Basically, as the women's rights movement has gained traction, there has been a lot more dialogue about rape in our culture. Unfortunately, the way that the media, the public, and our elected officials have been talking about rape is not very progressive. This is the rape culture. People who talk about a rape culture, and how pervasive it is, are talking about how CNN can do stories pitying rapists, and their prospective futures. Or they're talking about how many (but certainly not all) men think of rape as acceptable. They may also be talking about the vast discrepancy between what men think is sexual assault towards women, and what women think sexual assault towards women should be defined as. TLDR: Rape culture is how rape is treated in society, and people are upset about it. Edit: a good example of what is meant by ["rape culture"](
Basically, as the women's rights movement has gained traction, there has been a lot more dialogue about rape in our culture. Unfortunately, the way that the media, the public, and our elected officials have been talking about rape is not very progressive. This is the rape culture. People who talk about a rape culture, and how pervasive it is, are talking about how CNN can do stories pitying rapists, and their prospective futures. Or they're talking about how many (but certainly not all) men think of rape as acceptable. They may also be talking about the vast discrepancy between what men think is sexual assault towards women, and what women think sexual assault towards women should be defined as. TLDR: Rape culture is how rape is treated in society, and people are upset about it. Edit: a good example of what is meant by ["rape culture"](
Basically, as the women's rights movement has gained traction, there has been a lot more dialogue about rape in our culture. Unfortunately, the way that the media, the public, and our elected officials have been talking about rape is not very progressive. This is the rape culture. People who talk about a rape culture, and how pervasive it is, are talking about how CNN can do stories pitying rapists, and their prospective futures. Or they're talking about how many (but certainly not all) men think of rape as acceptable. They may also be talking about the vast discrepancy between what men think is sexual assault towards women, and what women think sexual assault towards women should be defined as.
Rape culture is how rape is treated in society, and people are upset about it. Edit: a good example of what is meant by ["rape culture"](
Now you're just being a dickwad. But yes, I hate games with achievements and stay logged off everytime I'm forced to play one of those fucking horrible games with achievements. And if by some weird chance I am logged in, I just use Rick's SAM to lock those achievements again. > I just feel *it makes getting achievements* **a lot more fun.** You wrote it yourself. TL;DR **herp herp PENIS!**
Now you're just being a dickwad. But yes, I hate games with achievements and stay logged off everytime I'm forced to play one of those fucking horrible games with achievements. And if by some weird chance I am logged in, I just use Rick's SAM to lock those achievements again. > I just feel it makes getting achievements a lot more fun. You wrote it yourself. TL;DR herp herp PENIS!
Now you're just being a dickwad. But yes, I hate games with achievements and stay logged off everytime I'm forced to play one of those fucking horrible games with achievements. And if by some weird chance I am logged in, I just use Rick's SAM to lock those achievements again. > I just feel it makes getting achievements a lot more fun. You wrote it yourself.
herp herp PENIS!
... a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: nonhitchhiker) discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, washcloth, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet-weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have "lost". What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with. TL:DR Knowing where ones towel is
... a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: nonhitchhiker) discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, washcloth, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet-weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have "lost". What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with. TL:DR Knowing where ones towel is
a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: nonhitchhiker) discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, washcloth, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet-weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have "lost". What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with.
Knowing where ones towel is
Because it gives them a noble cause to get behind. Notice most of them are also young adults -- I think they're the same kind of people we see here on TiA. Young people looking for something with which to define themselves. Some people do it by subscribing and coining new labels, others do it by finding something to fight for (exemplified in just how successful army recruitment is when they market to young adults). It's not so much about seeing it as a competition so much as seeing all the injustice in society while you're still young and angry with the world. There's an energy and a drive to fix *every little thing* about us as a species because otherwise it's a failure on your part, because you weren't good enough to change everything. That's why we see so much Rorschach-esque black-and-white thinking with SRS. Either you're against all these little flaws, or you must condone or support them and therefore you're part of the problem, intellectual equality and internal consistency be damned. I surmise that even in a society where tolerance were ubiquitous and there were no systemic oppression to be found, they would find a new problem to fix. Some of them are finding new problems every day, many of which are idioms which are misinterpreted, usually intentionally so, by the SJW so as to have a new target to attack and feel satisfied in defeating. Case in point: I've seen them say the conversational use of "man or woman" is offensive because it enforces the gender binary. (85% of SRS identify as cisgendered -- another 9% are questioning. Meanwhile, [99.998% of people globally identify as either a man or a woman.]( I've seen them say the idiom "I'll give it to you straight" is offensive because it's homophobic ("straight" meant "without twists or turns" **long** before it meant "heterosexual"). The word "lame" as the opposite of "cool" is ableist (that usage actually originated in the 20th century to describe someone who dances badly; nobody uses this word and thinks of a disabled person outside of the frickin' Bible, and nobody wanting to insult a disabled person thinks of this word). Saying a trans* is "biologically male/female" is transphobic because it implies they have some obligation to fill that role (they also said they don't even know how you'd convey the same thing in an inoffensive way; at least they're being consistent). You've even more recently got that Anita Sarkeesian cacophony where having a male lead save a female in a video game is sexist, and when the vice is versa, it's either empowering, or worse, irrelevant. They believe that one side is "oppressed" and the other isn't, and the majority is above being offended. Convenient for feminists like them, since it enables categorical insults based on how someone was born, if you're born into a social majority. They can say it's not hypocrisy because it does no real harm, a retort that runs conspicuously parallel to their detractors who say that offensive jokes do no harm. It underscores their mentality on social justice issues. Good vs. bad. Black vs. white. So it's part gloryhounding, part desperation, part reckless moral crusade. Honestly, I can understand why anyone would get behind this kind of movement. But at the same time, it's pretty undeniably toxic and trigger-happy when it comes to who and what they castigate, and how heavy they do it. Like I said, it's all black-and-white, and everyone wants a ticket on the trainwreck. TL;DR: They're doing what they think is right. Fundamentally, their aim is total equality and the elimination of prejudice based on GSM/race (though SRSPrime just mocks it), and that is a fair goal. But their methods are misguided by what I believe to be a youthful sense of justice and a penchant for drama. The fact they themselves are a privileged majority is something they don't care about because they feel like they're an exception to the rule of humanity. Truly, the idea that only they can see all these injustices is the assumption of a key privilege, isn't it?
Because it gives them a noble cause to get behind. Notice most of them are also young adults -- I think they're the same kind of people we see here on TiA. Young people looking for something with which to define themselves. Some people do it by subscribing and coining new labels, others do it by finding something to fight for (exemplified in just how successful army recruitment is when they market to young adults). It's not so much about seeing it as a competition so much as seeing all the injustice in society while you're still young and angry with the world. There's an energy and a drive to fix every little thing about us as a species because otherwise it's a failure on your part, because you weren't good enough to change everything. That's why we see so much Rorschach-esque black-and-white thinking with SRS. Either you're against all these little flaws, or you must condone or support them and therefore you're part of the problem, intellectual equality and internal consistency be damned. I surmise that even in a society where tolerance were ubiquitous and there were no systemic oppression to be found, they would find a new problem to fix. Some of them are finding new problems every day, many of which are idioms which are misinterpreted, usually intentionally so, by the SJW so as to have a new target to attack and feel satisfied in defeating. Case in point: I've seen them say the conversational use of "man or woman" is offensive because it enforces the gender binary. (85% of SRS identify as cisgendered -- another 9% are questioning. Meanwhile, [99.998% of people globally identify as either a man or a woman.]( I've seen them say the idiom "I'll give it to you straight" is offensive because it's homophobic ("straight" meant "without twists or turns" long before it meant "heterosexual"). The word "lame" as the opposite of "cool" is ableist (that usage actually originated in the 20th century to describe someone who dances badly; nobody uses this word and thinks of a disabled person outside of the frickin' Bible, and nobody wanting to insult a disabled person thinks of this word). Saying a trans* is "biologically male/female" is transphobic because it implies they have some obligation to fill that role (they also said they don't even know how you'd convey the same thing in an inoffensive way; at least they're being consistent). You've even more recently got that Anita Sarkeesian cacophony where having a male lead save a female in a video game is sexist, and when the vice is versa, it's either empowering, or worse, irrelevant. They believe that one side is "oppressed" and the other isn't, and the majority is above being offended. Convenient for feminists like them, since it enables categorical insults based on how someone was born, if you're born into a social majority. They can say it's not hypocrisy because it does no real harm, a retort that runs conspicuously parallel to their detractors who say that offensive jokes do no harm. It underscores their mentality on social justice issues. Good vs. bad. Black vs. white. So it's part gloryhounding, part desperation, part reckless moral crusade. Honestly, I can understand why anyone would get behind this kind of movement. But at the same time, it's pretty undeniably toxic and trigger-happy when it comes to who and what they castigate, and how heavy they do it. Like I said, it's all black-and-white, and everyone wants a ticket on the trainwreck. TL;DR: They're doing what they think is right. Fundamentally, their aim is total equality and the elimination of prejudice based on GSM/race (though SRSPrime just mocks it), and that is a fair goal. But their methods are misguided by what I believe to be a youthful sense of justice and a penchant for drama. The fact they themselves are a privileged majority is something they don't care about because they feel like they're an exception to the rule of humanity. Truly, the idea that only they can see all these injustices is the assumption of a key privilege, isn't it?
Because it gives them a noble cause to get behind. Notice most of them are also young adults -- I think they're the same kind of people we see here on TiA. Young people looking for something with which to define themselves. Some people do it by subscribing and coining new labels, others do it by finding something to fight for (exemplified in just how successful army recruitment is when they market to young adults). It's not so much about seeing it as a competition so much as seeing all the injustice in society while you're still young and angry with the world. There's an energy and a drive to fix every little thing about us as a species because otherwise it's a failure on your part, because you weren't good enough to change everything. That's why we see so much Rorschach-esque black-and-white thinking with SRS. Either you're against all these little flaws, or you must condone or support them and therefore you're part of the problem, intellectual equality and internal consistency be damned. I surmise that even in a society where tolerance were ubiquitous and there were no systemic oppression to be found, they would find a new problem to fix. Some of them are finding new problems every day, many of which are idioms which are misinterpreted, usually intentionally so, by the SJW so as to have a new target to attack and feel satisfied in defeating. Case in point: I've seen them say the conversational use of "man or woman" is offensive because it enforces the gender binary. (85% of SRS identify as cisgendered -- another 9% are questioning. Meanwhile, [99.998% of people globally identify as either a man or a woman.]( I've seen them say the idiom "I'll give it to you straight" is offensive because it's homophobic ("straight" meant "without twists or turns" long before it meant "heterosexual"). The word "lame" as the opposite of "cool" is ableist (that usage actually originated in the 20th century to describe someone who dances badly; nobody uses this word and thinks of a disabled person outside of the frickin' Bible, and nobody wanting to insult a disabled person thinks of this word). Saying a trans* is "biologically male/female" is transphobic because it implies they have some obligation to fill that role (they also said they don't even know how you'd convey the same thing in an inoffensive way; at least they're being consistent). You've even more recently got that Anita Sarkeesian cacophony where having a male lead save a female in a video game is sexist, and when the vice is versa, it's either empowering, or worse, irrelevant. They believe that one side is "oppressed" and the other isn't, and the majority is above being offended. Convenient for feminists like them, since it enables categorical insults based on how someone was born, if you're born into a social majority. They can say it's not hypocrisy because it does no real harm, a retort that runs conspicuously parallel to their detractors who say that offensive jokes do no harm. It underscores their mentality on social justice issues. Good vs. bad. Black vs. white. So it's part gloryhounding, part desperation, part reckless moral crusade. Honestly, I can understand why anyone would get behind this kind of movement. But at the same time, it's pretty undeniably toxic and trigger-happy when it comes to who and what they castigate, and how heavy they do it. Like I said, it's all black-and-white, and everyone wants a ticket on the trainwreck.
They're doing what they think is right. Fundamentally, their aim is total equality and the elimination of prejudice based on GSM/race (though SRSPrime just mocks it), and that is a fair goal. But their methods are misguided by what I believe to be a youthful sense of justice and a penchant for drama. The fact they themselves are a privileged majority is something they don't care about because they feel like they're an exception to the rule of humanity. Truly, the idea that only they can see all these injustices is the assumption of a key privilege, isn't it?
I got hung up when you said CrossFit is a challenge and liken it to ToughMudder. I don't think the 2 are related in any sense unless you are talking about the CrossFit Open (going on currently) or some local competition. Toughmudder, Warrior Dash, are all types of 'adventure racing'. I think that better illustrates something that doesn't require tons of preparation but is still achievable by many people, not I'm running my first 5k achievable, but achievable for someone in generally good health and enough determination. Most participants are willing to see how far they can go in those types of events. CrossFit is a type of fitness program. I'm not sure many people are going to go to sign up for the Open competition, or a local competition unless they already are part of the CrossFit community in some shape or form. **tl;dr** I love the rest of your points otherwise, especially number 1.
I got hung up when you said CrossFit is a challenge and liken it to ToughMudder. I don't think the 2 are related in any sense unless you are talking about the CrossFit Open (going on currently) or some local competition. Toughmudder, Warrior Dash, are all types of 'adventure racing'. I think that better illustrates something that doesn't require tons of preparation but is still achievable by many people, not I'm running my first 5k achievable, but achievable for someone in generally good health and enough determination. Most participants are willing to see how far they can go in those types of events. CrossFit is a type of fitness program. I'm not sure many people are going to go to sign up for the Open competition, or a local competition unless they already are part of the CrossFit community in some shape or form. tl;dr I love the rest of your points otherwise, especially number 1.
I got hung up when you said CrossFit is a challenge and liken it to ToughMudder. I don't think the 2 are related in any sense unless you are talking about the CrossFit Open (going on currently) or some local competition. Toughmudder, Warrior Dash, are all types of 'adventure racing'. I think that better illustrates something that doesn't require tons of preparation but is still achievable by many people, not I'm running my first 5k achievable, but achievable for someone in generally good health and enough determination. Most participants are willing to see how far they can go in those types of events. CrossFit is a type of fitness program. I'm not sure many people are going to go to sign up for the Open competition, or a local competition unless they already are part of the CrossFit community in some shape or form.
I love the rest of your points otherwise, especially number 1.
Darien deserved to be fired. And here is my breakdown of why: 1) He often used unneccessary, excessive, physical & verbal force/abuse in conflicts. We've all seen him saying "YOU BETTER BACK IT UP" in as loud a voice as possible, only agitating the target more. Instead of doing his duty of calming a situation down, he only promotes it to escalate more. Remember his last video? He escorted a young male out the doors, and ended up throwing him as hard as he could. The victim flew through the air, landed on the edge of the sidewalk, and rolled onto the street. This is dangerous because he could have severly injured him just from the throw itself (broken ankle / wrist), and he could have also killed him had there been traffic. b) he is giving bad publicity to his mall and lowering its shopping rate We see videos of him pointing at someone, who is just shopping, saying "get out!" and pulling his tazer if they refuse to comply. While these people probably have done something before, he immediatly enters the situation and instills conflict. TL;DR: He is extremely violent and putting himself and dozens of others into unnecessary danger, does the OPPOSITE of what he is required to do (keep the peace in the mall), almost got his mall sued & killed a man, and is giving very bad publicity to his workplace. While I appreciate his effort to stop drug trading, he is not the right man for the job, or any job that involves pepperspray, a tazer, a club, or a gun. At most, he should be permitted a bar bouncer job
Darien deserved to be fired. And here is my breakdown of why: 1) He often used unneccessary, excessive, physical & verbal force/abuse in conflicts. We've all seen him saying "YOU BETTER BACK IT UP" in as loud a voice as possible, only agitating the target more. Instead of doing his duty of calming a situation down, he only promotes it to escalate more. Remember his last video? He escorted a young male out the doors, and ended up throwing him as hard as he could. The victim flew through the air, landed on the edge of the sidewalk, and rolled onto the street. This is dangerous because he could have severly injured him just from the throw itself (broken ankle / wrist), and he could have also killed him had there been traffic. b) he is giving bad publicity to his mall and lowering its shopping rate We see videos of him pointing at someone, who is just shopping, saying "get out!" and pulling his tazer if they refuse to comply. While these people probably have done something before, he immediatly enters the situation and instills conflict. TL;DR: He is extremely violent and putting himself and dozens of others into unnecessary danger, does the OPPOSITE of what he is required to do (keep the peace in the mall), almost got his mall sued & killed a man, and is giving very bad publicity to his workplace. While I appreciate his effort to stop drug trading, he is not the right man for the job, or any job that involves pepperspray, a tazer, a club, or a gun. At most, he should be permitted a bar bouncer job
Darien deserved to be fired. And here is my breakdown of why: 1) He often used unneccessary, excessive, physical & verbal force/abuse in conflicts. We've all seen him saying "YOU BETTER BACK IT UP" in as loud a voice as possible, only agitating the target more. Instead of doing his duty of calming a situation down, he only promotes it to escalate more. Remember his last video? He escorted a young male out the doors, and ended up throwing him as hard as he could. The victim flew through the air, landed on the edge of the sidewalk, and rolled onto the street. This is dangerous because he could have severly injured him just from the throw itself (broken ankle / wrist), and he could have also killed him had there been traffic. b) he is giving bad publicity to his mall and lowering its shopping rate We see videos of him pointing at someone, who is just shopping, saying "get out!" and pulling his tazer if they refuse to comply. While these people probably have done something before, he immediatly enters the situation and instills conflict.
He is extremely violent and putting himself and dozens of others into unnecessary danger, does the OPPOSITE of what he is required to do (keep the peace in the mall), almost got his mall sued & killed a man, and is giving very bad publicity to his workplace. While I appreciate his effort to stop drug trading, he is not the right man for the job, or any job that involves pepperspray, a tazer, a club, or a gun. At most, he should be permitted a bar bouncer job
I'll tackle #3. The biggest realization I think some of us had post-tour was probably that the Internet is not just a place for people to communicate, share, and disseminate information, but a medium for the most unlikely people to thrive economically. We found farmers whose supplemental income from the internet is helping keep their businesses stay alive, which is something I believe most people are unaware of. Also- We found that most of the tech-startups we visited are hiring, which in this current economic climate is an amazing feat. TLDR; Study Computer Science. Make something awesome on the internet. Profit.
I'll tackle #3. The biggest realization I think some of us had post-tour was probably that the Internet is not just a place for people to communicate, share, and disseminate information, but a medium for the most unlikely people to thrive economically. We found farmers whose supplemental income from the internet is helping keep their businesses stay alive, which is something I believe most people are unaware of. Also- We found that most of the tech-startups we visited are hiring, which in this current economic climate is an amazing feat. TLDR; Study Computer Science. Make something awesome on the internet. Profit.
I'll tackle #3. The biggest realization I think some of us had post-tour was probably that the Internet is not just a place for people to communicate, share, and disseminate information, but a medium for the most unlikely people to thrive economically. We found farmers whose supplemental income from the internet is helping keep their businesses stay alive, which is something I believe most people are unaware of. Also- We found that most of the tech-startups we visited are hiring, which in this current economic climate is an amazing feat.
Study Computer Science. Make something awesome on the internet. Profit.
I recently [read]( that you guys made three videos based on ELI5, and that you're interested in seeing what happens organically in the community. I've been wanting to make videos based on Reddit for a long time. Do we really have carte blanche to go nuts and make videos based on various subreddits or conversations? TL;DR Web television is awesome, and Reddit is awesome. Combining them would make me SO HAPPY.
I recently [read]( that you guys made three videos based on ELI5, and that you're interested in seeing what happens organically in the community. I've been wanting to make videos based on Reddit for a long time. Do we really have carte blanche to go nuts and make videos based on various subreddits or conversations? TL;DR Web television is awesome, and Reddit is awesome. Combining them would make me SO HAPPY.
I recently [read]( that you guys made three videos based on ELI5, and that you're interested in seeing what happens organically in the community. I've been wanting to make videos based on Reddit for a long time. Do we really have carte blanche to go nuts and make videos based on various subreddits or conversations?
Web television is awesome, and Reddit is awesome. Combining them would make me SO HAPPY.
This happened to my best friend when we were in high school: He played a lot of Diablo II. His stepfather (they hated each other, he was a huge prick) played a lot too. You wouldn't be going too far to call it an obssession. He had bots runnin all day finding items while he worked and played as much as he could when he got home (the stepdad, not the friend.) My friend was playing one of his stepdad's characters. This was expressly forbidden and the way he talked about it, it may as well have been punishable by death. He had been levelling with another gamer he didn't know IRL for several months. This character had a bow. This bow was one of the most coveted items in the D2 universe. It was worth a decent amount of money, as in real money. The other gamer asked my friend if he could use it. My friend let him. The other gamer immediately signed off. **TL;DR: Friend lost a very nice, very expensive bow that belonged to his stepdad on D2 by letting another gamer use it.**
This happened to my best friend when we were in high school: He played a lot of Diablo II. His stepfather (they hated each other, he was a huge prick) played a lot too. You wouldn't be going too far to call it an obssession. He had bots runnin all day finding items while he worked and played as much as he could when he got home (the stepdad, not the friend.) My friend was playing one of his stepdad's characters. This was expressly forbidden and the way he talked about it, it may as well have been punishable by death. He had been levelling with another gamer he didn't know IRL for several months. This character had a bow. This bow was one of the most coveted items in the D2 universe. It was worth a decent amount of money, as in real money. The other gamer asked my friend if he could use it. My friend let him. The other gamer immediately signed off. TL;DR: Friend lost a very nice, very expensive bow that belonged to his stepdad on D2 by letting another gamer use it.
This happened to my best friend when we were in high school: He played a lot of Diablo II. His stepfather (they hated each other, he was a huge prick) played a lot too. You wouldn't be going too far to call it an obssession. He had bots runnin all day finding items while he worked and played as much as he could when he got home (the stepdad, not the friend.) My friend was playing one of his stepdad's characters. This was expressly forbidden and the way he talked about it, it may as well have been punishable by death. He had been levelling with another gamer he didn't know IRL for several months. This character had a bow. This bow was one of the most coveted items in the D2 universe. It was worth a decent amount of money, as in real money. The other gamer asked my friend if he could use it. My friend let him. The other gamer immediately signed off.
Friend lost a very nice, very expensive bow that belonged to his stepdad on D2 by letting another gamer use it.
So when I was around 3/4 I got a SNES. My cousin had a copy of Super Mario World that she had beaten and become bored with, so she gave it to me. First save file on the cartridge had access to nearly every level. As a little kid, I wasn't very good at the game yet, so being able to hop between levels without getting stuck on any was kind of cool. Like I said, I was only 3 or 4, so I couldn't read yet. But I recognized specific words. I knew "start" meant "make the game begin", and I could tell the difference between the three save files on the screen, stuff like that. Well one option on the screen was "options". I knew this could change things about the game and I was curious, so I entered the menu. I'm not sure what I was looking for, I was a kid. I go messing around and click on something. It brings me back to a list of save files, but now they're all in red text instead of black. Huh. Weird. I click the complete save file to see if there's anything different inside the levels. A pop-up appears. I can't read it but I see the options "yes" and "no", which I recognize. I want to play, so I say "yes". Suddenly the text is back to black... But the first save slot looks just like the third one. It says a word I recognize. "New". TL;DR: At 3/4 years old, I accidentally deleted a completed save file on my Super Mario World for SNES because I didn't know how to read yet.
So when I was around 3/4 I got a SNES. My cousin had a copy of Super Mario World that she had beaten and become bored with, so she gave it to me. First save file on the cartridge had access to nearly every level. As a little kid, I wasn't very good at the game yet, so being able to hop between levels without getting stuck on any was kind of cool. Like I said, I was only 3 or 4, so I couldn't read yet. But I recognized specific words. I knew "start" meant "make the game begin", and I could tell the difference between the three save files on the screen, stuff like that. Well one option on the screen was "options". I knew this could change things about the game and I was curious, so I entered the menu. I'm not sure what I was looking for, I was a kid. I go messing around and click on something. It brings me back to a list of save files, but now they're all in red text instead of black. Huh. Weird. I click the complete save file to see if there's anything different inside the levels. A pop-up appears. I can't read it but I see the options "yes" and "no", which I recognize. I want to play, so I say "yes". Suddenly the text is back to black... But the first save slot looks just like the third one. It says a word I recognize. "New". TL;DR: At 3/4 years old, I accidentally deleted a completed save file on my Super Mario World for SNES because I didn't know how to read yet.
So when I was around 3/4 I got a SNES. My cousin had a copy of Super Mario World that she had beaten and become bored with, so she gave it to me. First save file on the cartridge had access to nearly every level. As a little kid, I wasn't very good at the game yet, so being able to hop between levels without getting stuck on any was kind of cool. Like I said, I was only 3 or 4, so I couldn't read yet. But I recognized specific words. I knew "start" meant "make the game begin", and I could tell the difference between the three save files on the screen, stuff like that. Well one option on the screen was "options". I knew this could change things about the game and I was curious, so I entered the menu. I'm not sure what I was looking for, I was a kid. I go messing around and click on something. It brings me back to a list of save files, but now they're all in red text instead of black. Huh. Weird. I click the complete save file to see if there's anything different inside the levels. A pop-up appears. I can't read it but I see the options "yes" and "no", which I recognize. I want to play, so I say "yes". Suddenly the text is back to black... But the first save slot looks just like the third one. It says a word I recognize. "New".
At 3/4 years old, I accidentally deleted a completed save file on my Super Mario World for SNES because I didn't know how to read yet.
Here is a good one. On my gamecube I had a few games, two of those being Mario Kart Double Dash (best one IMO) and Mario Party 7. I played a lot of Mario Kart so I had ghost data taking up the memory card. I also played a lot of Mario Party 7, I was in fact one item away in the store from completing the game 100%. I found out that the ghost data was taking up space in my memory card, so I decided to delete it, start fresh. It turns out that the picture of the mario party 7 data and the ghost data looked almost the same. So without knowing I deleted all of my Mario Party 7 data. The countless hours spent on the game and the 50 turn games with friends, all of the trophies. gone... **TL;DR deleted a good 150+ hours of Mario Party 7 data**
Here is a good one. On my gamecube I had a few games, two of those being Mario Kart Double Dash (best one IMO) and Mario Party 7. I played a lot of Mario Kart so I had ghost data taking up the memory card. I also played a lot of Mario Party 7, I was in fact one item away in the store from completing the game 100%. I found out that the ghost data was taking up space in my memory card, so I decided to delete it, start fresh. It turns out that the picture of the mario party 7 data and the ghost data looked almost the same. So without knowing I deleted all of my Mario Party 7 data. The countless hours spent on the game and the 50 turn games with friends, all of the trophies. gone... TL;DR deleted a good 150+ hours of Mario Party 7 data
Here is a good one. On my gamecube I had a few games, two of those being Mario Kart Double Dash (best one IMO) and Mario Party 7. I played a lot of Mario Kart so I had ghost data taking up the memory card. I also played a lot of Mario Party 7, I was in fact one item away in the store from completing the game 100%. I found out that the ghost data was taking up space in my memory card, so I decided to delete it, start fresh. It turns out that the picture of the mario party 7 data and the ghost data looked almost the same. So without knowing I deleted all of my Mario Party 7 data. The countless hours spent on the game and the 50 turn games with friends, all of the trophies. gone...
deleted a good 150+ hours of Mario Party 7 data
Fifa 13 Career Mode, I played for 9 seasons (about 100 hours of gameplay) only for the game to freeze every time I try to start the next season. This is a bug that's been in the game since release and EA have just ignored it and have yet to respond to any of my attempts to contact them after 2 weeks. TL;DR - Fuck you EA.
Fifa 13 Career Mode, I played for 9 seasons (about 100 hours of gameplay) only for the game to freeze every time I try to start the next season. This is a bug that's been in the game since release and EA have just ignored it and have yet to respond to any of my attempts to contact them after 2 weeks. TL;DR - Fuck you EA.
Fifa 13 Career Mode, I played for 9 seasons (about 100 hours of gameplay) only for the game to freeze every time I try to start the next season. This is a bug that's been in the game since release and EA have just ignored it and have yet to respond to any of my attempts to contact them after 2 weeks.
Fuck you EA.
Well there are a ton of "it's impossible" moments in the show. However, those same moments existed in Fight Club, yet they pulled it off. Example, When Brad Pitt pulls in the government official trying to wage war on the members of fight club, Edward Norton locks the door. Now if Tyler Durden was dragging the man in first, he couldn't also be the last one in and lock the door. Therefore, my biggest argument against the Jane theory is the following: After Jane's family was murdered, he had a mental breakdown. He lost his will to live and was admitted to a psychiatric facility for a year, and he was not allowed to leave (Jane says this when describing his relationship with his psychiatrist, the room was locked, i.e. he wasn't allowed to leave). Thus, we conclude he was under constant surveillance with almost no privacy by psychiatrists. And now a little background on Dissociative Identity Disorder (commonly known as multiple personality disorder): Dissociation is when a person loses track of time and/or person, and instead finds another representation of their self in order to continue in the moment. A person who dissociates often loses track of time or themselves and their usual thought processes and memories. People who have a history of any kind of childhood abuse often suffer from some form of dissociation.) source: In a way it's kind of like pretending to be someone else, someone stronger than you, someone who can deal with the trauma you are experiencing, or someone who cannot recognize the trauma. I.e. you could become a giant body builder if you are being picked on by bullies or a blind woman if you witnessed a traumatic murder. DID occurs when the person immerses themselves so fully into dissociation that they believe they are someone else when they dissociate. So we would be operating under the idea that Jane has DID (an alternate identity named Red John). Now I'll spell out why I think that's complete nonsense and shouldn't be considered a viable theory. 1 - Jane was under constant mandatory psychiatric evaluation by professionals who would recognize DID. 2 - The murder of Jane's family must be the most traumatic event he's ever experienced, so if he dissociated as a common response to stress, he would most definitely dissociate in response to his family's murder. This means that the psychiatrists would have observed him turn into Red John. 3 - Further substantiating that argument that the psychiatrists would have noticed the potential for DID in Jane, Jane draws the Red John smiley while in the psych ward and stares at it. Anyone who makes the argument that Jane is Red John needs to do several things to make their theory believable. A - They need to show some reason for Jane to dissociate and kill his family. Our alternate identities are there to help us cope, not destroy our lives. Why would Red John turn on the man he's supposed to protect? Plus, where's the evidence that Jane is one who dissociates in the first place? B - They need to create an explanation to show us how the psychiatrists never noticed a dissociative pattern in Jane when he experienced the greatest trauma of his life when they had a year to observe him under that stress. B seems, at least to me, to be an impossible feat. TL;DR: The psychiatrists who monitored Jane for a year in the psych ward right after his family's murder would have noticed he had DID.
Well there are a ton of "it's impossible" moments in the show. However, those same moments existed in Fight Club, yet they pulled it off. Example, When Brad Pitt pulls in the government official trying to wage war on the members of fight club, Edward Norton locks the door. Now if Tyler Durden was dragging the man in first, he couldn't also be the last one in and lock the door. Therefore, my biggest argument against the Jane theory is the following: After Jane's family was murdered, he had a mental breakdown. He lost his will to live and was admitted to a psychiatric facility for a year, and he was not allowed to leave (Jane says this when describing his relationship with his psychiatrist, the room was locked, i.e. he wasn't allowed to leave). Thus, we conclude he was under constant surveillance with almost no privacy by psychiatrists. And now a little background on Dissociative Identity Disorder (commonly known as multiple personality disorder): Dissociation is when a person loses track of time and/or person, and instead finds another representation of their self in order to continue in the moment. A person who dissociates often loses track of time or themselves and their usual thought processes and memories. People who have a history of any kind of childhood abuse often suffer from some form of dissociation.) source: In a way it's kind of like pretending to be someone else, someone stronger than you, someone who can deal with the trauma you are experiencing, or someone who cannot recognize the trauma. I.e. you could become a giant body builder if you are being picked on by bullies or a blind woman if you witnessed a traumatic murder. DID occurs when the person immerses themselves so fully into dissociation that they believe they are someone else when they dissociate. So we would be operating under the idea that Jane has DID (an alternate identity named Red John). Now I'll spell out why I think that's complete nonsense and shouldn't be considered a viable theory. 1 - Jane was under constant mandatory psychiatric evaluation by professionals who would recognize DID. 2 - The murder of Jane's family must be the most traumatic event he's ever experienced, so if he dissociated as a common response to stress, he would most definitely dissociate in response to his family's murder. This means that the psychiatrists would have observed him turn into Red John. 3 - Further substantiating that argument that the psychiatrists would have noticed the potential for DID in Jane, Jane draws the Red John smiley while in the psych ward and stares at it. Anyone who makes the argument that Jane is Red John needs to do several things to make their theory believable. A - They need to show some reason for Jane to dissociate and kill his family. Our alternate identities are there to help us cope, not destroy our lives. Why would Red John turn on the man he's supposed to protect? Plus, where's the evidence that Jane is one who dissociates in the first place? B - They need to create an explanation to show us how the psychiatrists never noticed a dissociative pattern in Jane when he experienced the greatest trauma of his life when they had a year to observe him under that stress. B seems, at least to me, to be an impossible feat. TL;DR: The psychiatrists who monitored Jane for a year in the psych ward right after his family's murder would have noticed he had DID.
