You may not think you need a huge sum of money but there are many better things than an overpriced, commanding shiny thing that shouldn't in theory survive but does purely based on its sheep-like fanboys. This person is trying to speak out against advertising and being brain washed into buying junk they don't need at all and chances are they are always on Twitter/Facebook/instagram etc because 'that's what the cool kids do'. Tl; dr ishit is only surviving because of people who think they look cool with them. The person typing the note about our generation being soft and mollycoddled from one of the prime suspects.
You may not think you need a huge sum of money but there are many better things than an overpriced, commanding shiny thing that shouldn't in theory survive but does purely based on its sheep-like fanboys. This person is trying to speak out against advertising and being brain washed into buying junk they don't need at all and chances are they are always on Twitter/Facebook/instagram etc because 'that's what the cool kids do'. Tl; dr ishit is only surviving because of people who think they look cool with them. The person typing the note about our generation being soft and mollycoddled from one of the prime suspects.
You may not think you need a huge sum of money but there are many better things than an overpriced, commanding shiny thing that shouldn't in theory survive but does purely based on its sheep-like fanboys. This person is trying to speak out against advertising and being brain washed into buying junk they don't need at all and chances are they are always on Twitter/Facebook/instagram etc because 'that's what the cool kids do'.
ishit is only surviving because of people who think they look cool with them. The person typing the note about our generation being soft and mollycoddled from one of the prime suspects.
On boxing day (the day after Christmas for anyone outside UK) I went to the after Christmas sales in the city for all the clothing shops like Next, River Island and such. I arrived late but didn't realise. There was a line of over two hundred people but, not realising this, I saw a massive gap between two groups of ladies and thought that was the end of the line so I placed myself there. As soon as I did I realised my mistake as the ladies behind me were very aggressive about it but I didn't know what to do since I was their all alone andd really young at thee time so I was too scared to turn around and ask them where the end of the line was because they were so aggressive so I just stood there like a complete bitch doing it purposely when really I was too shit scared to move. It still haunts me that those people will hate me forever because I made a stupid mistake. **tl;dr Accidentally cut in one of the biggest lines all year**
On boxing day (the day after Christmas for anyone outside UK) I went to the after Christmas sales in the city for all the clothing shops like Next, River Island and such. I arrived late but didn't realise. There was a line of over two hundred people but, not realising this, I saw a massive gap between two groups of ladies and thought that was the end of the line so I placed myself there. As soon as I did I realised my mistake as the ladies behind me were very aggressive about it but I didn't know what to do since I was their all alone andd really young at thee time so I was too scared to turn around and ask them where the end of the line was because they were so aggressive so I just stood there like a complete bitch doing it purposely when really I was too shit scared to move. It still haunts me that those people will hate me forever because I made a stupid mistake. tl;dr Accidentally cut in one of the biggest lines all year
On boxing day (the day after Christmas for anyone outside UK) I went to the after Christmas sales in the city for all the clothing shops like Next, River Island and such. I arrived late but didn't realise. There was a line of over two hundred people but, not realising this, I saw a massive gap between two groups of ladies and thought that was the end of the line so I placed myself there. As soon as I did I realised my mistake as the ladies behind me were very aggressive about it but I didn't know what to do since I was their all alone andd really young at thee time so I was too scared to turn around and ask them where the end of the line was because they were so aggressive so I just stood there like a complete bitch doing it purposely when really I was too shit scared to move. It still haunts me that those people will hate me forever because I made a stupid mistake.
Accidentally cut in one of the biggest lines all year
Seriously, might be a bit selfish, but i always cheer a little when i read progress in the Alzheimer field ! It runs in my family, my grandfather had it, the brother of my dad who's only 60 is developing it, and my dad ( 56 ) will most likely be next, and then there's me. Ofcourse i know and i am grateful that i -probably- can reach that age at all. But it stings me that you know that while working hard your whole life you might not be able to enjoy retirement, because of that $@*@% Alzheimers. TL;DR - I hate Alzheimers, and i applaud science's advance in this field.
Seriously, might be a bit selfish, but i always cheer a little when i read progress in the Alzheimer field ! It runs in my family, my grandfather had it, the brother of my dad who's only 60 is developing it, and my dad ( 56 ) will most likely be next, and then there's me. Ofcourse i know and i am grateful that i -probably- can reach that age at all. But it stings me that you know that while working hard your whole life you might not be able to enjoy retirement, because of that $@*@% Alzheimers. TL;DR - I hate Alzheimers, and i applaud science's advance in this field.
Seriously, might be a bit selfish, but i always cheer a little when i read progress in the Alzheimer field ! It runs in my family, my grandfather had it, the brother of my dad who's only 60 is developing it, and my dad ( 56 ) will most likely be next, and then there's me. Ofcourse i know and i am grateful that i -probably- can reach that age at all. But it stings me that you know that while working hard your whole life you might not be able to enjoy retirement, because of that $@*@% Alzheimers.
I hate Alzheimers, and i applaud science's advance in this field.
I've read some time ago ( digging from memory please correct me if i'm wrong! ) that some new research pointed towards our lifestyle of high sugar levels 24/7 in our bloodstream contributes to AD possibly too. They had an example graph of how normally this enzym would remove the stacking of a protein on nervecells, but since it's so incredibly bussy with glucose i believe it was, it can't keep up with the stacking on the nerve cells. TL;DR - It shows that when sugar levels increase in the brain, the protein -amyloid-beta- attaches itself faster. EDIT - FOUND SOURCE - It's from a special on Alzheimers that was aired a few weeks back here. it's in Dutch but google translate might help :)
I've read some time ago ( digging from memory please correct me if i'm wrong! ) that some new research pointed towards our lifestyle of high sugar levels 24/7 in our bloodstream contributes to AD possibly too. They had an example graph of how normally this enzym would remove the stacking of a protein on nervecells, but since it's so incredibly bussy with glucose i believe it was, it can't keep up with the stacking on the nerve cells. TL;DR - It shows that when sugar levels increase in the brain, the protein -amyloid-beta- attaches itself faster. EDIT - FOUND SOURCE - It's from a special on Alzheimers that was aired a few weeks back here. it's in Dutch but google translate might help :)
I've read some time ago ( digging from memory please correct me if i'm wrong! ) that some new research pointed towards our lifestyle of high sugar levels 24/7 in our bloodstream contributes to AD possibly too. They had an example graph of how normally this enzym would remove the stacking of a protein on nervecells, but since it's so incredibly bussy with glucose i believe it was, it can't keep up with the stacking on the nerve cells.
It shows that when sugar levels increase in the brain, the protein -amyloid-beta- attaches itself faster. EDIT - FOUND SOURCE - It's from a special on Alzheimers that was aired a few weeks back here. it's in Dutch but google translate might help :)
If there's players out there good enough to go pro, they'll go pro regardless of gender; just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that it never will. From memory, the LoL infographic about players showed that over 90% of LoL players are *male*, meaning less than 10% are female. That 10% include girls who only play for fun and have no interest in the ranked scene, only play occasionally and what-not. Personally I'd rather not have it rushed just because people think it's unfair that the pro scene is currently fully male. Rushing things could (keyword: *could* ) result in having someone who isn't as dedicated to playing, lets down their team and/or gets the community into a position of thinking that girls can't play at a pro level. tl;dr: It'll happen when someone skilled and dedicated enough comes along, and not before.
If there's players out there good enough to go pro, they'll go pro regardless of gender; just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that it never will. From memory, the LoL infographic about players showed that over 90% of LoL players are male , meaning less than 10% are female. That 10% include girls who only play for fun and have no interest in the ranked scene, only play occasionally and what-not. Personally I'd rather not have it rushed just because people think it's unfair that the pro scene is currently fully male. Rushing things could (keyword: could ) result in having someone who isn't as dedicated to playing, lets down their team and/or gets the community into a position of thinking that girls can't play at a pro level. tl;dr: It'll happen when someone skilled and dedicated enough comes along, and not before.
If there's players out there good enough to go pro, they'll go pro regardless of gender; just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that it never will. From memory, the LoL infographic about players showed that over 90% of LoL players are male , meaning less than 10% are female. That 10% include girls who only play for fun and have no interest in the ranked scene, only play occasionally and what-not. Personally I'd rather not have it rushed just because people think it's unfair that the pro scene is currently fully male. Rushing things could (keyword: could ) result in having someone who isn't as dedicated to playing, lets down their team and/or gets the community into a position of thinking that girls can't play at a pro level.
It'll happen when someone skilled and dedicated enough comes along, and not before.
I just want to say a few things here. SCG has handled each of the issues you've highlighted almost exactly as you would expect a business to handle them: "Banning other vendors from their event to corner the market." I don't understand how you could consider this them banning other vendors from their personal events. They put out all of the money for things such as venues, prizes, and staffing. Why are they under some mandate to allow other vendors at their events? The other large-market retailers could run their own tournament series and be the only vendor. SCG is just the only site whose decided to do it (TCGPlayer hosts a collection of vendors much like their website's model). "Rampant cheating among their top players." The most notorious of these issues have been events surrounding Alex Bertoncini, Edgar Flores, and that guy who drew the batterskull from the bottom of his deck. Bertoncini is still serving the remainder of his 18-month ban. Elden (Batterskull man) is still serving his 18-month suspension. Flores served a 6 month suspension in 2012 and has come back recently to T4 a Grand Prix. What more do you want from them other than to catch the cheaters that they can and punish them accordingly? Actually, how can you even fault SCG for people cheating in their events? That isn't in their control and it is going to happen in every facet of competitive play. "Canceling people's orders when prices go up." Do you have some hard proof of this happening to you? Because I have proof of the opposite. Back when Valakut was unbanned in Modern I ordered 8 copies of each Prismatic Omen @ 3.49 each and Wargate @ 0.75 each. I attempted to use Paypal to finalize the payment, but after an error in paypal processing, the cards we're removed from their inventory and I thought I was just boned. I received a call 3 days later while in Atlanta for the SCG Invitational (I live in Philadelphia) from their customer service department asking if i still wanted the cards at the price they had been advertised at. I gave them a CC over the phone and got my cards within a week. I will say a friend of mine did have an order canceled for Second Sunrise after PT RTR. Ben Bleiweiss (Basically SCGs #2) came out and said that the order was mishandled from how they normally treat things like this. My friend received his cards shortly afterwards. Read it all here: "Shady judge calls at their events." I've been playing competitively for about 7-8 years now. After playing in about 10 SCG Open events over the past few years, I have noticed nothing "shady" about rulings given during these events. Sure, every once in a while, judges get things wrong. I've seen bad rulings happen at all levels of the game, and it is just a part of the game when it comes down to it. I can't say for certain whether "shady" stuff goes down or not, but I know I haven't seen it. I would also believe the onus is on the accuser to cite specific examples when throwing around accusations like this. TL;DR: SCG is a business designed to make a profit and probably has the best customer service department of any online MTG retailer.
I just want to say a few things here. SCG has handled each of the issues you've highlighted almost exactly as you would expect a business to handle them: "Banning other vendors from their event to corner the market." I don't understand how you could consider this them banning other vendors from their personal events. They put out all of the money for things such as venues, prizes, and staffing. Why are they under some mandate to allow other vendors at their events? The other large-market retailers could run their own tournament series and be the only vendor. SCG is just the only site whose decided to do it (TCGPlayer hosts a collection of vendors much like their website's model). "Rampant cheating among their top players." The most notorious of these issues have been events surrounding Alex Bertoncini, Edgar Flores, and that guy who drew the batterskull from the bottom of his deck. Bertoncini is still serving the remainder of his 18-month ban. Elden (Batterskull man) is still serving his 18-month suspension. Flores served a 6 month suspension in 2012 and has come back recently to T4 a Grand Prix. What more do you want from them other than to catch the cheaters that they can and punish them accordingly? Actually, how can you even fault SCG for people cheating in their events? That isn't in their control and it is going to happen in every facet of competitive play. "Canceling people's orders when prices go up." Do you have some hard proof of this happening to you? Because I have proof of the opposite. Back when Valakut was unbanned in Modern I ordered 8 copies of each Prismatic Omen @ 3.49 each and Wargate @ 0.75 each. I attempted to use Paypal to finalize the payment, but after an error in paypal processing, the cards we're removed from their inventory and I thought I was just boned. I received a call 3 days later while in Atlanta for the SCG Invitational (I live in Philadelphia) from their customer service department asking if i still wanted the cards at the price they had been advertised at. I gave them a CC over the phone and got my cards within a week. I will say a friend of mine did have an order canceled for Second Sunrise after PT RTR. Ben Bleiweiss (Basically SCGs #2) came out and said that the order was mishandled from how they normally treat things like this. My friend received his cards shortly afterwards. Read it all here: "Shady judge calls at their events." I've been playing competitively for about 7-8 years now. After playing in about 10 SCG Open events over the past few years, I have noticed nothing "shady" about rulings given during these events. Sure, every once in a while, judges get things wrong. I've seen bad rulings happen at all levels of the game, and it is just a part of the game when it comes down to it. I can't say for certain whether "shady" stuff goes down or not, but I know I haven't seen it. I would also believe the onus is on the accuser to cite specific examples when throwing around accusations like this. TL;DR: SCG is a business designed to make a profit and probably has the best customer service department of any online MTG retailer.
I just want to say a few things here. SCG has handled each of the issues you've highlighted almost exactly as you would expect a business to handle them: "Banning other vendors from their event to corner the market." I don't understand how you could consider this them banning other vendors from their personal events. They put out all of the money for things such as venues, prizes, and staffing. Why are they under some mandate to allow other vendors at their events? The other large-market retailers could run their own tournament series and be the only vendor. SCG is just the only site whose decided to do it (TCGPlayer hosts a collection of vendors much like their website's model). "Rampant cheating among their top players." The most notorious of these issues have been events surrounding Alex Bertoncini, Edgar Flores, and that guy who drew the batterskull from the bottom of his deck. Bertoncini is still serving the remainder of his 18-month ban. Elden (Batterskull man) is still serving his 18-month suspension. Flores served a 6 month suspension in 2012 and has come back recently to T4 a Grand Prix. What more do you want from them other than to catch the cheaters that they can and punish them accordingly? Actually, how can you even fault SCG for people cheating in their events? That isn't in their control and it is going to happen in every facet of competitive play. "Canceling people's orders when prices go up." Do you have some hard proof of this happening to you? Because I have proof of the opposite. Back when Valakut was unbanned in Modern I ordered 8 copies of each Prismatic Omen @ 3.49 each and Wargate @ 0.75 each. I attempted to use Paypal to finalize the payment, but after an error in paypal processing, the cards we're removed from their inventory and I thought I was just boned. I received a call 3 days later while in Atlanta for the SCG Invitational (I live in Philadelphia) from their customer service department asking if i still wanted the cards at the price they had been advertised at. I gave them a CC over the phone and got my cards within a week. I will say a friend of mine did have an order canceled for Second Sunrise after PT RTR. Ben Bleiweiss (Basically SCGs #2) came out and said that the order was mishandled from how they normally treat things like this. My friend received his cards shortly afterwards. Read it all here: "Shady judge calls at their events." I've been playing competitively for about 7-8 years now. After playing in about 10 SCG Open events over the past few years, I have noticed nothing "shady" about rulings given during these events. Sure, every once in a while, judges get things wrong. I've seen bad rulings happen at all levels of the game, and it is just a part of the game when it comes down to it. I can't say for certain whether "shady" stuff goes down or not, but I know I haven't seen it. I would also believe the onus is on the accuser to cite specific examples when throwing around accusations like this.
SCG is a business designed to make a profit and probably has the best customer service department of any online MTG retailer.
>No. It isn't. She was literally exiled from the US because she is far away and cannot return. The fact that she is not technically a citizen does not make it any less of an exile. So you're redefining words now to defend lying? This is closer to being deported yet not even that. She's just being denied entry into a country she's not even a citizen of. TL;DR trying to redefine words to fit your agenda is just stupid and doesn't make it any truer.
>No. It isn't. She was literally exiled from the US because she is far away and cannot return. The fact that she is not technically a citizen does not make it any less of an exile. So you're redefining words now to defend lying? This is closer to being deported yet not even that. She's just being denied entry into a country she's not even a citizen of. TL;DR trying to redefine words to fit your agenda is just stupid and doesn't make it any truer.
No. It isn't. She was literally exiled from the US because she is far away and cannot return. The fact that she is not technically a citizen does not make it any less of an exile. So you're redefining words now to defend lying? This is closer to being deported yet not even that. She's just being denied entry into a country she's not even a citizen of.
trying to redefine words to fit your agenda is just stupid and doesn't make it any truer.
I have come to really despise Valentine’s Day. The last two Valentines were completely awful. Two years ago, my wife really didn’t like the gift I gave her, and was pretty much a bitch about it. Part of the problem is that she gave me my present with breakfast that morning. I didn’t have her gift ready first thing Monday morning which was a mistake. I had picked out a ring for her from Kohl’s. Kohl’s sometimes give you ‘coupons’ that act as cash but are only good for a specific week. I bought something else at the store on Friday, got my $20 coupon, which I wouldn’t be able to use until the next week. So I decided to wait until Monday (Valentine’s day) to pick up her gift to give her that night when I got home from work. I got blamed for ‘not caring’ and ‘you forgot and tried to make it up’ and etc. I really was just trying to save a little money and figured Valentine’s night was more appropriate anyway. Skip forward a year, she leaves my present in the seat of my car (again first thing on Valentine’s morning). When I got to work, I didn’t call her through the day to thank her for my gift or tell her what I thought about it. This was a mistake on my part. Before I even got home from work I had already been bitched out again for being insensitive. I am going to tell her that I don’t even want to celebrate Valentine’s this year. I get her flowers and other little presents when I feel like it for no reason at all. I hate being ‘forced’ to find something to give for this stupid day. It means more when it’s spontaneous anyway, IMO. TL;DR I didn’t meet my wife’s expectations for two V- days; the only thing I can think to do to avoid another V-day fight is to request we don’t celebrate this year.
I have come to really despise Valentine’s Day. The last two Valentines were completely awful. Two years ago, my wife really didn’t like the gift I gave her, and was pretty much a bitch about it. Part of the problem is that she gave me my present with breakfast that morning. I didn’t have her gift ready first thing Monday morning which was a mistake. I had picked out a ring for her from Kohl’s. Kohl’s sometimes give you ‘coupons’ that act as cash but are only good for a specific week. I bought something else at the store on Friday, got my $20 coupon, which I wouldn’t be able to use until the next week. So I decided to wait until Monday (Valentine’s day) to pick up her gift to give her that night when I got home from work. I got blamed for ‘not caring’ and ‘you forgot and tried to make it up’ and etc. I really was just trying to save a little money and figured Valentine’s night was more appropriate anyway. Skip forward a year, she leaves my present in the seat of my car (again first thing on Valentine’s morning). When I got to work, I didn’t call her through the day to thank her for my gift or tell her what I thought about it. This was a mistake on my part. Before I even got home from work I had already been bitched out again for being insensitive. I am going to tell her that I don’t even want to celebrate Valentine’s this year. I get her flowers and other little presents when I feel like it for no reason at all. I hate being ‘forced’ to find something to give for this stupid day. It means more when it’s spontaneous anyway, IMO. TL;DR I didn’t meet my wife’s expectations for two V- days; the only thing I can think to do to avoid another V-day fight is to request we don’t celebrate this year.
I have come to really despise Valentine’s Day. The last two Valentines were completely awful. Two years ago, my wife really didn’t like the gift I gave her, and was pretty much a bitch about it. Part of the problem is that she gave me my present with breakfast that morning. I didn’t have her gift ready first thing Monday morning which was a mistake. I had picked out a ring for her from Kohl’s. Kohl’s sometimes give you ‘coupons’ that act as cash but are only good for a specific week. I bought something else at the store on Friday, got my $20 coupon, which I wouldn’t be able to use until the next week. So I decided to wait until Monday (Valentine’s day) to pick up her gift to give her that night when I got home from work. I got blamed for ‘not caring’ and ‘you forgot and tried to make it up’ and etc. I really was just trying to save a little money and figured Valentine’s night was more appropriate anyway. Skip forward a year, she leaves my present in the seat of my car (again first thing on Valentine’s morning). When I got to work, I didn’t call her through the day to thank her for my gift or tell her what I thought about it. This was a mistake on my part. Before I even got home from work I had already been bitched out again for being insensitive. I am going to tell her that I don’t even want to celebrate Valentine’s this year. I get her flowers and other little presents when I feel like it for no reason at all. I hate being ‘forced’ to find something to give for this stupid day. It means more when it’s spontaneous anyway, IMO.
I didn’t meet my wife’s expectations for two V- days; the only thing I can think to do to avoid another V-day fight is to request we don’t celebrate this year.
From what I've been playing with it seems as if the people who you are playing with/against are a prime determining factor in how many points you receive. I am currently a silver 5 but when I play with some gold friends they all complain about getting 10-15 points from a win while I get 20-30 league points. I played with a few bronze friends later and I was the one getting a few points, and then after an afk for a loss, I lost a huge chunk of points. The reason I lost so many points is from losing to people with such a lower hidden matchmaking rating. Tl;dr If you want to have a decent win/loss point ratio you should duo que with friend of higher elo
From what I've been playing with it seems as if the people who you are playing with/against are a prime determining factor in how many points you receive. I am currently a silver 5 but when I play with some gold friends they all complain about getting 10-15 points from a win while I get 20-30 league points. I played with a few bronze friends later and I was the one getting a few points, and then after an afk for a loss, I lost a huge chunk of points. The reason I lost so many points is from losing to people with such a lower hidden matchmaking rating. Tl;dr If you want to have a decent win/loss point ratio you should duo que with friend of higher elo
From what I've been playing with it seems as if the people who you are playing with/against are a prime determining factor in how many points you receive. I am currently a silver 5 but when I play with some gold friends they all complain about getting 10-15 points from a win while I get 20-30 league points. I played with a few bronze friends later and I was the one getting a few points, and then after an afk for a loss, I lost a huge chunk of points. The reason I lost so many points is from losing to people with such a lower hidden matchmaking rating.
If you want to have a decent win/loss point ratio you should duo que with friend of higher elo
Who is going to sell you a call at $300 when the stock is currently at $457? You're going to find *very* low liquidity on that option, meaning that you're going to either have to pay a massive spread on a market order (like, enough to ensure the seller a profit almost no matter what), or put up a long term good-till-cancelled limit order that might never be filled. Then there's your short $510 call. If at some time between now and 2015 AAPL goes to $600 or something, and the holder calls your shares away early - you owe him 100 shares or $51,000. You can buy them from the market for $60,000, fill the guy's call, and hold on to your $300 call which is a nice position to be in, only being able to make risk-free money - but that requires that you have $60,000 that you can simply throw in. **TL;DR** - It's a good strategy, but only if you can somehow get your order filled at a fair value, and you need lots of money available to have the best options available for different situations that could arise.
Who is going to sell you a call at $300 when the stock is currently at $457? You're going to find very low liquidity on that option, meaning that you're going to either have to pay a massive spread on a market order (like, enough to ensure the seller a profit almost no matter what), or put up a long term good-till-cancelled limit order that might never be filled. Then there's your short $510 call. If at some time between now and 2015 AAPL goes to $600 or something, and the holder calls your shares away early - you owe him 100 shares or $51,000. You can buy them from the market for $60,000, fill the guy's call, and hold on to your $300 call which is a nice position to be in, only being able to make risk-free money - but that requires that you have $60,000 that you can simply throw in. TL;DR - It's a good strategy, but only if you can somehow get your order filled at a fair value, and you need lots of money available to have the best options available for different situations that could arise.
Who is going to sell you a call at $300 when the stock is currently at $457? You're going to find very low liquidity on that option, meaning that you're going to either have to pay a massive spread on a market order (like, enough to ensure the seller a profit almost no matter what), or put up a long term good-till-cancelled limit order that might never be filled. Then there's your short $510 call. If at some time between now and 2015 AAPL goes to $600 or something, and the holder calls your shares away early - you owe him 100 shares or $51,000. You can buy them from the market for $60,000, fill the guy's call, and hold on to your $300 call which is a nice position to be in, only being able to make risk-free money - but that requires that you have $60,000 that you can simply throw in.
It's a good strategy, but only if you can somehow get your order filled at a fair value, and you need lots of money available to have the best options available for different situations that could arise.
First tattoo was the day I turned 18. I got my name with some tribal ish to the sides of it as a tramp stamp... Smh. I spent the last 2 years turning it into a back piece to unattach myself from the tramp stamp label. I must admit I love it now that its taken over my back. I have a fleur de les on my ankle as a memorial for my grandmother. She picked the specific style out before passing away. Third piece was a friendship tattoo. It's a Celtic knot with anam cara (gaelic for soul friend) written above it on my hip. My best friend has the same words but an infinity symbol instead of knot. My fourth tattoo was a blue orb surrounded by purple lilies on the back of my neck/shoulder blade area. I also have two koi fish swimming up my upper thigh with the words "It's the water" mixed in. I'm a pisces & was born in Olympia, Wa. I got this tattoo at an expo down in Vancouver. After coming back from Ecuador on my first solo overseas trip, I got a chickadee bird tattooed on my inner left wrist. Most recently, I've been working on my back. Its a large lotus flower with water that ties in with the koi fish. There's some green ivy looking swirls that go around it & loop up to my left shoulder & down to my right outer hip. **TLDR: I've got a lot of ink, most of it meaningful but some are just for fun**
First tattoo was the day I turned 18. I got my name with some tribal ish to the sides of it as a tramp stamp... Smh. I spent the last 2 years turning it into a back piece to unattach myself from the tramp stamp label. I must admit I love it now that its taken over my back. I have a fleur de les on my ankle as a memorial for my grandmother. She picked the specific style out before passing away. Third piece was a friendship tattoo. It's a Celtic knot with anam cara (gaelic for soul friend) written above it on my hip. My best friend has the same words but an infinity symbol instead of knot. My fourth tattoo was a blue orb surrounded by purple lilies on the back of my neck/shoulder blade area. I also have two koi fish swimming up my upper thigh with the words "It's the water" mixed in. I'm a pisces & was born in Olympia, Wa. I got this tattoo at an expo down in Vancouver. After coming back from Ecuador on my first solo overseas trip, I got a chickadee bird tattooed on my inner left wrist. Most recently, I've been working on my back. Its a large lotus flower with water that ties in with the koi fish. There's some green ivy looking swirls that go around it & loop up to my left shoulder & down to my right outer hip. TLDR: I've got a lot of ink, most of it meaningful but some are just for fun
First tattoo was the day I turned 18. I got my name with some tribal ish to the sides of it as a tramp stamp... Smh. I spent the last 2 years turning it into a back piece to unattach myself from the tramp stamp label. I must admit I love it now that its taken over my back. I have a fleur de les on my ankle as a memorial for my grandmother. She picked the specific style out before passing away. Third piece was a friendship tattoo. It's a Celtic knot with anam cara (gaelic for soul friend) written above it on my hip. My best friend has the same words but an infinity symbol instead of knot. My fourth tattoo was a blue orb surrounded by purple lilies on the back of my neck/shoulder blade area. I also have two koi fish swimming up my upper thigh with the words "It's the water" mixed in. I'm a pisces & was born in Olympia, Wa. I got this tattoo at an expo down in Vancouver. After coming back from Ecuador on my first solo overseas trip, I got a chickadee bird tattooed on my inner left wrist. Most recently, I've been working on my back. Its a large lotus flower with water that ties in with the koi fish. There's some green ivy looking swirls that go around it & loop up to my left shoulder & down to my right outer hip.
I've got a lot of ink, most of it meaningful but some are just for fun
So your position is that if a public business doesn't want to provide its services to a patron based on a discriminatory purpose, they should be able to; in essence, that the Civil Rights movement was bullshit, and we should go back to a time when segregation was legal. If you think I'm being unfair or you'd like to temper your comment upon further reflection, let me know. Post-script: Your tl;dr may be a conclusion you draw from your comment, but it doesn't summate your comment.
So your position is that if a public business doesn't want to provide its services to a patron based on a discriminatory purpose, they should be able to; in essence, that the Civil Rights movement was bullshit, and we should go back to a time when segregation was legal. If you think I'm being unfair or you'd like to temper your comment upon further reflection, let me know. Post-script: Your tl;dr may be a conclusion you draw from your comment, but it doesn't summate your comment.
So your position is that if a public business doesn't want to provide its services to a patron based on a discriminatory purpose, they should be able to; in essence, that the Civil Rights movement was bullshit, and we should go back to a time when segregation was legal. If you think I'm being unfair or you'd like to temper your comment upon further reflection, let me know. Post-script: Your
may be a conclusion you draw from your comment, but it doesn't summate your comment.
If the bakery doesn't want to make a cake I see no reason for it not to, regardless of reasons. Maybe they shouldn't have said why they didn't want to make the cake just to avoid something like this, but appealing to the nanny state isn't really helping anyones cause in my opinion. tl;dr Trying to force people out of bias only strengthens their resolve.
If the bakery doesn't want to make a cake I see no reason for it not to, regardless of reasons. Maybe they shouldn't have said why they didn't want to make the cake just to avoid something like this, but appealing to the nanny state isn't really helping anyones cause in my opinion. tl;dr Trying to force people out of bias only strengthens their resolve.
If the bakery doesn't want to make a cake I see no reason for it not to, regardless of reasons. Maybe they shouldn't have said why they didn't want to make the cake just to avoid something like this, but appealing to the nanny state isn't really helping anyones cause in my opinion.
Trying to force people out of bias only strengthens their resolve.
I can say that the majority of sys admin interviews is them determining if you are a good cultural fit. Don't sweat the tech stuff. You need to come off as calm, with a sense of humor, and someone who will answer their phone after hours when you are on call and not someone who will run to HR because someone told a dirty joke. Don't talk with your hands. tl;dr convince them you are not a douchebag
I can say that the majority of sys admin interviews is them determining if you are a good cultural fit. Don't sweat the tech stuff. You need to come off as calm, with a sense of humor, and someone who will answer their phone after hours when you are on call and not someone who will run to HR because someone told a dirty joke. Don't talk with your hands. tl;dr convince them you are not a douchebag
I can say that the majority of sys admin interviews is them determining if you are a good cultural fit. Don't sweat the tech stuff. You need to come off as calm, with a sense of humor, and someone who will answer their phone after hours when you are on call and not someone who will run to HR because someone told a dirty joke. Don't talk with your hands.
convince them you are not a douchebag
How consistent is the 10-20 millisecond difference? You could just subtract 15 from whatever equation you are using. If 95% of the pings reported are within 5 milliseconds of the true value I think people would be happy with it. I'm an engineer with too much time on my hands. If you gave me a population of data, say with a 100 values for the scoreboard reported pings with the equation that seems bugged, and population of data for the true pings I would be willing to determine: a) what value you should simply subtract b) how likely each person's ping will be within *x* milliseconds of the true value c) averages and standard deviation of the error after the subtraction fix. And I would do it for free. I just want to see this game get better. _ Edit: Just ran a test spreadsheet using randomly generated pings (between 0 and 100) and errors (10 to 20), and if you subtracted 15, 89% of games would report pings within 5 milliseconds of their true ping. >95% of people would get within 6 milliseconds, and >99% of people within 8 milliseconds. Note: the figures I just shared actually *underestimate the accuracy* because random number generators don't follow a Gaussian distribution. TL;DR: My ~~body~~ spreadsheet is ready.
How consistent is the 10-20 millisecond difference? You could just subtract 15 from whatever equation you are using. If 95% of the pings reported are within 5 milliseconds of the true value I think people would be happy with it. I'm an engineer with too much time on my hands. If you gave me a population of data, say with a 100 values for the scoreboard reported pings with the equation that seems bugged, and population of data for the true pings I would be willing to determine: a) what value you should simply subtract b) how likely each person's ping will be within x milliseconds of the true value c) averages and standard deviation of the error after the subtraction fix. And I would do it for free. I just want to see this game get better. _ Edit: Just ran a test spreadsheet using randomly generated pings (between 0 and 100) and errors (10 to 20), and if you subtracted 15, 89% of games would report pings within 5 milliseconds of their true ping. >95% of people would get within 6 milliseconds, and >99% of people within 8 milliseconds. Note: the figures I just shared actually underestimate the accuracy because random number generators don't follow a Gaussian distribution. TL;DR: My body spreadsheet is ready.
How consistent is the 10-20 millisecond difference? You could just subtract 15 from whatever equation you are using. If 95% of the pings reported are within 5 milliseconds of the true value I think people would be happy with it. I'm an engineer with too much time on my hands. If you gave me a population of data, say with a 100 values for the scoreboard reported pings with the equation that seems bugged, and population of data for the true pings I would be willing to determine: a) what value you should simply subtract b) how likely each person's ping will be within x milliseconds of the true value c) averages and standard deviation of the error after the subtraction fix. And I would do it for free. I just want to see this game get better. _ Edit: Just ran a test spreadsheet using randomly generated pings (between 0 and 100) and errors (10 to 20), and if you subtracted 15, 89% of games would report pings within 5 milliseconds of their true ping. >95% of people would get within 6 milliseconds, and >99% of people within 8 milliseconds. Note: the figures I just shared actually underestimate the accuracy because random number generators don't follow a Gaussian distribution.
My body spreadsheet is ready.
Have you seen **Band of Brothers**? Episode 9 ("Why We Fight") has an excellent depiction of the rich germans who lived in a town surrounding one concentration camp, and how they turned a blind eye to what was happening. As for justifying their actions: [i find this scene from Inglorious Basterds explains their view quite well]( Anyway... many german soldiers simply followed orders, yeah; Indoctrinated from the time they were born to think of anything non-german as inferior (the rat analogy) **TL;DR- perhaps a google search would provide a much more eliquent fact based explanation (rather than me quoting films)**
Have you seen Band of Brothers ? Episode 9 ("Why We Fight") has an excellent depiction of the rich germans who lived in a town surrounding one concentration camp, and how they turned a blind eye to what was happening. As for justifying their actions: [i find this scene from Inglorious Basterds explains their view quite well]( Anyway... many german soldiers simply followed orders, yeah; Indoctrinated from the time they were born to think of anything non-german as inferior (the rat analogy) TL;DR- perhaps a google search would provide a much more eliquent fact based explanation (rather than me quoting films)
Have you seen Band of Brothers ? Episode 9 ("Why We Fight") has an excellent depiction of the rich germans who lived in a town surrounding one concentration camp, and how they turned a blind eye to what was happening. As for justifying their actions: [i find this scene from Inglorious Basterds explains their view quite well]( Anyway... many german soldiers simply followed orders, yeah; Indoctrinated from the time they were born to think of anything non-german as inferior (the rat analogy)
perhaps a google search would provide a much more eliquent fact based explanation (rather than me quoting films)
I've seen various studies showing that between 10% and 40% of homeless work either full or part time. (Here's one [source]( Note that federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr. If you worked 40 hrs/wk, every week of the year, that's $15,080. _Nickle and Dimed_, in which the author attempted to live on minimum wage jobs for a year, pointed out that if you have no credit, you often have to cough up 1st and last month's rent. That is a big hurdle to getting a place. Not having a place means it's hard to consistently bathe and have multiple changes of clothes. Not having that makes it hard to keep a job. TL;DR: Don't fall through the cracks or you are fucked.
I've seen various studies showing that between 10% and 40% of homeless work either full or part time. (Here's one [source]( Note that federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr. If you worked 40 hrs/wk, every week of the year, that's $15,080. Nickle and Dimed , in which the author attempted to live on minimum wage jobs for a year, pointed out that if you have no credit, you often have to cough up 1st and last month's rent. That is a big hurdle to getting a place. Not having a place means it's hard to consistently bathe and have multiple changes of clothes. Not having that makes it hard to keep a job. TL;DR: Don't fall through the cracks or you are fucked.
