in this push. There should be ghost in each army here. And this fight would be going fantastic. You have 2-1 upgrades against plus 2, you have decent splits as well. If there was a ghost here, I actually believed that this game, despite his earlier failures, would still be completely over. And the reason why it would be over is because Enigma hasn't been macroing so well. Because in reality, I don't think Enigma should be dying. But he kind of is, because there's no ghost in this army, for inexplicable reasons. My man went for the ship weapons first to build two Vikings. Didn't add these Vikings in the push, he said he went for a 2-2-timing push to try and kill his opponent. And he's maximizing damage output for a future push because he was still adding a second star port. Like if your actual goals to kill your opponent with a 2-2 push, you want that 2-2 push to be as strong as possible, and then you add Ghost because Ghost always make any push stronger against Prodels. There is no bigger power spike Terran has than when the Ghosts come out. So if you're trying to optimize some type of timing and you don't have Ghost, probably want to add ghost if you have more than three barracks at that point already. That tends to be the correct answer. It's not that difficult of a question. People should not be struggling with this, especially not if you're a 5.5k Terran player that is in the Grand Master League. Now, finally, we do have a couple of ghosts being brought in here to help out. Immortals as well being pumped out. Still a favorable situation here for Nara, who's loading a little bit of cash, can indeed put that money into these three-three upgrades. I love that. I think that is a very, very good call here. Despite him being relatively low Eco, 62 versus 56, getting the upgrades is almost always correct. Nice. Loses three Vikings before the fight really starts. Then attacks into the Super Battery. This is legitimately one of the worst fights he could have had. He lost six Vikings, and I think he killed three stalkers, so you have nothing against Colossi anymore. I... This is the type of stuff I don't understand. I just don't get it. This is potentially still a fine fight for Nara though. Can't probably chase through this choke point. Maybe you can? Holy crap, Terran units are good. Freaking EMPs, man. This is actually ridiculous. Oh, no super battery available. I guess he was up one upgraded. EMP is so strong. If there's no secondary splash, uh, no Disruptor, no storm, just colossal. I don't really cut it against high marauder counts. Holy crap. That was an insane fight. That was actually mental. Okay, now you do need to move back a little bit. Still have one EMP available. You can probably, probably just needs to run. Because Medavex also empty. Yeah. Oversaying is welcome a tiny tad. I feel like Nara's had like do. Do you really want to do this? I don't know about this one. There's no more ghost available and you have no more healing. So eventually TOS will just hold now. Often it's better in these cases if you cleared all the expensive tech units to just go back and you just build up again as the Tarrant player. Also probably could have built a fifth base at some point behind this. I wouldn't have minded that. Eco actually in favor at this point of Nara as well. I would just love to see a fifth base. And a couple of extra meta-vacs and just go again with 3-3 when you have 4-5 ghost. And that would be huge. Another cool thing that you can do in this case is to split up your army again. So a lot of Terrans, it's kind of weird. They often initially split up their army in two parts. And then once they put the army together, they feel like they can't split it anymore. And I think that often is the difference between high-level players and top-level players. The top-level players, they'll recognize in certain situations the use, A, of rebuilding minds, which right now I think rebuilding minds would be pretty sick. like observer count is low, there's no disruptors in this army, which means it's difficult to clear mines. And Protoss always wants to rebuild Colossi first as a robo unit. So mines would be great. And then splitting the army in two parts makes it really hard for Prolost to kind of split that up. If you have ghost in both armies, you have mines in both armies, that type of play can be so, so difficult to deal with. Honestly, so difficult. Flies this base over to be a fifth? Personally, not a use. fan of this move. And that is mainly because I think the money is here to construct the fifth base, make this a planetary, to kind of give it a, give Terran a more stable backbone. Now there's two bases that are very vulnerable to Zellat harass, which if there's two sides vulnerable to Zellate harass, Zillot harass can become a little bit too strong. It's really difficult to deal with if you're a Terran player without planetaries. Like the Zillet is extremely overpowered in killing SEVs, if there's nothing stopping it. There's no bunker here, no DECD, no DECD, depots, no sensor tower, no nothing. So yeah, this could actually suck. I'm following this up with Liberators. I'm not a huge fan of this call. Liberators are very good against high disruptor numbers, but they're simply not necessary against no disruptors. Like, the Terran army is better if there is no disruptors in an army. Like, it's just simply better. You want higher ghost count in that case, more marauders and Vikings to do with Colossi. This is a weird army in general. No units are being produced or hardly any. There's lots of cash in the bank, no extra bases. Why are we floating so much cash? Actually, there's an extra base. Why are we floating so much cash? I don't quite understand. There's not up EMPs in this army, is there? Didn't use one EMP there. Still gets a somewhat of a fight, despite 12 supply attacking a pylon and two zealots and his nexus. Still managed to trade almost even. like legit, what is this? Six marauders and a matter-of-act. Fourteen supply was not really in the fight. And that's pretty significant if your army is only 60 supply. It's like, there's like 25% of your army not really doing much. I'm still on okay fight. Why is there so much cash in the bank? Can we spend it? For the love of God, there's two starports made. You have a factory, just use your, use your stuff. Build things and build ghost. What is this? You have money for the toilet paper right now, my friend. There's no need to use the hands no more. These times are behind us. We're rich. Orbital here? Come on, just take a sixth. There's some weird choices here being made. Starboard unit count is extremely low due to just no production there for a long time. Ghost count is non-existent, which is a huge mistake. Like, I often say this about the ARCON. I think the ARCON is the most broken unit in PVT. By far, it is insanely good. It is cost efficient. It is supply efficient. It does everything well, except when there's more than a two-goes-out. The moment there's goes-out and you can EMP clumps of Archons, the AR-con becomes the least efficient unit in the entire game because it's made entirely of shields. 350 shields and 10 HP. Which means if there's three, four, five Archons in a composition and you can just pop them like balloons, that is 12 supply in Archons that you'll never see again. But that's not the case. That's a big disruptor shot. Holy crap. It was like 15 supply. You can't even chase this down the ramp. That was bad micro. That really was bad micro. Now the ghosts are coming out. Okay, I do like that. Now he wishes that this was a planetary as well. Can't ever break this if this is a planetary. It's impossible. So you can do things like base trade. Like imagine this is a planetary and you have a tiny army there that you can just send two metaphax across the map. No ghost here to use EMPs. You just shoot at his own MEDAX? Hello? What is that EMP? I often joke that it's impossible to miss, but... Okay. First EMP hits three stalkers. Second EMP hits... A sentry. an Rcon? Does it hit the Mettax or are they empty already? I can't even see. So two units there and that's it for the EMPs. Then there's not enough Vikings to deal with the Colossi. And then you lose the fight. All right. Yeah, I think like now Produs has won. It isn't the first time that Produs is up in supply but it's the first time that Produs is up in supply, but it's the first time that Produs is up. in supply. Whoa. You know, I've had this exact scenario happen so many times where someone asked me, how did I lose this? And Enigma is like, probably like 300, 400 MMR better. And Igma is thinking to himself, what do you mean? How did I lose? It's like, you're like half my ranking. Like I'm like rank, rank 30. Like rank 120 mate. Like we're not the same skill level. So just, I don't know. Because he doesn't really care. Nara goes, wow. Like it's some big revelation. Even the Protoss player doesn't know why he lost. Oh, that race must be way too easy. Oh, I love this. This is so good. Poor guy. Oh, no. So Enigma, finally admitting that Toss is imbalanced. Yeah, you can be serious, of course. This entire game from start to finish. This wasn't, I don't think it was good from, I think Enigma made a lot of mistakes. I really do believe that Prolos failed in multiple areas in the early game at the defense, spending his money at the early stages of the mid game. But nothing compared to the Terran, right? Terran just laid on the third for no reason. Barracks being added and then not going for. and all in, just overall build order being balls, just garbage. How can you kill 15 workers in the early game, go for a five racks, and barely be capable of denying your opponent's force base? Like, your build order is just not good. You don't have enough units, then. Your macro is off. Then your entire eco is garbage from like minute 7 until minute 11, 1130 or so. Take some good fights, but army composition often in. incorrect, ghost numbers too low, ghost being used incorrectly with bad EMPs the entire time, your Viking micro with the first push was garbage. The fact that you engaged into a super battery upper ramp, despite just being capable of waiting and going around, which you did later, then almost winning you the game. Like, there were so many opportunities to win the game. There were so many times where you basically had the game, then went a bit too deep, when the bit too far, or I don't think you actually can watch this replay and truly believe that Prothos is invalid. Like you lost to Archons in a game where you had five bases. That should tell the till. You can't lose to Archons. Archons disappear. They're free. If you're a Terran and you have a Ghost Academy, you have eight barracks with how many tech labs do you have in total? You have four tech labs, five. You have six barracks with tech labs. You have plenty of gas available and you have a Ghost Academy. Archons are a godsend. When you see an Archon, you thank everyone around you. You start praying and going to church again because you're a believer. once again. Like, Archons are a godsend. You want those because you click them and they disappear. For supply, boom, out of this game. Disruptors are way scarier. The fact that you lost to this in such a game tells me everything I need to know. And everything I need to know, my friend, is that you suck. That's just what it is. I'm sorry, Nara. Looking forward to playing you again on the ladder. All right. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. Hope you did. Enjoy this episode of Is it Inba or do I suck? If you do, if you did, if you do, And if you're still enjoying it, be sure to hit the like button, subscribe to the channel or check out more episodes of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? Thank you so much for watching and bye-bye. |
Who needs Ghosts against Protoss? It's IMBA anyways! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Yeah.... Not sure if that is how it works... LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lqqS5K3CJF4/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | lqqS5K3CJF4 | Captain, while it is true that Protoss struggles at the very highest level, meaning the top 30 or so people across the whole world, you cannot deny that at any level lower than that, Protoss is easy-peasy. It's so brain-dad to play that with mediocre skill, you can get to Grandmaster with it, and I will demonstrate that to you today. This game I play versus A Protoss, who is about 600 MMR higher than me, almost 5K. Naturally, I was nervous and made some early errors. At first, he thought he could troll me by killing me with mass adapt, but he underestimated me. We proceeded to have a very long macro game where I dominated him at every turn. For someone barely in Masters 3, I think you would be impressed how much of a fight I put up against his Grand Master. I was expanding, upgrading, multitasking, and micro-ing, completely outplaying him. But it didn't matter. His ridiculous, poorly upgraded A-Move army of carriers, Colossi and other nonsense was simply unengageable. The only game-changing mistake I made was producing trash lips instead of Chad Vikings. But even so, that should have been more than enough to close the game out against his pitiful economy. Please, Captain, I'm genuinely confused and tilted beyond belief. How did I not severely outplay my opponent? Do I just suck? Signed, I Vanilla, a Terran player on the European server, that is 4.3K MMR in the Masters League. And the question is simple. Is ProDol's imbalanced? Or does I Vanilla suck? And we're here to find out. All right, here we go. T.C. Ultimate, that's a player who I definitely do know, versus I Vanilla. Kisi Ultimate is a Protols that I often play on the ladder with my off-race as well. So fairly familiar with this fella, you could definitely say. He opens by scouting around. Just making sure he isn't being proxied and seems to be going for, what is this, 21? Okay, 21 Cybercore, a Krono boost. Wait, what? And then a Nexus at 22? I have never seen this before. This is a completely unique build order here out of 23 Nexus. I think you forgot about the next pylon or you're just going to get supply blocked here, no? Pretty significantly as well, may I say, but we're not here to look at our Protoss player. We're here to look at the Terran and our Terran is opening up with a reactor first. Now Reactor First is kind of a beautiful build order opener here. Ooh, single, yeah, single dude in gas. here while you're being scouted. I'm not a huge fan of this. So if you're wondering why I'm not a fan of showing this to a Protoss player that obviously has a brain, which TC Ultimate does, is because the moment you see something like this, the possibility of this being a factory opener is practically zero. And even if it is a factory opener, that factory is going to start so extremely late that it wouldn't really be much of a threat. Either your blink would be done or your phoenixes will be there or whatever it is your building is going to be in time. right now as a Protoss player you know it's either going to be a three wrecks or it's going to be a triple cc these are the only two realistic options after seeing reactor first into someone pulling out of gas so you're already showing giving way too much information away for free and you should never give away anything for free in starcraft two if you can you know sell it more expensively um also in real life of course never give away something for free that you can sell it's a good word that's why i always sell my uh my second hand product as well on things like eBay. Although, in a way, you're kind of selling your time for free to those websites as well. You know, no one ever shows up in time. Who are the people? I always wonder this. Who are the people that agree to a price online? And then when showing up to your house, decide that they try and knock off another two, two and a half or five euros of the price. This has happened multiple times. I'll be selling a lamp. or a chair. And I'm already selling it for too little. You know, this was a fine chair. I've used it a lot, but I took good care of my chair as well. And I'm selling it for 10 bucks. We agree to the price of 10 bucks online over, you know, the Dutch version of eBay. You show up to my house and then you try to pay 750. The problem with me is that I can't go through the hassle of saying no and I'm finding another buyer. So I always go like, yeah, whatever, 750. I don't really care enough. I just don't want to, you know, bring it to the trash myself. But people that do that are honestly evil. And if I ever become, you know, president or an authority figure anywhere, these people would be thrown into jail for an indefinite amount of time. But this is completely unrelated to this game. What is related to this game is the fact that there's no React here? This is a non-build order as well. What in the world is this? 13 Marines, 4 minutes and 30 seconds. This is world's worst. 3-Rex opener. Combat Shield is going to finish too fast. Tim is going to finish too late. This pushes hitting way too late. We're kind of in between a 3-Rex with Meta-V-X and a 3-R-R-X without Meta-V-X. I feel like you want to hit still before a Meta-V-X with this army, but you don't really have a lot of Marines. So for a little bit of context here, the current time reads 501. We have 17 Marines out. Now, usually at this exact timing, you would be across the map with about 18 Marines, Stim and Combat Shield done, and you'd be fighting at this point. That is a standard 3-Rex build order. Another builder you could be going for is for something like Metavax from a 3-Rex. It's not so popular because, well, kind of sucks. But in that case, you do want to get a faster eBay as well. So you're kind of in between two okay build orders and you mix them together and got something terrible. And that is often the case with build orders. Build orders are a lot like food, a lot like recipes in a way, you know? You have two delicious things, but you mix these two together. It doesn't necessarily create something better. Like if you have a mango salad and, let's say, a pasta carbonara, if you mix the two, you're not going to get a better recipe or a better dish. Most of the time you actually get a worse dish that kind of takes away the strength of each dish. Now, despite your early game failures, you still get some damage here, decent damage you could even say. You managed to cancel this third base, which is fairly frustrating for the Protols. And I think the reason why this happened is because the Protoss didn't believe you're still going to hit with a 3-Rex. So he probably made the read that you were going for a triple-CC. I mean, this scout now confirms that that's not the case. Although at the end, I'm not even sure if this is good for you. 86 supply to 67. No, I think it's really bad for the Terran. So, yeah, you made a crappy dish and the Protoss punished you for making a crappy dish. Protoss, uh, cosplaying Gordon Ramsey right now, calling you an idiot sandwich. And decides to move across the map as well. Is there a forge yet? This prolus built ars. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I feel like you can just actually shade on top of this army and win the game at this point, no? Is there really anything here? I think you just finished this and the game is over. Congratulations. Like, it's 15 adept. with glaves against nine marines and six marauders. There's no upgrades on this either. Like they're stim, but that's it. Double eBay's just get cancelled. Also an interesting move and then rebuild in the back. Now I want to get the logic of this explained to me. I... So let's just catch the scenarios. Like why would this be better? to be in the back than in the front. So the one reason why you wouldn't want them in the front is because they could potentially die against the glaive adepts. Now, the only way that glaive adepts could be killing the e-base in front is if the glaive-adepts are stronger than your bio-armie. If the glaive-adepts are stronger than your bio-army, you rather have the glaive-adepts attack the e-base than your main army. and thus leaving the eBay's in front is the correct call. If the adepts go back home, you also rather have the eBay's in front because they provide a wall for later on, and also you already started them, so it's more efficient with your money. Now you cancel it, lose 25% and you have to rebuild them in the back. Also, the building time you already did over here pretty much gets undone. So no matter what scenario I imagine here, the eBay's in front are better than canceling them and putting them back in the back. But then again, I'm only a brain-dead Protoss player who's where he is because of his superior race. So what do I know about this game? This is not a good fight here for Tos. Yeah, that should have been a recall probably a little while ago. And now, yeah, this is not... This is too late, mate. Yeah, good trade for the Tarrant. Protoss still pretty far up in workers. Is transitioning into Stargate Colosses? I have absolutely no clue what this build is. I... I just don't quite understand this. I've never seen this particular build order out of a toss. Was it like six-gate glaive-adapt without a forge? Into double Stargate, double-robobo Colossi Phoenix, no upgrades. This is a really, really bad build order in my opinion because you're investing a lot in infrastructure. That doesn't provide a whole lot for you any. The main strength of the phoenix is in the early game where it can harass and it can deal with Terran harass quite easily. So it feels like you're now investing in a unit as a Protoss player that doesn't really do anything anymore for you. So yeah, the Terran definitely is getting ahead further and further or at least getting back into the game because let's face it, he's still down 30 workers. How that is possible? I'm still not entirely sure. I mean, seven SEVs did get killed, but three workers got killed on the other side as well. So there must have been some very mediocre worker-person. production. As we see no workers being produced at this point as well. I haven't been paying attention to it, but I assume that in the past nine minutes, there have been a couple of, you know, holes in the constant SUV production that there should be, or the near constant SUV production. Armory is being constructed, so the focus on upgrades here is correct over saturation. And the main sucks, obviously, now we have worker production going on. But in my mind, if TC Ultimate here was playing any build that resembled a real build, this game would be over, just purely based on the worker production. Like, StarCraft 2 is a game where being bad at one skill can be quite detrimental for you in the game. And the thing about being a good player is that you're at least decent at every single of the important skill. You know, you know how to fight. You have a little bit of Map vision at least, you know, you know correct decision making, you know how to craft an army as well, but also just general macro. So building buildings, when to build them, how to build them, and of course constant SUV production. This also includes not getting supply blocks, so you have to build five depots at the same time. It's... What? Vehicle plating here. Okay. Interesting. I've never seen this as the first upgrade in Terran versus Protoss, but it is happening here. These units are now trying to get in here. Wanting to deal a little bit of damage. We got a good split out of T.C. Ultimate though. Sending his units towards the bottom while also keeping an army over here. Mine gets taken out a little bit of a move command out of I-Vanilla, or Ivanilla, whichever way you want to pronounce it. No battery here. This actually could be a fight that you might. might want to take now with this marauder count i think so might be something you wanted to take oh well don't mind waiting for two-two either ghost academy should be thrown down at any point fort base probably should be on the way they were still on a very low work account and a very late fourth base so not a huge fan of those things i vinela did do a very good job here denying all vision on the map so if you take a look here at tc ultimates vision he hardly knows what's kicking off here. Still going to send this disruptor forward. Ooh. Could have lifted up but didn't. That's life, I guess. Disruptor is going to fall down. Do you really want to engage this? No, I don't think you do. So have this army as well trying to run forward, but there's nothing really happening in the game. Like, you often need a distraction or some type of rotation. You can't just do the same trick five times in a row against the Grand Master player and expect it to work five times in a row. And this time he's actually going to get cleaned up as a result. Like, well, this is working a lot better than it should have, but still good cleanup here for TC Ultimate. This is something that I see a lot is where lower level players will just kind of keep headbutting the same situations over and over being surprised that it doesn't work. And as I say that, headbutting the same situation actually does start to work. So maybe I should just get my mouth shut until I saw it would have happened with this drop. Although this drop is going to get cleaned up. No, there's still nine phoenixes out. Marine count isn't going to be sufficient. I'm really surprised by the complete lack of upgrades here out of TC Ultimate. I'm not sure if he maybe has his own YouTube channel where he's doing challenges where he tries to not get any upgrades and win games. That is a distinct possibility. But, yeah, I'm actually not sure. Well, he's getting plus one now, so this doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Even if he were to have a YouTube channel where he did his own version of beating Remaster with stupid stuff, this isn't quite it. 60T is being warped in as well. For the first time, Eco is somewhat even. I'm still surprised that we basically have the same work account as we did for the past four minutes now, or at least kind of close in the work account. Eight barracks are up. Fifth base is going to be sent out here. At least, SUV is being sent out to be built. Still no ghost here. And, yeah, this is what I like to call an auto-cue Terran. Okay? This is a Terran that has a piece of paper next to his monitor maybe on the wall. Maybe it's in a notebook that's standing up against one of the glasses of milk that he consumes on a daily basis and these big jugs of milk. You know, it brings the entire jug upstairs or downstairs, I guess, because most of them live in the basement. And on that piece of paper, what does it say? It says his initial build order, three wrecks, build Marines, a move across the map, and then Marine Marauder, Mendevac, you know? And no matter what the situation is, no matter what the situation is, they will always go Marine Marauder Mettavec. Basically till the end of time. They don't really entirely know how to micro it yet, but they just try their best, you know. And it just reminds me of like a news reader that will read from the auto queue no matter what it says, even if it says do not read this before, you know, he'll just read out the do not read this out loud as well. It feels very similar here with this terror. Like, there's no... Like, let's just take a look here at the actual army compositions. Okay? We have 11 phoenixes, three colossi. Now, you could say this requires a response out of the Terran, maybe in the form of Vikings, maybe in the form of Liberators. Perhaps, yeah. Then there is a significant arc on force. There's a lot of immortals, and both of these units, and also just zealous in general, are usually well-countered by having EMPs. So we're already missing like two major unit counters in this composition from the Terran that just haven't been built. He's just really spamming one comp. And it's a low-cost comp that usually trades quite okay. But once you get closer to maxing out and you have these more sophisticated armies from the Protoss player, you really do need to mix something else in. So we have the Protoss actually going into a fleet beacon and a second Stargate here. Oh, sorry, third Stargate, of course. He already had two Stargates. I don't forget about, right? He must have lost one. Yeah, I did lose one. Nice. So he's rebuilding his second Stargate. The Ts are putting in some work as well. Disruptors going hard. Now, this is actually a terrible timing to engage on top of that because 3-3 isn't quite done yet. So we're fighting 2-2 versus 1-1 with a Protoss army that probably before this fight was also 2-3-3-3-1. maybe even 4K higher in gas when it comes to the army value. So I'm just not a huge fan of how Ivanilla is playing this currently. I am a fan of this though. This is a really, really good move. Also scanning and figuring this out saying, hey, this is an army that I can't fight. This army is way too large. It is way too complex. Why don't I just go for a base trade? And I think that is the completely correct call here. Keeps a significant portion of his army at home to try and defend or the lady other army and then with these bad boys just goes for kills on outside bases so if he ever ends up cleaning this up eco is actually going to be favorable here for ivanilla which i really really like i think this was a good call where did we just do a scan okay put a scan on top of this army now another thing you can do is you can come back with this army and kind of use it as a flank in general okay there goes a first hit on that disruptor goes down these disruptors all going down as well so three disruptors fall for free well not quite for free two marauders do end up falling, more mora rush going down, perhaps don't chase if you don't know how the micro. Still not a single EMP has been used, not a single ghost has been built. And now we're going into the Liberator. So the Liberator usually is a unit when the Terran is being pushed back and you want something defensively and eventually perhaps attack across the map with you get your advanced ballistics, you get your plus two ship weapons, you send a dropout and then boom quickly go across the map with 10, 12 Liberation, take a position and you'll never ever lose a fight in a million years. It's simply impossible. The Liberator is too strong. It's the highest damage output unit in the entire game, the highest DPS out of any unit. And fighting into a Siege-up Liberator is practically impossible if there's more than four, and they have plus two. It really is extremely, extremely difficult. TC Ultimate, however, is going to try. He still wants 72 workers somehow, but he's mining less because he only has, well, one mining base here, five patches over here, four patches over here. He's retaking this bad boy as well. And actually he's getting up his own upgrades. Does not have any air upgrades. But to be honest, the Terran also doesn't have brilliant air upgrades. One one right now. Plus one on ship weapons and plus one on vehicle plating. On top of that, there's not a single Viking, despite there still being four Colossi and five phoenixes, and now carriers also being produced. So really feels like, honestly, just any type of tech would have been great. Liberators are okay. I don't even mind it, but not having ghost is... I just can't understand that. The ghost is by far the best unit that the Terran has against ProDol's, right? Good Lord, this was a move and a half. Okay, this was... This was crazy. The only unit in this army that could fight this army, and he just sensed them in by themselves. This was eight liberators that just moves forward. If these phoenixes and carriers had just targeted it down, in combination with that one arc on, this game would have been over right now. Okay? That move was great. Once again, it just goes for it. Needs to be so careful. Can you just unseach everything at the same time? You just leapfrog it forward. Why are all your units so far back as well? Like, disruptors have a long range, but this really is pushing it, my friend. These units are just by themselves. Phoenixes could just go and deal with it. Like, everything is so far back. Now finally we get some defense of these liberators. We do get another split off, which once again is absolutely the correct call over here. Doing these split-offs is really smart against these kind of clumpy Protoss armies. Now, yeah, a brilliant thing that you do need to do is attack a base further away and not going for some type of flank here. I think that would indeed be the correct call. I'm not quite sure what this army is doing, but it's a decent chance it is going to end up dying. 163 supply to 197. Now we get a big move forward, Liberators, sieging up. On top of this arm, no. Move commanding away from this army. now taking out one Colossi and focusing down interceptors. Okay, now we get the siege up, but the army isn't really here on the ground anymore, I guess. So we unsege again and start fighting Phoenixes and then lose every single Liberator. But despite the weird moves of the Liberators, this still was a very successful engagement, right? The 171 supply against 130 tosses down in the resources lost by a significant portion. does hardly as any basis, now trying to get this bottom base, this 6 o'clock to do something. Gas needs to be saturated here for Terran, because that's the one resource he really is lacking, and continues lip production, rather than going for Vikings, still continuing with the Liberators. Now, do I mind this? Yeah, actually. Yeah, no, yeah, I completely mind this. If there's any amount of Vikings here, I think the game pretty much ends in favor of the Terran. And the reason for that is because there's no ground anti-air. All anti-air comes from air units themselves. And Vikings deal really well with air units, whether that's phoenixes or carriers. They do tend to suck a little bit against things like stalkers and storms or Archons. But a lot of that can also just be stopped by E&Ping still. Not a single ghost has been built and does not a single ghost has died. Do we even have a ghost academy at this point? No, we don't. important structure for the Taron, of course, isn't here, because why in the world Wuchu build a freaking Ghost Academy? If you can just continuously spam marauders and Marines, isn't that way more fun? Oh, that one's invisible. Actually, get a recall on the mothership. It's kind of cute and cool, but also pretty risky, honestly. I feel like you can fight this, no? Just A-move into it? There's nothing here. This is three carriers, or sorry, three colossi to fight ground. like marines are really good against carriers and marauders completely destroy everything on the ground here I don't quite understand what we're so afraid of this is also the peak of your army right now you know like you're maxed your opponent isn't maxed and you're maxed now now you're outmining your opponent why would you want your opponent to be capable of maxing out I I appreciate this this run by once more but I actually think a straight up trade right now or would just first of all I think you would win the fight even if you weren't to necessarily straight up win a fight, you probably get close to an even trade. Because that's what you've been doing so far in this game. You've been trading better than your opponent. You're mining more, you have more resources in the bank, and you have more supply. This is legit. This is where decision-making really comes in, right? If you know what to do, you're fighting. You're fighting a minute ago. You're fighting a minute and a half ago probably already, because you're not going to get better than this. Throwing down triple command centers. This is nice and it's definitely preparing you for a longer game, but... I think trading here just makes so much sense. Vehicle playing level 2 makes very little sense, and that is something that you are doing. So, incorrect calls here. I do like this move. Good Liberator harass. As every single Phoenix just got taken out, or majority of the Phoenix has just got taken out over here. Army comes back. How many carriers do we have? We have six without any upgrades. Don't forget that. So I just don't quite understand why we aren't fighting. Why aren't we fighting? Hello? Another thing that pisses me off here is that I'm afraid that the Terran is going to be running away from this army until he goes back to his own base. And the thing that often happens is that what Protoss wants right now is they want to fight on the Terran side. They want to win one fight and encamp your production. So you can't accumulate a second art. me. So they're basically saying, hey, whatever you have in the bank as a Terran at this point, I want to make useless. And the way of doing that is by attacking nearby the Terran main base and encamping the production because, yes, it's nice if a Terran has four or five, six-k resources in the bank. If you're killing them as they come out, it's not that useful. And if you start killing the production, then they need to start building barracks here. That never really works. So as a Terran, there's like literally every incentive right now. There's so many incentives just waiting for you to pick them up. It's like a daily freemium game. You know, you have like five chests that you can open up for free, my friend. You don't have to buy any new diamonds anymore. You know, this is it. This is your time to shine. This is what you've been grinding for. You know, it's all free until you have to buy more diamonds. But you're just letting them sit there. And that's a mistake. That actually is a mistake. Protoss is getting a bigger army here. Protoss could also wisen up and get some air weapon upgrades. but that's not quite what is happening here. Three more orbitals. Could start maybe sacrificing some SUVs to grow a bigger army. Maybe add a couple of production structures as well. So rather than having just eight barracks go up to 11 or 12, rather than just having two starports, go up to three. Like, there's a lot of things you can. Oh, wait, what? No. No. No, this is not good, is it? Is it? This feels incorrect. But you're going to be taking out your opponent's production. You're going to be fighting on your opponent's side as far as possible. Maybe it's not so bad. Seedrop in a position. Oh, recall. Hello? Set them up, set them up? Set them up? Or don't? Fight? This is a good fight. Produce. Now we produce. Wasn't a brilliant fight? I'm not sure what this Liberator is looking for. He's waiting for one of these fish to pop out. Shoot it, this guy's a hunter. It doesn't like aggression against the, you know, against the aliens. Doesn't mind shooting a fish. I think there's some fish in here, no? Sometimes you see one jump out. If you wait long enough, I swear. You can try this by yourself. Just go in the map and wait for the fish to jump out. Take a screenshot of it when it happens. And send it to me. And very curious. I'm looking forward to some fish screenshots here. shots here. Okay, now we see the production start again. Four meta-fax at a time. Okay. Some marines are being sent out as well. The orbital count is at eight, which means that vision should be good. You see this army? See this army? No. Loses all the marines for free. As if he's being sent over. So you know where your opponent's army is right now. And I think you need to kind of make a realization at this point. It's like, okay, I don't think I can fight this army straight up if I don't have the perfect army comp. So you can try and go around, maybe kill the side bases or have a double drop into the main base and your main army positioned over here. So when there is a major recall, you know, boom, you start attacking these bases with your main army. But none of that is happening right now. Instead, we're just sitting at home waiting for the Protoss to kind of move across the map, Protoss? Yeah. Very nice. 25 minutes and 30 seconds into the game, we get the air weapons, level one. Woo! Very nice. I mean, we only have six carriers, seven phoenixes and one mothership. That is beautiful. Mother ship's still chilling here as well. Actually with some energy to recall too, which is cute. Or to put a time warp not to recall. Could also recall. Has the energy for anything. Because there hasn't been a single ghost yet on the map, of course. Okay, here we go. Seize this army. Knows exactly where it is. So either you're setting up the perfect fight or you're you're going for a base trade. Or you stim your entire army, which only has six metaphacks, and take out these rocks at very high speed. That is also cool, isn't it? Okay, another scan forward? I am so curious how Ivanilla wants to fight this. Okay, scans the army? Does he want to fight this? I don't think he's sure himself. Okay, now he does. Now he doesn't. Now he does. No, he doesn't. He's moving back, so... Ooh, siege is up in the wrong side. Very cool. We'll lose every single liberator before anything happens here. Disruptor shots are empty, but losing those lips is actually kind of bad. He's just moving back and forth. Now the time warp actually gets cast. We're seeing a time warp here. Manor Mule? Sorry? Hello? This is not the time to type. So this was the game deciding fight. Politeness can wait till after the fight, my friend. You're running the hundred meters in the Olympics and you look angry at Bolt. You don't apologize during the race, you do it after you got the gold, my friend. This was a very weird. It once again, just fighting without the lips. Maybe he doesn't want the lips to shoot. Doesn't want pro-lose players to know how good they're really are? I don't quite understand it. Like over here, he felt like a guy that bought a ticket to go bungee jumping and then just looked over the edge. I was like, nah, that's too high. And then he was like, well, I paid 150 euros and looks over the edge again. It's like, nah, that's too high. Until eventually someone pushes him down, but his leg gets stuck in the rope and you get split apart, which, let's face, it isn't entirely ideal when it comes to the bungee jumping. It wasn't entirely ideal either when it comes to taking a fight against against this Protoss army. And now all of a sudden, ProDol is on your side of the map. And exactly what I said would happen is going to happen. You don't have enough time to actually remax. Don't continuously engage into this army either, though. You want to actually get your army back up. Why would you not wait until your next production wave? You had so much time left. Protoss still needs to walk up this ramp. Oh, he actually did build extra Starboard and extra barracks. That's nice. You can just wait for production waves. He's just sending in half an army after half an army after half an army. And half armies this Protoss can deal with. but oh my god you can't actually be serious G G G there was the ability to base trade still at any point as well he could have literally just walked around and tried at least and could have sent liberators to siege at individual bases like every fight that he took felt pretty poor and the only reason he won any fights was because of his superior upgrades ends up actually with resources lost higher than his opponent which is kind of sad because at the start that wasn't the case and he played his entire game without Ghost. According to a lot of people, and according to me, I think the Ghost is probably the best unit in the entire game. If you don't decide to build the best unit in the entire game, especially against ProDos, right? Every ProDos unit has shields. And also, Ghosts are just kind of tanky. They have a lot of auto attack damage as well. Like, I don't understand why you wouldn't build them. They're not difficult to use either. Like, you click anywhere on the screen and the shields just disappear, you know, the radius of the EMP is so ridiculously large. It is harder to miss than it is to hit. And then on top of that, it feels like you just make incorrect decision, like indecisiveness here in the middle of nowhere. Like, this is very little to do with the ease of protols. I actually think in the first eight minutes, the prolose completely destroyed you. Pure worker production, build order wise as well, despite his build order and being wonky, at least this build order was a decisive build order. You kind of played a middle-of-the-road in between a three-recks without starboard and a three-ricks with a quick star port. You hit way too late with your initial push, which dealt damage. It felt like the entire game is just you trying to go bungee jumping, but being too afraid to jump. There were so many times where you could have taken fights, and then you waited and waited until the fight wasn't good anymore, and then you were forced to take it because the toss started moving across the map, like my friend make up your mind at some point going grocery shopping with you must be a blast like do I want the tomatoes now I'm not sure it takes like five hours for you and then you walk out with nothing this is terrible this is this is nothing to do with prolos imbalance like the prox don't get me wrong I think the prox actually did play very poor and in certain ways you were better but when it mattered your decisions and your army compositions were completely off and in that case you just don't deserve to win some things were good but too many things were very, very bad. I'm sorry, my friend. You suck. And that's live. All right. That is going to be it for me today. If you didn't enjoy this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Talk? Be sure to check out all the others that I've done in the past. There'll be somewhere over here, over here, wherever we decide to put them. And I'll see all of you next time. Hit the like button, subscribe to the channel. And adieu. |
MY FAVORITE GAME OF ALL TIME!!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | It's official. We found the best game of StarCraft 2 ever played. This will never be topped. Forget GSL, forget Bronze League Heroes. THIS is peak SC2 entertainment! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/K04em2t5cGg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | K04em2t5cGg | The mines and nukes are overpowered. They seem to be able to kill anything and with a single shot. The mines are very cheap and yet cause a lot of damage. I started out with a probe rush like I saw on one of your videos, but I was unable to perform the duties, so I recalled to start over. After that, I went for a gateway man build. I saw hero use in one of the GSLs, but then I noticed he was going mines and tanks, so I tried to make observers. But the observers kept getting killed because of the Terran scans and the destructive properties of the mines. I decided to use disruptors to try and deal with the mines, but I was unable to get close enough to the mines to kill them. I decided my next choice of action was the colossus splash damage to kill the mines, but that's when I heard the nukes coming in and started to hit me constantly. So I tried for one last drop before I quit, and I was once again destroyed by mines. So tell me, as a fellow Protoss players, Is the mines and nukes imba, or do I suck? Name is Dark Echo that filed this balance complaint, a North American Protoss player from the Gold League at 2419 MMR. The question is simple. Are nukes and mines imbalanced, or does he suck? Let's figure it out together. And there we go. Dark Echo versus... What is this? Why? Why do I live? Why do I live to see this type of garbage? He just wasted 20 seconds of his probe rush to try and stack up his probes. And it took him like three tries. It's upon also with SCV scouting immediately. I mean, they're probably going to get in, I guess, because you can't see that it's multiple probes in. If you zoom in, you can't see it. but... This is so stupid. Why did it take so long? Why? I'm not sure if Hannibal Barsa just wanted to keep the one probe out or if we realized what was going on. And it accidentally hard countered the probe brush here. with 12 probes, got destroyed. Oh no, this is a lot of money that you're losing here. Somehow still up by a worker. How that happened, no one will ever know, but this is just a fantastic start. Goes in for the recall. I love that he stated this as well on the balance complaint for him. He said, well, I went for a probe rush in the early game, but it didn't recall. But it didn't work out, so I recalled, and then I had to start over. Like it was a minor thing that happened in the early game, you know? One minute. and 40 seconds of 12 probes not mining. This is like meeting your father-in-law for the first time. When you go in to shake his hand, you punch him in the stomach, you press a button that detonates his favorite car, and you pee not into the toilet, but right next to it, so he'll have to clean it up later. And then when he calls you out on all three of those things, you say, ah, sorry, my bad, let's just start over. Like, nothing happens. Like, that is not entirely how it works, meeting your father-in-law for the first time. It also isn't exactly how it works when you're playing a game of StarCraft. to. You can't just probe rush for the first minute and 40 seconds, get walled out completely by your opponent and pretend that you aren't down like an entire minute and a half, because that is literally what just happened. The best part about that entire thing was the the probes bouncing from mineral patch to mineral patch, trying to figure out how to do it properly. I'm a huge fan of this game already. Dark Echo versus Hannibal Barsa. Let's go. Factory finishes faster than the orbital command. This is also a rare scenario. in high-level play. But then again, I'm not entirely sure if this is high-level play. Well, actually, I'm pretty sure this isn't high-level play, as this is gold on the North American ladder. So this reaper is now going to, okay, let's just do the math here real fast. Okay, cybernetics score takes 36 seconds, and the fastest unit that builds is a sentry. That takes 23 seconds with a chrono, I guess, 10 less. So, yeah, you... At least for another 50 seconds, this Reaper... can attack the probes without ever being caught. You could literally focus on your Reaper for the next 50 seconds, not macro, and you'd probably kill 12 workers. However, Hannibal Barsa decides to go for a different strategy. This is the killer strategy in horror movies, rather than straight up going for the kill. They kind of just circle around, scare you a couple of times, you know, show their face behind the window with some weird message. He's predicting where it's going to. come. He's waiting for him. This is like playing Hitman when you've seen the route that the AI takes and you hide behind the pillar to then, you know, throw a blueberry muffin at them to knock them out or something like that. This is fantastic. Oh, this is one hell of a game already. Second factory coming in. This is all of one bay still. Armory as well. And in eBay on all the upgrading structures, of course. Makes sense. Raven. Is this the first unit that he built a Raven. Classic Raven Rush moment here. So despite all of this, I think Dark Echo is, I don't want to say that he's ahead, but it's not behind. I mean, it's up in army supply. He's an army value. Four army supply against two. There's a second adept on the way. Yes, his deck is a little late. His bone already has two factories, a starport, and look at this. He's trying to recreate Mickey Mouse over here with depots. Hannibal Barzai is not the greatest depot artist in the world but he tries his best okay this is definitely a Mickey Mouse you can see the ears over here this is like his nose and this is the head and this is part of his body with a good imagination you see Mickey Mouse here as well anyway mine's coming in siege tank as well drilling claws over halfway done Stargate on the way okay classic moves here Stargate and this is one of my favorite things to do as well is whenever you're building buildings is to completely cut worker production. Because getting a better economy is for losers. The best thing you can do with your money is spend it rather than invest it into your future. Take note kids, this is good advice here. Write it down on your iPad or whatever you use. You know, I actually much prefer writing things down in a in a notepad rather than on an iPad or anywhere else. I just can't get used to it. You know like online note taking or like a digital not taking isn't good at all compared to, you know, just writing it on scraps of paper. The problem with paper is that even if you write in like a booklet, eventually like the booklet starts to rip because you throw it around. Ideally you have like something you can write on with a pen and it stores it. That would be nice to have. Like a digital book, but really with a pen, but then it's too expensive to throw around. So it also wouldn't work for me. God, life isn't fair. I'll be sticking with my scraps of paper that I lose for now. Anyway, enough about note-taking. We have, what is this, seven mines in the main. A Liberator as well. One Oracle is out as the double adept makes its way across the map. That's very exciting. Oh. Oh. It's a big circle around here. Is it being controlled or not? Oh, adept's get in as well. Surely you don't want to finish that. Again, someone that's on one base. But maybe you do. Okay. Orocco comes in, sees a turret. It's like, hey, I think I can fly into that. Good indeed. Flies into it. Goes back. It's like, hey, turret's still there, but maybe... Oh, Stasis Ward. It's actually kind of cool. How fast was that response out of a gold player? Okay, none of them are burrowed. No! This was wrong. This doesn't make any sense. I don't even think gold players know what goes on when a stasis order. This is the first time that Hannibal Barsa has seen a stasis. I think what happened here is that this worker was ordered to go to the mineral patch, but Hannibal Barsa misclicked and accidentally clicked where the stasis is building. See, I think it, can we see the arrow somewhere already? I need to go further back in time. I think this is actually what happened. Is that he already, this dude already has an order. I don't think it's going to be selected. I'm going to keep an eye on it on whether it's going to get selected. I think, oh, now it gets selected. Wait, it actually is selected. Ah, but now it isn't. Wait, I need to turn the camera, Kevin. Okay, look at this. Can I keep an eye on this worker? This is... Yeah, okay, it wasn't on purpose. It wasn't on purpose. I was thinking, right, this is a sick response. Like, high-level players struggle with that. This was a coincidence. Almost made him look like a top player here, Hannibal Barsa. Loving the build order, by the way. cheeky little SUV pool. No, going back home. Didn't work for my opponent. Won't work for me. Maybe he doesn't understand what a worker transfer is. Is this you only need the worker transfer when you're truly oversaturated? Right now, it's 24 workers against 38. These 24 workers on two base. Like, you can barely saturate your main base if you get your gases up. What do we have down here? Okay, we have 38 work. This is actually really good ego right now for, okay. For dark echo. That's beautiful. So here comes the Gateway Man build he was talking about. He saw Hero do this in the GSL. Now the day you see Hero execute this particular build order in the GSL. Is the day I'll quit playing StarCraft 2 because it means the GSL is completely worthless. This has not been a very good build at all. Okay, Oracle throws Revelation down. Stalkers, outrange minds. This is easy. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. There we go. Yeah. Three mines cleared up. I don't quite see the imbalance here when it comes to the mines, but maybe I'm the idiot. Oh, lost all four. It's actually also impressive that you managed to send one Oracle to the one mine and the three stalkers over here. So just lost everything that you had, literally every single unit, except this bad boy. But I guess that's about to change as well. No, just one auto turret. Okay, double observers in production. You already have detection, though. He specifically stated that he started building observers, but he already has detection and knows how to use it, because we've just seen it. Ghost has a follow-up? This is one hell of a contain. This is actually one hell of a contain. Look, it is mine liberator. I wonder if there's a counter to this. I don't think anyone has figured out the counter to this quite yet. Okay, three more stalkers coming in as well. Observer sees this. That's interesting. Sees the Raven and Siege is up. So far not a single... Not a single observer has gone down. That is a problem though, this Liberator is protecting the mine. This is double siege basically, you know? The mines are protecting the Liberators and the Liberators are protecting the mines. And then the tank starts shooting this pylon. While these mines also protect the tank. God, it's like overlapping circles. This everyone is helping everyone. helping everyone and the proto is stuck in there in the natural. This is exactly what you don't want. Oh, hi. This is also quite what you don't want. The funny thing is that sending in small amounts of units here isn't actually better than sending all of your units. Because the only thing that shooting is the Liberator. And the Liberator doesn't have splash. It only shoots one unit at a time. So if you want to break out, you need to go with everything, not one by one with six different units. That would actually be bad. Now, there are a couple of answers to this. And we can discuss all. all of them. Let's actually do this. Let's have a little game of... Oh, there goes that one observer actually. Orkel is still alive by the way. So the detection is not a problem. Anyway, let's play a little game that I like to call, what could we do? In which we go over the options of what we could do in this particular situation. Now the first thing we can do is absolutely nothing. We could keep the status quo and that would be good. We're up 14 workers currently, you're investing into better tech, a lot of gateways, blink is on the way, you don't have to break this right now. You don't have to break this in the next three minutes, because your opponent is not outmining you as a planetary at their next role and is building generally crap units. So if nothing happens in the next minute and a half, Double thumbs up for you, Dark Echo. You're going to be just fine. Now, the second thing you could do is build a prism, counterattack and win the game because there's nothing at home. Another thing you could do is once blink finishes, you blink down over here, counterattack with your stalkers, blink into this main, you have observers anyway, and you still have an Oracle as well that can provide detection and high ground vision. Also fine. Another thing you could do is blink down with your stalkers over here and start clearing the mines in this area because there's nothing to protect the mines. Another thing you could do is one, Once your blink finishes is run into the circle, then blink past the circle, clear the liberator, then the only thing left is the mines. What are we at? Like number five or something. Another thing you could do is wait for your robot weight to finish, get a disruptor out, and start shooting with a disruptor at the mines, and then eventually blink into the Liberator and win the game. You could also get units from your Stargate fly around with a void ray, clear the Liberator, then the only thing left here is going to be mines, and you can clear it as well. There's a lot of things we can do. I don't even think I've quite exhausted the list, but I don't want this entire episode just me focusing on a moment that happened 10 minutes and 19 seconds into the game. These are things that we could have done, or that we can do still in this moment. Another thing we can do is move commanding down this ramp into the Liberator to clear it and losing all of our stalkers in the process. Technically not even that bad, because the only thing defending the mines right now is gone. And as I say that, a tank shows up. Okay, actually that wasn't great then. I take back what I just said. That sucked. Now, if only, there was a type of unit that could go around, like a blink stalker or a void ray. And we capable... How many more units? No way. I was great. That was actually fantastic. So a little bit of context again, right? These mines have been here for the past, I want to say six minutes. They've killed multiple units, most mines at least. So rather than sending something out to find the mines or blinking down into a safe area or checking whether the area is safe, because once again, the Oracle is still freaking alive, so you can cast revelation on areas, jumps into the area where he knows for sure there are mines, is shocked by the revelation that mines indeed are still in that position, after being shot at, waits three more seconds, and it's like, wait a second, I need to get out of here before the freaking 25 second cooldown of the mine goes off and recalls out rather than just clearing these two mines now that they have shot, or clearing every single mine, because don't forget, you still have the freaking revelation here with the Oracle, But I guess this recall, at this recall, does provide good comedic value. Holy crap. This is a fantastic game to watch. Okay, these, uh, is three immortals out. Liberate. I thought I saw a Liberator on the way. Yeah, there we go. Liberator about the pop as well. Liberator's a real issue. What is this? Hannibal Barza? Tourit, of course. And a nuke. Now we're talking. I love that this Tudit is also being defended by the, by the minds. Once again, we have that defensive overlap here. of the mines and the liberators and the things. Oh no! Can't believe this mine is still here. Who could have known? It's only been a minute since I last flew into it with my stalkers. You go, what? Is this how he's going to deal with this? This doesn't seem entirely brilliant, does it? I feel like this is a setup. There's no way these types of games actually happen. Like this... It just doesn't exist. But then again, you wouldn't be capable of thinking of this either. It's too good. Like, only reality can be this dumb. But it is hard to believe that this is real. No? Triple sensor tower on the way as well behind this. This is great. He's just surrounding his opponent. This is the ultimate contain. This is the ultimate contain. Orbital in the main. No gas mining anymore from these refineries. I love it. Two disruptors. Shooting those turrets, of course, very important. The amount of air units that you have, you wouldn't want a turret ruining your day. The best part is that it isn't even a full container. The prism can still fly around. Disrupts coming. Okay, here comes the nuke. Warps into the nuke immediately. I think he sees the dot, doesn't he? I can't think is a red dot. Now I'm going to deal with you. Cancels the robo units. Like, nuke's don't work on units that are being produced. You know that, right? I think he cancelled because of that, actually. I'm like 90% sure. Okay, here comes another disrupt shot. Hit nothing. Come on, shoot the next one as well. I want to see it. Next nuke. He just keeps getting nuked. This is great. Come on, shoot it. Observer. Hey. Don't forget, Oracle is still here as well. I think you completely forgot about the Oracle at this point. Disruptors, by the way, could probably clear every single mine here. Could clear these mines on the sides and these four as well, I think. Putting them in a prism? What's the plan here? Oh, he's going to take out these mines from the side. Okay, so we have learned. We've learned a lesson. Nice. three minds at once. We're clearing up our third base. Now, nuke into the next row. This could be painful, but we also still have the Oracle. Oh yeah, moving to the dot. What is the thinking here? Oh, I'm getting nuked by a ghost with 9 HP. Let me F2 move command, my entire army, into the setup that I've been avoiding going into this entire time. Look at this. No thought at all, no revelations, no nothing. The Mind Splash actually killed the ghost. Then the disruptors in the prism fly in, face first as well. You know what the worst part of all of this? this is? Is that the game is still winnable. It isn't over. 3,700 resources. 3,800 minerals, 1,200 gas. My man could be transitioning into carriers or tempest, could be flying around with a mothership and recall on the opponent's main base, could fly around with a prism and take seven bases somewhere else. And this is my favorite part. I saved this, okay? I saved this. I read it already. in the imbalance complaint form. I'll read it out loud again. I decided to use disruptors to try and deal with the mines, but I was unable to get close enough to the mines to kill them. I decided my next choice of action was the colossus splash damage to kill the mines. That is just a great bit of logic there, okay? That's a, and I saved this because I knew it was coming. He said it in the form, but I didn't want to call it out yet. Disruptors have more range than colossi. If range is your issue with the disruptor. the Colossus isn't going to fix that. This is as if you're missing everything with a sniper rifle from a distance. And then you use a shotgun because you, well, because you think that's going to have more range for whatever reasons. Like, no, it's the opposite. You know, it's not the case. The Colossus isn't going to fix your range problem. Oh, nice move. Oh, actually, almost. No, this was a nice move. I wonder if this could have been done five or six minutes ago. Maybe. If that would have been a correct look, there's nothing left. And that's all it took. Well, there's also nothing left for the toss now and that you walked into every mine anyway. Oracle being rebuilt. Colosses on the way, nukes are hitting. This still technically isn't game over. With the level of play that we're watching, if you clear these mines and you double expand, you're still up in workers almost. Almost. Almost up in workers. Not quite, but almost. We're getting close. Really close. Colossus does outrange mines. So now you can go in. Hey. That feels good. A final stalker also died. That's also real nice. What if he's going to move forward with these mines? Try to go for the kill on the Colossus. I don't think so. Come on, Colossus. Hello. Hello. Triple Colossi at that time. Lovely. Isn't that lovely? What? What is this? We know they just moved there. We saw them unburrow and burrow. What is this? And then after not seeing anything, you're like, ah, mine's probably gone. I don't see him anymore. You lose your Oracle, five, six stalkers. Also kill the tank with splash. I feel like the mine splash has killed more units than you actually have here, Dark Echo. This is a ridiculous game. Triple Colossi coming out still. Couple in Q as well. It's still not over. I'm telling it's not actually over. This game is completely playable. Like, yes, it's not great, but... Is it really that bad? Nuke in the main base? These nukes in the main is also are not good. This actually is going to run out of energy. Of course, you can be... you can't know that, but it's fairly unfortunate I didn't spot that. Okay, Observer being built once more. Gravitic drive. Yes, the issue with the observers so far in this game has been the fact that they haven't been quick enough. They didn't quite rise to the occasion when it came to speed. This is so ridiculous. This entire game is just stupid. Colossus also came walk down. I forgot to put that in one of the options. Couldn't walk down with Colossus and started clearing this. God, there were so many things you could have done. He lost the observer again. Probably because he didn't have the observer speed yet. If he had the observer speed it would have been capable of maneuvering away from these mines at a way higher pace. I still think this is a winning game honestly. Like supplies are so close and so much cash in the bank. Like all you need to do is superactivate the battery. Wait for your observer, which surely is on the way. Hello? Yeah, it's here! The observer is here. here. Clear it. Then you clear this, then you clear this. There's a single, there's no, no tanks anymore. This is it. Hello? What? No. I love the in the end, everything comes together beautifully, like a symphony written by Mozart over here. Oh my God. How is it possible that every little thing that Hannibal Barsat did in his game was completely perfect? is the ultimate player. I've never seen something like this. How many nukes have we had? Can you see? That's how I think? At least like 10. 10 nukes and constant mine aggression. And then it ends with this mine, killing a prism that is carrying a colossi for whatever reason in the world. I think this might actually be my favorite game of all time. I don't think I've ever seen a better game. This was so stupid. Double-p... Why was the follow-up here? Two prisms? What was the plan? I'm just so curious what the plan was, because I don't get it. Was he going to fly three colossi across the next? He could have just walked down as well and used an observer to clear this, then walk into his opponent's main base. This game was beautiful. Were nukes and mines overpowered? No, I don't think so. I think you had all the tools to deal with it. Every single time you just didn't do it. I freaking love this. I actually freaking love this. This was so good. They think this might be the actual game of the century, the game of the decade. I want more games like this. I want more. Before I forget it, Dark Echo, you literally did everything incorrect. Even after you left, I still think you could have won because you had Colossi, you had two observers with Observer Speed at this point as well. So you definitely could have cleared these mines down here. There were really no units for your opponent that killed two Colossi. like one tank probably isn't going to cut it one raven is not going to cut it and mines can't really run in and start clearing colossi if you have any type of micro so I think you are still in the running here but I can understand that you left for such a frustrating moment where you lost your prism colossus that was going across the map 18 minutes in but yeah you definitely suck but you've given me more joy today than I've felt in a long time this is great holy crap what again yeah you suck It's insanely hard. Mines and nukes are definitely not that strong and they never should deal with this in my units lost. 17K to 8K. You lost double the resources against someone without any units. Just mines. You lost the static defense, basically. That is great. I love this. Well, congratulations on that loss. Very impressive. I hope that you can replicate this again in the future. If you can, please send me more replays. You have like a... I'm going to put a priority stamp on a priority label on everything you send me. Whenever I see the name Dark Echo in my inbox from now on, God, I'll start drooling already naturally. You know, saliva production increases because this is a tasty, tasty game. If you also enjoyed it, don't forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel, and hopefully I'll see all of you next time again for more beautiful games like this. And yeah, thank you. And adieu. Thank you. |
WHY ISN'T MY HIGH USELESS APM AUTO WIN??? | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | APM - there are a lot of myths about it. How important is it? Does higher APM really equal a better player? Or is random hotkey-spam with rapid fire actually a waste of time? Well, it is. But don't tell the Zergs! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1bbOjgLuU98/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 1bbOjgLuU98 | Dear Captain, I am here to complain about the cancer that is Mack Terran. In this game, I believe I massively outplay my opponent. However, because he plays Mac, he is able to play with half my APM and no army control groups and still collect his win. I play versus my opponent frequently on the ladder and know he likes to play Mac, so I open up with a two-base roach push that puts me miles ahead. We enter the midgame where I maintain the lead, and while I agree I could have gone up to 88 drones earlier, I figured because of my lead I should be able to kill my opponent rather than play a long drawn-out macro game where we mine out the map. I trade fairly effectively in the midgame and still feel like I am in a considerable lead. However, because Mac is imba, my opponent can just F to his army around and stay in the game. Meanwhile, I have to use three control groups and multiple spellcasters just to stay toe to toe with my opponent. I misclick my investors once in one bad engage and throw the game. I believe this game is evidence that Mac Terrans play with inflated MMR due to the imbalance of the play style. While I know that a better Zerg would have beaten this player, I feel that below the highest levels of play, Mac is imbalanced in favor of the Terran. So Captain, is it Imba? Or do I suck? This was sent in by Ludo, a North American Masters Player at 4,5007 MMR. And the question is simple. Is it Inba or does he suck? And we're here to find that out once and for all. And that brings us to Neo-Humanity Ludo. In the top left as our complainer, Zerg player. and the bottom right we have fear are Macing Terran who's apparently a well-known Macing Terran you know this isn't a one-time offender Fear is one of these guys who terrorises the latter at his own MMR I know them very well you know you have these players that have one style or one build order or one specific thing they're insanely good at and most of the time they're also just really good in a single matchup which makes it even more frustrating fear is the guy that has an 85% win rate in Terran versus Zerg and 23% against Protoss because Mac doesn't work against Protoss. So his actual TVZ MMR would probably be way higher. I still absolutely wish that at some point we would have like race-specific MMR, not necessarily for matchmaking, but just to see how your different matchups kind of line up. I'd be so interested in that. There's probably ways to figure it out, but pure win. rate just doesn't quite cut it. You know, I'm sure there are different ways to get to it and I'm sure some guy could write a smart little script to figure it all out, but that is not going to be me. And it's also not going to be Blizzard as the intern has lost the key to the server room. So it's untouchable at this point. Nothing can be done anymore. We have a nice hatch first into, what is this, triple depot? It is this. I'd be a little bit frustrated as well if I were a jerked player. What was this opener? Oh, this was gas fur. No, this was gasless barracks. So this was barracks into command center. This CC is way too fast. Like, how is this possible? So the CC is way too quick. And then double gas in order to make up for that late first gas, basically triple gas. Now, Ludo opens up with a roach horn. He even specified this as well. He said, I open up with a two-based roach rush because it works very, very well against this specific player. Well, good old fear over here. It's a good name as well, fear, I think. Just a powerful, it's like fear, scary, angry. Those types of words. Always Terran players that have them. It always pisses me off. It's definitely a guy that instills fear in his opponents as well. If you have to pre, like basically blind road rush here, that's usually not a good sign of your Zerg. Now, six roaches are coming out and it should actually deal some damage. There is a tackle up on the way. on this factory but there's not going to be any scouting because it's just four marines or three marines no reaper whatsoever there's no blind bunker this is a lot of gas this does not seem like a very well thought out build order at all out of fear honestly it feels like he has way less supply than he should have it feels like he has way too much gas and he's building a blind tank though now i'm not entirely sure that if your opponent is a blind tank enjoyer if rushing roaches from two bases is actually the optimal blind counter. Like, if anything that feels like the opposite of a blind counter, no? The tank is the counter to the roach. So it feels like you're just walking into a fist here. It's like saying that the blind counter to someone hitting you in the face is by moving your head quickly into the direction of their fist. Like, this was not actually good. You killed nine workers, 10 workers, but this wasn't a blind counter. You accidentally broke your opponent's arm by headbutting their fist. That is not a very good idea, just because it worked out doesn't mean that it should have worked out. Not a great start. Not a great start when it comes to the intelligence ludo, however, a great start in the game. And that is what we're looking for. But, you know, we have to scribble the notes in the side, you know. You just gambled an answer in mathematics. You know, you accidentally got it correct. That works once at an exam. The most important thing is the methodology that you use. It's what I've always learned. It's always the most important thing. Second Starport on the way as well. This seems to me like we're going into two Starport battle cruisers. For which we also have way too much gas, right away. 600 gas, 400 minerals. Not a huge fan of criticizing opponents, but Fear might get his win rate up to 95% if he gets an actual build order rather than the monstrosity that he's currently playing. I'm impressed that he gets up to this MMR. Like 4.5K MMR is actually not that easy to get. And with a build order like this, it's impressive. You know, it actually is impressive. But you're going to have a lot of hard times. Now, I said that this isn't the optimal build order. against something like this. What would be the optimal build order? I hear a lot of people ask right now. It's like, oh, Kevin, you just make fun of him, but what should he be doing? Well, actually, you could just drone up. There is no pressure coming out for the first six minutes. If you know that this is what your opponent does, you could probably go into three bases, rush out a spire, get corruptors out, and be at like 85 drones at the seven minute mark. Like there's no helions on the map and there's not going to be two on one pressure. So if you know, that your opponent plays this, you could spit, you could skip, you could skip speed, straight into layer, pure drone, pure queen, you get like eight queens, blind sports for the moment the battle cruisers pop out, and then at this point you could be building your first 12 corruptors while you have infinite amounts of workers as well. You defend the battle cruisers initially with the queens and then corruptors come out and you win the game because you're so far ahead. Instead of that, you lost, well, or you build a bunch of roaches who are still ahead, who still are still alive. But you also got link speed, which is probably a mistake, if you know your opponent doesn't build halions. Even adding more roaches in, after scouting what your opponent is doing. Now, just have a look at what we just scouted. All right? We see a barracks without a reactor, without a tech lab. We see a factory with a tech lab and two starports popping out battle cruisers, because you have seen the fusion course. So you know, you literally know everything that is going on. Your response to all of this is to continue your plus one melee upgrade rather than getting a plus one range first. To get out three more roaches, despite there being no ground threat to you whatsoever, like what's he going to do, move across the map with a tank and two marines, very unlikely. Even if he does, you still have the four roaches and the eightlings from earlier, as well as one ravager. What you want to be doing right now is pumping drones and queens. You are pumping some drones, but you're also. also pumping roaches. That's incorrect. You don't want any more roaches at this point. You want drones. Three spores is really pushing it. Like this is an expensive hobby. Adding this many sports. This is what one to five. That makes seven. And you have two in air. That's nine spores. That's really a lot of sports. You don't even saturate this base. You just wasted three drones defending a base that you don't, you can't even saturate yet. You can't even saturate your third yet. Like, Okay. It's a classic tru- this is... This type of thing is fine to do for Terran players. If you have 35 orbital commands, you know, you drop three mules. If you're on two orbital commands, on 47 workers, that is a significant portion of your potential income that you just threw away. Every single mule, don't forget, is worth 225 minerals. So yeah, that was pretty darn expensive. That was pretty darn expensive. Still fine harassed, by the way. Ludo actually massively struggled with this. What? Now this makes no sense. We have 16 larva, 14 larva out, okay? 1K in the bank I saw the 1K in the bank and immediately I got to ah my man forgot to inject no quite the contrary my man didn't forget to inject he has been injecting has 14 larva available but just isn't using do this get count already I got count already okay so 14 larva this makes no sense getting the larva is the difficult part for Zerg that is the macro the macro isn't building units like it is with the other race where you have to switch to different buildings. No, the macro is the injecting and then you build with the larva. This is like, it's actually difficult. Injecting is hard and now you're building the 14 drones, but it's a little bit late. I feel like these, how long have these larva been here already? I kind of want to figure it out now. 20 larva are out at the 7 minute 30 second mark. Look. And they just stay there. They're just sitting there. Not being used. Now you're supply blocked. does it take you to spend this money? 7.30, it started. It probably started even earlier. I mean, he'd been saving them beforehand already. It's not like you get 20 out of nowhere. It takes more than a minute to spend 20 larva. More than a minute. Way more. Look at this. Okay, here we go. 838, finally. This is insane. This is, like, getting this many larvas actually quite difficult. This is like finishing the Ironman triathlon. Injury-free in a perfect. time, like seven hours or something. I don't even think that's possible, but seven hours. Then walking to your car and ruining your back trying to get into your car. It's like the getting into the car part is the easy part, my friend. Is the same with that? That's insane. I'm going to keep an eye on the larva for a little bit. Just to make sure that this doesn't happen again. This is absolutely wild. What a weird, weird move. And now we're building units of 67 workers. Imagine how much more money he could have had if he would have built those drones, an entire minute, earlier like 14 drones 20 drones would have been huge now we get roaches into drones into infestation pit this is the incorrect order of things as we're not really attacking into a planetary here are we with half of our army come on come on ludo this is something i really don't like okay is that when people get a least at some point or in belief that they have a lead at some point and mentally they're forever keeping that lead you know it's like ludo rode in his complaint from it's like ah i roach rushed in the early game got miles ahead then i tried to kill him but he conveniently left out the battle cruiser harassed the fact that he floated 20 larva for an entire minute like his lead had pretty much disappeared and then on top of that because he felt he was miles ahead he decided to just go across the map with a random amount of units, not adding in the 32 lings that were still moving across the map. He just finished a round of drones for God's sake. Like, this was not a proper all-in. If you want to kill your opponent after being ahead, at least set up a proper timing. Don't just willy-nilly move half of your army across the map while you're droning up, building an infestation pit, getting a sixth base and then cancelling it while still getting the extractors. Like, do it properly. Okay, just because you're ahead doesn't mean you can start playing like a complete clown all of a sudden. That is not how StarCraft works because then you actually give your opponent the chance to get back into the game. Then that is what Fear did here. Fear had a pretty terrible start, partly due to his build order, but also because, well, he lost 10 workers when he shouldn't have. But now he's kind of back into the game. He's up for workers. You haven't thrown in a while, but you're still playing for a late game. it's like you have no clue what you want to be doing. You're attacking into a planetary as well, despite there being a completely open area over here. Do you want to say that getting a planetary here is a little bit wild on a third base? This is a 4.5 game Mac player move, you know? Like these guys have died too many times to roaches on the third. You know what? I'm never dying to the roach on the third again. Not realizing that. Zerg players can just attack into their natural as well. Sure, there's a wall, but it's still a fair location to try. try and break this at least rather than attacking into the planetary. It's due to enablers like Ludo who attack into the third that the planetary here on the third happens. It's the truth. This is on half a base as well, by the way. I love this. I think he's still going to move towards the front at some point, but I like the fact that he's already long-distance mining. Oh, a couple of Yamartaus over here. I kind of lose at least one battlecruiser. It's not a great fight for the Taron, actually. This is a nice fight for Ludo. Has a good supply as well. throws down a couple of bile and now should piss off right away. You've killed the tanks. It's obvious you're not going to clear this planetary, right? Like, I know it, you know it, we all know it. You're not going to clear this planetary with three ravagers. Should probably just go home, regroup and try to go again. But please, for the love of God, before you go for a big attack, regroup, make sure you're at maximum strength and then go in. The beauty of Zerg versus Mac is that you have infinite money as the Zerg player. Your early game could be garbage, you just drone up because Mac can't actually kill you. That is the issue with Terran Mac is it can't move across the map and win the game. It is literally impossible because you can just keep throwing Zerg armies into it. So what you can do is you max out, set up a proper fight and then you go again. And you only go again if you can hit into a position where you know you're going to get a trade. You want to Cateeatio trade. Okay, here we go. Not entirely maxed. Also, not a great attack into this. I'm not a huge fan of it. I think if you don't believe you can attack into a position anymore, you should immediately start thinking about taking your opponent's basis. But the thing here is, we all know what's happening. We've seen it before many times as well. Ludo right now is in the mindset. Is in the mindset of, uh, I'm still ahead. I'm going to kill, despite him having thrown away his lead a long time ago. Like he's, what is this? We're long distance mining with mules. That's beautiful. Okay, this is a potentially good fight. So you want to take this? And in the moment, it doesn't, it won't remain a good fight forever. You know, at some point, it becomes a bad fight. So you take your wins and then you piss off again. Eh, good enough, I think. Good enough. Definitely good enough. Yeah, this was fine. Actually a good fight. Now you need to start taking your opponent's base, so you take this bad boy, start taking this bad boy. Always take the bases that are easiest to take for your opponent and you take those bases first. So rather than mining from here and mining from here, you start mining from this base because this base might be contested later on. This base might be contested later on. You could even try getting some gas from a base over here. If you mine one base away from your opponent, don't forget every base you mine from your opponent, practically counts double because not only are you getting the resources, your opponent isn't getting the resources. So you're going up while your opponent goes down. So one base is worth two bases. And almost never in any matchup does, do the resources lost look so bad for one of the races that my outmining an entire base of your opponent isn't good enough. It almost never happens. This is fairly frustrating that I felt that you had full map vision of that. That shouldn't have happened. It's a lot of drones you're losing. Same time we have a beautifully, well, poorly executed attack, but... Oh, actually kind of working maybe? No, no. No. This was not a good fight. This was really not a good. You just moved command at all of his lings into Helions, and then the rest of his went into a tank and a Thor. Yeah, it was not good. This is good though. Or document on the outside, planetary on the inside. I love this so much. I love this so much. This is like wearing your, I don't know, like your shin protectors, but forgetting your groin guard, you know? Like always protect the important areas first or the areas that are most likely to take damage. And this is, this is an area that is likely to take damage. It's third base not as much. I love this though. This is typical Mac player. They have their little things, you know. Mac players, they have their own little superstitions about what is good and what is. There's an interesting tank position as well. Here we go with Vipers. Good blinding clouds, actually, coming in right now. Ravagers could start throwing a couple of bile. Good, and now you move away, most likely, right? Don't want to engage too much into this, or maybe clear this planetary. Also a possibility. Or move into tanks and try to right-click a Thor without biles. Yeah. I feel like these fights last a little bit. it too long, in my opinion. They really do. But maybe it's fine. Now, end up losing all of your ravages again. Like, it starts out okay, but then he just stays until the end of the party. You know, and people that stay until the end of the party know that there is, there was a timing before the party ended where it was better to leave. We've all been there, you know? It's like, ah, it's such a fun party and it's 2 a.m. It's like, I should I stay two more hours till 4? but the first part is always better. You know when to leave in time, because otherwise you're going to end up being part of the cleanup crew or the final train home doesn't go anymore. You can't get home and the entire next day is ruined as well. It's the same for Ludo here. You know, he thought, oh, this is a great fight. I'm killing Thor's. And he should have been happy with that. The moment you see new tanks rotating over, it's like, okay, maybe we'll try a different angle because the tanks need to come from somewhere. And the one thing you want to do against Mac is try to fight when tanks aren't sieged up. or when tanks aren't in a high ground position against a low ground position. And I think that's what Ludo has been doing poorly. Yes, he's mining quite well, but he's mining from all of his own bases at the moment. And he isn't really fighting. He initially fights into areas where there's no Tarrant, but then the Tarrant shows up, and rather than rotating away, he says, actually, I kind of like this party. Let me stay a little bit longer. Let me have another drink. And just like that, you're picking up bottles, bringing them to the supermarket to get the return money at the end. and helping with the cleanup. That's not what you want. This is, once again, good start of a fight, and now pop. Time to piss off. Maybe even a little bit too late already. And we move to another location right now. We go back to the right. Go in with your lings. Boom. Clear it. Yeah. It actually does get another Thor. Could maybe kite away. Throw some bile and piss off completely. 34 lings, 13 roaches. I wonder why we're continuously still building these corruptors. It feels like the corruptor count is very high for how low the BC count is now. It's like 1 BC and we have 9 corruptors. That's a significant amount of air units here for just 1 BC. This is a terrible pushout. This is a free kill. This is absolutely a free kill. I'm not even sure if you... Wait, is it? Where's the rest of the unit? Hit this. Like, I was thinking, it's like maybe it's because the drone count is so high, but... Where actually is the rest of the army? It's too many corruptors, huh? It's going to get Brutlords now? It's just not Mac-style either. There's no defenses anywhere right now. That's so sick. That's why moving out with Mac is so scary. Because either you need to leave units for the home, or you can get base-traded really easily. Once again, not going in with his entire army, just goes in with small parts at a time, loses stuff for free. Yeah, this is not looking so good for Ludo now. I guess there's only a single Thor remaining, so that might actually be okay. If you can clear the Thor and then you blast the BC as well. Ah, transfuses, transuse, transfuse, transfuse, transfuse, transfuse, can we get a transfuse? Maybe we don't even need to. Tanks get completely destroyed here. 102 workers. That means that he actually has no army supply left. So if Ludo had any amount of cash in the bank right now, why is he building seven more corruptors? It really feels like a waste every single time. This is a good run-by though. like that. I really do like that. Oh, we can get this. No, I can't. Lame. Lame. More corruptors even? 10 corruptors. Okay. Finally taking a more forward base. It's actually not mining that much. Is there some oversaturation going on somewhere? Yeah. Oversaturation over here. If anything else now, just one base that's being oversaturated. Yeah, I really feel like the way that Ludo is mining is incorrect. I also feel like he should be on a slightly higher. work account still. If you want to go for this very aggressive ravergerling Bane type of style, that's what you want to do, high worker count. Because you're still mining the map, right? You're trading inefficiently, but as a result, you're getting minerals that belong to your opponent. And then once your opponent is completely stable, what you do is you transition into a proper late game army with a lower worker count. That tends to be the plan. It's like, look at the APM. This guy is 312 APM. That's 174. It's almost double, actually. He was right. about that. The thing with Zerg APM is you can take it serious because of their rapid fire rebuilding stuff and even just building lings in general, it increases your APM so much, but all Zerg players just tend to have higher APM. It's not entirely fair in my opinion. So I'm a reference to investors. This is one of these armies as well that it just doesn't work and we all know it doesn't work. Like Ludo is looking at this and knows that it's not going to work. Like it's, if you want to go for broodlord you need spellcasters with it you're gonna need spores as well you're gonna need you know take it slow basically at this point though we're at a situation in which fear is now actively winning the game oh there's an interesting fight not very good not a very good fight here for ludo yeah this type except let me let me just tell me what the problem with this army is. This is an army that is good at killing maybe like tank hellbat, you know, if it's like a 116 supply 170 and they're slightly out of position. This is not a great army to have the big fights with. Like for a big fight army, you need lower drone count and spellcasters. If spellcasters aren't being used, you're not going to be Thor tank battle cruiser hellbat armies, not if they're close to max out or max out. Or, yeah. Yeah. It should. not going to happen. And right now Ludo is just going to start taking his own bases. Ludo says, hey, this base hasn't been mine at all. That's nice because that base is mine. This base hasn't been mine at all. That's nice because that base is also going to be mine. If we take a look at the resources lost, we know that Ludo is up by about 8K and 9K. That just shows that as long as Ludo doesn't take an absolutely god-awful fight, which he kind of is doing here, he's not going to lose this game. It's just not possible because, or sorry, fear. Fear is just not going to lose this game. Ludo is losing this game. Man, that must have been real confusing. My bad. Happens to the best, though. Both of them have like short names, so it's easy to confuse them. Yeah, that's life, that's life. Two more starports on the way, three more starports on the way. That's interesting, and I don't think very good. The funny thing is, is that fear actually isn't mining from any, or sorry, isn't actually defending any of the side bases properly. Like, the tank count is extremely low. So if you go for a Ravager link pushes right now, you could probably actually kill the bases where fear isn't. Actually, I think you could probably win any fight right now. There's no tanks at all. This army is garbage. Holy crap. What do we have on the way? We have two BCs and two tanks on the way. This is going to get completely blasted. Neuroparasite has been researched. If you have a couple of baines in here, despite having such a high workout, I think you can actually win fights. I think you can actually win fights. Another sick thing to do would be to just ignore the army and go. go where the army isn't, like how you usually play against Mac. I think you could actually take over like one of these BCs, maybe. Go for Chiki Yamato, yeah, there we go. Maybe another BC, yeah, take it over, buddy. No problem at all. Corruptors do need to... Oh, teleported it here. I love that. Really do love that. Thor's as well coming into fight for the good team. It means that these corruptors are going to have an okay-ish time. Funny thing is that the Thor's on the ground. Yeah, this was an actual nice fight. Bad army composition out of fear is going to get punished for it. That viper also got punished. Look at that. Who did you look at that? I would not want to be a viper. He's a new kid on the block, you know? Yeah, guys. Are we still fighting? Oh, there's a turret that hurts. I'll be fine. Oh, BC, let me come in to help. Ah, guys. Wait, I thought it got hit by one of his own balls. Oh, it's this one. Ah! I'm here as well. I feel so bad for both of these weapons. What? Dude, this is a brutal army to fight in. You just attacked his own Ravager and shot it. But it's this garbage. Game is over though. Ludo is winning. It actually won the fights. Yeah, these were good fights. Well, this is less of a good fight, once again, staying a little bit too long into this bad boy. Right now, after you clear an entire army, there's two things you can do. You can make the same mistake you made earlier where I said, well, I'm miles ahead, let me just move command my army into my opponent. Or you can take out some of the outside bases, knowing that your opponent probably doesn't have a whole lot of cash in store. And if you just deny the mining, they can never remix again. You can just take 200 supply fights against 140, and then eventually we will always. win because you have more money. That is not entirely what we're doing, but we're still trading okayish with this. Although this is not a maxed army. I feel like we're just missing units again. We have 25 larva, 2,500 minerals in the bank. Why aren't we spending them? Okay, now we're spending them into 18 roaches. We still have nine larva. Maybe Ludo doesn't have a hotkey for zerglings? How many lings did he build? 285. Would be a lot of lings to click with your mouse. Benches take out of base but also die. This was a good trade again for Ludo. Just build lings. Holy crap. There we go. Ha! I don't understand this at all. Does he maybe not have Hatcheries Hotkeet? How does he build just 12 lings? When he sees he has 1,600 minerals and can completely max out on lings at this point. With 15 larvas, not an entire max out, but it's pretty darn close. I just don't understand this. Like you just won three fights in a row. Don't you want to continue winning fights? Is this not your goal? Rather than going towards the right side, picking up this base for free, once again moving where the army is. Good call. Refinery is going to get taken out here, so at least Ludo starts mining this base, but at the same time he's also lost this one, which actually is his own base. He hasn't even mined a single bit of mineral from it. This is really, really bad. This is actually really, really bad. This fight is looking a bit better, she'll not sped it up so much, my bad. Yeah, it's actually going to win it. If you have like 30 more lings in this fight, you legitimately just win it. There they come now. You still have nine larva remaining, not being used. Did this guy read a book about personal finance or something? I think it also applies to StarCraft too. Always save 20% of your income. It does the same with larva and actually with his money as well. Except with the gas. Spends the gas, like his life depends on it. Like all of these fights are so uncoordinated and yet he's still winning. Like this has to inspire confidence as a Zerg player now. Okay, now you see this base. Yeah, you can pee on it. Of course you can pee on it. That's free damage right there. Up, don't have to think about it anymore. That's beautiful. This base is out of position by the way. It's way too far out. Way too far out. Up, but it dies. That's beautiful. Absolutely fantastic. Now we maxed as nine more drones? Do we even have space for these drones to mine from? Maybe here? No, I don't think so. Maybe a little bit. Not sure what I think of it. Maybe I don't mind it. And this game is actually over again. So as long as we don't take world's worst fight in the next few minutes, I think this is okay. What does fear have? Fear has four Thor's, three helbats, two heliens, two mines, and is building another Thor and two tanks. So if you just go Reveger Ling Bane, you have your investors with you, you win the game. Just make sure that bases can be mined from. You don't even have to kill this base anymore because it has mined out. This one you probably can't attack into, so I wouldn't suggest that. This one you can still go. It's still worth it probably to kill this base because it's so easy to do with just like a Reverger Ling Bane army. And then that area's open. No! Did it actually get the base? How's that possible? Why are we not spending money? I just don't understand this. I think he doesn't have the hatcheries hotkey. Look, he's floating 2,200 and has 27 larva. Like, the hardest parts are getting the money and the larva. But once you have that, you just have to click once. This makes no sense. You literally done the hard work already. The heavy lifting is behind you. This is like creating a perfect game. Let's say a strategy game. You know, highly successful. Everyone thinks it's the greatest strategy game ever created. And then rather than just supporting it a little bit, you completely leave it alone. Like, that would be a bad move as a developer. Everyone can see this. Why can Ludo see that not spending his money and saving his larva here is just as dumb? Why? Now, these larvae, they want to turn into something better. You know? They maybe even want to make StarCraft 3. I mean, they maybe even want to turn into ultras. Why aren't you using the resources you have to make something I love? Like lings and baines and ultralisks and roaches and investors. You're losing the game. You're floating 1800. You had momentum on your side and then you allowed your opponent to take this base for free. Why? I don't understand. I just don't understand. Once again, just sending in units one by one. This was such a frustrating game to art. You played well at times and you macroed okay, or you honestly macroed well, but still use your larva. I don't understand it. I don't understand it. And it upsets me, Ludo. It upsets me. It really does. Now you're in trouble. Your opponent has a nice big army. And you have a lot of corruptors that aren't doing anything for you anymore. You don't have the gas to turn them into Brutlords. Your reign as the winner is over, you tap out, you lose the game. Fear wins. Congratulations, Fear, first of all. It was a long game. 31 minutes. Always feels good to win long games. I bet Fear was feeling real nice about himself after this. And now for the question, was this imbalanced? Was this imbalance or did Ludo perhaps? Is there a chance that mayhaps, Ludo, Sucked a little bit. Is that possible? Let me think back of this. Ludo had a good early game, then threw away the lead. Ludo had an okay midgame, but stayed too long at the parties and was forced to join the cleanup crew. Lost too many units, basically. Often attacked into similar positions, even if the taran already was in the correct position. And then at the end, still managed to basically get a win. but decided to give it up because he preferred saving for the future. There was no future anymore, Ludo. This was the future. The only moment you have is the present, and you should have used it. The thing about Mac is that it requires a slightly different approach than against Bio, where against Bio, you just crash in bailings into the Marines every time, and it will always work. Against Mac, you sometimes need to think before you fight, and you also need to think during the fight, and you need to think after the fight. And I think the thinking is where it went wrong for you. The hands worked well. You know, fast and beautiful. I'm sure it's all great. But the brainy part of this game, I think just wasn't. It wasn't there. Too long into fights, taking poor fights almost every single time, and saving larvae and money for the entirety of the game can only lead me to one conclusion. And it does not give me joy to say this, Ludov. Do not get me wrong. I would have loved to say that Mac is imbalanced here, but it is simply not true. No, my friend, it is you who sucks and not Mac. That's imbalanced. Stamp it. We're going to have to live with that, my friends. All right, that will be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. If you did enjoy this, oh, rather lengthy episode, hey? 40 minutes, well, or well, 40-ish. If you did enjoy this, don't forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel and I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Adieu. |
LAME EXCUSES For Late Brood Lords! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | MOVE! WE'VE BEEN STUCK AT THIS SINGLE FREAKING TRAFFIC LIGHT FOR 45 MINUTES ALREADY! I HAVE A PROTOSS BASE TO FLOOD WITH MY OFFSPRING!!! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/zNyTEtubl8w/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | zNyTEtubl8w | Dear Harstam, Zerg vs. Protols is unplayable. I am a 4.4K MMR Zerg playing on N.A. This game against a 4.7K opponent. I made a lot of mistakes and almost crumbled in the early game. However, I regroup my forces and nine minutes into the game I found myself sitting comfortably with 80 workers and a hive. While my opponent hasn't even started his fort yet, I flew an overseer into his main and found out that he is pumping units out of two robotics facilities, while having a Robo Bay. I realized this is an opportunity to win the game once and for all with Brutelord. I transitioned into Brutelords and attacked for the first time in the game. However, my army just disappeared in seconds as stalkers blink in while disruptors clear my ground support, to make matters worse my opponents warped in a round of zealots in my main base and instantly killed my eco. I had to tap out, but thinking back to it, didn't I build the correct unit to counter my opponent? It is clearly the Imba Protoss units that won him this one. This imbalance complaint form was written by SQ Borrito from the North American server, who is a master's player at 4.4KMR, and the question is simple. Is Proto imbalanced? Or do I suck? And we're going to find out for you, Squaborito. All right, friends, here we go. Square Burrito versus Clown. Not sure if this is a real clobrito. or just, you know, someone that calls himself a clown without really being one. I don't really know anyone around me that is a clown or that, you know, performs as a clown. And it would be interesting people, constantly having to play a character. Being a clown is kind of like being a streamer, you know. I was trying to at least be somewhat entertaining to people for long periods of time. You have to deal with a lot of kids. Probably doesn't pay so well. At the end of the day, you're alone. life of a Starcraft player and a clown probably have a lot of similarities. Poor guy. He's going to get the block off though, so that's a good initial move, making sure that the hatchery goes somewhere else. Now, that's actually, let's just mentally go over that imbalance complaint for him again. What was it? He said crumbled or crumpled, almost crumbled in the early game, but then regrouped his forces and got to 80 drones and a hive. I'm not sure how regrouping your forces puts you back into the game but I'm very curious to see this this is one of these things that people say because they don't have anything to say you know it's like they don't quite understand why all of a sudden they were at 80 drones and a hive and were in a good position this is the zergs covering for the secret imbalance of their race being capable of producing 20 drones at once you know it's like yes I regroup my forces it's like winning a football match saying, then we pool together as a team. You know, there's not really, you can't pull together as a team. That's nothing. It's air. You know, you're selling, you're an air, snakes oil salesman. You're selling air. Baked air. That's what we call that in Dutch. Which is nothing. You can, well, you can't bake air. Just warm air. Who would want to buy that? Technically, that's heat. Heating stuff is pretty expensive. Okay, maybe baked air is not so bad to buy. Well, anyway. So, yeah. Nine minutes and he flew in, I think he was, yeah, what I say, 80 drones and a hive, flew in with an overseer, scounded double robotics facility and a robo bay, and from that point on out, knew that he wanted to go for broodlords, okay? He was like, all right, two robos, what is the greatest thing against units that don't shoot up? Units that fly. And he went for the broodlord rather than the muta. I respect that because mutas that laid into the game often aren't so great. Now, Protoss player over here opening up with a war brigade, so going to go into a Twilight Council opener, and a... just a single... Okay, second Corona boost also happening here. I like this. Coming from the right side is also good. Some real potential here. Okay, one worker has been killed. Oh, it's actually Stargate. So cancelled the Warp Gate, built the Stargate, restarted the Warp Gate. This should come as a surprise to Square Burrito because he only poked in temporarily, saw the Warp Gate and pissed off with his Overlord straight away. So... Wait, where did it have to go? Did it kill something? Yeah, seems to have killed one worker as well. So both players killed one worker. This is not a terrible start, though, for Square Barito. This is not what I count as almost crumbling in the early game, but I guess the next Shaden is going to be a little bit worse. One, two, three. Shades toward the mills. Kind of risky at this timing. But then again. Clowns always take the risky path. Kills one more drone. Kills another drone. Three drones go down. It's not great of a start. I'm not sure if this is almost crumbling though. People have lost three drones before and been fine. It's an okay number of drones to lose. And these adapters are still here, so you can probably kill them eventually. Put drones away, no? If this is a bad early game, I want to see a standard game. out of Square Burrito or an early game that is good. Like what usually happens in his game? What is the standard? His opponent accidentally cancels their natural base or he finds a gift of 500 minerals on the floor? Like I don't quite understand. This is three drones for two adepts is a good trade for Zerg. It's completely fine. It's really difficult for TOS to take a third base with this. Okay, loses one, two more workers. This really is not the end of the world. I am not seeing this. Losing three workers is a bit much to an Oracle, perhaps. But, I mean, this is okay. Your opponent walled himself in with a pine. This is way worse. This Protoss player is death. This Protoss player's early game. He crumbled. This is over, you know? If I'm a Protoss in this situation, I'm seeing 400 minerals floating, supply blocked after killing the pylon, still being supply blocked after finishing this pylon while getting four-gate glave attack. Like, this is legit the worst-case scenario. He went single Oracle into four gate glaves. He won't have glaves in time and he won't have any adepts in time. For, as a point of reference, usually with this build order, you can hit at about 530, 535, like 13 adepts. This guy is, well, isn't even moving across the map yet at 520 and only has four adepts. Completely supply blocked. Square burrito in a fantastic spot. This is the opposite of a crumbling early game. This is crumbling your opponent in the early game. This is a massively misjudged situation. If this, I mean, at this point we're starting to kind of head into the midgame. I guess we still get to see this attack, but I don't understand how this is going to do anything. Roach Warren is going to be done. We have plenty of queens in position. There are some lings at least already out. And you're not supply blocked either. So you can easily add in four or five roaches. Yeah, perfect call here, honestly, with the roaches. Not a huge fan of this Ling run by, but maybe can do something. as well. Take out of battery and then go for the pylon, perhaps. There's a random forge over here. Yeah, go for the pylon, go for the pylon, go for the pylon, go for the pylon. Oh, right-click this. I mean, if this works, that would be huge. Could just right-click the Nexus. No! Just right-click it. Surely that would have been well. I mean, you can't do half-half, that's for sure. If you're going for the adepts, you're going for the adept, you're going for the adept. If you're going for the next, you go for the nexus. You can't kill both of them halfway and then lose all your lings. This fight is not great for the queens, but no drones are dying quite. yet. Adept target fire is purely here on the injecting royalty as injecting royalty. It sounds like the queen is on steroids, but what I meant was just the queens that inject into the hatchery. Fifty-one drones against 45. Glave adepts get cleaned up. There's three more going in here. To me, this feels like a completely fine early game. Like, I could be wrong. Let's Just analyze here for a second. Okay, cheeky little pause. So, plus one melee is on the way. I guess there's still some adepts coming in. Okay, let's wait for these adepts. Let's wait until we see what these adepts do. Maybe these adepts kill 35 more drones, and that is not bad after all. Some random zealot here. Does he have charged? No. Halfway done. Oracle's seeing this fort base. Adepts getting taken out. And 14 drones get produced instantly. Okay, I think now it's time to pause. What do we have over here? So we see four gateways, no upgrades for Proto's. Proto's is down eight workers already, with five more on the way for Zerg. Zerg is on layer. So up in upgrades, up in workers, up a base. Is downing gas, as there's four gas against three, that is not ideal, but has denied his opponent's attack and can now just freely drone up to 75, 78. No problem at all. It's getting a scout in as well. Look at that. I guess he doesn't know it's the second robot, but this is the second robo. If you move a little bit further forward, you can also see the Robo Bay and the robotics facility. I thought this got scouted with an overs here, though, but I guess we'll count it for now. Investation pit on the way, seven more drones. Yeah, more gases being taken. I don't think this was a bad early game at all. This was a very good early game. There's absolutely zero pressure that the Protoss can put on to the Zerg right now. And once plus two melee finishes up, Ling Bane is going to be so darn powerful attacking into bases, The Archon count will be low. There's only a single Oracle, so Reveger-Lingbain is a very viable composition to attack, despite there being a Stargate opener. Usually you can't really attack with Ravager-Ling-Bane unless you creepsread all the way to your opponent's base, or unless you build like nine Muras or something, because you're just going to get shot down by the oracles. That's not going to be the case over here. Queen does get slapped around, but that's one queen for five zealots, another good trade. Here we're going to have, well, I think one more queen going down against... Some lings are actually lings have plus one. They're fighting pretty darn well here. I would have loved to see the roaches being pulled in a bit quicker and the lings perhaps pulled back. Still, work account good for the Zerg. And like I said, there isn't some magical thing that happened that all of a sudden made him ahead. He was ahead after the early game and now he's ahead, well, pretty much in the mid game. He's not super far ahead, but he's in a completely fine position. He scouted the robo and the robo bay. and then at this point, according to him, decided to go for a Brutlord push. This is a really early time to decide for a Brutlord push. I guess, A-Gus. And he also hasn't started a spire yet. Now, there is this crazy trick. This is a little efficiency trick. Okay? It's kind of revolutionary, and I'll explain it to you. And I'll do it slow, real slow. So there is this building called the spire. And the spire can be built at layer tech already. Okay? So if you want to get Brutelords out, you need to morph it into a greater spire. But the greater spire can only be constructed once you get HiveTek, which is the tier three, you know, building that Zerg has. Now, this trick utilizes the fact that the layer provides the ability to build a spire. So what you do is rather than tacking to hive first, then building the spire, waiting for the finish and starting the greater spire, before you start the hive, you can start the spire at the same time. And then around when the hive finishes, you can immediately morph it into a greater spire. That's a very high level trick. And I wouldn't expect a player at 4.4K MMR with probably around 15,000 games to know of this yet. But just something to keep in mind for if any of you are advanced enough yet. But this is really high grandmaster stuff. So be careful if you're a lower level. And I don't really bother with that, okay? And we're starting with two Vipers here. Hey. This feels this genuous. I know it is technically correct that at nine minutes, there was no Ford Base yet. But this Ford Base went down at nine minutes and eight seconds, because it's 30 seconds in right now. Like, it's not even that late because this Ford Base also wasn't saturated super fast. It's not like some crazy thing. It feels wrong. I know it's technically correct, but it is not accurately depicting the situation as it is. And I feel like that has been pretty much this entire game so far. It's just Square Burrito kind of misreading the situation and then putting judgment on it. Now, if in real life you have this level of poor judgment as well, misreading situations, I assume you've been kicked out of a club multiple times because it's fairly dangerous. In Starcraft 2, technically it's not as dangerous. It will not have any real-life consequences most of the time, but you still ought to be careful about just misreading the entire time. Watch the replay, figure out where it actually went wrong because then you can fix those things rather than pretending like you know based on like your, I know, the dream that you had in the night or something like that. It doesn't feel like you made a proper analysis, of this game. Okay, here comes the spire finally. Has that Oversier been sent in yet? Now, this is, this is all just spotted by the Ovalord. These are the first, I think, the first two Overshares, yeah, that we're seeing. So that's also not entirely at the nine minute mark. Here comes a Zellat Arcon attack, could deal some damage to drones, could also get completely blasted by Roaches. Or could just pull back home also a viable solution. Honestly, not a terrible trade here for, for Clown. Clown really kind of got back into the game, got to a very high worker count. Square Burrito has been investing a lot in later game tech while staying on a midgame drone count. So usually of Zurb wants to go into a proper late game with Brutes. You want to go up to like 86, 87 workers and maybe start doing some Bane run bys. If you want to attack your opponent at Reverger Link Bane, 76 workers is a perfect amount, but you do need to do something with it. and it feels like Square Burrito has pretty much missed his timing. And also because his greater spire is only just now starting. So the Brutlord Rush is pretty much going to hit in like, what, a minute and a half, two minutes from now. And Clown right now is just simply ahead in Eco. He's going to be ahead in upgrades as well. I mean, he's building a freaking second forge. And for whatever reason, Square Burrito is not continuing upgrades here. Had a very fast plus one melee, got a pretty quick plus two melee, didn't get anything else. on top of that, creed spread is very poor. Whenever you go for a Brutelord push, it's important to have queens with the push as well. Disruptors are now starting to come out, but this situation doesn't actually look so good. And on top of that, okay, this is the scout. This is the scout. This is the Overseer Scout on the double Robo-Robo Bay. Greater Spire is like more than 50% done at this point. This is not a response. You already build the corruptors. This is like pretending that you had a reason to Brutelord rush. This is not actually what happened. It's this entire form, it's just a bold-faced lie. You scouted after you started your corruptors, after you started your greater spire, you scouted the fact that your opponent had two robes, they were like, ah, that's why I went for a greater spire. Well, in reality, you just wanted to build Brutlords. If you want to build Brutlords, that's okay. This is you getting caught at a... at a job. at a Justin Bieber concert and then catching Justin Bieber's shirt that you then sell on eBay for 20K. It's like, ah, I went to the Justin Bieber concert to sell his t-shirts. Like, no, you accidentally caught his t-shirt, like that happened, but you wanted to listen to his music, which is fine. Just own it. You know, if you like Brutlords and if you like listening to Justin Bieber in your bathtub while sitting next to candlelight, that is completely fine. No one is going to judge you. And if they do, they're the losers. But now you're the loser because you're ashamed of something that you like. And that, my friend, is never good. There's an interesting position than more of the brutes. It's just walking on. It's like, hmm, this looks like trouble. Perhaps should have something going on there. Just give the zealots some, you know, some ability to just start running in. I like that you clean that up immediately, though. That's a very good call. Because when you're brood lord attacking, it's so difficult to deal with zealot run bys. A lot of your supply is often in the brood. and brutes aren't very quick at quest aren't very fast at the rotating back home. Plus three on the way, shield weapons on the way as well. Brutor count is only seven and they're all by themselves. This is truly just the Brutlord rush. Love to see it. Salad run by coming in. You do have an anti run by army here. Good control, I like that. One brute might get sniped here. No, Protoss player decides not to go in. I think that's the correct call. Prison being sent out more Zealots. I like how this Proloss is approaching. the problem by the way, realizing he's up a base, he can lose a base, has probably a bunch of gateways, yeah, 10 gateways as well, just wants to wait maybe for his upgrades, sends out some Zellet run by forcing units back home. I think this is just really good calls all around. Prism goes into the main and more Zillots coming in as well. So the Protoss player here is maybe losing a base, but you are also losing one or two bases. Disruptor shot's going to get a big connection. 15 or so. Supply went down there at 1. Once, stalkers blinked forward, killed three, four broodlords. And another disruptor shot kills the rest of the ground. I mean... Now, I could be mistaken, but this seemed like a very, very reasonable fight to me. Let's just have another look at it, okay? Just at this fight here, just before the blinking. I want to have a look at it. We'll take a look at the army values. Army values are relatively similarly sized. So similar sized armies. Brutlord count isn't super high. They're without upgrades. They're without any support. Brutlords usually require support of Viper or investor or of queens for transfuses. They really make the Brutelor so much stronger. It becomes more than the sum of its products. It really is massive. The Brutler becomes way, way stronger if they're queens there because they can stay alive long. They become way stronger if Fango is there because they can keep the stalkers in position and the Arkons in position. But here, I don't think this is unreasonable to expect of a fight. If you're fighting against an army that in army value very closely matches yours, you have a lot of units here, your opponent has some zealots here, so both of you probably have similar army supply out of the fight. I don't think it's weird that if the ProDol is in a defensive position where he has quicker reinforcements, that he can hold a Brutelord push like this. I don't think that is unreasonable to expect at all. On top of that, you also eat two massive disruptor shots. So, spellcasters did their maximum amount of damage, and one spellcaster, if it, you know, its maximum efficiency, often counts for five to eight times the amount of supply that it's actually worth. And with these disruptors, that's actually the case, because they got 14 kills and 4 kills. Well, 4 kills is not that much, but 14 kills is a craptone. Maybe he's gotten some kills before, so I'm not entirely sure about that. Then our Protoss player goes for a counterattack, because you went pretty much all in with that Brutlord push. And now it feels like you're dead. Is 61 workers against 89, plus 3 is about to finish up, plus 1 armor is starting. No, it's going to be plus 2 shields. You're building corruptors against the pure ground army. At least this prism is going to get sniped real fast, but not the ideal unit comp. And I guess now you're just officially dead. Or, well, maybe not officially yet because you haven't left yet, but it feels like your death to me. You don't have anything to do in this game. Five more Brutlords on the way. I mean, it's a big thing to do. Didn't manage to win while you were even in supply. Now you're down 40 supply without any assistance at all. Your opponent still on five bases, six run on the way, double triple stargates coming in, better upgrades than before as well right now for ProDLs, yet you still think this is going to work now. Of course you don't think this is gonna work. You're completely... You're in disbelief, you're on copium, as we call it. You're coping with your loss by staying at 84 supply, pretending like you still have a chance. Eh, these spines are not gonna do it for you, buddy. These spines are not gonna do it. Absolutely not. You can just blink under these brutes, no? Definitely think Proto can. Even if it's only 11 stalkers, like there's nothing to help. Absolutely nothing, that's terrible. Nine more drones on the way? Kind of think that's. That's a good call. If you're going to survive, the only way to get back into the game is by having good eco, but you're so far behind. There's really, really no point. Can I just say that? Yeah, I can just say that. There's just really no point. Bunch of stalkers being worked at home. Gigi gets called and you leave the game. Now, it feels like from start to finish, you've made incorrect read after incorrect read. You were up in the early game. You didn't utilize that advantage very quickly, rather than using that advantage to either build out your eco lead or to kill your opponent with a plus two melee attack, you decided to go low eco into a slow brute lord rush, delaying your spire until the hive was finished for like half a minute, throwing it down at that point, then finally getting across the map, your opponent was already maxed on a powerful army, you didn't have any real splash of your own, you had like 10 bailings there, your upgrades were worse than your opponents, because you had so many roaches without any upgrades whatsoever, don't forget, I guess plus one range. This just felt like a game. You deserve to lose every single time, despite having a good early game. And that is the one thing where you think it went wrong. Like, everything after the early game was terrible. And the early game, actually, for you, I think was somewhat okay. Your opponent got supply block for like half an hour. Is Glave Adaptate? It didn't do half as much as you would expect. You just didn't capitalize on it whatsoever. So rather than regrouping your forces and getting to 80 drones and a hive, If you threw away a perfectly fine lead that you had in the early game by doing world's slowest Brutelord rush. Congratulations, my friend. ProDus is not imbalanced. You suck. And that's just the way it is. All right, that's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you to enjoy this episode of Is the Mardware Suck. If you did, don't forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel and I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Bye-bye. |
