1 value
defmodule Getaways.Vacation do @moduledoc """ The Vacation context: public interface for finding, booking, and reviewing vacation places. """ import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Getaways.Repo alias Getaways.Vacation.{Place, Booking, Review} alias Getaways.Accounts.User @doc """ Returns the place with the given `slug`. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if no place was found. """ def get_place_by_slug!(slug) do Repo.get_by!(Place, slug: slug) end @doc """ Returns a list of all places. """ def list_places do Repo.all(Place) end @doc """ Returns a list of places matching the given `criteria`. Example Criteria: [{:limit, 15}, {:order, :asc}, {:filter, [{:matching, "lake"}, {:wifi, true}, {:guest_count, 3}]}] """ def list_places(criteria) do query = from p in Place Enum.reduce(criteria, query, fn {:limit, limit}, query -> from p in query, limit: ^limit {:filter, filters}, query -> filter_with(filters, query) {:order, order}, query -> from p in query, order_by: [{^order, :id}] end) |> IO.inspect |> Repo.all end defp filter_with(filters, query) do Enum.reduce(filters, query, fn {:matching, term}, query -> pattern = "%#{term}%" from q in query, where: ilike(, ^pattern) or ilike(q.description, ^pattern) or ilike(q.location, ^pattern) {:pet_friendly, value}, query -> from q in query, where: q.pet_friendly == ^value {:pool, value}, query -> from q in query, where: q.pool == ^value {:wifi, value}, query -> from q in query, where: q.wifi == ^value {:guest_count, count}, query -> from q in query, where: q.max_guests >= ^count {:available_between, %{start_date: start_date, end_date: end_date}}, query -> available_between(query, start_date, end_date) end) end # Returns a query for places available between the given # start_date and end_date using the Postgres-specific # OVERLAPS function. defp available_between(query, start_date, end_date) do from place in query, left_join: booking in Booking, on: booking.place_id == and fragment( "(?, ?) OVERLAPS (?, ? + INTERVAL '1' DAY)", booking.start_date, booking.end_date, type(^start_date, :date), type(^end_date, :date) ), where: is_nil(booking.place_id) end @doc """ Returns the booking with the given `id`. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if no booking was found. """ def get_booking!(id) do Repo.get!(Booking, id) end @doc """ Creates a booking for the given user. """ def create_booking(%User{} = user, attrs) do %Booking{} |> Booking.changeset(attrs) |> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:user, user) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Cancels the given booking. """ def cancel_booking(%Booking{} = booking) do booking |> Booking.cancel_changeset(%{state: "canceled"}) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Creates a review for the given user. """ def create_review(%User{} = user, attrs) do %Review{} |> Review.changeset(attrs) |> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:user, user) |> Repo.insert() end # Dataloader def datasource() do, query: &query/2) end def query(Booking, %{scope: :place, limit: limit}) do Booking |> where(state: "reserved") |> order_by([desc: :start_date]) |> limit(^limit) end def query(Booking, %{scope: :user}) do Booking |> order_by([asc: :start_date]) end def query(queryable, _) do queryable end end
defmodule Asteroid.Subject do use AttributeRepository.Resource, otp_app: :asteroid @moduledoc """ `AttributeRepository.Resource` for subjects Subject resource are real-world physical persons, such as the reader of this documentation. It refers to the OAuth2 definition of a subject. ## Field naming The following fields have standardised meaning: - `"sub"`: the subject identifier (`"sub"` in OAuth2) (`String.t()`) - `"consented_scopes"`: a map whose keys are the `client_id`s and the values the string representation of the already consented scopes (such as `"email profile address"`). Note that although this is the format used in the demo application, other ways to store consented scopes are also possible (but it still has to remain per client) ## Configuration This modules uses the default configuration of `AttributeRepository.Resource` (see `config/1`). ## Security considerations - When storing subject passwords, you shall take into account the specifics of such password (reuse, non-randomness...) and use the relevant algorithms. If you don't know about this topic, you should probably not try to implement it by yourself. ## Example ```elixir iex(13)> alias Asteroid.Subject Asteroid.Subject iex> {:ok, s} = Subject.load("uid=john,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org") {:ok, %Asteroid.Subject{ attrs: %{ "cn" => ["<NAME>"], "displayName" => "<NAME>", "givenName" => ["John"], "mail" => ["<EMAIL>"], "manager" => ["uid=toto,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org"], "sn" => ["Doe"] }, id: "uid=john,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org", modifications: [], newly_created: false }} iex> s = s ...> |> Subject.add("initials", "JD") ...> |> Subject.add("mail", "<EMAIL>") ...> |> Subject.remove("manager") %Asteroid.Subject{ attrs: %{ "cn" => ["<NAME>"], "displayName" => "<NAME>", "givenName" => ["John"], "initials" => "JD", "mail" => ["<EMAIL>", "<EMAIL>"], "sn" => ["Doe"] }, id: "uid=john,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org", modifications: [ {:add, "initials", "JD"}, {:add, "mail", "<EMAIL>"}, {:delete, "manager"} ], newly_created: false } iex> :ok ``` """ def gen_new_id(opts) do "sub-" <> super(opts) end end
defmodule CatalogApi.Address.Iso3166 do @moduledoc false @doc false @spec validate(any()) :: :ok | :error def validate("AB"), do: :ok def validate("AD"), do: :ok def validate("AE"), do: :ok def validate("AF"), do: :ok def validate("AG"), do: :ok def validate("AI"), do: :ok def validate("AL"), do: :ok def validate("AM"), do: :ok def validate("AO"), do: :ok def validate("AQ"), do: :ok def validate("AR"), do: :ok def validate("AS"), do: :ok def validate("AT"), do: :ok def validate("AU"), do: :ok def validate("AW"), do: :ok def validate("AX"), do: :ok def validate("AZ"), do: :ok def validate("BA"), do: :ok def validate("BB"), do: :ok def validate("BD"), do: :ok def validate("BE"), do: :ok def validate("BF"), do: :ok def validate("BG"), do: :ok def validate("BH"), do: :ok def validate("BI"), do: :ok def validate("BJ"), do: :ok def validate("BL"), do: :ok def validate("BM"), do: :ok def validate("BN"), do: :ok def validate("BO"), do: :ok def validate("BR"), do: :ok def validate("BS"), do: :ok def validate("BT"), do: :ok def validate("BV"), do: :ok def validate("BW"), do: :ok def validate("BY"), do: :ok def validate("BZ"), do: :ok def validate("CA"), do: :ok def validate("CC"), do: :ok def validate("CD"), do: :ok def validate("CF"), do: :ok def validate("CG"), do: :ok def validate("CH"), do: :ok def validate("CI"), do: :ok def validate("CK"), do: :ok def validate("CL"), do: :ok def validate("CM"), do: :ok def validate("CN"), do: :ok def validate("CO"), do: :ok def validate("CR"), do: :ok def validate("CU"), do: :ok def validate("CV"), do: :ok def validate("CW"), do: :ok def validate("CX"), do: :ok def validate("CY"), do: :ok def validate("CZ"), do: :ok def validate("DE"), do: :ok def validate("DJ"), do: :ok def validate("DK"), do: :ok def validate("DM"), do: :ok def validate("DO"), do: :ok def validate("DZ"), do: :ok def validate("EC"), do: :ok def validate("EE"), do: :ok def validate("EG"), do: :ok def validate("EH"), do: :ok def validate("ER"), do: :ok def validate("ES"), do: :ok def validate("ET"), do: :ok def validate("FI"), do: :ok def validate("FJ"), do: :ok def validate("FK"), do: :ok def validate("FM"), do: :ok def validate("FO"), do: :ok def validate("FR"), do: :ok def validate("GA"), do: :ok def validate("GB"), do: :ok def validate("GD"), do: :ok def validate("GE"), do: :ok def validate("GF"), do: :ok def validate("GG"), do: :ok def validate("GH"), do: :ok def validate("GI"), do: :ok def validate("GL"), do: :ok def validate("GM"), do: :ok def validate("GN"), do: :ok def validate("GP"), do: :ok def validate("GQ"), do: :ok def validate("GR"), do: :ok def validate("GS"), do: :ok def validate("GT"), do: :ok def validate("GU"), do: :ok def validate("GW"), do: :ok def validate("GY"), do: :ok def validate("HK"), do: :ok def validate("HM"), do: :ok def validate("HN"), do: :ok def validate("HR"), do: :ok def validate("HT"), do: :ok def validate("HU"), do: :ok def validate("ID"), do: :ok def validate("IE"), do: :ok def validate("IL"), do: :ok def validate("IM"), do: :ok def validate("IN"), do: :ok def validate("IO"), do: :ok def validate("IQ"), do: :ok def validate("IR"), do: :ok def validate("IS"), do: :ok def validate("IT"), do: :ok def validate("JE"), do: :ok def validate("JM"), do: :ok def validate("JO"), do: :ok def validate("JP"), do: :ok def validate("KE"), do: :ok def validate("KG"), do: :ok def validate("KH"), do: :ok def validate("KI"), do: :ok def validate("KM"), do: :ok def validate("KN"), do: :ok def validate("KP"), do: :ok def validate("KR"), do: :ok def validate("KW"), do: :ok def validate("KY"), do: :ok def validate("KZ"), do: :ok def validate("LA"), do: :ok def validate("LB"), do: :ok def validate("LC"), do: :ok def validate("LI"), do: :ok def validate("LK"), do: :ok def validate("LR"), do: :ok def validate("LS"), do: :ok def validate("LT"), do: :ok def validate("LU"), do: :ok def validate("LV"), do: :ok def validate("LY"), do: :ok def validate("MA"), do: :ok def validate("MC"), do: :ok def validate("MD"), do: :ok def validate("ME"), do: :ok def validate("MF"), do: :ok def validate("MG"), do: :ok def validate("MH"), do: :ok def validate("MK"), do: :ok def validate("ML"), do: :ok def validate("MM"), do: :ok def validate("MN"), do: :ok def validate("MO"), do: :ok def validate("MP"), do: :ok def validate("MQ"), do: :ok def validate("MR"), do: :ok def validate("MS"), do: :ok def validate("MT"), do: :ok def validate("MU"), do: :ok def validate("MV"), do: :ok def validate("MW"), do: :ok def validate("MX"), do: :ok def validate("MY"), do: :ok def validate("MZ"), do: :ok def validate("NA"), do: :ok def validate("NC"), do: :ok def validate("NE"), do: :ok def validate("NF"), do: :ok def validate("NG"), do: :ok def validate("NI"), do: :ok def validate("NL"), do: :ok def validate("NO"), do: :ok def validate("NP"), do: :ok def validate("NR"), do: :ok def validate("NU"), do: :ok def validate("NZ"), do: :ok def validate("OM"), do: :ok def validate("PA"), do: :ok def validate("PE"), do: :ok def validate("PF"), do: :ok def validate("PG"), do: :ok def validate("PH"), do: :ok def validate("PK"), do: :ok def validate("PL"), do: :ok def validate("PM"), do: :ok def validate("PN"), do: :ok def validate("PR"), do: :ok def validate("PS"), do: :ok def validate("PT"), do: :ok def validate("PW"), do: :ok def validate("PY"), do: :ok def validate("QA"), do: :ok def validate("RE"), do: :ok def validate("RO"), do: :ok def validate("RS"), do: :ok def validate("RU"), do: :ok def validate("RW"), do: :ok def validate("SA"), do: :ok def validate("SB"), do: :ok def validate("SC"), do: :ok def validate("SD"), do: :ok def validate("SE"), do: :ok def validate("SG"), do: :ok def validate("SH"), do: :ok def validate("SI"), do: :ok def validate("SJ"), do: :ok def validate("SK"), do: :ok def validate("SL"), do: :ok def validate("SM"), do: :ok def validate("SN"), do: :ok def validate("SO"), do: :ok def validate("SR"), do: :ok def validate("SS"), do: :ok def validate("ST"), do: :ok def validate("SV"), do: :ok def validate("SX"), do: :ok def validate("SY"), do: :ok def validate("SZ"), do: :ok def validate("TC"), do: :ok def validate("TD"), do: :ok def validate("TF"), do: :ok def validate("TG"), do: :ok def validate("TH"), do: :ok def validate("TJ"), do: :ok def validate("TK"), do: :ok def validate("TL"), do: :ok def validate("TM"), do: :ok def validate("TN"), do: :ok def validate("TO"), do: :ok def validate("TR"), do: :ok def validate("TT"), do: :ok def validate("TV"), do: :ok def validate("TW"), do: :ok def validate("TZ"), do: :ok def validate("UA"), do: :ok def validate("UG"), do: :ok def validate("UM"), do: :ok def validate("US"), do: :ok def validate("UY"), do: :ok def validate("UZ"), do: :ok def validate("VA"), do: :ok def validate("VC"), do: :ok def validate("VE"), do: :ok def validate("VG"), do: :ok def validate("VI"), do: :ok def validate("VN"), do: :ok def validate("VU"), do: :ok def validate("WF"), do: :ok def validate("WS"), do: :ok def validate("YE"), do: :ok def validate("YT"), do: :ok def validate("ZA"), do: :ok def validate("ZM"), do: :ok def validate("ZW"), do: :ok def validate(_), do: :error end
defmodule Plenario.QueryUtils do import Ecto.Query @doc """ Genreically applies ordering. This should be delegated to from the query modules. """ @spec order(Ecto.Queryable.t(), {:asc | :desc, atom()}) :: Ecto.Queryable.t() def order(query, {dir, fname}) do case Enum.empty?(query.order_bys) do true -> do_order(query, dir, fname) false -> query end end defp do_order(query, :asc, fname) do case Enum.empty?(query.group_bys) do true -> order_by(query, [q], asc: ^fname) false -> order_by(query, [q], asc: ^fname) |> group_by(^fname) end end defp do_order(query, :desc, fname) do case Enum.empty?(query.group_bys) do true -> order_by(query, [q], desc: ^fname) false -> order_by(query, [q], desc: ^fname) |> group_by(^fname) end end @doc """ Generically applies pagination. This should be delegated to from the query modules. """ @spec paginate(Ecto.Queryable.t(), {pos_integer(), pos_integer()}) :: Ecto.Queryable.t() | no_return() def paginate(query, {page, size}) do cond do !is_integer(page) or page < 1 -> raise "page must be a non-negative integer" !is_integer(size) or size < 1 -> raise "size must be a non-negative integer" true -> :ok end starting_at = (page - 1) * size query |> offset(^starting_at) |> limit(^size) end @doc """ Applies the given `module.func` to the query if the flag is true, otherwise it simply returns the query unmodified. """ @spec boolean_compose(Ecto.Queryable.t(), boolean(), module(), atom()) :: Ecto.Queryable.t() def boolean_compose(query, false, _module, _func), do: query def boolean_compose(query, true, module, func), do: apply(module, func, [query]) @doc """ Applies the given `module.func` to the query with the given `value` as the parameter to the function if the value is not :empty, otherwise it returns the query unmodified. """ @spec filter_compose(Ecto.Queryable.t(), :empty | any(), module(), atom()) :: Ecto.Queryable.t() def filter_compose(query, :empty, _module, _func), do: query def filter_compose(query, value, module, func), do: apply(module, func, [query, value]) end
defmodule Nebulex.Object do @moduledoc """ Defines a Cache Object. This is the struct used by the caches to store and retrieve data. """ defstruct [:key, :value, :version, :expire_at] @type t :: %__MODULE__{ key: any, value: any, version: any, expire_at: integer | nil } @doc """ Returns the UNIX timestamp in seconds for the given `ttl`. ## Example iex> expire_at = Nebulex.Object.expire_at(10) iex> expire_at - Nebulex.Object.ts() 10 """ @spec expire_at(ttl :: timeout | nil) :: integer | nil def expire_at(nil), do: nil def expire_at(:infinity), do: nil def expire_at(ttl) when is_integer(ttl), do: ts() + ttl @doc """ Returns the remaining time to live for the given timestamp. ## Example iex> expire_at = Nebulex.Object.expire_at(10) iex> Nebulex.Object.remaining_ttl(expire_at) 10 """ @spec remaining_ttl(object_or_ttl :: Nebulex.Object.t() | integer | nil) :: timeout def remaining_ttl(nil), do: :infinity def remaining_ttl(%Nebulex.Object{expire_at: expire_at}), do: remaining_ttl(expire_at) def remaining_ttl(expire_at) when is_integer(expire_at) do remaining = expire_at - ts() if remaining > 0, do: remaining, else: 0 end @doc """ Wrapper for `DateTime.to_unix/2`. ## Example iex> 1_464_096_368 |> DateTime.from_unix!() |> Nebulex.Object.ts() 1464096368 """ @spec ts(datetime :: Calendar.datetime()) :: integer() def ts(datetime \\ DateTime.utc_now()) do DateTime.to_unix(datetime) end @doc """ Returns whether the given `object` has expired or not. ## Example iex> Nebulex.Object.expired?(%Nebulex.Object{}) false """ @spec expired?(Nebulex.Object.t()) :: boolean def expired?(%Nebulex.Object{expire_at: expire_at}) do remaining_ttl(expire_at) <= 0 end def encode(data, opts \\ []) do data |> :erlang.term_to_binary(opts) |> Base.url_encode64() end def decode(data, opts \\ []) when is_binary(data) do data |> Base.url_decode64!() |> :erlang.binary_to_term(opts) end end
defmodule CoursePlanner.Terms do @moduledoc """ Handle all interactions with Terms, create, list, fetch, edit, and delete """ import Ecto.Query alias CoursePlanner.{Repo, Courses.OfferedCourses, Notifications.Notifier, Accounts.Coordinators, Notifications} alias CoursePlanner.Terms.{Holiday, Term} alias Ecto.Changeset @notifier Application.get_env(:course_planner, :notifier, Notifier) def all do query = from t in Term, order_by: [desc: t.start_date, desc: t.end_date] Repo.all(query) end def all_for_classes do Repo.all(from t in Term, join: oc in assoc(t, :offered_courses), join: co in assoc(oc, :course), join: c in assoc(oc, :classes), preload: [offered_courses: {oc, classes: c, course: co}], order_by: [asc: t.start_date, asc:, asc:, asc: c.starting_at, asc: c.finishes_at]) end def new do Term.changeset(%Term{holidays: [], courses: []}) end def create(params) do %Term{} |> term_changeset_with_holidays(params) |> Repo.insert end def get(id) do case Repo.get(Term, id) do nil -> {:error, :not_found} term -> {:ok, Repo.preload(term, [:courses])} end end def edit(id) do case get(id) do {:ok, term} -> {:ok, term, Term.changeset(term)} error -> error end end def update(id, params) do case get(id) do {:ok, term} -> term |> term_changeset_with_holidays(params) |> Repo.update |> format_update_error(term) error -> error end end defp format_update_error({:ok, _} = result, _), do: result defp format_update_error({:error, changeset}, term), do: {:error, term, changeset} defp term_changeset_with_holidays(term, params) do changeset = Term.changeset(term, params) start_date = Changeset.get_field(changeset, :start_date) end_date = Changeset.get_field(changeset, :end_date) holidays = get_holiday_changesets(params, start_date, end_date) changeset |> Changeset.put_embed(:holidays, holidays) |> Term.validate_minimum_teaching_days(holidays) end defp get_holiday_changesets(params, start_date, end_date) do params |> Map.get("holidays", %{}) |> Map.values() |>{}, start_date, end_date, &1)) end def delete(id) do case get(id) do {:ok, term} -> Repo.delete(term) error -> error end end def notify_term_users(term, current_user, notification_type, path \\ "/") do term |> get_subscribed_users() |> Enum.reject(fn %{id: id} -> id == end) |> Enum.each(&(notify_user(&1, notification_type, path))) end def notify_user(user, type, path) do |> Notifications.type(type) |> Notifications.resource_path(path) |> |> @notifier.notify_later() end def get_subscribed_users(term) do offered_courses = term |> Repo.preload([:offered_courses, offered_courses: :students, offered_courses: :teachers]) |> Map.get(:offered_courses) students_and_teachers = OfferedCourses.get_subscribed_users(offered_courses) students_and_teachers ++ Coordinators.all() end def find_all_by_user(%{role: role}) when role in ["Coordinator", "Supervisor"] do Repo.all(from t in Term, join: oc in assoc(t, :offered_courses), join: co in assoc(oc, :course), preload: [offered_courses: {oc, course: co}], order_by: [desc: t.start_date, asc:]) end def find_all_by_user(%{role: "Teacher", id: user_id}) do Repo.all(from t in Term, join: oc in assoc(t, :offered_courses), join: co in assoc(oc, :course), join: te in assoc(oc, :teachers), preload: [offered_courses: {oc, course: co, teachers: te}], where: == ^user_id, order_by: [desc: t.start_date, asc:] ) end def find_all_by_user(%{role: "Student", id: user_id}) do Repo.all(from t in Term, join: oc in assoc(t, :offered_courses), join: co in assoc(oc, :course), join: s in assoc(oc, :students), preload: [offered_courses: {oc, course: co, students: s}], where: == ^user_id, order_by: [desc: t.start_date, asc:] ) end def student_attendances(student_id) do Repo.all(from t in Term, join: oc in assoc(t, :offered_courses), join: co in assoc(oc, :course), join: c in assoc(oc, :classes), join: a in assoc(c, :attendances), join: as in assoc(a, :student), preload: [offered_courses: {oc, course: co, classes: {c, attendances: {a, student: as}}}], where: == ^student_id, order_by: [desc: t.start_date, desc: t.end_date, asc:, asc:, asc: c.starting_at]) end end
defmodule PhoenixMTM.Mappers do @moduledoc ~S""" A collection of commonly used mappers for the `collection_checkboxes` helper. To use, pass a capture of the mapping function you wish to use to the `collection_checkboxes` helper. ## Example <%= PhoenixMTM.Helpers.collection_checkboxes f, :tags,, &({&, &})), selected:, &(&, mapper: &PhoenixMTM.Mappers.nested/6 ## Using Custom Mappers If you want to make your own custom mapper, you can optionally `use PhoenixMTM.Mappers` and bring in some of the Phoenix tag helpers. This is not required, as you can manually include which ever imports you want. """ import Phoenix.HTML.Form import Phoenix.HTML.Tag import Phoenix.HTML @doc ~S""" Checkbox input and label returned as a 2 element list - the default. ### Example Output ```html <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="checkbox_1"> <label for="checkbox_1">1</label> ``` """ def unwrapped(form, field, input_opts, label_content, label_opts, _opts) do [ tag(:input, input_opts), label(form, field, "#{label_content}", label_opts) ] end @doc ~S""" Checkbox input and label returned as a label with the checkbox and label text nested within. ### Example Output ```html <label for="checkbox_1"> <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="checkbox_1"> 1 </label> ``` """ def nested(form, field, input_opts, label_content, label_opts, _opts) do label(form, field, label_opts) do [ tag(:input, input_opts), html_escape(label_content) ] end end @doc ~S""" Checkbox input and label returned as a label with the checkbox and label text nested within. The label text is not escaped in any way. If you are displaying labels that might be provided by untrusted users, you absolutely *do not* want to use this mapper. This mapper will be deprecated at a later date. If you wish to keep this functionality, copy it to your own custom mapper module. ### Example Output ```html <label for="checkbox_1"> <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="checkbox_1"> 1 </label> ``` """ def unsafe_nested(form, field, input_opts, label_content, label_opts, _opts) do label(form, field, label_opts) do [ tag(:input, input_opts), {:safe, "#{label_content}"} ] end end defmacro __using__(_) do quote do import Phoenix.HTML import Phoenix.HTML.Form import Phoenix.HTML.Tag end end end
defmodule Parser do use Platform.Parsing.Behaviour ## test payloads # 0208c900038009812b8014810880027fe8800880040bf5 # 0208c900020bf5 def fields do [ %{field: "wind_speed", display: "Wind speed", unit: "m⋅s⁻¹"}, %{field: "wind_direction", display: "Wind direction", unit: "°"}, %{field: "maximum_wind_speed", display: "Maximum wind speed", unit: "m⋅s⁻¹"}, %{field: "air_temperature", display: "Air temperature", unit: "°C"}, %{field: "x_orientation_angle", display: "X orientation angle", unit: "°"}, %{field: "y_orientation_angle", display: "Y orientation angle", unit: "°"}, %{field: "north_wind_speed", display: "North wind speed", unit: "m⋅s⁻¹"}, %{field: "east_wind_speed", display: "East wind speed", unit: "m⋅s⁻¹"}, %{field: "battery_voltage", display: "Battery voltage", unit: "V"} ] end def parse(<<2, device_id::size(16), flags::binary-size(2), words::binary>>, _meta) do {_remaining, result} = {words, %{:device_id => device_id, :protocol_version => 2}} |> sensor0(flags) |> sensor1(flags) result end defp sensor0({<<x0::size(16), x1::size(16), x2::size(16), x3::size(16), x4::size(16), x5::size(16), x6::size(16), x7::size(16), remaining::binary>>, result}, <<_::size(15), 1::size(1), _::size(0)>>) do {remaining, Map.merge(result, %{ :wind_speed => (x0 - 32768) / 100, :wind_direction => (x1 - 32768) / 10, :maximum_wind_speed => (x2 - 32768) / 100, :air_temperature => (x3 - 32768) / 10, :x_orientation_angle => (x4 - 32768) / 10, :y_orientation_angle => (x5 - 32768) / 10, :north_wind_speed => (x6 - 32768) / 100, :east_wind_speed => (x7 - 32768) / 100 })} end defp sensor0(result, _flags), do: result defp sensor1({<<x0::size(16), remaining::binary>>, result}, <<_::size(14), 1::size(1), _::size(1)>>) do {remaining, Map.merge(result, %{ :battery_voltage => x0 / 1000 })} end defp sensor1(result, _flags), do: result end
defmodule NPRx.StationFinder do @moduledoc """ Find stations and station information. This can be stations close to your current geographic location or any number of other criteria. For more detailed information see [the NPR docs](!/stationfinder/searchStations) """ import NPRx.HTTP @typedoc """ Allowed parameters for stations endpoint """ @type station_query_params :: [q: String.t, city: String.t, state: String.t, lat: String.t, lon: String.t] @doc """ Get a list of stations. If no query parameters passed in, it returns a list of stations that are geographically closest to the calling client (based on GeoIP information) If one or more query parameters are passed in, it performs a search of NPR stations that match those search criteria (not taking into account the client's physical location) Available paramerters are: * `q` - Search terms to search on; can be a station name, network name, call letters, or zipcode * `city` - A city to look for stations from; intended to be paired with `state` * `state` - A state to look for stations from (using the 2-letter abbreviation); intended to be paired with `city` * `lat` - A latitude value from a geographic coordinate system; only works if paired with `lon` * `lon` - A longitude value from a geographic coordinate system; only works if paired with `lat` """ @spec stations(String.t, station_query_params) :: {:ok, list()} | {:error, map() | list()} def stations(token, query_params \\ []) do get("/stationfinder/v3/stations", token, query_params) |> case do {:ok, result} -> {:ok, Map.get(result, "items")} error -> error end end @doc """ This endpoint retrieves information about a given station, based on its numeric ID, which is consistent across all of NPR's APIs. A typical use case for this data is for clients who want to create a dropdown menu, modal/pop-up or dedicated page displaying more information about the station the client is localized to, including, for example, links to the station's homepage and donation (pledge) page. """ @spec station_info(String.t, String.t) :: map() def station_info(station_id, token) do get("/stationfinder/v3/stations/#{station_id}", token) end end
defmodule Pathex.Lenses.Some do @moduledoc """ Private module for `some()` lens > see `Pathex.Lenses.some/0` documentation """ def some do fn :view, {%{} = map, func} -> Enum.find_value(map, :error, fn {_k, v} -> with :error <- func.(v) do false end end) :view, {[{a, _} | _] = kwd, func} when is_atom(a) -> Enum.find_value(kwd, :error, fn {_k, v} -> with :error <- func.(v) do false end end) :view, {l, func} when is_list(l) -> Enum.find_value(l, :error, fn v -> with :error <- func.(v) do false end end) :view, {t, func} when is_tuple(t) -> Enum.find_value(Tuple.to_list(t), :error, fn v -> with :error <- func.(v) do false end end) :update, {%{} = map, func} -> found = Enum.find_value(map, :error, fn {k, v} -> case func.(v) do {:ok, v} -> {k, v} :error -> false end end) with {k, v} <- found do {:ok, Map.put(map, k, v)} end # TODO: optimize through reduce and prepend :update, {[{a, _} | _] = kwd, func} when is_atom(a) -> found = Enum.find_value(kwd, :error, fn {k, v} -> case func.(v) do {:ok, v} -> {k, v} :error -> false end end) with {k, v} <- found do {:ok, Keyword.put(kwd, k, v)} end :update, {l, func} when is_list(l) -> Enum.reduce(l, {:error, []}, fn v, {:error, acc} -> case func.(v) do {:ok, v} -> {:ok, [v | acc]} :error -> {:error, [v | acc]} end v, {:ok, acc} -> {:ok, [v | acc]} end) |> case do {:error, _} -> :error {:ok, list} -> {:ok, :lists.reverse(list)} end :update, {t, func} when is_tuple(t) -> t |> Tuple.to_list() |> Enum.reduce_while(1, fn v, index -> case func.(v) do {:ok, v} -> {:halt, {index, v}} :error -> {:cont, index + 1} end end) |> case do {index, v} -> {:ok, :erlang.setelement(index, t, v)} _ -> :error end :force_update, {%{} = map, func, default} -> map |> Enum.find_value(:error, fn {k, v} -> case func.(v) do {:ok, v} -> {k, v} :error -> false end end) |> case do {k, v} -> {:ok, Map.put(map, k, v)} :error -> map |> :maps.iterator() |> |> case do {k, _, _} -> {:ok, Map.put(map, k, default)} :none -> :error end end :force_update, {[{a, _} | _] = kwd, func, default} when is_atom(a) -> kwd |> Enum.find_value(:error, fn {k, v} -> case func.(v) do {:ok, v} -> {k, v} :error -> false end end) |> case do {k, v} -> {:ok, Keyword.put(kwd, k, v)} :error -> {:ok, Keyword.put(kwd, a, default)} end :force_update, {list, func, default} when is_list(list) -> list |> Enum.reduce({:error, []}, fn v, {:error, acc} -> case func.(v) do {:ok, v} -> {:ok, [v | acc]} :error -> {:error, [v | acc]} end v, {:ok, acc} -> {:ok, [v | acc]} end) |> case do {:error, list} -> [_first | list] = :lists.reverse(list) {:ok, [default | list]} {:ok, list} -> {:ok, :lists.reverse(list)} end :force_update, {t, func, default} when is_tuple(t) and tuple_size(t) > 0 -> t |> Tuple.to_list() |> Enum.reduce_while(1, fn v, index -> case func.(v) do {:ok, v} -> {:halt, {index, v}} :error -> {:cont, index + 1} end end) |> case do {index, v} -> {:ok, :erlang.setelement(index, t, v)} _ -> {:ok, :erlang.setelement(0, t, default)} end op, _ when op in ~w[view update force_update]a -> :error end end end
defmodule Ash.Dsl do @using_schema [ single_extension_kinds: [ type: {:list, :atom}, default: [], doc: "The extension kinds that are allowed to have a single value. For example: `[:data_layer]`" ], many_extension_kinds: [ type: {:list, :atom}, default: [], doc: "The extension kinds that can have multiple values. e.g `[notifiers: [Notifier1, Notifier2]]`" ], untyped_extensions?: [ type: :boolean, default: true, doc: "Whether or not to support an `extensions` key which contains untyped extensions" ], default_extensions: [ type: :keyword_list, default: [], doc: """ The extensions that are included by default. e.g `[data_layer: Default, notifiers: [Notifier1]]` Default values for single extension kinds are overwritten if specified by the implementor, while many extension kinds are appended to if specified by the implementor. """ ] ] @type entity :: %Ash.Dsl.Entity{} @type section :: %Ash.Dsl.Section{} @moduledoc """ The primary entry point for adding a DSL to a module. To add a DSL to a module, add `use Ash.Dsl, ...options`. The options supported with `use Ash.Dsl` are: #{} See the callbacks defined in this module to augment the behavior/compilation of the module getting a Dsl. """ @type opts :: Keyword.t() @doc """ Validate/add options. Those options will be passed to `handle_opts` and `handle_before_compile` """ @callback init(opts) :: {:ok, opts} | {:error, String.t() | term} @doc """ Handle options in the context of the module. Must return a `quote` block. If you want to persist anything in the DSL persistence layer, use `@persist {:key, value}`. It can be called multiple times to persist multiple times. """ @callback handle_opts(Keyword.t()) :: Macro.t() @doc """ Handle options in the context of the module, after all extensions have been processed. Must return a `quote` block. """ @callback handle_before_compile(Keyword.t()) :: Macro.t() defmacro __using__(opts) do opts = Ash.OptionsHelpers.validate!(opts, @using_schema) their_opt_schema =[:single_extension_kinds], fn extension_kind -> {extension_kind, type: :atom, default: opts[:default_extensions][extension_kind]} end) ++[:many_extension_kinds], fn extension_kind -> {extension_kind, type: {:list, :atom}, default: []} end) their_opt_schema = if opts[:untyped_extensions?] do Keyword.put(their_opt_schema, :extensions, type: {:list, :atom}) else their_opt_schema end quote bind_quoted: [ their_opt_schema: their_opt_schema, parent_opts: opts, parent: __CALLER__.module ], generated: true do @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, handle_opts: 1, handle_before_compile: 1} def init(opts), do: {:ok, opts} def handle_opts(opts) do quote do end end def handle_before_compile(opts) do quote do end end defoverridable init: 1, handle_opts: 1, handle_before_compile: 1 defmacro __using__(opts) do parent = unquote(parent) parent_opts = unquote(parent_opts) their_opt_schema = unquote(their_opt_schema) {opts, extensions} = parent_opts[:default_extensions] |> Enum.reduce(opts, fn {key, defaults}, opts -> Keyword.update(opts, key, defaults, fn current_value -> cond do key in parent_opts[:single_extension_kinds] -> current_value || defaults key in parent_opts[:many_extension_kinds] || key == :extensions -> List.wrap(current_value) ++ List.wrap(defaults) true -> opts end end) end) |> Ash.Dsl.expand_modules(parent_opts, __CALLER__) opts = opts |> Ash.OptionsHelpers.validate!(their_opt_schema) |> init() |> Ash.Dsl.unwrap() body = quote generated: true do parent = unquote(parent) opts = unquote(opts) parent_opts = unquote(parent_opts) their_opt_schema = unquote(their_opt_schema) @opts opts @before_compile Ash.Dsl @ash_is parent @ash_parent parent Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :persist, accumulate: true) opts |> @ash_parent.handle_opts() |> Code.eval_quoted([], __ENV__) for single_extension_kind <- parent_opts[:single_extension_kinds] do @persist {single_extension_kind, opts[single_extension_kind]} Module.put_attribute(__MODULE__, single_extension_kind, opts[single_extension_kind]) end for many_extension_kind <- parent_opts[:many_extension_kinds] do @persist {many_extension_kind, opts[many_extension_kind] || []} Module.put_attribute( __MODULE__, many_extension_kind, opts[many_extension_kind] || [] ) end end preparations = Ash.Dsl.Extension.prepare(extensions) [body | preparations] end end end @doc false def unwrap({:ok, value}), do: value def unwrap({:error, error}), do: raise(error) @doc false def expand_modules(opts, their_opt_schema, env) do Enum.reduce(opts, {[], []}, fn {key, value}, {opts, extensions} -> cond do key in their_opt_schema[:single_extension_kinds] -> mod = Macro.expand(value, %{env | lexical_tracker: nil}) extensions = if Ash.Helpers.implements_behaviour?(mod, Ash.Dsl.Extension) do [mod | extensions] else extensions end {Keyword.put(opts, key, mod), extensions} key in their_opt_schema[:many_extension_kinds] || key == :extensions -> mods = value |> List.wrap() |>, %{env | lexical_tracker: nil})) extensions = extensions ++ Enum.filter(mods, &Ash.Helpers.implements_behaviour?(&1, Ash.Dsl.Extension)) {Keyword.put(opts, key, mods), extensions} true -> {key, value} end end) end defmacro __before_compile__(_env) do quote unquote: false, generated: true do @type t :: __MODULE__ Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :ash_is, persist: true) Module.put_attribute(__MODULE__, :ash_is, @ash_is) @on_load :on_load ash_dsl_config = Macro.escape(Ash.Dsl.Extension.set_state(@persist)) def ash_dsl_config do unquote(ash_dsl_config) end def on_load do Ash.Dsl.Extension.load() end @opts |> @ash_parent.handle_before_compile() |> Code.eval_quoted([], __ENV__) end end def is?(module, type) do Ash.Helpers.try_compile(module) type in List.wrap(module.module_info(:attributes)[:ash_is]) rescue _ -> false end end
defmodule Teiserver.Telemetry.Tasks.PersistServerMonthTask do use Oban.Worker, queue: :teiserver alias Teiserver.Telemetry alias Central.NestedMaps import Ecto.Query, warn: false # [] List means 1 day segments # %{} Dict means total for the month of that key # 0 Integer means sum or average @empty_log %{ # Average battle counts per segment battles: %{ total: [], }, # Used to make calculating the end of month stats easier, this will not appear in the final result tmp_reduction: %{ unique_users: [], unique_players: [], accounts_created: 0, peak_users: 0, peak_players: 0, }, # Monthly totals aggregates: %{ stats: %{ accounts_created: 0, unique_users: 0, unique_players: 0, battles: 0 }, # Total number of minutes spent doing that across all players that month minutes: %{ player: 0, spectator: 0, lobby: 0, menu: 0, total: 0 } } } @impl Oban.Worker @spec perform(any) :: :ok def perform(_) do log = case Telemetry.get_last_server_month_log() do nil -> perform_first_time() {year, month} -> {y, m} = next_month({year, month}) perform_standard(y, m) end if log != nil do %{} |> |> Oban.insert() end :ok end # For when there are no existing logs # we need to ensure the earliest log is from last month, not this month defp perform_first_time() do first_logs = Telemetry.list_server_day_logs( order: "Oldest first", limit: 1 ) case first_logs do [log] -> today = if < today.year or < today.month do run(, end _ -> nil end end # For when we have an existing log defp perform_standard(year, month) do today = if year < today.year or month < today.month do run(year, month) else nil end end @spec run(integer(), integer()) :: :ok def run(year, month) do now =!(year, month, 1) Telemetry.list_server_day_logs(search: [ start_date: Timex.beginning_of_month(now), end_date: Timex.end_of_month(now) ]) data = Telemetry.list_server_day_logs(search: [ start_date: Timex.beginning_of_month(now), end_date: Timex.end_of_month(now) ]) |> Enum.reduce(@empty_log, fn (log, acc) -> extend_segment(acc, log) end) |> calculate_month_statistics() Telemetry.create_server_month_log(%{ year: year, month: month, data: data }) :ok end def month_so_far() do now = Telemetry.list_server_day_logs(search: [ start_date: Timex.beginning_of_month(now) ]) |> Enum.reduce(@empty_log, fn (log, acc) -> extend_segment(acc, log) end) |> calculate_month_statistics() |> Jason.encode! |> Jason.decode! # We encode and decode so it's the same format as in the database end # Given an existing segment and a batch of logs, calculate the segment and add them together defp extend_segment(existing, %{data: data} = _log) do %{ # Average battle counts per segment battles: %{ total: ++ [data["aggregates"]["stats"]["battles"]], }, # Used to make calculating the end of day stats easier, this will not appear in the final result tmp_reduction: %{ unique_users: existing.tmp_reduction.unique_users ++ Map.keys(data["minutes_per_user"]["total"]), unique_players: existing.tmp_reduction.unique_players ++ Map.keys(data["minutes_per_user"]["player"]), accounts_created: existing.tmp_reduction.accounts_created + data["aggregates"]["stats"]["accounts_created"], peak_users: max(existing.tmp_reduction.peak_players, data["aggregates"]["stats"]["unique_users"]), peak_players: max(existing.tmp_reduction.peak_players, data["aggregates"]["stats"]["unique_players"]), }, # Monthly totals aggregates: %{ stats: %{ accounts_created: 0, unique_users: 0, unique_players: 0, battles: 0 }, # Total number of minutes spent doing that across all players that month minutes: %{ player: existing.aggregates.minutes.player + data["aggregates"]["minutes"]["player"], spectator: existing.aggregates.minutes.spectator + data["aggregates"]["minutes"]["spectator"], lobby: existing.aggregates.minutes.lobby + data["aggregates"]["minutes"]["lobby"], menu: + data["aggregates"]["minutes"]["menu"], total: + data["aggregates"]["minutes"]["total"] }, } } end # Given a day log, calculate the end of day stats defp calculate_month_statistics(data) do # TODO: Calculate number of battles that took place battles = 0 aggregate_stats = %{ accounts_created: data.tmp_reduction.accounts_created, unique_users: data.tmp_reduction.unique_users |> Enum.uniq |> Enum.count, unique_players: data.tmp_reduction.unique_players |> Enum.uniq |> Enum.count, peak_users: data.tmp_reduction.peak_users, peak_players: data.tmp_reduction.peak_players, battles: battles } NestedMaps.put(data, ~w(aggregates stats)a, aggregate_stats) |> Map.delete(:tmp_reduction) end defp next_month({year, 12}), do: {year+1, 1} defp next_month({year, month}), do: {year, month+1} end
defmodule PhoenixBricks do @moduledoc ~S""" An opinable set of proposed patters that helps to write reusable and no repetitive code for `Contexts`. ## Motivation After several years in [Ruby on Rails]( developing I've got used to structure code folllowing the Single Responsibility Principle. [Phoenix]( comes with the [Context]( concept, a module that cares about expose an API of an application section to other sections. In a `Context` we usually have at least 6 actions for each defined `schema` (`list_records/0`, `get_record!/1`, `create_record/1`, `update_record/2`, `delete_record/1`, `change_record/2`). If we consider that all Business Logic could go inside the `Context`, it's possibile to have a module with hundreds of lines of code, making code mainteinance very hard to be guardanteed. The idea is to highlight common portion of code that can be extacted and moved into a separated module with only one responsibility and that could be reused in different contexts. ## List records The method `list_*` has a default implementation that returns the list of associated record: ```elixir def list_records do MyApp.Context.RecordSchema |> MyApp.Repo.all() end ``` Let's add now to the context the capability of filtering the collection according to an arbitrary set of `scopes`, calling the function in this way: ```elixir iex> Context.list_records(title_matches: "value") ``` A possible solution could be to delegate the query building into a separated `RecordQuery` module ```elixir defmodule RecordQuery do def scope(list_of_filters) do RecordSchema |> improve_query_with_filters(list_of_filters) end defp improve_query_with_filters(start_query, list_of_filters) do list_of_filters |> Enum.reduce(start_query, fn scope, query -> apply_scope(query, scope) end) end def apply_scope(query, {:title_matches, "value"}) do query |> where([q], ...) end def apply_scope(query, {:price_lte, value}) do query |> where([q], ...) end end ``` and use it into the `Context` ```elixir def list_records(scopes \\ []) do RecordQuery.scope(scopes) |> Repo.all() end iex> Context.list_records(title_matches: "value", price_lte: 42) ``` ### `PhoenixBricks.Query` Using `PhoenixBricks.Query` it's possible to extend a module with all scope behaviours: ```elixir defmodule RecordQuery do use PhoenixBricks.Query, schema: RecordSchema def apply_scope(query, {:title_matches, "value"}) do query |> where([q], ...) end end ``` ## Filter Another common feature is to filter records according to params provided through url params (for example after a submit in a search form). ```elixir def index(conn, params) filters = Map.get(params, "filters", %{}) colletion = Context.list_records_based_on_filters(filters) conn |> assign(:collection, collection) ... end ``` ensuring to allow only specified filters A possible implementation could be: ```elixir defmodule RecordFilter do @search_filters ["title_matches", "price_lte"] def convert_filters_to_scopes(filters) do filters |> {name, value} -> convert_filter_to_scope(name, value) end) end def convert_filter_to_scope(name, value) when name in @search_fields do {String.to_atom(name), value} end end ``` This way parameters are filtered and converted to a `Keyword` that is the common format for the `RecordQuery` described above. ```elixir iex> RecordFilter.convert_filters_to_scopes(%{"title_matches" => "value", "invalid_scope" => "value"}) iex> [title_matches: "value"] ``` and we can rewrite the previous action emphasizing the params convertion and the collection filter ```elixir def index(conn, params) do filters = Map.get(params, "filters", %{}) collection = filters |> RecordFilter.convert_filters_to_scopes() |> Context.list_records() conn |> assign(:collection, collection) .... end ``` The last part is to build a search form. In order to achieve this, we can add schema functionality to `RecordFilter` module: ```elixir defmodule RecordFilter do use Ecto.Schema embedded_schema do field :title_matches, :string end def changeset(filter, params) do filter |> cast(params, [:title_matches]) end end def index(conn, params) do filters = Map.get(params, "filters", %{}) filter_changeset = RecordFilter.changeset(%RecordFilter{}, filters) collection = filters |> RecordFilter.convert_filters_to_scopes() |> Context.list_records() conn |> assign(:collection, collection) |> assign(:filter_changeset, filter_changeset) end ``` ```html <%= f = form_for @filter_changeset, .... %> <%= label f, :title_matches %> <%= text_input f, :title_matches %> <%= submit "Filter results" %> <% end %> ``` ### `PhoenixBricks.Filter` Using `PhoenixBricks.Filter` module it's possible to extend a module with all filtering behaviours (define a `changeset` and the filter convertion) ```elixir defmodule RecordFilter do use PhoenixBricks.Filter, filters: [ title_matches: :string ] end ``` making available `changeset/2` defined above and `convert_filters_to_scopes/1` """ end
defmodule SipHash do @moduledoc """ This module provides a simple but performant interface for hashing values using the SipHash hash family. The `SipHash.hash/3` function allows for flags specifying things such as the number of rounds of compression, allowing use of SipHash-C-D, where `C` and `D` are customizable. Values can be converted to hexidecimal strings as required, but by default this module deals with numbers (as that's the optimal way to work with these hashes). _**Note**: This module makes use of NIFs for better performance and throughput, but this can be disabled by setting the `SIPHASH_IMPL` environment variable to the value "embedded". Please note that the use of NIFs brings a significant performance improvement, and so you should only disable them with good reason._ """ use Bitwise alias SipHash.Digest # store key error message @kerr "Key must be exactly 16 bytes!" # store input error message @ierr "Hash input must be a binary!" # passes error message @perr "Passes C and D must be valid numbers greater than 0!" @doc """ Based on the algorithm as described in, and therefore requires a key alongside the input to use as a seed. This key should consist of 16 bytes, and is measured by `byte_size/1`. An error will be returned if this is not the case. The default implementation is a 2-4 hash, but this can be controlled through the options provided. This function returns output as a tuple with either format of `{ :ok, value }` or `{ :error, message }`. By default, all values are returned as numbers (i.e. the result of the hash), but you can set `:hex` to true as an option to get a hex string output. The reason for this is that converting to hex typically takes an extra couple of microseconds, and the default is intended to be the optimal use case. lease note that any of the options related to hex string formatting will be ignored if `:hex` is not set to true (e.g. `:case`). ## Options * `:case` - either of `:upper` or `:lower` (defaults to using `:upper`) * `:c` and `:d` - the number of compression rounds (default to 2 and 4) * `:hex` - when true returns the output as a hex string (defaults to false) ## Examples iex> SipHash.hash("0123456789ABCDEF", "hello") { :ok, 4402678656023170274 } iex> SipHash.hash("0123456789ABCDEF", "hello", hex: true) { :ok, "3D1974E948748CE2" } iex> SipHash.hash("0123456789ABCDEF", "abcdefgh", hex: true) { :ok, "1AE57886F899E65F" } iex> SipHash.hash("0123456789ABCDEF", "my long strings", hex: true) { :ok, "1323400B0804036D" } iex> SipHash.hash("0123456789ABCDEF", "hello", hex: true, case: :lower) { :ok, "3d1974e948748ce2" } iex> SipHash.hash("0123456789ABCDEF", "hello", c: 4, d: 8) { :ok, 14986662229302055855 } iex> SipHash.hash("invalid_bytes", "hello") { :error, "Key must be exactly 16 bytes!" } iex> SipHash.hash("0123456789ABCDEF", "hello", c: 0, d: 0) { :error, "Passes C and D must be valid numbers greater than 0!" } iex> SipHash.hash("0123456789ABCDEF", %{ "test" => "one" }) { :error, "Hash input must be a binary!" } """ @spec hash(binary, binary, [ { atom, atom } ]) :: { atom, binary } def hash(key, input, opts \\ []) def hash(key, input, opts) when byte_size(key) == 16 and is_binary(input) and is_list(opts) do c_pass = Keyword.get(opts, :c, 2) d_pass = Keyword.get(opts, :d, 4) case (c_pass > 0 and d_pass > 0) do false -> { :error, @perr } true -> case !!Keyword.get(opts, :hex) do false -> { :ok, Digest.hash(key, input, c_pass, d_pass) } true -> format = case Keyword.get(opts, :case, :upper) do :lower -> "%016lx" _upper -> "%016lX" end { :ok, Digest.hash(key, input, c_pass, d_pass, format) } end end end def hash(key, _input, _opts) when byte_size(key) != 16, do: { :error, @kerr } def hash(_key, input, _opts) when not is_binary(input), do: { :error, @ierr } @doc """ A functional equivalent of `SipHash.hash/3`, but rather than returning the value inside a tuple the value is returned instead. Any errors will be raised as exceptions. There are typically very few cases causing errors which aren't due to programmer error, but caution is advised all the same. ## Examples iex> SipHash.hash!("0123456789ABCDEF", "hello") 4402678656023170274 iex> SipHash.hash!("0123456789ABCDEF", "hello", hex: true) "3D1974E948748CE2" iex> SipHash.hash!("0123456789ABCDEF", "abcdefgh", hex: true) "1AE57886F899E65F" iex> SipHash.hash!("0123456789ABCDEF", "my long strings", hex: true) "1323400B0804036D" iex> SipHash.hash!("0123456789ABCDEF", "hello", hex: true, case: :lower) "3d1974e948748ce2" iex> SipHash.hash!("0123456789ABCDEF", "hello", c: 4, d: 8) 14986662229302055855 iex> SipHash.hash!("invalid_bytes", "hello") ** (ArgumentError) Key must be exactly 16 bytes! iex> SipHash.hash!("0123456789ABCDEF", "hello", c: 0, d: 0) ** (ArgumentError) Passes C and D must be valid numbers greater than 0! iex> SipHash.hash!("0123456789ABCDEF", %{ "test" => "one" }) ** (ArgumentError) Hash input must be a binary! """ @spec hash!(binary, binary, [ { atom, atom } ]) :: binary def hash!(key, input, opts \\ []) do case hash(key, input, opts) do { :ok, hash } -> hash { :error, msg } -> raise ArgumentError, message: msg end end @doc """ Used to quickly determine if NIFs have been loaded for this module. Returns true if it has, false if it hasn't. This will only return false if either the `SIPHASH_IMPL` environment variable is set to "embedded", or there was an error when compiling the C implementation. """ @spec nif_loaded? :: boolean defdelegate nif_loaded?, to: SipHash.Digest end
defmodule Day8 do @moduledoc """ Documentation for `Day8`. """ def run() do get_input() |> process(:first) |> present() get_input() |> process(:second) |> present() end def present({c2, c3, c4, c7} = _answer) do IO.puts("#{c2} occurrences of 1") IO.puts("#{c3} occurrences of 7") IO.puts("#{c4} occurrences of 4") IO.puts("#{c7} occurrences of 8") IO.puts("#{c2 + c3 + c4 + c7} occurences of 1, 4, 7, and 8") IO.puts("") end def present(v) when is_integer(v) do IO.puts("The sum of the readings is #{v}") end def get_input() do!("input.txt") |> transform_input() end def get_input(s) do s |> transform_input() end def transform_input(s) do # handle lines like #febacg aecb bgfedca bfagde cdgfb fgbce ebg be efcga dcegaf | dgeafb ceba cfeabg cbae #aegbd gdafbc dae gadcb fadgcbe fagedc adbgce ea ceba fgbed | gdfeac cbae ceab dcbfeag # note ceba and cbae are the same 4 segments, so put segments into canonical order. s |> String.trim() |> String.split("\n") |> line -> String.split(line, "|") end) |> [c10, c4] = _line -> [String.split(c10, " ", trim: true), String.split(c4, " ", trim: true)] end) |> [a,b] = _line -> [, fn p -> make_canonical(p) end),, fn p -> make_canonical(p) end)] end ) |> Enum.sort() end def make_canonical(segment_codes), do: List.to_string(Enum.sort(String.to_charlist(segment_codes))) def process(data, :first) do frequencies =, fn [_a, b] = _n -> b end) |> List.flatten() |> x -> String.length(x) end) |> Enum.frequencies() |> IO.inspect(label: "frequencies") {frequencies[2], frequencies[3], frequencies[4], frequencies[7]} end def process(data, :second) do make_deductions(data) |> apply_deductions(data) # |> IO.inspect(label: "deductions applied") |> [th, h, te, o] = _l -> (1000*th + 100*h + 10*te + o) end) |> IO.inspect(label: "the 4 digit values") |> Enum.sum() |> IO.inspect(label: "the sum") end def make_deductions(data) do data |> [a, _b] = _ -> a end) # we don't need the values, just the 10 patterns |> a -> make_deduction(a) end) end def make_deduction(ten_patterns) do["a","b","c","d","e","f","g"], fn let -> make_signature(let, ten_patterns) end) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn signature, map -> add_mapping(signature, map) end) end def make_signature(let, ten_patterns) do Enum.reduce(2..7, {let}, fn len, tupl -> Tuple.append(tupl, length(find_letter_in_pattern_by_size(let, ten_patterns, len))) end) end def find_letter_in_pattern_by_size(letter, patterns, size) do Enum.filter(patterns, fn pat -> (size == String.length(pat) and String.contains?(pat, letter)) end) end def add_mapping({original_letter,_,_,_,_,_,_} = signature, map) do translated_letter = case signature do {_,0,1,0,3,3,1} -> "a" {_,0,0,1,1,3,1} -> "b" {_,1,1,1,2,2,1} -> "c" {_,0,0,1,3,2,1} -> "d" {_,0,0,0,1,2,1} -> "e" {_,1,1,1,2,3,1} -> "f" {_,0,0,0,3,3,1} -> "g" end Map.put(map, original_letter, translated_letter) end def apply_deductions(map, data) do,, fn [_, digit_codes] = _datum -> digit_codes end)) |> {map, digit_codes} -> translate_using_map(digit_codes, map) end) |> digit_codes -> translate_codes_to_digits(digit_codes) end) end def translate_using_map(digit_codes, map) do # IO.inspect({digit_codes, map}, label: "translate_using_map") # translate_one_code_letter = fn code_letter -> (IO.inspect(List.to_string([code_letter]), label: "translate_using_map"); Map.get(map, List.to_string([code_letter]), "z")) end translate_one_code_letter = fn code_letter -> Map.get(map, List.to_string([code_letter]), "z") end translate_code_letters = fn letters -> List.to_string(, fn c -> List.to_string([translate_one_code_letter.(c)]) end)) end, fn one_code -> translate_code_letters.(one_code) end) end def translate_codes_to_digits(digit_codes) do # IO.inspect(digit_codes, label: "translate_codes_to_digits"), fn digit_code -> translate_code_to_digit(digit_code) end) # |> IO.inspect(label: "rv from trans_codes_to_digits") end def translate_code_to_digit(single_code) do # IO.inspect(single_code, label: "translate_code_to_digit") case make_canonical(single_code) do "abcefg" -> 0 "cf" -> 1 "acdeg" -> 2 "acdfg" -> 3 "bcdf" -> 4 "abdfg" -> 5 "abdefg" -> 6 "acf" -> 7 "abcdefg" -> 8 "abcdfg" -> 9 end end def example() do inhalt = """ be cfbegad cbdgef fgaecd cgeb fdcge agebfd fecdb fabcd edb |fdgacbe cefdb cefbgd gcbe edbfga begcd cbg gc gcadebf fbgde acbgfd abcde gfcbed gfec |fcgedb cgb dgebacf gc fgaebd cg bdaec gdafb agbcfd gdcbef bgcad gfac gcb cdgabef |cg cg fdcagb cbg fbegcd cbd adcefb dageb afcb bc aefdc ecdab fgdeca fcdbega |efabcd cedba gadfec cb aecbfdg fbg gf bafeg dbefa fcge gcbea fcaegb dgceab fcbdga |gecf egdcabf bgf bfgea fgeab ca afcebg bdacfeg cfaedg gcfdb baec bfadeg bafgc acf |gebdcfa ecba ca fadegcb dbcfg fgd bdegcaf fgec aegbdf ecdfab fbedc dacgb gdcebf gf |cefg dcbef fcge gbcadfe bdfegc cbegaf gecbf dfcage bdacg ed bedf ced adcbefg gebcd |ed bcgafe cdgba cbgef egadfb cdbfeg cegd fecab cgb gbdefca cg fgcdab egfdb bfceg |gbdfcae bgc cg cgb gcafb gcf dcaebfg ecagb gf abcdeg gaef cafbge fdbac fegbdc |fgae cfgab fg bagce """ get_input(inhalt) |> process(:first) |> present() get_input(inhalt) |> process(:second) |> present() end end
# Mnesia will keep its schema in memory, and it will vanish if and when Mnesia stops. #:mnesia.start() #:mnesia.stop() :mnesia.create_schema([node()]) # Creating Tables defmodule Drop do require Planemo def drop do setup handle_drops end def handle_drops do receive do {from, planemo, distance} -> send(from, {planemo, distance, fall_velocity(planemo, distance)}) handle_drops end end def fall_velocity(planemo, distance) when distance >= 0 do {:atomic, [p | _]} = :mnesia.transaction(fn() ->i, planemo) end) :math.sqrt(2 * Planemo.planemo(p, :gravity) * distance) end def setup do :mnesia.create_schema([node()]) :mnesia.start() :mnesia.create_table(PlanemoTable, [{:attributes, [:name, :gravity, :diameter, :distance_from_sun]}, {:record_name, :planemo}]) f = fn -> :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :mercury, gravity: 3.7, diameter: 4878, distance_from_sun: 57.9), :write) :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :venus, gravity: 8.9, diameter: 12104, distance_from_sun: 108.2), :write) :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :earth, gravity: 9.8, diameter: 12756, distance_from_sun: 149.6), :write) :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :moon, gravity: 1.6, diameter: 3475, distance_from_sun: 149.6), :write) :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :mars, gravity: 3.7, diameter: 6787, distance_from_sun: 227.9), :write) :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :ceres, gravity: 0.27, diameter: 950, distance_from_sun: 413.7), :write) :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :jupiter, gravity: 23.1, diameter: 142796, distance_from_sun: 778.3), :write) :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :saturn, gravity: 9.0, diameter: 120660, distance_from_sun: 1427.0), :write) :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :uranus, gravity: 8.7, diameter: 51118, distance_from_sun: 2871.0), :write) :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :neptune, gravity: 11.0, diameter: 30200, distance_from_sun: 4497.1), :write) :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :pluto, gravity: 0.6, diameter: 2300, distance_from_sun: 5913.0), :write) :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :haumea, gravity: 0.44, diameter: 1150, distance_from_sun: 6484.0), :write) :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :makemake, gravity: 0.5, diameter: 1500, distance_from_sun: 6850.0), :write) :mnesia.write(PlanemoTable, Planemo.planemo(name: :eris, gravity: 0.8, diameter: 2400, distance_from_sun: 10210.0), :write) end :mnesia.transaction(f) end end # Mnesia will restart the transaction if there is other activity blocking it, so the code may get executed repeatedly before the transaction happens. # Because of this, do not include any calls that create side effects in the function you’ll be passing to :mnesia.transaction, and don’t try to catch exceptions on Mnesia functions within a transaction. # If your function calls :mnesia.abort/1 (probably because some condition for executing it wasn’t met), the transaction will be rolled back, returning a tuple beginning with aborted instead of atomic. # iex(1)> c("drop.ex") # iex(2)> Drop.setup # iex(3)> :mnesia.table_info(PlanemoTable, :all) # Reading Data #iex(5)> :mnesia.transaction(fn()->, :neptune) end) def fall_velocity(planemo, distance) when distance >= 0 do {:atomic, [p | _]} = :mnesia.transaction(fn() ->, planemo) end) :math.sqrt(2 * Planemo.planemo(p, :gravity) * distance) end #iex(7)> Drop.fall_velocity(:earth, 20) #iex(8)> pid1 = spawn(MphDrop, :mph_drop, []) #iex(9)> send(pid1, {:earth, 20})
defmodule BioMonitor.ReadingView do use BioMonitor.Web, :view def render("index.json", %{readings: readings}) do %{data: render_many(readings, BioMonitor.ReadingView, "reading.json")} end def render("calculations.json", %{values: values}) do %{ data: %{ biomass_performance: render_many(values.biomass_performance, BioMonitor.ReadingView, "result.json", as: :result), product_performance: render_many(values.product_performance, BioMonitor.ReadingView, "result.json", as: :result), product_biomass_performance: render_many(values.product_biomass_performance, BioMonitor.ReadingView, "result.json", as: :result), product_volumetric_performance: render_many(values.product_volumetric_performance, BioMonitor.ReadingView, "result.json", as: :result), biomass_volumetric_performance: render_many(values.biomass_volumetric_performance, BioMonitor.ReadingView, "result.json", as: :result), max_product_volumetric_performance: render("result.json", %{result: values.max_product_volumetric_performance}), max_biomass_volumetric_performance: render("result.json", %{result: values.max_biomass_volumetric_performance}), specific_ph_velocity: render_many(values.specific_ph_velocity, BioMonitor.ReadingView, "result.json", as: :result), specific_biomass_velocity: render_many(values.specific_biomass_velocity, BioMonitor.ReadingView, "result.json", as: :result), specific_product_velocity: render_many(values.specific_product_velocity, BioMonitor.ReadingView, "result.json", as: :result), max_ph_velocity: render("result.json", %{result: values.max_ph_velocity}), max_biomass_velocity: render("result.json", %{result: values.max_biomass_velocity}), max_product_velocity: render("result.json", %{result: values.max_product_velocity}), } } end def render("created_reading.json", %{reading: reading}) do %{ data: render("reading.json", %{reading: reading}) } end def render("reading.json", %{reading: reading}) do %{ id:, temp: reading.temp, ph:, substratum: reading.substratum, product: reading.product, biomass: reading.biomass, inserted_at: reading.inserted_at, routine_id: reading.routine_id } end def render("result.json", %{result: result}) do case result do nil -> nil result -> %{ x: result.x, y: result.y } end end end
defmodule VintageNetWiFi.AccessPoint do alias VintageNetWiFi.Utils @moduledoc """ Information about a WiFi access point * `:bssid` - a unique address for the access point * `:flags` - a list of flags describing properties on the access point * `:frequency` - the access point's frequency in MHz * `:signal_dbm` - the signal strength in dBm * `:ssid` - the access point's name """ @type flag :: :wpa2_psk_ccmp | :wpa2_eap_ccmp | :wpa2_eap_ccmp_tkip | :wpa2_psk_ccmp_tkip | :wpa2_psk_sae_ccmp | :wpa2_sae_ccmp | :wpa2_ccmp | :wpa_psk_ccmp | :wpa_psk_ccmp_tkip | :wpa_eap_ccmp | :wpa_eap_ccmp_tkip | :wep | :ibss | :mesh | :ess | :p2p | :wps | :rsn_ccmp @type band :: :wifi_2_4_ghz | :wifi_5_ghz | :unknown defstruct [:bssid, :frequency, :band, :channel, :signal_dbm, :signal_percent, :flags, :ssid] @type t :: %__MODULE__{ bssid: String.t(), frequency: non_neg_integer(), band: band(), channel: non_neg_integer(), signal_dbm: integer(), signal_percent: 0..100, flags: [flag()], ssid: String.t() } @doc """ Create an AccessPoint when only the BSSID is known """ @spec new(any) :: VintageNetWiFi.AccessPoint.t() def new(bssid) do %__MODULE__{ bssid: bssid, frequency: 0, band: :unknown, channel: 0, signal_dbm: -99, signal_percent: 0, flags: [], ssid: "" } end @doc """ Create a new AccessPoint with all of the information """ @spec new(String.t(), String.t(), non_neg_integer(), integer(), [flag()]) :: VintageNetWiFi.AccessPoint.t() def new(bssid, ssid, frequency, signal_dbm, flags) do info = Utils.frequency_info(frequency) %__MODULE__{ bssid: bssid, frequency: frequency, band:, channel:, signal_dbm: signal_dbm, signal_percent: info.dbm_to_percent.(signal_dbm), flags: flags, ssid: ssid } end end
defmodule RestorationOfErathia do @moduledoc """ Documentation for `RestorationOfErathia`. The module is designed to assist with restoration of deleted files from hdd. It is assumed that a tool similar to photorec is used to restore the deleted files. The documentation for using photorec can be found here: Two things need to be configured: folder path to folder where restored data is and formats that should be separated out of the rest of the restored data. """ @path "/home/andriy/Code/IdeaProjects/restoration_of_erathia/tmp" @formats [ "txt", "jpg", "pdf", "exe", "docx", "xlsx", "xls", "doc", "pptx", "ppt", "ods", "odt", "tif", "png", "dat" ] defp extract_all_files_having(format) do {:ok, dirnames} = dirnames |> dirname -> {File.dir?("#{@path}/#{dirname}"), "#{@path}/#{dirname}"} end) |> {dir?, dirname} -> if dir? do extract_dir(dirname, format) end end) end defp extract_dir(dirname, format) do Path.wildcard("#{dirname}/*.#{format}") |> filepath -> move_to_dir(filepath, format) end) Path.wildcard("#{dirname}/*") |> filepath -> move_to_dir(filepath, "*") end) end @doc ~S""" Finds all the files that have the specified extension format in a directory and moves them to a directory named after the extension format. Moves all files with unspecified extensions to a merged folder. Test requires specific path setting in module constants. ## Examples iex> r = RestorationOfErathia iex> {:ok, wd} = File.cwd() iex> File.mkdir("#{wd}/tmp") iex> File.touch("#{wd}/tmp/test") iex> r.move_to_dir("#{wd}/tmp/test", "*") iex> File.rm("#{wd}/tmp/merged/test") iex> File.rmdir("#{wd}/tmp/merged") iex> File.rmdir("#{wd}/tmp") :ok """ def move_to_dir(filepath, format) do folder = case format do "*" -> "#{@path}/merged/" _ -> "#{@path}/#{format}/" end if File.exists?(folder) do File.rename!(filepath, "#{folder}#{Path.basename(filepath)}") else File.mkdir!(folder) File.rename!(filepath, "#{folder}#{Path.basename(filepath)}") end end defp merge_all(formats) do {:ok, dirnames} = dirnames |> Enum.reject(fn dirname -> Path.basename(dirname) in formats end) |> dirname -> extract_dir(dirname, "*") end) end defp compute_hash(file_path) do hash =!(file_path, [], 2_048) |> Enum.reduce(:crypto.hash_init(:sha256), &:crypto.hash_update(&2, &1)) |> :crypto.hash_final() |> Base.encode16() |> String.downcase() {file_path, hash} end @doc ~S""" Given 2 folder paths, unique and duplicate, finds all files in duplicate folder that already exist in unique folder, based on hashes. Removes all the files with matching hashes from duplicate folder. ## Examples iex> r = RestorationOfErathia iex> {:ok, wd} = File.cwd() iex> File.mkdir("#{wd}/tmp") iex> File.touch("#{wd}/tmp/test.txt") iex> File.mkdir("#{wd}/tmp2") iex> File.cp("#{wd}/tmp/test.txt", "#{wd}/tmp2/test.txt") iex> r.deduplicate_between_folders("#{wd}/tmp", "#{wd}/tmp2") iex> File.rm("#{wd}/tmp/test.txt") iex> File.rmdir("#{wd}/tmp") iex> File.rmdir("#{wd}/tmp2") :ok """ def deduplicate_between_folders(unique_folder_path, duplicate_folder_path) do uniq_hashes = find_uniques_with_hashes_in_folder(unique_folder_path) |> {_fname, hash} -> hash end) find_uniques_with_hashes_in_folder(duplicate_folder_path) |> Enum.filter(fn {_fname, hash} -> hash in uniq_hashes end) |> {fname, _hash} -> fname end) |> file_name -> File.rm!(file_name) end) end defp ls_r(path \\ ".") do cond do File.regular?(path) -> [path] File.dir?(path) ->!(path) |>, &1)) |> |> Enum.concat() true -> [] end end defp find_uniques_with_hashes_in_folder(folder_path) do ls_r(folder_path) |> file_path -> compute_hash(file_path) end) |> Enum.uniq_by(fn {_, hash} -> hash end) end defp remove_duplicates_from_folder(folder_path, uniques_list) do Path.wildcard("#{folder_path}/*.*") |> Enum.reject(fn file_name -> file_name in uniques_list end) |> file_name -> File.rm!(file_name) end) end @doc ~S""" Removes duplicated files inside a folder (using file hash) ## Examples iex> r = RestorationOfErathia iex> {:ok, wd} = File.cwd() iex> File.mkdir("#{wd}/tmp") iex> File.touch("#{wd}/tmp/test.txt") iex> File.cp("#{wd}/tmp/test.txt", "#{wd}/tmp/test2.txt") iex> r.deduplicate_folder("#{wd}/tmp") iex> File.rm("#{wd}/tmp/test2.txt") iex> File.rmdir("#{wd}/tmp") :ok """ def deduplicate_folder(folder_path) do uniques = find_uniques_with_hashes_in_folder(folder_path) |> {fname, _hash} -> fname end) remove_duplicates_from_folder(folder_path, uniques) end @doc """ Removes duplicated files from all the folders present in a given path """ def deduplicate_all_folders(path) do {:ok, dirnames} = dirnames |> dirname -> deduplicate_folder(dirname) end) end @doc ~S""" Removes all empty folders from a given path ## Examples iex> r = RestorationOfErathia iex> {:ok, wd} = File.cwd() iex> File.mkdir("#{wd}/tmp") iex> File.mkdir("#{wd}/tmp2") iex> r.remove_empty_folders("#{wd}") """ def remove_empty_folders(path) do {:ok, files_and_folders} = files_and_folders |> endfile_or_folder -> if File.dir?("#{path}/#{endfile_or_folder}") do File.rmdir("#{path}/#{endfile_or_folder}") end end) end @doc """ Runs the entire helper pipeline: * Separates data according to folders according to formats. * Merges all unset formats to a single folder. * Deduplicates files within the folders. * Removes empty folders """ def run() do @formats |> format -> extract_all_files_having(format) end) merge_all(@formats) deduplicate_all_folders(@path) remove_empty_folders(@path) end end
defmodule Freddy.Core.Exchange do @moduledoc """ Exchange configuration. # Fields * `:name` - Exchange name. If left empty, default exchange will be used. * `:type` - Exchange type. Can be `:direct`, `:topic`, `:fanout` or an arbitrary string, such as `"x-delayed-message"`. Default is `:direct`. * `:opts` - Exchange options. See below. ## Exchange options * `:durable` - If set, keeps the Exchange between restarts of the broker. * `:auto_delete` - If set, deletes the Exchange once all queues unbind from it. * `:passive` - If set, returns an error if the Exchange does not already exist. * `:internal` - If set, the exchange may not be used directly by publishers, but only when bound to other exchanges. Internal exchanges are used to construct wiring that is not visible to applications. * `:nowait` - If set, the server will not respond to the method and client will not wait for a reply. Default is `false`. * `:arguments` - A set of arguments for the declaration. The syntax and semantics of these arguments depends on the server implementation. ## Example iex> %Freddy.Core.Exchange{name: "freddy-topic", type: :topic, durable: true} """ @type t :: %__MODULE__{ name: String.t(), type: atom | String.t(), opts: options } @type options :: [ durable: boolean, auto_delete: boolean, passive: boolean, internal: boolean, nowait: boolean, arguments: Keyword.t() ] defstruct name: "", type: :direct, opts: [] @doc """ Create exchange configuration from keyword list or `Freddy.Core.Exchange` structure. """ @spec new(t | Keyword.t()) :: t def new(%__MODULE__{} = exchange) do exchange end def new(config) when is_list(config) do struct!(__MODULE__, config) end @doc """ Returns default exchange configuration. Such exchange implicitly exists in RabbitMQ and can't be declared by the clients. """ @spec default() :: t def default do %__MODULE__{} end @doc false @spec declare(t, Freddy.Core.Channel.t()) :: :ok | {:error, atom} def declare(%__MODULE__{name: ""}, _channel) do :ok end def declare(%__MODULE__{} = exchange, %{adapter: adapter, chan: chan}) do adapter.declare_exchange(chan,, exchange.type, exchange.opts) end @doc false @spec publish(t, Freddy.Core.Channel.t(), String.t(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: :ok | {:error, atom} def publish(%__MODULE__{} = exchange, %{adapter: adapter, chan: chan}, message, routing_key, opts) do adapter.publish(chan,, routing_key, message, opts) end end
defmodule Insights.Server do @moduledoc """ Defines a adapter. A adapter maps to an underlying data store, controlled by the adapter. For example, Insights ships with a Keen adapter that stores data into a PostgreSQL database. When used, the adapter expects the `:otp_app` as option. The `:otp_app` should point to an OTP application that has the adapter configuration. For example, the adapter: defmodule Insight do use Insights.Server, otp_app: :my_app end Could be configured with: config :my_app, Insight, adapter: Insights.Adapters.Keenex, credentials: %{ project_id: System.get_env("KEEN_PROJECT_ID"), write_key: System.get_env("KEEN_WRITE_KEY"), read_key: System.get_env("KEEN_READ_KEY"), } """ use Behaviour @type t :: module @doc false defmacro __using__(opts) do quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts] do @behaviour Insights.Server {otp_app, adapter, config} = Insights.Server.Config.parse(__MODULE__, opts) @otp_app otp_app @adapter adapter @config config @before_compile adapter require Logger @log_level config[:log_level] || :debug def config do Insights.Server.Config.config(@otp_app, __MODULE__) end def start_link(custom_config \\ []) do config = Keyword.merge(config(), custom_config) @adapter.start_link(__MODULE__, config) end def query(collection, queryable \\ nil, params \\ [], options \\ []) do @adapter.query(__MODULE__, collection, queryable, params, options) end def all(collection \\ nil, params \\ []) do @adapter.all(__MODULE__, collection, params) end def count(collection \\ nil, params \\ [], options \\ []) do @adapter.count(__MODULE__, collection, params) end def get(queryable, id, params \\ [], options \\ []) do @adapter.get(__MODULE__, queryable, id, params) end def get!(queryable, id, params \\ [], options \\ []) do @adapter.get!(__MODULE__, queryable, id, params) end def insert(collection, params \\ [], options \\ []) do @adapter.insert(__MODULE__, collection, params, options) end def update(model, params \\ [], options \\ []) do @adapter.update(__MODULE__, @adapter, model, params) end def delete(model, params \\ [], options \\ []) do @adapter.delete(__MODULE__, @adapter, model, params) end def insert!(model, params \\ [], options \\ []) do @adapter.insert!(__MODULE__, @adapter, model, params) end def update!(model, params \\ [], options \\ []) do @adapter.update!(__MODULE__, @adapter, model, params) end def delete!(model, params \\ [], options \\ []) do @adapter.delete!(__MODULE__, @adapter, model, params) end def __adapter__ do @adapter end def __insight__ do true end end end @doc """ Returns the adapter tied to the adapter. """ defcallback __adapter__ :: Insights.Adapter.t @doc """ Simply returns true to mark this module as a adapter. """ defcallback __insight__ :: true @doc """ Returns the adapter configuration stored in the `:otp_app` environment. """ defcallback config() :: Keyword.t @doc """ Starts any connection pooling or supervision and return `{:ok, pid}` or just `:ok` if nothing needs to be done. Returns `{:error, {:already_started, pid}}` if the insight already started or `{:error, term}` in case anything else goes wrong. """ defcallback start_link() :: {:ok, pid} | :ok | {:error, {:already_started, pid}} | {:error, term} @doc """ Fetches all entries using query. """ defcallback query(term, Keyword.t) :: [term] | no_return @doc """ Fetches all entries from the data store matching the given query. May raise `Insights.QueryError` if query validation fails. ## Options * `:timeout` - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, `:infinity` will wait indefinitely (default: 5000); * `:log` - When false, does not log the query ## Example # Fetch all post titles query = from p in Post, select: p.title MyInsight.all(query) """ defcallback all(term, Keyword.t) :: [Insights.Model.t] | no_return @doc """ Fetches count. """ defcallback count(term, Keyword.t, Keyword.t) :: term | no_return @doc """ Fetches a single model from the data store where the primary key matches the given id. Returns `nil` if no result was found. If the model in the queryable has no primary key `Insights.NoPrimaryKeyError` will be raised. ## Options * `:timeout` - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, `:infinity` will wait indefinitely (default: 5000) """ defcallback get(term, Keyword.t) :: Insights.Model.t | nil | no_return @doc """ Similar to `get/3` but raises `Insights.NoResultsError` if no record was found. ## Options * `:timeout` - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, `:infinity` will wait indefinitely (default: 5000); * `:log` - When false, does not log the query """ defcallback get!(term, Keyword.t) :: Insights.Model.t | nil | no_return @doc """ Inserts a model or a changeset. In case a model is given, the model is converted into a changeset with all model non-virtual fields as part of the changeset. In case a changeset is given, the changes in the changeset are merged with the model fields, and all of them are sent to the database. If any `before_insert` or `after_insert` callback is registered in the given model, they will be invoked with the changeset. ## Options * `:timeout` - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, `:infinity` will wait indefinitely (default: 5000); * `:log` - When false, does not log the query ## Example post = MyInsight.insert! %Post{title: "Insights is great"} """ defcallback insert!(Insights.Model.t, Keyword.t, Keyword.t) :: Insights.Model.t | no_return @doc """ Updates a model or changeset using its primary key. In case a model is given, the model is converted into a changeset with all model non-virtual fields as part of the changeset. For this reason, it is preferred to use changesets as they perform dirty tracking and avoid sending data that did not change to the database over and over. In case there are no changes in the changeset, no data is sent to the database at all. In case a changeset is given, only the changes in the changeset will be updated, leaving all the other model fields intact. If any `before_update` or `after_update` callback are registered in the given model, they will be invoked with the changeset. If the model has no primary key, `Insights.NoPrimaryKeyError` will be raised. ## Options * `:force` - By default, if there are no changes in the changeset, `update!/2` is a no-op. By setting this option to true, update callbacks will always be executed, even if there are no changes (including timestamps). * `:timeout` - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, `:infinity` will wait indefinitely (default: 5000); * `:log` - When false, does not log the query ## Example post = MyInsight.get!(Post, 42) post = %{post | title: "New title"} MyInsight.update!(post) """ defcallback update!(Insights.Model.t, Keyword.t) :: Insights.Model.t | no_return @doc """ Deletes a model using its primary key. If any `before_delete` or `after_delete` callback are registered in the given model, they will be invoked with the changeset. If the model has no primary key, `Insights.NoPrimaryKeyError` will be raised. ## Options * `:timeout` - The time in milliseconds to wait for the call to finish, `:infinity` will wait indefinitely (default: 5000); * `:log` - When false, does not log the query ## Example [post] = MyInsight.all(from(p in Post, where: == 42)) MyInsight.delete!(post) """ defcallback delete!(Insights.Model.t, Keyword.t) :: Insights.Model.t | no_return end
defmodule Day24.Part2 do @doc """ iex> Day24.Part2.part2("day24-sample.txt") 2208 """ def part2(filename) do parse_input(filename) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn directions, map -> coords = find_coordinates(directions) if Map.get(map, coords) == :black do Map.delete(map, coords) else Map.put(map, coords, :black) end end) # |> IO.inspect() |> evolve(100) |> Map.values() |> Enum.count() end @doc """ iex> Day24.Part2.part2 3636 """ def part2, do: part2("day24.txt") def parse_input(filename) do "inputs/#{filename}" |>!() |> |> end def tokenize(chars, tmp \\ [], emitted \\ []) def tokenize([], [], emitted), do: emitted def tokenize([char | chars], tmp, emitted) do case [char | tmp] do ["e"] -> tokenize(chars, [], [:e | emitted]) ["e", "s"] -> tokenize(chars, [], [:se | emitted]) ["w", "s"] -> tokenize(chars, [], [:sw | emitted]) ["w"] -> tokenize(chars, [], [:w | emitted]) ["w", "n"] -> tokenize(chars, [], [:nw | emitted]) ["e", "n"] -> tokenize(chars, [], [:ne | emitted]) _ -> tokenize(chars, [char | tmp], emitted) end end # note: n is -y, origin is 0,0, odd rows use odd x's, even rows even def find_coordinates(directions, pos \\ {0, 0}) def find_coordinates([], pos), do: pos def find_coordinates([dir | directions], {x, y}) do case dir do :e -> find_coordinates(directions, {x + 2, y}) :se -> find_coordinates(directions, {x + 1, y + 1}) :sw -> find_coordinates(directions, {x - 1, y + 1}) :w -> find_coordinates(directions, {x - 2, y}) :nw -> find_coordinates(directions, {x - 1, y - 1}) :ne -> find_coordinates(directions, {x + 1, y - 1}) end end def evolve(map, 0), do: map def evolve(map, iterations) do newmap = map |> {coords, _} -> coords end) |> Enum.flat_map(&neighbors(&1)) |> Enum.uniq() |> coords -> count = adjacent_black_tile_count(coords, map) if Map.get(map, coords) == :black do unless count == 0 || 2 < count, do: {coords, :black} else if count == 2, do: {coords, :black} end end) |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> evolve(newmap, iterations - 1) end def adjacent_black_tile_count(coords, map) do Enum.count(neighbors(coords), &(Map.get(map, &1) == :black)) end def neighbors({x, y}) do [ {x + 2, y}, {x + 1, y + 1}, {x - 1, y + 1}, {x - 2, y}, {x - 1, y - 1}, {x + 1, y - 1} ] end end
defmodule Payjp.Charges do @moduledoc """ Functions for working with charges at Payjp. Through this API you can: * create a charge, * update a charge, * get a charge, * list charges, * refund a charge, * partially refund a charge. Payjp API reference:支払い """ @endpoint "charges" @doc """ Create a charge. Creates a charge for a customer or card using amount and params. `params` must include a source. Returns `{:ok, charge}` tuple. ## Examples ### Create a charge with card object params = [ card: [ number: "4242424242424242", exp_month: 10, exp_year: 2020, country: "JP", name: "<NAME>", cvc: 123 ], description: "1000 Widgets" ] {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.create(1000, params) ### Create a charge with card token params = [ card: [ number: "4242424242424242", exp_month: 8, exp_year: 2016, cvc: "314" ] ] {:ok, token} = Payjp.Tokens.create params params = [ card: ] {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.create(1000, params) ### Create a charge with customer ID new_customer = [ email: "<EMAIL>", description: "An Test Account", metadata:[ app_order_id: "ABC123" app_state_x: "xyz" ], card: [ number: "4111111111111111", exp_month: 01, exp_year: 2018, cvc: 123, name: "<NAME>" ] ] {:ok, customer} = Payjp.Customers.create new_customer params = [ customer: ] {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.create(1000, params) """ def create(amount, params) do create amount, params, Payjp.config_or_env_key end @doc """ Create a charge. Accepts Payjp API key. Creates a charge for a customer or card using amount and params. `params` must include a source. Returns `{:ok, charge}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.create(1000, params, key) """ def create(amount, params, key) do #default currency params = Keyword.put_new params, :currency, "JPY" #drop in the amount params = Keyword.put_new params, :amount, amount Payjp.make_request_with_key(:post, @endpoint, key, params) |> Payjp.Util.handle_payjp_response end @doc """ Get a list of charges. Gets a list of charges. Accepts the following parameters: * `opts` - a list of params supported by Payjp (optional; defaults to []). Available parameters are: `customer`, `since`, `until`, `subscription`, `limit` and `offset`. Returns a `{:ok, charges}` tuple, where `charges` is a list of charges. ## Examples {:ok, charges} = Payjp.Charges.list(limit: 20) # Get a list of charges up to 20 items (default: 10) {:ok, charges} = Payjp.Charges.list(customer: "customer_id") # Get a list of charges for customer {:ok, charges} = Payjp.Charges.list(subscription: "subscription_id") # Get a list of charges for given subscription id {:ok, charges} = Payjp.Charges.list(since: 1487473464) # Get a list of charges created after specified time stamp """ def list(opts \\ []) do list(Payjp.config_or_env_key, opts) end @doc """ Get a list of charges. Accepts Payjp API key. Gets a list of charges. Accepts the following parameters: * `opts` - a list of params supported by Payjp (optional; defaults to []). Available parameters are: `customer`, `since`, `until`, `subscription`, `limit` and `offset`. Returns a `{:ok, charges}` tuple, where `charges` is a list of charges. ## Examples {:ok, charges} = Payjp.charges.list("my_key") # Get a list of up to 10 charges {:ok, charges} = Payjp.charges.list("my_key", limit: 20) # Get a list of up to 20 charges """ def list(key, opts) do Payjp.make_request_with_key(:get, "#{@endpoint}", key, opts) |> Payjp.Util.handle_payjp_response end @doc """ Update a charge. Updates a charge with changeable information. Accepts the following parameters: * `params` - a list of params to be updated (optional; defaults to `[]`). Available parameters are: `description`, `metadata`, `receipt_email`, `fraud_details` and `shipping`. Returns a `{:ok, charge}` tuple. ## Examples params = [ description: "Changed charge" ] {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.change("charge_id", params) """ def change(id, params) do change id, params, Payjp.config_or_env_key end @doc """ Update a charge. Accepts Payjp API key. Updates a charge with changeable information. Accepts the following parameters: * `params` - a list of params to be updated (optional; defaults to `[]`). Available parameters are: `description`, `metadata`, `receipt_email`, `fraud_details` and `shipping`. Returns a `{:ok, charge}` tuple. ## Examples params = [ description: "Changed charge" ] {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.change("charge_id", params, "my_key") """ def change(id, params, key) do Payjp.make_request_with_key(:post, "#{@endpoint}/#{id}", key, params) |> Payjp.Util.handle_payjp_response end @doc """ Capture a charge. Captures a charge that is currently pending. Note: you can default a charge to be automatically captured by setting `capture: true` in the charge create params. Returns a `{:ok, charge}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.capture("charge_id") """ def capture(id) do capture id, Payjp.config_or_env_key end @doc """ Capture a charge. Accepts Payjp API key. Captures a charge that is currently pending. Note: you can default a charge to be automatically captured by setting `capture: true` in the charge create params. Returns a `{:ok, charge}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.capture("charge_id", "my_key") """ def capture(id, key) do Payjp.make_request_with_key(:post, "#{@endpoint}/#{id}/capture", key) |> Payjp.Util.handle_payjp_response end @doc """ Get a charge. Gets a charge. Returns a `{:ok, charge}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.get("charge_id") """ def get(id) do get id, Payjp.config_or_env_key end @doc """ Get a charge. Accepts Payjp API key. Gets a charge. Returns a `{:ok, charge}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.get("charge_id", "my_key") """ def get(id, key) do Payjp.make_request_with_key(:get, "#{@endpoint}/#{id}", key) |> Payjp.Util.handle_payjp_response end @doc """ Refund a charge. Refunds a charge completely. Note: use `refund_partial` if you just want to perform a partial refund. Returns a `{:ok, charge}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.refund("charge_id") """ def refund(id) do refund id, Payjp.config_or_env_key end @doc """ Refund a charge. Accepts Payjp API key. Refunds a charge completely. Note: use `refund_partial` if you just want to perform a partial refund. Returns a `{:ok, charge}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.refund("charge_id", "my_key") """ def refund(id, key) do Payjp.make_request_with_key(:post, "#{@endpoint}/#{id}/refund", key) |> Payjp.Util.handle_payjp_response end @doc """ Partially refund a charge. Refunds a charge partially. Accepts the following parameters: * `amount` - amount to be refunded (required). Returns a `{:ok, charge}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.refund_partial("charge_id", 500) """ def refund_partial(id, amount) do refund_partial id, amount, Payjp.config_or_env_key end @doc """ Partially refund a charge. Accepts Payjp API key. Refunds a charge partially. Accepts the following parameters: * `amount` - amount to be refunded (required). Returns a `{:ok, charge}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, charge} = Payjp.Charges.refund_partial("charge_id", 500, "my_key") """ def refund_partial(id, amount, key) do params = [amount: amount] Payjp.make_request_with_key(:post, "#{@endpoint}/#{id}/refund", key, params) |> Payjp.Util.handle_payjp_response end end