I've seen various studies showing that between 10% and 40% of homeless work either full or part time. (Here's one [source]( Note that federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr. If you worked 40 hrs/wk, every week of the year, that's $15,080. Nickle and Dimed , in which the author attempted to live on minimum wage jobs for a year, pointed out that if you have no credit, you often have to cough up 1st and last month's rent. That is a big hurdle to getting a place. Not having a place means it's hard to consistently bathe and have multiple changes of clothes. Not having that makes it hard to keep a job.
Don't fall through the cracks or you are fucked.
Actually I wasn't being condescending to OP, I was mearly stating that he was proud of his achievement and wanted to show it to reddit rather than it being informative like the title would suggest. tl;dr - You need to stop crying.
Actually I wasn't being condescending to OP, I was mearly stating that he was proud of his achievement and wanted to show it to reddit rather than it being informative like the title would suggest. tl;dr - You need to stop crying.
Actually I wasn't being condescending to OP, I was mearly stating that he was proud of his achievement and wanted to show it to reddit rather than it being informative like the title would suggest.
You need to stop crying.
to each his own. Crooked pics are a pet peeve of mine. It reminds me of the old BATMAN TV show. The villains were always filmed crooked. [ex. 1]( [ex. 2]( [ex. 3]( TL;DR Don't be a villain.
to each his own. Crooked pics are a pet peeve of mine. It reminds me of the old BATMAN TV show. The villains were always filmed crooked. [ex. 1]( [ex. 2]( [ex. 3]( TL;DR Don't be a villain.
to each his own. Crooked pics are a pet peeve of mine. It reminds me of the old BATMAN TV show. The villains were always filmed crooked. [ex. 1]( [ex. 2]( [ex. 3](
Don't be a villain.
>Here's the basics: my view is that an underlying force/energy allows the universe's physical properties to exist and function. If by this you mean we do not yet fully understand the strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity and how they unify in enough detail to create a Grand Unified Theory, then I'd agree with you. With the exception of gravity however, we do have an approximation of their interactions as described by perturbation theory, which partially describes how gauge bosons may be exchanged between particles. Unfortunately, there *are* things we don't know, or rather that this does not describe. Like bound states and solitons. But what of it? Conjecture is not evidence. Nor is it descriptive, predictive, or particularly useful in any way in the observed nature of the universe. >If a Deity exists or does not, it is unproven as of yet. True. >Atheists have a theory that one (or more) does not exist because nothing has been observed by people. I can only speak for myself, but I have a *reasonable hypothesis* (not a theory) that it is *unlikely in the extreme* due to utter and complete lack of any evidence that would lead anyone to that conclusion. Just as I have a *reasonabe hypothesis* that it is *unlikely in the extreme* that flying pink unicorns from planet Biggledyboop hide my car keys in the couch cushions sometimes, due to the exact and precise same utter and complete lack of evidence for them. >The flipside of this is that I see a universe with complexity and that is a good indication that something is beyond our senses is happening which led to the universe's state of previous, current, and future existence. We all are already aware of many things that are happening beyond our senses. Fortunately, we have empirical information of those things that have led us to study, learn, and eventually devise instruments to detect some of this for us. There are many, many complex things we do not know yet. We continue to try and learn more. >The atheist will argue that there is no need to bring a deity into discussion since it may have occurred on its own. Correct. There is no need. Occam's Razor is a rather large issue. >But I am bothered why some are opposed to me saying that I believe a Deity did have a role. No 100% proof either way. Because, quite simply, you create far more problems than you solve with such an outlandish proposition. First, why posit such a thing without any evidence whatsoever? Even more, why posit something without any evidence when instead of solving your problem, it *actually makes it far worse?* You now are left with more questions than you started with. Where did this deity come from? What are its properties? Why does it exist? How can we determine its existence? If we cannot, then why does it make any sense at all hypothesize such an entity? Something that has no measurable effect on anything is the same as something that doesn't exist in every way. >My question is why so many are against me having my views when either reasoning carries similar weight. Nobody has proven anything. Because if you believe hypothesizing unevidenced and unhelpful solutions that actually highly complicate an issue but solve nothing, predict nothing, and determine nothing can possibly *carry similar weight* then you have much to learn. This illogical, unevidenced, unhelpful, contradictory, unexplained, non-predictive, non-measurable, non-specific and rather bizarre idea *cannot* carry any weight *whatsoever* to anybody actually interested in actually knowing. tl;dr: Because it's balderdash. Explains nothing at all.
>Here's the basics: my view is that an underlying force/energy allows the universe's physical properties to exist and function. If by this you mean we do not yet fully understand the strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity and how they unify in enough detail to create a Grand Unified Theory, then I'd agree with you. With the exception of gravity however, we do have an approximation of their interactions as described by perturbation theory, which partially describes how gauge bosons may be exchanged between particles. Unfortunately, there are things we don't know, or rather that this does not describe. Like bound states and solitons. But what of it? Conjecture is not evidence. Nor is it descriptive, predictive, or particularly useful in any way in the observed nature of the universe. >If a Deity exists or does not, it is unproven as of yet. True. >Atheists have a theory that one (or more) does not exist because nothing has been observed by people. I can only speak for myself, but I have a reasonable hypothesis (not a theory) that it is unlikely in the extreme due to utter and complete lack of any evidence that would lead anyone to that conclusion. Just as I have a reasonabe hypothesis that it is unlikely in the extreme that flying pink unicorns from planet Biggledyboop hide my car keys in the couch cushions sometimes, due to the exact and precise same utter and complete lack of evidence for them. >The flipside of this is that I see a universe with complexity and that is a good indication that something is beyond our senses is happening which led to the universe's state of previous, current, and future existence. We all are already aware of many things that are happening beyond our senses. Fortunately, we have empirical information of those things that have led us to study, learn, and eventually devise instruments to detect some of this for us. There are many, many complex things we do not know yet. We continue to try and learn more. >The atheist will argue that there is no need to bring a deity into discussion since it may have occurred on its own. Correct. There is no need. Occam's Razor is a rather large issue. >But I am bothered why some are opposed to me saying that I believe a Deity did have a role. No 100% proof either way. Because, quite simply, you create far more problems than you solve with such an outlandish proposition. First, why posit such a thing without any evidence whatsoever? Even more, why posit something without any evidence when instead of solving your problem, it actually makes it far worse? You now are left with more questions than you started with. Where did this deity come from? What are its properties? Why does it exist? How can we determine its existence? If we cannot, then why does it make any sense at all hypothesize such an entity? Something that has no measurable effect on anything is the same as something that doesn't exist in every way. >My question is why so many are against me having my views when either reasoning carries similar weight. Nobody has proven anything. Because if you believe hypothesizing unevidenced and unhelpful solutions that actually highly complicate an issue but solve nothing, predict nothing, and determine nothing can possibly carry similar weight then you have much to learn. This illogical, unevidenced, unhelpful, contradictory, unexplained, non-predictive, non-measurable, non-specific and rather bizarre idea cannot carry any weight whatsoever to anybody actually interested in actually knowing. tl;dr: Because it's balderdash. Explains nothing at all.
Here's the basics: my view is that an underlying force/energy allows the universe's physical properties to exist and function. If by this you mean we do not yet fully understand the strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity and how they unify in enough detail to create a Grand Unified Theory, then I'd agree with you. With the exception of gravity however, we do have an approximation of their interactions as described by perturbation theory, which partially describes how gauge bosons may be exchanged between particles. Unfortunately, there are things we don't know, or rather that this does not describe. Like bound states and solitons. But what of it? Conjecture is not evidence. Nor is it descriptive, predictive, or particularly useful in any way in the observed nature of the universe. >If a Deity exists or does not, it is unproven as of yet. True. >Atheists have a theory that one (or more) does not exist because nothing has been observed by people. I can only speak for myself, but I have a reasonable hypothesis (not a theory) that it is unlikely in the extreme due to utter and complete lack of any evidence that would lead anyone to that conclusion. Just as I have a reasonabe hypothesis that it is unlikely in the extreme that flying pink unicorns from planet Biggledyboop hide my car keys in the couch cushions sometimes, due to the exact and precise same utter and complete lack of evidence for them. >The flipside of this is that I see a universe with complexity and that is a good indication that something is beyond our senses is happening which led to the universe's state of previous, current, and future existence. We all are already aware of many things that are happening beyond our senses. Fortunately, we have empirical information of those things that have led us to study, learn, and eventually devise instruments to detect some of this for us. There are many, many complex things we do not know yet. We continue to try and learn more. >The atheist will argue that there is no need to bring a deity into discussion since it may have occurred on its own. Correct. There is no need. Occam's Razor is a rather large issue. >But I am bothered why some are opposed to me saying that I believe a Deity did have a role. No 100% proof either way. Because, quite simply, you create far more problems than you solve with such an outlandish proposition. First, why posit such a thing without any evidence whatsoever? Even more, why posit something without any evidence when instead of solving your problem, it actually makes it far worse? You now are left with more questions than you started with. Where did this deity come from? What are its properties? Why does it exist? How can we determine its existence? If we cannot, then why does it make any sense at all hypothesize such an entity? Something that has no measurable effect on anything is the same as something that doesn't exist in every way. >My question is why so many are against me having my views when either reasoning carries similar weight. Nobody has proven anything. Because if you believe hypothesizing unevidenced and unhelpful solutions that actually highly complicate an issue but solve nothing, predict nothing, and determine nothing can possibly carry similar weight then you have much to learn. This illogical, unevidenced, unhelpful, contradictory, unexplained, non-predictive, non-measurable, non-specific and rather bizarre idea cannot carry any weight whatsoever to anybody actually interested in actually knowing.
Because it's balderdash. Explains nothing at all.
That would be the same situation as someone that doesn't like cupcakes selling cupcakes to people that already like cupcakes. Review should be a critical "view" of whatever the topic is in question. Regardless if it's a book, movie, game, restaurant, etc, it should provide an in-dept write-up as to whole experience rather than just a portion of it. You can't review a movie by it's poster alone, nor a book by it's cover and the table of content, and it doesn't serve a restaurant justice if all you did was go in to use their restroom, and come out to write a review about the entire restaurant and recommend it to all your friends. There are well-intended but ill-advise decisions, and there are discerning and critical options. The first one is much like cigarette smoking back in the 30's. It was thought to be helpful with depression, digestive problems, and stress. Doctors suggested them with best intention at heart, but that later on turn out to be a bad idea. The latter would be someone that truly studies the benefit of nicotine, looks at how certain cultures have chew nicotine leaves to help them stay alert on long hunts, how natural nicotine plants have medicinal benefits and write a report on that with regards to the danger of cigarette smoking. TL;DR Preaching to the Choir of course will induce an accord regardless of the strength of the argument, but if we take it to someone else, let's say showing his review to someone that doesn't like ARPG, it probably won't convince any of those people to seriously explore and enjoy the game.
That would be the same situation as someone that doesn't like cupcakes selling cupcakes to people that already like cupcakes. Review should be a critical "view" of whatever the topic is in question. Regardless if it's a book, movie, game, restaurant, etc, it should provide an in-dept write-up as to whole experience rather than just a portion of it. You can't review a movie by it's poster alone, nor a book by it's cover and the table of content, and it doesn't serve a restaurant justice if all you did was go in to use their restroom, and come out to write a review about the entire restaurant and recommend it to all your friends. There are well-intended but ill-advise decisions, and there are discerning and critical options. The first one is much like cigarette smoking back in the 30's. It was thought to be helpful with depression, digestive problems, and stress. Doctors suggested them with best intention at heart, but that later on turn out to be a bad idea. The latter would be someone that truly studies the benefit of nicotine, looks at how certain cultures have chew nicotine leaves to help them stay alert on long hunts, how natural nicotine plants have medicinal benefits and write a report on that with regards to the danger of cigarette smoking. TL;DR Preaching to the Choir of course will induce an accord regardless of the strength of the argument, but if we take it to someone else, let's say showing his review to someone that doesn't like ARPG, it probably won't convince any of those people to seriously explore and enjoy the game.
That would be the same situation as someone that doesn't like cupcakes selling cupcakes to people that already like cupcakes. Review should be a critical "view" of whatever the topic is in question. Regardless if it's a book, movie, game, restaurant, etc, it should provide an in-dept write-up as to whole experience rather than just a portion of it. You can't review a movie by it's poster alone, nor a book by it's cover and the table of content, and it doesn't serve a restaurant justice if all you did was go in to use their restroom, and come out to write a review about the entire restaurant and recommend it to all your friends. There are well-intended but ill-advise decisions, and there are discerning and critical options. The first one is much like cigarette smoking back in the 30's. It was thought to be helpful with depression, digestive problems, and stress. Doctors suggested them with best intention at heart, but that later on turn out to be a bad idea. The latter would be someone that truly studies the benefit of nicotine, looks at how certain cultures have chew nicotine leaves to help them stay alert on long hunts, how natural nicotine plants have medicinal benefits and write a report on that with regards to the danger of cigarette smoking.
Preaching to the Choir of course will induce an accord regardless of the strength of the argument, but if we take it to someone else, let's say showing his review to someone that doesn't like ARPG, it probably won't convince any of those people to seriously explore and enjoy the game.
Unless your creatures are going to directly impact combat somehow. (Haste, pumping your guys, etc.), by attacking first you may force your opponent to make a decision. For example, the defending player has 3 mana up and both an Azorius charm in hand and a dissipate. If he uses his mana in combat to bounce your guy, perhaps you can cast a creature without it being countered. The reverse is true as well; maybe we'll hold off on using that Azorius charm, just in case you cast a nasty spell in Main Phase 2. If you always wait, your opp doesn't know if you are planning to just pass the turn or do something else. tl;dr: Makes your opponent commit resources first instead of you.
Unless your creatures are going to directly impact combat somehow. (Haste, pumping your guys, etc.), by attacking first you may force your opponent to make a decision. For example, the defending player has 3 mana up and both an Azorius charm in hand and a dissipate. If he uses his mana in combat to bounce your guy, perhaps you can cast a creature without it being countered. The reverse is true as well; maybe we'll hold off on using that Azorius charm, just in case you cast a nasty spell in Main Phase 2. If you always wait, your opp doesn't know if you are planning to just pass the turn or do something else. tl;dr: Makes your opponent commit resources first instead of you.
Unless your creatures are going to directly impact combat somehow. (Haste, pumping your guys, etc.), by attacking first you may force your opponent to make a decision. For example, the defending player has 3 mana up and both an Azorius charm in hand and a dissipate. If he uses his mana in combat to bounce your guy, perhaps you can cast a creature without it being countered. The reverse is true as well; maybe we'll hold off on using that Azorius charm, just in case you cast a nasty spell in Main Phase 2. If you always wait, your opp doesn't know if you are planning to just pass the turn or do something else.
Makes your opponent commit resources first instead of you.
It's not a hard and fast rule, there are some creatures you might want to play before combat (ex. Goblin Warchief, Hellrider, etc). Those creatures tend to have haste and/or affect combat. One reason could be playing around your opponents combat tricks like Wing Shards or Peel from Reality. Let's say you have a grizzly bears in your hand, and 3 creatures on the board. Playing it before combat has no real impact. If you enter your combat phase and your opponent has a Blustersquall (which she casts with overload) will leave you with no blockers for the next turn. If you cast it after combat you can at least block with a Grizzly Bears. Another reason could be to play a combat trick or pretend that you have combat trick in your hand. This could be a Giant Growth, Restoration Angel, or Necrobite, etc. The more cards you have in your hand the more likely your opponent would have to assume you have something to affect combat, but it also ensures that you can play your trick when you need to as well. It can also play around Counterspell. It forces your opponent to make a decision to make a play now or take damage to make a play later in the turn. If your opponent is playing some sort of UW control deck with Counterspells and flash creatures and combat instants, then attacking first is forcing your opponent to let you know whether he or she has a counterspell or not. If your opponent just takes the damage with a fistful of cards, then you can be fairly certain that they have a counterspell (or at least really bluffing it). This is valuable information in a game. So, those a few reasons. But ultimately it comes down to the fact that if it won't make an impact at that point, you should limit the information you give to your opponent until you have to. As you can see playing or not playing creature before combat reveals a lot. At the very least, you have one less card in your hand, and a little less mana available to you. tl;dr It makes your opponent have less information when in combat
It's not a hard and fast rule, there are some creatures you might want to play before combat (ex. Goblin Warchief, Hellrider, etc). Those creatures tend to have haste and/or affect combat. One reason could be playing around your opponents combat tricks like Wing Shards or Peel from Reality. Let's say you have a grizzly bears in your hand, and 3 creatures on the board. Playing it before combat has no real impact. If you enter your combat phase and your opponent has a Blustersquall (which she casts with overload) will leave you with no blockers for the next turn. If you cast it after combat you can at least block with a Grizzly Bears. Another reason could be to play a combat trick or pretend that you have combat trick in your hand. This could be a Giant Growth, Restoration Angel, or Necrobite, etc. The more cards you have in your hand the more likely your opponent would have to assume you have something to affect combat, but it also ensures that you can play your trick when you need to as well. It can also play around Counterspell. It forces your opponent to make a decision to make a play now or take damage to make a play later in the turn. If your opponent is playing some sort of UW control deck with Counterspells and flash creatures and combat instants, then attacking first is forcing your opponent to let you know whether he or she has a counterspell or not. If your opponent just takes the damage with a fistful of cards, then you can be fairly certain that they have a counterspell (or at least really bluffing it). This is valuable information in a game. So, those a few reasons. But ultimately it comes down to the fact that if it won't make an impact at that point, you should limit the information you give to your opponent until you have to. As you can see playing or not playing creature before combat reveals a lot. At the very least, you have one less card in your hand, and a little less mana available to you. tl;dr It makes your opponent have less information when in combat
It's not a hard and fast rule, there are some creatures you might want to play before combat (ex. Goblin Warchief, Hellrider, etc). Those creatures tend to have haste and/or affect combat. One reason could be playing around your opponents combat tricks like Wing Shards or Peel from Reality. Let's say you have a grizzly bears in your hand, and 3 creatures on the board. Playing it before combat has no real impact. If you enter your combat phase and your opponent has a Blustersquall (which she casts with overload) will leave you with no blockers for the next turn. If you cast it after combat you can at least block with a Grizzly Bears. Another reason could be to play a combat trick or pretend that you have combat trick in your hand. This could be a Giant Growth, Restoration Angel, or Necrobite, etc. The more cards you have in your hand the more likely your opponent would have to assume you have something to affect combat, but it also ensures that you can play your trick when you need to as well. It can also play around Counterspell. It forces your opponent to make a decision to make a play now or take damage to make a play later in the turn. If your opponent is playing some sort of UW control deck with Counterspells and flash creatures and combat instants, then attacking first is forcing your opponent to let you know whether he or she has a counterspell or not. If your opponent just takes the damage with a fistful of cards, then you can be fairly certain that they have a counterspell (or at least really bluffing it). This is valuable information in a game. So, those a few reasons. But ultimately it comes down to the fact that if it won't make an impact at that point, you should limit the information you give to your opponent until you have to. As you can see playing or not playing creature before combat reveals a lot. At the very least, you have one less card in your hand, and a little less mana available to you.
It makes your opponent have less information when in combat
These feel like they all relate to a certain "archetype" of player, alas: 1) Stop loudly fiddling with your cards in hand during my turn, you wretch. Put them down on the table and let me think in peace. I get that you do that because it's your way of directing "thinking stress" and/or you are emulating some "pros" you saw on a stream, but please have the self awareness to stop doing that during my turn. It's annoying and unnecessary. In before: "Nurhurhur! That's why we do it, psychological warfare! :B" 2) Verbal declarations of self perceived advantages or "dominance." Every case I've seen this happen tends to be meshed with childish butt hurt when the delusions are torn down. Guy won't stop jerking himself off about his "crazy board position" and that "it's good game for somebody on my next turn." Mood shifts from "I'm extremely cocky" to "you killed my dog" when that sweet board state is swept off the table. The best example of this happening was during a local legacy tournament. I had been on hiatus due to work for a month or two, where new guy decided to start showing up to the shop. He is relatively new to legacy, but has already picked up something of a name for himself in cocksure attitude. I dragged out a combo elves list I've had rotting on a shelf for a long while, showed up, and got paired with him. He was playing some iteration of The Rock or Junk (Goofies, confidants, removal, yadda yadda). First game I don't do much but fart out 1/1 elves and get dumpster banged. "Elves doesn't have a good match up versus me!" Second game I have another horrendous slow start, but sandbag a hand of elves and glimpse until I can explode off three lands into a hard cast Emrakul. Suddenly -silence- and -everything is on the line- as if I am witnessing a man defusing a bomb and any mistake will cost him his life. I get a "regular" turn 3 blow out and summon the Kooldrazi. Wouldn't shake my hand, instead indignantly digging out three engineered plague from his deck and throwing them down on the table in front of me as a visual aid to himself explaining I "should not win because I have these in my deck, you got lucky." Give me a break, guy (I run a wishboard for that kind of thing! :3). 3) Honestly going to extend the first belly ache with this: I -really- loathe the habits "pro scenes" have invoked in local players. Stop diddling with your cards loudly, you look like you are on meth. Stop mechanically drawing and moving your cards around as if you are invoking the sacred rites of the .1% efficiency Goddess, you just look like a tool. Also, get your grubby mitts off my deck! I shuffled it a crap load, right in front of you, using a variety of methods, and all you need to do is cut it. You don't need to cut it four times, shuffle it, and randomize it again as if I'm some sort of MTG card shark that has spent my incredible gift on durdling with cards at a local tournament. No, I don't know about so and so player or why he thinks the card I am killing you with is a suboptimal choice. No, please don't explain it to me. tl;dr: I'm a big baby and nerds make me mad.
These feel like they all relate to a certain "archetype" of player, alas: 1) Stop loudly fiddling with your cards in hand during my turn, you wretch. Put them down on the table and let me think in peace. I get that you do that because it's your way of directing "thinking stress" and/or you are emulating some "pros" you saw on a stream, but please have the self awareness to stop doing that during my turn. It's annoying and unnecessary. In before: "Nurhurhur! That's why we do it, psychological warfare! :B" 2) Verbal declarations of self perceived advantages or "dominance." Every case I've seen this happen tends to be meshed with childish butt hurt when the delusions are torn down. Guy won't stop jerking himself off about his "crazy board position" and that "it's good game for somebody on my next turn." Mood shifts from "I'm extremely cocky" to "you killed my dog" when that sweet board state is swept off the table. The best example of this happening was during a local legacy tournament. I had been on hiatus due to work for a month or two, where new guy decided to start showing up to the shop. He is relatively new to legacy, but has already picked up something of a name for himself in cocksure attitude. I dragged out a combo elves list I've had rotting on a shelf for a long while, showed up, and got paired with him. He was playing some iteration of The Rock or Junk (Goofies, confidants, removal, yadda yadda). First game I don't do much but fart out 1/1 elves and get dumpster banged. "Elves doesn't have a good match up versus me!" Second game I have another horrendous slow start, but sandbag a hand of elves and glimpse until I can explode off three lands into a hard cast Emrakul. Suddenly -silence- and -everything is on the line- as if I am witnessing a man defusing a bomb and any mistake will cost him his life. I get a "regular" turn 3 blow out and summon the Kooldrazi. Wouldn't shake my hand, instead indignantly digging out three engineered plague from his deck and throwing them down on the table in front of me as a visual aid to himself explaining I "should not win because I have these in my deck, you got lucky." Give me a break, guy (I run a wishboard for that kind of thing! :3). 3) Honestly going to extend the first belly ache with this: I -really- loathe the habits "pro scenes" have invoked in local players. Stop diddling with your cards loudly, you look like you are on meth. Stop mechanically drawing and moving your cards around as if you are invoking the sacred rites of the .1% efficiency Goddess, you just look like a tool. Also, get your grubby mitts off my deck! I shuffled it a crap load, right in front of you, using a variety of methods, and all you need to do is cut it. You don't need to cut it four times, shuffle it, and randomize it again as if I'm some sort of MTG card shark that has spent my incredible gift on durdling with cards at a local tournament. No, I don't know about so and so player or why he thinks the card I am killing you with is a suboptimal choice. No, please don't explain it to me. tl;dr: I'm a big baby and nerds make me mad.
These feel like they all relate to a certain "archetype" of player, alas: 1) Stop loudly fiddling with your cards in hand during my turn, you wretch. Put them down on the table and let me think in peace. I get that you do that because it's your way of directing "thinking stress" and/or you are emulating some "pros" you saw on a stream, but please have the self awareness to stop doing that during my turn. It's annoying and unnecessary. In before: "Nurhurhur! That's why we do it, psychological warfare! :B" 2) Verbal declarations of self perceived advantages or "dominance." Every case I've seen this happen tends to be meshed with childish butt hurt when the delusions are torn down. Guy won't stop jerking himself off about his "crazy board position" and that "it's good game for somebody on my next turn." Mood shifts from "I'm extremely cocky" to "you killed my dog" when that sweet board state is swept off the table. The best example of this happening was during a local legacy tournament. I had been on hiatus due to work for a month or two, where new guy decided to start showing up to the shop. He is relatively new to legacy, but has already picked up something of a name for himself in cocksure attitude. I dragged out a combo elves list I've had rotting on a shelf for a long while, showed up, and got paired with him. He was playing some iteration of The Rock or Junk (Goofies, confidants, removal, yadda yadda). First game I don't do much but fart out 1/1 elves and get dumpster banged. "Elves doesn't have a good match up versus me!" Second game I have another horrendous slow start, but sandbag a hand of elves and glimpse until I can explode off three lands into a hard cast Emrakul. Suddenly -silence- and -everything is on the line- as if I am witnessing a man defusing a bomb and any mistake will cost him his life. I get a "regular" turn 3 blow out and summon the Kooldrazi. Wouldn't shake my hand, instead indignantly digging out three engineered plague from his deck and throwing them down on the table in front of me as a visual aid to himself explaining I "should not win because I have these in my deck, you got lucky." Give me a break, guy (I run a wishboard for that kind of thing! :3). 3) Honestly going to extend the first belly ache with this: I -really- loathe the habits "pro scenes" have invoked in local players. Stop diddling with your cards loudly, you look like you are on meth. Stop mechanically drawing and moving your cards around as if you are invoking the sacred rites of the .1% efficiency Goddess, you just look like a tool. Also, get your grubby mitts off my deck! I shuffled it a crap load, right in front of you, using a variety of methods, and all you need to do is cut it. You don't need to cut it four times, shuffle it, and randomize it again as if I'm some sort of MTG card shark that has spent my incredible gift on durdling with cards at a local tournament. No, I don't know about so and so player or why he thinks the card I am killing you with is a suboptimal choice. No, please don't explain it to me.
I'm a big baby and nerds make me mad.
Probably a bit late for this, and I'm getting better at it, but I'm still not even perfect. It's just something you notice when you are trying not to do it yourself. Can we please set the record straight that it is Play, then pay? As I recall, and was taught by a friend of mine, the proper process is to play then pay. The worst bit about it is someone seeing you do it the correct way and then saying you're doing it wrong. Or, someone trying to tell you how to play the game and not knowing themselves. TL;DR: RTFM when it comes to playing a card Edit: second play meant to be pay
Probably a bit late for this, and I'm getting better at it, but I'm still not even perfect. It's just something you notice when you are trying not to do it yourself. Can we please set the record straight that it is Play, then pay? As I recall, and was taught by a friend of mine, the proper process is to play then pay. The worst bit about it is someone seeing you do it the correct way and then saying you're doing it wrong. Or, someone trying to tell you how to play the game and not knowing themselves. TL;DR: RTFM when it comes to playing a card Edit: second play meant to be pay
Probably a bit late for this, and I'm getting better at it, but I'm still not even perfect. It's just something you notice when you are trying not to do it yourself. Can we please set the record straight that it is Play, then pay? As I recall, and was taught by a friend of mine, the proper process is to play then pay. The worst bit about it is someone seeing you do it the correct way and then saying you're doing it wrong. Or, someone trying to tell you how to play the game and not knowing themselves.
RTFM when it comes to playing a card Edit: second play meant to be pay
Look into the Erg Sprinting community. There was a meet in Atlanta yesterday and I overheard that the ppl hosting the event had bought some Concept2 rowers for the event and I heard a few ppl had bought them to take home afterwards. TLDR: if you don't have any luck with Crossfit, look in the indoor rowing,Erg sprinting community
Look into the Erg Sprinting community. There was a meet in Atlanta yesterday and I overheard that the ppl hosting the event had bought some Concept2 rowers for the event and I heard a few ppl had bought them to take home afterwards. TLDR: if you don't have any luck with Crossfit, look in the indoor rowing,Erg sprinting community
Look into the Erg Sprinting community. There was a meet in Atlanta yesterday and I overheard that the ppl hosting the event had bought some Concept2 rowers for the event and I heard a few ppl had bought them to take home afterwards.
if you don't have any luck with Crossfit, look in the indoor rowing,Erg sprinting community
At 3am on an insignificant night/morning, my roommate and I found a way to entertain ourselves. We both worked online at the time, so we were sitting at our respective computers due to our nocturnal (by choice) sleeping schedules. I really wanted my 20oz bottle of Mountain Dew from the fridge. But I didn't want to get up and walk the 7 steps required to grab it. Luckily, my apartment was messy enough to have random useful implements laying around. I won't bother you with the minute details, but my roommate and I decided we couldn't let our butts leave the chairs until we got the sweet nectar from its cooling box. Items used included: A broomstick, a lawn stake, a long wooden pencil, loads of masking tape, Ethernet cables (made into a noose for the door's corner). We ended up realizing that with our angle of attack, the top of the fridge was not the proper spot for opening the door. But the counter was blocking our view of the bottom of the door. So, we put my laptop on a lawn sign, attached a webcam, and used the apparatus as a way to look around the corner. After 4 hours of problem solving, re-engineering, and frustration, I got off my ass and got my Mountain Dew. It tasted bitter. TL;DR Attempt at laziness turned into an entertaining four hour puzzle game.
At 3am on an insignificant night/morning, my roommate and I found a way to entertain ourselves. We both worked online at the time, so we were sitting at our respective computers due to our nocturnal (by choice) sleeping schedules. I really wanted my 20oz bottle of Mountain Dew from the fridge. But I didn't want to get up and walk the 7 steps required to grab it. Luckily, my apartment was messy enough to have random useful implements laying around. I won't bother you with the minute details, but my roommate and I decided we couldn't let our butts leave the chairs until we got the sweet nectar from its cooling box. Items used included: A broomstick, a lawn stake, a long wooden pencil, loads of masking tape, Ethernet cables (made into a noose for the door's corner). We ended up realizing that with our angle of attack, the top of the fridge was not the proper spot for opening the door. But the counter was blocking our view of the bottom of the door. So, we put my laptop on a lawn sign, attached a webcam, and used the apparatus as a way to look around the corner. After 4 hours of problem solving, re-engineering, and frustration, I got off my ass and got my Mountain Dew. It tasted bitter. TL;DR Attempt at laziness turned into an entertaining four hour puzzle game.
At 3am on an insignificant night/morning, my roommate and I found a way to entertain ourselves. We both worked online at the time, so we were sitting at our respective computers due to our nocturnal (by choice) sleeping schedules. I really wanted my 20oz bottle of Mountain Dew from the fridge. But I didn't want to get up and walk the 7 steps required to grab it. Luckily, my apartment was messy enough to have random useful implements laying around. I won't bother you with the minute details, but my roommate and I decided we couldn't let our butts leave the chairs until we got the sweet nectar from its cooling box. Items used included: A broomstick, a lawn stake, a long wooden pencil, loads of masking tape, Ethernet cables (made into a noose for the door's corner). We ended up realizing that with our angle of attack, the top of the fridge was not the proper spot for opening the door. But the counter was blocking our view of the bottom of the door. So, we put my laptop on a lawn sign, attached a webcam, and used the apparatus as a way to look around the corner. After 4 hours of problem solving, re-engineering, and frustration, I got off my ass and got my Mountain Dew. It tasted bitter.
Attempt at laziness turned into an entertaining four hour puzzle game.
The population of emo town. Edit: the guy I replied to originally had 1203 meaning an increase in population and I put 1202 to say somebody killed themselves so it went down. Then he changed his back 1202 for reasons unknown and fucked up my joke. Tl;dr nigga problems.
The population of emo town. Edit: the guy I replied to originally had 1203 meaning an increase in population and I put 1202 to say somebody killed themselves so it went down. Then he changed his back 1202 for reasons unknown and fucked up my joke. Tl;dr nigga problems.
The population of emo town. Edit: the guy I replied to originally had 1203 meaning an increase in population and I put 1202 to say somebody killed themselves so it went down. Then he changed his back 1202 for reasons unknown and fucked up my joke.
nigga problems.
Does this post really need a TL;DR? Its longer than the post....
Does this post really need a TL;DR? Its longer than the post....
Does this post really need a
Its longer than the post....
It's worth it for me. The day you get it in, start taking ibuprofen before you go. It's just gonna hurt badly that day no matter what. You're having a new, relatively large, object inserted through your cervix. It feels like horrible cramps, but it doesn't last too long. Overall, it is almost not noticeable once the IUD is in. I haven't had any changes whatsoever with myself or menstrual cycle. The periods are heavy, but my physician advised me to take ibuprofen in the first few days and that helped. Everyone I've talked to who has one (three ladies) likes it, and hasn't had any negative side effects. Even the risks if, for whatever reason, she gets pregnant are decreased with new engineering so the pregnancy can be brought to term with the IUD intact. I'll answer any questions! TL;DR: I strongly advise getting an IUD and haven't had any negative effects with mine.
It's worth it for me. The day you get it in, start taking ibuprofen before you go. It's just gonna hurt badly that day no matter what. You're having a new, relatively large, object inserted through your cervix. It feels like horrible cramps, but it doesn't last too long. Overall, it is almost not noticeable once the IUD is in. I haven't had any changes whatsoever with myself or menstrual cycle. The periods are heavy, but my physician advised me to take ibuprofen in the first few days and that helped. Everyone I've talked to who has one (three ladies) likes it, and hasn't had any negative side effects. Even the risks if, for whatever reason, she gets pregnant are decreased with new engineering so the pregnancy can be brought to term with the IUD intact. I'll answer any questions! TL;DR: I strongly advise getting an IUD and haven't had any negative effects with mine.
It's worth it for me. The day you get it in, start taking ibuprofen before you go. It's just gonna hurt badly that day no matter what. You're having a new, relatively large, object inserted through your cervix. It feels like horrible cramps, but it doesn't last too long. Overall, it is almost not noticeable once the IUD is in. I haven't had any changes whatsoever with myself or menstrual cycle. The periods are heavy, but my physician advised me to take ibuprofen in the first few days and that helped. Everyone I've talked to who has one (three ladies) likes it, and hasn't had any negative side effects. Even the risks if, for whatever reason, she gets pregnant are decreased with new engineering so the pregnancy can be brought to term with the IUD intact. I'll answer any questions!
I strongly advise getting an IUD and haven't had any negative effects with mine.