The Most SURREAL INGAME CHAT! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Today we bring you a gold SPECIAL! We have an insane complaint form, more money than Bill Gates and a whole replay analysis WITHIN the still running game! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/W-EdVATqHt4/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | W-EdVATqHt4 | Dear Harstam Sainse, Thor is Inba. Or would I say mutas are really, really weak against it. Muta's winning chance against Thor with a couple of Marines were about less than 10%. On this game, my opponent managed to do damage first on my third base. It literally destroys it. But I managed to do the attacks after that with my Nidus swarmost on his main base. But it doesn't do much damage. There I follow up my attacks with Mutas. Then Muras and Swarmhost combination. I tried to pressure him as much as I could. I do manage to destroy his third CC and second CC at his natural. Also kill most of his SCVs and mules on both natural and main base. I also managed to destroy his armory. But before that happened, he already produced a single Thor and then it started to get ugly. I miscontrolled my mutas to his single thor and nothing is left to my muras. After that, he counterattack with his remaining Marines, single Thor and a single tank. I tried to switch with Hydras and fight with my remaining swarmost, but since there's a Thor in his army, my locus got wiped out easily and I lose the game. Tell me Harstam Sensei, is Muras that weak and Thor is just imba, or do I just suck? This was sent in by Raiju, a 2663 MMR gold player, from the European server. The question is simple. Are Thor imbalanced? Or does he suck? We're going to find out. The first thing I want to recommend is perhaps a creative writing course. I've seen the word after about 30 times in that one complaint form. It makes it very difficult to read. So that's my first suggestion before we even get into the game here. This is Raiju versus... Pimki, Terran versus Zerg on ancient cistern. So you have a nice little wall starting for Pimki immediately. I'm always a little bit afraid, you know, when you get in gold territory, and anything below platinum, really. That's the... It scares me. I'm just going to be real. Oftentimes, the early game just isn't as sound as I would like it to be. It becomes difficult for me to kind of keep a straight. This is... It's already starting. An 18 hatchery that goes down at 19 supply. Floating 400 minerals. Like this is... This is the type of stuff. It just... It creates a pit in my stomach. You know, I feel it and it doesn't feel right. I just... I don't want that. Okay, spawning pool. Evo chamber. Classic hatch first into Evo chamber cancel. Into spawning pool again. Very nice. So, hatchery too late. Spawning pool too late. Extractor actually got built before the hatchery is what I saw as well. So this is already a build order and a half. It's one of these things that the first three buildings, if they don't get put down at the correct timings, I don't think that is right. I just don't think that is right. You don't necessarily need to follow a build order up to five minutes, but have the first two minutes down. All right, it started easy. For a circuit's really just three buildings. Like there's no thought. process here. You need to know when to build your first overlord, 13 supply, and then you need to know when you build your hatchery, your extractor and your pool. That's really it. And it is fairly easy. You don't have to do a lot of thinking. You don't have to, you know, do any tricks with like worker micro. No walling is required as Zerg either. So there's no thought process in there. But please get the first two minutes. Correct. It's all I ask of you, Raju. It's all I ask. Right now we have one Overlord too many already, as we're on 44 supply. That means that our third base is never going to be built either in time. Now, it's a third base is already too late at this point. So Reactor opener coming out of the Tarran into a three-recks. Okay, this is not entirely how the build is supposed to be played, but you can see that the start was okay. The command center timing is four seconds late, but that I can live with. It's better than having it, well, was it like 20, seconds late. It's going to be a three wrecks pressure over here. Stim combat shield most likely, so I kind of like that. I'm already digging the way that Staron is playing a lot more for now. It's going into four queens before third hatchery. This is definitely a build order. The funny thing, though, is that despite the complete lack of a build order, the overlord positioning is kind of good. Like every overlord is being sent out into some type of location. Like these are being sent around. They're spotting for proxies. lings are actually checking if there's a third base. Like, is this the one thing he focused on? It's like how sometimes you see these guys with the massive biceps, you know, just the biceps. Rest of the body completely normal. And also only the right arm bicep is absolutely huge. That's the only thing. Man, that has some very specific training that they have been doing. It feels like that Riju here is doing the same thing. Because his build order is suboptimal. And his macro is not great either, but the vision on the map. Look at this. Every overlord has a position. And these are new maps as well. Like, you can maybe expect this from like a diamond two-pleasure. player after playing on the same maps for two seasons straight because Blizzard forgot to upload the maps again. But I don't know. This is actually pretty sick. He sees moveouts. He sees where there's a third and he can sacrifice his overlord, which is indeed, what is this? It's like a sacrificial ground or something. Like if they ever capture a zergling, they're going to lock it into this depot, this depot jail and have a marine shoot at it until it has one H. and then the Marine walks away. Constantly on the edge of thinking you're going to die. This is the Terran Torture Chamber, my friends. Welcome aboard. Or maybe he wants to put a critter in here. That's also possible. Actually, on this map, you have the... Where are you? The Tasty Lobe and the Artosi Lobe. Obviously, that's to do with Tasteless and Artosis. And you can force them into a direction. If you get close with a unit, they run away very fast. So maybe you could force them into the jail. keep them there and start like a Terran zoo or something like that. I have planned. Okay, I'm gonna make a Turkey zoo, okay? You can't kill them. You can't kill the turkey that's locked in here, okay? That's my zoo. I'm gonna see if I can get more in by sometimes lowering the depot. It would be possible. This is another thing. Investation pit and a spire at the same time, an ungodly combination. Also, what the heck are those creep tumors? This is like having pineapple on toothpaste. Not good. Trust me, I tried. But why? You know, when you had all these pineapple debates whether it would be good on pizza. I was like, well, it's okay on pizza, it's not awful. And I started trying things they were truly awful. Pineapple with toothpaste. Pineapple, just putting it in your drink. drink. Pineapple in tea is actually surprisingly not bad. Makes it a little bit sweeter. Something I do recommend. Does he have the Stim combat? Yeah. Okay. Stim combat. This build is hitting about a minute late, but it's not an issue because currently there's only a single ling out for Raiju, who despite all of his scouting hasn't figured out that he needs to build some units to defend against his opponent. It's floating six larvae right now. And is starting a NIDIS network in the phase of danger. Oh, actually, this is not even a proper three days with Matax as well. This is almost a real build. I'm not sure why we're what we're waiting for, but... I guess there's bigger things going on right now. Just setting his army in. Oh, there we go. I mean, this is just a cleaner. What? I never understand this. How is it possible that these builds and these plays are so bad, but then we're seeing transfuse and stutter-step micro. Like, this literally doesn't make any sense. This entire game has been... disaster, especially from the Zerg so far, who's floating 2.8K resources, 7 minutes into the game, and decided to open with Ling Queen Swarmhost Nidus Spire, and has the sickest overlord spread in the world. Does stop the drop but loses the third base. Not really an issue. I think actually losing a base here might be good because it makes you look at your minerals and say, hey, I have too many minerals, maybe I need to throw down four extra hatcheries. You know, so you can actually spend your money a little bit. Although larva are around, it's just that money isn't being spent. You know what this game so far kind of reminds me of? I have a four and a half year old cousin who's been playing football as of later, like a local club. And I sometimes go and watch. It'll be a supportive uncle. Hold up. Wait a minute. I have a four and a half year old cousin. And I sometimes go and watch to be a supportive uncle. Supportive uncle. Majority of the time is just spent counting blades of grass or perhaps philosophizing. philosophizing. Thinking about the philosophy or whether counting, you know, blades of grass is a word while use of your time. And not a whole lot of time is actually spent thinking about how to get the ball or to keep it in possession or to get the ball to the opposite end of the goal. And it feels like that Riju is doing the same thing. He's more of an explorer here, you know, seeing different parts of the map, exploring different tech trees at similar times. He's doing everything at once, but also doing nothing at once. He's a little bit of a monk in a way, you know? He's not any of the existing religions yet. He still is figuring out exactly what his religion is supposed to be, just like he's still trying to figure out what this game is exactly supposed to be. So we just had a swarm host nidus enter the main base. I love that the thought of a swarm host knight is having to go in the main base as well, by the way. The one advantage that the swarm host has with the flying locust is that the locus, is that the nidus can be here, and then the locust fly in. And then the locust timer is like 35 seconds, so they're going to stay alive forever anyway. It doesn't really matter if they have three less seconds. Instead of that, you expose the nidus into the main, and you also kind of make it dangerous for the swarmos to pop out. And the transition is into mess muras, and there's 12 marines against 12 muras. And I guess that is basically game over. Or Stim? No? I love that he wanted to finish this tech lab. It's like, yeah, sure, there's marines with 1-1 attacking my Muraz, but maybe if I sniped this tech lab here on this factory, nothing bad will happen to them. It's an interesting engagement as well. I'm not entirely sure about the fight you want to be taking with Mewas, but I do believe that killing two SEPs. to lose seven muras is usually not worth it. And then sniping two more turrets. Actually, if the game is just over. How many muras have gone down? Eight. Nine. This is literally one of the worst games I've seen in my life, I think. Sloding 5K resources as well. The weird thing is, is that I don't... Like, the Terran doesn't feel as bad in a way. You know, he's spending his money better. It just... And he had an actual build order, killed the third base. I don't quite understand why the Terran is losing. And why he's down 80 supply. Maybe I do now that these Marines decided not to go for the Nidas. Mura's coming back in again as well. The actual control of the units at this point isn't even that bad. But why is none of the money being spent? And why are we building... Why did we go up to 55 workers if we can't even spend money while our eco consists of 30 workers? That is one of the questions I have. If you can't spend the money, why even bother getting more work? I like this knight's. This is a good knightess. Swarmos are still alive. There's zero upgrades though, and 1-1 has already finished for the Terran. But there's also only 23 Marines against 20 Muras and 7 Swarmost. I find it difficult to believe. Maybe Riju actually isn't aware of the fact that Evo Chambers exist. That's why he was so shocked in the early game when he accidentally opened with an Evo first. But I was like, oh no, what is this? That can produce any units. Use this building. If Raiju was in control of the army, they would not be upgrading their weapons. They would just be increasing the amount of weapons that they have. So he'd be fighting like the first World War with clubs. With a lot of clubs. He has thousands of them. More of this. No, he doesn't know how to attack. I think it's a fight you can take now. 18 mutas against 14 Marines. Maybe flying into 2-2-2-rits is better. I like the call. Actually, it was a good call as well. End up killing SEVs. Flying around with the mutas-still. 2-2 has started. 19 Marines. This is a very unlikely game to lose. Like just... The thing right now is, is that if you look at this, is that there's enough money to literally afford anything that you want in the world. Like, at this point, Riju could be tacking into a hive to get an Ultralisk cavern. He could be getting a hydra then to get lurkers out. He could be throwing down a bailing nest for balings. A roach warrant for roaches. None of these are necessarily good transitions, but they're probably better than getting more mudas against the pure marine Thor army. There's not even a single Menevac at this point. This is legitimately Pure marine and a single Thor and a tank that is on the way. These units are about to have to, too. Okay, natural CC is going to be taken out. I remember it's saying that in the imbalance complaint form. Look at this. Overlux spread is insane. Creep spread not as great. We have about, what is this, 9K. 9K resources in the bank right now. Taking some extra gases. Six more drones. He's like, ah, this is the level of prioritization that I need in my life. I have actually no clue what's going on. Okay, I want to see this again. Okay, so right now we're just making sure that this Ovalour is still spotting the exact same area. Then we add two extractors while we're losing all of our mutas, of course, on the other side of the map. And it's like, okay, let me think. My opponent is on seven workers. I'm on three bases and have a bank of 9. 5k resources. What would be the best use of my larva? And somehow some way my men Riju managed to get to the drone. When you're ahead, get more ahead. As the best call, six drones on the way here. Start injecting again. Maybe he wants to add five extra hatcheries for more production. Yeah, just send these over towards your third base. That's fine. Ford base, boom, get it on the way. He actually has two different modes. He has like a macro mode. and a unit control mode. And I think for the first 13 minutes and 45 seconds, we've just been in the unit control mode. And now our entire focus is actually just on macro. Okay, here come eight more Swarmost. Does he still have Swarmost? Yeah, he still has 10. So he's going to go up to 18 Swarmost. That hurts. Wait, what? What hurt? I mean, there is no way, right? That pimkey. You think he said it about this? I'm gonna, okay, we'll speed through this. This is first person view, by the way. This was the slowest response I've seen to event happening. Like, what is this? This is the type of response. He's going to start crying tomorrow because George Harrison died. Like, what? John Lennon got shot. He's a legit a minute late. Interesting. Okay, this is the transition that we've heard about. The Hydra transition is like, okay, what is good against Mass Marine? Surely Hydros are fine. 18 more Swarmost on the way. Okay, 28 swarmats. Actually, think if you just sent 28 locust into this army, don't you just win the game? Am I incorrect thinking that you just straight up win the game? If you're... Ah, he's going to counterattack with it. Ah, gotcha. I'm not sure if that's the... greatest play there is. Probably want to defend your massive drone lead that you have, your massive eco lead, your massive bank as well. This seems like a wild game. There go, Force Warmos for free. That's how it starts. Now we get nine hydras out. No lurker then yet. I feel like if you're a Riju in this situation and you realize you struggle with getting larvae. He's not even struggling getting larvae. He's just not using all of his larvae for, for, for. whatever reason. I don't understand it. Okay, here come two swarm-hows. Yes, use them two at a time. I love that. Okay, comes the next swarm-hose wave. Clears what? Three, four, five, six Marines or so. Still completely destroying this game. He's so far ahead that he could be building pure hatcheries and roach warrants around the map and eventually just win. Also, of course, you still have 22 swarm-holes. If you use all of these at the same time at any point, I also think you win the game. The thing is that there's what, eight swarmost in this Nidus network, and I'm afraid that Riju actually has forgotten about them. You have a ninja base? This is not the time for small talk, my friend. This is a, you're in a knife fight. Your life is on the line. You start asking where this guy bought his blade. He's like, oh, that looks real nice and shiny. Use any special oils to, you know, keep it in that such good condition. He also just responds. Like, this is in life for that situation. You're fighting with each other. Gigi, no! This is not Gigi. This is the most surreal game I've seen in my life. Why are both of them so casual about everything? So mules are really imba? Yes. The real problem in this game for Riju was the lack of money that he had. And the fact that Terran was too rich. Resources lost 18K This is a fairly normal resources lost But you still have Well this is like 9K resources in the bank Like a bit Pimki is also agreeing I'm not sure if Pimki is just being nice This chat is actually triggering me These are the guys That agree with each other on Reddit When I have a good balance take And they disagree with me Pimki comes to the rescue of Riju When Riju says Harsim doesn't know anything about the game I was totally all in on that I thought I lost I will submit to harsh them. Yes. That was a good plan. Thor help against muta. I'm not sure if the Thor actually did that much. It was two to Marines against 11 mutas. Like, the Marines are kind of the counter to the muta. The mutas is not really supposed to fight. You have the bailings for that. Gigi. Gigi well played. Now I was looking for the... Probably Googling how to leave a game. I miscontrolled my mutas. Yeah, we saw that as well. This is a surreal conversation. When macroing my bases. Actually, majority of the mutas were lost, where you were looking at the Ovalord over here, overseeing the green space on the right side of the map for your future as a gardener. It's like, I know it's good to have a plan for the future because definitely StarCraft isn't working out, but while you're in a muta fight, you probably don't want to do that. This, I actually have nothing to say. I don't even know. I don't even think Riju himself believes that this was in balance. He started by saying that it was mules that were imba. And then when his opponent said the Tor helped against the mutas, you could see like the cockwheels spinning and it said on, he's like, ah, Thor against Muta. That was the issue, huh? And then he even himself, he offers a little bit of wisdom where he says, yes, I lost my muras while I was macroing my bases. They just miscontrolled them. He knows it himself. The mura is not a unit that is supposed to straight up fight with armies. This game, it was capable of doing that a couple of times, purely because there was 20 mutas against like 18 Marines. But then, yeah, if there's one Thor to tank and 25 Marines to shoot at your mutas and these Marines have 2-2 and your mutas have 0-0, life is going to be hard. But this was not at all the issue, like whatsoever. I don't actually know what the issue. was because you had way more units than your opponent the entire time. Yes, your army com made no sense, but you obviously kind of out-macroed him, despite floating 10K resources. Like you did nothing right, but still were so far ahead. And then you just lost your army by walking it into your opponent, then you left the game while you were still winning, you Gigi'd while you were double your opponent's supply, an entire mining base, plenty of time. I can't believe your opponent asked you if... No wait, you asked if he had a ninja base. And he also replied truthfully, this is some insane gaming. I actually don't understand this at all. Like I knew that some weird things were happening at the gold level. But the Terran looked kind of good. I actually almost want to say that Zerg is completely in balance. If people like you get to play on the same level as people like Pimki over here, like he had a real build order, he did a move out that was only a minute late, You're a hatchery. Your first hatchery was 22, 23 seconds too late. Everything. You didn't have any units until the 7 minute mark. If your opponent had harass you with a Benchie, a helion, done a hellbat push, a standard timing, a proxy. Actually, not a proxy rex. You would have spotted the proxy racks. But then again, you still would have probably built no units. Like, oh, proxy racks. That's interesting. I actually think that Zerg at a lower level is overpowered. If people like you can get to the same MMR as Pimki here. That is an issue, I think, that we need to address. The knight is in the mainways. This entire game was garbage. Holy crap. My friend, Thor's aren't in balance. A single Thor got built. That's it, no? Yeah, a single Thor. This guy has 24 kills. Oh, yeah, that's actually kind of a big deal. Some of these Marines also have six, seven kills, nine kills. There's like the same Marines from earlier on because they never actually died. Holy crap. Yeah, the Thor isn't in balance. You just suck, my friend. This is an awful game. Like really awful. Terrible, terrible, terrible stuff. All right. That's going to be it for me in today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did enjoy this, don't forget, did the like button subscribe to the channel. And hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Bye-bye. |
Defending The Swiss Cheese Borders! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Did you know that the empty space between atoms makes like 90% of everything? This science fact is greatly demonstrated by todays guest, who's walls are more opening than wall. Enjoy! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YZHcnZq1xHA/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | YZHcnZq1xHA | Most esteemed Baron, Captain Kevin Harstam the Konig. Welcome to the Great King Lurker's coronation ceremony. I am a humble Protoss follower of the Great King Lurker. Have 38 MMR in the Korean server and 4200 in the late Chinese server. Rest in peace. In this game, I had a not bad early game and a perfect midgame. I scouted my opponent's Hydra Bainling all in and dealt with it flawlessly. I eliminated my opponent's Hydra's and Bainling. without casualties, so I had a huge advantage in the middle game. My oracles were well preserved. I had good map control, a powerful high-tech army including Colossus and Disruptor. A healthy economy. Fast upgrades. My opponent's economy got this hit pretty bad by my zealot run by, 5 to 4 bases and 80 to 60 workers. I'm sure what that means, but I'm sure we'll get to it. And I had 3 robo to produce Colossus and Disruptor, 2 Stargate to produce Carrier. to produce carrier. But all of this was destined to burn daylight because the king lurker backed. The king, he is just like invisible tank, running speed higher than Phoenix, reproducing faster than virus. The king landed my base, then my strong army immediately disappeared, just like tears in rain. It was then that I realized that Protoss could not challenge the authority of the king lurker. G.G. Alas, my esteemed Baron harsed him, do you think as I do that the Great King Lurker will reign over this Coprulu sector or just at least in this game? It was, I suck. Please make the most judge judgment. Amorphism sent me this balance complaint from a true poet. The strong army disappeared like tears in rain, so if StarCraft isn't his thing, then perhaps poetry is the future. asking me if the Great King Lurker or the Lurker is imbalanced or if he sucks. Let's find out. Alright, there we go. Amorphism versus Frozen. And this is not going to be anything like the Disney movie, at least. Can't imagine it being anything like the Disney movie. Can't remember Lurkers being in the Disney movie. How sick would that be though? Imagine you have your Disney movie, your Lion King, your Aladdin. is Disney as well. Frozen is Disney. And then all of a sudden, you know, just when everything comes together, a lurker shows up, kills the protagonist. God. Imagine explaining that one to your kid. What happened to Elsa? What is that beast from underground? Adios, my friend. Splash damage as well. Takes out the Prince Charming or whoever else is. There's no Prince Charming, I think, in Frozen. I think the Prince actually was a bad person. I remember watching it. When I went to WCS in 2015, because this player called Hydra, who was winning a lot. And he was like, hey, we're going to watch a movie with some of the players here. Do you want to join us? I was like, yeah, sure, sounds good. But I've been watched Frozen because I'd never seen it before. Surprisingly decent movie. It's a 6-7 pro gamers watching Frozen. Time of my life. Anyway, that's not what we're here for sharing old anecdotes. What we're here for is a game of StarCraft 2. and that is starting out not so great Stargate timing 41 gas in the bank probe queued up and because that probe was queued up not enough money to start the Stargate and does the Stargate for no reason whatsoever is about 7 to 8 seconds too late which is kind of a lot if you're in the early game 3,800 MMR on Korea I feel like I expect expected a little bit more at least. So yeah, fairly disappointing for a start. Now, we have a couple of lings coming over right now. They're going to chase away this probe. So the scout is okay. They didn't actually see the third base either. The adeptase the other side. Ooh, might get a kill on one of these lings. These lings are completely out of position or even better. Might go in and kill a couple of drones here. I have to wait and see how that's going to end up panning out. This is a wall and it's a correct wall. Love to see that. I'm a big fan of people that are below 5K MMR producing, you know, correct walls. That's the content that I subscribe to. I could watch Diamond players make beautiful walls all day if I wanted to. Just makes me happy when a wall comes together in the end. Built a final building and boom, just like that it's done. Oracle on the way, so fairly standard openers here for both players. Third player, but decided to not throw down any creep tumors. If creep is overrated, perhaps handicapping himself a little bit. Oh, lings around. I wonder if the Orubu could be like a body blocker, you know? Put the Orubu in front of your adept. You always just hug it so that lings can get a proper surround. I don't think that would work. Ooh, that's a fast road for it. What about that's going to be for? It's a late third base. I wonder why that is. I think I know the answer, though. It's probably because you forgot to send out the probe. That's a that adept. That's another dead adapt. We do get the Nexus up. Nah, not that great of a trade. Oracle also idling completely. Second Oracle's on the way. This stalker should survive. No, it shouldn't. It dies. Wow. This actually is kind of a big deal. There's a lot of units lost here for amorphism. It's going to stand in this Oracle, but double queens are in position. So she's going to take some hull damage, scout, and see, hey, I can actually deal damage there. Takes out one drone, takes even more damage. Tried flying into two more queens. Not a great start. Kill two workers, lost one, but lost a bunch of units as well. The only thing that I find a bit bad for the zerge is that he built 14 more lings. If that wasn't the case, Zerg would be a heading workers right now, a fairly good position as the tech is super late for no real reason whatsoever. It's a fairly confusing game at the moment. Another surround. This is turning into a stalker-adept graveyard over here. I still don't like these 14 lings being produced. They're paying off, but they shouldn't have. So I think it, like, theoretically this was a bad call. StarCraft isn't really a pure theory game, but theoretically this was a bad call, so I didn't like it. I do like these eight extra drones being produced. Extractor on the way. We have no layer yet. I don't know, we do have a layer. No fort base. Now we get a hydrodron and a bailing nest at the same time, and that fast rotor doesn't get used at all. It's a confusing early game here, in general. I'm not even quite sure who's ahead. It should be the Zerg, but it doesn't quite seem to be the case. Triple Oracles also haven't really achieved all that much. They killed as many workers as the 20 lynx that have been built have. So not quite ideal. Massive oversaturation as well. What did he mention again? He played some... Denied the HydroLink Bainawin is what he said. That's the scout on the HydroLink Bane all in. It's fairly obvious as well. There's like no gases here, no fort base. You're like, oh, what is going on? Surely units are being built. So you add some gateways. You add two cannons. Three cannons? I think three cannons is pushing it a little bit. You're not outmining your opponent by that much. So what are these positions? It's like you're not really ready for anything. They come from the right side. I guess you have kind of two cannons. Come from here. You have like half a cannon. This is a weird chimpsity in general. This cannon isn't protected. This cannon isn't protected. This is also an open area. This is like the opposite of walling. This is just building structures almost adjacent to each. Look at this. None of this is connected. This is insane. No, there's a fight going on here. The base is going to get cancelled. An idiot can see that coming. Look at this. This is a hole? There's a hole in between this. There's a hole here and there's a hole here. There's more entrances to this base right now than there was before he started walling it off. This is an impressive feat as well. No cancel. Triple upgrades for the Zerg. This is an odd Hydroling Baynall in the Zerg. well. Still no gases being taken. Another cannon got added and more pylons. Okay, so a little bit of theory here is that usually as a Protoss player you want to defend the buildings that either deal damage or that have low HP behind gateways. So gateways in front, pylons behind it. Gateways in front, cannons behind it. Gateways in front, batteries behind it. Right now we're seeing cannons and pylons in front at the freaking exact same pixel as well over here. Why is this the only thing that is completely walling? And then between the pylon and the gateway and these two gateways, there's space for bailings to run by. I don't quite understand that. Seems like a mistake. It also seems like a mistake to not take gases here and to invest freaking infinite minerals into these cannons. Like you're making more money than your opponent, but if you're allocating it this poorly into this many cannons. It doesn't actually matter if you make that much. This is as if you make 5K a month, your neighbor makes 3K a month, but you spend $3,600 on candles. It's like, yeah, your neighbor's probably going to be driving a better car after that or a nicer car, and there's really not that much as you can say about it. It's waste a crap ton of cash, and it's the same in this game. Nice map vision as well. a second. Wait a second. I had good map control. Now, when you say map control, that often means that you're in control of the map and that you can see things coming. If you're in control of the map, you can, for example, have a zealot here, a zealot here, and a zealot over here, without them being contested. So you get vision from it. Map control. Map control is just having control of the map and being able to maintain. that vision and being allowed to move out on the map. Having map control isn't being in your opponent's face. If you're al-inning your opponent, you do not necessarily have map control. That's not the same thing. Right now what you're doing is you're practically al-inning your opponent, despite you being al-in by an army that is running by you at the moment. This is, this is not map control. This is having an army on the opponent's side of the map. And that is very different from map control. And I think you got your definitions mixed up, or you truly believe that you were in control. But then how did this happen? You got really lucky with the stasis. And you also got lucky that your opponent's army was terrible. If your opponent had played a real build, you would have died. Fact. Actual fact. Triple Oracle is still alive, so that was true. You're also just honestly ahead at this point. I find it difficult to imagine a world in which you lose or die. Well, dying is impossible because you have right now six cannons. We just keep adding more and more cannons. This cannon has five kills. None of these other cannons have any kills though. So it's a nice efficiency on there. Good return of investment. Now you're building a Colossus one at a time as well as a Templar archive. So that's some foresight. I want to see those force shields again. Okay. Right clicking the hatchery. Losing some stalkers. Nice counterattack. Not force fielding this ramp. Then pretending like it is force fielded and just right-tracking the base anyway. That is a very cool move. That is actually a very, very cool move. I sometimes do that as well with my girlfriend when I'm the one in charge of doing the dishes. of doing the dishes, or with my wife, when I'm the one in charge of doing the dishes, and then I didn't do it, and then I pretend like I did do it. Usually it doesn't end as well for me as it ended up here for amorphism, when he faked the force fields and then just right-click the hatchery anyway. Hide here. A couple of blinkstalkers, and this is still completely over this game. It's actually impossible to lose. You have the ultimate counter. right now, the Colossus against the Hydra Ling. The only thing, it's an interesting blink for it, but doesn't matter. There's so many units, it literally doesn't matter. It is, I actually believe this game to be impossible to lose. Ford base is late and once again we have, how can someone build such a beautiful wall in the natural? And then whenever it comes with, what is this? The Swiss are jealous because you manage to put so many holes in it. What is this? It's like there's literally holes everywhere. Do it, Lord. All right, you're still on the map though, and you're winning. Now I do have to warn you is that Colossi are a trick. Okay, the Colossus is a tech unit that gets outdated pretty quickly. It is a little bit like how the DVD was. the DVD was. You know, you had VCR, then there was like three years of DVD and then Blu-ray came out. If during that time you started like a pure DVD shop and you stayed with DVD forever, you'd probably be bankrupt at this point. That's kind of what the Colossus is. The Colossus is a transitional device like the DVD was, you know? Most people got a PlayStation 3, DVDs were over. It's time to get Blu-rays, my friends. And it's the same with Colossus. You get, you get them for a little bit, I feel like you've had them slightly long already at this point. You need to move on in life. Get into this Ruppters, get into Templar Archives. I like that a lot. Wouldn't mind seeing Storm. Wouldn't mind seeing a fifth base either here at this point, as well as a prism. I'm a huge fan of this zealot, like a little setup over here. So you attack into this area and you send your zealots in. This would work better if your opponent didn't have lurkers borrowed. It also would work better if you looked at where you send them in. but I can blame me for this. I do this a lot as well. Just send in six out. I hope they do something. If they don't, that's life. Ooh, this is a good move, too. Got lucky there that there was no target fire on the observer. Never mind. Observer gets taken out anyway. Some units randomly die on the left. This is still all completely fine. I still truly believe that this game is un-loseable. There's no creep. There is seven lurkers without seismic spines, and there's two vipers out. The only way I can imagine you're losing right now is, getting every single major unit abducted. And there's a simple fix for this. The Templar archives. Warped in a couple of Templar. Make sure that your units don't get abducted. And you probably win the game the moment you manage to attack into Stargate. Now, the thing with a four-base zirchis here is that he's on eight gases. Lurker, Vipers and Hydras all cost a crap ton of gas. So out of eight gases, yes, you can build Lurker Hydra Viper, but you're not going to be capable of maxing out easily. Look at that. Gas count low, mineral count high. The thing that you can't get is corruptors. It is really difficult, practically impossible, to get Lurker Hydra Viper corruptor out of eight gases. So if you ever manage to attack into Stargates, corruptors will not be out, which means if you play Carrier Templar and you clear the Vipers ahead of time, you win. This is the reason why Lurker's are relatively bad. It's because they are like a DVD but have even a shorter time in which they're relevant. They're actually kind of like a colossus in that way. They just don't remain relevant for that long. This is a good fight again by you, by the way. Salads being sent in. This is way better as long as you don't aim of them into a spore. Yeah, two of them do that. The rest, just idols over here. Okay, if you're going to idle over here, I probably would have preferred aim moving into the spore. I take back what I said about the spore. No, never mind. You're controlling them. Okay. I love this. I absolutely love this. Fifth base on the way once again. SimCity that well I what is this walling off I would the cannons are still completely attack like just build the two cannons in here another gateway in front boom you have a wall or just one gate here one gate here cannon cannon something like this what is this it's like you learned how to wall by looking at box art I was wrong with you. Holy crap. Salad Rumbai is good though. Okay, yeah, it was 80 workers to 60, 5 base versus 4. I think I understood the imbalance complaint from correctly. Going into Storm now finally, would love to see some Templars being warped in as well because Storm by itself doesn't do a whole lot if you don't have a Templar that can cast it. And the most important thing isn't really storm because you have disruptors for splash against the Hydras. I think the most important thing really here is just the feedback on the Vipers. That way your carriers can see. stay alive. If your carrier stay alive, you win the game. There's nothing that can contest the carrier. There's simply cannot have enough high rush for that. It's impossible. Probably do want to get rid of the stalkers. If you're really getting stuck into a crap army at this point, and you want to make sure your opponent never manages to walk across the map. 13 gateways, which means that base trading is fairly easy at this point. You have extremely good production. The setup is perfect, except for your SimCity. But the setup is perfect. You also have, Oh, do you really have map control? I'm not sure if I'd consider this map control, but you have some vision on the map with Stasis Ward. Vipers moving in. Stasers are good. Articles are being blasted at a high pace. Look at that. Oh my God. Cannon's got a kill. Nice. Viper gets taken out. Hydra lurker moving forward. Stas and Swartz have really paid the dividends in this game so far. I see the resource lost. 14k to 10k. Look this. Bam, bam, bam, bum. Poof. Oh, both of them died, unfortunate. Poof. Kill two lurkers. Okay. No feedback. Still no feedback. It's an interesting dance here in the lurker spikes. This is the first fight I wasn't so happy with. Both of the disruptor shots missing as well there. But I guess in some way it freed up a little bit of supply here to create more carriers. There is triple stargates. So I'm sad to only see two working. Zadadrambi gets used at the same time is actually keeping your opponent back as well. I guess this is the point where you're most vulnerable. This is the only point at which you can lose. You're in the middle of a transition to air. You just lost a large amount of your army and your opponent has a lot of lurkers, which you're not entirely ready for yet. The thing that you want to be doing right now is keeping your opponent back while you're throwing away cheap, dispensable units. The zealot. If you warp in 10 zealots over here, your opponent will be forced to send a significant force back home in order to deal with that, which means, in turn, that you're not going to get attacked. Or if you get attacked by a weak force, there's only five hydras in here in general, and you still have four carriers. Never mind, you're completely safe. It's actually impossible for you to lose this game. There is 10 hydras extra on the way, and they're going to have three, two upgrades, which is somewhat significant. But there's only five hydras right now. you could just clear them with your carriers and from that point on out you just clear the lurkers after there's an interesting start of the fight you managed to lose one carrier against five hydras four hydras there was one in the back there's every single disruptor that just went down and then half of your no two-thirds of your carriers are attacking roaches over the hydra in the back. This is a fantastic fight. This was wonderful. So a thing I often say, the thing I often do is when you're not sure about why you lost a fight, you can watch it back in slow motion and you can find your mistakes because sometimes it's difficult to understand what you did wrong. For you, it's going to be the opposite here, amorphism. It is very difficult for me to understand what you did correct. Mistakes are going to be plentiful, but my goal in rewatching this fight is not pointing out your mistakes. They're going to be obvious. We will just play it through. I might click at things and I might look funny into the camera when weird things happen. But I'm truly looking for things you did correct. Revelation. I like that you cast revelation. Revelation provides vision of the lurkers, which means that right now at this moment, you know how many lurkers are in position and you can make the correct decisions. on that information you just gained. You didn't use Super Battery. Now, that sounds like criticism, but this pylon actually was very exposed. So using Super Battery on this battery could have potentially been energy wasting and cool down wasting. So although this is not necessarily a good move, we could consider it as perhaps in an alternate universe a good move. So that's two good moves already in this fight. You damage your opponent so that if you get splash damage on it later on, they'll all die at the same time, which gives a very satisfying sound. Three things you've done correct. Yeah, I think that's it. I'm trying my best here, but it's not easy. Yeah. Yeah. I just feel like there was no micro at all here. Now we're getting some zealots. This is going to be a good disruptor shot. And get some units, that's good. That's all you really need is one disruptor shot on hydras during the entire fight or just all carriers attacking the same group of hydras. That also would have been good enough, I think. You can go back to regular speed. Even at this point, despite all your shortcomings, despite all of your shortcomings, I think you're still in a playable, if not winning position. Let's think about it here for a second. So what do you have? You have a lot of gateways, superior income, you have carriers out with two more on the way, zealot runbyes are available and Zerg is still only on, what is it, seven gas right now. Trying to take 10 or trying to take 9, but you have plenty of bases and superior income. All you need to do is keep your opponent back, get disruptors, carriers and Templar out. That's it. Zealots for the runbyes to keep your opponent back and then the rest of your units. Look at this. This base completely empty. This base completely empty. Five zealots would either force his army back or would clear an entire base. And trading a base for a base at this point is probably pretty good because you have more bases than your opponent. You have six, your opponent has five. On top of that you're trying to rebuild. So anything that waste time is also good. This is honestly... It looked like the star. of perhaps a good fight. It could have been a good fight. Oh, maybe a Vias! A feedback. We hit a feedback. That was very nice. So one Viper doesn't get to use all its energy. I guess. As a Zerg player, if you're playing against someone that consistently throws Archon for free in your army, perhaps abducting units isn't even the most important thing in the world anymore. This, despite those mistakes out of the toss, I still think this is a doable fight. Oh, the DT is actually a good call. I like that call of the DTs. I want to split. Yes. There we go. Beautiful. Still have some observers as well. Can clear every single lurker. Actually a hat. Actually a hat. Don't forget to pick up your free three lurkers over here, my friend. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Three three lurkers. Hey. We have observers ready and everything. We were seeing it. Warping in a DT and a zealot. That's not going to do it because one Lurker is out of vision, every single probe is dying. Going from an eco advantage here into an eco disadvantage. Still ahead. Still winning. Foccing down that extractor real good while Lurker was killing your Arcon. Cool move. Yeah, keep right-clicking the hatchery with the Colossus. He used to stay alive, Ling run by to the left. Very nice. People often ask me, Kevin, what do you think is impossible? And I say, nothing is impossible. But... I thought that I finally had a game where I could say, I thought it was impossible to lose this one. But even that is not the case any. even that is not the case anymore. Amorphism, prove me wrong. Everything from start to finish. Once the fighting started, it just ended. The moment the fighting started, in which it was important that you didn't just aim or move command in, or it wasn't good enough anymore that right-click in an extractor, you know, I just feel like everything went wrong. The fight over here, I've never seen something like this in my life. Legitimately never. Just move command that. Seven, eight disruptors. lost a carrier against like four hydras before the fight even started, then attacked roaches with carriers, stormed their own interceptors after the roach over here had practically died. There were so many things that went wrong. The entire fight was complete chaos. You can have material advantages all you want, but if this is how you control it, it doesn't really matter. you literally lost everything into a way inferior army. That was in a good position. That's the only thing that the Zerg did. That was scary this game is move into a good position with 16 lurkers and 5-6 hydras with like 10 hydras as reinforcements. But that was it. After that there was not going to be anything. You could have given up this base. You could have counter-attacked. You could have just used your carriers to clean up the hydras initially and use your disruptors from a distance. There are so many things you could have done, but instead you move commanded your entire ground army into the lurkers without dealing any damage whatsoever. I think two disruptors might have even hit absolutely nothing, and another disruptor hit two lurkers that weren't damaged yet. I honestly think the rest of the game wasn't even that bad. I think your transitions were somewhat timely. Yes, I didn't like the Colossi here in the late game. Yes, I think your Templar were a little bit late in the fight, but it was good enough for your level, definitely. It's just the one fight completely destroyed you. I don't think that had much to do with the lurk. either. Like, the lurker is one of the only units there that probably could have won, but you already had the counter in the carrier. So this, I feel like something that would help you more than, rather than a lurker nerve, is just maybe adding a second control group, or adding a control group altogether, because it feels like you're just F2ing at this point. There's really had nothing whatsoever to do with the, the lurker being in balance, and more so with you just move commanding in. And that my dear friend means that you suck. And that's going to be it. I'm sorry, but that's life. All right. That is also going to be it for me in today's episode of, is it imba or do I suck? Where sadly we had another sucker. I don't enjoy saying any of this. You know that, right? My friends, I really don't. I'd rather have things be in balance as well. Makes me feel good about myself as a pro-os player. Why do I lose all the time? Oh, I suck. No. It's because the lurker is in balance. I would have wanted it, but it wasn't meant to be. All right. Thanks everyone so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy it. If you did, don't forget the like, but subscribe to the channel, and hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Bye-bye. |
And I'm Not Even Talking About The Terran.... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Order! ORDER! PurpleGoose. Please bring your allegations forward! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/eE4N5RgA6MU/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | eE4N5RgA6MU | Dear Harstem, I'm about to show you the best Protoss vs. Theran early game I've ever played. I got matched up against the Grand Master Terran, 500 plus MMR above me, and I played spectacularly against him in the early game. I killed 10 workers with three units. Three units! You have to admit the control was decent enough to find what should be game-ending damage. Unfortunately for me and my Proos brethren, we have to deal with the likes of these mouth-breeding Terran players and their Stim bio. I'll admit, I dropped an extra two gates to put maximum pressure on the Terran and the attack failed, so my tech transition would be hampered a bit. However, it's the fact that I did so much damage early and still couldn't close out the game, even when committing extra gates to my attack. Nevertheless, in the midgame, I tacked two Colossus and took a decent fight with him at my third, while hitting his natural with a zealot run by. By the time I go to him and attack him for the final time, I engage his army in a perfect line, allowing for maximum Colossus carnage. but instead I get run over. Please explain to me how I can use the tools. Proto's has given early to get an advantage, and it still makes no difference in the game. Goose. Now, he isn't a fan of the goose or anything like that. His name is actually just Purple Goose, a North American player that is in the Master League with 4,300 MMR. And the question is, is there an imbalanced, or does Goose suck? and we're going to find out we're going to find out here in this game where we already saw a little bit of chatting Gretzon GM Thank you says ZZZZ Well Purple Goose Probably isn't Grandmaster It looked like a sad congratulations You know It's the jealousy congratulations There's a type of congratulations you give to your 7 year old brother when it's his birthday And you want it to be your birthday because you want the gift, you want to blow out the candle, so you get to do a wish. Oh my God, do you just clear a worker here? With his own worker? That's actually pretty good. That's actually impressive, even, I would say. It's a good start. Actually, a good start. If you get a kill with a worker, that's always going to be good. Let's take a look at the openers here. This seems like a... I don't know what this is out of the Terran. This looks like a gas first, but then with a late gas and with a fast second. Depot. This barracks had the timing of a gas first, but he has the gas of a barracks first. So he managed to get the worst of both worlds. Fantastic. That is like inventing a plastic straw that deflates like one of these paper straws and bad for the environment, and you can't leave it in your drink for more than two minutes until it's unusable. Good job here, this is nice innovation. But we're not here to criticize the Terran player. We're going to leave that to the people in the comments. Instead, we're here to criticize the Protoss, and we already have some good material for that. Nexus B4 core, a build I usually don't mind, but it is a build I mind if your core is even seven seconds later than it's supposed to be with a Nexus B4 core. On top of that, second pylon in the main base while playing a Twilight Council, this is one of these moves that looks cool, but it's a lot less cool when your opponent attacks you with two, four, six or eight helions or just any amount of helions, because you can't create a wall, and thus helions are going to absolutely kill you. This is okay-ish to build a second pylon in the main base if you're opening with a Stargate. Because if you're opening Stargate, your opponent plays helions, you can use your phoenixes or your Oracle to deal with the helion. But if you're playing Twilight Council, you have to rely on gateway unit. And if you can't wall the helions out of your natural base or out of your main base, you're usually pretty darned that. Now, here comes the first adept moving across the map. It's going to kill one SUV at least, I guess. Yeah, one SUV. And maybe even got a second SUV or no, it gets put into that command center. There's a big SUV pool. It's a good start. Twilight Council. Late second gate. And now would be the timing for the robotics facility if you would want one. But instead, I guess we're kind of busy micro-ing over here, our single adapt. One kill so far. I think he said something that got 10 kills with three units. So, you know, we're going to fact-check that claim, of course. So far, four worker kills. Marine gets taken out as well. This is actually pretty decent control and also a decent start. Look at this. Terran just now finishing this natural down 10 workers already, not starting SUV production the moment it's possible because the Terran is a little bit confused as to what is going on. The Build Order of Protles is absolute chaos as well here. We'll have to admit that. This robot got thrown down while there was like 280 gas in the bank. These gateways are way too late. It feels like a little bit of a disjointed build in a way where I don't quite see the point of all of this, but maybe I'm the idiot here. Everything is way too late. Oh my God, this adept, I can be serious. How's this bad boy still surviving? Is this an armory? Did he just cancel his armory to pull off an SUV, to try and surround the adept? Did not get the adept. and then forgot to start the armory up again. Yes, that is indeed what happened. Two stalkers now also coming in. Ten worker kills. Nine workers killed by the three units. And one worker killed by the probe. Oh, might get one more? No. There's going to be it. This is going to be it. So 10 workers total. Yeah. Pretty accurate description in the IOTIS form. The follow-up here is going to be a six-gate. And this was mentioned as well in the first. form. Now, I would like to talk about the six gate. I'm going to pass for it, okay? Because the six gate is not a build. Now, people at home might be wondering, Kevin, why is the six gate not a build? Do you not want to all in every now and again? It's like, no, I do want to all in sometimes. But building six gates does not actually give you any benefit as opposed to playing with four gates. Because the limiting factor when you're playing 4Gate blink is gas and the more gateways you get early on the less likely it is you can afford your third gas. I'm not too sure if that's the case in this particular game. And even if you have these extra gateways you're not mining enough gas to afford and an observer and continuous stalker production and if you cancel an observer your push is a lot worse. So going for 6Gate doesn't make this build more aggressive or more all-in, it actually makes the build less all in because you have less money and thus can build less stalkers. This is a little bit like buying a taser if your computer doesn't work because you think it requires more power. Even if your computer has a power issue, a taser isn't going to fix it. You probably need to do like the supply. You can do something different with it. I don't know how to make computers. Sometimes I get stuck in one of my own analogies due to my own incompetence when it comes to everything that doesn't have to do with Starcraft 2. It's difficult to be relatable and all you do is sit in a room and play StarCraft 2. It's not an easy task, okay? It's a nice drop. Armory almost done for it, five minutes and 42 seconds into the game. Love to see it. Now I've mentioned this before as well in other videos, but when you're hitting with a four gate blink stalker, usually you hit it like five minutes and eight seconds with 10, 11 stalkers. My man purple goose here with this increased power build the 6 Gateway one, is going to be hitting a full minute later without the prism here with no observer and pretty much the same amount of stalker. It could also be because just lost the stalker, two stalkers into mines, but let's not mention that for now. We're floating 600 minerals the entire way through, which is once again a kind of an impressive feat here. Warp in maybe. Okay, look look! Exactly what I said was going to happen. Despite the fact that this is extremely late, it still holds through. Here you are with your six gateways, but you have to build an observer, and now you can't warp in stalkers out of six gateways because you only have 200 gas. Fantastic. This is absolutely great. Did you just warp three stalkers at home? Oh, to deal with the mine. But why three? Surely one stalker would have been good enough. I thought this. set, 4,300 MMR on the forum. Let's take a look at this move again. Now the beauty of the blink stalker build, the four gate or the three gate blink stalker, is that you can blink in and then you have a second blink with the prism. So if there's a tank here on the high ground, you can blink in, clear a couple of marines or, I don't know, kill a depot or whatever, and then pick up stalkers that are being attacked with your prism. Same thing, if there's mines on the high ground, you can blink in, see that this bad boy gets targeted and pick it up so that your stalker doesn't die. The second blink. What you can also do is blink into the mines, not take an observer with you, lose two stalkers, deal no damage whatsoever, and then blink out again, which is what I think is going to happen here. Yeah. I killed a couple of workers, though. It's not the end of the world. Observer could definitely help out. I would like to see that. But what you could also do is wait until these mines come back off of cool down and then just blink into them again. That would be an even better move. I would not be a fan of that. I repeat, I would not be a fan of that. This is good though. This is actually this is a nice move. I'm not quite sure why he blinked a single stalker into that mine but let's pretend that never happened. I love this kind of like stun lock down here. So like, man, I wish there was a way for me to deal with these invisible mines. If only I had a unit that could detect and at the same time a unit that could outrange the mine, I wish both of these were on this side of the map already, so I wouldn't have to send them there. Or I could blink in and then pick it up with the prism. There's literally the two ways that I know that you can deal with this problem are both available for purple goose, but purple goose decides, yeah, you know, sounds a little bit difficult. maybe I can blink into a mine into the natural. Yeah, I definitely could. Very nice. Solid stuff here. It gets to the bunker at least. That's nice. Loses two stalkers, kills a bunker and a mine. That's usually what we call not a very good trade. Meanwhile, floating 1,400 minerals. So we could have thought, perhaps, in a different universe, that Purple Goose's poor micro is because he was busy macroing at home or doing other intelligent things. But I think this Nexus went down while there were like 1,700 minerals in the bank. There's still 1K in the bank as well. He could be triple expanding at this point, and there would be no difference in this game whatsoever, except that he would have a better late game, I guess, and pretty much go into that late game a little bit faster as well. I like this charge. I wouldn't mind seeing two forges or three forges going down, or two forges, a robo bay and a fourth base and a fifth base, pylons all around the map. I mean, we have plenty of cash anyway. This is one of the things I'm not a huge fan of, is blindly warping in eight stalkers because you're too lazy to send your observer for it, which would show the fact that there's absolutely nothing on the map currently for Z and all the units are being left at home. Building stalkers at this point is a huge mistake. If you're playing Forgate Blink, you don't want to continuously build stalkers. You want to continue building stalkers as long as you have potential for damage. The moment you can't deal damage anymore, you don't want to build stalkers anymore, because they cost a lot of gas. They delay your future tech because, well, gas reasons. And they usually also delay the increase of your infrastructure. I guess none of these things are really worried for Purple Goose as he was floating a solid 1K minerals and about 700 gas. So I guess warping them in wasn't the end of the world. I'm a fan of these triple sentries. That's the one thing I actually do kind of like. Despite all of these failures that Purple Goose has committed, these crimes against Protoss optimized build orders that Purple Goose has committed, he's still really far ahead because of his early game. His early game was actually fantastic. And no matter how hard he's trying to throw this game, it just isn't quite working. But here's another attempt. Up eight workers, double forging right now, tacking into something. Probably the worst timing to attack, Purple Goose decides to move out on the map for another mission. You absolutely love to see it. Now, Combat Shield isn't done for the Terran yet, but this is a pure stalker army, which doesn't work so well against the units. Guardian Shield doesn't get used. Instead, we get force fields that, well, my seven-year-old dog could do better than this, and my dog has never touched a mouth yet. The worst part of all of this is that this was in full vision. It isn't like Purple Goose thought that he was going to have a way bigger army than his opponent. No, he completely spotted his opponent's army, the exact state of the game, and decided, you know what? 1-1, not that important. The colossus that I'm building, probably not in such a hurry to get there either. Let me just throw away a couple of sentries, lose 20 supply for no reason, and then see if I'm still ahead in this game. And this actually is the first time in the game where I'm a little bit worried for Purple Goose. Yes, he's still extremely far ahead, but his opponent got infernal pre-igniter so these helions are going to deal more damage okay Al-Qa don't really know what this is the North American ladder has really fallen really taken a bit of a nose dive I've never seen this in my life is this guy meaming Combat Shield has finished up I would not advise attacking here if you're the 10-player. Four more sentries. Some nice SimCity as well. Making sure to block all your own zealots. Good probe pull away. Making sure to keep all of these probes alive. Look at that. Man, it would be awful to keep all those probes mining the moment a massive force invades into the base, wouldn't it? Was this the run by? Let me read that again. In the midgame, I tacked to Colossus and took a decent fight with him at my third, while hitting his natural with a zealad run by. Well, technically he is hitting his opponent's natural with a zealot run by, but... I'm not quite sure how much damage did this dealt. This was, what, three SEVs that went down here, losing six zealots. I understand that Purple Goose is not a mathematics major, but... Even he should be capable of understanding that this isn't a fantastic trade. I like that he put that in there as a brag. It's a weird one. at the same time saying that he took a good fight. I mean, he lost like eight, nine workers here. Supplies remain pretty close. I guess it was a fine fight. It wasn't that bad. I shouldn't be negative all the time. The fight was fine. The salad run by was garbage. But just because you did one thing correct doesn't mean you can brag about the others. It's like saying that you've aced your test and you hit a wall. And then when people see you, they see you with a broken arm. It's like, well, that isn't actually something to brag about. You could have just talked about the ace test because that's what you did. You had a decent fight. Now, that doesn't mean you can walk across the map and win the game because you're not actually as far ahead anymore as you used to be. Your opponent is going to get plus two. You have two colossi with thermal lands, but there's no ability to quickly reinforce this as there's no prism. On top of that, this is also a pretty bad angle to engage on. Despite all of that, I still think you should actually just straight up win here. And you actually have a prism. Never mind. I take everything back. No, this actually, this actually should be a win. Let's take a look at these armies. 22 Marines, 11 marauders, 3 colossi, 15 stalkers, 19 zealots, 5 Sentries. Guardian shield and A move. Guardian shield and A move. That's the future here. Maybe a couple of force fields also would be good. Could use the stalkers to clear the Vikings rather than to move command for a very long time. Okay, there we go. One, two. I feel like a lot of these moves in... this fight. We'll go over it once more. We're slightly mediocre. So it starts okay with a guardian shield. I said guardian shield and aim move. So here we go. Guardian shield, A move. Now, there is two units here in this entire army that can deal with the Colossi. They are already floating above the stalkers. A quick right click of about 10 stalkers would clear both of these Vikings in no time and your Colossi are happily shooting forever. Guardian Shield gets activated. Here we the first move command. Here we get our second move command, making sure that we lose the maximum amount of damage output that we can lose. We create a larger concave for our opponent by moving into an area that is more easily surrounded. Vikings take out one colossi, then the Vikings get taken out, but at that point the superior upgrades where the Terran actually do well enough that they win the overall fight. You're down an upgrade during this? You didn't micro at all. Well, you did micro, but everything about it was negative. You didn't focus down the Vikings. And then on top of that, you also move commander a couple of time, losing you damage output. I actually believe if you would have just pressed Guardian Shield, A moved, and then done nothing, it would have been better than what happened just now. Probably would have killed every single SCV. Maybe still would have lost the fight in the end, but I don't actually think so. Once again, just moving down a ramp, making sure your opponent has the maximum concave. This well. Moving back and forth with the marauders, having the Vikings in, well, in a position, I guess. Okay, the micro actually also isn't fantastic, and it doesn't really matter. And now you're dead. Back to two bases. You wish you had a 1200 mineral bank right now, but those days are over. Metafax completely empty for the time. This game is fairly over. I don't know how to win. I thought I was ahead. that whole game. Both of these statements are correct. He doesn't seem to know how to win and he also probably was ahead the whole game, despite his obvious attempts to sabotage himself. I just don't entirely know what to say to this either. This is someone that got very lucky early in life. This man won the lottery when he was three. And by the time he was 19, he lost all of his money and started complaining about financial troubles again. That's pretty much what happened in this game. He's playing against someone that is better than him, but was really far behind. And then eventually lost by taking worse fight, having inferior macro, having a worse understanding of what to upgrade, what unit compositions, where to fight, basically all decision-making, harassment was better out of the Terran as well, despite him constantly being down in supply. Like, literally everything in this game was worse than your opponent. I understand why you lost. It's because your opponent is 500 MMR above you and you kill 10 SVs so you felt like you deserve to win. But that's not really how it works. It's like me starting against Bolt on a racetrack 25 meters ahead. Then when he runs past me, he's like, oh. How did I lose? Well, because Bolt spent his teens and his, well, his 20s practicing running, while I spent it pressing hotkeys on my keyboard at a very high pace. It's like, yeah, I'm not that surprised that he managed to beat me. And you shouldn't be so surprised either. Everything about your game was just off. This had nothing to do with Terran being in balance or Terran being difficult to kill. I agree that often it's frustrating. If you get a lead against Terran, it's hard to kill them, but you didn't do any of the correct moves. You didn't. didn't try to send in a prism, you didn't try to extend your lead or get a better composition by maybe adding disruptors in or even adding Archons in. Note, there were no ghost in your opponent's army. You've created what? You created 12 Sentries this game with three still alive. You've invested 1,500 gas in Sentries. In my average PVT game, I invest about 100 or 200 gas in Sentries. I try to keep them alive and I'll rebuild one maybe in some situations just for a guardian shield. But most of my guess, otherwise going into either tech, upgrades, or better units, disruptors for like Air or R-cons. Like, the Sentry is not a good late-game unit. You spent your entire game building mediocre units, taking bad fights with bad upgrades, and then you get your butt handed to you, and you complain. That's not cool, my friend. You suck. Terran's not imbalanced. I'm sorry. That's the way it is. All right. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. Enjoy this episode of Is it Inba or Do I Suck? If you did, don't forget to the like button, subscribe to the channel and I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Be sure to leave down in the comments what you thought of this game. What you believe the Tarran player or sorry, the Protoss player could have done better. And I'll be curious to read it. Thanks so much for watching and bye-bye. |
SECRET GUEST SURPRISES HARSTEM! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | We have a very special guest today and Harstem does not even know he's there! Watch till the end to see the surprise reveal! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/22bozAWWcuM/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 22bozAWWcuM | Dear Master Harstem, I really need to complain about lurkers. I played my kind of freestyle in this game, which worked quite good for the start, going for a pretty successful midgame aggression, forcing the Zerg into a lot of units, trading well. My macro wasn't spot on in this time span, but I dealt the damage to equalize the lack of macro. Then he got his Lurker them ready. Seeing the Lurkers, I decided not tech into something that counters Lurkers. My strategy to counter them was just not fighting them, resolving in going ham into his base and using the distraction to cripple his economy. They say Starcraft is just a numbers game, so I kept building the units that led me into this beautiful position, hoping I could just overrun my opponent. But I made this calculation without the massive nuke-like area damage of the lurker. He goes all in knowing he has to deal damage and, well, see yourself what happens. Seems like I wished my opponent too much luck. in the beginning. Bram-bram! Your name is Kegan D on the European server in the Diamond League with 3,900 and 80 MMR. And the question here is, is the lurker imbalanced? Or does Kegan suck? And we're going to find out. All right, my friends, there we go. Kegan D versus Johnny on Babylon, of course, one of the new maps, beautiful map. A small main base, kind of easy third, defendable four technically, maybe a defendable fifth, but it often provides quite interesting games. I don't really mind this map all that much. I actually kind of like, oh, look at that. Oh, that is indeed a lot of luck that Kegan wished here in the early game. What's an interesting clan name, by the way? D.N. I wonder what that stands for. If you know what D.N stands for, be sure to let me know in the comments. I'm curious and get creative with it as well. I want to hear your wild takes. What was it? Extractor trick. Wait, what? Extractor trick 15 hatch. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, this is one of these build orders that people do. That isn't actually good. But they do it because they think it has some, like special value. What in the world am I watching here? Is this a link flood? Another extractor trick. 15 hatch 14 pool. Okay. Economically this is not very good. I know we're not supposed to criticize people that don't send in the replay, but this is a wild builder. This is one of these builds people do. They figured it out by themselves and they think it's so brilliant. You know, they don't do any of the benchmarking, but they just feel like it's better. than what they see at the high level. I get emails about this stuff legitimately all the time. I'll get an email of like a guy who's in gold or platinum or diamond. And it sends me a replay against the AI. It's like, hey, I found out a new build. And I haven't seen it in ProPlay yet. But if you play it, I would like credit because I think this is really going to revolutionize the matchup. And then this guy takes three necksi before the first gateway and starts pumping out void rays. And then I'll send a message back. like ah what what if your opponent 12 pools and he'll i'll get i'll get another email back and it will be something along the lines of ah i haven't figured out the counter to 12 pool exactly or even against a regular pool timing or a link flood but if you get away with it you're in a pretty darn good spot i'm like all right thanks uh i'm not sure if i'm going to be using this in the near future but i'll keep it in the back of my mind yeah is a lot of emails like this some of them are are worse than the three nexus before gateway idea as well. So it's a wild world out there. And I think Johnny has been caught as well by that. He somehow got it in his mind that 14 hatches a legitimately good build. And yeah, it's not. It's absolutely not a good builder. Please don't play this. Was there a Reaper here? Did I miss a Reaper? Okay, this was Marine first. Oh, into very fast aliens. Cool. Nice little build order could micro the Marine here to probably keep it alive. not the greatest control, actually, really not the greatest control, but? An actual build order. Would love to see a tech lab down here, but obviously he's busy trying to micro away. So I don't even mind it completely. I believe this is going to be Benchie, just based on the two gas. It's the only Viking. Viking, Marine, Viking. I don't know. Matter of fact. Mines. Okay, not a huge fan of this. You do see it every now and again. as Johnny goes for... Okay, Johnny went gasless. Oh, this is a game already, isn't it? It's really difficult sometimes to give advice if both players are just kind of playing wonky builds and to kind of analyze the positions because this is one of these things I just have no real experience with. Kegan opening without a Reaper into mine drop, tech lab on the barracks, a double mine drop after building two heads. Helions, then a third C.C. And he's playing against someone that opened with Gasless, into double gas, roaches. Which is also not really a build order. So we're watching two things clash that don't really exist. This is a... It's like the fantasy battles you have when you're a kid. You know, it's like... We have Digimon fighting Pokemon. It's like both of them are fictional. It's not real. You can't fight with them. We had a kid in our neighborhood, who was really keen on all the lore. He's like basically the lore master of our neighborhood. He knew everything about Pokemon and Tijimon. But even he, he wouldn't go into Tegimon versus Pokemon because they didn't live in the same universe. He was very keen on that. So we'd play games like, you know, you'd pretend to be a Pokemon or something like that. Actually, so we'd often pretend to be Pokemon. It's like I had an insane childhood. But I think this is normal for kids. So, and whenever you're a Pokemon, everyone always wanted to be a Pokemon because there was way more fun than being the trainer. But there also had to be a trainer, you know, like there had to be someone that was playing Ash as well in our fantasy world. There is some good damage by the way. But no one wanted to be the trainer. So the lore master always ended up being the trainer because he was the only person that was truly attached to the idea that Pokemon would be completely wild in the head if there wasn't a trainer. Everyone else like, well, we could just be Pokemon by themselves. don't need a trainer. I just realized they had nothing to do with Starcraft. This is a good mind drop, though, and it killed a lot of workers. But yeah, so if you have a lore master in your neighborhood, he's going to be the trainer, and you can pretend to be squirtle. Don't let your dreams be dreams, my friends. The future is yours. Just like the future is right now on the hands of Keegan D, who's playing a build order that has not been showcased before, this looks like a hellbat all-in, but then without the all-in part, and so far also without the hellbats. Now, if you remove both the hellbets and the all-in from the hell-bat all-in, you're left with nothing. That's kind of how I feel about this early game as well. Yes, he dealt damage, but the rest of his was... Really nothing happened here. This is also not an army. This is five marauders, and three, four mines, six cars. It's one of these armies you look at and you think to yourself, this has been theory crafted. This is a guy at home whose internet connection is down because he's part of some crappy ISP. It's the only one in his neighborhood as well. And in his little notebook, he wrote, Marauders kill Roach, Helions kill Ling, mines kill Bainling, Medevax, Yuma units. and then in his mind, he's like, ta-da, fixed Terran versus Zerg, completely destroyed it, and then starts playing this type of graph because, holy cow, this is not a build order. You're supposed to have an opener like this and then hit around 30 seconds, well, actually, didn't even build any air units except for a matter of fact, so he's probably supposed to hit like a minute ago with 16 Marines with Stim and 1-1 on the way, but instead we have no upgrades yet. But we do have an armory. Hellbats, transitioning mid-fight, but only two of them. And another three do it while being biled. This was the worst way this fight could have gone. And despite all of that, the terrible composition, the terrible control, Kegan is still completely fine. And I think it's because his macro hasn't been so bad for Diamond. It's just everything else that has been bad. The tier rising. And look at this, look at his helmet go. He's also floating 900. I don't actually know what he's doing correct. Sometimes I look at these games. And I wonder what people's strengths are. Do you ever have that? Sometimes you also have it with actual people in real life, where you look at them and you think to yourself, I know you must have some types of strength, but I can't find it right now. There's a guy that lives very close to me that walks his dog, and he doesn't pick him. up the poop of his dog. I've seen it multiple times now already and it annoys me because my dog is a moron and eats the poop of other dogs. And then I have to pay attention to make sure there's no poop on the floor, which makes my relaxing walk a little bit more like a Sherlock's home series. I have to look on the floor for clues if this man with his glasses has dropped the deuce on the floor. It's very frustrating. I look at that guy and I think to myself, I see no redeeming qualities. There's no strong characteristics, you know, there's nothing good about you. I feel the same about Kegan D's play so far. The composition makes very little sense. The micro is not great. Has no upgrades. We're building a Ford base and another factory. So there is something in the head of his that makes it, you know, makes him wake up in the morning and build stuff. but I'm not entirely seeing yet what it is. Like, why are we even right now? I don't understand. It feels like every decision in this game so far has been incorrect. But I guess the macro is quite good, and maybe that's just enough at this level. He's macroing well, and he's fighting, I guess. He's A-moving at times. He sometimes has halberts ready before a fight. Like, I'm not more upset with Kegan than I am with John. I think so far the game is... I... it's just a diamond game. But maybe slightly worse than I thought diamonds would be. The funny thing is that if I were to do this in rank roulette, I feel like I would get it correct. But if I wouldn't know that this was diamond right now, there's absolutely no way I would have guessed this at diamond. Because this has just been a disappointing all around. Lurker Dan on the way, a Thor? The Thor is not a counter to roaches and hydras. The Thor is a counter that specifically targets Muralisks or Brutelords. These are the two scenarios in which I am willing to see a Thor. These are the only two scenarios in this entire matchup. Never against Roach Hydra Ravager or against Roach Hydra Ravager or against Roe. or against lurkers, are Thor's any good? They're always worse than a tank. They have less than a tank. You don't have any tanks either, do you? There's no thanks here. No Thor's. It is a banned unit. It's not okay, okay? Well, not okay. Six marauders popping out. 1-1. 11 minutes into the game. Standard 1-1-1 timing. we look on the other side, it's also just plus one. Like, how can I get mad at Kegan D for playing garbage if he's also playing versus garbage? He's just copying what he sees. This is childlike behavior perhaps. No, you copy what you see. But I can't blame him for it if this is, like this is working on this level apparently. I think he's ahead. In his four bases, he's down to any workers, sure, but... And yes, the composition is completely... He's building Hellbats against Roach Hydra. High... I just don't quite understand where, in your mind, the Hellbat Thor combination from the factory is the ultimate unit that you want here. Like, the factory units kind of are like the superheroes of your army, you know? these are the guys that back up the working class guy, the Marine and the Marauder, you have the tank, you know, there's a Superman in the back. Now, the Thor in this case is a little bit like Catwoman, I guess. You know, you get Batman and then Catwoman. No one really knows if Catwoman is even a superhero. I've never seen her. I've never seen a Catwoman movie either. And that's what the Thor is as well in this situation. It's like, you know, you're in trouble, your city is being attacked by some evil villain and Catwoman shows up. You're like, well, couldn't you have sendover Batman or Superman or one of the guys that goes invisible and you just, you know, can run very fast, you know, just anything else. I don't think someone with kitty ears, I don't even know what the powers are. Maybe we can jump higher, or is nine lives? If you have nine lives, it would be tough as well. If he'd be a sucky superhero, he'd die like six times already. You have to come back three more times to die in the same way again. This game is actually over, by the way. Like, legitimately nothing good here is going on for Johnny. Johnny is Uber dead. He has 66 drones. He has no upgrades. He's losing to someone building Hellbad Marine Marauder Thor. This has to be the worst day in Johnny's life. Johnny came home from work after a long day of filling numbers in in a spreadsheet in Excel or Google spreadsheets. Marketing genius, Johnny. But undervalued at his company, came home, wanted to play a couple of games. Yeah, he's not the greatest, but he loves building roaches and hydras. They're getting beaten by some guy without Metafax? This guy has no Metafax. Three Metafax, they're all in the main. No Metafax? Just messing Hellbets because he thinks the helmet looks cool. Kegan D doesn't actually think about unit counters. He just builds the units that look the sickest. So the Thor is big. The helmet has fire. Let's build those. And right now Keegan D is in a position where it's legitimately, impossible, but actually impossible to lose the game. Let me pick open this balance complaint. What did he say? They say StarCraft is just a numbers game, so I kept building the units that led me into this beautiful position, hoping I could just overrun my opponent. This is absolutely, this is the type of thinking that would get you very, very rich on the stock market as well. So imagine you have a stock that performed very well for you and then the company basically goes bankrupt. The one thing you probably shouldn't do is buy more of that stock. You probably should, you know, diversify your assets. And that's what you should be doing here as well. Okay, I think that even if you would have diversify your assets here, If you would have ghost, for examples or tanks, if you would have moved commended into six lurkers like this, I don't think it actually matters. This is the stock equivalent of forgetting the password to your account and not having a backup email attached to it. And having it attached to a fake name as well because you thought it would be funny. This was legitimately the worst fight in the entire world. There was 90 supply that just went down. There was actually 90 supply that just ran in there and died. 90. That's a 9 and a 0. You're still honestly, maybe in a playable position? No, you're not. You could have just legitimately counterattacked, just left these lurkers for what it is, build two liberators, one tank, and keep your own. How is the response to get more hellbats? At this point, I don't understand. I actually don't understand that at all. Because you said what led you to this beautiful position is what you're going to continue building. Now you're in a crap position, and you're still building those units. Unless your plan is to completely run by every... run by everything basically. I don't really see how you're planning on engaging with the lurker. Your position is significantly worse than before and you're getting the same army. If you couldn't win with 190 supply against 84, how are you going to win down 15 supply? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. It just doesn't. I love to scan here. It's like, just analyze the situation. And look at this. I have one, two, five lurkers, six lurkers, lots of hydras. Don't think I can fight that. Don't think it's possible. And then just stands over here still doing nothing rather than base trading. This is like watching a volcano erupt, looking at the lava and thinking, if that lava hits me, I'm probably pretty dead. And then not running away. It's like, well, yes, you are probably. pretty dead if the lava hits you and maybe you know he should get moving but my man kegan d has different plans he sets up a flank here well some sort of a flank actually it's not a bad engagement takes out two hydrants touche scans again sees the army he's like okay that looks really bad for me let me just move through it for a couple of seconds see how much damage these spikes can do doesn't scan now? It's like, hmm, maybe I can go if I don't scan. Because he might have moved. Maybe. Or maybe not. Planetary here is actually proving to be pretty useful. Another marauder out. Still no tanks on the way. No liberators. Just more hellbats. Eight more lurkers coming out. And Johnny definitely has got the taste for the lurker right now. Yeah, there's absolutely no way. Is it... Half of the lurks aren't even burrowed. Yeah, this is a game over. Scans again. It's like, huh, still way too many units. I'm not sure why we keep scanning to confirm the fact that we're still very dead. It's like taking a couple of pictures of the lava. It's going over me now. Watch this Instagram live. Like, well, not quite sure if that's how you want to be known till the end of time. Gigi? G.G. Like the insane thing in this game is that I really do feel like that Keegan is ahead the entire time. entire time. And yes, he's not playing perfect and he has a weird composition. And he's a bit of an idiot. I'll admit to that immediately. But did Johnny play so well? What did he do? He built roaches. He built hydras. Then he builds lurkers. He's down 90 supply. He has no mining whatsoever. The only mistake Kegan made here was one thing. And that's that he didn't build ghosts. Sure, didn't build tanks. But the lurker is too easy to use at this level. You know what? actually, I think it's going to happen. Guys, what I actually wanted to say is, you suck, Egan. See you next week. Thank you. |
TRIPLE CC BEFORE BARRACKS?! Greediest Terran EVER Finds IMBA Strat! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | NEW form for the new patch guys - https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 - with new customisation options!! Come on, send us your freshest IMBA games! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LJOM1FWZA4A/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | LJOM1FWZA4A | Turtle Terran is Inba. This guy opened up with his CC first, so I tried to harass him with my adept, only to realize he was going Planetary Fortress on second base. Seeing that, I played greedily, taking my third and fourth base quite early. I kept expanding, I even started sending out some zealot run bys, but he has too much splash damage. I got some tempest to break his defense, but the widow mines with Fassborough were too fast to react to. And it didn't work. I kept expanding and expanding. even trying to deny him from expanding. But Terran is Inba. He has so much mules to keep his economy going and whenever I tried to break his defense directly, I fail. Tanks shoot down my stalkers, widow mines kill my zealots, and the planetary at his second base prevents me from even doing good damage to him. In the late game, he somehow got so many Vikings to drop on my base and destroy a lot of stuff. I was focused on spamming zealots to run by, so I was caught of guard. I've just had enough. My workers are mostly dead. My sanity is almost dead. And he got so deep in my head that I unleashed my inner Terran and didn't say, Gigi. How could Terran Turtle like this and somehow still be a hat? So Captain, is it Imba? Or do I suck? That question gets asked by Homura, who plays on the Korean server, is in the Platinum League at 3200 MMR and plays Protoss with a very simple question. Is it Inba or does he suck? And we're here to figure that out. All right, my friends, here we go in the game between Homura, our Protoss player, our platinum hero. And in the top right, we have whatever this means, Korean characters here out of our Red Terran player and a Mac game. Or at least, that's what it seemed like here from the imbalance complaint form. I get loads of these. I get loads of imbalance complaint forms about Mac. tanks, mines, planetary fortresses, force, Vikings I hadn't heard before. I don't, I think this is the first time that I think in like, well, like a 160, 170 episode that we have someone complain about the Viking. But I guess it's also part of the Mac army in a way. The thing with Mac often is, is that it has to do with money, okay? As a Protoss player, you don't need to take one good fight against Mac. You can take six fights that are decent. And just because you have more money, because the Mac player can't kill you, because they can't move out across the map majority of the time, they need their defensive setup. You're going to be fine as ProDals. You have quick tech switches as well, all of that good jazz. Now, this is interesting because Homura did mention that there was a CC first, and that's indeed what's going down. So that's a reasonable read here at the start. But what is our... Okay, I'm not quite sure what this Terran is doing because there's no barrack yet. So we see a CC or we'll see a worker down here, which yeah, indeed is going to throw down a CC. Now, I'm going to do something that might be a little bit mean or that might sound a little bit mean, but Homura is an idiot for not realizing that something is off. And don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that Homura should know the exact timing. of the barracks. Oh, if it's CC first, the barracks should come down at, you know, 130 or 120 or whatever time. I don't know what timing the barracks should start either. But, but ladies and gentlemen, this CC is 69, nice, seconds into building. You know that it doesn't take more than a minute to mine 150 minerals on one base. Where in the world is the barracks? That is the question that Homura should be asking. Where is the barracks? He's either being proxied or there is a problem. proxy base or that's it. These are the only two options right now. And yes, it is possible that he doesn't know how much someone mines a minute. It's okay to not know that you mine like between 850 and maybe a thousand minerals a minute if you're properly saturated in a main base. That's okay. But you should still know that something is wrong right now. This is done. There's no barracks yet. That's completely off. You know there are people. Everyone knows these people. They have them in there, you know, around you. It's like maybe it's your mom or your dad or your little brother or if you have friends. It's one of your friends. These are people that are, they have no clue about the passing of time. You know, they're not very good with it. So they'll tell you, I'll see you in 10 minutes and they'll be gone for 20 minutes, you know, double the time. It's like, oh, I lost track of time. It's like, oh, twice as March. It's not that bad. Now, this isn't like that. Okay, this is freaking 150 minerals that are missing. This is more like if your dad says he's going to the corner store to get some cigarettes and he doesn't show up for another five years and all you get is like a Christmas card from him. That is more like this. This is a significant portion of the resources that you know your opponent has are missing and Homura isn't responding to that. And I think that is very painful in this situation. And we're at a league in Platinum on the Korean server where I think it is very fair. to expect people to understand this concept, to understand the concept of money in, money out. I think this is one of the most basic concepts in StarCraft 2, and Homura is seemingly not understanding it, and that disappoints me a little bit. I do like his build, well, I like his build order, I don't like the amount of money he's floating, he's floating like 6, 700, getting a Robo Bay, double gases. This is not a good build order at the high, But this is a perfectly fine build order to get you to Masters League or to even get you to low grand masters. Like it's a simple build. It gives you a lot of vision because you can easily get observers out. You're relatively safe on your two bases initially. It's easy to deal with drops because you can build a lot of units out of your three gateways. It feels good to play this build order, is what I'm trying to say. It feels darn good to play this build order. If you want to learn a standard builder in Brut versus Starrant, this is completely fine to But execution isn't brilliant and the scouting also hasn't been brilliant so far because right now we're completely unaware of what is going on here on the other side of the map. We're four minutes and 45 seconds in and right now there's two marines out for the Terran player. Now I could make fun of the Terran's terrible build order because this build order is really quite bad. But we could also make fun of Humura of not being capable of capitalizing on this. Just for a point of reference here, if Homura were to play a proper three-gate blink build, like the one that I would play, he would be hitting five seconds ago with 12 blink stalkers, a prism and an observer. And there would be three marines to defend that. And before anyone even thinks about starting to argue that these stalkers might not be able to break the planetary when it gets repaired, we ran a quick simulation on what would happen. You just come up, blink up the ramp, the ramp, sit on top of the production, deny any factory units and have a damn good time against three marines that might still try to tickle you. But the planetary is no help at all here. That would be a very difficult defense, like an extremely difficult defense. Some might even want to use the word impossible. Now I've seen mission impossible and sometimes what seems impossible at the start of the movie isn't so impossible at the end for all four episodes of Mission Impossible or however how many Mission Impossible is there actually? I think there's at least three now. It's like one of these series where I feel like every few years there's a new one and I don't really pay. It's a bit like Fast and the Furious. Like Fast and Furious 12 has recently been released as well. I don't know anyone either who watches Fast and the Furious or Mission Impossible. It's just one of these franchises. that keeps going. I feel like it's the same with Guardians of the Galaxy, where we're like Guardians of the Galaxy 12 coming out soon. Like the first one wasn't even that good. I'm not sure why we're making like the seventh sequel. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It's like a lack of creativity, says the man who's made 170 episodes of, is it inba or do I suck? But that's a story for another time. It's fine to criticize other people as long as you love yourself. Harsh them, 23. Nice. Let's not forget that Homera so far hasn't scouted the proxy base yet. I looked at the planetary, the barracks in the wall. I was like, you know what? Probably no third base anywhere else. A bunch of turrets as well. This is an insane setup, by the way. Actually, you got two worker kills. And goes back home. I love the casualness at which this happened. He flew in, dropped it, killed to workers, and pissed back off home. These are like the guys that go fishing. They throw out their fishing rod. They catch one fish. And they're like, all right, that was it for today. They go back home, have a beer. And that's life. You know, happy with what they have. They don't need more. You know, there's the people that always need more and more and more in their life. You know, they get a nice car. Their neighbor gets a bigger car. They also want a bigger car. This Disruptor is completely content with life. He got two kills. He's going to chill on the prism. He's retired now. We're never going to see him again. I hope he goes to the top left of the map, unbinds this hotkey, and tapes off the bottom left side of the mini map. So that way is never going to get used again. I think this is a good call. Another thing that would be quite a decent call here is if we'd get some scouting of the side bases. Right now we're really hitting the territory where no third base at the 8 minute mark is dangerous. The moment you're taking a fourth base against someone that's on two bases, you might want to check if there's a proxy base. I love that this orbital starts eight minutes in. This DC has been done for like five minutes. It could have had thrown down five mules already, which is like a thousand minerals. But instead he just built it now. This is the beauty of lower level optimization. It's just because it isn't there. Oh, we actually have some scouting. There's actually okay. except in front of the opponent's base. Look at this. I just want to take a look at this vision. Look at this. So you have vision of your own fifth base, vision on your opponent's third and your opponent's fourth. You know there is nothing on your opponent's third and fourth. And rather than scouting when the moveout is going to come or with what the move out is going to come. Because I'm assuming right now that Homura thinks that this is a two base all in. Because that is the only thing that makes sense. Nothing, legitimately nothing has happened in this game. two SEPs have gone down and I guess maybe four SEPs have gone down. I don't even know what else have gone down. Yeah, four SUVs have gone down. That's it. Nothing else has happened. Humura must think this is a two base all in because literally nothing is happening. But he's not scouting. Look, the one area that's important is down the ramp or in front of his opponent's natural. There's no observer, nothing. Now, there's two observers, but both of them are camping this general area above the cybernetics corps. Okay, this base at least got spotted. But at this point I already kind of think it's too late. This was world's greediest build order. Like this was legitimately double-cc into barracks, and it didn't get punished. So, what did he ask again in the form? Let me have a quick look. How could Terran Turtle like this and somehow still be ahead? Well, how could Terran Turtle like this and somehow still be ahead? It's very simple. They got away with sneaking out a base, build a creptone of SUVs there. Well, you were getting four gases before you got your third base. You took your third base relatively late. You took your fourth base, honestly, relatively late as well. I know probably for Platinum League this is quite fast, but your opponent just probably mined more than you and thus has a bigger army. Like I don't quite know what to tell you here. This is... I'm so confused by your complaint here that I can't even form a sentence anymore. Okay, imagine you have two guys that work at a supermarket. They're the same age and make the exact same wage. Okay, we'll call them John and Paul. John worked 10 hours last week. Paul worked 150 hours last week. Then John gets upset because Paul gets paid more, despite knowing that he worked 15 times as long. Your opponent had more mining and does more money. Both of you are floating approximately the same amount of money. Like, I don't know what you want here. Did your opponent gain supply during this fight? What was this? You know, you've heard these stories of the... of like lemmings that run off a cliff. You know, it's like a suicide pact between. these animals. Um, I felt like these stalkers did something similar here. Like they were done with living. Like what in the world is this fight? Holy God. Your opponent had what? Like 1.190 supply? Your opponent lost like 10, 12 supply and you lost 70. Now your mining is actually quite, okayish, but it's not brilliant. I mean, you're still practically getting out mind. Also, the story about the Lemmings, by the way, I think is fake. I believe it was a myth or something, and then some film crew went to go film the Lemmings mass committing suicide, running off a cliff, but then it didn't happen, so I think they forced them off a cliff, and then they recorded that. They killed like thousands and thousands of, I think they're called Lemmings. It's absolutely messed up. It seems like in the 60s or something. Pretty sure it was in black and white as well. So the boomers who did it. Or the generation before the boomers maybe. I bet it was the boomers though. Don't like that. Eh, it's proper mean. It's like it was mean to these stalkers as well. I didn't even see a film crew behind it. Um, aren't you filming it, like, right the second? But maybe, yeah, maybe I just missed that. Maybe there was a film crew, but I didn't see it. Pushing the stalkers into the mines. Yeah, we'll have to watch that in the... in a slow review, the replay. The highlight reel of that fight. That was a terrible fight. Yeah, the resource loss doesn't look so great. I can lose pretty garbage. Okay, and here come the salad run by, since an interesting one as well. Knowing your opponent is like, oh, is it a 30... It's a ridiculous army as well. 32 mines. I love the complete lack of observers with you. Okay, now we're going. There we go. Yeah, yeah. Oh, hey. Does you have drilling claws already? Yeah, yeah. None of these mines are dying, are they? He's lost three mines. Just killing crap. This is so sick. I've seen this type of game before as well where people just keep running into the same... No way. Just keep running into the same mines again and again. This zealot was gonna kill these three tanks. That would have been legendary. I love how he sends them in on on the recharge of the mines as well. You know, rather than sending so many that you can overpower the mines, he sends them in waves of 10. So that the mines are always ready for this. Okay, here we go. Nice. Okay, good control. Almost correct. Come on, move back. No need to stay in mine range. Yes! Why? What is this move? They're literally, you see this, you're looking at it. No? This is his vision, I think. This is like building a house in a hurricane. Oh no, not a hurricane. Quick, let me start a new house. Halfway done, boom. Hurricane hits. Fantastic play. Call him the King of Home Development. This is actually insane. I've never seen somebody make this many bad calls when it comes to fighting. The impressive part is that I feel like he's expanding quite fast but doesn't have a lot of workers. It's like he's just building bases like it's going to give him like passive income. He's a legit the type of guy. That watches like a TikTok or a YouTube short about real estate investment. And he learns about passive income. What he does, he builds like three houses in his backyard and just sits there, waits for them to start making money. Not realizing he's going to need tenants at some point. Mr. Money over here. Six workers. Nine over here. Loving life. 12 out of 16 looking good buddy you complete idiot I don't think you can tease building zealous as well this is so good up eight more gateways and he's like man what has been performing well so far this game for me it's just like scratching his head doing like the calculations on one of these old school calculators now with just one line of numbers pressing it's like a zealous look good to me like let me send in 12 months more. Die again. This is so sick. It's actually mental. The fact that these resources lost are so close honestly makes me want to reverse stamp it, you know? Protoss is the broken one. How is this guy the same level? This is actual... He even has disruptors. People ask me. It's like, hi, Kev, I'm platinum, and I don't understand how to beat mines. I'm like, hey, disruptors are a great tool, you know, because you can just click on the ground and the mines stack. Like, oh, thanks, Kevin. And then they send me an email two later to bag. It's like, ah, I'm still losing to mines. I'm like, ah, I'm sorry, keep practicing. And now I'm seeing one of these games, like, happening right in front of me. This guy built disruptors, which isn't using them. Allow the mines to recharge once more. It's like, all right, time to go. Has an observer, has disruptors. Okay, here we go. Setting it up, setting it up. There, yeah. Okay, see? There's not a lot of speed here, but this is obviously the correct thing to do. Literally everything in this army outranges the mines. There's legitimately not a single unit in this army that has to walk into the mines to do anything. It's insane. No? This is the perfect army. Oh no, the flank. If he's going to snipe this observer, I'm going to be so upset. Come on, please, please, please, please. No, no, just run, buddy, or shoot the disruptors. That's actually a huge shot. Oh. How is this possible? Does he just not see it running towards him? Maybe he's playing blindfolded. Like recording a YouTube challenge as well. Holy crap dude. This really is something else. Now we get the Viking transition. Because the mines are losing their value. Well, they're not losing their value, but... I guess our Terran players have had enough of the mines. Still on 70 workers, by the way. No extra houses have been built in the backyard. It's like, ah, it doesn't work at all. I'm not getting any passive income. What's going on over here? These gases don't provide any extra money. How weird! It just has four gases that aren't mining. 18 gateways, two Robos, two Stargates. This is the game of a lifetime. This is... I'm getting... freaking... I'm getting chills, but I'm not sure because it's... So good or so bad. Well, it's definitely not so good, but it is something. I'm not quite sure what I'm watching. And some people have that when they listen. to a really good song for the first time, you know? Like they just get like, they get like the shivers. It's like, oh. Or like a touching moment in a movie, you know, they tear forms in their eye. Good Lord. It's like he clumps them up as well to get hit by as much possible. Okay, here comes the Vikings. Holy crap. 31 Vikings out. The Protoss is practically dead at this point. Has lost, I'm not even quite sure how, with about 9K, well I know how in widow mines. 9K more. Here come the Vikings. Do we have the smart servers? No, there's no smart servos yet. So there's an upgrade that allows the Vikings to land and go flying quicker. That's called smart servals. But he hasn't researched it. This Darren player. That is the one surely if you're building 32 Vikings. That is an upgrade that you do want to get. I love that he went for ship weapons, one vehicle weapons and ship weapons. This was the end game always. I can't believe that I'm watching a game be won with landed viands. I don't think I've been playing this game for legitimately 13 years, right? Game came out in beta in like 20, 23, almost for 13 years. 12 and a half, 12, 12 and 3 quarters, something like that. I don't think in my entire life, I saw a game ending with landed Vikings. as the main composition. Sometimes, you know, the Vikings, they win a battle against the Colossite and they land and deal some damage. But as the main comp, I legitimately don't think I've ever seen this. You know how people sometimes say, in order to, you know, something that's very unlikely, I'll say, in a unit, there is a universe in which, and then something unlikely. So there is a universe in which I married Tom Cruise, or there is a universe in which Belgium is a country that, people want to live in voluntarily, that type of stuff. I always thought of that with there is a universe in which mass-landed Viking is a composition that wins games. I always thought it would not be my actual universe. But here we are. 10 Vikings being produced at a time. 80, this is, this is legit five starports with reactors. This is a thing of beauty. This is how StarCraft is supposed to be played. This has to be so demoralizing to lose to. I can't imagine this. If someone was killing me with pure Viking, I'm not quite sure if I would continue playing. This has to be hard on the mental state, no? I'm almost starting to pity Homura. He's just walking around with his stalk. I don't know what to do. I have so many bases. My passive income isn't showing up. My gas, my gas count is low. Life is awful for him. This is garbage. He sends in the replay for some friendly advice. It's completely, completely blasted by this cocky content creator. He's just... Oh, he's taking... having a terrible, terrible week this guy. I feel like I'm kicking him while he's down. Still no smart surfals, by the way. I've never seen this in my life. Like, legit, just never seen this in my life. Someone play like this. This is insane. Is he gonna land again? It's gonna land again? Three three upgrade? How is it? Wait, wait. He has two one? Mr. Money, the king of the expanding. He's on two one upgrades. All right, all right, all right, as I would like to say. This makes absolutely no sense. This is so insane to me. I love the harass though. Ten helions at a time. Ten Vikings at a time. He's bawling. This game is fairly over though. Terran did all of this all five base. Well, five and a half. He practically mind out half of this base before it got discovered by the Protoss forces. I understand why you'd be upset after playing this game. Because you look at this and none of the things that happened in this game ever happen on the high level. And it felt strong. I'm sure of it. I'm sure that Homura thought of this game, looked at this game and thought to himself, these mines, they're easier to micro for the Terran because they're just in the ground. Right? I think that's a fair thing to say. The Terran has to do very little with those. And then the tanks, they just sit there, don't do anything. The planetary is just there as well. But this isn't quite how StarCraft works. Because just because something is good at a lower level doesn't mean it's actually in balance. This is a little bit. imagine you're a very bad street fighter and so is your opponent also a very bad street fighter and your opponent I think his streetfighter is allowed to do whatever and your opponent sits like this and he has knives coming out of his arms and he just sits like this protecting his hat that's all he does he doesn't move he doesn't fight back he doesn't strike you just sits there with his knives around his hat and your strategy is to hit with your wrists on his knives and headbutt the knives with your head as well and in complaining that your opponent doesn't have to do anything because the knives are so powerful by themselves and you can't do anything no no it's not to do with the knives being too strong you're an idiot you could have just got a knife yourself and sat like this or you could have just not hit him in the arms on the knives and maybe you know kick him in the Corones or, you know, do something. I don't know how street fights. I've never been in a street. I've never been in a fight in general. I hope I never get into a fight. I would have no clue what to do. I'd be completely clueless. I'd have to send it into a street fight content creator. Was this street fighter imbalanced or do I suck? And the guy would say, well, obviously you're a terrible street fighter. He just kept hitting the knives again and again and again. And honestly, if I were the guy sending in the video street fighting, then I would accept that. Just like Homura, I think you have to accept it as well. All of your fights, all of them, were garbage. You kept walking into mines like an idiot. You had somewhat correct counters, honestly. You just didn't use them. You also kept expanding without putting probes on the basis. If you're playing against Mac, you can easily go up to 85, 90 workers, no problem. Get cannons on the outside basis to protect them against Hellion run bys, and you should be fine. If you really struggle with this type of comp, You can even go into mass carrier plus disruptors. Easiest composition to control. And, I mean, disruptors kill the mines, carriers kill everything else. Like, there's so many solutions to your problem. And it felt like you were close to the solutions. But then whenever you had a fight, you just bungled it in a big way as well. It wasn't just like, oh, that was an okay fight, but I barely lost it. It's like, you got into a fight down 20 supply. and you walked out of a fight down 90 supplies. Like, wow, that's impressive. You know, it's like, I don't even quite know how to do it. I've never seen someone lose to landed Vikings either. Yeah, I'm just not sure what to do with you. Like, I feel bad that this happened, but at the same time, you definitely sucked. And that's just the way the world. You sucked. I'm kind of sorry. I feel, I pity you. I think that's even worse. Landed Vikings. I wouldn't wish this up on my worst enemy. Well, that's going to be it for today's episode. I hope you learned something and I hope you enjoyed it. And if you did, please send in your own replay in the new updated description and the updated form as well, as we require some replays on the new patch, on the new maps. And hopefully I'll see all of you there next week for a new Iodas and tomorrow, of course, for a new video. Thanks so much for watching and bye-bye. Thank you. |
New Patch - New Imbalances. At least according to you guys... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | NEW form for the new patch guys - https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 - with new customisation options!! Come on, send us your freshest IMBA games! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WMVZvNeKmzM/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | WMVZvNeKmzM | Dear Captain, I want to complain about Terran versus Zerg. However, I am not complaining about any specific unit that makes it imbalanced. I just felt like the whole meta of Bio versus Ling Bane is slightly unfair, especially in lower leagues. Terrans in general get punished harder than other races for their mistakes, and it is really frustrating that a leading game could suddenly be reversed in just a few seconds. In this replay, I must admit my early to middle game is pretty sloppy, as it is my first Terran v. Zerg in many days, and also my first game on this new map. I floated some minerals, but so did my opponent. I killed a few drones and overlords, but not too much. I won't say I necessarily outplayed my opponent as I had some macro issues, but I also gave myself a pretty nice lead with my multitask and denied his bases to a point that he only had three left. Overall, our supplies were pretty close throughout the game, but just one minute after I victoriously denied his own. basis, the game theoretically has ended. What happened is that I was caught out of position as I moved commended my army into my fifth base location, where unfortunately is also where his army is at. I definitely wasn't expecting to see his whole army at my side of the map and wasn't paying attention for a few seconds, and that is all it takes for a bioterran to face a sudden death. I did try to struggle back into the game by turtling behind, like how Maru and Cure sometimes does, but it turned out I am not either of the same. them. I cannot transition into high-tech army because all my barracks with tech labs are destroyed and I cannot afford new ones. In the end, I felt frustrated and unfair that this game got reversed so suddenly. I am not saying I deserve to win, but at least I should be given more chance to create a comeback. As soon as bioterroran is forced into a defense position, the Zerg economy expands crazily and there's barely any chance left. Mac may still be playable defensively, but I despise Mac players. I do admit that it is my fault. for not paying attention, but why doesn't the game end when my opponent is not defending his bases properly? Doesn't we all make mistakes? Please tell me, Captain, is Terran v. Zerg imbalanced? Or do I suck? This balanced complaint form was sent to me by Gan Sini, a Terran player in the Diamond League, 36002 MMR from the North American Serb. And the question is very simple. He asked Captain, is Terran versus Zerg imbalanced, or do I suck? Let's investigate. All right, here we go. Storm versus Gansini. Sounds a little bit like a magician. It's like the great Gansini is in town. Come and watch his magic show. This man can make entire armies of Marines disappear in less than five seconds by walking into balings that are parked at his fifth base, is what he said. We're here on Babylon Letter Edition, played on the new patch as well. This is the first I-O-this on the new patch. Woo-hoo! And yeah, in order to celebrate that, we will be having a new imbalance complaint form as well. So be sure to sending your new replays on the new patch, on the new maps, using the new imbalance complaint form in the description down below. Now, with that out of the way, what in the world do we have over here? A drone. All right. A drone scout. This is a very uncommon opener for a simple reason that it delays your hatchery by a lot as a So this was a 17 hatch that started at 58. Take a regular 58 seconds. I think a regular 17 hatch might start at like what, 55, 54, maybe even 53 seconds. I don't actually know because no one actually plays 17 hatch. Usually you see 16 hatch going down instead. So it already is a little bit weird. I think maybe 51 or 52 seconds is actually the correct timing. So it's like 6 to 7 second delay there on that hatchery. So this is already a pretty nice advantage that Ganzini, the green. great marine disappearance act man, you know, he has in his pocket right now. They can't take away this lead anymore. What's that? An Urubu over here, look at it. See him picking away at the grass. Beautiful stuff. One thing that I actually, that I've noticed lately in the imbalance complaint form as a trend, is that people, they are very upfront with their failures in the game, as if that were to absolve them from those failures. And this guy went as well. I was like, yes, I know my macro wasn't perfect or like maybe my build order wasn't brilliant. It's like, well, these are important things, not just because you say them. They don't matter anymore. Like if you're in court and you tell the judge, yes, judge, I know I'm not perfect. I killed the guy and then, you know, I ate his legs. And yes, I know that is what a cannibal does. But, you know, it is when I've admitted to being a bad person, surely, you know, you can just tell me to get home. It's like, no, you're still going to go to Jill, buddy. And it's the same here. Just if you're telling me, if you're being honest, you know, that is a nice thing. But it doesn't absolve you from your crimes of having terrible build orders or just not macroing for five minutes straight. And you shouldn't forget this. This is very, very important to me. Because people seem to really, they kind of buy into it, you know. It gets them some sympathy. It's like, oh, look how honest they are. But I don't really care how honest they are. I also want, well, I care about that as well. Don't want to be lied to. But I also want people to... Look at this one. Look at this one. Okay, that's one, okay? Hits himself in one link. Now look at the second... I hadn't even seen that this first one was also incorrect. The second one is the one that really gets me. You can see that he's panicking as well. as he throws it down. Look at a queen. Wait, not yet. Come back up the ramp. Queen's still there. Let me just throw it in the first location possible randomly up there. This is fantastic. God, I love this stuff. Sometimes I wish that there was a bigger audience for just low-level play. I would love to just host like a tournament, play it on like the big stage. Like an Intel Extreme Master's Katowice. Make it a big price pool as well. I want there to be a lot of money on the line. And then just have it be bronze players slaughtering each other. I think it would be the most hilarious thing in the world. The only requirement for people to join is that they have never touched the game of StarCraft 2 before. Like I feel like this would turn StarCraft 2 less into a competition and more into a comedy show. But I would be so down for that. Holy crap. This is actually great. I'm actually going to set it up. If any of you have like family that have never played, I want to get show matches between first timers here. And I absolutely need this in my life. I didn't know until I saw this freaking Reaper throw down a grenade twice into absolute nothingness and hitting himself. This is diamond level and this is already very high quality entertainment. God, I love this type of stuff. All right. Let's actually have a look at the build orders here. So triple Cc, this looks honestly like a build order. Like this looks good. Like there's a tech lab. We have a Viking on the way. Helions are being produced. The Helion harass, you know, it's pretty normal to wait for the first four helions or go out with the first two and keep three and four at home. We have almost constant SUV production over here as well. An overlord sack to get a scout. Like this game feels relatively okay. Except for the helion harassed, I guess. Let's take a little bit of what my man is doing here with the helions. Goes in. No, not yet. Okay, there we go. Harassas fights a queen. Tanks the damage with the Hellion is an advanced move. Now, a lot of high-level players will tank with the Reaper, because the Reaper has a regenerative property. What I mean with that is that if the Reaper doesn't get attacked for a little while, it will get back its health. The Hellions don't have that. So what this player does, Gansini, the magician, is he just made the help of this helion disappear, and it will never come back. It's the opposite of a magic trick, really. It's the guys that take off your watch, that smash it with the hammer, and then they're like, all right, fun trick, now give me my watch back. There's no watch anymore. You just smashed it with the hammer. This is not a magician. This is a destructionist. You also have these guys. These helions move a lot like a critter, by the way. And not so much like how I see Maru usually use them. This is... This is... Look, look, look. This is an accident. This queen taking damage is an accident. Let's take a look here at the first person of the Tarrant. The Terran's not paying attention right now. I saw that because he didn't have them selected. The Hellions are fighting the queen, which is actually a good move, but that was an accident. This was an accidental good move, and thus we don't count it. This is like people who win the lottery. Buying a lottery ticket is always incorrect. People that win the lottery, you know, they got very lucky. It's insane luck. It is not fair. It's the same with these cars. They just killed this queen, but it doesn't count. These cars were moving like an absolute critter, like an AI from like Hitman 1 or Hitman 2, which is produced in 2006 or something. You know, one of these guys just stand still for a little bit and then starts moving around, walks into a wall for six seconds, and then reset. What is these guys doing? I'm very upset with that all of these Hellions stay alive. He just moved so deeply on creeped while there were lynx in position. It actually pained me. I know he was paying attention to his Liberator, but he lost. He killed some workers, though, five workers for a lip. Maybe he also killed some with these aliens, I'm not sure. It's about an even game. Sure, there is an issue that every single barracks was built at exactly the same time, and yes, we're floating 1,200 minerals. But let's not forget, Gansini already mentioned that in the imbalance complaint form, and thus we will not be talking about it all. Good job, Gansini. I'm glad you were honest. Your lack of macro, despite being a diamond play. is something that will have to, as in Dutch we say, we have to see it through the fingers, also known as turning a blind eye. If you see it through the fingers and also pretend like it didn't happen. Classic Dutch proverbs. Love to hear it. Car is still out on the map. There's also some great decision making. Look at this. This is like one shot away. Like all of these helions are so extremely low. A queen could sneeze in its direction and then it would just blow up. A-choo! Makes absolutely no sense, but managed to do it. Only lost, I think lost one helion there just now. Ling run by being sent out. Despite the... Well, actually, not much happened in the early game. Like one queen died and five drones. So yeah, the game is completely even. Upgrades are slightly faster here for guns. Going for an 8-Rex? I can't quite recall seeing that in the imbalance complaint for him. The fact that he went for an 8-Rex? I don't recall this at all. 8-Rex is one of these builds that is extremely all-in. Or well, usually is extremely all-in. Gansini has been floating like 800 minerals for the past, for the past like 2.5 minutes. So an 8-Rex doesn't even really make sense. Like he could have gone for an 8-Rex and already have 5 bases up as well because he's just constantly floating money. I also believe he forgot his second factory, which is actually the standard if you go for 8-Rex. You don't forget it. You just don't pick it. But it's just a really weird setup that he's going for. I don't quite understand it. Where's the tank? What was this? What was this entire fight? Okay, so he spots the run by. Now usually this is a good thing. If you find someone's run by, you get the pick of these units. Gansini magically manages to make his entire Marine Army vanish despite... Seeing everything on the screen the entire campaign, this is not split. I don't even know, this is... You just ran past the bainlings. This is the opposite of the Marine Split Challenge, is the Marine Clump Challenge. Where you see, like, for people who've never played the Marine Split Challenge. In Marine Split Challenge, you start with a group of, let's say, 16 Marines, and 12 bainlings will come rolling at you on creep. And you need to split to minimize the bainling damage, okay? and then if you go to the next level, one more bainling gets added. Every level that you gain, another bainling will be added. So it gets harder and harder. With the Marine Clump Challenge, you start with 50 bainlings, which kill all the marines, and eventually you only have five bainlings left, which need to kill all 16 Marines. Now, I've heard that Gansini is actually the perfect, the perfect marine clump player. He has managed to lose 35 Marines against only four bainlings, a feat that even Maru couldn't account. when he tried the Marine Clump Challenge. So important to keep in mind when judging these fights is that Gansini here is often... Like he's... Good Lord, these fights are really, really bad. It's often trying to clump his units. I was mentioning that we need to keep in mind that his control is very poor, but this is really pushing it. He just... He actually just doesn't micro, but then he does control. But then he does control his unit. It's a weird combination of factors here at play. Do like the movement, though, overall. We have a fort base on the way, still no second factory. Went for triple tech lab, despite this being an A-Rex. Usually with A-Rex, you just continuously produce Marines, because it's a three-base-all-in, but because he was floating so much money, I guess he kind of just plays like this in general. Got extra production to spend his money. Don't even mind it too much. I would have loved to see a second factory, though, to add a couple of tanks. maybe if you're playing against Ling Bane, it's nice to get a second factory with a reactor. So one factory can be producing tanks and get drilling claws and the other one can just be producing mines. Mines are one of these units that if you play them at a lower level, which diamond is, they're going to be fantastic. Let's have a look at that. Holy crap. What are you looking at? Okay, so this is what he's looking at right now. Okay, this I'm on his screen. He sees lings and bainlings. He, where does he go? He clicks on the fifth base and then he surprised when the lings and bainlings kill his entire army. A true magician, my friend. A true magician. He's also, this is a very, you know, magicians are good when they make you feel emotions. And he's making me feel emotions that I haven't felt in years. Like, levels of rage that I haven't been able to achieve in such a long time. Then I'm kind of glad, you know, it makes you believe that you're still alive. In the future, I'll just come back to this replay. Keep it saved on like my desktop if I want to get angry. They say sometimes that anger is great fuel for your ambitions. I lack anger in my life, but, I can just rewatch this replay again and again and I know it's going to keep making me angry more and more. Why do we have no factory units out on the map 10 minutes into the game? We've lost three tanks. Is it really possible that he only produced three factory units this entire game? I think it is. This is also another... Oh, there we go. Good pickup. Actually a good pickup. I was happy with that. I was gonna say this is some garbage micro, and it was some garbage micro, but he decided to pick up his units. Okay, he denies a base, which I lie. I like, but he also loses a lot of units, which I don't like because there was no matter-effect with this push. This was a sacrifice. So this is probably resources lost-wise. It's fairly similar, honestly, what happened here. And there's also a fist base, so you don't even really need to completely have it saturated with like 35 drones, although there's quite a few drones mining here. It's like 12 drones. And we have another push here going towards the bottom side. This base could also potentially fall. Please do note that at this point, Storm is extremely far ahead. a massive bank. He has good tech as well. He has the Hydra's, you know, his Hydra Ling Bane, basically. Well, Gansini is basically stuck on an army that you can have with just a three wrecks build, marauder, marine, no factory units whatsoever, no tech whatsoever, does have an upgrade lead and is going to continue having an upgrade lead for a little longer. Does not, however, have anything to deal with lurkers. No Ghost Academy, still no decent tank count, no fifth base, no sensor towers either. So I think at this point the game is extremely favorable here for Storm. Like just extremely favorable here for Storm. I also like that we're seeing, you know, someone that actually stands for his own values. Gansini that is. So he said, let's actually just read this again in case some of you have forgotten. He said, Mac may still be playable defensively, but I despise Mac players. Now other people might I despise Mac players, but in order to play proper bio, you still need tanks and mines and maybe other things. But so far, Gansini has introduced a style of play where it's literally just pure bio. And he also uses the tanks as if they were bio, never sieges them. Oh, and as I say that he sieges one. Doesn't really use them in the fights. This is a nice little drop by the way. I love that he's pulling back the Marines. That has potential for a decent fight. I like that. I actually like the way this fight, well, don't really like how he's going to end losing a lot, but this was cool. And now he pushes this base in as well. This is, this is legitimately okay multitasking. It's not brilliant. I mean, it's not the greatest thing I've seen in my life, but I guess it does the job here. There's bailings morphing in this location right now. Should be capable of saving the base. It's not capable of saving the base. Now, okay, this is the scenario where I said I deny two of my opponent's bases. My opponent is now on three base. Surely I should be victorious right now. Now, let's actually analyze this situation. So before I said that Storm was in a fantastic spot and it's difficult for me to imagine seeing him lose this game. What is the spot like right now? We have three tanks out. So three factory units, 25 Marines, 12 marauders. Terran is going to have better upgrades. But there's already a hive. So the tech is superior here for Storm. Storm also doesn't necessarily mind losing these bases because he has a massive bank and didn't lose a lot of the drones. There's going to be a temporary loss of income, but it still is at 2,400 minerals a minute, and it's going to stay at about 1K gas, maybe a little bit lower per minute as well, which is still a very decent amount, if you compare it to what the opponent has. Gansini isn't maxed out yet and has worse tech. I actually feel like this game is still completely fine for Storm. Maybe if you give this to... Like, there's no extra command centers, there's no fifth base, we're working off of three orbitals, no sensor tower, on the bottom side. And then I guess this is the fight where he didn't pay attention for a little bit and lost everything. I mean, the thing is though here, this is interesting, okay? Right now Gansini is pretending like his usual fight are better than this. But so far in this game, almost every single fight has looked pretty much like this, two unseached tanks, the army not in position, not being split, having the most clums at possible. Here the army starts getting controlled and actually no supply has been lost yet. He could just pick this up, could just pick this up, run this back to over here and then if you were to have any amount of tanks in any position, the Zerg wouldn't even be capable of attacking, but for whatever reason, he decides to still stim in afterwards, then loses the MED ofX because it doesn't boost? And then he loses the 30 supply. So, actually, the point where he wasn't paying attention wasn't even the bad thing. The moment he started touching the units again, that's when it truly went sour. Like, it has been going with this entire game. Now the game is... Well, okay, another thing. Like, I'm just adding on. Like, this is like freaking compounding here with things that I'm upset about. But let's first watch this fight. Who's the SUVs to fight the bailings? He holds positions to deal with the baby. I've never seen this in my life. Holy crap. Look at this. This makes no sense. This is like using your neck to block a knife. It's like a guy's coming at you with a knife and you were like this. It makes no sense. Is it the one part you want to protect? This is insane. This is a terrible fight as well, of course. I had a sentence in my mind that I wanted to go for before I saw this fight, but Gansini is just not only making Marines disappear here, but he's also trying his best to get rid of all of his SEVs. Only 58 left. I could probably, like, he just needs two factories. What I was going to say is that... Another thing that I find annoying is that he, so he said he despises Mac players, right? And he doesn't want to play Mac. Now, this isn't completely fair because at his level, the one thing he complained about, right, is the fact that bio, in the bio versus Ling Bang, it's so difficult for bio. And I would say, just play Mac if it's easier, right? This is a good suggestion that you could give a Terran player. is like, hey, if you're struggling against Zerg, play Mac, because that's pretty much the opposite. It's really difficult for lower-level Zergs to deal with Mac. But if you were to tell this to a Terran player, I've done this in the past, so I know exactly what they would say. They say, well, but Mac is not viable at the highest level. Serral and Reynor, they don't lose to Mac. It's like, well, mate, if you're hard stuck in diamond because you're losing to Zerg veinlings with your bio, you never in your entire life will have to worry about performing at the high level. Like, it is just a different world for you. It doesn't matter. It's completely irrelevant. Okay, just take the good advice and makes absolutely no sense. Hey, Mac is a fine composition. You can despise these players. Probably just jealous because they actually beat Zerks. Like, jealousy, that's what it is. These are these bioterrorans, you know, that hate the Mac players. They're like, oh, it's so slow. It's like, yeah, but they're winning games. There you go with your 23% win rate against zergmate. My man doesn't even have a hotkey for seizing his tanks. What is this? Seage it up every single time. These tanks are just standing there on siege. It's starting to piss me off. Here we go. Now, the game has now officially ended, but in good Terran fashion he stays in for no real reason. Well, actually, that's also not true. Terran stay in for no good reason a lot of the time, but Terran also stays in because it's actually the one race that has great combat mechanics, especially against Zerg. If Terran gets to stabilize on four or five bases, on eight gases, and they have like seven, eight tanks, they can go into Ghost. From that point on out, the game is pretty much reset. You can almost always turn it into a split map scenario. My man saying that it's almost impossible for Terran to make a comeback is completely incorrect, especially in the Terran versus Zerg matchup. It is extremely common to see Terran's getting blasted in the midgame, sitting and doing nothing behind planetary, behind very high tank counts, Liberators, Ghost, all the works. and then eventually coming back into the game. So everything said in the imbalance complaint form, almost everything was incorrect, except when Gansini, you know, said that he was bad at a macro in the early stages of the game. That was the part that wasn't a lie. That was not a lie. That was very nice. And I appreciate that as well. I appreciate honesty. Now, this fight is going to go. Okay-ish. Terably? Okay, I saw a couple of things happen here, which confused me. Look at these marines, just focus on them a little bit, okay? Just shot the factory, okay? No big problem, you may say. But then look at what this tank does, okay? Being attacked by Ling's, what is this attack doing? What is this attack doing? This tank. Booth! Does it stop? Booth! Imagine me in one of these SCVs. You hear all the explosions? All of a sudden, tank shells start hitting you? How did my man have the attention during all the clumping of Marines and marauders to also aim of his own refinery? Fairly impressive. This factory is also damaged by his own units. Also fairly impressive. Actually, an okay hole, by the way. Managed to survive despite some minor fears. still you're in control there. No fifth base yet, which is annoying. But maybe if you get your ghost production up, it could potentially be possible to, nah, it's actually really almost impossible. The Zerg also is controlling the Baines quite well. It's just going to move commanding them in the way you're supposed to. I like it. There's good upgrades right now as well at this point for the Zerg, right? You have 3-3 at least for range and carapace and there's no Malay upgrades, but it doesn't matter that much most of the damage there is going to come from the beginnings anyway, not so much from the lings. Here comes Mr. Zerg once more. Papp-da-pap-p-da-par-par-pah-pah-pah-pah-pah. Actually, okay, fight once again here for terror, no? If he would have split this, maybe? Maybe. You're going to be the one that saves me. Is this army just kind of AFK over here for the past five minutes? might have. And the Eco is so, so good for Zerg, though. Yeah. This is kind of useless. I really think having a faster second factory would have solved so many issues. The ability to just produce mines or to produce two tanks at a time would have been fantastic. But it's not the case. We're just going to kind of speed through it over here. Have any of these upgrades been done yet? Okay, yeah. So we do have the range on the planetaries of all the building armor, which is kind of important. Could we actually stabilize here? I'm looking at this. I'm thinking to myself. Nah. Nah. Nah. Not like this, right? No way. There's way too many veins. And there's just still only a single tank. How is this possible? Is he even producing tanks? Yeah, he's producing tanks. Okay, now it gets another factory despite never having produced anything from here. Also an interesting move. This. See how well we can clump this time around. Oh, all of them are in five pixels. Can we do better here, guys? Nah. No. No. Okay, well, put him in a line. Mediocre clumping job here. We'll give it a four out of five. Four stars out of five. Absolutely unheard of. He once again attacked one of his own buildings. I saw it happen. He just turned around. Did he shoot a CC or his matter of fact? I don't even know. No Gigi as well. Absolutely love to see that. Yeah. All right. First of all, I think the one thing we have to note is that the macro was fairly mediocre. The splits were god-awful. But most importantly, the sense of what was happening in the game was completely off. After he sniped the two outside bases, he thought he won the game. But he was so far behind at that point already. And he didn't actually kill any drones, just the bases. So you deny some mining, but just temporarily, like it might have cost your opponent, what, like six, 700 minerals per base. It was like 1,400 minerals. He lost a bunch of units up top as well. Like, the trades were good for him, but it wasn't some insane trait where you say. snipe four bases clean, you're on nine bases behind it, you're pumping out ghost and matter of facts. No, you were on crabtag. You were on crabtag the entire game. Never had any support from your tanks or from mines. Never went into ghost in your entire life. If your opponent had built any amount of lurkers, which the lurker then was ready, you would have never beaten that because you had nothing that could shell lurkers away. And I think the main problem here is just honestly your micro. You say you despise Mac players, but I see no future for you. for you in anything higher than the Diamond League unless you switch out of bio because you do need a certain level of control. Your opponent has shown that you simply do not possess. So no, my friends, it is not Zerg that is imbalanced in the Terran versus Zerg matchup, but it is instead you who sucks. And that's life. Sometimes you just suck. And you definitely did in this game. All right, that's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you to enjoy this episode of is it in bar duers hug like i mentioned before new imbalance complaint form be sure to fill it in all the way it's right now in the youtube description box so be sure to go in there and that's it i'll see all of you next time for more videos thanks so much for watching and bye bye |
