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This Guy Might As Well Be A Cat... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Does your pet have an active SC2 account? Might be a way to save the game from it's inevitable death! So maybe we should thank Requim, our lord and saviour, after all..? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Z1ebmbFW-_E/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Z1ebmbFW-_E | He pulled probes into the nuke. Maybe he's never seen nukes before. He's like a cat following the red laser. Hi, Harstem. I don't even know what to say. The replay is pretty self-explanatory. Terran is freaking borken. The only solution is to switch to Terran or we're all going to be doomed. Terran has tanks. Bio for ages. They can turtle on two bases and nuke the opponent all. day. Well, the Protoss players actually playing, macroing, making 110 probes, not getting supply block very much for 2.9K, taking bases for ages, and actually microing. Even the widow mine drop. I pulled my probes about as well as is humanly possible, but still he kills most of them. This fool even opened up with an unscouted proxy wrecks in my main, which I killed off with minimal damage, and still he wins. Harstem. Please, captain, please tell me, is it really not. not I-M-B-A, do I really suck this badly? What is the meaning of this? I am going to lose my mind if I keep playing against brain-dead idiots like this. This odd imbalance complaint form was sent in to me by Requiem from the North American server at Platinum level 2,900 MMR, asking whether Terran is imbalanced or if he sucks. All right, boys and girls, this is definitely going to be a banger as the, you can title the replays in StarCraft 2 as well, or you can name them. And the title of this particular replay was, I hate this game. In general, this imbalance complaint form, I felt a lot of kind of teenage angst in there. You know, it feels like Requiem. He is, there's deep unsolved issues, at least, at least within StarCraft 2. At least within StarCraft 2. Another reason why I think this is going to be such a sick episode is because Requiem was complaining about two-base turtling with ghost, which while mass-nuking. Two-base turtling while mass-nuking, which I am very curious to see. Like, although I guess it is technically possible, although it is technically possible that you can go for two-base turtle into nuke, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to do. This is the equivalent of going into your boss. his office, telling him that his wife smells and his kids are ugly, it's like, interesting move, but not sure how great it's going to be for your career, you know? And it is the same with two-based turtling and ghost, because if you're turtling, you're not on the map. You have no presence on the map. It should be really easy for the defending party against a turtling player to just defend, to not get nuked. You can just find the ghost and kill them, because They have no support. They're by themselves. Your opponent isn't being active on the map as they're turtling on two base. So I'm really curious how this is all going to play out. You open up with a 17 Nexus, which is a cool build order. And is now going to go for a second pylon proxy. I would have much preferred seeing that a little bit closer to the opponent's base, but I don't mind it. Thought of that, we also have a barracks in the natural base, which is technically the main, because the main and natural is the same here, of Requiem, which went in unspotted, despite being capable of being spotted because it's in vision of the Nexus. You can see it, but I'm not going to flame him too much for that. Maybe he was stabbing out. He was changing his music on Spotify or, you know, listening to sounds of the ocean and the 10 hours, you know, the 10 hour-long video just ended and he had to start it over again. These things are possible. I'm not going to flame him for that. This bunker, however, is going to finish. You're going to need a pilot plus battery. And then I think you want to get stalkers out as soon as you can. For now we have no units quite yet. First adapt finishes now. I think you immediately want to start a stalker. This is obviously not the correct position for your next pylon. And you know what's funny is that this pylon never makes any sense. I'm actually going to pause here for a second. Look at the situation we find ourselves in. Okay. We're in a situation right now where our warp gate is almost done. Okay. If we build a gateway right now, the moment that gateway. finish finishes, it can warp in. We don't need new supply. Okay. We don't need new supply. What we do need is a pylon over here for a battery. But this pylon does nothing. It doesn't provide a supply that we need. It does take away from minerals that we could invest into a stalker. And if you're going to build a pylon anywhere, it should be here. So this pylon is wrong in multiple ways, which is impressive because it is just a pylon. But in this case, actually quite important. love to see a pylon here plus battery or another gate being at what what is he defending from the five marines oh he thinks this is an all-in he's going to give up his natural he's going to defend his main base against this i'm oh he just has a completely way of viewing this game. A wrong way, but a completely different way. Minimal damage. He lost his nexus, build a battery, stopped building workers for the past minute and a half. How is this even possible? Now he's counterattacking with an adapt? This adept is idling, it's warping in another one. This battery was absolutely not necessary. And if it was necessary, it would have been over here to save this base. He's going to rebuild. I mean, it technically is true that he's taken less damage than he dealt to his opponent, right? He lost 400 minerals here, his opponent invested 150 minerals and built like freaking 6-7 marines, which all died. So probably overall this was a good trade, if you look at it directly. However, you are being outmined by your opponent because Terran has mules, so one base versus one base is always bad. What? I'm confused by the what? Very much so. I completely lost track. Was I going to say, oh, right. It just... And he could have just held it by building a battery over here, which he ended up doing here, losing the battery, and then rebuilding it after killing all of the Marines. Like, these are some... seriously bad decisions. It probably still is fine because your Nexus is done now. You are down in tech by a lot. Just now getting your robo and your forge. I'm not sure about the forge. Don't mind the robe. I would have preferred seeing maybe a twilight, but whatever. Like your opponent is already done with the one-one-one, is building his second barracks. It's now going for a mine drop. There's a bunker upstairs, which I'm pretty sure you're aware of. You've seen a factory as well. So this attack makes legitimately no sense at all. Like, legitimately no sense at all. Not sure if that's been spotted. Like, you should not be capable of getting any damage here in a million years. The only time you're going to be capable of dealing damage is if your opponent is counter-attacking you right now. Or is going for like a freaking two-benchy push or a double cyclone drop. And in that case, you probably want to be home as well. Leave one adept in front of your opponent's base, send the rest of the units home. Now, here comes the mine drop, which, if I quote correctly from memory, was defended as well, or the pro pool was as good as humanly possible. I believe that's what was said. Oh, that's actually true. As good as humanly possible. Unless you count the second two, my number two and, my number three and four. The second half of this attack was probably as bad as humanly possible. I feel like with that last mine, if you just A-moved with all of his workers, rather than clicking next to it and then going back home, you would have just killed it before it would have shot. If only one of those two shots would have hit, especially if it was just the first one out of the two big ones, it would have been a fine game. It actually would have been a fine game. Right now, though, you're in a situation where it sucks. You're not in a good spot. You lost a lot of workers. your opponent steals the two mines alive. This Taron is really not that bad. I'm kind of impressed by the Terran. He's doing a good job. I'm not so impressed by his build order, because now it has a tech lab on this starboard. That should probably be a reactor. We have a second eBay coming in as well. On two bases, I'm not a huge fan of that. Viking tank marauder taking out this gateway, which you love to see. Requiem now realizes, hey, wait a second. Didn't he have a bunker over here and a full wall? Let me attack with about the same size army that I attacked with three minutes ago, because it's been terrible back then. It's probably going to go much better now. Let's hope he built zero units during this period and sold his bunker. Ah, dang of the tank. It happens to the best. Let's just go back home, boys. All right, just going to check to make sure the Viking Marauder Medevac isn't here anymore. Maybe you're looking for a proxy base? Does this player know, does Requiem know that if you're even in bases, against the Terran, you're losing. He's pretending here, like his opponent is like turtling on two base while he's massively outmining his opponent. He's being outmined by his opponent. You can turtle if you're ahead in everything. That's not turtling. That's staying alive. Ignatavisius, not a name, by the way, is literally all you need to do is just sit back, relax and do nothing. I wouldn't really consider this turtling. This is more defending against someone that is so far behind that can probably only win by attacking. What the hell is this? What are we waiting for? Like a sign from God? Nice map vision. Look at this. He's legit no vision on the map and just positions as units here hoping that a double drop is going to pass over. This is like buying a $500 lottery ticket when the grand price of set lottery is $500. Like this is just bad. This is just bad. There's like no scenario in which this is good. Well, I guess unless your opponent decides to load their entire army into Metavex and fly over this spot three times again and again. But any other regular attack or a drop into this base, which is the most common location to drop, it would just kill you. You now have a pushout with two Metavex, two tanks, a raven, and a ghost I'm curious to see how this army is going to get used because holy crap I've never seen something like this the tanks are staying home get a third cc we have turrets on the way ignatavisius is also not really turtling like he just defended now he feels safe what they are oh no he's actually going to nuke He doesn't even cloak! Does he have... He has two ghost academies, three ghost academies. They just blink down to stand next to this ghost? He doesn't even cloak the unit! He killed... I think he killed more of his own units here than opponent's stuff. Okay, now these bad boys are getting aggravated. Wait a second, did I have an army somewhere waiting for something? Ah, right. Let's move it back. Okay, two more batteries on the high ground. Might be wise to fight this. Can he, wait, why is he building Glee adepts? You have charge, no? We have charge and blink and we warp in as a mineral sink units that become terrible the moment stim finishes, aka the adapt. I think with charge you legit clean this army. You eat it. What was that nuke? What just happened here? Why would he warp in adept? If you had them left over from the earlier game, I understand it, but this I don't. You don't even have glaves. If you had glaves, I would maybe understand it. Even then I wouldn't. Okay, what happened with that nuke? I want to see that again. Sorry, I missed that. Because I was paying attention to this fight. Okay, so he warps in four more adepts and then walks them into the nuke. Why would he do that? What was the plan of the adepts? Is to shoot the ghost from the high ground? This guy actually just continues nuking. This is, this Darren has the worst game plan I've seen in my entire life. Because this is not even a game plan. Oh, it is a game plan. It's kind of working. I feel like... I feel like not a single one of these nukes should have gotten more damage than what the nuke cost. Like, nukes are pretty expensive. There are 100 hundred. Like, this is targeting his own auto turret. Which expires. They... I don't really feel like the nukes are the deciding factor here in this game. Okay, now he's going to get glaves after he started building zealots. He's like, I know what I really could use right now? Some glaves for the adepts that died earlier in the nuke. In their memory, I guess, what the hell is this one? He's putting some serious pressure here on this pylon. That could be an issue. It's actually powering a lot. Is this the main range or second? Okay, it was the main range. There's like three ranges of the nuke. The middle deals 100%, then the second ring is 50%, and the third ring is 25%, I believe. It's like the outer ring. He pulled probes into the nuke. I pulled my probes about as well as is humanly possible. This is the second time. Maybe he's never seen nukes before. He's like a cat following the red laser dose. I can't touch it, guys. It's there, but it's not. So yeah. This guy's a cat. A pretty stupid one. And I already don't have, you know, I don't think very highly of the intelligence of cats generally. Okay, probe transfer to this bottom base. It's gonna get that at least. Like, nothing is being nuked this entire time. This is the equivalent of burning money. And Requiem is complaining about it. Like, ah, my opponent, constantly burning all his money. Hate to see it. What turt- He's not even on two-based, he's on four-base, and he's not turtling. Unless you mean... I guess he's keeping a lot of tanks at home, though. They're all stuck behind this factory. That's so funny. That's so funny. Four tanks. Oh, another nuke killed his own Metafax, I think. This nuke takes out the Nexus. Probably would have been faster just to walk over there. What the hell is Requiem doing behind all of this? Two cannons? Yeah, because static defense is really going to help against a guy whose main way of pushing into positions is by nuking it from a distance. This just makes no sense. This would make sense in a normal game, but not against a guy who figured out that the ultimate way of advancing onto the map is by sending a ghost forward in a vulnerable position and then nuking a location that is meaningless. Like, what is this nuke? He just hit the freaking base. Okay, finally. This is a World Wild Target, and he also cloaked. He loved to see it. Triple Starport. Coming in behind this. He also hits nothing, killed his own ghost again, and the Raven also fell, or maybe that was the stalker. Here, all the workers did end up dying. He's a freaking American server, man. How is this possible? How is it possible that this time? of game exists. I really love Ignatavisius though. Fun fact, these tanks were actually never freed. The only reason why they could move out at one point is because the main base mined out and opened a path to go all the way around the back of the main base to finally reach freedom. This guy's triple star porting behind this. I need air units. This is what I really need. It's like these nukes are fun, but Metavax. It's kind of forgetting about the fact that he still has a starport here and hasn't produced in like five years. Fusion Corps and three Vikings and two more starports. Going for a Viking battle cruiser transition. That's a classic after the Ghost, Raven, Tank, Marine Marauder, no Medivac push. Oh man. I don't think Requiem is going to see a single battle cruiser, though. But if he would, I'm pretty sure he would complain about that as well. And freaking battlecruisers? The mass nuking Tuba. It's insane. He literally hasn't scouted in years. Love this observer though, seeing everything. This is a good nuke as well. That's an assimilator and a pylon. That's 170 minerals. They're only paying 100 minerals and 100 gas for that. I guess he's going to get the probe. I'm balin. I am faded. I am bawling. I am faded. I have lost it all. that means but I think it summarizes this very well. I have no clue at all what Requiem was doing this entire game. To be honest, I also had no clue what Ignat Tavisius was doing this entire game, but he won it, so I'm not going to complain. I mean, Requiem, where should we start? The terrible defense against the initial Proxie Marine, the constant need to needlessly move across the map and walk into the same bunker again, again, and again. The widow of the mine drop that you dealt as well with as humanly possible, but in reality killed a majority of your workers. Warping in adepts when you have charge available, starting glaves when you're only building zealots, blinking into positions you shouldn't be blinking into, moving units, probes, anything that you can find into the nuke range. Like, I'm sorry, buddy, but your opponent played a build and a style that is god-awful, and you just managed to outdo him. You played significantly worse than your opponent, because his nukes weren't meant to hit anything. You made that happen, my dear friend. You build a city under his nukes. You moved your army into his nukes. That's what you did. That can only lead to a single conclusion then. And that, my dear friend, is that you suck. and that Terran is not imbalanced. That's just the way it is. It's going to be it for me today. If you think you have a serious imbalance complaint form, be sure to send it in using the form in the description down below. Perhaps next week you'll be taking Requiem's place. And maybe we'll find an imbalance. All right. See you then. Ciao, chow. |
This Guy Might As Well Be A Cat... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Does your pet have an active SC2 account? Might be a way to save the game from it's inevitable death! So maybe we should thank Requim, our lord and saviour, after all..? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Z1ebmbFW-_E/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Z1ebmbFW-_E | He pulled probes into the nuke. Maybe he's never seen nukes before. He's like a cat following the red laser. Hi, Harstem. I don't even know what to say. The replay is pretty self-explanatory. Terran is freaking borken. The only solution is to switch to Terran or we're all going to be doomed. Terran has tanks. Bio for ages. They can turtle on two bases and nuke the opponent all. day. Well, the Protoss players actually playing, macroing, making 110 probes, not getting supply block very much for 2.9K, taking bases for ages, and actually microing. Even the widow mine drop. I pulled my probes about as well as is humanly possible, but still he kills most of them. This fool even opened up with an unscouted proxy wrecks in my main, which I killed off with minimal damage, and still he wins. Harstem. Please, captain, please tell me, is it really not. not I-M-B-A, do I really suck this badly? What is the meaning of this? I am going to lose my mind if I keep playing against brain-dead idiots like this. This odd imbalance complaint form was sent in to me by Requiem from the North American server at Platinum level 2,900 MMR, asking whether Terran is imbalanced or if he sucks. All right, boys and girls, this is definitely going to be a banger as the, you can title the replays in StarCraft 2 as well, or you can name them. And the title of this particular replay was, I hate this game. In general, this imbalance complaint form, I felt a lot of kind of teenage angst in there. You know, it feels like Requiem. He is, there's deep unsolved issues, at least, at least within StarCraft 2. At least within StarCraft 2. Another reason why I think this is going to be such a sick episode is because Requiem was complaining about two-base turtling with ghost, which while mass-nuking. Two-base turtling while mass-nuking, which I am very curious to see. Like, although I guess it is technically possible, although it is technically possible that you can go for two-base turtle into nuke, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to do. This is the equivalent of going into your boss. his office, telling him that his wife smells and his kids are ugly, it's like, interesting move, but not sure how great it's going to be for your career, you know? And it is the same with two-based turtling and ghost, because if you're turtling, you're not on the map. You have no presence on the map. It should be really easy for the defending party against a turtling player to just defend, to not get nuked. You can just find the ghost and kill them, because They have no support. They're by themselves. Your opponent isn't being active on the map as they're turtling on two base. So I'm really curious how this is all going to play out. You open up with a 17 Nexus, which is a cool build order. And is now going to go for a second pylon proxy. I would have much preferred seeing that a little bit closer to the opponent's base, but I don't mind it. Thought of that, we also have a barracks in the natural base, which is technically the main, because the main and natural is the same here, of Requiem, which went in unspotted, despite being capable of being spotted because it's in vision of the Nexus. You can see it, but I'm not going to flame him too much for that. Maybe he was stabbing out. He was changing his music on Spotify or, you know, listening to sounds of the ocean and the 10 hours, you know, the 10 hour-long video just ended and he had to start it over again. These things are possible. I'm not going to flame him for that. This bunker, however, is going to finish. You're going to need a pilot plus battery. And then I think you want to get stalkers out as soon as you can. For now we have no units quite yet. First adapt finishes now. I think you immediately want to start a stalker. This is obviously not the correct position for your next pylon. And you know what's funny is that this pylon never makes any sense. I'm actually going to pause here for a second. Look at the situation we find ourselves in. Okay. We're in a situation right now where our warp gate is almost done. Okay. If we build a gateway right now, the moment that gateway. finish finishes, it can warp in. We don't need new supply. Okay. We don't need new supply. What we do need is a pylon over here for a battery. But this pylon does nothing. It doesn't provide a supply that we need. It does take away from minerals that we could invest into a stalker. And if you're going to build a pylon anywhere, it should be here. So this pylon is wrong in multiple ways, which is impressive because it is just a pylon. But in this case, actually quite important. love to see a pylon here plus battery or another gate being at what what is he defending from the five marines oh he thinks this is an all-in he's going to give up his natural he's going to defend his main base against this i'm oh he just has a completely way of viewing this game. A wrong way, but a completely different way. Minimal damage. He lost his nexus, build a battery, stopped building workers for the past minute and