In leu of all these non-helpful posts, I would like to offer a real explanation. The bag appears to be filled with a milky-white substance. I haven't seen anything like this since i was a seaman in the navy. We used to drink this substance, as it helped keep us awake and alert while we hunted sperm whale poachers. It's quite a common substance actually, and quite easy to produce at home. All you need is some petroleum jelly and several tissues (for filtration purposes). TL;DR: it's semen
In leu of all these non-helpful posts, I would like to offer a real explanation. The bag appears to be filled with a milky-white substance. I haven't seen anything like this since i was a seaman in the navy. We used to drink this substance, as it helped keep us awake and alert while we hunted sperm whale poachers. It's quite a common substance actually, and quite easy to produce at home. All you need is some petroleum jelly and several tissues (for filtration purposes). TL;DR: it's semen
In leu of all these non-helpful posts, I would like to offer a real explanation. The bag appears to be filled with a milky-white substance. I haven't seen anything like this since i was a seaman in the navy. We used to drink this substance, as it helped keep us awake and alert while we hunted sperm whale poachers. It's quite a common substance actually, and quite easy to produce at home. All you need is some petroleum jelly and several tissues (for filtration purposes).
it's semen
Questing depends what quests you wanna do and if all you should do em all in bits and as many at on a as possible, money making depends it you're ok with repetitive acts or killing shit and overal enjoyment again is perspective that's why there is skillers and PKers and well you get the idea plus current stats these posts usually get sent to downvote hell lol and not giving much info to work with doesn't help the few of us that want to help you actually help you... TL;DR give more specific details, i suggest reading my entire comment for better help from me and others :)
Questing depends what quests you wanna do and if all you should do em all in bits and as many at on a as possible, money making depends it you're ok with repetitive acts or killing shit and overal enjoyment again is perspective that's why there is skillers and PKers and well you get the idea plus current stats these posts usually get sent to downvote hell lol and not giving much info to work with doesn't help the few of us that want to help you actually help you... TL;DR give more specific details, i suggest reading my entire comment for better help from me and others :)
Questing depends what quests you wanna do and if all you should do em all in bits and as many at on a as possible, money making depends it you're ok with repetitive acts or killing shit and overal enjoyment again is perspective that's why there is skillers and PKers and well you get the idea plus current stats these posts usually get sent to downvote hell lol and not giving much info to work with doesn't help the few of us that want to help you actually help you...
give more specific details, i suggest reading my entire comment for better help from me and others :)
Playing a game of Deathwatch with a combined group of seven people, two of them from Rogue Trader. I was an Apothecary (healer), running with a group of 2 Assault Marines (melee warriors), 1 Librarian (heavy armor caster), and 1 Tech Marine (technical ranged/melee). The other two were a Rogue Trader (whose ship we were 'borrowing') and an Arch-Militant who RPs as a former penal legion man. The Rogue Trader was interesting, my party I knew, but this Arch-Militant, the way he described himself was fucking interesting. Black skinned, bald, mid-tonal voice (not deep), but most of all he never stood still. He was always walking around, always moving. He could have had a hellgun or something more powerful, but he had a combat shotgun, and always kept it close to him. So we get the order to hunt down some tyranids on this space hulk, and the Rogue Trader and the Arch-Militant come along. We split into two different groups again, this time the smaller Rogue Trader group need one of us to go along. I volunteer, and my Deathwatch group meets at a different day than I do with the Rogue Trader group. This guy, he ends up running with me when genestealers overwhelm the Rogue Trader's personal stormtrooper-level retinue, and we get seperated from the group. For two whole sessions, he and I bond, while running and shooting for our lives against the chitin horde following us. We don't know if the Deathwatch group is alive, if the Rogue Trader is alive, and soon the GM has us meet on Roll20 until we can rejoin the group. Eventually, we find the Brood Lord of the Genestealers, but we fail to kill it so we're on the run, hiding and ducking. We get to this power station, where we're stuck, and I tell him in character that I'm tired of running. We should stay here and wait for our comrades, put up a defense. He says the best thing I ever seen in a game before, especially considering the shit we've done and seen: "We're all gonna die, Artemis. The only question is how we're gonna check out. Do you want it on your feet? Or on your Emperor damned knees... begging, like a damn xeno? I ain't much for begging! Nobody ever gave me nothing! So I say *fuck* that tyranid asshole, let's fight it! Bring that thing in here and kill it!" I was inspired, in character and out of it. We let the Brood Lord into our little area, with four other genestealers. We fought that thing and its companions for an hour almost, before I killed it with a lucky chainsword strike (Thank FFG for Righteous Fury rolls). More genestealers are coming in, and he tells me to run. I have to; I had several vials of gene-seed from the last mission that I didn't have time to put in their proper place. But I didn't want to; I made *two* willpower checks, hoping I'd fail my duty to save my new friend, but my will was there. With reluctance, I left him in that power room, and I made it to safety. He died surrounded by xenos. That is probably, across Dnd, Pathfinder, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Only War, Black Crusade, and a score of other tabletop games that I've played over the years that I ever really felt a connection with another person's character. And probably the only one I felt bad about leaving to his fate. TL;DR: Dude plays a former criminal, sacrifices himself to save my life after several days of fighting with me
Playing a game of Deathwatch with a combined group of seven people, two of them from Rogue Trader. I was an Apothecary (healer), running with a group of 2 Assault Marines (melee warriors), 1 Librarian (heavy armor caster), and 1 Tech Marine (technical ranged/melee). The other two were a Rogue Trader (whose ship we were 'borrowing') and an Arch-Militant who RPs as a former penal legion man. The Rogue Trader was interesting, my party I knew, but this Arch-Militant, the way he described himself was fucking interesting. Black skinned, bald, mid-tonal voice (not deep), but most of all he never stood still. He was always walking around, always moving. He could have had a hellgun or something more powerful, but he had a combat shotgun, and always kept it close to him. So we get the order to hunt down some tyranids on this space hulk, and the Rogue Trader and the Arch-Militant come along. We split into two different groups again, this time the smaller Rogue Trader group need one of us to go along. I volunteer, and my Deathwatch group meets at a different day than I do with the Rogue Trader group. This guy, he ends up running with me when genestealers overwhelm the Rogue Trader's personal stormtrooper-level retinue, and we get seperated from the group. For two whole sessions, he and I bond, while running and shooting for our lives against the chitin horde following us. We don't know if the Deathwatch group is alive, if the Rogue Trader is alive, and soon the GM has us meet on Roll20 until we can rejoin the group. Eventually, we find the Brood Lord of the Genestealers, but we fail to kill it so we're on the run, hiding and ducking. We get to this power station, where we're stuck, and I tell him in character that I'm tired of running. We should stay here and wait for our comrades, put up a defense. He says the best thing I ever seen in a game before, especially considering the shit we've done and seen: "We're all gonna die, Artemis. The only question is how we're gonna check out. Do you want it on your feet? Or on your Emperor damned knees... begging, like a damn xeno? I ain't much for begging! Nobody ever gave me nothing! So I say fuck that tyranid asshole, let's fight it! Bring that thing in here and kill it!" I was inspired, in character and out of it. We let the Brood Lord into our little area, with four other genestealers. We fought that thing and its companions for an hour almost, before I killed it with a lucky chainsword strike (Thank FFG for Righteous Fury rolls). More genestealers are coming in, and he tells me to run. I have to; I had several vials of gene-seed from the last mission that I didn't have time to put in their proper place. But I didn't want to; I made two willpower checks, hoping I'd fail my duty to save my new friend, but my will was there. With reluctance, I left him in that power room, and I made it to safety. He died surrounded by xenos. That is probably, across Dnd, Pathfinder, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Only War, Black Crusade, and a score of other tabletop games that I've played over the years that I ever really felt a connection with another person's character. And probably the only one I felt bad about leaving to his fate. TL;DR: Dude plays a former criminal, sacrifices himself to save my life after several days of fighting with me
Playing a game of Deathwatch with a combined group of seven people, two of them from Rogue Trader. I was an Apothecary (healer), running with a group of 2 Assault Marines (melee warriors), 1 Librarian (heavy armor caster), and 1 Tech Marine (technical ranged/melee). The other two were a Rogue Trader (whose ship we were 'borrowing') and an Arch-Militant who RPs as a former penal legion man. The Rogue Trader was interesting, my party I knew, but this Arch-Militant, the way he described himself was fucking interesting. Black skinned, bald, mid-tonal voice (not deep), but most of all he never stood still. He was always walking around, always moving. He could have had a hellgun or something more powerful, but he had a combat shotgun, and always kept it close to him. So we get the order to hunt down some tyranids on this space hulk, and the Rogue Trader and the Arch-Militant come along. We split into two different groups again, this time the smaller Rogue Trader group need one of us to go along. I volunteer, and my Deathwatch group meets at a different day than I do with the Rogue Trader group. This guy, he ends up running with me when genestealers overwhelm the Rogue Trader's personal stormtrooper-level retinue, and we get seperated from the group. For two whole sessions, he and I bond, while running and shooting for our lives against the chitin horde following us. We don't know if the Deathwatch group is alive, if the Rogue Trader is alive, and soon the GM has us meet on Roll20 until we can rejoin the group. Eventually, we find the Brood Lord of the Genestealers, but we fail to kill it so we're on the run, hiding and ducking. We get to this power station, where we're stuck, and I tell him in character that I'm tired of running. We should stay here and wait for our comrades, put up a defense. He says the best thing I ever seen in a game before, especially considering the shit we've done and seen: "We're all gonna die, Artemis. The only question is how we're gonna check out. Do you want it on your feet? Or on your Emperor damned knees... begging, like a damn xeno? I ain't much for begging! Nobody ever gave me nothing! So I say fuck that tyranid asshole, let's fight it! Bring that thing in here and kill it!" I was inspired, in character and out of it. We let the Brood Lord into our little area, with four other genestealers. We fought that thing and its companions for an hour almost, before I killed it with a lucky chainsword strike (Thank FFG for Righteous Fury rolls). More genestealers are coming in, and he tells me to run. I have to; I had several vials of gene-seed from the last mission that I didn't have time to put in their proper place. But I didn't want to; I made two willpower checks, hoping I'd fail my duty to save my new friend, but my will was there. With reluctance, I left him in that power room, and I made it to safety. He died surrounded by xenos. That is probably, across Dnd, Pathfinder, Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Only War, Black Crusade, and a score of other tabletop games that I've played over the years that I ever really felt a connection with another person's character. And probably the only one I felt bad about leaving to his fate.
Dude plays a former criminal, sacrifices himself to save my life after several days of fighting with me
How dare you? SO can mean male OR female you stupid fundie. Take your slut shaming and never darken these doors again! Also SO is offensive! You don't get to decided his/her/shims significance. I'll (Le)t it slide this time reddit. Tl;Dr: You. I like you. THIS is why I love Reddit! Xd
How dare you? SO can mean male OR female you stupid fundie. Take your slut shaming and never darken these doors again! Also SO is offensive! You don't get to decided his/her/shims significance. I'll (Le)t it slide this time reddit. Tl;Dr: You. I like you. THIS is why I love Reddit! Xd
How dare you? SO can mean male OR female you stupid fundie. Take your slut shaming and never darken these doors again! Also SO is offensive! You don't get to decided his/her/shims significance. I'll (Le)t it slide this time reddit.
You. I like you. THIS is why I love Reddit! Xd
As others have pointed out, we don't want to actually blow it up into lots of small pieces. We really want to vaporise it. Let's see how many nukes we need to do that. This post is worked out in metric, deal with it :) **Heat of vaporisation** The heat of vaporisation of rock varies drastically with the composition of the rock. However, a ballpark figure for the heat of vaporisation is worked out by someone [here]( It's probably an underestimate since it was mentioned quite a few times in the movie that the asteroid was "made of iron" (even if it's substantially iron that still matters). But hey, let's just go with the flow and say that we're looking at 9 x 10^9 Joules of energy to vaporise just one cubic metre of the asteroid. **It's the size of Texas sir** * Texas is [696,241]( km^2 * There are no objects that size in our solar system that could possibly have remained undiscovered until now * It the asteroid really **were** the size of Texas, it would probably crack the Earth or at least liquefy the surface * Let's make our asteroid a bit smaller shall we? Let's say that our asteroid and Texas have the same surface area. Whipping out our trusty calculator, we find that the asteroid would be about 235km in radius with a volume therefore of around 17.3 x 10^15 m^3 **Energy to vaporise** Using our back of the envelope calculations, we find that we need 15.57 * 10^25 Joules to vaporise our asteroid. **So how many nukes man?** The biggest nuclear device ever detonated was [Tsar Bomba]( which gave a yield of 57 megatons of TNT or 2.4 * 10^17 Joules Turning again to our calculator, we need 6.48 x 10^8 Tsar Bombas to blow it up. 648,750,000 to be more precise, or, to put it another way, 36,978,750,000 megatons. **World nuclear arsenal** Our [world nuclear arsenal]( currently stands at about 17,300 weapons with an [average yield]( of 6.4 megatons. Again, we're really just talking ballpark figures here. So we have 110,720 megatons to throw at our asteroid, assuming that all weapons launch, lock and explode correctly. We're off by a factor of 334,984. **TL;DR** We could throw ALL of the world's nukes at an oncoming asteroid much smaller and lighter than the one in Armageddon and we wouldn't even scratch the paint. Which is kind of funny since [MIT]( have an idea that we can deflect an asteroid with paintballs.
As others have pointed out, we don't want to actually blow it up into lots of small pieces. We really want to vaporise it. Let's see how many nukes we need to do that. This post is worked out in metric, deal with it :) Heat of vaporisation The heat of vaporisation of rock varies drastically with the composition of the rock. However, a ballpark figure for the heat of vaporisation is worked out by someone here . But hey, let's just go with the flow and say that we're looking at 9 x 10^9 Joules of energy to vaporise just one cubic metre of the asteroid. It's the size of Texas sir Texas is [696,241]( km^2 There are no objects that size in our solar system that could possibly have remained undiscovered until now It the asteroid really were the size of Texas, it would probably crack the Earth or at least liquefy the surface Let's make our asteroid a bit smaller shall we? Let's say that our asteroid and Texas have the same surface area. Whipping out our trusty calculator, we find that the asteroid would be about 235km in radius with a volume therefore of around 17.3 x 10^15 m^3 Energy to vaporise Using our back of the envelope calculations, we find that we need 15.57 * 10^25 Joules to vaporise our asteroid. So how many nukes man? The biggest nuclear device ever detonated was [Tsar Bomba]( which gave a yield of 57 megatons of TNT or 2.4 * 10^17 Joules Turning again to our calculator, we need 6.48 x 10^8 Tsar Bombas to blow it up. 648,750,000 to be more precise, or, to put it another way, 36,978,750,000 megatons. World nuclear arsenal Our [world nuclear arsenal]( currently stands at about 17,300 weapons with an [average yield]( of 6.4 megatons. Again, we're really just talking ballpark figures here. So we have 110,720 megatons to throw at our asteroid, assuming that all weapons launch, lock and explode correctly. We're off by a factor of 334,984. TL;DR We could throw ALL of the world's nukes at an oncoming asteroid much smaller and lighter than the one in Armageddon and we wouldn't even scratch the paint. Which is kind of funny since [MIT]( have an idea that we can deflect an asteroid with paintballs.
As others have pointed out, we don't want to actually blow it up into lots of small pieces. We really want to vaporise it. Let's see how many nukes we need to do that. This post is worked out in metric, deal with it :) Heat of vaporisation The heat of vaporisation of rock varies drastically with the composition of the rock. However, a ballpark figure for the heat of vaporisation is worked out by someone here . But hey, let's just go with the flow and say that we're looking at 9 x 10^9 Joules of energy to vaporise just one cubic metre of the asteroid. It's the size of Texas sir Texas is [696,241]( km^2 There are no objects that size in our solar system that could possibly have remained undiscovered until now It the asteroid really were the size of Texas, it would probably crack the Earth or at least liquefy the surface Let's make our asteroid a bit smaller shall we? Let's say that our asteroid and Texas have the same surface area. Whipping out our trusty calculator, we find that the asteroid would be about 235km in radius with a volume therefore of around 17.3 x 10^15 m^3 Energy to vaporise Using our back of the envelope calculations, we find that we need 15.57 * 10^25 Joules to vaporise our asteroid. So how many nukes man? The biggest nuclear device ever detonated was [Tsar Bomba]( which gave a yield of 57 megatons of TNT or 2.4 * 10^17 Joules Turning again to our calculator, we need 6.48 x 10^8 Tsar Bombas to blow it up. 648,750,000 to be more precise, or, to put it another way, 36,978,750,000 megatons. World nuclear arsenal Our [world nuclear arsenal]( currently stands at about 17,300 weapons with an [average yield]( of 6.4 megatons. Again, we're really just talking ballpark figures here. So we have 110,720 megatons to throw at our asteroid, assuming that all weapons launch, lock and explode correctly. We're off by a factor of 334,984.
We could throw ALL of the world's nukes at an oncoming asteroid much smaller and lighter than the one in Armageddon and we wouldn't even scratch the paint. Which is kind of funny since [MIT]( have an idea that we can deflect an asteroid with paintballs.
I wasn't afraid of stormtroopers or anything, but if they came to murder me I'd be scared. For some reason, I was scared that the sound of a flushing toilet was their call, and I had to get out of the bathroom quickly, or they would come in and kill me. I would wash my hands, then flush and sprint out of the bathroom. tl;dr toilet troopers
I wasn't afraid of stormtroopers or anything, but if they came to murder me I'd be scared. For some reason, I was scared that the sound of a flushing toilet was their call, and I had to get out of the bathroom quickly, or they would come in and kill me. I would wash my hands, then flush and sprint out of the bathroom. tl;dr toilet troopers
I wasn't afraid of stormtroopers or anything, but if they came to murder me I'd be scared. For some reason, I was scared that the sound of a flushing toilet was their call, and I had to get out of the bathroom quickly, or they would come in and kill me. I would wash my hands, then flush and sprint out of the bathroom.
toilet troopers
Due to the shape of the airframe and payload bays no s-duct is possible in this design. The belly has a triangulare payload bay, for sigint packages and imagery packages, to maintain stealth with minimum imagery distortion. without the radar grill the rq's engine would be have a radar return from aircraft and on long range ground radars. tldr payload bay makes it impossible in this airframe design
Due to the shape of the airframe and payload bays no s-duct is possible in this design. The belly has a triangulare payload bay, for sigint packages and imagery packages, to maintain stealth with minimum imagery distortion. without the radar grill the rq's engine would be have a radar return from aircraft and on long range ground radars. tldr payload bay makes it impossible in this airframe design
Due to the shape of the airframe and payload bays no s-duct is possible in this design. The belly has a triangulare payload bay, for sigint packages and imagery packages, to maintain stealth with minimum imagery distortion. without the radar grill the rq's engine would be have a radar return from aircraft and on long range ground radars.
payload bay makes it impossible in this airframe design
I'm at my school's basketball game, which was against our biggest rival. The bleachers were completely packed out, and I was a few rows up and on the end, so I was next to the metal bars at the end.(I hope you can picture this) . So it's the middle of the half and I really have to go to the bathroom. I didn't want to bother all the people below me to move, so I decide to hop the metal bars. I am 100% sure I can do this. I get one leg up, pull myself up, then immediately fall backwards onto a group of cheerleaders. Everyone in the stands is hysterically laughing as I try to get out of the gym as quickly as possible. TLDR: tried jumping over bleachers, take out multiple cheerleaders, humiliation follows.
I'm at my school's basketball game, which was against our biggest rival. The bleachers were completely packed out, and I was a few rows up and on the end, so I was next to the metal bars at the end.(I hope you can picture this) . So it's the middle of the half and I really have to go to the bathroom. I didn't want to bother all the people below me to move, so I decide to hop the metal bars. I am 100% sure I can do this. I get one leg up, pull myself up, then immediately fall backwards onto a group of cheerleaders. Everyone in the stands is hysterically laughing as I try to get out of the gym as quickly as possible. TLDR: tried jumping over bleachers, take out multiple cheerleaders, humiliation follows.
I'm at my school's basketball game, which was against our biggest rival. The bleachers were completely packed out, and I was a few rows up and on the end, so I was next to the metal bars at the end.(I hope you can picture this) . So it's the middle of the half and I really have to go to the bathroom. I didn't want to bother all the people below me to move, so I decide to hop the metal bars. I am 100% sure I can do this. I get one leg up, pull myself up, then immediately fall backwards onto a group of cheerleaders. Everyone in the stands is hysterically laughing as I try to get out of the gym as quickly as possible.
tried jumping over bleachers, take out multiple cheerleaders, humiliation follows.
I liked her. I never really hate a companion unless they hate The Doctor, complain, or yell too much. Since Rose, I got used to "Oh Doctor, you're such a hottie. Can I kiss you? I want your body." Though, Martha was a pretty strongwilled woman without The Doctor. She was not willing to leave her family for The Doctor (because he really ignored her) and it wasn't fair. I hope to see her again for the 50th. I want to explore her story a bit more. TL;DR I love every companion and Doctor. Never will you hear me say "Ugh changed the channel, he/she is too boring/whiny/stupid/worish/ugly etc."
I liked her. I never really hate a companion unless they hate The Doctor, complain, or yell too much. Since Rose, I got used to "Oh Doctor, you're such a hottie. Can I kiss you? I want your body." Though, Martha was a pretty strongwilled woman without The Doctor. She was not willing to leave her family for The Doctor (because he really ignored her) and it wasn't fair. I hope to see her again for the 50th. I want to explore her story a bit more. TL;DR I love every companion and Doctor. Never will you hear me say "Ugh changed the channel, he/she is too boring/whiny/stupid/worish/ugly etc."
I liked her. I never really hate a companion unless they hate The Doctor, complain, or yell too much. Since Rose, I got used to "Oh Doctor, you're such a hottie. Can I kiss you? I want your body." Though, Martha was a pretty strongwilled woman without The Doctor. She was not willing to leave her family for The Doctor (because he really ignored her) and it wasn't fair. I hope to see her again for the 50th. I want to explore her story a bit more.
I love every companion and Doctor. Never will you hear me say "Ugh changed the channel, he/she is too boring/whiny/stupid/worish/ugly etc."
First of all a big thank you, op for coming clean even while threatened by an nda. I am so sad that this game seems to be heavily suffering from being badly and hastily slapped together by a bunch of different developers. (Even more sad is that each one of these developers, given the chance to properly concentrate on the game, would probably have done a way better job.) But whatever, my point is why didnt you just take the near perfect Alien vs Predator (1999): * Video: * Wiki: * Review: Updated the Graphics added some more Physics (the game already was that good). And just rereleased it. I mean the original AVP is now 14 years old (damn i feel old now) and stills runs circles around newer games when it comes to replayability, atmosphere, content and even physics in some cases, for example: Replayability: 3 huge Campaigns playing as Marine, Predator or Alien all strung together in fitting story. And each with a completely different playstyle. Cool Multiplayer Modes:Team Deathmatch and Deathmatch, Aliens versus Marines versus Predators, etc and even a Survival mode where the aliens attack in infinite waves (highly customizable and not as a "DLC") Also you could replay every level to get better ratings and unlock cheats with unique tasks like facebite 10 humans as alien or run through while killing everything in 2 minutes as predator. I know achievements are pretty standard now but 1999. Atmosphere: It had a special cd especially for the soundtrack. The ping of the motion detector was like in the movies. As a marine your best lightsource was the flare that could be thrown around corners to illuminate the darkness. The other races had cool vision modes, the predator had is vision like in the movies, the alien had a cool fisheye mode. Physics: It had cool expanding explosions that threw stuff around (1999!!) You could shoot stuff off the aliens (or humans with the speargun) piece by piece, every single droplet of acid or blood flew around. With AM:CM was hoping for a game that would be at least show some hope in regards to the old AVP. Instead again it looks like a somewhat uninspired sequel to a once great game the only "bonus" beeing graphics and "DLC´s". Which sadly seems to be common nowadays. Maybe someday there will a sequel to the good old AVP. Damn i just looked at the requirements for the original: Pentium II 450 128 Meg SD-Ram Voodoo 2 - 8mb DirectX 6.1a And now i feel really old and have to look where to buy the old one to test it on my actual rig :) tl;dr AVP from 1999 was way better in almost all regards than most games from today. Someone please port the original AVP on todays computers. No native english speaker here sorry for possible mistakes and or strange syntax.
First of all a big thank you, op for coming clean even while threatened by an nda. I am so sad that this game seems to be heavily suffering from being badly and hastily slapped together by a bunch of different developers. (Even more sad is that each one of these developers, given the chance to properly concentrate on the game, would probably have done a way better job.) But whatever, my point is why didnt you just take the near perfect Alien vs Predator (1999): Video: Wiki: Review: Updated the Graphics added some more Physics (the game already was that good). And just rereleased it. I mean the original AVP is now 14 years old (damn i feel old now) and stills runs circles around newer games when it comes to replayability, atmosphere, content and even physics in some cases, for example: Replayability: 3 huge Campaigns playing as Marine, Predator or Alien all strung together in fitting story. And each with a completely different playstyle. Cool Multiplayer Modes:Team Deathmatch and Deathmatch, Aliens versus Marines versus Predators, etc and even a Survival mode where the aliens attack in infinite waves (highly customizable and not as a "DLC") Also you could replay every level to get better ratings and unlock cheats with unique tasks like facebite 10 humans as alien or run through while killing everything in 2 minutes as predator. I know achievements are pretty standard now but 1999. Atmosphere: It had a special cd especially for the soundtrack. The ping of the motion detector was like in the movies. As a marine your best lightsource was the flare that could be thrown around corners to illuminate the darkness. The other races had cool vision modes, the predator had is vision like in the movies, the alien had a cool fisheye mode. Physics: It had cool expanding explosions that threw stuff around (1999!!) You could shoot stuff off the aliens (or humans with the speargun) piece by piece, every single droplet of acid or blood flew around. With AM:CM was hoping for a game that would be at least show some hope in regards to the old AVP. Instead again it looks like a somewhat uninspired sequel to a once great game the only "bonus" beeing graphics and "DLC´s". Which sadly seems to be common nowadays. Maybe someday there will a sequel to the good old AVP. Damn i just looked at the requirements for the original: Pentium II 450 128 Meg SD-Ram Voodoo 2 - 8mb DirectX 6.1a And now i feel really old and have to look where to buy the old one to test it on my actual rig :) tl;dr AVP from 1999 was way better in almost all regards than most games from today. Someone please port the original AVP on todays computers. No native english speaker here sorry for possible mistakes and or strange syntax.
First of all a big thank you, op for coming clean even while threatened by an nda. I am so sad that this game seems to be heavily suffering from being badly and hastily slapped together by a bunch of different developers. (Even more sad is that each one of these developers, given the chance to properly concentrate on the game, would probably have done a way better job.) But whatever, my point is why didnt you just take the near perfect Alien vs Predator (1999): Video: Wiki: Review: Updated the Graphics added some more Physics (the game already was that good). And just rereleased it. I mean the original AVP is now 14 years old (damn i feel old now) and stills runs circles around newer games when it comes to replayability, atmosphere, content and even physics in some cases, for example: Replayability: 3 huge Campaigns playing as Marine, Predator or Alien all strung together in fitting story. And each with a completely different playstyle. Cool Multiplayer Modes:Team Deathmatch and Deathmatch, Aliens versus Marines versus Predators, etc and even a Survival mode where the aliens attack in infinite waves (highly customizable and not as a "DLC") Also you could replay every level to get better ratings and unlock cheats with unique tasks like facebite 10 humans as alien or run through while killing everything in 2 minutes as predator. I know achievements are pretty standard now but 1999. Atmosphere: It had a special cd especially for the soundtrack. The ping of the motion detector was like in the movies. As a marine your best lightsource was the flare that could be thrown around corners to illuminate the darkness. The other races had cool vision modes, the predator had is vision like in the movies, the alien had a cool fisheye mode. Physics: It had cool expanding explosions that threw stuff around (1999!!) You could shoot stuff off the aliens (or humans with the speargun) piece by piece, every single droplet of acid or blood flew around. With AM:CM was hoping for a game that would be at least show some hope in regards to the old AVP. Instead again it looks like a somewhat uninspired sequel to a once great game the only "bonus" beeing graphics and "DLC´s". Which sadly seems to be common nowadays. Maybe someday there will a sequel to the good old AVP. Damn i just looked at the requirements for the original: Pentium II 450 128 Meg SD-Ram Voodoo 2 - 8mb DirectX 6.1a And now i feel really old and have to look where to buy the old one to test it on my actual rig :)
AVP from 1999 was way better in almost all regards than most games from today. Someone please port the original AVP on todays computers. No native english speaker here sorry for possible mistakes and or strange syntax.
I've said elsewhere in this thread that Fincher really can't be included in the "aliens was their best" category. I have to strongly disagree with you when you say they were "at the top of their game when they visited the Alien franchise." In fact, that's patently false. Both Scott and Cameron had one highly acclaimed, moderately successful project before their respective entries into the franchise. Fincher was only one movie behind them, but like I said, he doesn't really fit. The reason why you think that they were on top of their games during their Alien era is BECAUSE of Alien and Aliens. That's the very point I've been making. Also, I acknowledged that both Scott and Cameron have one other movie above reproach, namely Blade Runner and T2. I personally think True Lies is awful, never saw the appeal of it. Gladiator is in the same boat. I recognize that this is not the most common opinion, but I don't at all think it's a stretch to say neither of those movies are in the class of Alien, Aliens, Blade Runner or T2. TL;DR--I don't think you understood the argument I was making before you decided to disagree.
I've said elsewhere in this thread that Fincher really can't be included in the "aliens was their best" category. I have to strongly disagree with you when you say they were "at the top of their game when they visited the Alien franchise." In fact, that's patently false. Both Scott and Cameron had one highly acclaimed, moderately successful project before their respective entries into the franchise. Fincher was only one movie behind them, but like I said, he doesn't really fit. The reason why you think that they were on top of their games during their Alien era is BECAUSE of Alien and Aliens. That's the very point I've been making. Also, I acknowledged that both Scott and Cameron have one other movie above reproach, namely Blade Runner and T2. I personally think True Lies is awful, never saw the appeal of it. Gladiator is in the same boat. I recognize that this is not the most common opinion, but I don't at all think it's a stretch to say neither of those movies are in the class of Alien, Aliens, Blade Runner or T2. TL;DR--I don't think you understood the argument I was making before you decided to disagree.
I've said elsewhere in this thread that Fincher really can't be included in the "aliens was their best" category. I have to strongly disagree with you when you say they were "at the top of their game when they visited the Alien franchise." In fact, that's patently false. Both Scott and Cameron had one highly acclaimed, moderately successful project before their respective entries into the franchise. Fincher was only one movie behind them, but like I said, he doesn't really fit. The reason why you think that they were on top of their games during their Alien era is BECAUSE of Alien and Aliens. That's the very point I've been making. Also, I acknowledged that both Scott and Cameron have one other movie above reproach, namely Blade Runner and T2. I personally think True Lies is awful, never saw the appeal of it. Gladiator is in the same boat. I recognize that this is not the most common opinion, but I don't at all think it's a stretch to say neither of those movies are in the class of Alien, Aliens, Blade Runner or T2.
I don't think you understood the argument I was making before you decided to disagree.
I just quit Adderall XR myself. My doctor said my pulse rate was too high (>126 sedentary). I was also feeling jittery and anxious, with high blood pressure. Now I'm off it, and trying to cope with my ADHD-Inattentive without drugs. I found that the stress over coping with ADHD was often as bad as the ADHD itself. Before I started Adderall, not only was I getting very little done - the stress was exhausting me and giving me headaches. So now, post-Adderall, I take it easy and don't pressure myself to get things done. And with that attitude, I'm much more productive. I've only been doing this drug-free for about a week, and much of that time I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms. However, it seems to be working. If I get fired from my job for goofing off, I'll let you know. TL;DR When I stop worrying about being productive, I get things done.
I just quit Adderall XR myself. My doctor said my pulse rate was too high (>126 sedentary). I was also feeling jittery and anxious, with high blood pressure. Now I'm off it, and trying to cope with my ADHD-Inattentive without drugs. I found that the stress over coping with ADHD was often as bad as the ADHD itself. Before I started Adderall, not only was I getting very little done - the stress was exhausting me and giving me headaches. So now, post-Adderall, I take it easy and don't pressure myself to get things done. And with that attitude, I'm much more productive. I've only been doing this drug-free for about a week, and much of that time I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms. However, it seems to be working. If I get fired from my job for goofing off, I'll let you know. TL;DR When I stop worrying about being productive, I get things done.
I just quit Adderall XR myself. My doctor said my pulse rate was too high (>126 sedentary). I was also feeling jittery and anxious, with high blood pressure. Now I'm off it, and trying to cope with my ADHD-Inattentive without drugs. I found that the stress over coping with ADHD was often as bad as the ADHD itself. Before I started Adderall, not only was I getting very little done - the stress was exhausting me and giving me headaches. So now, post-Adderall, I take it easy and don't pressure myself to get things done. And with that attitude, I'm much more productive. I've only been doing this drug-free for about a week, and much of that time I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms. However, it seems to be working. If I get fired from my job for goofing off, I'll let you know.
When I stop worrying about being productive, I get things done.
I've been taking tramadol for about a year and a half. Recently though, as in the last 3 months maybe I've started to get a lot of flushing in my face, seemingly randomly. Now I'm wondering if it's the tramadol. It dosen't bother me to much. I do wake up in pain and really overheated and feeling like I'm sweating but not really sweating. Not every night but pretty often. Usually I just wake up in pain after 3 or 4 hours of sleep. It's generally when I sleep 6 hours straight that I wake up overheated, sweating, and with a really high blood sugar. Though this could also be due to anxiety ad it's usually after my valium has worn off and I tend to have nightmares. TLDR; I didn't realize tramadol could cause over heating and flushing.
I've been taking tramadol for about a year and a half. Recently though, as in the last 3 months maybe I've started to get a lot of flushing in my face, seemingly randomly. Now I'm wondering if it's the tramadol. It dosen't bother me to much. I do wake up in pain and really overheated and feeling like I'm sweating but not really sweating. Not every night but pretty often. Usually I just wake up in pain after 3 or 4 hours of sleep. It's generally when I sleep 6 hours straight that I wake up overheated, sweating, and with a really high blood sugar. Though this could also be due to anxiety ad it's usually after my valium has worn off and I tend to have nightmares. TLDR; I didn't realize tramadol could cause over heating and flushing.
I've been taking tramadol for about a year and a half. Recently though, as in the last 3 months maybe I've started to get a lot of flushing in my face, seemingly randomly. Now I'm wondering if it's the tramadol. It dosen't bother me to much. I do wake up in pain and really overheated and feeling like I'm sweating but not really sweating. Not every night but pretty often. Usually I just wake up in pain after 3 or 4 hours of sleep. It's generally when I sleep 6 hours straight that I wake up overheated, sweating, and with a really high blood sugar. Though this could also be due to anxiety ad it's usually after my valium has worn off and I tend to have nightmares.
I didn't realize tramadol could cause over heating and flushing.