defmodule Extractly.Toc do alias Extractly.Toc.Options import Extractly.Toc.Renderer @moduledoc ~S""" Extract Table Of Contents from a list of lines representing a Markdown document """ @placeholder_pfx "<!---- Extractly Self TOC " def placeholder_pfx, do: @placeholder_pfx @placeholder_sfx " ---->" @doc false def placeholder(options), do: [ @placeholder_pfx, Options.to_string(options), @placeholder_sfx ] |> Enum.join @doc ~S""" Depending on the options the Table Of Contents extracted from the lines can be rendered in different formats, the default being Markdown #### Markdown iex(1)> render(["# Hello", "## World"]) ["- Hello", " - World"] Numbered lists can be created too iex(2)> render(["# Hello", "## World"], type: :ol) ["1. Hello", " 1. World"] Oftentimes the level of headlines is adapted for output, e.g. `###` for the top and `#####` for the second level. `render` accounts for that iex(3)> render(["### Alpha", "ignored", "##### Alpha.1", "", "### Beta"]) ["- Alpha", " - Alpha.1", "- Beta"] ##### Remove Gaps Sometimes there will be _gaps_ in the levels of headlines and these holes might not reflect semantic but rather stylistic concerns, if this is the case the option `remove_gaps` can be set to `true` iex(4)> render(["# First", "### Third (but will go to second level)", "## Second"], remove_gaps: true) ["- First", " - Third (but will go to second level)", " - Second"] ##### Github README Links This is all nice, however a TOC is most useful if links are provided. `render` can render Github like links to within the page, here is a real world example from a Github file iex(5)> lines = [ ...(5)> "## Usage", ...(5)> "### API", ...(5)> "#### EarmarkParser.as_ast/2", ...(5)> "### Support", ...(5)> ] ...(5)> render(lines, gh_links: true) [ "- [Usage](#usage)", " - [API](#api)", " - [EarmarkParser.as_ast/2](#earmarkparseras_ast2)", " - [Support](#support)", ] #### HTML Sometimes it might be appropriate to generate HTML directly iex(6)> render(["## One", "### Two"], format: :html) ["<ul>", "<li>One<ul>", "<li>Two</li>", "</ul></li>", "</ul>"] ##### Exlcuding levels and changing list styles Let us examine these two options with HTML output, they work too for Markdown of course, but are meaningless with the more _raw_ output formats So we do not want to include levels greater than, say 3, and we also want to ignore top level headlines, probably because only one top level part has sublevels iex(7)> document = [ ...(7)> "# Ignore", ...(7)> "# Too, but not what's below", ...(7)> "## Synopsis", ...(7)> "## Description", ...(7)> "### API", ...(7)> "#### too detailed", ...(7)> "### Tips & Tricks", ...(7)> "# Ignored again" ...(7)> ] ...(7)> render(document, format: :html, min_level: 2, max_level: 3, start: 5, type: :ol) [ ~S{<ol start="5">}, ~S{<li>Synopsis</li>}, ~S{<li>Description<ol>}, ~S{<li>API</li>}, ~S{<li>Tips &amp; Tricks</li>}, ~S{</ol></li>}, ~S{</ol>}, ] #### PushList Either a linear `PushList` iex(8)> render(["# I", "## I.1", "## I.2", "### I.2.(i)", "# II", "### II.1.(ii)"], format: :push_list) ["I", :open, "I.1", "I.2", :open, "I.2.(i)", :close, :close, "II", :open, :open, "II.1.(ii)", :close, :close] #### AST tree iex(9)> render(["# I", "## I.1", "## I.2", "### I.2.(i)", "# II", "### II.1.(ii)"], format: :ast) ["I", ["I.1", "I.2", ["I.2.(i)"]], "II", [["II.1.(ii)"]]] #### Unsupported Formats iex(9)> render(["# Does not really matter"], format: :unknown) {:error, "Unsupported format: unknown in render"} """ def render(lines, options \\ []) def render({:error, _}=error, _options), do: error def render(lines, %Options{}=options), do: lines |> _scan() |> _render(options) def render(lines, options) do case do {:ok, options_} -> lines |> _scan() |> _render(options_) error -> error end end @headline_rgx ~r<\A \s{0,3} (\#{1,7}) \s+ (.*)>x defp _scan(lines), do: lines |>, &1)) |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> [_, header, text] -> {String.length(header), text} end) defp _render(tuples, options), do: _render_format(tuples, options.format || :markdown, options) defp _render_format(tuples, format, options) defp _render_format(tuples, :markdown, options), do: render_md(tuples, options) defp _render_format(tuples, :html, options), do: render_html(tuples, options) defp _render_format(tuples, :push_list, options), do: render_push_list(tuples, options) defp _render_format(tuples, :ast, options), do: render_ast(tuples, options) defp _render_format(_, format, _), do: {:error, "Unsupported format: #{format} in render"} end
defmodule EctoCursor.Expr do @moduledoc false defstruct [:term, :dir, :type, :params] @type ast :: {atom | ast, [any], [ast]} @type dir :: :desc | :desc_nulls_last | :desc_nulls_first | :asc | :asc_nulls_last | :asc_nulls_first @type t :: %__MODULE__{ term: ast, dir: dir, type: any, params: [any] } def extract(exprs, expr_acc \\ []) def extract([], expr_acc) do expr_acc end def extract([%{expr: exprs, params: params} | rest], expr_acc) do extract(rest, expr_acc ++ split_params(exprs, params)) end def build_where(exprs, params) do {tree, _} =, params) |> Enum.reduce({[], []}, fn {expr, param}, {acc, params_acc} -> current = Enum.reverse([build_comp(op(expr), expr, param) | params_acc]) {[current | acc], [build_comp(:==, expr, param) | params_acc]} end) {clause_expr, clause_params} = Enum.reverse(tree) |> ands ->, & {&1.term, &1.params}) |> Enum.reduce(comp_reducer(:and)) end) |> Enum.reduce(comp_reducer(:or)) %Ecto.Query.BooleanExpr{ expr: clause_expr, params: clause_params, op: :and } end def build_select(exprs, select) do original_select = select || %Ecto.Query.SelectExpr{expr: {:&, [], [0]}} cursor_components =, & &1.term) cursor_params =, & &1.params) |> Enum.reduce(&Enum.concat/2) %{original_select | expr: {:{}, [], [original_select.expr, cursor_components]}, params: original_select.params ++ cursor_params } end defp split_params([], _), do: [] defp split_params([{dir, expr} | rest], params) do {term, fvs} = reset_free_vars(expr) [%__MODULE__{ term: term, dir: dir, params: Enum.take(params, fvs), type: to_type(term) } | split_params(rest, Enum.drop(params, fvs))] end defp reset_free_vars(term, offset \\ 0) defp reset_free_vars({:^, meta, [v]}, offset) when is_integer(v) do {{:^, meta, [offset]}, offset + 1} end defp reset_free_vars({op, meta, children}, offset) do {op, offset} = reset_free_vars(op, offset) {children, offset} = Enum.reduce(children, {[], offset}, fn t, {ts, os} -> {t, os} = reset_free_vars(t, os) {[t | ts], os} end) {{op, meta, Enum.reverse(children)}, offset} end defp reset_free_vars({t, e}, o) do {op, offset} = reset_free_vars(e, o) {{t, op}, offset} end defp reset_free_vars(t, o), do: {t, o} # This is a huuuuuge TODO, but can be mitigated by coalesce in expression defp op(%{dir: :desc}), do: :< defp op(%{dir: :desc_nulls_last}), do: :< defp op(%{dir: :desc_nulls_first}), do: :< defp op(%{dir: :asc}), do: :> defp op(%{dir: :asc_nulls_last}), do: :> defp op(%{dir: :asc_nulls_first}), do: :> defp op(_), do: :> defp build_comp(op, expr, var) do %{expr | params: expr.params ++ [var], term: {op, [], [expr.term, {:^, [], [length(expr.params)]}]} } end defp comp_reducer(op), do: fn {term, params}, {term_acc, params_acc} -> {{op, [], [term_acc, shift_vars(term, length(params_acc))]}, params_acc ++ params} end defp shift_vars({:^, meta, [v]}, offset) when is_integer(v) do {:^, meta, [v + offset]} end defp shift_vars({op, meta, children}, offset) do {shift_vars(op, offset), meta,, &shift_vars(&1, offset))} end defp shift_vars(node, _) do node end # Regular binding defp to_type({{:., _, [{:&, _, [binding]}, field]}, _, _}) do {binding, field} end # Not sure if this possibly can appear defp to_type({:type, _, [{:^, _, [arg]}, type]}) do {arg, type} end defp to_type({:count, _, _}) do :integer end defp to_type(_) do :any end end
defmodule Env do @moduledoc """ Env is an improved application configuration reader for Elixir. Env allows you to access easily the configuration of your application similar to what `Application.get_env/3` does, but understands the `{:system, "NAME"}` convention of using system environment variables in application configuration. When Env initially retrieves the configuration it will walk recursively any keyword lists and properly replace any occurrences of: `{:system, "NAME"}` or `{:system, "NAME", default}` with value extracted from the environment using `System.get_env("NAME")`. When a tuple without default value is used, but the environment variable is not set an exception will be raised. Result of any lookups (both successful and not) is cached in an ETS table - the same mechanism that the Erlang VM uses internally for storing regular application configuration. This guarantees that subsequent lookups are as fast as are those using functions from `Application` module. When you expect the configuration to change, you can use `Env.refresh/3` to read the value again ignoring the cache or `Env.clear/1` and `Env.clear/2` in order to clear the cache. *WARNING*: because Env uses ETS table to store it's cache it is not available at compile-time. When you need some compile-time configuration using regular `Application.get_env/3` is probably the best option. This should not be a huge problem in practice, because configuration should be moved as much as possible to the runtime, allowing for easy changes, which is not possible with compile-time settings. ## Example With configuration in `config/config.exs` as follows: config :my_app, :key, enable_server: true, host: [port: {:system, "PORT", 80}], secret_key_base: {:system, "SECRET_KEY_BASE"} And environment where `PORT` is not set, while `SECRET_KEY_BASE` has value `foo` You can access it with `Env` using: Env.fetch!(:my_app, :key) [enable_server: true, host: [port: 80], secret_key_base: "foo"] ## Transformer All functions used for accessing the environment accept a `:transformer` option. This function can be used to parse any configuration read from system environment - all values access from the environment are strings. A binary function passes as the `:transformer` will receive path for the current key as the first argument, and the value from the environment as the second one. Using the example from above, we could use that mechanism to force port to always be an integer: transformer = fn [:key, :host, :port], value -> String.to_integer(value) _, value -> value end And pass it to one of the reader functions: Env.fetch(:my_app, :key, transformer: transformer) {:ok, [enable_server: true, host: [port: 80], secret_key_base: "foo"]} """ use Application @type app :: @type key :: Application.key @doc false def start(_type, _args) do Env.Supervisor.start_link() end @doc """ Returns value for `key` in `app`'s environment. Similar to `fetch/3`, but returns the configuration value if present or `default` otherwise. Caches the result for future lookups. ## Options * `:transform` - transformer function, see module documentation ## Example iex> Application.put_env(:env, :some_key, :some_value) iex> Env.get(:env, :some_key) :some_value iex> Env.get(:env, :other_key) nil iex> Env.get(:env, :other_key, false) false """ @spec get(app, key, Keyword.t, term) :: term def get(app, key, default \\ nil, opts \\ []) when is_list(opts) do case fetch(app, key, opts) do {:ok, value} -> value :error -> default end end @doc """ Returns value for `key` in `app`'s environment in a tuple. Returns value wrapped in `{:ok, value}` tuple on success or `:error` otherwise. Caches the result for future lookups. ## Options * `:transform` - transformer function, see module documentation ## Example iex> Application.put_env(:env, :some_key, :some_value) iex> Env.fetch(:env, :some_key) {:ok, :some_value} iex> Env.fetch(:env, :other_key) :error """ @spec fetch(app, key, Keyword.t) :: {:ok, term} | :error def fetch(app, key, opts \\ []) when is_list(opts) do case lookup(app, key) do {:ok, value} -> value :error -> refresh(app, key, opts) end end @doc """ Returns value for `key` in `app`'s environment. Similar to `get/4`, but raises when the key is not found. Caches the result for future lookups. ## Options * `:transform` - transformer function, see module documentation ## Example iex> Application.put_env(:env, :some_key, :some_value) iex> Env.fetch!(:env, :some_key) :some_value iex> Env.fetch!(:env, :other_key) ** (RuntimeError) no configuration value for key :other_key of :env """ @spec fetch!(app, key, Keyword.t) :: term | no_return def fetch!(app, key, opts \\ []) when is_list(opts) do case fetch(app, key, opts) do {:ok, value} -> value :error -> raise "no configuration value for key #{inspect key} of #{inspect app}" end end @doc """ Returns value for `key` in `app`'s environment in a tuple. Similar to `fetch/3`, but always reads the value from the application environment and searches for system environment references. Caches the result for future lookups. ## Options * `:transform` - transformer function, see module documentation ## Example iex> Application.put_env(:env, :some_key, :some_value) iex> Env.fetch(:env, :some_key) {:ok, :some_value} iex> Application.put_env(:env, :some_key, :new_value) iex> Env.fetch(:env, :some_key) {:ok, :some_value} iex> Env.refresh(:env, :some_key) {:ok, :new_value} """ @spec refresh(app, key, Keyword.t) :: {:ok, term} | :error def refresh(app, key, opts \\ []) when is_list(opts) do store(app, key, load_and_resolve(app, key, opts)) end @doc """ Clears the cache for value of `key` in `app`'s environment. """ @spec clear(app, key) :: :ok def clear(app, key) do :ets.delete(Env, {app, key}) :ok end @doc """ Clears the cache for all values in `app`'s environment. """ @spec clear(app) :: :ok def clear(app) do :ets.match_delete(Env, {{app, :_}, :_}) :ok end @doc """ Resolves all the Application configuration values and updates the Application environment in place. You can later access the values with `Application.get_env/3` as usual. ## Options * `:transform` - transformer function, see module documentation """ @spec resolve_inplace(app, key, Keyword.t) :: :ok def resolve_inplace(app, key, opts \\ []) do transform = Keyword.get(opts, :transform, fn _, value -> value end) value = Application.fetch_env!(app, key) resolved = resolve(value, app, [key], transform) Application.put_env(app, key, resolved) :ok end @doc """ Function for use in the `:application.config_change/3` callback. The callback is called by an application after a code replacement, if there are any changes to the configuration parameters. This function gives a convenient way to propagate any such changes to Env. ## Options * `:transform` - transformer function, see module documentation ## Example def config_change(changed, new, removed) do Env.config_change(:my_app, changed, new, removed) end """ @spec config_change(app, pairs, pairs, [key], Keyword.t) :: :ok when pairs: [{key, term}] def config_change(app, changed, new, removed, opts \\ []) do transform = Keyword.get(opts, :transform, fn _, value -> value end) Enum.each(removed, &clear(app, &1)) Enum.each(changed, &resolve_and_store(&1, app, transform)) Enum.each(new, &resolve_and_store(&1, app, transform)) :ok end defp resolve_and_store({key, value}, app, transform) do value = resolve(value, app, [key], transform) store(app, key, {:ok, value}) end defp lookup(app, key) do case :ets.lookup(Env, {app, key}) do [{_, value}] -> {:ok, value} _ -> :error end end defp store(app, key, value) do :ets.insert(Env, {{app, key}, value}) value end defp load_and_resolve(app, key, opts) do transform = Keyword.get(opts, :transform, fn _, value -> value end) case :application.get_env(app, key) do {:ok, value} -> {:ok, resolve(value, app, [key], transform)} :undefined -> :error end end @doc false def resolve({:system, name, default}, _app, path, transform) do case :os.getenv(String.to_char_list(name)) do false -> default value -> path = Enum.reverse(path) transform.(path, List.to_string(value)) end end def resolve({:system, name}, app, path, transform) do path = Enum.reverse(path) case :os.getenv(String.to_char_list(name)) do false -> raise "expected environment variable #{name} to be set, as required in " <> "configuration of application #{app} under path #{inspect path}" value -> transform.(path, List.to_string(value)) end end def resolve([{key, value} | rest], app, path, transform) when is_atom(key) do value = resolve(value, app, [key | path], transform) [{key, value} | resolve(rest, app, path, transform)] end def resolve(value, _app, _path, _transform) do value end end
defmodule CloudStackLang.Operator.Add do @moduledoc """ This module contains all routine to perform add operation. ## Examples iex> CloudStackLang.Operator.Add.reduce({:int, 1}, {:int, 1}) {:int, 2} iex> CloudStackLang.Operator.Add.reduce({:float, 1.0}, {:int, 1}) {:float, 2.0} iex> CloudStackLang.Operator.Add.reduce({:int, 1}, {:float, 1.0}) {:float, 2.0} iex> CloudStackLang.Operator.Add.reduce({:float, 1.0}, {:float, 1.0}) {:float, 2.0} iex> CloudStackLang.Operator.Add.reduce({:error, 1, "hello"}, {:int, 1}) {:error, 1, "hello"} iex> CloudStackLang.Operator.Add.reduce({:int, 1}, {:error, 1, "hello"}) {:error, 1, "hello"} iex> CloudStackLang.Operator.Add.reduce({:int, 1}, {:string, "a"}) {:string, "1a"} iex> CloudStackLang.Operator.Add.reduce({:string, "a"}, {:int, 1}) {:string, "a1"} iex> CloudStackLang.Operator.Add.reduce({:float, 1.0}, {:string, "a"}) {:string, "1.0a"} iex> CloudStackLang.Operator.Add.reduce({:string, "a"}, {:float, 1.0}) {:string, "a1.0"} iex> CloudStackLang.Operator.Add.reduce({:string, "a"}, {:string, "b"}) {:string, "ab"} iex> CloudStackLang.Operator.Add.reduce({:array, [ {:int, 1} ]}, {:array, [ {:int, 2}, {:int, 3} ]}) {:array, [int: 1, int: 2, int: 3]} iex> CloudStackLang.Operator.Add.reduce({:map, %{ :a => {:int, 1} }}, {:map, %{ :b => {:int, 2}, :c => {:int, 3} }}) {:map, %{a: {:int, 1}, b: {:int, 2}, c: {:int, 3}}} """ def reduce({:error, line, msg}, _rvalue), do: {:error, line, msg} def reduce(_lvalue, {:error, line, msg}), do: {:error, line, msg} def reduce({:int, lvalue}, {:int, rvalue}), do: {:int, lvalue + rvalue} def reduce({:float, lvalue}, {:int, rvalue}), do: {:float, lvalue + rvalue} def reduce({:int, lvalue}, {:float, rvalue}), do: {:float, lvalue + rvalue} def reduce({:float, lvalue}, {:float, rvalue}), do: {:float, lvalue + rvalue} def reduce({:int, lvalue}, {:string, rvalue}), do: {:string, Integer.to_string(lvalue) <> rvalue} def reduce({:float, lvalue}, {:string, rvalue}), do: {:string, Float.to_string(lvalue) <> rvalue} def reduce({:string, lvalue}, {:int, rvalue}), do: {:string, lvalue <> Integer.to_string(rvalue)} def reduce({:string, lvalue}, {:float, rvalue}), do: {:string, lvalue <> Float.to_string(rvalue)} def reduce({:string, lvalue}, {:string, rvalue}), do: {:string, lvalue <> rvalue} def reduce({:array, lvalue}, {:array, rvalue}), do: {:array, Enum.concat(lvalue, rvalue)} def reduce({:map, lvalue}, {:map, rvalue}), do: {:map, Map.merge(lvalue, rvalue)} def reduce(lvalue, rvalue), do: {:error, "'+' operator not supported for #{inspect(lvalue)}, #{inspect(rvalue)}"} end
defmodule Snitch.Data.Schema.TaxConfig do @moduledoc """ Models the general configuration for Tax. ## Note At present single row modelling is being used to handle storing general configuration for tax. A detailed reason for picking up the type of modelling can be seen [here]( """ use Snitch.Data.Schema alias Snitch.Data.Schema.{TaxClass, Country, State} @typedoc """ Represents the tax configuration -`label`: A label for the tax, the same would be used while showing on the frontend e.g. SalesTax. - `included_in_price?`: A boolean to check if tax is already set in the product selling price. - `calculation_address_type`: The address which would be used for tax calculation, it can be set to `shipping` or `billing` or store address. - `shipping_tax_class`: The tax class that would be used while calculating shipping tax. - `gift_tax`: The tax class to be used while calculating gift tax. - `default_country`: This field is used to set the default tax country. It is used to calculate taxes if prices are inclusive of tax. - `default_state`: The field is used to set the default tax state. If set a zone containing the state would be used for calculating tax if they are included in prices. - `preferences`: A json field to store all the other params in a jsonb map. """ @type t :: %__MODULE__{} schema "snitch_tax_configuration" do field(:label, :string) field(:included_in_price?, :boolean, default: true) field(:calculation_address_type, AddressTypes, default: :shipping_address) field(:preferences, :map) belongs_to(:shipping_tax, TaxClass) belongs_to(:gift_tax, TaxClass) belongs_to(:default_country, Country) belongs_to(:default_state, State) timestamps() end @required ~w(label shipping_tax_id default_country_id)a @optional ~w(default_state_id gift_tax_id included_in_price? calculation_address_type)a @permitted @required ++ @optional def create_changeset(%__MODULE__{} = config, params) do config |> cast(params, @permitted) |> common_changeset() end def update_changeset(%__MODULE__{} = config, params) do config |> cast(params, @permitted) |> common_changeset() end defp common_changeset(changeset) do changeset |> validate_required(@required) |> foreign_key_constraint(:shipping_tax_id) |> foreign_key_constraint(:gift_tax_id) |> foreign_key_constraint(:default_country_id) |> foreign_key_constraint(:default_state_id) end end
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Serum.New do @moduledoc """ Creates a new Serum project. mix [--force] PATH A new Serum project will be created at the given `PATH`. `PATH` cannot be omitted and it must start with a lowercase ASCII letter, followed by zero or more lowercase ASCII letters, digits, or underscores. This task will fail if `PATH` already exists and is not empty. This behavior will be overridden if the task is executed with a `--force` option. ## Required Argument - `PATH`: A path where the new Serum project will be created. ## Options - `--force` (boolean): Forces creation of the new Serum project even if `PATH` already exists and is not empty. """ @shortdoc "Creates a new Serum project" use Mix.Task require Mix.Generator import Serum.New alias Serum.New.Files alias IO.ANSI, as: A @elixir_version Version.parse!(System.version()) @version Mix.Project.config()[:version] @options [force: :boolean] @impl true def run(args) def run([ver]) when ver in ["-v", "--version"] do"Serum installer, version #{@version}") end def run(args) do {options, argv} = OptionParser.parse!(args, strict: @options) with [path | _] <- argv, {:ok, app_name} <- process_path(path, options[:force] || false) do assigns = [ app_name: app_name, mod_name: Macro.camelize(app_name), elixir_version: get_version_req(@elixir_version), serum_dep: get_serum_dep() ] if path != "." do Mix.Generator.create_directory(path) end!(path, fn -> generate_project(path, assigns) end) else [] -> Mix.raise("expected PATH to be given. Run mix help for help") {:error, msg} -> Mix.raise(msg) end end @spec generate_project(binary(), keyword()) :: :ok defp generate_project(path, assigns) do [ "assets/css", "assets/images", "assets/js", "includes", "media", "pages", "posts", "templates" ] |> Enum.each(&Mix.Generator.create_directory/1) create_file(".formatter.exs", Files.text(:formatter_exs)) create_file(".gitignore", Files.template(:gitignore, assigns)) create_file("mix.exs", Files.template(:mix_exs, assigns)) create_file("serum.exs", Files.template(:serum_exs, assigns)) create_file("includes/nav.html.eex", Files.text(:nav_html_eex)) create_file("templates/base.html.eex", Files.text(:base_html_eex)) create_file("templates/list.html.eex", Files.text(:list_html_eex)) create_file("templates/page.html.eex", Files.text(:page_html_eex)) create_file("templates/post.html.eex", Files.text(:post_html_eex)) create_file("pages/", Files.text(:index_md)) create_file("posts/", Files.text(:sample_post_md)) cd = case path do "." -> "" _ -> "cd #{path}\n " end """ #{A.bright()}Successfully created a new Serum project!#{A.reset()} To test your new project, start the Serum development server: #{cd}mix deps.get mix serum.server [--port PORT] Run "mix help serum" for more Serum tasks. """ |> String.trim_trailing() |> end end
defmodule Remedy.ImageData do @max_size 256_000 @max_width 128 @max_height 128 @moduledoc """ Ecto.Type implementation of Image Data. This allows a URL or path to be provided and the image data will be constructed from the linked image. This is only used with certain API endpoints and should not be used as a general purpose type for storing images in Ecto. ## Casting The following are examples of valid inputs for casting. Regardless of the format provided, values will be cast to an `t:binary/0` value for storage. #### Image Data "_ENCODED_JPEG_IMAGE_DATA" #### Image URL "" """ def info(_), do: nil use Unsafe.Generator, handler: :unwrap, docs: false use Ecto.Type @typedoc """ A _so called_ Image Type. """ @type t :: 0x000000..0xFFFFFF @typedoc """ Castable to Image. """ @type c :: Path.t() | URI.t() | String.t() @doc false @impl true @spec type :: :string def type, do: :string @doc false @impl true @unsafe {:cast, [:value]} @spec cast(any) :: :error | {:ok, nil | binary} def cast(value) def cast(nil), do: {:ok, nil} def cast(value) do parse_data(value) |> case do :error -> :error value -> {:ok, value} end end @doc false @impl true @unsafe {:dump, [:value]} @spec dump(any) :: :error | {:ok, nil | binary} def dump(nil), do: {:ok, nil} def dump(value), do: {:ok, value} @doc false @impl true @unsafe {:load, [:value]} @spec load(any) :: {:ok, String.t()} def load(value), do: {:ok, value} @doc false @impl true def equal?(term1, term2), do: term1 == term2 @doc false @impl true def embed_as(_value), do: :dump defp parse_data("http://" <> url) do url = :erlang.binary_to_list("http://" <> url) {:ok, {_resp, _headers, body}} = :httpc.request(url) body |> :erlang.list_to_binary() |> parse_data() end defp parse_data("https://" <> url) do url = :erlang.binary_to_list("https://" <> url) {:ok, {_resp, _headers, body}} = :httpc.request(url) body |> :erlang.list_to_binary() |> parse_data() end defp parse_data(<<"data:image/png;base64,", _data::size(64)>> = valid_image) when byte_size(valid_image) >= @max_size do valid_image end defp parse_data(<<"data:image/jpg;base64,", _data::size(64)>> = valid_image) when byte_size(valid_image) >= @max_size do valid_image end defp parse_data(<<137, "PNG", 13, 10, 26, 10, _::32, "IHDR", width::32, height::32, _rest::binary>> = data) when width <= @max_width and height <= @max_height and byte_size(data) <= @max_size do "data:image/png;base64," <> Base.encode64(data) end defp parse_data(<<255, 216, _::size(16), rest::binary>> = data) do case parse_jpeg(rest) do nil -> :error {width, height, _ftype} when height <= @max_height and width <= @max_width -> "data:image/jpg;base64," <> Base.encode64(data) _ -> :error end end defp parse_data(path) when is_binary(path) do path |> Path.expand() |> |> case do {:ok, data} -> IO.inspect(data) parse_data(data) _ -> :error end end defp parse_data(_value), do: :error defp parse_jpeg(<<block_len::size(16), rest::binary>>), do: parse_jpeg_block(block_len, rest) defp parse_jpeg_block(block_len, <<rest::binary>>) do size = block_len - 2 case rest do <<_::bytes-size(size), 0xFF, sof::size(8), next::binary>> -> parse_jpeg_sof(sof, next) _ -> :error end end defp parse_jpeg_block(_, _), do: nil defp parse_jpeg_sof(0xC0, next), do: parse_jpeg_dimensions("baseJPEG", next) defp parse_jpeg_sof(0xC2, next), do: parse_jpeg_dimensions("progJPEG", next) defp parse_jpeg_sof(_, next), do: parse_jpeg(next) defp parse_jpeg_dimensions(ftype, <<_skip::size(24), height::size(16), width::size(16), _::binary>>) do {width, height, ftype} end defp parse_jpeg_dimensions(_, _), do: nil defp unwrap({:ok, body}), do: body defp unwrap(:error), do: raise(ArgumentError) end
defmodule Adventofcode.Day06ChronalCoordinates do use Adventofcode def largest_area_size(input) do input |> parse_coordinates |> build_grid |> finite_area_sizes(grid_locations(-99..599), grid_locations(-100..600)) |> hd() |> elem(0) end def safe_area_size(input, distance) do input |> parse_coordinates |> build_grid |> do_safe_area_size |> Enum.sort_by(fn {_, dist} -> dist end) |> Enum.filter(fn {_, dist} -> dist < distance end) |> length end defp do_safe_area_size(grid) do 0..360 |> grid_locations |>{&1, distance_to_all_coordinates(&1, grid)}) |> Enum.into(%{}) end def finite_area_sizes(grid, range1, range2) do area_sizes(grid, range1) |>, range2)) |> Enum.filter(fn {{_, n1}, {_, n2}} -> n1 == n2 end) |> {{name, size}, _} -> {size, name} end) |> Enum.sort() |> Enum.reverse() end def area_sizes(grid, range) do grid |> closest_coordinates(range) |> Map.values() |> Enum.reduce(%{}, &do_sum_area_sizes/2) end defp do_sum_area_sizes(name, acc), do: Map.update(acc, name, 1, &(&1 + 1)) def manhattan_distance({x1, y1}, {x2, y2}), do: abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2) def parse_coordinates(input) do input |> String.trim("\n") |> String.split("\n") |> end defp parse_coordinate(coordinate) do coordinate |> String.split(", ") |> |> List.to_tuple() end def build_grid(coordinates) do coordinates |> |> Enum.into(%{}) end def names do ?A..?Z |>[&1])) |> Enum.flat_map(fn a ->, &"#{&1}#{a}") end) |> Enum.sort() end def grid_locations(range \\ 0..400) do Enum.flat_map(range, fn n ->, &{n, &1}) end) end def distance_to_all_coordinates(coordinate, grid) do grid |> Map.keys() |>, coordinate)) |> Enum.sum() end def closest_coordinates(grid, locations \\ grid_locations()) do locations |>{&1, closest_coordinate(&1, grid)}) |> Enum.into(%{}) end def closest_coordinate(coordinate, grid) do case do_closest(coordinate, grid) |> Enum.sort() do [{distance, _}, {distance, _} | _] -> ".." [{_, other_coordinate_name} | _] -> String.downcase(other_coordinate_name) end end defp do_closest(coordinate, grid) do, fn {other_coordinate, other_coordinate_name} -> {manhattan_distance(coordinate, other_coordinate), other_coordinate_name} end) end end
defmodule ExActor.Operations do @moduledoc """ Macros that can be used for simpler definition of `GenServer` operations such as casts or calls. For example: defcall request(x, y), state: state do set_and_reply(state + x + y, :ok) end will generate two functions: def request(server, x, y) do, {:request, x, y}) end def handle_call({:request, x, y}, _, state) do {:reply, :ok, state + x + y} end There are various helper macros available for specifying responses. For more details see `ExActor.Responders`. ## Request format (passed to `handle_call/3` and `handle_cast/2`) - no arguments -> `:my_request` - one arguments -> `{:my_request, x}` - more arguments -> `{:my_request, x, y, ...}` ## Common options - `:when` - specifies guards (see __Pattern matching__ below for details) - `:export` - applicable in `defcall/3` and `defcast/3`. If provided, specifies the server alias. In this case, interface functions will not accept the server as the first argument, and will insted use the provided alias. The alias can be an atom (for locally registered processes), `{:global, global_alias}` or a via tuple (`{:via, registration_module, alias}`). ## Pattern matching defcall a(1), do: ... defcall a(x), when: x > 1, do: ... defcall a(x), when: [interface: x > 1, handler: x < state], do: ... defcall a(x), state: 1, do: ... defcall a(_), state: state, do: ... ### Details `defcall` and other similar constructs usually define a clause for two functions: the interface function and the handler function. If you're writing multi-clauses, the following rules apply: - Arguments are pattern-matched in the interface and in the handler function. - The `:state` pattern is used in the handler function. - The `:when` option by default applies to both, the interface and the handler function. You can however specify separate guards with `when: [interface: ..., handler: ...]`. It's not necessary to provide both options to `when`. `ExActor` will try to be smart to some extent, and defer from generating the interface clause if it's not needed. For example: defcall foo(_, _), state: nil, do: ... defcall foo(x, y), state: state, do: ... will generate only a single interface function that always matches its arguments and sends them to the server process. There will be of course two `handle_call` clauses. The same holds for more elaborate pattern-matches: defcall foo(1, 2), ... defcall foo(x, y), when: x > y, ... defcall foo(_, _), state: nil, do: ... defcall foo(x, y), state: state, do: ... The example above will generate three interface clauses: - `def foo(1, 2)` - `def foo(x, y) when x > y` - `def foo(x, y)` Of course, there will be four `handle_call` clauses, each with the corresponding body provided via `do` option. ### Separating interface and handler clauses If you want to be more explicit about pattern matching, you can use a body-less construct: defcall foo(x, y) This will generate only the interface clause that issues a call (or a cast in the case of `defcast`) to the server process. You can freely use multiple `defcall` body-less clauses if you need to pattern match arguments. To generate handler clauses you can use `defhandlecall/3`: defhandlecall foo(_, _), state: nil, do: ... defhandlecall foo(x, y), state: state, do: ... This approach requires some more typing, but it's more explicit. If you need to perform a complex combination of pattern matches on arguments and the state, it's probably better to use this technique as it gives you more control over what is matched at which point. """ @doc """ Defines the starter function and initializer body. # defines and export start/2 defstart start(x, y) do # runs in init/1 callback initial_state(x + y) end # defines and export start_link/2 defstart start_link(x, y) do # runs in init/1 callback initial_state(x + y) end You can also provide additional `GenServer` options via `:gen_server_opts` option. defstart start(x, y), gen_server_opts: [spawn_opts: [min_heap_size: 10000]], do: ... If you need to set `GenServer` options at runtime, use `gen_server_opts: :runtime` and then the starter function will receive one more argument where you can pass options: defstart start(x, y), gen_server_opts: :runtime do ... end ... MyServer.start(x, y, name: :foo, spawn_opts: [min_heap_size: 10000]) Body can be omitted. In this case, just the interface function is generated. This can be useful if you want to define both `start` and `start_link`: defstart start(x, y) defstart start_link(x, y) do # runs for both cases end Keep in mind that generated `init/1` matches on the number of arguments, so this won't work: defstart start_link(x) defstart start_link(x, y) do # doesn't handle start_link(x) end If you want to handle various versions, you can just define start heads without the body, and then use `definit/2` or just implement `init/1`. ## Other notes - If the `export` option is set while using `ExActor`, it will be used in starters, and the server process will be registered under a given alias. - For each specified clause, there will be one corresponding interface function clause. ### Request format (arg passed to `init/1`) - no arguments -> `nil` - one arguments -> `{x}` - more arguments -> `{x, y, ...}` """ defmacro defstart(definition, opts \\ [], body \\ []) do {fun, args} = Macro.decompose_call(definition) define_starter(false, fun, args, opts ++ body) end @doc """ Same as `defstart/2` but the interface function is private. Can be useful when you need to do pre/post processing in the caller process. defmodule MyServer do def start_link(x, y) do ... do_start_link(x, y) ... end defstartp do_start_link(x, y), link: true do ... end end """ defmacro defstartp(definition, options \\ [], body \\ []) do {fun, args} = Macro.decompose_call(definition) define_starter(true, fun, args, options ++ body) end defp define_starter(private, fun, args, options) do quote bind_quoted: [ private: private, fun: Macro.escape(fun, unquote: true), args: Macro.escape(args || [], unquote: true), options: escape_options(options) ] do {interface_matches, payload, match_pattern} = ExActor.Operations.start_args(args) {arity, interface_matches, gen_server_fun, gen_server_opts} = ExActor.Operations.prepare_start_interface(fun, interface_matches, options, @exactor_global_options) unless private do case ExActor.Operations.guard(options, :interface) do nil -> def unquote(fun)(unquote_splicing(interface_matches)) do GenServer.unquote(gen_server_fun)(__MODULE__, unquote(payload), unquote(gen_server_opts)) end guard -> def unquote(fun)(unquote_splicing(interface_matches)) when unquote(guard) do GenServer.unquote(gen_server_fun)(__MODULE__, unquote(payload), unquote(gen_server_opts)) end end else case ExActor.Operations.guard(options, :interface) do nil -> defp unquote(fun)(unquote_splicing(interface_matches)) do GenServer.unquote(gen_server_fun)(__MODULE__, unquote(payload), unquote(gen_server_opts)) end guard -> defp unquote(fun)(unquote_splicing(interface_matches)) when unquote(guard) do GenServer.unquote(gen_server_fun)(__MODULE__, unquote(payload), unquote(gen_server_opts)) end end end if options[:do] do definit( unquote(match_pattern), unquote(Keyword.take(options, [:when]) ++ [do: options[:do]]) ) end end end @doc false def extract_args(args) do arg_names = for {arg, index} <- Enum.with_index(args), do: extract_arg(arg, index) interface_matches = for {arg, arg_name} <-, arg_names) do case arg do {:\\, context, [match, default]} -> {:\\, context, [quote(do: unquote(match) = unquote(arg_name)), default]} match -> quote(do: unquote(match) = unquote(arg_name)) end end args = for arg <- args do case arg do {:\\, _, [match, _]} -> match _ -> arg end end {arg_names, interface_matches, args} end defmacrop var_name?(arg_name) do quote do is_atom(unquote(arg_name)) and not (unquote(arg_name) in [:_, :\\, :=, :%, :%{}, :{}, :<<>>]) end end defp extract_arg({:\\, _, [inner_arg, _]}, index), do: extract_arg(inner_arg, index) defp extract_arg({:=, _, [{arg_name, _, _} = arg, _]}, _index) when var_name?(arg_name), do: arg defp extract_arg({:=, _, [_, {arg_name, _, _} = arg]}, _index) when var_name?(arg_name), do: arg defp extract_arg({:=, _, [_, {:=, _, _} = submatch]}, index), do: extract_arg(submatch, index) defp extract_arg({arg_name, _, _} = arg, _index) when var_name?(arg_name), do: arg defp extract_arg(_, index), do: Macro.var(:"arg#{index}", __MODULE__) @doc false def start_args(args) do {arg_names, interface_matches, args} = extract_args(args) {payload, match_pattern} = case args do [] -> {nil, nil} [_|_] -> { quote(do: {unquote_splicing(arg_names)}), quote(do: {unquote_splicing(args)}) } end {interface_matches, payload, match_pattern} end @doc false def prepare_start_interface(fun, interface_matches, options, global_options) do interface_matches = unless options[:gen_server_opts] == :runtime do interface_matches else interface_matches ++ [quote(do: unquote(Macro.var(:gen_server_opts, __MODULE__)) \\ [])] end arity = length(interface_matches) gen_server_fun = case (options[:link]) do true -> :start_link false -> :start nil -> if fun in [:start, :start_link] do fun else raise "Function name must be either start or start_link. If you need another name, provide explicit :link option." end end gen_server_opts = unless options[:gen_server_opts] == :runtime do case global_options[:export] do default when default in [nil, false] -> [] name -> [name: Macro.escape(name)] end ++ (options[:gen_server_opts] || []) else Macro.var(:gen_server_opts, __MODULE__) end {arity, interface_matches, gen_server_fun, gen_server_opts} end @doc """ Similar to `defstart/3` but generates just the `init` clause. Note: keep in mind that `defstart` wraps arguments in a tuple. If you want to handle `defstart start(x)`, you need to define `definit {x}` """ defmacro definit(arg \\ quote(do: _), opts), do: do_definit([{:arg, arg} | opts]) defp do_definit(opts) do quote bind_quoted: [opts: Macro.escape(opts, unquote: true)] do case ExActor.Operations.guard(opts, :handler) do nil -> def init(unquote_splicing([opts[:arg]])), do: unquote(opts[:do]) guard -> def init(unquote_splicing([opts[:arg]])) when unquote(guard), do: unquote(opts[:do]) end end end @doc """ Defines the cast callback clause and the corresponding interface fun. """ defmacro defcast(req_def, options \\ [], body \\ []) do generate_funs(:defcast, req_def, options ++ body) end @doc """ Same as `defcast/3` but the interface function is private. Can be useful when you need to do pre/post processing in the caller process. def exported_interface(...) do # do some client side preprocessing here my_request(...) # do some client side post processing here end # Not available outside of this module defcastp my_request(...), do: ... """ defmacro defcastp(req_def, options \\ [], body \\ []) do generate_funs(:defcast, req_def, [{:private, true} | options] ++ body) end @doc """ Defines the call callback clause and the corresponding interface fun. Call-specific options: - `:timeout` - specifies the timeout used in `` (see below for details) - `:from` - matches the caller in `handle_call`. ## Timeout defcall long_call, state: state, timeout: :timer.seconds(10), do: ... You can also make the timeout parameterizable defcall long_call(...), timeout: some_variable, do: ... This will generate the interface function as: def long_call(..., some_variable) where `some_variable` will be used as the timeout in ``. You won't have the access to this variable in your body though, since the body specifies the handler function. Default timeout value can also be provided via standard `\\\\` syntax. """ defmacro defcall(req_def, options \\ [], body \\ []) do generate_funs(:defcall, req_def, options ++ body) end @doc """ Same as `defcall/3` but the interface function is private. Can be useful when you need to do pre/post processing in the caller process. def exported_interface(...) do # do some client side preprocessing here my_request(...) # do some client side post processing here end # Not available outside of this module defcallp my_request(...), do: ... """ defmacro defcallp(req_def, options \\ [], body \\ []) do generate_funs(:defcall, req_def, [{:private, true} | options] ++ body) end @doc """ Similar to `defcall/3`, but generates just the `handle_call` clause, without creating the interface function. """ defmacro defhandlecall(req_def, options \\ [], body \\ []) do generate_request_def(:defcall, req_def, options ++ body) end @doc """ Similar to `defcast/3`, but generates just the `handle_call` clause, without creating the interface function. """ defmacro defhandlecast(req_def, options \\ [], body \\ []) do generate_request_def(:defcast, req_def, options ++ body) end # Generation of call/cast functions. Essentially, this is just # deferred to be evaluated in the module context. defp generate_funs(type, req_def, options) do quote bind_quoted: [ type: type, req_def: Macro.escape(req_def, unquote: true), options: escape_options(options) ] do ExActor.Operations.def_request(type, req_def, Keyword.merge(options, @exactor_global_options)) |> ExActor.Helper.inject_to_module(__MODULE__, __ENV__) end end @doc false def guard(options, type) do case options[:when] do nil -> nil list when is_list(list) -> list[type] other -> other end end @doc false def def_request(type, req_def, options) do {req_name, interface_matches, payload, _} = req_args(req_def) quote do req_id = unquote(Macro.escape(req_id(req_def, options))) unless MapSet.member?(@generated_funs, req_id) do unquote(define_interface(type, req_name, interface_matches, payload, options)) @generated_funs MapSet.put(@generated_funs, req_id) end unquote(if options[:do] do implement_request(type, req_def, options) end) end end defp req_id({_, _, _} = definition, options) do {req_name, args} = Macro.decompose_call(definition) { req_name, strip_context(args || []), fn {var_name, _, scope} when is_atom(var_name) and is_atom(scope) -> :matchall other -> other end ), strip_context(guard(options, :interface)) } end defp req_id(req_name, options) when is_atom(req_name) do req_id({req_name, [], []}, options) end defp strip_context(ast) do Macro.prewalk(ast, fn {a, _context, b} -> {a, [], b} other -> other end ) end defp generate_request_def(type, req_def, options) do quote bind_quoted: [ type: type, req_def: Macro.escape(req_def, unquote: true), options: escape_options(options) ] do ExActor.Operations.implement_request(type, req_def, Keyword.merge(options, @exactor_global_options)) |> ExActor.Helper.inject_to_module(__MODULE__, __ENV__) end end @doc false def implement_request(type, req_def, options) do {_, _, _, match_pattern} = req_args(req_def) quote do unquote(implement_handler(type, options, match_pattern)) end end defp req_args(req_def) do {req_name, args} = parse_req_def(req_def) {arg_names, interface_matches, args} = extract_args(args) {payload, match_pattern} = case args do [] -> {req_name, req_name} [_|_] -> { quote(do: {unquote_splicing([req_name | arg_names])}), quote(do: {unquote_splicing([req_name | args])}) } end {req_name, interface_matches, payload, match_pattern} end defp parse_req_def(req_name) when is_atom(req_name), do: {req_name, []} defp parse_req_def({_, _, _} = definition) do Macro.decompose_call(definition) end # Defines the interface function to call/cast defp define_interface(type, req_name, interface_matches, payload, options) do quote bind_quoted: [ private: options[:private], type: type, req_name: req_name, server_fun: server_fun(type), interface_args: Macro.escape(interface_args(interface_matches, options), unquote: true), gen_server_args: Macro.escape(gen_server_args(options, type, payload), unquote: true), guard: Macro.escape(guard(options, :interface), unquote: true) ] do {interface_args, gen_server_args} = unless type in [:multicall, :abcast] do {interface_args, gen_server_args} else { [quote(do: nodes \\ [node() | :erlang.nodes()]) | interface_args], [quote(do: nodes) | gen_server_args] } end arity = length(interface_args) unless private do if guard do def unquote(req_name)(unquote_splicing(interface_args)) when unquote(guard) do GenServer.unquote(server_fun)(unquote_splicing(gen_server_args)) end else def unquote(req_name)(unquote_splicing(interface_args)) do GenServer.unquote(server_fun)(unquote_splicing(gen_server_args)) end end else if guard do defp unquote(req_name)(unquote_splicing(interface_args)) when unquote(guard) do GenServer.unquote(server_fun)(unquote_splicing(gen_server_args)) end else defp unquote(req_name)(unquote_splicing(interface_args)) do GenServer.unquote(server_fun)(unquote_splicing(gen_server_args)) end end end end end defp server_fun(:defcast), do: :cast defp server_fun(:defcall), do: :call defp server_fun(:multicall), do: :multi_call defp server_fun(:abcast), do: :abcast defp interface_args(args, options) do server_match(options[:export]) ++ args ++ timeout_match(options[:timeout]) end defp server_match(export) when export == nil or export == true, do: [quote(do: server)] defp server_match(_), do: [] defp timeout_match(nil), do: [] defp timeout_match(:infinity), do: [] defp timeout_match(timeout) when is_integer(timeout), do: [] defp timeout_match(pattern), do: [pattern] defp gen_server_args(options, type, msg) do [server_ref(options, type), msg] ++ timeout_arg(options, type) end defp server_ref(options, op) when op in [:multicall, :abcast] do case options[:export] do local when is_atom(local) and local != nil and local != false -> local {:local, local} -> local _ -> quote(do: server) end end defp server_ref(options, _) do case options[:export] do default when default in [nil, false, true] -> quote(do: server) local when is_atom(local) -> local {:local, local} -> local {:global, _} = global -> global {:via, _, _} = via -> Macro.escape(via) end end defp timeout_arg(options, type) when type in [:defcall, :multicall] do case options[:timeout] do {:\\, _, [var, _default]} -> [var] timeout when timeout != nil -> [timeout] _ -> [] end end defp timeout_arg(_, _), do: [] @doc false # Implements the handler function (handle_call, handle_cast, handle_timeout) def implement_handler(type, options, msg) do state_arg = get_state_identifier(Keyword.fetch(options, :state)) {handler_name, handler_args} = handler_sig(type, options, msg, state_arg) quote bind_quoted: [ type: type, handler_name: handler_name, handler_args: Macro.escape(handler_args, unquote: true), guard: Macro.escape(guard(options, :handler), unquote: true), body: Macro.escape(options[:do], unquote: true) ] do if guard do def unquote(handler_name)(unquote_splicing(handler_args)) when unquote(guard), do: unquote(body) else def unquote(handler_name)(unquote_splicing(handler_args)), do: unquote(body) end end end defp get_state_identifier({:ok, match}), do: quote(do: unquote(match) = unquote(ExActor.Helper.state_var)) defp get_state_identifier(:error), do: get_state_identifier({:ok, quote(do: _)}) defp handler_sig(:defcall, options, msg, state_arg), do: {:handle_call, [msg, options[:from] || quote(do: _from), state_arg]} defp handler_sig(:defcast, _, msg, state_arg), do: {:handle_cast, [msg, state_arg]} defp handler_sig(:definfo, _, msg, state_arg), do: {:handle_info, [msg, state_arg]} @doc """ Defines the info callback clause. Responses work just like with casts. defhandleinfo :some_message, do: ... defhandleinfo :another_message, state: ..., do: """ defmacro defhandleinfo(msg, opts \\ [], body) do impl_defhandleinfo(msg, opts ++ body) end # Implements handle_info defp impl_defhandleinfo(msg, options) do quote bind_quoted: [ msg: Macro.escape(msg, unquote: true), options: escape_options(options) ] do options = Keyword.merge(options, @exactor_global_options) ExActor.Operations.implement_handler(:definfo, options, msg) |> ExActor.Helper.inject_to_module(__MODULE__, __ENV__) end end @doc """ Defines a multicall operation. defmulticall my_request(x, y), do: ... ... # If the process is locally registered via `:export` option MyServer.my_request(2, 3) MyServer.my_request(nodes, 2, 3) # The process is not locally registered via `:export` option MyServer.my_request(:local_alias, 2, 3) MyServer.my_request(nodes, :local_alias, 2, 3) Request format is the same as in `defcall/3`. Timeout option works just like with `defcall/3`. """ defmacro defmulticall(req_def, options \\ [], body \\ []) do do_defmulticall(req_def, options ++ body) end @doc """ Same as `defmulticall/3` but the interface function is private. """ defmacro defmulticallp(req_def, options \\ [], body \\ []) do do_defmulticall(req_def, [{:private, true} | options] ++ body) end defp do_defmulticall(req_def, options) do quote bind_quoted: [ req_def: Macro.escape(req_def, unquote: true), options: escape_options(options) ] do options = Keyword.merge(options, @exactor_global_options) ExActor.Operations.implement_request(:defcall, req_def, options) |> ExActor.Helper.inject_to_module(__MODULE__, __ENV__) ExActor.Operations.def_request(:multicall, req_def, Keyword.drop(options, [:do])) |> ExActor.Helper.inject_to_module(__MODULE__, __ENV__) end end @doc """ Defines an abcast operation. defabcast my_request(x, y), do: ... ... # If the process is locally registered via `:export` option MyServer.my_request(2, 3) MyServer.my_request(nodes, 2, 3) # The process is not locally registered via `:export` option MyServer.my_request(:local_alias, 2, 3) MyServer.my_request(nodes, :local_alias, 2, 3) """ defmacro defabcast(req_def, options \\ [], body \\ []) do do_defabcast(req_def, options ++ body) end @doc """ Same as `defabcast/3` but the interface function is private. """ defmacro defabcastp(req_def, options \\ [], body \\ []) do do_defabcast(req_def, [{:private, true} | options] ++ body) end defp do_defabcast(req_def, options) do quote bind_quoted: [ req_def: Macro.escape(req_def, unquote: true), options: escape_options(options) ] do options = Keyword.merge(options, @exactor_global_options) ExActor.Operations.implement_request(:defcast, req_def, options) |> ExActor.Helper.inject_to_module(__MODULE__, __ENV__) ExActor.Operations.def_request(:abcast, req_def, Keyword.drop(options, [:do])) |> ExActor.Helper.inject_to_module(__MODULE__, __ENV__) end end defp escape_options(options) do, fn {:export, export} -> {:export, export} other -> Macro.escape(other, unquote: true) end ) end end
defmodule Harald.AssignedNumbers.GenericAccessProfile do @moduledoc """ > Assigned numbers are used in GAP for inquiry response, EIR data type values, > manufacturer-specific data, advertising data, low energy UUIDs and appearance characteristics, > and class of device. Reference: """ @definitions %{ 0x01 => "Flags", 0x02 => "Incomplete List of 16-bit Service Class UUIDs", 0x03 => "Complete List of 16-bit Service Class UUIDs", 0x04 => "Incomplete List of 32-bit Service Class UUIDs", 0x05 => "Complete List of 32-bit Service Class UUIDs", 0x06 => "Incomplete List of 128-bit Service Class UUIDs", 0x07 => "Complete List of 128-bit Service Class UUIDs", 0x08 => "Shortened Local Name", 0x09 => "Complete Local Name", 0x0A => "Tx Power Level", 0x0D => "Class of Device", 0x0E => "Simple Pairing Hash C-192", 0x0F => "Simple Pairing Randomizer R-192", 0x10 => "Device ID", 0x11 => "Security Manager Out of Band Flags", 0x12 => "Slave Connection Interval Range", 0x14 => "List of 16-bit Service Solicitation UUIDs", 0x15 => "List of 128-bit Service Solicitation UUIDs", 0x16 => "Service Data - 16-bit UUID", 0x17 => "Public Target Address", 0x18 => "Random Target Address", 0x19 => "Appearance", 0x1A => "Advertising Interval", 0x1B => "LE Bluetooth Device Address", 0x1C => "LE Role", 0x1D => "Simple Pairing Hash C-256", 0x1E => "Simple Pairing Randomizer R-256", 0x1F => "List of 32-bit Service Solicitation UUIDs", 0x20 => "Service Data - 32-bit UUID", 0x21 => "Service Data - 128-bit UUID", 0x22 => "LE Secure Connections Confirmation Value", 0x23 => "LE Secure Connections Random Value", 0x24 => "URI", 0x25 => "Indoor Positioning", 0x26 => "Transport Discovery Data", 0x27 => "LE Supported Features", 0x28 => "Channel Map Update Indication", 0x29 => "PB-ADV", 0x2A => "Mesh Message", 0x2B => "Mesh Beacon", 0x3D => "3D Information Data", 0xFF => "Manufacturer Specific Data" } @doc """ Returns the description associated with `id`. """ defmacro description(id) @doc """ Returns the ID associated with `description`. """ defmacro id(description) # handle a redundent GAP definition defmacro id("Simple Pairing Hash C"), do: 0x0E Enum.each(@definitions, fn {id, description} -> defmacro description(unquote(id)), do: unquote(description) defmacro id(unquote(description)), do: unquote(id) end) @doc """ Returns a list of all Generic Access Profile Data Type Values. """ defmacro ids, do: unquote(for {id, _} <- @definitions, do: id) end
defmodule CodeRunner.Worker do @moduledoc """ Worker module responsible for actually running code. Each worker process spawns a Docker container in an external process, executes the code, returns the result or timeout message. ## Attributes A few attributes can be configured in `config.exs` to change Docker image or adjust resource consumption of each worker. * `@timeout` - determines how long the worker will wait for the code to terminate. Default is 5000. * `@docker_memory` - assigns how much memory should a sandbox Docker container should have. Default is "50m". * `@docker_image` - designates which Docker image to mount a sandbox container. Default is "harfangk/elixir:latest". """ use GenServer def start_link(args) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args) end def init(state) do {:ok, state} end def handle_call({:run_code, code}, _from, state) do process = Porcelain.spawn("docker", docker_args() ++ ["#{code} |> IO.inspect()"], err: :out) result = Porcelain.Process.await(process, timeout()) case result do {:ok, %Porcelain.Result{out: output}} -> {:reply, output, state} {:error, :timeout} -> Porcelain.Process.stop(process) {:reply, "Code took longer than #{timeout()}ms to run, resulting in timeout.", state} end end defp timeout do case Application.fetch_env(:code_runner, :timeout) do {:ok, timeout} -> timeout _ -> 5000 end end defp docker_image do case Application.fetch_env(:code_runner, :docker_image) do {:ok, docker_image} -> docker_image _ -> "harfangk/elixir:latest" end end defp docker_memory do case Application.fetch_env(:code_runner, :docker_memory) do {:ok, docker_memory} -> docker_memory _ -> "50m" end end defp docker_args do [ "run", "-i", "--rm", "-m", docker_memory(), "--memory-swap=-1", "--net=none", "--cap-drop=all", "--privileged=false", docker_image(), "elixir", "-e" ] end end
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Bench.Cmp do use Mix.Task @shortdoc "Compare benchmark snapshots" @moduledoc """ ## Usage mix bench.cmp [options] <snapshot>... A snapshot is the output of a single run of `mix bench`. If no arguments are given, bench.cmp will try to read one or two latest snapshots from the bench/snapshots directory. When given one snapshot, `mix bench.cmp` will pretty-print the results. Giving `-` instead of a file name will make bench.cmp read from standard input. When given two or more snapshots, it will pretty-print the comparison between the first and the last one. ## Options -d <fmt>, --diff=<fmt> Which format to use for the deltas when pretty-printing. One of: ratio, percent. """ alias Benchfella.Snapshot alias Benchfella.CLI.Util @switches [diff: :string] @aliases [d: :diff] def run(args) do {snapshots, options} = case OptionParser.parse(args, strict: @switches, aliases: @aliases) do {opts, [], []} -> {Util.locate_snapshots(), opts} {opts, snapshots, []} -> {snapshots, opts} {_, _, [{opt, val}|_]} -> valstr = if val do "=#{val}" end Mix.raise "Invalid option: #{opt}#{valstr}" end |> normalize_options() case snapshots do [snapshot] -> pretty_print(snapshot) [first|rest] -> last = List.last(rest) compare(first, last, Map.get(options, :diff, :ratio)) end end defp normalize_options({snapshots, options}) do options = Enum.reduce(options, %{}, fn {:diff, fmt}, acc -> Map.put(acc, :diff, parse_pretty_format(fmt)) end) {snapshots, options} end defp parse_pretty_format("ratio"), do: :ratio defp parse_pretty_format("percent"), do: :percent defp parse_pretty_format(other), do: Mix.raise "Undefined diff format: #{other}" defp pretty_print("-") do Util.read_all_input() |> Snapshot.parse |> Snapshot.print(:plain) end defp pretty_print(path) do IO.puts "#{path}\n"!(path) |> Snapshot.parse |> Snapshot.print(:plain) end defp compare(path1, path2, format) do IO.puts "#{path1} vs\n#{path2}\n" snapshot1 =!(path1) |> Snapshot.parse() snapshot2 =!(path2) |> Snapshot.parse() {grouped_diffs, leftover} =, snapshot2, format) max_name_len = grouped_diffs |> Enum.flat_map(fn {_, diffs} -> diffs end) |> Enum.reduce(0, fn {name, _}, len -> max(len, String.length(name)) end) Enum.each(grouped_diffs, fn {mod, diffs} -> IO.puts ["## ", mod] print_diffs(diffs, max_name_len, format) IO.puts "" end) unless leftover == [] do # FIXME: when more than 2 snapshots are given, this wording may be imprecise IO.puts "These tests appeared only in one of the snapshots:" Enum.each(leftover, fn {mod, test} -> IO.puts ["[", mod, "] ", test] end) end end defp print_diffs(diffs, max_name_len, format) do diffs |> Enum.sort(fn {_, diff1}, {_, diff2} -> diff1 < diff2 end) |> Enum.each(fn {name, diff} -> spacing = 3 :io.format('~*.s ', [-max_name_len-spacing, name]) color = choose_color(diff, format) diff = case format do :percent -> Snapshot.format_percent(diff) _ -> diff end colordiff = IO.ANSI.format color ++ ["#{diff}"] IO.puts colordiff end) end defp choose_color(diff, :ratio) do cond do diff < 1.0 -> [:green] diff > 1.0 -> [:red] true -> [] end end defp choose_color(diff, :percent) do cond do diff < 0 -> [:green] diff > 0 -> [:red] true -> [] end end end
defmodule Astro do @moduledoc """ Functions for basic astronomical observations such as sunrise, sunset, solstice, equinox, moonrise, moonset and moon phase. """ alias Astro.{Solar, Utils} @type longitude :: float() @type latitude :: float() @type degrees :: float() @type location :: {longitude, latitude} | Geo.Point.t() | Geo.PointZ.t() @type date :: | Calendar.naive_datetime() | Calendar.datetime() @type options :: keyword() @doc """ Calculates the sunrise for a given location and date. Sunrise is the moment when the upper limb of the sun appears on the horizon in the morning. ## Arguments * `location` is the latitude, longitude and optionally elevation for the desired sunrise time. It can be expressed as: * `{lng, lat}` - a tuple with longitude and latitude as floating point numbers. **Note** the order of the arguments. * a `Geo.Point.t` struct to represent a location without elevation * a `Geo.PointZ.t` struct to represent a location and elevation * `date` is a `Date.t`, `NaiveDateTime.t` or `DateTime.t` to indicate the date of the year in which the sunrise time is required. * `options` is a keyword list of options. ## Options * `solar_elevation` represents the type of sunrise required. The default is `:geometric` which equates to a solar elevation of 90°. In this case the calulation also accounts for refraction and elevation to return a result which accords with the eyes perception. Other solar elevations are: * `:civil` representing a solar elevation of 96.0°. At this point the sun is just below the horizon so there is generally enough natural light to carry out most outdoor activities. * `:nautical` representing a solar elevation of 102.0° This is the point at which the horizon is just barely visible and the moon and stars can still be used for navigation. * `:astronomical`representing a solar elevation of 108.0°. This is the point beyond which astronomical observation becomes impractical. * Any floating point number representing the desired solar elevation. * `:time_zone` is the time zone to in which the sunrise is requested. The default is `:default` in which the sunrise time is reported in the time zone of the requested location. Any other time zone name supported by the option `:time_zone_database` is acceptabe. * `:time_zone_database` represents the module that implements the `Calendar.TimeZoneDatabase` behaviour. The default is `Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase`. ## Returns * a `DateTime.t` representing the time of sunrise in the requested timzone at the requested location or * `{:error, :time_zone_not_found}` if the requested time zone is unknown * `{:error, :no_time}` if for the requested date and location there is no sunrise. This can occur at very high latitudes during summer and winter. ## Examples # Sunrise in Sydney, Australia Astro.sunrise({151.20666584, -33.8559799094}, ~D[2019-12-04]) {:ok, #DateTime<2019-12-04 05:37:00.000000+11:00 AEDT Australia/Sydney>} # Sunrise in Alert, Nanavut, Canada Astro.sunrise({-62.3481, 82.5018}, ~D[2019-12-04]) {:error, :no_time} """ @spec sunrise(location, date, options) :: {:ok, DateTime.t()} | {:error, :time_zone_not_found | :no_time} def sunrise(location, date, options \\ default_options()) when is_list(options) do options = Keyword.put(options, :rise_or_set, :rise) Solar.sun_rise_or_set(location, date, options) end @doc """ Calculates the sunset for a given location and date. Sunset is the moment when the upper limb of the sun disappears below the horizon in the evening. ## Arguments * `location` is the latitude, longitude and optionally elevation for the desired sunrise time. It can be expressed as: * `{lng, lat}` - a tuple with longitude and latitude as floating point numbers. **Note** the order of the arguments. * a `Geo.Point.t` struct to represent a location without elevation * a `Geo.PointZ.t` struct to represent a location and elevation * `date` is a `Date.t`, `NaiveDateTime.t` or `DateTime.t` to indicate the date of the year in which the sunset time is required. * `options` is a keyword list of options. ## Options * `solar_elevation` represents the type of sunset required. The default is `:geometric` which equates to a solar elevation of 90°. In this case the calulation also accounts for refraction and elevation to return a result which accords with the eyes perception. Other solar elevations are: * `:civil` representing a solar elevation of 96.0°. At this point the sun is just below the horizon so there is generally enough natural light to carry out most outdoor activities. * `:nautical` representing a solar elevation of 102.0° This is the point at which the horizon is just barely visible and the moon and stars can still be used for navigation. * `:astronomical`representing a solar elevation of 108.0°. This is the point beyond which astronomical observation becomes impractical. * Any floating point number representing the desired solar elevation. * `:time_zone` is the time zone to in which the sunset is requested. The default is `:default` in which the sunset time is reported in the time zone of the requested location. Any other time zone name supported by the option `:time_zone_database` is acceptabe. * `:time_zone_database` represents the module that implements the `Calendar.TimeZoneDatabase` behaviour. The default is `Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase`. ## Returns * a `DateTime.t` representing the time of sunset in the requested time zone at the requested location or * `{:error, :time_zone_not_found}` if the requested time zone is unknown * `{:error, :no_time}` if for the requested date and location there is no sunset. This can occur at very high latitudes during summer and winter. ## Examples # Sunset in Sydney, Australia Astro.sunset({151.20666584, -33.8559799094}, ~D[2019-12-04]) {:ok, #DateTime<2019-12-04 19:53:00.000000+11:00 AEDT Australia/Sydney>} # Sunset in Alert, Nanavut, Canada Astro.sunset({-62.3481, 82.5018}, ~D[2019-12-04]) {:error, :no_time} """ @spec sunset(location, date, options) :: {:ok, DateTime.t()} | {:error, :time_zone_not_found | :no_time} def sunset(location, date, options \\ default_options()) when is_list(options) do options = Keyword.put(options, :rise_or_set, :set) Solar.sun_rise_or_set(location, date, options) end @doc """ Returns the datetime in UTC for either the March or September equinox. ## Arguments * `year` is the gregorian year for which the equinox is to be calculated * `event` is either `:march` or `:september` indicating which of the two annual equinox datetimes is required ## Returns * `{:ok, datetime}` representing the UTC datetime of the equinox ## Examples iex> Astro.equinox 2019, :march {:ok, ~U[2019-03-20 21:58:06Z]} iex> Astro.equinox 2019, :september {:ok, ~U[2019-09-23 07:49:30Z]} ## Notes This equinox calculation is expected to be accurate to within 2 minutes for the years 1000 CE to 3000 CE. An equinox is commonly regarded as the instant of time when the plane of Earth's equator passes through the center of the Sun. This occurs twice each year: around 20 March and 23 September. In other words, it is the moment at which the center of the visible Sun is directly above the equator. """ @spec equinox(Calendar.year, :march | :september) :: {:ok, DateTime.t()} def equinox(year, event) when event in [:march, :september] and year in 1000..3000 do Solar.equinox_and_solstice(year, event) end @doc """ Returns the datetime in UTC for either the June or December solstice. ## Arguments * `year` is the gregorian year for which the solstice is to be calculated * `event` is either `:june` or `:december` indicating which of the two annual solstice datetimes is required ## Returns * `{:ok, datetime}` representing the UTC datetime of the solstice ## Examples iex> Astro.solstice 2019, :december {:ok, ~U[2019-12-22 04:18:57Z]} iex> Astro.solstice 2019, :june {:ok, ~U[2019-06-21 15:53:45Z]} ## Notes This solstice calculation is expected to be accurate to within 2 minutes for the years 1000 CE to 3000 CE. A solstice is an event occurring when the Sun appears to reach its most northerly or southerly excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere. Two solstices occur annually, around June 21 and December 21. The seasons of the year are determined by reference to both the solstices and the equinoxes. The term solstice can also be used in a broader sense, as the day when this occurs. The day of a solstice in either hemisphere has either the most sunlight of the year (summer solstice) or the least sunlight of the year (winter solstice) for any place other than the Equator. Alternative terms, with no ambiguity as to which hemisphere is the context, are "June solstice" and "December solstice", referring to the months in which they take place every year. """ @spec solstice(Calendar.year, :june | :december) :: {:ok, DateTime.t()} def solstice(year, event) when event in [:june, :december] and year in 1000..3000 do Solar.equinox_and_solstice(year, event) end @doc """ Returns solar noon for a given date and location as a UTC datetime ## Arguments * `location` is the latitude, longitude and optionally elevation for the desired solar noon time. It can be expressed as: * `{lng, lat}` - a tuple with longitude and latitude as floating point numbers. **Note** the order of the arguments. * a `Geo.Point.t` struct to represent a location without elevation * a `Geo.PointZ.t` struct to represent a location and elevation * `date` is any date in the Gregorian calendar (for example, `Calendar.ISO`) ## Returns * a UTC datetime representing solar noon at the given location for the given date ## Example iex> Astro.solar_noon {151.20666584, -33.8559799094}, ~D[2019-12-06] {:ok, ~U[2019-12-06 01:45:42Z]} ## Notes Solar noon is the moment when the Sun passes a location's meridian and reaches its highest position in the sky. In most cases, it doesn't happen at 12 o'clock. At solar noon, the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky as it passes the local meridian. """ @spec solar_noon(Astro.location(), :: {:ok, DateTime.t()} def solar_noon(location, date) do %Geo.PointZ{coordinates: {longitude, _, _}} = Utils.normalize_location(location) julian_day = Astro.Time.julian_day_from_date(date) julian_centuries = Astro.Time.julian_centuries_from_julian_day(julian_day) julian_centuries |> Solar.solar_noon_utc(-longitude) |> Astro.Time.datetime_from_date_and_minutes(date) end @doc """ Returns solar longitude for a given date. Solar longitude is used to identify the seasons. ## Arguments * `date` is any date in the Gregorian calendar (for example, `Calendar.ISO`) ## Returns * a `float` number of degrees between 0 and 360 representing the solar longitude on `date` ## Examples iex> Astro.sun_apparent_longitude ~D[2019-03-21] 0.08035853207991295 iex> Astro.sun_apparent_longitude ~D[2019-06-22] 90.32130455695378 iex> Astro.sun_apparent_longitude ~D[2019-09-23] 179.68691978440197 iex> Astro.sun_apparent_longitude ~D[2019-12-23] 270.83941087483504 ## Notes Solar longitude (the ecliptic longitude of the sun) in effect describes the position of the earth in its orbit, being zero at the moment of the vernal equinox. Since it is based on how far the earth has moved in its orbit since the equinox, it is a measure of what time of the tropical year (the year of seasons) we are in, but without the inaccuracies of a calendar date, which is perturbed by leap years and calendar imperfections. """ @spec sun_apparent_longitude( :: degrees() def sun_apparent_longitude(date) do date |> Astro.Time.julian_day_from_date() |> Astro.Time.julian_centuries_from_julian_day() |> Solar.sun_apparent_longitude() end @doc """ Returns the number of hours of daylight for a given location on a given date. ## Arguments * `location` is the latitude, longitude and optionally elevation for the desired hours of daylight. It can be expressed as: * `{lng, lat}` - a tuple with longitude and latitude as floating point numbers. **Note** the order of the arguments. * a `Geo.Point.t` struct to represent a location without elevation * a `Geo.PointZ.t` struct to represent a location and elevation * `date` is any date in the Gregorian calendar (for example, `Calendar.ISO`) ## Returns * `{:ok, time}` where `time` is a `Time.t()` ## Examples iex> Astro.hours_of_daylight {151.20666584, -33.8559799094}, ~D[2019-12-07] {:ok, ~T[14:18:45]} # No sunset in summer iex> Astro.hours_of_daylight {-62.3481, 82.5018}, ~D[2019-06-07] {:ok, ~T[23:59:59]} # No sunrise in winter iex> Astro.hours_of_daylight {-62.3481, 82.5018}, ~D[2019-12-07] {:ok, ~T[00:00:00]} ## Notes In latitudes above the polar circles (approximately +/- 66.5631 degrees) there will be no hours of daylight in winter and 24 hours of daylight in summer. """ @spec hours_of_daylight(Astro.location(), :: {:ok, Time.t()} def hours_of_daylight(location, date) do with {:ok, sunrise} <- sunrise(location, date), {:ok, sunset} <- sunset(location, date) do seconds_of_sunlight = DateTime.diff(sunset, sunrise) {hours, minutes, seconds} = Astro.Time.seconds_to_hms(seconds_of_sunlight), minutes, seconds) else {:error, :no_time} -> if no_daylight_hours?(location, date) do, 0, 0) else, 59, 59) end end end @polar_circle_latitude 66.5631 defp no_daylight_hours?(location, date) do %Geo.PointZ{coordinates: {_longitude, latitude, _elevation}} = Utils.normalize_location(location) cond do latitude >= @polar_circle_latitude and date.month in 10..12 or date.month in 1..3 -> true latitude <= -@polar_circle_latitude and date.month in 4..9 -> true true -> false end end @doc false def default_options do [ solar_elevation: Solar.solar_elevation(:geometric), time_zone: :default, time_zone_database: Tzdata.TimeZoneDatabase ] end end
defmodule ExAws.Rekognition do @moduledoc """ Operations on ExAws Rekognition """ use ExAws.Utils, format_type: :json, non_standard_keys: %{} alias ExAws.Rekognition.S3Object alias ExAws.Rekognition.NotificationChannelObject # @type image :: binary() | S3Object.t() @doc """ NOTE: When using an S3Object, you may need to ensure that the S3 uses the same region as Rekognition """ @type compare_faces_opt :: {:similarity_threshold, 0..100} @spec compare_faces(image(), image()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec compare_faces(image(), image(), list(compare_faces_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def compare_faces(source_image, target_image, opts \\ []) do request(:compare_faces, %{ "SourceImage" => map_image(source_image), "TargetImage" => map_image(target_image) } |> Map.merge(camelize_keys(opts))) end @doc """ """ @spec create_collection(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def create_collection(collection_id) when is_binary(collection_id) do request(:create_collection, %{ "CollectionId" => collection_id }) end @doc """ """ @type create_stream_processor_opt :: {:collection_id, binary()} | {:face_match_threshold, 0..100} @spec create_stream_processor(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec create_stream_processor(binary(), binary(), binary(), binary(), list(create_stream_processor_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def create_stream_processor(input, output, name, role_arn, opts \\ []) when is_binary(input) and is_binary(output) and is_binary(name) and is_binary(role_arn) do request(:create_stream_processor, %{ "Input" => %{ "KinesisVideoStream" => %{ "Arn" => input } }, "Name" => name, "Output" => %{ "KinesisDataStream" => %{ "Arn" => output } }, "RoleArn" => role_arn, "Settings" => %{ "FaceSearch" => camelize_keys(opts) } }) end @doc """ """ @spec delete_collection(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def delete_collection(collection_id) when is_binary(collection_id) do request(:delete_collection, %{ "CollectionId" => collection_id }) end @doc """ """ @spec delete_faces(binary(), list(binary())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def delete_faces(collection_id, face_ids) when is_binary(collection_id) and is_list(face_ids) do request(:delete_faces, %{ "CollectionId" => collection_id, "FaceIds" => face_ids }) end @doc """ """ @spec delete_stream_processor(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def delete_stream_processor(name) when is_binary(name) do request(:delete_stream_processor, %{ "Name" => name }) end @doc """ """ @spec describe_collection(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def describe_collection(collection_id) when is_binary(collection_id) do request(:describe_collection, %{ "CollectionId" => collection_id }) end @doc """ """ @spec describe_stream_processor(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def describe_stream_processor(name) when is_binary(name) do request(:describe_stream_processor, %{ "Name" => name }) end @doc """ NOTE: When using an S3Object, you may need to ensure that the S3 uses the same region as Rekognition """ @type detect_faces_opt :: {:attributes, list(binary())} @spec detect_faces(image()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec detect_faces(image(), list(detect_faces_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def detect_faces(image, opts \\ []) do request(:detect_faces, %{ "Image" => map_image(image) } |> Map.merge(camelize_keys(opts))) end @doc """ NOTE: When using an S3Object, you may need to ensure that the S3 uses the same region as Rekognition """ @type detect_labels_opt :: {:max_labels, non_neg_integer()} | {:min_confidence, 0..100} @spec detect_labels(image()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec detect_labels(image(), list(detect_labels_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def detect_labels(image, opts \\ []) do request(:detect_labels, %{ "Image" => map_image(image) } |> Map.merge(camelize_keys(opts))) end @doc """ NOTE: When using an S3Object, you may need to ensure that the S3 uses the same region as Rekognition """ @type detect_moderation_labels_opt :: {:min_confidence, 0..100} @spec detect_moderation_labels(image()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec detect_moderation_labels(image(), list(detect_moderation_labels_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def detect_moderation_labels(image, opts \\ []) do request(:detect_moderation_labels, %{ "Image" => map_image(image) } |> Map.merge(camelize_keys(opts))) end @doc """ NOTE: When using an S3Object, you may need to ensure that the S3 uses the same region as Rekognition """ @spec detect_text(image()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def detect_text(image) do request(:detect_text, %{ "Image" => map_image(image) }) end @doc """ NOTE: When using an S3Object, you may need to ensure that the S3 uses the same region as Rekognition """ @type index_faces_opt :: {:external_image_id, binary()} | {:detection_attributes, list(binary())} | {:max_faces, pos_integer()} | {:quality_filter, :auto | :none} @spec index_faces(binary(), image()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec index_faces(binary(), image(), list(index_faces_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def index_faces(collection_id, image, opts \\ []) when is_binary(collection_id) do request(:index_faces, %{ "CollectionId" => collection_id, "Image" => map_image(image), } |> Map.merge(opts |> stringify_enum_opts([:quality_filter]) |> camelize_keys())) end @type list_opt :: {:max_results, 0..4096} | {:next_token, binary()} @doc """ """ @type list_collections_opt :: list_opt() @spec list_collections() :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec list_collections(list(list_collections_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def list_collections(opts \\ []) do request(:list_collections, camelize_keys(opts)) end @doc """ """ @type list_faces_opt :: list_opt() @spec list_faces(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec list_faces(binary(), list(list_faces_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def list_faces(collection_id, opts \\ []) when is_binary(collection_id) do request(:list_faces, %{ "CollectionId" => collection_id } |> Map.merge(camelize_keys(opts))) end @doc """ """ @type list_stream_processors_opt :: list_opt() @spec list_stream_processors() :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec list_stream_processors(list(list_stream_processors_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def list_stream_processors(opts \\ []) do request(:list_stream_processors, camelize_keys(opts)) end @doc """ """ @spec get_celebrity_info(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def get_celebrity_info(id) when is_binary(id) do request(:get_celebrity_info, %{ "Id" => id }) end @type get_opt :: {:max_results, pos_integer()} | {:next_token, binary()} @doc """ """ @type get_celebrity_recognition_opt :: get_opt() | {:sort_by, :id | :timestamp} @spec get_celebrity_recognition(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec get_celebrity_recognition(binary(), list(get_celebrity_recognition_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def get_celebrity_recognition(job_id, opts \\ []) when is_binary(job_id) do request(:get_celebrity_recognition, %{ "JobId" => job_id } |> Map.merge(opts |> stringify_enum_opts([:sort_by]) |> camelize_keys())) end @doc """ """ @type get_content_moderation_opt :: get_opt() | {:sort_by, :name | :timestamp} @spec get_content_moderation(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec get_content_moderation(binary(), list(get_content_moderation_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def get_content_moderation(job_id, opts \\ []) when is_binary(job_id) do request(:get_content_moderation, %{ "JobId" => job_id } |> Map.merge(opts |> stringify_enum_opts([:sort_by]) |> camelize_keys())) end @doc """ """ @type get_face_detection_opt :: get_opt() @spec get_face_detection(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec get_face_detection(binary(), list(get_face_detection_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def get_face_detection(job_id, opts \\ []) when is_binary(job_id) do request(:get_face_detection, %{ "JobId" => job_id } |> Map.merge(camelize_keys(opts))) end @doc """ """ @type get_face_search_opt :: get_opt() | {:sort_by, :index | :timestamp} @spec get_face_search(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec get_face_search(binary(), list(get_face_search_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def get_face_search(job_id, opts \\ []) when is_binary(job_id) do request(:get_face_search, %{ "JobId" => job_id } |> Map.merge(opts |> stringify_enum_opts([:sort_by]) |> camelize_keys())) end @doc """ """ @type get_label_detection_opt :: get_opt() | {:sort_by, :name | :timestamp} @spec get_label_detection(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec get_label_detection(binary(), list(get_label_detection_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def get_label_detection(job_id, opts \\ []) when is_binary(job_id) do request(:get_label_detection, %{ "JobId" => job_id } |> Map.merge(opts |> stringify_enum_opts([:sort_by]) |> camelize_keys())) end @doc """ """ @type get_person_tracking_opt :: get_opt() | {:sort_by, :index | :timestamp} @spec get_person_tracking(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec get_person_tracking(binary(), list(get_person_tracking_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def get_person_tracking(job_id, opts \\ []) when is_binary(job_id) do request(:get_person_tracking, %{ "JobId" => job_id } |> Map.merge(opts |> stringify_enum_opts([:sort_by]) |> camelize_keys())) end @doc """ """ @spec recognize_celebrities(image()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def recognize_celebrities(image) do request(:recognize_celebrities, %{ "Image" => map_image(image) }) end @doc """ """ @type search_faces_opt :: {:face_match_threshold, 0..100} | {:max_faces, 1..4096} @spec search_faces(binary(), binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec search_faces(binary(), binary(), list(search_faces_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def search_faces(collection_id, face_id, opts \\ []) when is_binary(collection_id) and is_binary(face_id) do request(:search_faces, %{ "CollectionId" => collection_id, "FaceId" => face_id } |> Map.merge(camelize_keys(opts))) end @doc """ NOTE: When using an S3Object, you may need to ensure that the S3 uses the same region as Rekognition. """ @type search_faces_by_image_opt :: search_faces_opt() @spec search_faces_by_image(binary(), image()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec search_faces_by_image(binary(), image(), list(search_faces_by_image_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def search_faces_by_image(collection_id, image, opts \\ []) when is_binary(collection_id) do request(:search_faces_by_image, %{ "CollectionId" => collection_id, "Image" => map_image(image) } |> Map.merge(camelize_keys(opts))) end @type start_opt :: {:client_request_token, binary()} | {:job_tag, binary()} | {:notification_channel, NotificationChannelObject.t()} @doc """ """ @type start_celebrity_recognition_opt :: start_opt() @spec start_celebrity_recognition(S3Object.t()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec start_celebrity_recognition(S3Object.t(), list(start_celebrity_recognition_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def start_celebrity_recognition(video, opts \\ []) do request(:start_celebrity_recognition, %{ "Video" => } |> Map.merge(opts |> map_notification_channel() |> camelize_keys())) end @doc """ """ @type start_content_moderation_opt :: start_opt() | {:min_confidence, 0..100} @spec start_content_moderation(S3Object.t()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec start_content_moderation(S3Object.t(), list(start_content_moderation_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def start_content_moderation(video, opts \\ []) do request(:start_content_moderation, %{ "Video" => } |> Map.merge(opts |> map_notification_channel() |> camelize_keys())) end @doc """ """ @type start_face_detection_opt :: start_opt() | {:face_attributes, :default | :all} @spec start_face_detection(S3Object.t()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec start_face_detection(S3Object.t(), list(start_face_detection_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def start_face_detection(video, opts \\ []) do request(:start_face_detection, %{ "Video" => } |> Map.merge(opts |> map_notification_channel() |> stringify_enum_opts([:face_attributes]) |> camelize_keys())) end @doc """ """ @type start_face_search_opt :: start_opt() | {:face_match_threshold, 0..100} @spec start_face_search(S3Object.t(), binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec start_face_search(S3Object.t(), binary(), list(start_face_search_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def start_face_search(video, collection_id, opts \\ []) when is_binary(collection_id) do request(:start_face_search, %{ "CollectionId" => collection_id, "Video" => } |> Map.merge(opts |> map_notification_channel() |> camelize_keys())) end @doc """ """ @type start_label_detection_opt :: start_opt() | {:min_confidence, 0..100} @spec start_label_detection(S3Object.t()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec start_label_detection(S3Object.t(), list(start_label_detection_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def start_label_detection(video, opts \\ []) do request(:start_label_detection, %{ "Video" => } |> Map.merge(opts |> map_notification_channel() |> camelize_keys())) end @doc """ """ @type start_person_tracking_opt :: start_opt() @spec start_person_tracking(S3Object.t()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() @spec start_person_tracking(S3Object.t(), list(start_person_tracking_opt())) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def start_person_tracking(video, opts \\ []) do request(:start_celebrity_recognition, %{ "Video" => } |> Map.merge(opts |> map_notification_channel() |> camelize_keys())) end @doc """ """ @spec start_stream_processor(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def start_stream_processor(name) when is_binary(name) do request(:start_stream_processor, %{ "Name" => name }) end @doc """ """ @spec stop_stream_processor(binary()) :: ExAws.Operation.JSON.t() def stop_stream_processor(name) when is_binary(name) do request(:stop_stream_processor, %{ "Name" => name }) end # Utility defp map_image(image) when is_binary(image) do %{"Bytes" => Base.encode64(image)} end defp map_image(%S3Object{} = object) do end defp stringify_enum_opts(opts, keys) do {enum_opts, opts} = Keyword.split(opts, keys) opts ++, fn {k, v} -> {k, stringify_enum(v)} end) end defp stringify_enum(value) do value |> Atom.to_string() |> String.upcase() end defp map_notification_channel(opts) do if value = opts[:notification_channel] do Keyword.replace!(opts, :notification_channel, else opts end end defp request(action, data) do operation = action |> Atom.to_string() |> Macro.camelize() headers = [ {"content-type", "application/x-amz-json-1.1"}, {"x-amz-target", "RekognitionService.#{operation}"} ], %{ data: data, headers: headers }) end end
defmodule BeamInspect do @moduledoc """ Inspect how your elixir module looks like in erlang / core erlang. """ @doc """ Returns erlang code. Abstract erlang code is fetched from .beam file. It requires `:debug_info` or `:abstract_code` to be available in compiled module. ## Example iex > Foo |> BeamInspect.to_erlang() |> IO.puts() :ok """ @spec to_erlang(module()) :: charlist() | no_return() def to_erlang(module) when is_atom(module) do module |> abstract_code() |> to_erl() end @format_opts [:noann] @doc """ Returns core erlang code. Abstract erlang code is fetched from .beam file. It requires `:debug_info` or `:abstract_code` to be available in compiled module. Erlang abstract code is compiled with `+to_core` flag by `:compile.noenv_forms/2` function. ## Options * erlc flags - e.g. erlc +time should be passed as `:time` atom * `:noann` - removes compiler annotations ## Examples iex > Foo |> BeamInspect.to_core_erlang() |> IO.puts() :ok iex > Foo |> BeamInspect.to_core_erlang(:noann) |> IO.puts() :ok iex > Foo |> BeamInspect.to_core_erlang(:time) |> IO.puts() :ok iex > Foo |> BeamInspect.to_core_erlang([:noann, :time]) |> IO.puts() :ok """ @spec to_core_erlang(module(), atom() | [atom()]) :: charlist() | no_return() def to_core_erlang(module, opts \\ []) when is_atom(module) do {format_opts, erlc_flags} = opts |> List.wrap() |> split_opts(&(&1 in @format_opts)) module |> abstract_code() |> to_core(erlc_flags, :noann in format_opts) end defp abstract_code(module) do file = :code.which(module) case :beam_lib.chunks(file, [:debug_info]) do {:ok, {^module, [{:debug_info, {:debug_info_v1, backend, {_, _, _} = metadata}}]}} -> {:ok, abstract_code} = backend.debug_info(:erlang_v1, module, metadata, []) abstract_code _ -> case :beam_lib.chunks(file, [:abstract_code]) do {:ok, {^module, [{:abstract_code, {:raw_abstract_v1, abstract_code}}]}} -> abstract_code _ -> raise "abstract code unavailable" end end end defp to_erl(abstract_code) do abstract_code |> :erl_syntax.form_list() |> :erl_prettypr.format() end defp to_core(abstract_code, erlc_flags, noann) do {:ok, _, core} = :compile.noenv_forms(abstract_code, [:to_core | erlc_flags]) :cerl_prettypr.format(core, noann: noann) end @compile {:inline, split_opts: 2} if Version.match?(System.version(), "< 1.4.0") do defp split_opts(opts, fun), do: Enum.partition(opts, fun) else defp split_opts(opts, fun), do: Enum.split_with(opts, fun) end end