Ground Cannot Beat It, SO LET'S GO GROUND ONLY! :)))))) | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Guys, Hamster here, I need your help. There is a VERY VERY weird thing happening near the end of this replay and I have NO clue, how that happened. Please help me out! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SzjxL6h6nTY/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | SzjxL6h6nTY | How can a single unit be able to dominate everything on the ground and be balanced? Upgrades don't matter to it. Army size doesn't matter to it. I did some good early damage, had decent macro for my level. I was ahead in upgrades. He nearly crumbled to my timing attack. Yet, on defense and offense, just because of the lurker, he wins the game. I feel robbed. I had full control of the game for the longest time, but as soon as this one unit comes out, my entire lead goes up. in smoke. I only get a few games a day after work, but seriously, losing like this repeatedly is crushing my soul. Lurkers are not honorable, and I hope everyone that wins like this feels bad. Now, all that there is left to answer is, is this unit just Inba? Or do I suck and should consider retiring? Name, go to you death. Race Protoss, Leakmaster, 4.3K MMR on the European server. And the question is very simple. Is the lurker imba? Or does he suck? And we're here to find out. All right. Here we go. Tropical sacrifice. Go to you death versus a Zerg barcode player. And the Zerg barcode player starting with this is not an ideal hatch timing. This is, this is, this, okay, this is, usually we don't criticize the people that don't send in the replay, but this is not it. My man, zergo. over here, build a hatchery at 19 supply while floating 200 minerals on top of the already 300 that he was having in the bank to build a hatchery, which means he could have built a pool first and then a hatchery. The pool would have been like, what, 40 or 30 seconds faster than now, and the hatchery would have still been at the same time, or even earlier, because usually you're not even supposed to do any of this at 19 supply. A hatchery usually at the natural goes down at 16 supply, and if you build it at the third base, at 7. team supply. But for whatever reason, everything got delayed, you know, Zerg player got a little bit greedy like Zerg players usually do. And, well, now we're going for some triple hatch as well. 20, 20 hatch on the third base. This is not a very good build. But we're not here to look at the Zerg player. Of course, we're here to look at Go to You Dad, who also reinvents the early game of the Protoss. Look at this. Completely unique game. I often mention chess. And for the people I don't know. In chess, whenever a game hasn't been played before, isn't in the database yet, they usually call it a completely unique game. So for example, someone plays like a pawn to, I don't know, like E4 or something, and then they play some pawn moves, and then boom, all of a sudden, a knife moves like an idiot, boom, it's a unique game like that. Now, this game, if you compare it to chess, would be more like, if you know, both players use the first pawn, and then the second guy takes out a flame thrower and burns the chess board. Technically, it's a completely unique game, but also this isn't entirely the way that chess is supposed to be played. And that's the same that we're seeing here. Like, this cybernetic score legitimately just finished, what was this? Like, 45 seconds too late. I'm not even quite sure how that is possible. But I think this score went down at 23 supply after a second pylon and a second assimilator, which just delays your tech for no real reason. So, yeah, I don't really quite get it. But, oh wow, fast forge has a follow-up as well. Right in vision. That is just beautiful. I really wants to rush out those cannons, I guess. Also has failed the wall here at the front. Did he say that he had a good early game? I recall reading that he felt that his early game was decent and that his opponent almost crumpled under the pressure. Yeah, let's have a look at this early game then. A depth coming in. What is this build, are there? This is a true abominate. This is a true abomination. Good Lord. Forge Twilight before third. Single Void Ray. Did he lose his adapt yet? No, it went back home. Single Void Ray into Forged Twilight, pre-third base. And then a second gate that isn't in the wall, but a star gate that is in the wall. So whenever a Zerg wants to, they can scout. what Stargate units you are building. I don't think a single thing so far in this game has been correct, which is kind of surprising because this is 4.3K, but this build order actually is giving me big bronze vibes. This Nexus is delayed by a solid 40 seconds. So it's not like he got a better eco by delaying his stack for also 40 seconds, or just delaying everything by 40 seconds, I guess. Maybe it's a little bit slow. There's only one person that's going to be happy with the 40 second delay, and that's going to be his girlfriend. but everyone else is just kind of confused. This overlord is going to get taken out. No. Oh wait, he already used the prismatic alignment earlier. I guess on an earlier overlord, interesting call. We're now getting this third base. What battery position as well. It's not really covering the mineral line at all. Usually you build a pylon over here and battery in the mineral line and you cover and the mineral line and you cover the units there in between your pylon and the nexus. And on top of that, it makes it really easy for you to make like a semi wall over here or a full wall in this general area. But so far none of that is happening yet. What is the follow? Okay, we're working off of two gases. Two gas. What's this? Six gate? Five gate. Two gas, five gate. Still no wall, which is impressive. So at any point, the Linkflot would have killed. How did this void ray get this much damage on? I kind of hope that it dies because it really doesn't deserve this much damage. I just want to see this move again, because this is one that astounds me. So he looks at this void ray right now. Microring the void ray, microing the void ray, warping in salads, moving it back. One. Okay, you see the attack right now? That was at 541 on the mini map, we saw it. When does he realize? Does he look over? Or did he realize already? Are he still waiting for his void rate to come on? I'm not sure if he knows that his void raid just died. It is so difficult sometimes. Maybe just thinks it's in the corner or something. These two queens never should have gotten that kill. But I'm quite happy with it. Now, let me just punch this build a little bit more because this makes absolutely no sense. This is poor Eco and also a poor attack. We're going for a plus one charge timing, which is going to hit at a regular, timing of a charge lot arcone timing that can be done with two oracles. This was done with a single void ray and that that build would also have better eco. It would have six gas already, 66 probes most likely, maybe one less gateway, but we also already have two Archons. And with that type of push, you 100% would win the game. Honestly, with this push, you're also 100% going to win the game because your opponent literally has no units whatsoever. There's currently five queens and four lings out. There are, what is this? 11 zealids with plus one. This is completely game. Like, this is 100% game right now. You can right click the hatchery. You can right click the drones. You probably can do both things at the same time, but I don't think it's possible to lose this. Behind this, you could macro up. Blink is an interesting call. One that we don't see very often. This is something that Hero perhaps could play, but Hero always gets oracles as well. And he would already have a fort base done at this point if that was his actual plan. We get the Zealot attack. It actually runs it away. I like this attack. You know what? I thought this was going to go terribly and he was going to accidentally lose all the zealots for free in the end, but it actually ended up going pretty okay. Delt a lot of damage to this hatchery, ended up forcing these drones away from mining for a long while. Sure is floating a little bit of money behind this, but I mean, who hasn't floated 1,200 minerals in their prime? I sure have. There have been many games where I've floated this much money. Do I like the fact that we're going up to four gases on three base that we're playing a... that we're playing a pure gateway unit army, despite fighting a Roach Hydra-type army. Yes, I don't actually like that very much. I also don't like the fact that there's no gases on our natural, despite it already being seven minutes in the game, and the Ford Nexus also not being rushed out yet. That is not entirely brilliant, but honestly, I don't think it really matters. This game is so insanely over that losing this is going to be a bigger achievement than winning this. Because let's face it, there's 11 hydras, four roaches, without any upgrades against a complete Protoss army that can be reinforced with a prism that has an upgrade, has a plus two on the way, with a Protoss player that is up 11 workers, actually up two upgrades right now, plus two has finished as well, this game is literally unloosable at this point, okay? This is the time in a movie where the villain is so sure that he has won the game that he starts explaining his plan to the protagonist, okay? That is where we're currently at. you death currently is our villain. And the barcode is the protagonist. Now, go to you that could have done a million things here. Okay? He could have scouted if there was a fort base. He could have tried tacking into something else. He could have started building cannons because, let's face it, he's playing against a Zerg player that has stuck on 56 workers, on four gases, without any upgrades. Yes, this Zerg is all-inning. And what do you usually do against an all-in? If you have better upgrades, more eco, and probably, does he have a robo? If a robo also probably kind of superior attack already, you just defense, sit back and the moment your opponent moves out, you counterattack with a prism or with a zealot warpin, a run by, towards their third base. There is no reason for you to attack into your opponents all in. Your opponent is about to all in, all in to you. All you need to do is receive it. You don't have to, you know, get out there on the street, wave at him and then fight him on the street. No, you have a superior position already, let's just keep that position. No need to throw away all of your units. And that's pretty much what GoTo-U death is doing here. And probably is also the only real way of potentially losing this game is by not capitalizing on the current lead. And just tacking into a superior unit that can never be countered. Whether that would be the disruptor or disruptor into carrier or Storm or Colossus even at this point. point, honestly, like literally anything would have been better than throwing away stalkers into a Roach Hydra composition. But then again, I am not go to you death. This has actually been a very, very poor performance. But I am not worried at all. We're 72 workers. We're still upgrading, which actually, Go to You Dead has been doing extremely well, despite his poor early game build order in the first two minutes, despite his poor follow-up in minute 2 till 5, and then his garbage attack that he just managed to do, he did do a pretty decent job here with the upgrades, so I'm kind of happy about that, honestly. I feel good about these upgrades. Plus 3, we have the Glaves I'm not so sure about. I've never seen Glaves being useful in a late game, but still don't completely mind it. Do we have any minor arrest being set up? Is there any scouting going on as to what our opponent could potentially be doing? We could be seeing the double hatchery in the main, maybe scout if there's a hive yet or not, and maybe you could see what type of units are being pumped out. I like the call here of a Robo Bay. I think this Rupter definitely counters everything that is out currently, and it's just a really, really good call. So despite all my earlier reservations, Go to UDet is still in a position where I'd say he has about a 95% to 98% chance of winning. I think if you were to give disposition to any pro gamers, I actually think the win rate for pros would be closer to 100% than to 99. Now that I look at this. I mean, TOS is up 20 supply, has better upgrades, has complete map control, up in bases. There's literally nothing worse for the TOS in this current game, except maybe the unit composition. Okay, the TOS unit composition is really bad, 25 zealots and 17 stalkers. But the ZERC composition is honestly worse. like a freaking 14 roaches. I just had it open. 14 roach and 15 hydras. Like that's not very good either. And I don't even really mind an attack here. I'll have go to you that, but I would love for the attack to be multi-pronged. So for zealots over here, the third base, Prism with 10 zealots in the main base. And then you just kind of stand outside of this general area, pretending to run up this ramp. And you're basically killing the bases and the drones of the opponent. And then wherever he sends the units, that is where you run away. So he goes into your main. to deal with the prism, you fly the prism away. It goes to deal with your run by, you run the run by away. Goes to deal with your army, you run your army away. Or you can fight in the middle in a good position. Like you basically just want to be out on the map with the ability to run by, with the ability to kind of dance with your opponent's army, either with disruptors, with immortals, or just with, for all I care, glaive adepts. You know, I don't like this as a run by, but I like this more than not having a run by. So if you shade in 10 adepts the moment your opponent moves out, I'm okay with that move, my friend. I'm completely okay with that. What I'm not okay with is not tacking at all into something else. And then letting your opponent get up to some pretty vital units, like vipers and lurkers. And in combination, these actually are kind of scary against the pure ground army. I'd like to get, well, most of the time I like to get just Storm Immortal, and if you're on the map, you're usually fine. But in some cases, getting carriers is a good call. So I like that we're seeing a Stargate transition here. go to you that is going for that Stargatter's and has the adepts as well shading in look at that one lurker actually this is like five lurkers dealing with this at the same time we have a push here so one run by got taken out no prism in the main base which is definitely a mistake here come the viper without really any energy though so should it be too big of an issue but they have been spotted okay this base is going to end up dying and you still leave a safe retreat for yourself purification of it didn't really hit anything maybe not the end of the world though. Okay, you've scouted now, you know what your opponent has. You can continue building disruptors, you can warp in some Templar, while continuously going into carrier. The one thing you shouldn't do here, go to you that. The one thing you shouldn't do is moving back completely home. It is so important that your opponent does not get the setup aggressively in front of your bases, okay? You need to see the Lurker Army, my dear friend, as a tank, as a tank army. How would you play against Tank Marine? How would you play against tank Marine? If there's 35 tanks outside of your fort base, there's no way you're breaking that. Unless you have air units or, no, actually just unless you have air units. The way that you deal with that is by never letting it get to your base. And against tanks and lurkers, that is very possible because these units don't shoot unless their siege. This time this lurker player doesn't even have seismic spines or adaptive talent, so neither of the lurker upgrades. And you also have the ability of course to transition into carriers, which is absolutely great. I just want to pull up a quote that I remember from the balance complaint. What did it say again? How can a single unit be able to dominate everything on the ground and be balanced? How can a single unit be able to dominate everything on the ground? This unit dominates everything on the ground. Okay? Let's just keep that in mind here for a second. If a guy would come up to you and tell you that tomorrow a 200 kilo absolute gorilla of a man, the best MMA fighter in the world, great at wrestling, great at standing fighting, a brilliant kickboxer, is going to beat you up. What are you going to do? Are you going to go home and think to yourself, hey, let me train some MMA? No, of course not. You're not going to be able to compete with this gorilla of a man. What you do is you buy a gun and you shoot him. And that's what you should be doing here. If you truly believe that there's nothing that can compete with the lurker on the ground, then why in the world does your entire army consist of pure ground units? I don't necessarily agree with the premise. But if I were to agree with the premise that the lurker gets beaten by nothing on the ground, wouldn't it make sense for you to transition into carriers as quickly as you could, or into Tempice or into Mass Voidre or any air unit, the moment you have the chance, the moment you scout your opponent has lurkers? You're showing me right now with your unwillingness to try. transition into air that you don't actually believe that this unit can be beaten on the ground. You think it can be beaten on the ground. But you just believe you're incapable, or you are just incapable. Because why else would you try? You've seen other people do it so you know it's possible. Otherwise, why would you do that? If you truly believed what you said, you wouldn't be out here building zealots and more disruptors and going for ground upgrades. No, you'd be throwing down five more stargates and pumping out carriers at a high pace. you're not a man that believes in your own worth. Someone that doesn't believe in their own worth. What can they believe, if not even themselves? Kevin the coin, 2023. That's a quote. On one of these posters, you know, the old meme templates that they used to make? And people had deep quotes. I'm one of those. Why does no one make those for me? An editor. Never makes one for me. Unbelievable. Yeah, this is the one thing that I said shouldn't happen is allowing your opponent to siege in between three vital bases with a powerful siege unit. Okay? The funny thing is, is that a lot of Protoss players, they complain about the Lurker. What they don't realize is that this is us against Terran. If I position myself in between three Tarran bases with nine disruptors, which functions fairly similar as Lurkers, I would absolutely destroy every single Tarran, unless they get like the perfect surround from five angles. And the same wood is here. The one thing you can do is come with a surround from ten different angles. Or you could have a unit that flies. A bird, perhaps a carrier, that carries interceptors. A bunch of them. You could have had upgrades for them. Or you could have shot this ruptors the moment your opponent was walking up this teeny tiny ramp. There was a lot of options here. But instead you decided to be out of position and not have an army that you believed in. You had an army that you didn't believe in. That's sad, my friend. What is these drones doing? It's like backpacking drones, you know? It's like people that believe they've seen everything in their own country already. And they're going to some country far away to sleep in a cheap hostel. And then explore the world. They could have done that in their own backyard as well. It would have been a lot cheaper. Could have just done it after school. Instead, they insisted on taking a gap year. These are the gap year drones. Look at them go. Mining from a faraway country. God, they're going to have so many good Instagram pictures. This game is extremely over. I know some of you are getting upset and I'm looking at these drones. Some of you are getting upset because you guys took a gap here and was some of the most meaningful experiences that you've ever had in your entire life. And now every year to recreate it, you take a faraway trip to a country for a week and a half. Sleep in cheap hostels, but it never feels the same as when you were 18. This is your life now. You're one of these drones. Wake up, Sheepel. I don't know what to say either. This game is extremely over. These probes are not quite sure what they're doing. I like that you had good upgrades. This is the one thing I can complement you on, is that you have fairly good upgrades. Shield, armor, plus three. And you had maximum upgrades. But you got upgrades for units that you don't believe in. You get one air upgrade. You know the lurker is unbeatable on the ground. It's the perfect unit. The ultimate 200 kilogram gorilla of a human being with the greatest MMA fighting skills in the world. You're trying to fight with him by getting your own upgrades. No, you get air units. You get a sniper rifle. Shoot the guy. Should be practicing your archery. You're a sword wielding. Cheat. Why would you fight this guy on even grounds? It makes no sense. Get a brain. Oh no. Well, your upgrades are not going to finish either. You know what I think that GoTo You Death is doing right now? He's kind of like gaining the courage, gathering the courage to type out Gigi. You know, I've seen this happen before. People need to kind of charge up. You can sometimes see it in the eyes of a pro gamer before they're about to leave. They don't feel like it deserves a Gigi, but they know that if they don't Gigi, people are going to make fun of them forever. It's not even... Back in the day, people would say, oh, it's so bad, man. But nowadays, I think people just think it's a little bit sad if you don't have the emotional control to type out Gigi at the end of a game. You know, like, is this really what's going to get you? Like, a fictional, a different fictional race that is slightly better than yours. This is what's going to get you to not type out the Gigi, really? That's what makes you lose your emotional control. People cut in line all day at the supermarket, but there, got your emotions in check. But then here, this is where it gets you. Unbelievable. You get made fun of forever. Never if you're a pro gamer leave without duty. It's a bad move. It's a bad move. Just like staying in this game, but I love that he's still blinking as well. I truly believe. It's like, man, I couldn't do it earlier when I had 35 more supply. Now that I'm down 130, this might be possible. Only have half a lack remaining, but going to hit him real hard with it. He's still mining as well. does type out the GG here so I managed to gather that courage I appreciate that I appreciate that go to you that but I don't appreciate it's the fact that you didn't believe in your own words you said lurkers are not honorable and I hope everyone that wins like this feels bad if lurkers are not honorable why would you try to fight them on their terms why wouldn't you go into there why didn't you get your carriers why didn't you try the base trade why didn't you run away every move that you made in this game showed the intention that you wanted to fight straight on with the lurkers. You always engaged directly into lurker positions. You never went around. And you didn't go air. You didn't use the two best tools against the lurkers. You already knew. Everything I'm telling you right now, you already knew. You knew the lurker was unbeatable on the ground according to you. Yet you didn't play like it. You played like you could beat it. And then you were surprised when you couldn't. How does that make any sense? You already knew you, sir. You just needed the validation. I'm here to give you that validation, my friend. But you already knew that deep down, that you massively sucked. Stamp him, hamster. Chich. All right. That's going to be it for today in this episode of Is It Inbar or Do I? If you did enjoy this, don't forget to the like, but subscribe to the channel. Hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. And yeah, that's going to be it for me today. Ciao, show. Oh, hit like. Smash the like button. That's good. Thank you. |
The ENDING To This Game Surprised EVERYONE! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | I know this sounds like your generic YouTube clickbait to get some nice watchtime, but trust me: You could not guess in a thousand times how this match will end. It is an unlosable position and he does not throw it away in any way shape or form and yet, he still faces a bitter defeat screen... Also, invest in my new crypto currency Harcoin! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ebCTQymaWoE/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | ebCTQymaWoE | Dear Captain, I play ProDos because I'm a gentleman and because I want to feel like I've actually earned my wins. If I try a dumb strategy and it doesn't work out, I generally just lose the game. However, Terrans can do whatever strategy they want and then Turtle behind their core three-based setup for an insane amount of time. My opponent had no business being in this game, but because of Terran's ability to Turtle eventually grinded it out to a victory. I played bad in the early game, I walled for the wrong matchup, supply blocked myself on my second pylon and lost four probes to the Reaper. I managed to spot a strange move out of Marine Meneavec Marauder and navigated that engagement to a healthy lead. While working down a small float of excess minerals, I managed to supply block my opponent and then devastate his economy with constant drops, all while improving the quality of my standing army. Instead of leaving like an honorable gentleman, my opponent turtles in his three-base setup with tanks behind walls and on the high ground. I probably could have killed him three different times, but with my imperfect knowledge and the understanding that a turtling Terran can trade extremely efficiently, it was difficult to make that call. After being stuck in his base for the entirety of the mid-game, my opponent is three bases to my five and manages to navigate to a victory while I'm transitioning into carriers. They should have never been in this game, but Terran's ability to Turtle is so strong that they had fate the whole time they could still win. It's not fair. So Captain, is Terran truly imba? Or do I just suck? Dassem. Race Protoss in the Diamond League on the North American server. And the question here is very simple. Is Terran truly imbalanced? Or does he suck? All righty, friends, here we go. Dasem Ulthor versus Miko is going to. to be our match. And Dossum Ulter is the person we're looking at our Protoss player that struggles oh so much with the Terran race for whatever reason, mainly because of the camping, from what I understood. A weird opener out of the Terran. Now sure, Dossum Ulter messes up a little bit in the early game. And he was very honest about this as well. I appreciate that. You know, too often I get these emails. I get these forms filled in. Of people saying, oh, Harsham, I played the perfect game. I've never played better. No one in the world has ever played better. No one does it better than I do. And then I see the game and their course 35 seconds late and they forget their nexus. They don't build a single probe. And it's all garbage. My man Dossam Ulter says, you know what, Kevin, I am not perfect. I'm a human just like you. And is that a bad thing? No. Yes, I lose a couple of workers to a Reaper. Sure. I can't remember what matchup it is. And yes, my build order is probably garbage. But I still manage to get ahead. And I believe that when I get ahead, I'm allowed to. to win. But against Terrence, you're never allowed to just straight up pick to win. Terrence can always fall back on that nasty, nasty, three-based turtle style with tanks, with a good little choke. Moon Dan's beautiful choke, by the way, look at that. Bam, bam, that is hardly any structures you need to build there in order to get that full wall going here. And even if you don't have a wall, it's already a very tight choke, difficult to attack into. And I'm already empathizing here with my man Dassem. Dasum, you know, he struggled here. And I can feel that. I definitely can feel that. Nexus actually at a normal timing, core actually at a normal timing. RECalls the probe as well, a high-level move, very high-level move. Correct move as well, if you believe you're going to lose it. Did recall it a little bit too early, probably could have walked away, but we're going to forget about that here for a second. Gas goes down. The actual early game build order here, the order of things is correct. the timing isn't quite correct. I mean, this adapt is going to start at 212 because of a supply block. That is about 12 seconds too late. That would have been significant if this Reaper was in time. But for whatever reason, the Reaper also is 5 or maybe even 6 seconds late. So this is a diamond level game. And Dossum doesn't say that it isn't. Dossum said that it is. You know, I said, yeah, this ain't perfect. Okay, this is really not perfect. Perfect. There's some interesting adept moves over here. Losing four workers here seems more difficult than losing no workers. Oh my god. Feels like every shade is a miss. That is actually impressive. That is actually very, very impressive. Literally every single shade. He just missed it. And didn't even get the Reaper in the end here. Reaper got the full tour of the base, got every single bit of information that he ever needed, and then balks out alive. Now, I've seen a lot of bad Reaper defenses, but this definitely takes the cake. This was really, really, really poor. This was actual garbage. And he really didn't understate how bad he was in the early game. Did he scout here? What does he get? Okay, seize the barracks, nothing else yet. Has a stalker. Oh, man, Miko has pretty decent Reaper control. I'm gonna be real here. SCV production probably hasn't been brought, and the build order also is really terrible. A double Tag Lab, double marauder production is not good. Especially not if you're going to concussive first. All of this does get scouted, but he's, Desim is already playing blind Robo. So this is, oh wait, blink into Robo. I still think this is practically a free win just because of how bad Miko's build is. You just build any amount of units here. And you, like, this is the type of build you hold accidentally, you know? This is not on purpose. This is if a mosquito is bothering you in your sleep, you roll over and you crush them with the weight of your body. It's like, you didn't even know there was a threat to your blood coming and you just held it. This type of push can be held like this. If you just have any, any normal type of build order, you're going to hold. However, After scouting it, Dossum decides to throw down two more batteries. It's an interesting call. Because technically here, he's fighting a fictional threat. There is nothing coming for him that could do any real damage. Once you have your immortal health and a single battery, you're fine. This is like watching the Twilight movies and then starting to eat like 20 cloves of garlic every single day for the rest of your life. It doesn't really help because, like I said, you're fighting a fictional threat. and you're just going to smell pretty bad. I do believe that if you eat a lot of garlic, that the smell kind of oozes from your sweat and from your skin. It's really not a good type of smell. 20 gloves of garlic is a lot as well. I would really not recommend that. Believe it that that can be good for you, 20 gloves of garlic. Not good for your personal relationships, but also just health-wise. I know garlic's supposed to be healthy, but you can probably die if you eat 20 gloves of garlic. of garlic every single day. I would not recommend it. And that's what you're doing here. Triple battery. I would also not recommend that. Single battery here would have been enough. Would have liked to see a robotic facility being thrown down because robotic facility against three racks openers is 100% the correct call if you're planning on playing blink into Robo anyway. Third base is kind of late for a standard game, but you made this a weird game and not a standard game due to the triple batteries. Now you move out on the map because you have the vision there what the observer. I kind of like that, but at the same time, you're really exposing your main base. What would have happened here if Miko would have just picked up two of these metaphics dropped into the main base? You would have had absolutely nothing in position. Your stalkers were on the wrong side of the fence in that case, and your immortals and zealots, well, you don't even have charged yet. It's not going to be capable of cutting it. Recalling into a drop with stalkers is also something I usually don't recommend. So this was a move that actually had a bunch of risk involved there. There was definitely a lot of risk and you didn't really cover your bases there. Luckily, that didn't happen, but it's still important to point out. Was that a triple stim? Like a double stim? Oh my God. Miko is very keen here on getting stuff done. Look at this. This is the cleanest hold in the world. The super battery by itself would have been enough. Like, I don't think any of the energy of the next two batteries is going to get used. Hardly any. He's like 27 energy right now. That's about it. Could have had more units. It was all floating a magnificent amount of money here. Look at that. Oh my God. It's like a mutual fund manager over here. This guy. He's rich. Oh boy. Now, hold that thought. What is this? It's an interesting micro. This is the type of micromanaging that I really like. You know, this entire interaction. I just kind of want to go into first person for the Protoss here. So Protoss right now is on four gateways, has a robotics facility and is floating 1,800 minerals. 1,800 minerals, okay? If we translate that into supply, and then we always pick the zealot as a unit, you could warp in 18 zealots. That means you could have 36 extra supply. Now, of course, you don't have the production for that. So maybe it's like four gateways, and then what is it, like a bunch more zeal. Maybe you're going to end up adding 20 supplies. to this army if you macro well. It's definitely possible that right now you would be at 90 supply. Instead of trying to spend any of that money, what does Dassem Ulter do over here? Look at we're going to watch it at half-time speed. Look at this. Ooh, yeah, in the dead space, picking up stalkers, removing the damage output from the stalkers. Like, what is this micro even doing? I don't even, this is not micro, this is just clicking very rapidly at things. I want to go over this again because this is hilarious to me. Like, there is no actual micro that is being done here. Like, he's just picking up, he blinks forward. Then he picks up two full health stalkers. So he lowers the actual damage output of this army, allowing the Terran to get more shots off with the tanks and the marauders. Then look at the following move over here. Then starts dropping the weak stalkers. Picks up the healthy stalkers, starts dropping the weak stalkers. He's absolutely fabulous. This is the type of high-level move that you just don't see at the Grandmaster level anymore. Because a grandmaster would have looked at the bank, thought to himself, maybe I just aim of this fight, it's probably better than what Dossum did here, and I probably have to just add six gateways and a fourth base and a fifth base at the same time, and start a fleet beacon and two stargates, and then still we float in cash, because holy crap, is he rich? And just like in regular life, you never actually want to have money in the bank. Any good money manager, if that's a word, money managers will tell you that. They'll tell you you don't want to have money back. You want to have it in your index funds, in your buy property with it for all I care. Or, of course, you can invest in the very volatile cryptocurrencies. But not so volatile if you invest into Harcoin. Roll the tape. Harcoin is a cryptocurrency based on blockchain neural networks, which explored a natural dichotomy between men and robot. I invested all my hard-earned cash into it and already made over 200% returns on my investment in just the past three days. If you too never want to work again and let your money do the working, be sure to invest in hard coin. And soon your life could be like mine, spending all of your free time on hobbies, like playing guitar. Sounds absolutely great, Kevin, and that could be you in a Hawaii shirt playing guitar. Man, smoke on the water, never sounded so good before. Harcoy for all your blockchain needs. Say it, Dossam. The choice is for you. Where do you want to invest it? Loads of pigs. I'd go for the harcoin. because good Lord, that guy could play some guitar and he can only do that due to the hard practice that he's been capable of putting in. Now, this game, despite every single mistake that Dussam has made in this game, still looks very good for Dossum. I mean, he has a bank that he can eventually, hopefully, use for something. It's getting extra gates, getting a nexus down, robotics bay as well, which I think is a good call. We're lacking gas in a big way. I mean, we technically are on four gas, but we're only mining off... Look at this, what is this? We're only mining off half a gas. Like one gas total, maybe. But one and a third, I guess, technically. We're going to get real annoying about it. Still 2K in the bank. Classic 2K bank. Love to see it. Third base on the way for Miko. Third base is slower, actually, than the Protoss 4th base. So, Proz in... It's actually so far ahead right now. I think it might be impossible to lose this. game. If I look at this, if I look at this game, I don't really see a way for the toss to lose. You always kind of got to think, what is the worst thing that could happen here? Maybe like a drop into the main base could go very wrong. There's not a lot of vision on the map, right? So this is one of the things actually. If you're ahead, you kind of just have to go in your head over the things that you could lose against. So it's like, okay, if I get caught out of position and I lose a base, that would be really bad for me. So you want to get a little bit of map vision, right? Is there any unit comp that I could potentially struggle with you should consider? It's like, okay, my opponent gets ghost and I don't have a solid, consistent way of dishing out splash damage. I might be in trouble. So you're getting Colossi already, second robotic facility as well. I think those are actually very good calls. And I think that that probably lowers the risk of you losing an unloosable game. You could also say, hey, I'm not great at getting map control. Maybe I'm just going to put four or five stalkers in my main base. I'll put a battery. I'll add a cannon in there as well and I'll be safe in my main. I think that is genuinely not a terrible call. I'm loving this harassment as well, A, because it's harassment and it can deal some damage, but B, it also scouts your opponent. It sees, hey, what is my opponent actually doing? Here we go, double drop heading towards the main. I think this is really common. for Terrans to do if they're behind. But I mean, you're also dealing so much damage. Look at this. 34 workers here. 33 workers. 31 workers. Again, 62. And you have plenty of units in position, loads of gateways as well. This is a good enough defense, I think, that this game is becoming less and less likely for me to see the comeback happen. One one. Okay, maybe upgrades. I guess that that is the final thing. There is a world in which the Terran. maxes out on 18 workers and 2-2 upgrades. No, but we already have upgrades on the way. Yeah, I don't actually see a way here for the Tarrant to win. Like, I feel like a lot of the boxes are being checked right now, and the only box that isn't checked is the drop box. Like, we're lacking some vision on the map. That's about it. We have very good vision of what our opponent is doing here. 17 workers against 68. This feels like a close to impossible game to lose. Army supply is quite close, so I guess there is a timing right at this moment. There's one ghost, two more on the way, and there's three callsai. There's no timing here. There's also 10 gateways. And we have a fifth base on the way with cannons coming up. That's a good call. That's definitely a good call. I mean, you have an observer as well, so you see when a major moveout happens. and you're building disruptors after triple colossi. Theory-wise, this is actually a pretty solid play. The only thing that Decim is lacking is vision. Is vision on the edges? That's it. And it's the only thing I can see here that could potentially go wrong. Six racks, seven wrecks for the Terran. Weird builder, by the way. Okay, here we go. Big Stim Ford. No scan. All these. This marines just going to get absolutely blasted. These marines are going to get, yeah, this is not it. Nah, it's too many colossus. It's too many colossus. There's too many units there in general. Also, two immortals are. This is just a really powerful army, honestly. It's a... Like, at this point, you can just aim of and straight up win the game. There's obviously nothing that Terran can do about. There's three tanks. tanks are not that good against zealots though you can aim move or you can get 2-2 and go up to 6 bases you don't have to attack into it i mean if your opponent stays on 3 base forever on 28 workers like you could just add more and more gateways and better upgrades you do need to attack eventually but you're so far up it really doesn't matter you could also scout ahead with the observer to see what's actually going on This army isn't big enough to defend this. But even if you don't see that, then there's still like 50 options that you can go for. That would be completely okay. I like the plus two attack. I like the plus two armor. Fifth base is up and running. Don't want to get more than 77 workers. I don't think so at least. I like the thought of just staying on 77, 76, 75, something along those lines. You can have a large army and you're also creating a bank way faster than your opponent. Now here comes a double drop out again. There's already cannons in position. Double drop into three cannons and two batteries is simply just not going to be enough. And 60 Marines also get spotted by these salads. And you can just send your units over there. Yeah, this is no issue. Fusion Corps being constructed. Is this for BCs or for Liberty? Why is this Terran actually staying in? You know, I wasn't upset initially. I thought that Desham was just meming and said, okay, you know, my opponent is supposed to leave when I get ahead. But in this case, yeah, I'm actually feeling Desham. What did he say exactly here? My opponent had no business being in this game, but because of Terran's ability to Turtle eventually grinded it out to a victory. I kind of agree. This Terran has no business being in this game right now. There's legitimately no chance, but people like Dasum Ulthor apparently give this Terran hope because we know that Dossam Ulter eventually is going to lose. And I bet that Miko has played games like this before, where people like Dossam Ulta are too stupid to transition in time or are too dumb to get the correct unit comp or take an absolutely atrocious fight, giving Miko the win. But right now I'm having a very difficult time seeing how it's going to occur. Stargate transition. I kind of like the Stargate transition here as well. 2-2 upgrades halfway done i mean you're going to be up in upgrades you're going to be up in tech you have static defense everywhere you're maxed out all that we need to do right now is at like six more gateways or more star gates yeah this is this is completely fine this is completely correct there's even cannons in the main base already as well you have zela drumbys being set up honestly you're playing a very solid game here dussum a very solid game game. Is there no thermal lens? Oh, there's no thermal lens. Okay, that's kind of a big error. Not having thermal lens is always bad, usually. I have needs to watch the kit. Tough luck, buddy. More important things going on right now. Do you really think you can win? This guy's a bit of a prick. This guy's a massive prick. Yep. Okay, Miko is delusional. So that is how he loses. So that is how he loses. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Very funny, Dossum Ultour. Let's send a replay to YouTube man and write a nice little story. So YouTube man gets tricked into reading my form. And YouTube Man uses two fantastic or maybe three fantastic anecdotes on your game. And then I leave the game and my opponent doesn't actually win. And YouTube Man is going to be confused and I beat the system. No, my friend, you didn't beat the system. The system is about to beat you. Because you are going to get a suck stamp. But Hamster, wait with it. Ah, shit. Now I need to fix it. Kevin! Where's the glue? A few moments later. All right, should be good enough. I know you're usually a bit trigger-happy with that suck-stamp hamster, but here we have to hold off. Because usually we give a suck-stamp to people because they're not good at the game. But you actually played a fine game. You played well. You outplayed your opponents. You won. Congratulations, Desham. I hope you're happy with yourself. But you still get the suck stamp because you suck as a human being. wasting my time, wasting everyone's time, and being a dick, the poor old Miko. Miko doesn't feel like he deserved this win. He's going to watch the replays like, oh, I didn't want this win. He'll feel dirty getting this MMR. And it's because you, my friend, suck as a person. Hit it Hamster. Twice. Trice. Four times. All over that form. Perfect. If you're sitting at home and you're thinking to yourself, ha ha, very funny, Dassem. I bet I could also pull a prank on YouTube man. Don't do it. I'm not interested in it. This was a one-time thing. And people like Dassem is not okay. Okay? I do not approve of this. The last time we're doing this. This is the last time. Next time I'm sending an angry email and making sure that this won't happen again. Come on you, Dossum. If you do, however, have a replay where you truly believe that something was in balance, then be sure to let me know. In the comment section, no, in the description, there's a form that you can fill in. You can send it over and we'll have a look at it and we'll figure it out together. Thanks so much for watching. Hope you to enjoy this. If you did, smash like and subscribe. I'll see you next time. Bye-bye. Thank you. |
He SABOTAGES His OWN Build Order To CONFUSE The Opponent?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | In this video, Harstem showcases a unique and unexpected build order in a Starcraft II match. Despite initially appearing to follow a standard strategy, Harstem makes a series of unconventional choices that throw off his opponent and ultimately lead to victory. The video title poses the question of whether these tactics are overpowered or if the opponent simply played poorly, leaving it up to the viewer to decide. Whether you're a Starcraft II player looking for new ideas or just a fan of exciting matches, this video is sure to provide entertainment and maybe even a few tips for your own gameplay. (written by ChatGPT) LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1saonDBdNkE/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 1saonDBdNkE | Dear Harstam, Protoss is imba. Each unit is imbalanced, like this game. I used unclear meaning construction process. As long as you can't understand it, your opponent can't understand it even more. I think what this guy means with this sentence is that he purposefully plays terrible build orders so that his opponent gets confused. Kind of like it actually. Then, in the midgame, the opponent gathers imbursed. Baselots to attack, but I am perfectly defended. After that, he chose to transform into a high quality army, carrier and disruptor. I choose to fight him. The Liberator destroys his disruptors, but not his carriers. Tor also can't beat an aircraft carrier. G-G. My Terran versus Protoss win rate is only 37%. Protoss will not be able to play. There is no need to play this game. Now, these last few sentences made very little sense. Overall, highly confusing balance complaint form. The name is Iceland. Race is Terran. The leak is diamond at 4.5K MMR. And the server is Korean. Oh, yes. We got a Korean diamond player at 4.5K MMR. And he says that every single Protoss unit is imbalanced. Or perhaps, he sucks. Let's figure it out. Now, before we truly get into it, I want to note two things. In the loading screen, I saw that the opponent of Iceland is actually a 5.1 or 5.2K Korean Grandmaster Protops player. So a solid, what, 6, 700 MMR above Iceland. That is going to be the first note that I will make. And on top of that, there was a couple of things that confused me a little bit. The way the form was written was, they were sentences, but sometimes they didn't make complete sense. And it reminded me a little bit of how the chat GPT would talk to you. You know, sometimes there are just sentences and words in there that don't quite belong there. Then the second clue that we might actually be dealing with an AI and not a real person is the fact that Iceland's email address, the one that they need to submit on the imbalance complaint form, consists of pure numbers. Now, my theory is that is because that is his microchip number and not because for whatever reason he decided to pick a number. Because I actually, I've met many people in my life. I've exchanged many email addresses. Not once in my entire life have I met someone whose entire email address consisted of pure numbers. That makes absolutely no sense. And from now on I will be treating this game as if we are watching an AI. And if you're a little bit familiar with my videos, you know, then I'm not super fond of AI's. I mean, Chad GPT was incapable of providing a decent build order to me. Alpha Star took like three years to figure out that oversaturating your main base with 35 workers wasn't the most optimal place. So whenever we take a look at these build orders, we kind of have to keep the limitations of regular artificial intelligence in mind and that it doesn't function optimally. They don't have the big human brains. You know, it's a little bit different. They work in different ways as well. So we've got to keep that in mind. Perhaps that is also like the cool creative thing that my man Islin wrote. in the complaint form saying that his build order makes no sense, so his opponent doesn't know what he's doing either. That's the type of logic you love to hear from a bot. And indeed, this build order makes absolutely, well, actually, this build is not that bad. I actually kind of like this one. Just a pretty fast helion from a marine, really quick factory, with an armory as well. I'm actually kind of a fan of this build. Good creativity here. Double helion into mines, because we are seeing the armory, and then you just go for a four or a triple mine drop and it should be fine. I even, well, do I like that we have the CC on the high ground? I actually don't. The two helions should give you, oh, okay, that's a lot worse actually. Yeah, that's not good doing a supply drop like this. But we'll get into it later. The two helions should give you enough presence together with the marine that you can clear any units that come towards your side of the map until your mines finish up. And the moment your mines finish up, I mean, you can just borrow them out the ramp and your CC should be absolutely safe. So, yeah, I'm not a huge fan of this, but maybe I understand it. Maybe he's afraid of like a proxy gate or something like this. He's lost too many times to proxy gate. It's like, all right, every single time that I can, I'm going to build my CC on the high ground. Now, the depot drop is always bad. A depot drop saves you 100 minerals, but an actual mule could get you 225 minerals. So every time you see a depot drop, that means that someone just lost 125 minerals, although I guess you can also count the building time that the SCV has added on top of it, which I didn't do. So maybe 100 minerals, but it does cost a fair amount. It's really, really bad for Taron, especially in the early game. It's almost an entire barracks that you can produce due to being delayed. Luckily for Ice Lin, the one thing he doesn't need right now is money, because despite it only being four minutes into the game, he was already floating a solid 500. It's going to move this out. Although this matter of fact has already been damaged and we didn't quite see a repair, He's still just moving out with it straight away. No, goes back, sends it across the map. Not entirely sure what he wants to do with this, but it doesn't look very solid so far. Not a huge fan of this build order. Not a huge fan of the fact that this Helion just morphed into a hellbat eater and then didn't attack any workers. Surely, if you do have a Helion, you want to kill the workers. Now, I know AIs have trouble with object permanence and also kind of understanding that if something isn't in one position, that it probably is in a different position. But this is really taking the crown in bad decision making. Look at this. Just look at this, okay? What are we seeing here? Now, technically, phoenixes could be in three locations, logically. Either the phoenixes are harassing the Terran. player or they are defending. That leaves two locations left for the phoenixes. Either they're defending the main base or they're defending the natural. The hellbat in the natural sees a complete lack of phoenixes in the natural. So what would the logical thing be to do is to send something in the natural. If you're not sure where the phoenixes are and you're afraid of them being in between what you could do is you drop one mine at this location, you walk it into the natural as you boost into the main. You split your chances that way. The worst thing to do is to boost your meta-vec into location where, according to my logic, 95% of the time the phoenixes, and in this time, in this case also an Oracle, are just going to be waiting for you. Not a very fantastic move. Quite a bad move, actually. It's not going to get a single mine to burrow. This product is quite fast. Not a surprise because he's about 6, 700 MMR above Islin over here. And at this point, I would almost say that the game is completely over. If you play a Thor rush, one of the most important things is to have a very high Marine count with it, and then you pull SEVs and you go ASAP. The timing of this Thor rush is hot garbage. There's no, no, there's still Medevac alive. I was going to say there's no Medevac alive anymore, but this one's still barely alive. Never mind. Just died. There's no Medevac alive anymore, which means that Marines can't attack. So this Thor rush has already been stopped, despite it never having left the base. And Thor rushes are generally quite bad to go into a later game because Thor's are really expensive and they don't really contribute anything. I mean, they're okay anti-air, but so is a cyclone and a cyclone is a lot cheaper. You don't require an armory for it. So in this game so far, we've seen a lot of investment into units that aren't being used whatsoever, which most of the time is not the ideal thing to do in StarCraft 2. Another Viking coming out. I'm also not entirely sure if this is a macro build or an all-in. It is really difficult because the Eco sucks, but the unit count also sucks. So it can't really be an all-in. It can't really be a macro build either. And he's taking four gases. Oh. He's taking four gases before infrastructure. He plays Mac. It is a Mac player. And I should have figured it out as well. That's this... All the clues were there. All the clues were there. The imbalance complaint form made absolutely no sense. The email address was an... number. Hey, this guy was different than other people. I could have figured it out. He dropped as a third depot. He dropped it on top of his depot because he couldn't remember to build depots. People that play Mac, play Mac for the simple reason that Mac units give more supply and thus it's easier to spend your money. They're also more expensive. Mac players are basically Protoss players in disguise, but then playing the human race. They wish they were Protoss. The funny thing is, is that Mac players complain the most about Protoss, despite them being the exact same thing. You know, they wish they picked Propos when they were young. Oh, they wished it so much. Oh, they would have loved to be a Prolis player, sitting back at home, building big bulky units, winning games they don't deserve to. That is the Mac player standard. Aye, aye,oy, yoy, yoy. This feels absolutely terrible right now here for Iceland. Honestly. Technically, this game is already over. Except Iceland isn't aware of it yet. And the reason why this game is already over is because he doesn't. meet the requirements to win a game a game with Mac has never been won a woman has never been won has never been winner at a high level and I'm going to explain this to you the it just doesn't cut the requirements it's as if imagine you're entering a competition in which the goal is to draw Donald Duck you know the Disney character and make it look as much like Donald Duck as possible everyone you know draws Donald Duck colors it in as well and you show up with a dog turd on a plate and you painted it blue the judges are not going to judge your your doctor because it is not a drawing of Donald Duck just like this game isn't an actual game you're you're not meeting the requirements of what it takes to be competitive in Terran versus prolos because what it takes to be competitive in Terran versus prolose is to play bio Mac simply doesn't work it's a composition that has been tested again and again by many people, and it is always shown to be incapable of winning games, at least at the higher level. Now, I'm going to assume that the same issues are still here for Mac that there are at the higher level. Yes, you can win individual fights, but you can do that while having high eco, and it's also impossible to kill Protoss players or close to impossible to kill Protoss players. Protoss players really need to mess up in order to die against Mac, so you're making life extremely difficult for yourself. The funny thing is that if Islin were to play bio, he probably would be lower MMR, but he'd have more potential to grow further because Mac, there's like a hard cap to where you can grow. It's like a Mac glass ceiling, basically. Like, you can't get through it because Mac freaking sucks. And, I mean, we're already kind of seeing it. Not much has happened this game. Any Mac opener always is going to be behind in supply, majority of the time. Or it's going to be extremely unsafe. of the way how the production works. You can't get that many Marines or Marines that you do build if you build a lot of them are going to be useless. How is it possible that legitimately out of the seven depots that we currently have, four of them have a hat on top of them and have like the super depot drop? That's a lot of money that has been wasted here. Now we get one of the worst attacks that I've seen in a while into a Mac army. And I still believe that it's kind of okay for the Prodos, just purely based on the fact that he's upper base already, that he understands that immortals are good and okay this game is practically just over isn't it just target down some of these immortals just wait for your next round of zealots and you're going to kill 10 15 workers here and the beauty of this is that you reset a lot oh actually this is an okay defense 57 yeah even after this it doesn't matter that much you can rebuild very quickly as protels you have superior eco still you can expand to a fifth base and Terran actually needs a very large amount of units to continue expanding because their defensive rotations are so slow. They just need a lot of units. So there's always some units in every position. Sensor towers are a great tool, but aren't being used at all. Tudits aren't being used in the main base either. One of the easiest ways to die with Mac is to have a zealot happen into your main... a zealot warpin happen into your main base. That didn't quite kick off here. Now, transition is going to be triple Stargates, a fleet beacon and plus 1. We already have a Stargate. Is that a second Cybercore? I love this. This Proos player is actually quite good. If it wasn't for that terrible fight that he just took here, this game actually would have ended already. And you and your dog turd would have been kicked back to the lobby screen. But instead, you're still in the game here, Islin. Okay, let's have a look. Robo Bay, good decision. This pro is actually making a lot of correct calls. You should have taken a fifth base already, maybe even a sixth. I think double expanding against Mac is almost always worth it as well. Double Disruptor is good if you see a what you call it, a high Thor count. Now, I just kind of want to... also take a look at what both players have seen so far in this game. So for our Protoss player, he's fairly aware of production facilities, the army composition of the opponent, the amount of bases, all of that good jazz. Iceland knows nothing. The last thing Iceland scouted was the fact that there were three gases, two gateways, and a Stargate. That is it. Not aware of any of the transitions coming in. Not aware of the amount of bases. How can you make a solid decision without knowing anything in the game? How can you change your unit composition based on what you scout if you don't scout? How can you stop your opponent's eco from absolutely snowballing if you never harass? You only have 67 workers, 12 minutes into the game. Your opponent could have anything from 45 workers at this point to 96. Like, you haven't stopped your opponent at any point. You haven't killed any workers. Zero, none, Nara, Niantos. You tried initially with the mind drop, but there you failed. And since then you haven't tried it. And you have plenty of aliens to try and get some map control. plenty of aliens to try and deal some damage. There's not even cannons here. Honestly, the one weakness that this Protoss has is the lack of static defense. And the fact that the fifth base was actually kind of late, making him economically a little bit vulnerable. Maybe you even had a push-out timing here. Look at this. You have seven Tours, ten helbits, four liberators. Maybe you were the one, the King Arthur of Terence, the one player that could make Mac work at least one time during this transition. But you didn't scout, you didn't scan, you did absolutely nothing, you defend that, and then you allowed your opponent to build up an entire army again, go up to 90 freaking workers, and transition into carriers all at the exact same time. Fantastic job. You have to be the most passive person in the entire world. You're the type of guy that gets a drink spilled on him in a restaurant and then apologizes to the waitress. It's a little bit pathetic, my friend. You're getting abused over here by this Protoss. Fusion Corps going up on the third base. We have two. How many planetaries are you building? What is this? Why are you defending your third base with two planetaries? If this is also going to be a planetary, I'm going to be really upset. This just makes absolutely no sense. Why would you even want to defend three-bay? Like, you get the third base for free. You don't have to set this. Like, this is something you do once you have the fifth over here, and you need to spread out your army. But right now, your entire army was in this location. You don't need planetaries in every single base. And still leaving your main vulnerable to drops. Like, my man is, my prox man is going to walk up here and see, hey, oh, well, there's a planetary, a couple of tourists there. Hmm, wonder if there's a way around it. Surely the main has tourists on. A boom. Prison flies in, 10 Zalazwarp in. you instantly lose the game. Literally nothing you can do anymore. Plus three, your upgrades are actually very good compared to your opponent. But you're still playing with a composition that is practically being hard-countered right now. The Thor does get hard-countered by disruptors usually, and you don't have Vikings to deal with carriers. I guess if you have a lot of Liberators, I'm not even quite sure what is the ideal comp here against Carrier Disruptor if your plan is to play Mac, because I've never seen this before. Like usually it would be like ghost Viking maraud or MataVac, a bunch of liberators there as well, and you're probably going to be fine against an army like this. But if your entire goal in life is to play a non-viable unit composition, I'm actually, I'm just not entirely sure what the plan should be either. Like, if you put such strong limitations on yourself, it's really difficult. Okay, we are going to see a pushout now at 1450. Is this the first time you actually maxed? No, you've been maxed here, you've been maxed here. Okay, so you basically maxed out at the 14 minute mark. And then you waited for a minute so that your opponent also gets his final carriers out. Plus two is almost done for the toss. And that is the timing where you decide to actually push out. Oh, I like that. Okay. Good call. Very, very good call. So your opponent is completely set up. Look at these disruptors. If they actually get controlled semi decently, yeah. Disruptors are so good against Thor's honestly. So, so good against Thor's. Just lose a couple of disruptors, but as long as you lower the Thor count, say, you know, a decent amount, your carriers are going to end up winning. That's always what happens. And also, if you clear a lot of the hellbats, a zealot warping can do the job for you. Because there's nothing to really tank for the zealots, yeah, to tank the zealids with anymore. Who sets up all of the liberators in positions that aren't really fighting anything? It's an interesting call. Some disruptors is awesome. Not a good fight out of the toss, honestly. Some disruptors are going to hit. This wasn't great. I would love to see these liberators actually being unseed so you can fight the interceptors with them. That would have helped massively. Because it really lowers the interceptors down significantly at a very high pace. This fight, honestly, was actually quite good. Look at this. Resources lost overall. It's like 8K in favor for Iceland right now. I can't believe you're still in this game despite playing Mac. You're also expanded to a fifth base. I can't actually believe, my gosh. You're almost winning with Mac against someone that's 700 MMR higher than you. You're playing a completely nonsense build order with like some weird Thor rush, which you don't actually attack with. Then you play a non-viable unit composition in which you hit a timing that is 50 seconds delayed. And you're still... I'm not sure if you're ahead, but you're alive. I mean, have you figured something out yet? Okay, you're now aware of the fact that there's a third base. Not aware yet if there's gases or not. I guess you have figured out your opponent's unit composition as well, but I don't actually think you care. I think your entire play from the start was to go into Thor Hellbad, Liberator, and then eventually add Battlecruisers. Like, there's no countering here. Your unit comp doesn't change based on what you scout. your unit comp changes based on what time it is in the game just like with most AIs. Most AIs they just have like a progression level you know they start with lings in the early game the three minute mark they get some roaches at a five minute mark they'll start adding in some other units you're like one of the very primitive AI still that's what you are here Iceland B-boop Fifth base is up Raven now I know for sure you're not a real Terran human because there is no Terran in the world that would admit to a raven being useful in the late game. Despite them being useful, they're very, very good, and I would compliment you on this play, but it also immediately supports my theory that you're not actually a human. Because Terrans have a single control group. You can't have battle cruisers and liberators and Helions and Thor's and a raven. You need more than one control group. It's not possible. Do we have any upgrades here for this? You have ship weapons level one. flying around. Honestly, still somewhat a viable game here for you. It just... It didn't blink away. It kind of... Oh, there's no blink. No wonder it didn't blink away. It still kind of pisses me off that you haven't tried to harass once with Helions. A lot of these bases would have actually been quite vulnerable to Helions. Like if you just run around them rather than running into the cannons, even here if you go towards the left side, you could actually kill a lot of workers. And if you done it a bit earlier, it's maybe one of the ways you can win is you take a very good fight and your opponent doesn't. doesn't have the Eco to rebuild. Yeah, then you can actually win the game. Oh, this is a cool move. He attacks the Rockstar to then try and go into this. What's happening here? Why these BCs dealing so much damage? This is a cool move by the way. This is actually a really nice move here out of Islin. This is good. Completely tricking the Protoss player into going to the bottom right with a simple two BCs, then teleporting top left while also pushing out with loads of Thor's, and then taking out this base. This was a very good move. Now, an even higher level play is that then if your next BCs go to the far bottom right again, the moment this army moves away. So that way you're killing two bases still. You're going to get this one for free and then either your BCs are going to get a kill here or you're not going to get attacked and you know it for sure. I almost feel like that if you hold the next push, which seems somewhat impossible, you're going to be in a good spot. There are three to two, two upgrades. BCs are just getting owned, aren't they? Freaking Voidraiser are really not that bad. Who? Liberators, though. Look at an interceptor count. It's not actually going down at all. Still lots of disruptors. Yeah, I feel like the Protoss really just kind of figured out that Mac at this point isn't a viable composition. To be fair, with the amount of time that Islin gave to our Protoss player, Protoss probably could have just tapped down and looked for some guide online. Like, hey, how do I beat Mac? Because Islin decided to absolutely do nothing with his lead. I'm a huge fan of that. Third base died. It's like, ah, okay. So, give my art. A lot of time he crafted the perfect army, took out my base. Let me see if I can keep everything together and then just have a better fight, despite absolutely nothing changing. Another Raven on the way? You think we'll ever see an anti-armor missile? I'd love to see that. Or just interference matrixes, that would be the sickest thing. A Terran that actually uses like 10 interference matrices on an entire air army would be so cool. That actually would be super sick. A couple of scans. I love that he's scanning around the map right now. Yeah, it's just gonna lose his base again. His army is just garbage. It actually, I don't understand how you got to this level by playing Mac just straight thores every single game. It legitimately makes no sense. And I love that he kind of tried to deflect criticism of that move already by saying he played a nonsense build order. So there's a opponent also... This is not how it works. It's like saying at the start of it. at the start of a football match that you're going to score in your own goal to confuse the opponent. It's like, yeah, they might be confused, but they're also just up. It's like confusion is only good if it's followed up by, you know, something strong. If you knock yourself out in the first round in boxing, your opponent is really confused, but you're also knocked out. I can draw infinite analogies with real-life situations here that would confuse the opponent, but would also just be bad. walk into a Starbucks buy a drink pay for it throw it on the floor Starbucks barista is going to be insanely confused but you're without coffee do you want more I could I could keep going all day going to the grocery store grab a bottle of milk smash it on the floor then punch all the wine bottles in your side and break them you're probably going to get arrested but I bet both the police officer and everyone working in that grocery store are going to be extremely confused good job confusion isn't a positive just because someone else is confused doesn't mean that's necessarily a good situation oh my god this is a sick fight that did now that was confusing and almost worth but then again it it didn't uh maybe because eight of your tors weren't you know weren't really in the fight maybe because you have slightly too many liberators but you almost got your opponent and i'm kind of proud of that now the game is completely over you're flying over with a command center from over there. I mean, Tosius has too much money. Overall, resources lost is now even as well. So after ProDos realized how to fight, I think this game pretty much ended. Gigi gets called. I'm happy to see that, I guess most bots are capable of typing out Gigi, so maybe not too surprising. But yeah, it is a ridiculous game. I don't even know what to say. How can you say that every single unit is imbalanced? If you've been training perfectly fine in this game with freaking Thor Hellbad Liberator, until your opponent got the exact counter against that composition. You didn't change your comp once. You just continued playing the same thing. Like, I think in this case, you seriously just, you're just not allowed to complain at all. You don't deserve it, my friend. You just do not deserve it. You sucked. Prado's an imbalance. And that's my verdict here today. That is going to be it as well for this video. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you to enjoy this game. If you did, don't forget to the like, subscribe to our channel, and hopefully I'll see all of you next time. for a new video. Thanks so much and bye-bye. |
Is NA Strong After All?! Chinese Top 100 GM vs NA Diamond Pleb | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | An inter-server duell. That's a first! A fellow chinese GM recently started playing on the north american server and apparently got stuck in Diamond? Now that would be a wild confidence boost for our NA friends! But maybe Marines and Marauders are just IMBA over there. They have THE nation of guns after all. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/KLQ1_R_v05E/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | KLQ1_R_v05E | Dear Harstam, I am a super fan of you from China. Terran Liberators and Sensor Towers are just to Inba and Marauders. My BG unit, also known as Gateway Units, is as fragile as paper in front of them. I came to study in Canada, so I had to create a new account on the NA server to play. This game happened again before I was promoted to Master Tree. I have reached the top 100 of the Grandmaster in the Chinese server, 5,200 MMR. But as of the time I emailed you, I only hit 4.3K MMR on the NA server. And my record is 19 wins and 4 losses. I also often watch a rang roulette show. I thought I could come to North America to show my strengths, but this 4,000 MMR diamond tarrant beat me back to Iyer. I'll admit that I made a few small mistakes in my early game defense. But the timing of his first airdrop was so weird that I lost seven probes at 5.5 minutes. But I countered immediately and destroyed his raven and perfectly defended his first push with tanks. Maybe I underestimated the enemy. I saw a 4,000-em-mar diamond Terran. I think I just need to complete a normal build here, build some gateway units, block his first push and end the game quickly, like on the Chinese server. But this dude's macro and micro are beyond my understanding of diamonds. So I tried multitasking with DTs and Prisms to weight my high-tech AOE units, such like high-tech Templar and Disruptor. I laughed at the screen when I saw that he couldn't even operate his own bio to avoid the disruptor's attack. God, what a loser? But what does it matter? When I saw swarms of Liberators drawing circles over the heads of my people, when I saw my multitasking was easily blocked by the sensor tower, missile tower and the fortress. When the ghost hides behind the tank and the Liberator and releases an EMP bigger than a ball, I skillfully press F10 plus N. So please tell me, Captain, it is Inba, or do I suck? Sincerely, Kwan Li Liu, also known as Sergio, and the in-game name is 6KM, a Protoss player right now in Masters 3 in North America, Chinese top 100 grandmaster, struggling to beat a North American diamond Terran. player with EMPs bigger than a ball. And he asked, is it Inba or do I suck? And we're going to find out today. All right, here we go inside and out. Six kilometers versus Echo. And this seems to be a diamond TVP on the North American server. So far, I'm not that disappointed honestly by the builder. Look at this. CC went down at a normal timing. Reaper started at an okay time. as well. We have an SCV patrolling this area. Why I'm not so sure. But these players seem to have some idea of what to do in life and in this game in general. Well, opener did we play? Oh my god, a core first and the core finish is at 201. Pylon finished a bit too late, but I can live with that. This is a very impressive thing to do this wall, all right? is I think currently the only map in the map that has two Reaper jump-in spots. Which means if you're going to wall a Reaper jump-in spot, there's still another one left, which is annoying, but yet we still see it done a lot. What I haven't seen before, however, is out of the three locations that are wallable, is to pick the one location that is not actually a Reaper jump-in spot. There is debris here, we can see it better on this side, that blocks the Reaper from jumping in. This is a Reaper jumping spot. This is a Reaper jumping spot. And if you want to block it, usually block this entire area. This does absolutely nothing. This is as if you have two cold feet, you have one sock and you decide to put it on your dung. It's like, well, that's not going to keep your feet warm for a very long time, my friend. Trust me on that. We have blink, okay, at a decent time. Wait, this is a third unit blink. No. Not a huge fan of this personally. Blink starts very late with this type of opener. If you get a third gateway unit before you start the blink. You might as well just not throw the tech down as fast in that case. I just don't quite understand why people would play like this. I also saw some minor cuts already in the work account. Chroneboos not being spent nor on Blink or on Probes, which is bad as well. So yeah, this hasn't been the most. tiding opener here out of 6KM or the greatest opener in general. Gateway timing is solid. The robotics facility timing technically is solid as well. It's not getting supply blocked. So, I mean, it is an opener, but it's just not very tight. Once again, Chrono boost very late, Prokound a little bit lower than it should be. We have no pylon spread at all around the map. We have nothing here on the bottom. Usually, your third pylon is in a location where it helps you spot something. So you want to think about your buildings and your pylons. as things that actually can have a purpose as well. So your first buildings will create a wall often in the main base, either on the ramp or around your mineral line in case of like a Reaper jumping in. You can block that off. Maybe it's easier to hide your tech as well. Then your second pylon is often used in your natural to create a bit of a wall there. So you have a gateway, a robo, in case of like some massive halion attack, or it can even be nice against TREX build orders as well, where you just have a bit of a wall. It makes it harder for your opponent to just straight up run in. Now, once we get to the third pylon, the third pylon is often used to provide extra vision on the map. So we see it on the very, like, the six o'clock over here on the very bottom part of this base. So the moment a matter of fact flies in through this angle, you can actually spot it. And then the fourth pylon often gets positioned over here. It's like a double purpose. One, it spots this general area. And on top of that, it can provide a position for a battery to defend your third base, as well as just have a fast warping possibility for your third. And all the pylons really serve a bit of a purpose. Now, in this case, this third pylon doesn't serve a purpose at all. This fourth one at least spot something on the side, but still, complete blindness on the far right side of this map, and it forces these stalkers to be in this position. Ideally, you want the stalkers to be kind of in between, and then you have a spotter over here and a spotter over here, and depending where the MataVec shows up, you can quickly move into position to figure out, hey, what's going on here? Where do my units need to be? I have blink. I can probably still catch it. Blink is really late. If this was a standard mine drop, this would have absolutely not been in time. And the matter of fact, drop would have just gone in and gone out with all their mines still completely intact, most likely. Because the stalkers are severely out of position. Well, unless the matter of fact comes from the bottom side, of course. Like this has been a pure gamble so far out of 6KM. man, let me just read what he said again in his thing. He said, I'll admit that I made a few small mistakes in my early game defense, but the timing of his first airdrop was so weird that I lost seven probes at five and a half minutes. Now, I'm going to say to you right now, 6KM, that you should be very, very happy with the fact that the air drop or the mind drop wasn't any quicker. Because rather than losing seven workers at five and a half minutes, you would have lost seven workers at four and a half minutes or four minutes and 20 seconds because you simply just weren't in people. position and did not have the correct tools, the correct vision, the blink in time to deal with it. And now you had a little bit more time. Losing seven workers, if you have 49 workers, is a lot less bad than if you were to lose seven workers, if you have 35, because the percentage of your income that you lose is just a little bit smaller. And it's also easier to reproduce as you have a third, as you have a third base finishing up soon. So workers are already kind of easy to reproduce. This sucks, don't get me wrong, you don't want to lose it. But you can just rebuild them. You have plenty of kronoboose saved up in case you want to krono boost your carrier switch, I guess. I'm not quite sure why we're not chronobusing anything at all. I'm also not quite sure we're building a cannon in our mineral line. That seems like a massive waste of money. This is the famed raven snipe. So loses two stalker, kills a four stalker, kills a bunch of marines and kills a raven. Now, I have to say that is a little bit different. than what you said here in your balanced complaint form, I'm not entirely happy with this one yet, I countered immediately and destroyed his raven. Although that information is technically true, it's technically correct information you countered and destroyed his raven, you admitted a very important part is that you also lost four stalkers here, which in my mind just isn't completely fair. It's basically if you told your parents you came home, you know, after a night of drinking, you came home and fed the dog. And in the morning they wake up and they see like a yellow lining on the car because you decided last night in your drunken haste to also, you know, pee on the car. In theory, you didn't lie to your parents when you said that you came home and fed the dog. But you kind of forgot a very important part is that the car now smells terrible and your dad can't drive it to work anymore. It's the same here. You lost four stalkers. Yes, he killed a raid. and a couple of marines, but this actually wasn't that great of a trade for you at all. You pretty much lost your aggressive presence on the map. Your opponent feels solid enough now, or strong enough, to go with a counter mine drop already as well. So I'm not so sure if that was a biggest win as you made it out to be. Observer still providing vision. Of course, it's nice because the raven is gone. Upcrites are really fast for this Terran, by the way. I honestly feel like this Terran maybe got a little bit lucky in the early game and perhaps got away with a build that shouldn't be completely viable, a really late mindrop into a really quick third CC, but he got away with it. He's now trying to spend this money the best that he can. He's getting quick extra upgrades, getting an armory, Ghost Academy on the way as well. Pretty solid macro all around. I really like the call of a fast fort base again, something like this. Fast-forth base going up to 10, 8 or 10 gateways. Was this 8? So I think if you're playing a build that is so focused on minerals, it is not necessarily bad to go up to 10 gateways very quickly. Because you're mining very little gas. And the reason why your army is going to be good is because it's going to be big, not because your army comp is necessarily going to be strong. You kind of want to destroy your opponent with lots of zealots and Zellet run by, Zellet attacks in the main base with prisms once he moves out, maybe going into the natural with a bunch of zealot or going into the third, and the moment you meet on the map, oh, this is not a good army either, is it? No, this is really not. The Stalker is a unit that you have to make, but you don't want to make, like at least in the mid-game stage against Darren. There's no real purpose to the Stalker. It doesn't fight very well. It dies kind of easily. It's nice for kiding. It's nice for catching. Drops, initially you can use it for solid aggression as well, but in defending attacks in the midgame or going for attacks in the midgame, you much rather have zealots and invest your gas into something that is way more useful, whether there's going to be a Robo Bay or Templar Archives or just a sentry or, you know, the Tamp-Archons, I don't know, I think I already said Archon, but I said it twice. Like, this army doesn't trade well at all against Terran armies, because if there's even any amount of marauders in the Terran force, your stalkers are absolutely going to melt, and even more so if you're down in upgrades. So here, you're getting completely blasted for no real reason, except for the fact that, A, you had two little gateways, and B, you decided to build 22 stalkers rather than, and like five zealots, rather than the other way around. Usually you see five stalkers, and then the rest is going to be zealots. The rule that I would use here, 6KM, is that you want to build as many stalkers as you need, too defensively. And then the rest is just going to be zealots and immortals and maybe a century or so and then quicker attack. Because the more stalkers you build, the less gas you have for actual good units. Stalkers are a unit that keeps you alive. Loving this vision here, by the way. Making sure that whenever there's an eruption of lava coming out of this whatever... Is this not really a volcano, is it? Whenever this lava erupts, this volcano erupts, you have double vision on it with these observers. which is just really nice. You could, for example, instead of just looking intensely at this lava, you could have an observer over here, or you could have one in this position, one in this position, and then just a zealot in the middle. You'd be capable of covering pretty much the entire map. Right now, despite having vision of this third base completely, you still kind of managed to miss the move out. I'm not sure how it is possible. You've also been floating an insane amount of money due to the complete lack of having extra production. facilities. Currently you're on eight gateways and one robotic home. Interesting synchronized attack. Loving the stalker flank here. Didn't come quite at the same time as the zealots, but I'm sure you tried your best. Yeah, you basically have the production for someone that is on on three bases. That's it. And even on three bases, you'd probably be struggling spending your money with eight gateways and one robo. But you have an extra fort base that was entirely mining with 16 probes and you had a fifth on the way that is now done. Like you had absolutely zero preparation for the money that you were getting. It makes absolutely no sense at all. Like so much cash coming. There's no point in getting extra bases if you can't spend the money. Like then it's just an investment that that doesn't really pay off at all. Not a huge fan of that usually. I think increasing production in general is a great way to improve at the game. Like when you're a strong, struggling. Like often it is, if you're struggling spending your money, often it's a, it's a lack of production that you have. DTs. Okay. Now this is, this is just really interesting. Okay. This is really interesting because a dark shrine is one of the slowest transitional tools that there is. It takes a really long time for a dark shrine to build. You also need a shadow stride, the Dark Templar blink, in order for the DTs to be very useful at this phase in the game against Darren. So it's a very slow transition and it doesn't add anything in. your actual army composition. While the main issue right now for 6KM is the fact that his army comp is so completely terrible. Like, there's nothing in here that couldn't have been built at the freaking three minute mark. All of these units are pure gateway units. No colossine, no disruptor, no high templar. And yes, maybe on the Chinese server, this is good enough for top 100 Grandmaster, but this is North America, baby. And it's different here. I can't believe. and I'm defending North America. The one thing that I vowed not to do in my life is not become a North American fanboy, and here we are. It's actually kind of painful to watch. This is also painful to watch because there's no scan yet. This defense shouldn't have worked. It upsets me. This DT run by is also not going to work. I do hope you send them away. Nice. Actually, pretty quick responses. Still way too much money in the bank as well as you get a proper clean on this entire army. Terran is still just outmining you better upgrades as well. Currently 2-2 against 2-1 with 3-3 on the way. More command centers coming in as well. So yeah, overall, I still think Terran is in a good spot, especially given the fact that it's 13 or almost 13 minutes in the game. You don't have a single disruptor out. You don't have any colossal. You don't even have a single immortal. Like, your army composition crafting is some of the worst in the world because you just built zealots and stalkers. Maybe 6KM only played like the first campaign mission. You know how in the campaign mission in order to help you tutorialize? They usually only give you one or two types of units. And it's like 6KM played the first campaign mission. I was like, all right, I like these two. This is going to be my life from now on. Like what have we lost? We have lost 57 zealots, 17 stalkers, one adept, and then 3DTs just now. Not even a single Sentry. Sentry, by the way, with the Guardian Shield, is a 100 gas investment that allows your entire army to gain plus two armor that can't be gained from any other source. It's one of the most amazing spells, one of the most broken spells in the entire game, together with the Raven anti-armor missile. These two spells are so insanely good. The fact that you're not using any of this is actually quite upsetting. Now we have 12 gateways, finally. That's a good amount. Maybe still too low even because you already had such a backlog of money in your bank. that you couldn't really spend. Not really warping in either. Once again, more stalkers being warped in. I'm not sure why your army is split. God, I wish I could see what your hotkeys look like. Because it's obvious to me you have some hotkeys. Like, very different types of hotkeys. You have your stalker separate. Then you have your zealot d. No, just your dT separate. Your zealots are separate from the stalkers and separate from the DTs. Maybe they're together. It's so hard to say. Disruptors are. in the Stalkers group, they have random Zellas just set up around the map. Oh my god, these disruptor shots were huge, or one of them at least was pretty huge. Base is still going to end up falling because half your army wasn't in position. These three Zellis not doing very much of anything. This seems like a massive F2 move in which every unit is going to now show up to this fight. There is this is a fight you can win? I wouldn't have thought so. God, this really is powerful if the Toss wins this. Okay, never mind yet. This is not going to do this. Holy crap. of the slaughter. One more disruptor shot. Not bad. I mean, I guess this is the fight where he said that he was laughing, that his opponent couldn't even operate the bio, but Terran is still very far ahead right now. Like 160 supply, a pretty sizable bank as well, decent enough production. Seven racks, would have loved to see in eight racks here. Double Starports done already. Fifth base on the way. I mean, this just looks fine to be. be honest, still with this terrible vision out of the Protoss player. I mean, the TOS still just has a garbage army as well. Like, I... It is literally just four disruptors, that's it. There is no runbyes that are happening. He mentioned that the sensor towers and the missile turrets really annoyed him, but... He also didn't really try to do anything aggressive all game. So you can't really complain about being annoyed by the sensor towers and missile turrets, especially not if you park your zealot straight into a missile turret. or into a sensor tower range for the past minute and a half. Okay, now you do have some vision. Here we go. This looks like a fight with no potential whatsoever. 140 supply against 190s. Holy crap. Okay, this might have been the fight. Okay, that was a fight with no potential. That went way better than it ever should have been. Way, way better. Holy cow. Eight disruptors are out, so I'm starting to believe again. Almost starting to believe again. Sadly, I always know that whenever I watch an IOTIS, this is a good catch. That actually was good. Nice, nice awareness here. I love that these two observers actually proving their value. Here I was making fun of you for having two observers at the exact same place, but who's laughing now? Well, still me because you would have seen the same thing with one ops, but whatever. The sad thing about Iota is that I know that this Protoss player is going to end up losing. But there's actually some potential. These moves right now honestly aren't that bad. Look at this. You have some rotations coming in. You have some disruptor use, maybe a little bit slow at times. Maybe very slow. The zoning hasn't been brilliant here at all. Oh my God. Just threw away like five disruptors for free. That was actually really painful. It's going to be like seven disruptors for free. Holy crap. I kind of want to go over that fight again. Okay? Because that fight, the start of it went so well, and this rotation was good. This is the fight where I think you could have just straighted up won the game. If you do this well. There's no ghost in this army. There's not a large Liberator count. The army consists of a lot of metaphics. And you have freaking, what is this? Seven? Seven disruptors in this army. Okay. So how does it start? It starts by you blinking back, sending in a disruptor shot that most likely is going to hit. Your next disruptor shot should already be coming out. The problem with Protoss armies that don't have immortals, that don't have Archons, that don't have zealids, that don't have colossal, is that there is no backbone in this army. This is an army where the only reason why the Terrant can jump on you is because you have disruptor shooting purification Nova. The moment there's not a disruptor that is threatening the life of the bio, the bio is not afraid of this army because stalkers once again freaking suck at fighting. They're okay at shooting from a distance while your opponent is running away from your purification Nova or trying to run out of the colossi range. But stalkers are complete garbage in a straight-up engagement. So the moment there is no purification Nova active, like there is half of this fight or they're missing, you're not winning. You need your opponent to be running away for your stalkers to be effective. They can't be trading. They need to be shooting for free. I'm not sure if you ever had a... If you've ever had a bachelor party, I'm not sure if they do bachelor parties in China, like we do them in the Netherlands. I would play paintball at a bachelor party. And then at some point, what they do is they put the bachelor, so the fella that's getting married. I'm not sure where they call him the Bachelor, but they put him in a bunny suit and they make him go around the entire paintball area. And then all of his friends that are at the Bachelor party shoot at him. Okay? Now, the friends of the Bachelor are very similar to the stalkers. You know, they don't actually want to be shot at by the Bachelor with a paintball. They're just standing there while the guy in the bunny suit is running around. It's the same with stalkers. While the marauders and Marines are running away from the purestores, purification Nova, your stalkers are standing there with your paintball gun shooting at him. The moment the bachelor turns around and starts shooting the stalkers, all of a sudden the bachelor party isn't fun anymore. Trust me, I've tried as well. So yeah, make sure that whenever your army consists of pure stalkers to always have purification Nova active, because you didn't do that, you got completely blasted here in the fight, which is a bad thing. Obviously, because you got destroyed in this fight. Which is why often I prefer to at least have some type of zealots in an army because A, they're a little bit cheaper, and B, they tank relatively well against high marauder force. It sucks a bit if there's ghosts nearby, but ghosts are also not great against disruptor, so, you know, it is what it is. On top of that, whenever you have pure stalker disruptor, you're really forced to keep your entire army together because both of those units suck without the other. They have pretty good synergy. They keep each other safe in a way. But at the same time, it's very vulnerable, and also you definitely can split it up. And also, the moment you're caught out of position, it's impossible to engage into a position, which is probably what you're about to find out over here, is that it's legitimately impossible that if one of your bases is under siege, that you can do anything about it whatsoever. Now, these liberators are annoying, but I don't really feel like liberators have been the problem here whatsoever. In this game, like, you literally just lost a massive fight over here, and you lost every single fight before this all, because you're probably. building pure stalker against a bio army. You're really lucky your opponent doesn't feel comfortable enough having more than half a control group. Otherwise, if there were ghost in this army again and a couple of EMPs would have hit you, you'd have been completely blasted even harder in every single fight. And now we're seeing the ghost being built again. Okay, now the game ends. This had nothing in no, Gigi. The fact that this is a no GG actually kind of upsets me because it makes me believe, that 6KM looked at this fight and thought to himself, this is reasonable for me to expect to expect a win here, basically. Well, I think that is extremely unreasonable. There's seven liberators. There's a decent chunk of marauders. There's a decent amount of Marines as well, more reinforcements coming in. And all you really have is 24 stalkers and seven disruptors. I think none of these purification novas actually end up hitting. And you fight consistently into the Liberator zone. without moving away. So you're attacking into a siege drop. Actually, these purification hours were good. You attack into a siege drop position. You blink into marauders and liberator freedom zones. And then you lose the game. And then you're surprised that you lost. And then you tap out without saying Gigi, which is just a little bit silly. I think with your, the problem here, my friend, wasn't so much that the liberators or the marauders or what else did you complain? There was one more thing. Right. Censor. Tensor Towers are absolutely nothing to do with your loss. I don't even want to talk about that. It's just a massive cross to the Sensor Tower complaint. But even the Liberators and the Marauders is like the only reason you lose the liberators and Marauders is because A, you don't constantly have purification over out to zone out the Marauders. And B is because your army composition is legitimately extremely bad. You just get pure stalker. It gets countered by Marauders and you don't have any real backbone in your army. You never build any R-Cons. you never build a good amount of zealots. The only time you built zealots was, I think, here on the bottom side, and then you send them in by themselves. Every single time you actually build zealots, you just kind of lost them randomly before any fighting actually happened. Even in this last fight, I think you had some zealots initially up here. It's like the zealots are there for tanking, and if you lose them before there are units that can actually deal damage, then the tanking just doesn't make a whole lot of sense in a way. It's just like a guy getting hit. It's basically, if you're a real, boxer and your only skill is being able to tank hits but you can't actually hit them back. So yeah, basically what I'm trying to say is that my friend, it is you who sucks and not the marauders, liberators or censor towers that are imbalanced. And that is going to be my verdict. Thank you all so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, don't forget hit the like button, subscribe to the channel and I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thanks so much. And bye to the bye. Thank you. |
Call Of Duty PRO Tries Starcraft 2 Blames The Game And Reddit Backs Him Up | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | VERY special replay today! We can laugh at Call of Duty player AND reddit users. What a day... But be warned, this video might negatively impact your health. Please consult your doctor beforehand! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EUDs_jgjn4k/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | EUDs_jgjn4k | Oh, Captain, my Captain, I must say, Harstam, you are looking quite dashing today. Unfortunately, that is the end of my kindness today. After much deliberation and consideration with an elite group of StarCrat 2 players, the All Things Protoss Discord, I think I speak for all Protoss players when I say, Terran is Inba. First of all, if there is one thing that the All Things Protoss Discord is very elite at, it's either wine or being idiots and probably both things at the same time, but I'm not quite sure if it would be considered an elite group of StarCraft 2 players. But I digress. It's so simple to play Terran honestly. I got placed in Diamond 3, drunk and without a build, exclamation mark. You know what I did, CAF? Dot, dot, dot, dot. I made Stim. Stim is the most broken upgrade in all of StarCraft 2. All you need to do is press Z for my grid enjoyers and A move in. 3-3-prudus. Don't matter. Marine's Shred. And the cherry on top of this melted ice cream Sunday is the ghost. Oh boy, the ghost. That puppy can invalidate a 200, 200 Trotus Army with the click of a button. I need to micro my heart out and Terran gets the aim move. There is a reason Starkriff two offers Terran as the beginner race. It is so easy. And I know this isn't a skill issue or the problem with me. My builds are crisper than an autumn apple. I would give Hero a run for his money. Honestly. And I am a known, of duty and joyer. My mouse security is impeccable, as I have a very high headshot percentage in modern warfare too. Keff, I implore you, please observe this game and give us Proto's the answer we all know deep in our heart. Terran is Imba. P.S. Hamster, I love you and you're looking quite good today as well. All right. Name Echo Soldier, race Protoss in the Diamond League with 3.1K MMR. And my boy, Echo Soldier. is very angry, very upset about Terran and asks whether they're imbalanced or if he sucks. So let's figure it out. Before we continue with our scheduled program, we hired private investigator Herbert Amster to look a little bit deeper into those claims Echo Soldier made about Terran. He said he immediately got ranked Diamond 3 and just a move to victory. But the last official record of his Terran career dates back to late March with a whopping 33% win rate in Platinum 3. So he dropped the race after just six games. Of course, Assytupils is not an official Blizzard website, but those heavily support our revelation as his Terran is just level 11. So to conclude, obviously, Echo Soldier is a Terran expert, and his A-Move Strat worked flawlessly against the whole two people. We are in for a great one. All right, that brings us over here to Cosmic Sapphire, the map that dreams are made of. Pretty beautiful map. Good for Protoss as well. we see a gas-first opener coming out of our Terran player. An Echo Soldier opens up with a gateway first into an assimilator. Cheeky gateway scout, not checking around for any proxies as he just right away moves across the map and goes for a scout. We'll figure out immediately what is going on here. Now, the moment you scout a gas first, you know what's coming for you. It's just going to be a faster factory most of the time. Reaper into factory, the most common option. Although sometimes you see Marine Interfactory in which the factory gets built, before the command center gets thrown down. Against both of these things that the Tarrant can do, you need to be extremely careful of early aggression because it just hits a fair chunk faster than it usually would. Ooh, Nexus coming down at 19. Would you look at that? 19 Nexus, 19 core. This is actually one of my favorite builders at the moment, except the core didn't really get built at 19? Hey, this is not okay, all right? I'm just, I just kind of want everyone to see this. I don't mind if you're playing 19 Nexus, 19 core, I'm a fan of this build order, but if you play this, build the core at 19. Don't build the core at 19 while you're floating 70 minerals, because then it's just a 70 core, and it's a 20 core where you're floating 20 minerals. That's incorrect. I do not enjoy that. If you're playing a build order, play it correctly, especially if it's such a tiny, beautiful variation that's become a lot more popular recently again, that I'm a huge fan of. This also pisses me off already. I did not want to press the B button, which makes me go back about 15 seconds in the replay, before the two-minute mark. That's one of the rules I have in IOT is that I don't want to be too annoying in the early game. But this just pisses me off. And I just want to have a look at the first person view here. Because either Echo Soldier can't count or the second option is he has absolutely no idea about priorities here. Look at this. Look at this. Hop, probe micro, oh my god, look at that sick probe micro, managed to block his opponent's CC for almost a full nine or ten seconds. While floating 300 minerals, forgetting his second gas, forgetting to continue building workers and not getting a second pylon, meaning that he's actually going to be supply blocked when his core finishes. My builds are crisper than an autumn apple, which means that there's absolutely no use whatsoever here in getting that fast core or in even trying to get that fast core. Now we get, oh my god, that's beautiful. Chrono booster here on the probes as well, no pylon whatsoever. Completely new build order here to start with. That's exactly what I like to see. Here on my, what is it, Monday morning, Wednesday evening. I don't even know what day it is anymore. Life flies by. It's like I'm paralyzed by it. Now, we have a reactor as well as a factory following up. Do we believe that Echo Soldier understood that this was a gas first? I don't truly believe it. I don't think so. I don't see anything, well, it's very difficult to see whether he's playing safe or not, as his Nexus just finished at the exact same time as the pylon. His first gateway unit is starting 30 seconds too late. 30 seconds! That is very, very impressive. So you could forget your pylon entirely, then build it, and then still be finished around this time. He also could have just not built the second pylon because his nexus would finish before his pylon would finish. How many workers did this bad boy kill? Three workers get killed by the Reaper as a result of that. You make a major error in the early game, and it actually gets punished. Now, I didn't know this happened at Diamond 3. Usually I thought what would happen at Diamond 3 is that one player makes a massive mistake, and then the other guy looks at it, goes like, yeah, I think I can do worse than that, and then sends seven SEVs across the map accidentally, walks it into a cannon, lifts both of his command centers at the same tau, while simultaneously being supply block for 30 minutes in a row. But apparently diamond, what was this? I think it's Diamond 1, 3100 MMR. Maybe Diamond 2, I have no clue. Whatever it is, at least the Terran is playing a real build order, and that kind of makes me happy. Actually, pretty decent build order as well. So far, marine production has been on point. Out of our Protoss, so far nothing has been on point, except for the gas mining. We have five workers in a single gas. So just in case two workers get killed by another weeper hop in, there will still be three workers going at it. On top of that, these gateways were also way too late. What was this builder? I haven't been paying it out. Nice. We also did a chrono boost. This is one of my favorite things to do is when you build your gateways too late, is to chrono boost out your warp gate to truly kind of put a focus on the fact that your gateways are so late already. I'm not sure if he's trying to kind of reinvent the wheel here with a terrible build order. This is twilight cancel. Insanely late. Like actually insane late. Holy crap. My builds are crisper than an autumn apple. I was going to compare this to a regular build, but I don't even think it's possible. Like, it just wouldn't make any sense. Usually, Blink is supposed to finish up in about 25 seconds from now. But instead, it's going to finish up in about 7... No, what? In about 100 seconds from now. You're legitimately a minute and a half behind the regular timing. Or a minute behind? No, minute and a half behind in the regular timing. That's very impressive. Your gateways were too late as well. I don't even think you can use all your... gateways. You should have just stayed on two gate because you have so little workers. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. You're reinventing the wheel. It's like you've been stuck in the lab for five years, reinventing the wheel. You'll come out with a square. It's like, well, first of all, that's worse than what you came out with. And second of all, it's really not a wheel. It's way worse than what you came out with. That's the same thing twice that I just said. That's completely okay. It can be creative all the time. Now, we have a double mind drop four marines coming in. Blink should have been done about 20 seconds ago, 25 seconds ago, especially given the fact that this was a Nexus before core. You usually have a little bit more gas with that. But none of that. You basically had all the risks and none of the rewards. That's a very, very cool move. That's like juggling with crocodiles in the morning for no reason whatsoever, not even putting it on YouTube. Like what's the point? And also why are you hurting these crocodiles by juggling them? What is this? Solid response. ones. Always wonder what these people look at when this happens. Three pilots. Now, you might be wondering why they're being built in an almost perfect triangle formation. That is because... I guess this is the smallest amount of vision that it could grant you while still looking like you randomly placed them. So you create a lot of space to build gateways. But you get no vision with this whatsoever. It actually costs some amount of effort as well to put them this far apart. Rather than just clicking them, bam, bomb, bomb, you have to go all the way up your miles and then down again. It's quite impressive. Still didn't quite see what you're looking at right now. Let's have another look at it. First person view, first person view, first person view. Here come to three pilots, a beautiful little triangle. She's that there's five workers in gas here. Looks at the mini map. Oh, she's the Metafact flying to vision right now. Like, hey, that looks interesting. Ah, dang it didn't manage to right click this. Should I split? Probably too late. I'll just lose all of my workers instead. Very cool indeed. Huge fan of these moves, personally. Absolutely huge fan of these moves. So far, you've lost 14 workers in a 5 minutes game, which is an impressive pace, honestly. A very impressive pace. Armory is on the way. Okay, the Terran Build Order also makes no sense, though. Double eBay? An armory already on the way? plus one before stim and plus one before combat. Now, this barcode is very lucky that he didn't send in the replay, because I would have tore him another one for this build order. Luckily, Echo Schroeder is playing so extremely poor that it doesn't even really matter. I mean, what is this garbage? We have some oversupply right now. We have 33 workers. We still have five workers in gas. I don't even think we have a follow-up plan here yet. That seems absolutely impossible to have any follow-up here whatsoever. There's just no cash in the bank either. Two observers are being built. Adapt dies for free. Observer goes in and scouts right now sees, what is this? This is another barracks coming down. She's the star port producing metaphax already. There's no Stim or combat yet. This game is insane. Do we have a robo bay while staying on two gas? And two more gates. I love that you looked at your base. You looked at your situation and you thought to yourself, what could I really need right now in this spot? I have no money. I can't afford any of my production structures. I have three gateways and a robo already. Let me just add two more gateways that I definitely cannot afford. Wasting 300 minerals, which could have been used for a faster nexus or for some gases in your natural to actually get a colossus the moment this robobo finishes, you decided to just waste it into these two gateways. My built are crisper than an ultimate apple. This kind of feels like that we're stuck on an island together, and after I spent five hours long building a shelter, You come over and you tell me that you used all of our medical supplies to build a guitar that you can tune. It's like, what? Why would you do this? First, you waste our medical supplies and then you give me a useless guitar, which only has four strings as well. It's like a crappy bass. And no one likes base. This is also... What do they have that these don't? Do they allow you to stay up for 20 more minutes to play another video game? Do they bring you coffee in the morning, these assimilators? What do they have that they don't? Now they're good enough for you. Now they're good enough. all game long they weren't good enough but first you take these assimilators on the third base and then on the natural very cool moves some nice prioritization there my friend definitely the smart thing to do the base that isn't finished yet getting the gases there that is just fantastic it's like if you can't make ends meet at the end of the month and you're not quite sure how take a look at your bill see that you spend $400 on dental floss and that is despite you having no teeth because you don't understand how to operated toothbrush. Now, here you go with your fancy assimilators at your third base. Base is going to get taken out before you get any mining from it. You're actually completely dead already. And the rest of this game, I can already feel it, is going to be me wondering why you haven't realized that yet, and me then figuring out that you haven't realized it yet. Actually, no, you have scouting information. I'm going to think that it's because you don't have any scouting information, but you should be rather aware right now that you're pretty dead. There's six barracks here. There is one one upgrades on the Terran Army already. You're down 40 supply, down a base, down 20 workers. You don't even have charge yet, which I don't quite understand as possible. You researched thermal lens and then went into a disruptor. Did you already lose a Colossus? No. He just decided not to build it. Solid waste of money into the thermal lens. You love to see it. Boom. Why would you get a disdemeanor? disruptor after getting thermal lands first. How is it possible that you only have one robo unit, but you could afford thermal lens? This makes no sense. Your priorities are so insanely off. It's actually ridiculous. Why are you taking out the rocks? You're obviously in a defensive position where every little bit of map texture, anything that blocks your opponent from moving up, is going to help you. It's going to force your opponent to move through a tighter choke in which maybe you get the disruptor shot of a lifetime. Like, I don't quite understand it. Solid move. To the far left side. I'm not sure if this is making sure that there's no gold base here, or maybe Echo Soldier believed that the Terran actually spawned at the gold and thought he had full access to his main base. In that case, this observer must be really confused. Like, wait, he also has three bases over here, but I thought the gold was his main. Man, this map is a mess. Observer speed? Why are we getting grapetic boosters right now? Surely. Yeah, I guess because you have four observers. How can a man with so much vision be so blind for his own mistakes? Kevin the Conning, 2022. Actually, not that bad. It's a good quote to end the year with. Like, you have literally done absolutely nothing correct. You're just randomly moving around the map. You're not trying to gain map control. Like, the one, whenever you look at a game, you should be wondering, how can I win this game? Is there anything I can do to win this game? And immediately a couple of things come to mind. Like, either I'm going to get insane disruptor shots. My opponent will attack into a super battery and I'm defining with Colossus. And maybe I can go for a run-by with zealots while my opponent is moving out. For all of this, you need very detailed information. of various opponents' armies. You need observers over here. You need this watchtower. You need disruptors in position. You need batteries in order to be capable to actually defend when your opponent decides to attack. None of this is happening. You're pretending like this is a normal game, but you're down 50 supply. You're going to be down freaking infinite amount of upgrades. Your opponent legitimately is going to have more barracks than you have gateways. I think this might be the first time that this ever happened in the history of Starcraft. If this wasn't already a completely new, unique game by the insane amount of terrible move that you had made, the fact that this Starrant just got more barracks done than you finished gateways in this game would have made it a completely unique game. My man is building four turrets. He's afraid of you right now. That's just because he doesn't know you, because anyone that knows you would never be afraid of you, not with this level of play. This is truly horrific. of the concepts of making a comeback have been used so far. None of it. You've literally been dead since minute four. Then you died again when you lost your third. Then I died looking at you play. Like, you probably killed a couple of my viewers today. Maybe with boredom, maybe just due to the terrible decisions. It makes people's heart beat faster. I actually quite often get emails from doctors telling me to not put out IOTuses anymore because it hurts a patient that they have. It's like their blood pressure can't handle it. This is going to be a push where you need to throw the disruptors into your opponent's army. First disrupt the shot hits absolutely nothing, which is impressive. This taron honestly micros quite well. I'm actually somewhat impressed by this Terran. I don't quite understand how both of you are the same level. He also has like 60 APMR. What's this super battery doing? What? Did you just use the best defensive tool around? To heal up your army a little bit without fighting? Not using it on top units? This is like scratching your butt with a stinger while your opponent only has helicopters. It's like that's not really what it's supposed. to do, my friend. You shoot it at the things that fly with the propellers. This has truly been a horrific game. Why would you even send this? If you couldn't spot mistakes in this... Like, they were so clear as they. I don't even quite know... Usually there is some... Something, a slightly redeeming quality to the play. But here there was nothing. You lost four workers to a Reaper. your initial cybernetic score was 30 seconds, or your first unit was 30 seconds too slow. You got supply blocked after your first pylon. This is literally still within the first five lines of a build order guide. If this is the elite of the All Things Proloss, I don't want to see a bad player from the All Things Prodals Discord. Stay out of my emails. Stay out of my forms. This was the worst game I think I've ever seen. How is this diamond? I know North America wasn't doing. that halt, but holy crap, you guys are in trouble. And it also once again shows that call of duty players truly are there with inferior IQ. Like this is just complete garbage gameplay. You lose every single worker to a mind drop. Then you lose your third base for free. And then the game is over. And you stay in for six minutes, seven minutes, waste everyone's time, including mine. And then you write this complaint form, which honestly was quite good. decently funny, this is the worst game I've seen. I can't believe that you honestly look at this game and think there was nothing wrong with this. It is simply impossible. I'm a very bad artist, okay? I've drawn things before in art class. And one time I went to a thing called, I think it was called the wine bar where you drank, like the wine art studio or something, where you drank wine, and then you had to make, I think it was tulips. My two lips ended up looking like wine glasses. And it wasn't. good, but I looked at it and I thought to myself, I could improve a lot of things on this. It was one of the worst art pieces that I've ever seen in my entire life. And it was the same with this game. I would never dare sending that to, you know, the paintbrush manufacturer or the paint manufacturer and start complaining about the quality of their brushes or the quality of their paint. I knew that it was my own terrible painting skills that sucked so hard. It had nothing to do with anything else. and you, my friend, should really get that same self-awareness because this was not imbalanced. You just suck. And that is how it is. And that is going to be it as well for me today. A little bit sick. I'm going to go to bed, sleep for 25 hours. I come back tomorrow. I hope to have some better IOTIS forms in my inbox. If you think you can do better than this, be sure to leave something down in the description below. There's a Google form there where you can click it, you can upload it, and I'll have a look at it. But this is the last time I'm doing something like this. Last time I got a game this bad. Like, I urge people to leave their email. I'll just flame you personally, but I'm not going to subject other people to this garbage. Because that is what it was. Utter garbage. Thank you for watching. And bye-bye. |
How Can NONE Of The Terran PROS See This?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | TvZ has been revolutionized by a hero noone knew before - Luolis! How did we all miss this incredible buildorder?? Ohh, yeah, right... Because it's straight up dog water! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FLu_oguMu9I/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | FLu_oguMu9I | Hello, Mr. Captain. Lurkers are insanely broken. I was dominating the game since the start, but immediately when Lurkers came out on the field, the game was over. I could not attack him anymore and would eventually die. Lots of people say that Ghosts and Liberators counter Lurkers, but to me it feels like that's only true if you are Maru. I do recognize that I had a really late third due to starting out with a two-base all-in, and my macro was a bit sloppy at times. Still, I think the advantage in the early game should have been enough to win the game. No other unit would have kept him alive and in the game to make him win. So please tell me, are lurkers broken, or do I just really suck? Name Lujolis, race, Terran in the Grand Master League on Europe. And the question here is, are lurkers broken or do I just really suck? And we're here to find out. All righty then, friends, here we go. a game on Cosmic Sapphire between Luolice and a barcode Zerg player on the Grandmaster level on Europe. Now, it's always interesting to see these Grandmaster Square off. This got scouted that it was a hatchery first. Kind of a standard opening. It is single, no. Double Marine, into reactor, into factory. Not completely aware of this build order. Usually if you open up a Marine and then a second Marine, you first build a factory. rather than first building the reactor, but I'm not even going to complain about it. You know what? This is just an alternative build order, and just because I haven't seen it before doesn't mean it is as good as the other build orders. There are just no professional Terran players that play this specific build. And there's probably no good reason for this. Professional Terran players are just dumb. And Louis has figured out the early game here. It's building a bunker. There's also one of these things you don't really see that often, unless you go for a complete no scout maybe with CC first, I don't actually think it's common at all to have a bunker, and especially not in a position like this. It's always going to be in a more defensive position. Right now, this bunker is completely isolated. If roaches, if lings, if honestly, if anything shows up, the bunker gets surrounded, you won't be in time to repair. Even if you are in time to repair, it's such a far walk that most of the time the bunker is going to be half killed already. Your reinforcements are going to be delayed in helping the bunker. Like, the thought of having a bunker is nice, but this is a bit as if you were tasked at securing the president. And what you decide to do is you drive him out on a boat into the middle of the ocean with two men of security personnel. They take a picture with the president and you upload it to your Facebook saying, just chilling with the press. It's not a brilliant plan because where's all the other security personnel? Well, probably on land. So in order to save you, they need to come from very far. And by that time, the president has already been shot by the gangsters that want to kill the president. In this hypothetical scenario, it's not my best work. I'm sorry for that. But yeah, it's the same with the bunker. It's just difficult to come to assist it with SCVs, with your extra reinforcements. Usually see a bunker like over here. Sometimes you even see a bunker on the high ground blindly, if they really believe they're being Rochalint or something like that. So what is this opener? This is a Medivac. For hella, okay, this, this, honestly this feels so much like a hell battle in, but it isn't. But it kind of is, you know, it smells like a hell bet all in. What is it? Starport is not doing anything or what? He just gave up on life. It's not worth it. Wait, double. Double taglapse, okay, another interesting move. We have a free reactor, yet barracks are being built on the complete opposite end of the base rather than going near the reactor. Now, I don't know that much about Terran, but I do know that you can't just have random add-ons laying around that you'll use later. Like, especially in the early game, the add-on management is one of the most important things. It is, first of all, really rare to see a Starport build its own tech lab if you're going into Raven or Benchy. I hope it's not Benchie, because your Benches are going to hit so late. It's actually insane how late this Benji is going to hit if this is a Benchie. This should be a Raven or... a fusion core no it's going to be indeed benches now okay i this entire builder i was gonna actually let the build order go like you know the two marine into the reactor into the factory but then you started doing this crap this is actual garbage again so you add two barracks indicating that you want to hit with a fast stim push which means that you need quick metafax for quick metafx what do you need you need a star port that is available with a reactor pumping out meta-vex pretty early on in the game. Instead, what you're doing here is you build one, wait, where's your medevac? You build one medevac, then you don't do anything with your starport for 25, 30 seconds, then you throw down a tech lab and go into Benchy. Cloak takes freaking 79 seconds. 179 seconds, then you still need to fly to a reactor, or maybe in your case, you're probably just going to build it, the reactor near the star port, so that's another 30 seconds added on. The time, the thing that limits your timing is going to be Stim, Combat Shield, and your Metafax and if one of those doesn't line up properly, your entire timing is going to be delayed because you can't push without one of these three things. I also don't understand why you're building barracks away from reactors. Well, it's obvious you want as many units as possible. I'm curious if this is going to be tanks, I wouldn't even mind it too much. You can do a two-base push with tanks. That is actually a completely fine thing to do. But your entire early game here made very little sense. Also, whenever you're playing a two-base all-in or a two-base push, Most of the time you don't want to get more than a single starport unit because of the reasons I mentioned earlier. Now here you're at least going to get one Medivac and already one Benshy and you'll need to wait for the cloak so you're probably going to get a second Banshee as well. This is absolutely not how you're supposed to be playing this matchup. Absolutely not. If you wanted to play two Banshee with Cloke before your two Baysal in, at least you shouldn't have built your MadaVac so that these barracks could have just straight up flown over. to this tech lab to start stim. Because right now, you're adding two more tech labs. You're already have two tech labs. You're just going to have an empty tech lab, just like you have an empty reactor over here that hasn't been used in a very long time. If you dealt some damage, you've killed 16 workers. That I do appreciate, but you would have been capable of doing that without your terrible build order as well. This is the funny thing, is that some Grandmaster players, they kind of have this little trick that they use or this little, this build that they've been doing ever since they grew up, you know, they advanced through the ladder, and they think that is the reason that they're grandmaster now, so they're sticking with it. Well, in reality, they have gotten this high on the ladder despite their hot garbage build order, because what in the world is this? Look at this. Starport isn't even on a reactor yet. We're six minutes and 33 seconds into the game. This is the timing at which Bunny hit against Rayner in GSL season three, I think it was, the last GSL season. He hit with two tanks, three MataVX, I think it was, or maybe two METAX, one Viking and like 18 or 20 Marines. Stim, Combat Shield, I think plus one probably was also done. You, so far, I've hit your opponent with a Benchie that is a minute and a half too late, a little bit of Hellion harass, and that is about it. I think Bunny had 120 supply at this point in his opponent's base, while also having Helions in the early game. It wasn't like he just rushed into that. No, he had Helions in the early game. He built a Viking in the early game. this is how much worse your build is compared to your opponent. A lot. It is just a lot. Triple tech labs? That is obviously incorrect. This is, he saw that he had a tech lab left over. I was like, oh crap, I need to use it. Are people going to make fun of me? Let me just fly in another barracks there. He's building a lot of marauders. Now, I never see marauders in two base bushes in TVZ, probably because they cost some gas. and it makes the build a little bit less tight but I don't mind the thought honestly if you think about it like this is actually kind of smart you want some extra tanking so despite this not being standard people always say oh you only say the standard thing it's like no if I see something that is smart and isn't standard I can say that is smart and not standard I think marauders here are actually quite smart they're definitely a good call in my mind yeah Because you can tank banlings with them if your opponent is building roaches, they're going to be good as well. And it's either going to be banlings and roaches. Having a couple of marauders, yes, it decreases the damage output your army has, but it increases the tankability. I wonder how important this. I've never seen other terrorists do this, though. I'm not sure if that is because it's just not common because it isn't standard, or if this is, I don't actually know what this is. I legit don't know. All right, I got my answer real quick. I asked my friends on Skype They said it is because it uses up too much production time Two marines are better than one marauder And usually with two bas-a-lince It's not the cost that you're lacking You know, it's a You actually just want more damage, more units Make some sense I don't mind the thought though I actually think this is a It's an okay thought It's an incorrect thought apparently But I hadn't thought of it either So I'm not going to flame you for it That would be very hypocritical of me to do I don't mind You have a lot of tanks What am I hearing? These guys are tapping the rocks. Okay, look. This is, I think, everything you need to know about your build order is we don't even have to look at you. We just look at the Zerg. What is Zerg doing? Zerg is going into Hive, infestation pit, Lurkerden, double Evo chamber upgrades, range, Carapace, 66 workers and 4 bases, okay? Your opponent thinks your build is so bad that he can get away with all of this. He doesn't even scout if you have a third, but he sees you hit. at the 8 minute mark, he's like, okay, this guy's an idiot. There's no way this a 2 base all in, because the 2 base all in supposed to hit 2 full minutes ago, Grandmaster Player. This is how bad your build order is. People just don't respect it. Is that what I said? And I ain't taking it back. There's too little queens here from the Zerg side. This actually should be a win. This actually should be a win. Scan the creep or scan this creep, move the tanks forward. Oh my God, you have no killing killer instinct. What is this? This is not having brunch with your mother-in-law. You're a hitman, my friend. You need to kill stuff. They have some killer instinct. You can just stand around and do nothing for 30 seconds. This is an all-in. This is also not quite how you want to use the marauders, I think. You need the Marines. This is incorrect. No, come on. Ah. Okay, the fight still was good, but the tuna bit. Look at this. Okay. The way you want to use the marauders is obviously you use them in front as tanking and have the marines kind of behind them. They need to be used as tanking. They're not your main damage output. If you want to use them as main damage output, it's not what they're used for. Usually send like three or four ahead. You force your opponent to engage into you and there's more marauders in the back. But half of your marines aren't even covered by marauders here. I really like you figuring out the marauder thing, but this is kind of like inventing the light bulb just to stick it up your bum. It's like, well, it's a great invention. We have light. It's like, yeah, my bum. It's not entirely what you want now, is it? This was garbage, but still a fight that you completely want because you're just so far ahead. Your early game must have been fantastic. I completely missed it, honestly. I was so upset by the other things you were doing. I really believe that if you were to have a regular build order, you would be quite good. Like your macro seems completely fine. You did this without upgrades. Oh, that's a little yikesy, actually. This is another minus. How's it possible you hit two minutes late with less stuff and without upgrade? This was one hell of a fight as well. Woo. It's not a good type of who, you know? That's the type of who you have and you fall in a coy pond or something like that. This is not nice. Holy crap. That's a bad fight. Lost three tanks, I think, or four tanks for free there. This is better, maybe? Micro the Marines back. Keep the marauders in front. Almost correct. Tank dies. You're still so far ahead, though. You have a third base, right? Third base flying over, long distance mining. The one thing I don't mind, which is the one thing you mentioned that you did wrong, is that you have your third base a little bit late. Yes, it's bad for you, but it's completely irrelevant because you're so far ahead anyway. That I don't really mind all that much. I only have eBay, second eBay, Armory coming in as well. And you have 67. an army supply against 22 there's 21 lings two queens and nine morphing baines against 25 marines nine marauders and eight meta-ex this game is unloosable if you had any killer instinct whatsoever here you would have just eaten this guy alive but you my friend legit have the killer instinct of a llama they don't have a lot of killer instinct i think they only eat leaves i do believe they're the ones that spit on people though aren't they there here these guys i also think it's spelled with two ls the llama It's a weird spelling. You feel like there would be an H in there somewhere, but I don't think there is. It thinks there's L-L-A-M-A. L-L-L-A-L-A-L-A-L-A-L-A-L-A-L-A-L-A-L-A-L-F-E-L-E-L-E-L-E-L-E-F-E-E-E-V-E-E-V-E. I mean, this game is a bad fight again. Okay, a little bit of overstimming, well, a little bit. You have nine meta-fax for 12 units, and all of them are in the orange, and all meta-fax are empty. This was a bad fight again. Do you have a little bit of money. issues as well. But not the type of money issues people usually have to know. In real life, if someone tells you they have money issues, you wouldn't expect to see them float 1,500 minerals in the bank and 600 gas. No, they usually be in the red. Luckily, that's not possible in StarCraft too. But this doesn't look great for you. Well, it, no, actually still does look great for you, but given how bad your fights are, it doesn't look great for you. You know, this is like if I were, to do a foot race with someone and I am 40 meters ahead of them in a 100 meter race. That looks good for me unless I'm racing against Usain Bolt and I have to moonwalk. Now I can moonwalk pretty quick. I don't think I'd be capable of beating Usain Bolt in his 100 meters when I still have 60 meters to moonwalk. Although, maybe. I have to try it. I call up Usain one of these days. I make a video out of it as well. Me and him have been tight for a very long time already. Humble Bragg. regular brag again. Vehicle weapons plus two was this. Infantry weapons, level two. Two liberators on the way. Two more liberators on the way. Four tanks coming in as well. No ghost. No nothing, but an army supply advantage of about 160 supply. I just... I always... I said this before, but whenever I look at a game, I always think what are the win... How can the underdog party right now, how could the underdog party win? And I also always think to myself, how could the winning player possibly lose? And if you're the losing party, you want to increase the chance of the things happening that make you win, and as the winning party, you want to, you know, make sure that you can... and finish the game or make sure that you don't lose. You just eliminate all the options that your opponent has. And right now, I'm looking at this situation. It's going to be four base against, I guess, three, three and a half. I mean, this base is dead. So one thing could be you run out of scans. That is one thing that I can see. You have four tanks. You have four liberators. There's only three vipers. If you get ghost, I don't think there's a, Even without ghosts, I think if you just split up your army and attack into any position, there's nothing that the Zerg can do. Six lurkers just aren't enough to fight against an army this big. There's 14 marauders as well. It feels like you can just walk in. Of course, after killing the hatchery that's being built at the gold, that would be a detail that I would like to add. I think that is actually a good play. Although it takes a little bit of time away and might delay your timing in this case, I do believe that would be the correct move to go for. Like that there's marauders over here. I could definitely take out this spot as well. Okay. Loses one tank. Loses two tanks. Why did he scan this area? For a creep. It doesn't kill the final creep tumor. It's another impressive move. Now another scan for it. Scan this area three times already. He isn't quite sure if he can engage into his. Now decides not to. And then goes for the hatchery. Okay. So he wanted to see if there was a... an opportunity to attack into this before killing the hatch. I don't completely mind that honestly. There was no macro behind this. Do we have a ghost academy yet? Yes, we do. Do we have ghost production? Yes, we do as well. Very nice. Five ghosts on the way. More liberators as well. Now, a thing you would want to do over here is you deny all the creep on the map and you just go rotate between these two bases. Your opponent can literally never move out. You're always fighting on your terms. Counterattacks are going to be close to impossible. You have liberators for harass. You you have tanks for safety at home, you're building ghost, you're getting better upgrades than your opponent. What are these liberators defending? The Hill? He's just playing King of the Hill with himself, maybe. Oh, Adios, Crook-Tumor. This is a good scan. There's just no speed here whatsoever. I feel like, Louelis heard the word slow-push once. It was like, all right, that is now my spirit animal. And other people try to explain that that's not how spirit animal works. And that spirit animals actually need to be an animal. You can't just say that slow pushing is a spirit animal. But we'll count it. This has been some really slow pushing this entire game. Oh, this looks like some potential here for the fight. Oh, parasitic bombs being cast. Nice split. Good splits there on the MataVX. Very nice. Snipes going down as well. Beautiful stuff. Lurker's moving in right now too. Oh, this is just great. Now, there is a really sick trick, actually, but not a lot of people know about. then I'm going to tell you right now is that if that lurkers are in the middle of the map and you're up 50 supply is that it most likely means that lurkers aren't defending any of the other bases who wish there's two lurkers here can't just kill that with two drops though whenever a lurker army is out and about it means defense is weak as well so what you can do is you can send some metaphics around the counterattack to kill the bases because eventually your Liberator Ghost Army should be capable of clearing this I hope Hello, scan. Okay, also fine. Well, not completely fine. Parasicam takes out what, five liberators here, or just three. We're going for four. Oh, just two. That's a lucky liberator here with three HP. Might want to repair that as well. More ghost on the way. Honestly, these fights have not been bad. Yes, you lost three ghosts for no good reason, but I still think you're fine. Cheeky tank split off over here. Thomas the tank engine. Deng. Wait, you're actually going for a run by with a tank? That's unheard of. You're up a base, no extra, more extra ghosts are being added, these guys are dying. Surely at this point you realize that if you just go attack and keep map control, there's literally no way that you can lose. The Lurkers are only scary if they're on your side of the map. You're completely going to be out expanding your opponent. You should not be chasing into this army. If the Lurker Army is in a position already where you are not because you are out of position, then you can't attack into it anymore. the one thing where lurkers are good at, my friend. Literally the one thing. Liberators set up, not all at the same spot because of parasitic bomb. Oh, fly away all at the same spot. Also fine. Lose three. How many are we going to lose here? Four? Four Liberators, I think. And we killed nothing. Instead, we're just chasing these guys. Lost a bunch of SCVs as well. That he was actually starting to become a little bit close. Not a huge fan of that. Still nine ghost out. So, once again, if you're in position, you have some map vision, you know where your opponent's army is. This should not be an issue because the thing about ghost is the way that they're used defensively here is actually beautiful is you're in position the opponent tries to move in and you do the you snip him and he has to piss off again the problem here is is that you're just never in position so you're always going to be engaging into a lurker spot rather than doing that what I would say if you're out of position it's like hey keep the ghost over here put some liberators on top of it and a couple of Woo! That was not a good fight. Gigi, I guess. Lurkers imba. Okay, I'm gonna come to this. First, if your opponent is in a position like this and there's 12 lurkers. Now, what you wanna do is snipe off, the lurkers one by one with your ghost. So you snip, snip, snip, snip, use eight snipes per lurker and then shift click your ghost back. So that the moment the snipe gets cancelled or it goes off, your ghost move back to safety. What you do is you send your entire army in while you're sniping. Every single snipe gets cancelled, all of your bio dies. There's splash damage. If the lurker is attacking one ghost or 10 Marines and a ghost, it doesn't matter to the lurker. Well, ideally they attack more, but it's still going to hit the ghost. So you'd rather not have the Marines there for the collateral damage. It just doesn't make any sense. Instead, what you do is you keep a little bit of the bio behind, and the rest is counter-attacking, picking off bases that are out on the map, or maybe dealing with this single lurker or with this Ling run by that is coming for you. Then with the two liberators that you still have, and you could keep one over here maybe defending this base that is mining one SCV at a time. You could actually maybe have to be forced to lift it, but at least you're dealing damage on the other side as well, and you can snip them off one by one, Eventually, the Zerg is going to realize what's happening over here. We'll need to lift up all lurkers at the same time. And then you snip five more lurkers while they're running away. All of a sudden your opponent only has 20 lings and four hydras and three vipers. And you win the game. Congratulations. You're now Maru, as you call it. Or just any regular Terran player with more than 85 IQ, which apparently only is Maru. Now, next up, after this absolutely awful fight, you say something very interesting. to it. G.G. I guess. Lurkers imba. Now, you don't have to say Gigi if you don't want to. If you don't think it was a good game, don't do it. But this is some weird backhanded compliment, which it's not even a compliment. I'm not sure what it is. It's in between. No one knows. Imagine you just had dinner. Okay. Imagine you're seven again. You just had dinner and you didn't like it. Your mom, you know, slaved away in the kitchen. Your dad slaved away in the kitchen. for five hours, and they made the most amazing dish. But you just didn't like it because your taste buds are underdeveloped and you're a spoiled little bread. And then rather than saying, man, this sucked, you could just say nothing. That is a fine thing. What you did instead is here, you complimented the food. You said, oh, this was okay, I guess. And then there's a pause and then you go, but a dish sucked or potato sucked. It's like, what? First of all, how can you hate potatoes? potatoes are literally delicious. Fries are made of them. And second of all, why would you do that to your parents? That's a messed up thing, Luo Liss. Just like it's a messed up thing here to pretend like you thought it was a G. And then immediately kind of discredit your opponent's performance by saying that he only went due to the lurker being in balance. Despite it being obvious that it was you who was the idiot who walked his entire bio-ghost army into a position with 12 lurkers rather than just cleaning it up. It's like, yeah, you have different ways. of cleaning things up. If you have, imagine you have like a puddle of water and dirt. Like, you're not going to use the vacuum cleaner for that most of the time. You'll use something else, like a mop or something. I don't know. I don't clean. Everything is dirty in my house. But, you know, specific dirt require specific solutions. And here, you didn't use the specific solution at all. Just a quick recap here. Your builder was garbage from start to finish. Your bunker was out to finish. your bunker was out too far just like to mention that although it had no impact on this game your third base flew over late but we weren't going to talk about it you put a light bulb up your bum which is always incorrect and on top of that you microed like a complete idiot in every single fight that included ghost oh and the final one you had no killer instinct literally the killer instinct of a llama we put all six of these together and it only leads to one conclusion you suck my friend and that what it is. All right. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did not forget the like, but subscribe to the channel, hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you and bye-bye. |