Military I.T. guy here. The first month I was at my first military base, it was December '02 and everything was closed for the holidays. I was told to enjoy my month off and in-processing would begin in mid-January. I was in Japan! There was so much to see! So much to do! But... I had Final Fantasy VIII freshly installed on my laptop and really wanted to play it. So instead of exploring my new base and the local Japanese city, I sat on my ass and played a game on my laptop, in my empty dorm room. When I was done with that, my Internet connection had been installed, so I jumped online. One thing led to another, and here I am, a decade later, having spent probably a good 70% of my free time online. It doesn't help that my job is I.T.; I spent a lot of work time online as part of my job, which just reinforces the habit. When I was stationed in Germany, the only reason I got to see most of Europe is because my wife planned everything and dragged me out of the house. In Japan, before I was married, it took me a whole year before I even left the military base, and I didn't really travel Japan until 2 years later, when my parents visited and demanded I take them sight-seeing. If I could go back in time and change one thing, I would go back to that first week I spent in Japan a decade ago. I would delete Final Fantasy VIII from my laptop, forcing me to leave my dorm room and explore Japan more. I feel like I missed out on a lot of mental growth opportunities because I spent so much time indulging the instant gratification of online stuffs. Reddit is definitely not helping in this regard. **TL;DR - read previous paragraph**
Military I.T. guy here. The first month I was at my first military base, it was December '02 and everything was closed for the holidays. I was told to enjoy my month off and in-processing would begin in mid-January. I was in Japan! There was so much to see! So much to do! But... I had Final Fantasy VIII freshly installed on my laptop and really wanted to play it. So instead of exploring my new base and the local Japanese city, I sat on my ass and played a game on my laptop, in my empty dorm room. When I was done with that, my Internet connection had been installed, so I jumped online. One thing led to another, and here I am, a decade later, having spent probably a good 70% of my free time online. It doesn't help that my job is I.T.; I spent a lot of work time online as part of my job, which just reinforces the habit. When I was stationed in Germany, the only reason I got to see most of Europe is because my wife planned everything and dragged me out of the house. In Japan, before I was married, it took me a whole year before I even left the military base, and I didn't really travel Japan until 2 years later, when my parents visited and demanded I take them sight-seeing. If I could go back in time and change one thing, I would go back to that first week I spent in Japan a decade ago. I would delete Final Fantasy VIII from my laptop, forcing me to leave my dorm room and explore Japan more. I feel like I missed out on a lot of mental growth opportunities because I spent so much time indulging the instant gratification of online stuffs. Reddit is definitely not helping in this regard. TL;DR - read previous paragraph
Military I.T. guy here. The first month I was at my first military base, it was December '02 and everything was closed for the holidays. I was told to enjoy my month off and in-processing would begin in mid-January. I was in Japan! There was so much to see! So much to do! But... I had Final Fantasy VIII freshly installed on my laptop and really wanted to play it. So instead of exploring my new base and the local Japanese city, I sat on my ass and played a game on my laptop, in my empty dorm room. When I was done with that, my Internet connection had been installed, so I jumped online. One thing led to another, and here I am, a decade later, having spent probably a good 70% of my free time online. It doesn't help that my job is I.T.; I spent a lot of work time online as part of my job, which just reinforces the habit. When I was stationed in Germany, the only reason I got to see most of Europe is because my wife planned everything and dragged me out of the house. In Japan, before I was married, it took me a whole year before I even left the military base, and I didn't really travel Japan until 2 years later, when my parents visited and demanded I take them sight-seeing. If I could go back in time and change one thing, I would go back to that first week I spent in Japan a decade ago. I would delete Final Fantasy VIII from my laptop, forcing me to leave my dorm room and explore Japan more. I feel like I missed out on a lot of mental growth opportunities because I spent so much time indulging the instant gratification of online stuffs. Reddit is definitely not helping in this regard.
read previous paragraph
The Ontario medical association put an email out about this a long time ago. They were worried that they couldn't detect it. Looks like they can, now. But, who knows, right? I'll take this opportunity to educate the masses with a lesson from the last SARS outbreak. *If your doctor asks you to wear a mask in the waiting room if you have flu-like symptoms, don't be a complete fucking dick and walk into the examination room with a cough and no mask on*. Last time one of the biggest issues with treating SARS was that doctors wouldn't go to work to protect their families, and ususally it would be because of douchehats that act like their SARS isn't as contagious as everybody else's. Rant over. TL;DR: we might be fucked, also, when it goes down, wear a fucking mask if you're sick.
The Ontario medical association put an email out about this a long time ago. They were worried that they couldn't detect it. Looks like they can, now. But, who knows, right? I'll take this opportunity to educate the masses with a lesson from the last SARS outbreak. If your doctor asks you to wear a mask in the waiting room if you have flu-like symptoms, don't be a complete fucking dick and walk into the examination room with a cough and no mask on . Last time one of the biggest issues with treating SARS was that doctors wouldn't go to work to protect their families, and ususally it would be because of douchehats that act like their SARS isn't as contagious as everybody else's. Rant over. TL;DR: we might be fucked, also, when it goes down, wear a fucking mask if you're sick.
The Ontario medical association put an email out about this a long time ago. They were worried that they couldn't detect it. Looks like they can, now. But, who knows, right? I'll take this opportunity to educate the masses with a lesson from the last SARS outbreak. If your doctor asks you to wear a mask in the waiting room if you have flu-like symptoms, don't be a complete fucking dick and walk into the examination room with a cough and no mask on . Last time one of the biggest issues with treating SARS was that doctors wouldn't go to work to protect their families, and ususally it would be because of douchehats that act like their SARS isn't as contagious as everybody else's. Rant over.
we might be fucked, also, when it goes down, wear a fucking mask if you're sick.
How is the Runescape economy fucked? All the decent weapons are not 100m+. Chaotic weapons are free and the royal crossbow is like what, 3m? Bandos chestplate is 12m. Guthan's armor has the same stats and costs 1.3m. How is that expensive? Nex armors and POP armor *are* expensive by design- they have a low supply and are prestige armor. However, they are hardly necessary for anything on RS and you can make do with a chaotic weapon and lower tier armor. You are not "poor" if you didn't flip and host- killing the QBD can be upwards of 1m/hr. Just killing green dragons can be 500k/hr. Playing 2 hours a day for 2 weeks and Kingdom Management, you could easily make 16m, and in a month, 30m. TLDR; Armor isn't any more expensive, chaotics are free, you aren't poor even if you don't flip/host-even though flipping is perfectly legitimate and easy to do, you are just being lazy because there are a TON of ways to make good money out there that don't require expensive prerequisites.
How is the Runescape economy fucked? All the decent weapons are not 100m+. Chaotic weapons are free and the royal crossbow is like what, 3m? Bandos chestplate is 12m. Guthan's armor has the same stats and costs 1.3m. How is that expensive? Nex armors and POP armor are expensive by design- they have a low supply and are prestige armor. However, they are hardly necessary for anything on RS and you can make do with a chaotic weapon and lower tier armor. You are not "poor" if you didn't flip and host- killing the QBD can be upwards of 1m/hr. Just killing green dragons can be 500k/hr. Playing 2 hours a day for 2 weeks and Kingdom Management, you could easily make 16m, and in a month, 30m. TLDR; Armor isn't any more expensive, chaotics are free, you aren't poor even if you don't flip/host-even though flipping is perfectly legitimate and easy to do, you are just being lazy because there are a TON of ways to make good money out there that don't require expensive prerequisites.
How is the Runescape economy fucked? All the decent weapons are not 100m+. Chaotic weapons are free and the royal crossbow is like what, 3m? Bandos chestplate is 12m. Guthan's armor has the same stats and costs 1.3m. How is that expensive? Nex armors and POP armor are expensive by design- they have a low supply and are prestige armor. However, they are hardly necessary for anything on RS and you can make do with a chaotic weapon and lower tier armor. You are not "poor" if you didn't flip and host- killing the QBD can be upwards of 1m/hr. Just killing green dragons can be 500k/hr. Playing 2 hours a day for 2 weeks and Kingdom Management, you could easily make 16m, and in a month, 30m.
Armor isn't any more expensive, chaotics are free, you aren't poor even if you don't flip/host-even though flipping is perfectly legitimate and easy to do, you are just being lazy because there are a TON of ways to make good money out there that don't require expensive prerequisites.
I don't know the specifics, but in Ontario we pay 13% tax on most things. Since our provincial government took full control of our alcohol, we pay no taxes on that, but compared to American prices they are still moderately high. IDK lets say 39$ for a 24 of bud. Despite having healthcare covered, other things aren't covered without insurance such as dental, eye care and medication. Rest assured if you are 21 or younger and a Canadian citizen, you've got almost everything covered. TL:DR - taxes here are an afterthought once you seek medical attention and services
I don't know the specifics, but in Ontario we pay 13% tax on most things. Since our provincial government took full control of our alcohol, we pay no taxes on that, but compared to American prices they are still moderately high. IDK lets say 39$ for a 24 of bud. Despite having healthcare covered, other things aren't covered without insurance such as dental, eye care and medication. Rest assured if you are 21 or younger and a Canadian citizen, you've got almost everything covered. TL:DR - taxes here are an afterthought once you seek medical attention and services
I don't know the specifics, but in Ontario we pay 13% tax on most things. Since our provincial government took full control of our alcohol, we pay no taxes on that, but compared to American prices they are still moderately high. IDK lets say 39$ for a 24 of bud. Despite having healthcare covered, other things aren't covered without insurance such as dental, eye care and medication. Rest assured if you are 21 or younger and a Canadian citizen, you've got almost everything covered.
taxes here are an afterthought once you seek medical attention and services
Oh staphy you scary son of a bitch... My grandfather had heart problems for years and already had a heart transplant so the hospital was nothing new for him and no one thought too much of it when he was back in due to his heart. He had surgery done (can't remember what it was for exactly, just that it had to do with his heart) and it was successful so my Mom told me he would be out of the hospital in a few weeks max so I was excited, we even went to visit him a few days after the surgery and he seemed a lot healthier and he was happily talking with the family. I had honestly forgotten about that day until I started writing this... My grandfather's health suddenly plummeted, and the next update I received on his condition, the previous one being he was recovering and going to be home soon, was that my grandfather was dead. He was killed by a drug resistant staph infection inside his chest cavity. Apparently the surgeon did not wash his hands well enough and the infection was on his hands from another patient, spreading to my grandfather during his surgery. Before you ask, no we did not sue the hospital, it was government run and you can't sue the government, as for the surgeon himself I do not know all the exact reasons why not action was taken against him, I know it was partially my grandmother's choice. If I remember right there were other reasons as well, as I said I was in elementary school around 6 or 7 years old so I can't remember the exact details. Until writing this I had never really realized that my memory of that visit was the last time I saw him alive... **TL;DR: Grandfather went in for heart surgery, caught drug resistant staph infection in chest cavity**
Oh staphy you scary son of a bitch... My grandfather had heart problems for years and already had a heart transplant so the hospital was nothing new for him and no one thought too much of it when he was back in due to his heart. He had surgery done (can't remember what it was for exactly, just that it had to do with his heart) and it was successful so my Mom told me he would be out of the hospital in a few weeks max so I was excited, we even went to visit him a few days after the surgery and he seemed a lot healthier and he was happily talking with the family. I had honestly forgotten about that day until I started writing this... My grandfather's health suddenly plummeted, and the next update I received on his condition, the previous one being he was recovering and going to be home soon, was that my grandfather was dead. He was killed by a drug resistant staph infection inside his chest cavity. Apparently the surgeon did not wash his hands well enough and the infection was on his hands from another patient, spreading to my grandfather during his surgery. Before you ask, no we did not sue the hospital, it was government run and you can't sue the government, as for the surgeon himself I do not know all the exact reasons why not action was taken against him, I know it was partially my grandmother's choice. If I remember right there were other reasons as well, as I said I was in elementary school around 6 or 7 years old so I can't remember the exact details. Until writing this I had never really realized that my memory of that visit was the last time I saw him alive... TL;DR: Grandfather went in for heart surgery, caught drug resistant staph infection in chest cavity
Oh staphy you scary son of a bitch... My grandfather had heart problems for years and already had a heart transplant so the hospital was nothing new for him and no one thought too much of it when he was back in due to his heart. He had surgery done (can't remember what it was for exactly, just that it had to do with his heart) and it was successful so my Mom told me he would be out of the hospital in a few weeks max so I was excited, we even went to visit him a few days after the surgery and he seemed a lot healthier and he was happily talking with the family. I had honestly forgotten about that day until I started writing this... My grandfather's health suddenly plummeted, and the next update I received on his condition, the previous one being he was recovering and going to be home soon, was that my grandfather was dead. He was killed by a drug resistant staph infection inside his chest cavity. Apparently the surgeon did not wash his hands well enough and the infection was on his hands from another patient, spreading to my grandfather during his surgery. Before you ask, no we did not sue the hospital, it was government run and you can't sue the government, as for the surgeon himself I do not know all the exact reasons why not action was taken against him, I know it was partially my grandmother's choice. If I remember right there were other reasons as well, as I said I was in elementary school around 6 or 7 years old so I can't remember the exact details. Until writing this I had never really realized that my memory of that visit was the last time I saw him alive...
Grandfather went in for heart surgery, caught drug resistant staph infection in chest cavity
I got my first run-in with this back in October, it was horrible. It started as a serious pimple on my upper, inner thigh and intensified from there. In no more than a day's time, the abscess swelled to the size of an egg with a small, thumbtack-sized head that would not pop open. After about three days, the pain was so unbearable that I chose to handle it on my own. I iced it for about 30 minutes, to the point that I felt NOTHING in my thigh. I grabbed the sterilized (fire, then alcohol) razor blade I had near me and sliced into it. Even with all that numbness, it still hurt so bad I nearly fainted. After I had a slit big enough for the other end of a thumbtack to squeeze into, I iced it again as puss and blood oozed out. After about another 10 minutes, I squeeze the fuck out of it, releasing ~half a shot glass worth of a puss and blood mixture. It was the worst smelling thing I'd ever smelled, kind of like gym socks mixed with sweaty taint. I gauzed it up and decided to head to the doctor the following day to get some antibiotics. The doctor put a "wick" in that I was to keep there for 48 hours. A wick, in these terms, is when the doctor balls up very thin guaze and packs it tightly into the abscess to a) Prevent it from refilling, and b) Keep it from healing so it can properly drain. Taking that out was nearly as painful as slicing into it myself. Flash forward to last Thursday. I have a zit on my right ass cheek, which is not unheard of because I'm a hairy mofo. I attempt to pop it, fail, and figure that it's not mature enough. I check on it again Friday night due to some discomfort I had at work that day - it's another fucking boil, this one much smaller than my last one (roughly the size of a large grape). I can't get a good angle so I got to wait until Monday to have the doctor slice it open. The pain I felt all weekend was horrible. I couldn't sit right at all and have never felt so much discomfort across my entire body in my life. After having it sliced opened and drained, the doctor wicked it as well. I took the wick out late last night because the discomfort was so unbearable. It was like having a hot coal stuck under your skin. Here I am today, changing bandages about every 8-10 hours due to light puss and excessive blood still draining from it. The hygiene I had kept the first time was apalling. I coulding shower for three days because I could get the bandaging or wick wet. The first time, I lost three pairs of underpants that were covered in blood and puss. This time I'm going to lose one pair. If anyone has any suggestions to prevent this, PLEASE... **FUCKING PLEASE** tell me. I am a pretty hygienic person already, shower well daily, wash my hands after every bathroom use, rarely shit in public and, if I do, I lay a thick ass nest. Images (first infection, upper, inner thigh): * This is the beginning. The head is that greyish dot in the middle of the red. Anywhere you see red is part of the abscess. [Link]( * Better shot of beginning (after an attempted pop) [Link]( * Puss oozed out at the lightest of touches. Horrible smell.. [Link]( * This was taken after I removed the wick. 99% of the puss is gone and I'm left with a blood filled hole. Standing up caused puddles of blood to drain out of the hole. [Link]( * Aftermath of wick removal. A boatload of TP spent sopping up blood and puss. That long, red string? Yeah, that's the wick. That yellowish blob at the one end? yeah, that a blood/puss clot that came out at the end. It was nearly solid and caused such agonizing pain that I nearly fainted..again.. [Link]( tl;dr -- Kids, hygiene is important. I wish the pain of a staph boil upon no one.
I got my first run-in with this back in October, it was horrible. It started as a serious pimple on my upper, inner thigh and intensified from there. In no more than a day's time, the abscess swelled to the size of an egg with a small, thumbtack-sized head that would not pop open. After about three days, the pain was so unbearable that I chose to handle it on my own. I iced it for about 30 minutes, to the point that I felt NOTHING in my thigh. I grabbed the sterilized (fire, then alcohol) razor blade I had near me and sliced into it. Even with all that numbness, it still hurt so bad I nearly fainted. After I had a slit big enough for the other end of a thumbtack to squeeze into, I iced it again as puss and blood oozed out. After about another 10 minutes, I squeeze the fuck out of it, releasing ~half a shot glass worth of a puss and blood mixture. It was the worst smelling thing I'd ever smelled, kind of like gym socks mixed with sweaty taint. I gauzed it up and decided to head to the doctor the following day to get some antibiotics. The doctor put a "wick" in that I was to keep there for 48 hours. A wick, in these terms, is when the doctor balls up very thin guaze and packs it tightly into the abscess to a) Prevent it from refilling, and b) Keep it from healing so it can properly drain. Taking that out was nearly as painful as slicing into it myself. Flash forward to last Thursday. I have a zit on my right ass cheek, which is not unheard of because I'm a hairy mofo. I attempt to pop it, fail, and figure that it's not mature enough. I check on it again Friday night due to some discomfort I had at work that day - it's another fucking boil, this one much smaller than my last one (roughly the size of a large grape). I can't get a good angle so I got to wait until Monday to have the doctor slice it open. The pain I felt all weekend was horrible. I couldn't sit right at all and have never felt so much discomfort across my entire body in my life. After having it sliced opened and drained, the doctor wicked it as well. I took the wick out late last night because the discomfort was so unbearable. It was like having a hot coal stuck under your skin. Here I am today, changing bandages about every 8-10 hours due to light puss and excessive blood still draining from it. The hygiene I had kept the first time was apalling. I coulding shower for three days because I could get the bandaging or wick wet. The first time, I lost three pairs of underpants that were covered in blood and puss. This time I'm going to lose one pair. If anyone has any suggestions to prevent this, PLEASE... FUCKING PLEASE tell me. I am a pretty hygienic person already, shower well daily, wash my hands after every bathroom use, rarely shit in public and, if I do, I lay a thick ass nest. Images (first infection, upper, inner thigh): This is the beginning. The head is that greyish dot in the middle of the red. Anywhere you see red is part of the abscess. [Link]( Better shot of beginning (after an attempted pop) [Link]( Puss oozed out at the lightest of touches. Horrible smell.. [Link]( This was taken after I removed the wick. 99% of the puss is gone and I'm left with a blood filled hole. Standing up caused puddles of blood to drain out of the hole. [Link]( Aftermath of wick removal. A boatload of TP spent sopping up blood and puss. That long, red string? Yeah, that's the wick. That yellowish blob at the one end? yeah, that a blood/puss clot that came out at the end. It was nearly solid and caused such agonizing pain that I nearly fainted..again.. [Link]( tl;dr -- Kids, hygiene is important. I wish the pain of a staph boil upon no one.
I got my first run-in with this back in October, it was horrible. It started as a serious pimple on my upper, inner thigh and intensified from there. In no more than a day's time, the abscess swelled to the size of an egg with a small, thumbtack-sized head that would not pop open. After about three days, the pain was so unbearable that I chose to handle it on my own. I iced it for about 30 minutes, to the point that I felt NOTHING in my thigh. I grabbed the sterilized (fire, then alcohol) razor blade I had near me and sliced into it. Even with all that numbness, it still hurt so bad I nearly fainted. After I had a slit big enough for the other end of a thumbtack to squeeze into, I iced it again as puss and blood oozed out. After about another 10 minutes, I squeeze the fuck out of it, releasing ~half a shot glass worth of a puss and blood mixture. It was the worst smelling thing I'd ever smelled, kind of like gym socks mixed with sweaty taint. I gauzed it up and decided to head to the doctor the following day to get some antibiotics. The doctor put a "wick" in that I was to keep there for 48 hours. A wick, in these terms, is when the doctor balls up very thin guaze and packs it tightly into the abscess to a) Prevent it from refilling, and b) Keep it from healing so it can properly drain. Taking that out was nearly as painful as slicing into it myself. Flash forward to last Thursday. I have a zit on my right ass cheek, which is not unheard of because I'm a hairy mofo. I attempt to pop it, fail, and figure that it's not mature enough. I check on it again Friday night due to some discomfort I had at work that day - it's another fucking boil, this one much smaller than my last one (roughly the size of a large grape). I can't get a good angle so I got to wait until Monday to have the doctor slice it open. The pain I felt all weekend was horrible. I couldn't sit right at all and have never felt so much discomfort across my entire body in my life. After having it sliced opened and drained, the doctor wicked it as well. I took the wick out late last night because the discomfort was so unbearable. It was like having a hot coal stuck under your skin. Here I am today, changing bandages about every 8-10 hours due to light puss and excessive blood still draining from it. The hygiene I had kept the first time was apalling. I coulding shower for three days because I could get the bandaging or wick wet. The first time, I lost three pairs of underpants that were covered in blood and puss. This time I'm going to lose one pair. If anyone has any suggestions to prevent this, PLEASE... FUCKING PLEASE tell me. I am a pretty hygienic person already, shower well daily, wash my hands after every bathroom use, rarely shit in public and, if I do, I lay a thick ass nest. Images (first infection, upper, inner thigh): This is the beginning. The head is that greyish dot in the middle of the red. Anywhere you see red is part of the abscess. [Link]( Better shot of beginning (after an attempted pop) [Link]( Puss oozed out at the lightest of touches. Horrible smell.. [Link]( This was taken after I removed the wick. 99% of the puss is gone and I'm left with a blood filled hole. Standing up caused puddles of blood to drain out of the hole. [Link]( Aftermath of wick removal. A boatload of TP spent sopping up blood and puss. That long, red string? Yeah, that's the wick. That yellowish blob at the one end? yeah, that a blood/puss clot that came out at the end. It was nearly solid and caused such agonizing pain that I nearly fainted..again.. [Link](
Kids, hygiene is important. I wish the pain of a staph boil upon no one.
The following has worked well for me: I ask myself, what are my basic needs, and how is this feeling of jealousy connected to the possibility that those needs will not be met during the group sex encounter? A few principles inform the way I go about answering the above question. To be clear, I don't mean to suggest that the following definition of "needs" is objectively true. It just helps me to overcome jealousy when I think about needs in this way. And my hope is that it will help other people as well. Also, my apologies for using hetero pronoun pairings throughout... I don't mean to assume anything about your gender or orientation; I'm just relying on my own experience. 1) There is a difference between a need and a strategy. 2) A strategy is any approach that I use to attempt fulfilling a need. 3) A need is very basic and universal. For example, I need to feel safe. I can go about fulfilling that need in a lot of different ways, and in a lot of different situations. At home, for example, locking my doors helps me to feel safe. In group sex, for example, one of the strategies that I use to feel safe is wearing a condom. And so on. 4) Crucially, my needs can never conflict with another person's needs. Chances are, if I feel like my needs are conflicting with those of another person, it is actually our strategies that conflict. For example, I might want to clean up immediately after sex, and my partner might want to cuddle immediately after sex. Those are both strategies to meet more basic needs, and their immediacy puts them in conflict. But, at a more basic level, I might need to feel physically comfortable in terms of cleanliness. My partner might need to feel connected and reassured. If we put our needs in these more basic terms, we can work together to satisfy them using a number of other strategies. For example, she could join me in the shower, and we could maintain physical closeness while we clean up. I can reassure her verbally, and let her know that physical contact is important to me as well. I can wait for a little while immediately after sex, and focus on maintaing physical closeness until we're both in a good place, before I rush off to have a shower. And so on. 5) It is very easy to confuse needs and strategies. And it takes a lot of communication and cooperation to figure out, in any given situation, which is which. Often, we have strong inclinations towards particular strategies, and they start to feel like needs. For example, perhaps my partner has *always* cuddled immediately after sex. Maybe she has even ended relationships because her ex refused to cuddle immediately after sex. She might tell me that she needs this cuddling. She might demand it, suggesting that it is the price of admission for our relationship to continue. For her, this strategy is so effective at fulfilling a specific cluster of needs that she experiences after sex, that she assumes it is the only strategy that could possibly work. It might even end up being true that we cannot find any other strategies that effectively satisfy her needs after sex. But, nonetheless, cuddling is still a strategy and not a need. And it is worth exploring other possible strategies to meet both of our needs, if we identify a conflict stemming from her desire to cuddle and my desire to clean. *** OK, jealousy. I can't speak for the needs that you are expressing when you write that you "have a lot of trouble trying to think about them being physical with someone as passionately as they are with me." But I can speak about my experience feeling jealous along the same lines. For me, the thought of my partner being as physically passionate with someone else as they are with me makes me feel worried about a few different things. For one, I worry that my partner finds the other person more attractive and more desirable than they find me. In other words, I need to feel attractive and desirable, and seeing my partner pay attention to another person's body instead of mine makes me feel those specific needs in a very pronounced way. So, the question becomes are there strategies that we can use to meet my need to feel desirable at the same time that my partner has sex with someone else? One of the strategies that works really well for me is if my partner makes eye contact with me and talks dirty to me while having sex with the other person. Feeling her eyes connect with mine, even if it's just periodically throughout the encounter, and hearing her describe her desire for me really helps to meet my needs to feel attractive, and eases the sense of conflict that arises from her being physically engaged with someone else. Another thing that I worry about when I think of my partner being physically passionate with someone else is that I will be excluded or rejected by means of her passionate connection with the other person. Put differently, I need to feel accepted and included. One of the strategies that helps me to meet this need is if my partner physically engages with me while she has sex with the other person. If she reaches out to touch my body, or stimulate me in some way, I feel like she wants me to be part of the encounter as much as or more than she enjoys being with the other person. To come full circle, jealousy (for me) is linked to the possibility that my partner might not meet my needs to feel attractive, desirable, accepted, and included during group sex. The fact that I'm having sex with other people helps to meet those needs, which is part of why group sex is so appealing. But I also need to feel connected, and I worry that my connection with my partner might be put in jeopardy by her feeling connected to someone else. That said, having a frank discussion about needs and worries helps me to feel connected to my partner. So, I find that it is useful to discuss worries, needs and strategies with my partner – not only before the group sex, but after as well... and sometimes even during. I've written this post in really formal terms, for the sake of clarity, but in practice, it doesn't have to be clunky. It's gotten to the point now where I use dirty talk, at least partially, to suss out what my partner's needs are and what strategies we can employ to go about meeting those needs. **TL;DR** - Discuss ways that will help you feel safe, secure, recognized, appreciated, desired, etc. during group sex. If you feel that those needs are being satisfied by your partner, even while they are with another person, you might not feel as jealous.
The following has worked well for me: I ask myself, what are my basic needs, and how is this feeling of jealousy connected to the possibility that those needs will not be met during the group sex encounter? A few principles inform the way I go about answering the above question. To be clear, I don't mean to suggest that the following definition of "needs" is objectively true. It just helps me to overcome jealousy when I think about needs in this way. And my hope is that it will help other people as well. Also, my apologies for using hetero pronoun pairings throughout... I don't mean to assume anything about your gender or orientation; I'm just relying on my own experience. 1) There is a difference between a need and a strategy. 2) A strategy is any approach that I use to attempt fulfilling a need. 3) A need is very basic and universal. For example, I need to feel safe. I can go about fulfilling that need in a lot of different ways, and in a lot of different situations. At home, for example, locking my doors helps me to feel safe. In group sex, for example, one of the strategies that I use to feel safe is wearing a condom. And so on. 4) Crucially, my needs can never conflict with another person's needs. Chances are, if I feel like my needs are conflicting with those of another person, it is actually our strategies that conflict. For example, I might want to clean up immediately after sex, and my partner might want to cuddle immediately after sex. Those are both strategies to meet more basic needs, and their immediacy puts them in conflict. But, at a more basic level, I might need to feel physically comfortable in terms of cleanliness. My partner might need to feel connected and reassured. If we put our needs in these more basic terms, we can work together to satisfy them using a number of other strategies. For example, she could join me in the shower, and we could maintain physical closeness while we clean up. I can reassure her verbally, and let her know that physical contact is important to me as well. I can wait for a little while immediately after sex, and focus on maintaing physical closeness until we're both in a good place, before I rush off to have a shower. And so on. 5) It is very easy to confuse needs and strategies. And it takes a lot of communication and cooperation to figure out, in any given situation, which is which. Often, we have strong inclinations towards particular strategies, and they start to feel like needs. For example, perhaps my partner has always cuddled immediately after sex. Maybe she has even ended relationships because her ex refused to cuddle immediately after sex. She might tell me that she needs this cuddling. She might demand it, suggesting that it is the price of admission for our relationship to continue. For her, this strategy is so effective at fulfilling a specific cluster of needs that she experiences after sex, that she assumes it is the only strategy that could possibly work. It might even end up being true that we cannot find any other strategies that effectively satisfy her needs after sex. But, nonetheless, cuddling is still a strategy and not a need. And it is worth exploring other possible strategies to meet both of our needs, if we identify a conflict stemming from her desire to cuddle and my desire to clean. OK, jealousy. I can't speak for the needs that you are expressing when you write that you "have a lot of trouble trying to think about them being physical with someone as passionately as they are with me." But I can speak about my experience feeling jealous along the same lines. For me, the thought of my partner being as physically passionate with someone else as they are with me makes me feel worried about a few different things. For one, I worry that my partner finds the other person more attractive and more desirable than they find me. In other words, I need to feel attractive and desirable, and seeing my partner pay attention to another person's body instead of mine makes me feel those specific needs in a very pronounced way. So, the question becomes are there strategies that we can use to meet my need to feel desirable at the same time that my partner has sex with someone else? One of the strategies that works really well for me is if my partner makes eye contact with me and talks dirty to me while having sex with the other person. Feeling her eyes connect with mine, even if it's just periodically throughout the encounter, and hearing her describe her desire for me really helps to meet my needs to feel attractive, and eases the sense of conflict that arises from her being physically engaged with someone else. Another thing that I worry about when I think of my partner being physically passionate with someone else is that I will be excluded or rejected by means of her passionate connection with the other person. Put differently, I need to feel accepted and included. One of the strategies that helps me to meet this need is if my partner physically engages with me while she has sex with the other person. If she reaches out to touch my body, or stimulate me in some way, I feel like she wants me to be part of the encounter as much as or more than she enjoys being with the other person. To come full circle, jealousy (for me) is linked to the possibility that my partner might not meet my needs to feel attractive, desirable, accepted, and included during group sex. The fact that I'm having sex with other people helps to meet those needs, which is part of why group sex is so appealing. But I also need to feel connected, and I worry that my connection with my partner might be put in jeopardy by her feeling connected to someone else. That said, having a frank discussion about needs and worries helps me to feel connected to my partner. So, I find that it is useful to discuss worries, needs and strategies with my partner – not only before the group sex, but after as well... and sometimes even during. I've written this post in really formal terms, for the sake of clarity, but in practice, it doesn't have to be clunky. It's gotten to the point now where I use dirty talk, at least partially, to suss out what my partner's needs are and what strategies we can employ to go about meeting those needs. TL;DR - Discuss ways that will help you feel safe, secure, recognized, appreciated, desired, etc. during group sex. If you feel that those needs are being satisfied by your partner, even while they are with another person, you might not feel as jealous.
The following has worked well for me: I ask myself, what are my basic needs, and how is this feeling of jealousy connected to the possibility that those needs will not be met during the group sex encounter? A few principles inform the way I go about answering the above question. To be clear, I don't mean to suggest that the following definition of "needs" is objectively true. It just helps me to overcome jealousy when I think about needs in this way. And my hope is that it will help other people as well. Also, my apologies for using hetero pronoun pairings throughout... I don't mean to assume anything about your gender or orientation; I'm just relying on my own experience. 1) There is a difference between a need and a strategy. 2) A strategy is any approach that I use to attempt fulfilling a need. 3) A need is very basic and universal. For example, I need to feel safe. I can go about fulfilling that need in a lot of different ways, and in a lot of different situations. At home, for example, locking my doors helps me to feel safe. In group sex, for example, one of the strategies that I use to feel safe is wearing a condom. And so on. 4) Crucially, my needs can never conflict with another person's needs. Chances are, if I feel like my needs are conflicting with those of another person, it is actually our strategies that conflict. For example, I might want to clean up immediately after sex, and my partner might want to cuddle immediately after sex. Those are both strategies to meet more basic needs, and their immediacy puts them in conflict. But, at a more basic level, I might need to feel physically comfortable in terms of cleanliness. My partner might need to feel connected and reassured. If we put our needs in these more basic terms, we can work together to satisfy them using a number of other strategies. For example, she could join me in the shower, and we could maintain physical closeness while we clean up. I can reassure her verbally, and let her know that physical contact is important to me as well. I can wait for a little while immediately after sex, and focus on maintaing physical closeness until we're both in a good place, before I rush off to have a shower. And so on. 5) It is very easy to confuse needs and strategies. And it takes a lot of communication and cooperation to figure out, in any given situation, which is which. Often, we have strong inclinations towards particular strategies, and they start to feel like needs. For example, perhaps my partner has always cuddled immediately after sex. Maybe she has even ended relationships because her ex refused to cuddle immediately after sex. She might tell me that she needs this cuddling. She might demand it, suggesting that it is the price of admission for our relationship to continue. For her, this strategy is so effective at fulfilling a specific cluster of needs that she experiences after sex, that she assumes it is the only strategy that could possibly work. It might even end up being true that we cannot find any other strategies that effectively satisfy her needs after sex. But, nonetheless, cuddling is still a strategy and not a need. And it is worth exploring other possible strategies to meet both of our needs, if we identify a conflict stemming from her desire to cuddle and my desire to clean. OK, jealousy. I can't speak for the needs that you are expressing when you write that you "have a lot of trouble trying to think about them being physical with someone as passionately as they are with me." But I can speak about my experience feeling jealous along the same lines. For me, the thought of my partner being as physically passionate with someone else as they are with me makes me feel worried about a few different things. For one, I worry that my partner finds the other person more attractive and more desirable than they find me. In other words, I need to feel attractive and desirable, and seeing my partner pay attention to another person's body instead of mine makes me feel those specific needs in a very pronounced way. So, the question becomes are there strategies that we can use to meet my need to feel desirable at the same time that my partner has sex with someone else? One of the strategies that works really well for me is if my partner makes eye contact with me and talks dirty to me while having sex with the other person. Feeling her eyes connect with mine, even if it's just periodically throughout the encounter, and hearing her describe her desire for me really helps to meet my needs to feel attractive, and eases the sense of conflict that arises from her being physically engaged with someone else. Another thing that I worry about when I think of my partner being physically passionate with someone else is that I will be excluded or rejected by means of her passionate connection with the other person. Put differently, I need to feel accepted and included. One of the strategies that helps me to meet this need is if my partner physically engages with me while she has sex with the other person. If she reaches out to touch my body, or stimulate me in some way, I feel like she wants me to be part of the encounter as much as or more than she enjoys being with the other person. To come full circle, jealousy (for me) is linked to the possibility that my partner might not meet my needs to feel attractive, desirable, accepted, and included during group sex. The fact that I'm having sex with other people helps to meet those needs, which is part of why group sex is so appealing. But I also need to feel connected, and I worry that my connection with my partner might be put in jeopardy by her feeling connected to someone else. That said, having a frank discussion about needs and worries helps me to feel connected to my partner. So, I find that it is useful to discuss worries, needs and strategies with my partner – not only before the group sex, but after as well... and sometimes even during. I've written this post in really formal terms, for the sake of clarity, but in practice, it doesn't have to be clunky. It's gotten to the point now where I use dirty talk, at least partially, to suss out what my partner's needs are and what strategies we can employ to go about meeting those needs.
Discuss ways that will help you feel safe, secure, recognized, appreciated, desired, etc. during group sex. If you feel that those needs are being satisfied by your partner, even while they are with another person, you might not feel as jealous.
I'm working on a U.S. Ranger impression myself. It definitely gives me something to do in between playing games. While I'm not playing Airsoft, I'm looking for more pieces to complete my impression. Whether it's parts to complete my Mk 18 mod 1, some Ranger Green pouches to throw on my PC, or another small detail to add to my lid. It definitely takes the game to another level. Some people will criticize you for spending tons of money on the stuff, but I'm probably the poorest airsofter out there and I'm easily able to purchase stuff, if I look in the right places. Some people that are actually in the military will also criticize you for wearing all the stuff. I've had no problems with that so far. I always viewed these guys as my heroes and role models while I grew up, so that's why I imitate them. Even as I'm in college for my Criminal Justice major, I still think about joining the military. I still don't know exactly what I want to do with my life, but I know I will figure it out soon. Before I go telling my whole life story, I'll just say that you should definitely do an impression, and you'll always have something to do (e.g. always looking for that one extra/unique piece to complete your kit). TL;DR: You'll definitely enjoy doing it, so go for it!
I'm working on a U.S. Ranger impression myself. It definitely gives me something to do in between playing games. While I'm not playing Airsoft, I'm looking for more pieces to complete my impression. Whether it's parts to complete my Mk 18 mod 1, some Ranger Green pouches to throw on my PC, or another small detail to add to my lid. It definitely takes the game to another level. Some people will criticize you for spending tons of money on the stuff, but I'm probably the poorest airsofter out there and I'm easily able to purchase stuff, if I look in the right places. Some people that are actually in the military will also criticize you for wearing all the stuff. I've had no problems with that so far. I always viewed these guys as my heroes and role models while I grew up, so that's why I imitate them. Even as I'm in college for my Criminal Justice major, I still think about joining the military. I still don't know exactly what I want to do with my life, but I know I will figure it out soon. Before I go telling my whole life story, I'll just say that you should definitely do an impression, and you'll always have something to do (e.g. always looking for that one extra/unique piece to complete your kit). TL;DR: You'll definitely enjoy doing it, so go for it!
