Because they were a computationally cheap way to get common graphic icons into documents. Imagine it's 1992. You need to put a male symbol in your research paper on gender roles. How do you do that? You can't Google image search it. Google image search, Google, and a web browser for Windows haven't been invented. Even if they had been, you probably would have had trouble putting a GIF inline with the text in your document. But dingbat fonts were the answer. Just type the right letter or punctuation mark, change the font to Wingdings for that character, and hey presto! You have your ♂. And it is sized the same as your text. And because it's a vector font you don't have to worry about jaggies when you print it out. **TL;DR** It's a relic from a simpler time.
Because they were a computationally cheap way to get common graphic icons into documents. Imagine it's 1992. You need to put a male symbol in your research paper on gender roles. How do you do that? You can't Google image search it. Google image search, Google, and a web browser for Windows haven't been invented. Even if they had been, you probably would have had trouble putting a GIF inline with the text in your document. But dingbat fonts were the answer. Just type the right letter or punctuation mark, change the font to Wingdings for that character, and hey presto! You have your ♂. And it is sized the same as your text. And because it's a vector font you don't have to worry about jaggies when you print it out. TL;DR It's a relic from a simpler time.
Because they were a computationally cheap way to get common graphic icons into documents. Imagine it's 1992. You need to put a male symbol in your research paper on gender roles. How do you do that? You can't Google image search it. Google image search, Google, and a web browser for Windows haven't been invented. Even if they had been, you probably would have had trouble putting a GIF inline with the text in your document. But dingbat fonts were the answer. Just type the right letter or punctuation mark, change the font to Wingdings for that character, and hey presto! You have your ♂. And it is sized the same as your text. And because it's a vector font you don't have to worry about jaggies when you print it out.
It's a relic from a simpler time.
Sorry buddy, Audio files aren't going to work with real-time tempo scaling. You'll have to export it to a wav and re-adjust those passages with Audacity or something similar. Or, you could cut your audio files into different chunks, right at the line where your tempo changes. This way, you won't be recalculating an audio file mid-play, but rather switching to a new file that picks up exactly where the old one left off. TL;DR Exactly what Doctea said
Sorry buddy, Audio files aren't going to work with real-time tempo scaling. You'll have to export it to a wav and re-adjust those passages with Audacity or something similar. Or, you could cut your audio files into different chunks, right at the line where your tempo changes. This way, you won't be recalculating an audio file mid-play, but rather switching to a new file that picks up exactly where the old one left off. TL;DR Exactly what Doctea said
Sorry buddy, Audio files aren't going to work with real-time tempo scaling. You'll have to export it to a wav and re-adjust those passages with Audacity or something similar. Or, you could cut your audio files into different chunks, right at the line where your tempo changes. This way, you won't be recalculating an audio file mid-play, but rather switching to a new file that picks up exactly where the old one left off.
Exactly what Doctea said
If a person ruins the kings plans and the king told them to hold a castle instead of the thing that ruined the kings plans, that is there screw up. It is a military situation, there are reasons that it is so important in the military for subordinates to follow their superiors orders closely in military situations, because if they screw up that is their fault. There is no ifs, ands, or buts in war. Something you never due is talk back to your military commander, especially your king of all people!, about how it actually was not your fault. No one was going to accept Edmure's exscuses, not the Blackfish and not Robb. Can you realistically see Stannis or Tywin sitting their and listening to their subordinates excuses for failure. Can you really see that? TL;DR: In war you shut up and if take liberties for yourself and it works, fine, but if you do it and it screws up the entire Operation for the war, then there is no reason to expect sympathy from anyone. As a drill sergeant would say, it is war not the girl scouts.
If a person ruins the kings plans and the king told them to hold a castle instead of the thing that ruined the kings plans, that is there screw up. It is a military situation, there are reasons that it is so important in the military for subordinates to follow their superiors orders closely in military situations, because if they screw up that is their fault. There is no ifs, ands, or buts in war. Something you never due is talk back to your military commander, especially your king of all people!, about how it actually was not your fault. No one was going to accept Edmure's exscuses, not the Blackfish and not Robb. Can you realistically see Stannis or Tywin sitting their and listening to their subordinates excuses for failure. Can you really see that? TL;DR: In war you shut up and if take liberties for yourself and it works, fine, but if you do it and it screws up the entire Operation for the war, then there is no reason to expect sympathy from anyone. As a drill sergeant would say, it is war not the girl scouts.
If a person ruins the kings plans and the king told them to hold a castle instead of the thing that ruined the kings plans, that is there screw up. It is a military situation, there are reasons that it is so important in the military for subordinates to follow their superiors orders closely in military situations, because if they screw up that is their fault. There is no ifs, ands, or buts in war. Something you never due is talk back to your military commander, especially your king of all people!, about how it actually was not your fault. No one was going to accept Edmure's exscuses, not the Blackfish and not Robb. Can you realistically see Stannis or Tywin sitting their and listening to their subordinates excuses for failure. Can you really see that?
In war you shut up and if take liberties for yourself and it works, fine, but if you do it and it screws up the entire Operation for the war, then there is no reason to expect sympathy from anyone. As a drill sergeant would say, it is war not the girl scouts.
Seriously who cares if he doesn't like it. It's your face. I wanted snakebites when I was 17 and I was in a four year relationship at the time, he did NOT want me to get them at all. He said he hated piercings and blah blah, well I got them anyways because i wanted them and he loves them now. Three years later and he now loves body mods and he is excited for me to go get my septum done next week. Tl;dr Get it done. It's your body. Who knows maybe your boyfriend will come around later.
Seriously who cares if he doesn't like it. It's your face. I wanted snakebites when I was 17 and I was in a four year relationship at the time, he did NOT want me to get them at all. He said he hated piercings and blah blah, well I got them anyways because i wanted them and he loves them now. Three years later and he now loves body mods and he is excited for me to go get my septum done next week. Tl;dr Get it done. It's your body. Who knows maybe your boyfriend will come around later.
Seriously who cares if he doesn't like it. It's your face. I wanted snakebites when I was 17 and I was in a four year relationship at the time, he did NOT want me to get them at all. He said he hated piercings and blah blah, well I got them anyways because i wanted them and he loves them now. Three years later and he now loves body mods and he is excited for me to go get my septum done next week.
Get it done. It's your body. Who knows maybe your boyfriend will come around later.
I'm extremely unhappy here, but it's only because of money. The whole world is getting brutally fucked by the elite wealthy, and where I used to live in the suburbs, that meant no good jobs and no good income as well as high prices for fuel and car insurance and everything else, making life hard to access. It was just tough to get out and do what I wanted to do because the income was so much less than what I needed to maintain a stable base plus keep up some engaging activities. In NYC, I have a much better job and no car costs, but unless you're a special kind of stupid, you realize that I had to sacrifice a HUGE amount of quality in my home life to be here -- I pay double the rent I used to for 1/5 of the space. I have 5 roommates and I'm a VERY solitary person. I'm exhausted constantly because I'm not on the same wavelength as them. I have very little choice about this because i'm stuck on my lease. Everyone's packed too tightly. Here's the thing about NYC: More than any other place in the USA and possibly the world, your experience is part what you get for yourself and part what you make of it. This is less true of places like Nebraska where pretty much no matter what you get, you're going to have a pretty similar experience to everyone else around you. NYC has an absolutely astonishing diversity of activities and communities that you can get involved in -- if you've got the dough (and the time!) -- which people don't. NY'ers are overworked and underpaid and the rent is out of control. They want a grand a month for a tiny studio south of prospect park (read: ghetto stabville) but they're not offering me any $60k jobs so that I can live in the LES even though I have two degrees and some solid work experience. So yeah, people on the whole are not happy I'd wager. They're under too much stress. Still. I get to do shit here I NEVER could have done in the 'burbs. The other day I got advice on bike locks and bought one in the same establishment that then sold me a chocolate croissant and an espresso and on the way home I went to a jewish grocer. I saw the ball drop for new year's. I biked around central fuckin' park. I got to personally meet an idol of mine because he COMES TO NYC and not to the miserable suburbs. the dating opportunities here are pretty fresh, too. And I found a bakery that sells a tres leches cake for $2 that'll knock you out cold. NYC has THINGS TO DO and PEOPLE TO SEE that is on a level like none other. The problem is that you have to be able to afford it and you have to have to time to get out and get at it. TL;DR most people have it pretty fuckin' hard right now, not least of all new yorkers. world's getting robbed and little people are paying for it, but if you live in the city you can still let reality unfold for you in some pretty smashing ways, so learn to do that as best you can.
I'm extremely unhappy here, but it's only because of money. The whole world is getting brutally fucked by the elite wealthy, and where I used to live in the suburbs, that meant no good jobs and no good income as well as high prices for fuel and car insurance and everything else, making life hard to access. It was just tough to get out and do what I wanted to do because the income was so much less than what I needed to maintain a stable base plus keep up some engaging activities. In NYC, I have a much better job and no car costs, but unless you're a special kind of stupid, you realize that I had to sacrifice a HUGE amount of quality in my home life to be here -- I pay double the rent I used to for 1/5 of the space. I have 5 roommates and I'm a VERY solitary person. I'm exhausted constantly because I'm not on the same wavelength as them. I have very little choice about this because i'm stuck on my lease. Everyone's packed too tightly. Here's the thing about NYC: More than any other place in the USA and possibly the world, your experience is part what you get for yourself and part what you make of it. This is less true of places like Nebraska where pretty much no matter what you get, you're going to have a pretty similar experience to everyone else around you. NYC has an absolutely astonishing diversity of activities and communities that you can get involved in -- if you've got the dough (and the time!) -- which people don't. NY'ers are overworked and underpaid and the rent is out of control. They want a grand a month for a tiny studio south of prospect park (read: ghetto stabville) but they're not offering me any $60k jobs so that I can live in the LES even though I have two degrees and some solid work experience. So yeah, people on the whole are not happy I'd wager. They're under too much stress. Still. I get to do shit here I NEVER could have done in the 'burbs. The other day I got advice on bike locks and bought one in the same establishment that then sold me a chocolate croissant and an espresso and on the way home I went to a jewish grocer. I saw the ball drop for new year's. I biked around central fuckin' park. I got to personally meet an idol of mine because he COMES TO NYC and not to the miserable suburbs. the dating opportunities here are pretty fresh, too. And I found a bakery that sells a tres leches cake for $2 that'll knock you out cold. NYC has THINGS TO DO and PEOPLE TO SEE that is on a level like none other. The problem is that you have to be able to afford it and you have to have to time to get out and get at it. TL;DR most people have it pretty fuckin' hard right now, not least of all new yorkers. world's getting robbed and little people are paying for it, but if you live in the city you can still let reality unfold for you in some pretty smashing ways, so learn to do that as best you can.
I'm extremely unhappy here, but it's only because of money. The whole world is getting brutally fucked by the elite wealthy, and where I used to live in the suburbs, that meant no good jobs and no good income as well as high prices for fuel and car insurance and everything else, making life hard to access. It was just tough to get out and do what I wanted to do because the income was so much less than what I needed to maintain a stable base plus keep up some engaging activities. In NYC, I have a much better job and no car costs, but unless you're a special kind of stupid, you realize that I had to sacrifice a HUGE amount of quality in my home life to be here -- I pay double the rent I used to for 1/5 of the space. I have 5 roommates and I'm a VERY solitary person. I'm exhausted constantly because I'm not on the same wavelength as them. I have very little choice about this because i'm stuck on my lease. Everyone's packed too tightly. Here's the thing about NYC: More than any other place in the USA and possibly the world, your experience is part what you get for yourself and part what you make of it. This is less true of places like Nebraska where pretty much no matter what you get, you're going to have a pretty similar experience to everyone else around you. NYC has an absolutely astonishing diversity of activities and communities that you can get involved in -- if you've got the dough (and the time!) -- which people don't. NY'ers are overworked and underpaid and the rent is out of control. They want a grand a month for a tiny studio south of prospect park (read: ghetto stabville) but they're not offering me any $60k jobs so that I can live in the LES even though I have two degrees and some solid work experience. So yeah, people on the whole are not happy I'd wager. They're under too much stress. Still. I get to do shit here I NEVER could have done in the 'burbs. The other day I got advice on bike locks and bought one in the same establishment that then sold me a chocolate croissant and an espresso and on the way home I went to a jewish grocer. I saw the ball drop for new year's. I biked around central fuckin' park. I got to personally meet an idol of mine because he COMES TO NYC and not to the miserable suburbs. the dating opportunities here are pretty fresh, too. And I found a bakery that sells a tres leches cake for $2 that'll knock you out cold. NYC has THINGS TO DO and PEOPLE TO SEE that is on a level like none other. The problem is that you have to be able to afford it and you have to have to time to get out and get at it.
most people have it pretty fuckin' hard right now, not least of all new yorkers. world's getting robbed and little people are paying for it, but if you live in the city you can still let reality unfold for you in some pretty smashing ways, so learn to do that as best you can.
Yo, I think you're right on. People who enjoy life moving *fast* and always doing exciting new things love NYC. I just had a conversation with my fiance last night where we realized we were suburban at heart. We both never thought of ourselves that way because we're hardcore liberal and we both grew up in annoying, snobby, conservative suburban hometowns... but... we just like life to move at a slower pace. We like to sit home and watch Netflix and pet our cats. We like to be able to drive our groceries back home rather than carry them. We like to come home from work and not think about it anymore. We don't have any real desire to explore new bars or museums every weekend. We don't like that our rent is so high we can't stop working for a little while to try something new out. Right now I'm working full-time, getting my master's part-time, and planning a wedding to boot. It's stressful! And bumfuck Kentucky seems appealing and stress-free to me right now. [Edit] I almost forgot space/nature. I want to freakin' stargaze! And I want to get a dog and let it loose to run around in a nice, fenced yard! And I want to grow broccoli in a garden! Yes, broccoli! Broccoli is delicious. TLDR; We're lazy asses and NYC is not a place for lazy asses.
Yo, I think you're right on. People who enjoy life moving fast and always doing exciting new things love NYC. I just had a conversation with my fiance last night where we realized we were suburban at heart. We both never thought of ourselves that way because we're hardcore liberal and we both grew up in annoying, snobby, conservative suburban hometowns... but... we just like life to move at a slower pace. We like to sit home and watch Netflix and pet our cats. We like to be able to drive our groceries back home rather than carry them. We like to come home from work and not think about it anymore. We don't have any real desire to explore new bars or museums every weekend. We don't like that our rent is so high we can't stop working for a little while to try something new out. Right now I'm working full-time, getting my master's part-time, and planning a wedding to boot. It's stressful! And bumfuck Kentucky seems appealing and stress-free to me right now. [Edit] I almost forgot space/nature. I want to freakin' stargaze! And I want to get a dog and let it loose to run around in a nice, fenced yard! And I want to grow broccoli in a garden! Yes, broccoli! Broccoli is delicious. TLDR; We're lazy asses and NYC is not a place for lazy asses.
Yo, I think you're right on. People who enjoy life moving fast and always doing exciting new things love NYC. I just had a conversation with my fiance last night where we realized we were suburban at heart. We both never thought of ourselves that way because we're hardcore liberal and we both grew up in annoying, snobby, conservative suburban hometowns... but... we just like life to move at a slower pace. We like to sit home and watch Netflix and pet our cats. We like to be able to drive our groceries back home rather than carry them. We like to come home from work and not think about it anymore. We don't have any real desire to explore new bars or museums every weekend. We don't like that our rent is so high we can't stop working for a little while to try something new out. Right now I'm working full-time, getting my master's part-time, and planning a wedding to boot. It's stressful! And bumfuck Kentucky seems appealing and stress-free to me right now. [Edit] I almost forgot space/nature. I want to freakin' stargaze! And I want to get a dog and let it loose to run around in a nice, fenced yard! And I want to grow broccoli in a garden! Yes, broccoli! Broccoli is delicious.
We're lazy asses and NYC is not a place for lazy asses.
You will get over that. I am 23, never had an official GF, and am currently with an interested girl, though we are not in an official relationship yet. Our feelings are mutual, but we both agree this is not a good time for a relationship. We are both very busy college students, I am a student-teacher getting my license/degree, and she is studying nursing. We both want to commit when we both have the time that each other deserves to commit to each other. Once in a while the thought of making an official commitment, especially with never having really done it before, scares me to death. What if someone else better is out there? I came to my sense a while back thanks to an article that I cannot remember the source osf at the moment. I am not aware of your religious persuasion, but I am a Christian, and an online article really did it for me. The TL;DR of the article is basically this: you will never be happy with someone if you keep waiting for God (or circumstance, or whatever you believe) to bring along someone better. God wants you to love a real Christian (or whatever type) of woman now. No woman is perfect, she will have flaws, as do you. It is matter of finding a person of most compatibility. Love her for who she is right now, for if you keep waiting for that "perfect" someone, you will never find her. I am hoping things work out with us in the future, this is the first time I have been genuinely, truly, excited about someone before, and I can't wait to see where this leads. Keep your chin up, your self-sabotage will end when it is meant to end. Sorry for the rant, this is just what came to mind in the course of this thread.
You will get over that. I am 23, never had an official GF, and am currently with an interested girl, though we are not in an official relationship yet. Our feelings are mutual, but we both agree this is not a good time for a relationship. We are both very busy college students, I am a student-teacher getting my license/degree, and she is studying nursing. We both want to commit when we both have the time that each other deserves to commit to each other. Once in a while the thought of making an official commitment, especially with never having really done it before, scares me to death. What if someone else better is out there? I came to my sense a while back thanks to an article that I cannot remember the source osf at the moment. I am not aware of your religious persuasion, but I am a Christian, and an online article really did it for me. The TL;DR of the article is basically this: you will never be happy with someone if you keep waiting for God (or circumstance, or whatever you believe) to bring along someone better. God wants you to love a real Christian (or whatever type) of woman now. No woman is perfect, she will have flaws, as do you. It is matter of finding a person of most compatibility. Love her for who she is right now, for if you keep waiting for that "perfect" someone, you will never find her. I am hoping things work out with us in the future, this is the first time I have been genuinely, truly, excited about someone before, and I can't wait to see where this leads. Keep your chin up, your self-sabotage will end when it is meant to end. Sorry for the rant, this is just what came to mind in the course of this thread.
You will get over that. I am 23, never had an official GF, and am currently with an interested girl, though we are not in an official relationship yet. Our feelings are mutual, but we both agree this is not a good time for a relationship. We are both very busy college students, I am a student-teacher getting my license/degree, and she is studying nursing. We both want to commit when we both have the time that each other deserves to commit to each other. Once in a while the thought of making an official commitment, especially with never having really done it before, scares me to death. What if someone else better is out there? I came to my sense a while back thanks to an article that I cannot remember the source osf at the moment. I am not aware of your religious persuasion, but I am a Christian, and an online article really did it for me. The
of the article is basically this: you will never be happy with someone if you keep waiting for God (or circumstance, or whatever you believe) to bring along someone better. God wants you to love a real Christian (or whatever type) of woman now. No woman is perfect, she will have flaws, as do you. It is matter of finding a person of most compatibility. Love her for who she is right now, for if you keep waiting for that "perfect" someone, you will never find her. I am hoping things work out with us in the future, this is the first time I have been genuinely, truly, excited about someone before, and I can't wait to see where this leads. Keep your chin up, your self-sabotage will end when it is meant to end. Sorry for the rant, this is just what came to mind in the course of this thread.
I am going through this now. Its definitely not that we don't love each other. For me it seems to be a few things, a lot of stress at work, being exhausted as a result makes it actually unappealing to have sex; It's just so much work to make her happy, where 5 minutes and an internet connection is easy. I wouldn't say she has 'let herself go' but she isn't the same girl as before figure wise and that plays some role, as well as a little bit of boredom and what i like to call "grass is greener syndrome". But ultimately 90% of the issue is me, I work in a pretty sedentary desk job and for the last couple of years have been really lazy, now I am blessed with good genes and high metabolism so looking at me you'd never know i sit on my ass 90% of my awake hours looking at a screen. But mentally I felt like shit, recently started hitting the gym again 3 times a week and the results have been awesome, sex life is returning and I even have her starting to want to get active and get her figure back. Wow that got long TL;DR I was lazy, went to the gym, screw like rabbits.
I am going through this now. Its definitely not that we don't love each other. For me it seems to be a few things, a lot of stress at work, being exhausted as a result makes it actually unappealing to have sex; It's just so much work to make her happy, where 5 minutes and an internet connection is easy. I wouldn't say she has 'let herself go' but she isn't the same girl as before figure wise and that plays some role, as well as a little bit of boredom and what i like to call "grass is greener syndrome". But ultimately 90% of the issue is me, I work in a pretty sedentary desk job and for the last couple of years have been really lazy, now I am blessed with good genes and high metabolism so looking at me you'd never know i sit on my ass 90% of my awake hours looking at a screen. But mentally I felt like shit, recently started hitting the gym again 3 times a week and the results have been awesome, sex life is returning and I even have her starting to want to get active and get her figure back. Wow that got long TL;DR I was lazy, went to the gym, screw like rabbits.
I am going through this now. Its definitely not that we don't love each other. For me it seems to be a few things, a lot of stress at work, being exhausted as a result makes it actually unappealing to have sex; It's just so much work to make her happy, where 5 minutes and an internet connection is easy. I wouldn't say she has 'let herself go' but she isn't the same girl as before figure wise and that plays some role, as well as a little bit of boredom and what i like to call "grass is greener syndrome". But ultimately 90% of the issue is me, I work in a pretty sedentary desk job and for the last couple of years have been really lazy, now I am blessed with good genes and high metabolism so looking at me you'd never know i sit on my ass 90% of my awake hours looking at a screen. But mentally I felt like shit, recently started hitting the gym again 3 times a week and the results have been awesome, sex life is returning and I even have her starting to want to get active and get her figure back. Wow that got long
I was lazy, went to the gym, screw like rabbits.
I put in 5 years at Office Depot as a part-timer. The first 2 years were fine for me because I was still in school and part time was all I could handle. After I got out of school I told them I wanted a full time position. The boss said there were none available at the time, but he'd take care of me and promised I could get one after it becomes available. Cut to 3 years later and I was still working part time there. Looking back I should have left A LOT sooner than I did. I had applied to a few jobs over the course of those 3 years, but never seriously sought after better employment thinking that Office Depot would surely hook me soon since I had been with them so long. There was a small incident at work and tensions were high enough that it pushed me over the edge and I ended up quitting. Sure, it wasn't the smartest thing to do considering I hadn't found another job, but I worked for Depot till I literally couldn't stand it a moment longer. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I began spreading out my resume and applications to lots of different places, but after speaking with management it wasn't looking too good for any of them. After about a month out of work I was a day away from going to pizza hut because I knew they needed drivers. I lucked out and got a call from a security company I had applied for. They wanted to hire me to work a temp job for a power plant while it was in an outage phase. The good news was that I was getting 60+ hours a week at a good payrate. My first paycheck was 3-4 times what I had made in an entire month at office depot. Things have been going so well with them that they decided to keep me and offered me a permanent job. TL:DR Office Depot blows. Work anywhere else.
I put in 5 years at Office Depot as a part-timer. The first 2 years were fine for me because I was still in school and part time was all I could handle. After I got out of school I told them I wanted a full time position. The boss said there were none available at the time, but he'd take care of me and promised I could get one after it becomes available. Cut to 3 years later and I was still working part time there. Looking back I should have left A LOT sooner than I did. I had applied to a few jobs over the course of those 3 years, but never seriously sought after better employment thinking that Office Depot would surely hook me soon since I had been with them so long. There was a small incident at work and tensions were high enough that it pushed me over the edge and I ended up quitting. Sure, it wasn't the smartest thing to do considering I hadn't found another job, but I worked for Depot till I literally couldn't stand it a moment longer. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I began spreading out my resume and applications to lots of different places, but after speaking with management it wasn't looking too good for any of them. After about a month out of work I was a day away from going to pizza hut because I knew they needed drivers. I lucked out and got a call from a security company I had applied for. They wanted to hire me to work a temp job for a power plant while it was in an outage phase. The good news was that I was getting 60+ hours a week at a good payrate. My first paycheck was 3-4 times what I had made in an entire month at office depot. Things have been going so well with them that they decided to keep me and offered me a permanent job. TL:DR Office Depot blows. Work anywhere else.
I put in 5 years at Office Depot as a part-timer. The first 2 years were fine for me because I was still in school and part time was all I could handle. After I got out of school I told them I wanted a full time position. The boss said there were none available at the time, but he'd take care of me and promised I could get one after it becomes available. Cut to 3 years later and I was still working part time there. Looking back I should have left A LOT sooner than I did. I had applied to a few jobs over the course of those 3 years, but never seriously sought after better employment thinking that Office Depot would surely hook me soon since I had been with them so long. There was a small incident at work and tensions were high enough that it pushed me over the edge and I ended up quitting. Sure, it wasn't the smartest thing to do considering I hadn't found another job, but I worked for Depot till I literally couldn't stand it a moment longer. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I began spreading out my resume and applications to lots of different places, but after speaking with management it wasn't looking too good for any of them. After about a month out of work I was a day away from going to pizza hut because I knew they needed drivers. I lucked out and got a call from a security company I had applied for. They wanted to hire me to work a temp job for a power plant while it was in an outage phase. The good news was that I was getting 60+ hours a week at a good payrate. My first paycheck was 3-4 times what I had made in an entire month at office depot. Things have been going so well with them that they decided to keep me and offered me a permanent job.
Office Depot blows. Work anywhere else.
Your glasses fog up because they're cold and you're walking into a warmer, humid environment. This will do nothing to alleviate either the temperature of your glasses or the humidity of the surrounding room and any successfully non-fogged glasses are likely coincidence. TL,DR; This LPT is (likely) bullshit.
Your glasses fog up because they're cold and you're walking into a warmer, humid environment. This will do nothing to alleviate either the temperature of your glasses or the humidity of the surrounding room and any successfully non-fogged glasses are likely coincidence. TL,DR; This LPT is (likely) bullshit.
Your glasses fog up because they're cold and you're walking into a warmer, humid environment. This will do nothing to alleviate either the temperature of your glasses or the humidity of the surrounding room and any successfully non-fogged glasses are likely coincidence.
This LPT is (likely) bullshit.
Some people like simple. When looking at different computers out today there is much variety in the windows department. Laptops not only range from $500-$1700 but so much of it is absolute crap. I was reading earlier about an HP computer where the motherboard had melted through. While this is a rare occasion windows computers require research to some extent. Mac is simple, while there is 5 options all 5 are fine computers. Also consider macs are pretty, they don't use any plastic and have a very nice polished look to them. Finally macs users have brand loyalty, my dad bought an apple TV for himself and that thing works so well, connect to WiFi and it instantly allows you to steam videos. TL;DR: Reliability, Image, Brand loyalty.
Some people like simple. When looking at different computers out today there is much variety in the windows department. Laptops not only range from $500-$1700 but so much of it is absolute crap. I was reading earlier about an HP computer where the motherboard had melted through. While this is a rare occasion windows computers require research to some extent. Mac is simple, while there is 5 options all 5 are fine computers. Also consider macs are pretty, they don't use any plastic and have a very nice polished look to them. Finally macs users have brand loyalty, my dad bought an apple TV for himself and that thing works so well, connect to WiFi and it instantly allows you to steam videos. TL;DR: Reliability, Image, Brand loyalty.
Some people like simple. When looking at different computers out today there is much variety in the windows department. Laptops not only range from $500-$1700 but so much of it is absolute crap. I was reading earlier about an HP computer where the motherboard had melted through. While this is a rare occasion windows computers require research to some extent. Mac is simple, while there is 5 options all 5 are fine computers. Also consider macs are pretty, they don't use any plastic and have a very nice polished look to them. Finally macs users have brand loyalty, my dad bought an apple TV for himself and that thing works so well, connect to WiFi and it instantly allows you to steam videos.
Reliability, Image, Brand loyalty.
There's a lot of identity wrapped up in being a "Mac Person" or a "PC Person" or a "Linux Person." This isn't a mistake. Computers are now marketed the same way cars are. You buy a Camero because you're "badass and I know it." You buy a Lexus because "fuck off Proletarian swine!" Its the same marketing. I use my Mac computers for work. I'm an audio engineer and I record musicians, do system optimization (make the PA sound good), and use the laptop for soft-synths. Mac's aren't perfect by any means, but they're stable. That's all I really care about when I have clients breathing down my neck. It does the job I need it to. Its just a tool. Its not who I am. Its the right tool for the right job *for me*. I'm about to build a PC for gaming, because I need to constantly have a project and PC gaming kinda kicks ass. Honestly, if I didn't do the audio gig, I'd rock a PC all day long. I can check my email and look at cat pictures without a Mac. TL;DR: Your computer is not who you are. They're just tools. Pick the right tool for the right job.
There's a lot of identity wrapped up in being a "Mac Person" or a "PC Person" or a "Linux Person." This isn't a mistake. Computers are now marketed the same way cars are. You buy a Camero because you're "badass and I know it." You buy a Lexus because "fuck off Proletarian swine!" Its the same marketing. I use my Mac computers for work. I'm an audio engineer and I record musicians, do system optimization (make the PA sound good), and use the laptop for soft-synths. Mac's aren't perfect by any means, but they're stable. That's all I really care about when I have clients breathing down my neck. It does the job I need it to. Its just a tool. Its not who I am. Its the right tool for the right job for me . I'm about to build a PC for gaming, because I need to constantly have a project and PC gaming kinda kicks ass. Honestly, if I didn't do the audio gig, I'd rock a PC all day long. I can check my email and look at cat pictures without a Mac. TL;DR: Your computer is not who you are. They're just tools. Pick the right tool for the right job.
There's a lot of identity wrapped up in being a "Mac Person" or a "PC Person" or a "Linux Person." This isn't a mistake. Computers are now marketed the same way cars are. You buy a Camero because you're "badass and I know it." You buy a Lexus because "fuck off Proletarian swine!" Its the same marketing. I use my Mac computers for work. I'm an audio engineer and I record musicians, do system optimization (make the PA sound good), and use the laptop for soft-synths. Mac's aren't perfect by any means, but they're stable. That's all I really care about when I have clients breathing down my neck. It does the job I need it to. Its just a tool. Its not who I am. Its the right tool for the right job for me . I'm about to build a PC for gaming, because I need to constantly have a project and PC gaming kinda kicks ass. Honestly, if I didn't do the audio gig, I'd rock a PC all day long. I can check my email and look at cat pictures without a Mac.
Your computer is not who you are. They're just tools. Pick the right tool for the right job.
A friend of mine at a state university claims to have been arrested, breathalyzed, and taken to the hospital. This is completely believable aside from his assertion that he blew a .62. It is my understanding that any blood alcohol content over .4 is deadly. The only way his story could be true is if he now lives with severe brain damage from the toxicity of the alcohol. Tldr; My friend is either a liar or mentally stunted
A friend of mine at a state university claims to have been arrested, breathalyzed, and taken to the hospital. This is completely believable aside from his assertion that he blew a .62. It is my understanding that any blood alcohol content over .4 is deadly. The only way his story could be true is if he now lives with severe brain damage from the toxicity of the alcohol. Tldr; My friend is either a liar or mentally stunted
A friend of mine at a state university claims to have been arrested, breathalyzed, and taken to the hospital. This is completely believable aside from his assertion that he blew a .62. It is my understanding that any blood alcohol content over .4 is deadly. The only way his story could be true is if he now lives with severe brain damage from the toxicity of the alcohol.
My friend is either a liar or mentally stunted
Can anybody date these by any chance? Recently Z6joker9 posted [here]( about different bands and I was asking him the difference in some of the older bands vs. newer ones. Recently I came into several of these Fuente Chateau Rothschilds and I noticed they looked different. The 2 cigars on the inside are "brand new" purchased from the B&M recently for comparison sake. The 2 on the outside (#s 1 & 4) were from the group I acquired. Aside from the noticeable difference between the wrappers of the green ribbons the bands are different. The font and general band size is slightly smaller (aside from the extra gold stripes added on the newer cigar) also the cedar sleeves look different. I guess I've never aged cedar sleeves that long is it normal for them to get noticeably darker and show grain like this? EDIT: these came out of a Humi which also contained a couple Opus from '02 '04 and '05 which is what lead me to believe they may have been laying around for a while. TL;DR is the smaller font on the bands indicative of something more than a few years old? Does anyone remember one of these being made in maduro?
Can anybody date these by any chance? Recently Z6joker9 posted here were from the group I acquired. Aside from the noticeable difference between the wrappers of the green ribbons the bands are different. The font and general band size is slightly smaller (aside from the extra gold stripes added on the newer cigar) also the cedar sleeves look different. I guess I've never aged cedar sleeves that long is it normal for them to get noticeably darker and show grain like this? EDIT: these came out of a Humi which also contained a couple Opus from '02 '04 and '05 which is what lead me to believe they may have been laying around for a while. TL;DR is the smaller font on the bands indicative of something more than a few years old? Does anyone remember one of these being made in maduro?
Can anybody date these by any chance? Recently Z6joker9 posted here were from the group I acquired. Aside from the noticeable difference between the wrappers of the green ribbons the bands are different. The font and general band size is slightly smaller (aside from the extra gold stripes added on the newer cigar) also the cedar sleeves look different. I guess I've never aged cedar sleeves that long is it normal for them to get noticeably darker and show grain like this? EDIT: these came out of a Humi which also contained a couple Opus from '02 '04 and '05 which is what lead me to believe they may have been laying around for a while.
is the smaller font on the bands indicative of something more than a few years old? Does anyone remember one of these being made in maduro?
Heating excites molecules. Because they have more energy, they move more freely. Get some ice. Heat it, it starts to melt to water. It's obviously become less viscous - it's become a liquid. Keep adding energy, the molecules become more excited, and it becomes a gas, i.e. steam. Most things can exist as a solid, a liquid or a gas. It just needs to be at the right temperate. **edit** - just so people don't go writing scientific papers and citing this comment as a source, it is an extremely TL;DR kind of explanation. It's not even that accurate. It's just very simple and I tried to use the same terminology as seen above in the thread. Feel free to correct anything that you feel is insultingly incorrect.
Heating excites molecules. Because they have more energy, they move more freely. Get some ice. Heat it, it starts to melt to water. It's obviously become less viscous - it's become a liquid. Keep adding energy, the molecules become more excited, and it becomes a gas, i.e. steam. Most things can exist as a solid, a liquid or a gas. It just needs to be at the right temperate. edit - just so people don't go writing scientific papers and citing this comment as a source, it is an extremely TL;DR kind of explanation. It's not even that accurate. It's just very simple and I tried to use the same terminology as seen above in the thread. Feel free to correct anything that you feel is insultingly incorrect.
Heating excites molecules. Because they have more energy, they move more freely. Get some ice. Heat it, it starts to melt to water. It's obviously become less viscous - it's become a liquid. Keep adding energy, the molecules become more excited, and it becomes a gas, i.e. steam. Most things can exist as a solid, a liquid or a gas. It just needs to be at the right temperate. edit - just so people don't go writing scientific papers and citing this comment as a source, it is an extremely
kind of explanation. It's not even that accurate. It's just very simple and I tried to use the same terminology as seen above in the thread. Feel free to correct anything that you feel is insultingly incorrect.