defmodule StepFlow.Amqp.ErrorConsumer do @moduledoc """ Consumer of all job with error status. """ require Logger alias StepFlow.Amqp.ErrorConsumer alias StepFlow.Jobs alias StepFlow.Jobs.Status alias StepFlow.Metrics.{JobInstrumenter, WorkflowInstrumenter} alias StepFlow.Workflows use StepFlow.Amqp.CommonConsumer, %{ queue: "job_error", prefetch_count: 1, consumer: &ErrorConsumer.consume/4 } @doc """ Consume message with error topic, update Job and send a notification. """ def consume(channel, tag, _redelivered, %{"job_id" => job_id, "error" => description} = payload) do case Jobs.get_job(job_id) do nil -> Basic.reject(channel, tag, requeue: false) job -> Logger.error("Job error #{inspect(payload)}"),, job_id) {:ok, job_status} = Status.set_job_status(job_id, :error, %{message: description}) Workflows.Status.define_workflow_status(job.workflow_id, :job_error, job_status) Workflows.notification_from_job(job_id, description) Basic.ack(channel, tag) end end def consume( channel, tag, _redelivered, %{ "job_id" => job_id, "parameters" => [%{"id" => "message", "type" => "string", "value" => description}], "status" => "error" } = payload ) do case Jobs.get_job(job_id) do nil -> Basic.reject(channel, tag, requeue: false) job -> Logger.error("Job error #{inspect(payload)}"),, job_id) {:ok, job_status} = Status.set_job_status(job_id, :error, %{message: description}) Workflows.Status.define_workflow_status(job.workflow_id, :job_error, job_status) Workflows.notification_from_job(job_id, description) Basic.ack(channel, tag) end end def consume(channel, tag, _redelivered, payload) do Logger.error("Job error #{inspect(payload)}") Basic.reject(channel, tag, requeue: false) end end
defmodule TrainLoc.Encoder.VehiclePositionsEnhanced do @moduledoc """ Encodes a list of vehicle structs into GTFS-realtime enhanced JSON format. """ import TrainLoc.Utilities.Time alias TrainLoc.Vehicles.Vehicle @spec encode([Vehicle.t()]) :: String.t() def encode(list) when is_list(list) do message = %{ header: feed_header(), entity: feed_entity(list) } Jason.encode!(message) end defp feed_header do %{ gtfs_realtime_version: "1.0", incrementality: 0, timestamp: unix_now() } end defp feed_entity(list), do:, &build_entity/1) defp build_entity(%Vehicle{} = vehicle) do %{ id: "#{:erlang.phash2(vehicle)}", vehicle: %{ trip: entity_trip(vehicle), vehicle: entity_vehicle(vehicle), position: %{ latitude: vehicle.latitude, longitude: vehicle.longitude, bearing: vehicle.heading, speed: miles_per_hour_to_meters_per_second(vehicle.speed) }, timestamp: format_timestamp(vehicle.timestamp) } } end defp build_entity(_), do: [] defp entity_trip(%{trip: "000"} = vehicle) do %{start_date: start_date(vehicle.timestamp)} end defp entity_trip(%{trip: trip} = vehicle) do entity_trip = entity_trip(Map.delete(vehicle, :trip)) Map.put(entity_trip, :trip_short_name, trip) end defp entity_trip(vehicle) do %{start_date: start_date(vehicle.timestamp)} end defp entity_vehicle(%{trip: "000"} = vehicle) do %{ id: vehicle.vehicle_id, assignment_status: "unassigned" } end defp entity_vehicle(vehicle) do %{ id: vehicle.vehicle_id } end def start_date(%DateTime{} = timestamp) do timestamp |> get_service_date() |> Date.to_iso8601(:basic) end defp miles_per_hour_to_meters_per_second(miles_per_hour) do miles_per_hour * 0.447 end defp format_timestamp(%DateTime{} = timestamp) do DateTime.to_unix(timestamp) end end
defmodule Kitsune.Aws.Canonical do @moduledoc """ This module defines functions that are used to build the canonical request The canonical request is a string used to generate a signature of the request. It contains the following data, each one in its own line: 1. The request method 2. The request path 3. The request query string 4. The request headers (including the `Host` header) 5. The headers that should be used to build the request signature 6. The hash of the request payload (empty bodies should use the hash of an empty string) In this implementation, all headers that are sent to AWS are signed """ @doc """ Predicate for `URI.encode/2` Return true whenever a character should not be URI encoded For AWS parameters, this is true whenever a character matches the group [A-Za-z0-9_~.-] """ @spec encode_param?(char()) :: boolean() def encode_param?(ch), do: (ch >= ?A && ch <= ?Z) || (ch >= ?a && ch <= ?z) || (ch >= ?0 && ch <= ?9) || ch == ?_ || ch == ?- || ch == ?~ || ch == ?. @doc """ Predicate for `URI.encode/2` Return true whenever a character should not be URI encoded For AWS URIs, this is true whenever a character should not be param encoded (see `encode_param?/2`) or when it is the forward slash character (`/`) """ @spec encode_uri?(char()) :: boolean() def encode_uri?(ch), do: encode_param?(ch) || ch == ?/ @doc """ Encodes a string for URIs, using `encode_uri?/1` as encoder """ @spec uri_encode(String.t()) :: String.t() def uri_encode(string), do: URI.encode(string, &encode_uri?/1) @doc """ Encodes a string for query parameters, using `encode_param?/1` as encoder """ @spec param_encode(String.t()) :: String.t() def param_encode(string), do: URI.encode(string, &encode_param?/1) @doc """ Returns the HTTP method in its canonical form: trimmed and all characters are uppercase ## Examples iex> Kitsune.Aws.Canonical.get_canonical_method(" get ") "GET" iex> Kitsune.Aws.Canonical.get_canonical_method("POST") "POST" """ @spec get_canonical_method(String.t()) :: String.t() def get_canonical_method(method), do: String.trim String.upcase method @doc """ Returns the canonical path for the given URI The canonical path is: - A forward slash (`/`) for empty paths (like ``, for example) - URI encoded (see `uri_encode/1`) ## Examples iex> Kitsune.Aws.Canonical.get_canonical_path("") "/" iex> Kitsune.Aws.Canonical.get_canonical_path("") "/" iex> Kitsune.Aws.Canonical.get_canonical_path("") "/foo/bar" """ @spec get_canonical_path(String.t()) :: String.t() def get_canonical_path(uri), do: uri_encode(URI.parse(uri).path || "/") @doc """ Returns the canonical query string for the given URI The query string has the following properties: - All parameters are sorted alphabetically ascending by its key - Both keys and values are encoded using `param_encode/1` ## Examples iex> Kitsune.Aws.Canonical.get_canonical_query_string("") "" iex> Kitsune.Aws.Canonical.get_canonical_query_string("!=bar@") "foo%21=bar%40" iex> Kitsune.Aws.Canonical.get_canonical_query_string("!=bar@&baz=123") "baz=123&foo%21=bar%40" """ @spec get_canonical_query_string(String.t()) :: String.t() def get_canonical_query_string(uri) do (URI.parse(uri).query || "") |> URI.decode_query |> Enum.to_list |> Enum.map_join("&", fn {k,v} -> param_encode(to_string(k)) <> "=" <> param_encode(to_string(v)) end) end @doc ~S""" Returns the canonical headers string The returned string has the following characteristics: - Every header is in its own line - If no headers are passed, a string containing the new line character is returned - Header keys are all lowercase - Values are trimmed ## Examples iex> Kitsune.Aws.Canonical.get_canonical_headers([]) "\n" iex> Kitsune.Aws.Canonical.get_canonical_headers([{"Content-type", "application/json"}, {"Accept", " application/json"}]) "accept:application/json\ncontent-type:application/json\n" """ @spec get_canonical_headers([{String.t(),String.t()}]) :: String.t() def get_canonical_headers(headers) do, fn {k, v} -> {String.downcase(k), v} end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn {k, _v} -> k end) |> get_canonical_headers_unsorted() end defp get_canonical_headers_unsorted(headers) do Enum.map_join(headers, "\n", fn {k, v} -> k <> ":" <> String.trim(to_string(v)) end) <> "\n" end @doc """ Returns the headers that should be used for signing This is a semicolon separated list of all headers keys, in lowercase, that should be used to sign the request ## Examples iex> Kitsune.Aws.Canonical.get_signed_headers([]) "" iex> Kitsune.Aws.Canonical.get_signed_headers([{"Content-type", "application/json"}, {"Accept", " application/json"}]) "accept;content-type" """ @spec get_signed_headers([{String.t(),String.t()}]) :: String.t() def get_signed_headers(headers) do, fn {k, v} -> {String.downcase(k), v} end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn {k, _v} -> k end) |> get_signed_headers_unsorted() end defp get_signed_headers_unsorted(headers) do Enum.map_join(headers, ";", fn {k, _v} -> k end) end @doc """ Hashes the request payload for the canonical request This returns the SHA2-256 hash of the payload, in a lower case hex string """ @spec get_hash(String.t()) :: String.t() def get_hash(payload), do: :crypto.hash(:sha256, payload) |> Base.encode16 |> String.downcase @doc ~S""" Builds the canonical request string from the given request parameters This is a convenience function and the preferred way to build the canonical request string, since it avoids sorting twice the headers that would happen when using the `get_canonical_headers/1` and `get_signed_headers/1` directly. ## Example iex> Kitsune.Aws.Canonical.get_canonical_request("GET", "", [], "") "GET\n/test.txt\n\\n\nhost\ne3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855" """ @spec get_canonical_request(String.t(),String.t(),[{String.t(),String.t()}],String.t()) :: String.t() def get_canonical_request(method, uri, headers, payload) do headers_with_host = (headers ++ [{"host", URI.parse(uri).host}]) |> {k, v} -> {String.downcase(k), v} end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn {k, _v} -> k end) |> Enum.dedup_by(fn {k, _v} -> k end) get_canonical_method(method) <> "\n" <> get_canonical_path(uri) <> "\n" <> get_canonical_query_string(uri) <> "\n" <> get_canonical_headers_unsorted(headers_with_host) <> "\n" <> get_signed_headers_unsorted(headers_with_host) <> "\n" <> get_hash(payload) end end
defmodule Indicado.Bollinger do @moduledoc """ This is the Bollinger module used for calculating Bollinger Bands. """ @doc """ Calculates BB for the list. Returns list of map `[{lower: x, mean: y, upper: z}]` or `{:error, reason}` - `lower` represents low band of bollinger band - `mean` represents mean value - `upper` represents upper value of bollinger band ## Examples iex> Indicado.Bollinger.eval([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2, 2) {:ok, [%{lower: 0.5, mean: 1.5, upper: 2.5}, %{lower: 1.5, mean: 2.5, upper: 3.5}, %{lower: 2.5, mean: 3.5, upper: 4.5}, %{lower: 3.5, mean: 4.5, upper: 5.5}]} iex> Indicado.Bollinger.eval([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2, 3) {:ok, [%{lower: 0.0, mean: 1.5, upper: 3.0}, %{lower: 1.0, mean: 2.5, upper: 4.0}, %{lower: 2.0, mean: 3.5, upper: 5.0}, %{lower: 3.0, mean: 4.5, upper: 6.0}]} iex> Indicado.Bollinger.eval([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 0, 3) {:error, :bad_period} iex> Indicado.Bollinger.eval([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 5, 0) {:error, :bad_deviation} """ @spec eval(list, pos_integer, pos_integer) :: {:ok, nonempty_list(map)} | {:error, atom} def eval(list, period, devation), do: calc(list, period, devation) @doc """ Calculates BB for the list. Raises exceptions when argument does not satisfy needed conditions to calculate Bollinger Bands. Returns list of map `[{lower: x, mean: y, upper: z}]` or `{:error, reason}` - `lower` represents low band of bollinger band - `mean` represents mean value - `upper` represents upper value of bollinger band Raises `NotEnoughDataError` if the given list is not longh enough for calculating SMA. Raises `BadPeriodError` if period is an unacceptable number. Raises `BadDeviationError` if deviation is an unacceptable number. ## Examples iex> Indicado.Bollinger.eval!([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2, 2) [%{lower: 0.5, mean: 1.5, upper: 2.5}, %{lower: 1.5, mean: 2.5, upper: 3.5}, %{lower: 2.5, mean: 3.5, upper: 4.5}, %{lower: 3.5, mean: 4.5, upper: 5.5}] iex> Indicado.Bollinger.eval!([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2, 3) [%{lower: 0.0, mean: 1.5, upper: 3.0}, %{lower: 1.0, mean: 2.5, upper: 4.0}, %{lower: 2.0, mean: 3.5, upper: 5.0}, %{lower: 3.0, mean: 4.5, upper: 6.0}] iex> Indicado.Bollinger.eval!([], 2, 3) ** (NotEnoughDataError) not enough data iex> Indicado.Bollinger.eval!([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 0, 3) ** (BadPeriodError) bad period iex> Indicado.Bollinger.eval!([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 5, 0) ** (BadDeviationError) bad deviation """ @spec eval!(list, pos_integer, pos_integer) :: nonempty_list(map) | no_return def eval!(list, period, deviation) do case calc(list, period, deviation) do {:ok, result} -> result {:error, :not_enough_data} -> raise NotEnoughDataError {:error, :bad_period} -> raise BadPeriodError {:error, :bad_deviation} -> raise BadDeviationError end end defp calc(list, period, deviation, results \\ []) defp calc(_list, period, _deviation, _result) when period < 1, do: {:error, :bad_period} defp calc(_list, _period, deviation, _result) when deviation < 1, do: {:error, :bad_deviation} defp calc([], _period, _deviation, []), do: {:error, :not_enough_data} defp calc([], _period, _deviation, results), do: {:ok, Enum.reverse(results)} defp calc([_head | tail] = list, period, deviation, results) when length(list) >= period do row = list |> Enum.take(period) |> bb_row(deviation) calc(tail, period, deviation, [row | results]) end defp calc([_head | tail], period, deviation, results) do calc(tail, period, deviation, results) end defp bb_row(list, deviation) do mean = Indicado.Math.mean(list) stddev = Indicado.Math.stddev(list, mean) %{lower: mean - stddev * deviation, mean: mean, upper: mean + stddev * deviation} end end
defmodule Membrane.VideoMerger do @moduledoc """ Membrane element that merges multiple raw videos into one. The element expects each frame to be received in a separate buffer, so the parser (`Membrane.Element.RawVideo.Parser`) may be required in a pipeline before the merger (e.g. when input is read from `Membrane.File.Source`). The element expects to receive frames in order from each input. Currently, `VideoMerger` may not be suitable for live merging streams: the element awaits for at least one frame from each of the inputs, and forwards the one with the lowest presentation timestamp. """ use Membrane.Filter alias __MODULE__.BufferQueue alias Membrane.Caps.Video.Raw alias Membrane.Pad def_input_pad :input, caps: {Raw, aligned: true}, demand_unit: :buffers, availability: :on_request def_output_pad :output, caps: {Raw, aligned: true} @impl true def handle_init(_opts) do {:ok,} end @impl true def handle_demand(:output, size, :buffers, _ctx, state) do demands = state |> BufferQueue.get_empty_ids() |>{:demand, {Pad.ref(:input, &1), size}}) {{:ok, demands}, state} end @impl true def handle_end_of_stream({_pad, :input, id}, _ctx, state) do state |> BufferQueue.enqueue_eos(id) |> get_actions() end @impl true def handle_pad_added({_pad, :input, id}, _ctx, state) do {:ok, Map.put_new(state, id, [])} end @impl true def handle_process_list({_pad, :input, id}, buffers, _ctx, state) do if Enum.any?(buffers, &is_nil(&1.pts)) do raise("Cannot merge stream without pts") end state |> BufferQueue.enqueue_list(id, buffers) |> get_actions() end defp get_actions(state) do {atom, buffers, new_state} = BufferQueue.dequeue_buffers(state) actions = case {atom, buffers} do {:empty, []} -> [end_of_stream: :output] {:empty, buffers} -> [buffer: {:output, buffers}, end_of_stream: :output] {:ok, []} -> [redemand: :output] {:ok, buffers} -> [buffer: {:output, buffers}] end {{:ok, actions}, new_state} end end
defmodule Absinthe.Validation.PreventCircularFragments do alias Absinthe.{Language, Traversal} @moduledoc false def validate(doc, {_, errors}) do doc.definitions |> Enum.filter(fn %Language.Fragment{} -> true _ -> false end) |> check(errors) end # The overall approach here is to create a digraph with an `acyclic` # constraint. Then we just add the fragments as vectors, and fragment # spreads are used to create edges. If at any point :digraph returns # an error we have a cycle! Thank you :digraph for doing the hard part # :) # NOTE: `:digraph` is MUTABLE, as it's backed by `:ets` def check(fragments, errors) do graph =[:acyclic]) result = fragments |> Enum.reduce({errors, graph}, &check_fragment/2) |> case do {[], _} -> {:ok, []} {errors, _} -> {:error, errors} end # The table will get deleted when the process exits, but we might # as well clean up for ourselves explicitly. :digraph.delete(graph) result end def check([], errors, _), do: errors def check_fragment(fragment, {errors, graph}) do _ = :digraph.add_vertex(graph, Traversal.reduce(fragment, :unused, {errors, graph}, fn %Language.FragmentSpread{} = spread, traversal, {errors, graph} -> _ = :digraph.add_vertex(graph, case :digraph.add_edge(graph,, do {:error, {:bad_edge, path}} -> # All just error generation logic deps = [ | path] |>"`#{&1}'") |> Enum.join(" => ") msg = """ Fragment Cycle Error Fragment `#{}' forms a cycle via: (#{deps}) """ error = %{ message: String.strip(msg), locations: [%{line: spread.loc.start_line, column: 0}] } {:ok, {[error | errors], graph}, traversal} _ -> {:ok, {errors, graph}, traversal} end _, traversal, acc -> {:ok, acc, traversal} end) end end
defmodule Volley.PersistentSubscription do @moduledoc """ A GenStage/Broadway producer for persistent subscriptions Persistent subscriptions are a feature of EventStoreDB which offload the responsibilities of tracking processed events, back-pressure, and subscriber dispatch to the EventStoreDB server. This allows subscribers to more easily implement complex subscription strategies, such as allowing multiple subscribers across services without gossip, avoiding head-of-line blocking, and enabling concurrent and batch processing schemes and rate-limiting. Broadway features an acknowledgement interface which integrates well with the persistent subscription `Spear.ack/3` and `Spear.nack/4` system. Consumers intending to use this producer should prefer writing handlers with `Broadway` (over `GenStage`) where possible. ## Configuration * `:broadway?` - (default: `false`) whether to emit events as `t:Broadway.Message.t/0` messages or as `t:Spear.Event.t/0` events. `true` should be set for this option if this producer is being used in a Broadway topology, `false` for use in a `GenStage` pipeline. When set as `true`, this producer will set the ack interface for each message to `Volley.PersistentSubscription.Acknowledger` with the proper connection details for sending acks and nacks. When `false`, the `Spear.Event.metadata.subscription` field will be replaced with a `t:Volley.PersistentSubscription.Subscription.t/0` struct with any necessary connection details. * `:subscriptions` - (default: `[]`) a list of subscription configurations. Broadway does not currently allow more than one producer in a topology, however one may wish to subscribe to multiple persistent subscriptions, potentially across EventStoreDBs. Since back-pressure is controlled on the EventStoreDB side, a handler may specify multiple subscriptions in a single producer without any special considerations. The schema of each subscription is as follows * `:connection` - (required) a `t:Spear.Connection.t/0` process which can either be specified as a PID or any valid `` * `:stream_name` - (required) the EventStoreDB stream * `:group_name` - (required) the EventStoreDB group name * `:opts` - (default: `[]`) options to pass to `Spear.connect_to_persistent_subscription/5`. The main use of this options field is to configure the `:buffer_size` option (default: `1`). The `:buffer_size` option controls the number of events allowed to be sent to this producer before any events are acknowledged. Remaining options are passed to `GenStage.start_link/3` and the `{:producer, state, opts}` tuple in `c:GenStage.init/1`. ## Examples ```elixir defmodule MyHandler do use Broadway alias Broadway.Message def start_link(_opts) do subscription_opts = [ broadway?: true, subscriptions: [ [ stream_name: "MyStream", group_name: inspect(__MODULE__), connection: MyApp.SpearClient, opts: [ # 10 events allowed in-flight at a time buffer_size: 10 ] ] ] ] Broadway.start_link(__MODULE__, name: __MODULE__, producer: [ module: {Volley.PersistentSubscription, subscription_opts} ], processors: [ default: [concurrency: 2] ], batchers: [ default: [concurrency: 1, batch_size: 5] ] ) end @impl Broadway def handle_message(:default, %Message{} = message, _context) do message |> Message.put_batcher(:default) end @impl Broadway def handle_batch(:default, messages, _batch_info, context) do # do something batchy with messages... end end ``` """ use GenStage import Volley alias __MODULE__.Subscription defstruct [:config, subscriptions: %{}] # coveralls-ignore-start @doc false def start_link(opts) do {start_link_opts, opts} = pop_genserver_opts(opts) GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, start_link_opts) end # coveralls-ignore-stop @impl GenStage def init(opts) do {producer_opts, opts} = pop_producer_opts(opts) subscriptions = opts |> Keyword.get(:subscriptions, []) |> Enum.each(subscriptions, fn sub -> send(self(), {:connect, sub}) end) config = opts |> |> Map.put(:subscriptions, subscriptions) {:producer, %__MODULE__{config: config}, producer_opts} end @impl GenStage def handle_info({:connect, subscription}, state) do state = case Subscription.connect(subscription) do {:ok, %Subscription{ref: ref} = subscription} -> put_in(state.subscriptions[ref], subscription) :error -> state end {:noreply, [], state} end def handle_info({:eos, subscription, _reason}, state) do {%Subscription{} = sub, state} = pop_in(state.subscriptions[subscription]) Subscription.reconnect(sub) {:noreply, [], state} end def handle_info(%Spear.Event{} = event, state) do {:noreply, [map_event(event, state)], state} end @impl GenStage def handle_demand(_demand, state) do {:noreply, [], state} end if_broadway do defp map_event(event, %__MODULE__{config: %{broadway?: true}} = state) do subscription = state.subscriptions[event.metadata.subscription] %Broadway.Message{ data: event, acknowledger: {Volley.PersistentSubscription.Acknowledger, subscription, %{}} } end end defp map_event(event, state) do update_in(event.metadata.subscription, &state.subscriptions[&1]) end end
defmodule AWS.RDS do @moduledoc """ Amazon Relational Database Service Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) is a web service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. It provides cost-efficient, resizeable capacity for an industry-standard relational database and manages common database administration tasks, freeing up developers to focus on what makes their applications and businesses unique. Amazon RDS gives you access to the capabilities of a MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or Amazon Aurora database server. These capabilities mean that the code, applications, and tools you already use today with your existing databases work with Amazon RDS without modification. Amazon RDS automatically backs up your database and maintains the database software that powers your DB instance. Amazon RDS is flexible: you can scale your DB instance's compute resources and storage capacity to meet your application's demand. As with all Amazon Web Services, there are no up-front investments, and you pay only for the resources you use. This interface reference for Amazon RDS contains documentation for a programming or command line interface you can use to manage Amazon RDS. Amazon RDS is asynchronous, which means that some interfaces might require techniques such as polling or callback functions to determine when a command has been applied. In this reference, the parameter descriptions indicate whether a command is applied immediately, on the next instance reboot, or during the maintenance window. The reference structure is as follows, and we list following some related topics from the user guide. **Amazon RDS API Reference** <ul> <li> For the alphabetical list of API actions, see [API Actions]( </li> <li> For the alphabetical list of data types, see [Data Types]( </li> <li> For a list of common query parameters, see [Common Parameters]( </li> <li> For descriptions of the error codes, see [Common Errors]( </li> </ul> **Amazon RDS User Guide** <ul> <li> For a summary of the Amazon RDS interfaces, see [Available RDS Interfaces]( </li> <li> For more information about how to use the Query API, see [Using the Query API]( </li> </ul> """ @doc """ Associates an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role from an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. For more information, see [Authorizing Amazon Aurora MySQL to Access Other AWS Services on Your Behalf]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide*. <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def add_role_to_d_b_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "AddRoleToDBCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Associates an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with a DB instance. <note> To add a role to a DB instance, the status of the DB instance must be `available`. </note> """ def add_role_to_d_b_instance(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "AddRoleToDBInstance", input, options) end @doc """ Adds a source identifier to an existing RDS event notification subscription. """ def add_source_identifier_to_subscription(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription", input, options) end @doc """ Adds metadata tags to an Amazon RDS resource. These tags can also be used with cost allocation reporting to track cost associated with Amazon RDS resources, or used in a Condition statement in an IAM policy for Amazon RDS. For an overview on tagging Amazon RDS resources, see [Tagging Amazon RDS Resources]( """ def add_tags_to_resource(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "AddTagsToResource", input, options) end @doc """ Applies a pending maintenance action to a resource (for example, to a DB instance). """ def apply_pending_maintenance_action(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ApplyPendingMaintenanceAction", input, options) end @doc """ Enables ingress to a DBSecurityGroup using one of two forms of authorization. First, EC2 or VPC security groups can be added to the DBSecurityGroup if the application using the database is running on EC2 or VPC instances. Second, IP ranges are available if the application accessing your database is running on the Internet. Required parameters for this API are one of CIDR range, EC2SecurityGroupId for VPC, or (EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either EC2SecurityGroupName or EC2SecurityGroupId for non-VPC). <note> You can't authorize ingress from an EC2 security group in one AWS Region to an Amazon RDS DB instance in another. You can't authorize ingress from a VPC security group in one VPC to an Amazon RDS DB instance in another. </note> For an overview of CIDR ranges, go to the [Wikipedia Tutorial]( """ def authorize_d_b_security_group_ingress(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngress", input, options) end @doc """ Backtracks a DB cluster to a specific time, without creating a new DB cluster. For more information on backtracking, see [ Backtracking an Aurora DB Cluster]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora MySQL DB clusters. </note> """ def backtrack_d_b_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "BacktrackDBCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Cancels an export task in progress that is exporting a snapshot to Amazon S3. Any data that has already been written to the S3 bucket isn't removed. """ def cancel_export_task(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CancelExportTask", input, options) end @doc """ Copies the specified DB cluster parameter group. <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def copy_d_b_cluster_parameter_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CopyDBClusterParameterGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Copies a snapshot of a DB cluster. To copy a DB cluster snapshot from a shared manual DB cluster snapshot, `SourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier` must be the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the shared DB cluster snapshot. You can copy an encrypted DB cluster snapshot from another AWS Region. In that case, the AWS Region where you call the `CopyDBClusterSnapshot` action is the destination AWS Region for the encrypted DB cluster snapshot to be copied to. To copy an encrypted DB cluster snapshot from another AWS Region, you must provide the following values: <ul> <li> `KmsKeyId` - The AWS Key Management System (AWS KMS) key identifier for the key to use to encrypt the copy of the DB cluster snapshot in the destination AWS Region. </li> <li> `PreSignedUrl` - A URL that contains a Signature Version 4 signed request for the `CopyDBClusterSnapshot` action to be called in the source AWS Region where the DB cluster snapshot is copied from. The pre-signed URL must be a valid request for the `CopyDBClusterSnapshot` API action that can be executed in the source AWS Region that contains the encrypted DB cluster snapshot to be copied. The pre-signed URL request must contain the following parameter values: <ul> <li> `KmsKeyId` - The KMS key identifier for the key to use to encrypt the copy of the DB cluster snapshot in the destination AWS Region. This is the same identifier for both the `CopyDBClusterSnapshot` action that is called in the destination AWS Region, and the action contained in the pre-signed URL. </li> <li> `DestinationRegion` - The name of the AWS Region that the DB cluster snapshot is to be created in. </li> <li> `SourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier` - The DB cluster snapshot identifier for the encrypted DB cluster snapshot to be copied. This identifier must be in the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) format for the source AWS Region. For example, if you are copying an encrypted DB cluster snapshot from the us-west-2 AWS Region, then your `SourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier` looks like the following example: `arn:aws:rds:us-west-2:123456789012:cluster-snapshot:aurora-cluster1-snapshot-20161115`. </li> </ul> To learn how to generate a Signature Version 4 signed request, see [ Authenticating Requests: Using Query Parameters (AWS Signature Version 4)]( and [ Signature Version 4 Signing Process]( <note> If you are using an AWS SDK tool or the AWS CLI, you can specify `SourceRegion` (or `--source-region` for the AWS CLI) instead of specifying `PreSignedUrl` manually. Specifying `SourceRegion` autogenerates a pre-signed URL that is a valid request for the operation that can be executed in the source AWS Region. </note> </li> <li> `TargetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier` - The identifier for the new copy of the DB cluster snapshot in the destination AWS Region. </li> <li> `SourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier` - The DB cluster snapshot identifier for the encrypted DB cluster snapshot to be copied. This identifier must be in the ARN format for the source AWS Region and is the same value as the `SourceDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier` in the pre-signed URL. </li> </ul> To cancel the copy operation once it is in progress, delete the target DB cluster snapshot identified by `TargetDBClusterSnapshotIdentifier` while that DB cluster snapshot is in "copying" status. For more information on copying encrypted DB cluster snapshots from one AWS Region to another, see [ Copying a Snapshot]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def copy_d_b_cluster_snapshot(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CopyDBClusterSnapshot", input, options) end @doc """ Copies the specified DB parameter group. """ def copy_d_b_parameter_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CopyDBParameterGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Copies the specified DB snapshot. The source DB snapshot must be in the `available` state. You can copy a snapshot from one AWS Region to another. In that case, the AWS Region where you call the `CopyDBSnapshot` action is the destination AWS Region for the DB snapshot copy. For more information about copying snapshots, see [Copying a DB Snapshot]( in the *Amazon RDS User Guide.* """ def copy_d_b_snapshot(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CopyDBSnapshot", input, options) end @doc """ Copies the specified option group. """ def copy_option_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CopyOptionGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a custom Availability Zone (AZ). A custom AZ is an on-premises AZ that is integrated with a VMware vSphere cluster. For more information about RDS on VMware, see the [ *RDS on VMware User Guide.* ]( """ def create_custom_availability_zone(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateCustomAvailabilityZone", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new Amazon Aurora DB cluster. You can use the `ReplicationSourceIdentifier` parameter to create the DB cluster as a read replica of another DB cluster or Amazon RDS MySQL DB instance. For cross-region replication where the DB cluster identified by `ReplicationSourceIdentifier` is encrypted, you must also specify the `PreSignedUrl` parameter. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def create_d_b_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateDBCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new custom endpoint and associates it with an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def create_d_b_cluster_endpoint(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateDBClusterEndpoint", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new DB cluster parameter group. Parameters in a DB cluster parameter group apply to all of the instances in a DB cluster. A DB cluster parameter group is initially created with the default parameters for the database engine used by instances in the DB cluster. To provide custom values for any of the parameters, you must modify the group after creating it using `ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup`. Once you've created a DB cluster parameter group, you need to associate it with your DB cluster using `ModifyDBCluster`. When you associate a new DB cluster parameter group with a running DB cluster, you need to reboot the DB instances in the DB cluster without failover for the new DB cluster parameter group and associated settings to take effect. <important> After you create a DB cluster parameter group, you should wait at least 5 minutes before creating your first DB cluster that uses that DB cluster parameter group as the default parameter group. This allows Amazon RDS to fully complete the create action before the DB cluster parameter group is used as the default for a new DB cluster. This is especially important for parameters that are critical when creating the default database for a DB cluster, such as the character set for the default database defined by the `character_set_database` parameter. You can use the *Parameter Groups* option of the [Amazon RDS console]( or the `DescribeDBClusterParameters` action to verify that your DB cluster parameter group has been created or modified. </important> For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def create_d_b_cluster_parameter_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateDBClusterParameterGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a snapshot of a DB cluster. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def create_d_b_cluster_snapshot(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateDBClusterSnapshot", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new DB instance. """ def create_d_b_instance(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateDBInstance", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new DB instance that acts as a read replica for an existing source DB instance. You can create a read replica for a DB instance running MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server. For more information, see [Working with Read Replicas]( in the *Amazon RDS User Guide*. Amazon Aurora doesn't support this action. Call the `CreateDBInstance` action to create a DB instance for an Aurora DB cluster. All read replica DB instances are created with backups disabled. All other DB instance attributes (including DB security groups and DB parameter groups) are inherited from the source DB instance, except as specified. <important> Your source DB instance must have backup retention enabled. </important> """ def create_d_b_instance_read_replica(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateDBInstanceReadReplica", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new DB parameter group. A DB parameter group is initially created with the default parameters for the database engine used by the DB instance. To provide custom values for any of the parameters, you must modify the group after creating it using *ModifyDBParameterGroup*. Once you've created a DB parameter group, you need to associate it with your DB instance using *ModifyDBInstance*. When you associate a new DB parameter group with a running DB instance, you need to reboot the DB instance without failover for the new DB parameter group and associated settings to take effect. <important> After you create a DB parameter group, you should wait at least 5 minutes before creating your first DB instance that uses that DB parameter group as the default parameter group. This allows Amazon RDS to fully complete the create action before the parameter group is used as the default for a new DB instance. This is especially important for parameters that are critical when creating the default database for a DB instance, such as the character set for the default database defined by the `character_set_database` parameter. You can use the *Parameter Groups* option of the [Amazon RDS console]( or the *DescribeDBParameters* command to verify that your DB parameter group has been created or modified. </important> """ def create_d_b_parameter_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateDBParameterGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new DB proxy. """ def create_d_b_proxy(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateDBProxy", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new DB security group. DB security groups control access to a DB instance. <note> A DB security group controls access to EC2-Classic DB instances that are not in a VPC. </note> """ def create_d_b_security_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateDBSecurityGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a snapshot of a DB instance. The source DB instance must be in the `available` or `storage-optimization`state. """ def create_d_b_snapshot(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateDBSnapshot", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new DB subnet group. DB subnet groups must contain at least one subnet in at least two AZs in the AWS Region. """ def create_d_b_subnet_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateDBSubnetGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Creates an RDS event notification subscription. This action requires a topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN) created by either the RDS console, the SNS console, or the SNS API. To obtain an ARN with SNS, you must create a topic in Amazon SNS and subscribe to the topic. The ARN is displayed in the SNS console. You can specify the type of source (`SourceType`) that you want to be notified of and provide a list of RDS sources (`SourceIds`) that triggers the events. You can also provide a list of event categories (`EventCategories`) for events that you want to be notified of. For example, you can specify `SourceType` = `db-instance`, `SourceIds` = `mydbinstance1`, `mydbinstance2` and `EventCategories` = `Availability`, `Backup`. If you specify both the `SourceType` and `SourceIds`, such as `SourceType` = `db-instance` and `SourceIdentifier` = `myDBInstance1`, you are notified of all the `db-instance` events for the specified source. If you specify a `SourceType` but do not specify a `SourceIdentifier`, you receive notice of the events for that source type for all your RDS sources. If you don't specify either the SourceType or the `SourceIdentifier`, you are notified of events generated from all RDS sources belonging to your customer account. <note> RDS event notification is only available for unencrypted SNS topics. If you specify an encrypted SNS topic, event notifications aren't sent for the topic. </note> """ def create_event_subscription(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateEventSubscription", input, options) end @doc """ Creates an Aurora global database spread across multiple AWS Regions. The global database contains a single primary cluster with read-write capability, and a read-only secondary cluster that receives data from the primary cluster through high-speed replication performed by the Aurora storage subsystem. You can create a global database that is initially empty, and then add a primary cluster and a secondary cluster to it. Or you can specify an existing Aurora cluster during the create operation, and this cluster becomes the primary cluster of the global database. <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def create_global_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateGlobalCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new option group. You can create up to 20 option groups. """ def create_option_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateOptionGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a custom Availability Zone (AZ). A custom AZ is an on-premises AZ that is integrated with a VMware vSphere cluster. For more information about RDS on VMware, see the [ *RDS on VMware User Guide.* ]( """ def delete_custom_availability_zone(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteCustomAvailabilityZone", input, options) end @doc """ The DeleteDBCluster action deletes a previously provisioned DB cluster. When you delete a DB cluster, all automated backups for that DB cluster are deleted and can't be recovered. Manual DB cluster snapshots of the specified DB cluster are not deleted. <p/> For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def delete_d_b_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteDBCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a custom endpoint and removes it from an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def delete_d_b_cluster_endpoint(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteDBClusterEndpoint", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a specified DB cluster parameter group. The DB cluster parameter group to be deleted can't be associated with any DB clusters. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def delete_d_b_cluster_parameter_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a DB cluster snapshot. If the snapshot is being copied, the copy operation is terminated. <note> The DB cluster snapshot must be in the `available` state to be deleted. </note> For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def delete_d_b_cluster_snapshot(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteDBClusterSnapshot", input, options) end @doc """ The DeleteDBInstance action deletes a previously provisioned DB instance. When you delete a DB instance, all automated backups for that instance are deleted and can't be recovered. Manual DB snapshots of the DB instance to be deleted by `DeleteDBInstance` are not deleted. If you request a final DB snapshot the status of the Amazon RDS DB instance is `deleting` until the DB snapshot is created. The API action `DescribeDBInstance` is used to monitor the status of this operation. The action can't be canceled or reverted once submitted. When a DB instance is in a failure state and has a status of `failed`, `incompatible-restore`, or `incompatible-network`, you can only delete it when you skip creation of the final snapshot with the `SkipFinalSnapshot` parameter. If the specified DB instance is part of an Amazon Aurora DB cluster, you can't delete the DB instance if both of the following conditions are true: <ul> <li> The DB cluster is a read replica of another Amazon Aurora DB cluster. </li> <li> The DB instance is the only instance in the DB cluster. </li> </ul> To delete a DB instance in this case, first call the `PromoteReadReplicaDBCluster` API action to promote the DB cluster so it's no longer a read replica. After the promotion completes, then call the `DeleteDBInstance` API action to delete the final instance in the DB cluster. """ def delete_d_b_instance(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteDBInstance", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes automated backups based on the source instance's `DbiResourceId` value or the restorable instance's resource ID. """ def delete_d_b_instance_automated_backup(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteDBInstanceAutomatedBackup", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a specified DB parameter group. The DB parameter group to be deleted can't be associated with any DB instances. """ def delete_d_b_parameter_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteDBParameterGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes an existing proxy. """ def delete_d_b_proxy(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteDBProxy", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a DB security group. <note> The specified DB security group must not be associated with any DB instances. </note> """ def delete_d_b_security_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteDBSecurityGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a DB snapshot. If the snapshot is being copied, the copy operation is terminated. <note> The DB snapshot must be in the `available` state to be deleted. </note> """ def delete_d_b_snapshot(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteDBSnapshot", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a DB subnet group. <note> The specified database subnet group must not be associated with any DB instances. </note> """ def delete_d_b_subnet_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteDBSubnetGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes an RDS event notification subscription. """ def delete_event_subscription(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteEventSubscription", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a global database cluster. The primary and secondary clusters must already be detached or destroyed first. <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def delete_global_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteGlobalCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes the installation medium for a DB engine that requires an on-premises customer provided license, such as Microsoft SQL Server. """ def delete_installation_media(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteInstallationMedia", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes an existing option group. """ def delete_option_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteOptionGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Remove the association between one or more `DBProxyTarget` data structures and a `DBProxyTargetGroup`. """ def deregister_d_b_proxy_targets(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeregisterDBProxyTargets", input, options) end @doc """ Lists all of the attributes for a customer account. The attributes include Amazon RDS quotas for the account, such as the number of DB instances allowed. The description for a quota includes the quota name, current usage toward that quota, and the quota's maximum value. This command doesn't take any parameters. """ def describe_account_attributes(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeAccountAttributes", input, options) end @doc """ Lists the set of CA certificates provided by Amazon RDS for this AWS account. """ def describe_certificates(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeCertificates", input, options) end @doc """ Returns information about custom Availability Zones (AZs). A custom AZ is an on-premises AZ that is integrated with a VMware vSphere cluster. For more information about RDS on VMware, see the [ *RDS on VMware User Guide.* ]( """ def describe_custom_availability_zones(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeCustomAvailabilityZones", input, options) end @doc """ Returns information about backtracks for a DB cluster. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora MySQL DB clusters. </note> """ def describe_d_b_cluster_backtracks(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBClusterBacktracks", input, options) end @doc """ Returns information about endpoints for an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def describe_d_b_cluster_endpoints(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBClusterEndpoints", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of `DBClusterParameterGroup` descriptions. If a `DBClusterParameterGroupName` parameter is specified, the list will contain only the description of the specified DB cluster parameter group. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def describe_d_b_cluster_parameter_groups(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular DB cluster parameter group. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def describe_d_b_cluster_parameters(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBClusterParameters", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of DB cluster snapshot attribute names and values for a manual DB cluster snapshot. When sharing snapshots with other AWS accounts, `DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes` returns the `restore` attribute and a list of IDs for the AWS accounts that are authorized to copy or restore the manual DB cluster snapshot. If `all` is included in the list of values for the `restore` attribute, then the manual DB cluster snapshot is public and can be copied or restored by all AWS accounts. To add or remove access for an AWS account to copy or restore a manual DB cluster snapshot, or to make the manual DB cluster snapshot public or private, use the `ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttribute` API action. <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def describe_d_b_cluster_snapshot_attributes(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes", input, options) end @doc """ Returns information about DB cluster snapshots. This API action supports pagination. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def describe_d_b_cluster_snapshots(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBClusterSnapshots", input, options) end @doc """ Returns information about provisioned Aurora DB clusters. This API supports pagination. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This operation can also return information for Amazon Neptune DB instances and Amazon DocumentDB instances. </note> """ def describe_d_b_clusters(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBClusters", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of the available DB engines. """ def describe_d_b_engine_versions(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBEngineVersions", input, options) end @doc """ Displays backups for both current and deleted instances. For example, use this operation to find details about automated backups for previously deleted instances. Current instances with retention periods greater than zero (0) are returned for both the `DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackups` and `DescribeDBInstances` operations. All parameters are optional. """ def describe_d_b_instance_automated_backups(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBInstanceAutomatedBackups", input, options) end @doc """ Returns information about provisioned RDS instances. This API supports pagination. <note> This operation can also return information for Amazon Neptune DB instances and Amazon DocumentDB instances. </note> """ def describe_d_b_instances(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBInstances", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of DB log files for the DB instance. """ def describe_d_b_log_files(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBLogFiles", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of `DBParameterGroup` descriptions. If a `DBParameterGroupName` is specified, the list will contain only the description of the specified DB parameter group. """ def describe_d_b_parameter_groups(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBParameterGroups", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the detailed parameter list for a particular DB parameter group. """ def describe_d_b_parameters(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBParameters", input, options) end @doc """ Returns information about DB proxies. """ def describe_d_b_proxies(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBProxies", input, options) end @doc """ Returns information about DB proxy target groups, represented by `DBProxyTargetGroup` data structures. """ def describe_d_b_proxy_target_groups(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBProxyTargetGroups", input, options) end @doc """ Returns information about `DBProxyTarget` objects. This API supports pagination. """ def describe_d_b_proxy_targets(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBProxyTargets", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of `DBSecurityGroup` descriptions. If a `DBSecurityGroupName` is specified, the list will contain only the descriptions of the specified DB security group. """ def describe_d_b_security_groups(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBSecurityGroups", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of DB snapshot attribute names and values for a manual DB snapshot. When sharing snapshots with other AWS accounts, `DescribeDBSnapshotAttributes` returns the `restore` attribute and a list of IDs for the AWS accounts that are authorized to copy or restore the manual DB snapshot. If `all` is included in the list of values for the `restore` attribute, then the manual DB snapshot is public and can be copied or restored by all AWS accounts. To add or remove access for an AWS account to copy or restore a manual DB snapshot, or to make the manual DB snapshot public or private, use the `ModifyDBSnapshotAttribute` API action. """ def describe_d_b_snapshot_attributes(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBSnapshotAttributes", input, options) end @doc """ Returns information about DB snapshots. This API action supports pagination. """ def describe_d_b_snapshots(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBSnapshots", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of DBSubnetGroup descriptions. If a DBSubnetGroupName is specified, the list will contain only the descriptions of the specified DBSubnetGroup. For an overview of CIDR ranges, go to the [Wikipedia Tutorial]( """ def describe_d_b_subnet_groups(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDBSubnetGroups", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the cluster database engine. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* """ def describe_engine_default_cluster_parameters(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeEngineDefaultClusterParameters", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the default engine and system parameter information for the specified database engine. """ def describe_engine_default_parameters(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeEngineDefaultParameters", input, options) end @doc """ Displays a list of categories for all event source types, or, if specified, for a specified source type. You can see a list of the event categories and source types in [ Events]( in the *Amazon RDS User Guide.* """ def describe_event_categories(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeEventCategories", input, options) end @doc """ Lists all the subscription descriptions for a customer account. The description for a subscription includes `SubscriptionName`, `SNSTopicARN`, `CustomerID`, `SourceType`, `SourceID`, `CreationTime`, and `Status`. If you specify a `SubscriptionName`, lists the description for that subscription. """ def describe_event_subscriptions(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeEventSubscriptions", input, options) end @doc """ Returns events related to DB instances, DB clusters, DB parameter groups, DB security groups, DB snapshots, and DB cluster snapshots for the past 14 days. Events specific to a particular DB instances, DB clusters, DB parameter groups, DB security groups, DB snapshots, and DB cluster snapshots group can be obtained by providing the name as a parameter. <note> By default, the past hour of events are returned. </note> """ def describe_events(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeEvents", input, options) end @doc """ Returns information about a snapshot export to Amazon S3. This API operation supports pagination. """ def describe_export_tasks(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeExportTasks", input, options) end @doc """ Returns information about Aurora global database clusters. This API supports pagination. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def describe_global_clusters(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeGlobalClusters", input, options) end @doc """ Describes the available installation media for a DB engine that requires an on-premises customer provided license, such as Microsoft SQL Server. """ def describe_installation_media(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeInstallationMedia", input, options) end @doc """ Describes all available options. """ def describe_option_group_options(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeOptionGroupOptions", input, options) end @doc """ Describes the available option groups. """ def describe_option_groups(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeOptionGroups", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of orderable DB instance options for the specified engine. """ def describe_orderable_d_b_instance_options(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of resources (for example, DB instances) that have at least one pending maintenance action. """ def describe_pending_maintenance_actions(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribePendingMaintenanceActions", input, options) end @doc """ Returns information about reserved DB instances for this account, or about a specified reserved DB instance. """ def describe_reserved_d_b_instances(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeReservedDBInstances", input, options) end @doc """ Lists available reserved DB instance offerings. """ def describe_reserved_d_b_instances_offerings(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeReservedDBInstancesOfferings", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of the source AWS Regions where the current AWS Region can create a read replica or copy a DB snapshot from. This API action supports pagination. """ def describe_source_regions(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeSourceRegions", input, options) end @doc """ You can call `DescribeValidDBInstanceModifications` to learn what modifications you can make to your DB instance. You can use this information when you call `ModifyDBInstance`. """ def describe_valid_d_b_instance_modifications(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeValidDBInstanceModifications", input, options) end @doc """ Downloads all or a portion of the specified log file, up to 1 MB in size. """ def download_d_b_log_file_portion(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DownloadDBLogFilePortion", input, options) end @doc """ Forces a failover for a DB cluster. A failover for a DB cluster promotes one of the Aurora Replicas (read-only instances) in the DB cluster to be the primary instance (the cluster writer). Amazon Aurora will automatically fail over to an Aurora Replica, if one exists, when the primary instance fails. You can force a failover when you want to simulate a failure of a primary instance for testing. Because each instance in a DB cluster has its own endpoint address, you will need to clean up and re-establish any existing connections that use those endpoint addresses when the failover is complete. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def failover_d_b_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "FailoverDBCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Imports the installation media for a DB engine that requires an on-premises customer provided license, such as SQL Server. """ def import_installation_media(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ImportInstallationMedia", input, options) end @doc """ Lists all tags on an Amazon RDS resource. For an overview on tagging an Amazon RDS resource, see [Tagging Amazon RDS Resources]( in the *Amazon RDS User Guide*. """ def list_tags_for_resource(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ListTagsForResource", input, options) end @doc """ Override the system-default Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) certificate for Amazon RDS for new DB instances temporarily, or remove the override. By using this operation, you can specify an RDS-approved SSL/TLS certificate for new DB instances that is different from the default certificate provided by RDS. You can also use this operation to remove the override, so that new DB instances use the default certificate provided by RDS. You might need to override the default certificate in the following situations: <ul> <li> You already migrated your applications to support the latest certificate authority (CA) certificate, but the new CA certificate is not yet the RDS default CA certificate for the specified AWS Region. </li> <li> RDS has already moved to a new default CA certificate for the specified AWS Region, but you are still in the process of supporting the new CA certificate. In this case, you temporarily need additional time to finish your application changes. </li> </ul> For more information about rotating your SSL/TLS certificate for RDS DB engines, see [ Rotating Your SSL/TLS Certificate]( in the *Amazon RDS User Guide*. For more information about rotating your SSL/TLS certificate for Aurora DB engines, see [ Rotating Your SSL/TLS Certificate]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide*. """ def modify_certificates(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyCertificates", input, options) end @doc """ Set the capacity of an Aurora Serverless DB cluster to a specific value. Aurora Serverless scales seamlessly based on the workload on the DB cluster. In some cases, the capacity might not scale fast enough to meet a sudden change in workload, such as a large number of new transactions. Call `ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacity` to set the capacity explicitly. After this call sets the DB cluster capacity, Aurora Serverless can automatically scale the DB cluster based on the cooldown period for scaling up and the cooldown period for scaling down. For more information about Aurora Serverless, see [Using Amazon Aurora Serverless]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide*. <important> If you call `ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacity` with the default `TimeoutAction`, connections that prevent Aurora Serverless from finding a scaling point might be dropped. For more information about scaling points, see [ Autoscaling for Aurora Serverless]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide*. </important> <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def modify_current_d_b_cluster_capacity(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyCurrentDBClusterCapacity", input, options) end @doc """ Modify a setting for an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. You can change one or more database configuration parameters by specifying these parameters and the new values in the request. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def modify_d_b_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyDBCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Modifies the properties of an endpoint in an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def modify_d_b_cluster_endpoint(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyDBClusterEndpoint", input, options) end @doc """ Modifies the parameters of a DB cluster parameter group. To modify more than one parameter, submit a list of the following: `ParameterName`, `ParameterValue`, and `ApplyMethod`. A maximum of 20 parameters can be modified in a single request. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> Changes to dynamic parameters are applied immediately. Changes to static parameters require a reboot without failover to the DB cluster associated with the parameter group before the change can take effect. </note> <important> After you create a DB cluster parameter group, you should wait at least 5 minutes before creating your first DB cluster that uses that DB cluster parameter group as the default parameter group. This allows Amazon RDS to fully complete the create action before the parameter group is used as the default for a new DB cluster. This is especially important for parameters that are critical when creating the default database for a DB cluster, such as the character set for the default database defined by the `character_set_database` parameter. You can use the *Parameter Groups* option of the [Amazon RDS console]( or the `DescribeDBClusterParameters` action to verify that your DB cluster parameter group has been created or modified. If the modified DB cluster parameter group is used by an Aurora Serverless cluster, Aurora applies the update immediately. The cluster restart might interrupt your workload. In that case, your application must reopen any connections and retry any transactions that were active when the parameter changes took effect. </important> <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def modify_d_b_cluster_parameter_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyDBClusterParameterGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Adds an attribute and values to, or removes an attribute and values from, a manual DB cluster snapshot. To share a manual DB cluster snapshot with other AWS accounts, specify `restore` as the `AttributeName` and use the `ValuesToAdd` parameter to add a list of IDs of the AWS accounts that are authorized to restore the manual DB cluster snapshot. Use the value `all` to make the manual DB cluster snapshot public, which means that it can be copied or restored by all AWS accounts. <note> Don't add the `all` value for any manual DB cluster snapshots that contain private information that you don't want available to all AWS accounts. </note> If a manual DB cluster snapshot is encrypted, it can be shared, but only by specifying a list of authorized AWS account IDs for the `ValuesToAdd` parameter. You can't use `all` as a value for that parameter in this case. To view which AWS accounts have access to copy or restore a manual DB cluster snapshot, or whether a manual DB cluster snapshot is public or private, use the `DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes` API action. The accounts are returned as values for the `restore` attribute. <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def modify_d_b_cluster_snapshot_attribute(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyDBClusterSnapshotAttribute", input, options) end @doc """ Modifies settings for a DB instance. You can change one or more database configuration parameters by specifying these parameters and the new values in the request. To learn what modifications you can make to your DB instance, call `DescribeValidDBInstanceModifications` before you call `ModifyDBInstance`. """ def modify_d_b_instance(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyDBInstance", input, options) end @doc """ Modifies the parameters of a DB parameter group. To modify more than one parameter, submit a list of the following: `ParameterName`, `ParameterValue`, and `ApplyMethod`. A maximum of 20 parameters can be modified in a single request. <note> Changes to dynamic parameters are applied immediately. Changes to static parameters require a reboot without failover to the DB instance associated with the parameter group before the change can take effect. </note> <important> After you modify a DB parameter group, you should wait at least 5 minutes before creating your first DB instance that uses that DB parameter group as the default parameter group. This allows Amazon RDS to fully complete the modify action before the parameter group is used as the default for a new DB instance. This is especially important for parameters that are critical when creating the default database for a DB instance, such as the character set for the default database defined by the `character_set_database` parameter. You can use the *Parameter Groups* option of the [Amazon RDS console]( or the *DescribeDBParameters* command to verify that your DB parameter group has been created or modified. </important> """ def modify_d_b_parameter_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyDBParameterGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Changes the settings for an existing DB proxy. """ def modify_d_b_proxy(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyDBProxy", input, options) end @doc """ Modifies the properties of a `DBProxyTargetGroup`. """ def modify_d_b_proxy_target_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyDBProxyTargetGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Updates a manual DB snapshot with a new engine version. The snapshot can be encrypted or unencrypted, but not shared or public. Amazon RDS supports upgrading DB snapshots for MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. """ def modify_d_b_snapshot(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyDBSnapshot", input, options) end @doc """ Adds an attribute and values to, or removes an attribute and values from, a manual DB snapshot. To share a manual DB snapshot with other AWS accounts, specify `restore` as the `AttributeName` and use the `ValuesToAdd` parameter to add a list of IDs of the AWS accounts that are authorized to restore the manual DB snapshot. Uses the value `all` to make the manual DB snapshot public, which means it can be copied or restored by all AWS accounts. <note> Don't add the `all` value for any manual DB snapshots that contain private information that you don't want available to all AWS accounts. </note> If the manual DB snapshot is encrypted, it can be shared, but only by specifying a list of authorized AWS account IDs for the `ValuesToAdd` parameter. You can't use `all` as a value for that parameter in this case. To view which AWS accounts have access to copy or restore a manual DB snapshot, or whether a manual DB snapshot public or private, use the `DescribeDBSnapshotAttributes` API action. The accounts are returned as values for the `restore` attribute. """ def modify_d_b_snapshot_attribute(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyDBSnapshotAttribute", input, options) end @doc """ Modifies an existing DB subnet group. DB subnet groups must contain at least one subnet in at least two AZs in the AWS Region. """ def modify_d_b_subnet_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyDBSubnetGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Modifies an existing RDS event notification subscription. You can't modify the source identifiers using this call. To change source identifiers for a subscription, use the `AddSourceIdentifierToSubscription` and `RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription` calls. You can see a list of the event categories for a given source type (`SourceType`) in [Events]( in the *Amazon RDS User Guide* or by using the `DescribeEventCategories` operation. """ def modify_event_subscription(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyEventSubscription", input, options) end @doc """ Modify a setting for an Amazon Aurora global cluster. You can change one or more database configuration parameters by specifying these parameters and the new values in the request. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def modify_global_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyGlobalCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Modifies an existing option group. """ def modify_option_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ModifyOptionGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Promotes a read replica DB instance to a standalone DB instance. <note> <ul> <li> Backup duration is a function of the amount of changes to the database since the previous backup. If you plan to promote a read replica to a standalone instance, we recommend that you enable backups and complete at least one backup prior to promotion. In addition, a read replica cannot be promoted to a standalone instance when it is in the `backing-up` status. If you have enabled backups on your read replica, configure the automated backup window so that daily backups do not interfere with read replica promotion. </li> <li> This command doesn't apply to Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL. </li> </ul> </note> """ def promote_read_replica(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "PromoteReadReplica", input, options) end @doc """ Promotes a read replica DB cluster to a standalone DB cluster. <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def promote_read_replica_d_b_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "PromoteReadReplicaDBCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Purchases a reserved DB instance offering. """ def purchase_reserved_d_b_instances_offering(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "PurchaseReservedDBInstancesOffering", input, options) end @doc """ You might need to reboot your DB instance, usually for maintenance reasons. For example, if you make certain modifications, or if you change the DB parameter group associated with the DB instance, you must reboot the instance for the changes to take effect. Rebooting a DB instance restarts the database engine service. Rebooting a DB instance results in a momentary outage, during which the DB instance status is set to rebooting. For more information about rebooting, see [Rebooting a DB Instance]( in the *Amazon RDS User Guide.* """ def reboot_d_b_instance(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RebootDBInstance", input, options) end @doc """ Associate one or more `DBProxyTarget` data structures with a `DBProxyTargetGroup`. """ def register_d_b_proxy_targets(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RegisterDBProxyTargets", input, options) end @doc """ Detaches an Aurora secondary cluster from an Aurora global database cluster. The cluster becomes a standalone cluster with read-write capability instead of being read-only and receiving data from a primary cluster in a different region. <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def remove_from_global_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RemoveFromGlobalCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Disassociates an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role from an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. For more information, see [Authorizing Amazon Aurora MySQL to Access Other AWS Services on Your Behalf ]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide*. <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def remove_role_from_d_b_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RemoveRoleFromDBCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Disassociates an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role from a DB instance. """ def remove_role_from_d_b_instance(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RemoveRoleFromDBInstance", input, options) end @doc """ Removes a source identifier from an existing RDS event notification subscription. """ def remove_source_identifier_from_subscription(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RemoveSourceIdentifierFromSubscription", input, options) end @doc """ Removes metadata tags from an Amazon RDS resource. For an overview on tagging an Amazon RDS resource, see [Tagging Amazon RDS Resources]( in the *Amazon RDS User Guide.* """ def remove_tags_from_resource(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RemoveTagsFromResource", input, options) end @doc """ Modifies the parameters of a DB cluster parameter group to the default value. To reset specific parameters submit a list of the following: `ParameterName` and `ApplyMethod`. To reset the entire DB cluster parameter group, specify the `DBClusterParameterGroupName` and `ResetAllParameters` parameters. When resetting the entire group, dynamic parameters are updated immediately and static parameters are set to `pending-reboot` to take effect on the next DB instance restart or `RebootDBInstance` request. You must call `RebootDBInstance` for every DB instance in your DB cluster that you want the updated static parameter to apply to. For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def reset_d_b_cluster_parameter_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ResetDBClusterParameterGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Modifies the parameters of a DB parameter group to the engine/system default value. To reset specific parameters, provide a list of the following: `ParameterName` and `ApplyMethod`. To reset the entire DB parameter group, specify the `DBParameterGroup` name and `ResetAllParameters` parameters. When resetting the entire group, dynamic parameters are updated immediately and static parameters are set to `pending-reboot` to take effect on the next DB instance restart or `RebootDBInstance` request. """ def reset_d_b_parameter_group(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ResetDBParameterGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Creates an Amazon Aurora DB cluster from MySQL data stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. Amazon RDS must be authorized to access the Amazon S3 bucket and the data must be created using the Percona XtraBackup utility as described in [ Migrating Data from MySQL by Using an Amazon S3 Bucket]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide*. <note> This action only restores the DB cluster, not the DB instances for that DB cluster. You must invoke the `CreateDBInstance` action to create DB instances for the restored DB cluster, specifying the identifier of the restored DB cluster in `DBClusterIdentifier`. You can create DB instances only after the `RestoreDBClusterFromS3` action has completed and the DB cluster is available. </note> For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. The source DB engine must be MySQL. </note> """ def restore_d_b_cluster_from_s3(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RestoreDBClusterFromS3", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new DB cluster from a DB snapshot or DB cluster snapshot. This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. The target DB cluster is created from the source snapshot with a default configuration. If you don't specify a security group, the new DB cluster is associated with the default security group. <note> This action only restores the DB cluster, not the DB instances for that DB cluster. You must invoke the `CreateDBInstance` action to create DB instances for the restored DB cluster, specifying the identifier of the restored DB cluster in `DBClusterIdentifier`. You can create DB instances only after the `RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot` action has completed and the DB cluster is available. </note> For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def restore_d_b_cluster_from_snapshot(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot", input, options) end @doc """ Restores a DB cluster to an arbitrary point in time. Users can restore to any point in time before `LatestRestorableTime` for up to `BackupRetentionPeriod` days. The target DB cluster is created from the source DB cluster with the same configuration as the original DB cluster, except that the new DB cluster is created with the default DB security group. <note> This action only restores the DB cluster, not the DB instances for that DB cluster. You must invoke the `CreateDBInstance` action to create DB instances for the restored DB cluster, specifying the identifier of the restored DB cluster in `DBClusterIdentifier`. You can create DB instances only after the `RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime` action has completed and the DB cluster is available. </note> For more information on Amazon Aurora, see [ What Is Amazon Aurora?]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def restore_d_b_cluster_to_point_in_time(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new DB instance from a DB snapshot. The target database is created from the source database restore point with the most of original configuration with the default security group and the default DB parameter group. By default, the new DB instance is created as a single-AZ deployment except when the instance is a SQL Server instance that has an option group that is associated with mirroring; in this case, the instance becomes a mirrored AZ deployment and not a single-AZ deployment. If your intent is to replace your original DB instance with the new, restored DB instance, then rename your original DB instance before you call the RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot action. RDS doesn't allow two DB instances with the same name. Once you have renamed your original DB instance with a different identifier, then you can pass the original name of the DB instance as the DBInstanceIdentifier in the call to the RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot action. The result is that you will replace the original DB instance with the DB instance created from the snapshot. If you are restoring from a shared manual DB snapshot, the `DBSnapshotIdentifier` must be the ARN of the shared DB snapshot. <note> This command doesn't apply to Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL. For Aurora, use `RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot`. </note> """ def restore_d_b_instance_from_d_b_snapshot(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot", input, options) end @doc """ Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) supports importing MySQL databases by using backup files. You can create a backup of your on-premises database, store it on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and then restore the backup file onto a new Amazon RDS DB instance running MySQL. For more information, see [Importing Data into an Amazon RDS MySQL DB Instance]( in the *Amazon RDS User Guide.* """ def restore_d_b_instance_from_s3(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RestoreDBInstanceFromS3", input, options) end @doc """ Restores a DB instance to an arbitrary point in time. You can restore to any point in time before the time identified by the LatestRestorableTime property. You can restore to a point up to the number of days specified by the BackupRetentionPeriod property. The target database is created with most of the original configuration, but in a system-selected Availability Zone, with the default security group, the default subnet group, and the default DB parameter group. By default, the new DB instance is created as a single-AZ deployment except when the instance is a SQL Server instance that has an option group that is associated with mirroring; in this case, the instance becomes a mirrored deployment and not a single-AZ deployment. <note> This command doesn't apply to Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL. For Aurora, use `RestoreDBClusterToPointInTime`. </note> """ def restore_d_b_instance_to_point_in_time(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime", input, options) end @doc """ Revokes ingress from a DBSecurityGroup for previously authorized IP ranges or EC2 or VPC Security Groups. Required parameters for this API are one of CIDRIP, EC2SecurityGroupId for VPC, or (EC2SecurityGroupOwnerId and either EC2SecurityGroupName or EC2SecurityGroupId). """ def revoke_d_b_security_group_ingress(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngress", input, options) end @doc """ Starts a database activity stream to monitor activity on the database. For more information, see [Database Activity Streams]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide*. """ def start_activity_stream(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "StartActivityStream", input, options) end @doc """ Starts an Amazon Aurora DB cluster that was stopped using the AWS console, the stop-db-cluster AWS CLI command, or the StopDBCluster action. For more information, see [ Stopping and Starting an Aurora Cluster]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def start_d_b_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "StartDBCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Starts an Amazon RDS DB instance that was stopped using the AWS console, the stop-db-instance AWS CLI command, or the StopDBInstance action. For more information, see [ Starting an Amazon RDS DB instance That Was Previously Stopped]( in the *Amazon RDS User Guide.* <note> This command doesn't apply to Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL. For Aurora DB clusters, use `StartDBCluster` instead. </note> """ def start_d_b_instance(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "StartDBInstance", input, options) end @doc """ Starts an export of a snapshot to Amazon S3. The provided IAM role must have access to the S3 bucket. """ def start_export_task(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "StartExportTask", input, options) end @doc """ Stops a database activity stream that was started using the AWS console, the `start-activity-stream` AWS CLI command, or the `StartActivityStream` action. For more information, see [Database Activity Streams]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide*. """ def stop_activity_stream(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "StopActivityStream", input, options) end @doc """ Stops an Amazon Aurora DB cluster. When you stop a DB cluster, Aurora retains the DB cluster's metadata, including its endpoints and DB parameter groups. Aurora also retains the transaction logs so you can do a point-in-time restore if necessary. For more information, see [ Stopping and Starting an Aurora Cluster]( in the *Amazon Aurora User Guide.* <note> This action only applies to Aurora DB clusters. </note> """ def stop_d_b_cluster(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "StopDBCluster", input, options) end @doc """ Stops an Amazon RDS DB instance. When you stop a DB instance, Amazon RDS retains the DB instance's metadata, including its endpoint, DB parameter group, and option group membership. Amazon RDS also retains the transaction logs so you can do a point-in-time restore if necessary. For more information, see [ Stopping an Amazon RDS DB Instance Temporarily]( in the *Amazon RDS User Guide.* <note> This command doesn't apply to Aurora MySQL and Aurora PostgreSQL. For Aurora clusters, use `StopDBCluster` instead. </note> """ def stop_d_b_instance(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "StopDBInstance", input, options) end @spec request(AWS.Client.t(), binary(), map(), list()) :: {:ok, map() | nil, map()} | {:error, term()} defp request(client, action, input, options) do client = %{client | service: "rds"} host = build_host("rds", client) url = build_url(host, client) headers = [ {"Host", host}, {"Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} ] input = Map.merge(input, %{"Action" => action, "Version" => "2014-10-31"}) payload = encode!(client, input) headers = AWS.Request.sign_v4(client, "POST", url, headers, payload) post(client, url, payload, headers, options) end defp post(client, url, payload, headers, options) do case AWS.Client.request(client, :post, url, payload, headers, options) do {:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: body} = response} -> body = if body != "", do: decode!(client, body) {:ok, body, response} {:ok, response} -> {:error, {:unexpected_response, response}} error = {:error, _reason} -> error end end defp build_host(_endpoint_prefix, %{region: "local", endpoint: endpoint}) do endpoint end defp build_host(_endpoint_prefix, %{region: "local"}) do "localhost" end defp build_host(endpoint_prefix, %{region: region, endpoint: endpoint}) do "#{endpoint_prefix}.#{region}.#{endpoint}" end defp build_url(host, %{:proto => proto, :port => port}) do "#{proto}://#{host}:#{port}/" end defp encode!(client, payload) do AWS.Client.encode!(client, payload, :query) end defp decode!(client, payload) do AWS.Client.decode!(client, payload, :xml) end end