I'm working on a U.S. Ranger impression myself. It definitely gives me something to do in between playing games. While I'm not playing Airsoft, I'm looking for more pieces to complete my impression. Whether it's parts to complete my Mk 18 mod 1, some Ranger Green pouches to throw on my PC, or another small detail to add to my lid. It definitely takes the game to another level. Some people will criticize you for spending tons of money on the stuff, but I'm probably the poorest airsofter out there and I'm easily able to purchase stuff, if I look in the right places. Some people that are actually in the military will also criticize you for wearing all the stuff. I've had no problems with that so far. I always viewed these guys as my heroes and role models while I grew up, so that's why I imitate them. Even as I'm in college for my Criminal Justice major, I still think about joining the military. I still don't know exactly what I want to do with my life, but I know I will figure it out soon. Before I go telling my whole life story, I'll just say that you should definitely do an impression, and you'll always have something to do (e.g. always looking for that one extra/unique piece to complete your kit).
You'll definitely enjoy doing it, so go for it!
Let me try again: >If you pay for one, would you actually pay for more than one subscription? OkTrends wrote a piece about how dating websites function. After OkCupid was aquired by the piece was removed from their site. Here is a wayback link to the story: [Why You Should Never Pay For Online Dating]( The important takeaway is that without joining and engaging with the site (i.e. emailing people and getting their replies) it is impossible to determine if the people you see listed in the searches are still subscribing members. Part of the business model is to leave the profiles of no-longer-paying folks "live", and if you email them the site sends them a "you've got mail" notification, but they have to pay to read that mail. So, to answer the question cairnn5556 posed: a paying customer has no way of knowing if dating site A or dating site B has any customers on it to date so joining both is a legitimate strategy. If dating site A was "in" and now the crowd has gravitated to dating site B *both* sites will outwardly appear as if they are populated with "live" profiles. If you live in a small town then this can make a huge difference. Sorry if the other response was short. It was on my phone, the answer seemed obvious and I knew the oktrends url was going to be a pain to retrieve. additional anecdote: many people I emailed or dated on the more populated site were also on other sites. tl;dr there exist legitimate reasons why someone would want to be on more than one site.
Let me try again: >If you pay for one, would you actually pay for more than one subscription? OkTrends wrote a piece about how dating websites function. After OkCupid was aquired by the piece was removed from their site. Here is a wayback link to the story: [Why You Should Never Pay For Online Dating]( The important takeaway is that without joining and engaging with the site (i.e. emailing people and getting their replies) it is impossible to determine if the people you see listed in the searches are still subscribing members. Part of the business model is to leave the profiles of no-longer-paying folks "live", and if you email them the site sends them a "you've got mail" notification, but they have to pay to read that mail. So, to answer the question cairnn5556 posed: a paying customer has no way of knowing if dating site A or dating site B has any customers on it to date so joining both is a legitimate strategy. If dating site A was "in" and now the crowd has gravitated to dating site B both sites will outwardly appear as if they are populated with "live" profiles. If you live in a small town then this can make a huge difference. Sorry if the other response was short. It was on my phone, the answer seemed obvious and I knew the oktrends url was going to be a pain to retrieve. additional anecdote: many people I emailed or dated on the more populated site were also on other sites. tl;dr there exist legitimate reasons why someone would want to be on more than one site.
Let me try again: >If you pay for one, would you actually pay for more than one subscription? OkTrends wrote a piece about how dating websites function. After OkCupid was aquired by the piece was removed from their site. Here is a wayback link to the story: [Why You Should Never Pay For Online Dating]( The important takeaway is that without joining and engaging with the site (i.e. emailing people and getting their replies) it is impossible to determine if the people you see listed in the searches are still subscribing members. Part of the business model is to leave the profiles of no-longer-paying folks "live", and if you email them the site sends them a "you've got mail" notification, but they have to pay to read that mail. So, to answer the question cairnn5556 posed: a paying customer has no way of knowing if dating site A or dating site B has any customers on it to date so joining both is a legitimate strategy. If dating site A was "in" and now the crowd has gravitated to dating site B both sites will outwardly appear as if they are populated with "live" profiles. If you live in a small town then this can make a huge difference. Sorry if the other response was short. It was on my phone, the answer seemed obvious and I knew the oktrends url was going to be a pain to retrieve. additional anecdote: many people I emailed or dated on the more populated site were also on other sites.
there exist legitimate reasons why someone would want to be on more than one site.
As an englishman, your TL:DR Resonates.
As an englishman, your TL:DR Resonates.
As an englishman, your
1) Gilda's Past Gilda was born in the home nation of the gryphons, as normal. But, as a child, all those close to her were taken from her abruptly in a mass enslavement by the Diamond dogs. Her parents sacrificed themselves to save her. This leads to deep seated mistrust and personality issues. After this, she was lost, hungry, and wounded for several days. She wound up being found by Cloudsdale Guards, and taken to the local orphanage. After a few years of living under typical orphanage, she was chosen to be adopted, by a pony couple, one of whom was infertile. She immediately takes a disliking to them, think aforementioned trust issues. This hate grew into the typical 'burnout douchebag' persona. Her 'parents' tried to give the best to her, by paying for expensive flight lessons and school. Of course, she fails them and rebels intentionally. Around this time, Dash enters the picture. They become immediate freinds, with RD's personality rubbing off on her, so she becomes a bit more mellow. The time comes when they must graduate, and Gilda is not able to. Dash graduates, moves on, while Gilda is left all alone. SHe reverts to her former self loathing self. She runs away from Cloudsdale, to never return, for fear of rejection, hate, and scorn. TL:DR Gilda has a wall thicker than Pink from Pink Floyd's The Wall. I can write out more, such as me and a chatroom member discussing what magic is and how it relates to Quantum Physics and String Theory, if you want.
1) Gilda's Past Gilda was born in the home nation of the gryphons, as normal. But, as a child, all those close to her were taken from her abruptly in a mass enslavement by the Diamond dogs. Her parents sacrificed themselves to save her. This leads to deep seated mistrust and personality issues. After this, she was lost, hungry, and wounded for several days. She wound up being found by Cloudsdale Guards, and taken to the local orphanage. After a few years of living under typical orphanage, she was chosen to be adopted, by a pony couple, one of whom was infertile. She immediately takes a disliking to them, think aforementioned trust issues. This hate grew into the typical 'burnout douchebag' persona. Her 'parents' tried to give the best to her, by paying for expensive flight lessons and school. Of course, she fails them and rebels intentionally. Around this time, Dash enters the picture. They become immediate freinds, with RD's personality rubbing off on her, so she becomes a bit more mellow. The time comes when they must graduate, and Gilda is not able to. Dash graduates, moves on, while Gilda is left all alone. SHe reverts to her former self loathing self. She runs away from Cloudsdale, to never return, for fear of rejection, hate, and scorn. TL:DR Gilda has a wall thicker than Pink from Pink Floyd's The Wall. I can write out more, such as me and a chatroom member discussing what magic is and how it relates to Quantum Physics and String Theory, if you want.
1) Gilda's Past Gilda was born in the home nation of the gryphons, as normal. But, as a child, all those close to her were taken from her abruptly in a mass enslavement by the Diamond dogs. Her parents sacrificed themselves to save her. This leads to deep seated mistrust and personality issues. After this, she was lost, hungry, and wounded for several days. She wound up being found by Cloudsdale Guards, and taken to the local orphanage. After a few years of living under typical orphanage, she was chosen to be adopted, by a pony couple, one of whom was infertile. She immediately takes a disliking to them, think aforementioned trust issues. This hate grew into the typical 'burnout douchebag' persona. Her 'parents' tried to give the best to her, by paying for expensive flight lessons and school. Of course, she fails them and rebels intentionally. Around this time, Dash enters the picture. They become immediate freinds, with RD's personality rubbing off on her, so she becomes a bit more mellow. The time comes when they must graduate, and Gilda is not able to. Dash graduates, moves on, while Gilda is left all alone. SHe reverts to her former self loathing self. She runs away from Cloudsdale, to never return, for fear of rejection, hate, and scorn.
Gilda has a wall thicker than Pink from Pink Floyd's The Wall. I can write out more, such as me and a chatroom member discussing what magic is and how it relates to Quantum Physics and String Theory, if you want.
Something similar can happen to me if I take a hit in a certain way. Temporary auditory hallucinations occur (for like 3 seconds, "underwater effect, etc.") And occasionally get blurred sight for a couple seconds. I noticed it happens when I take afull inhale, hold and compress, and release really slow. I think its a combination of rapidly getting high, holding your breath, and improper (or in my opinion, proper) hit taking. I enjoy the effects, but only hit it like that when I am not driving. TL; DR it happens to me, but I do that intentionally.
Something similar can happen to me if I take a hit in a certain way. Temporary auditory hallucinations occur (for like 3 seconds, "underwater effect, etc.") And occasionally get blurred sight for a couple seconds. I noticed it happens when I take afull inhale, hold and compress, and release really slow. I think its a combination of rapidly getting high, holding your breath, and improper (or in my opinion, proper) hit taking. I enjoy the effects, but only hit it like that when I am not driving. TL; DR it happens to me, but I do that intentionally.
Something similar can happen to me if I take a hit in a certain way. Temporary auditory hallucinations occur (for like 3 seconds, "underwater effect, etc.") And occasionally get blurred sight for a couple seconds. I noticed it happens when I take afull inhale, hold and compress, and release really slow. I think its a combination of rapidly getting high, holding your breath, and improper (or in my opinion, proper) hit taking. I enjoy the effects, but only hit it like that when I am not driving.
it happens to me, but I do that intentionally.
Being happy, my boyfriend knows exactly how to do it (in a non sexual way.) When I had a fever he surprised me with vicks vapor rub, an italian ice in my favorite flavor from a place we go to, and a movie that I ^^secretly wanted to see in theaters but never got to. The movie? Magic Mike. I kept telling him no because he obviously does not want to watch men dance around mostly naked, but he painfully put it in the DVD player and turned it on. He's such a sweetheart, and the movie was actually boring. Sure it's exciting at some parts, but the actual plot of the movie made no sense and they didn't talk loud enough. I actually turned it off because all the scenes of Channing Tatum grinding didn't make up for the shitty movie. **tl;dr:** Happiness/love, and ***not*** the movie Magic Mike.
Being happy, my boyfriend knows exactly how to do it (in a non sexual way.) When I had a fever he surprised me with vicks vapor rub, an italian ice in my favorite flavor from a place we go to, and a movie that I ^^secretly wanted to see in theaters but never got to. The movie? Magic Mike. I kept telling him no because he obviously does not want to watch men dance around mostly naked, but he painfully put it in the DVD player and turned it on. He's such a sweetheart, and the movie was actually boring. Sure it's exciting at some parts, but the actual plot of the movie made no sense and they didn't talk loud enough. I actually turned it off because all the scenes of Channing Tatum grinding didn't make up for the shitty movie. tl;dr: Happiness/love, and not the movie Magic Mike.
Being happy, my boyfriend knows exactly how to do it (in a non sexual way.) When I had a fever he surprised me with vicks vapor rub, an italian ice in my favorite flavor from a place we go to, and a movie that I ^^secretly wanted to see in theaters but never got to. The movie? Magic Mike. I kept telling him no because he obviously does not want to watch men dance around mostly naked, but he painfully put it in the DVD player and turned it on. He's such a sweetheart, and the movie was actually boring. Sure it's exciting at some parts, but the actual plot of the movie made no sense and they didn't talk loud enough. I actually turned it off because all the scenes of Channing Tatum grinding didn't make up for the shitty movie.
Happiness/love, and not the movie Magic Mike.
I get the urges very frequently aswell. I've been a heroin addict since 2006 and only recently got myself cleaned up. I got out of 4 months of rehab in December. Sometimes I go all day without even thinking about using (mostly because I'm in a rural area and wouldn't even know where to begin looking) but I have dreams very, very often about getting high. Sometimes I wake up from a dream where I shot up and think "thank fuck I didn't do that, I'm so glad it was just a dream" other times I wake up from a very vivid using dream and it makes me crave even more. Like dreaming about an ex gf when you were still happy with her and remembering "the good times" even though you know that it will never work out with her. I know, I'm rambling. I'm not a big AA/NA type of guy but I think some of their ideas are really good. When I used to go to meetings I had a sponsor I would call every day. I'd call him when I was fiending for a bang of dope and ask him what to do. His answers were simple. He'd say "clean your room" I was like what the fuck? How's that gonna help anything? Then after I'd clean my room I'd say now what? He'd say something like "do your laundry" "but it's not even dirty" I'd say. "Just do it" I'd call him again, "clean the floor, the entire floor" then "clean your bathroom" and so on. Before I knew it, I'd spent an entire day focused on cleaning shit in my house. Doing push ups and going for long walks is a good idea too. TL:DR just stay busy. Idle hands are the devils playground.
I get the urges very frequently aswell. I've been a heroin addict since 2006 and only recently got myself cleaned up. I got out of 4 months of rehab in December. Sometimes I go all day without even thinking about using (mostly because I'm in a rural area and wouldn't even know where to begin looking) but I have dreams very, very often about getting high. Sometimes I wake up from a dream where I shot up and think "thank fuck I didn't do that, I'm so glad it was just a dream" other times I wake up from a very vivid using dream and it makes me crave even more. Like dreaming about an ex gf when you were still happy with her and remembering "the good times" even though you know that it will never work out with her. I know, I'm rambling. I'm not a big AA/NA type of guy but I think some of their ideas are really good. When I used to go to meetings I had a sponsor I would call every day. I'd call him when I was fiending for a bang of dope and ask him what to do. His answers were simple. He'd say "clean your room" I was like what the fuck? How's that gonna help anything? Then after I'd clean my room I'd say now what? He'd say something like "do your laundry" "but it's not even dirty" I'd say. "Just do it" I'd call him again, "clean the floor, the entire floor" then "clean your bathroom" and so on. Before I knew it, I'd spent an entire day focused on cleaning shit in my house. Doing push ups and going for long walks is a good idea too. TL:DR just stay busy. Idle hands are the devils playground.
I get the urges very frequently aswell. I've been a heroin addict since 2006 and only recently got myself cleaned up. I got out of 4 months of rehab in December. Sometimes I go all day without even thinking about using (mostly because I'm in a rural area and wouldn't even know where to begin looking) but I have dreams very, very often about getting high. Sometimes I wake up from a dream where I shot up and think "thank fuck I didn't do that, I'm so glad it was just a dream" other times I wake up from a very vivid using dream and it makes me crave even more. Like dreaming about an ex gf when you were still happy with her and remembering "the good times" even though you know that it will never work out with her. I know, I'm rambling. I'm not a big AA/NA type of guy but I think some of their ideas are really good. When I used to go to meetings I had a sponsor I would call every day. I'd call him when I was fiending for a bang of dope and ask him what to do. His answers were simple. He'd say "clean your room" I was like what the fuck? How's that gonna help anything? Then after I'd clean my room I'd say now what? He'd say something like "do your laundry" "but it's not even dirty" I'd say. "Just do it" I'd call him again, "clean the floor, the entire floor" then "clean your bathroom" and so on. Before I knew it, I'd spent an entire day focused on cleaning shit in my house. Doing push ups and going for long walks is a good idea too.
just stay busy. Idle hands are the devils playground.
My mother one day came home after visiting my grandma. She said something like: "Poor grandma, she told me so much today." Instinctively we asked: "what happened?" and so it went the story. My grandma lived in a really small town where she had her kids and all that kind of crap. She lived a normal life but of course she lacked opportunities. Her uncle one day asked her for help and she agreed. The thing on which her uncle needed help was that he needed her to "prepare" a bunch of weed plants so he could deliver them to bigger towns nearby. He told her that he would paid her well and with the money she could raise their kids easily (she had around 10 kids or something) So it happened. My grandmother was starting to earn good money but the thingy was that... she liked the green money. She started to plant more and more and giving it to her uncle. With the extra money she had she started to buy cows and bigger terrain for the cows to live. Now she has a big amount of money but she's old. It just happened that money got power over her but, the good thing is that she left it when she thought it was enough. Anyway, still my mum would hate me if she found out that I smoke pot. TL;DR: My gran is way cooler than I will ever be.
My mother one day came home after visiting my grandma. She said something like: "Poor grandma, she told me so much today." Instinctively we asked: "what happened?" and so it went the story. My grandma lived in a really small town where she had her kids and all that kind of crap. She lived a normal life but of course she lacked opportunities. Her uncle one day asked her for help and she agreed. The thing on which her uncle needed help was that he needed her to "prepare" a bunch of weed plants so he could deliver them to bigger towns nearby. He told her that he would paid her well and with the money she could raise their kids easily (she had around 10 kids or something) So it happened. My grandmother was starting to earn good money but the thingy was that... she liked the green money. She started to plant more and more and giving it to her uncle. With the extra money she had she started to buy cows and bigger terrain for the cows to live. Now she has a big amount of money but she's old. It just happened that money got power over her but, the good thing is that she left it when she thought it was enough. Anyway, still my mum would hate me if she found out that I smoke pot. TL;DR: My gran is way cooler than I will ever be.
My mother one day came home after visiting my grandma. She said something like: "Poor grandma, she told me so much today." Instinctively we asked: "what happened?" and so it went the story. My grandma lived in a really small town where she had her kids and all that kind of crap. She lived a normal life but of course she lacked opportunities. Her uncle one day asked her for help and she agreed. The thing on which her uncle needed help was that he needed her to "prepare" a bunch of weed plants so he could deliver them to bigger towns nearby. He told her that he would paid her well and with the money she could raise their kids easily (she had around 10 kids or something) So it happened. My grandmother was starting to earn good money but the thingy was that... she liked the green money. She started to plant more and more and giving it to her uncle. With the extra money she had she started to buy cows and bigger terrain for the cows to live. Now she has a big amount of money but she's old. It just happened that money got power over her but, the good thing is that she left it when she thought it was enough. Anyway, still my mum would hate me if she found out that I smoke pot.
My gran is way cooler than I will ever be.
When I was in middle school, my sister went to an elementary school down the street from my school. I had actually gone to that school when I was her age. At the time, classes for me ended about 30 minutes before they ended at her school. Sometimes, my mom would pick me up, then drive to my sister's school, wait a bit, then pick her up and drive us all home. Other times, if my mom thought she might run a bit late, she would have me walk over to her school and I'd wait for her/my sis. This story takes place on one of the days when I had walked over to my sister's school. It was a Thursday (this is important for the story). So I've walked over to my sister's school. I get there and I have to pee. As an adult, I understand that adults can't just enter an elementary school to use the bathroom. You would at the very least have to sign in at the office before they'd let you use their washroom, assuming they would even let you at all. But, I was in middle school and I didn't know that. Besides, if you had told me then not to do that, I wouldn't have understood why. At the time, I was not much older and not much taller then the kids who went there. There's no way I could be seen as a threat. So I went inside, and went to the washroom. As I'm at the urinal, a kid walks in. He looks at me for a sec, then goes to one of the stalls. I finish up, wash my hands and go back outside to wait for my mom. At my sister's school, they usually send out any important notices on Fridays. (I guess, that way, it gives the parents the weekend to think the matter over). The day after I had gone inside to pee, my sister gets a notice. Apparently some kid saw a stranger in the bathroom and had gotten scared. As a result, to prevent kids from being attacked or molested in the bathrooms by strangers who walk in off the street, they have introduced a buddy policy. If you're leaving the classroom to do anything, you have to go with a buddy. That way, if one of you is attacked, the other one can get help. The policy made sense to me. Maybe a few weeks later, it clicks in my head. That incident at my sister's school. I bet they were talking about me. I didn't think anything of that other kid at the time, but I suppose it's possible he saw me as some sort of a threat. I thought about it more over the next few days and I became convinced that it was me. TL;DR I'm the reasons that my sister's school instituted a buddy policy to protect against predators.
When I was in middle school, my sister went to an elementary school down the street from my school. I had actually gone to that school when I was her age. At the time, classes for me ended about 30 minutes before they ended at her school. Sometimes, my mom would pick me up, then drive to my sister's school, wait a bit, then pick her up and drive us all home. Other times, if my mom thought she might run a bit late, she would have me walk over to her school and I'd wait for her/my sis. This story takes place on one of the days when I had walked over to my sister's school. It was a Thursday (this is important for the story). So I've walked over to my sister's school. I get there and I have to pee. As an adult, I understand that adults can't just enter an elementary school to use the bathroom. You would at the very least have to sign in at the office before they'd let you use their washroom, assuming they would even let you at all. But, I was in middle school and I didn't know that. Besides, if you had told me then not to do that, I wouldn't have understood why. At the time, I was not much older and not much taller then the kids who went there. There's no way I could be seen as a threat. So I went inside, and went to the washroom. As I'm at the urinal, a kid walks in. He looks at me for a sec, then goes to one of the stalls. I finish up, wash my hands and go back outside to wait for my mom. At my sister's school, they usually send out any important notices on Fridays. (I guess, that way, it gives the parents the weekend to think the matter over). The day after I had gone inside to pee, my sister gets a notice. Apparently some kid saw a stranger in the bathroom and had gotten scared. As a result, to prevent kids from being attacked or molested in the bathrooms by strangers who walk in off the street, they have introduced a buddy policy. If you're leaving the classroom to do anything, you have to go with a buddy. That way, if one of you is attacked, the other one can get help. The policy made sense to me. Maybe a few weeks later, it clicks in my head. That incident at my sister's school. I bet they were talking about me. I didn't think anything of that other kid at the time, but I suppose it's possible he saw me as some sort of a threat. I thought about it more over the next few days and I became convinced that it was me. TL;DR I'm the reasons that my sister's school instituted a buddy policy to protect against predators.
When I was in middle school, my sister went to an elementary school down the street from my school. I had actually gone to that school when I was her age. At the time, classes for me ended about 30 minutes before they ended at her school. Sometimes, my mom would pick me up, then drive to my sister's school, wait a bit, then pick her up and drive us all home. Other times, if my mom thought she might run a bit late, she would have me walk over to her school and I'd wait for her/my sis. This story takes place on one of the days when I had walked over to my sister's school. It was a Thursday (this is important for the story). So I've walked over to my sister's school. I get there and I have to pee. As an adult, I understand that adults can't just enter an elementary school to use the bathroom. You would at the very least have to sign in at the office before they'd let you use their washroom, assuming they would even let you at all. But, I was in middle school and I didn't know that. Besides, if you had told me then not to do that, I wouldn't have understood why. At the time, I was not much older and not much taller then the kids who went there. There's no way I could be seen as a threat. So I went inside, and went to the washroom. As I'm at the urinal, a kid walks in. He looks at me for a sec, then goes to one of the stalls. I finish up, wash my hands and go back outside to wait for my mom. At my sister's school, they usually send out any important notices on Fridays. (I guess, that way, it gives the parents the weekend to think the matter over). The day after I had gone inside to pee, my sister gets a notice. Apparently some kid saw a stranger in the bathroom and had gotten scared. As a result, to prevent kids from being attacked or molested in the bathrooms by strangers who walk in off the street, they have introduced a buddy policy. If you're leaving the classroom to do anything, you have to go with a buddy. That way, if one of you is attacked, the other one can get help. The policy made sense to me. Maybe a few weeks later, it clicks in my head. That incident at my sister's school. I bet they were talking about me. I didn't think anything of that other kid at the time, but I suppose it's possible he saw me as some sort of a threat. I thought about it more over the next few days and I became convinced that it was me.
I'm the reasons that my sister's school instituted a buddy policy to protect against predators.
I was about 21 years old. It was a beautiful sunny day in July. I was in a taxi cab on the passenger seat, we were going at about 50 mph and I kept looking at the beautiful clouds in the sky. I was in a really good mood but things were about to change quickly. Suddenly, the clouds started to move really fast in the sky. I thought it was very odd. It took me a while (3 seconds) to realize that the driver has just fainted and the car was moving toward the concrete walls in the middle of the boulevard. After that, it was like if the time slowed. I still remember every details: trying to wake up the driver, the left side of the car hitting the concrete wall but coming back into the road, the city bus in front of us becoming bigger and bigger because it was stopped at the red light. If the driver hadn't wake up before we were going to crash into that bus, I decided that I was going to make the car crash into the right ditch and use the emergency brakes at the same time. I couldn't do anything else without hurting someone else, there were cars in front, in the back and I couldn't reach the normal brakes. Luckily, the driver woke up in time, hitted hard the breaks and we stopped about 5 feet from the bus. No one was physically hurt real bad (the taxi driver had a cut on his right hand but that was it). Everything that I just described happened in about 10 seconds, at most. Sorry for my English. TLDR: was in a car accident and nearly crashed into the back of a stopped city bus at 50 mph.
I was about 21 years old. It was a beautiful sunny day in July. I was in a taxi cab on the passenger seat, we were going at about 50 mph and I kept looking at the beautiful clouds in the sky. I was in a really good mood but things were about to change quickly. Suddenly, the clouds started to move really fast in the sky. I thought it was very odd. It took me a while (3 seconds) to realize that the driver has just fainted and the car was moving toward the concrete walls in the middle of the boulevard. After that, it was like if the time slowed. I still remember every details: trying to wake up the driver, the left side of the car hitting the concrete wall but coming back into the road, the city bus in front of us becoming bigger and bigger because it was stopped at the red light. If the driver hadn't wake up before we were going to crash into that bus, I decided that I was going to make the car crash into the right ditch and use the emergency brakes at the same time. I couldn't do anything else without hurting someone else, there were cars in front, in the back and I couldn't reach the normal brakes. Luckily, the driver woke up in time, hitted hard the breaks and we stopped about 5 feet from the bus. No one was physically hurt real bad (the taxi driver had a cut on his right hand but that was it). Everything that I just described happened in about 10 seconds, at most. Sorry for my English. TLDR: was in a car accident and nearly crashed into the back of a stopped city bus at 50 mph.
I was about 21 years old. It was a beautiful sunny day in July. I was in a taxi cab on the passenger seat, we were going at about 50 mph and I kept looking at the beautiful clouds in the sky. I was in a really good mood but things were about to change quickly. Suddenly, the clouds started to move really fast in the sky. I thought it was very odd. It took me a while (3 seconds) to realize that the driver has just fainted and the car was moving toward the concrete walls in the middle of the boulevard. After that, it was like if the time slowed. I still remember every details: trying to wake up the driver, the left side of the car hitting the concrete wall but coming back into the road, the city bus in front of us becoming bigger and bigger because it was stopped at the red light. If the driver hadn't wake up before we were going to crash into that bus, I decided that I was going to make the car crash into the right ditch and use the emergency brakes at the same time. I couldn't do anything else without hurting someone else, there were cars in front, in the back and I couldn't reach the normal brakes. Luckily, the driver woke up in time, hitted hard the breaks and we stopped about 5 feet from the bus. No one was physically hurt real bad (the taxi driver had a cut on his right hand but that was it). Everything that I just described happened in about 10 seconds, at most. Sorry for my English.
was in a car accident and nearly crashed into the back of a stopped city bus at 50 mph.
I live in the United States but my entire family resides in egypt. My family visits there every few years. When I was younger i was in Cairo with my cousins and we stayed in a large apartment complex. The building we lived in was at least 12 stories high. Our grandmother lived all the way at the top and we had access to the roof. So we would just go up on the roof and screw around and watch the rest of the city bustle around us. Me and my cousins were asshole. We would take little things and throw them off of the building. Little things like small rocks and anything else we would find on top. My cousin goes and picks up a massive piece of concrete and we thought it would be hilarious if we threw it off. And so me and my cousin hoisted this giant mother fucking rock off the ledge and let it drop. After that we heard a large smash and a car horn. We ended up demolishing the hood of a car. We ran like hell after and didn't leave our apartment for the rest of the day. The next day we got to inspect the damage for ourselves and it was pretty bad. Someone asked us if we knew anything about it but we denied it. We were terrified. To this day i still feel guilty about it. We fucked up someone's day for a little fun and we could have seriously hurt and even killed someone :( TL;DR : Dropped a giant rock from the top of a building and destroyed the hood of a car.
I live in the United States but my entire family resides in egypt. My family visits there every few years. When I was younger i was in Cairo with my cousins and we stayed in a large apartment complex. The building we lived in was at least 12 stories high. Our grandmother lived all the way at the top and we had access to the roof. So we would just go up on the roof and screw around and watch the rest of the city bustle around us. Me and my cousins were asshole. We would take little things and throw them off of the building. Little things like small rocks and anything else we would find on top. My cousin goes and picks up a massive piece of concrete and we thought it would be hilarious if we threw it off. And so me and my cousin hoisted this giant mother fucking rock off the ledge and let it drop. After that we heard a large smash and a car horn. We ended up demolishing the hood of a car. We ran like hell after and didn't leave our apartment for the rest of the day. The next day we got to inspect the damage for ourselves and it was pretty bad. Someone asked us if we knew anything about it but we denied it. We were terrified. To this day i still feel guilty about it. We fucked up someone's day for a little fun and we could have seriously hurt and even killed someone :( TL;DR : Dropped a giant rock from the top of a building and destroyed the hood of a car.
I live in the United States but my entire family resides in egypt. My family visits there every few years. When I was younger i was in Cairo with my cousins and we stayed in a large apartment complex. The building we lived in was at least 12 stories high. Our grandmother lived all the way at the top and we had access to the roof. So we would just go up on the roof and screw around and watch the rest of the city bustle around us. Me and my cousins were asshole. We would take little things and throw them off of the building. Little things like small rocks and anything else we would find on top. My cousin goes and picks up a massive piece of concrete and we thought it would be hilarious if we threw it off. And so me and my cousin hoisted this giant mother fucking rock off the ledge and let it drop. After that we heard a large smash and a car horn. We ended up demolishing the hood of a car. We ran like hell after and didn't leave our apartment for the rest of the day. The next day we got to inspect the damage for ourselves and it was pretty bad. Someone asked us if we knew anything about it but we denied it. We were terrified. To this day i still feel guilty about it. We fucked up someone's day for a little fun and we could have seriously hurt and even killed someone :(
Dropped a giant rock from the top of a building and destroyed the hood of a car.
I live in the southy-easty part of South Carolina, and am lucky enough to work at a rather nice golf course (if you're familiar with the area you'll be able to figure out which). Time to time we get some random rich people who come in and make a big deal of themselves, their entourage tailing them and what not; just the regulars who like to make a special day of being among society. However, one day I was doing my thing as a caddy (mostly just sitting around, our normal clients like to choose the younger guys to be their club bearers since they blend in with their possies better, more photogenic; my receding hairline didn't quite lend itself to their tastes) and I see **Bill Murray** come in. He was hard to spot compared to the other golfers in their full garb, while he was wearing a sweater that looked like it was knitted by his blind grandmother and some sweatpants. Needless to say, I was internally freaking out. Here's Bill Murray casually hanging out for a day of golfing, none of the children I work with recognize him since they're all busy pandering to the high brow customers, and it's my prime opportunity to be the caddy of his dreams. I must have been staring though and after casually fighting a vending machine for some food he noticed it and came over and told me "It's my day off and I need someone who won't rat me out when I throw my ball out of a trap or drive the carts across the green". He must've liked it when I responded that it's only a violation of the rules if he uses a slingshot to get out of the sand (terrible response, I know), since he handed me a worn out bag full of some of the nicest clubs I'd seen someone bring in. The rest of the day was awesome, it was like hanging out with a fun uncle (not the one who touches you). At some point after the 5th hole he pulled out his hip flask and a sandwhich and we sat around for a bit. Things got fun after this, he convinced me to re-enact the scene in Space Jam where MJ got sucked into the hole. Only a few people got it so we went ahead and had a golf cart race, and after I started winning he declared that style points were in effect at which point he started trying to drive off some of the course's more formidable and ramp-like hills to get air. He either broke the cart or drained the battery and it stopped working, but in a flourish worthy of a die hard movie pointed it towards a fake lake and dove out as it slowly sank a foot into the water. I drove by shouting "we gotta go, they're coming! we have to go!" and he leaped onto the back of my cart, laying one of his clubs on the roof to be my gunner, throwing golf ball grenades at passerby. My supervisor must have gotten word of me careening around the course with a wild man and tried to chase us down, and when we saw him coming Bill screamed "we can't let the man bring us down! we've got too much riding on this". I naively asked him what he meant and he replied "just pretend I have six grams of weed in my golf bag, and as my caddy it's your duty to make sure no one but us smokes it!". We made a break for it, heading for the treeline (a little too directly towards it as we crashed into a tree) and hid among the trees like bigfoot and co. There was no way they could see us once we got into the foliage, then Bill promptly pulled out his piece hidden inside a driver sock along with the weed I was tasked to protect. You're not going to not smoke with Bill Murray, so we sparked up all six grams and ate all the berries in the area we could find. We spent what felt like a great many number of hours re-enacting more scenes from his movies along with a good number of lines I'm fairly certain he made up on the spot until we were sure the course had closed. Then, he stood up, handed me his piece, and said "we'll have to do this again sometime". He began walking away, deeper into the trees from which his final words echoed: "No one will ever believe you." I returned to the club house, drenched in sweat and dirt and smoke to see my supervisor. Oddly, he looked at me as if nothing had ever happened and said he'd see me at work tomorrow. Then just before I left he said "By the way, your customer left you a tip". It was an envelope with my name scrawled in Bill's handwriting, and inside was another two grams of weed along with Bill's lighter and a note saying "I may have ate some wild mushrooms out there, and forgot to give you these. -B.M." **TL;DR: I work at a golf course where Bill Murray went to and got to be his caddy, by far the most fun I have experienced with such a unique person.**
I live in the southy-easty part of South Carolina, and am lucky enough to work at a rather nice golf course (if you're familiar with the area you'll be able to figure out which). Time to time we get some random rich people who come in and make a big deal of themselves, their entourage tailing them and what not; just the regulars who like to make a special day of being among society. However, one day I was doing my thing as a caddy (mostly just sitting around, our normal clients like to choose the younger guys to be their club bearers since they blend in with their possies better, more photogenic; my receding hairline didn't quite lend itself to their tastes) and I see Bill Murray come in. He was hard to spot compared to the other golfers in their full garb, while he was wearing a sweater that looked like it was knitted by his blind grandmother and some sweatpants. Needless to say, I was internally freaking out. Here's Bill Murray casually hanging out for a day of golfing, none of the children I work with recognize him since they're all busy pandering to the high brow customers, and it's my prime opportunity to be the caddy of his dreams. I must have been staring though and after casually fighting a vending machine for some food he noticed it and came over and told me "It's my day off and I need someone who won't rat me out when I throw my ball out of a trap or drive the carts across the green". He must've liked it when I responded that it's only a violation of the rules if he uses a slingshot to get out of the sand (terrible response, I know), since he handed me a worn out bag full of some of the nicest clubs I'd seen someone bring in. The rest of the day was awesome, it was like hanging out with a fun uncle (not the one who touches you). At some point after the 5th hole he pulled out his hip flask and a sandwhich and we sat around for a bit. Things got fun after this, he convinced me to re-enact the scene in Space Jam where MJ got sucked into the hole. Only a few people got it so we went ahead and had a golf cart race, and after I started winning he declared that style points were in effect at which point he started trying to drive off some of the course's more formidable and ramp-like hills to get air. He either broke the cart or drained the battery and it stopped working, but in a flourish worthy of a die hard movie pointed it towards a fake lake and dove out as it slowly sank a foot into the water. I drove by shouting "we gotta go, they're coming! we have to go!" and he leaped onto the back of my cart, laying one of his clubs on the roof to be my gunner, throwing golf ball grenades at passerby. My supervisor must have gotten word of me careening around the course with a wild man and tried to chase us down, and when we saw him coming Bill screamed "we can't let the man bring us down! we've got too much riding on this". I naively asked him what he meant and he replied "just pretend I have six grams of weed in my golf bag, and as my caddy it's your duty to make sure no one but us smokes it!". We made a break for it, heading for the treeline (a little too directly towards it as we crashed into a tree) and hid among the trees like bigfoot and co. There was no way they could see us once we got into the foliage, then Bill promptly pulled out his piece hidden inside a driver sock along with the weed I was tasked to protect. You're not going to not smoke with Bill Murray, so we sparked up all six grams and ate all the berries in the area we could find. We spent what felt like a great many number of hours re-enacting more scenes from his movies along with a good number of lines I'm fairly certain he made up on the spot until we were sure the course had closed. Then, he stood up, handed me his piece, and said "we'll have to do this again sometime". He began walking away, deeper into the trees from which his final words echoed: "No one will ever believe you." I returned to the club house, drenched in sweat and dirt and smoke to see my supervisor. Oddly, he looked at me as if nothing had ever happened and said he'd see me at work tomorrow. Then just before I left he said "By the way, your customer left you a tip". It was an envelope with my name scrawled in Bill's handwriting, and inside was another two grams of weed along with Bill's lighter and a note saying "I may have ate some wild mushrooms out there, and forgot to give you these. -B.M." TL;DR: I work at a golf course where Bill Murray went to and got to be his caddy, by far the most fun I have experienced with such a unique person.