A little off point but I have a funny story about shooting Vodka (Wodka) with Russians. I spent a year abroad in Harbin China in 1997. It was a language immersion program. Very few non Chinese.... For those of you not familiar with Harbin it is in Northern China. Very close to the Russian border and very far away from Beijing. Fucking freezing in the winter. (Think Siberia) Anyway, me and another American buddy of mine went to a Dance Club one Friday that was referred to as "The Russian Disco" It was run by Chinese people but 98% of the customers were Russian. Not your average Russians either. These were Russian smugglers, Mobster types. Back in the late 90s Russians still had trouble getting normal everyday things like shampoo, normal house stuff so there was a market for Russians to smuggle even stranger shit (Puppies, cars, furs etc.) into China so they could purchase and bring these household goods back to Russia to sell at inflated rates.. After long hours of ripping other Russians and Chinese off they would unwind at the "Russian Disco" The first night we were there we showed up to find a Club with the Base pumping and a ton of Huge Scary Bear sized Russian men all completely stoned and drunk... While pensive at first we had two cute Serbian girls from the University with us so we jumped in. Wasn't that bad. The Russians were in a good mood from gallons and gallons of Wodka. The one thing I noticed was when a lot of them did a shot they would chase it with Pineapple juice. A few drinks in my buddy did a shot with a guy who weighed no less then 400 lbs and all of it was muscle and when the guy tried to give him a pineapple chaser my buddy (who was toasty by now from Wodka) declined and said in Chinese "only women chase vodka with fruit drinks." ......... I heard it and cringed. Quickly looked at him and gave him the "Have you lost your fucking mind?" look. The Russian instead of killing us both where we stood laughed and poured us another shot! Thank god the Russian guy whose name ended up being Volodya had a sense of humor. We ended up going out to eat at 5 the next morning with Volodya and his crew as well as a bunch of sexy Russian Bunnies. Good Night. I've tried to be friendly with Russians whenever I meet them after that. TLDR; Buddy of mine insulted a Russian Mobster in China by telling him he drank like a girl and I lived to tell about it.
A little off point but I have a funny story about shooting Vodka (Wodka) with Russians. I spent a year abroad in Harbin China in 1997. It was a language immersion program. Very few non Chinese.... For those of you not familiar with Harbin it is in Northern China. Very close to the Russian border and very far away from Beijing. Fucking freezing in the winter. (Think Siberia) Anyway, me and another American buddy of mine went to a Dance Club one Friday that was referred to as "The Russian Disco" It was run by Chinese people but 98% of the customers were Russian. Not your average Russians either. These were Russian smugglers, Mobster types. Back in the late 90s Russians still had trouble getting normal everyday things like shampoo, normal house stuff so there was a market for Russians to smuggle even stranger shit (Puppies, cars, furs etc.) into China so they could purchase and bring these household goods back to Russia to sell at inflated rates.. After long hours of ripping other Russians and Chinese off they would unwind at the "Russian Disco" The first night we were there we showed up to find a Club with the Base pumping and a ton of Huge Scary Bear sized Russian men all completely stoned and drunk... While pensive at first we had two cute Serbian girls from the University with us so we jumped in. Wasn't that bad. The Russians were in a good mood from gallons and gallons of Wodka. The one thing I noticed was when a lot of them did a shot they would chase it with Pineapple juice. A few drinks in my buddy did a shot with a guy who weighed no less then 400 lbs and all of it was muscle and when the guy tried to give him a pineapple chaser my buddy (who was toasty by now from Wodka) declined and said in Chinese "only women chase vodka with fruit drinks." ......... I heard it and cringed. Quickly looked at him and gave him the "Have you lost your fucking mind?" look. The Russian instead of killing us both where we stood laughed and poured us another shot! Thank god the Russian guy whose name ended up being Volodya had a sense of humor. We ended up going out to eat at 5 the next morning with Volodya and his crew as well as a bunch of sexy Russian Bunnies. Good Night. I've tried to be friendly with Russians whenever I meet them after that. TLDR; Buddy of mine insulted a Russian Mobster in China by telling him he drank like a girl and I lived to tell about it.
A little off point but I have a funny story about shooting Vodka (Wodka) with Russians. I spent a year abroad in Harbin China in 1997. It was a language immersion program. Very few non Chinese.... For those of you not familiar with Harbin it is in Northern China. Very close to the Russian border and very far away from Beijing. Fucking freezing in the winter. (Think Siberia) Anyway, me and another American buddy of mine went to a Dance Club one Friday that was referred to as "The Russian Disco" It was run by Chinese people but 98% of the customers were Russian. Not your average Russians either. These were Russian smugglers, Mobster types. Back in the late 90s Russians still had trouble getting normal everyday things like shampoo, normal house stuff so there was a market for Russians to smuggle even stranger shit (Puppies, cars, furs etc.) into China so they could purchase and bring these household goods back to Russia to sell at inflated rates.. After long hours of ripping other Russians and Chinese off they would unwind at the "Russian Disco" The first night we were there we showed up to find a Club with the Base pumping and a ton of Huge Scary Bear sized Russian men all completely stoned and drunk... While pensive at first we had two cute Serbian girls from the University with us so we jumped in. Wasn't that bad. The Russians were in a good mood from gallons and gallons of Wodka. The one thing I noticed was when a lot of them did a shot they would chase it with Pineapple juice. A few drinks in my buddy did a shot with a guy who weighed no less then 400 lbs and all of it was muscle and when the guy tried to give him a pineapple chaser my buddy (who was toasty by now from Wodka) declined and said in Chinese "only women chase vodka with fruit drinks." ......... I heard it and cringed. Quickly looked at him and gave him the "Have you lost your fucking mind?" look. The Russian instead of killing us both where we stood laughed and poured us another shot! Thank god the Russian guy whose name ended up being Volodya had a sense of humor. We ended up going out to eat at 5 the next morning with Volodya and his crew as well as a bunch of sexy Russian Bunnies. Good Night. I've tried to be friendly with Russians whenever I meet them after that.
Buddy of mine insulted a Russian Mobster in China by telling him he drank like a girl and I lived to tell about it.
Auditioning for the GOP 2016 primary. National name recognition is vital, and this gets his name out there. He gains name recognition and a higher profile for future attention-grabs, all of which translates into polling better in early primary polls (which are more a measure of name recognition than anything else), and that translates into the all-important fundraising that makes the difference between having a chance at winning and not having that chance. Further, for elected representatives (including Senators), the longer they're in office, the more votes they take part in, and that means there's more that can be used against them. That's why the two Senators who became President in modern times were only there for one term (in Obama's case, not even one term), while the many more Senators who ran and lost were in office for longer (McCain, Kerry, Dole, etc). It's counter-intuitive, but having more of a record gives their opponent more to go after. That's why Sen. Paul is so active now, 2016 and 2020 are his only real chances. Note at this time, Romney is getting back out there with interviews, Jeb Bush is starting to make noise, Marco Rubio is being very vocal too. tl;dr - This is just how electoral politics at the Presidential level is done. If it wasn't this filibuster, it would be something else, and if it wasn't drones, it would be something else. He needs to get his name out there now, and this was the most convenient way.
Auditioning for the GOP 2016 primary. National name recognition is vital, and this gets his name out there. He gains name recognition and a higher profile for future attention-grabs, all of which translates into polling better in early primary polls (which are more a measure of name recognition than anything else), and that translates into the all-important fundraising that makes the difference between having a chance at winning and not having that chance. Further, for elected representatives (including Senators), the longer they're in office, the more votes they take part in, and that means there's more that can be used against them. That's why the two Senators who became President in modern times were only there for one term (in Obama's case, not even one term), while the many more Senators who ran and lost were in office for longer (McCain, Kerry, Dole, etc). It's counter-intuitive, but having more of a record gives their opponent more to go after. That's why Sen. Paul is so active now, 2016 and 2020 are his only real chances. Note at this time, Romney is getting back out there with interviews, Jeb Bush is starting to make noise, Marco Rubio is being very vocal too. tl;dr - This is just how electoral politics at the Presidential level is done. If it wasn't this filibuster, it would be something else, and if it wasn't drones, it would be something else. He needs to get his name out there now, and this was the most convenient way.
Auditioning for the GOP 2016 primary. National name recognition is vital, and this gets his name out there. He gains name recognition and a higher profile for future attention-grabs, all of which translates into polling better in early primary polls (which are more a measure of name recognition than anything else), and that translates into the all-important fundraising that makes the difference between having a chance at winning and not having that chance. Further, for elected representatives (including Senators), the longer they're in office, the more votes they take part in, and that means there's more that can be used against them. That's why the two Senators who became President in modern times were only there for one term (in Obama's case, not even one term), while the many more Senators who ran and lost were in office for longer (McCain, Kerry, Dole, etc). It's counter-intuitive, but having more of a record gives their opponent more to go after. That's why Sen. Paul is so active now, 2016 and 2020 are his only real chances. Note at this time, Romney is getting back out there with interviews, Jeb Bush is starting to make noise, Marco Rubio is being very vocal too.
This is just how electoral politics at the Presidential level is done. If it wasn't this filibuster, it would be something else, and if it wasn't drones, it would be something else. He needs to get his name out there now, and this was the most convenient way.
PTSD will do that. I find myself, even without any provocation, being passive-aggressive toward people who have helped me. It's like i want to push them away so that I will never have to deal with the pain of rejection. the pain of knowing that the person whom i trust most wants to be rid of me. It's like doing something bad, but taking it into your own hands. you ever heard of a parent telling their kid the family dog died? how the parents feel if must come from them? it's the same as this. The people i care the most about are the ones i find myself wanting to push away. there are only two people whom i consider on this level of intimacy(friendship?). look at it like a complement, a test to show her how much you **really** love her. **TL;DR** - This is a way some people with PTSD show their deep love for someone. we are afraid we will get hurt, so prove us wrong and stick with it. it comes from a place of love.
PTSD will do that. I find myself, even without any provocation, being passive-aggressive toward people who have helped me. It's like i want to push them away so that I will never have to deal with the pain of rejection. the pain of knowing that the person whom i trust most wants to be rid of me. It's like doing something bad, but taking it into your own hands. you ever heard of a parent telling their kid the family dog died? how the parents feel if must come from them? it's the same as this. The people i care the most about are the ones i find myself wanting to push away. there are only two people whom i consider on this level of intimacy(friendship?). look at it like a complement, a test to show her how much you really love her. TL;DR - This is a way some people with PTSD show their deep love for someone. we are afraid we will get hurt, so prove us wrong and stick with it. it comes from a place of love.
PTSD will do that. I find myself, even without any provocation, being passive-aggressive toward people who have helped me. It's like i want to push them away so that I will never have to deal with the pain of rejection. the pain of knowing that the person whom i trust most wants to be rid of me. It's like doing something bad, but taking it into your own hands. you ever heard of a parent telling their kid the family dog died? how the parents feel if must come from them? it's the same as this. The people i care the most about are the ones i find myself wanting to push away. there are only two people whom i consider on this level of intimacy(friendship?). look at it like a complement, a test to show her how much you really love her.
This is a way some people with PTSD show their deep love for someone. we are afraid we will get hurt, so prove us wrong and stick with it. it comes from a place of love.
Let's not go full retard over this issue. Ethically, it is obviously a better choice to adopt or purchase a disadvantaged dog be it a mutt, pound puppy, older dog on Craigs List etc. No one is going to spit on you for your decision though and most of the crying in this thread is largely breeder purchasers being defensive. Many adopted dogs DO have serious issues and require a patient, experienced owner to give them a good life and enjoy life together. My dogs are 'throwaways' and I will never purchase another dog myself, *but I bought my mother and sister very specific breeds, from reputable breeders, with recorded histories.* They aren't capable of dealing with Jack mutts or large breed mixes, and may never be. The world isn't perfect. I actually believe however that if more people started with a healthy Lab, you would see people adopt more difficult and rewarding dogs in the future. Too many people start with pretty breeds or cool breeds, large breed terriers and other hunting dogs come to mind, and simply cannot handle them. I'd rather see 10 experienced, patient owners adopting pound puppies than 30 first time buyers picking a cool dog. I've just seen too many sad outcomes. That said, it does become a sort of moral imperative once you are capable of being a great owner to give other dogs a chance. Sheep dogs and ratters for example are like little 3 year olds. They can have complete conversations with you, but most live sub-par or fucked up lives because their owners can't give them the attention and engagement they require. They aren't the same animals as they could be when they are just given a backyard to run around in, if that. They often turn neurotic and instinctive and that's with a 'good owner' with a 'big backyard'. Meh, I'm just rambling now. ___ **tldr: Buy your first dog to suit your lifestyle. Once you are capable of enjoying other dogs as much or likely even more so, it does become a bit of a moral obligation.**
Let's not go full retard over this issue. Ethically, it is obviously a better choice to adopt or purchase a disadvantaged dog be it a mutt, pound puppy, older dog on Craigs List etc. No one is going to spit on you for your decision though and most of the crying in this thread is largely breeder purchasers being defensive. Many adopted dogs DO have serious issues and require a patient, experienced owner to give them a good life and enjoy life together. My dogs are 'throwaways' and I will never purchase another dog myself, but I bought my mother and sister very specific breeds, from reputable breeders, with recorded histories. They aren't capable of dealing with Jack mutts or large breed mixes, and may never be. The world isn't perfect. I actually believe however that if more people started with a healthy Lab, you would see people adopt more difficult and rewarding dogs in the future. Too many people start with pretty breeds or cool breeds, large breed terriers and other hunting dogs come to mind, and simply cannot handle them. I'd rather see 10 experienced, patient owners adopting pound puppies than 30 first time buyers picking a cool dog. I've just seen too many sad outcomes. That said, it does become a sort of moral imperative once you are capable of being a great owner to give other dogs a chance. Sheep dogs and ratters for example are like little 3 year olds. They can have complete conversations with you, but most live sub-par or fucked up lives because their owners can't give them the attention and engagement they require. They aren't the same animals as they could be when they are just given a backyard to run around in, if that. They often turn neurotic and instinctive and that's with a 'good owner' with a 'big backyard'. Meh, I'm just rambling now. tldr: Buy your first dog to suit your lifestyle. Once you are capable of enjoying other dogs as much or likely even more so, it does become a bit of a moral obligation.
Let's not go full retard over this issue. Ethically, it is obviously a better choice to adopt or purchase a disadvantaged dog be it a mutt, pound puppy, older dog on Craigs List etc. No one is going to spit on you for your decision though and most of the crying in this thread is largely breeder purchasers being defensive. Many adopted dogs DO have serious issues and require a patient, experienced owner to give them a good life and enjoy life together. My dogs are 'throwaways' and I will never purchase another dog myself, but I bought my mother and sister very specific breeds, from reputable breeders, with recorded histories. They aren't capable of dealing with Jack mutts or large breed mixes, and may never be. The world isn't perfect. I actually believe however that if more people started with a healthy Lab, you would see people adopt more difficult and rewarding dogs in the future. Too many people start with pretty breeds or cool breeds, large breed terriers and other hunting dogs come to mind, and simply cannot handle them. I'd rather see 10 experienced, patient owners adopting pound puppies than 30 first time buyers picking a cool dog. I've just seen too many sad outcomes. That said, it does become a sort of moral imperative once you are capable of being a great owner to give other dogs a chance. Sheep dogs and ratters for example are like little 3 year olds. They can have complete conversations with you, but most live sub-par or fucked up lives because their owners can't give them the attention and engagement they require. They aren't the same animals as they could be when they are just given a backyard to run around in, if that. They often turn neurotic and instinctive and that's with a 'good owner' with a 'big backyard'. Meh, I'm just rambling now.
Buy your first dog to suit your lifestyle. Once you are capable of enjoying other dogs as much or likely even more so, it does become a bit of a moral obligation.
- If you're into somebody, *fucking ask them out*. Don't wait around for the right moment, don't spend weeks wondering if it's going to blow up in your face. Just ask, try and be cool about it, if they say no, move on. - Along similar lines: Every relationship ends. Either you break up, or one of you dies. That's life. With that in mind, not every relationship has to be true love. You can have a short relationship that's good, and then ends. *Especially* when you're a teenager and relationships are a learning experience. (not that they ever stop being that, but moreso when you're a teenager) What I'm getting at here is, if a relationship goes bad, don't be afraid to pull the plug if you're not happy. And don't sink your claws in and try and keep it going when the other person isn't happy. Get out, move on, and meet somebody else. If you do that, you'll have a short, sweet relationship you can look back on fondly, instead of the bitterness a lot of people feel towards their exes. (If someone ever tells you "all my exes were crazy/bitches/assholes/etc.", odds are the problem wasn't all of the exes) - Don't buy DVDs (or Blu-Ray or whatever). Unless you're going to watch something more than 3 times, it's a waste of money and space in your apartment. And if you are going to watch something more than 3 times, that's a waste of your time. Which leads me to the big one: - Time is really fucking precious. And you don't really learn that until you're an adult with a real job and kids to take care of and no time to yourself until the kids are in bed and you're ready to drop from exhaustion. If I had one wish, it would be to harvest all the wasted hours I spent in my teens and early 20s watching shit on TV I didn't really like or playing the same games over and over. If you're 16, all that time I wasted is still ahead of you. *Use it*. Make something. Write something. Build something. Learn something. Go places. Meet people. tl;dr: 1) bust a move. 2) don't spend all your time on Reddit.
If you're into somebody, fucking ask them out . Don't wait around for the right moment, don't spend weeks wondering if it's going to blow up in your face. Just ask, try and be cool about it, if they say no, move on. Along similar lines: Every relationship ends. Either you break up, or one of you dies. That's life. With that in mind, not every relationship has to be true love. You can have a short relationship that's good, and then ends. Especially when you're a teenager and relationships are a learning experience. (not that they ever stop being that, but moreso when you're a teenager) What I'm getting at here is, if a relationship goes bad, don't be afraid to pull the plug if you're not happy. And don't sink your claws in and try and keep it going when the other person isn't happy. Get out, move on, and meet somebody else. If you do that, you'll have a short, sweet relationship you can look back on fondly, instead of the bitterness a lot of people feel towards their exes. (If someone ever tells you "all my exes were crazy/bitches/assholes/etc.", odds are the problem wasn't all of the exes) Don't buy DVDs (or Blu-Ray or whatever). Unless you're going to watch something more than 3 times, it's a waste of money and space in your apartment. And if you are going to watch something more than 3 times, that's a waste of your time. Which leads me to the big one: Time is really fucking precious. And you don't really learn that until you're an adult with a real job and kids to take care of and no time to yourself until the kids are in bed and you're ready to drop from exhaustion. If I had one wish, it would be to harvest all the wasted hours I spent in my teens and early 20s watching shit on TV I didn't really like or playing the same games over and over. If you're 16, all that time I wasted is still ahead of you. Use it . Make something. Write something. Build something. Learn something. Go places. Meet people. tl;dr: 1) bust a move. 2) don't spend all your time on Reddit.
If you're into somebody, fucking ask them out . Don't wait around for the right moment, don't spend weeks wondering if it's going to blow up in your face. Just ask, try and be cool about it, if they say no, move on. Along similar lines: Every relationship ends. Either you break up, or one of you dies. That's life. With that in mind, not every relationship has to be true love. You can have a short relationship that's good, and then ends. Especially when you're a teenager and relationships are a learning experience. (not that they ever stop being that, but moreso when you're a teenager) What I'm getting at here is, if a relationship goes bad, don't be afraid to pull the plug if you're not happy. And don't sink your claws in and try and keep it going when the other person isn't happy. Get out, move on, and meet somebody else. If you do that, you'll have a short, sweet relationship you can look back on fondly, instead of the bitterness a lot of people feel towards their exes. (If someone ever tells you "all my exes were crazy/bitches/assholes/etc.", odds are the problem wasn't all of the exes) Don't buy DVDs (or Blu-Ray or whatever). Unless you're going to watch something more than 3 times, it's a waste of money and space in your apartment. And if you are going to watch something more than 3 times, that's a waste of your time. Which leads me to the big one: Time is really fucking precious. And you don't really learn that until you're an adult with a real job and kids to take care of and no time to yourself until the kids are in bed and you're ready to drop from exhaustion. If I had one wish, it would be to harvest all the wasted hours I spent in my teens and early 20s watching shit on TV I didn't really like or playing the same games over and over. If you're 16, all that time I wasted is still ahead of you. Use it . Make something. Write something. Build something. Learn something. Go places. Meet people.
1) bust a move. 2) don't spend all your time on Reddit.
He faked brain cancer for a month after we broke up. I was suspicious pretty much immediately after he told me. For one thing, the "diagnosis" came two days after we broke up (and he actually dumped me, said some horrible stuff to me, then decided he didn't want to break up and tried to take it back, but I was done at that point). But his facts also didn't add up, and I caught him in several lies. He would tell me he had doctors appointments in a large city a couple of hours from where we lived, but then friends would see him out in our hometown the same day. He also told me I couldn't tell anyone and that his parents didn't know (we were 17 at the time). I think that was the biggest red flag but I really didn't want to believe he would make that up. Until the breakup, we had a normal, happy relationship (at least, I thought so). I finally broke down and talked to his mom about it. I knew he was most likely lying, but I also thought that on very slight chance he was telling the truth, she should know. She confirmed his lies, but he never did own up to it. Instead, he insisted that he had been cured and then proceeded to tell all of our friends a bunch of insane lies. I ended my senior year of high school friendless because of him. TL;DR ex boyfriend faked brain cancer to make me feel bad for not getting back together with him.
He faked brain cancer for a month after we broke up. I was suspicious pretty much immediately after he told me. For one thing, the "diagnosis" came two days after we broke up (and he actually dumped me, said some horrible stuff to me, then decided he didn't want to break up and tried to take it back, but I was done at that point). But his facts also didn't add up, and I caught him in several lies. He would tell me he had doctors appointments in a large city a couple of hours from where we lived, but then friends would see him out in our hometown the same day. He also told me I couldn't tell anyone and that his parents didn't know (we were 17 at the time). I think that was the biggest red flag but I really didn't want to believe he would make that up. Until the breakup, we had a normal, happy relationship (at least, I thought so). I finally broke down and talked to his mom about it. I knew he was most likely lying, but I also thought that on very slight chance he was telling the truth, she should know. She confirmed his lies, but he never did own up to it. Instead, he insisted that he had been cured and then proceeded to tell all of our friends a bunch of insane lies. I ended my senior year of high school friendless because of him. TL;DR ex boyfriend faked brain cancer to make me feel bad for not getting back together with him.
He faked brain cancer for a month after we broke up. I was suspicious pretty much immediately after he told me. For one thing, the "diagnosis" came two days after we broke up (and he actually dumped me, said some horrible stuff to me, then decided he didn't want to break up and tried to take it back, but I was done at that point). But his facts also didn't add up, and I caught him in several lies. He would tell me he had doctors appointments in a large city a couple of hours from where we lived, but then friends would see him out in our hometown the same day. He also told me I couldn't tell anyone and that his parents didn't know (we were 17 at the time). I think that was the biggest red flag but I really didn't want to believe he would make that up. Until the breakup, we had a normal, happy relationship (at least, I thought so). I finally broke down and talked to his mom about it. I knew he was most likely lying, but I also thought that on very slight chance he was telling the truth, she should know. She confirmed his lies, but he never did own up to it. Instead, he insisted that he had been cured and then proceeded to tell all of our friends a bunch of insane lies. I ended my senior year of high school friendless because of him.
ex boyfriend faked brain cancer to make me feel bad for not getting back together with him.
Thanks! Now if someone could just give me a tldr I'd be all set!
Thanks! Now if someone could just give me a tldr I'd be all set!
Thanks! Now if someone could just give me a
I'd be all set!
a similar thing just happened to be, albeit the dude was (ironically) in full artorias armor with the cursed sword and a crest shield. i got lucky and tapped him with the BKH 2h r2 (some fucking crazy damage on that thing if it hits) and he promptly starts spamming the dark bead, crystal soul spear, wotg, pursuers, etc. all in the span of like 40 seconds. i didnt really get hit with the exception of a single unlocked swap he took at me with that cursed sword. so somehow i get a few more hits in and he dies but i was peeved and said why the magic spam? he says that halberds are cheap and the hitboxes are glitched since he tried to circle for the bs after that r2 but got hit because it hits behind. of course i facepalm and say that yes it hits behind but there is a long-ish recovery and you just need to wait a fraction of a second more. he just says fuck off tl;dr some jackass spammed the dark magic and wotg, then told me i was cheap for using a halberd
a similar thing just happened to be, albeit the dude was (ironically) in full artorias armor with the cursed sword and a crest shield. i got lucky and tapped him with the BKH 2h r2 (some fucking crazy damage on that thing if it hits) and he promptly starts spamming the dark bead, crystal soul spear, wotg, pursuers, etc. all in the span of like 40 seconds. i didnt really get hit with the exception of a single unlocked swap he took at me with that cursed sword. so somehow i get a few more hits in and he dies but i was peeved and said why the magic spam? he says that halberds are cheap and the hitboxes are glitched since he tried to circle for the bs after that r2 but got hit because it hits behind. of course i facepalm and say that yes it hits behind but there is a long-ish recovery and you just need to wait a fraction of a second more. he just says fuck off tl;dr some jackass spammed the dark magic and wotg, then told me i was cheap for using a halberd
a similar thing just happened to be, albeit the dude was (ironically) in full artorias armor with the cursed sword and a crest shield. i got lucky and tapped him with the BKH 2h r2 (some fucking crazy damage on that thing if it hits) and he promptly starts spamming the dark bead, crystal soul spear, wotg, pursuers, etc. all in the span of like 40 seconds. i didnt really get hit with the exception of a single unlocked swap he took at me with that cursed sword. so somehow i get a few more hits in and he dies but i was peeved and said why the magic spam? he says that halberds are cheap and the hitboxes are glitched since he tried to circle for the bs after that r2 but got hit because it hits behind. of course i facepalm and say that yes it hits behind but there is a long-ish recovery and you just need to wait a fraction of a second more. he just says fuck off
some jackass spammed the dark magic and wotg, then told me i was cheap for using a halberd
Speaking as a dog trainer: He treats every dog with the same philosophy: Domination. Not every dog needs to be dominated; in fact, very few do. I approach each dog I work with with a different solution because there's no such thing as a one-size fits all when it comes to dogs. Because his show is so popular, MANY inexperienced dog owners use his program as a reference guide. It's easier to get than any other resource on dogs. But the worst thing about his method is that, when applied incorrectly (which it almost assuredly will be), it leads to disastrous results. TL:DR his show is for entertainment purposes only. He is effective on a very few dogs, but that does not mean you should try it on your dog.
Speaking as a dog trainer: He treats every dog with the same philosophy: Domination. Not every dog needs to be dominated; in fact, very few do. I approach each dog I work with with a different solution because there's no such thing as a one-size fits all when it comes to dogs. Because his show is so popular, MANY inexperienced dog owners use his program as a reference guide. It's easier to get than any other resource on dogs. But the worst thing about his method is that, when applied incorrectly (which it almost assuredly will be), it leads to disastrous results. TL:DR his show is for entertainment purposes only. He is effective on a very few dogs, but that does not mean you should try it on your dog.
Speaking as a dog trainer: He treats every dog with the same philosophy: Domination. Not every dog needs to be dominated; in fact, very few do. I approach each dog I work with with a different solution because there's no such thing as a one-size fits all when it comes to dogs. Because his show is so popular, MANY inexperienced dog owners use his program as a reference guide. It's easier to get than any other resource on dogs. But the worst thing about his method is that, when applied incorrectly (which it almost assuredly will be), it leads to disastrous results.
his show is for entertainment purposes only. He is effective on a very few dogs, but that does not mean you should try it on your dog.
Have you ever watched the documentary "Joseph Cambell: The Hero's Journey"? There is a great segment in it where Joseph Cambell is recounting an interview discussion he had. I adore this documentary and actually transcribed part of it below to share (it's available on Amazon On Demand and used to be on Netflix): >Narrator: What does it mean to mean to live by a mythology and why is it important? This man, Joseph Campbell has spent a lifetime finding answers to these questions. Throughout his career as teacher and writer, Campbell has been challenged by a persistent misunderstanding over the very meaning of the word myth. A misunderstanding he confronted most recently in a radio interview. > >Joseph Campbell: The red light goes on and he starts out with this popular idea, he says "Myth is a lie. A Myth is a lie. Isn't it?" I said "No, you must talk about a mythology, a whole mythology by which people live." Of course that was out the window already. "It's a lie." "It's a metaphor." "It's a lie." > >About five minutes to go, I realize this young man does not know what a metaphor is. > >So I felt I could be tough, too. You know I have him now in a hammer lock, you might say and he's not going to get out. I said "You know, I tell you myths are metaphors. Give me an example of a metaphor." "You give me an example" he said. I taught school for 38 years; I said "No! I'm asking the question this time. Give me an example of a metaphor." > >Well the poor man fell apart. I mean it was - I felt ashamed. You don't do anything like this to people. Nietzsche has a saying - in I think its [De..something. I couldn't make out what he said] or The Will to Power one - the 'pale criminal', the one who has the courage of the knife, but not of the blood. And I had no courage, to face what I had done to this young man, on his show, live to his public. The show was in his name. So he fell apart, and he said "Oh, uh, I don't know what to do, um, wait a minute - uh", then he says finally, and we now have about a minute and a half or two minutes to go. > >He comes up from the floor, says "I'll try. This so-and-so runs very fast. People say he runs like a deer." I said, "That's not the metaphor." Tick, tick, tick goes the clock. "The metaphor is 'So-and-so is a deer'". "That's a lie!" he says. "That's a metaphor!" I said. That's the end of the show. > >And that got into me: it is so simple. To believe in God - God is a metaphor for a mystery that absolutely transcends all human categories of thought. Even the categories of being and non-being, those are categories of thought. I mean, it's as simple as that. So it depends on how much you want to think about it, whether it's doing you any good, whether it is putting you in touch with the mystery that is the ground of your own being. If it isn't, well, it's a lie. > >So, half the people in the world are religious people who think that their metaphors are facts. Those are what we call theists. The other half are people who know that the metaphors are not fact, and so they're lies. Those are the atheists. The moon is a metaphor for a female spiritual presence felt in ritual, which in turn in a metaphor for something beyond categories of human thought. The metaphor doesn't connect with everyone though. And obviously witchcraft and the history of Wicca and occult or alternative spirituality in general is a huge subject unto it self. It depends on how much you want to think about it :) **TL;DR:** Metaphors aren't really lies. Unless they don't speak to you on a spiritual level. Then, yeah, they're lies. ~~Live toward what speaks to your heart, mind and spirit.~~ Edit: Heh that line at the end was cheesy and sounded like I was telling people what to do/think, so I removed it. Oh, late night redditing, you make me sound so silly >_>;
Have you ever watched the documentary "Joseph Cambell: The Hero's Journey"? There is a great segment in it where Joseph Cambell is recounting an interview discussion he had. I adore this documentary and actually transcribed part of it below to share (it's available on Amazon On Demand and used to be on Netflix): >Narrator: What does it mean to mean to live by a mythology and why is it important? This man, Joseph Campbell has spent a lifetime finding answers to these questions. Throughout his career as teacher and writer, Campbell has been challenged by a persistent misunderstanding over the very meaning of the word myth. A misunderstanding he confronted most recently in a radio interview. > >Joseph Campbell: The red light goes on and he starts out with this popular idea, he says "Myth is a lie. A Myth is a lie. Isn't it?" I said "No, you must talk about a mythology, a whole mythology by which people live." Of course that was out the window already. "It's a lie." "It's a metaphor." "It's a lie." > >About five minutes to go, I realize this young man does not know what a metaphor is. > >So I felt I could be tough, too. You know I have him now in a hammer lock, you might say and he's not going to get out. I said "You know, I tell you myths are metaphors. Give me an example of a metaphor." "You give me an example" he said. I taught school for 38 years; I said "No! I'm asking the question this time. Give me an example of a metaphor." > >Well the poor man fell apart. I mean it was - I felt ashamed. You don't do anything like this to people. Nietzsche has a saying - in I think its [De..something. I couldn't make out what he said] or The Will to Power one - the 'pale criminal', the one who has the courage of the knife, but not of the blood. And I had no courage, to face what I had done to this young man, on his show, live to his public. The show was in his name. So he fell apart, and he said "Oh, uh, I don't know what to do, um, wait a minute - uh", then he says finally, and we now have about a minute and a half or two minutes to go. > >He comes up from the floor, says "I'll try. This so-and-so runs very fast. People say he runs like a deer." I said, "That's not the metaphor." Tick, tick, tick goes the clock. "The metaphor is 'So-and-so is a deer'". "That's a lie!" he says. "That's a metaphor!" I said. That's the end of the show. > >And that got into me: it is so simple. To believe in God - God is a metaphor for a mystery that absolutely transcends all human categories of thought. Even the categories of being and non-being, those are categories of thought. I mean, it's as simple as that. So it depends on how much you want to think about it, whether it's doing you any good, whether it is putting you in touch with the mystery that is the ground of your own being. If it isn't, well, it's a lie. > >So, half the people in the world are religious people who think that their metaphors are facts. Those are what we call theists. The other half are people who know that the metaphors are not fact, and so they're lies. Those are the atheists. The moon is a metaphor for a female spiritual presence felt in ritual, which in turn in a metaphor for something beyond categories of human thought. The metaphor doesn't connect with everyone though. And obviously witchcraft and the history of Wicca and occult or alternative spirituality in general is a huge subject unto it self. It depends on how much you want to think about it :) TL;DR: Metaphors aren't really lies. Unless they don't speak to you on a spiritual level. Then, yeah, they're lies. Live toward what speaks to your heart, mind and spirit. Edit: Heh that line at the end was cheesy and sounded like I was telling people what to do/think, so I removed it. Oh, late night redditing, you make me sound so silly >_>;
Have you ever watched the documentary "Joseph Cambell: The Hero's Journey"? There is a great segment in it where Joseph Cambell is recounting an interview discussion he had. I adore this documentary and actually transcribed part of it below to share (it's available on Amazon On Demand and used to be on Netflix): >Narrator: What does it mean to mean to live by a mythology and why is it important? This man, Joseph Campbell has spent a lifetime finding answers to these questions. Throughout his career as teacher and writer, Campbell has been challenged by a persistent misunderstanding over the very meaning of the word myth. A misunderstanding he confronted most recently in a radio interview. > >Joseph Campbell: The red light goes on and he starts out with this popular idea, he says "Myth is a lie. A Myth is a lie. Isn't it?" I said "No, you must talk about a mythology, a whole mythology by which people live." Of course that was out the window already. "It's a lie." "It's a metaphor." "It's a lie." > >About five minutes to go, I realize this young man does not know what a metaphor is. > >So I felt I could be tough, too. You know I have him now in a hammer lock, you might say and he's not going to get out. I said "You know, I tell you myths are metaphors. Give me an example of a metaphor." "You give me an example" he said. I taught school for 38 years; I said "No! I'm asking the question this time. Give me an example of a metaphor." > >Well the poor man fell apart. I mean it was - I felt ashamed. You don't do anything like this to people. Nietzsche has a saying - in I think its [De..something. I couldn't make out what he said] or The Will to Power one - the 'pale criminal', the one who has the courage of the knife, but not of the blood. And I had no courage, to face what I had done to this young man, on his show, live to his public. The show was in his name. So he fell apart, and he said "Oh, uh, I don't know what to do, um, wait a minute - uh", then he says finally, and we now have about a minute and a half or two minutes to go. > >He comes up from the floor, says "I'll try. This so-and-so runs very fast. People say he runs like a deer." I said, "That's not the metaphor." Tick, tick, tick goes the clock. "The metaphor is 'So-and-so is a deer'". "That's a lie!" he says. "That's a metaphor!" I said. That's the end of the show. > >And that got into me: it is so simple. To believe in God - God is a metaphor for a mystery that absolutely transcends all human categories of thought. Even the categories of being and non-being, those are categories of thought. I mean, it's as simple as that. So it depends on how much you want to think about it, whether it's doing you any good, whether it is putting you in touch with the mystery that is the ground of your own being. If it isn't, well, it's a lie. > >So, half the people in the world are religious people who think that their metaphors are facts. Those are what we call theists. The other half are people who know that the metaphors are not fact, and so they're lies. Those are the atheists. The moon is a metaphor for a female spiritual presence felt in ritual, which in turn in a metaphor for something beyond categories of human thought. The metaphor doesn't connect with everyone though. And obviously witchcraft and the history of Wicca and occult or alternative spirituality in general is a huge subject unto it self. It depends on how much you want to think about it :)
Metaphors aren't really lies. Unless they don't speak to you on a spiritual level. Then, yeah, they're lies. Live toward what speaks to your heart, mind and spirit. Edit: Heh that line at the end was cheesy and sounded like I was telling people what to do/think, so I removed it. Oh, late night redditing, you make me sound so silly >_>;
I've directly saved several peoples lives. I'm a lifeguard. (: My favorite story, although not actually saving a life (but in TL;DR form) child got hurt, backboarded him out of the water with a suspected spinal injury, transported to hospital.