Well there are a ton of "it's impossible" moments in the show. However, those same moments existed in Fight Club, yet they pulled it off. Example, When Brad Pitt pulls in the government official trying to wage war on the members of fight club, Edward Norton locks the door. Now if Tyler Durden was dragging the man in first, he couldn't also be the last one in and lock the door. Therefore, my biggest argument against the Jane theory is the following: After Jane's family was murdered, he had a mental breakdown. He lost his will to live and was admitted to a psychiatric facility for a year, and he was not allowed to leave (Jane says this when describing his relationship with his psychiatrist, the room was locked, i.e. he wasn't allowed to leave). Thus, we conclude he was under constant surveillance with almost no privacy by psychiatrists. And now a little background on Dissociative Identity Disorder (commonly known as multiple personality disorder): Dissociation is when a person loses track of time and/or person, and instead finds another representation of their self in order to continue in the moment. A person who dissociates often loses track of time or themselves and their usual thought processes and memories. People who have a history of any kind of childhood abuse often suffer from some form of dissociation.) source: In a way it's kind of like pretending to be someone else, someone stronger than you, someone who can deal with the trauma you are experiencing, or someone who cannot recognize the trauma. I.e. you could become a giant body builder if you are being picked on by bullies or a blind woman if you witnessed a traumatic murder. DID occurs when the person immerses themselves so fully into dissociation that they believe they are someone else when they dissociate. So we would be operating under the idea that Jane has DID (an alternate identity named Red John). Now I'll spell out why I think that's complete nonsense and shouldn't be considered a viable theory. 1 - Jane was under constant mandatory psychiatric evaluation by professionals who would recognize DID. 2 - The murder of Jane's family must be the most traumatic event he's ever experienced, so if he dissociated as a common response to stress, he would most definitely dissociate in response to his family's murder. This means that the psychiatrists would have observed him turn into Red John. 3 - Further substantiating that argument that the psychiatrists would have noticed the potential for DID in Jane, Jane draws the Red John smiley while in the psych ward and stares at it. Anyone who makes the argument that Jane is Red John needs to do several things to make their theory believable. A - They need to show some reason for Jane to dissociate and kill his family. Our alternate identities are there to help us cope, not destroy our lives. Why would Red John turn on the man he's supposed to protect? Plus, where's the evidence that Jane is one who dissociates in the first place? B - They need to create an explanation to show us how the psychiatrists never noticed a dissociative pattern in Jane when he experienced the greatest trauma of his life when they had a year to observe him under that stress. B seems, at least to me, to be an impossible feat.
The psychiatrists who monitored Jane for a year in the psych ward right after his family's murder would have noticed he had DID.
Voting is one of the most important things and it is arguable that it is the fundamental right in our democracy. However, this means that one should not make it harder for people to exercise their rights without a damn good reason. In person voter fraud simply is not a problem because it doesn't happen very often. If there was large scale in person voter fraud this might be a good idea. You need forms of identification to register to vote so there is no real problem with people who shouldn't vote voting it is only impersonation that this law protects against. So there is no real problem to be solved. And we would know if there was a problem because turnout among registered voters is so high during presidential elections it exceeds 90% in many states. That brings me to the drawbacks. First of all it is expensive as hell. Making somebody pay for an ID to vote is rightly considered a poll tax which is expressly forbidden by the 24th amendment. So that means that the IDs have to be free for everybody. That is not cheap at all. More importantly voter id language generally requires that an id be valid. This means that the ID must have the current address at which one is registered to vote on it. Very mobile populations such as young people do not update their license every time they move I know I don't. This presents a barrier to voting and also creates huge lines for provisional ballots which deter even more people from voting. The elderly who no longer drive either no longer have drivers licenses or fail to update them. Similarly the blind tend to lack drivers licenses for obvious reasons and have a tough time getting to DMVs. to get their licenses. People from poorer intercity communities who again do not drive do not have licenses. Often DMVs in rural areas are not open on a daily basis or for convenient hours. Some counties have DMV's that are only open once a month. This provides a substantial impediment to people who would otherwise be able to vote. So the TLDR; voter ID is expensive, and makes it very hard for certain people to vote but doesn't actually solve any problems.
Voting is one of the most important things and it is arguable that it is the fundamental right in our democracy. However, this means that one should not make it harder for people to exercise their rights without a damn good reason. In person voter fraud simply is not a problem because it doesn't happen very often. If there was large scale in person voter fraud this might be a good idea. You need forms of identification to register to vote so there is no real problem with people who shouldn't vote voting it is only impersonation that this law protects against. So there is no real problem to be solved. And we would know if there was a problem because turnout among registered voters is so high during presidential elections it exceeds 90% in many states. That brings me to the drawbacks. First of all it is expensive as hell. Making somebody pay for an ID to vote is rightly considered a poll tax which is expressly forbidden by the 24th amendment. So that means that the IDs have to be free for everybody. That is not cheap at all. More importantly voter id language generally requires that an id be valid. This means that the ID must have the current address at which one is registered to vote on it. Very mobile populations such as young people do not update their license every time they move I know I don't. This presents a barrier to voting and also creates huge lines for provisional ballots which deter even more people from voting. The elderly who no longer drive either no longer have drivers licenses or fail to update them. Similarly the blind tend to lack drivers licenses for obvious reasons and have a tough time getting to DMVs. to get their licenses. People from poorer intercity communities who again do not drive do not have licenses. Often DMVs in rural areas are not open on a daily basis or for convenient hours. Some counties have DMV's that are only open once a month. This provides a substantial impediment to people who would otherwise be able to vote. So the TLDR; voter ID is expensive, and makes it very hard for certain people to vote but doesn't actually solve any problems.
Voting is one of the most important things and it is arguable that it is the fundamental right in our democracy. However, this means that one should not make it harder for people to exercise their rights without a damn good reason. In person voter fraud simply is not a problem because it doesn't happen very often. If there was large scale in person voter fraud this might be a good idea. You need forms of identification to register to vote so there is no real problem with people who shouldn't vote voting it is only impersonation that this law protects against. So there is no real problem to be solved. And we would know if there was a problem because turnout among registered voters is so high during presidential elections it exceeds 90% in many states. That brings me to the drawbacks. First of all it is expensive as hell. Making somebody pay for an ID to vote is rightly considered a poll tax which is expressly forbidden by the 24th amendment. So that means that the IDs have to be free for everybody. That is not cheap at all. More importantly voter id language generally requires that an id be valid. This means that the ID must have the current address at which one is registered to vote on it. Very mobile populations such as young people do not update their license every time they move I know I don't. This presents a barrier to voting and also creates huge lines for provisional ballots which deter even more people from voting. The elderly who no longer drive either no longer have drivers licenses or fail to update them. Similarly the blind tend to lack drivers licenses for obvious reasons and have a tough time getting to DMVs. to get their licenses. People from poorer intercity communities who again do not drive do not have licenses. Often DMVs in rural areas are not open on a daily basis or for convenient hours. Some counties have DMV's that are only open once a month. This provides a substantial impediment to people who would otherwise be able to vote. So the
voter ID is expensive, and makes it very hard for certain people to vote but doesn't actually solve any problems.
I heard a story that Dennis Rodman and Shquille O'neal were getting dressed in the locker room (maybe this was practice before the all star game? Idk) and Dennis Rodman made a comment about Shaq's dick. Apparently Rodman is hung like a horse and Shaq just has a normal sized dick, but since shaq is 7'1 and 300 lbs it looks small on him. Shaq had him removed. No source, just a friend told me this a while ago. Also he said Alonzo Mourning is 7 inches soft. Tl;dr basketball players have some serious cock culture
I heard a story that Dennis Rodman and Shquille O'neal were getting dressed in the locker room (maybe this was practice before the all star game? Idk) and Dennis Rodman made a comment about Shaq's dick. Apparently Rodman is hung like a horse and Shaq just has a normal sized dick, but since shaq is 7'1 and 300 lbs it looks small on him. Shaq had him removed. No source, just a friend told me this a while ago. Also he said Alonzo Mourning is 7 inches soft. Tl;dr basketball players have some serious cock culture
I heard a story that Dennis Rodman and Shquille O'neal were getting dressed in the locker room (maybe this was practice before the all star game? Idk) and Dennis Rodman made a comment about Shaq's dick. Apparently Rodman is hung like a horse and Shaq just has a normal sized dick, but since shaq is 7'1 and 300 lbs it looks small on him. Shaq had him removed. No source, just a friend told me this a while ago. Also he said Alonzo Mourning is 7 inches soft.
basketball players have some serious cock culture
See, this is a good answer. Lots of people in this thread are just picking hot girls without even taking advantage of the fact that they have SUPER POWERS. However, the correct answer is Jean Grey. Telepathy means she can make you see and feel whatever you want. Plus that telekinesis probably comes in handy, too. TL;DR: Jean Grey can give you a 49-way with every super hero in this thread, and since it's in your mind you can perform like a super star. Either her or Zatanna. She could just say "muc snollag" and you'd be set.
See, this is a good answer. Lots of people in this thread are just picking hot girls without even taking advantage of the fact that they have SUPER POWERS. However, the correct answer is Jean Grey. Telepathy means she can make you see and feel whatever you want. Plus that telekinesis probably comes in handy, too. TL;DR: Jean Grey can give you a 49-way with every super hero in this thread, and since it's in your mind you can perform like a super star. Either her or Zatanna. She could just say "muc snollag" and you'd be set.
See, this is a good answer. Lots of people in this thread are just picking hot girls without even taking advantage of the fact that they have SUPER POWERS. However, the correct answer is Jean Grey. Telepathy means she can make you see and feel whatever you want. Plus that telekinesis probably comes in handy, too.
Jean Grey can give you a 49-way with every super hero in this thread, and since it's in your mind you can perform like a super star. Either her or Zatanna. She could just say "muc snollag" and you'd be set.
Just got outta my slump I'm a d1 fut player with 10+ trophies and I just say down and played with some friends while having a couple beers reminded me what it's all about. Since then I've been playing great so maybe it'll work for you. tl;dr run on sentences for days.
Just got outta my slump I'm a d1 fut player with 10+ trophies and I just say down and played with some friends while having a couple beers reminded me what it's all about. Since then I've been playing great so maybe it'll work for you. tl;dr run on sentences for days.
Just got outta my slump I'm a d1 fut player with 10+ trophies and I just say down and played with some friends while having a couple beers reminded me what it's all about. Since then I've been playing great so maybe it'll work for you.
run on sentences for days.
Doesn't play like a light tank simply because it isn't a light tank.. WG just made it a light tank so it would fill a hole in the light tank tree and ease crew retraining. In french it's called the Char Moyen AMX40, which translates to - Medium Tank AMX40. It was planned to be a medium cavalry tank, replacing the SOMUA S35, but no vehicles was built due to the outbreak of WWII. And with pre cold-war french naming traditions the '40' indicates that it was planned to be built in 1940. It's a paper tank, like many others in WoT. For its time, this looked like an advanced and potentially excellent tank, with great armour, sloped madness, diesel powered, good suspension and with the possibilty to drive without tracks. It was planned to be fitted with a new and improved type of final drive system which would compensate for the lack of engine horses. WG doesn't take this into account though, and I have no idea how it would work IRL. Weighing less than 25t and being as adequately armoured as its contemporary counterparts; Panzer IV, T-34 and M4 Sherman. This tank would definately be a danger to be reckoned with. Imagine if it got further down the road and got equipped with a KwK/48 or an American 75/76mm M1 gun. Even in its current state, being a T4 tank with a mediocre 75mm gun, this tank can still be lethal to any of the above mentioned tanks if they're inexperienced, dumb or simply don't consider the AMX a big enough threat. Have killed quite a few T5's in this duckling who underestimate it. That's enough digression for today! TL;DR: AMX40 -> Not a light tank :)
Doesn't play like a light tank simply because it isn't a light tank.. WG just made it a light tank so it would fill a hole in the light tank tree and ease crew retraining. In french it's called the Char Moyen AMX40, which translates to - Medium Tank AMX40. It was planned to be a medium cavalry tank, replacing the SOMUA S35, but no vehicles was built due to the outbreak of WWII. And with pre cold-war french naming traditions the '40' indicates that it was planned to be built in 1940. It's a paper tank, like many others in WoT. For its time, this looked like an advanced and potentially excellent tank, with great armour, sloped madness, diesel powered, good suspension and with the possibilty to drive without tracks. It was planned to be fitted with a new and improved type of final drive system which would compensate for the lack of engine horses. WG doesn't take this into account though, and I have no idea how it would work IRL. Weighing less than 25t and being as adequately armoured as its contemporary counterparts; Panzer IV, T-34 and M4 Sherman. This tank would definately be a danger to be reckoned with. Imagine if it got further down the road and got equipped with a KwK/48 or an American 75/76mm M1 gun. Even in its current state, being a T4 tank with a mediocre 75mm gun, this tank can still be lethal to any of the above mentioned tanks if they're inexperienced, dumb or simply don't consider the AMX a big enough threat. Have killed quite a few T5's in this duckling who underestimate it. That's enough digression for today! TL;DR: AMX40 -> Not a light tank :)
Doesn't play like a light tank simply because it isn't a light tank.. WG just made it a light tank so it would fill a hole in the light tank tree and ease crew retraining. In french it's called the Char Moyen AMX40, which translates to - Medium Tank AMX40. It was planned to be a medium cavalry tank, replacing the SOMUA S35, but no vehicles was built due to the outbreak of WWII. And with pre cold-war french naming traditions the '40' indicates that it was planned to be built in 1940. It's a paper tank, like many others in WoT. For its time, this looked like an advanced and potentially excellent tank, with great armour, sloped madness, diesel powered, good suspension and with the possibilty to drive without tracks. It was planned to be fitted with a new and improved type of final drive system which would compensate for the lack of engine horses. WG doesn't take this into account though, and I have no idea how it would work IRL. Weighing less than 25t and being as adequately armoured as its contemporary counterparts; Panzer IV, T-34 and M4 Sherman. This tank would definately be a danger to be reckoned with. Imagine if it got further down the road and got equipped with a KwK/48 or an American 75/76mm M1 gun. Even in its current state, being a T4 tank with a mediocre 75mm gun, this tank can still be lethal to any of the above mentioned tanks if they're inexperienced, dumb or simply don't consider the AMX a big enough threat. Have killed quite a few T5's in this duckling who underestimate it. That's enough digression for today!
AMX40 -> Not a light tank :)
This is a very touchy subject for me, because I have a very sensitive sense of touch (not in a sexual way, just in general), so I'm a very "personal space" kinda guy. But from my experience, not *all* guys are like that, and some of the most "touchy-feely" guys I've run into are gay. I was at a good friend's high school graduation party a couple of years ago, and he introduced me to one of his football player friends, who was very cute. He was young, like maybe 16 and I was 19 or 20, but he was one of those boys that you can just tell is going to be gorgeous when he's "grown-up". So we're talking for a while, and when he has to leave, he pats me on the shoulder and *hugs* me, even though we literally just met. This blew my mind. My friend just laughed and said "Yeah, he's a pretty physical guy. Regrettably straight, though." Hell, my best friend in high school was like that. We always sat next to each other on the bus to football games, and he would constantly be leaning up against me and things like that. I didn't mind it so much because it was someone that I had known for years and about whom I genuinely cared, but it was still a little strange. One time he actually fell asleep on the way back from a late game, like *fully* against me. Totally straight, though. Tl;dr: You're probably reading too much into it.
This is a very touchy subject for me, because I have a very sensitive sense of touch (not in a sexual way, just in general), so I'm a very "personal space" kinda guy. But from my experience, not all guys are like that, and some of the most "touchy-feely" guys I've run into are gay. I was at a good friend's high school graduation party a couple of years ago, and he introduced me to one of his football player friends, who was very cute. He was young, like maybe 16 and I was 19 or 20, but he was one of those boys that you can just tell is going to be gorgeous when he's "grown-up". So we're talking for a while, and when he has to leave, he pats me on the shoulder and hugs me, even though we literally just met. This blew my mind. My friend just laughed and said "Yeah, he's a pretty physical guy. Regrettably straight, though." Hell, my best friend in high school was like that. We always sat next to each other on the bus to football games, and he would constantly be leaning up against me and things like that. I didn't mind it so much because it was someone that I had known for years and about whom I genuinely cared, but it was still a little strange. One time he actually fell asleep on the way back from a late game, like fully against me. Totally straight, though. Tl;dr: You're probably reading too much into it.
This is a very touchy subject for me, because I have a very sensitive sense of touch (not in a sexual way, just in general), so I'm a very "personal space" kinda guy. But from my experience, not all guys are like that, and some of the most "touchy-feely" guys I've run into are gay. I was at a good friend's high school graduation party a couple of years ago, and he introduced me to one of his football player friends, who was very cute. He was young, like maybe 16 and I was 19 or 20, but he was one of those boys that you can just tell is going to be gorgeous when he's "grown-up". So we're talking for a while, and when he has to leave, he pats me on the shoulder and hugs me, even though we literally just met. This blew my mind. My friend just laughed and said "Yeah, he's a pretty physical guy. Regrettably straight, though." Hell, my best friend in high school was like that. We always sat next to each other on the bus to football games, and he would constantly be leaning up against me and things like that. I didn't mind it so much because it was someone that I had known for years and about whom I genuinely cared, but it was still a little strange. One time he actually fell asleep on the way back from a late game, like fully against me. Totally straight, though.
You're probably reading too much into it.
Try a Heavy/Tank Mage build. I have tried more traditional mage playstyles, and they don't work well in Skyrim unless you power level right off the bat nonstop. What I prefer is to stick with heavy armor, and work smithing to keep my armor up to scratch. Then, Use destruction as your primary damage output. (I carry a backup axe though). Work enchanting to keep spell costs down and efficiency up. Do not neglect restoration, as it has saved my skin when potions are in short supply. Not only that, but a certain perk allows you to regen magicka 50% faster, giving you an edge. Put the vast majority of your points into magicka and health. Stamina is irrelevant. (Tl;dr: Rock OP heavy armor, but focus on enchanting and Destruction ~85% of the time)
Try a Heavy/Tank Mage build. I have tried more traditional mage playstyles, and they don't work well in Skyrim unless you power level right off the bat nonstop. What I prefer is to stick with heavy armor, and work smithing to keep my armor up to scratch. Then, Use destruction as your primary damage output. (I carry a backup axe though). Work enchanting to keep spell costs down and efficiency up. Do not neglect restoration, as it has saved my skin when potions are in short supply. Not only that, but a certain perk allows you to regen magicka 50% faster, giving you an edge. Put the vast majority of your points into magicka and health. Stamina is irrelevant. (Tl;dr: Rock OP heavy armor, but focus on enchanting and Destruction ~85% of the time)
Try a Heavy/Tank Mage build. I have tried more traditional mage playstyles, and they don't work well in Skyrim unless you power level right off the bat nonstop. What I prefer is to stick with heavy armor, and work smithing to keep my armor up to scratch. Then, Use destruction as your primary damage output. (I carry a backup axe though). Work enchanting to keep spell costs down and efficiency up. Do not neglect restoration, as it has saved my skin when potions are in short supply. Not only that, but a certain perk allows you to regen magicka 50% faster, giving you an edge. Put the vast majority of your points into magicka and health. Stamina is irrelevant. (
Rock OP heavy armor, but focus on enchanting and Destruction ~85% of the time)
You have a few options to deal with that, one being fairly cheap but politically difficult and the other being expensive with varying degrees of political difficulty: 1. Wider stop spacing. This can help reduce overall trip time by reducing load and dwell times. This is relatively cheap but keep in mind that each stop will have a very vocal constituency that will undoubtedly turn each proposed stop removal into a battle citing an agenda against the poor, elderly, etc. 2. Signalize intersections. I seem to remember the cost of this being well into the six figure range per intersection. This could improve service if transit signal priority was implemented (at additional cost). This may be more politically palatable, though there will undoubtedly be battles about the traffic signal cabinet placements, but the cost of signalizing a corridor like Noriega is something that have to be seriously prioritized because of the cost. Suffice it to say that the best bang for your buck option is killed at the community level and the "throw money at the problem" solution is off the table because it's lack of value (a slight increase in reliability for a $20+ million dollar project). TL;DR: People want something for nothing. They're not willing to be inconvenienced to improve something overall, nor are they willing to pay for the improvement of something that will not be any less convenient.
You have a few options to deal with that, one being fairly cheap but politically difficult and the other being expensive with varying degrees of political difficulty: Wider stop spacing. This can help reduce overall trip time by reducing load and dwell times. This is relatively cheap but keep in mind that each stop will have a very vocal constituency that will undoubtedly turn each proposed stop removal into a battle citing an agenda against the poor, elderly, etc. Signalize intersections. I seem to remember the cost of this being well into the six figure range per intersection. This could improve service if transit signal priority was implemented (at additional cost). This may be more politically palatable, though there will undoubtedly be battles about the traffic signal cabinet placements, but the cost of signalizing a corridor like Noriega is something that have to be seriously prioritized because of the cost. Suffice it to say that the best bang for your buck option is killed at the community level and the "throw money at the problem" solution is off the table because it's lack of value (a slight increase in reliability for a $20+ million dollar project). TL;DR: People want something for nothing. They're not willing to be inconvenienced to improve something overall, nor are they willing to pay for the improvement of something that will not be any less convenient.
You have a few options to deal with that, one being fairly cheap but politically difficult and the other being expensive with varying degrees of political difficulty: Wider stop spacing. This can help reduce overall trip time by reducing load and dwell times. This is relatively cheap but keep in mind that each stop will have a very vocal constituency that will undoubtedly turn each proposed stop removal into a battle citing an agenda against the poor, elderly, etc. Signalize intersections. I seem to remember the cost of this being well into the six figure range per intersection. This could improve service if transit signal priority was implemented (at additional cost). This may be more politically palatable, though there will undoubtedly be battles about the traffic signal cabinet placements, but the cost of signalizing a corridor like Noriega is something that have to be seriously prioritized because of the cost. Suffice it to say that the best bang for your buck option is killed at the community level and the "throw money at the problem" solution is off the table because it's lack of value (a slight increase in reliability for a $20+ million dollar project).
People want something for nothing. They're not willing to be inconvenienced to improve something overall, nor are they willing to pay for the improvement of something that will not be any less convenient.
CLG will go 0-3 and liftlift will be replaced by Choax after the second game, with Hotshotgg moving from Top lane, to Mid lane, to ADC by the third game. Aphromoo will have plenty of presence in the lane by playing Leona in every game and continually feeding the ADC double kills only to have the ADC get blown up by season 3 strats left exposed by archaic season 2 mechanics from CLG. After the game BigFatLP will give an interview in which he officially announces that EG has returned as CLG.EU and the entire TPA lineup will be subbing for CLG.NA in the next week of the NA LCS. Meanwhile CLG's website will go down and come back up as a preview website for "The Next Big Thing in MOBA Gaming, Counter Intuitive Gaming" with a JPG of Xpeke's Kassadin backdooring for the win. TLDR: Next week is a big week for CLG... *Edit* In b4 OccWorld hates for dropping names and poking fun.
CLG will go 0-3 and liftlift will be replaced by Choax after the second game, with Hotshotgg moving from Top lane, to Mid lane, to ADC by the third game. Aphromoo will have plenty of presence in the lane by playing Leona in every game and continually feeding the ADC double kills only to have the ADC get blown up by season 3 strats left exposed by archaic season 2 mechanics from CLG. After the game BigFatLP will give an interview in which he officially announces that EG has returned as CLG.EU and the entire TPA lineup will be subbing for CLG.NA in the next week of the NA LCS. Meanwhile CLG's website will go down and come back up as a preview website for "The Next Big Thing in MOBA Gaming, Counter Intuitive Gaming" with a JPG of Xpeke's Kassadin backdooring for the win. TLDR: Next week is a big week for CLG... Edit In b4 OccWorld hates for dropping names and poking fun.
CLG will go 0-3 and liftlift will be replaced by Choax after the second game, with Hotshotgg moving from Top lane, to Mid lane, to ADC by the third game. Aphromoo will have plenty of presence in the lane by playing Leona in every game and continually feeding the ADC double kills only to have the ADC get blown up by season 3 strats left exposed by archaic season 2 mechanics from CLG. After the game BigFatLP will give an interview in which he officially announces that EG has returned as CLG.EU and the entire TPA lineup will be subbing for CLG.NA in the next week of the NA LCS. Meanwhile CLG's website will go down and come back up as a preview website for "The Next Big Thing in MOBA Gaming, Counter Intuitive Gaming" with a JPG of Xpeke's Kassadin backdooring for the win.
Next week is a big week for CLG... Edit In b4 OccWorld hates for dropping names and poking fun.
VF Perkins has some very anti-nostalgic views about opposing technology in films, not that new tech can't sometimes harm a film. Technology is all about expanding a filmmaker's artistic abilities. Opponents to CGI in principle remind me of "purists" who were against sound and then the ones who were against color. To give merit to a film because it was constrained by the inability to use newer technology is strange. To say new tech is corrupting or undermining "true" film is to live dogmatically in the past. We must leave the decisions to filmmakers over how to employ devices that contribute to the artwork. Cgi, 3D, and digital film are all TOOLS that previous filmmakers didn't have. People need to recognize that these tools have merit. The clear worry is the use of cgi and 3D as crowd pandering or gimmicky devices, but be skeptical of people who tell you that's the main result of the technology in the long run. I bet talkie and color films were seen as pandering to the audience in a vulgar manner, but we shouldn't measure the goodness of a film based on how hard it was to make. The merit is largely on the quality of the product. I've rambled a bit here, but my prediction is that cgi and 3d will become commonplace but used more precisely rather than liberally or heavy handedly as some films use them now. Tl;dr Don't dismiss new artistic tools because they don't fit into what we conceive of the medium as. Let filmmakers decide, and be open to films that can make use of technologies in new ways.
VF Perkins has some very anti-nostalgic views about opposing technology in films, not that new tech can't sometimes harm a film. Technology is all about expanding a filmmaker's artistic abilities. Opponents to CGI in principle remind me of "purists" who were against sound and then the ones who were against color. To give merit to a film because it was constrained by the inability to use newer technology is strange. To say new tech is corrupting or undermining "true" film is to live dogmatically in the past. We must leave the decisions to filmmakers over how to employ devices that contribute to the artwork. Cgi, 3D, and digital film are all TOOLS that previous filmmakers didn't have. People need to recognize that these tools have merit. The clear worry is the use of cgi and 3D as crowd pandering or gimmicky devices, but be skeptical of people who tell you that's the main result of the technology in the long run. I bet talkie and color films were seen as pandering to the audience in a vulgar manner, but we shouldn't measure the goodness of a film based on how hard it was to make. The merit is largely on the quality of the product. I've rambled a bit here, but my prediction is that cgi and 3d will become commonplace but used more precisely rather than liberally or heavy handedly as some films use them now. Tl;dr Don't dismiss new artistic tools because they don't fit into what we conceive of the medium as. Let filmmakers decide, and be open to films that can make use of technologies in new ways.
VF Perkins has some very anti-nostalgic views about opposing technology in films, not that new tech can't sometimes harm a film. Technology is all about expanding a filmmaker's artistic abilities. Opponents to CGI in principle remind me of "purists" who were against sound and then the ones who were against color. To give merit to a film because it was constrained by the inability to use newer technology is strange. To say new tech is corrupting or undermining "true" film is to live dogmatically in the past. We must leave the decisions to filmmakers over how to employ devices that contribute to the artwork. Cgi, 3D, and digital film are all TOOLS that previous filmmakers didn't have. People need to recognize that these tools have merit. The clear worry is the use of cgi and 3D as crowd pandering or gimmicky devices, but be skeptical of people who tell you that's the main result of the technology in the long run. I bet talkie and color films were seen as pandering to the audience in a vulgar manner, but we shouldn't measure the goodness of a film based on how hard it was to make. The merit is largely on the quality of the product. I've rambled a bit here, but my prediction is that cgi and 3d will become commonplace but used more precisely rather than liberally or heavy handedly as some films use them now.
Don't dismiss new artistic tools because they don't fit into what we conceive of the medium as. Let filmmakers decide, and be open to films that can make use of technologies in new ways.
IMO this color lends itself well to a variety of outfits in a variety of settings. I would wear them all the time. You should be really careful, though, this kind of leather doesn't stand up well to being trod on. If you're a messy person I would suggest taking the extra few seconds each time you wear them to put them away properly so you don't screw up the leather. **TL;DR**: You can do anything, but don't you step on your blue suede shoes.
IMO this color lends itself well to a variety of outfits in a variety of settings. I would wear them all the time. You should be really careful, though, this kind of leather doesn't stand up well to being trod on. If you're a messy person I would suggest taking the extra few seconds each time you wear them to put them away properly so you don't screw up the leather. TL;DR : You can do anything, but don't you step on your blue suede shoes.
IMO this color lends itself well to a variety of outfits in a variety of settings. I would wear them all the time. You should be really careful, though, this kind of leather doesn't stand up well to being trod on. If you're a messy person I would suggest taking the extra few seconds each time you wear them to put them away properly so you don't screw up the leather.
You can do anything, but don't you step on your blue suede shoes.
After beating Brotherhood for the second time, I realized something about the glyphs. They're purpose isn't to fill in the gaps in the AC universe, it's to create them. By showing us images of historical events and figures (usually wielding POE's) through the eyes of the Assassin's or the Templar's, we see the history we were taught in classrooms with textbooks that contained *those same images* in the universe of the game, and it opens every door simultaneously. Our universe becomes the universe of the game. This is why the story of Assassin's Creed is so glorious. I think the animus helps with this. Think Inception; "The deeper you go the more real it becomes." By delving into this alternate history WITH Desmond, we're shown things like Leonardo's War Machines, things that probably couldn't have happened, and our response is simply: YES. Of course that's what happened. It makes the series something truly awesome to behold, and this is why I will continue to frequent the universe that Ubisoft has created in Assassin's Creed. TL:DR; I reeeeeally like AC. P.S.: If you ever find yourself having to decide between agreeing with someone or disagreeing with them, disagree. If you can both present your point rationally, clearly, and respectfully, then they can compare their own ideas to yours (and vice-versa), and both of you will benefit greatly. "I have never learned anything from any man who agreed with me" -Dudley Malone, a defense attorney in the "Scopes Monkey Trial"
After beating Brotherhood for the second time, I realized something about the glyphs. They're purpose isn't to fill in the gaps in the AC universe, it's to create them. By showing us images of historical events and figures (usually wielding POE's) through the eyes of the Assassin's or the Templar's, we see the history we were taught in classrooms with textbooks that contained those same images in the universe of the game, and it opens every door simultaneously. Our universe becomes the universe of the game. This is why the story of Assassin's Creed is so glorious. I think the animus helps with this. Think Inception; "The deeper you go the more real it becomes." By delving into this alternate history WITH Desmond, we're shown things like Leonardo's War Machines, things that probably couldn't have happened, and our response is simply: YES. Of course that's what happened. It makes the series something truly awesome to behold, and this is why I will continue to frequent the universe that Ubisoft has created in Assassin's Creed. TL:DR; I reeeeeally like AC. P.S.: If you ever find yourself having to decide between agreeing with someone or disagreeing with them, disagree. If you can both present your point rationally, clearly, and respectfully, then they can compare their own ideas to yours (and vice-versa), and both of you will benefit greatly. "I have never learned anything from any man who agreed with me" -Dudley Malone, a defense attorney in the "Scopes Monkey Trial"
After beating Brotherhood for the second time, I realized something about the glyphs. They're purpose isn't to fill in the gaps in the AC universe, it's to create them. By showing us images of historical events and figures (usually wielding POE's) through the eyes of the Assassin's or the Templar's, we see the history we were taught in classrooms with textbooks that contained those same images in the universe of the game, and it opens every door simultaneously. Our universe becomes the universe of the game. This is why the story of Assassin's Creed is so glorious. I think the animus helps with this. Think Inception; "The deeper you go the more real it becomes." By delving into this alternate history WITH Desmond, we're shown things like Leonardo's War Machines, things that probably couldn't have happened, and our response is simply: YES. Of course that's what happened. It makes the series something truly awesome to behold, and this is why I will continue to frequent the universe that Ubisoft has created in Assassin's Creed.