I live in the southy-easty part of South Carolina, and am lucky enough to work at a rather nice golf course (if you're familiar with the area you'll be able to figure out which). Time to time we get some random rich people who come in and make a big deal of themselves, their entourage tailing them and what not; just the regulars who like to make a special day of being among society. However, one day I was doing my thing as a caddy (mostly just sitting around, our normal clients like to choose the younger guys to be their club bearers since they blend in with their possies better, more photogenic; my receding hairline didn't quite lend itself to their tastes) and I see Bill Murray come in. He was hard to spot compared to the other golfers in their full garb, while he was wearing a sweater that looked like it was knitted by his blind grandmother and some sweatpants. Needless to say, I was internally freaking out. Here's Bill Murray casually hanging out for a day of golfing, none of the children I work with recognize him since they're all busy pandering to the high brow customers, and it's my prime opportunity to be the caddy of his dreams. I must have been staring though and after casually fighting a vending machine for some food he noticed it and came over and told me "It's my day off and I need someone who won't rat me out when I throw my ball out of a trap or drive the carts across the green". He must've liked it when I responded that it's only a violation of the rules if he uses a slingshot to get out of the sand (terrible response, I know), since he handed me a worn out bag full of some of the nicest clubs I'd seen someone bring in. The rest of the day was awesome, it was like hanging out with a fun uncle (not the one who touches you). At some point after the 5th hole he pulled out his hip flask and a sandwhich and we sat around for a bit. Things got fun after this, he convinced me to re-enact the scene in Space Jam where MJ got sucked into the hole. Only a few people got it so we went ahead and had a golf cart race, and after I started winning he declared that style points were in effect at which point he started trying to drive off some of the course's more formidable and ramp-like hills to get air. He either broke the cart or drained the battery and it stopped working, but in a flourish worthy of a die hard movie pointed it towards a fake lake and dove out as it slowly sank a foot into the water. I drove by shouting "we gotta go, they're coming! we have to go!" and he leaped onto the back of my cart, laying one of his clubs on the roof to be my gunner, throwing golf ball grenades at passerby. My supervisor must have gotten word of me careening around the course with a wild man and tried to chase us down, and when we saw him coming Bill screamed "we can't let the man bring us down! we've got too much riding on this". I naively asked him what he meant and he replied "just pretend I have six grams of weed in my golf bag, and as my caddy it's your duty to make sure no one but us smokes it!". We made a break for it, heading for the treeline (a little too directly towards it as we crashed into a tree) and hid among the trees like bigfoot and co. There was no way they could see us once we got into the foliage, then Bill promptly pulled out his piece hidden inside a driver sock along with the weed I was tasked to protect. You're not going to not smoke with Bill Murray, so we sparked up all six grams and ate all the berries in the area we could find. We spent what felt like a great many number of hours re-enacting more scenes from his movies along with a good number of lines I'm fairly certain he made up on the spot until we were sure the course had closed. Then, he stood up, handed me his piece, and said "we'll have to do this again sometime". He began walking away, deeper into the trees from which his final words echoed: "No one will ever believe you." I returned to the club house, drenched in sweat and dirt and smoke to see my supervisor. Oddly, he looked at me as if nothing had ever happened and said he'd see me at work tomorrow. Then just before I left he said "By the way, your customer left you a tip". It was an envelope with my name scrawled in Bill's handwriting, and inside was another two grams of weed along with Bill's lighter and a note saying "I may have ate some wild mushrooms out there, and forgot to give you these. -B.M."
I work at a golf course where Bill Murray went to and got to be his caddy, by far the most fun I have experienced with such a unique person.
How i defeated the school bullie. this guy who was a bought three times my size and all muscels was making fun of one of my friends. now i hated this guy cause he thinks he ran the school cause he was good at foot ball so i told him to stop our i would fight him he stood up and laughed cause i was so small compared to him. I told him i was not afraid of him cause i do not feel pain and i stabbed my hand with a pen. The bullie instantly backed away and the whole school saw me as a hero TL;DR I won a fight by being crazy and stabbing myself
How i defeated the school bullie. this guy who was a bought three times my size and all muscels was making fun of one of my friends. now i hated this guy cause he thinks he ran the school cause he was good at foot ball so i told him to stop our i would fight him he stood up and laughed cause i was so small compared to him. I told him i was not afraid of him cause i do not feel pain and i stabbed my hand with a pen. The bullie instantly backed away and the whole school saw me as a hero TL;DR I won a fight by being crazy and stabbing myself
How i defeated the school bullie. this guy who was a bought three times my size and all muscels was making fun of one of my friends. now i hated this guy cause he thinks he ran the school cause he was good at foot ball so i told him to stop our i would fight him he stood up and laughed cause i was so small compared to him. I told him i was not afraid of him cause i do not feel pain and i stabbed my hand with a pen. The bullie instantly backed away and the whole school saw me as a hero
I won a fight by being crazy and stabbing myself
I was sleeping at a water park resort with my cousins. Before I go on, he was a little bit overweight. I woke up a few seconds before I heard a huge "BWAAAAAAAAP" and started laughing hysterically, yet quietly. My cousin woke up and started laughing, and he was getting up and going to the bathroom. We laughed for a good 20 minutes. Also note, my grandmom was sleeping next to him because there were 2 beds, 2 cots. She woke up with a "What was that?" TLDR: My cousin did a really nasty fart.
I was sleeping at a water park resort with my cousins. Before I go on, he was a little bit overweight. I woke up a few seconds before I heard a huge "BWAAAAAAAAP" and started laughing hysterically, yet quietly. My cousin woke up and started laughing, and he was getting up and going to the bathroom. We laughed for a good 20 minutes. Also note, my grandmom was sleeping next to him because there were 2 beds, 2 cots. She woke up with a "What was that?" TLDR: My cousin did a really nasty fart.
I was sleeping at a water park resort with my cousins. Before I go on, he was a little bit overweight. I woke up a few seconds before I heard a huge "BWAAAAAAAAP" and started laughing hysterically, yet quietly. My cousin woke up and started laughing, and he was getting up and going to the bathroom. We laughed for a good 20 minutes. Also note, my grandmom was sleeping next to him because there were 2 beds, 2 cots. She woke up with a "What was that?"
My cousin did a really nasty fart.
Last year my mother and I took a trip to San Francisco. We were waiting in line for the cable car when a homeless man approached us. He was wearing a bright orange Alcatraz prison suit, had an empty starbucks coffee cup, and was driving around in a brand new wheelchair (he told us he borrowed it from a friend). Anyways, my mom and I started talking to him and he told us about the time he rode a dolphin along the california coast to get to san fran, his full name, and pretty much his entire life story. He mentioned his time in prison so of course we asked what he went to prison for. He hesitated a little and said he was in for dealing drugs. We then went on to talk for a good 25 minutes until the cable car came and we had to go. Before we left my mom gave him $5 to go buy some food. He assured us he would go to walgreens and buy a pack of buns and some sausages. He thanked us and we left. Later that night I decided to google him because he told us his full name. I proceeded to find out he did not go to prison for dealing drugs but because he was a [rapist]( **TL;DR Made friends with a rapist and gave him money to buy sausages.**
Last year my mother and I took a trip to San Francisco. We were waiting in line for the cable car when a homeless man approached us. He was wearing a bright orange Alcatraz prison suit, had an empty starbucks coffee cup, and was driving around in a brand new wheelchair (he told us he borrowed it from a friend). Anyways, my mom and I started talking to him and he told us about the time he rode a dolphin along the california coast to get to san fran, his full name, and pretty much his entire life story. He mentioned his time in prison so of course we asked what he went to prison for. He hesitated a little and said he was in for dealing drugs. We then went on to talk for a good 25 minutes until the cable car came and we had to go. Before we left my mom gave him $5 to go buy some food. He assured us he would go to walgreens and buy a pack of buns and some sausages. He thanked us and we left. Later that night I decided to google him because he told us his full name. I proceeded to find out he did not go to prison for dealing drugs but because he was a [rapist]( TL;DR Made friends with a rapist and gave him money to buy sausages.
Last year my mother and I took a trip to San Francisco. We were waiting in line for the cable car when a homeless man approached us. He was wearing a bright orange Alcatraz prison suit, had an empty starbucks coffee cup, and was driving around in a brand new wheelchair (he told us he borrowed it from a friend). Anyways, my mom and I started talking to him and he told us about the time he rode a dolphin along the california coast to get to san fran, his full name, and pretty much his entire life story. He mentioned his time in prison so of course we asked what he went to prison for. He hesitated a little and said he was in for dealing drugs. We then went on to talk for a good 25 minutes until the cable car came and we had to go. Before we left my mom gave him $5 to go buy some food. He assured us he would go to walgreens and buy a pack of buns and some sausages. He thanked us and we left. Later that night I decided to google him because he told us his full name. I proceeded to find out he did not go to prison for dealing drugs but because he was a [rapist](
Made friends with a rapist and gave him money to buy sausages.
My dad's side family surname is Bates and my dad used to own a hotel like in the movie Psyco and my mom's side of the family surname is Myers, my uncles name is Micheal and my mom's name is Judith (who is the older sister) like from the movie Halloween, also tgey were born before the movie came out. If you don't know these films the links to the wiki are here -> (sorry if my grammar is crap but I'm typing this on my phone and I'll fix it as soon as I can) TL:DR My family is based on horror movies.
My dad's side family surname is Bates and my dad used to own a hotel like in the movie Psyco and my mom's side of the family surname is Myers, my uncles name is Micheal and my mom's name is Judith (who is the older sister) like from the movie Halloween, also tgey were born before the movie came out. If you don't know these films the links to the wiki are here -> (sorry if my grammar is crap but I'm typing this on my phone and I'll fix it as soon as I can) TL:DR My family is based on horror movies.
My dad's side family surname is Bates and my dad used to own a hotel like in the movie Psyco and my mom's side of the family surname is Myers, my uncles name is Micheal and my mom's name is Judith (who is the older sister) like from the movie Halloween, also tgey were born before the movie came out. If you don't know these films the links to the wiki are here -> (sorry if my grammar is crap but I'm typing this on my phone and I'll fix it as soon as I can)
My family is based on horror movies.
I used to work as a divemaster for a scuba diving company in Malaysia. I spent a lot of time underwater and really liked taking photos. Problem was that it is really hard to stay still underwater, so I would regularly grab onto ledges and things to stabilise myself while I took my shots. One time I was about to grab a ledge before taking a shot, and I had that tingly 6th sense feeling. I thought to myself that I should check what's on the ledge. Turns out this was on the ledge. A [stonefish]( TLDR - Nearly grabbed a stonefish while scuba diving.
I used to work as a divemaster for a scuba diving company in Malaysia. I spent a lot of time underwater and really liked taking photos. Problem was that it is really hard to stay still underwater, so I would regularly grab onto ledges and things to stabilise myself while I took my shots. One time I was about to grab a ledge before taking a shot, and I had that tingly 6th sense feeling. I thought to myself that I should check what's on the ledge. Turns out this was on the ledge. A [stonefish]( TLDR - Nearly grabbed a stonefish while scuba diving.
I used to work as a divemaster for a scuba diving company in Malaysia. I spent a lot of time underwater and really liked taking photos. Problem was that it is really hard to stay still underwater, so I would regularly grab onto ledges and things to stabilise myself while I took my shots. One time I was about to grab a ledge before taking a shot, and I had that tingly 6th sense feeling. I thought to myself that I should check what's on the ledge. Turns out this was on the ledge. A [stonefish](
Nearly grabbed a stonefish while scuba diving.
It's not a funny story or anything, just something that makes me smile. Where i work theres this group of retired men who always come in at 7am for coffee everyday. Theres one man who relies heavily on a cane to move. He came in, had his coffee, and then started shopping. He had a 4L of milk, some other groceries, and a big culligan tank of water. I live in Canada and this was in the middle of January, so it was super cold out. Anyways i rang all his stuff in and he goes to try and grab everything at once. I tell him ill carry his culligan jug out and he insists he will just come back in, i shouldnt go out in 40 below. But, i said no its no problem. So i took it for him. He came in the next morning and thanked me for being so helpful and polite, and he asked me to join him for coffee. I spent 2 hours just talking to him about his life and family, and he asked me about my plans for after grad. I know its not that big of a deal, its just a heartwarming story for me :) TL;DR: an elderly man thanked me for going above my job criteria
It's not a funny story or anything, just something that makes me smile. Where i work theres this group of retired men who always come in at 7am for coffee everyday. Theres one man who relies heavily on a cane to move. He came in, had his coffee, and then started shopping. He had a 4L of milk, some other groceries, and a big culligan tank of water. I live in Canada and this was in the middle of January, so it was super cold out. Anyways i rang all his stuff in and he goes to try and grab everything at once. I tell him ill carry his culligan jug out and he insists he will just come back in, i shouldnt go out in 40 below. But, i said no its no problem. So i took it for him. He came in the next morning and thanked me for being so helpful and polite, and he asked me to join him for coffee. I spent 2 hours just talking to him about his life and family, and he asked me about my plans for after grad. I know its not that big of a deal, its just a heartwarming story for me :) TL;DR: an elderly man thanked me for going above my job criteria
It's not a funny story or anything, just something that makes me smile. Where i work theres this group of retired men who always come in at 7am for coffee everyday. Theres one man who relies heavily on a cane to move. He came in, had his coffee, and then started shopping. He had a 4L of milk, some other groceries, and a big culligan tank of water. I live in Canada and this was in the middle of January, so it was super cold out. Anyways i rang all his stuff in and he goes to try and grab everything at once. I tell him ill carry his culligan jug out and he insists he will just come back in, i shouldnt go out in 40 below. But, i said no its no problem. So i took it for him. He came in the next morning and thanked me for being so helpful and polite, and he asked me to join him for coffee. I spent 2 hours just talking to him about his life and family, and he asked me about my plans for after grad. I know its not that big of a deal, its just a heartwarming story for me :)
an elderly man thanked me for going above my job criteria
Here's mine. Hopefully you find it somewhat interesting... Last year my mother and I took a trip to San Francisco. We were waiting in line for the cable car when a homeless man approached us. He was wearing a bright orange Alcatraz prison suit, had an empty starbucks coffee cup, and was driving around in a brand new wheelchair (he told us he borrowed it from a friend). Anyways, my mom and I started talking to him and he told us about the time he rode a dolphin along the california coast to get to san fran, his full name, and pretty much his entire life story. He mentioned his time in prison so of course we asked what he went to prison for. He hesitated a little and said he was in for dealing drugs. We then went on to talk for a good 25 minutes until the cable car came and we had to go. Before we left my mom gave him $5 to go buy some food. He assured us he would go to walgreens and buy a pack of buns and some sausages. He thanked us and we left. Later that night I decided to google him because he told us his full name. I proceeded to find out he did not go to prison for dealing drugs but because he was a [rapist]( **TL;DR made friends with a rapist and gave him money to buy sausages**
Here's mine. Hopefully you find it somewhat interesting... Last year my mother and I took a trip to San Francisco. We were waiting in line for the cable car when a homeless man approached us. He was wearing a bright orange Alcatraz prison suit, had an empty starbucks coffee cup, and was driving around in a brand new wheelchair (he told us he borrowed it from a friend). Anyways, my mom and I started talking to him and he told us about the time he rode a dolphin along the california coast to get to san fran, his full name, and pretty much his entire life story. He mentioned his time in prison so of course we asked what he went to prison for. He hesitated a little and said he was in for dealing drugs. We then went on to talk for a good 25 minutes until the cable car came and we had to go. Before we left my mom gave him $5 to go buy some food. He assured us he would go to walgreens and buy a pack of buns and some sausages. He thanked us and we left. Later that night I decided to google him because he told us his full name. I proceeded to find out he did not go to prison for dealing drugs but because he was a [rapist]( TL;DR made friends with a rapist and gave him money to buy sausages
Here's mine. Hopefully you find it somewhat interesting... Last year my mother and I took a trip to San Francisco. We were waiting in line for the cable car when a homeless man approached us. He was wearing a bright orange Alcatraz prison suit, had an empty starbucks coffee cup, and was driving around in a brand new wheelchair (he told us he borrowed it from a friend). Anyways, my mom and I started talking to him and he told us about the time he rode a dolphin along the california coast to get to san fran, his full name, and pretty much his entire life story. He mentioned his time in prison so of course we asked what he went to prison for. He hesitated a little and said he was in for dealing drugs. We then went on to talk for a good 25 minutes until the cable car came and we had to go. Before we left my mom gave him $5 to go buy some food. He assured us he would go to walgreens and buy a pack of buns and some sausages. He thanked us and we left. Later that night I decided to google him because he told us his full name. I proceeded to find out he did not go to prison for dealing drugs but because he was a [rapist](
made friends with a rapist and gave him money to buy sausages
when i was 12 or 13 or 14, who knows, me and my best friend at the time, got influenced by some kids to re-enact jackass (the MTV show) manoeuvres, so after a couple of weeks doing all sorts of crazy shit that could end bad, we decided to climb on top of a house and jump off onto the grass. every one had their turn and i was last, i jumped, landed really awkwardly and felt a sharp pain in my right arm, my young 12 or 13 or 14 mind didn't registered it at the time, but i broke my arm, had to wear a ~~casket~~ cast for a month. TL;DR i learned to fap with my left hand edit: its cool guys, my arm is still alive.
when i was 12 or 13 or 14, who knows, me and my best friend at the time, got influenced by some kids to re-enact jackass (the MTV show) manoeuvres, so after a couple of weeks doing all sorts of crazy shit that could end bad, we decided to climb on top of a house and jump off onto the grass. every one had their turn and i was last, i jumped, landed really awkwardly and felt a sharp pain in my right arm, my young 12 or 13 or 14 mind didn't registered it at the time, but i broke my arm, had to wear a casket cast for a month. TL;DR i learned to fap with my left hand edit: its cool guys, my arm is still alive.
when i was 12 or 13 or 14, who knows, me and my best friend at the time, got influenced by some kids to re-enact jackass (the MTV show) manoeuvres, so after a couple of weeks doing all sorts of crazy shit that could end bad, we decided to climb on top of a house and jump off onto the grass. every one had their turn and i was last, i jumped, landed really awkwardly and felt a sharp pain in my right arm, my young 12 or 13 or 14 mind didn't registered it at the time, but i broke my arm, had to wear a casket cast for a month.
i learned to fap with my left hand edit: its cool guys, my arm is still alive.
This is late and all, but oh well. Here it goes. I was 23, and having just joined the Army a few months earlier, I was in advanced individual training (learning your specific military specialty). It was the weekend and my friends and I were fortunate enough to get a overnight weekend pass. Typically, most people in these situations get a hotel and and buy massive amounts of booze and have hotel parties. Well, Sunday morning we wake up, all very hung over, and start drinking almost right away, because that's what you do. One floor below us some other people had a room as well, and before we headed back to the barracks for the recall at he end of the weekend, we decided to stop by and chill for a little. After a hour or so, one of the guys whom's room it was, (who i generally thought was obnoxious and didn't care for at all) gets up off the edge of the bed, starts to grab his chest and stumble towards the door. He was mumbling something, but i think everyone just thought he was hammered. He then opens the door to the hallway, and collapses face first onto the floor. A girl who was next to him starts yelling, "Somethings wrong, I think he is having a heart attack!" or something of the sort. It's at this point that I grab the girl I was with for the weekend, walk out of the room, literally step directly over the guy who collapsed, and walk down the hallway to get the hell out of there. While you are in training in the Army, if you are caught drinking, you are fucked, and that was the only thing going through my mind as I was rapid fire pressing the elevator button trying to make my escape. I walked right by the paramedics on my way out of the hotel and jumped directly into the first cab I saw. I felt awful, and right away I started to regret my decision and wished I had stayed to make sure he was alright, even though I wouldn't have been able to do anything about it anyways. On the way back to post, we stopped at a Target shopping center, so the girl I was with could get in a separate cab (can't get caught together) and I could meet up with a couple of my buddies on the way back to post. While my friends were in Target, I was standing outside, smoking a cigarette and generally feeling like a total piece of shit, when out of no where, I hear a load tire screech sound and then the collision of a car accident. I looked to my left just in time to see the black SUV land on it's roof after flipping one whole rotation. I ran as fast as I could to the accident, got down next to the driver side door just as a young Asian (race has context later) woman is crawling out of the driver door window and what I assume was her mother or grandmother crawls out of the opposite side. They speak no English, and are hysterical, but though all the commotion, I managed to hear the sound of a small child crying. I dropped to the ground and looked in the vehicle to see two car seats with a baby (prolly about 6 to 8 months old) and a maybe 2 year old, both male. Without hesitation I crawled in, over broken glass and debris, and went for the older boy because he was closest, propped him up as best I could, unbuckled his little car seat (and if you don't have children, this is not the ideal situation for trying to figure one of these things out lol) and held him in my one arm as I used the other to crawl out. As I reached the window I entered from, another stranger had come to assist, and I handed him the child. Then, I turned around and went for the other. This time it was a little harder to stay calm because the baby had a cut on his forehead, and I wasn't sure how deep it was or if he had any other injuries, but I went about it as best I could and got the little guy out of there the same way. This time upon reaching the window, I held the baby as I crawled out, and a little crowd had gathered, and the emergency services where just arriving. I walked over to where the two women had been standing and handed them the baby. The younger woman was very grateful, and was making sure I knew as best she could. The older woman, was not so much grateful as much as very concerned with something that was still in the vehicle, as she was yelling and pointing back to it, very clearly trying to get me to go back in. Now, my first thought was, "Oh jesus fucking christ is there another fucking kid?!?!" but as I went back towards the SUV, I could clearly see that no one was in there. When I looked back to the woman, clearly puzzled, she gestured with her pointer finger almost violently, to something in the front seat. I did that thing where you try your best to line of sight figure out what someone is pointing at and low and behold, there it was. A. FUCKING. IPOD. I was beyond pissed, and it wasn't even a newer model or anything, but rather one of those big ass bulky original brick looking fuckers. I wanted to flip out, maybe smack her around for a little bit, but I kept my cool as best I could. I ripped the iPod off the cord, and if you remember the old iPod USB cords, they had little buttons on the side that you needed to press in to release it, so I felt mild satisfaction in knowing I may have slightly damaged what was so dear to this old bitch. At this point, I realized my friends had no idea where I was, because I was supposed to be outside Target smoking, and I walked away from the site, found my friends riding around the parking lot in a cab looking for me, and jumped in the front seat, silent. When I got in the cab driver said to me, "Hey man, you got some blood on your face." Apparently, while I was holding the baby, some of the blood from his forehead got on my cheek. It was at this point that I told my two buddies in the back seat, and the cab driver for that matter, what had just transpired. They had a slightly dumbfounded look on, and I knew it sounded strange, but the cab driver was so inspired by the story that he insisted our cab ride was free of charge. And that my friends is the story of the most eventful couple of hours of my life. **TL;DR - I was an utter shit bag when a man could have needed my assistance, but was as if by the will of the universe given an opportunity to try to redeem myself** **EDIT - Spelling**
This is late and all, but oh well. Here it goes. I was 23, and having just joined the Army a few months earlier, I was in advanced individual training (learning your specific military specialty). It was the weekend and my friends and I were fortunate enough to get a overnight weekend pass. Typically, most people in these situations get a hotel and and buy massive amounts of booze and have hotel parties. Well, Sunday morning we wake up, all very hung over, and start drinking almost right away, because that's what you do. One floor below us some other people had a room as well, and before we headed back to the barracks for the recall at he end of the weekend, we decided to stop by and chill for a little. After a hour or so, one of the guys whom's room it was, (who i generally thought was obnoxious and didn't care for at all) gets up off the edge of the bed, starts to grab his chest and stumble towards the door. He was mumbling something, but i think everyone just thought he was hammered. He then opens the door to the hallway, and collapses face first onto the floor. A girl who was next to him starts yelling, "Somethings wrong, I think he is having a heart attack!" or something of the sort. It's at this point that I grab the girl I was with for the weekend, walk out of the room, literally step directly over the guy who collapsed, and walk down the hallway to get the hell out of there. While you are in training in the Army, if you are caught drinking, you are fucked, and that was the only thing going through my mind as I was rapid fire pressing the elevator button trying to make my escape. I walked right by the paramedics on my way out of the hotel and jumped directly into the first cab I saw. I felt awful, and right away I started to regret my decision and wished I had stayed to make sure he was alright, even though I wouldn't have been able to do anything about it anyways. On the way back to post, we stopped at a Target shopping center, so the girl I was with could get in a separate cab (can't get caught together) and I could meet up with a couple of my buddies on the way back to post. While my friends were in Target, I was standing outside, smoking a cigarette and generally feeling like a total piece of shit, when out of no where, I hear a load tire screech sound and then the collision of a car accident. I looked to my left just in time to see the black SUV land on it's roof after flipping one whole rotation. I ran as fast as I could to the accident, got down next to the driver side door just as a young Asian (race has context later) woman is crawling out of the driver door window and what I assume was her mother or grandmother crawls out of the opposite side. They speak no English, and are hysterical, but though all the commotion, I managed to hear the sound of a small child crying. I dropped to the ground and looked in the vehicle to see two car seats with a baby (prolly about 6 to 8 months old) and a maybe 2 year old, both male. Without hesitation I crawled in, over broken glass and debris, and went for the older boy because he was closest, propped him up as best I could, unbuckled his little car seat (and if you don't have children, this is not the ideal situation for trying to figure one of these things out lol) and held him in my one arm as I used the other to crawl out. As I reached the window I entered from, another stranger had come to assist, and I handed him the child. Then, I turned around and went for the other. This time it was a little harder to stay calm because the baby had a cut on his forehead, and I wasn't sure how deep it was or if he had any other injuries, but I went about it as best I could and got the little guy out of there the same way. This time upon reaching the window, I held the baby as I crawled out, and a little crowd had gathered, and the emergency services where just arriving. I walked over to where the two women had been standing and handed them the baby. The younger woman was very grateful, and was making sure I knew as best she could. The older woman, was not so much grateful as much as very concerned with something that was still in the vehicle, as she was yelling and pointing back to it, very clearly trying to get me to go back in. Now, my first thought was, "Oh jesus fucking christ is there another fucking kid?!?!" but as I went back towards the SUV, I could clearly see that no one was in there. When I looked back to the woman, clearly puzzled, she gestured with her pointer finger almost violently, to something in the front seat. I did that thing where you try your best to line of sight figure out what someone is pointing at and low and behold, there it was. A. FUCKING. IPOD. I was beyond pissed, and it wasn't even a newer model or anything, but rather one of those big ass bulky original brick looking fuckers. I wanted to flip out, maybe smack her around for a little bit, but I kept my cool as best I could. I ripped the iPod off the cord, and if you remember the old iPod USB cords, they had little buttons on the side that you needed to press in to release it, so I felt mild satisfaction in knowing I may have slightly damaged what was so dear to this old bitch. At this point, I realized my friends had no idea where I was, because I was supposed to be outside Target smoking, and I walked away from the site, found my friends riding around the parking lot in a cab looking for me, and jumped in the front seat, silent. When I got in the cab driver said to me, "Hey man, you got some blood on your face." Apparently, while I was holding the baby, some of the blood from his forehead got on my cheek. It was at this point that I told my two buddies in the back seat, and the cab driver for that matter, what had just transpired. They had a slightly dumbfounded look on, and I knew it sounded strange, but the cab driver was so inspired by the story that he insisted our cab ride was free of charge. And that my friends is the story of the most eventful couple of hours of my life. TL;DR - I was an utter shit bag when a man could have needed my assistance, but was as if by the will of the universe given an opportunity to try to redeem myself EDIT - Spelling
This is late and all, but oh well. Here it goes. I was 23, and having just joined the Army a few months earlier, I was in advanced individual training (learning your specific military specialty). It was the weekend and my friends and I were fortunate enough to get a overnight weekend pass. Typically, most people in these situations get a hotel and and buy massive amounts of booze and have hotel parties. Well, Sunday morning we wake up, all very hung over, and start drinking almost right away, because that's what you do. One floor below us some other people had a room as well, and before we headed back to the barracks for the recall at he end of the weekend, we decided to stop by and chill for a little. After a hour or so, one of the guys whom's room it was, (who i generally thought was obnoxious and didn't care for at all) gets up off the edge of the bed, starts to grab his chest and stumble towards the door. He was mumbling something, but i think everyone just thought he was hammered. He then opens the door to the hallway, and collapses face first onto the floor. A girl who was next to him starts yelling, "Somethings wrong, I think he is having a heart attack!" or something of the sort. It's at this point that I grab the girl I was with for the weekend, walk out of the room, literally step directly over the guy who collapsed, and walk down the hallway to get the hell out of there. While you are in training in the Army, if you are caught drinking, you are fucked, and that was the only thing going through my mind as I was rapid fire pressing the elevator button trying to make my escape. I walked right by the paramedics on my way out of the hotel and jumped directly into the first cab I saw. I felt awful, and right away I started to regret my decision and wished I had stayed to make sure he was alright, even though I wouldn't have been able to do anything about it anyways. On the way back to post, we stopped at a Target shopping center, so the girl I was with could get in a separate cab (can't get caught together) and I could meet up with a couple of my buddies on the way back to post. While my friends were in Target, I was standing outside, smoking a cigarette and generally feeling like a total piece of shit, when out of no where, I hear a load tire screech sound and then the collision of a car accident. I looked to my left just in time to see the black SUV land on it's roof after flipping one whole rotation. I ran as fast as I could to the accident, got down next to the driver side door just as a young Asian (race has context later) woman is crawling out of the driver door window and what I assume was her mother or grandmother crawls out of the opposite side. They speak no English, and are hysterical, but though all the commotion, I managed to hear the sound of a small child crying. I dropped to the ground and looked in the vehicle to see two car seats with a baby (prolly about 6 to 8 months old) and a maybe 2 year old, both male. Without hesitation I crawled in, over broken glass and debris, and went for the older boy because he was closest, propped him up as best I could, unbuckled his little car seat (and if you don't have children, this is not the ideal situation for trying to figure one of these things out lol) and held him in my one arm as I used the other to crawl out. As I reached the window I entered from, another stranger had come to assist, and I handed him the child. Then, I turned around and went for the other. This time it was a little harder to stay calm because the baby had a cut on his forehead, and I wasn't sure how deep it was or if he had any other injuries, but I went about it as best I could and got the little guy out of there the same way. This time upon reaching the window, I held the baby as I crawled out, and a little crowd had gathered, and the emergency services where just arriving. I walked over to where the two women had been standing and handed them the baby. The younger woman was very grateful, and was making sure I knew as best she could. The older woman, was not so much grateful as much as very concerned with something that was still in the vehicle, as she was yelling and pointing back to it, very clearly trying to get me to go back in. Now, my first thought was, "Oh jesus fucking christ is there another fucking kid?!?!" but as I went back towards the SUV, I could clearly see that no one was in there. When I looked back to the woman, clearly puzzled, she gestured with her pointer finger almost violently, to something in the front seat. I did that thing where you try your best to line of sight figure out what someone is pointing at and low and behold, there it was. A. FUCKING. IPOD. I was beyond pissed, and it wasn't even a newer model or anything, but rather one of those big ass bulky original brick looking fuckers. I wanted to flip out, maybe smack her around for a little bit, but I kept my cool as best I could. I ripped the iPod off the cord, and if you remember the old iPod USB cords, they had little buttons on the side that you needed to press in to release it, so I felt mild satisfaction in knowing I may have slightly damaged what was so dear to this old bitch. At this point, I realized my friends had no idea where I was, because I was supposed to be outside Target smoking, and I walked away from the site, found my friends riding around the parking lot in a cab looking for me, and jumped in the front seat, silent. When I got in the cab driver said to me, "Hey man, you got some blood on your face." Apparently, while I was holding the baby, some of the blood from his forehead got on my cheek. It was at this point that I told my two buddies in the back seat, and the cab driver for that matter, what had just transpired. They had a slightly dumbfounded look on, and I knew it sounded strange, but the cab driver was so inspired by the story that he insisted our cab ride was free of charge. And that my friends is the story of the most eventful couple of hours of my life.
I was an utter shit bag when a man could have needed my assistance, but was as if by the will of the universe given an opportunity to try to redeem myself EDIT - Spelling
When I was 4 or 5 in preschool I had an interesting experience in the bathroom. One day I had to do a #2. Per preschool regulations, a teacher's assistant, a lady, escorted me to the bathroom to make sure I didn't fall in or eat all the soap or whatever a kid might do. It's just a room with a toilet, so the teacher turns around to face the wall, I plop down and take a dump. As I'm wiping up, the teacher points to the toilet and says in a cheery voice, "Waelsleahta, what does that look like?" "Uh, I don't know, a poop?" "That's right, and what shape is it?" she asked in the cheeriest voice. "Um, I guess it looks like the letter 'C'?" "That's right! Good job!" and she flushed the toilet, helped me wash my hands and escorted me back to the classroom. TL;DR: "C" is NOT for cookie.
When I was 4 or 5 in preschool I had an interesting experience in the bathroom. One day I had to do a #2. Per preschool regulations, a teacher's assistant, a lady, escorted me to the bathroom to make sure I didn't fall in or eat all the soap or whatever a kid might do. It's just a room with a toilet, so the teacher turns around to face the wall, I plop down and take a dump. As I'm wiping up, the teacher points to the toilet and says in a cheery voice, "Waelsleahta, what does that look like?" "Uh, I don't know, a poop?" "That's right, and what shape is it?" she asked in the cheeriest voice. "Um, I guess it looks like the letter 'C'?" "That's right! Good job!" and she flushed the toilet, helped me wash my hands and escorted me back to the classroom. TL;DR: "C" is NOT for cookie.
When I was 4 or 5 in preschool I had an interesting experience in the bathroom. One day I had to do a #2. Per preschool regulations, a teacher's assistant, a lady, escorted me to the bathroom to make sure I didn't fall in or eat all the soap or whatever a kid might do. It's just a room with a toilet, so the teacher turns around to face the wall, I plop down and take a dump. As I'm wiping up, the teacher points to the toilet and says in a cheery voice, "Waelsleahta, what does that look like?" "Uh, I don't know, a poop?" "That's right, and what shape is it?" she asked in the cheeriest voice. "Um, I guess it looks like the letter 'C'?" "That's right! Good job!" and she flushed the toilet, helped me wash my hands and escorted me back to the classroom.
C" is NOT for cookie.