I've directly saved several peoples lives. I'm a lifeguard. (: My favorite story, although not actually saving a life (but in TL;DR form) child got hurt, backboarded him out of the water with a suspected spinal injury, transported to hospital.
I've directly saved several peoples lives. I'm a lifeguard. (: My favorite story, although not actually saving a life (but in
form) child got hurt, backboarded him out of the water with a suspected spinal injury, transported to hospital.
Four years ago I was living on the top floor of a very shitty flat in a very shitty part of Edinburgh. Woke up - hungover to fuck - to the strong smell of something burning. Quick look around flat - nothing. Opened the door to the stairwell and there's a thick haze of smoke. Proceed to open/kick open the doors of my neighbours, check all the rooms and send people down the stairs - it was a weekday so there was only a few elderly people and a junkie in. Got to the bottom floor, heard the smoke alarm going off in a flat. Burst open the door. Fire/smoke bellowing from the kitchen area. Quick check around and find a rastafarian chap crashed out on his couch. Dragged him out the flat. Phoned fire brigade. Everyone was ok. Fire was started by faulty electrics. I was crying like fuck the whole time. TL;DR saved some old people, a junkie and a rastafarian from fire whilst rocking a scottish hangover, cried like fuck the whole time.
Four years ago I was living on the top floor of a very shitty flat in a very shitty part of Edinburgh. Woke up - hungover to fuck - to the strong smell of something burning. Quick look around flat - nothing. Opened the door to the stairwell and there's a thick haze of smoke. Proceed to open/kick open the doors of my neighbours, check all the rooms and send people down the stairs - it was a weekday so there was only a few elderly people and a junkie in. Got to the bottom floor, heard the smoke alarm going off in a flat. Burst open the door. Fire/smoke bellowing from the kitchen area. Quick check around and find a rastafarian chap crashed out on his couch. Dragged him out the flat. Phoned fire brigade. Everyone was ok. Fire was started by faulty electrics. I was crying like fuck the whole time. TL;DR saved some old people, a junkie and a rastafarian from fire whilst rocking a scottish hangover, cried like fuck the whole time.
Four years ago I was living on the top floor of a very shitty flat in a very shitty part of Edinburgh. Woke up - hungover to fuck - to the strong smell of something burning. Quick look around flat - nothing. Opened the door to the stairwell and there's a thick haze of smoke. Proceed to open/kick open the doors of my neighbours, check all the rooms and send people down the stairs - it was a weekday so there was only a few elderly people and a junkie in. Got to the bottom floor, heard the smoke alarm going off in a flat. Burst open the door. Fire/smoke bellowing from the kitchen area. Quick check around and find a rastafarian chap crashed out on his couch. Dragged him out the flat. Phoned fire brigade. Everyone was ok. Fire was started by faulty electrics. I was crying like fuck the whole time.
saved some old people, a junkie and a rastafarian from fire whilst rocking a scottish hangover, cried like fuck the whole time.
Something fucked up with the elevator we were on. About 5 people had already gotten off and I was the last person other than the woman in front of me. As she was walking through the door the elevator started moving back up the elevator shaft with the door still open--aka, imminent decapitation. She didn't realize what was going on so I grabbed her and pulled her back in before she got clipped and who knows what would've happened. Elevator stopped moving like a floor up so we sat down and chilled for like 45 minutes until they fixed the issue and we could safely get out. At which point I kissed in solid ground I was standing on. Oh and bonus points, she was my boss. tl;dr - grabbed my boss out of a treacherous elevator situation before she got potentially horribly mutilated.
Something fucked up with the elevator we were on. About 5 people had already gotten off and I was the last person other than the woman in front of me. As she was walking through the door the elevator started moving back up the elevator shaft with the door still open--aka, imminent decapitation. She didn't realize what was going on so I grabbed her and pulled her back in before she got clipped and who knows what would've happened. Elevator stopped moving like a floor up so we sat down and chilled for like 45 minutes until they fixed the issue and we could safely get out. At which point I kissed in solid ground I was standing on. Oh and bonus points, she was my boss. tl;dr - grabbed my boss out of a treacherous elevator situation before she got potentially horribly mutilated.
Something fucked up with the elevator we were on. About 5 people had already gotten off and I was the last person other than the woman in front of me. As she was walking through the door the elevator started moving back up the elevator shaft with the door still open--aka, imminent decapitation. She didn't realize what was going on so I grabbed her and pulled her back in before she got clipped and who knows what would've happened. Elevator stopped moving like a floor up so we sat down and chilled for like 45 minutes until they fixed the issue and we could safely get out. At which point I kissed in solid ground I was standing on. Oh and bonus points, she was my boss.
grabbed my boss out of a treacherous elevator situation before she got potentially horribly mutilated.
Former drone here who got fired for a similar issue. I worked for a store (not a Wal-Mart, but one of their brands) that sold riding lawnmowers and we were running an ad online for a 0% financing option when you purchased one for at least $250. I informed my grandfather about the ad and he came in to check out our selection. He noticed that there was one model up in the loft area that he couldn't find on the floor and inquired what its price was. Turned out that the lawnmower was marked down for liquidation at $275 (originally sold for $1800) and the employee who looked up the price didn't know that liquidated items are not to be sold to customers, because they've already been sold back to the manufacturer. The employee sold him the riding lawnmower on the 0% financing plan, and I was called to load it in his truck because I was the only employee currently in the store with a forklift certification (prior to seeing his truck pull around back, I had no idea that my grandfather was in the store that day). My manager looked at his receipt and saw his last name was the same as mine and asked if we were related; I told him that the customer was my grandfather and that he likely came in because I told him about our 0% financing ad. The next day I came in and was immediately ushered into the manager's office where I was told I was being let go for sending in a relative to purchase a liquidated item for myself. Despite being a lie, all of my efforts to get this decision reversed were stopped dead by corporate citing a clause of my contract stating that I was not allowed to disclose any discounted pricing information or sale to family members or friends with the intent of getting them to purchase the items at the discount. I did manage to drag my manager down with me though, for failing to prevent the sale of a liquidated item, which required his approval at the register, so there's that. TL;DR Wal-Mart will fire its drone in a heartbeat if they feel that the drone has cost them even the slightest amount of profit.
Former drone here who got fired for a similar issue. I worked for a store (not a Wal-Mart, but one of their brands) that sold riding lawnmowers and we were running an ad online for a 0% financing option when you purchased one for at least $250. I informed my grandfather about the ad and he came in to check out our selection. He noticed that there was one model up in the loft area that he couldn't find on the floor and inquired what its price was. Turned out that the lawnmower was marked down for liquidation at $275 (originally sold for $1800) and the employee who looked up the price didn't know that liquidated items are not to be sold to customers, because they've already been sold back to the manufacturer. The employee sold him the riding lawnmower on the 0% financing plan, and I was called to load it in his truck because I was the only employee currently in the store with a forklift certification (prior to seeing his truck pull around back, I had no idea that my grandfather was in the store that day). My manager looked at his receipt and saw his last name was the same as mine and asked if we were related; I told him that the customer was my grandfather and that he likely came in because I told him about our 0% financing ad. The next day I came in and was immediately ushered into the manager's office where I was told I was being let go for sending in a relative to purchase a liquidated item for myself. Despite being a lie, all of my efforts to get this decision reversed were stopped dead by corporate citing a clause of my contract stating that I was not allowed to disclose any discounted pricing information or sale to family members or friends with the intent of getting them to purchase the items at the discount. I did manage to drag my manager down with me though, for failing to prevent the sale of a liquidated item, which required his approval at the register, so there's that. TL;DR Wal-Mart will fire its drone in a heartbeat if they feel that the drone has cost them even the slightest amount of profit.
Former drone here who got fired for a similar issue. I worked for a store (not a Wal-Mart, but one of their brands) that sold riding lawnmowers and we were running an ad online for a 0% financing option when you purchased one for at least $250. I informed my grandfather about the ad and he came in to check out our selection. He noticed that there was one model up in the loft area that he couldn't find on the floor and inquired what its price was. Turned out that the lawnmower was marked down for liquidation at $275 (originally sold for $1800) and the employee who looked up the price didn't know that liquidated items are not to be sold to customers, because they've already been sold back to the manufacturer. The employee sold him the riding lawnmower on the 0% financing plan, and I was called to load it in his truck because I was the only employee currently in the store with a forklift certification (prior to seeing his truck pull around back, I had no idea that my grandfather was in the store that day). My manager looked at his receipt and saw his last name was the same as mine and asked if we were related; I told him that the customer was my grandfather and that he likely came in because I told him about our 0% financing ad. The next day I came in and was immediately ushered into the manager's office where I was told I was being let go for sending in a relative to purchase a liquidated item for myself. Despite being a lie, all of my efforts to get this decision reversed were stopped dead by corporate citing a clause of my contract stating that I was not allowed to disclose any discounted pricing information or sale to family members or friends with the intent of getting them to purchase the items at the discount. I did manage to drag my manager down with me though, for failing to prevent the sale of a liquidated item, which required his approval at the register, so there's that.
Wal-Mart will fire its drone in a heartbeat if they feel that the drone has cost them even the slightest amount of profit.
i would assume that several archer episodes get produced simultaneously on very short deadlines. so sometimes they end up broadcasting them out of order due to their availability/completion. it's unfortunate that it resulted in preemptively spoiling the death of bilbo, but it's not the first time this has happened. in s1e4 "killing utne," cheryl changes her name to "[carina]( but in episode s1e3 "diversity hire," changes her name from "carina" to "[cristal]( (the champagne that all hot black guys drink). you can see this early in the episode, when her nameplate is first visible reading "[carina]( additionally, right before the conversation where cyril is asked to deliver the bag of frozen shrimp, he gets halfway through addressing her as carina ("okay, car- oh, now it's cristal?") before noticing the new name on her nameplate. and then in the second season, there was a self-referencing joke about malory and lana's first spy missions. but the joke was ultimately told out of order and lost some of its impact. in s2e7 "movie star" malory describes being *discovered* and offered a job by "wild bill" donovan, and finishes the story saying, "three weeks later, i was in tunisia, killing a man." but in s2e4 "pipeline fever" it's lana is describing getting *discovered* and offered a job, this time by malory, and then finishes her story with the parallel line, "three weeks later, i was in tunisia, killing a *different* man." tl;dr this out of order shit happens every season. it doesn't need to be addressed in-show. accept it and move on.
i would assume that several archer episodes get produced simultaneously on very short deadlines. so sometimes they end up broadcasting them out of order due to their availability/completion. it's unfortunate that it resulted in preemptively spoiling the death of bilbo, but it's not the first time this has happened. in s1e4 "killing utne," cheryl changes her name to "[carina]( but in episode s1e3 "diversity hire," changes her name from "carina" to " cristal . you can see this early in the episode, when her nameplate is first visible reading " carina before noticing the new name on her nameplate. and then in the second season, there was a self-referencing joke about malory and lana's first spy missions. but the joke was ultimately told out of order and lost some of its impact. in s2e7 "movie star" malory describes being discovered and offered a job by "wild bill" donovan, and finishes the story saying, "three weeks later, i was in tunisia, killing a man." but in s2e4 "pipeline fever" it's lana is describing getting discovered and offered a job, this time by malory, and then finishes her story with the parallel line, "three weeks later, i was in tunisia, killing a different man." tl;dr this out of order shit happens every season. it doesn't need to be addressed in-show. accept it and move on.
i would assume that several archer episodes get produced simultaneously on very short deadlines. so sometimes they end up broadcasting them out of order due to their availability/completion. it's unfortunate that it resulted in preemptively spoiling the death of bilbo, but it's not the first time this has happened. in s1e4 "killing utne," cheryl changes her name to "[carina]( but in episode s1e3 "diversity hire," changes her name from "carina" to " cristal . you can see this early in the episode, when her nameplate is first visible reading " carina before noticing the new name on her nameplate. and then in the second season, there was a self-referencing joke about malory and lana's first spy missions. but the joke was ultimately told out of order and lost some of its impact. in s2e7 "movie star" malory describes being discovered and offered a job by "wild bill" donovan, and finishes the story saying, "three weeks later, i was in tunisia, killing a man." but in s2e4 "pipeline fever" it's lana is describing getting discovered and offered a job, this time by malory, and then finishes her story with the parallel line, "three weeks later, i was in tunisia, killing a different man."
this out of order shit happens every season. it doesn't need to be addressed in-show. accept it and move on.
As a 17 year old, why is everyone in this thread so ageist all of a sudden? Edit: Ok, what appears to have happened is that funghii made a joke that was misinterpreted. A number of Redditors then took this seriously and a number didn't and it is now impossible to tell exactly who is being sarcastic and who is not. Some are downvoting Ieuan1996 because he didn't recognise the sarcasm and some because they genuinely believe this to be an opportunity to express their anger towards the stereotypical teenage redditor. tl;dr: Don't feed the trolls.
As a 17 year old, why is everyone in this thread so ageist all of a sudden? Edit: Ok, what appears to have happened is that funghii made a joke that was misinterpreted. A number of Redditors then took this seriously and a number didn't and it is now impossible to tell exactly who is being sarcastic and who is not. Some are downvoting Ieuan1996 because he didn't recognise the sarcasm and some because they genuinely believe this to be an opportunity to express their anger towards the stereotypical teenage redditor. tl;dr: Don't feed the trolls.
As a 17 year old, why is everyone in this thread so ageist all of a sudden? Edit: Ok, what appears to have happened is that funghii made a joke that was misinterpreted. A number of Redditors then took this seriously and a number didn't and it is now impossible to tell exactly who is being sarcastic and who is not. Some are downvoting Ieuan1996 because he didn't recognise the sarcasm and some because they genuinely believe this to be an opportunity to express their anger towards the stereotypical teenage redditor.
Don't feed the trolls.
Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Clear enough? TL;DR - Get a lawyer. *edit-GET. A. LAWYER. -thanks profoak, can't believe I missed that...
Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Clear enough? TL;DR - Get a lawyer. *edit-GET. A. LAWYER. -thanks profoak, can't believe I missed that...
Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Get a lawyer. Clear enough?
Get a lawyer. *edit-GET. A. LAWYER. -thanks profoak, can't believe I missed that...
Best advice I can give is don't push your DIL out of her comfort zone. My MIL is super supportive and didn't push me to let her babysit until I was ready. The best thing anyone has ever done was come to my house and hold my baby so I can get stuff done! My baby is going through a super clingy stage and just having someone hold her while I take a shower is the best gift in the world. Offer to come over a few evenings a week. I'm super anal about my home and how stuff is done so I wouldn't want someone to do my laundry or dishes, but my floors are a different story. I don't think they got mopped for over a month. TL;DR help, but don't push!
Best advice I can give is don't push your DIL out of her comfort zone. My MIL is super supportive and didn't push me to let her babysit until I was ready. The best thing anyone has ever done was come to my house and hold my baby so I can get stuff done! My baby is going through a super clingy stage and just having someone hold her while I take a shower is the best gift in the world. Offer to come over a few evenings a week. I'm super anal about my home and how stuff is done so I wouldn't want someone to do my laundry or dishes, but my floors are a different story. I don't think they got mopped for over a month. TL;DR help, but don't push!
Best advice I can give is don't push your DIL out of her comfort zone. My MIL is super supportive and didn't push me to let her babysit until I was ready. The best thing anyone has ever done was come to my house and hold my baby so I can get stuff done! My baby is going through a super clingy stage and just having someone hold her while I take a shower is the best gift in the world. Offer to come over a few evenings a week. I'm super anal about my home and how stuff is done so I wouldn't want someone to do my laundry or dishes, but my floors are a different story. I don't think they got mopped for over a month.
help, but don't push!
This is evidence that a second economic market is developing for online products. I have noticed that Amazon in general has changed from "the retailer with almost always the lowest prices" to "the retailer with some times the highest price by double. This is Amazon in general and a problem with Prime. Here is what I think is happening. When Amazon first started, I would compare with other retailers and then buy the cheapest. This was almost always Amazon, so after a while I stopped comparing. Then in about the last six months, a weird but predictable thing happened. The prices on Amazon have gone up -- not on everything and not by just a little. Some products are double the cost as you noted. This is profit taking and they can do it because we stopped comparison shopping and as you also note, it is convenient as hell. Yes it is half the price at Target but I have 15 other items in my basket that are cheaper at Amazon. Do I really want to drive to Target for one item? Overall, I'm still saving money and I don't have to interact with the greater harsh plastic world. That markup is an attempt to extract a convenience fee for shopping at Amazon. Sometimes I pay it and sometimes I don't... TL DR: Convenience fee
This is evidence that a second economic market is developing for online products. I have noticed that Amazon in general has changed from "the retailer with almost always the lowest prices" to "the retailer with some times the highest price by double. This is Amazon in general and a problem with Prime. Here is what I think is happening. When Amazon first started, I would compare with other retailers and then buy the cheapest. This was almost always Amazon, so after a while I stopped comparing. Then in about the last six months, a weird but predictable thing happened. The prices on Amazon have gone up -- not on everything and not by just a little. Some products are double the cost as you noted. This is profit taking and they can do it because we stopped comparison shopping and as you also note, it is convenient as hell. Yes it is half the price at Target but I have 15 other items in my basket that are cheaper at Amazon. Do I really want to drive to Target for one item? Overall, I'm still saving money and I don't have to interact with the greater harsh plastic world. That markup is an attempt to extract a convenience fee for shopping at Amazon. Sometimes I pay it and sometimes I don't... TL DR: Convenience fee
This is evidence that a second economic market is developing for online products. I have noticed that Amazon in general has changed from "the retailer with almost always the lowest prices" to "the retailer with some times the highest price by double. This is Amazon in general and a problem with Prime. Here is what I think is happening. When Amazon first started, I would compare with other retailers and then buy the cheapest. This was almost always Amazon, so after a while I stopped comparing. Then in about the last six months, a weird but predictable thing happened. The prices on Amazon have gone up -- not on everything and not by just a little. Some products are double the cost as you noted. This is profit taking and they can do it because we stopped comparison shopping and as you also note, it is convenient as hell. Yes it is half the price at Target but I have 15 other items in my basket that are cheaper at Amazon. Do I really want to drive to Target for one item? Overall, I'm still saving money and I don't have to interact with the greater harsh plastic world. That markup is an attempt to extract a convenience fee for shopping at Amazon. Sometimes I pay it and sometimes I don't...
Convenience fee
Hmm, I've yet to purchase one for my digital camera (though it will be my next purchase.) So, I've never handled a prime lens outside of the film camera I learned to shoot on. TL;DR I don't know.
Hmm, I've yet to purchase one for my digital camera (though it will be my next purchase.) So, I've never handled a prime lens outside of the film camera I learned to shoot on. TL;DR I don't know.
Hmm, I've yet to purchase one for my digital camera (though it will be my next purchase.) So, I've never handled a prime lens outside of the film camera I learned to shoot on.
I don't know.
THIS THREAD! Let me Try and explain the difference between shooting in Manual mode and in aperture or shutter priority (OP this is not for you, this is for anyone that thinks a) or s) modes are faster than manual mode.) First thing that you have to know is that in almost all lighting situations the light is constant. if your outside on a bright shiny day, your light is constant you have one source of light, and barring any clouds, it stays the same consistantly. Next, your camera's light meter is an averaging machine, it wants to average the light it sees and make it appear as 18% grey. The meter will look at the lights and the darks and the medium grays, take samples of each, average those samples, then return an exposure value that when exposed creates 18% grey. This works well for most things, but if you are in a scene with lots of white, or lots of black your camera will average that white or that black to look grey. This happens in Manual mode or in a) and s) modes, and is simply compensated for by shooting +/- 1 stop depending on white or black. What most people think shoot manual mode means is that you take a new exposure for everything they point their camera at, then shoot, this is ***wrong***, you should ***never*** do this. Remember the light is constant, nothing has changed so your exposure should not either. (except for when you do need to change it, which Ill explain in a moment) Here enters the Zone system, the Zone system was pioneered by Ansel Adams and is quite a complex system that consists of shooting for shadows, developing for highlights, measuring film density etc. and it scares the shit out of many photographers. However Much of what makes it complicated can be pared off for a digital work flow. So what do you need to know about the zone system? I will tell you. The key idea in the zone system breaks down to this idea; The Human eye can distinguish hundreds (i dont know the exact number) of shades of grey, but the camera for the most part sees the world in only about 10 shades of grey, 10 zones if you will. Zone 5 is your Medium 18% grey, zone 4 and 6 are your Dark grey and Light grey respectively, and zones 3 and 7 are your Blacks and whites that still hold detail. the other zones fall into the solid black and solid white areas and are not needed much when talking about the zone system. Another way of looking at it is zone 5 is a zero exposure, zone 4/6 are -/+ 1 stop and zones 3/7 are -/+ 2 stops When you are out in bright sunlight (I will use that as an example because its easy) One way to start your shooting is to whip out a grey card and expose for it to get a zero exposure, Then simply start shooting. It is that simple, Again because the light does not change. Once you have metered this way, when you shoot that white car parked on the side of the road, even though the light meter reads that car at a +1 or almost +2 exposure, you can be confident that this is the correct exposure. what you see in the final image will be basically what you saw in real life, that is the car in the photo will appear white, with detail. When you shoot the shadows say the dark of a building when the sun is behind it, it will be -1 to -2 stops but This also is right. Some areas you will point your camera will even go into the -3 range and be blocked up black, and that is OK, because it is exposing the sensor the way the light really is in relation to the other objects around. Now, if you are in the sun and you decide to take a stroll in that thick stand of trees off to the side there, the ambiant light will be different. In effect your light source has changed, it is now the ambiant light not the direct sunlight any more. However you already set your exposure off of your grey card for bright sun, and compared to the sunny area, you know the trees are about a zone 3, (about 2 stops darker) when you go under the trees and whip out your grey card and start metering it, you will see it is -2 stops, so you simply open up 2 stops, now everything you shoot under the shade will be correctly exposed relative to your grey card which is a zone 5. Of course once you are used to it you will simply walk into the trees, and stop down 2 stops, you will not have to think about it, you will not have to meter, because again the light is consistant, it has not changed (earlier I said that you were effectively going into a new light source, this is true it is an ambiant light but it is still consistently 2 stops darker than the bright sunny area). Then when you go back into the sun, you open up 2 stops and you are back where you started. As you start shooting this way, you will be able to walk into a scene, look at something and tell what zone it falls in, you can point your camera there, and meter for it, rather than bringing a grey card every time. you will find you will be very accurate that way over time. So what about cloudy days when the sun is peaking out on a regular basis? Well that is simple, when the sun in behind the cloud find an object that falls into zone 5(medium grey) and expose for it. when the sun comes back out, note how many stops it changes and that will tell you what you need to adjust to as the sun comes and goes. Now your probably asking why this is better than the a) and s) modes? I hope it is obvious at this point but in case it is not, let me explain. When you set your camera to aperture priority, You are selecting an aperture setting that you want to stay constant, and you are letting the camera make decisions every second you are shooting. When you point your camera at something that should fall into a zone 3 your camera is going to over expose it to make that zone 3 look like a zone 5, i.e. grey instead of black with detail, and vice verse. When you look at zone 7, instead of the camera leaving it at zone 7, it will automatically try and adjust it to zone 5 under exposing it. Of course you can always go in to every image you want to edit and adjust it afterwards, and that may just work for you, but you are doing yourself a discredit as a photographer, and waisting so much more time than simply shooting right in the first place. This zone technique is the way past masters have shot for years, it is the correct method of shooting, because it gives consistant accurate and beautiful results. You can, and many of you will continue to use aperture and shutter priority, but you are losing out on vital skills and knowledge. One way to paraphrase this or recap it, is to think like this: When light is constant on a scene, everything has a relative correct lightness and darkness. somethings will be medium grey, some will be white and some will be black. If you meter one time on one object then no matter where you point your camera in the scene everything will be exposed correctly in relation to the light source. the only time the exposure should change is when you consciously want something that is metered for one zone to be exposed in another zone, then all you have to know is what zone the object is in, what zone you want it exposed in, and quickly stop up or down the corresponding number of stops. TL;DR- Many People shoot in aperture or shutter priority because they have not taken the time to learn how to make correct exposures by metering once and letting the zones fall where they may.
THIS THREAD! Let me Try and explain the difference between shooting in Manual mode and in aperture or shutter priority (OP this is not for you, this is for anyone that thinks a) or s) modes are faster than manual mode.) First thing that you have to know is that in almost all lighting situations the light is constant. if your outside on a bright shiny day, your light is constant you have one source of light, and barring any clouds, it stays the same consistantly. Next, your camera's light meter is an averaging machine, it wants to average the light it sees and make it appear as 18% grey. The meter will look at the lights and the darks and the medium grays, take samples of each, average those samples, then return an exposure value that when exposed creates 18% grey. This works well for most things, but if you are in a scene with lots of white, or lots of black your camera will average that white or that black to look grey. This happens in Manual mode or in a) and s) modes, and is simply compensated for by shooting +/- 1 stop depending on white or black. What most people think shoot manual mode means is that you take a new exposure for everything they point their camera at, then shoot, this is wrong , you should never do this. Remember the light is constant, nothing has changed so your exposure should not either. (except for when you do need to change it, which Ill explain in a moment) Here enters the Zone system, the Zone system was pioneered by Ansel Adams and is quite a complex system that consists of shooting for shadows, developing for highlights, measuring film density etc. and it scares the shit out of many photographers. However Much of what makes it complicated can be pared off for a digital work flow. So what do you need to know about the zone system? I will tell you. The key idea in the zone system breaks down to this idea; The Human eye can distinguish hundreds (i dont know the exact number) of shades of grey, but the camera for the most part sees the world in only about 10 shades of grey, 10 zones if you will. Zone 5 is your Medium 18% grey, zone 4 and 6 are your Dark grey and Light grey respectively, and zones 3 and 7 are your Blacks and whites that still hold detail. the other zones fall into the solid black and solid white areas and are not needed much when talking about the zone system. Another way of looking at it is zone 5 is a zero exposure, zone 4/6 are -/+ 1 stop and zones 3/7 are -/+ 2 stops When you are out in bright sunlight (I will use that as an example because its easy) One way to start your shooting is to whip out a grey card and expose for it to get a zero exposure, Then simply start shooting. It is that simple, Again because the light does not change. Once you have metered this way, when you shoot that white car parked on the side of the road, even though the light meter reads that car at a +1 or almost +2 exposure, you can be confident that this is the correct exposure. what you see in the final image will be basically what you saw in real life, that is the car in the photo will appear white, with detail. When you shoot the shadows say the dark of a building when the sun is behind it, it will be -1 to -2 stops but This also is right. Some areas you will point your camera will even go into the -3 range and be blocked up black, and that is OK, because it is exposing the sensor the way the light really is in relation to the other objects around. Now, if you are in the sun and you decide to take a stroll in that thick stand of trees off to the side there, the ambiant light will be different. In effect your light source has changed, it is now the ambiant light not the direct sunlight any more. However you already set your exposure off of your grey card for bright sun, and compared to the sunny area, you know the trees are about a zone 3, (about 2 stops darker) when you go under the trees and whip out your grey card and start metering it, you will see it is -2 stops, so you simply open up 2 stops, now everything you shoot under the shade will be correctly exposed relative to your grey card which is a zone 5. Of course once you are used to it you will simply walk into the trees, and stop down 2 stops, you will not have to think about it, you will not have to meter, because again the light is consistant, it has not changed (earlier I said that you were effectively going into a new light source, this is true it is an ambiant light but it is still consistently 2 stops darker than the bright sunny area). Then when you go back into the sun, you open up 2 stops and you are back where you started. As you start shooting this way, you will be able to walk into a scene, look at something and tell what zone it falls in, you can point your camera there, and meter for it, rather than bringing a grey card every time. you will find you will be very accurate that way over time. So what about cloudy days when the sun is peaking out on a regular basis? Well that is simple, when the sun in behind the cloud find an object that falls into zone 5(medium grey) and expose for it. when the sun comes back out, note how many stops it changes and that will tell you what you need to adjust to as the sun comes and goes. Now your probably asking why this is better than the a) and s) modes? I hope it is obvious at this point but in case it is not, let me explain. When you set your camera to aperture priority, You are selecting an aperture setting that you want to stay constant, and you are letting the camera make decisions every second you are shooting. When you point your camera at something that should fall into a zone 3 your camera is going to over expose it to make that zone 3 look like a zone 5, i.e. grey instead of black with detail, and vice verse. When you look at zone 7, instead of the camera leaving it at zone 7, it will automatically try and adjust it to zone 5 under exposing it. Of course you can always go in to every image you want to edit and adjust it afterwards, and that may just work for you, but you are doing yourself a discredit as a photographer, and waisting so much more time than simply shooting right in the first place. This zone technique is the way past masters have shot for years, it is the correct method of shooting, because it gives consistant accurate and beautiful results. You can, and many of you will continue to use aperture and shutter priority, but you are losing out on vital skills and knowledge. One way to paraphrase this or recap it, is to think like this: When light is constant on a scene, everything has a relative correct lightness and darkness. somethings will be medium grey, some will be white and some will be black. If you meter one time on one object then no matter where you point your camera in the scene everything will be exposed correctly in relation to the light source. the only time the exposure should change is when you consciously want something that is metered for one zone to be exposed in another zone, then all you have to know is what zone the object is in, what zone you want it exposed in, and quickly stop up or down the corresponding number of stops. TL;DR- Many People shoot in aperture or shutter priority because they have not taken the time to learn how to make correct exposures by metering once and letting the zones fall where they may.
THIS THREAD! Let me Try and explain the difference between shooting in Manual mode and in aperture or shutter priority (OP this is not for you, this is for anyone that thinks a) or s) modes are faster than manual mode.) First thing that you have to know is that in almost all lighting situations the light is constant. if your outside on a bright shiny day, your light is constant you have one source of light, and barring any clouds, it stays the same consistantly. Next, your camera's light meter is an averaging machine, it wants to average the light it sees and make it appear as 18% grey. The meter will look at the lights and the darks and the medium grays, take samples of each, average those samples, then return an exposure value that when exposed creates 18% grey. This works well for most things, but if you are in a scene with lots of white, or lots of black your camera will average that white or that black to look grey. This happens in Manual mode or in a) and s) modes, and is simply compensated for by shooting +/- 1 stop depending on white or black. What most people think shoot manual mode means is that you take a new exposure for everything they point their camera at, then shoot, this is wrong , you should never do this. Remember the light is constant, nothing has changed so your exposure should not either. (except for when you do need to change it, which Ill explain in a moment) Here enters the Zone system, the Zone system was pioneered by Ansel Adams and is quite a complex system that consists of shooting for shadows, developing for highlights, measuring film density etc. and it scares the shit out of many photographers. However Much of what makes it complicated can be pared off for a digital work flow. So what do you need to know about the zone system? I will tell you. The key idea in the zone system breaks down to this idea; The Human eye can distinguish hundreds (i dont know the exact number) of shades of grey, but the camera for the most part sees the world in only about 10 shades of grey, 10 zones if you will. Zone 5 is your Medium 18% grey, zone 4 and 6 are your Dark grey and Light grey respectively, and zones 3 and 7 are your Blacks and whites that still hold detail. the other zones fall into the solid black and solid white areas and are not needed much when talking about the zone system. Another way of looking at it is zone 5 is a zero exposure, zone 4/6 are -/+ 1 stop and zones 3/7 are -/+ 2 stops When you are out in bright sunlight (I will use that as an example because its easy) One way to start your shooting is to whip out a grey card and expose for it to get a zero exposure, Then simply start shooting. It is that simple, Again because the light does not change. Once you have metered this way, when you shoot that white car parked on the side of the road, even though the light meter reads that car at a +1 or almost +2 exposure, you can be confident that this is the correct exposure. what you see in the final image will be basically what you saw in real life, that is the car in the photo will appear white, with detail. When you shoot the shadows say the dark of a building when the sun is behind it, it will be -1 to -2 stops but This also is right. Some areas you will point your camera will even go into the -3 range and be blocked up black, and that is OK, because it is exposing the sensor the way the light really is in relation to the other objects around. Now, if you are in the sun and you decide to take a stroll in that thick stand of trees off to the side there, the ambiant light will be different. In effect your light source has changed, it is now the ambiant light not the direct sunlight any more. However you already set your exposure off of your grey card for bright sun, and compared to the sunny area, you know the trees are about a zone 3, (about 2 stops darker) when you go under the trees and whip out your grey card and start metering it, you will see it is -2 stops, so you simply open up 2 stops, now everything you shoot under the shade will be correctly exposed relative to your grey card which is a zone 5. Of course once you are used to it you will simply walk into the trees, and stop down 2 stops, you will not have to think about it, you will not have to meter, because again the light is consistant, it has not changed (earlier I said that you were effectively going into a new light source, this is true it is an ambiant light but it is still consistently 2 stops darker than the bright sunny area). Then when you go back into the sun, you open up 2 stops and you are back where you started. As you start shooting this way, you will be able to walk into a scene, look at something and tell what zone it falls in, you can point your camera there, and meter for it, rather than bringing a grey card every time. you will find you will be very accurate that way over time. So what about cloudy days when the sun is peaking out on a regular basis? Well that is simple, when the sun in behind the cloud find an object that falls into zone 5(medium grey) and expose for it. when the sun comes back out, note how many stops it changes and that will tell you what you need to adjust to as the sun comes and goes. Now your probably asking why this is better than the a) and s) modes? I hope it is obvious at this point but in case it is not, let me explain. When you set your camera to aperture priority, You are selecting an aperture setting that you want to stay constant, and you are letting the camera make decisions every second you are shooting. When you point your camera at something that should fall into a zone 3 your camera is going to over expose it to make that zone 3 look like a zone 5, i.e. grey instead of black with detail, and vice verse. When you look at zone 7, instead of the camera leaving it at zone 7, it will automatically try and adjust it to zone 5 under exposing it. Of course you can always go in to every image you want to edit and adjust it afterwards, and that may just work for you, but you are doing yourself a discredit as a photographer, and waisting so much more time than simply shooting right in the first place. This zone technique is the way past masters have shot for years, it is the correct method of shooting, because it gives consistant accurate and beautiful results. You can, and many of you will continue to use aperture and shutter priority, but you are losing out on vital skills and knowledge. One way to paraphrase this or recap it, is to think like this: When light is constant on a scene, everything has a relative correct lightness and darkness. somethings will be medium grey, some will be white and some will be black. If you meter one time on one object then no matter where you point your camera in the scene everything will be exposed correctly in relation to the light source. the only time the exposure should change is when you consciously want something that is metered for one zone to be exposed in another zone, then all you have to know is what zone the object is in, what zone you want it exposed in, and quickly stop up or down the corresponding number of stops.