I reeeeeally like AC. P.S.: If you ever find yourself having to decide between agreeing with someone or disagreeing with them, disagree. If you can both present your point rationally, clearly, and respectfully, then they can compare their own ideas to yours (and vice-versa), and both of you will benefit greatly. "I have never learned anything from any man who agreed with me" -Dudley Malone, a defense attorney in the "Scopes Monkey Trial"
Listen to slapdashr. 5-7 Years ago when I built my first PC, I went with a 20" Samsung monitor (1680x1050). It was OK but I turned down 24" 1080p monitors... big amateur mistake, who needs 1080p, right? :(. Later in the years I upgraded to 1080p Asus 24" monitor, big step up I was happy. I've been into photography since the start but my hobby started getting more serious. So I decided to get a nice Dell 24" IPS monitor for colour accuracy, it had good reviews and was on special for $2XX a couple years ago... Wow! I cannot describe the difference in quality. The Dell monitor is 1920x1200, the extra height is nice you don't realise until you go back to a 1080p monitor and miss the extra space/pixels. The colours and black levels are the best I've ever seen after some light calibration. My 24" Asus is my secondary monitor and using both side by side, you can see a big difference. It's not just great for photo-editing, it's my go-to movie watching and gaming display. TL;DR: Don't cheap out on monitors guys!...You stare at them all day, keep your eyes happy.
Listen to slapdashr. 5-7 Years ago when I built my first PC, I went with a 20" Samsung monitor (1680x1050). It was OK but I turned down 24" 1080p monitors... big amateur mistake, who needs 1080p, right? :(. Later in the years I upgraded to 1080p Asus 24" monitor, big step up I was happy. I've been into photography since the start but my hobby started getting more serious. So I decided to get a nice Dell 24" IPS monitor for colour accuracy, it had good reviews and was on special for $2XX a couple years ago... Wow! I cannot describe the difference in quality. The Dell monitor is 1920x1200, the extra height is nice you don't realise until you go back to a 1080p monitor and miss the extra space/pixels. The colours and black levels are the best I've ever seen after some light calibration. My 24" Asus is my secondary monitor and using both side by side, you can see a big difference. It's not just great for photo-editing, it's my go-to movie watching and gaming display. TL;DR: Don't cheap out on monitors guys!...You stare at them all day, keep your eyes happy.
Listen to slapdashr. 5-7 Years ago when I built my first PC, I went with a 20" Samsung monitor (1680x1050). It was OK but I turned down 24" 1080p monitors... big amateur mistake, who needs 1080p, right? :(. Later in the years I upgraded to 1080p Asus 24" monitor, big step up I was happy. I've been into photography since the start but my hobby started getting more serious. So I decided to get a nice Dell 24" IPS monitor for colour accuracy, it had good reviews and was on special for $2XX a couple years ago... Wow! I cannot describe the difference in quality. The Dell monitor is 1920x1200, the extra height is nice you don't realise until you go back to a 1080p monitor and miss the extra space/pixels. The colours and black levels are the best I've ever seen after some light calibration. My 24" Asus is my secondary monitor and using both side by side, you can see a big difference. It's not just great for photo-editing, it's my go-to movie watching and gaming display.
Don't cheap out on monitors guys!...You stare at them all day, keep your eyes happy.
Although you are being downvoted, you have a valid question. Not to go all Dr. Ian Malcolm, but they died off long before human involvement- unlike most of the species on that list. My guess would be for the positive public relations of such an accomplishment, and the novelty aspect of a zoo having one. Though, of course, when you consider the plight of current big cats in the exotic animal trade one can't help but immediately think of smilodons being resurrected from extinction only to end up as pets for the super-rich. While I'm not *opposed* to doing so (holy hell, I'm excited beyond words when I really think about it), I am much more supportive of bringing back *recently* extinct animals where their habitat remains and they could actually repopulate given the chance- the passenger pigeon, for instance, or the heath hen. They seem like much more likely species to actually get going in the wild again. I mean, heck, white-tailed deer used to be in trouble, but now we can hunt wild ones and eat them for dinner if we want to. tl;dr conservation and baby steps, though unfortunately with the money factor they might *need* something big-and-impractical to show off like a wooly mammoth.
Although you are being downvoted, you have a valid question. Not to go all Dr. Ian Malcolm, but they died off long before human involvement- unlike most of the species on that list. My guess would be for the positive public relations of such an accomplishment, and the novelty aspect of a zoo having one. Though, of course, when you consider the plight of current big cats in the exotic animal trade one can't help but immediately think of smilodons being resurrected from extinction only to end up as pets for the super-rich. While I'm not opposed to doing so (holy hell, I'm excited beyond words when I really think about it), I am much more supportive of bringing back recently extinct animals where their habitat remains and they could actually repopulate given the chance- the passenger pigeon, for instance, or the heath hen. They seem like much more likely species to actually get going in the wild again. I mean, heck, white-tailed deer used to be in trouble, but now we can hunt wild ones and eat them for dinner if we want to. tl;dr conservation and baby steps, though unfortunately with the money factor they might need something big-and-impractical to show off like a wooly mammoth.
Although you are being downvoted, you have a valid question. Not to go all Dr. Ian Malcolm, but they died off long before human involvement- unlike most of the species on that list. My guess would be for the positive public relations of such an accomplishment, and the novelty aspect of a zoo having one. Though, of course, when you consider the plight of current big cats in the exotic animal trade one can't help but immediately think of smilodons being resurrected from extinction only to end up as pets for the super-rich. While I'm not opposed to doing so (holy hell, I'm excited beyond words when I really think about it), I am much more supportive of bringing back recently extinct animals where their habitat remains and they could actually repopulate given the chance- the passenger pigeon, for instance, or the heath hen. They seem like much more likely species to actually get going in the wild again. I mean, heck, white-tailed deer used to be in trouble, but now we can hunt wild ones and eat them for dinner if we want to.
conservation and baby steps, though unfortunately with the money factor they might need something big-and-impractical to show off like a wooly mammoth.
Way too many birds on that list. I'm all about bringing back the thylacine, though. I was ***obsessed*** with the thylacine in 7th grade. Still am, to be quite honest. I didn't think there was viable DNA, though. The program at the Australian Museum only yielded fragmented DNA, and to my knowledge all attempts to recreate the genome have not yet come to fruition. PSU is sequencing mitochondrial DNA [(you can see it here)]( maybe that's the DNA that this new consortium is planning on using. TL;DR: HOLY FUCK THYLACINE.
Way too many birds on that list. I'm all about bringing back the thylacine, though. I was obsessed with the thylacine in 7th grade. Still am, to be quite honest. I didn't think there was viable DNA, though. The program at the Australian Museum only yielded fragmented DNA, and to my knowledge all attempts to recreate the genome have not yet come to fruition. PSU is sequencing mitochondrial DNA [(you can see it here)]( maybe that's the DNA that this new consortium is planning on using. TL;DR: HOLY FUCK THYLACINE.
Way too many birds on that list. I'm all about bringing back the thylacine, though. I was obsessed with the thylacine in 7th grade. Still am, to be quite honest. I didn't think there was viable DNA, though. The program at the Australian Museum only yielded fragmented DNA, and to my knowledge all attempts to recreate the genome have not yet come to fruition. PSU is sequencing mitochondrial DNA [(you can see it here)]( maybe that's the DNA that this new consortium is planning on using.
If the dodo bird knew does get de-extinct, then perhaps it wan't so dumb. Perhaps it knew that we were its only predators, and therefore set a an elaborate ruse? It could tell we were an intelligent race. So, they fooled us all by acting completely fucking stupid. But that knew that by getting completely fucking slaughtered that that in our hearts we would forever have a place to pity the dumbest animal to ever live. They did this on the gambit that we would one day grow so smart that would compelled by the complete docileness of the dodo, and with our instinctual pity for it, bring its species back to life. Then in the wild they would have all the time they needed to gather there forces and kill us. They could set up an entire genocidal war and use decades to plan because we would never see them as nothing more than an idiot. Then they shall finally wipe the non-birds from this earth, and the dodo shall take his place as the most powerful dominate species ON EARTH!!! TLDR: Who's stupid now?
If the dodo bird knew does get de-extinct, then perhaps it wan't so dumb. Perhaps it knew that we were its only predators, and therefore set a an elaborate ruse? It could tell we were an intelligent race. So, they fooled us all by acting completely fucking stupid. But that knew that by getting completely fucking slaughtered that that in our hearts we would forever have a place to pity the dumbest animal to ever live. They did this on the gambit that we would one day grow so smart that would compelled by the complete docileness of the dodo, and with our instinctual pity for it, bring its species back to life. Then in the wild they would have all the time they needed to gather there forces and kill us. They could set up an entire genocidal war and use decades to plan because we would never see them as nothing more than an idiot. Then they shall finally wipe the non-birds from this earth, and the dodo shall take his place as the most powerful dominate species ON EARTH!!! TLDR: Who's stupid now?
If the dodo bird knew does get de-extinct, then perhaps it wan't so dumb. Perhaps it knew that we were its only predators, and therefore set a an elaborate ruse? It could tell we were an intelligent race. So, they fooled us all by acting completely fucking stupid. But that knew that by getting completely fucking slaughtered that that in our hearts we would forever have a place to pity the dumbest animal to ever live. They did this on the gambit that we would one day grow so smart that would compelled by the complete docileness of the dodo, and with our instinctual pity for it, bring its species back to life. Then in the wild they would have all the time they needed to gather there forces and kill us. They could set up an entire genocidal war and use decades to plan because we would never see them as nothing more than an idiot. Then they shall finally wipe the non-birds from this earth, and the dodo shall take his place as the most powerful dominate species ON EARTH!!!
Who's stupid now?
The more games you play then the variability of having bad teammates or even good teammates (luck of the draw) approaches zero and your skill will be the determining factor that shines through. It is the same way with poker and even sports. Would you rather go a game to 21 with a pro basketball player for $100,000 or just 1 point? Obviously the 1 point as *anything* can happen in one point. So if you play enough games then stuff like this becomes trivial and you will get through bronze because you are a good enough player not because you are getting carried or you can't make it because of silver V trolls. TL;DR Anything can happen in one game/point/match.
The more games you play then the variability of having bad teammates or even good teammates (luck of the draw) approaches zero and your skill will be the determining factor that shines through. It is the same way with poker and even sports. Would you rather go a game to 21 with a pro basketball player for $100,000 or just 1 point? Obviously the 1 point as anything can happen in one point. So if you play enough games then stuff like this becomes trivial and you will get through bronze because you are a good enough player not because you are getting carried or you can't make it because of silver V trolls. TL;DR Anything can happen in one game/point/match.
The more games you play then the variability of having bad teammates or even good teammates (luck of the draw) approaches zero and your skill will be the determining factor that shines through. It is the same way with poker and even sports. Would you rather go a game to 21 with a pro basketball player for $100,000 or just 1 point? Obviously the 1 point as anything can happen in one point. So if you play enough games then stuff like this becomes trivial and you will get through bronze because you are a good enough player not because you are getting carried or you can't make it because of silver V trolls.
Anything can happen in one game/point/match.
At my school, the stipend was about $25,000. A postdoc salary was about $40,000. That's just the base salary. The graduate student, on top of the stipend, needs to pay tuition for the school. A full time student at my institution was $10,000 in-state, and $20,000 out-of-state. That number is much higher for private institutions. So in full, a grad student can cost as much as $35,000 to $45,000. At other institutions, that cost would be a lot more. It's not that the students are free; it's that their tuition is paid for by the institution. If you're TAing, you're STILL paying for tuition, just not out of your own pocket. TAs are often hired by individual departments, meaning the department has to foot the bill. If you ever had to send in a tuition remission form, take a look to see if someone puts down an account number to verify that there's someone paying it off. The postdoc salary, however, is based, for the most part, by NIH standards. The standard NIH salary within the first year is $40,000. The number increases each subsequent year. TL;DR: The postdoc salary is essentially the salary of a grad student + their tuition. EDIT: So let's go one step closer on the value of a postdoc. A grad student doesn't just cost money. It's not as if the grad student, right upon entering grad school, starts getting data. In most cases, that takes a few years. Training of the graduate student takes time, and a lot of money. This isn't a bad thing; by the end of the 4-6 years in graduate school, a well-trained grad student will probably know the ins-and-outs of a lab. Their value is immense once they're about to graduate. But to get to that point is a large investment. With a postdoc, much of that is already cared for. The postdoc often meets some sort of skills that supplement the lab. But on top of it, the postdoc will likely learn new techniques and develop new ideas more quickly than the starting grad student. They're already trained, and whatever ins-and-outs of the lab need to be learned can be done within a few months.
At my school, the stipend was about $25,000. A postdoc salary was about $40,000. That's just the base salary. The graduate student, on top of the stipend, needs to pay tuition for the school. A full time student at my institution was $10,000 in-state, and $20,000 out-of-state. That number is much higher for private institutions. So in full, a grad student can cost as much as $35,000 to $45,000. At other institutions, that cost would be a lot more. It's not that the students are free; it's that their tuition is paid for by the institution. If you're TAing, you're STILL paying for tuition, just not out of your own pocket. TAs are often hired by individual departments, meaning the department has to foot the bill. If you ever had to send in a tuition remission form, take a look to see if someone puts down an account number to verify that there's someone paying it off. The postdoc salary, however, is based, for the most part, by NIH standards. The standard NIH salary within the first year is $40,000. The number increases each subsequent year. TL;DR: The postdoc salary is essentially the salary of a grad student + their tuition. EDIT: So let's go one step closer on the value of a postdoc. A grad student doesn't just cost money. It's not as if the grad student, right upon entering grad school, starts getting data. In most cases, that takes a few years. Training of the graduate student takes time, and a lot of money. This isn't a bad thing; by the end of the 4-6 years in graduate school, a well-trained grad student will probably know the ins-and-outs of a lab. Their value is immense once they're about to graduate. But to get to that point is a large investment. With a postdoc, much of that is already cared for. The postdoc often meets some sort of skills that supplement the lab. But on top of it, the postdoc will likely learn new techniques and develop new ideas more quickly than the starting grad student. They're already trained, and whatever ins-and-outs of the lab need to be learned can be done within a few months.
At my school, the stipend was about $25,000. A postdoc salary was about $40,000. That's just the base salary. The graduate student, on top of the stipend, needs to pay tuition for the school. A full time student at my institution was $10,000 in-state, and $20,000 out-of-state. That number is much higher for private institutions. So in full, a grad student can cost as much as $35,000 to $45,000. At other institutions, that cost would be a lot more. It's not that the students are free; it's that their tuition is paid for by the institution. If you're TAing, you're STILL paying for tuition, just not out of your own pocket. TAs are often hired by individual departments, meaning the department has to foot the bill. If you ever had to send in a tuition remission form, take a look to see if someone puts down an account number to verify that there's someone paying it off. The postdoc salary, however, is based, for the most part, by NIH standards. The standard NIH salary within the first year is $40,000. The number increases each subsequent year.
The postdoc salary is essentially the salary of a grad student + their tuition. EDIT: So let's go one step closer on the value of a postdoc. A grad student doesn't just cost money. It's not as if the grad student, right upon entering grad school, starts getting data. In most cases, that takes a few years. Training of the graduate student takes time, and a lot of money. This isn't a bad thing; by the end of the 4-6 years in graduate school, a well-trained grad student will probably know the ins-and-outs of a lab. Their value is immense once they're about to graduate. But to get to that point is a large investment. With a postdoc, much of that is already cared for. The postdoc often meets some sort of skills that supplement the lab. But on top of it, the postdoc will likely learn new techniques and develop new ideas more quickly than the starting grad student. They're already trained, and whatever ins-and-outs of the lab need to be learned can be done within a few months.
Most youth groups try their hardest to be super inclusive (or at least mine does). Insert yourself into conversations like you've been friends your entire life. I'm horribly introverted, but this works for me. Just keep in mind that not everyone will get the idea that you're trying to make friends, and they'll look at you like you're crazy. TLDR- be really awkward and talk to everyone, and you'll probably get a couple that like you. Then they introduce you to their friends, and before long you're the coolest kid in town. Out of curiosity, where did you move to, and where from?
Most youth groups try their hardest to be super inclusive (or at least mine does). Insert yourself into conversations like you've been friends your entire life. I'm horribly introverted, but this works for me. Just keep in mind that not everyone will get the idea that you're trying to make friends, and they'll look at you like you're crazy. TLDR- be really awkward and talk to everyone, and you'll probably get a couple that like you. Then they introduce you to their friends, and before long you're the coolest kid in town. Out of curiosity, where did you move to, and where from?
Most youth groups try their hardest to be super inclusive (or at least mine does). Insert yourself into conversations like you've been friends your entire life. I'm horribly introverted, but this works for me. Just keep in mind that not everyone will get the idea that you're trying to make friends, and they'll look at you like you're crazy.
be really awkward and talk to everyone, and you'll probably get a couple that like you. Then they introduce you to their friends, and before long you're the coolest kid in town. Out of curiosity, where did you move to, and where from?
In Gen 1, the Dragon type was supposed to be an extremely rare and "secret" type, only accessible through catching a rare and unassuming Pokemon in the Safari Zone and training it to the level of the Elite 4. The only Pokemon with the type came second to last in Pokedex order (not counting Mew). Until you caught Mewtwo, you wouldn't know it was missing. Also, it'd lessen the significance of the typing if your starter Pokemon became one by the time you got Cut or the derpy fish you can find literally EVERYWHERE became one at level 20. As for Golduck and Psyduck, it was likely an uncorrected design error. There are a number of connections hinted at between species that were dropped later on. To name a few: Gengar and Clefable, Kangaskhan and Cubone, Shellder, Slowpoke, and the unused Slowpoke tail item in Gen 2, Golduck and Psyduck having their names switched, etc. As for typing issues: Beedrill and Venomoth are both affected by Ground-type moves, despite having wings and flying as their main form of locomotion. tl;dr The vast majority of these issues stem from late-game design modifications. Most of the issues are from the early generations.
In Gen 1, the Dragon type was supposed to be an extremely rare and "secret" type, only accessible through catching a rare and unassuming Pokemon in the Safari Zone and training it to the level of the Elite 4. The only Pokemon with the type came second to last in Pokedex order (not counting Mew). Until you caught Mewtwo, you wouldn't know it was missing. Also, it'd lessen the significance of the typing if your starter Pokemon became one by the time you got Cut or the derpy fish you can find literally EVERYWHERE became one at level 20. As for Golduck and Psyduck, it was likely an uncorrected design error. There are a number of connections hinted at between species that were dropped later on. To name a few: Gengar and Clefable, Kangaskhan and Cubone, Shellder, Slowpoke, and the unused Slowpoke tail item in Gen 2, Golduck and Psyduck having their names switched, etc. As for typing issues: Beedrill and Venomoth are both affected by Ground-type moves, despite having wings and flying as their main form of locomotion. tl;dr The vast majority of these issues stem from late-game design modifications. Most of the issues are from the early generations.
In Gen 1, the Dragon type was supposed to be an extremely rare and "secret" type, only accessible through catching a rare and unassuming Pokemon in the Safari Zone and training it to the level of the Elite 4. The only Pokemon with the type came second to last in Pokedex order (not counting Mew). Until you caught Mewtwo, you wouldn't know it was missing. Also, it'd lessen the significance of the typing if your starter Pokemon became one by the time you got Cut or the derpy fish you can find literally EVERYWHERE became one at level 20. As for Golduck and Psyduck, it was likely an uncorrected design error. There are a number of connections hinted at between species that were dropped later on. To name a few: Gengar and Clefable, Kangaskhan and Cubone, Shellder, Slowpoke, and the unused Slowpoke tail item in Gen 2, Golduck and Psyduck having their names switched, etc. As for typing issues: Beedrill and Venomoth are both affected by Ground-type moves, despite having wings and flying as their main form of locomotion.
The vast majority of these issues stem from late-game design modifications. Most of the issues are from the early generations.
Ummm, no. Bitcoin is a 100% decentralized, peer-to-peer network protocol. This means any communication is done completely between two individual computers on the net, and in this ad-hoc fashion is propagated to every other machine throughout the entire network. The Bitcoin client node discovery process is complex, but it uses a multifaceted approach which includes remote callbacks from incoming calls, IRC channels, DNS requests, default lists, remote database retrieval, and user-provided lists on startup. All of these methods are independent of one another, and can be used either in conjunction with each other or standalone. Further, all communications are handled through ubiquitous TCP/IP connections, the core protocols of the Internet as we know it. There is no realistically effective way to determine whether a sent packet is Bitcoin-related or something else entirely. Some other networks that work similarly include Bittorrent and the TOR Browser, the former of which governments have tried unsuccessfully to shut down for years. ~~And Bittorrent is not even as decentralized as Bitcoin, because it requires file trackers in order to initiate a download process, which must be stored on a server somewhere to be useful.~~ (Scratch that, problem fixed.) **TL;DR Technically, you're right. The government can move in and block access to the bitcoin network any time they choose. All they have to do is shut down the internet.**
Ummm, no. Bitcoin is a 100% decentralized, peer-to-peer network protocol. This means any communication is done completely between two individual computers on the net, and in this ad-hoc fashion is propagated to every other machine throughout the entire network. The Bitcoin client node discovery process is complex, but it uses a multifaceted approach which includes remote callbacks from incoming calls, IRC channels, DNS requests, default lists, remote database retrieval, and user-provided lists on startup. All of these methods are independent of one another, and can be used either in conjunction with each other or standalone. Further, all communications are handled through ubiquitous TCP/IP connections, the core protocols of the Internet as we know it. There is no realistically effective way to determine whether a sent packet is Bitcoin-related or something else entirely. Some other networks that work similarly include Bittorrent and the TOR Browser, the former of which governments have tried unsuccessfully to shut down for years. And Bittorrent is not even as decentralized as Bitcoin, because it requires file trackers in order to initiate a download process, which must be stored on a server somewhere to be useful. (Scratch that, problem fixed.) TL;DR Technically, you're right. The government can move in and block access to the bitcoin network any time they choose. All they have to do is shut down the internet.
Ummm, no. Bitcoin is a 100% decentralized, peer-to-peer network protocol. This means any communication is done completely between two individual computers on the net, and in this ad-hoc fashion is propagated to every other machine throughout the entire network. The Bitcoin client node discovery process is complex, but it uses a multifaceted approach which includes remote callbacks from incoming calls, IRC channels, DNS requests, default lists, remote database retrieval, and user-provided lists on startup. All of these methods are independent of one another, and can be used either in conjunction with each other or standalone. Further, all communications are handled through ubiquitous TCP/IP connections, the core protocols of the Internet as we know it. There is no realistically effective way to determine whether a sent packet is Bitcoin-related or something else entirely. Some other networks that work similarly include Bittorrent and the TOR Browser, the former of which governments have tried unsuccessfully to shut down for years. And Bittorrent is not even as decentralized as Bitcoin, because it requires file trackers in order to initiate a download process, which must be stored on a server somewhere to be useful. (Scratch that, problem fixed.)
Technically, you're right. The government can move in and block access to the bitcoin network any time they choose. All they have to do is shut down the internet.
Ok, here I go with some un-sourced but easy to read about info on asset protection. It is all general stuff and none of it is reasonable legal or financial advice of course. In the US there are ways to protect assets pretty well that are cheap and easy to do but not a lot of people use them or know about them. Basically the trick is to use the Corporate Veil idea (Wikipedia it) and partnership entities to shield the valuable property or etc from legal action. I believe it will protect mostly from lawsuits from individuals and may be less robust against organizations like the IRS. The idea is to create a holding company and an operating company. (Wikipedia) Both of these will be LLC's. The holding company will own all the assets (cars, land, gold, stocks etc.) and will *ONLY* ever do business with the operating company. The operating company will own next to nothing and will lease all land and property, borrow money etc, from the holding company. Basically the operating company will be a broke homeless bum on the side of the road. Now lets look at some legal attacks on this structure. Lets assume that the same 3 people own all shares in both companies and the operating company gets some bad debts with bad people (Citi Bank!) and cannot cover them because it has been dumping all its income into the holding company through a property lease or some such method. So the bank tries to sue to get paid back their money and low and behold, they have nothing to take because they can only sue the operating company and can never sue the holding company. This is because they never were doing business with them! What a great deal. Ok now lets look at the other direction. One of the 3 owners gets drunk, gets a machine gun and shoots up a baseball stadium dressed like Elmo from Sesame Street. Dozens are killed and the families decide to sue Elmo and the highly valuable holding company for all its assets. Well they will only be able to take Elmo's personal assets and cannot touch the holding company because of a legal precedent whereby one partner's illegal actions in their personal life should not affect other partners in the partnership. The holding companies assets are protected again from seizure. Now in the case of the IRS or eminent domain my guess is there would be ways around this with enough work and time. In that situation a diversified set of holding companies across a broad spectrum of asset classes in many varying locations (international!) should assure protection for your vast kingly wealth for generations to come. Tl;Dr: Use holding companies and operating companies diversified across a broad asset and location classes to avoid legal asset seizure.
Ok, here I go with some un-sourced but easy to read about info on asset protection. It is all general stuff and none of it is reasonable legal or financial advice of course. In the US there are ways to protect assets pretty well that are cheap and easy to do but not a lot of people use them or know about them. Basically the trick is to use the Corporate Veil idea (Wikipedia it) and partnership entities to shield the valuable property or etc from legal action. I believe it will protect mostly from lawsuits from individuals and may be less robust against organizations like the IRS. The idea is to create a holding company and an operating company. (Wikipedia) Both of these will be LLC's. The holding company will own all the assets (cars, land, gold, stocks etc.) and will ONLY ever do business with the operating company. The operating company will own next to nothing and will lease all land and property, borrow money etc, from the holding company. Basically the operating company will be a broke homeless bum on the side of the road. Now lets look at some legal attacks on this structure. Lets assume that the same 3 people own all shares in both companies and the operating company gets some bad debts with bad people (Citi Bank!) and cannot cover them because it has been dumping all its income into the holding company through a property lease or some such method. So the bank tries to sue to get paid back their money and low and behold, they have nothing to take because they can only sue the operating company and can never sue the holding company. This is because they never were doing business with them! What a great deal. Ok now lets look at the other direction. One of the 3 owners gets drunk, gets a machine gun and shoots up a baseball stadium dressed like Elmo from Sesame Street. Dozens are killed and the families decide to sue Elmo and the highly valuable holding company for all its assets. Well they will only be able to take Elmo's personal assets and cannot touch the holding company because of a legal precedent whereby one partner's illegal actions in their personal life should not affect other partners in the partnership. The holding companies assets are protected again from seizure. Now in the case of the IRS or eminent domain my guess is there would be ways around this with enough work and time. In that situation a diversified set of holding companies across a broad spectrum of asset classes in many varying locations (international!) should assure protection for your vast kingly wealth for generations to come. Tl;Dr: Use holding companies and operating companies diversified across a broad asset and location classes to avoid legal asset seizure.
Ok, here I go with some un-sourced but easy to read about info on asset protection. It is all general stuff and none of it is reasonable legal or financial advice of course. In the US there are ways to protect assets pretty well that are cheap and easy to do but not a lot of people use them or know about them. Basically the trick is to use the Corporate Veil idea (Wikipedia it) and partnership entities to shield the valuable property or etc from legal action. I believe it will protect mostly from lawsuits from individuals and may be less robust against organizations like the IRS. The idea is to create a holding company and an operating company. (Wikipedia) Both of these will be LLC's. The holding company will own all the assets (cars, land, gold, stocks etc.) and will ONLY ever do business with the operating company. The operating company will own next to nothing and will lease all land and property, borrow money etc, from the holding company. Basically the operating company will be a broke homeless bum on the side of the road. Now lets look at some legal attacks on this structure. Lets assume that the same 3 people own all shares in both companies and the operating company gets some bad debts with bad people (Citi Bank!) and cannot cover them because it has been dumping all its income into the holding company through a property lease or some such method. So the bank tries to sue to get paid back their money and low and behold, they have nothing to take because they can only sue the operating company and can never sue the holding company. This is because they never were doing business with them! What a great deal. Ok now lets look at the other direction. One of the 3 owners gets drunk, gets a machine gun and shoots up a baseball stadium dressed like Elmo from Sesame Street. Dozens are killed and the families decide to sue Elmo and the highly valuable holding company for all its assets. Well they will only be able to take Elmo's personal assets and cannot touch the holding company because of a legal precedent whereby one partner's illegal actions in their personal life should not affect other partners in the partnership. The holding companies assets are protected again from seizure. Now in the case of the IRS or eminent domain my guess is there would be ways around this with enough work and time. In that situation a diversified set of holding companies across a broad spectrum of asset classes in many varying locations (international!) should assure protection for your vast kingly wealth for generations to come.
Use holding companies and operating companies diversified across a broad asset and location classes to avoid legal asset seizure.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.. If you would read more about the subject without preemptively blaming Israel, you should know that for the most part the PA is the initiator of this agreement. By doing this they get more donations, rely on the strong Israeli currency and it signifies the occupation for them. They could have build a taxing procedures if they wanted to. In fact, in Oslo they pushed Israel to take responsibility on taxing. **tl;dr**: If the Palestinians wanted to collect their own taxes, they can easily do it by accordance with the [Protocol on Economic Relations](
Yeah, yeah, yeah.. If you would read more about the subject without preemptively blaming Israel, you should know that for the most part the PA is the initiator of this agreement. By doing this they get more donations, rely on the strong Israeli currency and it signifies the occupation for them. They could have build a taxing procedures if they wanted to. In fact, in Oslo they pushed Israel to take responsibility on taxing. tl;dr : If the Palestinians wanted to collect their own taxes, they can easily do it by accordance with the [Protocol on Economic Relations](
Yeah, yeah, yeah.. If you would read more about the subject without preemptively blaming Israel, you should know that for the most part the PA is the initiator of this agreement. By doing this they get more donations, rely on the strong Israeli currency and it signifies the occupation for them. They could have build a taxing procedures if they wanted to. In fact, in Oslo they pushed Israel to take responsibility on taxing.
If the Palestinians wanted to collect their own taxes, they can easily do it by accordance with the [Protocol on Economic Relations](
There are definitions of beer styles but you see a lot of breweries stretching those styles in various directions not too mention the variety of unofficial sub-styles that crop up. I'm thinking of all the India XXX Ales that have cropped up to denote heavily hopped variants of traditionally non-hoppy styles. Then you have the forgotten styles of beer that are not commonly seen but that some brewers are trying to resurrect, I've seen a couple different folks do a gose in my area recently. As brewers look to distinguish themselves from the pack I can only imagine this being an increasingly common thing. Then you just have the crazy experimental stuff that some folks are doing that really doesn't fit into any particular style. Dogfish Head seems to lead the pack on this one but a number of other brewers are stretching themselves in this realm. TL,DR Official beer styles represent a small portion of the possible beer experiences.
There are definitions of beer styles but you see a lot of breweries stretching those styles in various directions not too mention the variety of unofficial sub-styles that crop up. I'm thinking of all the India XXX Ales that have cropped up to denote heavily hopped variants of traditionally non-hoppy styles. Then you have the forgotten styles of beer that are not commonly seen but that some brewers are trying to resurrect, I've seen a couple different folks do a gose in my area recently. As brewers look to distinguish themselves from the pack I can only imagine this being an increasingly common thing. Then you just have the crazy experimental stuff that some folks are doing that really doesn't fit into any particular style. Dogfish Head seems to lead the pack on this one but a number of other brewers are stretching themselves in this realm. TL,DR Official beer styles represent a small portion of the possible beer experiences.