When I was about 12 my family and I were on a caribbean vacation in Aruba, my dad absolutely loves the exotic fish that can be caught right along reef edges pretty much all around the island. One trip he catches what looks like a spiky rock and calls me over. As a quick prologue to this story, I used to take out a lot of books about poisonous and deadly animals around the world from my school library because I thought it might be useful one day. Turns out, today was that day because my dad caught a fucking [Stone Fish]( and was moments from being injected with some of the most excrutiatingly painful venom by one of the most poisonous fish in the sea, albeit not always fatal. Still, hurts like a bitch as a victim on wiki said " Imagine having each knuckle, then the wrist, elbow and shoulder being hit in turn with a sledgehammer over the course of about an hour. Then about an hour later imagine taking a real kicking to both kidneys for about 45 minutes so that you couldn’t stand or straighten up." Basically, [MFW I see the fish]( and proceeding to yell at the top of my lungs "DONT TOUCH IT THATS A STONEFISH ITLL KILL YOU!!1." Overhearing the commotion a local fisherman comes by to see what the catch was, and [his face when]( he saw the fish. Since he couldn't speak english he pointed to the fish and made the gesture of poking himself, then slitting his throat. Afterwards he took a knife and carefully cut the hook out of its mouth, kinda pushing the fish back into the sea. Had a good laugh about it after. TL;DR reading a book about poisonous fish saved my dad from incredible pain / possibly death while on a caribbean fishing trip. Edit: Spelling
When I was about 12 my family and I were on a caribbean vacation in Aruba, my dad absolutely loves the exotic fish that can be caught right along reef edges pretty much all around the island. One trip he catches what looks like a spiky rock and calls me over. As a quick prologue to this story, I used to take out a lot of books about poisonous and deadly animals around the world from my school library because I thought it might be useful one day. Turns out, today was that day because my dad caught a fucking [Stone Fish]( and was moments from being injected with some of the most excrutiatingly painful venom by one of the most poisonous fish in the sea, albeit not always fatal. Still, hurts like a bitch as a victim on wiki said " Imagine having each knuckle, then the wrist, elbow and shoulder being hit in turn with a sledgehammer over the course of about an hour. Then about an hour later imagine taking a real kicking to both kidneys for about 45 minutes so that you couldn’t stand or straighten up." Basically, [MFW I see the fish]( and proceeding to yell at the top of my lungs "DONT TOUCH IT THATS A STONEFISH ITLL KILL YOU!!1." Overhearing the commotion a local fisherman comes by to see what the catch was, and [his face when]( he saw the fish. Since he couldn't speak english he pointed to the fish and made the gesture of poking himself, then slitting his throat. Afterwards he took a knife and carefully cut the hook out of its mouth, kinda pushing the fish back into the sea. Had a good laugh about it after. TL;DR reading a book about poisonous fish saved my dad from incredible pain / possibly death while on a caribbean fishing trip. Edit: Spelling
When I was about 12 my family and I were on a caribbean vacation in Aruba, my dad absolutely loves the exotic fish that can be caught right along reef edges pretty much all around the island. One trip he catches what looks like a spiky rock and calls me over. As a quick prologue to this story, I used to take out a lot of books about poisonous and deadly animals around the world from my school library because I thought it might be useful one day. Turns out, today was that day because my dad caught a fucking [Stone Fish]( and was moments from being injected with some of the most excrutiatingly painful venom by one of the most poisonous fish in the sea, albeit not always fatal. Still, hurts like a bitch as a victim on wiki said " Imagine having each knuckle, then the wrist, elbow and shoulder being hit in turn with a sledgehammer over the course of about an hour. Then about an hour later imagine taking a real kicking to both kidneys for about 45 minutes so that you couldn’t stand or straighten up." Basically, [MFW I see the fish]( and proceeding to yell at the top of my lungs "DONT TOUCH IT THATS A STONEFISH ITLL KILL YOU!!1." Overhearing the commotion a local fisherman comes by to see what the catch was, and [his face when]( he saw the fish. Since he couldn't speak english he pointed to the fish and made the gesture of poking himself, then slitting his throat. Afterwards he took a knife and carefully cut the hook out of its mouth, kinda pushing the fish back into the sea. Had a good laugh about it after.
reading a book about poisonous fish saved my dad from incredible pain / possibly death while on a caribbean fishing trip. Edit: Spelling
Last year when I was in S1 (6th Grade) my friend "fell in love" with this guy in S6 (11th Grade, there is no 12th Grade in Britain.) I mean, she was obsessed with him. So everday, I would have to listen her rambling on about this 17/18 year old who didn't even know she was alive. But she was very jealous of me because I got on the same bus as this guy, and she would beg me to go sit near him and his friends and listen in on their conversation. Well I told her there was no way I was going to sit next to a bunch of 17/18 year olds when I was only 12 at the time. So anyway... After a while she decided she wanted to know this guys name but didn't know how to go about finding it out, so she asked me to try and find it out. So I said, sarcastically, "What do you want me to do, go stand next him and his friends listening in on their conversation, hoping one of them will say his name?" BIG mistake. So for the next MONTH, every interval and lunch I would have to go stand next to this guy and his friends and act like I wasn't fucking stalking him, trying to hear a name. So eventually I get tired of this, and decide to find out his name a different way. See, this guy was friends with a guy who was really well known in our school because he was in a band that were quite well known in our town, and was facebook friends with just about everyone in school. So I add the guy, and through his mutal friends, find out the first guys name. So, I send my friend a message on facebook, and our conversation went something like this, "Hey, I finally found out that guy's name. It's (guy's name)." "Oh thanks but (other friend) found out his name today." Well, as I sat there, I could feel my sanity crumple in on itself. I wanted to go mental in the nearest shopping centre with a machine gun. But I calmed myself down, and sent the following reply, "Oh. Well that's good." The guy left school a few weeks later. I still see him around sometimes. TL;DR Stalked guy for friend, instead of thank you received the biggest "Fuck You" in history.
Last year when I was in S1 (6th Grade) my friend "fell in love" with this guy in S6 (11th Grade, there is no 12th Grade in Britain.) I mean, she was obsessed with him. So everday, I would have to listen her rambling on about this 17/18 year old who didn't even know she was alive. But she was very jealous of me because I got on the same bus as this guy, and she would beg me to go sit near him and his friends and listen in on their conversation. Well I told her there was no way I was going to sit next to a bunch of 17/18 year olds when I was only 12 at the time. So anyway... After a while she decided she wanted to know this guys name but didn't know how to go about finding it out, so she asked me to try and find it out. So I said, sarcastically, "What do you want me to do, go stand next him and his friends listening in on their conversation, hoping one of them will say his name?" BIG mistake. So for the next MONTH, every interval and lunch I would have to go stand next to this guy and his friends and act like I wasn't fucking stalking him, trying to hear a name. So eventually I get tired of this, and decide to find out his name a different way. See, this guy was friends with a guy who was really well known in our school because he was in a band that were quite well known in our town, and was facebook friends with just about everyone in school. So I add the guy, and through his mutal friends, find out the first guys name. So, I send my friend a message on facebook, and our conversation went something like this, "Hey, I finally found out that guy's name. It's (guy's name)." "Oh thanks but (other friend) found out his name today." Well, as I sat there, I could feel my sanity crumple in on itself. I wanted to go mental in the nearest shopping centre with a machine gun. But I calmed myself down, and sent the following reply, "Oh. Well that's good." The guy left school a few weeks later. I still see him around sometimes. TL;DR Stalked guy for friend, instead of thank you received the biggest "Fuck You" in history.
Last year when I was in S1 (6th Grade) my friend "fell in love" with this guy in S6 (11th Grade, there is no 12th Grade in Britain.) I mean, she was obsessed with him. So everday, I would have to listen her rambling on about this 17/18 year old who didn't even know she was alive. But she was very jealous of me because I got on the same bus as this guy, and she would beg me to go sit near him and his friends and listen in on their conversation. Well I told her there was no way I was going to sit next to a bunch of 17/18 year olds when I was only 12 at the time. So anyway... After a while she decided she wanted to know this guys name but didn't know how to go about finding it out, so she asked me to try and find it out. So I said, sarcastically, "What do you want me to do, go stand next him and his friends listening in on their conversation, hoping one of them will say his name?" BIG mistake. So for the next MONTH, every interval and lunch I would have to go stand next to this guy and his friends and act like I wasn't fucking stalking him, trying to hear a name. So eventually I get tired of this, and decide to find out his name a different way. See, this guy was friends with a guy who was really well known in our school because he was in a band that were quite well known in our town, and was facebook friends with just about everyone in school. So I add the guy, and through his mutal friends, find out the first guys name. So, I send my friend a message on facebook, and our conversation went something like this, "Hey, I finally found out that guy's name. It's (guy's name)." "Oh thanks but (other friend) found out his name today." Well, as I sat there, I could feel my sanity crumple in on itself. I wanted to go mental in the nearest shopping centre with a machine gun. But I calmed myself down, and sent the following reply, "Oh. Well that's good." The guy left school a few weeks later. I still see him around sometimes.
Stalked guy for friend, instead of thank you received the biggest "Fuck You" in history.
This is the story about how my friend became the Chicken Fairy: I was at a hotel for a school field trip overnight, and it was my friend's birthday. His mom made him fried chicken to give out, it was awesome. Unfortunately, we were left with over 75 chicken wings when we got to the hotel. Knowing they wouldn't be good in the morning, we ate as many as we could. At about 1:00, after we decided we couldn't eat any more, we still needed to go somewhere with about 40 chicken wings. We decided to try to give them to our friends in other rooms. We decided to try directly across the hall. We knock, hear some shuffling and someone walking to the door. The door swings open and there is a random old guy in his boxers and a T-shirt who asks who we are. Not knowing what to do, we look at each other for a few seconds before my friend goes "Uhh... Chicken Fairy?" The man shrugs, takes a piece, and eats it right then and there, before shutting the door. After that we just gave them to a friend's room, and almost woke everyone up laughing. That guy must have thought he was having the weirdest fucking dream ever. The next day there were chicken bones throughout the entire hallway. TL;DR: Lots of leftover fried chicken, gave it out at 1AM to a random stranger in a hotel by accident, became the Chicken Fairy
This is the story about how my friend became the Chicken Fairy: I was at a hotel for a school field trip overnight, and it was my friend's birthday. His mom made him fried chicken to give out, it was awesome. Unfortunately, we were left with over 75 chicken wings when we got to the hotel. Knowing they wouldn't be good in the morning, we ate as many as we could. At about 1:00, after we decided we couldn't eat any more, we still needed to go somewhere with about 40 chicken wings. We decided to try to give them to our friends in other rooms. We decided to try directly across the hall. We knock, hear some shuffling and someone walking to the door. The door swings open and there is a random old guy in his boxers and a T-shirt who asks who we are. Not knowing what to do, we look at each other for a few seconds before my friend goes "Uhh... Chicken Fairy?" The man shrugs, takes a piece, and eats it right then and there, before shutting the door. After that we just gave them to a friend's room, and almost woke everyone up laughing. That guy must have thought he was having the weirdest fucking dream ever. The next day there were chicken bones throughout the entire hallway. TL;DR: Lots of leftover fried chicken, gave it out at 1AM to a random stranger in a hotel by accident, became the Chicken Fairy
This is the story about how my friend became the Chicken Fairy: I was at a hotel for a school field trip overnight, and it was my friend's birthday. His mom made him fried chicken to give out, it was awesome. Unfortunately, we were left with over 75 chicken wings when we got to the hotel. Knowing they wouldn't be good in the morning, we ate as many as we could. At about 1:00, after we decided we couldn't eat any more, we still needed to go somewhere with about 40 chicken wings. We decided to try to give them to our friends in other rooms. We decided to try directly across the hall. We knock, hear some shuffling and someone walking to the door. The door swings open and there is a random old guy in his boxers and a T-shirt who asks who we are. Not knowing what to do, we look at each other for a few seconds before my friend goes "Uhh... Chicken Fairy?" The man shrugs, takes a piece, and eats it right then and there, before shutting the door. After that we just gave them to a friend's room, and almost woke everyone up laughing. That guy must have thought he was having the weirdest fucking dream ever. The next day there were chicken bones throughout the entire hallway.
Lots of leftover fried chicken, gave it out at 1AM to a random stranger in a hotel by accident, became the Chicken Fairy
Okay, this is a story about a 5 year old dumb kid that turned out smart. I like to link it to this but whatever. We all know that little shithead in preschool that would constantly try to one up you. Mine happened to be another girl I constantly got compared to. Hated her. One day I found out how to hang upside down while holding with only one hand. Of course this girl was in a gymnastics class and was able to do it with no hands. She double dog dared me with a cherry on top to try it. So I did. On a 7 ft high pole. Over some rocks. Cue the screaming! My head was busted fully open, I still have a scar and remember being operated on without amnesia. I had to get 12 staples :). TL;DR Girl in preschool dares me to hang upside down with no hands. Split head open. Now I'm smarter and more athletic. Bitch.
Okay, this is a story about a 5 year old dumb kid that turned out smart. I like to link it to this but whatever. We all know that little shithead in preschool that would constantly try to one up you. Mine happened to be another girl I constantly got compared to. Hated her. One day I found out how to hang upside down while holding with only one hand. Of course this girl was in a gymnastics class and was able to do it with no hands. She double dog dared me with a cherry on top to try it. So I did. On a 7 ft high pole. Over some rocks. Cue the screaming! My head was busted fully open, I still have a scar and remember being operated on without amnesia. I had to get 12 staples :). TL;DR Girl in preschool dares me to hang upside down with no hands. Split head open. Now I'm smarter and more athletic. Bitch.
Okay, this is a story about a 5 year old dumb kid that turned out smart. I like to link it to this but whatever. We all know that little shithead in preschool that would constantly try to one up you. Mine happened to be another girl I constantly got compared to. Hated her. One day I found out how to hang upside down while holding with only one hand. Of course this girl was in a gymnastics class and was able to do it with no hands. She double dog dared me with a cherry on top to try it. So I did. On a 7 ft high pole. Over some rocks. Cue the screaming! My head was busted fully open, I still have a scar and remember being operated on without amnesia. I had to get 12 staples :).
Girl in preschool dares me to hang upside down with no hands. Split head open. Now I'm smarter and more athletic. Bitch.
I was on a business trip in LA and had a few hours to kill. I decided to check out the La Brea Tar Pits. Cool place to sight see and there is a nice museum with a large aviary in the middle. It was late afternoon and not many people were there. I was walking through the aviary when all of a sudden a bird swooped down and grabbed hair off of my head. I thought I was alone so I yelled out “pterodactyl!” and fell over. I know it was dumb- but I thought it was funny. Unfortunately there was a large group of older Asian visitors behind me who had seen the bird swoop, heard my scream and thought they were under attack. It was chaos- lots of yelling and jumping behind bushes. One poor lady fell into the mini river, others were pushing and running to get out. I tried to book it out of there but was met by a burly security guard at the exit. He had seen the whole thing and was not amused. I tried to turn it around by complaining that I had been attacked by animals and playing a victim. No dice. I was escorted off of the property and permanently banned from ever visiting again. TL;DR: Accidentally scared a bunch of Asian tourists into thinking they were being attacked by dinosaurs
I was on a business trip in LA and had a few hours to kill. I decided to check out the La Brea Tar Pits. Cool place to sight see and there is a nice museum with a large aviary in the middle. It was late afternoon and not many people were there. I was walking through the aviary when all of a sudden a bird swooped down and grabbed hair off of my head. I thought I was alone so I yelled out “pterodactyl!” and fell over. I know it was dumb- but I thought it was funny. Unfortunately there was a large group of older Asian visitors behind me who had seen the bird swoop, heard my scream and thought they were under attack. It was chaos- lots of yelling and jumping behind bushes. One poor lady fell into the mini river, others were pushing and running to get out. I tried to book it out of there but was met by a burly security guard at the exit. He had seen the whole thing and was not amused. I tried to turn it around by complaining that I had been attacked by animals and playing a victim. No dice. I was escorted off of the property and permanently banned from ever visiting again. TL;DR: Accidentally scared a bunch of Asian tourists into thinking they were being attacked by dinosaurs
I was on a business trip in LA and had a few hours to kill. I decided to check out the La Brea Tar Pits. Cool place to sight see and there is a nice museum with a large aviary in the middle. It was late afternoon and not many people were there. I was walking through the aviary when all of a sudden a bird swooped down and grabbed hair off of my head. I thought I was alone so I yelled out “pterodactyl!” and fell over. I know it was dumb- but I thought it was funny. Unfortunately there was a large group of older Asian visitors behind me who had seen the bird swoop, heard my scream and thought they were under attack. It was chaos- lots of yelling and jumping behind bushes. One poor lady fell into the mini river, others were pushing and running to get out. I tried to book it out of there but was met by a burly security guard at the exit. He had seen the whole thing and was not amused. I tried to turn it around by complaining that I had been attacked by animals and playing a victim. No dice. I was escorted off of the property and permanently banned from ever visiting again.
Accidentally scared a bunch of Asian tourists into thinking they were being attacked by dinosaurs
I legitimately spent a full five minutes staring at this in wonderment. The best part of the graphics is that the way it moves across the screen makes it so that you can't see it without the edges sort of fuzzing out into infinity, and it gives you the feeling of having just smoked a joint and being one with the amusement and amazement of the breadfish. TL;DR: I got a contact high from staring at this.
I legitimately spent a full five minutes staring at this in wonderment. The best part of the graphics is that the way it moves across the screen makes it so that you can't see it without the edges sort of fuzzing out into infinity, and it gives you the feeling of having just smoked a joint and being one with the amusement and amazement of the breadfish. TL;DR: I got a contact high from staring at this.
I legitimately spent a full five minutes staring at this in wonderment. The best part of the graphics is that the way it moves across the screen makes it so that you can't see it without the edges sort of fuzzing out into infinity, and it gives you the feeling of having just smoked a joint and being one with the amusement and amazement of the breadfish.
I got a contact high from staring at this.
When I was 5 was in the grocery store with my parents. They were doing their own thing and I was sitting on a crate. I found a [boxcutter]( on the floor, and not knowing what it was, sliced my hand open with it. It didn't hurt. My mom saw it and flipped a few ~~dozen~~ hundred shits. The grocery store was old, dirty, and likely not cleaned more than once a week, so she was probably worried I had some freaky ass disease or something. tl;dr I'm a dipshit.
When I was 5 was in the grocery store with my parents. They were doing their own thing and I was sitting on a crate. I found a [boxcutter]( on the floor, and not knowing what it was, sliced my hand open with it. It didn't hurt. My mom saw it and flipped a few dozen hundred shits. The grocery store was old, dirty, and likely not cleaned more than once a week, so she was probably worried I had some freaky ass disease or something. tl;dr I'm a dipshit.
When I was 5 was in the grocery store with my parents. They were doing their own thing and I was sitting on a crate. I found a [boxcutter]( on the floor, and not knowing what it was, sliced my hand open with it. It didn't hurt. My mom saw it and flipped a few dozen hundred shits. The grocery store was old, dirty, and likely not cleaned more than once a week, so she was probably worried I had some freaky ass disease or something.
I'm a dipshit.
As a kid I was playing soccer as the goalkeeper,it was a small court,so the goal net wasn't extended,it was all at the same place as the goal posts,but anyway I jumped to catch a ball and ended up with my feet tangled on the net,and I acidentally sat on the top of my left hand.As I was going to stand up,I move my butt quickly to the right and end up breaking my pinky finger,since it was kind of lodged between my buttcheks. TL;DR:I broke my pinky finger,using my butt
As a kid I was playing soccer as the goalkeeper,it was a small court,so the goal net wasn't extended,it was all at the same place as the goal posts,but anyway I jumped to catch a ball and ended up with my feet tangled on the net,and I acidentally sat on the top of my left hand.As I was going to stand up,I move my butt quickly to the right and end up breaking my pinky finger,since it was kind of lodged between my buttcheks. TL;DR:I broke my pinky finger,using my butt
As a kid I was playing soccer as the goalkeeper,it was a small court,so the goal net wasn't extended,it was all at the same place as the goal posts,but anyway I jumped to catch a ball and ended up with my feet tangled on the net,and I acidentally sat on the top of my left hand.As I was going to stand up,I move my butt quickly to the right and end up breaking my pinky finger,since it was kind of lodged between my buttcheks.
I broke my pinky finger,using my butt
I live in a collegetown, and one Saturday night I was driving home from my boyfriend's house through campus. Literally the night before there had been a report of rape, and another report of attempted rape in close proximity, about 30 minutes apart. As I'm driving near the place where the reports were made, I see this drunk off her ass girl, clearly a freshman, in a tight skimpy dress walk by carrying her heels, completely alone. Suddenly I'm conflicted, because I don't want her to think I'M going to rape her (even though I'm a girl, you never know sketchy shit can happen) but I also don't want her to be in danger. So I slow down and roll down my window, and shout out to her, asking if she wants a ride. The funny thing is she was so drunk the thought that I might be dangerous doesn't even cross her mind. She stumbles up to the car window and says in a stupid, sorority girl voice "Whaaat?" So I offer her a ride, explain that I'm not going to hurt her and that there were recently reports of rape in this area, and I just want her to be safe. She gets in the car and directs me to her dorm, the whole time drunkenly rambling about how drunk she was and how her friends ditched her. She offered to pay me many times, each time I denied. It was a funny experience, and I'm glad I helped her even if she wasn't gonna get raped. TL;DR picked up a drunk girl and drove her home to protect her from potential rape
I live in a collegetown, and one Saturday night I was driving home from my boyfriend's house through campus. Literally the night before there had been a report of rape, and another report of attempted rape in close proximity, about 30 minutes apart. As I'm driving near the place where the reports were made, I see this drunk off her ass girl, clearly a freshman, in a tight skimpy dress walk by carrying her heels, completely alone. Suddenly I'm conflicted, because I don't want her to think I'M going to rape her (even though I'm a girl, you never know sketchy shit can happen) but I also don't want her to be in danger. So I slow down and roll down my window, and shout out to her, asking if she wants a ride. The funny thing is she was so drunk the thought that I might be dangerous doesn't even cross her mind. She stumbles up to the car window and says in a stupid, sorority girl voice "Whaaat?" So I offer her a ride, explain that I'm not going to hurt her and that there were recently reports of rape in this area, and I just want her to be safe. She gets in the car and directs me to her dorm, the whole time drunkenly rambling about how drunk she was and how her friends ditched her. She offered to pay me many times, each time I denied. It was a funny experience, and I'm glad I helped her even if she wasn't gonna get raped. TL;DR picked up a drunk girl and drove her home to protect her from potential rape
I live in a collegetown, and one Saturday night I was driving home from my boyfriend's house through campus. Literally the night before there had been a report of rape, and another report of attempted rape in close proximity, about 30 minutes apart. As I'm driving near the place where the reports were made, I see this drunk off her ass girl, clearly a freshman, in a tight skimpy dress walk by carrying her heels, completely alone. Suddenly I'm conflicted, because I don't want her to think I'M going to rape her (even though I'm a girl, you never know sketchy shit can happen) but I also don't want her to be in danger. So I slow down and roll down my window, and shout out to her, asking if she wants a ride. The funny thing is she was so drunk the thought that I might be dangerous doesn't even cross her mind. She stumbles up to the car window and says in a stupid, sorority girl voice "Whaaat?" So I offer her a ride, explain that I'm not going to hurt her and that there were recently reports of rape in this area, and I just want her to be safe. She gets in the car and directs me to her dorm, the whole time drunkenly rambling about how drunk she was and how her friends ditched her. She offered to pay me many times, each time I denied. It was a funny experience, and I'm glad I helped her even if she wasn't gonna get raped.
picked up a drunk girl and drove her home to protect her from potential rape
I just had the worse week of my life, really bad stuff going on my work and the final tests to get my college degree. I could barely sleep nor eat or even shit properly. Today after everything went really well thanks god (NOT) I went home and took the best shit of my whole life. I shited so hard that I slept there for a few minutes. It feel so good now that really needed to share my experience. tl dr my ass hurts I feel great, I wonder if that's how gay people feels.
I just had the worse week of my life, really bad stuff going on my work and the final tests to get my college degree. I could barely sleep nor eat or even shit properly. Today after everything went really well thanks god (NOT) I went home and took the best shit of my whole life. I shited so hard that I slept there for a few minutes. It feel so good now that really needed to share my experience. tl dr my ass hurts I feel great, I wonder if that's how gay people feels.
I just had the worse week of my life, really bad stuff going on my work and the final tests to get my college degree. I could barely sleep nor eat or even shit properly. Today after everything went really well thanks god (NOT) I went home and took the best shit of my whole life. I shited so hard that I slept there for a few minutes. It feel so good now that really needed to share my experience.
my ass hurts I feel great, I wonder if that's how gay people feels.
No one is going to read this this late, but oh well. When I was a junior in college, I traveled to Amsterdam for a short vacation. My best friend from high school just happened to also be in Europe, studying in Florence, and he and his friends had been there the week before; he stayed the whole week to wait for my arrival. The day I got there we had a great time, smoking and wandering. He had been staying at the Flying Pig; I was in a hotel across town, because my college roommate was too prissy for the hostel experience. My friend agreed to meet me at my hotel the next day and we'd hang out. He didn't arrive. I didn't have a phone, so I waited a couple of hours, sent him an email and went about my touristy day. I emailed him about four times that day, and didn't think to worry; I assumed he'd slept late, or smoked too much, or whatever. When I finally got back to my hotel, the man at the front desk said the following (I still get chills whenever I remember it): **"Call your mother. And tell her to stop calling here."** So I call my mother. And I'm really stoned, since it's Amsterdam and what have you. So I only hear bits and pieces: "...friend'sname..accident...brain surgery..." Turns out my friend had left on time, and had been hit by a motorcycle while crossing the street outside his hostel. He struck a fire hydrant, and had been airlifted to a hospital outside the city. So I went to the hospital in a daze, and spent the night on a couch watching BBC Europe, until a very sweet Dutch nurse called me in to be present while my friend was taken out of anaesthesia. He was so confused. The first thing he said was, "Did I fall out of bed?" Which in hindsight is super chuckly. He recovered more or less fully, despite having almost died, and spent a lovely three weeks in the charming Amsterdam suburb of Alkmaar with his parents (who'd rushed over), smoking weed and wandering around. I went back to my vacation, though to be honest I was somewhat deflated. But so grateful I could be there for him. **TL; DR: Thank the lord jeebus I didn't eat mushrooms that day like I'd planned.**
No one is going to read this this late, but oh well. When I was a junior in college, I traveled to Amsterdam for a short vacation. My best friend from high school just happened to also be in Europe, studying in Florence, and he and his friends had been there the week before; he stayed the whole week to wait for my arrival. The day I got there we had a great time, smoking and wandering. He had been staying at the Flying Pig; I was in a hotel across town, because my college roommate was too prissy for the hostel experience. My friend agreed to meet me at my hotel the next day and we'd hang out. He didn't arrive. I didn't have a phone, so I waited a couple of hours, sent him an email and went about my touristy day. I emailed him about four times that day, and didn't think to worry; I assumed he'd slept late, or smoked too much, or whatever. When I finally got back to my hotel, the man at the front desk said the following (I still get chills whenever I remember it): "Call your mother. And tell her to stop calling here." So I call my mother. And I'm really stoned, since it's Amsterdam and what have you. So I only hear bits and pieces: "...friend'sname..accident...brain surgery..." Turns out my friend had left on time, and had been hit by a motorcycle while crossing the street outside his hostel. He struck a fire hydrant, and had been airlifted to a hospital outside the city. So I went to the hospital in a daze, and spent the night on a couch watching BBC Europe, until a very sweet Dutch nurse called me in to be present while my friend was taken out of anaesthesia. He was so confused. The first thing he said was, "Did I fall out of bed?" Which in hindsight is super chuckly. He recovered more or less fully, despite having almost died, and spent a lovely three weeks in the charming Amsterdam suburb of Alkmaar with his parents (who'd rushed over), smoking weed and wandering around. I went back to my vacation, though to be honest I was somewhat deflated. But so grateful I could be there for him. TL; DR: Thank the lord jeebus I didn't eat mushrooms that day like I'd planned.
No one is going to read this this late, but oh well. When I was a junior in college, I traveled to Amsterdam for a short vacation. My best friend from high school just happened to also be in Europe, studying in Florence, and he and his friends had been there the week before; he stayed the whole week to wait for my arrival. The day I got there we had a great time, smoking and wandering. He had been staying at the Flying Pig; I was in a hotel across town, because my college roommate was too prissy for the hostel experience. My friend agreed to meet me at my hotel the next day and we'd hang out. He didn't arrive. I didn't have a phone, so I waited a couple of hours, sent him an email and went about my touristy day. I emailed him about four times that day, and didn't think to worry; I assumed he'd slept late, or smoked too much, or whatever. When I finally got back to my hotel, the man at the front desk said the following (I still get chills whenever I remember it): "Call your mother. And tell her to stop calling here." So I call my mother. And I'm really stoned, since it's Amsterdam and what have you. So I only hear bits and pieces: "...friend'sname..accident...brain surgery..." Turns out my friend had left on time, and had been hit by a motorcycle while crossing the street outside his hostel. He struck a fire hydrant, and had been airlifted to a hospital outside the city. So I went to the hospital in a daze, and spent the night on a couch watching BBC Europe, until a very sweet Dutch nurse called me in to be present while my friend was taken out of anaesthesia. He was so confused. The first thing he said was, "Did I fall out of bed?" Which in hindsight is super chuckly. He recovered more or less fully, despite having almost died, and spent a lovely three weeks in the charming Amsterdam suburb of Alkmaar with his parents (who'd rushed over), smoking weed and wandering around. I went back to my vacation, though to be honest I was somewhat deflated. But so grateful I could be there for him.
Thank the lord jeebus I didn't eat mushrooms that day like I'd planned.
One time I filled a glass with water and jerked off into it to see how semen would react to it. Turns out, it floats there, kind of suspended and keeping its shape. If you've ever seen a YT video where they drop food coloring in water, it's just like that. tl;dr I masturbated in the name of science.
One time I filled a glass with water and jerked off into it to see how semen would react to it. Turns out, it floats there, kind of suspended and keeping its shape. If you've ever seen a YT video where they drop food coloring in water, it's just like that. tl;dr I masturbated in the name of science.
One time I filled a glass with water and jerked off into it to see how semen would react to it. Turns out, it floats there, kind of suspended and keeping its shape. If you've ever seen a YT video where they drop food coloring in water, it's just like that.
I masturbated in the name of science.
as you may know if youve ever seen my posts, i used to be a real bad garbage-head. with that lifestyle, my room looked like, well, a junkies. anyway, oneday i woke up in a daze life i often did, grabbed myhandfull of pills, and grabbed the sprite bottle from the mess of bottles and shit on my desk. i took a mouthfull to swallow the pills and realized something was not right. yes, it was piss. anyway i swallowed it anyway because i didnt wanna waste the pills or spit it out an make a mess. tldr, chased my pills with piss.
as you may know if youve ever seen my posts, i used to be a real bad garbage-head. with that lifestyle, my room looked like, well, a junkies. anyway, oneday i woke up in a daze life i often did, grabbed myhandfull of pills, and grabbed the sprite bottle from the mess of bottles and shit on my desk. i took a mouthfull to swallow the pills and realized something was not right. yes, it was piss. anyway i swallowed it anyway because i didnt wanna waste the pills or spit it out an make a mess. tldr, chased my pills with piss.
as you may know if youve ever seen my posts, i used to be a real bad garbage-head. with that lifestyle, my room looked like, well, a junkies. anyway, oneday i woke up in a daze life i often did, grabbed myhandfull of pills, and grabbed the sprite bottle from the mess of bottles and shit on my desk. i took a mouthfull to swallow the pills and realized something was not right. yes, it was piss. anyway i swallowed it anyway because i didnt wanna waste the pills or spit it out an make a mess.
chased my pills with piss.
Italian Feast! One night my mom and older sister went out, so I was forced to fend for myself come dinner time. My little sister had already eaten at a girl scout meeting so although she was in the kitchen doing homework I was cooking for one. I went through my pantry, fridge, and cabinets trying to find something to eat but it was one of those nights where nothing looked good. The kind of night where you stand in front of the fridge for 20 minutes letting all the cold air out as you stare blankly at the same foodstuffs you've seen a million times. After much thought I decided I needed to break the cycle. Create something new. Thus the Italian Feast was born. To this day I'd like to blame ratatouille. I'd just seen the movie and thought "hey, anyone can cook!" So my confidence levels were higher than they should have been when I pulled three cans from the cabinet. 1 can stewed tomatoes 1 can sweet corn 1 can kidney beans Thankfully all these things only required heating, not cooking, so I plopped them all in one pot on the stovetop and let them warm up. Once they were hot I turned off the flame. I didn't stop there though. I really should have. Still fueled by visions of Remi the Rodent Super-chef I decided to get fancy with the spices. Ill forever regret that. I took half the little glass bottles from the spice drawer and started an intricate little dance, shaking them into the pot like zesty piníatas to the rhythm in my head. Paprika! Ground mustard! Celery seeds! Rosemary! Fish rub! It was all in there, and damn did it smell good. I shook in one last dash of garlic powder, put my spice away, and got out a big bowl. Now no one reading this is an idiot. You all know the feast turned out vile. You saw that coming a mile away. Oh how I wish that were all. It tasted as if someone had vomited spicy as fuck rotten Indian food directly into my mouth. It is by far the worst thing I've let past my lip barrier. I freaked, spat that shit out, and chugged 3+ glasses of water, but the taste haunted my mouth like a spirit. Then I saw my salvation on the counter. A big ol' jar of Jiff peanut butter. Quickly I grabbed a spoon and I must have piled at least a quarter of a jar onto that thing before opening my mouth as wide as possible and cramming it in. Sadly, that was a bad plan. The peanut flavors mingled with the ghost of the spice in a twisted, satanic waltz creating hell itself atop my tongue. For those of you who don't believe peanut butter can actually stick to the roof of your mouth- it happens. Cheeks stuffed with over-seasoned Jiff that I simply couldn't swallow I started to freak. "MMMM. MMMMMM." I screamed at my sister, pointing at my mouth. "DA P-UH-UH-ERS SUC" she laughed at me. Who does that? Who laughs at someone in that situation. Once she got over her giggle fit she said to me "you know, the acids in orange juice might break up the peanut butter." I don't know why I listened to her. I guess it sounded scientific enough at the time. I was that desperate. As you can imagine adding orangey flavor to the mix was NOT just what I needed. I threw up. Now I had the taste of a lifetime supply of spices, peanut butter, orange juice, and vomit. I swear I'd rather give a blowjob to a diseased homeless man then taste that again. You know how sometimes people cut themselves do it so they can feel pain? Because even feeling hurt is preferable to feeling nothing at all? This was kind of my way of thinking when I took out the Tabasco sauce. It may burn my mouth, but at least the bad taste will be over right? RIGHT? Wrong. The tobacco burned like a thousand suns but in the back of my throat I could still taste the Italian feast. Always there. Ever present. Unrelenting. At this point I was crying and had thrown up again and my little sister stopped laughing and called my mom. In the end I just had to suck on ice cubes and pray the flavors away. To this day though, when it's quiet and I'm alone in the dead of night, sometimes I swear I could still taste the repulsive flavor of the worlds worst feast. I'm never cooking again. Don't be like me, kids. TL;DR: Not everyone can cook, and I'm a horrible problem solver. Thanks all for the replies. I'm glad someone enjoyed my feast!