Many People shoot in aperture or shutter priority because they have not taken the time to learn how to make correct exposures by metering once and letting the zones fall where they may.
I'm not sure this guy's calculations are correct. When calculating per area, he says, "Hey, wait a sec! This (equation) makes something clear right away: if you want to compare the energy emitted per square centimeter from any two objects, all that matters is their temperatures. The hotter one wins." Now, this is a result of the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, which causes temperature to be the only independent variable on the right-hand side. I don't see how, when going to three dimensions, he can suddenly change equations. The only difference should be the use of a modified constant that takes three dimensions into account to turn the left side into Luminosity/Volume. Regardless, the only factor that ends up counting is the temperature, once again. Now, there is a much easier way to think about this, using only common sense. First, we know that a cubic centimeter of the Sun has a temperature of 5778 K, whereas a cubic centimeter of human only has a temperature of 310 K. Keeping in mind that temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a system, it is clear that the particles in a cubic centimeter of the Sun have more energy than the particles in a cubic centimeter of a human. TL;DR: A cubic centimeter of the Sun has a temperature of 5778 K, whereas a cubic centimeter of human only has a temperature of 310 K.
I'm not sure this guy's calculations are correct. When calculating per area, he says, "Hey, wait a sec! This (equation) makes something clear right away: if you want to compare the energy emitted per square centimeter from any two objects, all that matters is their temperatures. The hotter one wins." Now, this is a result of the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, which causes temperature to be the only independent variable on the right-hand side. I don't see how, when going to three dimensions, he can suddenly change equations. The only difference should be the use of a modified constant that takes three dimensions into account to turn the left side into Luminosity/Volume. Regardless, the only factor that ends up counting is the temperature, once again. Now, there is a much easier way to think about this, using only common sense. First, we know that a cubic centimeter of the Sun has a temperature of 5778 K, whereas a cubic centimeter of human only has a temperature of 310 K. Keeping in mind that temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a system, it is clear that the particles in a cubic centimeter of the Sun have more energy than the particles in a cubic centimeter of a human. TL;DR: A cubic centimeter of the Sun has a temperature of 5778 K, whereas a cubic centimeter of human only has a temperature of 310 K.
I'm not sure this guy's calculations are correct. When calculating per area, he says, "Hey, wait a sec! This (equation) makes something clear right away: if you want to compare the energy emitted per square centimeter from any two objects, all that matters is their temperatures. The hotter one wins." Now, this is a result of the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, which causes temperature to be the only independent variable on the right-hand side. I don't see how, when going to three dimensions, he can suddenly change equations. The only difference should be the use of a modified constant that takes three dimensions into account to turn the left side into Luminosity/Volume. Regardless, the only factor that ends up counting is the temperature, once again. Now, there is a much easier way to think about this, using only common sense. First, we know that a cubic centimeter of the Sun has a temperature of 5778 K, whereas a cubic centimeter of human only has a temperature of 310 K. Keeping in mind that temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a system, it is clear that the particles in a cubic centimeter of the Sun have more energy than the particles in a cubic centimeter of a human.
A cubic centimeter of the Sun has a temperature of 5778 K, whereas a cubic centimeter of human only has a temperature of 310 K.
Man, honestly it sounds like she needed a break because there was someone else. Then suddenly when that didn't work or finally faded out that's why she hit you up at 4 in the morning. I could be way off base, but I'm only speaking from experience. That's how both men and women do things when they want to see someone else. If a women truely wants to be with you, she'll want to be with you and not this 'I need time alone' crap. But as I was reading more of your post, I saw what I went through: the depression, drinking and longest nights alone. Shit's not easy for sure but eventually you have to take the pain, use the pain, but then lose the pain by asking yourself "Is this the kind of person I want to be? Drinking and feeling sorry for myself?" Regardless, you're still young and have a lot to live for more than someone else, trust me. Even if you and her finally separate, you'll gain a lot from this experience and hopefully when you find someone new it'll be even better because you went through hell for it. Tl;Dr Taking your ex back is like buying your own crap at your own garage sell. Good luck, my friend!
Man, honestly it sounds like she needed a break because there was someone else. Then suddenly when that didn't work or finally faded out that's why she hit you up at 4 in the morning. I could be way off base, but I'm only speaking from experience. That's how both men and women do things when they want to see someone else. If a women truely wants to be with you, she'll want to be with you and not this 'I need time alone' crap. But as I was reading more of your post, I saw what I went through: the depression, drinking and longest nights alone. Shit's not easy for sure but eventually you have to take the pain, use the pain, but then lose the pain by asking yourself "Is this the kind of person I want to be? Drinking and feeling sorry for myself?" Regardless, you're still young and have a lot to live for more than someone else, trust me. Even if you and her finally separate, you'll gain a lot from this experience and hopefully when you find someone new it'll be even better because you went through hell for it. Tl;Dr Taking your ex back is like buying your own crap at your own garage sell. Good luck, my friend!
Man, honestly it sounds like she needed a break because there was someone else. Then suddenly when that didn't work or finally faded out that's why she hit you up at 4 in the morning. I could be way off base, but I'm only speaking from experience. That's how both men and women do things when they want to see someone else. If a women truely wants to be with you, she'll want to be with you and not this 'I need time alone' crap. But as I was reading more of your post, I saw what I went through: the depression, drinking and longest nights alone. Shit's not easy for sure but eventually you have to take the pain, use the pain, but then lose the pain by asking yourself "Is this the kind of person I want to be? Drinking and feeling sorry for myself?" Regardless, you're still young and have a lot to live for more than someone else, trust me. Even if you and her finally separate, you'll gain a lot from this experience and hopefully when you find someone new it'll be even better because you went through hell for it.
Taking your ex back is like buying your own crap at your own garage sell. Good luck, my friend!
Light cutting? Yes. Display? Absolutely. Home defense? Technically yes, so long as you are either A: So intimidating to the invader that they run away B: Extremely well practiced with it to be able to defend yourself against smaller, quicker blades that they are more likely to have (or guns in the worst scenario, my only advice there would be call the cops, then hide behind a corner in a hallway so you could stab them before they get the gun ready) If you have no other choice but to use it, always try to stab first. It's more precise, more lethal, and easier to get out of the body for another strike. You don't want the blade to get stuck in a collar bone while another person comes at you. TL;DR, yes you can use it for light cutting and display. Home defense is technically a yes, but you'd be better off getting a gun for something like that.
Light cutting? Yes. Display? Absolutely. Home defense? Technically yes, so long as you are either A: So intimidating to the invader that they run away B: Extremely well practiced with it to be able to defend yourself against smaller, quicker blades that they are more likely to have (or guns in the worst scenario, my only advice there would be call the cops, then hide behind a corner in a hallway so you could stab them before they get the gun ready) If you have no other choice but to use it, always try to stab first. It's more precise, more lethal, and easier to get out of the body for another strike. You don't want the blade to get stuck in a collar bone while another person comes at you. TL;DR, yes you can use it for light cutting and display. Home defense is technically a yes, but you'd be better off getting a gun for something like that.
Light cutting? Yes. Display? Absolutely. Home defense? Technically yes, so long as you are either A: So intimidating to the invader that they run away B: Extremely well practiced with it to be able to defend yourself against smaller, quicker blades that they are more likely to have (or guns in the worst scenario, my only advice there would be call the cops, then hide behind a corner in a hallway so you could stab them before they get the gun ready) If you have no other choice but to use it, always try to stab first. It's more precise, more lethal, and easier to get out of the body for another strike. You don't want the blade to get stuck in a collar bone while another person comes at you.
yes you can use it for light cutting and display. Home defense is technically a yes, but you'd be better off getting a gun for something like that.
anyone remeber the thread about clear titles? he could have even just put the tl;dr in the title
anyone remeber the thread about clear titles? he could have even just put the tl;dr in the title
anyone remeber the thread about clear titles? he could have even just put the
in the title
Another thing he said which really made me change my perception on losses: "The season is *really* long, like it's almost a year. You're in no rush". This has led me to not care all too much about losses, and focus on improving my game in general. I realised that I can't win every single game, it's just not possible. So I focus on the next game and move on. Before anyone perceives this in the wrong way, I still care about winning - I just don't get frustrated if games go badly. This is something everyone should be aware of. Having this mindset will make you pay more attention to improving, since you shift attention from getting frustrated. I.e. Instead of "fuuuuck I died crap crap crap, now i lose LP", it's more like "Hm, well we lost this teamfight, checking their dmg output is this I need to get this item, we should splitpush etc." Instead of having a destructive mindset you have a constructive one. **TL;DR** Phreak says there is plenty of time. From this I make; you should stop caring, but still try to win. Mainline is; you can't be afraid to lose if you want to win, no guts no glory, you wanna gain something you gotta risk something. Etc.
Another thing he said which really made me change my perception on losses: "The season is really long, like it's almost a year. You're in no rush". This has led me to not care all too much about losses, and focus on improving my game in general. I realised that I can't win every single game, it's just not possible. So I focus on the next game and move on. Before anyone perceives this in the wrong way, I still care about winning - I just don't get frustrated if games go badly. This is something everyone should be aware of. Having this mindset will make you pay more attention to improving, since you shift attention from getting frustrated. I.e. Instead of "fuuuuck I died crap crap crap, now i lose LP", it's more like "Hm, well we lost this teamfight, checking their dmg output is this I need to get this item, we should splitpush etc." Instead of having a destructive mindset you have a constructive one. TL;DR Phreak says there is plenty of time. From this I make; you should stop caring, but still try to win. Mainline is; you can't be afraid to lose if you want to win, no guts no glory, you wanna gain something you gotta risk something. Etc.
Another thing he said which really made me change my perception on losses: "The season is really long, like it's almost a year. You're in no rush". This has led me to not care all too much about losses, and focus on improving my game in general. I realised that I can't win every single game, it's just not possible. So I focus on the next game and move on. Before anyone perceives this in the wrong way, I still care about winning - I just don't get frustrated if games go badly. This is something everyone should be aware of. Having this mindset will make you pay more attention to improving, since you shift attention from getting frustrated. I.e. Instead of "fuuuuck I died crap crap crap, now i lose LP", it's more like "Hm, well we lost this teamfight, checking their dmg output is this I need to get this item, we should splitpush etc." Instead of having a destructive mindset you have a constructive one.
Phreak says there is plenty of time. From this I make; you should stop caring, but still try to win. Mainline is; you can't be afraid to lose if you want to win, no guts no glory, you wanna gain something you gotta risk something. Etc.
In my experience - stick to the program. Whenever I start to jump the gun in running, the first few runs go great. Then I go harder and longer for the next run - then the next. Soon my body betrays me and starts hurting. Once I went from the couch to a 6 mile run around fifty minutes. It went great, and I had never run 6 miles in a sitting before. I kept trying to go to where I had jumped, and I ended up quitting because my body hurt so far. tl;dr, IMO, I know I'm going to feel silly taking it so slow when I start this program tomorrow, but I think at the end I'll be able to maintain some distances without burning out - and that's my suggestion to you! Hope everything goes well, keep up the good work!
In my experience - stick to the program. Whenever I start to jump the gun in running, the first few runs go great. Then I go harder and longer for the next run - then the next. Soon my body betrays me and starts hurting. Once I went from the couch to a 6 mile run around fifty minutes. It went great, and I had never run 6 miles in a sitting before. I kept trying to go to where I had jumped, and I ended up quitting because my body hurt so far. tl;dr, IMO, I know I'm going to feel silly taking it so slow when I start this program tomorrow, but I think at the end I'll be able to maintain some distances without burning out - and that's my suggestion to you! Hope everything goes well, keep up the good work!
In my experience - stick to the program. Whenever I start to jump the gun in running, the first few runs go great. Then I go harder and longer for the next run - then the next. Soon my body betrays me and starts hurting. Once I went from the couch to a 6 mile run around fifty minutes. It went great, and I had never run 6 miles in a sitting before. I kept trying to go to where I had jumped, and I ended up quitting because my body hurt so far.
IMO, I know I'm going to feel silly taking it so slow when I start this program tomorrow, but I think at the end I'll be able to maintain some distances without burning out - and that's my suggestion to you! Hope everything goes well, keep up the good work!
The bags are great for trolling people... cut a tiny hole in the one at home to annoy a significant other and hide the scissors or if you are left alone in someone elses kitchen, increase the size of their hole. It'll throw them for a loop the next time they use the milk. TL;DR - I'm lame
The bags are great for trolling people... cut a tiny hole in the one at home to annoy a significant other and hide the scissors or if you are left alone in someone elses kitchen, increase the size of their hole. It'll throw them for a loop the next time they use the milk. TL;DR - I'm lame
The bags are great for trolling people... cut a tiny hole in the one at home to annoy a significant other and hide the scissors or if you are left alone in someone elses kitchen, increase the size of their hole. It'll throw them for a loop the next time they use the milk.
I'm lame
Judging solely by the propylene glycol comment, I'm fairly certain you don't know what you are talking about. Propylene glycol is used in *safe* antifreeze. Its no different than salt, or that other major element of antifreeze - dihydrogen monoxide (water). PG does absolutely nothing to your body. The amount you would have to consume for it to be dangerous, again, is about as ridiculous as the amount of water you need to drink for water to be harmful. tl;dr I'm waiting for you to say that vaccines cause autism. You do not know as much as you think you do.
Judging solely by the propylene glycol comment, I'm fairly certain you don't know what you are talking about. Propylene glycol is used in safe antifreeze. Its no different than salt, or that other major element of antifreeze - dihydrogen monoxide (water). PG does absolutely nothing to your body. The amount you would have to consume for it to be dangerous, again, is about as ridiculous as the amount of water you need to drink for water to be harmful. tl;dr I'm waiting for you to say that vaccines cause autism. You do not know as much as you think you do.
Judging solely by the propylene glycol comment, I'm fairly certain you don't know what you are talking about. Propylene glycol is used in safe antifreeze. Its no different than salt, or that other major element of antifreeze - dihydrogen monoxide (water). PG does absolutely nothing to your body. The amount you would have to consume for it to be dangerous, again, is about as ridiculous as the amount of water you need to drink for water to be harmful.
I'm waiting for you to say that vaccines cause autism. You do not know as much as you think you do.
So many things aren't up for discussion in the United States - because of fear. We have to keep the war on drugs because drugs. We have to keep running wars all over the world because terrorists. We have to spy on our populace because terrorists. And we can't ever discuss these things because fear. But rationally speaking, what's the issue with leaving a baby in a cot while you walk a few feet away? It's extremely likely that the family goes to that same restaurant every time - well over 90% of this chain's business is repeat business. Are miscreants really going to leap in and invisibly steal the child in their neighborhood restaurant? I couldn't find online even one example of this actually happening - rationally speaking, the child has a far, far greater chance of coming to harm on the drive there and back than sitting asleep in the crib. I'm 50 years old. I was an only child till I was 13, and my parents were admittedly a little overprotective of me _for the time._ Which means that by today's standards they were "completely irresponsible". When I was 8 or 9, in the summers I'd take my bike and just "go somewhere" all day - no helmet, no nothing. Every kid I knew did that - parents never worried particularly. No one I ever knew died or was injured that way. I'm sure that statistically a few kids _were_ hurt in accidents - but a tiny number of kids die of accidents even if you try to wrap them in cotton wool, and the benefits of kids rushing around outside playing and learning how to deal with the world on their own is huge. And it's not like the world was more safe then. The crime rate was comparable to today (and in fact I just checked where I lived and the crime rate is actually a tiny bit lower today than when I was a kid, though not really significant). I was very proud to see my sister with her first kid about six years ago. We were hanging out and he was playing and started to eat the wood chips in the playground... my sister, while chatting to me, wandered over and informally scooped all the wood chips out of his mouth, "Don't eat that," but with no alarm and not really paying attention _because the child was objectively at no risk_ and had just learned the lesson, "Wood is not good to eat." But then, she lives in Canada (which has, admittedly, also got a little more paranoid, but nothing like the US). tl; dr: _get a grip_, America, and realize that your fears are imaginary and that your overprotectiveness is not good for your kids.
So many things aren't up for discussion in the United States - because of fear. We have to keep the war on drugs because drugs. We have to keep running wars all over the world because terrorists. We have to spy on our populace because terrorists. And we can't ever discuss these things because fear. But rationally speaking, what's the issue with leaving a baby in a cot while you walk a few feet away? It's extremely likely that the family goes to that same restaurant every time - well over 90% of this chain's business is repeat business. Are miscreants really going to leap in and invisibly steal the child in their neighborhood restaurant? I couldn't find online even one example of this actually happening - rationally speaking, the child has a far, far greater chance of coming to harm on the drive there and back than sitting asleep in the crib. I'm 50 years old. I was an only child till I was 13, and my parents were admittedly a little overprotective of me for the time. Which means that by today's standards they were "completely irresponsible". When I was 8 or 9, in the summers I'd take my bike and just "go somewhere" all day - no helmet, no nothing. Every kid I knew did that - parents never worried particularly. No one I ever knew died or was injured that way. I'm sure that statistically a few kids were hurt in accidents - but a tiny number of kids die of accidents even if you try to wrap them in cotton wool, and the benefits of kids rushing around outside playing and learning how to deal with the world on their own is huge. And it's not like the world was more safe then. The crime rate was comparable to today (and in fact I just checked where I lived and the crime rate is actually a tiny bit lower today than when I was a kid, though not really significant). I was very proud to see my sister with her first kid about six years ago. We were hanging out and he was playing and started to eat the wood chips in the playground... my sister, while chatting to me, wandered over and informally scooped all the wood chips out of his mouth, "Don't eat that," but with no alarm and not really paying attention because the child was objectively at no risk and had just learned the lesson, "Wood is not good to eat." But then, she lives in Canada (which has, admittedly, also got a little more paranoid, but nothing like the US). tl; dr: get a grip , America, and realize that your fears are imaginary and that your overprotectiveness is not good for your kids.
So many things aren't up for discussion in the United States - because of fear. We have to keep the war on drugs because drugs. We have to keep running wars all over the world because terrorists. We have to spy on our populace because terrorists. And we can't ever discuss these things because fear. But rationally speaking, what's the issue with leaving a baby in a cot while you walk a few feet away? It's extremely likely that the family goes to that same restaurant every time - well over 90% of this chain's business is repeat business. Are miscreants really going to leap in and invisibly steal the child in their neighborhood restaurant? I couldn't find online even one example of this actually happening - rationally speaking, the child has a far, far greater chance of coming to harm on the drive there and back than sitting asleep in the crib. I'm 50 years old. I was an only child till I was 13, and my parents were admittedly a little overprotective of me for the time. Which means that by today's standards they were "completely irresponsible". When I was 8 or 9, in the summers I'd take my bike and just "go somewhere" all day - no helmet, no nothing. Every kid I knew did that - parents never worried particularly. No one I ever knew died or was injured that way. I'm sure that statistically a few kids were hurt in accidents - but a tiny number of kids die of accidents even if you try to wrap them in cotton wool, and the benefits of kids rushing around outside playing and learning how to deal with the world on their own is huge. And it's not like the world was more safe then. The crime rate was comparable to today (and in fact I just checked where I lived and the crime rate is actually a tiny bit lower today than when I was a kid, though not really significant). I was very proud to see my sister with her first kid about six years ago. We were hanging out and he was playing and started to eat the wood chips in the playground... my sister, while chatting to me, wandered over and informally scooped all the wood chips out of his mouth, "Don't eat that," but with no alarm and not really paying attention because the child was objectively at no risk and had just learned the lesson, "Wood is not good to eat." But then, she lives in Canada (which has, admittedly, also got a little more paranoid, but nothing like the US).
get a grip , America, and realize that your fears are imaginary and that your overprotectiveness is not good for your kids.
No, she fucking doesn't fucking have the most fucking glorious fucking ass in the fucking world, and this fucking post is fucking the most stupidest fucking thing in the fucking world. TL;DR: You sound like a fucking idiot.
No, she fucking doesn't fucking have the most fucking glorious fucking ass in the fucking world, and this fucking post is fucking the most stupidest fucking thing in the fucking world. TL;DR: You sound like a fucking idiot.
No, she fucking doesn't fucking have the most fucking glorious fucking ass in the fucking world, and this fucking post is fucking the most stupidest fucking thing in the fucking world.
You sound like a fucking idiot.
against a team like that i don't know what you can do. But if they are a 5 man who don't just pick an unbelievably strong team just say to your team "right guys lets pick a decent team and fuck this wannabe stack over". usually this incites the will to play as a team into your team. Seriously though pl kotl drow wl centaur is just disgusting. I play 5 man all the time but if its all pick we are picking whatever random shit we wanna play, fuck just getting a free win. EDIT: if you haven't picked and you see pl kotl just leave. No punishment for avoiding 50 minutes of cancer. <3 gaben
against a team like that i don't know what you can do. But if they are a 5 man who don't just pick an unbelievably strong team just say to your team "right guys lets pick a decent team and fuck this wannabe stack over". usually this incites the will to play as a team into your team. Seriously though pl kotl drow wl centaur is just disgusting. I play 5 man all the time but if its all pick we are picking whatever random shit we wanna play, fuck just getting a free win. EDIT: if you haven't picked and you see pl kotl just leave. No punishment for avoiding 50 minutes of cancer. <3 gaben
against a team like that i don't know what you can do. But if they are a 5 man who don't just pick an unbelievably strong team just say to your team "right guys lets pick a decent team and fuck this wannabe stack over". usually this incites the will to play as a team into your team. Seriously though pl ko
ow wl centaur is just disgusting. I play 5 man all the time but if its all pick we are picking whatever random shit we wanna play, fuck just getting a free win. EDIT: if you haven't picked and you see pl kotl just leave. No punishment for avoiding 50 minutes of cancer. <3 gaben
Well... Some police officers **don't feel that their job is a service**, some cities have even gone so far as to remove the word "serve" from their badges. Take the NYPD for example, New York passed the "stop and frisk" law a few years back which gave cops ability to frisk citizens during traffic stops with no probable cause. Now you may know that cops have to meet a quota, same thing with stop-and-frisk, each officer in New York needs to meet a quota. Some of this attitude has a lot to do with **institutional racism** (basically saying that racial prejudice is programmed into us by the culture). Police are just as vulnerable as anyone else to propaganda. Statistically, African Americans are arrested, pulled over, or harassed by police far more than any other demographic as seen [here]( 97% of people stopped and frisked in 2011 were black and Hispanic. With a startling statistic such as [1 in 3 black men will be in prison in their lifetime]( it can be expected that this animosity can spread and even be conditioned at a young age. Little kids see their older brother go to prison you can expect that he'd not appreciate cops. It's also a **power struggle**, America has a history of revolting against the people in power (not so much in the last thirty years). Police officers are in a position of power. The cops believe that they are in control when they pull someone over and that the person that they are detaining have to do whatever they say. This is not true, when an officer uses excessive force or searches someone without probable cause they are *supposed* to be reprimanded and put on suspension, however since cups are out for each other, brutality or misconduct usually goes unreported. Now, what we have is a combination of institutional racism and a collective power trip butting heads with a "Power to the people" mentality. The final element to this is pop culture, with so much racism in the system there have been many rap songs against the police. Again, people are susceptible to media, pop culture and propaganda, so with music giving the "Fuck the police" message, it doesn't take a lot to develop a "Fuck the police mentality. **TL;DR** Racism, power struggle and rap music.
Well... Some police officers don't feel that their job is a service , some cities have even gone so far as to remove the word "serve" from their badges. Take the NYPD for example, New York passed the "stop and frisk" law a few years back which gave cops ability to frisk citizens during traffic stops with no probable cause. Now you may know that cops have to meet a quota, same thing with stop-and-frisk, each officer in New York needs to meet a quota. Some of this attitude has a lot to do with institutional racism (basically saying that racial prejudice is programmed into us by the culture). Police are just as vulnerable as anyone else to propaganda. Statistically, African Americans are arrested, pulled over, or harassed by police far more than any other demographic as seen [here]( 97% of people stopped and frisked in 2011 were black and Hispanic. With a startling statistic such as [1 in 3 black men will be in prison in their lifetime]( it can be expected that this animosity can spread and even be conditioned at a young age. Little kids see their older brother go to prison you can expect that he'd not appreciate cops. It's also a power struggle , America has a history of revolting against the people in power (not so much in the last thirty years). Police officers are in a position of power. The cops believe that they are in control when they pull someone over and that the person that they are detaining have to do whatever they say. This is not true, when an officer uses excessive force or searches someone without probable cause they are supposed to be reprimanded and put on suspension, however since cups are out for each other, brutality or misconduct usually goes unreported. Now, what we have is a combination of institutional racism and a collective power trip butting heads with a "Power to the people" mentality. The final element to this is pop culture, with so much racism in the system there have been many rap songs against the police. Again, people are susceptible to media, pop culture and propaganda, so with music giving the "Fuck the police" message, it doesn't take a lot to develop a "Fuck the police mentality. TL;DR Racism, power struggle and rap music.
Well... Some police officers don't feel that their job is a service , some cities have even gone so far as to remove the word "serve" from their badges. Take the NYPD for example, New York passed the "stop and frisk" law a few years back which gave cops ability to frisk citizens during traffic stops with no probable cause. Now you may know that cops have to meet a quota, same thing with stop-and-frisk, each officer in New York needs to meet a quota. Some of this attitude has a lot to do with institutional racism (basically saying that racial prejudice is programmed into us by the culture). Police are just as vulnerable as anyone else to propaganda. Statistically, African Americans are arrested, pulled over, or harassed by police far more than any other demographic as seen [here]( 97% of people stopped and frisked in 2011 were black and Hispanic. With a startling statistic such as [1 in 3 black men will be in prison in their lifetime]( it can be expected that this animosity can spread and even be conditioned at a young age. Little kids see their older brother go to prison you can expect that he'd not appreciate cops. It's also a power struggle , America has a history of revolting against the people in power (not so much in the last thirty years). Police officers are in a position of power. The cops believe that they are in control when they pull someone over and that the person that they are detaining have to do whatever they say. This is not true, when an officer uses excessive force or searches someone without probable cause they are supposed to be reprimanded and put on suspension, however since cups are out for each other, brutality or misconduct usually goes unreported. Now, what we have is a combination of institutional racism and a collective power trip butting heads with a "Power to the people" mentality. The final element to this is pop culture, with so much racism in the system there have been many rap songs against the police. Again, people are susceptible to media, pop culture and propaganda, so with music giving the "Fuck the police" message, it doesn't take a lot to develop a "Fuck the police mentality.
Racism, power struggle and rap music.
The mix of wavy lines with boxes and the tiny margins and minimal line spacing make it hard to read and therefore easy to ignore. Try [creating a nice color scheme]( and putting each section over a block of color, accenting the title and footer with white text over darker colors. In addition, you might want to reduce the amount of information presented on the page, as most people will not read the entire thing, and draw more attention to the most important points with font, color and alignment. You could also make some of the columns wider so the text doesn't wrap around as much, which would improve readability. This should improve flow of your flyer and make it much more attractive and readable. It also seems more professional. These suggestions are more of a starting point; play around to get it looking as good as you can. TL;DR: Pay more attention to your use of space and color to make it look better.
The mix of wavy lines with boxes and the tiny margins and minimal line spacing make it hard to read and therefore easy to ignore. Try [creating a nice color scheme]( and putting each section over a block of color, accenting the title and footer with white text over darker colors. In addition, you might want to reduce the amount of information presented on the page, as most people will not read the entire thing, and draw more attention to the most important points with font, color and alignment. You could also make some of the columns wider so the text doesn't wrap around as much, which would improve readability. This should improve flow of your flyer and make it much more attractive and readable. It also seems more professional. These suggestions are more of a starting point; play around to get it looking as good as you can. TL;DR: Pay more attention to your use of space and color to make it look better.
The mix of wavy lines with boxes and the tiny margins and minimal line spacing make it hard to read and therefore easy to ignore. Try [creating a nice color scheme]( and putting each section over a block of color, accenting the title and footer with white text over darker colors. In addition, you might want to reduce the amount of information presented on the page, as most people will not read the entire thing, and draw more attention to the most important points with font, color and alignment. You could also make some of the columns wider so the text doesn't wrap around as much, which would improve readability. This should improve flow of your flyer and make it much more attractive and readable. It also seems more professional. These suggestions are more of a starting point; play around to get it looking as good as you can.
Pay more attention to your use of space and color to make it look better.
I go through investment and I don't really understand what everyone's huge problem with them is. They do charge extra for the first month but that is only to pay for the damages done to the place because college students for whatever reason don't understand how to keep a place clean and undamaged. They are likely the cheapest in town (I've looked at brown and they were asking $450 a month for a microscopic apartment that was literally within twenty yards of the railroad tracks). A lot of people complain that investment will come in randomly to your place. I don't really see a problem unless you are cooking meth or something. They only come in to fix something you tell them is broken or to change the batteries of your smoke detectors. It's no like they are rifling through all of you stuff. TL;DR: investment isn't that bad, maybe if people didnt destroy their rentals they wouldn't charge extra for the first month and we could get deposits again
I go through investment and I don't really understand what everyone's huge problem with them is. They do charge extra for the first month but that is only to pay for the damages done to the place because college students for whatever reason don't understand how to keep a place clean and undamaged. They are likely the cheapest in town (I've looked at brown and they were asking $450 a month for a microscopic apartment that was literally within twenty yards of the railroad tracks). A lot of people complain that investment will come in randomly to your place. I don't really see a problem unless you are cooking meth or something. They only come in to fix something you tell them is broken or to change the batteries of your smoke detectors. It's no like they are rifling through all of you stuff. TL;DR: investment isn't that bad, maybe if people didnt destroy their rentals they wouldn't charge extra for the first month and we could get deposits again
I go through investment and I don't really understand what everyone's huge problem with them is. They do charge extra for the first month but that is only to pay for the damages done to the place because college students for whatever reason don't understand how to keep a place clean and undamaged. They are likely the cheapest in town (I've looked at brown and they were asking $450 a month for a microscopic apartment that was literally within twenty yards of the railroad tracks). A lot of people complain that investment will come in randomly to your place. I don't really see a problem unless you are cooking meth or something. They only come in to fix something you tell them is broken or to change the batteries of your smoke detectors. It's no like they are rifling through all of you stuff.
investment isn't that bad, maybe if people didnt destroy their rentals they wouldn't charge extra for the first month and we could get deposits again
Everyone seems to fear the Grizzlies after [OP's last thread.]( Let me explain why you would rather play Memphis in the playoffs than the Nuggets (or you want Memphis to beat the Nuggets in the first round if the two teams end up getting the 4th and 5th seeds). Some of this was stolen from my other post in the other thread about Memphis. **Memphis is bad against good teams.** | Team | Wins | Losses | |:-----------|------------:|:------------:| | Clippers | 0| 2 | Nuggets | 1| 2 | Thunder | 1| 1 | Spurs | 1| 2 | Heat | 1| 1 | Pacers | 0| 2 | Knicks | 1 | 0 These are arguably the 7 best teams (Memphis excluded of course) in the NBA. Post-Rudy Gay trade Memphis has only played two of those teams (OKC and Miami) and lost both games. *Note: I added the Knicks because I was called out for cherry picking. Even though that one game was on the 17th day of the season and when you add something like exponential smoothing to the data set of Memphis' matchups against these teams, that game holds little weight. Memphis has **LOST** their last 5 matchups against these teams (LAC-&gt;SAS-&gt;IND-&gt;OKC-&gt; MIA). When you apply something like exponential smoothing to the data set, these games would have the largest weights. On the other hand, the Nuggets don't have a losing record against any WC playoff team. **Nuggets record against WC playoff contenders** | Team | Wins | Losses | |:-----------|------------:|:------------:| | Spurs | 1| 1 | Thunder | 2| 1 | Clippers | 2| 1 | Grizzlies | 2| 1 | Warriors | 3| 1 | Rockets | 2| 0 | Jazz | 2| 1 | Lakers | 3| 1 Memphis is .765 post Rudy Gay trade. That's good right? We're .789 post Rudy Gay trade. We have the second best record in 2013 at 26-7 (.788). We're 28-3 (.903) at home. We've only lost one game to a WC playoff contender in 2013 (@OKC). **TL;DR: We got swept by the Wizards** Edit: I'm adding more stats because Memphis fans are saying the stats I have selected are too biased for a rational argument. Here is how the Nuggets look against the 7 best teams in the league. | Team | Wins | Losses | |:-----------|------------:|:------------:| | Clippers | 2| 1 | Grizzlies | 2| 1 | Thunder | 2| 1 | Spurs | 1| 1 | Heat | 0| 2 | Pacers | 2| 0 | Knicks | 0 | 1 It's notable that the two loses to the Heat were in the first 16 days of the season (when we were sub .500) and we play the Knicks Wednesday at home (whereas Memphis' victory over the Knicks was at home and it was NY's second game of a back-to-back). We have won our last 4 games against teams in this category (OKC-&gt;IND-&gt;OKC-&gt;LAC). Also, for sake of an attempt at an unbiased argument, I should also note the Grizzles are 1 game ahead of us overall. Memphis next 5 days are rough (@LAC-&gt;@POR-&gt;@DEN-&gt;@UTA). Portland, Utah, LAC, and Denver are all very good at home. Almost equally as difficult is Denver's upcoming schedule (NYK-&gt;MEM-&gt;@CHI-&gt;@OKC).
Everyone seems to fear the Grizzlies after OP's last thread. . Some of this was stolen from my other post in the other thread about Memphis. Memphis is bad against good teams. Team Wins Losses Clippers 0 2 Nuggets 1 2 Thunder 1 1 Spurs 1 2 Heat 1 1 Pacers 0 2 Knicks 1 0 These are arguably the 7 best teams (Memphis excluded of course) in the NBA. Post-Rudy Gay trade Memphis has only played two of those teams (OKC and Miami) and lost both games. *Note: I added the Knicks because I was called out for cherry picking. Even though that one game was on the 17th day of the season and when you add something like exponential smoothing to the data set of Memphis' matchups against these teams, that game holds little weight. Memphis has LOST their last 5 matchups against these teams (LAC->SAS->IND->OKC-> MIA). When you apply something like exponential smoothing to the data set, these games would have the largest weights. On the other hand, the Nuggets don't have a losing record against any WC playoff team. Nuggets record against WC playoff contenders Team Wins Losses Spurs 1 1 Thunder 2 1 Clippers 2 1 Grizzlies 2 1 Warriors 3 1 Rockets 2 0 Jazz 2 1 Lakers 3 1 Memphis is .765 post Rudy Gay trade. That's good right? We're .789 post Rudy Gay trade. We have the second best record in 2013 at 26-7 (.788). We're 28-3 (.903) at home. We've only lost one game to a WC playoff contender in 2013 (@OKC). TL;DR: We got swept by the Wizards Edit: I'm adding more stats because Memphis fans are saying the stats I have selected are too biased for a rational argument. Here is how the Nuggets look against the 7 best teams in the league. Team Wins Losses Clippers 2 1 Grizzlies 2 1 Thunder 2 1 Spurs 1 1 Heat 0 2 Pacers 2 0 Knicks 0 1 It's notable that the two loses to the Heat were in the first 16 days of the season (when we were sub .500) and we play the Knicks Wednesday at home (whereas Memphis' victory over the Knicks was at home and it was NY's second game of a back-to-back). We have won our last 4 games against teams in this category (OKC->IND->OKC->LAC). Also, for sake of an attempt at an unbiased argument, I should also note the Grizzles are 1 game ahead of us overall. Memphis next 5 days are rough (@LAC->@POR->@DEN->@UTA). Portland, Utah, LAC, and Denver are all very good at home. Almost equally as difficult is Denver's upcoming schedule (NYK->MEM->@CHI->@OKC).