a half. How is this even possible? Now he's counterattacking with an adapt? This adept is idling, it's warping in another one. This battery was absolutely not necessary. And if it was necessary, it would have been over here to save this base. He's going to rebuild. I mean, it technically is true that he's taken less damage than he dealt to his opponent, right? He lost 400 minerals here, his opponent invested 150 minerals and built like freaking 6-7 marines, which all died. So probably overall this was a good trade, if you look at it directly. However, you are being outmined by your opponent because Terran has mules, so one base versus one base is always bad. What? I'm confused by the what? Very much so. I completely lost track. Was I going to say, oh, right. It just... And he could have just held it by building a battery over here, which he ended up doing here, losing the battery, and then rebuilding it after killing all of the Marines. Like, these are some... seriously bad decisions. It probably still is fine because your Nexus is done now. You are down in tech by a lot. Just now getting your robo and your forge. I'm not sure about the forge. Don't mind the robe. I would have preferred seeing maybe a twilight, but whatever. Like your opponent is already done with the one-one-one, is building his second barracks. It's now going for a mine drop. There's a bunker upstairs, which I'm pretty sure you're aware of. You've seen a factory as well. So this attack makes legitimately no sense at all. Like, legitimately no sense at all. Not sure if that's been spotted. Like, you should not be capable of getting any damage here in a million years. The only time you're going to be capable of dealing damage is if your opponent is counter-attacking you right now. Or is going for like a freaking two-benchy push or a double cyclone drop. And in that case, you probably want to be home as well. Leave one adept in front of your opponent's base, send the rest of the units home. Now, here comes the mine drop, which, if I quote correctly from memory, was defended as well, or the pro pool was as good as humanly possible. I believe that's what was said. Oh, that's actually true. As good as humanly possible. Unless you count the second two, my number two and, my number three and four. The second half of this attack was probably as bad as humanly possible. I feel like with that last mine, if you just A-moved with all of his workers, rather than clicking next to it and then going back home, you would have just killed it before it would have shot. If only one of those two shots would have hit, especially if it was just the first one out of the two big ones, it would have been a fine game. It actually would have been a fine game. Right now, though, you're in a situation where it sucks. You're not in a good spot. You lost a lot of workers. your opponent steals the two mines alive. This Taron is really not that bad. I'm kind of impressed by the Terran. He's doing a good job. I'm not so impressed by his build order, because now it has a tech lab on this starboard. That should probably be a reactor. We have a second eBay coming in as well. On two bases, I'm not a huge fan of that. Viking tank marauder taking out this gateway, which you love to see. Requiem now realizes, hey, wait a second. Didn't he have a bunker over here and a full wall? Let me attack with about the same size army that I attacked with three minutes ago, because it's been terrible back then. It's probably going to go much better now. Let's hope he built zero units during this period and sold his bunker. Ah, dang of the tank. It happens to the best. Let's just go back home, boys. All right, just going to check to make sure the Viking Marauder Medevac isn't here anymore. Maybe you're looking for a proxy base? Does this player know, does Requiem know that if you're even in bases, against the Terran, you're losing. He's pretending here, like his opponent is like turtling on two base while he's massively outmining his opponent. He's being outmined by his opponent. You can turtle if you're ahead in everything. That's not turtling. That's staying alive. Ignatavisius, not a name, by the way, is literally all you need to do is just sit back, relax and do nothing. I wouldn't really consider this turtling. This is more defending against someone that is so far behind that can probably only win by attacking. What the hell is this? What are we waiting for? Like a sign from God? Nice map vision. Look at this. He's legit no vision on the map and just positions as units here hoping that a double drop is going to pass over. This is like buying a $500 lottery ticket when the grand price of set lottery is $500. Like this is just bad. This is just bad. There's like no scenario in which this is good. Well, I guess unless your opponent decides to load their entire army into Metavex and fly over this spot three times again and again. But any other regular attack or a drop into this base, which is the most common location to drop, it would just kill you. You now have a pushout with two Metavex, two tanks, a raven, and a ghost I'm curious to see how this army is going to get used because holy crap I've never seen something like this the tanks are staying home get a third cc we have turrets on the way ignatavisius is also not really turtling like he just defended now he feels safe what they are oh no he's actually going to nuke He doesn't even cloak! Does he have... He has two ghost academies, three ghost academies. They just blink down to stand next to this ghost? He doesn't even cloak the unit! He killed... I think he killed more of his own units here than opponent's stuff. Okay, now these bad boys are getting aggravated. Wait a second, did I have an army somewhere waiting for something? Ah, right. Let's move it back. Okay, two more batteries on the high ground. Might be wise to fight this. Can he, wait, why is he building Glee adepts? You have charge, no? We have charge and blink and we warp in as a mineral sink units that become terrible the moment stim finishes, aka the adapt. I think with charge you legit clean this army. You eat it. What was that nuke? What just happened here? Why would he warp in adept? If you had them left over from the earlier game, I understand it, but this I don't. You don't even have glaves. If you had glaves, I would maybe understand it. Even then I wouldn't. Okay, what happened with that nuke? I want to see that again. Sorry, I missed that. Because I was paying attention to this fight. Okay, so he warps in four more adepts and then walks them into the nuke. Why would he do that? What was the plan of the adepts? Is to shoot the ghost from the high ground? This guy actually just continues nuking. This is, this Darren has the worst game plan I've seen in my entire life. Because this is not even a game plan. Oh, it is a game plan. It's kind of working. I feel like... I feel like not a single one of these nukes should have gotten more damage than what the nuke cost. Like, nukes are pretty expensive. There are 100 hundred. Like, this is targeting his own auto turret. Which expires. They... I don't really feel like the nukes are the deciding factor here in this game. Okay, now he's going to get glaves after he started building zealots. He's like, I know what I really could use right now? Some glaves for the adepts that died earlier in the nuke. In their memory, I guess, what the hell is this one? He's putting some serious pressure here on this pylon. That could be an issue. It's actually powering a lot. Is this the main range or second? Okay, it was the main range. There's like three ranges of the nuke. The middle deals 100%, then the second ring is 50%, and the third ring is 25%, I believe. It's like the outer ring. He pulled probes into the nuke. I pulled my probes about as well as is humanly possible. This is the second time. Maybe he's never seen nukes before. He's like a cat following the red laser dose. I can't touch it, guys. It's there, but it's not. So yeah. This guy's a cat. A pretty stupid one. And I already don't have, you know, I don't think very highly of the intelligence of cats generally. Okay, probe transfer to this bottom base. It's gonna get that at least. Like, nothing is being nuked this entire time. This is the equivalent of burning money. And Requiem is complaining about it. Like, ah, my opponent, constantly burning all his money. Hate to see it. What turt- He's not even on two-based, he's on four-base, and he's not turtling. Unless you mean... I guess he's keeping a lot of tanks at home, though. They're all stuck behind this factory. That's so funny. That's so funny. Four tanks. Oh, another nuke killed his own Metafax, I think. This nuke takes out the Nexus. Probably would have been faster just to walk over there. What the hell is Requiem doing behind all of this? Two cannons? Yeah, because static defense is really going to help against a guy whose main way of pushing into positions is by nuking it from a distance. This just makes no sense. This would make sense in a normal game, but not against a guy who figured out that the ultimate way of advancing onto the map is by sending a ghost forward in a vulnerable position and then nuking a location that is meaningless. Like, what is this nuke? He just hit the freaking base. Okay, finally. This is a World Wild Target, and he also cloaked. He loved to see it. Triple Starport. Coming in behind this. He also hits nothing, killed his own ghost again, and the Raven also fell, or maybe that was the stalker. Here, all the workers did end up dying. He's a freaking American server, man. How is this possible? How is it possible that this time? of game exists. I really love Ignatavisius though. Fun fact, these tanks were actually never freed. The only reason why they could move out at one point is because the main base mined out and opened a path to go all the way around the back of the main base to finally reach freedom. This guy's triple star porting behind this. I need air units. This is what I really need. It's like these nukes are fun, but Metavax. It's kind of forgetting about the fact that he still has a starport here and hasn't produced in like five years. Fusion Corps and three Vikings and two more starports. Going for a Viking battle cruiser transition. That's a classic after the Ghost, Raven, Tank, Marine Marauder, no Medivac push. Oh man. I don't think Requiem is going to see a single battle cruiser, though. But if he would, I'm pretty sure he would complain about that as well. And freaking battlecruisers? The mass nuking Tuba. It's insane. He literally hasn't scouted in years. Love this observer though, seeing everything. This is a good nuke as well. That's an assimilator and a pylon. That's 170 minerals. They're only paying 100 minerals and 100 gas for that. I guess he's going to get the probe. I'm balin. I am faded. I am bawling. I am faded. I have lost it all. that means but I think it summarizes this very well. I have no clue at all what Requiem was doing this entire game. To be honest, I also had no clue what Ignat Tavisius was doing this entire game, but he won it, so I'm not going to complain. I mean, Requiem, where should we start? The terrible defense against the initial Proxie Marine, the constant need to needlessly move across the map and walk into the same bunker again, again, and again. The widow of the mine drop that you dealt as well with as humanly possible, but in reality killed a majority of your workers. Warping in adepts when you have charge available, starting glaves when you're only building zealots, blinking into positions you shouldn't be blinking into, moving units, probes, anything that you can find into the nuke range. Like, I'm sorry, buddy, but your opponent played a build and a style that is god-awful, and you just managed to outdo him. You played significantly worse than your opponent, because his nukes weren't meant to hit anything. You made that happen, my dear friend. You build a city under his nukes. You moved your army into his nukes. That's what you did. That can only lead to a single conclusion then. And that, my dear friend, is that you suck. and that Terran is not imbalanced. That's just the way it is. It's going to be it for me today. If you think you have a serious imbalance complaint form, be sure to send it in using the form in the description down below. Perhaps next week you'll be taking Requiem's place. And maybe we'll find an imbalance. All right. See you then. Ciao, chow. |
This Guy Might As Well Be A Cat... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Does your pet have an active SC2 account? Might be a way to save the game from it's inevitable death! So maybe we should thank Requim, our lord and saviour, after all..? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Z1ebmbFW-_E/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Z1ebmbFW-_E | He pulled probes into the nuke. Maybe he's never seen nukes before. He's like a cat following the red laser. Hi, Harstem. I don't even know what to say. The replay is pretty self-explanatory. Terran is freaking borken. The only solution is to switch to Terran or we're all going to be doomed. Terran has tanks. Bio for ages. They can turtle on two bases and nuke the opponent all. day. Well, the Protoss players actually playing, macroing, making 110 probes, not getting supply block very much for 2.9K, taking bases for ages, and actually microing. Even the widow mine drop. I pulled my probes about as well as is humanly possible, but still he kills most of them. This fool even opened up with an unscouted proxy wrecks in my main, which I killed off with minimal damage, and still he wins. Harstem. Please, captain, please tell me, is it really not. not I-M-B-A, do I really suck this badly? What is the meaning of this? I am going to lose my mind if I keep playing against brain-dead idiots like this. This odd imbalance complaint form was sent in to me by Requiem from the North American server at Platinum level 2,900 MMR, asking whether Terran is imbalanced or if he sucks. All right, boys and girls, this is definitely going to be a banger as the, you can title the replays in StarCraft 2 as well, or you can name them. And the title of this particular replay was, I hate this game. In general, this imbalance complaint form, I felt a lot of kind of teenage angst in there. You know, it feels like Requiem. He is, there's deep unsolved issues, at least, at least within StarCraft 2. At least within StarCraft 2. Another reason why I think this is going to be such a sick episode is because Requiem was complaining about two-base turtling with ghost, which while mass-nuking. Two-base turtling while mass-nuking, which I am very curious to see. Like, although I guess it is technically possible, although it is technically possible that you can go for two-base turtle into nuke, it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to do. This is the equivalent of going into your boss. his office, telling him that his wife smells and his kids are ugly, it's like, interesting move, but not sure how great it's going to be for your career, you know? And it is the same with two-based turtling and ghost, because if you're turtling, you're not on the map. You have no presence on the map. It should be really easy for the defending party against a turtling player to just defend, to not get nuked. You can just find the ghost and kill them, because They have no support. They're by themselves. Your opponent isn't being active on the map as they're turtling on two base. So I'm really curious how this is all going to play out. You open up with a 17 Nexus, which is a cool build order. And is now going to go for a second pylon proxy. I would have much preferred seeing that a little bit closer to the opponent's base, but I don't mind it. Thought of that, we also have a barracks in the natural base, which is technically the main, because the main and natural is the same here, of Requiem, which went in unspotted, despite being capable of being spotted because it's in vision of the Nexus. You can see it, but I'm not going to flame him too much for that. Maybe he was stabbing out. He was changing his music on Spotify or, you know, listening to sounds of the ocean and the 10 hours, you know, the 10 hour-long video just ended and he had to start it over again. These things are possible. I'm not going to flame him for that. This bunker, however, is going to finish. You're going to need a pilot plus battery. And then I think you want to get stalkers out as soon as you can. For now we have no units quite yet. First adapt finishes now. I think you immediately want to start a stalker. This is obviously not the correct position for your next pylon. And you know what's funny is that this pylon never makes any sense. I'm actually going to pause here for a second. Look at the situation we find ourselves in. Okay. We're in a situation right now where our warp gate is almost done. Okay. If we build a gateway right now, the moment that gateway. finish finishes, it can warp in. We don't need new supply. Okay. We don't need new supply. What we do need is a pylon over here for a battery. But this pylon does nothing. It doesn't provide a supply that we need. It does take away from minerals that we could invest into a stalker. And if you're going to build a pylon anywhere, it should be here. So this pylon is wrong in multiple ways, which is impressive because it is just a pylon. But in this case, actually quite important. love to see a pylon here plus battery or another gate being at what what is he defending from the five marines oh he thinks this is an all-in he's going to give up his natural he's going to defend his main base against this i'm oh he just has a completely way of viewing this game. A wrong way, but a completely different way. Minimal damage. He lost his nexus, build a battery, stopped building workers for the past minute and a half. How is this even possible? Now he's counterattacking with an adapt? This adept is idling, it's warping in another one. This battery was absolutely not necessary. And if it was necessary, it would have been over here to save this base. He's going to rebuild. I mean, it technically is true that he's taken less damage than he dealt to his opponent, right? He lost 400 minerals here, his opponent invested 150 minerals and built like freaking 6-7 marines, which all died. So probably overall this was a good trade, if you look at it directly. However, you are being outmined by your opponent because Terran has mules, so one base versus one base is always bad. What? I'm confused by the what? Very much so. I completely lost track. Was I going to say, oh, right. It just... And he could have just held it by building a battery over here, which he ended up doing here, losing the battery, and then rebuilding it after killing all of the Marines. Like, these are some... seriously bad decisions. It probably still is fine because your Nexus is done now. You are down in tech by a lot. Just now getting your robo and your forge. I'm not sure about the forge. Don't mind the robe. I would have preferred seeing maybe a twilight, but whatever. Like your opponent is already done with the one-one-one, is building his second barracks. It's now going for a mine drop. There's a bunker upstairs, which I'm pretty sure you're aware of. You've seen a factory as well. So this attack makes legitimately no sense at all. Like, legitimately no sense at all. Not sure if that's been spotted. Like, you should not be capable of getting any damage here in a million years. The only time you're going to be capable of dealing damage is if your opponent is counter-attacking you right now. Or is going for like a freaking two-benchy push or a double cyclone drop. And in that case, you probably want to be home as well. Leave one adept in front of your opponent's base, send the rest of the units home. Now, here comes the mine drop, which, if I quote correctly from memory, was defended as well, or the pro pool was as good as humanly possible. I believe that's what was said. Oh, that's actually true. As good as humanly possible. Unless you count the second two, my number two and, my number three and four. The second half of this attack was probably as bad as humanly possible. I feel like with that last mine, if you just A-moved with all of his workers, rather than clicking next to it and then going back home, you would have just killed it before it would have shot. If only one of those two shots would have hit, especially if it was just the first one out of the two big ones, it would have been a fine game. It actually would have been a fine game. Right now, though, you're in a situation where it sucks. You're not in a good spot. You lost a lot of workers. your opponent steals the two mines alive. This Taron is really not that bad. I'm kind of impressed by the Terran. He's doing a good job. I'm not so impressed by his build order, because now it has a tech lab on this starboard. That should probably be a reactor. We have a second eBay coming in as well. On two bases, I'm not a huge fan of that. Viking tank marauder taking out this gateway, which you love to see. Requiem now realizes, hey, wait a second. Didn't he have a bunker over here and a full wall? Let me attack with about the same size army that I attacked with three minutes ago, because it's been terrible back then. It's probably going to go much better now. Let's hope he built zero units during this period and sold his bunker. Ah, dang of the tank. It happens to the best. Let's just go back home, boys. All right, just going to check to make sure the Viking Marauder Medevac isn't here anymore. Maybe you're looking for a proxy base? Does this player know, does Requiem know that if you're even in bases, against the Terran, you're losing. He's pretending here, like his opponent is like turtling on two base while he's massively outmining his opponent. He's being outmined by his opponent. You can turtle if you're ahead in everything. That's not turtling. That's staying alive. Ignatavisius, not a name, by the way, is literally all you need to do is just sit back, relax and do nothing. I wouldn't really consider this turtling. This is more defending against someone that is so far behind that can probably only win by attacking. What the hell is this? What are we waiting for? Like a sign from God? Nice map vision. Look at this. He's legit no vision on the map and just positions as units here hoping that a double drop is going to pass over. This is like buying a $500 lottery ticket when the grand price of set lottery is $500. Like this is just bad. This is just bad. There's like no scenario in which this is good. Well, I guess unless your opponent decides to load their entire army into Metavex and fly over this spot three times again and again. But any other regular attack or a drop into this base, which is the most common location to drop, it would just kill you. You now have a pushout with two Metavex, two tanks, a raven, and a ghost I'm curious to see how this army is going to get used because holy crap I've never seen something like this the tanks are staying home get a third cc we have turrets on the way ignatavisius is also not really turtling like he just defended now he feels safe what they are oh no he's actually going to nuke He doesn't even cloak! Does he have... He has two ghost academies, three