Raising The Bar For KOREAN GM! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Judging you noobs is one thing, but a GM Terran on the Korean server has to be judgled on a different level. No takebacks! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/p7CQQr0ftZc/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | p7CQQr0ftZc | Dear Hosterm, Protoss is completely broken and as a Terran can never win Protoss in a macro game. I was trading efficiently in the whole game, doing great in multitasking, expanding and macroing rapidly in the behind. And perfect micro on those disruptors in the engagement. However, Protoss' armies and units were just too good to beat. DT's were imba. They can do lots of damage and blink away with no cost. In this game he just warped DTs to defend every attack by me, and being a Terran must focus on each field and save orbital energy to counter aim of DTs. Moreover, Protoss army with disruptors in the Super Battery were unbeatable to Terran. It feels like my 200 supply armies were no threat to him, so that his production tap were only probes and disruptors. Every time I took down his base, he just made another base, and I can't do anything about it, because my drops and harass can easily be held by warping DTs and Super Battery. Even if I made a perfect fight and killed his main valued army and pushback, he just brainlessly warped lots DTs to run by while disruptors standing in Super Battery and I can't do anything about him. I admitted that the opponent was good because his MMR was higher than me and maybe I made some mistakes. However, the DTs and disruptors were too good and took almost no skill compared to Terran. Dear Captain, can you really tell me? Is it Inba? Or do I suck? Name Eternity. Ray Sterran, League, Grandmaster, 5,700 MMR on the Korean server. Usually when I look at replays in an IOTIS, I'm kind of nice still. You know, I look at it and I'll cut these players some slack. But with you, my friend, I'm going to do this. This is a bar. This is the regular IOTUS level. But because you're a Korean, I'm going to raise it a little bit. And because you're a grandmaster, I'm going to raise it so much. that right now it's not even in the frame anymore. So every single mistake that you're going to make is going to get called out. Every little tiny detail that you get wrong in the first five minutes, I'm going to relentlessly slaughter you over it. And every movement error afterwards, every micro mistake afterwards, my friend, you're going to be in some major trouble. I'm going to be doing the same thing for this Protoss player, of course, because he's also a Grandmaster. If this Protoss makes any nonsensical place, I won't hesitate to call it out. I won't hesitate to say, this is garbage, you deserve to win, Protoss is imbalanced. Okay? I'm very serious about this. Disruptors and DTs, these units are very difficult to play against, and often Terran players feel like they're easier to use than they are to counter. Honestly, that's the case with almost everything in the game. If you think about widow mines, easier to use than to counter, Banshees easier to use than the counter. Most all-in's easier to use than to counter. Most of the time, aggressive things are just easier to use than they are to counter, which is why most people prefer having map control and attacking, because it requires slightly less skill. People that All-In, usually at the start of any expansion, were the ones that were most successful as well. The bar that I just raised was laying on my cable. So I wasn't dancing on my chair. I was just trying to get the cable from my. under the bar. This is what happens when you make mediocre jokes at the start of an episode. It's going to annoy you for the rest of the episode. Okay, what do we have here? We have a scout heading towards the other side of the map. We have an interesting nexus timing. We have a later core because of that, I guess. This is just kind of an in-between core. It's probably those Nexus into core here. We see a bunker being built. I kind of do like that. I think that is good against the fast Nexus. This Reaper is out and about on the map already. It's a It's going to go across the map and the marine gets built behind it. Factory, a little bit delayed compared to what it usually is because the bunker is here, so you don't quite have enough minerals, but I can kind of live with it. First two shots were on the Nexus. Not brilliant, but also really not that bad. Did we get a scout? I actually got a scout on the Stargate. That is huge. Fantastic first move. You could say, hey, you're building a bunker in the natural. Why didn't you just initially go into the natural? But I don't actually mind it that much. I actually kind of like this. I think this was a fairly good call. getting that scout because the product was most likely was afraid of the bunker. Good stuff, good stuff indeed. Triple Cc behind this as well. Now that is something I really do like on top of it. That is actually quite cool. Then you can just play TechLab here straight away into Cyclone. You can maybe even deny scouting with that. You put like the cyclone over here or on the very edge. And then the third CC doesn't even get spotted. Actually beautiful. Probably one of the best openers possible here for our, our red tarrant player called Eternity. Well, in game they're both called barcode, but we know he's called Eternity. Even gets to keep the... What? What? What was that? I'm not sure if this bunker would have survived without the grenade, but the grenade definitely didn't help. If you hit the grenade on the stalkers, they don't actually get the shooting again. Look at this. This I don't want the money back. I think the bunker would have died anyway, but it would have been close. That was definitely an error though. That was definitely an error. Another error I'm seeing here is this Helion. First of all, this Helion is way too late. What happened here? What happened here in my absence, my friends? Let's not forget that I mentioned that the factory was already a little bit later than usual by about four or five seconds. Usually it would finish like 257, 256. but this time it finishes at 301 and despite scouting the tech of the opponent already and keeping the Reaper alive we still see a helion here and the helion just doesn't make a whole lot of sense we'll get into that but first of all I also believe that the helion actually was delayed yeah 302 or 301 the factory finished and we're not seeing a single unit being produced until 314 50 okay 312 or So that is 10 second delay on a factory unit. That is absolute garbage. That is really, really bad. I understand you were busy with this SCV, but getting a factory unit out would always have priority. Now let's criticize the unit that you pick. Rather than building a Helion, this obviously should have been a Tech Lab. For the simple reason that you have already scouted what Tech your opponent is going for, you probably can already figure out their follow-up as well by the fact that you see two stalkers and not adept. Most likely it's going to be Oracle into Blink. If you see someone open up with two stalkers and a Stargate, 90% of the time that's going to be it. But even if you're not sure, you still have the Reaper alive so you can use that to scout. On top of that, you're playing a fast triple-CC. And fast triple-CC builds don't allow you to respond very much to what you are seeing. It is not like you can decide, okay, I want to build a mine and go for a mine drop. It's impossible because you are not building a star port. You need to build barracks behind this anyway. That is how triple-CC build orders work. So instead of rushing out a helion over here, you should be getting a cyclone. A cyclone helps in the defense against an Oracle or against the Phoenix and can deny the Oracle or the Phoenix from seeing the third base. If you deny vision on the third base, your opponent might be forced to cut probes because they believe something bad is about to happen like a one-one-one push. Instead of that, now because of the initial five-second delay and the 10 second delay because you forgot to build a factory on top of that building a helene which takes 21 seconds. I don't actually think your cyclone is going to be in time for an Oracle which actually would be kind of a travesty. It actually is going to be quite a travesty. You only have four Marines and they can be positioned in the correct location. Now you're building a second barracks anyway because that's literally the only thing you can do from this builder anyway. It's not like you can throw down a star port here. It would just delay everything way too much, would delay your follow-out move-out with Stim and with Combat Shield. Your opponent is immediately going to see the fact that there's a 30C, sees that there's a factory here with a TACLAB and it's like, hey, this is fun. I can just go in. Now, this still wouldn't have been so bad if you would have immediately started your Helion and the TECLAB afterwards, but because you were 10 seconds delayed, your opponent is going to get even more kills here on this Oracle than he ever should have gotten in the first place. This Oracle should have been stopped at the edge. Shouldn't have been allowed to see this freaking command center, but instead, due to your massive failure, now the Protoss player gets to expand for free to a third base, kills five workers for no reason whatsoever. Yeah, it was five. I was afraid there might have been an adept, but it was a stalker opener, never mind. And it's just going to go straight up into Blink, not having to worry about building any phoenixes for potential meta-fax or getting any pylon spread or unit spread around the map for any attacks. So basically you gave away all the info that the toss needed to make informed decisions for the next basically two and a half, three minutes. And on top of that, you also lost five workers. This is a completely terrible start. Losing five workers just feels really, really bad, especially if you're playing a triple-CC opener. That basically is your eco advantage from that triple-cc, you know, down the drain. Well, the opponent right now, look at this. Forge being thrown down. We see just infinite probes being produced as well. Honestly, Protoss at this point could probably go into a fort-based straightaway off of three gateways. I don't think he's going to end up doing this, but I would allow it. And the reason why I would allow it is because he's going to have good map control, good map vision with the blink, with the Oracle. Yeah, we're getting a second force. I really, really like this call. I think that is honestly a perfect call. You could even throw down a robotics facility during this. You could play something like double-forged, Robo Facility, Ford Base, straight into Colossus from this point, and there's literally... there's not nothing you could do about it, but there's almost nothing you could do about. What in the world is this follow-up? Two more barracks before Starport. Three tanks? Like, what actually is this? This is the type of build order that when Blizzard released the game in 2010, already wasn't viable anymore. They figured out, the developers figured out in the pre-Alpha that if you want to play bio, that after three barracks, you want to get some freaking Metafax. You're never going to put any pressure on your opponent here. None. What? Nice one. You need Metafax to scare the Protoss into, honestly, anything. Right now, this Protoss player is just producing, workers infinitely, is getting upgrades, is getting tech, six gateways at the same time. It's like, oh, what are you going to do? Throwing down a dark shrine. I mean, why not? Plenty of time anyway. Pure stalker right now. This is the most insane investment into the future that I've seen in a PVT game and everything is allowed. There is nothing you can say right now about the greed of your opponent. Nothing because he has full information. You gave it to him and your follow-up builder is so insanely bad that your Metafax are going to hit the field at like the nine minute mark. You're not even building a reactor here for your Starport. It's like you're purposefully trying to delay your moveouts because you're afraid of moving out. Why's your upgrade so late? What are you getting quickly here? Like what are the goals of this build? You know what I think it is? I think eternity over here just wanted to see the supply rise as quickly as possible. It's like, wait a second. Barracks are pretty cheap. Don't cost any gas. I can Marines out of those and marauders. They inflate supply pretty quickly, way faster than these stupid metaphics, which are expensive. I think that is actually the plan here. So then when he shows this replay to someone like me, you can say, hey, after seven minutes and 50 seconds, I was up 20 supply, despite losing seven workers in the early game. But the supply is completely irrelevant if you can't move on the map with it. And if you're down in upgrades as well, and you're going to be down in upgrades even further. Look at this. A fifth base is being started already and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Is your entire plan just to sit back, you're building turrets already, three turrets in the main before your first two metaphacks are out? It's not like you're going to be caught off guard on the map. Because you don't have meta-fax and you can't be on the map yet. Like your opponent's two two is going to almost finish before your first two medifex even start. This is actually the saddest build order that I've seen in my entire life. I've been doing Iiotis for, I think like two and a half, three years at this point. This takes the cake, because you're supposed to be good at this game. Now, do I have anything to criticize the Protoss for? Let's just be, you know, let's be honest here. Yes, I do have a lot of things I want to criticize the Tosfer. Why is this watchtower not taken? Why is there no pylon in the far left? Why is there no pylon over here? Why don't we have... Actually, we have units over here, so I like that. Pylon in the far right position as well. We have batteries. So really the only thing is some vision is lacking on the top side of the map. That's the only thing that I think I would have done different in this entire game so far. You have an entire, you have like a list, a scroll. If I were to enroll a scroll with all of your mistakes, we would be busy for a couple of years. And it's just the first nine minutes. Like, you're not even rushing anything out, which is what makes this even more confusing. You're just delaying things. Like this fort base at nine minutes after a triple Cc, isn't that quick. Your upgrades are very slow. Your Ghost Academy is slow. Your Metavex are late. The only thing you have you have a lot of tanks. But even that is not like an insane... It's not like you have 15 tanks. You have six. Like that is a reasonable number of tanks to have. You just have nothing. Your entire build order is inefficient. Yes, there's high supply numbers, but it sucks. Everything you have sucks right now. Your opponent is going to finish his 2-2 before your plus 1 armor finishes up. You have two MataVex right now on the map. That's it. You have two Menevacs to heal an army of 52 bio units, 20 marauders and 32 Marines. Okay, now you have four maraud. No, you have four Menevats. But one is already empty because you stint your entire army once to deal with a Zellad and a DT. Fantastic. Your opponent is so confident in his position that he's getting Shadow Stride and DTs before your first moveout. Before your first move out. He's on 94 workers. And nothing in this game could have stopped him from it because your builder sucked so hard. Your execution of this potentially powerful triple Cc opener was so bad that your opponent is now maxed out in everything he was. He's tacking into Fleet Beacon and it's the correct call. It's not too fast. It is perfectly timed. Once again, the only thing I kind of want to actually kind of want to insult this toss-fresh, why aren't you in position to stop this move out? Why is there no run by ready when this move? is happening. Surely 5-6 zealots should be heading in towards his third base right now. Surely the Colossus army should be in position to stop this move out from happening in the first place. That actually is kind of bad. And this fight could, despite all of your failures in the first 10 minutes and 34 seconds, could actually still be kind of okay for you. I'd love for these, yep, these tanks to move forward, that is good. Good call here. Although that is a very basic call that you want all your units in the fight. You see the Colossus, maybe Viking production would be some. something that we could consider at this point as well. We're really spending these scans rather liberally as well, just kind of throwing them in there. How many do we have left? Okay, we have zero scans left at this moment. Cool to see, cool to see. You knew the word ETs, yet you just kind of wasted your scans away, like a bit of a prick. One one upgrades against two two, but you kill the fifth base. So far, your fight has been pretty efficient. Took out a base, despite not deserving to take out that base, may I add. And after, this is a classic move as well. After taking out a base and dealing a blow to your opponent, rather than continuing to push on, you just relax for a little bit in this position. Just go back home. Nice scan forward once more. It's like, hey, these DTs are dangerous, but you know, it would be more dangerous. Not knowing at all times what's happening with my opponent, let me just spend the less of my energy on scanning a position I don't even really want to attack. Nice move. These are still on the map. You have a rotation coming in towards the other side. Now, please note, okay, please note as an unbiased observer here that all of this aggression is aimed at bases that the opponent is building that are more than what our Terran has. So yes, you could say Terran just took out a fifth base or just took out a nexus, but the actual amount of base is still the same and the income is extremely favorable for the Prodos player. The Prodos player is investing massively in infrastructure, 12 gates, three Robos, four Stargates. This guy even has two cybernetic scores, okay? Just two cybernetics my man, eternity just now is adding barracks six, seven and eight. Okay, this is different levels, all right? Different levels. A lot more mining has been done already here for our Protoss player. The amount of investment into stuff is so much bigger. Now once again, this should be a fight that actually I think it... That should be fairly good, is what I was going to say. I just want to take a look at the ghost movement here. Paparapa running away from a purification Nova could pick it up with my MEDAVAC or I could just keep running away or I could walk them into it as well. Poof! Two ghost marauder, two marines. Bam, down the train. Very cool. What did you say in your complaint form about it? Perfect micro on those disruptors in the engagement. Perfect micro on those disruptors. Wait, on the disruptors. Maybe he meant that the Protoss had perfect micro, because what the Terran has shown so far is absolutely not perfect micro against the disruptors. Okay, move forward, another great scan over here. Now let's take a look at the scan energy. One, two, three, and no scans available over here for my good friend Eternity, uses it to scan a position. I love to see it, like, ah, maybe he forgot about the fact that TTs exist, no ghost in the army anymore either after that last maneuver, so can't even EMP anymore. This tank position honestly is quite dangerous for the Protoss. Like I would not be willing to bet that the TOS necessarily wins an incoming engagement here. Like this is honestly quite scary. This army shaving off towards the top side. Do I like that? Do I like this move? I guess the Protoss can't engage into the army anyways. You're just taking out a base for free. Yeah, I like the move. Good, good job, I guess. I liked it. Oh, get another scan over here. Beautiful stuff. Nice. Meanwhile, this DT is still slamming away at your tanks. Oh, no, no scans available anymore. God, I'm glad I scanned this army for the fifth time to make sure it's still only Colossian Disruptors. That is just great to see. Big drop in the main base. Man, I sure do hope that the opponent doesn't have any DTs here. But it's insane. This is like imagine you're stuck on a deserted island and you have three road flares and you use two of them to shoot at a mosquito nest. And then the other one doesn't work by the time a ship comes by. It's like, well, can you really blame that one flare for not working anymore by the time the ship comes by after you shot two at mosquito nest? First of all, why would you use flares to shoot at mosquito nest? Is that even a fact? Actually, it probably would be a fact of the need it. Probably burned the nest real nice. But then again, is that really the priority when you're on a deserted island and only have three flares? It's also a fantastic move. This is cutting off the head of the snake while the rest of the snake is eating you. And there's five heads of the snake. The snake can just regrow a head. Like you can literally just build a new Dark Shrine. My man just lost like 25 supplies sniping a pretty cheap building. Great stuff. I do like this redrop though. If there's invisible units slashing your bio, perhaps the better call is to actually just pick them up and fly to a different. front base or wait until you have a scan available. Pick them up and then drop them once you have a scan available. Like the fact that you're building more command centers, I think that is a good call. You need orbital commands for scans. You also need to be a little bit less, you know, loose with using your scans. I mean, this was a single DT, there was an EMP available there as well. Probably could have just EMPed that DT rather than going for the EMP on these two stalkers. No matter how much you hate these two stalkers, surely. Oh, nice. Another scan for. another scan forward and a scan for a single d t should just waste two scans to kill a single d t the type of stuff i love to see and now we'll get into a situation where these two dts yep there's nothing to scan them anymore and you leave another 15 supply behind god this is this is insane this is like seeing a man walk into the same wall five times and complain about the position of the wall yes the wall might not be in the most perfect perfect location because you keep walking into it but Maybe you should also just walk around the wall rather than try to go through it because that obviously isn't working. Hey, Morty Ts cleaning up my drops. What a surprise. Are building more command center, so you should get more scans at least. These orbitals are becoming pretty ready. But with these last few moves, you know what you did? You gave up the one tool that you actually had in this game. And that was map control. Your army isn't necessarily better. You have almost no Vikings against the Colossite Tempest army. You have a lot of tanks which aren't so brilliant. You don't have too many marauders. You're not even maxed right now. But you did have map control for a very long time. And that didn't allow the Protoss to move out, especially given his very high worker count. The most important thing you could have kept doing is multitasking, which you actually, you were doing a good job splitting off armies into different groups. You were not doing a good job managing those groups. Not at all, actually. You lost everything to DT warpins every single time. Fool me one, shame on me, fool me twice. Shame on you. Fool me three times. Shame on me. Fool me four times. Shame on me. Fool me five times. Shame on me. For me six times. Shame on me. Fume seven times. Shame on me. Shame on me. Et cetera. Fool me nine times. Shame on me. There's just a lot of shame on you right now because you just keep getting fooled again and again and again and again and again. And it's a little bit sad to see. Also, just now you're starting three, three, 15 minutes into the game. Just kind of want to talk about it. Nice. Can, great one. Just absolutely love it. After having a massive scarcity of scans this entire game. Okay, this scan, definitely good. I like it. Initial good scan. Beautiful stuff. EMP, bam, hitting that single starter, huge play. Can we get another scan? Oh wait, that was still the first scan? No, you just scanned again, no? The exact same spot. Am I an idiot? I think I am an idiot. That was just, man, scans lessed forever. How can you ever complete? about scans. See how quickly I switched that? I made a mistake, but should have made me look stupid, but now instead I'm complaining about Terran imbalance. God, I'm so quick at this. Maybe he'll make another stupid scan in the future. Yep. My man, Eternity never disappoints. Almost made myself look bad, but Eternity, no one can look bad when you're around. You're the ultimate distraction. Did you just poop yourself? No problem. Eternity pooped himself twice in a row. And wet himself as well. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Actually did manage to take out this. Another good scan here. God, I love this so much. Let's hope our opponent doesn't warp in DTs again to take out our entire army. Because that would really set up. Wait, where's this scan? I want to see it. I heard a scan happen. Here. Is this really an essential scan? When we have... One scan remaining. Onscan is being used where your liberator is harassing. Surely a liberator with 36 HP is not going to be the main priority. When you have a massive army that's going to be stuck into a corner and perhaps another warpin of 3DTs will clear your entire army. Fool me 10 times. Shame on you eternity. We should have like a shame on you meter. Like a fool me five times. You know, ping-ing-ding-ing. it all the way up into the sky. Ship weapons level 2 on the way. I do like that. Plus 3 armor finishing up as fast as plus 2 air weapons for the Protoss. We have a base over here as well. Command center upgrade complete. Command center upgrade complete. Probably would like a second starport here too. Do we have that already? Yeah we do. Okay, nice. I'd like some Viking production against these tempest. I'd like some Viking production against these colossus. I'd like some ghost against the rest of the army. Oh, single DT. bad boy. Oh my god. I can't believe that the Protoss player is more effective at killing his own dTs than eternity has been at killing these DTs the entire game. This has been a very disappointing one so far. I just have to admit it. This is the okay this is actually kind of funny to me because despite all of that, despite everything being cleaned up by invisible units, the resource lost is still in favor of the Terran down in upgris. Down in upgrades, the entire game, worse tech the entire game as well, there's still no answer for the tempest, no real answer for basically anything in the entire army, the entire game, and invisible units never being spotted and thus probably contributing to about 5K of the resources lost on the Terran side. Despite all of that, Terran has still been training efficiently. And it's not because of the Micro either. Let's not trick ourselves here, okay? Let's not trick it. This actually was good control. Oh, that was nice control. That was bad purification of our Micro. Here, the Terran out-controlled the opponent for a little bit until he moved into those last two purification novas. That was a little bit unfortunate. The timing of when I said the Terran out micro the Protoss and then we all looked at the supply and all that the Protop is winning. Is that imbalanced? Yeah. Not really. Shouldn't stand on the ramp and there's still two purification novas available. Resources lost, still in favor of our Terran player, of course. Massive Zellad run by heading up towards the top side. You absolutely love to see it. Good move. out of the Toss, distracting away from an area, Terran F2ing into this position, making sure that it's not going to happen again, and then you can move forward once again with this army. I love that this base is still alive, it isn't mining. You know what's actually kind of interesting? As right now, we're really just one good fight away from equalizing the game. Despite the insane eco that Tos had the entire time, the fights weren't good enough for the Protoss. They really weren't. Isn't that interesting? Isn't that interesting? Purification Nova is gonna hit. A single Marine? I guess these are the purification Nova batteries that the Terran was thought that eternity was talking about. The disruptor batteries, but his army also isn't really that large. Don't think even without the super battery, I don't think you can really break this. This is a better move anyway. This isn't potentially a nice flank we have to wait and see what happens with the purification novas nice nice flank no yeah yeah i can live with this this is nice this is a good move you always judge moves after they happened you know so it looked like a nice flank but if he then walks into five five disruptor shots all of a sudden it's less of a nice flank this is actually a good flank i i really do appreciate that and now the last money of the protest has been spend into a distraction technique. Waste format? What is this? How many? We have no scans available. And we blindly scan two locations adjacent to each other. I... Explain it to me. If you can explain it to me, please do in the comments. Terran players, just tell me. I'm so curious. because this doesn't make any sense me. The entire game these guys have been getting on your nerves. That was a good EMP. That was a nice EMP. Now you can continue pushing this location if there wasn't a rum. This pro is playing quite well. I really like the movement of this protels actually. Yes, it's a little bit risky and it's a little bit riding your face, but I honestly think this toss is quite good. I want to what the MMR of this toss is. I think it's probably like 6K, 6.1. It wouldn't surprise me if this is a GSL Protoss. This guy is playing quite... Maybe a bit too low for a G.S. Proto, but... Good player. Good player. I like that. Good split off on the army. That was a terrible move by the ProDals. Now, if you had a scan available here... Hoohoo, these all would have died! If you had a... Oh no, no. There was no scan available. Maybe there was no scan available. You know why there was no scan available? Because you scanned this area twice. You could have killed seven DTs there for free. You actually could have. But instead, you killed none. Because you wasted your scans. Like a... Wasteful little baby. Meem, me, me, me. No vision. Nice one. Where are we scanning? I just don't understand it. It's like he has like a roulette wheel that he spins every time he needs to scan. It's like what other useless location can I scan today? Let me scan the fort base that has been mining since minute seven or minute six. That probably is mined out to make sure there are still mineral patches. There. Like, what is the point? What is this information going to give you? Please, tell me, what does this information give you? But, like, what decision are you going to make based on this? Now, rather than not dying against the DTs, you're going to aim off across the map and kill this base? No, there's easier bases to pick off on the right side, which you haven't dropped in a while, by the way, Mr. Multitask. When's the last time we've seen any real multitask? We've seen some army splits, but no attacks coming out of you. One of these bases are. are actually being defended. None of them. There's no cannons. This base doesn't even have a pylon. This one at least is a pylon. This one is free for you. If you would have scanned this, see no pylon. Probably would have dropped there. Like, oh no DTs. That could be good. Lift it? Lift. No, don't lift it. You know why he didn't lift it here? Because he's slow. That's why. There's no other reason. Loses the planetary at the same time as well. Curification of us start hitting. 20 of X2 supply against 86. The problem is that the income is extremely bad, that we have currently a single scan available, that's it, a single scan, and there's DTs. There's only two orbitals, so scans aren't coming back quick, and there's like seven bases that are mining from the ProDos. Resources lost? Still in favor of the Taron. God, I love it when, you know, there's certain consistencies in life. Eternity will use scans on useless crap, Terran players will complain about everything that exist, and... I can't remember where my joke was heading. Oh, and Terran trades efficiently against ProDos in the late game, despite Terran is always complaining about the late game. God, I hate it when I forget my punchline. Such a great setup. Hmm, absolutely the best, I guess. Four Liberators, what are you doing here, buddy? Move on, nice, quick scan. Great scan. love to see it. Hitting absolutely nothing. When's he going to realize that he only has two orbitals and one of them is flying? Oh, this one's going to have one scan. Look at his DTs. If my man, barcode proles, would be aware of the fact that Eternity is completely devoid of any scans right now. This game would be so much better. Just send a single DT in every single time. Oh no, there goes one of your two orbitals. Two scans available. That's it. Two scans for the rest of the game. Maybe we'll get a third one as well. Maybe we'll get a third. There's way too many D. I thought these were DTs. These were Pro. There's way too many DTs still alive. Oh, dick. He's a great scam. That's just a brilliant one. I love it. Fool me 15 times. Shame on you. Hamster, you just make up the other four that I skipped. Just add it somewhere random. I don't care. He sees these observer and thinks to himself, you know what? I know there's still 9 DTs on the map and I know I only have one scan remaining. But the real issue right now is that my opponent sees the position of my army. No, that's not the real issue. Oh my God, these DTs. He's actually making this scan seem good. I hate it when that happens. This protels should be just standing in a single DT at the time and this game would be Uber over. I will blame the ProDals for that. Instead, what we're getting here is a tempest flank from the left, disruptors from the top, and DTs from the bottom. This is almost as good. And now there's no scan available. Oh no! And there's observers on top of your army. Ah, when it rains it pours, doesn't it? Eternity. Oh, when it rains, it pours indeed. And when it pours, you get wet and you might friend are drowning right now in the water. I'm not sure why this orbital is lifted, but that means that no scans are going to be available. There's also like nine bases still mining for our barcode Protoss player. This has been one hell of a game to watch. Resources lost. Yes. Terran does it again. Lower in the resources lost. It is... What? Hello, Mr. Protoss? I bet he has rapid fire on purification nova or something like that. You read that on the internet once that it's good. Literally shot seven purification novas and killed half a marine. That's to be the worst purification nova to kill ratio that I've seen in my life. Almost making this game close. There we get another good scan. Don't want these observers to get away. Out of range. Nice moves. Nice moves. Very nice moves. Still have 57 army supply actually. A lot of that in Vikings though. Yeah, it's getting pretty over. This game is pretty over. Bang, bang, bang, bang. Curification over, micro really hasn't been that great this game. Gigi. At least he taps out. Holy crap. All right. Let's go over that imbalance complaint for him again. So what they say, I was trading efficiently in the whole game, doing great in multitasking, expanding, and macroing rapidly in the behind. Now, you were trading efficiently in the whole game. That actually is correct. I'll give you that. You're doing great in multitasking. if by doing great in multitasking you mean that you had more than one group, then yes, you were doing great in multitasking. If by meaning doing great in multitasking, you were getting stuff done with your second groups, then no, you weren't doing great in multitasking. You said you were expanding and macroing rapidly in the behind, compared to like a silver player or I don't quite understand. Is this like your personal record? Because the game that I watched, we saw a ProDos player that had like 12, different bases. And I think you barely mine from a fifth at some point. Like, I'm not sure if we, maybe you send in the wrong replay. That's possible. Maybe. Perfect macro on those disruptors in the engagement. Well, the Protoss didn't micro those disruptors properly. So that definitely isn't the case. And you didn't micro your army perfectly against the disruptors. So it's doubly not the case. Double wrong. Proto's armies and units were just too good to beat. This contradicts when you said you were trading efficiently. They were too good to beat. You beat the army and the units again and again and again. That's why you traded more efficiently. Like literally everything you complain about in the first three lines is either not true or self-contradictory. And thus also probably not true. Well, if you contradict yourself, you're going to be correct one time. You know, if you say I trade it efficiently and I trade it inefficiently, one of the two is going to be correct unless you trade it evenly in the end but that's not the case. Terran actually traded better. Your main complaint seemed to be about the DTs that probably has something to do with your scan allocation. If your opponent is on 12 bases and he's been mining from the Ford base for about 12 minutes already, you probably don't want to scan there if you only have one scan remaining. Maybe in the future DTs will be less of an issue. DTs actually are pretty strong but they also die quite quick. against bio if you see them. They're good when there's no bio around. They're bad when there's bio around. You manage to make DTs look good when there is bio around. That is an accomplishment by itself, and I'll congratulate you on that. What I'll also congratulate you on is getting the suck stem because you, my friend, sucked massively in this game. The Protols completely outplayed you. Way more bases, way better macro, great run-bys. Your fights were quite okay, but that was about it. You, my friend, suck. and that is the reality of things. All right. If you believe that I am wrong and our Terran player didn't suck, be sure to let me know in the comments. I love reading wrong opinions all the time. And yeah, smash the like. If you believe that you have a replay where ProDolz really was imbalanced or Zerg really was in balance or Terran, perhaps, is really imbalanced. Sure to put it in the Google forums down below and I'll see all of you next time for a new one. Thanks so much for watching and bye-bye. Thank you. |
Defending Carrier/Cannon Rush With PURE COPIUM | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Sometimes we don't have all answers. It's a reality that we have to accept. That what truly makes a man. On the other hand you could also cope yourself through the game and then cry at my shoulder afterwards, how IMBA Protoss is... And we are not even talking about a Terran today! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/aD3gxCwHP40/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | aD3gxCwHP40 | Dear Harstam, I am a Zerg noop that plays mostly for fun, but I'm beginning to ask myself, is PVZ really all that fun? Even when I play random, which I do quite a bit, if I'm starting with Protoss in a PVZ, I'm always a little more comfortable. Granted, there is a high probability that I will lose even SP, but still, dot dot. In this replay, my opponent faked a cannon rush, well played honestly, but I did not realize that he was not committing. There was even a gateway! I was prepared for a proxy robo. I reacted quite seriously, cancelled my natural, get gas to prepare the reveragers that would eventually help me against his cannonwall. After I crush his outpost in my natural, I almost immediately realized he was going for Stargate and a hidden expansion. I tried to do my best with the units that I had and with some ravagers, three queens and anidas, I attacked his main base, only to be welcomed by a bloody carrier. And a weird emoji. Like, dot, dot, dot, man, sure, dot, dot, dot. No problem, dot, dot. Here I am with four Ravager and three queens, aka where I put all my money in this game. And I can't even transfuse against this interstellar galactic carrier of destruction. I'm sure you will think a lot about what this said in this case. I can picture your body, bend over your desk while your hands hold your head, trying to imagine a world where this kind of game makes sense. But dot dot dot, I know that even the captain will admit that this game awful and this race, your race, is Inba. The last paragraph there almost read like a little bit of fan fiction, and I'm not down for that. I'm glad it ended in a more normal imbalance complaint form way. Our complainie this time around is called Grand Master, not Grandmaster, Grandmaster, who is a Zerg player on the diamond level 3,400 MMR on the European server. And the question is, is Protoss imbalanced or does the Grand Mister suck? And we're here to find out. And just like that, we find ourselves in the game on tropical sacrifice between Grand and Mr here in the top right. And in the bottom left, I know nothing with a capital G and a capital I. So really, you know, bringing it home, driving home the fact that he is completely knowing nothing in this game. We have a pool first coming out. But, well, excuse me. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This is not just a pool first, ladies and gentlemen. This is not your average 16 or 17 pool. This is an overlord into 14 pool. This is such a rare build that we almost never see. and this build, it's actually pretty tricky to play against. It comes at a weird timing and it's difficult for TOS to respond too often because the lings are so darn fast. Now, this isn't really a weird fake cannon rush because I see a forge here. Second probe also being sent out. And it's a pool first. Now, the pool first is, I don't want to say a blind counter, but it really is just a blind counter to the cannon rush. The earlier the pool, the better it is. So the fact that this is a 14 pool rather than just a 16 pool makes it even better. He's going to scout the first pilot immediately as well. So literally all Grand Mister needs to do at this point is pool five workers, built six lings or three sets of lings, and automatically win the game. This makes very little sense. The hatch cancel here. Like, I almost feel like this is complaining about not being capable. of tying your own shoelaces. It's like, oh, tying my shoelaces is too hard, while wearing Velcro shoes. Because Velcro is invented for idiots that don't know how to tie their shoes, and the 14 pool is invented for idiots who don't know how to counter cannon rush with a regular hatch first, or even with a 16 pool. But this is insanely free. On top of that, look at this. Now, this is even different. This cannon rush is similar to Crocs. that's how easy it is to slide into them. This is like failing to put on crooks because these cannons aren't even being walled in. An actual drone pool by itself would have killed this cannon rush. Like completely would have destroyed it. Four drones can attack this cannon, maybe even five drones and like nine drones can attack this cannon. They're not being walled in, and if they were being walled in with this pylon, they wouldn't be capable of shooting the hatchery. This is literally the worst cannon rush that I've seen in my life. you played a legitimate blind counter and you decided to cancel your hatchery and to build a spine crawler in case the cannons start crawling forward. Now, there is a theory that I have here back in the very alpha of StarCraft 2 there was a unit called, or a building called the Face Cannon. And the face cannon could actually walk. So if you were getting cannon rushed, the cannons could walk to a different position as long as they were within a pylon field. So I guess Grandmister watched this video of the face cannon. I was like, ooh, that sounds dangerous. Let me just build a spine against, you know, in case the cannon start walking up my ramp for whatever reason. But otherwise, this spine is completely idiotic. And of course, the Roach Ward. Like, okay, I'm... This entire response makes no sense, and I'm going to go over it. Just step by step once more, okay? So let's just call out every mistake as a... I see it. First mistake here is canceling this hatchery. So we built the hatchery here. We cancel it. That's the first mistake. Should have been a drone pool. But still not the end of the world. What you could have done is just straight up build a bunch of lings. Pull like two or three drones to deny the initial cannons. And then you just rebuild the hatchery. You know, not all hope is lost yet. Okay. So that's the first mistake that we're seeing here. Then the second mistake is taking the gas and building the spine crawler. In no word, Is the spine crawler necessary at this timing? Literally in no world. Your opponent opened up with a forge first. You are aware of that because you just saw the stupid cannons. What is he going to do with the cannons that you need the crawler? Are you afraid of the probe walking up, starting a pylon here and then finishing cannons before your lings pop out? No, that's impossible because your pool has finished already. Your lings could already be starting. This crawler does nothing. If you want to go for a roach response, you would want the roaches to be out as fast as possible. and does this drone that just built a spine crawler should have built a freaking roach warren and you should be getting a second gas already but you're doing none of that because you have no clue on how to respond to anything whatsoever you could be handed the winning lottery ticket and you would eat it and then complain that you have nothing to eat for dinner it's like well if you would have handed in the lottery ticket maybe you would have gotten some cash this is legitimately the dumbest response with the opener that you had I don't think you could have invented anything worse than what I'm currently seeing I actually think you would need to try very hard. You literally, every single decision, like if there was a decision tree, you always took the wrong branch, basically. It's absolutely insane. Absolutely insane. Also, this is... What did you say about this cannon rush? In this replay, my opponent faked a cannon rush, but I did not realize that he was not committing. There was even a gateway. Yes, there was a gateway because he was committing. This was not a fake cannon rush. This was a real cannon rush. He built. two cannons and two pylons and a gateway. When is it a real cannerous? What is this gatekeeping of cannon rushing? Unless there's seven cannons, it's not a real cannon rush. Like, holy crap, you're the guy in elementary school that had a crush on a girl that has had a boyfriend for five years already. You're like, oh, it's not a real relationship. They've only held hands 50 times and needs to be 85 times. They haven't even kissed each other's foreheads yet. I still have a chance. It's like, bro, you're massively coping at this point. this is a real cannon rush and we cannot, there's two cannons. Like, and he rushed them out. It's literally the definition has been met. I don't understand how you can. Like, when is it a cannon rush? Five cannons in your main base? Like, I just don't understand it. Like, he achieved his goal of canceling your natural. Now our Protop player is expanding to, I don't even know, like the seventh base. I don't even know why you would do this. but, you know, I don't even mind it. Because everything that I know nothing does is just inherently better than what you do, because everything you do is literally the worst thing that I have ever seen. So yes, I like this. But just compared to what you are doing. You're the friend that people take when going out just to look good, you know? It's like the bad friend for comparison. Like, everyone would want your replays as well. So, you know, they can watch their own. replace then they was yours. They go, yeah, I'm not that bad. I'm pretty okay at Starcraft. Compared to Grandmaster. Man, make okay decisions every now and again. Sure, I lost third lings into a cannon, but didn't cancel my hatch with a pool first. Against the cannon rush. That apparently also was a fake at the same time. All right. Let's continue this game. Man, we're only three minutes in and my blood pressure is already rising too rapidly again. Because of people like you, I now at all times have a doctor on standby. He's in the other room. and I'm being monitored at all times. I get bonus points if I act like I care. You know, my block treasure goes so high. He comes in, I have to pause the recording, and then we go again. It's absolutely awful. These replays really get me going. Canon battery. Kind of like that. I like that you're actually taking these out without walking into the cannons. You know, you're doing this from a distance. That is a very responsible thing to do. I would have preferred if you started with the cannons so you could have expanded quicker. Now instead you went for a gateway and a pilot first. but it is still kind of okay. You're hitting them at the same time, which is also good. This I actually kind of liked. I liked this little interaction that you just went for, I liked. Now, you just invented, or sorry, invented, you invested a buttload of resources into those ravagers. So the only normal thing to do right now would be to move across the map ASAP. And as you stated in your imbalance complaint form, after clearing my natural, actually let me find the exact wording. I reacted quite seriously and cancelled my natural. That wasn't it. After I crush his outpost in my natural, I almost immediately realized he was going for Stargate and a hidden expansion. All right, let's see how fast almost immediately is. So he crushed this outpost at 4.45. When does our friend realize that there is a proxy expansion and a Stargate? So far, he's not aware of the Stargate yet. So far, he's not aware of the Stargate yet. He's not aware of the expansion either. Or maybe right now he's aware because he scouts this. This is a very weird response to knowing that there is a proxy expansion though, isn't there? Oh, okay, I think now he realized. Or he thinks that there might be something like a hidden expansion. So we said 445. That's a solid 25 seconds, an almost immediate realization. Now, that start, you know, all of a sudden things start making a lot more sense. If 25 seconds is a lightning fast response, I'm really glad that you're not allowed a driver's license because you're going to be a true danger in traffic. Okay, now you truly figured it out. You were already building a NIDIS network, though. And let's take a look at the info that Grand Minister has gotten so far. He's seen a Stargate here. He's seen a Stargate over here. He's seen a fleet beacon, a cannon and a battery in this base, and he's seen a cannon in this base. So naturally, the main priority here should be getting anti-air. Right? No matter what it is you do with your NIDIS, you want to get anti-air out. In my mind, do you want to attack this base or do you want to go to the main? I'm not even entirely sure, honestly. You know that? I don't actually know for sure what the correct call is here. Like, do you go... Dross down the Nitis over here. It's very far back. Ravitors moving forward. And we have three queens. But one queen is in the natural, defending this empty base. Smart. 20 workers against 43, but obviously the priority here is going to be defending this hatchery and this spore crawler with the queen. Now, we need to build another NIDIS over here so we can continue transfusing. We obviously need to get all of our queens into the Nidus as well, so we're actually helping out. I love the prioritization here. Look at this. This is the brilliant thinking that I'm lacking in my life. It's like, okay, what do we have here? I'm rushing my opponent with about seven units at the seven minute mark. That's a single unit per minute, by the way. But let's not get hung up on that. You see a cybercore, it's like, ooh, that might be researching plus one armor or plus one air weapons. That is a real danger. The carrier, however, a unit that can actually shoot and defend. Neh. Is that really that important? Well, probably not. Let's leave that for another time. I actually believe if all of these ravagers would have immediately focused on the Stargate, he missed Biles? How do I zoom this in? Then I can see it. I can't. The edge of the map is ruining it. But he misses all four Biles here. Look at this. This is a static structure. You just click next to it. Maybe it's like a dog or something that is barking at him or hitting his leg the entire time. He plays in a room with 25. Cats is also possible. We don't know. We don't know the circumstances that Grand Mr. is currently playing on. It is unfair of me to judge my opponent. I absolutely hate that these Reveyor Bowls managed to hit a flying target, but couldn't manage to hit a static structure here. Did manage to kill it, though. Kill the Voidre. That was good. Now also almost get this carrier. You know, I looked at this army and thought to myself, there's two queens here, despite there being, there were five queens on the map earlier. There's only two queens there, and that's only two anti-air units but in reality at this level I guess Revengers count as anti-air because no one moves their air units out quick enough so it almost worked I truly believe that if another NIDIS would have been built here and a spore crawler gets added like you send two drones in and you send all five queens which can transfuse I actually believe that Grand Mister with this completely terrible build by the way would have probably been capable of at least taking out this base now does the game end there probably not because we have an expansion going up on the top side of the map. I'm not even quite sure why that is happening. I don't even see the purpose of it. Like, what are you hiding? Like, the fact that you have no eco anywhere, it just makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Why is everyone expanding like an idiot in this game? I just don't understand it. Was it a spire? Okay, spire going up. So the follow-up here is going to be corruptors, which honestly kind of makes sense, but also you're down 20. workers by the time he started getting into corruptors. Usually the game is pretty over at that point. Did he really tech into his pyre while mid-asing with two queens? Yeah, it's fantastic. The weirdest thing about this entire game, in my mind, is that Grandmister's macro hasn't been that bad. Like his money has been kept pretty low the entire way through, which kind of pisses me off in a way, because it shows that his mechanics are somewhat okay. And usually when people ask me, like, hey, Kevin, how do I improve? I'm hard stuck in plat. I'm like, I'll just practice your mechanics and you're getting out. But if this is the level of decisions that we're dealing with, I don't even think that mechanics will help that much. Like, this guy could have Cyril's hands at this point and he'd be expanding with his natural to the seventh base. Or this isn't even his own seven base. Like, why are you expanding towards the living spaces of the scantipede? This is an endangered species, by the way. You're not just allowed to build there. Cirque players have absolutely no respect for the environment. It's pathetic. 64 supply to 100. Like our Protoss player is winning so hard. When I was already building Tempest. We love to see it. A couple more queens. Eight queens coming out right now. Two spores here in this base. Honestly, not a bad of a plan because what are these guys doing? Actually, I want to take a look. You know, I take a dive in the first person view here of Grand Master. What happens in the brain of a genius? That is truly what I want to know. Did you just click the scantipete? I want to see that again. I really do want to see that again. Huh? Huh? I saw him. I saw him click it. One... Two. Three. He clicks. He clicks the scantepete. He's just insanely imprecise. This is how your drone is over here. To be sure, they do look a little similar. This is why he missed the Stargate as well. He's just off by like, what is this? Like five centimeters? Six centimeters. How was it even possible? Did he try to... I really want to know. Can we see inputs in the game? I want to know if he pressed the hotkeys for build hatchery while selecting the scantipede. How long did it take him to realize that it was the wrong one? Is he building an extract? Where's he going? They just send the drone to the top. What? In what world does this make any sense whatsoever? What are these doing? What in the world is actually happening in this game? What is this move? He's defending this base. The entire point of a proxy hatch is that you pretend like it doesn't exist. You can't just go there to try and defend it. That's not allowed. That's the entire opposite of what's allowed. This entire game is... entire game is legitimately ridiculous. What is this? Ah. If he builds at his opponent's natural, I'm actually going to lose my brain. And I don't actually think I have that many brain cells left, so there's not a whole lot to lose anymore, but this is painful, no? This is actually painful to watch. One one upgrade. I mean, this game is completely over, that's for sure. I thought you think you can right click down this mothership, can you? Oh, nice transfuses. Actually, transfused, controls his unit? This is pissing me off so much. He controls his unit, has different control groups, has been macroing decently well this entire game. It's just his decisions are so garbage. I don't even understand how it's possible. I really did not believe that this was possible with this level of mechanics to make this many mistakes. He's averaging double the APM of his opponent. Now if you click the wrong button fast a lot, apparently that's not good enough. It really isn't. 80 nice apply against 131. And then he ends up losing the game, I guess. What's this? How many years do we actually have? 16 corruptors. We'll actually get the mothership here, by the way. Very nice. A couple more transfuses. Come on. Come on. Oh, Gigi. Okay, yeah. I mean, the game was very over. I don't even really know what he's complaining about. Like, he didn't complain about anything specific. I... He thought the cannon rush was fake, so he can't complain about. about the cannon rush. It's like, because then you admit being beaten by an illusion, which makes no sense at all. But I think personally that the cannon rush is what killed him. He was so far behind effort. He opened up with a 14 pool, cutting a lot of workers already. Then he built a spine crawler for no reason, waited like five minutes to secure his natural, that the worst NIDIS network all in that I've seen in my entire life. But his macro during it actually wasn't even that bad. It's just his brain doesn't seem to work at all. But I don't even know what he thinks is in balance. Is it in balance that seven minutes in, Protoss had a single carrier? Like, is that really what we're complaining about? Or, like, I honestly just don't really see it. I don't understand what he's complaining about. I don't want to, he sucked as well. His decisions were really bad, but there was no real complaint. So I'm going to do this. First of all, you suck because you played awful with garbage decision making. Just terrible everything, but pretty decent mechanics. And second, I'm going to declare this imbalance complaint form invalid as well because there was no complaint on it. Next time, complain about something specific. Most of the time I can at least figure out what people are complaining about. But, I mean, it was one carrier at seven minutes. That doesn't seem very complaint worthy. The cannon rush, according to Grandmaster himself, was a fake? Like, what was the problem here? Was it just that Protoss is too comfortable or too easy? I don't know. Maybe we'll figure it out. If you're Grandmister, please let me know in the comments what you think was imbalanced. If you're not Grandmister, also let me know in the comments what you thought Grandmister thought was imbalanced, because I simply just do not know. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you to enjoy this episode of IOTIS. If you did, don't forget the like, but subscribe to the channel. Submit your own imbalance complaint form in the Google form that is linked here below. send me emails, I don't read them, I print them out just to use them as toilet paper. Thanks all so much for watching and bye bye. |
The Name's Bond. Disruptor Bond. Licensed to make Terrans cry. | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Disruptor 007 Bond. He has the license to make Terrans cry. If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YkfeKWCyjGU/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | YkfeKWCyjGU | Dear Harstam, let's start with one thing. I definitely suck. I make many mistakes in this game from an unrefined opener, missing several SUVs, and not paying attention when I should have been. However, my opponent makes many mistakes too, throwing away units, being totally out of position and having no map vision whatsoever. However, these mistakes do not matter for my opponent is playing the Protoss race. Battery overcharge basically makes Protoss unkillable in the early game no matter how large the army difference is. Disruptors are such a punishing unit. Not paying attention for a second can lead to losing 30 plus supply. What is the worst thing that can happen if the Prodoll is sitting in their bases and paying attention for a second or two? They have to pop Battery Overcharge. Terran instantly loses the game. To summarize, I feel that Protoss can get away with making so many more mistakes than Terran, and that my opponent this game did little to deserve this win. So tell me, Captain, is it Inba, or do I suck? Name, disrespect, raise Terran in the Grandmaster League on North America. Well, first of all, disrespect, congratulations on your Grandmaster rank, especially giving your, well, rather visible limitations as a person, because you talk about the frequency of mistakes as being one of the most important things in your imbalance complaint. from you say, pro-dose players make way more mistakes than Terran, and yet they can get away with it. But you don't actually talk about how big the mistake is. This is as if you go out every single day to the Starbucks to buy a $5 coffee. Now, over 100 days, this adds up to $500, which is a lot of money. And you could say, in a way, this is poor, you know, poor spending, really. I mean, you can make coffee cheaper at home. You could say that's a bad decision. And that in a hundred days is a hundred bad decisions. So many mistakes. And at the same time disrespect, what if the neighbor of this person buys an ice sculpture of his dog every two months that costs 900 euros? Well, it's going to be more expensive. Let me tell you that much. I was trying to do the math internally how many days is in a month, and I couldn't get to it. But 900 is more than 500. So even if you're only going to get a single ice sculpture in a hundred days, you still spend 400 euros. more, which arguably is, well, money less well spent. I don't think dogs are very much into sculptures of themselves or ice sculptures of themselves. But then again, I am no dog expert, though. I wouldn't be capable of figuring that out. What I am an expert on, though, is the Terran versus Protoss matchup. Having played loads of Terran versus Protises from both sides as a Terran as well as a Protoss, I feel like I have a pretty decent understanding of this. And I'm looking forward to all of this. You mentioned an unrefined build order. and I'm curious to see what this unrefined build order entails. Actually, I'm quite curious because the build orders for Terran in the TVP matchup are pretty straightforward most of the time. You either go into some type of one-one-one, or you're playing some type of 3-1-1 with a fast 3-Rex before the factory. So yeah, I'm just, I'm looking forward to what this is going to be. Could also be a triple-CC, obviously. It's going to be a factory. I think this is a very good standard opener. Marine first into a quick reactor gives you a lot of safe. Safety, safety, safety. It allows you the possibility to skip a bunker in the natural for a little while because a single adept isn't going to be capable of killing you and neither is a single stalker majority of the time. You usually have to build a bunker and you can focus that money somewhere else. Like, for example, adding more barracks. Okay. This is interesting. Now this isn't necessarily bad a barracks factory into a second barracks. And this is a build that we actually saw happen a lot. in Intellextream MESSAR SCATOWITES, especially from double gas openers. Because with double gas openers, often Protoss responds with a Stargate, then it can rush out a quick cyclone and then go into three racks. And three racks with a cyclone against Stargate openers are really quite strong and have a lot of aggressive potential. They scare the Protoss player. They keep the Terrance safe in the early, so I like that. I'm not as huge a fan of it with a single refinery, single refinery, fast command center type of build. But, yeah, no, actually, I'm just not a huge fan of that. I'm going to be real with you. Because the cyclone, it is so late that it really can't be used aggressively as a tool for map control. Yeah, I don't know. I'm just not a real back fan of it. Unless you're going into some type of three-racks tank all in, which is also a viable strategy, just bump out a lot of Marines, one cyclone, and then two tanks, pull eight, nine workers across the map, which is a build order that gets played. You're going to be completely... What is this? You have a bunker. Okay? You don't have to chase the stalkers if you have a bunker. You can hide behind the bunker. This makes absolutely... This is like buying a shield and then standing in front of it. Like hit me with the shield behind your back. It's like unless you're being backstpped, it's not that useful. It's the case here as well. Fast third base coming out of the Protoss player who's playing a blink into Robo Build Order with two gates as well. Kind of old school. Mindrop would have done really well against this build. I'm going to have to just add it in here. I'm kind of sad that we're seeing this. I'm just not a huge fan of this. So we're getting... Okay, it's just like a three-wrex swallow. This is, yeah. I don't really like this build too much, but it is playable, and I've seen it played before as well. No eBay being added, though. And no third gas either. Yeah, that is interesting. V's building. So the reason why I'm saying no third gas here is because the second gas was quite late. We're rushing into a starport. We don't have cash yet for a plus one. And the moment this reactor finishes. We're not going to have cash for medevacs either because we're already investing in marauders at this point, which costs gas. So you're rushing out a starport with a reactor to build half a medevac. Or you have to cut in your unit production. Like you are, you're not cutting in your unit production. Thus, it's going to be a single Medivac. This is... And it doesn't have plus one. This is not an unrefined build. This is not a build. What does unrefined means? Oh, look. The definition of unrefined is not processed to remove impurities or unwanted elements. Now, this entire build is an unwanted element because nothing in here so far is good. You have your marauders too fast so that you can't produce matter effects. You don't have a quick plus one. You're going to hit a late. timing despite not doing any pressure whatsoever. Like, the reason why this build is kind of good is because you can hit pretty tight timings. You're not investing into a fast METEffect. You're not investing into extra mines or extra tanks from the factory. There's very minimal investment from all of those things. You get a pretty quick starboard and you have three barracks pumping out marauders and Marines really early on. But you're not using any of that. You don't have an eBay to actually boost your bio units. So, no, I don't actually think this is ever a thing. is starting your eBay at the six minute mark. This is just an all-in, but it's an all-in that hits late and with less stuff than a regular macro build does. Okay, it doesn't... Yeah, no, it's not a good build. This is just really not a good build. Luckily for you, though, our good friend Honda Civic has also opened up with an interesting one. He only has a single colossus out for whatever reason. I'm quite sure what happened here. I wasn't paying too much attention to our good friend the Civic. It feels like you have enough units. The problem here for pro is that you need to defend in between this area, right? So we look at this, you kind of want to defend here. If you're defending in your third base, Terran walks into your natural. If you're defending in your natural, Terran walks into the third. There's really no good way about it. On top of that, we see like five, six Marauders, only a single Colossus without range, yeah, without range, no upgrades, no nothing. So if Marauders do a majority of the tanking, which should be possible because, well, Colossus only has six range here, then life pretty much sucks. There's an interesting target fire here. This is not Grandmaster Micro. This is not Grandmaster Micro. What? What was the micro in decision making here? Ah, sorry, one second. I'm going to check to make sure this guy's actually GM. How do you figure that out? All right, I checked it and apparently disrespect is at least that Grand Master MMR, but currently not in GM. I just want to go over this one again. Okay, this is... The decision making and the control here makes so little sense to me. Like, I just don't quite understand. Okay, so here we see... Okay, let's just take a look at the vision here. What do we have? So we have six marauders in this army, one Medivac, a bunch of Marines. You take out this pylon, which is good. So you have free access into the natural of your opponent right now. Then on top of that, you see your opponent is moving into this general area to try and defend their natural, which is probably an okay decision. So disrespect sees this and starts jumping on it. But rather than just taking out the army and using the marauders to tank, what we're seeing here is a move command practically onto the Colossus, which then moves back. But it doesn't just, that isn't just all there is. He just stands in the Colossus fire and continues going and tries again. After already doing the same trick before, losing half of his army, he goes for it again. This is like, if you're stuck in a hallway and you have two doors and there's like a keyhole and you peep through the keyhole, through the one door you see like a monster with seven hats chewing on some human remains, and in the other keyhole, you see a turtle that is trying to get to his carrot. Like, you decide to go for the seven-headed monster. My friend, if you were a main character in Harry Potter, you wouldn't have made it alive through the first hundred pages of the philosopher. Stone. Like this is some hot garbage tier decision making over here. This entire natural was open. You could have killed every single worker. There was no battery to be used here anymore. So you could have taken a good, good fight as well in your opponent's natural on top of that. Or you could have cleared every worker here, just continued stimming. Don't forget, your opponent didn't even have thermal lands yet. So chasing with a six range colossus trying to kill six marauders and 25 Marines, it's going to take a while. And it also exposes you immediately. It was like five stalkers with this and two slow zealots. This was legitimately the worst defensive army. You should have won this game five times over. Like, Hero Marine wins fight like this when there's three colossi out. Well, that's not entirely true. When there's two colossal, then like five, six more units. Like, this was a win. Like your build order was terrible. And yes, it wasn't all in. But you should have won with it. You actually should have a, and now you're actually in a crap spot. Your opponent has 68 workers, has two colossus out. The only thing your opponent is lacking is MapVision. There's no map vision whatsoever. So it's going to take a little bit of damage here, most likely, at least against these marines. Love the focus here on the pylon. Just denying that. And don't think that's too bad. We have a drop here on the bottom side. This is good. Pretty decent movement. I like this a lot. You kind of realize your opponent has no vision whatsoever on the map and you just go in. Deal enough damage. Okay, well, problem solved again. Kill like, what, 24 workers or so. Have you scouted the fact that there's a fort base yet? Not really? Your third base also is really. I feel like your build has nothing. How is that even possible? I mean, you did spend your money somewhat okay. How is it that you have laid everything and quick nothing? It is really wonderful to have this. I heard that companies hire disrespect to make things less efficient. Like, you know, how you have like efficiency consultants. This is an inefficiency consultant. You know, if a process is going to streamline, you can hire him to go into a different company, like a competitor's company. Disrespect will go in there. and he'll absolutely destroy any processes that they had, that they were very efficient. He's an absolute king at that. How is it possible that your third base lands at the nine minute mark? And you don't even have plus one yet. I just don't see how it is. I also don't quite understand. Okay, TVP is a little bit like a massage in a way, okay? And what I mean with that is that you need to apply constant pressure all the time, like a medium level of pressure. You can just stab the guy your massaging and then do nothing for five minutes, take the knife out and stab him again. It feels like that's what you're currently doing. You just had a pretty big engagement over here or like a pretty, pretty decent situation over here. Did he get rallied accidentally across the web? No. What? What is the adventure of Danny the Disruptor? This is the sickest move I've seen in my life. What is this? Holy crap. Holy crap. That is legitimately one of the worst moves that I've seen in the entirety of human history. And it worked out. I can't even recall. I feel like I was flaming you about something else before. Ah, right. The fact that you're not applying any pressure whatsoever. I'm sorry, you lost my train of thought there. You're not applying any pressure whatsoever after dealing so much damage. You have momentum on your side. You had a crap ton of metaphax. And rather than actually working with that advantage where, you know, you depower some buildings, stop the upgrade from going and continue dropping, keeping map control, you're allowing your opponent to probe up back to 77 after he only had 50 workers. There's like 27 workers they're allowed to build. They're on four bases, continued upgrade, storm. Everything is allowed. Look at that. The difference earlier was like 90 supply against, I don't even know what it was, like 90 supply against 140, 130. Now it's 127 against, well, it should have been 160. This move I want to talk about as well. Holy crap, what is this? Okay. So, now you might be thinking this is a great piece of harassment and another reason why Protoss is so extremely broken, right? Because that is pretty much what you said. He said, this is what is what is it? What was it like you said? Let me figure that out real fast. Disruptors are such a punishing unit. Not paying attention for a second can lead to losing 30 plus supply. What's the worst thing that can happen if a Protoss sitting in their base isn't paying attention for a second or two? Well, first of all, it isn't not paying attention for two seconds. This is not having any map vision whatsoever. The furthest vision that you have are these two widow mines, which I have no clue by their hair. Why wouldn't you just put a widow mine in this location? So the moment something moves out, you see it, and your widow mine actually shoots at it. Why aren't your meta vex on the map? Why don't you have any vision out on the map? The reason why moves like this are not played at high level is not because all high level Protoss players are complete idiots. The reason why it isn't played on high levels is because if you are running, running across the map with a lone disruptor and the Terran is on the map as well, the disruptor dies and the disruptor isn't there anymore. This is an extremely risky move that against a Terran that has any type, any, any resemblance of map vision, it would not work and the disruptor would die for free, which is quite frankly, pretty garbage. And on top of that, you say, what's the worst thing that can happen if a Protoss sitting in their base isn't paying attention for a second or two? Well, what's the worst thing that can happen if a prolus doesn't pay attention for a second or two? Yes, Terran doesn't have a unit like the Disruptor, and that is pretty normal because StarCraft 2 is a game that isn't symmetrically balanced. It isn't that everyone has just soldiers and they shoot each other. It would be terrible. No, we have different strengths and different weaknesses. Terran, for example, doesn't really need to worry about anything in the early game, except maybe an Oracle flying in and buzzing down three workers before it runs out of energy. No, Terran can basically block their mini map and not look at the mini map for the first seven minutes of the game. Protoss, however, blinks for half a second too long, you lost two mineral lines because widow mines burrow in there at lightning speed. Which mean what's the worst thing that can happen in two seconds? Literally every single game that gets played, we see a freaking widow mine flying kill 14 workers at every single level. Like two seconds is a creptone of time. This isn't just two seconds either. This is like 30 seconds of this disruptor moving across the map and you being completely unaware because you have no map vision whatsoever. If a toss is over here with his army and you remember, manage to get your entire army into their main base because the toss has no spotting either. The toss is that as well. You can say, well, you can recall, yes. Enjoy recalling into 150 supply army Terran. That's going to go real well for the Protoss player. Quick tip, that's sarcasm. It isn't going to go real well. The disruptor move was hot garbage and it should have never worked. It worked this time, but it's an absolute freak scenario, which also kind of is on you due to not having any map vision whatsoever or any map control at all. So now you're moving out, you waited for your goal, you waited for five Vikings. You have an entire control group for all of this. I find it impressive. I'm not going to say anything about this, but a lot of terrorists actually control their army with just a single control group. And I honestly find that more impressive than bad. Like Clem also does it so I can't say, hey, change it, because Clem has really sick control. So if you're good with this, then I guess you're just good with this. Now, there are a couple of Vikings still over here at the third base. I would like for these to be added on, just kind of ready on. also shows that he's not F2ing actually. Look at that. Actual army control. Beautiful stuff. Okay, that wasn't the hottest fight here? I'm quite sure if I'd still want to try and attack into this. You see the Super Battery going as well? Surely this is not going to go very well. Okay, look, I understand that the Super Battery. battery is annoying, right? It sucks. It's annoying to play against. But it is fairly visible. You know what's happening. It happened before over here as well when the Colossus was there with the initial fight. Perhaps you shouldn't make the same mistake twice. You know, if you go to a swimming pool and you dive in and the swimming pool is empty because there's no water in it, you're not going to take the stairs outside of the swimming pool, go to the diving board and try a second time. No, you figured it out after the first time or you're in the hospital, one of the two. Or maybe a combination of the two. Here's the same thing. You start with a pretty big purification nova on your army, and then you make the bad decision to continue fighting despite knowing that there's going to be a super battery there, and then you continue to engage into the super battery rather than pulling back the moment you see it activated. This doesn't really show that Protoss is overpowered defensively. It shows that you just have really bad decision-making and don't understand when you need to do certain things. You can't read the cues, and the cues were there, my friend. They really were. Just need to read into them a little bit better. You end up taking out some disruptors. This is fine. This game is Uber over. Protoss player just continues expanding really fast as well. You'll finally have your fourth base. Proz already has his fifth setup. Continued upgrades. I'm still honestly stunned by the fact that you managed to get to 5,200 MMR on North America without getting your upgrades before the 12-minute mark going. Getting 2-2, not getting to 2-2 started before the 12-minute mark. It's honestly impressive. This is not like this was a low eco game. This was just a standard game. ProDos actually has dealt two worker kills. That's it. Two worker kills total. And I bet one of them was like a scouting worker or something like that. This has just been, it's actually been unbelievable so far. This has just been a really weird game. This I like. This is a good move. See? Imagine one of these was here earlier. It would have spotted the disruptor. You got a disruptor kill for free. That's fantastic. That's what you need to do. That's what everyone does. This is not a new concept that I just made up. Everyone knew that we have a salad run by into this base. Prol's player thinks this is going to work. I have a quick tip there. This is not going to work. Absolutely not. Brose just continues expanding as well. Look at this guy, man. An actual macro monster. I mean, at this point, I think our Terran player is pretty dead. He's down 12 workers. He's down two upgrades. And he also has a significantly worse army. He's still after six minutes. No, seven minutes. What is it? Yeah, seven minutes of seeing Colossus has not managed to muster up a Viking force. capable of taking out the initial three Colossus, which is, once again, just very, very impressive. Just a lot of the things that are happening here, I'm more impressed by than disappointed in a ways. Like, I don't even quite understand how it's possible, that you see someone open up with Colossus and you decide that, you know what, Vikings might just be more of a luxury in this case. I'll focus more on building mines, because you do keep building mines, don't you? Despite there being 12 disruptors out already and disruptors being a very solid counter to mines. You've lost 13 mines, you build six more. Your planetary gets taken out by Dark Templar. You give up on life and start attacking across the map. Good move. I always like that. Terran hasn't been capable of fighting the army on their own side of the map for the past three minutes. Then when they lose the base, you go like, all right, no, I can. It's like no. You still have better chances winning, just setting up that fort base again. Yeah, this is actually the correct call, going back home here. I do like that. I appreciate that a lot. It's a good call. Very good call. I also like the mine here. I think a mine next to a plane. planetary when you know DTs are out is almost always going to be a necessity. Now you can lift this. You do lift that, which is the correct play, thank the Lord. I mean, there's just a gold page. You haven't put on any pressure on this Protoss since ever, honestly. Like no aggressive rotations, no drops except for the early game. It has just been bad, bad, bad. And I don't have a feeling it's going to get good anytime soon. I mean, Protoss has freaking infinite resources at this point, 94 workers. It's 3-3 on the way. Yeah, 3-3 on the way. You also have 2-2, but you lose your third base. At this point, you're just behind. And this actually, now here, here I would understand it. If you had a maxed army at this point, and you were fighting against eight disruptors or nine disruptors, and all the toss does is dance back and forth and shoot purification of us at you. And you were to complain about that, I'd say, yeah, I think that is a valid complaint. At the high level, at the highest level, disruptors are super annoying to play against. It feels like they have no direct counter on the ground. The only kind of indirect counter is in the air, which is the Liberator. You need very good control as the Terran player. While shooting the purification of us takes very little to do. Like you can just shoot a purification over, you can put it even on follow-on units. Like, that isn't exactly rocket science, you know. I completely would have agreed with you. But instead, what you picked was one moment where James Bond, in disruptor form, moves across the map, shoots his one disruptor shot and kills 30 supply. This is as if you have a plumbing problem in your neighborhood, right? Everything is bad. The toilet doesn't flush, all that crap. And the neighborhood wants to talk to the local government who is responsible for this terrible plum job. The pipes, whatever, something is wrong. And you become the spokesperson for all of these people, your entire neighborhood, okay? There's a lot riding on this, because these people want to pee again and flush it. And the first thing you mention in the meeting is that you can't drink out of the toilet bowl anymore because the water is contaminated. Like, this is politically very ineffective. And it's the same thing that you're doing here. This single disruptor moving across the map, killing 30 supply, is not the problem for Terrans against disruptors. And every Terran is going to hate you for bringing this up. What they dislike is the fact that nine disruptors at the same time can just shoot. Protodos doesn't have to do any defensive micro. There's no energy cost on that either. Like, I'm doing the complaint better than you did it. I don't even understand how that is possible. As long as there are people like you complaining about not being capable of drinking water out of a toilet ball, I think Protoss is going to be safe. So not only do I think that you suck, because that I do know for sure, I also would like to thank you from the secret Protoss alliance. Thank you for keeping up the good fight with Terrans like you. We're never going to get nerfed. Thanks so much for watching today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did, enjoy this episode. Don't forget to hit the like button. to the channel. Hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. New videos every day. Bye-bye. |
Design MASTERMIND Builds The Most BEAUTIFUL Base Design Of All Time! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Like or 🖕 If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3NU0V6bkQHc/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 3NU0V6bkQHc | Dear Harstam, Terran widow mines and Battlecruisers are the biggest form of Imba. I just played a 30th minute game of Protoss versus Terran as a chill FOF game tonight. What in the world is FOF? OF meaning... Stends for in texting. It stands for frown on face. Related words, middle finger emoji. So he played a middle finger emoji game tonight and got absolutely. destroyed by widow mines and battle cruisers. Widow mines are just way too easy to micro, and the fact that they are also invisible when armory is existing is even more ridiculous. In this game I outmined and outsized my opponent's army at many times, but that does not matter for his widow mines just bang, bang, bang and poof, all of my army is gone. In this game I remixed at least three times, and each time his imba widow mines would just destroy my army over and over again. I'd just like to note that he mentioned this is a 30-ish-minute game, and he says he maxed out at least three times. That's not actually that much, is it? Three times in a 30-minute game. That's not that impressive. But whatever. There's no reason he should win this game when his micro and macro are considerably worse than mine. I know I'm in no position to say that I'm skillful. But at the very least, I think that 140 APM is greater than 40. That is indeed true. 140 is greater than 40. Nice. Showing a good understanding of basic meth there. Listen to you. I hope you'd agree with that. Yeah, I do. And after my whole army gets destroyed, he just comes in with his battle cruisers. And yay! My whole infrastructure gets destroyed because battle cruisers, OP. And also, at the end of the match, when he had his massive battle cruiser swarm in my main base, my stalkers outnumbered him one to five. one to five. He repeated that, so I repeated it as well. And his battle cruisers just melted them the same way that his widow mines did. For these reasons, I believe that widow mines and battle cruisers are imba, and that they deserve to be nerve-hammered to the absolute ground, as they are no skill one-click win cons, which trade way too well against any other race. For these reasons alone, I believe that widow mines and battle cruisers are imba, and there is no doubt about it. name, AS Frog, race Protoss, league silver, with 2,513 MMR on the North American server. And the question is pretty simple. Are battle cruisers Inba? Or does he suck? Here we go with AS Frog against S.J. Tiny Heads DC. Tiny Heads DC. Maybe that's like Marvel DC. Like one of them comics. Maybe he's a comic hero. It's very possible. I'm not a huge fan of superheroes, but we'll leave that rant to another time. We're playing on waterfall here, which is a beautiful map, not only because there are birds flying around here. I spotted one earlier, but also because it is not that large of a map with just really like six and a half viable bases per side. Well, yeah, six and a half bases in total per side. Ooh, this is an interesting opener. It's going to be a 60 Nexus. Look at that. Well, technically this is now a 17 Nexus. He just forgot to build the probes. No, it turned into a 70x. I think this could have been an 18 nexus. So skipping gas, I think, is a pretty cool move in PVT, and there are some build orders that work quite well with it. But it only really makes sense if you're skipping gas so that you can get a faster nexus. If you're skipping gas and then floating 150 minerals while you're building your nexus, the skipping gas part doesn't make that much sense, and I'm not actually a huge fan of it. This is very similar, though, to the parting build order except poorly executed. It's just a, it's a poor execution of a bit. builder and that makes sense because we're in a silver game. I'm not going to be too nitpicky on all of that crap. You know, I'm expecting, my expectations are a bit lower than usual. If I'm seeing this in a Grandmaster game, you know, like floating the 250 mineral before the piling goes down, an inevitable supply block, this type of stuff, I can kind of see that. You know, I'm sure that S.J. Tiny Heads DC is also making similar mistakes here. He built a barracks and forgot to build a unit out of it, for example. No, actually, it's a Marine. Never mind. Oh, he sent it across the map. Well, then I rather have he didn't build the unit. He's just going to send it across the map. You scout with an SUV, not with Marines. This is just not very good. 99% of the time it's not even going to get across the map alive because in a debt will just kill it for free. You should never be capable of running into someone's main base. This first unit is obviously fairly late. Normally, the first unit from a Protoss player finishes at 2 minutes and 22 or 21 seconds. This time it's going to, well, finish about half a minute later, which is really not ideal. But once again, we're watching a silver game here. So we just need to lower the bar overall a little bit. This is an eBay. This is a reactor. This is a base without any defense whatsoever. There are two Marines somewhere on the map, but I don't quite see them. Oh, they're right next to the commands. They're standing in the shadow of the CC here. as we have continued worker production or almost continued worker production. A lot of cash in the bank as well. Two workers right now considering building a building. Now all of this isn't very tight. Okay. I said we're not going to be too nitpicky when it comes to the build order. But this is a particularly bad builder. Like it just looks really bad. There's no point in floating. What was this? So he built two gateways, or... A pylon? Then a gateway. And then another gateway, but it doesn't build. So he might as well cancel this one. And then he gets a Nexus somewhere. Yeah. Yeah, so the money disappear. I don't quite understand these. pulling out of gas. Or maybe he never sent them into gas. I think that's the case. I was going to say that's a very high-level move pulling out of gas, but I don't think there's any high-level moves in this game, honestly. I think it's going to be low-level moves all the way throughout. I still am wondering why this gate cancel happened. Now it's going to rebuild them. Or it's going to be tech. Two pilots, right? Don't want to get supply block. That's fair. That's fair. Pilots are somewhat important here. I'm just really confused what's going on here. I also like the way he's building. Just everything. Well, I don't like it, but it looks pretty. They serve no purpose whatsoever. Oh, ah, okay. I understand now what's happening here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know what these probes are doing out there, moving from natural into the main base to saturate a gas. That's all good. The gateway over here and the gateway over here weren't aesthetically pleasing. And the most important thing when building a base in war is not that it has functionality or that the buildings get constructed at the correct time. It is that they are aesthetically pleasing from the bird point of view, of course. Very smart AS Frog. Really getting the priority straight here. It's as if you're building a bridge and you're allowed to hire 10 people and every single person you hire is a color designer and they spent all day deciding on the color of the bridge or the color palet. palette, the color palette. Why do I keep saying palais? Because I have a little bit of French in me, maybe. The color palette of the bridge. And then you get one voluntary engineer that works for three hours a week on the bridge as well. I'm sure that is going to be the prettiest bridge ever built. But I wouldn't want to be the first one to drive my car over it, or the second one to drive my car over it. I'm not too sure if it would survive a second car. So let's not even discuss the possibility of a third car. Okay. Mines get spotted here. Now this was a an interesting move there. He pokes up the ramp with two stalkers, loses both of them two mines, and then does nothing again, which technically is the correct move, because I think he saw the fact that there was a couple of extra mines. So right now, on top of this ramp, we have 13 mines and a tank. That's enough mines to take out every single stalker, and then a bit more. He has some mines over for the change as well. This is actually the first time that I've seen someone build. like this. You can see that a lot of thought is being put into where all the buildings are positioned. There was a gate here before that got cancelled and because it wasn't nice and symmetrical earlier, it wasn't allowed to be built, but now it's a look. It's actually, he's trying to build different size buildings or different types of buildings on the opposite ends, then gateway, gateway over here, then gateways here. So the inner ring is all gateways. This is fantastic to watch. This is a design mastermind, a S. Frog. If you're looking for any designers, I actually have the email of AS Frog and I can forward it to you. He said, we can't find this guy a job if he's not working yet. To be fair, so far when it comes to the build order, I don't think he's the brains of any operation, but God, does he know how to make things look pretty? Third base is done already as well. We have 1K minerals in the bank, not the biggest deal, because there's quite a bit of income. We have decent info. Look at. Four more pylons in the middle. Beautiful stuff. Twilight Council on the bottom side. I can't even recall what I was going to say. The beauty is just it is something else. It's doing things. Giving me emotions. I'm feeling these things that I didn't know I could feel. It's crazy. Fort Bay is on the way. I like all of this. Just standing outside. There's no reason to attack upper ramp into 35 mines if you're out expanding your opponent this heart. I'm loving this Robo Bay, honestly, after scouting all the minds, getting a couple of disruptors is obviously going to be the correct call here. It is 100% what you want to be doing. Twilight Council for Blink as well is going to be quite nice. I wouldn't mind seeing an observer being built. Okay, we already have that. And then that observer eventually moving across the map. Force tools could be used here to catch the mines, but you of course also could chase the mines forever and hit them once every five seconds. It's also allowed. Both options are completely valid. Big warpin of stalkers on top of this ramp, and you'll just take out these mines. I actually really like the position currently that Aos Frog is in. He's up-in workers. He is getting pretty decent infrastructure. He's getting good upgrades. He's not a huge fan of the shield weapons here personally. But it is what it is. I much rather would have had an armor upgrade just because of ghost. And given that AIS Rock hasn't really scouted yet, except for the mines. I feel like it might have been worth the scout with a hallucination as well right now, just confirming that it is Mac. That would have been a very nice thing to confirm. There's a mine run by coming in. is one of these things you never really see. How did these mines even run past? I guess they went out of the base when AS Frog was chasing the two mines all the way back to his own fort. So third base is being set up. Despite there being a contain, this is one hell of a contain. This is like containing someone in their castle and then allowing them to build a farm right in front of you. So they can continue producing food. It's like that's entirely not the point of a contain. With the contain kind of you want to keep your opponent on the amount. of bases they're already on while you're expanding to more bases so that your eco-lead grows so big that you just out-peruse your opponent in a massive way. Six more gateways, Templar archives. What is this? He's actually just making patterns. At first I thought he was wanting to protect these pylons in the middle, but he's just doing it for the pure aesthetic. Because this is the least protected structure right now these pylons. They're on the edge. There's no point in that. is actually insane. Blink hasn't finished yet. We have no disruptors, which I really, really hate. There's no observer with this army yet, despite there being a couple of observers on the map already. And having observers with the army would obviously be huge, because then you can take out the mines. This base should have never been allowed to get constructed either. Okay, so you see the mines there? What are we, okay. Send the entire army over here to deal with this one mine. If he walks into it and doesn't kill it before it shoots, I'll be upset. Okay, I'm not upset. Now, we still remember that there were some mines on the other location as well, right? Hello? The mines over here that we just lost two stalkers to? Surely we saw that. What is this repositioning of the observers? Oh, okay, there was one being rallied to it. Okay, I don't mind it. It took a long time. I mean, the mine's got the shot again, but it is what it is. The threat gets dealt with. There is a lot of money in the bank currently, which is frustrating me, because I feel like this money could be spent rather well on really anything to just kill this base. This base should be getting killed right now. It is very weak still. It has a couple of tanks, but it also has a lot of mines, which should not be useful whatsoever the moment you get a single disruptor. Like a single purification nova, can probably kill five, six mines here in one, shot and you outrange a tank as well. Should you just stand over here? Boom. Shoot at the minds. You do that twice and then you just A move in and you pretty much win the game by killing the third base. At least in my mind, that is what's supposed to happen here. The one thing I really like that A.S. Godd, AS Frog is doing here is, well, first of all, obviously the aesthetic of his main base, but also the fact that he continues to expand and has a rather high work account. I think that is generally a good thing to do. Observer speed. I'm a fan of as well. It's just, he's not really using there. He's 400 APM just there. What was he doing? I don't know. I see that again. What is he clicking so fast? Okay, right now he has zero APM. I'm not even sure how that's possible because I'm seeing stuff happen. 160. Hello? Show me the APM, you prick. There you go. Current, 83. 16, 0, 268, 48, 4366. That was very fast. He said he had 140 APM while his opponent had 40. I guess that's at the end of the game then. Because right now he's at 95. May I also say, by the way, that bragging about your speed while you're losing actually shows that you're not that smart. It's a little bit as... Actually, let me just show this one. Let me show this. Imagine... Imagine... ...you brag about how fast you can play notes on the guitar. Okay, and you get in a guitar battle with Jimmy Hendricks. And then the moment you're forced to play, you just do this. Take that, Jimmy. I don't think a lot of people are going to be impressed. Just like when you press the buttons really quickly in StarCraft 2 and you're not actually doing anything, not a lot of people are going to be impressed either. It's not so much about smashing your guitar very fast or smashing your keyboard very fast. It's about playing the correct notes or doing things that matter in the game. And so far, you haven't really done anything that matters in this game. You went for a contain without containing your opponent. You walked multiple into minds that you had full vision of. And basically, I'm not saying, you... This base is just... It's so beautiful. Anyway, and also you're just letting your opponent get away with way too much. Like you have a massive army, you have a huge eco, massive production, 18 gateways. You're capable. Like, this... How is this base getting up? How are you not denying this? You've had map control since minute three and a half. Ever since the Marine went across the map and got killed by you? your opponent hasn't been in control of this game at all whatsoever. You've been in control the entire time and you haven't done anything with it. You have vision of this base, but no vision on this base. You allow this bad boy to go up, which is a planetary, by the way. Third base is a planetary. That's a big move. Not a fan of it, but it did happen. Like, none of these positions are actually very well defended. There's 36 mines and four tanks out. that means that per base, that's an average of one tank. And the way that it's currently set up, it means it's two tanks per one base. And that's it. Mines should never be capable of defending a base by themselves. That's what tanks are for. Like, tanks and mines are a little bit better, but just tanks by them, or just mines by themselves, are completely useless. Because stalkers literally outrange them. Your tier one unit outranges mine. Well, tier one and a half or whatever it is. Tier two? What is a stalker actually? Gateway would be Tier 1 and then with a cybernetics cork like Gate, like Tier 1 and a half. Because Robo units are Tier 2 or Tier 3 then. And then a Colossus would be Tier 4. And actually no. Feels very confusing to me. So I am not sure. If you have thoughts on what type of unit a stalker is, be sure to leave that down in the comments below and let other people flame each other. and we can have a little infight in our community on whether it's a one and a half or tier two, or maybe some people have the weird opinion that a stalker technically is tier three, because you also need a pylon in order to build a gateway first. You know, I don't know. You can make loads of arguments for anything. This move, I don't even mind. If it was executed with a bit more... a bit more suave, more feeling. Because this really isn't quite it. You moved half of your army into your opponent's mines and tanks, and you also manage to stand in range of the tanks that are on the low ground. You do manage to spot all the starports though, but at the same time being destroyed by Battle Crusoeuv. What are there are upgrades actually? Two two upgrades. 2-2 upgrades, relatively even. Now, a good trick that I want to teach you early on in your StarCraft 2 career is the trick called focus firing, and that's attacking one battle cruiser before the other, rather than spreading damage out over 10 battle cruisers or over 5 battle cruisers. Yeah, this, that is correct. No, one at the same time, there we go. And don't switch targets midway through either. That really helps in your journey when trying to take out big fat units like the BC. Now, you're going to be capable of clearing this eventually, Hopefully, hopefully. Yeah, there we go. Because you have so many gateways. Sadly, everything in your opponents made main base also gets cleaned up because I guess he walked in mines and killed all your stalkers. But now you are aware of the fact that battle cruisers are out. Now, by some people's standards, battle cruisers are a tier 9 unit. In my mind, it's like tier three and a half. You might want to tack into something that deals with battle cruisers a little bit better than stalkers. Or, okay, let me rephrase. that. Stalkers by themselves are actually kind of okay at dealing with battle cruisers. But the way that you use stalkers against battle cruisers with poor target fire, with no stutter stepping forward so that all your stalkers can shoot is not a proper way. I'd much prefer seeing Tempest here in order to deal with BCs. Tempest, long range, easy to control, shoot by themselves. You can have some stalker kind of support there. And then you have a very solid army. You're sticking with pure stalkers for now. three stalkers. By themselves, also fine. And I would even encourage you move like this if you would ever do any correct movement with these stalkers or honestly do anything that is correct with these stalkers. This base still is up and going. You should have, you haven't even scouted that. And this base has been mining for a while now. I'm soon getting some mineral patches going to mine out. I have a feeling that this base is just going to mine out completely as well. These mines are going to deter you from ever going up here. Like the moment you see one mine seems to scare the ever-living crap out of you. As five new battle cruiser being produced, five are already out as well. If plus one infantry weapons on the way. It's an interesting upgrade to get at this point in the game. Surely that's where the priority right now should be for the Terran player. On a pure Mec army, does he even have a barracks? He must have one. He's building factories. He has one barracks. He's built three marines, I think, in this entire game, with none of them being alive. of them being alive. And rather than getting the planetary range or the building armor, he's going to get plus one infantry. I mean, I'm not one to easily criticize people, but that surely is a mistake. Probably a misclick. We'll put it, you know what, that was a misclick, 100%. These mines are still here as well. Now the battle cruisers are moving out. You spot this with your stalker army, so you could move there to deal with the battle cruisers, or you could hold this position for another 25 seconds. Moving in is the correct. I'll blink under it, blink under it, target, blink, blink, blink, puff! Shoot, shoot, shoot one more, can we do it? Ooh, what are these Archons doing? Is there Yamato? There's no Yamato cannon. Yamato against Archons is pretty powerful. Do like this, blinking, oh my god! The cannons to really finish this base. This is the sickest base I've seen in my life. I don't even think I could make this. You know? I've played Sargra for a long time, but I, I can't build this. This is... I don't have the... Did this eye for aesthetic that you have, A.S. Frog. I do have an eye for taking out Ford bases, though, which is something that you've still not done. Oh, ah. This is when aesthetic gets in the way of functionality. When you completely filled your base with buildings that you can't enter your own base anymore to deal with seven battle cruisers that are there. And I think this is the point where he said that battle cruisers teleport into my base and take out every single piece of infrastructure. It's fairly unfortunate when that happens. There's actually still one path. Look at that. They're coming in one by one right now. I think you might actually end up killing all of those BCs, actually. This wasn't even that bad. This was fairly okay, honestly, for you at the end of the day. If your opponent didn't have a forward base, I think you'd be ahead. Maybe you're still ahead. It's so difficult to say whether you're ahead or not, because in my mind you've been ahead this entire game, but you just haven't used it. So are you really ahead in that case? It's like, imagine you're doing a five, five kilometer foot race, you know, and someone starts at the midway point and then starts running in the wrong direction. Is he really ahead at that point? Like, yes, he's ahead in the distance, but you know that being ahead doesn't mean anything. It's completely irrelevant to the actual race. Beautiful. Fireworks. God, I wish there was an observer close by that could spot these. Sadly, that's not the case. So, I guess we'll just have to live with these mines shooting us at every opportunity that they get. Position our entire army on top of it as well. And then get seven more mines to burrow on top of us. Oh, how unfortunate. If only we had some vision close by, oh no, not the second wave. Who could have thought that mines get to reach? Oh, that is ridiculous. God. Can't believe we just lost 45 supply like that. He's going to gather his forces again and max out so he can walk over the same mines once more. He hasn't lost enough units yet to these mines. There are mines with legit four kills, three of those being Archons. It's like mines that killed more than like 1,400 resources lost. It's like the most effective mines in the history of mines. These mines haven't seen any action yet. have two battle cruiser securing this base. If this base gets to go up, I'm going to be extremely upset. Honestly, if any base gets to go up, I'm going to be extremely upset because there's nothing to secure bases. There's like four tanks in the natural defending the turrets and the command center. And everything outranges this. It is just not possible that this is defending this position. It should not be possible in my mind. And yet it's happening. And it's extremely frustrating to watch this. because the macro, wait, he said micro and macro. The macro hasn't been that bad. The macro actually has been quite good out of Aesrock. The micro has been non-existent. He mentioned out-microying his opponent. I haven't seen that yet. Because in order to out-micro your opponent, you need to show micro. And there was no micro yet. There have been move commands. Oh, here we go again. Ah, but this time, with observers. Now, does he realize that our concerns? don't outrange mines, that is a very difficult question. Maybe he blinks on top of him. That would also be hilarious in a really sad way. Oh, takes out some of these mines. Burrow. Here we go. Please don't kill all. Oh. He killed every single observer, except for this one. You know what really would make life easier for lower level Protoss players? If we would introduce something on the observer called Observer Mode, where it would turn... Where it would turn into a static unit that provides more detection vision and more vision overall. That would be so helpful, so then when you A move or F2A move your entire army into a mine position, your observers don't fly in and get splashed by the mines. I wish that was a thing, but sadly for A.S. Frog, that is not the case yet. He's now taking his seventh base, but I don't think money is really the issue. You know, some people can be as rich as they want, they're still not going to be capable of doing anything useful with it. You know, this, A.S. Frog is the type of guy that has like a 5 million inheritance and buys 5 million worth of scratch tickets. And he keeps doing that again and again until all of his money is gone. And then starts complaining that scratch tickets are overpowered because he can't win anything with it. Like, this can't actually be serious, right? Like, he knows these mines are here. How does he keep... This mine has six kills. Like, all of these mines have like four, five, six kills. There's just stalkers. He's warping stalkers on top of mines. If they shoot again, I'm going to be so upset. Okay, now he's walking away. That's good. Okay, he spots units on the other side with this Probe Scout, I guess. Five Probe Scout, a classic. I also do it at the start of my game. game. This is so unbelievable. Fifteen more stalkers to throw away. Like this is just one planetary. Just go into it. He's probably afraid of mines being there or something. It's like I'm not blinking into this. Poof. Shoots it. Two shots it and out. Beautiful. Next. Okay. You follow the SCVs. Follow your nose. Come on mate. Yes, there we go. SCV is being taken out. Hop, hop, hop. There's mines here. Put it in observer mode. A move into this position. Battle crews are going in. That's not enough BCs. Honestly, it's not enough PCs. You can fight this. They teleport it in as well. They're not safe. These are going to die for free. Beautiful stuff. You don't even have to look at this anymore. Just let these units attack by themselves. Probably goes better than when you look at it. Mine's still over here. Five kills on this one. Seven kills. All stalkers and Archons. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Oh, pamp, bam, pah-dam, pamb, pamb, pamb, pamb, pamb, pamb, pamb, pamb. Oh, you saw that explode? That's actually pretty sick. This is the run by of the century, that's for sure. Look at this. It's legit a pure mine army. That's something I've never seen before. How many is this? 43 mines total. I think this is almost all of them. There's a couple left over here, a couple left over here as well. I can't believe that this base is still up, by the way. It has been spotted at this point. You can attack this. You can do it. You can do it. It is just mines, my friend. They're static. Set it up in observer mode. Oh, also, yes. Let's hope he doesn't scan. Victory for the good guys. I can't believe it. He knew how to do it all along. Maybe he googled a tutorial midway through. Now the APM went up. He's been clicking faster than ever before. He lost three or four. How many is that? There's like three or two stalkers in his entire engagement. He killed 40 mines or 30 mines. Beautiful. Now, now that we've done this once, surely we're going to be capable of replicating this success. It seems unlikely to me that after such a six, engagement, you'd go back to your old ways of running stalkers into mines, right? That would seem ridiculous. And there is no way that he would ever do that again. I can't believe it. I just won't believe it. It's not going to happen. From this point on out, AS Frog is going to clear up every mine position with ease now that he has figured it out. After he's done moving around back and forth in this area, he's celebrating the victory. I don't even mind that. You're, if you have such a good fight for the first time in the game, you're allowed to, you know, kind of bathe in that victory, you know? Just sit there and, just let it, let it fall all over you, that victory. Ooh, the sweet, sweet victory. Beautiful stuff. Next one, we can do it. Cheeky blink into the mine position. Yeah. Ah. That happens. But we're not moving away. We realize that after the mines have shot, that they need. time to recharge. This is honestly still a better fight than 90% of all other fights in this game and thus an overall win for us because we're probably still outmining our opponent as well. This base was almost empty. It literally mined out in gas, which is impressive. Now, at the same time, S.J. Tiny Heads DC is also saving up about, what is this going to be, like 16 battle cruisers or something, which is impressive. Like, a battle. transition, a battle cruiser transition is one of the most difficult things to do in Terran versus Protols because if you build them one by one, it takes very long to get to a good number. If you build them three by three, it takes a little less long to get to a good number, but there's a very large period, or still a very significant period in which you don't have enough PCs that they really mean anything, and there's a lot of supply just missing, which is basically in battle cruisers. So that point is right now, or well, that point has been for the past three and a half minutes where these BCs have been building and kind of just collecting in the bottom left side of the map. And BCs in large numbers are actually really scary, especially if you only have stalkers, because stalkers are a tier one and a half unit and battle cruisers are tier 17. So you're always got to be very careful there. If the BCs get across the map and you're not in position, it sucks. Now, a quick thing that I do have against BCs is to get a guardian shield. A single sentry does so, so much against battle cruisers, because Guardian Shield provides two armor for everything within the Guardian Shield, which can be honestly basically every single unit on the entire map, because Guardian Shield has a massive freaking radius. Now against battle cruisers that attack at a very high pace, that plus two armor is actually huge. It just helps so, so much. It's just like having plus two armor against Marines. It helps an absolute Crapton, except against these Marines, because they already have plus one infantry weapons. Let's not forget, Chris. He's building a new marine. He's the fourth marine in the game. It's bad boy. The first one, though, with plus one infantry weapons. So surely he's going to make a difference. Bob the Marine. No combat shield, no stim. But plus one infantry. Gonna stand over the mines. I'm not sure what he's going to do, actually. It's going to clear this spiland with two tanks. Very cool. I mean, surely these mines are enough to stop our good friend, A.S. Frog from ever doing anything. whatsoever. The problem with allowing your opponent this type of battle cruiser transition is that once they get there, oh, all that thought. Oh, but we learned. Sure, the start. Sure, the start here was rough, and we might have lost a lot of for free, but now we're going to clear up this position. And nothing is going to stop us, except maybe the 17 battle cruisers in the main base. That actually might be a minor issue. I say a minor issue, I mean, now truly all the infrastructure is being taken out in a big way. So we have 17 battle cruisers against 41 stalkers. The end of the match, when he had his massive battlecruiser swarm in my main base, my stalkers outnumbered him 1 to 5. And he reiterated 1 to 5 in all caps. Now, I dropped out all of my math courses in university after 3.5 weeks. But 41 divided by 17. I don't think that gets to 5, or even close to 5, does it? Probably a little bit close to two and a half or three-ish. Two and a half, two point six, something like that. So that was a lie. You're not allowed to lie to me. People that lie to me, bad things happen to them. Those are facts. Can you remember anyone that ever lied to me? No, because I made them disappear. See? It's pretty crazy if you think about it. Also, you're not really fighting with your entire stalker army against, these PCs are you? It's like half your stalker army and the rest is running away. At this point it's 35 to 15. Honestly, you're not even performing that bad. Like you're actually not 13 against 25. Like this goes way better than you probably would think it is. The funny thing is people always believe that if they have a lot of units of something, that that then should beat less units of something. Even if the supply of the actual army is way higher for the less. units. That makes no sense. Imagine you would have four colossi against like 20 Marines. You wouldn't expect the Marines to be capable of building the Colossi just because there's 20 Marines. No, the Colossus A is a hard counter to the Marine and B, even if the, even if the Marines like outnumber them, that doesn't have to say anything about the supply that is there. Like currently there's freaking 12 massive like what is it, six supply units against 31 two supply units. Like supply-wise, this is better, isn't it? I think so. I'm so bad at math, honestly. I'm so ridiculous. I can't even... Yeah, it's bad. More supply in the better case. This is a terrible blink, but I don't think it's going to matter whatsoever. This also was not a great blink straight into the BCs. Honestly, the moment you allow your opponent to ever transition into BCs like this, I'm not saying you deserve to lose, but you really do kind of deserve to lose. It's a bit as if you have a one versus one fight with someone, and the guy starts like mining iron ore in front of you, like makes his own forge and starts just like blacksmithing like a massive sword, a really sharp sword and then stabs you with it. And then you start complaining about how sharp the sword actually is. It's like, well, maybe it has less to do with the fact that it's such a, you know, a sharp tool and more to do with the fact that you allowed him to do. all of that to get there while you were in such a good position. You could have just punched them at any point during the process. Well, it's like doing the mining or whatever. And you probably would have won, you know, the fist fight. I don't think there's sort of as much to do with it. I honestly don't even quite understand how you would complain about this game. You legitimately lost, like, how many stalkers did you? You lost 268 stalkers and your opponent lost 104 minds, despite you outranging mines and having 14 observers as well. Like, you just kept walking into the same position again and again. I don't think I've ever seen minds be disefficient without doing anything. They just sat there. They weren't actively being managed. They sat there and you walked into them. You're like the guy. At one time, I went for a game of laser tech or laser quest. I think it might be called in some areas of the world, like England. And there was like a Santa, like a static Santa at some point. and whenever you would walk past him with like your thing, he would shoot you and he would lose 100 points. And there was one kid in my party on my team that kept walking by Santa, and Santa would continuously shoot him, and my team would lose 100 points again and again and again and again. You're that kid that was in my team, A.S. Roque, you're the guy that walks into the Santa while Santa shoot you with his laser tag gun. And it pissed me off to no end back then, and it pisses me off to no end back now as well, or well back now, right now. You, my friend, just freaking suck and it's time to accept it. Stop walking into Widow mines. Widow mines and battle cruisers are tricky to deal with, but they weren't even being used this game. My man literally just left the mines wherever he borrowed them and didn't even stack up battlecruisers properly. So no reason to complain about this whatsoever. You massively sucked. And that is going to be it. That's the truth. Truth of the matter. Life is life. That also is going to be it for me today. Thanks everyone so much for watching. I hope you didn't enjoy this episode of Is it Inba? or do I suck where we had another sucker. Perhaps next week is going to be different. Maybe you're the one that is different from all the other suckers. Be sure to send in your replay in the Google form that is below in the description. And I'll see all of you next time. Don't forget to hit the bell. That would be swell and hit the thumbs up as well. Bye-bye. |