There are definitions of beer styles but you see a lot of breweries stretching those styles in various directions not too mention the variety of unofficial sub-styles that crop up. I'm thinking of all the India XXX Ales that have cropped up to denote heavily hopped variants of traditionally non-hoppy styles. Then you have the forgotten styles of beer that are not commonly seen but that some brewers are trying to resurrect, I've seen a couple different folks do a gose in my area recently. As brewers look to distinguish themselves from the pack I can only imagine this being an increasingly common thing. Then you just have the crazy experimental stuff that some folks are doing that really doesn't fit into any particular style. Dogfish Head seems to lead the pack on this one but a number of other brewers are stretching themselves in this realm.
Official beer styles represent a small portion of the possible beer experiences.
Last few years. He definitely used to hold his own -- and there is something to say for the pressure he put on the man guarding him. Hard to put up a solid offensive game when you've got to run around guarding Ray all night. Problem for everyone else is he trained to be a killer to the point of exhaustion. You were dead after chasing him for four quarters and that's just when he dropped the hammer, like he was just warming up. TL;DR - His offense supplemented his defensive game/abilities very well. (See: Reggie, Tayshaun, etc -- run you to death)
Last few years. He definitely used to hold his own -- and there is something to say for the pressure he put on the man guarding him. Hard to put up a solid offensive game when you've got to run around guarding Ray all night. Problem for everyone else is he trained to be a killer to the point of exhaustion. You were dead after chasing him for four quarters and that's just when he dropped the hammer, like he was just warming up. TL;DR - His offense supplemented his defensive game/abilities very well. (See: Reggie, Tayshaun, etc -- run you to death)
Last few years. He definitely used to hold his own -- and there is something to say for the pressure he put on the man guarding him. Hard to put up a solid offensive game when you've got to run around guarding Ray all night. Problem for everyone else is he trained to be a killer to the point of exhaustion. You were dead after chasing him for four quarters and that's just when he dropped the hammer, like he was just warming up.
His offense supplemented his defensive game/abilities very well. (See: Reggie, Tayshaun, etc -- run you to death)
Alright, this one sounds too good to be true, but I assure you it really happened... First of all, let me say that I didn't exactly get CAUGHT, but I was interrupted quite severely and memorably, Early February, 2012, as freshman at the university of Tampa, my roommate and I decide we're goin to go on an adventure... onto the roof of the Straz Center for the Performing Arts, which is right next to our dorm. My roommate shows me the path up he had scouted out, and we decide we can easily make it up, so that night we gather some things up -our phones, flashlights, a green laser pointer, a bag of cookies, and my bowl, grinder, and a half 8th of some fantastic Florida weed- into my backpack and begin Operation HardcoreParkour. We climb the building carefully, hopping from awning to awning and then scramble up some ladders until we're suddenly 14 stories off the ground on the roof of the Straz Center. We sit right by the edge, admiring the unbelievable view of the Tampa skyline and the incredible vistas in the west towards the buccaneer stadium and the Fox13 tower. After a few minutes we start shmokin and then get really carried away with the green laser pointer, shining it in the sky, at my friends on the ground below, and into the windows of my suitemates and friends in my dorm. *This* is when it all went downhill. About twenty minutes have gone by, and I have everything all packed up in my bag, the weed has been smoked, and the cookies were being actively devoured. My roomie and I are sitting there, just chillin, when I suddenly hear this noise behind us getting louder and louder.... I turn to look for the source of this strange noise, and BOOM, I'm staring straight into the spotlight of a helicopter as it zooms over us, loudspeakers shouting and guns-a-pointing. I realize now that I have a pipe, my lighter, and my grinder all still in my backpack, and the man in the helicopter is yelling over the megaphone "We have the building surrounded, please climb down carefully with your hands where we can see them!!!!" "Shit... Shit... Shit... I'm fucked" I think, as my roommate and i start down the ladders. Then, suddenly in a moment of sheer luck, the helicopter circles around us, dipping back behind the building for a moment, giving me *JUST* enough time to pull open my drawstring backpack and FLING all the contents (except for the bag of cookies) all over the roof, put it back on, and start climbing down as if nothing had happened. (Clutch move... So lucky) I get most f the way down the building before I can see any police on the ground, I see LOTS of flashing lights but cannot see the cars themselves, as they are located below an awning at the ground level. I reach the final awning and by now the helicopter has come back out and is shouting at us to keep climbing down and to keep our hands up, so I hop down onto an ATM just below the awning and am greeted with two of the most terrifying sounds on earth: guns being cocked, and two German shepherds FREAKING THE F**K OUT... All while cops are yelling for me to "GET ON THE GROUND", not to mention the two cops that tackled me, cuffed me, and yanked me to my feet. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING UP THERE!?" Asks one of the cops as he goes through my bag, disappointed at the lack of weapons, drugs, ANYTHING in there except for some delicious no-bake cookies from my roommate's ladyfriend. Me: "honestly?" Cop: "of course" Me: "parkour." ------------------ Long story short, charges dropped, apparently trespassing in Florida requires crossing a form of "curtilage" such as a fence or wall that states "No Trespassing". TL;DR: climbed a building, got arrested by helicopter while stoned off my ass.
Alright, this one sounds too good to be true, but I assure you it really happened... First of all, let me say that I didn't exactly get CAUGHT, but I was interrupted quite severely and memorably, Early February, 2012, as freshman at the university of Tampa, my roommate and I decide we're goin to go on an adventure... onto the roof of the Straz Center for the Performing Arts, which is right next to our dorm. My roommate shows me the path up he had scouted out, and we decide we can easily make it up, so that night we gather some things up -our phones, flashlights, a green laser pointer, a bag of cookies, and my bowl, grinder, and a half 8th of some fantastic Florida weed- into my backpack and begin Operation HardcoreParkour. We climb the building carefully, hopping from awning to awning and then scramble up some ladders until we're suddenly 14 stories off the ground on the roof of the Straz Center. We sit right by the edge, admiring the unbelievable view of the Tampa skyline and the incredible vistas in the west towards the buccaneer stadium and the Fox13 tower. After a few minutes we start shmokin and then get really carried away with the green laser pointer, shining it in the sky, at my friends on the ground below, and into the windows of my suitemates and friends in my dorm. This is when it all went downhill. About twenty minutes have gone by, and I have everything all packed up in my bag, the weed has been smoked, and the cookies were being actively devoured. My roomie and I are sitting there, just chillin, when I suddenly hear this noise behind us getting louder and louder.... I turn to look for the source of this strange noise, and BOOM, I'm staring straight into the spotlight of a helicopter as it zooms over us, loudspeakers shouting and guns-a-pointing. I realize now that I have a pipe, my lighter, and my grinder all still in my backpack, and the man in the helicopter is yelling over the megaphone "We have the building surrounded, please climb down carefully with your hands where we can see them!!!!" "Shit... Shit... Shit... I'm fucked" I think, as my roommate and i start down the ladders. Then, suddenly in a moment of sheer luck, the helicopter circles around us, dipping back behind the building for a moment, giving me JUST enough time to pull open my drawstring backpack and FLING all the contents (except for the bag of cookies) all over the roof, put it back on, and start climbing down as if nothing had happened. (Clutch move... So lucky) I get most f the way down the building before I can see any police on the ground, I see LOTS of flashing lights but cannot see the cars themselves, as they are located below an awning at the ground level. I reach the final awning and by now the helicopter has come back out and is shouting at us to keep climbing down and to keep our hands up, so I hop down onto an ATM just below the awning and am greeted with two of the most terrifying sounds on earth: guns being cocked, and two German shepherds FREAKING THE F**K OUT... All while cops are yelling for me to "GET ON THE GROUND", not to mention the two cops that tackled me, cuffed me, and yanked me to my feet. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING UP THERE!?" Asks one of the cops as he goes through my bag, disappointed at the lack of weapons, drugs, ANYTHING in there except for some delicious no-bake cookies from my roommate's ladyfriend. Me: "honestly?" Cop: "of course" Me: "parkour." Long story short, charges dropped, apparently trespassing in Florida requires crossing a form of "curtilage" such as a fence or wall that states "No Trespassing". TL;DR: climbed a building, got arrested by helicopter while stoned off my ass.
Alright, this one sounds too good to be true, but I assure you it really happened... First of all, let me say that I didn't exactly get CAUGHT, but I was interrupted quite severely and memorably, Early February, 2012, as freshman at the university of Tampa, my roommate and I decide we're goin to go on an adventure... onto the roof of the Straz Center for the Performing Arts, which is right next to our dorm. My roommate shows me the path up he had scouted out, and we decide we can easily make it up, so that night we gather some things up -our phones, flashlights, a green laser pointer, a bag of cookies, and my bowl, grinder, and a half 8th of some fantastic Florida weed- into my backpack and begin Operation HardcoreParkour. We climb the building carefully, hopping from awning to awning and then scramble up some ladders until we're suddenly 14 stories off the ground on the roof of the Straz Center. We sit right by the edge, admiring the unbelievable view of the Tampa skyline and the incredible vistas in the west towards the buccaneer stadium and the Fox13 tower. After a few minutes we start shmokin and then get really carried away with the green laser pointer, shining it in the sky, at my friends on the ground below, and into the windows of my suitemates and friends in my dorm. This is when it all went downhill. About twenty minutes have gone by, and I have everything all packed up in my bag, the weed has been smoked, and the cookies were being actively devoured. My roomie and I are sitting there, just chillin, when I suddenly hear this noise behind us getting louder and louder.... I turn to look for the source of this strange noise, and BOOM, I'm staring straight into the spotlight of a helicopter as it zooms over us, loudspeakers shouting and guns-a-pointing. I realize now that I have a pipe, my lighter, and my grinder all still in my backpack, and the man in the helicopter is yelling over the megaphone "We have the building surrounded, please climb down carefully with your hands where we can see them!!!!" "Shit... Shit... Shit... I'm fucked" I think, as my roommate and i start down the ladders. Then, suddenly in a moment of sheer luck, the helicopter circles around us, dipping back behind the building for a moment, giving me JUST enough time to pull open my drawstring backpack and FLING all the contents (except for the bag of cookies) all over the roof, put it back on, and start climbing down as if nothing had happened. (Clutch move... So lucky) I get most f the way down the building before I can see any police on the ground, I see LOTS of flashing lights but cannot see the cars themselves, as they are located below an awning at the ground level. I reach the final awning and by now the helicopter has come back out and is shouting at us to keep climbing down and to keep our hands up, so I hop down onto an ATM just below the awning and am greeted with two of the most terrifying sounds on earth: guns being cocked, and two German shepherds FREAKING THE F**K OUT... All while cops are yelling for me to "GET ON THE GROUND", not to mention the two cops that tackled me, cuffed me, and yanked me to my feet. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING UP THERE!?" Asks one of the cops as he goes through my bag, disappointed at the lack of weapons, drugs, ANYTHING in there except for some delicious no-bake cookies from my roommate's ladyfriend. Me: "honestly?" Cop: "of course" Me: "parkour." Long story short, charges dropped, apparently trespassing in Florida requires crossing a form of "curtilage" such as a fence or wall that states "No Trespassing".
climbed a building, got arrested by helicopter while stoned off my ass.
When I was 15 I had a sleepover party thing with 5 or so other girls and my mom left us home alone for awhile... I grew up in a small town, I was friends the "mean girls" of the school, (middle school) and most of our parents knew each other. Anyway, earlier that day I hit up one of my other friends for a gram...that I now realize was not even a half gram and didn't even look that much like weed. When my mom left us we got together and made poked holes in a can and smoked out of that, in our backyard, we hit it like once each, it was pathetic. So somehow the bag got left on the floor in my kitchen, and my mom came charging downstairs a couple hours later after we were all in bed SCREAMING. I mean she was really freaking out, she called all of our parents and had them come to the house, we were all separated and they were asking who we got it from, it was completely overboard. One of my friends dad was a cop. All of this over a small baggy of what I don't even believe to be weed. TLDR: My mom's insane, and I got ripped off. On a side note I'm 19 now and overtime I've talked my mom into agreeing to smoke with me this summer.
When I was 15 I had a sleepover party thing with 5 or so other girls and my mom left us home alone for awhile... I grew up in a small town, I was friends the "mean girls" of the school, (middle school) and most of our parents knew each other. Anyway, earlier that day I hit up one of my other friends for a gram...that I now realize was not even a half gram and didn't even look that much like weed. When my mom left us we got together and made poked holes in a can and smoked out of that, in our backyard, we hit it like once each, it was pathetic. So somehow the bag got left on the floor in my kitchen, and my mom came charging downstairs a couple hours later after we were all in bed SCREAMING. I mean she was really freaking out, she called all of our parents and had them come to the house, we were all separated and they were asking who we got it from, it was completely overboard. One of my friends dad was a cop. All of this over a small baggy of what I don't even believe to be weed. TLDR: My mom's insane, and I got ripped off. On a side note I'm 19 now and overtime I've talked my mom into agreeing to smoke with me this summer.
When I was 15 I had a sleepover party thing with 5 or so other girls and my mom left us home alone for awhile... I grew up in a small town, I was friends the "mean girls" of the school, (middle school) and most of our parents knew each other. Anyway, earlier that day I hit up one of my other friends for a gram...that I now realize was not even a half gram and didn't even look that much like weed. When my mom left us we got together and made poked holes in a can and smoked out of that, in our backyard, we hit it like once each, it was pathetic. So somehow the bag got left on the floor in my kitchen, and my mom came charging downstairs a couple hours later after we were all in bed SCREAMING. I mean she was really freaking out, she called all of our parents and had them come to the house, we were all separated and they were asking who we got it from, it was completely overboard. One of my friends dad was a cop. All of this over a small baggy of what I don't even believe to be weed.
My mom's insane, and I got ripped off. On a side note I'm 19 now and overtime I've talked my mom into agreeing to smoke with me this summer.
I don't think it would have been hard for Lore to earn the trust of the USS Tripoli. From there he could have constructed a ruse to contact the Crystalline Entity to feed on the lifeforce of the crew, then bingo! He has his own starship just like Khan. Without allies, the Federation would eventually be able to overpower his vessel. The Klingons expressed interest in recruiting Data for his strength and abilities, so perhaps he would ally with the Klingons, who were still hostile to the Federation as of this time (this was before the sacrifice of the Enterprise C defending a Klingon world from Romulans). The Romulans would have valued his assistance as well, and given Lore's sneakiness, he may have been able to play the two sides against eachother. Could he have been able to employ the Crystalline Entity as a WMD to seize control of both empires? In the meantime, hostilities were flaring up between the Cardassians and the Federation. If Lore was able to goad the Klingons (or the Romulans, or both) into a more aggressive stance against the Federation, Starfleet could have found itself fighting a two-front war that would not have ended well. With Lore in control of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, if the Borg ever came knocking, just remember how instrumental Data was in their defeat. He commanded them to go to sleep so they could be destroyed, but I doubt Lore would be so subtle. Although the Borg initially found Data obsolete, the Queen later sought to seduce him when she required his assistance, and if Lore controlled so much territory in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, possibly even hacking cubes to do his will (look how easily he was able to manipulate them once he freed them from the Collective), she would likely seek a similar alliance of desperation with him. If Data was sneaky enough to trick her, Lore would be, too. The combined might of the Alpha, Beta, and Delta Quadrant would decimate the Dominion before they knew what hit them. Lore would punch through the thin grey line of Jem'Hadar guarding the Founders' Homeworld and feed the Great Link to the Crystalline Entity like a thick brown soup. If any Changelings escaped, they may attempt to assassinate Lore, but by then he would be in possession of Data, B-4, and possibly Soong himself, any one of which could have provided the hardware necessary for Lore to create a backup copy of himself. Not possible, you say? Type L phase discriminator cross compatibility issues and all that? He'd find a way and you know it. tl;dr: If Starfleet found Lore first, Lore would rule the galaxy.
I don't think it would have been hard for Lore to earn the trust of the USS Tripoli. From there he could have constructed a ruse to contact the Crystalline Entity to feed on the lifeforce of the crew, then bingo! He has his own starship just like Khan. Without allies, the Federation would eventually be able to overpower his vessel. The Klingons expressed interest in recruiting Data for his strength and abilities, so perhaps he would ally with the Klingons, who were still hostile to the Federation as of this time (this was before the sacrifice of the Enterprise C defending a Klingon world from Romulans). The Romulans would have valued his assistance as well, and given Lore's sneakiness, he may have been able to play the two sides against eachother. Could he have been able to employ the Crystalline Entity as a WMD to seize control of both empires? In the meantime, hostilities were flaring up between the Cardassians and the Federation. If Lore was able to goad the Klingons (or the Romulans, or both) into a more aggressive stance against the Federation, Starfleet could have found itself fighting a two-front war that would not have ended well. With Lore in control of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, if the Borg ever came knocking, just remember how instrumental Data was in their defeat. He commanded them to go to sleep so they could be destroyed, but I doubt Lore would be so subtle. Although the Borg initially found Data obsolete, the Queen later sought to seduce him when she required his assistance, and if Lore controlled so much territory in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, possibly even hacking cubes to do his will (look how easily he was able to manipulate them once he freed them from the Collective), she would likely seek a similar alliance of desperation with him. If Data was sneaky enough to trick her, Lore would be, too. The combined might of the Alpha, Beta, and Delta Quadrant would decimate the Dominion before they knew what hit them. Lore would punch through the thin grey line of Jem'Hadar guarding the Founders' Homeworld and feed the Great Link to the Crystalline Entity like a thick brown soup. If any Changelings escaped, they may attempt to assassinate Lore, but by then he would be in possession of Data, B-4, and possibly Soong himself, any one of which could have provided the hardware necessary for Lore to create a backup copy of himself. Not possible, you say? Type L phase discriminator cross compatibility issues and all that? He'd find a way and you know it. tl;dr: If Starfleet found Lore first, Lore would rule the galaxy.
I don't think it would have been hard for Lore to earn the trust of the USS Tripoli. From there he could have constructed a ruse to contact the Crystalline Entity to feed on the lifeforce of the crew, then bingo! He has his own starship just like Khan. Without allies, the Federation would eventually be able to overpower his vessel. The Klingons expressed interest in recruiting Data for his strength and abilities, so perhaps he would ally with the Klingons, who were still hostile to the Federation as of this time (this was before the sacrifice of the Enterprise C defending a Klingon world from Romulans). The Romulans would have valued his assistance as well, and given Lore's sneakiness, he may have been able to play the two sides against eachother. Could he have been able to employ the Crystalline Entity as a WMD to seize control of both empires? In the meantime, hostilities were flaring up between the Cardassians and the Federation. If Lore was able to goad the Klingons (or the Romulans, or both) into a more aggressive stance against the Federation, Starfleet could have found itself fighting a two-front war that would not have ended well. With Lore in control of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, if the Borg ever came knocking, just remember how instrumental Data was in their defeat. He commanded them to go to sleep so they could be destroyed, but I doubt Lore would be so subtle. Although the Borg initially found Data obsolete, the Queen later sought to seduce him when she required his assistance, and if Lore controlled so much territory in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, possibly even hacking cubes to do his will (look how easily he was able to manipulate them once he freed them from the Collective), she would likely seek a similar alliance of desperation with him. If Data was sneaky enough to trick her, Lore would be, too. The combined might of the Alpha, Beta, and Delta Quadrant would decimate the Dominion before they knew what hit them. Lore would punch through the thin grey line of Jem'Hadar guarding the Founders' Homeworld and feed the Great Link to the Crystalline Entity like a thick brown soup. If any Changelings escaped, they may attempt to assassinate Lore, but by then he would be in possession of Data, B-4, and possibly Soong himself, any one of which could have provided the hardware necessary for Lore to create a backup copy of himself. Not possible, you say? Type L phase discriminator cross compatibility issues and all that? He'd find a way and you know it.
If Starfleet found Lore first, Lore would rule the galaxy.
My local doctor's office plays the same episode of sesame street from the second they open to the second they close, and it has been going for months. I know all the words to that episode, but it's entertainment and learning still tl;dr go watch sesame street.
My local doctor's office plays the same episode of sesame street from the second they open to the second they close, and it has been going for months. I know all the words to that episode, but it's entertainment and learning still tl;dr go watch sesame street.
My local doctor's office plays the same episode of sesame street from the second they open to the second they close, and it has been going for months. I know all the words to that episode, but it's entertainment and learning still
go watch sesame street.
Using and turning off untradeable items, the value of what's left is about 78 ref or $27. That's about 18.5 keys. (The headtaker isn't tradeable, Since you were ready to do 20 keys on 27 worth of stuff, by ratio((20/27)*18.5), I'd offer 13 keys refined for everything tradeable there. You can keep the raw metal if you want, it's a bit less than half a key. TL;DR: 13 keys for all the tradeable stuff. Your backpack page I got values from.
Using and turning off untradeable items, the value of what's left is about 78 ref or $27. That's about 18.5 keys. (The headtaker isn't tradeable, Since you were ready to do 20 keys on 27 worth of stuff, by ratio((20/27)*18.5), I'd offer 13 keys refined for everything tradeable there. You can keep the raw metal if you want, it's a bit less than half a key. TL;DR: 13 keys for all the tradeable stuff. Your backpack page I got values from.
Using and turning off untradeable items, the value of what's left is about 78 ref or $27. That's about 18.5 keys. (The headtaker isn't tradeable, Since you were ready to do 20 keys on 27 worth of stuff, by ratio((20/27)*18.5), I'd offer 13 keys refined for everything tradeable there. You can keep the raw metal if you want, it's a bit less than half a key.
13 keys for all the tradeable stuff. Your backpack page I got values from.
> consensus in that field of study You mean consensus among radfems. To the rest it's semantic hoo-ha that does more damage than good because it a) alienates allies and b) perpetuates sexism by framing things in a non-neutral way. tl;dr: It's pure spin. Stop it.
> consensus in that field of study You mean consensus among radfems. To the rest it's semantic hoo-ha that does more damage than good because it a) alienates allies and b) perpetuates sexism by framing things in a non-neutral way. tl;dr: It's pure spin. Stop it.
consensus in that field of study You mean consensus among radfems. To the rest it's semantic hoo-ha that does more damage than good because it a) alienates allies and b) perpetuates sexism by framing things in a non-neutral way.
It's pure spin. Stop it.
Hmm, it looks like you're right. But we must go deeper! It looks like he actually has had lots of pairs in the same style. See [this]( [this]( and [this]( TL;DR: what am I doing with my life?
Hmm, it looks like you're right. But we must go deeper! It looks like he actually has had lots of pairs in the same style. See [this]( [this]( and [this]( TL;DR: what am I doing with my life?
Hmm, it looks like you're right. But we must go deeper! It looks like he actually has had lots of pairs in the same style. See [this]( [this]( and [this](
what am I doing with my life?
Yes, there is already a solution for this problem. THE TRIBUNAL. It's very rare that anyone gets banned enough from bad games to make it to the tribunal and even more rare that the tribunal bans them. Keep in mind the people in the tribunal are the bottom like 10% of players so as "everyone" is reporting feeding games it evens out and not many of those feeders make it down there. And to those who do, I've found the tribunal is generally quite fair in their decision making. They aren't going to report someone just because they went negative but rather look at chat and build. TL;DR we already have a solution, the tribunal.
Yes, there is already a solution for this problem. THE TRIBUNAL. It's very rare that anyone gets banned enough from bad games to make it to the tribunal and even more rare that the tribunal bans them. Keep in mind the people in the tribunal are the bottom like 10% of players so as "everyone" is reporting feeding games it evens out and not many of those feeders make it down there. And to those who do, I've found the tribunal is generally quite fair in their decision making. They aren't going to report someone just because they went negative but rather look at chat and build. TL;DR we already have a solution, the tribunal.
Yes, there is already a solution for this problem. THE TRIBUNAL. It's very rare that anyone gets banned enough from bad games to make it to the tribunal and even more rare that the tribunal bans them. Keep in mind the people in the tribunal are the bottom like 10% of players so as "everyone" is reporting feeding games it evens out and not many of those feeders make it down there. And to those who do, I've found the tribunal is generally quite fair in their decision making. They aren't going to report someone just because they went negative but rather look at chat and build.
we already have a solution, the tribunal.
However, the fact remains that he isn't back in this issue and most likely won't be back for some time. They hint about the Lazarus pit because this is a comic book, and comic books go through different creators throughout the years. Morrison has stated in several interviews that Damian does not get a happy ending in his run; however, as a courtesy he keeps the door open for different writers because Damian is a great character. tl;dr - Lazarus Pit does not necessarily equal Damian, at least for the near future.
However, the fact remains that he isn't back in this issue and most likely won't be back for some time. They hint about the Lazarus pit because this is a comic book, and comic books go through different creators throughout the years. Morrison has stated in several interviews that Damian does not get a happy ending in his run; however, as a courtesy he keeps the door open for different writers because Damian is a great character. tl;dr - Lazarus Pit does not necessarily equal Damian, at least for the near future.
However, the fact remains that he isn't back in this issue and most likely won't be back for some time. They hint about the Lazarus pit because this is a comic book, and comic books go through different creators throughout the years. Morrison has stated in several interviews that Damian does not get a happy ending in his run; however, as a courtesy he keeps the door open for different writers because Damian is a great character.
Lazarus Pit does not necessarily equal Damian, at least for the near future.
Do NOT do this. He spent *wayyyy* too long in the fatal funnel. Slice your pie as far back from your corner as is practical, roll out when necessary (but don't step and roll out), and EXPLODE through the doorway. Do not put your weapon in a "cover" mode (i.e. position sul, high ready, low ready), have it ready to shoot at a target in your blind spot (in this video, 90 degrees left) IMMEDIATELY. tl;dr This is wrong and as someone claiming to have training, he should know better.
Do NOT do this. He spent wayyyy too long in the fatal funnel. Slice your pie as far back from your corner as is practical, roll out when necessary (but don't step and roll out), and EXPLODE through the doorway. Do not put your weapon in a "cover" mode (i.e. position sul, high ready, low ready), have it ready to shoot at a target in your blind spot (in this video, 90 degrees left) IMMEDIATELY. tl;dr This is wrong and as someone claiming to have training, he should know better.
Do NOT do this. He spent wayyyy too long in the fatal funnel. Slice your pie as far back from your corner as is practical, roll out when necessary (but don't step and roll out), and EXPLODE through the doorway. Do not put your weapon in a "cover" mode (i.e. position sul, high ready, low ready), have it ready to shoot at a target in your blind spot (in this video, 90 degrees left) IMMEDIATELY.
This is wrong and as someone claiming to have training, he should know better.
Not crazy. Absolutely not. I grew up in rural Iowa and gun safety was taught in the home. I was not allowed to point even toy guns at people as a little kid and was taught the safety rules for firearms before I was ten. I have noticed a lot of "city" people in this country have absolutely no exposure to responsible gun culture. Their only experience with firearms is the violence they see on TV. So I do not think you are crazy for thinking someone should need some formal training to own a firearm. We are crazy as a society for thinking the right to bear arms can be divorced from the responsibility to ensure that every citizen understands the basic safety rules of firearms handling. TLDR: This guy had a legitimate concern/question.
Not crazy. Absolutely not. I grew up in rural Iowa and gun safety was taught in the home. I was not allowed to point even toy guns at people as a little kid and was taught the safety rules for firearms before I was ten. I have noticed a lot of "city" people in this country have absolutely no exposure to responsible gun culture. Their only experience with firearms is the violence they see on TV. So I do not think you are crazy for thinking someone should need some formal training to own a firearm. We are crazy as a society for thinking the right to bear arms can be divorced from the responsibility to ensure that every citizen understands the basic safety rules of firearms handling. TLDR: This guy had a legitimate concern/question.
Not crazy. Absolutely not. I grew up in rural Iowa and gun safety was taught in the home. I was not allowed to point even toy guns at people as a little kid and was taught the safety rules for firearms before I was ten. I have noticed a lot of "city" people in this country have absolutely no exposure to responsible gun culture. Their only experience with firearms is the violence they see on TV. So I do not think you are crazy for thinking someone should need some formal training to own a firearm. We are crazy as a society for thinking the right to bear arms can be divorced from the responsibility to ensure that every citizen understands the basic safety rules of firearms handling.
This guy had a legitimate concern/question.
Big disclaimer: I'm not an expert on any of this. Not statistics, medicine, or clinical research. I just have institutional access, a possibly unhealthy degree of curiosity, and a little time on my hands. I don't understand all the statistical voodoo they did with the study, but it looks fairly thorough considering what they had to work with. First, their methods. They examined 253 veterans between 2000 and 2003 "upon entering Gulf War Screening and PTSD Programs at the Cincinnati Veterans Affairs." They didn't track them over time, but instead took psychological and physiological data, then ran that through statistical models. One benefit they got, at least, was that they had a natural control group among the veterans who scored <20 on CAPS. I don't understand Wald statistics, which is the measure they used, so I'm not totally clear on just how strong the correlation is except relative to other correlations. But it looks like a very strong correlation - PTSD severity managed to beat age as a risk factor and was only exceeded by gender: > As with our previous investigation, being older (Wald= 3.86, p= 0.050, OR= 1.03), male gender (Wald= 4.84, p= 0.028, OR= 0.17) and higher PTSD severity as represented by the CAPS total score (Wald= 4.04, p= 0.044, OR= 1.01) were significantly and uniquely associated with higher metabolic syndrome risk. Antipsychotic medication use, however, did not appear to be a significantly unique predictor of metabolic syndrome (Wald= 0.30, p= 0.587, OR= 1.25) when in context of the selected predictors (including severity of PTSD). A Wald of 0 means no correlation, so that's really low for the antipsychotics. However, it has a ridiculously high p-value, roughly the chance of getting that result from purely random variables even if the result isn't true. p=0.587 roughly means only 41.3% certain of that result. I figure this is because only 33 of their participants were on antipsychotics. It was fairly low with CAPS score (95.6% certain, roughly speaking), but still just barely below the standard cut-off of p<=0.05 to be confident in the finding. However, that doesn't mean this is useless. In fact, it largely corroborated [a study they referenced]( comparing *only* patients on antipsychotics but with different diagnoses: > Overall, the prevalence rates of metabolic syndrome were 72% in patients with PTSD, 60% in those with schizophrenia, 58% in those with mood disorder, and 56% in those with dementia. Back to the paper under discussion, they ran a bunch of regression models to pick out significant predictors of metabolic syndrome: > Based on the bootstrap analysis, age was a significant predictor of metabolic syndrome status (significant in 30% of the 1000 replications), followed by lifetime nicotine abuse or dependence (21%), and history of substance use or dependence (19%) and PTSD (14%). Antipsychotic medication status was significant in 8% of the replications. I think the results here are a bit different from above because the first ones were correlations and these ones are predictions from running statistical simulations. They recognize the shortcomings of the study and make specific recommendations for future research as well as, I think, a good reason it should be looked at: > The health-related impacts of PTSD are widespread and significant. The risk of metabolic syndrome in a treatment seeking veteran population appeared to be better accounted for by severity of PTSD than by antipsychotic medication use. However, a longitudinal study is strongly recommended to understand the role of PTSD severity and antipsychotic medication use over time on development of metabolic syndrome. Future research directed toward improving and disseminating treatments for PTSD needs to incorporate measures of biological burden (such as metabolic syndrome) to quantify the risks and benefits of such treatments on the physical health of those living with chronic PTSD. **tl;dr: Not the most conclusive results, but damn suggestive. Also, corroborates a previous study that compared patients on antipsychotics with different diagnoses.**
Big disclaimer: I'm not an expert on any of this. Not statistics, medicine, or clinical research. I just have institutional access, a possibly unhealthy degree of curiosity, and a little time on my hands. I don't understand all the statistical voodoo they did with the study, but it looks fairly thorough considering what they had to work with. First, their methods. They examined 253 veterans between 2000 and 2003 "upon entering Gulf War Screening and PTSD Programs at the Cincinnati Veterans Affairs." They didn't track them over time, but instead took psychological and physiological data, then ran that through statistical models. One benefit they got, at least, was that they had a natural control group among the veterans who scored <20 on CAPS. I don't understand Wald statistics, which is the measure they used, so I'm not totally clear on just how strong the correlation is except relative to other correlations. But it looks like a very strong correlation - PTSD severity managed to beat age as a risk factor and was only exceeded by gender: > As with our previous investigation, being older (Wald= 3.86, p= 0.050, OR= 1.03), male gender (Wald= 4.84, p= 0.028, OR= 0.17) and higher PTSD severity as represented by the CAPS total score (Wald= 4.04, p= 0.044, OR= 1.01) were significantly and uniquely associated with higher metabolic syndrome risk. Antipsychotic medication use, however, did not appear to be a significantly unique predictor of metabolic syndrome (Wald= 0.30, p= 0.587, OR= 1.25) when in context of the selected predictors (including severity of PTSD). A Wald of 0 means no correlation, so that's really low for the antipsychotics. However, it has a ridiculously high p-value, roughly the chance of getting that result from purely random variables even if the result isn't true. p=0.587 roughly means only 41.3% certain of that result. I figure this is because only 33 of their participants were on antipsychotics. It was fairly low with CAPS score (95.6% certain, roughly speaking), but still just barely below the standard cut-off of p<=0.05 to be confident in the finding. However, that doesn't mean this is useless. In fact, it largely corroborated [a study they referenced]( comparing only patients on antipsychotics but with different diagnoses: > Overall, the prevalence rates of metabolic syndrome were 72% in patients with PTSD, 60% in those with schizophrenia, 58% in those with mood disorder, and 56% in those with dementia. Back to the paper under discussion, they ran a bunch of regression models to pick out significant predictors of metabolic syndrome: > Based on the bootstrap analysis, age was a significant predictor of metabolic syndrome status (significant in 30% of the 1000 replications), followed by lifetime nicotine abuse or dependence (21%), and history of substance use or dependence (19%) and PTSD (14%). Antipsychotic medication status was significant in 8% of the replications. I think the results here are a bit different from above because the first ones were correlations and these ones are predictions from running statistical simulations. They recognize the shortcomings of the study and make specific recommendations for future research as well as, I think, a good reason it should be looked at: > The health-related impacts of PTSD are widespread and significant. The risk of metabolic syndrome in a treatment seeking veteran population appeared to be better accounted for by severity of PTSD than by antipsychotic medication use. However, a longitudinal study is strongly recommended to understand the role of PTSD severity and antipsychotic medication use over time on development of metabolic syndrome. Future research directed toward improving and disseminating treatments for PTSD needs to incorporate measures of biological burden (such as metabolic syndrome) to quantify the risks and benefits of such treatments on the physical health of those living with chronic PTSD. tl;dr: Not the most conclusive results, but damn suggestive. Also, corroborates a previous study that compared patients on antipsychotics with different diagnoses.