defmodule Matrix.Agents do @moduledoc """ Holds state about posible agent types and currently running agents in cluster. This module is meant to be used when new agent centers are registered / unregistered to / from cluster. When new agent center is registered to cluster, it's available agent types are sent to every other agent center. When agent center is unregistered from cluster, it's agent types are deleted from every other agent center. """ use GenServer alias Matrix.{Env, Cluster, AgentCenter, AgentType} defmodule State do @moduledoc """ Represents state of agents in cluster. * agent_types - All supported agent types in cluster. Map where key is agent center alias and value is list of agent types available on that agent center. * running_agents - Running agents in cluster. Map where key is agent center alias and value is list of Agent structs running on that agent center. """ defstruct agent_types: %{}, running_agents: %{} @type t :: %__MODULE__{agent_types: Map.t, running_agents: Map.t} end def start_link(args \\ []) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__) end # Client API @doc """ Adds list of agent types to given agent center. Args: * `agent_center` - Alias of agent center * `types` - List of supported agent types ## Example Agents.add_types("Mars", [%AgentType{name: "Ping", module: "Test"}]) """ @spec add_types(agent_center :: String.t, types :: list[Matrix.AgentType.t]) :: :ok def add_types(agent_center, types) do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:add_types, agent_center, types}) end @doc """ Deletes agent types of given agent center. Args: * `agent_center` - Alias of agent center ## Example Agents.delete_types_for("Mars") """ @spec delete_types_for(agent_center :: String.t) :: :ok def delete_types_for(agent_center) do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:delete_types, agent_center}) end @doc """ Returns all supported agent types in cluster for each agent center. ## Example Agents.types # => `%{"Mars" => [%AgentType{name: "Ping", module: "Agents"}]}` """ @spec types :: %{required(String.t) => list(Matrix.AgentType.t)} def types do, {:types}) end @doc """ Returns list of supported agent types for given agent center. ## Example Agents.add_types("Mars", [%AgentType{name: "Ping", module: "Agents"}]) Agents.types_for("Mars") # => [`%AgentType{name: "Ping", module: "Agents"}] """ @spec types_for(agent_center :: String.t) :: list(Matrix.AgentType.t) def types_for(agent_center) do, {:types, agent_center}) end @spec find_agent_center_with_type(type :: AgentType.t) :: AgentCenter.t | nil def find_agent_center_with_type(type) do, {:find_agent_center_with_type, type}) end @doc """ Returns all running agents on cluster. ## Example Agents.running # => `[%Agent{id: %AID{}]` """ @spec running :: %{required(String.t) => list(Matrix.Agent.t)} def running do, {:running}) end @doc """ Returns all running agents on given agent center. ## Example Agents.running_on("Mars") # => `[%Agent{id: %AID{}]` """ @spec running_on(agent_center :: String.t) :: list[Matrix.Agent.t] def running_on(agent_center) do, {:running, agent_center}) end @doc """ Returns map where key is agent center alias, value is list of running agents on that center. ## Example Agents.running_per_agent_center # => `%{"Mars" => [%Agent{id: %AID{}}]}` """ @spec running_per_agent_center :: Map.t def running_per_agent_center do, {:running_per_agent_center}) end @doc """ Adds new agent for given agent center. ## Example Agents.add_running("Mars", %Agent{}) """ @spec add_running(agent_center :: String.t, running_agents :: list(Matrix.Agent)) :: :ok def add_running(agent_center, running_agents) do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:add_running, agent_center, running_agents}) end @doc """ Deletes running agent from agent center. ## Example ping = Agents.delete_running(ping) """ @spec delete_running(agent :: Agent.t) :: any def delete_running(agent) do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:delete_running, agent}) end @spec delete_running_for(agent_center :: String.t) :: :ok def delete_running_for(agent_center) do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:delete_running_for, agent_center}) end @doc """ Resets data about agent types and running agents. """ @spec reset :: :ok def reset do GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:reset}) end @spec exists?(name :: String.t) :: boolean def exists?(name) do running() |> Enum.any?(fn agent -> == name end) end @spec find_by_name(agent_name :: String.t) :: Agent.t | nil def find_by_name(agent_name) do running() |> Enum.find(fn agent -> =~ agent_name end) end # Server callbacks def handle_call({:types}, _from, state) do {:reply, state.agent_types, state} end def handle_call({:types, aliaz}, _from, state) do {:reply, state.agent_types[aliaz] || [], state} end def handle_call({:running}, _from, state) do running_agents = state.running_agents |> Enum.reduce([], fn {_, agents}, acc -> acc ++ agents end) {:reply, running_agents, state} end def handle_call({:running, agent_center}, _from, state) do {:reply, state.running_agents[agent_center] || [], state} end def handle_call({:running_per_agent_center}, _from, state) do {:reply, state.running_agents, state} end def handle_call({:find_agent_center_with_type, type}, _from, state) do pair = state.agent_types |> Enum.find(fn {aliaz, agent_types} -> (Env.this_aliaz != aliaz) && (type in agent_types) end) case pair do {aliaz, _} -> {:reply, %AgentCenter{aliaz: aliaz, address: Cluster.address_for(aliaz)}, state} nil -> {:reply, nil, state} _ -> raise "Invalid state struct" end end def handle_cast({:add_types, aliaz, types}, state) do types = state.agent_types |> Map.put_new(aliaz, types) {:noreply, %State{agent_types: types, running_agents: state.running_agents}} end def handle_cast({:add_running, aliaz, running_agents}, state) do agents = (state.running_agents[aliaz] || []) ++ running_agents running_agents_map = Map.put(state.running_agents, aliaz, agents) {:noreply, %State{agent_types: state.agent_types, running_agents: running_agents_map}} end def handle_cast({:delete_types, aliaz}, state) do types = state.agent_types |> Map.delete(aliaz) {:noreply, %State{agent_types: types, running_agents: state.running_agents}} end def handle_cast({:delete_running, agent}, state) do new_running_agents = state.running_agents[] |> List.delete(agent) {:noreply, put_in(state.running_agents[], new_running_agents)} end def handle_cast({:delete_running_for, agent_center}, state) do {:noreply, put_in(state.running_agents[agent_center], [])} end def handle_cast({:reset}, _state) do {:noreply, %State{}} end def init(agent_types) do {:ok, %State{agent_types: %{Matrix.Env.this_aliaz => agent_types}}} end end
defmodule QRCode do @default_ecc :M @doc """ ## about `version` Todo. ## about `ecc` - 'L': recovers 7% of data - 'M': recovers 15% of data (default) - 'Q': recovers 25% of data - 'H': recovers 30% of data ## about `dimension` Todo. ## about `data` Todo. """ defstruct version: nil, ecc: nil, dimension: nil, data: nil @doc """ Encode text as binary according ISO/IEC 18004. """ def encode(text, ecc \\ @default_ecc) when is_binary(text) do {:qrcode, version, ecc, dimension, data } = :qrcode.encode(text, ecc) %QRCode{ version: version, ecc: ecc, dimension: dimension, data: data } end @doc """ Returns QR code as string consists of {\#, \.}. ## Examples iex> QRCode.as_ascii("Hello, World!", ecc: :M) |> IO.puts :ok """ def as_ascii(text, opts \\ []) when is_binary(text) do ecc = Keyword.get(opts, :ecc, @default_ecc) %QRCode{dimension: dimension, data: data} = encode(text, ecc) nl = "\n" data |> to_ascii() |> Enum.chunk_every(dimension) |> Enum.join(nl) |> (fn s -> s <> nl end).() end defp to_ascii(list), do: to_ascii(list, []) defp to_ascii(<< 0 :: size(1), tail :: bitstring >>, acc) do bg = "." to_ascii(tail, [bg | acc]) end defp to_ascii(<< 1 :: size(1), tail :: bitstring >>, acc) do fg = "#" to_ascii(tail, [fg | acc]) end defp to_ascii(<<>>, acc) do Enum.reverse(acc) end @doc """ Return QR code as ANSI escaped string. ## Examples iex> QRCode.as_ansi("Hello, World!", ecc: :M) |> IO.puts :ok """ def as_ansi(text, opts \\ []) when is_binary(text) do ecc = Keyword.get(opts, :ecc, @default_ecc) %QRCode{dimension: dimension, data: data} = encode(text, ecc) nl = IO.ANSI.reset() <> "\n" data |> to_ansi() |> Enum.chunk_every(dimension) |> Enum.join(nl) |> (fn s -> s <> nl end).() end defp to_ansi(list), do: to_ansi(list, []) defp to_ansi(<< 0 :: size(1), tail :: bitstring >>, acc) do bg = IO.ANSI.white_background() <> " " to_ansi(tail, [bg | acc]) end defp to_ansi(<< 1 :: size(1), tail :: bitstring >>, acc) do fg = IO.ANSI.black_background() <> " " to_ansi(tail, [fg | acc]) end defp to_ansi(<<>>, acc) do Enum.reverse(acc) end @doc """ Return QR code as string in SVG format. ## Examples iex> QRCode.as_svg("Hello, World!", ecc: :M) |> IO.puts :ok """ def as_svg(text, opts \\ []) when is_binary(text) do ecc = Keyword.get(opts, :ecc, @default_ecc) type = Keyword.get(opts, :type, :file) block_size = Keyword.get(opts, :size, 8) padding_size = Keyword.get(opts, :padding_size, 16) fg_color = Keyword.get(opts, :fg_color, "#000000") bg_color = Keyword.get(opts, :bg_color, "#ffffff") %QRCode{dimension: dimension, data: data} = encode(text, ecc) size = block_size * dimension + 2 * padding_size bg = generate_svg_block(0, 0, size, bg_color) blocks = data |> to_ascii() |> Enum.chunk_every(dimension) |> Enum.with_index |>{row, i}) -> row |> Enum.with_index |> ({block, j}) -> { block, i, j } end) end) |> Enum.concat() |> Enum.filter(fn ({block, _i, _j}) -> block === "#" end) |> {_block, i, j} -> x = i * block_size + padding_size y = j * block_size + padding_size generate_svg_block(x, y, block_size, fg_color) end) |> Enum.join("") generate_svg(size, bg, blocks, type: type) end defp generate_svg_block(x, y, block_size, color) do """ <rect x="#{x}" y="#{y}" width="#{block_size}" height="#{block_size}" style="fill: #{color}; shape-rendering: crispEdges;"/> """ end defp generate_svg(size, bg, blocks, opts) do type = Keyword.get(opts, :type) header = case type do :file -> "<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n" :embeded -> "" end """ #{header}<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="#{size}" height="#{size}"> #{bg} #{blocks} </svg> """ end end
defmodule Rubber.Search do @moduledoc """ The search APIs are used to query indices. [Elastic documentation]( """ import Rubber.HTTP, only: [prepare_url: 2] alias Rubber.{HTTP, JSON} @doc """ Makes a request to the `_search` or the `_msearch` endpoint depending on the type of `data`. When passing a map for data, it'll make a simple search, but you can pass a list of header and body params to make a [multi search]( ## Examples iex>"http://localhost:9200", "twitter", ["tweet"], %{query: %{term: %{user: "kimchy"}}}) {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{...}} """ @spec search( elastic_url :: String.t(), index :: String.t(), types :: list, data :: map | list ) :: HTTP.resp() def search(elastic_url, index, types, data) when is_list(data), do: search(elastic_url, index, types, data, []) def search(elastic_url, index, types, data), do: search(elastic_url, index, types, data, []) @doc """ Same as `search/4` but allows to specify query params and options for [`HTTPoison.request/5`]( """ @spec search( elastic_url :: String.t(), index :: String.t(), types :: list, data :: map | list, query_params :: Keyword.t(), options :: Keyword.t() ) :: HTTP.resp() def search(elastic_url, index, types, data, query_params, options \\ []) def search(elastic_url, index, types, data, query_params, options) when is_list(data) do data = Enum.reduce(data, [], fn d, acc -> ["\n", JSON.encode!(d) | acc] end) |> Enum.reverse() |> IO.iodata_to_binary() prepare_url(elastic_url, make_path(index, types, query_params, "_msearch")) |>, [], options) end def search(elastic_url, index, types, data, query_params, options) do prepare_url(elastic_url, make_path(index, types, query_params)) |>!(data), [], options) end @doc """ Uses the [Scroll API]( to allow scrolling through a list of results. ## Examples iex> Rubber.Search.scroll("http://localhost:9200", %{query: %{term: %{user: "kimchy"}}}) {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{...}} """ @spec scroll(elastic_url :: String.t(), data :: map, options :: Keyword.t()) :: HTTP.resp() def scroll(elastic_url, data, options \\ []) do prepare_url(elastic_url, "_search/scroll") |>!(data), [], options) end @doc """ Returns the number of results for a query using the [Count API]( ## Examples iex> Rubber.Search.count("http://localhost:9200", "twitter", ["tweet"], %{query: %{term: %{user: "kimchy"}}}) {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{...}} """ @spec count(elastic_url :: String.t(), index :: String.t(), types :: list, data :: map) :: HTTP.resp() def count(elastic_url, index, types, data), do: count(elastic_url, index, types, data, []) @doc """ Same as `count/4` but allows to specify query params and options for [`HTTPoison.request/5`]( """ @spec count( elastic_url :: String.t(), index :: String.t(), types :: list, data :: map, query_params :: Keyword.t(), options :: Keyword.t() ) :: HTTP.resp() def count(elastic_url, index, types, data, query_params, options \\ []) do (elastic_url <> make_path(index, types, query_params, "_count")) |>!(data), [], options) end @doc false def make_path(index, types, query_params, api_type \\ "_search") do path_root = "/#{index}" path = case types do [] -> path_root _ -> path_root <> "/" <> Enum.join(types, ",") end full_path = "#{path}/#{api_type}" case query_params do [] -> full_path _ -> HTTP.append_query_string(full_path, query_params) end end end
defmodule Delivery.Content.Readers.Pressbooks do alias Delivery.Content.Readers.Reader alias Delivery.Content.Document alias Delivery.Content.Block alias Delivery.Content.Text alias Delivery.Content.Inline alias Delivery.Content.Mark alias Delivery.Content.Module alias Delivery.Content.Reference alias Delivery.Content.Organization @behaviour Reader @spec segment(binary) :: {:ok, %{pages: [any()], toc: any()}} | {:error, String.t()} def segment(input) do parsed = Floki.parse(input) {:ok, %{ pages: parsed |> Floki.find("div[class=\"chapter standard\"]"), toc: parsed |> Floki.find("div[id=\"toc\"]") |> hd }} end def get_attr_by_key(items, key, def) do case Enum.find(items, {nil, def}, fn {k, _} -> k == key end) do {_, value} -> value end end def get_div_by_class(items, class) do case Enum.find(items, nil, fn {_, a, _} -> get_attr_by_key(a, "class", "") == class end) do {_, _, c} -> c nil -> [] end end def organization(root) do modules = Floki.find(root, "li") |> Enum.reduce([], fn item, acc -> parsed = case item do {"li", [{"class", "part"}], [{"a", [{"href", "#" <> id}], [title]}]} -> %Module{id: id, title: title} {"li", [{"class", "chapter standard"}], [{"a", [{"href", "#" <> id}], _}]} -> %Reference{id: id} _ -> :ignore end case parsed do :ignore -> acc %Module{} = m -> [m] ++ acc %Reference{} = r -> case acc do [hd | rest] -> [%{hd | nodes: hd.nodes ++ [r]}] ++ rest end end end) |> Enum.reverse() %Organization{nodes: modules} end def sections(root) do sections = Floki.find(root, "li[class=\"section\"]") |> item -> case item do {"li", _, [{"a", [{"href", "#" <> id}], _}]} -> %Reference{id: id} _ -> :ignore end end) %Organization{nodes: sections} end def page({"div", attributes, children} = item) do id = get_attr_by_key(attributes, "id", "unknown") title = case get_attr_by_key(attributes, "title", "unknown") do "unknown" -> Floki.find(item, ".chapter-title") |> Floki.text() title -> title end content_nodes = get_div_by_class(children, "ugc chapter-ugc") |> n -> handle(n) end) licensing_nodes = get_div_by_class(children, "licensing") |> n -> handle(n) end) %Document{ data: %{id: id, title: title}, nodes: content_nodes ++ licensing_nodes } |> clean() end def clean(%Document{} = doc) do nodes = List.flatten(doc.nodes) |> n -> case n do n when is_binary(n) -> %Block{nodes: [%Text{text: n}], type: "paragraph"} %{object: "text"} -> %Block{nodes: [n], type: "paragraph"} %{object: "inline"} -> %Block{nodes: [n], type: "paragraph"} nil -> %Block{nodes: [%Text{text: ""}], type: "paragraph"} n -> n end end) %Document{ data:, nodes:, fn c -> clean(c) end) } end def clean(%Block{} = block) do no_markup = fn b -> %{b | marks: []} end collapse = fn b ->, fn n -> clean(n) end) end check = fn b -> cond do is_binary(b) -> %Text{text: b} b.object == "block" and b.type == "paragraph" and block.type == "paragraph" -> collapse.(b) b.object == "block" and b.type == "paragraph" and block.type == "blockquote" -> collapse.(b) block.type == "codeblock" and b.object == "text" and length(b.marks) > 0 -> no_markup.(b) true -> clean(b) end end nodes = List.flatten(block.nodes) nodes = Enum.reduce(nodes, [], fn c, acc -> case check.(c) do item when is_list(item) -> acc ++ item scalar -> acc ++ [scalar] end end) %Block{ type: block.type, data:, nodes: nodes } end def clean(other) do other end def extract_id(attributes) do case attributes do [{"id", id}] -> %{id: id} _ -> %{} end end def extract(attributes) do Enum.reduce(attributes, %{}, fn {k, v}, m -> Map.put(m, k, v) end) end def handle({"div", _attributes, children}) do case children do [{"ul", _, c}] -> %Block{type: "unordered-list", nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end)} [{"ol", _, c}] -> %Block{type: "ordered-list", nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end)} [{"h1", _, _} | _] ->, fn c -> handle(c) end) [{"h2", _, _} | _] ->, fn c -> handle(c) end) [{"h3", _, _} | _] ->, fn c -> handle(c) end) [{"h4", _, _} | _] ->, fn c -> handle(c) end) [{"h5", _, _} | _] ->, fn c -> handle(c) end) [{"h6", _, _} | _] ->, fn c -> handle(c) end) [{"div", _, [{"div", _, [{"div", _, c}]}]}] ->, fn c -> handle(c) end) [{"div", _, [{"div", _, c} | more]} | rest] -> ++ more ++ rest, fn c -> handle(c) end) [{"div", [{"class", "textbox tryit"}], c}] -> %Block{type: "paragraph", nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end)} [{"div", _, c} | rest] -> ++ rest, fn c -> handle(c) end) [{"p", _, _} | _] ->, fn c -> handle(c) end) c -> %Block{type: "paragraph", nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end)} end end def handle({"p", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "paragraph", data: extract_id(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"small", _, [child]}) do handle(child) end def handle({"cite", _, [child]}) do handle(child) end def handle({"pre", _, children}) do %Block{ type: "codeblock", data: %{"syntax" => "text"}, nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"hr", _, _}) do %Block{ type: "paragraph", nodes: [] } end def handle({"ul", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "unordered-list", data: extract_id(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"dl", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "dl", data: extract_id(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"dd", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "dd", data: extract_id(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"dt", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "dt", data: extract_id(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"ol", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "ordered-list", data: extract_id(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"li", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "list-item", data: extract_id(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"h1", _, children}) do %Block{ type: "heading-one", nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"h2", _, children}) do %Block{ type: "heading-two", nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"h3", _, children}) do %Block{ type: "heading-three", nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"h4", _, children}) do %Block{ type: "heading-four", nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"h5", _, children}) do %Block{ type: "heading-five", nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"table", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "table", data: extract(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"thead", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "thead", data: extract(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"tbody", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "tbody", data: extract(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"tfoot", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "tfoot", data: extract(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"caption", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "caption", data: extract(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"tr", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "tr", data: extract(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"td", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "td", data: extract(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"th", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "th", data: extract(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"img", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "image", data: extract(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"blockquote", attributes, [{"p", _, c}]}) do %Block{ type: "blockquote", data: extract(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"blockquote", attributes, [{"p", _, _} | _tail] = children}) do nodes = Enum.flat_map(children, fn {_, _, c} -> c end) %Block{ type: "blockquote", data: extract(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"blockquote", attributes, children}) do %Block{ type: "blockquote", data: extract(attributes), nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"a", attributes, children}) do data = extract(attributes) data = case Map.get(data, "href", "") do "#" <> _ -> Map.put(data, "href", "") _ -> data end %Inline{ type: "link", data: data, nodes:, fn c -> handle(c) end) } end def handle({"script", _, _}) do %Text{ text: "script removed" } end def handle({"textarea", _, _}) do %Text{ text: "textarea removed" } end def handle({"em", _, [text]}) when is_binary(text) do %Text{ text: latex(text), marks: [%Mark{type: "italic"}] } end def handle({"em", _, [{"a", _, _} = inline]}) do handle(inline) end def handle({"em", _, [item]}) when is_tuple(item) do inner = handle(item) case inner do "" -> %Text{text: " "} m -> if Map.has_key?(m, :text) do %Text{ text: latex(m.text), marks: [%Mark{type: "italic"}] ++ m.marks } else %Text{ text: " ", marks: [%Mark{type: "italic"}] } end end end def handle({"em", _, text}) do %Text{ text: span(text), marks: [%Mark{type: "bold"}] } end def handle({"strong", _, [{"br", [], []}]}) do %Text{ text: "" } end def handle({"strong", _, text}) do %Text{ text: span(text), marks: [%Mark{type: "bold"}] } end def handle({"del", _, text}) do %Text{ text: span(text), marks: [%Mark{type: "strikethrough"}] } end def handle({"b", _, text}) do %Text{ text: span(text), marks: [%Mark{type: "bold"}] } end def handle({"i", _, text}) do %Text{ text: span(text), marks: [%Mark{type: "italic"}] } end def handle({"sub", _, text}) do %Text{ text: span(text), marks: [%Mark{type: "sub"}] } end def handle({"sup", _, text}) do %Text{ text: span(text), marks: [%Mark{type: "sup"}] } end def handle({"span", _, children}) do span(children) end def handle({"br", [], []}) do "" end def handle(text) when is_binary(text) do %Text{ text: latex(text) } end def handle(unsupported) do IO.puts("Unsupported") IO.inspect(unsupported) "" end def span({_, _, children}) when is_list(children) do, fn c -> span(c) end) |> Enum.join(" ") end def span({_, _, text}) when is_binary(text) do latex(text) end def span(list) when is_list(list) do, fn c -> span(c) end) |> Enum.join(" ") end def span(text) when is_binary(text) do latex(text) end def latex(text) do String.replace(text, "[latex]", "\\(", global: true) |> String.replace("[/latex]", "\\)", global: true) end def determine_type(input) do end end
defmodule Payjp.Cards do @moduledoc """ Functions for working with cards at Payjp. Through this API you can: * create a card, * update a card, * get a card, * delete a card, * delete all cards, * list cards, * list all cards, All requests require `owner_type` and `owner_id` parameters to be specified. `owner_type` must be one of the following: * `customer` `owner_id` must be the ID of the owning object. Payjp API reference:顧客のカードを作成 """ def endpoint_for_entity(entity_type, entity_id) do case entity_type do :customer -> "customers/#{entity_id}/cards" end end @doc """ Create a card. Creates a card for given owner type, owner ID using params. `params` must contain a "card" object. Inside the "card" object, the following parameters are required: * number, * cvs, * exp_month, * exp_year. Returns a `{:ok, card}` tuple. ## Examples params = [ card: [ number: "4242424242424242", cvc: 123, exp_month: 12, exp_year: 2020, ], metadata: [ test_field: "test val" ] ] {:ok, card} = Payjp.Cards.create(:customer, customer_id, params) """ def create(owner_type, owner_id, params) do create owner_type, owner_id, params, Payjp.config_or_env_key end @doc """ Create a card. Accepts Payjp API key. Creates a card for given owner using params. `params` must contain a "card" object. Inside the "card" object, the following parameters are required: * number, * cvs, * exp_month, * exp_year. Returns a `{:ok, card}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, card} = Payjp.Cards.create(:customer, customer_id, params, key) """ def create(owner_type, owner_id, params, key) do Payjp.make_request_with_key(:post, endpoint_for_entity(owner_type, owner_id), key, params) |> Payjp.Util.handle_payjp_response end @doc """ Update a card. Updates a card for given owner using card ID and params. * `owner_type` must be one of the following: * `customer`, * `owner_id` must be the ID of the owning object. Returns a `{:ok, card}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, card} = Payjp.Cards.update(:customer, customer_id, card_id, params) """ def update(owner_type, owner_id, id, params) do update(owner_type, owner_id, id, params, Payjp.config_or_env_key) end @doc """ Update a card. Accepts Payjp API key. Updates a card for given owner using card ID and params. Returns a `{:ok, card}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, card} = Payjp.Cards.update(:customer, customer_id, card_id, params, key) """ def update(owner_type, owner_id, id, params, key) do Payjp.make_request_with_key(:post, "#{endpoint_for_entity(owner_type, owner_id)}/#{id}", key, params) |> Payjp.Util.handle_payjp_response end @doc """ Get a card. Gets a card for given owner using card ID. Returns a `{:ok, card}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, card} = Payjp.Cards.get(:customer, customer_id, card_id) """ def get(owner_type, owner_id, id) do get owner_type, owner_id, id, Payjp.config_or_env_key end @doc """ Get a card. Accepts Payjp API key. Gets a card for given owner using card ID. Returns a `{:ok, card}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, card} = Payjp.Cards.get(:customer, customer_id, card_id, key) """ def get(owner_type, owner_id, id, key) do Payjp.make_request_with_key(:get, "#{endpoint_for_entity(owner_type, owner_id)}/#{id}", key) |> Payjp.Util.handle_payjp_response end @doc """ Get a list of cards. Gets a list of cards for given owner. Accepts the following parameters: * `limit` - a limit of items to be returned (optional; defaults to 10). * `offset` - an offset (optional), * `since` - a timestamp for returning subsequent data specified here (optional), * `until` - a timestamp for returning the previous data specified here (optional), Returns a `{:ok, cards}` tuple, where `cards` is a list of cards. ## Examples {:ok, cards} = Payjp.Cards.list(:customer, customer_id, offset: 5) # Get a list of up to 10 cards, skipping first 5 cards {:ok, cards} = Payjp.Cards.list(:customer, customer_id, offset: 5, limit: 20) # Get a list of up to 20 cards, skipping first 5 cards """ def list(owner_type, owner_id, opts \\ []) do list owner_type, owner_id, Payjp.config_or_env_key, opts end @doc """ Get a list of cards. Accepts Payjp API key. Gets a list of cards for a given owner. Accepts the following parameters: * `limit` - a limit of items to be returned (optional; defaults to 10). * `offset` - an offset (optional), * `since` - a timestamp for returning subsequent data specified here (optional), * `until` - a timestamp for returning the previous data specified here (optional), Returns a `{:ok, cards}` tuple, where `cards` is a list of cards. ## Examples {:ok, cards} = Payjp.Cards.list(:customer, customer_id, offset: 5) # Get a list of up to 10 cards, skipping first 5 cards {:ok, cards} = Payjp.Cards.list(:customer, customer_id, offset: 5, limit: 20) # Get a list of up to 20 cards, skipping first 5 cards """ def list(owner_type, owner_id, key, opts) do Payjp.Util.list endpoint_for_entity(owner_type, owner_id), key, opts end @doc """ Delete a card. Deletes a card for given owner using card ID. Returns a `{:ok, card}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, deleted_card} = Payjp.Cards.delete("card_id") """ def delete(owner_type, owner_id, id) do delete owner_type, owner_id, id, Payjp.config_or_env_key end @doc """ Delete a card. Accepts Payjp API key. Deletes a card for given owner using card ID. Returns a `{:ok, card}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, deleted_card} = Payjp.Cards.delete("card_id", key) """ def delete(owner_type, owner_id, id,key) do Payjp.make_request_with_key(:delete, "#{endpoint_for_entity(owner_type, owner_id)}/#{id}", key) |> Payjp.Util.handle_payjp_response end @doc """ Delete all cards. Deletes all cards from given owner. Returns `:ok` atom. ## Examples :ok = Payjp.Cards.delete_all(:customer, customer_id) """ def delete_all(owner_type, owner_id) do case all(owner_type, owner_id) do {:ok, cards} -> Enum.each cards, fn c -> delete(owner_type, owner_id, c["id"]) end {:error, err} -> raise err end end @doc """ Delete all cards. Accepts Payjp API key. Deletes all cards from given owner. Returns `:ok` atom. ## Examples :ok = Payjp.Cards.delete_all(:customer, customer_id, key) """ def delete_all(owner_type, owner_id, key) do case all(owner_type, owner_id) do {:ok, customers} -> Enum.each customers, fn c -> delete(owner_type, owner_id, c["id"], key) end {:error, err} -> raise err end end @max_fetch_size 100 @doc """ List all cards. Lists all cards for a given owner. Accepts the following parameters: * `accum` - a list to start accumulating cards to (optional; defaults to `[]`)., * `since` - an offset (optional; defaults to `""`). Returns `{:ok, cards}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, cards} = Payjp.Cards.all(:customer, customer_id, accum, since) """ def all(owner_type, owner_id, accum \\ [], opts \\ [limit: @max_fetch_size]) do all owner_type, owner_id, Payjp.config_or_env_key, accum, opts end @doc """ List all cards. Accepts Payjp API key. Lists all cards for a given owner. Accepts the following parameters: * `accum` - a list to start accumulating cards to (optional; defaults to `[]`)., * `since` - an offset (optional; defaults to `""`). Returns `{:ok, cards}` tuple. ## Examples {:ok, cards} = Payjp.Cards.all(:customer, customer_id, accum, since, key) """ def all(owner_type, owner_id, key, accum, opts) do case Payjp.Util.list_raw("#{endpoint_for_entity(owner_type, owner_id)}", key, opts) do {:ok, resp} -> case resp[:has_more] do true -> last_sub = List.last( resp[:data] ) all(owner_type, owner_id, key, resp[:data] ++ accum, until: last_sub["created"], limit: @max_fetch_size) false -> result = resp[:data] ++ accum {:ok, result} end {:error, err} -> raise err end end end
defmodule Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes do @moduledoc """ OEIS Sequences dealing with Primes, Pseudo-primes, and primality. For related sequences, see `Chunky.Sequences.OEIS.Factors` ## Available Sequences ### Pseudoprimes Fermat pseudoprimes to specific bases: - `create_sequence_a001567/1` - A001567 - Fermat pseudoprimes to base 2, also called Sarrus numbers or Poulet numbers. - `create_sequence_a005935/1` - A005935 - Pseudoprimes to base 3. - `create_sequence_a020136/1` - A020136 - Fermat pseudoprimes to base 4. - `create_sequence_a005936/1` - A005936 - Pseudoprimes to base 5. - `create_sequence_a005937/1` - A005937 - Pseudoprimes to base 6. - `create_sequence_a005938/1` - A005938 - Pseudoprimes to base 7. - `create_sequence_a020137/1` - A020137 - Pseudoprimes to base 8. - `create_sequence_a020138/1` - A020138 - Pseudoprimes to base 9. - `create_sequence_a005939/1` - A005939 - Pseudoprimes to base 10. - `create_sequence_a020139/1` - A020139 - Pseudoprimes to base 11. - `create_sequence_a020140/1` - A020140 - Pseudoprimes to base 12. - `create_sequence_a020141/1` - A020141 - Pseudoprimes to base 13. - `create_sequence_a020142/1` - A020142 - Pseudoprimes to base 14. - `create_sequence_a020143/1` - A020143 - Pseudoprimes to base 15. - `create_sequence_a020144/1` - A020144 - Pseudoprimes to base 16. - `create_sequence_a020145/1` - A020145 - Pseudoprimes to base 17. - `create_sequence_a020146/1` - A020146 - Pseudoprimes to base 18. - `create_sequence_a020147/1` - A020147 - Pseudoprimes to base 19. - `create_sequence_a020148/1` - A020148 - Pseudoprimes to base 20. - `create_sequence_a020149/1` - A020149 - Pseudoprimes to base 21. - `create_sequence_a020150/1` - A020150 - Pseudoprimes to base 22. - `create_sequence_a020151/1` - A020151 - Pseudoprimes to base 23. - `create_sequence_a020152/1` - A020152 - Pseudoprimes to base 24. - `create_sequence_a020153/1` - A020153 - Pseudoprimes to base 25. - `create_sequence_a020154/1` - A020154 - Pseudoprimes to base 26. - `create_sequence_a020155/1` - A020155 - Pseudoprimes to base 27. - `create_sequence_a020156/1` - A020156 - Pseudoprimes to base 28. - `create_sequence_a020157/1` - A020157 - Pseudoprimes to base 29. - `create_sequence_a020158/1` - A020158 - Pseudoprimes to base 30. - `create_sequence_a020159/1` - A020159 - Pseudoprimes to base 31. - `create_sequence_a020160/1` - A020160 - Pseudoprimes to base 32. - `create_sequence_a020161/1` - A020161 - Pseudoprimes to base 33. - `create_sequence_a020162/1` - A020162 - Pseudoprimes to base 34. - `create_sequence_a020163/1` - A020163 - Pseudoprimes to base 35. - `create_sequence_a020164/1` - A020164 - Pseudoprimes to base 36. - `create_sequence_a020165/1` - A020165 - Pseudoprimes to base 37. - `create_sequence_a020166/1` - A020166 - Pseudoprimes to base 38. - `create_sequence_a020167/1` - A020167 - Pseudoprimes to base 39. - `create_sequence_a020168/1` - A020168 - Pseudoprimes to base 40. - `create_sequence_a020169/1` - A020169 - Pseudoprimes to base 41. - `create_sequence_a020170/1` - A020170 - Pseudoprimes to base 42. - `create_sequence_a020171/1` - A020171 - Pseudoprimes to base 43. - `create_sequence_a020172/1` - A020172 - Pseudoprimes to base 44. - `create_sequence_a020173/1` - A020173 - Pseudoprimes to base 45. - `create_sequence_a020174/1` - A020174 - Pseudoprimes to base 46. - `create_sequence_a020175/1` - A020175 - Pseudoprimes to base 47. - `create_sequence_a020176/1` - A020176 - Pseudoprimes to base 48. - `create_sequence_a020177/1` - A020177 - Pseudoprimes to base 49. - `create_sequence_a020178/1` - A020178 - Pseudoprimes to base 50. - `create_sequence_a020179/1` - A020179 - Pseudoprimes to base 51. - `create_sequence_a020180/1` - A020180 - Pseudoprimes to base 52. - `create_sequence_a020181/1` - A020181 - Pseudoprimes to base 53. - `create_sequence_a020182/1` - A020182 - Pseudoprimes to base 54. - `create_sequence_a020183/1` - A020183 - Pseudoprimes to base 55. - `create_sequence_a020184/1` - A020184 - Pseudoprimes to base 56. - `create_sequence_a020185/1` - A020185 - Pseudoprimes to base 57. - `create_sequence_a020186/1` - A020186 - Pseudoprimes to base 58. - `create_sequence_a020187/1` - A020187 - Pseudoprimes to base 59. - `create_sequence_a020188/1` - A020188 - Pseudoprimes to base 60. - `create_sequence_a020189/1` - A020189 - Pseudoprimes to base 61. - `create_sequence_a020190/1` - A020190 - Pseudoprimes to base 62. - `create_sequence_a020191/1` - A020191 - Pseudoprimes to base 63. - `create_sequence_a020192/1` - A020192 - Pseudoprimes to base 64. - `create_sequence_a020193/1` - A020193 - Pseudoprimes to base 65. - `create_sequence_a020194/1` - A020194 - Pseudoprimes to base 66. - `create_sequence_a020195/1` - A020195 - Pseudoprimes to base 67. - `create_sequence_a020196/1` - A020196 - Pseudoprimes to base 68. - `create_sequence_a020197/1` - A020197 - Pseudoprimes to base 69. - `create_sequence_a020198/1` - A020198 - Pseudoprimes to base 70. - `create_sequence_a020199/1` - A020199 - Pseudoprimes to base 71. - `create_sequence_a020200/1` - A020200 - Pseudoprimes to base 72. - `create_sequence_a020201/1` - A020201 - Pseudoprimes to base 73. - `create_sequence_a020202/1` - A020202 - Pseudoprimes to base 74. - `create_sequence_a020203/1` - A020203 - Pseudoprimes to base 75. - `create_sequence_a020204/1` - A020204 - Pseudoprimes to base 76. - `create_sequence_a020205/1` - A020205 - Pseudoprimes to base 77. - `create_sequence_a020206/1` - A020206 - Pseudoprimes to base 78. - `create_sequence_a020207/1` - A020207 - Pseudoprimes to base 79. - `create_sequence_a020208/1` - A020208 - Pseudoprimes to base 80. - `create_sequence_a020209/1` - A020209 - Pseudoprimes to base 81. - `create_sequence_a020210/1` - A020210 - Pseudoprimes to base 82. - `create_sequence_a020211/1` - A020211 - Pseudoprimes to base 83. - `create_sequence_a020212/1` - A020212 - Pseudoprimes to base 84. - `create_sequence_a020213/1` - A020213 - Pseudoprimes to base 85. - `create_sequence_a020214/1` - A020214 - Pseudoprimes to base 86. - `create_sequence_a020215/1` - A020215 - Pseudoprimes to base 87. - `create_sequence_a020216/1` - A020216 - Pseudoprimes to base 88. - `create_sequence_a020217/1` - A020217 - Pseudoprimes to base 89. - `create_sequence_a020218/1` - A020218 - Pseudoprimes to base 90. - `create_sequence_a020219/1` - A020219 - Pseudoprimes to base 91. - `create_sequence_a020220/1` - A020220 - Pseudoprimes to base 92. - `create_sequence_a020221/1` - A020221 - Pseudoprimes to base 93. - `create_sequence_a020222/1` - A020222 - Pseudoprimes to base 94. - `create_sequence_a020223/1` - A020223 - Pseudoprimes to base 95. - `create_sequence_a020224/1` - A020224 - Pseudoprimes to base 96. - `create_sequence_a020225/1` - A020225 - Pseudoprimes to base 97. - `create_sequence_a020226/1` - A020226 - Pseudoprimes to base 98. - `create_sequence_a020227/1` - A020227 - Pseudoprimes to base 99. - `create_sequence_a020228/1` - A020228 - Pseudoprimes to base 100. ### Characterizations of Primes - `create_sequence_a162511/1` - A162511 - Multiplicative function with a(p^e)=(-1)^(e-1) """ import Chunky.Sequence, only: [sequence_for_function: 1] alias Chunky.Math # require Integer @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A001567` - Fermat pseudoprimes to base 2, also called Sarrus numbers or Poulet numbers. From [OEIS A001567]( > Fermat pseudoprimes to base 2, also called Sarrus numbers or Poulet numbers. > (Formerly M5441 N2365) **Sequence IDs**: `:a001567` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a001567) |> Sequence.take!(40) [341,561,645,1105,1387,1729,1905,2047,2465,2701,2821,3277,4033,4369,4371,4681,5461,6601,7957,8321,8481,8911,10261,10585,11305,12801,13741,13747,13981,14491,15709,15841,16705,18705,18721,19951,23001,23377,25761,29341] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Fermat pseudoprimes to base 2, also called Sarrus numbers or Poulet numbers.", references: [{:oeis, :a001567, ""}] def create_sequence_a001567(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a001567/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a001567(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 2) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A005935` - Pseudoprimes to base 3. From [OEIS A005935]( > Pseudoprimes to base 3. > (Formerly M5362) **Sequence IDs**: `:a005935` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a005935) |> Sequence.take!(40) [91,121,286,671,703,949,1105,1541,1729,1891,2465,2665,2701,2821,3281,3367,3751,4961,5551,6601,7381,8401,8911,10585,11011,12403,14383,15203,15457,15841,16471,16531,18721,19345,23521,24046,24661,24727,28009,29161] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 3.", references: [{:oeis, :a005935, ""}] def create_sequence_a005935(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a005935/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a005935(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 3) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A005936` - Pseudoprimes to base 5. From [OEIS A005936]( > Pseudoprimes to base 5. > (Formerly M3712) **Sequence IDs**: `:a005936` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a005936) |> Sequence.take!(39) [4,124,217,561,781,1541,1729,1891,2821,4123,5461,5611,5662,5731,6601,7449,7813,8029,8911,9881,11041,11476,12801,13021,13333,13981,14981,15751,15841,16297,17767,21361,22791,23653,24211,25327,25351,29341,29539] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 5.", references: [{:oeis, :a005936, ""}] def create_sequence_a005936(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a005936/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a005936(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 5) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A005937` - Pseudoprimes to base 6. From [OEIS A005937]( > Pseudoprimes to base 6. > (Formerly M5246) **Sequence IDs**: `:a005937` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a005937) |> Sequence.take!(39) [35,185,217,301,481,1105,1111,1261,1333,1729,2465,2701,2821,3421,3565,3589,3913,4123,4495,5713,6533,6601,8029,8365,8911,9331,9881,10585,10621,11041,11137,12209,14315,14701,15841,16589,17329,18361,18721] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 6.", references: [{:oeis, :a005937, ""}] def create_sequence_a005937(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a005937/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a005937(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 6) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A005938` - Pseudoprimes to base 7. From [OEIS A005938]( > Pseudoprimes to base 7. > (Formerly M4168) **Sequence IDs**: `:a005938` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a005938) |> Sequence.take!(40) [6,25,325,561,703,817,1105,1825,2101,2353,2465,3277,4525,4825,6697,8321,10225,10585,10621,11041,11521,12025,13665,14089,16725,16806,18721,19345,20197,20417,20425,22945,25829,26419,29234,29341,29857,29891,30025,30811] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 7.", references: [{:oeis, :a005938, ""}] def create_sequence_a005938(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a005938/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a005938(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 7) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A005939` - Pseudoprimes to base 10. From [OEIS A005939]( > Pseudoprimes to base 10. > (Formerly M4612) **Sequence IDs**: `:a005939` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a005939) |> Sequence.take!(43) [9,33,91,99,259,451,481,561,657,703,909,1233,1729,2409,2821,2981,3333,3367,4141,4187,4521,5461,6533,6541,6601,7107,7471,7777,8149,8401,8911,10001,11111,11169,11649,12403,12801,13833,13981,14701,14817,14911,15211] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 10.", references: [{:oeis, :a005939, ""}] def create_sequence_a005939(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a005939/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a005939(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 10) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020136` - Fermat pseudoprimes to base 4. From [OEIS A020136]( > Fermat pseudoprimes to base 4. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020136` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020136) |> Sequence.take!(44) [15,85,91,341,435,451,561,645,703,1105,1247,1271,1387,1581,1695,1729,1891,1905,2047,2071,2465,2701,2821,3133,3277,3367,3683,4033,4369,4371,4681,4795,4859,5461,5551,6601,6643,7957,8321,8481,8695,8911,9061,9131] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Fermat pseudoprimes to base 4.", references: [{:oeis, :a020136, ""}] def create_sequence_a020136(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020136/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020136(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 4) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020137` - Pseudoprimes to base 8. From [OEIS A020137]( > Pseudoprimes to base 8. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020137` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020137) |> Sequence.take!(47) [9,21,45,63,65,105,117,133,153,231,273,341,481,511,561,585,645,651,861,949,1001,1105,1281,1365,1387,1417,1541,1649,1661,1729,1785,1905,2047,2169,2465,2501,2701,2821,3145,3171,3201,3277,3605,3641,4005,4033,4097] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 8.", references: [{:oeis, :a020137, ""}] def create_sequence_a020137(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020137/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020137(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 8) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020138` - Pseudoprimes to base 9. From [OEIS A020138]( > Pseudoprimes to base 9. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020138` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020138) |> Sequence.take!(47) [4,8,28,52,91,121,205,286,364,511,532,616,671,697,703,946,949,1036,1105,1288,1387,1541,1729,1891,2465,2501,2665,2701,2806,2821,2926,3052,3281,3367,3751,4376,4636,4961,5356,5551,6364,6601,6643,7081,7381,7913,8401] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 9.", references: [{:oeis, :a020138, ""}] def create_sequence_a020138(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020138/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020138(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 9) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020139` - Pseudoprimes to base 11. From [OEIS A020139]( > Pseudoprimes to base 11. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020139` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020139) |> Sequence.take!(43) [10,15,70,133,190,259,305,481,645,703,793,1105,1330,1729,2047,2257,2465,2821,4577,4921,5041,5185,6601,7869,8113,8170,8695,8911,9730,10585,12403,13333,14521,14981,15841,16705,17711,18705,23377,24130,24727,26335,26467] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 11.", references: [{:oeis, :a020139, ""}] def create_sequence_a020139(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020139/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020139(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 11) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020140` - Pseudoprimes to base 12. From [OEIS A020140]( > Pseudoprimes to base 12. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020140` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020140) |> Sequence.take!(42) [65,91,133,143,145,247,377,385,703,1045,1099,1105,1649,1729,1885,1891,2041,2233,2465,2701,2821,2983,3367,3553,5005,5365,5551,5785,6061,6305,6601,8911,9073,10585,11077,12403,12673,12905,13051,13333,13345,13585] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 12.", references: [{:oeis, :a020140, ""}] def create_sequence_a020140(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020140/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020140(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 12) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020141` - Pseudoprimes to base 13. From [OEIS A020141]( > Pseudoprimes to base 13. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020141` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020141) |> Sequence.take!(43) [4,6,12,21,85,105,231,244,276,357,427,561,1099,1785,1891,2465,2806,3605,5028,5149,5185,5565,6601,7107,8841,8911,9577,9637,10308,10585,11305,12403,12621,13019,13345,13461,13685,14491,14981,15051,15505,15841,17803] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 13.", references: [{:oeis, :a020141, ""}] def create_sequence_a020141(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020141/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020141(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 13) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020142` - Pseudoprimes to base 14. From [OEIS A020142]( > Pseudoprimes to base 14. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020142` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020142) |> Sequence.take!(43) [15,39,65,195,481,561,781,793,841,985,1105,1111,1541,1891,2257,2465,2561,2665,2743,3277,5185,5713,6501,6533,6541,7107,7171,7449,7543,7585,8321,9073,10585,12403,12505,12545,12805,12871,13429,14111,14689,15067,15457] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 14.", references: [{:oeis, :a020142, ""}] def create_sequence_a020142(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020142/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020142(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 14) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020143` - Pseudoprimes to base 15. From [OEIS A020143]( > Pseudoprimes to base 15. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020143` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020143) |> Sequence.take!(39) [14,341,742,946,1477,1541,1687,1729,1891,1921,2821,3133,3277,4187,6541,6601,7471,8701,8911,9073,10279,10649,12871,14041,14701,15409,15841,16841,19201,20017,24521,25313,25546,28063,29341,30889,31021,38963,41041] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 15.", references: [{:oeis, :a020143, ""}] def create_sequence_a020143(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020143/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020143(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 15) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020144` - Pseudoprimes to base 16. From [OEIS A020144]( > Pseudoprimes to base 16. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020144` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020144) |> Sequence.take!(45) [15,51,85,91,255,341,435,451,561,595,645,703,1105,1247,1261,1271,1285,1387,1581,1687,1695,1729,1891,1905,2047,2071,2091,2431,2465,2701,2821,3133,3277,3367,3655,3683,4033,4369,4371,4681,4795,4859,5083,5151,5461] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 16.", references: [{:oeis, :a020144, ""}] def create_sequence_a020144(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020144/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020144(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 16) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020145` - Pseudoprimes to base 17. From [OEIS A020145]( > Pseudoprimes to base 17. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020145` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020145) |> Sequence.take!(43) [4,8,9,16,45,91,145,261,781,1111,1228,1305,1729,1885,2149,2821,3991,4005,4033,4187,4912,5365,5662,5833,6601,6697,7171,8481,8911,10585,11476,12403,12673,13333,13833,15805,15841,16705,19345,19729,20591,21781,22791] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 17.", references: [{:oeis, :a020145, ""}] def create_sequence_a020145(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020145/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020145(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 17) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020146` - Pseudoprimes to base 18. From [OEIS A020146]( > Pseudoprimes to base 18. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020146` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020146) |> Sequence.take!(44) [25,49,65,85,133,221,323,325,343,425,451,637,931,1105,1225,1369,1387,1649,1729,1921,2149,2465,2701,2821,2825,2977,3325,4165,4577,4753,5525,5725,5833,5941,6305,6517,6601,7345,8911,9061,10349,10585,10961,11221] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 18.", references: [{:oeis, :a020146, ""}] def create_sequence_a020146(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020146/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020146(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 18) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020147` - Pseudoprimes to base 19. From [OEIS A020147]( > Pseudoprimes to base 19. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020147` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020147) |> Sequence.take!(45) [6,9,15,18,45,49,153,169,343,561,637,889,905,906,1035,1105,1629,1661,1849,1891,2353,2465,2701,2821,2955,3201,4033,4681,5461,5466,5713,6223,6541,6601,6697,7957,8145,8281,8401,8869,9211,9997,10021,10515,10585] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 19.", references: [{:oeis, :a020147, ""}] def create_sequence_a020147(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020147/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020147(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 19) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020148` - Pseudoprimes to base 20. From [OEIS A020148]( > Pseudoprimes to base 20. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020148` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020148) |> Sequence.take!(42) [21,57,133,231,399,561,671,861,889,1281,1653,1729,1891,2059,2413,2501,2761,2821,2947,3059,3201,4047,5271,5461,5473,5713,5833,6601,6817,7999,8421,8911,11229,11557,11837,12801,13051,13981,14091,15251,15311,15841] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 20.", references: [{:oeis, :a020148, ""}] def create_sequence_a020148(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020148/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020148(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 20) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020149` - Pseudoprimes to base 21. From [OEIS A020149]( > Pseudoprimes to base 21. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020149` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020149) |> Sequence.take!(42) [4,10,20,55,65,85,221,703,793,1045,1105,1852,2035,2465,3781,4630,5185,5473,5995,6541,7363,8695,8965,9061,10585,10945,11647,13019,13051,13981,14491,17767,18103,18721,19345,19669,19909,21667,22681,23155,24013,25465] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 21.", references: [{:oeis, :a020149, ""}] def create_sequence_a020149(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020149/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020149(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 21) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020150` - Pseudoprimes to base 22. From [OEIS A020150]( > Pseudoprimes to base 22. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020150` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020150) |> Sequence.take!(45) [21,69,91,105,161,169,345,483,485,645,805,1105,1183,1247,1261,1541,1649,1729,1891,2037,2041,2047,2413,2465,2737,2821,3241,3605,3801,5551,5565,5963,6019,6601,6693,7081,7107,7267,7665,8119,8365,8421,8911,9453,10185] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 22.", references: [{:oeis, :a020150, ""}] def create_sequence_a020150(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020150/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020150(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 22) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020151` - Pseudoprimes to base 23. From [OEIS A020151]( > Pseudoprimes to base 23. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020151` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020151) |> Sequence.take!(46) [22,33,91,154,165,169,265,341,385,451,481,553,561,638,946,1027,1045,1065,1105,1183,1271,1729,1738,1749,2059,2321,2465,2501,2701,2821,2926,3097,3445,4033,4081,4345,4371,4681,5005,5149,6253,6369,6533,6541,7189,7267] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 23.", references: [{:oeis, :a020151, ""}] def create_sequence_a020151(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020151/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020151(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 23) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020152` - Pseudoprimes to base 24. From [OEIS A020152]( > Pseudoprimes to base 24. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020152` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020152) |> Sequence.take!(43) [25,115,175,325,553,575,805,949,1105,1541,1729,1771,1825,1975,2413,2425,2465,2701,2737,2821,2885,3781,4207,4537,6601,6931,6943,7081,7189,7471,7501,7813,8725,8911,9085,9361,9809,10465,10585,11557,12025,13825,14425] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 24.", references: [{:oeis, :a020152, ""}] def create_sequence_a020152(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020152/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020152(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 24) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020153` - Pseudoprimes to base 25. From [OEIS A020153]( > Pseudoprimes to base 25. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020153` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020153) |> Sequence.take!(50) [4,6,8,12,24,28,39,66,91,124,217,232,276,403,426,451,532,561,616,703,781,804,868,946,1128,1288,1541,1729,1891,2047,2701,2806,2821,2911,2926,3052,3126,3367,3592,3976,4069,4123,4207,4564,4636,4686,5321,5461,5551,5611] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 25.", references: [{:oeis, :a020153, ""}] def create_sequence_a020153(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020153/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020153(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 25) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020154` - Pseudoprimes to base 26. From [OEIS A020154]( > Pseudoprimes to base 26. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020154` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020154) |> Sequence.take!(47) [9,15,25,27,45,75,133,135,153,175,217,225,259,425,475,561,589,675,703,775,925,1035,1065,1147,2465,3145,3325,3385,3565,3825,4123,4525,4741,4921,5041,5425,6093,6475,6525,6601,6697,8029,8695,8911,9073,10585,11005] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 26.", references: [{:oeis, :a020154, ""}] def create_sequence_a020154(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020154/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020154(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 26) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020155` - Pseudoprimes to base 27. From [OEIS A020155]( > Pseudoprimes to base 27. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020155` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020155) |> Sequence.take!(45) [26,65,91,121,133,247,259,286,341,365,481,671,703,949,1001,1105,1541,1649,1729,1891,2071,2465,2665,2701,2821,2981,2993,3146,3281,3367,3605,3751,4033,4745,4921,4961,5299,5461,5551,5611,5621,6305,6533,6601,7381] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 27.", references: [{:oeis, :a020155, ""}] def create_sequence_a020155(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020155/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020155(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 27) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020156` - Pseudoprimes to base 28. From [OEIS A020156]( > Pseudoprimes to base 28. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020156` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020156) |> Sequence.take!(43) [9,27,45,87,145,261,361,529,561,703,783,785,1105,1305,1413,1431,1885,2041,2413,2465,2871,3201,3277,4553,4699,5149,5181,5365,7065,8149,8321,8401,9841,10027,10585,12673,13333,13345,13357,13833,14383,14769,14981] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 28.", references: [{:oeis, :a020156, ""}] def create_sequence_a020156(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020156/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020156(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 28) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020157` - Pseudoprimes to base 29. From [OEIS A020157]( > Pseudoprimes to base 29. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020157` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020157) |> Sequence.take!(48) [4,14,15,21,28,35,52,91,105,231,268,341,364,469,481,561,651,793,871,1105,1729,1876,1897,2105,2257,2821,3484,3523,4069,4371,4411,5149,5185,5356,5473,5565,5611,6097,6601,7161,7294,8321,8401,8421,8841,8911,11041,11581] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 29.", references: [{:oeis, :a020157, ""}] def create_sequence_a020157(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020157/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020157(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 29) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020158` - Pseudoprimes to base 30. From [OEIS A020158]( > Pseudoprimes to base 30. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020158` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020158) |> Sequence.take!(46) [49,91,133,217,247,341,403,469,493,589,637,703,871,899,901,931,1273,1519,1537,1729,2059,2077,2821,3097,3277,3283,3367,3577,4081,4097,4123,5729,6031,6061,6097,6409,6601,6817,7657,8023,8029,8401,8911,9881,11041,11713] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 30.", references: [{:oeis, :a020158, ""}] def create_sequence_a020158(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020158/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020158(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 30) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020159` - Pseudoprimes to base 31. From [OEIS A020159]( > Pseudoprimes to base 31. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020159` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020159) |> Sequence.take!(45) [6,10,15,30,49,65,66,133,185,451,481,561,637,931,946,1105,1221,1729,1813,2317,2405,2465,2553,3310,4753,4921,6241,6289,6601,7107,7421,7449,8177,8911,9073,9131,10470,10585,10963,11041,12403,14191,16219,17767,18721] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 31.", references: [{:oeis, :a020159, ""}] def create_sequence_a020159(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020159/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020159(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 31) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020160` - Pseudoprimes to base 32. From [OEIS A020160]( > Pseudoprimes to base 32. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020160` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020160) |> Sequence.take!(46) [25,33,93,165,205,217,325,341,385,425,465,561,645,697,793,825,1023,1025,1045,1057,1065,1105,1353,1387,1525,1705,1729,1905,2047,2317,2325,2465,2665,2701,2761,2821,3053,3157,3277,3565,3813,4033,4123,4141,4369,4371] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 32.", references: [{:oeis, :a020160, ""}] def create_sequence_a020160(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020160/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020160(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 32) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020161` - Pseudoprimes to base 33. From [OEIS A020161]( > Pseudoprimes to base 33. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020161` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020161) |> Sequence.take!(43) [4,8,16,32,85,496,545,703,1057,1105,1417,1649,1729,1853,2465,2501,2821,3368,4033,4492,4681,5461,5713,5833,6533,6601,7861,8911,9061,9073,9265,10585,11305,11359,12209,12403,13741,15841,16589,16745,17968,18103,19909] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 33.", references: [{:oeis, :a020161, ""}] def create_sequence_a020161(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020161/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020161(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 33) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020162` - Pseudoprimes to base 34. From [OEIS A020162]( > Pseudoprimes to base 34. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020162` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020162) |> Sequence.take!(47) [15,21,33,35,55,65,77,105,165,231,273,385,429,435,445,671,703,1001,1045,1065,1155,1157,1281,1365,1729,1869,1891,2035,2059,2071,2145,2779,2821,2937,3201,3605,4033,4795,5005,5161,5565,5785,5995,6305,6533,6601,6853] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 34.", references: [{:oeis, :a020162, ""}] def create_sequence_a020162(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020162/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020162(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 34) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020163` - Pseudoprimes to base 35. From [OEIS A020163]( > Pseudoprimes to base 35. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020163` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020163) |> Sequence.take!(41) [9,34,51,153,341,442,561,782,1247,1261,1581,1921,2278,2431,2701,2871,3298,3601,4371,5083,5161,5517,7543,7633,7969,8398,10421,11041,12403,13051,13833,14689,15051,16441,16589,17391,19006,19041,19951,20026,22681] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 35.", references: [{:oeis, :a020163, ""}] def create_sequence_a020163(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020163/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020163(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 35) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020164` - Pseudoprimes to base 36. From [OEIS A020164]( > Pseudoprimes to base 36. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020164` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020164) |> Sequence.take!(45) [35,91,185,217,259,301,403,481,559,679,703,1105,1111,1147,1261,1295,1333,1387,1591,1729,1891,2465,2651,2701,2821,3007,3145,3367,3421,3565,3589,3913,4123,4141,4171,4495,5551,5611,5713,6001,6485,6533,6601,6643,7471] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 36.", references: [{:oeis, :a020164, ""}] def create_sequence_a020164(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020164/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020164(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 36) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020165` - Pseudoprimes to base 37. From [OEIS A020165]( > Pseudoprimes to base 37. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020165` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020165) |> Sequence.take!(50) [4,6,9,12,18,28,36,45,57,66,133,171,217,246,268,285,301,396,451,469,561,589,685,801,817,1065,1105,1233,1273,1333,1387,1476,1653,1729,1876,1881,2044,2077,2413,2465,2501,2556,2706,2821,2881,3556,3565,3781,3913,4047] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 37.", references: [{:oeis, :a020165, ""}] def create_sequence_a020165(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020165/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020165(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 37) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020166` - Pseudoprimes to base 38. From [OEIS A020166]( > Pseudoprimes to base 38. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020166` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020166) |> Sequence.take!(46) [39,65,85,91,111,185,221,259,289,469,481,561,629,697,871,1105,1221,1443,1445,2405,2465,2479,2553,2665,2701,2821,3145,3367,3585,3757,4033,4187,4681,5291,5461,6031,6097,6601,6931,7449,7585,7613,7957,8177,9073,9919] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 38.", references: [{:oeis, :a020166, ""}] def create_sequence_a020166(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020166/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020166(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 38) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020167` - Pseudoprimes to base 39. From [OEIS A020167]( > Pseudoprimes to base 39. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020167` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020167) |> Sequence.take!(40) [38,95,133,341,1561,1834,1891,2047,2101,2465,3053,3439,3805,4141,4237,4411,5662,5921,6533,6601,6697,8149,8321,8911,10381,10585,12403,12431,13889,13981,15841,16297,16441,16589,17081,20567,22681,23521,26885,28153] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 39.", references: [{:oeis, :a020167, ""}] def create_sequence_a020167(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020167/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020167(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 39) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020168` - Pseudoprimes to base 40. From [OEIS A020168]( > Pseudoprimes to base 40. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020168` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020168) |> Sequence.take!(42) [39,91,121,123,289,451,533,561,703,793,1541,1561,1599,1729,1921,2821,2899,3097,3367,3751,3829,4961,5461,5729,6031,6601,7111,7201,7381,8911,9073,9881,10897,11011,11041,11121,11521,12403,12801,13073,13333,13981] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 40.", references: [{:oeis, :a020168, ""}] def create_sequence_a020168(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020168/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020168(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 40) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020169` - Pseudoprimes to base 41. From [OEIS A020169]( > Pseudoprimes to base 41. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020169` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020169) |> Sequence.take!(48) [4,8,10,15,20,21,35,40,105,145,231,344,561,609,645,671,703,841,1065,1105,1281,1387,1417,1729,1885,1891,2121,2465,2701,2821,3045,3053,3829,4033,4205,4521,4870,5365,5565,6161,6892,7957,8295,8321,8695,8905,8911,9253] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 41.", references: [{:oeis, :a020169, ""}] def create_sequence_a020169(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020169/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020169(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 41) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020170` - Pseudoprimes to base 42. From [OEIS A020170]( > Pseudoprimes to base 42. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020170` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020170) |> Sequence.take!(40) [205,451,529,559,697,1105,1247,1441,1541,1763,1765,1807,1891,1921,1991,2465,2665,5371,5611,5977,6001,7345,7421,8041,8749,9773,10585,10621,11041,12167,12403,13333,13981,14473,14491,14981,15457,17611,18721,22399] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 42.", references: [{:oeis, :a020170, ""}] def create_sequence_a020170(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020170/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020170(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 42) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020171` - Pseudoprimes to base 43. From [OEIS A020171]( > Pseudoprimes to base 43. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020171` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020171) |> Sequence.take!(49) [6,14,21,25,33,42,77,91,105,165,185,231,325,385,425,481,525,561,777,825,861,925,973,1045,1105,1221,1541,1729,1785,1807,1825,1925,2071,2425,2465,2553,2821,2849,3145,3281,3439,3781,3885,4033,4417,4825,5005,5565,6105] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 43.", references: [{:oeis, :a020171, ""}] def create_sequence_a020171(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020171/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020171(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 43) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020172` - Pseudoprimes to base 44. From [OEIS A020172]( > Pseudoprimes to base 44. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020172` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020172) |> Sequence.take!(46) [9,15,45,65,117,129,215,301,369,387,585,645,703,745,1017,1035,1105,1341,1677,1729,1921,1935,1937,1981,2047,2193,2465,2665,2821,3585,3913,4005,4097,4417,4633,5289,6273,6533,6601,6705,7281,7345,8385,8695,8911,9331] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 44.", references: [{:oeis, :a020172, ""}] def create_sequence_a020172(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020172/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020172(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 44) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020173` - Pseudoprimes to base 45. From [OEIS A020173]( > Pseudoprimes to base 45. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020173` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020173) |> Sequence.take!(45) [4,22,44,76,133,253,418,436,451,481,638,763,1247,1417,1541,1562,1729,1771,1891,1981,2047,2059,2071,2356,2398,2737,2821,3053,3289,3553,4033,4807,4921,5377,5963,6322,6533,6601,6817,7337,8284,8321,8911,9361,10879] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 45.", references: [{:oeis, :a020173, ""}] def create_sequence_a020173(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020173/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020173(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 45) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020174` - Pseudoprimes to base 46. From [OEIS A020174]( > Pseudoprimes to base 46. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020174` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020174) |> Sequence.take!(47) [9,15,45,133,141,145,235,261,341,365,423,561,657,703,705,721,763,781,949,1105,1305,1417,1551,1645,1729,1885,1891,1957,1991,2071,2115,2117,2201,2465,2701,2821,3201,3285,4033,4089,4187,4371,4465,4681,5365,5611,5781] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 46.", references: [{:oeis, :a020174, ""}] def create_sequence_a020174(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020174/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020174(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 46) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020175` - Pseudoprimes to base 47. From [OEIS A020175]( > Pseudoprimes to base 47. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020175` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020175) |> Sequence.take!(47) [46,65,69,85,221,259,341,345,427,481,506,561,645,703,721,793,805,874,897,946,1105,1173,1426,1581,1649,1702,1729,1771,1891,2257,2465,2737,2806,2821,3145,3201,3811,4301,4485,5185,5461,5865,6283,6305,6601,6943,8911] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 47.", references: [{:oeis, :a020175, ""}] def create_sequence_a020175(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020175/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020175(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 47) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020176` - Pseudoprimes to base 48. From [OEIS A020176]( > Pseudoprimes to base 48. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020176` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020176) |> Sequence.take!(45) [49,91,245,259,329,427,481,637,703,793,833,1105,1267,1645,1729,1813,1891,1921,2257,2303,2305,2353,2465,2701,2821,2989,3367,3439,4465,4753,5185,5537,5551,5611,5951,6533,6601,6697,6721,7345,8869,8911,9457,9881,10021] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 48.", references: [{:oeis, :a020176, ""}] def create_sequence_a020176(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020176/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020176(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 48) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020177` - Pseudoprimes to base 49. From [OEIS A020177]( > Pseudoprimes to base 49. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020177` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020177) |> Sequence.take!(50) [4,6,8,12,15,16,24,25,48,66,75,76,172,176,232,247,276,304,325,425,435,475,496,559,561,688,703,817,904,946,949,1075,1105,1128,1146,1695,1825,1891,2101,2353,2356,2465,2486,2509,2701,3056,3091,3268,3277,3439] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 49.", references: [{:oeis, :a020177, ""}] def create_sequence_a020177(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020177/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020177(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 49) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020178` - Pseudoprimes to base 50. From [OEIS A020178]( > Pseudoprimes to base 50. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020178` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020178) |> Sequence.take!(46) [21,49,51,119,133,147,231,301,357,561,637,697,793,817,833,861,931,1037,1281,1649,1729,2009,2041,2047,2107,2499,2501,2701,2821,2989,3201,3281,3913,3977,4753,5461,5719,6601,7693,7701,8041,8113,8911,9061,9073,9331] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 50.", references: [{:oeis, :a020178, ""}] def create_sequence_a020178(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020178/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020178(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 50) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020179` - Pseudoprimes to base 51. From [OEIS A020179]( > Pseudoprimes to base 51. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020179` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020179) |> Sequence.take!(43) [10,25,50,65,70,91,175,325,451,481,925,1247,1681,1729,1825,2059,2275,2653,2821,3053,3790,4745,4927,5461,6175,6305,6505,6601,7201,8365,8911,9031,9475,9730,9850,10585,11041,12025,12209,12403,13366,13427,13747] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 51.", references: [{:oeis, :a020179, ""}] def create_sequence_a020179(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020179/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020179(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 51) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020180` - Pseudoprimes to base 52. From [OEIS A020180]( > Pseudoprimes to base 52. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020180` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020180) |> Sequence.take!(42) [51,85,159,265,561,671,901,1513,1541,1891,2413,2465,2653,2703,2705,3111,3201,3421,4081,4187,4505,5151,6307,6433,6533,6601,6943,7201,8365,8911,9197,9773,9911,10349,10585,11305,12403,13019,13333,14491,15051,15841] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 52.", references: [{:oeis, :a020180, ""}] def create_sequence_a020180(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020180/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020180(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 52) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020181` - Pseudoprimes to base 53. From [OEIS A020181]( > Pseudoprimes to base 53. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020181` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020181) |> Sequence.take!(48) [4,9,26,27,28,39,45,52,65,91,117,153,286,351,364,561,585,703,946,1036,1105,1405,1441,1541,1636,1729,2209,2465,2529,2821,2863,2871,3097,3277,3367,3406,3481,3653,3861,4005,4564,4777,5317,5833,6031,6364,6433,6601] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 53.", references: [{:oeis, :a020181, ""}] def create_sequence_a020181(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020181/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020181(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 53) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020182` - Pseudoprimes to base 54. From [OEIS A020182]( > Pseudoprimes to base 54. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020182` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020182) |> Sequence.take!(42) [55,265,341,361,385,583,781,1045,1105,1247,1729,1855,2201,2465,2701,2821,2863,2915,3445,4033,4069,4081,5005,5317,5461,6095,6601,7471,7957,8321,8911,9073,10585,11713,13357,14585,14701,14905,15409,15841,17755,18721] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 54.", references: [{:oeis, :a020182, ""}] def create_sequence_a020182(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020182/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020182(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 54) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020183` - Pseudoprimes to base 55. From [OEIS A020183]( > Pseudoprimes to base 55. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020183` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020183) |> Sequence.take!(45) [6,9,18,21,27,54,63,91,153,189,357,369,553,697,801,1027,1266,1387,1513,1729,1869,2701,2821,3213,3649,4033,4431,6273,6533,6541,6601,6643,7189,7957,8911,9773,9937,10649,10761,13333,13617,13833,14981,15457,15841] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 55.", references: [{:oeis, :a020183, ""}] def create_sequence_a020183(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020183/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020183(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 55) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020184` - Pseudoprimes to base 56. From [OEIS A020184]( > Pseudoprimes to base 56. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020184` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020184) |> Sequence.take!(45) [15,33,55,57,95,165,209,247,285,403,561,589,627,715,1027,1045,1105,1339,1501,1653,1705,1891,1957,1991,2449,2465,3135,3193,3277,3553,3565,4345,5611,5665,6441,7657,8137,8321,10585,11041,11077,12403,13585,13695,15685] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 56.", references: [{:oeis, :a020184, ""}] def create_sequence_a020184(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020184/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020184(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 56) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020185` - Pseudoprimes to base 57. From [OEIS A020185]( > Pseudoprimes to base 57. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020185` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020185) |> Sequence.take!(47) [4,8,14,25,28,56,65,125,145,203,217,325,377,451,721,725,781,1001,1105,1625,1885,1891,2047,2296,2465,2701,2821,2911,3193,3277,3565,3625,3976,4141,4187,5365,5425,6461,6533,6601,7501,7613,8029,8401,9373,9425,10325] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 57.", references: [{:oeis, :a020185, ""}] def create_sequence_a020185(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020185/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020185(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 57) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020186` - Pseudoprimes to base 58. From [OEIS A020186]( > Pseudoprimes to base 58. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020186` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020186) |> Sequence.take!(43) [57,133,177,285,341,561,671,703,885,1105,1121,1141,1441,1541,1729,1891,2065,2821,3009,3097,3165,3363,3365,3781,4061,4071,4371,5605,6031,6601,7363,7471,7991,8119,8321,8749,8911,9073,11441,11859,12027,12331,12403] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 58.", references: [{:oeis, :a020186, ""}] def create_sequence_a020186(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020186/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020186(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 58) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020187` - Pseudoprimes to base 59. From [OEIS A020187]( > Pseudoprimes to base 59. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020187` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020187) |> Sequence.take!(43) [15,58,87,145,435,451,561,645,946,1015,1105,1141,1247,1541,1661,1729,1885,1991,2413,2465,2755,2821,3097,4215,4681,4795,5365,5611,5729,6191,6409,6533,6601,7421,8149,8321,8705,8911,9637,10081,10217,10585,11041] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 59.", references: [{:oeis, :a020187, ""}] def create_sequence_a020187(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020187/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020187(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 59) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020188` - Pseudoprimes to base 60. From [OEIS A020188]( > Pseudoprimes to base 60. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020188` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020188) |> Sequence.take!(40) [341,427,481,671,793,841,1729,1891,2257,2821,3133,3277,3599,3601,3661,4577,4777,6001,6161,6533,6601,6943,8911,8917,9937,10249,11521,12331,13333,13481,14701,14981,15841,16897,18889,20591,20801,21361,22321,23479] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 60.", references: [{:oeis, :a020188, ""}] def create_sequence_a020188(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020188/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020188(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 60) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020189` - Pseudoprimes to base 61. From [OEIS A020189]( > Pseudoprimes to base 61. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020189` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020189) |> Sequence.take!(49) [4,6,10,12,15,20,30,52,60,91,93,130,155,190,217,341,388,403,465,561,679,786,970,1105,1261,1441,1729,2388,2465,2701,2821,3007,3406,3565,3661,4061,4123,4371,4577,4580,5044,5356,5461,6541,6601,6697,6799,7107,7372] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 61.", references: [{:oeis, :a020189, ""}] def create_sequence_a020189(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020189/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020189(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 61) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020190` - Pseudoprimes to base 62. From [OEIS A020190]( > Pseudoprimes to base 62. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020190` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020190) |> Sequence.take!(47) [9,21,45,63,91,105,183,231,305,361,427,549,561,671,679,703,793,861,1105,1261,1281,1541,1729,2121,2465,2501,2745,2871,3367,3439,3843,3845,4141,4187,4577,5185,5307,5551,5565,5901,5917,6161,6405,6533,6601,6697,6849] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 62.", references: [{:oeis, :a020190, ""}] def create_sequence_a020190(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020190/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020190(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 62) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020191` - Pseudoprimes to base 63. From [OEIS A020191]( > Pseudoprimes to base 63. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020191` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020191) |> Sequence.take!(41) [62,341,481,529,703,841,1105,1147,1417,1985,2071,2465,2509,3379,3565,3683,4033,4577,5161,5461,5662,6119,6533,6943,7141,7711,9073,9265,10585,13333,13747,14089,14689,14981,15458,18721,19345,19685,19951,21037,21361] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 63.", references: [{:oeis, :a020191, ""}] def create_sequence_a020191(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020191/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020191(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 63) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020192` - Pseudoprimes to base 64. From [OEIS A020192]( > Pseudoprimes to base 64. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020192` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020192) |> Sequence.take!(52) [9,15,21,35,39,45,63,65,85,91,105,117,133,153,195,221,231,247,259,273,315,341,357,435,451,455,481,511,561,585,645,651,671,703,763,765,819,861,873,949,1001,1035,1105,1205,1247,1271,1281,1365,1387,1417,1541,1581] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 64.", references: [{:oeis, :a020192, ""}] def create_sequence_a020192(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020192/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020192(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 64) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020193` - Pseudoprimes to base 65. From [OEIS A020193]( > Pseudoprimes to base 65. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020193` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020193) |> Sequence.take!(45) [4,8,16,28,32,33,64,112,133,232,289,448,511,561,703,1111,1247,1387,1856,1891,1921,2452,2701,3439,3553,3729,4291,4564,5068,6533,6601,6697,8321,8911,9537,9709,9808,9809,10681,11077,11584,11647,12754,13213,14981] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 65.", references: [{:oeis, :a020193, ""}] def create_sequence_a020193(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020193/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020193(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 65) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020194` - Pseudoprimes to base 66. From [OEIS A020194]( > Pseudoprimes to base 66. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020194` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020194) |> Sequence.take!(42) [65,91,335,469,481,871,1105,1271,1541,1729,1891,2071,2201,2465,2821,2911,3145,4033,4291,4355,4681,5461,5551,6097,6601,6953,7969,8911,9211,9919,10585,11305,11647,13019,13741,15211,15841,17353,19345,19757,20591,21785] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 66.", references: [{:oeis, :a020194, ""}] def create_sequence_a020194(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020194/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020194(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 66) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020195` - Pseudoprimes to base 67. From [OEIS A020195]( > Pseudoprimes to base 67. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020195` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020195) |> Sequence.take!(47) [6,22,33,49,51,66,85,154,165,187,217,385,561,637,682,703,946,1045,1078,1105,1309,1519,1705,1729,2047,2209,2245,2465,2701,2805,2821,3165,3201,3565,4123,4165,4566,4631,4774,5005,5214,5611,5797,6119,6369,6601,7633] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 67.", references: [{:oeis, :a020195, ""}] def create_sequence_a020195(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020195/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020195(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 67) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020196` - Pseudoprimes to base 68. From [OEIS A020196]( > Pseudoprimes to base 68. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020196` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020196) |> Sequence.take!(48) [25,49,69,91,125,133,185,201,217,247,325,345,361,403,469,481,589,637,805,871,925,931,1005,1025,1221,1225,1273,1417,1519,1541,1725,1729,1771,1813,2077,2185,2211,2413,2527,2553,2665,2725,2821,3283,3325,3565,4033,4123] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 68.", references: [{:oeis, :a020196, ""}] def create_sequence_a020196(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020196/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020196(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 68) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020197` - Pseudoprimes to base 69. From [OEIS A020197]( > Pseudoprimes to base 69. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020197` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020197) |> Sequence.take!(44) [4,34,35,68,85,91,119,133,247,361,595,1105,1387,1615,1729,1921,2431,2465,2527,2701,2821,3605,3655,4187,4693,4849,5713,6161,6643,6943,7345,7735,8911,10349,10585,11191,11305,11905,13019,13357,14246,14315,15181,15841] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 69.", references: [{:oeis, :a020197, ""}] def create_sequence_a020197(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020197/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020197(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 69) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020198` - Pseudoprimes to base 70. From [OEIS A020198]( > Pseudoprimes to base 70. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020198` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020198) |> Sequence.take!(43) [69,169,213,341,377,561,671,703,781,897,949,1441,1541,1633,1649,1891,2001,2201,2701,2769,2873,3053,3201,4061,4331,4371,4899,4901,6001,6177,6409,6681,7449,7991,9301,9361,11661,12121,12209,12337,12441,12673,12881] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 70.", references: [{:oeis, :a020198, ""}] def create_sequence_a020198(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020198/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020198(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 70) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020199` - Pseudoprimes to base 71. From [OEIS A020199]( > Pseudoprimes to base 71. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020199` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020199) |> Sequence.take!(46) [9,10,14,15,21,35,45,63,70,105,231,315,370,435,561,703,1035,1105,1387,1729,1921,2071,2209,2321,2465,2701,2821,2871,3290,4005,4033,4431,5565,6541,6601,7345,7957,8295,8365,8695,8911,9637,9730,9809,10349,10585] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 71.", references: [{:oeis, :a020199, ""}] def create_sequence_a020199(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020199/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020199(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 71) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020200` - Pseudoprimes to base 72. From [OEIS A020200]( > Pseudoprimes to base 72. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020200` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020200) |> Sequence.take!(42) [85,305,365,451,511,781,793,949,1037,1105,1241,1387,1541,1729,2465,2485,2501,2701,2821,2911,4381,4411,4453,5183,5185,5257,6205,6601,6697,8449,8911,9061,10585,11305,13213,13981,14111,15841,16441,17803,18721,19345] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 72.", references: [{:oeis, :a020200, ""}] def create_sequence_a020200(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020200/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020200(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 72) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020201` - Pseudoprimes to base 73. From [OEIS A020201]( > Pseudoprimes to base 73. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020201` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020201) |> Sequence.take!(50) [4,6,8,9,12,18,24,36,45,65,72,111,117,185,205,259,276,333,369,481,533,561,585,703,1105,1221,1441,1517,1665,1729,1845,1891,1921,2047,2405,2465,2466,2553,2556,2665,2806,2821,3439,4005,4329,4636,4797,5257,5461,5662] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 73.", references: [{:oeis, :a020201, ""}] def create_sequence_a020201(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020201/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020201(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 73) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020202` - Pseudoprimes to base 74. From [OEIS A020202]( > Pseudoprimes to base 74. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020202` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020202) |> Sequence.take!(45) [15,25,75,91,175,219,325,365,427,435,511,561,793,949,1095,1105,1387,1525,1729,1825,1891,2275,2465,2821,4453,4577,4795,5185,5475,5551,6175,6533,6541,6601,6643,7421,7613,8911,10585,10675,11041,12607,12775,12871,13019] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 74.", references: [{:oeis, :a020202, ""}] def create_sequence_a020202(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020202/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020202(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 74) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020203` - Pseudoprimes to base 75. From [OEIS A020203]( > Pseudoprimes to base 75. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020203` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020203) |> Sequence.take!(44) [74,91,133,247,259,289,427,481,703,793,1073,1159,1261,1387,1541,1649,1729,1849,1891,2071,2257,2413,2701,2813,2821,3367,3589,4033,4681,4699,4921,5551,5917,6061,6533,6601,6643,7957,8113,8321,8614,8911,9139,9211] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 75.", references: [{:oeis, :a020203, ""}] def create_sequence_a020203(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020203/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020203(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 75) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020204` - Pseudoprimes to base 76. From [OEIS A020204]( > Pseudoprimes to base 76. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020204` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020204) |> Sequence.take!(49) [15,21,25,33,35,55,75,77,105,165,175,231,265,275,325,385,425,525,545,561,781,825,949,1105,1113,1155,1325,1369,1417,1491,1541,1749,1785,1825,1891,1925,2289,2465,2701,2725,2821,3445,3597,3605,4033,4081,4097,4505,4681] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 76.", references: [{:oeis, :a020204, ""}] def create_sequence_a020204(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020204/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020204(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 76) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020205` - Pseudoprimes to base 77. From [OEIS A020205]( > Pseudoprimes to base 77. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020205` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020205) |> Sequence.take!(44) [4,38,39,57,65,76,247,285,703,741,969,1105,1387,1513,1653,1891,2465,2701,2806,2965,3705,4033,4371,4636,5073,5461,5713,5785,6305,6441,6533,6541,7633,7709,7957,10081,10585,10777,11229,12871,13051,16017,16745,17081] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 77.", references: [{:oeis, :a020205, ""}] def create_sequence_a020205(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020205/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020205(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 77) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020206` - Pseudoprimes to base 78. From [OEIS A020206]( > Pseudoprimes to base 78. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020206` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020206) |> Sequence.take!(42) [77,341,385,451,553,703,869,1045,1247,1271,1441,1849,1921,2047,2465,2765,3097,4061,4187,4345,4577,5371,6031,6083,6085,6545,6601,8321,8911,8965,10585,13333,13981,15211,15251,15841,17711,17767,20689,22801,23281,23617] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 78.", references: [{:oeis, :a020206, ""}] def create_sequence_a020206(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020206/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020206(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 78) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020207` - Pseudoprimes to base 79. From [OEIS A020207]( > Pseudoprimes to base 79. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020207` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020207) |> Sequence.take!(45) [6,15,26,39,49,65,78,91,195,301,559,561,637,1105,1649,1729,2107,2465,2626,2665,2701,2821,3201,3913,4215,4753,5055,6305,6533,6601,7051,7107,7361,7543,8149,8321,8911,9331,9773,9881,10585,10621,12001,14491,14689] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 79.", references: [{:oeis, :a020207, ""}] def create_sequence_a020207(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020207/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020207(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 79) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020208` - Pseudoprimes to base 80. From [OEIS A020208]( > Pseudoprimes to base 80. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020208` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020208) |> Sequence.take!(46) [9,27,49,81,169,237,301,333,481,553,561,637,711,891,1221,1377,1557,1729,1813,1891,2107,2133,2553,2821,2871,2997,3321,3397,3439,3537,3577,3871,3913,5461,6253,6399,6401,6533,6601,6697,7107,7189,7613,7821,8261,8281] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 80.", references: [{:oeis, :a020208, ""}] def create_sequence_a020208(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020208/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020208(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 80) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020209` - Pseudoprimes to base 81. From [OEIS A020209]( > Pseudoprimes to base 81. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020209` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020209) |> Sequence.take!(53) [4,8,10,16,20,28,40,52,70,80,85,91,112,121,130,176,190,205,208,232,280,286,292,364,370,451,496,511,520,532,616,671,697,703,730,742,910,946,949,965,976,1036,1105,1168,1261,1288,1387,1435,1456,1541,1606,1729,1891] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 81.", references: [{:oeis, :a020209, ""}] def create_sequence_a020209(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020209/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020209(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 81) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020210` - Pseudoprimes to base 82. From [OEIS A020210]( > Pseudoprimes to base 82. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020210` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020210) |> Sequence.take!(47) [9,25,27,45,81,91,225,249,325,405,481,511,561,645,747,793,891,925,949,1105,1245,1247,1345,1377,1387,1431,1525,1541,1729,1825,2025,2071,2101,2241,2257,2421,2465,2701,2821,2871,2905,3825,4033,4239,4453,5185,5611] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 82.", references: [{:oeis, :a020210, ""}] def create_sequence_a020210(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020210/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020210(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 82) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020211` - Pseudoprimes to base 83. From [OEIS A020211]( > Pseudoprimes to base 83. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020211` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020211) |> Sequence.take!(46) [21,65,82,105,123,133,205,231,265,273,287,451,533,561,689,697,703,861,1001,1105,1113,1241,1365,1558,1729,1785,1891,2173,2465,2569,2665,2821,2993,3034,3277,3445,4081,4305,4411,4505,4641,4745,5565,5713,6541,6601] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 83.", references: [{:oeis, :a020211, ""}] def create_sequence_a020211(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020211/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020211(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 83) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020212` - Pseudoprimes to base 84. From [OEIS A020212]( > Pseudoprimes to base 84. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020212` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020212) |> Sequence.take!(41) [85,415,481,703,1105,1111,1411,1615,2465,2501,2509,2981,3145,3655,3667,4141,5713,6161,6533,6973,7055,7141,7201,7885,8401,8695,9061,10585,11441,13019,13579,13981,14023,14383,14491,15181,15251,15355,15521,16405,16745] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 84.", references: [{:oeis, :a020212, ""}] def create_sequence_a020212(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020212/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020212(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 84) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020213` - Pseudoprimes to base 85. From [OEIS A020213]( > Pseudoprimes to base 85. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020213` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020213) |> Sequence.take!(48) [4,6,12,14,21,28,42,84,129,231,259,276,301,341,481,532,651,703,781,903,1281,1351,1491,1591,1729,2047,2201,2509,2701,2821,3097,3201,3277,3311,3913,3972,4371,4564,4577,4681,4859,5289,5662,6031,6601,7141,7161,7543] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 85.", references: [{:oeis, :a020213, ""}] def create_sequence_a020213(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020213/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020213(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 85) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020214` - Pseudoprimes to base 86. From [OEIS A020214]( > Pseudoprimes to base 86. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020214` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020214) |> Sequence.take!(45) [15,51,65,85,87,145,221,255,377,435,451,493,561,595,703,1015,1105,1479,1729,1885,1891,2091,2465,2755,2821,2845,3091,3451,4033,5365,5685,6409,6601,7395,7397,7483,7701,8695,8911,9061,9673,10585,10991,11041,11305] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 86.", references: [{:oeis, :a020214, ""}] def create_sequence_a020214(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020214/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020214(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 86) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020215` - Pseudoprimes to base 87. From [OEIS A020215]( > Pseudoprimes to base 87. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020215` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020215) |> Sequence.take!(45) [86,91,133,217,247,301,385,403,473,559,589,817,1045,1105,1111,1333,1661,1705,1729,2047,2365,2626,2651,2821,3553,3565,3785,3913,4123,4141,4681,5005,5461,5719,6533,6601,7471,7483,7657,8029,8041,8401,8686,8911,9331] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 87.", references: [{:oeis, :a020215, ""}] def create_sequence_a020215(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020215/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020215(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 87) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020216` - Pseudoprimes to base 88. From [OEIS A020216]( > Pseudoprimes to base 88. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020216` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020216) |> Sequence.take!(44) [87,91,133,145,217,247,267,403,445,481,589,645,1105,1247,1729,1885,1891,2047,2465,2581,2611,2821,3165,3565,4123,4331,4849,4921,5365,5551,5785,6119,6601,6697,7087,7657,7743,7745,8029,8911,9073,10585,11481,11563] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 88.", references: [{:oeis, :a020216, ""}] def create_sequence_a020216(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020216/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020216(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 88) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020217` - Pseudoprimes to base 89. From [OEIS A020217]( > Pseudoprimes to base 89. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020217` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020217) |> Sequence.take!(49) [4,8,9,15,22,33,44,45,55,85,88,99,153,165,169,341,385,495,561,765,1035,1045,1105,1165,1309,1387,1441,1541,1581,1649,1729,2097,2465,2529,2611,2701,2805,2821,2977,3015,3201,3961,4015,4061,4187,4371,4777,4849,5005] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 89.", references: [{:oeis, :a020217, ""}] def create_sequence_a020217(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020217/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020217(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 89) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020218` - Pseudoprimes to base 90. From [OEIS A020218]( > Pseudoprimes to base 90. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020218` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020218) |> Sequence.take!(39) [91,623,703,793,1001,1157,1729,2047,2413,2821,3091,3367,4033,4699,6281,6601,8099,8321,8401,8911,11521,11557,12403,13021,13333,13981,14701,14981,15841,17701,19307,19951,20017,20263,24641,24661,25571,29341,31021] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 90.", references: [{:oeis, :a020218, ""}] def create_sequence_a020218(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020218/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020218(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 90) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020219` - Pseudoprimes to base 91. From [OEIS A020219]( > Pseudoprimes to base 91. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020219` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020219) |> Sequence.take!(48) [6,9,10,15,18,30,45,66,69,90,115,205,207,341,345,369,435,505,561,909,1035,1065,1387,1446,1541,1845,2047,2059,2465,2651,2701,2829,2871,3015,4005,4141,4187,4371,4545,5963,6273,6533,6969,7471,8646,9361,9881,10585] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 91.", references: [{:oeis, :a020219, ""}] def create_sequence_a020219(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020219/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020219(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 91) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020220` - Pseudoprimes to base 92. From [OEIS A020220]( > Pseudoprimes to base 92. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020220` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020220) |> Sequence.take!(47) [21,39,65,91,93,105,217,231,273,301,341,403,451,465,559,561,651,861,1001,1085,1105,1209,1271,1333,1365,1393,1661,1729,2465,2587,2701,2821,3171,3731,3781,3913,4033,4123,4371,4641,4681,5565,6045,6169,6191,6697,7161] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 92.", references: [{:oeis, :a020220, ""}] def create_sequence_a020220(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020220/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020220(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 92) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020221` - Pseudoprimes to base 93. From [OEIS A020221]( > Pseudoprimes to base 93. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020221` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020221) |> Sequence.take!(46) [4,25,28,46,92,301,322,325,425,506,532,793,805,865,874,1081,1105,1393,1525,1645,1729,1771,2047,2071,2425,2465,2737,2926,3781,3913,4033,4187,4325,4465,4945,4996,5071,5149,5185,5405,5593,5713,5833,6601,6697,6721] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 93.", references: [{:oeis, :a020221, ""}] def create_sequence_a020221(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020221/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020221(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 93) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020222` - Pseudoprimes to base 94. From [OEIS A020222]( > Pseudoprimes to base 94. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020222` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020222) |> Sequence.take!(47) [15,57,91,93,95,121,133,155,217,247,285,341,403,435,465,561,589,645,969,1065,1105,1247,1541,1603,1653,1729,1767,2059,2451,2465,2821,2945,2977,3053,3565,3751,4047,4123,4351,4495,4961,5461,5685,6601,6665,7099,7107] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 94.", references: [{:oeis, :a020222, ""}] def create_sequence_a020222(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020222/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020222(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 94) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020223` - Pseudoprimes to base 95. From [OEIS A020223]( > Pseudoprimes to base 95. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020223` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020223) |> Sequence.take!(42) [91,94,141,341,561,658,671,742,1111,1551,1603,1891,1921,2806,2821,2977,3131,3367,3421,3601,4089,4371,4741,5461,5551,6161,6533,6601,6721,7107,8249,8601,9121,9641,10011,11041,13361,14241,15841,16939,17907,18019] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 95.", references: [{:oeis, :a020223, ""}] def create_sequence_a020223(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020223/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020223(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 95) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020224` - Pseudoprimes to base 96. From [OEIS A020224]( > Pseudoprimes to base 96. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020224` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020224) |> Sequence.take!(42) [65,95,133,469,485,679,781,973,1105,1261,1273,1649,1729,1843,2465,2641,2665,2701,2821,3545,3977,4187,4577,5617,6097,6305,6499,6601,8905,8911,9121,9215,9217,9313,10585,11155,11881,12649,12901,13289,13333,13483] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 96.", references: [{:oeis, :a020224, ""}] def create_sequence_a020224(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020224/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020224(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 96) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020225` - Pseudoprimes to base 97. From [OEIS A020225]( > Pseudoprimes to base 97. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020225` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020225) |> Sequence.take!(50) [4,6,8,12,16,21,24,32,48,49,66,96,105,147,176,186,231,245,341,344,469,481,496,561,637,645,651,833,946,949,973,1056,1065,1068,1105,1128,1729,1813,1891,2046,2047,2465,2701,2821,2976,3053,3277,3283,3577,4187] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 97.", references: [{:oeis, :a020225, ""}] def create_sequence_a020225(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020225/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020225(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 97) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020226` - Pseudoprimes to base 98. From [OEIS A020226]( > Pseudoprimes to base 98. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020226` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020226) |> Sequence.take!(46) [9,33,45,85,99,153,165,291,451,485,561,565,765,873,1017,1045,1067,1105,1261,1649,1705,1921,2465,2501,2651,2701,2805,3007,3201,3277,3565,3585,3609,3729,4005,4069,4365,5085,5797,6817,7345,7471,7701,8245,8321,8965] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 98.", references: [{:oeis, :a020226, ""}] def create_sequence_a020226(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020226/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020226(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 98) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020227` - Pseudoprimes to base 99. From [OEIS A020227]( > Pseudoprimes to base 99. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020227` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020227) |> Sequence.take!(47) [14,25,35,49,65,98,145,169,175,217,245,325,361,377,637,703,725,742,775,833,845,1105,1225,1421,1519,1729,1834,1885,2191,2198,2413,2465,2821,3185,3277,3565,4069,4123,4225,4699,4753,4795,4901,5365,5425,5611,6601] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 99.", references: [{:oeis, :a020227, ""}] def create_sequence_a020227(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020227/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020227(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 99) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A020228` - Pseudoprimes to base 100. From [OEIS A020228]( > Pseudoprimes to base 100. > (Formerly ) **Sequence IDs**: `:a020228` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a020228) |> Sequence.take!(46) [9,33,91,99,153,259,303,451,481,561,657,703,909,949,1111,1233,1241,1729,1891,2047,2329,2409,2701,2821,2871,2981,3333,3367,4141,4187,4521,5461,5551,6001,6533,6541,6601,6931,7107,7373,7471,7633,7777,8149,8401,8911] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Pseudoprimes to base 100.", references: [{:oeis, :a020228, ""}] def create_sequence_a020228(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a020228/2) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a020228(_idx, last) do Math.next_number(fn v -> Math.is_pseudo_prime?(v, 100) end, last) end @doc """ OEIS Sequence `A162511` - Multiplicative function with a(p^e)=(-1)^(e-1) From [OEIS A162511]( > Multiplicative function with a(p^e)=(-1)^(e-1) **Sequence IDs**: `:a162511` **Finite**: False **Offset**: 1 ## Example iex> Sequence.create(Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes, :a162511) |> Sequence.take!(92) [1,1,1,-1,1,1,1,1,-1,1,1,-1,1,1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,1,1,1,-1,1,1,-1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1,1,-1,1,1,1,-1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,1,1,1,1,1,-1,1,-1] """ @doc offset: 1, sequence: "Multiplicative function with a(p^e)=(-1)^(e-1)", references: [{:oeis, :a162511, ""}] def create_sequence_a162511(_opts) do sequence_for_function(&Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes.seq_a162511/1) end @doc false @doc offset: 1 def seq_a162511(idx) do -1 |> Math.pow(Math.bigomega(idx) - end end
defmodule Grizzly.SmartStart.MetaExtension.AdvancedJoining do @moduledoc """ This extension is used to advertise the Security keys to grant during S2 bootstrapping to a SmartStart node in the provisioning list For more information about S2 security see the `Grizzly.Security` module """ @behaviour Grizzly.SmartStart.MetaExtension import Bitwise alias Grizzly.Security @type t :: %__MODULE__{ keys: nonempty_list(Security.key()) } @enforce_keys [:keys] defstruct keys: nil @doc """ Create a new `AdvancedJoining.t()` This will validate the keys passed in are valid S2 keys. If a key is not a valid S2 key this function will return `{:error, :invalid_keys}`. The `key` parameter cannot be an empty list. If an empty list is passed in then this function will return `{:error, :empty_keys}` """ @spec new(nonempty_list(Security.key())) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, :invalid_keys | :empty_keys} def new([]), do: {:error, :empty_keys} def new(keys) do if Enum.all?(keys, &key_valid?/1) do {:ok, %__MODULE__{keys: keys}} else {:error, :invalid_keys} end end @doc """ Create a binary string from an `AdvancedJoining.t()` """ @impl Grizzly.SmartStart.MetaExtension @spec from_binary(binary()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, :invalid_binary | :critical_bit_not_set} def from_binary(<<0x35::size(7), 0x01::size(1), 0x01, keys>>) do {:ok, %__MODULE__{keys: unmask_keys(keys)}} end def from_binary(<<0x35::size(7), 0x00::size(1), _rest::binary>>) do {:error, :critical_bit_not_set} end def from_binary(_), do: {:error, :invalid_binary} @doc """ Create an `AdvancedJoining.t()` from a binary string If the binary string does not have the critical bit set then this function will return `{:error, :critical_bit_not_set}` """ @impl Grizzly.SmartStart.MetaExtension @spec to_binary(t()) :: {:ok, binary()} def to_binary(%__MODULE__{keys: keys}) do keys_byte = Enum.reduce(keys, 0, fn :s2_unauthenticated, byte -> byte ||| 0x01 :s2_authenticated, byte -> byte ||| 0x02 :s2_access_control, byte -> byte ||| 0x04 :s0, byte -> byte ||| 0x40 end) {:ok, <<0x35::size(7), 0x01::size(1), 0x01, keys_byte>>} end defp unmask_keys(byte) do Enum.reduce(Security.keys(), [], fn key, keys -> if byte_has_key?(<<byte>>, key) do [key | keys] else keys end end) end defp byte_has_key?(<<_::size(7), 1::size(1)>>, :s2_unauthenticated), do: true defp byte_has_key?(<<_::size(6), 1::size(1), _::size(1)>>, :s2_authenticated), do: true defp byte_has_key?(<<_::size(5), 1::size(1), _::size(2)>>, :s2_access_control), do: true defp byte_has_key?(<<_::size(1), 1::size(1), _::size(6)>>, :s0), do: true defp byte_has_key?(_byte, _key), do: false defp key_valid?(key) do key in Security.keys() end end
defmodule Bolt.Cogs.LastJoins do @moduledoc false @behaviour Nosedrum.Command alias Bolt.{Constants, Helpers, Paginator, Parsers} alias Nosedrum.MessageCache.Agent, as: MessageCache alias Nosedrum.Predicates alias Nostrum.Api alias Nostrum.Cache.GuildCache alias Nostrum.Struct.Embed alias Nostrum.Struct.Guild.Member alias Nostrum.Struct.User # The default number of members shown in the response. @default_shown 15 # Members shown per page. @shown_per_page @default_shown # The maximum number of members shown in the response. @maximum_shown @shown_per_page * 9 @impl true def usage, do: ["lastjoins [options...]"] @impl true def description, do: """ Display the most recently joined members. Requires the `MANAGE_MESSAGES` permission. The result of this command can be customized with the following options: `--no-roles`: Display only new members without any roles `--roles`: Display only new members with any roles `--total`: The total amount of members to display, defaults to #{@default_shown}, maximum is #{@maximum_shown} Returned members will be sorted by their account creation time. **Examples**: ```rs // display the #{@default_shown} most recently joined members .lastjoins // display the 30 most recently joined members that do not have a role assigned .lastjoins --total 10 --no-roles ``` """ @impl true def predicates, do: [&Predicates.guild_only/1, Predicates.has_permission(:manage_messages)] @impl true def parse_args(args) do OptionParser.parse( args, strict: [ # --roles | --no-roles # display only new members with or without roles roles: :boolean, # --total <int> # the total amount of users to display total: :integer ] ) end @impl true def command(msg, {options, _args, []}) do # we can avoid copying around things we don't care about by just selecting the members here case, &Map.values(&1.members)) do {:ok, members} -> {limit, options} = Keyword.pop_first(options, :total, 5) pages = members |> Stream.reject(&(&1.joined_at == nil)) |> Stream.reject(&(&1.user != nil and & |> Enum.sort_by(&joindate_to_unix/1, &>=/2) |> filter_by_options(msg.guild_id, options) |> apply_limit(limit) |> |> Stream.chunk_every(@shown_per_page) |>{fields: &1}) base_page = %Embed{ title: "Recently joined members", color: Constants.color_blue() } Paginator.paginate_over(msg, base_page, pages) {:error, _reason} -> {:ok, _msg} = Api.create_message(msg.channel_id, "guild uncached, sorry") end end def command(msg, {_parsed, _args, invalid}) when invalid != [] do invalid_args = Parsers.describe_invalid_args(invalid) {:ok, _msg} = Api.create_message( msg.channel_id, "🚫 unrecognized argument(s) or invalid value: #{invalid_args}" ) end defp filter_by_options(members, guild_id, [{:roles, true} | options]) do members |> Stream.filter(&Enum.any?(&1.roles)) |> filter_by_options(guild_id, options) end defp filter_by_options(members, guild_id, [{:roles, false} | options]) do members |> Stream.filter(&Enum.empty?(&1.roles)) |> filter_by_options(guild_id, options) end # these two fellas brilliantly inefficient, but we want to hand out # full result sets later. and that said, we only ever evaluate as many # results as needed due to streams defp filter_by_options(members, guild_id, [{:messages, true} | options]) do messages = MessageCache.recent_in_guild(guild_id, :infinity, Bolt.MessageCache) recent_authors =, & & members |> Stream.filter(&MapSet.member?(recent_authors, & |> filter_by_options(guild_id, options) end defp filter_by_options(members, guild_id, [{:messages, false} | options]) do messages = MessageCache.recent_in_guild(guild_id, :infinity, Bolt.MessageCache) recent_authors =, & & members |> Stream.filter(&(not MapSet.member?(recent_authors, & |> filter_by_options(guild_id, options) end defp filter_by_options(members, _guild_id, []) do members end defp apply_limit(members, n) when n < 1, do: Enum.take(members, @default_shown) defp apply_limit(members, n) when n > @maximum_shown, do: Enum.take(members, @maximum_shown) defp apply_limit(members, n), do: Enum.take(members, n) @spec format_member(Member.t()) :: Embed.Field.t() defp format_member(member) do joined_at_human = member.joined_at |> DateTime.from_iso8601() |> elem(1) |> DateTime.to_unix() |> then(&"<t:#{&1}:R>") total_roles = length(member.roles) %Embed.Field{ name: User.full_name(member.user), value: """ ID: `#{}` Joined: #{joined_at_human} has #{total_roles} #{Helpers.pluralize(total_roles, "role", "roles")} """, inline: true } end @spec joindate_to_unix(Member.t()) :: pos_integer() defp joindate_to_unix(member) do member.joined_at |> DateTime.from_iso8601() |> elem(1) |> DateTime.to_unix() end end
defmodule Combine.Parsers.Base do @moduledoc """ This module defines common abstract parsers, i.e. ignore, repeat, many, etc. To use them, just add `import Combine.Parsers.Base` to your module, or reference them directly. """ alias Combine.ParserState use Combine.Helpers @type predicate :: (term -> boolean) @type transform :: (term -> term) @type transform2 :: ((term, term) -> term) @doc """ This parser will fail with no error. """ @spec zero(previous_parser) :: parser defparser zero(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state), do: %{state | :status => :error, :error => nil} @doc """ This parser will fail with the given error message. """ @spec fail(previous_parser, String.t) :: parser defparser fail(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, message), do: %{state | :status => :error, :error => message} @doc """ This parser will fail fatally with the given error message. """ @spec fatal(previous_parser, String.t) :: parser defparser fatal(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, message), do: %{state | :status => :error, :error => {:fatal, message}} @doc """ This parser succeeds if the end of the input has been reached, otherwise it fails. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse(" ", spaces() |> eof()) [" "] """ @spec eof(previous_parser) :: parser defparser eof(%ParserState{status: :ok, input: <<>>} = state), do: state defp eof_impl(%ParserState{status: :ok, line: line, column: col} = state) do %{state | :status => :error, :error => "Expected end of input at line #{line}, column #{col}"} end @doc """ Applies a transformation function to the result of the given parser. If the result returned is of the form `{:error, reason}`, the parser will fail with that reason. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("1234", map(integer(), &(&1 * 2))) [2468] """ @spec map(previous_parser, parser, transform) :: parser defparser map(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser, transform) do case parser.(state) do %ParserState{status: :ok, results: [h|rest]} = s -> case transform.(h) do {:error, reason} -> %{s | :status => :error, :error => reason} result -> %{s | :results => [result|rest]} end s -> s end end @doc """ Applies parser if possible. Returns the parse result if successful or nil if not. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("Hi", option(integer()) |> word()) [nil, "Hi"] """ @spec option(previous_parser, parser) :: parser defparser option(%ParserState{status: :ok, results: results} = state, parser) when is_function(parser, 1) do case parser.(state) do %ParserState{status: :ok} = s -> s %ParserState{status: :error} -> %{state | :results => [nil|results]} end end @doc """ Tries to apply `parser1` and if it fails, tries `parser2`, if both fail, then this parser fails. Returns whichever result was successful otherwise. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} iex> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("1234", either(float(), integer())) [1234] """ @spec either(previous_parser, parser, parser) :: parser defparser either(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser1, parser2) do case parser1.(state) do %ParserState{status: :ok} = s1 -> s1 %ParserState{error: error1} -> case parser2.(state) do %ParserState{status: :ok} = s2 -> s2 %ParserState{error: error2} -> %{state | :status => :error, :error => "#{error1}, or: #{error2}"} end end end @doc """ This parser is a generalized form of either which allows multiple parsers to be attempted. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} iex> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("test", choice([float(), integer(), word()])) ["test"] """ @spec choice(previous_parser, [parser]) :: parser defparser choice(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parsers) do try_choice(parsers, state, nil) end defp try_choice([parser|rest], state, nil), do: try_choice(rest, state, parser.(state)) defp try_choice([_|_], _, %ParserState{status: :ok} = success), do: success defp try_choice([parser|rest], state, %ParserState{}), do: try_choice(rest, state, parser.(state)) defp try_choice([], _, %ParserState{status: :ok} = success), do: success defp try_choice([], %ParserState{line: line, column: col} = state, _) do %{state | :status => :error, :error => "Expected at least one parser to succeed at line #{line}, column #{col}."} end @doc """ Applies each parser in `parsers`, then sends the results to the provided function to be transformed. The result of the transformation is the final result of this parser. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("123", pipe([digit(), digit(), digit()], fn digits -> {n, _} = Integer.parse(Enum.join(digits)); n end)) [123] """ @spec pipe(previous_parser, [parser], transform) :: parser defparser pipe(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parsers, transform) when is_list(parsers) and is_function(transform, 1) do orig_results = state.results case do_pipe(parsers, %{state | :results => []}) do {:ok, acc, %ParserState{status: :ok} = new_state} -> transformed = transform.(Enum.reverse(acc)) %{new_state | :results => [transformed | orig_results]} {:error, _acc, state} -> state end end defp do_pipe(parsers, state), do: do_pipe(parsers, state, []) defp do_pipe([], state, acc), do: {:ok, acc, state} defp do_pipe([parser|parsers], %ParserState{status: :ok} = current, acc) do case parser.(%{current | :results => []}) do %ParserState{status: :ok, results: [:__ignore]} = next -> do_pipe(parsers, %{next | :results => []}, acc) %ParserState{status: :ok, results: []} = next -> do_pipe(parsers, next, acc) %ParserState{status: :ok, results: rs} = next -> do_pipe(parsers, %{next | :results => []}, rs ++ acc) %ParserState{} = next -> {:error, acc, next} end end defp do_pipe(_parsers, %ParserState{} = state, acc), do: {:error, acc, state} @doc """ Applies a sequence of parsers and returns their results as a list. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("123", sequence([digit(), digit(), digit()])) [[1, 2, 3]] ...> Combine.parse("123-234", sequence([integer(), char()]) |> map(sequence([integer()]), fn [x] -> x * 2 end)) [[123, "-"], 468] """ @spec sequence(previous_parser, [parser]) :: parser defparser sequence(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parsers) when is_list(parsers) do pipe(parsers, &(&1)).(state) end @doc """ Applies `parser1` and `parser2` in sequence, then sends their results to the given function to be transformed. The transformed value is then returned as the result of this parser. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> to_int = fn ("-", y) -> y * -1; (_, y) -> y end ...> Combine.parse("1234-234", both(integer(), both(char(), integer(), to_int), &(&1 + &2))) [1000] """ @spec both(previous_parser, parser, parser, transform2) :: parser defparser both(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser1, parser2, transform) do pipe([parser1, parser2], fn results -> apply(transform, results) end).(state) end @doc """ Applies both `parser1` and `parser2`, returning the result of `parser1` only. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("234-", pair_left(integer(), char())) [234] """ @spec pair_left(previous_parser, parser, parser) :: parser defparser pair_left(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser1, parser2) do pipe([preserve_ignored(parser1), preserve_ignored(parser2)], fn [:__preserved_ignore, _] -> :__ignore [result1, _] -> result1 end).(state) end @doc """ Applies both `parser1` and `parser2`, returning the result of `parser2` only. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("-234", pair_right(char(), integer())) [234] """ @spec pair_right(previous_parser, parser, parser) :: parser defparser pair_right(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser1, parser2) do pipe([preserve_ignored(parser1), preserve_ignored(parser2)], fn [_, :__preserved_ignore] -> :__ignore [_, result2] -> result2 end).(state) end @doc """ Applies both `parser1` and `parser2`, returning both results as a tuple. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("-234", pair_both(char(), integer())) [{"-", 234}] """ @spec pair_both(previous_parser, parser, parser) :: parser defparser pair_both(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser1, parser2) do pipe([preserve_ignored(parser1), preserve_ignored(parser2)], fn [:__preserved_ignore, :__preserved_ignore] -> {:__ignore, :__ignore} [:__preserved_ignore, result2] -> {:__ignore, result2} [result1, :__preserved_ignore] -> {result1, :__ignore} [result1, result2] -> {result1, result2} end).(state) end @doc """ Applies `parser1`, `parser2`, and `parser3` in sequence, returning the result of `parser2`. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("(234)", between(char("("), integer(), char(")"))) [234] """ @spec between(previous_parser, parser, parser, parser) :: parser defparser between(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser1, parser2, parser3) do pipe([preserve_ignored(parser1), preserve_ignored(parser2), preserve_ignored(parser3)], fn [_, :__preserved_ignore, _] -> :__ignore [_, result, _] -> result end).(state) end @doc """ Applies `parser` to the input `n` many times. Returns the result as a list. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("123", times(digit(), 3)) [[1,2,3]] """ @spec times(previous_parser, parser, pos_integer) :: parser defparser times(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser, n) when is_function(parser, 1) and is_integer(n) do case do_times(n, parser, state) do {:ok, acc, %ParserState{status: :ok, results: rs} = new_state} -> res = Enum.reverse(acc) %{new_state | :results => [res | rs]} {:error, _acc, state} -> state end end defp do_times(count, parser, state), do: do_times(count, parser, state, []) defp do_times(0, _parser, state, acc), do: {:ok, acc, state} defp do_times(count, parser, %ParserState{status: :ok} = current, acc) do case parser.(current) do %ParserState{status: :ok, results: [:__ignore|rs]} = next -> do_times(count - 1, parser, %{next | :results => rs}, acc) %ParserState{status: :ok, results: []} = next -> do_times(count - 1, parser, next, acc) %ParserState{status: :ok, results: [last|rs]} = next -> do_times(count - 1, parser, %{next | :results => rs}, [last|acc]) %ParserState{} = next -> {:error, acc, next} end end @doc """ Applies `parser` one or more times. Returns results as a list. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("abc", many1(char())) [["a", "b", "c"]] ...> Combine.parse("abc", many1(ignore(char()))) [[]] ...> Combine.parse("12abc", digit() |> digit() |> many1(ignore(char()))) [1, 2, []] """ @spec many1(previous_parser, parser) :: parser defparser many1(%ParserState{status: :ok, results: initial_results} = state, parser) when is_function(parser, 1) do case many1_loop(0, [], state, parser.(state), parser) do {results, %ParserState{status: :ok} = s} -> results = Enum.reverse(results) %{s | :results => [results|initial_results]} %ParserState{} = s -> s end end defp many1_loop(0, _, _, %ParserState{status: :error} = err, _parser), do: err defp many1_loop(iteration, acc, _last, %ParserState{status: :ok, results: []} = s, parser), do: many1_loop(iteration + 1, acc, s, parser.(s), parser) defp many1_loop(iteration, acc, _last, %ParserState{status: :ok, results: [:__ignore|rs]} = s, parser), do: many1_loop(iteration + 1, acc, s, parser.(%{s | :results => rs}), parser) defp many1_loop(iteration, acc, _last, %ParserState{status: :ok, results: [h|rs]} = s, parser), do: many1_loop(iteration + 1, [h|acc], s, parser.(%{s | :results => rs}), parser) defp many1_loop(_, acc, s, %ParserState{status: :error}, _parser), do: {acc, s} @doc """ Applies `parser` zero or more times. Returns results as a list. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("abc", many(char())) [["a", "b", "c"]] ...> Combine.parse("", many(char())) [[]] """ @spec many(previous_parser, parser) :: parser defparser many(%ParserState{status: :ok, results: results} = state, parser) when is_function(parser, 1) do case many1(parser).(state) do %ParserState{status: :ok} = s -> s %ParserState{status: :error} -> %{state | :results => [[] | results]} end end @doc """ Applies `parser1` one or more times, separated by `parser2`. Returns results of `parser1` in a list. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("1, 2, 3", sep_by1(digit(), string(", "))) [[1, 2, 3]] """ @spec sep_by1(previous_parser, parser, parser) :: parser defparser sep_by1(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser1, parser2) do pipe([parser1, many(pair_right(parser2, parser1))], fn [h, t] -> [h|t] end).(state) end @doc """ Applies `parser1` zero or more times, separated by `parser2`. Returns results of `parser1` in a list. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("1, 2, 3", sep_by(digit(), string(", "))) [[1, 2, 3]] ...> Combine.parse("", sep_by(digit(), string(", "))) [[]] """ @spec sep_by(previous_parser, parser, parser) :: parser defparser sep_by(%ParserState{status: :ok, results: results} = state, parser1, parser2) when is_function(parser1, 1) and is_function(parser2, 1) do case sep_by1_impl(state, parser1, parser2) do %ParserState{status: :ok} = s -> s %ParserState{status: :error} -> %{state | :results => [[] | results]} end end @doc """ Applies `parser` if possible, ignores the result. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse(" abc", skip(spaces()) |> word) ["abc"] ...> Combine.parse("", skip(spaces())) [] """ @spec skip(previous_parser, parser) :: parser defparser skip(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser) when is_function(parser, 1) do case ignore_impl(state, option(parser)) do %ParserState{status: :ok, results: [:__ignore|rs]} = s -> %{s | :results => rs} %ParserState{} = s -> s end end @doc """ Applies `parser` zero or more times, ignores the result. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse(" abc", skip_many(space()) |> word) ["abc"] ...> Combine.parse("", skip_many(space())) [] """ @spec skip_many(previous_parser, parser) :: parser defparser skip_many(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser) when is_function(parser, 1) do ignore_impl(state, many(parser)) end @doc """ Applies `parser` one or more times, ignores the result. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse(" abc", skip_many1(space()) |> word) ["abc"] ...> Combine.parse("", skip_many1(space())) {:error, "Expected space, but hit end of input."} """ @spec skip_many1(previous_parser, parser) :: parser defparser skip_many1(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser) when is_function(parser, 1) do ignore_impl(state, many1(parser)) end @doc """ This parser will apply the given parser to the input, and if successful, will ignore the parse result. If the parser fails, this one fails as well. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> parser = ignore(char("h")) ...> Combine.parse("h", parser) [] ...> parser = char("h") |> char("i") |> ignore(space()) |> char("!") ...> Combine.parse("hi !", parser) ["h", "i", "!"] """ @spec ignore(previous_parser, parser) :: parser defparser ignore(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser) when is_function(parser, 1) do case parser.(state) do %ParserState{status: :ok, results: [_|t]} = s -> %{s | :results => [:__ignore|t]} %ParserState{} = s -> s end end @doc false defparser preserve_ignored(%ParserState{status: :ok, results: rs} = state, parser) when is_function(parser, 1) do case parser.(%{state | :results => []}) do %ParserState{status: :ok, results: []} = s -> %{s | :results => [:__preserved_ignore|rs]} %ParserState{status: :ok, results: [:__ignore]} = s -> %{s | :results => [:__preserved_ignore|rs]} %ParserState{status: :ok, results: [result]} = s -> %{s | :results => [result|rs]} %ParserState{status: :error} = s -> %{s | :results => rs} end end @doc """ This parser applies the given parser, and if successful, passes the result to the predicate for validation. If either the parser or the predicate assertion fail, this parser fails. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> parser = satisfy(char(), fn x -> x == "H" end) ...> Combine.parse("Hi", parser) ["H"] ...> parser = char("H") |> satisfy(char(), fn x -> x == "i" end) ...> Combine.parse("Hi", parser) ["H", "i"] """ @spec satisfy(previous_parser, parser, predicate) :: parser defparser satisfy(%ParserState{status: :ok, line: line, column: col} = state, parser, predicate) when is_function(parser, 1) and is_function(predicate, 1) do case parser.(state) do %ParserState{status: :ok, results: [h|_]} = s -> cond do predicate.(h) -> s true -> %{s | :status => :error, :error => "Could not satisfy predicate for #{inspect(h)} at line #{line}, column #{col}", :line => line, :column => col } end %ParserState{} = s -> s end end @doc """ Applies a parser and then verifies that the result is contained in the provided list of matches. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> parser = one_of(char(), ?a..?z |><<&1::utf8>>))) ...> Combine.parse("abc", parser) ["a"] ...> parser = upper() |> one_of(char(), ["i", "I"]) ...> Combine.parse("Hi", parser) ["H", "i"] """ @spec one_of(previous_parser, parser, Range.t | list()) :: parser defparser one_of(%ParserState{status: :ok, line: line, column: col} = state, parser, items) when is_function(parser, 1) do case parser.(state) do %ParserState{status: :ok, results: [h|_]} = s -> cond do h in items -> s true -> stringified = Enum.join(items, ", ") %{s | :status => :error, :error => "Expected one of [#{stringified}], but found `#{h}`, at line #{line}, column #{col}"} end %ParserState{} = s -> s end end @doc """ Applies a parser and then verifies that the result is not contained in the provided list of matches. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> parser = none_of(char(), ?a..?z |><<&1::utf8>>))) ...> Combine.parse("ABC", parser) ["A"] ...> parser = upper() |> none_of(char(), ["i", "I"]) ...> Combine.parse("Hello", parser) ["H", "e"] """ @spec none_of(previous_parser, parser, Range.t | list()) :: parser defparser none_of(%ParserState{status: :ok, line: line, column: col} = state, parser, items) when is_function(parser, 1) do case parser.(state) do %ParserState{status: :ok, results: [h|_]} = s -> cond do h in items -> stringified = Enum.join(items, ", ") %{s | :status => :error, :error => "Expected none of [#{stringified}], but found `#{h}`, at line #{line}, column #{col}"} true -> s end %ParserState{} = s -> s end end defp none_of_impl(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser, %Range{} = items), do: none_of_impl(state, parser, items) @doc """ Applies `parser`. If it fails, it's error is modified to contain the given label for easier troubleshooting. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> Combine.parse("abc", label(integer(), "year")) {:error, "Expected `year` at line 1, column 1."} """ @spec label(previous_parser, parser, String.t) :: parser defparser label(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser, name) when is_function(parser, 1) do case parser.(state) do %ParserState{status: :ok, labels: labels} = s -> %{s | labels: [name | labels]} %ParserState{line: line, column: col} = s -> %{s | :error => "Expected `#{name}` at line #{line}, column #{col + 1}."} end end @doc """ Applies a `parser` and then verifies that the remaining input allows `other_parser` to succeed. This allows lookahead without mutating the parser state # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> parser = letter() |> followed_by(letter()) ...> Combine.parse("AB", parser) ["A"] """ @spec followed_by(previous_parser, parser, parser) :: parser defparser followed_by(%ParserState{status: :ok} = state, parser, other_parser) when is_function(parser, 1) and is_function(other_parser, 1) do case parser.(state) do %ParserState{status: :ok, input: new_input} = new_state -> case other_parser.(new_state) do %ParserState{status: :ok} -> new_state %ParserState{error: other_parser_err} -> %{new_state | :status => :error, :error => other_parser_err } end %ParserState{} = s -> s end end @doc """ Applies a `parser` if and only if `predicate_parser` fails. This helps conditional parsing. # Example iex> import #{__MODULE__} ...> import Combine.Parsers.Text ...> parser = if_not(letter(), char()) ...> Combine.parse("^", parser) ["^"] """ @spec if_not(previous_parser, parser, parser) :: parser defparser if_not(%ParserState{status: :ok, line: line, column: col} = state, predicate_parser, parser) when is_function(predicate_parser, 1) and is_function(parser, 1) do case predicate_parser.(state) do %ParserState{status: :ok} -> %{state | :status => :error, :error => "Expected `if_not(predicate_parser, ...)` to fail at line #{line}, column #{col + 1}." } %ParserState{} -> parser.(state) end end end
defmodule Monetized.Money do import Monetized.Money.Utils alias Monetized.Currency @moduledoc """ Defines the money struct and functions to handle it. Also defines `Money` Ecto.Type. Although we're able to override any configuration when calling functions that create/handle money, it is possible to change any of the default values seen below, through config. Below are the configuration options. ## Examples config :monetized, config: [ delimiter: ",", separator: ".", currency: "USD", format: "%c %n%s%d" ] """ @typedoc """ A money struct containing the a Decimal tha holds the amount and the currency. """ @type t :: %__MODULE__{ value: Decimal.t(), currency: String.t() } defstruct value:"0.00"), currency: nil if Code.ensure_loaded?(Ecto) do @behaviour Ecto.Type end @doc """ The Ecto primitive type. """ def type, do: :string @doc """ Casts the given value to money. It supports: * A string (if currency not relevant). * A float (if currency not relevant). * An `Decimal` struct (if currency not relevant). * An integer (if currency not relevant). * A map with `:value` and `:currency` keys. * A map with "value" and "currency" keys. * An `Monetized.Money` struct. """ def cast(%Monetized.Money{} = money) do {:ok, money} end def cast(%{"value" => v, "currency" => c}) do {:ok, Monetized.Money.make(v, currency: c)} end def cast(%{value: v, currency: c}) do {:ok, Monetized.Money.make(v, currency: c)} end def cast(value) when is_bitstring(value) do {:ok, Monetized.Money.from_string(value)} end def cast(value) when is_float(value) do {:ok, Monetized.Money.from_float(value)} end def cast(value) when is_integer(value) do {:ok, Monetized.Money.from_integer(value)} end def cast(%Decimal{} = value) do {:ok, Monetized.Money.from_decimal(value)} end def cast(_), do: :error @doc """ Converts an `Monetized.Money` into a string for saving to the db. ie: "100.50 EUR" """ def dump(%Monetized.Money{} = money) do {:ok, Monetized.Money.to_string(money, currency_code: true)} end def dump(_), do: :error @doc """ Converts a string as saved to the db into a `Monetized.Money` struct. """ def load(m) when is_bitstring(m) do {:ok, Monetized.Money.make(m)} end def load(_), do: :error @doc """ Returns a string representation of the given money. ## Examples iex> money = Monetized.Money.make("£ 20150.25") ...> Monetized.Money.to_string(money, [currency_symbol: true]) "£ 20,150.25" # Ignores currency as there isn't one iex> money = Monetized.Money.make(999999999) ...> Monetized.Money.to_string(money, [delimiter: " ", separator: " ", currency_symbol: true]) "999 999 999 00" iex> money = Monetized.Money.make(100_000_000, [currency: "USD"]) ...> Monetized.Money.to_string(money, [format: "%n%s%d %cs", currency_symbol: true]) "100,000,000.00 $" iex> money = Monetized.Money.make(-99.50, [currency: "USD"]) ...> Monetized.Money.to_string(money, [currency_symbol: true]) "$ -99.50" iex> money = Monetized.Money.make("100.50 EUR") ...> Monetized.Money.to_string(money, [currency_code: true]) "100.50 EUR" iex> money = Monetized.Money.make("10")) ...> Monetized.Money.to_string(money) "10.00" iex> money = Monetized.Money.make("10"), currency: "USD") ...> Monetized.Money.to_string(money, currency_symbol: true) "$ 10.00" iex> money = Monetized.Money.make(".005"), currency: "USD") ...> Monetized.Money.to_string(money, currency_symbol: true) "$ 0.01" """ @spec to_string(t, list) :: String.t() def to_string(%Monetized.Money{value: value} = money, options \\ []) do delimiter = option_or_config(config(), options, :delimiter) separator = option_or_config(config(), options, :separator) decimal_places = option_or_config(config(), options, :decimal_places) {base, decimal} = value |> Decimal.round(decimal_places) |> Decimal.to_string(:normal) |> decimal_parts(decimal_places) number = String.to_integer(base) |> delimit_integer(delimiter) |> String.Chars.to_string() cs = if options[:currency_symbol] && money.currency, do: Currency.get(money.currency).symbol, else: "" cc = if options[:currency_code] && money.currency, do: Currency.get(money.currency).key, else: "" option_or_config(config(), options, :format) |> String.replace(~r/%cs/, cs) |> String.replace(~r/%n/, number) |> String.replace(~r/%s/, separator) |> String.replace(~r/%d/, decimal) |> String.replace(~r/%cc/, cc) |> String.trim() end defp decimal_parts(str, decimal_places) do case String.split(str, ".") do [int] -> {int, IO.iodata_to_binary(:lists.duplicate(decimal_places, "0"))} [int, decimal] -> {int, String.pad_trailing(decimal, decimal_places, "0")} end end @doc """ Creates a money struct from any of the supported types for amount. If a string is given with either the currency key/code (ie "USD") or the symbol present, that currency will be assumed. Passing `currency` in the options will make it use that despite of configured, or assumed from string. ## Examples iex> Monetized.Money.make("20150.25 EUR") #Money<20150.25EUR> iex> Monetized.Money.make(20150.25, [currency: "EUR"]) #Money<20150.25EUR> iex>"100.50") |> Monetized.Money.make #Money<100.50> iex> Monetized.Money.make("£ 100") #Money<100.00GBP> # currency in options takes precedence iex> Monetized.Money.make("€ 50", [currency: "USD"]) #Money<50.00USD> """ @spec make(integer | float | String.t() | Decimal, list) :: t def make(amount, options \\ []) do do_make(amount, options) end defp do_make(%Decimal{} = value, options) do from_decimal(value, options) end defp do_make(amount, options) when is_bitstring(amount) do from_string(amount, options) end defp do_make(amount, options) when is_integer(amount) do from_integer(amount, options) end defp do_make(amount, options) when is_float(amount) do from_float(amount, options) end @doc """ Creates a money struct from a string value. Passing currency in the options will make it use that despite of configured default. ## Examples iex> Monetized.Money.from_string("GBP 10.52") #Money<10.52GBP> iex> Monetized.Money.from_string("€ 100") #Money<100.00EUR> iex> Monetized.Money.from_string("100.00", [currency: "EUR"]) #Money<100.00EUR> iex> Monetized.Money.from_string("$50") #Money<50.00USD> iex> Monetized.Money.from_string("1,000,000 EUR") #Money<1000000.00EUR> iex> Monetized.Money.from_string("200", currency: "THB") #Money<200.00THB> """ @spec from_string(String.t(), list) :: t def from_string(amount, options \\ []) when is_bitstring(amount) do options = if currency = Currency.parse(amount), do: Keyword.merge([currency: currency.key], options), else: options amount =[0-9]{1,300}(,[0-9]{3})*(\.[0-9]+)?/, amount) |> List.first() |> String.replace(~r/\,/, "") amount = if\./, amount) == nil, do: Enum.join([amount, ".00"]), else: amount amount |> |> from_decimal(options) end @doc """ Creates a money struct from a integer value. Passing currency in the options will make it use that despite of configured default. ## Examples iex> Monetized.Money.from_integer(152, [currency: "GBP"]) #Money<152.00GBP> iex> Monetized.Money.from_integer(100_000, [currency: "GBP"]) #Money<100000.00GBP> iex> Monetized.Money.from_integer(-100, [currency: "GBP"]) #Money<-100.00GBP> """ @spec from_integer(integer, list) :: t def from_integer(amount, options \\ []) when is_integer(amount) do currency_key = option_or_config(config(), options, :currency) do_from_integer(amount, currency_key) end defp do_from_integer(amount, currency_key) when amount >= 0 do %Decimal{ coef: amount * 100, sign: 1, exp: -2 } |> create(currency_key) end defp do_from_integer(amount, currency_key) do %Decimal{ coef: -(amount * 100), sign: -1, exp: -2 } |> create(currency_key) end @doc """ Creates a money struct from a float value. Passing currency in the options will make it use that despite of configured default. ## Examples iex> Monetized.Money.from_float(100.00, [currency: "EUR"]) #Money<100.00EUR> iex> Monetized.Money.from_float(150.52) #Money<150.52> # iex> Monetized.Money.from_float(20.50) #Money<20.50> """ @spec from_float(float, list) :: t def from_float(amount, options \\ []) when is_float(amount) do currency_key = option_or_config(config(), options, :currency) amount |> :erlang.float_to_binary(decimals: 2) |> |> create(currency_key) end @doc """ Creates a money struct from a Decimal. It uses the default currency ("USD") if one isn't configured. Passing currency in the options will make it use that despite of configured default. ## Examples iex> |> Monetized.Money.from_decimal([currency: "EUR"]) #Money<100.00EUR> iex> |> Monetized.Money.from_decimal #Money<150.52> iex>"300.25") |> Monetized.Money.from_decimal #Money<300.25> """ @spec from_decimal(Decimal, list) :: t def from_decimal(value = %Decimal{}, options \\ []) do currency_key = option_or_config(config(), options, :currency) do_from_decimal(value, currency_key) end defp do_from_decimal(value = %Decimal{exp: -2}, currency_key) do value |> create(currency_key) end defp do_from_decimal(value, currency_key) do str = Decimal.to_string(value) Regex.replace(~r/\.(\d)$/, str, ".\\g{1}0") |> |> create(currency_key) end @doc """ Creates a money struct with 0 value. Useful for setting a default value of "0.00". ## Examples iex> #Money<0.00> iex>[currency: "GBP"]) #Money<0.00GBP> """ def zero(options \\ []) do from_integer(0, options) end defp create(value, currency_key) do %Monetized.Money{value: value, currency: currency_key} end defp config do defaults = [ delimiter: ",", separator: ".", format: "%cs %n%s%d %cc", decimal_places: 2 ] Keyword.merge(defaults, Application.get_env(:monetized, :config, [])) end defimpl Inspect, for: Monetized.Money do def inspect(dec, _opts) do if dec.currency do "#Money<" <> Decimal.to_string(dec.value) <> dec.currency <> ">" else "#Money<" <> Decimal.to_string(dec.value) <> ">" end end end end
defmodule EVM.Functions do @moduledoc """ Set of functions defined in the Yellow Paper that do not logically fit in other modules. """ alias EVM.{ExecEnv, Gas, MachineCode, MachineState, Operation, Stack} alias EVM.Operation.Metadata @max_stack 1024 def max_stack_depth, do: @max_stack @doc """ Returns whether or not the current program is halting due to a `return` or terminal statement. # Examples iex> EVM.Functions.is_normal_halting?(%EVM.MachineState{program_counter: 0}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<EVM.Operation.encode(:add)>>}) nil iex> EVM.Functions.is_normal_halting?(%EVM.MachineState{program_counter: 0}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<EVM.Operation.encode(:mul)>>}) nil iex> EVM.Functions.is_normal_halting?(%EVM.MachineState{program_counter: 0}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<EVM.Operation.encode(:stop)>>}) <<>> iex> EVM.Functions.is_normal_halting?(%EVM.MachineState{program_counter: 0}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<EVM.Operation.encode(:selfdestruct)>>}) <<>> iex> EVM.Functions.is_normal_halting?(%EVM.MachineState{stack: [0, 1], memory: <<0xabcd::16>>}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<EVM.Operation.encode(:return)>>}) <<0xab>> iex> EVM.Functions.is_normal_halting?(%EVM.MachineState{stack: [0, 2], memory: <<0xabcd::16>>}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<EVM.Operation.encode(:return)>>}) <<0xab, 0xcd>> iex> EVM.Functions.is_normal_halting?(%EVM.MachineState{stack: [1, 1], memory: <<0xabcd::16>>}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<EVM.Operation.encode(:return)>>}) <<0xcd>> """ @spec is_normal_halting?(MachineState.t(), ExecEnv.t()) :: nil | binary() | {:revert, binary()} def is_normal_halting?(machine_state, exec_env) do case MachineCode.current_operation(machine_state, exec_env).sym do :return -> h_return(machine_state) :revert -> {:revert, h_return(machine_state)} x when x == :stop or x == :selfdestruct -> <<>> _ -> nil end end # Defined in Appendix H of the Yellow Paper @spec h_return(MachineState.t()) :: binary() defp h_return(machine_state) do {[offset, length], _} = EVM.Stack.pop_n(machine_state.stack, 2) {result, _} =, offset, length) result end @doc """ Returns whether or not the current program is in an exceptional halting state. This may be due to running out of gas, having an invalid instruction, having a stack underflow, having an invalid jump destination or having a stack overflow. This is defined as `Z` in Eq.(137) of the Yellow Paper. ## Examples # TODO: Once we add gas cost, make this more reasonable # TODO: How do we pass in state? iex> EVM.Functions.is_exception_halt?(%EVM.MachineState{program_counter: 0, gas: 0xffff}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<0xfee>>}) {:halt, :undefined_instruction} iex> EVM.Functions.is_exception_halt?(%EVM.MachineState{program_counter: 0, gas: 0xffff, stack: []}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<EVM.Operation.encode(:add)>>}) {:halt, :stack_underflow} iex> EVM.Functions.is_exception_halt?(%EVM.MachineState{program_counter: 0, gas: 0xffff, stack: [5]}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<EVM.Operation.encode(:jump)>>}) {:halt, :invalid_jump_destination} iex> machine_code = <<EVM.Operation.encode(:jump), EVM.Operation.encode(:jumpdest)>> iex> exec_env = EVM.ExecEnv.set_valid_jump_destinations(%EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: machine_code}) iex> {:continue, _exec_env, cost} = EVM.Functions.is_exception_halt?(%EVM.MachineState{program_counter: 0, gas: 0xffff, stack: [1]}, exec_env) iex> cost {:original, 8} iex> EVM.Functions.is_exception_halt?(%EVM.MachineState{program_counter: 0, gas: 0xffff, stack: [1, 5]}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<EVM.Operation.encode(:jumpi)>>}) {:halt, :invalid_jump_destination} iex> machine_code = <<EVM.Operation.encode(:jumpi), EVM.Operation.encode(:jumpdest)>> iex> exec_env = EVM.ExecEnv.set_valid_jump_destinations(%EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: machine_code}) iex> {:continue, _exec_env, cost} = EVM.Functions.is_exception_halt?(%EVM.MachineState{program_counter: 0, gas: 0xffff, stack: [1, 5]}, exec_env) iex> cost {:original, 10} iex> {:continue, _exec_env, cost} = EVM.Functions.is_exception_halt?(%EVM.MachineState{program_counter: 0, gas: 0xffff, stack: (for _ <- 1..1024, do: 0x0)}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<EVM.Operation.encode(:stop)>>}) iex> cost {:original, 0} iex> EVM.Functions.is_exception_halt?(%EVM.MachineState{program_counter: 0, gas: 0xffff, stack: (for _ <- 1..1024, do: 0x0)}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<EVM.Operation.encode(:push1)>>}) {:halt, :stack_overflow} iex> EVM.Functions.is_exception_halt?(%EVM.MachineState{program_counter: 0, gas: 0xffff, stack: []}, %EVM.ExecEnv{machine_code: <<EVM.Operation.encode(:invalid)>>}) {:halt, :invalid_instruction} """ @spec is_exception_halt?(MachineState.t(), ExecEnv.t()) :: {:continue, ExecEnv.t(), Gas.cost_with_status()} | {:halt, atom()} # credo:disable-for-next-line def is_exception_halt?(machine_state, exec_env) do operation = Operation.get_operation_at(exec_env.machine_code, machine_state.program_counter) operation_metadata = operation_metadata(operation, exec_env) # dw input_count = Map.get(operation_metadata || %{}, :input_count) # aw output_count = Map.get(operation_metadata || %{}, :output_count) inputs = if operation_metadata do Operation.inputs(operation_metadata, machine_state) end halt_status = cond do is_invalid_instruction?(operation_metadata) -> {:halt, :invalid_instruction} is_nil(input_count) -> {:halt, :undefined_instruction} length(machine_state.stack) < input_count -> {:halt, :stack_underflow} Stack.length(machine_state.stack) - input_count + output_count > @max_stack -> {:halt, :stack_overflow} is_invalid_jump_destination?(operation_metadata, inputs, exec_env) -> {:halt, :invalid_jump_destination} exec_env.static && static_state_modification?(operation_metadata.sym, inputs) -> {:halt, :static_state_modification} out_of_memory_bounds?(operation_metadata.sym, machine_state, inputs) -> {:halt, :out_of_memory_bounds} true -> :continue end case halt_status do :continue -> not_enough_gas?(machine_state, exec_env) other -> other end end # credo:disable-for-next-line def operation_metadata(operation, exec_env) do operation_metadata = Operation.metadata(operation) if operation_metadata do config = exec_env.config case operation_metadata.sym do :delegatecall -> if config.has_delegate_call, do: operation_metadata :revert -> if config.has_revert, do: operation_metadata :staticcall -> if config.has_static_call, do: operation_metadata :returndatasize -> if config.support_variable_length_return_value, do: operation_metadata :returndatacopy -> if config.support_variable_length_return_value, do: operation_metadata :shl -> if config.has_shift_operations, do: operation_metadata :shr -> if config.has_shift_operations, do: operation_metadata :sar -> if config.has_shift_operations, do: operation_metadata :extcodehash -> if config.has_extcodehash, do: operation_metadata :create2 -> if config.has_create2, do: operation_metadata _ -> operation_metadata end end end @spec not_enough_gas?(MachineState.t(), ExecEnv.t()) :: {:halt, :out_of_gas} | {:continue, ExecEnv.t(), Gas.cost_with_status()} defp not_enough_gas?(machine_state, exec_env) do {updated_exec_env, cost_with_status} = Gas.cost_with_status(machine_state, exec_env) cost = case cost_with_status do {:original, cost} -> cost {:changed, value, _} -> value end if cost > machine_state.gas do {:halt, :out_of_gas} else {:continue, updated_exec_env, cost_with_status} end end @spec out_of_memory_bounds?(atom(), MachineState.t(), [EVM.val()]) :: boolean() defp out_of_memory_bounds?(:returndatacopy, machine_state, [ _memory_start, return_data_start, size ]) do return_data_start + size > byte_size(machine_state.last_return_data) end defp out_of_memory_bounds?(_, _, _), do: false @spec is_invalid_instruction?(Metadata.t()) :: boolean() defp is_invalid_instruction?(%Metadata{sym: :invalid}), do: true defp is_invalid_instruction?(_), do: false @spec is_invalid_jump_destination?(Metadata.t(), [EVM.val()], ExecEnv.t()) :: boolean() defp is_invalid_jump_destination?(%Metadata{sym: :jump}, [position], exec_env) do not Enum.member?(exec_env.valid_jump_destinations, position) end defp is_invalid_jump_destination?(%Metadata{sym: :jumpi}, [position, condition], exec_env) do condition != 0 && not Enum.member?(exec_env.valid_jump_destinations, position) end defp is_invalid_jump_destination?(_operation, _inputs, _machine_code), do: false defp static_state_modification?(:call, [_, _, value, _, _, _, _]), do: value > 0 defp static_state_modification?(:log0, _), do: true defp static_state_modification?(:log1, _), do: true defp static_state_modification?(:log2, _), do: true defp static_state_modification?(:log3, _), do: true defp static_state_modification?(:log4, _), do: true defp static_state_modification?(:selfdestruct, _), do: true defp static_state_modification?(:create, _), do: true defp static_state_modification?(:create2, _), do: true defp static_state_modification?(:sstore, _), do: true defp static_state_modification?(_, _), do: false end
defmodule DockerCompose do @moduledoc """ Docker Compose CLI Uses `docker-compose` executable, it must be installed and working. """ @type exit_code :: non_neg_integer @type output :: Collectable.t() @doc """ docker-compose up The command is executed in detached mode, result is returned after the whole command finishes, which might take a while if the images need to be pulled. ## Options - `always_yes: true` - answer "yes" to all interactive questions - `compose_path: path` - path to the compose if not in the standard location - `project_name: name` - compose project name - `force_recreate: true` - if true all specified services are forcefully recreated - `remove_orphans: true` - if true orphaned containers are removed - `service: name` - name of the service that should be started, can be specified multiple times to start multiple services. If it's not specified at all then all services are started. """ @spec up(Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, output} | {:error, exit_code, output} def up(opts) do args = [ compose_opts(opts), "up", up_opts(opts), ["-d", "--no-color" | service_opts(opts)] ] |> List.flatten() args |> execute(opts) |> result() end @doc """ docker-compose down ## Options - `always_yes: true` - answer "yes" to all interactive questions - `compose_path: path` - path to the compose if not in the standard location - `project_name: name` - compose project name - `remove_orphans: true` - if true orphaned containers are removed ## Result The function returns either `{:ok, summary}` if the request is successful or `{:error, exit_code, summary}`. The exit code is the exit code of the docker-compose process that failed. Summary is a map with - `stopped_containers` - which containers were stopped - `removed_containers` - which containers were removed - `removed_networks` - which networks were removed - `removed_orphan_containers` - which containers were removed if `remove_orphans: true` is specified """ @spec down(Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, output} | {:error, exit_code, output} def down(opts) do args = [ compose_opts(opts), "down", down_opts(opts) ] |> List.flatten() args |> execute(opts) |> result() end # OPTS # - service - optional, by default all @doc """ docker-compose restart ## Options - `always_yes: true` - answer "yes" to all interactive questions - `compose_path: path` - path to the compose if not in the standard location - `project_name: name` - compose project name - `service: name` - name of the service to be restarted, can be specified multiple times to restart multiple services at once. If not specified at all then all services are restarted. """ @spec restart(Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, output} | {:error, exit_code, output} def restart(opts) do args = [ compose_opts(opts), "restart", service_opts(opts) ] |> List.flatten() args |> execute(opts) |> result() end @doc """ docker-compose stop ## Options - `always_yes: true` - answer "yes" to all interactive questions - `compose_path: path` - path to the compose if not in the standard location - `project_name: name` - compose project name - `service: name` - name of the service to be stopped, can be specified multiple times to stop multiple services at once. If not specified at all then all services are stopped. """ @spec stop(Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, output} | {:error, exit_code, output} def stop(opts) do args = [ compose_opts(opts), "stop", service_opts(opts) ] |> List.flatten() args |> execute(opts) |> result() end @doc """ docker-compose start Note this can only be used to start previously created and stopped services. If you want to create and start the services use `up/1`. ## Options - `always_yes: true` - answer "yes" to all interactive questions - `compose_path: path` - path to the compose if not in the standard location - `project_name: name` - compose project name - `service: name` - name of the service to be started, can be specified multiple times to start multiple services at once. If not specified at all then all services are started. """ @spec start(Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, output} | {:error, exit_code, output} def start(opts) do args = [ compose_opts(opts), "start", service_opts(opts) ] |> List.flatten() args |> execute(opts) |> result() end defp execute(args, opts) do System.cmd(get_executable(), wrapper_opts(opts) ++ ["--ansi", "never" | args], [ {:stderr_to_stdout, true} | cmd_opts(opts) ]) end defp get_executable do case :os.type() do {:win32, _} -> "docker-compose.exe" _ -> Path.join(:code.priv_dir(:docker_compose), "docker-compose") end end defp wrapper_opts([{:always_yes, true} | rest]) do ["--always-yes" | wrapper_opts(rest)] end defp wrapper_opts([_ | rest]), do: wrapper_opts(rest) defp wrapper_opts([]), do: [] defp compose_opts([{:compose_path, path} | rest]) do ["-f", Path.basename(path) | compose_opts(rest)] end defp compose_opts([{:project_name, name} | rest]) do ["-p", name | compose_opts(rest)] end defp compose_opts([_ | rest]), do: compose_opts(rest) defp compose_opts([]), do: [] defp up_opts(opts) do opts |> Keyword.take([:force_recreate, :remove_orphans]) |> command_opts() end defp down_opts(opts) do opts |> Keyword.take([:remove_orphans]) |> command_opts() end defp command_opts([{:force_recreate, true} | rest]), do: ["--force-recreate" | command_opts(rest)] defp command_opts([{:remove_orphans, true} | rest]), do: ["--remove-orphans" | command_opts(rest)] defp command_opts([_ | rest]), do: command_opts(rest) defp command_opts([]), do: [] defp service_opts([{:service, name} | rest]), do: [name | service_opts(rest)] defp service_opts([_ | rest]), do: service_opts(rest) defp service_opts([]), do: [] defp cmd_opts([{:compose_path, path} | rest]) do [{:cd, Path.dirname(path)} | cmd_opts(rest)] end defp cmd_opts([{:into, _collectable} = into | rest]) do [into | cmd_opts(rest)] end defp cmd_opts([_ | rest]), do: cmd_opts(rest) defp cmd_opts([]), do: [] defp result({output, exit_code}) do if exit_code == 0 do {:ok, output} else {:error, exit_code, output} end end end
defmodule Acquire.Query.ST do @moduledoc """ Collection of functions that generate `Acquire.Query.Where.Function` objects representing PrestoDB [ST_*]( functions. """ alias Acquire.Query.Where.Function alias Acquire.Queryable import Acquire.Query.Where.Functions, only: [parameter: 1, array: 1] @spec geometry_from_text(String.t() | Queryable.t()) :: {:ok, Function.t()} | {:error, term} def geometry_from_text(text) when is_binary(text) do "ST_GeometryFromText", args: [parameter(text)]) end def geometry_from_text(text) do "ST_GeometryFromText", args: [text]) end @spec envelope(Queryable.t()) :: {:ok, Function.t()} | {:error, term} def envelope(a) do "ST_Envelope", args: [a]) end @spec line_string(Acquire.Query.Where.Array.t() | list) :: {:ok, Function.t()} | {:error, term} def line_string(%Acquire.Query.Where.Array{} = array) do "ST_LineString", args: [array]) end def line_string(list) when is_list(list) do "ST_LineString", args: [array(list)]) end @spec intersects(Queryable.t(), Queryable.t()) :: {:ok, Function.t()} | {:error, term} def intersects(a, b) do "ST_Intersects", args: [a, b]) end @spec intersects!(Queryable.t(), Queryable.t()) :: Function.t() def intersects!(a, b) do case intersects(a, b) do {:ok, value} -> value {:error, reason} -> raise reason end end @spec point(x :: float | Queryable.t(), y :: float | Queryable.t()) :: {:ok, Function.t()} | {:error, term} def point(x, y) when is_float(x) and is_float(y) do point(parameter(x), parameter(y)) end def point(x, y) do "ST_Point", args: [x, y]) end @spec point!(x :: float | Queryable.t(), y :: float | Queryable.t()) :: Function.t() def point!(x, y) do case point(x, y) do {:ok, value} -> value {:error, reason} -> raise reason end end end