PERFECT MICRO! In Silver...? Ehm... Who's Going To Tell Him? | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | After a lot of higher elo games we go back to the roots today. The plays where we all started. The Metal Leagues! Although a lot of low-elo players seem to be quite aware of their actual skill level, there are also a lot of 'em pretending to be the next Serral or Clem and pretending like their percect big brain play is only stopped by inbalanced units. And of course it is impossible for them to swap races because of "honor"! So smash that like button and enjoy this beautiful episode! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-zwq_Yi-xdw/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | -zwq_Yi-xdw | Dear Captain, Bainlings are just O-P. I started with a golden double proxy reaper, where my micro was close to perfect, only losing all of my reapers to some lynx and a queen. Now, these two sentences are mutually exclusive. If your micro is close to perfect, you wouldn't lose all of your reapers to some lings and a queen. But whatever. After I scouted exactly what he was doing, zergs' constant pressure made it so I could never leave the map to attack. Even though I built full blue flame halions, mines and Thor's, the perfect counter to his Ling-Bane Murakamp, I was forced to turtle up as he sent unending waves of units. I trades so efficiently, but he just had too many units in his never-ending swarm. So, is Zerg imba? It is. All right, thanks for watching. Bye-bye. Or do I just suck? Asked by the Stutt Muffy, a Terran player in silver on the North American ladder. And here we are in the game between the Stutt Muffy, here in the bottom right as a red Terran, and Fuzzy Wuzzy as our Blue Zerg player. Great names, by the way, for both of them. Fairly impressive that silver players apparently just have more time on their hands to make good name. I like that he's elongating his time where he's in the vision range as well. Rather than going, oh crap, I've been spotted. Look at this, look at this. Look how painfully long this days. Here he gets spotted. Yeah, somewhere around here. He walks and he's like, oh crap, I got spotted. I can't build it here. And rather than just moving to the right side, he moves all the way through the vision of the overlords to the left. Also, I mean, to be fair, to be fair to the Stadmafi, how could he have figured out where that first Ovalord was going to go. I mean, yes, the overlord almost always goes in a straight line to the natural of the Terran player, or at least initially makes that, this type of line and then maybe go to the right to scout proxy raxes. So I guess it was difficult to predict, because this only happens in 95 to 98% of all ZVTs, where the first overlord makes this type of move. But, ay, aye, that is a very painful start. That is actually a very painful start. It got spotted. But I'm not sure if it got spotted, spotted. I don't think it did, because it's just a straight-up hatch first coming out of fuzzy-wuzzy. You saw the SUVs like, ah, it's just an early scout to make sure I didn't have a third base or whatever it would have been. So instead we're just seeing a, I mean, a proxy 2-Rex is always going to be powerful against the hatchery first. Now, there is a, is this a fast gas? Is this gas in time? I'm not sure if this gas is in time, actually. I think it might be in time. Yeah. There will be some downtime on this initial barracks. There's no second gas on the way. So I guess it's just, oh, there's going to be a gas on the way right now. So it's going to be a bunch of reapers here, exactly like the Stutt Muffy set in his palace complaint form. The near perfect micro with the reapers into losing all of them to some lings and a queen, I think, is what he said. Bunker, I like this actually. Just building it behind. so that drones don't see it. Now, usually zergs kind of have their overlord near their natural, so this type of stuff, it can be sneaked in, you know? That's a big deal when this does happen, because you can't pull the drones against that, that bunker is going to finish up. Nice little start here for the Stadmofi. I really do like that. Forgets to start the orbital command, which is an issue in my mind, and in the mind of every Terran that has ever lived. The reason for that is because whenever you get an orbital command, that just means you're going to end up getting, what like 225 minerals every 64 seconds out of a mule. So it's an investment that pays off within a minute. Unless you're planning on just killing your opponent with your 2-Rex proxy reaper, it's almost always just straight up going to be worth it. And also with this builder, you're just floating money, so you might as well, right? It's not like this is some three-rex marine stuff or four-rex marine stuff where maybe you can't quite afford it. Although I think with most builds, honestly, Taron always gets it. Reaper being controlled relatively well. The macro is not being controlled quite as well. We're seeing some major flotation here. Some major, major flotation of the money. Let's just say, if Stadmaffy was on water right now, he'd be rising to the top, my friends. He would not drop down like a rock. Closer to wood. It's the consistency of wood. What do you got? The density of wood. It just floats on top of water. That's what he's doing right now. Because he's flowing a crap ton of money. 600 minerals, still no orbital command. Now we finally start sending workers into gas. That means that a factory or of course a command center on the high ground is possible. I do kind of like the command center on the high ground because I think that Stadmafi scouted the fact that there was a fast speed being researched. And that means that if you do get a command center on the low ground, that potentially could get taken out. So this bunker is going to get... these reaper go in there. It felt like this position has been severely compromised at this point. Still three reapers alive. This isn't actually this is one hell of a bunker by the way. What is this bunker defending? It's like defending two buildings that can flow away. This is one of these positions where you really don't care about it. So let's just analyze this position for a second, okay? So if you're really a Zerg player and you see a bunker here, you literally do not care about this whatsoever. This is a red herring bunker. You see this and you might think that there's something important there, but this is just an area you don't need to go. You can take this as a third base. You can take this as a third. You can basically expand three, four, five. And then once you got five bases, you can think about taking out this bunker. Before that, there's no priority here whatsoever. This sometimes happens, though, is where people attack into this anyway, because they believe it's important. It's like when you're having a... Before we continue with the captain's great next analogy, I would like to briefly mention what's happening on screen because, as you can see, the Zerg is trying to get the high ground to prevent a Reaper jump in in the main. But this little elevating platform right here is just a visual asset and cannot be used by the Reaper. In fact, it is impossible to jump from that very low ground in the back into the main base. There's absolutely no way for the Reaper to go up, the ramp and the same goes for the other side on the left. It also is impossible to jump from that back third into the natural. So if the Reapers go back there they pretty much lock themselves in and the only thing you need to guard is the ramp. But I guess our Zerg player just is a great Star Wars fan and always has to keep the high ground. Back to you Kevin. It's like when you're having a fight about like who's supposed to do the laundry and in the the heat of the fight, all of a sudden you find yourself defending the use of green jalapeno peppers as a potent lexative or something like that, which is not, it should not be used as a potent lexative. It should be used to make your food slightly more spicy, although sometimes it doubles as well as a lexative in some scenarios. In the end of the day, you know, you have to do the laundry and you lose the argument about the jalapeno peppers. And that's what ends up happening as well if you attack this type of bunker. There's really no point to it. Just stick to the script. And the script here for the Zerg is going to be just to expand to third, the fourth basis, and that type of stuff. Meanwhile, at home for the Teren, we have one factory done, a second factory on the way. So I'm kind of feeling Blue Flame Helions here as a follow-up. I'm loving this bunker. Right now, this CV is saying, why did I build this bunker here again? I just remember getting the instructions for it, and I follow them. What are we defending here? What is the strategical purpose of this bunker? He's actually trying to... Is he setting up an attack here on the bunker? And he's spotting it right now. I'm like, hmm. That looks interesting. Maybe I should go for it. Pools the queens for this as well. That is a wild move, no? Like the bunker's gone. It was an illusion after all. Fantastic stuff. Okay, it's going to be blue flame Hallion. Oh, I thought the first thing he built was a reactor, but it actually was a, uh, the Tech Lab. All of this is being completely spotted by the way by Fuzzy Wazi, who has had some good overlords just seeing absolutely everything. I would love to just see a single Marine being built here just for that. Yeah, I think these two Marines, I completely agree with this call. At the same time, I also wouldn't mind getting a third CC here in the far back. You already have your natural up and running, you have your main base up and running, you already have good production, you don't really need to add on to that, especially not before getting a third base. Often Terran players get like a one one type of setup against Zerg and then get that third base already. So, I mean, a third base in my mind is long overdue. I appreciate the effort you're putting into getting a lot of Hellions out because that is really what you're doing, which also is, honestly, on this map quite a debatable choice. I just have to admit it here. Like just take a look at how this map tends to play out. Okay. What is the goal with Helions? A lot of Helions in the early game is often to deal damage. Now, this is legitimately, nah, not the, yeah, probably the worst map actually for it. Dead and Stargazers, because you can defend three bases by having a bunch of queens or a wall with like a rogeron and an Evo chamber or a bainling nest in an Evo chamber in the wall. And then the helions can't get in anymore. So it makes any type of mess Helium build on this particular map fairly weak. So the strategical choices here that Stadmuffy is making are fairly old. I'm also surprised if we're seeing you straight up hell. You never see this. You never see this. Do Helbats take longer to build than Helians? I bet they do. I don't know why, but I have a feeling about it. I think Helians take 18 seconds, no? And Halberts take 21. I'm not... I'm starting to second guess myself. Trying to doubt myself, whether Helians actually take 21 seconds or 18. I wish I could see another Hellion in production, but so far it's only Hellbet. I'm sure we'll see a Hellion later on though. Not to worry. We can always figure it. We'll table this for now. Double Metafx as well? Oh, this is just going to be a straight-up Hellbet attack. Hellbet's with Metafax for healing. This is fantastic. I also like the Depot drops being used here. No third base yet for the Stadmafi. Interesting to see here. Liberator coming out as well. No scouting, of course. No idea what's going on. No idea of a third base. I mean, you have one of the most powerful map control units in the Hellion. Haven't used it once. Instead, we're going for a double drop. Now, let's take a look at the actual situation here. What would have happened if 10 helmets with Blue Flame supported by two Madafax would have made their way across the map? In combination with these five Reapers as well, they would have straight up won the game. There's absolutely nothing here that can defend the push. Fuzzy Wuzzy is playing extremely greedy. and the Stutt Muffy, look at this, look at the investment that the Stutt Muffy made in things that aren't eco. Triple factories, we have a Starport out as well, an armory is out, and then we're getting a third Cc. So you'd say, okay, this is an aggressive build where you want to deal damage to slow down your opponent's eco or straight up kill your opponent. But this couldn't be further from the truth. This is actually just a harassment build. And a harassment build in this case makes no sense whatsoever because, your opponent has so many more workers if you invest this much in infrastructure initially that you'll need to kill 40 workers to be even. Now, four halberts with Blue Flame are very good and we can actually see them dealing a fair bunch of damage but I mean, queens are a thing and they're just going to be capable of taking this out. So far I think, what, maybe you kill like seven, eight extra drones or so. It's just not enough. Fuzzy Wuzzy is also floating a crap ton of money. Scouted the spire though. We see an immediate tour coming out. as a response. I do like that. Double Tor being a cued up. This is a Terran trick. This is how they make Terran propaganda. Not many people know this actually. But the way that Terran propaganda is created is that they'll take these screenshots of like a Stadmafi will do this, right? He'll take a screenshot of his own bank and compare it to the Zurich bank. Look how much better my macro is. But then in reality, Terrans will have like 17 SUVs queued up or in this case just an extra tour over here. It's these type of, is the types of tricks that Terran will use to pretend like they have good macro. I sometimes also see this in pro games where there's just like five SUVs queued up. They say, man, this Terran is macroing so perfect. Look at the money. It's like 12 marines being built in one barracks without a reactor. It's like, all right, buddy. Calm down. It's not that great macro. It's just, you know, you can queue up. It's different. Another thing that is very interesting to me here, by the way, is the fact that the Stad Muffy mentioned constant pressure being put on by the Zerg. While in reality, the Zerg in the first nine minutes and 13 seconds has put in exactly zero pressure. None. Absolutely none. So if you were to make kind of like a pressure skill and compare it with real life events, you'd have like being the president of a big and powerful country is very high up there, you know, or being a football player while 80,000 people are watching. Like I can imagine there's a lot of pressure. on you there. But what the Stutt Muffy currently has experienced is a lot closer to being a casual hockey sack player. Hackysack? Huckysack? He did a little thing at like a family reunion or something like that. You're playing with your cousin and your brother and maybe your dad. It's like no real competition. No one's even really keeping track of the score. And if you miss the, what's I called? The sack then, I guess, or the hacky? I don't know what it's called. It's like the little bag. I guess that would be called the sack. And inside are the hackies. Wouldn't surprise me. Where was I in my story? Right. The amount of pressure that you're feeling is closer to a family reunion. Hakey sack face off with your cousin and your brother. Then it is to, let's say, being the president of the United States of America. There's just not a whole other pressure here on the Stadmafi. And I don't think he can claim otherwise. I really like this dedication. to the floor's lava as well. There's some good cosplaying coming out of the Stadmafi. I also really like the fact that he kind of figured out how to battle the fake news and how to battle like this information. He figured out that if he just doesn't get any information whatsoever, he also can't be tricked. And he's absolutely brilliant. Smart man. It's the equivalent of just shutting off the internet. We should get tricked by one fake news article. He's like, alright, no more scouting for me. I've been tricked one too many times in my career. He's really struggling. What are he stores here? I love the priority. Look at that. Look at his priority seeking here. He's like 15 muras fighting with the three Liberators. You have these two massive guys with guns. They're trying to chase an oval or towards the right side. Trying to deny scouting of the Ford Gas. Oh no. He might see that I have three SUVs in it. He could make the call that I'm playing. that I'm playing Mac. It's like, all right, calm down, buddy. This is a really poor defense. I love that he actually had the Thor's ready as well for the Muras, because he saw the Spire earlier, but then still didn't have anything. There was no turrets in position in the... No, maybe there was one, maybe he lost it. I can't recall that. I think there might have been a turret there. There was no turret in the third way, so that's one thing I do know for sure. Oh, here comes the drop. Right. A brilliant move as well, actually. I hadn't thought of this, But going in with four meta facts, filled with eight halberts, while your opponent is playing Muralis, that is the type of move that you just need some big brain for that. I didn't mention it earlier, but whenever people send in an imbalance complaint form, they also have to write down their email. And I won't reveal the email of the Stuttmuffy because you guys might flame him, but I will say that the number 57 was in. there. And what I thought was that we might have one of the oldest people, you know, like, what, 66 or so, that's playing StarCraft. I was like, ah, it's his, his, his, his, his birth year. I thought I was kind of excited by it, you know, it's like, as an old fellow, just playing StarCraft in Silver. But now I'm starting to believe that, that the 57 might actually be just Stutt Murphy bragging about his IQ. Because so far this game, the, the level of decisions has been extremely low, just extremely low. It's kind of painful to watch here. How are these Thor's never in position? How is it possible? 22 mutas have gone down, and out of those 22 muras, only seven have been killed by Thor's. That means that turrets and liberators did the rest. I don't even understand that wall is up as well. Oh no. The sickest thing is that there's no reason for this wall to even be down. Because Stutt Muffy hasn't moved out in the past seven minutes, except for when he did it with Metafax. So there's absolutely no point. These are some nice splits as well here on the Bainix. Oh no. I hate it when I forget to lift my 400 mineral structure. To be fair, orbital commands only have 1,500 HP. So Stut Muffy had what, like maybe six or seven seconds to response. That is fairly little time for someone with the reaction speed of it. of Stuttmofy. But maybe it's both. Maybe he just has slow responses because he's like 66. But the reason why the 57 was in his email address is because he also has 57 IQ. It's like a double, you know? Sometimes people just get lucky like that when they have a double in life. When one number represents two things at the same time. Ah, I wish I was as lucky as Stadmuffy. Here I am. Born in 94 with an IQ of 185. Not the cap. If only I was so lucky as Stadmafi. Life ain't fair. Okay, Borough viewing researched here for the Fuzzy Wazi, who's by the way doing a great job expanding. Creep spread. Well, let's not talk about that. It's not been great, but the expanding I've been a fan of. I really have been a fan of that. Mine's doing some work. Love the positioning of them as well. 27 meters have gone down. Stadmuffy not quite understanding that this game perhaps is over. has, he's technically right now on two bases. But the Thor's might actually, there's a queen walk. This has to be the latest queen walk I've seen in my life. This wasn't like a queen brute lord timing, which you sometimes see. This was like a legit Ling Bane muta queen walk. The queen started walking as well at like the nine minute mark. But because there's no creep on the map or Overlord Highway, overwork speed highway, you know, there's, it took him a while to get there. This was an anticipated queen attack. Sadly, this base was already gone. What are these Vikings doing? 58 bailings on the way. Holy crap. That's kind of wild. Look at the amount of energy we have as from the orbitals. I don't quite understand how that is possible. I feel like that is one of the things that you definitely would kind of get at this point. Now it's like, okay. Well, actually, there's a lot of... How is it possible that he's floating money when he's mining with 24 SUVs? It's not even really mining with 24 SUVs. are the SDVs. What? Oh, they're all just idling. Yeah, I was wondering. I saw like two SUVs here and I saw like six SUVs mining dispatch. I was like, well, how is this possible? But I guess they were just all idling. Legitimately like 75% of his workforce idling. It's like visiting France. It's insane. Every single time in my life that I visited France, public transport is striking. It hasn't, I've been to France like six or seven times and every single time, like your train will get cancelled because there's a strike going on. Do French people actually work or do they just pretend to? You do see people like walking around there in business suits as well, but because it's in Paris, it might also just be because, you know, it's like a fashion week or something like that, just trying to look good. I'm not completely, uh, my working theory is that there's no work being done in France on a daily basis, but I'm open. I have an open mind to different theories as well. If you, for example, have a theory on what happens in France on a weekday, be sure to leave that down in the comments. I'm curious to hear what you all have to think about that. If you've ever been to France, of course. I don't know French bashing if you haven't been there. It's an acquired taste that you don't really understand unless you've, you know, unless you've been there. You need to get it. It's a feeling, okay? French bashing. You need to be there to get the street crud for it. Otherwise, it ain't fair. Now, this game is extremely over, and the only reason why the Stuttmuffy currently is staying in is because this is his first ladder game. That wasn't in the imbalance complaint from him, but I figured it out. This is his first ladder game, and the Stuttmuffy believes that this is similar to the co-op mission, where you have to defend the main building for 25 minutes, and if you manage to do that, you win the game, no matter how crap your performance was before that. As long as that main building survives, he's all good. In this case, he's like, oh, I can build multiple men. main buildings. This is fantastic. This mission is way easier than co-op. While in reality, his opponent currently is actually, let's do some counting with Kevin. A new segment. That da-da-da-da-da-da-d-counting with Kevin. Did-da-da, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven bases for Fuzzy Wuzzy. Oh my, he really missed. up, didn't he? Told you. No point. Against one, two, three, four, the Stuttmuffy. That was counting with Kevin. Back to you. Oh, back to myself really. She was dressed up again. I miss dressing up as different people and talking to myself. Always, you know, felt like I had some friends recording these conversations, hearing nothing back. But then in the editing room, it all comes together. That's what really matters. This is one. I love that Fuzzy Wuzzy doesn't really want this game to end. He's like mining more in this game than he has in the past 75 games combined. It's like, oh, usually I get like one base or two base all in, but this is fantastic. He's like he's practicing his macro, like building more drones face. There's 96 workers. Eight more, no problem. Plus two on the way as well. Oh, this is an interesting command. It's like a move command through the wall. That doesn't quite work. Holy crap. I wonder what the actual resources lost. The research is lost isn't even that bad. Like, it's not good. Don't get me wrong, but you would have thought that it would be a little bit better. But I guess it really isn't. 103 workers are out right now for Fuzzy Wuzzy. No upgrades, which just disappoint me a little bit. There's two Evo Chambers. I'd love to see a second spire as well. I like this getting plus to a flyer attack. Well, in my mind, he's never. going to build a muda in his life because every single time he builds muras he just flies them into mines there's still 15 mines remaining have we had a single overseer yet no do we actually think that fuzzy wuzzy is aware of detection and how that works i'm not sure if that's like what league do people become aware of like things like detection i i think pretty like it's one of the more important rules no is that that you can see invisible stuff because otherwise you just die i remember this frustrated ever-living crap out of me when I started playing StarCraft. I think there's legit invisible units and if you don't have something to see them, you lose the game. I always thought it was fairly broken until I started spamming DT builds myself and then all of a sudden I started liking StarCraft a whole lot more. I like that this base stayed up as well. Honestly, if you just look at the supply and not at the mini map or at the bank or at the worker count or actually not even at the supply. If you look at the army supply currently, you might think that the Terran is winning. But you would be mistaken. Because there's currently an 11K, 4K bank for the Zerg player. While there is, well, also it's actually a 2K bank or 1K, 1K bank here for Stadmafi. Which is fairly impressive. 11 more drones. And a second layer. This is the type of spending that you only do when you have too much money, you know? It's like people buying a 7. second yacht. It's like, do you really need a second yacht? Like, you already had one. You can just rent a second yacht? It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Also, yachts in general don't make a lot of sense. Like, the concept of a of a yacht just is very, very odd to me. I guess it's just feeling safe maybe for very rich people, like on a yacht in the middle of the sea. But then again, if you're an absolute billionaire, the people that will want to take you out are also going to be very rich so they can just shoot you down from like a helicopter or something, like some special mission team coming to catch you on your yacht. But what's the point? It's just like a crap house. It's on water. Like, it's way more expensive to build than a house of the same size. And it's going to be worse as well because you're on water. You can get seasick. What if you get a medical emergency? Like that type of stuff, I never quite understood. yachts. I don't quite understand keeping all the halberts in the same position, so the Bainling splash deals more damage. But then again, I'm also not a brilliant Terran player like Stutt Mafia's. I like that he's continuously walling though. If there's one thing that Stutt Mafie has done well, and right now, according to my count, he has done exactly just a single thing, correct. That would be the walling here. It's that he continuously rewals it and he understands the importance of walling. That to be fair, this is a fairly easy wall to make. Just four depots, so it's very easy. Unlike a lot of Protoss walls which are harder to make with pilots and stuff. This is an actual meat grinder. Like an actual meat grinder. It's only 11K difference though. Oh, we need to add some bases to the count. Oh my god, I can't even recall where I ended last time. Did I count this already? This, I can, I don't know. How many bases are on this map? That would have been easier to count. Oh, it's, it's a bit overwhelming for me right now. There's so many blue dots on the mini map. That I quite honestly feel afraid to, uh... Yeah, I feel very, very afraid to start counting. Like, what if I miss one and people will make fun of me? I'm not down with that, that's for sure. Petogen Glens? Of course. I think he's getting all these upgrades for units that I know he's not going to build. This is like some high level posing, you know? This is not real. Like I know there's not going to be investors or more mutas, but he got plus two armor for the mutas. I still don't really believe that there is Oversairs on the way. Oh, here we go. That was a really bad fight. I'm almost starting to believe. And the 25 minute is getting close. So right at this point in the game, the studmuffy was getting ready. He was like, oh my God, this was the big final wave. At the end in the co-op mission, there's like drop pods coming from the sky. That's also why he left the mines in the main base. And the Reaper there is like, oh, what if there's a drop pod in my main base? This is brilliant. He's already preparing for this stuff. I really, really do like that. There's some brilliant stuff. He's like just walling again and again. It's like doing the countdown. 52, 51, 50. Meanwhile, the big final wave is being set up. 2-2 halfway done. Seven more halberts being produced. Bam, another commenced. I'm so rich anyway. I'll morph it into a planetary. I'll float it to the corner. Just 35 more seconds and I got it. Mother refinery. Is this the first time Fuzzy Wuzzy sees this base? I think it might have been, though. I think it might have been. The Sudmuffy still is not worried at this point. Yeah, this is fine. I don't need this. I still have three commands, now two command centers over here. It's all good. Oh my god, it's gonna be another one of these, isn't it? Ooh, jeez. That's the zoomers would say. Yeah, right now the countdown is truly happening here for Stad Mafie. Four, three, two, one. One. One. Well, what a big win there for the Terran player. Very, very impressive. No, just kidding. All right, let's go back into it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Got him. People that weren't paying attention for a bit had me on on the background. Absolutely in shambles right now. Oh, is this the first move out? I think this is legitimately the first move out that the Stutt Mafia has done in... Well, ever since the Reapers. Oh, no, the Hellbad drops. I forgot about the Hellbad drops. How could I? How could I have forgotten about the Hellbad drops? Oh, Harstem. You silly goose. You silly, silly goose. Four more Thor's on the way as well. You know, the funny thing is, is this is an army that could almost beat the opponent's army. No, it could. It actually could. Look at this. Eleven halbats? If the mines were here especially. And if there were more hellbats. Why, hell no, no. Fight! Fight the lynx! If all of these were hellbats and imposition? I think these lynx could have died. Legitimately. If the mines were there, definitely. Okay, now this push is gone. This is starting to feel a little bit like the Black Knight in Monty Python. You know? The stud Muffy believes is just a flash wound, but in reality his heart has stopped beating like 25 minutes ago or so. Now stand aside, worthy adversary. Tis but a scratch. A scratch? Your arms off. No, it isn't. But what's that then? I've heard worse. The moment the proxy wreaks Reaper stopped working. 45K against 27K. So he's almost, well, well, Fuzzy Wuzzy is doubling the resources lost, but at the same time he's also like quadrippling the amount of bases that the Stutt Mafias had. Because we have one, two, three. 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 bases. Had it very fast. Oh, I forgot to do the jingle. Counting with Kevin jingle. A modern day classic. I consider selling the counting with Kevin concept to TV studios. Or maybe to Netflix. But I don't think the world is ready for this yet. We have another attack. one of my favorite things I kind of want to just show this fight again my favorite thing is that the Stutt Muffy rather than than just closing the wall entirely leaves one open because he knows that Fuzzy Wuzzy will go for a move command in so then you keep the small funnel for longer if you fool wall there's a good likelihood that the Bailings bust through it immediately and then there's a bigger hole because you kill two depots at the same time or three depots at the same time that's actually a pretty clever move. I believe that clever move is unintentional. The only reason I believe it's unintentional is because we haven't seen any other clever moves yet. And clever moves are something that is kind of related, you know? Like certain things in life is like random. You don't know. Like the things aren't necessarily completely connected to one another. But usually when it comes to intelligent place, these things are connected. It's the same with intelligent thought. And so far the Stuttmuffy has shown very little when it comes to this. Although, I have to admit, I like the planetary. I'm a fan of the planetary in this position as well, because this position has seen a lot of blood. This position has seen so much blood. I don't like how close the mines are to the planetary. That I do not enjoy as much. Because then with the bailing splash, they get taken out. And one of the big things of these mines is because there is no overseers, these minds have been way too efficient. If these bad boys would have been here from the start, like just on the low ground for the past 15 minutes or so ever since the Muras died, I feel like they would have been helpful. I actually really believe it would be helpful. I'm also thinking, is the planetary actually good? I think the answer might be no, because it's a structure that can be taken out relatively quickly. And it makes the Stutt Muffy feel more secure in the forward position. Well, he should be hiding behind the wall and shooting stuff from there. I like that there's a tank now. There's some really high tier decision making. Boof! 40 kills! What is this? No way. What? This mine has 91 kills. I clicked it before it died. It had 101. I've never seen a mine with 101 kills. That is actually the most insane thing ever. No? I think this is the highest... This is a world record, my friends. This is actually... a world record mine. Look at this guy. Poof. 101 is what I saw. Yeah. Before he dies due to the bailing splash. I actually cannot believe that. 101 kills. That is crazy. There is more kills than the Stad mafia has brain cells. N-IQ combined. He ha ha. Got him. 102 workers left for the fuzzy wasi. This is a fantastic game. I feel like it's a It's slowly but surely creeping towards an end though. As, well, the economic situation for the Stutt Murphy is rather dire at this point. There's nine more drones. Fuzzy-wuzzy just continues with the drones as well. He's like, I feel like the one thing I'm currently lacking is not tech or maybe better upgrades or hive. No, it's always, yeah, that's a hive. He's getting a better upgrades. Oh my, I said nothing. Or maybe, you know, broodlords or investors or roachers. or ravagers. He's like, no, the one thing I need right now is nine more drones. I just love that he has a plan and he sticks with it. The plan is Ling-Bane-Ling drone and sticking with the plan. I'm a huge fan of that. But I say again, don't fix it if it ain't broke. And I mean, this strategy definitely ain't broke. It might be broken because it's very overpowered, according to the Stadmafi, of course. That's still a claim we're looking into right now. Don't forget that. forget the entertaining factor here. It might be, you're kind of obfuscating. Nice word. Obfuscating. The fact that we're also doing on a very serious endeavor here, and that's trying to figure out whether this is imbalanced or whether the Stadmafi sucks. And we need to take all evidence into account. Ah, no, the drones get taken out. Better rebuild those. We only have 102 left. while your opponent is mining with six workers or well, mining with two. Ooh, e-base. It's like it has more HP, more bang for your buck when it comes to walling. I like that. A little bit late into the game to think of that when you have 53 supply. I mean, he knows... Okay, this just doesn't make any sense to me. What is this? He knows that there are bases here. He sees the creep here as well. He knows this. He is fully aware of how crap his position is. Why are we still in here? Maybe it just doesn't value his own time very much. Surely there are better ways to spend your time than this. But you know it ain't working. Some nasty mine shots. 75. Ha ha. Seventy-g-fool? How is he the fool? This is coming from the guy that stayed in the game that was over 18 minutes ago. Holy crap. How dare you complain about any other race if Terran has this many good defensive setups that it was impossible for our brilliant Zerg player Fuzzy Wuzzy to finish this game. He was up, legit, with like nine bases. He had nine more bases than you. He didn't just have nine bases, no. He had nine more. He had 13 bases. You had four at the end. You didn't even mine from one of the bases. You didn't even completely mine it out. this is insanity. You just, you just wasted Fuzzy Wazi's time. And this person, Fuzzy Wazi, is a very solid member of society. You can feel it, you know. He's doing good things for the world. He's smart, he's fast, he builds lings and bainlings. He loves a good economy. He's huge onto the economy. But you, all you do is you spam mines, hellbats and thores. Your thores are absolutely never in position for the MUDAS ever. You freaking scout the spire, and you still manage to lose infinite workers to Muda LIS. You never move out on the map. You open up with a freaking triple factory double reactor build and you take no map control with a unit whose entire purpose is to take map control, the helion or the halbat. You could have killed your opponent with an initial helbat push extremely easily, even with your micro, which, to be fair, has been extremely bad. There just got awful. I don't think I've seen a single split on any of your halbats. And yes, I also haven't seen a single split out of your opponent, but your opponent actually was macroing during it and doing other things. If you weren't macroing, you weren't microing, I'm starting to believe that you were doing one of those challenges where you do multiple games at the same time and not just two games. I believe that you were doing a challenge where you're playing nine or ten games at the same time. You're like a trackmania race, winning a game of Dota two, playing League of Legends with like your left pinky, the same thing, your feet, you're playing like some racing game or whatever. Like everything at the same time. And then you lost this game. It's like, oh, they look pretty broken. I don't understand how you can ever in a million years. complain if this is legitimately how you play. There's no sense of build order. There's no sense of any decision making or coherent decision making that makes any type of sense to me. You, my friend, suck. And he suck extremely hard. And that is it. All right. Yeah, that is actually good as well. Rather long episode of IOLIS. I'm sorry for that. I don't enjoy that either. These long episodes, you know, they heard. hurt my brain, this type of games. Oh, also, final thing. If you think that 57 is the birth year, the year of birth, of what's it called, Stuffy Muffy, Stutt Muffy, the Stutt Maffy, leave that down in the comments below. If you think it says IQ, also leave that in the comments. If you have a better theory, be also sure to tell me that in the comments. I'm very curious. I'm a big comment reader. I know this, but I love the comments. but usually there's no questions that I ask to be answered. But today, two questions. I can't remember the first one anymore, but two questions for the comments. That will be it. Like the video and share it with your friends. It's also important, especially if they haven't played StarCraft before. And just keep sending it again and again if they ask why you're sending it to them. So to kind of add on to the confusion as well. You send it the first time. It's like, hey, what is this? No response. Just keep sending the link until they watch it or they block it. you. There's no in between. All right. Thanks for watching. Bye-bye. |
The MOST BEAUTIFUL Surround I Have EVER Seen! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today we have a very mixed bag. On the one side, we have terrible map vision and grueling mistakes. On the other hand, we have the most beautiful fight I have ever seen in my entire carreer. So, what do you guys think? If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Sw3J4Ihnyoo/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Sw3J4Ihnyoo | Dear Harstam, Terran is Imba. I know you don't believe it, but trust me, after watching this replay, you will agree with me. My opponent is quite strong. Komoji Satori, aka Gu Ming Di Zhu in Chinese, ranked second in China's ladder. In this game, I kept my worker from exploding by his win-on-mine airdrop, and I defended two waves of attack. That's a heavy loss of my eco, but my dark templars overturned the situation, and I deployed a bunch of BG units in his base. Now, BG units for the people that aren't aware, is units that are built from the gateway. B is the hotkey for build and G is the hotkey for gateway. And Chinese players often describe buildings or units with the hotkeys through which they are built. All right, a bit of background info. Let's continue. I think I had a better resource advantage, so I attacked his third base, pushing with six colossus us, I know two colossus can't evaporate marines quickly. That's a 200 pop push, and at that time, Gu only got 150 pop. In the end, all of my colossus were destroyed, and I lost. I think the Colossus is suck in battle. Name is JV here. The race is Protoss and the Master League on the Chinese server. His opponent is the famous Gu, the rank two on the Chinese server. I never heard of him, but if he's ranked two, it's got to be pretty good. And the question here is, is Terran imbalanced or does he suck? And a specific request here to have a closer look at the Colossus. So that's what we're going to do. All right, so here we go JV in the top right against GOO, our orange Terran in the bottom left. On inside and out, a really cute map, and you see a probe heading over towards the bottom side. Curse to see how well these players do. Now, JV mentioned that Gou is the second ranked player on the two. Chinese server. I don't actually know what that means. As in, I don't know what the skill level of the second ranked player in the Chinese server actually is. Is that a good player? Is that a bad player? It is completely possible that all of the top players from China play on different servers, like on the more competitive servers, either Europe or Korea. I know a lot of Chinese players have been playing some of the European Cups as well. I've been performing kind of okay. I know a lot of the Chinese players enjoy playing on Korea as well, people like Time, Sai, and I think coffee plays on Korea. Coffee also plays on Europe. So there's a bunch of people there that obviously are very good, but I'm not sure if they play on the Chinese server. So it's completely possible that Gu over here would be like a mid-masters or a high-masters on another server, but it's actually ranked second on the Chinese server. I'm just, I just don't know. I have no clue what the actual skill level is what I'm trying to say. Now, we see a lot of mineral mining going down here and a slow rally into the assimilator. That means that we're not going to be seeing a stargate most likely. The moment you see maximum mineral saturation, 99% of the time, it's just either going to be a Twilight Council, some type of three gate pressure, or even in some cases even a robotics facility opener. God. Just thinking about robotics facility. openers kind of makes me shiver a little bit scares me it's a scary thought we do have a semi wall here well actually well no this is an actual semi wall um i was gonna say this is a semi wall because it doesn't wall out this area but i don't even think this wall's out this area either because i do believe there's i think this is a hole it feels like you this is a hole that needs to be plugged by an adept i don't know like i don't think you can't even put a pylon up here Hey guys, Hamster here with a quick intermission to check that claim because it appears to be a full wall. I cannot get my probe through that at all. And this seems to be because this little knob right here is actually unbuildable terrain. You can see the little X icon. And that's why this is still a full wall, even though it looks very deceiving. Here it is once again with a fully built cybercore. You can see it's not possible to get anything through there. So I guess that means harshdom actually sucks at Walling. Back to you, Kevin. Two pilots maybe. Or like a stalker you can put in there. That really sucks. I love the thought of Walling here, though. I'm a huge fan of that. I really am a huge fan of that. Because it only allows the Reaper to jump in through this spot. It makes it easier to deny basically anything, any type of scouting, any type of harassment as well. This is kind of interesting. Why is this so late? What? Okay, I'm actually fairly confused, but I need to see this again. What is this crap? Okay. I was so mesmerized here by the wall. I didn't quite see what was going on. So we have the cybernetics core finishing at 204. That's already four seconds late for a core first, which is relatively slow. Then we start off with an adapt warp gate and only then do we start the battery, not even instantly. a probe cut as well. Holy crap, this is a terrible execution here. Yeah, so this battery, it starts 14 seconds later than it usually starts with this type of play, or maybe 12 seconds later than it usually starts. Because what you want to be doing, if you get a battery in your main base, so that you can get your adapt across the map as quickly as possible without having to worry about losing any workers to a potential Reaper. It's a cool play that a lot of the Korean Protoss players used to love like, let's say, eight, nine months ago. Nowadays is not quite as popular anymore. But when they did it, they would always have the battery in time. Right now what's happening is that, A, you're wasting 100 minerals on a battery, and on top of that, you also still lost two workers, which is actually really, really bad for an early game here as a Protoss player, super expensive, super, super expensive. And there also was no blocking on the opponent's CC, which means that the CC just finishes for free well. This entire thing was completely useless. Not only the two probes go down for no reason, but also a battery has been built which is not going to be providing any value whatsoever in this game anymore for the next maybe what, four minutes. Maybe at the seven minute mark there's going to be a drop in the main base in which this battery will play a major role in defending. But I honestly find it somewhat unlikely. I'm, yeah, I just don't really see it happening. Seems like a mind-drop-ish follow-up as we have two mines coming out already. Could be a triple mine drop. We have a Robo coming out of JV over here. Robo before the second gateway. Now this is interesting because that means that the moment this gateway or the warp gate finishes, there's only a single gateway to warp in units with, which usually is, well, consider the mistake because you just have very little units. Right now there's only two units that could be dangerous. That really could be dangerous, having this type of a low unit count. There's going to be, I think, two warp in cycles without having a second gateway. That means by the time the mind drop hits, I think there's just going to be three stalkers and a single adapt. Simply not enough. You need to be in the perfect location if you have three stalkers in order to stop a mind drop, even if you have blink. Because it just takes so many shots to take that matter of fact down. Ideally, you have five stalkers by the time the mind drop comes in. You can easily blink in and to volley the meta-back, which is very, very important often. Now, here comes the mind drop. What's the vision like right now for our good friend JV? So he has one pylon here, has no vision whatsoever on the top side, has no vision on the right, okay, let me just say like, he has no vision, he's blind, he sees nothing, he has some buildings on the edges, but that's about it, that's as far as his vision goes. Now what's the unit movement like? Okay, we're moving towards some, no, there's not a middle ground. Okay, this is the opposite. Okay, this is the type of move that makes very, very little sense. This is giving me strong, let's just say, I'm very happy that there are no horse races in your town, or at least I hope there are no horse races in your city, because this is giving me strong betting all my life saving on horse number nine type of vibes. you're just gambling on one position here where the MEDAVec is going to come in. And the worst part is that this position is the easily scoutable to defend because all you need to do is either build a pylon here or leave the probe there and you completely cut off that far left side. So this area is an area that you never have to blindly go to because you can always 100% of the time, if you take a line base, you can always scout a Medivac going there because it's really easy near your third base. You still decide to gamble on that location. If a MEDAVac comes in from here, if a MEDAVac comes in from here, if a MEDAVac comes in from here, which is the case, you're going to be out of position, the mines are going to end up landing, and you will not be capable of getting MEDAVAC because you're not in time. And I think that's what we're going to be seeing here. You mentioned that you defended the Airdrop Widow mines well. You lost almost no workers, or you lost no workers. But it literally doesn't matter. Okay, this game right now, I don't want to say it's over, but this game is really, really good for the Terran. This specific situation, because basically he forced you away from your mineral line. He managed to move to a dead space, and he also killed two workers while keeping everything alive. He took no damage whatsoever. He just got free damage in. You're down maybe, what, like 250, 200 minerals after that move. You know, combining the cost of the two probes that you lost, as well as the probe pool away. from the mineral line. You also lost a bunch of gas. Maybe you weren't producing probes all the way through. It is just a terrible, terrible thing. On top of that, you're going to need to, because you didn't actually kill it, you need to keep all of the stalkers at home right now, which means there's not going to be any pressure on the other side of the map. And also, in your initial defense, it's really going to suck. This, this matter-of-fact can just boost in over here into your natural, especially if you're out of position like this. I would much prefer seeing two stalkers here, two stalkers here. That way you always have some stalkers in position and if you respond quickly, you'll still be capable of blinking for it and probably sniping it. But right now, if you're not paying attention, then you're not going to get any damage in whatsoever on this matter of fact. And that would really, really suck. Now, you're... Jeez. No scout whatsoever and you play three gate into double forge. This is after an absolutely atrocious early game, legitimately an atrocious early game. Legitimately an atrocious early game. Okay, losing the probes to the Reaper, building the battery for no reason whatsoever, then getting your workers fully scared away from the mineral patches, losing two more workers there and the Madovac staying alive. You cannot expect to build double fortress, double upgrades, which won't be ready for the first push. The first point of pressure where the Taron is going to test you is going to come before these upgrades finish. All of the resources that are being invested into these buildings and into this will not be used in the upcoming push. That is a lot of cash that you're losing here. And you need to pull out absolutely all the stops in order to make a defense. I don't quite see actually how you are going to be capable of making a defense if your opponent micros somewhat competently. Like you legitimately have no units. You have five stalkers, four of which are still tracking this mine drop. So really defensively currently, seven minutes into the game, you have an adapt, two sentries, one stalker and four zealots and I think an immortal just popped as well. This is nothing. Your opponent has 71 army supply with plus one. Look at this. Look at this freaking army, man. There's no combat shield. Combat shields also on the way. Now this is, this is actually a move that looks dumb, but might be somewhat smart. And the reason for this is, is that if you send in a run by, you force reinforcements to stay at home and also what you can do, you can often keep your, you can kill a couple of workers, which is nice at the same time. You know, it's like a double thing. Now, one of the things you do need to do, though, is move your freaking units in position to force field this area or to force field this area or to force field this area because you need to keep a ramp. You have zero units currently. You have an adept and two sentries, but you have zero map vision, so you have no clue if your opponent is even moving out. You're completely blind when it comes to that. The idea is very good, but the execution so far is god-awful. It's a little bit like the last Airbender movie from, I think it's like 2010 or 2009. Like, the idea is nice, but the actual execution was dog crap. This game, in my mind, should just be completely over. Like, there should absolutely be no way that you ever hold this. If the Terran focuses down, the super battery here, um, three, okay, the fact that this super battery got its entire duration is obviously really, really bad for the turn. This is pure luck that you manage to survive. This is trusting on your opponent's incompetence. You should have died here. If you do this fight 50 more times, even against Gou, you're going to lose probably 49 out of 50 times. This is the one game. You're a statistical anomaly in this game. You know, you're the lucky guy. You're the person that buys lottery tickets and wins and then says there was a good decision. No, you just got lucky made. It's a terrible decision. Buying lottery tickets is one of the worst things you can do in your life. The return on investment there is god awful. Absolutely terrible. It's the same as you did there. Now your 1-1 is going to finish. I'm really pissed off by this. I much would have preferred you just rolling over and dying here. Because then you would have been punished. Now defeat, this is the problem. My man JV over here, he's now getting the feature. that this is a legitimate move. This is not a legitimate move. This is illegal. He got away with an illegal move and it's not cool. Okay? This is like if you go into your local gas station and you steal a Snickers bar every single day and you never get caught, then maybe you truly start believing that stealing a Snickers bar is allowed. No, it's not allowed. You just got away with it. You just got away with it. It's an illegal place. I hate it. Absolutely hate it. Despise this move. Freaking double forge after losing four probes in the early game and not clearing the mind drop. I'm not sure what end up. I'm not sure what happened with the mind drop. I'm pretty sure that Hamster will have like a little, you know, a little camera there, like a picture in picture type of stuff. I don't know. I think it might have been F2 in or something. I don't know what happened there. Maybe we'll never know. Maybe Hamster won't even show it. That'll be quite something. I think he will though. We'll have to wait and see. God, that's exciting. What is this? These are stalkers. A hard position, huh? Very hard position. This is an observer. A good position. It's going to scout any type of move-outs. There's a prism on the way as well. I don't really like the follow-up here either, honestly, coming out of JV. Because we're getting into the territory where ghosts are a possibility where the mine... Holy crap, there's a lot of mines. You've 11 mines? That's a lot of mines, no? Is the main focus just on mind-prick? Holy crap. There's 14 marauders and 13 mines. This is an insane army. That's an actual issue as well here. If ghosts come out and you move out with these mines and there's no colossi or disruptors, that's a huge issue for the Protoss. The Protoss just continues without any splash units here and that somewhat surprises me. No storm, no colossus, no disruptors. Doesn't surprise me. Well, it does surprise me. It also confuses me. It's bad. There's no vision. anymore because he rallied the observer into the Raven. I think there was the second observer that he rallied into the raven, by the way, which is not a great move. Okay, so here we're going to go. Trying to sniper mine. No, didn't quite get it. Like, it is fairly important. I don't think it's possible to actually win a fight against this army. If you just have pure, pure gate units with immortals, you need splash. Like, yeah, like, it is just simply not possible. Like, look at this, 27 zealots. Like, 16 of those zealots will just die, and the rest of them will take so much splash damage that they basically also die. Like there's absolutely zero way that a push is going to be held. If there's also ghost, I was going to say, especially if there's ghost, but there's going to be ghost. So you get EMP and Mind Splash. What is this crap? I've never seen this. This is why Splash is so important. Disruptors against this would be having a field day or just Colossus as well would be having a field day. There is the potential here for a, for a counteract. I love this, by the way. This is the type of move of people that have made mistakes in the past. You know? These people, they know that they always have to when they panic. So what do they do? They put the prism in face mode. Yes, it is not brilliant, it is not beautiful, but it does the trick here. And I like this type of move. It's acknowledging a weakness that you have and then saying, okay, this weakness I can kind of circumvent by putting it in face mode. Often Terrans do this with liberators as well, putting them in like liberation mode. Now, this is another fight that you're straight up just going to lose, in my mind at least. There's three goals. out and there's freaking 17 mines. So this game is fairly over. This is an insane engagement by the way. Because it just came from three sides. Holy crap. I legitimately think this was one of the most beautiful engagements I've seen in my life. What? I didn't quite appreciate it in the first few sex. Look at this! He legit has a surround setup. up from three locations and then he also comes back with these with these stalkers. His opponent, this is like a trap. This is so satisfying. Look at this. Slow time speed, slow speed. Look at this. Oh, look at the mine shots. Just killing all the bio. This is like, sometimes you have these videos on YouTube where there's like a power washer cleaning a fence very systematically. You know, and I'm not big into power washers or anything, but. I like watching that type of stuff every now and again. It looks beautiful. It's the same with this fight. This is the fight you could see on like oddly satisfying Reddit. You know, with some like epic music under it or some like some meditation music under it. You know, if you're a little bit down, you can watch this fight again. Holy crap, that was beautiful. That actually was an insanely good fight. That's so sad as well for JV in a way because he's peaked. He's never gonna get a fight like this again in his entire life. That was legitimately the best fight he'll ever... He fought against like 18 mines. He is... He forgot to clear the mines. There's 18 mines over here. He's walking like 16 back home or like 12 back home casually. Casual stroll with the boys. Happers to do the best. Upgrade wise, it's about even. Still no extra tech though. I don't really like that. Robay had to be built like minutes ago, and it still needs to be built. I also think this is kind of wasteful at this point, where it's like, hey, you already dealt so much damage. Is it really necessary to continue throwing away gate units while you're outmining your opponent like by factor three? Like, no, I don't think that is. Like, this is absolutely not necessary. And it makes very little sense to me to pull this type of thing. move. Like having like four zealots or so, that's fine, but you don't want to commit too many resources to harassing right now because all you really need to do is stay alive. The moment you stay alive, you're going to be just fine. This guy walked through the mines. How did he make it actually? What? Did he just walk through the first two and then the others didn't shoot? I don't quite understand that. Ah, now these mines are going to get cleaned up, I guess, by the DTs. Yeah, makes some sense. Well, actually, dT warping is kind of risky. If there's a scan going down, you lose like five DTs, which isn't drawn. There is blink, though, so could have still blinked away. Yeah, just overall, by the way, just a sick, sick position currently for our Protoss player. Like, if we just actually just analyze this position for a second, like, there's three, three going down, or what is this? No, we already have plus three attack. There's like plus two shield. The moment you're researching shield weapons against a race that can remove your shields instantly, you know you have too much money. You have too many resources. It is just too rich, simply too rich. Second Robo on the way, Robo Bay. This is just such a good position. There's nine gateways. I wouldn't mind seeing like 10 or maybe 11 gateways. And I think a fifth base might be in order as well. But really the only thing we're currently lacking once again is map vision. Like the only map vision we're having right now, or that JV is having right now, is with the units he's attacking with. And they're about to die, so not too much map vision whatsoever. It's really difficult to respond to things if you don't know that they're there. This is one of the rules, not just in StarCraft 2, but in life as well, you know? It's really difficult to get rid of like a family of squirrels that's living in your roof if you don't know that they're living in your roof. It's practically impossible. So you need to gather clues as to what is going on. When it comes to squirrels, I'm actually sure how you spot squirrels living in your roof. You probably can just hear them. No? I bet squirrels make a crap ton of noise. Most rodents make noise. A lot of noises are. Fairly annoying. I wouldn't mind them as much if they would just be quiet all the time. You have a family of mice living in my attic. I wouldn't mind it. Yeah, okay, this is... This is exactly one of the ways that you could lose here is by having zero map vision and then an army moving in position with... How many mines is this? Seven... How does you keep making so many mines? Only has a single factory, right? Yeah. Even on a tech lab. It has to be some of the sickest mine production I've seen in my life. Quick scan. I mean, it's still going to get stopped. But it, yeah, it shouldn't have... It wasn't even close, actually. I was going to say it shouldn't have been closed, but it's still not close. So maybe even like this, you're not going to be capable of losing. The prism over here on the bottom side. This drop is going to get taken out. These colossi are going to get healed. It's a good defense here, honestly. Pretty much. Yeah, do like that defense. I'm okay with this defense. 178 supply against 116. Prism starts going in as well. We have the thermal lens coming in right now too as the triple drops are heading back home. 4th CC flying over. Actually, yeah, that's the 4th CC. Very cool. Second starboard on the way. Here it is. Some nice Zallet harass. This is the eye for detail that I need in my life. And this is the lack of attention for the actual things that matter as well. This is a detail-oriented person. Okay, look at this. I kind of want to go into the first person here. I wonder if he even looks at his main area. He's like, okay, let me just send my entire main army in the worst possible position. But he still has no clue. Imagine there's an army coming in from here right now or from here or another army just walking in from this location. All of that would have been possible. But rather than fixing this, well, rather big mistake of having literally everything out of position, we're taking a fifth base, you know, we're microwing the zealots out of the prism, moving the prism into position. This pretty much feels like planning your honeymoon with excruciating detail, like just every single day, every hour planned, and then realizing you don't actually have a girlfriend. And trust me, doing a romantic dinner for two, but just yourself, isn't as fun as people say it is. It's more sad and a little bit awkward as well. Okay, now the army is going to get moved out. Took about 45 seconds. There was a 45 second window in which if anything had happened, at like this base, the base would have just straight up died, or you would have to burn a recall, which is kind of painful because it wouldn't have been necessary. Game is still completely over despite these minor errors because luckily Gu, the second ranked Chinese player, wasn't on the map because he has no units whatsoever, because this game is completely over. Once again, we're moving into a position without knowing anything on the map. Um, I mean, I can't really say much about it. It's just bad. Like this is just bad. Why would you be on the far right position currently? We have no clue where you're, like if there's maybe like, like anything on the map. Like a medevac with eight marines or two medevacs with like Marauder Marine in there. Like you're just moving blindly, continuously. I don't understand how you can play like this. I really don't understand it. There's like the people that. walk around a house they've never been in with the lights off because they'll think they know it. They remembered it from the one time they walked through. I have no clue what these observers are doing either. Like they're giving extra vision on your own army. I guess against the 17 minds if they still accidentally are there, it would have been nice. Like the entire focus here of JV is wrong, but it doesn't matter because he's so ridiculously far ahead. I do have to actually make one note here and that is that there is no sentry in this army, which actually is really, really bad. People kind of forget about this, but the sentry is really good as a unit. It provides two armor, allowing you to basically have five armor upgrades, which is huge, having five armor upgrades. There's no other race that can do that. Well, the Ultra has it as well, right? They have the Kiteness plating. So they have a creptone of armor. But with a sentry, you can provide that for a large portion of your army. That is fantastic. And you should always in a late game composition, have that. always, always, always. It is so ridiculously important to have. I can't stress that enough. There's also no prism with this army, which means that reinforcements, that reinforcements are going to be impossible. I'm just, what have we been doing? Is this like killing the rocks? He started by taking out these rocks, then he took out the rocks in the middle, now these rocks. During this, his opponent actually managed to get somewhat of a decent army, like add like 25 army supply or so into this. Now, here comes the attack. Okay, it's interesting, interesting. Vikings start shooting on one of the six Colossus. Colosses get microed back. Colosses get microed back. Start attacking the command center. Colosses start microing back. Attack the command center again. How many swipes do you think that these Colosses actually had on the army? With six, I don't think it's more than 14 or 15 swipes. I would count it if I wanted to do that, but I don't want to do that. Now I'm gonna count it, okay? We'll count the stupid swipes. Because I feel like there, I'm not saying there might have been more swipes on the command center. But, okay, let's just have a look here. There is six Colossus, okay? Six. That's one. The first one that hits something. That's two. Three, four, five, six. Five, six. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Okay, 19 swipes with three colossus. Now, this was a fight that lasted, what, 15 seconds or so? If you would have just A-moved, this would have been way, way better. But because you were microing your colossus in such a fancy, weird way, it's like you get these really expensive units that are great in an army, but then you're so afraid to lose them that you forget to actually use it. There are some people in the world that have this when they buy a couch. I knew a family that bought a really nice, expensive couch, but then what they did is they put covers on top of the couch because they were so afraid of spilling something on it, but the covers make the couch look butt ugly. It's the same here. It just makes no sense. You have this really expensive, cool looking thing. Why would you hide it with your crap micro and not use it in the fight? This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. a low tier move. On a scale from 1 to 10, I would give this move a 2. And that's only because you get one point for free because you're a Protoss player. And I like most Protoss players. So really, you should have gotten a 1 out of 10 for that. And now you die against the counter. This is absolutely, this is actually an unloosable game. You've lost the unloosable game. You had the greatest fight in the world in this game and then you had the worst fight in the world is it is just so frustrating to what you play. It is actually insane. And now you're dead. Good job. Yeah. Timba! It's going down. I'm yelling timba. I speak a little bit of Chinese. This means my favorite song of all time is timba by Pitbu and Keisha. But timba is, it is supposed to be spelled timber. banger of a song as well God, brings you back. Nostalgia. What also brings me back down to earth is the play that you showcased in this game as it was pretty terrible. You had a constant lack of map vision. You never were in position for anything. Your macro was quite good though. I like that. Your unit composition switches were too slow. You got too many colossus. Usually you only want three and then you transition into disruptors. You went up to six but that isn't even the worst thing. It's not the fact that you got six, it's the fact that you got six and hardly managed to use them. That actually really pisses me off. The complaining here also doesn't make a lot of sense. You say that the Colosses are weak in a fight, but you didn't use them in a fight. You used them as like a massive walking distraction for the Vikings to shoot at, but that's already the job of the Vikings. So they were going to shoot at the Colossi no matter what. You could have just aimed them in. You would have lost them just as fast because your micro didn't actually stop any of the Vikings from shooting at any point. It just made your colossal shoot less. Your control in this game entirely was fairly bad, except for the one fight. Although I believe that was more luck than wisdom. I could be wrong. Maybe you have a fight like this every single game. If that's the case, I want to get more of your replays. I'll make a nice little compilation. I'll watch it every night before bed. I'll be sleeping like a baby every single night. Holy crap, that fight was beautiful. That was actually the most beautiful fight that I've seen in my entire life, I think. freaking three angles, the mines killed the entire bile ball. I love that. What I didn't love was your play. What I didn't love was the blaming of the colossi despite your crap control. You, my friend, suck. Taron is not imbalanced. That's it. All right. That actually is going to be it. Thanks all so much for watching. Hope you didn't enjoy this episode of Is it Inbalanced or Do I Suck? If you did, don't forget to the like button subscribe to the channel. Leave down in the comments what you thought of timber by Pitbull and Key. Do you like the song? Do you hate it? And what do you rate it? That's it. Yeah. Thanks for watching and submit your own IOTUS as well through the form in the description. Bye bye. |
Why Are My Capital Ships Not Instant Win?!?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Me sad. He broke my favorite capital ship :(( If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gImFwnqMdxI/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | gImFwnqMdxI | Dear Harstam, can you legit tell me how I lost this? My army value is superior, my work account is higher, I have carriers and storms, and he wins with Hydras? If he had beat me with Corruptor, Viper, Lurker or Ultra, fine, but pure Hydras? And people think this game isn't broken? I started off doing the Gateway Man build hero uses. It opened Stargate into ground units. The plan was... Okay. The Gateway Man build hero users. It's very specific of a thing. And saying it opens Stargate into ground units to cover what the Gateway Man hero does. It's like saying I made Gordon Ramsey's chocolate cake because I put some flour and chocolate in a bowl and then I tossed it in the microwave. Yes, technically some of the ingredients that are in Gordon Ramsey's chocolate. chocolate cake are in the ball in your microwave, but it isn't exactly the same thing. Like the Gateway Man that Hero uses, when we talk about that, usually it's low gas, it has multiple forges and a high eco with a very fast Ford base, saying that it opens Stargate into ground units is something that scares me, because that is not what the Gateway Man built that Hero uses is at all. But we'll let it rest for now. The plan was to go ground units, but then I saw he was not droning his third, so I tacked into carriers and high Templars since my ground army wouldn't beat a Mas Hydra Roach army, but Mas Hydra have such high DPS, interceptors don't stand the chance. There is no time to let interceptors recharge, my base will die, and then it's still game over. I can indeed say my comp counters Hydras, so I should win. That's how the game is supposed to work. The Zerg having 2-2 on ground against plus 1 attack carriers shouldn't matter much. He's on cheap Tier 2 units, so strong tier 3 units like carriers and High Templar should win anyway. For the amount of money and time carriers cost to make, the idea that 2-2-hydras beat plus 1 carriers with High Templar support is beyond stupid. If that's the case, the game is indeed broken. It's practically impossible to get 3-33 carriers unless you started out going for Skytles from the start of the game. that is no longer viable after the Voidre patch. I honestly don't get it. I can't see how this is anything other than broken. I made less mistakes than my opponent. Are Hydras imba? Or do I suck? Name, table, race, Protoss in the Diamond League with 3,500 MMR and the server is North America. And the question is pretty simple. Are Hyndras imbalance? Or does he suck? And we're here to find out. All right, here we are in the game on Inside and Out between Table. I love that nickname, by the way. It's a very good nickname. And Bill, which is probably just Bill's actual name. Our friendly neighborhood Zerg opening up with a, I think this was a 16 pool. Well, we have a post-gateway scout coming out of table. Now, there was one thing in the balance complaint form that actually still pissed me off a little bit. Just when I think back, although there were many things that pissed me off a little bit. But it was a line that I've kind of went over that I didn't really manage. but I do want to talk about it. And that is when Table said that the moment he scouted very little drones at the third base, he decided to attack into High Templar and Carrier. Now, that is a response that makes no sense whatsoever. And he put it in there like this was a common way to deal with Allens. So if there are no drones at a third base, this means that most likely there's a quick attack coming in. your way. How is the response to a quick attack trying to tack into the unit that takes the longest to produce out of the entire Protoss arsenal? Not counting the mothership. The carrier. The carrier takes freaking, what is it, 65 seconds to build. You need a fleet beacon before it as well. How is that a reasonable response to someone two base all in you? That's like saying, oh, I need to be somewhere in 10 minutes from now and, you know, if I drive by car, I'll make it in 8. you decide to crawl instead. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. The response, I like that he managed to make the analysis that, hey, very little drones at the third base probably means something is happening and I need to react to it. But then the actual response makes no sense and I can't even really find a justification in my head for it either. And honestly, he says carriers and high templars in the balanced complaint form. High Templars also make no sense because High Templars take a while first you need the Templar archives, you need to research storm is all extremely expensive and you also need to gather energy. So you need to invest a lot of resources and a lot of time before Templar actually have any defensive benefit whatsoever. Units that are good against Quicallin are things like sentries, batteries and cannons, immortals, high damage outputs, they can take a bit of a hit as well, very good defensively. In combination with sentries and static defense, that is a type of unit you want to be building, maybe even throw out a void ray if you are opening Stargate like we're seeing here. This is one hell of an opener, by the way, double zealot with a battery as well. That's because this was a pool first. And my good friend Table has never watched my guide on how to beat every single pool first. And as he comes up with a response himself, which is obviously subpar, but he did not manage to die. Well, I mean, it would be fairly difficult to die against two lings that got built from the pool first. But he's in an okay spot. Bill is also playing a build that is not a build. If Lombo would see this, he'd probably have a heart attack immediately or he starts shaking at a very high pace because he's getting very upset by this. This is a two-based roach build. I would not recommend this. If you're a Zerg player and you're watching, low Queen Count, low drone count, roaches suck at attacking. Roaches kind of suck in general. Yeah, this is just not very good. Third base of the Zerg is at the exact same time. here is the third base of the Protoss. So the Protoss naturally is going to be a hat. Protoss, by the way, hadn't scouted that there was no third base. So it just kind of blindly took a third base. Could have been getting NIDIS All-L-LIN. No Vision in the main base. Could have been getting, well, actually just Nidus All-In. It's not like there's too many two-base all-ins. Two-base Nidus Swarmhose, maybe, which is technically a semi-macro build, but also not really, it's also kind of all-in. So, yeah, I can't really think of anything. zergan do on two-base. like a two-based Hydra Ling Al-Lin, would technically be possible, but not very popular, also just not very good. All right, let's take a look at this Gateway Man that our good friend Table spoke about. Let's have a look at this. Well, first of all, we're lacking probes, which is bad, continuously not building probes, is a mistake with a build that is focused on high economy, high production, like lots of infrastructure, and quick expanding all over the map, while at the same time trying to deny your opponent's fifth base and harassing drones on the third and fourth base and maybe even getting a prism in towards the main. Don't forget that when you're playing Heroes Gateway Man style, often you want to be playing it with two forges as well, because you're relying on such basic and primitive units. And you know what the beauty is of basic and primitive units with good upgrades is that they actually can perform well against higher tier units. This is something that is interesting to note. It's something that Table also noted in his balance complaint form and something that he complained about the Hydra being a Tier 2 unit with good upgrades being capable of taking out the carrier. So just keep that in the back of your head for now. So here we get the scout. I think this is the scout that gets talked about, right? Little drones, or in this case no drones at the third base, it's going to scout the other. I actually really like this. You know, this is actual good scouting. I'm fairly impressed by this. I'm going to pause here for a second and just kind of explain what we saw here. And especially for diamond level, I think this was really cool. Oracle flies in, sees the lack of any drones on the third base, realizes that something is up, flies over towards this location to make sure there's no base over there with drones, which I think is a fantastic call. What if the fourth base is the one being saturated? I mean, it is not the highest level. People do weird things all the time. Sees that there is no fort base, flies into the main, throws out a revelation, and rather than trying to kill half a drone or fight with the queen, just flies away. I really, really like this entire sequence out of this Oracle. The scouting is absolutely flawless here. Very good cause. And something you don't honestly see that much at this specific level, 3,500 MMR in America. I don't think this is supposed to happen. Now, the response here. What was said again? Right, it was said that the moment scouted the lack of drones on the third, you wanted to attack into Templar and Fleet Beacon. This got scouted at about the six minute mark. Let's see if we can figure out when that carrier-templar transition finishes up. I do like the double cannons here, actually. I think this is somewhat okay. I'm not sure where this gas isn't being saturated. Okay, here comes the Templar Archives. Huge fan of this. This also makes no sense, by the way. Like, the entire transition of Templar Archives at this point makes no sense because you're playing a low gas build order. Like, you're playing off of currently two gases while you're taking a fort and a fifth gas and not having a third saturated. And then you're pretending like you can actually tag into Storm or Aracons. Like, you have 900 minerals in the bank and 74 gas. By the time you have enough gas for a Templar, your opponent will be on five bases with 95 drones. Like, you just simply don't have the resources to get Templar with Stormout right now while also trying to, you know, get some other things, like the necessary sentries, which in my mind, you probably want to get one or two at this point. It probably would be useful against someone that is... I'm actually not quite sure what this is either. This build, to me, doesn't make a lot of sense, because this is a low drone, late third base, double evo build so I can understand being confused by this seeing all the information being confused but the thing is stable wasn't confused he was fairly certain of what was happening here right he said oh yeah I think I'm being a lynned well he didn't say he was being a land he said there was little drones on the third base response to that was carriers and and storm so he scouted it at six minutes don't forget start storm at seven minutes and 40 seconds So that is about a minute and 40 seconds later. Then storm starts and that will take, well, without Corona boost, about 80 seconds. So if this all-in were to hit anywhere within the next two minutes after being scouted, the response to the all-in would not have been ready to the all-in. So it's not a good response then because most all-ins, if you manage to scout them, will hit within the next 15, 20 to 30 seconds. your opponent has given you or is giving you three times as much time or four times as much time than you ever really should be getting. Like this is not a fair response to an all in. Also, my initial suspicions of you not understanding what the hero gatewayman build is have been confirmed this is not the hero gateway man. This is just standard zealot stalker storm, which people have been playing for 12 years or 13 years. It is just a rush into Templars to get Storm out because Storm beats basically everything the Zerg has that isn't a lurker, an ultra or a brute lord. Like, this is something that people do. They pretend like they're playing something that they aren't. This is not the hero build. It is not close to the hero build. It doesn't resemble the hero build. The only thing that you and the hero build have in common is that you build a Stargate and some gate. and some gateway units. That is it. It's not, this is no second fort. There's no aggression. There has been literally no run bys, no nothing. As I say that, of course a runby gets sent out. Actually, can't believe this crap. Oh, no, it's not a runby. It's the entire army moving towards the left side. Then there's Ling run by and then you'll F2 back home. Or you lose the fort base. Two options here. Or a warped. There's actually the correct response. I said nothing. That was not table. I was being too negative there. And I apologize for that. That was uncalled for. Nice and sincere apologies. Take a look at this fight. Roaches and Hydro is in position. All right, all right. A move into this army. Solid decision making there. Let's just assess the situation once more here. Like just, just while we, you know, while we attack, let's, let's see if there's any clue as to how this fight would go. Now, what are the things we usually look at? that. Army size, army composition, upgrades. Upgrades were down. Army size, we're down. Composition, well, we have zealots going to be fighting into Roach Hydra without any splash, without any immortals, without any zone control, or did you call that zone control, force fields, like a map control, I guess, without the ability to easily cut off parts of the army. So at this point, that should be, well, abundantly clear in my mind. Absolutely abundantly clear. But it is not the table. Table moves in, loses all of his zealads, and it says, you know what, now that I've lost all my zealads, might be a good time to retreat, and decides to just shift click back home. Luckily for Table, he already has the one Templar. Ooh, look at that. Is that the first one we have? Yeah, first Templar. So at, well, he had Storm a little bit earlier. Let's say at the nine minute mark, there was one Templar with Storm. Great response to the All-In that should have hit at like the six minute mark. Fantastic stuff. Three minutes late. When it comes to the carrier transition, which was a response to the low drone count, let's not forget about that. We finally finished our fleet beacon. So that is four minutes after the initial scout of the All-In, the response is started. We're halfway through our response to the All-In right now. Halfway. Fantastic stuff. Absolutely brilliant. This is what I live for. What was the noise? Oh, there was a stasis word, I think. That's very loud in my ear. No map vision, by the way, except for this one salad here on the right side. Nothing here, nothing here, nothing here, nothing at the rocks. Every single way of being attacked is not being scouted right now by table. So everything is a surprise. Everything. Literally every little thing would be surprising to table right now. lings coming from this angle. Oh, a surprise. The entire army being here. Ten lurkers popping in between your natural third and fourth base. Massive surprise. Like, it's great to be easily surprised if people are hosting a surprise party for you, but it's not so great if you're playing a competitive game of StarCraft 2, my friend. You need information in order to win. Oh, what the army? Where did that come from? I wish I had tools to figure it out, like putting a zealot on the map. But no, that would be possible. Loses 20 zealots before the fight starts. Then storms the entire army, which is the correct call. My tone of the voice made it sound like that was incorrect. But storming was actually very good, and I like that as well. And then destroys the army. If you were to look at this fight, okay, and just analyze it from start to finish, I don't think it's possible to come to the conclusion that the Hydra was too strong here. Literally, Protoss lost half their army for free, then threw down four spells, and killed every single Hydra inside. Then all there was level was roaches, and the carriers and zealot. clean that up as well. And all of that, despite the Zerg being up in upgrades. So I look at that fight and I think to myself, yeah, seems pretty fine. I built a tier three unit. I invested a lot of gas and time and resources into the Templar and this all paid off so far. I think you can pretty much say that this composition works against the opponent's composition. Now, of course there are some caveats. The moment you're playing against someone with better upgrades than you, your units will perform worse. And you can say, yeah, but my thing is supposed to beat his. And the composition, yes, composition is very important, but upgrades also are very important. Imagine you're fighting someone, imagine you're fighting someone, and he has a sword and you have a shield. Now, whenever he tries to hit you with his sword, you might want to put your shield in front of your face or your body to protect it, because, you know, otherwise you get killed. And that's not very nice. Now, if your shield is made of twigs and branches and plants, despite the correct response to a sword usually being putting the shield in front, with this particular shield, it is so weak that the sword might just be capable of getting through it and actually damaging you. So despite you having the correct counter to your opponent's weapon, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're also going to be winning the fight. And that's going to be the same with carriers. If your opponent is on 3-3 with Hydra and a couple of roaches in there for some ground unit tanking, and your carriers have plus one, yeah, the fight is just going to be difficult because your opponent just has way more power. Like that is also kind of a, this is one of the lines you use, no? That's how the game is supposed to work. For the amount of money and time carriers cost to make, the idea that 2-2-hydras beat plus-1 carriers with high-templar support is beyond stupid. If that's the case, the game is indeed broken. First of all, I'd argue that so far it kind of has been shown that carriers with high-templar support perform very, very well against hydras. But even if it were the case that these hydras splits are a bit better and there's 3-3 upgrades, and then the plus-1 carriers lose, I don't think that would mean that the game is broken. It just shows that there are multiple areas in the game where it can be ahead and behind it. I think that's a very healthy thing for a game. If the moment someone gets a certain unit out completely hard counters the opponent's composition, it just isn't as interesting anymore. You're just hard countering each other's composition. There needs to be very many variables in the game for it to have interesting fights. And that is the case in StarCraft too. I think that is a good thing. I don't think that's a bad thing. And I definitely do not believe that that makes the game broken whatsoever. Okay, now next fight, we have nine carriers, eight Templar and 39 hydras. We hit one storm. Let's see a bit of a moveback. A couple extra interceptors going to be taken out here. A couple of extra storms, two more storms hitting. One on the hydras, one on the roaches. Seems like a pretty decent fight to me. I think this looks very, very good here for the Protoss, honestly. That's not the greatest storm, but it shouldn't really matter either. Yeah, pretty much pushes this back. Kills like about 30 hydras, loses nothing. but this is yeah needs a storm again like the storm support is a pretty important part of the carrier High Templar army because carriers by themselves especially this poorly upgraded wouldn't perform insanely well against hydras right and here what you want to be doing is rather than sending in five interceptors at a time when they're being rebuilt is just leave the carriers back for a bit You are up in some zealids as like cannon fodder and you use the Templar to kind of zone out some of these hydras. That is a very important thing to do because that way you can rebuild the interceptors. If you're just going in every single time with three or four interceptors, yeah, you're never going to be building up a superior interceptor count. Move command. Missing a storm, missing another storm. More interceptors just being given away for free. Storm, storm, storm, storm. Storm, storm? Storm, storm. Hello, I know we have storms. I find it very difficult to believe that none of these storms are hitting. Don't we have any storms that? Oh, they just morph all of his Templar into Archons? That's not a good call. And now there's only five in a... This is the worst way to lose, by the way. Like legit there... I'm not even sure if it's over yet. How many gateways do we have? 11. Big Salad warp in. Move the carriers back so he don't lose them. Like, I look at this fight and I think to myself, yes, 2-2-hydras beat interceptors. How do win with hydras? Well, the hydras are 2-2. Oh, it's over. Very nice. The hydras are 2-2. The Protoss has two cybernetics scores. Okay, it has plus 2 at this point as well, with no more interceptors. And went pure carrier without using the Templar. most important part of the fight. So when there was a lot of hydras and they're, you know, they killed all the ground units. Now they're just fighting pure interceptors. At this point, you want to storm for two major reasons. The first reason is that hydras have very low HP and if a storm actually hits, it will kill them very quickly and then the interceptors can kind of come after. The way you want to do it is you want to use your storms to zone out the hydras and then you want to use your interceptors to kind of clear them up in a way. You don't want to first lose all your interceptors because then the micro against the storm will be easier. Another reason why you want a storm is because it forces the Hydra player to not fight with your units or lose them basically. He'll need to lose DPS to micro away from the storm or the hydras will simply just die. So that's why you always just want to be kind of occasionally be throwing a storm here and there, not seven at the same time, but one and then another one and you want it. It's important that they hit the hydras as well. I saw four or five storms there that either hit like half a roach or two hydras or they just hit, you know, a poor critter that was accidentally walking by. It was just mining his own business in the wild. He's a fight. Like, oh, that looks interesting. A storm on his face. I'm not actually sure a storm kills critters now that I think about it. Probably does. Yeah, you just lost all of your interceptors here without using any of the storms. All the other fights where you had storms and carriers together, you pretty much won. Even the start of the final fight went very well. Your opponent had to rebuild 26 hydras at once. Well, you basically lost like what, maybe six or maybe eight supply or something like this. All the fights were really good. You just had one extremely bad fight and then you died. And this also was against an opponent that was extremely all in with a very high army supply. You could have built cannons against this, could have built more batteries. You could have maybe done a little bit of a zealot run by while this was happening to force some of the units back. There's a lot, or to stop the reinforcements from instantly going to the main army. There were a lot of things you could have done. But I don't think that this really proves that hydras are the hard counter to Templar carrier. Not at all. Like, the Zerg player trades extremely poorly for a very long time until you completely throw a fight. And then you're like, oh, hydras are too strong when you didn't storm whatsoever. Like, you can't say that Templar carrier isn't good enough if you don't use. use your Templar correctly and you don't use your carriers correctly. That has nothing to do with the unit and has everything to do with you. On top of that, you had no map vision, had no harassment, no static defense whatsoever, and your upgrades were slow. All of that together, you suck. And that's just the way it is. All right, my friends, that's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba? Or do I suck? If you did enjoy this one, don't forget to the like button, subscribe to the channel. and hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video here on the Harsham channel. Bye-bye. |
Selfproclaimed PvT GURU Loses To IMBA Build! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Just listen to the words. Of. Wisdom. If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/FTASNz588kc/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | FTASNz588kc | Dear Mr. Harston, I have been severely violated by a fellow countryman of yours. As I'm ending up on YouTube losing to a Terran anyway, embarrassing, I figured I might as well send it to you as well. See, I faced a 5.6k Terran thinking, this will be easy. My pvt is 64% win rate. But nothing could have prepared me for the endless stream of pure horror that would be coming my way. I scouted double gas into factory and react accordingly. I then see that he is going for mass cyclone and widow mine. Now, while I have never played against this in my life, I figured mass stalker and two-time Robo Disruptor would easily deal with this, but he hit me so early and everything died. Widow mines were all over my natural and killed the disruptors as they popped. That's when I realized, dot, dot, dot. This is Utermal doing his YouTube series, which he confirmed to me. I believe this comp is unfair, And the only reason it's not used in ProPlay is because it would be nerfed instantly. Cyclops alone. Now, I assume that the submitter means cyclones here, because I've never seen the unit Cyclops before in StarCraft 2. Anyway, Cyclops alone, I can deal with. But Widowinds counter everything anti-cyclone. I am saddened at the MMR I lost because if he played a real match, I would have easily rolled him up and smoked him like a camel. my PVT is 64%. So harsed them, what could I possibly have done to beat this when everything loses to it? I admit I could have kept better track of my observers and accidentally build a colossus, but other than that, I believe I reacted fairly correctly. Answer me, Captain, do I suck? Or is Terran completely broken? So Emil versus Eutermal it is. And this is Euterremo doing one of his YouTube series, where he does one type of build order or one type of unit style, and then he starts in bronze, I believe, and then he takes it all the way to Grandmaster, similar to what Beastie Cutie used to do a lot of in the past. And Emil was the victim of this. Doesn't quite know how to beat it, despite his 64% win rate, by the way, case you guys weren't paying attention. I feel like Emmo is that one friend that once got like a 7 out of 10 on his English test. And ever since that point, whenever there's like a movie you're watching in English or whatever, He goes like, Hey, guys, my English is pretty good. I once got a 7 out of 10. Like, yeah, whatever, Gary, no one cares about your English. Let me watch my movie in peace. That's what I feel like Emil was doing here as well. Kind of similar vibes there. He mentioned it twice, the 64% win rate. It's also not really that impressive. That's the thing. It was like 85% win rate. I'd be like, oh, that's actually really high. 85. 64 is like, it is slightly better than normal. So, I don't know. I wouldn't be. I wouldn't be so proud of it. At least, yeah, I don't think I would be so proud of it. It seems like a very weird thing as well, especially because the win rate percentage is not like an absolute number. You know, it's not like MMR, where you can be proud. I've got 7K MMR or I got 5K MMR. That's pretty big. But 60, like, there are bronze players that might have 64% win rate in PVT, but then they have 20% winning rate in ZVP, and they could brag about the same thing. It's just an overall, there's a really, a really odd thing to brag about, now that I think about it. It just doesn't make a lot of sense, the win rate in an individual matchup. Unless you play at the absolute highest level, because then it actually does show that you're probably one of the best in that matchup overall in the world. This is interesting. Just a standard core into Nexus opener is what it looks like to me. The scout is going away. Didn't quite confirm what the first unit is. You can usually see whether it's a Marine or a Reaper first, didn't went in to confirm this. Ooh, Mr. 64 win rate. Look at this. Now, this is a cybernetics core that finished at, I think it was 204. Okay? The adept started a second and a half after the core finished. That's bad. Don't get me wrong. But the core being four seconds too late at 5K MMR, that is actually pretty bad, especially if you're consistently bragging about how good you are in PVT. Yet one of the most basic things, which is actually getting your cybernetics core in time, doesn't go right. This is really important because there are two main build orders in this matchup. One of them being Nexus before core, which delays your core by about nine seconds, and one being core before Nexus, which delays your Nexus by about nine seconds, because you switch the order of the buildings. That's how the game works. In this case, we get a new build order. We get the core into Nexus, but the core delayed by five seconds. for no reason whatsoever, so your adept is still later. Now, what does this do for the Protoss? It might accidentally trick your opponent into thinking that you have more money than you actually do have, because they believe you went Nexus before Core. This is just a bad build, and especially for someone bragging so much about the fact that this PVT is fantastic, it's quite frankly a little bit embarrassing. But let's continue watching here and let's not judge too hard quite yet. It seems like a Robo or Twilight. Yep, Twilight Council is going to be constructed here. 235 is kind of laid a bit low on the gas mining, perhaps. Not a huge fan so far of anything that's been happening yet. And a second chrono on a gateway unit, which makes some sense given the fact that Emil scouted that there was a fast factory coming down. I was going to send this back in. I really like that move as well, actually. I love this probe just going in and wanting to know what's happening. It's going to figure out that there is a cyclone. This is a huge, huge, huge style. You can... So if you open like this against a two gas opener, Terran cuts a massive amount of economy, like four, maybe five SUVs even get cut out of this build compared to a standard one gas expansion, and they get way faster factory units for that. This can be annoying for TOS because you don't have any scouting information, so you don't know what to respond to. But right now you see your opponent is probably building one of the worst Terran units in the world, the cyclone, and he's doing it at a very high pace, cutting some of his eco that makes sense given the challenge that Utherm was going for, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense in a standard game. This is a massive advantage right now here for Emu if he had actually produced a second gateway yet, which for whatever reason isn't quite here as of this moment. I'm not entirely sure why we don't have one quite yet. One of the main things in StarCraft 2, and especially for a PVT expert like Emil with 64% win rate, would be to have at least one extra gateway finish the moment Warpgate finishes up, the moment it finishes up. The Warpgate research, that is. However, what we're doing here is this was about 92 seconds in. these two gateways go down. So that means they're basically 40 seconds late. This is fairly embarrassing, in my opinion. Like, it's just... There is no real point to having these gateways be 40 seconds. Like, the third one, you can't quite afford, but the second one needs to be there in order to provide for good unit production. You need more units usually early on. And these are... The thing is, is that I'm not even sure if these are decisions, or if they're just sloppy. So my man has been bragging this entire time about being very good about it. And then when push comes to shove, he pulls this type of crap. It's as if someone is bragging about being really good at football, then you pass him to football. He trips over the ball and poops himself on the way down as he falls to the grass. It's like he loses pretty much all credibility to in the future kind of claim himself to be a football master. It's like, you remember, you know, I'm a football master. I remember all the members you pooping yourself and tripping over a ball. ball. It just doesn't quite have the same ring to it as a as a football master. And it feels like it's the same here with Emil. He just, he's like this self-proclaimed PVT guru. And all he does is build buildings too late. And also kind of in a nonsensical what is this actually? Like this is a three gate blink without a prism. So then what is the point of the three gate? You can't really reinforce this push. There's not even a proxy pylon. It seems like he just thinks that having three gates is a nice amount. And now there's a forge before a Nexus. This is absolutely not a build order. Like the fact that this can give you a 64% win rate says more about this MMR than it says about your actual skill in PVT. Because these build orders are just not good. You can't, okay, this is actually insane. Just everything is late. Just every single building that Emuel is building here is way too late. It started with the core, then the gateways. Now the robot. If you're playing a two-base Colossus build, for the love of God, make sure that your robo bay starts before 440 or 445, you can't start it at the, what is this, 510, 508? Like, that's just 30 seconds too late. And why are you starting such a fast robot bay against pure cyclone? I'm not so sure if that is useful. One of the good things you can do against cyclones is just getting a lot of stalkers out. A high microability makes it difficult for the cyclones to actually chase you if you have a lot of smaller units because a cyclone can only attack one unit at the time. And cyclones, you know, you don't build them so fast. You have two factories. They're relatively expensive. You can just outmass your opponent with mass stalker, basically, and then much slower transition into those higher tech units. If you get six stalkers and two colossus and your opponent has eight cycles, he's going to be pretty happy. If you have 16 stalkers, he's going to be a lot less happy because it's way harder to micro against it as the cyclone player. So if you figure out that your opponent is massing cyclones, it's probably better to initially stay on a higher stalker count and then later on transition into disruptor. I love, by the way, that he mentioned, that he built an accidental colossus. That's what he said, right? And accidentally build a colossus. I love that he said, accidentally build a colossus, but then also is getting thermal So this shows there is some premeditation here, you know. This wouldn't fly in a court case. You know, I judge, I swear I wasn't planning on killing her. Why do you have plans of her house? Why did you bring a gun to the dinner? Like there's so many questions here that I have. It feels like you wanted to build Colossi and then afterwards realized that Colossi weren't the answer. And then in the form you pretend that you already had figured that out. This is some high level of pretending here, my friend, and I'm not buying it. I am absolutely not buying it. This is the same as the people that pretend to enjoy jazz. I'm not buying it. No one likes jazz. It is something that people do to pretend that they have elite taste. That's an interesting blink. For someone with a 64% wind rate. I can't want to see that one again. I feel like this situation would have been okay, had you not blinked in. Now, I want to explain something about how the cyclone actually functions. The cyclone has a least range, or just like an overall range, has a least range and an overall range. The moment you move out of the range of the cyclone, the thing that he has, the line to you, it breaks, which makes blink a fantastic spell to have on cool down because you can blink out of either vision range or out of the range where the cyclone can chase you. And because cyclones are difficult to micro individually, and stalkers a lot easier, the micro stalker against cyclone usually is quite good for the ProDos. The one thing that completely destroys this entirely is if you blink in to the cyclone for no reason whatsoever. I'm not quite sure why you would do that. And you do hit a disruptor shot on one of the cyclones. But then why are you, I feel like it would have been better to just not have blink then if this is how you're going to use it. You're just making it easier for the cyclones to absolutely destroy you. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh my God, that was so close. Could have gotten three mines there. And at this point, I feel like the game is fairly over already. Even before the first Colossus is out. Fully enough, this Colossus actually is helping you, which pisses me off. Eh, does it help you? Yeah, I'm... 50-50. I'm not sure of helping. This, I don't think it can really be described as helping. Uttarmo moves back with these five cyclones and you pretty much, yeah, I mean at this point you're pretty much dead, right? This is a couple of mines in your natural steel. Good retarget, there we go. Euterimus is a very good player. It's like six four, six five MMR in your 5K. So this type of stuff, like these small interactions is where you're just kind of going to get blasted obviously. But yeah, this is just really really... Nothing you've done so far has made a lot of sense to me when it comes to the build order, the early start, the actual response as well. I really believe that a higher stock account would have been much better than whatever abomination it is of a show that you put on here. But at the same time, we also need to note that it is a little bit unfair, of course. And don't forget that, imagine if I were a boxer, okay, and I were to go. go box against Mike Tyson in his prime. And I'm an amateur boxer. I've done a little bit. I have a coach with me as well. And I get in the ring and Mike Tyson just pimpslaps me around for like six or seven or eight times. And I get knocked out. And I ask my coach. It's like, hey, coach, what am I supposed to do against the pimps lap? I've never had this pimps lap being done to me before in practice. And then my coach says, well, it doesn't really matter what he says. It's because the real reason why I can't fight the PIMSLAB is because I'm lacking in power. I'm not strong enough. Like I might be a decent amateur boxer and I can beat up, you know, the guys that scream nasty things at me when I walk to the supermarket. But Mike Tyson is different. It's the same here. Uthermal just has way more strength. He has more power. He has very good macro. He is very good micro. He has his control, his decision making. All of that is just way better than yours. So even if you would have had the perfect responses here, I'm still completely expecting you to lose. Just that if I were to fight Mike Tyson in my prime and he would Pimp Slapp me, I would think I would go K-O, despite the Pimp Slapp not being a very viable move in professional boxing. And that is pretty much the same thing that's happening over here. There's not much again. Yes, you've made a lot of mistakes so far, but it's also you're just playing against someone that is so much better than you. that even if you wouldn't have made these mistakes, you would have lost in the end. There's no real winning for you in a way. So I can only really say is that you're not good enough yet. You don't have the power level, you know? If S. Ketcham, after getting his Pikachu, walks into the Pokemon League, he's going to get absolutely stomp. And no matter how much you'll advise him on picking the correct move for his Pikachu, you know, maybe you shouldn't start with tail whip and go with tackle first, you know, that might be good advice, but it wouldn't get S Ketchum to take out a level 85 Charizard. And that is what happened here. So I'll do two things here. First of all, you suck and you should stop mentioning that you have a 64% win rate. This is a fact, okay? It doesn't make any sense, the 64%. We cut it out, okay? It's not in our vocabulary anymore. You also sucked. Your build order from start to. finish. Everything was delayed. You need to look at a build order that makes some sense here with a faster second gateway so you can have way more production early on. I did like your scouting early on. I thought that was good. But the lack of your second gateway, your overall lack of units, your robo-bay that is too late, your third base that gets delayed for no reason as well. Your forge before secondary tech? Oh, yo-yo, that had the alarm bells ringing for me. Forge before a robo-bay, forge before third base. These are not things that you do in PVTs. These are absolute no-noes because you don't need upgrades that much. You need more money or you need faster tech. One of these two things is the most important. So yes, my friend, you do suck. But at the same time, even if you didn't suck, you would have lost as well. And it's not because it's in balance. Well, I guess Utherno is a little bit in balance in this case because it's just a lot better than you. So we'll call this a toss-up, a 50-50. All right. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode of IOTUS. If you did, don't forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel and I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you and bye-bye. |
He BURNT DOWN His House And Moved To The North Pole... | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | There are 2 types of people in Starcraft. The ones that don't react at all and the ones that overreact. Today we are facing the latter. Knowlegde can be powerful, but missing knowledge withing your enemy can even be a free win. Join us on a journey through the mind of a raging Terran player right up to the most northern point of our planet and back. If your like and comment is too heavy for such a long road, you can just leave it below this video. If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jrhRIpoJFVc/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | jrhRIpoJFVc | Captain, Protops is just easier to play. This game I started poorly as I misread the situation and prepared for a proxy, which was not the case. Despite, thanks to my opponent's poor macro, the game was even in the midgame. I took few favorable fights with my 1-1 timing, which gave me a small lead in army supply and head back home to prepare for the 2-2 push. When it hit, my opponent sent a couple of run-bys which dealt massive damage, giving him a lead and killed me a few minutes later. For the greater part of the game I was ahead in supply and upgrades, despite the disadvantage in the early game, yet I lost to a couple of run-bys. How is this fair? Few zealots trade very efficient without any control. If I would like to do drop, I would have to control them. Also, people always say how good Terran's defense is, but it is only if you're staying at home with your whole army. Once you're out on the map, you're really vulnerable to attacks. Protoss has batteries, cannons and recall. When my two-two push came, my opponent was able to deflect my whole army with three colossi and a couple of immortals and a battery, while his six zealots killed me at home. I know I could split the army, but what I am trying to say is that if I were Protoss, I just recall a part of my army or warpins the Toddluckers to defend. It would be easier because this race is easier to play. I do believe I played better than my opponent, and it pisses me off even more. So, Captain, is it imba, or do I suck? Name Revelation, race, Terran, league diamond, a 3.1K MMR, and his server is Europe. And our good friend Revelation just has the question, is it Inba or do I suck? One of the things that I really appreciated out of Revelation is that every single time he complained about something that Terran was lacking or that he struggled with, He would then mention three random things that Protoss has. He would say, Terran has poor defense when they're out on the map. And then in parentheses, it would say cannons, batteries, recall. Like, a very strong argument for Protoss not needing to leave any army behind. If you're a Prodos player and you've ever played against Bio in your entire life, you know that if you have, even if you have three cannons and a battery somewhere, that is not going to be doing anything whatsoever. against a straight-up drop attack or like a two medevac or even a single medevac attack if there's any marauders in there three cannons against one medevac might actually be fine that's a lot of resources that you're investing in defending yes recall is a very solid way of pulling a part of your army home but you still need to split your army in that case and yes it is definitely easier than splitting and sending part of your army home but you still need to split something and it has a massive cooldown on that as well. You can just use it every single time you're getting dropped. And as the issue here seemed to be, as I recall, multiple zealid run bys, this probably wouldn't even have work for you. But we're going to be focusing a lot this game on, oh, it's a fast scout by the way, we're going to be focusing a lot this game on the runbys, checking the response time to run bys, because the main complaint really is, hey, this is unfair. Like Protoss has it so much easier. They don't have the micro their drops. They don't have to micro their run bys. It just deals damage automatically. It's just way, way too strong. And that's a real issue. So Probe Scouts, CC first. What is this? Barracks. Command Center cancel. Now this is a classic, of course. This is one that I've seen a lot in the past. What did this SUV scout? Let's have a look. Let's just have a quick look. Okay, what is SUV scouted? This SUV scouted an assimilator, a second assimilator, forgot to check the pylon, or to see if there's anything in the main base, then saw a nexus and a second pylon. And the read here was that this was going to be a proxy. Now, if you proxy your first gate across the map, Protoss always needs a pylon in their main base as well, otherwise you're going to get massively supply blocked. On top of that, it's really difficult to play this type of build order with a proxy, because if you're getting a proxy, you also want to get a zealot initially out of the gateway, meaning that the nexus is going to be delayed. So even if you don't scout the pylon and the gateway and the cybernetics core, based on the timing of the nexus, based on the timing of the second gas, based on the timing of this pylon, you could still figure out that this is just a standard macro build, even if you don't see this, which didn't happen. However, Revelation has such poor scouting that I'm honestly kind of worried for him. is if this is how he responds to something that is completely normal, I wonder what happens if, let's say, his girlfriend gets a text from a coworker asking to the link of the Google Dog. Like, what's he going to do? Break up, burn down the house, move to the North Pole. Then two days later, be like, oh, no, actually, asking for the Google Dog was relatively normal. Because don't forget that he tries to talk about this as well. He said, this game I started poorly as I misread the situation and prepared for a proxy, which was not the case. Imagine this being your excuse after two days. You burn out the house and move to the North Pole, and you come back, I'm sorry, I misread this situation. I thought you cheated on me, but that was not the case. And his girlfriend goes, ah, all good, just make sure it doesn't happen again. It's not really how it works. This is a very impactful decision that is completely wrong. Like everything, even if you believe it was a proxy, this entire response was incorrect. against a proxy from a Protoss, you don't want to add extra barracks. You would want to add a factory for quicker tech. You would probably want a bunker on the high ground, so that I do agree with. But adding two barracks, by the time these barracks come into play, like I just want to show everyone how ridiculous this response is, even if his scouting or if what he believed was correct. Imagine this was a gateway, single gateway proxy with two zealots and a stalker. The response here was to get, what, two Marines, then a reactor, then two barracks. None of these barracks would even be functioning yet at this point, because he also went for double tech lab before building any extra marines. So at this point, there's two zealots punching his depot wall and there's a stalker on the low ground, and these buildings haven't even contributed anything whatsoever, delaying your command center for no reason, delaying your tech for no reason whatsoever, meaning that any type of follow-up you're going to be doing will be so, so much later. was the scouting was god-awful, then the response to what you saw was god-awful, but also the response to what you believed you saw was terrible. Like literally everything you did here was incorrect. As if you're walking in the desert and you see like an illusion, you know, in the far away from you. It's like, oh, there's water there, I'm thirsty. And you should know, first of all, that it's probably an illusion and that you shouldn't be heading there. But even if you truly believe it to be an illusion, which in this case you did believe, or you truly believe there to be water there, which in this case you did, then basically what you just did is turn around and start moonwalking away from the illusion where the water is. Like every single move in this entire sequence made zero sense whatsoever. And you, what did you say one more time? I misread the situation. Like this is not misreading the situation. You misread the situation and you responded, you did everything incorrect here. Like, this game should be completely over at this point. If your response to a standard nexus timing is to cancel your CC and to build two extra barracks, you don't even belong in diamond yet. Like, this is an insane response, in my opinion. And this should almost disqualify everything else in your entire piece. If Terran can have this little theoretical knowledge of the game at diamond level, then I think this debate is settled already and Terran is by far the easiest race to play. How is it possible that this type of response is viable at this level? I don't understand that. I don't get why that is possible. It makes no sense to me whatsoever. ProD's build also is balls by the way. I do have to admit it. I'm not a huge fan of the... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Rewind. Enhance. Solid moves. I'm not a huge fan of the 4Gate, the Stargate into 4Gate into Twilight Council. Twilight Council obviously should be way faster here. The tech is going to be way more important. The 4Gate makes very little sense. The probe production has been very poor as well. Yet Terran has less workers, has really crappy production as well. I mean, I guess 3-Rex, Starport isn't even that bad. Not quite sure why we're seeing. why do we have 500 gas in the bank and why are we getting a tech lab first on the factory? Surely if you're investing in triple barracks, the first thing you want is not more tanks. Like you already have the safety with the barracks. What you would want is units to get out on the map, in this case, Medivac. So reactor on the factory here would, in my mind, make a lot of sense. But instead, now you need to build the reactor here on the starboard, which delays your initial Medivac production by another 36 seconds. did get caught out of position a little bit as well there. Haven't started an upgrade yet, despite having the money available on top of that. I really, really dislike the Protoss build, though. I will have to say that. I think the Protoss built here is extremely poor. We're floating a lot of energy as well. What is this? Supply block for an immortal. I much preferred, much would have preferred seeing an observer here. But despite all of this, I still believe Protoss is in a superior position. Is the first upgrade going to be an armor upgrade? That's very useful if your opponent builds an army consisting of probes only. Then the armor upgrade usually really helps, because you're taking less damage from the probes. By like what is it, probes do five damage, so, you know, then like minus 20% of the damage output. However, if your opponent built stalker, zealots, or colossi, sentries, immortals, storm, dark Templar, carriers or phoenixes, I think plus one attack is the better upgrade to get first. But in the very rare scenario that you're playing against a probe messing Protoss player at diamond level, then this is definitely the correct call. So once again, Terran showing very solid theoretical knowledge here of the situation. Haskelled the fact that there is a Stargate. Look at this Oracle. That's a lot of energy. Did one Oracle die already? No. Oh my god, this TOS is playing a perfect game. The only thing has happened so far is... Oh no. Just lost an Oracle as I was talking about the perfect game. That actually makes me a bit sad. I was very hyped for the perfect game here for the Protoss. I wonder how long we could have kept that going. I love perfect games. Nothing has happened in the past four minutes, which makes sense because... What? Oh, we built a Viking as one of our first units? Interesting move. I'm not even quite sure how it is possible, but... We've managed to move out later than a Terran would have moved out if a Terran would open up with a triple CC opener and then go into three barracks. This was a single CC opener into triple barracks with a factory into Starport. And the moveout hasn't happened yet, eight minutes into the game. Hero Marine moves out at like 6.45 if he opens triple Cc into three racks. Like, this timing is so insanely late. I don't even quite understand how it is possible. I feel like even if you just do build like random units, you're going to get Metafax stim and combat shield faster than what Revelation did in this game. Well, Revelation believes there's a purpose behind his build orders as well. Also have 39 workers, eight minutes into the game. Yes, Protoss only has 50, but we're not really looking at the pros when it comes. looking at Revelation right now. That was a move. That was not a good move. That was not a very good move out of the toss whatsoever. I did not like that one. I would prefer if we do not do that in the future. Holy crap. Oracle. Ah, Revelation. Nice. Maybe Stasis apart as well would be really sick. Now, this is a fight that a Terran can't really take near a battery. Especially if two of the tanks are attacking the pylon. Might want to seat these up, ASAP, there we go. Super Battery gets activated. This is honestly not that bad of an engagement for the ProDol's. I kind of like this engagement defensively here. There's only two metaphics, which means that every stim is pretty expensive. Super Battery has been used. I like the pool back here as well out of Revelation. I like the fact that he's setting up a run-by. I hope he remembers to do the run-by. Often I see people set up a run-by, and then forget about the fact that there is a run-by. But this dukes, ah, no thermal lens. Without... What is this? This is a very expensive spotter pilot. I've never seen this before in my life. This isn't even closer to the opponent's base, I think, is it? If you warp in at your third base, that's probably quick, closer to the aggression than this one is. Probably need to put like a ruler on the map or something and figure it. it out. I think it's going to be pretty close. Interesting move. Let's ignore it for now. Okay. Here comes the, a magical drop. All right. I think this, this is what we were talking about. I just want to read before we watch what's going to happen with this drop. What did they say again about the drop? If I would like to do drop, I would have to control them. Now, let's just take a look at the control here of the drop. Okay. If I would have to do a drop, I would have to control them. That's a good one. So far, no control yet on the drop. Drop is flying in. This is a key moment when it comes to the drop. What are we seeing? Four stalkers in position as well as a cannon. Okay? Drop needs to be controlled, by the way, for Tarran. Drop being controlled? No, not yet. No drop being controlled. Oh, here we go. Boost in and unloads. Now, that was control. That was control. Lots of control going on here. Lots of control. And he's really controlling that. Did he even stim? These units aren't even stimmed, are they? No stim being used yet. No stim being used. Protoss response within what? 9, 10 seconds or so to this drop. Not bad. Not terrible. Not great either. It's a fine response time for time. Like 10 seconds to respond to a drop. Drop doesn't get the pick off, but you do save the matter of fact. No micro in this drop whatsoever, okay? So so far to claim that, and also you dealt quite some damage. You kill like 10 workers or so. 10 workers, forced units to pull away, forced out a recall, just by a single drop that you didn't control whatsoever. That was decent damage for only being there 10 seconds, not even using Stim, one of the most important spells in the entire game. Despite all of that, you're in a good position. You're getting into better upgrades. you have an okay army you have a lot of meta vex i'd prefer some more thanks you are for some reason going into eight barracks before four cc which makes really no sense um you really just can't afford that and it like you can afford maybe marine single marine production from these sometimes you see eight racks in the tvs matchup with pure marine production but i don't think you can quite afford this you don't have enough SUV you don't have enough income to really afford anything quite like this. At least not in my mind. You also already are building ghosts which are quite expensive. You have two e-base. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you can completely afford it. And all of these barracks will be working the entire time, which is unlikely because right now there's only two barracks producing. So much rather would have seen a faster ford base. But it is what it is. Let's not focus too much on that. Once again, we've already established that the theoretical aspect out of Revelation hasn't been brilliant. The control so far has been okay of the main army, I think. I didn't actually watch to pay too much attention, but no terrible mistakes except attacking the pylon here for a little bit. Didn't seem too bad. The theoretical aspect, the macro aspect, the build order aspect, map vision when it comes to that. No depot over here, no mines being spread out. No sensor tower, no blind turrets. Oh, here we go. As I say, they built turrets. These turrets are useless, but I like these turrets. I like this turret and I would like a turret over here as well in case of DTs. I think it's generally a good call. Single sensor tower would also help a lot. There's no marine spread. There's no depot spread. There's no fort base either with a planetary. All of these things definitely would be very, very helpful. Now, here we go with the famed two-to timing. So if we look at this situation right now from an objective perspective, okay, I will just, I want to kind of get a feel for what the situation is. We're in a situation where there's four tanks, 11 marauders, 25 Marines, two ghosts, five Vikings, against three colossus, one immortal, one disruptor, nine cellets. Now, I think if the Terran manages to set up in this area, it's going to be close to impossible for the proles to fight this. I also believe if the Terran attacks either this angle or this angle, that the Terran will not be capable of straight up winning because of the batteries, basically, and how the defense usually works for Prolost. Like, this is not a terrible situation. Ooh, look at that. Spots the run by here. Oh, this is, oh, these are the famed runbys, I guess. Oh, I love this already. I'm a huge fan of runbys. Okay, here we go. Marines and Marauders being sent in here. So it cleans up one of these runbys. Basically immediately is also aware of the second runby already. Don't forget that. These are the six Sallis are going in now. At the same time, we're okay, moving into, oh, Protoss position in a good spot. I don't think Terran can just attack into this, but I could be wrong. So I would just like to notice something here is that this was it? Let's just quickly go back into time, a little bit, okay? When did this run by get spotted? Well, we'll write it down mentally. I'll write it down in the game. One, two, three, four. Look at. One, two, three, four. This gets spotted. Okay. That is beautiful stuff. So at this point, we're back here. It's already been a full minute. Don't forget, the Protoss took about, what, 10, 12 seconds or so to respond. At this point, the Terran hasn't responded to this yet, whatsoever. You could say, well, he's busy with the attack. Yes, earlier the Protoss, when responding, was busy with the defense as well. I often find defending harder than attacking, because when you're attacking, you can at least decide to just go back home and deal with something. There are some units just idling over here. There are some units idling over here. No response whatsoever. SEVs not being pulled away either. Instead, we're completely focusing on the attack here, which doesn't seem like it can ever really work. Like if you look at the two armies, you should be capable of understanding that you're never going to be capable of beating this army in a super battery, especially not if you're fighting largely without your tanks. SELA's still going ham. Almost get the orbital command center here. It's been a full minute at this point. We've seen units being F2 to cross the map. SEVs still haven't returned to mining. Like, I like that you say if I had recall, I would be capable of dealing with this very well. If you had recall, you would have recalled over to your third base and then your units would have F2'd back to your main army. Like, let's stop pretending here that you didn't have units in position. There were four units over here, you had two marauders and a marine over here, you had reinforcements coming in as well, you just didn't respond for a full minute so far to six zealids. A full minute, you didn't move your stim or your Marines, you didn't even stim them once, and your opponent lost 10 workers. Now, you didn't do anything here, and yeah, you lost 20 workers as well, or however many you ended up losing. Yeah, probably around 20, 22 workers. Like, that is just what happens. If you're getting harassed and you don't respond whatsoever, you're going to lose a lot of units. You have plenty of units in position. The problem isn't even splitting your army. The problem is that the only hotkey that you use to move your army is F2. And that is what's breaking you up here. That's what's ruining your life. How do these guys even manage to get into this base? It's absolutely beyond me. Take out another 15 workers or so. In this point, the game is completely over. There's nothing you can do anymore. This army is going to get cleaned up as well. Colossus stand here. I just don't understand how you can watch this replay and that your conclusion is that you wish you had recall. Like, if I were you, I'd wish that I had someone to tell me to just, the units. You know, like a mental reminder or something like that. Wish for a higher IQ, but I wouldn't wish for a recall button. It wouldn't have helped. You had the units. They were in position, you just didn't use them. They were literally standing over here, some Marines and a ghost. You had like marauders over here as well. These are ridiculous. It's really not okay. Blameying this poor Protoss player who's been doing a fantastic job when it comes to responding. You can say a lot about this toss. I don't like the build order. Don't like some of the fights he took. Not like some of the decisions, but the response time has been really on point. Maybe Revelation has the mini map covered at all times to improve his auditory senses, you know? That is a real possibility. I like this multitasking. I think it's quite good. Once again, no response, of course. Even with recall, like there's units in position practically. You're just waiting 20. Look, they're just walking by. Why are we pretending that the unit? Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. Now you might think that these marauders and marines responded to the zealot run by, but what happened here is he used F2 and stimmed his entire army and then pressed A move. And because the most close-by threat were these zealots, these marauders are moving in. You can see it because they're stutter stepping forward to try and kill these colossus. He accidentally cleared this zealot run by. Don't get tricked here. This was not on purpose. Recall would have done absolutely nothing here. with a well-deserved win. It would be easier because this race is easier to play. I could split the army, but what I am trying to say is that if I were pro-less, I just recall a part of my army. This is the line that pisses me off the most in this entire thing. It makes no sense whatsoever, because we've seen time after time after time again, that even if you would have infinite recalls, even if your units would have teleport with no cool down whatsoever, just like the battle cruisers have, except they have a cool-down, done of course. What would happen is you would recall back home or you would teleport back home. Then you would A move with your main army and accidentally clear up the run by. Like there seems to be absolutely no idea on how to split your army whatsoever, how to use different groups of units in any normal way. Protoss is, okay, maybe in some ways Protoss is easier. This game, I haven't seen any of that whatsoever. If you're going to make that claim, you're going to need way way better evidence than this, my friend. This wasn't it? This was just you sucking. And that's the truth. All right. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode of IOTIS. If you did not forget, like, but subscribe to the channel. Don't forget, you can submit your own IOTIS complaint form using the Google Docs link below. That will be it for me and bye-bye. |