ghost academies. They just blink down to stand next to this ghost? He doesn't even cloak the unit! He killed... I think he killed more of his own units here than opponent's stuff. Okay, now these bad boys are getting aggravated. Wait a second, did I have an army somewhere waiting for something? Ah, right. Let's move it back. Okay, two more batteries on the high ground. Might be wise to fight this. Can he, wait, why is he building Glee adepts? You have charge, no? We have charge and blink and we warp in as a mineral sink units that become terrible the moment stim finishes, aka the adapt. I think with charge you legit clean this army. You eat it. What was that nuke? What just happened here? Why would he warp in adept? If you had them left over from the earlier game, I understand it, but this I don't. You don't even have glaves. If you had glaves, I would maybe understand it. Even then I wouldn't. Okay, what happened with that nuke? I want to see that again. Sorry, I missed that. Because I was paying attention to this fight. Okay, so he warps in four more adepts and then walks them into the nuke. Why would he do that? What was the plan of the adepts? Is to shoot the ghost from the high ground? This guy actually just continues nuking. This is, this Darren has the worst game plan I've seen in my entire life. Because this is not even a game plan. Oh, it is a game plan. It's kind of working. I feel like... I feel like not a single one of these nukes should have gotten more damage than what the nuke cost. Like, nukes are pretty expensive. There are 100 hundred. Like, this is targeting his own auto turret. Which expires. They... I don't really feel like the nukes are the deciding factor here in this game. Okay, now he's going to get glaves after he started building zealots. He's like, I know what I really could use right now? Some glaves for the adepts that died earlier in the nuke. In their memory, I guess, what the hell is this one? He's putting some serious pressure here on this pylon. That could be an issue. It's actually powering a lot. Is this the main range or second? Okay, it was the main range. There's like three ranges of the nuke. The middle deals 100%, then the second ring is 50%, and the third ring is 25%, I believe. It's like the outer ring. He pulled probes into the nuke. I pulled my probes about as well as is humanly possible. This is the second time. Maybe he's never seen nukes before. He's like a cat following the red laser dose. I can't touch it, guys. It's there, but it's not. So yeah. This guy's a cat. A pretty stupid one. And I already don't have, you know, I don't think very highly of the intelligence of cats generally. Okay, probe transfer to this bottom base. It's gonna get that at least. Like, nothing is being nuked this entire time. This is the equivalent of burning money. And Requiem is complaining about it. Like, ah, my opponent, constantly burning all his money. Hate to see it. What turt- He's not even on two-based, he's on four-base, and he's not turtling. Unless you mean... I guess he's keeping a lot of tanks at home, though. They're all stuck behind this factory. That's so funny. That's so funny. Four tanks. Oh, another nuke killed his own Metafax, I think. This nuke takes out the Nexus. Probably would have been faster just to walk over there. What the hell is Requiem doing behind all of this? Two cannons? Yeah, because static defense is really going to help against a guy whose main way of pushing into positions is by nuking it from a distance. This just makes no sense. This would make sense in a normal game, but not against a guy who figured out that the ultimate way of advancing onto the map is by sending a ghost forward in a vulnerable position and then nuking a location that is meaningless. Like, what is this nuke? He just hit the freaking base. Okay, finally. This is a World Wild Target, and he also cloaked. He loved to see it. Triple Starport. Coming in behind this. He also hits nothing, killed his own ghost again, and the Raven also fell, or maybe that was the stalker. Here, all the workers did end up dying. He's a freaking American server, man. How is this possible? How is it possible that this time? of game exists. I really love Ignatavisius though. Fun fact, these tanks were actually never freed. The only reason why they could move out at one point is because the main base mined out and opened a path to go all the way around the back of the main base to finally reach freedom. This guy's triple star porting behind this. I need air units. This is what I really need. It's like these nukes are fun, but Metavax. It's kind of forgetting about the fact that he still has a starport here and hasn't produced in like five years. Fusion Corps and three Vikings and two more starports. Going for a Viking battle cruiser transition. That's a classic after the Ghost, Raven, Tank, Marine Marauder, no Medivac push. Oh man. I don't think Requiem is going to see a single battle cruiser, though. But if he would, I'm pretty sure he would complain about that as well. And freaking battlecruisers? The mass nuking Tuba. It's insane. He literally hasn't scouted in years. Love this observer though, seeing everything. This is a good nuke as well. That's an assimilator and a pylon. That's 170 minerals. They're only paying 100 minerals and 100 gas for that. I guess he's going to get the probe. I'm balin. I am faded. I am bawling. I am faded. I have lost it all. that means but I think it summarizes this very well. I have no clue at all what Requiem was doing this entire game. To be honest, I also had no clue what Ignat Tavisius was doing this entire game, but he won it, so I'm not going to complain. I mean, Requiem, where should we start? The terrible defense against the initial Proxie Marine, the constant need to needlessly move across the map and walk into the same bunker again, again, and again. The widow of the mine drop that you dealt as well with as humanly possible, but in reality killed a majority of your workers. Warping in adepts when you have charge available, starting glaves when you're only building zealots, blinking into positions you shouldn't be blinking into, moving units, probes, anything that you can find into the nuke range. Like, I'm sorry, buddy, but your opponent played a build and a style that is god-awful, and you just managed to outdo him. You played significantly worse than your opponent, because his nukes weren't meant to hit anything. You made that happen, my dear friend. You build a city under his nukes. You moved your army into his nukes. That's what you did. That can only lead to a single conclusion then. And that, my dear friend, is that you suck. and that Terran is not imbalanced. That's just the way it is. It's going to be it for me today. If you think you have a serious imbalance complaint form, be sure to send it in using the form in the description down below. Perhaps next week you'll be taking Requiem's place. And maybe we'll find an imbalance. All right. See you then. Ciao, chow. |
This Overlord is having THE BEST of times!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | - LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/GNzQeyi2tzo/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | GNzQeyi2tzo | Dear Harstam, Storm is the most ridiculous thing in StarCraft 2, not to mention StarCraft 1 Storm. My opponent holds 140 supply of Zerg with 13 High Templar and some shield batteries. It is completely insane how Prolost gets a point and click that spell that eradicates anything under it. Two, actually, but my opponent was incapable of building a Robo Bay, so disruptors were never seen. I opened with a standard hatch gas pool versus this Prodos. My scouting is bad, I miss his fast twilight, and as a result lose my third to a DT rush. But I kill all the DTs and retake my third. I know I am behind, so I go for a three-base Roachal Inn with plus two plus two. I hit before 10 minutes with 140 supply of Roach Ravager and creep in my opponent's third base. This is where the imbalance starts. I know that I shouldn't have lost my third to DTs. I should have had a fourth and a good economic situation versus this Protoss. But the fact of the matter is, I should at least kill a base with 140 army supply and plus 2 plus 2 on creep. My opponent somehow has 13 High Templar and next to nothing else but static defense. I aim up the ramp and meet no resistance and start attacking the third base. I only see High Templar and two Kronoboos at robotics facilities with no units. This should be an easy win, right? High Templar have no health and barely have an attack. but storm after storm shred my roaches and I can't reach the Templars because of a shield battery Sim City I drop 70 supply nearly instantly a quick warping of zealous and two immortals finish off the rest of my army that has been reduced to a single digit HP from like 40 storms my push is completely stopped and I have basically lost the game because I am unable to reproduce my 70 larvae worth of army versus two warping cycles of Templar I try to fight off the Protoss in the center of the map but I can't beat the mass immortal Templar army. So tell me, is Storm Inba, or do I suck? This was sent in by Paladin, a North American diamond player at 3,500 MMR, who says that Storm is too strong. And we're here to figure out if he's right. So is Storm Inba, or does he suck? Here we have our game between Paladin, our loser player and the Storm War. I love that nickname. I just in isolation, without any of the context, I would already love that nickname. I think it's a great nickname. But then the fact that this guy apparently only rushes storm and batteries makes it much, much better. I just love the fact that what he's about to do is in his nickname. As I'm really curious what's going to end up happening here. Because there's a couple of, let's call them suspicious things that I kind of. I kind of want to point out immediately here. The first suspicious thing that I want to talk about is the fact that he pretends, like hitting with 140 army supply of roaches, at 10 minutes, is a good timing. Because it's not. That is probably like two, two and a half minutes after you're supposed to be hitting. And hitting with 2.2 doesn't make a whole lot of sense either. I feel like the Carapace upgrades don't actually help that much for roaches in a massive all-in. I don't feel like the investment in there is that important. I would like range attack upgrades, maybe plus one, maybe plus two. I'm not sure if we should really be investing in Carapace this early because it delays our push. We also have some fairly interesting scouting positions here with the Overlord. This is my favorite thing in the entire world is when lower level players invent new overlord positions, despite being completely capable of just copying overlord positions of professional players. Maybe we should do a quick comparison. How about that, huh? So, a professional Zerg would put their overlord over here on top of this ramp. Now, what does that have? It shows you when Warpgate starts. It shows you what units are being sent out from the gateway, or what units are being built from the gateway. you have vision on both of the bases, both third bases, because both bases can be taken as a third base, so you know where the probe is going. And on top of that, you see the probe return with the overlord. These are the things that an overlord should be capable of doing. This is why this map has such a sick position. There's one position, which is completely saved this pillar, is capable of doing all of that. We have Paladin who picked a different position. Now, what are the properties, the characteristics of this position? it can see whether a unit is being produced. It can see which unit it is or if it's being sent across the map. It has full vision of one of the third bases. It is not safe. So this is a security risk. It doesn't see the probe come back either. But it is capable of inhaling the fumes of this Vespine geyser. So this overlord wants to get high. It is definitely possible. Basically, you give up a bunch of useful things like security and the ability to see things for the ability to get high, which, you know, for some people is very important, but in StarCraft 2, usually not as much. I'd recommend just putting it on the spot where every single pro gamer has been putting it for the past, I don't know, 12 months, for however long Golden aura has been in the map already because this position brings you absolutely nothing although you can see that no unit is being produced this one hell of a wall as well love to see it uh probe is just patrolling around in vision second overlord is just hanging in the main base some wild wild spots wild spots i also love that this overlord is here and technically could just go and scout which is kind of what you want to be doing if you have two overlords um but you probably want to scout right around now before you start making rash decisions like throwing down a roach warren. This is kind of the point of the double overlord, yeah, is that you scout before you need to respond to something because then your scout can be the response. This just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. This is first deciding an action and then getting intel. It's like you can't change your course anymore after the intel. Like the roach warren is already here. If your opponent had opened up with a Stargate, you would be stuck with a roach warren right now. If your opponent had opened up with glaves, you would be stuck with building two spores right now. So this is really the worst of both worlds. It's phenomenal stuff. Absolutely. You see a single unit in the wall, nothing else here, which should be kind of suspicious by itself. A pylon has managed to be dropped on the map as well because you didn't realize that the probe hadn't gone home. You haven't been scouting around with lings either. You build spores in every base except on the third. So these dTs are going to walk in. And yeah, they're just going to slash this third. So I'm not a huge fan here of the double Evo chamber. Like, I love upgrades as much as any other guy, okay? But generally, a good rule for Zerg players, as a general rule, a rule of thumb, is that if you don't know whether your opponent has a third or not, don't get an Evo chamber. And also don't get two Evo chambers. That technically is worse. And right now, although your opponent has a third. a third base, you're not aware of it. So you're not allowed to do this. Because upgrades take a really long time to kick in. If you're being all in of two bases, six minutes into the game, both of these Evo chambers are going to be a massive investment into something that's going to serve no purpose whatsoever for you. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Your position also genuinely is god-awful. Yes, losing your third base was very bad, but you also just have way too little drones. You have way too many lings. You've built too many buildings. You've built too many too early. You're floating six larva right now, which I don't quite understand. I'm pretty sure you missed injects because you just have such an insanely low drone count. We're almost six minutes in and you're at 35 right now. And I like that you kind of pretended like this was a minor issue, like a hiccup on the road towards a massive road supply max. But really, if I look at the current situation and I were to judge it, I'm giving our Protoss player about, a 95, made like a 98% win rate here, just based on this position if the players are close to being equally skilled. He's up in workers, he's up in tech, he has a third base that is mining. He has DTs, which can perhaps still do something. You don't even have a third base on the way of. This is a god-awful move by our Protoss player, which is, yeah, going to cost him for a Templar, as well as a recall, apparently. Going to lose the Arkon before it gets a recall. Double Forge. And he's getting storm. So here comes the storm warm. It's going to go hard. 1-1 upgrades. I mean, that's something, I guess. I wouldn't even mind seeing a double expand. And actually what you want to be doing is if you're this far behind, is you probably just want to camp. You want to go into Roach, Ravager, and then try to get into Lurker on four bases, eventually get a fifth base. Because there should be no way in hell that you're going to be capable of killing your opponent. Like your opponent has much better eco, much quicker attack, much more, like there's many more units. Your opponent is ahead in every possible way. It sounds near impossible to kill him with any type of attack. So I'd much prefer a more drone-focused play right now. I mean, there's plenty of cash in the bank to build some drones, to build a fort base, get an infestation pit out and try to attack into a hydra then. This is the beauty really of lower-level games, is that even if your early game is complete balls, you can almost always still transition into a campy composition because no one has a clue how to finish games. If you get five Lurkers out, this guy is absolutely going to poop his pants. Like, absolutely. His entire army so far, not great against Lurkers. He also has no aggressive potential out on the map right now. What you're seeing here is a Prodos player that is so afraid of dying that all he's doing is building defensive stuff. Batteries, Canon, Templar. That really is it. and he probably has a good reason to be afraid because you were on two base and you're also actually planning on a inning you're not scouting here whatsoever you're not aware of the fact that he has a fort base you're not aware of the fact really anything any of his tech any of his forges all you have seen so far is four ds and that he has a third base with six gases on it so you should be expecting either colossus disruptors or storm to be quite honest and this is not the army that I want to be building against what your opponent is doing. Your opponent also being up in supply where you're massing roaches is insane to me. Roaches are some of the most supply heavy units in the game. They cost very little and they fill up a lot of supply. So you inflate your supply rapidly when you're building roaches. Like a big fat balloon. Yeah, I'm... Triple Robo. Do actually like that? Not sure about the positioning. I think I'd rather have them over here. This is a safer area. I have them outside of your wall. You're just continuing to build roaches. I also love that in the imbalance complaint form, you made this out to be some genius strategic choice. But you legit have zero information. Like, something can only be a genius strategy if this strategy gets triggered by something. It's not like this is the ultimate solution to every problem you have. Like, oh, I lose four bases? Or I lost my third base to 40 Ts. Two to Roach all in. Oh, my. My opponent is rushing carriers, 2-2-Rodscholins. Like no, first of all, 2-2-Rodschilden doesn't exist, but if it were to exist, there probably would be a limited amount of things that it can kill, like everything in StarCrap. You know, everything has its counter and you need to figure out by scouting what that counter is. And you can't just say, oh, I forgot to scout or oh, I didn't scout so well, but my strategy was brilliant. It's not entirely how it works. Didn't you also say that you hit before 10 minutes? What did you say exactly? I hit before 10 minutes with 140 supply of Roach Ravager. If you say I hit before 10 minutes, I'm kind of expecting it to be at like 9.30. All right? I know this is a little bit nitpicky, but this is kind of pushing it. You know, this is really, this really is kind of pushing it. Is it 9.57 is when your link start attacking the gateways. I'll give it to you, though. I'll give it to you. How many templar do we have? You're freaking 16 Templar. Eight stalkers, 11 zealots, 95 probes, 1-1 upgrades versus 2-1, it's not even 2-2, immortals are popping out already as well. Like, these armies are not the same. They're not at the same level at all. The ability to reinforce here is also not at the same level. Like, it should confuse you that your opponent has the ability to build 16 Templar who each seemingly have two strong. storms as well. There was freaking 30 storms in this army while you were going for one of the quickest max-outs. Your opponent managed to max out with Templar while you were maxing out with roaches. Like you were so far behind. It's also not like this creep did anything. Like you can't brag about useless stuff. Holy crap. This is like me complaining that I lost a football match despite my brilliant ability to be capable of juggling three balls with my hands. is like, what is the point of this creep? The fact that you hit at 957 instead of at 10.03, like these five seconds don't matter. You should have hit two and a half minutes earlier. Not at this point. Like, what is the point? Why would you mention this? Like, this is somehow something that speaks to your brilliance as a player. It's a waste of mental resources focusing on spreading creep rather than focusing on injecting or scouting or having a good build order. You did none of those things. Instead, you spread creep till his base and then fought entirely off creep. This would have maybe made sense if your goal is to defensively survive. This makes no sense if you want to attack off creep anyway. You literally focus on everything that is wrong. And then complain about your opponent who made a very good catch-all army against a ground force. Would have kind of sucked against Muras. Not going to lie. Would have kind of sucked if he ever had to move across the map. before he's maxed out, not gonna lie, but because you attacked into him with 60 drones? Yeah, you get absolutely blasted. This guy's been saving storms since before Christ. And you walk into him with your primitive weapons, yeah, you're gonna die. You have pure roach. Then you also dare complaining about the fact that he can reproduce his army quicker. Yeah, first of all, he didn't lose as much of his army. And second of all, he has more infrastructure. If you had more than three hatcheries, you'd also be capable of reproducing very quickly, you plow. like that's kind of the point of Zerg isn't it is that the more bases you have the quicker your your production goes you don't have to add more production that is a benefit that is not a that's not a downside of your race that is kind of the purpose is one of the massive upsides that's a feature not a bug yeah of course with the roach ravager an army that gets countered by storm immortal you're not going to have a very good time then afterwards either why is this guy so focused on clearing those rocks though. This guy hates geology. He's been beaten too many times by Brock in Pokemon Yellow. I think it's the first gym in Pokemon Yellow. After you have like this massive maze, you get the guy that says freaking four judoes at you, or like a Gollum or something. Is he called Gollum? It's not the little guy from Lord of the Rings. It's the round ball. I think he can explode as well. Either way, I mean, this is... I find it stunning that you can look at this replay. See the fact that your opponent has 13 gates, 3-Robles, double-forge, 5 base, 104 probes, after killing you with a DT attack basically in minute 5, and then daring to complain, while your army composition is also being hard-countered. Like, there were no strategic calls. your plan probably from the start was a two-two roach push because that's probably what you do every single game and this time it didn't work you pretend like it was a genius call while doing nothing correct mechanically your opponent was better strategically your opponent was better execution wise your opponent was much better honestly micro wise your opponent was much better like in what realm did you outplay your opponent in such a big way that you deserve to win like maxing out at 10 minutes with 200 supply of roaches doesn't guarantee a win. And I don't want to live in a world where that guarantees a win, where every single time a Zerg manages to max out 10 minutes in, you get the W, you get the 26 MMR. Congratulations. You're not an idiot. Woohoo. IQ higher than 12. It's like, mate, this is a terrible game. You did a three base all in against someone on five bases that was maxed out, similar upgrade as you. and you got absolutely blasted. Accept defeat, gracefully. All right? Accepted gracefully. This was an imbalance. Storm isn't in balance. And if it is imbalanced, this game for sure didn't show it. You just freaking suck, my dear friend. And that's the way that it is. And that's also the way that this is it for today's IOTIS. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you all did enjoy it. If you did, don't forget to hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel and hopefully you'll see all of you next for a new video. Bye-bye. |