Big disclaimer: I'm not an expert on any of this. Not statistics, medicine, or clinical research. I just have institutional access, a possibly unhealthy degree of curiosity, and a little time on my hands. I don't understand all the statistical voodoo they did with the study, but it looks fairly thorough considering what they had to work with. First, their methods. They examined 253 veterans between 2000 and 2003 "upon entering Gulf War Screening and PTSD Programs at the Cincinnati Veterans Affairs." They didn't track them over time, but instead took psychological and physiological data, then ran that through statistical models. One benefit they got, at least, was that they had a natural control group among the veterans who scored <20 on CAPS. I don't understand Wald statistics, which is the measure they used, so I'm not totally clear on just how strong the correlation is except relative to other correlations. But it looks like a very strong correlation - PTSD severity managed to beat age as a risk factor and was only exceeded by gender: > As with our previous investigation, being older (Wald= 3.86, p= 0.050, OR= 1.03), male gender (Wald= 4.84, p= 0.028, OR= 0.17) and higher PTSD severity as represented by the CAPS total score (Wald= 4.04, p= 0.044, OR= 1.01) were significantly and uniquely associated with higher metabolic syndrome risk. Antipsychotic medication use, however, did not appear to be a significantly unique predictor of metabolic syndrome (Wald= 0.30, p= 0.587, OR= 1.25) when in context of the selected predictors (including severity of PTSD). A Wald of 0 means no correlation, so that's really low for the antipsychotics. However, it has a ridiculously high p-value, roughly the chance of getting that result from purely random variables even if the result isn't true. p=0.587 roughly means only 41.3% certain of that result. I figure this is because only 33 of their participants were on antipsychotics. It was fairly low with CAPS score (95.6% certain, roughly speaking), but still just barely below the standard cut-off of p<=0.05 to be confident in the finding. However, that doesn't mean this is useless. In fact, it largely corroborated [a study they referenced]( comparing only patients on antipsychotics but with different diagnoses: > Overall, the prevalence rates of metabolic syndrome were 72% in patients with PTSD, 60% in those with schizophrenia, 58% in those with mood disorder, and 56% in those with dementia. Back to the paper under discussion, they ran a bunch of regression models to pick out significant predictors of metabolic syndrome: > Based on the bootstrap analysis, age was a significant predictor of metabolic syndrome status (significant in 30% of the 1000 replications), followed by lifetime nicotine abuse or dependence (21%), and history of substance use or dependence (19%) and PTSD (14%). Antipsychotic medication status was significant in 8% of the replications. I think the results here are a bit different from above because the first ones were correlations and these ones are predictions from running statistical simulations. They recognize the shortcomings of the study and make specific recommendations for future research as well as, I think, a good reason it should be looked at: > The health-related impacts of PTSD are widespread and significant. The risk of metabolic syndrome in a treatment seeking veteran population appeared to be better accounted for by severity of PTSD than by antipsychotic medication use. However, a longitudinal study is strongly recommended to understand the role of PTSD severity and antipsychotic medication use over time on development of metabolic syndrome. Future research directed toward improving and disseminating treatments for PTSD needs to incorporate measures of biological burden (such as metabolic syndrome) to quantify the risks and benefits of such treatments on the physical health of those living with chronic PTSD.
Not the most conclusive results, but damn suggestive. Also, corroborates a previous study that compared patients on antipsychotics with different diagnoses.
That was exactly the stuff I was looking for. Thank you so much! Not a doctor either, but I *am* a biologist. You're totally right about the result significances. I'm very, very familiar with p scores, and you read it dead on. :-) They did cover the the atypicals base, if not comprehensively. I'd still want to know if any of the investigators disclosed ties to Rx companies. So, now we've got a study saying stress shortens telomeres ( ) and another saying traumatic stress can mess with your metabolism, which isn't surprising given the persistent changes some of us show in stress hormone (cortisol) response. Power of the mind. Yikes. TL;DR: It is very important that we take care of ourselves and each other. PTSD is not just a mental illness, it's a full body injury caused by traumatic stress. (There's a contingent who want to change it to post traumatic stress *injury* - ) I really like it when good information shows up in this sub. Thanks again!!
That was exactly the stuff I was looking for. Thank you so much! Not a doctor either, but I am a biologist. You're totally right about the result significances. I'm very, very familiar with p scores, and you read it dead on. :-) They did cover the the atypicals base, if not comprehensively. I'd still want to know if any of the investigators disclosed ties to Rx companies. So, now we've got a study saying stress shortens telomeres ( ) and another saying traumatic stress can mess with your metabolism, which isn't surprising given the persistent changes some of us show in stress hormone (cortisol) response. Power of the mind. Yikes. TL;DR: It is very important that we take care of ourselves and each other. PTSD is not just a mental illness, it's a full body injury caused by traumatic stress. (There's a contingent who want to change it to post traumatic stress injury - ) I really like it when good information shows up in this sub. Thanks again!!
That was exactly the stuff I was looking for. Thank you so much! Not a doctor either, but I am a biologist. You're totally right about the result significances. I'm very, very familiar with p scores, and you read it dead on. :-) They did cover the the atypicals base, if not comprehensively. I'd still want to know if any of the investigators disclosed ties to Rx companies. So, now we've got a study saying stress shortens telomeres ( ) and another saying traumatic stress can mess with your metabolism, which isn't surprising given the persistent changes some of us show in stress hormone (cortisol) response. Power of the mind. Yikes.
It is very important that we take care of ourselves and each other. PTSD is not just a mental illness, it's a full body injury caused by traumatic stress. (There's a contingent who want to change it to post traumatic stress injury - ) I really like it when good information shows up in this sub. Thanks again!!
I made a hammock like this for camping. all I used was a twin sized bed sheet, some paracord, and some tie-down straps, but you can use rope or whatever else works. it's really simple and the instructions can be found online, I revised my initial design, folding the sheet in half, sewing it, and hemming it so it lays more flat. my original design caused the user to lay very low, and engulfed in a cocoon... TL;DR - twin sized bed sheet, rope, possibly some sewing is all you need, I can draw up some plans if anybody is interested :)
I made a hammock like this for camping. all I used was a twin sized bed sheet, some paracord, and some tie-down straps, but you can use rope or whatever else works. it's really simple and the instructions can be found online, I revised my initial design, folding the sheet in half, sewing it, and hemming it so it lays more flat. my original design caused the user to lay very low, and engulfed in a cocoon... TL;DR - twin sized bed sheet, rope, possibly some sewing is all you need, I can draw up some plans if anybody is interested :)
I made a hammock like this for camping. all I used was a twin sized bed sheet, some paracord, and some tie-down straps, but you can use rope or whatever else works. it's really simple and the instructions can be found online, I revised my initial design, folding the sheet in half, sewing it, and hemming it so it lays more flat. my original design caused the user to lay very low, and engulfed in a cocoon...
twin sized bed sheet, rope, possibly some sewing is all you need, I can draw up some plans if anybody is interested :)
As an aspiring animator, it can basically be summed up as: Art is more expensive than one gives it credit for. To elaborate, **each** character in Skullgirls is animated with hand-drawn frames, ranging anywhere from 1200-1800 frames. For **one** character. Throw in that some characters have multiple stances or modes, and that number doubles. Despite claims by *some* that art is the easiest part of game development, that's an insane amount of work and honestly, an animator at any large studio wouldn't do that kind of work unless they were being paid at least twice what the Skullgirls dev team is doing it for. And since Skullgirls is a highly technical fighting game, a lot of work also needs to be done for getting the hitboxes right and testing it against all the other characters. Since competitive fighting is the foundation of fighting games, QA is an extremely important aspect of it. And thanks to Microsoft's stupidly expensive patching fee, the team needs to make sure they iron out all the bugs the first time around. To give it some perspective, the Skullgirls team is working out of southern CA (think LA). For the money they're getting, they're pretty much working for slightly-above minimum wage. To put it simply, they're working in a city with one of the highest costs of living in the world for chump change. Some of the names attached to Skullgirls are industry pros and fighting-game scene stars. They could easily be working anywhere they want for far better wages. They're most assuredly doing this out of love. tl;dr - Games are crazy expensive. EDIT: [Here's a video that quickly summarizes the art process of Skullgirls.](
As an aspiring animator, it can basically be summed up as: Art is more expensive than one gives it credit for. To elaborate, each character in Skullgirls is animated with hand-drawn frames, ranging anywhere from 1200-1800 frames. For one character. Throw in that some characters have multiple stances or modes, and that number doubles. Despite claims by some that art is the easiest part of game development, that's an insane amount of work and honestly, an animator at any large studio wouldn't do that kind of work unless they were being paid at least twice what the Skullgirls dev team is doing it for. And since Skullgirls is a highly technical fighting game, a lot of work also needs to be done for getting the hitboxes right and testing it against all the other characters. Since competitive fighting is the foundation of fighting games, QA is an extremely important aspect of it. And thanks to Microsoft's stupidly expensive patching fee, the team needs to make sure they iron out all the bugs the first time around. To give it some perspective, the Skullgirls team is working out of southern CA (think LA). For the money they're getting, they're pretty much working for slightly-above minimum wage. To put it simply, they're working in a city with one of the highest costs of living in the world for chump change. Some of the names attached to Skullgirls are industry pros and fighting-game scene stars. They could easily be working anywhere they want for far better wages. They're most assuredly doing this out of love. tl;dr - Games are crazy expensive. EDIT: [Here's a video that quickly summarizes the art process of Skullgirls.](
As an aspiring animator, it can basically be summed up as: Art is more expensive than one gives it credit for. To elaborate, each character in Skullgirls is animated with hand-drawn frames, ranging anywhere from 1200-1800 frames. For one character. Throw in that some characters have multiple stances or modes, and that number doubles. Despite claims by some that art is the easiest part of game development, that's an insane amount of work and honestly, an animator at any large studio wouldn't do that kind of work unless they were being paid at least twice what the Skullgirls dev team is doing it for. And since Skullgirls is a highly technical fighting game, a lot of work also needs to be done for getting the hitboxes right and testing it against all the other characters. Since competitive fighting is the foundation of fighting games, QA is an extremely important aspect of it. And thanks to Microsoft's stupidly expensive patching fee, the team needs to make sure they iron out all the bugs the first time around. To give it some perspective, the Skullgirls team is working out of southern CA (think LA). For the money they're getting, they're pretty much working for slightly-above minimum wage. To put it simply, they're working in a city with one of the highest costs of living in the world for chump change. Some of the names attached to Skullgirls are industry pros and fighting-game scene stars. They could easily be working anywhere they want for far better wages. They're most assuredly doing this out of love.
Games are crazy expensive. EDIT: [Here's a video that quickly summarizes the art process of Skullgirls.](
Hopefully you won't mind me copying and pasting my reply to somebody else explaining why this is the case. ----------------- As an aspiring animator, it can basically be summed up as: Art is more expensive than one gives it credit for. To elaborate, **each** character in Skullgirls is animated with hand-drawn frames, ranging anywhere from 1200-1800 frames. For **one** character. Throw in that some characters have multiple stances or modes, and that number doubles. Despite claims by *some* that art is the easiest part of game development, that's an insane amount of work and honestly, an animator at any large studio wouldn't do that kind of work unless they were being paid at least twice what the Skullgirls dev team is doing it for. And since Skullgirls is a highly technical fighting game, a lot of work also needs to be done for getting the hitboxes right and testing it against all the other characters. Since competitive fighting is the foundation of fighting games, QA is an extremely important aspect of it. And thanks to Microsoft's stupidly expensive patching fee, the team needs to make sure they iron out all the bugs the first time around. To give it some perspective, the Skullgirls team is working out of southern CA (think LA). For the money they're getting, they're pretty much working for slightly-above minimum wage. To put it simply, they're working in a city with one of the highest costs of living in the world for chump change. Some of the names attached to Skullgirls are industry and fighting-game scene stars. They could easily be working anywhere they want for far better wages. They're most assuredly doing this out of love. tl;dr - Games are crazy expensive.
Hopefully you won't mind me copying and pasting my reply to somebody else explaining why this is the case. As an aspiring animator, it can basically be summed up as: Art is more expensive than one gives it credit for. To elaborate, each character in Skullgirls is animated with hand-drawn frames, ranging anywhere from 1200-1800 frames. For one character. Throw in that some characters have multiple stances or modes, and that number doubles. Despite claims by some that art is the easiest part of game development, that's an insane amount of work and honestly, an animator at any large studio wouldn't do that kind of work unless they were being paid at least twice what the Skullgirls dev team is doing it for. And since Skullgirls is a highly technical fighting game, a lot of work also needs to be done for getting the hitboxes right and testing it against all the other characters. Since competitive fighting is the foundation of fighting games, QA is an extremely important aspect of it. And thanks to Microsoft's stupidly expensive patching fee, the team needs to make sure they iron out all the bugs the first time around. To give it some perspective, the Skullgirls team is working out of southern CA (think LA). For the money they're getting, they're pretty much working for slightly-above minimum wage. To put it simply, they're working in a city with one of the highest costs of living in the world for chump change. Some of the names attached to Skullgirls are industry and fighting-game scene stars. They could easily be working anywhere they want for far better wages. They're most assuredly doing this out of love. tl;dr - Games are crazy expensive.
Hopefully you won't mind me copying and pasting my reply to somebody else explaining why this is the case. As an aspiring animator, it can basically be summed up as: Art is more expensive than one gives it credit for. To elaborate, each character in Skullgirls is animated with hand-drawn frames, ranging anywhere from 1200-1800 frames. For one character. Throw in that some characters have multiple stances or modes, and that number doubles. Despite claims by some that art is the easiest part of game development, that's an insane amount of work and honestly, an animator at any large studio wouldn't do that kind of work unless they were being paid at least twice what the Skullgirls dev team is doing it for. And since Skullgirls is a highly technical fighting game, a lot of work also needs to be done for getting the hitboxes right and testing it against all the other characters. Since competitive fighting is the foundation of fighting games, QA is an extremely important aspect of it. And thanks to Microsoft's stupidly expensive patching fee, the team needs to make sure they iron out all the bugs the first time around. To give it some perspective, the Skullgirls team is working out of southern CA (think LA). For the money they're getting, they're pretty much working for slightly-above minimum wage. To put it simply, they're working in a city with one of the highest costs of living in the world for chump change. Some of the names attached to Skullgirls are industry and fighting-game scene stars. They could easily be working anywhere they want for far better wages. They're most assuredly doing this out of love.
Games are crazy expensive.
Milk is a colloid; so it's a mixture of a number of different chemicals. It's got water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fat (except skim milk). Vitamin D and K2 are both lipophilic (fat-loving); so, like /u/knockout2281 it depends on the fat content of the milk. Fat actually improves the absorption of D and K2. Zinc and Magnesium, on the other hand, are hydrophilic (water-loving); and are better absorbed when taken with water (or the water found in milk). Additionally there is a type of protein in milk called [casein]( ,which further increases the solulibility of minerals (zinc, magnesium, calcium...) TL;DR: Milk helps.
Milk is a colloid; so it's a mixture of a number of different chemicals. It's got water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fat (except skim milk). Vitamin D and K2 are both lipophilic (fat-loving); so, like /u/knockout2281 it depends on the fat content of the milk. Fat actually improves the absorption of D and K2. Zinc and Magnesium, on the other hand, are hydrophilic (water-loving); and are better absorbed when taken with water (or the water found in milk). Additionally there is a type of protein in milk called casein TL;DR: Milk helps.
Milk is a colloid; so it's a mixture of a number of different chemicals. It's got water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fat (except skim milk). Vitamin D and K2 are both lipophilic (fat-loving); so, like /u/knockout2281 it depends on the fat content of the milk. Fat actually improves the absorption of D and K2. Zinc and Magnesium, on the other hand, are hydrophilic (water-loving); and are better absorbed when taken with water (or the water found in milk). Additionally there is a type of protein in milk called casein
Milk helps.
Listen up bachelor friend, because that flat bottomed cast iron pan is going to be the best thing ever. Like pizza? Of course you do. You can make ballin' individual size fancy pants pizzas in a cast iron pan that will blow your mind. It's super fast and easy and delicious. If you make a mean curry and love indian food, you can get pretty darn close to traditional naan bread using a cast iron skillet. Into southern food? Corn bread is tasty as heck and bakes up in a cast iron pan better than anything else I have tried. Steak and chicken and fish in a flat bottomed skillet may not have pretty grill lines on there, but it will be just as tasty as that grill pan. As other people have mentioned, eggs and veggies and such are also easy in a flat pan, and goddamned impossible in one of those grill pans. tl;dr - FLAT cast iron. Yes. Get one.
Listen up bachelor friend, because that flat bottomed cast iron pan is going to be the best thing ever. Like pizza? Of course you do. You can make ballin' individual size fancy pants pizzas in a cast iron pan that will blow your mind. It's super fast and easy and delicious. If you make a mean curry and love indian food, you can get pretty darn close to traditional naan bread using a cast iron skillet. Into southern food? Corn bread is tasty as heck and bakes up in a cast iron pan better than anything else I have tried. Steak and chicken and fish in a flat bottomed skillet may not have pretty grill lines on there, but it will be just as tasty as that grill pan. As other people have mentioned, eggs and veggies and such are also easy in a flat pan, and goddamned impossible in one of those grill pans. tl;dr - FLAT cast iron. Yes. Get one.
Listen up bachelor friend, because that flat bottomed cast iron pan is going to be the best thing ever. Like pizza? Of course you do. You can make ballin' individual size fancy pants pizzas in a cast iron pan that will blow your mind. It's super fast and easy and delicious. If you make a mean curry and love indian food, you can get pretty darn close to traditional naan bread using a cast iron skillet. Into southern food? Corn bread is tasty as heck and bakes up in a cast iron pan better than anything else I have tried. Steak and chicken and fish in a flat bottomed skillet may not have pretty grill lines on there, but it will be just as tasty as that grill pan. As other people have mentioned, eggs and veggies and such are also easy in a flat pan, and goddamned impossible in one of those grill pans.
FLAT cast iron. Yes. Get one.
Just want to add my two cents about acne. The best way to get rid of it is doing something like the master cleanse or any juice fast/colon cleanse really. Totally serious Too many carbs cause an insulin spike which causes more oil on our skin. Then the quick drop in blood sugar causes hormones called androgens to be released which causes a craving for more sugar/carbs. Androgens also cause more oil to be made on our skin. Cleanses help our body reset so to speak and clear the years of build up out of our bodies. I can see this on myself now; my wife and I are spending a few weeks at my parent's house and I'm seeing breakouts from the carb heavy meals they like to prepare. I used to have really bad acne that got worse when I hit my twenties. I did one of those colon cleanses and a juice fast and it was gone within the month Anyways send me pm's if you want more; on my phone. TL;DR is acne is an internal problem first and foremost
Just want to add my two cents about acne. The best way to get rid of it is doing something like the master cleanse or any juice fast/colon cleanse really. Totally serious Too many carbs cause an insulin spike which causes more oil on our skin. Then the quick drop in blood sugar causes hormones called androgens to be released which causes a craving for more sugar/carbs. Androgens also cause more oil to be made on our skin. Cleanses help our body reset so to speak and clear the years of build up out of our bodies. I can see this on myself now; my wife and I are spending a few weeks at my parent's house and I'm seeing breakouts from the carb heavy meals they like to prepare. I used to have really bad acne that got worse when I hit my twenties. I did one of those colon cleanses and a juice fast and it was gone within the month Anyways send me pm's if you want more; on my phone. TL;DR is acne is an internal problem first and foremost
Just want to add my two cents about acne. The best way to get rid of it is doing something like the master cleanse or any juice fast/colon cleanse really. Totally serious Too many carbs cause an insulin spike which causes more oil on our skin. Then the quick drop in blood sugar causes hormones called androgens to be released which causes a craving for more sugar/carbs. Androgens also cause more oil to be made on our skin. Cleanses help our body reset so to speak and clear the years of build up out of our bodies. I can see this on myself now; my wife and I are spending a few weeks at my parent's house and I'm seeing breakouts from the carb heavy meals they like to prepare. I used to have really bad acne that got worse when I hit my twenties. I did one of those colon cleanses and a juice fast and it was gone within the month Anyways send me pm's if you want more; on my phone.
is acne is an internal problem first and foremost
And how do you know that the church (AKA, First Presidency) didn't do that a long time ago. In fact, with Mountain Meadow Massacre, they did that with the family and even have two memorials and plaques at the massacre site. There's also this: "In 1859 they released from their callings stake president Isaac Haight and other prominent Church leaders in Cedar City who had a role in the massacre. In 1870 they excommunicated Isaac Haight and John D. Lee from the Church. "In 1874 a territorial grand jury indicted nine men for their role in the massacre. Most of them were eventually arrested, though only Lee was tried, convicted, and executed for the crime. Another indicted man turned state’s evidence, and others spent many years running from the law. Other militiamen who carried out the massacre labored the rest of their lives under a horrible sense of guilt and recurring nightmares of what they had done and seen. "Families of the men who masterminded the crime suffered as neighbors ostracized them or claimed curses had fallen upon them. For decades, the Paiutes also suffered unjustly as others blamed them for the crime, calling them and their descendants “wagon burners,” “savages,” and “hostiles.” The massacre became an indelible blot on the history of the region. President Eyring spoke at the 150th anniversary back in 2007, and said, "We believe it is our obligation to understand and learn from the past. For this reason, the Church responded favorably several years ago to the request of three experienced and able historians, Ronald W. Walker, Richard E. Turley, Jr., and Glen M. Leonard, to cooperate with their researching of a book about the awful event that occurred here a century and a half ago. The book they are writing is nearly complete and will be published in coming months by Oxford University Press under the title Massacre at Mountain Meadows. "We express profound regret for the massacre carried out in this valley 150 years ago today and for the undue and untold suffering experienced by the victims then and by their relatives to the present time. "A separate expression of regret is owed to the Paiute people who have unjustly borne for too long the principal blame for what occurred during the massacre. Although the extent of their involvement is disputed, it is believed they would not have participated without the direction and stimulus provided by local Church leaders and members. "We know, too, that many of those who carried out the massacre were haunted all their lives by what they did and saw on that unforgettable day. They and their relatives have also suffered under a heavy burden of guilt. No doubt Divine Justice will impose appropriate punishment upon those responsible for the massacre. Nevertheless, our continued prayer for their relatives is that knowledge of a God who is both just and merciful will bring a measure of peace to their souls." I take it the local church leaders were very repentant and sorry for their actions, as is stated above the guilt and persecution they endured because of their role in the massacre. **TL DR:** The church has publicly stated their regret and sorrow concerning the M.M.M, and the local church leaders who were participants were ex-communicated and went to trial, where they were found guilty. Their families suffered persecution for years.
And how do you know that the church (AKA, First Presidency) didn't do that a long time ago. In fact, with Mountain Meadow Massacre, they did that with the family and even have two memorials and plaques at the massacre site. There's also this: "In 1859 they released from their callings stake president Isaac Haight and other prominent Church leaders in Cedar City who had a role in the massacre. In 1870 they excommunicated Isaac Haight and John D. Lee from the Church. "In 1874 a territorial grand jury indicted nine men for their role in the massacre. Most of them were eventually arrested, though only Lee was tried, convicted, and executed for the crime. Another indicted man turned state’s evidence, and others spent many years running from the law. Other militiamen who carried out the massacre labored the rest of their lives under a horrible sense of guilt and recurring nightmares of what they had done and seen. "Families of the men who masterminded the crime suffered as neighbors ostracized them or claimed curses had fallen upon them. For decades, the Paiutes also suffered unjustly as others blamed them for the crime, calling them and their descendants “wagon burners,” “savages,” and “hostiles.” The massacre became an indelible blot on the history of the region. President Eyring spoke at the 150th anniversary back in 2007, and said, "We believe it is our obligation to understand and learn from the past. For this reason, the Church responded favorably several years ago to the request of three experienced and able historians, Ronald W. Walker, Richard E. Turley, Jr., and Glen M. Leonard, to cooperate with their researching of a book about the awful event that occurred here a century and a half ago. The book they are writing is nearly complete and will be published in coming months by Oxford University Press under the title Massacre at Mountain Meadows. "We express profound regret for the massacre carried out in this valley 150 years ago today and for the undue and untold suffering experienced by the victims then and by their relatives to the present time. "A separate expression of regret is owed to the Paiute people who have unjustly borne for too long the principal blame for what occurred during the massacre. Although the extent of their involvement is disputed, it is believed they would not have participated without the direction and stimulus provided by local Church leaders and members. "We know, too, that many of those who carried out the massacre were haunted all their lives by what they did and saw on that unforgettable day. They and their relatives have also suffered under a heavy burden of guilt. No doubt Divine Justice will impose appropriate punishment upon those responsible for the massacre. Nevertheless, our continued prayer for their relatives is that knowledge of a God who is both just and merciful will bring a measure of peace to their souls." I take it the local church leaders were very repentant and sorry for their actions, as is stated above the guilt and persecution they endured because of their role in the massacre. TL DR: The church has publicly stated their regret and sorrow concerning the M.M.M, and the local church leaders who were participants were ex-communicated and went to trial, where they were found guilty. Their families suffered persecution for years.
And how do you know that the church (AKA, First Presidency) didn't do that a long time ago. In fact, with Mountain Meadow Massacre, they did that with the family and even have two memorials and plaques at the massacre site. There's also this: "In 1859 they released from their callings stake president Isaac Haight and other prominent Church leaders in Cedar City who had a role in the massacre. In 1870 they excommunicated Isaac Haight and John D. Lee from the Church. "In 1874 a territorial grand jury indicted nine men for their role in the massacre. Most of them were eventually arrested, though only Lee was tried, convicted, and executed for the crime. Another indicted man turned state’s evidence, and others spent many years running from the law. Other militiamen who carried out the massacre labored the rest of their lives under a horrible sense of guilt and recurring nightmares of what they had done and seen. "Families of the men who masterminded the crime suffered as neighbors ostracized them or claimed curses had fallen upon them. For decades, the Paiutes also suffered unjustly as others blamed them for the crime, calling them and their descendants “wagon burners,” “savages,” and “hostiles.” The massacre became an indelible blot on the history of the region. President Eyring spoke at the 150th anniversary back in 2007, and said, "We believe it is our obligation to understand and learn from the past. For this reason, the Church responded favorably several years ago to the request of three experienced and able historians, Ronald W. Walker, Richard E. Turley, Jr., and Glen M. Leonard, to cooperate with their researching of a book about the awful event that occurred here a century and a half ago. The book they are writing is nearly complete and will be published in coming months by Oxford University Press under the title Massacre at Mountain Meadows. "We express profound regret for the massacre carried out in this valley 150 years ago today and for the undue and untold suffering experienced by the victims then and by their relatives to the present time. "A separate expression of regret is owed to the Paiute people who have unjustly borne for too long the principal blame for what occurred during the massacre. Although the extent of their involvement is disputed, it is believed they would not have participated without the direction and stimulus provided by local Church leaders and members. "We know, too, that many of those who carried out the massacre were haunted all their lives by what they did and saw on that unforgettable day. They and their relatives have also suffered under a heavy burden of guilt. No doubt Divine Justice will impose appropriate punishment upon those responsible for the massacre. Nevertheless, our continued prayer for their relatives is that knowledge of a God who is both just and merciful will bring a measure of peace to their souls." I take it the local church leaders were very repentant and sorry for their actions, as is stated above the guilt and persecution they endured because of their role in the massacre.
The church has publicly stated their regret and sorrow concerning the M.M.M, and the local church leaders who were participants were ex-communicated and went to trial, where they were found guilty. Their families suffered persecution for years.
Thanks for the info. I was kind of speaking without knowing (it's Game time for thinking). I did not know bigger schools help subsidize the costs already. TL;DR I agree.
Thanks for the info. I was kind of speaking without knowing (it's Game time for thinking). I did not know bigger schools help subsidize the costs already. TL;DR I agree.
Thanks for the info. I was kind of speaking without knowing (it's Game time for thinking). I did not know bigger schools help subsidize the costs already.
I agree.
I think you guys actually agree completely, but you're looking at it from different angles. Onemorethingtodo is saying that her beliefs don't matter unless you're going to date her, and TheFatFuck is saying that someone who idolizes a sociopath would not make a good girlfriend. TL;DR: 10/10 as a pair of boobs, 1/10 would not date.
I think you guys actually agree completely, but you're looking at it from different angles. Onemorethingtodo is saying that her beliefs don't matter unless you're going to date her, and TheFatFuck is saying that someone who idolizes a sociopath would not make a good girlfriend. TL;DR: 10/10 as a pair of boobs, 1/10 would not date.
I think you guys actually agree completely, but you're looking at it from different angles. Onemorethingtodo is saying that her beliefs don't matter unless you're going to date her, and TheFatFuck is saying that someone who idolizes a sociopath would not make a good girlfriend.
10/10 as a pair of boobs, 1/10 would not date.
Even at 25 miles an hour that shit hurts. I was walking in my school parking lot and a girl I knew started speeding up thinking I'd run out of the way. I didn't see her till the last second where I could roll onto her hood. Carried me a good 20 feet and slammed on the breaks. Fuckin' road rash. I put a nice size dent in her hood though. TL;DR I got squished by a bug
Even at 25 miles an hour that shit hurts. I was walking in my school parking lot and a girl I knew started speeding up thinking I'd run out of the way. I didn't see her till the last second where I could roll onto her hood. Carried me a good 20 feet and slammed on the breaks. Fuckin' road rash. I put a nice size dent in her hood though. TL;DR I got squished by a bug
Even at 25 miles an hour that shit hurts. I was walking in my school parking lot and a girl I knew started speeding up thinking I'd run out of the way. I didn't see her till the last second where I could roll onto her hood. Carried me a good 20 feet and slammed on the breaks. Fuckin' road rash. I put a nice size dent in her hood though.