I'd Recommend Running If You Want To Stay Alive | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | RUN! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TD9GKahYwgg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | TD9GKahYwgg | Oh, Captain, my Captain, I have failed to achieve victory. Again, the Protoss have defeated me. My micro was decent. I macroed okay. But alas, my ladder points were taken away. Perfectly I played not. Roaches I possibly should have got. Other mistakes, there were a lot, those I will not try to hide. Oversupply was sometimes wide. Some units I lost needlessly. Some minerals I spent slowly. I fought valiantly, but in sadly vain, opponent just press A to bring the pain. Bit by bit, Protoss drives me insane. At the ends of my wits, I am stuck. So tell me, Protoss Inba, or do I suck? Beautiful imbalance complained poem here, coming out of Morgirth, a Zerg player in the Diamond League with 3,900-ish MMR on the European server. The question is fairly simple. Is Protoss Inba or does he suck? And we're here to find out. And what better way to find out than to just watch the game? Here on Moondance, PVZ between Tokus and, as mentioned before, Morgert, our imbalanced poem submitter. Look at this. What is this? He's just going to check if it's a 12 moon and head back home straight away. That's a pretty cool move. This isn't time for a block, by the way. Sometimes you see people open up with a quick problem. Scouts and then not block and it consistently pisses me off. Literally every single time I see it, it just makes me a little bit upset. It really does. It's just literally just scouting for a 12 pool. I really, really dislike this type of play. Ah, you're investing so much money into sending this Pro quickly. Why don't you just do a post-Gaithway Scout? It gets you like 60 more minerals or so, 50 more minerals, and it gets you the information at a good enough time where you can still respond, Oh my God, it's a Nexus First user. I know we're supposed to be looking at the Zerg player, but I hate people that build Nexus First. And it is not even because I dislike the Nexus First as a build order. I actually think the Nexus First as a build order probably has some legitimacy. It's a little bit like beards. People, you know, beards by themselves. I understand why some people have them. It's annoying to shave and it might even look good on some people. but people that are into beards and like when I say into beards like really into beards you know they talk about the the oil and the different what you call like the combs they have and just all like the little beard scissors it is the moment a beard becomes a hobby you know something is wrong it's not a hobby it's facial hair it's the same with nexus first people that play nexus first a lot I always feel like there's something a little bit off with them I don't can't quite I don't know what, but they're always going to like Airtos camp or they play some other crap two-ways all in where they want four extra probes in the early game. And another thing that Nexus First players often do is that they send out a Pilen Scout and not block the hatchery. This is one of those things within the Nexus First community that I absolutely hate. Now I understand that Tokus can't help it, that his replay got sent in and I usually don't get upset about the opponents of the submiter. but I really, really dislike Nexus first with a Pylon Scout without blocking the natural. This is like extremely triggering for me. It genuinely upsets me. This is the type of stuff of nightmares. In my, like, my vision of what hell looks like is being forced to watch StarCraft where two Protoss players play against each other and just play Pilonskout Nexus first the entire time without blocking each other's Nexus. this would be legit the worst scenario that I could have in my life. Let's see, did we miss anything during this? Don't think so. Oh, no, actually we did miss something. What is this? Two overlords being built right now. Now, that's technically not necessary. One overlord here would have been fine because the 52 supply block that you get as a Zerg usually gets ended by this hatchery finishing. So the build order here isn't tight. Now, I'm willing to say that this was just, an honest mistake and that he just double-click on the overlord sometimes this happens when i play Zerg before uh building my first overlord or before building my uh my pool i built two overlords accidentally that happens as well you know mistakes happen so i'm gonna say this is a mistake it's a bad mistake that cost you a fair amount might even delay a queen here or there but it it does it does suck a little bit now there's something already that's pissing me off here and Okay, there's actually two things that piss me up. No, there's three things that piss me off. The first thing that pissed me off was the Nexus first. Then the fact that the Protols put the Stargate in the wall, which is never necessary on this map. Absolutely never necessary. You can just properly wall this with two buildings. But what pisses me off is the fact that Morgat didn't use this information whatsoever. Okay? I think he scouted the fact that this was in the wall, but then didn't use it. Why are we building spore crawlers that finish at the four minute mark or 405 when you know and you can confirm that there's not going to be any Oracle until at least 520 or so? Against a single void ray, you don't need a spore. And you especially don't need a spore in your natural. These could have been two drones that would still be mining. And yes, I know this is nitpicking, but it's important. That's two drones off of what? Like right now there's 16 drones mining here, 16 here. 16 here, 32, it's like what, 6% or so, a little bit more probably, 7ish percent or so, that you could have gotten added into your eco. I just don't understand how that is possible. I really just don't. Like, you get the info, you don't need anything. And it always pisses me off when I see people, like a Protoss player built a target in the wall and then the Zerg player not using it for whatever reason. Like, mate, if you get free info like this, I'm going to be abusing it, like, for sure, you know. This is when back in the day there's like a vending machine. We all had these vending machines, you know, the vending machine that, where the coke can was like 30 cents instead of 1 euro 30. And you just kept buying the co cans in that vending machine until they figured it out. It's the same here. As long as this Protoss player is building the star gate in the wall, you're going to be abusing it. It's a shot for open goal. Why would you try and miss it? No, you take it, you get a goal and you go on with your day. Layer on the way here, which is relatively okay timing. I like that. I even like that we're not rushing into an Evo chamber with this heavy of a void rays style. I also really enjoy the amount of queens that are being built here. I do have to admit that I don't entirely understand what has gone wrong, but I know that something has gone wrong here on the, on the Zerg side, because the work account feels relatively low while having zero units whatsoever. Two lings have been built in total, and yet it feels like the work account should have been a bit higher. Maybe it's just a feeling, and maybe I'm wrong. It just, it feels a bit off. I can't quite put my finger on what went wrong. Maybe we're lacking an inject here or there. It doesn't quite seem to be the case. And would be weird as well, because really nothing has happened in this game. Crete spread so far is looking, is it good? It's fine. This is nothing has happened yet, creeps bread. You know? What is it? Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. And right now, Morgan hasn't been punched in the face yet. Now, there is one thing here that I kind of want to be critical of again. And that kind of ties into the being punched in the face. So before you get punched in the face, you really should try to make sure that no one can punch you in the face. and if you know your opponent is messing void rays, one of the things that that includes is spreading out lings around the map to know where void rays are coming from. Now, that sounds like a lot of work, and on a map like this, you probably need to spread six lings. If you don't want to do that, another thing you can do is preemptively spread out queens in like a 4-4 or 5-5 split depending on how many queens you have. Because right now, there is 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 queens over here. You have 1 queen, so there's like 7 queens, basically, that are not very near the main base. And these void rays are probably headed towards the main base area, and that could be an issue. Another thing is if you don't pre-split, ideally you probably want maybe four over here and then four over here, or four over here and four over here, is that your opponent can start bouncing between bases. So right now these void rays, they can probably take it like maybe a couple of drones. We'll go for a layer. Maybe? I think the transfusers should be fine. Maybe too late. It's going to be pretty close at least. It's going to be really close. Yeah, I think this is a bad move out of TOS. So this actually is going to be a fine trade, but that doesn't mean that you didn't make a mistake. You should have either pre-spread or you should have had vision around the map because vision is really important against higher void ray numbers. They often come in, they kill stuff really quickly, like your layer did go down. And if this protest would have been a bit better, he could have popped between the main base and this fort and definitely got on a cancel on the fourth base without losing four or was it five for a void rays. So, yeah, not a huge fan of it generally of having all queens in the exact same group, just kind of standing forward on the creep or all being used as one unit. I don't think that is the correct play. This is also a big one. This is the type of stuff that makes very little sense to me. This is after something has happened already, pretending like it's going to happen again two seconds later, despite the information being fully available that no more void rays are being produced right now. You could just pop in here and know that that's not the case. These hydras right now are defending nothing. This is like, this is virtue signaling basically, saying, oh, we're so safe in the main base. We love regulations. It's like this is completely useless. There's no more void rays going to show up. And these units should be at the front right now defending other base. or at least being in a more central position. So the moment things like DTs come in, you actually have... Has something of a DTis. Another interesting move out of Morgard. What is this? Hey, this is... I'm gonna have to show this again. It's unbelievable. So drones and DTs, for the people that are not aware, have the exact same movement speed. I believe it's 3.94 or 3.9. 5 movement speed. So this means that if you're a drone and you see a DT, you can run away and the DT will not be capable of catching it unless you're going around corners. Whenever 4 DTs move into a drone line, the best thing to do usually is to run away with the drones. It is not the fight. It is a bit as if you're in the shower, you know, naked without any weapons. And a guy with a massive blade, a two-sided blade and a weird looking cloak comes into your shower and he leaves the door open so you have the possibility to run but your decision is to grab the shampoo bottle and start hitting him with it. Yes, it might hurt a little but the moment his blade touches you you're probably dead. It would have been better to run and with a large blade it's also fairly difficult to run. So yeah, I'd recommend running if you want to stay alive. Then hold positioning near the spoor I guess the reason for that is because you don't want the sport to die. Make some sense after you lost the layer actually. Yeah, it was a good call. I liked that. I was going to say it makes no sense, but no, that actually makes sense. In a normal situation, I would say that is the incorrect call. It's best to always just run away. But in this scenario, hold positioning around the spore afterwards. If you lose the spore, you probably just lose the base. So I don't mind the call completely. Good stuff. Game right now is in favor of... or immortal being produced. There's not that many units for TOS. There's quite some freedom for ZERC as well, which is a resource that you can't really see in, in like any of these tabs. But freedom basically, what I kind of count as that, is the ability to build drones without being annoyed. So right now, Zerg probably has another like 15 to 20 drones where they'll be capable of building those without truly being annoyed. Like they have plenty of units to deal with any threat coming their way in the next. I want to say minute or so. Definitely the next minute or so. So yeah, you can go up to 80 to 81 workers. And that's exactly what's happening here. I think that's the correct call here out of Morgan. I think this is the incorrect call. And it also doesn't make any sense. The way that Zerg works or the way that in general attack optimization tends to work is that. Okay, this made absolutely, this was a really bad move. does manage to snip the prison, but it still was a really bad move. The way that attack optimization works is the moment that you stop droning is the moment you're the weakest with your army, right? Because you've been building drones and now your eco is boosted from all those drones. You need to wait a little bit for that to pay off. And then you can get a lot of production, you'll get a lot of money. So usually you want to, after you stop droning, you need some time to create an army attacking straight away after stopping droning is a completely nonsensical play that I'm not really down with. I actually think that is a fairly big mistake. And also losing our good friend Morga, the bunch of hydras, which is expensive. Hydras, whenever you lose hydras, you're losing the ability to attack later on in the game because they're so expensive when it comes to gas as well. We really do need to see, A, extra upgrades on these Evo chambers, B, an infestation pit, a Lurker Dan, just any type of tech that eventually starts dealing with large numbers of robo units because, well, let's face it, the opponent is building three robotics facilities and it's producing from basically all of them. There's Archons on the way as well. So yeah, upgrades and I think infestation pit before Lurker then would be correct here, as the Lurker than without the Seismic Spines and without the Adaptive Talents upgrade is not actually that useful. Colosses even outrange lurkers if lurkers don't have their own range upgrade, which feels extremely wrong. I do like this. I think this is a brilliant move. Ooh, too much is being split off. But I think in general, oh, he just didn't know the army was there. Oh no. I take every word I just said back. No way. Okay. Okay. I thought that this was a counterattack that was being set up here out of the Zerg to basically deal some damage while the Protoss is standing on the edge of the creep. But what happened in reality is that the Zerg has so little map control and so little map vision, so little understanding, that the Zerg actually wanted to attack. This wasn't an attempt of an attack. Our Zerg player was going to all in and now realize, hey, wait a second, I'm actually being still attacked, but literally no vision on this army whatsoever. Good control on the Baines. Connecting with all of those zealots was important. So despite the map vision being terrible. The actual fighting here was pretty good. The transfuses were good. The bailings connected with the correct units. You want to move the queens a bit forward to tank some of these colossus shots. But overall, this was honestly a very decentish fight here for Zerg. I kind of like that. I mean, losing that base sucked. If there actually had been a Ling run by happening at the same time or a bailing run by at one of these bases, I think this game would now be over in favor of the Zerg player, but because that's not the case, it's still going to be a little bit yikesy in my opinion. Good positioning again. I'm actually kind of impressed by the fighting skills here of Morgert. Morgert said that that his micro suck, or wasn't as brilliant, but I actually think the control so far in this game has been quite good. Okay, this is obviously bad, losing every single link to DTs. Some stuff is being killed in here. Ooh, these could morph into Baines later on. Very little supply for the toss right now. And here's another cool trick that you can do is when the Protoss player is completely distracted, you could attack another area at the same time. Here we see some classic non-multitasking where things are happening in a sequence basically or like in order. So, oh, I want to see if this was a decision or if this was just bad multitasking. So basically right now, if you're already causing chaos somewhere else, if you're already causing chaos somewhere else, you want to do it at the same time in a second location to complete it and you can often deal a lot of damage. I want to just see if this is okay, this was a decision. It's always important to note whether people are slow or if they're really dumb. In this case, Morgan is just really dumb. He looked at that fight, saw the Super Battery, saw the Colossus with 2-1 upgrades and was like, yeah, 50 lings. Those are the units that I want to send into those three colossi. It's a huge error. Massive mistake. What is this? The prioritization here is not brilliant. Luckily no response out of the Protoss. 47 workers left by the way for TOS, which means that right now Zerg is winning in a huge, huge way, absolutely. However, the tech still massively sucks. I mean, we're still on a layer. We have a lurker then without like rates. We're actually building lurkers, which I think is probably the only way to lose this game. Lurkers without range don't actually deal damage. There's no more bailings remaining, which means that zealots all of a sudden are good again as well. And we're building 56 lings. So some debatable decisions are being made here by Morgut, despite being in a close to unloosable position. At least, to me it feels like a close to unloosable position. Okay. It's losing a lot of these hydras. The problem with zealots is that zealots are actually good against hydras if there's nothing to defend them. And if you just have like five bailings here, that's already a completely different fight. These zealots are not having a good time at all. And then you keep some hydras alive. There's no observer though. No, there are observers. They're just, well, they're not even slow. They just weren't with the army. This feels bad all of a sudden for Morgers. Earth. Like this was a very, very poor fight and just purely based on the lack of upgrades, the lack of having a solid unit composition to deal with this army. Like right now there's nothing that can actually kill Colossus. It's going to be Hydras or Lynx, and the lurkers don't actually have enough range to even damage these Colossus. So these four Colossus by them, what are these lings actually doing? Well, not much. Now they're going in for a run I could have done this a lot earlier, I have to say. A lot, a lot earlier. Or they could have gone home and morphed into binglings. Also would have been a useful thing to do a little bit earlier. These have just been idling. I also wouldn't have minded having lings in an army while you're attacking with hydras. Sure, they're not great against Colossus, but at least they tank a little bit of damage. Not a lot of damage, but at least a little bit. It will take like six, seven seconds. And if your opponent is all-inning you off of like, what was it, was 47 workers earlier, then it's probably a good call to just throw everything in the kitchen sink at them. Like this type of stuff here, you see the lings are actually tanking enough so that the high rusk can get in range. That definitely could have happened with those 50 lings that were on the top side the entire time or the 45 lings or however many it was. Because then you just have enough tanking ability all of a sudden. This game still is 12 workers. I don't know about that one. That's really what we need right now? Like we have enough larvas, well. We're just not producing stuff. Two more workers, going back up to 89, while Protoss is on pure zealot. And 70 workers. No banlings. Did you just attack his own creep tumor? We get a prioritization here on the Zurglings once again. This has been a, just a very weird game overall. I just don't understand it. I guess just a missed move command or something. The control often in the fight was quite good. Okay, it's over. Actually lost to mess zealots while having a bailing nest and plus two available. And having a lurker then as well. This entire game just made no sense to me. like it almost felt like there were two people playing this game one in charge of the decision making and one in charge of the control like the control at times I was actually quite impressed by it and even some of the like the run bys was quite good you have like not the execution within the runbys on what to attack but just the fact that runbys were happening like the speed here was okayish is just the actual unit composition the fact that we had no no hive lurkers without upgrades, no banlings for the most important fights that were there. Like, don't forget, the exact same comp fought like three times for Protols, and only the final time did it really succeed, because there was literally zero bains in that composition. And I guess there were six useless lurkers. This game was actually insane, and I could just give my usual spiel, but as I got a poem in the complaint form, Maybe I can make a little poem myself as well. Let's try. Oh, more girth. Oh, more girth. I hear you complain. But watching you play is giving me pain. A void flyby was to be suspected. Yet you left your main base unprotected. The detees in your third were handled real bad, leaving half of your eco dead. No upgrades for lurkers, no vipers or a hive, quickly brought an end to your life. This poem has ended and my favorite Pokemon is Muck. Ah, right, I forgot. You suck. All right, let's go to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did enjoy, don't forget the like but subscribe to the channel and hopefully you'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thanks so much. And bye-bye. |
Australian Zerglings Are Just BUILT DIFFERENT! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Well, I have heard that bugs and spiders and stuff are way bigger down under. But I did not expect that to be the case for Zerglings... I'm intrigued! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/oz2BTrZVYeg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | oz2BTrZVYeg | Greetings Captain Kevin. I come in search of aid against the force so fast and deadly, they are essentially untouchable. Yes, Kevin, I am talking about the zergling. These little buggers are so fast they can only be caught by the one unit you don't want to use against them. The phoenix. So how on earth is Proto supposed to deal with it? I open double stargate Phoenix as I find it easiest to use a consistent and survivable form of harassment to harass. as I struggle to use methods which would require 300 plus APM to use sufficiently like glaive adepts. The problem comes when the Zerg sends out its dreaded zerglings in mass to kill my bases. My void rays, Archons, Adepts and Zealots cannot even hope to cut through the lings before I lose my third, my fourth, my third and my third again. That's the third base three times for the people that were counting. usually I would attack with charge slots once my opponents get sufficient hydras or corruptors to ward away my phoenixes but Kevin how on earth am I supposed to keep the Zerg in check with a ground army if I cannot even keep the Zerg in check at my own basis please if there is a better way to keep the Zerg in check whilst defending against this insane unit teach me signed you well not you but the player who submitted it balanced complaint form is called you. The race is Protoss, the league is masters with 4.5k MMR, and the server is Australia. Now, that means that the person who submitted is a bit of an idiot because the Australian server doesn't really exist anymore. We have the server split in three, and there are some sub-servers within the North American region, including Singapore. I'm not even sure if there's still actually an Australian sub-region. I think they might have just removed that altogether, but I could be wrong. There's like six people that play in Australia, and you apparently is one of them. User Protoss, opened up with a gate scout here, and struggles mightily with zerglings. And from what I could gather, especially the speed of the zerglings, right? He mentioned that the phoenix is the only unit that could catch up. up with the Ling. Now, that doesn't say too much in a game of war. Like, there are people and there are things that are very fast, but are not necessarily good at war. Like, imagine if you have a Formula One car, it's a very, very fast car and probably great to have, I mean, fun to drive around with. But if someone shoots at you with a tank while you're in a Formula One car, you'll probably die no matter how fast you are. Or someone snipes you down while you're sitting in your little car. Like, it's not meant for heavy fighting. You know, you could probably drive into someone and deal some significant damage. It's the same with lings. They're very fast, but they're honestly kind of useless in a straight-up fight majority of the time. They do well against small harassment forces. And in very large numbers, lings can take out things like zealots, stalkers, adepts. But once splash comes into play, and especially Storm or Archons, even, the unit becomes weird. Okay, sorry. I can't quite recall how I wanted to... The unit becomes worse, is what I want to say. I completely lost my train of thought when I saw... Okay, what is this? Stargate got built 34 seconds ago. So this is a Stargate pre-warpgate, a very standard build order. Whenever you play Stargate, you want to delay your warp gate. Okay, that is pretty normal. That way you get a faster initial... Stargate unit. However, I've never, ever seen a chronobo boost on the warp gate afterwards. This either is like some fake or just a terrible build order, or both a fake and a terrible builder. And the follow-up here makes even less sense because there's not going to be a stalker. So basically, you're pretending to be doing some type of gate rush or like some gateway-focused rush because you're croning out the warp gate. Then you don't get a stalker to the nice sky. and you allow your opponent to see that you build a Stargate. So you just wasted an entire chrono boost. You're the guy at the poker table. You, you are the guy at the poker table who wears like the big black sunglasses thinking he's so smart and no one can read me. They can't see my eyes. But in reality, your glasses have massive reflection. And everyone knows exactly what you have. Like, that's what you are. Or that's what you is, I guess. It's difficult when someone is called you. completely messes with your head. Completely messes with it. Anyway, this entire build order so far has been hot garbage. I'm not even entirely sure how it's possible, but despite this being a single void ray opener and a single gate expansion, this Nexus still went down at the four minute mark, rather than at like 3.45 or 350. I'm not quite sure how that is possible. there must have been something very wrong. There's no worker production, so maybe he missed a couple of workers earlier on, just losing some money. That is a possibility. Why is there no second gas yet? If you're playing double Stargate, like the limiting factor here obviously is going to be gas. So you need to rush out the gas. There's also no worker. The worker cuts are really insane. This is not on purpose, I don't think. I also don't think this gas being so delayed is on purpose. Look at this. I gotta move that back. Also, it's a bad position. It feels like everything here is being done at a very low speed and improperly. Like just so many small errors here. Not the unit on hold position, the gas too late, the units not properly hold positioned between the Pylon and the Nexus. I'm not quite sure what this Voyeurysra was doing, but I guess it was having a little adventure by itself on the other side of the map. So these lings by themselves killed three workers. They scouted entirely what's going on. They forced an entire mineral line to pull away from mining as well. Like these lings were so insanely worth it. And just even if it was only the scout that they had gotten, this would have been good for the Zerg as well. Especially given the fact that TOS for whatever reason just keeps cutting workers out. I'm not entirely sure why this happens. I kind of want to go in first person view here to see what we're, focusing on like 135 apm against 326 so we're focusing on phoenixes this weird little attack this attack is hitting very late with very little as we do get a little bit of drone harassment going here which is nice no workers being produced behind this loses the void ray here didn't see it but i saw the the body of the Voidre actually fall over and does get a little bit of damage. Now, the funny thing here is this was good damage, right? It was fine damage. You kill five workers, which is nice. But behind this, there was a worker cut at 53 for almost 40 seconds, which is insane. So all the damage that you just did, come on, move once again, out of position. All the damage that you just managed to do and deal to your opponent is now practically worthless because you didn't continue producing. It, like the entire thing just, it makes no sense. It says if you're in a cooking competition and both of you need to bake a cake and when your opponent isn't paying attention, you freaking smash his cake and just destroy it, completely ruined. And then you look back at your own oven and you realize you've done nothing yet. This is basically this game. Like you deal a little bit of damage or a lot of damage maybe. even, depending on what your definition of a lot of damage is. I think five workers with 10 phoenixes is not that much damage yet. But you're just not doing anything yourself. How is it possible that we're seven minutes and 26 seconds in game and you haven't saturated one of your gases yet on your third base? Mate, I would be considering taking my gases at my fifth at this point. You probably don't even have a camera holtkey for your fourth base yet because you don't even, you probably can't take it. This is actually insane. Everything is happening so slow. It makes no sense. The basic scale of worker production is one of the most important skills in StarCraft 2. And the moment something else happens for you, you just stop using it. You're just, all right, workers, not that interesting. I'm not going to get them anymore. It's bad. It really is bad. On top of that, you've only killed 13 workers despite building 13 phoenixes already. This is a huge investment. And the funny thing about Phoenixes is that eventually most likely you're going to get damage. But it's important to get the damage as quickly as possible. So your opponent also has less mine, right? If you kill 20 workers at the 5 minute mark, that's a lot more impactful than if you kill 20 workers at like the 9 minute mark when there's a 3K bank already. I don't understand how it's possible that your adepts are literally always out of position. You know, they have these experiments where they have like a monkey pick stocks at the start of the year and then they match the monkey up against the like financial experts. And I think for like years straight, the monkey would outperform the financial experts. I feel like if we could make a monkey put these adepts in positions around the map, he'd still be in position more often than you have been so far. Not a single time have your adepts used any time. of SimCity. Look, once again, you're just out in the open. The Zerg actually could have just fought it, taken out every single zealot, which, by the way, none of them were in range of the battery. Maybe one of them was in range of the battery. You would have lost all your salads. And once again, you never would have been capable. Look, you just keep doing it. You just keep staying out of position. I don't even understand how it's possible to always be out of position. Like said, by pure luck, you should be able to be in position more often than not. Well, not more often than not, but at least every now and again. Again, like, okay, I just, okay, I literally do not understand this. I, you got to explain this to me. If someone understands this, please explain it to me. You just see 25 lings move towards this side. You see them escape through this general area. So it is safe to assume that the lings are going to be somewhere on this side of the map. Then you send a single propout to secure this base. If the Zerg was even semi-active with those lings, you would have gotten an instant cancel, an instant cancel, because your army doesn't move there. Whenever you go somewhere, you need to secure that base if you know your opponent's units are there. And you knew. You had the full information. It's like you don't have object permanence. The moment they move into the shadows, you completely lose track of where the lings were last. Like, it makes no sense whatsoever. Now you're lucky because the Zerg wasn't paying attention. Had the Zerg been there already, this base would have been cancelled once again, 100%. Like, absolutely no shot. your phoenixes just went back for this as well for whatever reason to try and harass some of these zerglings this is going to be probably a very good fight for you as archons do hard counter zirgling so this a couple of corruptors can recall the phoenixes could also super battery this and move over with your archons could also warp in four stalker not super battery and not use a recall so you lose your third base for free it's a very interesting move and one that personally i wouldn't have recommended or suggested but you really are opening my eyes to the possibilities in this game. This is good harassment though. It's a little bit late but finally you're getting something done. I wish this would have happened well four minutes earlier but it is what it is and you're getting a lot of worker kills actually are in a pretty decent spot. Once again you are completely out of position just literally always managing to be at the wrong side. There's no base here yet. There is a base here completely undefended, lings come in, recall is available, but I doubt it's going to be used. Maybe you doesn't have a hotkey for a recall actually. Like this is, to me, this entire sequence of events just has been insane. And then to complain about the Arkon or the Zellet as a unit that gets countered by the Ling makes no sense. This is almost as if you had a sniper rifle, okay, and your goal is to assassinate someone. But rather than chasing the target that you need to assassinate, you're spying on your neighbor because you're secretly in love with the person that lives next to you. So you're spying them in their backyard pool. Then the target that you're supposed to assassinate gets away and you start complaining about how bad your sniper rifle is. Well, this is not what a sniper rifle is supposed to be used for. And also, you weren't even really trying to fight with it. Like, you're using it as a scope, which is fine. I mean, maybe something beautiful will grow out of your forioristic relationship with your neighbor. But honestly, if she ever sees you control stuff like this, I don't think there's any future there. Once again, taking a fort base, completely undefended. It is actually impressive. And it's going to just get cancelled again. It does get the cancel down. That's important. Does save a little money. This attack, I kind of like, honestly. I think it's a good attack. Archons completely destroy lings. if you would have had a couple of extra zealids in front of this, it probably would have been even better. But even now, you're going to be in an okay spot. Like five extra zealots just for the tanking power, so your archons can just shoot more. It really, really helps against lings. lings lose one Arcon for free. Lose a couple more zealots for free because they're not together with this army. Take out this base. I like the priority setting here right now. It's like, huh, I'm basically doing a desperation all-in attack at the moment. I bet the main target for me is going to be these two extractors on my opponent's third base while I know there's a fourth base and I also know that there's a fifth base surely this is the key thing that I need to be paying attention to right now and you just, okay this is great there's a complete A move back and these units continued attacking the extractors that was actually kind of scary because the lings that come in first around I guess which they do right now you're just going to lose every single unit yeah this is also why having a couple extra zealous is just super useful Phoenixes are still alive and this is this game is really wild 12 minutes in still no 4th base floating 1.2k 1K1K Zerg also is floating a decent chunk by the way I don't want to say that this Zerg player is absolutely perfect but you definitely aren't perfect like very very very far from perfect You know the song by Ed Sheeran perfect? No one really knows who it is about, but with the process of elimination, maybe we can sometime figure it out. And I know for sure that the song isn't about you. We can send that in. If anyone has the contact to Ed Sheeran or to the Ed Sheeran fan club who've been keen on figuring out who the song is about, we can take you of the list. Plus two on the way. I like this. It's a good move. It would have been better if it would have been on five minutes ago. Ooh, this is nice as well. Look that. I just want to see that again. How he moves into a surround. Look at that. This is one of these things that you don't think is quite possible. You're like, how is this Arkham going to get on the right side of this set of lings without killing anything? And we're about to see it. Look at this. What? Huh? How does it move? How does it move? Whiggles its way in like a worm into the earth. Actually, I think worms eat with their... Do they have a mouth? I think they bite it actually No, they have jowls maybe worms I'm quite sure others I know they can dig pretty fast They don't have a mouth How often do they eat? I don't know enough about worms Anyway, you see Ultras So you should be getting immortals Or getting anything to deal with it At this point having the phoenixes at home Is really no point And funnily enough is If you had the phoenixes on the other side of the map You probably could be winning this game And the reason I'm saying this is because you could have just killed every single worker for free. There's four queens and there's seven corruptors. You also have plus one. Ooh, there's plus two carapace. I'm pretty sure with 11 Phoenixes and a void rate, you're going to be capable of taking out seven corruptors. You know that you won't be capable of winning this fight. Phoenixes can deal with these ultralists. So you need to make a mature decision here and say, okay, I don't want to hold my fort base for a little bit, but I'm going to kill every single worker on my opponent's side while I'm slowly but surely, transitioning into something that can actually kill my opponent's units, which is going to be the immortals. The robotics facilities here are actually the correct call. I like that. The problem is that you have no units left right now. Absolutely none whatsoever. No cancel either. Kind of painful. It feels like the phoenixes have been harassing so little because every time there is somewhat of a threat on your side of the map. And whether you need the phoenixes or not, doesn't even matter. The moment there's a threat, you just kind of. F2 them back or at least you send them back. I'm not sure if you use F2. I don't think this adept has moved that much during the game. Yeah, this. Imagine this happening like before you lose every single arc on. Also, I think you send out a Zellet run by earlier, despite your opponent being on three base, which isn't entirely brilliant. I forgot to mention that. It's important to keep that in your memory as well. All the mistakes. I remember all of them. I mean, at this point, there's like a single arc on. It's hard. Even if you wouldn't have lost the archons on the right side, it would have been hard. It's going to be even harder if you're not playing on attacking with the Archon. I do get something done here in the end. Maybe with three Archons could have held. In a... there is a world. There legitimately is a world where if you have four Archons in this area and you killed like 30 extra drones, which would have been possible given the energy on your Phoenixes. You have one immortal out and a void ray. You defend with your super battery at your third. I can see a world where you actually win this game. with a super battery. That's not this world, apparently. This was a really confusing game. Not only because this is Masters and it didn't look like a Masters game whatsoever from the Protoss side, but also just because the entire complaint made no sense. It's not like he spent the majority of the game chasing lings around the map. Majority of the time, what happened was that the army was out of position, there was zero map vision whatsoever, the unit comp initially was okay, but it just never was there to fight the lings. It's just a very weird complaint in my mind because the speed of the rotations didn't even matter because majority of the time there were no rotations. It was just an attack on the same spot three times in a row and then a rotation. This has way more to do with vision than it has to do with rotational speed, which is the one thing that I guess you were complaining about. I'm not even sure what you're complaining about. Is it that the Zurglings are too strong? because that definitely wasn't the case. Every single time you fought with Archons, you destroyed the lings. Every time you were in position, you held your base extremely easily. The only thing that you could complain about is maybe that it's difficult to get map control if your opponent has this many lings or difficult to keep track of what's happening. You could also just pre-split your army. This is perhaps a foreign concept to you because it requires more than one control group. But if you have three Archons in one base and three in the airmen, other and you have batteries at both, no amount of lings is ever going to get through that. It's simply impossible. Bainlings are going to be a necessity or some type of roach raveger. Otherwise, like, link against batteryed Archons, it just doesn't work. It feels like you're complaining about something that wasn't an issue whatsoever. And thus, I can't do anything else but say that you, my friend, suck. And zerglings are not imbalanced. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. Thank you all for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inba? Or do I suck? If you did, don't forget to the like button, subscribe to the channel. And hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you so much for watching. And bye. Bye. |
He WON TWICE And Just Forgot To Pick Up His Trophy... | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | ALRIGHT BOYS; TIME TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE: PROTOSS IMBA; BUFF TERRAN111 If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Oz_VJwPwXpQ/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Oz_VJwPwXpQ | The Disruptor and DT are the two dumbest units in the game. I'll play the Protoss the entire game, but of course he just stalls and stalls with disruptors, and there's literally nothing you can do. Then, of course, the T's come out and it's game over. I guess I shoot a two-based tank all in Pool the Boys, because that's the only way to avoid late-game TVP. I will be doing that every game from now on. Shout out Big Gabe. No wonder Marine Lord quit for Age of Empires. Like, it's literally impossible to attack into disruptors. Oh my God, I'm so tilted. I'm getting a beer. Name. Trasher, 97, race, Terran, Leak, Master at 14,900 MMR so that it's probably Masters one, very close to Grand Master, and the server is going to be on Europe. And the question here, I guess, is, are disruptors and Dark Templar imbalanced, or do I suck? All right, and here we are in the game between Crusher and Kelsier, a French potosplea, or maybe a Scalcier, one or the two. I bet it's a Frenchie. Opening up with a robotics facility here is our Protoss, which is usually a mistake at this level. We saw a two gas opener coming out of our Tarran. I don't actually like Robo that much in this type of scenario. The Doble Reaper are also not really being responded to. There's no battery in either base, which kind of sucks honestly. Like you really do want that because otherwise this type of stuff is going to happen. You're losing mining time. You're losing workers. If you lose two, three workers, the game is equal. Even if you don't lose mining time, you lose this much mining. You lose this much mining time, you lose two, three workers. That is freaking awful. At the same time, Helion also and the natural. Very nice little tactic here, I would say. This is the type of stuff that you can literally just copy out of any top player, and it's going to work guaranteed on your level. Like this type of aggression and with the pattern as well, right? Two Reapers in the main, Helion and Innatural, 9 out of 10 times. You're going to get some damage done. This game is practically over at this point, getting six worker kills. So I would recommend, in this case, for our Terran player to get a cyclone? No, not a cyclone. Ooh, that's a big mistake actually. That's a really dumb mistake as well because he scouted everything. He scouted a robotics facility. The cyclone is good against oracles and against Phoenix. Now, the smart people at home might have realized that the Phoenix and the Oracle have something at home. I'll let all the Terrans that are currently watching this think about it for a little bit more. Let's just wait five more seconds. What do the Phoenix and the Oracle have in common, Terran players? Just think. Right. They both come out of the Stargate. So if you do not see a Stargate, what do you not need to build? The Cyclone, because it is not good against anything else that isn't the Stargate unit. Perfect. figured that one out. The moment, as a Terran player, you scout a robotics facility, and you know there's no target in the main base either, there is no point to finish this cyclone. It is almost never useful. The only other very niche scenario might be against like a three-gate prism attack or in the case of a DT drop. It might be useful, but it still would not be my preferred unit of choice. Getting a fast Raven would be good enough, especially against the DT drop. And a tank is better against three-gate. prism as well. So yeah, much rather would have seen a tank. On top of that, I would have loved to see a three wrecks built here over a triple command center. You have a fantastic early game killing seven workers, basically ending the game. If you follow that up with something quick, you can kind of leverage that lead that you have. Now instead, you get a third command center, then you float 700 minerals, and then you add two barracks. Now, the floating the 700 minerals, I can ensure you is not a part of this build order that is due to, in I'm not sure what was happening at the same time. I'm almost tempted to go back into time, but I also don't really care enough. It's just bad macro. And at 4.9K MMR, there's really no reason why you wouldn't know the timing of your second and third barracks. But let me get back to the main point. If you are ahead in the early game, the best thing to do is to keep the aggression on because then you can kind of capitalize on your early game lead. The longer the game less, the less impactful that early game damage is going to be. So a third TC generally is going to be considered a mistake in that case, because it allows the Protols to get back into the game by being a little bit greedy himself. Maybe he'll get a couple of Colossi out before you can get your first push set up. If you forget your second and third wrecks altogether, I guess you give your opponent till like the 8 minute mark. Because these two metaphics are out at a normal timing. This is like two Metafx for a 3D Rex timing. And right now we have 10 Marines. 10 Marines and a tank. No stim, no combat, no plus one. Like, this is obvious to me that this build order is completely improvised. He dealt some damage. I was like, ooh, I dealt damage. I'm not quite sure what to do now, but I did remember the first four and a half minutes of a hero marine stream that I watched the other day. That's not exactly how it works, all right? Not at this level. Like, we're talking practically low grind master right now. We need to have build orders that somewhat make sense at this point, or we need to have fantastic mechanics where the build order kind of flows. out of you. You know, if you have very good mechanics, if you have money, you'll build the barracks immediately. Obviously, the mechanics aren't there, so then you need to have the knowledge. You need to have the pure timings in your head, whereas like, okay, at 450 I build barracks or 440, I build barracks. Only very highly mechanical players can just kind of improvise like this. As you're not a very strong mechanical player, once again being shown here, nothing's really happening and you're floating a solid 500 minerals for a bit. Yeah, I'd recommend just no the timings kind of kind of by hard just just figuring them out you know it's knowing like timings or supply it's always going to be a very good like kind of a guideline of when to build stuff your initial push is going to hit late but it's still going to hit quite hard i believe you have a raven with this your opponent only has a single colossus you have a bunch of marauders already which i absolutely love here by the way um i really like uh that lately a lot of high high-level terrants and apparently also our barcode player, what is he called? Trasher, Trasher, Chursher. Also, he's building a lot of Marrottos. Really good against these Colossi Stalker styles because Marrottes just trade so well against them. I'd love to see a little move out. It would also love for you to spend your money. Pratos player right now is pooping his pants, by the way. Like, I am feeling bad for this. Look at the Tuss has a vision of one refinery mining and nothing else. There's literally zero vision on the map currently. Like, he's getting ready to be dropped in the main. He's getting ready to get blasted over at his third base. Right now he's just visualizing all the different ways to die. And none of them are pretty. There's like awful ways to die. You know, the raven flies in, interferences, both of them. Entire army drops into your main base and there's a double drop in your third base. The rest of the army goes towards the main. There's like 70 different scenarios that basically would kill our Protoss player at this moment. One of the scenarios I don't think he's currently visualizing is the scenario in which you did nothing for about 40 seconds waiting for six meta-fx until going in and now you drop. I still like the drop. I just think this could have been executed way faster and way earlier. No. This was not the timing for the interference. The Colossi by themselves never could have walked up this ram. So you basically just waited two interference. That could have was snipable as well. So far the micro gets a zero. 0 out of 10 for me. And here, the disruptor shot hits. This was an okay time to either run back or to pick up. The fight overall, well, is it actually good? No, it wasn't a good fight, but it might have been somewhat even. Take a look, resource, yeah, somewhat even resources lost. This should have been a completely one-sided stump. Colossi never could have flanked a tank and 10 marauders. It's impossible. That one disruptor could have just been right-click at any point, and your raven could have still had like the 200 energy that it had before. could have built four auto turrets or just waited until the Colossi get upstairs and then interference matrix so a lot of mistakes in that initial fight on top of that you were also floating like 1200 minerals the Protoss player also was floating 1800 minerals i'd like to add that people always say well harsh them it's also about how bad the other player is that also proves imbalance and i'm paying attention to that i just want to you know just plan the flag there for everyone to see i just want to say hey um yes the Protoss also did not macro perfectly the prox it's very important map vision he's trying his best to get some map vision but he's simply not allowed map vision currently because well Terran's been on the map this entire time he's probably going to continue being on the map for the entire time as well a couple of vikings three three upgrades or three two upgrades probably should start asap this a fight you could definitely take like a hundred percent you can take this you can no no you can snipe them you know you don't have to run away from them right you are allowed to kill this raptor as well. Maybe he thinks disruptors are holy or something like that. It is possible. He doesn't realize he can right-click disruptors. Maybe he doesn't know how much HP they have. I never killed one for like a million HP. I also wouldn't mind ghosts at this point. Probably a little bit earlier already. I think with this push, oh, Liberators before ghost. That's a big no-no for me. That is a very big no-no for me. Ooh. The ghost for Terran is kind of like... It's... Okay, imagine you're going to a pub quiz, okay? And you have three friends. John, the university, finished his engineering degree. Then you get Jacob, you know, quit after high school, started working full-time, lays down solar panels on top of people's roof. Pretty, pretty clever guy, though. And the final friend that you have is Albert Einstein. If your pop quiz covers physics, it'd be a good thing to take Einstein there. It's the same with ghost in the Terran army. Yes, Marines and Marauders are pretty smart, and you might want to have them with you. But freaking Einstein, you're not going to leave behind. And Einstein in this case is the ghost. The ghost is the ultimate unit that Terran has. This is a good fight, by the way, for Terran. If this army would also be in the main or at a different location, that would be sick. Basically what I'm trying to say is always take Einstein to a pop quiz If you have a friend that is called Einstein and he's also as smart as the original Einstein of course This is a good drop by the way very nice drop This is a beautiful stuff actually beautiful stuff now take out all these disruptors Also fine you clear two you fly away now during all of this it is fairly obvious what should have been happening There should have been an army over here at the fort base this army I'm not sure why it was here I'm not sure why these marauders were down here just idling on the low ground, they should have been attacking a different location. The entire point of multitasking is that multiple things are happening at the same time. That's kind of, you know, it's in the word already, multi. You know, more than one thing. You want to be happening. So if you're trying to multitask by just dropping in your opponent's main base, that's not really multitasking. It's just dropping into your opponent's main base. The Liberator here is, I don't know. This is... I don't really like Liberators before Ghost at all. Like Ghost literally has a spell that destroys the entire Protoss army. Like it just cuts the HP in half by taking out all the shields. If there's Archons in there, even more. Like it is crazy how good EMP is. You always want to use that. So yeah, we finally get it. And the thing with Liberators is, Liberators are good, but they need range and you need to have a bunch of them. In that sense, they're kind of similar to fries, you know? You can just eat one fry or two fries. If you eat fries, you eat like 20, 25 of them at least to be somewhat satisfied. Now, Liberators, the numbers, it's like anything under six or seven you're not going to be satisfied with. You need to have two kind of rows of three liberators so you can just kind of slowly but surely leapfrog forward with these liberators. That's the entire point of the lip. It's like a unit that zones your opponent away while your bio stands behind it. If they blink in, bam, you just stim in and you clear absolutely everything. Your stalkers suck against bio. This is an interesting use of liberators that I haven't seen quite before. It's more as a distraction unit there. Maybe scaring tactic. I think what's happening here is that the Tarran hopes... Ooh, this is a good fight for... Could have been a good fight for the Terran. Who does stint, maybe? Hit some of the EMPs, and have a drop. What's going to say is that I believe that our Terran player wants the Liberator to have a similar effect as the Disruptor, where the Protop sees the Liberator and goes like, oh, I can't kill that. I don't want to go in there. It's not quite the case because this Stoss is relatively genius. As I say that, this Stoss is probably going to lose this base here. No more disruptor shots available. Super Battery. It's not going to be enough here. This is a good damage output. This is actually nice movement as well. This was a drop in the main base and then the attack over here at the fort. What I said should have happened last time, now happens, immediately wins the game. Look at that. 178 against 115. There's still like 2K, 1.5K in the bank as well. So plenty of money for the eventual battle cruiser transition or whatever Crusher is about to do here. Like this game is officially over for the second time. Don't forget. The game has already ended on. I think we could have a game over counter, maybe somewhere. in one of the corners. If Hamster can figure out a good way to do that. This is the second time this game has been officially over. If this was a best of three, Kelsier would be out of the tournament. He lost. O2. It's over. But, apparently it's the best of five. And Crusher wants to win this game a third time in a row. Because he's not quite capitalizing yet. Maybe just wants to max out. Well, adding another command center, smart. What did Artosis always say? when I had, get further ahead? Very true. And where did that get autosis? As the mainstay castor at the G.S. Very true. Very, very true. And constantly raging at Protoss as well on a stream. This is so f***k up. So these are two things that are considered positive. What else do we have here? Goat, moving out. I like that. Okay, in reality, what should be happening right now is a massive F2 and just A moving across the map. I think you could probably close your eyes while fighting. Probably actually. You stim, you EMP, you can't miss EMP, they cover the entire screen, the actual radius, the radius, the radius radius, the radius of the EMP with the enhanced shock wave is so big that you literally can click on the mini map. and you cover entire parts of the mini-er. You just click over here and the entire Protoss army has no shields left. It's completely fine. No worries there. Oh, darks right. Right. There's also DTs in this game. Which is surprising because the game has been over already for a solid 14 minutes and now again for another minute and a half already. Really at any point we can still attack and straight up win the game. We can attack with this army or we could drop half the army in the main base or send half the army here like multitasking. We could also go into liberators. This is pure marauders at this point. Well practically pure marauder. Don't completely mind it. Don't actually completely mind it at all. Kind of like it even. I think that's a cool move. Triple disruptors being built. There's an army consisting of seven disruptors right now. We have more liberators on the way. I feel like in the past minute, all that has really happened is that our Terran players secured a 6th base, built 3 more command centers, and got this watchtower, but lost 10 supply, while the opponent gained 60 supply. I don't think this was a good use of our time. Then again, I am a master procrastinator, so I don't know too much about using your time efficiently or holy crap, that was bad. That exact same fight could have happened a minute and a half ago, except then there only would have been four disruptors and no stalkers with this. I'm not sure why we waited an entire 70 supply to lose our entire army to three disruptor shots. Could have done that way faster. Started producing Liberators already. Holy crap, that was bad. If you know that you don't know how to micro, going into a higher liberator count probably is the correct call because you need the micro less. You have range advantage. Or you go into like the multitasking stuff. Disruptors are really bad when they're split up. They're great against bigger armies because it's easier to hit something. But just split your army in two and just kind of multitask against your opponent. Every single time you've multitasked so far, things have gone relatively well. I like this setup. This setup is actually quite good. You don't need to be, like you can be here right now. You don't have to be in range of the disruptors. You just can be a little bit back. This is, this actually was a good fight. This was a, it was not brilliant, but it was good enough. Same time, zealots. Doing a decent amount of damage here. And this is where we see the real Terran multitasking, you know. It, who are they being defended by? What are they sieging? They really hate this rich Vespine geyser. He did Salas, dealing a lot of damage actually. A lot of damage is being dealt here. Like, that's this. Like, you need to support your liberators. They're not a unit that can just stand by themselves. Like, they're part of a bigger thing, you know? StarCraft 2 is a lot about, like, having an army composition with units that have some type of... of synergy in a way. Holy crap. This entire thing was actually insane. The supplies literally swapped. And we need to talk a little bit about this. We have a couple of things here. First of all, the Liberators, okay? If you're using the Liberators to zone, you need to have a bio army with it. The Liberator by itself is a kind of a useless unit. It is, the Liberator is a little bit like Steve Jobs. It doesn't wear a turtleneck or cool shoes. but what the Liberator does do is he works very well in a team with other people you know if you just have Steve Jobs you just have a guy talking about weird stuff like I want the phone and you must be able to swipe and do other things if no one builds the phone it makes those sense it's the same with the Liberator if the Liberator is just sieging up over here but there's no bio behind it to back up that that circle of freedom of the Liberator then there's no point you need to have some backup it's part of a composition, you're just consistently using these liberators as a solo unit and it makes no sense whatsoever. It's not a solo unit. That's what the battle cruiser, if you want to just control one unit at a time, you play mass battle cruiser every single game from this point on now. But this has absolutely not been it. On top of that, I just like to note, I would personally, I find this interesting and the word funny, you know, it would enter my mind maybe, is that there are some. some Terrans, like our current Terran, who have the greatest multitasking in the world when they're in control. But when they're the defender and they're not the one in control anymore, all of a sudden multitasking is non-existent. There's absolutely no second control group to defend anything. When they're dropping at the start two places at the same time, I'm so much faster any stupid Protoss, with an ape brain. No. Terran, this is a little bit when you have like a younger brother. You're like 10 years old. Your younger brother is five years old. You know, you wrestle with him. You destroy arm bars, leg logs, absolutely crushing this kid. Like, he stands no chance whatsoever. Because you're five years old. You're just stronger. You're the one in control, you know. Now, fast forward. You're 25. You're national champion in Dorito eating and mountain d'ew drinking. Your little brother is hitting the gym 15 times a week. there's like mixed martial art practice six times as well then all of a sudden that wrestling ain't that fun anymore because you're not in control anymore and you look pretty weak that's exactly what's happening here look at this none of this is being microed none of the defense is being done either because all of a sudden the toss is in control this toss looked a little bit bad because he never was in control but now that he's in control of this game and it literally ends the moment the control of who was in control of this game swapped the supply is also completely completely reversed and the Terran started looking like a bit of a newbie here. It's really sick how that works and this is fairly often the case, especially at the somewhat lower levels where the moment people know what they're doing and you know that they're really in control of the situation, they can work with a lot of momentum, they're usually destroying their opponent but the moment something weird happens, you know, they get caught of guard, all of a sudden they aren't that brilliant anymore. It's completely the case here. And you're still, you have 8K minerals in the bank. Surely you could get back into it if you try really hard. And one of the cool things that you could potentially do here, I'm not saying that it would win you the game, but one of the best ways to get rid of pressure on you is by trying to counterattack with something. And this can be very small things. I'm talking just queue up three liberators for all I care. You have four liberators right now. Send one behind this base. Send one behind this base. Send one behind this base. Cue up a double drop to the left side, you know? Just make sure that your opponent feel. feels the need to defend. Because the moment your opponent is defending, maybe you get some time to, you know, to crank out a couple of units again. Basically what the ProDos had been doing, you know? He basically reversed this game with that single Zellodrome by completely ruining your micro, your macro and your Liberator gas siege up, whatever it was. Now, at this point the Protoss has completely won the game. This game is now 2-1. So if this was at best of three, once again, our Terran still would have been. in a best of five, all of a sudden there's some combat potential. At least I'm feeling some comeback potential here. And the Terran also is making no moves to try and get back into the game. He's making no moves in general, because it's pretty dead. But no moves to get back in the game. He's basically just continuing the same way he was while he was winning. And let's not forget that when he was up 90 supply, our Terran player didn't manage to finish the game or get to a better position. for himself. Basically, continuing the same thing here is insane. It makes no sense. It went poorly already when you were super far ahead. Why would it go well all of a sudden now that you're 70 supply behind? Like, that is 140 supply difference. Initially up 70 supply and now down 70 supply. Like the difference there in situation is insane. You obviously need to switch up the pace. So this is a move that I like. And the funny thing is, Is that the... Oh god, here we go. I have a bad feeling about these liberators already. I don't know why, but the way that they sieged up, it hurt me a little bit. Oh? Oh yeah, I can't defend that actually. Nah. Can't defend this. Pick up, pick up, pick up into the main. Pick up into the main. P... Boom. Boom. Okay, I'm gonna do that in slow motion. Look at this. Look at this. The correct move, but the execution here. I don't think this still counts as the same move. He's trying to load up a bunch of grandmas into a bus with the speed this was. Holy crap. This maneuver starts at 2437, 2438. Look at this. One, two, three. Huh? Still these two behind. Takes four seconds. Four seconds to load up units and it still has two marauders stuck on the low ground. That is unbelievable. If something takes four seconds in a game of StarCraft 2, it better be done perfectly. It better be done perfectly. This was absolutely not done perfectly. TTs now being dealt with in an okay way. This army obviously should be moving towards the bottom side at the same moment because we want to get back into the game. We want to multitask. But instead of multitasking, we're looking at our... our main army right now and we're losing it because there is 35 disruptors and a massive army shooting at it the space that we have created is not being used whatsoever not being used whatsoever now maybe we start moving down i don't even think there's going to be the case honestly this is still very winnable for the Terran like Protoss mining sucked for a long time there's a lot of my a lot of money in the bank still how's this d t still alive oh my god there's like Surely the priority is not getting another orbital here, we're just getting any outside basis. Like sitting at home right now just allows the opponent to move across the map. This is another little bit of theory, which apparently this Terran hasn't learned yet, or thrusher, whatever he's called. Disruptors freaking suck at defending, especially against Liberators, but attacking, disruptors are greatest unit in the world. You just shoot two disruptor shots, walk or like rotate. Shoot two more, rotate. Shoot two more, rotate. Consistently getting free damage. If you're defending something, all of a sudden you're forced to shoot four or five disruptor shots at a time, while Liberators are zoning your main army away and that unit isn't as brilliant anymore. Is really utilizing the Ranger of the Liberator? I didn't even know it was possible to range it up with this little range forward. It's like minus one. It's actually insane to watch this. No counter pressure whatsoever this entire time. This was a good move. It was a little bit, but the control there was quite good. I really did like that. Once again, the possibility to just leave... Look at this. I'm just suggesting moves here, okay? Siege up five, six Liberators over here. Three on this side, three on this side or something like that. And just stim your entire army to the bottom right. All the other units that get created right now just send towards the left side immediately. The moment you get attacked into a planetary, you have the liberators to defend in this general area. If your opponent tries to go for the throat, you siege all your liberators on top of your ramp, is really difficult to break that. Six liberators on top of a ramp with plus two, even if you have 27 stalkers, if there's just as little as like basically five, six marauders on top of the ramp, it's so, so hard to break this type of stop. It's so hard to do it. By the time you shot the first three liberators, you already lost like 10, 12 stalkers. And don't forget that there's all. also an army killing your nexus at the same time, but you need to make a move. You can't just sit there, just tanking shots. And look at this, army moving exactly where I thought it was going to, because this is the correct call for Protoss. The correct call is to go to the outside base. So you could have defended this with Liberators, with the planetary as your backup unit, then at the same time, counterattack. Your counterattack starts so extremely late, my friend. So extremely late. It's actually painful to see. Like the moment you realize something, happens, that's when you start going. You should be anticipating moves out of your opponent, like a little bit of game stands, or get a sensor tower, which is practically MAPAC. It's also fine. Look, kill the base for free. And you kept your base alive at the same time just by dealing some counterpressure, just like that. It's beautiful, isn't it? How that works. Now, this army that you just reinforced to this position makes no sense. Once again, I'm just going to show it once more. This army that reinforced should not be joining up with this army. The moment you can be, be backed into a corner. The Protoss can chase you all the way, like, just around, and then attack while it's chasing your army into a defensive position. So you always need to stay aggressive on the map. If you're not staying aggressive on the map, how you're ever going to do any damage? How you're ever going to spend the money that you have? Like you have, you need time right now. You need to buy a lot of time. You also have so much energy. Holy crap. Drop a couple of mules, man. You're 16 mules available for you. No more. It's like 20 mules. Holy crap, I like this move. Should have been with some marauders, though. And a Medivac, probably. You leave for your... Here's the lips. All out of position. Disadvantage on not having sensor towers and no game sense. Yeah. Censor tower, honestly, is a bit of a replacement for game sense, but... There's no point. This game is actually over. This game has been over for a while now. I really did believe that there was like three, four extra possibilities to go. but it seems like this game is, yeah, it's actually completely over. We'll just speed this up a little bit because I have no hope for this Terran anymore. And I also have no hope that this Terran is going to leave the game at a responsible time. Because that is not something that Terran players are known for whatsoever. Nice Liberator, she's, holy crap. I don't see that again. This is a siege and a half. He's not even attacking the table. tower. It just makes no sense. I don't know. Like, this type of stuff, I just can't understand it. I just don't understand it. Like, this Terran obviously has some concepts, but stops using them the moment he gets a hat. Like, the initial multitasking wasn't that bad. At some point, the one drop into the main base and then the attack on the 4th was really good. I like that a lot. But after that, I haven't seen a single good decision in this game. Like, not a single one. Except for that one. All other decision making was just bad. It was slow. The response time was very slow. Look at the preemptive force fields. I mean, could have just lifted over it, I guess, but might have been too much... I guess he's seen the lift from over from earlier over there. He's like, I have no shot this guy's trying to lift again. That didn't go to hot the first time around. Ah, no way. No way. 4.9K. No G G G. No Gigi either. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No Gigi. Disruptor and Dark Templar. My good friend, you complain about the disruptor and the Dark Templar, but what you're forgetting here is that you already won 2-0 in this single game before a single disruptor. Maybe half a disruptor hit the field. Maybe half a, not DT's, didn't end until like 18 minutes. You already lost to the Zealots. DTs, we completely leave the DTs out. The DTs did not matter in this game. The Zellet run by completely killed you. Salad run by and the micro, whatever you did on the bottom side, that was game over for you. The disruptors, however. I understand that the disruptor is a frustrating unit. It's difficult to micro against, but not a single time in this entire game have you used the disadvantage of the disruptor, which is either splitting up your army. You know, you did it once and it went very well, but never again after. They went way too well. Wouldn't want that to happen again. It might accidentally increase my TVP win rate that I can't complain anymore on the Betonet forums because people will see my profile. Where was I? Right. Not a single time after that one time Did you split your army? Not a single time did you use liberators correctly either to push your base. Every single time you use liberators, they either were zoning an area without support or there was just no support anyway. And they were just chilling there for some reason, often mis-seged as well. Your ghost were very late on top of that as well, which are great against disruptors because they remove half of the overall health of the unit. It's like, look, I understand complaints. about disruptors and that they're annoying. It's difficult to micro against, but you had so many opportunities here to finish the game before it. You had so many opportunities to actually fight properly against the disruptor as well, and you never did it. So I can't really say that it's a disruptor that's imbalanced. No, my friend, you just suck. That's how it is. All right. There's going to be it for today's episode of... Is it Inba or Do I Suck? And the one thing that I will agree with with Mr. Crusher is that, oh my God, I'm so tilted. I'm getting a beer. I'm not tilted, but I'm going to get a beer. I recommend all of you do the same thing and watch another video. Hit the like button, subscribe to the channel. And I'll see all of you next time. Ciao, chow. |
Was It Really LAG Or Is He LYING? | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Lag. An excuse as old as time. And everyone knows, that it also get's used from time to time, when in reality there simply was a skill issue at hand. So let's investigate this "lag"and see, if it was the reason for the Swarms defeat. If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pUlpd0HdOl0/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | pUlpd0HdOl0 | Good day, Mr. Harsham. I'd like to submit a complaint about Terran. Their comeback potential is just too high. First, they have buildings that can fly, so it's just impossible to truly kill a base. Second, and that's what is imbalanced, is they can stack their macro mechanic to gain benefit from it immediately. For instance, if a Zerg messed up their inject, they cannot inject five times at once and get 20 larvae. If Protoss was not chrono-boosting for five minutes, they cannot chrono-boosting for five minutes. They cannot coroner. a boost five times to reduce ProBuild time to three seconds. But if a Terran does not macro properly, they can drop 5 mules simultaneously and get 1,300 resources at once. How is that fair? Please watch the attached replay. Thanks for that note. I was planning on just reading your complaint form and giving you the finger. But now I'll watch the replay. The Terra was completely dead for the first half of the game. Then we had semi-based rate, during which my potato computer lacked for several times. seconds and all my mutas flyed into mines and died. This is the oldest excuse in the world, lack, which resulted in a situation where I had two times more drones and the same amount of bases. But you know what? Mules. He just dropped like five of them and get back into the game. So please tell me Mr. Harsden, is stacking mules imbalanced or do I not understand something about that game and thus suck? Question mark. Name Darkson, Ray's Zerg. The league is Diamond on North America with 3,600 MMR. The question is simple. Is stacking mules imbalanced or does Darkson suck? All right, here we are in the game then. Between Marie, our Red Tarrant player and Darkson, the man, the mid, the legend, and the one will be paying attention to opening up with a pool first here. I don't completely mind that. I often say at lower levels, one of the greatest things you can do is open up with, not a cheesy opener, not an all-in, but an early pressure, as I like to call it. You know, get your four lings, get your six lings across the map, followed up with some roaches for all I care. Like your standard link into roach build is just going to get you quite far ahead in most games. Now, of course, it has the downside of always being up in a macro game if you do end up transitioning into a macro game afterwards, which makes you believe that you should always be up that much in a macro game, which tends to not exactly be the case. Anyway, we have Marie here who opens up with a, Yeah, what is this? CC into Marine, no gas for a Reaper. No gas for a quick factory either. So it must have been a slightly delayed gas or if we got to send us SUVs into gas. Confusing opener, to say the least, here coming out of Marais. And he's going to struggle a little bit as well against these initial six lings because there was no scout here whatsoever. He only has a single Marine. He's not building anything else with this barracks, despite I imagine they're first going to be a factory. Yeah, so definitely could have had two extra marines here, most likely at least. Most likely could have had two extra marines here. Instead built nothing, and I was going to struggle against this initial move out here with these six lings. I would like the control on that. Also like the split off here on these lings. Forward to the main, two in natural. Should have targeted down the SCV a little bit faster. It's been quite slow with that. Before it's a big SUV pool. This is probably already worth it, honestly. Taking out an SUV here. Probably we'll get a second one. Might even get this Marine as well. Yep, there we go. The second Marine is now out. This is all completely fine. Behind this, though, there's no macro whatsoever. We saw a mineral float of 700 coming out of our Zerg player. And you could say, well, Harstem. The Terran also was floating a bunch of money. That's true. but he couldn't really spend the money because A, he couldn't start his orbital yet, that's 150 minerals, and B, because he had to build more Marines, he cannot produce two Helions at the same time. So, yes, he floated money, but it's a little bit unfair to compare these situations, because the Zerg floated money because of incompetence when it came to multitasking, and the Terran also floated money due to incompetence, but a different type of incompetence, not due to the multitasking, but because his build order wasn't completely perfect. that is different. At least in my mind, that is slightly different. One player doesn't have a builder, the other one just doesn't have the speed. But yeah, in the end, both of them flowed a bit on money. I guess that is a fine comparison. Follow-up here is a two gas roach. This is starting to smell a little bit like an eight to nine roach push, and you kind of have two paths that you can walk here, I would say. So you have the path of the nine roach into drones, and then you have the nine roach, the 8th roach as we're seeing here into into a lot of lings as a follow-up. And especially at a link follow-up, we've seen a lot recently in professional play. We've seen several play this a couple of times and when several plays and all in, you know it's going to get copied a lot. So here we have Darkson. And the next injects basically decide what's going to happen. What will happen with these larva? That is an interesting question. It seems like Darkson doesn't quite have an answer to that question yet either as he's saving up. Okay, it's going to be lings. Now, When you open up like this, a roach into link push, your goal is to attack as fast as possible, basically. You want to kill your opponent. If not kill, at least, extremely limit them for the future. Take out depots in the main base, take out as many workers as you can, basically kill them, but keep them alive. Like, this is an all-in. I really would call this an all-in. This is not a pressure anymore. So it's important that you also treat this as an all-in. He's taking, it's not taking too much time, he's going for the depots. I wouldn't mind completely ignoring those and just straight up running for the ramp here. Yeah, yeah, this is what I'm kind of, this is what I was kind of afraid of and this is what's happening here exactly. I'm going for the depots first, then even going down here for this. Okay, this is completely wrong. Now, I'm going to explain this in that the goals are incorrect. The execution by itself isn't necessarily incorrect if you were doing something else. It's just a mismatch between the strategy you're picking and the execution of the strategy. Okay. Now, imagine we have as a goal that we want to buy a house and our coworkers ask us out for lunch. So, co-workers actually out for lunch, you go, no, sorry, I'm saving money because I'm planning on buying a house. It's a fair excuse, co-workers, whatever, sounds good. then the next day you show up to work in a completely new car. Your co-workers are like, hey, what the hell is that? That makes no sense whatsoever. I thought you were saving for a house. And buying a car by itself is not necessarily a bad thing. The problem is just that you had the intention of buying a house. And when you buy a car, it's a lot of money that you're wasting there. It's the exact same here with this road raverger ling bust. Basically, your goal here is to kill your opponent. But you're treating this as if a limited thing. pressure killing workers is going to be enough. If you wanted to just kill workers, kill a couple of depots, and then piss off into a macro game, you could have gone without all of these lings. You built 30 lings, that is 15 drones. 15 drones. You could have had extra right now, and you would have had the exact same result. I guarantee you with just the initial three roaches and five ravagers as you would have had now. These SUVs you're only getting, because your opponent ran down to this. area rather than pulling up into the main base as well. So you're wasting a lot of time for no real reason. You would have gotten these SCVs as well with just the roaches. That's a mistake out of your opponent, but he would have made that mistake in both scenarios most likely. So basically what you've done here right now is you haven't killed your opponent, which is the goal with this build. And you're not even going to be far ahead economically because you build all of those lings. So basically, you know, as a kid, sometimes you have to match the world. with like the picture, you just saw the word boat and you matched it with the picture of a car. And it is incorrect. It's just completely incorrect. By themselves, like both a boat and a car are completely fine to do. But you do need to mix it with the correct strategy and the execution need to be mixed properly. Now, what is completely incorrect here are these roaches. If you want to reinforce a push that is happening already at this moment, You're not going to be building roaches. Why not? Because roaches are freaking slow. They take a very long time to get across the map. And by the time they arrive, the push most likely is already going to be over. This would be like saying that you're going to buy a house and then you're going to your local Louis Vuitton store and buying an entire outfit of Louis Vuitton. There's not a single point to that. Nowhere in the world has anyone benefited from buying a Louis Vuitton outfit. The only one benefiting there is Mr. Vuitton. And does he really need more cash? No, he doesn't. So stop buying Louis Vuitton outfits and stop building roaches to reinforce a roach ravager link push. See, your push is getting pushed back right now, which makes sense. Or you would have killed your opponent already. But these roaches are going to arrive after the fact. And they always would have arrived after that. Look, it is brilliant. Everyone died. You can maybe lick up their blood or something like that. Brilliant stuff. They're actually in a bit of trouble right now, despite the start of this push going extremely well. This really was my issue with it. This really is my issue with it. Basically, you should have been at like 55 workers at this point. If you would have been at 55 workers, maybe even more, look, you keep building this. You could have been at 55 workers with these 20 lings already out as well. And then at home you could have had queens. So you still would have been capable of defending the counterattack, and you would have been up so far that it, even if your opponent had, freaking three orbital commands with 12 mules saved up. It wouldn't have mattered at this point. At this point it wouldn't have had. You would have been so far ahead. But instead of that, you didn't kill your opponent's army. You didn't kill enough Eco. I still believe you're kind of, yeah, I still believe actually you're ahead, but you could have been so far ahead that the game would have been literally unloosable. At this point, but the game still is literally unloosable, but it would have been literally, literally, literally unloosable. We already have the insider information that you do end up losing this game. And it shows me that despite your good early games and your understanding of early game kind of strategies and tactics, you probably have poorer macro skills. I'm kind of seeing that 600 minerals floating. Okay, nine drones at the same time. Would not mind seeing a couple of queens being added right now for creep spread, but also for general, you know, adding into the defense, both transfuses and general tanking power. Queens are absolutely fantastic. There's a reason why it's the unit that every single pro-ZERC in the world builds a crapt on. zergs disagree with each other all the time. The Koreans with the Europeans, the Europeans with the American. Well, most zergs or most people in general disagree with the Americans when it comes to StarCraft 2 theory, but they all agree on one thing, and that is that the queen is a very good unit in most, most games. 99% of the games you want to get more than three queens if you have three hatcheries. I actually believe that if the Tarran knew how to micro here, would die, which is insane after how this early game went. F. F. H. H. Not a spire. I'm going to explain why as well. I'm a little bit disappointed here. Okay? You scouted, not even with this Ovalord, I think, but just with your all in, that there was five wrecks and no third base. Okay. You know that you're up in upgrades. You know that you're up in Eco. You know that you're being all-in. The Muda Lisk is a unit that has a specialty unit, I would call it. It's good at harassing and it is good at defending small drops. Your opponent is two base all-in in you. You're not going to be harassing your opponent with what, 10 Muda's. It's going to be fairly easy for your opponent to defend because he only has two bases. One of the reasons why mutas are so nice to have is because the defense needs to happen at multiple places. So let me explain this properly. Imagine there's 10 muras and you're playing against a one-base Terran. In order for the Terran to be safe, to have his economy safe, he'll need to build one turret. Now, if there's 10 mutalisk and there's six bases, the Terran will need to build six turrets at every single base, one turret. That means that the same investment from the Zerg gets a way bigger response out of the Terran. Also, Terran will probably need to keep units in different positions. If you have six bases, if you have two bases, you put like maybe a Madovac here, or you put five or six Marines here with half a Madovac, you're going to be just fine. You can protect all your infrastructure, all your SUVs are safe. So this is why often against two basalins, you don't want them. Another reason why you don't want them is because with two base all ins, your defense tends to be quite tight. MUTALIS is one of the most expensive Zerg units that has no fighting power whatsoever. They're garbage in a straight-up engagement. They're great at what Mura's do. Muda's a fantastic unit. Don't get me wrong. People lose to Mura's all the time. But the problem is that in a direct fight, they're just not as brilliant. So they're not good in a direct fight. They're mainly for harassment. And your opponent shouldn't be doing drops. Your opponent is doing drops, but that's a mistake. Just because your opponent is making a mistake with how he decides to use his units, doesn't mean that the spire here is a good decision. Even if you're going to get all the use out of it in this game, that doesn't mean that the spire was a good decision. Staying on pure Lingbane, adding more hatcheries to make sure that you can spend your money. Or even going Lingbane Hydra, I wouldn't have mined as much. You're getting a couple of raverages in there, because you already have the road to run after all. I wouldn't even have mindless march. But defending a two base all in with mutas, you'll hear every single Zerg say this as well. They'll say two things. One is that queens are freaking brilliant against everything and two that mutilists suck against two basalins. These are just these are actual objective facts at this point. Just because your opponent is dropping, which is a mistake, doesn't make your response any better. Your response is still as bad. Your opponent just also has a bad response to your response. Do like this drop actually. I can't do like this drop. It's also floating 1100 minerals. too little queens as well, only two. Really should start adding some queens. Also a great way, by the way, to spend money. Queens do not require larva to be built. There we go. This is like, you know, in Hollywood, the Wild West movies, you have the jewel at like noon or something like that. So they meet in like the main street. waiting until the bell chimes 12. You're just standing there. Can't draw their gun before. This was a similar situation, except no one heard the bell, and currently it's 3 p.m. They were just standing there, one matter of back flying in air, just chilling, or the other guy had his mutas, just idling right next to it. I think that legit took like 25 seconds or so. It's a wonderful waste rate. What was I going to say? I was talking about queens. Yeah, queens don't cause larva, So they're not really impeding your ability to produce other units. They're great when you need to spend money and you want to defend something. I don't mind this run-by completely. But there's one thing that is wrong here. And I'm actually going to go back into the game a little bit for that. Okay? So these run-bys with Ling Bay-Mura are quite common against things like if you're playing against an A-Drax out of a Terran. In that case, Terran usually has a third base. you'll see like a massive run-by with muta link. The mutas make it easy to break basically anything and the lings, you know, they also clear absolutely everything. So together they work well. However, whenever you see this, Zerks always leave a bunch of bainlings at home. And the reason for this is, is when you have bainlings on creep, no matter the amount of bainings, as long as you have like 10 or 12 bainlings, it is difficult for Tarrant to move forward quickly in the base rate. This allows the Zerg to quickly take out the opponent's base, or at least the active mining bases, and then return back home with this while the banlings are stalling. If you don't have any banlings for stalling, then this base race isn't actually that good. Like, it's nice that you kill a base. Don't get me wrong. You're still up three bases even after losing your fort. Or well, you're still up two bases, even after losing your fort. Good Lord, elementary school math is difficult. But the problem is that your opponent can actually get a decent, position. This is also a brilliant start of a fight, I have to admit. Is this the lag? This has to be the lag moment. Now, I had my doubts when I read it in the imbalance complaint form that this was actual lag. But let's just take a look at this at first person. Let's take a look at the APM that's happening during this. I'm going to slow down the game a little bit as well. So we see moving off the camera. APM at 300? 400? It's hard to say if he lacked or if he just didn't micro his units. I mean he was moving the camera, which I think if you're lagging, I'm not sure if that's even possible. I want to see this again. I don't want to play a judge here, but... I think there was some camera movement during this, no? If you lack, I don't think you can move your camera. Was there camera? No camera movement here. Now he starts moving again. It might have been lag actually. It might have actually been lag. I don't want to say no because it might have been true. Now at this point, the game feels fairly. over in favor of our Tarram player I would say it's 27 workers against 12 he started the hive when did he start the hive oh my god I can't believe we're gonna see this fight for a third time I want to see the decision making behind this oh my god I think I missed this the first two times so what does he scout he supply blocked he's like I just lost my fort base. My opponent has no natural left. The thing that I really need is adrenal glance in three and a half minutes from now. What is this? What? Maybe he just saw that the queen just popped. I was like, ah, let me use this axiory for something, at least. This was the worst fight I've seen in my life. It might actually have been lag. Even if it wasn't lag though, the decision to fight there still was a bad one. You should have kind of weighted it out, gotten way more bailings. Should not have gotten a lie. Why is the muta being produced right now? A muta can't even beat a single Marine. Think if you fight the Marine against the Muda Lysk and the Marine is being healed, the Marine actually gains HP. The Muta has negative damage output. It's actually, it was initially designed as a support unit where the Muta bounced, which just heal your own units. This is one of my many theories I have. Like the mutilist, mutiless DPS is pathetic. I can't believe this defense works out. Is the Terran forgot the micro there? Holy crap, this is an insane game. Actually, I can't believe we went for a hive. 27 workers. Down 50 supply or something, an army supply. The response was to get a hive. rather than getting five extra bailings. Love to see it. Anyway, is this still a playable position right now? Is a question that you could ask? I think the answer might be yes. Yeah, I might be playable. You have 32 workers. You're mining off of a base and a half. Your opponent is mining just off of one. I guess with the orbital flying over, it could be pretty rough. I'm not understanding of this layer whatsoever. Like, is plus two karepae's important? Yes. important enough to invest the money to get a layer right now when it's obvious that you're going to need it in the moment. Your opponent is never going to get 2-2 anyway. So despite upgrades being important, I don't think it's the most important. He got Carapace Flyer first as well. He's really keen on the upgrades. Last week we had the guy without the upgrades. This week we had a guy who's really keen on the upgrades. Not sure what I prefer. I feel like in this situation, surely getting no upgrades would be a lot better. So it takes the natural. Usually I'd say take a different base that has more mineral patches maybe, but... I don't know, I'm not gonna be too critical of that. This army goes across the map. Eight Muras. You much rather would have just more banlings at this point, right? It's just simply better, especially if you're not going to be using them for any type of harassment, which quite frankly could have been used. There's no turrets whatsoever. Bainings. Was that also lag? Oh my God. Look at these banlings. I feel like the banlings were being A-moved and the banlings had the right idea here. Look at this. Look at this fight. Just look at this fight. They're going, they're aiming for the Marines and then they dodge the Marines. To go straight into the unit that can tank them. I don't even understand. This is like just driving into a wall for fun. Why would you do that? Yeah, your car is totaled. Congratulations. At least the walls also damaged. It's like, yeah. Two marauders went down. He lost like all of your banlings. And then he tried to fight with the eight mutas into the marines. Like, huh. 200 resources against the 50 mineral unit? Still not quite the trade that I thought it was. I mean, the mules did decent here, I guess. I guess we saw the five mules fall earlier. I guess those are the five mules you were talking about. It is an odd thing to complain about in this game though, isn't it? I would... If I were a Zerg and I wanted something to complain, I would talk about the tanking damage of the marauder, or the inability of a 200 research unit called the Muda list to kill a single marine, which is only 50 minerals. Like, I'd have a lot of things to complain about, but I don't think I dare touching the Muda's. It's not like income was the issue here, was it? This is... This is, the funny thing is, is that the resource loss wise, this wouldn't even be super uncommon to see, right? You see, okay, maybe 10K at this point is kind of uncommon, but seeing a Terran very far ahead, isn't that uncommon? The funny thing is, is that the Terran has been playing like, the Terran built like five mines this entire game. Legit, five. No, there's still six alive. So he built 11, but he probably, he lost five mines. He had a terrible army the entire time. Any amount of banings would have killed him because the Terran control wasn't that great. That's often the case in Diamond. It's not to judge Mr. E. It's not Marie, it's Mr. E. Not to judge Mr. E. It's just, like, this is one of the things. The baling is just a better unit at lower levels because the micro against the baling is harder than microing with the banling. All you need to do is try and not aim at the marauders. And as a Terran you actually need to split, move your marines back, all of that good jazz. Holy crap, these are some bad fights. It's actually quite impressive. And one of the main reasons probably because he lost so many murals, right? Yeah. The 22 mutal is playing against a 17-minute 2 base alone. And this game is absolutely over why we're still watching this. This is some heavy copium. Darkson couldn't win the game. Up 45 workers, up two bases, up and upgrade as well. And then believes that he could still hold 26 a plane against 99. I mean, this is the type of game where I just don't quite understand. why they pick what they pick to complain on. The comeback potential is just too high. Well, this is something you can say if Terran actually has to make a comeback. You can have handed him the comeback, A, by building the mutalisk against the two basaline, and B, by taking some of the absolute worst fights that I've seen in my life. You even already say, like, my potato computer lacked, all my mutas fly into mines and died. Well, not just your mutas, also your lings and your veins and the rest of your army. but do you think it's fair that if someone doesn't micro their army for five or six seconds that they would lose the fight and that the opponent is capable of making a comeback? I think that is fair. I mean, the game shouldn't be balanced around your crappy computer. It's like, oh, majority of Zerg players have worse computers than Protoss. Well, in that case, we make Zerg easier to micro in case they lack. How does it make any sense? Like, it's nice to have an excuse for why you lost your entire army for free for yourself. Maybe it helps you sleep better at night. That is completely okay. But I think it is completely normal that if you don't control your army for that long, that yeah, you're going to lose absolutely everything. Despite that if you would have microed a little bit there, it would have had 10 more bailings, probably would have absolutely destroyed that fight. I don't even think the mules had much of an impact. The moment the mules actually got into play, I think you had already lost the game. Even without Mules, I'm pretty sure that the Terran still would have won. Like the final fight was 96 supply against 25. I don't think that would have been vastly different if he would have had five less mules there. He might have had, what, like a 20, 30 less supply or so. Still would have died because all you had were like four Mura's and half a Bainling. Mules were not the issue, my friend. Your terrible control, your lack of decision making, your bad execution with the early game push, which already should have either won you the game, but you so far ahead that it would have been unloosable. these were all the issue. Mules stackable, what you call it? Stacking mules is not imbalanced. You, my friend, just freaking suck. That's how it is. All right. That's going to be it for me today. I hope you did enjoy this episode of I oldies. Is it in where do I suck? If you did, don't forget the like, but subscribe to the channel. Next time for a new video. Thanks so much for watching. And bye. Bye. Thank you. |
This UPGRADELESS Zerg Complains About Imbalance?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | What an episode... I might actually be wrong. Maybe, the Marauder is imba... Maybe, mooncakes is right... But then again, I just remember Serral. He said: "No Way!"I might have taken that out of context, but isn't that what everyone does nowadays? Like and subscribe! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8FENKUQyABk/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 8FENKUQyABk | Dear Harstam, Marauders are my nightmare. In most of my ZVT games, Marauders have countered so many of my pushes effectively and efficiently. Both anti-armor bio-units, as well as having such thick Thor armor. They can heal from MettaVex. They have stim, and they also have concussive shells that rip my banlings, roaches and ravagers to an oblivion. Even though I can win multiple engagements, my traits aren't effectively working. I may be a little behind an upgrade, but my macro allows me to closely remax and win trades. After switching to Muda's late game, I lose to a heavy biotransition of mass marine and tank. Help me. Name, Mooncakes, race, Zerg, league diamond at 3.1K MMR on the North American server. And I guess the question here is, are marauders imbalanced? Or do I suck? And we're here to find out. All right, Mooncakes, let's see what you've got. First of all, very fast, what is this, a third overlord. A little bit quick, I like it. Quick on the supply, make sure you never get supply blocked. Six lings to start with as well. So an aggressive approach at defending the Reaper. Absolutely love to see it. Continued gas mining after starting the gas and no third base. So opening up with a two base opener here, most likely. And that is viable. I've seen that work in the past for Zurich players. especially Zerg players that are a little bit lower level. Being aggressive in the early game can often really help at establishing a bit of a lead and from there on now just kind of winning the game. I managed to push this Reaper away, which is nice. Get the injects going as well. So I could be wrong on this, but from what I recall is that if you open up with a two-base opener, is that your first injects should be injects. So your first 225 energy on the queens should be inject and you should not get a creep tumor immediately. Because you have a lot of money to spend because you're saving 300 minerals. Because usually you get a faster hatchery here. So a little bit surprising, a little bit confusing. Could still just be a lot of queens in the early game and then something else. But right now Mooncakes is floating 440 minerals for no real apparent reason. It is a little bit surprising. A little bit confusing. Oh, layer goes down. Could be something like a Queen Ling-Nidus in my mind, at least, if we get another queen going. And there's still some gas mining as well. I don't really quite see what else this could be with such a fast layer. lings go across the map for an attack. Take out two Marines and almost manage to kill a mule as well. Actually, we'll be capable of clearing the mule here. I think this was worth it, right? You clear a mule, maybe even get a second mule? Hop! Two mules, Marines? Good target fire as well here out of Mooncake. That actually was fairly impressive. I like that. Now, behind this, something slightly less impressive happened, as we saw Moonke's floating 800 minerals. Not really building anything. Now it goes for a roach warren and a bailing nest at the same time, off of two base. A rare build order that I haven't seen before. And not the good type of rare build order. You know, sometimes, I'm not quite sure if you guys and girls know Pokemon cards a little bit, But with Pokemon cards, you have these cards, like the very rare cards. And you'll get them like once in every 10,000 packets or something like that. And they're very valuable. This build order is also very rare, but it's more rare that if you had a Pokemon card in one of these packets that had an employee giving you the finger and the sites are completely burned and a dog bit on the side as well. You open the packet and be like, hey, I've never seen this before, but I doubt it's going to be very valuable. Well, I kind of have to intervene here as Harsham obviously has no clue about collectors or what they value. Most of you probably already know that misprints can skyrocket prices to infinity in some and often quite random scenarios. So a half-burned trading card that gives you the finger would probably easily be enough for you and your whole family to retire. Just check out this rare 1792 misprint penny that sold for a chill $2.5 million. Well, that obviously has to have been some kind of money laundering scheme. Who else would pay that much money for a single freaking penny? But in the world of cards, we also have this. Sometimes cards get punched out crooked or shifted, and while that usually decreases the price, sometimes it just raises them for reasons. Or look at this dark magician girl from Yu-Gi-O with, and I quote, A strain of hair where none should be. That is a pretty optimistic description for this small book, that was accidentally imprinted after a factory worker sneezed into the machine. But let's get back to our unknowing and innocent captain. It's the same with Mooncake's build order here. It looks rare, unique and kind of exciting and it might make for a good story to your friends, but I don't think it's going to win you too many games. The delayed hatchery for no reason into Roach Bainling, no evo chamber, no gases, but a lot of money. And, you know, in this type of situation, when I see a Zerg floating 790 minerals, I think to myself, why not just build a macro hatch in this type of scenario, you know? If you can't spend your money, there's absolutely nothing wrong with just investing in a macro hatch. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed doing something like this. You might not have heard it before, but I think that is very important. Just, you know, spending your money is more important than saving it in the bank. There's no point for it to be in the bank. Money needs to roll, you know, get the economy going. Stuff like that. All right. Another thing that actually interests me here is that we have a layer. There's a lot of interesting things here. Just from interesting thing into interesting thing. We have a layer, but no scouting whatsoever. We have a layer and the only thing it's being used for is for quick road speed. This is odd to see because this Benji is going to deal damage, despite there being a layer finish at like the four minute mark. And it's going to deal damage because there's no detection right now. This is another one of these rare situations. The overseer gets built and the Benchie already has five, six, seven kills. It's probably going to get a couple more if it flies to the natural as well because there's nothing there. Mooncakes here is rather lucky that Patsy decided to not fly in towards the natural. Surely he didn't build the overseer at home to go scout across the map right. Surely this overseer was built in response to the Benchie. Why would you fly it across the map after knowing there is a Benchie with cloak nearby? You don't have spores in your natural, there's no spore in your third base, there might be a second Benchie on the way that could be coming towards the bottom side. What level is this decision making? Honest to God, this is insane. The worst part is that it's actually gonna work out and spot this Benchy. Now, I'm not worried that Mooncake's is actually paying attention to the mini map. And even though Patsy sends back this Benchy now to deal with this Ling run by, I still feel like Mooncakes hasn't quite realized it. It's also coming home to deal with these roaches, I guess. This game has been nothing short but insane so far, honestly. Absolutely mental game. Um, the only thing that... That Mooncakes has done so far that is remotely close to being good is the creepspread. It's like, in like an RPG game, uh, you're playing your Eldon Ring or whatever and all your skill points, you're just being put in one single thing. It's the same here. And rather than picking decision making or, uh, macro or, uh, you're playing, uh, you know, you know, just general thoughts, like having a brain, intelligence, I guess that would be called in an RPG. Instead, he put everything in creep because the creep thread honestly is pretty solid. Like, I hate to admit it, but this looks pretty fine, especially for this level. This is really good creeps rat, multiple tumors going at the same time, queens are at the forefront of the creep. At the same time, though, I'm wondering, why are we getting an infestation pit and bailing speed, while having seven roaches and zero Evo chambers and being on 49 workers while mining six gases. I'm pretty sure that he took skill points away from intelligence in order to increase the creep spread. You know how it starts with zero zero everywhere and then you have like 12 skill points to use. He put 12 skill points in creep and then went minus five on intelligence to put five more in creep. So he currently has 17 on creep, minus five in intelligence and still neutral on. decision making and macro. Honestly, the money spending has been okay ever since the start. Like the first five, six minutes were terrible, but ever since then, he's been spending his money pretty okay. Overlord speed, of course, definitely has the priority here over any type of carapace upgrades or range upgrades. You want to make sure that your overlords move across the map rapidly. That way next time you send an overseer into your opponent's bunker, it flies over at very high speed and you might actually get the safety. smart stuff. A classic Reverger morph on the far right side of the map. Barely outside of Tower Range, actually. Oh, no, this is in Tower Range. It's just showing off his units right now. It's like a modeling show. Look at them walk as all. Reverger's could be models. They canna, they kind of waddle their, their bumps as well with their... How many legs do they have like eight? Nine? I think it's like eight legs, no? Six. six maybe six or eight legs i can't really see it like a spire like creature maddening all right um so right now it's going to be one one upgrades against zero zero and we still have no evos as well okay first two evos now at the same time as the hive oh that is something that you don't really see too much no anti-art to deal with the bench eater but there's loads of creep could actually move the queens forward The funny thing is that this fight, if these tanks aren't seized, and if the Biles connect, which they do, could actually be okay-ish for Munkie. It wasn't great, but... actually, this was fine. Took out what, like two tanks, a bunch of the Marines as well? Could probably kill all of the workers here on the third base right now. And it's probably the correct call to go for that as well, rather than attacking into this area where half of your revergers... This is the priorities of a man with minus 5 intelligence. It goes up, gets hit by the tank, is like, ooh, that's a lot of damage. Let me move back, but before I go home, let me attack this refinery and a little bit of damage on this command center as well, before I leave. Brilliant stuff. I love it, gets hit another time by the tank because of that. Benji cleans this up. This army wasn't even that marauder heavy. There's like four marauders in here. I have a feeling. Now, I don't want to speak too fast, like ahead of my turn, but I have a feeling here. And that feeling is that it might not be the marauder that is giving you trouble, but it might be the fact that you don't have any upgrades and your opponent is already getting 2-2. Just a misdiagnosis from your end. And that is completely okay. It happens to the best, you know? No way. No way. No way. Who hasn't gone to the doctor and said, Doc, I have a little bit of pain in my shin, and I'm not quite sure where it's coming from. And the doctor looks down and says, well, sir, it might have something to do with the fact that a crocodile is biting your leg currently. If you then tell your doctor, no, it's just my shin, you're an idiot. So I'll give you the opportunity here. you know, to in the future redeem yourself. I'm telling you right now, it is the upgrades and probably not the marauders. But then again, I've only been playing this game for 12 years of my life. I could be incorrect. It could be that the marauder is your real problem here. And in that case, I apologize. Maybe I spoke to soon. Maybe this game is going to show me exactly that the marauder is the real issue in this game. Viable. It is a viable theory. No way. But we'll have to wait. Adrenal glands before the Malay upgrades or before any upgrades. Now technically this is a good choice because Adrenal Glens gives a 40% increase on damage output of lings. So if you're building lings, which you're not, this would be a correct call. Your army consists of roaches and bainlings and legitimately zero lings. So you're getting an upgrade, a damage upgrade, your first damage upgrade in the game for a unit that you do not have. Now this is impressive to a different degree. I don't even quite know how to put this into words. And despite all of these failures, you're still winning fights. Despite being down in upgrades, despite all your wrong choices, you're taking fights in the middle of the map that go your way. If I was the Terran here, I would be fuming, constantly clicking these roaches and ravagers seeing that it's still zero-zero upgrades. I'd not only be extremely confused, I'd also be upset. If this Terran would scan you, by the way, he'd be even more upset, seeing like an infestation pit, a hydrodent and a hive before a single upgrade. We're going into a situation now where there is two two upgrades for the terra and zero zero upgrades still for the Zerg. Now, winning ZVT without upgrades is a little bit like doing the cinnamon challenge while having asthma. it is technically possible but there is a decent chance that you'll end up dying or at least hurting yourself a lot and that's kind of what's happening here as well like the upgrades are such an important part of the game it is really vital like it's one of the main things in Starcraft too really like you have your general macro like building units is very important building workers is very important and then just below that you're going to get the upgrades it's like in your top three priority list basically with like workers and building units. It's right underneath. It's like forgetting the car while having a Formula One race or not bringing your bike to the Tour de France or forgetting your brain while going for an American driving exam. Although in that case it might actually still work out. I've been into America a couple of times and I've seen the way that you guys drive. It's not pretty. It's really not that pretty. But yeah, it's important most of the time to have upgrades in your army. There are some cases in which it's not about it. Here, this type of fight, I still think you probably wouldn't have been capable of winning it if you had 2-2 upgrades on this, but without any upgrades whatsoever, it's most likely just going to be completely impossible. Fighting outside of tank range, 2-2 versus 2-2, you might have actually been capable of fighting this army. Ultra Cavern at the same time as your 1-1 starts. And I... This is just so beautiful to me. You start range upgrades the moment you start transitioning out of roaches. Like you start the range upgrades and you morph 41 banlings immediately. What a decision. The only upgrade you have right now is for the lings, which you have seven of. Tunneling claw starts despite you only having what? 10 roaches left. I guess you're building four more. Spire Ultra Camber. Are we going to an alt-tech on 80 drones here? This is beautiful. You love to see it. Is there even Burrow? Yeah, Burrough is here already. Haven't seen it used yet, but it definitely is here. This type of stuff is so hard to deal with, by the way, if you're down four upgrades. Like drops are a freaking nightmare, honestly. Look at this. Actually, this is the entire army, so it might be capable of actually training with this army, especially if Biles also end up hitting, which they don't, but still. If the Taron attacks you right now in, honestly, the next 30 seconds, I think you're straight up dead. he could A-move with this army, once again, nothing to do with the marauders, more to do with the fact that you're down four upgrades, and that your army consists of a Reverger-Roge-34 banlings against 11 tanks and 19 marauders and 21 Marines. This is attacking into a siege-up position. The moment siege tanks have better upgrades than your Roach army, usually you know you're going to be in a bad position. This was an absolute massacre. And also, once again, Even if in this case you would have had similar upgrades, the reason why you would have lost this fight wouldn't be the marauders, it would be the tanks. You're attacking into a siege-up tank army with mainly roach ravagers and balings that aren't being split. Like, yeah, of course you're going to lose that fight. It was freaking eight tanks firing simultaneously, pre-seaged up already, no split out of you whatsoever, no good flank, just one big row of attack. Like, yeah, it's not going to work. They're going to have to deal with Ropshire. You're lucky, by the way, your opponent didn't continue upgrading because 3-3 should have been finished at this point. You would have been down six upgrades. The only thing that could have made this worse is if somehow your opponent would have gotten a sentry in his army and used for Guardian Shields, so two extra armor upgrades and used an anti-armor missile on your units. Then he would have been up, what is it, at five, would have been up 11 upgrades technically. That would have been so. I've never seen that before in my life, mainly because Terran can't use guardian shield, they don't have sentries, but otherwise that would be pretty sick, and I would love to see that. Like 11 upgrades up. I'm pretty sure at that point the Marine can take out an ultra as well. Love the Ultra Cavern, by the way, seeing lots of use from it. Big building over here. I guess building ultras into marauders that have six upgrades more than you would not be brilliant. This is also one hell of a fight. Zero zero mutas into two Marines with six metaphics. above it. Single control group, all of this as well. No bailings being used, despite the counter to the Mura's being Marines and the counter to Marines being banings. Now, another cool thing here is that the Mura is not a fighting unit, but it's a harassment unit. It's not supposed to be in an army and deal damage. It's supposed to kill workers, destroy turrets, maybe pick off a tank, maybe pick off a mine here or there. It's not supposed to be used as a straight up fighting unit against an army. It really is a very specialized role. If you're going to build Muralis, if you're going to invest a lot in Muralis, you need to use them how they're intended as well by kind of flying around and trying to deal damage with them. You can also use them to control the pace of the game and kill drops. This actually is a pretty okay fight and you take out the space. One of the main reasons why this was an okay fight was because you only fought against a static structure and there was no army there to defend it. That definitely did help your case. your opponent now decides to move out and probably is just kind of going to poop on your army honestly you have zero upgrades on your muda list you do have adrenal glands and you have six lings out so I'm kind of curious to see what these bad boys are going to be doing sadly without... oh they have one carrot base upgrade I don't think the lings even got to attack once it's a good move command here as well kind of want to see that again but maybe we can do it in slow motion I wouldn't mind seeing that one in slow motion here we go A move. Lost 40 supply before the fight starts. Beautiful stuff. Lots to see it. I don't even think a single Marine went down here. He maxed out during the fight. Then you know you've had a good fight. If you start a fight with 196 supply and you end it with 200. Life's got to be great. Life actually has to be great in that case. Freaking Potsie. playing a pretty decent game. Nice early game as well. I mean, I'm not even quite sure if I have to take this type of imbalance complaint for him serious. It's obvious to me that Marauders had absolutely nothing to do with this win here for the Terran. The reason that the Terran won was A, because he had better unit composition, B, because he actually made upgrades, not because he built more upgrades, but because he had upgrades altogether. You build no real attack upgrades until like 16 minutes into the game or Carapace upgrades. It's actually insane. Like, this is nothing, like, it could have been anything. It could have been, it could have been Marines. Like, you probably would have lost a mess hallion at this point. Like, if halions or halbats have their blue flame and they have their plus three attack and plus three armor, I'm pretty sure they're going to be capable of beating Masroach as well. Like, your composition was bad, but also the fact that you had no upgrade makes it absolutely unplayable. There's nothing to do with the marauder. This has nothing to do with imbalance. This has everything to do with you suck it. And that's just how it is. All right, that's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy it. If you did, don't forget, hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel. And hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. If you did enjoy it, don't, yeah, hit the like and all that. And submit one in the form below if you believe that you have encountered imbalance on the latter. Thanks so much for watching. And bye-bye. |
This Guy Is Playing SO GOOD, What The Heck?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | I think I fell in love with today's opponent... This guy just did so well! I really enjoyed casting this one! Like and subscribe so I get paid and can take him out on a date! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/CDE5wOlxiko/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | CDE5wOlxiko | Dear Harstam, this complaint is a little different because I don't know what was imbalanced about the Terran race. All I can do is give you the facts. I was up in income for majority of the game, had a good early game dealing a lot of eco damage and defending his two-base push, with minor losses that put me in a great spot for the mid-game. I sent spotting units around the map giving me map control and my upgrades were even better than his. I truly believe I was outplaying my opponent, even though he is a full, a thousand MMR above me. I was playing the game of my life. And yet, somehow lose, question mark. Please, Captain, tell me, did I outplay my opponent and still lose, or do I suck? Name, topspin, race, Protoss, the Grand Master League 5.1K MMMR on North America. And the question is relatively simple. Did he outplay his opponent and still lose due to imbalance? Or does he suck? All right, and here we are in the game between top spin and ratio plus L. And we see top spin with an early scout, ratio plus L also with an early scout, while playing a two gas opener. Not a huge fan of this, personally. And the reason for that is because the two gas opener already provides a lot of safety. Right? You can scout if you're doing a one-rex expand with a single gas as a term, but with two gas, it is extremely uncommon. It's kind of like putting on a fourth helmet. if you're going for a bike. Maybe the first two or the first three helmets actually provide some added security to your head and to your skull, to your brain. But the fourth helmet, it probably just makes it more likely that you're going to topple over because it's quite a tower on top of your head. It makes it difficult to balance. And that's why I don't really like it too much. You're already cutting so heavily in Eco here if you're the Terran player that by scouting, you're cutting even more into your eco for no real reason in my mind. So yeah, I'm just not really a fan of it. We'll have to wait and see exactly what the follow-up is going to be to truly judge it. But yeah, I'm not a great supporter of this move. But the Terran is not who we're paying attention to. We're paying attention to our Protoss player who opens up with a stalker first and follows it up with a second stalker. This means that the tech is going to be pretty darn delayed. And usually you get one adapt at least. that way your tech is a little quicker, or you go for a no scout and mine more gas in the early game. But here we see not a lot of gas being mined in the early game, and because the tech is actually going to be delayed by 25 seconds or so. Usually you see a tech building going down at 218, 217, this time it was at 2.45. So, yeah, it's like 26, 27, 28 seconds or so. That's a long delay on tech. I think we also had a pretty long delay on this starboard, actually, for no real reason. So our good friend Topspin is going to be lucky here. Because that starport could have gone down about, what, 15 seconds faster. He's going to spot the timing on that star port. Built a Twilight and a Robo here. And I hate to do this, but I'm going to have to pass the replay here just for a millisecond. Now, if you're playing against a two gas opener out of the Tarran, that means that the fastest possible factory is going to be out, which means that any type of aggression out of the turn is going to hit way quicker than it usually would. As a Protoss player, what you want in that case is gateway units in response to that. You want safety. You don't want to be losing any of your workers. If your opponent plays a two gas opener, most of the time there's going to be fast aggression. If you play Twilight into Robo, you will not have a second gateway out by the time your warpgate finishes. That means you're going to have less gateway unit. that you need in order to defend anything. Technically, at 345 or I think maybe even 342 on certain maps, you could be getting hit by a triple helion drop. That would be a huge issue, which is why often we see three gateway units pre-warpgate and a second gate before the robotics facility. Now, this is a little technical, but basically what it means is that you're going to have two extra units over what topspin would currently have after the first warp in. This is extremely unsafe. despite there being a battery in the natural and a good position, this would die against a fast mind drop. It would practically die against a fast Helion drop as well. We're lucky that Ratio Plus L forgot his starboard for a little bit, but otherwise stop spin would be in a world of trouble. If this was anything really aggressive, could even consider something like a proxy starport added in there as well. Like there's so many things here where this setup would have been terrible that it feels like a bad gamble. A little bit similar as if you were to go to a casino, You sold your house and then with the money and all of the house and your life savings, you put everything in roulette on the number 33. Now, roulette spins and it actually hits 33. That doesn't necessarily mean that selling your house and putting all your money on 33 was a good decision. No, it's a decision that worked out for you despite it being an extremely risky decision. And if you were to do this move every single week, putting all your life savings on number 33 on the roulette, within a couple of weeks, probably within two weeks, you would be completely broke. It's the same in StarCraft 2. If you were to play like this every single time you play against the 2 gas opener, you're probably going to lose way more MMR than you're going to win MMR. This is not a consistent way to win against 2 gas openers. A DT drop definitely isn't, because with a DT drop you want to cut even the third gateway unit. The moment your warp gate finishes, you don't even want to warp in a stalker because it delays your initial 3DT warp in. This is legitimately the riskiest build that you can have in the entire world, and you're playing it against the most aggressive opener out of the Terran, which is, in my mind, pure insanity. You absolutely hit the jackpot here when it came to build orders and build order execution, because your opponent dropped the ball a little bit on that. So you're already naturally up 11 workers for no reason whatsoever, and your DTs are going to deal some damage because the raven comes out after the mine drop, and it does a little bit delayed. So, at this point, the game is officially over. If you were to give, ooh, hold that thought. No, you pull your workers away, okay. The game has now actually ended. There's more workers than you probably would have wanted to lose. Also lose all of your DTs, I guess. But it's 42 workers against 26. There is no stim out or stim on the way even yet. Like, this game is so insanely over right now. It's not even funny. You're up practically 20 workers. You have a third base going up already. You have enough unit to defend anything that the Terran can throw at you in the next four minutes, practically. Like, there's no risk of you dying at all. You could probably double expand on top of getting your third. You could take five bases right now, deck into carriers, and you would still have enough units to hold your opponent's incoming three-recks push or, well, two-recks push, whatever it is going to be. Like, the Terran is completely dead. It's over, like over, over. There's absolutely no chance at this point anymore. No chance whatsoever. The one thing that the Terran could do, which could be considered a good decision, is sending the Raven across the map or sending eight Marines in a Madovac to either try and catch your prison. Oh, look. Or to go across the map to try and harass. This is an interesting move as well. It's attacking the tank. You have a bunch of soft targets here. in the Marines and you decide to let your only arc on that you have attack a tank with which is what, 175 HP, you managed to hit it twice and then you lost the arc on. Not great decision making. That's if you know that you have weak teeth that you then start biting rocks. It just doesn't make a lot of sense. Might want to go for something softer like beans or pineapples if they're very juicy. Relatively easy to bite into as well. I like this eight marine drop by the way. I think it's a good call out of the Terran. Terran right now is in a mode, what we call survival mode in StarCraft 2. You know you're infinitely better than your opponent, and you need to artificially find ways to create openings that will allow you back into the game. But in reality, there are no openings here. Like, like I said, the game is actually over. Tosses up 20 supply, superior tech. Thermal lens is going to finish before stim. That is usually a pretty bad sign, especially if it wasn't even a Robo Bay or Robo into Robo Bay opener. No, this was a DT drop opener into charge, into Robo Bay. It's an insanely late Robo Bay, and Thermaland still is going to finish faster than Stim. That is generally a bad deal here for the Terran. It is a terrible deal for the Terran. I like this, just kind of idling here. This is kind of an insurance policy in a way. The Raven is here for arrest, but this is an insurance policy. The moment the Protoss decides to attack across the map right now, as a Terran, you can send this in, kill a bunch of workers and then hopefully defend with tanks. Like that probably is the plan. Get some zealot spread going on. That actually is quite nice. I like that. We'll provide you a bit of vision. Give you some response time as well. Here comes the Marine drop in towards the main base. At least you pull your workers away. But it's not the quickest response. There also were no units ready in the main. Piling gets taken out. Some DTs get blasted as well. Terran is actually playing this out quite well, honestly. It really is. Somewhat impressed even. Attacking into this is probably not going to be it though. It's too many marines in this army. Super battery could get activated as well. Yeah, this feels very good for it close. Still, this game is actually completely over. Raven here. Metafax still stuck up here. Yeah, this is just going to get destroyed. The funny thing is that you kind of mention destroying your opponent in the midgame and outplaying your opponent. far, it feels like your opponent has actually been playing faster, you know, with these drops and with the raven harass and actually dealing some damage, like really squeezing water out of stone. And the only reason why you're still so far ahead is just because you hit the jackpot in the early game. This is basically as if you were in a fight to death with another person, you have a gun, body armor and a massive sword as well at the same time, and your opponent has like a wooden stick, like one of the twigs, like a small branch that fell down from a tree, still has the leaves on it as well. And every single time, like, you shoot him in the foot, like you're, you know, half of your shots they miss in the air or you're shooting your own leg. And every single time you hit them, you go, man, I'm so much better than you. I'm completely outplaying you. Man, I'm so strong. I can't believe how good I am at fighting. It's like, well, this is just inherently an unfair fight and you're really far ahead already. Like, you should be kind of ashamed that you took damage to eight Marines in a Medivac, despite being up 20 supply against the Terran. Usually you're down 20 supply against the Terran. That's a 40 supply difference there. And yet you're still taking damage here. Once again, the Raven comes in. You could leave five stalkers on each side if you would want to, and you would still have no problem stopping this army. You shouldn't have to leave five stalkers. One or two stalkers should be enough. Or you could kill this Raven? I didn't even know you could attack that. I feel like you should be capable of attacking this as well. At least use a feedback on it. that would be possible. These five marines have honestly done so much already. It's insane. Used to be eight marines back in the day though. Fairly impressive. So at this point we're at a stage in the game where you're taking a fort base. What is this? Huh? What is this spotter unit doing here? What is he? He's spotting like two meters extra. than your cannon is. What is this? It's the same. How are you going to make any type of intelligent defensive rotations? That's not possible. You get no information. This is like installing an alarm system at your bed. So when the burglar enters your bedroom, the alarm won't go off. But when he touches your sheets, it will start ringing. Like most normal people, they want an alarm system at the front door. So when the burglar enters it goes off. They would be over here. You place zealots over here. You place zealots in areas where. your opponent will move through if he wants to get to any of your bases. On this map, these areas can be identified very easily. It would be this general area. It would be this general area and it would be this general area. Because you're up in supply, you naturally should have map control. And your opponent can't easily push those units away. You should use that map control and put those units further forward. What is this stalker going to do? If you want to spot early, at least put it over here. That's the least you can do. Might as not just put it here. You're building pylons everywhere as well. These units are completely useless practically for spotters. You brag about sending out spotters and your initial spotters were fine because you were still on three base, but at this point they need to move way further on the map, especially given the current situation. The reality of the situation is that you're extremely far ahead. You probably should even have your main army on the map right now and have vision with all your other units, which allows you free movement on the map. Terran is just going to be sitting back home, at least for a little bit. I think that is the correct call. Right now the only thing the Terran can do is sit at home behind tanks and then counterattack with drops. And if you're a Protoss player or if you're just any player in general and you're ahead in a game, you always want to be thinking in the back of your head, hey, I am ahead currently. How could I fall behind or how could I lose the game? What are my opponent's wind conditions? And then you want to minimize the chance of these things happening. And one of the important things here would be to be capable of spotting any incoming drops, any incoming army movement. while keeping pressure on your opponent to make it difficult to expand to a fort base. That is important. So I like that you have a DT over here that really provides a lot of value, spotting the fourth base timing, allows you to know when to move out if you want to kill that fourth base. You'd also want to know when they're moving out. You're doing way less good of a job when it comes to that. I could also just build an observer at this point, honestly. You already have three colossi and three disruptor. There's an observer with this army, which is not necessary anymore. Usually you want to keep an observer with your army in case of mines, but because you have disruptors already, you have a way to clear mines without needing detection. You have the purification Nova, which is a great tool, by the way, for that. Absolutely fantastic tool. Viking here is spotting. This terrain is playing exactly how he should, by the way. If you're playing against someone that is worse than you, you want to drag it into a longer game so that the supplies even up, and then with your experience of taking better fights or perhaps some multitasking in a longer game, you can drag back the game and probably win it. A bunch of Vikings are out here. Supply Depot drop, fourth base on the way, some oversaturation as well. You get a fifth base. I would like to see more cannons being produced and more gateways as well. So the one way that you possibly could lose right now is by taking a really bad fight and then losing your bases subsequently and not being capable of reinforcing quick enough. There's also no rush whatsoever for you and there would be even less rush if you had full vision of the map. Because then you can very slowly just throw one purification Nova into your opponent at a time. You know that base trades can't happen. The moment your opponent base trades, you can actually pull the trigger and properly kill him, or you can go and defend against the army that's trying to base trade. But taking very aggressive traits right now is the one thing you don't want to be doing. So I kind of like how passive it is that you're playing here, top spin. Taking out a couple of Vikings as well, you still have three colossi alive. Wouldn't have mined a second forge a bit faster? I mean, you're floating practically 4K as resources. As I say that you warp in a bunch of units, so it's more like 2.5,000 resources. DTs make their way towards the right side. I mean, if you have a DT squad ready before the fourth base even lands, you know you're going to be in a good spot. Scan 1DT gets taken out. Where's all the DTs actually? You still have 3 DTs in the main as well. It's kind of sick. Not completely useful. This ghost are going to actually take a bit of a beating as well. No DT blink either, which does pain me. You're taking some okayish traits, I think, these were. Any trade really is somewhat of an okay trade at this point. You're outmining your opponent by so many. Okay. When I said any trade at this point probably is going to be an okay trade. I meant a trade that falls within the realm of like one to one and a half. one to two, maybe even, because you're almost doubly outmining your opponent. What I didn't mean is lose 9 DTs to kill three SEVs. That is not even really a trade. That is just giving stuff away for free. And it's not a very good business model. I would not recommend that, my friend. You're going to go bankrupt sooner rather than later. Do throw a couple of good purification of. Has control on the disruptors is a little bit sloppy, honestly. But I mean, you're hitting anyway. You're still in a fine spot. Despite these few mediocre traits, the purification novas made up for a lot of it. You're down in resources lost, which is impressive because you have a lot of disruptors. And disruptors tend to just trade slightly better, especially against armies that aren't very well upgraded. If you're well upgraded yourself. But I guess that DT loss really hurt you. You still have three DTs. They're idling in the main base. No blink on the dark frine whatsoever. And you also have a bunch of random stall. in the main base. Not really necessary in my mind if you just have good map vision. But then again, right now you're securing your bed sheets. It's not, here you're not even securing any vision whatsoever. So you're honestly kind of blind for how dominant your position is in this game, which is painful to see. Sallet run by heading towards the right side as well. The red side. To be fair, it's also the red side, isn't it? Gateway. What a huge fan of that. Obviously get spotted by the center tower here but if you're going to build it you might as well build it outside of vision range then like this is yeah who could have predicted that not me that's for sure who pick disruptor i kudu lord these are some engagements i was going to say this started quite well but This ended a freaking disaster. I'm gonna, I need to watch this again. I had the words, this looked quite well in my mouth. You know, they were on the tip of my tongue. I was gonna say them. When this Disruptor shot hit, I was like, man, that's literally a 30 supply or so. And I'm like, this game is practically over at this point. And then this link, look at this. This is what, like 14 stalkers. They kill one tank. A Viking? Have an SCV. And then all of a sudden there's only four left. It's an interesting trade, once again, given that, okay, it's 2-2 against 3 plus 3. So it's not even that much... It's actually better for the Terrans up one upgrade technically, if we count armor upgrades. Which we do, by the way, we can't armor upgrade. Still, an absolute win scenario for you. Like you're so far ahead, it actually hurts me. However, at the same time, you also have no map vision, which means that this type of move will not be spotted ahead of time. not be spotted ahead of time. With your reaction time, that's actually quite bad because it means you're going to lose, well, 80% of your zealots that were over here. Resources lost, once again, going to increase. And usually numbers going up is a good thing. Bank account, resource tab, income, all of that would be really nice for you to go up, but the resources lost, ideally you want to keep low. I can't believe that this... I need to see this again. I'm sorry, we'll need to go back once more. How is this possible? that you have six stalkers in your main base ready for this. You see the move out or the load up. I guess you don't see it, but your unit spotted it. I was like, yeah, where did the units go? Oh no! And then you don't even manage to target fire on any of the medevacs. The one medevac that went down here was because of the auto target fire. You could have targeted at least two Madovex down, Super Battery could have been activated immediately, DTs that were in the back could have been pulled. You didn't even have to recall for this, honestly. It wouldn't have been necessary. Now, you actually lost some stuff, you lost your map control again, and losing map control against players, which are better than you, is usually very bad, because it allows them to make plays. And this is the one thing that the Terran player is just looking for. He's looking to make plays. Really, that's all he wants. right now. It's like, okay, if I can be fast, if I can take superior traits and eventually somehow secure a fifth base, there is a chance that I win. And this is literally the only way that he can win. Or if you decide to never upgrade your armor again and eventually fight 3-3 against 3-1, that's also a possibility, of course. So again, another mediocre fight from your side over here. Terran once again is going to actually get some control of the map right now. And this is the first time in the game where I'm actually scared for you, not because you're behind, but because you were so far further ahead and didn't manage to win yet that I really have zero trust in your abilities to finish a game oh my god these disruptor shots are too good I don't understand how you can have this many good disruptor shots and still not win fights it is magical it actually makes no sense to me whatsoever okay give up some disruptors here lose the right side base actually starting to lose control of this game a little bit at this point actually starting to lose control a little bit. Income, pretty equal right now. Once this fifth base actually gets flown over to the right side or to the left side, I think the Terran is in a playable position. Now once again with the caveat that he's playing against you, because otherwise it would not be a playable position. If this Terran were playing against someone else, that's slightly more competent. He would be getting blasted from four different sides at the same time. 42 stalkers, 6 disruptors, plenty of money to warp in 15D2. DZV wants to. Great call. Sending in the DTs. Managing to lose six and killing. I think maybe one XEV went down due to splash, but it could be incorrect there. It's possible that six DTs killed nothing, which honestly is quite impressive. I think if you would aim or randomly on the map, they would get more than that. They accidentally find a Marine. And do manage to take out a Liberator there. It only cost you five stalkers. Ooh, look at his flank. It's actually kind of a good flank. And now you get caught. Yeah, because you had no map vision of this side. Your flank was practically open. Your disruptor shots didn't hit. You get absolutely blasted. Yeah. I actually can't believe that you were bragging about outplaying your opponent. I don't think I've ever seen someone get outplayed this hard in a game. This was an insanely impressive performance out of the Terran. If you would have sent me this replay with the title, throw of the century, I would have been like accurate tight. Or if you would have said, the sickest comeback with solid map control, beautiful Terran play, I would be like, yeah, this was good Terran play. This was a solid guide, basically, on how to come back into a game. It was beautiful. Perfect play out of the Terran when it comes to that. And immediate, the moment he gets ahead, you see what he does? Straight up wins the game. Superior fighting, great decision making, also better upgrades somehow, some way. despite being behind an eco from minute 3 till minute, well, 19.5 or so. He only needed to get ahead once in this game, just for a little bit. Just be even, it's all he needed, and he won the game there. Fantastic stuff. Outplay him. If man hit the freaking jackpot, then try his best to throw the game for the next 20 minutes, and then when he finally succeeds in throwing, complains about imbalance. It's absolutely insane. Gigi at least. I'm happy to see that. Because this Terran deserved a freaking Gigi. Holy crap. Rachio plus L. Very well done. Very nice game. Top spin. This complaint is a little different because I don't know what was imbalanced about the Terran race. The reason that you don't know what is imbalanced about the Terran race is because the issue here obviously wasn't with the Terran. These units are fine. You managed to kill them many times over with disruptor shots. You had an okay. composition during large periods of the game. Maybe you're lacking Colossi a little bit at the end. But overall, all of that was fine. It's just your overall unit control, your complete lack of map control, your inability to control DTs whatsoever. Like, how many DTs did you lose this game? You lost 24 DTs, this entire game. And the DTs that were the most successful were the first three that you warped into your opponent's main base. And they killed seven workers and then died. That's not even successful for three DTs, but those were the most successful DTs in the entire game. That says something about your DT control. If you don't understand how to control DTs, you don't actually have to use them. You can also just build different. You can build carriers. They're very amovable. Seems to be more in your lane. Because the control in this game was actually atrocious. Fantastic play out of ratio plus L. But Terran, my friend, is not imbalanced. No top spin. It is you who sucks. And that's the truth. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you believe that you've struck gold, and when I say struck gold, I mean, you played against something that's so extremely imbalanced that my eyes need to witness it. Be sure to send it through the form down in the description below. And I'll hope to see all of you next time for a new video. Don't forget to like button, subscribe to the channel and I'll see you next time. Cha-cha-cha. |