He insults his opponent's stupid unit comp - just to build an even dumber one... | IODIS | Sweet Karma... LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3X9zT5iYSPg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 3X9zT5iYSPg | Dear Harstem, I thought this game was almost perfectly balanced until I ran into this Terran Mac abuser. My early game was suboptimal up to the four-minute mark, making some careless mistakes like losing two probes to the first Reaper and my adaptant stalker to two unexpected cyclones. But nothing that is game ending at my MMR. I will even admit my opponent actually played a bit better than me in the early game, absolutely blasting my army through choke points while disabling half my army with his imba ravement. So I had no chance. His imba cyclones had no problem kiding my immortals, which I thought would be a good counter. However, I managed to take a very, very good fight that allowed me to take out two of the Terran's bases along with his army. Putting me in what I thought was an unloosable position. Thinking I had already won the game and my opponent is not Gigiing, I thought him to take his annoying Macbilt and leave the game. and my opponent's answer was to just walk across the map and completely destroy me, causing me to leave the game with some salty words. So harsh them. How did this Terran down to one-third my worker count and down two bases, simply walk across the map and own me? It wasn't even close. Absolutely blasted me. Was this army composition to Inba, or do I simply suck? It's a good question as it was sent in to us by a, a moo, a North American prodos player who's in the Diamond League with 3,300 MMR, asking whether the Mac composition is imbalanced or if he sucks. Let's figure it out. Alright my dear friends and here we go. Moo versus Red Fury. Who's opening up with it? A gas first. Cool build out of the Terran player. Some rather interesting gateway play. I've never seen this quite before. I mean, this is a reaper spot. Like, reapers can jump up here, but I've never actually seen this wall off yet. And I've seen, and I played quite a few games on Dynasty. There is a wall where if you build a pylon here, a gateway and a core, a reaper can't enter through the back door, which is something that I would truly recommend if you want to build a reaper wall. But this is, if a reaper is in your natural and wants to move into your main, this is such a niche scenario that I wouldn't even really wall for it even if I had the buildings available like this this almost never is useful and it does put the gateway in kind of an odd position I mean if you're going to do this you definitely should have the gateway on the outside so it's closer to the ramp in my mind at least so you want to do something aggressive with an adapt that makes more sense but oh well oh well I digress as moves opening up with a build order that he made himself or he copied of someone that made this build order themselves because this is pretty freaking terrible. Second pylon before the Nexus doesn't do anything, doesn't allow you to produce an adept quicker, it just delays your Nexus for no apparent reason. So it's just objectively bad. Like there's actually no benefit. It's just worse than a standard Corby for Nexus expansion where, yeah, now your Nexus is delayed by an extra 12 seconds. Congratulations. You ruined something. That was beautiful. Reaper's going to make its way across the map. This is a gas, Gas first reaper, gas first reapers are simply not allowed to do any damage. Why is that the case? It's because they arrive three seconds later and Mu pretends like he has full information, despite being completely blind, shades across the map and then get surprised by a Reaper in his base. That's a, I want to see this micro again because this was very, this is very good. Okay, so he's going to lose his first probe. No, he's not going to lose his first probe. Okay, he's going to lose his first probe. Pulls all of his workers and instantly pulls them back. I have never quite seen that defense before. It's maybe meant to scare or intimidate his opponent, showing that look at me. I have not controlled just of a single worker, but of all of them. But so far it hasn't really done anything. Ends up losing a bunch of mining time because of that, actually. That move probably cost them like 50, 60, 70, 80 minerals or so. Like those 3, 4 seconds that 12 probes aren't mining. that's pretty freaking expensive and he ends up losing two workers as well which Uber sucks has no information because his adept was forced to go back home didn't probe scout either and then there's two cyclones there which by the way if I recall correctly Mu refer to as unexpected cyclones like everything is really unexpected if you don't scout that's pretty much how it works like if you go out tomorrow without an umbrella and it starts raining like mad and storming. It's like, oh, unexpected rains. Yeah, because you didn't check the weather before heading out. You didn't look outside or you didn't look on the internet to figure out what the weather was going to be. Like, it is not actually unexpected, or it shouldn't be unexpected because you can literally just scout this within the debt most of the time. You see a factory with a reactor. This is like signing up for a TV show called Temptation Island with your girlfriend that you've been with for three months. And then being surprised that she cheats on you after seven hours on the islands. Like, well, that was unexpected. It really wasn't. Have you seen any of the other 15 seasons that have been released in the past 35 years? Like, holy crap. These cyclones were literally as expected as they could have been. Had you scouted anything here? Had you seen the factory plus reactor, it can be two things. 90% of the time is going to be Helian or Cyclone. And the percentages in those 90%, I think majority is still going to be cyclone nowadays, at least. I mean, if your data set has games from Wings of Liberty, then cyclones weren't around yet back then. So, good job. Or before you needed a reactor for the cyclone. Or before you needed a tech lab for the cyclone. And yeah, it's going to be different. But nowadays, in the recent patch, if it's a factory with a reactor, I'm pooping my pants for this freaking cyclone. And it's not unexpected anymore. It's the opposite of unexpected. One could say that it is expected even. Yeah, I used the big E word. I did it. I have no problem with it. I don't regret it either. Try canceling. me for it, pricks. What is this? Hurricane engines being researched. So it's going to be a full-on Mac game. It's well as a tech lab here on the Starport. That is interesting. Probably going to be for Benchier Raven. I think he mentioned Ravens actually in his imbalance complaint for him. So I'm expecting, I'm expecting Ravens as they were mentioned. We have Immortals blink off of four gas, 600 minerals in the bank, yet a third base nowhere inside, which is a mistake, quite frankly. If you don't have a third base going up in the PVT matchup, before the five minute mark, that either means you're all-inning, or you took a lot of damage in the early game, like minus 15 workers or 16 workers, and you're also all-inning. There's no excuse to not have a third base going up at this point in the game, ever, really. so yeah this is just late it's it's not good it's late this early game is actually really poor I think he undersold us how bad his early game was you know he he tried to get ahead of it by mentioning it in the imbalance complaint for him saying you know trying to be pretend to be an honest guys like yeah I had some minor losses the early game wasn't great but this is this is not really the case this is this is like when you're reporting you had a big party your parents are about to come home. They're like, Mom and Dad, we had a bit of a party. Maybe the teapot broke and, you know, a chair or two, you know, an RIP to them. And then they come home and the house is gone. The house isn't quite gone, but this was a really bad early game. Worker-wise, this isn't looking good. Base being very late. The complete lack of scouting information here is, is quite frankly worrying. The fact that we're getting thermal lands after seeing six helions, after seeing like four cyclones already out on the map is a mystery to me. What are we getting Colossus for here? Like, well, in what scenario is the Colossus the right call? Against cyclones, I much rather have immortals. Against tanks, I much rather have immortals. Against Hellbats, I don't think Colosses are necessarily very good. I mean, they're okay. They're nice, I guess. But majority of the time, the helbits or the Helens aren't really the issue. On top of that, if you're fighting against someone that builds Ravens and you're relying on single Colosses to hold, you know, your third base or your natural, life is really going to suck majority of the time. Here come a couple of halions. Moving in towards a third base that is absolutely not defended. So every single worker that was mining at this third is going to get taken out. And now Red Fury can actually just piss off. Look at that. This is really nice movement. And well, the movement actually wasn't even that revolutionary. He actually just walked across the map into the third base and Mu was defending his natural because he legitimately has zero map vision. Absolutely. There's no scouting of the unit conversation. His opponent could be on four-based pumping battle cruisers right now for all he knows. It literally could be anything. It actually could just be anything. He went for the thermal lens plus colossus, single colossus. That's a lot of money invested for a single colossus. Now he's going to transition out of it back into Immortals. Has a second robotics facility. I guess for more Immortals. We're getting charged. How many zealots do we have? None. Love to see it. Today we're really getting upgrades that we're not using. I think zealots are a good call, though. I think the ideal type of composition is you kind of want to start with, I don't mind sentry stalker immortal, actually. I think that is an okay thing to start with. But then once they start getting tanks altogether, Zellat Arcon is really powerful in combination with immortals. Immortals blasts, immortals blast tanks. And Zellat Arcon, if they're flanks, is really good against both as well. Sellas are not as great against high halbet counts, but if you just flank and they don't all roll, you know, through a tiny choke over here on the left or, you know, in between minerals and there's like 12 helbetts against 30 salads, salads are actually quite good against Mac as well. Another thing that's great, if you're playing against Mac, you should always realize that the Mac player is going to struggle with moving out. Every move out from the Mac side of things is a major risk, and you really shouldn't be forgetting that. It really is a major risk. So taking fast bases, getting a lot of workers is generally a good plan against Mac. Because they can't really move out until they're practically maxed majority of the time. That's going to be the case. If they mass cyclone and they can move out a bit earlier, but it still has a lot of risk because you have blink off and Sentries and for fuel. This is a great fight. I don't even think any of these immortal shot in this fight so far. So that's minus 30 supply. I have the cyclone is also behind it. Forcefield is honestly not bad. I think this chasing move is. is not it either. So far the resources lost really in favor of the Terran, but I'm not a fan of this fight. I really am not. This was I guess somewhat even for term. Now okay, he's just losing a lot. Yeah. Fighting away from tanks after you used all your interference matrices, I don't think it's great. Overall though, Terran players still in a phenomenal spot. It's already building a fort base as well. He's playing against a two, sorry, a four gas Protoss player on three bases, 58 workers. This is a really really, really bad situation right now for our Protoss player. It just is. There's also six factories already out. That is serious production. The one thing we are lacking is upgrades on the Terran side of things. I mean, he has two armories, but he's not using them yet. And that's actually a pretty big deal. You really do want to get some upgrades. It's nice. Like once you have like 2-2-meagre. That really, that rips. You know, it's solid. It really is. Fort base now moving over from the Terran as the ProDos Army is continuing to get now adding in some zealots stalker immortal zealots. I really think Archons here would be a great add-in. I think taking this gold base would be great. You can take it on the outside. I think that would be even better. So you also have access to the Rich Vespian guy or you can start pumping some Archons out there. I think that would be brilliant. Five gateways, two robotics facilities. I mean, really, despite the relatively poor early game, if you just pump immortals and zealots and Archons it's really hard to lose to mech because mac genuinely sucks it's just not good this is not the viable composition i get a lot of mac terrants that send me replays it's like oh Protoss is too strong against mac it's like yeah it is like Protoss is too strong against mac it is mac is not viable against Protoss luckily for you you have an entire different composition that you can use. It's like me complaining about the fact that I can't mess adepts against terrorists. Mess adepts, not viable against Sarah. Like, no, no, it's not. That's not a good composition. It's the same with Mac. Mac is simply not a good composition against Prodol's. You can win with Mac against Protoss if the Prodos makes mistakes. Proz gets behind in the early game. Sure, it's possible to win with Mac against Toss, but if both players are equally skilled, I am expecting the Mac player to lose at high level, at high level, at lower level, I don't know, maybe you counter Mac with Adepts, then you're going to lose because adepts suck even harder than Mac does. How did I get here? I can't remember. Oh yeah, literally all you need to do against Mac is just get good eco, and apparently that's even not really necessary. Then just get a bunch of immortals. Make sure you attack from more than one direction. This is phenomenal stuff. Look at this. Look at the amount of shots. Can we get a shot counter that these immortals have here in this engagement? Look at this crap. What the hell is this? They get shot at from a distance. One. Two. Three. Three shots. Freaking. eight immortals. Three shots total here. Now they kill an SCV. Phenomenal stuff. Oh, what's happening here? The point of the immortals is that they deal a lot of damage when they get to shoot. So it's kind of important that they do get the shoot. Like this is going to be a great fight if you get the fight, just purely based on the fact that you have so many immortals. It's a nice interference matrix. You won't be capable of shooting any critters anymore. This is a Pida Raven. He hates it. And that immortal has killed many critters on the map already. He's a bad boy. Yeah, Pita on the case. Unbelievable. I hate to see it. Taking out immortals one at a time. Another great move out here that could potentially just kill a base. Purely based on the fact that Mo has never been in position in his entire life. Playing baseball with this guy was at last. I feel like that's a positional game, right? Baseball. Yeah, I don't know enough about other sports. I feel like base in... I think you have set positions in baseball as well. I'm pretty sure. Like six or seven in the field or eight maybe? It's like the outfield. Then one at each base. There's a guy that catches the ball. Seven or eight, I think. But yeah, he was terrible at it. Mu. That's where I was going for. Moo is like garbage at baseball. Did manage to save this base, though. That's nice. That's something. Add in three sentries as well. Love to see what this is going to be for. Sentry is actually practically pointed. You want one maybe for Guardian Shield and hope your opponent doesn't know how to target fire. Mu once again is going to be caught out of position. Very impressive. He's just always where the army was last. This is some genius, some genius thinking. He just hopes his opponents never rotate. This is one weird trick that scientists called Mu hate. And it's moving somewhere else where he isn't. No, no. Darn. This base is practically. dead by the time he shows up again. It's a terrible engagement as well. Out of the terror, but it's okay. It's okay. Some tanks is just kind of sprawled out behind all this. This is one hell. Look at this. Oh, he's going to split? Finally we get a split. I should have... This is why you shouldn't wish for things. Like splitting the army or flanking. We literally got zero shots. I think they might have killed a tank and two mines that were over here. How is this even possible? This flank showed up so freaking late. The fight was over. He blinks him forward. This is the worst timing in the world. This is like showing up with the morning after pill at your son's 17 birthday. It's like it's a little bit late, buddy. That ship has sailed. The train has passed the station. Holy cow. How is it possible to be this late? This is insanity. It's like these immortals haven't seen battle. There's freaking stalkers in there with more kills than most immortals. Most of these are zero kills. Most of them haven't even seen battle. They've heard, you know, they've heard the shots in a distance, but that's it. That's got to move across the map. He has a pretty decent chance. It's winning a fight, no? His army is still massive. Just need a guardian shield. Does he have energy for that? Yeah, I could use a guardian shield. It doesn't even matter. He's just winning. He has good upgrades. He had 3 plus 3 versus plus 1. And he has a bunch of immortals. This is the first fight where his immortals actually shot at stuff. And that's all he really needed. That's all he literally, this is the only thing he needed. Look at this. just lost, boom, 21k to 17K. And don't forget that usually against Terran, you're also significantly outmining them. I don't think that has been the case this game so far, because the Terran was on 5 base and has been mining a bit from the gold as well. Get 10 cyclones on the way. I also love the logic here out of Mu. Who just had the fight of a lifetime. It's like, man, this fight ran really well. Should I stick with his composition or maybe try and transition into a freaking fleet beacon at this point? He's like, you know what? Let's try something new. This is going too good. We're making too much money with this. Let's stop it. Let's just quit it. It's unbelievable. He's still winning. This game is absolutely over at this point. So he's taking out two of the bases. Sapona still has a pretty significant bank though, like a very significant bank. There's 3K in there. Sadly not a lot of gas and only mining from currently two, three gases, because this one in the main for whatever reason isn't mining anymore. So, yeah, I mean, this game is over. I'm not quite sure what to say about this. It's going to rebuild a command center. We have a fifth base. Decided to skip the gold because it looks scary. It's like, hmm, should I take a more vulnerable base that requires more probes to do the mining? Or this one, less vulnerable, an instant mineral and gas boost. Yeah, let's go for the vulnerable base. It's a good thinking out of move, really showcasing his IQ here to the world. I love to see it. You and your crappy build can leave now. Yeah, I mean, to be honest, Red Fury could leave, but he could also stay in. I've seen some of the fights that Mu has been taking. I'm not sure if I would suggest ever leaving against this guy. He's never been in position once. He managed out of five fights to get the immortals in a shooting position a single time. It's like, if I'm Red Fury here, I'm thinking to myself, yeah, I could leave. Sure, my early game build might not have been the game. greatest, but you're an idiot too, buddy. We're in this together. And on top of that, we're going into carriers now, which don't have an upgrade advantage. Because that was a great thing about this ground army as well. They actually had an upgrade advantage. They were plus three in the last fight, plus three versus plus one. And now that's going to be plus zero. And at this moment, we have two on upgrades. So the upgrades actually getting better here for Red Fury. Red Fury is also spending his money that he had in the bank. He has managed to take his command center, or build a command center here, more of than two an orbital. He's adding another CC, as he's adding more SEVs as well, and actually has pretty decent supply at this point. So we're really one bad move command with these immortals bumping into the butts of stalkers for five seconds away, and Red Fury might just be in a winning position again. Like, should you really leave the game here? Just because you think it's over? No, I don't think so. It's also a weird thing to do. respect people that flame while they're winning, unless it's provoked earlier, you know. Imagine Red Fury would have called him a moron or an idiot or some loser. Then you could say, ah, get out of my game. You know, then it's funny. But here, you're just a dick. You're winning already. That's kicking a man while he's down. And he's not even down. That's kicking a man while you think he's down. But he's actually standing up and it's an illusion. He's a magician, like a pen and teller. Or like Hans Kazan. It's a Dutch magician. I'm not sure if he's a good one. I feel like whenever I hear about Dutch magicians, they