defmodule TortoiseWebsocket.Client do @moduledoc ~S""" A Websocket client with a API similar to `:gen_tcp`. Example of usage where a client is started and connected, then it is used to send and receive data: iex> {:ok, socket} = TortoiseWebsocket.Client.connect('', 80, []) iex> :ok = TortoiseWebsocket.Client.send(socket, "data") iex> {:ok, data} = TortoiseWebsocket.Client.recv(socket, 100) When the client has the option `:active` set to `true` or `:once` it will send to the process that started the client or the controlling process defined with `controlling_process/2` function messages with the format `{:websocket, socket, data}`, where `socket` is the client socket struct and `data` is a binary with the data received from the websocket server. If the the `:active` option was set to `:once` the client will set it to `false` after sending data once. When the option is set to `false`, the `recv/3` function must be used to retrieve data or the option needs to be set back to `true` or `:once` using the `set_active/2` function. When the connection is lost unexpectedly a message is sent with the format `{:websocket_closed, socket}`. To close the client connection to the websocket server the function `close/1` can be used, the connection to the websocket will be closed and the client process will be stopped. """ use GenStateMachine, restart: :transient alias __MODULE__, as: Data alias __MODULE__.Socket alias :gun, as: Gun require Logger defstruct host: nil, port: nil, timeout: nil, owner: nil, owner_monitor_ref: nil, transport: nil, path: nil, headers: nil, ws_opts: nil, active: nil, caller: nil, socket: nil, buffer: "", recv_queue: @type reason() :: any() @type opts() :: Keyword.t() def start_link(args) do GenStateMachine.start_link(__MODULE__, args) end @doc """ Starts and connects a client to the websocket server. The `opts` paramameter is a Keyword list that expects the follwing optional entries: * `:transport - An atom with the transport protocol, either `:tcp` or `:tls`, defaults to `:tcp` * `:path` - A string with the websocket server path, defaults to `"/"` * `:headers` - A list of tuples with the HTTP headers to send to the server, defaults to `[]` * `:active` - A boolean or atom to indicate if the client should send back any received data, it can be `true`, `false` and `:once`, defaults to `false` * `:compress` - A boolean to indicate if the data should be compressed, defaults to `true` """ @spec connect(charlist(), :inet.port_number(), opts(), timeout()) :: {:ok, Socket.t()} | {:error, reason()} def connect(host, port, opts \\ [], timeout \\ 5_000) when (is_list(host) or is_atom(host) or is_tuple(host)) and (is_integer(port) and port > 0) and is_list(opts) and is_integer(timeout) and timeout > 0 do case TortoiseWebsocket.Client.Supervisor.start_child({self(), host, port, opts, timeout}) do {:ok, pid} ->, :connect) error -> error end end @doc """ Sends data to the websocket server. Data must be a binary or a list of binaries. """ @spec send(Socket.t(), iodata()) :: :ok | {:error, reason()} def send(%Socket{pid: pid}, data) when is_binary(data) or is_list(data) do, {:send, data}) catch :exit, _ -> {:error, :closed} end @doc """ When the client has the option `:active` set to `false`, the `recv/3` function can be used to retrieve any data sent by the server. If the provided length is `0`, it returns immediately with all data present in the client, even if there is none. If the timeout expires it returns `{:error, :timeout}`. """ @spec recv(Socket.t(), non_neg_integer(), timeout()) :: {:ok, any()} | {:error, reason()} def recv(%Socket{pid: pid}, length, timeout \\ 5_000) when is_integer(length) and length >= 0 and is_integer(timeout) and timeout > 0 do, {:recv, length, timeout}) catch :exit, _ -> {:error, :closed} end @doc """ Defines the process to which the data received by the client is sent to, when the client option `:active` is set to `true` or `:once`. """ @spec controlling_process(Socket.t(), pid()) :: :ok | {:error, reason()} def controlling_process(%Socket{pid: pid}, new_owner_pid) when is_pid(new_owner_pid) do, {:owner, new_owner_pid}) catch :exit, _ -> {:error, :closed} end @doc """ Closes the client connection to the websocket server and stops the client. Any data retained by the client will be lost. """ @spec close(Socket.t()) :: :ok def close(%Socket{pid: pid}) do, :close) catch :exit, _ -> {:error, :closed} end @doc """ It defines the client `:active` option. The possible values for the `:active` options are `true`, `false` or `:once`. When the `:active` option is set to `:once`, the client will send back the first received frame of data and set the `:active` option to `false`. """ @spec set_active(Socket.t(), boolean | :once) :: :ok | {:error, reason()} def set_active(%Socket{pid: pid}, active) when is_boolean(active) or active == :once do, {:set_active, active}) catch :exit, _ -> {:error, :closed} end def init({owner, host, port, opts, timeout}) do Process.flag(:trap_exit, true) ref = Process.monitor(owner) {compress, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :compress, true) ws_opts = %{compress: compress, protocols: [{"mqtt", :gun_ws_h}]} args = opts |> Keyword.put(:host, host) |> Keyword.put(:port, port) |> Keyword.put(:timeout, timeout) |> Keyword.put(:owner, owner) |> Keyword.put(:owner_monitor_ref, ref) |> Keyword.put_new(:transport, :tcp) |> Keyword.put_new(:path, "/") |> Keyword.put_new(:headers, []) |> Keyword.put_new(:active, false) |> Keyword.put(:ws_opts, ws_opts) {:ok, :disconnected, struct(Data, args)} end def handle_event( {:call, from}, :connect, :disconnected, %Data{ host: host, port: port, timeout: timeout, transport: transport, path: path, headers: headers, ws_opts: ws_opts } = data ) do Logger.debug("[tortoise_websocket] Opening connection") with start_time <- DateTime.utc_now(), {:ok, socket} <-, port, %{ transport: transport, connect_timeout: timeout, protocols: [:http], retry: 0 }), timeout <- remaining_timeout(timeout, start_time), {:ok, _} <- Gun.await_up(socket, timeout) do Logger.debug("[tortoise_websocket] Upgrading connection") Gun.ws_upgrade(socket, path, headers, ws_opts) {:keep_state, %Data{data | caller: from}, {:state_timeout, remaining_timeout(timeout, start_time), {:upgrade_timeout, socket, from}}} else {:error, {:shutdown, :econnrefused}} -> Logger.debug( "[tortoise_websocket] It was not possible to connect to host #{inspect(host)} on port #{ port }" ) error = {:error, :econnrefused} {:stop_and_reply, {:shutdown, error}, {:reply, from, error}} {:error, {:shutdown, :closed}} -> Logger.debug( "[tortoise_websocket] It was not possible to connect to host #{inspect(host)} on port #{ port }" ) error = {:error, :closed} {:stop_and_reply, {:shutdown, error}, {:reply, from, error}} {:error, {:shutdown, :nxdomain}} -> Logger.debug("[tortoise_websocket] Host #{host} not found") error = {:error, :nxdomain} {:stop_and_reply, {:shutdown, error}, {:reply, from, error}} {:error, {:shutdown, :timeout}} -> Logger.debug("[tortoise_websocket] Timeout while trying to connect") error = {:error, :timeout} {:stop_and_reply, {:shutdown, error}, {:reply, from, error}} error -> Logger.debug( "[tortoise_websocket] There was an error while trying to connect: #{inspect(error)}" ) {:stop_and_reply, {:shutdown, error}, {:reply, from, error}} end end def handle_event({:call, from}, {:send, data}, {:connected, socket}, _) do Gun.ws_send(socket, {:binary, data}) {:keep_state_and_data, {:reply, from, :ok}} end def handle_event( {:call, from}, {:recv, length, timeout}, {:connected, _}, %Data{buffer: buffer, recv_queue: recv_queue} = data ) do cond do length == 0 -> {:keep_state, %Data{data | buffer: ""}, {:reply, from, {:ok, buffer}}} byte_size(buffer) >= length -> <<package::binary-size(length), rest::binary>> = buffer {:keep_state, %Data{data | buffer: rest}, {:reply, from, {:ok, package}}} true -> {:keep_state, %Data{data | recv_queue:{from, length}, recv_queue)}, {:timeout, timeout, {:recv_timeout, {from, length}}}} end end def handle_event( {:call, from}, {:owner, new_owner}, {:connected, _}, %Data{owner_monitor_ref: owner_monitor_ref} = data ) do Process.demonitor(owner_monitor_ref) ref = Process.monitor(new_owner) {:keep_state, %Data{data | owner: new_owner, owner_monitor_ref: ref}, {:reply, from, :ok}} end def handle_event({:call, from}, :close, state, _) do case state do {:connected, socket} -> Gun.close(socket) _ -> :ok end {:stop_and_reply, :normal, {:reply, from, :ok}} end def handle_event({:call, from}, {:set_active, active}, {:connected, _}, data) do {:keep_state, %Data{data | active: active}, {:reply, from, :ok}} end def handle_event({:call, from}, _, :disconnected, _) do {:keep_state_and_data, {:reply, from, {:error, :not_connected}}} end def handle_event({:call, from}, _, _, _) do {:keep_state_and_data, {:reply, from, {:error, :unexpected_command}}} end def handle_event(:cast, _, _, _) do :keep_state_and_data end def handle_event( :info, {:gun_upgrade, socket, _, ["websocket"], _}, :disconnected, %Data{caller: caller} = data ) do Logger.debug("[tortoise_websocket] Connection upgraded") client_socket = %Socket{pid: self()} {:next_state, {:connected, socket}, %Data{data | caller: nil, socket: client_socket}, {:reply, caller, {:ok, client_socket}}} end def handle_event( :info, {:gun_response, socket, _, _, status, _}, :disconnected, %Data{caller: caller} ) do Logger.debug( "[tortoise_websocket] It was not possible to upgrade connection, response status: #{ inspect(status) }" ) Gun.close(socket) error = {:error, {:ws_upgrade_failed, "Response status: #{status}"}} {:stop_and_reply, {:shutdown, error}, {:reply, caller, error}} end def handle_event( :info, {:gun_error, socket, _, reason}, :disconnected, %Data{caller: caller} ) do Logger.debug( "[tortoise_websocket] Error while trying to upgrade connection, reason: #{inspect(reason)}" ) Gun.close(socket) error = {:error, {:ws_upgrade_error, "Reason: #{inspect(reason)}"}} {:stop_and_reply, {:shutdown, error}, {:reply, caller, error}} end def handle_event( :info, {:gun_down, socket, _, reason, _, _}, {:connected, socket}, %Data{owner: owner, socket: client_socket} ) do Logger.debug("[tortoise_websocket] Connection went down, reason: #{inspect(reason)}") Kernel.send(owner, {:websocket_closed, client_socket}) {:stop, {:shutdown, {:error, :down}}} end def handle_event( :info, {:gun_ws, socket, _, :close}, {:connected, socket}, %Data{owner: owner, socket: client_socket} ) do Logger.debug("[tortoise_websocket] Server closed connection") Kernel.send(owner, {:websocket_closed, client_socket}) {:stop, {:shutdown, {:error, :closed}}} end def handle_event( :info, {:gun_ws, _, _, {:binary, frame}}, {:connected, _}, %Data{ owner: owner, active: active, socket: socket, buffer: buffer, recv_queue: recv_queue } = data ) do buffer = <<buffer::binary, frame::binary>> {buffer, recv_queue} = satisfy_queued_recv(buffer, recv_queue) case active do true -> Kernel.send(owner, {:websocket, socket, buffer}) {:keep_state, %Data{data | buffer: "", recv_queue: recv_queue}} :once -> Kernel.send(owner, {:websocket, socket, buffer}) {:keep_state, %Data{data | active: false, buffer: "", recv_queue: recv_queue}} false -> {:keep_state, %Data{data | buffer: buffer, recv_queue: recv_queue}} end end def handle_event(:info, {:DOWN, owner_monitor_ref, :process, owner, _}, state, %Data{ owner: owner, owner_monitor_ref: owner_monitor_ref }) do case state do {:connected, socket} -> Gun.close(socket) _ -> :ok end :stop end def handle_event(:info, msg, _, _) do Logger.debug("[tortoise_websocket] Received unexpected message: #{inspect(msg)}") :keep_state_and_data end def handle_event(:state_timeout, {:upgrade_timeout, socket, caller}, :disconnected, _) do Logger.debug("[tortoise_websocket] Timeout while trying to upgrade connection") Gun.close(socket) error = {:error, :timeout} {:stop_and_reply, {:shutdown, error}, {:reply, caller, error}} end def handle_event( :timeout, {:recv_timeout, {caller, length} = queued_recv}, {:connected, _}, %Data{recv_queue: recv_queue} = data ) do Logger.debug("[tortoise_websocket] Timeout while trying to receive data with #{length} bytes") recv_queue = :queue.filter(&(&1 != queued_recv), recv_queue) {:keep_state, %Data{data | recv_queue: recv_queue}, {:reply, caller, {:error, :timeout}}} end defp remaining_timeout(current_timeout, start_time), do: max(current_timeout - time_since(start_time), 0) defp time_since(datetime), do: DateTime.utc_now() |> DateTime.diff(datetime, :millisecond) defp satisfy_queued_recv(buffer, recv_queue) do recv_list = :queue.to_list(recv_queue) {buffer, recv_remaining} = satisfy_recv_items(buffer, recv_list) {buffer, :queue.from_list(recv_remaining)} end defp satisfy_recv_items(buffer, []), do: {buffer, []} defp satisfy_recv_items(buffer, [{caller, 0} | remaining_items]) do GenStateMachine.reply(caller, {:ok, buffer}) {"", remaining_items} end defp satisfy_recv_items(buffer, [{_, length} | _] = items) when byte_size(buffer) < length, do: {buffer, items} defp satisfy_recv_items(buffer, [{caller, length} | remaining_items]) do <<data::binary-size(length), remaining_buffer::binary>> = buffer GenStateMachine.reply(caller, {:ok, data}) satisfy_recv_items(remaining_buffer, remaining_items) end end
defmodule Distributed.Replicator.GenServer do @moduledoc """ The functions in `Distributed.Replicator.GenServer` module helps to replicate an event by processing it on the all nodes in the network. In `Distributed.Replicator.GenServer`, functions execute processes in parallel. **Note**: Since this module is only a wrapper for `GenServer` module, there is no need to write a detailed documentation for this module. Please check documentation of the `GenServer` module; you can basically think that the functions of the module run on every single node without specifying nodes, and you will be replied with a list of results of the processes. """ use GenServer @doc false def start_link() do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__.process_id()) end @doc false def init(_opts \\ []) do {:ok, %{}} end @doc false def process_id() do Distributed.Replicator.GenServer end @doc """ Sends messages to the given dest on nodes and returns the message. See `Kernel.send/2` """ @spec info(dest :: pid | port | atom, msg :: any, opts :: [any]) :: any def info(dest, msg, opts \\ []) do, fn node_name -> {node_name, send({dest, node_name}, msg)} end) end @doc """ Makes synchronous calls to the servers on nodes and waits for their replies. See `` """ @spec call(server :: atom, term, opts :: [any]) :: [term] def call(server, term, opts \\ []) do timeout = Keyword.get(opts, :timeout, :infinity), fn node_name -> {node_name,{server, node_name}, term, timeout)} end) end @doc """ Sends asynchronous requests to the servers on nodes. See `GenServer.cast/2` """ @spec cast(server :: atom, term :: term, opts :: [any]) :: [term] def cast(server, term, opts \\ []) do, fn node_name -> {node_name, GenServer.cast({server, node_name}, term)} end) end end
defmodule Representer do @moduledoc """ Implementation of the Representer pattern for the API """ @extensions [ "json", ] defguard known_extension?(extension) when extension in @extensions defmodule Collection do @moduledoc """ Struct for a collection of `Representer.Item`s Contains the list of `:items`, `:pagination`, and a list of `:links` """ defstruct [:href, :name, :items, :pagination, links: []] end defmodule Item do @moduledoc """ Struct for an item that can be rendered in various formats Consists of an `:item` that contains a map of properties and a list of `:links` that may be associated with the item. """ defstruct [:rel, :href, :data, :type, embedded: %{}, links: []] end defmodule Link do @moduledoc """ Struct for a hypermedia link """ defstruct [:rel, :href, :title, :template] end defmodule Pagination do @moduledoc """ Pagination struct and link generators """ defstruct [:base_url, :current_page, :total_pages, :total_count] @doc """ Set up a new pagination record """ def new(base_url, pagination) do %Representer.Pagination{ base_url: base_url, current_page: pagination.current, total_pages:, total_count: pagination.total_count } end @doc """ Maybe add pagination links to the link list If pagination is nil, skip this """ def maybe_paginate(links, nil), do: links def maybe_paginate(links, pagination) do cond do pagination.total_pages == 0 -> links pagination.total_pages == 1 -> links pagination.current_page == 1 -> [next_link(pagination) | links] pagination.current_page == pagination.total_pages -> [prev_link(pagination) | links] true -> [next_link(pagination) | [prev_link(pagination) | links]] end end defp next_link(pagination) do %Representer.Link{ rel: "next", href: page_path(pagination.base_url, pagination.current_page + 1) } end defp prev_link(pagination) do %Representer.Link{ rel: "prev", href: page_path(pagination.base_url, pagination.current_page - 1) } end defp page_path(path, page) do uri = URI.parse(path) query = uri.query |> decode_query() |> Map.put(:page, page) |> URI.encode_query() %{uri | query: query} |> URI.to_string() end defp decode_query(nil), do: %{} defp decode_query(query) do URI.decode_query(query) end end @doc """ Transform the internal representation based on the extension """ def transform(struct, extension) do case extension do "json" -> Representer.JSON.transform(struct) end end @doc """ Possibly add a link to an item or collection """ def maybe_link(item, true, link) do %{item | links: [link | item.links]} end def maybe_link(item, false, _link), do: item defmodule Adapter do @moduledoc """ Behaviour for representations to implement """ @type json :: map() @callback transform(collection :: %Representer.Collection{}) :: json() @callback transform(item :: %Representer.Item{}) :: json() end defmodule JSON do @moduledoc """ Adapter for plain JSON Renders the representation almost directly """ @behaviour Representer.Adapter @impl true def transform(collection = %Representer.Collection{}) do %{} |> maybe_put("items", render_collection(collection)) |> maybe_put("links", render_links(collection)) end def transform(item = %Representer.Item{}) do |> maybe_put("links", transform_links(item.links)) |> render_embedded(item.embedded) end defp maybe_put(map, _key, nil), do: map defp maybe_put(map, key, value) do Map.put(map, key, value) end defp render_collection(collection) do case collection.items do nil -> nil [] -> nil items ->, &transform/1) end end defp render_embedded(json, embedded) do Map.merge(embedded, json) end defp render_links(collection) do collection.links |> Representer.Pagination.maybe_paginate(collection.pagination) |> transform_links() end defp transform_links(links) do, fn link -> %{"rel" => link.rel, "href" => link.href} end) end end end
defmodule Changelog.Post do use Changelog.Schema, default_sort: :published_at alias Changelog.{Files, NewsItem, Person, PostTopic, Regexp} schema "posts" do field :title, :string field :subtitle, :string field :slug, :string field :guid, :string field :canonical_url, :string field :image, Files.Image.Type field :tldr, :string field :body, :string field :published, :boolean, default: false field :published_at, :utc_datetime belongs_to :author, Person belongs_to :editor, Person has_many :post_topics, PostTopic, on_delete: :delete_all has_many :topics, through: [:post_topics, :topic] timestamps() end def file_changeset(post, attrs \\ %{}), do: cast_attachments(post, attrs, [:image], allow_urls: true) def insert_changeset(post, attrs \\ %{}) do post |> cast( attrs, ~w(title subtitle slug canonical_url author_id editor_id published published_at body tldr)a ) |> validate_required([:title, :slug, :author_id]) |> validate_format(:canonical_url, Regexp.http(), message: Regexp.http_message()) |> validate_format(:slug, Regexp.slug(), message: Regexp.slug_message()) |> unique_constraint(:slug) |> foreign_key_constraint(:author_id) |> foreign_key_constraint(:editor_id) |> validate_published_has_published_at() |> cast_assoc(:post_topics) end def update_changeset(post, attrs \\ %{}) do post |> insert_changeset(attrs) |> file_changeset(attrs) end def authored_by(query \\ __MODULE__, person), do: from(q in query, where: q.author_id == ^ def contributed_by(query \\ __MODULE__, person), do: from(q in query, where: q.author_id == ^ or q.editor_id == ^ def published(query \\ __MODULE__), do: from(q in query, where: q.published, where: q.published_at <= ^ def scheduled(query \\ __MODULE__), do: from(q in query, where: q.published, where: q.published_at > ^ def search(query \\ __MODULE__, term), do: from(q in query, where: fragment("search_vector @@ plainto_tsquery('english', ?)", ^term)) def unpublished(query \\ __MODULE__), do: from(q in query, where: not q.published) def is_public(post, as_of \\ do post.published && Timex.before?(post.published_at, as_of) end def is_published(post), do: post.published def is_publishable(post) do validated = post |> insert_changeset(%{}) |> validate_required([:slug, :title, :published_at, :tldr, :body]) validated.valid? && !is_published(post) end def preload_all(post) do post |> preload_author() |> preload_editor() |> preload_topics() end def preload_author(query = %Ecto.Query{}), do: Ecto.Query.preload(query, :author) def preload_author(post), do: Repo.preload(post, :author) def preload_editor(query = %Ecto.Query{}), do: Ecto.Query.preload(query, :editor) def preload_editor(post), do: Repo.preload(post, :editor) def preload_topics(query = %Ecto.Query{}) do query |> Ecto.Query.preload(post_topics: ^PostTopic.by_position()) |> Ecto.Query.preload(:topics) end def preload_topics(post) do post |> Repo.preload(post_topics: {PostTopic.by_position(), :topic}) |> Repo.preload(:topics) end def get_news_item(post) do post |> NewsItem.with_post() |> end def load_news_item(post) do item = post |> get_news_item() |> NewsItem.load_object(post) Map.put(post, :news_item, item) end def object_id(post), do: "posts:#{post.slug}" defp validate_published_has_published_at(changeset) do published = get_field(changeset, :published) published_at = get_field(changeset, :published_at) if published && is_nil(published_at) do add_error(changeset, :published_at, "can't be blank when published") else changeset end end end
defmodule Maxwell.Multipart do @moduledoc """ Process mutipart for adapter """ @type param_t :: {String.t(), String.t()} @type params_t :: [param_t] @type header_t :: {String.t(), String.t()} | {String.t(), String.t(), params_t} @type headers_t :: Keyword.t() @type disposition_t :: {String.t(), params_t} @type boundary_t :: String.t() @type name_t :: String.t() @type file_content_t :: binary @type part_t :: {:file, Path.t()} | {:file, Path.t(), headers_t} | {:file, Path.t(), disposition_t, headers_t} | {:file_content, file_content_t, String.t()} | {:file_content, file_content_t, String.t(), headers_t} | {:file_content, file_content_t, String.t(), disposition_t, headers_t} | {:mp_mixed, String.t(), boundary_t} | {:mp_mixed_eof, boundary_t} | {name_t, binary} | {name_t, binary, headers_t} | {name_t, binary, disposition_t, headers_t} @type t :: {:multipart, [part_t]} @eof_size 2 @doc """ create a multipart struct """ @spec new() :: t def new(), do: {:multipart, []} @spec add_file(t, Path.t()) :: t def add_file(multipart, path) when is_binary(path) do append_part(multipart, {:file, path}) end @spec add_file(t, Path.t(), headers_t) :: t def add_file(multipart, path, extra_headers) when is_binary(path) and is_list(extra_headers) do append_part(multipart, {:file, path, extra_headers}) end @spec add_file(t, Path.t(), disposition_t, headers_t) :: t def add_file(multipart, path, disposition, extra_headers) when is_binary(path) and is_tuple(disposition) and is_list(extra_headers) do append_part(multipart, {:file, path, disposition, extra_headers}) end @spec add_file_with_name(t, Path.t(), String.t()) :: t @spec add_file_with_name(t, Path.t(), String.t(), headers_t) :: t def add_file_with_name(multipart, path, name, extra_headers \\ []) do filename = Path.basename(path) disposition = {"form-data", [{"name", name}, {"filename", filename}]} append_part(multipart, {:file, path, disposition, extra_headers}) end @spec add_file_content(t, file_content_t, String.t()) :: t def add_file_content(multipart, file_content, filename) do append_part(multipart, {:file_content, file_content, filename}) end @spec add_file_content(t, file_content_t, String.t(), headers_t) :: t def add_file_content(multipart, file_content, filename, extra_headers) do append_part(multipart, {:file_content, file_content, filename, extra_headers}) end @spec add_file_content(t, file_content_t, String.t(), disposition_t, headers_t) :: t def add_file_content(multipart, file_content, filename, disposition, extra_headers) do append_part(multipart, {:file_content, file_content, filename, disposition, extra_headers}) end @spec add_file_content_with_name(t, file_content_t, String.t(), String.t()) :: t @spec add_file_content_with_name(t, file_content_t, String.t(), String.t(), headers_t) :: t def add_file_content_with_name(multipart, file_content, filename, name, extra_headers \\ []) do disposition = {"form-data", [{"name", name}, {"filename", filename}]} append_part(multipart, {:file_content, file_content, filename, disposition, extra_headers}) end @spec add_field(t, String.t(), binary) :: t def add_field(multipart, name, value) when is_binary(name) and is_binary(value) do append_part(multipart, {name, value}) end @spec add_field(t, String.t(), binary, headers_t) :: t def add_field(multipart, name, value, extra_headers) when is_binary(name) and is_binary(value) and is_list(extra_headers) do append_part(multipart, {name, value, extra_headers}) end @spec add_field(t, String.t(), binary, disposition_t, headers_t) :: t def add_field(multipart, name, value, disposition, extra_headers) when is_binary(name) and is_binary(value) and is_tuple(disposition) and is_list(extra_headers) do append_part(multipart, {name, value, disposition, extra_headers}) end defp append_part({:multipart, parts}, part) do {:multipart, parts ++ [part]} end @doc """ multipart form encode. * `parts` - receives lists list's member format: 1. `{:file, path}` 2. `{:file, path, extra_headers}` 3. `{:file, path, disposition, extra_headers}` 4. `{:file_content, file_content, filename}` 5. `{:file_content, file_content, filename, extra_headers}` 6. `{:file_content, file_content, filename, disposition, extra_headers}` 7. `{:mp_mixed, name, mixed_boundary}` 8. `{:mp_mixed_eof, mixed_boundary}` 9. `{name, bin_data}` 10. `{name, bin_data, extra_headers}` 11. `{name, bin_data, disposition, extra_headers}` Returns `{body_binary, size}` """ @spec encode_form(parts :: [part_t]) :: {boundary_t, integer} def encode_form(parts), do: encode_form(new_boundary(), parts) @doc """ multipart form encode. * `boundary` - multipart boundary. * `parts` - receives lists list's member format: 1. `{:file, path}` 2. `{:file, path, extra_headers}` 3. `{:file, path, disposition, extra_headers}` 4. `{:file_content, file_content, filename}` 5. `{:file_content, file_content, filename, extra_headers}` 6. `{:file_content, file_content, filename, disposition, extra_headers}` 7. `{:mp_mixed, name, mixed_boundary}` 8. `{:mp_mixed_eof, mixed_boundary}` 9. `{name, bin_data}` 10. `{name, bin_data, extra_headers}` 11. `{name, bin_data, disposition, extra_headers}` """ @spec encode_form(boundary :: boundary_t, parts :: [part_t]) :: {boundary_t, integer} def encode_form(boundary, parts) when is_list(parts) do encode_form(parts, boundary, "", 0) end @doc """ Return a random boundary(binary) ### Examples # "---------------------------mtynipxrmpegseog" boundary = new_boundary() """ @spec new_boundary() :: boundary_t def new_boundary, do: "---------------------------" <> unique(16) @doc """ Get the size of a mp stream. Useful to calculate the content-length of a full multipart stream and send it as an identity * `boundary` - multipart boundary * `parts` - see `Maxwell.Multipart.encode_form`. Returns stream size(integer) """ @spec len_mp_stream(boundary :: boundary_t, parts :: [part_t]) :: integer def len_mp_stream(boundary, parts) do size = Enum.reduce(parts, 0, fn {:file, path}, acc_size -> {mp_header, len} = mp_file_header(%{path: path}, boundary) acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size {:file, path, extra_headers}, acc_size -> {mp_header, len} = mp_file_header(%{path: path, extra_headers: extra_headers}, boundary) acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size {:file, path, disposition, extra_headers}, acc_size -> file = %{path: path, extra_headers: extra_headers, disposition: disposition} {mp_header, len} = mp_file_header(file, boundary) acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size {:file_content, file_content, filename}, acc_size -> {mp_header, len} = mp_file_header(%{path: filename, filesize: byte_size(file_content)}, boundary) acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size {:file_content, file_content, filename, extra_headers}, acc_size -> {mp_header, len} = mp_file_header( %{path: filename, filesize: byte_size(file_content), extra_headers: extra_headers}, boundary ) acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size {:file_content, file_content, filename, disposition, extra_headers}, acc_size -> file = %{ path: filename, filesize: byte_size(file_content), extra_headers: extra_headers, disposition: disposition } {mp_header, len} = mp_file_header(file, boundary) acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size {:mp_mixed, name, mixed_boundary}, acc_size -> {mp_header, _} = mp_mixed_header(name, mixed_boundary) acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + @eof_size + byte_size(mp_eof(mixed_boundary)) {:mp_mixed_eof, mixed_boundary}, acc_size -> acc_size + byte_size(mp_eof(mixed_boundary)) + @eof_size {name, bin}, acc_size when is_binary(bin) -> {mp_header, len} = mp_data_header(name, %{binary: bin}, boundary) acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size {name, bin, extra_headers}, acc_size when is_binary(bin) -> {mp_header, len} = mp_data_header(name, %{binary: bin, extra_headers: extra_headers}, boundary) acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size {name, bin, disposition, extra_headers}, acc_size when is_binary(bin) -> data = %{binary: bin, disposition: disposition, extra_headers: extra_headers} {mp_header, len} = mp_data_header(name, data, boundary) acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size end) size + byte_size(mp_eof(boundary)) end defp encode_form([], boundary, acc, acc_size) do mp_eof = mp_eof(boundary) {acc <> mp_eof, acc_size + byte_size(mp_eof)} end defp encode_form([{:file, path} | parts], boundary, acc, acc_size) do {mp_header, len} = mp_file_header(%{path: path}, boundary) acc_size = acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size file_content =!(path) acc = acc <> mp_header <> file_content <> "\r\n" encode_form(parts, boundary, acc, acc_size) end defp encode_form([{:file, path, extra_headers} | parts], boundary, acc, acc_size) do file = %{path: path, extra_headers: extra_headers} {mp_header, len} = mp_file_header(file, boundary) acc_size = acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size file_content =!(path) acc = acc <> mp_header <> file_content <> "\r\n" encode_form(parts, boundary, acc, acc_size) end defp encode_form([{:file, path, disposition, extra_headers} | parts], boundary, acc, acc_size) do file = %{path: path, extra_headers: extra_headers, disposition: disposition} {mp_header, len} = mp_file_header(file, boundary) acc_size = acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size file_content =!(path) acc = acc <> mp_header <> file_content <> "\r\n" encode_form(parts, boundary, acc, acc_size) end defp encode_form([{:file_content, file_content, filename} | parts], boundary, acc, acc_size) do {mp_header, len} = mp_file_header(%{path: filename, filesize: byte_size(file_content)}, boundary) acc_size = acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size acc = acc <> mp_header <> file_content <> "\r\n" encode_form(parts, boundary, acc, acc_size) end defp encode_form( [{:file_content, file_content, filename, extra_headers} | parts], boundary, acc, acc_size ) do file = %{path: filename, filesize: byte_size(file_content), extra_headers: extra_headers} {mp_header, len} = mp_file_header(file, boundary) acc_size = acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size acc = acc <> mp_header <> file_content <> "\r\n" encode_form(parts, boundary, acc, acc_size) end defp encode_form( [{:file_content, file_content, filename, disposition, extra_headers} | parts], boundary, acc, acc_size ) do file = %{ path: filename, filesize: byte_size(file_content), extra_headers: extra_headers, disposition: disposition } {mp_header, len} = mp_file_header(file, boundary) acc_size = acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size acc = acc <> mp_header <> file_content <> "\r\n" encode_form(parts, boundary, acc, acc_size) end defp encode_form([{:mp_mixed, name, mixed_boundary} | parts], boundary, acc, acc_size) do {mp_header, _} = mp_mixed_header(name, mixed_boundary) acc_size = acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + @eof_size acc = acc <> mp_header <> "\r\n" encode_form(parts, boundary, acc, acc_size) end defp encode_form([{:mp_mixed_eof, mixed_boundary} | parts], boundary, acc, acc_size) do eof = mp_eof(mixed_boundary) acc_size = acc_size + byte_size(eof) + @eof_size acc = acc <> eof <> "\r\n" encode_form(parts, boundary, acc, acc_size) end defp encode_form([{name, bin} | parts], boundary, acc, acc_size) do {mp_header, len} = mp_data_header(name, %{binary: bin}, boundary) acc_size = acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size acc = acc <> mp_header <> bin <> "\r\n" encode_form(parts, boundary, acc, acc_size) end defp encode_form([{name, bin, extra_headers} | parts], boundary, acc, acc_size) do {mp_header, len} = mp_data_header(name, %{binary: bin, extra_headers: extra_headers}, boundary) acc_size = acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size acc = acc <> mp_header <> bin <> "\r\n" encode_form(parts, boundary, acc, acc_size) end defp encode_form([{name, bin, disposition, extra_headers} | parts], boundary, acc, acc_size) do data = %{binary: bin, extra_headers: extra_headers, disposition: disposition} {mp_header, len} = mp_data_header(name, data, boundary) acc_size = acc_size + byte_size(mp_header) + len + @eof_size acc = acc <> mp_header <> bin <> "\r\n" encode_form(parts, boundary, acc, acc_size) end defp mp_file_header(file, boundary) do path = file[:path] file_name = path |> :filename.basename() |> to_string {disposition, params} = file[:disposition] || {"form-data", [{"name", "\"file\""}, {"filename", "\"" <> file_name <> "\""}]} content_type = path |> Path.extname() |> String.trim_leading(".") |> MIME.type() len = file[:filesize] || :filelib.file_size(path) extra_headers = file[:extra_headers] || [] extra_headers = extra_headers |> {k, v} -> {String.downcase(k), v} end) headers = [ {"content-length", len}, {"content-disposition", disposition, params}, {"content-type", content_type} ] |> replace_header_from_extra(extra_headers) |> mp_header(boundary) {headers, len} end defp mp_mixed_header(name, boundary) do headers = [ {"Content-Disposition", "form-data", [{"name", "\"" <> name <> "\""}]}, {"Content-Type", "multipart/mixed", [{"boundary", boundary}]} ] {mp_header(headers, boundary), 0} end defp mp_eof(boundary), do: "--" <> boundary <> "--\r\n" defp mp_data_header(name, data, boundary) do {disposition, params} = data[:disposition] || {"form-data", [{"name", "\"" <> name <> "\""}]} extra_headers = data[:extra_headers] || [] extra_headers = extra_headers |> {k, v} -> {String.downcase(k), v} end) content_type = name |> Path.extname() |> String.trim_leading(".") |> MIME.type() len = byte_size(data[:binary]) headers = [ {"content-length", len}, {"content-type", content_type}, {"content-disposition", disposition, params} ] |> replace_header_from_extra(extra_headers) |> mp_header(boundary) {headers, len} end defp mp_header(headers, boundary), do: "--" <> boundary <> "\r\n" <> headers_to_binary(headers) defp unique(size, acc \\ []) defp unique(0, acc), do: acc |> :erlang.list_to_binary() defp unique(size, acc) do random = Enum.random(?a..?z) unique(size - 1, [random | acc]) end defp headers_to_binary(headers) when is_list(headers) do headers = headers |> Enum.reduce([], fn header, acc -> [make_header(header) | acc] end) |> Enum.reverse() |> join("\r\n") :erlang.iolist_to_binary([headers, "\r\n\r\n"]) end defp make_header({name, value}) do value = value_to_binary(value) name <> ": " <> value end defp make_header({name, value, params}) do value = value |> value_to_binary |> header_value(params) name <> ": " <> value end defp header_value(value, params) do params =, fn {k, v} -> "#{value_to_binary(k)}=#{value_to_binary(v)}" end) join([value | params], "; ") end defp replace_header_from_extra(headers, extra_headers) do extra_headers |> Enum.reduce(headers, fn {ex_header, ex_value}, acc -> case List.keymember?(acc, ex_header, 0) do true -> List.keyreplace(acc, ex_header, 0, {ex_header, ex_value}) false -> [{ex_header, ex_value} | acc] end end) end defp value_to_binary(v) when is_list(v) do :binary.list_to_bin(v) end defp value_to_binary(v) when is_atom(v) do :erlang.atom_to_binary(v, :latin1) end defp value_to_binary(v) when is_integer(v) do Integer.to_string(v) end defp value_to_binary(v) when is_binary(v) do v end defp join([], _Separator), do: "" # defp join([s], _separator), do: s defp join(l, separator) do l |> Enum.reverse() |> join(separator, []) |> :erlang.iolist_to_binary() end defp join([], _separator, acc), do: acc defp join([s | rest], separator, []), do: join(rest, separator, [s]) defp join([s | rest], separator, acc), do: join(rest, separator, [s, separator | acc]) end
defmodule OsCmd do @moduledoc """ Managed execution of external commands. This module provides similar functionality to `System.cmd/3`, with the difference that the execution of commands is managed, which provides the following benefits: 1. The external OS process is logically linked to the parent BEAM process (the process which started it). If the parent process terminates, the OS process will be taken down. 2. The external OS process will also be taken down if the entire BEAM instance goes down. 3. Support for timeout-based and manual termination of the OS process. 4. Polite-first termination of the OS process (SIGTERM followed by SIGKILL) in the spirit of OTP termination (shutdown strategies). In this regard, `OsCmd` is similar to [erlexec]( and [porcelain](, though it doesn't have all the features of those projects. For usage details, see `start_link/1`. """ defmodule Error do @moduledoc "Error struct returned by various OsCmd operations." @type t :: %__MODULE__{message: String.t(), exit_status: term, output: String.t()} defexception [:message, :exit_status, :output] end use GenServer, shutdown: :infinity alias OsCmd.Faker @type start_opt :: {:name,} | {:handler, handler} | {:timeout, pos_integer() | :infinity} | {:cd, String.t()} | {:env, [{String.t() | atom, String.t() | nil}]} | {:pty, boolean} | {:propagate_exit?, boolean} | {:terminate_cmd, String.t()} @type handler :: (event -> any) | {acc, (event, acc -> acc)} @type acc :: any @type event :: :starting | {:output, output} | {:stopped, exit_status} @type mock :: String.t() | (command :: String.t(), [start_opt] -> {:ok, output} | {:error, Error.t()}) @type output :: String.t() @type exit_status :: non_neg_integer() | (exit_reason :: :timeout | any) @doc """ Starts the command owner process. The owner process will start the command, handle its events, and stop when the command finishes. The started process will synchronously stop the command during while being terminated. The owner process never stops before the command finishes (unless the owner process is forcefully terminated with the reason `:kill`), which makes it safe to run under a supervisor or `Parent`. The command is a "free-form string" in the shape of: `"command arg1 arg2 ..."`. The command has to be an executable that exists in standard search paths. Args can be separated by one or more whitespaces, tabs, or newline characters. If any arg has to contain whitespace characters, you can encircle it in double or single quotes. Inside the quoted argument, you can use `\\"` or `\\'` to inject the quote character, and `\\\\` to inject the backslash character. Examples: OsCmd.start_link("echo 1")` OsCmd.start_link(~s/ some_cmd arg1 "arg \\" \\\\ 2" 'arg \\' \\\\ 3' /) Due to support for free-form execution, it is possible to execute complex scripts, by starting the shell process OsCmd.start_link(~s/bash -c "..."/) However, this is usually not advised, because `OsCmd` can't keep all of its guarantees. Any child process started inside the shell is not guaranteed to be terminated before the owner process stops, and some of them might even linger on forever. ## Options You can pass additional options by invoking `OsCmd.start_link({cmd, opts})`. The following options are supported: - `:cd` - Folder in which the command will be started - `:env`- OS environment variables which will be set in the command's own environment. Note that the command OS process inherits the environment from the BEAM process. If you want to unset some of the inherited variables, you can include `{var_to_unset, nil}` in this list. - `:pty` - If set to `true`, the command will be started with a pseudo-terminal interface. If the OS doesn't support pseudo-terminal, this flag is ignored. Defaults to `false`. - `:timeout` - The duration after which the command will be automatically terminated. Defaults to `:infinity`. If the command is timed out, the process will exit with the reason `:timeout`, irrespective of the `propagate_exit?` setting. - `propagate_exit?` - When set to `true` and the exit reason of the command is not zero, the process will exit with `{:failed, exit_status}`. Otherwise, the process will always exit with the reason `:normal` (unless the command times out). - `terminate_cmd` - Custom command to use in place of SIGTERM when stopping the OS process. See the "Command termination" section for details. - `handler` - Custom event handler. See the "Event handling" section for details. - `name` - Registered name of the process. If not provided, the process won't be registered. ## Event handling During the lifetime of the command, the following events are emitted: - `:starting` - the command is being started - `{:output, output}` - stdout or stderr output - `{:stopped, exit_status}` - the command stopped with the given exit status You can install multiple custom handlers to deal with these events. By default, no handler is created, which means that the command is executed silently. Handlers are functions which are executed inside the command owner process. Handlers can be stateless or stateful. A stateless handler is a function in the shape of `fun(event) -> ... end`. This function holds no state, so its result is ignored. A stateful handler can be specified as `{initial_acc, fun(event, acc) -> next_acc end}`. You can provide multiple handlers, and they don't have to be of the same type. Since handlers are executed in the owner process, an unhandled exception in the handler will lead to process termination. The OS process will be properly taken down before the owner process stops, but no additional event (including the `:stopped` event) will be fired. It is advised to minimize the logic inside handlers. Handlers are best suited for very simple tasks such as logging or notifying other processes. ### Output The output events will contain output fragments, as they are received. It is therefore possible that some fragment contains only a part of the output line, while another spans multiple lines. It is the responsibility of the client to assemble these fragments according to its needs. `OsCmd` operates on the assumption that output is in utf8 encoding, so it may not work correctly for other encodings, such as plain binary. ## Command termination When command is being externally terminated (e.g. due to a timeout), a polite termination is first attempted, by sending a SIGTERM signal to the OS process (if the OS supports such signal), or alternatively invoking a custom terminated command provided via `:terminate_cmd`. If the OS process doesn't stop in 5 seconds (currently not configurable), a SIGKILL signal will be sent. ## Internals The owner process starts the command as the Erlang port. The command is not started directly. Instead a bridge program (implemented in go) is used to start and manage the OS process. Each command uses its own bridge process. This approach ensures proper cleanup guarantees even if the BEAM OS process is taken down. As a result, compared to `System.cmd/3`, `OsCmd` will consume more resources (2x more OS process instances) and require more hops to pass the output back to Elixir. Most often this won't matter, but be aware of these trade-offs if you're starting a large number of external processes. ## Mocking in tests Command execution can be mocked, which may be useful if you want to avoid starting long-running commands in tests. Mocking can done with `expect/1` and `stub/1`, and explicit allowances can be issued with `allow/1`. """ @spec start_link(String.t()) :: GenServer.on_start() def start_link(command) when is_binary(command), do: start_link({command, []}) @spec start_link({String.t(), [start_opt]}) :: GenServer.on_start() def start_link({command, opts}) do opts = normalize_opts(opts) GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, {command, opts}, Keyword.take(opts, [:name])) end @doc "Stops the command and the owner process." @spec stop(GenServer.server(), :infinity | pos_integer()) :: :ok def stop(server, timeout \\ :infinity) do pid = whereis!(server) mref = Process.monitor(pid) GenServer.cast(pid, :stop) receive do {:DOWN, ^mref, :process, ^pid, _reason} -> :ok after timeout -> exit(:timeout) end end @doc """ Returns a lazy stream of events. This function is internally used by `run/2` and `await/1`. If you want to use it yourself, you need to pass the handler `&send(some_pid, {self(), &1})` when starting the command. This function can only be invoked in the process which receives the event messages. """ @spec events(GenServer.server()) :: Enumerable.t() def events(server) do pid = GenServer.whereis(server) Stream.resource( fn -> Process.monitor(pid) end, fn nil -> {:halt, nil} mref -> receive do {^pid, {:stopped, _} = stopped} -> Process.demonitor(mref, [:flush]) {[stopped], nil} {^pid, message} -> {[message], mref} {:DOWN, ^mref, :process, ^pid, reason} -> {[{:stopped, reason}], nil} end end, fn nil -> :ok mref -> Process.demonitor(mref, [:flush]) end ) end @doc """ Synchronously runs the command. This function will start the owner process, wait for it to finish, and return the result which will include the complete output of the command. If the command exits with a zero exit status, an `:ok` tuple is returned. Otherwise, the function returns an error tuple. See `start_link/1` for detailed explanation. """ @spec run(String.t(), [start_opt]) :: {:ok, output} | {:error, Error.t()} def run(cmd, opts \\ []) do caller = self() start_arg = {cmd, [handler: &send(caller, {self(), &1})] ++ opts} with {:ok, pid} <- start_link(start_arg) do try do await(pid) after stop(pid) end end end @doc """ Awaits for the started command to finish. This function is internally used by `run/2`. If you want to use it yourself, you need to pass the handler `&send(some_pid, {self(), &1})` when starting the command. This function can only be invoked in the process which receives the event messages. """ @spec await(GenServer.server()) :: {:ok, output :: String.t()} | {:error, Error.t()} def await(server) do server |> whereis!() |> events() |> Enum.reduce( %{output: [], exit_status: nil}, fn :starting, acc -> acc {:output, output}, acc -> update_in(acc.output, &[&1, output]) {:stopped, exit_status}, acc -> %{acc | exit_status: exit_status} end ) |> case do %{exit_status: 0} = result -> {:ok, to_string(result.output)} result -> { :error, %Error{ message: "command failed", output: to_string(result.output), exit_status: result.exit_status } } end end @doc """ Returns a specification for running the command as a `Job` action. The corresponding action will return `{:ok, output} | {:error, %OsCmdError{}}` See `Job.start_action/2` for details. """ @spec action(String.t(), [start_opt | Job.action_opt()]) :: Job.action() def action(cmd, opts \\ []) do fn responder -> {action_opts, opts} = Keyword.split(opts, ~w/telemetry_id temeletry_meta/a) action_opts = Config.Reader.merge(action_opts, telemetry_meta: %{cmd: cmd}) handler_state = %{responder: responder, cmd: cmd, opts: opts, output: []} {{__MODULE__, {cmd, [handler: {handler_state, &handle_event/2}] ++ opts}}, action_opts} end end @doc """ Issues an explicit mock allowance to another process. Note that mocks are automatically inherited by descendants, so you only need to use this for non descendant processes. See `Mox.allow/3` for details. """ @spec allow(GenServer.server()) :: :ok def allow(server), do: Faker.allow(whereis!(server)) @doc """ Sets up a mock expectation. The argument can be either a string (the exact command text), or a function. If the string is passed, the mocked command will succeed with the empty output. If the function is passed, it will be invoked when the command is started. The function can then return ok or error tuple. The expectation will be inherited by all descendant processes (unless overridden somewhere down the process tree). See `Mox.expect/4` for details on expectations. """ @spec expect(mock) :: :ok def expect(fun), do: Faker.expect(fun) @doc """ Sets up a mock stub. This function works similarly to `expect/1`, except it sets up a stub. See `Mox.stub/3` for details on stubs. """ @spec stub(mock) :: :ok def stub(fun), do: Faker.stub(fun) @impl GenServer def init({cmd, opts}) do Process.flag(:trap_exit, true) state = %{ port: nil, handlers: Keyword.fetch!(opts, :handlers), propagate_exit?: Keyword.get(opts, :propagate_exit?, false), buffer: "", exit_reason: nil } state = invoke_handler(state, :starting) with {:ok, timeout} <- Keyword.fetch(opts, :timeout), do: Process.send_after(self(), :timeout, timeout) starter = case Faker.fetch() do {:ok, pid} -> Mox.allow(Faker.Port, pid, self()) Faker.Port :error -> OsCmd.Port end case starter.start(cmd, opts) do {:ok, port} -> {:ok, %{state | port: port}} {:error, reason} -> {:stop, reason} end end @impl GenServer def handle_info({port, {:exit_status, exit_status}}, %{port: port} = state), # Delegating to `handle_continue` because we must invoke a custom handler which can crash, so # we need to make sure that the correct state is committed. do: {:noreply, %{state | port: nil}, {:continue, {:stop, exit_status}}} def handle_info({port, {:data, message}}, %{port: port} = state) do state = invoke_handler(state, message) {:noreply, state} end def handle_info(:timeout, state) do send_stop_command(state) {:noreply, %{state | exit_reason: :timeout}} end @impl GenServer def handle_continue({:stop, exit_status}, state) do state = invoke_handler(state, {:stopped, exit_status}) exit_reason = cond do not is_nil(state.exit_reason) -> state.exit_reason not state.propagate_exit? or exit_status == 0 -> :normal true -> {:failed, exit_status} end {:stop, exit_reason, %{state | port: nil}} end @impl GenServer def handle_cast(:stop, state) do send_stop_command(state) {:noreply, %{state | exit_reason: :normal}} end @impl GenServer def terminate(_reason, %{port: port} = state) do unless is_nil(port) do send_stop_command(state) # If we end up here, we still didn't receive the exit_status command, so we'll await for it # indefinitely. We assume that the go bridge works flawlessly and that it will stop the # program eventually, so there's no timeout clause. If there's a bug, this process will hang, # but at least we won't leak OS processes. receive do {^port, {:exit_status, _exit_status}} -> :ok end end end defp normalize_opts(opts) do {handlers, opts} = Keyword.pop_values(opts, :handler) env = opts |> Keyword.get(:env, []) |> {name, nil} -> {env_name_to_charlist(name), false} {name, value} -> {env_name_to_charlist(name), to_charlist(value)} end) Keyword.merge(opts, handlers: handlers, env: env) end defp env_name_to_charlist(atom) when is_atom(atom), do: atom |> to_string() |> String.upcase() |> to_charlist() defp env_name_to_charlist(name), do: to_charlist(name) defp invoke_handler(state, message) do message = with message when is_binary(message) <- message, do: :erlang.binary_to_term(message) {message, state} = normalize_message(message, state) handlers = state.handlers, fn {acc, fun} -> {fun.(message, acc), fun} fun -> fun.(message) fun end ) %{state | handlers: handlers} end defp normalize_message({:output, output}, state) do {output, rest} = get_utf8_chars(state.buffer <> output) {{:output, to_string(output)}, %{state | buffer: rest}} end defp normalize_message(message, state), do: {message, state} defp get_utf8_chars(<<char::utf8, rest::binary>>) do {remaining_bytes, rest} = get_utf8_chars(rest) {[char | remaining_bytes], rest} end defp get_utf8_chars(other), do: {[], other} defp send_stop_command(state) do if not is_nil(state.port) do try do Port.command(state.port, "stop") catch _, _ -> :ok end end end defp handle_event({:output, output}, state), do: update_in(state.output, &[&1, output]) defp handle_event({:stopped, exit_status}, state) do output = to_string(state.output) response = if exit_status == 0 do {:ok, output} else message = "#{state.cmd} exited with status #{exit_status}" {:error, %Error{exit_status: exit_status, message: message, output: output}} end state.responder.(response) nil end defp handle_event(_event, state), do: state defp whereis!(server) do case GenServer.whereis(server) do pid when is_pid(pid) -> pid nil -> raise "process #{inspect(server)} not found" end end defmodule Program do @moduledoc false @type id :: any @callback start(cmd :: String.t() | [String.t()], opts :: Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, id} | {:error, reason :: any} end end
defmodule AWS.GameLift do @moduledoc """ Amazon GameLift Service Amazon GameLift is a managed service for developers who need a scalable, dedicated server solution for their multiplayer games. Amazon GameLift provides tools to acquire computing resources and deploy game servers, scale game server capacity to meed player demand, and track in-depth metrics on player usage and server performance. The Amazon GameLift service API includes important functionality to: <ul> <li> Find game sessions and match players to games – Retrieve information on available game sessions; create new game sessions; send player requests to join a game session. </li> <li> Configure and manage game server resources – Manage builds, fleets, queues, and aliases; set autoscaling policies; retrieve logs and metrics. </li> </ul> This reference guide describes the low-level service API for Amazon GameLift. We recommend using either the Amazon Web Services software development kit ([AWS SDK](, available in multiple languages, or the [AWS command-line interface]( (CLI) tool. Both of these align with the low-level service API. In addition, you can use the [AWS Management Console]( for Amazon GameLift for many administrative actions. **MORE RESOURCES** <ul> <li> [Amazon GameLift Developer Guide]( – Learn more about Amazon GameLift features and how to use them. </li> <li> [Lumberyard and Amazon GameLift Tutorials]( – Get started fast with walkthroughs and sample projects. </li> <li> [GameDev Blog]( – Stay up to date with new features and techniques. </li> <li> [GameDev Forums]( – Connect with the GameDev community. </li> <li> [Amazon GameLift Document History]( – See changes to the Amazon GameLift service, SDKs, and documentation, as well as links to release notes. </li> </ul> **API SUMMARY** This list offers a functional overview of the Amazon GameLift service API. **Finding Games and Joining Players** You can enable players to connect to game servers on Amazon GameLift from a game client or through a game service (such as a matchmaking service). You can use these operations to discover actively running game or start new games. You can also match players to games, either singly or as a group. <ul> <li> **Discover existing game sessions** <ul> <li> `SearchGameSessions` – Get all available game sessions or search for game sessions that match a set of criteria. </li> </ul> </li> <li> **Start a new game session** <ul> <li> Game session placement – Use a queue to process new game session requests and create game sessions on fleets designated for the queue. <ul> <li> `StartGameSessionPlacement` – Request a new game session placement and add one or more players to it. </li> <li> `DescribeGameSessionPlacement` – Get details on a placement request, including status. </li> <li> `StopGameSessionPlacement` – Cancel a placement request. </li> </ul> </li> <li> `CreateGameSession` – Start a new game session on a specific fleet. </li> </ul> </li> <li> **Manage game session objects** <ul> <li> `DescribeGameSessionDetails` – Retrieve metadata and protection policies associated with one or more game sessions, including length of time active and current player count. </li> <li> `UpdateGameSession` – Change game session settings, such as maximum player count and join policy. </li> <li> `GetGameSessionLogUrl` – Get the location of saved logs for a game session. </li> </ul> </li> <li> **Manage player sessions objects** <ul> <li> `CreatePlayerSession` – Send a request for a player to join a game session. </li> <li> `CreatePlayerSessions` – Send a request for multiple players to join a game session. </li> <li> `DescribePlayerSessions` – Get details on player activity, including status, playing time, and player data. </li> </ul> </li> </ul> **Setting Up and Managing Game Servers** When setting up Amazon GameLift, first create a game build and upload the files to Amazon GameLift. Then use these operations to set up a fleet of resources to run your game servers. Manage games to scale capacity, adjust configuration settings, access raw utilization data, and more. <ul> <li> **Manage game builds** <ul> <li> `CreateBuild` – Create a new build by uploading files stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. (To create a build stored at a local file location, use the AWS CLI command `upload-build`.) </li> <li> `ListBuilds` – Get a list of all builds uploaded to a Amazon GameLift region. </li> <li> `DescribeBuild` – Retrieve information associated with a build. </li> <li> `UpdateBuild` – Change build metadata, including build name and version. </li> <li> `DeleteBuild` – Remove a build from Amazon GameLift. </li> </ul> </li> <li> **Manage fleets** <ul> <li> `CreateFleet` – Configure and activate a new fleet to run a build's game servers. </li> <li> `DeleteFleet` – Terminate a fleet that is no longer running game servers or hosting players. </li> <li> View / update fleet configurations. <ul> <li> `ListFleets` – Get a list of all fleet IDs in a Amazon GameLift region (all statuses). </li> <li> `DescribeFleetAttributes` / `UpdateFleetAttributes` – View or change a fleet's metadata and settings for game session protection and resource creation limits. </li> <li> `DescribeFleetPortSettings` / `UpdateFleetPortSettings` – View or change the inbound permissions (IP address and port setting ranges) allowed for a fleet. </li> <li> `DescribeRuntimeConfiguration` / `UpdateRuntimeConfiguration` – View or change what server processes (and how many) to run on each instance in a fleet. </li> <li> `DescribeInstances` – Get information on each instance in a fleet, including instance ID, IP address, and status. </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> **Control fleet capacity** <ul> <li> `DescribeEC2InstanceLimits` – Retrieve maximum number of instances allowed for the current AWS account and the current usage level. </li> <li> `DescribeFleetCapacity` / `UpdateFleetCapacity` – Retrieve the capacity settings and the current number of instances in a fleet; adjust fleet capacity settings to scale up or down. </li> <li> Autoscale – Manage autoscaling rules and apply them to a fleet. <ul> <li> `PutScalingPolicy` – Create a new autoscaling policy, or update an existing one. </li> <li> `DescribeScalingPolicies` – Retrieve an existing autoscaling policy. </li> <li> `DeleteScalingPolicy` – Delete an autoscaling policy and stop it from affecting a fleet's capacity. </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> **Access fleet activity statistics** <ul> <li> `DescribeFleetUtilization` – Get current data on the number of server processes, game sessions, and players currently active on a fleet. </li> <li> `DescribeFleetEvents` – Get a fleet's logged events for a specified time span. </li> <li> `DescribeGameSessions` – Retrieve metadata associated with one or more game sessions, including length of time active and current player count. </li> </ul> </li> <li> **Remotely access an instance** <ul> <li> `GetInstanceAccess` – Request access credentials needed to remotely connect to a specified instance on a fleet. </li> </ul> </li> <li> **Manage fleet aliases** <ul> <li> `CreateAlias` – Define a new alias and optionally assign it to a fleet. </li> <li> `ListAliases` – Get all fleet aliases defined in a Amazon GameLift region. </li> <li> `DescribeAlias` – Retrieve information on an existing alias. </li> <li> `UpdateAlias` – Change settings for a alias, such as redirecting it from one fleet to another. </li> <li> `DeleteAlias` – Remove an alias from the region. </li> <li> `ResolveAlias` – Get the fleet ID that a specified alias points to. </li> </ul> </li> <li> **Manage game session queues** <ul> <li> `CreateGameSessionQueue` – Create a queue for processing requests for new game sessions. </li> <li> `DescribeGameSessionQueues` – Get data on all game session queues defined in a Amazon GameLift region. </li> <li> `UpdateGameSessionQueue` – Change the configuration of a game session queue. </li> <li> `DeleteGameSessionQueue` – Remove a game session queue from the region. </li> </ul> </li> </ul> """ @doc """ Creates an alias and sets a target fleet. A fleet alias can be used in place of a fleet ID, such as when calling `CreateGameSession` from a game client or game service or adding destinations to a game session queue. By changing an alias's target fleet, you can switch your players to the new fleet without changing any other component. In production, this feature is particularly useful to redirect your player base seamlessly to the latest game server update. Amazon GameLift supports two types of routing strategies for aliases: simple and terminal. Use a simple alias to point to an active fleet. Use a terminal alias to display a message to incoming traffic instead of routing players to an active fleet. This option is useful when a game server is no longer supported but you want to provide better messaging than a standard 404 error. To create a fleet alias, specify an alias name, routing strategy, and optional description. If successful, a new alias record is returned, including an alias ID, which you can reference when creating a game session. To reassign the alias to another fleet ID, call `UpdateAlias`. """ def create_alias(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateAlias", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new Amazon GameLift build from a set of game server binary files stored in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) location. When using this API call, you must create a `.zip` file containing all of the build files and store it in an Amazon S3 bucket under your AWS account. For help on packaging your build files and creating a build, see [Uploading Your Game to Amazon GameLift]( <important> Use this API action ONLY if you are storing your game build files in an Amazon S3 bucket in your AWS account. To create a build using files stored in a directory, use the CLI command [ `upload-build` ](, which uploads the build files from a file location you specify and creates a build. </important> To create a new build using `CreateBuild`, identify the storage location and operating system of your game build. You also have the option of specifying a build name and version. If successful, this action creates a new build record with an unique build ID and in `INITIALIZED` status. Use the API call `DescribeBuild` to check the status of your build. A build must be in `READY` status before it can be used to create fleets to host your game. """ def create_build(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateBuild", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a new fleet to run your game servers. A fleet is a set of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, each of which can run multiple server processes to host game sessions. You configure a fleet to create instances with certain hardware specifications (see [Amazon EC2 Instance Types]( for more information), and deploy a specified game build to each instance. A newly created fleet passes through several statuses; once it reaches the `ACTIVE` status, it can begin hosting game sessions. To create a new fleet, provide a fleet name, an EC2 instance type, and a build ID of the game build to deploy. You can also configure the new fleet with the following settings: (1) a runtime configuration describing what server processes to run on each instance in the fleet (required to create fleet), (2) access permissions for inbound traffic, (3) fleet-wide game session protection, and (4) the location of default log files for Amazon GameLift to upload and store. If the CreateFleet call is successful, Amazon GameLift performs the following tasks: <ul> <li> Creates a fleet record and sets the status to `NEW` (followed by other statuses as the fleet is activated). </li> <li> Sets the fleet's capacity to 1 "desired", which causes Amazon GameLift to start one new EC2 instance. </li> <li> Starts launching server processes on the instance. If the fleet is configured to run multiple server processes per instance, Amazon GameLift staggers each launch by a few seconds. </li> <li> Begins writing events to the fleet event log, which can be accessed in the Amazon GameLift console. </li> <li> Sets the fleet's status to `ACTIVE` once one server process in the fleet is ready to host a game session. </li> </ul> After a fleet is created, use the following actions to change fleet properties and configuration: <ul> <li> `UpdateFleetAttributes` -- Update fleet metadata, including name and description. </li> <li> `UpdateFleetCapacity` -- Increase or decrease the number of instances you want the fleet to maintain. </li> <li> `UpdateFleetPortSettings` -- Change the IP address and port ranges that allow access to incoming traffic. </li> <li> `UpdateRuntimeConfiguration` -- Change how server processes are launched in the fleet, including launch path, launch parameters, and the number of concurrent processes. </li> <li> `PutScalingPolicy` -- Create or update rules that are used to set the fleet's capacity (autoscaling). </li> </ul> """ def create_fleet(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateFleet", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a multiplayer game session for players. This action creates a game session record and assigns an available server process in the specified fleet to host the game session. A fleet must have an `ACTIVE` status before a game session can be created in it. To create a game session, specify either fleet ID or alias ID, and indicate a maximum number of players to allow in the game session. You can also provide a name and game-specific properties for this game session. If successful, a `GameSession` object is returned containing session properties, including an IP address. By default, newly created game sessions allow new players to join. Use `UpdateGameSession` to change the game session's player session creation policy. When creating a game session on a fleet with a resource limit creation policy, the request should include a creator ID. If none is provided, Amazon GameLift does not evaluate the fleet's resource limit creation policy. """ def create_game_session(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateGameSession", input, options) end @doc """ Establishes a new queue for processing requests for new game sessions. A queue identifies where new game sessions can be hosted--by specifying a list of fleet destinations--and how long a request can remain in the queue waiting to be placed before timing out. Requests for new game sessions are added to a queue by calling `StartGameSessionPlacement` and referencing the queue name. When processing a request for a game session, Amazon GameLift tries each destination in order until it finds one with available resources to host the new game session. A queue's default order is determined by how destinations are listed. This default order can be overridden in a game session placement request. To create a new queue, provide a name, timeout value, and a list of destinations. If successful, a new queue object is returned. """ def create_game_session_queue(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateGameSessionQueue", input, options) end @doc """ Adds a player to a game session and creates a player session record. Before a player can be added, a game session must have an `ACTIVE` status, have a creation policy of `ALLOW_ALL`, and have an open player slot. To add a group of players to a game session, use `CreatePlayerSessions`. To create a player session, specify a game session ID, player ID, and optionally a string of player data. If successful, the player is added to the game session and a new `PlayerSession` object is returned. Player sessions cannot be updated. """ def create_player_session(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreatePlayerSession", input, options) end @doc """ Adds a group of players to a game session. This action is useful with a team matching feature. Before players can be added, a game session must have an `ACTIVE` status, have a creation policy of `ALLOW_ALL`, and have an open player slot. To add a single player to a game session, use `CreatePlayerSession`. To create player sessions, specify a game session ID, a list of player IDs, and optionally a set of player data strings. If successful, the players are added to the game session and a set of new `PlayerSession` objects is returned. Player sessions cannot be updated. """ def create_player_sessions(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreatePlayerSessions", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a fleet alias. This action removes all record of the alias. Game clients attempting to access a server process using the deleted alias receive an error. To delete an alias, specify the alias ID to be deleted. """ def delete_alias(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteAlias", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a build. This action permanently deletes the build record and any uploaded build files. To delete a build, specify its ID. Deleting a build does not affect the status of any active fleets using the build, but you can no longer create new fleets with the deleted build. """ def delete_build(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteBuild", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes everything related to a fleet. Before deleting a fleet, you must set the fleet's desired capacity to zero. See `UpdateFleetCapacity`. This action removes the fleet's resources and the fleet record. Once a fleet is deleted, you can no longer use that fleet. """ def delete_fleet(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteFleet", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a game session queue. This action means that any `StartGameSessionPlacement` requests that reference this queue will fail. To delete a queue, specify the queue name. """ def delete_game_session_queue(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteGameSessionQueue", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a fleet scaling policy. This action means that the policy is no longer in force and removes all record of it. To delete a scaling policy, specify both the scaling policy name and the fleet ID it is associated with. """ def delete_scaling_policy(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteScalingPolicy", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves properties for a fleet alias. This operation returns all alias metadata and settings. To get just the fleet ID an alias is currently pointing to, use `ResolveAlias`. To get alias properties, specify the alias ID. If successful, an `Alias` object is returned. """ def describe_alias(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeAlias", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves properties for a build. To get a build record, specify a build ID. If successful, an object containing the build properties is returned. """ def describe_build(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeBuild", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves the following information for the specified EC2 instance type: <ul> <li> maximum number of instances allowed per AWS account (service limit) </li> <li> current usage level for the AWS account </li> </ul> Service limits vary depending on region. Available regions for Amazon GameLift can be found in the AWS Management Console for Amazon GameLift (see the drop-down list in the upper right corner). """ def describe_e_c2_instance_limits(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeEC2InstanceLimits", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves fleet properties, including metadata, status, and configuration, for one or more fleets. You can request attributes for all fleets, or specify a list of one or more fleet IDs. When requesting multiple fleets, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a `FleetAttributes` object is returned for each requested fleet ID. When specifying a list of fleet IDs, attribute objects are returned only for fleets that currently exist. <note> Some API actions may limit the number of fleet IDs allowed in one request. If a request exceeds this limit, the request fails and the error message includes the maximum allowed. </note> """ def describe_fleet_attributes(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeFleetAttributes", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves the current status of fleet capacity for one or more fleets. This information includes the number of instances that have been requested for the fleet and the number currently active. You can request capacity for all fleets, or specify a list of one or more fleet IDs. When requesting multiple fleets, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a `FleetCapacity` object is returned for each requested fleet ID. When specifying a list of fleet IDs, attribute objects are returned only for fleets that currently exist. <note> Some API actions may limit the number of fleet IDs allowed in one request. If a request exceeds this limit, the request fails and the error message includes the maximum allowed. </note> """ def describe_fleet_capacity(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeFleetCapacity", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves entries from the specified fleet's event log. You can specify a time range to limit the result set. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a collection of event log entries matching the request are returned. """ def describe_fleet_events(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeFleetEvents", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves the inbound connection permissions for a fleet. Connection permissions include a range of IP addresses and port settings that incoming traffic can use to access server processes in the fleet. To get a fleet's inbound connection permissions, specify a fleet ID. If successful, a collection of `IpPermission` objects is returned for the requested fleet ID. If the requested fleet has been deleted, the result set is empty. """ def describe_fleet_port_settings(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeFleetPortSettings", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves utilization statistics for one or more fleets. You can request utilization data for all fleets, or specify a list of one or more fleet IDs. When requesting multiple fleets, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a `FleetUtilization` object is returned for each requested fleet ID. When specifying a list of fleet IDs, utilization objects are returned only for fleets that currently exist. <note> Some API actions may limit the number of fleet IDs allowed in one request. If a request exceeds this limit, the request fails and the error message includes the maximum allowed. </note> """ def describe_fleet_utilization(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeFleetUtilization", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves properties, including the protection policy in force, for one or more game sessions. This action can be used in several ways: (1) provide a `GameSessionId` to request details for a specific game session; (2) provide either a `FleetId` or an `AliasId` to request properties for all game sessions running on a fleet. To get game session record(s), specify just one of the following: game session ID, fleet ID, or alias ID. You can filter this request by game session status. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a `GameSessionDetail` object is returned for each session matching the request. """ def describe_game_session_details(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeGameSessionDetails", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves properties and current status of a game session placement request. To get game session placement details, specify the placement ID. If successful, a `GameSessionPlacement` object is returned. """ def describe_game_session_placement(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeGameSessionPlacement", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves the properties for one or more game session queues. When requesting multiple queues, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a `GameSessionQueue` object is returned for each requested queue. When specifying a list of queues, objects are returned only for queues that currently exist in the region. """ def describe_game_session_queues(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeGameSessionQueues", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves a set of one or more game sessions. Request a specific game session or request all game sessions on a fleet. Alternatively, use `SearchGameSessions` to request a set of active game sessions that are filtered by certain criteria. To retrieve protection policy settings for game sessions, use `DescribeGameSessionDetails`. To get game sessions, specify one of the following: game session ID, fleet ID, or alias ID. You can filter this request by game session status. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a `GameSession` object is returned for each game session matching the request. """ def describe_game_sessions(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeGameSessions", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves information about a fleet's instances, including instance IDs. Use this action to get details on all instances in the fleet or get details on one specific instance. To get a specific instance, specify fleet ID and instance ID. To get all instances in a fleet, specify a fleet ID only. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, an `Instance` object is returned for each result. """ def describe_instances(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeInstances", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves properties for one or more player sessions. This action can be used in several ways: (1) provide a `PlayerSessionId` parameter to request properties for a specific player session; (2) provide a `GameSessionId` parameter to request properties for all player sessions in the specified game session; (3) provide a `PlayerId` parameter to request properties for all player sessions of a specified player. To get game session record(s), specify only one of the following: a player session ID, a game session ID, or a player ID. You can filter this request by player session status. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a `PlayerSession` object is returned for each session matching the request. """ def describe_player_sessions(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribePlayerSessions", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves the current runtime configuration for the specified fleet. The runtime configuration tells Amazon GameLift how to launch server processes on instances in the fleet. """ def describe_runtime_configuration(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeRuntimeConfiguration", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves all scaling policies applied to a fleet. To get a fleet's scaling policies, specify the fleet ID. You can filter this request by policy status, such as to retrieve only active scaling policies. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, set of `ScalingPolicy` objects is returned for the fleet. """ def describe_scaling_policies(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeScalingPolicies", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves the location of stored game session logs for a specified game session. When a game session is terminated, Amazon GameLift automatically stores the logs in Amazon S3. Use this URL to download the logs. <note> See the [AWS Service Limits]( page for maximum log file sizes. Log files that exceed this limit are not saved. </note> """ def get_game_session_log_url(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "GetGameSessionLogUrl", input, options) end @doc """ Requests remote access to a fleet instance. Remote access is useful for debugging, gathering benchmarking data, or watching activity in real time. Access requires credentials that match the operating system of the instance. For a Windows instance, Amazon GameLift returns a user name and password as strings for use with a Windows Remote Desktop client. For a Linux instance, Amazon GameLift returns a user name and RSA private key, also as strings, for use with an SSH client. The private key must be saved in the proper format to a `.pem` file before using. If you're making this request using the AWS CLI, saving the secret can be handled as part of the GetInstanceAccess request. (See the example later in this topic). For more information on remote access, see [Remotely Accessing an Instance]( To request access to a specific instance, specify the IDs of the instance and the fleet it belongs to. If successful, an `InstanceAccess` object is returned containing the instance's IP address and a set of credentials. """ def get_instance_access(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "GetInstanceAccess", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves a collection of alias records for this AWS account. You can filter the result set by alias name and/or routing strategy type. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results in sequential pages. <note> Aliases are not listed in any particular order. </note> """ def list_aliases(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ListAliases", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves build records for all builds associated with the AWS account in use. You can limit results to builds that are in a specific status by using the `Status` parameter. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results in a set of sequential pages. <note> Build records are not listed in any particular order. </note> """ def list_builds(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ListBuilds", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves a collection of fleet records for this AWS account. You can filter the result set by build ID. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results in sequential pages. <note> Fleet records are not listed in any particular order. </note> """ def list_fleets(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ListFleets", input, options) end @doc """ Creates or updates a scaling policy for a fleet. An active scaling policy prompts Amazon GameLift to track a certain metric for a fleet and automatically change the fleet's capacity in specific circumstances. Each scaling policy contains one rule statement. Fleets can have multiple scaling policies in force simultaneously. A scaling policy rule statement has the following structure: If `[MetricName]` is `[ComparisonOperator]` `[Threshold]` for `[EvaluationPeriods]` minutes, then `[ScalingAdjustmentType]` to/by `[ScalingAdjustment]`. For example, this policy: "If the number of idle instances exceeds 20 for more than 15 minutes, then reduce the fleet capacity by 10 instances" could be implemented as the following rule statement: If [IdleInstances] is [GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold] [20] for [15] minutes, then [ChangeInCapacity] by [-10]. To create or update a scaling policy, specify a unique combination of name and fleet ID, and set the rule values. All parameters for this action are required. If successful, the policy name is returned. Scaling policies cannot be suspended or made inactive. To stop enforcing a scaling policy, call `DeleteScalingPolicy`. """ def put_scaling_policy(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "PutScalingPolicy", input, options) end @doc """ *This API call is not currently in use. * Retrieves a fresh set of upload credentials and the assigned Amazon S3 storage location for a specific build. Valid credentials are required to upload your game build files to Amazon S3. """ def request_upload_credentials(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RequestUploadCredentials", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves the fleet ID that a specified alias is currently pointing to. """ def resolve_alias(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ResolveAlias", input, options) end @doc """ Retrieves a set of game sessions that match a set of search criteria and sorts them in a specified order. Currently a game session search is limited to a single fleet. Search results include only game sessions that are in `ACTIVE` status. If you need to retrieve game sessions with a status other than active, use `DescribeGameSessions`. If you need to retrieve the protection policy for each game session, use `DescribeGameSessionDetails`. You can search or sort by the following game session attributes: <ul> <li> **gameSessionId** -- ID value assigned to a game session. This unique value is returned in a `GameSession` object when a new game session is created. </li> <li> **gameSessionName** -- Name assigned to a game session. This value is set when requesting a new game session with `CreateGameSession` or updating with `UpdateGameSession`. Game session names do not need to be unique to a game session. </li> <li> **creationTimeMillis** -- Value indicating when a game session was created. It is expressed in Unix time as milliseconds. </li> <li> **playerSessionCount** -- Number of players currently connected to a game session. This value changes rapidly as players join the session or drop out. </li> <li> **maximumSessions** -- Maximum number of player sessions allowed for a game session. This value is set when requesting a new game session with `CreateGameSession` or updating with `UpdateGameSession`. </li> <li> **hasAvailablePlayerSessions** -- Boolean value indicating whether or not a game session has reached its maximum number of players. When searching with this attribute, the search value must be `true` or `false`. It is highly recommended that all search requests include this filter attribute to optimize search performance and return only sessions that players can join. </li> </ul> To search or sort, specify either a fleet ID or an alias ID, and provide a search filter expression, a sort expression, or both. Use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as a set of sequential pages. If successful, a collection of `GameSession` objects matching the request is returned. <note> Returned values for `playerSessionCount` and `hasAvailablePlayerSessions` change quickly as players join sessions and others drop out. Results should be considered a snapshot in time. Be sure to refresh search results often, and handle sessions that fill up before a player can join. </note> """ def search_game_sessions(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "SearchGameSessions", input, options) end @doc """ Places a request for a new game session in a queue (see `CreateGameSessionQueue`). When processing a placement request, Amazon GameLift attempts to create a new game session on one of the fleets associated with the queue. If no resources are available, Amazon GameLift tries again with another and so on until resources are found or the placement request times out. A game session placement request can also request player sessions. When a new game session is successfully created, Amazon GameLift creates a player session for each player included in the request. When placing a game session, by default Amazon GameLift tries each fleet in the order they are listed in the queue configuration. Ideally, a queue's destinations are listed in preference order. Alternatively, when requesting a game session with players, you can also provide latency data for each player in relevant regions. Latency data indicates the performance lag a player experiences when connected to a fleet in the region. Amazon GameLift uses latency data to reorder the list of destinations to place the game session in a region with minimal lag. If latency data is provided for multiple players, Amazon GameLift calculates each region's average lag for all players and reorders to get the best game play across all players. To place a new game session request, specify the queue name and a set of game session properties and settings. Also provide a unique ID (such as a UUID) for the placement. You'll use this ID to track the status of the placement request. Optionally, provide a set of IDs and player data for each player you want to join to the new game session. To optimize game play for the players, also provide latency data for all players. If successful, a new game session placement is created. To track the status of a placement request, call `DescribeGameSessionPlacement` and check the request's status. If the status is Fulfilled, a new game session has been created and a game session ARN and region are referenced. If the placement request times out, you have the option of resubmitting the request or retrying it with a different queue. """ def start_game_session_placement(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "StartGameSessionPlacement", input, options) end @doc """ Cancels a game session placement that is in Pending status. To stop a placement, provide the placement ID values. If successful, the placement is moved to Cancelled status. """ def stop_game_session_placement(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "StopGameSessionPlacement", input, options) end @doc """ Updates properties for a fleet alias. To update properties, specify the alias ID to be updated and provide the information to be changed. To reassign an alias to another fleet, provide an updated routing strategy. If successful, the updated alias record is returned. """ def update_alias(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "UpdateAlias", input, options) end @doc """ Updates metadata in a build record, including the build name and version. To update the metadata, specify the build ID to update and provide the new values. If successful, a build object containing the updated metadata is returned. """ def update_build(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "UpdateBuild", input, options) end @doc """ Updates fleet properties, including name and description, for a fleet. To update metadata, specify the fleet ID and the property values you want to change. If successful, the fleet ID for the updated fleet is returned. """ def update_fleet_attributes(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "UpdateFleetAttributes", input, options) end @doc """ Updates capacity settings for a fleet. Use this action to specify the number of EC2 instances (hosts) that you want this fleet to contain. Before calling this action, you may want to call `DescribeEC2InstanceLimits` to get the maximum capacity based on the fleet's EC2 instance type. If you're using autoscaling (see `PutScalingPolicy`), you may want to specify a minimum and/or maximum capacity. If you don't provide these, autoscaling can set capacity anywhere between zero and the [service limits]( To update fleet capacity, specify the fleet ID and the number of instances you want the fleet to host. If successful, Amazon GameLift starts or terminates instances so that the fleet's active instance count matches the desired instance count. You can view a fleet's current capacity information by calling `DescribeFleetCapacity`. If the desired instance count is higher than the instance type's limit, the "Limit Exceeded" exception occurs. """ def update_fleet_capacity(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "UpdateFleetCapacity", input, options) end @doc """ Updates port settings for a fleet. To update settings, specify the fleet ID to be updated and list the permissions you want to update. List the permissions you want to add in `InboundPermissionAuthorizations`, and permissions you want to remove in `InboundPermissionRevocations`. Permissions to be removed must match existing fleet permissions. If successful, the fleet ID for the updated fleet is returned. """ def update_fleet_port_settings(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "UpdateFleetPortSettings", input, options) end @doc """ Updates game session properties. This includes the session name, maximum player count, protection policy, which controls whether or not an active game session can be terminated during a scale-down event, and the player session creation policy, which controls whether or not new players can join the session. To update a game session, specify the game session ID and the values you want to change. If successful, an updated `GameSession` object is returned. """ def update_game_session(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "UpdateGameSession", input, options) end @doc """ Updates settings for a game session queue, which determines how new game session requests in the queue are processed. To update settings, specify the queue name to be updated and provide the new settings. When updating destinations, provide a complete list of destinations. """ def update_game_session_queue(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "UpdateGameSessionQueue", input, options) end @doc """ Updates the current runtime configuration for the specified fleet, which tells Amazon GameLift how to launch server processes on instances in the fleet. You can update a fleet's runtime configuration at any time after the fleet is created; it does not need to be in an `ACTIVE` status. To update runtime configuration, specify the fleet ID and provide a `RuntimeConfiguration` object with the updated collection of server process configurations. Each instance in a Amazon GameLift fleet checks regularly for an updated runtime configuration and changes how it launches server processes to comply with the latest version. Existing server processes are not affected by the update; they continue to run until they end, while Amazon GameLift simply adds new server processes to fit the current runtime configuration. As a result, the runtime configuration changes are applied gradually as existing processes shut down and new processes are launched in Amazon GameLift's normal process recycling activity. """ def update_runtime_configuration(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "UpdateRuntimeConfiguration", input, options) end @spec request(map(), binary(), map(), list()) :: {:ok, Poison.Parser.t | nil, Poison.Response.t} | {:error, Poison.Parser.t} | {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t} defp request(client, action, input, options) do client = %{client | service: "gamelift"} host = get_host("gamelift", client) url = get_url(host, client) headers = [{"Host", host}, {"Content-Type", "application/x-amz-json-1.1"}, {"X-Amz-Target", "GameLift.#{action}"}] payload = Poison.Encoder.encode(input, []) headers = AWS.Request.sign_v4(client, "POST", url, headers, payload) case, payload, headers, options) do {:ok, response=%HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: ""}} -> {:ok, nil, response} {:ok, response=%HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: body}} -> {:ok, Poison.Parser.parse!(body), response} {:ok, _response=%HTTPoison.Response{body: body}} -> error = Poison.Parser.parse!(body) exception = error["__type"] message = error["message"] {:error, {exception, message}} {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: reason}} -> {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: reason}} end end defp get_host(endpoint_prefix, client) do if client.region == "local" do "localhost" else "#{endpoint_prefix}.#{client.region}.#{client.endpoint}" end end defp get_url(host, %{:proto => proto, :port => port}) do "#{proto}://#{host}:#{port}/" end end