He Sent In Only HALF A COMPLAINT?! Where Is The Rest Of It? | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | PLUS, that's why you should like and subscribe! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fT8fgzDCY_Y/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | fT8fgzDCY_Y | Plus, I thought Protoss was the AMOV race. I don't think you can actually start a sentence with a plus sign and then having a statement that makes no sense. I think what happened here is that he accidentally removed the first part of the balanced complaint form. Now, that doesn't show a great deal of intelligence, and it only took me five seconds to realize that. So I have a feeling this is going to be a banger of an episode. Let's continue. I have more than 100 APM more than my opponent. I have 400 more MMR, I bounced back harder. Sure, I took some damage in return, but I gave as good as I got, with my fast forge plus one adapt attack. After the mess of the early game, he just sits on his bases and wait till he has ghost and Vikings to counter my army. In a straight-up engaged Protoss just crumbles. How could I play faster, be higher ranked, and play the A-move race, and still lose? while my complaints might be a bit exaggerated, there is no doubt that is how it views in the moment. And my frustrations are real. And yes, I watched the replay four times before sending it in to answer that ever-looming question. All right. A.S. Conviction. A Protoss player from North America, who is in Masters with 4.6K MMR last season. Let's hop into the game and answer the ever-looming question. Are Ghost and Vikings imbalanced or does he suck? Before we get into the build orders and all that good jazz, I just want to talk about what he actually sat there in his little form. He said, hey, I have 400 more MMR than my opponent, so I deserve to win. That doesn't really make a lot of sense. Like results that are gotten in the past are no guarantee for the future. Of course, often people with higher MMR have better skill as well. But if I'm analyzing a current game either of myself or of someone else, else, I never for a second think about the MMR. I don't look at a Protoss versus Zerg that I played and then think to myself, oh, I'm 600 MMR better. I should have won that game. No, I see, okay, my Oracle movement is poor. That is why I lost the game, not, oh, I lost the game because of 500 less MMR. It just makes absolutely no sense. It's honestly kind of similar with APM. Once again, if you're a very high-level player and you're very quick, you're very precise, that is generally a good thing if you really know what you're doing with that APM but if you're just smashing your keyboard to get as many button clicks as possible, there really is no point. I'm pretty sure we could train a gorilla or a chimpanzee to smash the keyboard at maybe 6 or 700 APM and I could give him one of my accounts that probably is 1,200 MMR higher than you are AS conviction. That wouldn't necessarily mean that he is better. It just means that he smashes the keyboard faster and that he managed to secure my account by maybe threatening me with some fresh poop that he was going to throw at me otherwise. You never know. I haven't communicated a whole lot with gorillas or chimpanzees in my life. I'm not quite sure how well-mannered they are. Anyway, let's take a look here of what's actually going on. So we see a double gas opener out of the Terran. Now, that is interesting because double gas openers have become a lot more common in the Protoss versus Terran matchup from the Terran side. It allows Terran to put on early pressure being relatively safe. get a quick mine drop. There's a lot of variation behind this as well so they can get a reactor, a second Reaper, or maybe even get a Tech Lab and do some weird marauder play. Maybe something Gumiho would do. I don't think this is a wall. This one's supposed to be over here. This one is supposed to be further to the right. Reaper's not going to try it out though. It's just going to move in. You don't have a unit yet. I'm not entirely sure why that is the case. and you're rushing out a forge as well, which also is fairly odd. Now, I always say don't knock it till you rock it, but I like to make an exception, and that is with builds that have a forge before a real tech structure. This I can... I want to see that again. I mean, specifically, you always got a look at the first, whenever stuff like this happens, you always got to look at the first person of the person that messed up. Because he thinks he's safe. So he sees this maybe on the mini map, you know, he's looking at it. He's like, I'm good. Nothing to worry about. And here he still thinks he's good. And now he sees it in the bottom, all of a sudden. He's like, oh, the Reaper? How did that happen? It's fairly odd. He's a Reaper in my natural as well. This is an unfortunate situation what's going on over here. It's like, ah, this Reaper. How did that get in? Very unfortunate. Then he's going to chase it away. He's going to jump down again, obviously. If the Terran pays a little bit of attention, it's going to be slightly upset. It's funny. It's a little bit like putting in contact lenses or taking out contact lenses, actually, with walls. Sometimes, you know, you have the motion of the two fingers. You squeeze. You think you have it, and there's like a moment of elation. Then you look at your fingers, and it's empty, and it's still stuck in your eye. It's the same with walls. Sometimes you think you build a perfect wall and then three reapers jump in and kill seven workers. Trust me, it's not a great moment. This is a build order, like I was saying, don't knock it till your rocket unless it's a fast forge. It's just one of the many rules that I have for myself. These type of build orders, they sound very good in theory, fast upgrades or units deal more damage. My adepts will be capable of two-shotting, but you simply have no cash for anything else if you rush out a forge this fast, and it takes really long as well to get the plus one going. This is also a god-awful defense. The funny thing here is, is that the Reaper and the Hellions would have attacked the adept. There would have been no units to defend and they actually would have been capable of dealing more damage. This is a little bit the empty fort strategy, which basically, if you don't know what this is, I think the story is that Zougal Yang, a Chinese army commander, he had to defend a fort, and he only had 2,500 men or so, or 2,000 men defensively. And in front of the fort were like 100,000 soldiers of the opposing army or whatever, opposing tribe, I don't know what it was. So what he did is he opened the gates and he grabbed like some special guitar, like some Chinese guitar. And he started playing on some platform. I think he also had two boys with him and he looked really relaxed and calm. And the army commander on the other side saw it. I was like, hey, this guy is way too calm. Surely it is a trap. If we go in there right now, we're going to get absolutely destroyed. Well, in reality, they just didn't have enough defenses, and it was a major bluff. The reason why this worked so well is because Zougal Young was known to be a fantastic army, a very competent commander that would never make such a huge strategical blunder. The problem with AIS conviction is that so far, he hasn't really looked to be a very competent leader or army commander. So despite it semi-working, it didn't completely work. He still lost a lot of workers. I mean, 10 workers against what was it? Three reapers, four reapers and two Halleons is a little bit much. Now he's going to get... Maybe he's going to go in. No, it's not going to go, no. Prism dice, cyclone dice as well. This is a trait I honestly would be okay with if I was A.S. conviction. He doesn't know it, but he's still up four-ish workers. He's up way in supply because he honestly hasn't won. lost that many units his opponent has. There's triple CCC already. Holy crap, what is this build? That's a really fast third CC, honest to God. It's rare to see that. So, yeah, so far this forge has not really achieved much of anything. Defensively, a forge is just so bad. Like I said, it feels great to have very quick upgrades, and theoretically it often makes sense, but it's a huge investment that pays off so late in the game that against any type of early game shenan against, you're often just going to fall behind. And being equal in workers, while your opponent has triple-CC and you're still building your third base just barely finished, that's usually not a very good thing. Double e-base going down right now. Benchy on the way as well with Cloke. Let's not forget that our good friend A is conviction is completely unaware of the fact that there is cloak right now, which could definitely be an issue. As for Cloak, you need observers and you need to have units in position to deal with the Benchie as well, two stalkers, one stalker just dies. Even with two stalkers, kill a couple of workers. This is nice though. Like this feels really good. You're two shooting SCVs, which is obviously great. But yeah, it's just not a very viable strategy. Let's not talk too much about that. See what's happening on the other side? Okay. Cloke Benchie is just idling right now. If that would be going in, that would be big trouble in my mind. But plenty of damage has been done. Prism is still alive as well, which means you can go in once more. Now the Benchie comes in and I don't think there's anything quite ready, no observer. The other good friend spotted. Did spot that something was researching here but honestly in the chaos of the moment I can kind of understand that you don't see it. It was busy shading, it was busy microing, busy doing things that basically weren't checking the tech lab whether it was green or not. It's going to kill a couple of SCVs here anyway. I still think this is a completely fine situation for the Protoss player. Protus is floating a lot of money. But once again, a lot was happening here. I don't actually mind it so much if you float a lot if a lot of things are happening. I mind it when you start floating money when nothing is happening. And right now, not much is happening anymore. So you need to send these workers back to mining. You need to start building gateways. I mean, you're floating 13, 14 other minerals. You have a crap ton of gas as well. Start an upgrade. Okay, plus two. One one's already done seven minutes and 30 seconds into the game, which is kind of cool. but yeah, it's really need extra production at this point and at this point there's no real excuse anymore. There's no way that cannons are more important than increasing your production at this point. It is super obvious to me. Production should be the absolute priority right now. And you also can't have the, you know, at first I gave you the excuse where I said, okay, it was chaos, you know, things went bad and you know, you were a little bit stressed out. I understand that you delayed your gateways. But at this point, you're pretty much like the friend who stopped his toe three months ago and says he can't help you move because it still hurts. And, you know, he doesn't want to inflame the toe again or something or I don't know what toes do. Don't want to hurt it again. You know those people. They always have an excuse ready. I hurt a bit here. A little bit of a headache. Headache lasts for like five weeks as well. No matter what date you suggest, they're never going to be capable of helping you move. That type of friend. That's you, AS conviction. That is you. Okay, charge on the way. Gateway is being thrown down. What is this? Six, seven, eight gateways, nine gateways. That's good. More production than you can maybe afford, but I'm okay with that as well at this point. You're aware of your opponent moving out, despite your map vision being horrific, quite frankly. Guardian Shield Super Battery can be activated. No, no energy for the Super Battery, which means this could be a pretty difficult fight actually to take. The only nice... That was not very smart, was it? I want to see that again. I'm sorry. We're just going to have to re-watch it. It's going to be a difficult fight to take, but you need to make a decision at some point, right? You either need to decide the fight, the force field, or to stay away from the fight. You can do 30% of this, 30% of this, 30% of this, and then the leftover 10% is you're just idling. is simply not possible. You need to make a decision. If you're fighting here, you're most likely just going to be fighting. You throw down some force fields, you grab some units, you're fighting here. But what you can do is half fight and then start running away without actually kiting because you're just going to be losing a lot of units for no reason or just gaining a lot of damage, especially from the tank for no reason. I actually think you could have won this fight given that you're up to upgrades and you still had a guardian shield to work with as well. At this point you have the super battery as well. and the tank was shooting the entire way through. So it feels like you still took all the damage and you dealt none of the damage during this. It's not going to matter because you have plenty of units, so you're still going to be capable of defending. But this fight should have probably been fairly easy for you to win, and all of this should have died. And now, well, that's not quite the case. I also don't understand why you keep warping in stalkers, despite not having blink and charge lots being a way better solution to the problem that this army posed to you. So A, it makes no sense with the upgrades that you build, and B, it makes no sense because charts or even just zealots would have just been better than stalkers in this situation. Even if you would have had blink, it still would have been better to get zealots here. But you didn't have blink and still don't have blink. This is extremely risky and also needlessly risky. You still do not have blink, which means if your opponent stims, he's just going to catch literally every single stalker. This army is just going to outrun you. You're lucky that he didn't continue. chasing or split off half of his army, you should have lost all five of these. Why would you be on the map at this point? You just hell it? You know what your opponent... Please tell me this vision was... Okay, you had the vision before. You see what is here. This makes absolutely no sense. This is like robbing the police station while the entire police force is there and you see it. You see the police force sitting there. And you try to rob the speaker. in their meeting. It's like... It makes absolutely no sense why you would do this. You had full vision. You know you have no blink. If you have blink, this is a fine move because you can escape. But you have no blink. You're just going to get caught red-handed. You lose five stalkers for nothing. They're completely useless. Completely useless. Your follow-up tech is Templar Archives as well as a robot bay. I much rather have you usually just focus on one of those initially, because it's rather expensive to get both at the same time. The moment you warp in two Archons, you don't really have enough anymore to get your thermal lens and to get your colossi going. And it's the same. If you get your thermal lens and a colossi going, you can't really warp in two Archons anymore. So usually you make a decision, and once you get a higher gas count or your first few colossi are out, you can transition into Archons or the other way around. Initially, you start with Archons, they transition into something. I'm going to make you a suggestion here. And I don't want you to think of this as an offensive suggestion. But I think you should just not get blink anymore or stalkers. Because you use them like you think pro gamers use them. You know, you want to be active on the map. You've seen it. You've seen in like a pro match. You see heroes. Like, oh, I've picked off like three Marines here. That's great. This is kind of like the do not try it at home when you were working. watching Jackass as a kid, you know. I'm just giving it to you. Just don't try it at home. Stick with the safe charge lots. They kind of micro themselves. Don't do any of the fancy stuff. Just please. It really hasn't gone well. I think you've picked off three marines. That's the thing that you copied from here. Very well done. Three marines. And you've lost about 10 stalkers for that. It's not a very efficient rate. So you can just stop it. There's no need, my friend. Okay. You've shown enough already. It's time to sit down and let the, you know, know, that the people who know what they're doing do that type of move. Charcelal army, it's going to do absolutely fine. It's a good A-moving army for you. Can't go too much wrong. Blink, yeah, that's fine as well, you know. He's trying to catch up. I'm all for it. Half your army chasing two minds that aren't burrowed. Doesn't really matter. I like that you put the A-move army in the, what you call these? In air quotes? Except you did it on paper, so it's actual quote. That's just called quotation marks, isn't it? Yeah. Nice. You put the A-Move army in quotation marks. But actually all you do is A-Move. Like, you're not telling me that this Colossi and the two Zalads really wanted to go fight these two widow mines that were unburrowed. I just, yeah. I just have my doubts, personally. I just have my doubts. Ghosts are on the way. It's also kind of sick that you had one-one at seven minutes, and now you're actually being surpassed. upgrades. Now this is a it's a marathon not a sprint. So you got them very quick. I would have loved to see a second forge at some point. Honestly, I think it's a very good call for TOS to make a second forge. You still have a good army though. You have an army that it like this game, this position in the game is better for the Toss than it is for the Terran. Terran is on eight barracks which is kind of big. A second starboard on the way which is also kind of big. Three three starting and ghost are out, which means that Archons aren't going to be super useful anymore, you probably need to start adding, well, second forge, second robotics facility, start thinking of things like a prism, disruptors, that type of stuff is really something that you want. Okay, I... I know what this is. I know what this is. I absolutely know what this is. You've read somewhere... Oh, hold that thought. actually. It's an interesting fight. This is not an interesting, it's a terrible fight. This is an absolutely terrible fight. Holy crap. Now let me explain to you what this was, these five adepts. You've read somewhere or you realize by yourself that if adepts have upgrades, that they can two-shot SUVs and this made you really happy. And now you're just finding excuses to bring these adepts up in some way. You know, you want to get these adepts in there. You want them even if they're not good anymore at this point, you much rather have zealous running by. They deal way more damage. You don't have to look at them, which for you probably is quite good. But you know that adepts, you know, they have this special property. You're like the friend that has like one fact about the Romans, and whenever something slightly related to the Romans comes up, he'll try to bring up this fact, you know? And you'd be like, ah, I went on holiday to Italy. And then your friend goes, Italy, do you know that the Romans were there? And the Romans, you know, they had these aqueducts where they transported water with. They were the first to do that. And no matter what you do, he'll always find a way to bring up the aqueduct. And it's the same with you, with these adepts with plus one or plus two. You don't even have glaves on them. You build these adepts specifically because you know that it makes you kind of interesting. You know, it's kind of like your thing, your gimmick. It's a bad gimmick, though. I've seen better gimmicks than that. This is like the gimmick of peeing yourself and the clock hits nine. It's like you might find it interesting and funny, but the people around you probably just find it annoying to go out with you. So don't do it anymore. It's over, my friend. No more adept harassment. This is also why you made that fast forge. It's just for these adepts. I bet you play this will every game as well. It's pissing me off just thinking about it. Especially when it works. You probably watch the replay feel so smug about it as well. Yeah, they two-shot. I hate Adepts. You know, back in the day, Adepts without upgrades with two-shot SEVs and Marines. That was insanely broken. It's the first tournament and Legacy of the Void. Fun fact. Well, not a very fun fact if you were a Terran, but... Sometimes Terran still wake up, you know, in the middle of the night, they're screaming... adepts! 2016! It's another great fight. Then you know that they're thinking about the Adepts that two-shot everything that they had basically, at least in the early game. A three adept pressure could kill a Terran back then. Oh, the golden days. Yeah, you really need to add some disruptors at this point. Your opponent completely has your army countered. Huh. I wonder if you use one control group and do it poorly with the disruptors, or if you use two different control groups and use both of them poorly. I feel like it's one control group. The way that that disruptor moved was very unnatural. You really need a second robot at this point, by the way. Disruptors are an absolute must against ghost Viking armies. Like, you can't always keep the same army. This is a very primitive type of army that does great against armies that don't have ghost and don't have Vikings. If there's either ghost or Vikings, you need to transition out of this. If they only have Vikings, you can often make do with adding a couple of Archons. But if they have ghost and Vikings, you need to get disruptors, or you're just going to get absolutely blasted, especially given that you're still down and upgrade as well. So yeah, you're just going to get destroyed. Like, this is just kind of how StarCraft 2 works. I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing that there's such a thing as unit counters. If there was no such thing as unit counters, you would literally never be capable of getting back into a game by tacking into something better or surviving to a superior tech. If you were to win the early game then, you would also win the mid-game. because your army would just be better always. It makes no sense. Why have different types of units then? Everyone should just get pure marines. That would not be very interesting or very fun. Like playing chess, but only having pawns. It would practically be Checkers, I guess. Checkers is a pretty mediocre game. I mean, I'm impressed that they managed to invent it so long ago, but it also shows that it's kind of crap. Checkers feels like it could be an American source. sport with how poorly designed it is, you know? Think of like baseball. It's like, how did they come up with that? He's freaking American football. It's really not that all that interesting, is it? Sorry, Americans. I'm sorry, baseball fans. I know I go hard on you every now and again. Yeah, I mean, this game is fairly over at this point, at least I think so. You just lost one big engagement because you had an inferior army, despite being ahead the entire game, and plenty of time, plenty of resources to get a better army. I always find it fairly difficult to say something too useful about this. Your early game wasn't great, your midgame wasn't great. There were lots of mistakes made, but despite all of your mistakes, you still were in an okay spot, and you were in an okay spot because you probably have a decent idea of what you need to do in general in the game. You know, building units. You had a lot of workers all the time. You expand it pretty quickly. didn't fall behind in upgrades. It's just you kind of missed the final step in your army. Just disruptors. That's truly the only thing. You can also, you could have done it with actually a very big gateway colossi army, but then you would have needed the micro and sniped the Vikings and kite back. And honestly, I'm not going to see it happening with the control that you've showcased so far this game. It's mainly just been a moving, even with disruptors. That's why you lost most of your disruptors as well. How many is you built? Like two, three. Okay. Because you aim of them after you shot the purification of, yeah. Gigi gets put out giant orange wins. You know, I'm just going to take another look at your imbalance complaint for him because you complained about ghost and Vikings, but these are actually just the straight up counters to the units, the tech buildings that you build at like the eight minute mark. When I said, I would not recommend throwing down a robo-base. and a Templar Archives at the same time. That is the moment when you last kind of improved your tech. It feels like you didn't go into Erictals, you didn't go into carriers, and you didn't go into disruptors. And disruptors really is the first step. It's a very basic step. After two, after three Colossi, you automatically go into Disruptor of Double Robo. You just have to. There is no way for ProDOS to win fights without that. You need a second type of AEOE. Archons are going to get destroyed by EMP. Vikings are absolutely going to destroy Colossi. maybe you can do it if you build like eight, nine immortals, but disruptors are just better. It's such a powerful unit and you really need it. I don't think that the Terran late game army is imbalanced, my friend. I think it is you instead. Who sucks? That's just the truth. I'm sorry. All right. So I'm here. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks everyone for watching. I hope you did. If you did, don't forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel and hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Yeah, bye-bye. |
IMBA Shield Regeneration and Ronnys Convertible | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Today I will introduce you to my uncle Ronny! He has a very cool car and some very.... let's call them interesting habits regarding said car. Ohh, also we have a Plat Terran, who might actually have found a true imbalance. But who cares about that, am I right? Smash like and subscribe so you'll get invited to Ronnys next big barbecue. Trust me, those are awesome! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-iaXH3eZ08c/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | -iaXH3eZ08c | Dear Harstem, my complaint is about carriers and the mothership. Those units are broken. My opponent opened the game with a cannon rush. Maybe I overreacted pulling all of my SCVs, but I managed to stop him. After that, I tried to push his natural expansion, but he had cannons in defense. And by the time my tank arrived, he had already four void rays, which I couldn't stop with my army because of shield batteries and cannons. Then he attacked with his void rays and took one of mine CC, but he was. wasn't a problem. I had more bases than him and I had the map control, so I tried to harass him with Vikings and Marines. I ended up doing a good job, I guess, but when the carriers were too much, I had to retreat. In this game I thought I was ahead from the start to my opponent's last push. I had better economy, better map control, and overall I think I played better than him. But anyway, in his last push, his carriers, in combination with the mothership, were unstoppable by my forces. Maybe I lacked. in upgrades, or maybe I just wasn't able to micro properly. Please tell me, are Skaitos imba, or do I suck? Name, Vida Lorso, Race, Terran, League Platinum at 2.9K MMR, and the server is Europe. This very Italian sounding name, Vita Lorsso, asked the most important question, and that is Are Skaitos Inba, or do I suck? And we're about to find out and investigate. All right, and that leads us to the actual game. Pencroft as our Prodos player here on Tropical Sacrifice. Well, in the bottom left, we have the man the mid the legend. Vital Orso. Look at that. Looks like some Halo figure over here. But I feel like this might also be like some StarCraft dude. Halo and StarCraft share a lot of similarities. Both of them, I believe, are in space. It's pretty big. Forge, right, it was a cannon rush. He mentioned this in his imbalance complaint form. What did he say exactly again? Maybe I overreacted pulling all of my SCE. of my SEVs, but I managed to stop him. Now, when it comes to stopping cannon rushes, I like to say rather an overreaction than an underreaction. It's a little bit as being very, you know, being very scared of someone's dodgy behavior when you're in like a train or something like that, you know, if there's a guy screaming, I'm going to stab you, I'm going to stab you. Then I rather have you leave the train at the next station, then try and find out if he actually means it or not. So oftentimes, if your life is on the line, overreacting is better than underreacting. I almost ate my own tongue there. That would be quite the overreaction to having a bit of a dry throat. But once again, that would have been good. I should have eaten my tongue. Mistakes happen, though. So, yeah, this actually went pretty well. He takes out the probe. I mean, he pulls his workers off the line, but it's not that big of a deal. It really isn't. You lose like maybe 150 minerals or so, but you completely. deny this cannon rush. And don't forget, the investment in a cannon rush is way more than just 150 minerals. Not only, I just want to make this clear, not only is it just the money you actually invest in the cannon rush, but it's also kind of the lost opportunity of putting any type of pressure early on as a Protoss player. Your gateway is delayed and thus your tech is delayed. Your defensive forces are later. Any type of tech, like a dark shrine or an Oracle will be way later as well. So it is more than just the actual minerals, but even mineral-wise, the forge, and the aggressive cannon are already 250 minerals. So you can pull 15 SEVs for, you know, 10, 10, 12 seconds, and you'll probably be okay. A little bit longer, especially if there's like a second pylon and this type of stuff shows up. This is actually a perfect response right now. You have the Marine setting two SUVs to the left cannon, three SUVs to the right cannon. Oh, Protoss does cancel it. That's actually a high level move for a platinum game. Not gonna lie. Actually canceling the cannons and everything. cannons and everything. Look at that. Absolute triarts. Now, from this point on, there's two things that I would like to see. One is an orbital command, and two would be a Reaper here. Now, the reason why I say a Reaper is because very, very often, Protoss players, they build a pylon on the low ground to get a couple of cannons so they can safely expand. Without cannons, they can't really expand. They might be against like a couple of Marines or the Terran can build a bunker here and basically deny their natural base forever and ever. However, a Reaper also, forces a cannon in the main mineral line. And a single cannon also isn't quite enough. Because a single cannon, imagine you put it over here in the middle, it would not cover this spot or this spot, which means that a Reaper could hold position here and deny mining on the outside mineral patches. Now, I don't really imagine Pencroft, the platinum player that he would pull away these five workers and let them mine from somewhere else and properly manage that. So he probably would end up losing a couple of workers for free. The Reaper also provides free scouting, which once again, is very tricky to get. at the moment there are two cannons on the high ground waiting to kill you. So potential for damage, free scouting, all of that good jazz basically. Orbital command, it's a little bit late. I think it was about a minute late over here, maybe like 50 seconds. And that's actually kind of a big deal for the economy of Vidalur. The reason for that is because with an orbital command you can throw down a mule. A mule gets between 200 and 225 minerals in its lifetime. lifetime of a mu is 64 seconds, and every 64 seconds, I think it's 63 and a half seconds, you can throw down a new mu. So basically what I'm saying is every 60 seconds that you're delaying your orbital command costs you about 200 to 225 minerals. So it's extremely important that you get it as quickly as possible. If you delay it by two minutes for no reason whatsoever, that's already an entire command center that you're missing. So far, he's missed it, I think, for like about a minute. And right now when natural is also not building one. So that is a little bit painful. And this is really also the only reason why usually Terran is even in income while being behind in workers. Protoss of course has the chronobost ability, which allows them to get more workers than the Terran. But that is fine because a mule counts for, what is it, like three and a half to four SCVs, depending on a far or a close-by mineral patch where the mule is mining. So six Marines are going to march across the map. You already know that there's two cannons here. these two marines are going to be completely useless and will be incapable of dealing any damage whatsoever. You already know this. There's no way you don't know this. You can poke up here. You just got the basically the information confirmed that he didn't cancel these two cannons. I don't think you have to sacrifice a Marine for that. Then again, your opponent also, I think just gifted you two probes total here. I think he sent one in before as well. Very, very cool. Tank is coming out right now. Once again, this is just not enough to break onto a high ground. I'd much rather have you wait for a meta-fax with a reactor here. Okay, very odd build order. I'm not going to focus too much on that. I'm really not that interested in improving your build order. You can do that by yourself by just looking at any replay, but getting a reactor at this time on your starboard, especially while you already have a factory with a tech lab, is completely useless. You simply do not have the gas income for it. Still don't have an orbital command here. So at this point, I think you're down like four to 600 minerals or so, where you should have been. You're still ahead. Don't get me wrong. You're still out mining your opponent in a big way because your opponent is mining a crap ton of gas. Mining gas cuts big into your mineral eco. And minerals are the only thing that increases your actual economy. Everything that increases your eco can be paid for indeed by minerals. Gas, command centers, depots, SUVs, all that good jazz. Two more gases on the way for you. Relatively okay call. Metafact is here right now, could provide you a high ground vision, but rather than doing that, you're just kind of idling here for at least a little bit longer. Okay, here we go. Somewhat of a good move. You are in range of a cannon, so it's not absolutely brilliant. One tank gets taken out. Matterfax is almost dead as well. This has not been the greatest micro. Actually, this is probably the worst you could have microed this situation. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but you managed to lose two tanks and Metafac. and all you did was deal a little bit of damage on one void, right? If, okay, I'm very big on people kind of, you know, playing, playing to their own power. So if your strength is macro, then I'd focus a lot on that. If your weakness is micro and attacking into canon positions, I would not do that again. So I would suggest at this point you pick up these eight marines, drop them in towards the main base, continue macroing at home, then the moment Stim finishes or before Stim finishes, you scout with them to see what's going and maybe you kill a couple of workers. That's really all you're going to be doing. I would not recommend going for the same trick again. It didn't work before. It's probably not going to end up working now. So it was just my humble suggestion. And this guy has balls of steel as well. He sends four Voidreys across the map while he's being practically. two and a half base all-in. I also would like to stress, by the way, that there's absolutely no need for our Terran player to actually be on the other side of the map right now. He's up an entire base. Probably has better infrastructure, has more workers as well. Technically, you could just be preparing for a two-base all-in that has to be coming, or you can just deny your opponent's third base forever. You can just keep a unit on each third base. In the moment it gets taken, you start moving across the map. So I wouldn't have much. mind having a couple of extra units at home. Then again, I don't think anyone could have really predicted this move, so I'm not going to blame you for it. You lose a command center. This still wasn't an orbital, by the way. So that's like what? Like legit, like a thousand minerals that you've missed with lacking mules. This hasn't turned into an orbital yet either. I'm not quite sure how long this has been done. But it's also been done for at least 45 seconds or so. It's not been great. At least you're going to get these void rays, I guess. For whatever reason, Pencroft decides that damaging the star port to 517 HP is more important than flying away and perhaps keeping these very expensive units alive. There's a response you build five turrets in mediocre positions. The building placement and the order in which you build the buildings hasn't been brilliant so far. You get a second reactor on a star port. You continue Viking production. Despite going for a big bio army, you still only have a single meta vac. These are all the types of decisions that I'm usually not a huge fan of. If you're planning on going for a bunch of bio, which you obviously were because you had two racks, now you get a second star port. I would say get a couple of meta-vac so they actually have some real sustained to them. There's absolutely nothing right now that could kill these 22 marines. almost believe at this point you could just actually walk up the ramp and kill your opponent. But what you could also do is fly forward with two Vikings. Try to take out, I can't believe you actually got that carrier. I was going to make fun of you for this move, but it worked out so then I can't really make fun of it. That was a very good trade. That actually was a very good trade. Oh, a Viking still alive as well. I love that you're flying away from one interceptor. It's like, oh, the two carriers earlier was fine with the two Vikings, but now there's a single interceptor left. We decided to move the Viking back and actually let it die. That was a mistake. You also have been supply blocked at 78, 78 for the past, I think, minute and a half. Have you even produced anything? I love the focus here on the drop. Like I understand that you really want to micro this well and you probably do have the opportunity to kill your opponent. it's not the most important thing. Like you've been supply block now for almost an entire minute. And StarCraft 2 is a lot about prioritizing often. And what you're doing at this moment is rearranging your shoelace collection in alphabetical order while your house is on fire. I'm sure there are some sneaker freaks out there that would kind of understand it, but I don't think I have enough empathy to truly get behind that decision. More Vikings across the map. The only reason why you're capable of producing by the way is because you're losing units, not because you've been building depots. At any point during this you could have continued producing workers or build depots, hello. We're landing and we're going up in the sky. Maybe land another time. You show it off one more time real good. No, okay. This also is an interesting decision. You brought the marauder upstairs with all the marines that can actually shoot up are downstairs. Now you're fighting into a super battery. Ah! You can't see the super battery. What's healing him? What's happening here? This has to be the most confusing 14 seconds of his life. He's like, man, the mothership. I'm attacking it with four Vikings. No wonder he thinks the mothership is really broken. I already was confused how he could complain about the mothership being too good. But it all goes back to the super battery being invisible. And Vita Lorso and not really... Once again, he's like, man, this guy has insane shield regeneration. I can't remember it being that good. Once again, we get a... What do you call this? The assault mode, I think it's called of the Viking. Once again, just microing his heart out while floating 1,300 minerals. Now, don't get me wrong. Protoss player also is floating 3K minerals and 1,800 gas, which is also not brilliant. But what you are doing is definitely not brilliant. You're way, you should be way out mining him. You're still doubling his income, which honestly is fine. You haven't built any upgrades out of these eBay. You haven't built any upgrades or any armories even yet for the Vikings. Now you're going to lose out your army. The one thing that is true about the carrier, and that a lot of people dislike as well, is that it's often harder to micro against than it is to micro width. So the carrier can a-move, and your units, if they aim move, will target down the interceptors, which is a win for the carrier often, because if you kill the interceptors, the carriers go back home, recharge on interceptors, and then they go again. Now, if you actually make an army of mass marine and you're fighting against pure carrier, that usually isn't much of an issue because Marines actually are better than carriers, especially with good upgrades, and if they're being healed, maybe you get some ghosts with it as well, and it's all good. But if you're building Vikings as the main counter, there's one thing that I expect you to do, and that is to properly right-click on the carriers so that they're all targeting the carrier and not the interceptor. Because every time you kill a carrier, the interceptors automatically die with it as well. If you have a massive Marine army, very often you can just kill the interceptors because your damage output is so ridiculously good. And once again, you're going in with the Vikings. By continuously attacking up this ramp, by the way, this is kind of funny. So you wanted to stay in control this game and you wanted to put on a lot of pressure. But sometimes the best way to put on pressure is just by standing outside of your opponent's base and not allowing him to ever take a third. By actively pushing into his main base, into the battery, he gave your opponent a chance to hold with enough units and gave your opponent a chance to basically get a nexus out and start three cannons as well, which never would have been possible if you just idled your entire army in this exact location. So this once again, it kind of shows that putting on constant pressure often isn't the greatest thing. And you also mentioned map control a couple of times in your imbalance complaint form as a thing that is very useful. But map control, it isn't an actual resource. It's not like being up in supply. It only has real value if you can use it well. Like if you have complete map control, but then with that map control, you just boost map. Metafax into your opponent's cannons, like the map control did nothing for you. And despite you having map control and having good map vision even because you're spreading out Marines, I don't feel like you've actually been using it for good. You've just been, you've just had it and that's it. Like there's no real point. Don't forget, it's not about the size of the wave, but it's about the motion of the ocean. Vikings attacking the carriers and up and down and up. And now attacking the interceptors and then the carrier. This reminds me a little bit of my uncle Ronnie. My uncle Ronnie has a convertible car and if you go for a drive with Uncle Ronnie in his convertible car, the rooftop is coming off. No matter the weather, it can be hailing, there can be rain. Uncle Ronnie I'm getting wet. Kevin, I have a convertible. I feel like you have the same issue here with your Vikings. You just want to show off that they have two different modes. You know, they can fly, they can land, they can fly, they can land. If your opponent, however, has three or four carriers, it's probably the best thing just to keep them in the air. Just like if it's raining, Uncle Ronnie, we keep the roof up. So our heads are covered. That's what the roof was invented for. They figure this out in caveman times. No one cares about your convertible car. So now with all of this behind us, you manage to give your opponent a third base, lost all of your Vikings, realize that you need upgrades as well after seeing your opponent going for upgrades. I'm not quite sure if people in Platinum click your opponent's units. If you click your opponents usually, and you don't have a weird replay overlay like I have, you usually see the, you know, you can see the upgrade numbers on your opponent's units. Oh, there we go again. Yes. Of course, put them on the floor again. There we go. I can't wait to tell my uncle that he, that I know a new friend. Yes, he's an Italian, but he's a great guy. I bet you and him will get a long grade, Ronnie. Unbelievable. Okay, four more Vikings on the way. These are in the air. Do these have Stim? Yeah, no combat. No upgrade still, despite of being two e-base. It's just a very interesting game altogether. Oh, Vikings accidentally got found on the ground again. But honestly, how could Vita Lorsel have known that there would be more carriers? After so far in the entire game, there have already been three zealots and only, what is it, 12 other air units. This must have come as a massive surprise for Vita Lorsel. And the result losing six Vikings, or what was it, eight Vikings for free, and now losing this fight because he lost eight Vikings for free. Another thing I would like to draw the attention to is the money that they're going to. Vida Lorso has. And I often say this about Zerg, if you have trouble spending your money, there's absolutely no shame in building a macro hatch whatsoever. It's actually a good thing if you have too much money to spend your money on a macro edge. It's the same with Terran. If you have too much money, spend it on more production so you can more easily produce. So the beauty of extra production is that you can just spend so fast extra and extra and it saved me from many situations in my life as well. Three hours later. And that kids is how a macro hatch helped me survive a Jaguar attack in Belgium. Where was I? Right. Extra starports. I actually kind of like it that we already have these three extra starports here. It feels somewhat good. You can continuously be building Vikings if you want to, which apparently is definitely what a good friend Vita Lorsa wants to. because he's also getting the ship weapons as well as the vehicle plating upgrades. Now, like I mentioned before, I'm not necessarily a huge fan of Vikings as a counter to carriers. Ooh, look at that. Extra Star-Pors. Beautiful stuff, beautiful stuff. It's actually lacking a little bit in gas. He's really pushing it now with the extra Star Wars. Okay, I'm a big fan of it, but getting three extra. Also, queuing one up is a big move. It's not a big move. It's a mistake. It's anything but a big move. Ship weapons level 2 No real vision on your opponent but doesn't matter In case you could have like a marine over here Marine over here Marine over here Of course that would be the only possible if you actually had marines What is this scan? Does he not realize there's also potential for a base here? I'll say it's not like he's under some heavy pressure Like he could just send an SUV over Once again A scan is extremely expensive A scan is practically the equivalent of a mule. Like, it's just as much energy. It's 200 minerals you just wasted. It's really not cheap. Like, it's legitimately expensive. No memes. Ship weapons level 2. More Vikings still coming in. The problem with going for a full Viking battle cruiser composition is that you might just... You need a lot more gas. Like, you need to saturate every single gas you have. or you're just going to be floating minerals. Okay, here we go. There's a fight. Look at that. Beautiful. Shoots the interceptors once. Loses five Vikings. Shoots the interceptors another time. No target fire, no target fire. Okay, now we get target fire on the mothership. Mother ship dies. As every single Viking has gone down. Very nice. Now, this was beautiful. The funny thing here is, is that this actually showcased the power of carrier in a lower level game. Both of these players literally just A-moved. And in this case, the carriers win. Because against the carrier, like I mentioned before, you need to actually right-click on the carrier to kill them rather than go for the interceptors. So you could say that the only thing, or the only thing that Vidal-Lorso had to do more here, was the right click or shift click on individual units. Seven clicks is what it would have been. Is this seven? No, this is six. Six clicks. Just a right click on six different units. That was all the micro that I've asked in this entire game for Vita Lorso. Literally all of it. That's the only thing I would have wanted. And he didn't do that. And that's not good. If that is literally the only mic, at this point the game is extremely over. There is, you have, I guess, the production over here. But there's still triple carriers coming out as well. I'm not too interested in watching every single building burn down. I'm just going to speed this up a little bit. More turrets as well. I love that his initial instinct was to defend this base, which had three SEVs mining, and throw entire turret rings around it. Turret rings also are not actually that useful. If you want tourists to be more useful, you have to cluster them, because then more can attack at the same time. The reason why we often build turret rings is against things like prisms. So if you're afraid of a prism going into your main base, you can build a turret here, a turret here, a turret here, a turret here, and then the prism can't get in. But if you're fighting against an air army that does air attacks, you want all the anti-air to be as clustered as possible. Otherwise, in this case, the carriers can just attack turrets here on the right side and then slowly move over to different sides, while only a small portion of the turret, turrets at each time are shooting. Yeah, this game is actually completely over. It's a late game Battlecruiser transition, which funnily enough also could have worked this game. Look, against carriers, if it's just a pure carrier army, there's about 50 things that Terran can do. Mass Viking works, mass battle cruiser works, mass marine works, mine marine works, marine ghost works, marine mind ghost works. anything basically but rallying Vikings in what were they called again assault mode into your opponent would have worked especially given the eco advantage that Vita Lorsso has had this game and I'm actually I'm also a bit surprised that he complained about the carriers and the mothership equally what in the world is he doing here so he's flying the orbital away this is one of the things that I never quite understand and it It tends to be Terence the most. But if you just played a game where you were up legit four or five bases, and you couldn't win the game being up four bases and up 35 or 40 supply, how do you imagine you're going to win the game by saving this command center while being down 130 supply? It just never made any sense to me whatsoever. And you could say he's just angry and he wants to waste his opponent's time, but he's also wasting his own time. So by doing that, you're basically saying that your time is less valuable than your opponent's time. Because only then would it be a good trade. You're basically calling yourself a loser if you pull a move like this. And you could say, well, he just flows his buildings away and then there's nothing. But right now he has 100 APM. This is more than his average. How is it possible that Vita Lorsso is currently doing more than he did on average in the entire game? I don't understand that. This is the point where you should be doing nothing anymore because you're dead. It makes no sense. It's over my friend. You have lost. It's time to leave. Get into the next game. You know, get that respawn button going. I just don't understand this type of thinking. Impressive. No, what's impressive was your ability to stay in after a game finished five minutes. ago. That's the most impressive thing. All right. Let me take a quick look at that balance complaint again. The carrier and the mothership. Now, I understand why he was upset about the mothership. The mothership has insane shield regeneration, according to Vita Lorso, because the super battery was invisible. I wonder if you watched the replay. Saw it happen? I was like, ah, that's how it. Or if he never actually watched the replay because he was too impressed by his opponent's play style. What else? Unstoppable by my forces. Maybe I lack in upgrades or maybe I just wasn't able to micro properly. So I mentioned the micro a little bit is that you have to shift click, which I'm not even quite sure if I would really consider that massive micro, like you're not pulling back weak units, you're not even kiting. It's just, this is like the most basic thing. It's just target figuring stuff down. It's not like it's bailing some creep or zirgling some creep. Like these things are, they're kind of static, you know. It's like right-clicking static buildings. It's like it shouldn't be too hard. And you kind of did like that. But the thing that I'm the most upset about is the constant landing of the Vikings without any purpose. Every single time after you killed a carrier, you felt the need to land four or six or eight Vikings. Or even if you hadn't killed a carrier, you would just idle outside of your opponent's base with eight landed Vikings. And I honestly believe that even without Target Fire Micro, if just all of your Vikings during the entirety of the game stayed in the air, you probably would have won this. So no, carriers and motherships aren't actually in balance. It is you, my friend, who sucks. And that's the cold truth. All right. Thanks everyone for watching. Uncle Ronnie, I'm looking forward to the next car riding your convertible. And if you did like this video, don't forget to like, but subscribe to the channel. I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you. And bye-bye. |
2 Clowns On A Unicycle... | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | ... paddle down the road. With waterballoons. What will you do? I hope like and subscribe! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/exH0EbPgAWo/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | exH0EbPgAWo | Dear Harstam, I understand that Terran have very good tools for harassing, but enough is enough. This clown played Proxy Reaper, to which I defended not too brilliant, but I was still miles ahead. Since he had no tack or second base, and yet it didn't matter. Benchy is the most stupid unit in this game. I hate Muda's, but Muda's deal way fewer damage and have no cloak. Benchie, with its stupid upgrade, is like Muta in combinator. with DT. Super fast, stalkers have no chance with catching up, deal not as little as Muras so they can fight part of your army, cloak so you need observer speed or oracle because cannons die in half a second to a fair amount of Benchy. It's flying so he can be in three places within five seconds so I can't fight his army if I can't catch up to it. I can't attack his bases because of course Terran Turtle is fantastic to play against. The only thing that I could think of going is Phoenixes. But at this point he killed few of my nexus and my core structures. Maybe if I'd figure it out sooner, I'd be fine. But I didn't think it's so unfair and I don't think he deserved this. Name Adamin, race protels, league master, an MMR 4.5K MMR on the European server. And the question is, are Banshees imbalanced or does Anamin suck? All right, here we go. Are Masters player Adamin struggling with the Cloak Banshees, but not just regular cloak banshees, they are speed banshees. Now, the speed banshee is one of those units that is actually quite tricky to deal with because like he mentions, stalkers can't quite catch up with it. You have to often play base defense for a long time. Very often in the early game, you also play a build opener, build order, which isn't optimal against mass banshee, because usually you expect, well, some type of bio play. So a lot of the time, Protoss players get called of guard, then they need to make some type of response and they need to adapt in the moment and that can be very difficult to do if you don't already have kind of a plan previously thought out in your head he also mentioned the proxy rex and honestly i'm not going to blame him for taking damage against the proxy rax proxy rax proxy rax is really difficult to play against you need a very tight response often and it feels so so hard to not take any damage good control by the way out of this Terran here actually just microing this reaper properly it is so nice to see some higher level replays where both players are controlling their units with, well, in a somewhat adequate way. Bunker isn't going to finish, and as there's no extra SUV coming across the map, I guess that this is going to get stopped the moment of first Adept or Stalker pops out. There's going to be an adept. Now, second assimilator is rather delayed for no real reason. We see there's plenty of money in the bank around right now. In this type of scenario, I also wouldn't completely mind having a battery in the main or the natural, so at least one of your bases is free against the threat. of two jumping in reapers or even three jumping in reapers. That way you can focus all of your defenses in one base. Right now, if these two reapers would end up going into the main base right now, there would be nothing there to defend, and you'd probably end up losing three, four extra workers and put yourself in a, well, quite frankly, terrible spot. The only reason why the Protoss player is not in that bad of a spot after losing three workers is because the Terran played a very inefficient build order focusing mainly on gas mining. A lot of gas mining is not actually that helpful for Terran. It delays our command center a lot while barely increasing the timing of that initial star port. And in this case, the Terran kind of forgets its starport as well. It's getting supply blocked. So I honestly completely agree with what Adamin said initially. He said, my defense against the proxy barracks wasn't good, but it didn't really matter because I will still ahead. And this is a very fair characterization of the game so far. He has a faster nexus than his opponent has a command center. The command center is on the high ground. There's no follow-up threat yet. I mean, what's it going to be? A Benji walking across the map? Sorry, a mine walking across the map. No, it can be. So, yeah, I actually really like this position for the Protols. The only problem I have is with how bad the Protles is at spending his money. He's floating 600 minerals, 125 gas right now. A third base could be on the way already. We could be getting extra gases in the natural if you're not sure yet if you want to take a third base. I can completely understand that as well, by the way. If you don't see a command center landing on your opponent's natural, like he saw it now with his adapt. It was flying so it doesn't show up here in the, what you call it, in the fog of war. But basically he knows there's an expansion. But if you don't know it, I can understand why you don't want to take a third base. You don't want to be on three bases while your opponent is on one base all inning you. That makes a lot of sense. Ideally, what you want right now is your main priority should be gathering a little bit of information. Keeping a unit on your opponent's side of the map perhaps, trying to figure out what is going on. Because quite frankly, Adamin is a little bit blind. He is going for a standard-ish setup with blink, a couple of gateways, robotic facility, so it's going to be safe against most things. But if you're not entirely sure what's happening, I really wouldn't mind just getting a quick battery over here, maybe even a battery in the main base. keeping one unit on your opponent's side of the map and it allows to AC if your opponent is moving out you can see it with that unit that is over here on the map so you can respond with perhaps more batteries if necessary if you don't see a move out you can perhaps be a little bit greedier and with the battery in the main base are a bit safer if it's going to be just an initial one banshee or if it's like a marine drop or even something like a helion drop so you see adamant doesn't even have very good vision on the right side of his main base luckily for adamin it is none of that and our Terran player is playing an extremely unorthodox build order. This is double Starport cloak Benchy with a single tank. Now, if this had been spotted, I'm pretty sure that Adaman just could have walked across the map at any point with like 10 stalkers and won the game. But because it hasn't been spotted, he can't really do that. Well, he could still be doing it blind, but that would be risky in case it isn't a build order like this. I like that this observer is going across the map. And you know what? I even like that this observer didn't go across the map immediately. You could say, well, Karen, that is stupid. You want to scout as fast as possible. Yes, but you also want to keep detection at home for as long as possible. You're playing against the Terran that stayed on one base for very long and thus probably has some type of tech coming in, keeping an observer at home in case of armory widow mine drops, which means that the widow mines become invisible, or in case of double-cloked Benchy, having that observer there is absolutely not a luxury, but it is a must. It is a necessity. And I kind of like that Adamin decided to keep this one at home for a little bit longer. Now, that could just be because he's slow as sending it out. But if that was a decision, that was a very responsible and mature decision, I would say. Very, very responsible and mature. Something that's less responsible and mature is the fact that we're banking up infinite amounts of chronobo boost. We're getting a robo bay right now and blink finishing up. Not a huge fan of a blind Robo Bay. Very often, it doesn't have much of a purpose this late. Like, basically what I'm trying to say is you're either going to get it earlier than this to blindly get into Colossi, or if you're already getting it this late, just wait until your observer scouts what your opponent is doing. And then you can pretty much, then you can pretty much decide, hey, do I want charged Templar Archives at six gateways? Go for like a big charge Archon composition, or do I want to go into those Colossi or perhaps even start with disruptors? some very niche scenarios, which I can't really think of right now where you'd want to start with one disruptor. The Observer is going to fly into a turret here, which is... Oh! Oh? Two turrets. Now, it could make fun of you here for losing the Observer, but I'm not going to do that, because the situation you find yourself in is truly unique. Your opponent decided to not just build one turret, which is extremely uncommon at this timing in this matchup, but two turrets at the same time. Your reaction speed to that first turret was even very good. You pulled your observer away immediately and it only died because for whatever God-forsaken reason, there was a second turn there, which makes no sense. This doesn't reflect poorly upon you. It reflects poorly upon your opponent. This be a little bit as if you were walking on the sidewalk and out of nowhere a clown on a unicycle throws a water balloon at you. You catch the water balloon, throw it back, hit him square in the face, he falls off his unicycle, and as you watch that happen, you get hit by a water balloon in the back of your head, by a second clown on a unicycle. I mean, can I really blame you for getting hit by that second water balloon? No, I would just merely be impressed by you catching that first one. And that is the same here with this observer. So yeah, basically, I'm just impressed by you. Keep throwing those water balloons, my friend. However, you are lacking some information right now and as a result, well, okay, a little bit of theory. I don't expect you to completely understand this or know this, but let's just look at what you actually scouted. Despite not getting any major information, we still can gather some clues, right? Your opponent is building turrets. Now, what are turrets? Turrets are buildings that cost only minerals. What units cost minerals? Bio units are very mineral focus. That means if you see a lot of turrets and you see three turrets over here, see a bit of a depot wall, you can almost always call that is going to be Mac in this type of case, or at least with a bunch of tanks there. Now, you don't know if there's going to be starboard units with it, but you can kind of call them Mac. And in that case, you could consider canceling your robotics bay, throwing down a Templar Archives and starting charge, or you could let your robotics bay finish, but just not get any units from your robotics facility right now, and then adding a couple of extra gateways, going into charge, still throwing down the Templar Archives, and kind of continue that route. So even if you don't get the full information with the little information that you have been offered, you could still make somewhat of an educated guess. Now, once again, it is difficult to make an educated guess like that if you're not a top top player. Maybe you just don't completely understand. That's completely fine. I'm not going to blame you for that. second forge, I think these are decent calls. This Ropter I'm not a huge fan of. It's not going to be very useful against high tank counts usually. But once again, I understand it's still better than starting a colossian thermal lens. So I'm okay with that. I'm really okay with that. Now, this is an uncommon move, so I don't expect you to have a good response against this. Okay. There's two banshees coming in towards your natural and then these two benches are either heading towards your third base or heading towards your main base, depending on what the taran ones. Four Benchy attack squad, seven minutes and 31 seconds into the game. I honestly haven't seen this in like five years. So having a mediocre response or being surprised, that's okay. You have a blind cannon already here. You pulled workers away. That is good. You are taking a little bit of damage here in your main base, but once again, I wouldn't have expected the first two Banshees. I also wouldn't have expected Benchy 3 and 4 for sure. Now, this is a little bit more painful because now you did see that there were banshees in your main and you're just not responding whatsoever. Yeah. This started kind of fine. This actually started kind of fine. You know, for the first two banshees, you could almost say, like, that was, imagine you're walking on the sidewalk. I'm just picking out a random comparison here, okay? Imagine you're walking on the sidewalk and all of a sudden a clown shows up on a unicycle. And this clown out of nowhere starts throwing water balloons at you. Those were the first two Benjies over here. And you catch these water balloons and throw it back at the clown. You hit him square in the face. Fantastic move. Now, if you then get hit in the back of the head by a water balloon, by a second clown on a unicycle, am I going to blame you for that? No, of course not. Who could have expected one clown, let alone two clowns on a unicycle throwing water balloons? I'm not going to blame you for that. However, if then the second clown gets off the unicycle and peas on your leg and you don't respond to that, yes, your legs deserve to be wet. And that is what happened here. You now have wet legs. You lost way more workers than you ever should have. And there's no real reason for that. Your initial response to these was good. Your initial response to the ones in the main wasn't as great. But then once he flies towards your third base, you knew you had no cannon here. the only base that was in danger of actually losing, being without detection, was your third base. That should have been the first priority once you saw the Banshees had towards the main base, or once you saw the Benchie in the main base, is getting detection to the final base that doesn't have it yet. Now, now, we are in a situation where you have a very big anti-air army, which is good because you're playing against Banshees, you kind of want to get the confirmation that this is indeed multiple. Starport. You're not getting that. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of that. A disruptor here. Okay. Now, the first disruptor I understood. Okay? The first disruptor I understood. You didn't know what type of position you were in. You had absolutely no clue what type of position you were in. But now you do know what type of position you're in. You're in a position where your opponent is building a lot of banshees. And I can't, you know, I can't flame you for not being great at adapting within a game. It is a difficult game and it's difficult to think and play at the same time. Maybe you do not know the perfect response here. I played amateur football, for example, for a little over 16 years and sometimes people would pass the ball to me and I just didn't know what to do with it. You feel panicked, you shoot it over the sidelines. It's not the end of the world, but it's annoying. This is a similar situation for you, except rather than shooting the ball over the sidelines, you're pooping yourself by building a disruptor. A disruptor is a high highly specialized unit that has a purpose against groups of units that are very small, so many can fit in your purification nova and you can explode them. If you just confirmed that there's no such unit, no very small units, why are you getting a second disruptor? It doesn't make a lot of sense. There's basically no unit that would be worse right now than the disruptor, except maybe the colossi could be worse, or if you add like four Sentries. but the Disruptor is a very bad call at this point, and I'm not a fan of it. We continue. Banshees moving in towards your main base. Now you have zero map vision once again around the map. This has been an issue the entire game already for you from start to finish. I mentioned have a unit over here to see your opponent move out. But now that you know that Banshees are around, you might want to start building some pylons around the map so you can get some early spotters on. Your Disruptor gets sniped here. Your opponent actually doing you a favor. like he shows you how bad the disruptor is against mass Benchie and as a result you hopefully will not build any extra this is a good call observer speed i really like that call now whenever you do see high benchy numbers you always kind of have to think what is the real weakness of the Benchie and if you think a little bit about it it is the inability of the Benchie to shoot up it has a range attack but it can shoot straight it can only shoot down which means that units like phoenixus void rays Carriers, Tempest, motherships are all fantastic against it because you can chase them. And specifically, the phoenix is great because the phoenix is faster than the banshee. And with observer speed, you can catch the banshees always. That means that your opponent's entire infrastructure would be made useless by legit getting out three to four banshees. That is literally all that it would, or benches, three to four phoenixes. That is all it would take. you could just stay at home with stalkers and go hunting for banshees with your phoenixes until you max out then you attack with your main army a move across the map and hopefully win the game now you haven't quite figured it out yet and that is okay um instead you're going across the map despite knowing that there's banshees in your main base destroying absolutely everything so you you kill one base and your opponent well takes out every single pylon in your main base Is it an interesting engagement as well? Holy crap. That was a bad engagement for you. Oh, the Disruptor, actually taking out more zealots than SEVs there as well. Great unit in this type of scenario. This was a terrible engagement. And also the actual call wasn't great. Sure, you took out a base and a planetary that was defending the natural, but this is like being happy that you've been burrowing the lawnmower of your neighbor for the past three months. This feels really good until you realize that it's winter so you don't need to mow the grass and as a form of payment your neighbor has been stealing your newspaper for the past three weeks. So I'm not entirely sure if this was the trade that you wanted to take. Actually, I am entirely sure that this is a trade that you didn't want to take. You're rebuilding the robotics facility. Rebuilding. You can just repower it as well. It's a little bit cheaper. God, I hope your house never lose power. Because if your house loses power, rather than just fixing the electricity, you might accidentally just buy a new house. This one is done. Smack it on the back of the house. Out of energy. Absolutely ridiculous. Six more benches on the way. Two more just idling over here. Double four just. You have a good upgrades. Your opponent has no upgrades. Invested in how many? 12 benches already? No more. 29 benches already. Couldn't say. spare the money for a single ship weapons upgrade. That is the Terran logic that we're so fond of. And I bet that if the Terran would have lost this, he would have complained about the weakness of the Benchie. They don't deal enough damage. Made. Never heard of upgrades? You might want to get them. Might want to get them. Cannon unpowered. Observer speed is so good against this. It's an, it's absolutely a necessity. Banshees are so fast, though. They outspeed observers with speed. If you do them in combination with Phoenixes, they're usually good enough to take them out. If you really want detection that sticks, you can also get an oracle. So you can just revelate them and then it sticks on them, right? The revelation of the Oracle. Once again, this move out is just, it's silly. You're, like, what are you trying to achieve? What, like, you're working against an army that scales terribly, like, terrible scaling. Okay, if you get any type of air unit, this army sucks. You want him to max out on banshees and you want to max out yourself as well. That is an ideal situation here for the toss. Just want to stay at home, max out 70 workers, you're all good. What you could do, send a couple of zealots across the map. Just harass, see which bases are being taken. Funny thing, a lot of people don't realize this, but if there is a planetary somewhere and you send in zealots and you shift click on SCVs And it's just a planetary. Without any additional defense, the zealids will kill a lot of SEVs. People don't realize this because usually planetaries don't come alone. You know, they have a little bit of baggage with them, like a couple of bio units, a ghost, two mines, a tank in the back. These bases don't have any of that. So despite them being planetaries, you could still harass somewhat successfully. It's not like these zealots are contributing a whole lot into your chase of the Benchie right now. If anything, they might just be blocking your stalkers. You're also starting to float kind of ridiculous amounts of money at this point. You're floating, well, I wish I could do math, but more than 4,000,000 resources or so. 2.7-ish-K in minerals, and well, at this point 2K in gas. That's a lot. That actually is a lot. You're getting a fifth base. I like your willingness to continue expanding, but you just don't have enough units right now to deal with this. Finally, we see the Stargates come down. I think this is a very good call. It's a call that should have been made a long time ago. But even without these Stargates, your defense could have been a lot better had you just stayed at home a bit more and actually prepared for the possibility of an attack. This is something that I quite often notice in players that aren't complete garbage, but you know, still not the absolute top, is that they kind of hope that their opponent forgets about their harassment. It's like we're a Masters League right now. It's probably not going to happen. This guy is not going to be like, oh, 12 benches, let me just idle them in the dead space. No, he's probably going to be using them. And every single time you move out, pretending like the benches don't exist, you're going to pay a price for that. And that is exactly what is happening in this game. You move out, you're paying a price. You move out, you're paying a price. Now, first phoenixes are coming out, and the moment the Terrant sees a phoenix here, his immediate reaction should be to transition, whether that's going to be into viking, Okay, yeah, that doesn't make any sense. Maybe. Maybe Viking Benchy. Who knows? Well, not without ship weapons, I guess. You should immediately start transitioning. Okay, Fusion Corps. You know what? I don't mind this at all. It's going to be Battle Cruiser. The battle cruiser is actually fantastic against Phoenixes. Because, you know, lots of armor on the BC. You can Yamato Phoenixes as well. Great. I love that. Great call out of the Tarant here, but you still have some Banshees to deal with. You're still floating a lot of money. Despite all of your failures in this game, I wouldn't want to say you're winning, but you are winning. I know this sounds stupid because you're losing buildings left, right and center, but you have a massive bank. You're insanely far ahead in workers still. And the only assets that your opponent has are these 20 benches. And these two phoenixes basically make these benches useless or are not completely useless. I mean, they're still going to kill some stuff because two phoenix aren't fast, but eventually they will die. Look how fast it goes. Just with two phoenixes. Imagine you had four phoenixes. Or even better, five. Or you could even have gotten six or maybe seven phoenixes. You could literally just add more phoenixes and it would be better for you. And then somewhere it starts dropping off at like a nine or ten. You don't want to get more than ten phoenixes. Although against 20 benches, maybe you do want to get. See, beautiful stuff. He just threw away 20 Benches because he knew their time was running out. Yes, he gets the Nexus, but you have freaking 6.3K in the bank, my friend. This game is completely over. You actually won at this point. Right now, the game has ended. All you need to do is realize it. Spend your money, you could... I was going to look for the word of 10. I was going to say triple expand, but then times 10. I don't actually know the word. Hex size, I think. Is that five? Octa expand, that's eight. That's where my knowledge stops. Hamster will make a witty annotation, making fun of my lack of knowledge, calling me an idiot. And then he'll also put the correct thing there immediately. Why can I think of that? Triple. Anyway, yeah, you're still extremely far ahead. Your opponent has no supply, no workers. You're being outmined right now because your opponent has more bases that actually are alive. You lost, well, you're actually only mining, long distance mining of a single nexus. And short, short distance mining on that same nexus with like four patches. So yeah, you're not getting that much stuff. I like this counterattack. I think that's a good call. Now that you have the phoenix is out, you're safe at home. And does this type of counterattack? Makes a creptone of sense. Your opponent goes across the map. Do you have any production? 4 gateways. And you tap out without Gigi here. Now, I'm not saying that you were winning this game. But you definitely weren't losing it. Do you have recall available? Oh, you can't see that. Let me go back. So recall is available. You have two phoenixes, four gateways. Where's the fourth one? Oh, maybe this is the four. Here, down here. About to get a fifth as well. You have one Stargate still producing. You could recall this. Now, it doesn't look like a whole lot of stalkers, but you have 10 stalkers with plus three. These BCs have no upgrades whatsoever. They blinked in, and they don't have Yamato either. Sure, there's more BCs on the way, but you have an infinite bank. The moment you see this, the BCs come in, you could throw down four stargates, a fleet beacon, get a fifth and a sixth base, and still be floating 4K. You could continuously be warping Starwalkers to stay alive until you get Tempest out. And don't forget, you're going to be completely outmining your opponent pretty darn soon. If you just had recalled here, I think you were... I think if you give me the situation against a top tarrant, I think I would win this. I think this is a winning position for Toss. Surely, with this much in the bank. How far are these next BCs? Okay, so two BCs are 30 seconds away. that's like a warp in and a half. You're definitely going to defend this if you micro well. You have four more stalkers, soon to be five stalkers to warp in, all with plus three. You have so much money. I think it's a win. Also, you can keep the zealots here to target down the SEVs with the trick I spoke about earlier. I think you didn't lose this game. I really don't think you lost this game. I think you won it and you left without realizing. You also surely did not watch the replay or you would not have sent it to me complaining about Banshees. The funny thing is that within this replay and within the form, you mentioned that you believe that phoenixes are the counter and Phoenixes are the correct counter. You figured it out already. You even saw it in this game as the moment you built three Phoenixes, you managed a literally hard counter, like 26 Banshees at the same time. That is how good the Phoenix is against the Benchie. And that's why we never see this type of mess Benchie play in pro level play. You figured it out. You don't actually believe that the Benchie is in Ballet. is imbalanced. I don't believe the Benchie is imbalanced either. I don't even think you suck that much. I mean, you sucked at a lot of points. You made a lot of bad decisions. But I think you played probably slightly better than your opponent and it shows in this situation as well. You have a very big bank. You just don't have any grit. You have no staying power. If you were in Rocky, we only would have had Rocky one. And that would have been it. And it would have ended halfway. It would have been a terrible movie. No one would have watched it. This is not it. I say this is not imbalanced and you do not suck. This is an invalid form. Boom! I don't know what else to do with it. Invalid. I don't want it. Just stay in games and win them when you deserve to win. You played okay for this level. You played about as good as your opponent. Maybe slightly better and you're in this position. your opponent had a bad strategy and eventually you found a counter. I don't understand why you would send me this replay. I just don't understand this. All right. Well, I guess that's it? Is that the first one I've ever made invalid? I think so. Well, thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed this confusing episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? When you're walking outside, be sure to be aware of any clowns on unicycles with water balloons. It is an absolute pandemic. of clowns on unicycles, throwing water balloons as people. So I want all of you to stay safe, stay inside, and wear your water balloon protective headgear when you're going outside. All right, that's going to be it for me today. Thanks so much for watching. And I'll see you all next time, I hope. And send me some IOTUS with the form below. You can do that and fill it in, replay in there as well. On the new maps, I like having those. Ciao, chow. Thank you. |
CHINESE GM AT AGE 75?! And he plays Terran?!?! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | WE GOT ANOTHER ONE! You guys know how much I love a good old chinese replay! And this one is old for real! As a "senior victim"is writing to us. Can his wisdom that came with his advancing age counter the youthful quickness of his protoss opponent? Smash like and find out! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/luyeY2loc0s/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | luyeY2loc0s | Viking is suck. Making Viking is the most harmful action in Terran versus Protoss. If I have to choose one, dare Harstem. I would have complained about Disruptor, the miracle unit, but as a senior victim, I have been numb to see my army suddenly disappeared. And try to avoid entering mass disruptor late game. However, Viking, which seems like a necessity in Terran versus Protoss, always led me to lose. In this replay, I have a winning position in the middle game, but Viking opened the gate of hell. Every time I want to trade with Toss, the result must be that Toss lost three Colossus, and I lost my whole army, including Viking. Not to say, Viking do zero damage to Colossus under battery overcharge. Maybe I'm suck for Cannot Macro my bio-perfectly under purification Nova, but Viking is the suck unit that forced me to face six or more disruptors. I'm pretty sure you will agree with my judgment about Viking after watching this replay. Name Pioneer Race Terran League Grandmaster on the Chinese server. Now, he also mentioned that he is a senior victim, so I'm expecting someone above 65 or 70. The fact that a 65 or 70-year-old can get Grandmaster with Terran is pretty impressive. I haven't seen this happen yet with any of the other races, so that definitely isn't help in your case. But the question is pretty clear. Harstem. Is the Viking Inba or do I suck? And that's what we're going to be figuring out this game. All righty, friends. And here we are in the game. Pioneer as our Terran player, Protoss player with a name that I sadly can't pronounce or read. We have a quick gateway on the low ground, probably for some type of early game pressure. Terran is not taking any damage so far. Now, this is a grandmaster level game. So I'm expecting a lot here. I'm expecting a solid build order opener out of both players. to be honest. I'm expecting good control, good decision making. And we're, well, what is it? One minute and 40 seconds in and I'm already extremely disappointed here by the ProDals. He built a cybernetic score before the Nexus, but this cybernetic score is the exact same timing as if he played a Nexus before core. So he just gave up economy for no reason and his initial a depth is also just going to be 11, 12 seconds later than it should be with a core first. So all of the disadvantages, none of the advantages. This is the type of build that I really don't want to see at Grandmaster level. So I'm glad the Protoss is the first one to trigger me here. Now, the Terran did see the core timing and knows that it's going to finish as about what, 211, 212, 210, something like that. And in that case, a reaction. here would have been the correct call. I'm going to need to pause it because I need to explain something here. This doesn't make any sense. You only play Reaper Marine Marine if you're either being attacked by a very fast salad or if your opponent has a low ground gateway well with like a 13 pylon or a 12 pylon fast gateway because you need quicker units. The reactor takes a very long time to build. So if you have to wait for the reactor for extra marines, a single adept that comes to your side of the map might actually delay your command center. But because that is never going to be the case with a core that finishes at 2-11, getting Marine Marine in this scenario is just going to delay your actual marine production. Because every single marine that you build is going to cut into one marine later on because this could have been two Marines being built at the same time coming out of a reactor. So you never, if you can, want to delay your reactor. But for whatever reason, Pioneer delayed the reactor, despite scouting the timing on the core. So this is an absolute nonsense build to start with. It really just makes zero sense whatsoever. Every second as well that he's delaying his reactor for is god awful. This was another six seconds. He literally lost like, what, four, four and a half Marines of production at this time. And it's actually making me sad. It really is making me sad. Now, this talk is going to move across the map. is going to pop into these three marines. We have a second stalker on the way as well. And because this reactor is so extremely delayed, these stalkers might actually be capable of doing something. Otherwise, there would just be more units here at this point. They would be capable of defending better. Still going to probably be... Holy crap, what is this target fire? Look at this. Maybe this is... He just doesn't understand that you don't have to take out the shields from both stalkers at the same time. you're allowed to target fire on the unit that already has damage. Look, takes out this one, already had a lot of damage on this one, now swaps back to the stalker that he had already damaged initially, to then swap back again to the stalker that has less HP, which should have stayed on this one if you're going to deal this much damage to it. Loses three Marines, keeps the Hallion alive. This is quite frankly, just extremely embarrassing. Like, I'm... He probably forgot that this happened in the game, and that's why he sent it. You know, he was like complain about the Viking. But this early game is extremely embarrassing. Like, really, really embarrassing. This should never happen. How can you lose or how can you be even under pressure in the early game playing against a cybernetic score that finishes at two minutes and 11 seconds? To make matters even worse. There's also going to be a sentry. Now, losing to a sentry rush or sentry pressure, is a little bit like getting beaten up by a guy that uses a feather. I'm sure that it really sucks for you to get beaten up by a guy with a feather, but if that would happen to me, I don't think I would tell anyone, and I definitely wouldn't show the footage to a YouTuber who then make fun of you getting beaten up by the feather. That seems like a relatively poor plan. I'm pretty sure that Pioneer forgot that this happened, because there's no way that a Grandmaster Terran would honestly, ever send this to me. Like, don't you have honor or pride? It's really sick. Let's not forget that he has like four Marines less than he should have, despite going for a one-one-one type of push. This entire build order just really doesn't make a lot of sense. Supply drop has been used as well. It's really sick to me that my expectations, when I'm getting a Grandmaster level of replay, are relatively high. And every single time I just keep getting disappointed again and again and again. again. Like, this isn't even difficult game theory. This is not like you're making mistakes in the decision making. It's just this guy is too lazy to look up a real build order and just makes up his own crap. And if you make up your own crap, at least think about the crap that you're doing. But it's obvious that there was no thought put into this build whatsoever, because this could just hit way harder with like four or five extra marines. And, well, you'd probably be capable of just straight up killing your opponent at this point. For stalkers moved to the wrong Maybe you get a kill on the pylon. If you're really lucky and the Protoss takes a bad engagement immediately, you might even be capable of taking the Nexus down. So for the tosses here, what you want to do, you want to keep the stalkers in between this army and the reinforcements, then wait for one or two extra warpins, and then you go in. I think there's blink already. Probably want to blink on top of the tank, because that's the one that has the highest damage output. You could two volley it, and then just kind of kite the other units. You're probably going to be fine. but instead he didn't take out the tank and if the tank gets to survive it just deals too much damage. Yeah. Okay, this is really bad for thought. This game is honestly just over. Third C.C. is done already. Barracks 2 and 3 are on the way. Is this going to be a Raven? What did he build the Tech Lab for? For the fourth barracks, maybe? I've never seen this before. This is the type of play I'm not familiar with. I'm really sad to have to say these things in a Grandmaster game. 5.1K MMR. This. Just a reminder. Imagine watching this and not being 5.1K MMR and being confused how it's possible. Most of you are worse than this. Just a friendly reminder. Holy crap. All right. Reactor on the Starport. Reactor on the factory. Double eBay. I kind of like this. I actually do kind of like all of this stuff. Um, third Cc is done. Work production looks good. Terran is still in a good position here. Don't get me wrong. Like, Terran is extremely far ahead at this point. Like extremely far ahead. More workers, more supply, better upgrades. Tech is okayish because you have tanks as well. Your opponent is transitioning into Blink and Colossi with relatively low infrastructure. So not like eight gateways where the moment charge finishes. It's going to be great for those. No, it's like six, five, five gateways now or four gateways right now. soon to be six. Templar Archives is not going to start for another 45 minutes or so because there's just not enough gas. Prozos does have a little bit of vision here with the with the observer, but this is just a fantastic setup. Give this army to Hero Marine, clam, Maru, cure. Honestly, give it to my Terran. And I'm pretty sure I'd be capable of winning the game from this point on out. There's three zealots and six stalkers. Excuse me. Make that six stalkers without the three zealers. without the three zealots. There's a colossi that is being chrono-boasted out right now, and this is against two tanks, five marauders, and 19 Marines. It is literally impossible to lose this fight. It, like, legitimately just impossible. You're just going to get another kill on the Nexus here. I think. I hope. Slight over stimmed. I think you just double-stimmed or something. I'm not quite sure how it's possible otherwise. Okay, at least gets the kill here on the Nexus. That's good. Don't really want to be. engaging with the Marines first. No target fire on the tank either, lots of low tanks. Could have definitely got on some stuff there. Some huge overstimming going on. I didn't pay super close attention, but he's either stimming way too fast, way too much, or he must have double-pressed him once or twice, because this army isn't supposed to be this herd at this point. With the first two metaphics with such a small army, you can stim once or twice and be fine. Must have stimmed too many times there. Okay, third base already on the way. Terran, so far ahead, it actually hurts my head to think about it. 2-2 here is on the way as well, which is great, very good call. Sentry's being built for the Protoss at this point is really bad. You have a Ghost Academy on the way, which I really like as well. Second Starport, usually I'm not a huge fan of Second Starport before 8 barracks, especially if you're also getting ghost, because you just are kind of lacking the gas. And that's what we're seeing here, right? There's not really gas right now to build four Vikings at a time and get Ghosts as well. well, especially given the fact that right now you're also getting enhanced shockwave already. So, yeah, you may be capable of getting a single ghost out. I much prefer getting three extra barracks first. This is what most people play at the moment as well. There are some people that get a fast second star port and good upgrades on Bio2, but then they usually skip ghosts for a little bit longer. Hero Marine played like this for a while. So you might want to look at people like that. I think it's very uncommon to see something like this, but it's a mistake and, you know, that happens. Interesting way of engaging. This is a very interesting way of engaging. Holy crap, that was beautiful. I think this Protoss could not have even dreamt a fight like this because it's too unrealistic. You know, sometimes when you're dreaming and you start flying and saving the world, you know, and everyone loves you. And you go, like, within your dreams, like, okay, this can be real because no one loves me. and you wake up. That's what usually happens. If this was a dream for this Protoss player, he would have woken up at this point because there's no Terran that is above 3K MMR that would move up this ramp on Curious Mind. The biggest advantage you have on Curious Mind is the fact that if you attack in between the natural and the third base, which is this general area, you have a concave that is bigger than the Grand Canyon. It's huge, okay? You can't even take a picture of it. But that's how huge it is. You need multiple cameras. Or you need to take a panorama picture. That is how big this freaking concave is. So what you can do is you just set yourself up in that concave. And then wherever the Protoss RNA isn't, you send up like eight units and a Metafact. This forces the Protoss player to attack into your concave away from the battery as well. Because don't forget, super battery. Pretty decent thing to have as a Protoss. I'm not even sure if it was used. It wasn't even used in this fight. Holy crap. But if he would have used this, then it also would have been another reason why you want to do this. You can actually take insane fights. You somehow manage to lose a fight on Curious Mind being up 50 supply and equal in upgrades as well. This is really impressive because this is legit the best map out of the entire last map pool for attacking in between natural and third. And you manage to mess it up. Very impressive, my friend. Very impressive. It's like you just wanted to give up your natural advantage to kind of even it out. If you were a tennis player and you would have to serve, you would always do it underhand because you wouldn't want your opponent not to be able to hit back the ball. Now, I'm sure your opponent would appreciate it, but I'm not quite sure what I would do to your overall win rate because I don't think it would be so good. It's actually extremely stupid. You're also still attacking without any ghost whatsoever. Your 2-2 is about to finish up. I wouldn't mind if you wait for that at this point. It is such a short time away, and it would also massively increase your overall Viking count, because three more are on the way. So I really do believe you should wait for that. If you do that, I think it's the correct call. Three ghosts are being built now. Probably should have been built one rotation faster, so they could have been with this attack. Once again, same setup. You stand over here, send one or even two metaphics of units into this natural base, forcing the Protoss player to attack into you. Like, if that happens, there's absolutely, there should be no way that you lose. Okay, there's an interesting stim. Going to take out one disruptor here. Another disruptor kills absolutely everything. And now, oh, this fight, okay, perhaps the initial fight wasn't even so great because one disruptor shot killed like 15 supply, but you're still up in army supply. You're still up to upgrades. If right now you don't get tricked into chasing him into the super battery, this still would have been okay for you. But into the super battery and walking up a massive ramp, yeah, life is going to be a little bit less good. Once again, the Protoss kind of walks away with this with a win. Like the super battery, you kind of, it is temporary, you know. It really is just a temporary thing. So if you can wait it out or you can just kind of fight away from it, then it's fine. I always kind of compare a super battery with the sun on a very warm day, you know? So imagine it is 40 degrees out and you really want to go outside. Now you either need to put in sunscreen, stay in the shadow, or you don't go outside. And it's the same with the super battery. You either fight in the shadow, which in this case is away from the super battery, or you just wait till the sun goes under because that's the beauty of the day. Sometimes the sun goes under, and later in the day the sun isn't quite as powerful anymore, so you can just go outside. Just do it a little bit later. It's the same with the super battery. Super battery runs out. You can also just fight away from it. Just keep that in mind next time you're about to take the worst fight of your life. Although, seeing how every single fight for you has gone so far, I doubt that these fights are even the worst fights of your life. Because this is literally every single fight you took so far has been terrible, and I'm expecting this to not be exclusive just to this game that you're playing against this toss on curious mind. I'm expecting you to always have terrible fights, but this is just the terrible fights that I'm exposed to. So it would be unfair to say these are the worst fights you've ever taken. You probably take way worse fights on a daily basis. I'm just not exposed to these. So it's different. Now, this is a good cancel, I like that. Good scan. Here you can EMP win this fight. Here you can EMP win this fight. Disruptor hits all your marauders. Interesting move. Probably still winning if you just go back right now, I think. You have 3-3 on the way. You're really overstimmed again. You're really big on the overstimming. Also I notice that in every single fight, your Marines are in front of your marauders. Now, marauders are supposed to tank for the Marines. I know that you've probably heard the phrase women and kids first, or women and children first, but it is really only when it comes to evacuation. When you're fighting, you don't want to put the weakest or the softest targets in front. You actually want them to be in the back. It's like a second line of defense. And the marauders that can take a hit, you want to put them to the fronts because they can tank a lot of damage, which is extremely important. So yeah, I'm a little bit disappointed here. So far in every single fight that you've taken, I think you're just kind of forgetting about things like positioning and control and micro. Just some of the big pillars, you know, the fundamental things you need to know about fighting in StarCraft 2. It's like you've built a house except there's no walls, no roof. You really don't have a house. bunch of furniture, maybe you have a floor, you know, because your macro, honestly, it's quite good. You're over, the way that you produce is quite nice. So I think you have too many tech labs. You have five, six, six tech labs on barracks. I think it's too many. You probably want five, maybe. And then three, three reactors. Maybe six, two actually is fine. It's very heavy on marauders and ghosts, though. That is what it is. You're still winning, despite all of this. Yes. you're still winning. You're up and upgrade. You have a good army. You're up in supply. If you hit an EMP and walk in here, you can probably kill this. Now, another issue that I've been seeing in your control is that everything is in the same control group. So you probably literally only use F2, which means it's really difficult for you to fight. There's no separate hotkey for Vikings, no separate hotkey for ghosts. I know there's some Terrans that play like this as well. But if you play like this, you need to be really quick at clicking on the inside. individual units to micro them separately. And you need to be very good with TAP. And as you are a senior citizen, that is probably 65 plus, I think it might be better to just use control groups because you're not that fast with the mouse. I'm just going to say it here. You don't seem very quick in the battles themselves because so far you haven't really controlled any of your units. This is also an advanced move that we're seeing here out of the Tarran. Basically, whenever the Tarran is maxed, Usually you want to fight and start trading out a little bit. This Terran figured out something new, our good friend Pioneer, and decided that rather than having an unfair fight where he's up maybe 40 or 45 supply, he waits outside of the Protoss base so that the Protoss is constantly aware where the army is, one, and also it allows the Protoss to increase its own army till its 200 supply, and then the Terran will decide. And knowing Pi, then the Terran will decide to fight. Knowing Pioneer, this is probably going to be in a position either down, a ramp or into a super battery or preferably maybe even both at the same time. Actually Pioneer is moving back right now, setting up a concave. It almost was a split. Two Vikings accidentally sent forward. Liberator, a follow-up here. I kind of like that, honestly. I don't really mind that whatsoever. There's two little meta-vex though in this army right now and that could be an issue. We haven't seen any bit of multitasking either this game so far. I just want to make everyone aware of that. Good EMP. I can't really chase this army though, but pushing forward with Liberators is always a good plan. There's already advanced ballistic, I believe. Yep, there we go. So you can continue pushing forward. Good scan. Maybe he wants to send one unit over towards the watchtower right now. So you have continuous vision. This still is honestly completely playable. Just kind of poke forward a little bit with the Vikings, then send the Liberators forward. Now you get a scan. Gooding MP again, want to move them forward. You want to really leapfrog with a little bit more, a higher, tempo here. I think everything moves rather slow. Hello? Censor Tower? Hello? Set up the Liberators in the back, please. Hello? All right, I just want to see this from the first person view. So right now we're seeing it on the mini map already. Pamparam. One, two, three, like six seconds, seven seconds. Like actual the reaction time of a senior citizen on the road. Very impressive. Liberators facing the completely wrong way. Also very impressive, not contributing in fight whatsoever here. Disruptor shots are hitting. Fight still honestly relatively close for half of the army not participating in the fight. And the half of the army that wasn't participating were the Liberators as well. The Liberator is the highest DPS unit in the entire game. Having that on your side in a battle is relatively nice, I would say. It's like having an AK-47 at a knife fight and then using it to scratch your back. I'm sure it feels really good, but it'd be better if you just shoot people with it. Yeah, this was an interesting game out of Pioneer. He said that the Viking sucks. Now, I think that there's an issue here for Pioneers specifically where if we were to raise people completely separate from society without ever having seen a game of StarCraft 2 and then we would bring them and show them this replay, they probably would conclude that the entire Terran army sucks. It's like, look, the numbers for the Terran are very high and for the proto's very low. Every single time the Terran loses. This has nothing to do. with the Terran units in general. It has everything to do with the way that Pioneer controls his units. Marines in the front every single time. Moving up a ramp. Yep, there we go. EMPs do hit sometimes, so that's good. Vikings are always too late or too early at a fight. Marauders seem to not run away from disruptor shots. There's no splits whatsoever. The micro is the real issue for you here. It's not the Viking. It's not the marauders. It's not the disruptor. You just don't control your units. And that is a real big issue. My good friend, the Viking doesn't suck. It is you who sucks. Thank you for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode of Is It Inbar, Do I Suck? If you did, don't forget, take the like button. Subscribe to the channel and hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thanks and subscribe and like and bye-bye. |
Zealots Are The ONLY Counter To Battlecruisers! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Hey guys, Hamster here! Today is Kevin's (Harstem's) birthday, so why don't we wish him a happy birthday in the comments? Also like and subscribe! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0c6Wk4pGCfk/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 0c6Wk4pGCfk | Dear Harstem, I hope this email finds you well, or at least better than the way this Mac Terran found me. Cherish the following replay I have sent you, because it is irrefutable proof that planetaries are OP and should be nerfed. I played my standard build against Darren, a safe start with Fast Expo, Phoenix to ChargeLot, and later Colossus. After we scouted each other, he saw my Phoenix ChargeLot comp and answered with a counter of Helbet, Benchy and Cyclone. We had constant battles trading our whole armies. He then went Thor's, which I scouted with my ops, adapting I switched to Mass Inmortal, made three robos and pumped my upgrades to 3-1-3. The game developed and we each took more and more expos, and although I always had more bases than my enemy, it didn't really matter. He could turtle and mass whatever he wanted. I made DTs with blink to snip his bases, but it ended up backfiring because killing one planetary would set me back eight DTs. Finally, my enemy went into battlecruisers which siege thanks, having wasted all my money in fruitless attacks, I saw supply slowly crumble. Called G.G. out of respect and later sat down in my bathup, as cold water droplets merged with my tears. What am I supposed to do? Tempest? Switching all my tech and upgrades to air so late down in base seems impossible. What is the answer? The answer is nothing, because Terran is O.V. I'm glad that the proof is out now and you are our emizier. Please let the world know. Best wishes and love go lozo. Nice little rhyme there in the end. This imbalance complaint form has a lot of poetic quality to it. Love the way this person wrote, Go Lozo, who is not very happy with the planetary fortress, a Protoss player from the North American server, 3.5K MMR and thus is in diamond. And the question that he asked me is, Are planetary fortresses imbalanced? Or do I suck? And we're here to answer that question. And in order to figure out the answer to that question, we need to look and study this game like it is the last thing we will ever do. To look at the build order, the unit movement, the unit counters, everything from start to finish. This stalker takes out the SCV and the SCV does will not scout the fact that there's a Stargate here. This Stargate, for starters, is extremely late. The second gateway does not achieve anything, and this is one of these cases where it is very obvious to me that this player does not actually have a bill order or understands how build orders work. Now, the reason why I say that is quite simple. Right now we're seeing 150 minerals invested in a gateway that is not going to be used pre-Warpgate. This gateway is going to finish 30 seconds before Warpgate finishes up, and Aster has not been constant production out of the same. single gateway, it makes no sense to add a fast second gateway delaying your first text structure just to then start producing at that point. So I'm expecting no unit to be built from this gateway. Oh my god, you gotta be kidding me. He's actually gonna build a unit. Okay, well this still doesn't make any sense because you delay your tech structure. You can just build three units pre-warp gate from a single gateway and have this gateway still in time after the star gate for your first warp. This chrono is kind of useless as well, as I believe the unit would have popped like maybe a second after Warpgate finishes up. So I think this is one of these build orders that he made himself and thinks it's real cool and tight, but it actually looks quite bad. Phoenix is the first unit that is coming out, Chrono Boost on the Phoenix. Twilight Council is also going to be built here, and we see triple stalkers already out. We have some chrono boost on the probes, and then we see the probes not being consistently built. Thus the chrono boost isn't quite as useful. Not a huge fan of that. I do like Corona boosting workers. I also do not like this pylon, by the way. So there's a lot of things I don't like here in the early game. This pylon is what we call a slow warping pylon. So there's two types of pylon in the world. You have the slow warping pylons that are not in range. There's a bensi out. That are not in range of a nexus. And then you have the ones that are in range of a nexus or a gateway, which can allow you to quickly warp in. This banshee is going to take out a couple of workers. The response was pretty slow. There was a battery ready in the natural. There was no battery ready in the main, which means that this opener also is extremely risky. Had the cloak benchy went, gone towards the main base, or if there were mine drops with an armory present and thus there were invisible units, this would have been a real issue. And do unlike the Oracle as a response to this, but this all could have just been scouted by having a faster Stargate sending the first Phoenix across the map and with that first Phoenix figuring out what your opponent is doing. But because that second gateway got built before the Stargate, sending out the first phoenix across the map actually ended up being pretty risky so given the situation i think galoso did it somewhat okay but the situation he was in should have never happened if his builder made any sense whatsoever command center is going to fly over towards the natural we have double gases being taken in the natural now this is a a telltale sign of mec play four gases going down at such high speed another very clear sign is the fact that there's a second factory no techlap on the barracks searching stim, so there's a lot of tells here, but for whatever reason, Goloso is forgetting to use the most important thing that you get when you have a lot of air units, and that is scouting. You basically get free scouting. You don't need send in hallucinations. Observers are not really necessary either, because you can just fly a phoenix across the map, you can check what is being built, you can see which buildings are building something. So right now, you fly in with a phoenix, you see, hey, a factory is building something, and a starport with a tech lab is building something. And that would be extremely suspicious. Maybe you'd even be capable of getting a quick peek on this second factory or so on, then you'd know, okay, there's two factories, this is going to be MacPlay. Against this type of play, especially with a fast third CC, you obviously are going to be needing a quick third nexus yourself in order to stay somewhat competitive when it comes to the economy. However, Golozo is completely unaware of what is going on and now sends the only detection that he has across the map, despite his knowledge that there are benches out. So, I just kind of... I kind of want to explain how you should be scouting here. If you have five units, okay, and you have four units that are exactly the same, and that fulfill the same purpose, then you have one unit that is completely different, and in this case serves a very specific purpose of being capable of detecting invisible units. And in this case, that would be the benches, as there are already three benches out. It would be way wiser to send over one of your phoenixes, not only because it's lower in value and faster, and thus if you lose it, it's harder to lose it, and if you lose it, it is less expensive, but also because this has a very vital role for the survival of your probes. If right at this moment, three Banshees would fly in towards the main base where the cannon is just now starting, or they flew in towards the natural 10 seconds ago where this cannon isn't done yet, this Oracle would have to be recalled and you would stay in the dark for even longer. And on top of that, would lose a bunch of extra workers that you wouldn't lose if you send a single phoenix across the map. Thus, the move of scouting purely with the Oracle makes no sense. Sending out a single phoenix is a completely fine way to deal this. If you have a group of units, they don't always have to stick together. You can separate them, you can send one in, you can have the three phoenixes and the Oracle together, and you'll be just fine. I don't like that literally all of the air units are currently on the map. That means that there's no defense whatsoever currently at home, and that is usually quite bad, especially given that there is Banshees out on the map. And let's not forget that Goloso is aware that there are Banshees out on the map. He hasn't killed one yet. He has seen the fact that a Benchie took out like, what, five workers, eight workers, maybe even. Oh, that's a crept on a workers. Right, Mr. Benchie. The one with the kills. I know what Benchie got some kills, no? I think I clicked them at the end. Yeah, six kills. Six kills on this Benchie. Yeah. So it is just a little bit surprising to me that all of these air units are out on the map, knowing the fact that Banshees are alive. So at this point, we see Golozo is scouting the fact that it's Mac. And I'm really curious what the response is going to be. We see an immortal being built here. We already have charge. The problem is that the eco is extremely bad. Just extremely, extremely bad. Terran is up 10 workers currently. And if Terran is up 10 workers, that usually is not a very good thing. Because adding the efficiency of the mule, which doesn't count as a worker, it basically means that Terran is outmining you by like 6, 700 minerals a minute here and that is something that you don't really want, despite there being an even amount of basis currently. You see that? 2,400 for the Terran, about 15,600 here for the Protoss player. Another thing here is that Protoss is mining a creptone of gas, not completely saturated on the minerals yet in the natural either. We haven't seen a worker build in a while either, and I'm also not an actual huge fan of the current composition. And I'm going to explain that. So the thing with zealot compositions is that in order for them to be useful, you need to have a crepton of them. Zellat, Arcon, Immortal. You just need to have so many that you can just aim into a position. You can quickly remix on that army as well with like 10, 12 gateways. Because Golozo opened up with a very technical type of opener with Phoenixes, the late third base, I'd much prefer seeing a disruptor approach here. Disruptors deal very well with Mac armies that consist of cyclones and Helions and Hellbats because these units, they can't really kill the disruptors. Cyclones can't really get in range. As long as there are no tanks out, disruptors are the absolute king of the battlefield. There's nothing that beats that unit in the Mac composition. Literally nothing. Banshees can be taken out by the phoenixes as long as you don't fly over cyclones, and you should be somewhat fine. We still aren't seeing this huge influx of workers that we really would need to see. So add on top of that, that as we are playing against Mac, Mac has like very limited tools of doing harassment. And the harassment isn't what I would like to call self-sustaining in a way. It's not the correct word or the correct term. But what I mean with this is that if the harassment finds any other group of units on the map, they can't really fight them. They're really just good at killing workers. So if you, for example, compare Mac harassment with bio harassment, Mac harassment consists of halions or maybe two or three banshees. Now, if four helions find three stalkers on the map, the helions most likely need to run. If you have two meta-vex filled with bio-units and they find six stalkers on the map, the stalkers need to run. That means that as long as you have any amount of units on the map or even static structures, these will, as long as you have spotting of the harassment, you should not really take any damage because everything kills the harassment unit of the Mac army. And that is one of the many weak points of Mac. Is that their harassment and their ability to split the Protoss just isn't really there. Now this changes a little bit when the cyclones come onto the map, but a cyclone isn't really an harassment tool. It does allow for a bit of map control for the Terran, but it still isn't, it's not really a unit you send in and you can pick up quickly in a matter-of-fact, but it has the ability to fight, but it doesn't have some of the other perks that bio-arassment has. For example, you need a crepton of cyclones and helions for it to be good, which means that splitting them up usually also comes at a price. Now, given the fact that your eco is so extremely low and you're already down 80 supply, I kind of want to say that this game, right at this moment, is over. You have done nothing wrong and nothing correct in the first 10 minutes and 30 seconds of this game, and as a result, the game has practically ended. You're going to get a couple of lifts on these units, but you're going to lose every single zealot against these helmets if the helmets decide to turn around, or these helmets have the pre-infernal Reigniter or whatever it's called, the Blue Flame Hallion, would also be kind of good. There's no more Oracle available, and thus all the Banshees are going to take out the immortals. I'm kind of surprised how well this fight went for you, and it kind of shows once again how terrible, literally any Mac composition is. Like, it really is just god-awful. I cannot believe how bad this fight went for your opponent. I honestly would not have been capable of predicting that. I really thought that with an 80 supply lead, he surely was just going to absolutely destroy you. It doesn't quite seem to be the case. You did lose your fort base and you're still extremely low eco. You have negative map vision as well. All you have is one observer over here. What I would do in this type of scenario is I'd just get a pylon in this area. I'd get a pylon in this area, a pylon over here, a pylon over here, and a pylon over here. And just like that, you cover the entire map. So whenever your opponent is attacking you, you know that you're being attacked. On top of that, one of the things with Mac, especially when we're talking about tank Mac, is that they need to get into a position. So if you know that they're coming for you and you can stop them from getting into the position, that usually is quite helpful. Your army currently consists of, what is it, eight phoenixes, no, seven phoenixes, two immortals and a colossus. Now the Colossi don't really provide a lot of value in your army, I don't believe. I don't think they're necessarily great against cyclones. They're not brilliant against Thor's either. And I don't think they're absolutely stunning against tanks either. So you're building a lot of this one unit that I don't think really does too much for you. Your army also doesn't have a lot of, what should I call it, synergy. The Phoenix is a unit that either needs to be used as a unit to kind of stop Vikings from shooting your Colossi and killing the Vikings and going on top of the Terran army very quickly. The Colossi is a unit that especially against cyclones wants the kite against cyclones. Shoot once move back, should once move back, try to make sure that you don't get locked onto and that's it. The Immortal and the Aracons are units that also want to fight immediately. So you kind of have this weird comp that doesn't really see. synergized together very well. Much rather would I have seen you, well, first of all, not continue phoenix production because you don't really need that many phoenixes to deal with these banshees. You could just have four phoenixes, five phoenixes, and that's it. You'd be capable of dealing with the banshees. Personally, I'd probably just trust on stalkers, but if you really want phoenixes, you can build a couple. You don't need continuous phoenix production, because right now you're actually investing more in fighting the banshees than your opponent is investing in building. the Banshees. And don't forget that the moment that the Banshees die, your phoenixes are useless. So this is one of these weird things where the Banshees are contributing to the main fight by killing a lot of units on your side or at least dealing a lot of damage. But after you kill the bans, all you really can do is like lift a couple of cyclones. But I don't even think you can't quite do that now that there's so many Thor's out. Like your phoenix are just going to get absolutely blasted before they even get to that position. So you're just in a relatively bad spot. You're still completely blind as well. You are getting a lot more workers. I like that. I appreciate the way that you're building your cannons as well, making sure that helions that would run by or benches that go behind your mineral line will not be having a grand time there. Somehow, some way, you accidentally manage to waddle into a somewhat correct position. You're still not near your battery, which means that a super battery probably can't be used in this fight, or if it can be used, well, the battery can just be targeted down as well. If you're upon the Hever, doesn't take it out, I would always recommend using the super battery here. Super battery is probably the most powerful defensive tool that Proloss has and the fact that you're not using it while you're standing right next to it does saturn me a little bit. I believe that it heals 1,400 shields over a relatively short period. So that is basically the health equivalent of, what is it, four Archons maybe, something along those lines. Yeah, actually four Archons. The shield equivalent of four Archons. It doesn't really heal health. So you get cleaned up and then your follow-up is to warp in 8 DTs. The fight, by the way, I think if you do have the super battery, it would have gone a lot better. I also think that the way you engaged in general wasn't brilliant. And the phoenixes probably should be coming in a little bit after the rest of your army and also should not be tanking all the Thorschults while they're completely clumped up. Because as a result of that, now the banshees actually do stay alive and the banshee stay alive. they have a lot of damage output. You also lost your observer, I think, because you flew it into the Thor's and the Razen was there. So that is all a little bit unfortunate and just a very poor engagement out of you. Once again, I would say that as long as there's no tank count that goes above eight or nine, I truly do believe that disruptors are the absolute king of these situations. Disruptors counter tors, disruptors counter helbitz, disruptor counter cyclones. They kill mines really quickly as well, As long as there's no tanks out, you can just keep adding disruptors. And the moment tanks will get built, you can just transition into Tempest, no problem whatsoever. I'm also a little bit upset that you don't really have a massive eco, despite playing against Mac. You can really take a lot of bases and a lot of workers because the Mac army fights so poorly. And you can basically just do with a smaller army than you could against maybe some other compositions. So this is not really how you would want. to use DTs, you're kind of using your DTs here like their zealots. And this is not something that I would ever recommend doing. Like if you don't want to pay attention to your units, first of all, you should be playing Zerg, but if you don't want to be playing Zerg, get Zealots instead. DTs are extremely gas-heavy. They cost a crap ton of gas. They're more expensive than a Zillet as well. And if you don't know how to control them, which is not just leaving them there and A moving into a base. I would not recommend building them or maybe just building one at a time, you know, because your opponent might not have detection. Don't send in five because if they can deal with one, they can also usually deal with five. It's not about power, it's about their invisibility. So if they have detection, they can usually deal with them. That's the case here as well. You just don't control them whatsoever, and you don't even have DT blink either. So despite this probably being good trades, I still much would have preferred, these units just being like three zealads and one DT. So you still have that bonus of there being an invisible unit, but it doesn't cost quite as much. Just a quick tip. Despite all of that, this actually was a good trade. I think it put you in somewhat of a decent position as well. I just have to admit. And you have way more workers. You have massive income. Just lacking in the gas a little bit for some reason. You're not mining from these two gases. You're not mining from this gas. Your main has ran out. And your third base is lacking one worker in one of the gases. So currently you're working off three gases and 66%. So 3.66 gases, which isn't great. And it also kind of shows here. Terrant player, of course, with the mules also is kind of okay. So four orbital commands, despite there being very little workers, still has okayish income. I mean, it's not the greatest income in the world, but especially the gas count is 1,000 gas a minute. It's actually quite a lot. You also have these muse landing. You have a second planetary coming in right now. It's actually kind of cool. So at this point, I think the tempo of the game kind of changes. You've been, despite your terrible start, you now find yourself in a position where I don't really want to say that you're ahead, but you're in a way better spot relative to your opponent than you were like eight or nine minutes ago. So you're getting better and better position and also the tempo of the game changes. So rather than you just being the guy that sits back and takes the blows, I think right now you could be considering taking some map control again and maybe trying to poke in a base, at least figure out where your opponent's army is, or what your opponent's army consists of. Because let's not forget, you don't really have a clue. You can say, well, I know there's a lot of tech labs and reactors on factories, but this could be an army right now that consists of 25 tanks, but it could also be an army that consists of five tanks, 12thors, three ravens and five bansies, which is what you're currently fighting against. and both of these require a vastly different approach. I actually really like this army if your opponent was playing a heavy tank composition. I think that would have been absolutely fantastic to have an army like that. You can tank with your archons, you can come in with a big flank with the zealids, and the immortals deal just a craptone of damage, but especially the archons and the immortals are a very vital kind of component against big tank armies. Against thores and banshees, however, and also a CREPON of Hellbats. I'm not entirely sure if this army works quite as well. And I actually believe it doesn't. Against Thors, you have a beautiful unit once again called Disruptor. You can just send out a couple of disruptor shots. And Thor's are really difficult to micro away because they're so darn slow. So I'd recommend switching into that unit. On top of that, there's also a bunch of air units that you need to be dealing with. And I actually wouldn't mind if you just add in a couple of tempest at this point already. or if you want, a couple of extra Archons, so you can deal with those. A couple of Archons, couple of blinkstalkers. Also is a possible way to deal with it. I do like that you've been building a crapton of cannons all around the map or all around the bases that you have taken. You still seem to be somewhat blind to everything your opponent is doing, but altogether this is a very playable position. If you would give this position to any pro player, I think they'd be very happy with it. I mean, you have a massive bank as well. You have 11 gateways, which is good. And you have pretty decent upgrades too. Okay, anti-armarm missile gets hit. Okay, this I think was the worst fight you probably could have taken. It is really quite simple. When you engage into Mac, you need to be sure that you're going to continue engaging into it. Now, I'm not saying that if you realize you're completely losing a fight, that it's better to lose everything and then just rebuild. No. What I'm trying to say is that if you are going to engage into Mac, in your head, you need to know that you're going to pull a switch and that pulling out of a fight against Mac is going to be extremely expensive because the tanks are going to get a couple of extra shots. Most of your units are just kind of going to die as well as they're running away from Tours who have decent range. So there is a cost to leaving the battle. So before the fight, you need to be very sure that you can go in. And if you go in with your zealots behind your immortals and your Archons and your immortals are doing the majority of the tanking against the Hellbats and against the tank shots and against the Thor shots, that is not a good fight and you probably should not be going in. Against Mac, another thing is, is that because they can't really chase you or they can't really go outside of their siege range, you have a lot of time to set up engagement. So there's no reason ever to rush into an engagement and thus there never should be a reason either to go into an engagement just to realize oh it's crap and then have to run out and take major losses which is what just happened here also when you realize your opponent's army is working better than your army is it's always a good decision to try to switch into something else even if you're not entirely sure what that is i think it often helps to if you're not completely uh you know if your fights are just not going well whatsoever to just switch into a different unit that is very high tier. And in this case, like I said, that could be the disruptor, but you could also try something like just more Archons in this mix here. And I think that would work extremely well. Archons have insane tanking abilities. And if you get a good fight with a Zealad Archons around, you're often going to be in a fantastic spot. I like this move, by the way. I think this is actually a very good move. You go in to kill a planetary, kind of abusing the immobility of the Mac army here, saying, okay, I'm going to take out one of your bases. This is really fantastic. I also like the DT. Blink. I actually think DT. Blink against Mac is not bad. Mac is very immobile. They don't struggle with detection because usually there's a lot of turrets and there's a crap ton of command centers, but they do really struggle with mobility. And the moment Mac moves out is usually when they're at their weakest. It also forces this type of siege up. Now, you should probably split your army a little bit and that was stutter-stepping that actually made the damage output worse in my mind. This is also a fight that you can't really continue into. And here comes another point that I always like to mention when talking about any situation. That's when you're planning on actually attacking, is to have a prism with you, because Prism allows you to have instant reinforcements in a fight, and especially if you have a kind of like a backline in an army that is pretty bad in a one-on-one fight, but it's great as like a backup. I mean, immortals have insane damage output against armored, units, but they're not necessarily great at tanking against Thor's and Banshees or Hellbats. That's kind of what your zealots are for. And then you have the second line of immortals. So just a single warpin of like, well, how many gates do you have? 11 zealots. I'm not saying it would have won you the game, but you probably would have been capable of taking out a lot of extra Thor's here and probably would have allowed you to keep a lot more of these immortals alive as well. Another quick note that I would like to make is now this might sound very bad for Dutch people and if you're Dutch you might want to close your ears. But if the units are orange, this is not actually good for you. This is a bad thing. The orange indicator around units means that they have three less armor. This is the anti-armor missile of the Raven. And I know that as a Dutch person myself, you know, I like to dress up in orange as well and sing songs that no one else understands and that aren't really that good. But for whatever reason, loads of people sing them together during football matches and we wear orange clothes. So it feels worse, it feels bad, but I would still recommend at the moment your units are orange is to just move away temporarily until your units return to their normal color. Because they get their armor back in that case and these fights just become a lot easier. So for every single fight that you have had, kind of turned sour. And part of that is because, well, all of your units had minus three armor. That is about as impact for. well that's just as impactful, I would like, I was like to mention this as getting three armor upgrades. So you're basically just, you know, there's a creptone of resources that a single spell is worth. It's just something to keep in mind there. Now, your opponent starts going into BCs here. And this is one of the reasons why I also like to have slightly higher eco usually. I'm talking 82, 83, 84, 85 workers. And because it allows you to have transitions ready. Beacon, second, third Stargate, all of that good jazz allows you to build a lot of cannons around the map as well. And in this case, it would have allowed you to immediately start Tempus production the moment you realize that battle cruisers are out. And now, despite you not knowing that battle cruisers are out, because once again your scouting has been extremely subpar. Do believe that... Nah, this star port with the tech lab, I guess. You can't really know that that's a battlecrocus. It could also just be benches or more ravens because your opponent has been building a lot of those. This is another reason why I like being aggressive against Mac and why a lot of people just like being aggressive and harassing in general is because the moment you do that, you get information automatically. Harassing is basically like scouting, except you're also dealing damage at the same time. Don't do this in real life, don't harass people and tell them that you're scouting them out. That's a really weird thing to do and also highly illegal. This is StarCraft 2 advice, not real life advice. B.C. are out already. Plus two ship weapons upgrade as well. Yeah, you can just continue against B.C.s with having a pure ground army. It is possible against very low numbers of battle cruisers, but once there's like 10 or 12 or 13 or 14 out, it usually isn't really viable. You can get a couple of stalkers at the start maybe to kind of catch the initial hit. Also, once again, anti-arm missile in combination with BCs is actually crazy because B.C. is a tech so fast. Look at The damage output of BCs when the anti-armor is on is actually, actually insane. So this is the first time, I just want to kind of just look at this again. This is the first time you really see the BCs. And the first thing you do, after scouting that your opponent has six battle cruisers, sending in these DTs, and warping in 11 more zealids. This is your response to seeing a flying unit. is 11 more zealots and sacrificing your DTs into a planetary I'm not quite sure how this is possible I feel like you tried microing them rather than just move commanding them in and I're like oh crap these 11 zealots not actually that great against the battle cruisers are they hmm maybe a void ray maybe more immortals what do I do no 14 more salads salads are the counter to battle cruisers and although I usually appreciate people buying time if they don't have a counter ready, you do need to be buying time for something. If you're just building 14 zealots, sending them to their death and keeping your opponent's army busy, while you're not transitioning into Tempest, you're just throwing away resources and immortals and units and actually giving your opponent more time to build more BCs. You can't just continuously be building more DTs and saying, okay, I'm just going to keep him busy forever and hope he never moves across the map. Like, unless you're actually actively taking out every single base that you attack and forcing your opponent home while you're killing craptons of Eco, as well as planetaries and, oh my God, how is it possible that takes so long to get bases down? Are these blinks just bad? You have blink? I want to see this blink again. I just don't understand how it is possible that every single time you send in DTs that they don't deal damage, it feels like. Okay, so this is like 10, 11? It's 11 dTs, enough to three swipe a planetary. So you blink and after your blink, 4Ds are incapable of hitting the planetary. It would have just been better to right click it because then the DTs automatically get to a position where they can hit it and you also don't have the half a second cool down that you had right now. Still, no transition available whatsoever. After sending in 11 DTs and losing like four of them to one planetary, this time it was decided to send in four into two planetaries. And then we were surprised that that didn't work and we lost every single DT. Another warpin of zealots, of course. It didn't work the last seven times. They still can't shoot up, but maybe warp in another 14. And then these eight battle cruisers, surely at some point these zealids will adapt or evolve. On the original species over here. Freaking Darwin. Like, surely, after a while the zealids realize that they can't attack up and that is not very good for their survival chances. Eventually they will naturally morph into stalkers. Four more. Ah, that's the deal with a tank. No, I take that back. These four were good. He dealt with a tank with it. Still have no transition ready. He mentioned something about this as well. He said, what am I supposed to do? Tempest, switching all my tech and upgrades the air so late and down in basis seems impossible. What is the answer? Well, even if you don't know what the answer is, I think we have sufficient proof at this point that building more zealots and immortals is not the way. So no matter what you do, that should not be the way moving forward. However, you once again queue up three more immortals, despite you losing, what was it like four immortals over here? Was it over here? I can't even recall where it was anymore. Just remember seeing four immortals die into BCs. Ah, it was in this area after the Zellodrun by that field as well. Archons are not a terrible call, but also not a very good call. They're not actually that great at killing BCs, but they can tank a fair amount of damage. A unit that actually is quite good against BCs is a sentry, just a single one. one for the Guardian Shield because it gives your units two more armor and against units that have such a high rate of fire as the battle cruiser, that could be very useful. However, in this type of scenario, I really once again must stress that a Tempest is going to be the correct call. Tempest are the hard counter to battle cruisers, Tempest plus Oracle, you can revelate the PCs and then you can attack them. It's kind of weird as well to say, well, switching my upgrades in the late game to all air is so difficult. Like, yeah, I know it's difficult, but your opponent did the exact same thing. If you're in the Olympics and you're doing the high jump and the guy before you jumps over like six meters and 50 centimeters, and you so far have only jumped over six meters and 40, you can just say, well, I kind of want to try six meters and 40 centimeters again. because you'll never beat your opponent then. You need to at some point jump higher. You can just be like, well, it's very difficult, and so I'm not going to do it. Like, you can do it like that, but you're just going to lose every single time then. This is how the game works. Like, it's also difficult at the start of the game to imagine that you're eventually going to have a maxed out army. But if your opponent is maxing out, you can say, well, I don't feel comfortable going to max. That sounds very expensive. I'm just going to stay at 90 supplies. Like, well, you're just going to lose the game. And it's the same here. Your opponent has tech, and it requires a cut. counter, you can't just say that it's difficult and not do it. That's not how life works. Well, no, that actually isn't how life works. I was thinking of a scenario where this is how life works, but it isn't there. It literally doesn't work like that. You just have to quit then. If something is too difficult and you can't do it, then you have to quit, but you can't complain if the other people are doing it and they're better than you. It's like, it just doesn't work like that. I kind of like this move, honestly. despite it's probably going to go horribly wrong, I like the fact that you realize that the army was too big for you to attack and you went for a base with an army that could very quickly kill a base. I think that's actually a good move. Now, I don't think this base should have been attacked, but imagine that this army, rather than attacking the middle where the Terran army was, would have moved towards the right side and just started taking out these bases. Then you're doing two brilliant things at the same time. One, you're forcing your opponent to chase your army, and two, you're actually creating an army that eventually maybe can take on the Terran army because this is an army that actually has some potential. The Archons for the tanking, a little bit of anti-air as well. They're quite good against tanks because of the tanking ability once again. And it's still relatively mobile that you can run away against big tank lines. So you just have all these perks in this army. They start taking out bases on the right side and you start warping in like a creptone of stalkers here to deal with these battle crews eventually or you finally start tacking into the tempest and add a couple of disruptors in there. I really like this army and I even like the idea of killing this planetary. I think it's good. And you also see that if you have a really big army, you can actually take out a planetary fortress. It doesn't actually put up much of a fight. The repair is nice, but immortals just completely destroy this type of building. Once again, disruptor. I'm just going to keep mentioning the disruptor again and again and again because against planetary is also super useful It can deal a lot of damage to planetaries and it kills the SEVs at the same time. So you're going to get a GG well played and you leave the game. I appreciate that you did that. But I just have a lot of problems with how you played this game and how you kind of perceive certain things happening and how you believe the game should be played. I just don't quite understand it. First of all, your opener, you mention it as what did you say? I played my standard build against Terran. start with a fast expo. Now, I love it when people have a thing that they enjoy doing, like a safe build in any matchup, but there needs to be some level of flexibility in the build. And if you get a very fast gateway, which delays your scout and does doesn't allow for any flexibility in the early phases of the build, you get into a situation where at like the nine minute mark, you're down 80 supplying, your opponent is pushing you with a massive Mac army. That is a bad situation. If that hadn't had happened, then you would have taken and a faster third base, maybe delayed some of your extra gateways, because honestly your opponent wasn't going to attack you in the first six minutes with anything big, you probably would have been in a way better spot than maybe you would have been capable of having more map control in the mid game and taking out extra bases on the side. So not a huge fan of your entire early game and how little flexible you are in that type of case. On top of that, your process of dealing with army compositions that you are not familiar with or he didn't know how to beat, I think it's kind of bad. You just basically pick the immortal and the zealot as a unit and then stuck with it the entire way through, despite it not really working in, well, some of the bigger fights. And I think that is an issue. You need to be capable in the game if you're fighting a composition that you haven't seen before to kind of realize when fights aren't going your way. I'm not telling you to throw basically everything away. So like if zealot immortal doesn't work, you're like, okay, it's an immortal crap. But you, and you completely tech switch into, I don't know, like Mass Phoenix. And that doesn't worry. You throw out the Phoenix and you go into Mass Stalker. No, you can make small changes in an army. And in this case, just adding Archons would have helped so, so much for your tanking power and also just the anti-air damage output that you would have naturally had, especially the fight near, I think it was your third base, where the Benchie stayed alive. Like, having a couple of Archons there would have been great or just a couple of stalkers rather than the Phoenixes. And then you talked about DTs with blink to sniper's bases and it ended up backfiring. I think at that point you were down 80-90 supply when you really started going for that. DTs are a luxury unit in a way. This is a unit that you can build if you are maxed out. You have a pretty decent bank and your opponent wants to be active on the map or has too many bases for him to attend to. So it's a late game unit when both of you are very rich most of the time. It's a very good unit because you can just blink on top, you three-shoulda-planetary, and you can walk away. The way that you use DTs at the start was you would send them in like zealots, and they would die. And you did this when you weren't so rich yet. Then at the end of the game, you did it again, when you weren't rich whatsoever. You would just throw them away and you would take out a base. But at that point, your opponent was already kind of outmining you, so there was no point anymore. The main purpose of the DT is that it can stay alive and kill bases, quickly. You lost all of your DTs every single time. And also you somehow managed to make them kill bases slow, which is impressive because the DT just has a lot of damage output. Your blinks were very debatable there. The planetaries, thus, weren't really the issue, I think. The main issue in this game that I saw for you was the army compositions that you had, especially once the Battle Cruisers came out. You worked in like 60 extra zealots and built like six or seven extra immortals, despite none of these units having a reliable anti-air attack or an anti-air attack whatsoever to speak of. So yeah, planetaries, my friend, are not in balance, but it is you instead. Who sucks? That's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode of Is It Imba or Do I Suck? If you did, don't forget, did the like button, subscribe to the channel and see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you and bye-bye. Thank you. |