are always bankrupt. I feel like every Dutch magician that read about him in my life went bankrupt. It's pretty crazy. I know that these tricks are expensive as well. Most of the time they don't even invent the tricks themselves. There's people that make tricks and then sell them to the magicians. I guess you still have to be good at the hand movements. Still, it's kind of messed up. Where was I? ship. More carriers on the way. Carriers don't actually trade so well against cyclones, by the way. This is a little secret. It's the immortals that kill the cyclone or disruptors. Woo-hoo! Some good interference matrices as well. Do you freaking own this? You actually did own this. Oh. You know that in the end, the Terran is always going to win, right? Because it gets sent in by the Prodos. And you're not allowed to send in wins. But I didn't think it was going to be this fight, to be honest. I actually didn't think it was going to be this fight at all. It does surprise me. He's taking out some interceptors. Probably still cast an anti-armor or an interference here. Okay, going to go for an interference matrix. Almost still losing this fight. He's fighting away from like four tanks and freaking seven mines. It does scare me a tiny tad. But that's pretty decent eco behind it. It has these bases being set up as well. Honestly, 52 workers managed to rebuild SUVs. that's a W to me. And I love it here, as out of Mu. I just love that these carriers did nothing, mainly because they didn't have upgrades and there was no disruptor support. Like, carriers aren't actually that bad against mass cyclone, by the way. You can get carriers and disruptors or carriers immortal disruptor, and you're probably going to be pretty fine. The problem is that if you don't have any upgrades, it's probably better to stick with what was working before. Like, immortals work really well. There's no reason to transition out of mass immortal if you can still build it, and you have a lot of time to create that army. Like, he now spent a lot of time crafting an army that was worse. Like, he had something that was better, and you made it worse, and you put more time and money into it. Like, congratulations. There's a terrible investment. And so 169 supply versus 62. Also, Thor's against carriers. Good call. I feel like Red Fury actually knows what he's doing as well. Easy. This guy has some brains on him. Some brains on him. I wouldn't mind if he starts using the all-army hotkey every now and again. Please tell me. I'm just going to finish this game at this point. Now it's Moose turn, by the way, to leave. If I was Red Fury at this point, I would start sending question marks. But like in a pyramid, you know, you start with one, then two, then three, then four, then five, and then down to four, three, two, one. And then at the end of the pyramid, something like, get out of my game, loser. It feels so good to take out bad-mannered people. It just makes me so happy to do. Yeah, this is terrible. I'm just going to speed through this, because this is over. Yeah, Moose. absolutely delusional. He still thinks he deserves to win here. Builds a colossus, probably the worst unit was this. K, just make immortals next time. Carriers bad versus shitty build. Yeah. This is, this is, this is so stupid because literally, if you just had continued making immortals, you would have won. If you would have added in zealots, if you would have gotten Archons, if you would have even taken, if you would have taken two good fights instead of just one in this entire game, literally two good fights, you would have won this game. Had you taken faster eco at any point, you would have won this game. There's like, there's like five major mistakes, like the five pillars of beating Mac, and you managed to knock all of these pillars down. You manage to fill literally in every single possible way, always out of position, no map control, worse eco, terrible army movement, never flanking, always coming in from one direction. And then in the end, you even go for the, even when you had the good army composition, it still was incorrect, and then you went from like a medium bad army composition to a terrible one. You just love to see it. So is it imbalanced? No. Mac sucks, but Mac isn't the thing that sucked the most in this game because that my dear friend was you. Because you really do suck. And that is going to be it for me today. We all enjoyed this episode. If I did, don't forget to send us a replay. believe that you have something that's truly imbalanced. Forum in the description down below somewhere over here. And I'll see you next time for more episodes of this. Bye-bye. |
These Are NOT THE SAME!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | No, even if corporate tells you, this is NOT the same picture. But be honest, do you know the difference? LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/f-0FxD7mAfg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | f-0FxD7mAfg | Dear Harstem, I'm very tired of lurkers. Every time I try to play macro versus Zerg, it ends with Zerg massing lurkers and just sitting there like a frog in its pond. And then he just sieges my bases, and I can't do anything about it. In this game, I managed to deflect zergs' early attempt to annoy me with Hatchery and my natural. And after that, I even successfully counterattacked with my war prism and charge slots, ruining zergs' entire economy and leaving him with only breadcrumbs. I got pretty big on army supply and my economy was golden. I got everything I needed to win this game. The swarm was in shambles. But then this happened. Zerg got lurkers, these ugly abominations of the swarm weckily destroyed all my chances to get a W. I can't even begin to understand what was in the head of a man who made an invisible unit that can practically wipe out any ground army without any problems. It requires no control and even less. brain. Now, I might be slightly brain damaged, but I'm pretty sure that this type of Lurker player is even more brain damaged than I am. So the question is, is it Imba? Or do I suck? This was sent into me by a player called Low Skilled on the European ladder in the Diamond League with 3,322 MMR asking, is the Lurker imbalanced? Or does he suck? Let's figure it out. Before we truly get into this Rockman versus low-skilled game, I'd like to just talk about the phrase that Low-Skilled used that the lurkers were like a frog in its pond. I've never heard of this in my entire life, so I quickly Googled it, and no one else had ever heard of this in their entire lives. The phrase, a small frog in a big pond, or a big frog in a small pond, similar with small fish. in a big pond has been used before and there's also a big frog in a small pond theory. But being like a frog in a pond, it doesn't mean anything. So I'm really curious what these lurkers will be. Will they be happy or will they be sad? As the speech obviously, you know, language evolves over time. So I'm really curious what this particular phrase means. Maybe this is like some local European thing somewhere. And one of the European countries this managed to, you know, be incorporated. in the English version that they use there. Maybe the British. It's a European replay. So maybe not the British. Not really part of Europe anymore, are they? It is possible as like maybe a local proverb or idiom and then straight up translated into English. Either way, I'd never heard of it. And I actually kind of curious. Like a frog in its pond. I bet they're happy there? It's like a fish in water, basically. The lurkers were like a frog in its pond. Either way, this is not that important as we have a hatchery that according to low-skilled got deflected very well. He said, I deflected the early proxy hatchery. Now, I know a lot about deflecting proxy hatcheries. So far, this deflection looks pretty piss-poor, to be honest. This is a third hatch proxy, which needs to be dealt with by pulling a couple of workers, single zealot, single gate. and then a nexus as quickly as you can, as well as fast adepts which you can send across the map. This is not an actual aggressive proxy build. This is not a build in which the Zerg player is hoping to kill you with this. Not at all. This is to delay your nexus. So this is an overblown response. It really is. This is usually not considered the correct response because it isn't the correct response. And now pooling workers is perhaps a bit late. We're going to see a battery coming in here as well, a second battery. This is about as big of a misread on this situation that you can make. Because this is, you don't need to be building batteries. You have two gate production. Even with one gate production, you don't need any extra batteries. You don't need any of this. I do like the Stargate. I think that is the correct call with it. If you want to play, like, why is this dude still in the wall as well? Or already in the wall, I should ask. This was a three hatch before pool. There's no way there's going to be speed lings coming out anytime soon. And if your opponent is sending lings across the map, that is exactly what you want. What did he just lose? Did he just lose a unit? I think he just lost a probe. Okay, lost the probe, killed one link so far. This has to be the worst defense against the build that isn't even aggressive that I've seen in my entire life. Like this is exploding with rage after someone compliments you. It's like that is the inappropriate response here, my friend. What did you just call me? He's like, well, a good and intellectual scholar. is like, that's disgusting. Like, well, usually that's considered a compliment. This is, this is not aggressive. Like, the Zurich is building spores. Defensively, he's afraid of the Oracle coming in soon. Which I think is actually a fair call, because he scouted the Stargate. Absolutely, this is a fair call. Look, Stargate is here. This just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. This doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Right now, low-scale is like a rat in a bar-file. which is basically completely out of place. He's going to be down six workers, but what's worse is he's down six, 700 minerals in income every single minute due to the fact that he can't build a nexus. Now, someone with a brain or less brain damage than low-skilled might look at this situation and think to himself, maybe I should build a nexus over on the third base location rather than having to meticulously clean every single creep tumor for the next four minutes, or go into a robotics facility, to churn out an observer and then clear it. He could have just taken this base as well, which would have been a completely fair response, but because he believed he was being attacked, he wanted to hold his one base. He's going to be fighting against three bases. While he's going to be stuck on a single nexus, going up to six gate, one base, six gate, and three different types of tech structures. He literally got every single basic tech that he could. The Stargate, the robotics facility, and the Twilight Council. The only thing that's missing here is a Dark Shrine of Templar Archives and the Fleet Beacon. We really didn't need the observer out of the robotics facility. Why didn't we need the observer out of the robotics facility? Because we could have just built an Oracle as the first unit, used the revelation on the creep, and cleared it. Instead, we're wasting more and more money on pointless tech. Now we're getting a Templar Archives canceling our sixth gateway, which means we'll remain with five gates, long distance mining from the natural, while the main base isn't even completely saturated yet, it is more efficient to have 20 workers on minerals in the main than it is the long-distance mine. That is always going to be the case. Above 20 workers, there isn't really much of a payoff or there isn't any payoff really in the main base. So after 20, you can start long-distance mining, but before that, it is better to go up to 20 out of 16. It looks weird because the numbers will turn red. It's actually good. First attack here coming out of low-skilled, hit six minutes and 10 seconds into the game. His opponent, meanwhile, has his plus one practically done. These queens are almost defending with plus one attack against two adapt harass. This is just phenomenal stuff. He's going to end up losing five workers, which honestly is more than Rockman probably should have. Rockman also is floating 1,500 minerals because he has had an income in the past few minutes. Has a gas bank as well. It's insanely far ahead. Meanwhile, low-skilled is about to enter the... the natural I assume with this prison. Now. Three. Now. There we go. It's only about 15 seconds after putting it in the flying mode. Just control it now. And as there are three queens and ten lings, this actually could just deal a lot of damage. This is, I think, the beauty of lower level games. is that the early game doesn't actually seem to matter so much because any aggression can kill at any point. Like this hit insanely late with no units. Even if he would have opened up with a four-base opener, this still would have hit too late, basically. You could have opened four Nexai before Gateway, and this would have hit harder if you go into it and you have something that resembles a build. This was seven zealots seven minutes in, but it can still just work. That's the beauty. And so I could talk for days about how poor the defense was against the proxy hatch, but as a matter of fact, it doesn't actually matter. Because Rockman at the same time is having also a very, very poor defense here to this zealot assault. I don't really want to call it an attack. It felt more, yeah. I guess, I mean, it is an attack, but it's not a timing attack, that's for sure. Or if it is a timing attack, then the timing would be too late. And despite it being too late, it's still working. 16 workers now against 41, as well as an army, soon to be an army advantage. There are five gateways. We have the robotic facility that can be pumping out immortals. We'd love to see a third base. I mean, this just looks fantastic for low-skilled at this point. It shouldn't. But, I mean, if you kill 36 workers and 16 lings and five queens, eight roaches, six hydras, as well as a hatchery, and you only lose 14 zealads. Yeah, that's a pretty good freaking start. As we see Rockman here desperately trying to rebuild a bunch of these workers as well. Still has some roaches alive, 16 roaches currently. We have no scouting whatsoever. Low-skilled has managed to use all three of his scouting units or his units that are capable of scouting to put them all at the exact same location. Observer is just checking out the Arkon, Phoenix Oracle, all on the same control group. Although, now that I say it, I wonder if there actually is a control group or if we're just F2ing our army around the entire time, that seems a little bit more likely. The All-Army hotkey is a blessing and occurs at the same time very often. Maybe we can get a lift with this Gravitin beam. Very nice. Well done. That's good. It's going to pick up a free roach. Rockman tried to scout. He's at least what the army comp of his opponent looks like. We have a third base for Low Skilled as well, who has allowed his opponent to rebuild about 32 workers. I think I saw the number 16 at some point. Now we're back to 48. And one could wonder whether this is a wise decision. Is it wise to let your opponent completely drone back up to a decent drone cut? Or would be smarter to, you know, trying to continue pressing on. So we have some nice long distance mining here. Thermal lands on the way as well as disruptors. Thermal lands were well known for improving the range of the disruptor. Storm, I think, just finished. I think just finished, do we have Templar? We have no Templar either. So it looks like we're just researching upgrades for units we don't want to build. Once again, an interesting call if your eco consists of 52 workers, of which 15 were long-distance mining for a majority of the game. Oracle is now continuing to turn on his pulse or beam going to the main base, hold positioning next to this. Look at this. This is some great Oracle Micro. This guy spent days in the unit micro tester going, for this Oracle Micro, probably should have honestly just spent some time in the help menu, figuring out what the help thermal lens actually does. It is for plus two range on the Colossus. It doesn't do anything for the disruptors. Storm doesn't do anything for Archons either. I think in Brutwar, there is a difference between Archons made out of Templar, High Templar, and Archons made out of Dark Templar. And I believe that one of the Archons, probably one made out of High Templar, I think they can storm, if I'm not mistaken. I could be mistaken, though. I hardly ever played Brutvar. I could actually play that. I'm really curious how high I could get on the ladder. If I just get a build order. How many weeks would it take me to beat Artosis? That's what I want to know. That actually would be pretty fun. I could actually just do that. Try a little bit of Brutwar. Some build order guys, all that. That's exciting. Double Forge here coming down right now. Oh, he doesn't have any upgrades either. I completely missed that, to be honest. As he is adding in Colossus at this point, that's beautiful. That's beautiful. We have some Templar once again. Hopefully these are for Storm as well. We still only use a single control group, which is going to make control extremely difficult with Phoenix, Disruptor, Templar, all kind of trying to get a priority when it comes to the spellcasting. It seems to me like the Templar first, Phoenix second and Disruptor third priority, so that's a lot of tabbing, which I'm not quite sure if we're going to see any of that. Here, Low-scale decides to attack across the map. Rockman with the revolutionary move of running away from his opponent's army, which honestly is as good a call as you're going to get. Rockman here does something so intelligent. He says, hey, my army is too small. I can never win a straight-up engagement. I'm going to actually put six spines in my main base so I can keep my main and then counter-attack. This shouldn't work. This shouldn't work. But it is absolutely the correct cause. because it is impossible right now to hold. And I love this move. He's just got eaten there by the one disruptor shot. This is a good defense, by the way, out of Low Skill as well. Gets the Storm, casts the stuff. Very nice. I like that. He's going to get another big warpin. Could use a super battery as well to keep his units alive a little bit longer. The fact that he still has zero-zero upgrades really isn't helping here. Any amount of upgrades would be fantastic as we get another observer snipe. Out of Rockman here. And the main base is being held by, lurker spine. Now, one could have perhaps suggested to low-skilled that attacking a base that isn't being defended but is still mining, two bases, which aren't being defended and are still mining, would have maybe been a better target. But I'm not sure if you can reach low-skilled with reason. As so far, not the most reasonable guy when it comes to the playing. But nonetheless, very far ahead. 56 workers to 36, bigger army. Only thing low-skilled is currently lacking is two things. Upgrades and perhaps a brain, although that second one we're still here really to figure out how severe the brain damage is. And of course, the philosophical question, can you have brain damage if there is no brain? Maybe not so much a philosophical question as a biological question. I'm sure the biologist in the comments can answer me that. Like a frog in their pond. Okay, one does start. Three more hydras on the way. And currently the main complaint, the unit that has been complained about by a low-skilled is here in numbers of three. We have three lurkers so far, moving across to the third base, or what once was the third base. Now the second, this is turned into the third and the gold base of his opponent functioning as the fourth base. once again we see a rock man here being allowed to kind of drone back up to well I was going to say a reasonable number but he said 38th so this is still god awful we have consistent somewhat consistent colossus production this is going to be the third one we have a robotics facility number two on the way I think that's number two yeah we don't have another one yet these upgrades are finishing up lots of cannons as well being added in which I I don't mind it, but I definitely don't like it too much either. I think right now we're really in a phase of the game where if low-skilled farts in the direction of Rockman, Rockman will probably fall over and die because he has no units whatsoever to speak of. There are three lurkers, 13 hydras. I mean, at this point, just the Arkon Zelead would be enough, just the Zeleot Colossus would be enough, the Arkon Stalker. You could have like three different parts, of this army by themselves should probably be enough to just kill whatever Rockman has. On top of that, the bases are very poorly defended, but Lowskilled is fairly unaware of the fact that there even is a base over here. It's now going to be made aware of the fact that there is a lurker, which I guess just going to get spotted and killed. Relatively quick response. Still haven't scouted. I think one of the main problems that Low Skilled has is the fact that he has no clue what his opponent's situation is. Like he just doesn't scout at all despite having, I think at this point two. Yeah, two observers. There's an oracle as well in here in this composition. I think I just heard the anime voice as well as the announcer. That's always a big freaking tell. Like, I have nothing against anime as a thing. But generally, as a rule, people that are really into anime, there's often something wrong with them. And I feel like low-skilled is once again kind of showing that. But it's often players that send in the worst IOTUS complaint forums have the anime voice running. This can't be a coincidence. There's a certain level of brain rot that you need to have had to truly enjoy this type of stuff. Four vipers now on the way? I'm just focusing on the gas as well. Minerals are fun, but gas, that's really where the future is at. no renewables for this are quite yet. This base is finally getting targeted down. I'm still honestly shocked by how passive low-skilled has been. It feels like he kind of goes in timing attacks, but rather than using upgrades or spikes in tech, like power spikes in tech, it seems like he's just based on timings. Maybe just has like an alarm clock that goes off or something. every four and a half minutes or every four minutes and 38 seconds, then decides to go across the map with whatever army he has at that point. Almost like it's a co-op mission, where the AI attacks you with some random crap every five minutes or so, every four minutes and 33 seconds, whatever it is. It's a fantastic observer control. Look at this. I love the kiting as well against the static. Look at this. This is the type of stuff that makes my day. This actually is it. Rather than trying to figure out what his opponent's army composition is or maybe what he should be getting, he spends his entire being of trying to kite a hatchery. Look at