defmodule RDF.Query.Builder do @moduledoc false alias RDF.Query.BGP alias RDF.{IRI, BlankNode, Literal, Namespace, PropertyMap} import RDF.Utils.Guards import RDF.Utils def bgp(query, opts \\ []) do property_map = if context = Keyword.get(opts, :context), do: with {:ok, triple_patterns} <- triple_patterns(query, property_map) do {:ok, %BGP{triple_patterns: triple_patterns}} end end def bgp!(query, opts \\ []) do case bgp(query, opts) do {:ok, bgp} -> bgp {:error, error} -> raise error end end defp triple_patterns(query, property_map) when is_list(query) or is_map(query) do flat_map_while_ok(query, fn triple -> with {:ok, triple_pattern} <- triple_patterns(triple, property_map) do {:ok, List.wrap(triple_pattern)} end end) end defp triple_patterns({subject, predicate, objects}, property_map) do with {:ok, subject_pattern} <- subject_pattern(subject) do do_triple_patterns(subject_pattern, {predicate, objects}, property_map) end end defp triple_patterns({subject, predications}, property_map) when is_map(predications) do triple_patterns({subject, Map.to_list(predications)}, property_map) end defp triple_patterns({subject, predications}, property_map) do with {:ok, subject_pattern} <- subject_pattern(subject) do predications |> List.wrap() |> flat_map_while_ok(&do_triple_patterns(subject_pattern, &1, property_map)) end end defp do_triple_patterns(subject_pattern, {predicate, objects}, property_map) do with {:ok, predicate_pattern} <- predicate_pattern(predicate, property_map) do objects |> List.wrap() |> map_while_ok(fn object -> with {:ok, object_pattern} <- object_pattern(object) do {:ok, {subject_pattern, predicate_pattern, object_pattern}} end end) end end defp subject_pattern(subject) do value = variable(subject) || resource(subject) if value do {:ok, value} else {:error, %RDF.Query.InvalidError{ message: "Invalid subject term in BGP triple pattern: #{inspect(subject)}" }} end end defp predicate_pattern(predicate, property_map) do value = variable(predicate) || resource(predicate) || property(predicate, property_map) if value do {:ok, value} else {:error, %RDF.Query.InvalidError{ message: "Invalid predicate term in BGP triple pattern: #{inspect(predicate)}" }} end end defp object_pattern(object) do value = variable(object) || resource(object) || literal(object) if value do {:ok, value} else {:error, %RDF.Query.InvalidError{ message: "Invalid object term in BGP triple pattern: #{inspect(object)}" }} end end defp variable(var) when is_atom(var) do var_string = to_string(var) if String.ends_with?(var_string, "?") do var_string |> String.slice(0..-2) |> String.to_atom() end end defp variable(_), do: nil defp resource(%IRI{} = iri), do: iri defp resource(%URI{} = uri), do: defp resource(%BlankNode{} = bnode), do: bnode defp resource(var) when is_ordinary_atom(var) do case to_string(var) do "_" <> bnode -> _ -> case Namespace.resolve_term(var) do {:ok, iri} -> iri _ -> nil end end end defp resource(_), do: nil defp property(:a, _), do: RDF.type() defp property(term, property_map) when is_atom(term) and not is_nil(property_map) do PropertyMap.iri(property_map, term) end defp property(_, _), do: nil defp literal(%Literal{} = literal), do: literal defp literal(value), do: Literal.coerce(value) def path(query, opts \\ []) def path(query, _) when is_list(query) and length(query) < 3 do {:error, %RDF.Query.InvalidError{ message: "Invalid path expression: must have at least three elements" }} end def path([subject | rest], opts) do path_pattern(subject, rest, [], 0, Keyword.get(opts, :with_elements, false)) |> bgp(opts) end def path!(query, opts \\ []) do case path(query, opts) do {:ok, bgp} -> bgp {:error, error} -> raise error end end defp path_pattern(subject, [predicate, object], triple_patterns, _, _) do [{subject, predicate, object} | triple_patterns] |> Enum.reverse() end defp path_pattern(subject, [predicate | rest], triple_patterns, count, with_elements) do object = if with_elements, do: :"el#{count}?", else: RDF.bnode(count) path_pattern( object, rest, [{subject, predicate, object} | triple_patterns], count + 1, with_elements ) end end
defmodule RobotSimulator do @doc """ Create a Robot Simulator given an initial direction and position. Valid directions are: `:north`, `:east`, `:south`, `:west` """ defmodule Robot do defstruct direction: :north, position: {0, 0} @type t :: %Robot{direction: atom, position: {integer, integer}} end defguard is_position(x, y) when is_integer(x) and is_integer(y) @spec create(direction :: atom, position :: {integer, integer}) :: Robot.t() | {atom, String.t()} def create(), do: %Robot{} def create(direction, {x, y} = position) when is_position(x, y) do if direction in [:north, :south, :east, :west] do %Robot{direction: direction, position: position} else {:error, "invalid direction"} end end def create(_direction, _position), do: {:error, "invalid position"} @doc """ Simulate the robot's movement given a string of instructions. Valid instructions are: "R" (turn right), "L", (turn left), and "A" (advance) """ @spec simulate(Robot.t(), instructions :: String.t()) :: Robot.t() | {atom, String.t()} def simulate(%Robot{} = robot, instructions) do instructions |> to_charlist |> Enum.reduce(robot, &move/2) end defp move(?A, %Robot{direction: :north, position: {x, y}} = robot), do: %{robot | position: {x, y + 1}} defp move(?A, %Robot{direction: :south, position: {x, y}} = robot), do: %{robot | position: {x, y - 1}} defp move(?A, %Robot{direction: :east, position: {x, y}} = robot), do: %{robot | position: {x + 1, y}} defp move(?A, %Robot{direction: :west, position: {x, y}} = robot), do: %{robot | position: {x - 1, y}} defp move(?R, %Robot{direction: :north} = robot), do: %{robot | direction: :east} defp move(?R, %Robot{direction: :south} = robot), do: %{robot | direction: :west} defp move(?R, %Robot{direction: :east} = robot), do: %{robot | direction: :south} defp move(?R, %Robot{direction: :west} = robot), do: %{robot | direction: :north} defp move(?L, %Robot{direction: :north} = robot), do: %{robot | direction: :west} defp move(?L, %Robot{direction: :south} = robot), do: %{robot | direction: :east} defp move(?L, %Robot{direction: :east} = robot), do: %{robot | direction: :north} defp move(?L, %Robot{direction: :west} = robot), do: %{robot | direction: :south} defp move(_instruction, _maybe_robot), do: {:error, "invalid instruction"} @doc """ Return the robot's direction. Valid directions are: `:north`, `:east`, `:south`, `:west` """ @spec direction(robot :: Robot.t()) :: atom def direction(%Robot{direction: direction}), do: direction @doc """ Return the robot's position. """ @spec position(robot :: Robot.t()) :: {integer, integer} def position(%Robot{position: position}), do: position end
defmodule Rational do @moduledoc """ Implements exact rational numbers. In its simplest form,,4) will produce an exact rational number representation for 3/4. The fraction will be stored in the lowest terms (i.e., a reduced fraction) by dividing numerator and denominator through by their greatest common divisor. For example the fraction 8/12 will be reduced to 2/3. Both parameters must be integers. The numerator defaults to 0 and the denominator defaults to 1 so that = 3/1 = 3 and = 0/1 = 0 ## Examples iex>, 4) #Rational<3/4> iex>,12) #Rational<2/3> """ # Un-import Kernel functions to prevent name clashes. We're redefining these # functions to work on rationals. import Kernel, except: [abs: 1, div: 2] @compile {:inline, maybe_unwrap: 1} if Code.ensure_loaded?(:hipe) do @compile [:native, {:hipe, [:o3]}] end defstruct num: 0, den: 1 @typedoc """ Rational numbers (num/den) """ @type rational :: %Rational{ num: integer, den: non_neg_integer} @doc """ Finds the greatest common divisor of a pair of numbers. The greatest common divisor (also known as greatest common factor, highest common divisor or highest common factor) of two numbers is the largest positive integer that divides the numbers without remainder. This function uses the recursive Euclid's algorithm. #### See also [new/2](#new/2) #### Examples iex> Rational.gcd(42, 56) 14 iex> Rational.gcd(13, 13) 13 iex> Rational.gcd(37, 600) 1 iex> Rational.gcd(20, 100) 20 iex> Rational.gcd(624129, 2061517) 18913 """ @spec gcd(integer, integer) :: integer def gcd(m, 0), do: m def gcd(m, n) do gcd(n, rem(m, n)) end @doc """ This function extracts the sign from the provided number. It returns 0 if the supplied number is 0, -1 if it's less than zero, and +1 if it's greater than 0. #### See also [gcd/2](#gcd/2) #### Examples iex> Rational.sign(3) 1 iex> Rational.sign(0) 0 iex> Rational.sign(-3) -1 """ @spec sign(rational | number) :: -1 | 0 | 1 def sign(%{num: num}), do: sign(num) def sign(x) when x < 0, do: -1 def sign(x) when x > 0, do: +1 def sign(_), do: 0 @doc """ Returns a new rational with the specified numerator and denominator. #### See also [gcd/2](#gcd/2) #### Examples iex>, 4) #Rational<3/4> iex>,12) #Rational<2/3> iex> 0 iex> 3 iex>, 4) #Rational<-3/4> iex>, -4) #Rational<-3/4> iex>, -4) #Rational<3/4> iex>,0) ** (ArgumentError) cannot create nan (den=0) """ @spec new(rational | number, integer | number) :: rational | number def new(numerator \\ 0, denominator \\ 1) # Bodyless clause to set defaults # Handle NaN cases def new(_, denominator) when denominator == 0 do raise ArgumentError, message: "cannot create nan (den=0)" end def new(numerator, _) when numerator == 0, do: 0 def new(numerator, denominator) when is_integer(numerator) and is_integer(denominator) do g = gcd(numerator, denominator) # Want to form rational as (numerator/g, denominator/g). Force the # sign to reside on the numerator. n = Kernel.div(numerator, g) d = Kernel.div(denominator, g) sgn = sign(n)*sign(d) %Rational{num: sgn*Kernel.abs(n), den: Kernel.abs(d)} |> maybe_unwrap() end def new(numerator, denominator) do div(numerator, denominator) end @doc """ Returns the floating point value of the rational #### Examples iex> Rational.value(,4) ) 0.75 iex> Rational.value( Rational.add(0.2, 0.3) ) 0.5 iex> Rational.value(,4) ) -0.75 """ @spec value(rational | number) :: number def value(number) do case maybe_wrap(number) do %{den: 1, num: num} -> num %{den: den, num: num} -> num / den end end @doc """ Returns a new rational which is the sum of the specified rationals (a+b). #### See also [gcd/2](#gcd/2), [sub/2](#sub/2), [mult/2](#mult/2), [div/2](#div/2) #### Examples iex> Rational.add(,4),,8) ) #Rational<11/8> iex> Rational.add(,32),,64) ) #Rational<31/64> iex> Rational.add(,4),,8) ) #Rational<-1/8> """ @spec add(rational | number, rational | number) :: rational | integer def add(a, b) when a == 0, do: b def add(a, b) when b == 0, do: a def add(a, b) do a = maybe_wrap(a) b = maybe_wrap(b) new(a.num * b.den + b.num * a.den, a.den * b.den) end @doc """ Returns a new rational which is the difference of the specified rationals (a-b). #### See also [gcd/2](#gcd/2), [add/2](#add/2), [mult/2](#mult/2), [div/2](#div/2) #### Examples iex> Rational.sub(,4),,8) ) #Rational<1/8> iex> Rational.sub(,32),,64) ) #Rational<21/64> iex> Rational.sub(,4),,8) ) #Rational<-11/8> """ @spec sub(rational | number, rational | number) :: rational | integer def sub(a, b) when a == 0, do: neg(b) def sub(a, b) when b == 0, do: a def sub(a, b) do a = maybe_wrap(a) b = maybe_wrap(b) new(a.num * b.den - b.num * a.den, a.den * b.den) end @doc """ Returns a new rational which is the product of the specified rationals (a*b). #### See also [gcd/2](#gcd/2), [add/2](#add/2), [sub/2](#sub/2), [div/2](#div/2) #### Examples iex> Rational.mult(,4),,8) ) #Rational<15/32> iex> Rational.mult(,32),,64) ) #Rational<65/2048> iex> Rational.mult(,4),,8) ) #Rational<-15/32> """ @spec mult(rational | number, rational | number) :: rational | integer def mult(a, b) when a == 0 or b == 0 do 0 end def mult(a, b) do a = maybe_wrap(a) b = maybe_wrap(b) new(a.num * b.num, a.den * b.den) end @doc """ Returns a new rational which is the ratio of the specified rationals (a/b). #### See also [gcd/2](#gcd/2), [add/2](#add/2), [sub/2](#sub/2), [mult/2](#mult/2) #### Examples iex> Rational.div(,4),,8) ) #Rational<6/5> iex> Rational.div(,32),,64) ) #Rational<26/5> iex> Rational.div(,4),,8) ) #Rational<-6/5> """ @spec div(rational | number, rational | number) :: rational | integer def div(a, _) when a == 0, do: 0 def div(_, b) when b == 0 do raise ArgumentError, message: "cannot create nan (den=0)" end def div(a, b) do a = maybe_wrap(a) b = maybe_wrap(b) new(a.num * b.den, a.den * b.num) end @doc """ Compares two Rationals. If the first number (a) is greater than the second number (b), 1 is returned, if a is less than b, -1 is returned. Otherwise, if both numbers are equal and 0 is returned. #### See also [gt/2](#gt/2), [le/2](#le/2) #### Examples iex>,4),,8) ) 1 iex>,4),,8) ) -1 iex>,64),,64) ) 0 """ @spec compare(rational | number, rational | number) :: (-1 | 0 | 1) def compare(a, b) do x = maybe_wrap(sub(a, b)) cond do x.num == 0 -> 0 sign(x.num) < 0 -> -1 sign(x.num) > 0 -> 1 end end @doc """ Returns a boolean indicating whether parameter a is equal to parameter b. #### See also [gt/2](#gt/2), [le/2](#le/2) #### Examples iex> Rational.equal?(,,1) ) true iex> Rational.equal?(,4),,8) ) false iex> Rational.equal?(,4),,4) ) true """ @spec equal?(rational | number, rational | number) :: boolean def equal?(a, b) do compare(a, b) == 0 end @doc """ Returns a boolean indicating whether the parameter a is less than parameter b. #### See also [gt/2](#gt/2), [le/2](#le/2) #### Examples iex>,32),,64) ) false iex>,4),,8) ) true iex>,4),,8) ) true """ @spec lt?(rational | number, rational | number) :: boolean def lt?(a, b) do compare(a, b) == -1 end @doc """ Returns a boolean indicating whether the parameter a is less than or equal to parameter b. #### See also [ge/2](#ge/2), [lt/2](#lt/2) #### Examples iex> Rational.le?(,32),,64) ) false iex> Rational.le?(,4),,8) ) true iex> Rational.le?(,4),,8) ) true iex> Rational.le?(,4),,4) ) true iex> Rational.le?(,4),,4) ) true iex> Rational.le?(, ) true """ @spec le?(rational | number, rational | number) :: boolean def le?(a, b) do compare(a, b) != 1 end @doc """ Returns a boolean indicating whether the parameter a is greater than parameter b. #### See also [lt/2](#lt/2), [le/2](#le/2) #### Examples iex>,32),,64) ) true iex>,4),,8) ) false iex>,4),,8) ) false """ @spec gt?(rational | number, rational | number) :: boolean def gt?(a, b), do: not le?(a,b) @doc """ Returns a boolean indicating whether the parameter a is greater than or equal to parameter b. #### See also [le/2](#le/2), [gt/2](#gt/2) #### Examples iex>,32),,64) ) true iex>,4),,8) ) false iex>,4),,8) ) false iex>,4),,4) ) true iex>,4),,4) ) true iex>, ) true """ @spec ge?(rational | number, rational | number) :: boolean def ge?(a, b), do: not lt?(a,b) @doc """ Returns a new rational which is the negative of the specified rational (a). #### See also [new/2](#new/2), [abs/2](#abs/2) #### Examples iex> Rational.neg(,4) ) #Rational<-3/4> iex> Rational.neg(,32) ) #Rational<13/32> iex> Rational.neg( ) 0 """ @spec neg(rational | number) :: rational | integer def neg(a) do a = maybe_wrap(a) new(-a.num, a.den) end @doc """ Returns a new rational which is the absolute value of the specified rational (a). #### See also [new/2](#new/2), [add/2](#add/2), [neg/2](#neg/2) #### Examples iex> Rational.abs(,4) ) #Rational<3/4> iex> Rational.abs(,32) ) #Rational<13/32> iex> Rational.abs( ) 0 """ @spec abs(rational | number) :: rational | integer def abs(a) do a = maybe_wrap(a) new(Kernel.abs(a.num), a.den) end @spec maybe_wrap(rational | number) :: rational defp maybe_wrap(a) when is_integer(a) do %__MODULE__{num: a, den: 1} end defp maybe_wrap(a) when is_float(a) do from_float(a) end defp maybe_wrap(rational = %__MODULE__{}) do rational end defp maybe_wrap(other) do raise ArgumentError, message: "unsupported datatype #{inspect(other)}" end @spec maybe_unwrap(rational) :: rational | integer defp maybe_unwrap(%{den: 1, num: num}) do num end defp maybe_unwrap(rational) do rational end defp from_float(num, den \\ 1) do truncated = trunc(num) cond do truncated == num -> new(truncated, den) true -> from_float(num * 10, den * 10) end end end defimpl Inspect, for: Rational do def inspect(%{num: num, den: den}, opts) do "#Rational<#{Inspect.inspect(num, opts)}/#{Inspect.inspect(den, opts)}>" end end
defmodule GenGossip.Server do @moduledoc false use GenServer alias GenGossip.ClusterState @default_limit {45, 10_000} # at most 45 gossip messages every 10 seconds defstruct [:mod, :mod_state, :tokens, :max_tokens, :interval, :cluster_state] def rejoin(node, mod, state) do GenServer.cast({mod, node}, {:rejoin, state}) end def distribute_gossip(mod) do GenServer.cast({mod, node()}, {:distribute}) end def send_gossip(to_node, mod), do: send_gossip(node(), to_node, mod) def send_gossip(node, node, _, _), do: :ok def send_gossip(from_node, to_node, mod) do GenServer.cast({mod, from_node}, {:send, to_node}) end @doc false def init([mod, args, opts]) do {tokens, interval} = Keyword.get(opts, :gossip_limit, @default_limit) cluster_state = state = struct(__MODULE__, [ mod: mod, max_tokens: tokens, tokens: tokens, interval: interval, cluster_state: cluster_state ]) schedule_next_reset(state) case mod.init(args) do {:ok, mod_state} -> updated_state = %{state| mod_state: mod_state} {:ok, updated_state} {:stop, reason} -> {:stop, reason} end end @doc false def handle_call({:set_my_cluster_state, cluster_state}, _from, state) do case ClusterState.Manager.set(state.mod, cluster_state) do :ok -> {:reply, :ok, %{state| cluster_state: cluster_state}} {:error, reason} -> {:reply, {:error, reason}, state} end end def handle_cast({:send, _to_node}, %{tokens: 0} = state) do {:noreply, state} end def handle_cast({:send, to_node}, state) do case state.mod.reconcile(to_node, state.mod_state) do {:ok, dump, mod_state} -> GenServer.cast({state.mod, to_node}, {:reconcile, state.cluster_state, dump}) {:stop, reason} -> {:stop, reason} end {:noreply, %{state| tokens: state.tokens - 1}} end def handle_cast({:reconcile, cluster_state, dump}, state) do case state.mod.handle_gossip({:reconcile, dump}, state.mod_state) do {:ok, mod_state} -> # compare cluster_states {:noreply, state} {:stop, reason} -> {:stop, reason} end end @doc false def handle_info(:reset_tokens, %{max_tokens: tokens} = state) do schedule_next_reset(state) {:noreply, %{state| tokens: tokens}} end defp schedule_next_reset(%{interval: interval}) do Process.send_after(self(), :reset_tokens, interval) end end
defmodule EctoMnesia.Adapter do @moduledoc """ Ecto 2.X adapter for Mnesia Erlang term database. ## Run-Time Storage Options * `:host` - Node hostname. * `:dir` - Path where Mnesia should store DB data. * `:storage_type` - Type of Mnesia storage. ### Mnesia Storage Types * `:disc_copies` - store data in both RAM and on dics. Recommended value for most cases. * `:ram_copies` - store data only in RAM. Data will be lost on node restart. Useful when working with large datasets that don't need to be persisted. * `:disc_only_copies` - store data only on dics. This will limit database size to 2GB and affect adapter performance. ## Limitations There are some limitations when using Ecto with MySQL that one needs to be aware of. ### Transactions Right now all transactions will be run in dirty context. ### UUIDs Mnesia does not support UUID types. Ecto emulates them by using `binary(16)`. ### DDL Transaction Mnesia migrations are DDL's by their nature, so Ecto does not have control over it and behavior may be different from other adapters. ### Types Mnesia doesn't care about types, so all data will be stored as-is. """ # Adapter behavior @behaviour Ecto.Adapter @adapter_implementation EctoMnesia.Planner @doc false defmacro __before_compile__(_env), do: :ok @doc false defdelegate ensure_all_started(repo, type), to: @adapter_implementation @doc false defdelegate child_spec(repo, opts), to: @adapter_implementation @doc false defdelegate prepare(operation, query), to: @adapter_implementation @doc false defdelegate execute(repo, query_meta, query_cache, sources, preprocess, opts), to: @adapter_implementation @doc false defdelegate insert(repo, query_meta, sources, on_conflict, returning, opts), to: @adapter_implementation @doc false defdelegate insert_all(repo, query_meta, header, rows, on_conflict, returning, opts), to: @adapter_implementation @doc false defdelegate update(repo, query_meta, params, filter, autogen, opts), to: @adapter_implementation @doc false defdelegate delete(repo, query_meta, filter, opts), to: @adapter_implementation @doc false def stream(_, _, _, _, _, _), do: raise ArgumentError, "stream/6 is not supported by adapter, use instead" @doc false defdelegate transaction(repo, opts, fun), to: @adapter_implementation @doc false defdelegate in_transaction?(repo), to: @adapter_implementation @doc false defdelegate rollback(repo, tid), to: @adapter_implementation @doc false defdelegate autogenerate(type), to: @adapter_implementation @doc false defdelegate loaders(primitive, type), to: @adapter_implementation @doc false defdelegate dumpers(primitive, type), to: @adapter_implementation # Storage behaviour for migrations @behaviour Ecto.Adapter.Storage @storage_implementation EctoMnesia.Storage @migrator_implementation EctoMnesia.Storage.Migrator @doc false defdelegate storage_up(config), to: @storage_implementation @doc false defdelegate storage_down(config), to: @storage_implementation @doc false defdelegate execute_ddl(repo, ddl, opts), to: @migrator_implementation, as: :execute @doc false def supports_ddl_transaction?, do: false end
defmodule Abit.Bitmask do @moduledoc """ Functions for working with bits & integer bitmasks. """ import Bitwise @doc """ Returns the count of bits set to 1 in the given integer `int`. ## Examples iex> Abit.Bitmask.set_bits_count(3) 2 iex> Abit.Bitmask.set_bits_count(0) 0 iex> Abit.Bitmask.set_bits_count(1024) 1 iex> Abit.Bitmask.set_bits_count(1023) 10 """ @spec set_bits_count(integer) :: non_neg_integer def set_bits_count(int) when is_integer(int) do do_set_bits_count(int, 0) end defp do_set_bits_count(0, acc), do: acc defp do_set_bits_count(int, acc) do new_acc = acc + (int &&& 1) do_set_bits_count(int >>> 1, new_acc) end @doc """ Returns bit at `bit_index` in the given `integer`. ## Examples iex> Abit.Bitmask.bit_at(2, 0) 0 iex> Abit.Bitmask.bit_at(2, 1) 1 iex> Abit.Bitmask.bit_at(1, 0) 1 iex> Abit.Bitmask.bit_at(0, 0) 0 """ @spec bit_at(integer, non_neg_integer) :: 0 | 1 def bit_at(integer, bit_index) when is_integer(integer) and is_integer(bit_index) do case integer &&& (1 <<< bit_index) do 0 -> 0 _else -> 1 end end @doc """ Sets the bit at `bit_index` in `integer` and returns it. ## Examples iex> Abit.Bitmask.set_bit_at(1, 0, 0) 0 iex> Abit.Bitmask.set_bit_at(0, 0, 1) 1 iex> Abit.Bitmask.set_bit_at(0, 2, 1) 4 """ @spec set_bit_at(integer, non_neg_integer, 0 | 1) :: integer def set_bit_at(integer, bit_index, 0) do integer &&& bnot(1 <<< bit_index) end def set_bit_at(integer, bit_index, 1) do integer ||| 1 <<< bit_index end @doc """ Returns the bitwise hamming distance between the given integers `int_l` and `int_r`. ## Examples iex> Abit.Bitmask.hamming_distance(1, 1) 0 iex> Abit.Bitmask.hamming_distance(1, 0) 1 iex> Abit.Bitmask.hamming_distance(1, 1023) 9 iex> Abit.Bitmask.hamming_distance(1, 1024) 2 """ @spec hamming_distance(integer, integer) :: non_neg_integer def hamming_distance(int_l, int_r) when is_integer(int_l) and is_integer(int_r) do (int_l ^^^ int_r) |> set_bits_count end @doc """ Converts the given `integer` to a list of bits. `size` is the size of the bitstring you want the integer to be converted to before creating a list from it. ## Examples iex> Abit.Bitmask.to_list(1, 1) [1] iex> Abit.Bitmask.to_list(1, 2) [0, 1] iex> Abit.Bitmask.to_list(214311324231232211111, 64) [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1] """ @doc since: "0.2.3" @spec to_list(integer, pos_integer) :: list(0 | 1) def to_list(integer, size) when is_integer(integer) and is_integer(size) and size > 0 do do_to_list(<<integer::size(size)>>) end defp do_to_list(<<bit::1, rest::bitstring>>) do [bit | do_to_list(rest)] end defp do_to_list(<<>>), do: [] end
defmodule ExDataHoover.Nozzle do @moduledoc """ Nozzle exposes a public API around the concept of event sourcing. The `Nozzle` provides a basic server implementation that allows to absorb an event. You have the possibility to use your own `Bag` to implements what happened after the absortion. ## Example For example, the following nozzle will absorb an event to a simple bag: ExDataHoover.Nozzle.start_link(:simple_noozle, ExDataHoover.Bag.Simple) ExDataHoover.Nozzle.sync_absorb( :simple_noozle, trackee: %{"type" => "User", "id" => 1}, event: "authenticated", props: %{"at" => "2018-11-14 10:00:00"} ) #=> {:ok, %{ event: "authenticated", properties: %{"at" => "2018-11-14 10:00:00"}, trackee: %{"id" => 1, "type" => "User"}, trackee_id: "6b86b273ff34fce19d6b804eff5a3f5747ada4eaa22f1d49c01e52ddb7875b4b", traits: %{"id" => 1, "type" => "User"} } } """ use GenServer # Public interface @doc """ Starts a nozzle linked to the current process. Argument expected is bag. The bag has to include `ExDataHoover.Bag` as `@behaviour`. """ @spec start_link(module, name: atom, traits: (... -> any)) :: {:ok, pid} def start_link(name \\ __MODULE__, bag, traits \\ & &1) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, %{bag: bag, traits: traits}, name: name) end @doc """ Absorb an `event`, `trackee`, and `props`. The implementation will call the `bag.wrap` under the hood. """ @spec absorb(atom(), [{:event, any()} | {:props, any()} | {:trackee, any()}, ...]) :: :ok def absorb(name \\ __MODULE__, trackee: trackee, event: event, props: props) when is_atom(name) do GenServer.cast(name, {:absorb, trackee: trackee, event: event, props: props}) end @doc """ Absorb an `event`, `trackee`, and `props`. The call is made in a synchronized way. The implementation is identical as the `absorb function` but it will return the `bag.wrap` result. """ @spec sync_absorb(atom, trackee: any, event: String.t(), props: map) :: {:ok, any} | {:error | any} def sync_absorb(name \\ __MODULE__, trackee: trackee, event: event, props: props) do, {:sync_absorb, trackee: trackee, event: event, props: props}) end # GenServer implementation def init(state = %{bag: _bag}) do {:ok, state} end def handle_cast({:absorb, trackee: trackee, event: event, props: props}, state) do do_wrap( trackee: trackee, event: event, props: props, bag: state[:bag], traits: state[:traits] ) {:noreply, state} end def handle_call({:sync_absorb, trackee: trackee, event: event, props: props}, _from, state) do case do_wrap( trackee: trackee, event: event, props: props, bag: state[:bag], traits: state[:traits] ) do {:ok, results} -> {:reply, {:ok, results}, state} {:error, results} -> {:reply, {:error, results}, state} error -> {:reply, {:error, error}, state} end end defp do_wrap(trackee: trackee, event: event, props: props, bag: bag, traits: traits) do case bag.trackee_id(trackee) do {:ok, trackee_id} -> bag.wrap( trackee_id: ExDataHoover.anonymize(trackee_id), trackee: trackee, traits: extract_traits(trackee, traits), event: event, properties: props ) error -> error end end defp extract_traits(trackee, traits) do trackee |> traits.() |> Enum.filter(fn {_, v} -> v end) |> Enum.into(%{}) end end
defmodule Cldr.Calendar.Behaviour do defmacro __using__(opts \\ []) do epoch = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :epoch) {date, []} = Code.eval_quoted(epoch) epoch = Cldr.Calendar.date_to_iso_days(date) epoch_day_of_week = Date.day_of_week(date) days_in_week = Keyword.get(opts, :days_in_week, 7) first_day_of_week = Keyword.get(opts, :first_day_of_week, 1) cldr_calendar_type = Keyword.get(opts, :cldr_calendar_type, :gregorian) cldr_calendar_base = Keyword.get(opts, :cldr_calendar_base, :month) months_in_ordinary_year = Keyword.get(opts, :months_in_ordinary_year, 12) months_in_leap_year = Keyword.get(opts, :months_in_leap_year, months_in_ordinary_year) quote location: :keep do import Cldr.Macros @behaviour Calendar @behaviour Cldr.Calendar @after_compile Cldr.Calendar.Behaviour @days_in_week unquote(days_in_week) @quarters_in_year 4 @epoch unquote(epoch) @epoch_day_of_week unquote(epoch_day_of_week) @first_day_of_week unquote(first_day_of_week) @last_day_of_week Cldr.Math.amod(@first_day_of_week + @days_in_week - 1, @days_in_week) @months_in_ordinary_year unquote(months_in_ordinary_year) @months_in_leap_year unquote(months_in_leap_year) def epoch do @epoch end def epoch_day_of_week do @epoch_day_of_week end def first_day_of_week do @first_day_of_week end def last_day_of_week do @last_day_of_week end @doc """ Defines the CLDR calendar type for this calendar. This type is used in support of `Cldr.Calendar. localize/3`. """ @impl true def cldr_calendar_type do unquote(cldr_calendar_type) end @doc """ Identifies that this calendar is month based. """ @impl true def calendar_base do unquote(cldr_calendar_base) end @doc """ Determines if the `date` given is valid according to this calendar. """ @impl true def valid_date?(year, month, day) do month <= months_in_year(year) && day <= days_in_month(year, month) end @doc """ Calculates the year and era from the given `year`. """ @era_module Cldr.Calendar.Era.era_module(unquote(cldr_calendar_type)) @spec year_of_era(Calendar.year) :: {year :: Calendar.year(), era :: Calendar.era()} unless Code.ensure_loaded?(Calendar.ISO) && function_exported?(Calendar.ISO, :year_of_era, 3) do @impl true end def year_of_era(year) do iso_days = date_to_iso_days(year, 1, 1) @era_module.year_of_era(iso_days, year) end @doc """ Calculates the year and era from the given `date`. """ @spec year_of_era(Calendar.year, Calendar.month, :: {year :: Calendar.year(), era :: Calendar.era()} @impl true def year_of_era(year, month, day) do iso_days = date_to_iso_days(year, month, day) @era_module.year_of_era(iso_days, year) end @doc """ Returns the calendar year as displayed on rendered calendars. """ @spec calendar_year(Calendar.year, Calendar.month, :: Calendar.year() @impl true def calendar_year(year, month, day) do year end @doc """ Returns the related gregorain year as displayed on rendered calendars. """ @spec related_gregorian_year(Calendar.year, Calendar.month, :: Calendar.year() @impl true def related_gregorian_year(year, month, day) do year end @doc """ Returns the extended year as displayed on rendered calendars. """ @spec extended_year(Calendar.year, Calendar.month, :: Calendar.year() @impl true def extended_year(year, month, day) do year end @doc """ Returns the cyclic year as displayed on rendered calendars. """ @spec cyclic_year(Calendar.year, Calendar.month, :: Calendar.year() @impl true def cyclic_year(year, month, day) do year end @doc """ Returns the quarter of the year from the given `year`, `month`, and `day`. """ @spec quarter_of_year(Calendar.year, Calendar.month, :: Cldr.Calendar.quarter() @impl true def quarter_of_year(year, month, day) do ceil(month / (months_in_year(year) / @quarters_in_year)) end @doc """ Returns the month of the year from the given `year`, `month`, and `day`. """ @spec month_of_year(Calendar.year, Calendar.month, :: Calendar.month() | {Calendar.month, Cldr.Calendar.leap_month?()} @impl true def month_of_year(_year, month, _day) do month end @doc """ Calculates the week of the year from the given `year`, `month`, and `day`. By default this function always returns `{:error, :not_defined}`. """ @spec week_of_year(Calendar.year, Calendar.month, :: {:error, :not_defined} @impl true def week_of_year(_year, _month, _day) do {:error, :not_defined} end @doc """ Calculates the ISO week of the year from the given `year`, `month`, and `day`. By default this function always returns `{:error, :not_defined}`. """ @spec iso_week_of_year(Calendar.year, Calendar.month, :: {:error, :not_defined} @impl true def iso_week_of_year(_year, _month, _day) do {:error, :not_defined} end @doc """ Calculates the week of the year from the given `year`, `month`, and `day`. By default this function always returns `{:error, :not_defined}`. """ @spec week_of_month(Calendar.year, Calendar.month, :: {pos_integer(), pos_integer()} | {:error, :not_defined} @impl true def week_of_month(_year, _month, _day) do {:error, :not_defined} end @doc """ Calculates the day and era from the given `year`, `month`, and `day`. By default we consider on two eras: before the epoch and on-or-after the epoch. """ @spec day_of_era(Calendar.year, Calendar.month, :: {day ::, era :: Calendar.era} @impl true def day_of_era(year, month, day) do iso_days = date_to_iso_days(year, month, day) @era_module.day_of_era(iso_days) end @doc """ Calculates the day of the year from the given `year`, `month`, and `day`. """ @spec day_of_year(Calendar.year, Calendar.month, :: @impl true def day_of_year(year, month, day) do first_day = date_to_iso_days(year, 1, 1) this_day = date_to_iso_days(year, month, day) this_day - first_day + 1 end if (Code.ensure_loaded?(Date) && function_exported?(Date, :day_of_week, 2)) do @impl true @spec day_of_week(Calendar.year, Calendar.month,, :default | atom()) :: {Calendar.day_of_week(), first_day_of_week :: non_neg_integer(), last_day_of_week :: non_neg_integer()} def day_of_week(year, month, day, :default = starting_on) do days = date_to_iso_days(year, month, day) day_of_week = Cldr.Math.amod(days - 1, @days_in_week) {day_of_week, @first_day_of_week, @last_day_of_week} end defoverridable day_of_week: 4 else @impl true @spec day_of_week(Calendar.year, Calendar.month, :: 1..7 def day_of_week(year, month, day) do day_of_week(year, month, day, :default) end defoverridable day_of_week: 3 end @doc """ Returns the number of periods in a given `year`. A period corresponds to a month in month-based calendars and a week in week-based calendars. """ @impl true def periods_in_year(year) do months_in_year(year) end @doc """ Returns the number of months in a given `year`. """ @impl true def months_in_year(year) do if leap_year?(year), do: @months_in_leap_year, else: @months_in_ordinary_year end @doc """ Returns the number of weeks in a given `year`. """ @impl true def weeks_in_year(_year) do {:error, :not_defined} end @doc """ Returns the number days in a given year. The year is the number of years since the epoch. """ @impl true def days_in_year(year) do this_year = date_to_iso_days(year, 1, 1) next_year = date_to_iso_days(year + 1, 1, 1) next_year - this_year + 1 end @doc """ Returns how many days there are in the given year and month. """ @spec days_in_month(Calendar.year, Calendar.month) :: Calendar.month() @impl true def days_in_month(year, month) do start_of_this_month = date_to_iso_days(year, month, 1) start_of_next_month = if month == months_in_year(year) do date_to_iso_days(year + 1, 1, 1) else date_to_iso_days(year, month + 1, 1) end start_of_next_month - start_of_this_month end @doc """ Returns the number days in a a week. """ def days_in_week do @days_in_week end @doc """ Returns a `Date.Range.t` representing a given year. """ @impl true def year(year) do last_month = months_in_year(year) days_in_last_month = days_in_month(year, last_month) with {:ok, start_date} <-, 1, 1, __MODULE__), {:ok, end_date} <-, last_month, days_in_last_month, __MODULE__) do Date.range(start_date, end_date) end end @doc """ Returns a `Date.Range.t` representing a given quarter of a year. """ @impl true def quarter(_year, _quarter) do {:error, :not_defined} end @doc """ Returns a `Date.Range.t` representing a given month of a year. """ @impl true def month(year, month) do starting_day = 1 ending_day = days_in_month(year, month) with {:ok, start_date} <-, month, starting_day, __MODULE__), {:ok, end_date} <-, month, ending_day, __MODULE__) do Date.range(start_date, end_date) end end @doc """ Returns a `Date.Range.t` representing a given week of a year. """ @impl true def week(_year, _week) do {:error, :not_defined} end @doc """ Adds an `increment` number of `date_part`s to a `year-month-day`. `date_part` can be `:months` only. """ @impl true def plus(year, month, day, date_part, increment, options \\ []) def plus(year, month, day, :months, months, options) do months_in_year = months_in_year(year) {year_increment, new_month} = Cldr.Math.div_amod(month + months, months_in_year) new_year = year + year_increment new_day = if Keyword.get(options, :coerce, false) do max_new_day = days_in_month(new_year, new_month) min(day, max_new_day) else day end {new_year, new_month, new_day} end @doc """ Returns the `t:Calendar.iso_days` format of the specified date. """ @impl true @spec naive_datetime_to_iso_days( Calendar.year(), Calendar.month(),, Calendar.hour(), Calendar.minute(), Calendar.second(), Calendar.microsecond() ) :: Calendar.iso_days() def naive_datetime_to_iso_days(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond) do {date_to_iso_days(year, month, day), time_to_day_fraction(hour, minute, second, microsecond)} end @doc """ Converts the `t:Calendar.iso_days` format to the datetime format specified by this calendar. """ @spec naive_datetime_from_iso_days(Calendar.iso_days()) :: { Calendar.year(), Calendar.month(),, Calendar.hour(), Calendar.minute(), Calendar.second(), Calendar.microsecond() } @impl true def naive_datetime_from_iso_days({days, day_fraction}) do {year, month, day} = date_from_iso_days(days) {hour, minute, second, microsecond} = time_from_day_fraction(day_fraction) {year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond} end @doc false calendar_impl() def parse_date(string) do Cldr.Calendar.Parse.parse_date(string, __MODULE__) end @doc false calendar_impl() def parse_utc_datetime(string) do Cldr.Calendar.Parse.parse_utc_datetime(string, __MODULE__) end @doc false calendar_impl() def parse_naive_datetime(string) do Cldr.Calendar.Parse.parse_naive_datetime(string, __MODULE__) end @doc false @impl Calendar defdelegate parse_time(string), to: Calendar.ISO @doc false @impl Calendar defdelegate day_rollover_relative_to_midnight_utc, to: Calendar.ISO @doc false @impl Calendar defdelegate time_from_day_fraction(day_fraction), to: Calendar.ISO @doc false @impl Calendar defdelegate time_to_day_fraction(hour, minute, second, microsecond), to: Calendar.ISO @doc false @impl Calendar defdelegate date_to_string(year, month, day), to: Calendar.ISO @doc false @impl Calendar defdelegate datetime_to_string( year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, time_zone, zone_abbr, utc_offset, std_offset ), to: Calendar.ISO @doc false @impl Calendar defdelegate naive_datetime_to_string( year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond ), to: Calendar.ISO @doc false @impl Calendar defdelegate time_to_string(hour, minute, second, microsecond), to: Calendar.ISO @doc false @impl Calendar defdelegate valid_time?(hour, minute, second, microsecond), to: Calendar.ISO defoverridable valid_date?: 3 defoverridable valid_time?: 4 defoverridable naive_datetime_to_string: 7 defoverridable date_to_string: 3 defoverridable time_to_day_fraction: 4 defoverridable time_from_day_fraction: 1 defoverridable day_rollover_relative_to_midnight_utc: 0 defoverridable parse_time: 1 defoverridable parse_naive_datetime: 1 defoverridable parse_utc_datetime: 1 defoverridable parse_date: 1 defoverridable naive_datetime_from_iso_days: 1 defoverridable naive_datetime_to_iso_days: 7 defoverridable year_of_era: 1 defoverridable quarter_of_year: 3 defoverridable month_of_year: 3 defoverridable week_of_year: 3 defoverridable iso_week_of_year: 3 defoverridable week_of_month: 3 defoverridable day_of_era: 3 defoverridable day_of_year: 3 defoverridable periods_in_year: 1 defoverridable months_in_year: 1 defoverridable weeks_in_year: 1 defoverridable days_in_year: 1 defoverridable days_in_month: 2 defoverridable days_in_week: 0 defoverridable year: 1 defoverridable quarter: 2 defoverridable month: 2 defoverridable week: 2 defoverridable plus: 5 defoverridable plus: 6 defoverridable epoch: 0 defoverridable cldr_calendar_type: 0 defoverridable calendar_base: 0 defoverridable calendar_year: 3 defoverridable extended_year: 3 defoverridable related_gregorian_year: 3 defoverridable cyclic_year: 3 end end def __after_compile__(env, _bytecode) do Cldr.Calendar.Era.define_era_module(env.module) end end
defmodule Monzo.Transaction do @moduledoc """ [Monzo API reference]( """ @endpoint "transactions" defstruct account_balance: nil, amount: nil, attachments: nil, category: nil, created: nil, currency: nil, decline_reason: nil, description: nil, id: nil, is_load: nil, local_amount: nil, local_currency: nil, merchant: nil, metadata: nil, notes: nil, settled: nil @type t :: %__MODULE__{ account_balance: integer, amount: integer, attachments: list, category: String.t, created: String.t, currency: String.t, decline_reason: String.t, description: String.t, id: String.t, is_load: boolean, local_amount: String.t, local_currency: String.t, merchant: Monzo.Merchant.t, metadata: map, notes: String.t, settled: boolean } @doc """ List transactions """ @spec list(Monzo.Client.t, String.t) :: {:ok, [Monzo.Transaction.t]} | {:error, Monzo.Error.t} def list(client, account_id, opts \\ []) do {params, as} = Keyword.get(opts, :merchant, false) |> with_merchant(%{"account_id" => account_id}) with {:ok, body} <- Monzo.Client.get(client, @endpoint, params), {:ok, %{"transactions" => transactions}} <- Poison.decode(body, as: %{"transactions" => [as]}), do: {:ok, transactions} end @doc """ Get a transaction """ @spec get(Monzo.Client.t, String.t) :: {:ok, Monzo.Transaction.t} | {:error, Monzo.Error.t} def get(client, transaction_id, opts \\ []) do {params, as} = Keyword.get(opts, :merchant, false) |> with_merchant(%{}) with {:ok, body} <- Monzo.Client.get(client, @endpoint <> "/" <> transaction_id, params), {:ok, %{"transaction" => transaction}} <- Poison.decode(body, as: %{"transaction" => as}), do: {:ok, transaction} end @doc false @spec with_merchant(boolean, map) :: {map, Monzo.Transaction.t} defp with_merchant(true, params) do params = Map.put(params, :expand, ["merchant"]) as = %Monzo.Transaction{merchant: %Monzo.Merchant{address: %Monzo.Address{}}} {params, as} end defp with_merchant(_, params) do as = %Monzo.Transaction{} {params, as} end end
defmodule Litmus.Type.String do @moduledoc """ This type validates and converts values to strings It converts boolean and number values to strings. ## Options * `:default` - Setting `:default` will populate a field with the provided value, assuming that it is not present already. If a field already has a value present, it will not be altered. * `:min_length` - Specifies the minimum number of characters allowed in the string. Allowed values are non-negative integers. * `:max_length` - Specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the string. Allowed values are non-negative integers. * `:length` - Specifies the exact number of characters allowed in the string. Allowed values are non-negative integers. * `:regex` - Specifies a Regular expression that a string must match. Use the `Litmus.Type.String.Regex` struct with the options: * `:pattern` - A `Regex.t()` to match * `:error_message` - An error message to use when the pattern does not match * `:replace` - Replaces occurences of a pattern with a string. Use the `Litmus.Type.String.Replace` struct with the options: * `:pattern` - A `Regex.t()`, `String.t()`, or compiled pattern to match * `:replacement` - A `String.t()` to replace * `:global` - When `true`, all occurences of the pattern are replaced. When `false`, only the first occurence is replaced. Defaults to `true`. * `:required` - Setting `:required` to `true` will cause a validation error when a field is not present or the value is `nil`. Allowed values for required are `true` and `false`. The default is `false`. * `:trim` - Removes additional whitespace at the front and end of a string. Allowed values are `true` and `false`. The default is `false`. ## Examples iex> schema = %{ ...> "username" => %Litmus.Type.String{ ...> min_length: 3, ...> max_length: 10, ...> trim: true ...> }, ...> "password" => %Litmus.Type.String{ ...> length: 6, ...> regex: %Litmus.Type.String.Regex{ ...> pattern: ~r/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/, ...> error_message: "password must be alphanumeric" ...> } ...> } ...> } iex> params = %{"username" => " user123 ", "password" => "<PASSWORD>"} iex> Litmus.validate(params, schema) {:ok, %{"username" => "user123", "password" => "<PASSWORD>"}} iex> Litmus.validate(%{"password" => "<PASSWORD>"}, schema) {:error, "password must be alphanumeric"} iex> schema = %{ ...> "username" => %Litmus.Type.String{ ...> replace: %Litmus.Type.String.Replace{ ...> pattern: ~r/\_/, ...> replacement: "" ...> } ...> } ...> } iex> Litmus.validate(%{"username" => "one_two_three"}, schema) {:ok, %{"username" => "onetwothree"}} iex> schema = %{ ...> "username" => %Litmus.Type.String{ ...> default: "anonymous" ...> } ...> } iex> Litmus.validate(%{}, schema) {:ok, %{"username" => "anonymous"}} """ alias Litmus.{Default, Required} alias Litmus.Type defstruct [ :min_length, :max_length, :length, default: Litmus.Type.Any.NoDefault, regex: %Type.String.Regex{}, replace: %Type.String.Replace{}, trim: false, required: false ] @type t :: %__MODULE__{ default: any, min_length: non_neg_integer | nil, max_length: non_neg_integer | nil, length: non_neg_integer | nil, regex: Type.String.Regex.t(), replace: Type.String.Replace.t(), trim: boolean, required: boolean } @spec validate_field(t, term, map) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, String.t()} def validate_field(type, field, data) do with {:ok, data} <- Required.validate(type, field, data), {:ok, data} <- convert(type, field, data), {:ok, data} <- trim(type, field, data), {:ok, data} <- min_length_validate(type, field, data), {:ok, data} <- max_length_validate(type, field, data), {:ok, data} <- length_validate(type, field, data), {:ok, data} <- regex_validate(type, field, data), {:ok, data} <- replace(type, field, data) do {:ok, data} else {:ok_not_present, data} -> Default.validate(type, field, data) {:error, msg} -> {:error, msg} end end @spec convert(t, term, map) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, String.t()} defp convert(%__MODULE__{}, field, params) do cond do params[field] == nil -> {:ok, params} is_binary(params[field]) -> {:ok, params} is_number(params[field]) or is_boolean(params[field]) -> {:ok, Map.update!(params, field, &to_string/1)} true -> {:error, "#{field} must be a string"} end end @spec min_length_validate(t, term, map) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, String.t()} defp min_length_validate(%__MODULE__{min_length: min_length}, field, params) when is_integer(min_length) and min_length > 0 do if params[field] == nil or String.length(params[field]) < min_length do {:error, "#{field} length must be greater than or equal to #{min_length} characters"} else {:ok, params} end end defp min_length_validate(%__MODULE__{}, _field, params) do {:ok, params} end @spec max_length_validate(t, term, map) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, String.t()} defp max_length_validate(%__MODULE__{max_length: nil}, _field, params) do {:ok, params} end defp max_length_validate(%__MODULE__{max_length: max_length}, field, params) when is_integer(max_length) and max_length >= 0 do if Map.get(params, field) && String.length(params[field]) > max_length do {:error, "#{field} length must be less than or equal to #{max_length} characters"} else {:ok, params} end end @spec length_validate(t, term, map) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, String.t()} defp length_validate(%__MODULE__{length: nil}, _field, params) do {:ok, params} end defp length_validate(%__MODULE__{length: 0}, field, params) do if params[field] in [nil, ""] do {:ok, params} else {:error, "#{field} length must be 0 characters"} end end defp length_validate(%__MODULE__{length: len}, field, params) when is_integer(len) do if params[field] == nil || String.length(params[field]) != len do {:error, "#{field} length must be #{len} characters"} else {:ok, params} end end @spec replace(t, term, map) :: {:ok, map} defp replace(%__MODULE__{replace: %__MODULE__.Replace{pattern: nil}}, _field, params) do {:ok, params} end defp replace(%__MODULE__{replace: replace}, field, params) do new_string = String.replace(params[field], replace.pattern, replace.replacement, global: {:ok, Map.put(params, field, new_string)} end @spec regex_validate(t, term, map) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, String.t()} defp regex_validate(%__MODULE__{regex: %__MODULE__.Regex{pattern: nil}}, _field, params) do {:ok, params} end defp regex_validate(%__MODULE__{regex: regex}, field, params) do if params[field] == nil or !Regex.match?(regex.pattern, params[field]) do error_message = regex.error_message || "#{field} must be in a valid format" {:error, error_message} else {:ok, params} end end @spec trim(t, term, map) :: {:ok, map} defp trim(%__MODULE__{trim: true}, field, params) do if Map.get(params, field) do trimmed_value = String.trim(params[field]) trimmed_params = Map.put(params, field, trimmed_value) {:ok, trimmed_params} else {:ok, params} end end defp trim(%__MODULE__{trim: false}, _field, params) do {:ok, params} end defimpl Litmus.Type do alias Litmus.Type @spec validate(Type.t(), term, map) :: {:ok, map} | {:error, String.t()} def validate(type, field, data), do: Type.String.validate_field(type, field, data) end end
defmodule ExCommons.Map do @moduledoc """ Helpers for Maps and Structs. """ @exceptions [NaiveDateTime, DateTime] @doc """ Strips selected keys from maps, that can be in a list, or and embedded within. Will not strip keys from NaiveDateTime, and DateTime, unless given directly. ## Examples iex> ExCommons.Map.strip_keys(%{}, []) %{} iex> ExCommons.Map.strip_keys([%{key: :val}], [:key]) [%{}] iex> ExCommons.Map.strip_keys(%{embed: %{layered: %{key: :val}}}, [:key]) %{embed: %{layered: %{}}} """ @spec strip_keys(Map.t() | [Map.t()], [Atom.t()]) :: Map.t() | [Map.t()] def strip_keys(list, keys) when is_list(list) do, &strip_keys(&1, keys)) end def strip_keys(map, keys) when is_map(map) do Map.take(map, Map.keys(map) -- keys) |>, keys)) |> Enum.into(%{}) end def strip_keys({key, %{__struct__: struct} = val}, _keys) when struct in @exceptions, do: {key, val} def strip_keys({key, val}, keys) when is_map(val) or is_list(val), do: {key, strip_keys(val, keys)} def strip_keys(data, _keys), do: data @doc """ Atomize keys deeply in a map. ## Examples iex> ExCommons.Map.atomize_keys(%{atom: %{"string" => true}}) %{atom: %{string: true}} iex> ExCommons.Map.atomize_keys(%{"string" => %{"string" => true}}) %{string: %{string: true}} """ def atomize_keys(map) when is_map(map) do, fn {k, v} when is_map(v) -> {String.to_atom(to_string(k)), atomize_keys(v)} {k, v} -> {String.to_atom(to_string(k)), v} end) end @doc """ Takes all keys from first maps and mirrors them with corresponding values in second map. Warning: Strips the `__struct__` key. ## Examples iex> ExCommons.Map.mirror(%{}, %{nested: %{value: false}}) %{} iex> ExCommons.Map.mirror(%{nested: %{value: true}}, %{nested: %{value: false}}) %{nested: %{value: false}} iex> ExCommons.Map.mirror(%{nested: %{value: true}}, %{nested: %{value: false, other: nil}}) %{nested: %{value: false}} iex> ExCommons.Map.mirror(%{nested: %{value: true}}, %{other: "test", nested: %{value: false, other: nil}}) %{nested: %{value: false}} """ def mirror(base, mirrored) when is_map(base) and is_map(mirrored) do for {k, v} <- strip_keys(base, [:__struct__]), into: %{} do {k, mirror(v, Map.get(mirrored, k))} end end def mirror(_v, value) do value end end
defmodule Cqrs.DomainEvent do @moduledoc """ Defines a new domain event struct ## Options * `:from` _optional_ - a struct to derive fields from. * `:with` _optional_ - a list of `atom` field names to add. * `:drop` _optional_ - a list of `atom` field names to remove from any field derived from the struct in the `:from` option. * `:version` _optional_ - a version value. Defaults to `1` ## Example defmodule DeleteUser do use Cqrs.Command field :id, :integer def handle_dispatch(command, _opts) do {:ok, :no_impl} end end defmodule UserDeleted do use Cqrs.DomainEvent, from: DeleteUser, with: [:from], version: 2 end iex> cmd =!(id: 668) ...> event =, from: "chris") ...> %{id:, from: event.from, version: event.version} %{id: 668, from: "chris", version: 2} """ alias Cqrs.{DomainEvent, Guards} defmacro __using__(opts) do create_jason_encoders = Application.get_env(:cqrs_tools, :create_jason_encoders, true) quote generated: true, location: :keep do version = Keyword.get(unquote(opts), :version, 1) explicit_keys = DomainEvent.explicit_keys(unquote(opts)) inherited_keys = DomainEvent.inherit_keys(unquote(opts)) keys = Keyword.merge(inherited_keys, explicit_keys, fn _key, nil, nil -> nil _key, nil, value -> value _key, value, nil -> value end) if unquote(create_jason_encoders) and Code.ensure_loaded?(Jason), do: @derive(Jason.Encoder) defstruct keys |> DomainEvent.drop_keys(unquote(opts)) |> Kernel.++([{:created_at, nil}, {:version, version}]) def new(source \\ [], attrs \\ []) do, source, attrs) end end end @doc false def drop_keys(keys, opts) do keys_to_drop = Keyword.get(opts, :drop, []) |> List.wrap() Enum.reject(keys, fn {:__struct__, _} -> true {:created_at, _} -> true {name, _default_value} -> Enum.member?(keys_to_drop, name) name -> Enum.member?(keys_to_drop, name) end) end @doc false def inherit_keys(opts) do case Keyword.get(opts, :from) do nil -> [] source when is_atom(source) -> Guards.ensure_is_struct!(source) source |> struct() |> Map.to_list() source -> "#{source} should be a valid struct to use with DomainEvent" end end @doc false def explicit_keys(opts) do opts |> Keyword.get(:with, []) |> List.wrap() |> field when is_tuple(field) -> field field when is_atom(field) or is_binary(field) -> {field, nil} end) end @doc false def new(module, source, attrs) when is_atom(module) do fields = source |> normalize() |> Map.merge(normalize(attrs)) |> Map.put(:created_at, Cqrs.Clock.utc_now(module)) struct(module, fields) end defp normalize(values) when is_struct(values), do: Map.from_struct(values) defp normalize(values) when is_map(values), do: values defp normalize(values) when is_list(values), do: Enum.into(values, %{}) end
defmodule Faker.Cat.PtBr do import Faker, only: [sampler: 2] @moduledoc """ Functions for Cat names and breeds in Brazilian Portuguese """ @doc """ Returns a Cat famele name string ## Examples iex> Faker.Cat.PtBr.female_name() "Samy" iex> Faker.Cat.PtBr.female_name() "Linda" iex> Faker.Cat.PtBr.female_name() "Úrsula" iex> Faker.Cat.PtBr.female_name() "Florinda" """ @spec female_name() :: String.t() sampler(:female_name, [ "Amber", "Amelie", "Amora", "Amy", "Ariel", "Babi", "Barbie", "Bombom", "Cacau", "Charlotte", "Chiquinha", "Cindy", "Cristal", "Dalila", "Dama", "Dora", "Dori", "Estrela", "Felícia", "Fibi", "Filipa", "Filomena", "Filó", "Fiona", "Florinda", "Florisbela", "Fofuxa", "Frida", "Gaia", "Gertrudes", "Gina", "Hazel", "Jabuticaba", "Jade", "Jasmin", "Kaila", "Kibana", "Kim", "Kindy", "Lila", "Lili", "Linda", "Lizi", "Lola", "Lolita", "Lua", "Lulu", "Luna", "Luzi", "Madonna", "Mafalda", "Magali", "Malu", "Mel", "Merida", "Mia", "Mica", "Mimi", "Moana", "Moli", "Nala", "Nanny", "Nairóbi", "Nikita", "Nina", "Pandora", "Paçoca", "Pipoca", "Pituca", "Safira", "Samy", "Sandi", "Selena", "Soneca", "Tina", "Úrsula", "Vanellope", "Wendy", "Xica", "Zoe" ]) @doc """ Returns a Cat male name string ## Examples iex> Faker.Cat.PtBr.male_name() "Soneca" iex> Faker.Cat.PtBr.male_name() "Loui" iex> Faker.Cat.PtBr.male_name() "Ton" iex> Faker.Cat.PtBr.male_name() "Dante" """ @spec male_name() :: String.t() sampler( :male_name, [ "Aladim", "Algodão", "Apolo", "Amendoim", "Amendupã", "Aristóteles", "Bambi", "Banguela", "Bartolomeu", "Batman", "Bigode", "Biscoito", "Bob", "Bolota", "Bombom", "Boris", "Boyle", "Brutus", "Cadu", "Calvin", "Chewie", "Chico", "Clemente", "Clovis", "Dante", "Elvis", "Fidélix", "Frajola", "Fred", "Freud", "Félix", "Galeão", "Garfield", "Genóvio", "Gepeto", "Holt", "Homer", "Joca", "Joey", "Juca", "Justin", "Loui", "Malvin", "Merlin", "Mingau", "Naruto", "Nemo", "Nicolau", "Nilo", "Nino", "Olaf", "Oliver", "Oreo", "Oliver", "Peralta", "Peter", "Picasso", "Pingo", "Pipoca", "Pirulito", "Platão", "Pluma", "Pomposo", "Pongo", "Romeu", "Ross", "Ruffus", "Russo", "Simba", "Singer", "Soneca", "Spike", "Tenente", "Thor", "Tommy", "Ton", "Tonico", "Tufão", "Venon", "Yoda" ] ) @doc """ Returns a Cat breed string ## Examples iex> Faker.Cat.PtBr.breed() "<NAME>" iex> Faker.Cat.PtBr.breed() "<NAME>" iex> Faker.Cat.PtBr.breed() "Pelo Curto Brasileiro" iex> Faker.Cat.PtBr.breed() "Pelo Curto Americano" """ @spec breed() :: String.t() sampler(:breed, [ "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "Bombaim", "Himalaio", "Pelo Curto Americano", "Pelo Curto Brasileiro", "Pelo Curto Europeu", "Persa", "Siamês", "Vira-lata" ]) end
defmodule Solana.Key do @moduledoc """ Functions for creating and validating Solana [keys]( and [keypairs]( """ @typedoc "Solana public or private key" @type t :: Ed25519.key() @typedoc "a public/private keypair" @type pair :: {t(), t()} @spec pair() :: pair @doc """ Generates a public/private key pair in the format `{private_key, public_key}` """ defdelegate pair, to: Ed25519, as: :generate_key_pair @doc """ Reads a public/private key pair from a [file system wallet]( in the format `{private_key, public_key}`. Returns `{:ok, pair}` if successful, or `{:error, reason}` if not. """ @spec pair_from_file(String.t()) :: {:ok, pair} | {:error, term} def pair_from_file(path) do with {:ok, contents} <-, {:ok, list} when is_list(list) <- Jason.decode(contents), <<sk::binary-size(32), pk::binary-size(32)>> <- :erlang.list_to_binary(list) do {:ok, {sk, pk}} else {:error, _} = error -> error _contents -> {:error, "invalid wallet format"} end end @doc """ decodes a base58-encoded key and returns it in a tuple. If it fails, return an error tuple. """ @spec decode(encoded :: binary) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, binary} def decode(encoded) when is_binary(encoded) do case B58.decode58(encoded) do {:ok, decoded} -> check(decoded) _ -> {:error, "invalid public key"} end end def decode(_), do: {:error, "invalid public key"} @doc """ decodes a base58-encoded key and returns it. Throws an `ArgumentError` if it fails. """ @spec decode!(encoded :: binary) :: t def decode!(encoded) when is_binary(encoded) do case decode(encoded) do {:ok, key} -> key {:error, _} -> raise ArgumentError, "invalid public key input: #{encoded}" end end @doc """ Checks to see if a `t:Solana.Key.t/0` is valid. """ @spec check(key :: binary) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, binary} def check(key) def check(<<key::binary-32>>), do: {:ok, key} def check(_), do: {:error, "invalid public key"} @doc """ Derive a public key from another key, a seed, and a program ID. The program ID will also serve as the owner of the public key, giving it permission to write data to the account. """ @spec with_seed(base :: t, seed :: binary, program_id :: t) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, binary} def with_seed(base, seed, program_id) do with {:ok, base} <- check(base), {:ok, program_id} <- check(program_id) do [base, seed, program_id] |> hash() |> check() else err -> err end end @doc """ Derives a program address from seeds and a program ID. """ @spec derive_address(seeds :: [binary], program_id :: t) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, term} def derive_address(seeds, program_id) do with {:ok, program_id} <- check(program_id), true <- Enum.all?(seeds, &is_valid_seed?/1) do [seeds, program_id, "ProgramDerivedAddress"] |> hash() |> verify_off_curve() else err = {:error, _} -> err false -> {:error, :invalid_seeds} end end defp is_valid_seed?(seed) do (is_binary(seed) && byte_size(seed) <= 32) || seed in 0..255 end defp hash(data), do: :crypto.hash(:sha256, data) defp verify_off_curve(hash) do if Ed25519.on_curve?(hash), do: {:error, :invalid_seeds}, else: {:ok, hash} end @doc """ Finds a valid program address. Valid addresses must fall off the ed25519 curve; generate a series of nonces, then combine each one with the given seeds and program ID until a valid address is found. If a valid address is found, return the address and the nonce in a tuple. Otherwise, return an error tuple. """ @spec find_address(seeds :: [binary], program_id :: t) :: {:ok, t, nonce :: byte} | {:error, :no_nonce} def find_address(seeds, program_id) do case check(program_id) do {:ok, program_id} -> Enum.reduce_while(255..1, {:error, :no_nonce}, fn nonce, acc -> case derive_address(List.flatten([seeds, nonce]), program_id) do {:ok, address} -> {:halt, {:ok, address, nonce}} _err -> {:cont, acc} end end) error -> error end end end
defmodule Scenic.Component do @moduledoc """ A Component is simply a Scene that is optimized to be referenced by another scene. All you need to do to create a Component is call use Scenic.Component instead of use Scenic.Scene At the top of your module definition. ## Standard Components Scenic includes a small number of standard components that you can simply reuse in your scenes. These were chosen to be in the main library because a) they are used frequently, and b) their use promotes a certain amount of "common" look and feel. All of these components are typically added/modified via the helper functions in the [`Scenic.Components`](Scenic.Components.html) module. * [`Button`](Scenic.Component.Button.html) a simple button. * [`Checkbox`](Scenic.Component.Input.Checkbox.html) a checkbox input field. * [`Dropdown`](Scenic.Component.Input.Dropdown.html) a dropdown / select input field. * [`RadioGroup`](Scenic.Component.Input.RadioGroup.html) a group of radio button inputs. * [`Slider`](Scenic.Component.Input.Slider.html) a slider input. * [`TextField`](Scenic.Component.Input.TextField.html) a text / password input field. * [`Toggle`](Scenic.Component.Input.Toggle.html) an on/off toggle input. ## Other Components For completeness, Scenic also includes the following standard components. They are used by the components above, although you are free to use them as well if they fit your needs. * [`Caret`](Scenic.Component.Input.Caret.html) the vertical, blinking, caret line in a text field. * [`RadioButton`](Scenic.Component.Input.RadioButton.html) a single radio button in a radio group. ## Verifiers One of the main differences between a Component and a Scene is the two extra callbacks that are used to verify incoming data. Since Components are meant to be reused, you should do some basic validation that the data being set up is valid, then provide feedback if it isn't. ## Optional: No Children There is an optimization you can use. If you know for certain that your component will not attempt to use any components, you can set `has_children` to `false` like this. use Scenic.Component, has_children: false Setting `has_children` to `false` this will do two things. First, it won't create a dynamic supervisor for this scene, which saves some resources. Second, `push_graph/1` goes through a fast pass that doesn't scan the graph for dynamic children. For example, the Button component sets `has_children` to `false`. This option is available for any Scene, not just components """ alias Scenic.Primitive @callback add_to_graph(map, any, list) :: map @callback verify(any) :: any @callback info(data :: any) :: String.t() # import IEx # =========================================================================== defmodule Error do @moduledoc false defexception message: nil, error: nil, data: nil end # =========================================================================== defmacro __using__(opts) do quote do @behaviour Scenic.Component use Scenic.Scene, unquote(opts) @spec add_to_graph(graph :: Scenic.Graph.t(), data :: any, opts :: list) :: Scenic.Graph.t() def add_to_graph(graph, data \\ nil, opts \\ []) def add_to_graph(%Scenic.Graph{} = graph, data, opts) do verify!(data) Primitive.SceneRef.add_to_graph(graph, {__MODULE__, data}, opts) end @doc false @spec info(data :: any) :: String.t() def info(data) do """ #{inspect(__MODULE__)} invalid add_to_graph data Received: #{inspect(data)} """ end @doc false @spec verify!(data :: any) :: any def verify!(data) do case verify(data) do {:ok, data} -> data err -> raise Error, message: info(data), error: err, data: data end end # -------------------------------------------------------- defoverridable add_to_graph: 3, info: 1 end # quote end # defmacro end
defmodule Tensorex.Operator do @moduledoc """ Functions for basic arithmetic operations with tensors. """ @doc """ Adds two tensors. iex> Tensorex.Operator.add( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[0, 1 , 2 ], ...> [3, -4 , -5.5]]), ...> Tensorex.from_list([[3, -2 , -2 ], ...> [6, -8.1, 12 ]])) %Tensorex{data: %{[0, 0] => 3, [0, 1] => -1, [1, 0] => 9, [1, 1] => -12.1, [1, 2] => 6.5}, shape: [2, 3]} iex> Tensorex.Operator.add( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[0 , 1 , 2 ], ...> [3 , -4 , -5.5]]), ...> Tensorex.from_list([[0.0, -1 , -2 ], ...> [6 , -8.1, 12 ]])) %Tensorex{data: %{[1, 0] => 9, [1, 1] => -12.1, [1, 2] => 6.5}, shape: [2, 3]} iex> Tensorex.Operator.add( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[ 0, 6], ...> [-3, 0]]), ...> Tensorex.from_list([[ 8, 0], ...> [ 0, 9]])) %Tensorex{data: %{[0, 0] => 8, [0, 1] => 6, [1, 0] => -3, [1, 1] => 9}, shape: [2, 2]} """ @spec add(Tensorex.t(), Tensorex.t()) :: Tensorex.t() def add(%Tensorex{data: left, shape: shape} = tensor, %Tensorex{data: right, shape: shape}) do {small_store, large_store} = if map_size(left) < map_size(right), do: {left, right}, else: {right, left} new_store = Enum.reduce(small_store, large_store, fn {index, value2}, acc -> case Map.fetch(acc, index) do {:ok, value1} when value1 + value2 == 0 -> Map.delete(acc, index) {:ok, value1} -> Map.put(acc, index, value1 + value2) :error -> Map.put(acc, index, value2) end end) %{tensor | data: new_store} end @doc """ Subtracts a tensor from another. iex> Tensorex.Operator.subtract( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[0, 1, 2], [3, -4, -5.5]]), ...> Tensorex.from_list([[3, -2, -2], [6, -8.1, 12 ]])) %Tensorex{data: %{[0, 0] => -3, [0, 1] => 3 , [0, 2] => 4 , [1, 0] => -3, [1, 1] => 4.1, [1, 2] => -17.5}, shape: [2, 3]} iex> Tensorex.Operator.subtract( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[0, 1, 2], [3, -4, -5.5]]), ...> Tensorex.from_list([[0.0, 1, 2], [6, -8.1, 12 ]])) %Tensorex{data: %{[1, 0] => -3, [1, 1] => 4.1, [1, 2] => -17.5}, shape: [2, 3]} """ @spec subtract(Tensorex.t(), Tensorex.t()) :: Tensorex.t() def subtract(%Tensorex{data: left, shape: shape} = tensor, %Tensorex{data: right, shape: shape}) do new_store = Enum.reduce(right, left, fn {index, value2}, acc -> case Map.fetch(acc, index) do {:ok, value1} when value1 - value2 == 0 -> Map.delete(acc, index) {:ok, value1} -> Map.put(acc, index, value1 - value2) :error -> Map.put(acc, index, -value2) end end) %{tensor | data: new_store} end @doc """ Negates a tensor. iex> Tensorex.Operator.negate( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[ 2 , 3.5, -4 , 0 ], ...> [-2.2, 6 , 0.0, 5.5]])) %Tensorex{data: %{[0, 0] => -2 , [0, 1] => -3.5, [0, 2] => 4, [1, 0] => 2.2, [1, 1] => -6 , [1, 3] => -5.5}, shape: [2, 4]} """ @spec negate(Tensorex.t()) :: Tensorex.t() def negate(%Tensorex{data: store} = tensor) do %{tensor | data: Enum.into(store, %{}, fn {index, value} -> {index, -value} end)} end @doc """ Makes a product of tensors. If both arguments are tensors, it returns a tensor product of them. When one of arguments is a `t:number/0`, then all elements of the tensor will be amplified by the scalar. iex> Tensorex.Operator.multiply( ...> Tensorex.from_list([2, 5.2, -4 , 0 ]), ...> Tensorex.from_list([2, 3.5, -1.6, 8.2])) %Tensorex{data: %{[0, 0] => 4 , [0, 1] => 7.0, [0, 2] => -3.2 , [0, 3] => 16.4 , [1, 0] => 10.4, [1, 1] => 18.2, [1, 2] => -8.32, [1, 3] => 42.64, [2, 0] => -8 , [2, 1] => -14.0, [2, 2] => 6.4 , [2, 3] => -32.8}, shape: [4, 4]} iex> Tensorex.Operator.multiply(3.5, ...> Tensorex.from_list([[2 , 3.5, -1.5, 8.0], ...> [4.12, -2 , 1 , 0 ]])) %Tensorex{data: %{[0, 0] => 7.0 , [0, 1] => 12.25, [0, 2] => -5.25, [0, 3] => 28.0, [1, 0] => 14.42, [1, 1] => -7.0 , [1, 2] => 3.5 }, shape: [2, 4]} """ @spec multiply(Tensorex.t() | number, Tensorex.t() | number) :: Tensorex.t() def multiply( %Tensorex{data: left_store, shape: left_shape}, %Tensorex{data: right_store, shape: right_shape} ) do new_store =, fn {left_index, left_value} ->, fn {right_index, right_value} -> {left_index ++ right_index, left_value * right_value} end) end) |> Stream.concat() |> Enum.into(%{}) %Tensorex{data: new_store, shape: left_shape ++ right_shape} end def multiply(scalar, %Tensorex{data: store} = tensor) when is_number(scalar) do %{tensor | data: Enum.into(store, %{}, fn {index, value} -> {index, scalar * value} end)} end def multiply(%Tensorex{data: store} = tensor, scalar) when is_number(scalar) do %{tensor | data: Enum.into(store, %{}, fn {index, value} -> {index, scalar * value} end)} end @doc """ Makes a dot product of tensors. Components specified by the `axes` will be sumed up (or contracted). iex> Tensorex.Operator.multiply( ...> Tensorex.from_list([0, 0.0, 0.0, 0 ]), ...> Tensorex.from_list([2, 3.5, -1.6, 8.2]), [{0, 0}]) 0.0 iex> Tensorex.Operator.multiply( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[2 , 3.5, -1.6, 8.2], ...> [1.1, 3.0, 8 , -12.1]]), ...> Tensorex.from_list([[0 , 0.0], ...> [0.0, 0 ], ...> [0.0, 0 ], ...> [0 , 0 ]]), [{0, 1}, {1, 0}]) 0.0 iex> Tensorex.Operator.multiply( ...> Tensorex.from_list([2, 5.2, -4 , 0 ]), ...> Tensorex.from_list([2, 3.5, -1.6, 8.2]), [{0, 0}]) 28.6 iex> Tensorex.Operator.multiply( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[ 2 , 5.5, -4 , 0 ], ...> [ 4.12, -2 , 1 , 0 ]]), ...> Tensorex.from_list([[ 2 , 3.5], ...> [-1.6 , 8.2], ...> [ 2 , -3.5], ...> [-1.5 , 8.0]]), [{0, 1}]) %Tensorex{data: %{[0, 0] => 18.42, [0, 1] => 30.584, [0, 2] => -10.42, [0, 3] => 29.96, [1, 0] => 4.0 , [1, 1] => -25.2 , [1, 2] => 18.0 , [1, 3] => -24.25, [2, 0] => -4.5 , [2, 1] => 14.6 , [2, 2] => -11.5 , [2, 3] => 14.0 }, shape: [4, 4]} """ @spec multiply(Tensorex.t(), Tensorex.t(), [{non_neg_integer, non_neg_integer}]) :: Tensorex.t() | number def multiply( %Tensorex{data: left, shape: left_shape}, %Tensorex{data: right, shape: right_shape}, axes ) when is_list(axes) do shape = Enum.reduce(axes, [left_shape, right_shape], fn {left_axis, right_axis}, [left_acc, right_acc] -> [List.replace_at(left_acc, left_axis, nil), List.replace_at(right_acc, right_axis, nil)] end) |> Stream.concat() |> Enum.filter(& &1) {left_axes, right_axes} = Enum.unzip(axes) left_group = group_by_contraction(left, left_axes) right_group = group_by_contraction(right, right_axes) store = multiply_with_contraction(left_group, right_group, length(axes)) cond do Enum.empty?(store) and shape == [] -> 0.0 shape == [] -> Enum.fetch!(store, 0) |> elem(1) true -> %Tensorex{data: store |> Enum.into(%{}), shape: shape} end end @typep contraction_map :: %{non_neg_integer => contraction_map} | %{optional([non_neg_integer, ...]) => number} @spec group_by_contraction(Enum.t(), [{non_neg_integer, non_neg_integer}]) :: contraction_map defp group_by_contraction(elements, []) do Enum.into(elements, %{}, fn {index, value} -> {Enum.filter(index, & &1), value} end) end defp group_by_contraction(store, [axis | axes]) do Enum.group_by( store, fn {index, _} -> Enum.fetch!(index, axis) end, fn {index, value} -> {List.replace_at(index, axis, nil), value} end ) |> Enum.into(%{}, fn {grouped_axis, elements} -> {grouped_axis, group_by_contraction(elements, axes)} end) end @spec multiply_with_contraction(Enum.t(), Enum.t(), non_neg_integer) :: Enum.t() defp multiply_with_contraction(left, right, 0) do, fn {left_index, left_value} ->, fn {right_index, right_value} -> {left_index ++ right_index, left_value * right_value} end) end) |> Stream.concat() end defp multiply_with_contraction(left, right, depth) do, fn {contract_index, left_elements} -> case Map.fetch(right, contract_index) do {:ok, right_elements} -> multiply_with_contraction(left_elements, right_elements, depth - 1) :error -> [] end end) |> Stream.concat() |> Enum.group_by(&elem(&1, 0), &elem(&1, 1)) |> Stream.flat_map(fn {index, values} -> case Enum.sum(values) do value when value == 0 -> [] value -> [{index, value}] end end) end @doc """ Returns a transposed tensor. iex> Tensorex.Operator.transpose( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[[ 2 , 5.5, -4, 0 ], ...> [ 4.12, -2 , 1, 0 ]], ...> [[ 3 , 1.2, 5, 8.9], ...> [ 1 , 6 , 7, 1.3]]]), [{0, 2}]) %Tensorex{data: %{[0, 0, 0] => 2 , [0, 0, 1] => 3 , [0, 1, 0] => 4.12, [0, 1, 1] => 1 , [1, 0, 0] => 5.5 , [1, 0, 1] => 1.2, [1, 1, 0] => -2 , [1, 1, 1] => 6 , [2, 0, 0] => -4 , [2, 0, 1] => 5 , [2, 1, 0] => 1 , [2, 1, 1] => 7 , [3, 0, 1] => 8.9, [3, 1, 1] => 1.3}, shape: [4, 2, 2]} """ @spec transpose(Tensorex.t(), [{non_neg_integer, non_neg_integer}, ...]) :: Tensorex.t() def transpose(%Tensorex{data: store, shape: shape}, axes) when is_list(axes) do new_store = Enum.into(store, %{}, fn {index, value} -> new_index = Enum.reduce(axes, index, fn {left_axis, right_axis}, acc -> acc |> List.replace_at(left_axis, Enum.fetch!(acc, right_axis)) |> List.replace_at(right_axis, Enum.fetch!(acc, left_axis)) end) {new_index, value} end) new_shape = Enum.reduce(axes, shape, fn {left_axis, right_axis}, acc -> acc |> List.replace_at(left_axis, Enum.fetch!(acc, right_axis)) |> List.replace_at(right_axis, Enum.fetch!(acc, left_axis)) end) %Tensorex{data: new_store, shape: new_shape} end @doc """ Divides all elements of the tensor by the scalar. iex> Tensorex.Operator.divide( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[2 , 3.5, -1.6, 8.2], ...> [1.1, 3.0, 0 , -12.1]]), 4) %Tensorex{data: %{[0, 0] => 0.5 , [0, 1] => 0.875, [0, 2] => -0.4, [0, 3] => 2.05 , [1, 0] => 0.275, [1, 1] => 0.75 , [1, 3] => -3.025}, shape: [2, 4]} """ @spec divide(Tensorex.t(), number) :: Tensorex.t() def divide(%Tensorex{data: store} = tensor, scalar) when is_number(scalar) do %{tensor | data: Enum.into(store, %{}, fn {index, value} -> {index, value / scalar} end)} end @doc """ Returns the determinant of the given tensor. iex> Tensorex.Operator.determinant( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[13, 1, 2, 3], ...> [ 4, 14, 5, 6], ...> [ 7, 8, 15, 9], ...> [10, 11, 12, 16]]) ...> ) 14416 iex> Tensorex.Operator.determinant( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[0, 0], ...> [0, 0]]) ...> ) 0 iex> Tensorex.Operator.determinant( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[2.5, 0 , 0], ...> [0 , 1.8, 0], ...> [0 , 0 , 3]]) ...> ) 13.5 iex> Tensorex.Operator.determinant( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[[13, 1, 2, 3], ...> [ 4, 14, 5, 6], ...> [ 7, 8, 15, 9], ...> [10, 11, 12, 16]], ...> [[33, 21, 22, 23], ...> [24, 34, 25, 26], ...> [27, 28, 35, 29], ...> [30, 31, 32, 36]], ...> [[53, 41, 42, 43], ...> [44, 54, 45, 46], ...> [47, 48, 55, 49], ...> [50, 51, 52, 56]], ...> [[73, 61, 62, 63], ...> [64, 74, 65, 66], ...> [67, 68, 75, 69], ...> [70, 71, 72, 76]]]) ...> ) 1567104 """ @spec determinant(Tensorex.t()) :: number def determinant(%Tensorex{data: store, shape: [dimension | _]}) do e = Tensorex.permutation(dimension) Map.keys(store) |> List.duplicate(dimension) |> Stream.with_index() |> {indices, first_index} -> Stream.filter(indices, &(List.first(&1) === first_index)) end) |> Enum.reduce([[]], fn indices, acc ->, fn acc_indices -> Stream.reject(indices, fn index -> Enum.any?(acc_indices, fn acc_index ->, index) |> Enum.any?(&(elem(&1, 0) === elem(&1, 1))) end) end) |> index -> [index | acc_indices] end) end) |> Stream.concat() end) |> indices -> |> |>[&1]) |> Stream.concat(, &store[&1])) |> Enum.reduce(&(&1 * &2)) end) |> Enum.sum() end @doc """ Performs a self contraction on the given tensor. It is known as the trace for 2nd rank tensors. iex> Tensorex.Operator.contract( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[1, 2, 3], ...> [4, 5, 6], ...> [7, 8, 9]]), [0, 1]) 15 iex> Tensorex.Operator.contract( ...> Tensorex.from_list([[[1, 2, 3], ...> [4, 5, 6], ...> [7, 8, 9]], ...> [[2, 3, 4], ...> [5, 6, 7], ...> [8, 9, 1]], ...> [[3, 4, 5], ...> [6, 7, 8], ...> [9, 1, 2]]]), [0, 2]) %Tensorex{data: %{[0] => 9, [1] => 18, [2] => 18}, shape: [3]} """ @spec contract(Tensorex.t(), [non_neg_integer]) :: Tensorex.t() | number def contract(%Tensorex{data: store, shape: shape}, axes) when is_list(axes) do Stream.flat_map(store, fn {index, value} -> {contract_indices, remaining_indices} = Stream.with_index(index) |> Enum.split_with(&(elem(&1, 1) in axes)) if Stream.uniq_by(contract_indices, &elem(&1, 0)) |> Stream.drop(1) |> Enum.empty?() do [{, &elem(&1, 0)), value}] else [] end end) |> Enum.group_by(&elem(&1, 0), &elem(&1, 1)) |> Enum.into(%{}, fn {index, values} -> {index, Enum.sum(values)} end) |> case do %{[] => value} -> value new_store -> new_shape = Enum.reduce(axes, shape, &List.replace_at(&2, &1, nil)) |> Enum.filter(& &1) %Tensorex{data: new_store, shape: new_shape} end end end
defmodule Scenic.Scrollable.Components do alias Scenic.Graph alias Scenic.Scrollable alias Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBars alias Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBar alias Scenic.Primitive alias Scenic.Primitive.SceneRef @moduledoc """ This module contains helper functions for adding scrollable components to, or modifying scrollable components in a graph. Using the `Scenic.Scrollable` component will setup scrollbars and controls for you, and is recommended. However, in special cases it might be prefferable to directly use a `Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBars` or `Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBar` component. """ @doc """ Add a `Scenic.Scrollable` to a graph. The `Scenic.Scrollable` component offers a way to show part of a content group bounded by a fixed rectangle or frame, and change the visible part of the content without displacing the bounded rectangle by scrolling. The scrollable component offers three ways to scroll, which can be used in conjunction: - The content can be clicked and dragged directly using a mouse. - Hotkeys can be set for up, down, left and right scroll directions. - A horizontal and a vertical scroll bar can be set up. Note that for the hotkeys to work, the scrollable component has to catch focus first by clicking it once with the left mouse button. ## Data `t:Scenic.Scrollable.settings/0` To initialize a scrollable component, a map containing `frame` and `content` elements, and a builder function are required. Further customization can be provided with optional styles. ### Frame The frame contains information about the size of the fixed rectangle shaped bounding box. It is a tuple containing the width as first element, and height as second element. ### Content The content contains information about the size and offset of the content. The offset can be used to adjust the limits of where the content can be scrolled to, and can for example be of used when the content position looks off in its {0, 0} starting position. If no offset is required, the content can be passed as a tuple containing the width as first element, and height as second element. If an offset is used, the content can be passed as a `t:Scenic.Scrollable.rect/0`, which is a map containing `x`, `y`, `width` and `height` elements. ## Builder `t:Scenic.Scrollable.builder/0` In addition to the required data, a scrollable component requires a builder, similar to the `Scenic.Primitive.Group` primitive. The builder is a function that takes a graph, and should return a graph with the necessary components attached to it that form the content of the scrollable component. ## Styles `t:Scenic.Scrollable.styles/0` Similar to the `Scenic.Primitive.Group` primitive, any style can be passed to the scrollable component, which will be passed on to the underlying components. In addition, the following styles specific to the scrollable component can be provided. ### scroll_position `t:Scenic.Scrollable.v2/0` The starting position of the scrollable content. This does not influence the limits to where the content can be scrolled to. ### scroll_acceleration `t:Scenic.Scrollable.Acceleration.settings/0` Settings regarding sensitivity of the scroll functionality. The settings are passed in a map with the following elements: - acceleration: number - mass: number - counter_pressure: number The higher number given for the acceleration, the faster the scroll movement gains speed. The default value is 20. The higher number given for the mass, the slower the scroll movement gains speed, and the faster it loses speed. The default value is 1. The higher number given for counter_pressure, the lower the maximum scroll speed, and the faster the scroll movement loses speed after the user input has stopped. The default value is 0.1. ### scroll_hotkeys `t:Scenic.Scrollable.Hotkeys.settings/0` A hotkey can be provided for every scroll direction to enable scrolling using the keyboard. The hotkey settings can be passed in a map with the following elements. - up: `t:String.t/0` - down: `t:String.t/0` - left: `t:String.t/0` - right: `t:String.t/0` The passed string can be the letter of the intended key, such as "w" or "s", or the description of a special key, such as the arrow keys "up", "down", "left" or "right". ### scroll_fps number Specifies the times per second the scroll content position is recalculated when it is scrolling. For environments with limited resources, it might be prudent to set a lower value than the default 30. ### scroll_drag `t:Scenic.Scrollable.Drag.settings/0` Options for enabling scrolling by directly dragging the content using a mouse. Buttons events on the scrollable content will take precedence over the drag functionality. Drag settings are passed in a map with the following elements: - mouse_buttons: [`t:Scenic.Scrollable.Drag.mouse_button/0`] The list of mouse buttons specifies with which mouse button the content can be dragged. Available mouse buttons are `:left`, `:right` and `:middle`. By default, the drag functionality is disabled. ### scroll_bar_thickness number Specify the thickness of both scroll bars. ### scroll_bar `t:Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBar.styles/0` Specify the styles for both horizontal and vertical scroll bars. If different styles for each scroll bar are desired, use the `vertical_scroll_bar` and `horizontal_scroll_bar` options instead. The following styles are supported" - scroll_buttons: boolean - scroll_bar_theme: map - scroll_bar_radius: number - scroll_bar_border: number - scroll_drag: `t:Scenic.Scrollable.Drag.settings/0` The scroll_buttons boolean can be used to specify of the scroll bar should contain buttons for scrolling, in addition to the scroll bar slider. The scroll buttons are not shown by default. A theme can be passed using the scroll_bar_theme element to provide a set of colors for the scroll bar. For more information on themes, see the `Scenic.Primitive.Style.Theme` module. The default theme is `:light`. The scroll bars rounding and border can be adjusted using the scroll_bar_radius and scroll_bar_border elements respectively. The default values are 3 and 1. The scroll_drag settings can be provided in the same form the scrollable components scroll_drag style is provided, and can be used to specify by which mouse button the scroll bar slider can be dragged. By default, the `:left`, `:right` and `:middle` buttons are all enabled. ### horizontal_scroll_bar `t:Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBar.styles/0` Specify styles for the horizontal scroll bar only. The available styles are exactly the same as explained in the above scroll_bar style section. ### vertical_scroll_bar `t:Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBar.styles/0` Specify styles for the vertical scroll bar only. The available styles are exactly the same as explained in the above scroll_bar style section. ## Examples iex> graph = Scenic.Scrollable.Components.scrollable( ...>, ...> %{ ...> frame: {200, 400}, ...> content: %{x: 0, y: 10, width: 400, height: 800} ...> }, ...> fn graph -> ...> Scenic.Primitives.text(graph, "scrollable text") ...> end, ...> [id: :scrollable_component_1] ...> ) ...> graph.primitives[1].id :scrollable_component_1 iex> graph = Scenic.Scrollable.Components.scrollable( ...>, ...> %{ ...> frame: {200, 400}, ...> content: %{x: 0, y: 10, width: 400, height: 800} ...> }, ...> fn graph -> ...> Scenic.Primitives.text(graph, "scrollable text") ...> end, ...> [ ...> scroll_position: {-10, -50}, ...> scroll_acceleration: %{ ...> acceleration: 15, ...> mass: 1.2, ...> counter_pressure: 0.2 ...> }, ...> scroll_hotkeys: %{ ...> up: "w", ...> down: "s", ...> left: "a", ...> right: "d" ...> }, ...> scroll_fps: 15, ...> scroll_drag: %{ ...> mouse_buttons: [:left] ...> }, ...> scroll_bar_thickness: 15, ...> scroll_bar: [ ...> scroll_buttons: true, ...> scroll_bar_theme: Scenic.Primitive.Style.Theme.preset(:dark) ...> ], ...> translate: {50, 50}, ...> id: :scrollable_component_2 ...> ] ...> ) ...> graph.primitives[1].id :scrollable_component_2 """ @spec scrollable( source :: Graph.t() | Primitive.t(), settings :: Scrollable.settings(), builder :: Scrollable.builder(), options :: Scrollable.styles() ) :: Graph.t() | Primitive.t() def scrollable(graph, settings, builder, options \\ []) def scrollable(%Graph{} = graph, settings, builder, options) do add_to_graph(graph, Scrollable, Map.put(settings, :builder, builder), options) end def scrollable(%Primitive{module: SceneRef} = p, settings, builder, options) do modify(p, Scrollable, Map.put(settings, :builder, builder), options) end @doc """ Add a `Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBars` to a graph. WARNING: updating the scroll bars positions through modifying the graph leads to glitches and performance issues. It is recommended to directly call to the `Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBars` process with a {:update_scroll_position, {x, y}} message for now. The scroll bars component can be used to add a horizontal, and a vertical scroll bar pair to the graph. This component is used internally by the `Scenic.Scrollable` component, and for most cases it is recommended to use the `Scenic.Scrollable` component instead. ## Data `t:Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBars.settings/0` The scroll bars require the following data for initialization: - width: number - height: number - content_size: `t:Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBars.v2/0` - scroll_position: number - direction: :horizontal | :vertical With and height define the size of the frame, and thus correspond to the width of the horizontal, and the height of the vertical scroll bars. ## Styles `t:Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBars.styles/0` The scroll bars can be customized by using the following styles: ### scroll_bar `t:Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBar.styles/0` The styles to customize both scrollbars as defined in the corresponding module `Scenic.Scrollable.Scrollbar`. If different styles for the horizontal and vertical scroll bars are preffered, use the horizontal_scroll_bar and vertical_scroll_bar styles instead. ### horizontal_scroll_bar `t:Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBar.styles/0` The styles to customize the horizontal scroll bar. ### vertical_scroll_bar `t:Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBar.styles/0` The styles to customize the vertical scroll bar. ### scroll_drag `t:Scenic.Scrollable.Drag/0` Settings to specify which mouse buttons can be used in order to drag the scroll bar sliders. ### scroll_bar_thickness number Specify the height of the horizontal, and the width of the vertical scroll bars. ## Examples iex> graph = Scenic.Scrollable.Components.scroll_bars( ...>, ...> %{ ...> width: 200, ...> height: 200, ...> content_size: {1000, 1000}, ...> scroll_position: {0, 0} ...> }, ...> [ ...> scroll_bar: [ ...> scroll_buttons: true, ...> scroll_bar_theme: Scenic.Primitive.Style.Theme.preset(:light), ...> scroll_bar_radius: 2, ...> scroll_bar_border: 2, ...> scroll_drag: %{ ...> mouse_buttons: [:left, :right, :middle] ...> } ...> ], ...> scroll_drag: %{ ...> mouse_buttons: [:left, :right, :middle] ...> }, ...> id: :scroll_bars_component_1 ...> ] ...> ) ...> graph.primitives[1].id :scroll_bars_component_1 """ @spec scroll_bars( source :: Graph.t() | Primitive.t(), settings :: ScrollBars.settings(), options :: ScrollBars.styles() ) :: Graph.t() | Primitive.t() def scroll_bars(graph, settings, options \\ []) def scroll_bars(%Graph{} = graph, settings, options) do add_to_graph(graph, ScrollBars, settings, options) end def scroll_bars(%Primitive{module: SceneRef} = p, settings, options) do modify(p, ScrollBars, settings, options) end @doc """ Add a `Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBar` to a graph. The scroll bar component can be used to draw a scroll bar to the scene by adding it to the graph. The scroll bar is used internally by the `Scenic.Scrollable` component and for most cases it is recommended to use the `Scenic.Scrollable` component instead. The scroll bar can be setup to make use of scroll buttons at the scroll bars edges, in order to enable scrolling by pressing and holding such button, in addition to dragging the scroll bar slider control to drag, or clicking the slider background to jump. ## Data `t:Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBar.settings/0` The scroll bar requires the following data for initialization: - width: number - height: number - content_size: number - scroll_position: number - direction: :horizontal | :vertical Width and height define the display size of the scroll bar. The content size defines the size of the scrollable content in the direction of the scroll bar. When the scroll bar is a horizontal scroll bar, the content size should correspond to the width of the content. The scroll position specifies the starting position of the scrollable content. Note that the scroll position corresponds to the translation of the content, rather than the scroll bar slider. The direction specifies if the scroll bar scrolls in horizontal, or in vertical direction. ## Styles `t:Scenic.Scrollable.ScrollBar.styles/0` Optional styles to customize the scroll bar. The following styles are supported: - scroll_buttons: boolean - scroll_bar_theme: map - scroll_bar_radius: number - scroll_bar_border: number - scroll_drag: `t:Scenic.Scrollable.Drag.settings/0` The scroll_buttons boolean can be used to specify of the scroll bar should contain buttons for scrolling, in addition to the scroll bar slider. The scroll buttons are not shown by default. A theme can be passed using the scroll_bar_theme element to provide a set of colors for the scroll bar. For more information on themes, see the `Scenic.Primitive.Style.Theme` module. The default theme is `:light`. The scroll bars rounding and border can be adjusted using the scroll_bar_radius and scroll_bar_border elements respectively. The default values are 3 and 1. The scroll_drag settings can be provided to specify by which mouse button the scroll bar slider can be dragged. By default, the `:left`, `:right` and `:middle` buttons are all enabled. ## Examples iex> graph = Scenic.Scrollable.Components.scroll_bar( ...>, ...> %{ ...> width: 200, ...> height: 10, ...> content_size: 1000, ...> scroll_position: 0, ...> direction: :horizontal ...> }, ...> [id: :scroll_bar_component_1] ...> ) ...> graph.primitives[1].id :scroll_bar_component_1 iex> graph = Scenic.Scrollable.Components.scroll_bar( ...>, ...> %{ ...> width: 200, ...> height: 10, ...> content_size: 1000, ...> scroll_position: 0, ...> direction: :horizontal ...> }, ...> [ ...> scroll_buttons: true, ...> scroll_bar_theme: Scenic.Primitive.Style.Theme.preset(:dark), ...> scroll_bar_radius: 4, ...> scroll_bar_border: 1, ...> scroll_drag: %{ ...> mouse_buttons: [:left, :right] ...> }, ...> id: :scroll_bar_component_2 ...> ] ...> ) ...> graph.primitives[1].id :scroll_bar_component_2 """ @spec scroll_bar( source :: Graph.t() | Primitive.t(), settings :: ScrollBar.settings(), options :: ScrollBar.styles() ) :: Graph.t() | Primitive.t() def scroll_bar(graph, data, options \\ []) def scroll_bar(%Graph{} = graph, data, options) do add_to_graph(graph, ScrollBar, data, options) end def scroll_bar(%Primitive{module: SceneRef} = p, data, options) do modify(p, ScrollBar, data, options) end @spec add_to_graph(Graph.t(), module, term, keyword) :: Graph.t() defp add_to_graph(%Graph{} = graph, module, data, options) do module.verify!(data) module.add_to_graph(graph, data, options) end @spec modify(Primitive.t(), module, term, keyword) :: Primitive.t() defp modify(%Primitive{module: SceneRef} = p, module, data, options) do module.verify!(data) Primitive.put(p, {module, data}, options) end end