Everyone seems to fear the Grizzlies after OP's last thread. . Some of this was stolen from my other post in the other thread about Memphis. Memphis is bad against good teams. Team Wins Losses Clippers 0 2 Nuggets 1 2 Thunder 1 1 Spurs 1 2 Heat 1 1 Pacers 0 2 Knicks 1 0 These are arguably the 7 best teams (Memphis excluded of course) in the NBA. Post-Rudy Gay trade Memphis has only played two of those teams (OKC and Miami) and lost both games. *Note: I added the Knicks because I was called out for cherry picking. Even though that one game was on the 17th day of the season and when you add something like exponential smoothing to the data set of Memphis' matchups against these teams, that game holds little weight. Memphis has LOST their last 5 matchups against these teams (LAC->SAS->IND->OKC-> MIA). When you apply something like exponential smoothing to the data set, these games would have the largest weights. On the other hand, the Nuggets don't have a losing record against any WC playoff team. Nuggets record against WC playoff contenders Team Wins Losses Spurs 1 1 Thunder 2 1 Clippers 2 1 Grizzlies 2 1 Warriors 3 1 Rockets 2 0 Jazz 2 1 Lakers 3 1 Memphis is .765 post Rudy Gay trade. That's good right? We're .789 post Rudy Gay trade. We have the second best record in 2013 at 26-7 (.788). We're 28-3 (.903) at home. We've only lost one game to a WC playoff contender in 2013 (@OKC).
We got swept by the Wizards Edit: I'm adding more stats because Memphis fans are saying the stats I have selected are too biased for a rational argument. Here is how the Nuggets look against the 7 best teams in the league. Team Wins Losses Clippers 2 1 Grizzlies 2 1 Thunder 2 1 Spurs 1 1 Heat 0 2 Pacers 2 0 Knicks 0 1 It's notable that the two loses to the Heat were in the first 16 days of the season (when we were sub .500) and we play the Knicks Wednesday at home (whereas Memphis' victory over the Knicks was at home and it was NY's second game of a back-to-back). We have won our last 4 games against teams in this category (OKC->IND->OKC->LAC). Also, for sake of an attempt at an unbiased argument, I should also note the Grizzles are 1 game ahead of us overall. Memphis next 5 days are rough (@LAC->@POR->@DEN->@UTA). Portland, Utah, LAC, and Denver are all very good at home. Almost equally as difficult is Denver's upcoming schedule (NYK->MEM->@CHI->@OKC).
Of course it's intertwined, just not in the technical level. There're two things that've been made patently obvious so far: SimCity needs the servers for *region* play, and SimCity's gameplay was designed around *region* play. "SimCity needs region play AND Region play needs servers =&gt; SimCity needs servers." I bet you $10 that's the chain of logic Maxis used. From a gameplay design sense, it's quite obvious they weren't "shackled" with DRM servers by EA execs late in the development process. The game wouldn't've depended so much in intercity interaction if that'd been the case. Note that even the article itself says it'd be a "minor engineering effort" to get an offline experience *without all the nifty region stuff*. Which when you stop and think about it, includes some very fundamental things such as the ability to specialize your city. That said they clearly failed in the execution stage. But just saying "Make it local single-player!" isn't gonna fix it, 'cause you're gonna cripple the game far more than disabling cheetah speed. (No excuses for traffic though) The suggestions below about a loopback server could work, of course, until you stop and consider that every "server" is actually a whole cluster of EC2 nodes and stuff. 'course, you could scale down and adapt into a single-machine server, but *that* wouldn't be a minor engineering effort either. --- tl;dr: Stop pretending single player is a fucking magic bullet 'cause it's not.
Of course it's intertwined, just not in the technical level. There're two things that've been made patently obvious so far: SimCity needs the servers for region play, and SimCity's gameplay was designed around region play. "SimCity needs region play AND Region play needs servers => SimCity needs servers." I bet you $10 that's the chain of logic Maxis used. From a gameplay design sense, it's quite obvious they weren't "shackled" with DRM servers by EA execs late in the development process. The game wouldn't've depended so much in intercity interaction if that'd been the case. Note that even the article itself says it'd be a "minor engineering effort" to get an offline experience without all the nifty region stuff . Which when you stop and think about it, includes some very fundamental things such as the ability to specialize your city. That said they clearly failed in the execution stage. But just saying "Make it local single-player!" isn't gonna fix it, 'cause you're gonna cripple the game far more than disabling cheetah speed. (No excuses for traffic though) The suggestions below about a loopback server could work, of course, until you stop and consider that every "server" is actually a whole cluster of EC2 nodes and stuff. 'course, you could scale down and adapt into a single-machine server, but that wouldn't be a minor engineering effort either. tl;dr: Stop pretending single player is a fucking magic bullet 'cause it's not.
Of course it's intertwined, just not in the technical level. There're two things that've been made patently obvious so far: SimCity needs the servers for region play, and SimCity's gameplay was designed around region play. "SimCity needs region play AND Region play needs servers => SimCity needs servers." I bet you $10 that's the chain of logic Maxis used. From a gameplay design sense, it's quite obvious they weren't "shackled" with DRM servers by EA execs late in the development process. The game wouldn't've depended so much in intercity interaction if that'd been the case. Note that even the article itself says it'd be a "minor engineering effort" to get an offline experience without all the nifty region stuff . Which when you stop and think about it, includes some very fundamental things such as the ability to specialize your city. That said they clearly failed in the execution stage. But just saying "Make it local single-player!" isn't gonna fix it, 'cause you're gonna cripple the game far more than disabling cheetah speed. (No excuses for traffic though) The suggestions below about a loopback server could work, of course, until you stop and consider that every "server" is actually a whole cluster of EC2 nodes and stuff. 'course, you could scale down and adapt into a single-machine server, but that wouldn't be a minor engineering effort either.
Stop pretending single player is a fucking magic bullet 'cause it's not.
Came to say I had the honor of owning one of these noble beasts for ten years. He guarded our two daughters while they pulled his ears and ate in front of him and generally annoyed him. He never got angry with them once. The dog is not for everyone. They have become the most expensive breed ever. They can grow to over 180 pounds and they have been bred for centuries to have a massive booming bark. I remember my TM getting attacked by a massive German Shepherd. My dog thought he was playing. Because of their dual coat and massive muscles, it's not easy to cause them any damage at all in a dog fight. Amazing animal. Tl;dr I miss my dog.
Came to say I had the honor of owning one of these noble beasts for ten years. He guarded our two daughters while they pulled his ears and ate in front of him and generally annoyed him. He never got angry with them once. The dog is not for everyone. They have become the most expensive breed ever. They can grow to over 180 pounds and they have been bred for centuries to have a massive booming bark. I remember my TM getting attacked by a massive German Shepherd. My dog thought he was playing. Because of their dual coat and massive muscles, it's not easy to cause them any damage at all in a dog fight. Amazing animal. Tl;dr I miss my dog.
Came to say I had the honor of owning one of these noble beasts for ten years. He guarded our two daughters while they pulled his ears and ate in front of him and generally annoyed him. He never got angry with them once. The dog is not for everyone. They have become the most expensive breed ever. They can grow to over 180 pounds and they have been bred for centuries to have a massive booming bark. I remember my TM getting attacked by a massive German Shepherd. My dog thought he was playing. Because of their dual coat and massive muscles, it's not easy to cause them any damage at all in a dog fight. Amazing animal.
I miss my dog.
So everything was going great, I lost a few friends but nothing to major then I got to Blaine. He killed my sandslah who I named Sandra and my jolteon named Nolan they were so beast during the game. I then stopped for awhile grieving the loss but decided I had to win for them. I pulled ahri the vulpx and Fred the zubat out to join the team. Extensive grinding got my team to 55 and the elite four. They were Weston the venusaur, Lonna the pigeot, ahri the vulpix, Fred the golbat, Patrick the slowbro, and might the hitmonlee. Lauralei gave me some trouble but no deaths, Bruno and Agatha were a cake walk and Patrick dominated lance. I made it to the champ and he was a pushover however Fred died to alakazam and it was my fault, I was being careless and he took a psychic. But we triumphed and now I honor the fallen here. TL;DR I won my first nuzlocke with some good new friends made through the journey.
So everything was going great, I lost a few friends but nothing to major then I got to Blaine. He killed my sandslah who I named Sandra and my jolteon named Nolan they were so beast during the game. I then stopped for awhile grieving the loss but decided I had to win for them. I pulled ahri the vulpx and Fred the zubat out to join the team. Extensive grinding got my team to 55 and the elite four. They were Weston the venusaur, Lonna the pigeot, ahri the vulpix, Fred the golbat, Patrick the slowbro, and might the hitmonlee. Lauralei gave me some trouble but no deaths, Bruno and Agatha were a cake walk and Patrick dominated lance. I made it to the champ and he was a pushover however Fred died to alakazam and it was my fault, I was being careless and he took a psychic. But we triumphed and now I honor the fallen here. TL;DR I won my first nuzlocke with some good new friends made through the journey.
So everything was going great, I lost a few friends but nothing to major then I got to Blaine. He killed my sandslah who I named Sandra and my jolteon named Nolan they were so beast during the game. I then stopped for awhile grieving the loss but decided I had to win for them. I pulled ahri the vulpx and Fred the zubat out to join the team. Extensive grinding got my team to 55 and the elite four. They were Weston the venusaur, Lonna the pigeot, ahri the vulpix, Fred the golbat, Patrick the slowbro, and might the hitmonlee. Lauralei gave me some trouble but no deaths, Bruno and Agatha were a cake walk and Patrick dominated lance. I made it to the champ and he was a pushover however Fred died to alakazam and it was my fault, I was being careless and he took a psychic. But we triumphed and now I honor the fallen here.
I won my first nuzlocke with some good new friends made through the journey.
A passport is a BIG deal! Having a passport means that you are a citizen to a country and that country confirms this and take a certain amount of responsibility for you. Most of the time is spent verifying your identity beyond a reasonable doubt (as the other commenter said). This means that all of your identification and documents need to go through a bureaucracy, which means a LOT of record keeping and a LOT of different barriers and requirements, known as "red tape". TL;DR they need to make absolutely sure its you, or it's their ass. This means a lot of time, work, and money.
A passport is a BIG deal! Having a passport means that you are a citizen to a country and that country confirms this and take a certain amount of responsibility for you. Most of the time is spent verifying your identity beyond a reasonable doubt (as the other commenter said). This means that all of your identification and documents need to go through a bureaucracy, which means a LOT of record keeping and a LOT of different barriers and requirements, known as "red tape". TL;DR they need to make absolutely sure its you, or it's their ass. This means a lot of time, work, and money.
A passport is a BIG deal! Having a passport means that you are a citizen to a country and that country confirms this and take a certain amount of responsibility for you. Most of the time is spent verifying your identity beyond a reasonable doubt (as the other commenter said). This means that all of your identification and documents need to go through a bureaucracy, which means a LOT of record keeping and a LOT of different barriers and requirements, known as "red tape".
they need to make absolutely sure its you, or it's their ass. This means a lot of time, work, and money.
Here's the thing though, and I might not explain myself well, so please hear me out: in game dev the math is LOGICAL. As in, I can relate it to actual, real problems. I can translate it to images, situations, break down into smaller, easier steps. I can see the problem and understand it. When I was doing adv. math at high school, nothing made sense. Sure, some formulas were derived from others, I get that, but when it came to solving problems, I just couldn't "get" it. It was completely illogical to me, so I had just learn by heart way to solve problems from textbooks and then find similar problems on exams. TL;DR: game dev math is fun, school math is hell
Here's the thing though, and I might not explain myself well, so please hear me out: in game dev the math is LOGICAL. As in, I can relate it to actual, real problems. I can translate it to images, situations, break down into smaller, easier steps. I can see the problem and understand it. When I was doing adv. math at high school, nothing made sense. Sure, some formulas were derived from others, I get that, but when it came to solving problems, I just couldn't "get" it. It was completely illogical to me, so I had just learn by heart way to solve problems from textbooks and then find similar problems on exams. TL;DR: game dev math is fun, school math is hell
Here's the thing though, and I might not explain myself well, so please hear me out: in game dev the math is LOGICAL. As in, I can relate it to actual, real problems. I can translate it to images, situations, break down into smaller, easier steps. I can see the problem and understand it. When I was doing adv. math at high school, nothing made sense. Sure, some formulas were derived from others, I get that, but when it came to solving problems, I just couldn't "get" it. It was completely illogical to me, so I had just learn by heart way to solve problems from textbooks and then find similar problems on exams.
game dev math is fun, school math is hell
The way I already did. Do you see that visualization? That's the problem with using 3D euler angles to rotate. If you perform the rotation as 3 seperate movements, resetting the co-ordinate axis each time (calculating the new resultant positions of the vectors) then you can perform 3D rotations. But that's massively inefficient; it isn't 3 rotations, Its a single rotation. But if you try to combine all 3 into one rotation with euler angles, you have gymbal lock. Sometimes the first two rotations take you to a place on axis with where the axis of the third rotation is, and now you aren't able to do anything. (without recalculating position and applying an additional rotation) However, Quaternions represent rotations through the 3-sphere in 4D space. Because this is 4D space, you can always rotate *through* the higher dimension, you don't get locked on axis like you do making 3 rotations through 3-D space. Even if the gymbals were to "line up", you have a 4th gymbal sitting there happy to rotate you around. this works the same in physical engineering. 3 gymbals can lock because if you rotate along one gymbal, you can line up with another gymbal, making those two the "same axis of rotation", so you've "lost" one axis, at least until you rotate one enough that it is 90 degrees off the other, and then you're allowed to rotate freely in any direction again (3 degrees of freedom). But if you add a 4th gymbal around the other 3, even if they line up, then you can always activate that 4th gymbal to rotate everything. TLDR You use 4 Dimensions to apply rotations where normally you can't rotate in 3 due to limitations in geometry.
The way I already did. Do you see that visualization? That's the problem with using 3D euler angles to rotate. If you perform the rotation as 3 seperate movements, resetting the co-ordinate axis each time (calculating the new resultant positions of the vectors) then you can perform 3D rotations. But that's massively inefficient; it isn't 3 rotations, Its a single rotation. But if you try to combine all 3 into one rotation with euler angles, you have gymbal lock. Sometimes the first two rotations take you to a place on axis with where the axis of the third rotation is, and now you aren't able to do anything. (without recalculating position and applying an additional rotation) However, Quaternions represent rotations through the 3-sphere in 4D space. Because this is 4D space, you can always rotate through the higher dimension, you don't get locked on axis like you do making 3 rotations through 3-D space. Even if the gymbals were to "line up", you have a 4th gymbal sitting there happy to rotate you around. this works the same in physical engineering. 3 gymbals can lock because if you rotate along one gymbal, you can line up with another gymbal, making those two the "same axis of rotation", so you've "lost" one axis, at least until you rotate one enough that it is 90 degrees off the other, and then you're allowed to rotate freely in any direction again (3 degrees of freedom). But if you add a 4th gymbal around the other 3, even if they line up, then you can always activate that 4th gymbal to rotate everything. TLDR You use 4 Dimensions to apply rotations where normally you can't rotate in 3 due to limitations in geometry.
The way I already did. Do you see that visualization? That's the problem with using 3D euler angles to rotate. If you perform the rotation as 3 seperate movements, resetting the co-ordinate axis each time (calculating the new resultant positions of the vectors) then you can perform 3D rotations. But that's massively inefficient; it isn't 3 rotations, Its a single rotation. But if you try to combine all 3 into one rotation with euler angles, you have gymbal lock. Sometimes the first two rotations take you to a place on axis with where the axis of the third rotation is, and now you aren't able to do anything. (without recalculating position and applying an additional rotation) However, Quaternions represent rotations through the 3-sphere in 4D space. Because this is 4D space, you can always rotate through the higher dimension, you don't get locked on axis like you do making 3 rotations through 3-D space. Even if the gymbals were to "line up", you have a 4th gymbal sitting there happy to rotate you around. this works the same in physical engineering. 3 gymbals can lock because if you rotate along one gymbal, you can line up with another gymbal, making those two the "same axis of rotation", so you've "lost" one axis, at least until you rotate one enough that it is 90 degrees off the other, and then you're allowed to rotate freely in any direction again (3 degrees of freedom). But if you add a 4th gymbal around the other 3, even if they line up, then you can always activate that 4th gymbal to rotate everything.
You use 4 Dimensions to apply rotations where normally you can't rotate in 3 due to limitations in geometry.
That is the thing though, Theon does some dispicable shit but you know where he is coming from and he is very conflicted. He loves Robb as a brother but he still craves the love and acceptance of his father. I think Alfie Allen conveyed this so well that his arc in the following books will be heart wrenching. Plus his scenes with women show his duality. He can swing from swaggering idiot to contemplative, lost little boy. TL;DR: Alfie Allen deserves an Emmy for season 2
That is the thing though, Theon does some dispicable shit but you know where he is coming from and he is very conflicted. He loves Robb as a brother but he still craves the love and acceptance of his father. I think Alfie Allen conveyed this so well that his arc in the following books will be heart wrenching. Plus his scenes with women show his duality. He can swing from swaggering idiot to contemplative, lost little boy. TL;DR: Alfie Allen deserves an Emmy for season 2
That is the thing though, Theon does some dispicable shit but you know where he is coming from and he is very conflicted. He loves Robb as a brother but he still craves the love and acceptance of his father. I think Alfie Allen conveyed this so well that his arc in the following books will be heart wrenching. Plus his scenes with women show his duality. He can swing from swaggering idiot to contemplative, lost little boy.
Alfie Allen deserves an Emmy for season 2
I have gone through a similar situation. I lost my infant son 2 and a half years ago. My relationships with everyone I knew before have changed. *Everyone.* It breaks my heart. I must say that your letter was actually really good for me to read. I think that as time passes, those of us who have lost a a baby begin to feel like those around us forget about our child. To read this gives me a little hope that people in my life are remembering my son, even if they aren't telling me. As for you and your friend, I am sorry there has been such a divide between you. If it helps, know that the first year after losing a child (at least for me and others I know) is a complete and total blur. Your only focus is getting thorough the day. I have never been as selfish as I was that first year. And honestly, anger toward those around me was helpful. I was SO angry and I needed somewhere to direct it. Is that fair? Not at all. But again, survival is the only goal at that point. I agree with some of the other comments that it just may be too hard for her to see you with your kids right now. Or that she seriously just has nothing to say. Or it makes her sad to remember how things were or should be. (Again, totally not fair, but true.) Even now, it is much easier for me to be around my friends that have also lost a child. There is no awkwardness like there sometimes is with my "old life" friends. I'm sorry you are going though this and that she is going through this. It just sucks. You are a good friend, and I do believe some day she will come back into your life. You are totally entitled to your feelings and I'm glad you were able to get them out in a safe space. (And the fact that you did it here and didn't unload all this on her is further proof that you are a good friend.) Something I would suggest (and take it or leave it, I'll never know!) is maybe sending her a text/facebook message/note tomorrow just simply saying something like "Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and your son yesterday. Love you both." I can tell you that it would mean the world to her. Sorry this is such a novel! TL;DR: You're a good friend. She is not her old self anymore and . her whole life seems wrong. Sending stranger internet hugs to you both.
I have gone through a similar situation. I lost my infant son 2 and a half years ago. My relationships with everyone I knew before have changed. Everyone. It breaks my heart. I must say that your letter was actually really good for me to read. I think that as time passes, those of us who have lost a a baby begin to feel like those around us forget about our child. To read this gives me a little hope that people in my life are remembering my son, even if they aren't telling me. As for you and your friend, I am sorry there has been such a divide between you. If it helps, know that the first year after losing a child (at least for me and others I know) is a complete and total blur. Your only focus is getting thorough the day. I have never been as selfish as I was that first year. And honestly, anger toward those around me was helpful. I was SO angry and I needed somewhere to direct it. Is that fair? Not at all. But again, survival is the only goal at that point. I agree with some of the other comments that it just may be too hard for her to see you with your kids right now. Or that she seriously just has nothing to say. Or it makes her sad to remember how things were or should be. (Again, totally not fair, but true.) Even now, it is much easier for me to be around my friends that have also lost a child. There is no awkwardness like there sometimes is with my "old life" friends. I'm sorry you are going though this and that she is going through this. It just sucks. You are a good friend, and I do believe some day she will come back into your life. You are totally entitled to your feelings and I'm glad you were able to get them out in a safe space. (And the fact that you did it here and didn't unload all this on her is further proof that you are a good friend.) Something I would suggest (and take it or leave it, I'll never know!) is maybe sending her a text/facebook message/note tomorrow just simply saying something like "Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and your son yesterday. Love you both." I can tell you that it would mean the world to her. Sorry this is such a novel! TL;DR: You're a good friend. She is not her old self anymore and . her whole life seems wrong. Sending stranger internet hugs to you both.
I have gone through a similar situation. I lost my infant son 2 and a half years ago. My relationships with everyone I knew before have changed. Everyone. It breaks my heart. I must say that your letter was actually really good for me to read. I think that as time passes, those of us who have lost a a baby begin to feel like those around us forget about our child. To read this gives me a little hope that people in my life are remembering my son, even if they aren't telling me. As for you and your friend, I am sorry there has been such a divide between you. If it helps, know that the first year after losing a child (at least for me and others I know) is a complete and total blur. Your only focus is getting thorough the day. I have never been as selfish as I was that first year. And honestly, anger toward those around me was helpful. I was SO angry and I needed somewhere to direct it. Is that fair? Not at all. But again, survival is the only goal at that point. I agree with some of the other comments that it just may be too hard for her to see you with your kids right now. Or that she seriously just has nothing to say. Or it makes her sad to remember how things were or should be. (Again, totally not fair, but true.) Even now, it is much easier for me to be around my friends that have also lost a child. There is no awkwardness like there sometimes is with my "old life" friends. I'm sorry you are going though this and that she is going through this. It just sucks. You are a good friend, and I do believe some day she will come back into your life. You are totally entitled to your feelings and I'm glad you were able to get them out in a safe space. (And the fact that you did it here and didn't unload all this on her is further proof that you are a good friend.) Something I would suggest (and take it or leave it, I'll never know!) is maybe sending her a text/facebook message/note tomorrow just simply saying something like "Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and your son yesterday. Love you both." I can tell you that it would mean the world to her. Sorry this is such a novel!
You're a good friend. She is not her old self anymore and . her whole life seems wrong. Sending stranger internet hugs to you both.
Because kids (Middle/Highschoolers especially) are fucking dicks, regardless of the topic at hand. AHAHAHAHA HIS NAME IS FRANKLIN. WANT SOME HOTDOGS FRANK AHAHAHAHAHA. tl;dr my name isn't frank. But kids are dicks.
Because kids (Middle/Highschoolers especially) are fucking dicks, regardless of the topic at hand. AHAHAHAHA HIS NAME IS FRANKLIN. WANT SOME HOTDOGS FRANK AHAHAHAHAHA. tl;dr my name isn't frank. But kids are dicks.
Because kids (Middle/Highschoolers especially) are fucking dicks, regardless of the topic at hand. AHAHAHAHA HIS NAME IS FRANKLIN. WANT SOME HOTDOGS FRANK AHAHAHAHAHA.
my name isn't frank. But kids are dicks.
Brodie (the dog) was neglected, and ended up with serious anger and health issues concerning his skin and allergies. My boyfriend adopted him, and spent the last 7 years giving Brodie the best life possible, and keeping him away from other dogs. I met my boyfriend 3 years ago, and soon started hanging around with Brodie and him. Brodie loves my boyfriend more than anything, and I'm a close second for both. Brodie has lived a better life than most people on this earth. Brodie had some rough times; he attacked a couple of people/dogs, but no real harm was done, and my boyfriend spent $20,000+ at the vet for his health issues. He hadn't had any problems for about 4 years, so we decided we should get a puppy friend for him. The puppy was 5 lbs when we brought him home, and Brodie is 75 lbs. Brodie &amp; puppy got in a few scuffles, but learned to love each other and became friends, until last night. We've had the puppy for a year &amp; a half and Brodie for 7 years. Brodie put on his angry face, and went after the puppy. My boyfriend jumped between them as he had many times before, and Brodie went for the puppies throat. He had a bandanna on, so it was simply ripped off, but my boyfriend wasn't so lucky. His pinkie and ring fingers got bit, and he bled everywhere. Brodie wouldn't let go, even after my boyfriend yelled. We're keeping Brodie in a bedroom upstairs, and he just barks and scratches all day. The puppy won't leave our side, and stays far away from Brodie. The vet originally told us we'd be lucky if he lived 5 years, and we got 7 out of him. He regularly eats steak, chicken, and other tasty treats. We've done everything we could to minimize his suffering, and gone way above and beyond the call of duty. So we're going to feed him bacon wrapped filet mignon (his favorite meal), and take him in to be put down on friday. TL;DR Onions.
Brodie (the dog) was neglected, and ended up with serious anger and health issues concerning his skin and allergies. My boyfriend adopted him, and spent the last 7 years giving Brodie the best life possible, and keeping him away from other dogs. I met my boyfriend 3 years ago, and soon started hanging around with Brodie and him. Brodie loves my boyfriend more than anything, and I'm a close second for both. Brodie has lived a better life than most people on this earth. Brodie had some rough times; he attacked a couple of people/dogs, but no real harm was done, and my boyfriend spent $20,000+ at the vet for his health issues. He hadn't had any problems for about 4 years, so we decided we should get a puppy friend for him. The puppy was 5 lbs when we brought him home, and Brodie is 75 lbs. Brodie & puppy got in a few scuffles, but learned to love each other and became friends, until last night. We've had the puppy for a year & a half and Brodie for 7 years. Brodie put on his angry face, and went after the puppy. My boyfriend jumped between them as he had many times before, and Brodie went for the puppies throat. He had a bandanna on, so it was simply ripped off, but my boyfriend wasn't so lucky. His pinkie and ring fingers got bit, and he bled everywhere. Brodie wouldn't let go, even after my boyfriend yelled. We're keeping Brodie in a bedroom upstairs, and he just barks and scratches all day. The puppy won't leave our side, and stays far away from Brodie. The vet originally told us we'd be lucky if he lived 5 years, and we got 7 out of him. He regularly eats steak, chicken, and other tasty treats. We've done everything we could to minimize his suffering, and gone way above and beyond the call of duty. So we're going to feed him bacon wrapped filet mignon (his favorite meal), and take him in to be put down on friday. TL;DR Onions.
Brodie (the dog) was neglected, and ended up with serious anger and health issues concerning his skin and allergies. My boyfriend adopted him, and spent the last 7 years giving Brodie the best life possible, and keeping him away from other dogs. I met my boyfriend 3 years ago, and soon started hanging around with Brodie and him. Brodie loves my boyfriend more than anything, and I'm a close second for both. Brodie has lived a better life than most people on this earth. Brodie had some rough times; he attacked a couple of people/dogs, but no real harm was done, and my boyfriend spent $20,000+ at the vet for his health issues. He hadn't had any problems for about 4 years, so we decided we should get a puppy friend for him. The puppy was 5 lbs when we brought him home, and Brodie is 75 lbs. Brodie & puppy got in a few scuffles, but learned to love each other and became friends, until last night. We've had the puppy for a year & a half and Brodie for 7 years. Brodie put on his angry face, and went after the puppy. My boyfriend jumped between them as he had many times before, and Brodie went for the puppies throat. He had a bandanna on, so it was simply ripped off, but my boyfriend wasn't so lucky. His pinkie and ring fingers got bit, and he bled everywhere. Brodie wouldn't let go, even after my boyfriend yelled. We're keeping Brodie in a bedroom upstairs, and he just barks and scratches all day. The puppy won't leave our side, and stays far away from Brodie. The vet originally told us we'd be lucky if he lived 5 years, and we got 7 out of him. He regularly eats steak, chicken, and other tasty treats. We've done everything we could to minimize his suffering, and gone way above and beyond the call of duty. So we're going to feed him bacon wrapped filet mignon (his favorite meal), and take him in to be put down on friday.
YAY WATSONED! Ok so let me tell you guys a little bit about Watsoned. She's awesome. I mean TRULY awesome. Her brother had a sick cat and this woman went and got his cat, took him to the vet she used to work for (quite a ways away), got him all his meds and THEN kept him until he was completely healthy. And that cat is ohmygodsocute. TL:DR Watsoned rocks.
YAY WATSONED! Ok so let me tell you guys a little bit about Watsoned. She's awesome. I mean TRULY awesome. Her brother had a sick cat and this woman went and got his cat, took him to the vet she used to work for (quite a ways away), got him all his meds and THEN kept him until he was completely healthy. And that cat is ohmygodsocute. TL:DR Watsoned rocks.
YAY WATSONED! Ok so let me tell you guys a little bit about Watsoned. She's awesome. I mean TRULY awesome. Her brother had a sick cat and this woman went and got his cat, took him to the vet she used to work for (quite a ways away), got him all his meds and THEN kept him until he was completely healthy. And that cat is ohmygodsocute.
Watsoned rocks.
Depends if you will just play Minecraft with it. If you want to invest some money in a machine that lasts for the next 2 - 3 years for all the games that will be released a gaming laptop would fit for sure. and the money will be well spent (1000$ is a pretty nice amount). Just keep in mind that the gaming industry is nearly at the edge of all possibilities. The games they will release now wont need any new design and development. The games are sticking with the same (high) requirements, since the resources are completely used. Games won't make any new inventions for hardware - but new hardware will make new milestones for games. TLDR: For minecraft alone an average laptop will do fine, for more, newer, better games you should invest some more ofc.
Depends if you will just play Minecraft with it. If you want to invest some money in a machine that lasts for the next 2 - 3 years for all the games that will be released a gaming laptop would fit for sure. and the money will be well spent (1000$ is a pretty nice amount). Just keep in mind that the gaming industry is nearly at the edge of all possibilities. The games they will release now wont need any new design and development. The games are sticking with the same (high) requirements, since the resources are completely used. Games won't make any new inventions for hardware - but new hardware will make new milestones for games. TLDR: For minecraft alone an average laptop will do fine, for more, newer, better games you should invest some more ofc.
Depends if you will just play Minecraft with it. If you want to invest some money in a machine that lasts for the next 2 - 3 years for all the games that will be released a gaming laptop would fit for sure. and the money will be well spent (1000$ is a pretty nice amount). Just keep in mind that the gaming industry is nearly at the edge of all possibilities. The games they will release now wont need any new design and development. The games are sticking with the same (high) requirements, since the resources are completely used. Games won't make any new inventions for hardware - but new hardware will make new milestones for games.
For minecraft alone an average laptop will do fine, for more, newer, better games you should invest some more ofc.
I think I'd have to re-evaluate some things. I drive a four wheel drive pickup that gets good mileage for a pickup, but it still uses a fair amount of fuel. It would cost $240 to fill it from dead empty at $10/gallon, so I'd be looking at more than doubling my fuel costs as I fill the tank once a week. I would probably try to carpool with a friend that lives a few miles away when it was time to go to the gym and I would have to plan errands more effectively. Right now, I drive off, do my shopping and come home and, the next day, I might go somewhere else and drive right past the same stores. I would probably also eat out less, too. I probably would not sell my truck and invest in a more fuel efficient car. I need my truck to get to work in the winter, as my job has odd hours and I have to be on call for emergencies and the roads are not always plowed. Having both would certainly offset any savings and, if gas reached $10/gallon, the truck would be virtually worthless, so I'd lose my ass selling it. I suppose I could look at getting a "cute UTE" (smaller unibody SUV), but I don't think the fuel economy is much better and I need ground clearance anyway. TL;DR: Would plan trips better, cut back on eating out, but still drive a pickup edit: removed extra word
I think I'd have to re-evaluate some things. I drive a four wheel drive pickup that gets good mileage for a pickup, but it still uses a fair amount of fuel. It would cost $240 to fill it from dead empty at $10/gallon, so I'd be looking at more than doubling my fuel costs as I fill the tank once a week. I would probably try to carpool with a friend that lives a few miles away when it was time to go to the gym and I would have to plan errands more effectively. Right now, I drive off, do my shopping and come home and, the next day, I might go somewhere else and drive right past the same stores. I would probably also eat out less, too. I probably would not sell my truck and invest in a more fuel efficient car. I need my truck to get to work in the winter, as my job has odd hours and I have to be on call for emergencies and the roads are not always plowed. Having both would certainly offset any savings and, if gas reached $10/gallon, the truck would be virtually worthless, so I'd lose my ass selling it. I suppose I could look at getting a "cute UTE" (smaller unibody SUV), but I don't think the fuel economy is much better and I need ground clearance anyway. TL;DR: Would plan trips better, cut back on eating out, but still drive a pickup edit: removed extra word
I think I'd have to re-evaluate some things. I drive a four wheel drive pickup that gets good mileage for a pickup, but it still uses a fair amount of fuel. It would cost $240 to fill it from dead empty at $10/gallon, so I'd be looking at more than doubling my fuel costs as I fill the tank once a week. I would probably try to carpool with a friend that lives a few miles away when it was time to go to the gym and I would have to plan errands more effectively. Right now, I drive off, do my shopping and come home and, the next day, I might go somewhere else and drive right past the same stores. I would probably also eat out less, too. I probably would not sell my truck and invest in a more fuel efficient car. I need my truck to get to work in the winter, as my job has odd hours and I have to be on call for emergencies and the roads are not always plowed. Having both would certainly offset any savings and, if gas reached $10/gallon, the truck would be virtually worthless, so I'd lose my ass selling it. I suppose I could look at getting a "cute UTE" (smaller unibody SUV), but I don't think the fuel economy is much better and I need ground clearance anyway.