this. He's kiding a hatchery, stutter stepping and trying to kite a hatchery. Well, he's melee units. This is phenomenal. I just don't understand that type of stuff. Now flies everything he has into the lurkers. The first blinding cloud is going to hit. Maybe you want to use feedbacks on these four vipers that are here? No, of course not. Unnecessary. See if we can fly any more observers into a spore. No, we can't, we can't, we can't, we can't, we can't. It's going to stay safe. Clears this base, honestly, job well done. Has just seen that his opponent's army consists of pure viper lurker. This is a man that has about 7K resources in the bank. What is the response? Pure lurker. No. Eco. Is there anything that the lurker might be weak against? Yes, there are like 50 different things that the lurker is weak against. One of those things are air units. Lurkers do not shoot up. Tempest, carriers. I don't want to say void rays, but even void rays at this point would probably be sufficient to win a game, but if you don't want to go into air, I understand it. Get a couple of immortals out. Increase your arc on count. All of these things work extremely well and make sure to at all times have oracles in your army so you're capable of using Revelation. These are my tips if you struggle with Lurkers as a ProDos player. But generally I'd say at high level, tempest are the best. At lower level, carriers are the best because they're much easier to control and they're really difficult to control again. So I always say, hey, if you're struggling with Lurkers, build some freaking carriers. Never attack into the Lurkers unless you're 100% sure you're going to win the fight. and if you're never 100% sure, just don't attack into the lurkers and just go to bases where the lurkers aren't until you have enough carriers where you can just aim across the map and win. Low-skilled with a massive army with a big amount of cannons, superior base count is now going to go back in a base trade against lurkers with six hydras as the anti-air force. Okay, that's my first. minus 25 supply there. Now, I just want to pause it for a second. Just so that we could see how different the response could be. Okay? Right in this moment, right in this moment, what could we possibly be doing? Okay. I think at some point he figures out that his opponent is moving across the map. I think the moment you see these overseers moving there, it's like, hey, why are these overseers? Okay, then he sees it with the cannons, sees the lurkers. Now, here you have static defense here. You know you have more bases and you have much better production. You have freaking two robos. You have a Stargate. Lurkers are bad in base trades because they need to siege, unseach, siege, siege, takes a lot of time. The constant walking, getting into a range of buildings, clearing static defense in front of bases without being hit. That sucks and it's very time consuming. On top of that, the army that low-skilled has here is so much bigger that it just kills stuff faster as others. There's more damage output. So the first thing you want to do in this case is freaking base trade and build 30 cannons at one of the bases. I don't even care what base it is. You just need one base to have 30 cannons. And you just go eliminate all the other guy's stuff. You can start building a freaking void rays as well. Or you could finally add a fleet beacon and a second stargate or just three stargates over here. Expand towards the right side. These would be correct calls. The incorrect call is trying to desperately run into lurkers, which when they're seized into a position, are actually pretty freaking strong. Especially if your army walks into a line without even a moving, This has been one of the worst fights in the world. I actually want to see that one more time. Sorry. So this starts. Before this fight, the resources lost is 12K to 15,000 and 925 resources lost. Look at this. Look at this. That's like what, minus 2K already for the pro loss. See just up these observers. goes in again the Zerg has lost nothing so far killed 10K resources will the Zerg actually lose nothing the Zerg lost nothing and killed about 9kk worth of resources this might actually be the best fight I've seen in my entire life like legit at this point the ProDos is in a really bad spot despite that is still winning a base trade would still win 100% of the time Any amount of air units would still help you win. You can pump disruptors, shoot one or two balls, lose the disruptors, rinse and repeat while you're constantly base trading with more and more zealots. This takes so freaking long for these lurkers to move in forward. It actually hurts me. Disruptor's not being used? What are we even controlling at this point? I'm really curious. Nothing. Okay, here comes a disruptor. That's a good shot. It's nothing. Eh, that's okay. GGB. I wonder if I could still win at this point. Because there's a lot of cash in the bank for the Zurg as well. Like if I were to play this against LAMBO or Rain or E-Laser, I guess I'll lose my production too quickly. And they still have some cash. But the Zerg obviously isn't building anything. I feel like up until 15 seconds ago, I would have been capable of winning, but now it's too far. So the time of leaving probably is correct. But holy crap. This was legitimately, probably the worst fight ever in any IOTUS that I've seen in my entire life. Which is impressive, because we've been running IOTUS for like the past four years or so with one a week. It's like, what, 200 freaking IOTUS. There's almost 250 probably at this point. And I think this is actually like monetarily wise, the worst fight I've ever. seen. He lost nothing and killed 10k in resources. I could also go on by the way for about five hours on all the other mistakes that were made in this game by the ProDos players, but all of those were still irrelevant because he got ahead. He just got ahead anyway because both players, they don't have too much of a clue what they're doing. And that's pretty much always going to be the case when you're at this level. It's like if you can do something aggressive and it hits well, you're going to deal so much damage. It's very often afterwards. You're going to deal so much damage. that very often afterwards, you don't have to play so well to win the game. You just have to make sure that when you're fighting, you at least kill something. Or if you can't fight, that you base trade. And although I disliked everything that the Zerg player did this game, the one thing I really appreciate was the Lurker Viper Control and the fact that he always went for base trades whenever Rockman realized that it was necessary. First with the Roach Hydra and now with the Lurker Viper, and honestly, it kind of worked. this had very little to do with the lurker being magically overpowered. I feel like this also could have been a massive brute lord army. It just has to do with the fact that you have no clue what to do against slow CG armies. And sometimes the best thing to do is to counterattack. Sometimes the best thing to do is to engage. And sometimes the best thing to do is to just go into air unit, something that counters it. You honestly picked none of the right options at any point. And I'm sorry, but I'll have to say. say that it is you who is more brain damaged than the lurker Zerg, and it also is you who sucks. And it's not the lurker that is imbalanced. That's going to be it for me today. Like a frog in its pond, I felt great. I hope you all had a great time as well. Don't forget the like button, subscribe to the channel. See all of you next time for a new video. I'll see you then. Bye-bye. |
So THIS is why noone surrenders in low elo?? | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | There simply is an inexplainable beauty in the unpredictability of low elo SC2. And I am here for it! LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/imacxW8_LP8/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | imacxW8_LP8 | Dear Harstam, I have lost so much MMR on ladder tonight to zergs. I feel like this replay shows an example of why Zerg is so broken in Protoss versus Zerg. I almost got a queen with one early stalker of a two-base blink timing. It's very clear that my micro was much better than my Zerg opponents. I almost got his third as well. I had him up against the wall for so long, and then he pulls 50 lings out of nowhere and A moves into my base. Please tell me Zerg is Inba. If not, then what do I do versus Zerg? This replay was sent in by Skystalker, a North American Prolost player in the Diamond League with 3200 MMR who believes that Zerg is imbalanced against the Blinkstalker. Let's see if he's right. And here we go, my dear friend, Skystalker versus Tauri, a Zerg versus Proloss at the 3200 MMR level, which is probably one of my favorite levels. actually. I think anything below 3K often, the games tend to be very long-winded, kind of boring often. And if the games get too high level, then it resembles StarCraft too much. I like that in IOTIS, you know, there's one point in my week where I'll be watching StarCraft that has very little to do with the StarCraft that I play and watch on a daily basis. You know, it's a, it's just different. It feels different. Like you're eating vanilla ice cream all week and then one day a week on the Thursday I get my strawberry ice cream. You know, it's not too wild, it's still ice cream and it's not like one of these crazy flavors. I remember once I went to an ice cream shop and they had spaghetti bolognaz flavor which actually was freaking disgusting. It didn't fit well and it was eerily similar which actually made it worse in a way. You know how with some ice cream flavors, like they don't manage at all to capture the taste. Like, for example, lemon ice cream is quite nice, but lemons are disgusting. People that eat lemons by themselves. That's nasty. But I feel like that would have also been good for spaghetti bolognese if it wasn't very similar at all, but it just was a nice taste. That wasn't the case. It just tasted exactly like spaghetti. Very weird. This is... This wall is about as good as spaghetti bolognaise ice cream. Holy crap. This is two holes over here. Then there's two, one and a half, one and a diagonal. There is two weak spots for bailing bus. I think this man has just managed to create legitimately the worst wall ever made. In the history of mankind, it's also a terrible build. Double gas opener versus Zerg, double pylon, pre-nexas. Zerg, meanwhile, opening with an actual hatch first, good opener, solid stuff, mining some gas as well, which I obviously like. started the gas mining a little bit late. Speed is going to be delayed. I don't think that matters so much because Skystalker here is Krono and out a stalker, which is still going to be delayed by six seconds for whatever reason. And he also started, I guess he started this Krono too late. Now he's floating 188 gas as he realizes that double gas makes no sense. This is such a beautiful build. And this is, okay, let me pause here for a second because I think this is, this so beautifully illustrates, why it's important to understand what you're doing in StarCraft. Okay? So Skystalker thought to himself, you know what I want? I want a build with a lot of gas so I can get quick tech and quick units. And what he got here is a build with a lot of gas in the bank because he doesn't have the minerals to build the tech. Usually a Stargate goes down at two minutes and 22 seconds. Or if you're getting another tech at two minutes and 15 seconds or two minutes and 16 seconds, that is not possible here because the money is simply not there. So despite trying to tack faster, or at least getting the tech resource, which gas is, we see Skystalker getting significantly later tech than you ever would with a standard Nexus before core. This stalker was two seconds faster than a Nexus before core, and as a result, he's given up about 25 seconds in tech timing and maybe six, seven, eight probes. Maybe six probes or so. I think that's an accurate number, six, seven probes. This is a fantastic micro with the stalker. Second stalker is about to show up as well. We have a transfuse soon available. I love that he's flowing 900 resources behind this as well. Okay, use the transfuse. Stalker's going to come back. is going to die? Second stalker is also going to die? I feel like this was a very short form so I can go back into it. I almost got a queen with one early stalker of a two-base blink timing. Now, I don't care too much about the accuracy anymore of the IOLIS complaint forms, but this is really pushing it. First of all, that was two stalkers. And if this is almost getting a queen, look at this. Eighty-one resources lost against 350, queen, nowhere near that. If this is almost getting a queen, then I almost have a bachelor degrees in econometrics and operational research. So if these are the standards that we're living by, then I can start applying for some different jobs in the future saying that I almost have my degree. Because holy crap. This was a terrible early game. He pretended like this was a good early game for him, didn't he? He almost got me. Behind this, though, did drone up or probe up properly, which is important. 39 workers, the 33. So income is actually pretty decent, with the follow-up being six extra gateways on top of the one that's already there. So for the people keeping track at home, it's going to be seven gateways, indeed. Blink. was that 50, 60% done or so? It's going to be 7Gate blink here. With a probe moving across the map hoping to not get spotted by lings or even by these creep tumors, honestly, could be capable, perhaps, of spotting it. One more creep tumor and you see this pile. If you have stalkers being warped in, Sporzer has no clue what's going on, by the way. Is it absolutely no idea. She's getting a layer at this point, 43 drones. Has three spores already in case it's DTs or oracles or carriers or void rays or whatever it could be. 13 drones in production. That's got to be a nice site after you fired up 13 drones. You've seen the eight stalkers move across the map. That ain't nass. It ain't nath, I tell you. Actually, spots the pylon. It's going to send a drone to start a gold base on the far left side as his first. fifth. And we now have our first warpin of seven stalkers. Another gateway. I love that this is being built at home rather than using it for quick reinforcements, adding it at the pylon so that the warpins will be faster. Skystalker actually just builds it at home. So we still have slow reinforcements. Sorry, I got to watch that again. Can we get it one more time? This is, this is Blink, guys would use it if they had no clue how to use blink. Like the, it just, he just blinks instantly basically. Actually, he's doing a pretty okay job there. That was okay. And then this one is beautiful. So that he can get further in range of the queen or what's the, what's the play here? Shoot his own stalker. Big move is all. Another blinking forward. I feel like this is a problem with a lot of Protoss players, is that once they have blink, they kind of forget that they're also capable of still walking. Like, he's just blinking. We should be kiding with this. Not just blinking back individually every single time. That is not entirely what you want. Yeah, you want to be kiding like that. Still, decent enough fight so far. Absolutely decent enough fight. It could be fighting maybe away from the spine crawler and not blinking for it as much, but everything else, it's still good enough. $70 million minerals in the bank built for this, Zerg. That's quite a lot. Target fires the spine, which is good. Blinks this back, which is also good. So one game, because we have nine stalkers versus two lings and two queens. So it's very difficult for me to understand how this possibly can go wrong, especially if you move into this type of area where you can't get surrounded anymore. Now we blink back or, well, well, we don't. Once again, kind of interesting blink that aren't great. We don't have a lot going on at home either. Cirque still has a lot of cash in the bank, which is really potentially an issue. Because as long as this game doesn't end, and there are larva coming out, and there are lings being popped. Like, neither of them have upgrades. And as long as the stalker count doesn't grow too big, these lings actually have a chance. Four queens on the way right now as well. more spines. I love the look here into the future for our Zerg player. Guess this around? This was actually a good blink for once. I would love for these stalkers to just kind of tuck themselves into this corner. I'm not mining from enough gases. Okay, we have an extra gas coming in. We're lacking the gas. Oh, that's not where the fight is happening. It's over here. 41 workers to 28. 1,500 minerals in the back. I think now might be the time to blink forward one more time. You know what these blinks are? They remind me a little bit of when someone gets like a sound path for the first time and every single time you get this everyone that gets a soundpad for the first two days just abuses it. Exactly. So we can keep you from one and a man. You know that happens every time, right? Every single time that happens. Like no exception. Like every single time it's possible. And it's the same with this guy and his blinks. Like he gets the blink research and just blinking forward or blinking back just when it's of cool down. Rather than when it's actually point, like when it's when it's useful, which is the exact opposite of how you want to be using blink. Blink almost always should be used defensively first of all. You almost never want to offensively blink forward. I've actually done research on this. And with my almost degree, I figured out that 87% of all offensive. blinks are bad. Now that doesn't mean that all offensive blinks are bad, but majority of the time, they're freaking awful. I love the positioning here on the Zealots as well. This allows lings, if they ever managed to get here, to get the maximum amount of surface area on these five. It's a very high level play. I'll have to import this into the professional level at some point. This is fantastic. Look at it. All gone. That one, that one. Did he, this, this type of stalker blink, It requires something. It requires something. Okay, just by itself. I don't quite it, I don't think it quite has the impact here. You have a blink like this. So we're here stuck in between the natural and the third, lings coming in. Now we could go to safety and our wall and where we can easily reinforce and we have a wall. Or we could blink towards the left side where we have neither of these things. exactly like that. Leaves the wall open as well. That's an added benefit of the beautiful blink to the left. This is really a game. This is the type of game that makes me believe that combacks are always going to be possible in Starcraft. Wow. Speedling OP. Like you look at this and I understand why players at lower level just legitimately never leave their games because it doesn't make any sense. If at any point you can get a run-by with 20, 30, 40 lings in and you just kill your opponent straight up, then why would you ever leave? This was such a weird game because it was completely over. I feel like I've had this a lot lately where we have these games that are completely over and then you make one or two huge errors and then you lose the game. And that is generally how StarCraft works as well is that you can be outplayed. or you can be winning the game for a long period of time. But then if you wet the bed massively, then you lose. The same that if you're ahead in a marathon the entire time and then you walk into the same wall 15 times in a row, there's a fat chance you're not going to be the winner anymore unless the other guy walks into a wall 16 times in a row or also 15 times you are ahead and it's even in the wall running. That might be the case. Yeah, I'm afraid here, then we're going to have to say, my dear friend, Sky stalker that it wasn't quite imbalanced but it was you who sucked. You had the game completely won. Then you forgot to plug a unit into your wall. You blinked to the wrong side. You didn't macro at all behind your actual build either. You had like 15 hundred minerals at some point. Didn't quite have enough gas. Could have gotten three bases at the same time and it wouldn't have impacted your rush. And if that's the case, then probably also is the case that it is you who saw. and not the zerglings or the speedlings that are in balance, no matter how hard you believe it. That's going to be it for me today. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you did enjoy this episode. Although, is it Inba? Or do I suck? If you did, don't forget, hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel. We'll see all of you next time for a new video next week. Thank you. And bye-bye. |