He Is Wrong About EVERYTHING! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | I love penguins! But the penguin brothers are something different. Stay tuned to find out! uThermals Penguin Brothers Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74XmrTul0uE&ab_channel=uThermal If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/NDENUxoFTkU/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | NDENUxoFTkU | Mighty Harstem. zergling spam is simply overpowered, even against supposed hard counters such as Helens slash helbats. Helens slash helbets are not hard counters of the Zirgling. Hellbats are a hard counter to zerglings, but Helians aren't. They are very good against zerglings in very specific scenarios, mainly when they're off creep. But I don't think you'd consider the Helian a hard counter to the zergling. Actually, zergs build zerglings in order to stop Helian run bys in combination with queens. It's not a straight-up Hellion's heart counter-zergling. So the first sentence of your imbalance complaint form is already correct. But let's move on. TVZ has always been my weakest matchup. And to shake things up, I adopted a version of Eutermal's unstoppable unstoppable Penguin Brothers' timing attack. Penguin Brothers are Vikings from a reactor. My first Helions are slightly delayed, and I sacrifice them for what turned out to be minimal damage. However, he gives me a favor and trades poorly into my defenses. I continue with my attack plans, clearing the skies of us. overlords to prepare for my strike on the zergs third. Unfortunately, some timely banlings thwart my attack from delivering a decisive blow. This is when the madness begins. Zurgling swarm from all corners of the map in a sacrificial frenzy. The Zerg throws wave after wave into my Helbert and Vikings, transforming the battlefield into a proverbial Zerg roast. No, this is not a proverbial Zerg roast. This is a real Zerg roast. If Zurglings run into Hellbats, they actually get roasted. This is like if you have a bucket with strawls and you're grasping at them, you're not proverbially grasping at straws, you're actually grasping at straws. You could have just said it turned the battlefield into a Zerg roast, and that would have been completely fine. That's what a roast is, not proverbial. The sheer number overwhelm my forces, as I cannot reach a critical mess against the zergling floods. I could not even scout his vulnerable forward base due to constant ling run-bys. I know Blizzard does not balance the game around mediocre Terran players, but it's easy to see from this replay that zerglings must be nerfed. Name Walrus King, Race, Terran, Platinum, 3.1K MMR on the North American server. So the question that Walrus King once answered is, are Zurglings imba or does he suck? And we're going to find out today. All right, here we are the Walrus King. on the bottom right of Burling Red and Itaki in the top left as our Red Zerg player. Very interesting stuff, the Walrus King. So says that his weakest matchup is the Terran versus Zerg matchup, and as a result wants to try something that Utermal has been trying, which is the Penguin Brothers. It's a build that has a lot of Vikings and a bunch of Helions as well. You can use the Vikings to snipe overlords, but you can also land them and kind of in combination with a halbet push try to deal as much damage as is possible. We're going to have a quick look at the opener here of the Walrus King of the Scouting, see how efficient everything is, CV's actually following a build order. Now, this is a slight error that we're seeing here. You don't actually have to send out this SUV that fast. You can literally just send the SUV that comes out of the barracks, and that is the most common thing to do as well. The SUV that comes out of the barracks can start moving across the map, and the SUV that comes out of the command center, just barely after the barracks finishes, can just be rallyed towards the natural. That way you have a very very very much. very smooth way to a, build your command center and beat the scout across the map. You don't have to pull a worker away and it saves you a little bit of money. The opener is going to be with a marine straightaway, followed up by a factory. This is a very popular build order right now in the Terran versus Protoss matchup, as well as in the Terran versus Zerg matchup. What this does is that you delay your reactor for a faster factory, and you can still get the reactor at this point. at this point right at this point right now you can get the reactor in 3-2-1 at this point second gas also probably should be taken a little bit faster okay the entire point of this build order is that you can start very fast halions on a reactor that literally is just what this build is about If you start the reactor the same time the factory finishes, or if you start a reactor on the factory as it finishes, it means you're delaying the helion production by 36 seconds, so you're going to have later helions than you would have with a standard Reaper opener. In that case, if you're not going to be following any build orders whatsoever, then, yeah, I mean, I can't really criticize anything. I like the start here, but what you're doing right, now is not a build and I don't see the purpose of anything you've done so far in the first three minutes and 14 seconds of this game. Follow this up with a helion. The sick thing is as well is that you could have probably just built a starboard right next to it. If you're planning on building the Penguin brothers, you want your starboard to go to a reactor as quickly as you can so you can start pumping out Vikings at very high speed. And then you get a lot of helions, you get a lot of Vikings and these units they fight quite well. entire point. But your starboard will need to fly another 15 seconds for whatever reason. It's way quicker to just walk the SCV over here and build a starport right next to it. It's not like you, you know, like there's any purpose for the starport being here. At least I don't quite see it. I have also no clue what you're focusing on, honestly. Like this entire early game is just a little bit, I don't want to say disappointing, because I think that's too weak of a word. Disappointing is like, when you go to your favorite ice cream shop and they closed 15 minutes early. You can't get an ice cream. It's disappointing. You leave a Google review. I'm disappointed. They closed early. I'm not sure what a bigger word is for disappointment. Like insanely sad. Like awful, atrocious, appalling. Like what you did here in the early game is just garbage. Your entire early game is extremely inefficient. You have less Helions than you would have with a Reaper. You have no scouting because you see. skip the Reaper. Like, you get all the disadvantages of the build order, like the lack of scouting, having to take a slightly faster second gas and thus having a lower eco. But then you take none of the advantages, which is the faster Helions, the fact that you can get a quicker starboard as well and thus get quicker starboard units out. Like, how is it possible that your first two Vikings are going to pop out at 4.45? I don't, I really do not quite understand how this is possible. I'm pretty sure you can get this almost an entire minute earlier, or maybe like four. 40 seconds earlier, at least if you play this build properly. It is just a very, very confusing start. So now you move across the map. You would have lost against absolutely everything, a roach all in. Honestly, he could have built a hatchery over here and started moving forward with spine crawlers. You probably would have lost. The first time you move out on the map is with the six helions. You are actually dealing some damage, which makes me sad in a way that this almost works out. And this is what I was talking about as well during your in. imbalance complaint form is that this entire interaction, it shows you that helions aren't a hard counter to lings. And I don't think anyone says that helions are a hard counter to lings. Helions are really good against lings when the lings are off creep, because then helions have a very easy time not getting surrounded and can just kite them forever. They have splash damage in a massive line. zerglings tend to move in a massive line if you're chasing something. So there's certain properties which makes the helions very good against zerglings in specific. scenarios, this might be difficult for you to grasp because your entire imbalance complaint form was devoid of any nuance whatsoever. So in your head, it's very black and white. It's either good or it's bad. And the Hellion, in that case, is on the good side and thus must be a hard counter. It's too hard counter or to be hard countered. I think that's a Shakespeare quote. You play a lot of StarCraft as well. Not many people are aware of that. Shakespeare not only invented language, but also the hard counters in StarCraft too. It's all Shakespeare. So we have one one upgrades on the way, marauders with this. How many Vikings do we have? We have two Vikings that are now moving on the map. You are taking out some overlord, which is honestly kind of cool. Here, off-creep, look at this. It's almost like I understand how this game works. Off-creep, Helions absolutely slaughter lings. On creep? Yeah, lings are a little bit better than Helians, especially if they're not in a great position. Because you can get these easy surrounds on creep, which you can't get off-creep. Of course, this position also wasn't brilliant for lings, so we need to add that in as well. This overlord's going to get taken out. And despite your failures in the early game, the fact that you haven't been building any SEVs whatsoever, there's no third base yet, non-constant Viking production. I don't quite understand how it's possible that just now you're going to get up to six Vikings, six minutes and 20 seconds in the game. Your helmet push is going to hit legit at the 6.30 mark. I really don't quite understand this is even remotely okay you're floating 900 minerals despite all of this your push still looks like it has a lot of potential and the reason for this is is because there's no bainlings ready for your opponent and there's not a lot of lings and the halbet actually is a hard counter to the link the halbet look you say what are you saying in your in your thing even against supposed hard counters such as helions slash halberts the halbet is not a supposed hard counter against circling it just is a hard counter against the zergling. If you get a bunch of Hellbats and your opponent only has lings and the upgrades are even remotely close, halberts are going to completely destroy lings. Just completely destroy. You're going to need queens, banlings or roaches in the early game as a Zerg in order to deal with halberts, at least if it's more than two halberts. If you have two halberts and it's 50 lings, yeah, the lings can win, but then you just didn't have enough units and your opponent had too many units. But here, it is very clear that a pure The Hercling defense is completely non-viable for the Zerg player. The Helvet is the counter to the zergling and you take out the third base. And that basically shows, well, the Helbert's are pretty darn good against this. You could probably take out these overlords. I got sure if you want to. Bailing speed's already done by the time your Helvet push hits. This is also an absolute first. Most zergs tend to aim for bailing speed to finish when the first two Metavax hit after a Helbet push already. Most Zerks are happy if their bailing nest is finished. the moment a hell bad push hits. This time around, this jerk already had the bailing nest, as well as bailing speed, meaning the layer was done, a fort base was almost done, hatchery in the main base. This is not because the Zerg is a brilliant mastermind that has figured something out that Serrell hasn't on how to get the bailing speed faster. No, it's because you're slow as crap. You hit freaking six minutes and 40 seconds into the game with a push that's supposed to hit it maybe four minutes and 50 seconds or five minutes into the game. You're just really, really late. You also lose all of your halberts to banlings. And once again, banlings are a good counter to halberts. Helbits are relatively slow at splitting. Bainlings deal a lot of damage to them. And helbets don't kill banlings fast enough. And even if banlings do get killed by helbets, they still explode inside of the halbet range. So yeah, banlings generally are good against helbet. You see how this worked? You build helbets. Your opponent had zerglings. The Zerg realized, hey, zerglings don't do all against helbets. let me build some banlings and you stayed with your halberts lost all of them that happens however your mistake is thinking that you lost that against zerglings which didn't happen at all you lost every single halber you had there against banlings maybe the last two got cleaned up but i mean like i said before if there's a crap ton of units and there's queens as well yeah two halberts are just not going to be good enough still have your vikings alive you have well still terrible did you just literally get five extra workers during this entire push i feel like i looked at your work account at like the four minute mark and you have 32 and now you have 37 and now you have 39. It's about a worker and a half or two workers per minute. It's not a whole lot, let me tell you that much, especially because you have double command centers as well. And in a minute a command center can produce five workers. So what you did in four minutes or three and a half minutes could have been done in one minute. It's not a very good ratio, let me tell you that much. 50 more drones on the way for your opponent. Just now you're adding your extra production structures. an armory but that's just to make halberts. You don't have any upgrades for the Hellions either. No blue flame, no attack upgrades, you don't have armor upgrades. You have absolutely nothing. While your opponent is going up to four upgrades. And this is another concept in StarCraft 2, which is quite wild. But sometimes you have a unit that despite it being better than the other unit, if it is very poorly upgraded, sometimes the worst units can still win if you're up four, five, six upgrades. And I'm afraid that's what's going to be happening here. here is that you'll be fighting with halions without any upgrades, without blue flame, against two, two or three, three lings with adrenal glands, and then you lose and you complain. It's like, well, that actually just makes a, it just makes a lot of sense. Imagine you have an extremely, now imagine we have two weapons here. One, we have a knife, and two, we have a sniper rifle. You could see that the sniper rifle is a way superior weapon, especially over long distances. However, the person carrying the knife is a Navy SEAL with 35 years of combat experience while he's only 40 years old. So still in tip-top shape as well. The person with the sniper is a two-month-old baby. Now, in this case, despite the sniper being a better weapon, it is very possible that the baby is going to lose the fight against the Navy SEAL, because the hands can't even, don't have enough strength to pull the trigger. It's the same with Helens versus Helbets. Yes, the Helens and the helbats, technically, are a lot better, but you do need sufficient upgrades. You need enough strength to pull the trigger, or once you pull the trigger, some damage needs to come out in this case. And if you don't get any upgrades, that often isn't the case. Let's continue here. Third base is being built on position, eight minutes into the game. It's about five minutes after an acceptable third base timing. Nice splits, by the way, on the Hellbats. You love to see it. Very solid stuff. Do manage to hold. I mean, I don't think you've actually microed any of your use. unit so far yet. Not a single one. Okay, third base finishes. You built the fourth immediately as well. Okay, and this is the, this is when the waves of Zurglings start coming in for the proverbial roast. I'm really looking for this proverbial roast. Okay, 2-2. About the finish up. Bainlings moving towards the natural. This actually, if you're actually going to lose all of these lings, I would suck a little bit. These lings are trading somewhat okay. Helbit numbers are pretty low number. You have like legit one helmet now in the back, two in the front before. Paintings are moving in. Maybe this just was a distraction, actually. It also wasn't that many lings. It was like 15 lings. If this is all it is, it's really not that bad for the Cirque, is it? I mean, Cirque is continuing to do things as well behind this. We have a hive on the way. The 2 is about to finish up. Another run by. I mean, he didn't really sacrifice wave after wave. He sacrificed 15 lings and then killed 15 workers in the next row or so. He's even targeting individual SCVs with these lings. This is a high level move at Platinum, honestly. He also had some lings here at the third base, so honestly decent unit splits. This work honestly isn't playing too poor. It's floating a bit too much money perhaps. Now 16 more bains being more, which makes sense. Actually there's not that many hellbeth, so it's still nice to have some bains, I guess. Thrones are going to die, but 2-2 is already finished. 36 more lings are on the way. And here we go. 11 minutes into the game, Infernal Pre-igniter is about to finish up as well. Nice splits again by you, man. That's really sick. I'm gonna send this replay the clam afterwards. You can learn a thing or two. Kind of want to take a look at that fight again, but maybe zoomed in. Look at this. I wonder if you're looking at fights or not. You're just not doing anything. But I am in first person mode, right? Sometimes I'm not sure. Yeah. camera moved I wonder what happened here did he just stop playing maybe he has a rule that whenever a fight is about to happen he just sits back like this and watches That looks like a win for me, still have two Vikings available. The SCV in here as well. The fact that this bad boy survives makes him pretty badass in my opinion. That is sick. Yeah, this is a, honestly a terrible fight. Just even a little bit of a pre-split there would have helped massively. Or, oh, I accidentally sped up the game a little too much. Or just moving in between mineral patches, just anything, so that the banlings need to split up rather than just all exploding at the same spot and hitting everything at once. Now once again, we see the halberts in action. Look at that. Hellbats, actual hard counter to zerglings with the blue flame, bang, bang, bang. There we go. Every link is going to get taken out. You are, however, losing a lot of workers. And you have been losing a lot of workers. 37 workers have been killed in total. Fort base is going to fly over. the same time ZERC has 90 workers. Zerg has actually been macroing, has been getting upgrades, now it's getting adrenal glands and the 3-3 upgrade as well, taking eight gases, building more lings. Injects have not been bad. This Zerg has kept his money surprisingly low. And one of the reasons for that is because he's been building macro hatcheries. And let me tell you, if you have trouble spending your money in the lower leagues, there's absolutely no shame in building macro hatcheries. Personally, I love it. It's the same with Terran. If you struggle with spending your money, get some extra production. There's nothing wrong with that. Absolutely nothing. I'm a huge fan of this movie even, and I truly recommend it to everyone. Okay. What I'm not a fan of is... Ooh, that's a lot of help that's actually. I do like that. I wouldn't mind some of these being Hellions just for a little bit of harass. I think generally harassing if you have units that are meant for harass. It's quite useful. We have Thor production. Now, the Thor is one of these units. It's really good, again, certain types of units like Brutelor, Muralis, Corruptor, basically anything that flies. So far, Itaki has only built units that don't fly. So I don't really think you need them. Here come the banings again. Okay, let's see if we get a split. Tank siege, tank. Can we get a siege on the tank? Can we perhaps siege the tanks? There we go. That's one. That's the second one. Put it right next to it. Make sure that your natural is open. I really do like that thought. No censor tower either. The three map hacks not being used. Oh. I bet that Walrus King looks at this types of fights. You know, I was like, oh, I'm freaking 80 lings taking out two of my halberts. Also that Helene, not actually killing anything. That's ridiculous. I thought this was supposed to be a proverbial hard counter. Unbelievable. This is actually insane. Okay, so here comes the, what you call it, a desperation attack. Overlords flying in, we'll scout this immediately. 3-3 is about to finish up. Adrenal has already finished up. The control of the Zerg is actually quite good. There's a little bit of money in the bank right now, but I'm not too surprised by that. I mean, he's mining 3,600 minerals and about 1K gas a minute. All of lings are being sent back. 37 Bains being constructed as well. Halberts moving forward. Okay, and here come the Lynx once again. Look how well the lings do against these helmets. Man, they're completely destroying them. Look at these Exploenobes. loading lings as well. Wow. Man, and this was the supposed proverbial heart counter. I actually cannot believe it. This did look very ridiculous in my mind. Holy crap. What a crazy fight. Who could have seen that coming? We have a Zerg that has 3-3 upgrades. Look at this. 3-3 upgrades and adrenal glands, a final game upgrade, a hive upgrade, one of the sickest upgrades in the game. And the Terran had, what was it? Plus 1, vehicle weapons, as well as well as infernal pre-igniter. Now, let's say that infernal pre-igniter and adrenal glands are the same. That means that the Zerg was up five upgrades. Man, Helbits are not a heart counter at all to this. This is ridiculous. I'm kind of feeling what the walrus king is saying. All right, I want to share a little story. When I was seven, I'd really like to climb into trees. So we had this little forest close by my house, and we'd go there for a tree climbing. And there was this one tree, it was pretty big. I started climbing it, like a little boy that was, reaching to the, to the sticks coming out, the branches. And I'm like five, six meters high. And one of the branches I grab just isn't strong enough. And I fall down and I hit a couple of sticks on the way down. You know, one of these fall on the roots and it hurts. And there's some plants that sting me as well. So I'm not having a good time. You know, I'm all bruised up. My leg hurt. We go to the hospital, get one of those scans to see if I have any fractures whatsoever. But scan comes out clean. Don't have anything fractured. No broken bones, nothing. I'm good to go home. and, you know, just kind of live my life. And it was a good experience as a kid. I was pretty happy with that. Now, that story about me as a seven-year-old seems more relevant to this game than your IOTIS form. Because nothing in your IOTIS form actually was based on any reality whatsoever. Well, my story at least happened. So the Hellions and Helbets being hard counters. Yes, Helbets are hard counters to lings. And they were hard counters to lings as well in this game. every single time we saw pure halberts in decent numbers fight against lynx they absolutely destroyed lings but the moment your opponent brings in binglings and then the only thing you see at the end of the fight is like 10 lynx staying alive for some reason in your head it goes oh the lings probably beat my push despite you looking at every battle without microing I'm not even quite sure how it is possible that you look at a fight without doing anything like you're literally just watching things happen I bet you'd be one hell of a driver to go with you know just sit there in the car and think start going wrong, just hold the steering wheel like this and you watch the things unfold, really living in the moment in a way. Now that people try to get that type of state of mind, some meditate for years, but you seem to naturally be capable of not doing anything when things are going on around you. So I guess that is a compliment in a way, but not a very useful skill in StarCraft 2. Your early game build order was hot garbage. You didn't micro ones, no splits, no nothing whatsoever. You sacrifice your first six Helions for a little bit of damage. The micro there wasn't very good either. Your unit comp sucked. You didn't get any upgrades. You lost the banlings, not the zirglings. Like, I'm actually not quite sure what to say. I really enjoy doing this series, but sometimes I feel like you don't actually watch back the replay and just send it to me. And it's like, oh, let's see what Harstam has to say about it. Like, these are all mistakes that a four-year-old with an IQ of nine could have figured it out. And yet you had to send it to me, write a text that seems to be completely unrelated to the contents of the game, and then have me criticizing give feedback. So yeah, it's like, zirglings aren't in balance, my friend. You, you just suck. And that's the hard truth. All right, that's going to be it for today of this episode of is it imba or do I suck? If you did enjoy this episode, don't forget to hit the like button, subscribe to the channel. I hope that we're getting close to 100,000 subscribers. I look forward to the 100,000 subscribers special, which I already have completely planned out. So it can't come quick enough. Thanks all for watching, and I'll see all of you soon. Bye-bye. |
The Final Steps To GM | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Todays prospect is actually very promising! He knows his build order, has pretty good micro in fights and actually does scout correclty AS WELL AS understanding the scouting information! Will we have our first true IMBA case? Or is there something else prohibiting him from stepping up to the GM ranks? Smash dat like button, subscribe and find out! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jASxXo_9rYQ/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | jASxXo_9rYQ | Hello, Captain. Lurkers, I don't get this unit. I already knew they are broken in mid and late game, destroying everything in their path. They're just better siege tanks in every way. They don't only massive AOE damage, but Blizzard felt the need to give them the ability to be mass-produced, being invisible, and being able to seech a lot faster than siege tanks. Why? But after this game, I'm also convinced that they're broken in the early game as well. I scouted he wanted to two-base all-in-me with hydras. I stopped worker production, built defensive infrastructure and built a ton of gates. But as soon as his first push with full upgraded Hydras doesn't seem to cost him anything, question mark, was somewhat held, his next push with some lurkers came my way. I mean, why not? I would have done the same if my units, upgrades and tech wouldn't cost anything. We'll be happy to see you agreeing with me on this one. Name, TOS, Obv, O.P. Race, Protoss, League Master, 5.1K MMR on EU. So it's actually very close to Grand Master. And the question here is, are Hyrazen Lurker's Unlurk or does Tos Obv-O-P suck? All right, friends, here we are in the game. Hacker is Noop versus Toss Obv-O-P. Good luck have fun, good luck have fun. Zerg, thank you, thank you. So Hacker is Noop seems to have been a random player here. that is opening up with a pretty standard opener so far. An Overlord at 13, nothing too weird. This is a master level game, and this is a high-level master's game. This is literally on the edge to Grandmaster. I think 5-2-3 is Grandmaster in Europe. This is 5.1K MMR. So, okay, this guy is in clan or in Team Cannon, and his name is Tos of O.P. The opponent is called Hacker is Noob, and is a random player. So this is going to be a banger, no matter what happens. even gets a block off here on the natural very cool i like that type of play usually the more chaos you can induce in the early game the better it is for proto's this is true majority of the time because then you can shade in two adept you can send over some oracles to deal damage all that good jazz just going to go upstairs at the one minute mark to uh you know to harass the minerals a bit not a huge fan of a pylon it is overly safe and 99% of the time It just costs money. If you see the drone go towards the third base, you can pretty much assume at the one minute and five second mark that is not going to go back to build a base over here. So building a pylon there just costs you 25 minerals. I'm just not a huge fan of it. You're also mining too little gas. Whenever your gas finishes in this matchup, you always want to have two workers in gas immediately, even if that means you'll have slightly less workers on the minerals. That is fine. This is, of course, as long as you're playing Stargate, which I kind of hope that you're doing because this is 2K atmosphere. There's no other build orders that I really like on this map. It's relatively large. And well, that's really the only reason. It's relatively large. And it has nice areas for Oracle's as well. You can do a fair amount. Hatchy on the third base is going to finish up. Now, because this is a higher level game, I'm going to be paying a lot more attention to the nitty-gritty details that maybe in some other episodes, if we were looking at a platinum player, I would skip. So I'm really curious about like all these small, things like are the chrono boost in time? What are we seeing unit wise? Okay, we're getting an adept and a warp gate. This indicates stargate majority of the time. We have this being read it over here. So kind of feeling a robotics facility, that's going to be a cancel on the warp gate. So tries to fake a warp gate in case there's an overlord over here. Now, of course, there's an overlord in the main base already. So this was completely useless. I still kind of like it. At the same time, getting the stargate on the edge exposes the stargate to scouting, but It also means that the Oracle is going to arrive at your opponent's base two, three seconds faster if you compare it to the position over here. So this is a trade-off. It's a decision. And this is a decision that a lot of people at the higher level, you know, they're fine with this decision. And I'm fine with this decision as well. It's not necessarily optimal if your plan is to hide things. But if you don't care about hiding things, this is a completely okay position to put your Stargate. It's probably even the optimal position to put your Stargate because you're just closer to your opponent's base. If you take a third base or a fourth base over here, you have quick reinforcements there with the Oracle as well. Where are you sending your first Oracle? Seems to be towards the right side. Your chronoiting. Your build order actually makes a lot of sense. Second gateway before your pylon. I'm not a huge fan of that, to be quite honest. Majority of the time, I prefer seeing that pylon before the gateway. But it's a very minor detail that if you build everything in time, shouldn't really matter. And as long as you don't get a third gateway unit, it really, really does. doesn't matter. The reason why I prefer the pilot is in case you're getting link flooded or something like that, you will not be capable of continuing worker production as well as building a third unit. You need to cut some workers so you don't get supply blocked. And getting a faster second gateway has no real purpose anyway. It's a slightly faster wall, but if you get the gateway after the pilot, it's still going to be fine. So it's a really, really minor error in a very niche scenario that would matter. And a scenario, a niche scenario that we honestly never see either or hardly ever. see. Oracle is going to make its way across the map, correct call. You want to get it over there. You already have a little, what would you call it, a little hole where you manage to put your adept in. You scout the fact that there is a hydra list then. You see a lot of gas as well here, and you see a low queen count and a complete lack of spores at this point. Now, this is important, and I'm going to explain quickly why this is important. The moment you see a Zerg rush out, two layer, throw down a hydra then, and get quick extra extractors. If you see no spores, that means that your oracles can do more damage. And because it's a quick rush to layer, 99% of the time, really 99% of the time, there's going to be not more than four queens, and majority of the time only three queens, because it's going to be practically a two-base-all-in. You called it in your form already. This is a two-base-all-in, despite there being a third hatchery. But the third hatchery is just there for extra ling and extra hydra production. It just allows the Zerg to continuously produce. So you make the correct call. You see this and you know, hey, this is basically a two basal in, but where is the weakness? Now, the weakness is in the fact that there is no defense against Oracle harass. There's no spores and there's not enough queens to stop oracles from going into a mineral line, even if there were a spore. So this first Oracle took a little bit of damage. it cast the revelation, I would have preferred seeing it take out three, four workers. Usually three, four workers isn't that big of a deal, but every time you take out a worker right now, it most likely is not going to be rebuilt, or it will take away a larva for a potential ling or for a potential hydra, so it will help a lot in the defense. The best defense isn't building stasis wards, it is actually killing drones. It forces your opponent to be more all-in and thus commit more to an initial, attack and to commit faster to an attack as well. And at the same time, it makes the attack weaker. While if you use these units defensively for stasis, you have some temporary benefit, but it doesn't really help you in the long run. I also am not a huge fan. You mentioned it in your imbalance complaint form as well, of cutting workers. I think cutting workers to get some key infrastructure going is okay. And with key infrastructure, I would say five, maybe even six gateways. But currently you're going up to nine gateways. I think that is too many. And you're cutting workers all together, which means that from this point on, eco-wise, you're going to be the same as your opponent. And you're also not tacking into anything better. You're only on three gases. So you actually have the gas is the tacking resource. So you won't be capable of out-tacking your opponent. So really what you're doing here is you're saying, okay, we have the same eco, we have the same tech, and you can still out-tack me by going into Lurkers. I am not going anywhere else. I hope you attack into me as fast as possible and that I hold. That is the only thing right now that you're preparing for. You're not preparing for a long-term scenario with more eco, where lower tech units can help, or for a higher tech scenario where even with a lower eco, just by having a disruptor out, you can perhaps fight a big hydra force. You're not doing any of that. You're making relatively primitive, basic units off of very high infrastructure. And the reason why I don't like getting nine gates is because you only have 43 workers as well here. If you were on 55 workers, even then I wouldn't really like it. I would say, hey, add some extra cannons over the gateways. Because you can probably get very similar unit production and then get two to three extra cannons as well. Like two cannons over here, one cannon here, a couple of extra batteries as well would be huge to have. Canons in general are fantastic to have. another thing I'd like to just kind of draw your attention to is that there's still no spores in the main or in the natural we're working with a queen per base which means that had the oracles moved across the map you would have been capable of killing well this queen and every single worker in the main base and this would have been the only push that would have been capable of coming out of the Zerg these would be the units now that is what eight Hydra lists and maybe 10 lings or so with any amount of gateway units, you would eventually be capable of holding this. But because you're not actually up in Eco right now, the Zerg doesn't feel any pressure to truly commit into this position. It really doesn't. There's no pressure on this Zerg. The only pressure that the Zerg fuels right now might be because, no, the Zerg is actually somewhat aware of your conundrum, sees that you don't have an extra gas, sees that you're not mining any minerals here either. So the Zerg is completely aware and doesn't need to engage into this area with batteries and stasis wars. He might still do it, but that would make the Zerg a bit of an idiot. And I doubt Hacker is noob is a bit of an idiot. You know, he's just picking off what he can, not truly committing to a big attack into a position because he knows he has a Lurker than on the way, and once that Lurker then finishes, that's when his time is to shine, right? So he actually just pulls back. And I really like that goal. Right now you should be thinking, hey, what is happening here? He's pulling back with Hydrus. You know, what could be the follow-up? So you're going for a scout. I think that is a good call. But at this point, no matter what you scout, you can't really do anything anymore against the lurk. It's not like you have a robotics facility ready anywhere. You don't have charge on the way. You can't get storm out immediately. Like there's literally nothing you can do anymore at this point, except maybe try and stop these units from morphing. But fighting away from your batteries also, honestly, seems rather difficult. And I think what you said in your form, I actually want to grab your form here, you said something here. As soon as his first push with full upgraded hydras was somewhat held. Technically you held the push because you didn't die, but your opponent also didn't fight you. This is like if you were to have dinner in the same restaurant as Mike Tyson, and after he finishes his dinner, you challenge him for a fight, and he knocks you out in one punch. You could then say, well, for the first 50 minutes, minutes of the fight, everything was going swimmingly for me. But what in reality happened was that both of you were just eating in the same restaurant, not really wanting to fight whatsoever. That only happened after. And it's the same here. Your opponent is not ready to fight yet. He had his dinner with the hydras. Now is morphing the lurkers. And you just completely walked into his trap. Right now you should be somewhat. Oh, you actually didn't even scout the lurk then. You also still didn't deal any damage. So the longer the game goes, the worse it actually is going to get for you. your opponent has superior tech, you still have the exact same eco, despite you having a very nice infrastructure of gateways, having a lot of gateway units, some of them even without upgrades, as you have about like 13 zealots without charge, it's not the greatest thing. Some of a decent control honestly out of you as well. Okay,ish blink. Salets are getting through. Okay, this is not good. You're going to lose every single salad. Get a revelation on these lurkers. There's not that many lurkers remaining, only three. One of them is already very low. You could consider, at this point, by the way, Although it's a difficult call to make is to say, hey, you kind of treat it like a tank push out of a Terran, right? Where you say, okay, I can't necessarily straight up engage into the tank Marine ball. But what I can do is I can send like maybe two oracles and four or five stalkers over here and pick of all reinforcements while I am continuously building more and more units myself. And then even with very primitive units like gateway units, eventually if you get like two more warrants, you should be capable of attacking into this. The only problem is that your opponent can move forward, maybe start taking out your eco. So there's some risk there, but it's still better to try something like this than to continuously engage into the same siege-up position. Because you mention it, the lurker is basically a siege tank that is slightly better, especially if you try to blink into it, as you noticed just now. Charge about to finish up. You also are waiting for your charge to finish anyway, so you might as well take out all the reinforcements that are going to be joining up. Literally just five, six stalkers, both of the oracles over there, in case there's too many lings, you can activate the Pulsar beam for half a second. It would have been fantastic. But now all of these lings are going to be joining in. These two hydras get to join as well. These three hydras get to join. So it's like 15, maybe even, yeah, about between 10 and 15 supply extra, would not have been here in this army that is now here. Not saying you would have necessarily won, but with plus two upgrades against zero zero upgrades, I mean, anything really is possible. You're also not fighting too poor. It actually, I'm kind of impressed by the way you play. Like your micro is quite good, the way you engage from two angles majority of the time. Your target fire is sometimes okay, sometimes it isn't. But given the situation that you place yourself in and the fights that you wanted to take, the actual fights honestly weren't so bad. But this is the funny thing when we get to the higher levels of StarCraft 2. And I've mentioned this before when I have like high masters player, low grand master player. you can't really get away anymore with just macroing well and having somewhat decent reactions. Certain strategies need pretty specific reactions or need you to do very specific things. In this case, it wasn't even that specific, just harassing with the oracles or getting 10 extra workers or attacking into a disruptor. All would have been fine options, like three, four different things you could have done. But you really do need to do them in order to beat it because this is a tight builder out of your opponent. but this has very little to do with imbalanced. If you would give the exact same position to a ProDolz that is 5, 600 MMR higher than you were, that ProDOS would have killed every single worker with 2, 3 or even with a single Oracle, this push would have hit with 7 or 8 hydras and 10 lings, and that would have been it. There has nothing to do with the Hydra or the lurker being in balance. Now, I'll give it to you. If your opponent gets to this position where there's Lerner, lurkers in between your natural and your third base, you have inferior tech and you have inferior eco. You're not cutting off reinforcement and there's no pressure for your opponent to move forward. So there's a lot of requirements here. In that case, yeah, the lurker is extremely strong and you probably can't beat it anymore. But it doesn't make the lurker imbalance because the lurker has a lot of other issues that you didn't abuse whatsoever. And this timing attack specifically had lots of issues that you didn't abuse whatsoever. It's like you look at one thing and you go, well, you only look at the advantages of a thing. It's basically you look at like a massive gold bar and you're like, I like a gold bar. I want my house to be made of gold bars. It looks pretty. You know, it shines. It's pretty hard to get through with like a drill. I want my house to be built with pure gold. And then you don't think about the disadvantages whatsoever. Like gold, pretty expensive. I'm not entirely sure how easy. it is to actually build a house purely with gold rather than using stone or maybe some wood as well for the foundation. Like there's a lot of issues with this lurker push as well. Yes, if your opponent gets into this situation, that is fantastic for your opponent and you're probably going to lose. But there were so many things you could have done before to stop your opponent from getting into that situation where you just completely filled. So really what I'm trying to say is that the lurker or the hydra is not imbalanced. And you, my friend, just suck. And that's the hard reality. Very hard reality. You did play quite well, though. So keep fighting for it. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks also so much for watching. I hope you did. I enjoy this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you did, don't forget to hit the like button, subscribe to the channel, and check out all the other Is It Inbas or Do I Suck as well. We have a playlist that Hamster takes care of. Loads of episodes in there. Years of I owe this. Also subscribe, almost 100K. Thank you and bye-bye. |
Quick Start Guide: Fail miserably until you are Serral. | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Grab a tent, we are camping! But not in the forest, but rather the garbage press! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0tsMIghP8PQ/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 0tsMIghP8PQ | Hello, Harstam. I think that Zerg, especially the Lurker and Queens, is just overpowered. In this game I tried to play a 2-1-1 build that a friend of mine told me. Sadly, I messed it up the build somehow and hit with three less Marines as usual. His response is correct. He builds Queens and Ling Bane. I kill some of the lings, but the queens are way too tanky, so he didn't have to use a single transfuse. After the attack, I sit back and try to build up. At some point, I have 16 more workers than my opponent, for exclamation marks. At the 15 minute mark, he attacks my fort base with 12 lurkers. I make the mistake that I try to fight the army, but my troops get killed. Instantaneously, and I lose the game. I know I suck. Wait, what? This is not how this show is supposed to work. I know I suck, but I want to know if the lurker is imba or not. Well, slightly different than usual. So he believes he isn't brilliant, but he also believes that the lurker is imbalanced. Now, these are two claims that we can actually research. So first, I want to know if he sucks, whether he's speaking the truth or that. And second, I want to figure out if the lurker is imbalanced or not. So yeah, two things to research here. That's great. Name is Kshesh. It's an X, E, C and N and H. The race is Terran, League Platinum, the M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M. Mar is 3039 on the European server. So let's figure out, does he suck? And are lurkers, imbalanced. All right, here we are with Czech versus Nautilus. Nautilus is our Zerg player. Sends out the drone across the map straight away. And Chag, I'm going to call you Czech, buddy. Czech is our Tarrant player who's opening up with a depot at home and no proxy SCV. So it's just most likely going to be a barracks at home. Okay, if you're a Terran player and you misplace your barracks, your factory, your Starport or your command center, it is annoying, but it is not the end of the world because you can fly these buildings. So rather than canceling the building, I would actually suggest just letting the building finish. And if you really care about the position of that building, you can just fly it up one hex and be completely fine. It's a lot cheaper than canceling a building and losing the, what is it, 20% of it? 25%. It's definitely not worth it. So don't do that. Just fly the building, please. That's to start with here. Brseurker check. Now, drone is trying to harass a little bit. It's just going to be scouting, figure out, hey, is this any type of proxy 2 racks or is this some different type of build? And it just seems to be a regular opener here out of our good friend. Check. Of course, the command center is going to be delayed by maybe four to five seconds or three to four seconds because of the cancel on that initial barracks. we indeed see it go down at 140, 146 is actually really late. If you're quick with the micro of the SEVs and you do everything well in the early game, you can get it down at 138, 139. So this is a solid seven seconds too late already, and we're barely two minutes in the game. That is a decent percentage of the game so far, that you're being too late. Like, it's actually quite impressive, but not in the positive type of being impressive. It's like, man, it's really impressive that he managed to mess up this much already in such a short time, frame. You know, it's like leaving your house, then realizing you forgot your keys, you come back and your entire living room has been destroyed by your dog. It's like, wow, that is actually quite impressive. I didn't realize he could both poop on the couch, pull my fridge down, and pee all over my new carpet at the same time in 15 seconds. It's the same here with Czech, who just managed to do that in the first one minute and 46 seconds of this game, delaying your command center by seven seconds is actually relatively impressive. I have to admit it. It's going to be a 2-1-1 opener. And if I recall correctly, what did he say again? I messed up the build somehow and hit with three less Marines than usual, or as usual. So we're going to be checking out where he actually messed up the build. I'm not a huge fan of bunkers, especially if you have a Reaper out on the map. You can almost always get a reactive bunker in time. A bunker's building time is 29 seconds. and the distance or the time that roaches take to go from here to your side of the map is probably pretty similar, maybe even a little bit longer, like 35-ish seconds or so. That means that if you have good reaper control and you keep it in front of your opponent's base, is that majority of the time you're going to be capable of figuring out whether it's a roach all in or not. Also, if you really care about that, you could check with your reaper in the main base to see what's going on over there. Maybe you can spot a roach warren, you can see how many drones are on the natural, if you want to sacrifice your Reaper for that. A bunker often delays everything in your opener by quite a bit. This also doesn't just feel correct. Sorry, I need to go back. I was looking at the scouting patterns, but this entirely just feels wrong. So we have the barracks that went down. I think a bit too late. I bet this, yeah, I feel like this barracks is a bit too late. The tech lab should be started already. And you should be getting started. him right now. Instead of that, we get the Tech Lab right now, Reactor, before the Starport gets built. And that obviously has no purpose. Because you always got to think to yourself, hey, what is the purpose of my Tech Lab or of the thing in general that you're building at that moment? And will I need it yet? Something you often see with Protoss players is that they build too many gateways in the early game. They'll get like four gateways and they don't have the money to produce from these four gateways. That's like, well, why would you build the gateways if you can't afford getting warpins with them once they finish? Then you might as well get them later and invest that initial money somewhere else. It's the same here. Getting a reactor before the star port makes absolutely no sense whatsoever because the starboard and the reactor have the same building time, which means that if you get the star port first and then the reactor, the star port has some time to fly over for the reactor to finish. Then you lift the factory, the starboard can land immediately. And the thing that this reactor is being used for is to start producing double Metafax. So getting this reactor done, what is it, 20 seconds before the starboard finishes, is actually completely useless. And it's money that you could have spent in a faster starboard and thus eventually faster metavx as well. Stim is starting. It's still 100 seconds away from finishing. I really believe this is too late. Your early game, the Build Order definitely has been, well, not just a little bit messed up, but kind of completely messed up. I don't think you're just going to be hitting with three less Marines. I also think you're going to be hitting a fair amount later than you usually would. I could be wrong on this, but I honestly don't think I am. Your worker production is fine. What is the Zerg doing over here? One thing I do like, by the way, I'd like to note, is the positioning of this barracks. I love it that when you have a slightly offbeat build, which, let's face it, 2 and 1 these days, is slightly different than what we see majority of the time, is that you hide what you're doing. So rather than just building it right over here, which does give your marine closer by proximity to the starboard, and thus they could get into the Madovac quicker, this allows for something a bit more hidden. Your opponent isn't completely aware of what's happening, maybe. And especially at the lower levels, they might have more trouble figuring it out. But to be fair, if you see a starboard with a reactor, you know what's happening. So we have a supply drop. That is obviously bad. And one of the main reasons this is bad is because this is a build order in which nothing happens. This is what I refer to often as a single player build order. And I like single player build orders, especially for lower level Terran players, because you don't have to control any units whatsoever. You're not using a Reaper, you're not using Hallions to harass, and thus there's literally nothing to do, but focus on the build order, and that allows you to execute the build order at the highest possible level. However, despite you practically playing single player for the first, first five minutes, you still completely messed up the build order in a way that you had to drop supply. These two depots were too late. They're also in the incorrect position. If you're playing against Zerg, one of the main threats that Zerg has for you are Ling run bys. And that is why you always build depot three, four, five, six, seven, eight until this part is walled off on your natural wall so that you can raise the depots and link runbys cannot happen while you're out and about having a good time with your Marines or with your Hallions or whatever you want to be doing. So this is bad. You should have probably left your base already 15 seconds ago. So despite you saying that you're hitting with three less marines, yes, hitting with three less marines is bad, but hitting 30 seconds late also is bad. On top of that, you are also floating 1,200 minerals and 300 gas, despite not a single thing happening. The only interaction you've had so far with your opponent is the command center, or the command center is the Overlord being snipe. And I just want to say as well that I find it a little bit disgenuine that you said, that you only had three Marines less as usual. This is, imagine you had an exam and you come home to your parents asking, hey, how did the exam go? And all you tell them is, well, I struggle a little bit with question number three. And they go, oh, that sounds terrible. Five minutes later, they get called by the school telling them that you've been suspended because in the middle of the XM, you started screaming, question three is impossible, I hate everything about this cool, then you jumped out of the window, breaking the glass, luckily it was the ground floor, and as you walk out, you start screaming, Ramstein is my favorite American band, and then you run away. Now, this obviously is a very different story. It doesn't mean that you didn't struggle with question three. You obviously did struggle with question three so much that you did all these other things, but you only told such a small part of the story that made me believe. that that was the only thing wrong with this, but your entire early game is garbage, and that is what wrong with this. It's not just the three Marines. Look, if you're a platinum player and you're hitting this build perfectly with three less Marines, I'd be very happy. If you're a platinum player, you need to use a supply drop. You get supply blocked at 46. You get supply blocked again at 54. You're floating 1,200 minerals as you're moving out with your METAX. Yeah, that I have an issue with. But it is very different than you made it out to be in your imbalance complaint form. And the one thing I literally, that's the only thing I asked from you guys and girls, is that you do not lie in your imbalance complaint from. Just speak the truth to me, okay? If you struggle with things, that is fine. Did you just double stim? Why are your units so low in health? One, two. Can we get a three? Can we get a three? No, we can't. Yeah, the double stim is a move that I generally... Do not approve of because it has no purpose. Unlike some people maybe believe stimming twice does not give you double the speed. It does nothing. It just costs you more HP and especially on Marines that is extremely painful. So this initial trade was god awful. You lost eight Marines. You killed 13 lings and, well, the Overlord you already killed earlier. So you really did achieve nothing with this build order. Despite all of that, you're still kind of equal in supply because behind this you've been macroing somewhat okay. your money is relatively low. You're getting two e-base. You have a reactor. Ah, this is why your money is low. It's a Terran trick. This is a Terran trick. I see this very often. Terran sent me a replay. And then they tell me as well, I macroed perfectly, and the Zerg was continuously floating money. And then you check the game. This guy is queuing up nine Marines, five mines. Whenever he floats a little bit of money, a new command center gets built. It's like, that's not macroing properly. The point of macroing properly is spending your money efficiently. And if you have six mines queued up, you're not actually spending your money efficiently whatsoever. It's just not true. Okay, going up to six barracks, counting remains difficult for me. Or is this a factory? Okay, five barracks and two factories. Perfect setup. So this is a player that understands the concepts of Terence. and that's the fast triple-CC into three, into five racks, into a second factory, then you take a fourth base, which is in an odd position. You don't really need to hide the fact that you're taking a fourth base, but maybe it's a little bit safer here for you. I don't mind it. After the fourth base, you add three more barracks and you take it from here. I do have to admit that I'm a little bit disappointed with your unit production so far. It feels like you have less units than you really should have. It also feels like your worker count is extremely low for this time in the game. Eight minutes in and we're at 56 workers. Your opponent has 67 workers, not the most booming eco in the world, but still is in probably a better position than you are. This is only... It's not entirely clear because your opponent isn't spending the money. You might be waiting for a tech building to finish or waiting until he starts injecting so he can spend his money. He has 11 larvae. So, yeah, I'm not entirely sure what the money dares for, but it's okay. This is also another thing, by the way, that immediately triggered me a bit when I read it, but I didn't want to talk about it yet the moment I read it on the form. And that is that you said, after the attack, I sit back and try to build up. StarCraft is a game where you're always building up. And there is no such thing as a building phase. This is not a turn-based game. It's not like you have one turn and you need to decide between building up and attacking. No. When you're a StarCraft player, you try to do these two things at the same time and fail miserably until you're serral. That is how everyone does it and that's how you should be doing it. As a Terran player, what you should be doing with your first two Metafax is you leave them on your opponent's side of the map. And if you don't want to use them, you just leave them off creep. And you look at the mini map every now and again. and whenever you're not busy building buildings, you will just start using these metaphax to do things. Maybe kill a tumor here or there, maybe kill a couple of drones or try to trade with some lings. But you need to be active on the map when you're a Terran player. If you want to not be active on the map, you should have picked Protoss. We get to sit back, relax and build up as long as we want. We fly around with our harassment units, our oracles, our prism, do some salad runbyes. But as a Terran player, especially against Zerg, you need to be out on the map. Welcome to the hard life, my friend. It is what it is. Now, here you... The drop wasn't entirely useful. Another concept that is... Holy crap, that's a lot of queens. Ten. Another concept that's interesting to think about is not losing your units. As a general concept, I think that is something that you should really keep in mind. That if you have the decision between losing your units and keeping your units alive, very often it is better to keep your units alive, especially if there's no big goal you're achieving with letting your units die. You look at a situation like the one we just had in the main base where there is 10 mainlings, 10 roaches and 9 lings, and you drop 8 Marines into that. That probably is not the optimal play. The optimal play there would be to say, okay, there's too many units, I will not do anything here. And that doesn't mean that you didn't achieve anything because you did force your opponent to pull units into the main base. And that can be a big thing. Ah, see, this is the Terran macro I was talking about. Floating minerals, no problem. Boom, triple command centers. Adios. Ooh. Ooh. How many is this? Seven barracks pure marine. That's not good. So, the general setup of Terran is that you go five barracks, then you add the three extra barracks. And with the three extra barracks that you add, at it, you get tech labs on all of them. Add on the initial tech lab that you had to research both Stim and Combat Shield, you have four tech labs. That allows you marauder production, which is fantastic at tanking banlings, decent against lurkers, grade against roaches. And also, if you eventually get a Ghost Academy, it allows you to get Ghost out because Ghost require a Tech Lab. Sensor tower, you have tanks. Only single factory is actually producing. You're not doing anything this entire game. You're just sitting back. You're building. You're building, an army that is meant to attack all in and trade, pure marine, and yet all you do is sit back. In that case, if you want to camp, look, I said earlier that as a Terran you want to move out on the map, but if you want to camp, get camping units, get double factory tanks. The moment your extra three barracks finish with the tech labs, get ghost out. You know, you can actually play a complete turtling game, but you cannot do this with an army that is meant to be trading and fighting the entire time. And when I'm talking about trading and fighting the entire time, I don't mean queuing up an eight Marine drop every two and a half minutes, then losing that into eight bailings. No, you need to be denying creep active on the map, fighting for map control and denying outside bases. Otherwise, eventually you're just going to die. You're creating a terrible army for a late game, but every move you're making indicates that you want to play a late game. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It, I just, yeah, I truly do not understand that. I do like this planetary as a general thing. I think planetaries at third basis are cool. I said it. There's no synergy between your army and your overall strategy in this game, which seems to just be sitting at home and waiting for your opponent to throw things at you. Now, you could imagine a million different better competition. positions you could have rather than pure marine plus five tanks to deal with Zerg throwing things that you and that could include liberators that should include ghosts that should include a way higher tank count, mines in forward positions rather than idling with the main army. I don't actually completely understand what you have done so far this game because you're not really micro-ing, you're not multitasking, you're not really crafting an army either. Wait, are you transitioning into battle cruisers? Okay, this is also not a thing. Battle cruisers in the late game against Zerg are just extremely bad. Like, extremely bad. They have no real purpose because of the neural parasite and fungal and vipers being capable of pulling them in as well. Like, there's just too many spellcasters that deal with them quite well. Have you figured out yet what your opponent is actually doing? You have no vision. You don't even know where the creep is. This Zyrk is honestly not playing too poor. To be fair, the Zerg hasn't received any real pressure whatsoever. This looks so stupid. The Zerg is all-inning you on 66 drones. You have 94 workers, like 12 command centers, 6 orbital commands, 2 planetaries, 5th base on the way. But yet you have nothing in any correct position. You don't have a powerful army. You want to be trading out your marines right now. Wait, where is your army? That's all the way over here. The Zerg is patiently taking... He has a massive army value, yeah. 7.6K. You already started sacrificing S-Divis. This is so crazy to watch. You're actually playing a game camping with a pure marine army. I've never seen this before. Usually when people camp, they build tanks and ghosts and liberators. This really is a new type of turtling. with a low range 50 mineral unit. Revolutionary, I would say. Okay, now you get the scan, see this entire army. Start moving your tanks towards that left side, obviously, because right now all you have is a planetary. Your opponent kills the planetary. You walk in, stint, with 50 marines, into a bailing lurker army, with one tank in the process of seizing. and then you leave without Gigi while floating 12,000 minerals and 3.2K gas. I find it very difficult, very difficult to believe that you truly believe that the lurker is the issue here. And in what world is Zerg supposed to win then in your mind? Because if a pure lurker, Hydra, Bane, Roach Army, like this army had legit, 50 baines and 10 lurkers, 28 baines and 13 lurkers. If this army is not allowed to kill a 50 marine army with the same upgrades, what is the counter to the marine in that case? Is Terran just allowed to stay alive forever? Was this the fight that you thought was insanely good for you? No. You obviously knew this was a crap fight. You even said, I probably shouldn't have thought at the fort base. you lose a massive fight with your entire army, well, not your entire army because you also had a bunch of tanks just idling, doing nothing, your mines weren't involved. Your 50 Marine Army is an army that you can have at the 7 minute mark, an army or the 7.30 minute mark, pure 50 Marines. That would be no problem. So this army you could have had at the 7 minute mark. Your opponent has been crafting a massive army supply with a high-tech lurkers, a creptone of expensive bailings. like the actual value of this army is insane. Now we have to take away your gas. Your army value that is fighting here is like maybe 1K resources in Metafax or slightly more. Like maybe almost 2K resources in Metavax like 1,000 minerals, 1,000 gas. And then we have, what is it, like 2,500 minerals purely for the Marines. So you're like half your opponent's army value. Your opponent has way higher tech, also had to get different upgrades for the lurkers, for the banlings for the hydras. You get absolutely blasted in the fight because you also decided that microing is for idiots and you literally stim into a lurker siege position. Luckily this time it only was a single stim though. You lose everything and then you leave it out Gigi. Like if this is how you believe Terran is supposed to be played, and if you believe that this is how Terran is supposed to win, then Terran has to be in your mind, the most broken race in the world. You're literally banking on a Tier 1 unit to fight, Hydras, Lurkers, Roaches, Bainlings, anything higher tier than you. It's insane. Now I do have some good news for you, and that is that the first claim that you made that we were going to research, which was, let me check to be sure, right, I know I suck. I agree with you. This is the only thing in your entire imbalance complaint form that I wholeheartedly agree with. You suck. You build nothing but Marines, except a couple of tanks, but those you didn't use. You literally fought with an eight-minute army against a freaking 15-minute massive lurker bane force, and you died. The lurker is not in by, you just didn't have any counters. The Marine doesn't counter everything. That is the job of the ghost, my friend. The ghost counters everything. the late game with snipe. That is what you're supposed to be building. So, yeah, Lurker is not Imba. You just suck. And that is the truth. It's the hard reality here. It really is. All right. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching to a new episode of Is It Inbar? Do you suck? Do you believe that you have a replay where true imbalance was shown, unlike this one? Then be sure to leave it to me in the form, in the description down below. A little description in there, throw in the replay. And perhaps next week, it'll be your turn to be IOL list. All right. Thanks for watching and bye-bye. |
Probes Only Challenge IMBALANCED?! How did he lose...? | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | I have no words for todays replay. It's a form of art. These are the Leonardo DaVinci and Pablo Picasso of our time. Something, that just has to act on you. So like and subscribe like the distinguished gentle(wo)man and enjoy a completely new way of Starcraft 2! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/La_D-jwr-LU/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | La_D-jwr-LU | Dear Harstam, I'm sorry, but you're playing an Inba race. I have a million replays confirming that Protoss land is O.P. That Protoss Air is OP. But today's replay is special. It perfectly shows that Protoss don't even need units at all. In this game, I blightly countered the cannon rush, scouted everything I could, and did micro, macro, multitask. At the same time, my opponent was happily building houses and generally having a great time. P.S. It takes you two minutes plus 10 drones to build a protected base as a Zerg. And when 10 zealots come, it will be destroyed anyway. To build a protected Protoss base, you need one worker in 47 seconds. And 20 lings, the equivalent of 10 zealens, won't even lead a scratch on it. Now, 20 lings is not the equivalent of 10 zealots. 20 lings cost 500 minerals, while 10 zealots cost 1,000 minerals. 20 lings are 10 supply, while 10 zealots are 20 supply. They are not equal whatsoever. If you believe 20 zerglings and 10 zealots to be equal, then you're wrong. It goes on. So, is it imba? Yes, it is. For sure. I thought that for sure was this guy's name, but that's just how he ended this email. It is what it is. The name is Lou Zerg. Lu Zerg. So like loser, but then Zerg. Race is Zerg. Leak is diamond and the MMR is 3,950 on the European server. And the question that is asked here is, are cannons or I guess buildings in general, Inba? Or do I suck? And we're here to find out. The only true way to find out is to do some research over here on glittering ashes. Chudot. Chuda. It sounds like the start of a catchy French song. Shudo, Chuda. La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la. Anyway, Proto's versus Zerg here on glittering ashes. So we see our Zerg player opening up with a standard type of opener, overlord at a normal time. This is the type of stuff, you know, that keeps my heart at a very normal heart rate, which is important as well. It's very often on the Thursdays, you know, if I have a doctor's meeting on the first, Friday, my heart rate will still be at 160, 170 the day after. It's like, oh, hi, heart rate. Didn't I owe this again? I'm like, yes, Doc. Didn't I owe this again? This is going to be an early pool. I think this was a 16 pool, so that it's a little bit different, but it's a build that I don't even mind that much. You know, it's a twist. And in these lower levels, like the diamond, even if this is relatively high diamond, this type of build can catch your opponent off guard and can, you know, can trick your opponent can force them to do an incorrect response. Even at the higher level, sometimes at lower Grandmasters, I see Protoss players respond very poorly to an early pool because it is different from what they're used to. Okay. This is a Nexus first into a forge. I don't think this is necessarily good against an early pool, but it at least is a very straightforward defense for an early pool defense because you just have to build a cannon. Like if you're not planning on building a quick gateway, this makes life a lot easier. Perhaps Xactitude even was planning on a cannon rush. It could also have just been that this is how he likes to open with Nexus first into the forge. It is a relatively economically sound opener. There's a probe on the map as well. It's probably going to proxy something by the time the gateway and the cybernetics core finishes up, as six lings are now constructed. Forge is here. Now, one of the reasons, of course, why on lower levels we also often see 16 pool is because 16 pool is really good against cannon rush and at the lower level cannon rushes against Zerg are still relatively common Ooh I dig that Oh yes I do I actually really like that as an opener Canon Six lings through a cannon Don't like the movement here In this type of scenario where you're moving through a cannon What you want to do is minimize the amount of time that the cannon has to attack your units. If you've played any amount of tower defense, you know exactly where to place your cannons in the tower defense maze for the optimal amount of damage to these units. Now here you are basically the creeps in tower defense. So what you do is you go in, you move towards the left side. And that way you would have kept one extra link alive. And in, well, let's face it, that is a big percentage here of the amount of lings that you have. If you have four lings, and instead of four, now you have three, that is a two. 25% less lings than otherwise you would have had. Or otherwise if you go from 3 to 4, you now would have 33% more lings that you otherwise would have had. So that's a very big increase. You know, that's going from 100 euros to 133 euros. That's huge. Your control here on the lings also isn't exactly perfect, but you do force off a lot of mining. That's a kill on the... Yeah, well, could have done that for free probably. Should have been a kill there on the probe. This Protoss is still taking... I love this base. It's so fast. It's hidden. This is the type of stuff that if you do this in a lower level game, you're going to get away with it. Guaranteed. I'll guarantee you that. The one thing I am kind of worried about, though, is the fact that we do not have a single unit out so far, three minutes and 30 seconds into the game. Another thing that worries me is that we see 27 workers out currently on the map, which already is quite low. and we also already see three gases being taken. The faster you take your gases, the worse your eco is. I also can't imagine anything that requires three gases at this point in the game, unless you're planning on doing like a nitis off of two and a half bases, or I guess one and a half base because you don't even have proper saturation on your natural yet. This entire setup makes no sense. You're getting link speed, so it's not going to be a fast roach nidus. It's not going to be a queenitis, which by the way, let's face it, would work. So for what you have scouted is that your opponent hasn't taken any gas whatsoever. You see probes moving towards a third base, and you also see no gas over here. You could just be sending in this overlord for free to check when the gases are taken. As long as no gases are taken, you don't need to build any units. You can just literally purely build drones and maybe get eight lings, so you could have denied this base. because there wasn't a single unit, not a single unit, to get this base up. Now, cannons take 29 seconds and pylons take 18 seconds. You put these two together. You have 47 seconds. That gives you 47 seconds before there would be anything to defend this base. If you have four lings here, or you have two lings on this base and two lings on this base, your opponent would simply be incapable of expanding at any time. It would be impossible. You could not imagine a pylon being built and then a cannon being constructed. Like the moment you see that, you can just send all four of your lings there, take out the cannon. It would cost a lot of money for the Protoss to do that, and you're denying an entire base with just four cannons, while your opponent doesn't have any units. That would be a fantastic situation. Right now, though, because you haven't droned up very much, and your macro in the early game wasn't brilliant as you were down like 12 workers or so after your six lings entered his main base and he had no units to defense. Right now you're down 30 workers, but despite that I still like your position because your opponent has nothing. Now this is obviously not a very bright call splitting up 12 lings to go into different types of cannon setups. Go for a bailing bus on the cannon, the battery and then go for the probe. Now in this type of scenario usually, you know what? Usually here I'd say it's a good call to send the banlings in towards your opponent's mineral line. But in this specific case where there is no units, your opponent has zero units. Unit stab is empty, only probes, 64 probes. You could just kill the pylon with your baylinks or kill the batteries and the cannons and then just have the lings deal with the lings because there are no units to defend. He has nothing. If you kill the static defense, this base is undefended. There is nothing here to fight your units because there are no fighting units coming out of your opponent. All your opponent is actually just expanding. Your opponent is literally just expanding the entire time. This is a fifth base, I guess. No, yeah, fifth base because this was the fourth, this was the third. This is a sixth, this is a seventh. And while you're killing one base, he's constructing five more. Now, that is completely fine because this was a bad trade for your opponent. It looks like 20 workers. You took out this base, which is a big investment. This was a very good five. The next move that you're going to make, which would make sense to me, is either bust this or check if there are any other bases that you can take out. You have a crappton of lings. You have bainlings as well. You have an infinite amount of gas, because for whatever reason you decided to take three gas, which are never going to be able to spend, obviously. And now you find the next base and you're like, okay, I think I can take this out as well. And honestly, I agree with that. So we see some major focus on this cannon, some major focus on that as well. Now, your macro behind this isn't exactly brilliant. I mean, you're floating 17 larva and a bunch of... Ooh, more lings. instead of drones, okay. Now I'm starting to get a little words. At some point you will need to drone up and just taking out bases, especially with the speed that you're doing, isn't good enough. Right now there's also a full wall here. And there is no reason for you to try and bust a full wall if you're up to bases in your mind because your scouting hasn't been brilliant. You're not aware of the fact that there's a base here, a base here or a base here. So with the information that you have, The best thing to do for you would probably be to drone up and make sure there are no outside bases that are mining. This base is completely useless. I mean, it's great that your opponent invests 600 minerals in cannons, a battery 700 minerals, two pylons, 900 minerals, two assimulators, a thousand and 40 minerals, plus a nexus into it, 1,440 minerals, but there's not going to be any return on this nexus anytime soon. so you don't give a crap about this Nexus yet. If anything, you can get your opponent to build more workers here, and then when the target is juicy enough, you can say, okay, now I want to bust it, now I want to kill it. The same here. Why would you want to bust a wall like this? If you do not know if there's any other bases around, if you scout this base and take it out, and you drone up 20 more workers, you'll be up legit 20 workers, because there's about 20 workers here, and right now you're down 20 workers. So you build 20, you kill 20, boom, just like that, it shifts in your advantage. Instead of that, you're going to attack into a two-based Protoss player. You decide to bust two buildings at the same time. Then allow your opponent to wall you out with another pylon, while half of your army, not even like one-tenth of your army, is attacking a single cannon. Then the rest of your lings get sent to the left side now that you have finally breached. This makes absolutely no sense. You... Are you aware of this base? You are aware of this base. Like, you literally just breach your opponent's main base. And now you're sending half of your offensive resources to another side. I guess you're still going to kill everything here anyway. This is not going to be enough. Oh, you're going to kill the probe. Actually, I was just, I would have been called. I would have preferred if we just would have cleared this first and that. But I don't mind it too much. Right now, once again, you're... clearing literally 30 workers, these 44 Ling's, if they were just 22 drones at this point, you'd be so far ahead. Even now, you're extremely far ahead. The only thing that sucks is that your opponent finally is starting to build units. They finally realized that you can build units in this game that can attack lings. Oh, he attacked his own thing because these probes were stuck. I was like, why would he do that? Just empowered some buildings. Spire on the way. Okay, because you scouted the Stargates. Actually makes some sense. I wouldn't mind a spore either. I don't quite understand the Roach Warren. The scout here, you've got to explain this game to me. How is this diamond? And not just diamond, you know, diamond is a large range. This is the very top of diamond on my server. This is about, what is it, 2.5,000 MMR below me. I can't believe this is this close. Anyway, you scout, out four stargates, or three scar gates you scout, and your response is to get a Roach Warren, bailing speed and a Carapace upgrade. I feel like there are more pressing issues right now than a Roach Warren, bailing speed and a Carapace upgrade as you just busted your opponent's pace. But, you know, who am I? I've only been playing this game for 12 years. Once again, you're floating 13 larvae while also having 500 minerals and 400 gas in the bank. I just don't understand how this is possible. It is a miracle to me. You also don't have a single sport prepared despite scouting all of these stargates and once again, scouting the fact that there are oracles on the way. Now two oracles are going to enter your main base and you start building a sport. This is, um, this level of anticipation has rarely ever been shown before. The last time this was done was when the Netherlands, before World War II, decided that we were going to stay neutral. Except the opposing army didn't agree with it and attacked us and we weren't very ready. This is a very similar situation that you find yourself in. You decided to have no preparation whatsoever for the oracles and just take the damage. You've also killed 105 workers. How is this base still alive? I just don't even understand truly what's happening here. I'm not entirely... This is this. This is a bit of the first time you're building works again in like a minute or four. This entire game to me just makes no sense. From start to finish. What your opponent did made no sense. What you are still doing currently makes no sense. This base is empty. It doesn't even have a cannon. If you knew that this base existed, six lings could force either these oracles to use their energy here, or you could kill every single worker for free. This is just a complete lack of scouting and a lack of knowing what to do. You also have a spire and there's nothing that shoots up. You could build three mutas and these oracles would not be capable of dealing with it. You could build three corruptors and you could take out all yours. Why would you pull away from the spore here? It doesn't make any sense at all. It's not like there's two spores here. I guess you're building more spores so in the future it would be safe. But these decisions don't even make sense. Like, I... There's a single spore here, there was one spore here, and there's no spores here. You send them into... ...into an area where they're for sure going to die. It literally makes no sense. What is this? I just wanted to go again because I couldn't believe all that bainling you did. Look at these bainlings. Did he just manually detonate them on a nexus? Like what was more important at that moment than the bainling control? I guess taking out the assimilator requires your full attention. I cannot actually believe it is possible at this level to play a game where you don't build units for, well is it, nine minutes? while your opponent is Ling Bainbusting from 35 workers and you win This is so, so unreasonable Like it really just is so unreasonable I just don't understand it Like actually Sure glad we built the Rochevara Look at all these roaches that we've built this game. Wow, none of them on the units lost that. None of them currently in the unit staff. He actually built a single corruptor. I can't believe that a single corruptor could have won this. Look at this. Imagine we would have two. You would have been capable of fighting these phoenixes as well. Oh, come on. You can be serious. Man, I was having a good time roasting this guy, and then the proto's put it. That's just the. dick move isn't it? That's just not nice. I don't understand why that was necessary. Aw. Now feel a little bit bad. Look, I'm all for a little bit of banter and even bad manner. If your opponent is bad manner, it's fine. This Zerg wasn't bad manner. You just played poorly. Didn't scout. Don't, don't offensive, Gigi people. I actually think that's rude. I don't like that. Come on, man. Yeah, I really do not like that. No, I kind of hope that loser would have won this game. But I know it's not going to happen because there's nine workers. You know, he's moving the spores to the base where there's no workers. It's like, it's like these drones, they have, they really enjoy dangerous things without any pay-off whatsoever. It's just, it's like shattering a bottle of glass and then mixing it through your soup. It's like, what really is the purpose? It's like your soup isn't going to taste better. You might cut open your throat. It's not very funny. There is not a fun risk, you know. There are fun risks to take. But this is not a... Like, why are you? You have three perfectly fine sports over here. Why would you be rallying your drones to that base? It just doesn't make any sense. I love how he transfers. From the fourth base without any spores to the third base. That doesn't have any spores. Oh, we weren't safe at this edge. Now we're not safe at this edge. Well, that's a great... change of uh great change of scenery over here at least can you're looking at this even is this like a conveyor belt that carries gold the gold is floating on top of it as well if you pay attention to it doesn't abide by the laws of gravity fantastic stuff for void raising construction in production whatever it is and more bases obviously more bases and more probes i feel like exactitude really took the the probes and pylon lesson very serious where the day nine daily back in 2011 was like, all right. This is how he's been playing for the past 11 years. Poor Voidreys make their way into the main. See that there's one sport and a drone. Kill the drone and piss off. You know, two queens and transfuse. You actually can do something, but not forever. There's Voidres. There's overlords that are just empty here. Spire's going to get snibed. I was kind of hoping. I also, yeah. I was kind of hoping that a couple of... drones maybe could save this, but this is just going to be practically impossible. This is a sad ending. If exact the truth, wouldn't it? Oh, even GGs. I think it takes a very big person, you know, mentally strong to Gigi. I'll give you that. You know, you have Luzerk, despite all your flaws, your failures as a human being, your general poor play, you have strong mental resilience, and you're going to get there eventually. If someone aggressively GGs you after only building probes and cannons for the first nine minutes and you tap out while saying Gigi, that is some solid mental resilience and I applaud you for it. What I don't applaud you for, however, is your piss-poor decision-making, your terrible opener with a fast three gas while going for a two-based bailing bus. If your plan is to go for a two-based bailing bus, I honestly believe you don't require a quick layer, which is 100 gas that you could have saved, also 150 minerals that you could. have saved. You wouldn't need a third gas either. And you probably could have slightly more drones on top of that as well. I think all of these definitely would be considered mistakes. Your priority with the targeting of the banlings was almost always incorrect. Very often you just could have cleared the pylon which would have depowered the cannons and the batteries. Rather than doing that you just kind of go first on the cannon, then on the battery, then on the cannon again, or in like the second cannon. It isn't brilliant. You waited too long with breaching the natural of your opponent as well, which allowed them to get a wall, which made that a lot more expensive. You never scouted for any of the outside bases, where sometimes, for example, on what was it, like the 8th base, it was just a bunch of probes without any cans, but even the far left side base or the right side bases were pretty vulnerable for a very long period, honestly, especially when the Stargates weren't up on that right side base yet. You definitely could have busted that a bit earlier. You should have droned up like 50 times during this game. You said your micro, macro and multitask were great. You didn't have the multitask once. The only multitasking you did was trying to run banlings into a mineral line while simultaneously zerglings destroying a main base of your opponent. But they did that fine by themselves because there was nothing else left there to control. When you actually had the micro, you popped banlings into a nexus for some reason. Your initial split of zerglings in your first push, I forgot about that, where you just sent six zerglings to the dead on the right side and four zirglings to the dead on the left side made no sense whatsoever either so yeah your micro well your macro you're consistently uh floating larva as well which it doesn't even make any this is that's the thing that often pisses me off is that if you're bad at something at least let it make sense like if you can't control two armies at the same time that makes sense to me that's difficult but injecting is difficult it requires time pressing your hotkey for your hatcheries then select larva and then holding down the drone button for two and a half seconds does not even require any effort. You don't even have to look at it. And yet I see you consistently floating 18 larva. And that is something I don't understand. I also don't understand why if you scout four Stargates producing oracles, why you wouldn't get a single spore or a single corrupter if you have a spire out. Why is the priority to get a Roachwaran and nothing else? Why do you pull drones into oracles while you have a sport defending that base? Just a lot of things didn't make any sense. And I'm not even sure if you suck necessarily. It doesn't feel like your mechanics are that bad. It just feels like you're not doing the right thing with the mechanics. I just actually do not understand why you do the things that you do. And that's what frustrates me. And that's why sadly I have to tell you, my friend, that you suck and that not and that not building units for nine minutes and then going into four oracles is not actually imbalanced. You actually just suck. I'm sorry. All right. That's going to be it for today's episode of beating Grandmaster with stupid stuff. Thank you all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy it. If you did, don't forget, did the like button. Subscribe to the channel and hopefully I'll see all of you next time for a new video. Thank you for watching and bye. Bye. |
DON'T SHOOT YOUR OWN UNITS YOU SIMPLETON!!! | Is It Imba Or Do I Suck | Special guest today... VERY special... I have to take a vacation after this guys... I am bald, was lied to and used for my clout. Like, subscribe, comment, I'll be on Hawaii for a week, see you then! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/UMK1udoo8Cfunnpt6 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #StarCraft2 | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/791d5embIDU/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 791d5embIDU | Dear Harstem, Terran is just broken. They can just do whatever they want with no consequence. Buildings that can be repaired and defend themselves. Early pressure with eco behind. No SUVs? No worries. Just drop mules. But the worst thing about Terran are cyclones and widow mines. Just so easy to abuse both. Cyclones outrange everything and can just kite you for days back into the widow mine lines. There is nothing I could do. I tried sentries to keep them close to me. It is impossible to land force fields. Cyclones are too fast. In this game, I defended the early game pressure very well. Suffered no worker casualties and then went and killed a bunch of SCVs, but the Terran didn't care. I scouted his hidden third base, but he just came and kept sniping my third and fourth bases. Every time it was impossible for me to take a good fight. He would just run away and scan, so I would keep taking damage. I felt like my hands were tight. This made me very upset. Please capitam. This unit just feels like it allows for no counterplay. The Terran had such bad eco, but could hold of everything I had. To me, it seems like the real question isn't if I suck, but who would win? 16 roly boys? Or aliens with technology so advanced we can't even imagine it? I think we already know the answer, though. I think we do. I just love that he said, this made me very obvious. upset. It's such a statement, you know, a strong statement, but it feels like there's no real emotion. This made me very upset. And then his name is Wolfie, and he has in parentheses behind it, Wolfie Ra, shout out to my boy White Ra. Now look, I'm all for, you know, having fun whenever we can, but this is a serious form that you have to fill in in order for me to read it, and you decide to give a shout out to your boy, White Ra. Do you also do you also do? this when you're applying for a job. And on your resume, your name is Alexander, and then you do a shoutout to King Alexander the 4th or something like that. It's just a really weird thing to do. This is not the place nor the time to make a shout out on your name, on this very serious form. So please refrain from doing this in the future. You will just not be picked ever again. See this as a warning for everyone. Anyway, the race is Protoss, the leak is diamond, the server is an A, and the MMR is 30200. So, my friends, is it Inba? Or does he suck? And in order to investigate that claim, we're here on Burlingrad, Wolfira versus our barcode Terran player, 3.2K diamond game from North America. Now, I would like to mention one more thing here, Wolfyra. Also, if you have to explain, like everyone that sees Wolfhira and it is aware of who Wydra is, will know what it is. you don't have to explain that anymore. It's a little bit like having to explain a joke or a pun. You know, if you go like, if you were a fruit, you'd be a fine apple. And then if no one laughs at it, then you go into responding, you see, well, I think you're fine. And a pineapple sounds like fine apple. And I said if you were a fruit. And then people find you even weirder than before you made the fine apple joke, because puns generally are not very funny. And it's the same with if you have a shout-up. and the shout-out is technically already in your name. You don't have to do it again. It's kind of... You kind of double it in that case. This is also impressive reaction time, I have to admit, by you. I always like to, you know, just go over the time you have from danger to the time that you had to respond to still make it a fine situation. Your opponent pulls five workers to fight off your one probe. This is fantastic. And at 110, 10, 10, you're aware of this. However, you are not doing anything and in the first, well, I think you had three to four seconds. Actually not too much time. But if you're busy harassing over here, it probably is a key thing to look at that worker. Because this probe, no matter how much you're going to look at it, isn't going to fight this one SVV any better. Now, you had a pylon on the low ground already, as well as a gateway, and you kill the worker. So you can just throw down a cybernetic corps, pull two to three workers to kill this eBay really fast and build a nexus. A zealot here is kind of wasted. Well, not kind of wasted. It's extremely wasted money. You didn't have gas either. But it's a painful start for you. So you lost your scouting probe. You're getting eBay blocked and you're getting a zealot and you forgot your gas. This is the type of start that if I would have it, I would already be back in the lobby. You know, back in the loading screen. Searching for my next game. There's no way that I'd stay in here. This is absolutely awful. Your nexus is delayed for no real reason because you wanted to do. zealot. You could have just pulled workers, killed the eBay faster and saved more money. Don't forget that for every second a worker isn't working, he costs about one mineral. Now, that means if you pull three workers for about, what is it, 15 seconds or two extra workers for 15 seconds, you're going to be losing like 45 minerals or so. And you get the eBay down a lot faster as well, which is good. And on top of that, you're less likely to be supply blocked so you can continue your worker production. All of these things are positives. if you hadn't noticed yet. So, yes, I would say pull extra workers, especially if the eBay is that low. Now, if that eBay already is like 99% done and then you realize there's an eBay, sure, get a zealot. It's probably going to be faster to get a zealot rather than having to pull six workers for two and a half minutes attacking that eBay. Now, because you lost your scouting probe, you have no information whatsoever. Your zealot stayed at home after killing the eBay for a fair amount of time I can only imagine. I'm not quite sure doing what. I think you did, did you spot that? I think you did, right? Bum-pum-b-dum. Yep, definitely did see that. Okay, well, you're also going to get destroyed most likely by these two marauders. See you get a stalker, or you have a robotics facility on the way. No worker production here whatsoever, for whatever reason. I do not quite understand why. You do get the important information that there's three marauders on the way. That is actually extremely important because it allows you to get a battery. Without a battery, you can't hold. Single battery is going to be enough, your Nexus will finish in time as well. And you also see that there's a Nexus, so you know it's not a one base all in. You know it's going to be a non, not very dedicated attack here. Single battery will be enough. 100 energy on the battery, plus the potential for a super battery, or I think the actual name is battery overcharge, but we like to call it a super battery because it's super powerful. And you also have a robotics facility on the way. So with an immortal, you're absolutely going to be able to completely destroy these marauders. Now, on top of that, you're not producing any workers whatsoever, or hard, no, actually, not any workers whatsoever, which is bad. Your positioning of the units is bad because your stalker was too far forward. Your adept couldn't fight. Could have just fought here on the top side being healed by this single battery. Now, both batteries are practically empty at this point. You still haven't built a single worker. So despite this marauder attack being completely useless here, you're actually behind. which is impressive because in reality your opponent lost more than you. You have the perfect tech to deal with this. You still have the perfect tech to deal with any potential cyclone follow-ups as well. You can get a prism to pick up your immortals if you want to. So your position should have been very good, but because you haven't been macroing, it's actually quite bad. And that sucks. Your follow-up is going to be two extra gateways. And whenever I see infrastructure being produced, I always want to ask myself, hey, what is the goal going to be with these two extra gateways? So these two gateways will provide value about 53 seconds or so after they're being warped in. So this feels a little bit to me like it's going to be some type of push. Do I like this type of push? Generally, generally no. The reason for that is because it's going to hit way too late. Your opponent is already aware that there's a robotic facility out as well. If this was a more standard gaming, your opponent would have even gotten a single tank or a bunker, you would have been completely dead. Against a mine drop, you would have been in major trouble as well. A, because you don't have units in the correct position, and B, because the moment there's a mind drop, you need to leave units in your base at all times, and that means that your push is going to be way too small. So, yeah, had this Tarran built a bunker or a tank or anything slightly standard, you'd have been in a world of trouble. Right now, because your opponent is playing Triple Factory Cyclone, which is something I honestly haven't seen since early 2017 you might actually be in an okay spot but you shouldn't be and that's what's important to remember as well winning is important of course don't get me wrong if you win that would be very cool but you shouldn't win at least in my mind you shouldn't win you're going to start morphing in some you're warping in some units over here morphing twilight council gets built as well to extra gases so this push I just want to talk about this really little bit. I see this stuff a lot and that's that's an issue where people they go for a push that has the investment of an all-in and the reward of a semi-all-in or perhaps a minor poke. If you're going to all-in in any type of scenario, you should really commit to that all-in. It makes no sense that if you're trying to maximize some type of timing in which you're investing not just a lot of money, but also a lot of resources. And you know that you're going lose these units most likely, right? This is a standard timing for Stim to finish. You don't have blink. You don't have any mechanic to be capable of running away. So if you lose the fight, you'll lose all of this. This is a committed army. That means that you want to make this army as strong as possible. If you don't want to make a committed army, you should go for some type of harassment army. Get a couple of blink stalkers. Get a dark templar drop. Start with an Oracle. I don't care. But this is an army that's supposed to commit. It then makes no sense to not maximize that timing. There is no future for you in a normal game if this push doesn't just straight up kill or do you a crap ton of damage. Right now what you're doing is kind of the in-between road. It's not an all-in. It's not a macro build with some harassment. It's an all-in with a late Twilight Council, but also an all-in with very little power. And you're Usually these don't tend to work, even at the lower levels, or maybe especially at the lower levels. Anyway, six cyclones are out already over here. Seven cyclones actually out. Can I count correctly? Yes, I can count correctly. I believe we already have the rockets. I keep forgetting what they're called. Super space missiles or something like that. Ultra rockets. What was that? Where were you going? I was just looking at the meaning map. I just want to make sure that I saw this correct. I'm just going to speed it up. You poked up to see. Can I still not walk here? I haven't been in mind yet. I don't know why, but it makes me really happy when people make this type of mistake. You sometimes have it as well when you're walking on the street, you know, you're walking on the street and all of a sudden you realize that you're walking in the incorrect direction. You know, this happens. Even if it's a street, you walk many times. Like, oh, that's not where I'm supposed to go. And what I very often do is pretend that I receive some type of new information. I'll do like, oh, and then pretend like I forgot something at home. Or I look at my phone and go, ah, rather than just turning around in the middle of the street. Because no one would care. And here, I feel like Wolfie Rat tried to do something similar here, you know? He walked in there and pretended like it was intended and then just walked, whoop, straight to the other side. This push actually looks like there has some real potential, by the way. with a couple of decent force fields could really achieve something here okay well now it's going to be a lot harder with losing four stalkers already but maybe still with force fields it's possible definitely want to be getting that prism over here because the prism is one of the few mechanisms uh with which you can cancel the cyclone lock on at this point i'll think you should just really run away use the prism to evacuate it's the only thing you can truly do you can't lose every single unit here you are going to lose every single unit this point this game is actually looks fairly over. Third base is on the way. You have 42 workers. There is a hidden third base, which I think you even mentioned in your balanced complaint form that you're going to scout it later on. I'm so I'm curious to see about that as well. This guy already has the halions on the way or the blue flame helion. It's looking like a pretty bad game for you right now, but you can still take correct paths from this point on as well. So if you're playing against someone that's playing pure cyclone. Most of the time they're going to follow this up with helions, mines or tanks, that type of stuff. I think the one thing that is fairly obvious, which is a good call, is the disruptor. Yeah, I was going to say, if you get a Robo Bay right now, this is still somewhat of a salvageable position. It is difficult for Terran players that are playing Mac to actually kill Protoss players, because Protoss is pretty strong defensively, and Mac, while it's on the map, is extremely vulnerable. Mac is only good if it is in a siege position, and even then, if it's not a siege position with a wall behind it or a wall on the side, it's fairly easy to flank it. There's also issues, of course, if you move out with Mac, that base trades can happen. So Mac just has a lot of issues, and one of those issues that you can finish is that allows Protoss players to sometimes come back into games in which they have no business being in whatsoever. Double Forge, I'm not a huge fan of. Armour upgrades just don't do too much against Mac units, majority of the time. Meg units are known for their very high kind of single damage outputs, so like a very high number. So like one armor doesn't do much. Well, if you have units with a way higher rate of fire, armor is going to be way more useful because the armor counts more and more. For the people that don't know, armor takes off one damage. Every armor point takes off one damage of your opponent's attack. So if you have two armor and your opponent usually deals five damage, it will only deal three damage. If you have a very high fire rate, like a Marine, then yeah, armor upgrade. are fantastic, but against a tank with a low fire rate, very high point damage, and yeah, armor is pretty useless. So we often only see attack upgrades coming out of Protoss players, and that allows for more tech as well. We have some sentries in position, a couple of batteries here as well. This is a fight you can probably, well, not, well, maybe actually you can win. He's targeting your nexus down. Should probably heal that with one of the super batteries. Might have still fallen, though. First wheels also weren't good. If you had responded in time with the force fields, or if the forsoot would have been in the correct position. I'm not saying you necessarily would have held the Nexus, but you definitely would have had an even better fight. And even this was kind of okay. Resources lost is still pretty close. You have your disruptors on the way, so now you have a unit that Terran absolutely has nothing against, as long as you fire the disruptor shot just barely in time or just in time. You're always going to be fine. Disruptors have fantastic range. You can force the cyclones out of their least range. and that is really the only thing that often matters. If you have enough disruptors, you can push a Terran army back really easily. So the moment disruptors come out, Terran is forced to transition into tanks, which has slightly less range than a disruptor, but it's a lot harder to fight against as the disruptor player, especially if you don't have full vision. Dark Shrine, I know when behind Dark Shrine, but often against Mac games, it's not actually the correct call. The reason for that is with Mac, you tend to have quite some minerals floating. You can build extra command centers. You can easily afford Tourette. And on top of that, the Terran also tends to be at home, which makes defending any type of run bys a lot easier. If you're going to do anything, I much prefer just seeing salads, honestly, majority of the time. Just salads are good. If you can get them in the main base with a prism, that's good. But otherwise, meh, not so much. You still really haven't scouted the third base. I don't think you can say I scouted the third base. Like it's a big deal. If you do it five minutes after that third base, base was built. I think this thing actually went down at like the six minute mark or so. The base is practically mined out. It's like, yeah, well, it's great that you scouted it, but it's a little bit late. That's like me scouting Cerro's mutas as they hit my main base. Like, well, I scouted the mutas as they were killing my probes and still I couldn't win. Like, well, that's not entirely how StarCraft 2 works. Okay. When I saw Disruptors, I was happy. When I saw this first purification Nova come out of the Disruptor, chase these stalkers and then kill one stalker and damage two pilots, I was a little bit less happy. And I am actually a little bit afraid right now. Okay? So so far you've shot three purification novas. You killed two stalkers and the third one hit absolutely nothing. This has to be some type of record in the negative sense of the word. This is extremely poor. as really not how they're supposed to be used. I'm not sure how you do, but what I feel like you're doing is you use the purification of it and select your entire army and then click it back on the same spot. And then the ball gets used as well and it moves to where your army is moving. That is not quite what you want often. If you're not quite sure what to do, just shoot the ball and then I'll control anything else. Just control the disruptors. Trust me, buddy, you're going to be just fine because that's what I do as well. Just shoot the ball and then you'll see what happens from that. point on out. Five more zealots on the way without charge. Very useful addition to this army, I have to admit. Even with charge, I don't think they'd be too useful. Without charge, they're completely useless. Oh, we might actually just use them for spreading out some units around the left. In that case, I don't mind it too much. Just probes are cheaper for that purpose. Moving disruptors. You still haven't scouted this third base. Okay, I'm going to raise another point here. if in the, first of all, in the imbalance complaint form, no shoutouts, rule number one, and number two, no lies or practically lies. Like, technically, I'm sure you're still going to scout your opponent's hidden third base, but you're not allowed to say you scouted your opponent's hidden third base if you scouted like eight minutes after it went down. That is just actually not allowed. Okay, this is, this is practically lying. I know technically it's not lying, but we don't work with technicalities here. This is lying. Wolfira is a liar and made a shout out on his resume. And we don't allow either of these things. You lose the base, but you kill a bunch of cyclons. Honestly, not a bad trade. This is kind of how you're supposed to use it. Now these disruptors have some purpose. I like it. Of course, the disruptors also an absolute king unit. Or actually, the queen is more powerful in chess. It's a queen unit like the queen in chess at taking out widow mines. Because widow mines are static and you don't need detection. your purification nova to hit. So you can just throw your purification novas because you know there's mines here because you've lost two probes here already. Once again, someone without object permanent. Now you scout the fourth base, which you believe to be the third base. Now, this is not how it works. This is not how it works. If you scout something in the order that it wasn't built in, then that doesn't mean all of a sudden that the order you scout things in is how it is built. That sentence made no sense. I'm going to explain it. Imagine we have Wolfira and he's a completely blank slate hasn't seen anything in his life yet before. He's born. We take him to the hospital. Seize the hospital. Second thing, we take him to the supermarket. She's the supermarket. Then we take him to the pyramids in Egypt with the logic that he used in this game, he would conclude that the hospital and the supermarket were big. built before the pyramids in Egypt, which is obviously false. Just like it's false that he scouted the third base, you scout the fourth base and you take out the SCV that was building it. That is very different from scouting the third base. And the fact that you think this is a third base is a testament to your extremely poor scouting, which, to be quite frank, you haven't done whatsoever yet this game. You have no vision whatsoever on the factories. You have no vision on even if there is a third base over here or a third base over here or a base over here or a base over here or even over here you haven't quite seen yet. Maybe you would have seen the top side. You have zero information. You don't know infrastructure. Don't know production. You don't know how many armories there are. You don't know how many ghost academies. Okay, to be fair, I hadn't seen that either. I'm going to let the ghost academies slip. The fact that you didn't know, there weren't any, there were two ghost academies on the map. I will not make fun of you for that. Because quite frankly, that is kind of wild. And even if you would have seen it, you might have. thought it's like an illusion, you know, if you're walking in the, what's the word for those? If you walk in the desert and you think you see some water, there's a specific word for that that I just can't quite get to and that is absolutely unbelievable. Anyway, your position, honestly, despite all of your failures in the early part of the game, the mid part of the game, and the current state of the game, you're still in an okay position. You're completely fine. except for the fact that you have no vision on the map, your army is very well equipped to deal with your opponent's army. You have a high disruptor count. You have eight to be exact. Your opponent has 14 cyclones. That means that if every disruptor takes out one cyclone, you're going to be absolutely golden. But because you have no vision, you cannot bring your units in position before the fight. So here you have another fight where you kill half a cyclone and you lose 10 stalkers. Disruptors are moving in. Okay, three halberts have one of your own pylons, but I like killing the three halberts. And you lose your base. Okay, mines also are going to get taken out. Still, despite this, not being great, hello. Shoot! Shoot! Sh, the purification nova. If you're building eight disruptors, it's very important that you use them properly. If you have eight disruptors, you can throw a Nova basically every three seconds, every two seconds, two and a half seconds. and you will still always have a Nova available. This is very big and it's something that you definitely should be using here. I like this move out of the Terran a lot by the way. So I just want to point out the difference here. So your run by without charge gets caught by a bunch of units. Your opponent run by doesn't get caught because you weren't in position because you just F2A move with your entire army across the map, despite you actually having an army in position that could have potentially dealt with this. this. You haven't rebuilt your base yet despite having 2,100 minerals. You still have no vision whatsoever on the map. So both of you kill a base, but your run by got completely cleaned up. And also, this was very preventable. While this wasn't preventable, your army right now is stronger than your opponents and does you have control. Your opponent played this out pretty well for how bad of a spot he is in, because let's face it, he's actually in a bad spot. You're ahead. You're actually quite far ahead. Disruptors are just going to give you so much value in every single fight from this point on that I kind of have a difficult time seeing how you're going to be losing this game. Once again, okay, well, this is really bad. You just walked into four mines. Every single one shot. The cyclones did some damage. He still haven't rebuilt any of the bases yet either. Still, you kind of push it away. I honestly wouldn't feel so uncomfortable in this position. Just because you still have such a large immortal count. Or the immortal count, disruptor count, excuse me. Now this stalker run by obviously makes no sense whatsoever. Because the main reason why your army is good is because of the disruptor. And the one thing your army is really bad against is when you don't have anything to zone or anything to catch these cyclones with. And what do you end up doing? You split up your army in two parts, making it easier for your opponent to fight these individual parts of the army. A, because they're quite small. and be because they should never be capable of catching cyclones. Like if this army was together and you walked into it, like what's about to happen here, you're just going to lose a bunch of your stalkers. Thought of that, you're attacking into a planetary, which is the third base, by the way. This is the third base. There's also a base over here, which is a planetary. Oh, you had something about that, didn't you? I kind of wanted to read that. What was it again? Buildings that can be repaired and defend themselves. Now, this is not actually something that is unique to the Terran race. Yes, the fact that it's called repair is unique to the Terran race. So once again, on a technicality, you could have me here. I'm sure that a judge might say, well, technically, Terran is the only race that can repair buildings that can defend themselves. But a cannon can be healed by a battery. Spine crawlers and spore crawlers can also be healed by transfuse. And also, I believe they have standard regeneration as all. But I'm not entirely sure about that right now, now that I'm put on the spot. So Hamster will have a nice little annotation making fun of me playing this game for 12. 12 years. It's just stupid. Very funny. But yeah, it's just a weird thing to complain about. Everyone has static defense. If you were going to complain about the fact that they have static defense, complain about the fact that their static defense is 1,500 minerals or it's like a command center or something. But to fair, it's really expensive as well. I don't actually think it's that weird. It makes some sense. But once again, your disruptors, fantastic traits all around. Like the answer is right in front of you, but rather than using it, Just kill your own immortal. Rather than using that in the offense, which, by the way, disruptors are so good at killing planetaries because you force your opponents to move the SEVs away with the repair. Like the Disruptor is such a key unit in breaking siege positions with planetaries. Great against minds. Honestly, great against everything your opponent has right now. And it's just tilting me. Like I feel my body temperature just rising because you're not used. Because you're not using them. Now finally you use them. You still have no vision whatsoever at home or anywhere on the map. Why are you just using your stalkers? It just makes no sense. Just none. You could have done this five minutes. Not all at the same time though. You still have one available. There's one here. What is this reaction speed? I'll see this fight again. Okay. So, okay. This is a planetary that has like almost no HP left. You know that if you just shoot two shots or one shot at a time, these SEVs can never repair. And also the purification orb, it's called. I call it was called a purification nova. It's an orb. Purification orb. It moves in. It also deals damage by itself. So this thing is going to go down with two or three well-timed purification Orbs with a bit of an interval in between them. Instead, you shoot six. Three of them don't even deal damage to this. Then you have one purification orb available as your opponent's army pushes in. You wait until your opponent gets a lock-on on your disruptor, then you shoot it, and it barely dies. And even if it wouldn't have died, it only would have gotten a single cyclone. And this is how you lose the game. This is literally it. After everything you've done wrong in this game, your complete lack of scouting, your lack of map control, the lack of knowledge of the fact that there's a hidden third base for 10 minutes into the game, literally everything so far you've done wrong, you stayed in the game because of the disruptor, then you take the worst fight that I've seen in probably my entire life. Every single thing you did there was incorrect. You could have done, you know, sometimes you have like these simulations where you can simulate a fight like a million times. if you could simulate this fight a million times, this was the worst possibility out of all of them. There is nothing that you could have done that would have been worse. Mainly because the majority of your army consisted of disruptor, so you couldn't have even killed your own army there. Like, you literally just used this. It's actually difficult to imagine another human being having a worse fight than this. I can't stress this enough. and even at this point now okay you're actually dead now it's actually over I'm not gonna for them maybe no it's not it's over it's over nothing left for you here to do it's time to leave this game gonna lose your sentries have a single DT warp in is this your first DT that you're building by the way nice darks fine 14 disruptors have been lost I actually can't believe that you lost more units playing disruptors against someone that played mine cyclone. This is actually incomprehensible to me. In my mind, this is a hard counter. Like, the unit that is the best against cyclone mine is the disruptor. I don't understand how you can trade poorly with this. Like, I don't even know how I can truly advise her. Like, you're just lacking everything from start to finish. You have no scouting, no information. You have poor eco, bad unit positioning, poor unit control. You had the correct army composition. I applaud you for that. But, I mean, like the first three shots, you shot two stalkers, a pylon, and this piece of grass, which we're never going to see grass grow there anymore. He's been nuked very thoroughly by you. But it's, I am not quite sure if there's anything that I can say here is like theory-wise that would even help. Like, you just, you need to work on the execution on every single level. of your play from start to finish. You have two little workers at the start as well. You just stop building workers. Your early game responses were also very incorrect, by the way. Your build order in general made no sense. So kind of add that on top of the list as well. I honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised if this Terran, if he would have lost, if he also would have sent in this replay. Because this was actually a little bit ridiculous. Like Mac is really bad against Protols. Tanks, at least, I can see how you can lose against. But pure cyclone mine, it is. difficult to lose against pure cyclone mine. I do not understand how it is possible that you can lose to that, especially if you have the correct unit composition and your eco wasn't even that far down, or your bank and your overall supply. Sorry, my friend, cyclone mine is not in balance. You just really, really sucked. That's the harsh reality. I'm sorry, my friend. I'm sorry. All right. That was it for Wolfie Wolfie Ra, shout out to my boy, White Ra. No shout-out, rule number one. Thanks all so much for watching this episode of Is It Inba or Do I Suck? If you perhaps enjoyed this episode, don't forget to hit the like button, which is down here, the subscription button, which is up here. Leave a comment down below what you thought of Wolfie, Wolfie Ra, shout out to my boy, Wydra. And if you don't have anything else to say, be sure to leave a shout out to Wydra in the comment section down below as well. No shout out, rule number one. Thanks for watching and bye-bye. |
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