Would plan trips better, cut back on eating out, but still drive a pickup edit: removed extra word
EA lied. at launch they said they could handle the load of people trying to log in to play the game, since its always on. This was untrue. To "optimize" the servers they started stripping game features from the client. As a result press had to re-score the game with a much lower score, since this isn't the game they played in press release. EA has claimed that making the game offline playable is extremely difficult, and that the server is used for super advanced calculations that the client can't handle. Recently, people have discovered a debug mode which allows you to build outside of the city limits, including highways. This mode also allows you to play offline, for an unlimited time. This means that EA's claim that the server calculates things are clearly not true. all the server does is this: 1.) region play (aka, multiplayer) 2.) save your city on their server. Even more recently, its been discovered that city saves are done client side (cached) first, then uploaded to the server - this will be an easy mechanism to bypass so city's save locally. so why did they do this and why did they lie? simple. They want to force extremely crappy DRM (it relied on the fact people would believe them that the server does complex calculations that the client cannot handle...and that no one would figure out how to get into the debug mode) Why did they want to force DRM? easy. to force DLC. they would make minor things optional, but major DLC changes could require major patches, preventing you from playing the game without buying the DLC first. As it stands, we know the game saves files locally, its now a matter of getting it to read and use those local save files instead of EA's server. after that, region support could also be cracked with ease, i presume. I would not buy the game though. EA does not deserve the money and although the modding community is making a great effort to make the game playable offline with offline saves, the simple fact is EA straight out lied so they could sell more product AND continue to do so in the future. Then, when people complained, they actually stripped out features of the game (that still exist in debug mode, fyi) AND THEN decided to fix their server load issue. To me, that makes no logical sense and only means that EA is actually trying to punish us for demanding a better quality game. edit: this is the tl/dr of what i know so far anyways. if anyone has any corrections, feel free to correct me ;x
EA lied. at launch they said they could handle the load of people trying to log in to play the game, since its always on. This was untrue. To "optimize" the servers they started stripping game features from the client. As a result press had to re-score the game with a much lower score, since this isn't the game they played in press release. EA has claimed that making the game offline playable is extremely difficult, and that the server is used for super advanced calculations that the client can't handle. Recently, people have discovered a debug mode which allows you to build outside of the city limits, including highways. This mode also allows you to play offline, for an unlimited time. This means that EA's claim that the server calculates things are clearly not true. all the server does is this: 1.) region play (aka, multiplayer) 2.) save your city on their server. Even more recently, its been discovered that city saves are done client side (cached) first, then uploaded to the server - this will be an easy mechanism to bypass so city's save locally. so why did they do this and why did they lie? simple. They want to force extremely crappy DRM (it relied on the fact people would believe them that the server does complex calculations that the client cannot handle...and that no one would figure out how to get into the debug mode) Why did they want to force DRM? easy. to force DLC. they would make minor things optional, but major DLC changes could require major patches, preventing you from playing the game without buying the DLC first. As it stands, we know the game saves files locally, its now a matter of getting it to read and use those local save files instead of EA's server. after that, region support could also be cracked with ease, i presume. I would not buy the game though. EA does not deserve the money and although the modding community is making a great effort to make the game playable offline with offline saves, the simple fact is EA straight out lied so they could sell more product AND continue to do so in the future. Then, when people complained, they actually stripped out features of the game (that still exist in debug mode, fyi) AND THEN decided to fix their server load issue. To me, that makes no logical sense and only means that EA is actually trying to punish us for demanding a better quality game. edit: this is the tl/dr of what i know so far anyways. if anyone has any corrections, feel free to correct me ;x
EA lied. at launch they said they could handle the load of people trying to log in to play the game, since its always on. This was untrue. To "optimize" the servers they started stripping game features from the client. As a result press had to re-score the game with a much lower score, since this isn't the game they played in press release. EA has claimed that making the game offline playable is extremely difficult, and that the server is used for super advanced calculations that the client can't handle. Recently, people have discovered a debug mode which allows you to build outside of the city limits, including highways. This mode also allows you to play offline, for an unlimited time. This means that EA's claim that the server calculates things are clearly not true. all the server does is this: 1.) region play (aka, multiplayer) 2.) save your city on their server. Even more recently, its been discovered that city saves are done client side (cached) first, then uploaded to the server - this will be an easy mechanism to bypass so city's save locally. so why did they do this and why did they lie? simple. They want to force extremely crappy DRM (it relied on the fact people would believe them that the server does complex calculations that the client cannot handle...and that no one would figure out how to get into the debug mode) Why did they want to force DRM? easy. to force DLC. they would make minor things optional, but major DLC changes could require major patches, preventing you from playing the game without buying the DLC first. As it stands, we know the game saves files locally, its now a matter of getting it to read and use those local save files instead of EA's server. after that, region support could also be cracked with ease, i presume. I would not buy the game though. EA does not deserve the money and although the modding community is making a great effort to make the game playable offline with offline saves, the simple fact is EA straight out lied so they could sell more product AND continue to do so in the future. Then, when people complained, they actually stripped out features of the game (that still exist in debug mode, fyi) AND THEN decided to fix their server load issue. To me, that makes no logical sense and only means that EA is actually trying to punish us for demanding a better quality game. edit: this is the
of what i know so far anyways. if anyone has any corrections, feel free to correct me ;x
Something something neckbeards something something I'm an asshole that thinks he's better than everyone else something something you're here to see tits just like the rest of us. TL;DR - STFU
Something something neckbeards something something I'm an asshole that thinks he's better than everyone else something something you're here to see tits just like the rest of us. TL;DR - STFU
Something something neckbeards something something I'm an asshole that thinks he's better than everyone else something something you're here to see tits just like the rest of us.
Im sorry but you cant just make such bold claims about an entire species. Animals are individuals just as people are and that means each one is completely different in temperment, eating habits, just about everything. Also a wild caught pet can be just as friendly as a CB if you give them enough time and lots of attention, but some will always be grumpy no matter how much time you spend with them. TLDR: Animals are different are people too man
Im sorry but you cant just make such bold claims about an entire species. Animals are individuals just as people are and that means each one is completely different in temperment, eating habits, just about everything. Also a wild caught pet can be just as friendly as a CB if you give them enough time and lots of attention, but some will always be grumpy no matter how much time you spend with them. TLDR: Animals are different are people too man
Im sorry but you cant just make such bold claims about an entire species. Animals are individuals just as people are and that means each one is completely different in temperment, eating habits, just about everything. Also a wild caught pet can be just as friendly as a CB if you give them enough time and lots of attention, but some will always be grumpy no matter how much time you spend with them.
Animals are different are people too man
**Ei**. Vaihdonvälineen ei ole tarkoitus olla sijoituskohde. "Arvokehitys" ei ole mikään etu. Bitcoinit ovat rakenteellisesti deflaatiokierteessä, koska niiden määrä on rajattu. Bitcoinien päällä on kannattavampaa istua kuin oikeasti käyttää mihinkään. Tämä ei ole mitenkään järkevää. Keskuspankit ympäri maailmaa tavoittelevat matalaa inflaatiota ja syystä joka selviää mistä tahansa taloustieteen perusoppikirjasta. Se, että Bitcoinien arvo vaihtelee jäätävästi on heikkous, ei vahvuus ja jokapäiväisen vaihdon välineen arvolla spekuloiminen on yksilötasolla aika järjetöntä. En käyttäisi termiä "sensuurivapaus" kun puhutaan rahasta, mutta miten vain. En ole huomannut että nykyiset valuutat kärsisivät ongelmasta, että joku loisi mielivaltaisesti niitä lisää. Kukaan ei voi jäädyttää tai takavarikoida käteistänikään. Tässä harhaudut sekoittamaan valuutan pankkeihin tai maksupalveluihin, et valuutan omiin ominaisuuksiin. Se, että PayPal jäädyttää tilisi tai että venäläiset pesevät rahaa Kyproslaisissa pankeissa ei ole eurosta tai dollarista johtuva ongelma. Sitäpaitsi mitä kutsut "paperirahaksi" ei ole ollut sitä pitkään aikaan vaan on samoja bittejä kuin Bitcoinit, eikä "paperiraha" ole koskaan perustunut siihen että sen pitäisi olla paperilla. Kuulisin suurella mielenkiinnolla mitkä ovat nämä "paperirahan" mahdottomuudet joihin se tulee tuhoutumaan ja joille Bitcoinit ovat immuuneja. Jos Bitcoinit joskus kasvaisivat isoksi, eikö tämä tarkoittaisi että olisi pankkeja ja maksupalveluita jotka käyttäisivät bitcoineja? Vai kuvitteletko että kun bitcoinit kasvavat isoksi, niin kaikki edelleen lähettävät omilta koneiltaan tilisiirtoina bitcoineja toisilleen? Miten Bitcoin-maailmassa PayPalin on mahdotonta jäädyttää Bitcoin-tilini? Ainoa etu on väitetty anonymiteetti. En kuitenkaan näe mikä tässä on niin hienoa, koska nykyiselläkään pankkiani/Visaa ei juuri kiinnosta eikä se edes tiedä mitä verkosta ostan. Kyllä, molemmat tietävät että olen ostanut jotain Amazonista, mutat siihenpähän se jää. Iso osa Bitcoinin väitetyistä eduista perustuvat uskomattomaan paranoiaan ja huikean ruotsalaisen keksinnön, vähimmäisvarantojärjestelmän, (tahalliseen) väärinymmärtämiseen (esim. "kaikki raha on velkaa"). Esimerkkinä tästä [sen suomenkielinen artikkeli]( Wikipediassa. Ei etteikö Bitcoin ole jännittävä konsepti ja kokeilu, mutta nykyisellään se vertautuu lähinnä Freenettiin, joka ei myöskään ratkaissut juuri mitään oikeaa ongelmaa ja jäi lähinnä vain vähemmän laillisten toimijoiden kanavaksi. TL;DR: 100 dollarin seteli on edelleen huomattavasti käyvämpi valuutta tässä maailmassa.
Ei . Vaihdonvälineen ei ole tarkoitus olla sijoituskohde. "Arvokehitys" ei ole mikään etu. Bitcoinit ovat rakenteellisesti deflaatiokierteessä, koska niiden määrä on rajattu. Bitcoinien päällä on kannattavampaa istua kuin oikeasti käyttää mihinkään. Tämä ei ole mitenkään järkevää. Keskuspankit ympäri maailmaa tavoittelevat matalaa inflaatiota ja syystä joka selviää mistä tahansa taloustieteen perusoppikirjasta. Se, että Bitcoinien arvo vaihtelee jäätävästi on heikkous, ei vahvuus ja jokapäiväisen vaihdon välineen arvolla spekuloiminen on yksilötasolla aika järjetöntä. En käyttäisi termiä "sensuurivapaus" kun puhutaan rahasta, mutta miten vain. En ole huomannut että nykyiset valuutat kärsisivät ongelmasta, että joku loisi mielivaltaisesti niitä lisää. Kukaan ei voi jäädyttää tai takavarikoida käteistänikään. Tässä harhaudut sekoittamaan valuutan pankkeihin tai maksupalveluihin, et valuutan omiin ominaisuuksiin. Se, että PayPal jäädyttää tilisi tai että venäläiset pesevät rahaa Kyproslaisissa pankeissa ei ole eurosta tai dollarista johtuva ongelma. Sitäpaitsi mitä kutsut "paperirahaksi" ei ole ollut sitä pitkään aikaan vaan on samoja bittejä kuin Bitcoinit, eikä "paperiraha" ole koskaan perustunut siihen että sen pitäisi olla paperilla. Kuulisin suurella mielenkiinnolla mitkä ovat nämä "paperirahan" mahdottomuudet joihin se tulee tuhoutumaan ja joille Bitcoinit ovat immuuneja. Jos Bitcoinit joskus kasvaisivat isoksi, eikö tämä tarkoittaisi että olisi pankkeja ja maksupalveluita jotka käyttäisivät bitcoineja? Vai kuvitteletko että kun bitcoinit kasvavat isoksi, niin kaikki edelleen lähettävät omilta koneiltaan tilisiirtoina bitcoineja toisilleen? Miten Bitcoin-maailmassa PayPalin on mahdotonta jäädyttää Bitcoin-tilini? Ainoa etu on väitetty anonymiteetti. En kuitenkaan näe mikä tässä on niin hienoa, koska nykyiselläkään pankkiani/Visaa ei juuri kiinnosta eikä se edes tiedä mitä verkosta ostan. Kyllä, molemmat tietävät että olen ostanut jotain Amazonista, mutat siihenpähän se jää. Iso osa Bitcoinin väitetyistä eduista perustuvat uskomattomaan paranoiaan ja huikean ruotsalaisen keksinnön, vähimmäisvarantojärjestelmän, (tahalliseen) väärinymmärtämiseen (esim. "kaikki raha on velkaa"). Esimerkkinä tästä [sen suomenkielinen artikkeli]( Wikipediassa. Ei etteikö Bitcoin ole jännittävä konsepti ja kokeilu, mutta nykyisellään se vertautuu lähinnä Freenettiin, joka ei myöskään ratkaissut juuri mitään oikeaa ongelmaa ja jäi lähinnä vain vähemmän laillisten toimijoiden kanavaksi. TL;DR: 100 dollarin seteli on edelleen huomattavasti käyvämpi valuutta tässä maailmassa.
Ei . Vaihdonvälineen ei ole tarkoitus olla sijoituskohde. "Arvokehitys" ei ole mikään etu. Bitcoinit ovat rakenteellisesti deflaatiokierteessä, koska niiden määrä on rajattu. Bitcoinien päällä on kannattavampaa istua kuin oikeasti käyttää mihinkään. Tämä ei ole mitenkään järkevää. Keskuspankit ympäri maailmaa tavoittelevat matalaa inflaatiota ja syystä joka selviää mistä tahansa taloustieteen perusoppikirjasta. Se, että Bitcoinien arvo vaihtelee jäätävästi on heikkous, ei vahvuus ja jokapäiväisen vaihdon välineen arvolla spekuloiminen on yksilötasolla aika järjetöntä. En käyttäisi termiä "sensuurivapaus" kun puhutaan rahasta, mutta miten vain. En ole huomannut että nykyiset valuutat kärsisivät ongelmasta, että joku loisi mielivaltaisesti niitä lisää. Kukaan ei voi jäädyttää tai takavarikoida käteistänikään. Tässä harhaudut sekoittamaan valuutan pankkeihin tai maksupalveluihin, et valuutan omiin ominaisuuksiin. Se, että PayPal jäädyttää tilisi tai että venäläiset pesevät rahaa Kyproslaisissa pankeissa ei ole eurosta tai dollarista johtuva ongelma. Sitäpaitsi mitä kutsut "paperirahaksi" ei ole ollut sitä pitkään aikaan vaan on samoja bittejä kuin Bitcoinit, eikä "paperiraha" ole koskaan perustunut siihen että sen pitäisi olla paperilla. Kuulisin suurella mielenkiinnolla mitkä ovat nämä "paperirahan" mahdottomuudet joihin se tulee tuhoutumaan ja joille Bitcoinit ovat immuuneja. Jos Bitcoinit joskus kasvaisivat isoksi, eikö tämä tarkoittaisi että olisi pankkeja ja maksupalveluita jotka käyttäisivät bitcoineja? Vai kuvitteletko että kun bitcoinit kasvavat isoksi, niin kaikki edelleen lähettävät omilta koneiltaan tilisiirtoina bitcoineja toisilleen? Miten Bitcoin-maailmassa PayPalin on mahdotonta jäädyttää Bitcoin-tilini? Ainoa etu on väitetty anonymiteetti. En kuitenkaan näe mikä tässä on niin hienoa, koska nykyiselläkään pankkiani/Visaa ei juuri kiinnosta eikä se edes tiedä mitä verkosta ostan. Kyllä, molemmat tietävät että olen ostanut jotain Amazonista, mutat siihenpähän se jää. Iso osa Bitcoinin väitetyistä eduista perustuvat uskomattomaan paranoiaan ja huikean ruotsalaisen keksinnön, vähimmäisvarantojärjestelmän, (tahalliseen) väärinymmärtämiseen (esim. "kaikki raha on velkaa"). Esimerkkinä tästä [sen suomenkielinen artikkeli]( Wikipediassa. Ei etteikö Bitcoin ole jännittävä konsepti ja kokeilu, mutta nykyisellään se vertautuu lähinnä Freenettiin, joka ei myöskään ratkaissut juuri mitään oikeaa ongelmaa ja jäi lähinnä vain vähemmän laillisten toimijoiden kanavaksi.
100 dollarin seteli on edelleen huomattavasti käyvämpi valuutta tässä maailmassa.
This is fucking deep man. To Space Bat! Who through what seemed to be a mere trivial coincidence, actually managed to inspire us all. I'm gonna have to get a bit woah-dude here, but it's fucking amazing that by being facetious pricks, we can actually manage to turn what is a humorous interpretation of a tragic yet ultimately trivial accident, into a genuinely inspiring story. It's only by mocking this situation that we can turn it into something with deeper meaning. That's pretty cool. TL;DR By being morons we can actually achieve a higher purpose. edit: Also, I robbed this and put it on FB to accompany the picture. Can't exactly credit you so I thought a confession was the next best thing.
This is fucking deep man. To Space Bat! Who through what seemed to be a mere trivial coincidence, actually managed to inspire us all. I'm gonna have to get a bit woah-dude here, but it's fucking amazing that by being facetious pricks, we can actually manage to turn what is a humorous interpretation of a tragic yet ultimately trivial accident, into a genuinely inspiring story. It's only by mocking this situation that we can turn it into something with deeper meaning. That's pretty cool. TL;DR By being morons we can actually achieve a higher purpose. edit: Also, I robbed this and put it on FB to accompany the picture. Can't exactly credit you so I thought a confession was the next best thing.
This is fucking deep man. To Space Bat! Who through what seemed to be a mere trivial coincidence, actually managed to inspire us all. I'm gonna have to get a bit woah-dude here, but it's fucking amazing that by being facetious pricks, we can actually manage to turn what is a humorous interpretation of a tragic yet ultimately trivial accident, into a genuinely inspiring story. It's only by mocking this situation that we can turn it into something with deeper meaning. That's pretty cool.
By being morons we can actually achieve a higher purpose. edit: Also, I robbed this and put it on FB to accompany the picture. Can't exactly credit you so I thought a confession was the next best thing.
My favorite was as a very young child calling 911 from home, because it was on the list of numbers next to the phone. As I was talking to the nice lady on the other end, my little sister fell down the stairs and started screaming as my mom was yelling at my brother for something he did. So let's just say that if 911 operators worked on some sort of commission, this lady would have been fistpumping at the background noises she heard. Anyway, lady asked me to put mom on, so I ran her over the phone and said it was for her. Let's just say that if daddy wasn't in the RCMP, we would have gotten a rather quick visit from some concerned officers. Later when asked why I thought calling 911 was a good idea, I said "I thought it was a 6" tl;dr Called 911 as a child as siblings were crying and mom was screaming, operator thought she hit the jackpot
My favorite was as a very young child calling 911 from home, because it was on the list of numbers next to the phone. As I was talking to the nice lady on the other end, my little sister fell down the stairs and started screaming as my mom was yelling at my brother for something he did. So let's just say that if 911 operators worked on some sort of commission, this lady would have been fistpumping at the background noises she heard. Anyway, lady asked me to put mom on, so I ran her over the phone and said it was for her. Let's just say that if daddy wasn't in the RCMP, we would have gotten a rather quick visit from some concerned officers. Later when asked why I thought calling 911 was a good idea, I said "I thought it was a 6" tl;dr Called 911 as a child as siblings were crying and mom was screaming, operator thought she hit the jackpot
My favorite was as a very young child calling 911 from home, because it was on the list of numbers next to the phone. As I was talking to the nice lady on the other end, my little sister fell down the stairs and started screaming as my mom was yelling at my brother for something he did. So let's just say that if 911 operators worked on some sort of commission, this lady would have been fistpumping at the background noises she heard. Anyway, lady asked me to put mom on, so I ran her over the phone and said it was for her. Let's just say that if daddy wasn't in the RCMP, we would have gotten a rather quick visit from some concerned officers. Later when asked why I thought calling 911 was a good idea, I said "I thought it was a 6"
Called 911 as a child as siblings were crying and mom was screaming, operator thought she hit the jackpot
I'm not sure if revenue neutral is the right target here. I'm open to the possibility that below market rate pricing for car2go's parking permits might be reasonable. Nevertheless, something interesting is happening here. Provided that car2go is capturing users who would otherwise drive a private vehicle (as opposed to capturing transit, bike, walk users), we're seeing a shift from one user fee to a different user fee. In other words, *something* in the price structure is resulting in people choosing to pay a la carte for the car, to avoid paying a parking fee. **EDIT:** tl;dr: I'm not really expressing an opinion as to whether or not what we're seeing is good or bad, only that it's interesting and probably worthy of study.
I'm not sure if revenue neutral is the right target here. I'm open to the possibility that below market rate pricing for car2go's parking permits might be reasonable. Nevertheless, something interesting is happening here. Provided that car2go is capturing users who would otherwise drive a private vehicle (as opposed to capturing transit, bike, walk users), we're seeing a shift from one user fee to a different user fee. In other words, something in the price structure is resulting in people choosing to pay a la carte for the car, to avoid paying a parking fee. EDIT: tl;dr: I'm not really expressing an opinion as to whether or not what we're seeing is good or bad, only that it's interesting and probably worthy of study.
I'm not sure if revenue neutral is the right target here. I'm open to the possibility that below market rate pricing for car2go's parking permits might be reasonable. Nevertheless, something interesting is happening here. Provided that car2go is capturing users who would otherwise drive a private vehicle (as opposed to capturing transit, bike, walk users), we're seeing a shift from one user fee to a different user fee. In other words, something in the price structure is resulting in people choosing to pay a la carte for the car, to avoid paying a parking fee. EDIT:
I'm not really expressing an opinion as to whether or not what we're seeing is good or bad, only that it's interesting and probably worthy of study.
My friends, my girlfriend and I went to a restaurant for breakfast that his father had suggested to us because of the low prices, and good quality of food. It was around 10:30 in the morning, and it looked not too crowded (this was summertime in a tourist destination - this is always a good sight to see). We pulled up and approached the door. As soon as we began to enter the building, a middle-aged man with a mustache and an unplaceable accent ran to the door to inform us that the place was closed. I was confused, as I had just witnessed a party enter and be seated, so I check the sign right next to us. The sign read that they were open until 4:00 PM. I was wondering if we had misheard him, so I asked: "Did you say you were closed?" Angrily, he replied: "Wait!", and left to go talk with another gentleman. They bitterly argued for about twenty seconds, before my man at the door approached us and, without speaking, gestured that we should follow him. While being seated, he threw our menus on the table, and walked away in a huff. Now, for the sake of visuals, it should be noted that the entire staff consisted of males that looked like Carl from ATHF, and females that looked like Jennifer Lawrence / Anna Kournikova hybrids, all with - again - unplaceable accents. Our first of literally four servers came for our drink orders. The second came to collect our actual orders, and brought our 75% accurate beverages (I had the wrong beverage, but didn't want to cause more drama). The third server brought us the selection of food that the table behind us had ordered. The orders were similar enough that we didn't realize it at first, until my girlfriend cut into what was supposed to be a veggie omelette and turned out to be a ham-and-bacon stuffed concoction. My buddy ate about four of her homefries too, before our realization. We alerted another girl that worked there, who ended up being our server for the remainder of our stay. Before she could process what we were explaining to her, her (presumably) manager charged up angrily and grabbed the plates (some partially eaten) from our table, and placed them on the table behind us. The girl waitress, who seemed to be the only one in the building to give half a shit about the business, apologized to us, and was good at refilling coffees, etc. While she was apologizing, my girlfriend informed the table behind us that they were eating second hand food, but surprisingly, they didn't seem to give a hoot. It was like the whole restaurant was in on the fact that the service was shoddy and borderline criminal except us. The nice waitress brought us our undercooked food, and my poor girlfriend got diarrhea from the undercooked eggs. Hilariously enough, they had a 15% gratuity pre-included for us. We paid this, but handed it directly to the girl to hopefully ensure that she actually collected the tip, and that it wasn't just price jacking on the part of the owners. That having been said, my breakfast sandwich, hash browns and coffee were effing delicious, despite their temperature, and the entire breakfast was the cheapest I've ever eaten. That, and I have an awesome story to tell to friends and a hilarious restaurant to recommend. TL;DR Was reluctantly allowed access to a breakfast joint, six hours before closing time, to be served someone else's food, the other party receiving their food slightly-used, and us receiving our food slightly cooked.
My friends, my girlfriend and I went to a restaurant for breakfast that his father had suggested to us because of the low prices, and good quality of food. It was around 10:30 in the morning, and it looked not too crowded (this was summertime in a tourist destination - this is always a good sight to see). We pulled up and approached the door. As soon as we began to enter the building, a middle-aged man with a mustache and an unplaceable accent ran to the door to inform us that the place was closed. I was confused, as I had just witnessed a party enter and be seated, so I check the sign right next to us. The sign read that they were open until 4:00 PM. I was wondering if we had misheard him, so I asked: "Did you say you were closed?" Angrily, he replied: "Wait!", and left to go talk with another gentleman. They bitterly argued for about twenty seconds, before my man at the door approached us and, without speaking, gestured that we should follow him. While being seated, he threw our menus on the table, and walked away in a huff. Now, for the sake of visuals, it should be noted that the entire staff consisted of males that looked like Carl from ATHF, and females that looked like Jennifer Lawrence / Anna Kournikova hybrids, all with - again - unplaceable accents. Our first of literally four servers came for our drink orders. The second came to collect our actual orders, and brought our 75% accurate beverages (I had the wrong beverage, but didn't want to cause more drama). The third server brought us the selection of food that the table behind us had ordered. The orders were similar enough that we didn't realize it at first, until my girlfriend cut into what was supposed to be a veggie omelette and turned out to be a ham-and-bacon stuffed concoction. My buddy ate about four of her homefries too, before our realization. We alerted another girl that worked there, who ended up being our server for the remainder of our stay. Before she could process what we were explaining to her, her (presumably) manager charged up angrily and grabbed the plates (some partially eaten) from our table, and placed them on the table behind us. The girl waitress, who seemed to be the only one in the building to give half a shit about the business, apologized to us, and was good at refilling coffees, etc. While she was apologizing, my girlfriend informed the table behind us that they were eating second hand food, but surprisingly, they didn't seem to give a hoot. It was like the whole restaurant was in on the fact that the service was shoddy and borderline criminal except us. The nice waitress brought us our undercooked food, and my poor girlfriend got diarrhea from the undercooked eggs. Hilariously enough, they had a 15% gratuity pre-included for us. We paid this, but handed it directly to the girl to hopefully ensure that she actually collected the tip, and that it wasn't just price jacking on the part of the owners. That having been said, my breakfast sandwich, hash browns and coffee were effing delicious, despite their temperature, and the entire breakfast was the cheapest I've ever eaten. That, and I have an awesome story to tell to friends and a hilarious restaurant to recommend. TL;DR Was reluctantly allowed access to a breakfast joint, six hours before closing time, to be served someone else's food, the other party receiving their food slightly-used, and us receiving our food slightly cooked.
My friends, my girlfriend and I went to a restaurant for breakfast that his father had suggested to us because of the low prices, and good quality of food. It was around 10:30 in the morning, and it looked not too crowded (this was summertime in a tourist destination - this is always a good sight to see). We pulled up and approached the door. As soon as we began to enter the building, a middle-aged man with a mustache and an unplaceable accent ran to the door to inform us that the place was closed. I was confused, as I had just witnessed a party enter and be seated, so I check the sign right next to us. The sign read that they were open until 4:00 PM. I was wondering if we had misheard him, so I asked: "Did you say you were closed?" Angrily, he replied: "Wait!", and left to go talk with another gentleman. They bitterly argued for about twenty seconds, before my man at the door approached us and, without speaking, gestured that we should follow him. While being seated, he threw our menus on the table, and walked away in a huff. Now, for the sake of visuals, it should be noted that the entire staff consisted of males that looked like Carl from ATHF, and females that looked like Jennifer Lawrence / Anna Kournikova hybrids, all with - again - unplaceable accents. Our first of literally four servers came for our drink orders. The second came to collect our actual orders, and brought our 75% accurate beverages (I had the wrong beverage, but didn't want to cause more drama). The third server brought us the selection of food that the table behind us had ordered. The orders were similar enough that we didn't realize it at first, until my girlfriend cut into what was supposed to be a veggie omelette and turned out to be a ham-and-bacon stuffed concoction. My buddy ate about four of her homefries too, before our realization. We alerted another girl that worked there, who ended up being our server for the remainder of our stay. Before she could process what we were explaining to her, her (presumably) manager charged up angrily and grabbed the plates (some partially eaten) from our table, and placed them on the table behind us. The girl waitress, who seemed to be the only one in the building to give half a shit about the business, apologized to us, and was good at refilling coffees, etc. While she was apologizing, my girlfriend informed the table behind us that they were eating second hand food, but surprisingly, they didn't seem to give a hoot. It was like the whole restaurant was in on the fact that the service was shoddy and borderline criminal except us. The nice waitress brought us our undercooked food, and my poor girlfriend got diarrhea from the undercooked eggs. Hilariously enough, they had a 15% gratuity pre-included for us. We paid this, but handed it directly to the girl to hopefully ensure that she actually collected the tip, and that it wasn't just price jacking on the part of the owners. That having been said, my breakfast sandwich, hash browns and coffee were effing delicious, despite their temperature, and the entire breakfast was the cheapest I've ever eaten. That, and I have an awesome story to tell to friends and a hilarious restaurant to recommend.
Was reluctantly allowed access to a breakfast joint, six hours before closing time, to be served someone else's food, the other party receiving their food slightly-used, and us receiving our food slightly cooked.
I grew up in central New Jersey, not too far from the ocean. Growing up, I was a really shy kid, and while that has gone down some, I still largely prefer to stay by myself most of the time. Up until 8th grade being shy kept me having a small group of friends and made me an easy target for bullies because I was by myself, being quiet, and wouldn't say anything back. Freshman and sophomore year, the bullying died down, but I still really didn't have that many friends. At this point, I went through a period of depression (never officially diagnosed, but I had some *serious* suicidal thoughts for two years that I only didn't go through with because I didn't want my sister to have to deal with me dying). I didn't think any of my friends genuinely liked me, I had absolutely no plans for what I wanted to go to college for, and the only thing I had going for me was good grades in school, which to me wasn't much. However, at the end of sophomore year we had to do a project about what we would want to do for our dream job, and present how feasible it would be to get that job, details, etc. That's when I realized that I was going to try to get into sports management. Now, I doubt it was the only factor, but having some direction and a goal to aim for in my life helped me get out of the depression I was in. Since I was no longer depressed, I decided to make a conscious effort to be more outgoing. I became a *little bit* more willing to talk to strangers, get to know people, etc. and my circle of friends grew to how it is about now. Since for the longest time I was always the "smart kid" in my group of friends, and my parents always pushed me to get great grades, I actually decided I didn't want to go to an Ivy League school, or other school only for the top x percent. I was tired of the label of being the smart one, and I figured if I told people I went to an Ivy League school, I'd never be able to shake that. So I decided to go to DePaul because I was way over-qualified for it academically, and it was in Chicago. So no one would say to me, "Oh DePaul, you must be pretty smart", instead the first thing is usually "How do you like Chicago". And don't get me wrong, I'm flattered when people call me smart, but I don't want that to define me anymore. Also, a lot of things about me now are still tied back to that period of depression, where I built up a general feeling of distrust to pretty much everyone but 3-5 people. To this day, every once in a while, I start thinking that my friends aren't really my friends and they only hang out with me because they're too nice to say no, or that every time I do anything remotely stupid they're laughing about it behind my back. I also have reason to believe that I developed at least a mild social phobia because of the period of depression, and I'm thinking about getting a professional opinion to see if I do. On the outside though, I'm a generally happy guy who seems confident to the point of cockiness because I say cocky things (to friends/family, never to strangers or people in authority). However, I do this jokingly in order to help with the insecurities and trust issues I have. I try to let everything roll off my back, and try not to care about anything unless it is absolutely 100% necessary to care. Although people have told me I'm silly and mentally never matured past 6, and that part is pretty accurate, unlike the cockiness. Bit of a wall of text, but my life's been a bit interesting and up and down so far. TL;DR I was the shy kid growing up, went through a period of depression that still leaves me with trust issues, but I came out of the depression at least a little more outgoing before, and am solidly enjoying college in Chicago after shedding the "smart-kid" label I was stuck with.
I grew up in central New Jersey, not too far from the ocean. Growing up, I was a really shy kid, and while that has gone down some, I still largely prefer to stay by myself most of the time. Up until 8th grade being shy kept me having a small group of friends and made me an easy target for bullies because I was by myself, being quiet, and wouldn't say anything back. Freshman and sophomore year, the bullying died down, but I still really didn't have that many friends. At this point, I went through a period of depression (never officially diagnosed, but I had some serious suicidal thoughts for two years that I only didn't go through with because I didn't want my sister to have to deal with me dying). I didn't think any of my friends genuinely liked me, I had absolutely no plans for what I wanted to go to college for, and the only thing I had going for me was good grades in school, which to me wasn't much. However, at the end of sophomore year we had to do a project about what we would want to do for our dream job, and present how feasible it would be to get that job, details, etc. That's when I realized that I was going to try to get into sports management. Now, I doubt it was the only factor, but having some direction and a goal to aim for in my life helped me get out of the depression I was in. Since I was no longer depressed, I decided to make a conscious effort to be more outgoing. I became a little bit more willing to talk to strangers, get to know people, etc. and my circle of friends grew to how it is about now. Since for the longest time I was always the "smart kid" in my group of friends, and my parents always pushed me to get great grades, I actually decided I didn't want to go to an Ivy League school, or other school only for the top x percent. I was tired of the label of being the smart one, and I figured if I told people I went to an Ivy League school, I'd never be able to shake that. So I decided to go to DePaul because I was way over-qualified for it academically, and it was in Chicago. So no one would say to me, "Oh DePaul, you must be pretty smart", instead the first thing is usually "How do you like Chicago". And don't get me wrong, I'm flattered when people call me smart, but I don't want that to define me anymore. Also, a lot of things about me now are still tied back to that period of depression, where I built up a general feeling of distrust to pretty much everyone but 3-5 people. To this day, every once in a while, I start thinking that my friends aren't really my friends and they only hang out with me because they're too nice to say no, or that every time I do anything remotely stupid they're laughing about it behind my back. I also have reason to believe that I developed at least a mild social phobia because of the period of depression, and I'm thinking about getting a professional opinion to see if I do. On the outside though, I'm a generally happy guy who seems confident to the point of cockiness because I say cocky things (to friends/family, never to strangers or people in authority). However, I do this jokingly in order to help with the insecurities and trust issues I have. I try to let everything roll off my back, and try not to care about anything unless it is absolutely 100% necessary to care. Although people have told me I'm silly and mentally never matured past 6, and that part is pretty accurate, unlike the cockiness. Bit of a wall of text, but my life's been a bit interesting and up and down so far. TL;DR I was the shy kid growing up, went through a period of depression that still leaves me with trust issues, but I came out of the depression at least a little more outgoing before, and am solidly enjoying college in Chicago after shedding the "smart-kid" label I was stuck with.