He wins in every category, but then shoots his own foot... | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | This guy has some serious potential, but he is looking at the exactly wrong thing. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Yh4Z37xSERo/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | Yh4Z37xSERo | Dear Harstam, I'll just get straight to it. I played better than my opponent this game. I was ahead in supply from the start, up to about 60 supply. My initial plan was to do a three-racks timing with Stim, combat and concussive. After defending his first push, I went for a counter-attack, but my attempts at an early win were thwarted. My argument for imbalance is in the effort it takes for ProDos to control their army. If we both have the same level of skill in Army control, the Prodos will win. Just so you're aware, I cursed at him in the replay. And by the way, big win earlier in the year for you. Hope to see more wins coming your way. I hope so too, Mr. Pock, but trying to butter me up there in the end is not going to make me go milder on you. As this is a European Terran in the Platinum League with 3,084 MMR who states that the imbalanced is in the effort it takes for Protoss to control their army. So if there's two equally skilled players when it comes to army control, control, the ProDols will always win because it's just too easy. So the question here is, is Proto's imbalanced? Or does POC suck? And here we go, my dear friends, on Crimson Court, one of the new maps, on the new Map pool. On the new patch, we have Pilly versus Pock. Two, honestly, quite good nicknames. I feel like we should have like a rating for nicknames as well. I rate Pock relatively high. I think it's good. It's a good nickname. Pilly. I'm not a huge fan of the double capital L there in the middle, but Not a bad name whatsoever. Quick Scout coming out of Pili as well, love to see it. I'm a big fan of these relatively quick scouts. Postgate, post gas, whatever it is. I'm happy with it. The other hand, we have a barracks into gas coming out of Pock here, who said his plan was to go for a quick three-rex pressure. Concussive, stimp, and combat shield. Which is interesting, because most of the time we see these types of pushes with just stim and combat shield, because there's simply no time to get conclusive. On top of that, concussive is not so useful because with most of the 3-Rex pushes that I'm familiar with, you're going to have one, two marauders maximum. And that means that getting a relatively expensive upgrade for them this early on, it won't boost the push so much, but it will ruin your follow-up of it. So I'm really curious how POC is actually going to try and execute this. So far, this just looks good. We're going to need to see a CC, which we'll go down here. Look at that. One minute and 40 seconds. Yes, yes, pock, pock. That's how we roll over here. That is a good timing. Nothing wrong with that. Gets the marina should really start the reactor instantly. Kind of pox it up, but manages to get it down anyway. We'd love to see a pull out of gas here as well. The reason for that is because when you're playing a three wrecks build, you're limited always by the minerals. So the moment your opponent can't scout anymore, you pull out of gas to maximize your mineral income. and then you don't need that much gas. You can just have a single worker on gas the entire time and be absolutely fine for getting stim and combat shield. You'll gather enough gas for that, most definitely. And Pock is not doing that. So his push is going to be a bit later because everything is going to be a bit delayed. He just doesn't have the minerals for it. So we have, what is this guy doing? Pilly's on an exploration mission over here. With his stalker as well. Maybe afraid of like a Reaper? He's afraid that he's going to lose probes at home, so he decides to send them across the map in case the Reaper shows up. Not quite sure what this is for. He's just going to go home. Maybe it's for a proxy. We have a second gate on the way. There's no bunker here. Interesting depot placement as well. I'm going to say interesting. I mean, god-awful. He's just fly it off. He's a single stalker. Dude. Pock is the type of guy when the Amazon delivery guy rings the doorbell. He hits the button for the panic. He stuck there for the next six hours. Like, this is some nuclear measures for a single stalker showing up. It just flies away. You could have definitely still started your orbital command if you play Marine into reactor. You know, you're going to get enough Marines. I wouldn't have minded a bunker in a response here either. So far, the response just seems to be to lose Marine HP, which is not much of a response at all. This is exactly what Pilly wants here. Pilly, by the way, behind this is not really macroing. And behind this we see POC also not really macroing, isn't getting a second tech lab, isn't starting Stim quite yet, hasn't built a worker in a while. Overall, those situations actually okay for POC because I believe his macro so far is actually slightly better. Is I going to pull workers offline to chase these stalkers? I mean, this is objectively a terrible move, but at this level it might actually work. No, it won't. Okay, so then even at this level it's a terrible move. Love to see it. Because you know, you can judge moves differently by level. And I think usually that's a terrible move. And here it also ends up being a terrible move. So I'm glad to see that some things are, you know, uniformed throughout the game at all skill levels. Honestly, not terrible control on these stalkers either. I'm kind of impressed by it. Resources lost is 200 to 50 right now. And because there's no bunker being built, this could technically go on forever until stim finishes or unless Pilly makes a big mistake, which this kind of was. there's no conclusive show this marauder should do nothing. He's going to get a kill, it's going to get a second kill. Okay. Paul kind of gets away with murder here. Oh my good, a triple murder. Freaking triple murder over here. This really wasn't supposed to happen at all. But he gets it. I mean, just building a bunker here would have been the correct and the safer play. Getting combat shield also would have been the correct and a safer play. Is that we're going straight into concussive shells? just for reference a standard 3-Rex timing hits right about now with 18, 19 Marines, 1-2 Marauders, Stim and Combat Shield finished on the other side of the map. Pock here is managing to start walking towards his Ford base 5 minutes and 20 seconds into the game with Stim not done yet Combat Shield nowhere to be seen in a factory already on the way and he prioritizes concussive shells over combat shields. which is, once again, objectively, a terrible call. Yes, there are a couple of marauders in here because he's hitting so late. It has more than the standard two marauders. But combat shield is so much more important than conclusive. It's not even funny. You're not actually chasing a whole lot on the other side, but Marines having 10 extra HP would be freaking huge. Super Battery, actually helping out quite a bit. Prove being pulled offline. Please pull them back, please pull them back. Honestly, good defense for how limited the units were, how little units he had. I also would like to state that, what did Pock say again? Pock sat. My initial plan was to do a 3-Rex timing with Stim, combat and concussive. First of all, this timing was way to lose. This truly was the cargo pants of 3-Rex timings when it comes to the tightness of it hitting. And second of all, I don't really care what your plan is if you then don't execute the plan. Like, if your plan was to bring a box of chocolate to your fiancé, and then you get arrested for peeing on a cop's car, it's not a solid defense to tell the cop that your goal at the very start was to just bring these, you know, bring this box of chocolate or some flowers to your fiancé. He's going to be like, well, I don't really care. You're peeing on my car, not wearing any clothes. And you're screaming that New York is the greatest city in the world. And we're not in New York right now. So there's three offenses instantly. Boom, there you go. As we now have a second attack, This is still without combat? How is that even possible? Maybe he... I think he just forgot about combat. Maybe he believed he had combat? This could be one of these games where Combat Shield never gets researched the entire time. You know that? That could actually be the case here. I have a robo bay that stars now? I mean, despite all of this, by the way, despite the... the garbage deer build order, the pretty awful execution and the weird skip of the bunker early on, Pock is still in a great spot. He is extremely far ahead. He has a third base. I was going to say, I saw a third base already. The third base is done. It was constructed in the main base. And then we have another base that is now being built on location. I really like this. So the first CC gets built in the main base in case it's not safe. And then rather than flying it over, he just keeps it safe in the main. It's like a backup. And then builds a risky one on the third base location. What the exact purposes of this move? I'm not entirely sure. And I don't like it either, actually. I think it's garbage. It's terrible. Pilly is still behind. Now, throwing down a second robotics facility. Do we have any upgrades for Pilly at all? Pilly has no upgrades. Charge slots. No blizzard. link. I'm not quite sure who Pilly bought off to be here, but this isn't looking too hot, honestly. Pock is significantly out macroing him and just outthinking as well. And that is, that is rough because Poc isn't doing a whole lot of thinking either. Now we have the fourth base that is on the third base location. Is this out of position as well? This feels far, doesn't it? I sometimes gaslight myself though. But this feels freaking far. Like two and a half depot could fit in between these patches. Or am I crazy? That might be crazy. Oh well. A little bit crazy. That's not bad. Third base now on the way here for Pilly, who has a single Colossus? I think the amount of marauders here. I think you can just walk over this now. Why are there two cyclones in this composition? What is this micro? Is this the famed Terran Micro? stim the entire army to run away. He still doesn't have combat, by the way. I do like this move. Putting the marauders in front so you can tank the colossus. What is this? What did he think was going to happen? Look at this entire sequence. This is so good. So he goes up here, Armand Pock. Look at this. Goes up here. It's like, oh, that's a big army. I think I'll just run back. He runs back. He hit this area, yeah? This is the area he hit. Then goes around, reinforces with two Matax, gives his opponent 25 more seconds, while continuously being chased by an observer, waits until his stim runs out, then goes with the exact same army, plus two MadaVX, into practically the exact same spot. Like, this is like a sneeze away for Pilly's army. army here. A sneeze away. And they rinses and repeats. Is this what POC thinks constitutes good micro? Is this the hard terrain control that we've been hearing so much about? It's selecting your entire army and running away from a fight while you're up 40 supply. That did look very impressive. Do we have an armory? Nice gas mining is on the main. We'll love to see it. Okay, we have an armory. We're a supply block. And as a result, we're going to throw it on a command center, two command centers to try and get out of that supply block as well. It's an extraordinary amount of stims that we have seen so far out of POC. Phenomenal stuff, really. I'm happy with this. Two tanks have entered in as well. I would have much preferred seeing mines over the tanks. I wouldn't have mind seeing a drop either or just an actual engagement. I think that also would have worked. Is he actually going to wait for these command centers to finish? Okay, he's now adding more depots. That's nice. Meanwhile, Pili is continuing to build a force. This is still not a very good game. It's going to have another big attack coming in. I love that Pock before every fight puts the marauders in front so that when the Marines run away, the Marines are running quickest and they can't accidentally be caught here. Look at this. Look at this. What the hell? Pili knows what he's doing. This honestly pretty okay control. That was a cute move, you know? That actually was a cute move. Pulling back Zealots as well when they're charging. You've stimmed our entire army again. It's nice to see. Maybe you have an... there we go, another stim. This is marines back in front as well. Dude, the Toss is actually pulling back charge slots after they charged. This is better micro that you see in most Masters games. What the hell? So far everything that Tarran has done is just stimming the army. Like the amount of drugs that these guys are using almost makes Charlie Sheen want to enlist in this Taron Force. in this Terran force. What the hell? I don't think he's fought. Have they fought any serious amount? No, they haven't. After the three wrecks. Okay, here we go again. We'll pull back, pull back, pull back. Yeah, pulls back once more. Like, I think this is actually just better. Pili is out micro-crum. This is so stupid as well. This is so stupid because, well, out-micron. Yeah, so far he's micron better. Pili is micro-ing better. This is so stupid because everything else, Poc is just doing. better but the micro is not the one how is this the thing you pick out there's legit no micro you're just moving back and forth at a very high pace that is not what micro is they're just moving your stuff these meta vex are all empty how's even possible eight meta vex are all going to be empty like this control of it's impossible to win this fight if you're if you're pilly i think if you actually engage as POC in any angle. Look, it's he just goes for the same move. Goes for the rotation. Is he hitting the exact same spot? Or practically the same spot? Let's roll the Vikings out of the fight, massive stim again. A Viking flank, so they're more vulnerable. This is legit the worst micro. How does he complain about the micro? Dude! Look at this. You're playing against a guy that hasn't been building workers at all. Upgrades too slow. Doesn't macro. It has a small army. You have so much more supply. You're destroying him in everything except the micro. Why would that be the thing that you point out? Out of all the things you could have picked. You go for the micro, the one thing you actually are significantly worse at. Look at your army is completely overstimmed. This is insane. Also, the army composition is not looking too hot. How is it possible to have this much money and this many terrible units? At this point, we should be getting ghosts and more Vikings. Like, two starports should be pumping Vikings. There is a second starport. We should have a fort base getting gas as well at this point, by the way. Just have random command centers and orbitals. We still have this one in the main too. Over saturation. 35 workers on the third. Like all of this stuff, I would usually flame the ever-living crap out of you for it. But I don't actually care about the 35 workers on this base because you're so far ahead in the macro. Like your army is big. Your macro is actually good, maybe a little bit too good for your own good, because you have 96 workers. You're a bit too keen there maybe on the workers, especially with how slow you are taking bases. But you should be trading. you're too afraid to fight it's like a guy that has been practicing for a fight all his life and then feigns before he has to step into the ring why he just don't understand why he would pick the micro the flame about he's just been getting out microed so far it's the only thing this is like having to roast bill gates and calling him poor like it just makes no sense Bill Gates looked like a nerd. Call him a nerd or something. Why would you... Why'd you call him poor? He's rich. It's the same area. You gotta get to. What was this Viking moving? You have brain damage. This is actually triggering me so much. Because you might have been capable of making a valid case for the macro, actually. He's like, well, you know, my opponent has no macro skills at all. Never moves out. Sits back and stupid Protoss. Good map vision though with this one observer. Ooh, looking at. Thanks just going down pre-fight. Vikings being sent in from a distance again. Stim's entire army and runs back. This is phenomenal stuff. This is actually phenomenal stuff. And now we take a fight. Now that our Marines are back in front, our Vikings have disappeared. This is when we truly want to engage. I still know ghost in the army. Viking-Gound, non-existent. I actually think that the army of Pilly might be big enough now as well, because we have three colossus. We have a couple of immortals in there. It's 102 army supply. I mean, we still have a lot of production and a crap ton of cash. Nine marauders are being built at the time. How many? We have 11 barracks and two starports. Why are we not building any Vikings? I don't understand. This one doesn't even have a reactor yet. Love this drop. This is the first good movement that you've made this game because your army movement has been legit one star so far. absolutely awful. Oh, good defense with a slow warping. Could have actually dropped there as well. Now moving back. Another big stim to run away with the entire army. This is mental. 28 marauders. It's also the easiest to micro army marauders. Because they can all tank stuff, you know? There's no marines that you have to micro to the back anymore. There's no ghost you need to use. You legit made the most brainedat army possible and then managed to miss micro it every time, because you're never fighting. I feel like your army probably took more damage from Stim in this game than from your opponent. Like every fight you enter into the orange. Look at this. Half of your units are gone already. This is insane. This is what self-destruction looks like. This is what it is. You still have so much cash as well. If you just spend your cash now, you probably could still... At this point is hard, actually. At this point I don't think you could do it. anymore. You could have based trade at any point as well. No, shot this guy and I said, your A-mover race? Dude, if only you knew how to A-move, you would have won this game. The problem is you is that you just move commanding back home, like waving the white flag before the fight even start. This is so insane. I mean, in conclusion, the summary is terrible army composition a terrible army movement terrible army control a very good macro you out macroed your opponent so hard it wasn't even funny but then you never fight like I don't even want army control I just want you to aim of your army you're doing too many well you're not doing too many things you're just running back you're stimming and then running back like this is nothing but there's no control there's just nothing no army movement no drops no scouting either, not enough Vikings. I mean, you could have complained about so many things from your opponent, the terrible macro, and you went for the one thing that your opponent didn't just do better than you, but completely outclassed you in. And not because this toss had insanely good micro, because your micro actually legit freaking sucked. Just like you, I'm sorry, buddy. It's not in balance, but it's you who sucks. And that's just the way it is. That's going to be just for me today. I hope you all enjoyed this. If you did, don't forget, did the like button. Subscribe to the channel. Sending your own replays. If you believe that you have found some true imbalanced, and I will judge you harshly but fairly. See you all next week. Ciao, chow. |
This Terran Map Is Clearly Zerg Favored!!! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | Wait... Something must be wrong here... LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a report feel free to use this form: https://forms.gle/Y2vBMwFCvaRdSorX8 IODS Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbVNzAA7sXzCMxebUrgKN9dcsWlgQQmGf Discord: https://discord.gg/uMssEXf5g7 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/harstem My second youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmwOm-YjCmcddE9xe9sEpUg Twitter: https://twitter.com/HarstemSc2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/harstem Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/harstemsc/ Editing and Thumbnail by Hamster_Designs: https://twitter.com/Hamster_Designs #harstem #SC2 #IODIS | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LBLfLe6rruE/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | LBLfLe6rruE | Dear Hirstam, I hope you're enjoying the spring and that you're in healthy and productive circumstances. For sake of clarity, allow me to start with what I claim to be imbalanced. The claim is as follows. In Terran v. Zerg on the map Crimson Court, LD, Lurker's are imbalanced against Terran bio. Note here that I do not say anything about lurkers in general. However, I believe that the very peculiar layout of the aforementioned map makes lurkers too strong. against Bio. This map has the particularity of being organized in straight narrow corridors. In order to go to your opponent's base, you can't avoid these narrow chokes. Since the AOE of Lurkers works in straight lines, I think that they are overpowered on this map. As in the Battle of Thermopylae, the Zyrgy with a few lurkers, in analogy with the Leonidas led 300 Spartans, are able to hold a much more consequent Terran force in analogy with the Persian army. The replay I've attached to this report is, I believe, a good illustration of this imbalance claim. I would like to conclude by offering some remarks about how this game went. I play the standard triple-CC Reaper Helion Benchy build order. I think my build-order execution was more or less correct, although it might not be entirely perfect. You might argue that I don't harass enough with my Helions, but losing them makes it very difficult to land the third, so I like to keep him safe. My opponent defended very well the midgame and dragged me into the late. game where he was able to brilliantly abuse the lurkers. I might have left a bit too early, but at that point it was for me already clear that lurkers are a bit too strong on the map, and my hands hurt too much as I have weak joints. Let's be honest here. I do suck, but the lurkers are also unbalanced on this map. Thank you for taking the time to read. This lengthy novel was sent into me by Canobi, a North American Diamond Terran player with 3,912 MMR saying that in Terran versus Zerg, on the map Crimson Court, lurkers are imbalanced against Terran Bio. So let's investigate that claim. Now before we truly get into the nitty-gritty of this game, we have to talk about how the claim is set up. What did he say? In TVZ, on Crimson Court, lurkers are imbalanced against bio. There's like so many qualifiers there. that it's almost completely useless. You're always going to find specific scenarios in which a unit will perform extraordinarily well. For example, if you were capable of putting a tank on this particular high ground and then you have 500 zealots on the low ground, in that particular scenario, tanks would be way too good against zealots. But that is such a limited scenario, and that is also kind of how the game is supposed to work, is that every unit kind of has its specialty. So in a map with narrow chokes, if the Terran is idiotic enough to build pure bio, the lurker should be performing well. If the lurker is not performing well at that point, it's never going to perform well, and it's practically a useless unit. Like, basically what Kenobi did was describe the purpose of the lurker in his imbalance complaint for him and said it is imbalanced. But in that case, Voidre is also imbalanced. balanced against ultras and the Oracle is also imbalanced against Ultras. Because it's a melee ground unit that can't attack air. It's like, yeah, the Ultras garbage. In this case, it is true that the Ultras kind of garbage. But just because of that interaction, you can't really say that. That's such a, you're picking such a small part out of it. It makes no sense. Like you wouldn't say that the bailing is bad because it can't kill an Arkon. It's like, the bailing is not a terrible unit. and the Arkon isn't in balance because of that one interaction. There's asymmetrical balance in StarCraft 2, and every unit kind of has its niche purpose. In a way, Terran is the most complete race, and that's maybe why Kenobi is a little bit confused here, because his units do everything most of the time. The tank always good. The Marine, always good. The marauder. Yeah, it works. Thumbs up. The ghosts. Yeah, I get more. All perfect. Metavex. Woo, let's go, baby. It's like, he has units that are good for every single situation. But then he starts complaining about the fact that his opponent's units are okay or good in a single situation on one particular map. So even if I were to grant him that lurkers are overpowered, which I'm not granting yet, by the way. I'm absolutely not granting that yet. It is completely useless. It is meaningless. The next week I'm going to get five complaint forms about the fact that their mass ultras can't beat the 500 void raises. It's like, yeah, I guess in balance in this situation. Like, that's not really how you should view Starcraft. It's just not how it works. Like a unit is in balance if it is too good in too many situations. If the lurker is very powerful in one