I got squished by a bug
I think there are two main focuses when it comes to friends. First off, you have to be happy around them and like them for who they are, thus if their smoking habits are a huge part of their identity and you can't handle it you will have a harder time being close friends. Second, the key with friends and social environments is to surround yourself with people who best represent who you want to be. If you want to be a studious teenager, you need to find people who are such. If you want to play basketball at a high level, find friends who want the same thing. I am not saying ditch your friends, that you need to change your personality or that weed is a horrible recreational activity, rather if you have different values than your current friends, the best thing is to find people with common interests and build off of each other. **TL;DR** When you have friends that hold high standards for the aspirations you desire, they will hold you accountable and shape you for the better.
I think there are two main focuses when it comes to friends. First off, you have to be happy around them and like them for who they are, thus if their smoking habits are a huge part of their identity and you can't handle it you will have a harder time being close friends. Second, the key with friends and social environments is to surround yourself with people who best represent who you want to be. If you want to be a studious teenager, you need to find people who are such. If you want to play basketball at a high level, find friends who want the same thing. I am not saying ditch your friends, that you need to change your personality or that weed is a horrible recreational activity, rather if you have different values than your current friends, the best thing is to find people with common interests and build off of each other. TL;DR When you have friends that hold high standards for the aspirations you desire, they will hold you accountable and shape you for the better.
I think there are two main focuses when it comes to friends. First off, you have to be happy around them and like them for who they are, thus if their smoking habits are a huge part of their identity and you can't handle it you will have a harder time being close friends. Second, the key with friends and social environments is to surround yourself with people who best represent who you want to be. If you want to be a studious teenager, you need to find people who are such. If you want to play basketball at a high level, find friends who want the same thing. I am not saying ditch your friends, that you need to change your personality or that weed is a horrible recreational activity, rather if you have different values than your current friends, the best thing is to find people with common interests and build off of each other.
When you have friends that hold high standards for the aspirations you desire, they will hold you accountable and shape you for the better.
Bernese also, in general, only have the white up to the top of their feet, sometimes (like in mine) it goes up like higher socks, but NEVER as high as what you see here. TL;DR: bernese white shoes, not tall boots
Bernese also, in general, only have the white up to the top of their feet, sometimes (like in mine) it goes up like higher socks, but NEVER as high as what you see here. TL;DR: bernese white shoes, not tall boots
Bernese also, in general, only have the white up to the top of their feet, sometimes (like in mine) it goes up like higher socks, but NEVER as high as what you see here.
bernese white shoes, not tall boots
Before Islam, people used to pray to that stone (Meteorite) thinking it was from heaven since it fell from the skies. When Islam first came around, Muhammad instructed his followers to pray towards Jerusalem, the Holy city. However, when he came to hear of this black stone and of thousands of people travelling to see it, touch it, kiss it, and worship it, he instructed his followers to pray towards it instead, and the Ka'bah was built around it. This is simply a way to get people to convert more easily, by adapting their existing rites and rituals. For example, Christianity adapted Pagan holidays as their own to make it easier for Pagans to embrace Christianity. I'm sure you know the Christmas is not Jesus' birthday, but a Pagan celebration of the winter solstice. tl;dr: Religion is plagiarized.
Before Islam, people used to pray to that stone (Meteorite) thinking it was from heaven since it fell from the skies. When Islam first came around, Muhammad instructed his followers to pray towards Jerusalem, the Holy city. However, when he came to hear of this black stone and of thousands of people travelling to see it, touch it, kiss it, and worship it, he instructed his followers to pray towards it instead, and the Ka'bah was built around it. This is simply a way to get people to convert more easily, by adapting their existing rites and rituals. For example, Christianity adapted Pagan holidays as their own to make it easier for Pagans to embrace Christianity. I'm sure you know the Christmas is not Jesus' birthday, but a Pagan celebration of the winter solstice. tl;dr: Religion is plagiarized.
Before Islam, people used to pray to that stone (Meteorite) thinking it was from heaven since it fell from the skies. When Islam first came around, Muhammad instructed his followers to pray towards Jerusalem, the Holy city. However, when he came to hear of this black stone and of thousands of people travelling to see it, touch it, kiss it, and worship it, he instructed his followers to pray towards it instead, and the Ka'bah was built around it. This is simply a way to get people to convert more easily, by adapting their existing rites and rituals. For example, Christianity adapted Pagan holidays as their own to make it easier for Pagans to embrace Christianity. I'm sure you know the Christmas is not Jesus' birthday, but a Pagan celebration of the winter solstice.
Religion is plagiarized.
Maybe I can try to explain. Limits are a way to find the value of something that doesn't exist, but assuming it does exist. I know that is a insane sentence but I shall try to give it some grammatical Paxil. Imagine a straight line. Now take an exact point out of that line. So this line has a break in it at said exact point. (We will ignore the whole thing of wether an exact point exists since we know that we took it out. It's a little bit of circular logic, but we will just use more circular logic to explain it. Infinity is funny like that) So we have a line with a point taken out. Since this is a math topic, we shall relate it to a train and a railroad. There is a railroad that is precisely straight and is infinitely long. If a train travels along this railroad at a constant speed, you can determine its location at any given time. When the train encounters this point that is taken out, it ceases to exist (just assume this is true, because its the question we are trying to answer). When it is on the other side of this point it exists again. We can use limits to say, if the train where to exist at that point that we have taken out of the railroad, it would be here, even though it actually isn't. That's the benifit of limits. Now since we have taken this point out of the railroad, and we say the train exists on one side of it and appears on the other side when it encounters that point, we could move around these two halves of the track along one axis (just making sure the train isn't in two locations at the same time). Now we have two limits. One which is where the train will be at that point if the train where coming at it from one side, and the point where it would be coming from if it came from the other. Mathematicians use the + and - signs to denote these two different limits. If its just a straight railroad with an exact point taken out, then the two limits will be the same, and therefore the distinction isn't important. Now imagine that there is a railroad that just begins. You cannot find the exact point it begins, but you know the positive limit. Because if the train where to approach it, you'd be able to say it'd be at that exact point at that time. However, since the track just appears, there is no negative limit since you don't know anything about how the train is traveling, since there is no train! That's all he was saying, Tl;DR since something cannot happen within a negative period of time, we just have to look at what happens when something gets continually faster till time is zero. I hope that explained something to someone and doesn't fuck anyone over who is in Cal 1 because it was a simplification (or because I stupided up something). Sorry to anyone who was.
Maybe I can try to explain. Limits are a way to find the value of something that doesn't exist, but assuming it does exist. I know that is a insane sentence but I shall try to give it some grammatical Paxil. Imagine a straight line. Now take an exact point out of that line. So this line has a break in it at said exact point. (We will ignore the whole thing of wether an exact point exists since we know that we took it out. It's a little bit of circular logic, but we will just use more circular logic to explain it. Infinity is funny like that) So we have a line with a point taken out. Since this is a math topic, we shall relate it to a train and a railroad. There is a railroad that is precisely straight and is infinitely long. If a train travels along this railroad at a constant speed, you can determine its location at any given time. When the train encounters this point that is taken out, it ceases to exist (just assume this is true, because its the question we are trying to answer). When it is on the other side of this point it exists again. We can use limits to say, if the train where to exist at that point that we have taken out of the railroad, it would be here, even though it actually isn't. That's the benifit of limits. Now since we have taken this point out of the railroad, and we say the train exists on one side of it and appears on the other side when it encounters that point, we could move around these two halves of the track along one axis (just making sure the train isn't in two locations at the same time). Now we have two limits. One which is where the train will be at that point if the train where coming at it from one side, and the point where it would be coming from if it came from the other. Mathematicians use the + and - signs to denote these two different limits. If its just a straight railroad with an exact point taken out, then the two limits will be the same, and therefore the distinction isn't important. Now imagine that there is a railroad that just begins. You cannot find the exact point it begins, but you know the positive limit. Because if the train where to approach it, you'd be able to say it'd be at that exact point at that time. However, since the track just appears, there is no negative limit since you don't know anything about how the train is traveling, since there is no train! That's all he was saying, Tl;DR since something cannot happen within a negative period of time, we just have to look at what happens when something gets continually faster till time is zero. I hope that explained something to someone and doesn't fuck anyone over who is in Cal 1 because it was a simplification (or because I stupided up something). Sorry to anyone who was.
Maybe I can try to explain. Limits are a way to find the value of something that doesn't exist, but assuming it does exist. I know that is a insane sentence but I shall try to give it some grammatical Paxil. Imagine a straight line. Now take an exact point out of that line. So this line has a break in it at said exact point. (We will ignore the whole thing of wether an exact point exists since we know that we took it out. It's a little bit of circular logic, but we will just use more circular logic to explain it. Infinity is funny like that) So we have a line with a point taken out. Since this is a math topic, we shall relate it to a train and a railroad. There is a railroad that is precisely straight and is infinitely long. If a train travels along this railroad at a constant speed, you can determine its location at any given time. When the train encounters this point that is taken out, it ceases to exist (just assume this is true, because its the question we are trying to answer). When it is on the other side of this point it exists again. We can use limits to say, if the train where to exist at that point that we have taken out of the railroad, it would be here, even though it actually isn't. That's the benifit of limits. Now since we have taken this point out of the railroad, and we say the train exists on one side of it and appears on the other side when it encounters that point, we could move around these two halves of the track along one axis (just making sure the train isn't in two locations at the same time). Now we have two limits. One which is where the train will be at that point if the train where coming at it from one side, and the point where it would be coming from if it came from the other. Mathematicians use the + and - signs to denote these two different limits. If its just a straight railroad with an exact point taken out, then the two limits will be the same, and therefore the distinction isn't important. Now imagine that there is a railroad that just begins. You cannot find the exact point it begins, but you know the positive limit. Because if the train where to approach it, you'd be able to say it'd be at that exact point at that time. However, since the track just appears, there is no negative limit since you don't know anything about how the train is traveling, since there is no train! That's all he was saying,
since something cannot happen within a negative period of time, we just have to look at what happens when something gets continually faster till time is zero. I hope that explained something to someone and doesn't fuck anyone over who is in Cal 1 because it was a simplification (or because I stupided up something). Sorry to anyone who was.
So... How do we use this to build a FTL drive?
So... How do we use this to build a FTL drive?
So... How do we use this to build a F
Quantum entanglement can be used to transmit a quantum state using classical information; since a classical description of a quantum state is very long, this is sort of like "useful information". At some level, it's incomparable to classical information, since you can't recover the full classical description of a quantum state by measuring it. TLDR: you can use entanglement to transmit quantum information via a classical channel, which is not possible without entanglement.
Quantum entanglement can be used to transmit a quantum state using classical information; since a classical description of a quantum state is very long, this is sort of like "useful information". At some level, it's incomparable to classical information, since you can't recover the full classical description of a quantum state by measuring it. TLDR: you can use entanglement to transmit quantum information via a classical channel, which is not possible without entanglement.
Quantum entanglement can be used to transmit a quantum state using classical information; since a classical description of a quantum state is very long, this is sort of like "useful information". At some level, it's incomparable to classical information, since you can't recover the full classical description of a quantum state by measuring it.
you can use entanglement to transmit quantum information via a classical channel, which is not possible without entanglement.
Imagine a train, and two lightning bolts striking the field next to the train, one near the end of the train and one near the front. An oberver at the end of the train might be closer to one bolt than the other, so the light from the nearer bolt will arrive sooner and the two events do not appear to be simultaneous. Someone in the middle of the train will be the same distance from both lightning bolts, so the events will appear simultaneous. But light has a speed. Instantaneous events by definition don't have a speed, since speed = distance/time, and if time is 0 the answer is undefined. To go back to your thought experiment, the only thing that makes the two events appear to not be simultaneous is the speed of light and how long it takes their clicks to reach you. The data transfer could still be instantaneous, but you wouldn't be able to find out because of the relativity of simultaneity. If I'm understanding this correctly, this is why these Chinese physicists have set a minimum speed, because they haven't been able to measure faster, the quantum interaction could be instantaneous. It's also important to remember only quantum entanglement can be instantaneous, and not any kind of classical signal to measure it. TL;DR It's really difficult to tell if something is instantaneous.
Imagine a train, and two lightning bolts striking the field next to the train, one near the end of the train and one near the front. An oberver at the end of the train might be closer to one bolt than the other, so the light from the nearer bolt will arrive sooner and the two events do not appear to be simultaneous. Someone in the middle of the train will be the same distance from both lightning bolts, so the events will appear simultaneous. But light has a speed. Instantaneous events by definition don't have a speed, since speed = distance/time, and if time is 0 the answer is undefined. To go back to your thought experiment, the only thing that makes the two events appear to not be simultaneous is the speed of light and how long it takes their clicks to reach you. The data transfer could still be instantaneous, but you wouldn't be able to find out because of the relativity of simultaneity. If I'm understanding this correctly, this is why these Chinese physicists have set a minimum speed, because they haven't been able to measure faster, the quantum interaction could be instantaneous. It's also important to remember only quantum entanglement can be instantaneous, and not any kind of classical signal to measure it. TL;DR It's really difficult to tell if something is instantaneous.
Imagine a train, and two lightning bolts striking the field next to the train, one near the end of the train and one near the front. An oberver at the end of the train might be closer to one bolt than the other, so the light from the nearer bolt will arrive sooner and the two events do not appear to be simultaneous. Someone in the middle of the train will be the same distance from both lightning bolts, so the events will appear simultaneous. But light has a speed. Instantaneous events by definition don't have a speed, since speed = distance/time, and if time is 0 the answer is undefined. To go back to your thought experiment, the only thing that makes the two events appear to not be simultaneous is the speed of light and how long it takes their clicks to reach you. The data transfer could still be instantaneous, but you wouldn't be able to find out because of the relativity of simultaneity. If I'm understanding this correctly, this is why these Chinese physicists have set a minimum speed, because they haven't been able to measure faster, the quantum interaction could be instantaneous. It's also important to remember only quantum entanglement can be instantaneous, and not any kind of classical signal to measure it.
It's really difficult to tell if something is instantaneous.
Terrible analogy. The "spin" of the particle isn't established until measured. For your analogy to work (better), you would have to explain that heads or tails isn't actually decided until you open the box. What actually makes it "spooky" is that viewing one half *INSTANTLY* determines what the other half is... This instantaneous action is counter-intuitive to how we know the world works. TL;DR Quantum mechanics reveals faster-than-light communication which is traditionally thought to be impossible.
Terrible analogy. The "spin" of the particle isn't established until measured. For your analogy to work (better), you would have to explain that heads or tails isn't actually decided until you open the box. What actually makes it "spooky" is that viewing one half INSTANTLY determines what the other half is... This instantaneous action is counter-intuitive to how we know the world works. TL;DR Quantum mechanics reveals faster-than-light communication which is traditionally thought to be impossible.
Terrible analogy. The "spin" of the particle isn't established until measured. For your analogy to work (better), you would have to explain that heads or tails isn't actually decided until you open the box. What actually makes it "spooky" is that viewing one half INSTANTLY determines what the other half is... This instantaneous action is counter-intuitive to how we know the world works.
Quantum mechanics reveals faster-than-light communication which is traditionally thought to be impossible.
Downtown is touristy so do that for a day or two tops and then stay away. You will find grocery stores just like in the US outside of downtown, there is a large one near Cable Beach, on the road between the airport and downtown. I highly suggest a trip to the out-islands. Eleuthera &amp; Long Island are ver beautiful. You can look up things to do/see on wikitravel or similar websites. Harbour Island, just off the north end of Eleuthera is really nice and Dean's Blue Hole on Long Island is something worth seeing and swimming over top of. If you go to Long Island visit Max's Conch Stand...great guy, guy conch salad/food. Surfer's Beach, Eleuthera is really nice too - not the greatest for swimming but having the Atlantic waves crash down onto an amazing beach is worth experiencing. tl;dr leave Nassau, see the out-islands edit: I found Exuma dirty and the people not so friendly...don't recommend it.
Downtown is touristy so do that for a day or two tops and then stay away. You will find grocery stores just like in the US outside of downtown, there is a large one near Cable Beach, on the road between the airport and downtown. I highly suggest a trip to the out-islands. Eleuthera & Long Island are ver beautiful. You can look up things to do/see on wikitravel or similar websites. Harbour Island, just off the north end of Eleuthera is really nice and Dean's Blue Hole on Long Island is something worth seeing and swimming over top of. If you go to Long Island visit Max's Conch Stand...great guy, guy conch salad/food. Surfer's Beach, Eleuthera is really nice too - not the greatest for swimming but having the Atlantic waves crash down onto an amazing beach is worth experiencing. tl;dr leave Nassau, see the out-islands edit: I found Exuma dirty and the people not so friendly...don't recommend it.
Downtown is touristy so do that for a day or two tops and then stay away. You will find grocery stores just like in the US outside of downtown, there is a large one near Cable Beach, on the road between the airport and downtown. I highly suggest a trip to the out-islands. Eleuthera & Long Island are ver beautiful. You can look up things to do/see on wikitravel or similar websites. Harbour Island, just off the north end of Eleuthera is really nice and Dean's Blue Hole on Long Island is something worth seeing and swimming over top of. If you go to Long Island visit Max's Conch Stand...great guy, guy conch salad/food. Surfer's Beach, Eleuthera is really nice too - not the greatest for swimming but having the Atlantic waves crash down onto an amazing beach is worth experiencing.
leave Nassau, see the out-islands edit: I found Exuma dirty and the people not so friendly...don't recommend it.
Its not necessarily because the public are retarded; it's because the public, in those types of situations that may necessitate reading a 3-fold pamphlet, wants to learn the information quickly and painlessly. Most information that is written at a higher level takes longer than the time to read the information to actually comprehend and retain said information. 5th grade level version of what I said above (**TL;DR**): People learn faster with simpler words.
Its not necessarily because the public are retarded; it's because the public, in those types of situations that may necessitate reading a 3-fold pamphlet, wants to learn the information quickly and painlessly. Most information that is written at a higher level takes longer than the time to read the information to actually comprehend and retain said information. 5th grade level version of what I said above ( TL;DR ): People learn faster with simpler words.
Its not necessarily because the public are retarded; it's because the public, in those types of situations that may necessitate reading a 3-fold pamphlet, wants to learn the information quickly and painlessly. Most information that is written at a higher level takes longer than the time to read the information to actually comprehend and retain said information. 5th grade level version of what I said above (
People learn faster with simpler words.
long(ish) story, but.... Back when I was at Ft Hood, TX, my family and some some friends went swimming at the local lake. It was flooded, and you just see the roofs of the picnic covers. We decided "Hey, great place to dive from", not taking onto consideration there are picnic grills down there some where. I found one. With my head... Fast forward to the emergency room so they can sew my forehead shut. They give me the numbing shots in my forehead, which hurts enough to fold me over and bring tears to my eyes. The nurse walks away to let the meds take affect. I look to the bed next to me, and there's a little boy there that had to be no more than 4 years old. He looks me square in the eyes and tells me "My mom says it's OK to cry when you get a shot"..... tl/dr - Little dude was a bigger man than me for a few minutes
long(ish) story, but.... Back when I was at Ft Hood, TX, my family and some some friends went swimming at the local lake. It was flooded, and you just see the roofs of the picnic covers. We decided "Hey, great place to dive from", not taking onto consideration there are picnic grills down there some where. I found one. With my head... Fast forward to the emergency room so they can sew my forehead shut. They give me the numbing shots in my forehead, which hurts enough to fold me over and bring tears to my eyes. The nurse walks away to let the meds take affect. I look to the bed next to me, and there's a little boy there that had to be no more than 4 years old. He looks me square in the eyes and tells me "My mom says it's OK to cry when you get a shot"..... tl/dr - Little dude was a bigger man than me for a few minutes
long(ish) story, but.... Back when I was at Ft Hood, TX, my family and some some friends went swimming at the local lake. It was flooded, and you just see the roofs of the picnic covers. We decided "Hey, great place to dive from", not taking onto consideration there are picnic grills down there some where. I found one. With my head... Fast forward to the emergency room so they can sew my forehead shut. They give me the numbing shots in my forehead, which hurts enough to fold me over and bring tears to my eyes. The nurse walks away to let the meds take affect. I look to the bed next to me, and there's a little boy there that had to be no more than 4 years old. He looks me square in the eyes and tells me "My mom says it's OK to cry when you get a shot".....
Little dude was a bigger man than me for a few minutes
Honestly? I wouldn't buy a beardie if I were in your situation. Moving it back and forth every week would be way too stressful on the animal, not to mention incredibly expensive (although you would have the plus of already having the equipment if you decided to get a second one in the future). And leaving it alone for a week at a time to make it your parents responsibility isn't fair to them or the animal. You wouldn't be able to bond with it the same way you would if you live where it is full time. TL;DR: Don't get a dragon in till you live on your own or in one location. It's not fair to anyone in the situation no matter how you do it.
Honestly? I wouldn't buy a beardie if I were in your situation. Moving it back and forth every week would be way too stressful on the animal, not to mention incredibly expensive (although you would have the plus of already having the equipment if you decided to get a second one in the future). And leaving it alone for a week at a time to make it your parents responsibility isn't fair to them or the animal. You wouldn't be able to bond with it the same way you would if you live where it is full time. TL;DR: Don't get a dragon in till you live on your own or in one location. It's not fair to anyone in the situation no matter how you do it.
Honestly? I wouldn't buy a beardie if I were in your situation. Moving it back and forth every week would be way too stressful on the animal, not to mention incredibly expensive (although you would have the plus of already having the equipment if you decided to get a second one in the future). And leaving it alone for a week at a time to make it your parents responsibility isn't fair to them or the animal. You wouldn't be able to bond with it the same way you would if you live where it is full time.
Don't get a dragon in till you live on your own or in one location. It's not fair to anyone in the situation no matter how you do it.
I have to agree with this. Even in university, when I only go home once every few months, it is a pain taking my two dragons and one crested gecko home. I actually ended up with a rack system to keep in my apartment, and keep two 40g breeder tanks at home for the dragons. Over $800 in tanks right there ($500 in the rack system, with three decks of 4'x2'x2' vivs). I also transport my bulbs, and have extra fixtures for them at home (Another ~$80). Not to mention transporting feeder insects in their 25g tank for the crickets, and a 50g tupper for the roaches. TLDR: Don't do it. It is not fair for you or the dragon. Wait a couple of years, and then get one.
I have to agree with this. Even in university, when I only go home once every few months, it is a pain taking my two dragons and one crested gecko home. I actually ended up with a rack system to keep in my apartment, and keep two 40g breeder tanks at home for the dragons. Over $800 in tanks right there ($500 in the rack system, with three decks of 4'x2'x2' vivs). I also transport my bulbs, and have extra fixtures for them at home (Another ~$80). Not to mention transporting feeder insects in their 25g tank for the crickets, and a 50g tupper for the roaches. TLDR: Don't do it. It is not fair for you or the dragon. Wait a couple of years, and then get one.
I have to agree with this. Even in university, when I only go home once every few months, it is a pain taking my two dragons and one crested gecko home. I actually ended up with a rack system to keep in my apartment, and keep two 40g breeder tanks at home for the dragons. Over $800 in tanks right there ($500 in the rack system, with three decks of 4'x2'x2' vivs). I also transport my bulbs, and have extra fixtures for them at home (Another ~$80). Not to mention transporting feeder insects in their 25g tank for the crickets, and a 50g tupper for the roaches.
Don't do it. It is not fair for you or the dragon. Wait a couple of years, and then get one.
WG travel preps. Try to get like 16+ creatures with as many 2 drops as possible. Getting 3 travel preps isn't out of the question, but 2 is still great. my favourite sequence in the set is turn 3 end step Midnight Haunting into travel preps. Your opponent won't see it coming. I'm also very fond of the UG self mill deck. Start working on drafting a decent blue deck by taking silent departures, stitched drakes or whatever, then dive in if you see any of the finishers. The deck's strategy is made up of two parts. Enablers and finishers. The enablers are cards like Deranged Assistant, Armored Skaab, Dream Twist, Mulch and Ghoulcaller's Bell pretty much in that order (dropping the bell is pretty understandable, but I like it more than most people seem to). The big finisher is Spider Spawning. It's an uncommon, and most of the others are rares. You want to hold off on this as long as you can without dying. I like using gnaw to the bone to help me survive. The deck has a hump of sorts, where it starts off somewhat slow before picking up steam. The other potential finishers are Kessig Cagebreakers, and Boneyard Wurm. If you see Splinterfright, you're laughing. I'd take this above almost anything, because it's both an enabler as well as a finisher. The biggest advantage to this deck is that most of the cards you need are unplayable or borderline unplayable in other decks. You can really work this to your advantage though, by taking cards that aren't as good for you earlier because the better card for you isn't as great for everyone else. For example, Deranged Assistant is pretty good in other decks, but spider spawning is pretty mediocre, despite being more integral to our strategy. There's actually a combo you can draft. Memory's Journey, and Runic Repetition work so that you can deck yourself and survive. This is good because it means you can just mill yourself as fast as possible without worrying about losing, but also because it means you can load up on enablers and you only need very few finishers. Since Memory's Journey can be flashed back, you don't even need to worry about drawing the combo. Oh yeah, don't forget to draft plenty of creatures. It doesnt matter too too much what they are, but it doesn't work that well if you're struggling for bodies in the yard. wow long. tl;dr play spider spawning
WG travel preps. Try to get like 16+ creatures with as many 2 drops as possible. Getting 3 travel preps isn't out of the question, but 2 is still great. my favourite sequence in the set is turn 3 end step Midnight Haunting into travel preps. Your opponent won't see it coming. I'm also very fond of the UG self mill deck. Start working on drafting a decent blue deck by taking silent departures, stitched drakes or whatever, then dive in if you see any of the finishers. The deck's strategy is made up of two parts. Enablers and finishers. The enablers are cards like Deranged Assistant, Armored Skaab, Dream Twist, Mulch and Ghoulcaller's Bell pretty much in that order (dropping the bell is pretty understandable, but I like it more than most people seem to). The big finisher is Spider Spawning. It's an uncommon, and most of the others are rares. You want to hold off on this as long as you can without dying. I like using gnaw to the bone to help me survive. The deck has a hump of sorts, where it starts off somewhat slow before picking up steam. The other potential finishers are Kessig Cagebreakers, and Boneyard Wurm. If you see Splinterfright, you're laughing. I'd take this above almost anything, because it's both an enabler as well as a finisher. The biggest advantage to this deck is that most of the cards you need are unplayable or borderline unplayable in other decks. You can really work this to your advantage though, by taking cards that aren't as good for you earlier because the better card for you isn't as great for everyone else. For example, Deranged Assistant is pretty good in other decks, but spider spawning is pretty mediocre, despite being more integral to our strategy. There's actually a combo you can draft. Memory's Journey, and Runic Repetition work so that you can deck yourself and survive. This is good because it means you can just mill yourself as fast as possible without worrying about losing, but also because it means you can load up on enablers and you only need very few finishers. Since Memory's Journey can be flashed back, you don't even need to worry about drawing the combo. Oh yeah, don't forget to draft plenty of creatures. It doesnt matter too too much what they are, but it doesn't work that well if you're struggling for bodies in the yard. wow long. tl;dr play spider spawning
WG travel preps. Try to get like 16+ creatures with as many 2 drops as possible. Getting 3 travel preps isn't out of the question, but 2 is still great. my favourite sequence in the set is turn 3 end step Midnight Haunting into travel preps. Your opponent won't see it coming. I'm also very fond of the UG self mill deck. Start working on drafting a decent blue deck by taking silent departures, stitched drakes or whatever, then dive in if you see any of the finishers. The deck's strategy is made up of two parts. Enablers and finishers. The enablers are cards like Deranged Assistant, Armored Skaab, Dream Twist, Mulch and Ghoulcaller's Bell pretty much in that order (dropping the bell is pretty understandable, but I like it more than most people seem to). The big finisher is Spider Spawning. It's an uncommon, and most of the others are rares. You want to hold off on this as long as you can without dying. I like using gnaw to the bone to help me survive. The deck has a hump of sorts, where it starts off somewhat slow before picking up steam. The other potential finishers are Kessig Cagebreakers, and Boneyard Wurm. If you see Splinterfright, you're laughing. I'd take this above almost anything, because it's both an enabler as well as a finisher. The biggest advantage to this deck is that most of the cards you need are unplayable or borderline unplayable in other decks. You can really work this to your advantage though, by taking cards that aren't as good for you earlier because the better card for you isn't as great for everyone else. For example, Deranged Assistant is pretty good in other decks, but spider spawning is pretty mediocre, despite being more integral to our strategy. There's actually a combo you can draft. Memory's Journey, and Runic Repetition work so that you can deck yourself and survive. This is good because it means you can just mill yourself as fast as possible without worrying about losing, but also because it means you can load up on enablers and you only need very few finishers. Since Memory's Journey can be flashed back, you don't even need to worry about drawing the combo. Oh yeah, don't forget to draft plenty of creatures. It doesnt matter too too much what they are, but it doesn't work that well if you're struggling for bodies in the yard. wow long.
play spider spawning
I don't think there is a contradiction there, for a couple of reasons, but I totally understand why it appears that way. Seems like God is telling us to love sinners, yet God has repeatedly used the elements of nature to destroy them in all sorts of dramatic, horrible ways, apparently for the sins of others. The Christian view, though, is that (1) everybody deserves the Sodom and Gomorrah treatment, and it is only the mercy of God that holds it back; (2) death is not the end of anyone's story; (3) God knows every man's heart, and judges it fairly. &gt; Jesus says to accept sinners for who they are As a point of clarification, Jesus sets the example to accept sinners as they are, but He does not allow sinners to continue in sin. Jesus tells an adulterous woman that her sins are forgiven, so "go and sin no more." &gt; God (who is apparently one and the same) goes and destroys a city because two people sinned. Abraham and God have it out on this very subject in Genesis 18: &gt; Then [Abraham] said, "May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten [righteous people] can be found there?" [God] answered, "For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it." God blew up S&amp;G because there were no more than 9 righteous people in the whole town. The region was pretty messed up. Well, what about those zero-to-nine people? God gave Lot and his family an escape route. But let's say that there was still another guy who didn't get the message. Was that cruel of God? This is where #3 comes in. A righteous woman is walking down 1st street in Sodom in a [yellow dress and an umbrella]( when WOOSH, salt-time. A moment later, she's at the pearly gates, right next to Lot's wife, and looking slightly more baffled. Then she steps into heaven for eternity. Not a bad gig. Contrast this to someone who has a grand old life with their own sense of morality, but no time for God. He's got a pretty good life, few troubles, and doesn't really believe in God, because He's not subject to empirical data. This guy dies laughing, followed by an eternity separated from the God of the Universe. The Christian view is that this man has it pretty bad, on the whole. So any punishment that does not lead to death is an act of mercy, because that person has another shot at asking forgiveness from the God of the universe. And death in itself is awful from an earth perspective, but is a drop in the bucket of Eternity, and has little bearing on how well someone fares. So then God who punished S&amp;G for their sins, was really just closing the account on those who were too far gone to have any hope of repenting of their deeds. And Jesus who set the example of showing mercy to those who would repent, *followed by the admonition to sin no more,* is showing extravagant mercy to those who didn't deserve it. *TL;DR In light of the total depravity of man, Justice and Mercy are not in conflict.*
I don't think there is a contradiction there, for a couple of reasons, but I totally understand why it appears that way. Seems like God is telling us to love sinners, yet God has repeatedly used the elements of nature to destroy them in all sorts of dramatic, horrible ways, apparently for the sins of others. The Christian view, though, is that (1) everybody deserves the Sodom and Gomorrah treatment, and it is only the mercy of God that holds it back; (2) death is not the end of anyone's story; (3) God knows every man's heart, and judges it fairly. > Jesus says to accept sinners for who they are As a point of clarification, Jesus sets the example to accept sinners as they are, but He does not allow sinners to continue in sin. Jesus tells an adulterous woman that her sins are forgiven, so "go and sin no more." > God (who is apparently one and the same) goes and destroys a city because two people sinned. Abraham and God have it out on this very subject in Genesis 18: > Then [Abraham] said, "May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten [righteous people] can be found there?" [God] answered, "For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it." God blew up S&G because there were no more than 9 righteous people in the whole town. The region was pretty messed up. Well, what about those zero-to-nine people? God gave Lot and his family an escape route. But let's say that there was still another guy who didn't get the message. Was that cruel of God? This is where #3 comes in. A righteous woman is walking down 1st street in Sodom in a [yellow dress and an umbrella]( when WOOSH, salt-time. A moment later, she's at the pearly gates, right next to Lot's wife, and looking slightly more baffled. Then she steps into heaven for eternity. Not a bad gig. Contrast this to someone who has a grand old life with their own sense of morality, but no time for God. He's got a pretty good life, few troubles, and doesn't really believe in God, because He's not subject to empirical data. This guy dies laughing, followed by an eternity separated from the God of the Universe. The Christian view is that this man has it pretty bad, on the whole. So any punishment that does not lead to death is an act of mercy, because that person has another shot at asking forgiveness from the God of the universe. And death in itself is awful from an earth perspective, but is a drop in the bucket of Eternity, and has little bearing on how well someone fares. So then God who punished S&G for their sins, was really just closing the account on those who were too far gone to have any hope of repenting of their deeds. And Jesus who set the example of showing mercy to those who would repent, followed by the admonition to sin no more, is showing extravagant mercy to those who didn't deserve it. TL;DR In light of the total depravity of man, Justice and Mercy are not in conflict.