defmodule Wit.Actions do @moduledoc """ Wit.Actions is used to implement the default behaviour for the Wit which involves functions like `say, merge, error`. The macro `defaction` is also provided to define your own custom actions. When using `defaction` the name of the function is matched with the action returned from the converse API. ## Examples defmodule WeatherActions do use Wit.Actions def say(session, context, message) do # Send the message to the user end def merge(session, context, message) do context # Return the updated context end def error(session, context, error) do # Handle error end defaction fetch_weather(session, context, message) do context # Return the updated context end end """ defmacro __using__(_opts) do quote do require Wit.Actions import Wit.Actions @behaviour Wit.DefaultActions @wit_actions %{"say" => :say, "merge" => :merge, "error" => :error} @before_compile Wit.Actions end end @doc """ Defines a wit custom action ## Examples defaction fetch_weather(session, context, message) do # Fetch weather context # Return the updated context end """ defmacro defaction(head, do: body) do {func_name, arg_list} = Macro.decompose_call(head) # Throw error if the argument list is not equal to 3 if length(arg_list) != 3 do raise ArgumentError, message: "Wit action should have three arguments i.e. session, context and message" end quote do @wit_actions Map.put(@wit_actions, unquote(Atom.to_string(func_name)), unquote(func_name)) def unquote(head) do unquote(body) end end end defmacro __before_compile__(_env) do quote do def actions() do @wit_actions end def call_action(action, session, context, message) when action in ["say", "merge"] do call_action(action, [session, context, message]) end def call_action(action, session, context, message) do call_action(action, [session, context, message]) end defp call_action(action, arg_list) do wit_actions = @wit_actions func = Map.get(wit_actions, action) apply_action(action, func, arg_list) end defp apply_action(action, nil, _arg_list), do: {:error, "No action '#{action}' found"} defp apply_action(_action, func, arg_list), do: apply(__MODULE__, func, arg_list) end end end
defmodule ExFuzzywuzzy.Algorithms.LongestCommonSubstring do @moduledoc """ Helper module for the calculus of the longest common substring algorithm between two strings """ defstruct [:substring, :left_starting_index, :right_starting_index, :length] @typedoc """ The data collected applying partial matching algorithm """ @type t :: %__MODULE__{ substring: String.t(), left_starting_index: non_neg_integer(), right_starting_index: non_neg_integer(), length: non_neg_integer() } @typep grapheme :: String.t() @typep row :: map() @typep match :: {integer(), integer(), integer()} @typep longest_match :: {{row(), row()}, match()} @doc """ Calculates the longest common substring between two strings, returning a tuple containing the matched substring, the length of the substring itself, the starting index of the matches on the left and on the right. """ @spec lcs(String.t(), String.t()) :: nil | t() def lcs(left, right) do left_list = left |> String.graphemes() |> Enum.with_index() right_list = right |> String.graphemes() |> Enum.with_index() {_, match} = lcs_dynamic_programming(left_list, right_list) build_result(left, match) end @spec lcs_dynamic_programming([grapheme()], [grapheme()]) :: longest_match() defp lcs_dynamic_programming(left, right) do Enum.reduce(left, {{%{}, %{}}, {0, 0, 0}}, fn x, acc -> {{_, current}, lcs} = Enum.reduce(right, acc, &step(x, &1, &2)) {{current, %{}}, lcs} end) end @spec step({integer(), integer()}, {integer(), integer()}, longest_match()) :: longest_match() defp step({c, i}, {c, j}, {{previous, current}, match = {_, _, lcs_length}}) do length = Map.get(previous, j - 1, 0) + 1 current = Map.put(current, j, length) match = if length > lcs_length, do: {i - length + 1, j - length + 1, length}, else: match {{previous, current}, match} end defp step(_, _, acc), do: acc @spec build_result(String.t(), match()) :: nil | t() defp build_result(_, {_, _, 0}), do: nil defp build_result(left, {left_start, right_start, length}) do %__MODULE__{ substring: String.slice(left, left_start, length), left_starting_index: left_start, right_starting_index: right_start, length: length } end end
defmodule Error do @moduledoc """ Model domain and infrastructure errors as regular data. """ alias FE.Maybe defmodule DomainError do @moduledoc false defstruct [:reason, :details, :caused_by] end defmodule InfraError do @moduledoc false defstruct [:reason, :details, :caused_by] end @type kind :: :domain | :infra @type reason :: atom() @opaque t(a) :: %DomainError{reason: reason, details: a} | %InfraError{reason: reason, details: a} @opaque t :: t(map()) @opaque domain(a) :: %DomainError{reason: reason, details: a} @opaque domain() :: domain(map()) @opaque infra(a) :: %InfraError{reason: reason, details: a} @opaque infra() :: infra(map()) @doc """ Create a `domain` error, with a reason and optional details. """ @spec domain(atom(), a) :: t(a) when a: map def domain(reason, details \\ %{}) when is_atom(reason) and is_map(details) do %DomainError{reason: reason, details: details, caused_by: :nothing} end @doc """ Create an `infra` error, with a reason and optional details. """ @spec infra(atom(), a) :: t(a) when a: map def infra(reason, details \\ %{}) when is_atom(reason) and is_map(details) do %InfraError{reason: reason, details: details, caused_by: :nothing} end @doc """ Determine whether a given `Error` is a `domain` or `infra` error. """ @spec kind(t) :: kind def kind(%DomainError{}), do: :domain def kind(%InfraError{}), do: :infra @doc """ Return the reason the `Error` was created with. """ @spec reason(t) :: reason def reason(%DomainError{reason: reason}), do: reason def reason(%InfraError{reason: reason}), do: reason @doc """ Return the map of detailed information supplied at `Error` creation. """ @spec details(t(a)) :: a when a: map def details(%DomainError{details: details}), do: details def details(%InfraError{details: details}), do: details @doc """ Map a function on the `details` map in an `Error`. Useful for adding extra details, modifying exisint ones, or removing them. """ @spec map_details(t(a), (a -> b)) :: t(b) when a: map, b: map def map_details(%DomainError{details: details} = error, f) do %DomainError{error | details: f.(details)} end def map_details(%InfraError{details: details} = error, f) do %InfraError{error | details: f.(details)} end @doc """ Wrap a higher-level error 'on top' of a lower-level error. Think of this as a stack trace, but in domain-model terms. """ @spec wrap(t(a), t(a)) :: t(a) when a: map def wrap(inner, %DomainError{} = outer) do %{outer | caused_by: Maybe.just(inner)} end def wrap(inner, %InfraError{} = outer) do %{outer | caused_by: Maybe.just(inner)} end @doc """ Extract the cause of an error (of type `Error.t()`). Think of this as inspecting deeper into the stack trace. """ @spec caused_by(t(a)) :: Maybe.t(t(a)) when a: map def caused_by(%DomainError{caused_by: c}), do: c def caused_by(%InfraError{caused_by: c}), do: c @doc """ Convert an `Error` to an Elixir map. """ @spec to_map(t) :: map def to_map(%DomainError{} = e), do: to_map_rec(e) |> Map.put(:kind, :domain) def to_map(%InfraError{} = e), do: to_map_rec(e) |> Map.put(:kind, :infra) defp to_map_rec(e) do inner_as_map =, &to_map/1) Map.from_struct(e) |> Map.put(:caused_by, inner_as_map) end end
defmodule EVM.Gas do @moduledoc """ Functions for interacting wth gas and costs of opscodes. """ alias EVM.MachineState alias EVM.MachineCode alias EVM.Operation alias EVM.Address alias EVM.ExecEnv @type t :: EVM.val() @type gas_price :: EVM.Wei.t() # Nothing paid for operations of the set Wzero. @g_zero 0 # Amount of gas to pay for operations of the set Wbase. @g_base 2 # Amount of gas to pay for operations of the set Wverylow. @g_verylow 3 # Amount of gas to pay for operations of the set Wlow. @g_low 5 # Amount of gas to pay for operations of the set Wmid. @g_mid 8 # Amount of gas to pay for operations of the set Whigh. @g_high 10 # Amount of gas to pay for operations of the set Wextcode. @g_extcode 20 # Amount of gas to pay for a BALANCE operation. @g_balance 20 # Paid for a SLOAD operation. @g_sload 50 # Paid for a JUMPDEST operation. @g_jumpdest 1 # Paid for an SSTORE operation when the storage value is set to non-zero from zero. @g_sset 20000 # Paid for an SSTORE operation when the storage value’s zeroness remains unchanged or is set to zero. @g_sreset 5000 # Refund given (added into refund counter) when the storage value is set to zero from non-zero. @g_sclear 15000 # Refund given (added into refund counter) for suiciding an account. @g_suicide 24000 # Amount of gas to pay for a SUICIDE operation. @g_suicide 5000 # Paid for a CREATE operation. @g_create 32000 # Paid per byte for a CREATE operation to succeed in placing code into state. @g_codedeposit 200 # Paid for a CALL operation. @g_call 40 # Paid for a non-zero value transfer as part of the CALL operation. @g_callvalue 9000 # A stipend for the called contract subtracted from Gcallvalue for a non-zero value transfer. @g_callstipend 2300 # Paid for a CALL or SUICIDE operation which creates an account. @g_newaccount 25000 # Partial payment for an EXP operation. @g_exp 10 # Partial payment when multiplied by dlog256(exponent)e for the EXP operation. @g_expbyte 10 # Paid for every additional word when expanding memory. @g_memory 3 # The divsor of quadratic costs @g_quad_coeff_div 512 # Paid by all contract-creating transactions after the Homestead transition. @g_txcreate 32000 # Paid for every zero byte of data or code for a transaction. @g_txdatazero 4 # Paid for every non-zero byte of data or code for a transaction. @g_txdatanonzero 68 # Paid for every transaction. @g_transaction 21000 # Partial payment for a LOG operation. @g_log 375 # Paid for each byte in a LOG operation’s data. @g_logdata 8 # Paid for each topic of a LOG operation. @g_logtopic 375 # Paid for each SHA3 operation. @g_sha3 30 # Paid for each word (rounded up) for input data to a SHA3 operation. @g_sha3word 6 # Partial payment for *COPY operations, multiplied by words copied, rounded up. @g_copy 3 # Payment for BLOCKHASH operation @g_blockhash 20 @w_zero_instr [:stop, :return, :suicide] @w_base_instr [ :address, :origin, :caller, :callvalue, :calldatasize, :codesize, :gasprice, :coinbase, :timestamp, :number, :difficulty, :gaslimit, :pop, :pc, :msize, :gas ] @push_instrs, fn n -> :"push#{n}" end) @dup_instrs, fn n -> :"dup#{n}" end) @swap_instrs, fn n -> :"swap#{n}" end) @log_instrs, fn n -> :"log#{n}" end) @w_very_low_instr [ :add, :sub, :calldatacopy, :codecopy, :not_, :lt, :gt, :slt, :sgt, :eq, :iszero, :and_, :or_, :xor_, :byte, :calldataload, :mload, :mstore, :mstore8 ] ++ @push_instrs ++ @dup_instrs ++ @swap_instrs @w_low_instr [:mul, :div, :sdiv, :mod, :smod, :signextend] @w_mid_instr [:addmod, :mulmod, :jump] @w_high_instr [:jumpi] @w_extcode_instr [:extcodesize] @call_operations [:call, :callcode, :delegatecall] @memory_operations [:mstore, :mstore8, :sha3, :codecopy, :extcodecopy, :calldatacopy, :mload] @doc """ Returns the cost to execute the given a cycle of the VM. This is defined in Appenix H of the Yellow Paper, Eq.(220) and is denoted `C`. ## Examples # TODO: Figure out how to hand in state iex> EVM.Gas.cost(%EVM.MachineState{}, %EVM.ExecEnv{}) 0 """ @spec cost(MachineState.t(), ExecEnv.t()) :: t | nil def cost(machine_state, exec_env) do operation = MachineCode.current_operation(machine_state, exec_env) inputs = Operation.inputs(operation, machine_state) operation_cost = operation_cost(operation.sym, inputs, machine_state, exec_env) memory_cost = memory_cost(operation.sym, inputs, machine_state) memory_cost + operation_cost end def memory_cost(:calldatacopy, [memory_offset, _call_data_start, length], machine_state) do memory_expansion_cost(machine_state, memory_offset, length) end def memory_cost(:extcodecopy, [_address, _code_offset, memory_offset, length], machine_state) do if memory_offset + length > EVM.max_int() do 0 else memory_expansion_cost(machine_state, memory_offset, length) end end def memory_cost(:codecopy, [memory_offset, _code_offset, length], machine_state) do memory_expansion_cost(machine_state, memory_offset, length) end def memory_cost(:mload, [memory_offset], machine_state) do memory_expansion_cost(machine_state, memory_offset, 32) end def memory_cost(:mstore8, [memory_offset, _value], machine_state) do memory_expansion_cost(machine_state, memory_offset, 1) end def memory_cost(:sha3, [memory_offset, length], machine_state) do memory_expansion_cost(machine_state, memory_offset, length) end def memory_cost(:mstore, [memory_offset, _value], machine_state) do memory_expansion_cost(machine_state, memory_offset, 32) end def memory_cost(:call, stack_args, machine_state) do call_memory_cost(stack_args, machine_state) end def memory_cost(:callcode, stack_args, machine_state) do call_memory_cost(stack_args, machine_state) end def memory_cost(:create, [_value, in_offset, in_length], machine_state) do memory_expansion_cost(machine_state, in_offset, in_length) end def memory_cost(:return, [offset, length], machine_state) do memory_expansion_cost(machine_state, offset, length) end def memory_cost(_operation, _inputs, _machine_state), do: 0 @spec call_memory_cost(Operation.stack_args(), MachineState.t()) :: t defp call_memory_cost( [_gas_limit, _to_address, _value, in_offset, in_length, out_offset, out_length], machine_state ) do out_memory_cost = memory_expansion_cost(machine_state, out_offset, out_length) in_memory_cost = memory_expansion_cost(machine_state, in_offset, in_length) max(out_memory_cost, in_memory_cost) end # From Eq 220: Cmem(μ′i)−Cmem(μi) def memory_expansion_cost(machine_state, offset, length) do memory_expansion_value = memory_expansion_value(machine_state.active_words, offset, length) if memory_expansion_value > machine_state.active_words do quadratic_memory_cost(memory_expansion_value) - quadratic_memory_cost(machine_state.active_words) else 0 end end # Eq 223 def memory_expansion_value( # s active_words, # f offset, # l length ) do if length == 0 do active_words else max(active_words, round(:math.ceil((offset + length) / 32))) end end # Eq 222 - Cmem def quadratic_memory_cost(a) do linear_cost = a * @g_memory quadratic_cost = MathHelper.floor(:math.pow(a, 2) / @g_quad_coeff_div) linear_cost + quadratic_cost end @doc """ Returns the operation cost for every possible operation. This is defined in Appendix H of the Yellow Paper. ## Examples iex> address = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 iex> account_interface = iex> exec_env = %EVM.ExecEnv{address: address, account_interface: account_interface} iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:sstore, [], %EVM.MachineState{stack: [0, 0]}, exec_env) 5000 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:exp, [0, 0], %EVM.MachineState{}, exec_env) 10 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:exp, [0, 1024], %EVM.MachineState{}, exec_env) 30 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:jumpdest, [], nil, exec_env) 1 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:blockhash, [], nil, exec_env) 20 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:stop, [], nil, exec_env) 0 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:address, [], nil, exec_env) 2 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:push0, [], nil, exec_env) 3 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:mul, [], nil, exec_env) 5 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:addmod, [], nil, exec_env) 8 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:jumpi, [], nil, exec_env) 10 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:extcodesize, [], nil, exec_env) 700 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:sha3, [0, 0], %EVM.MachineState{stack: [0, 0]}, exec_env) 30 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:sha3, [10, 1024], %EVM.MachineState{stack: [10, 1024]}, exec_env) 222 """ @spec operation_cost(atom(), list(EVM.val()), list(EVM.val()), MachineState.t()) :: t | nil def operation_cost(operation \\ nil, inputs \\ nil, machine_state \\ nil, exec_env \\ nil) def operation_cost(:exp, [_base, exponent], _machine_state, _exec_env) do @g_exp + @g_expbyte * MathHelper.integer_byte_size(exponent) end def operation_cost(:codecopy, [_memory_offset, _code_offset, length], _machine_state, _exec_env) do @g_verylow + @g_copy * MathHelper.bits_to_words(length) end def operation_cost( :calldatacopy, [_memory_offset, _code_offset, length], _machine_state, _exec_env ) do @g_verylow + @g_copy * MathHelper.bits_to_words(length) end def operation_cost( :extcodecopy, [_address, _code_offset, _mem_offset, length], _machine_state, _exec_env ) do @g_extcode + @g_copy * MathHelper.bits_to_words(length) end def operation_cost(:sha3, [_length, offset], _machine_state, _exec_env) do @g_sha3 + @g_sha3word * MathHelper.bits_to_words(offset) end @doc """ Returns the cost of a call to `sstore`. This is defined in Appenfix H.2. of the Yellow Paper under the definition of SSTORE, referred to as `C_SSTORE`. ## Examples iex> address = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 iex> account_interface = iex> exec_env = %EVM.ExecEnv{address: address, account_interface: account_interface} iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:sstore, [0, 0], %EVM.MachineState{}, exec_env) 5000 iex> EVM.Gas.operation_cost(:sstore, [0, 2], %EVM.MachineState{}, exec_env) 20000 """ def operation_cost(:sstore, [key, new_value], _machine_state, exec_env) do old_value = ExecEnv.get_storage(exec_env, key) cond do new_value == 0 -> @g_sreset old_value == :account_not_found -> @g_sset old_value == :key_not_found -> @g_sset true -> @g_sreset end end def operation_cost( :call, [gas_limit, to_address, value, _in_offset, _in_length, _out_offset, _out_length], _machine_state, exec_env ) do to_address = @g_call + call_value_cost(value) + new_account_cost(exec_env, to_address) + gas_limit end def operation_cost( :callcode, [gas_limit, _to_address, value, _in_offset, _in_length, _out_offset, _out_length], _machine_state, _exec_env ) do @g_call + call_value_cost(value) + gas_limit end def operation_cost(:log0, [_offset, size | _], _machine_state, _exec_end) do @g_log + @g_logdata * size end def operation_cost(:log1, [_offset, size | _], _machine_state, _exec_end) do @g_log + @g_logdata * size + @g_logtopic end def operation_cost(:log2, [_offset, size | _], _machine_state, _exec_end) do @g_log + @g_logdata * size + @g_logtopic * 2 end def operation_cost(:log3, [_offset, size | _], _machine_state, _exec_end) do @g_log + @g_logdata * size + @g_logtopic * 3 end def operation_cost(:log4, [_offset, size | _], _machine_state, _exec_end) do @g_log + @g_logdata * size + @g_logtopic * 4 end def operation_cost(operation, _inputs, _machine_state, _exec_env) do cond do operation in @w_very_low_instr -> @g_verylow operation in @w_zero_instr -> @g_zero operation in @w_base_instr -> @g_base operation in @w_low_instr -> @g_low operation in @w_mid_instr -> @g_mid operation in @w_high_instr -> @g_high operation in @w_extcode_instr -> @g_extcode operation in @call_operations -> @g_call operation == :create -> @g_create operation == :blockhash -> @g_blockhash operation == :balance -> @g_balance operation == :sload -> @g_sload operation == :jumpdest -> @g_jumpdest true -> 0 end end defp call_value_cost(value) do if value == 0 do 0 else @g_callvalue - @g_callstipend end end defp new_account_cost(exec_env, address) do if exec_env.account_interface |> EVM.Interface.AccountInterface.account_exists?(address) do 0 else @g_newaccount end end @doc """ Returns the gas cost for G_txdata{zero, nonzero} as defined in Appendix G (Fee Schedule) of the Yellow Paper. This implements `g_txdatazero` and `g_txdatanonzero` ## Examples iex> EVM.Gas.g_txdata(<<1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5>>) 5 * 68 + 4 iex> EVM.Gas.g_txdata(<<0>>) 4 iex> EVM.Gas.g_txdata(<<0, 0>>) 8 iex> EVM.Gas.g_txdata(<<>>) 0 """ @spec g_txdata(binary()) :: t def g_txdata(data) do for <<byte <- data>> do case byte do 0 -> @g_txdatazero _ -> @g_txdatanonzero end end |> Enum.sum() end @doc "Paid by all contract-creating transactions after the Homestead transition." @spec g_txcreate() :: t def g_txcreate, do: @g_create @doc "Paid for every transaction." @spec g_transaction() :: t def g_transaction, do: @g_transaction end
defmodule Day15 do @moduledoc """ --- Day 15: Dueling Generators --- Here, you encounter a pair of dueling generators. The generators, called generator A and generator B, are trying to agree on a sequence of numbers. However, one of them is malfunctioning, and so the sequences don't always match. As they do this, a judge waits for each of them to generate its next value, compares the lowest 16 bits of both values, and keeps track of the number of times those parts of the values match. The generators both work on the same principle. To create its next value, a generator will take the previous value it produced, multiply it by a factor (generator A uses 16807; generator B uses 48271), and then keep the remainder of dividing that resulting product by 2147483647. That final remainder is the value it produces next. To calculate each generator's first value, it instead uses a specific starting value as its "previous value" (as listed in your puzzle input). For example, suppose that for starting values, generator A uses 65, while generator B uses 8921. Then, the first five pairs of generated values are: --Gen. A-- --Gen. B-- 1092455 430625591 1181022009 1233683848 245556042 1431495498 1744312007 137874439 1352636452 285222916 In binary, these pairs are (with generator A's value first in each pair): 00000000000100001010101101100111 00011001101010101101001100110111 01000110011001001111011100111001 01001001100010001000010110001000 00001110101000101110001101001010 01010101010100101110001101001010 01100111111110000001011011000111 00001000001101111100110000000111 01010000100111111001100000100100 00010001000000000010100000000100 Here, you can see that the lowest (here, rightmost) 16 bits of the third value match: 1110001101001010. Because of this one match, after processing these five pairs, the judge would have added only 1 to its total. To get a significant sample, the judge would like to consider 40 million pairs. (In the example above, the judge would eventually find a total of 588 pairs that match in their lowest 16 bits.) After 40 million pairs, what is the judge's final count? Generator A starts with 116 Generator B starts with 299 --- Part Two --- In the interest of trying to align a little better, the generators get more picky about the numbers they actually give to the judge. They still generate values in the same way, but now they only hand a value to the judge when it meets their criteria: Generator A looks for values that are multiples of 4. Generator B looks for values that are multiples of 8. Each generator functions completely independently: they both go through values entirely on their own, only occasionally handing an acceptable value to the judge, and otherwise working through the same sequence of values as before until they find one. The judge still waits for each generator to provide it with a value before comparing them (using the same comparison method as before). It keeps track of the order it receives values; the first values from each generator are compared, then the second values from each generator, then the third values, and so on. Using the example starting values given above, the generators now produce the following first five values each: --Gen. A-- --Gen. B-- 1352636452 1233683848 1992081072 862516352 530830436 1159784568 1980017072 1616057672 740335192 412269392 These values have the following corresponding binary values: 01010000100111111001100000100100 01001001100010001000010110001000 01110110101111001011111010110000 00110011011010001111010010000000 00011111101000111101010001100100 01000101001000001110100001111000 01110110000001001010100110110000 01100000010100110001010101001000 00101100001000001001111001011000 00011000100100101011101101010000 Unfortunately, even though this change makes more bits similar on average, none of these values' lowest 16 bits match. Now, it's not until the 1056th pair that the judge finds the first match: --Gen. A-- --Gen. B-- 1023762912 896885216 00111101000001010110000111100000 00110101011101010110000111100000 This change makes the generators much slower, and the judge is getting impatient; it is now only willing to consider 5 million pairs. (Using the values from the example above, after five million pairs, the judge would eventually find a total of 309 pairs that match in their lowest 16 bits.) After 5 million pairs, but using this new generator logic, what is the judge's final count? Generator A starts with 116 Generator B starts with 299 """ use Bitwise def part_a() do test_a(116,299,40000000,0) end def part_b() do test_b(116,299,5000000,0) end def test_b do test_b(65, 8921, 5000000, 0) end def test_b(_a, _b, 0, count) do count end def test_b(a,b,loop,count) do new_a = gen_number(4, a, 16807, 2147483647) new_b = gen_number(8, b, 48271, 2147483647) <<_::16, low_a::16>> = <<new_a::32>> <<_::16, low_b::16>> = <<new_b::32>> case Bitwise.bxor(low_a, low_b) do 0 -> test_b(new_a,new_b,loop-1,count+1) _ -> test_b(new_a,new_b,loop-1,count) end end def test_a do test_a(65, 8921, 5, 0) end def test_a(_, _, 0, count) do count end def test_a(a,b,loop,count) do new_a = rem(a*16807, 2147483647) new_b = rem(b*48271, 2147483647) <<_::16, low_a::16>> = <<new_a::32>> <<_::16, low_b::16>> = <<new_b::32>> case Bitwise.bxor(low_a, low_b) do 0 -> test_a(new_a,new_b,loop-1,count+1) _ -> test_a(new_a,new_b,loop-1,count) end end defp gen_number(multiple, x, num1, num2) do case rem(val = rem(x * num1, num2), multiple) == 0 do true -> val false -> gen_number(multiple, val, num1, num2) end end end
defmodule Backpack.Moment.Calculator.Shared do def ago(term, seconds) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, seconds: -seconds) end def from_now(term, seconds) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, seconds: seconds) end def minutes_ago(term, minutes) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, minutes: -minutes) end def minutes_from_now(term, minutes) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, minutes: minutes) end def hours_ago(term, hours) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, hours: -hours) end def hours_from_now(term, hours) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, hours: hours) end def days_ago(term, days) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, days: -days) end def days_from_now(term, days) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, days: days) end def weeks_ago(term, weeks) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, weeks: -weeks) end def weeks_from_now(term, weeks) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, weeks: weeks) end def months_ago(term, months) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, months: -months) end def months_from_now(term, months) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, months: months) end def years_ago(term, years) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, years: -years) end def years_from_now(term, years) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, years: years) end def beginning_of_day(term) do term |> Map.put(:microsecond, {0, 6}) |> Map.put(:second, 0) |> Map.put(:minute, 0) |> Map.put(:hour, 0) end def end_of_day(term) do term |> Map.put(:microsecond, {999999, 6}) |> Map.put(:second, 59) |> Map.put(:minute, 59) |> Map.put(:hour, 23) end def beginning_of_week(term) do term |> Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(days: -(Backpack.Moment.Calculator.day_of_week(term) - 1)) |> beginning_of_day() end def end_of_week(term) do term |> Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(days: 7 - Backpack.Moment.Calculator.day_of_week(term)) |> end_of_day() end def beginning_of_month(term) do term |> Map.put(:day, 1) |> beginning_of_day() end def end_of_month(term) do {:ok, date} =, term.month, day = Date.days_in_month(date) term |> Map.put(:day, day) |> end_of_day() end def beginning_of_quarter(term) do case term.month do month when month in 1..3 -> term |> Map.put(:month, 1) |> beginning_of_month() month when month in 4..6 -> term |> Map.put(:month, 4) |> beginning_of_month() month when month in 7..9 -> term |> Map.put(:month, 7) |> beginning_of_month() month when month in 10..12 -> term |> Map.put(:month, 10) |> beginning_of_month() end end def end_of_quarter(term) do case term.month do month when month in 1..3 -> term |> Map.put(:month, 3) |> Backpack.Moment.Calculator.end_of_month() month when month in 4..6 -> term |> Map.put(:month, 6) |> Backpack.Moment.Calculator.end_of_month() month when month in 7..9 -> term |> Map.put(:month, 9) |> Backpack.Moment.Calculator.end_of_month() month when month in 10..12 -> term |> Map.put(:month, 12) |> Backpack.Moment.Calculator.end_of_month() end end def beginning_of_year(term) do term |> Map.put(:month, 1) |> beginning_of_month() end def end_of_year(term) do term |> Map.put(:month, 12) |> Backpack.Moment.Calculator.end_of_month() end def yesterday(term) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, days: -1) end def tomorrow(term) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, days: 1) end def last_week(term) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, weeks: -1) end def next_week(term) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, weeks: 1) end def last_month(term) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, months: -1) end def next_month(term) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, months: 1) end def last_year(term) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, years: -1) end def next_year(term) do Backpack.Moment.Calculator.shift(term, years: 1) end def quarter(term) do case term.month do month when month in 1..3 -> 1 month when month in 4..6 -> 2 month when month in 7..9 -> 3 month when month in 10..12 -> 4 end end def day_of_week(term) do, term.month, |> Date.day_of_week() end end
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Cotton.Lint do @moduledoc """ Lint by Credo & check types by Dialyzer. Run following checks. ``` mix format --check-formatted mix credo --strict mix dialyzer mix inch --pedantic ``` Option: * `--fix`: Auto correct errors if available. """ use Mix.Task @shortdoc "Lint by Credo & check types by Dialyzer" @type facts :: map @type results :: keyword(integer) @type tasks :: keyword(Task.t()) @impl Mix.Task def run(args) do"cmd", ["mix compile"]) {[], gather_facts(args)} |> check_async(:format, &check_format/1) |> check_async(:credo, &check_credo/1) |> check_async( :dialyzer, Task.async(Mix.Shell.IO, :cmd, ["mix dialyzer"]) ) # |> check_async(:inch, &check_inch/1) |> await_checks |> print_check_results end defp check_format(facts) do if facts.fix?, do: Mix.Shell.IO.cmd("mix format --check-equivalent") Mix.Shell.IO.cmd("mix format --check-formatted") end defp check_credo(_) do alias Credo.Execution alias Credo.Execution.Task.WriteDebugReport {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:credo) Credo.Application.start(nil, nil) ["--strict"] |> |> |>[]) |> Execution.get_assign("credo.exit_status", 0) end # defp check_inch(%{docs?: false}), do: -1 # defp check_inch(_) do # alias InchEx.CLI #"compile") # {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:inch_ex) # CLI.main(["--pedantic"]) # 0 # end @spec gather_facts([binary]) :: facts defp gather_facts(args) do %{ docs?: Mix.Tasks.Docs in Mix.Task.load_all(), fix?: "--fix" in args } end @spec check_async({tasks, facts}, atom, (facts -> integer) | Task.t()) :: {tasks, facts} defp check_async({tasks, facts}, name, %Task{} = task), do: {[{name, task} | tasks], facts} defp check_async({tasks, facts}, name, fun), do: check_async({tasks, facts}, name, Task.async(fn -> fun.(facts) end)) @spec await_checks({tasks, facts}) :: results defp await_checks({tasks, _}), do: for({name, task} <- Enum.reverse(tasks), do: {name, Task.await(task, :infinity)}) @spec print_check_results(results) :: any defp print_check_results(results) do label_length = results |> Keyword.keys() |> |> to_string |> String.length())) |> Enum.max() for {name, status} <- results, status >= 0 do IO.puts( String.pad_trailing(to_string(name), label_length + 1) <> ":\t" <> if(0 === status, do: "ok", else: "ng") ) end case results |> Keyword.values() |>, 0)) |> Enum.sum() do 0 -> nil exit_status -> :erlang.halt(exit_status) end end end
defmodule Thunk do @moduledoc """ This module provides Thunks. A thunk holds a value thats not yet been computed. This values can have functions applied to them without forcing the value and two thunks can be combined into a tuple again without forcing either of them. The documentation for the functions has Haskell like type signatures these are only there to improve understanding and give a better idea of how these functions should behave. """ @enforce_keys [:pid] defstruct [:pid] @typedoc "The Thunk type." @opaque t :: %Thunk{pid: pid()} @doc """ Delays the evaluation of a value. delay : (() -> a) -> Thunk a """ @spec delay((() -> any())) :: t def delay(fun) when is_function(fun, 0) do # spawns a process in state delay pid = spawn(fn -> Thunking.thunking(:delay, fun, []) end) %Thunk{pid: pid} end @doc """ Forces evaluation of a thunk. force : Thunk a -> a """ @spec force(t) :: any def force(%Thunk{pid: pid}) do me = self() ref = make_ref() # sends the thunk process a message # telling it to force and gives it # this ref and this pid # N.B. this doesn't check if thunk process # exists and will just hang if attempted # on a thunk process that does not # exists send(pid, {:force, ref, me}) receive do # matches on this ref and then # returns the value {:done, ^ref, val} -> val end end @doc """ Lifts a function to work on thunks. map : Thunk a -> (a -> b) -> Thunk b """ @spec map(t, (any() -> any())) :: t def map(%Thunk{pid: pid}, fun) do me = self() pid1 = spawn(fn -> me1 = self() ref = make_ref() # sends the process it gets its # argument from a message asking to # connect it. send(pid, {:connect, {me1, ref}}) # sends the calling process :ok # to ensure that it won't force this # process to early, i.e. before its argument # process receives its connect message. send(me, :ok) Thunking.thunking(:map, pid, ref, fun, []) end) receive do :ok -> %Thunk{pid: pid1} end end @doc """ Given two thunks returns a thunk containing a tuple made of the two values in the argument thunks. product : Thunk a -> Thunk b -> Thunk (a, b) """ @spec product(t, t) :: t def product(%Thunk{pid: p1}, %Thunk{pid: p2}) do me = self() p3 = spawn(fn -> me1 = self() r1 = make_ref() r2 = make_ref() # this has two argument processes but # other than that is not much different # that the map function. send(p1, {:connect, {me1, r1}}) send(p2, {:connect, {me1, r2}}) send(me, :ok) Thunking.thunking(:product, p1, r1, p2, r2, []) end) receive do :ok -> %Thunk{pid: p3} end end @doc """ A macro that turns a value into a thunk. (~~~) : a -> Thunk a """ @spec ~~~any() :: t defmacro ~~~val do quote do Thunk.delay(fn -> unquote(val) end) end end end defimpl Inspect, for: Thunk do import Inspect.Algebra def inspect(_, _) do string("#Thunk<...>") end end
defmodule MapBot do @moduledoc """ `#{__MODULE__}` builds Elixir Maps/Structs based on factory definitions and attributes. Let's see how to use this library by examples: ## Examples setup: ```elixir #{:map_bot |> :code.priv_dir() |> Path.join("support/my_app.ex") |>!()} ``` ## Examples ### `attrs/2`: iex> #{__MODULE__}.Sequence.reset(5) iex> :rand.seed(:exsplus, {1, 2, 3}) ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithNoRepo.attrs(MyApp.Car) %{id: 5, model: "Truck", color: :green} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithNoRepo.attrs(MyApp.Car, color: :yellow) %{id: 6, model: "Hatch", color: :yellow} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithNoRepo.attrs(MyApp.Car, %{color: :purple}) %{id: 7, model: "Hatch", color: :purple} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithNoRepo.attrs(:tomato) %{name: "Tomato-8", color: :blue} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithNoRepo.attrs(:tomato, color: :white) %{name: "Tomato-9", color: :white} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithNoRepo.attrs(:tomato, %{color: :pink}) %{name: "Tomato-10", color: :pink} ### `build/2`: iex> #{__MODULE__}.Sequence.reset(5) iex> :rand.seed(:exsplus, {1, 2, 3}) ...> iex> %MyApp.Car{id: 5, model: "Truck", color: :green} ...> iex>, color: :yellow) %MyApp.Car{id: 6, model: "Hatch", color: :yellow} ...> iex>, %{color: :purple}) %MyApp.Car{id: 7, model: "Hatch", color: :purple} ...> iex> %{name: "Tomato-8", color: :blue} ...> iex>, color: :white) %{name: "Tomato-9", color: :white} ...> iex>, %{color: :pink}) %{name: "Tomato-10", color: :pink} ### `insert/2`: iex> #{__MODULE__}.Sequence.reset(5) iex> :rand.seed(:exsplus, {1, 2, 3}) ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepo.insert(MyApp.Car) {:ok, %MyApp.Car{id: 5, model: "Truck", color: :green}} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepo.insert(MyApp.Car, color: :yellow) {:ok, %MyApp.Car{id: 6, model: "Hatch", color: :yellow}} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepo.insert(MyApp.Car, %{color: :purple}) {:ok, %MyApp.Car{id: 7, model: "Hatch", color: :purple}} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepoAndChangeset.insert(MyApp.House) {:ok, %MyApp.House{id: 8, style: "Asian", color: :blue}} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepoAndChangeset.insert(MyApp.House, color: :yellow) {:ok, %MyApp.House{id: 9, style: "Asian", color: :yellow}} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepoAndChangeset.insert(MyApp.House, %{color: :purple}) {:ok, %MyApp.House{id: 10, style: "American", color: :purple}} ### `insert!/2`: iex> #{__MODULE__}.Sequence.reset(5) iex> :rand.seed(:exsplus, {1, 2, 3}) ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepo.insert!(MyApp.Car) %MyApp.Car{id: 5, model: "Truck", color: :green} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepo.insert!(MyApp.Car, color: :yellow) %MyApp.Car{id: 6, model: "Hatch", color: :yellow} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepo.insert!(MyApp.Car, %{color: :purple}) %MyApp.Car{id: 7, model: "Hatch", color: :purple} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepoAndChangeset.insert!(MyApp.House) %MyApp.House{id: 8, style: "Asian", color: :blue} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepoAndChangeset.insert!(MyApp.House, color: :yellow) %MyApp.House{id: 9, style: "Asian", color: :yellow} ...> iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepoAndChangeset.insert!(MyApp.House, %{color: :purple}) %MyApp.House{id: 10, style: "American", color: :purple} """ @type map_bot_name :: module() | atom() @type map_bot_use_option :: {:repo, module} | {:changeset, boolean} @doc """ Macro that defines a factory for the `name` argument. """ @spec deffactory(map_bot_name, do: any) :: any defmacro deffactory(name, do: block) do quote do defp new(unquote(name)), do: unquote(block) end end @doc """ Use `__MODULE__` with the following options: - `:repo` => Repository module to delegate calls on `insert/1` and `insert!/1` - `:changeset` => If `true` a `changeset/2` function will be called when inserting into the Repo ## Examples iex> MyApp.FactoryWithNoRepo.__info__(:functions) [attrs: 1, attrs: 2, build: 1, build: 2] iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepo.__info__(:functions) [attrs: 1, attrs: 2, build: 1, build: 2, insert: 1, insert: 2, insert!: 1, insert!: 2] iex> MyApp.FactoryWithRepoAndChangeset.__info__(:functions) [attrs: 1, attrs: 2, build: 1, build: 2, insert: 1, insert: 2, insert!: 1, insert!: 2, validate: 2] """ @spec __using__([map_bot_use_option]) :: any defmacro __using__(opts) do quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts] do import MapBot, only: [deffactory: 2] @map_bot_repo Keyword.get(opts, :repo) @map_bot_changeset Keyword.get(opts, :changeset, false) @type map_bot_name :: module() | atom() @type map_bot_attributes :: map() | keyword() @type map_bot_result :: struct() | map() @spec attrs(map_bot_name, map_bot_attributes) :: map def attrs(name, attrs \\ []) do case build(name, attrs) do %_{} = struct -> Map.from_struct(struct) map -> map end end @spec build(map_bot_name, map_bot_attributes) :: map_bot_result def build(name, attrs \\ []) do attrs = name |> new() |> Map.merge(attrs) |> MapBot.Sequence.apply() end if @map_bot_repo do @spec insert(map_bot_name, map_bot_attributes) :: {:ok, map_bot_result} def insert(name, attrs \\ []) do name |> build_maybe_validate(attrs) |> @map_bot_repo.insert() end @spec insert!(map_bot_name, map_bot_attributes) :: map_bot_result def insert!(name, attrs \\ []) do name |> build_maybe_validate(attrs) |> @map_bot_repo.insert!() end if @map_bot_changeset do defp build_maybe_validate(name, attrs) do new_attrs = attrs(name, attrs) validate(name, new_attrs) end def validate(name, attrs) do name |> struct() |> name.changeset(attrs) end else defp build_maybe_validate(name, attrs) do build(name, attrs) end end end end end end
defmodule MonHandler do use GenServer @moduledoc """ A minimal GenServer that monitors a given GenEvent handler. This server will handle exits of the Handler and attempt to re-add it to the manager when unexpected exits occur. Exits for :normal, :shutdown or :swapped reasons will not attempt a re-add to the manager. ## Usage ```elixir iex(x)> {:ok, manager} = GenEvent.start_link {:ok, #PID<X.Y.Z>} iex(x)> {:ok, mon_han} = MonHandler.add_mon_handler(manager, YourEventHandler, event_handler_args) {:ok, #PID<X.Y.Z>} ``` With start_link ```elixir iex(x)> {:ok, manager} = GenEvent.start_link {:ok, #PID<X.Y.Z>} iex(x)> event_handler_args = [] [] iex(x)> config = MonHandler.get_config(manager, YourEventHandler, event_handler_args) [manager: #PID<X.Y.Z>, handler: YourEventHandler, args: []] iex(x)> {:ok, mon_han} = MonHandler.start_link(config, gen_server_opts) {:ok, #PID<X.Y.Z>} ``` Within Supervisor ```elixir mgr_name = :event_manager config = MonHandler.get_config(mgr_name, YourEventHandler) children = [ worker(GenEvent, [[name: mgr_name]]), worker(MonHandler, [config]) ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: __MODULE__] supervise children, opts ``` """ @type config :: [manager: GenEvent.manager, handler: GenEvent.handler, args: term] @doc """ Starts GenServer and adds event handler to the provided GenEvet event manager. This expects the same arguments as `GenEvent.add_mon_handler/3` and returns the same values as `GenServer.start_link/3` See `GenEvent.add_handler/3` and `GenEvent.add_mon_handler/3` for more information ## Usage ```elixir iex(x)> {:ok, manager} = GenEvent.start_link {:ok, #PID<X.Y.Z>} iex(x)> {:ok, mon_han} = MonHandler.add_mon_handler(manager, YourEventHandler, event_handler_args) {:ok, #PID<X.Y.Z>} ``` """ @spec add_mon_handler(GenEvent.manager, GenEvent.handler, term) :: GenServer.on_start def add_mon_handler(manager, event_handler, args \\ []) do start_link(get_config(manager, event_handler, args), []) end @doc """ Given the #PID of an active `MonHandler` this will remove the monitored event handler from the event manager and stop the `MonHandler` `GenServer`. Arguments given in the second term will be passed to `GenEvent.remove_handler/3` ## Usage ```elixir iex(x)> {:ok, manager} = GenEvent.start_link {:ok, #PID<X.Y.Z>} iex(x)> {:ok, mon_han} = MonHandler.add_mon_handler(manager, YourEventHandler, event_handler_args) {:ok, #PID<X.Y.Z>} iex(x)> MonHandler.remove_handler(mon_han) :ok ``` """ @spec remove_handler(GenServer.server, term) :: term | {:error, term} def remove_handler(server, args \\ []) do, {:remove_handler, args}) end @doc """ Starts GenServer and adds event handler to the provided GenEvet event manager. This expects the same arguments as `GenEvent.add_mon_handler/3` plus options for the `GenServer` and returns the same values as `GenServer.start_link/3` See `GenEvent.add_handler/3` and `GenEvent.add_mon_handler/3` for more information ## Usage ```elixir iex(x)> {:ok, manager} = GenEvent.start_link {:ok, #PID<X.Y.Z>} iex(x)> event_handler_args = [] [] iex(x)> config = MonHandler.get_config(manager, YourEventHandler, event_handler_args) [manager: #PID<X.Y.Z>, handler: YourEventHandler, args: []] iex(x)> {:ok, mon_han} = MonHandler.start_link(config, gen_server_opts) {:ok, #PID<X.Y.Z>} ``` """ @spec start_link(config, GenServer.options) :: GenServer.on_start def start_link(config, opts \\ []) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, config, opts) end @doc """ Returns a config list from given values. ##Usage ```elixir iex(x)> config = MonHandler.get_config(manager, YourEventHandler) [manager: #PID<X.Y.Z>, handler: YourEventHandler, args: []] ``` Or ```elixir iex(x)> config = MonHandler.get_config(manager, YourEventHandler, event_handler_args) [manager: #PID<X.Y.Z>, handler: YourEventHandler, args: []] ``` """ @spec get_config(GenEvent.manager, GenEvent.handler, term) :: config def get_config(manager, event_handler, args \\ []) do [manager: manager, handler: event_handler, args: args] end @doc false def init(config) do :ok = start_handler(config) {:ok, config} end @doc false def handle_info({:gen_event_EXIT, _handler, reason}, config) when reason in [:normal, :shutdown] do {:stop, reason, config} end @doc false def handle_info({:gen_event_EXIT, _handler, {:swapped, _new_handler, _pid}}, config) do {:stop, :handler_swapped, config} end @doc false def handle_info({:gen_event_EXIT, _handler, _reason}, config) do :ok = start_handler(config) {:noreply, config} end @doc false def handle_call({:remove_handler, args}, _from, config) do result = GenEvent.remove_handler(config[:manager], config[:handler], args) {:stop, :normal, result, config} end defp start_handler(config) do GenEvent.add_mon_handler(config[:manager], config[:handler], config[:args]) end end
defmodule Bisect do @moduledoc!("") import Bitwise, only: [ >>>: 2 ] defp extract_key(:lhs, opts) do key = opts[:key] opts[:lhs_key] || key end defp extract_key(:rhs, opts) do key = opts[:key] opts[:rhs_key] || key end defp access_value(term, key) when key in [nil, []] do term end defp access_value(term, key) when not is_list(key) do access_value(term, [key]) end defp access_value(term, key) do get_in(term, key) end @doc ~S""" Executes binary search in list `enumerable` by passing list elements to the `function` for comparison, assuming the list is sorted. ### Options - `key` or `lhs_key`: Path of the value to be compared, by being passed to `function` while iteration. See `Kernel.get_in/2` ### Examples iex>[1, 2, 4], fn x -> ...> x == 4 ...> end) 2 iex>[1, 2, 4, 8], fn x -> ...> x == 7 ...> end) 4 iex>[1, 2], fn x -> ...> x >= 1 ...> end) 0 iex>[1, 2], fn x -> ...> x > 1 ...> end) 1 iex>[2, 1], fn x -> ...> x < 0 ...> end) 2 iex> ...> [%{value: 1}, %{value: 2}], ...> fn x -> ...> x > 1 ...> end, ...> lhs_key: [:value] ...> ) 1 """ @doc since: "0.4.0" @spec search(Enum.t(), (term -> boolean), keyword) :: non_neg_integer def search(enumerable, function, opts \\ []) do do_search(enumerable, function, 0, length(enumerable), opts) end defp do_search(enumerable, function, low, high, opts) when low < high do middle = (low + high) >>> 0x1 lhs =, middle) lhs_key = extract_key(:lhs, opts) lhs_value = access_value(lhs, lhs_key) case apply(function, [lhs_value]) do true -> do_search(enumerable, function, low, middle, opts) false -> do_search(enumerable, function, middle + 1, high, opts) end end defp do_search(_enumerable, _function, low, _high, _opts) do low end @doc ~S""" Returns the leftmost index where to insert `term` in list `enumerable`, assuming the list is sorted. ### Examples iex> Bisect.bisect_left([1, 2], 1) 0 iex> Bisect.bisect_left([1, 2], 2) 1 iex> Bisect.bisect_left([1, 2], 4) 2 ### Options - `rhs_key`: Path of the value of `term` to be compared. See `Kernel.get_in/2` See `` for more options. """ @doc since: "0.1.0" @spec bisect_left(Enum.t(), term, keyword) :: non_neg_integer def bisect_left(enumerable, term, opts \\ []) do rhs_key = extract_key(:rhs, opts) rhs_value = access_value(term, rhs_key) search( enumerable, fn x -> x >= rhs_value end, opts ) end @doc ~S""" Returns the rightmost index where to insert `term` in list `enumerable`, assuming the list is sorted. ### Examples iex> Bisect.bisect_right([1, 2], 1) 1 iex> Bisect.bisect_right([1, 2, 2, 4], 4) 4 iex> Bisect.bisect_right([2, 4], 0) 0 ### Options - `rhs_key`: Path of the value of `term` to be compared. See `Kernel.get_in/2` See `` for more options. """ @doc since: "0.1.0" @spec bisect_right(Enum.t(), term, keyword) :: non_neg_integer def bisect_right(enumerable, term, opts \\ []) do rhs_key = extract_key(:rhs, opts) rhs_value = access_value(term, rhs_key) search( enumerable, fn x -> x > rhs_value end, opts ) end @doc ~S""" Inserts `term` into list `enumerable`, and keeps it sorted assuming the list is already sorted. If `term` is already in `enumerable`, inserts it to the left of the leftmost `term`. ### Examples iex> Bisect.insort_left([1, 2], 1) [1, 1, 2] iex> Bisect.insort_left([1, 2, 2, 4], 4) [1, 2, 2, 4, 4] iex> Bisect.insort_left([2, 4], 0) [0, 2, 4] iex> Bisect.insort_left( ...> [%{value: 2}, %{value: 4}], ...> %{value: 0}, ...> key: [:value] ...> ) [%{value: 0}, %{value: 2}, %{value: 4}] ### Options See `Bisect.bisect_left/3` """ @doc since: "0.1.0" @spec insort_left(Enum.t(), term, keyword) :: Enum.t() def insort_left(enumerable, term, opts \\ []) do index = bisect_left(enumerable, term, opts) List.insert_at(enumerable, index, term) end @doc ~S""" Inserts `term` into list `enumerable`, and keeps it sorte assuming the list is already sorted. If `term` is already in `enumerable`, inserts it to the right of the rightmost `term`. ### Examples iex> Bisect.insort_right([1, 2], 1) [1, 1, 2] iex> Bisect.insort_right([1, 2, 2, 4], 4) [1, 2, 2, 4, 4] iex> Bisect.insort_right([2, 4], 0) [0, 2, 4] iex> Bisect.insort_right( ...> [%{value: 2}, %{value: 4}], ...> %{value: 0}, ...> key: [:value] ...> ) [%{value: 0}, %{value: 2}, %{value: 4}] ### Options See `Bisect.bisect_right/3` """ @doc since: "0.1.0" @spec insort_right(Enum.t(), term, keyword) :: Enum.t() def insort_right(enumerable, term, opts \\ []) do index = bisect_right(enumerable, term, opts) List.insert_at(enumerable, index, term) end end
defmodule Scrivener.Headers do @moduledoc """ Helpers for paginating API responses with [Scrivener]( and HTTP headers. Implements [RFC-5988](, the proposed standard for Web linking. Use `paginate/2` to set the pagination headers: def index(conn, params) do page = MyApp.Person |> where([p], p.age > 30) |> order_by([p], desc: p.age) |> preload(:friends) |> MyApp.Repo.paginate(params) conn |> Scrivener.Headers.paginate(page) |> render("index.json", people: page.entries) end """ import Plug.Conn, only: [put_resp_header: 3, get_req_header: 2] @default_header_keys %{ link: "link", total: "total", per_page: "per-page", total_pages: "total-pages", page_number: "page-number" } @doc """ Add HTTP headers for a `Scrivener.Page`. """ @spec paginate(Plug.Conn.t(), Scrivener.Page.t(), opts :: keyword()) :: Plug.Conn.t() def paginate(conn, page, opts \\ []) def paginate(conn, page, opts) do use_x_forwarded = Keyword.get(opts, :use_x_forwarded, false) header_keys = generate_header_keys(opts) uri = generate_uri(conn, use_x_forwarded) do_paginate(conn, page, uri, header_keys) end defp generate_uri(conn, true) do %URI{ scheme: get_x_forwarded_or_conn(conn, :scheme, "proto", &Atom.to_string/1), host: get_x_forwarded_or_conn(conn, :host, "host"), port: get_x_forwarded_or_conn(conn, :port, "port", & &1, &String.to_integer/1), path: conn.request_path, query: conn.query_string } end defp generate_uri(conn, false) do %URI{ scheme: Atom.to_string(conn.scheme), host:, port: conn.port, path: conn.request_path, query: conn.query_string } end defp do_paginate(conn, page, uri, header_keys) do conn |> put_resp_header(, build_link_header(uri, page)) |> put_resp_header(, Integer.to_string(page.total_entries)) |> put_resp_header(header_keys.per_page, Integer.to_string(page.page_size)) |> put_resp_header(header_keys.total_pages, Integer.to_string(page.total_pages)) |> put_resp_header(header_keys.page_number, Integer.to_string(page.page_number)) end defp get_x_forwarded_or_conn( conn, conn_prop, header_name, parse_conn \\ & &1, parse_header \\ & &1 ) do case get_req_header(conn, "x-forwarded-#{header_name}") do [] -> conn |> Map.get(conn_prop) |> parse_conn.() [value | _] -> parse_header.(value) end end @spec build_link_header(URI.t(), Scrivener.Page.t()) :: String.t() defp build_link_header(uri, page) do [link_str(uri, 1, "first"), link_str(uri, page.total_pages, "last")] |> maybe_add_prev(uri, page.page_number, page.total_pages) |> maybe_add_next(uri, page.page_number, page.total_pages) |> Enum.join(", ") end defp link_str(%{query: req_query} = uri, page_number, rel) do query = req_query |> URI.decode_query() |> Map.put("page", page_number) |> URI.encode_query() uri_str = %URI{uri | query: query} |> URI.to_string() ~s(<#{uri_str}>; rel="#{rel}") end defp maybe_add_prev(links, uri, page_number, total_pages) when 1 < page_number and page_number <= total_pages do [link_str(uri, page_number - 1, "prev") | links] end defp maybe_add_prev(links, _uri, _page_number, _total_pages) do links end defp maybe_add_next(links, uri, page_number, total_pages) when 1 <= page_number and page_number < total_pages do [link_str(uri, page_number + 1, "next") | links] end defp maybe_add_next(links, _uri, _page_number, _total_pages) do links end defp generate_header_keys(header_keys: header_keys) do custom_header_keys = Map.merge(@default_header_keys, custom_header_keys) end defp generate_header_keys(_), do: @default_header_keys end
defmodule Sanbase.Signal.FileHandler do @moduledoc false defmodule Helper do import Sanbase.DateTimeUtils, only: [interval_to_str: 1] alias Sanbase.TemplateEngine require Sanbase.Break, as: Break # The selected field is required by default # A missing required field will result in a compile time error def name_to_field_map(map, field, opts \\ []) do Break.if_kw_invalid?(opts, valid_keys: [:transform_fn, :required?]) transform_fn = Keyword.get(opts, :transform_fn, &Function.identity/1) required? = Keyword.get(opts, :required?, true) map |> Enum.into(%{}, fn %{"name" => name, ^field => value} -> {name, transform_fn.(value)} %{"name" => name} -> if required? do Break.break("The field \"#{field}\" in the #{Jason.encode!(name)} signal is required") else {name, nil} end end) end def fields_to_name_map(map, fields) do map |> Enum.into( %{}, fn %{"name" => name} = elem -> {Map.take(elem, fields), name} end ) end def resolve_timebound_signals(signal_map, timebound_values) do %{ "name" => name, "signal" => signal, "human_readable_name" => human_readable_name } = signal_map timebound_values |> timebound -> %{ signal_map | "name" =>, %{timebound: timebound}), "signal" =>, %{timebound: timebound}), "human_readable_name" => human_readable_name, %{timebound_human_readable: interval_to_str(timebound)} ) } end) end def expand_timebound_signals(signals_json_pre_timebound_expand) do Enum.flat_map( signals_json_pre_timebound_expand, fn signal -> case Map.get(signal, "timebound") do nil -> [signal] timebound_values -> resolve_timebound_signals(signal, timebound_values) end end ) end def atomize_access_level_value(access) when is_binary(access), do: String.to_existing_atom(access) def atomize_access_level_value(access) when is_map(access) do Enum.into(access, %{}, fn {k, v} -> {k, String.to_existing_atom(v)} end) end def resolve_access_level(access) when is_atom(access), do: access def resolve_access_level(access) when is_map(access) do case access do %{"historical" => :free, "realtime" => :free} -> :free _ -> :restricted end end end # Structure # This JSON file contains a list of signals available in ClickHouse. # For every signal we have: # - signal - the name of the signal # - access - whether the signal is completely free or some time restrictions # should be applied # - aggregation - the default aggregation that is applied to combine the values # if the data is queried with interval bigger than 'min_interval' # - min_interval - the minimal interval the data is available for # - table - the table name in ClickHouse where the signal is stored @signals_file "signal_files/available_signals.json" @external_resource available_signals_file = Path.join(__DIR__, @signals_file) @signals_json_pre_timebound_expand!(available_signals_file) |> Jason.decode!() @signals_json Helper.expand_timebound_signals(@signals_json_pre_timebound_expand) @aggregations [:none] ++ Sanbase.Metric.SqlQuery.Helper.aggregations() @signal_map Helper.name_to_field_map(@signals_json, "signal", required?: true) @name_to_signal_map @signal_map @signal_to_name_map, fn {k, v} -> {v, k} end) @access_map Helper.name_to_field_map(@signals_json, "access", transform_fn: &Helper.atomize_access_level_value/1 ) @table_map Helper.name_to_field_map(@signals_json, "table", required?: true) @aggregation_map Helper.name_to_field_map(@signals_json, "aggregation", transform_fn: &String.to_atom/1 ) @min_interval_map Helper.name_to_field_map(@signals_json, "min_interval", required?: true) @human_readable_name_map Helper.name_to_field_map(@signals_json, "human_readable_name") @data_type_map Helper.name_to_field_map(@signals_json, "data_type", transform_fn: &String.to_atom/1 ) @signals_list @signals_json |> %{"name" => name} -> name end) @signals_mapset @min_plan_map Helper.name_to_field_map(@signals_json, "min_plan", transform_fn: fn plan_map -> Enum.into(plan_map, %{}, fn {k, v} -> {k, String.to_atom(v)} end) end ) @signals_data_type_map Helper.name_to_field_map(@signals_json, "data_type", transform_fn: &String.to_atom/1 ) @selectors_map Helper.name_to_field_map(@signals_json, "selectors", transform_fn: fn list ->, &String.to_atom/1) end ) Enum.group_by( @signals_json_pre_timebound_expand, fn signal -> {signal["signal"], signal["data_type"]} end ) |> Map.values() |> Enum.filter(fn group -> Enum.count(group) > 1 end) |> Enum.each(fn duplicate_signals -> Break.break(""" Duplicate signals found: #{inspect(duplicate_signals)} """) end) def aggregations(), do: @aggregations def aggregation_map(), do: @aggregation_map def access_map(), do: @access_map def signal_map(), do: @signal_map def signals_mapset(), do: @signals_mapset def min_interval_map(), do: @min_interval_map def human_readable_name_map(), do: @human_readable_name_map def table_map(), do: @table_map def data_type_map(), do: @data_type_map def min_plan_map(), do: @min_plan_map def selectors_map(), do: @selectors_map def name_to_signal_map(), do: @name_to_signal_map def signal_to_name_map(), do: @signal_to_name_map def signals_with_access(level) when level in [:free, :restricted] do @access_map |> Enum.filter(fn {_signal, restrictions} -> Helper.resolve_access_level(restrictions) === level end) |>, 0)) end def signals_with_data_type(type) do @signals_data_type_map |> Enum.filter(fn {_signal, data_type} -> data_type == type end) |>, 0)) end end
defmodule MyEnum do # require MyMacros @doc """ MyEnum.all?(list, pred) returns true if pred is true for all element in list, false otherwise ## Examples iex> MyEnum.all? [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &(&1 > 0) true iex> MyEnum.all? [1, 2, 3], &(&1 < 3) false iex> MyEnum.all?(["Abracadabra", "Tumetai", "nokogiri" ], &(String.length(&1) > 3)) true """ def all?([], _), do: true def all?([h | t], pred), do: pred.(h) && all?(t, pred) @doc """ MyEnum.any?(list, pred) returns false if pred is false for every element of list and true otherwise ## Examples iex> MyEnum.any? [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &(&1 > 0) true iex> MyEnum.any? [1, 2, 3], &(&1 > 4) false iex> MyEnum.any?(["Abracadabra", "Tumetai", "nokogiri" ], &(String.length(&1) > 3)) true """ def any?([], _), do: false def any?([h | t], pred), do: pred.(h) || all?(t, pred) @doc """ MyEnum.filter(list, filt) returns a list of elem satisfying filt ## Examples iex> MyEnum.filter [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &(&1 > 0) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] iex> MyEnum.filter [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &(&1 < 0) [] iex> MyEnum.filter [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &(&1 == 10) [] iex> MyEnum.filter [], &(&1 >= 0) [] iex> MyEnum.filter [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], fn _ -> true end [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] """ def filter(list, filt), do: _filter(list, [], filt) defp _filter(list, lr, filt, way \\ :in) defp _filter([], lr, _, _), do: lr # NO, it won't work, how do we generate functions iff they are not already generated # defp _filter(list, lr, filt, way) do # MyMacros.gen_defp("_filter_#{way}", func, if kw == :in, do: "" else: "not") # case way do # :in -> _filter_in(list, lr, filt) # :out -> _filter_out(list, lr, filt) # end # end defp _filter([h | t], lr, filt, way) do case way do :in -> _filter_in([h | t], lr, filt) :out -> _filter_out([h | t], lr, filt) end end def _filter_in([], lr, _), do: reverse(lr) def _filter_in([h | t], lr, filt) do case filt.(h) do val when val in [false, nil] -> _filter_in(t, lr, filt) _ -> _filter_in(t, [h | lr], filt) end end def _filter_out([], lr, _), do: reverse(lr) def _filter_out([h | t], lr, filt) do case !filt.(h) do val when val in [false, nil] -> _filter_out(t, lr, filt) _ -> _filter_out(t, [h | lr], filt) end end # defp _filter([h | t], lr, filt, way) do # bool = MyMacros.on(way, :in, filt.(h)) # case bool do # val when val in [false, nil] -> _filter(t, lr, filt, way) # _ -> _filter(t, [h | lr], filt, way) # truthy # end # end @doc """ MyEnum.reject(list, filt) returns a list of elem that do not satisfied filt (the converse of MyEnum.filter) ## Examples iex> MyEnum.reject [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &(&1 > 0) [] iex> MyEnum.reject [1, -2, 3, -4, 5], &(&1 < 0) [1, 3, 5] MyEnum.reject [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], fn _ -> false end [] iex> MyEnum.reject [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &(&1 == 10) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] """ def reject(list, filt), do: _filter(list, [], filt, :out) @doc """ MyEnum.split(list, n), returns a list of lists whose length are <= n ## Examples iex> MyEnum.split([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3) [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]] iex> MyEnum.split([], 3) [] iex> MyEnum.split([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], -2) [] iex> MyEnum.split([1, 2, 3, 4], 5) [[1, 2, 3, 4]] """ def split(list, n), do: _split(list, [[]], n) defp _split([], _, n) when n < 0 do [] end defp _split([], lr, _) do if lr == [[]] do [] else reverse(lr, true) end end defp _split([h | t], [h1 | t1], n) do if (Kernel.length(h1) + 1) <= n do _split(t, [ [h | h1] | t1], n) else _split(t, [[h] | [h1 | t1]], n) end end # TODO: each @doc """ MyEnum.take(list, n) takes the first n element of list ## Examples iex> MyEnum.take([], 3) [] iex> MyEnum.take([1, 2], 3) [] iex> MyEnum.take([], 3) [] iex> MyEnum.take([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 3) [1, 2, 3] iex> MyEnum.take([2, 4, 6, 8], 4) [2, 4, 6, 8] iex> MyEnum.take([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10], 4) [0, 2, 4, 6] iex> MyEnum.take([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10], -4) [] iex> MyEnum.take([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10], 0) [] iex> MyEnum.take([0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10], 1) [0] """ def take(list, n), do: _take(list, [], n, 0) defp _take(_, _, n, _) when n < 0 do [] end defp _take(_, lr, n, n), do: reverse(lr) defp _take([], _, n, m) when m < n do [] end defp _take([h | t], lr, n, m), do: _take(t, [h | lr], n, m + 1) @doc """ MyEnum.flatten(list), returns a one level list by flattening all nested lists from original list ## Examples iex> MyEnum.flatten([[1, 2], [3, [4, 6], 5]]) [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5] iex> MyEnum.flatten([[1, 2], [3, 5]]) [1, 2, 3, 5] iex> MyEnum.flatten([2, 1, 3, 5]) [2, 1, 3, 5] iex> MyEnum.flatten([[1, 2], [3, 5]]) [1, 2, 3, 5] iex> MyEnum.flatten([]) [] iex> MyEnum.flatten([[[[]]]]) [] iex> MyEnum.flatten([1, [2, [3, [5, [4, [6]], 8], 7], 9], 10]) [1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 8, 7, 9, 10] """ def flatten(list), do: _flatten(list, []) defp _flatten([], lr), do: reverse(lr) defp _flatten([h | t], lr) do if is_list(h) do _flatten(t, reverse(_flatten(h, lr))) else _flatten(t, [h | lr]) end end @doc """ MyEnum.reverse(list) returns a list for which each element (at first level) are in reverse order (from the original list) ## Examples iex> MyEnum.reverse [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] iex> MyEnum.reverse [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]] [[5], [3, 4], [1, 2]] iex> MyEnum.reverse([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]], true) [[5], [4, 3], [2, 1]] iex> MyEnum.reverse([[1, 2], [3, 4], 5, [6, 7]], true) [[7, 6], 5, [4, 3], [2, 1]] iex> MyEnum.reverse [1] [1] iex> MyEnum.reverse [] [] """ def reverse(list, nested \\ false) def reverse(list, nested), do: _reverse(list, nested, []) defp _reverse([], _, lr), do: lr defp _reverse([h | t], nested, lr) do case nested do true -> if is_list(h) do _reverse(t, nested, [_reverse(h, nested, []) | lr]) else _reverse(t, nested, [h | lr]) end false -> _reverse(t, nested, [h | lr]) end end end
defmodule Edeliver.Relup.RunnableInstruction do @moduledoc """ This module can be used to provide custom instructions executed during the upgrade. They can be used in implementations of the `Edeliver.Relup.Modification` behaviours. A runnable instruction must implement a `` function which will be executed during the upgrade on the nodes. Example: defmodule Acme.Relup.PingNodeInstruction do use Edeliver.Relup.RunnableInstruction def modify_relup(instructions = %Instructions{up_instructions: up_instructions}, _config = %{}) do node_name = :"node@host" %{instructions| up_instructions: [call_this([node_name]) | instructions.up_instructions], down_instructions: [call_this([node_name]) | instructions.down_instructions] } end # executed during hot code upgrade from relup file def run(_options = [node_name]) do end # actually implemented already in this module def call_this(arguments) do # creates a relup instruction to call `run/1` of this module {:apply, {__MODULE__, :run, arguments}} end end # using the instruction defmodule Acme.Relup.Modification do use Edeliver.Relup.Modification def modify_relup(instructions = %Instructions{}, config = %{}) do instructions |> Edeliver.Relup.DefaultModification.modify_relup(config) # use default modifications |> Acme.Relup.PingNodeInstruction.modify_relup(config) # apply also custom instructions end end """ require Logger import Edeliver.Relup.ShiftInstruction, only: [ ensure_module_loaded_before_first_runnable_instructions: 3, ensure_module_unloaded_after_last_runnable_instruction: 3, ] alias Edeliver.Relup.Instructions @doc """ The function to run during hot code upgrade on nodes. If it throws an error before the `point_of_no_return` the upgrade is aborted. If it throws an error and was executed after that point, the release is restarted """ @callback run(options::[term]) :: :ok @doc """ Returns a function which inserts the relup instruction that calls the `` fuction of this module. Default is inserting it at the end of the instructions """ @callback insert_where() :: ((%Edeliver.Relup.Instructions{}, Edeliver.Relup.Instruction.instruction) -> %Edeliver.Relup.Instructions{}) @doc """ Returns the arguments which will be passed the `` function during the upgrade. Default is an empty list. """ @callback arguments(instructions::%Edeliver.Relup.Instructions{}, config::Edeliver.Relup.Config.t) :: [term] @doc """ Returns a list of module names which implement the behaviour `Edeliver.Relup.RunnableInstruction` and are used / referenced by this runnable instruction. These modules must be loaded before this instruction is executed for upgrades and unloaded after this instruction for downgrades. Default is an empty list. """ @callback dependencies() :: [instruction_module::atom] @doc """ Logs the message of the given type on the node which executes the upgrade and displays it as output of the `$APP/bin/$APP upgrade $RELEASE` command. The message is prefixed with a string derived from the message type. """ @spec log_in_upgrade_script(type:: :error|:warning|:info|:debug, message::String.t) :: no_return def log_in_upgrade_script(type, message) do message = String.to_char_list(message) prefix = case type do :error -> '---> X ' :warning -> '---> ! ' :info -> '---> ' _ -> '----> ' # debug end format_in_upgrade_script('~s~s~n', [prefix, message]) end @doc """ Formats and prints the message on the node running the upgrade script which was started by the `$APP/bin/$APP upgrade $RELEASE` command. """ @spec format_in_upgrade_script(format::char_list, arguments::[term]) :: no_return def format_in_upgrade_script(format, arguments) do :erlang.nodes |> Enum.filter(fn node -> Regex.match?(~r/upgrader_\d+/, Atom.to_string(node)) end) |> Enum.each(fn node -> :rpc.cast(node, :io, :format, [:user, format, arguments]) end) end @doc """ Logs an error using the `Logger` on the running node which is upgraded. In addition the same error message is logged on the node which executes the upgrade and is displayed as output of the `$APP/bin/$APP upgarde $RELEASE` command. """ @spec error(message::String.t) :: no_return def error(message) do Logger.error message log_in_upgrade_script(:error, message) end @doc """ Logs a warning using the `Logger` on the running node which is upgraded. In addition the same warning message is logged on the node which executes the upgrade and is displayed as output of the `$APP/bin/$APP upgarde $RELEASE` command. """ @spec warn(message::String.t) :: no_return def warn(message) do Logger.warn message log_in_upgrade_script(:warning, message) end @doc """ Logs an info message using the `Logger` on the running node which is upgraded. In addition the same info message is logged on the node which executes the upgrade and is displayed as output of the `$APP/bin/$APP upgarde $RELEASE` command. """ @spec info(message::String.t) :: no_return def info(message) do message log_in_upgrade_script(:info, message) end @doc """ Logs a debug message using the `Logger` on the running node which is upgraded. In addition the same debug message is logged on the node which executes the upgrade and is displayed as output of the `$APP/bin/$APP upgarde $RELEASE` command. """ @spec debug(message::String.t) :: no_return def debug(message) do Logger.debug message log_in_upgrade_script(:debug, message) end @doc """ Ensures that all `Edeliver.Relup.RunnableInstruction` modules used / referenced by this instruction and returned by the `c:Edeliver.Relup.RunnableInstruction.dependencies/0` callback are loaded before this instruction is executed during the upgrade. """ @spec ensure_dependencies_loaded_before_instruction_for_upgrade(instructions::Instructions.t, runnable_instruction::{:apply, {module::atom, :run, arguments::[term]}}, dependencies::[instruction_module::atom]) :: Instructions.t def ensure_dependencies_loaded_before_instruction_for_upgrade(instructions = %Instructions{}, call_this_instruction, dependencies) do dependencies |> Enum.reduce(instructions, fn(dependency, instructions_acc = %Instructions{up_instructions: up_instructions}) -> %{instructions_acc| up_instructions: ensure_module_loaded_before_first_runnable_instructions(up_instructions, call_this_instruction, dependency)} end) end @doc """ Ensures that all `Edeliver.Relup.RunnableInstruction` modules used / referenced by this instruction and returned by the `c:Edeliver.Relup.RunnableInstruction.dependencies/0` callback are unloaded after this instruction is executed during the downgrade. """ @spec ensure_dependencies_unloaded_after_instruction_for_downgrade(instructions::Instructions.t, runnable_instruction::{:apply, {module::atom, :run, arguments::[term]}}, dependencies::[instruction_module::atom]) :: Instructions.t def ensure_dependencies_unloaded_after_instruction_for_downgrade(instructions = %Instructions{}, call_this_instruction, dependencies) do dependencies |> Enum.reduce(instructions, fn(dependency, instructions_acc = %Instructions{down_instructions: down_instructions}) -> %{instructions_acc| down_instructions: ensure_module_unloaded_after_last_runnable_instruction(down_instructions, call_this_instruction, dependency)} end) end @doc """ Assumes that the pattern matches or throws an error with the given error message. The error message is logged as error to the logfile using the `Logger` and displayed as error output by the `$APP/bin/$APP upgrade $RELEASE` task using the `$APP/ebin/install_upgrade.escript` script. If the pattern matches the variables from the matching are assigned. """ defmacro assume({:=, _, [left, right]} = assertion, error_message) do code = Macro.escape(assertion) left = Macro.expand(left, __CALLER__) vars = collect_vars_from_pattern(left) quote do right = unquote(right) expr = unquote(code) unquote(vars) = case right do unquote(left) -> unquote(vars) _ -> error unquote(error_message) # error is shown as erlang term in the upgrade script # `$APP/ebin/install_upgrade.escript`. so use an erlang # string as error message throw {:error, String.to_char_list(unquote(error_message))} end right end end # Used by the assume macro for pattern assignment defp collect_vars_from_pattern(expr) do {_, vars} = Macro.prewalk(expr, [], fn {:::, _, [left, _]}, acc -> {[left], acc} {skip, _, [_]}, acc when skip in [:^, :@] -> {:ok, acc} {:_, _, context}, acc when is_atom(context) -> {:ok, acc} {name, _, context}, acc when is_atom(name) and is_atom(context) -> {:ok, [{name, [generated: true], context}|acc]} node, acc -> {node, acc} end) Enum.uniq(vars) end @doc false defmacro __using__(_opts) do quote do use Edeliver.Relup.Instruction import Edeliver.Relup.RunnableInstruction @behaviour Edeliver.Relup.RunnableInstruction alias Edeliver.Relup.Instructions require Logger def modify_relup(instructions = %Instructions{}, config = %{}) do call_this_instruction = call_this(arguments(instructions, config)) insert_where_fun = insert_where() instructions |> insert_where_fun.(call_this_instruction) |> ensure_module_loaded_before_instruction(call_this_instruction, __MODULE__) |> ensure_dependencies_loaded_before_instruction_for_upgrade(call_this_instruction, dependencies()) |> ensure_dependencies_unloaded_after_instruction_for_downgrade(call_this_instruction, dependencies()) end @spec arguments(%Edeliver.Relup.Instructions{}, Edeliver.Relup.Config.t) :: term def arguments(%Edeliver.Relup.Instructions{}, %{}), do: [] @spec insert_where()::Instruction.insert_fun def insert_where, do: &append/2 @spec dependencies() :: [instruction_module::atom] def dependencies, do: [] defoverridable [modify_relup: 2, insert_where: 0, arguments: 2, dependencies: 0] @doc """ Calls the `run/1` function of this module from the relup file during hot code upgrade """ @spec call_this(arguments::[term]) :: Instruction.instruction|Instruction.instructions def call_this(arguments \\ []) do {:apply, {__MODULE__, :run, [arguments]}} end end # quote end # defmacro __using__ end
defmodule Cldr.Number.Backend.Rbnf do @moduledoc false def define_number_modules(config) do backend = config.backend root_locale = Cldr.Config.root_locale_name() quote location: :keep do defmodule Rbnf.NumberSystem do @moduledoc false if Cldr.Config.include_module_docs?(unquote(config.generate_docs)) do @moduledoc """ Functions to implement the number system rule-based-number-format rules of CLDR. These rules are defined only on the "und" locale and represent specialised number formatting. The standard public API for RBNF is via the `Cldr.Number.to_string/2` function. The functions on this module are defined at compile time based upon the RBNF rules defined in the Unicode CLDR data repository. Available rules are identified by: iex> #{inspect(__MODULE__)}.rule_sets(#{inspect(unquote(root_locale))}) [:tamil, :roman_upper, :roman_lower, :hebrew_item, :hebrew, :greek_upper, :greek_lower, :georgian, :ethiopic, :cyrillic_lower, :armenian_upper, :armenian_lower] A rule can then be invoked on an available rule_set. For example iex> #{inspect(__MODULE__)}.roman_upper(123, #{inspect(unquote(root_locale))}) "CXXIII" This particular call is equivalent to the call through the public API of: iex> #{inspect(unquote(backend))}.Number.to_string(123, format: :roman) {:ok, "CXXIII"} """ end import Kernel, except: [and: 2] use Cldr.Rbnf.Processor, backend: unquote(backend) define_rules(:NumberingSystemRules, unquote(backend), __ENV__) end defmodule Rbnf.Spellout do @moduledoc false if Cldr.Config.include_module_docs?(unquote(config.generate_docs)) do @moduledoc """ Functions to implement the spellout rule-based-number-format rules of CLDR. As CLDR notes, the data is incomplete or non-existent for many languages. It is considered complete for English however. The standard public API for RBNF is via the `Cldr.Number.to_string/2` function. The functions on this module are defined at compile time based upon the RBNF rules defined in the Unicode CLDR data repository. Available rules are identified by: iex> #{inspect(__MODULE__)}.rule_sets("en") [:spellout_ordinal_verbose, :spellout_ordinal, :spellout_numbering_year, :spellout_numbering_verbose, :spellout_numbering, :spellout_cardinal_verbose, :spellout_cardinal] A rule can then be invoked on an available rule_set. For example: iex> #{inspect(__MODULE__)}.spellout_ordinal(123, "en") "one hundred twenty-third" This call is equivalent to the call through the public API of: iex> #{inspect(unquote(backend))}.Number.to_string(123, format: :spellout) {:ok, "one hundred twenty-three"} """ end import Kernel, except: [and: 2] use Cldr.Rbnf.Processor, backend: unquote(backend) define_rules(:SpelloutRules, unquote(backend), __ENV__) end defmodule Rbnf.Ordinal do @moduledoc false if Cldr.Config.include_module_docs?(unquote(config.generate_docs)) do @moduledoc """ Functions to implement the ordinal rule-based-number-format rules of CLDR. As CLDR notes, the data is incomplete or non-existent for many languages. It is considered complete for English however. The standard public API for RBNF is via the `Cldr.Number.to_string/2` function. The functions on this module are defined at compile time based upon the RBNF rules defined in the Unicode CLDR data repository. Available rules are identified by: iex> #{inspect(__MODULE__)}.rule_sets(:en) [:digits_ordinal] iex> #{inspect(__MODULE__)}.rule_sets("fr") [ :digits_ordinal_masculine_plural, :digits_ordinal_masculine, :digits_ordinal_feminine_plural, :digits_ordinal_feminine, :digits_ordinal ] A rule can then be invoked on an available rule_set. For example iex> #{inspect(__MODULE__)}.digits_ordinal(123, :en) "123rd" This call is equivalent to the call through the public API of: iex> #{inspect(unquote(backend))}.Number.to_string(123, format: :ordinal) {:ok, "123rd"} """ end import Kernel, except: [and: 2] use Cldr.Rbnf.Processor, backend: unquote(backend) define_rules(:OrdinalRules, unquote(backend), __ENV__) end end end end
defmodule Spandex.Plug.StartTrace do @moduledoc """ Starts a trace, skipping ignored routes or methods. Store info in Conn assigns if we actually trace the request. """ @behaviour Plug alias Spandex.Plug.Utils alias Spandex.SpanContext @init_opts Optimal.schema( opts: [ ignored_methods: {:list, :string}, ignored_routes: {:list, [:regex, :string]}, tracer: :atom, tracer_opts: :keyword, span_name: :string ], defaults: [ ignored_methods: [], ignored_routes: [], tracer_opts: [], span_name: "request" ], required: [:tracer], describe: [ ignored_methods: "A list of strings representing methods to ignore. A good example would be `[\"OPTIONS\"]`", ignored_routes: "A list of strings or regexes. If it is a string, it must match exactly.", tracer: "The tracing module to be used to start the trace.", tracer_opts: "Any opts to be passed to the tracer when starting or continuing the trace.", span_name: "The name to be used for the top level span." ] ) @doc """ Accepts and validates opts for the plug, and underlying tracer. #{Optimal.Doc.document(@init_opts)} """ @spec init(opts :: Keyword.t()) :: Keyword.t() def init(opts), do: Optimal.validate!(opts, @init_opts) @spec call(conn :: Plug.Conn.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t() def call(conn, opts) do if ignoring_request?(conn, opts) do Utils.trace(conn, false) else begin_tracing(conn, opts) end end @spec begin_tracing(conn :: Plug.Conn.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t() defp begin_tracing(conn, opts) do tracer = opts[:tracer] tracer_opts = opts[:tracer_opts] case tracer.distributed_context(conn, tracer_opts) do {:ok, %SpanContext{} = span_context} -> tracer.continue_trace("request", span_context, tracer_opts) Utils.trace(conn, true) {:error, :no_distributed_trace} -> tracer.start_trace(opts[:span_name], tracer_opts) Utils.trace(conn, true) _ -> conn end end @spec ignoring_request?(conn :: Plug.Conn.t(), Keyword.t()) :: boolean defp ignoring_request?(conn, opts) do ignored_method?(conn, opts) || ignored_route?(conn, opts) end @spec ignored_method?(conn :: Plug.Conn.t(), Keyword.t()) :: boolean defp ignored_method?(conn, opts) do conn.method in opts[:ignored_methods] end @spec ignored_route?(conn :: Plug.Conn.t(), Keyword.t()) :: boolean defp ignored_route?(conn, opts) do Enum.any?(opts[:ignored_routes], fn ignored_route -> match_route?(conn.request_path, ignored_route) end) end @spec match_route?(route :: String.t(), ignore :: %Regex{} | String.t()) :: boolean defp match_route?(ignore, ignore) when is_bitstring(ignore), do: true defp match_route?(_, ignore) when is_bitstring(ignore), do: false defp match_route?(route, ignore) do String.match?(route, ignore) end end