I grew up in central New Jersey, not too far from the ocean. Growing up, I was a really shy kid, and while that has gone down some, I still largely prefer to stay by myself most of the time. Up until 8th grade being shy kept me having a small group of friends and made me an easy target for bullies because I was by myself, being quiet, and wouldn't say anything back. Freshman and sophomore year, the bullying died down, but I still really didn't have that many friends. At this point, I went through a period of depression (never officially diagnosed, but I had some serious suicidal thoughts for two years that I only didn't go through with because I didn't want my sister to have to deal with me dying). I didn't think any of my friends genuinely liked me, I had absolutely no plans for what I wanted to go to college for, and the only thing I had going for me was good grades in school, which to me wasn't much. However, at the end of sophomore year we had to do a project about what we would want to do for our dream job, and present how feasible it would be to get that job, details, etc. That's when I realized that I was going to try to get into sports management. Now, I doubt it was the only factor, but having some direction and a goal to aim for in my life helped me get out of the depression I was in. Since I was no longer depressed, I decided to make a conscious effort to be more outgoing. I became a little bit more willing to talk to strangers, get to know people, etc. and my circle of friends grew to how it is about now. Since for the longest time I was always the "smart kid" in my group of friends, and my parents always pushed me to get great grades, I actually decided I didn't want to go to an Ivy League school, or other school only for the top x percent. I was tired of the label of being the smart one, and I figured if I told people I went to an Ivy League school, I'd never be able to shake that. So I decided to go to DePaul because I was way over-qualified for it academically, and it was in Chicago. So no one would say to me, "Oh DePaul, you must be pretty smart", instead the first thing is usually "How do you like Chicago". And don't get me wrong, I'm flattered when people call me smart, but I don't want that to define me anymore. Also, a lot of things about me now are still tied back to that period of depression, where I built up a general feeling of distrust to pretty much everyone but 3-5 people. To this day, every once in a while, I start thinking that my friends aren't really my friends and they only hang out with me because they're too nice to say no, or that every time I do anything remotely stupid they're laughing about it behind my back. I also have reason to believe that I developed at least a mild social phobia because of the period of depression, and I'm thinking about getting a professional opinion to see if I do. On the outside though, I'm a generally happy guy who seems confident to the point of cockiness because I say cocky things (to friends/family, never to strangers or people in authority). However, I do this jokingly in order to help with the insecurities and trust issues I have. I try to let everything roll off my back, and try not to care about anything unless it is absolutely 100% necessary to care. Although people have told me I'm silly and mentally never matured past 6, and that part is pretty accurate, unlike the cockiness. Bit of a wall of text, but my life's been a bit interesting and up and down so far.
I was the shy kid growing up, went through a period of depression that still leaves me with trust issues, but I came out of the depression at least a little more outgoing before, and am solidly enjoying college in Chicago after shedding the "smart-kid" label I was stuck with.
Before we jump to conclusions, look at this effort before and after the short video. A couple months back, this kid probably asked for a roller coaster. Dad, tired of crazy requests and needing to get outside and not deal with his wife's next project inside the house, makes a run to Home Depot to get some 4x4 posts, PVC, bolts, and cement. He goes into his backyard, with a post digger and tears up the back yard, pouring cement for the posts. He then painstakingly builds the tracks with pipe, boards, etc following some grand plan he's put on some graph paper. He spends every weekend for a couple months doing this ignoring other family outings to get this done. Finally, he builds this car, tests it with a bag of cement, maybe the family dog, and finally has something his kid won't die in. He has grand plans for a chain and lawnmower engine to bring his kid up, but for now he'll do it himself. The child goes on it a half dozen times, then goes inside to play video games. He goes on it after school everyday for a week, maybe invites some friends over the next week, always having to bother dad to push him up the hill. Dad is thrilled that his kid is so happy, but is getting tired of having to push him each time. After the first week or two though, he stops asking to go on the roller coaster. The weather is warming up and the grass is now growing around the posts and low parts where it can't be hit by the lawnmower. The kid is no longer interested and wants to play soccer instead, but now there's a huge roller coaster in the backyard with posts permanently in place. The wife, at first thrilled that the kid is having so much fun with dad is now resentful of the monstrosity in the backyard and keeps asking when dad will take it down, mow the lawn, etc. Eventually, the whole family is angry at Dad when he's the one who did all the work. TL;DR This guy just made the kids day but is about to have a rough year for a single "do it again daddy". Next time, take him to an amusement park. EDIT: Seems people are taking this different perspective a little too seriously. How about this: Dad decides that some dad down the block building a jungle gym needs to be one-upped and decides on this. Kid loves it. Wife gives him BJs (as does his cousin). 75 year old man goes "I'm going to build my own roller coaster". Everything is grand for a month. Then HOA comes by and claims this is against association rules, a drunk local teen kills themselves on it, and the family ends up homeless from lawsuits all because dad wanted to give his kid something to remember. Better? :)
Before we jump to conclusions, look at this effort before and after the short video. A couple months back, this kid probably asked for a roller coaster. Dad, tired of crazy requests and needing to get outside and not deal with his wife's next project inside the house, makes a run to Home Depot to get some 4x4 posts, PVC, bolts, and cement. He goes into his backyard, with a post digger and tears up the back yard, pouring cement for the posts. He then painstakingly builds the tracks with pipe, boards, etc following some grand plan he's put on some graph paper. He spends every weekend for a couple months doing this ignoring other family outings to get this done. Finally, he builds this car, tests it with a bag of cement, maybe the family dog, and finally has something his kid won't die in. He has grand plans for a chain and lawnmower engine to bring his kid up, but for now he'll do it himself. The child goes on it a half dozen times, then goes inside to play video games. He goes on it after school everyday for a week, maybe invites some friends over the next week, always having to bother dad to push him up the hill. Dad is thrilled that his kid is so happy, but is getting tired of having to push him each time. After the first week or two though, he stops asking to go on the roller coaster. The weather is warming up and the grass is now growing around the posts and low parts where it can't be hit by the lawnmower. The kid is no longer interested and wants to play soccer instead, but now there's a huge roller coaster in the backyard with posts permanently in place. The wife, at first thrilled that the kid is having so much fun with dad is now resentful of the monstrosity in the backyard and keeps asking when dad will take it down, mow the lawn, etc. Eventually, the whole family is angry at Dad when he's the one who did all the work. TL;DR This guy just made the kids day but is about to have a rough year for a single "do it again daddy". Next time, take him to an amusement park. EDIT: Seems people are taking this different perspective a little too seriously. How about this: Dad decides that some dad down the block building a jungle gym needs to be one-upped and decides on this. Kid loves it. Wife gives him BJs (as does his cousin). 75 year old man goes "I'm going to build my own roller coaster". Everything is grand for a month. Then HOA comes by and claims this is against association rules, a drunk local teen kills themselves on it, and the family ends up homeless from lawsuits all because dad wanted to give his kid something to remember. Better? :)
Before we jump to conclusions, look at this effort before and after the short video. A couple months back, this kid probably asked for a roller coaster. Dad, tired of crazy requests and needing to get outside and not deal with his wife's next project inside the house, makes a run to Home Depot to get some 4x4 posts, PVC, bolts, and cement. He goes into his backyard, with a post digger and tears up the back yard, pouring cement for the posts. He then painstakingly builds the tracks with pipe, boards, etc following some grand plan he's put on some graph paper. He spends every weekend for a couple months doing this ignoring other family outings to get this done. Finally, he builds this car, tests it with a bag of cement, maybe the family dog, and finally has something his kid won't die in. He has grand plans for a chain and lawnmower engine to bring his kid up, but for now he'll do it himself. The child goes on it a half dozen times, then goes inside to play video games. He goes on it after school everyday for a week, maybe invites some friends over the next week, always having to bother dad to push him up the hill. Dad is thrilled that his kid is so happy, but is getting tired of having to push him each time. After the first week or two though, he stops asking to go on the roller coaster. The weather is warming up and the grass is now growing around the posts and low parts where it can't be hit by the lawnmower. The kid is no longer interested and wants to play soccer instead, but now there's a huge roller coaster in the backyard with posts permanently in place. The wife, at first thrilled that the kid is having so much fun with dad is now resentful of the monstrosity in the backyard and keeps asking when dad will take it down, mow the lawn, etc. Eventually, the whole family is angry at Dad when he's the one who did all the work.
This guy just made the kids day but is about to have a rough year for a single "do it again daddy". Next time, take him to an amusement park. EDIT: Seems people are taking this different perspective a little too seriously. How about this: Dad decides that some dad down the block building a jungle gym needs to be one-upped and decides on this. Kid loves it. Wife gives him BJs (as does his cousin). 75 year old man goes "I'm going to build my own roller coaster". Everything is grand for a month. Then HOA comes by and claims this is against association rules, a drunk local teen kills themselves on it, and the family ends up homeless from lawsuits all because dad wanted to give his kid something to remember. Better? :)
I had an interesting experience recently: My grandmother's partner passed away, and I drove her to the emergency ward where we received news of his passing. She handled it as anyone in her position would and I took it upon myself as the only one there, to call people and deliver the news. I first called my mum so she could come and be there too, then and I had to call up his family/friends and tell them his business partner/brother/father had died suddenly. I'm 24 and I felt this has been an important part of me becoming adult. Especially because I've had to comfort people twice my age who aren't taking it so well. Tldr; Grandma's partner died, called all his family to inform them of the news, handled it well, felt proud of myself.
I had an interesting experience recently: My grandmother's partner passed away, and I drove her to the emergency ward where we received news of his passing. She handled it as anyone in her position would and I took it upon myself as the only one there, to call people and deliver the news. I first called my mum so she could come and be there too, then and I had to call up his family/friends and tell them his business partner/brother/father had died suddenly. I'm 24 and I felt this has been an important part of me becoming adult. Especially because I've had to comfort people twice my age who aren't taking it so well. Tldr; Grandma's partner died, called all his family to inform them of the news, handled it well, felt proud of myself.
I had an interesting experience recently: My grandmother's partner passed away, and I drove her to the emergency ward where we received news of his passing. She handled it as anyone in her position would and I took it upon myself as the only one there, to call people and deliver the news. I first called my mum so she could come and be there too, then and I had to call up his family/friends and tell them his business partner/brother/father had died suddenly. I'm 24 and I felt this has been an important part of me becoming adult. Especially because I've had to comfort people twice my age who aren't taking it so well.
Grandma's partner died, called all his family to inform them of the news, handled it well, felt proud of myself.
Wow. I'm so sorry to hear your story. The first step is always to talk about it. Your options are not just to put up with the situation or leave. As long as you WANT to make things work there is a way to do it. Sit down with your boyfriend and talk it out. You might want to seek couples counseling. It won't necessarily work out for you. In the real world things don't always work out. But it sounds like you guys have enough of a connection and history that it's worth not throwing it away. tldr: Counseling is an option
Wow. I'm so sorry to hear your story. The first step is always to talk about it. Your options are not just to put up with the situation or leave. As long as you WANT to make things work there is a way to do it. Sit down with your boyfriend and talk it out. You might want to seek couples counseling. It won't necessarily work out for you. In the real world things don't always work out. But it sounds like you guys have enough of a connection and history that it's worth not throwing it away. tldr: Counseling is an option
Wow. I'm so sorry to hear your story. The first step is always to talk about it. Your options are not just to put up with the situation or leave. As long as you WANT to make things work there is a way to do it. Sit down with your boyfriend and talk it out. You might want to seek couples counseling. It won't necessarily work out for you. In the real world things don't always work out. But it sounds like you guys have enough of a connection and history that it's worth not throwing it away.
Counseling is an option
Please, karma is and account age is pointless. I periodically start a new account. Always cracks me up when someone tries to win an argument or support for his side by saying "account's only ## months old" I was probably using Reddit more than a year before any one of these guys. tl;dr, stop being an idiot; delete your account, start a new one, hit the gym, and lawyer up.
Please, karma is and account age is pointless. I periodically start a new account. Always cracks me up when someone tries to win an argument or support for his side by saying "account's only ## months old" I was probably using Reddit more than a year before any one of these guys. tl;dr, stop being an idiot; delete your account, start a new one, hit the gym, and lawyer up.
Please, karma is and account age is pointless. I periodically start a new account. Always cracks me up when someone tries to win an argument or support for his side by saying "account's only ## months old" I was probably using Reddit more than a year before any one of these guys.
stop being an idiot; delete your account, start a new one, hit the gym, and lawyer up.
I was in the crowd too, at the far side from the casters. Yes it was pro ret but it was also fun to be there. No person in the world is beyond booing, it was more about sitting on our butts on the terrible seats they have for very long periods in between each game waiting for the next match. A lot of it was driven by frustration from the long down times we get. There are very few booths to check out unlike last MLG Dallas. To prove it was just frustration, when Day[9] came up on screen to announce that we will still be waiting longer for the games to start, everyone started cheering for him before he stopped the crowed to tell them about the continued delay and they booed as a result of the announcement. I used public transit to come from Denton (roughly 30-40 minute drive by car, 2 hours by public transit, bad I know), which makes me bound by time. Too see these crazy long delays knowing that I am unable to watch all the games that I wanted, I shared the frustration of the crowd. The cheering and booing was more for fun than any thing else. I was very entertained by it and hope it continues the second day. To say that people were annoyed by it, I do not think that is the case. Every one around me, in the quite side, seemed to be smiling at it. In Europe, even though I am not European, it is perfectly normal to boo your opponent as a fan, but show respect at the end of the game (BPL soccer fan here). This is what happened, people were cheering for Ret, but after the game ended when Flash left his booth, he received a huge roar of respect out of the crowd. tl;dr It was not as bad as people made it sound, Flash got his cheer of respect after beating Ret. MLG to be blamed.
I was in the crowd too, at the far side from the casters. Yes it was pro ret but it was also fun to be there. No person in the world is beyond booing, it was more about sitting on our butts on the terrible seats they have for very long periods in between each game waiting for the next match. A lot of it was driven by frustration from the long down times we get. There are very few booths to check out unlike last MLG Dallas. To prove it was just frustration, when Day[9] came up on screen to announce that we will still be waiting longer for the games to start, everyone started cheering for him before he stopped the crowed to tell them about the continued delay and they booed as a result of the announcement. I used public transit to come from Denton (roughly 30-40 minute drive by car, 2 hours by public transit, bad I know), which makes me bound by time. Too see these crazy long delays knowing that I am unable to watch all the games that I wanted, I shared the frustration of the crowd. The cheering and booing was more for fun than any thing else. I was very entertained by it and hope it continues the second day. To say that people were annoyed by it, I do not think that is the case. Every one around me, in the quite side, seemed to be smiling at it. In Europe, even though I am not European, it is perfectly normal to boo your opponent as a fan, but show respect at the end of the game (BPL soccer fan here). This is what happened, people were cheering for Ret, but after the game ended when Flash left his booth, he received a huge roar of respect out of the crowd. tl;dr It was not as bad as people made it sound, Flash got his cheer of respect after beating Ret. MLG to be blamed.
I was in the crowd too, at the far side from the casters. Yes it was pro ret but it was also fun to be there. No person in the world is beyond booing, it was more about sitting on our butts on the terrible seats they have for very long periods in between each game waiting for the next match. A lot of it was driven by frustration from the long down times we get. There are very few booths to check out unlike last MLG Dallas. To prove it was just frustration, when Day[9] came up on screen to announce that we will still be waiting longer for the games to start, everyone started cheering for him before he stopped the crowed to tell them about the continued delay and they booed as a result of the announcement. I used public transit to come from Denton (roughly 30-40 minute drive by car, 2 hours by public transit, bad I know), which makes me bound by time. Too see these crazy long delays knowing that I am unable to watch all the games that I wanted, I shared the frustration of the crowd. The cheering and booing was more for fun than any thing else. I was very entertained by it and hope it continues the second day. To say that people were annoyed by it, I do not think that is the case. Every one around me, in the quite side, seemed to be smiling at it. In Europe, even though I am not European, it is perfectly normal to boo your opponent as a fan, but show respect at the end of the game (BPL soccer fan here). This is what happened, people were cheering for Ret, but after the game ended when Flash left his booth, he received a huge roar of respect out of the crowd.
It was not as bad as people made it sound, Flash got his cheer of respect after beating Ret. MLG to be blamed.
Oh my, I attract the crazy. Where to begin... Freshman year: Roommate decided that she wanted to party with one of the bands from a local "battle of the bands" concert we'd had. Turned out the guys were homeless. She brought them all back to the room, banged them all in my bed, and came back to find my sheets stuck together with used condoms and half-eaten peeps. They also stole my deoderant. Sophomore year: My roommate was a shut-in who alternated between sleeping 20 hours a day and flying into completely unpredictable rages. One time I was studying while she slept and she woke up suddenly (p.s., she slept fully clothed with a hoodie and a full winter coat over the hoodie, regardless of the weather, and showered bi-weekly) and started screaming that I was turning pages too loud on purpose and was trying to ruin her life/steal her boyfriend/make her fail her classes. This is just scratching the surface. Junior year: best roommate ever. The only one I'm still friends with. She graduated that year and we never had a problem outside of her occasional night terrors and obsession with having the beds made every morning. Senior year: There isn't enough room to post it all. I had three roommates that year and all were fucked up. One became obsessed with me, tried to be me, started wearing my clothes and makeup, started putting my name on her class assignments, started introducing herself as me, until I confronted her and she tried to hit me then dropped out. Not sure what happened to her. The other two decided that they wanted to see how filthy they could keep the room, so they ate excessively and left food residue everywhere, garbage everywhere, bottles and cans everywhere, and started peeing in the sink (these were women). Whenever I cleaned up they would scream at me for being a "prude." tl;dr: I have the worst luck with roommates.
Oh my, I attract the crazy. Where to begin... Freshman year: Roommate decided that she wanted to party with one of the bands from a local "battle of the bands" concert we'd had. Turned out the guys were homeless. She brought them all back to the room, banged them all in my bed, and came back to find my sheets stuck together with used condoms and half-eaten peeps. They also stole my deoderant. Sophomore year: My roommate was a shut-in who alternated between sleeping 20 hours a day and flying into completely unpredictable rages. One time I was studying while she slept and she woke up suddenly (p.s., she slept fully clothed with a hoodie and a full winter coat over the hoodie, regardless of the weather, and showered bi-weekly) and started screaming that I was turning pages too loud on purpose and was trying to ruin her life/steal her boyfriend/make her fail her classes. This is just scratching the surface. Junior year: best roommate ever. The only one I'm still friends with. She graduated that year and we never had a problem outside of her occasional night terrors and obsession with having the beds made every morning. Senior year: There isn't enough room to post it all. I had three roommates that year and all were fucked up. One became obsessed with me, tried to be me, started wearing my clothes and makeup, started putting my name on her class assignments, started introducing herself as me, until I confronted her and she tried to hit me then dropped out. Not sure what happened to her. The other two decided that they wanted to see how filthy they could keep the room, so they ate excessively and left food residue everywhere, garbage everywhere, bottles and cans everywhere, and started peeing in the sink (these were women). Whenever I cleaned up they would scream at me for being a "prude." tl;dr: I have the worst luck with roommates.
Oh my, I attract the crazy. Where to begin... Freshman year: Roommate decided that she wanted to party with one of the bands from a local "battle of the bands" concert we'd had. Turned out the guys were homeless. She brought them all back to the room, banged them all in my bed, and came back to find my sheets stuck together with used condoms and half-eaten peeps. They also stole my deoderant. Sophomore year: My roommate was a shut-in who alternated between sleeping 20 hours a day and flying into completely unpredictable rages. One time I was studying while she slept and she woke up suddenly (p.s., she slept fully clothed with a hoodie and a full winter coat over the hoodie, regardless of the weather, and showered bi-weekly) and started screaming that I was turning pages too loud on purpose and was trying to ruin her life/steal her boyfriend/make her fail her classes. This is just scratching the surface. Junior year: best roommate ever. The only one I'm still friends with. She graduated that year and we never had a problem outside of her occasional night terrors and obsession with having the beds made every morning. Senior year: There isn't enough room to post it all. I had three roommates that year and all were fucked up. One became obsessed with me, tried to be me, started wearing my clothes and makeup, started putting my name on her class assignments, started introducing herself as me, until I confronted her and she tried to hit me then dropped out. Not sure what happened to her. The other two decided that they wanted to see how filthy they could keep the room, so they ate excessively and left food residue everywhere, garbage everywhere, bottles and cans everywhere, and started peeing in the sink (these were women). Whenever I cleaned up they would scream at me for being a "prude."
I have the worst luck with roommates.
Something i feel most players don't seem to understand is, just because a pro builds it in a high-stakes tournament game, Doesn't mean that you should always rush something. (Do you know how many bad dianas are rushing Nashor's Tooth and not Abyssal Scepter?) Not to be too assuming, But considering in that match, the tankiest people were, Shen, Alistar and Diana. Not a lot of HP Stackers, Closest thing being shen, who had only a randuins and a bulwark (Not 4000 hp). So in that situation he made the right call probably just building a Bloodthirster over a BOTRK. tl;dr think about what you build
Something i feel most players don't seem to understand is, just because a pro builds it in a high-stakes tournament game, Doesn't mean that you should always rush something. (Do you know how many bad dianas are rushing Nashor's Tooth and not Abyssal Scepter?) Not to be too assuming, But considering in that match, the tankiest people were, Shen, Alistar and Diana. Not a lot of HP Stackers, Closest thing being shen, who had only a randuins and a bulwark (Not 4000 hp). So in that situation he made the right call probably just building a Bloodthirster over a BOTRK. tl;dr think about what you build
Something i feel most players don't seem to understand is, just because a pro builds it in a high-stakes tournament game, Doesn't mean that you should always rush something. (Do you know how many bad dianas are rushing Nashor's Tooth and not Abyssal Scepter?) Not to be too assuming, But considering in that match, the tankiest people were, Shen, Alistar and Diana. Not a lot of HP Stackers, Closest thing being shen, who had only a randuins and a bulwark (Not 4000 hp). So in that situation he made the right call probably just building a Bloodthirster over a BOTRK.
think about what you build
I love that you used USA hyper militant strategies to make excuses for Israel's hyper militant strategies. The fact is, Terrorism is not something that ca be considered, "an aggressive act of war" Let's look at the asian penninsula as an example: North Korea has blustered and even shelled South Korea in recent years, and that hasn't prompted retaliatory military aggression from the South Koreans. They are equally under constant threat of eradication, and they take the high ground, which has marginalized North Korea to the point that they're an international pariah. But In Israel's case, they recieve rocket attacks, and target "terrorists" with airstrikes. Civilians get killed in the process, harboring more resentment and greater reason to turn to terrorism. tl;dr: You can't bomb people into liking you more.
I love that you used USA hyper militant strategies to make excuses for Israel's hyper militant strategies. The fact is, Terrorism is not something that ca be considered, "an aggressive act of war" Let's look at the asian penninsula as an example: North Korea has blustered and even shelled South Korea in recent years, and that hasn't prompted retaliatory military aggression from the South Koreans. They are equally under constant threat of eradication, and they take the high ground, which has marginalized North Korea to the point that they're an international pariah. But In Israel's case, they recieve rocket attacks, and target "terrorists" with airstrikes. Civilians get killed in the process, harboring more resentment and greater reason to turn to terrorism. tl;dr: You can't bomb people into liking you more.
I love that you used USA hyper militant strategies to make excuses for Israel's hyper militant strategies. The fact is, Terrorism is not something that ca be considered, "an aggressive act of war" Let's look at the asian penninsula as an example: North Korea has blustered and even shelled South Korea in recent years, and that hasn't prompted retaliatory military aggression from the South Koreans. They are equally under constant threat of eradication, and they take the high ground, which has marginalized North Korea to the point that they're an international pariah. But In Israel's case, they recieve rocket attacks, and target "terrorists" with airstrikes. Civilians get killed in the process, harboring more resentment and greater reason to turn to terrorism.
You can't bomb people into liking you more.
You're confusing "absence of air" and "absence of gravity". They are two unrelated conditions that both exist in outer space - an absence of air, or more precisely, absence of atmospheric pressure means there's neither any oxygen for a human being to breath, nor any pressure exerted on us by the surrounding gases, while an absence of gravity simply means there's no object exerting any (discernable) gravitational force on you. Since we're designed for life on this planet, at heights where a constant air pressure is always present, the absence of such could/would be fatal for us. Imagine a balloon filled with air where you're holding the nozzle closed with your hands - the rubber membrane is exerting pressure onto the air inside, holding it in check. Would you release the nozzle, there's now a new way for the air inside to release its pressure, and out the balloon it would stream. I'm sure you've heard of the dramatization of your head exploding in outer space without any protective suit - that same principle applies here (although I seem to recall that the effects wouldn't actually be that dramatic, albeit still fatal). The reason he felt the salive on his tongue starting to bubble is related to the boiling point of liquids being dependent on the surrounding air pressure - no air pressure means the water reaches its boiling point at room temperature, so that's what happened there. The absence of air pressure could also explain his falling back so suddenly, more rapidly than we're used to seeing people fall down - there was simply nothing in the way to slow down his fall, where there's usually air around us dampening the fall ever so slightly. (Although I'm not sure the absence of air would actually have that noticeable of an effect. Maybe it was just a discrepancy between the video recording and playback speeds, seeing as the video technology at that time wasn't quite as refined as today's yet.) For him to be able to float, he would have to escape the earth's field of gravity - a feat that's rather hard to accomplish without actually going to outer space. I believe the closest you can come is to use the ostensible weightlessness of free falling - there are planes offering a service where you can experience that sensation for around 30 seconds, if you have the money. **TL;DR:** Floating means absence of gravity, vacuum means absence of (air) pressure. Both conditions exist in space, but are technically unrelated. **EDIT:** This question has also been asked and answered in more detail and with citations in another comment thread of this submissin; [look here]( for more information.
You're confusing "absence of air" and "absence of gravity". They are two unrelated conditions that both exist in outer space - an absence of air, or more precisely, absence of atmospheric pressure means there's neither any oxygen for a human being to breath, nor any pressure exerted on us by the surrounding gases, while an absence of gravity simply means there's no object exerting any (discernable) gravitational force on you. Since we're designed for life on this planet, at heights where a constant air pressure is always present, the absence of such could/would be fatal for us. Imagine a balloon filled with air where you're holding the nozzle closed with your hands - the rubber membrane is exerting pressure onto the air inside, holding it in check. Would you release the nozzle, there's now a new way for the air inside to release its pressure, and out the balloon it would stream. I'm sure you've heard of the dramatization of your head exploding in outer space without any protective suit - that same principle applies here (although I seem to recall that the effects wouldn't actually be that dramatic, albeit still fatal). The reason he felt the salive on his tongue starting to bubble is related to the boiling point of liquids being dependent on the surrounding air pressure - no air pressure means the water reaches its boiling point at room temperature, so that's what happened there. The absence of air pressure could also explain his falling back so suddenly, more rapidly than we're used to seeing people fall down - there was simply nothing in the way to slow down his fall, where there's usually air around us dampening the fall ever so slightly. (Although I'm not sure the absence of air would actually have that noticeable of an effect. Maybe it was just a discrepancy between the video recording and playback speeds, seeing as the video technology at that time wasn't quite as refined as today's yet.) For him to be able to float, he would have to escape the earth's field of gravity - a feat that's rather hard to accomplish without actually going to outer space. I believe the closest you can come is to use the ostensible weightlessness of free falling - there are planes offering a service where you can experience that sensation for around 30 seconds, if you have the money. TL;DR: Floating means absence of gravity, vacuum means absence of (air) pressure. Both conditions exist in space, but are technically unrelated. EDIT: This question has also been asked and answered in more detail and with citations in another comment thread of this submissin; [look here]( for more information.
You're confusing "absence of air" and "absence of gravity". They are two unrelated conditions that both exist in outer space - an absence of air, or more precisely, absence of atmospheric pressure means there's neither any oxygen for a human being to breath, nor any pressure exerted on us by the surrounding gases, while an absence of gravity simply means there's no object exerting any (discernable) gravitational force on you. Since we're designed for life on this planet, at heights where a constant air pressure is always present, the absence of such could/would be fatal for us. Imagine a balloon filled with air where you're holding the nozzle closed with your hands - the rubber membrane is exerting pressure onto the air inside, holding it in check. Would you release the nozzle, there's now a new way for the air inside to release its pressure, and out the balloon it would stream. I'm sure you've heard of the dramatization of your head exploding in outer space without any protective suit - that same principle applies here (although I seem to recall that the effects wouldn't actually be that dramatic, albeit still fatal). The reason he felt the salive on his tongue starting to bubble is related to the boiling point of liquids being dependent on the surrounding air pressure - no air pressure means the water reaches its boiling point at room temperature, so that's what happened there. The absence of air pressure could also explain his falling back so suddenly, more rapidly than we're used to seeing people fall down - there was simply nothing in the way to slow down his fall, where there's usually air around us dampening the fall ever so slightly. (Although I'm not sure the absence of air would actually have that noticeable of an effect. Maybe it was just a discrepancy between the video recording and playback speeds, seeing as the video technology at that time wasn't quite as refined as today's yet.) For him to be able to float, he would have to escape the earth's field of gravity - a feat that's rather hard to accomplish without actually going to outer space. I believe the closest you can come is to use the ostensible weightlessness of free falling - there are planes offering a service where you can experience that sensation for around 30 seconds, if you have the money.
Floating means absence of gravity, vacuum means absence of (air) pressure. Both conditions exist in space, but are technically unrelated. EDIT: This question has also been asked and answered in more detail and with citations in another comment thread of this submissin; [look here]( for more information.
I worked in a deli at a Coles supermarket in Sydney. The deli manager was always being pressured by the store manager to cut down on waste which resulted in us having to sell things that were off. I remember the deli manger once filled up a big sink with off chicken wings, filled it with water and just kinda sloshed them around in there for a while to get the slime off. We were then told to dry them off and sell them with the "managers special" sign for a dollar less a kilo. I felt so bad selling this stuff knowing people might not even cook it for another 5 days.. But we always had to keep to the fucking budget. TLDR Don't go for the managers special..
I worked in a deli at a Coles supermarket in Sydney. The deli manager was always being pressured by the store manager to cut down on waste which resulted in us having to sell things that were off. I remember the deli manger once filled up a big sink with off chicken wings, filled it with water and just kinda sloshed them around in there for a while to get the slime off. We were then told to dry them off and sell them with the "managers special" sign for a dollar less a kilo. I felt so bad selling this stuff knowing people might not even cook it for another 5 days.. But we always had to keep to the fucking budget. TLDR Don't go for the managers special..
I worked in a deli at a Coles supermarket in Sydney. The deli manager was always being pressured by the store manager to cut down on waste which resulted in us having to sell things that were off. I remember the deli manger once filled up a big sink with off chicken wings, filled it with water and just kinda sloshed them around in there for a while to get the slime off. We were then told to dry them off and sell them with the "managers special" sign for a dollar less a kilo. I felt so bad selling this stuff knowing people might not even cook it for another 5 days.. But we always had to keep to the fucking budget.
Don't go for the managers special..
Not something my resteraunt does, but something I do working there. I'm a bus boy so I regularly clean tables all night long. I take your trash back in a little bin to the dishwasher and just slide old food off your plates into the trash can and put them in the sink for the dishwasher to wash. Once the trashcan is full though, I'm always the one to voluntarily take it out. Because when I slide your old food into the trashcan, I put my favorite foods closest to the top. Then on my way to the dumpster, I have myself a little dinner. TL;DR: I eat your trash 2-3 times a night.
Not something my resteraunt does, but something I do working there. I'm a bus boy so I regularly clean tables all night long. I take your trash back in a little bin to the dishwasher and just slide old food off your plates into the trash can and put them in the sink for the dishwasher to wash. Once the trashcan is full though, I'm always the one to voluntarily take it out. Because when I slide your old food into the trashcan, I put my favorite foods closest to the top. Then on my way to the dumpster, I have myself a little dinner. TL;DR: I eat your trash 2-3 times a night.
Not something my resteraunt does, but something I do working there. I'm a bus boy so I regularly clean tables all night long. I take your trash back in a little bin to the dishwasher and just slide old food off your plates into the trash can and put them in the sink for the dishwasher to wash. Once the trashcan is full though, I'm always the one to voluntarily take it out. Because when I slide your old food into the trashcan, I put my favorite foods closest to the top. Then on my way to the dumpster, I have myself a little dinner.
I eat your trash 2-3 times a night.
Cook here. Where I work doesn't have a dishwasher. We take all dishes to a desperate location several floors away (big building, multiple restaurants). This means that if a kitchen utensil is dropped the protocol is to swish it around in the sanitation bucket and call it good. The sanitation bucket is not ever changed during the day unless I am working, and most of my coworkers don't even know what the proper water to bleach ratio should be. We don't own a single meat thermometer, and we cook a fuck ton of meat. The heat lamps fail to keep food warm, but of course because we can't verify this with out a thermometer so nothing is ever done about potentially dangerous meat. Food is often old and beyond its prime. TL;DR: it's a generally sketchy place.
Cook here. Where I work doesn't have a dishwasher. We take all dishes to a desperate location several floors away (big building, multiple restaurants). This means that if a kitchen utensil is dropped the protocol is to swish it around in the sanitation bucket and call it good. The sanitation bucket is not ever changed during the day unless I am working, and most of my coworkers don't even know what the proper water to bleach ratio should be. We don't own a single meat thermometer, and we cook a fuck ton of meat. The heat lamps fail to keep food warm, but of course because we can't verify this with out a thermometer so nothing is ever done about potentially dangerous meat. Food is often old and beyond its prime. TL;DR: it's a generally sketchy place.
Cook here. Where I work doesn't have a dishwasher. We take all dishes to a desperate location several floors away (big building, multiple restaurants). This means that if a kitchen utensil is dropped the protocol is to swish it around in the sanitation bucket and call it good. The sanitation bucket is not ever changed during the day unless I am working, and most of my coworkers don't even know what the proper water to bleach ratio should be. We don't own a single meat thermometer, and we cook a fuck ton of meat. The heat lamps fail to keep food warm, but of course because we can't verify this with out a thermometer so nothing is ever done about potentially dangerous meat. Food is often old and beyond its prime.
it's a generally sketchy place.
There's a Burger King in my town that I've been eating at since I was a kid. But in the last 6 or so years it started making my family sick. We recently moved a couple towns over, and there was a Burger King. We decided to try it...and wouldn't you food poisoning! We struck up conversation with someone that worked there and it turns out they had previously worked at the one that kept making everyone sick. She said that when new management took over, everything went downhill. The food was left sitting out, and they rarely threw out anything expired, instead they just used it! She was so uncomfortable with this that she requested a transfer. TL;DR Burger King in one city sucks and makes everyone sick. Burger King two towns over doesn't. Yay.
There's a Burger King in my town that I've been eating at since I was a kid. But in the last 6 or so years it started making my family sick. We recently moved a couple towns over, and there was a Burger King. We decided to try it...and wouldn't you food poisoning! We struck up conversation with someone that worked there and it turns out they had previously worked at the one that kept making everyone sick. She said that when new management took over, everything went downhill. The food was left sitting out, and they rarely threw out anything expired, instead they just used it! She was so uncomfortable with this that she requested a transfer. TL;DR Burger King in one city sucks and makes everyone sick. Burger King two towns over doesn't. Yay.
There's a Burger King in my town that I've been eating at since I was a kid. But in the last 6 or so years it started making my family sick. We recently moved a couple towns over, and there was a Burger King. We decided to try it...and wouldn't you food poisoning! We struck up conversation with someone that worked there and it turns out they had previously worked at the one that kept making everyone sick. She said that when new management took over, everything went downhill. The food was left sitting out, and they rarely threw out anything expired, instead they just used it! She was so uncomfortable with this that she requested a transfer.
Burger King in one city sucks and makes everyone sick. Burger King two towns over doesn't. Yay.