I don't think there is a contradiction there, for a couple of reasons, but I totally understand why it appears that way. Seems like God is telling us to love sinners, yet God has repeatedly used the elements of nature to destroy them in all sorts of dramatic, horrible ways, apparently for the sins of others. The Christian view, though, is that (1) everybody deserves the Sodom and Gomorrah treatment, and it is only the mercy of God that holds it back; (2) death is not the end of anyone's story; (3) God knows every man's heart, and judges it fairly. > Jesus says to accept sinners for who they are As a point of clarification, Jesus sets the example to accept sinners as they are, but He does not allow sinners to continue in sin. Jesus tells an adulterous woman that her sins are forgiven, so "go and sin no more." > God (who is apparently one and the same) goes and destroys a city because two people sinned. Abraham and God have it out on this very subject in Genesis 18: > Then [Abraham] said, "May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten [righteous people] can be found there?" [God] answered, "For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it." God blew up S&G because there were no more than 9 righteous people in the whole town. The region was pretty messed up. Well, what about those zero-to-nine people? God gave Lot and his family an escape route. But let's say that there was still another guy who didn't get the message. Was that cruel of God? This is where #3 comes in. A righteous woman is walking down 1st street in Sodom in a [yellow dress and an umbrella]( when WOOSH, salt-time. A moment later, she's at the pearly gates, right next to Lot's wife, and looking slightly more baffled. Then she steps into heaven for eternity. Not a bad gig. Contrast this to someone who has a grand old life with their own sense of morality, but no time for God. He's got a pretty good life, few troubles, and doesn't really believe in God, because He's not subject to empirical data. This guy dies laughing, followed by an eternity separated from the God of the Universe. The Christian view is that this man has it pretty bad, on the whole. So any punishment that does not lead to death is an act of mercy, because that person has another shot at asking forgiveness from the God of the universe. And death in itself is awful from an earth perspective, but is a drop in the bucket of Eternity, and has little bearing on how well someone fares. So then God who punished S&G for their sins, was really just closing the account on those who were too far gone to have any hope of repenting of their deeds. And Jesus who set the example of showing mercy to those who would repent, followed by the admonition to sin no more, is showing extravagant mercy to those who didn't deserve it.
In light of the total depravity of man, Justice and Mercy are not in conflict.
The most scary dream was a few days after my cat (at my parents house) had died. In my dream, I was at my parents house, but my sister called me from the basement and I went there (heck, we don't have a basement!). In the basement, I saw my cat sitting on the chair where he was always sleeping and he looked at me. I said 'I thought you were dead!', and my sister said that it must be some witchcraft. Then, my dad entered the room and was also looking at the cat, and he said something was wrong. At that moment, the cat stood up and some weird shadows appeared from him, which turned to me and everything became black. The next moment, the black disappeared and I was in the basement again, and everyone was gone. I thought 'what happened?' and then felt a strange hand on my shoulder. Some very scary and strange voice then told me: "You just killed your dad." That was so damn scary that I started yelling, but I did not wake up and instead proceeded to hunt down the demon that was in my cat to destroy it, but that was not so scary so not worth to tell. But yeah, I beat him, but it did not bring back my dad until I woke up. TL;DR: A demon took control over my body and I killed my dad. It was just a dream, luckily.
The most scary dream was a few days after my cat (at my parents house) had died. In my dream, I was at my parents house, but my sister called me from the basement and I went there (heck, we don't have a basement!). In the basement, I saw my cat sitting on the chair where he was always sleeping and he looked at me. I said 'I thought you were dead!', and my sister said that it must be some witchcraft. Then, my dad entered the room and was also looking at the cat, and he said something was wrong. At that moment, the cat stood up and some weird shadows appeared from him, which turned to me and everything became black. The next moment, the black disappeared and I was in the basement again, and everyone was gone. I thought 'what happened?' and then felt a strange hand on my shoulder. Some very scary and strange voice then told me: "You just killed your dad." That was so damn scary that I started yelling, but I did not wake up and instead proceeded to hunt down the demon that was in my cat to destroy it, but that was not so scary so not worth to tell. But yeah, I beat him, but it did not bring back my dad until I woke up. TL;DR: A demon took control over my body and I killed my dad. It was just a dream, luckily.
The most scary dream was a few days after my cat (at my parents house) had died. In my dream, I was at my parents house, but my sister called me from the basement and I went there (heck, we don't have a basement!). In the basement, I saw my cat sitting on the chair where he was always sleeping and he looked at me. I said 'I thought you were dead!', and my sister said that it must be some witchcraft. Then, my dad entered the room and was also looking at the cat, and he said something was wrong. At that moment, the cat stood up and some weird shadows appeared from him, which turned to me and everything became black. The next moment, the black disappeared and I was in the basement again, and everyone was gone. I thought 'what happened?' and then felt a strange hand on my shoulder. Some very scary and strange voice then told me: "You just killed your dad." That was so damn scary that I started yelling, but I did not wake up and instead proceeded to hunt down the demon that was in my cat to destroy it, but that was not so scary so not worth to tell. But yeah, I beat him, but it did not bring back my dad until I woke up.
A demon took control over my body and I killed my dad. It was just a dream, luckily.
You can't be agnostic here is why: Simple question do you know if there is an elephant in my kitchen? You couldn't know could you? So you will answer no I don't know. You might think that it is more probable that there isn't but that doesn't matter. If I asked you if you believed there was an elephant in my kitchen you would have to say either yes or no you can't say you don't know because that is not the question it is the same with god. You either have to say yes I believe there is a god or no I don't believe there is you can't say no I don't know what I believe. TL;DR It is a question on what you believe not on what you know.
You can't be agnostic here is why: Simple question do you know if there is an elephant in my kitchen? You couldn't know could you? So you will answer no I don't know. You might think that it is more probable that there isn't but that doesn't matter. If I asked you if you believed there was an elephant in my kitchen you would have to say either yes or no you can't say you don't know because that is not the question it is the same with god. You either have to say yes I believe there is a god or no I don't believe there is you can't say no I don't know what I believe. TL;DR It is a question on what you believe not on what you know.
You can't be agnostic here is why: Simple question do you know if there is an elephant in my kitchen? You couldn't know could you? So you will answer no I don't know. You might think that it is more probable that there isn't but that doesn't matter. If I asked you if you believed there was an elephant in my kitchen you would have to say either yes or no you can't say you don't know because that is not the question it is the same with god. You either have to say yes I believe there is a god or no I don't believe there is you can't say no I don't know what I believe.
It is a question on what you believe not on what you know.
I hate to play the Devil's advocate here (wink wink) but couldn't one argue that the Supreme God of Hinduism, Vishnu, doesn't look like the others you described. Vishnu is blue, the color of the sky. I don't know any blue people. Vishnu has 4 arms and at the end of each has a hand carrying items that signify peace, mediation, sustenance, and war. (I also don't know any 4 armed people.) The fact remains though, you are correct. Religion was a human invention, made to help man come to terms with how truly brief life is. Though I consider myself agnostic, religion has a place in this world, even if that is only to comfort those that can find comfort nowhere else. As much as I appreciate the views in r/atheism, the open-mindedness of our world is the true goal. The issue between the church and scientific studies is the search for knowledge. One group believes all knowledge necessary is predetermined (religion), where the other is constantly searching for more (science). Clearly my decision to remain agnostic shows that, although I believe the search for continued knowledge is necessary, I'm not entirely convinced there is no "higher being". I forget where I first heard it but.... You can't prove the complete absence of a God any easier than a practicing christian can provide definitive proof that there is one. If when I die, there is a Supreme being that judged my entire life, I'd prefer to stand tall and confidently state that I lived my life loving and respecting my fellow man. Even if my fellow man didn't extend me the same courtesy. tl;dr? Fuck me right?
I hate to play the Devil's advocate here (wink wink) but couldn't one argue that the Supreme God of Hinduism, Vishnu, doesn't look like the others you described. Vishnu is blue, the color of the sky. I don't know any blue people. Vishnu has 4 arms and at the end of each has a hand carrying items that signify peace, mediation, sustenance, and war. (I also don't know any 4 armed people.) The fact remains though, you are correct. Religion was a human invention, made to help man come to terms with how truly brief life is. Though I consider myself agnostic, religion has a place in this world, even if that is only to comfort those that can find comfort nowhere else. As much as I appreciate the views in r/atheism, the open-mindedness of our world is the true goal. The issue between the church and scientific studies is the search for knowledge. One group believes all knowledge necessary is predetermined (religion), where the other is constantly searching for more (science). Clearly my decision to remain agnostic shows that, although I believe the search for continued knowledge is necessary, I'm not entirely convinced there is no "higher being". I forget where I first heard it but.... You can't prove the complete absence of a God any easier than a practicing christian can provide definitive proof that there is one. If when I die, there is a Supreme being that judged my entire life, I'd prefer to stand tall and confidently state that I lived my life loving and respecting my fellow man. Even if my fellow man didn't extend me the same courtesy. tl;dr? Fuck me right?
I hate to play the Devil's advocate here (wink wink) but couldn't one argue that the Supreme God of Hinduism, Vishnu, doesn't look like the others you described. Vishnu is blue, the color of the sky. I don't know any blue people. Vishnu has 4 arms and at the end of each has a hand carrying items that signify peace, mediation, sustenance, and war. (I also don't know any 4 armed people.) The fact remains though, you are correct. Religion was a human invention, made to help man come to terms with how truly brief life is. Though I consider myself agnostic, religion has a place in this world, even if that is only to comfort those that can find comfort nowhere else. As much as I appreciate the views in r/atheism, the open-mindedness of our world is the true goal. The issue between the church and scientific studies is the search for knowledge. One group believes all knowledge necessary is predetermined (religion), where the other is constantly searching for more (science). Clearly my decision to remain agnostic shows that, although I believe the search for continued knowledge is necessary, I'm not entirely convinced there is no "higher being". I forget where I first heard it but.... You can't prove the complete absence of a God any easier than a practicing christian can provide definitive proof that there is one. If when I die, there is a Supreme being that judged my entire life, I'd prefer to stand tall and confidently state that I lived my life loving and respecting my fellow man. Even if my fellow man didn't extend me the same courtesy.
Fuck me right?
Not exactly a vacation, but from ages 14-17 my brothers and I would stay with my dad every July as part of a custody agreement. As much as I love my dad, the whole set up was pretty horrible for me. It was me, my three brothers, dad, and stepmom all crammed in a 2 bedroom apartment for a month, which meant absolutely no privacy. Also, my dad was pretty overbearing, always wanting to know what I was doing on the computer, who I was talking to on the phone, and just micromanaging everything I did. He would also get offended when I tried to be alone in my room, or go out on my own, even though I would do that at my mum's. But what ticked me off the most was that I had absolutely no say in my schedule. I would be given 5 minutes notice that we were going somewhere. I didn't have a choice in the matter. I don't know if I am alone in this, but I NEED time to mentally prepare myself before doing things. I also cannot stand being forced to do anything, you must ask. I know I wasn't an adult at the time, but still. TL;DR: Every July from 14-17 y/o I was surrounded by family, had no privacy, and had no say over my schedule.
Not exactly a vacation, but from ages 14-17 my brothers and I would stay with my dad every July as part of a custody agreement. As much as I love my dad, the whole set up was pretty horrible for me. It was me, my three brothers, dad, and stepmom all crammed in a 2 bedroom apartment for a month, which meant absolutely no privacy. Also, my dad was pretty overbearing, always wanting to know what I was doing on the computer, who I was talking to on the phone, and just micromanaging everything I did. He would also get offended when I tried to be alone in my room, or go out on my own, even though I would do that at my mum's. But what ticked me off the most was that I had absolutely no say in my schedule. I would be given 5 minutes notice that we were going somewhere. I didn't have a choice in the matter. I don't know if I am alone in this, but I NEED time to mentally prepare myself before doing things. I also cannot stand being forced to do anything, you must ask. I know I wasn't an adult at the time, but still. TL;DR: Every July from 14-17 y/o I was surrounded by family, had no privacy, and had no say over my schedule.
Not exactly a vacation, but from ages 14-17 my brothers and I would stay with my dad every July as part of a custody agreement. As much as I love my dad, the whole set up was pretty horrible for me. It was me, my three brothers, dad, and stepmom all crammed in a 2 bedroom apartment for a month, which meant absolutely no privacy. Also, my dad was pretty overbearing, always wanting to know what I was doing on the computer, who I was talking to on the phone, and just micromanaging everything I did. He would also get offended when I tried to be alone in my room, or go out on my own, even though I would do that at my mum's. But what ticked me off the most was that I had absolutely no say in my schedule. I would be given 5 minutes notice that we were going somewhere. I didn't have a choice in the matter. I don't know if I am alone in this, but I NEED time to mentally prepare myself before doing things. I also cannot stand being forced to do anything, you must ask. I know I wasn't an adult at the time, but still.
Every July from 14-17 y/o I was surrounded by family, had no privacy, and had no say over my schedule.
I'm a big fan of Mousasi, and I agree that Mousasi definitely landed more shots, but maybe I'll have to watch the fight again because by the end of the 5th round Mousasi looked battered and worn out. King Mo may not have been landing as many shots, but his punches had a lot of power and between those shots and the way he was crushing Mousasi against the cage he was wearing him out. When I score fights, I don't give credit for takedowns unless they set up strikes or sub attempts, and even with that perspective I had King Mo winning the fight. King Mo looked like he was ready to keep doing the same thing for 5 more rounds and didn't seem too phased by the damage he was taking, while Mousasi seemed deflated and spent. (Maybe King Mo had some juice helping him, but we are only talking about how the fight went) TLDR; Gegard showed a serious weakness against power wrestlers and that will be a bad matchup for him.
I'm a big fan of Mousasi, and I agree that Mousasi definitely landed more shots, but maybe I'll have to watch the fight again because by the end of the 5th round Mousasi looked battered and worn out. King Mo may not have been landing as many shots, but his punches had a lot of power and between those shots and the way he was crushing Mousasi against the cage he was wearing him out. When I score fights, I don't give credit for takedowns unless they set up strikes or sub attempts, and even with that perspective I had King Mo winning the fight. King Mo looked like he was ready to keep doing the same thing for 5 more rounds and didn't seem too phased by the damage he was taking, while Mousasi seemed deflated and spent. (Maybe King Mo had some juice helping him, but we are only talking about how the fight went) TLDR; Gegard showed a serious weakness against power wrestlers and that will be a bad matchup for him.
I'm a big fan of Mousasi, and I agree that Mousasi definitely landed more shots, but maybe I'll have to watch the fight again because by the end of the 5th round Mousasi looked battered and worn out. King Mo may not have been landing as many shots, but his punches had a lot of power and between those shots and the way he was crushing Mousasi against the cage he was wearing him out. When I score fights, I don't give credit for takedowns unless they set up strikes or sub attempts, and even with that perspective I had King Mo winning the fight. King Mo looked like he was ready to keep doing the same thing for 5 more rounds and didn't seem too phased by the damage he was taking, while Mousasi seemed deflated and spent. (Maybe King Mo had some juice helping him, but we are only talking about how the fight went)
Gegard showed a serious weakness against power wrestlers and that will be a bad matchup for him.
I can't talk about the new game, only played the old one, but that for years. First, you need a huge amount of time to get enough RPs (realmpoints, kinda like your experience for RvR kills) to get a couple of those abilities, so specialising on one character would benefit you. You are at an advantage when you fight an equally skilled group and yours is several RRs (realmranks) higher, thats for sure. If it is not the biggest difference though, coordination and communication are really the greater factor. With that said, it was, in my opinion of course, the best and most rewarding PvP experience in any game I played (MMO mind you, excluding the glorious pre steam CS 1.X times). The large pvp zones where anything could happen where just so much fun. In this moment you would kill an enemy group of 8, in the next you're fleeing from a enemy "zerg" of maybe a 100 people, non stop action. But I digress, good old memories. :) TL;DR You are at disadvantage when you twink and meet equally skilled people that are several ranks higher than you, in a group that (almost) always can be overcome by outplaying them though and you will not be the only person to twink stuff.
I can't talk about the new game, only played the old one, but that for years. First, you need a huge amount of time to get enough RPs (realmpoints, kinda like your experience for RvR kills) to get a couple of those abilities, so specialising on one character would benefit you. You are at an advantage when you fight an equally skilled group and yours is several RRs (realmranks) higher, thats for sure. If it is not the biggest difference though, coordination and communication are really the greater factor. With that said, it was, in my opinion of course, the best and most rewarding PvP experience in any game I played (MMO mind you, excluding the glorious pre steam CS 1.X times). The large pvp zones where anything could happen where just so much fun. In this moment you would kill an enemy group of 8, in the next you're fleeing from a enemy "zerg" of maybe a 100 people, non stop action. But I digress, good old memories. :) TL;DR You are at disadvantage when you twink and meet equally skilled people that are several ranks higher than you, in a group that (almost) always can be overcome by outplaying them though and you will not be the only person to twink stuff.
I can't talk about the new game, only played the old one, but that for years. First, you need a huge amount of time to get enough RPs (realmpoints, kinda like your experience for RvR kills) to get a couple of those abilities, so specialising on one character would benefit you. You are at an advantage when you fight an equally skilled group and yours is several RRs (realmranks) higher, thats for sure. If it is not the biggest difference though, coordination and communication are really the greater factor. With that said, it was, in my opinion of course, the best and most rewarding PvP experience in any game I played (MMO mind you, excluding the glorious pre steam CS 1.X times). The large pvp zones where anything could happen where just so much fun. In this moment you would kill an enemy group of 8, in the next you're fleeing from a enemy "zerg" of maybe a 100 people, non stop action. But I digress, good old memories. :)
You are at disadvantage when you twink and meet equally skilled people that are several ranks higher than you, in a group that (almost) always can be overcome by outplaying them though and you will not be the only person to twink stuff.
Not only is this a really spammy post, but it didn't say "Daufuskie Island" ANYWHERE in that press release. Nor did it include a link to the actual Melrose website. TL;DR: Visit Daufuskie Island, and avoid Melrose.
Not only is this a really spammy post, but it didn't say "Daufuskie Island" ANYWHERE in that press release. Nor did it include a link to the actual Melrose website. TL;DR: Visit Daufuskie Island, and avoid Melrose.
Not only is this a really spammy post, but it didn't say "Daufuskie Island" ANYWHERE in that press release. Nor did it include a link to the actual Melrose website.
Visit Daufuskie Island, and avoid Melrose.
I've been thinking about this long and hard. Here is my answer: It started in 1989 Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 3; The Americanization of Machiko. Little nonnarB was 9 years old when he saw this. Let's start with a description of the episode: *Sam leaps into Charles Lee MacKenzie, a U.S. sailor returning from overseas with his Japanese bride after being stationed in Japan for two years. He lives in a small American town and must help his host's mother accept his new bride, fend off his ex-girlfriend's advances, and fight off racist responses from some of the townspeople.* That's a nutshell, throw in some 80's campiness and melodrama and you've got it. Little me just couldn't figure out why someone would be hurtful or how they could hate another person for looking or acting differently than what is "normal". ESPECIALLY this kind, warmhearted lady. All she wanted was to be happy with her husband and her new family. All stereotypes aside, and there are MANY in this episode, it only amazed me further when my mother told me that this type of thing happened in real life. My father had been in the Vietnam war and they had seen similar instances first hand. [Machiko]( pulled on my heartstrings and impressed upon me an image of Asian women as being compassionate, honorable, and loyal. Fast forward to 1998. I was barely 18 and I went to watch What Dreams May Come (hey, don't judge me, I was young and didn't know any better). Cue the scene where [Leona]( (or [Keiko O'Brien]( if that's your thing) reintroduces herself to her father, saying to him "He said Asian women are so lovely, graceful, and intelligent... and what I thought was, when I grow up, I wanna be that." This again spoke volumes to me, I can also admit the bulk of this would be from the emotion of the scene and of the movie itself (really, don't judge me, I know it wasn't a very popular movie). At this point I can add a greater sexual attraction to the appeal of the ideology that I have already attached to Asian women. I started watching Hollywood movies with Asian actresses. That lead to Kung Fu movies, that turned into almost any Asian movie (be it drama, action, thriller or anything else). In 2005 I met a Filipina/Samoan woman and that was all she wrote. We fell in love shortly after and were married in 2008. To me she is almost perfect. ALMOST everything I could want in a woman. We were together for nearly seven years and it was without a doubt the best time of my life. Now you know why Asian women are my preference. Over ALL others. I'm sure you'll be able to sleep better at night. **TLDR**: Quantum Leap, What Dreams May Come, and love.
I've been thinking about this long and hard. Here is my answer: It started in 1989 Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 3; The Americanization of Machiko. Little nonnarB was 9 years old when he saw this. Let's start with a description of the episode: Sam leaps into Charles Lee MacKenzie, a U.S. sailor returning from overseas with his Japanese bride after being stationed in Japan for two years. He lives in a small American town and must help his host's mother accept his new bride, fend off his ex-girlfriend's advances, and fight off racist responses from some of the townspeople. That's a nutshell, throw in some 80's campiness and melodrama and you've got it. Little me just couldn't figure out why someone would be hurtful or how they could hate another person for looking or acting differently than what is "normal". ESPECIALLY this kind, warmhearted lady. All she wanted was to be happy with her husband and her new family. All stereotypes aside, and there are MANY in this episode, it only amazed me further when my mother told me that this type of thing happened in real life. My father had been in the Vietnam war and they had seen similar instances first hand. [Machiko]( pulled on my heartstrings and impressed upon me an image of Asian women as being compassionate, honorable, and loyal. Fast forward to 1998. I was barely 18 and I went to watch What Dreams May Come (hey, don't judge me, I was young and didn't know any better). Cue the scene where Leona reintroduces herself to her father, saying to him "He said Asian women are so lovely, graceful, and intelligent... and what I thought was, when I grow up, I wanna be that." This again spoke volumes to me, I can also admit the bulk of this would be from the emotion of the scene and of the movie itself (really, don't judge me, I know it wasn't a very popular movie). At this point I can add a greater sexual attraction to the appeal of the ideology that I have already attached to Asian women. I started watching Hollywood movies with Asian actresses. That lead to Kung Fu movies, that turned into almost any Asian movie (be it drama, action, thriller or anything else). In 2005 I met a Filipina/Samoan woman and that was all she wrote. We fell in love shortly after and were married in 2008. To me she is almost perfect. ALMOST everything I could want in a woman. We were together for nearly seven years and it was without a doubt the best time of my life. Now you know why Asian women are my preference. Over ALL others. I'm sure you'll be able to sleep better at night. TLDR : Quantum Leap, What Dreams May Come, and love.
I've been thinking about this long and hard. Here is my answer: It started in 1989 Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 3; The Americanization of Machiko. Little nonnarB was 9 years old when he saw this. Let's start with a description of the episode: Sam leaps into Charles Lee MacKenzie, a U.S. sailor returning from overseas with his Japanese bride after being stationed in Japan for two years. He lives in a small American town and must help his host's mother accept his new bride, fend off his ex-girlfriend's advances, and fight off racist responses from some of the townspeople. That's a nutshell, throw in some 80's campiness and melodrama and you've got it. Little me just couldn't figure out why someone would be hurtful or how they could hate another person for looking or acting differently than what is "normal". ESPECIALLY this kind, warmhearted lady. All she wanted was to be happy with her husband and her new family. All stereotypes aside, and there are MANY in this episode, it only amazed me further when my mother told me that this type of thing happened in real life. My father had been in the Vietnam war and they had seen similar instances first hand. [Machiko]( pulled on my heartstrings and impressed upon me an image of Asian women as being compassionate, honorable, and loyal. Fast forward to 1998. I was barely 18 and I went to watch What Dreams May Come (hey, don't judge me, I was young and didn't know any better). Cue the scene where Leona reintroduces herself to her father, saying to him "He said Asian women are so lovely, graceful, and intelligent... and what I thought was, when I grow up, I wanna be that." This again spoke volumes to me, I can also admit the bulk of this would be from the emotion of the scene and of the movie itself (really, don't judge me, I know it wasn't a very popular movie). At this point I can add a greater sexual attraction to the appeal of the ideology that I have already attached to Asian women. I started watching Hollywood movies with Asian actresses. That lead to Kung Fu movies, that turned into almost any Asian movie (be it drama, action, thriller or anything else). In 2005 I met a Filipina/Samoan woman and that was all she wrote. We fell in love shortly after and were married in 2008. To me she is almost perfect. ALMOST everything I could want in a woman. We were together for nearly seven years and it was without a doubt the best time of my life. Now you know why Asian women are my preference. Over ALL others. I'm sure you'll be able to sleep better at night.
Quantum Leap, What Dreams May Come, and love.
&gt;Kush refers to a subset of strains of Cannabis indica. The origins of Kush Cannabis are from landrace plants mainly in Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan and North-Western India [1] with the name coming from the Hindu Kush mountain range. "Hindu Kush" strains of Cannabis were brought to the United States in the mid-to-late 1970s and continue to be available there to the present day. TL;DR Kush comes from the "Hindu Kush" mountains. Some indica strain comes from these mountains, it was then called "Kush". But some people like to say kush to refer to good quality indica
>Kush refers to a subset of strains of Cannabis indica. The origins of Kush Cannabis are from landrace plants mainly in Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan and North-Western India [1] with the name coming from the Hindu Kush mountain range. "Hindu Kush" strains of Cannabis were brought to the United States in the mid-to-late 1970s and continue to be available there to the present day. TL;DR Kush comes from the "Hindu Kush" mountains. Some indica strain comes from these mountains, it was then called "Kush". But some people like to say kush to refer to good quality indica
Kush refers to a subset of strains of Cannabis indica. The origins of Kush Cannabis are from landrace plants mainly in Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan and North-Western India [1] with the name coming from the Hindu Kush mountain range. "Hindu Kush" strains of Cannabis were brought to the United States in the mid-to-late 1970s and continue to be available there to the present day.
Kush comes from the "Hindu Kush" mountains. Some indica strain comes from these mountains, it was then called "Kush". But some people like to say kush to refer to good quality indica
Remember some of my games as xerath. i played him pretty ok for the first 30 matches. ok k/d. regular flash/ignite. nothing special. Then when i got better i decided to switch out ignite cause i usually wasnt in range for it anyways depending on the enemy mid pick. I picked tp - people flamed. I picked cleanse - people flamed. I picked barrier - people told me to use ignite. (in most of the games i were fed btw. or at least won my mid). Then i started using cv. Why not? My biggest problem were that the enemy junglers always ganked me and my map awarness was too bad so i took cause whenever it was up i could help my team with vision or simply know if the enemy jungler is coming to kill me and also i would learn to watch at my minimap more often. Used it 3 times. got 10/3 in like every game. Carried everygame. "Report Xerath for Troll Summoner Spells" at the end of every single game. TL;dr I got super fed with CV on Xerath and carried and people still reported me for "trolling". btw it had great synergize when using w at wraith camp and shooting ur spells over the wall to have permanent vision.
Remember some of my games as xerath. i played him pretty ok for the first 30 matches. ok k/d. regular flash/ignite. nothing special. Then when i got better i decided to switch out ignite cause i usually wasnt in range for it anyways depending on the enemy mid pick. I picked tp - people flamed. I picked cleanse - people flamed. I picked barrier - people told me to use ignite. (in most of the games i were fed btw. or at least won my mid). Then i started using cv. Why not? My biggest problem were that the enemy junglers always ganked me and my map awarness was too bad so i took cause whenever it was up i could help my team with vision or simply know if the enemy jungler is coming to kill me and also i would learn to watch at my minimap more often. Used it 3 times. got 10/3 in like every game. Carried everygame. "Report Xerath for Troll Summoner Spells" at the end of every single game. TL;dr I got super fed with CV on Xerath and carried and people still reported me for "trolling". btw it had great synergize when using w at wraith camp and shooting ur spells over the wall to have permanent vision.
Remember some of my games as xerath. i played him pretty ok for the first 30 matches. ok k/d. regular flash/ignite. nothing special. Then when i got better i decided to switch out ignite cause i usually wasnt in range for it anyways depending on the enemy mid pick. I picked tp - people flamed. I picked cleanse - people flamed. I picked barrier - people told me to use ignite. (in most of the games i were fed btw. or at least won my mid). Then i started using cv. Why not? My biggest problem were that the enemy junglers always ganked me and my map awarness was too bad so i took cause whenever it was up i could help my team with vision or simply know if the enemy jungler is coming to kill me and also i would learn to watch at my minimap more often. Used it 3 times. got 10/3 in like every game. Carried everygame. "Report Xerath for Troll Summoner Spells" at the end of every single game.
I got super fed with CV on Xerath and carried and people still reported me for "trolling". btw it had great synergize when using w at wraith camp and shooting ur spells over the wall to have permanent vision.
I just finished a game with trollpick trynd bot for adc, because he felt like it and "normal is for fun". In which universe fun is feeding the whole game and leaving the lane, so that other adc could get fed? Am i mad? Yea, i am, because i play mostly normals, and i play them seriously - to win and learn the game, not to waste my time, because someone likes to "have fun". Do not play team games if you like that kind of play - go "have fun" in FPS or RTS games, where you can play 1v1, and when you want to lose intentionally, because you "feel" like playing that champ and when there's 99% chance that you will get outpicked, you can lose without annoying others. TLDR: Don't be a selfish bastard - some people play normals for real and do not wish to waste time and nerves, because you want to try something new. That's what bots and customs are for. Peace.
I just finished a game with trollpick trynd bot for adc, because he felt like it and "normal is for fun". In which universe fun is feeding the whole game and leaving the lane, so that other adc could get fed? Am i mad? Yea, i am, because i play mostly normals, and i play them seriously - to win and learn the game, not to waste my time, because someone likes to "have fun". Do not play team games if you like that kind of play - go "have fun" in FPS or RTS games, where you can play 1v1, and when you want to lose intentionally, because you "feel" like playing that champ and when there's 99% chance that you will get outpicked, you can lose without annoying others. TLDR: Don't be a selfish bastard - some people play normals for real and do not wish to waste time and nerves, because you want to try something new. That's what bots and customs are for. Peace.
I just finished a game with trollpick trynd bot for adc, because he felt like it and "normal is for fun". In which universe fun is feeding the whole game and leaving the lane, so that other adc could get fed? Am i mad? Yea, i am, because i play mostly normals, and i play them seriously - to win and learn the game, not to waste my time, because someone likes to "have fun". Do not play team games if you like that kind of play - go "have fun" in FPS or RTS games, where you can play 1v1, and when you want to lose intentionally, because you "feel" like playing that champ and when there's 99% chance that you will get outpicked, you can lose without annoying others.