Italian Feast! One night my mom and older sister went out, so I was forced to fend for myself come dinner time. My little sister had already eaten at a girl scout meeting so although she was in the kitchen doing homework I was cooking for one. I went through my pantry, fridge, and cabinets trying to find something to eat but it was one of those nights where nothing looked good. The kind of night where you stand in front of the fridge for 20 minutes letting all the cold air out as you stare blankly at the same foodstuffs you've seen a million times. After much thought I decided I needed to break the cycle. Create something new. Thus the Italian Feast was born. To this day I'd like to blame ratatouille. I'd just seen the movie and thought "hey, anyone can cook!" So my confidence levels were higher than they should have been when I pulled three cans from the cabinet. 1 can stewed tomatoes 1 can sweet corn 1 can kidney beans Thankfully all these things only required heating, not cooking, so I plopped them all in one pot on the stovetop and let them warm up. Once they were hot I turned off the flame. I didn't stop there though. I really should have. Still fueled by visions of Remi the Rodent Super-chef I decided to get fancy with the spices. Ill forever regret that. I took half the little glass bottles from the spice drawer and started an intricate little dance, shaking them into the pot like zesty piníatas to the rhythm in my head. Paprika! Ground mustard! Celery seeds! Rosemary! Fish rub! It was all in there, and damn did it smell good. I shook in one last dash of garlic powder, put my spice away, and got out a big bowl. Now no one reading this is an idiot. You all know the feast turned out vile. You saw that coming a mile away. Oh how I wish that were all. It tasted as if someone had vomited spicy as fuck rotten Indian food directly into my mouth. It is by far the worst thing I've let past my lip barrier. I freaked, spat that shit out, and chugged 3+ glasses of water, but the taste haunted my mouth like a spirit. Then I saw my salvation on the counter. A big ol' jar of Jiff peanut butter. Quickly I grabbed a spoon and I must have piled at least a quarter of a jar onto that thing before opening my mouth as wide as possible and cramming it in. Sadly, that was a bad plan. The peanut flavors mingled with the ghost of the spice in a twisted, satanic waltz creating hell itself atop my tongue. For those of you who don't believe peanut butter can actually stick to the roof of your mouth- it happens. Cheeks stuffed with over-seasoned Jiff that I simply couldn't swallow I started to freak. "MMMM. MMMMMM." I screamed at my sister, pointing at my mouth. "DA P-UH-UH-ERS SUC" she laughed at me. Who does that? Who laughs at someone in that situation. Once she got over her giggle fit she said to me "you know, the acids in orange juice might break up the peanut butter." I don't know why I listened to her. I guess it sounded scientific enough at the time. I was that desperate. As you can imagine adding orangey flavor to the mix was NOT just what I needed. I threw up. Now I had the taste of a lifetime supply of spices, peanut butter, orange juice, and vomit. I swear I'd rather give a blowjob to a diseased homeless man then taste that again. You know how sometimes people cut themselves do it so they can feel pain? Because even feeling hurt is preferable to feeling nothing at all? This was kind of my way of thinking when I took out the Tabasco sauce. It may burn my mouth, but at least the bad taste will be over right? RIGHT? Wrong. The tobacco burned like a thousand suns but in the back of my throat I could still taste the Italian feast. Always there. Ever present. Unrelenting. At this point I was crying and had thrown up again and my little sister stopped laughing and called my mom. In the end I just had to suck on ice cubes and pray the flavors away. To this day though, when it's quiet and I'm alone in the dead of night, sometimes I swear I could still taste the repulsive flavor of the worlds worst feast. I'm never cooking again. Don't be like me, kids. TL;DR: Not everyone can cook, and I'm a horrible problem solver. Thanks all for the replies. I'm glad someone enjoyed my feast!
Italian Feast! One night my mom and older sister went out, so I was forced to fend for myself come dinner time. My little sister had already eaten at a girl scout meeting so although she was in the kitchen doing homework I was cooking for one. I went through my pantry, fridge, and cabinets trying to find something to eat but it was one of those nights where nothing looked good. The kind of night where you stand in front of the fridge for 20 minutes letting all the cold air out as you stare blankly at the same foodstuffs you've seen a million times. After much thought I decided I needed to break the cycle. Create something new. Thus the Italian Feast was born. To this day I'd like to blame ratatouille. I'd just seen the movie and thought "hey, anyone can cook!" So my confidence levels were higher than they should have been when I pulled three cans from the cabinet. 1 can stewed tomatoes 1 can sweet corn 1 can kidney beans Thankfully all these things only required heating, not cooking, so I plopped them all in one pot on the stovetop and let them warm up. Once they were hot I turned off the flame. I didn't stop there though. I really should have. Still fueled by visions of Remi the Rodent Super-chef I decided to get fancy with the spices. Ill forever regret that. I took half the little glass bottles from the spice drawer and started an intricate little dance, shaking them into the pot like zesty piníatas to the rhythm in my head. Paprika! Ground mustard! Celery seeds! Rosemary! Fish rub! It was all in there, and damn did it smell good. I shook in one last dash of garlic powder, put my spice away, and got out a big bowl. Now no one reading this is an idiot. You all know the feast turned out vile. You saw that coming a mile away. Oh how I wish that were all. It tasted as if someone had vomited spicy as fuck rotten Indian food directly into my mouth. It is by far the worst thing I've let past my lip barrier. I freaked, spat that shit out, and chugged 3+ glasses of water, but the taste haunted my mouth like a spirit. Then I saw my salvation on the counter. A big ol' jar of Jiff peanut butter. Quickly I grabbed a spoon and I must have piled at least a quarter of a jar onto that thing before opening my mouth as wide as possible and cramming it in. Sadly, that was a bad plan. The peanut flavors mingled with the ghost of the spice in a twisted, satanic waltz creating hell itself atop my tongue. For those of you who don't believe peanut butter can actually stick to the roof of your mouth- it happens. Cheeks stuffed with over-seasoned Jiff that I simply couldn't swallow I started to freak. "MMMM. MMMMMM." I screamed at my sister, pointing at my mouth. "DA P-UH-UH-ERS SUC" she laughed at me. Who does that? Who laughs at someone in that situation. Once she got over her giggle fit she said to me "you know, the acids in orange juice might break up the peanut butter." I don't know why I listened to her. I guess it sounded scientific enough at the time. I was that desperate. As you can imagine adding orangey flavor to the mix was NOT just what I needed. I threw up. Now I had the taste of a lifetime supply of spices, peanut butter, orange juice, and vomit. I swear I'd rather give a blowjob to a diseased homeless man then taste that again. You know how sometimes people cut themselves do it so they can feel pain? Because even feeling hurt is preferable to feeling nothing at all? This was kind of my way of thinking when I took out the Tabasco sauce. It may burn my mouth, but at least the bad taste will be over right? RIGHT? Wrong. The tobacco burned like a thousand suns but in the back of my throat I could still taste the Italian feast. Always there. Ever present. Unrelenting. At this point I was crying and had thrown up again and my little sister stopped laughing and called my mom. In the end I just had to suck on ice cubes and pray the flavors away. To this day though, when it's quiet and I'm alone in the dead of night, sometimes I swear I could still taste the repulsive flavor of the worlds worst feast. I'm never cooking again. Don't be like me, kids.
Not everyone can cook, and I'm a horrible problem solver. Thanks all for the replies. I'm glad someone enjoyed my feast!
Sophomore year of college my best friend's roomate turned out to be the single most homophobic person I have ever met in my life. For example, we were in their room and I asked him what he would do if his son were gay. He said he didn't want to even talk about it because it would jinx it and was bad luck. Fast forward a semester and we're all at the local mall and this guy buys a hat. A completely blank, flat-brimmed all purple hat. Says he's going to have his aunt embroider something on it. Fast forward another few months and the blank completely purple hat has still not left the bag. Another friend and I are on our way to lunch when we see this guy wearing the purple hat. About a half hour later I remember that it was campus-wide "Wear Purple to Support Gay Pride" for national LGBTQ week. Here's the most homophobic person on campus, wearing a completely blank, all purple flat brimmed hat, and completely oblivious of what day it is. We brought it up to him that night in the dining center in the form of a joke. He looks around, sees nearly everyone wearing purple, and I don't think I've ever seen anyone take a hat off faster. He did not find the irony as funny as we did at all. Needless to say he never wore that hat again. **TL;DR: Crazy homophobic guy buys blank purple hat. Wears it for the very first time several months later. Happens to be Wear Purple for Gay Pride day during LGBTQ Awareness Week. Hilarity ensues. Never wears hat again.**
Sophomore year of college my best friend's roomate turned out to be the single most homophobic person I have ever met in my life. For example, we were in their room and I asked him what he would do if his son were gay. He said he didn't want to even talk about it because it would jinx it and was bad luck. Fast forward a semester and we're all at the local mall and this guy buys a hat. A completely blank, flat-brimmed all purple hat. Says he's going to have his aunt embroider something on it. Fast forward another few months and the blank completely purple hat has still not left the bag. Another friend and I are on our way to lunch when we see this guy wearing the purple hat. About a half hour later I remember that it was campus-wide "Wear Purple to Support Gay Pride" for national LGBTQ week. Here's the most homophobic person on campus, wearing a completely blank, all purple flat brimmed hat, and completely oblivious of what day it is. We brought it up to him that night in the dining center in the form of a joke. He looks around, sees nearly everyone wearing purple, and I don't think I've ever seen anyone take a hat off faster. He did not find the irony as funny as we did at all. Needless to say he never wore that hat again. TL;DR: Crazy homophobic guy buys blank purple hat. Wears it for the very first time several months later. Happens to be Wear Purple for Gay Pride day during LGBTQ Awareness Week. Hilarity ensues. Never wears hat again.
Sophomore year of college my best friend's roomate turned out to be the single most homophobic person I have ever met in my life. For example, we were in their room and I asked him what he would do if his son were gay. He said he didn't want to even talk about it because it would jinx it and was bad luck. Fast forward a semester and we're all at the local mall and this guy buys a hat. A completely blank, flat-brimmed all purple hat. Says he's going to have his aunt embroider something on it. Fast forward another few months and the blank completely purple hat has still not left the bag. Another friend and I are on our way to lunch when we see this guy wearing the purple hat. About a half hour later I remember that it was campus-wide "Wear Purple to Support Gay Pride" for national LGBTQ week. Here's the most homophobic person on campus, wearing a completely blank, all purple flat brimmed hat, and completely oblivious of what day it is. We brought it up to him that night in the dining center in the form of a joke. He looks around, sees nearly everyone wearing purple, and I don't think I've ever seen anyone take a hat off faster. He did not find the irony as funny as we did at all. Needless to say he never wore that hat again.
Crazy homophobic guy buys blank purple hat. Wears it for the very first time several months later. Happens to be Wear Purple for Gay Pride day during LGBTQ Awareness Week. Hilarity ensues. Never wears hat again.
On the first day of first grade I had to use the restroom, but things had changed. No longer did each class have their own private bathroom, but rather a community bathroom for the collective student body. I entered this unfamiliar territory and encountered for the first time, a urinal. I assumed this was simply the way things were done once you moved up to first grade, so I pulled down my pant, hoisted my self up onto the ledge, and pooped. And no, I was not alone. Others watched on in confusion as this small child relieved himself in a most unusual fashion, by their cultural standards. The janitor came as I was finishing up and just sort of laughed in an exacerbated manor. I gathered by the looks on everyone's faces that this was not a culturally acceptable thing to do and stuck to the standard procedure of pooping in the stall from then on out. TL;DR - In first grade, I pooped in a urinal in front a bunch of other kids. No regrets.
On the first day of first grade I had to use the restroom, but things had changed. No longer did each class have their own private bathroom, but rather a community bathroom for the collective student body. I entered this unfamiliar territory and encountered for the first time, a urinal. I assumed this was simply the way things were done once you moved up to first grade, so I pulled down my pant, hoisted my self up onto the ledge, and pooped. And no, I was not alone. Others watched on in confusion as this small child relieved himself in a most unusual fashion, by their cultural standards. The janitor came as I was finishing up and just sort of laughed in an exacerbated manor. I gathered by the looks on everyone's faces that this was not a culturally acceptable thing to do and stuck to the standard procedure of pooping in the stall from then on out. TL;DR - In first grade, I pooped in a urinal in front a bunch of other kids. No regrets.
On the first day of first grade I had to use the restroom, but things had changed. No longer did each class have their own private bathroom, but rather a community bathroom for the collective student body. I entered this unfamiliar territory and encountered for the first time, a urinal. I assumed this was simply the way things were done once you moved up to first grade, so I pulled down my pant, hoisted my self up onto the ledge, and pooped. And no, I was not alone. Others watched on in confusion as this small child relieved himself in a most unusual fashion, by their cultural standards. The janitor came as I was finishing up and just sort of laughed in an exacerbated manor. I gathered by the looks on everyone's faces that this was not a culturally acceptable thing to do and stuck to the standard procedure of pooping in the stall from then on out.
In first grade, I pooped in a urinal in front a bunch of other kids. No regrets.
When I was a kid we had turtles. My parents had rescued them from people who didn't have any respect for animals. However, after a while, the whole house started to smell like turtle and my parents decided to hand them over to a turtle sanctuary. Years later, I had a conversation with my mom about our turtles. She said: "Too bad the turtle sanctuary burned down." WHAT. "Oops. I wasn't supposed to tell you that." THANKS MOM. **TL;DR My childhood turtles burned to death.**
When I was a kid we had turtles. My parents had rescued them from people who didn't have any respect for animals. However, after a while, the whole house started to smell like turtle and my parents decided to hand them over to a turtle sanctuary. Years later, I had a conversation with my mom about our turtles. She said: "Too bad the turtle sanctuary burned down." WHAT. "Oops. I wasn't supposed to tell you that." THANKS MOM. TL;DR My childhood turtles burned to death.
When I was a kid we had turtles. My parents had rescued them from people who didn't have any respect for animals. However, after a while, the whole house started to smell like turtle and my parents decided to hand them over to a turtle sanctuary. Years later, I had a conversation with my mom about our turtles. She said: "Too bad the turtle sanctuary burned down." WHAT. "Oops. I wasn't supposed to tell you that." THANKS MOM.
My childhood turtles burned to death.
I work in a cake/ ice cream combo store. We have a flavor of ice cream called the birthday cake mix that's vanilla/ cookie crunch/ chocolate. Anyways, I get a call in the store late one night from an older gentleman asking about it as I'm closing up shop. They're persistent in asking for another flavor called the birthday cake deluxe, the one with nuts in it. I ask them I've never heard of it in the time I've been working there. They insist it's there after this while of bickering, so I ask them what kind of nuts are in there and they ask me to run over the list of what kinds I have there, to remind them of what it might've been. I let them know we have walnuts and peanuts, to which then he snicker "hahaha, penis!" in his old man way, and hangs up on me. Thank ya'll, I'll see myself out now. TL;DR; Hahaha, penis!
I work in a cake/ ice cream combo store. We have a flavor of ice cream called the birthday cake mix that's vanilla/ cookie crunch/ chocolate. Anyways, I get a call in the store late one night from an older gentleman asking about it as I'm closing up shop. They're persistent in asking for another flavor called the birthday cake deluxe, the one with nuts in it. I ask them I've never heard of it in the time I've been working there. They insist it's there after this while of bickering, so I ask them what kind of nuts are in there and they ask me to run over the list of what kinds I have there, to remind them of what it might've been. I let them know we have walnuts and peanuts, to which then he snicker "hahaha, penis!" in his old man way, and hangs up on me. Thank ya'll, I'll see myself out now. TL;DR; Hahaha, penis!
I work in a cake/ ice cream combo store. We have a flavor of ice cream called the birthday cake mix that's vanilla/ cookie crunch/ chocolate. Anyways, I get a call in the store late one night from an older gentleman asking about it as I'm closing up shop. They're persistent in asking for another flavor called the birthday cake deluxe, the one with nuts in it. I ask them I've never heard of it in the time I've been working there. They insist it's there after this while of bickering, so I ask them what kind of nuts are in there and they ask me to run over the list of what kinds I have there, to remind them of what it might've been. I let them know we have walnuts and peanuts, to which then he snicker "hahaha, penis!" in his old man way, and hangs up on me. Thank ya'll, I'll see myself out now.
Hahaha, penis!
Chivalry is not dead. Why? Because at least people have some damned respect for the dead. Chivalry was beaten, raped, then brutally murdered by society; now we all pretend that it never existed. The world that we live in is a dog-eat-dog one, and if you're not eating a dog, you're feeding one. So why is it that people even bother trying to help others? *Clearly* charity is a sign of weakness, and it should be exploited at the expense of both the compassionate, and those in need. Poor Barkingpanther had his jacket ruined by three older kids. Did the kids have a reason to? No. They didn't need a reason to. He was weak. They were strong. Very similar things happen all over the world for *absolutely no reason* other than to humiliate the weak. Maybe his view on the world changed when this happened. He might not have noticed it, and it is a subliminal thought applied to his logic before helping somebody out. Maybe he didn't change his lifestyle, and this wall of text is completely irrelevant. But if he didn't, I can guarantee that he thought less of both himself and the people around him. He might have had trust issues for a while, possibly permanently, because now he thinks that everyone gets amusement by watching him suffer. Sure he was nine, but things like that stay with you. People who are assholes suck the life out of all of us non-assholes, and it only winds up making more assholes. **Life Lesson:** Don't be a jerk, and help people out in situations like these. **tl;dr:** I put a lot of time and effort into this comment, now read it!
Chivalry is not dead. Why? Because at least people have some damned respect for the dead. Chivalry was beaten, raped, then brutally murdered by society; now we all pretend that it never existed. The world that we live in is a dog-eat-dog one, and if you're not eating a dog, you're feeding one. So why is it that people even bother trying to help others? Clearly charity is a sign of weakness, and it should be exploited at the expense of both the compassionate, and those in need. Poor Barkingpanther had his jacket ruined by three older kids. Did the kids have a reason to? No. They didn't need a reason to. He was weak. They were strong. Very similar things happen all over the world for absolutely no reason other than to humiliate the weak. Maybe his view on the world changed when this happened. He might not have noticed it, and it is a subliminal thought applied to his logic before helping somebody out. Maybe he didn't change his lifestyle, and this wall of text is completely irrelevant. But if he didn't, I can guarantee that he thought less of both himself and the people around him. He might have had trust issues for a while, possibly permanently, because now he thinks that everyone gets amusement by watching him suffer. Sure he was nine, but things like that stay with you. People who are assholes suck the life out of all of us non-assholes, and it only winds up making more assholes. Life Lesson: Don't be a jerk, and help people out in situations like these. tl;dr: I put a lot of time and effort into this comment, now read it!
Chivalry is not dead. Why? Because at least people have some damned respect for the dead. Chivalry was beaten, raped, then brutally murdered by society; now we all pretend that it never existed. The world that we live in is a dog-eat-dog one, and if you're not eating a dog, you're feeding one. So why is it that people even bother trying to help others? Clearly charity is a sign of weakness, and it should be exploited at the expense of both the compassionate, and those in need. Poor Barkingpanther had his jacket ruined by three older kids. Did the kids have a reason to? No. They didn't need a reason to. He was weak. They were strong. Very similar things happen all over the world for absolutely no reason other than to humiliate the weak. Maybe his view on the world changed when this happened. He might not have noticed it, and it is a subliminal thought applied to his logic before helping somebody out. Maybe he didn't change his lifestyle, and this wall of text is completely irrelevant. But if he didn't, I can guarantee that he thought less of both himself and the people around him. He might have had trust issues for a while, possibly permanently, because now he thinks that everyone gets amusement by watching him suffer. Sure he was nine, but things like that stay with you. People who are assholes suck the life out of all of us non-assholes, and it only winds up making more assholes. Life Lesson: Don't be a jerk, and help people out in situations like these.
I put a lot of time and effort into this comment, now read it!
Back when i was 6, my mom had a friend who worked at the Nickelodeon offices in NY. She was damn awesome, and we always received free Nick swag from her. Among those things were two VIP passes to the former Nickelodeon Studios in Orlando, Florida (which i believe is now a Blue Men Group-themed attraction). Seeing how we were going to Orlando anyways (albeit to WDW), we decided to take a day off to go to Universal, just for the heck of it. Once we arrived there, the first thing i did was get my face painted with the Spiderman mask (This was in 2002, back when the first movie just came out). We then headed over to the studios, where we were received by a tour guide, and gave us a look around. Among other things, we saw old props for Double Dare 2000, tried slime (lemon-flavoured transparent paste) and had the opportunity to get slimed in their hourly show. We decided not to, as we didn't want to spend the whole day with lemony goo in our hair. Later on, during the show, i was brought onto stage. It was a challenge in which you had to pass an exercise ball to other people before the time was up, in really weird ways. One by one, the hosts asked the names of each contestant. Being the nervous little kid i was, well... Host: What's your name? Me: ...(in the squeakiest voice *ever*) *Sebastian...* The whole studio burst into laughter. tl;dr: Spiderkid goes to Nickelodeon, squeaks.
Back when i was 6, my mom had a friend who worked at the Nickelodeon offices in NY. She was damn awesome, and we always received free Nick swag from her. Among those things were two VIP passes to the former Nickelodeon Studios in Orlando, Florida (which i believe is now a Blue Men Group-themed attraction). Seeing how we were going to Orlando anyways (albeit to WDW), we decided to take a day off to go to Universal, just for the heck of it. Once we arrived there, the first thing i did was get my face painted with the Spiderman mask (This was in 2002, back when the first movie just came out). We then headed over to the studios, where we were received by a tour guide, and gave us a look around. Among other things, we saw old props for Double Dare 2000, tried slime (lemon-flavoured transparent paste) and had the opportunity to get slimed in their hourly show. We decided not to, as we didn't want to spend the whole day with lemony goo in our hair. Later on, during the show, i was brought onto stage. It was a challenge in which you had to pass an exercise ball to other people before the time was up, in really weird ways. One by one, the hosts asked the names of each contestant. Being the nervous little kid i was, well... Host: What's your name? Me: ...(in the squeakiest voice ever ) Sebastian... The whole studio burst into laughter. tl;dr: Spiderkid goes to Nickelodeon, squeaks.
Back when i was 6, my mom had a friend who worked at the Nickelodeon offices in NY. She was damn awesome, and we always received free Nick swag from her. Among those things were two VIP passes to the former Nickelodeon Studios in Orlando, Florida (which i believe is now a Blue Men Group-themed attraction). Seeing how we were going to Orlando anyways (albeit to WDW), we decided to take a day off to go to Universal, just for the heck of it. Once we arrived there, the first thing i did was get my face painted with the Spiderman mask (This was in 2002, back when the first movie just came out). We then headed over to the studios, where we were received by a tour guide, and gave us a look around. Among other things, we saw old props for Double Dare 2000, tried slime (lemon-flavoured transparent paste) and had the opportunity to get slimed in their hourly show. We decided not to, as we didn't want to spend the whole day with lemony goo in our hair. Later on, during the show, i was brought onto stage. It was a challenge in which you had to pass an exercise ball to other people before the time was up, in really weird ways. One by one, the hosts asked the names of each contestant. Being the nervous little kid i was, well... Host: What's your name? Me: ...(in the squeakiest voice ever ) Sebastian... The whole studio burst into laughter.
Spiderkid goes to Nickelodeon, squeaks.
Yeah, it's unfortunate things happened this way, thought it's not really Larson's fault. Apparently Hasbro told them they HAD to end the season with a musical episode with cutie mark switching and Twi becoming and alicorn, which Ingram mentioned was a tall order, but they pulled it off. All in all, it's too bad Hasbro took it in this direction, but we've seen the developers do amazing things, so i'm optimistic about where it'll go from here. TL;DR: Not Larson's fault, and it would have been better with no Twicorn, but I think the show will still continue to be good regardless.
Yeah, it's unfortunate things happened this way, thought it's not really Larson's fault. Apparently Hasbro told them they HAD to end the season with a musical episode with cutie mark switching and Twi becoming and alicorn, which Ingram mentioned was a tall order, but they pulled it off. All in all, it's too bad Hasbro took it in this direction, but we've seen the developers do amazing things, so i'm optimistic about where it'll go from here. TL;DR: Not Larson's fault, and it would have been better with no Twicorn, but I think the show will still continue to be good regardless.
Yeah, it's unfortunate things happened this way, thought it's not really Larson's fault. Apparently Hasbro told them they HAD to end the season with a musical episode with cutie mark switching and Twi becoming and alicorn, which Ingram mentioned was a tall order, but they pulled it off. All in all, it's too bad Hasbro took it in this direction, but we've seen the developers do amazing things, so i'm optimistic about where it'll go from here.
Not Larson's fault, and it would have been better with no Twicorn, but I think the show will still continue to be good regardless.
says that > Selling Tear of the Goddess and its upgrades removes the bonus mana. and > The bonuses from Seeker's Armguards passive disappear upon upgrading it to Zhonya's Hourglass. However the stats on Zhonya's Hourglass are already equal or higher than a fully stacked Seeker's Armguard and Needlessly Large Rod combined. Therefore you don't lose any stats. Since upgrading Armguard makes you lose the stats, so does selling. TL;DR: No, no and no.
says that > Selling Tear of the Goddess and its upgrades removes the bonus mana. and > The bonuses from Seeker's Armguards passive disappear upon upgrading it to Zhonya's Hourglass. However the stats on Zhonya's Hourglass are already equal or higher than a fully stacked Seeker's Armguard and Needlessly Large Rod combined. Therefore you don't lose any stats. Since upgrading Armguard makes you lose the stats, so does selling. TL;DR: No, no and no.
says that > Selling Tear of the Goddess and its upgrades removes the bonus mana. and > The bonuses from Seeker's Armguards passive disappear upon upgrading it to Zhonya's Hourglass. However the stats on Zhonya's Hourglass are already equal or higher than a fully stacked Seeker's Armguard and Needlessly Large Rod combined. Therefore you don't lose any stats. Since upgrading Armguard makes you lose the stats, so does selling.
No, no and no.
In 350+ hours on xbox and 25 or so now on PC, I hadn't used the mortar for more than... well probably the 2 kills it initially took me to get the assignment out of the way. Had to do the assignment again today on PC; decided to try it out for awhile on some Nosehair TDM. Ended with... 39 kills? A couple of those were M27 or knife kills from fending off camp invaders. My favorite was a triple kill on... you guessed it. Snipers on the crane. They didn't get the memo, either. They kept spawning, I kept making it rain. Had a double kill on them as well, and picked em off one by one. When I wasn't getting kills I was picking their equipment off, I'm sure that made them mad. TL,DR; after countless hours of this game you can still find new experiences that kick fucking ass
In 350+ hours on xbox and 25 or so now on PC, I hadn't used the mortar for more than... well probably the 2 kills it initially took me to get the assignment out of the way. Had to do the assignment again today on PC; decided to try it out for awhile on some Nosehair TDM. Ended with... 39 kills? A couple of those were M27 or knife kills from fending off camp invaders. My favorite was a triple kill on... you guessed it. Snipers on the crane. They didn't get the memo, either. They kept spawning, I kept making it rain. Had a double kill on them as well, and picked em off one by one. When I wasn't getting kills I was picking their equipment off, I'm sure that made them mad. TL,DR; after countless hours of this game you can still find new experiences that kick fucking ass
In 350+ hours on xbox and 25 or so now on PC, I hadn't used the mortar for more than... well probably the 2 kills it initially took me to get the assignment out of the way. Had to do the assignment again today on PC; decided to try it out for awhile on some Nosehair TDM. Ended with... 39 kills? A couple of those were M27 or knife kills from fending off camp invaders. My favorite was a triple kill on... you guessed it. Snipers on the crane. They didn't get the memo, either. They kept spawning, I kept making it rain. Had a double kill on them as well, and picked em off one by one. When I wasn't getting kills I was picking their equipment off, I'm sure that made them mad.
after countless hours of this game you can still find new experiences that kick fucking ass
Yeah, but there are few anime that actually achieve what the manga did. Mysterious Girlfriend X is another good example. The short 12 episodes totally skipped all but the most important chapters, and the connection with the characters is no where close to the manga. Well, I need to stop my rant. thanks for listening haha **tl;dr** [This Kills MGFX the anime](
Yeah, but there are few anime that actually achieve what the manga did. Mysterious Girlfriend X is another good example. The short 12 episodes totally skipped all but the most important chapters, and the connection with the characters is no where close to the manga. Well, I need to stop my rant. thanks for listening haha tl;dr [This Kills MGFX the anime](
Yeah, but there are few anime that actually achieve what the manga did. Mysterious Girlfriend X is another good example. The short 12 episodes totally skipped all but the most important chapters, and the connection with the characters is no where close to the manga. Well, I need to stop my rant. thanks for listening haha
This Kills MGFX the anime](
I absolutely love Gamefly. I've been a member for over a year and even adding up the membership cost I know I've saved tons and tons of money by renting instead of buying. So often I buy a cheap-ish game, or even a new one and stop halfway through or get bored after beating it once, then I sell it back to gamestop for $5, which is a total rip. But with gamefly you just give it right back and dont worry about it. Each month only costs about $20 if you take 2 games at a time, and with some of those being brand new ones, that's only a third the cost for just one game. Tl;DR I love gamefly and highly recommend it!
I absolutely love Gamefly. I've been a member for over a year and even adding up the membership cost I know I've saved tons and tons of money by renting instead of buying. So often I buy a cheap-ish game, or even a new one and stop halfway through or get bored after beating it once, then I sell it back to gamestop for $5, which is a total rip. But with gamefly you just give it right back and dont worry about it. Each month only costs about $20 if you take 2 games at a time, and with some of those being brand new ones, that's only a third the cost for just one game. Tl;DR I love gamefly and highly recommend it!
I absolutely love Gamefly. I've been a member for over a year and even adding up the membership cost I know I've saved tons and tons of money by renting instead of buying. So often I buy a cheap-ish game, or even a new one and stop halfway through or get bored after beating it once, then I sell it back to gamestop for $5, which is a total rip. But with gamefly you just give it right back and dont worry about it. Each month only costs about $20 if you take 2 games at a time, and with some of those being brand new ones, that's only a third the cost for just one game.
I love gamefly and highly recommend it!
Attraction is different for everyone, I wish everyone here would keep that in mind. I think your photos would look a lot better if you smiled. However, your pictures are all blurry, with the exception of the first. How old are the photos? Put up some where you're smiling. It goes a long way. In regard to your profile, I honestly only skimmed over the about me, but what I got from it is that you know a lot about engineering, math and are self proclaimed nerd. No need to continually repeat those three things. I personally don't think you need to say that you're open to being in a relationship if things work out. Unless you're dating someone who is completely ignorant to basic social and romantic cues, that's a given. It's also an option listed in your OKC profile. You use parenthesis A LOT. I do too, it's a hard habit to break. If it needs to go in parenthesis, rethink your sentence. Your profile is very long. This is not always a bad thing, but you've listed the same few things repeatedly. You like school, engineering, math, reading. Try to condense it without repeating it elsewhere. I'm not gay or searching for a relationship, so this contributes greatly to my inability to read your entire page but it generates very little interest. *tl;dr* Stop repeating the same things, you like sciences, math, reading and school in general. Don't repeat in every section. Use clear, face and body shots and SMILE.
Attraction is different for everyone, I wish everyone here would keep that in mind. I think your photos would look a lot better if you smiled. However, your pictures are all blurry, with the exception of the first. How old are the photos? Put up some where you're smiling. It goes a long way. In regard to your profile, I honestly only skimmed over the about me, but what I got from it is that you know a lot about engineering, math and are self proclaimed nerd. No need to continually repeat those three things. I personally don't think you need to say that you're open to being in a relationship if things work out. Unless you're dating someone who is completely ignorant to basic social and romantic cues, that's a given. It's also an option listed in your OKC profile. You use parenthesis A LOT. I do too, it's a hard habit to break. If it needs to go in parenthesis, rethink your sentence. Your profile is very long. This is not always a bad thing, but you've listed the same few things repeatedly. You like school, engineering, math, reading. Try to condense it without repeating it elsewhere. I'm not gay or searching for a relationship, so this contributes greatly to my inability to read your entire page but it generates very little interest. tl;dr Stop repeating the same things, you like sciences, math, reading and school in general. Don't repeat in every section. Use clear, face and body shots and SMILE.
Attraction is different for everyone, I wish everyone here would keep that in mind. I think your photos would look a lot better if you smiled. However, your pictures are all blurry, with the exception of the first. How old are the photos? Put up some where you're smiling. It goes a long way. In regard to your profile, I honestly only skimmed over the about me, but what I got from it is that you know a lot about engineering, math and are self proclaimed nerd. No need to continually repeat those three things. I personally don't think you need to say that you're open to being in a relationship if things work out. Unless you're dating someone who is completely ignorant to basic social and romantic cues, that's a given. It's also an option listed in your OKC profile. You use parenthesis A LOT. I do too, it's a hard habit to break. If it needs to go in parenthesis, rethink your sentence. Your profile is very long. This is not always a bad thing, but you've listed the same few things repeatedly. You like school, engineering, math, reading. Try to condense it without repeating it elsewhere. I'm not gay or searching for a relationship, so this contributes greatly to my inability to read your entire page but it generates very little interest.
Stop repeating the same things, you like sciences, math, reading and school in general. Don't repeat in every section. Use clear, face and body shots and SMILE.
To me, a lot of mecha anime tends to be too serious. I don't want any political war drama in mecha, because I can't take the story seriously if there's fucking space robots shooting guns, missiles, and swords at each other. Putting that aside my favorite anime of all time is still Gurren Lagann. Why? Because it makes me feel like a kid. Silly animation and dialogue, combined with ridiculously large drills, and the well voiced speeches lets me enjoy it like I was 10 again. Of course the story goes a little bit darker and deeper than my old Saturday morning cartoons, but I can enjoy pondering the symbolism behind everything since I'm older. TL;DR : 90% of mecha shows are too serious to take seriously.
To me, a lot of mecha anime tends to be too serious. I don't want any political war drama in mecha, because I can't take the story seriously if there's fucking space robots shooting guns, missiles, and swords at each other. Putting that aside my favorite anime of all time is still Gurren Lagann. Why? Because it makes me feel like a kid. Silly animation and dialogue, combined with ridiculously large drills, and the well voiced speeches lets me enjoy it like I was 10 again. Of course the story goes a little bit darker and deeper than my old Saturday morning cartoons, but I can enjoy pondering the symbolism behind everything since I'm older. TL;DR : 90% of mecha shows are too serious to take seriously.
To me, a lot of mecha anime tends to be too serious. I don't want any political war drama in mecha, because I can't take the story seriously if there's fucking space robots shooting guns, missiles, and swords at each other. Putting that aside my favorite anime of all time is still Gurren Lagann. Why? Because it makes me feel like a kid. Silly animation and dialogue, combined with ridiculously large drills, and the well voiced speeches lets me enjoy it like I was 10 again. Of course the story goes a little bit darker and deeper than my old Saturday morning cartoons, but I can enjoy pondering the symbolism behind everything since I'm older.
90% of mecha shows are too serious to take seriously.
[These planes]( all actually exist and I think there might even be multiples of each one. Funny Story: I was flying down to LA to go to the 2010 Holiday Bowl (was staying with a buddy in OC, drove to San Diego for the game). So we're at SEA-TAC with about 30-40 Husky fans decked out in Purple waiting to board our flight. They had us walk onto the tarmac to board, and you couldn't actually see the plane until you walked out of the gate. Sure enough, I walk out and see the WSU plane sitting there waiting for us. It was funny and slightly ironic. We joked around about our doubts that the plane would make it all the way to our destination, and drank heavily expecting our impending crash. **TL;DR** Rode the WSU plane to UW Bowl game.
[These planes]( all actually exist and I think there might even be multiples of each one. Funny Story: I was flying down to LA to go to the 2010 Holiday Bowl (was staying with a buddy in OC, drove to San Diego for the game). So we're at SEA-TAC with about 30-40 Husky fans decked out in Purple waiting to board our flight. They had us walk onto the tarmac to board, and you couldn't actually see the plane until you walked out of the gate. Sure enough, I walk out and see the WSU plane sitting there waiting for us. It was funny and slightly ironic. We joked around about our doubts that the plane would make it all the way to our destination, and drank heavily expecting our impending crash. TL;DR Rode the WSU plane to UW Bowl game.
These planes]( all actually exist and I think there might even be multiples of each one. Funny Story: I was flying down to LA to go to the 2010 Holiday Bowl (was staying with a buddy in OC, drove to San Diego for the game). So we're at SEA-TAC with about 30-40 Husky fans decked out in Purple waiting to board our flight. They had us walk onto the tarmac to board, and you couldn't actually see the plane until you walked out of the gate. Sure enough, I walk out and see the WSU plane sitting there waiting for us. It was funny and slightly ironic. We joked around about our doubts that the plane would make it all the way to our destination, and drank heavily expecting our impending crash.
Rode the WSU plane to UW Bowl game.