Not me (I know, fuck me right?), but my dad is a health inspector of sorts. His favourite 'dirty restaurant story' involved a little Singaporean place. They served suckling pig in some form or another, except their health practices were non-existent. What he saw when he went into the kitchen was a dead pig not in a meat locker, but on the floor, by the open back door, with flies feasting on it. Needless to say they were shut down pretty soon after that. TL;DR Dead pig on the floor covered in flies
Not me (I know, fuck me right?), but my dad is a health inspector of sorts. His favourite 'dirty restaurant story' involved a little Singaporean place. They served suckling pig in some form or another, except their health practices were non-existent. What he saw when he went into the kitchen was a dead pig not in a meat locker, but on the floor, by the open back door, with flies feasting on it. Needless to say they were shut down pretty soon after that. TL;DR Dead pig on the floor covered in flies
Not me (I know, fuck me right?), but my dad is a health inspector of sorts. His favourite 'dirty restaurant story' involved a little Singaporean place. They served suckling pig in some form or another, except their health practices were non-existent. What he saw when he went into the kitchen was a dead pig not in a meat locker, but on the floor, by the open back door, with flies feasting on it. Needless to say they were shut down pretty soon after that.
Dead pig on the floor covered in flies
here's the most fucked up thing i have ever heard about in my 4 years at the restaurant I work at: this waitress and a line cook had a relationship with each other and the waitress would frequently disappear on the clock. we all knew it was to suck off or get fucked by this one cook. either in his car out back or in one of the walk in fridges. one day she disappears again and when they both come back some of the servers notice that the cooks hand is covered in blood as he is texting. also several of the black books we put checks in have a clear/white/sticky substance all over it. turns out the cook was finger banging the waitress while she was on the rag, comes back to do his job without washing his hands. by the way, before this was officially found out by management the cook scooped up some ice with a glass. possibly using his period blood stained hands. i don't know this for sure, but it's very likely that the cook prepared a few meals with those blood stained hands. i wasn't working that night but this was all the heresay i was told and i believe every word of it. this girl was a fucking train wreck. she was a former meth addict who had been to prison for stealing credit cards from her previous job and the government took her kids away from her. my employers knew all about her fucking on the clock and her past and they hired her for some kind of tax credit for hiring ex cons. all at the detriment of their customers and employees. tl;dr i work for shameless cheap jew bastards. seriously.
here's the most fucked up thing i have ever heard about in my 4 years at the restaurant I work at: this waitress and a line cook had a relationship with each other and the waitress would frequently disappear on the clock. we all knew it was to suck off or get fucked by this one cook. either in his car out back or in one of the walk in fridges. one day she disappears again and when they both come back some of the servers notice that the cooks hand is covered in blood as he is texting. also several of the black books we put checks in have a clear/white/sticky substance all over it. turns out the cook was finger banging the waitress while she was on the rag, comes back to do his job without washing his hands. by the way, before this was officially found out by management the cook scooped up some ice with a glass. possibly using his period blood stained hands. i don't know this for sure, but it's very likely that the cook prepared a few meals with those blood stained hands. i wasn't working that night but this was all the heresay i was told and i believe every word of it. this girl was a fucking train wreck. she was a former meth addict who had been to prison for stealing credit cards from her previous job and the government took her kids away from her. my employers knew all about her fucking on the clock and her past and they hired her for some kind of tax credit for hiring ex cons. all at the detriment of their customers and employees. tl;dr i work for shameless cheap jew bastards. seriously.
here's the most fucked up thing i have ever heard about in my 4 years at the restaurant I work at: this waitress and a line cook had a relationship with each other and the waitress would frequently disappear on the clock. we all knew it was to suck off or get fucked by this one cook. either in his car out back or in one of the walk in fridges. one day she disappears again and when they both come back some of the servers notice that the cooks hand is covered in blood as he is texting. also several of the black books we put checks in have a clear/white/sticky substance all over it. turns out the cook was finger banging the waitress while she was on the rag, comes back to do his job without washing his hands. by the way, before this was officially found out by management the cook scooped up some ice with a glass. possibly using his period blood stained hands. i don't know this for sure, but it's very likely that the cook prepared a few meals with those blood stained hands. i wasn't working that night but this was all the heresay i was told and i believe every word of it. this girl was a fucking train wreck. she was a former meth addict who had been to prison for stealing credit cards from her previous job and the government took her kids away from her. my employers knew all about her fucking on the clock and her past and they hired her for some kind of tax credit for hiring ex cons. all at the detriment of their customers and employees.
i work for shameless cheap jew bastards. seriously.
Years ago, I used to bus tables at this awful restaurant called O'Charley's (I think it might be a chain of shitty restaurants, like TGIFs). It was the most disgusting place I ever had the misfortune of working at. They would make the bussers do this thing called a 'trash audit' that they even had paper work for. Basically at the end of a shift, we had to put elbow length gloves on, and empty out the two or three huge trashcans we had been scraping food into the whole shift. It would take two of us to lift these huge trashcans onto their sides on a table in the kitchen, while we sifted through it looking for things written down on the audit sheets, which included: uneaten chicken pieces, uneaten rolls, etc. Basically food that could be "salvaged" and turned into different food. It was absolutely disgusting. They used the rolls to make croutons for the salad. I only did it once and would refuse to participate after that. I only lasted two weeks, but I didn't care. Fuck O'Charleys. **TL;DR: At O'Charley's, bussers are required to dig through the trash cans to 'salvage' uneaten food**
Years ago, I used to bus tables at this awful restaurant called O'Charley's (I think it might be a chain of shitty restaurants, like TGIFs). It was the most disgusting place I ever had the misfortune of working at. They would make the bussers do this thing called a 'trash audit' that they even had paper work for. Basically at the end of a shift, we had to put elbow length gloves on, and empty out the two or three huge trashcans we had been scraping food into the whole shift. It would take two of us to lift these huge trashcans onto their sides on a table in the kitchen, while we sifted through it looking for things written down on the audit sheets, which included: uneaten chicken pieces, uneaten rolls, etc. Basically food that could be "salvaged" and turned into different food. It was absolutely disgusting. They used the rolls to make croutons for the salad. I only did it once and would refuse to participate after that. I only lasted two weeks, but I didn't care. Fuck O'Charleys. TL;DR: At O'Charley's, bussers are required to dig through the trash cans to 'salvage' uneaten food
Years ago, I used to bus tables at this awful restaurant called O'Charley's (I think it might be a chain of shitty restaurants, like TGIFs). It was the most disgusting place I ever had the misfortune of working at. They would make the bussers do this thing called a 'trash audit' that they even had paper work for. Basically at the end of a shift, we had to put elbow length gloves on, and empty out the two or three huge trashcans we had been scraping food into the whole shift. It would take two of us to lift these huge trashcans onto their sides on a table in the kitchen, while we sifted through it looking for things written down on the audit sheets, which included: uneaten chicken pieces, uneaten rolls, etc. Basically food that could be "salvaged" and turned into different food. It was absolutely disgusting. They used the rolls to make croutons for the salad. I only did it once and would refuse to participate after that. I only lasted two weeks, but I didn't care. Fuck O'Charleys.
At O'Charley's, bussers are required to dig through the trash cans to 'salvage' uneaten food
I worked at a fairly upscale place in Florida. When I quit, I was fairly pissed, and a couple of days later a coworker and I drunkenly robbed the liquor cellar. We got a good haul. He brought up the bullshit that I quit for, and it reanimated my frustration. So I shit in the ice machine. Weeks later we were talking to one of the head bartenders, and asked if anything had be amiss in the last few weeks. He said "no". So then we asked if they had cleaned the ice maker: "no". We both just put on the "wow" face. TL;DR: A ton of people at an upscale Florida restaurant ate/drank my shit. lol
I worked at a fairly upscale place in Florida. When I quit, I was fairly pissed, and a couple of days later a coworker and I drunkenly robbed the liquor cellar. We got a good haul. He brought up the bullshit that I quit for, and it reanimated my frustration. So I shit in the ice machine. Weeks later we were talking to one of the head bartenders, and asked if anything had be amiss in the last few weeks. He said "no". So then we asked if they had cleaned the ice maker: "no". We both just put on the "wow" face. TL;DR: A ton of people at an upscale Florida restaurant ate/drank my shit. lol
I worked at a fairly upscale place in Florida. When I quit, I was fairly pissed, and a couple of days later a coworker and I drunkenly robbed the liquor cellar. We got a good haul. He brought up the bullshit that I quit for, and it reanimated my frustration. So I shit in the ice machine. Weeks later we were talking to one of the head bartenders, and asked if anything had be amiss in the last few weeks. He said "no". So then we asked if they had cleaned the ice maker: "no". We both just put on the "wow" face.
A ton of people at an upscale Florida restaurant ate/drank my shit. lol
Local fast food place in my small town got a new manager/owner, and he's a bit of a cheapskate. He hires druggies and dropouts, not because he wants to give them a chance, but because they'll do basically anything for money. There's been many things that I could say, but one I remember clearly was a basket(chicken strip basket kinda thing) came back with the complaint, "There's blue stuff on my texas toast." The kid(cook) in the back used a kitchen knife to cut a pill in half and then used it to cut the toast in half. **tl;dr dumbass druggy spreads drugs on toast.**
Local fast food place in my small town got a new manager/owner, and he's a bit of a cheapskate. He hires druggies and dropouts, not because he wants to give them a chance, but because they'll do basically anything for money. There's been many things that I could say, but one I remember clearly was a basket(chicken strip basket kinda thing) came back with the complaint, "There's blue stuff on my texas toast." The kid(cook) in the back used a kitchen knife to cut a pill in half and then used it to cut the toast in half. tl;dr dumbass druggy spreads drugs on toast.
Local fast food place in my small town got a new manager/owner, and he's a bit of a cheapskate. He hires druggies and dropouts, not because he wants to give them a chance, but because they'll do basically anything for money. There's been many things that I could say, but one I remember clearly was a basket(chicken strip basket kinda thing) came back with the complaint, "There's blue stuff on my texas toast." The kid(cook) in the back used a kitchen knife to cut a pill in half and then used it to cut the toast in half.
dumbass druggy spreads drugs on toast.
Mice, always had tons of them. Worst was the trashcan behind the bar, you opened it and you'd have 5-6 running away. When we found one who was dying, one of the waiters wanted to drown it in cognac. Nice way to go. Tl;dr waiter wanted to drown a mouse in cognac
Mice, always had tons of them. Worst was the trashcan behind the bar, you opened it and you'd have 5-6 running away. When we found one who was dying, one of the waiters wanted to drown it in cognac. Nice way to go. Tl;dr waiter wanted to drown a mouse in cognac
Mice, always had tons of them. Worst was the trashcan behind the bar, you opened it and you'd have 5-6 running away. When we found one who was dying, one of the waiters wanted to drown it in cognac. Nice way to go.
waiter wanted to drown a mouse in cognac
I remember when I was a kid. The cafeteria would reuse the cocktail weenies that kids didn't finish. Either use them for topping on a salad or the main dish the following week. BUT what made it worse was the lady grabbing the weenies, she was the dish washer and would grab them with her old, wrinkled hands and throw them in a plastic jug. tl;dr my cafeteria reused cocktail weenies
I remember when I was a kid. The cafeteria would reuse the cocktail weenies that kids didn't finish. Either use them for topping on a salad or the main dish the following week. BUT what made it worse was the lady grabbing the weenies, she was the dish washer and would grab them with her old, wrinkled hands and throw them in a plastic jug. tl;dr my cafeteria reused cocktail weenies
I remember when I was a kid. The cafeteria would reuse the cocktail weenies that kids didn't finish. Either use them for topping on a salad or the main dish the following week. BUT what made it worse was the lady grabbing the weenies, she was the dish washer and would grab them with her old, wrinkled hands and throw them in a plastic jug.
my cafeteria reused cocktail weenies
I worked at a Jimmy Johns for about 6 months last year. The policy set in place by the franchise owner is no call-ins. You call in, you're fired. If you have to miss a shift, you have to find somebody to cover. Absolutely no exceptions. I had some routine blood work done and it came back that I had mono(still, from 2 years prior) with no symptoms and was advised by my doctor to take a couple weeks off of work while they tried another treatment and another round of blood work. I was only able to find covers for the first week, and had to go back after that(I was super broke and really needed the job). My boss was completely aware of the Mono, didn't give a shit, as long as he still had people working below min. wage for barely any tips. Also, corporate JJs completely ignored my sexual harassment claim. Also, ice machine and the soda lines were disgusting. TLDR; Fuck Jimmy Johns. And Mono lasts for fucking ever.
I worked at a Jimmy Johns for about 6 months last year. The policy set in place by the franchise owner is no call-ins. You call in, you're fired. If you have to miss a shift, you have to find somebody to cover. Absolutely no exceptions. I had some routine blood work done and it came back that I had mono(still, from 2 years prior) with no symptoms and was advised by my doctor to take a couple weeks off of work while they tried another treatment and another round of blood work. I was only able to find covers for the first week, and had to go back after that(I was super broke and really needed the job). My boss was completely aware of the Mono, didn't give a shit, as long as he still had people working below min. wage for barely any tips. Also, corporate JJs completely ignored my sexual harassment claim. Also, ice machine and the soda lines were disgusting. TLDR; Fuck Jimmy Johns. And Mono lasts for fucking ever.
I worked at a Jimmy Johns for about 6 months last year. The policy set in place by the franchise owner is no call-ins. You call in, you're fired. If you have to miss a shift, you have to find somebody to cover. Absolutely no exceptions. I had some routine blood work done and it came back that I had mono(still, from 2 years prior) with no symptoms and was advised by my doctor to take a couple weeks off of work while they tried another treatment and another round of blood work. I was only able to find covers for the first week, and had to go back after that(I was super broke and really needed the job). My boss was completely aware of the Mono, didn't give a shit, as long as he still had people working below min. wage for barely any tips. Also, corporate JJs completely ignored my sexual harassment claim. Also, ice machine and the soda lines were disgusting.
Fuck Jimmy Johns. And Mono lasts for fucking ever.
It certainly varies between products. I think the standard is to charge around 30% more than what you paid for it to turn a profit. Fountain soda is dirt cheap because it comes from a concentrated syrup. If served in a paper cup, the cup is probably more valuable than the drink itself. As a server, I'm not loading your cup with ice because I'm trying to reduce the soda I'm giving you. I just want to ensure your drink is cold and maybe I'm in a rush and used too much. I have seen what my restaurant pays for alcohol and I know that they aren't getting any huge breaks over what you'd find at a liquor store. Maybe $10-$50 off a **case** of liquor, that's it. Not great when you consider that figure being applied to bottles that cost $50-$100 by themselves. I hear with textiles (clothing and such), a designer shirt could sell for $50-$100 but cost less than a dollar in production costs. tl;dr - money makers are generally the drinks. Meats and other more expensive foods have a narrower profit margin
It certainly varies between products. I think the standard is to charge around 30% more than what you paid for it to turn a profit. Fountain soda is dirt cheap because it comes from a concentrated syrup. If served in a paper cup, the cup is probably more valuable than the drink itself. As a server, I'm not loading your cup with ice because I'm trying to reduce the soda I'm giving you. I just want to ensure your drink is cold and maybe I'm in a rush and used too much. I have seen what my restaurant pays for alcohol and I know that they aren't getting any huge breaks over what you'd find at a liquor store. Maybe $10-$50 off a case of liquor, that's it. Not great when you consider that figure being applied to bottles that cost $50-$100 by themselves. I hear with textiles (clothing and such), a designer shirt could sell for $50-$100 but cost less than a dollar in production costs. tl;dr - money makers are generally the drinks. Meats and other more expensive foods have a narrower profit margin
It certainly varies between products. I think the standard is to charge around 30% more than what you paid for it to turn a profit. Fountain soda is dirt cheap because it comes from a concentrated syrup. If served in a paper cup, the cup is probably more valuable than the drink itself. As a server, I'm not loading your cup with ice because I'm trying to reduce the soda I'm giving you. I just want to ensure your drink is cold and maybe I'm in a rush and used too much. I have seen what my restaurant pays for alcohol and I know that they aren't getting any huge breaks over what you'd find at a liquor store. Maybe $10-$50 off a case of liquor, that's it. Not great when you consider that figure being applied to bottles that cost $50-$100 by themselves. I hear with textiles (clothing and such), a designer shirt could sell for $50-$100 but cost less than a dollar in production costs.
money makers are generally the drinks. Meats and other more expensive foods have a narrower profit margin
You had every right to fuck that guy up. Fucking tools like that are bad enough, but he had no right to get in your face and destroy your blunt. That'd be like going to a game of beer pong and knocking all the cups over. Ignorance is bad enough, but he has no right to impress his beliefs on others. Fuck that guy. You're a boss for standing up for yourself. tldr - fuck that guy. you rock
You had every right to fuck that guy up. Fucking tools like that are bad enough, but he had no right to get in your face and destroy your blunt. That'd be like going to a game of beer pong and knocking all the cups over. Ignorance is bad enough, but he has no right to impress his beliefs on others. Fuck that guy. You're a boss for standing up for yourself. tldr - fuck that guy. you rock
You had every right to fuck that guy up. Fucking tools like that are bad enough, but he had no right to get in your face and destroy your blunt. That'd be like going to a game of beer pong and knocking all the cups over. Ignorance is bad enough, but he has no right to impress his beliefs on others. Fuck that guy. You're a boss for standing up for yourself.
fuck that guy. you rock
This is pretty much a good sum up of how I feel about us since new year. We've been awful, lacklustre and tired. Looking like a team that doesn't even want to play in the prem anymore. We constantly give away possession and apart from Mig who has gotten better I can't think of a player who is playing better than they were last season and start of this one. I can give you a whole host of those who are worse though. The pick of the bunch for me has to be Seb. Wenger once called Seb Larson the best dead-ball specialist in the league. My word has he been shit this season. I know he's playing out of position but his set pieces have been consistently awful, rarely making it past the first man. Though I didn't see the Norwich match I caught the highlights on MoTD and though he looked to be involved in most of our attacks I can't remember the last time I watched us and thought he had a good game. The sad thing is this is the story across the board, McClean has lost his confidence, always cuts inside now instead of beating players down the wing. Johno constantly loses it with a 1 in 10 good cross rate. Sess routinely tries to do too much with the ball. As you say fletch and graham are both poachers that cannot work together, Seb is woeful as a central holding midfielder, Vaughan is distinctively average, N'Diaye hasn't really settled yet IMO, Cattermole though injured is frankly a thug with poor discipline, John O'Shit is old and slow though does an okay job of keeping the back four organised, TightArse Shambles makes too many mistakes for a CB, Cuellar injured, Bardsley is terrible but arguably a better choice than Gardner at RB. Rose on the other hand has had a really great season so far. Shame he was injured during some important games for us as I think he really adds something to the side especially going forward. MON has some serious problems to sort out and Short needs to dig deep at the end of the season so we can have a squad made by O'Neill and not the remnants of the Bruce dynasty. Sorry for the wall of text. TL;DR I think we've been god awful since new year and pretty much all our players are out of form.
This is pretty much a good sum up of how I feel about us since new year. We've been awful, lacklustre and tired. Looking like a team that doesn't even want to play in the prem anymore. We constantly give away possession and apart from Mig who has gotten better I can't think of a player who is playing better than they were last season and start of this one. I can give you a whole host of those who are worse though. The pick of the bunch for me has to be Seb. Wenger once called Seb Larson the best dead-ball specialist in the league. My word has he been shit this season. I know he's playing out of position but his set pieces have been consistently awful, rarely making it past the first man. Though I didn't see the Norwich match I caught the highlights on MoTD and though he looked to be involved in most of our attacks I can't remember the last time I watched us and thought he had a good game. The sad thing is this is the story across the board, McClean has lost his confidence, always cuts inside now instead of beating players down the wing. Johno constantly loses it with a 1 in 10 good cross rate. Sess routinely tries to do too much with the ball. As you say fletch and graham are both poachers that cannot work together, Seb is woeful as a central holding midfielder, Vaughan is distinctively average, N'Diaye hasn't really settled yet IMO, Cattermole though injured is frankly a thug with poor discipline, John O'Shit is old and slow though does an okay job of keeping the back four organised, TightArse Shambles makes too many mistakes for a CB, Cuellar injured, Bardsley is terrible but arguably a better choice than Gardner at RB. Rose on the other hand has had a really great season so far. Shame he was injured during some important games for us as I think he really adds something to the side especially going forward. MON has some serious problems to sort out and Short needs to dig deep at the end of the season so we can have a squad made by O'Neill and not the remnants of the Bruce dynasty. Sorry for the wall of text. TL;DR I think we've been god awful since new year and pretty much all our players are out of form.
This is pretty much a good sum up of how I feel about us since new year. We've been awful, lacklustre and tired. Looking like a team that doesn't even want to play in the prem anymore. We constantly give away possession and apart from Mig who has gotten better I can't think of a player who is playing better than they were last season and start of this one. I can give you a whole host of those who are worse though. The pick of the bunch for me has to be Seb. Wenger once called Seb Larson the best dead-ball specialist in the league. My word has he been shit this season. I know he's playing out of position but his set pieces have been consistently awful, rarely making it past the first man. Though I didn't see the Norwich match I caught the highlights on MoTD and though he looked to be involved in most of our attacks I can't remember the last time I watched us and thought he had a good game. The sad thing is this is the story across the board, McClean has lost his confidence, always cuts inside now instead of beating players down the wing. Johno constantly loses it with a 1 in 10 good cross rate. Sess routinely tries to do too much with the ball. As you say fletch and graham are both poachers that cannot work together, Seb is woeful as a central holding midfielder, Vaughan is distinctively average, N'Diaye hasn't really settled yet IMO, Cattermole though injured is frankly a thug with poor discipline, John O'Shit is old and slow though does an okay job of keeping the back four organised, TightArse Shambles makes too many mistakes for a CB, Cuellar injured, Bardsley is terrible but arguably a better choice than Gardner at RB. Rose on the other hand has had a really great season so far. Shame he was injured during some important games for us as I think he really adds something to the side especially going forward. MON has some serious problems to sort out and Short needs to dig deep at the end of the season so we can have a squad made by O'Neill and not the remnants of the Bruce dynasty. Sorry for the wall of text.
I think we've been god awful since new year and pretty much all our players are out of form.
The federal government finding a medical use for marijuana changes the Controlled Substances Act ("CSA") scheduling jurisprudence. Before the federal government recognized a medical use for marijuana, courts had to grant the Drug Enforcement Agency ("DEA") *Chevron* deference, applied to this scenario as follows. &gt;[N]either the statute nor its legislative history precisely defines the term “currently accepted medical use”; therefore, we are obliged to defer to the Administrator's interpretation of that phrase if **reasonable**. *Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics v. Drug Enforcement Admin.*, 930 F.2d 936, 939 (D.C. Cir. 1991) (emphasis added). Under *Chevron* deference, an undefined term in a piece of legislation prevents courts from interpreting that term if the agency in charge of enforcing the piece of legislation adopts a "reasonable" term. What is "reasonable" depends on &gt;whether the agency's answer is based on a permissible construction of the statute. *Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc.*, 467 U.S. 837, 843, 104 S. Ct. 2778, 2782, 81 L. Ed. 2d 694 (1984). A "permissible construction" is any interpretation of the piece of legislation by the agency vested with the power to enforce the piece of legislation that does not logically conflict with the legislature's purpose in enacting the piece of legislation. In other words, virtually any interpretation by the agency vested with the power to enforce the piece of legislation that does not directly contradict the purposes of the statute is a "reasonable" interpretation. This is how the DEA has consistently prevented the rescheduling of cannabis under the CSA based on its interpretation of "recognized medical use" as requiring &gt;"exact scientific knowledge as to the chemical effects of the drug's elements." *Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics*, 930 F.2d at 939. &gt;[T]he National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the Federal government's National Institutes of Health (NIH), stated that marijuana "inhibited the survival of both estrogen receptor–positive and estrogen receptor–negative breast cancer cell lines...[and] marijuana slows or stops the growth of certain lung cancer cells and suggested that marijuana may provide "risk reduction and treatment of colorectal cancer." Advocates for the Disabled and Seriously Ill, "Federal Government Reports Marijuana Effective in Combatting Certain Cancers Reports ADSI" (March 12, 2013). Accordingly, (1) there is a recognized medical use for cannabis and (2) the counterargument that this is only one finding and is insufficient fails because the DEA is part of the federal government, the NIH is part of the federal government, and the federal government's interpretation of "recognized medical use" would be unreasonable (it would defy logic) if it rejected the federal government's, and thus by implication its own, recognized medical use. EDIT: TL;DR: my thoughts are that someone should sue the DEA to reschedule cannabis now that the federal government itself acknowledges a "recognized medical use" for trees.
The federal government finding a medical use for marijuana changes the Controlled Substances Act ("CSA") scheduling jurisprudence. Before the federal government recognized a medical use for marijuana, courts had to grant the Drug Enforcement Agency ("DEA") Chevron deference, applied to this scenario as follows. >[N]either the statute nor its legislative history precisely defines the term “currently accepted medical use”; therefore, we are obliged to defer to the Administrator's interpretation of that phrase if reasonable . Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics v. Drug Enforcement Admin. , 930 F.2d 936, 939 (D.C. Cir. 1991) (emphasis added). Under Chevron deference, an undefined term in a piece of legislation prevents courts from interpreting that term if the agency in charge of enforcing the piece of legislation adopts a "reasonable" term. What is "reasonable" depends on >whether the agency's answer is based on a permissible construction of the statute. Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc. , 467 U.S. 837, 843, 104 S. Ct. 2778, 2782, 81 L. Ed. 2d 694 (1984). A "permissible construction" is any interpretation of the piece of legislation by the agency vested with the power to enforce the piece of legislation that does not logically conflict with the legislature's purpose in enacting the piece of legislation. In other words, virtually any interpretation by the agency vested with the power to enforce the piece of legislation that does not directly contradict the purposes of the statute is a "reasonable" interpretation. This is how the DEA has consistently prevented the rescheduling of cannabis under the CSA based on its interpretation of "recognized medical use" as requiring >"exact scientific knowledge as to the chemical effects of the drug's elements." Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics , 930 F.2d at 939. >[T]he National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the Federal government's National Institutes of Health (NIH), stated that marijuana "inhibited the survival of both estrogen receptor–positive and estrogen receptor–negative breast cancer cell lines...[and] marijuana slows or stops the growth of certain lung cancer cells and suggested that marijuana may provide "risk reduction and treatment of colorectal cancer." Advocates for the Disabled and Seriously Ill, "Federal Government Reports Marijuana Effective in Combatting Certain Cancers Reports ADSI" (March 12, 2013). Accordingly, (1) there is a recognized medical use for cannabis and (2) the counterargument that this is only one finding and is insufficient fails because the DEA is part of the federal government, the NIH is part of the federal government, and the federal government's interpretation of "recognized medical use" would be unreasonable (it would defy logic) if it rejected the federal government's, and thus by implication its own, recognized medical use. EDIT: TL;DR: my thoughts are that someone should sue the DEA to reschedule cannabis now that the federal government itself acknowledges a "recognized medical use" for trees.
The federal government finding a medical use for marijuana changes the Controlled Substances Act ("CSA") scheduling jurisprudence. Before the federal government recognized a medical use for marijuana, courts had to grant the Drug Enforcement Agency ("DEA") Chevron deference, applied to this scenario as follows. >[N]either the statute nor its legislative history precisely defines the term “currently accepted medical use”; therefore, we are obliged to defer to the Administrator's interpretation of that phrase if reasonable . Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics v. Drug Enforcement Admin. , 930 F.2d 936, 939 (D.C. Cir. 1991) (emphasis added). Under Chevron deference, an undefined term in a piece of legislation prevents courts from interpreting that term if the agency in charge of enforcing the piece of legislation adopts a "reasonable" term. What is "reasonable" depends on >whether the agency's answer is based on a permissible construction of the statute. Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Res. Def. Council, Inc. , 467 U.S. 837, 843, 104 S. Ct. 2778, 2782, 81 L. Ed. 2d 694 (1984). A "permissible construction" is any interpretation of the piece of legislation by the agency vested with the power to enforce the piece of legislation that does not logically conflict with the legislature's purpose in enacting the piece of legislation. In other words, virtually any interpretation by the agency vested with the power to enforce the piece of legislation that does not directly contradict the purposes of the statute is a "reasonable" interpretation. This is how the DEA has consistently prevented the rescheduling of cannabis under the CSA based on its interpretation of "recognized medical use" as requiring >"exact scientific knowledge as to the chemical effects of the drug's elements." Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics , 930 F.2d at 939. >[T]he National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the Federal government's National Institutes of Health (NIH), stated that marijuana "inhibited the survival of both estrogen receptor–positive and estrogen receptor–negative breast cancer cell lines...[and] marijuana slows or stops the growth of certain lung cancer cells and suggested that marijuana may provide "risk reduction and treatment of colorectal cancer." Advocates for the Disabled and Seriously Ill, "Federal Government Reports Marijuana Effective in Combatting Certain Cancers Reports ADSI" (March 12, 2013). Accordingly, (1) there is a recognized medical use for cannabis and (2) the counterargument that this is only one finding and is insufficient fails because the DEA is part of the federal government, the NIH is part of the federal government, and the federal government's interpretation of "recognized medical use" would be unreasonable (it would defy logic) if it rejected the federal government's, and thus by implication its own, recognized medical use. EDIT:
my thoughts are that someone should sue the DEA to reschedule cannabis now that the federal government itself acknowledges a "recognized medical use" for trees.
After reading through this I kinda see something missing... Except for one guy that did mention PUGs. I do a lot of PvE content with friends or PU that aren't in any way super hardcore and will fall flat on the ground, especially if I'm like guiding them through their first explorable of whatever. Now if I full zerk my necro my dagger cycle will do more than double its current damage, not arguing against that. But I also won't be able to efficiently guide newer players through the instance and reviving people is going to be so much more unforgiving. I don't want that. Same goes with joining a PUG. In GW2 every player is independant in terms of damage and survival, yet some encounters are twice or thrice as hard if you're missing one or two group members because they got downed in the first 2 minutes for some reason (hese guys also don't do any damage btw). That makes you dependant on others who will sometime lack the skill and game knowledge to survive in any given situation. If you can't bring them back up, it's *not* going to be fun. Also when the encounter starts being harder because the boss has almost 100% aggro on you all the time, you're gonna get downed, and nobody will help you. **TL;DR: My humble opinion** In the end I think it boils down to having fun. Running with parties of hardcore players on teamspeak or what have you ? Go full zerker and max that damage. Getting downed a lot or having to carry other players through instances ? For the love of god get some survival stats. ... Or maybe you're a warrior and can survive anything in zerk gear anyway :D (trolololol (or is it O_o ?))
After reading through this I kinda see something missing... Except for one guy that did mention PUGs. I do a lot of PvE content with friends or PU that aren't in any way super hardcore and will fall flat on the ground, especially if I'm like guiding them through their first explorable of whatever. Now if I full zerk my necro my dagger cycle will do more than double its current damage, not arguing against that. But I also won't be able to efficiently guide newer players through the instance and reviving people is going to be so much more unforgiving. I don't want that. Same goes with joining a PUG. In GW2 every player is independant in terms of damage and survival, yet some encounters are twice or thrice as hard if you're missing one or two group members because they got downed in the first 2 minutes for some reason (hese guys also don't do any damage btw). That makes you dependant on others who will sometime lack the skill and game knowledge to survive in any given situation. If you can't bring them back up, it's not going to be fun. Also when the encounter starts being harder because the boss has almost 100% aggro on you all the time, you're gonna get downed, and nobody will help you. TL;DR: My humble opinion In the end I think it boils down to having fun. Running with parties of hardcore players on teamspeak or what have you ? Go full zerker and max that damage. Getting downed a lot or having to carry other players through instances ? For the love of god get some survival stats. ... Or maybe you're a warrior and can survive anything in zerk gear anyway :D (trolololol (or is it O_o ?))
After reading through this I kinda see something missing... Except for one guy that did mention PUGs. I do a lot of PvE content with friends or PU that aren't in any way super hardcore and will fall flat on the ground, especially if I'm like guiding them through their first explorable of whatever. Now if I full zerk my necro my dagger cycle will do more than double its current damage, not arguing against that. But I also won't be able to efficiently guide newer players through the instance and reviving people is going to be so much more unforgiving. I don't want that. Same goes with joining a PUG. In GW2 every player is independant in terms of damage and survival, yet some encounters are twice or thrice as hard if you're missing one or two group members because they got downed in the first 2 minutes for some reason (hese guys also don't do any damage btw). That makes you dependant on others who will sometime lack the skill and game knowledge to survive in any given situation. If you can't bring them back up, it's not going to be fun. Also when the encounter starts being harder because the boss has almost 100% aggro on you all the time, you're gonna get downed, and nobody will help you.
My humble opinion In the end I think it boils down to having fun. Running with parties of hardcore players on teamspeak or what have you ? Go full zerker and max that damage. Getting downed a lot or having to carry other players through instances ? For the love of god get some survival stats. ... Or maybe you're a warrior and can survive anything in zerk gear anyway :D (trolololol (or is it O_o ?))
I wasn't stating anything about that. That's why I am so annoyed now, what did I do to question your philosophical views on piracy for the health of the industry? All I did was criticize how you seem to use piracy-numbers as a metric of how well (or rather, how un-well) a game did. More piracy = more problem. Which makes no sense. Piracy is not an anti-metric of business success. It cannot be. It's a metric of exposure, which again is an influence in sales, but this is not a transient relation, the "relates to" is not the same on both ends. In other words, if you want to know how well or not Witcher II did, look at it's sales. Period. This in turn erodes the "If you don't include DRM, you lose money" argument. Not including DRM can - and most likely **will** - drive up piracy numbers, though only at a fraction of hype and media exposure. But it doesn't translate to costing you sales. I know that's not really central to the "Is piracy bad or not"-argumentation, but that's also not my point. And now I wrote way too much and got way too heated about it, sorry. But TL'DR: Piracy is not an indicator of success or lack of success. Sales are.
I wasn't stating anything about that. That's why I am so annoyed now, what did I do to question your philosophical views on piracy for the health of the industry? All I did was criticize how you seem to use piracy-numbers as a metric of how well (or rather, how un-well) a game did. More piracy = more problem. Which makes no sense. Piracy is not an anti-metric of business success. It cannot be. It's a metric of exposure, which again is an influence in sales, but this is not a transient relation, the "relates to" is not the same on both ends. In other words, if you want to know how well or not Witcher II did, look at it's sales. Period. This in turn erodes the "If you don't include DRM, you lose money" argument. Not including DRM can - and most likely will - drive up piracy numbers, though only at a fraction of hype and media exposure. But it doesn't translate to costing you sales. I know that's not really central to the "Is piracy bad or not"-argumentation, but that's also not my point. And now I wrote way too much and got way too heated about it, sorry. But TL'DR: Piracy is not an indicator of success or lack of success. Sales are.
I wasn't stating anything about that. That's why I am so annoyed now, what did I do to question your philosophical views on piracy for the health of the industry? All I did was criticize how you seem to use piracy-numbers as a metric of how well (or rather, how un-well) a game did. More piracy = more problem. Which makes no sense. Piracy is not an anti-metric of business success. It cannot be. It's a metric of exposure, which again is an influence in sales, but this is not a transient relation, the "relates to" is not the same on both ends. In other words, if you want to know how well or not Witcher II did, look at it's sales. Period. This in turn erodes the "If you don't include DRM, you lose money" argument. Not including DRM can - and most likely will - drive up piracy numbers, though only at a fraction of hype and media exposure. But it doesn't translate to costing you sales. I know that's not really central to the "Is piracy bad or not"-argumentation, but that's also not my point. And now I wrote way too much and got way too heated about it, sorry. But
Piracy is not an indicator of success or lack of success. Sales are.