particular situation in one out of the nine map, by the way, which you can just veto before you hit the freaking find match button. And if you're playing tournaments, you can just veto it because you have three vetoes per person in a standard best of three format. You can veto this map. This is such a non-issue. This is an absolute non-issue. This is like complaining that your feet get wet when you're wearing flip flops outside when it's raining. It's like, well, maybe you should just wear some shoes. Instead of flipflops anyway when it rains. There's something wrong with you in your head then. Either way, Canobi here opening up with a, as mentioned, a triple-cccee cheeky little supply block coming in. He also said, though, that his execution wasn't perfect, but so far, honestly, it looks really good. This is a nice six-heelion double Benchy into three-rex opener. This is one of the most standard openers currently in the tech. Aaron versus Zerg matchup and it is being executed well here. There's not a lot of build order mistakes. Yes, we had some minor depot trouble and maybe still have some minor depot trouble. But I don't mind that. If you're just executing a build well, I don't care whether you're continuously harassing or not. I just want you to not be floating a lot of money. And right now, that's definitely not the case. There's not a whole lot of cash in the bank and it's actually looking good. Double Benches could be used for a bit of harass. I always rather have people focus on their build order rather than their harass. And once you've got the build order down completely, you don't make any mistakes there anymore. You can start focusing a bit on the harass. And that's kind of how Canobi is doing it. And I appreciate that. I also like that the Hellions are just at home. It's making sure that Ling Runbinds can't happen because that's something that's very frustrating if you're a Terran player that doesn't have clam-like helion control, where you're constantly poking and seeing how many lings are moving out. It's very, very difficult for, especially, you know, a bit lower-level Terran player. players to play against Ling Run by. So here come the double Banshees. They're just going to be moving to the dead space for a little bit. So the 30C has landed at this point as well. I also was thinking, by the way, about the battle of Thermopyla. Now, I could be wrong. I'm not a huge history buff. But I don't think the Persians there had ghost in their army with snipes, with sniper rifles, the ability to nuke entire position. I feel like that battle would have been significantly different otherwise. And Canovi does have access to that unit, the ghost. And with its snipe ability outranges, well, similar ranges the Lurker, and with tanks you can outrange the Lurker. So although it's a fun analogy to draw up, because everyone has seen the movie 300 at this point, I don't think it's extremely accurate because you have so many good tools at your disposal to deal with such a kind of a sieged-up setup out of the Zerg. out of the Zerg. I'm actually very impressed by the way by Canobi's early game here. This is really good stuff. I'm also a fan of the double load-up, just sending it across the map. He's keeping his bases defended. He's playing very solid. Honestly, good macro, nice barrack setup as well, is basically in time with his armory and he's hitting relatively tight timings. His harass has been extremely subpar. But as mentioned before, I don't actually care so much about this. If your macro is this good, at this level in diamond i'm like yeah you go for it buddy like you're hitting okay timings here and you know the opponent's going to be struggling with money as well if you're not struggling with money you're going to be in a better spot ford base on the way already second factory he's actually just the theoretical part and actually the executional part is really good so far i'm very very impressed by this not a huge fan of these benches losing all their energy or being in this death space the entire time in general but still this is this is actually quite cool this is nice see. And even then, second, second saddle drops moving towards the right side so we get these split armies, which is exactly what you want to be doing. If the control remains somewhat okay during all of this, I'm actually going to be quite happy here as a, as a Kenobi enjoyer for sure. It sucks that these minerals aren't down yet. Otherwise, you could unload and then stim into this general area. Where the hell are these metaphics going, by the way? Oh, just going to unload over here. At the same time, we have this group towards the right side. Combat Shield has now finished up. One one upgrades are here as well. Spine's going to get targeted down. As Biles do miss this main army, and Link's actually falling. OK fight for Kenobi, who's pulling ahead in supply by quite a lot. That's mainly because Jackal isn't really spanning his cash too well. He is floating about 4K resources, but honestly, credits to Canobi that he isn't floating any resources. He's now doing some minor multitasking, or at least being active on the map with his units, adding in the barracks in time as well. I'm, I think this has been one of the better diamond games that I've seen in a long time coming out of Canobi here. Yes, he's not under pressure, but he's in firm control of this game. He has very, very good supply. The only thing that's really missing here is a pushout. Yeah, but this is perfect. Honestly, so far, you're completely destroying Jekyll. And all of that is just due to the fact that you have a build order that you're executing well, that you're executing and really just putting the buildings down at the right time building the units at the right time your control in the unit has been okay not brilliant but definitely good enough as uh we see a couple more marines here most likely being taken out we'll lift the rest of these up rocks now being blasted here as well we have a single drop heading towards the main base at the same time fort base not quite mining yet i'd love to see a couple more workers there's three vipers and a lurker then are now on the way and here comes to push so what do we have army wise we have 54 marines against 13 roaches two hydras eight ravagers and that's it really this feels like a win if the tanks were siege pre-fight this definitely would have been a win even now without the tanks being siege pre-fight this is a massive double you here for what why are we unseaging please don't do that okay i feel like if he had siege properly before the fight and it's unseaged midway through the game would already be over, although the game is already over. So the game has officially, well not officially, but unofficially has now ended. This should technically be impossible for Kenobi to lose. Because Kenobi is up about 30, 40 supply, he's dealing quite a bit of eco damage, he has a massive army, got majority of his tanks alive, has the ability to now start transitioning into Ghost as well. That should really continue his upgrades. It has been dropping the ball a bit on the macro in the past minute or so, now starts SCV production up again. I'd love to see a fifth base as well. Maybe over here. I think that's a good spot for a fifth and you can take out these rocks. And you kind of, you hold this area. It's really funny, by the way, that a Terran talks about narrow chokes being good for Zerg. Because narrow chokes are actually really good for Terran. So it's not even true. I didn't even catch that. I feel like I'm just being gaslit because there's so many crap claims being thrown around here by Kenobi that I forgot about the fact that small chokes are actually good for Terran, not for Zerg, as Kenobi now is going to siege up all five of his tanks in the exact same spot, which is impressive. Now, if this was a stacking competition, I think Kenobi would have definitely won, because these tanks are well stacked. Look at that. Freaking three blinding clouds disabling, like 90% of the tanks in this army for majority of it. Despite that, Kenobi with an un-stimmed army is still just going to roll him forward and take out this base. He's going to reset his opponent. There's just four tanks here in the back. holding the flank in case the rocks start moving. Canobi recently watched Lord of the Rings and you remember what those threes could do. It's like, what if these rocks also can do it? That looks scary. He's Saruman over here, pooping his pants. Okay, we have three ghosts on the way. I mean, we're still winning extremely hard. And funnily enough, now that I think about it, I mean, I just keep... My brain is not working so fast yet today, but... This map is actually considered one of the best terra maps due to the small chokes. Whenever I talk with other Zerg players, it's really hard for them. Because there's so many sick positions you can put tanks in, behind mineral patches, and you can spread it out. And then there's really only a single area you can attack from, and like a single flank that you have. Once again, no pre-seech here, and the siege is right on top of one another. So a single blinding cloud disabling three tanks. Now, these tanks are going to activate at this point, as we have some random unseech tanks coming in from the side. We still have four tanks in the far back guarding this Milkarak. the 12 meta-facts now boost back. Don't pick up the unseech tank. No, no, no, no, no, no need. Absolutely not. That was a god-awful fight. But, despite it being a god-awful fight due to the stellar macro of Canobi over here, I'm actually somewhat okay with it. Like, these fights, they should have been absolute wins for Canobi. He should be up like 7K in the resource loss. He's only up 5k, actually. It's not as bad as I thought it was. but he fought most of his fights without majority of the tanks and also with them not caged up so actually maybe it should have just been double honestly I mean he's been fighting what mainly roach armies so far a couple of lurkers have gone down couple of hydras some vipers yeah mainly roach armies 3,400 minerals only 100 gas in the bank here for jackal who now has the imba lurker setup on the right side another funny thing here by the way is that Kenobi's army isn't actually really a Terran bio army. This is just ghost. Well, I mean, there's a lot of bios still around, but the units that should be doing the heavy lifting here are definitely going to be the tanks and the ghost. You know? The Marines are not meant to deal with lurkers, in my mind at least. In the mind of the Terran, the Marine is supposed to deal with everything. That's a nice move as well. I want to just slowly do that one again. Slowly. Yeah, for Terrans, for Terence, it's a bit the opposite of Einstein. What did Einstein say again? It was, if you judge a fish, a goldfish by its ability to climb, you're always going to think you have a stupid goldfish. Terran players are people that would flame their goldfish. Because they want their marine to be capable of doing everything. You know, they're like, oh, I can't kill the Lurker. It sucks. This is a beautiful move. Look at that. There's like seven ghosts at once. That was good. I also laugh, by the way. I think this is the choke that Canobi is thinking about. Look at this. He's walking through an area where one mineral patch has been removed in a line. This is what he had in mind. What did he say? What did he say? This map has the particularity of being organized in straight narrow corridors. In order to go to your opponent's base, you can't avoid those narrow chokes. You can't avoid those narrow chokes. Bro, you can mine them. They're literally single patches. They're single trip mines. You could send five SUVs here and in two trips have all of this gone. How is this possible? You can't avoid these narrow chokes? But not if you come from the left side and didn't bring SUVs. You just walk through the choke of all chokes, didn't use the snipe ability until he was in range of every single lurker, then loses six ghosts and then starts complaining. Oh, the brain damage. It's like, yeah. you do. Tanks in the far back, perfectly incapable of shooting anything as well. Love to see it. Love to see it. That is so smart. God, you're just so brilliant, aren't you? Parasitic bomb is going to connect to this meta-fac. Beautiful to see. This actually frustrates the ever-living crap out of me, especially because even with this choke, you could still just use the ghost snipe ability. You actually could. You actually could just snipe these lurkers. You could scan, queue up five snipes, then shift click them back right after, and you would just win the fight. I do like this move. I wish there were Matterfax going. There's one matter of fact. I think this is a good move. Canobi is a man of two minds. You know how they always talk about like the two halves of your left and the right side of the brain? I think Canobi just has two brains in general, one that works and one that doesn't. And every now and in the bad one gets turned on whenever fights start. The macro brain is working extremely well here. And just the general unit movement is also quite good. It's just whenever we start fighting, it's like he just forgets everything about StarCraft altogether. Like, what am I watching here? And what is this excessive? Like, this guy has all the vision in the world. He sees the spore over here. Like, I just don't understand what the point is. of trying to stim nine marines two marauders into this spore lurker spine wall. I like the play going in with the lurkers and you could unseach them and siege them again and deal with the lurkers and then maybe go with this or you could just try and harass these drones. But I just don't get the point of what we just saw here. I just don't get it. Despite all of this by the way, I would once again like to stress that Kenobi, it's practically in an unloosable position. He has an army consisting of 17, tanks, three goes, nine marauders, 20 marines, against 11 lurkers, 10 hydras. He has about 20 more workers. He has exactly 20 more workers. He is five base against five base, but he also has an extra backup already here with his orbital command. It's now going to take out this fifth base, which hasn't mined a single penny quite yet. Like, he's freaking cruising right now, all right? Jacko is cruising. I'd love to see Liberator Range, by the way. Fusion Corps. Liberator Range, yes, sir. Do like that. Let me stack up those tanks a little bit further as well. Maybe we can put all seven on the exact same location. So a single blinding cloud is all that's necessary to clear it. More lurkers now on the way. This is so funny to me. Because whenever I talk with other Zerg players or whenever I watch Zerg games, the Lurker is a unit that once tank, Ghost comes out, is not being used defensively in defending chokes anywhere. It's used in Nidases or to hold like a base with like one or two lurkers while you're doing big hydraling bane attacks. Like the lurker is not like this super ultra-tlenex. turtle unit. The siege! Okay, sieges. Nice. Takes out the Lurker. Honestly, decent fight. As a Hydra drop is now clearing the entire main base. Big scan forward. We could leapfrog with portions of our tanks. This is an advanced move. How is it possible that he moves into Lurker range? Just, Amscanning, he's gonna still win. This is so frustrating to watch because this all of these mistakes, he's still destroying his opponent. He's owning his opponent. It's not even close. EMP, EMP, EMP, EMP, EMP, or Snipe? What are we looking at at this point? Like, seriously. Marines. Okay, scan. Moves his army forward. Snipes. Snipes. Snipes. Then move. back. Main base Hyras are they being cleaned up? Still not quite the case. Looks at his main base for a little longer. Oh, and here they go. It's just like he's not paying attention to his army. Does he not know that he can move the screen up so he can see further? It's like he's continuously just just locked into his army. He's still winning. I shouldn't be complaining about this. I am getting upset though. I am actually getting upset. Loving this rally towards the top left. Love that this was cleaned up. We'd like a little bit of repair here as well. This game is so Uber over. It actually hurts me. We now have 15 lurkers though. That is a decent lurker count. But let's not forget about the fact that we're right now on four base versus soon to be six. Canobi is up in Eco, is up in upgrades, is up in army composition. Really liberate a range here would be fantastic. Oh, nice one. Oh, that's beautiful. Yeah, stim forward again. the mules in as well. Why did we lose? It doesn't matter. It literally doesn't matter. Even losing these last like 20, 25 supply for free, I don't think it matters. Although at this point, no more ghost. Tank counted for Liberators, only two. Yes, he's still very far ahead and outmining his opponent by a factor of three. Right about there. Oh, I'm just going to manage the siege of these tanks in the same spot. Another Liberator gets seats right into a spore, and he walks with Bio into Lurkers. It's like he has a checklist of the worst moves possible. It's like someone gave him a list of like the top five mistakes to avoid. Like you watched a YouTube video and he believes it's a checklist. It's like it's unbelievable. Bio into Lurker, check. Thanks all in the same spot. So Vipers can hit Clining Cloud. Check. Ghost, move commanded into Lurkers too. Check. All right. I think I'm ready to win the game now. It's absolutely unbelievable. And the funny thing is that he's doing a good job denying. Like, the general thoughts behind the unit movement are so good. Like, just the two sides and knowing what to do in the game. Until any type of unit control comes into play. Like, legit, any type of unit. Oh, he splits him! Hey, confetti. That is fantastic. That is fantastic What a great split Sadly, this army Well, actually that went pretty well Not gonna lie I thought it was gonna go worse That went pretty well Freaking Terran units, hey Did you imagine Even just a tiny Pre-pren units Oh come on Why would he focus down The freaking spore first Doesn't matter It doesn't matter Kevin This game is still over It actually doesn't matter Took out this base Yes he's gonna lose this one Planetary Yeah, he's getting a couple of kills Oh did he just try to micro One of his own hydros back That's kind of cute okay this is all up repaired as well this has been taken out 700 700 minimum income against 1800 it is really difficult for me to imagine how canobi is actually going to manage to lose this game because at this point there's also only a single lurker remaining three more four more on the way but right now there's a single lurker i wouldn't mind seeing some more s evis by the way loving the getting the rich vespine guys are here by the way as well as these extra gases He looks at his resource count. He's like, ah, 4,200 gas, 300 minerals. I know where my real priorities are right now. It starts two more gases. He says, and he wants gas so badly. He's putting five SUVs into this one. Very neat. Four more ghost on the way. What's the Lurker Count now? 11 actually has grown quite a bit again. That's good. 108 supply to 190. Gets a full scannier of this army. Full scan. That's big. Outranges the Lurker Force. with tanks, not with the bio, you outrange just with the tanks, my friend. No ghost here to snipe, by the way. It means that these tanks can be pulled in. He's going to move command some more bio forward. He's not actually thinking of attacking into this, is he? Oh, good split. Don't do it. A turret? You know this. feeling in your stomach when you know something bad is about to happen. Like he's here for too long. Like this, if you don't have tanks or ghost here, like this is, this is not where we're going with our army, you know? Like, there's four more paths we can attack here, my friend. Okay, Liberator move forward. I like this. Ghost, ghost, ghost from a distance with a snipe. Honestly, I feel like we could have given Kenobi a freaking sniper rifle in the battle of, what was it called, Thermopuli. He would have just walked up to his opponent and tried to smash him with the rifle and then get destroyed by one of these well-trained Spartans. Holy crap. Holy crap. This guy is capable of losing a void rate to. an ultra. Like he actually could do it. I'm not gonna lie. I feel like I'm getting scammed. By who? Who is scamming you? You're scamming yourself with these fights. This is like buying 500 lottery tickets? No! You're not even dead! He has more... There's five orbital commands, 60 workers, the 50 workers, the 50 He just scanned the same spot seven times. You could have just dropped on the left side, come back into ghost and tanks. At some point, there were 17 lurkers on the map, or 20 or something like that, and you won that. You know how to do it. This guy's delusional. Oh, no. What I was going to say is that the only scam is you. This is like buying 500 lottery tickets and then winning the lottery. eating the winning lottery ticket and then complaining that you've been scammed by the lottery. And the guy behind the counter will look at you like you're insane because you are insane. These fights were so bad. They really sucked. They really, really sucked. Which is crazy because it's so easy because you outrange everything. Like, snipe plus tanks, that is very good against Lerkes. And just tanks is really good too. If you just would have caged up your tanks at any point, even if you just, in the smallest specific scenario that you sketched here in TVZ on the map crimson court with lurkers, I'm not even sure if I would say that they're imbalanced against Terran bio. I think they're really good against Marine Marauder, but the ghost is also bio. And if you would have just used your ghost somewhat correctly, I think you would have won this game so easily. So I'll say I'll partially grant this. I'll say that lurkers are good against Terran Bio. But that's not really imbalanced. That's just what, I mean, that's just what it is. There's so many other counters to the lurker. But yes, if you're only building Marines and marauders and you're running at them at full speed in a line, the lurker might just be the best unit in the game. But everything else, absolutely no way. Like you actually freaking sucked in all fights. And despite that, you probably still had a win when you left the game. So a rage quit, insanity, and you suck. And that's it, my dear friend. I think that's actually just going to be it for me today. This one's not going to be good for my blood pressure. Thanks all so much for watching. I hope you all enjoyed this one. If you did, don't forget, hit the like button. Subscribe to the channel and we see all of you next time for a new video. Bye-bye. |
Toxic Guy Uses IMBA Spells For Free MMR?! | Is It IMBA Or Do I Suck | "This guy really was something else. What a prick... LIKE & SUBSCRIBE! If YOU want to file a repor(...TRUNCATED) | {
"url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2AKufbkDTWg/maxresdefault.jpg",
"width": 1280,
"height": 720
} | 2AKufbkDTWg | "Dear Harstam, I find Storms very imbalanced against Terran Bio. My opponent was extremely toxic guy(...TRUNCATED) |
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