Don't be a selfish bastard - some people play normals for real and do not wish to waste time and nerves, because you want to try something new. That's what bots and customs are for. Peace.
I agree that people should be allowed to play what they want, but at least be competent, if you want to dick around with crappy champions, go do customs or bots, in normals you should at least be adequate with the champion you want to play, or else you are just bringing down the experience of the other people on your team. Despite that, sometimes people are just being tools, I was just in a game where I was duoqueueing bot with someone, and some other guys were duoqueueing too, and they wanted to double jungle, wouldn't listen to me when I told them it was a bad idea (three solos, less xp, etc etc). And eventually they only switched when I told them I was staying in a duo (I had already locked in thresh) so unless they wanted to leave top open all game they would switch. Regardless, they blamed me for every little thing, and would not join in teamfights all game. So yeah. tl;dr Do what you want without ruining the other peoples experiences.
I agree that people should be allowed to play what they want, but at least be competent, if you want to dick around with crappy champions, go do customs or bots, in normals you should at least be adequate with the champion you want to play, or else you are just bringing down the experience of the other people on your team. Despite that, sometimes people are just being tools, I was just in a game where I was duoqueueing bot with someone, and some other guys were duoqueueing too, and they wanted to double jungle, wouldn't listen to me when I told them it was a bad idea (three solos, less xp, etc etc). And eventually they only switched when I told them I was staying in a duo (I had already locked in thresh) so unless they wanted to leave top open all game they would switch. Regardless, they blamed me for every little thing, and would not join in teamfights all game. So yeah. tl;dr Do what you want without ruining the other peoples experiences.
I agree that people should be allowed to play what they want, but at least be competent, if you want to dick around with crappy champions, go do customs or bots, in normals you should at least be adequate with the champion you want to play, or else you are just bringing down the experience of the other people on your team. Despite that, sometimes people are just being tools, I was just in a game where I was duoqueueing bot with someone, and some other guys were duoqueueing too, and they wanted to double jungle, wouldn't listen to me when I told them it was a bad idea (three solos, less xp, etc etc). And eventually they only switched when I told them I was staying in a duo (I had already locked in thresh) so unless they wanted to leave top open all game they would switch. Regardless, they blamed me for every little thing, and would not join in teamfights all game. So yeah.
Do what you want without ruining the other peoples experiences.
The main reason Amumu (and similar champs) faceroll bronze is that nobody knows how to recognize all but the hardest of initiations. They win because they can actually start fights on out of position targets; for starters, in Bronze at least one person is out of position somewhere on the map at any given time, so you can always get your team fed. As well, few people are dense enough to be eluded by "big mummy ult means I go in" when compared to less obvious spells. tl;dr amumu is easy to play (mechanically) and even if he's balanced well most of the player base is not skilled enough to avoid being killed by him, so he wrecks everything below gold &gt;50% of the time
The main reason Amumu (and similar champs) faceroll bronze is that nobody knows how to recognize all but the hardest of initiations. They win because they can actually start fights on out of position targets; for starters, in Bronze at least one person is out of position somewhere on the map at any given time, so you can always get your team fed. As well, few people are dense enough to be eluded by "big mummy ult means I go in" when compared to less obvious spells. tl;dr amumu is easy to play (mechanically) and even if he's balanced well most of the player base is not skilled enough to avoid being killed by him, so he wrecks everything below gold >50% of the time
The main reason Amumu (and similar champs) faceroll bronze is that nobody knows how to recognize all but the hardest of initiations. They win because they can actually start fights on out of position targets; for starters, in Bronze at least one person is out of position somewhere on the map at any given time, so you can always get your team fed. As well, few people are dense enough to be eluded by "big mummy ult means I go in" when compared to less obvious spells.
amumu is easy to play (mechanically) and even if he's balanced well most of the player base is not skilled enough to avoid being killed by him, so he wrecks everything below gold >50% of the time
Honestly, there is no such thing as a 'troll-pick'. What many, if not most of the League of Legends community does, is follow the meta; most players play with the set conventional play styles (e.g. 1, 1, 2 lanes, 2v1 lanes). What most people fail to realize is that the meta is not written in stone; there is no set way to play this game. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but the meta is only designed to give you the best chance of winning the game. And the meta **changes**. If people rage/flame at you for picking a bruiser bot-lane, remember that some (I can't remember who) pro players have predicted bruiser bot-lanes in the pre-season of Season 3. The OP is right, LoL is a game (obviously) and it is a sand-box type game, albeit 3 maps and limited options. Sand-box means that **everything** you do within the game is perfectly fine. However, this is only in the perspective of oneself. This game is a team game, so your game play should try and mesh with others'. But that's my own humble opinion. **My opinion is wrong, fuck me right?** **tl;dr: No such thing as troll pick, meta is not written in stone, LoL is a sand-box type game** (I don't get how the bullet points work...)
Honestly, there is no such thing as a 'troll-pick'. What many, if not most of the League of Legends community does, is follow the meta; most players play with the set conventional play styles (e.g. 1, 1, 2 lanes, 2v1 lanes). What most people fail to realize is that the meta is not written in stone; there is no set way to play this game. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but the meta is only designed to give you the best chance of winning the game. And the meta changes . If people rage/flame at you for picking a bruiser bot-lane, remember that some (I can't remember who) pro players have predicted bruiser bot-lanes in the pre-season of Season 3. The OP is right, LoL is a game (obviously) and it is a sand-box type game, albeit 3 maps and limited options. Sand-box means that everything you do within the game is perfectly fine. However, this is only in the perspective of oneself. This game is a team game, so your game play should try and mesh with others'. But that's my own humble opinion. My opinion is wrong, fuck me right? tl;dr: No such thing as troll pick, meta is not written in stone, LoL is a sand-box type game (I don't get how the bullet points work...)
Honestly, there is no such thing as a 'troll-pick'. What many, if not most of the League of Legends community does, is follow the meta; most players play with the set conventional play styles (e.g. 1, 1, 2 lanes, 2v1 lanes). What most people fail to realize is that the meta is not written in stone; there is no set way to play this game. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but the meta is only designed to give you the best chance of winning the game. And the meta changes . If people rage/flame at you for picking a bruiser bot-lane, remember that some (I can't remember who) pro players have predicted bruiser bot-lanes in the pre-season of Season 3. The OP is right, LoL is a game (obviously) and it is a sand-box type game, albeit 3 maps and limited options. Sand-box means that everything you do within the game is perfectly fine. However, this is only in the perspective of oneself. This game is a team game, so your game play should try and mesh with others'. But that's my own humble opinion. My opinion is wrong, fuck me right?
No such thing as troll pick, meta is not written in stone, LoL is a sand-box type game (I don't get how the bullet points work...)
Back when Evelyn just got a rework everyone was complaining that she was still terrible. Well, I happened to watch some LoL tournament where a guy (Shooshie? Shushi? Some chubby white european guy with black hair) was claiming that she's an amazing mid. Well, he played Eve, and even though his team lost miserably, he consistently did decent with her despite the rest of his team getting destroyed. So I buy her and try her out. Holy. Shit. She was AMAZING at mid! Literally every game I was stomping. Very easy to play, good farm, great ganks, tiny learning curve. But every time people would throw a shitstorm at me for trying to go Eve mid. I'm a troll, I'm an idiot, I'm going to feed, no you're not allowed to pick her, etc. Every game I had a ridiculously good record. Every mid was won, nearly all games were won because my ganks were so unfair. Yet every time I played with new people they'd give me the same grief. So run whatever the hell you want. 99% of people will assume X champ is good/bad solely on how often they're played in pro tournaments. People don't realize, however, that they're picking based on team comps, counterpicks, the meta, etc, and most of this has little to no value to an average solo q player. And sometimes the pros don't realize something is good! Ezreal was untouched for like a year before "suddenly" he was overpowered and everyone played him. TLDR: play what you want and have fun!
Back when Evelyn just got a rework everyone was complaining that she was still terrible. Well, I happened to watch some LoL tournament where a guy (Shooshie? Shushi? Some chubby white european guy with black hair) was claiming that she's an amazing mid. Well, he played Eve, and even though his team lost miserably, he consistently did decent with her despite the rest of his team getting destroyed. So I buy her and try her out. Holy. Shit. She was AMAZING at mid! Literally every game I was stomping. Very easy to play, good farm, great ganks, tiny learning curve. But every time people would throw a shitstorm at me for trying to go Eve mid. I'm a troll, I'm an idiot, I'm going to feed, no you're not allowed to pick her, etc. Every game I had a ridiculously good record. Every mid was won, nearly all games were won because my ganks were so unfair. Yet every time I played with new people they'd give me the same grief. So run whatever the hell you want. 99% of people will assume X champ is good/bad solely on how often they're played in pro tournaments. People don't realize, however, that they're picking based on team comps, counterpicks, the meta, etc, and most of this has little to no value to an average solo q player. And sometimes the pros don't realize something is good! Ezreal was untouched for like a year before "suddenly" he was overpowered and everyone played him. TLDR: play what you want and have fun!
Back when Evelyn just got a rework everyone was complaining that she was still terrible. Well, I happened to watch some LoL tournament where a guy (Shooshie? Shushi? Some chubby white european guy with black hair) was claiming that she's an amazing mid. Well, he played Eve, and even though his team lost miserably, he consistently did decent with her despite the rest of his team getting destroyed. So I buy her and try her out. Holy. Shit. She was AMAZING at mid! Literally every game I was stomping. Very easy to play, good farm, great ganks, tiny learning curve. But every time people would throw a shitstorm at me for trying to go Eve mid. I'm a troll, I'm an idiot, I'm going to feed, no you're not allowed to pick her, etc. Every game I had a ridiculously good record. Every mid was won, nearly all games were won because my ganks were so unfair. Yet every time I played with new people they'd give me the same grief. So run whatever the hell you want. 99% of people will assume X champ is good/bad solely on how often they're played in pro tournaments. People don't realize, however, that they're picking based on team comps, counterpicks, the meta, etc, and most of this has little to no value to an average solo q player. And sometimes the pros don't realize something is good! Ezreal was untouched for like a year before "suddenly" he was overpowered and everyone played him.
play what you want and have fun!
He didn't just bring it back up after years of promising he would. When he did, he completely wiped out much of the database / forums containing private developer forums for heroes and items. Many of those champions are in League today (like Teemo.) He refused to acknowledge it even after many old DotA developers gave proof and simply said fuck you to the community again. That's why people were pissed at him. He had stolen the ideas of many and even though he used them in his final game, he gave no credit to the people who created those ideas (something IceFrog or any other developer with respect to the community would do.) Basically an example of the outrage from creators I am talking about: **infinitevox** &gt;Oh thanks, THREE YEARS LATER. Oh well, now I can finally prove that I was the creator of: Teemo &amp; Rammus &gt; &gt;And that your Dev team went through the DotA hero/ability/item suggestions and RAPED it for ideas for your game. Thanks so much for that. A little credit would have been nice, but instead you took the forums down so no one would know what you did, and even if they did know, they'd have no proof. &gt; &gt;Sad thing is, you were always nice to me. We'd play games with DevilsUrethra, ReposoEternal, GranDgrant, and a slew of other fun folks. Then you turned feral on us when you decided to make LoL. &gt; &gt;As petty as it may seem, some of us TDA and DotA1 Beta members know everything you actually did and have a long memory. There are a handful of us that know exactly how hard you really did try and screw Ice, and how hard you screwed us TDA/Beta members over. Now that we finally have access to the archives, we have the proof we need. &gt; &gt;Most people think you're a dick now, just wait till we start plastering the screenshots of the old forums where you plundered and pillaged our ideas and hard work for your game, and gave no credit or love back in return. He took down one of the biggest gaming forums with a HUGE community (maybe more than this subreddit) just so he could have another source of inspiration just by grabbing whatever ideas other people had. **TL;DR:** Imagine all the posts on Reddit that got high upvotes about a new champion concept was given the green light for themselves to balance it / edit the character so that it will finally be developed. Then Pendragon closing the reddit forums or League forums and releasing that champion under a different game and giving no credit then refusing any knowledge of what he had did.
He didn't just bring it back up after years of promising he would. When he did, he completely wiped out much of the database / forums containing private developer forums for heroes and items. Many of those champions are in League today (like Teemo.) He refused to acknowledge it even after many old DotA developers gave proof and simply said fuck you to the community again. That's why people were pissed at him. He had stolen the ideas of many and even though he used them in his final game, he gave no credit to the people who created those ideas (something IceFrog or any other developer with respect to the community would do.) Basically an example of the outrage from creators I am talking about: infinitevox >Oh thanks, THREE YEARS LATER. Oh well, now I can finally prove that I was the creator of: Teemo & Rammus > >And that your Dev team went through the DotA hero/ability/item suggestions and RAPED it for ideas for your game. Thanks so much for that. A little credit would have been nice, but instead you took the forums down so no one would know what you did, and even if they did know, they'd have no proof. > >Sad thing is, you were always nice to me. We'd play games with DevilsUrethra, ReposoEternal, GranDgrant, and a slew of other fun folks. Then you turned feral on us when you decided to make LoL. > >As petty as it may seem, some of us TDA and DotA1 Beta members know everything you actually did and have a long memory. There are a handful of us that know exactly how hard you really did try and screw Ice, and how hard you screwed us TDA/Beta members over. Now that we finally have access to the archives, we have the proof we need. > >Most people think you're a dick now, just wait till we start plastering the screenshots of the old forums where you plundered and pillaged our ideas and hard work for your game, and gave no credit or love back in return. He took down one of the biggest gaming forums with a HUGE community (maybe more than this subreddit) just so he could have another source of inspiration just by grabbing whatever ideas other people had. TL;DR: Imagine all the posts on Reddit that got high upvotes about a new champion concept was given the green light for themselves to balance it / edit the character so that it will finally be developed. Then Pendragon closing the reddit forums or League forums and releasing that champion under a different game and giving no credit then refusing any knowledge of what he had did.
He didn't just bring it back up after years of promising he would. When he did, he completely wiped out much of the database / forums containing private developer forums for heroes and items. Many of those champions are in League today (like Teemo.) He refused to acknowledge it even after many old DotA developers gave proof and simply said fuck you to the community again. That's why people were pissed at him. He had stolen the ideas of many and even though he used them in his final game, he gave no credit to the people who created those ideas (something IceFrog or any other developer with respect to the community would do.) Basically an example of the outrage from creators I am talking about: infinitevox >Oh thanks, THREE YEARS LATER. Oh well, now I can finally prove that I was the creator of: Teemo & Rammus > >And that your Dev team went through the DotA hero/ability/item suggestions and RAPED it for ideas for your game. Thanks so much for that. A little credit would have been nice, but instead you took the forums down so no one would know what you did, and even if they did know, they'd have no proof. > >Sad thing is, you were always nice to me. We'd play games with DevilsUrethra, ReposoEternal, GranDgrant, and a slew of other fun folks. Then you turned feral on us when you decided to make LoL. > >As petty as it may seem, some of us TDA and DotA1 Beta members know everything you actually did and have a long memory. There are a handful of us that know exactly how hard you really did try and screw Ice, and how hard you screwed us TDA/Beta members over. Now that we finally have access to the archives, we have the proof we need. > >Most people think you're a dick now, just wait till we start plastering the screenshots of the old forums where you plundered and pillaged our ideas and hard work for your game, and gave no credit or love back in return. He took down one of the biggest gaming forums with a HUGE community (maybe more than this subreddit) just so he could have another source of inspiration just by grabbing whatever ideas other people had.
Imagine all the posts on Reddit that got high upvotes about a new champion concept was given the green light for themselves to balance it / edit the character so that it will finally be developed. Then Pendragon closing the reddit forums or League forums and releasing that champion under a different game and giving no credit then refusing any knowledge of what he had did.
I only take issue in ranked, or if someone picks a champion for a role that doesn't fit. Jax support, Nami top, w/e. Certain champions have exceptionally low win rates, and that's where problems arise. I can't know if someone specializes in a champion, and that brings a risk to me when I'm committing my time and ratings to this game. I don't report if they do well, but I will report if in spite of them failing we win. That said, I do understand many people specialize in certain champions that may be alternative to the current meta (I recently played with a VERY good Shyvana, who had a 22-4 win rate with her), and I respect that, but I have to have some way of knowing that is the case. TL;DR If it doesn't go badly, or if they know the champ very well, it's fine. If not, it's a risk that might get you reported.
I only take issue in ranked, or if someone picks a champion for a role that doesn't fit. Jax support, Nami top, w/e. Certain champions have exceptionally low win rates, and that's where problems arise. I can't know if someone specializes in a champion, and that brings a risk to me when I'm committing my time and ratings to this game. I don't report if they do well, but I will report if in spite of them failing we win. That said, I do understand many people specialize in certain champions that may be alternative to the current meta (I recently played with a VERY good Shyvana, who had a 22-4 win rate with her), and I respect that, but I have to have some way of knowing that is the case. TL;DR If it doesn't go badly, or if they know the champ very well, it's fine. If not, it's a risk that might get you reported.
I only take issue in ranked, or if someone picks a champion for a role that doesn't fit. Jax support, Nami top, w/e. Certain champions have exceptionally low win rates, and that's where problems arise. I can't know if someone specializes in a champion, and that brings a risk to me when I'm committing my time and ratings to this game. I don't report if they do well, but I will report if in spite of them failing we win. That said, I do understand many people specialize in certain champions that may be alternative to the current meta (I recently played with a VERY good Shyvana, who had a 22-4 win rate with her), and I respect that, but I have to have some way of knowing that is the case.
If it doesn't go badly, or if they know the champ very well, it's fine. If not, it's a risk that might get you reported.
that's hilarious bc i just played a game where i didn't ban malphite right bc everybody knows there are much higher priority bans. So this guy flames that i didn't ban malphite, then picks zed instead of an ap champ. then he proceeds to die to malphite and those are malph's only two kills in the whole game. meanwhile i go 8-2 as graves and rape malphite and the rest of his team. at the end of the game zed says he was the best on our team and hopes i learn to ban malphite bc he's so op. tl;dr "U R NOOB U DIDNT BAN MALPH HE SO OP"
that's hilarious bc i just played a game where i didn't ban malphite right bc everybody knows there are much higher priority bans. So this guy flames that i didn't ban malphite, then picks zed instead of an ap champ. then he proceeds to die to malphite and those are malph's only two kills in the whole game. meanwhile i go 8-2 as graves and rape malphite and the rest of his team. at the end of the game zed says he was the best on our team and hopes i learn to ban malphite bc he's so op. tl;dr "U R NOOB U DIDNT BAN MALPH HE SO OP"
that's hilarious bc i just played a game where i didn't ban malphite right bc everybody knows there are much higher priority bans. So this guy flames that i didn't ban malphite, then picks zed instead of an ap champ. then he proceeds to die to malphite and those are malph's only two kills in the whole game. meanwhile i go 8-2 as graves and rape malphite and the rest of his team. at the end of the game zed says he was the best on our team and hopes i learn to ban malphite bc he's so op.
This is a bit of human nature, because humans are narrow-minded. Most people especially on lower ELOs tend to just copy things they saw on stream and have a pretty straight mindset, which tells what is good and what is bad, how you have to play. Those people tend not to accept other oppinions that are out of the general consense. If you take a closer look you will see that in Real Life aswell. Especially regarding LoL in my oppinion there is no such things as Troll-Picks, of course there are things that wont work (e.g. if you try to play Karthus as an AD Carry), but even those very niche things might work if you catch enemies of guard. Most people just cannot accept something odd, that is not proven quite yet, because its just easier to stick to the usual stuff. Also people raging about odd Picks or even Bans (leaving Amumu open for example) will loose a lot more games than if they would just accept that someone wants to play something odd and probably even know what they are doing or just trying something entirely new. Best Example for this to me is Support Elise because hands-down after release of Elise people would have raged if you pick her up as Support and nowadays you see her at a really high niveau. TL:DR: Most Humans are narrow-minded and won't think nor acccept odd oppionions (Just a thesis, nothing i can prove its just my Experience so far). Accept odd picks. People should not rage. If you find some severe errors in my english please forgive me because I am not a native English speaker because as the Submitter I am german.
This is a bit of human nature, because humans are narrow-minded. Most people especially on lower ELOs tend to just copy things they saw on stream and have a pretty straight mindset, which tells what is good and what is bad, how you have to play. Those people tend not to accept other oppinions that are out of the general consense. If you take a closer look you will see that in Real Life aswell. Especially regarding LoL in my oppinion there is no such things as Troll-Picks, of course there are things that wont work (e.g. if you try to play Karthus as an AD Carry), but even those very niche things might work if you catch enemies of guard. Most people just cannot accept something odd, that is not proven quite yet, because its just easier to stick to the usual stuff. Also people raging about odd Picks or even Bans (leaving Amumu open for example) will loose a lot more games than if they would just accept that someone wants to play something odd and probably even know what they are doing or just trying something entirely new. Best Example for this to me is Support Elise because hands-down after release of Elise people would have raged if you pick her up as Support and nowadays you see her at a really high niveau. TL:DR: Most Humans are narrow-minded and won't think nor acccept odd oppionions (Just a thesis, nothing i can prove its just my Experience so far). Accept odd picks. People should not rage. If you find some severe errors in my english please forgive me because I am not a native English speaker because as the Submitter I am german.
This is a bit of human nature, because humans are narrow-minded. Most people especially on lower ELOs tend to just copy things they saw on stream and have a pretty straight mindset, which tells what is good and what is bad, how you have to play. Those people tend not to accept other oppinions that are out of the general consense. If you take a closer look you will see that in Real Life aswell. Especially regarding LoL in my oppinion there is no such things as Troll-Picks, of course there are things that wont work (e.g. if you try to play Karthus as an AD Carry), but even those very niche things might work if you catch enemies of guard. Most people just cannot accept something odd, that is not proven quite yet, because its just easier to stick to the usual stuff. Also people raging about odd Picks or even Bans (leaving Amumu open for example) will loose a lot more games than if they would just accept that someone wants to play something odd and probably even know what they are doing or just trying something entirely new. Best Example for this to me is Support Elise because hands-down after release of Elise people would have raged if you pick her up as Support and nowadays you see her at a really high niveau.
Most Humans are narrow-minded and won't think nor acccept odd oppionions (Just a thesis, nothing i can prove its just my Experience so far). Accept odd picks. People should not rage. If you find some severe errors in my english please forgive me because I am not a native English speaker because as the Submitter I am german.
In normals you can play whatever you want but in ranked you better not be fp'ing that shaco or picking him into their tanky/aoe team. That is tantamount intentional feeding as your pick has made every teamfight a 4v5. Ranked is about winning and if you are not picking the champ that gives you the greatest chance to win you are doing it wrong. TL;DR: You don't deserve to be flamed but your teammates don't deserve a lower win % just because you think x champ is more fun.
In normals you can play whatever you want but in ranked you better not be fp'ing that shaco or picking him into their tanky/aoe team. That is tantamount intentional feeding as your pick has made every teamfight a 4v5. Ranked is about winning and if you are not picking the champ that gives you the greatest chance to win you are doing it wrong. TL;DR: You don't deserve to be flamed but your teammates don't deserve a lower win % just because you think x champ is more fun.
In normals you can play whatever you want but in ranked you better not be fp'ing that shaco or picking him into their tanky/aoe team. That is tantamount intentional feeding as your pick has made every teamfight a 4v5. Ranked is about winning and if you are not picking the champ that gives you the greatest chance to win you are doing it wrong.
You don't deserve to be flamed but your teammates don't deserve a lower win % just because you think x champ is more fun.
There is no "best" DPS. It's an MMO, whatever class is leading right now with min/maxers could change with any patch. The only way to be sure you can play as the "best" is to level all 8 advanced classes (16, if you want to play on both Republic and Empire) and keep them all in top tier gear. While I'm sure somebody out there could pull this off, most people probably don't have that kind of time to dedicate to SWTOR. The best course of action is just to focus on what you like and what suits your gameplay style the best. If you like a bit more utility to your classes, commando and sorcerer is a great way to go. My Sorc can double as an off-healer in a pinch, and does sweet AOE damage. Tons of fun. If you want more of a "pure" DPS class, try marauder/sentinal or sniper/gunslinger. My marauder is great at burning down bosses in FPs and Ops. My sniper rocks PVP. And both have great survivability once you get the hang of their assorted skills. Also, stealth characters are a great way to go. I ran a HM the other day on a shadow with two other shadows and a commando. We stealthed and stunned our way through most of it, which was tons of fun. Also, the leveling experience with a stealth capable character is great, because you can skip a lot of trash mobs on the various planets. TL;DR - the "best" DPS is a constantly changing thing. Play what's fun.
There is no "best" DPS. It's an MMO, whatever class is leading right now with min/maxers could change with any patch. The only way to be sure you can play as the "best" is to level all 8 advanced classes (16, if you want to play on both Republic and Empire) and keep them all in top tier gear. While I'm sure somebody out there could pull this off, most people probably don't have that kind of time to dedicate to SWTOR. The best course of action is just to focus on what you like and what suits your gameplay style the best. If you like a bit more utility to your classes, commando and sorcerer is a great way to go. My Sorc can double as an off-healer in a pinch, and does sweet AOE damage. Tons of fun. If you want more of a "pure" DPS class, try marauder/sentinal or sniper/gunslinger. My marauder is great at burning down bosses in FPs and Ops. My sniper rocks PVP. And both have great survivability once you get the hang of their assorted skills. Also, stealth characters are a great way to go. I ran a HM the other day on a shadow with two other shadows and a commando. We stealthed and stunned our way through most of it, which was tons of fun. Also, the leveling experience with a stealth capable character is great, because you can skip a lot of trash mobs on the various planets. TL;DR - the "best" DPS is a constantly changing thing. Play what's fun.
There is no "best" DPS. It's an MMO, whatever class is leading right now with min/maxers could change with any patch. The only way to be sure you can play as the "best" is to level all 8 advanced classes (16, if you want to play on both Republic and Empire) and keep them all in top tier gear. While I'm sure somebody out there could pull this off, most people probably don't have that kind of time to dedicate to SWTOR. The best course of action is just to focus on what you like and what suits your gameplay style the best. If you like a bit more utility to your classes, commando and sorcerer is a great way to go. My Sorc can double as an off-healer in a pinch, and does sweet AOE damage. Tons of fun. If you want more of a "pure" DPS class, try marauder/sentinal or sniper/gunslinger. My marauder is great at burning down bosses in FPs and Ops. My sniper rocks PVP. And both have great survivability once you get the hang of their assorted skills. Also, stealth characters are a great way to go. I ran a HM the other day on a shadow with two other shadows and a commando. We stealthed and stunned our way through most of it, which was tons of fun. Also, the leveling experience with a stealth capable character is great, because you can skip a lot of trash mobs on the various planets.
the "best" DPS is a constantly changing thing. Play what's fun.
&gt;I'm guessing this has been asked before but I'm having trouble finding it Meaning you didn't try at all? It's really not that hard to use the search bar. The sidebar even tells you to search before posting on common topic. &gt;Please read the FAQ and use the search function before posting. Please put more effort in before posting something **you know** has been discussed to death before. Even a google search would turn up the basics of gym etiquette Here are the fittit search results: tl;dr - Act like a normal person. Treat people and things as you would like them to treat you and your things.
>I'm guessing this has been asked before but I'm having trouble finding it Meaning you didn't try at all? It's really not that hard to use the search bar. The sidebar even tells you to search before posting on common topic. >Please read the FAQ and use the search function before posting. Please put more effort in before posting something you know has been discussed to death before. Even a google search would turn up the basics of gym etiquette Here are the fittit search results: tl;dr - Act like a normal person. Treat people and things as you would like them to treat you and your things.
I'm guessing this has been asked before but I'm having trouble finding it Meaning you didn't try at all? It's really not that hard to use the search bar. The sidebar even tells you to search before posting on common topic. >Please read the FAQ and use the search function before posting. Please put more effort in before posting something you know has been discussed to death before. Even a google search would turn up the basics of gym etiquette Here are the fittit search results:
Act like a normal person. Treat people and things as you would like them to treat you and your things.
EDIT: looks like I got carried away and missed the point. Do infact chew aspirin as soon as you call 911. It prevents the bloodcloth from growing. You won't get high from aspirin so there is no need to get it in your bloodstream as fast as possible. Except maybe if you suffer from a migraine attack but then I wouldn't recomment aspirin anyway. Bypassing the firstpass effect of a pharmaceutical product designed for oral ingestion is never a good idea. It can result in much higher blood concentrations than intended. Unless you wanna get high, then it's adviseable to alter the route of ingestion so your liver won't destroy all the precious molecules before they even arrive in the brain. Acetylsalicylic acid (as in aspirin) inhibits an enzyme called cyclooxygenase. It's involved in the formation of bloodplatelets. If you have less aggregating platelets, you lower the risk of bloodcloths forming somewhere in your body. Which could travel through your bloodstream and get stuck in your coronary arteries. However the same enzyme is also responsible for acid management in the stomach. Chronic use of acetylsalicylic acid in high dosages like in aspirin will significantly increase the risk of stomach ulcers and -cancer. There are formulations of acetylsalicylic acid with low dosage specially designed to lower the risk of heart attacks with little to no effects on the stomach. Trust me I'm a scientist. **TL;DR** Don't chew an aspirin a day or you'll shit blood soon.
EDIT: looks like I got carried away and missed the point. Do infact chew aspirin as soon as you call 911. It prevents the bloodcloth from growing. You won't get high from aspirin so there is no need to get it in your bloodstream as fast as possible. Except maybe if you suffer from a migraine attack but then I wouldn't recomment aspirin anyway. Bypassing the firstpass effect of a pharmaceutical product designed for oral ingestion is never a good idea. It can result in much higher blood concentrations than intended. Unless you wanna get high, then it's adviseable to alter the route of ingestion so your liver won't destroy all the precious molecules before they even arrive in the brain. Acetylsalicylic acid (as in aspirin) inhibits an enzyme called cyclooxygenase. It's involved in the formation of bloodplatelets. If you have less aggregating platelets, you lower the risk of bloodcloths forming somewhere in your body. Which could travel through your bloodstream and get stuck in your coronary arteries. However the same enzyme is also responsible for acid management in the stomach. Chronic use of acetylsalicylic acid in high dosages like in aspirin will significantly increase the risk of stomach ulcers and -cancer. There are formulations of acetylsalicylic acid with low dosage specially designed to lower the risk of heart attacks with little to no effects on the stomach. Trust me I'm a scientist. TL;DR Don't chew an aspirin a day or you'll shit blood soon.
EDIT: looks like I got carried away and missed the point. Do infact chew aspirin as soon as you call 911. It prevents the bloodcloth from growing. You won't get high from aspirin so there is no need to get it in your bloodstream as fast as possible. Except maybe if you suffer from a migraine attack but then I wouldn't recomment aspirin anyway. Bypassing the firstpass effect of a pharmaceutical product designed for oral ingestion is never a good idea. It can result in much higher blood concentrations than intended. Unless you wanna get high, then it's adviseable to alter the route of ingestion so your liver won't destroy all the precious molecules before they even arrive in the brain. Acetylsalicylic acid (as in aspirin) inhibits an enzyme called cyclooxygenase. It's involved in the formation of bloodplatelets. If you have less aggregating platelets, you lower the risk of bloodcloths forming somewhere in your body. Which could travel through your bloodstream and get stuck in your coronary arteries. However the same enzyme is also responsible for acid management in the stomach. Chronic use of acetylsalicylic acid in high dosages like in aspirin will significantly increase the risk of stomach ulcers and -cancer. There are formulations of acetylsalicylic acid with low dosage specially designed to lower the risk of heart attacks with little to no effects on the stomach. Trust me I'm a scientist.
Don't chew an aspirin a day or you'll shit blood soon.
Incessantly so. Day after day after hour after minute of no reprieve. And getting help is hard to do without someone else pushing you because you can't see the light anymore. Tl;Dr: depression goddamn sucks.
Incessantly so. Day after day after hour after minute of no reprieve. And getting help is hard to do without someone else pushing you because you can't see the light anymore. Tl;Dr: depression goddamn sucks.
Incessantly so. Day after day after hour after minute of no reprieve. And getting help is hard to do without someone else pushing you because you can't see the light anymore.
depression goddamn sucks.